[ "var _ = require('underscore');\nvar Backbone = require('backbone');\nvar ListingView = require('builder/components/modals/add-layer/content/listing-view');\nvar CreateModel = require('builder/components/modals/add-layer/add-layer-model');\nvar UserModel = require('builder/data/user-model');\n\ndescribe('components/modals/add-layer/listing-view', function () {\n beforeEach(function () {\n jasmine.Ajax.install();\n jasmine.", "Ajax.stubRequest(new RegExp('^http(s)?.*/viz\\?.*'))", "\n .andReturn({ status: 200 });\n\n var configModel = jasmine.createSpyObj('configModel', ['get', 'urlVersion']);\n this.userModel = new UserModel({\n username: 'pepe',\n actions: {\n private_tables: true\n }\n }, {\n configModel: configModel\n });\n\n this.createModel = new CreateModel({\n type: 'map',\n contentPane: 'listing',\n listing: 'import'\n }, {\n configModel: configModel,\n userModel: this.userModel,\n userActions: {},\n pollingModel: new Backbone.", "Model()\n });\n\n this.view = new ListingView({\n userModel: this.userModel,\n createModel: this.createModel,\n configModel: configModel,\n privacyModel: new Backbone.", "Model({\n privacy: 'PRIVATE'\n }),\n guessingModel: new Backbone.", "Model({\n guessing: true\n })\n });\n\n spyOn(this.createModel._tablesCollection, 'fetch');\n spyOn(this.createModel, 'bind').and.callThrough();\n spyOn(this.createModel._visualizationFetchModel, 'bind').and.callThrough();\n\n this.view.render();\n });\n\n afterEach(function () {\n jasmine.Ajax.uninstall();\n });\n\n it('should render correctly', function () {\n this.createModel.set('option', 'listing');\n expect(_.size(this.view._subviews)).toBe(1);\n });\n\n it('should have no leaks', function () {\n expect(this.view).toHaveNoLeaks();\n });\n});\n" ]
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[ 0.004728132387706856, 0, 0.009487666034155597, 0.016129032258064516, 0.012658227848101266, 0 ]
[ "People often can’t believe I ate the whole thing, but that’s not important right now. ", "Other people often don’t believe me when I say that I pretty much always start writing the Goldberg File the morning it’s due. ", "Well, I had an idea. ", "As part of the big rollout of NRPlus I’m supposed to do a Facebook post for just NRPlussers (NRPlussites? ", "NRPlusserians?).", "\n\n\nHappy to do that — and I will, oh yes, I will — but I had another idea. ", "This week, you NRPlussophiles can request what the G-File topic — or topics — will be right before the dough goes in the oven, as it were.", "\n\nIf you’re an NRPlus member, go to the NRPlus page at Facebook and offer your suggestion or suggestions for what I should write about. ", "You’ll also receive an email later today with a link to a Google Form if you’re not on Facebook. ", "I can’t promise to take up every request, but I’ll do my best to field at least a few (and credit the requester by name). ", "It’s not an “Ask Me Anything” thing. ", "It’s a request line. ", "You can just say “Crop Rotation in the 14th century!” ", "or “Write about how people named Todd should have their citizenship revoked.” ", "Anything (potentially) goes. ", "And if there’s a lot of stuff still left over, I’ll head over to the page and chat about all that later today.", "\n\nWhen I wake up tomorrow, I’ll check out the requests and start stringing letters together to form word-type things.", "\n\n\nAlso, if you haven’t signed up for NRPlus yet, this is a great reason to. ", "Or maybe it’s a terrible reason to. ", "But, fortunately, there are plenty of other great reasons to sign up for NRPlus. ", "Fewer ads, more direct content with your favorite NR writers, more avenues to complain about how Lowry says “Emmm Beeee Deee” on the Editors podcast, etc." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
[ 0, 0.007874015748031496, 0, 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0, 0.007246376811594203, 0, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01282051282051282, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012987012987012988 ]
[ "Rolling Up Our SleevesThroughout Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia, we hear about local governments, businesses, and citizens rolling up their sleeves to reduce pollution from all sectors—agriculture, sewage treatment plants, and urban and suburban runoff. ", "Read these stories here!" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nSchedule windows command with at\n\nWhat will be the parameter to schedule a program in Windows with the at command to run from\nTh-Sa, 3am, on even days ? ", "\n\nA:\n\nI would make a PowerShell script as a \"container\":\n2 options here.", "\nYou can specify all the \"even dates\" and check then in a script if today is in the range Th-Sa.", "\nat 03:00 /every:2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30 \"myscript.ps1\"\n\nOr, you check in your script wether or not your day is even...\nFunction check-even ($num) {[bool]!($num%2)}\nif(check-even (Get-Date).Day)\n{\n Write-Host \"Go ahead\"\n}\nelse\n{\n Write-Host \"Not today!\"", "\n}\n\nChanging the Write-Host's with what you want it to do (and maybe removing the else-clause). ", "Save it somewhere and run it Th-Sa at 3am.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.006369426751592357, 0.013888888888888888, 0.010416666666666666, 0, 0, 0.023809523809523808, 0 ]
[ "Can in-home hospital care be implemented in Ontario? ", "Implications for public policy.", "\nTwo models of in-home hospital care were considered as ways to overcome the current problems plaguing the Home Care Program in Ontario. ", "The hospital-organized home care is an extension of some hospital services into the community, similar to the Verdun Hospital-In-The-Home. ", "The extramural hospital, introduced in New Brunswick, emphasizes the integration of services. ", "These two models were compared to the Ontario Home Care Program to consider feasibility. ", "Clearly defined mandates and the division of services need to be established in addition to an evaluation of cost, the use of services and the impact on health status." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0.0072992700729927005, 0.007194244604316547, 0, 0.011235955056179775, 0 ]
[ "Related literature {#sec1}\n==================\n\nThe chelating P-donor ligand 1,2-bis­(diphenyl­phosphino)-1,2-dicarba-*closo*-carborane has been used to prepare 2-, 3- and 4-coordinate complexes of gold(I) (Crespo *et al.*, ", "1992[@bb9], 1994[@bb7]; Al-Baker *et al.*, ", "1985[@bb1]). ", "Coordination of this ligand has often led to deboronation of the *closo*-carborane cage to afford the corresponding *nido*-carborane in polar solvents (Teixidor *et al.*, ", "1995[@bb21], 1996[@bb20]). ", "A non-solvated crystal structure of the title compound has been reported previously (Crespo *et al.*, ", "1997[@bb8]). ", "Facile deboronation of the carborane cage in polar solvents has also been observed when substituents α to the cage are electron withdrawing (Shaeck & Kahl, 1999[@bb17]; Ioppolo *et al.*, ", "2007*a* [@bb14],*b* [@bb15]). ", "In contrast, our group has shown that ligands containing the thermodynamically stable 1,12-carborane cluster do not degrade upon complexation to gold(I) (Ioppolo *et al.*, ", "2007*a* [@bb14],*b* [@bb15]). ", "Boron-containing ligands and their respective complexes are of inter­est for potential application in boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) (Crossley *et al.*, ", "2005[@bb10], 2007[@bb11]; Todd *et al.*, ", "2005[@bb22]; Ioppolo *et al.*, ", "2007*a* [@bb14],*b* [@bb15]; Ching *et al.*, ", "2007[@bb6]). ", "For the synthesis of the precursor gold compound, see: Uson *et al.* (", "1989[@bb23]).", "\n\nExperimental {#sec2}\n============\n\n {#sec2.1}\n\n### Crystal data {#sec2.1.1}\n\n\\[Au(C~26~H~30~B~10~P~2~)(C~26~H~30~B~9~P~2~)\\]·0.5CH~2~Cl~2~·0.5H~2~O*M* *~r~* = 1262.71Triclinic,*a* = 13.2043 (6) Å*b* = 20.1424 (9) Å*c* = 23.5721 (11) Åα = 102.131 (3)°β = 90.849 (3)°γ = 105.839 (2)°*V* = 5879.3 (5) Å^3^*Z* = 4Mo *K*α radiationμ = 2.69 mm^−1^*T* = 150 K0.10 × 0.10 × 0.02 mm\n\n### Data collection {#sec2.1.2}\n\nBruker APEXII diffractometerAbsorption correction: multi-scan (*SADABS*; Sheldrick, 2003[@bb18]) *T* ~min~ = 0.767, *T* ~max~ = 0.948157624 measured reflections20684 independent reflections14971 reflections with *I* \\> 2σ(*I*)*R* ~int~ = 0.106\n\n### Refinement {#sec2.1.3}\n\n*R*\\[*F* ^2^ \\> 2σ(*F* ^2^)\\] = 0.044*wR*(*F* ^2^) = 0.094*S* = 1.0620684 reflections1397 parameters77 restraintsH atoms treated by a mixture of independent and constrained refinementΔρ~max~ = 1.47 e Å^−3^Δρ~min~ = −1.00 e Å^−3^\n\n {#d5e613}\n\nData collection: *APEX* (Bruker, 2003[@bb4]); cell refinement: *SAINT* (Bruker, 2003[@bb4]); data reduction: *SAINT* and *XPREP* (Bruker, 2003[@bb4]); program(s) used to solve structure: *SIR97* (Altomare *et al.*, ", "1999[@bb3]); program(s) used to refine structure: *SHELXL97* (Sheldrick, 2008[@bb19]); molecular graphics: *ORTEP-3* (Farrugia, 1997[@bb12]), *WinGX32* (Farrugia, 1999[@bb13]), *POV-RAY* (Cason, 2002[@bb5]) and *WebLab ViewerPro* (Molecular Simulations, 2000[@bb16]); software used to prepare material for publication: *enCIFer* (Allen *et al.*, ", "2004[@bb2]).", "\n\nSupplementary Material\n======================\n\nCrystal structure: contains datablocks global, I. DOI: [10.1107/S1600536809014937/tk2431sup1.cif](http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S1600536809014937/tk2431sup1.cif)\n\nStructure factors: contains datablocks I. DOI: [10.1107/S1600536809014937/tk2431Isup2.hkl](http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S1600536809014937/tk2431Isup2.hkl)\n\nAdditional supplementary materials: [crystallographic information](http://scripts.iucr.org/cgi-bin/sendsupfiles?tk2431&file=tk2431sup0.html&mime=text/html); [3D view](http://scripts.iucr.org/cgi-bin/sendcif?tk2431sup1&Qmime=cif); [checkCIF report](http://scripts.iucr.org/cgi-bin/paper?tk2431&checkcif=yes)\n\nSupplementary data and figures for this paper are available from the IUCr electronic archives (Reference: [TK2431](http://scripts.iucr.org/cgi-bin/sendsup?tk2431)).", "\n\nWe gratefully acknowledge the Australian Research Council for support.", "\n\nComment\n=======\n\nWe are currently investigating a wide variety of boron-containing ligands (Crossley *et al.*, ", "2005; Todd *et al.*, ", "2005; Ioppolo *et al.*, ", "2007a, 2007b; Ching *et al.*, ", "2007) for application as potential BNCT agents (Crossley *et al.*, ", "2007). ", "The title compound (I) was synthesized as part of these ongoing investigations. ", "The gold(I) centre is bound to four phosphorus atoms from two ligands (one 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)-1,2-dicarba-*closo*-dodecaborane and one 7,8-bis(diphenylphosphino)-7,8-dicarba-*nido*-undecaborane) giving an overall neutral charge to each molecule. ", "The metal centre has a distorted tetrahedral geometry (Fig. ", "1), the distortion arising primarily from the small bite angle of the phosphorus containing ligands of less than 90 °. ", "This arrangement is stabilized by intramolecular edge-to-face and offset face-to-face π-π interactions between the phenyl rings bound to each phosphorus ligand. ", "There are further intermolecular π-π interactions present in the crystal lattice. ", "Adjacent molecules connect *via* both edge-to-face π-π and phenyl-carborane interactions forming infinite two-dimensional sheets which propagate in the *bc*-plane. ", "Indicative distances include C70H---B13 (2.86 Å), C102H---B38 (3.28 Å), C30H---C88 (2.88 Å) and C18H---C63 (3.17 Å). ", "A schematic representation of part of one of these sheets is given in Fig. ", "2. ", "These 2-D sheets interact with adjacent sheets through further BH - π and phenyl-phenyl contacts to form a 3-D motif, a schematic representation of which is shown in Fig. ", "3. ", "These interactions are indicated by a B35H---C100 distance of 3.15 Å and a C24H---C70 distance of 3.53 Å.\n\nExperimental {#experimental}\n============\n\nThe title compound was prepared from \\[AuCl(SMe~2~)\\] by using a modification of a previously reported method (Uson *et al.*, ", "1989) and identified as the desired product by comparison with literature data (Crespo *et al.*, ", "1997). ", "Crystals suitable for X-ray diffraction were isolated from a CH~2~Cl~2~ solution after several days of slow evaporation.", "\n\nRefinement {#refinement}\n==========\n\nC and B bound-H (except the bridging H present on the *nido* cages) atoms were included in idealized positions and refined using a riding-model approximation, with C---H = 0.95 - 0.99 Å and B---H = 1.12 Å. The bridging H atoms on the *nido* cages were located in the difference Fourier map prior and refined with bond length restraints of 1.10 (4) Å. *U*~iso~(H) values were fixed at 1.2*U*~eq~ of the parent atoms. ", "One of the phenyl rings is disordered and modelled over two positions with occupancies of 0.65 and 0.35, respectively. ", "Rigid body restraints were employed on these rings to facilitate realistic modelling. ", "The two water molecules are both half occupancy and were modelled isotropically. ", "Despite being in almost ideal positions for hydrogen bonding, their H atoms could not be located in the difference Fourier map, and were not included in the model. ", "The max. ", "and min. ", "electron density peaks were located 0.91 Å and 0.07 Å from the Au2 and C56B atoms, respectively.", "\n\nFigures\n=======\n\n![", "ORTEP representation of one of the two crystallographically independent molecules in the asymmetric unit of the structure of (I) shown with 50% probability ellipsoids. ", "Solvent molecules are omitted for clarity.](e-65-0m603-fig1){#Fap1}\n\n![", "A schematic representation of part of two-dimensional sheets formed by π-π interactions.](e-65-0m603-fig2){#Fap2}\n\n![", "A schematic representation of the extended crystal packing. ", "Adjacent layers (as shown in Fig 2) are given in alternating colours.](e-65-0m603-fig3){#Fap3}\n\nCrystal data {#tablewrapcrystaldatalong}\n============\n\n ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------\n \\[Au(C~26~H~30~B~10~P~2~)(C~26~H~30~B~9~P~2~)\\]·0.5CH~2~Cl~2~·0.5H~2~O *Z* = 4\n *M~r~* = 1262.71 *F*(000) = 2528\n Triclinic, *P*1 *D*~x~ = 1.427 Mg m^−3^\n Hall symbol: -P 1 Mo *K*α radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å\n *a* = 13.2043 (6) Å Cell parameters from 5169 reflections\n *b* = 20.1424 (9) Å θ = 3.0--22.5°\n *c* = 23.5721 (11) Å µ = 2.69 mm^−1^\n α = 102.131 (3)° *T* = 150 K\n β = 90.849 (3)° Plate, colourless\n γ = 105.839 (2)° 0.10 × 0.10 × 0.02 mm\n *V* = 5879.3 (5) Å^3^ \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------\n\nData collection {#tablewrapdatacollectionlong}\n===============\n\n --------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------\n Bruker APEXII FR591 diffractometer 20684 independent reflections\n Radiation source: rotating anode 14971 reflections with *I* \\> 2σ(*I*)\n graphite *R*~int~ = 0.106\n ω and φ scans θ~max~ = 25.0°, θ~min~ = 1.1°\n Absorption correction: multi-scan (*SADABS*; Sheldrick, 2003) *h* = −15→15\n *T*~min~ = 0.767, *T*~max~ = 0.948 *k* = −23→23\n 157624 measured reflections *l* = −28→28\n --------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------\n\nRefinement {#tablewraprefinementdatalong}\n==========\n\n ------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Refinement on *F*^2^ Primary atom site location: structure-invariant direct methods\n Least-squares matrix: full Secondary atom site location: difference Fourier map\n *R*\\[*F*^2^ \\> 2σ(*F*^2^)\\] = 0.044 Hydrogen site location: inferred from neighbouring sites\n *wR*(*F*^2^) = 0.094 H atoms treated by a mixture of independent and constrained refinement\n *S* = 1.06 *w* = 1/\\[σ^2^(*F*~o~^2^) + (0.0344*P*)^2^ + 11.0634*P*\\] where *P* = (*F*~o~^2^ + 2*F*~c~^2^)/3\n 20684 reflections (Δ/σ)~max~ = 0.001\n 1397 parameters Δρ~max~ = 1.47 e Å^−3^\n 77 restraints Δρ~min~ = −1.00 e Å^−3^\n ------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nSpecial details {#specialdetails}\n===============\n\n -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Experimental. ", "The crystal was coated in Exxon Paratone N hydrocarbon oil and mounted on a thin mohair fibre attached to a copper pin. ", "Upon mounting on the diffractometer, the crystal was quenched to 150(K) under a cold nitrogen gas stream supplied by an Oxford Cryosystems Cryostream and data were collected at this temperature.", "\n Geometry. ", "All e.s.d.\\'s (except the e.s.d. ", "in the dihedral angle between two l.s. ", "planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. ", "The cell e.s.d.\\'s are taken into account individually in the estimation of e.s.d.\\'s in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between e.s.d.\\'s in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. ", "An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell e.s.d.\\'s is used for estimating e.s.d.\\'s involving l.s. ", "planes.", "\n Refinement. ", "Refinement of *F*^2^ against ALL reflections. ", "The weighted *R*-factor *wR* and goodness of fit *S* are based on *F*^2^, conventional *R*-factors *R* are based on *F*, with *F* set to zero for negative *F*^2^. The threshold expression of *F*^2^ \\> σ(*F*^2^) is used only for calculating *R*-factors(gt) *etc*. ", "and is not relevant to the choice of reflections for refinement. *", "R*-factors based on *F*^2^ are statistically about twice as large as those based on *F*, and *R*- factors based on ALL data will be even larger.", "\n -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nFractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å^2^) {#tablewrapcoords}\n==================================================================================================\n\n ------ --------------- --------------- --------------- -------------------- ------------\n *x* *y* *z* *U*~iso~\\*/*U*~eq~ Occ. (", "\\<1)\n C1 0.1097 (4) 0.8335 (3) 0.0588 (2) 0.0191 (12) \n C2 0.1375 (4) 0.9003 (3) 0.0470 (3) 0.0256 (13) \n H2 0.1433 0.9053 0.0079 0.031\\* \n C3 0.1570 (5) 0.9601 (3) 0.0921 (3) 0.0323 (15) \n H3 0.1770 1.0058 0.0838 0.039\\* \n C4 0.1477 (5) 0.9533 (3) 0.1488 (3) 0.0336 (15) \n H4 0.1606 0.9944 0.1794 0.040\\* \n C5 0.1197 (4) 0.8874 (4) 0.1612 (3) 0.0329 (16) \n H5 0.1129 0.8829 0.2004 0.039\\* \n C6 0.1014 (4) 0.8278 (3) 0.1169 (3) 0.0280 (14) \n H6 0.0829 0.7824 0.1259 0.034\\* \n C7 0.1386 (4) 0.6922 (3) 0.0252 (2) 0.0221 (13) \n C8 0.2220 (4) 0.7112 (3) 0.0671 (3) 0.0276 (14) \n H8 0.2504 0.7596 0.0862 0.033\\* \n C9 0.2647 (5) 0.6608 (3) 0.0816 (3) 0.0354 (16) \n H9 0.3214 0.6746 0.1109 0.042\\* \n C10 0.2253 (5) 0.5905 (3) 0.0538 (3) 0.0378 (17) \n H10 0.2557 0.5561 0.0631 0.045\\* \n C11 0.1404 (5) 0.5701 (3) 0.0117 (3) 0.0397 (17) \n H11 0.1121 0.5219 −0.0076 0.048\\* \n C12 0.0984 (5) 0.6210 (3) −0.0013 (3) 0.0320 (15) \n H12 0.0399 0.6069 −0.0293 0.038\\* \n C13 −0.0583 (4) 0.7145 (3) −0.0081 (2) 0.0185 (12) \n C14 −0.1161 (4) 0.6758 (3) −0.0725 (2) 0.0216 (13) \n C15 −0.0209 (4) 0.5873 (3) −0.1640 (3) 0.0282 (14) \n C16 −0.0579 (4) 0.5281 (3) −0.1396 (3) 0.0306 (15) \n H16 −0.0930 0.5322 −0.1047 0.037\\* \n C17 −0.0428 (6) 0.4637 (4) −0.1666 (3) 0.0467 (19) \n H17 −0.0686 0.4238 −0.1500 0.056\\* \n C18 0.0081 (6) 0.4563 (4) −0.2166 (3) 0.0469 (19) \n H18 0.0170 0.4117 −0.2347 0.056\\* \n C19 0.0467 (5) 0.5149 (4) −0.2403 (3) 0.0431 (17) \n H19 0.0829 0.5104 −0.2748 0.052\\* \n C20 0.0329 (5) 0.5794 (3) −0.2144 (3) 0.0321 (15) \n H20 0.0604 0.6191 −0.2309 0.039\\* \n C21 −0.1060 (4) 0.6944 (3) −0.1915 (3) 0.0289 (14) \n C22 −0.1117 (5) 0.7626 (4) −0.1883 (3) 0.0395 (17) \n H22 −0.0756 0.7986 −0.1560 0.047\\* \n C23 −0.1670 (6) 0.7807 (5) −0.2296 (4) 0.057 (2) \n H23 −0.1705 0.8279 −0.2253 0.068\\* \n C24 −0.2166 (7) 0.7297 (6) −0.2766 (4) 0.081 (3) \n H24 −0.2562 0.7415 −0.3051 0.097\\* \n C25 −0.2105 (7) 0.6613 (6) −0.2838 (4) 0.079 (3) \n H25 −0.2415 0.6268 −0.3181 0.095\\* \n C26 −0.1577 (5) 0.6431 (4) −0.2399 (3) 0.0490 (19) \n H26 −0.1573 0.5954 −0.2432 0.059\\* \n C27 0.3423 (4) 0.6619 (3) −0.1153 (2) 0.0239 (13) \n C28 0.2528 (5) 0.6040 (3) −0.1205 (3) 0.0334 (15) \n H28 0.1848 0.6113 −0.1175 0.040\\* \n C29 0.2634 (5) 0.5360 (4) −0.1300 (3) 0.050 (2) \n H29 0.2027 0.4968 −0.1325 0.060\\* \n C30 0.3622 (6) 0.5248 (4) −0.1358 (3) 0.0465 (19) \n H30 0.3693 0.4782 −0.1428 0.056\\* \n C31 0.4507 (5) 0.5827 (4) −0.1315 (3) 0.0412 (17) \n H31 0.5184 0.5753 −0.1363 0.049\\* \n C32 0.4412 (5) 0.6503 (3) −0.1202 (3) 0.0298 (14) \n H32 0.5026 0.6895 −0.1158 0.036\\* \n C33 0.3867 (4) 0.7909 (3) −0.0243 (2) 0.0210 (13) \n C34 0.4573 (4) 0.7648 (3) 0.0028 (3) 0.0274 (14) \n H34 0.4729 0.7228 −0.0168 0.033\\* \n C35 0.5044 (5) 0.7989 (3) 0.0574 (3) 0.0299 (14) \n H35 0.5535 0.7810 0.0750 0.036\\* \n C36 0.4808 (4) 0.8594 (3) 0.0871 (3) 0.0296 (14) \n H36 0.5139 0.8830 0.1248 0.035\\* \n C37 0.4100 (4) 0.8848 (3) 0.0620 (3) 0.0311 (15) \n H37 0.3929 0.9257 0.0826 0.037\\* \n C38 0.3631 (4) 0.8512 (3) 0.0068 (3) 0.0272 (14) \n H38 0.3140 0.8695 −0.0103 0.033\\* \n C39 0.3949 (4) 0.8013 (3) −0.1451 (3) 0.0245 (13) \n C40 0.3374 (4) 0.8589 (3) −0.1681 (3) 0.0257 (14) \n C41 0.2055 (4) 0.9455 (3) −0.0994 (2) 0.0199 (12) \n C42 0.1073 (5) 0.9581 (3) −0.0936 (3) 0.0319 (15) \n H42 0.0470 0.9255 −0.1161 0.038\\* \n C43 0.0970 (5) 1.0174 (4) −0.0555 (3) 0.0415 (18) \n H43 0.0297 1.0260 −0.0528 0.050\\* \n C44 0.1825 (5) 1.0645 (3) −0.0212 (3) 0.0392 (17) \n H44 0.1742 1.1044 0.0061 0.047\\* \n C45 0.2798 (5) 1.0529 (3) −0.0268 (3) 0.0372 (16) \n H45 0.3396 1.0860 −0.0041 0.045\\* \n C46 0.2922 (4) 0.9938 (3) −0.0651 (3) 0.0284 (14) \n H46 0.3600 0.9861 −0.0680 0.034\\* \n C47 0.1366 (4) 0.8565 (3) −0.2141 (3) 0.0288 (14) \n C48 0.1377 (6) 0.9187 (4) −0.2319 (3) 0.0448 (18) \n H48 0.1677 0.9634 −0.2063 0.054\\* \n C49 0.0949 (7) 0.9147 (5) −0.2867 (3) 0.062 (2) \n H49 0.0935 0.9569 −0.2983 0.074\\* \n C50 0.0543 (7) 0.8503 (5) −0.3248 (3) 0.066 (2) \n H50 0.0275 0.8481 −0.3629 0.080\\* \n C51 0.0526 (6) 0.7886 (4) −0.3074 (3) 0.051 (2) \n H51 0.0233 0.7440 −0.3333 0.061\\* \n C52 0.0933 (5) 0.7918 (3) −0.2527 (3) 0.0340 (15) \n H52 0.0919 0.7492 −0.2410 0.041\\* \n C58A 0.3300 (5) 0.4932 (5) 0.6977 (4) 0.0417 (13) 0.65\n H58A 0.2662 0.4764 0.7150 0.050\\* 0.65\n C53A 0.3750 (7) 0.4455 (3) 0.6634 (4) 0.0417 (13) 0.65\n C55A 0.4684 (6) 0.4701 (3) 0.6381 (3) 0.0417 (13) 0.65\n H55A 0.4992 0.4375 0.6146 0.050\\* 0.65\n C56A 0.5167 (5) 0.5424 (3) 0.6472 (3) 0.0417 (13) 0.65\n H56A 0.5805 0.5592 0.6300 0.050\\* 0.65\n C57A 0.4717 (5) 0.5901 (3) 0.6816 (3) 0.0417 (13) 0.65\n H57A 0.5047 0.6396 0.6878 0.050\\* 0.65\n C54A 0.3783 (6) 0.5655 (4) 0.7068 (4) 0.0417 (13) 0.65\n H54A 0.3475 0.5981 0.7303 0.050\\* 0.65\n C53B 0.3764 (13) 0.4424 (8) 0.6679 (11) 0.080 (4) 0.35\n C58B 0.3352 (10) 0.4964 (11) 0.6951 (12) 0.080 (4) 0.35\n H58B 0.2612 0.4874 0.6980 0.096\\* 0.35\n C55B 0.4022 (13) 0.5636 (10) 0.7181 (10) 0.080 (4) 0.35\n H55B 0.3740 0.6005 0.7366 0.096\\* 0.35\n C54B 0.5105 (12) 0.5768 (7) 0.7138 (8) 0.080 (4) 0.35\n H54B 0.5562 0.6227 0.7295 0.096\\* 0.35\n C56B 0.5517 (10) 0.5228 (8) 0.6866 (9) 0.080 (4) 0.35\n H56B 0.6257 0.5318 0.6837 0.096\\* 0.35\n C57B 0.4847 (14) 0.4556 (7) 0.6637 (9) 0.080 (4) 0.35\n H57B 0.5129 0.4187 0.6451 0.096\\* 0.35\n C59 0.2188 (4) 0.3317 (3) 0.7009 (3) 0.0281 (14) \n C60 0.1181 (6) 0.2851 (4) 0.6858 (3) 0.0483 (19) \n H60 0.0930 0.2672 0.6460 0.058\\* \n C61 0.0541 (6) 0.2648 (4) 0.7297 (4) 0.058 (2) \n H61 −0.0147 0.2330 0.7197 0.070\\* \n C62 0.0915 (5) 0.2912 (4) 0.7878 (3) 0.0427 (18) \n H62 0.0504 0.2753 0.8176 0.051\\* \n C63 0.1865 (5) 0.3395 (4) 0.8014 (3) 0.0436 (18) \n H63 0.2104 0.3599 0.8411 0.052\\* \n C64 0.2500 (5) 0.3597 (3) 0.7580 (3) 0.0376 (16) \n H64 0.3167 0.3939 0.7685 0.045\\* \n C65 0.2140 (5) 0.3413 (3) 0.5808 (3) 0.0317 (15) \n C66 0.1840 (5) 0.2670 (3) 0.5331 (2) 0.0303 (15) \n C67 0.2875 (5) 0.1684 (3) 0.4721 (3) 0.0306 (15) \n C68 0.3782 (5) 0.2068 (4) 0.4515 (3) 0.0429 (18) \n H68 0.4260 0.2461 0.4770 0.051\\* \n C69 0.3987 (7) 0.1879 (5) 0.3941 (4) 0.062 (2) \n H69 0.4579 0.2159 0.3792 0.074\\* \n C70 0.3321 (8) 0.1274 (5) 0.3581 (4) 0.073 (3) \n H70 0.3468 0.1139 0.3187 0.088\\* \n C71 0.2467 (7) 0.0876 (4) 0.3785 (3) 0.059 (2) \n H71 0.2024 0.0460 0.3537 0.071\\* \n C72 0.2242 (6) 0.1079 (4) 0.4356 (3) 0.0442 (18) \n H72 0.1644 0.0798 0.4499 0.053\\* \n C73 0.1599 (4) 0.1240 (3) 0.5615 (2) 0.0300 (15) \n C74 0.0556 (5) 0.1196 (4) 0.5766 (3) 0.0380 (16) \n H74 0.0268 0.1578 0.5761 0.046\\* \n C75 −0.0054 (5) 0.0580 (4) 0.5924 (3) 0.049 (2) \n H75 −0.0761 0.0544 0.6018 0.059\\* \n C76 0.0369 (6) 0.0029 (4) 0.5943 (3) 0.057 (2) \n H76 −0.0042 −0.0381 0.6058 0.069\\* \n C77 0.1390 (6) 0.0071 (4) 0.5795 (4) 0.061 (2) \n H77 0.1676 −0.0311 0.5804 0.073\\* \n C78 0.1997 (5) 0.0666 (4) 0.5633 (3) 0.0441 (18) \n H78 0.2697 0.0688 0.5531 0.053\\* \n C79 0.3188 (4) 0.1737 (3) 0.7488 (3) 0.0297 (14) \n C80 0.2186 (5) 0.1531 (4) 0.7209 (3) 0.0467 (19) \n H80 0.2083 0.1635 0.6841 0.056\\* \n C81 0.1322 (5) 0.1169 (4) 0.7471 (3) 0.050 (2) \n H81 0.0631 0.1028 0.7284 0.060\\* \n C82 0.1489 (5) 0.1019 (4) 0.8005 (3) 0.0408 (17) \n H82 0.0911 0.0763 0.8180 0.049\\* \n C83 0.2473 (5) 0.1235 (3) 0.8282 (3) 0.0330 (15) \n H83 0.2569 0.1142 0.8654 0.040\\* \n C84 0.3332 (5) 0.1588 (3) 0.8031 (3) 0.0308 (15) \n H84 0.4017 0.1728 0.8225 0.037\\* \n C85 0.4756 (4) 0.3134 (3) 0.7723 (3) 0.0283 (14) \n C86 0.4497 (5) 0.3222 (4) 0.8289 (3) 0.0423 (17) \n H86 0.3994 0.2850 0.8407 0.051\\* \n C87 0.4954 (5) 0.3840 (4) 0.8688 (3) 0.0433 (18) \n H87 0.4781 0.3881 0.9082 0.052\\* \n C88 0.5638 (5) 0.4386 (4) 0.8536 (3) 0.0365 (16) \n H88 0.5976 0.4798 0.8825 0.044\\* \n C89 0.5857 (6) 0.4353 (4) 0.7958 (4) 0.060 (2) \n H89 0.6314 0.4749 0.7845 0.071\\* \n C90 0.5389 (5) 0.3720 (4) 0.7542 (3) 0.0488 (19) \n H90 0.5502 0.3693 0.7141 0.059\\* \n C91 0.5346 (4) 0.1905 (3) 0.7113 (3) 0.0280 (14) \n C92 0.6099 (4) 0.1995 (3) 0.6537 (3) 0.0278 (14) \n C93 0.5898 (5) 0.1915 (4) 0.5319 (3) 0.0356 (16) \n C94 0.5128 (5) 0.1292 (4) 0.5086 (3) 0.0414 (17) \n H94 0.4486 0.1180 0.5269 0.050\\* \n C95 0.5274 (6) 0.0827 (4) 0.4591 (3) 0.055 (2) \n H95 0.4747 0.0393 0.4442 0.066\\* \n C96 0.6198 (7) 0.1002 (5) 0.4316 (4) 0.069 (3) \n H96 0.6306 0.0688 0.3977 0.083\\* \n C97 0.6961 (7) 0.1629 (5) 0.4534 (4) 0.068 (3) \n H97 0.7582 0.1752 0.4336 0.081\\* \n C98 0.6830 (6) 0.2086 (4) 0.5044 (3) 0.051 (2) \n H98 0.7371 0.2510 0.5202 0.061\\* \n C99 0.6672 (5) 0.3324 (3) 0.6038 (3) 0.0340 (16) \n C100 0.7553 (5) 0.3659 (4) 0.6419 (3) 0.051 (2) \n H100 0.7718 0.3444 0.6716 0.061\\* \n C101 0.8203 (6) 0.4314 (4) 0.6366 (4) 0.064 (2) \n H101 0.8814 0.4539 0.6627 0.077\\* \n C102 0.7983 (6) 0.4630 (4) 0.5956 (4) 0.062 (2) \n H102 0.8439 0.5074 0.5926 0.074\\* \n C103 0.7088 (6) 0.4314 (4) 0.5573 (3) 0.053 (2) \n H103 0.6927 0.4539 0.5282 0.063\\* \n C104 0.6433 (5) 0.3663 (4) 0.5624 (3) 0.0442 (18) \n H104 0.5811 0.3448 0.5370 0.053\\* \n O1 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 0.124 (4)\\* \n O2 0.4605 (13) 0.6157 (9) 0.5794 (7) 0.127 (6)\\* 0.50\n C105 0.1611 (7) 0.6054 (5) 0.5840 (4) 0.080 (3) \n H10A 0.1858 0.5627 0.5721 0.096\\* \n H10B 0.1228 0.6108 0.5496 0.096\\* \n P1 0.08514 (10) 0.75599 (7) −0.00144 (6) 0.0181 (3) \n P2 −0.03011 (11) 0.67667 (8) −0.13385 (6) 0.0206 (3) \n P3 0.20151 (11) 0.85853 (8) −0.14488 (7) 0.0217 (3) \n P4 0.31718 (11) 0.74770 (8) −0.09602 (6) 0.0202 (3) \n P5 0.30666 (12) 0.35056 (9) 0.64326 (7) 0.0291 (4) \n P6 0.25284 (12) 0.20160 (9) 0.54478 (7) 0.0267 (4) \n P7 0.56905 (12) 0.24710 (9) 0.60042 (7) 0.0291 (4) \n P8 0.42192 (12) 0.23123 (9) 0.71552 (7) 0.0279 (4) \n Cl1 0.0742 (2) 0.59305 (16) 0.63828 (13) 0.1050 (9) \n Cl2 0.2658 (3) 0.6759 (2) 0.60485 (17) 0.1588 (16) \n Au1 0.138379 (16) 0.761176 (11) −0.099659 (9) 0.01778 (6) \n Au2 0.393473 (17) 0.255209 (12) 0.619681 (10) 0.02597 (7) \n B1 −0.1165 (5) 0.6728 (4) 0.0408 (3) 0.0311 (17) \n B2 −0.2339 (6) 0.6018 (4) 0.0022 (3) 0.0350 (19) \n B3 −0.2204 (5) 0.6106 (4) −0.0732 (4) 0.0339 (18) \n B4 −0.2393 (5) 0.6920 (4) −0.0792 (3) 0.0297 (17) \n H4A −0.2784 0.6991 −0.1191 0.036\\* \n B5 −0.1282 (5) 0.7600 (4) −0.0392 (3) 0.0240 (15) \n H5A −0.0922 0.8103 −0.0535 0.029\\* \n B6 −0.1378 (5) 0.7569 (4) 0.0350 (3) 0.0272 (16) \n H6A −0.1114 0.8063 0.0701 0.033\\* \n B7 −0.2450 (5) 0.6850 (4) 0.0418 (3) 0.0352 (18) \n H7 −0.2877 0.6870 0.0825 0.042\\* \n B8 −0.3084 (5) 0.6458 (4) −0.0307 (3) 0.0352 (18) \n H8A −0.3959 0.6214 −0.0387 0.042\\* \n B9 −0.2530 (5) 0.7390 (4) −0.0096 (3) 0.0308 (17) \n H9A −0.3033 0.7763 −0.0034 0.037\\* \n B10 0.5293 (6) 0.8352 (4) −0.1385 (4) 0.0391 (19) \n H10C 0.5824 0.8252 −0.1058 0.047\\* \n B11 0.3682 (6) 0.8648 (4) −0.2384 (3) 0.038 (2) \n H11A 0.3155 0.8744 −0.2716 0.046\\* \n B12 0.4481 (5) 0.8902 (4) −0.1182 (4) 0.0339 (18) \n H12A 0.4470 0.9162 −0.0714 0.041\\* \n B13 0.5539 (6) 0.9185 (4) −0.1598 (4) 0.044 (2) \n H13 0.6239 0.9644 −0.1410 0.053\\* \n B14 0.5660 (6) 0.8421 (4) −0.2099 (4) 0.043 (2) \n H14 0.6445 0.8372 −0.2244 0.052\\* \n B15 0.4638 (6) 0.7674 (4) −0.1998 (3) 0.0346 (18) \n H15 0.4739 0.7128 −0.2074 0.041\\* \n B16 0.3401 (6) 0.7822 (4) −0.2161 (3) 0.0305 (17) \n H16A 0.2675 0.7376 −0.2333 0.037\\* \n B17 0.4483 (6) 0.8078 (4) −0.2583 (4) 0.042 (2) \n H17A 0.4483 0.7795 −0.3046 0.050\\* \n B18 0.5058 (6) 0.9014 (4) −0.2333 (4) 0.047 (2) \n H18A 0.5451 0.9355 −0.2631 0.056\\* \n B19 0.4304 (6) 0.9323 (4) −0.1773 (3) 0.0381 (19) \n H19A 0.4173 0.9860 −0.1696 0.046\\* \n B20 0.5211 (6) 0.1188 (4) 0.6543 (3) 0.0318 (17) \n H20A 0.4484 0.0948 0.6237 0.038\\* \n B21 0.5248 (6) 0.1101 (4) 0.7271 (3) 0.0312 (17) \n H21 0.4539 0.0781 0.7445 0.037\\* \n B22 0.6095 (5) 0.1903 (4) 0.7701 (3) 0.0303 (17) \n H22A 0.5947 0.2121 0.8160 0.036\\* \n B23 0.6606 (6) 0.2467 (5) 0.7241 (4) 0.048 (2) \n H23A 0.6789 0.3056 0.7392 0.058\\* \n B24 0.6517 (6) 0.1244 (4) 0.6306 (3) 0.0331 (17) \n H24A 0.6652 0.1027 0.5844 0.040\\* \n B25 0.7375 (6) 0.2040 (4) 0.6728 (3) 0.0345 (18) \n H25A 0.8075 0.2351 0.6540 0.041\\* \n B26 0.7395 (6) 0.1977 (4) 0.7470 (3) 0.0335 (18) \n H26A 0.8121 0.2242 0.7773 0.040\\* \n B27 0.6529 (6) 0.1135 (4) 0.7508 (3) 0.0350 (18) \n H27 0.6678 0.0845 0.7843 0.042\\* \n B28 0.5990 (6) 0.0686 (4) 0.6783 (3) 0.0385 (19) \n H28A 0.5781 0.0096 0.6635 0.046\\* \n B29 0.7325 (6) 0.1222 (4) 0.6904 (3) 0.0383 (19) \n H29A 0.8003 0.0986 0.6841 0.046\\* \n B30 0.2719 (6) 0.3414 (4) 0.5161 (3) 0.0400 (19) \n H30A 0.3580 0.3485 0.5107 0.048\\* \n B31 0.1146 (6) 0.3758 (4) 0.5894 (4) 0.0381 (19) \n B32 0.1711 (7) 0.2807 (4) 0.4635 (4) 0.044 (2) \n H32A 0.1914 0.2494 0.4223 0.053\\* \n B33 0.2236 (7) 0.4129 (4) 0.5491 (4) 0.043 (2) \n H33 0.2776 0.4679 0.5639 0.051\\* \n B34 0.0908 (7) 0.3956 (5) 0.5209 (4) 0.051 (2) \n H34A 0.0569 0.4400 0.5175 0.062\\* \n B35 0.0073 (7) 0.3171 (5) 0.5363 (4) 0.052 (2) \n B36 0.0642 (6) 0.2451 (5) 0.5024 (4) 0.041 (2) \n B37 0.0608 (7) 0.3133 (5) 0.4680 (4) 0.048 (2) \n H37A 0.0059 0.3027 0.4284 0.058\\* \n B38 0.1902 (7) 0.3735 (5) 0.4750 (4) 0.049 (2) \n H38A 0.2214 0.4030 0.4407 0.059\\* \n H1 −0.067 (5) 0.668 (3) 0.083 (3) 0.059\\* \n H2A −0.270 (5) 0.554 (4) 0.017 (3) 0.059\\* \n H3A −0.237 (5) 0.562 (4) −0.119 (3) 0.059\\* \n H3B −0.146 (3) 0.618 (2) 0.003 (2) 0.059\\* \n H31A 0.104 (5) 0.410 (4) 0.631 (3) 0.059\\* \n H31B 0.064 (4) 0.314 (2) 0.574 (2) 0.059\\* \n H35A −0.079 (3) 0.311 (3) 0.539 (3) 0.059\\* \n H36A 0.022 (5) 0.186 (4) 0.486 (3) 0.059\\* \n ------ --------------- --------------- --------------- -------------------- ------------\n\nAtomic displacement parameters (Å^2^) {#tablewrapadps}\n=====================================\n\n ------ -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- --------------\n *U*^11^ *U*^22^ *U*^33^ *U*^12^ *U*^13^ *U*^23^\n C1 0.009 (3) 0.020 (3) 0.025 (3) 0.002 (2) −0.004 (2) 0.002 (3)\n C2 0.029 (3) 0.024 (3) 0.025 (3) 0.009 (3) −0.001 (3) 0.005 (3)\n C3 0.031 (3) 0.025 (3) 0.040 (4) 0.010 (3) −0.001 (3) 0.003 (3)\n C4 0.032 (3) 0.033 (4) 0.035 (4) 0.013 (3) −0.004 (3) −0.001 (3)\n C5 0.022 (3) 0.056 (5) 0.021 (3) 0.015 (3) 0.003 (3) 0.005 (3)\n C6 0.022 (3) 0.032 (4) 0.029 (4) 0.005 (3) 0.007 (3) 0.008 (3)\n C7 0.021 (3) 0.022 (3) 0.024 (3) 0.004 (2) 0.003 (2) 0.009 (3)\n C8 0.020 (3) 0.022 (3) 0.040 (4) 0.001 (3) −0.004 (3) 0.010 (3)\n C9 0.029 (3) 0.033 (4) 0.043 (4) 0.006 (3) −0.013 (3) 0.013 (3)\n C10 0.038 (4) 0.029 (4) 0.054 (5) 0.012 (3) −0.002 (3) 0.022 (3)\n C11 0.048 (4) 0.023 (4) 0.048 (4) 0.013 (3) −0.015 (3) 0.006 (3)\n C12 0.034 (3) 0.033 (4) 0.028 (4) 0.012 (3) −0.007 (3) 0.002 (3)\n C13 0.017 (3) 0.019 (3) 0.020 (3) 0.006 (2) 0.003 (2) 0.002 (2)\n C14 0.014 (3) 0.020 (3) 0.030 (3) 0.005 (2) −0.003 (2) 0.005 (3)\n C15 0.022 (3) 0.032 (4) 0.024 (3) 0.006 (3) −0.008 (3) −0.004 (3)\n C16 0.028 (3) 0.026 (4) 0.035 (4) 0.005 (3) −0.001 (3) 0.003 (3)\n C17 0.052 (4) 0.028 (4) 0.058 (5) 0.010 (3) −0.004 (4) 0.007 (4)\n C18 0.058 (5) 0.030 (4) 0.050 (5) 0.021 (4) −0.012 (4) −0.008 (4)\n C19 0.045 (4) 0.046 (5) 0.035 (4) 0.018 (4) −0.002 (3) −0.004 (4)\n C20 0.033 (3) 0.034 (4) 0.027 (4) 0.012 (3) 0.000 (3) 0.001 (3)\n C21 0.016 (3) 0.042 (4) 0.027 (4) 0.007 (3) 0.000 (3) 0.007 (3)\n C22 0.028 (4) 0.057 (5) 0.042 (4) 0.021 (3) 0.007 (3) 0.016 (4)\n C23 0.051 (5) 0.086 (6) 0.055 (5) 0.042 (5) 0.002 (4) 0.035 (5)\n C24 0.066 (6) 0.144 (10) 0.057 (6) 0.064 (7) −0.009 (5) 0.034 (7)\n C25 0.066 (6) 0.114 (9) 0.058 (6) 0.044 (6) −0.033 (5) 0.000 (6)\n C26 0.039 (4) 0.056 (5) 0.045 (5) 0.017 (4) −0.018 (3) −0.007 (4)\n C27 0.030 (3) 0.019 (3) 0.021 (3) 0.007 (3) −0.002 (3) 0.000 (3)\n C28 0.025 (3) 0.022 (3) 0.051 (4) 0.008 (3) −0.007 (3) 0.003 (3)\n C29 0.042 (4) 0.027 (4) 0.078 (6) 0.011 (3) −0.019 (4) 0.004 (4)\n C30 0.058 (5) 0.033 (4) 0.051 (5) 0.025 (4) −0.023 (4) −0.002 (3)\n C31 0.038 (4) 0.043 (4) 0.041 (4) 0.022 (3) −0.009 (3) −0.006 (3)\n C32 0.029 (3) 0.030 (4) 0.028 (4) 0.015 (3) −0.007 (3) −0.006 (3)\n C33 0.018 (3) 0.020 (3) 0.026 (3) 0.005 (2) 0.005 (2) 0.008 (3)\n C34 0.025 (3) 0.027 (3) 0.028 (4) 0.009 (3) 0.006 (3) 0.001 (3)\n C35 0.030 (3) 0.034 (4) 0.028 (4) 0.011 (3) −0.001 (3) 0.010 (3)\n C36 0.023 (3) 0.034 (4) 0.024 (3) −0.001 (3) −0.001 (3) 0.002 (3)\n C37 0.028 (3) 0.023 (3) 0.034 (4) 0.003 (3) −0.004 (3) −0.007 (3)\n C38 0.022 (3) 0.027 (3) 0.031 (4) 0.006 (3) 0.005 (3) 0.003 (3)\n C39 0.019 (3) 0.025 (3) 0.028 (3) 0.005 (3) 0.006 (3) 0.004 (3)\n C40 0.024 (3) 0.028 (3) 0.029 (3) 0.010 (3) 0.010 (3) 0.012 (3)\n C41 0.026 (3) 0.014 (3) 0.024 (3) 0.008 (2) 0.007 (3) 0.011 (3)\n C42 0.033 (3) 0.027 (4) 0.041 (4) 0.014 (3) 0.010 (3) 0.012 (3)\n C43 0.041 (4) 0.046 (4) 0.052 (5) 0.027 (4) 0.018 (4) 0.023 (4)\n C44 0.059 (5) 0.024 (4) 0.042 (4) 0.020 (3) 0.023 (4) 0.012 (3)\n C45 0.042 (4) 0.025 (4) 0.038 (4) 0.001 (3) 0.005 (3) 0.004 (3)\n C46 0.025 (3) 0.022 (3) 0.043 (4) 0.010 (3) 0.013 (3) 0.013 (3)\n C47 0.026 (3) 0.042 (4) 0.023 (3) 0.010 (3) 0.006 (3) 0.016 (3)\n C48 0.062 (5) 0.041 (4) 0.035 (4) 0.015 (4) −0.002 (4) 0.014 (3)\n C49 0.091 (6) 0.063 (6) 0.042 (5) 0.028 (5) −0.004 (4) 0.026 (5)\n C50 0.095 (7) 0.076 (6) 0.032 (5) 0.025 (5) −0.010 (4) 0.021 (5)\n C51 0.051 (5) 0.058 (5) 0.032 (4) 0.002 (4) −0.004 (3) 0.003 (4)\n C52 0.040 (4) 0.035 (4) 0.028 (4) 0.010 (3) 0.006 (3) 0.010 (3)\n C58A 0.047 (3) 0.023 (3) 0.046 (3) −0.003 (2) −0.003 (2) 0.006 (2)\n C53A 0.047 (3) 0.023 (3) 0.046 (3) −0.003 (2) −0.003 (2) 0.006 (2)\n C55A 0.047 (3) 0.023 (3) 0.046 (3) −0.003 (2) −0.003 (2) 0.006 (2)\n C56A 0.047 (3) 0.023 (3) 0.046 (3) −0.003 (2) −0.003 (2) 0.006 (2)\n C57A 0.047 (3) 0.023 (3) 0.046 (3) −0.003 (2) −0.003 (2) 0.006 (2)\n C54A 0.047 (3) 0.023 (3) 0.046 (3) −0.003 (2) −0.003 (2) 0.006 (2)\n C53B 0.042 (6) 0.054 (7) 0.111 (9) −0.001 (5) 0.017 (6) −0.035 (6)\n C58B 0.042 (6) 0.054 (7) 0.111 (9) −0.001 (5) 0.017 (6) −0.035 (6)\n C55B 0.042 (6) 0.054 (7) 0.111 (9) −0.001 (5) 0.017 (6) −0.035 (6)\n C54B 0.042 (6) 0.054 (7) 0.111 (9) −0.001 (5) 0.017 (6) −0.035 (6)\n C56B 0.042 (6) 0.054 (7) 0.111 (9) −0.001 (5) 0.017 (6) −0.035 (6)\n C57B 0.042 (6) 0.054 (7) 0.111 (9) −0.001 (5) 0.017 (6) −0.035 (6)\n C59 0.027 (3) 0.023 (3) 0.030 (4) 0.006 (3) 0.003 (3) −0.004 (3)\n C60 0.050 (4) 0.051 (5) 0.042 (5) 0.015 (4) 0.003 (4) 0.007 (4)\n C61 0.049 (5) 0.060 (5) 0.061 (6) 0.005 (4) 0.016 (4) 0.018 (5)\n C62 0.048 (4) 0.041 (4) 0.041 (5) 0.009 (4) 0.018 (4) 0.015 (4)\n C63 0.052 (4) 0.055 (5) 0.023 (4) 0.015 (4) 0.000 (3) 0.007 (3)\n C64 0.037 (4) 0.037 (4) 0.032 (4) 0.003 (3) −0.007 (3) 0.004 (3)\n C65 0.032 (3) 0.025 (3) 0.035 (4) 0.006 (3) 0.000 (3) 0.004 (3)\n C66 0.030 (3) 0.034 (4) 0.018 (3) 0.002 (3) −0.007 (3) −0.004 (3)\n C67 0.040 (4) 0.034 (4) 0.018 (3) 0.011 (3) 0.003 (3) 0.005 (3)\n C68 0.044 (4) 0.047 (4) 0.041 (4) 0.012 (4) 0.017 (3) 0.017 (4)\n C69 0.077 (6) 0.080 (6) 0.054 (6) 0.044 (5) 0.040 (5) 0.036 (5)\n C70 0.112 (8) 0.094 (7) 0.027 (5) 0.054 (7) 0.030 (5) 0.010 (5)\n C71 0.073 (6) 0.057 (5) 0.035 (5) 0.016 (4) 0.012 (4) −0.011 (4)\n C72 0.054 (4) 0.046 (5) 0.029 (4) 0.012 (4) 0.011 (3) 0.005 (3)\n C73 0.027 (3) 0.038 (4) 0.019 (3) −0.001 (3) −0.006 (3) 0.006 (3)\n C74 0.035 (4) 0.047 (4) 0.025 (4) 0.003 (3) −0.001 (3) 0.005 (3)\n C75 0.037 (4) 0.067 (5) 0.039 (4) −0.002 (4) 0.003 (3) 0.025 (4)\n C76 0.037 (4) 0.069 (6) 0.062 (5) −0.010 (4) −0.008 (4) 0.039 (5)\n C77 0.054 (5) 0.054 (5) 0.083 (6) 0.007 (4) −0.001 (4) 0.049 (5)\n C78 0.035 (4) 0.046 (4) 0.059 (5) 0.011 (3) 0.002 (3) 0.028 (4)\n C79 0.025 (3) 0.034 (4) 0.029 (4) 0.005 (3) 0.005 (3) 0.009 (3)\n C80 0.043 (4) 0.054 (5) 0.037 (4) −0.002 (4) 0.000 (3) 0.018 (4)\n C81 0.037 (4) 0.056 (5) 0.045 (5) −0.006 (4) −0.002 (3) 0.009 (4)\n C82 0.033 (4) 0.046 (4) 0.039 (4) −0.002 (3) 0.010 (3) 0.017 (4)\n C83 0.035 (4) 0.034 (4) 0.034 (4) 0.014 (3) 0.010 (3) 0.010 (3)\n C84 0.028 (3) 0.033 (4) 0.034 (4) 0.009 (3) −0.003 (3) 0.011 (3)\n C85 0.025 (3) 0.032 (4) 0.025 (4) 0.004 (3) 0.002 (3) 0.006 (3)\n C86 0.046 (4) 0.032 (4) 0.046 (5) 0.007 (3) 0.013 (4) 0.006 (3)\n C87 0.047 (4) 0.035 (4) 0.045 (5) 0.013 (4) 0.009 (4) 0.000 (4)\n C88 0.029 (3) 0.034 (4) 0.044 (4) 0.013 (3) −0.010 (3) −0.001 (3)\n C89 0.038 (4) 0.043 (5) 0.083 (7) −0.006 (4) 0.007 (4) 0.005 (5)\n C90 0.040 (4) 0.048 (5) 0.053 (5) 0.002 (4) 0.006 (4) 0.012 (4)\n C91 0.022 (3) 0.033 (4) 0.029 (4) 0.008 (3) 0.002 (3) 0.008 (3)\n C92 0.021 (3) 0.029 (3) 0.032 (4) 0.005 (3) 0.005 (3) 0.007 (3)\n C93 0.034 (4) 0.040 (4) 0.038 (4) 0.013 (3) 0.008 (3) 0.017 (3)\n C94 0.046 (4) 0.052 (5) 0.025 (4) 0.012 (4) 0.007 (3) 0.007 (3)\n C95 0.057 (5) 0.056 (5) 0.040 (5) 0.005 (4) 0.000 (4) −0.002 (4)\n C96 0.090 (7) 0.062 (6) 0.047 (5) 0.026 (5) 0.022 (5) −0.010 (4)\n C97 0.059 (5) 0.081 (7) 0.057 (6) 0.018 (5) 0.037 (4) 0.004 (5)\n C98 0.055 (5) 0.053 (5) 0.042 (5) 0.015 (4) 0.016 (4) 0.003 (4)\n C99 0.032 (3) 0.030 (4) 0.037 (4) 0.004 (3) 0.002 (3) 0.006 (3)\n C100 0.044 (4) 0.045 (5) 0.056 (5) −0.001 (4) −0.014 (4) 0.015 (4)\n C101 0.040 (4) 0.047 (5) 0.098 (7) −0.008 (4) −0.022 (4) 0.027 (5)\n C102 0.044 (4) 0.045 (5) 0.096 (7) −0.003 (4) −0.008 (5) 0.035 (5)\n C103 0.048 (4) 0.050 (5) 0.062 (5) 0.006 (4) 0.000 (4) 0.029 (4)\n C104 0.033 (4) 0.036 (4) 0.058 (5) −0.006 (3) −0.011 (3) 0.021 (4)\n C105 0.083 (7) 0.068 (6) 0.078 (7) 0.010 (5) 0.010 (5) 0.009 (5)\n P1 0.0160 (7) 0.0188 (8) 0.0196 (8) 0.0043 (6) 0.0006 (6) 0.0056 (6)\n P2 0.0175 (7) 0.0210 (8) 0.0211 (8) 0.0034 (6) −0.0016 (6) 0.0028 (7)\n P3 0.0224 (8) 0.0203 (8) 0.0248 (8) 0.0080 (6) 0.0050 (6) 0.0074 (7)\n P4 0.0168 (7) 0.0182 (8) 0.0247 (8) 0.0053 (6) 0.0015 (6) 0.0022 (7)\n P5 0.0263 (8) 0.0286 (9) 0.0272 (9) 0.0044 (7) 0.0012 (7) −0.0009 (7)\n P6 0.0246 (8) 0.0302 (9) 0.0210 (9) 0.0026 (7) 0.0011 (7) 0.0031 (7)\n P7 0.0259 (8) 0.0335 (10) 0.0265 (9) 0.0055 (7) 0.0014 (7) 0.0077 (8)\n P8 0.0250 (8) 0.0331 (9) 0.0232 (9) 0.0029 (7) 0.0015 (7) 0.0080 (7)\n Cl1 0.130 (2) 0.102 (2) 0.093 (2) 0.0300 (19) 0.0296 (18) 0.0456 (17)\n Cl2 0.137 (3) 0.148 (3) 0.142 (3) −0.047 (3) −0.008 (2) 0.040 (3)\n Au1 0.01483 (11) 0.01812 (12) 0.02088 (13) 0.00437 (9) 0.00106 (9) 0.00583 (10)\n Au2 0.02331 (13) 0.02883 (15) 0.02257 (14) 0.00246 (11) 0.00025 (10) 0.00535 (11)\n B1 0.022 (4) 0.037 (4) 0.034 (4) 0.003 (3) 0.008 (3) 0.012 (4)\n B2 0.022 (4) 0.037 (5) 0.043 (5) −0.003 (3) 0.010 (3) 0.019 (4)\n B3 0.023 (4) 0.025 (4) 0.046 (5) −0.003 (3) 0.002 (3) 0.003 (4)\n B4 0.013 (3) 0.034 (4) 0.039 (4) 0.004 (3) 0.000 (3) 0.003 (4)\n B5 0.015 (3) 0.023 (4) 0.035 (4) 0.010 (3) 0.002 (3) 0.003 (3)\n B6 0.020 (3) 0.034 (4) 0.027 (4) 0.011 (3) 0.005 (3) 0.002 (3)\n B7 0.023 (4) 0.040 (5) 0.040 (5) 0.001 (3) 0.006 (3) 0.016 (4)\n B8 0.015 (3) 0.042 (5) 0.042 (5) −0.002 (3) 0.003 (3) 0.007 (4)\n B9 0.019 (3) 0.037 (4) 0.034 (4) 0.008 (3) 0.001 (3) 0.003 (4)\n B10 0.025 (4) 0.033 (4) 0.058 (5) 0.009 (3) 0.011 (4) 0.006 (4)\n B11 0.057 (5) 0.036 (5) 0.033 (5) 0.021 (4) 0.026 (4) 0.019 (4)\n B12 0.028 (4) 0.024 (4) 0.046 (5) 0.005 (3) 0.004 (4) 0.004 (4)\n B13 0.028 (4) 0.036 (5) 0.064 (6) 0.004 (4) 0.023 (4) 0.009 (4)\n B14 0.038 (4) 0.042 (5) 0.054 (5) 0.013 (4) 0.027 (4) 0.016 (4)\n B15 0.034 (4) 0.032 (4) 0.032 (4) 0.004 (3) 0.018 (3) 0.001 (4)\n B16 0.037 (4) 0.029 (4) 0.023 (4) 0.007 (3) 0.005 (3) 0.002 (3)\n B17 0.052 (5) 0.041 (5) 0.036 (5) 0.017 (4) 0.027 (4) 0.011 (4)\n B18 0.050 (5) 0.039 (5) 0.055 (6) 0.010 (4) 0.033 (4) 0.018 (4)\n B19 0.043 (4) 0.029 (4) 0.045 (5) 0.004 (4) 0.019 (4) 0.018 (4)\n B20 0.034 (4) 0.028 (4) 0.027 (4) −0.003 (3) −0.005 (3) 0.007 (3)\n B21 0.033 (4) 0.027 (4) 0.031 (4) 0.002 (3) −0.003 (3) 0.011 (3)\n B22 0.032 (4) 0.036 (4) 0.024 (4) 0.009 (3) −0.002 (3) 0.011 (3)\n B23 0.041 (5) 0.045 (5) 0.055 (6) 0.007 (4) 0.002 (4) 0.011 (5)\n B24 0.036 (4) 0.035 (4) 0.032 (4) 0.018 (4) 0.006 (3) 0.005 (4)\n B25 0.027 (4) 0.035 (4) 0.042 (5) 0.011 (3) 0.005 (3) 0.006 (4)\n B26 0.025 (4) 0.036 (4) 0.038 (5) 0.006 (3) −0.001 (3) 0.008 (4)\n B27 0.039 (4) 0.036 (5) 0.034 (4) 0.015 (4) 0.000 (4) 0.010 (4)\n B28 0.048 (5) 0.027 (4) 0.039 (5) 0.010 (4) −0.002 (4) 0.005 (4)\n B29 0.035 (4) 0.047 (5) 0.040 (5) 0.022 (4) 0.002 (4) 0.011 (4)\n B30 0.042 (5) 0.040 (5) 0.037 (5) 0.008 (4) 0.000 (4) 0.011 (4)\n B31 0.036 (4) 0.040 (5) 0.037 (5) 0.017 (4) −0.006 (4) −0.002 (4)\n B32 0.062 (5) 0.046 (5) 0.030 (5) 0.022 (4) −0.003 (4) 0.013 (4)\n B33 0.050 (5) 0.039 (5) 0.041 (5) 0.014 (4) −0.005 (4) 0.010 (4)\n B34 0.067 (6) 0.056 (6) 0.043 (5) 0.036 (5) −0.014 (4) 0.012 (4)\n B35 0.048 (5) 0.055 (6) 0.052 (6) 0.024 (5) −0.014 (4) −0.002 (5)\n B36 0.043 (5) 0.043 (5) 0.035 (5) 0.012 (4) −0.014 (4) 0.002 (4)\n B37 0.055 (5) 0.053 (6) 0.033 (5) 0.022 (4) −0.024 (4) −0.004 (4)\n B38 0.076 (6) 0.051 (6) 0.033 (5) 0.030 (5) 0.005 (4) 0.018 (4)\n ------ -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- --------------\n\nGeometric parameters (Å) {#tablewrapgeomlong}\n========================\n\n ------------- ------------ ------------- -------------\n C1---C2 1.382 (7) C80---C81 1.405 (9)\n C1---C6 1.404 (8) C80---H80 0.9500\n C1---P1 1.827 (6) C81---C82 1.382 (9)\n C2---C3 1.390 (8) C81---H81 0.9500\n C2---H2 0.9500 C82---C83 1.360 (8)\n C3---C4 1.374 (9) C82---H82 0.9500\n C3---H3 0.9500 C83---C84 1.378 (8)\n C4---C5 1.373 (9) C83---H83 0.9500\n C4---H4 0.9500 C84---H84 0.9500\n C5---C6 1.376 (8) C85---C86 1.370 (9)\n C5---H5 0.9500 C85---C90 1.400 (9)\n C6---H6 0.9500 C85---P8 1.852 (6)\n C7---C8 1.382 (7) C86---C87 1.371 (9)\n C7---C12 1.389 (8) C86---H86 0.9500\n C7---P1 1.833 (6) C87---C88 1.336 (9)\n C8---C9 1.388 (8) C87---H87 0.9500\n C8---H8 0.9500 C88---C89 1.390 (10)\n C9---C10 1.380 (9) C88---H88 0.9500\n C9---H9 0.9500 C89---C90 1.413 (10)\n C10---C11 1.397 (8) C89---H89 0.9500\n C10---H10 0.9500 C90---H90 0.9500\n C11---C12 1.374 (8) C91---B22 1.693 (9)\n C11---H11 0.9500 C91---C92 1.706 (8)\n C12---H12 0.9500 C91---B21 1.710 (9)\n C13---C14 1.625 (8) C91---B23 1.719 (10)\n C13---B1 1.645 (8) C91---B20 1.722 (9)\n C13---B5 1.719 (8) C91---P8 1.879 (6)\n C13---B6 1.737 (8) C92---B25 1.711 (9)\n C13---P1 1.839 (5) C92---B20 1.729 (9)\n C14---B3 1.621 (8) C92---B24 1.735 (9)\n C14---B4 1.756 (8) C92---B23 1.751 (11)\n C14---B5 1.762 (9) C92---P7 1.884 (6)\n C14---P2 1.851 (6) C93---C94 1.380 (9)\n C15---C20 1.394 (8) C93---C98 1.392 (9)\n C15---C16 1.403 (8) C93---P7 1.834 (7)\n C15---P2 1.830 (6) C94---C95 1.388 (10)\n C16---C17 1.388 (9) C94---H94 0.9500\n C16---H16 0.9500 C95---C96 1.384 (10)\n C17---C18 1.365 (10) C95---H95 0.9500\n C17---H17 0.9500 C96---C97 1.375 (11)\n C18---C19 1.387 (10) C96---H96 0.9500\n C18---H18 0.9500 C97---C98 1.397 (10)\n C19---C20 1.376 (9) C97---H97 0.9500\n C19---H19 0.9500 C98---H98 0.9500\n C20---H20 0.9500 C99---C100 1.378 (9)\n C21---C22 1.381 (9) C99---C104 1.383 (9)\n C21---C26 1.389 (9) C99---P7 1.833 (6)\n C21---P2 1.827 (6) C100---C101 1.395 (9)\n C22---C23 1.374 (9) C100---H100 0.9500\n C22---H22 0.9500 C101---C102 1.332 (10)\n C23---C24 1.358 (12) C101---H101 0.9500\n C23---H23 0.9500 C102---C103 1.390 (10)\n C24---C25 1.379 (13) C102---H102 0.9500\n C24---H24 0.9500 C103---C104 1.389 (9)\n C25---C26 1.403 (10) C103---H103 0.9500\n C25---H25 0.9500 C104---H104 0.9500\n C26---H26 0.9500 C105---Cl2 1.669 (9)\n C27---C32 1.389 (8) C105---Cl1 1.744 (9)\n C27---C28 1.398 (8) C105---H10A 0.9900\n C27---P4 1.815 (6) C105---H10B 0.9900\n C28---C29 1.387 (9) P1---Au1 2.4444 (14)\n C28---H28 0.9500 P2---Au1 2.4082 (14)\n C29---C30 1.386 (9) P3---Au1 2.3852 (14)\n C29---H29 0.9500 P4---Au1 2.4512 (14)\n C30---C31 1.392 (9) P5---Au2 2.4665 (17)\n C30---H30 0.9500 P6---Au2 2.3956 (15)\n C31---C32 1.374 (8) P7---Au2 2.4113 (16)\n C31---H31 0.9500 P8---Au2 2.4517 (16)\n C32---H32 0.9500 B1---B7 1.780 (10)\n C33---C34 1.394 (8) B1---B6 1.823 (10)\n C33---C38 1.396 (8) B1---B2 1.865 (10)\n C33---P4 1.833 (6) B1---H1 1.20 (7)\n C34---C35 1.375 (8) B1---H3B 1.23 (4)\n C34---H34 0.9500 B2---B8 1.760 (11)\n C35---C36 1.389 (8) B2---B7 1.784 (11)\n C35---H35 0.9500 B2---B3 1.830 (11)\n C36---C37 1.362 (8) B2---H2A 1.08 (7)\n C36---H36 0.9500 B2---H3B 1.11 (4)\n C37---C38 1.384 (8) B3---B8 1.744 (10)\n C37---H37 0.9500 B3---B4 1.757 (10)\n C38---H38 0.9500 B3---H3A 1.27 (7)\n C39---B10 1.710 (9) B4---B8 1.738 (10)\n C39---B12 1.710 (9) B4---B9 1.753 (10)\n C39---C40 1.716 (8) B4---B5 1.799 (9)\n C39---B15 1.721 (9) B4---H4A 1.1200\n C39---B16 1.735 (9) B5---B6 1.768 (10)\n C39---P4 1.875 (6) B5---B9 1.778 (9)\n C40---B19 1.700 (9) B5---H5A 1.1200\n C40---B16 1.722 (9) B6---B9 1.744 (9)\n C40---B11 1.733 (9) B6---B7 1.764 (9)\n C40---B12 1.745 (9) B6---H6A 1.1200\n C40---P3 1.882 (5) B7---B9 1.809 (10)\n C41---C42 1.391 (8) B7---B8 1.809 (11)\n C41---C46 1.395 (8) B7---H7 1.1200\n C41---P3 1.838 (6) B8---B9 1.776 (10)\n C42---C43 1.377 (9) B8---H8A 1.1200\n C42---H42 0.9500 B9---H9A 1.1200\n C43---C44 1.376 (9) B10---B12 1.746 (10)\n C43---H43 0.9500 B10---B14 1.781 (11)\n C44---C45 1.370 (9) B10---B15 1.785 (11)\n C44---H44 0.9500 B10---B13 1.799 (11)\n C45---C46 1.386 (8) B10---H10C 1.1200\n C45---H45 0.9500 B11---B18 1.756 (11)\n C46---H46 0.9500 B11---B17 1.763 (11)\n C47---C52 1.391 (9) B11---B19 1.770 (12)\n C47---C48 1.398 (9) B11---B16 1.795 (10)\n C47---P3 1.820 (6) B11---H11A 1.1200\n C48---C49 1.381 (9) B12---B13 1.755 (10)\n C48---H48 0.9500 B12---B19 1.817 (11)\n C49---C50 1.376 (11) B12---H12A 1.1200\n C49---H49 0.9500 B13---B18 1.765 (12)\n C50---C51 1.383 (10) B13---B14 1.778 (11)\n C50---H50 0.9500 B13---B19 1.784 (11)\n C51---C52 1.371 (9) B13---H13 1.1200\n C51---H51 0.9500 B14---B18 1.772 (12)\n C52---H52 0.9500 B14---B15 1.788 (10)\n C58A---C53A 1.3900 B14---B17 1.795 (12)\n C58A---C54A 1.3900 B14---H14 1.1200\n C58A---H58A 0.9500 B15---B17 1.779 (11)\n C53A---C55A 1.3900 B15---B16 1.789 (10)\n C53A---P5 1.833 (6) B15---H15 1.1200\n C55A---C56A 1.3900 B16---B17 1.776 (10)\n C55A---H55A 0.9500 B16---H16A 1.1200\n C56A---C57A 1.3900 B17---B18 1.793 (11)\n C56A---H56A 0.9500 B17---H17A 1.1200\n C57A---C54A 1.3900 B18---B19 1.776 (11)\n C57A---H57A 0.9500 B18---H18A 1.1200\n C54A---H54A 0.9500 B19---H19A 1.1200\n C53B---C58B 1.3900 B20---B21 1.764 (10)\n C53B---C57B 1.3900 B20---B28 1.786 (10)\n C53B---P5 1.792 (14) B20---B24 1.802 (10)\n C58B---C55B 1.3900 B20---H20A 1.1200\n C58B---H58B 0.9500 B21---B28 1.748 (11)\n C55B---C54B 1.3900 B21---B27 1.752 (10)\n C55B---H55B 0.9500 B21---B22 1.783 (10)\n C54B---C56B 1.3900 B21---H21 1.1200\n C54B---H54B 0.9500 B22---B23 1.744 (11)\n C56B---C57B 1.3900 B22---B27 1.768 (10)\n C56B---H56B 0.9500 B22---B26 1.786 (10)\n C57B---H57B 0.9500 B22---H22A 1.1200\n C59---C64 1.354 (8) B23---B26 1.766 (11)\n C59---C60 1.393 (9) B23---B25 1.819 (11)\n C59---P5 1.833 (6) B23---H23A 1.1200\n C60---C61 1.403 (10) B24---B29 1.772 (10)\n C60---H60 0.9500 B24---B28 1.773 (10)\n C61---C62 1.390 (10) B24---B25 1.775 (11)\n C61---H61 0.9500 B24---H24A 1.1200\n C62---C63 1.347 (9) B25---B29 1.769 (11)\n C62---H62 0.9500 B25---B26 1.780 (11)\n C63---C64 1.389 (9) B25---H25A 1.1200\n C63---H63 0.9500 B26---B29 1.780 (11)\n C64---H64 0.9500 B26---B27 1.788 (10)\n C65---C66 1.618 (8) B26---H26A 1.1200\n C65---B31 1.640 (10) B27---B28 1.790 (11)\n C65---B30 1.715 (10) B27---B29 1.790 (11)\n C65---B33 1.735 (10) B27---H27 1.1200\n C65---P5 1.846 (6) B28---B29 1.781 (11)\n C66---B36 1.636 (9) B28---H28A 1.1200\n C66---B32 1.736 (9) B29---H29A 1.1200\n C66---B30 1.752 (10) B30---B33 1.770 (12)\n C66---P6 1.852 (6) B30---B38 1.770 (11)\n C67---C72 1.380 (9) B30---B32 1.797 (11)\n C67---C68 1.393 (8) B30---H30A 1.1200\n C67---P6 1.817 (6) B31---B34 1.786 (11)\n C68---C69 1.378 (10) B31---B33 1.812 (12)\n C68---H68 0.9500 B31---B35 1.841 (12)\n C69---C70 1.391 (12) B31---H31A 1.10 (7)\n C69---H69 0.9500 B31---H31B 1.22 (4)\n C70---C71 1.353 (11) B32---B37 1.750 (11)\n C70---H70 0.9500 B32---B36 1.765 (12)\n C71---C72 1.383 (9) B32---B38 1.777 (12)\n C71---H71 0.9500 B32---H32A 1.1200\n C72---H72 0.9500 B33---B38 1.754 (11)\n C73---C78 1.401 (9) B33---B34 1.781 (11)\n C73---C74 1.410 (8) B33---H33 1.1200\n C73---P6 1.826 (6) B34---B35 1.775 (13)\n C74---C75 1.409 (9) B34---B37 1.794 (12)\n C74---H74 0.9500 B34---B38 1.803 (13)\n C75---C76 1.380 (10) B34---H34A 1.1200\n C75---H75 0.9500 B35---B37 1.762 (13)\n C76---C77 1.383 (10) B35---B36 1.854 (12)\n C76---H76 0.9500 B35---H31B 1.18 (4)\n C77---C78 1.378 (9) B35---H35A 1.12 (4)\n C77---H77 0.9500 B36---B37 1.746 (12)\n C78---H78 0.9500 B36---H36A 1.14 (7)\n C79---C80 1.385 (8) B37---B38 1.787 (13)\n C79---C84 1.394 (8) B37---H37A 1.1200\n C79---P8 1.835 (6) B38---H38A 1.1200\n ------------- ------------ ------------- -------------\n\n###### Selected bond angles (°)\n\n --------------- ------------\n P3---Au1---P2 119.51 (5)\n P3---Au1---P1 131.67 (5)\n P2---Au1---P1 86.45 (5)\n P3---Au1---P4 89.19 (5)\n P2---Au1---P4 131.50 (5)\n P1---Au1---P4 103.15 (5)\n P6---Au2---P7 119.47 (5)\n P6---Au2---P8 131.52 (5)\n P7---Au2---P8 88.03 (5)\n P6---Au2---P5 84.82 (5)\n P7---Au2---P5 136.50 (5)\n P8---Au2---P5 102.13 (6)\n --------------- ------------\n" ]
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[ "This invention relates to embedding a printed circuit in a recessed surface of a molded plastic article. ", "More specifically, the invention relates to embedding a printed circuit in adjoining non-coplanar recessed surfaces of a molded plastic article wherein the printed circuit is continuous from one adjoining surface to the other.", "\nIt is well known to deposit a printed circuit on an insulating substrate by photographic, screen printing or similar methods. ", "The conductive portions of printed circuits formed by these methods are raised above the surface of the substrate. ", "In some printed circuit applications, the raised conductive elements are not suitable and methods are known for forming inlaid printed circuits wherein the face of the circuit elements are flush with a surface of an insulating base usually plastic. ", "Inlaid printed circuits are preferable in switching and commutating applications wherein it is desired to protect the conductors from erosion or cracking during repeated operations. ", "The printed circuit is customarily formed on a flat substrate which is then mounted within the switching or commutating apparatus in which it is to be used. ", "Subassemblies of this type generally add to the overall cost of the apparatus.", "\nThis invention is directed to providing a printed circuit directly on a molded plastic article of the electrical apparatus such as directly on the housing for such apparatus. ", "Known photographic methods for depositing a printed circuit directly on the housing member are unsatisfactory when the location of the printed circuit is to be at the bottom of a recessed portion of the molded plastic article primarily because it is difficult to remove photoresist material from interior corners and sharp crevices. ", "Screen printing requires a flat surface and is not suitable for use in recessed areas." ]
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[ "Some people may wonder about the choice of fairies as a subject, when there are so many more accessible ones at hand. ", "One answer is that painting fairies gives me a chance to explore a creative side and stretch my imagination in a way that mundane, everyday subjects do not. ", "Another is the simple wish to escape from dull reality, these spirits of nature seems to symbolize a vanishing way of life, and to reconnect the viewer to the beauty and mystery of nature." ]
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[ "The Research Training Program (RTP) in Urologic Oncology at MSKCC is designed to train academic leaders in urologic oncology. ", "Over 180 fellows have been trained since the fellowship program was established nearly 50 years ago. ", "Each year 8-15 highly qualified candidates are interviewed from a pool of 25-40 applicants, 3-9 are accepted as post-doctoral fellows, all board-eligible urologists who have completed residency. ", "Two of these are selected each year as research career awardees supported by our T32 training grant, initially funded in 1999, to spend 2 years in research with a senior scientist mentor at MSKCC, Weill Medical College of Cornell University or Rockefeller University, in an appropriate field such as immunology, biological imaging, molecular genetics, or biostatistics. ", "Specific research projects have included adoptive immunotherapy with genetically modify T lymphocytes, monoclonal antibodies against PSMA as imaging and therapeutic agents, and gene expression analysis of prostate cancers. ", "Of 11 fellows appointed to date, 4 are in training, 7 have graduated, and 6 are now assistant professors at major universities. ", "Fellows are required to participate in structured, multidisciplinary clinical and research conferences and to present their work at MSKCC seminars and national meetings. ", "They receive formal instruction in clinical research methodology, biostatistics, research ethics, and human subjects regulatory issues. ", "Our program has grown substantially since the original award. ", "The faculty in urology has doubled, the quality and diversity of research mentors has increased and the number and quality of fellowship applicants have grown steadily. ", "The RTP in urologic oncology is essential to our fellowship, supporting urologists committed to research training to prepare for a career as independent investigators. ", "Our experience over 50 years confirms that they will become leaders of urologic oncology in the next generation whose work will help decrease morbidity from GU cancers." ]
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[ "The two drogue parachutes begin the slowing. ", "With the proving of Orion's parachute system, NASA hopes to send two astronauts for a flight in 2019.", "\n\nNASA successfully completed a test of the Orion space capsule's parachute system yesterday (March 8) in Arizona.", "\n\nWednesday's trial run was the second of eight drops that are designed to test the parachute system in various scenarios. ", "This test simulated an abort sequence, which might occur if something went wrong with the rocket launching an Orion spacecraft into space, and the capsule needed to be ejected.", "\n\nAbove the U.S. Army's Yuma Proving Ground in Arizona, a model of Orion was dropped from a C-17 aircraft flying at an altitude of 25,000 feet, according to a statement from NASA. ", "The drop took place at 9:45 a.m. local time (11:45 a.m. EST/1645 GMT), about 2 hours later than scheduled, and lasted about 4 minutes, a NASA representative told Space.com. [", "NASA's Orion Space Capsule Parachute in Photos]\n\nVideo footage of the capsule shows it hurtling toward the ground at a terrifying speed, trailed by two gray drogue parachutes. ", "Once the candy-cane-striped main parachutes open, the capsule slows down significantly. ", "The craft hits the ground on its side, rather than directly onto its flat bottom, and some material appear to break off the side.", "\n\nNASA's Orion human space capsule touches down after a parachute drop test from 25,000 feet on March 8, 2017. (", "Image credit: NASA)\n\n\"This was a very successful test for the team demonstrating the parachute performance for an ascent abort mode, critical to the safety of the crew for a safe landing,\" a NASA representative told Space.com in an email.", "\n\nDuring this kind of test, the Orion model travels at the relatively slow speed of about 130 mph (210 km/h); during re-entry from space, the capsule may reach speeds of about 310 mph (500 km/h), according to NASA. ", "The parachute system can slow the space capsule to just 20 mph (32 km/h). ", "Orion has a total of 11 parachutes, in four groups; only two of the parachute groups were deployed during Wednesday's test: the two drogue parachutes and the three main parachutes.", "\n\nOrion is NASA's new spacecraft for ferrying humans to deep-space destinations. ", "Unlike the space shuttle, which was designed to glide back down to Earth after a trip to space, Orion relies on a parachute system to lower it back to Earth. ", "Orion has undergone one uncrewed test flight and is scheduled for a second uncrewed flight in 2019; but NASA is but NASA is now investigating the possibility of moving directly into a crewed flight.", "\n\nNASA's Orion human space capsule rides toward Earth with its three main parachutes deployed, during a test on March 8, 2017. (", "Image credit: NASA)\n\nFollow Calla Cofield @callacofield.", "Follow us @Spacedotcom, Facebook and Google+. ", "Original article on Space.com." ]
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[ "\"In our nation, in our time, the friends of freedom have an assignment, as great as those of the 1860s, or the 1940s, or the long twilight of the Cold War. ", "As in those days, the American project is menaced by a survival-level threat. ", "I refer, of course, to the debts our nation has amassed for itself over decades of indulgence. ", "It is the new Red Menace, this time consisting of ink.\" ", "Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels at CPAC" ]
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[ "Lynda Carter Calls Out James Cameron's Wonder Woman Disses\n\nThe original Wonder Woman herself, Lynda Carter, has spoken out against James Cameron's \"dissing\" of Patty Jenkins' big screen adaptation of Wonder Woman. ", "Lynda Carter played the character in the 1970s-television series and for many, she is still Wonder Woman after all of these years of keeping the character alive while we all waited for DC to finally release a movie. ", "Wonder Woman came out and exceeded everybody's expectations while simultaneously breaking records along the way, but one Hollywood director was not happy about the way the titular character was portrayed on the big screen.", "\n\nJames Cameron spoke out in August about the movie not breaking ground for women in any way shape or form. ", "In addition, he inferred that Wonder Woman should have been more like Sarah Connor in his Terminator 2, saying that Diana Prince should have been flawed and not as pleasing on the eyes as Gal Gadot is. ", "James Cameron recently doubled down on those comments. ", "He had this to say.", "\n\n\"I'll stand by that. ", "I mean, she was Miss Israel, and she was wearing a kind of bustier costume that was very form-fitting. ", "She's absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. ", "To me, that's not breaking ground. ", "They had Raquel Welch doing stuff like that in the 60s.\"", "\n\nLynda Carter has had enough of James Cameron's Neanderthal thoughts on women in the movie industry. ", "Carter responded to Cameron's latest comments in a Facebook post, in which she called on the director to stop \"dissing\" the movie. \"", "Perhaps you do not understand the character. ", "I most certainly do,\" she wrote. ", "Carter even told the director that his comments about Patty Jenkins were \"thuggish.\" ", "Carter explains.", "\n\n\"To James Cameron -STOP dissing WW: You poor soul. ", "Perhaps you do not understand the character. ", "I most certainly do. ", "Like all women--we are more than the sum of our parts. ", "Your thuggish jabs at a brilliant director, Patty Jenkins, are ill advised. ", "This movie was spot on. ", "Gal Gadot was great. ", "I know, Mr. Cameron--because I have embodied this character for more than 40 years. ", "So--STOP IT.\"", "\n\nJames Cameron has made those comments at pretty opportune time for himself as he is out promoting the long-awaited sequel to Avatar as well as Terminator 6, so this could all be just a giant marketing ploy, but it sure seems as if Cameron stands by his words. ", "Avatar 2 just started filming after a series of long delays and Terminator 6 sees the return of Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor, which is pretty convenient, timing-wise. ", "At any rate, it will be interesting to see how Hollywood responds to Cameron's prehistoric views of women on the big screen.", "\n\nWhile many thought that the original interviewer back in August caught James Cameron at a bad time, that is clearly not the case as he has doubled down on his comments. ", "Patty Jenkins responded the first time, but now Lynda Carter has taken it upon herself to call Cameron out via https://www.facebook.com/OfficialLyndaCarter/posts/1713964435280767|Facebook post. ", "You can check out Lynda Carter's response in full below." ]
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[ "Asthenosphere rheology inferred from observations of the 2012 Indian Ocean earthquake.", "\nThe concept of a weak asthenospheric layer underlying Earth's mobile tectonic plates is fundamental to our understanding of mantle convection and plate tectonics. ", "However, little is known about the mechanical properties of the asthenosphere (the part of the upper mantle below the lithosphere) underlying the oceanic crust, which covers about 60 per cent of Earth's surface. ", "Great earthquakes cause large coseismic crustal deformation in areas hundreds of kilometres away from and below the rupture area. ", "Subsequent relaxation of the earthquake-induced stresses in the viscoelastic upper mantle leads to prolonged postseismic crustal deformation that may last several decades and can be recorded with geodetic methods. ", "The observed postseismic deformation helps us to understand the rheological properties of the upper mantle, but so far such measurements have been limited to continental-plate boundary zones. ", "Here we consider the postseismic deformation of the very large (moment magnitude 8.6) 2012 Indian Ocean earthquake to provide by far the most direct constraint on the structure of oceanic mantle rheology. ", "In the first three years after the Indian Ocean earthquake, 37 continuous Global Navigation Satellite Systems stations in the region underwent horizontal northeastward displacements of up to 17 centimetres in a direction similar to that of the coseismic offsets. ", "However, a few stations close to the rupture area that had experienced subsidence of up to about 4 centimetres during the earthquake rose by nearly 7 centimetres after the earthquake. ", "Our three-dimensional viscoelastic finite-element models of the post-earthquake deformation show that a thin (30-200 kilometres), low-viscosity (having a steady-state Maxwell viscosity of (0.5-10) × 1018 pascal seconds) asthenospheric layer beneath the elastic oceanic lithosphere is required to produce the observed postseismic uplift." ]
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[ "In compound verbs it is generally vain to distinguish those in which los is the adjective los(e) from those in which it is the adverb. ", "For example, in losmachen (“loosen”) it seems to be the adjective, in losfahren (“leave”) and loswerden (“get rid”) it is the adverb.", "\n\nLike other masculine Spanish words, masculine Spanish pronouns can be used when the gender of the subject is unknown or when the subject is plural and of mixed gender.1 Not used after con; conmigo, contigo, and consigo are used instead, respectively2 Use the third-person reflexive pronouns when appropriate3 Used only in Spain4 Depending on the implicit gender of the subject being referred to" ]
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[ "Hauara\n\nHauara was an ancient episcopal see in Palestina Tertia, a suffragan of Petra.", "\n\nLocation\nThis Hauara, situated between Aila and Petra, is certainly distinct from the Hauara of Stephen of Byzantium, the Leuke kome of the Greeks, a harbour of the Red Sea; but it has been impossible to discover its location. ", "It is unknown even when it became a titular see, because it formerly had no bishop, and does not figure in any episcopal Notitiae.", "\n\nThe Tabula Peutingeriana locates a place of this name thirty-eight miles of Petra (see Clermont-Ganneau in \"Revue biblique\", N.S. III, 419-421). ", "The city is also mentioned by Ptolemy (V, 16) and by the Notitia dignitatum (ed. ", "Boecking, 79), which mentions the garrison of equites sagittarri indigenae. ", "It must not be confused with Haura, a Jacobite see in Mesopotamia.", "\n\nAt one time it was reckoned as a Catholic titular see. ", "The original diocese was It is no longer included among the titular sees listed in the Annuario Pontificio.", "\n\nReferences\n\n The entry cites:\n\nCategory:Catholic titular sees in Asia\nCategory:Roman sites in Asia" ]
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[ "Category Archives: Journalist\n\nFOREWORD: I met peerless glam-punk photographer, Mick Rock, at a downtown Manhattan studio on a rainy night in 1998. ", "Afterwards, I gave him an herb-induced ride uptown. ", "He was a sweet guy who made a living shooting pix of famous glam-rock and punk idols – not knowing at the time these artists would be the cultural centerpieces they became. ", "Though he nearly died from two decades of cocaine abuse, Rock’s still with us. ", "This article originally appeared in Smug Magazine.", "\n\nBritish photographer Mick Rock helped expand ‘70s counterculture through instinct and intuition. ", "After studying revolutionary French literate at college, he worked for enigmatic designers Hipgnosis (whose cover art for Pink Floyd, Genesis, Led Zeppelin, etc. ", "is legendary) before becoming a full-time photographer. ", "As his career progressed, subjects such as David Bowie, Lou Reed, Iggy Pop, and Talking Heads found a place in front of his lens.", "\n\nRock emerged from the sexual and chemical indulgences of the ‘70s with a long list of accolades, including four Grammy nominations and numerous gallery exhibits. ", "His erotic works have even been published in Penthouse. ", "To truly understand the breadth of Rock’s work, log on to mickrock.com or peruse greatmodernpictures.com. ", "His book, Mick Rock: A Photographic Record 1969 – 1980 is also recommended.", "\n\nOne of the first people you photographed was Syd Barrett. ", "What was he like?", "\n\nMICK: Syd was an eclectic individual. ", "I remember the first time I saw Pink Floyd in ’66 at the Cambridge Art College party. ", "There was no particular reference for what I heard that night. ", "It didn’t come from Rhythm & Blues or Country & Western. ", "You couldn’t pin it to European avant-garde. ", "They were definitely unprecedented. ", "I suppose that’s why Syd retains his legendary status as a flawed, fucked up, burnt-out genius. ", "There’s the beauty of the fact he’s still alive. (", "Editors note: Barrett died in ’07) He might just as well have died in 1970. ", "I interviewed Syd for Rolling Stone in ’71, but he hasn’t done another one since. ", "His phrasing influenced David Bowie. ", "I remember swapping stories of Syd with David so he’d exchange stories of Lou Reed and Iggy Pop.", "\n\nYour photographs for album covers and magazine articles introduced an entire generation to the glam-rock scene.", "\n\nMICK: That was in the late hippie period. ", "There was a different mentality. ", "It wasn’t about ambition. ", "There weren’t many magazines or retro documentaries. ", "You couldn’t sell a print at an art gallery. ", "There was no great design. ", "I was looking for the edge, not fame and money. ", "Lou Reed wasn’t well known back then. ", "Bowie and Iggy were obscure and Queen hadn’t had a hit when I shot their LP cover. ", "Syd acquired a reputation because Pink Floyd became the preeminent English psychedelic band along with Soft Machine. ", "When I first met David, it was the start of his Ziggy Stardust period. ", "If I showed the earliest Ziggy pictures, you’d see how unsophisticated they were. ", "He had done the Greta Garbo thing prior, with Hunky Dory.", "\n\nAny crazy Bowie adventures you’d like to share?", "\n\nMICK: These kids were like animals in Liverpool and dragged him offstage. ", "He came down with legs in the air and head on the floor and laid there for a couple minutes. ", "That was a trip. ", "He got up, shook his head, and said, ‘That’s the luck of the draw.’ ", "Bowie was the synthesizer who absorbed lots of influences. ", "Igyy, Lou, and Mott The Hoople were going nowhere until David gained attention. ", "By ’73, it was another story. ", "David built his own mystique. ", "There was a buzz about him in England, but it took a couple US tours with his androgynous look. ", "Truckers would call you a poof or sissy. ", "The feminine thing was in the air and mutated out of the hippie period and caught the imagination of the ladies. ", "We’d get frequent sex with girls because of that and it coincided with the ‘coming out’ of the gay community.", "\n\nWhat kind of influence did drugs have on Iggy & the Stooges?", "\n\nMICK: It took them off into a million directions. ", "Drugs, when you’re young and experimental, can have creative values. ", "Of course, there are limitations. ", "I never witnessed Iggy cutting himself onstage or throwing up. ", "I saw him throw himself into the audience to get mauled by sticky young men. ", "He had a dislodged personality. ", "It took three near-death experiences for him to want to live.", "\n\nWere you affected by the drug culture of the ‘70s?", "\n\nMICK: In the beginning, it was LSD. ", "The first pictures I took were on an acid trip with a young lady. ", "I was hanging with rockers as a pothead college student. ", "Back then you could get seriously busted for a joint. ", "There was a direct link between sex and drugs – especially for those who mainlined. ", "When I was in college, I let someone shoot me up on two occasions. ", "I could have died. ", "I threw up everywhere. ", "A couple times I inadvertently snorted or smoked it. ", "It’s different today. ", "Media has expanded and AIDS scared everyone.", "\n\nOne of your most stark photographs graces Lou Reed’s The Blue Mask.", "\n\nMICK: That came out of the Transformer period and was used eight years later. ", "Lou’s a very nice person. ", "He’s a bit paranoid about talking of kinky sex and drugs. ", "That’s another time in his life. ", "He’s very suspicious of journalists. ", "But when I had bypass surgery, the first flowers I got were from Lou.", "\n\nWhy’d you have bypass surgery? ", "Natural causes. (", "laughter)\n\nMICK: I doubt that! ", "I’m sure the cocaine I did and the cigarettes I smoked affected me. ", "For 21 years, I was a serious cocaine addict. ", "The good thing was I remained creative. ", "The downside was it made me completely balmy when it came down to business.", "\n\nIn the mid-‘70s, you began shooting punk rockers when they became the new underground rage.", "\n\nMICK: I saw the Sex Pistols first ever show at Chelsea Art College. ", "Johnny Rotten insulted the audience. ", "He was funny. ", "But at the time, I thought, ‘What the fuck is this?’ ", "They couldn’t play their instruments. ", "While the Ramones moved the music forward, the Pistols moved the culture. ", "I always thought Johnny Rotten was Ziggy. ", "He had the same red hair.", "\n\nWhat were the Ramones like?", "\n\nMICK: I remember sitting with Dee Dee Ramone when he was complaining that he wrote “Chinese Rock” instead of Johnny Thunder. ", "They spent time doing heroin together so who knows. ", "Once I saw Patti Smith getting in trouble with bouncers at a Ramones show for shouting and throwing up. ", "She was a wild one…\n\nI first met Pot Culture author/ CelebStoner host Steve Bloom at, ironically enough, a 1st anniversary party for co-author Shirley Halperin’s now-defunct indie rag, Smug (one of my early writing gigs). ", "It was a fortuitous night down in the Bowery at CB Gallery (an extension of illustrious dive, CBGB’s), since Bloom then hooked me up with High Times, the leading counterculture marijuana publication, a freelance job I’d only dreamt of. ", "I took Bloom out for a bowl within minutes of meeting him, and my social life in the city, already topnotch, got elevated – more interviews with highlife celebs, better contacts, and softball with High Times’ infamous Bonghitters.", "\n\nAlongside Bloom, Halperin, soon-to-be MTV editor Joe D’Angelo, and prominent photographer Dennis Kleiman, we essentially owned Roseland Ballroom at its indie rock height (‘93-’99), gathering at dozens of downtown shows, imbibing on-house drinks galore, smoking the best herb, and getting the freest tix. ", "Halperin went on to prosper at Rolling Stone, US Weekly, and Enertainment Weekly, becoming a notarized celebrity hound frequently commentating for MTV, VH1, CNN, Fox, MSNBC, and E! ", "I reminded her of a “long lost uncle.” ", "She borrowed small amounts of cash, begged for late night rides back to Williamsburg, married renowned producer (and ex-Pernice Brothers bassist) Tom Monahan, moved to the Left Coast (boho hipster refuge, Silver Lake), and no doubt haunted Bloom to complete ‘joint’ endeavor, Pot Culture (Abrams Image). ", "The tidy A to Z guide ‘to stoner language and life,’ readied for release April 20th (a.k.a. ", "4-20, the international time zone to toke up), is literally a Whole Earth catalog for fiendish weed demons and doobiously dawdling dabblers alike.", "\n\nOriginal onscreen stoner, Dennis Hopper (starring in summer of love flick, The Trip, and ‘69s preferred Easy Rider) is said to “embody the fear and loathing inside every pothead’s heart,” a re-contextualized phrase snatched from gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson’s exalted beat-styled treatise. ", "Cheech & Chong are credited as the best pot comedic duo while Sean Penn’s Fast Times At Ridgemont High surfer dude and Carlito’s Way cocaine-inhaling mongrel afford him most famous solo pot act status.", "\n\nAs we indulge at former long-time High Times editor Steve Bloom’s spacious Brooklyn apartment, the Jewish redheaded Bronx-raised website publisher, movie reviewer, sports fan, Obama supporter, and conversational pot icon commences, “Pot Culture was Shirley’s idea. ", "She lived in Jersey, went to Rutgers, started Smug, and came up with the stoner dictionary/ encyclopedia. ", "While I was High Times editor in ’06, she contacted me and mentioned a proposal to collaborate on the book. ", "She was still at Us Weekly. ", "It’d been percolating in her mind since the ‘90s. ", "Our combined experience as stoners – I represent the Baby Boomers, she reps the younger crowd – plus my professional experience as a marijuana journalist and her orientation with celebrities, combined for a tightly written Pot-o-pedia. ", "We siphoned information and wanted an exciting book full of pictures like a magazine – full-page spreads, visual elements, and sidebars. ", "My knowledge is deeper in marijuana history, science, and activism while Shirley takes on everyday stoners and how they speak and act.”", "\n\nBefore joining High Times in the early ‘90s, Bloom admits to being “a pretty average stoner oblivious to New York’s Washington Square Park rallies” and didn’t see himself as an activist. ", "Coming up through the ranks, the future Central Park softball commish had broke into the biz writing for Downbeat, Soho Weekly, and Rolling Stone. ", "He credits editors Jim Henke and Peter Occiograssi with giving him a break. ", "Fortuitously, he enjoyed funk, soul, and disco, black music overshadowed by the ’77 punk explosion. ", "He found his niche covering Kool & the Gang and Brothers Johnson (for $5) and kept the ball rolling. ", "He interviewed James Brown for a Soho Weekly cover and became a lifetime friend of the Godfather of Soul. ", "As video games took over local arcades, Bloom pitched an assignment then published his first book, Video Invaders. ", "Music editor Henke allowed him to cover the coveted New Orleans Jazz Fest, Gladys Knight & the Pips, the Pretenders, and Eric Clapton.", "\n\n“My peak piece for Rolling Stone was a feature on Wynton Marsalis. ", "I was into the jazz scene and wrote for Downbeat early on. ", "Wynton was a 19-year-old new on the scene. ", "I pitched the story, called “Young Man With A Horn.” ", "But I could never work my way into the Byzantine world of Village Voice. ", "I didn’t like their stridently leftist view…and I’m a lefty,” he laughs.", "\n\nSoon after, he got the gig that would define his bohemian lifestyle. ", "As a High Times news editor, he became informed about the expanding marijuana community.", "\n\n“High Times was fun because it was advocacy journalism. ", "I believed in the marijuana cause and wanted to change people’s opinion on legalization. ", "I stress in Pot Culture how we don’t use negatives. ", "The government spends billions convincing people marijuana’s bad. ", "I didn’t want to play into that. ", "We didn’t refer to pot as a vice or ‘lesser evil.’ ", "It’s the opposite – within reason. ", "Nobody should sit on a couch watching t.v. ", "all day toking and being inactive. ", "That’s the stereotypical perception – passive apathetic people with no life ambition. ", "Be open for discussion. ", "Pot may cause bronchial problems but is it causing cancer? ", "No. ", "And the THC in pot inhibits the expansion of tumors,” he insists.", "\n\nThe loquacious Bloom acknowledges modern marijuana is much stronger than the ‘70s stuff he used to toke. ", "He admits marijuana was condensed, flattened out, seedy, brown, and came overseas from exotic countries back then. ", "There wasn’t radiant green marijuana with flecks of red, orange, and purple covered by snowy oozing resin. ", "Truly, today’s beautifully delicious plants with grown-out buds are spectacular.", "\n\nBloom goes on to explain the disparity between indica and sativa strains.", "\n\n“There’s a genetic difference between tall, tropical, spindly sativa, an energetic, uplifting strain, compared to indica, shorter, bushier, tighter nuggets – sleep-inducing mountainous weed from Pakistan that withstands harsher weather conditions.” ", "He swoons, “Most marijuana’s a combination now. ", "Pure sativa is haze, but it’s been crossed. ", "Indica is generally Northern Lights. ", "I like mostly skunky, fruit-flavored indica with full taste that won’t make you gasp for breath strength-wise, but has a deep flavor you’d get from a Cabernet Sauvignon red. ", "I love the fullness on the palate of a good strong smoke, the fruity bouquet and the nice heavy pull into your lungs that has a thick impact. ", "From the second you smoke it, you think, ‘That’s good stuff!’”", "\n\nDutifully, Pot Culture advocates proper smoking etiquette. ", "Lighting the corner of a bowl instead of passing a scorched pipe is an obligatory nicety. ", "Childproof lighters are a no-no. ", "And while pot smoking isn’t a replacement for nausea-inducing chemotherapy, according to singer-guitarist Melissa Etheridge’s 2-page scoop, it’ll ease the recuperative pain. ", "Bloom encourages readers to move around the book instead of going front-to-back. ", "The index quickly guides readers to subject matter. ", "While lengthily discussing the stoner album covers illustrated, Bloom cites David Peel’s ’68 mandate, Have A Marijuana, as the first to feature the ‘good herb.’", "\n\n“The book has a wide spectrum of data, dating back to the ‘30s Reefer Madness era. ", "Actor Robert Mitchum and musicians Louis Armstrong and Gene Krupa’s marijuana arrests may go unrecognized as celebrities who took hits for being busted and suffering for their right to smoke. ", "There was no NORML for protest. ", "Following Jazz, the Beat’s in the ‘50s embraced marijuana. ", "The Beats were influenced by jazz. ", "Jack Kerouac was into Charlie Parker and be-bop. ", "They were into pot – and Benzedrine, because they liked the upside of things. ", "That was cool daddy-o!” ", "Bloom continues, “They were puffing, drinking, traveling. ", "The Beats led to the hippies’ ‘60s psychedelic era. ", "Ken Kesey was part of the new generation coming off the Beats. ", "He and Timothy Leary were the next players addressing the drug issue broadly. ", "Kesey on the West Coast and Leary on the East were the first to proselytize LSD.”", "\n\nThough Pot Culture focuses on natural narcotics (marijuana/ hashish/ mushrooms/ peyote), chemically altered drugs such as LSD and ecstasy, relatively safe if used properly, are discreetly endorsed while dangerous anodynes such as cocaine and heroin are shunned. ", "The deaths of musicians Jerry Garcia, Rick James, and Gram Parsons are related to hard drug abuse, but none are traced back to non-addictive substances such as weed, schrooms, or cacti. ", "Even Pink Floyd acid casualty Syd Barrett is listed as dying from “natural causes,” forty years after getting tossed from his acclaimed prog-rock band. ", "Rightfully, college heads laughed at stupid government-aided anti-marijuana movies such as Reefer Madness upon its ‘70s re-release. ", "Hypocritically, during World War II, the government actually sponsored brief film, Hemp For Victory.", "\n\n“Jack Herer, author of pro-hemp scrapbook, The Emperor Wears No Clothes, and fellow activist, Maria Faro, traveled around during the ‘90s, selling t-shirts and going to DC’s Library of Congress, digging up Hemp For Victory, a 15-minute short patriotically saluting ten foot high hemp plants waving in the wind. ", "The government wanted hemp for rope, parachutes, and ships. ", "It’s strong, durable, and benefited our overseas effort. ", "It became popular when Reefer Madness gained a cult following. ", "Interestingly, NORML founder Keith Stroup discovered Reefer Madness, brought and released it in the ‘70s. ", "Herer suffered a stroke recently but nonetheless has an initiative to legalize marijuana in Santa Barbara. ", "He no longer travels to campuses.” ", "Bloom continues, “I took on college tours to educate students while at High Times, discussing pot’s use beyond recreationally, as an industrial plant used for paper and rope or for medicinal purposes. ", "The seed could be used for soap, shampoo, food items.”", "\n\nHappily, the ‘90s decade was a boon for marijuana subsequent to the conservative ‘80s. ", "Though decriminalized in some states during the ‘70s, the ensuing ‘Just Say No’ Reagan era had put a temporary crimp on the pro-pot movement. ", "Presently, there’s a rebirth of activism ratified by California’s Proposition 215, legalizing marijuana for medicinal use. ", "In fact, there are several worthy stoner inventions recently unveiled.", "\n\nBloom chimes in. “", "Indoor growing allowed American cultivation to expand. ", "Kind bud is a stoner innovation. ", "Many innovations don’t come from big corporations. ", "It’s done through grassroots underground efforts. ", "Glass pipes, grinders, and vaporizers were invented by reliable stoners. ", "But if marijuana were legal, there wouldn’t be the pursuit for, and accentuation on, indoor growing. ", "It’d be made available in many ways.”", "\n\nThough he regularly samples high quality marijuana, Bloom contends the stronger stuff will allow people to smoke less and lead healthier lives. ", "Just don’t mistake Bloom for a pro-cigarette espouser, since the harmful legal smoke, unlike marijuana, poses extreme health risks “poisoning the system.”", "\n\nHe exhorts, “Cigarette smoking is a plague that must be eradicated. ", "I’m offended by laws that prosecute marijuana users when there are 400,000 people a year dying from legal tobacco. ", "It’s a foul habit. ", "It’s rude to see half-smoked cigarettes in the gutter. ", "It’s gross. ", "You may not like marijuana, but it’s not a despicable habit turning lungs black or affecting people around you. ", "I steer away from cigarette smokers when walking down the street. ", "Do it privately. ", "If you can’t smoke joints in the street, why are cigarettes o.k.”", "\n\nEAST BRUNSWICK HIGH GRAD FOREMOST BEHIND-THE-SCENES CELEBRITY EXPERT\n\nShirley Halperin, a diligent Israeli-American with a hard-working reputation enjoys the high-pressure life of a celeb reporter. ", "The respected entertainment editor graduated East Brunswick High School, attended Rutgers University, then had the unmitigated nerve to drop out with one semester left to start Smug Magazine, New York’s best alternative rock source from ’93 to ’97. ", "It was a ballsy move that earned her immediate indie cred, and subsequently, through US Weekly and Enertainment Weekly, aboveground notoriety. ", "She’s consistently done television commentary, lending lucid content to Bravo’s 100 Funniest Movies, Britney Spears True Hollywood Story, American Idol Untold, and soon-to-be-revealed Pussycat Dolls True Hollywood Story.", "\n\nObsessed with popular culture and an admitted t.v. ", "junkie, Halperin originally poo-poo’d reality shows, but now loves them too. ", "Four years at Us Weekly befriending Hollywood stars prepared Halperin for more mainstream coverage at EW. ", "Yet beyond the faddish reporting and hyped-up documentaries, the persevering lass decided to go back to her subterranean roots by anthologizing marijuana fun facts for Pot Culture.", "\n\n“I’d been working on the book before I took the EW job. ", "They’ve been supportive. ", "As a woman in the corporate world, it’s difficult enough to battle. ", "Luckily, I’m strong and independent. ", "Some find that intimidating. ", "But I also smoke pot,” Halperin affably permits.", "\n\nKeeping up with Hollywood gossip while preparing for Pot Culture exposure, the industrious author used her L.A. connections to amp up mod marijuana coverage.", "\n\n“I did a Rob Thomas ‘In The Studio’ piece for Rolling Stone. ", "Within ten minutes he pulled out a bong. ", "We became friends and he was the first person I called for a celebrity essay. ", "The stoner bond is very strong. ", "Once you smoke with someone, you’ve got common ground. ", "On a certain level, we could relate strictly because of that,” she shares. “", "Adrianne Curry from America’s Top Model, who’s married to Christopher Knight (a.k.a. ", "Peter Brady), is a huge pot head. ", "It’s rare to find visible female celebs volunteering information. ", "She talked about the troubles she went through hiding weed stench. ", "She was very open. ", "Not every stoner’s a lazy slacker that’s crunchy, dreadlocked, and tie-dyed.”", "\n\nUnlike tobacco-averse Bloom, Halperin is an on-again off-again cigarette smoker (though Bloom smirks at the off-again part). ", "She admits smoking cigs is hard to stop and agrees marijuana may not be addictive.", "\n\n“Quitting cigarettes is tough. ", "They’re extremely harmful and have become a great tragedy I still struggle with,” Halperin confirms.", "\n\nHowever, unlike Bloom and I, she’s wearily unsure of marijuana’s dissenting quandaries. “", "Pot hasn’t been studied long enough to know if there’s physical and mental dependence. ", "Are the carcinogens damaging? ", "Are there any proven cases of lung cancer due to pot smoking? ", "I don’t think so.”", "\n\nOne of Halperin’s favorite marijuana strains, Sour Diesel, has become increasingly common out West, where growers have seemingly perfected the once-indigenous East Coast bud. ", "She understands there’s different smoke for different folk.", "\n\nIn step with Bloom, Halperin concludes, “I’ve learned from California Medical Law that certain strains are better for certain people. ", "Sativa is lighter and gives most people more energy whereas an indica strain like Kush could put you to sleep. ", "Some patients may need to be sedated to cope while others want to be invigorated and animated. ", "So picking the right strain is important. ", "People should be able to medicate for both common and uncommon ailments.”", "\n\nNo argument here.", "\n\nIn the future, the enterprising authors hope to publish updated Pot Culture guides, since technological advances, innovative methodology, and newfound material need amended ascertainment. ", "One glaring omission may’ve been the exclusion of High School Confidential, an audaciously forward-thinking ’58 film featuring West Side Story ’Jet’ Russ Tamblyn and platinum blonde hottie, Mamie Van Doren. ", "Brought to my attention by Bloom, the legendary drama is loaded with much of the jargon modern stoners still utilize. ", "A fascinatingly sympathetic morality play informed by James Dean’s rebellious Rebel Without A Cause flick, it disses heroin but leaves open the argument against marijuana as a gateway drug.", "\n\n‘Gonzo’ journalist Hunter Stocton Thompson committed suicide in his Aspen, Colorado ranch home February 19, 2005. ", "Cleverly installing himself into many semi-fictional plots adventurously undermining sociopolitical ideologues, the drug and alcohol-addled, aviator glass-wearing gun enthusiast wrote several audaciously satirical novels, such as Generation of Swine and Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas (the film version starred Johnny Depp). ", "An acerbic counterculture icon whose inceptive 1959 book, The Rum Diaries, wasn’t released until his popularity peaked in the ‘70s, Thompson will undoubtedly be remembered for thumbing his nose at ambiguous traditional beliefs.", "\n\nModern indie rock couldn’t exist in its fullest form without shy, soft-spoken San Franciscan rock aficionado Greg Shaw, a.k.a. ‘", "The Pope of Punk’ and ‘Father of Rock Journalism.’ ", "In late October ’04, the venerable renegade succumbed to heart failure after beating life-threatening kidney disease during ’98.", "\n\nIn recent years, he bolstered controversial indie rockers Brian Jonestown Massacre, who’ve now gained cult acclaim and a modicum of disputation. ", "Go to bomp.com for more info on this subterranean legend.", "\n\nFORWARD: In his last year prior to dying of cancer, I got to know Al Aronowitz, the highly respected and much-maligned journalist responsible for introducing the Beatles to Bob Dylan (possibly the greatest cultural meeting of white musicians in music history). ", "He actually confided in me and felt compelled to call one afternoon to tell me he had terminal cancer. ", "That was difficult. ", "I felt privileged to have met his acquaintance.", "\n\nBut Aronowitz was a stubborn man who despised magazine editors and hated the way book deals went down. ", "He began organizing his works prior to death but felt publishing agents were trying to rip him off. ", "In the ‘70s, he became sidelined by cocaine abuse and time spent in jail on drug charges. ", "He never got his big break or a chance to tell his stories to the mainstream, but the books he left behind, especially “Bob Dylan and The Beatles: Volume One of the Best of the Blacklisted Journalist,” offer compelling evidence of his involvement with the greatest musical icons. ", "Also included here is my second Aronowitz interview concerning his book “Bobby Darin was A Friend Of Mine.”", "\n\nQuite simply, Al Aronowitz is a living legend. ", "As the “Godfather of Rock Journalism,” he was an ambassador to young folk and rock aspirants during the most rebellious, politically challenging decade – the Swinging ‘60s. ", "As a writer for Saturday Evening Post, Aronowitz had unlimited access to beat poets Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac, but more importantly, the Beatles, Bob Dylan, and other disparate genre-defining rockers. ", "He developed a personal relationship with these icons, gaining their trust and confidence before getting involved with crack cocaine while destroying his career in the ensuing Me Decade.", "\n\nThe profound ‘60s uprising, with its frenzied excitement and social turbulence, created a truly bizarre, totally necessitated phenomenon that still engulfs a less naïve, though still cruel, world desperate for enlightenment 40 years hence. ", "Now a defiant septuagenarian with a walking cane, depleted voice, facetious half-smile, and pissy disposition, Aronowitz embraced the Beat Generation as a fly on the wall during the great countercultural revolution that influenced the whole Civil Rights Movement, provoking the universe to think differently and more independently.", "\n\nWhen I visit Aronowitz at his cramped Elizabeth, New Jersey apartment, there are tapes, CD’s, and newspapers scattered about walls and floors. ", "He has covered the shelves holding his extraordinary record collection to prevent the landlord from ripping off more valuables. ", "He takes me to the local post office to mail promotional material for his newly released book, Bob Dylan and The Beatles: Volume One of the Best of the Blacklisted Journalist. ", "A journey back in time, the bold text revisits old acquaintances, pulling no punches and cleverly hiding many mind-bending particulars ‘til the last chapter.", "\n\nThe son of Eastern European Jewish immigrants, Aronowitz was named after 1928 Democratic presidential candidate, Al Smith, a liberal-minded sage he seems proud of. ", "As a child, his older sister would take him to the library, where he initially became interested in writing stories. ", "He attended Rutgers University, broadcasting football games for a year while studying journalism. ", "By the ‘50s, he befriended the beat poets, Bobby Darin, and sundry well regarded artists. ", "But it was his meeting with Bob Dylan at West Village speakeasy, Chumley’s, that would forever change his life.", "\n\n“Many people thought Dylan was the messiah. ", "I did. ", "He’s the Shakespeare of our time,” Aronowitz says retrospectively. “", "But I wasn’t a music critic. ", "I wanted to write stories with a punchline at the end.”", "\n\nBy ’64, Beatlemania swept America and Aronowitz got to hang out with the Fab 4 at Manhattan’s posh Delmonico Hotel, eventually introducing marijuana and Dylan to the Beatles. ", "Believing Aldous Huxley’s claim that marijuana opens the doors to perception as nourishment for the brain, he turned on the young, impressionable Liverpudlians straightaway. ", "Lennon was cracking up so much the first time he inhaled, he’d subsequently quip, “let’s have a larf” as a rally cry to party.", "\n\nSo began a long relationship with the biggest band the universe has ever seen. ", "Soon, Aronowitz would get a reluctant Dylan to rendezvous with the Beatles, thereby influencing the poet laureate to go electric and the moptops to bring in folk elements. ", "By ’65, Dylan penned “Mr. Tambourine Man” at Aronowitz’s Berkeley Heights, New Jersey, home (the historic 56 Briarwood Drive West) after listening to Marvin Gaye’s “Can I Get A Witness” repeatedly. ", "The Beatles, conversely, brought Dylanesque acoustical refinement to ‘66s twin pillars, Rubber Soul and Revolver.", "\n\nBut life wasn’t a bowl of cherries for this storied writer. ", "His wife, who died of cancer in the ‘70s, played him for a fool, cheating during marriage with the New York Post editor that hired, then fired him, and possibly, Dylan. ", "He was able to promote a few poorly attended Country concerts featuring legends Dolly Parton, Merle Haggard, and Charlie Rich at Madison Square Garden that ended up in the red. ", "In fact, his Bob Dylan and The Beatles trove discusses his fall-outs with Paul Simon (“I owed him $10,000 I never returned”), creepy radio personality-hustler Murray The K, cranky misfits The Band, and more profoundly, Dylan.", "\n\n“I think he was fucking my wife. ", "I didn’t satisfy her so she went elsewhere,” the formerly gullible white-haired maven claims. “", "Dylan would play head games by making others feel small. ", "He’d make up his past. ", "First time I met him, he said he spent time in an infirmary. ", "One time we were walking through the Village, and he lied about (folkie) Richard Farina getting killed.”", "\nSpookily, Farina died shortly thereafter.", "\n\nAronowitz candidly dispels a few myths about Dylan, inferring “I was with Dylan when he bought the (infamous) Triumph bike he may’ve crashed on. ", "He made it sound so dramatic. ", "I think he was full of shit.”", "\n\nInstead, Aronowitz maintains Dylan dabbled in white heat, a thought that evaded him ‘til his own ‘70s cocaine problems struck. “", "He had a heroin addiction so why would he care about my cocaine craze. ", "But I’ve never seen tracks on his arms.”", "\n\nEven Dylan’s former road manager agreed he used to score drugs for the folk legend. ", "Drugs were so rampant that Aronowitz, after being fired by New York Post, sold them to gain funds for his own troubled lifestyle.", "\n\n“I used to score junk for Mick Jagger in Berkeley Heights, but the dealer started ripping me off, so I disassociated myself from him. ", "Mick and Keith Richard were long-time junkies,” he shockingly avows ‘bout the Rolling Stones’ famed Glimmer Twins, before recollecting, “Brian Jones’ drowning death was a setup. ", "He was getting stoned, trying everything for recreation. ", "I tried a lot with him. ", "He got into amyl nitrate. ", "Then, he had epilepsy, which I got too from smoking cocaine. ", "He had an epileptic attack and drowned. ", "Mick was mad because Brian wasn’t showing up for rehearsals and wasn’t focused. ", "Mick felt really put out because Brian wanted to stay with the Blues.”", "\n\nMore disturbing, he recants, “The Band were buying coke from me. ", "I caught Richard Manuel ripping me off for boots and a shirt. ", "I put a curse on him. (", "guarded laughter) He hung himself! ", "The Band went through a fortune being big time stars in California and trusted the wrong people. ", "Levon (Helm) and Rick (Danko) now can’t stand Robbie Robertson for taking all the writing credits.”", "\n\nA drug-addled warlock himself, Jerry Garcia was one of Aronowitz’s favorite musicians.", "\n\n“He was uptight about what happened to his (stumpy middle) finger,” Aronowitz divulges. “", "His daughter, Sunshine, at the end of our interview, said ‘Did you tell him how your brother cut your finger off!’ ", "He was all upset.”", "\n\nAnother scandalously unrevealed admission is that Aronowitz was the Velvet Underground’s first manager.", "\n\n“Lou Reed was hostile. ", "The only reason Moe Tucker became their drummer is the former percussionist didn’t want to carry equipment upstairs where they’d play. (", "Tormented diva) Nico wanted a band to back her up even though she couldn’t sing for shit. (", "She appears on their debut.) ", "But she was a beautiful piece of ass. ", "But I have no respect for (ensuing manager/ pop art geek) Andy Warhol. ", "I don’t like his art. ", "He was lazy. ", "His concept of editing a film was when the reel ran out.”", "\n\nHe brings forth so many disreputably delicious details in Bob Dylan and The Beatles that expounding upon the peculiar facts seems trite.", "\n\n“John Lennon was a mean drunk,” he consents.", "\n\n“Paul Mc Cartney was hard to get to know. ", "He could be harsh but we got along fine. ", "His wife, Linda, was a stabilizing force,” he reminisces.", "\n\nRemaining friends with George Harrison ‘til his cancerous death despite scoffing over $50,000 from the ex-Beatle in unpaid loans, Aronowitz asserts, “He had the right attitude. ", "He didn’t think he deserved all the money. ", "Money changes everybody.”", "\n\nBecause of Aronowitz’s begrudging demeanor, distrust for editors (“They’re fucking assholes”), and suspicion towards agents, Bob Dylan and The Beatles has been self-published. ", "According to him, former drug predicaments ruined his vocation. ", "He couldn’t get a decent writing gig and felt like a man sentenced to life imprisonment for a crime he didn’t commit.", "\n\nNotwithstanding, he agrees there’s therapeutic evidence of marijuana’s lingering positive affect on our culture. ", "Chapter One pictures him with buddy, George Harrison, enjoying a joint at Friar Park.", "\n\n“My voice has deteriorated so I’m congested and stay away from it. ", "I cough up phlegm,” he insists. “", "Last time I had marijuana it was in a cookie. ", "It’s easier. ", "You’re stoned all day.”", "\n\nHe claims “the government is full of shit” and prohibition created the Mafia, which in turn led to drug gang crime.", "\n\n“Pot could be a good Kentucky cash crop. ", "I wouldn’t recommend hard drugs. ", "I had my taste and now I have too much to do in my golden years. ", "But I don’t like politicians,” he declares. “", "Bush stole the election and took over the country in a coup. ", "It’s totalitarianism. ", "He wants to start a Christian crusade. ", "He’s a cynical moron and evil liar.”", "\n\nObviously, this old hipster may be withered, but he’s not feeble, though he’d rather watch 60 Minutes or Nightline than pay attention to newer artists. ", "He pops in a tape of powerful mezzo-soprano Jean Maderi leading the Vienna Symphony Orchestra after discussing beloved musician-friends Joni Mitchell, Miles Davis, and Ornette Coleman.", "\n\nHow many times do you befriend a cultural figure who had the luxury to turn the Beatles on to weed, introduce Bob Dylan to the Fab Four, hang out with nearly every important ‘60s artist imaginable, and stand by terminally ill premier Italian-American ‘50s entertainer Bobby Darin from the beginning? ", "If you’re a valued columnist like my own humble self, the answer is ONCE! ", "That’s how much!", "\n\nSo before 75-year-old self-described ‘Black Listed Journalist” Al Aronowitz finally succumbs to whatever heart, leg, or throat complication he next tries to endure (editor’s note: he died of cancer by ’06), you’d better give this prized writer his fuckin’ due. (", "Are you listening, Rock & Roll Hall of Fame snobs?) ", "Continuing to mount a strong comeback after cocaine addiction nearly destroyed his life two decades hence, this true “Godfather of Rock Journalism” follows up recent godsend Bob Dylan and The Beatles: Volume One of the Best of the Blacklisted Journalist with equally compelling Bobby Darin Was A Friend Of Mine.", "\n\nUnlike more recognized rock and roll raconteurs or media peers such as American Bandstand’s Dick Clark, troubled New York discjockey Murray The K, and olden television host Ed Sullivan, Aronowitz maintained unlimited access to the era’s most talented and widely exposed stars. ", "He’d contributed frequently to now-defunct Saturday Evening Post and the still-viable New York Post (whose editor fired Aronowitz in ’73 shortly after the luminary reporter’s wife died of cancer, most likely contributing to his spiraling junkie downslide). ", "Absolutely nobody gained as much first-hand knowledge concerning the inner fears, turmoil, and contradictory lifestyle rock’s tumultuous giants experienced as Aronowitz did. ", "The proof is in the pages of both above-mentioned tomes this once-Berkeley Heights, now-Elizabeth, New Jersey native drafted.", "\n\nFocusing on Bobby Darin Was A Friend Of Mine, Aronowitz details the dramatic accounts of Bronx-bred Walden Robert Cassotto. ", "Born May 14, 1936, to 16-year-old mother, Nina Walden, whom he believed to be his sister ‘til post-fame adulthood, and unschooled low-level mobster, Saverio Anthony Cassotto, killed prior to his son’s birth, Darin fulfilled his adolescent dream of reaching major worldwide stardom. ", "Growing up poor in various tenement dwellings with rent-skipping parental vagrants, ‘The Kid,’ as Darin referred to himself, suffered from rheumatic fever and was heavily pampered by matriarchal grandmother, Vivian Fern Walden. ", "Before husky, hulking professional agent Steve Blauner took over Darin’s business duties, brother-in-law/ stepfather Charlie Maffia worked as Darin’s original trusted road manager, and astonishingly, womanizing companion.", "\n\nRecalling Darin’s gloriously sex-starved star-fucking days, Aronowitz affirms, “Bobby liked to walk in on other people when they were fucking and he liked others to walk in while he was fucking. ", "He’d even wear a condom onstage because he’d sometimes reach orgasm.”", "\n\nAfter becoming a commercial jingle singer sponsored by rising entrepreneur Don Kirschner, novelty ’58 debut hit, “Splish Splash,” put ‘The Kid’ on the charts, leading to legendary Las Vegas gigs at the Sahara Hotel. ", "Battles with headstrong manager Blauner (wonderfully staged by Aronowitz early in the book), took place often, but never to the detriment of Darin’s career.", "\n\n“It was Blauner who demanded Darin to cut “Mack The Knife” as a single, even though no one else gave three pennies for its chances,” Aronowitz writes.", "\n\nAronowitz claims, “Bobby didn’t pay much attention to them. ", "He didn’t acknowledge their achievements. ", "He concentrated on getting to living legend status by age 25 because he knew he wasn’t going to live long. ", "Then, when he found out his supposed sister, Nina, was actually his mother, it came as quite a shock to him because all his life he never liked her. ", "She was a very crude person and had a mouth like a stevedore – very uncultured. ", "All of a sudden, he finds out she’s his mother and he goes a little crazy. ", "He then wants to be Bob Dylan and write protest songs.”", "\n\nOn his own label, Direction Records, Darin cut political song, “Long Line Rider” and a few unfairly ignored albums, which were dropped on the heels of his last Top 10 Atlantic Records conquest, ’66s sympathetic Tim Hardin-penned neo-Classical ballad, “If I Were A Carpenter.” ", "Incredibly, Darin never consumed drugs during the hippie-dippy ‘60s, despite dabbling, jabbling, and rabbling with tons of well-known marquee tranquilizers, making him quite an anomaly amongst sundry acid-tripping, marijuana-inhaling peers.", "\n\n“He tried marijuana once or twice and didn’t like it. ", "But his manager, Steve, was a big pot head. ", "We’d smoke in front of Bobby but wouldn’t let him in on it,” Aronowitz recollects with guarded laughter.", "\n\nWhile Aronowitz brings out the fragile nature of many renowned musicians in Bob Dylan and The Beatles, the only significant fragility Darin endured was a weak heart from childhood. ", "A consummate all-around professional entertainer in the manner of Sammy Davis, Jr., Darin toyed with different instruments, executed vigorous dance routines, told jokes, and occasionally pontificated during magnanimous performances, receiving myriad plaudits as a true blue one man spectacle.", "\n\n“He’d say, ‘People hear what they see.’ ", "He was a great showman the same way Mick Jagger’s a great showman,” Aronowitz explains. “", "Bobby was special. ", "I loved hanging out with him and going to his shows. ", "He was a regular guy – a practical joker and a hell of an impersonator.”", "\n\nWas he as charismatic as Dylan and the Beatles? ", "I ask.", "\n\n“No. ", "They beat him by a mile. ", "Bobby was in his own niche. ", "But he had such a fantastic story. ", "He had a tremendous life fighting the odds against death. ", "He’d do such great shows into the early ‘70s. ", "Then, he would be so exhausted he couldn’t climb two steps down off stage. ", "He wanted to die onstage.”", "\n\nDuring Darin’s final months in ‘73, he had called Aronowitz to come out to the West Coast to start writing his memoirs, but quickly began struggling with paranoia, senility, and bowel problems. ", "So Bobby Darin Was A Friend Of Mine got compiled post-death from piles of notes the aged-in-the-wool author had been saving instead.", "\n\n*Coincidental Happenstance: ‘Beyond The Sea’ film*\n\nAnyway… Famed actor Kevin Spacey recently directed, performed, and sang in the semi-biographical Beyond The Sea, a post-Christmas ’04 movie named after one of Darin’s biggest, snazziest, horn-blarin’ hits and apparently reliant on only half the facts.", "\n\nAronowitz clarifies, “It’s been fictionalized like all biopics. ", "When Bobby dies in the film, he’s still with (formerly naïve actress, ex-wife) Sandra Dee, not last love Andrea Yeager. ", "Hollywood just can’t do true stories. ", "They don’t have room for that. ", "But Steve Blauner wants the movie to be a success because he thinks it’s the only one that’s gonna get done on Bobby. ", "He wants to start a whole Bobby Darin buzz. ", "His records will start selling again and he’ll get a piece of it.”" ]
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[ "Disown (Unix)\n\nIn the Unix shells ksh, bash and zsh, the disown builtin command is used to remove jobs from the job table, or to mark jobs so that a SIGHUP signal is not sent to them if the parent shell receives it (e.g. if the user logs out).", "\n\nSee also\n\nnohup, a POSIX command to ignore the HUP (hangup) signal\nJob control (Unix)\n\nExternal links\nBash Reference Manual: Job Control Builtins\n The Z Shell Manual: 17. ", "Shell Builtin Commands\n\nCategory:System administration" ]
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[ "Prosthetic devices are often required for repairing defects in bone tissue in surgical and orthopedic procedures. ", "Prostheses are increasingly required for the replacement or repair of diseased or deteriorated bone tissue in an aging population and to enhance the body's own mechanism to produce rapid healing of musculoskeletal injuries resulting from severe trauma or degenerative disease.", "\nAutografting and allografting procedures have been developed for the repair of bone defects. ", "In autografting procedures, bone grafts are harvested from a donor site in the patient, for example from the iliac crest, to implant at the repair site, in order to promote regeneration of bone tissue. ", "However, autografting procedures are particularly invasive, causing risk of infection and unnecessary pain and discomfort at the harvest site. ", "In allografting procedures, bone grafts are used from a donor of the same species but the use of these materials can raise the risk of infection, disease transmission, and immune reactions, as well as religious objections. ", "Accordingly, synthetic materials and methods for implanting synthetic materials have been sought as an alternative to autografting and allografting.", "\nSynthetic prosthetic devices for the repair of defects in bone tissue have been developed in an attempt to provide a material with the mechanical properties of natural bone materials, while promoting bone tissue growth to provide a durable and permanent repair. ", "Knowledge of the structure and bio-mechanical properties of bone, and an understanding of the bone healing process provides guidance on desired properties and characteristics of an ideal synthetic prosthetic device for bone repair. ", "These characteristics include, but are not limited to: bioresorbability so that the device effectively dissolves in the body without harmful side effects; osteostimulation and/or osteoconductivity to promote bone tissue in-growth into the device as the wound heals; and load bearing or weight sharing to support the repair site yet exercise the tissue as the wound heals to promote a durable repair.", "\nMaterials developed to date have been successful in attaining at least some of the desired characteristics, but nearly all materials compromise at least some aspect of the bio-mechanical requirements of an ideal hard tissue scaffold." ]
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[ "Is \"Adele Dazeem\" Goldie Hawn's Fault?", "\n\nJohn Travolta Blames Goldie Hawn For \"Adele Dazeem\"\n\nJohn Travolta famously flubbed the pronunciation of the \"wickedly talented, one and only\" Idina Menzel's name at the 2014 Academy Awards. ", "He called her Adele Dazeem. ", "A Travoltafier meme was conceived soon after.", "\n\nThis year, Adele Dazeem herself got some sweet revenge on Glom Gazingo. ", "She was lighthearted about the whole name-jumble thing, quipping that it wasn't \"going to follow me around for the rest of my life or anything.\" ", "But, Travolta's \"Yeah, tell me about it\" cut a bit deeper because it has followed him — all year long, at least. ", "He stopped by Jimmy Kimmel Live to explain the whole thing, once and for all.", "\n\nBasically, at last year's awards, Travolta had thought he was supposed to be onstage later than he actually was. ", "And, his page was stuck in an elevator somewhere, so another rushed to get him, or something. ", "After a bit of confusion, the Grease star bumped into Goldie Hawn backstage. ", "Due to how \"charismatic, sexy, [and] beautiful\" Hawn is, Travolta says he was so starstruck that he didn't process the page's update on his cue cards. ", "Apparently, they had changed the spelling of Idina Menzel's name to its phonetic one, which apparently translates to \"Adele Dazeem,\" apparently. \"", "I didn’t rehearse it that way,\" Travolta told Kimmel.", "\n\n\"So, this was Goldie Hawn's fault!\" ", "Kimmel replied.", "\n\n\"Maybe,\" Travolta continued, before asserting that his flub had actually made Menzel's year. ", "Um, hasn't he heard of Frozen?" ]
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[ ".f ../test_bring_files/test_bring_7.txt\n\n >>> End context\nyou are in the kitchen\nto the south there is the living_room\nyou see nothing\n? ", "what do you want to do\n\n >>> End context\nyou are in the library\nto the south there is the hall\nyou see nothing\n? ", "what do you want to do\n\n >>> End context\nyou are in the bathroom\nto the south there is the corridor\nyou see nothing\n? ", "what do you want to do\n\n >>> End context\nyou are in the veranda\nto the east there is the living_room\nyou see some book -s\n? ", "what do you want to do\n\n >>> End context\nyou are in the living_room\nto the east there is the hall\nto the north there is the kitchen\nto the west there is the veranda\nyou see nothing\n? ", "what do you want to do\n\n >>> End context\nyou are in the hall\nto the east there is the corridor\nto the north there is the library\nto the west there is the living_room\nto the south there is the garden\nyou see nothing\nAlfred is here\n? ", "what do you want to do\n\n >>> End context\nyou are in the corridor\nto the east there is the bedroom\nto the north there is the bathroom\nto the west there is the hall\nto the south there is the studio\nyou see nothing\n? ", "what do you want to do\n\n >>> End context\nyou are in the bedroom\nto the west there is the corridor\nyou see nothing\n? ", "what do you want to do\n\n >>> End context\nyou are in the garden\nto the north there is the hall\nto the south there is the street\nyou see nothing\n? ", "what do you want to do\n\n >>> End context\nyou are in the studio\nto the north there is the corridor\nyou see nothing\n? ", "what do you want to do\n\n >>> End context\nyou are in the street\nto the north there is the garden\nyou see nothing\n? ", "what do you want to do\n\n >>> End context\nyou are in the hall\nto the east there is the corridor\nto the north there is the library\nto the west there is the living_room\nto the south there is the garden\nyou see nothing\nAlfred is here\n? ", "what do you want to do\nbring a book to Alfred\n.x\n -> west\n.", "\nwest\n\n >>> End context\nyou are in the living_room\nto the east there is the hall\nto the north there is the kitchen\nto the west there is the veranda\nyou see nothing\n? ", "what do you want to do\n.x\n -> west\n.", "\nwest\n\n >>> End context\nyou are in the veranda\nto the east there is the living_room\nyou see some book -s\n? ", "what do you want to do\n.x\n -> take the\n ... -> book\n.", "\ntake the book\nyou take a book\n.x\n -> east\n.", "\neast\n\n >>> End context\nyou are in the living_room\nto the east there is the hall\nto the north there is the kitchen\nto the west there is the veranda\nyou see nothing\n? ", "what do you want to do\n.x\n -> east\n.", "\neast\n\n >>> End context\nyou are in the hall\nto the east there is the corridor\nto the north there is the library\nto the west there is the living_room\nto the south there is the garden\nyou see nothing\nAlfred is here\n? ", "what do you want to do\n.x\n -> give the\n ... -> book to Alfred\n.", "\ngive the book to Alfred\nyou give the book to Alfred\n.x\n -> \n.", "\n\n\n >>> End context\n.q\n.q\n" ]
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[ "\nThe Future of Mathematics? [", "pdf] - mathgenius\nhttp://wwwf.imperial.ac.uk/~buzzard/one_off_lectures/msr.pdf\n======\nocfnash\nI've been following Buzzard's evangelism of proof assistants for some time.", "\n\nA few months ago I decided to try formalising some old mathematics olympiad\nproblems in Coq. ", "Part of my motivation was to get a sense for how much work\nwould be involved in proving something slightly non-trivial but still very\nelementary. ", "I managed it, but it was _a lot_ more work than expected (results\nhere: [https://github.com/ocfnash/imo-coq](https://github.com/ocfnash/imo-\ncoq)).", "\n\nPartly based on this exercise, I think that while it is possible that\nmathematics may go the way of chess, so to speak, it is a lot more distant\nthan the ten years mentioned in this article.", "\n\nI strongly support, very much hope, and even expect, that the use of proof\nassistants may become mainstream in mathematics within a generation or so but\nI think it is impossible to guess the exact role they will play accurately.", "\n\n~~~\nmeuk\nI like to think that I'm good at these combinatorics-kind of questions, but I\ncan't wrap my head around this one. ", "I can follow the construction of the\nmatrix, but I don't understand how you came up with the formula.", "\n\n~~~\nocfnash\nI presume you've been looking at my presentation here\n[http://olivernash.org/2019/07/06/coq-\nimo/index.html](http://olivernash.org/2019/07/06/coq-imo/index.html) which I\nconfess is quite concise; apologies if it is too terse.", "\n\nReusing the notation of my post, here's how the formula arises.", "\n\nThe argument based on counting cells that are either row/column good/bad\nrequires the following of the parameter k:\n\n \n \n 1. ", "k-1 < r/m\n 2. ", "k-1 < c/n\n 3. ", "k−1 < cr/(c(m-1) + r(n-1))\n \n\nThese are equivalent to:\n\n \n \n 1. ", "k <= ceil r m\n 2. ", "k <= ceil c n\n 3. ", "k <= ceil cr (c(m-1) + r(n-1))\n \n\nAnd so it is sufficient to have:\n\n \n \n k <= min (ceil r m) (ceil c n) (ceil cr (c(m-1) + r(n-1)))\n \n\nWe can then rearrange this to the headline formula by noting:\n\n \n \n * ceil r m = ceil (cr) (cm)\n * ceil c n = ceil (cr) (mr)\n \n\nAnd then simplifying by repeatedly using the fact that for any x, y, z:\n\n \n \n * min (ceil x y) (ceil x z) = ceil x (max y z)\n \n\nAll this is of course in the Coq code. ", "E.g., the last fact mentioned above is\nhere: [https://github.com/ocfnash/imo-\ncoq/blob/f6d2e8337fadf00583fd...](https://github.com/ocfnash/imo-\ncoq/blob/f6d2e8337fadf00583fd09f86faf9cba62a25677/q3_2001/inequalities.v#L50)\n\n~~~\nkrapht\nRelated: [https://imo-grand-challenge.github.io/](https://imo-grand-\nchallenge.github.io/)\n\n~~~\nocfnash\nCool!", "\n\n------\nivan_ah\nCould someone with knowledge of both COQ and LEAN provide more\ninfo/comparison? ", "Are they based on the same foundation or are there\ndifferences? ", "Might it be possible to automatically convert proofs between the\ntwo? ", "What about \"strategies\" ?", "\n\nI was able to find a basic example of the natural numbers and the operation\n`plus` in both languages, and it seems like the structure is quite similar.", "\n\nCoq:\n\n \n \n Inductive nat : Type :=\n | O : nat\n | S : nat → nat. ", " (* S stands for successor *)\n \n Fixpoint plus (n : nat) (m : nat) : nat :=\n match n with\n | O ⇒ m\n | S n' ⇒ S (plus n' m)\n end.", "\n \n\nvia [https://softwarefoundations.cis.upenn.edu/lf-\ncurrent/Basics....](https://softwarefoundations.cis.upenn.edu/lf-\ncurrent/Basics.html#lab30)\n\nLean:\n\n \n \n inductive nat : Type\n | zero : nat\n | succ : nat → nat\n \n def plus : nat → nat → nat\n | m nat.zero := m\n | m (nat.succ n) := nat.succ (plus m n)\n \n \n\nvia\n[https://leanprover.github.io/introduction_to_lean/](https://leanprover.github.io/introduction_to_lean/)\n\n~~~\nkrapht\nThere are subtle differences. ", "What ostensibly they are both based on the\ncalculus of inductive constructions, there are incompatible extensions to the\nlogic in the kernel.", "\n\nThe majority is convertible, though. ", "If I had to make a programming analogy,\nit would be like converting between C++ and D, or different Lisp dialects. ", "The\ndifference is bigger than Python 3 vs Python 2, but less than F# vs OCaml.", "\nClearly possible, in a sense, and if you can read one language, you can read\nthe other, but automatic conversion is just out of reach due to edge cases.", "\n\n------\nsolinent\nThe biggest problem in mathematics has never been proving theorems.", "\nMathematics was never focused on proof until the formalization of math became\npopular approximately 100 years ago. ", "Mathematics is used as a tool to explain\nthe world and to create the least-complex model which predicts the data.", "\n\nSo computers can aid us in verifying our work--but ultimately we aren't\ninterested in determining all the possible logical theorems. ", "Instead, we're\nonly interested in finding the logically valid theorems which serve the above\npurpose of explaining the patterns in the world concisely.", "\n\nIt's a subtle difference, but for computers to solve that problem requires for\nthem to have a certain understanding of humans and our goals with science.", "\n\nI think that's more than 10 years out.", "\n\n~~~\nncmncm\nMathematicians choose what to keep according to aesthetics. ", "Mathematics can\nonly be defined as what mathematicians like.", "\n\nFor a long time, they didn't like irrationals, so anything involving those\ndidn't count as mathematics. ", "Zero took a long time to be accepted, starting in\nIndia. ", "Negative solutions of quadratics were illegitimate until astonishingly\nrecent days. ", "Complex numbers were accepted even more recently. ", "Greek geometers\nknew they lived on a sphere, but spherical geometry was too unpleasant to\ncontemplate until quite recently, when it turned out interesting theorems\ncould live there.", "\n\nPeople worked outside these boundaries all along, but what they wrote didn't\ncatch on. ", "Laplace's transforms were ignored and forgotten until they were\nneeded to shore up Heaviside's extremely practical D operator. ", "Complex numbers\nturned out to be needed to for electromagnetics. ", "Once people got deeply into\nthe topic, they discovered beauty and then mathematics accepted them.", "\n\nMathematics is the world's largest and longest-running effort to produce a\ncollective work of sublime beauty. ", "What is beautiful goes in, what isn't dies\nwith its creator. ", "New forms come to be seen as beautiful as they are shown to\nopen new vistas to explore, but very slowly.", "\n\n~~~\njacobolus\n> _For a long time, they didn 't like irrationals, so anything involving those\n> didn't count as mathematics._", "\n\nNote that this is more or less a myth.", "\n\n> _Greek geometers knew they lived on a sphere, but spherical geometry was too\n> unpleasant to contemplate until quite recently_\n\nAstronomers did a huge amount of sophisticated spherical geometry, from\nMesopotamians through e.g. Hipparchus and later Ptolemy, then Arabs/Persians,\nIndians, medieval Europeans, right down to the present.", "\n\n~~~\nncmncm\nWhy then, was violating Euclid's fifth axiom explored so recently?", "\n\nI assume yo have no problem with the rest.", "\n\n~~~\nRerarom\nBecause they considered the sphere as embedded in 3D space.", "\n\n------\nchris5745\n[https://leanprover.github.io/about/](https://leanprover.github.io/about/)\n\n~~~\njoe_the_user\nThe entire article makes it sound like Lean is significant step in usability\nand power over other systems. ", "That seems like an important thing and makes me\ninterested to download it and play with it.", "\n\nMicrosoft Research seems to have done some exciting things with provers over\nthe years - Z3 is another significant program. ", "All under the direction of\nLeonardo de Moura, notably.", "\n\n~~~\n0815test\nPower, perhaps. ", "But I'm a bit skeptical about usability. ", "Lean doesn't even use\none of the most obvious things that make interactive proof systems far more\nusable - a declarative mode instead of the usual tactics-based scripts. (", "Yes,\nyou can kinda sorta fake the former with \"structuring\" tactics, except not\nreally - declarative proofs are really their own kind of thing.) ", "There even\nused to be systems that automatically rendered inputed definitions and\ndeclarative proofs in natural language (given that the basic terms and symbols\nwere previously defined of course) which does enable even an average\nmathematician to easily figure out what the system is up to. ", "You just can't do\nthis properly if all you have is a list of \"tactics\" fiddling with the prover\nstate.", "\n\n~~~\nkrapht\n\"Lean doesn't even use one of the most obvious things that make interactive\nproof systems far more usable - a declarative mode instead of the usual\ntactics-based scripts.\"", "\n\nCitation needed. ", "I can make a perfectly reasonable Isar-style declarative\nproof in Lean. ", "Just because most users of Lean choose not to do this doesn't\nmean it can't be done. ", "I should mention that users are more willing to write\nimperative proof code instead of declarative in Lean is because 1) the\ninteractive debugger is responsive and easy to use, and 2) writing a nicely\nstructured declarative proof is more work than an imperative proof.", "\n\n~~~\nratmice\nIndeed, most of the book\n[https://leanprover.github.io/logic_and_proof/](https://leanprover.github.io/logic_and_proof/)\nis entirely term mode proofs, with tactics largely absent.", "\n\n------\nadamnemecek\nI agree with this wholeheartedly. ", "The down side is that it's going to take\nforever to get everyone on board. ", "Mathematicians are very hostile to outside\ninfluences.", "\n\nConstructive mathematics should be more of a thing too.", "\n\n~~~\njewelry\nI don't think Mathematicians themselves didn't like this idea. ", "In fact Hilbert\ntried it\n([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilbert%27s_program](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilbert%27s_program))\none hundred years ago and it failed and proved to be not possible. ", "Well maybe\nthe Hilbert program is too aggressive, and this Lean thing is much moderate.", "\nBut at the end of the day, the boundary of what program solver could do is\nbounded already hence no one is paying too much attention.", "\n\n~~~\nadamnemecek\nThings get nicer when you accent constructive mathematics.", "\n\nI (I'm not the only one) think that Hilbert was wrong.", "\n\n------\ninflatableDodo\n_\" So if proper mathematicians aren’t interested in a proof of the odd order\ntheorem, what are they interested in?", "\n\nExample: Perfectoid spaces.", "\n\n(Topic) - Proof of odd order theorem - Perfectoid spaces\n\nGot author a Fields Medal? - ", "Yes (1970) - Yes (2018)\n\nHigh level mathematics? - ", "No - Yes\n\nLots of PhD students and post-docs working in the area? - ", "No - Yes\n\nTalks happening about these things all over the world? - ", "No - Yes\n\nMathematicans interested in 2019? - ", "No - Yes\n\nEarlier this year, Patrick Massot, Johan Commelin and myself formalised the\ndefinition of a perfectoid space in Lean. ", "I am getting invitations from across\nthe EU to speak in mathematics departments about the work. ", "Serious piece of\nresearch, or elaborate PR stunt? ", "Maybe both.\"_", "\n\nThey may be learning more than programming from their contacts in the computer\ndepartment. ", "Is always much easier to get something out there when it is fully\nbuzzword compatible.", "\n\n------\nMyrmornis\n> Possible: tools such as Lean will begin to do research semi-autonomously,\n> perhaps uncover problems in the literature. ", "Maybe these tools will replace\n> research mathematicians.", "\n\n> In April, Christian Szegedy from Google told me that he believes that\n> computers will be beating humans at math within ten years.", "\n\nI wonder whether automated mathematics software would really be able to\ncompete with humans at explaining how areas of mathematics fit together and\nwhat roles different mathematical objects play.", "\n\nI'm not a mathematician so sorry for the simplistic example, but for example,\nwould automated mathematics software be able to do something like (a) invent\nthe complex numbers (i.e. as an object in algebra -- a \"field extension\" of\nthe reals), and (b) also make a statement like \"these are useful for modeling\ncyclical/oscillatory behavior\"?", "\n\n~~~\na_imho\n_In April, Christian Szegedy from Google told me that he believes that\ncomputers will be beating humans at math within ten years._", "\n\nFrom my experience the track record of Outlandish Claims Made by People Having\nVested Interest in Casting Them is rather poor. ", "In fact, I can not recall a\nsingle one that was accurate.", "\n\n~~~\nwilliamstein\nI was at Buzzard's talk at Microsoft last week. ", "Kevin spent a lot of time in\nthe live talk explaining what he thinks Szegedy actually meant (there should\neventually be video on youtube of this). ", "Kevin clarified that in his opinion\nwhat Szegedy means by \"math\" isn't at all what Kevin means by \"math\", since it\ntakes so long to get to the frontiers of research math. ", "In particular, Kevin\nspeculated that for Szegedy \"math\" is some specific research questions in\ncombinatorics, which isn't at all what Kevin's view of \"math\" is. ", "So Kevin's\nconclusion was that Szegedy really means that computers will beat humans at\n\"something specific involving combinatorics\" in the next ten years. ", "Kevin\nwasn't optimistic about the same claim was about number theory, unless 10\nyears is replaced by \"some day\".", "\n\nKevin also explained live in his talk that his main motivation for his recent\ninterest in interactive theorem provers is a very bad experience he had a few\nyears ago refereeing an important research paper by some famous\nmathematicians. ", "That experience very much shook his faith in the ability of\nhumans to do correct deep mathematics... I suppose from that perspective\n\"computers will be beating humans\" might just mean that humans are convinced\nof a (false!) ", "result, but computers can't be convinced of that same false\nresult (in the sense that nobody can formalize it).", "\n\n(Incidentally, some of the people at Kevin's talk were at Richard Stallman's\ntalk in the same place the day before. ", "Evidently RMS didn't allow any pictures\nor video, so not much will appear from that.)", "\n\n------\njoker3\nNo one is going to care until an important proof can't be verified and a\ncounterexample to some step is found. ", "At that point, you'll see a sea change.", "\nThis could take twenty years, or it could happen next year.", "\n\n------\nxvilka\nThere are way more libraries and plugins for Coq though. ", "Using Lean would\nrequire writing them by yourself.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "MOOP MAP LIVE, Day 3: Esplanade and the Big Black Spot\n\nHello sports fans, MOOP maniacs and line sweepers extraordinaire! ", "The Hun here, reporting from Gerlach where things are starting to get VERY exciting for the DPW Playa Restoration team.", "\n\nMOOP flees in fear from the intrepid team of Bad Ash, Drink Water and Deadpan.", "\n\nOn Day Three of Line Sweeps, your Black Rock City home team swept through the remainder of the back blocks, then made a daring rush up the 10:00 edge and onto the Esplanade. ", "Now in peak condition and thoroughly trained for the task, our Restoration MOOPers were eager to tackle the double-wide blocks of Esplanade and Anniversary, the very center of Burning Man’s epic antics.", "\n\nWhat will our brave Restoration team find on 10:00 and Esplanade? ", "Will those heavily-trafficked blocks be Go-Go-Go Green, or Full Stop Red? ", "Read on to find out…\n\nClick to enlarge!", "\n\nWow folks, that’s what you call a mixed bag. ", "DA, Playa Restoration manager, had this to say:\n\nThe outer playa along 10:00 where the sound camps tend to cut loose was fairly messy. ", "Solid yellow with smatterings of red and a significant Red area between C-D. The open playa area around 10:15 between Esplanade and A was a challenging mess and slowed us up considerably. ", "This spot earned the color of BLACK, which is only awarded to the worst, most time-consuming messes. ", "The Special Forces Crew easily clocked in 50 man hours between 15 people restoring that site alone before getting it under control.", "\n\nSo far, so good. ", "The Esplanade is mostly Green, with a handful of partially Red camps slowing us down to a crawl here and there.", "\n\nWondering what we found in those red zones? ", "Our Special Forces report the following:\n\n8:30 & Esplanade: Wood debris and particle board, confetti, plastic debris and metal hardware.8:00 & Esplanade: An apparently small-ish pile of wood chips which had unfortunately been dragged all over the block. ", "A clear case of “never let it hit the ground.", "”7:40 & Esplanade: A huge amount of wood chips, apparently from disintegrated OSB, that had blown throughout a large area.7:20 & Esplanade: Wood debris, pneumatic staples, metal hardware… and crawfish legs and shells.", "\n\nYes, crawfish.", "\n\nWhat was in the BLACK spot? ", "Oh… EVERYTHING.", "\n\nOn hands and knees, the Special Forces team cleans the playa's messiest spots.", "\n\nYes, that’s some rough stuff folks — but look at all those green blocks! ", "Considering how many people (and crawfish) the Esplanade camps served, they left a pretty clean playing field for our Restoration team.", "\n\nThe Hun, also known as J.H. Fearless, has been blogging for Burning Man (and many other outlets) since 2005, which is also the year she joined the BRC DPW on a whim that turned out to be a ten-year commitment. ", "Since then she's won some awards for blogging, built her own creative business, and produced some of the Burning Blog's most popular stories and series. ", "She co-created a grant-funded art piece, \"Refoliation,\" in 2007, and stood next to it watching the Man burn on Monday night during a full lunar eclipse. ", "She considers that, in many ways, to have been the symbolic end of Burning Man that was. ", "The Hun lives in Reno with DPW Shade King, Quiet Earp. ", "You may address her as \"The Hun\" or \"Hun\". ", "If you call her \"Honey\" she reserves the right to cut you.", "\n\nI was wondering though, what happens at large/popular art? ", "I’ve never seen it on the map but I’ve seen lots of MOOP in these areas during the event, and surely not all artists are responsible enough (or have the manpower) to deMOOP their areas after taking down their art. ", "Does the playa restoration team deMOOP these areas and they just doesn’t get mapped?", "\n\nHey guys (and gals)…just wanted to say a big THANK YOU! ", "for all your hard work out there. ", "That picture of you all out there on your knees mooping was pretty moving. ", "It really shows how difficult and time-consuming your jobs are. ", "Thanks again!", "\n\nWow, I am amazed at this level of dedication and I appreciate your hard work, Playa Restoration Crew!!!!!!!!!! ", "The sound camp people gave a lot to my enjoyment, and I’m sure a lot of people enjoying the music dancing and revelry are very much responsible for any red areas….always room for improvement….a challenge to be met next year, for certain!!!!!!", "\n\nThank you, thank you, thank you for all your hard work. ", "You are what makes it possible for us to come back every year, and for that, we all owe you our deepest gratitude. ", "THANK YOU, DPW Restoration Crew!", "\n\n@Jody: uhm, you noticed a lot of MOOP near some of the major art? ", "maybe it would have been nice to pick it up. ", "We try to always keep a MOOP container (be it cloth bag or modified water jug) on our bikes for just such occasions.", "\n\nLast year after the man burn I was out early doing a little MOOPing and enjoying the morning light. ", "Someone asked me if picking up Trash was my job. ", "I told them it was everyone’s job…but they just looked confused and rode off.", "\n\nI’d love to see more people MOOPing the open playa and around the porta potties and …well… Everywhere! ", "It’d be nice to see the MOOP crew off the playa in a couple of days instead of weeks.", "\n\nplaya resto does hit the big art areas as well as everything between the man and esplanade. ", "Mostly, I think the big sound camps have the largest challenge of us all for creating a space where people come to get ‘loose’ and zombie themselves out all night long. ", "Cigarette butts and glow stick connectors galore. ", "How does one police their streetfront where thousands of people show up each night to dance and lose their (figurative and literal) shit? ", "daily moop sweeps… day labor… having the human power spending time after the big name dj’s have left in their fancy rv’s to crawl through their dancefloors and erase the traces? ", "it’s a huge challenge.", "\n\ni guess it’s a matter of setting priorities…what is more important? ", "Large sound camps that entertain the masses but can’t fulfill the leave no trace requirement, or the leave no trace requirement (ethic)? ", "Maybe the size of a camp should be determined more by their ability to adhere to the principles and ability to MOOP than it should by its size and entertainment value? ", "Continuing to complain about it while doing all the work of cleaning up after them gives no incentive for them to even try to leave no trace, and actually discourages others to want to follow the policy as well. ", "Might “Too big to MOOP” mean “Too big to be on the playa”?", "\n\nHi guys, my camp’s been trying to figure out what our MOOP report means. ", "We were on the corner of 8 and Esplanade (the 7:55 corner) and it’s all green except a long rectangular shape labeled red. ", "That’s about the size and shape of our evaporation pool, but everyone swears it was packed away cleanly, and I remember checking out the area myself after takedown, and it was all good. ", "Please reply to me if you have an idea how our evap pool left a trace? ", "Or if you know the address where we can direct this inquiry?", "\nThis is mostly curiosity on my part, but could also impact our placement next year\nThanks\n\nI’m asking everyone to weigh in on this issue, and it would be great to have your opinions as part of that discussion.", "\n\nJody – Like NikO says, we do hit all the art sites. ", "They don’t always get marked on the MOOP Map, but we definitely clean them up as necessary, and communicate with artists if there’s a mess left behind. ", "It’s really the artist’s responsibility to MOOP their own site — *nobody* should be relying on Playa Restoration to take care of cleaning up for them. ", "In fact, I believe the Artery requires honorarium artists to MOOP their sites before they can leave (and receive their final check).", "\n\nJohn Kisha, alexis, Baby Squid – We love to do it! ", "Your gratitude means a lot, though. ", "Thank YOU for caring.", "\n\nBean – Neck punch, CHECK. ", "Bad Ash is an Aussie, however, and Deadpan seems set on staying in St. Louis. ", "No accounting for taste eh?", "\n\nDusty Rusty – Yes, it would be amazing to work ourselves out of a job because there was no MOOP to be found! ", "Thanks for your contributions, and please keep up the good work. ", "You’re the best.", "\n\nVictoria – great question! ", "Evap ponds and showers usually leave a different sort of trace. ", "There may not be a lot of visible MOOP in the area, but there will often be water stains and damage to the playa surface, which needs to be raked and broken up. ", "In some cases, the dirt is contaminated with gray water and actually needs to be removed. ", "Also, many evap ponds leave behind matted hair, bits of food and other small debris. ", "The Restoration crew then winds up digging your hair and eggshells out of the playa with their hands, a pretty unpleasant task. ", "It may be that you had a leak, or that you simply didn’t MOOP with enough attention to detail. ", "I’m not sure if we can give you the exact details of what we found, but if that’s where your evap pond was, then next year you should spend a lot more time cleaning up your evap pond. ", "Nice job on the rest of your camp, though!", "\n\n@Dusty Rusty, of course I pick it up! ", "If I normally see MOOP in an area though, that means there’s more that I wasn’t able to find, more that was dropped after I left, etc. ", "I can’t deMOOP everything myself!", "\n\nI stop to pick up MOOP if I see some on my bike (or chase it down, which is exciting.) ", "I’ll admit I don’t always pick up MOOP around the potties because there’s just so much of it. ", "And once in 2008 I found a huge number of zip tie ends around an installation (OK, it was the tetris blocks) and left them because there were more than my girlfriend and I could handle alone. ", "But you know why not picking up MOOP stands out in my mind? ", "Because I almost always pick it up!", "\n\nJody, sorry for making an assumption. ", "Oh, and I hated 2010…spent a lot of time running after red feathers blowing around deep playa. ", "now that I think about it we probably looked crazy chasing around after stuff people at a distance couldn’t see.", "\n\nMy camp and I spent 6 hours in the exodus line. ", "We played a lot of chess and hide and go seek, it was probably the most fun I’ve ever had waiting in line anywhere, but that said, I bet had we known we would be in line for 6 hours, we could have put our time to better burner use.", "\n\nIt struck me after reading this blog post that a lot of people might have been in the same possition, so I thought why not see if people would be willing to spend time they would normally have spent waiting in line to do moop sweeps on the troublesome areas (seems like sound camp areas are the ones that get the most moop traffic if I’m reading the older maps correctly) of BRC.", "\n\nI suppose the trouble would be “organizing” that… Anyway, deffinitely going to consider leaving later next year and sticking around to help deMoop the projected trouble spots.", "\n\nThis is year 7 coming up – lucky me! ", "Had no issue leaving getting up Sun AM and rolling quietly out of dodge. ", "But I hear the treck issue. (", "yes I demooped)\n\nHow about when you buy your ticket, you get a preferred time to leave printed on the ticket. ", "that same time would help people decide what ticket to get during purchase: number of tickets + time to leave + date of purchase + eligible discount = ticket price.", "\n\nIf you show up at your exit with the preferred time window, you get to enter that line and treated like a HOV preference. ", "This would encourage people to plan their exit in consideration for the limited resources and bandwidth.", "\n\nCarry a small trash bag with for any possible moop disposal. ", "Tie it to your bike and there you are….I agree there should be responsibility of the people that go to the big camps, since BM is more of an honor system, hoping the spirit of the Man gets through to people who choose to attend.", "\n\nOOOO just read Smenkare’s post…how about gifting a quicker exodus line to people who participate in a certain amount of time on Moop patrol outside those big camp areas that were heavy before they exodus?????? ", "Positive reinforcement…..\n\nThank you guys!!!! ", "Seeing your photo working on restoring the Playa really made an impression! ", "Even more attention to MOOP next year then on my side, being a first year burner, a picture like the one you posted, really explains much better the amount of work that you do with love to allow us to go Home again! ", "And patiently waiting for results on our camp! ", "Love and hugs to all of you!", "\n\nThat red area on the Playa at 10:00 & D was where the 1″ of rebar was sticking up. ", "No doubt U got it or it was no longer there.", "\n\nI’m a MOOP maniac on the Playa (I walk everywhere with plenty of room in my backpack) . . . ", "found a gram of weed (thought it was tobacco when I picked it up) and bit of coke? (", "tiny zip-lock) on separate occasions this year.", "\n\nTwo years ago (didn’t go last year ’cause I knew the Playa was not smooth) I found a camera (found the owner on this forum’s lost & found), also found a 10-strip (tiny zip-lock) and some ‘shrooms (separate occasions, the latter in a baggie).", "\n\nI have been one of the head people on a major soundcamp for the last 8 years. ", "Besides spending TONS of my own money, Months of time away from work, and even more time away from home in order to make the camp happen, I am always the last on the playa cleaning up as well. ", "Last year we got kicked off the playa on thursday night by BLM under the threat of multiple 500 dollar fines. ", "There was over 15 of us still there cleaning. ", "We are left cleaning up after all of you. ", "Everyone makes a mess when they go to have fun for the night. ", "it just happens. ", "And most of you have probably been at our camp at least once. ", "Stuff falls out of peoples pockets, people lose or forget things. ", "we had almost half of a 20ft uhaul full of OTHER Peoples trash. ", "Our trash disposal budget is about 400 dollars and Our campers all pack out their own mess (mostly). ", "Just remember that most of these camps are trying their best to leave the playa clean but it is not easy when 20,000 people visit and party at your camp. ", "the 10 and esplanade black is a tragedy. ", "i went by there. ", "it looked like they didn’t even sweep it at all. ", "We have gotten mostly green the last few years but when we have gotten yellow or even some red spots we never knew what the problem was therefore we didn’t even know how to fix it for the next year. ", "I am really excited about the way the moop map is being done this year. ", "Hopefully we start getting the feedback we need to start improving. ", "Thanks Restoration team!", "\n\nWe’re super stoked that our plan worked!! ", "Green, green and green. :-) ", "Here’s how we did it: as with every other part of our program, we simply put someone in charge of it. ", "Our LNT lead did the research into best practices ahead of time, scheduled and trained *others in our camp* on the moop sweeps, was the camp go-to person for questions and ideas and (etc) throughout our two weeks on the playa, creating the perfect atmosphere for us to hold ourselves accountable. ", "So cool to see it reflected here! ", "Super thanks to the PRT for the work you’re doing and the feedback your sending back!!", "\n\nplease erase my previous post on this page due to typos from strong coffee, sorry\n\nWOW! ", "I camped @ 10 & E. I was amazed by the disrespect our turf got during the event. ", "Not surprised that our neighbor’s area was BLACK. ", "Folks were leaving everything behind, from BBQs to oriental rugs. ", "BASTARDS were pissing around my truck & stashing their garbage bags. ", "Every morning I was shocked by the garbage littered around our stage. ", "The toilet paper was everywhere!!! ", "HAVING TO BRING YOUR OWN TOILET PAPER WILL SOLVE THAT. ", "What the fk is with all the water bottles, seriously, NOT ONLY ARE THEY MOOPY, BOTTLED WATER IS RIDICULOUS AND MAKES YOU LOOK LIKE A IGNORANT, ANOYING, CONSUMING, E-TARDED, SPOILED, RESOURSE WASTING PIG!!! ", "IT IS TIME FOR RVs TO BE BANNED! ", "EDWARD ABBEY WOULD AGREE. ", "I hope privileges are not granted next year for the MOOPY MOTHER FKRS – SERIOUSLY, BASECAMP WORKED EXTEAMLY HARD TO KEEP OUR HOOD UNDER WRAPS! ", "BIG UPS FOR UTAH! ", "BIG UP FOR THE COPS THAT RESPECTED US AND HELPED KEEP US SAFE! ", "THANK YOU OLDSCHOOLERS FOR TAKING CARE OF THE KIDS. ", "THANK YOU BMAN CREW FOR PROVIDING US A CHANCE TO SPREAD OUR WINGS! ", "BMAN NEEDS TO BE PRESERVED! ", "IT GIVES US A NEW OPORTUNITY TO DREAM A DIFFERENT DREAM AND TO MAKE THOSE DREAMS A REALITY! ", "THANK YOU FOR THE TEMPLE AND GIVING US A CHANCE TO FEEL A NEW SPIRIT! ", "MUCH LOVE!!!", "\n\nThe crawfish legs are almost certainly from my camp (Lonesome Gator Gumbo Cookery in the Black Rock French Quarter).", "\n\nI am trying to figure out how to deal with this for the future. ", "Is it possible to get a little more information on what was found and where? ", "Were the legs in the picture the biggest pieces found?", "\n\nWe put down tarps and swept the area after the public crawfish boil Tuesday night. ", "If those are the size of the pieces found, my guess is that they were tracked off the tarps on people’s shoes and fell off a bit away from the actual location. ", "If that is the case I need to think of some solution or just not hold the crawfish boil next year, which would be unfortunate as people had an amazing time.", "\n\nAnyway I would appreciate getting some more detail so I can figure out if there is a solution.", "\n\nIf you want, you can contact me off this page at josh.prime.bm on google mail.", "\n\nHOORAY for GREEN in Camp Ynot! ", "6:45 & H cleaned up nice! ", "We promise to keep up the good work next year and encourage others to do the same! ", "Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of your hard work! ", "To the folks who fueled the MOOP fire, karma is a bitch.", "\n\nCan anyone tell me how much moop was by the porta potties this year… I was camped right by them at 9:30 and H and I spent a lot of time rescuing rolling toilet rolls, tampon wrappers, a few errant tampons (OMG Ladies OMG!)and misc. ", "plastic cups that kept falling out the doors of the porta potties and blowing away… After a while, I just kept the rolls that I found rolling in the wind in my truck and then in the morning when there was no toilet paper, I would pass it out to the people standing there… I just got tired of returning one blowing around roll at a time. ", "My camp tried real hard to pick up Moop… I was rewarded by the Moop Gods by a large bag of trash that someone “gifted” me Monday morning by placing it right by the door of my truck camper, as if Santa (from Hell) had just stopped by…. ", "I brought it home and threw it away, but seriously that blew big chunks…. ", "take home your own trash children.", "\n\nSome people just don’t get it. ", "I tried to explain to some fratboy types last year why they should not be having their Silly String fight. ", "Their assumption was that as long as the string dries up into dust, it’s okay.", "\n\nIT’S NOT OKAY. ", "It’s some rather nasty toxic chemicals that have now become one with the playa. ", "Just because you can’t SEE the trace you leave doesn’t mean it’s not there. ", "This goes for your gray water, your piss, and the glitter you trail after you…\n\nWhy would ANY sound camp and their organizers want to come to BM with the excruciating burden placed upon them? ", "they don’t have show up in the first place. ", "Be high and mighty and have NO gratitude for how beautiful wonderful the sounds camps are and what amazing experiences they create for BM participants. ", "Don’t acknowledge the slave like efforts that it takes to get a sound camp up and running, particularly one as spectacular as Temple of Boom. ", "I for one, LOVED Temple of Boom and connecting with all the thousands and thousands of people there every night. ", "It was THE place to be. ", "I hate the trashing, criticizing, threatening, shaming, and belittling. ", "With out the sound camps BM would only be half the wonderful experience that I had at BM. ", "Thank you Temple of Boom. ", "Thank you to all the sound camps I went to every night.", "\n\nSmenkare, Monkeygurl – I love the idea of letting Exodus folks get involved in MOOPing!! ", "Yes, organizing it could be difficult… or it could be easy, if you planned it out right. ", "Just one “MOOP taxi” ferrying people to and from the Exodus line… think that’s something you could try to organize for next year?", "\n\nDaryl – Interesting idea. ", "I don’t really know how all that is organized, but maybe you can talk to the Gate about it.", "\n\n666isMONEY – We actually find tons of rebar, so I’m sure we got that one and now we’ll recycle it for cash ;) I love good groundscores too, found some great stuff in my day.", "\n\nsoundcamp cleaner – Your story is EXACTLY what people need to hear. ", "I don’t think anyone, including DPW, knows just how much trash y’all have to deal with. ", "Is there some way you could do more education at your camp, maybe having the DJs make announcements, or organizing community line sweeps? ", "Seems like if you had more help from your visitors, everything would be a little better. ", "Thank you for all you do.", "\n\nCULT – Uh, that was a lot of yelling. ", "I feel your pain and anguish, but try not to be quite so aggressive okay? ", "You do make a good point about water bottles, and I’m glad you’re bringin’ the love. ", "Keep on doing the best you can, that’s all we can do.", "\n\nLeighann – Yay Ynot!!", "\n\nMercedese Witty – The potties are always sort of a war zone. ", "When you MOOP those areas, always wear rubber gloves okay? ", "We spend a fair amount of time cleaning up porta potty banks, raking out the soil and removing any “blue juice” that fell on the playa. ", "It is a mess, but a necessary one, so it’s okay.", "\n\nAG – Oh, haha… I have cleaned up a lot of silly string out here. ", "I know what you’re talking about. ", "Also, lots of people think that “natural” MOOP like pistachio shells and wood chips are okay, but they’re not. ", "The education continues…\n\nbrodi wan – Yes, that’s part of it. ", "But there’s also the fact that the theme camps aren’t actually the ones leaving all that MOOP. ", "It’s the people who come to visit, and theme campers wind up cleaning up after thousands. ", "So it’s tough.", "\n\nHi guys! ", "Thank you so much for the work that you are doing!!! ", "If I had the resources to be there I would (alas, work rent and bills beckon my presence). ", "I am so grateful that we have folks who are able to be there to clean up the wreckage of our presence on the Playa." ]
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[ "The Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) is devoted to developing and using engineering and technology to advance human health and well-being and to building the next generation of biomedical engineers to realize that vision. ", "Innovative technologies are being developed and medical advances are occurring at a rapid rate while global problems are increasing in complexity. ", "In order to keep pace and meet challenges, biomedical engineering must train and develop the best talent and draw that talent from all sectors. ", "BMES is uniquely positioned as a professional society to play an active role in leading the discipline and shaping the future of biomedical engineering. ", "Beyond research and educational presentations, through its Annual Meeting, BMES will provide opportunities for strategic network building, career development and advancement, sharing ideas, recognizing and promoting talent, developing and promoting professional excellence and broadening the participation of underserved and underrepresented groups. ", "The theme of this year's meeting is Innovation at the Interface. ", "The meeting will be held in Tampa, Florida from October 7-10, 2015. ", "Approximately 4,000 attendees are anticipated for the 2015 meeting based upon previous attendance records and abstract submissions. ", "The main program consists of 19 parallel technical Program Tracks providing over 800 oral presentations and more than 1,500 poster presentations. ", "There will also be a Career Fair for students and Meet the Faculty Candidate Poster Session for early career professionals such as post-doctoral fellows, and a host of professional and social activities, including pre-conference workshops, plenary lectures, and several special events. ", "This year as a tribute to the theme, there will be sessions dedicated to collaborative teaching and future of collaborative research. ", "The collaborative teaching session will include challenges of team- based/project-based learning and collaborating with non-BME partners. ", "The future of collaborative research session will include stories and research summaries of interdisciplinary centers about what works and doesn't work as well as funding opportunities. ", "There will also be a plenary session about biomedical engineering making the world a better place for all living beings. ", "Kevin Carroll, from Hanger Prosthetics and Orthotics of Texas, will be speaking about his work developing engineering solutions for people with disabilities and also his work on a prosthetic tail for Winter, the dolphin featured in the movie a Dolphin's Tale. ", "This conference proposal seeks funding to support new and existing activities specifically targeted toward younger and junior members (includes early career and young investigators who received a degree in biomedical engineering or a related science within three years), underrepresented minorities, and others who are underserved and under-engaged with the Society. ", "It is expected that these activities will be recurring on an annual basis and will contribute to a comprehensive approach by BMES to ensure development of a diverse technically competent biomedical engineering workforce." ]
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[ "Water is involved in a cycle called the\n“hydrologic cycle”, so it is not possible to put a\nfigure on the age of water. ", "However, water has\nbeen on the planet for at least 4.4 billion years\nin the oceans.", "\n\nAnswer 2:\n\nIt looks like in early 2013, scientists\ndiscovered a pocket of underground water that is\naround 2.6 billion years old!", "\n\nAnswer 3:\n\nIt depends on what we mean by \"old\". ", "Fluid\ninclusions in rocks are known from I believe\nupwards of three billion years, maybe longer. ", "All\nof the water in our solar system was here already\nwhen the solar system formed, though, which was\n4.7 billion years ago. ", "Water itself is made of\nhydrogen and oxygen. ", "Hydrogen was made in the big\nbang, and oxygen was cooked in giant stars that\nwent supernova. ", "When the supernovae happened that\nspiked the solar system with oxygen we will\nprobably never know.", "\n\nAnswer 4:\n\nThe amazing thing about water is that virtually\nall the water that is here has been here since the\nEarth formed. ", "Although scientists can create and\ndestroy small amounts of water in experiments, all\nthe other water has been unchanged. ", "The water is\ncontinually recycled through the water cycle of\nevaporation and precipitation (for example, rain\nand snow), but the water you drink is billions of\nyears old." ]
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[ "/*\n _ __ _ __ \n| | / /___ _(_) /____\n| | /| / / __ `/ / / ___/\n| |/ |/ / /_/ / / (__ ) \n|__/|__/\\__,_/_/_/____/ \nThe lightweight framework for web-like apps\n(c) Lea Anthony 2019-present\n*/\n/* jshint esversion: 6 */\n\n\n/**\n * Registers an event listener that will be invoked `maxCallbacks` times before being destroyed\n *\n * @export\n * @param {string} eventName\n * @param {function} callback\n * @param {number} maxCallbacks\n */\nfunction OnMultiple(eventName, callback, maxCallbacks) {\n\twindow.wails.", "Events.", "OnMultiple(eventName, callback, maxCallbacks);\n}\n\n/**\n * Registers an event listener that will be invoked every time the event is emitted\n *\n * @export\n * @param {string} eventName\n * @param {function} callback\n */\nfunction On(eventName, callback) {\n\tOnMultiple(eventName, callback);\n}\n\n/**\n * Registers an event listener that will be invoked once then destroyed\n *\n * @export\n * @param {string} eventName\n * @param {function} callback\n */\nfunction Once(eventName, callback) {\n\tOnMultiple(eventName, callback, 1);\n}\n\n\n/**\n * Emit an event with the given name and data\n *\n * @export\n * @param {string} eventName\n */\nfunction Emit(eventName) {\n\tvar args = [eventName].slice.call(arguments);\n\treturn window.wails.", "Events.", "Emit.apply(null, args);\n}\n\n\n/**\n * Heartbeat emits the event `eventName`, every `timeInMilliseconds` milliseconds until \n * the event is acknowledged via `Event.", "Acknowledge`. ", "Once this happens, `callback` is invoked ONCE\n *\n * @export\n * @param {string} eventName\n * @param {number} timeInMilliseconds\n * @param {function} callback\n */\nfunction Heartbeat(eventName, timeInMilliseconds, callback) {\n\twindow.wails.", "Events.", "Heartbeat(eventName, timeInMilliseconds, callback);\n}\n\n/**\n * Acknowledges a heartbeat event by name\n *\n * @export\n * @param {string} eventName \n */\nfunction Acknowledge(eventName) {\n\treturn window.wails.", "Events.", "Acknowledge(eventName);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = {\n\tOnMultiple: OnMultiple,\n\tOn: On,\n\tOnce: Once,\n\tEmit: Emit,\n\tHeartbeat: Heartbeat,\n\tAcknowledge: Acknowledge\n};" ]
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[ "Created with Free Software!", "\n\nYou are here because, like us, you care about Free Software. ", "We need your help to\nspread the word about the advantages of using\nFree Software, and help convince others that they should care too.", "\nAdvocating for Free Software is easy and arguably one of the\nbest ways to help the Free Software movement.", "\n\nThe graphics on this page have been created to help you spread the\nmessage that you use Free Software to do your work. ", "You can let others know by copying and pasting the code for the following buttons into\nyour website, your blog, add them to your presentations or to other\ndocuments." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0.009345794392523364, 0, 0 ]
[ "Human HTR1B-FLAG Stable Cell Line-HEK293T\n\nThe human serotonin receptor 5-HT1B is a G protein-coupled receptor. ", "5-HT1B receptors are present in many parts of the central nervous system, but most notably, can be found in the basal ganglia, striatum, and frontal cortex. ", "5-HT1B receptors inhibit the release of many neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, GABA, acetylcholine, and glutamate. ", "5-HT1B ligands may prove to be therapeutic in the treatment of various disorders such as depression, anxiety, and aggression." ]
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[ "John Webb (composer)\n\nJohn Webb (born 1969) is an English composer.", "\n\nBiography\nHe was educated in Essex where he started playing the piano and viola. ", "He began to compose at 14, and two years later attended Colchester Institute. ", "Here he studied piano with Frank Wibaut and composition with John Joubert at the Birmingham Conservatoire.", "\n\nAs a founding member of the Thallein Ensemble, he performed works by Berio, Messiaen, Finnissy, Ives and Schnittke. ", "In his final year he completed a dissertation on Schnittke's polystylism and was the soloist in his piano concerto.", "\n\nAfter graduating from Birmingham Conservatoire with a first class degree, he studied for three years at the Royal Academy of Music with Christopher Brown. ", "In his last year he was Leverhulme Composition Fellow and won the major composition prizes; he graduated with MMus and DipRAM.", "\n\nHe went on to develop contacts with period instrument performers and has written works for 'old' instruments which have recently been revived, including viols, harpsichord (commissions by Gary Cooper and Trevor Pinnock), and baroque orchestra.", "\n\nHe lectures at Birmingham Conservatoire and runs education projects for English National Opera, The Stables, Milton Keynes and the Wigmore Hall. ", "He taught composition and general studies at the Junior Department of the Royal Academy of Music until leaving at the end of the 2005-2006 academic year. ", "He has since returned to cover David Knotts' timetable whilst his colleague was in America.", "\n\nSelected works\n\nOrchestral works\nConcerto for classical accordion, strings and clarinet (1997) 20 mins\nWhite Stones (1995-6) 8 mins; orchestra\nBarcarolle (1993-4) 9 mins; orchestra\nA Caribbean Dawn and Celebration (1993) 12 mins; orchestra and steel band\nThe Tin-Pot Foreign General and the Old Iron Woman (1990) 13 mins; orchestra and narrator. ", "From the book by Raymond Briggs\n\nChoral works\nInto His Marvellous Light (1997) 5 mins; choir, solo viola and organ\n\nChamber works\nCries of London (1994) 25 mins; string quartet\nPrelude, Waltz and Tambourin (1994-5) 7 mins; 4 violins\nFour Bagatelles (1994) 14 mins; free bass accordion, two violins, cello\nOn Christmas Night... (1994) 9 mins; 3 baroque oboes, 3 oboes da caccia, 2 baroque bassoons, 1 baroque contra-bassoon, harpsichord, percussion\nMasque (1995) 5 mins; treble viol, two tenor viols, bass viol\nCalm (1992) 9 mins; flute, oboe, clarinet (or viola), violin, cello\nPUMP (1992) 7 mins; 4 bassoons\nSextet for Piano and Wind\nPrelude and Chaconne; baroque orchestra\n\nInstrumental works\nSans Noir (1995) 9 mins; piano; also versions for harpsichord and wind quintet\nHere's Fine Rosemary, Sage and Thyme... (1994) 3 mins; viola\nPastorale (1993) 5 mins; organ\nFive Atmospheres (1989–91) 9 mins; piano\nChromatic Rhapsody (1987) 5 mins; two pianos \nHop-bodee-boody's Last Will and Testament for soprano, 4 violas and harpsichord (1998)\n\nVocal works\n Love Songs (1992) 15 mins; tenor and guitar. ", "Texts by Roger McGough and Tony Harrison\n\nReferences\n Profile on BMIC website (citing above quote by the composer)\n Profile on Sound and Music website\n\nExternal links\n composer's website www.johnwebbcomposer.co.uk\n profile on Composers.co.uk\n Goals as cited above in their probable original context\n Children's opera review on Tasmin Collinson's [librettist] personal website\n Biography on Tête à Tête website\n\nCategory:English classical composers\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:20th-century classical composers\nCategory:21st-century classical composers\nCategory:1969 births\nCategory:Alumni of Birmingham Conservatoire\nCategory:English male classical composers\nCategory:20th-century English musicians\nCategory:20th-century British composers\nCategory:20th-century British male musicians\nCategory:21st-century British male musicians" ]
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[ "Political lions Wellington Webb, Federico Peña and Roy Romer have developed close working relationships over the years, leaning on one another's political know-how to push some of the region's most ambitious projects and initiatives.", "\n\nBut now the three find themselves in direct opposition, each supporting a different candidate for Denver mayor and each giving his own expertise to help their proteges.", "\n\nWebb is supporting City Councilman Michael Hancock; Peña is backing James Mejia; and Romer is behind his son, Chris Romer.", "\n\n\"There is a real interesting confluence of events occurring,\" said Floyd Ciruli, political analyst. \"", "These three old-timers, who have been around Denver politics for long time and have lots of old connections and history, now they are battling it out. ", "We shall see. ", "They are all in it. ", "There is no retirement.\"", "\n\nIf no candidate gets more than 50 percent of the vote, a runoff will be held June 7 between the top two vote-getters. ", "Recent polls have shown the three candidates — Romer, Mejia and Hancock — are statistically tied for first place.", "\n\n\"The metaphor is the lions are supporting their cubs,\" said Susan Barnes- Gelt, a political observer and former city councilwoman.", "\n\n\"This primary, or whatever you call it, is really a one-off,\" Barnes-Gelt said. \"", "You will really be able to see where the chips fall in the runoff. ", "Does Peña go to Hancock, or Webb go to Mejia? ", "There will be so much pressure on those two to get involved.\"", "\n\nAdvertisement\n\nTheir influence is more than a voice on a robo-call or a name on an e-mail.", "\n\nEach of the former politicians is bringing expertise and name recognition to support candidates who arguably have been unknowns to the general public.", "\n\n\"First and most significant point is, all of us are friends,\" Webb said. \"", "We have known each other for a long time. ", "All three of us have continued to be active. ", "When you are active, and you are asked for help, you try to provide what support you can.\"", "\n\nWebb, Denver's mayor from 1991 to 2003, is famous for his ground game that catapulted him from relative obscurity in the 1991 campaign to the top spot over former prosecutor Norm Early.", "\n\nWebb's sneaker campaign took him on a walking tour of Denver in which he went door-to-door to introduce himself to voters.", "\n\nThat drive can be seen in Hancock's efforts in the past few weeks. ", "Hancock has rented a bus to travel around the city's neighborhoods to encourage voters to turn in their ballots.", "\n\nWebb has not previously endorsed in a mayor's race, saying he was too close to the position before now.", "\n\n\"What I bring is encouragement to a younger staff, that (the campaign) is a seven-day, 24-hour job; you get a little sleep and go back to work,\" Webb said. \"", "Normally, who puts in the most work effort on their campaign is the winner.\"", "\n\nPeña, Denver's mayor from 1983 to 1991, also has not endorsed in a mayoral race before now. ", "Peña's nod was not easy to get this time, even though his wife was working for the Mejia campaign, said Berrick Abramson, Mejia's campaign manager.", "\n\n\"Honestly, we thought he was going to sit out,\" Abramson said. \"", "He is someone who James talks with very frequently both on policy and politics. ", "He has also been a wealth of knowledge on city operations, government operations, and what he learned and what he did as mayor.\"", "\n\nPeña's current employer, however, prohibits him from raising or soliciting contributions, directly or indirectly, or having his name attached to fundraising, Abramson said.", "\n\nRoy Romer was Colorado's three- term governor, from 1987 to 1999, and has undoubtedly brought considerable help to his son's campaign through connections and because of that distinctive surname.", "\n\nA Romer campaign staffer earlier in the campaign recounted a meeting with an advertising team from Chicago, who were fresh from Rahm Emanuel's successful mayoral campaign.", "\n\nRoy Romer sat in the corner, listened to the strategy and offered quiet advice. ", "The room was silent as the Chicago staffers dutifully took notes, recognizing a veteran in their midst.", "\n\n\"This is Chris' campaign, and I am just a tag-along helper,\" Roy Romer said in a February interview. \"", "I'm not the instigator, manager or originator. ", "I am very interested and want to help him.\"", "\n\nWhether endorsements push anyone to vote for a candidate is debatable, said former U.S. Sen. Gary Hart.", "\n\n\"They are just picking their favorite horse,\" he said. \"", "In my experience, endorsements don't turn out votes. ", "I have endorsed candidates in the past. ", "I don't think I turned one vote. ", "I don't think it matters.\"", "\n\nMissy Franklin, Jenny Simpson, Adeline Gray and three other Colorado women could be big players at the 2016 Rio OlympicsWhen people ask Missy Franklin for her thoughts about the Summer Olympics that will begin a year from Wednesday in Rio de Janeiro, she hangs a warning label on her answer." ]
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[ "package de.luhmer.owncloudnewsreader.reader.nextcloud;\n\nimport java.util.", "HashMap;\nimport java.util.", "HashSet;\nimport java.util.", "Map;\nimport java.util.", "Set;\n\nimport de.luhmer.owncloudnewsreader.database.", "DatabaseConnectionOrm;\nimport de.luhmer.owncloudnewsreader.database.model.", "RssItem;\n\n/**\n * Created by david on 26.05.17.", "\n */\n\npublic class ItemMap {\n private final Set<Map<String, Object>> items = new HashSet<>();\n\n public ItemMap(Iterable<String> itemIds, DatabaseConnectionOrm dbConn) {\n for(String idItem : itemIds)\n {\n RssItem rssItem = dbConn.getRssItemById(Long.parseLong(idItem));\n HashMap<String, Object> itemMap = new HashMap<>();\n itemMap.put(\"feedId\", rssItem.getFeedId());\n itemMap.put(\"guidHash\", rssItem.getGuidHash());\n this.items.add(itemMap);\n }\n }\n\n public Set<Map<String, Object>> getItems() {\n return items;\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "Streptomyces eurocidicus\n\nStreptomyces eurocidicus is a bacterium species from the genus of Streptomyces. ", "Streptomyces eurocidicus produces azomycin, eurocidin C, eurocidin D, eurocidin E, tertiomycine A, 2-nitroimidazole and tertiomycine B.\n\nFurther reading\n\nSee also \n List of Streptomyces species\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nType strain of Streptomyces eurocidicus at BacDive - the Bacterial Diversity Metadatabase\n\neurocidicus\nCategory:Bacteria described in 1991" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nGet Image Size Advanced Custom Fields\n\nI am trying to get an image URL with attachment size using an advanced custom field. ", "The field is set to ID. ", "I've used this approach to get other images by ID with no problem. ", "Yet this one isn't pulling the rendered image. ", "It's pulling the ID number and displaying it on the page. ", "I'm stumped...\n<?", "php\n$the_query = new WP_Query( array(\n 'post_type' => 'listicles',\n 'tax_query' => array(\n array (\n 'taxonomy' => 'visibility',\n 'field' => 'slug',\n 'terms' => 'listicles-resortsvisible',\n ),\n ),\n) ); \n $listicleimage = the_field('listicle_featured_image', $post->ID);\n $listicleimgsize = 'listicle-thumb';\n $listicleimg_array = wp_get_attachment_image_src($listicleimage, $listicleimgsize);\n $listicleimg_url = $listicleimg_array[0];\n?", ">\n\n<ul\nclass=\"row small-up-1 medium-up-2\">\n\n<?", "php if ( $the_query->have_posts() ) : ?", ">\n\n<?", "php while ( $the_query->have_posts() ) : $the_query->the_post(); ?", ">\n\n<li class=\"small-12 medium-6 column\">\n\n<img\n src=\"<?php echo $listicleimg_url; ?", ">\"\n class=\"align-center\" />\n\n//THE REST OF MY CONTENT//\n\n</li>\n<?", "php endwhile;?", ">\n<?", "php endif; ?", ">\n</ul>\n\n<?", "php wp_reset_query(); ?", ">\n\nA:\n\nYou only need to change \nthe_field('listicle_featured_image', $post->ID);\n\nto\nget_field('listicle_featured_image', $post->ID);\n\n" ]
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[ "Chromium and vanadium effects on glucose metabolism and lipid synthesis in the chick.", "\nThe effects of 20 ppm chromium (CrCl3.6H2O) and/or 20 ppm vanadium (NaVO3.nH2O) on growth, glucose metabolism, and lipid synthesis in chicks were studied in a 2 X 2 factorial experiment. ", "Chicks were fed experimental diets from day-old to 3 weeks of age. ", "At 3 weeks, four chicks per treatment were injected intraperitoneally (i.p.) ", "with 250 mu Ci 3H2O and 4 mu Ci [U-14C]glucose. ", "Chicks were bled by cardiac puncture and killed 30 min postinjection. ", "Dietary vanadium reduced body and liver weights and liver cholesterol while serum cholesterol was increased. ", "Chromium had no effect on these parameters and there was no significant interaction of chromium with vanadium. ", "Chromium and vanadium each increased 14C incorporation into liver fatty acids over that of controls. ", "However, the combination of chromium and vanadium was without effect so that the interaction was significant. ", "Incorporation of 3H from H2O into liver fatty acids paralleled that of 14C from glucose for all treatments. ", "In vitro studies on the uptake and oxidation of glucose by liver slices from chicks fed the basal diet were conducted. ", "Chromium increased the rate of glucose utilization 16% over control and vanadium increased the rate by 33%. ", "The combination of chromium and vanadium was no different from vanadium alone. ", "A chromium vanadium antagonism was observed in some metabolic processes but not on body or organ weight." ]
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[ "Sunday, November 4, 2012\n\nLAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL DESTROYS OBAMA\n\nIn one of the most blistering denunciations of Barack Obama ever penned, the Las Vegas Review Journal published aneditorial today that excoriated Obama not only for his ineptitude in the Benghazi attack, but also his duplicity afterward and the cooperation of a supine press:\n\nThe Obama administration sat by doing nothing for seven hours that night, ignoring calls to dispatch help from our bases in Italy, less than two hours away. ", "It has spent the past seven weeks stretching the story out, engaging in misdirection and deception involving supposed indigenous outrage over an obscure anti-Muslim video, confident that with the aid of a docile press corps this infamous climax to four years of misguided foreign policy can be swept under the rug, at least until after Tuesday's election … The official explanation for why Obama administration officials watched the attack unfold for seven hours, refusing repeated requests to send the air support and relief forces that sat less than two hours away in Italy? ", "Silence.", "\n\nThe RJ also charged Obama with impotence as he flew off to Las Vegas instead of dealing with the attack.", "\n\nPrompt and strong action from the White House on Sept. 11 might have saved American lives, as well as America's reputation as a nation not to be messed with. ", "Weakness and dithering and flying to Las Vegas the next day for celebrity fund-raising parties are somehow better?", "\n\nThe RJ pulled no punches about the Obama Administration‘s efforts to destroy our economy and accused Obama of continually flat-out lying to the American people.", "\n\nThis administration is an embarrassment on foreign policy and incompetent at best on the economy - though a more careful analysis shows what can only be a perverse and willful attempt to destroy our prosperity. ", "Back in January 2008, Barack Obama told the editorial board of the San Francisco Chronicle that under his cap-and-trade plan, \"If somebody wants to build a coal-fired power plant, they can. ", "It's just that it will bankrupt them.\" ", "He added, \"Under my plan ... electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.\" ", "It was also in 2008 that Mr. Obama's future Energy Secretary, Steven Chu, famously said it would be necessary to \"figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe\" - $9 a gallon.", "\n\nYet the president now claims he's in favor of oil development and pipelines, taking credit for increased oil production on private lands where he's powerless to block it, after he halted the Keystone XL Pipeline and oversaw a 50 percent reduction in oil leases on public lands.", "\n\nThese behaviors go far beyond \"spin.\" ", "They amount to a pack of lies.", "\n\nThe RJ concluded:\n\nTo return to office a narcissistic amateur who seeks to ride this nation's economy and international esteem to oblivion, like Slim Pickens riding the nuclear bomb to its target at the end of the movie \"Dr. Strangelove,\" would be disastrous. ", "Candidate Obama said if he couldn't fix the economy in four years, his would be a one-term presidency.", "\n\nMitt Romney is moral, capable and responsible man. ", "Just this once, it's time to hold Barack Obama to his word. ", "Maybe we can all do something about that, come Tuesday." ]
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[ "Background\n==========\n\nEctopic ACTH Cushing\\'s syndrome (EAS), accounting for 5--10% of all cases of Cushing\\'s syndrome, is mainly caused by neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) of lungs, pancreas, thymus, or tumors arising in other, less frequent sites [@bib1]. ", "After ruling out a pituitary origin, the task to localize the source of ACTH can be challenging due to small tumor size and lack of specificity of computed tomography (CT)-scan and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). ", "Thus, diagnostic modalities based on tumor biology need to be used.", "\n\nAs epithelial-derived tumors arising in different organs and displaying predominant neuroendocrine differentiation, NETs share both organ-characteristic and neuroendocrine features [@bib2]. ", "From a clinicopathological stand point, they range from benign neoplasms to rapidly progressing hormone-secreting carcinomas, and from occult to large symptomatic tumors [@bib3]. ", "Functional diagnostic modalities include: i) somatostatin receptor scintigraphy (SSRS) with ^111^Indium-Pentetreotide or with ^68^Gallium-DOTA-TATE-PET takes advantage of the high concentration of type 2 somatostatin receptors (SST2) that is commonly observed in NETs; ii) 6-\\[fluoride 18\\]fluoro-dihydroxyphenylalanine-positron emission tomography (F-DOPA-PET), based on the ability of APUD-derived NETs to take up, accumulate, and decarboxylate amine precursors to synthesize, store, and secrete bioactive substances; and iii)^18^F-deoxyglucose-PET (FDG-PET) scan that aims at imaging glycolytic activity in tumors that have an elevated metabolic rate [@bib4].", "\n\nNotwithstanding a frequently indolent course, NETs display a marked tendency to metastasize and progress [@bib5]. ", "Metastatic tumors may require focal treatment (e.g. thermal ablation or chemoembolization) or systemic medical therapy. ", "Somatostatin receptor-targeted radiolabeled peptides, and therapies based on the inhibition of tyrosine kinase or mammalian target of rapamycin, have proven efficacy to slower disease progression [@bib6] [@bib7] [@bib8] [@bib9] [@bib10]. ", "Cytotoxic chemotherapy can also be used in patients with progressive metastatic disease and no other treatment option [@bib11]. ", "In addition, somatostatin receptor analogues often result in symptomatic relief by hampering hormone secretion in functional NETs [@bib6]. ", "However, at present time only complete surgical removal offers long-term remission and cure. ", "Therefore early localization of newly diagnosed NETs is crucial. ", "In the particular case of EAS, the intense adrenal response to sustained ACTH may favor early recognition of the syndrome, but does not necessarily facilitate the localization of a small responsible tumor. ", "The patient described in this case report presented with EAS caused by a small ACTH-secreting NET in an unusual location.", "\n\nCase presentation\n=================\n\nA 64-year-old man, newly diagnosed with hypertension, presented with intense fatigue, muscular weakness, and shortness of breath (NYHA Stage IV), which rapidly increased within 4 months. ", "On examination, the patient was in poor physical condition but hemodynamically stable without respiratory insufficiency. ", "He showed slight facial redness, marked proximal limb muscles atrophy, and mild skin thinning with bruises. ", "There was no moon face, purple striae, supra-clavicular fat pads, or buffalo hump. ", "Laboratory data revealed severe hypokalemia (K 1.7 mmol/l) with metabolic alkalosis (base excess 10.9 mmol/l).", "\n\nInvestigation\n=============\n\nConfirmation of Cushing\\'s syndrome\n-----------------------------------\n\nRandom plasma cortisol was 1600 nmol/l (normal range at 1700 h: 40--250 nmol/l), with ACTH 261 ng/l (normal range at 1700 h: 5--35 ng/l), and urinary free cortisol 9181 nmol/day (normal range: 20--220 nmol/day). ", "Plasma cortisol level on a 2-day high-dose dexamethasone suppression test (2 mg/6 h) decreased from 1221 to 721 nmol/l.\n\nInvestigation of ACTH-dependent Cushing\\'s syndrome\n---------------------------------------------------\n\nPituitary-centered MRI showed no evidence of disease especially in hypothalamus or pituitary gland. ", "Bilateral inferior petrosal sinus blood sampling (BIPSS), including corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) stimulation, showed no significant central-to-periphery ACTH gradient and ruled-out a pituitary origin of ACTH excess ([Table 1](#tbl1){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\n###### \n\nBilateral inferior petrosal sinus sampling (BIPSS) results. ", "Plasma cortisol and ACTH levels before and after CRH injection, 1 μg/kg in i.v. ", "bolus\n\n **Time** (min) \n ------------------------------------ ---------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------ ------ ----- -----\n Peripheral vein: ACTH (ng/l) 195 223 228 229 229 207 204 184 187\n Peripheral vein: cortisol (nmol/l) 1018 983 946 990 951 1037 1054 951 899\n IPS left: ACTH (ng/l) 215 259 249 254 252 237 225 207 208\n IPS right: ACTH (ng/l) 226 257 274 277 281 257 244 222 241\n\nTumor localization of EAS\n-------------------------\n\nHead and neck, thorax, and abdomen 3 mm-sliced CT-scan and MRI were unremarkable, excepted for moderately hyperplasic, nonnodular adrenals; SSRS ([Fig. ", "1](#fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}A) and FDG-PET/CT ([Fig. ", "1](#fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}B) failed to localize any functionally active lesion; finally, F-DOPA-PET/CT scan disclosed a 20 mm active tumor in the jejunum wall with a possible adjacent metastatic lymph node ([Fig. ", "1](#fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}C, D and E).", "\n\n![(", "A) ^111^In-octreotide scintigraphy and (B) ^18^FDG-PET did not reveal any pathological tracer uptake. (", "C) ^18^F-DOPA PET-CT allowed to locate a primary jejunal tumour (D) (arrow) and revealed metastatic lymph node(s) (E) (arrowhead).](edmcr-2015-140104-g001){#fig1}\n\nTreatment\n=========\n\nSurgical treatment\n------------------\n\nAt laparotomy, a segmental resection of the mid-jejunum was performed, including adjacent mesenteric lymphadenectomy. ", "Histopathology revealed two adjacent well-differenced NETs in the jejunum wall, displaying low proliferation index (one mitosis per ten high-power fields; Ki67 1%), classified as WHO and ENETS grade 1 [@bib3]. ", "The largest tumor (2 cm) invaded the whole jejunum wall up to the serosa, and was associated with a local peritoneal tumor deposit and with three metastatic lymph nodes out of five, showing capsular invasion (TNM: pT4 pN1 (3/5) M1 G1 R0) [@bib3]. ", "The immunohistochemistry showed ACTH expression in 30% of the cells. ", "The adjacent 0.5 cm tumor invaded the muscularis mucosae only and showed no vascular invasion and no ACTH expression.", "\n\nOutcome and follow up\n=====================\n\nSoon after surgery, ACTH and cortisol fell to low levels and transient adrenal insufficiency required cortisol replacement. ", "The postoperative hospital stay was complicated on day 9 by a lower limb deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. ", "Following anticoagulation, the patient was discharged uneventfully 5 days later.", "\n\nThe patient fully recovered, and after a follow up of 26 months, ACTH and cortisol levels remain normal and sequential CT scans show no evidence of recurrence.", "\n\nDiscussion\n==========\n\nCushing\\'s syndrome as paraneoplastic syndrome is a well-known phenomenon associated with NETs. ", "ACTH-secreting tumors are more commonly encountered with bronchial carcinoids and small cell lung cancer [@bib12].", "\n\nSmall ACTH-secreting tumors may remain undetected on anatomic imaging (pituitary MRI, and neck and trunk CT and MRI), despite clinical and biochemical evidence of ACTH-dependent Cushing\\'s syndrome, and noninvasive dynamic tests are not always able to distinguish between Cushing\\'s disease and EAS due to NETs. ", "In our case, the intermediate cortisol suppression of 41% on high-dose dexamethasone was consistent with either possibility, and BIPSS was necessary to confirm EAS.", "\n\nSurgery is a key element in therapy, allowing radical resection of metastases-prone NETs and in the setting of EAS rapid control of life-threatening cortisol excess, which can avoid chemical adrenolysis or palliative surgical adrenalectomy [@bib13]. ", "Small abdominal NETs causing EAS are, however, especially difficult to localize using anatomical imaging techniques, and use of metabolic modalities may be required. ", "Jejunum location is extremely rare among small bowels NETs causing EAS [@bib14] [@bib15] [@bib16].", "\n\nSSRS, which was negative in our case, is expected to identify NETs expressing high concentrations of cell membrane SST2, for which octreotide displays selective high-binding affinity. ", "However, the sensitivity of SSRS in EAS is relatively low, ranging from 25 to 60% [@bib1] [@bib13] [@bib17], suggesting low receptor expression in this syndrome compared with other NETs. ", "This could be an intrinsic characteristic of tumors causing EAS, but a functional mechanism consisting of selective downregulation of SST2 induced by elevated cortisol, can also been advocated. ", "In patients with primary adrenal insufficiency, somatostatin administration resulted in more effective ACTH suppression in patients left on low cortisol than on cortisol replacement [@bib18]; in patients with Nelson\\'s syndrome, octreotide was more efficient to lower ACTH, especially after temporary withdrawal of cortisol replacement, than in patients with Cushing\\'s disease and high cortisol levels [@bib19]; and exposure to dexamethasone decreases the *in vitro* expression of *SST2*-mRNA in pituitary adenoma cells [@bib20]. ", "In this context, we hypothesize that targeting the SST with pasireotide, a ligand with high affinity for SST5, might result in better sensitivity for occult EAS, knowing that the expression of *SST5* mRNA in pituitary adenoma corticotrophs is five- to ten-fold higher than that of *SST2* mRNA [@bib21]. ", "Indeed, pasireotide is more efficient than octreotide to control *in vitro* ACTH in the presence of high levels of glucocorticoid [@bib20], and was proven to significantly decrease urinary cortisol excretion in patients with Cushing\\'s disease [@bib22]. ", "However, a similar expression of SST5 in ectopic ACTH tumors and a similar efficacy of pasireotide to treat EAS remain to be proven. ", "On the other side, SSRS using ^68^Gallium peptide receptor radionucleides with octeotide derivatives were superior to ^111^Indium-Pentetreotide for NET detection [@bib23], and ^68^Ga-DOTA-TATE-PET, using octreotate, showed a high sensitivity to detect well-differentiated metastatic NETs [@bib24]. ", "However, to our knowledge these radionucleides have not been tested for occult EAS.", "\n\nFDG-PET may highlight tumors with high metabolic activity, but shows a low sensitivity (35%, CI 15--61%) to identify NETs causing EAS [@bib25]. ", "This examination was negative in our case, possibly because of the low proliferation index of the tumors.", "\n\nF-DOPA-PET imaging is based on the ability of neuroendocrine cells to take up, accumulate, and decarboxylate amine precursors for the synthesis of bioactive substances. ", "It has emerged as a diagnostic and staging tool for NETs, and was of utmost importance to solve our case. ", "Furthermore, based from our case it can be hypothesized that the tumor with hormone secretion required more precursor uptake than the inactive one, possibly through upregulated membrane transport systems: this would explain why the ACTH-secreting tumor and its adjacent lymph-node metastases were accurately identified with F-DOPA-PET, whereas the neighboring nonsecreting NET remained silent, despite the fact that both tumors had similarly low mitotic indexes.", "\n\nZemskova *et al*. [", "@bib26] showed that of the 11 patients with proven EAS but negative CT, MRI, and SSRS, the F-DOPA-PET identified tumors in six patients, all of whom had intra-thoracic NETs. ", "This 55% sensitivity is lower than the 69--96% sensitivity described for midgut or hindgut carcinoids with no EAS [@bib27] [@bib28] [@bib29], and suggests that carcinoids take up DOPA more efficiently than nonsecreting or ACTH-secreting NETs. ", "However, the per-tumor-positive predictive value of F-DOPA-PET in the small series of intra-thoracic EAS was 100% (eight of eight tumors) [@bib26]. ", "We now show that F-DOPA-PET may constitute a useful alternative to unveil occult EAS also in the less frequent small intestine location.", "\n\nConclusion\n==========\n\nThe optimal therapy of EAS remains surgical excision of secreting tumor(s). ", "However, small tumors causing EAS are difficult to detect on anatomical imaging and may require metabolic imaging techniques. ", "We describe the case of a 64-year-old man presenting an occult EAS. ", "The source of the secretion remained undisclosed after CT-scan, MRI, FDG-PET and SSRS. ", "A small NET tumor causing EAS has been finally unveiled with FDOPA-PET. ", "Despite its relatively low sensitivity, F-DOPA-PET should be considered as a useful alternative to locate elusive tumors in occult EAS when all other diagnostic modalities have failed.", "\n\nPatient consent\n===============\n\nWritten informed consent has been obtained from the patient for publication of the case report and accompanying images.", "\n\nDeclaration of interest\n=======================\n\nThe authors declare that there is no conflict of interest that could be perceived as prejudicing the impartiality of the research reported.", "\n\nFunding\n=======\n\nThis research did not receive any specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sector.", "\n" ]
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[ "It's no secret San Diego is facing a housing crisis. ", "Home prices are up, inventory is down, and construction for new development is dragging.", "\n\nNew state legislation is aimed at stopping so-called Nimbys -- short for \"not in my backyard\" -- from slowing down construction across California. ", "The term 'Nimby' refers to those who try to delay or derail construction, worried it will congest the area or ruin a neighborhood’s culture.", "\n\n“There’s only two classes of people who can afford to buy places in San Diego,” said Brad Termini, CEO of Zephyr. “", "The ultra wealthy baby boomers or the millennials who are getting help from their parents.”", "\n\nTermini is a real estate developer in San Diego. ", "He says a large chunk of the market can't afford to buy a home.", "\n\n“The middle part of the market cannot afford to buy a place,” Termini said.", "\n\nOne of the reasons is a lack of inventory, he said.", "\n\nHousing inventory is down 25 percent this year, according to the Greater San Diego Association of Realtors. ", "The median home price in San Diego is now $619.9K, up 10 percent from last year.", "\n\n“We’re definitely dealing with limited inventory,” Teresa Vo, a broker at Vo Property and Investments, said. ", "Some buyers are frustrated, she said, because there are not a lot of houses to choose from.", "\n\n“Not only is there limited inventory, the inventory that is available is not up to [my clients'] satisfaction,” Vo explained.", "\n\nAccording to Termini, there are many reasons to blame for the lack of development. ", "Termini said the environmental review process for getting a project approved is incredibly long. ", "Local municipalities do not want to pay for infrastructure improvements; instead, they saddle those costs on the developers.", "\n\n“One development can’t build all the roads, can’t build all the parks, can’t build all the freeway interchanges,” Termini said.", "\n\nBruce Ehlers, of Encinitas, disagrees with Termini. ", "Ehlers is the spokesman for the “No on Measure T” campaign in Encinitas, which was a series of zoning changes that included higher residential densities.", "\n\nEhlers thinks the responsibility of infrastructure improvements should be placed on the developers who will profit from the developments, rather than the property owners who would eventually have to pay for improvements through taxes.", "\n\nHe also argues that high density housing only generates a minimal amount of affordable housing." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
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[ "block_user/4 and block_user/5 blocks the user\nUser from the directory Dir for a specified\namount of time.", "\n\nunblock_user(User, Port) -> true | {error, Reason}\n\nunblock_user(User, Address, Port) -> true | {error, Reason}\n\nunblock_user(User, Port, Dir) -> true | {error, Reason}\n\nunblock_user(User, Address, Port, Dir) -> true | {error, Reason}\n\nUser = string()\n\nPort = integer()\n\nAddress = {A,B,C,D} | string() | undefined\n\nDir = string()\n\nReason = term()\n\nunblock_user/2, unblock_user/3 and\nunblock_user/4 removes the user User from\nthe list of blocked users for the Port (and Dir) specified.", "\n\nThe SecurityCallbackModule\n\nThe SecurityCallbackModule is a user written module that can receive\nevents from the mod_security Erlang Webserver API module.", "\nThis module only exports the function(s),\nevent/4,5,\nwhich are described below.", "\n\nevent(What, Port, Dir, Data) -> ignored\n\nevent(What, Address, Port, Dir, Data) -> ignored\n\nWhat = atom()\n\nPort = integer()\n\nAddress = {A,B,C,D} | string() <v>Dir = string()\n\nData = [Info]\n\nInfo = {Name, Value}\n\nevent/4 or event/4 is called whenever an event\noccurs in the mod_security Erlang Webserver API module (event/4 is\ncalled if Address is undefined and event/5 otherwise).", "\nThe What argument specifies the type of event that has\noccurred, and should be one of the following reasons;\nauth_fail (a failed user authentication),\nuser_block (a user is being blocked from access) or\nuser_unblock (a user is being removed from the block list).", "\n\nNote!", "\n\nNote that the user_unblock event is not triggered when\na user is removed from the block list explicitly using the\nunblock_user function." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0.006172839506172839, 0.01282051282051282, 0, 0.007874015748031496, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "\n\nShow HN: AutoGripe for Fail2Ban - sarciszewski\nhttps://github.com/r000t/AutoGripe\n\n======\nsarciszewski\nI _did not_ create this. ", "The author of this project is Blair Strater\n([https://r000t.com](https://r000t.com)). ", "However, immediately reporting when\nsomeone tries to brute force your SSH helps companies know when one of their\ncustomers' servers has been hacked and hijacked for malicious ends.", "\n\n------\njoepie91_\nFair warning: a lot of hosts hate automated abusemail, and it's automatically\ntrashbinned by quite a few of them.", "\n\n------\nsome_furry\nI love AutoGripe. ", "I use it on all my servers. ", "The only downside is a bit of\n\"Inbox full\" errors, mostly from China. ", "I guess their ISPs are asleep at the\nwheel.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "“If I didn’t have dogs, these bees just wouldn’t be able to move,” she said.", "\n\nOn a recent Friday morning, on the green slopes behind her home here in Jarrettsville, Ms. Preston tossed a toy around for Tukka, a young springer spaniel she had just adopted.", "\n\nAt first glance, it didn’t look like a workday. ", "But that toy had been sealed in a plastic bag with foulbrood, and Ms. Preston was in the early stages of training Tukka on the scent. ", "With any luck, he will join her team before the end of the year.", "\n\n“You want Foulbrood Bunny?” ", "she asked, throwing the fuzzy gray toy across the field.", "\n\nTukka caught the toy in a frenzy, salivating at the smell of it, chewing it with delirious pleasure. “", "This is what I want to see,” Ms. Preston said.", "\n\nSoon, she will move on to putting foulbrood inside a small rubber toy and throwing it farther, or in an unexpected direction, to see if Tukka can sniff it out. ", "Then she will hide the scent in the training installation she built exactly for this purpose — tubes mounted close together at various heights on an industrial plastic pallet.", "\n\nIf the exercises are successful, Tukka will learn to find even small traces of the scent, and communicate that to Ms. Preston by pointing with his nose, then sitting down.", "\n\nShe trained Mack the same way, bonding with the dog through games and repetition, building up his confidence and trust, all the while teaching him the basics of his important new job. ", "That training took nine months." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHensel lemma - generalization?", "\n\nLet $f \\in \\Bbb Z[X]$ be monic and assume that $f$ has a root $a_n$ modulo $p^n$ for every $n \\geq 1$ (where $p$ is a fixed prime). ", "Does it follow that $f$ has a root in $\\Bbb Z_p$?", "\nThe problem is that we might have $f'(a_n) \\equiv 0 \\pmod p$ so that Hensel's lemma doesn't apply directly. ", "If this is true, what reference/book gives a proof of this fact (stated as above)?", "\n\nA:\n\nYes, and this is not a generalization of Hensel's lemma. ", "\nWe will repeatedly pass to subsequences as follows. ", "First, the set $R_1 = \\{ a_n \\bmod p \\}$ has finitely many elements, so there must be some residue $r_1 \\in R_1$ such that there are infinitely many $n$ with $a_n \\equiv r_1 \\bmod p$. Pass to this subsequence; that is, assume WLOG that every $a_n$ has this property (mostly in order to avoid having to come up with some annoying piece of notation for the new subsequence). ", "\nNext construct $R_2 = \\{ a_n \\bmod p^2 : n \\ge 2 \\}$, which again is finite, so again there is some residue $r_2 \\in R_2$ such that there are infinitely many $n$ with $a_n \\equiv r_2 \\bmod p^2$. Again pass to this subsequence. ", "Etc. ", "\nIn this way we construct a sequence of residues $r_k \\in \\mathbb{Z}/p^k\\mathbb{Z}$ such that $r_k \\equiv r_{k-1} \\bmod p^{k-1}$ and such that there exist infinitely many $a_n$ such that $a_n \\equiv r_k \\bmod p^k$. The $r_k$ define an element $r \\in \\mathbb{Z}_p$ which is a root of $f$. Note that we don't need to assume that $f$ is monic. ", "\n\nA:\n\nConsider $f$ as a map $\\mathbb{Z}_p\\to\\mathbb{Z}_p$. Since $f$ has a root mod $p^n$ for all $n$, the image of $f$ contains points arbitrarily close to $0$ in the $p$-adic metric. ", " But $f$ is continuous and $\\mathbb{Z}_p$ is a compact Hausdorff space, so the image of $f$ must be closed. ", " Thus $0$ is in the image of $f$, i.e. $f$ has a root in $\\mathbb{Z}_p$.\n(If you unwind this proof it's essentially the same as Qiaochu's, but the topological language really makes it very simple!)", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Located on high limestone bluffs east of Mississippi River, about forty-five miles south of Nauvoo. ", "Settled 1821. ", "Adams Co. seat, 1825. ", "Incorporated as town, 1834. ", "Received city charter, 1840. ", "Population in 1835 about 800; in 1840 about 2,300; and in 1845...\n\n12 July 1771–14 Sept. 1840. ", "Cooper, farmer, teacher, merchant. ", "Born at Topsfield, Essex Co., Massachusetts. ", "Son of Asael Smith and Mary Duty. ", "Nominal member of Congregationalist church at Topsfield. ", "Married to Lucy Mack by Seth Austin, 24 Jan. 1796, at Tunbridge...\n\nwhich awakens all the feelings of tenderness and brotherly affection that one heart is capable of containing, I sit down in haste to answer it; My health and that of my family is tolerable good, Mother\n\nhave been very sick but are getting better. ", "Your family are in better health now than at any other period since your confinement: Mary Fielding Smith is getting tolerable good health, she is doing the best she can for the good and enjoyment of the children; the family are all together and seem to be contented. ", "Lovina is a good girl and has quite a motherlycare for the children, and takes considerable interest in the welfare of her mother. ", "As respects you fears concerning Mary, you may put them to rest: I believe that she is your friend, and desires to promote your happiness; I have no fault to find with Mary, for she has had a long fit of sickness, and where there has been a lack of wisdom, had she been well and had her own way, there would in all probability been no call for the observations that I made in my letter to you. ", "I think it will be wisdom for Sister Mercy Fielding Thompson\n\n15 June 1807–15 Sept. 1893. ", "Born in Honeydon, Bedfordshire, England. ", "Daughter of John Fielding and Rachel Ibbotson. ", "Immigrated to Upper Canada, 1832. ", "Baptized into LDS church by Parley P. Pratt, 21 May 1836, near Toronto. ", "Moved to Kirtland, Geauga Co., Ohio...\n\nI am in hopes that my letter did not increase your trouble, for I know that your affliction is too great for human nature to bear, and if I did not know that there was a God in Heaven, and that his promises are sure and faithful, and that he is your friend in the midst of all your trouble, I would fly to your relief and either be with you in prison, or see you breathe free air, air too that had not been inhaled and corrupted by a pack of ruffians who trample upon virtue and innocence with impunity and are not even satisfied with the property and blood of the Saints, but must exult over the dead. ", "You both have my prayers, my influence, and warmest feelings with a fixeddetermination if it should so be, that you should be destroyed, to avenge your blood four fold. ", "Joseph must excuse me for not writing to him at this time Give my love to all the prisoners, write to me as often as you can, and do not be worried about your families; Your’s in affliction as\nwell as in peace.", "\n\nLocated on high limestone bluffs east of Mississippi River, about forty-five miles south of Nauvoo. ", "Settled 1821. ", "Adams Co. seat, 1825. ", "Incorporated as town, 1834. ", "Received city charter, 1840. ", "Population in 1835 about 800; in 1840 about 2,300; and in 1845...\n\n12 July 1771–14 Sept. 1840. ", "Cooper, farmer, teacher, merchant. ", "Born at Topsfield, Essex Co., Massachusetts. ", "Son of Asael Smith and Mary Duty. ", "Nominal member of Congregationalist church at Topsfield. ", "Married to Lucy Mack by Seth Austin, 24 Jan. 1796, at Tunbridge...\n\nwhich awakens all the feelings of tenderness and brotherly affection that one heart is capable of containing, I sit down in haste to answer it; My health and that of my family is tolerable good, Mother\n\nhave been very sick but are getting better. ", "Your family are in better health now than at any other period since your confinement: Mary [Fielding Smith] is getting tolerable good health, she is doing the best she can for the good and enjoyment of the children; the family are all together and seem to be contented. ", "Lovina is a good girl and has quite a motherlycare for the children, and takes considerable interest in the welfare of her mother. ", "As respects you fears concerning Mary, you may put them to rest: I believe that she is your friend, and desires to promote your happiness; I have no fault to find with Mary, for she has had a long fit of sickness, and where there has been a lack of wisdom, had she been well and had her own way, there would in all probability been no call for the observations that I made in my letter to you. ", "I think it will be wisdom for Sister [Mercy Fielding] Thompson\n\n15 June 1807–15 Sept. 1893. ", "Born in Honeydon, Bedfordshire, England. ", "Daughter of John Fielding and Rachel Ibbotson. ", "Immigrated to Upper Canada, 1832. ", "Baptized into LDS church by Parley P. Pratt, 21 May 1836, near Toronto. ", "Moved to Kirtland, Geauga Co., Ohio...\n\nI am in hopes that my letter did not increase your trouble, for I know that your affliction is too great for human nature to bear, and if I did not know that there was a God in Heaven, and that his promises are sure and faithful, and that he is your friend in the midst of all your trouble, I would fly to your relief and either be with you in prison, or see you breathe free air, air too that had not been inhaled by and corrupted by a pack of ruffians who trample upon virtue and innocence with impunity and are not even satisfied with the property and blood of the Saints, but must exult over the dead. ", "You both have my prayers, my influence, and warmest feelings with a fixeddetermination if it should so be, that you should be destroyed, to avengeyour blood four fold. ", "Joseph must excuse me for not writing to him at this time Give my love to all the prisoners, write to me as often as you can, and do not be worried about your families; Your’s in affliction as\nwell as in peace.", "\n\nLocated on high limestone bluffs east of Mississippi River, about forty-five miles south of Nauvoo. ", "Settled 1821. ", "Adams Co. seat, 1825. ", "Incorporated as town, 1834. ", "Received city charter, 1840. ", "Population in 1835 about 800; in 1840 about 2,300; and in 1845...\n\nLocated in western Missouri, thirteen miles north of Independence. ", "Settled 1820. ", "Clay Co. seat, 1822. ", "Incorporated as town, May 1829. ", "Following expulsion from Jackson Co., 1833, many Latter-day Saints found refuge in Clay Co., with church leaders and other..." ]
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[ 0.01, 0, 0.045454545454545456, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.044444444444444446, 0.058823529411764705, 0.03508771929824561, 0.009523809523809525, 0.0037313432835820895, 0, 0.0025380710659898475, 0, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0.029411764705882353, 0.013888888888888888, 0.003110419906687403, 0, 0.004761904761904762, 0.00980392156862745, 0, 0.045454545454545456, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.044444444444444446, 0.058823529411764705, 0.03508771929824561, 0.009523809523809525, 0, 0, 0.0025380710659898475, 0, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0.029411764705882353, 0.013888888888888888, 0.0030959752321981426, 0, 0.004761904761904762, 0.00980392156862745, 0, 0.045454545454545456, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.047619047619047616, 0, 0.016 ]
[ "hey louraça! ;) ", "I'm portuguese too! ", "and I'm going to buy this beauty as well! ", "were did you see it for sale? (", "i'm from lisbon, was it there?) ", "I sent a mail to TMN and they told me that that was the unlocked price (260€), but I haven't seen a single one for sale!", "\nthanks!", "\n\nalcatel on-line store already has it for 279.9€ (it costs 80€ more than ot735) and since alcatel ot 735i costs 120€ in portugal I think it's possible that this one would cost 200€, let's wait and see..." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008333333333333333, 0, 0 ]
[ "SRAM memory cells that are semiconductor storage elements have a basic structure described below.", "\nAs shown in a circuit diagram in FIG. ", "1, the SRAM memory cell is composed of a flip flop circuit serving as an information storage section, and a pair of access transistors A1 and A2 which controls the conduction between and the flip flop circuit and data lines (bit lines BL1 and BL2) through which information is written or read. ", "The flip flop circuit is composed of, for example, a pair of CMOS inverters each composed of one driving transistor D1 (D2) and one load transistor L1 (L2).", "\nOne of source and drain areas of the access transistor A1 (A2) is connected to a drain of the load transistor L1 (L2) and driving transistor D1 (D2). ", "The other is connected to the bit line BL1 (BL2). ", "Further, gates of the pair of access transistors A1 and A2 each constitute a part of a word line WL and are connected together.", "\nA gate of the driving transistor D1 and load transistor L1 constituting one of the CMOS inverters is connected to a drain (storage node N2) of the driving transistor D2 and load transistor L2 constituting the other CMOS inverter. ", "Further, a gate of the driving transistor D2 and load transistor L2 constituting the latter CMOS inverter is connected to a drain (storage node N1) of the driving transistor D1 and load transistor L1 constituting the former CMOS inverter. ", "Thus, between the pair of CMOS inverters, the I/O section of one of the CMOS inverters is cross coupled to the gate of the other CMOS inverter via a pair of wires 11 and 12 called local wires.", "\nA reference voltage (Vss, for example, GND) is supplied to a source area of each of the driving transistors D1 and D2. ", "A power supply voltage (VDD) is supplied to a source area of each of the load transistors L1 and L2.", "\nThe above SRAM cell offers excellent element characteristics such as its resistance to noise and low power consumption during standby. ", "However, the SRAM cell disadvantageously requires a larger cell area because of the need for six transistors for one memory cell, the need for a large number of wires, and the need for the element isolation between a p-type MOS and an n-type MOS in the same cell.", "\nAs one type of MIS type field effect transistor (hereinafter referred to as “FET”), what is called an FIN type FET has been proposed. ", "The FIN type FET has a rectangular parallelepiped semiconductor portion that projects perpendicularly to a substrate plane and a gate electrode that strides over a top surface of the rectangular parallelepiped semiconductor portion from one side to the other side. ", "A gate insulating film is interposed between the rectangular parallelepiped semiconductor portion and the gate electrode. ", "A channel is formed mainly along the opposite sides of the rectangular parallelepiped semiconductor portion. ", "Such a FIN type FET is known to be advantageous for miniaturization because the channel width can be set perpendicularly to a substrate plane. ", "The FIN type FET is also known to be advantageous for the improvement of various characteristics such as the improvement of a cutoff characteristic and carrier mobility and the reduction of a short channel effect and punch through.", "\nAs such a FIN type FET, Patent Document 1 (Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. ", "64-8670) discloses a MOS field effect transistor characterized in that a semiconductor portion having a source area, a drain area, and a channel area is shaped like a rectangular parallelepiped having sides almost perpendicular to the plane of a wafer substrate, in that the height of the rectangular parallelepiped semiconductor portion is larger than its width, and in that a gate electrode extends perpendicularly to the plane of the wafer substrate.", "\nPatent Document 1 illustrates a form in which a part of the rectangular parallelepiped semiconductor portion is a part of the silicon wafer substrate and a form in which a part of the rectangular parallelepiped semiconductor portion is a part of a single crystal silicon layer in an SOI (Silicon On Insulator) substrate. ", "The former is shown in FIG. ", "2(a) and the latter is shown in FIG. ", "2(b).", "\nIn the form shown in FIG. ", "2(a), a part of a silicon wafer substrate 101 is a rectangular parallelepiped portion 103. ", "A gate electrode 105 extends along the opposite sides of the rectangular parallelepiped portion 103 over its top. ", "The rectangular parallelepiped portion 103 has a source area and a drain area formed opposite the respective sides of the gate electrode. ", "A channel is formed under an insulating film 104 under the gate electrode. ", "The channel width is equal to double the height h of the rectangular parallelepiped portion 103. ", "The gate length corresponds to the width L of the gate electrode 105. ", "The rectangular parallelepiped portion 103 is composed of an inner unetched part of a trench formed by anisotropically etching the silicon wafer substrate 101. ", "The gate electrode 105 is provided on an insulating film 102 formed in the trench so as to stride over the rectangular parallelepiped portion 103.", "\nIn the form shown in FIG. ", "2(b), an SOI substrate is provided which comprises a silicon wafer substrate 111, an insulating layer 112, and a silicon single crystal layer. ", "The silicon single crystal layer is patterned to form a rectangular parallelepiped portion 113. ", "A gate electrode 115 is provided on the exposed insulating layer 112 so as to stride over the rectangular parallelepiped portion 113. ", "The rectangular parallelepiped portion 113 has a source area and a drain area formed opposite the respective sides of a gate electrode. ", "A channel is formed under an insulating film 114 under the gate electrode. ", "The channel width is equal to the sum of double the height a of the rectangular parallelepiped portion 113 and the width b of the rectangular parallelepiped portion 113. ", "The gate length corresponds to the width L of the gate electrode 115.", "\nOn the other hand, Patent Document 2 (Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. ", "2002-118255) discloses a FIN type FET having a plurality of rectangular parallelepiped semiconductor portions (projecting semiconductor layers 213), for example, as shown in FIGS. ", "3(a) to 3(c). ", "FIG. ", "3(b) is a sectional view taken along line B-B in FIG. ", "3(a). ", "FIG. ", "2(c) is a sectional view taken along line C-C in FIG. ", "3(a). ", "This FIN type FET has the plurality of projecting semiconductor layers 213 composed of a part of a well layer 211 in a silicon substrate 210 and arranged parallel to one another. ", "A gate electrode 216 is provided so as to stride over the central part of these projecting semiconductor layers. ", "The gate electrode 216 is formed so as to extend from a top surface of an insulating film 214 along the sides of the projecting semiconductor layers 213. ", "An insulating film 218 is interposed between the projecting semiconductor layers and the gate electrode. ", "A channel 215 is formed in the projecting semiconductor layer under the gate electrode. ", "Further, a source/drain area 217 is formed in each projecting semiconductor layer. ", "A high concentration impurity layer (punch through stopper layer) is provided in an area 212 under the source/drain area 217. ", "Upper layer wires 229 and 230 are provided via an interlayer insulating film 226 and are connected to the source/drain area 207 and the gate electrode 216, respectively, via contact plugs 228. ", "Patent Document 2 states that this structure enables the sides of the projecting semiconductor layer to be used as the channel width, allowing the planar area to be reduced compared to conventional planar FETs.", "\nIn recent years, attempts have been made to apply these FIN type FETs to SRAMs. ", "For example, Patent Document 3 (Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. ", "2-263473) describes an example in which FIN type FETs are applied to some of the transistors (having gates composed of word lines) constituting memory cells in an SRAM. ", "Non-Patent Document 1 (Fu-Liang Yang et al, IEDM (International Electron Devices Meeting), 2003, p. 627 to 630) shows the possibility of applying FIN type FETs to an SRAM. ", "Non-Patent Document 2 (T. Part et al, IEDM, 2003, p. 27 to 30) and Non-Patent Document 3 (Jeong-Hwan Yang et al, IEDM, 2003, p. 23 to 26) describe examples in which FIN type FETs are applied to an SRAM." ]
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[ "National | Flash flooding for the Plains\n\nShowers and thunderstorms impacted the northern Plains earlier today as a result of a low pressure system, which brought about gusty winds, hail, and even some flash floods.", "\n\nParts of the Southwest and Great Basin continued to experience thunderstorms today as a result of monsoonal moisture. ", "The Northeast also felt the effects of a low pressure system, bringing about slightly cooler temperatures and some wet weather.", "\n\nAreas in eastern Montana experienced intense weather conditions earlier today as a result of a slow moving, low pressure system. ", "Several counties reported flooding along rivers and streams, while many road closures occurred due to localized flooding. ", "Two inch diameter hail was reported in parts of Montana, as well as wind gusts exceeding 70 mph. ", "Thunderstorms also affected parts of North and South Dakota, as flash flood watches were reported in both states.", "\n\nParts of the southern Great Basin and the Southwest felt another surge of monsoonal moisture earlier today. ", "Flash flood warnings were put into effect throughout the region, especially along mountain slopes. ", "Southwest California, including areas below recent burn areas, experienced excessive runoff due to a strong set of slow-moving thunderstorms.", "\n\nThe Northeast, including a large portion of New York and parts of New England, experienced showers and thunderstorms as a result of yesterday's cold front passage. ", "Temperatures were recorded at 5 to 10 degrees below normal for this time of year, while the Southeast continued to experience warm, dry weather.", "\n\nON THIS DATE....... On this date in 1970, a lightning bolt killed 2 football players and injured another 22 at Gibbs High School in St. Petersburg Fla. All 38 players and 4 coaches on the field were knocked off their feet." ]
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[ 0.004651162790697674, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010101010101010102, 0, 0, 0, 0.004464285714285714 ]
[ "[Differentiation of the prostate in the snail Helix aspersa Müll].", "\nThe differentiation of the snail Helix aspersa prostate gland is studied in animals from one to six months old. ", "After the presentation of organogenesis the primary stage of secretion (3 months) and a stage where the prostate gland shows abundant secretions (6 months) were described; but the oviduct is still indifferentiated. ", "The ultrastructural analysis shows the formation of secretory and ciliated cells in epithelioid prostatic tubes." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Nomenclature\n============\n\n*C~p~*\n\n: specific heat (kJ/(kg K))\n\n*r*\n\n: radial coordinate (m)\n\n*x*\n\n: axial coordinate (m)\n\n*D*\n\n: diffusivity (m^2^/s)\n\n*g*\n\n: gravity acceleration (m/s^2^)\n\n*h*\n\n: specific enthalpy (J/kg)\n\n*h~fg,i~*\n\n: latent heat of water vapour at the interface (kJ/kg)\n\n*L*\n\n: length of the pipe (m)\n\n$\\overset{˙}{m}$\n\n: mass flow rate (kg/s)\n\n*P*\n\n: pressure (kPa)\n\n$q^{''}$\n\n: heat flux (kW/m^2^)\n\n$\\overset{˙}{Q}$\n\n: sensible heat (kW)\n\n*Re*\n\n: Reynolds number\n\n*Sc*\n\n: Schmidt number\n\n*r~i~*\n\n: tube inner radius (m)\n\n*r~o~*\n\n: condenser tube outer radius (m)\n\n*T*\n\n: temperature (°C)\n\n*U*\n\n: axial mean velocity (m/s)\n\n*V*\n\n: radial mean velocity (m/s)\n\n*u*\n\n: velocity (m/s)\n\n*y*\n\n: lateral position (m)\n\n*E*\n\n: internal energy (J/kg)\n\n*R*\n\n: universal gas constant (=8.314 J/(mol K))\n\n*M*\n\n: molar mass\n\n*Y*\n\n: mass fraction\n\n*S*\n\n: source terms\n\n*J*\n\n: mass flux of species (J/m^2^ s)\n\n```{=html}\n<!-- --", ">\n```\n\n*δ*\n\n: thickness of condensate film (*m*)\n\n*ɛ*\n\n: energy dissipation rate (m)\n\n*κ*\n\n: kinetic energy (J/kg)\n\n*μ*\n\n: dynamic viscosity (kg/(ms))\n\n*ρ*\n\n: density (kg/m^3^)\n\n*α*\n\n: under-relaxation factor\n\n*τ~g~*\n\n: interfacial shear stress (N/m^2^)\n\n*λ*\n\n: thermal conductivity (W/(mK))\n\n```{=html}\n<!-- --", ">\n```\n\n*f*, *i*\n\n: film interface\n\n*f*\n\n: film\n\n*l*\n\n: liquid\n\n*x*\n\n: axial direction\n\n*v*\n\n: vapour\n\n*av*\n\n: air--vapour\n\n*w*\n\n: water\n\n*0*\n\n: inlet\n\n*i*\n\n: index for species\n\n*T*\n\n: temperature\n\n*m*\n\n: mass\n\n1. ", "Introduction {#s0005}\n===============\n\nCondensation of water vapour in the presence of non-condensable gases has many applications such as air conditioning, electricity generation, refrigeration, reactor safety, aerospace, desalination and some heat exchangers. ", "However, a detailed understanding and our capability of predicting it, especially in cases of high mass fraction of water vapour, are still lacking. ", "As a result, we need to enhance our understanding on the physics of water vapour condensation in the presence of non-condensable gases and to develop techniques to predict the heat and mass transfer involved numerically for industrial applications.", "\n\nThe analysis by the heat and mass transfer analogy in situations with water vapour condensation in the presence of non-condensable gases has been described by many researchers. ", "Colburn and Hougen [@b0005] were the first to develop a theory for condensation mass transfer which was controlled by the mass concentration gradient through the non-condensable layer. ", "They described the heat transfer process as the sum of sensible heat and latent heat flows. ", "Dehbi and Guentay [@b0010] derived a theoretical prediction of heat and mass transfer in a vertical tube condenser from steam and non-condensable gas mixture. ", "An algebraic equation for the film thickness was derived. ", "The mass and heat transfer analogy was invoked to deduce the condensation rate. ", "Munoz-cobo et al. [", "@b0020] developed a theory for turbulent vapour condensation in vertical tubes when non-condensable gases are present and the condensate film thickness was calculated using an approximate method. ", "Che, Da and Zhuang [@b0015] used the method of Colburn and Hougen [@b0005] to analyse the heat and mass transfer process for the condensation of water vapour from moist air in a tube. ", "They conducted experiments and found that the convection--condensation heat transfer coefficient is 1.5--2 times higher than that of forced convection without condensation. ", "There have been several experiments performed to study condensation of vapour--gas mixture in vertical tubes. ", "Siddique [@b0025], Kuhn [@b0030] and Kuhn et al. [", "@b0035] studied steam condensation in the presence of air flowing downwards in vertical tubes and cold water flowing upwards inside cooling jackets.", "\n\nMany of the theoretical predictions of vapour condensation and heat transfer in the presence of non-condensable gas have focussed on the gas and vapour mixture. ", "The cooling of the gas--vapour mixture is normally calculated by assuming a constant wall temperature or a constant heat flux at the wall. ", "In condensers, this wall temperature or heat flux at the wall is in general not known a prior, and the temperature of the cooling fluid (e.g. water) has normally been used as an approximation for the wall temperature. ", "This may be a valid approximation when the mass flow rate of the cooling water is much larger than that of the gas--vapour mixture or when the mass fraction of the water vapour in the gas--vapour mixture is low. ", "However, a better approach is to solve the heat and mass balance of the condensers including the cooling water and the gas--vapour simultaneously. ", "Recently, Li, Saraireh and Thorpe [@b0040] have undertaken the predictions of vapour condensation and heat transfer in the presence of non-condensable gases involving water vapour condensation in gas--vapour mixture flows with water as the cooling fluid. ", "The equations, in combination with many theoretical models for heat and mass transfer for the gas--vapour mixture, were solved numerically and the predictions were found to compare favourably with available experimental results from the literature.", "\n\nRecently, modelling of water vapour condensation in the presence of non-condensable gases has been conducted using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). ", "The advantages of using CFD include the ability of predicting water vapour condensation in complex geometries and of less assumptions in modelling the mass and heat transfer involved. ", "Revankar and Pollock [@b0045] predicted the laminar film condensation in a vertical tube in the presence of non-condensable gas and the predictions were compared with experimental data. ", "Rao et al. [", "@b0050] presented the convective condensation of water vapour in the presence of a non-condensable gas of high concentration in laminar flow in a vertical pipe. ", "They predicted the local and average values of the condensation Nusselt number, condensate Reynolds number, gas--liquid interface temperature and pressure drop. ", "Bucci et al. [", "@b0055] used a commercial and an in-house CFD code to evaluate the heat and mass transfer occurring over a flat plate exposed to an air--vapour stream with uniform bulk stream mass fraction and temperature conditions at the wall. ", "Benelmir, Mokraoui and Souayed [@b0060] conducted a numerical analysis of film-wise condensation in a plate fin-and-tube heat exchanger in the presence of non-condensable gas. ", "Moukalled et al. [", "@b0065] used CFD to predict and optimize the performance of an air-conditioning equipment. ", "In these CFD simulations of vapour condensation in the presence of non-condensable gas, the condensate film is neglected and the vapour condensation is modelled as a sink term for the mass conservation and species conservation. ", "Mimouni et al. [", "@b0070] used CFD to model the wall steam condensation using two-phase flow approach and compared the predictions with that using a homogeneous flow approach.", "\n\nYuann [@b0075], Panday [@b0080] and Groff et al. [", "@b0085] solved the governing conservation equations in both the liquid film and the vapour--gas mixture and linked them with interfacial boundary conditions. ", "In Groff et al. [", "@b0085], the cylindrical coordinate system was transformed such that the interface between the gas mixture and liquid condensate is at a constant *η* = 1 and a set of seven boundary conditions was supplied at the liquid--mixture interface. ", "To solve the conservation equations numerically, the number of grids in both the liquid region and the mixture region were set at the same order of magnitude. ", "Given the large difference in densities between the liquid region and gas mixture region, the thickness of the condensation film is in general three orders of magnitude less than the tube diameter or channel width of the condenser. ", "Using such a large number of grids in the liquid region shows the challenge of this approach in CFD modelling of vapour condensation in condensers.", "\n\nLaaroussi, Lauriat and Desrayaud [@b0090] studied the effect of variable density for film evaporation on laminar mixed convection in a vertical channel. ", "They have studied the buoyancy effect due to temperature and mass fraction variations using the Boussinesq approximation. ", "They have found that both thermal buoyancy force and solutal buoyancy force need to be considered. ", "They considered only laminar flows and the maximum mass fraction of vapour was up to 50%. ", "In many industry applications, much higher vapour content can be found.", "\n\nAs in those cases of simple theoretical predictions of vapour condensations in the presence of non-condensable gas, all the CFD simulations mentioned above model heat and mass transfer inside the condenser tubes or channels with a constant wall temperature or constant heat flux at the wall. ", "On the other hand, in nearly all the experiments conducted and industrial applications, vapour condensation cannot exist by itself. ", "The condensers are in general cooled by coolant in the cooling jackets. ", "As the results of Li et al. [", "@b0040] showed, in case of high mass fraction of water vapour inside the condensers, both the condenser wall temperature and heat flux can vary significantly. ", "Also, as a prediction method, the wall temperature and heat flux should be the consequence of predictions rather than input boundary conditions. ", "Saraireh, Thorpe and Li [@b0095] attempted to predict the vapour condensation of a whole plane condenser using ANSYS FLUENT® for low vapour content and encountered many difficulties.", "\n\nIn this paper, we present the results of modelling the water vapour condensation in the presence of non-condensable gas from medium to high vapour content and the heat transfer in the cooling jacket using FLUENT® in vertical cylindrical tubes. ", "Inside the condenser tubes, we model both the gas mixture region and the liquid film. ", "The modelling of the liquid film is undertaken by using the Nusselt approximation rather than solving a set of conservation equations to save computer resources. ", "We also model the buoyancy effect from the variation of temperature and vapour content without using the Boussinesq approximation.", "\n\n2. ", "Governing equations, turbulence modelling and problem formulation {#s0010}\n====================================================================\n\nWe consider a vertical condenser tube with an annular cooling channel. [", "Fig. ", "1](#f0005){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows a schematic diagram of the condenser system with defined coordinate systems and quantities. ", "Here we assume that the homogeneously mixed air and water vapour mixture enters the condenser tube from the top and the cooling water (coolant) enters the annular channel from the bottom. ", "It is assumed that the condensate forms a thin film on the inner surface of the condenser wall and the film thickness *δ~f~* = 0 at *x* = 0. ", "In addition, we also assume: (1) the flow is statistically steady and axisymmetric; (2) the condensate film is impermeable to non-condensable gas; (3) the thickness of the condensate film is extremely thin and much less than the radius of the condenser tube, *δ~f~* \\<\\< *r~i~*; (4) the air and water vapour--gas mixture is an ideal gas and its thermodynamic properties vary with temperature; (5) condensation occurs only at the interface between the liquid film and the gas mixture; and (6) the cooling channel is surrounded by an adiabatic wall.", "\n\n2.1. ", "Conservation equations {#s0015}\n---------------------------\n\nThe conservation of mass or continuity equation can be written as:$$\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial x}(\\rho U) + \\frac{\\partial}{\\partial r}(\\rho V) + \\frac{\\rho V}{r} = S_{m}$$where *S~m~* is the source terms of total mass. ", "The equations for momentum conservation are$$\\begin{aligned}\n & {\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial x}(\\rho\\mathit{UU}) + \\frac{1}{r}\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial r}(r\\rho\\mathit{UV})} \\\\\n & {\\quad = - \\frac{\\partial P}{\\partial x} + \\frac{\\partial}{\\partial x}\\left\\lbrack {\\mu_{\\mathit{eff}}\\left( {2\\frac{\\partial U}{\\partial x} - \\frac{2}{3}(\\nabla \\cdot \\overset{\\rightarrow}{u})} \\right\\rbrack} \\right)} \\\\\n & {\\qquad + \\frac{1}{r}\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial r}\\left\\lbrack {r\\mu_{\\mathit{eff}}\\left( {\\frac{\\partial U}{\\partial r} + \\frac{\\partial V}{\\partial x}} \\right)} \\right\\rbrack + \\rho g + S_{U}} \\\\\n & {\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial x}(\\rho\\mathit{UV}) + \\frac{1}{r}\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial r}(r\\rho\\mathit{VV})} \\\\\n & {\\quad = - \\frac{\\partial P}{\\partial r} + \\frac{\\partial}{\\partial x}\\left\\lbrack {\\mu_{\\mathit{eff}}\\left( {\\frac{\\partial U}{\\partial r} + \\frac{\\partial V}{\\partial x}} \\right)} \\right\\rbrack} \\\\\n & {\\qquad + \\frac{1}{r}\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial r}\\left\\lbrack {r\\mu_{\\mathit{eff}}\\left( {2\\frac{\\partial V}{\\partial r} - \\frac{2}{3}(\\nabla \\cdot \\overset{\\rightarrow}{u})} \\right\\rbrack} \\right\\rbrack - 2\\mu_{\\mathit{eff}}\\frac{V}{r^{2}}} \\\\\n & {\\qquad + \\frac{2}{3}\\frac{\\mu_{\\mathit{eff}}}{r}(\\nabla \\cdot \\overset{\\rightarrow}{u}) + S_{V}} \\\\\n\\end{aligned}$$Here *S~U~* and *S~V~* are the source terms for momentum in *x* and *r* directions, respectively, and$$\\nabla.\\overset{\\rightarrow}{u} = \\frac{\\partial U}{\\partial x} + \\frac{\\partial V}{\\partial r} + \\frac{V}{r}$$\n\nThe conservation of energy in statistically steady cylindrical coordinate systems are$$\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial x}(U(\\rho E + P)) + \\frac{1}{r}\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial r}(\\mathit{rV}(\\rho E + P)) = \\frac{\\partial}{\\partial x}\\left( {\\lambda_{\\mathit{eff}}\\frac{\\partial T}{\\partial x} - \\sum h_{i}J_{\\mathit{ix}} + {({\\overline{\\overline{\\tau}}}_{\\mathit{eff}}.\\overset{\\rightarrow}{v})}_{x}} \\right) + \\frac{1}{r}\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial r}\\left( {r\\lambda_{\\mathit{eff}}\\frac{\\partial T}{\\partial r} - \\sum h_{i}J_{\\mathit{ir}} + {({\\overline{\\overline{\\tau}}}_{\\mathit{eff}} \\cdot \\overset{\\rightarrow}{v})}_{r}} \\right) + S_{h}$$where ${\\overline{\\overline{\\tau}}}_{\\mathit{eff}}$ is the turbulent shear stress tensor (2D), $\\overset{\\rightarrow}{v}$ is the velocity vector and *S~h~* is the source term for energy.", "\n\nIn the above equation$$E = h - \\frac{P}{\\rho} + \\frac{\\left( {U^{2} + V^{2}} \\right)}{2}$$where *h* is the sensible enthalpy and for compressible flows it is defined as:$$h = \\sum\\limits_{i}Y_{i}h_{i}$$and $h_{i} = \\int_{T_{\\mathit{ref}}}^{T}C_{p\\text{,}i}\\mathit{dT}$ with the reference temperature *T~ref~* = 298.15 K is used.", "\n\nFor the annular channel flow of cooling water, only water liquid is flowing. ", "The fluid can be considered as incompressible and$$E = h + \\frac{\\left( {U^{2} + V^{2}} \\right)}{2}$$\n\nFor the gas mixture flow inside the tube condenser, the mass fraction of the water vapour satisfies the following equation$$\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial x}\\left( {\\rho\\mathit{UY}_{v}} \\right) + \\frac{1}{r}\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial r}\\left( {r\\rho\\mathit{VY}_{v}} \\right) = - \\left( {\\frac{\\partial J_{v\\text{,}x}}{\\partial x} + \\frac{1}{r}\\frac{\\partial(\\mathit{rJ}_{v\\text{,}r})}{\\partial r}} \\right) + S_{v}$$$$\\begin{aligned}\n & {J_{v\\text{,}x} = - \\left( {\\rho D_{v\\text{,}m} + \\frac{\\mu_{\\mathit{eff}}}{\\mathit{Sc}_{t}}} \\right)\\frac{\\partial Y_{v}}{\\partial x} - \\frac{D_{T\\text{,}v}}{T}\\frac{\\partial T}{\\partial x}} \\\\\n & {J_{v\\text{,}r} = - \\left( {\\rho D_{\\mathit{vm}} + \\frac{\\mu_{\\mathit{eff}}}{\\mathit{Sc}_{t}}} \\right)\\frac{\\partial Y_{v}}{\\partial r} - \\frac{D_{T\\text{,}v}}{T}\\frac{\\partial T}{\\partial r}} \\\\\n\\end{aligned}$$where *S~v~* is the source (sink) term for the water vapour, *Sc~t~* is the turbulent Schmidt number, *D~v~*~,~*~m~* is the mass diffusivity of water vapour and air, and *D~T~*~,~*~v~* is the thermal diffusivity. ", "The conservation equations are completed by the ideal gas law for the gas mixture$$\\begin{aligned}\n & {\\rho = \\frac{\\mathit{PM}}{\\mathit{RT}}} \\\\\n & {Y_{a} + Y_{v} = 1} \\\\\n\\end{aligned}$$and the molar mass of the mixture *M* is calculated from$$\\frac{1}{M} = \\left( {\\frac{Y_{v}}{M_{v}} + \\frac{Y_{a}}{M_{a}}} \\right)$$\n\n2.2. ", "Turbulence modelling {#s0020}\n-------------------------\n\nThe realizable *k*--*ɛ* model [@b0105] was used to model turbulence in the present simulation. ", "The governing equations for the turbulent kinetic energy *k* and the dissipation rate *ɛ* are$$\\begin{aligned}\n & {\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial x}(\\rho\\mathit{Uk}) + \\frac{1}{r}\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial r}(r\\rho\\mathit{Vk})} \\\\\n & {\\quad = \\frac{\\partial}{\\partial x}\\left\\lbrack {\\left( {\\mu + \\frac{\\mu_{t}}{\\sigma_{k}}} \\right)\\frac{\\partial k}{\\partial x}} \\right\\rbrack + \\frac{1}{r}\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial r}\\left\\lbrack {r\\left( {\\mu + \\frac{\\mu_{t}}{\\sigma_{k}}} \\right)\\frac{\\partial k}{\\partial r}} \\right\\rbrack} \\\\\n & {\\qquad + G_{k} + G_{b} - \\rho\\varepsilon + S_{k}} \\\\\n & {\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial x}(\\rho U\\varepsilon) + \\frac{1}{r}\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial r}(r\\rho V\\varepsilon)} \\\\\n & {\\quad = \\frac{\\partial}{\\partial x}\\left\\lbrack {\\left( {\\mu + \\frac{\\mu_{t}}{\\sigma_{\\varepsilon}}} \\right)\\frac{\\partial\\varepsilon}{\\partial x}} \\right\\rbrack + \\frac{1}{r}\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial r}\\left\\lbrack {r\\left( {\\mu + \\frac{\\mu_{t}}{\\sigma_{\\varepsilon}}} \\right)\\frac{\\partial\\varepsilon}{\\partial r}} \\right\\rbrack} \\\\\n & {\\qquad + \\rho C_{1}S\\varepsilon - \\rho C_{2}\\frac{\\varepsilon^{2}}{k + \\sqrt{\\nu\\varepsilon}} + C_{1\\varepsilon}\\frac{\\varepsilon}{k}C_{3\\varepsilon}G_{b} + S_{\\varepsilon}} \\\\\n\\end{aligned}$$In these equations, *G~k~* represents the generation of turbulent kinetic energy due to the mean velocity gradients and *G~b~* is the generation of turbulence kinetic energy due to buoyancy. ", "The contribution of the fluctuating dilatation in compressible turbulence to the overall dissipation rate has been neglected. *", "S~k~* and *S~ɛ~* are user-defined source terms. ", "In the above equations,$$C_{1} = \\max\\left\\lbrack {0.43\\text{,}\\ \\frac{\\eta}{\\eta + 5}} \\right\\rbrack\\text{,}\\quad\\eta = S\\frac{\\varepsilon}{k}\\text{,}\\quad S = \\sqrt{2S_{\\mathit{ij}}S_{\\mathit{ij}}}$$\n\nIn the turbulence modelling,$$\\begin{aligned}\n & {\\mu_{t} = \\rho C_{\\mu}\\frac{k^{2}}{\\varepsilon}} \\\\\n & {\\mu_{\\mathit{eff}} = \\mu + \\mu_{t}} \\\\\n\\end{aligned}$$\n\nThe special feature of realizable *k*--*ε* model is that *C~μ~* is not a constant, rather it is calculated as$$C_{\\mu} = \\frac{1}{A_{0} + A_{s}\\frac{\\mathit{kU}^{\\ast}}{\\varepsilon}}\\text{,}\\quad U^{\\ast} = \\sqrt{S_{\\mathit{ij}}S_{\\mathit{ij}} + {\\overset{\\frown}{\\Omega}}_{\\mathit{ij}}{\\overset{\\frown}{\\Omega}}_{\\mathit{ij}}}\\text{,}\\quad{\\overset{\\frown}{\\Omega}}_{\\mathit{ij}} = \\Omega_{\\mathit{ij}} - 2\\varepsilon_{\\mathit{ijk}}\\omega_{k}\\quad\\Omega_{\\mathit{ij}} = {\\overline{\\Omega}}_{\\mathit{ij}} - \\varepsilon_{\\mathit{ijk}}\\omega_{k}$$Here ${\\overline{\\Omega}}_{\\mathit{ij}}$ is the mean rate of rotation tensor viewed in a moving frame with angular velocity *ω~k~* and$$\\begin{aligned}\n & {A_{0} = 4.04\\text{,}\\quad A_{s} = \\sqrt{6}\\cos\\ \\varphi} \\\\\n & {\\varphi = \\frac{1}{3}\\cos^{- 1}(\\sqrt{6}W)\\text{,}\\quad W = \\frac{S_{\\mathit{ij}}S_{\\mathit{jk}}S_{\\mathit{ki}}}{{\\widetilde{S}}^{3}}\\text{,}\\quad\\widetilde{S} = \\sqrt{S_{\\mathit{ij}}S_{\\mathit{ij}}}\\text{,}\\quad S_{\\mathit{ij}} = \\frac{1}{2}\\left( {\\frac{\\partial u_{i}}{\\partial x_{j}} + \\frac{\\partial u_{j}}{\\partial x_{i}}} \\right)} \\\\\n\\end{aligned}$$\n\nThe model constants are$$C_{1\\varepsilon} = 1.44\\text{,}\\quad C_{2} = 1.9\\text{,}\\quad\\sigma_{k} = 1.0\\text{,}\\quad\\sigma_{\\varepsilon} = 1.2$$\n\n2.3. ", "Source terms {#s0025}\n-----------------\n\nIn simulating the flows in the condenser system as that shown in [Fig. ", "1](#f0005){ref-type=\"fig\"}, various source terms exist at the interface between the gas mixture and condensate film. ", "These need to be specified during the CFD simulation.", "\n\n### 2.3.1. ", "Source term for mass {#s0030}\n\nThe source terms for the total mass and the water vapour are due to the condensation of water vapour at the interface between the gas mixture and the condensate film and is calculated using$$S_{m} = S_{v} = \\left( {\\frac{\\rho D_{v\\text{,}m}}{1 - Y_{v}}\\frac{\\partial Y_{v}}{\\partial r}} \\right|_{r = r_{i}}\\frac{\\delta A}{\\delta V}$$where *δA* is the surface area and *δV* is the cell volume next to the interface. ", "Here we assume that the gas mixture is extended to the inner surface of the condenser tube and the thickness of the condensate film is negligible. ", "The mass fraction of the water vapour at the interface is calculated by assuming that the gas mixture--liquid film is in thermodynamic equilibrium and is related to the partial pressure of water vapour at saturation condition by$$\\left( Y_{v} \\right|_{r = r_{i}} = \\frac{M_{v}}{M_{a}}\\frac{P_{\\mathit{sat}}\\left( T_{\\mathit{fi}} \\right)}{P - \\left( {1 - \\frac{M_{v}}{M_{a}}} \\right)P_{\\mathit{sat}}(T_{\\mathit{fi}})}$$where *P* is the local total pressure, *P~sat~*(*T~fi~*) is the saturation vapour pressure at the interface temperature and is calculated as [@b0050]$$P_{\\mathit{sat}}(T) = \\left( {\\exp(77.3448 + 0.005713T - 7235/T)}/ \\right.", "T^{8.2}$$\n\n### 2.3.2. ", "Source term for momentum {#s0035}\n\nBecause of the large variation of temperature and mass fraction of water vapour, the density of the gas mixture will vary significantly within the condenser tube. ", "The first consequence of this is that the flow inside the condenser tube cannot be assumed to be incompressible which requires constant density. ", "The large variation of density across the flow field also results in large buoyancy forces. ", "As discussed by Laaroussi et al. [", "@b0090], both thermal and solutal buoyancy forces exist in the condensation and evaporation of gas mixture with high vapour content. ", "In Laaroussi et al. [", "@b0090], the buoyancy forces were modelled as source terms in the *x* direction momentum equation using Boussinesq approximation, even though this approximation is valid only for small temperature differences, and the thermo-physical properties of the mixture were evaluated at reference temperature and mass fraction (vary with the vertical channel) given by the 1/3 law from the expression given by Fujii et al. [", "@b0100].", "\n\nWhen using the Boussinesq approximation for the problem involving concentration variation as well as temperature variation, the density of the mixture is approximated by a double Taylor expansion (Bird, Stewart and Lightfoot [@b0110]) as$$\\begin{aligned}\n & {\\rho(T\\text{,}Y_{v}) = \\overline{\\rho} + \\left( \\frac{\\partial\\rho}{\\partial T} \\right|_{\\overline{T}\\text{,}{\\overline{Y}}_{v}}(T - \\overline{T}) + \\left( \\frac{\\partial\\rho}{\\partial Y_{v}} \\right|_{\\overline{T}\\text{,}{\\overline{Y}}_{v}}\\left( {Y_{v} - {\\overline{Y}}_{v}} \\right) + \\cdots} \\\\\n & {\\quad \\approx \\overline{\\rho} - \\overline{\\rho}\\overline{\\beta}(T - \\overline{T}) - \\overline{\\rho}\\overline{\\zeta}(Y_{v} - {\\overline{Y}}_{v})} \\\\\n & {\\overline{\\beta} = \\left( {- \\frac{1}{\\overline{\\rho}}\\frac{\\partial\\rho}{\\partial T}} \\right|_{\\overline{T}\\text{,}{\\overline{Y}}_{v}}} \\\\\n & {\\overline{\\zeta} = \\left( {- \\frac{1}{\\overline{\\rho}}\\frac{\\partial\\rho}{\\partial Y_{v}}} \\right|_{\\overline{T}\\text{,}{\\overline{Y}}_{v}}} \\\\\n\\end{aligned}$$\n\nUnder this approximation, the momentum equation can be written as (Bird et al. [", "@b0110])$$\\frac{D(\\rho\\mathbf{V})}{\\mathit{Dt}} = ( - \\nabla P + \\overline{\\rho}\\mathbf{g}) - \\overline{\\rho}\\mathbf{g}\\overline{\\beta}(T - \\overline{T}) - \\overline{\\rho}\\mathbf{g}\\overline{\\zeta}(Y_{v} - {\\overline{Y}}_{v}) + \\cdots$$\n\nIn the above equation, the pressure *P* can be redefined to include the hydrostatic force due to density variation (Batchelor [@b0115]), the buoyancy forces are due to the linear variations of the temperature and mass fraction of the water vapour. [", "Fig. ", "1](#f0005){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows that for the current problem, both the average temperature and the average mass fraction of the water vapour along the condenser tube decrease as the gas mixture flow from the top of the tube to the bottom of the tube. ", "This results in an increase in average density of the gas mixture along the condenser tube. ", "Across the condenser tube, the temperature and mass fraction of the water vapour also decrease from the tube centre to the condensate film. ", "This results in, on average, a density increase of the gas mixture towards the condensate film. ", "Instead of using the Boussinesq approximation of expanding the density variation as that due to small variation of temperature and mass fraction of water vapour, we write the *x* direction momentum equation as$$\\frac{D(\\rho U)}{\\mathit{Dt}} = \\left( {- \\frac{\\partial P}{\\partial x} + \\rho_{0}g} \\right) + (\\rho - \\rho_{0})g + \\cdots$$\n\nHere *ρ*~0~ is the density of the gas mixture at the centre of the condenser tube and increase with *x*. ", "The above buoyancy force was applied in the gas mixture region and no linear approximation is involved.", "\n\nAt the interface between the gas mixture and the condensate film, as water vapour condenses into water liquid, it will cause a loss of momentum in the gas mixture and this can be modelled as$$\\begin{aligned}\n & {S_{U} = \\mathit{US}_{m}} \\\\\n & {S_{V} = \\mathit{VS}_{m}} \\\\\n\\end{aligned}$$\n\nTogether with the buoyancy force in the *x* direction, these are added to the momentum equation [(2)](#e0165){ref-type=\"disp-formula\"} in the CFD simulation of the gas mixture region.", "\n\n### 2.3.3. ", "Source term for energy {#s0040}\n\nSimilarly, the water vapour condensation also causes the removal of energy from the mixture region. ", "This can be calculated as$$S_{h} = S_{m}h_{v}$$\n\nThis is different from that commonly used$$S_{h} = S_{m}\\left( {h_{v} - h_{a}} \\right)$$\n\nSince the condensation occurs at the interface between the gas mixture and condensate film where only a sink term exists for the water vapour and there is no source term for the non-condensable gas.", "\n\n2.4. ", "Boundary conditions {#s0045}\n------------------------\n\nFor the cooling annular channel, the outside tube is assumed to be adiabatic and the mass flow rate and the temperature at its inlet are specified as$$\\overset{˙}{m} = {\\overset{˙}{m}}_{c}\\text{,}\\quad T_{w} = T_{c}\\mspace{6mu}\\mathit{at}\\mspace{6mu} x = L$$\n\nA pressure outlet boundary condition is specified for the coolant at the exit.", "\n\nFor the gas mixture region, the total mass flow rate, the temperature and the mass fraction of water vapour are specified at the inlet$${\\overset{˙}{m}}_{\\mathit{av}} = {\\overset{˙}{m}}_{\\mathit{av}\\text{,}0}\\text{,}\\quad T_{\\mathit{av}} = T_{\\mathit{av}\\text{,}0}\\text{,}\\quad Y_{v} = Y_{v\\text{,}0}\\mspace{6mu}\\mathit{at}\\mspace{6mu} x = 0$$\n\nThe flow is assumed to be normal to the inlets.", "\n\nAs in Li et al. [", "@b0040], the condensate film is modelled as a very thin layer. ", "Instead of solving the conservation equations in the condensate film, we conduct the CFD simulation only for the gas mixture region in the condenser tube and the condensate film is considered as providing the necessary boundary conditions. ", "By considering the balance between the weights of the fluid elements, the buoyancy force and the viscous shear force, the velocity gradient of the condensate in the film can be written as (Li et al. [", "@b0040])$$\\frac{\\mathit{du}}{\\mathit{dy}} = \\frac{\\left( {\\rho_{l} - \\rho} \\right)}{\\mu_{l}}\\left( {\\delta_{f} - y} \\right) + \\frac{\\tau_{g}}{\\mu_{l}}$$where *y* is the distance from the condenser inner surface, *ρ~l~* is the density of the condensate, *μ~f~* is the dynamic viscosity of the condensate and *τ~g~* is the shear stress at the interface between the air--vapour mixture and the condensate film. ", "By integration, the velocity distribution in the condensate film can then be derived as$$u = \\frac{1}{2}\\frac{\\left( {\\rho_{l} - \\rho} \\right)g}{\\mu_{l}}\\left\\lbrack {\\delta_{f}^{2} - {(\\delta_{f} - y)}^{2}} \\right\\rbrack + \\frac{\\tau_{g}}{\\mu_{l}}y$$\n\nThis shows that the velocity at the surface of the condensate film is$$u = \\frac{1}{2}\\frac{\\left( {\\rho_{l} - \\rho} \\right)g}{\\mu_{l}}\\delta_{f}^{2} + \\frac{\\tau_{g}}{\\mu_{l}}\\delta_{f}$$\n\nHere we have assumed that the velocity of the condensate is zero at the inner surface of the condenser wall (*r~i~*). ", "We assume that at the interface of the gas mixture and the condensate film, the velocity of the gas mixture is the same as that of the liquid film (non-slip). ", "Thus$$U = \\frac{1}{2}\\frac{\\left( {\\rho_{l} - \\rho} \\right)g}{\\mu_{l}}\\delta_{f}^{2} + \\frac{\\tau_{g}}{\\mu_{l}}\\delta_{f}\\text{,}\\quad V = 0\\mspace{6mu}\\mathit{at}\\mspace{6mu} r = r_{i}$$\n\nThe reason for specifying *V* = 0 at *r = r~i~* is that the gas mixture cannot flow into the condensate film. ", "During CFD simulations, the *τ~g~* was obtained from the wall shear stress of the gas mixture. ", "The mass flow rate of the condensate film can be calculated from$${\\overset{˙}{m}}_{f} = 2\\pi\\rho_{l}\\left\\lbrack {\\frac{\\left( {\\rho_{l} - \\rho} \\right)g}{\\mu_{l}}\\left( {\\frac{2}{3}r_{i}\\delta_{f}^{3} - \\frac{5}{12}\\delta_{f}^{4}} \\right) + \\frac{\\tau_{g}}{\\mu_{l}}\\left( {\\frac{1}{2}r_{i}\\delta_{f}^{2} - \\frac{1}{3}\\delta_{f}^{3}} \\right)} \\right\\rbrack$$\n\nAt *x* = 0, *δ~f~* = 0. ", "The mass flow rate of the condensate film at each *x* location is related to the vapour condensation at the interface between the gas mixture and the film and$${\\overset{˙}{m}}_{f} = 2\\pi r_{i}\\int_{0}^{x}\\left( {\\frac{\\rho D_{v\\text{,}m}}{1 - Y_{v}}\\frac{\\partial Y_{v}}{\\partial r}} \\right|_{r = r_{i}}\\mathit{dx}$$\n\nBy combining the above two equations, the thickness of the condensate film *δ~f~* can be determined at each *x* location. ", "This film thickness is used to determine the temperature of the condensate at the film surface$$\\begin{aligned}\n & {q^{''} = \\frac{\\lambda_{f}\\left( {T_{f\\text{,}i} - T_{f\\text{,}w}} \\right)}{\\left( {r_{i} - \\delta_{f}} \\right)\\ln\\left\\lbrack {r_{i}\\left. ", "/\\left( {r_{i} - \\delta_{f}} \\right) \\right\\rbrack} \\right\\rbrack}} \\\\\n & {T_{f\\text{,}i} = T_{f\\text{,}w}\\mspace{6mu}\\mathit{if}\\mspace{6mu}\\delta_{f} = 0} \\\\\n\\end{aligned}$$where *λ~f~* is the thermal conductivity of the condensate, *T~f,w~* is the temperature of the inner surface of the condenser tube and the heat flux $q^{''}$ at the interface is calculated as$$q^{''} = - \\lambda_{m}\\frac{\\partial T}{\\partial r} - \\frac{\\rho D_{v\\text{,}m}h_{l\\text{,}v}}{\\left( {1 - Y_{v}} \\right)}\\frac{\\partial Y_{v}}{\\partial r}$$\n\nHere *λ~m~* is the thermal conductivity of the gas mixture at the interface and *h~l,v~* is the latent heat released by the water vapour during condensation.", "\n\nAs condensation occurs along the inner surface of the condenser tube, the condensate film changes from smooth laminar flow to rough turbulent flow. ", "As in Li et al. [", "@b0040], we assume that the interface between the gas mixture and the condensate film is rough. ", "It is assumed that the roughness height is half the film thickness *δ~f~*.", "\n\nA pressure outlet boundary condition is specified at the exit of the condenser tube. ", "In case of reverse flows at the exit of the condenser (*U* \\< 0), the backflow boundary conditions for temperature and mass fraction of water vapour are specified using$$T = \\left( {\\sum\\limits_{U > 0}{\\overset{˙}{m}}_{\\mathit{av}\\text{,}j}T_{j}}/ \\right.\\sum\\limits_{U > 0}{\\overset{˙}{m}}_{\\mathit{av}\\text{,}j}\\text{,}\\quad Y_{v} = \\left( {\\sum\\limits_{U > 0}{\\overset{˙}{m}}_{\\mathit{av}\\text{,}j}Y_{\\mathit{vj}}}/ \\right.\\sum\\limits_{U > 0}{\\overset{˙}{m}}_{\\mathit{av}\\text{,}j}\\text{,}$$\n\nThis assumes that the backflow is from the nearby forward flow and temperature and mass fraction of the water vapour for the backflow is assumed to be the average temperature and mass fraction of water vapour of the forward flow at the exit of the condenser tube. ", "During CFD simulations, at the intermediate iteration steps, the whole exit can be back flow. ", "In this case, *T* = 300 K and *Y~v~* = 0 are used at the boundary conditions for the backflow.", "\n\n3. ", "Solution procedures {#s0050}\n======================\n\nThe simulations of heat and mass transfer in the condenser as shown in [Fig. ", "1](#f0005){ref-type=\"fig\"} were carried out using commercially available FLUENT®, now part of ANSYS®. ", "As pointed out in Saraireh et al. [", "@b0095] in using FLUENT® for predicting the heat and mass transfer in both the air--vapour mixture channel and the cooling water channel simultaneously, many challenges are encountered. ", "As stated in the FLUENT® user's guide, in modelling heat transfer in two separated fluid regions involving multispecies, only a single mixture material for the entire domain can be used [@b0120]. ", "Because of this, the two flows in the present situation including the air--vapour mixture and the cooling water cannot be simulated simultaneously using FLUENT® since the flow in one channel is a mixture of air and water vapour and in the other channel the flow is water liquid. ", "FLUENT20 can model two flows separated by a solid wall only if one flow is water liquid, say, and the other is a single species such as air or water vapour alone. ", "Saraireh et al. [", "@b0095] have attempted the simulation using various methods and suggested that the flows in the condenser and the cooling channel can be separated into two and the simulations are carried them out asynchronously. ", "The heat and mass transfer is analysed in the gas mixture in the tube condenser and the heat transfer is analysed for both the cooling water in the annular channel and the stainless steel condenser tube wall. ", "The two simulations are coupled at the inner surface of the stainless steel condenser tube. ", "The flow in the gas mixture condenser was simulated first. ", "A guessed wall temperature from a pre-written file (this file includes the temperature at the condensing surface at each grid centre) at the inner surface of the condenser tube was read first and the simulation was carried out until convergence was achieved. ", "A separate file was written for the heat flux ${\\overset{˙}{Q}}^{''}$ at the condenser surface as an output of this simulation. ", "Heat transfer in the cooling water channel and the stainless tube was then simulated using the heat flux file written previously as the input boundary conditions. ", "The simulation was again carried out to convergence and a file for temperature *T~f,w~* at the inner surface of the condensing tube was written as an output of this second simulation. ", "A journal file was written to run the two simulations alternatively many times to achieve convergence for flows in both the gas mixture and cooling water regions.", "\n\nIn simulating the flow in the condenser tube, a gas mixture of air and water vapour was introduced at the inlet with a given mass flow rate, temperature and mass fraction of the water vapour. ", "All the thermal properties of the air and water vapour were assumed to be functions of temperature and were calculated in user-defined functions (UDF). ", "The source terms mentioned early were also calculated using UDF and hooked to their corresponding conservation equations. ", "Because the buoyancy force was calculated as a source term for momentum equation [(2)](#e0165){ref-type=\"disp-formula\"}, no Boussinesq approximation was used for simulating the gas mixture flows.", "\n\nIn simulating the flow in the cooling channel, water was introduced at the inlet (from the bottom as shown in [Fig. ", "1](#f0005){ref-type=\"fig\"}) at the prescribed mass flow rate and temperature. ", "Boussinesq approximation was used to model the buoyancy effects as recommended by Li et al. [", "@b0040], because large difference in temperature between the condenser wall and the bulk temperature of the coolant can exist, buoyancy effects cannot generally be neglected in the cooling channel. ", "In the cooling channel, the density variation of the water liquid is considered small and Boussinesq approximation can be expected to work adequately. ", "The thermal properties of the cooling water were allowed to vary with temperature and these were calculated using UDF for the cooling channel.", "\n\nTo use the wall temperature profile (written in a file in the simulations for cooling channel and stainless condenser tube) in the simulation of flows in the air--steam mixture channel and to use the heat flux profile (written in a file in the simulations for mixture flow) in the simulation of cooling water and stainless condenser tube, the grids on the surface of the condensing wall common to both simulations need to be matched. ", "Also, in general, FLUENT® performs CFD simulations starting from the inlet of the fluid domain and the positions at the condensing surface in the two simulations needs to be carefully matched.", "\n\nTo avoid divergence, the following measures were taken for the simulation of gas mixture region: the source term for mass has been under-relaxed as$$S_{m}^{n} = (1 - \\alpha)S_{m}^{n - 1} + \\alpha\\left\\lbrack {\\left\\lbrack {\\frac{\\rho D_{v\\text{,}m}}{1 - Y_{v}}\\frac{\\partial Y_{v}}{\\partial r}} \\right|_{r = r_{i}}\\frac{\\delta A}{\\delta V}} \\right\\rbrack$$where the second term on the r.h.s. ", "of the equation is the source term in Eq. [(", "7)](#e0085){ref-type=\"disp-formula\"} times an under-relaxation factor *α*, *n* is the *n*th iteration and *α* = 0.05 is used.", "\n\nIn solving the present problem using CFD, a third order MUSCL discretization scheme was used for all the conservation equations. ", "The pressure--velocity coupling was solved using a coupled scheme and the pressure was calculated with a body-force weighted scheme. ", "The solver used was pressure based and the flow is assumed to be steady and axisymmetric. ", "User-defined functions (UDFs) were written for all the source terms, boundary conditions as given in Section [2.4](#s0045){ref-type=\"sec\"} and the properties of the fluids and were called at each iteration.", "\n\n4. ", "Results and discussion {#s0055}\n=========================\n\nThe CFD simulations were conducted using the condenser of the same dimension as that used in the experimental work of Kuhn [@b0030]. ", "In Li et al. [", "@b0040], the experimental results of Siddique [@b0025], Tanrikut and Yesin [@b0125] and Kuhn [@b0030] were compared with model predictions. ", "It was found that the measured centreline temperature of the condenser from Tanrikut and Yesin [@b0125] was close to the wet bulb temperature rather than dry bulb temperature. ", "Sddique [@b0025] conducted the experiments by using turbulence promoters for the coolant channel in order to represent the bulk temperature of the coolant channel using the measured middle channel temperature. ", "In CFD simulations, it is difficult to specify the turbulent intensity at the inlet of the coolant channel since no information is given in the experimental results of Sddique [@b0025]. ", "Because of these, we compare with the experimental results of Kuhn [@b0030] here only. ", "The test sections of the experiments in Kuhn [@b0030] were circular, vertical and metallic tubes, surrounded by annular jackets through which a liquid coolant (water liquid) flowed. ", "The gas--vapour mixture flowed downward in the tube while the coolant in the jacket flowed upward. ", "The condenser tube in the experiments of Kuhn [@b0030] was stainless and 2.418 m long but the experimental results were presented only for distance up to 1.48 m from the inlet of the air--vapour mixture. ", "The experiments of Kuhn [@b0030] were conducted for pure steam, steam--air mixtures and steam--helium mixtures. ", "Kuhn [@b0030] also investigated the effect of turbulent condensate films on the heat transfer by using suitable film distributors. ", "In this paper, we compare the experimental results from Kuhn [@b0030] only for the steam--air mixture experiments with no arbitrarily introduced condensate film. ", "In Kuhn [@b0030], the coolant bulk temperature was not directly measured, rather it was estimated by measuring the temperatures at the inner and outer walls of the annulus and by calculating the temperature difference ratio (defined as a shape factor F) numerically. [", "Table 1](#t0005){ref-type=\"table\"} shows the selected experimental conditions for some of the experiments from Kuhn [@b0030]. ", "Kuhn [@b0030] repeated some of the experiments to confirm the results and the inlet mass fraction of the water vapour for the runs given in [Table 1](#t0005){ref-type=\"table\"} varies from 0.66 to 0.98.", "\n\nIn the experiments of Kuhn [@b0030], the local heat flux was estimated using$$q^{''} = \\frac{{\\overset{˙}{m}}_{c}C_{p}}{\\pi d}\\frac{\\mathit{dT}_{c}}{\\mathit{dL}}(x)$$where *T~c~* is the estimated bulk temperature of the coolant and the slope *dT~c~/dL* was estimated from a least square curve fit as a function of condenser length. ", "The condensation rates were then estimated using$${\\overset{˙}{m}}_{\\mathit{cond}} = \\frac{\\overset{˙}{Q}}{h_{\\mathit{fg}}}$$Here ${\\overset{˙}{m}}_{\\mathit{cond}}$ is the total condensation rate (or the total condensation rate as collected), $\\overset{˙}{Q}$ is the total heat transfer rate across the condenser wall, and *h~fg~* is the latent heat of condensation and was calculated using the average temperature of the condenser wall. ", "In using Eq. [(", "23)](#e0155){ref-type=\"disp-formula\"} to calculate the total condensation rate, the contribution of the sensible heat transfer in $\\overset{˙}{Q}$ was neglected. ", "It needs to be pointed that the heat flux and the condensation rates given in Kuhn [@b0030] are derived results. ", "The directly measured results are the centreline temperature of the condenser tube, the condenser tube wall temperature and the temperature of the adiabatic wall.", "\n\nIn the present CFD simulation, the condenser tube, the condenser wall and the coolant jacket are discretised into 800 uniform grids in the axial direction. ", "In the radial direction, the condenser tube is discretised into 50 non-uniform grids with a bias ratio of 5 with the smallest grid near the inner surface of the condenser wall, the condenser wall has 4 uniform grids and the coolant jacket has 20 uniform grids. ", "Tests were conducted using a number of grids in both the radial and axial directions and the results show that the resolutions used are adequate and the results for total condensation rate, wall temperature and heat flux are grid independent.", "\n\n[Fig. ", "2](#f0010){ref-type=\"fig\"}(a-f) show the comparison of adiabatic wall temperature between the CFD simulation results and the experimental results of Kuhn [@b0030] for the runs listed in [Table 1](#t0005){ref-type=\"table\"}.", "\n\n[Fig. ", "2](#f0010){ref-type=\"fig\"}(a--f) show that the CFD simulation results for the adiabatic wall temperature in general agree well with the experimental results of Kuhn [@b0030] for *x* \\< 1.5 m. The maximum difference between the CFD simulation results and the experimental data is about 2 °C. ", "The CFD simulation results show that near the inlet of the coolant jacket (*x* = 2.418 m), the adiabatic wall temperature is almost constant for some distance from the inlet. ", "A close examination of the CFD results shows that the length of the coolant jacket where the adiabatic wall temperature is constant and close to that of the coolant inlet temperature depends on the mass flow rate of the coolant. ", "Using the data from [Table 1](#t0005){ref-type=\"table\"} and the results in [Fig. ", "2](#f0010){ref-type=\"fig\"}(a-f), it can be seen that the higher the mass flow rate of the coolant, the longer the region where the adiabatic wall temperature will remain constant. ", "This is because the higher is the mass flow rate, the higher the velocity of the coolant in the jacket. ", "This high velocity will carry the coolant faster than the heat transfer from the condenser tube to the adiabatic wall near the inlet of the coolant and thus results in a longer distance for the temperature of the adiabatic wall to change.", "\n\n[Fig. ", "3](#f0015){ref-type=\"fig\"}(a-f) show the comparison of the centreline temperature of the condenser tube between the CFD simulation results and the experimental results of Kuhn [@b0030] for the runs listed in [Table 1](#t0005){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "It can be seen from [Fig. ", "3](#f0015){ref-type=\"fig\"}(a-f), the CFD simulation results in general agree very well with the experimental results. ", "All the CFD simulation results show that the centreline temperature of the condenser tube is almost constant for *x* \\< 1.0 m. [Fig. ", "3](#f0015){ref-type=\"fig\"}(a-f) show that, after the initial near constant value, the centreline temperature decreases faster with increasing *x*. ", "By using the data as given in [Table 1](#t0005){ref-type=\"table\"} and the results shown in [Fig. ", "3](#f0015){ref-type=\"fig\"}(a-f), it can be concluded that the rate of temperature decrease depends on the inlet mass fraction of the water vapour. ", "The lower is the inlet mass fraction of water vapour, the faster the centreline temperature decreases as can be seen from [Fig. ", "3](#f0015){ref-type=\"fig\"}(d-f) where the centreline temperature decreases faster at x \\> 1.0 m than that in [Fig. ", "3](#f0015){ref-type=\"fig\"}(a-c). ", "This is because at x \\< 1.0 m in [Fig. ", "3](#f0015){ref-type=\"fig\"}(d-f), the heat transfer is dominated by vapour condensation (latent heat) which involves little temperature change. ", "For x \\> 1.0 m, vapour content is relatively low, the contribution to heat transfer from the sensible heat will be increasing, which will involve large temperature decrease.", "\n\n[Fig. ", "4](#f0020){ref-type=\"fig\"}(a-f) show comparisons of condenser wall temperature between the CFD simulation results and the experimental results of Kuhn [@b0030] for the runs listed in [Table 1](#t0005){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "In Kuhn [@b0030], the condenser wall temperature was measured by using J-type thermocouples with 0.508-mm diameter soldered into longitudinal grooves of 0.7-mm wide, 0.58-mm deep and 12.7-mm long machined close to the outer surface of the condenser tube. ", "Because of this, the measured wall temperature should be between the temperatures of the outer and inner surfaces of the condenser wall. ", "Since the wall thickness of the condenser tube is 1.65 mm, it is expected that the measured condenser wall temperature should be closer to that of the outer surface than that at the inner surface. ", "In [Fig. ", "4](#f0020){ref-type=\"fig\"}(a-f), the temperatures at the condenser inner and outer surfaces are both presented. ", "The results in [Fig. ", "4](#f0020){ref-type=\"fig\"}(a-f) show that the temperatures of the condenser tube surfaces predicted from the CFD simulations in general agree reasonably well with the measured tube temperatures. [", "Fig. ", "4](#f0020){ref-type=\"fig\"}(a-f) show that the wall temperature measured by Kuhn [@b0030] is in general higher than the wall temperature of the inner surface as given by the CFD simulation.", "\n\nAs pointed out by Li et al. [", "@b0040], the wall temperature of the condenser tube is not constant and it varies significantly over the length of the condenser tube. ", "The results from [Fig. ", "4](#f0020){ref-type=\"fig\"}(a-f) show that the temperature of the condenser wall changes from that close to the inlet temperature of the coolant to that close to the inlet temperature of the mixture. ", "In the experimental results of Kuhn [@b0030], this is in the order of 80 °C. ", "Because of this, the simple models that use a constant wall temperature in modelling only the condenser tube will not be valid. ", "Similarly, a constant heat flux boundary condition is also not a valid approximation. ", "For engineering applications involving vapour condensation in the presence of non-condensable gases, generally both the wall temperature and heat flux at the condenser tube surface are not known a prior and in general only the inlet mass flow rates and the temperatures of the gas mixture and coolant are provided. ", "Because of this, the condenser system including the gas mixture, the condenser wall and the coolant flow needs to be modelled together.", "\n\nThe results from [Figs. ", "2](#f0010){ref-type=\"fig\"} (a-f) and 4(a-f) show that, at least near the inlet of the gas mixture region, the difference in the temperature of the condenser wall and that of the adiabatic wall can be quite large as that shown in [Fig. ", "5](#f0025){ref-type=\"fig\"} for run 2.1--2. ", "This large temperature difference will induce buoyancy forces in the coolant channel due to natural convection. ", "Using the results given in [Fig. ", "5](#f0025){ref-type=\"fig\"}, it can be estimated that the Raleigh number$$\\mathit{Ra} = \\mathit{Gr}\\Pr \\approx 9.4 \\times 10^{6}$$at the coolant exit. ", "Here $\\mathit{Gr} = \\frac{g\\beta\\Delta T\\delta^{3}}{\\nu}$ is the Grashof number, $\\Pr = \\frac{C_{p}\\mu}{k}$ is the Prandtl number, β is the volume coefficient of expansion, Δ*T* is the temperature difference between that at the outer surface of the condenser tube and that of the adiabatic wall, and *k* is the thermal conductivity of the coolant. ", "As according to [@b0130], the flow induced by the buoyancy force alone in the annulus cooling channel will be close to turbulent. ", "The estimated heat transfer coefficient [@b0130] due to the buoyancy force will be about 5.7 kW/m^2^K. Because of this, it is recommended that buoyancy forces should be included in modelling the flow and heat transfer in the coolant channel, especially in case of high temperature and high vapour content in the gas mixtures.", "\n\n[Fig. ", "6](#f0030){ref-type=\"fig\"}(a-f) show the comparison of the heat flux between the CFD simulation results and the estimated results from Kuhn [@b0030] for the runs listed in [Table 1](#t0005){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "Kuhn [@b0030] estimated the heat flux using the bulk temperature of the coolant which was in turn estimated using the measured wall temperature of the condenser tube, the wall temperature of the adiabatic wall and the F factor. ", "Kuhn [@b0030] calculated the F factor using the *k*--*ε* turbulence model for the flow and heat transfer in the coolant channel. ", "The heat flux from the CFD simulation was calculated using Eq. [(", "19)](#e0135){ref-type=\"disp-formula\"} and was used as an input boundary condition for CFD simulations of the heat transfer in the condenser tube and coolant jacket. [", "Fig. ", "6](#f0030){ref-type=\"fig\"}(a-f) show that, although the estimated heat fluxes from the wall temperatures are in the same order of magnitude as those from the CFD simulation results, the trend of the heat fluxes variation with *x* estimated from Kuhn [@b0030] is quite different from that of the CFD simulation results. ", "In [Fig. ", "6](#f0030){ref-type=\"fig\"}(a-f), we also show the 3rd order polynomial curve fitting to the estimated heat fluxes from Kuhn [@b0030] and the curve fitting relationships. ", "It is clear from the curve fittings that the heat fluxes given by Kuhn [@b0030] fit the 3rd order polynomial curves perfectly. ", "On the other hand, the heat fluxes predicted by the CFD simulations show a much more complex variation with *x* and a simple 3rd order polynomial curve fitting is inadequate to represent the heat flux for the vapour condensation in the presence of non-condensable gases.", "\n\nThe heat flux from the CFD simulations as given in [Fig. ", "6](#f0030){ref-type=\"fig\"}(a-f) shows that near the inlet of the gas mixture, the heat flux decreases sharply. ", "This is due to the entrance or developing length effect of the gas mixture flow. ", "The inlet velocity and mass fraction of the water vapour were specified as constants. ", "Different profiles of inlet velocity and mass fraction of water vapour can be used to examine their effects on the heat flux near *x* = 0. ", "The CFD simulation results show that after the initial sharp drop and over much the length of the condenser tube, the heat flux remains fairly constant. ", "This is consistent with the results of centreline temperature as that shown in [Fig. ", "3](#f0015){ref-type=\"fig\"}(a-f) where the decrease in centreline temperature of the gas mixture is not large. [", "Fig. ", "6](#f0030){ref-type=\"fig\"}(a-f) also show that near the inlet of the coolant, there is a slight increase in the heat flux as *x* increases. ", "This could be due to the entrance effect of the coolant.", "\n\nThe condensation rates as given in Kuhn [@b0030] are not compared with the CFD simulation results since the condensate rates given in Kuhn [@b0030] were derived from the heat flux and it is expected that the results would have the same errors as that of the heat flux.", "\n\n[Fig. ", "7](#f0035){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows the gas mixture density variation across the condenser tube at the inlet and exit for the experimental conditions of Kuhn [@b0030] 2.1--2. ", "At the inlet, the density as an input is constant, but at the condenser exit, [Fig. ", "6](#f0030){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows that the density of the gas mixture increases as the condenser wall is approached. ", "This increase in density is due to the decrease of temperature and an increase in the mass fraction of air. [", "Fig. ", "6](#f0030){ref-type=\"fig\"} also shows that the average gas mixture density across the tube increases from inlet to exit, again due to both a decrease in average temperature and average mass fraction of water vapour.", "\n\n[Fig. ", "8](#f0040){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows the axial velocity of the gas mixture at the inlet and exit for the experimental conditions of Kuhn [@b0030] 2.1--2. ", "The inlet velocity of the gas mixture, as an input, is constant across the condenser tube. ", "The axial velocity at the exit shows an almost uniform profile over much of the radius of the tube. ", "The axial velocity at the exit is not zero at the inner surface of the condenser tube. ", "The non-zero velocity at the wall is from the boundary condition for the axial velocity of gas mixture, which was specified using Eq. [(", "15)](#e0120){ref-type=\"disp-formula\"}, the surface velocity of the condensate film.", "\n\n[Fig. ", "9](#f0045){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows the axial velocity of the gas mixture at the centreline of the condenser tube and that of the condensate at the surface of the condensate film for the experimental conditions of Kuhn [@b0030] 2.1--2. [", "Fig. ", "9](#f0045){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows that the axial velocity of the gas mixture at the centreline of the condenser tube decreases rapidly while the axial velocity of the condensate at the interface increase. ", "At the exit of the condenser tube, the velocity of the condensate at the surface of the condensate film is not negligible in comparison with the velocity of the gas mixture. ", "Because of this, it is not appropriate to use stationary wall as velocity boundary condition for the gas mixture.", "\n\n[Fig. ", "10](#f0050){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows the variation of the mass fraction of water vapour at the centre of the condenser and that at the interface between the gas mixture and the condensate film. [", "Fig. ", "10](#f0050){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows that even through the decrease in the mass fraction of the water vapour is slow at the centre of the condenser tube, the decrease is much faster at the interface. ", "Because of the very high inlet mass fraction (*Y~v~* = 0.98) of the water vapour for run 2.1--2 [@b0030], there is still a quit high average mass fraction of the water vapour at the exit of the condenser tube. ", "As shown in the experimental conditions listed in [Table 1](#t0005){ref-type=\"table\"}, Kuhn [@b0030] increased the mass flow rate of the coolant as the inlet mass fraction of the water vapour was increased. ", "The results in [Fig. ", "10](#f0050){ref-type=\"fig\"} show that even higher mass flow rate than that listed in [Table 1](#t0005){ref-type=\"table\"} is required to condense nearly all the water vapour in the condenser for run 2.1--2. ", "This also shows that at the high mass fraction of water vapour and high mass flow rate of the gas mixture, the heat transfer in the coolant may be the limiting factor in the condensation of the water vapour.", "\n\n5. ", "Discussion and conclusions {#s0060}\n=============================\n\nThe condensation of water vapour in the presence of non-condensable gas in a vertical cylindrical tube condenser has been studied using CFD simulation. ", "The CFD simulation for the first time successfully includes the heat and mass transfer in the gas mixture and the heat transfer in the coolant flowing in the annulus channel. ", "Because of this, no assumptions have been made of the wall temperature, heat flux or heat transfer coefficient at the condenser tube wall. ", "Instead, these quantities can be predicted from the CFD simulation.", "\n\nThe CFD simulations of the flow inside the tube condenser of gas mixture were carried out on the gas mixture only. ", "The volume occupied by the condensate film has been neglected. ", "The effect of the condensate film on the gas mixture flow is accounted for through a set of new boundary conditions including the sources for the mass, momentum and energy, a slip boundary condition for the axial velocity and a revised wall temperature taking into account the film thickness. ", "The condensate film thickness is estimated using the Nusselt method by assuming that the shear stresses of both the gas mixture and the condensate match each other at the interface between the gas mixture and the condensate film. ", "The axial velocity of the gas mixture is assumed to match that of the condensate at the interface.", "\n\nThe CFD simulations were conducted using the ANSYS FLUENT®. ", "To overcome the limitations of the FLUENT® in simulating the heat transfer in two separate channels involving multispecies and fluids of different phases, the CFD simulations were carried out asynchronously and iteratively. ", "It is found that this strategy works well. ", "During the CFD simulations, the gas mixture was considered as an ideal gas with thermal properties varying with temperature. ", "The buoyancy forces due to the temperature and mass fraction variations in the gas mixture were taken into account without using the linear approximation while that in the coolant channel was taken into account using the Boussenisq approximation.", "\n\nThe CFD simulation results have been compared with the experimental results of Kuhn [@b0030] for the gas mixture of air and water vapour with inlet mass fractions of water vapour varying from 0.66 to 0.98. ", "The condensation of water vapour for such high vapour content has been considered difficult to predicted using CFD in the past. ", "It is found that the CFD simulation results in general agree well with the measured quantities of Kuhn [@b0030] such as the adiabatic wall temperature, the centreline temperature of the gas mixture and the wall temperature of the condenser tube wall. ", "The simulation results show that for the condensation of high mass fraction of water vapour in the presence of non-condensable gas, the heat transfer in the coolant channel is the limiting factor. ", "The heat flux from the CFD simulations have also been compared with the results from Kuhn [@b0030] who derived these by making several approximations. ", "It is found that the heat flux given in Kuhn [@b0030] can be correlated using a third order curve fitting while the CFD simulation results show a much more complex variation as the vapour is condensed.", "\n\nThe CFD simulation results for the density of the gas mixture, axial velocity and mass fraction of the water vapour across the inlet, outlet and along the condenser tube are presented for the run 2.1--2 of Kuhn [@b0030]. ", "The results are all in agreement with expectations. ", "The results clearly show that the average axial velocity decreases rapidly as water vapour is condensed, the density of the gas mixture increases across the condenser tube and along the condenser and the axial velocity of the gas mixture at the interface between the gas mixture and the condensate film is not small. ", "It is expected that for lower Reynolds numbers of gas mixture at the inlet or long enough condenser tube with high mass flow rate of coolant, the axial velocity of the gas mixture at the interface can be higher than the average axial velocity of the gas mixture.", "\n\n![", "Schematic diagram of the condenser system with defined coordinate systems and quantities.](gr1){#f0005}\n\n![", "Comparison of adiabatic wall temperature between the CFD simulation results and the experimental results of Kuhn [@b0030] for the runs listed in [Table 1](#t0005){ref-type=\"table\"}.](gr2){#f0010}\n\n![", "Comparison of centreline temperature between the CFD simulation results and the experimental results of Kuhn [@b0030] for the runs listed in [Table 1](#t0005){ref-type=\"table\"}.](gr3){#f0015}\n\n![", "Comparison of condenser wall temperature between the CFD simulation results and the experimental results of Kuhn [@b0030] for the runs listed in [Table 1](#t0005){ref-type=\"table\"}.](gr4){#f0020}\n\n![", "The temperature profile of the coolant at the exit for the experimental conditions of Kuhn 2.1--2 [@b0030].](gr5){#f0025}\n\n![", "Comparison of heat flux between the CFD simulation results and the derived results from Kuhn [@b0030] for the runs listed in [Table 1](#t0005){ref-type=\"table\"}.](gr6){#f0030}\n\n![", "Density of gas mixture at the inlet and exit of the condenser tube for the experimental conditions of Kuhn [@b0030] 2.1--2.](gr7){#f0035}\n\n![", "Axial velocity of gas mixture at the inlet and exit of the condenser tube for the experimental conditions of Kuhn [@b0030] 2.1--2.](gr8){#f0040}\n\n![", "Axial velocity of gas mixture at the centreline of the condenser tube and that of condensate at the condensate film surface for the experimental conditions of Kuhn [@b0030] 2.1--2.](gr9){#f0045}\n\n![", "Mass fraction of water vapour at the centreline of the condenser tube and the interface between the gas mixture and condensate film for the experimental conditions of Kuhn [@b0030] 2.1--2.](gr10){#f0050}\n\n###### \n\nExperimental conditions from Kuhn [@b0030].", "\n\n *P (kPa)* *T~in~* (°C) *W~in~* ${\\overset{˙}{m}}_{\\mathit{av}}$ (kg/s) ${\\overset{˙}{m}}_{c}$ (kg/s) *T~c,i~* (°C)\n -------------- ----------- -------------- --------- ----------------------------------------- ------------------------------- ---------------\n Run 2.1--2 415.3 147.7 0.98 0.01434 0.3521 31.3\n Run 2.1--4 390.5 144.8 0.96 0.01464 0.3419 31.0\n Run 2.1--6 391.2 142.5 0.92 0.01521 0.3008 30.0\n Run 2.1--8R 413.1 144.8 0.85 0.01669 0.2570 27.5\n Run 2.1--10R 406.6 140.6 0.76 0.01865 0.2420 26.5\n Run 2.1--12R 410.1 135.5 0.66 0.02166 0.2128 25.1\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
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[ "Contact\n\nNews and Media\n\nYou are here\n\nNEWS\n\nPress releases / 05.21.14\n\nBroad Institute celebrates opening of new building\n\nMay 21st, 2014\n\nThe Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard today celebrates the opening of a 375,000-square-foot research building at 75 Ames Street in Cambridge’s Kendall Square. ", "Mayor of Cambridge David Maher, as well as city and state representatives, will attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony with Broad Institute officials and board members.", "\n\nThe new building, which seamlessly connects to the institute’s 7 Cambridge Center location, consolidates the Broad’s campus and reflects the Broad’s core mission to bring together researchers from a variety of scientific disciplines to harness the power of genomics to transform the understanding and treatment of diseases. ", "Research groups in the new building will be focused on many critical disease areas, including cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, metabolic diseases, autoimmune diseases, psychiatric diseases, and more. ", "The building’s location also reflects the institute’s enduring commitment to Kendall Square and its partner institutions in the surrounding community.", "\n\n\"This building provides an extraordinary research community across Boston with a remarkable space for scientific collaboration and discovery,” said Broad Institute Founding Director Eric Lander. “", "It also represents a deep commitment to Kendall Square and Cambridge, and the community that has nurtured us over the past decade.”", "\n\nStanding 292 feet and 15 stories tall, the building is home to 800 members of the Broad community who are pioneering new methods and technologies to revolutionize biomedicine. ", "Designed expressly to facilitate the sharing of ideas, the new building’s flexible floor plan integrates lab and office space on every floor, allowing large multidisciplinary research teams, administrative teams, and small academic groups to work side-by-side. ", "The building accommodates the needs of Broad employees as well as faculty from throughout the Broad Institute’s partner institutions — MIT, Harvard University, and the Harvard-affiliated hospitals.", "\n\nAmong the new building’s occupants is the institute’s Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research, which seeks to uncover the biological basis of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, autism, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. ", "Only a handful of researchers made up the Stanley Center at its inception in 2007. ", "Today, it has more than 45 full-time employees and approximately 100 collaborators at the Broad’s partner institutions.", "\n\n“In the new building, we will have more space for multidisciplinary teams that include the world’s leading experts in psychiatric disease research, who are crucial to our pursuit of new therapeutic targets for these diseases — targets that have eluded researchers for decades,” said Steven Hyman, core member of the Broad Institute and director of the Stanley Center.", "\n\nThe U.S. Green Building Council awarded 75 Ames Street its LEED Gold certification, an award that ranks it among the world’s greenest, most energy-efficient buildings. ", "The building incorporates 20 percent recycled construction material, and 75 percent of construction waste was recycled. ", "Its design includes features to reduce lab water usage and enhanced lighting controls to conserve electricity.", "\n\nThe opening of 75 Ames Street brings together Broad employees who previously worked in different parts of Kendall Square. ", "A pedestrian bridge connecting several floors of 75 Ames Street to the institute’s existing location at 7 Cambridge Center further enables collaboration among “Broadies,” as the institute’s employees call themselves. ", "The institute’s Genomics Platform will continue to occupy 320 Charles Street, the Broad Institute’s nearby birthplace and original home.", "\n\n“In order for innovation to thrive, we need cutting-edge companies, universities, institutions, and organizations across the cities of Boston, Cambridge, and elsewhere working together. ", "The Broad Institute is a remarkable example of this kind of collaboration in action, having grown from a handful of visionary scientists to a large, thriving community of researchers,” said Mayor of Cambridge David Maher. “", "This building reflects that remarkable growth — and the equally remarkable growth of a local biotech sector that’s helped revitalize parts of my hometown.”", "\n\nAbout the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard\nThe Eli and Edythe L. Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard was launched in 2004 to empower this generation of creative scientists to transform medicine. ", "The Broad Institute seeks to describe all the molecular components of life and their connections; discover the molecular basis of major human diseases; develop effective new approaches to diagnostics and therapeutics; and disseminate discoveries, tools, methods, and data openly to the entire scientific community.", "\n\nFounded by MIT, Harvard, and its affiliated hospitals, and the visionary Los Angeles philanthropists Eli and Edythe L. Broad, the Broad Institute includes faculty, professional staff, and students from throughout the MIT and Harvard biomedical research communities and beyond, with collaborations spanning over a hundred private and public institutions in more than 40 countries worldwide. ", "For further information about the Broad Institute, go to http://www.broadinstitute.org." ]
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[ "Johnson–Kearns Hotel\n\nThe Johnson–Kearns Hotel is a historic hotel building in Springville, Utah, that was built in 1892. ", "It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1998.", "\n\nDescription\nThe building is located at 94 West 200 South (within the Springville Historic District, and includes Late Victorian architecture. ", " It has been known at times as the Johnson Hotel, the Kearns Hotel, the Manitou Hotel, and the Valley Tavern Hotel.", "\n\nThe Johnson Hotel was one of only three hotels in Springville in 1900. ", "It was opened and operated by Moses and Ann Kearns Johnson. ", "The Kearns family operated it during 1910–37.", "\n\nSee also\n\n National Register of Historic Places listings in Utah County, Utah\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nCategory:Hotel buildings on the National Register of Historic Places in Utah\nCategory:Victorian architecture in Utah\nCategory:Hotel buildings completed in 1892\nCategory:Hotels established in 1892\nCategory:Buildings and structures in Springville, Utah\nCategory:National Register of Historic Places in Utah County, Utah\nCategory:Individually listed contributing properties to historic districts on the National Register in Utah\nCategory:Historic district contributing properties in Utah" ]
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[ "Spoiler the Gargoyles on the Rooftop are back as a boss, but according to the reviewer, something unexpected will happen during the fight.", "\n\nINTRODUCTION:\n\nSTORY:\n\nLEVEL-DESIGN:\n\nSpoiler underground tombs, a gloomy dockyard, a quarry that is filled with poisonous air*\n\n\n\n*[there’s a picture where this area is shown, the view distance is very short, you can see huge enemies towering in the not-so-far distance. ", "You can see the poison-level-indicator and the blurb beneath the pictures warns “to watch out for the poisonous wafts of mist”\n\nSpoiler => this seems to be the new “Vally of Defilement, Blight Town”\n\nSpoiler Zombie-knights, wild bloodhounds, poisonous giant spiders, jungle-warriors with a lion-mane!?, ", "axe-wielding dwarfs, fire-demons that fill the whole screen,...\n\nCOMBAT-DESIGN\n\nLEVELING-UP:\n\nSpoiler You have to find “attribute stones”, e.g. “fire, poison, magic”. You visit the blacksmith and than you use this ONE STONE to enchant as many weapons, shields and armor as you like (probably for a lot of souls). ", "After that, you can level if up further with ONE KIND OF TITANITE.", "\n\nMAGIC:\n\nSpoiler but in DS2 there are herbs that let you refill your spell/miracle (probably like the Grasses from Des)\n\nREPAIRING:\n\nONLINE:\n\nSpoiler but you’ll each need to have a certain item in your possession for it to work\n\nSpoiler people who often invade other players > people being in a co-op session > players in human form > players in hollow form\n\nSpoiler You engrave the name of 1 of 10 gods onto the ring. ", "If your buddy has the same name engraved, it’s more likely that he will see your summoning sign.", "\n\nCOVENANTS:\n\nHOLLOW VS. ", "HUMAN\n\nSpoiler You can restore humanity with items called “human effigy” at any time, not just at a bonfire\n\nGRAPHICS:\n\nSOUND\n\nThis is my translation of the review by the German magazine Mgames (something like a less industry focused Edge). ", "I spoiler-tagged the big spoilers, but there is a lot in the review that many will consider a spoiler, so please know this going in.", "The review is written by another reviewer than DS1, not sure about DeS. All screenshots are in German and from the (near?)final build, a lot of new screenshots which I can’t post, but I can tell you thatHe summarizes the Souls series as “if your hero dies, try sucking less”he’s happy to say that this mantra applies to DS2, even tough From made it easier to get into/less obtuse.", "Fan’s of long cut-scenes or a easy to follow story won’t be happy, other than the impressive intro that has become a staple of the series.", "The Story is told by the NPCs, in most cases as a monologue(surprisingly) not much has changed in the storytelling departmentYou play someone cursed by the “Curse of the Undead” who thirsts for soulsThe central hub (think Firelink, Nexus) is called Majula, the land is called “Drangleic”In Majula, several shop-keeps sell you weapons, armor, items and you can learn magic and pyromancy from teachersThe female character called “Emerald Herald” let’s you level up your character=> the reviewer states that all the vendors/teachers are located near Majula or at least another bonfire; this is one of those points where the word “convenient” applies, it won’t make any difference other than your own timesimilar structure to DS1, Majula acts as the central hub. ", "You can visit different areas. ", "The reviewer praises the diversity of the areas:gloomy ruins of a castle, foggy woods,Since a lot of the areas are very dark, the torch becomes your best friend. ", "With the torch in hand, the immediate surrounding area get’s lit (think Tomb of Giants)you can kindle stationary fireplaces that stay lit (Zelda-style).Like the areas themselves, the enemies that inhibit them are diverse, interesting to fight and as deadly as ever:the reviewer describes it in detail, but it’s par-for-the-course.", "It’s precise and let’s the player build his/her own combat-style, parrying or blocking is as important as everYou can assign up to 3 weapons/shield to each arm and you can use the D-Pad to change them at any timeSouls still act as the universal currency [items, weapons, leveling up,...] and you lose them all when you die, with one change to get them back.", "The choice of character type you make at the beginning doesn’t really matter, you can build your own character like in DS1/DeS.The only way to level up is at the “Emerald Herald”, but don’t forget, there’s fast-travelEach new level gives you 1 skill point. ", "You invest those skill points in the stats that you need.", "You can make your 60+ hour warrior into a full-fledged sorcerer if that’s what you want.", "This will makes things more interesting in NG+(+++++...)Bonfires can be leveled up from the beginning to give you more Estus flasks or you can throw in items that make the enemies in the area tougher. ", "Great for grinding, bad for farming items because the enemies only re-spawn a certain number of times.nice tidbit: You can use all the souls you find as times (e.g. in DS1 “soul of a Nameless Soldier”) at oncethe three types of magic return from DS1 and there’s a new, 4th type called “witchery”. You can use each spell/miracle a certain number of times before having to get back to a bonfire,Everything gets repaired for free at the bonfire. ", "If you want to repair something will away from the bonfire, you’ll need repair powder. ", "Once an item breaks, you’ll have to visit the blacksmith.[the the review code didn’t allow them to play online, all based on info from FROM]it’s a game that even die-hard-single-player-only players like to play while online.", "You can leave and read messages, offer and get help, and invade or be invades.", "You can summon up to two other players when you see a summoning sign. ", "The stay until they die or you defeat the area-boss.", "There is optional voice-chat,If you play off-line, yellow phantoms can be summoned near certain bosses. ", "The AI is serviceable, but you will most likely use them to divert the boss’s attention away from yourself.", "Online is server based, you can select a regionThere’s a “Server AI” that determines your likelihood of being invaded:The are supposed to be dedicated PVP areas like in the DS1 DLC, but the reviewer didn’t find themYou use a certain ring to play with your buddies.", "Frequent Invaders are automatically place in the book of sinners, the invaded player no longer needs to make the decision[pretty much what is already know]Some covenants want you to kill other players, some want you to help protect other players, some want you to protect a specific area.", "You can change your covenant, but like in DS1, sticking with one covenant will give you access to exclusive items etc.: [ ", "pretty much what is already know]You can only summon in human form, but you can be invaded in both forms.", "Every time you die in hollow form, you lose some of your HP (up to 50%)Overall, it looks better than DS1, but there's a stark difference between beautiful, detailed areas and areas which muddy textures and a uninteresting design.**[he specifically called out an area called “light-stone-bay” and the picture in the magazine looks like the area is muddy, has a low poly-count and could use another texture pass. ]", "I don’t think he mentioned a word about it, so it’s probably very similar to DS1overall: 90%breakdown:Graphics:7/10Sound 7/10Singleplayer:10/10Multiplayer: was not available for the reviewSummary: “Congrats From, you made the game more user-friendly WITHOUT MAKING IT EASIER”: The weapon upgrading is less obtuse but still offers the same variety, fast-travel between bonfires is availabe from the beginning of the game,... Not much has changed when it comes to the battle-system and leveling up. ", "It's a shame that some areas look worse than other, but DS2 will offer the player an incredibly motivating, addictive experience none the lessmy two cents:Have fun with the review, but Dark Souls fans: PLEASE DON’T FREAK OUT OVER ONE WORD THAT YOU MAY NOT LIKE (“convenient, less obtuse,...”) It’s just my translation of a review by one German mag, there will be many more reviews which almost certainly will contain stuff you don’t like, please save some of that rage for the reviews yet to come ;-)" ]
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[ "Rishi Nights By meonlyred Watch\n\n7 Favourites 4 Comments 306 Views\n\nThis was meant to be a simple banner to use when I posted fanfics on Pillowfort and well.... I got a bit carried away.", "\n\nIMAGE DETAILS Image size 1920x720px 2.33 MB Show More\n\nPublished : Mar 3, 2019" ]
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[ "\nAdd limits to amount of JavaScript that can be loaded by a website - ingve\nhttps://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=194028\n======\nsmacktoward\n_> A simple dialog would put the user in control of the situation:_\n\n _> \"The site example.com uses 5 MB of scripting. ", "Allow it?\"_", "\n\nOh God, no. ", "Please don't do this.", "\n\n1) We _know_ that users presented with these kinds of dialogs don't read them.", "\nThey just blindly click \"OK\" to get the dialog to go away. ", "So now you're just\nannoying people to no good purpose.", "\n\n2) Even if the user does read this dialog, how is she supposed to know how\nmuch JavaScript is too much? ", "There's no context to tell her whether 5MB is a\nlot, or how it compares to payloads delivered by similar sites. (\"", "The site\nexample.com wants to load more code than 99.99% of other sites you visit\"\nwould be slightly more helpful, but only slightly.) ", "It just expects her to\nhave a strong opinion on a subject that nobody who isn't a coder[1] themselves\nwould have an opinion about.", "\n\n3) If the problem we're trying to solve here is that code makes sites load\nslowly, making people click through a dialog isn't going to make the site load\nany faster. ", "In fact it will almost certainly take the user more time to find\nand click the \"OK\" button than it would to just load the code.", "\n\n4) It's measuring the wrong thing. ", "1 kilobyte of badly written code can do as\nmuch or more harm to the user experience than 1 megabyte of well written code\nwill.", "\n\n[1] With the possible exception of people on strictly capped data plans, but\nnow we're solving a different problem.", "\n\n~~~\nlmkg\nYou're thinking about it wrong. ", "The overall effect is not that users will take\ncontrol over their data, or whatever. ", "The effect is that users will complain\nthat the site is broken. ", "And then the pointy-haired boss will demand that the\npop-up is fixed. ", "Now instead of \"page weight\" being \"blah blah nerd bullshit,\"\nit is something the pointy-haired boss will demand from ad network partners,\nand the effects will spread across the web ecosystem.", "\n\n~~~\nporphyrogene\nGiven the choice between a person with a particular hairstyle and a person who\nminimizes the value of others by mocking their appearance, I would choose to\nwork with the former.", "\n\n~~~\nbarbecue_sauce\n\"Pointy-hair\" is not a hairstyle that even exists in reality. ", "It's a Dilbert\nreference.", "\n\n~~~\nkrapp\n[https://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article7110907.ece/ALT...](https://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article7110907.ece/ALTERNATES/s615b/Keith-\nFlint.jpg)\n\n~~~\nbarbecue_sauce\nI doubt the singer from Prodigy has ascended to any position of corporate\nauthority.", "\n\n~~~\nkrapp\nNevertheless, he does have the hair for it.", "\n\n------\ncrazygringo\nThis particular solution seems wrong for all the obvious reasons listed in\nother comments...\n\nBut on the other hand, I _love_ the idea of resource-limiting tabs by default,\nalong all of:\n\n\\- CPU usage (allow an initial burst, but after a few seconds dial down to max\n~0.5% of CPU, with additional bursts allowed after any user interaction like\nclick or keyboard)\n\n\\- Number of HTTP requests (again, initial bursts allowed and in response to\nuser interaction, but radically delay/queue requests for the sites that try to\nload a new ad every second even after the page has been loaded for 10 minutes)\n\n\\- Memory usage (probably the hardest one to get right though)\n\nI mean, every so often I've caught things like a Gmail tab in Chrome stuck at\nusing 100% CPU indefinitely because it must be stuck in some infinite\nJavaScript loop due to a bug, as well as the occasional other random blog that\nuses constant 50% CPU for no discernable reason... and it would be nicer if\nthis didn't suck up two hours of my laptop's remaining battery time before I\ndiscovered it.", "\n\nIf the browser had soft resource limits that just gradually slowed down code\nexecution and HTTP requests to extreme levels, with a discreet pop-up warning\nin the corner \"this site is attempting to use higher than normal resources,\nclick here to allow temporarily/permanently\" for the times you're opening a\nWebGL demo...\n\n...it seems like it would be a big win for users.", "\n\n~~~\ncrdrost\nRight, you definitely want something that is somewhat more adaptive if you\nwant to solve this problem. ", "Something to the effect of \"as you use more\nresources you slow down those resources.\"", "\n\nWhat's more interesting to me is the broader economic question. ", "Do users end\nup flocking to those browsers because it makes the browser more snappy for the\nother web sites and contexts? ", "Or do they ditch them because they are\nnecessarily slower than browsers that don't? ", "Is this sort of decision, in\nother words, a sort of suicidal option for browsers?", "\n\n~~~\nacqq\nThe need for the user-friendly resource limitations in browsers is real.", "\n\nE.g.\n\n[https://www.coindesk.com/firefox-announces-move-to-block-\ncry...](https://www.coindesk.com/firefox-announces-move-to-block-cryptomining-\nscripts)\n\nI know that solution presented in the article didn't work (neither in Firefox\nnor in Opera), and I know that from a person close to me who is not\n\"technical\" but wants to access some sites which slowed down the person's\ncomputer (the sites indeed managed to use exactly 100% of the CPU, that means,\nto use all cores at once, and to contact regularly some other sites with the\n\"coin\" in the name). ", "Then, I've shown the person that the JavaScript can be\nblocked and that the computer is that way completely responsive... and you\nknow the result: even the non-technical persons do what's rational, once they\nknow that they have a choice.", "\n\n------\nheadcanon\nAuthor's premise includes a lot of personal opinion and simple gripe against\nJS. ", "not a fan of this. ", "Whats the limit going to be? ", "1MB? ", "5? ", "why is it the\nbrowsers job to police that?", "\n\nI run adblock primarily because I don't want to see ads and get tracked by\nsketchy sources. ", "Resource usage is a minor bonus. ", "If that hurts peoples\npockets then so be it, most ads are out of hand and need to be tempered. ", "Most\npeople who run adblock aren't going to click on the ads anyway.", "\n\nWith that said, I do hope we're able to figure out how to treat web \"sites\"\nand web \"apps\" differently - for the former, I want as little JS as possible\nsince that just gets in the way of content, but for the latter, the JS is\nnecessary to get the app running, and I don't mind if its a few megabytes in\nsize.", "\n\n~~~\nmrweasel\nWhile I'm not a huge fan of JavaScript heavy sites, I do think it's a little\ndisingenuous to drag content blocking in as part of the argument. ", "Ads have\nlittle to do with his basic argument, it just there to make the sales pitch go\ndown a little easier.", "\n\nIt's also not very effective as an ad-blocker or anti-tracking tool.", "\n\n------\nmattlondon\n\"640k ought to be enough for everyone.\"", "\n\nSetting some arbitrary hard-limit is counter-productive and shortsighted. ", "That\nquote is infamous for exactly the same reasons that this claim is flawed.", "\n\nLots of unanswered questions here, e.g. what happens if a 500byte javascript\nfile then does a load of XHR requests that download more JS: what happens\nthen? ", "does the connection just get closed as soon as you pass 5mb? ", "That will\nbreak the internet for lots of users. ", "Plus what happens if I down load a\ncouple of kilobytes of javascript that ends up allocating many gigabytes of\nmemory? ", "Is that ok because it was under 5mb of over-the-wire-bytes?", "\n\nI can _easily_ imagine a 5mb+ web application. ", "Sure you might not _like_ that,\nbut it does not make that a _bad_ situation.", "\n\nIf you don't like javascript, then the answer is simple: disable it. ", "If you\nwant to use javascript but feel like a particular website is using too much\nresources, then the answer is simple: dont visit it. ", "You have choice.", "\n\n~~~\ntenebrisalietum\nI can imagine a 5mb+ web application too, but there should be some way of\ncommunicating something needs a lot of resources before it is casually\ndownloaded.", "\n\nIt's impolite for an installer to not tell you it's copying 50GB of data to\nyour hard drive before it starts.", "\n\n\"640K ought to be enough for everyone\" is shortsighted, but \"Web applications\nshould not assume the user wants to dedicate all system resources to them\nwithout knowledge/permission\" is not.", "\n\nIt won't matter much longer. ", "Websites are giving way to phone apps. ", "Where no\nvisibility into behavior or resource consumption is normal, standard, and\nexpected.", "\n\n------\nyuchi\nI don’t know who the author of this proposal is, but I believe this should not\nbe pursued and that his idea is uninformed.", "\n\nContent blockers try their best do block and remove specific parts of the web\npage, surgically identifying them. ", "You can’t just randomly block stuff and\ntherefore break an insane amount of websites and call it a day.", "\n\nWhat about web apps? ", "Should there be a «this application wants to exceed the\nxMB quota» confirmation messages? ", "Oh please no.", "\n\n~~~\nchipotle_coyote\nThe author's name is on the proposal, Craig Hockenberry. ", "To avoid making folks\nGoogle for him, he's been running the Iconfactory, a design and programming\nconsultancy that does, yes, icons, as well as web sites and applications.", "\nThey're most famous for Twitterrific, the very first Twitter client (and the\none that gave us the word \"tweet\" for Twitter posts as well as the blue bird\nicon). ", "They've been in business over twenty years. ", "Hockenberry is himself both\nan app developer and a long-time web developer.", "\n\nI'm not sure I particularly agree with this proposal, either, for a lot of\nreasons outlined in comments here (most broadly that this is putting too much\nof a burden on users, and that it's just likely to create a new round of cat-\nand-mouse games with bad actors to find ways around it), but the author\ncertainly isn't inexperienced in web and application matters.", "\n\n~~~\nghiculescu\nAlso worth noting that he just launched a competing ad network:\n[https://blog.iconfactory.com/2019/01/advertising-with-\nollie/](https://blog.iconfactory.com/2019/01/advertising-with-ollie/)\n\n~~~\nchipotle_coyote\nAs near as I can tell the Twitterrific ad network literally only serves in-app\nads to users of Twitterrific.", "\n\n------\nanontechworker\n> Today's JavaScript developer is acting like they have a 100 GHz CPU with\n> terabytes of memory. ", "And being lazy and uninspired as a result.", "\n\nNot sure how I feel about a statement this broad. ", "I work mostly with front end\ncode and I try neat things and tricks to reduce resource use all the time. ", "I\nalso always push for the lightest way of doing things in PRs. ", "I’m certain I’m\nnot the only engineer who thinks like this.", "\n\n~~~\nkstrauser\nI agree. ", "I don't do frontend stuff, but I sit next to the team that does. ", "They\ntake a lot of pride in making fast-loading pages that render quickly and\nrespond instantly. ", "That's not compatible with writing giant, bloated,\ninefficient code.", "\n\n~~~\nvezycash\n>They take a lot of pride in making fast-loading pages that render quickly and\nrespond instantly.", "\n\nMaybe in your company. ", "My experience browsing modern front-end SPA design\nhowever begs to differ. ", "They pride themselves in loading megabytes of\nuncompressed images, layers of invisible background images, frameworks to load\nframeworks, auto-download/auto-playing 4k videos...\n\n~~~\nseattle_spring\nNo one prides themselves on any of those things.", "\n\n~~~\nchris_wot\nAnd yet they still do it.", "\n\n------\ntroutwine\n> I think it's time we start looking at the problem differently. ", "It's resource\n> abuse that's the root cause, so why aren't there limits on those resources?", "\n\nThis is a flawed assumption, I think. ", "Sure, maybe _some_ people are blocking\nads because all that JS and network IO eats up battery but I bet more people\nblock ads either because they dislike advertisements generally or they dislike\nadvertisements based on surveillance. ", "Whether you manage to cram your ad\nserving code into 1Mb or 1Kb is irrelevant for the later two groups of people.", "\n\n------\nxg15\nPlease disable your adblocker!", "\n\nDo you accept our cookies, tracking and privacy policy?", "\n\nWould you like to subscribe to our newsletter?", "\n\nPlease give us access to your location!", "\n\nThis site is way better if your download our app!", "\n\nPlease allow us to load another 30MB of JavaScript!", "\n\n------\ngruez\nWhat's stopping a site from loading javascript using a side-channel (encoded\ninside a png, for example), and then eval-ing the payload? ", "I guess you can\nprevent this by limiting the amount characters you can send to eval, but I'd\nimagine it'd break a lot of sites. ", "Plus you can probably bypass the eval limit\nby rolling your own eval (basically writing a javascript interpreter in\njavascript)\n\n~~~\nsneakernets\nSimple: stop loading those PNGs or strip them of all not-image content. ", "The\nfact that you can inject code into an image sounds like a security flaw\nwaiting to happen.", "\n\n~~~\nIggleSniggle\nAnything medium can be encoded and decoded. ", "You transpile your code into\npixels, CSS, whatever medium is considered \"ok.\" ", "Images just happen to be\nlarge and so can be used to hold a lot of information. ", "You can't just\ninherently know what is and isn't encoded information and strip out \"the bad\nstuff.\"", "\n\nThose pixels do not execute themselves (or cookies, or headers, or whatever we\nare still allowing). ", "They still need an interpreter. ", "Interpreters are indeed\nsecurity flaws. ", "Pushing people away from scannable code and towards hiding\ntheir code in other filetypes will cause a proliferation of interpreters, and\na proliferation of security flaws.", "\n\n~~~\nsneakernets\nImage files should only be for images, and what little metadata needed to\ndisplay them properly. ", "Anything else should be discarded.", "\n\n~~~\nIggleSniggle\nWhat things should and should not be does not affect what they can be. ", "The\npoint is that the image data can be encoded. ", "It's not \"extra,\" it's the actual\nimage itself being used to relay additional information covertly. ", "How do you\ndifferentiate between which pixels are \"good\" and which ones are \"bad\"? ", "There\nis no way to know.", "\n\nTo process such a file, you DO need an interpreter that follows the \"rules\" of\nthe encoding, but the interpreter can be small, concealed, and varied,\nresulting in a cat and mouse game if you are trying to block such\nimplementations.", "\n\n------\nmbell\nIMO the critical thing needed to stop JS bloat is a decent standard library.", "\nThe _vast_ majority of code on an average site tends to be the same thing\nimplemented 45 times because the stdlib in Javascript is anemic. ", "The current\nprocess of adding a function at a time to the language spec is rather\npointless at solving this issue since it's often years after the function is\nadded before anyone can realistically rely on it existing. ", "In the mean time we\nhave to keep loading polyfills just in case. ", "Also at the current rate of\nfunctionality additions it'll be decades before the stdlib is decent.", "\n\nWhat I really want to see happen is WHATWG start a standard lib project. ", "In my\nmind it would look something like this:\n\n* Open source project that implements the standard library in Javascript only and holds the canonical test suite. ", "Something akin to core-js but the 'official' version of it and with features outside the language spec.", "\n\n* Every browser agrees to preload / cache all recent versions of the standard library (or most recent version for each major release assuming semver). ", "This allows all programmers to load the version they need without concern for the performance hit.", "\n\n* User loads the standard library via a script tag with src something like: [https://ecmascript.org/stdlb/v1/lib.js](https://ecmascript.org/stdlb/v1/lib.js). ", "Doesn't really matter what it is, just some recognized url the browser knows about that encodes the version.", "\n\n* Each browser can provide a native implementation of anything in the stdlib so long as it passes the spec. ", "Browsers could even optimize which pieces of the stdlib it parses / loads based on this. ", "e.g. If the browser has a native Promise implementation then it doesn't need to load the Promise code from the stdlib.", "\n\n* Be reasonable but aggressive about adding to the stdlib. ", "It's scope should be wide and cover common use cases. ", "e.g. I shouldn't have to write a URL parsing class or a throttle function every time I start a new project (which is where we are today). ", "There are plenty of projects to look at for learning what people need (lodash, etc).", "\n\nObviously this would not cover everything; it's not going to add `await` to\nbrowsers that don't support it. ", "But I think we're at the point where what we\nare most in need of is not language features (and mostly these are\ntranspilable anyway), but stdlib functionality.", "\n\n------\nosrec\nHmm, not sure I like this idea. ", "I'm a very pro-PWA/webapp sort of person, so\nanything that restricts flexibility on the webapp side annoys me. ", "Especially\ngiven the number native apps that are equally as bloated and virtually never\nshare or reuse code between apps (think of the 10mb native note taking apps\nout there).", "\n\nPerhaps we just let quality rise to the top? ", "If your website is full of ads\nand slow, then someone else with better, less annoying execution will\neventually win more users.", "\n\n------\nZecar\nI use Super Stop and I'm in a habit of hitting shift+escape on basically every\nwebsite I visit. ", "It kills all AJAX calls and content loading. ", "9/10 websites\nload perfectly in the first second and stopping them after that just prevents\npopups, tracking, etc. ", "It would be nice to have a plugin that automatically\nstops websites after some preset interval.", "\n\n------\nlmilcin\nUh... this is wrong on so many levels.", "\n\nWhat is going to be the limit?", "\n\nWho is going to be setting it?", "\n\nHow is it going to be calculated? ", "Is it the amount of loaded files? ", "What if\nthe page is small but then loads more dynamically later?", "\n\nHow I, as a developer, make sure my website works everywhere?", "\n\nWhat with sites that use a lot of code but still work fast? ", "The amount of code\ndoes not directly translate to slowness. ", "You can have little code and slow\nwebsite or a lot of code and fast website. ", "As an example, single page\napplications tend to load all of its code but still manage to be responsive.", "\n\n~~~\nthrowawayy1001\n> What is going to be the limit?", "\n\nHe suggests 1mb, personally I still think it is too much.", "\n\n> How I, as a developer, make sure my website works everywhere?", "\n\n1mb for a single page isn't enough?", "\n\n> What with sites that use a lot of code but still work fast?", "\n\nIt's fast if the resources are near your device (CDN), most websites don't do\nthat at all.", "\n\n~~~\nnicoburns\n> 1mb for a single page isn't enough?", "\n\nWhat about single-page apps where the whole app is \"a single page\". ", "With this\nproposal, even lazily loading the extra bits would hit the limit.", "\n\n~~~\nkrapp\nI strongly suspect the true purpose of this would be to make javascript\nunusable for all but the most trivial cases, and to train end users to fear it\nlike a virus, or find its presence annoying, making it an anti-feature.", "\nKilling SPAs would probably be a feature in that case.", "\n\n------\nholoduke\nThis Author got to have some personal hate against javascript. ", "Otherwise, it\njust does not make sense.", "\n\n------\nrobbrown451\nI 100% agree with this:\n\n\"But there's a downside to this content blocking: it's hurting many smaller\nsites that rely on advertising to keep the lights on. ", "More and more of these\nsites are pleading to disable content blockers\"\n\nThe solution proposed is unworkable for all the reasons others propose. ", "But\nthere really is a baby/bathwater situation with ad blockers that attempt to\nkill all advertisements.", "\n\nI don't know what the solution is, but I think it is an important problem and\ndeserving of a more sophisticated solution than ad blockers or ones like the\nsolution proposed. ", "People here are smart, I hope people can do more than just\nstate reasons why we can't do better than what we are doing.", "\n\n~~~\nburkaman\nMost people block ads because they don't want to see ads, not because they\nwant less javascript. ", "The solution is to find a better business model, not\nmake smaller ads.", "\n\n~~~\nrobbrown451\nI think it is a small subset of people that see things that black and white. ", "I\nagree it is not simply \"wanting less javascript\", but I think a large number\nof people would not mind small ads that have minimal bandwidth requirements,\nminimal cpu usage, minimal slowing down the page, that don't pop up in your\nface, are not visually distracting, and are relevant to the material on the\nsite.", "\n\nI don't think \"get a different business model\" is a reasonable option for many\nweb sites, unless the whole point of the site is to support a product (for\ninstance Adobe's Photoshop web page, or whatever).", "\n\n------\nWowfunhappy\n> Content blockers [...] prevent abuse by ad networks and many people are\n> realizing the benefits of that with increased performance and better battery\n> life. ", "But there's a downside to this content blocking: it's hurting many\n> smaller sites that rely on advertising to keep the lights on. [...] ", "In\n> effect, these smaller sites are collateral damage in a larger battle. ", "And\n> that's a big problem for the long-term health of independent content on the\n> web.", "\n\nI've got another way to solve this problem.", "\n\nContent blockers should operate on a _blacklist_ instead of a _whitelist_.", "\nAdvertisements appear by default, but if a given site annoys you enough, you\ncan go into your ad blocker's preferences and add it to your blacklist, and\nthen you'll never see any ads on that site again.", "\n\nWhy is this not even an _option_ in any of the major adblockers? ", "I know it's\npossible in Ublock Origin via tweaking advanced settings[1], but it should be\na built-in, user friendly feature.", "\n\n[1] [https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/Dynamic-\nfiltering:-tu...](https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/Dynamic-\nfiltering:-turn-off-uBlock-everywhere-except)\n\n~~~\nhungryfoolish\n>Advertisements appear by default, but if a given site annoys you enough, you\ncan go into your ad blocker's preferences and add it to your blacklist, and\nthen you'll never see any ads on that site again.", "\n\nThats literally what ABP has. ", "Ads which have meet the acceptable ads criteria\nappear by default, and the rest are blocked by default. ", "Users can however go\nand disable that setting so that all ads are hidden by default.", "\n\n~~~\nWowfunhappy\nA built in whitelist ≠ a user created blacklist\n\n~~~\nhungryfoolish\nEasylist would be a user created blacklist, right? ", "Very ad blocker I know of\nuses that.", "\n\n~~~\nWowfunhappy\nI mean per site that displays ads, not the ads themselves.", "\n\nRight now, most people I know who use adblockers will \"whitelist\" websites\nthey want to support, and/or who display ads they find nonintrusive.", "\n\nI really think the default should be switched, so websites _can_ display ads\nby default but a user can whitelist domains they dislike. ", "At minimum, it\nshould be _possible_ to switch to this functionality.", "\n\n------\nzelon88\nJust thinking about this problem and the proposed solution is making me\nflustered.", "\n\nRemember those popups in IE \"Do you want to continue running scripts on this\npage?\" ", "Nobody knew what they were, where they came from, or what they were\ntalking about. ", "Even wose than that was the fact that nobody knew what the\nYes/No button was for and if you clicked \"Yes\" sometimes it would just keep\npopping up over and over again.", "\n\nThey got rid of that for a good reason (although its still alive and well in\nMSHTA.exe). ", "It sucked and offered nothing of value to most users.", "\n\nOn the other hand, the New York Times's website has 5 external scripts that\ntotal over 1mb of just text. ", "They've got their CMS, 4 DIFFERENT ad agencies,\nanalytics, and some other crap the site problably never \"needed\" before 2010.", "\nThat's disgusting. ", "And that's what you get from a $300m+ company that RELIES\non technology to stay in business. ", "Missing a feature? ", "Fuck it, just have the\nclient pull down another 400kb of js from a sixth CDN. ", "Nevermind the actual\nCONTENT that attracted the user in the first place is measured in bytes.", "\n\nSo while I think this is horribly misguided, I do agree that something needs\nto be done to deincentivize lazy Javascript programmers pasting all their\nproblems away. ", "Perhaps the lock icon in the address bar should also turn\nyellow or red to reflect external script resources? ", "Or maybe whenever multiple\nframeworks are combined or multiple ad networks used?", "\n\nAlmost every page of my WP website has just 8 internal resources and a page\nsize of <310kb. ", "There's no reason NYT can't stay in that ball park with their\ndeep pockets. ", "Megabytes of tracking and bullshit for basically a white page\nwith text is disingenuous.", "\n\n------\nmaccam94\nWe're in a kind of interesting economic situation when it comes to consumer\ncompute and bandwidth resources. ", "There's no \"billing\" for compute time on the\nserver side nor on the client side. ", "Bandwidth costs are also negligible on\nmost connections. ", "This means there are no pressures to efficiently utilize\nthem beyond user annoyance (which usually isn't a strong enough motivating\nfactor to modify behavior). ", "Is the solution some sort of bidirectional billing\nscheme?", "\n\n\"This page will cost $0.02 to retrieve. ", "Pay by running 20FLOPs of code?\"", "\n\n\"OK\"\n\n\"This page will cost $0.05 to retrieve. ", "Pay by running 500FLOPs of code?\"", "\n\n\"No, pay via $fiat_transfer_method\"\n\n------\nVeedrac\nOne thing I would love personally is the ability to restrict JS usage to a CPU\nlimit, which increases in response to certain events and gradually reduces to\n0 if unused. ", "This could be\n\n* A number of seconds on page load,\n\n* a fraction of a second in response to network activity (eg. ", "image loads),\n\n* a small number of frames in response to significant user interaction (mouse clicks, typing),\n\n* one frame after less-significant user interaction (mouse movement), limited only to local operations (no network activity).", "\n\nThe vast majority of sites should need nothing more than this, so opt-in to\nunlimited usage should be fine. ", "Sites where the user has enabled extra\npermissions like notifications should be allowed extra time for those.", "\n\n------\nandrewmcwatters\nSo it's totally okay when we block advertisers but when developers are the\nones under scrutiny, suddenly the user-centric argument is out the window.", "\n\nI think this is a great idea. ", "It puts pressure on developers and makes\nexperiences better for users. ", "The average American Internet speed is sub-100\nMbps, but average LTE speeds are closer to 12 Mbps, with websites opting\nusually to use responsive layouts over separate mobile sites. ", "This means\nyou're downloading the full resources of a desktop site, and the mobile device\nis adjusting to media queries.", "\n\n5 MB / 12 Mbps is over 3 seconds. ", "That's bullshit. ", "Put pressure on developers,\nmake a better web.", "\n\n------\ndavb\nI really hope interest based advertising dies. ", "I'm not convinced it works and\nevery time it's brought up, someone links to some study suggesting it's not\nparticularly effective. ", "I actually don't mind ads all that much, if they're\nstatic, don't track me and are rendered server side (no javascript).", "\n\nBase it on the content of the page, not the person visiting. ", "I've never\nclicked on a retargrted ad for sneakers that follows me to a tech site, but an\nad for (for example) DataGrip on an article about SQL tooling might actually\ninterest me!", "\n\n------\nduxup\nThis whole thing seems like adding an arbitrary knob for arbitrary reasoning,\nconsidering that it would impact sites that have nothing to do with the\nauthor's problems with js.", "\n\n------\nzzzcpan\nI think it's incorrect to assume that small websites rely on advertising to\nkeep the lights on. ", "They are the ones who definitely can't make enough on ads\nto sustain and are always funded primarily some other way. ", "But at the same\ntime running ads they let advertising companies to profit from all of them in\naggregate.", "\n\nGiven that, I don't see any point trying anything that somehow keeps ads\naround. ", "Intrusive online advertising doesn't really need to exist.", "\n\n------\ndeadmetheny\nI came to these comments to see if it was mostly webshit programmers\ncomplaining about the horror that would be unleashed if JS had limits, and I\nwas not disappointed.", "\n\nA lot of people use their phones to access the Internet and have hard data\ncaps, and webpages don't need to load several MB of JS to display 55k of text.", "\nThere's certainly use cases for JS that justify that amount of script to load,\nbut shoving ads, trackers, and widgets aren't those uses.", "\n\n------\npornel\nThere exists a less blunt proposal to add resource limits to web pages:\n\n[https://www.igvita.com/2016/03/01/control-groups-cgroups-\nfor...](https://www.igvita.com/2016/03/01/control-groups-cgroups-for-the-web/)\n\nIt's aimed at limiting resource usage of 3rd parties (ads), and pages\nvoluntary limiting their usage, but presumably browser extensions could add\nthe limits too.", "\n\n------\ndemarq\nMore done, with less bytes is a virtue and a great show of skill among\nsoftware developers. ", "Outside that infinitesimal small bubble however... users\ncould barely give a damn.", "\n\nAlso I fear that a lot of this is javascript phobia formed by the mindset that\nthe web is supposed to be documents not full blown applications, after all why\ncomplain about 2 megs of js when the page has a 10mb banner image and an\nautoplaying 40mb HD video?", "\n\n------\n8bitsrule\n_smaller sites are collateral damage in a larger battle._", "\n\nSmaller sites could avoid farming their content out to 2 or 20 locations on\nthe cloud.", "\n\nThe user can already add limits. ", "Try using uBlock Origin with scripts open to\ninline and first-party scripts and images everywhere ... and nothing else.", "\n\nIf the page comes up blank, bye-bye. ", "Don't visit it any more. ", "They made their\nchoices, let them live with it.", "\n\n------\njakeogh\nSurf (a suckless webkit2 frontend) can be configured to disable JS by default,\nif you really need it, hit ctrl-alt-s and volla the junk gets executed.", "\nBrowsing without js is wonderful.", "\n[https://surf.suckless.org/](https://surf.suckless.org/)\n\n------\ntanilama\nI am not sure the proposal is solving the right problem:\n\n> The situation I'm envisioning is that a site can show me any advertising\n> they want as long as they keep the overall size under a fixed amount, say\n> one megabyte per page.", "\n\nWith minification/compression, I don't see how 1MB could work...\n\n------\nshanehoban\nI believe a huge saving across the web could be something much more simple\nconsidering even the ubiquity of jQuery.", "\n\nA build tool that scans your JS code, and includes only the jQuery functions\nthat it has found to be using; or equivalent library etc.", "\n\n~~~\nTechnetium_Hat\nThis exists already. ", "Modern JS build tools are actually pretty sophisticated.", "\n\n------\nwaste_monk\nExample.com does not use any scripting, let alone 5mb worth. ", "In fact, it only\ntransfers 1.24kb of plain CSS/HTML.", "\n\nWhoever wrote that comment was a liar and a peddler of nonsense.", "\n\n------\nk__\nlol, good luck getting this through in Safari with the current state of Apples\nwebsites.", "\n\n~~~\ndijit\nSo. ", "I figured you were probably right so I went and checked Apples websites\nfor their largest products to see how bad it was.", "\n\nThe largest sum of JavaScript was on the Mac Pro (2013) page with just under\n200kb.", "\n\nThat’s a lot less than 1MB\n\n~~~\nk__\nSure, their sales pages are in shape.", "\n\nBut the developer stuff in the walled garden not so much.", "\n\nThe App Store Connect login/start page has 2MB JS and the App page has >3MB.", "\n\nOverall the whole Apple Dev experience is sluggish.", "\n\n------\namiga-workbench\nLove it, I believe Chrome mobile already completely kills JS on GPRS\nconnections.", "\n\n------\nlurker458\nthe ability to restrict cpu and memory consumption per page would make more\nsense\n\n------\nnaaaaak\nDisable Javascript by default and make turning it on the exception. ", "The web\nwould be a much better place.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "LPS (lipopolysaccharide) is a major integral structural component of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria and activates monocytes and macrophages to produce cytokines such as TNF-α [Young, L R, et al., (", "2006) Lung-restricted macrophage activation in the pearl mouse model of Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome. ", "J Immunol 176:4361-4368]. ", "LPS stimulates intracellular signaling pathways by regulating activation of cytoplasmic signaling proteins including tyrosine kinases [Zanin-Zhorov, A, et al., (", "2007) Cutting edge: T cells respond to lipopolysaccharide innately via TLR4 signaling. ", "J Immunol 179:41-44; Khadaroo, R G, et al., (", "2003) Oxidative stress reprograms lipopolysaccharide signaling via Src kinase-dependent pathway in RAW 264.7 macrophage cell line. ", "J Biol Chem 278:47834-47841] leading to activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), such as p38 MAPK and c-jun-N-terminal kinase (JNK), which is involved in synthesis of certain cytokines [Lin, W N, et al., (", "2007) Involvement of MAPKs and NF-kappaB in LPS-induced VCAM-1 expression in human tracheal smooth muscle cells. ", "Cell Signal 19:1258-1267; Handley M E, et al., (", "2005) JNK activation limits dendritic cell maturation in response to reactive oxygen species by the induction of apoptosis. ", "Free Radic Biol Med 38:1637-1652]. ", "The transcription factor (LITAF) that associates with STAT6B and plays a major role in transcription of several inflammatory cytokines including TNF-α [Tang, X, et al., (", "2005) Identification and functional characterization of a novel binding site on TNF-alpha promoter. ", "Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 100:4096-4101; Tang, X, et al., (", "2003) LPS induces the interaction of a transcription factor, LPS-induced TNF-alpha factor, and STAT6(B) with effects on multiple cytokines. ", "Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 102:5132-5137]. ", "Although the mechanism by which it regulates expression of LITAF is not fully investigated, activation of p38 MAPK is required for LITAF gene expression in response to LPS stimulation [Tang, X, et al., (", "2006) LPS-induced TNF-alpha factor (LITAF)-deficient mice express reduced LPS-induced cytokine: Evidence for LITAF-dependent LPS signaling pathways. ", "Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 103:13777-13782].", "\nLPS and other compounds are instrumental in inflicting disease and discomfort by stimulating inflammatory reactions. ", "Some such reactions, such as toxic shock syndrome, can be fatal. ", "Although the pathways leading to such outcomes are not totally understood, there is still a need for addressing the treatment of diseases caused by inflammatory responses.", "\nTherefore, what is needed is novel compositions and methods for the treatment of inflammatory diseases." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nUsing generics in abstract classes\n\nI'm working on an abstract class where the implementing class needs to implement a list of T. The problem is that this doesn't work:\npublic class AbstractClass\n{\n public int Id { get; set; }\n public int Name { get; set; }\n\n public abstract List<T> Items { get; set; }\n}\n\npublic class Container : AbstractClass\n{\n public List<Widgets> Items { get; set; }\n}\n\nI'm sure that there is an obvious answer that I'm missing, and I know that I can build an abstract base type to put in the list, but when I use my Linq command to build the list, the abstract type (ItemBase) doesn't play nicely with the .ToList() method. ", "Is what I'm trying to do so unique?", "\n\nA:\n\nYou need the declaration on the class as well, to know what type T is:\npublic abstract class AbstractClass<T>\n{\n public int Id { get; set; }\n public int Name { get; set; }\n\n public abstract List<T> Items { get; set; }\n}\n\npublic class Container : AbstractClass<Widgets>\n{\n public List<Widgets> Items { get; set; }\n}\n\nYou can also restrict what T can be, like say it must implement IWidgets:\npublic class AbstractClass<T> where T : IWidgets\n\nA:\n\nYou need to declare the type T.\nYou need to declare the class AbstractClass as abstract.", "\nYou need to use the override keyword.", "\n\nTry this:\npublic class Widgets { }\n\npublic abstract class AbstractClass<T>\n{\n public int Id { get; set; }\n public int Name { get; set; }\n\n public abstract List<T> Items { get; set; }\n}\n\npublic class Container : AbstractClass<Widgets>\n{\n public override List<Widgets> Items { get; set; }\n}\n\nA:\n\nYou need to make AbstractClass generic\npublic class AbstractClass<T> {\n ...\n}\n\npublic class Container : AbstractClass<Widgets> { ...\n}\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0030120481927710845, 0, 0.0036363636363636364, 0, 0.0044943820224719105 ]
[ "“In iPhoto, you can browse, edit and share your photos with new full-screen views. ", "Turn your home videos into epic movie trailers in iMovie. ", "And GarageBand gives you everything you need to make a great-sounding song — including tools for keeping your song in perfect rhythm as well as guitar and piano lessons.”", "\n\nApple also offes iPhoto, GarageBand and iMovie individually in the Mac App Store, though it has chosen not to make iWeb and iDVD available." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.012048192771084338, 0.017241379310344827, 0, 0.028368794326241134 ]
[ "U of D\n\nU of D may refer to:\n\nin the Republic of Ireland\nUniversity of Dublin\n\nin the United States\nUniversity of Dallas, a Catholic university in Texas\nUniversity of Dayton, a university in Ohio\nUniversity of Delaware\nUniversity of Detroit Jesuit High School and Academy, a Catholic secondary school in Michigan\nUniversity of Detroit Mercy, a Catholic university in Michigan\n\nin India\nUniversity of Delhi\n\nSee also\n UD (disambiguation)" ]
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[ "The expression of protein disulfide isomerase from Litopenaeus vannamei hemocytes is regulated by bacterial inoculation.", "\nA partial clone encoding a member of the protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) was isolated from a Litopenaeus vannamei hemocyte cDNA library. ", "The 5?-end sequence was obtained by RACE. ", "The complete sequence encodes for a 502-residues protein that contains two thioredoxin domains and the typical endoplasmic reticulum retention KDEL motif. ", "Shrimp PDI is highly similar to the homologue protein described in both vertebrates and invertebrates. ", "Changes in the shrimp PDI mRNA expression were observed after injection of Vibrio alginolyticus, suggesting that PDI is implicated in the immune defense system. ", "This is the first report of a PDI in crustaceans." ]
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[ "//\t==================================================\n//\tRD270\n//\n//\tManufacturer: NPO Energomash\n//\n//\t=================================================================================\n//\tRD-270\n//\tUR-900\n//\n//\tDry Mass: 4470 Kg\n//\tThrust (SL): ??? ", "kN\n//\tThrust (Vac): 6272 kN\n//\tISP: 301 SL / 322 Vac\n//\tBurn Time: ???", "\n//\tChamber Pressure: 26.08 MPa\n//\tPropellant: NTO / UDMH\n//\tProp Ratio: 2.67\n//\tThrottle: 105% to 95%\n//\tNozzle Ratio: ???", "\n//\tIgnitions: 1\n//\t=================================================================================\n\n//\tSources:\n\n//\thttp://www.b14643.de/Spacerockets/Specials/Russian_Rocket_engines/engines.htm\n//\thttp://www.astronautix.com/r/rd-270.html\n\n//\tUsed by:\n\n//\tNotes:\n\n//\t==================================================\n@PART[*]:HAS[#engineType[RD270]]:FOR[RealismOverhaulEngines]\n{\n\t%title = RD-270\n\t%manufacturer = NPO Energomash / V.P. Glushko\n\t%description = Largest single-chamber engine ever built in the Soviet Union. ", "Fueled by an NTO/UDMH mixture combined under some of the highest pressures ever encountered in an ignition chamber. ", "Never flown but extensively tested.", "\n\n\t@MODULE[ModuleEngines*]\n\t{\n\t\t%EngineType = LiquidFuel\n\t}\n\n\t!", "MODULE[ModuleEngineConfigs],*{}\n\t!", "MODULE[ModuleAlternator],*{}\n\t!", "RESOURCE,*{}\n\n\t@MODULE[ModuleGimbal]\n\t{\n\t\t%gimbalRange = 8\n\t\t%useGimbalResponseSpeed = true\n\t\t%gimbalResponseSpeed = 16\n\t}\n\n\tMODULE\n\t{\n\t\tname = ModuleEngineConfigs\n\t\ttype = ModuleEngines\n\t\torigMass = 4.47\n\t\tconfiguration = RD-270\n\t\tmodded = false\n\t\tCONFIG\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tname = RD-270\n\t\t\tminThrust = 5644.8\n\t\t\tmaxThrust = 6272\n\t\t\theatProduction = 205\n\t\t\tPROPELLANT\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tname = UDMH\n\t\t\t\tratio = 0.468\n\t\t\t\tDrawGauge = True\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tPROPELLANT\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tname = NTO\n\t\t\t\tratio = 0.532\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tatmosphereCurve\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tkey = 0 322\n\t\t\t\tkey = 1 301\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tullage = True\n\t\t\tignitions = 1\n\t\t\tIGNITOR_RESOURCE\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tname = ElectricCharge\n\t\t\t\tamount = 0.5\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n\n//no data, never flew\n//using RD-253 data\n@PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleEngineConfigs]:HAS[@CONFIG[RD-270]],!MODULE[TestFlightInterop]]:BEFORE[zTestFlight]\n{\n\tTESTFLIGHT\n\t{\n\t\tname = RD-270\n\t\tratedBurnTime = 148\n\t\tignitionReliabilityStart = 0.995713\n\t\tignitionReliabilityEnd = 0.999143\n\t\tcycleReliabilityStart = 0.995713\n\t\tcycleReliabilityEnd = 0.999143\n\t\ttechTransfer = RD-253,RD-253-Mk2,RD-253-Mk3:50\n\t}\n}" ]
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[ "Description\n\nThe Town-hall Brainstorm event is a place for small or large groups people of diverse backgrounds to come together to create a community specific document on what kinds of actions allies can take to best support them, with special regard given to queer women and women of color. ", "These large forums break up into smaller groups to brainstorm ideas for inclusion, which are then shared with the larger group. ", "Men do the work of documenting what the women say, putting it into a sharable document, getting feedback on their draft, revising the draft, and then distributing to the community. ", "Below, we have included all the resources you'll need to plan the event.", "\n\nGoals\n\nGather experiences, priorities, and requests around gender and race dynamics in order create shareable information with community\n\nMake gender and race workplace dynamics more real and personal for the given community\n\nTheory of Change\n\nThough lists of \"10 important allyship actions\" exist in abundance, creating one that's specifically from the women within a given community (especially women of color and queer women) about their experiences, priorities, and requests makes the problem and solutions more real and personal. ", "This enhances the likelihood of men listening, understanding, and taking action.", "\n\nLogistics\n\nCosts and food\n\nFood for participants – nice to provide food, especially since it's likely the event will happen around lunch or dinner time\n\nSupplies - sticky notes, pens, flip chart\n\nTarget / likely audience\n\nFor town-hall process\n\nFemale participants - leadership of Partner group and anyone who's interested in coming and having their voices heard\n\nMale helpers - men who are very committed to inclusion and are seen as trustworthy\n\nFor resulting guide\n\nAll men interested. ", "Probably most men will be curious about a document like this, whether they're already committed advocates or hostile to \"PC Culture\n\nLocation / Participation Size\n\nThough the main component is in small groups, ideally there is one large room that can hold everyone for the event segments that are geared towards the whole group, so plan on a room with capacity of all participants and that can also double to do small groups / breakout rooms.", "\n\nDuring ideation, participants should be broken up into smaller groups - 5 or so participants with a facilitator\n\nEvent needs enough facilitators to guide participants. ", "Facilitators can be male or female, but part of the ALLYSHIP component of this is for men to do the supportive, administrative, logistical, and unglamorous work that makes the event possible.", "\n\nA/V Needs\n\nVery helpful to have projection for both instructions and to show summarized brainstorms\n\nOther resources needed\n\nSpecial recruitment considerations\n\nGetting female participants to come involves explaining the goals and process in a way that shows their time spent will be valuable. ", "It also depends on their trust of the facilitators and program lead to guide the process with encouragement and understanding. ", "The final document can contain the names of women who were a part of the process, but some won't want to put their name out there and that's fine.", "\n\nRoles and responsibilities\n\nProgram Lead​\n\nIdeal attributes: safe and trusted, knowledgeable of likely things to come up so not disruptive to process. ", "Can support process without hijacking it.", "\n\nUnderstand entire process to guide and answer question.", "\n\nRecruit and support other volunteer roles\n\nPublish guide to broader community\n\nSmall group facilitators –Understand entire process and lead group through different stages and provide context to help focus energy most valuably.", "\n\nEditors – Take the ideation/brainstorming results and turn into a readable guide. ", "Bring this back to the women to get feedback and update accordingly.", "\n\nAgenda / Program\n\nWelcome and thank participants and facilitators\n\nExplain process: today\n\nParticipants have received document to get minds going on types of challenges/requests\n\nEach group categorizes their notes and names categorizations with each segment on Flip-chart paper\n\nParticipants take 20 min break while small group of participants and facilitators categorize the flip-chart categories into meta-categories\n\nMeta categories are announced, reviewed and feedback given/recorded\n\nExplain process next steps:\n\nMeta-categories, categories, and notes are documented and small group goes over in greater detail to combine and create best categories. ", "This will be emailed out in a week for feedback\n\nFeedback is received and next two weeks dedicated to turning product into shareable, digestible product\n\nFinal product shared with all students\n\nExplain goals and theory of change\n\nDo process\n\nThank you and evaluations\n\nFacilitation best practices\n\nNo \"wrong\" sticky notes, put everything up without judgement\n\nFor categorization, if it's not naturally happening after brainstorm, ask an individual to get the process started\n\nEncourage people to write down all thought both big in scope and very detailed\n\nUse different colored sticky notes for\n\nexperiences\n\nchallenges\n\nrequests: understanding and action\n\nTips and pitfalls\n\nYou don't need more than one small group to start this process. ", "If recruiting is difficult, do the process with a small group and share the output of the brainstorm with likely participants and do another session with more people\n\nRecord everything and include in supplementary material, but make main document digestible with more detail if desired\n\nThese conversations most often take more time than we initially think. ", "Have a thorough agenda in the event that folks are quiet/having a hard time getting rolling, but also have a willingness to abandon that agenda and stay present with the current issues raised by the group too. ", "It’s important to be flexible, especially when the people raising concerns are women and or POC and other marginalized groups\n\nDon't be a perfectionist - use 80/20 rule. ", "Something timely and succinct is better than nothing or something so long that it's not looked at.", "\n\nTimeline\n\nThe main limiting factor is the schedules of female participants. ", "The preparatory materials to do this event are all included – so don't let that be an excuse to not do this.", "\n\n2 months prior\n\nRun idea past Partner group leadership and other affinity group leadership to explain process, answer questions, explore their interest in this.", "\n\nBook large room\n\n1 month prior\n\nContact list of possible facilitators\n\nInvite female participant through word of mouth, social media, and WIB/affinity email lists\n\nOpen RSVPs\n\n2 weeks prior\n\nFinalize facilitators and ensure they understand full process and their role\n\nAnother communications push for event to get female participants. ", "Begin finalizing guest/RSVP list\n\n1 week\n\nWork out food logistics\n\nFinalize guest/RSVP list\n\nSend out document with common challenges/requests to guest and facilitator list\n\n1 day\n\nRemind guest facilitator/facilitator list, print materials/evals\n\nEvent day prep\n\nCheck AV\n\nMake sure supplies are in order\n\nLocation/room logistics are set and people know where to go\n\nFacilitators and volunteers know their roles and agenda for entire process\n\n1 day after\n\nThanks participants and remind them of current stage in process and next steps coming\n\nBegin working on draft guide\n\n1 week after\n\nComplete and send draft document for feedback\n\nFacilitators receive feedback and update document accordingly\n\n2 weeks after​\n\nShareable document completed and made available to community\n\nCommunications\n\nRecruiting facilitators and editors\n\nSubject: Directly support the women in our community\n\nA few men from the allyship group will be assisting the women in our community (with special attention to the women of color and queer women) to create an allyship guide specifically for the men in our community. ", "We need folks to help facilitate ideation and brainstorming on [day] [date] at [time] [location]. ", "And we also need guys willing to take what was collected and transform it into a readable guide.", "\n\nPlease RSVP here: [Link] if you'd be able to help out with either of these essential roles! ", "Please let me know if you have any questions!", "\n\nRecruiting female participants\n\nWomen in our community are getting together to create a specific allyship guide for the men in our community. ", "We especially want to highlight the voices of women of color and queer women. ", "Much of the labor to put this together will be done by guys: organizing logistics, facilitating ideation, collecting our ideas, drafting a guide, receiving our feedback, updating it, and distributing to their fellow men. ", "​\n\n​Details for the brainstorming session:\n\n[day] [date] ​​[time] ​[location]​\n\nPlease RSVP here: [Link] if you'd be able to come! ", "And please let me know if you have any questions!" ]
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[ "Fatal bronchopulmonary hemorrhage due to unrecognized amyloidosis.", "\nAmyloidosis of the larynx and tracheobronchial tree is usually described as a nonbleeding lesion. ", "However, severe hemorrhage, often fatal, is reported in other organs involved by this disease. ", "A fatal bronchopulmonary hemorrhage was found in a 23-year-old woman unsuspected of having amyloidosis. ", "The possible causes of hemorrhage in this disease are a vessel wall involvement or disturbances of the blood clotting mechanism." ]
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[ "MULLAN, Idaho – Rick “Redman” Norman and about 60 other miners spent Monday morning doing something they’ve never done before at the Lucky Friday mine in the Silver Valley: picket, not work.", "\n\n“We’re not even asking for nothing,” the long-time worker said while huddled near a steel drum with orange flames peaking out. “", "We’re asking to basically keep things the way they are.”", "\n\nOn Sunday night, members of United Steelworkers local 5114 voted 230-2 in favor of striking. ", "On Monday morning, they made good on their promise. ", "At 5:30 a.m. Norman and other workers grabbed signs and boxes of hand warmers – not hard hats – and started the strike near the entrances to a mine where some of them have worked for four decades.", "\n\n“The goal is that somebody will come to their senses and we’ll all go back to work,” Norman said. “", "We just want to go back to work.”", "\n\nIn April 2016, the previous six-year contract between the Coeur d’Alene-based Hecla Mining Co. and the union expired. ", "Both sides met several times with a federal mediator to try and move forward but came to an impasse in February when neither side would budge.", "\n\nHecla’s proposal would change workers’ health care benefits, shift and vacation scheduling, and bonus pay tied to silver premiums, which previously were awarded based on the price of silver, among other proposals.", "\n\nThe company says it’s trying to cut costs at a mine it deems one of the more expensive to operate in a portfolio of locations in Alaska, Canada and Mexico. ", "The Lucky Friday mine produced 3.6 million ounces of the 17 million ounces of silver that Hecla generated in 2016.", "\n\nFrom the worker’s perspective, corporate is trying to change a way of life and thinking that have dominated Lucky Friday for over 70 years. ", "And they’re doing so by not budging an inch, miners say.", "\n\n“The miners consider this offer to be a slap in the face,” said Steve Powers, a Steelworkers representative based out of Spokane. “", "A lot of them have been here for 15-plus years. ", "They made it through the hard times already.”", "\n\nBut for a company that reported overall income of $69 million last year on sales of $646 million, supporting Lucky Friday is hard times, said Luke Russell, the vice president of external affairs. ", "He said the mine has been operating in the red by about $200 million over the past five years.", "\n\n“The changes we need to make is to make Lucky Friday productive and safe for years to come,” he said. “", "The mine needs to stand on its own and be cost effective.”", "\n\nThe strike comes as Hecla is about to begin mining deeper ore that can be accessed with its new No. ", "4 shaft, which reaches almost 2 miles underground. ", "Russel said this and other equipment changes have set the mine up for success.", "\n\nThe last cog yet to fit into place is the contract, which they say is similar to the industry average, including their other mines.", "\n\n“It’s costing more to operate than it does to not operate,” Russell said. “", "We need to get this cost down to make these changes.”", "\n\nBut from the miners’ perspective – which often is several thousand feet under the surface – decisions coming from a corporate office 60 miles away often don’t consider everyone’s perspective.", "\n\nAndrew Thompson is 41 and has worked at the mine for 11 years. ", "In that time, he’s never seen a contract like this from Hecla, and he’s never seen the company so unwilling to budge.", "\n\n“The company claims to be bargaining with us, but bargaining has nothing to do with forcing things on us,” Thompson said. “", "Implementation is not bargaining.”", "\n\nHe lives in Mullan and has a wife and three kids in school that all rely on his wages. ", "Which is why, since he voted to strike Sunday, he’s already looking for work.", "\n\n“That’s what the majority of us have done,” he said, standing near an empty parking lot that normally would be full of workers’ vehicles.", "\n\nPowers, the union rep, said workers are digging in and aren’t going to budge. ", "By his estimation, an agreement could come as quickly as a few days or as long as a few years. ", "It all depends on how much Hecla is willing to negotiate, he said.", "\n\n“The union has stated all along there is not an impasse,” he said. “", "We have room to move. ", "Yet the company won’t budge.”", "\n\nThe company indicated the same, yet maintained it has budged on certain items, yet is unwilling to concede on others. ", "Still, Russell said the new contract was necessary to make the mine profitable. ", "And with the mine shut down, it was technically costing them less than before.", "\n\nAs for Norman, who derives his “Redman” moniker from his red hair and large, bushy red beard that has gone to gray with age, he’s ready to stick it out, as are the other miners.", "\n\n“These are the most resilient people you will ever meet,” he said. “", "They’re gonna be fine. ", "But when I think of the wives, the kids, the people who rely on this, that’s when my blood starts to boil.”", "\n\nSince 1983, he has proudly called himself a miner. ", "But right now?", "\n\n“I’m just a picket guy.”" ]
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[ "The present invention relates to an electrically conductive feedthrough connection through a hole of a high-temperature-resistant and vacuum-proof insulating part, particularly of ceramic, glass, or a single crystal, which feedthrough connection is designed as a terminal lead covered with active solder and soldered into the hole. ", "The terminal lead has a coefficient of thermal expansion less than that of the insulating part. ", "The connection is used in a pressure sensor comprising a diaphragm and a substrate which have spaced-apart, flat inner surfaces, provided with at least one conductive or resistive layer for forming at least one capacitor or strain gage, respectively, and wherein the conductive surfaces are electrically connected to the respective rear side via the feedthrough connection. ", "The connection is manufactured by inserting the covered lead into the hole and then the insulating part and inserted lead are placed in a vacuum, or a gas atmosphere with a pressure not exceeding 10 mbars, and then heated until the active solder has completely melted.", "\nThe electrically conductive feedthrough connection through a hole of a high-temperature-resistant and vacuum-proof insulating part, particularly of ceramic, glass, or a single crystal, is designed as a terminal lead covered with active solder and inserted into the hole, the terminal lead having a coefficient of thermal expansion less than that of the insulating part.", "\nThe feedthrough connection is used in a pressure sensor comprising a diaphragm and a substrate which have spaced-apart, flat inner surfaces which are provided with at least one conductive layer or resistive layer for forming at least one capacitor or strain gage, respectively, and are electrically connected to the respective rear side via the feed-through connection.", "\nFor the manufacture of a feed-through connection, the covered lead is inserted into the hole, and the thus equipped insulating part is placed in a vacuum and heated until the active solder has completely melted.", "\nFor the manufacture of a feed-through connection, the covered lead is inserted into the hole, and the thus equipped insulating part is heated in a gas atmosphere with a pressure not higher than 10 mbars (=1 kPa).", "\nAccording to the journal \"Solid State Technology\", April 1985, pages 321 to 324, the commonly employed method of manufacturing such feed-through connections in alumina ceramic involves the use of an Mn--Mo paste which must be applied to the wall of the hole, sintered at a high temperature (approximately 1500.degree. ", "C.) in moist hydrogen, and subsequently electroplated with nickel. ", "The nickel layer must be sintered as well. ", "In the hole thus metallized, a terminal lead can then be soldered into place.", "\nBecause of the number of process steps to be performed, this manufacturing method is very complicated and costly. ", "In addition, process control is highly critical, e.g., because of the danger of explosion resulting from the use of moist hydrogen, which requires expensive safety precautions or a special furnace. ", "Furthermore, in the case of long, thin holes, the Mn--Mo paste can be applied only by hand, the applied layer having to be of uniform thickness. ", "Moreover, Mn--Mo paste is not particularly suitable for very-high-purity alumina ceramics.", "\nAccordingly, the object of the invention is to provide a feed-through connection which is generally suitable for high-temperature-resistant and vacuum-proof insulating parts, particularly of ceramic, glass, or a single crystal, and not only for alumina-ceramic parts, can be manufactured in a single high-temperature step and is inexpensive, mechanically heavily loadable, and high-vacuum-tight.", "\nThe active solder used in the invention consists of a soldering material, mostly a brazing solder such as Ag, Ag--Cu, or Ag--Cu13 In, alloyed with at least one reactive element, such as Ti, Zr, Be, Hf, or Ta, with Ti having proved to be the most effective alloying element. ", "During the soldering process, the reactive element wets the surfaces of the parts to be soldered, so that no metallization, such as the above-mentioned Mn--Mo coating, is necessary.", "\nIn the case of oxide ceramic, the high affinity of the reactive element for oxygen causes a reaction with the ceramic, which leads to the formation of mixed oxides and free valency electrons. ", "Active solder can also be used with nonoxide ceramic or glass without previous metallization.", "\nPreferred active-solder alloys are ductile and contain 2 to 5% of Ti which is homogeneously embedded in a matrix of, e.g., Ag--Cu. ", "They can be processed like normal brazing solders, so that the terminal leads, too, can readily be covered with them.", "\nTypically commercially available active solders are the alloys Ag--Ti, Ag--Cu--Ti, and Ag--Cu--In--Ti, whose soldering temperatures range between 750.degree. ", "and 1000.degree. ", "C. Thus, step soldering (gradations in the melting points) is also possible with active solders. ", "The strengths of active solders are identical with the strengths of comparable Ti-free brazing solders. ", "The bond strength to ceramic, for example, is greater than, the strength of the ceramic itself; in a tensile test, the fracture will therefore lie in the ceramic, not in the ceramic-to-solder interface.", "\nThe active solder is preferably heated in a vacuum at at least 10.sup.-5 mbars (=10.sup.-3 Pa), better in the 10.sup.-6 mbar (=10.sup.-4 -Pa) range. ", "Very good vacuum is necessary in order to avoid reactions of the Ti with the residual gas and achieve good wetting of, e.g., ceramic.", "\nTo obtain specific soldering results, e.g., to reduce the evaporation of the solder or to reduce surface oxides, it may be advantageous to carry out the heating or soldering process in a defined gas atmosphere of inert gas and/or reactive gas. ", "The partial pressures of these gases are preferably below 10 mbars (=1 kPa).", "\nDuring active soldering, like during conventional soldering, the solder is completely melted. ", "The soldering temperature of the active solder, however, should be 70.degree. ", "to 100.degree. ", "C. above the liquidus temperature to obtain an optimum reaction of the Ti with, e.g., ceramic. ", "In this manner, high strength and vacuum tightness are achieved.", "\nPressure sensors with electrical feed-through connections in accordance with the invention are characterized by high mechanical strength, loadability, and resistance to temperature changes as well as by very good and very reliable vacuum tightness while being easy to manufacture. ", "In addition, the quality of the feed-through connection can be examined quickly and simply by radiography with X-rays.", "\nIt is surprising that despite the very different temperature dependencies of the expansion coefficients of metal and, e.g., ceramic, an active solder can be used for soldering in feed-through connections, particularly of pressure sensors.", "\nFurther features and advantages of the invention will become apparent from the following description of an embodiment, which is illustrated in the accompanying drawings." ]
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[ "Jobaria\n\nJobaria is a genus of sauropod dinosaur that lived in what is now Niger during the middle Jurassic Period, between 164–161 million years ago.", "\n\nDescription\n\nJobaria was a primitive sauropod, about long and estimated to weigh about . ", "Its backbone and tail were simple compared to the complex vertebrae and whiplash tail of the later North America sauropods Diplodocus and Apatosaurus.", "\n\nIt may also have been able to rear up on its hind legs as Paul Sereno concluded, after comparing the ratios of humerus and femur circumferences in Jobaria to extant elephants. ", "The weight distribution of Jobaria indicates that it was supported by the rear limbs rather than the forelimbs (as in elephants) and is speculated that as elephants can rear up, then Jobaria would have been able to more easily.", "\n\nDiscovery\n \nDiscovered in the fall of 1997, during a four-month expedition to the Sahara desert led by paleontologist Dr. Paul Sereno, it was found in a mass-death site in the Tiourarén Formation of Niger. ", "With over 95% of its skeleton preserved it is among the most complete sauropods ever found.", "\n\nThe genus is named after a local mythical giant beast, Jobar, whose bones some Tuaregs believed the fossils to be. ", "The specific name tiguidensis comes from the cliff of Tiguidi, the site of discovery.", "\n\nThe sediments in which it was found were originally thought to represent the Hauterivian to Barremian stages of the early Cretaceous Period, dating Jobaria to approximately 132 million years ago. ", "However, re-interpretation of the sediments showed that they are more likely from the Bathonian to Oxfordian stages of the middle Jurassic in age, between 167 and 161 million years ago.", "\n\nClassification\nThe phylogenetic relationships of Jobaria are uncertain; it has been interpreted either as a basal macronarian, or as a non-neosauropod eusauropod, basal to the neosauropod clade.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n\n The Jobaria website\n Jobaria in the Dino Directory\n\nCategory:Sauropods\nCategory:Middle Jurassic dinosaurs of Africa\nCategory:Bathonian life\nCategory:Oxfordian life\nCategory:Mesozoic Niger\nCategory:Fossils of Niger\nCategory:Fossil taxa described in 1999\nCategory:Taxa named by Paul Sereno" ]
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[ "PBSJ Corp. Chooses MetWest in Tampa\n\nTaylor & Mathis of Florida announced today that The PBSJ Corporation will relocate its Tampa office to MetWest One, a LEED-certified office building recently opened at MetWest International in the Westshore Business District. ", "The engineering, architecture, and construction company signed a long-term lease for 83,000-square-feet commencing January 2010. ", "Serving as the company’s headquarters, the facility will house many of The PBSJ Corporation’s corporate services as well as subsidiary company operations.", "\n\n“When looking to relocate our office to support our evolving needs, we looked for a facility that could accommodate our unique requirements, offer our employees a great place to work, maintain our current proximity to valued clients and reflect our sensitivity to sustainable design strategies,” states John B. Zumwalt, III, chairman and CEO of The PBSJ Corporation. “", "MetWest International fit that bill in terms of office space, location, LEED certification, and pedestrian-oriented site design.”", "\n\nMetWest continues to show leasing momentum and interest for both the retail and office space. ", "Kona Grill and E*Trade are opening this year at the mixed-use development located across from Tampa International Airport and International Plaza.", "\n\n“The initial construction and subsequent phases will continue to support our vision to provide a high quality and unique real estate development appealing to businesses and individuals,” stated Davis. “", "MetLife brings a financially strong and dedicated landlord to the project, which is especially important in the current economic environment. ", "For these reasons and many others, we believe MetWest will continue to attract tenants seeking a superior mixed-use environment within the popular Westshore area.”", "\n\nMetLife is redeveloping the 32-acre MetWest International into a mixed-use center. ", "The transformation of the site, which includes the existing One MetroCenter, a 240,320 square-foot Class A office building, is happening in phases. ", "Infrastructure, the first of three new office buildings (MetWest One) and the retail village were completed earlier this year. ", "The hotel is currently in the design phase, and the two later phase office buildings will be started as demand dictates. ", "When complete, the pedestrian, urban-oriented development will include: nearly one million square feet of Class A office space; 74,200 square foot retail village; 260 room full-service upscale hotel; 254 residential units.", "\n\nSitemap\n\nAbout Business Facilities\n\nBusiness Facilities is a leading full-service media brand specializing in the site selection marketplace. ", "Through a bi-monthly magazine, e-mail newsletters, a news portal, and its LiveXchange event, Business Facilities has created a dynamic community for C-level executives and economic development organizations." ]
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[ "The Single Best Strategy To Use For free rubmaps accounts and passwords\n\nMenu\n\nThe Single Best Strategy To Use For free rubmaps accounts and passwords\n\nJust commenced a fresh position, at an educational institution; And through the interview procedure, it absolutely was mentioned They may be utilizing Google Push for every thing (since cloud\n\nNetflix may be the primary choice for those who choose to enjoy Dwell streaming of Television set displays, dramas, new music & Film online. ", "While Netflix has a straightforward hard & rapid rule of getting a high quality Netflix account for availing its on the web expert services of media streaming.", "\n\nReply Laura suggests: at can someone send out me a account to my email : [email protected]\n\nReply theprofromthesky states: at make sure you give me a e mail and password i am limited on income and my mom shays shes bored , i wont alter the password make sure you electronic mail me [email protected]\n\nI exploit rather long passwords and on some Internet sites you alter it and go to log back in to determine It is really Improper - as they had not informed you with regards to the max length.", "\n\nReply Casandra states: at You should somebody test to assist me out I need to watch some netflix you should email me your account i wont adjust password or anything [email protected]\n\nReply eric states: at Hey can anyone despatched to [email protected] . ", "lead to I need a Netflix account And that i assure I won’t alter the password\n\nMany hundreds of prizes have been offered away, and RewardsForPoints genuinely is the greatest get-paid out-to web-site to receive free things online!", "\n\nReply BALA says: at hi My self is Bala, Those people mail and password doesn’t get the job done, So i ask for you to provide me a mail and password make sure you\n\nReply alex beckley states: at would like a free trial. ", "bought A short lived e-mail handle you'll be able to electronic mail me the deets to : [email protected]\n\nReply Valeria states: at Could get more info you share 1 with me far too? ", "I promise I gained’t alter the password:(\n\nReply Sandy Martinez suggests: at Hey can an individual hmu at [email protected] trigger I need a Netflix account And that i guarantee I won’t alter the password????????", "\n\nReply nathan says: at Men, if this doesn’t function, down load showbox o for your Android or apple iphone and you have many of the Television and films you might ever desire for, for free, and When you have the luxury of cheesecake you may cast it on your tele" ]
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[ "[Effects of glimepiride and metformin on free fatty acid in patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus].", "\nTo investigate the effect of glimepiride and metformin on free fatty acid (FFA) in patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus and to further study the relationship between free fatty acid and insulin resistance in patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus. ", "A prospective and case-control study was conducted. ", "Ninty-four patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus (35-70 year-old) were divided into 3 groups: glimepiride treated group (n=33), metformin treated group (n=29) and glimepiride plus metformin treated group (n=32). ", "These patients were followed up for 6 months. ", "Free fatty acids were measured by using an enzymatic colorimetry. ", "The concentration of FFA didn't significantly change in the glimepiride treated group at the end of treatment, but it obviously decreased in the metformin treated group and in the glimepiride plus metformin treated group (P < 0.05 and P < 0.001, respectively). ", "The decrease of FFA in the glimepiride plus metformin treated group was more obvious than that in the glimepiride treated group (P < 0.05). ", "The fasting serum FFA concentration is positively related to HOMA-IR( homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance) and the choice of drugs by stepwise regression analysis. ", "Metformin alone or metformin plus glimepiride can decrease FFA levels, body weight index, blood glucose and insulin resistance. ", "FFA level can reflect the index of insulin resistance to some degree." ]
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[ "The Maryland Crabs is a podcast based in Annapolis Maryland which was launched in September 2016 after, quite literally years of hemming and hawing. ", "After a few false starts, many aborted concepts, we just took the plunge, whipped out the credit cards and lit Amazon on fire with equipment orders. ", "And here we are!", "\n\nThis podcast is not about interviews. ", "It’s about topics and conversations of interest to Marylanders!", "\n\nWe are not going to shy away from controversy or discomfort. ", "Valuable conversations can emerge from them. ", "We will not be adversarial for the sake of being adversarial, but you can expect some heated exchanges between Tim and John and Guests–or any combination of those.", "\n\nAbout Guests–we're going to have plenty of them! ", "Some will be local or regional in nature--others more broad.", "\n\nAnd, we may even take this show on the road. ", "Some night, you might find us propped on a bar stool at the Ebb Tide..or worse!", "\n\nAs we jump into 2018, we wanted to talk to Anne Arundel County\nCouncilman Chris Trumbauer (D-District 6) about his final year in\noffice. ", "He is term-limited and we wanted to talk about his legacy,\nhis future plans, and also the issues he sees are facing Anne\nArundel County as we move into 2018 and beyond.", "\n\nAnd hey, check out the Eye On Annapolis Daily News\nBrief! ", "Ten minutes every day at noon (soon to be\n7am) will bring you up to speed on all the LOCAL issues, sports,\nweather, events and opinions in Annapolis and Anne Arundel\nCounty. ", "Here's your link... http://bit.ly/EOA-DNB\n\nWHERE TO FIND US\n\nYou can find us on pretty much any podcatcher or place where you\nlisten to your podcasts. ", "But here are the biggies:" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nDisable mobile while user is driving at certain speed?", "\n\nI need to add a feature to our mobile application which is \"to disable the mobile device while user is driving at certain speed\". ", "Is this a good idea to listen to the LocationManager.", "GPS_PROVIDER & use the getSpeed()? ", "Can someone comment on it?", "\n\nA:\n\nYou will have to record the previous location and then check with the new location in a particular interval of time(preset to 5-10sec) and the get the distance moved in a time frame to get speed.", "\nIts a good concept but it will drain your device battery. ", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nSide Effects of Multiton Pattern Usage\n\nI have to need your advice, code-review or improvement about my multiton pattern implementation. ", "I want to multi-connection support for mongodb server.", "\npublic class MongoDatabaseFactory {\n private static volatile Map<String, MongoDatabase> connections = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, MongoDatabase>();\n\n public static MongoDatabase getDatabase(Databases database) throws MongoException {\n if (null == database) throw new MongoException(\"Database not found\");\n if (null == database.name() || database.name().isEmpty()) throw new MongoException(\"Database not found\");\n\n if (!", "connections.containsKey(database.name()) || null == connections.get(database.name())) {\n synchronized (database) {\n if (!", "connections.containsKey(database.name()) || null == connections.get(database.name())) {\n connectDB(database);\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (!", "connections.get(database.name()).isAuthenticated()) {\n synchronized (database) {\n if (!", "connections.get(database.name()).isAuthenticated()) {\n connectDB(database);\n }\n }\n }\n\n return connections.get(database.name());\n }\n}\n\nWhat is best practice for multiton pattern? ", "\n\nA:\n\nAs Marko Topolnik says, your current solution isn't thread safe.", "\nI took this as a small exercise, and wrote the following generic thread-safe Multition pattern. ", "Is it designed to perform well with many threads, and it's suitable in cases where the value object creation is expensive. ", "Note that I'm not sure there isn't a simpler solution in your specific case, however.", "\nimport java.util.concurrent.", "Callable;\nimport java.util.concurrent.", "ConcurrentHashMap;\nimport java.util.concurrent.", "ExecutionException;\nimport java.util.concurrent.", "FutureTask;\n\npublic class ThreadSafeMultition <K, V> {\n private final ConcurrentHashMap<K, FutureTask<V>> map = new ConcurrentHashMap<K, FutureTask<V>>();\n private ValueFactory<K, V> factory;\n\n public ThreadSafeMultition(ValueFactory<K, V> factory) {\n this.factory = factory;\n }\n\n public V get(K key) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {\n FutureTask<V> f = map.get(key);\n if (f == null) {\n f = new FutureTask<V>(new FactoryCall(key));\n FutureTask<V> existing = map.putIfAbsent(key, f);\n if (existing !", "= null)\n f = existing;\n else // Item added successfully. ", "Now that exclusiveness is guaranteed, start value creation.", "\n f.run();\n } \n\n return f.get();\n }\n\n public static interface ValueFactory<K, V> {\n public V create(K key) throws Exception;\n }\n\n private class FactoryCall implements Callable<V> {\n private K key;\n\n public FactoryCall(K key) {\n this.key = key;\n }\n\n @Override\n public V call() throws Exception {\n return factory.create(key);\n } \n }\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "/*\n * Copyright (C) 1996-2020 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors\n *\n * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes\n * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations.", "\n * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details.", "\n */\n\n/* DEBUG: section 77 Delay Pools */\n\n#ifndef DELAYTAGGED_H\n#define DELAYTAGGED_H\n\n#if USE_DELAY_POOLS\n\n#include \"auth/Gadgets.h\"\n#include \"CompositePoolNode.h\"\n#include \"DelayBucket.h\"\n#include \"DelayIdComposite.h\"\n#include \"DelaySpec.h\"\n#include \"splay.h\"\n\n/// \\ingroup DelayPoolsAPI\nclass DelayTaggedBucket : public RefCountable\n{\n MEMPROXY_CLASS(DelayTaggedBucket);\n\npublic:\n typedef RefCount<DelayTaggedBucket> Pointer;\n\n void stats(StoreEntry *)const;\n DelayTaggedBucket(String &aTag);\n ~DelayTaggedBucket();\n DelayBucket theBucket;\n String tag;\n};\n\n/// \\ingroup DelayPoolsAPI\nclass DelayTagged : public CompositePoolNode\n{\n MEMPROXY_CLASS(DelayTagged);\n\npublic:\n typedef RefCount<DelayTagged> Pointer;\n\n DelayTagged();\n virtual ~DelayTagged();\n virtual void stats(StoreEntry * sentry);\n virtual void dump(StoreEntry *entry) const;\n virtual void update(int incr);\n virtual void parse();\n\n virtual DelayIdComposite::Pointer id(CompositeSelectionDetails &);\n\nprivate:\n\n /// \\ingroup DelayPoolsInternal\n class Id:public DelayIdComposite\n {\n MEMPROXY_CLASS(DelayTagged::Id);\n\n public:\n Id (RefCount<DelayTagged>, String &);\n ~Id();\n virtual int bytesWanted (int min, int max) const;\n virtual void bytesIn(int qty);\n virtual void delayRead(DeferredRead const &);\n\n private:\n RefCount<DelayTagged> theTagged;\n DelayTaggedBucket::Pointer theBucket;\n };\n\n friend class Id;\n\n DelaySpec spec;\n Splay<DelayTaggedBucket::Pointer> buckets;\n};\n\n#endif /* USE_DELAY_POOLS */\n#endif /* DELAYTAGGED_H */\n\n" ]
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[ "ASCAP Loses Major Music Download Appeal Case; Blanket License Fee Calculation Remanded to District Court\n\nThe US Second District Court of Appeals has ruled against ASCAP in a landmark case involving internet companies RealNetworks and Yahoo that attempted to establish that music downloads constitute a public performance.", "\n\nIn a strongly worded opinion, the court affirmed the district court’s ruling that a download of a musical work does not constitute a public performance of that work. ", "The court sent a related matter regarding the calculation of blanket license fees for RealNetworks and Yahoo back to the US Second District Court to be reconsidered.", "\n\nClick here to download the complete court decision (PDF)\n\nIn the opinion written by Circuit Judge John M. Walker, Jr, the court analyzed existing copyright law and precedent, and made extensive references and explanations regarding the definition of “perform” in Section 101 of the US Copyright Act which states that “to perform a work means to recite, render, play, dance or act it, either directly or by means of any device or process.” ", "The decision in large part hinged on the fact that a download does not include a “contemporaneously perceptible event” – that during a download, the musical work could not be heard or listened to.", "\n\nAfter describing ASCAP’s legal conclusions as “flawed” and accusing ASCAP of misreading the court’s own opinion in a related case, Judge Walker writes, “The downloads at issue in this appeal are not musical performances that are contemporaneously perceived by the listener. ", "They are simply transfers of electronic files containing digital copies from an on-line server to a local hard drive. ", "The downloaded songs are not performed in any perceptible manner during the transfers; the user must take some further action to play the songs after they are downloaded. ", "Because the electronic download itself involves no recitation, rendering, or playing of the musical work encoded in the digital transmission, we hold that such a download is not a performance of that work, as defined by [US Copyright Act] Section 101.”", "\n\nASCAP released a statement on the decision, stating, “ASCAP and its songwriter, composer and music publisher members are, of course, disappointed in the Court’s decision that there is no public performance in the transmission of certain musical downloads. ", "We are studying the decision and will determine what further action is appropriate. ", "The Second Circuit remanded the rate calculation back to the district court with instructions to determine whether there are “more precise or practicable” methods of fixing a rate for the use of our members’ music. ", "We anticipate that in the end, the proceeding will result in a fair and favorable license fee to be paid by commercial online services for the valuable intellectual property they use to sustain their businesses — the music created and owned by the songwriters, composers and music publishers ASCAP represents.”" ]
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[ "Cyclopenta[b]thiopyran and cyclopenta[b]selenopyran based heteroarenes: electronic communication between S- and/or Se-fused aromatics.", "\nS- and Se-heteroarenes containing cyclopenta[b]thiopyran and/or cyclopenta[b]selenopyran moieties have been synthesized via PtCl2-catalyzed ring-expanding cycloaromatizations. ", "Intervalence charge transfer bands can be observed for the three heteroarenes upon chemical oxidation, suggesting the electronic communication between S- and/or Se-fused aromatics." ]
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[ "BIRD COUNTGreat Backyard Bird Count\n\nFebruary 16 @ 8:00 am - February 19 @ 5:00 pm\n\nFeatures: The GBBC, created in 1995 by Cornell Lab of Ornithology and National Audubon Society, is an online citizen-science project which collects information on bird populations world-wide and displays these data in real-time. ", "You are invited to participate on one or more days of the count from any location – for us here on the OlyPen, these data gives us a great look into species occurrence and population numbers in our local area. ", "So, come out and play." ]
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[ "EL ATLÉTICO DE MADRID SE CONVERTIRÁ EN ACCIONISTA DEL CLUB MEXICANO Acuerdo con la franquicia del Atlético San Luis El acuerdo está condicionado al cumplimiento de una serie de hitos relacionados principalmente con la tramitación de una licencia por parte de la Federación Mexicana a favor de la sociedad, con la consecución de un acuerdo de accionistas y de un acuerdo de explotación del estadio.", "\n\nEl Atlético de Madrid apuesta fuerte desde hace tiempo por su proyecto de expansión internacional, estudiando los mercados más interesantes y participando en ellos a través de franquicias internacionales como el Atlético de Kolkata en India o el Racing de Lens en Francia. ", "Dentro de estos mercados el club valora como uno muy importante el mexicano, en el que viene trabajando desde hace tiempo con el objetivo de acceder a través de la franquicia del Atlético San Luis.", "\n\nUna delegación de los titulares de esta franquicia, la familia Payán, se desplazó a Madrid coincidiendo con el partido de la Liga de Campeones ante el Bayer Leverkusen. ", "En esta visita se alcanzó un acuerdo para que el Atlético de Madrid pase a formar parte del accionariado de esta sociedad deportiva que cuenta con una licencia de una franquicia en la liga de ascenso mexicana. ", "Todas las inversiones que se realizarán en este proyecto serán de carácter privado.", "\n\nEl acuerdo formalizado esta semana está condicionado al cumplimiento de una serie de hitos relacionados principalmente con la tramitación de una licencia por parte de la Federación Mexicana a favor de la sociedad, con la consecución de un acuerdo de accionistas y de un acuerdo de explotación del estadio." ]
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[ "Volatile Components of Cleistopholis patens.", "\nVolatile oils of the leaves, fruits and stem-bark of CLEISTOPHOLIS PATENTS Engl. ", "et Diels. (", "Annonacae) were analysed by means of gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). ", "A total of sixty-one components were identified; qualitative and quantitative differences in the oil composition were observed. ", "The leaf oil contained ( E)-beta-ocimene (31%) as the main constituent, the fruit oil linalool, ( E)- and ( Z)-linalool oxides (58%). ", "The main components in the stem-bark oil were myrcene, P-cymene, and germacrene D." ]
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[ "FYI - the issue of whether Europe are able to aggregate their positions, calculate VaR appropriately and report to Houston is aquiring heat since they committed to do it by May 10th and its now May 9th.", "\nI understand the natural defensive reaction (I've been there myself) but I don't think citing policy gaps for not having it done is helpful at this stage.", "\n\nRgds\nDP\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tPort, David \nSent:\tWednesday, May 09, 2001 8:02 AM\nTo:\tNew, James; Fleming, Lloyd\nCc:\tSchultz, Cassandra; Murphy, Ted; Jordan, Mike; Jordan, Mike; Dyson, Fernley\nSubject:\tRE: New product approvals\n\nThere is an established policy and process for approving new products when the word \"product\" refers to a new market (e.g. credit trading) - you can get permanent limits or temporary limits as required.", "\n\nWhen the word \"product\" refers to another basis location in a power portfolio, for example, we assume (and the Board does also) that the original authority to trade will cover this too. ", "Hence \"Continental Power\" means \"continental power\". ", "\n\nWe also assume that the same operational guidelines in the policy concerning DPR content, format, reporting, aggregation, apply equally to the new basis location as to the existing ones, and that you as controllers will design your own processes (e.g. the CACS form) to ensure that you can comply.", "\n\nI am not in favour of having detailed operational procedures in a Board approved risk policy.", "\n\n\n\n -----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tNew, James \nSent:\tWednesday, May 09, 2001 4:13 AM\nTo:\tFleming, Lloyd\nCc:\tPort, David; Schultz, Cassandra; Murphy, Ted; Jordan, Mike; Jordan, Mike; Dyson, Fernley\nSubject:\tRe: New product approvals\n\nRAC control the corporate risk policy (please correct me if I am wrong here) so by definition RAC need to be concerned by the operational issues around new products as they relate to ensuring that the end goal of aggregation in the overall Corporate VAR. ", "That is the issue which will continue to face us as the markets expand and deregulate and more and more basis locations get added (the problem we have right now). ", "\n\nAll the investment banks have a new product / new business policy to stop just those issues we are facing and I strongly feel that we should more to adopt the same here. ", "This would help to reduce the noise we are having around the process and close one more door.", "\n\nCassandra - your thoughts ?", "\n\nJames\n\n\n \n\n From: Lloyd Fleming 09/05/2001 09:40\t \t\n\t\t\n\n\nTo:\tJames New/LON/ECT@ECT\ncc:\tDavid Port, Cassandra Schultz/Enron@EnronXGate, Ted Murphy, Mike Jordan/LON/ECT@ECT \n\nSubject:\tNew product approvals\n\nJames,\n\nFurther to your comments yesterday on the absence of a policy for New Product approvals, as far as I am aware there is no explicit policy by RAC for approval of new products, other than the extent to which a new product is covered under this paragraph in the Risk Policy manual:-\n\nVI / A.\tSubject to the authorization of the Board of Directors, the Enron Corp. Chairman, the President of Enron Corp. and the Enron Corp. Chief Risk Officer, additional Portfolios may be created and additional Commodity Groups may be added within existing Portfolios, and the related limits will be created or revised accordingly. ", "The President of Enron Corp. and the Enron Corp. Chief Risk Officer can authorize additional Positions within the existing Commodity Groups, provided that such Positions can be aggregated within the limits of a currently authorized Commodity Group. ", "\n\nRAC's concern is not with the operational issues around new products, but about whether or not those products are aggregated in the overall Corporate Risk reporting. ", " I suggest we approach this from our respective ends: I will raise this with Ted Murphy and Cassandra Schulz to see what level of policy they deem appropriate from a corporate perspective. ", " From your side, are you able to put together some operational guidelines, if none already exist?", "\n\nregards\n\nLloyd\n\n\n\n\n<Embedded Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)>" ]
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[ "[Inspiring Story] Thirty abandoned babies were saved and nurtured by this rubbish collector in China\n\nRubbish collector Lou Xiaoying found and raised around 30 abondoned babies from the streets of Jinhua in China. ", "The 88-year-old managed to make a living by recycle all the rubbish she collected by the streets. ", "She was hailed a hero after her story emerged in the Internet.", "\n\nShe and her husband kept four of the children and gave the rest away to family and friends.", "\n\nRubbish collector Lou was hailed a hero for adopting abandoned babies\n\nLou and her husband who died 17 years ago, took care and raised the children as their own\n\nHer youngest son Zhang Qilin(now aged seven) was found in a dustbin when she was 82.", "\n\n‘Even though I was already getting old I could not simply ignore the baby and leave him to die in the trash. ", "He looked so sweet and so needy. ", "I had to take him home with me,’ she said.", "\n\nShe rescued and nurtured him back to health in a small modest house near the countryside.", "\n\nA little boy who was found abandoned by Lou is now cared for by her older children.", "\n\nThe family has little money but still managed to save dozens of children\n\n“The whole thing started when I found the first baby, a little girl back in 1972 when I was out collecting rubbish. ", "She was just lying among the junk on the street, abandoned. ", "She would have died had we not rescued her and taken her in,”she said.", "\n\nThen Lou realized she really cared for the children who are abandoned, where she felt so much of joy and happiness from doing so.", "\n\nShe continued saying all children need love and she questioned who can leave a vulnerable baby on the streets. ", "Lou, who has one biological daughter, Zhang Caiying and now aged 49, devoted her life to looking after the abandoned babies.", "\n\nLou made a living from collecting and recycling rubbish, she said that she would never leave the children after coming across them, abandoned\n\nHer good deed and act spread across China, where thousands of babies are abandoned on the streets by their poverty stricken parents. ", "Sadly, Lou has severe kidney complication where her condition worsens everyday.", "\n\nShe is pictured here with two of the children she helped rescued\n\nOne fan explained:\n\n“She is shaming to governments, schools and people who stand by and do nothing. ", "She has no money or power but she saved children from death or worse,”\n\n“In the local community she is well known and well respected for her work with the abandoned babies. ", "She does her best. ", "She is a local hero. ", "But unfortunately there are far too many abandoned babies in China who have no hope of survival.”", "\n\nLou, who is now hospitalized, has become iconic in her village and people have said she puts the government and other officials to shame\n\nPlease do comment and share this article to raise awareness of baby dumping." ]
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[ "Are you an International Student?", "\n\nStudent diversity is a hallmark of the academic experience at BTS. ", "You will enjoy meeting and developing life-long friendships with men and women from around the neighborhood and around the world. ", "Our aim is to make your experience at BTS as spiritually, academically, and culturally fulfilling as possible.", "\n\nTo provide all students with a dynamic academic experience, the following are additionally required for international student admissions:\n\n“It is great to see how BTS has impacted lives for God's kingdom.”", "\n\n- Pastor Paul Hong, MA Old Testament and MDiv, BTS 1995\n\nSpecial Instructions for International Students\n\nIf you are an international applicant whose native language is not English, or who has not received a bachelor's degree or its equivalent from an English-speaking institution, you must send official results of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) to the admissions office. ", "BTS requires all such prospective students to take the TOEFL internet-based test (TOEFL iBT). ", "The minimum required score is 20 in each of the four sections (speaking, listening, reading, and writing). ", "The minimum total score is 80. ", "For information concerning the TOEFL iBT Test, visit www.ets.org.", "\n\nF-1 Students\n\nAccording to the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (BCIS, formerly INS), F-1 students must be both matriculated and enrolled full-time (at least nine credits per semester, except during the summer). ", "To remain \"in status,\" F-1 students must stay in compliance with these requirements. ", "You must also be making satisfactory progress toward your degree program.", "\n\nIn addition, international students who require an I-20 must provide evidence of documented financial support by submitting three forms: an I-20 Dependent Form, an F-1 Financial Form , and a notarized affidavit of support with original bank statements. ", "Students coming from other institutions in the United States must also submit a transfer form. ", "These forms may be obtained from the\nThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. ", "You need JavaScript enabled to view it\n.", "\n\nYou must also demonstrate that you have enough financial support to cover the first full year of seminary before admission can be granted. ", "BTS reserves the right to request payment in full for the first enrollment year in an amount that covers full-time tuition and living expenses. ", "Individuals who will be studying as students in the US for the first time must also pay an initial status fee to the government before applying for a visa. ", "For more info, see the international student info guide above or visit www.FMJfee.com.", "\n\nAre you in need of additional training?", "\n\nOur Advanced Cultural Studies program focuses on English as a second language curriculum designed for people doing theological studies at the graduate level. ", "The innovative curriculum orients students to theological terms, academic writing skills, and a full program of core courses that prepare international students for the seminary experience.", "\n\nI can’t tell you how pleased, encouraged and excited I am at the response of our Korean students at BTS to missional ideas and missional ministry innovations, and how insightful and perceptive are their incorporations of missional ideas to their own culture and ministry context. ", "Not to us, but to God alone be glory. ", "I truly believe that Korean BTS graduates have the potential truly for changing the church and Christianity in the U.S., in Korea, and potentially in the world, in part because of the missional theology and ideas that they’re wrestling with, grasping, and seeking to apply in their educational training at BTS." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nIn proving that $f(w)f(v) = vw$ as an orthogonal transformation, why does $v^T = v$?", "\n\nI've a proof that says if $f: \\mathbb{R}^3 \\to \\mathbb{R}^3, ~ v \\mapsto Av$, where $A$ is an orthogonal matrix, then for $v,w \\in \\mathbb{R}^3$, we have $f(w)f(v) = (Av)(Aw) = (Av)^T(Aw) = v^TA^TAw = v^Tw = vw$. This is from the proof that the map is an isometry. ", "Could someone explain the last step? ", "It seems to be saying $v^T = v$ but I'm not sure how that's true. ", "Thanks. ", "\n\nA:\n\nThere could be some confusion in general going on. ", "E.g. $f(w)$ and $f(v)$ are column vectors in $\\mathbb{R}^3$, so that $f(w)f(v)$ does not make sense in a matrix/vector multiplication way, as we'd try to calculate the matrix product\n$$\\begin{pmatrix}x\\\\y\\\\z\\end{pmatrix}\\begin{pmatrix}x'\\\\y'\\\\z'\\end{pmatrix}$$\nwhich is ill-defined.", "\nThere is however one way I could read the statement, namely involving the classical dot product over real vectors, where you'd have the relationship $v\\cdot w=v^\\top w$. Then, to write this out with the standard notation for the dot product, $\\langle\\cdot,\\cdot\\rangle$, you'd have:\n$$\n\\langle f(w),f(v)\\rangle=\\langle Aw,Av\\rangle=(Aw)^\\top(Av)=w^\\top A^\\top Av=w^\\top v=\\langle w,v\\rangle\n$$\nEDIT: Note, that there is a slight twist in the way you wrote it, if I'm not mistaken. ", "This makes also sense as note that $f$ is a so called orthogonal transformation, i.e. it is a linear transformation that additionally preserves a corresponding scalar product, i.e. it is an isometry of the standard euclidean vector space $(\\mathbb{R}^3,\\langle\\cdot,\\cdot\\rangle)$ and thus preserves lengths, angles, etc.", "\nPreservation of the scalar product means exactly that $\\langle w,v\\rangle=\\langle f(w),f(v)\\rangle$ for all $w,v\\in\\mathbb{R}^3$ and you with this verified the statement that an orthogonal matrix induces an orthogonal map. ", "There is actually(up to orthonormal bases), a 1-to-1 correspondence between orthogonal maps and orthogonal matrices.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "New legislation bodes well for more mining development in Nunavut\n\nThe Mining Association of Canada (MAC) welcomes the federal government’s tabling of Bill C-47 today, particularly the inclusion of the Nunavut Planning and Project Assessment Act, as it could help spur more responsible mining projects in the territory, which currently has one operating mine.", "\n\nThe bill will result in a framework to determine how environmental assessment and permitting processes in Nunavut will proceed as new land use plans for the territory come forward.", "\n\n“The legislation comes at a critical time for Nunavut, with its promising mineral potential and opportunities for economic development never before seen in the territory’s history,” said Pierre Gratton, MAC’s President and CEO. “", "The new regulatory regime will help to enhance the territory’s economic competitiveness for mineral investment, while ensuring projects go through a robust assessment and permitting process.”", "\n\nOver the next decade, MAC estimates that new mine development across Canada’s North could bring in more than $8 billion in investment. ", "For Nunavut, this could translate into some 4,500 new jobs and a significant increase local business development.", "\n\n“By providing clarity and certainty around the regulatory framework, this new legislation will help give industry the confidence it needs to move forward with development decisions,” said Gratton. “", "This legislation recognizes the industry’s major role in the future economic development of Nunavut.”", "\n\nNunavut’s only operating mine, Agnico-Eagle’s Meadowbank Gold Mine, demonstrates the positive economic and social benefits the project has had on the region in terms of much-needed employment, skills training and local business development. ", "Since the mine opened in 2010, Nunavut’s GDP has increased by 12 per cent, primarily due to the impact of the Meadowbank mine. ", "The mine currently employs more than 750 permanent employees, 36 per cent of which are Inuit.", "\n\nAgnico-Eagle also signed a historic agreement with the Kivalliq Inuit Association and has established an Inuit Impact Benefit Agreement that provides funding for education and skills development, with the objective of maximizing Inuit employment and business opportunities. ", "In 2011, 57 per cent of all development and operational spending went to Nunavut businesses, totalling $190 million.", "\n\nThe new legislation is the result of a broad and thoughtful approach to stakeholder engagement undertaken by the Government of Canada. ", "MAC was involved since the bill’s early stages of development, and participated in several rounds of a multi-stakeholder process to provide industry’s input on the legislation.", "\n\nBill C-47 also includes the Northwest Territories Surface Rights Board Act, which also makes amendments to the Yukon Surface Rights Board Act. ", "These amendments will also aim to increase efficiencies and improve processes to support further economic growth in Canada’s North.", "\n\n-30-\n\nAbout MAC\n\nThe Mining Association of Canada is the national organization for the Canadian mining industry. ", "Its members account for most of Canada’s production of base and precious metals, uranium, diamonds, metallurgical coal, mined oil sands and industrial minerals and are actively engaged in mineral exploration, mining, smelting, refining and semi-fabrication. ", "Please visit www.mining.ca." ]
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[ "/*\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.", "\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.", "\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.", "\n */\npackage io.airlift.jmx;\n\nimport com.google.common.cache.", "Cache;\nimport org.weakref.jmx.", "Managed;\n\nimport static java.util.", "Objects.requireNonNull;\n\npublic class CacheStatsMBean\n{\n private final Cache<?, ?", "> cache;\n\n public CacheStatsMBean(Cache<?, ?", "> cache)\n {\n this.cache = requireNonNull(cache, \"cache is null\");\n }\n\n @Managed\n public long size()\n {\n return cache.size();\n }\n\n @Managed\n public Double getHitRate()\n {\n return cache.stats().hitRate();\n }\n\n @Managed\n public Double getMissRate()\n {\n return cache.stats().missRate();\n }\n\n @Managed\n public long getRequestCount()\n {\n return cache.stats().requestCount();\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "Last week WooCommerce announced on Twitter that its Stripe payment gateway is now a free product. ", "Prior to this decision, it was priced at $79 for a single license, $99 for up to five sites, and $199 for up to 25 sites.", "\n\nThe news coincides with the debut of Stripe’s new Atlas product, which allows foreign companies to incorporate as a U.S. company in Delaware, set up a U.S. bank account, and accept payments with Stripe. ", "Atlas was created to help entrepreneurs start global businesses no matter where they are located in the world.", "\n\nAutomattic had a similar aim of lowering the barrier to entry for WooCommerce when it made the Stripe payment gateway available for free.", "\n\n“Receiving payments is integral to running an online store,” WooCommerce Product Team Lead Matty Cohen said. “", "Publishing the WooCommerce Stripe integration for free is one way we are helping merchants to get their stores set up quicker, and to easily receive credit card payments through their stores.", "\n\n“One of our focuses is to lower the barrier to entry and to assist WooCommerce stores in becoming successful,” Cohen said. “", "We are excited to be partners in making payment processing globally available for WooCommerce merchants.”", "\n\nOver the past two years, Stripe has been working to expand its services beyond the handful of countries it initially supported in the US and Europe. ", "Although Stripe is increasingly popular, it cannot yet be considered a global option for accepting payments. ", "It’s currently in private beta for businesses in Brazil, Mexico, Portugal, Singapore, and Switzerland.", "\n\nProducts like Atlas, in combination with the free gateway available from WooCommerce, should serve to bring Stripe availability to more locations around the world. ", "WooCommerce representatives would not comment on whether Automattic is planning on offering more payment gateweys for free." ]
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[ "Schafer: Supervalu hits rewind as it brings in new team\n\nIt's all smiles when big acquisitions close, the executives raising a glass with their lawyers, lenders and investment bankers. ", "Then they get to talk up the deal to the press and shareholder base.", "\n\n\"This is the largest day in Supervalu's history,\" then-CEO Jeffrey Noddle said in June 2006, upon the closing of a deal that transformed Supervalu by bringing more than 1,100 stores that had been part of Albertsons Inc. into Supervalu.", "\n\nSo we already know when the second-largest day will be, maybe a day that concludes with a far more muted celebration. ", "It's when the transaction Supervalu announced Thursday closes, one that essentially unwinds that 2006 deal.", "\n\nIn the new deal Supervalu will sell a total of 877 stores, including its Albertsons, Acme, Jewel and Shaw's/Star Market chains, to an investment group led by the private equity firm Cerberus Capital Management.", "\n\nThe value to be realized by Supervalu is almost all in the form of the liabilities it sheds -- about $3.2 billion in debt in a deal that also rids Supervalu of $1.2 billion in pension liabilities. ", "Only $100 million of the proceeds will be in cash.", "\n\nIt's not exactly an apples-to-apples comparison, but Supervalu paid $2.7 billion in cash and $2.3 billion in stock and took on $6.1 billion in Albertsons debt plus other liabilities for much the same set of assets in June 2006.", "\n\nThe deal then was well-received, and it was only well down the road that the investment community soured on it. ", "It turned out there were too few strategically solid chains, too many operating complexities and too much debt, particularly a debt load that may have hindered the ability to be more aggressive on retail pricing.", "\n\nThe Kroger Co., the most respected big traditional grocery operator left in the business, started lowering its prices to compete with the likes of Wal-Mart Stores Inc. more than a decade ago. ", "Supervalu did, of course, tweak pricing, but it was only last summer that the company announced a plan to get far more aggressive.", "\n\nThat same day, Supervalu announced the appointment of investment bankers to find out what options Supervalu's board had in selling all or part of the company, a process that culminated in Thursday's announcement.", "\n\nThe theme of CEO Wayne Sales on a call for investors Thursday was that the divestiture \"de-risked\" the company, and it is certainly true that the 2006 deal added plenty of operating and financial risk.", "\n\nSales, who will give way to new CEO Sam Duncan upon closing, said the stores that are staying are \"more regional. ", "And they require less investment in price [reductions]. ", "So we have, again, less to distract us ... and we can put absolute focus on the 191 retail stores that we have left.\"", "\n\nA smaller Supervalu means \"providing more bandwidth and leadership focus on our legacy business,\" he explained, and a stronger balance sheet assures customers and suppliers that the bills will be paid.", "\n\nWhat Sales described was a Supervalu that looks very much like the Supervalu of fiscal 2006, the last full year before it turned into the nation's third-largest grocery chain operator. ", "Revenue that year was $19.9 billion, vs. the slimmed down company's expected annual revenue of more than $17 billion.", "\n\nThe company then serviced about 2,200 independent stores through its wholesaling operation, versus about 1,950 how. ", "It had about 1,150 Save-A-Lot \"hard discount\" grocery stores vs. about 1,300 Save-A-Lot stores now. ", "And it operated about 225 other grocery stores vs. the 191 stores it will have going forward.", "\n\nBut it is not as simple as rewinding the tape and choosing a different path. ", "Then, the industry was trying to figure out the long-term competitive response to the low-cost threat of Wal-Mart.", "\n\nWal-Mart has gotten much stronger since, Target Corp.'s grocery business has blossomed, and Costco Wholesale Corp. has opened more than 100 more U.S. locations since the end of its 2005 fiscal year.", "\n\nThe competitive pressure pushed down identical-store sales in the Save-A-Lot unit by 4.1 percent in the just-announced quarter, and operating earnings were down. ", "Sales were flat during the quarter in Supervalu's wholesaling unit but operating earnings declined in this unit as well, and its customers are, as one analyst put it, \"fast becoming businesses of the past.\"", "\n\nIn thinking back to 2006, it's hard to think of a single challenge Jeff Noddle faced then that new CEO Sam Duncan will not confront his first day, except now the challenges seem more pressing.", "\n\nOutgoing CEO Sales alluded to the hard work ahead in response to an analyst who wanted to know if the Cerberus deal concluded the strategic review process he started last summer.", "\n\nNo more assets are being shopped, he said, but \"the strategic process is never finished. ", "Nothing in retail is ever finished.\"" ]
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[ "the prime factors of h.\n2, 5\nLet c = 106 + -36. ", "Suppose -2*j - 5*m + c = 0, -6*j - m + 129 = -j. ", "List the prime factors of j.\n5\nLet w be (0 + 1)*-1*-1. ", "Let l(b) = b + 5. ", "Let c be l(4). ", "Suppose -c = -r - w. What are the prime factors of r?", "\n2\nWhat are the prime factors of (-852)/(-7) - (-3 + (-76)/(-28))?", "\n2, 61\nLet a(m) = m. Let z be a(2). ", "What are the prime factors of (1/z)/((-1)/(-22))?", "\n11\nSuppose -b = r, -5*b = 3*r - 0 + 6. ", "Suppose -r*o = -9, -4*o = 3*i - 3 - 24. ", "List the prime factors of i.\n5\nWhat are the prime factors of (6/(-18))/((-2)/276)?", "\n2, 23\nLet c = -27 - -40. ", "Suppose t - c = 4. ", "Let o = t - 5. ", "List the prime factors of o.\n2, 3\nSuppose 160 = 8*u - 3*u. ", "What are the prime factors of u?", "\n2\nList the prime factors of (-2292)/(-18) - (-4)/6.", "\n2\nLet h(g) = -5*g**3 + g**2 + 2*g + 1. ", "Let o be 15/(-20) - 1/4. ", "Let j be h(o). ", "Suppose j*q + 2*l - 27 = 0, l + 3 - 4 = 0. ", "What are the prime factors of q?", "\n5\nSuppose -x - 70 = -6*x. ", "Let m = 3 - 0. ", "What are the prime factors of (1 - m)/1 + x?", "\n2, 3\nLet m(a) = -a**2 - a + 74. ", "List the prime factors of m(0).", "\n2, 37\nWhat are the prime factors of 2*(-4)/((-32)/76)?", "\n19\nSuppose 3*i + 5*u = -0*i + 49, 0 = -2*i - u + 35. ", "Let x = -2 + i. What are the prime factors of x?", "\n2\nLet d(b) = b**3 - 4*b**2 - 7*b + 9. ", "List the prime factors of d(6).", "\n3, 13\nSuppose m - 1 - 3 = -2*q, -q - 3 = -2*m. ", "Suppose -4*n = -5*n + m. Suppose -n*g - g = -21. ", "What are the prime factors of g?", "\n7\nSuppose t + t - 5*o = -17, 2*t = -2*o + 18. ", "Suppose 0 = -z + 3*z - t*d - 78, -43 = -z - 2*d. ", "What are the prime factors of z?", "\n41\nSuppose -25 = -3*h - 4*u, 0*u + 15 = h + 3*u. ", "Let f be (-20)/15*-1*h. ", "List the prime factors of 111/21 - f/14.", "\n5\nSuppose -5*s - 25 = -b - b, 3*s = -15. ", "Suppose -2*q + b*c - 8 = -2*c, -4*q - 4*c - 40 = 0. ", "List the prime factors of 4/q*21/(-6).", "\n2\nSuppose 5*n - 296 = 329. ", "What are the prime factors of n?", "\n5\nLet d be -1 + 0 + 0 + 1. ", "Suppose 4*j - 12 + 4 = d. List the prime factors of j.\n2\nLet y = -30 - -55. ", "What are the prime factors of y?", "\n5\nSuppose -7 = -5*f - h, 2*f + 5 = -3*h - 0*h. ", "Suppose -2*z = 5*l + 11, 0 = z + 4*z - f*l + 42. ", "Let i = -3 - z. What are the prime factors of i?", "\n5\nSuppose 17 = 2*h + 15. ", "Let o(u) = 60*u**2 - 2*u. ", "List the prime factors of o(h).", "\n2, 29\nLet a(r) = 5*r**2 - 7*r - 2. ", "What are the prime factors of a(5)?", "\n2, 11\nSuppose 0 = -3*l, y + 2*y - 27 = 5*l. ", "List the prime factors of y.\n3\nLet v be (10/(-3) - -4)*162. ", "Suppose -w = -5*n - 27, 5*w + 3*n - v = n. List the prime factors of w.\n2, 11\nWhat are the prime factors of -2*(-2)/(8/62)?", "\n31\nLet h(t) = -t**3 + 2*t - 1. ", "Let n be h(-2). ", "Suppose 2*p = -6 + 2, -5*q + 169 = n*p. ", "What are the prime factors of q?", "\n5, 7\nLet d(j) = -3*j + 0 - 1 - 3*j + 2*j. ", "List the prime factors of d(-1).", "\n3\nLet o(r) = r**3 + 5*r**2 - 5*r - 3. ", "Let j be o(-5). ", "Let x = -4 + j. List the prime factors of x.\n2, 3\nLet o = -4 + 16. ", "Let m be 53/3 - o/18. ", "Let u = m - 6. ", "What are the prime factors of u?", "\n11\nWhat are the prime factors of ((-5)/(70/(-396)))/((-3)/(-14))?", "\n2, 3, 11\nLet o(v) = 6*v**2 - 2*v - 1. ", "List the prime factors of o(2).", "\n19\nLet a(g) = 6*g**2 - 10 + 0*g**2 + g**3 - 10*g + 1. ", "Let c be a(-7). ", "Let d = c + -8. ", "List the prime factors of d.\n2\nWhat are the prime factors of (5 + -9)*-5*2?", "\n2, 5\nSuppose -3*i + 7 = -5. ", "Suppose 116 = i*k + 4*y, 2*k - 4*y + 0 = 34. ", "What are the prime factors of k?", "\n5\nLet p be (-1)/(2/(-6)*-1). ", "Let o = 29 + p. Suppose -3*m + 13 = -o. ", "List the prime factors of m.\n13\nSuppose -6 = -4*l + 18. ", "Let s be ((-6)/(-4))/(l/(-8)). ", "Let n = s - -5. ", "What are the prime factors of n?", "\n3\nLet o be 265*3/(-15)*-4. ", "Let q be 4/(-14) + o/7. ", "Suppose 0*l - 5*l + q = 0. ", "List the prime factors of l.\n2, 3\nLet u = -48 + 24. ", "Let q = u + 46. ", "List the prime factors of q.\n2, 11\nLet i be (18/(-5))/(54/180). ", "Let f(l) = 2*l**2 - 10*l + 9. ", "Let u be f(6). ", "Let x = i + u. What are the prime factors of x?", "\n3\nSuppose -3*n = 3*m - 85 - 20, -4*n = -m - 165. ", "List the prime factors of n.\n2, 5\nLet w = -5 - -8. ", "Suppose c = -4*p + 24, 2*p + w*p - 30 = -5*c. ", "What are the prime factors of p?", "\n2, 3\nLet o(c) = c**2 + 9*c + 2. ", "What are the prime factors of o(-12)?", "\n2, 19\nSuppose -3*r + 2*x = -16 - 34, 5*x = -r + 28. ", "Suppose -6*n + 4*n = -r. ", "List the prime factors of n.\n3\nWhat are the prime factors of (8/(-3))/((-14)/42)?", "\n2\nLet w(s) = -4*s - 1. ", "Let r be w(-1). ", "Let g be ((-3)/9 + 28/(-6))/(-1). ", "Suppose -g*u = r*i - 66 - 14, -2*i - 10 = 0. ", "List the prime factors of u.\n19\nSuppose 0 = -3*y - y - 24. ", "What are the prime factors of (27/y)/((-1)/2)?", "\n3\nLet n(g) = 2*g**2 - 3. ", "List the prime factors of n(3).", "\n3, 5\nSuppose -v = 2*v + 3*f - 225, -3*v - 2*f = -228. ", "What are the prime factors of v?", "\n2, 3, 13\nLet o = 30 + 38. ", "What are the prime factors of o?", "\n2, 17\nSuppose 5*p + 0*p = 25. ", "Let f = -76 - -78. ", "Suppose 3*u - p*z - 67 = 0, -u + f*u + 5*z - 9 = 0. ", "What are the prime factors of u?", "\n19\nSuppose 0 = 5*h + 15. ", "Let w(j) = j**2 - 4*j. ", "List the prime factors of w(h).", "\n3, 7\nSuppose -4*g = 59 + 129. ", "Let r = -26 - g. Suppose 2*u - r = -3. ", "What are the prime factors of u?", "\n3\nLet w(z) = 13*z**3 - 2*z**2 - 2*z + 1. ", "What are the prime factors of w(2)?", "\n3, 31\nLet b = 442 - 280. ", "List the prime factors of b.\n2, 3\nLet n(r) be the third derivative of r**7/840 + r**6/360 + r**5/120 - r**4/12 + r**2. ", "Let h(w) be the second derivative of n(w). ", "List the prime factors of h(-2).", "\n3\nSuppose 4 = -a, -6*b + 3*a = -3*b - 378. ", "List the prime factors of b.\n2, 61\nLet b(z) = 293*z**2 - 8*z - 8. ", "What are the prime factors of b(-1)?", "\n293\nSuppose -6*g + 1230 - 48 = 0. ", "List the prime factors of g.\n197\nSuppose -4*k = -4*t - 124, -t - 62 = -k - k. Let r = -17 + k. List the prime factors of r.\n2, 7\nLet s = -1 - -10. ", "What are the prime factors of 4/3*s/6?", "\n2\nLet u(q) = 2*q - 7. ", "Let f be u(3). ", "What are the prime factors of ((-4)/3)/(f/3)?", "\n2\nLet q = -11 - -16. ", "Let a = q + 13. ", "What are the prime factors of a?", "\n2, 3\nSuppose 4*v + 117 = 3*u, -u - 11 = -3*v - 50. ", "Suppose -5*p + p + 4*j + 56 = 0, 3*p - 2*j = u. What are the prime factors of p?", "\n11\nSuppose 1111 - 131 = 5*s + 5*y, -2*s = -5*y - 420. ", "What are the prime factors of s?", "\n2, 5\nSuppose 4*c = p + 2*p - 74, c + 5 = 0. ", "List the prime factors of p.\n2, 3\nLet n(k) = -k**2 - k - 5. ", "Suppose 4*g = 3*g - 11. ", "Let b(s) = -5*s**2 - 4*s - 25. ", "Let y(i) = g*n(i) + 2*b(i). ", "What are the prime factors of y(-5)?", "\n3, 5\nSuppose 8*d = 3*d + 475. ", "What are the prime factors of d?", "\n5, 19\nLet k = 3 - 2. ", "Let q(n) = 7*n - 1. ", "What are the prime factors of q(k)?", "\n2, 3\nLet v be 2/5 - 174/(-15). ", "Suppose 2*j + n - 46 = -4*n, 3*n = v. Let t = j + -6. ", "List the prime factors of t.\n7\nLet i(m) = m**3 + 7*m**2 - 8*m + 2. ", "What are the prime factors of i(-8)?", "\n2\nSuppose s - 6*s = -i - 110, -2*s + 27 = 3*i. ", "Let m = s + 17. ", "What are the prime factors of m?", "\n2, 19\nLet d = 432 + -114. ", "List the prime factors of d.\n2, 3, 53\nLet c(d) = -d**2 - 6*d + 2. ", "Let v be (-2 + 3)/(1/(-6)). ", "Let a be c(v). ", "Suppose -a*b + b = -6. ", "List the prime factors of b.\n2, 3\nSuppose -5*c - 3*h = -4*h - 101, 4*c - 4*h = 84. ", "Suppose -c = -3*a + 2*v + 14, -4*a = -v - 37. ", "List the prime factors of a.\n2\nSuppose -z = -3*h + 142, 2*h - 83 = -0*h + 3*z. ", "Let b be -1 + 3 + h*1. ", "Suppose -3*s + b = 18. ", "What are the prime factors of s?", "\n11\nLet p be (-1)/(2/8) + 1. ", "Let j = p - -5. ", "Suppose -11 = -j*s - 1. ", "List the prime factors of s.\n5\nLet q(c) = c**3 + 8*c**2 - 10*c - 10. ", "What are the prime factors of q(-8)?", "\n2, 5, 7\nSuppose -5*q - 2*r + 7 = 0, -9 + 4 = -q - 4*r. ", "Let j(z) = 29*z - 12*z - 11*z. ", "What are the prime factors of j(q)?", "\n2, 3\nSuppose z = -3*r - 0*z + 74, -5*r - 2*z + 123 = 0. ", "List the prime factors of r.\n5\nLet o be -6 - (-2 + 1 + 1). ", "Let t = -11 - o. Let h = 15 + t. List the prime factors of h.\n2, 5\nLet l(r) = r - 8. ", "Suppose 26 = 3*a + 5*b - 18, 3*a - 36 = 3*b. ", "Let x be l(a). ", "What are the prime factors of (-2)/x + 111/15?", "\n7\nSuppose -3*j = -8*j + 80. ", "List the prime factors of j.\n2\nLet a be 2 - ((-15)/(-5) + -4). ", "Let h = -10 - -28. ", "Suppose 5*d + a*o - h = 2*d, -d + 2*o = 6. ", "What are the prime factors of d?", "\n2\nLet x(o) = -5*o**3 + 2*o**2 + 8. ", "What are the prime factors of x(-3)?", "\n7, 23\nSuppose 19 = 4*d - 4*v - 45, 2*v + 45 = 3*d. ", "What are the prime factors of d?", "\n13\nLet y(b) = b**3 + 4*b**2 - 3*b + 2. ", "Let q(p) = p - 1. ", "Let o(u) = 2*q(u) + y(u). ", "Let j be -2 - (0 - (-1 - 0)). ", "What are the prime factors of o(j)?", "\n2, 3\nLet " ]
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[ "During the\n1980's, a few video game\ncharacters rose to superstardom\nranks. ", "Pacman, Q*Bert and\nDonkey Kong went on to have\ntheir famous likeness put on\neverything from puzzles to lunch\nboxes to stuffed animals. ", "This\nled to many other game\ncharacters getting some deals,\nwith Pitfall Harry, Centipede\nand Space Invaders being among\nthe others. ", "But for every\nperson who was able to reap the\nrewards of stardom and ride the\ngravy train, there were dozens\nleft behind. ", "No matter how\nfamous they were, they did not\nshare in the payday and were\nleft with their hands out. ", "Here\nis the story of some of the\nendorsement deals that did not\npan out. ", "Part of the blame\ncould be the Great Video Game\nCrash that killed many deals.", "\nBlame also could be put on bad\nagents, who did not know how to\nsell their clients. ", "Also blame\ncould be put on the game\ncharacters themselves, who often\nthought they were too big for\nsome deals. ", "No matter who is to\nblame, there is a lesson to be\nlearned here. ", "If you are in a\nposition to make a big payday,\nstrike while the iron is hot.", "\nFame is a fleeting thing and the\nlonger you wait, the better the\nchance that you will miss out on\nit.", "\n\nPengo for Popsicle\n- What would be a better\nteam-up than a cold weather bird\nand a cold treat? ", "Looked like a\nmatch made in heaven and it\nalmost came about. ", "But the\nbiggest problem is that Pengo is\na penguin and they are strictly\nfish eaters. ", "One of his\nrequests is to make a fish\nflavored popsicle, which ended\nup tasting as disgusting as it\nsounds. ", "They tried to test\nmarket it, but it bombed\nhorribly. ", "Out of over a\nthousand taste testers, there\nwere a total of two others who\nliked the product, namely Chilly\nWilly and Opus.", "\n\nSinistar for Slim Jims\n- How do you crave the hunger of\nSinistar? ", "With Slim Jims of\ncourse! ", "That was the proposed\nslogan for the meat snack. ", "With\nSinistar pronouncing he hungered\nand then being fed Slim Jims, he\nwould be satisfied and leave.", "\nEverything seemed ready to go.", "\nSinistar even liked the taste of\nSlim Jims. ", "But there was one\nproblem, his hunger could not be\nsatisfied. ", "They fed him\nhundreds upon hundreds of Slim\nJims and he still hungered.", "\nWhen they ran out, he began\neating the camera crew and soon\nanarchy broke out. ", "They were\nfinally able to lure him back\ninto space with a giant Slim Jim\nand he has not been heard of\nsince.", "\n\nMappy for Cheetos\n- Before Chester Cheetah became\nthe \"Dangerously Cheesy\"\nspokesperson for Cheetos snacks,\nthere was an offer to Mappy the\nPolice Mouse. ", "The commercial\nwent something like this \"Of all\nthe treasures the Cat Gang has\nstolen, one stands as the most\nprized of all to Mappy the\nPolice Mouse, Cheetos Brand\nCheese Snacks. ", "So good, so\ntasty, they are almost\ncriminal.\" ", "Word is that Mappy\nwas very tough to work with and\nby the time they finally came to\nterms, the crash came about and\nthey soon dumped him. ", "He later\nwent on to star in a very weak\nsequel, Hopping Mappy.", "\n\nEverybody loves the Atari 2600\nconsole, but you can't deny that\nit has its share of bad games.", "\nOkay, more than it's share. ", "As a\nreviewer I have great fun\ntrashing these games and\nexposing them for what they are.", "\nHere are a few reviews for bad\nAtari 2600 games.", "\n\nLaser Blast (Activision 1981)\nF\nSure, there are a few people out\nthere who like this game, but\ntrust me, it’s 100% nostalgia.", "\nIt has to be, because Laser\nBlast is such a bad game.", "\nEverything about it is poor: the\nplain graphics, minimal sound,\nand mind-numbing, repetitive\ngameplay. ", "You control a flying\nsaucer at the top of the screen,\nshooting cannons that crawl\nacross the bottom in groups of\nthree. ", "You can’t even get off a\nshot until the cannons have\ncompletely moved onto the\nscreen, which is irritating.", "\nYour enemies shoot solid-line\nlasers there's no way to dodge\nthese things, so the only way to\nevade harm is to keep moving.", "\nToo bad your ship comes to a\ndead stop whenever you fire. ", "You\ncan shoot straight down or\ndiagonally, but the sticky\ncontrols often cause you to\nshoot in the wrong direction.", "\nThere’s little strategy as you\nsystematically shoot each three\ncannons that march out, until\nyou just get sick of the whole\nthing. ", "If Laser Blast was a\nfood, it would be boiled cabbage\n- it has no flavor. ", "It may well\nbe the worst Activision game\never made.", "\nRecommended variation: 4\n1 player\n\nSkeet Shoot (Apollo 1981) FYou\nknow, back in the early 80s,\nsome game companies would put\nout any piece of crap to make a\nbuck, and Apollo’s Skeet Shoot\nis a prime offender. ", "With\nludicrous graphics and\nreprehensible gameplay, this\ncart is borderline offensive.", "\nYour goal is to shoot as many\n\"clay pigeons\" (gray disks) as\nyou can out of the air. ", "It’s\nhard to imagine a game with\nworse graphics than this. ", "Are\nyou telling me that those ugly\nshapes at the bottom of the\nscreen are supposed to be a man\nwith a gun? ", "The targets are\nlaunched at three different\nangles from the center of the\nscreen. ", "You can aim in five\ndirections, but aiming\ndiagonally is terribly\ndifficult, even with a good\njoystick. ", "There are two target\nspeeds, with slow being far too\neasy, and fast being so quick\nyou can’t even react in time.", "\nSkeet Shoot has 17 useless\nvariations, but once you’ve\nplayed one, you’ve played them\nall. ", "This game is so bad that\nI’d be embarrassed to be caught\nplaying it.", "\nRecommended variation: 1B\n1 or 2 players\n\nSssnake (Data Age 1982) F\nAnybody still wondering why the\nvideo game crash of 1983 took\nplace needs to look no further\nthan this game. ", "This is the kind\nof trash game companies were\nspewing out by the dozens. ", "As\nfar as the gameplay goes,\nSssnake amounts to a poor man's\nCentipede. ", "Your cannon moves\naround the perimeter of a small\nbox in the center of the screen.", "\nThe object is to shoot creatures\nrunning around the screen while\navoiding the snakes. ", "The snakes\nlook like dotted lines, and\nshooting them has unpredictable\nresults. ", "Sometimes they become\nsmaller and sometimes they\nsplit, but mostly your shots\njust go right through them and\nnothing happens at all. ", "The\nother creatures are pixelated\nblobs. ", "Control is awkward, to\nsay the least. ", "This looks like\nan unfinished project. ", "It's got\nto be one of the sssloppiest\ngames I've ever seen.", "\n1 player\n\nAirlock (Data Age 1982) FThe\npremise of Airlock is to escape\nfrom a flooding submarine. ", "It’s\nnot a bad idea, but the\nexecution stinks big time. ", "This\ngame could be the poster child\nfor the 1983 video game crash;\nit resembles an unfinished 1979\nhigh school programming\nassignment. ", "Lets start with the\nputrid graphics. ", "There are five\nblocky platforms in what appears\nto be the most generic platform\ngame ever. ", "Your man is a static\nstick figure who must jump over\ncertain blocks while grabbing\nrectangles that are supposed to\nbe keys. ", "Runaway torpedoes move\nside to side across each floor,\nbut for some strange reason,\nthese torpedoes are shaped like\nyour man from the waist up!", "\nWorst of all, instead of having\nwater gradually fill the lower\nareas, entire floors simply turn\nblue at predetermined time\nintervals - ugh!! ", "And then\nthere’s the poor control, which\ncauses you to get constantly get\ncaught up on the barriers. ", "The\nsound effects are practically\nnon-existent, and there’s no\nscore either - you either escape\nor you don’t. ", "Airlock barely\nqualifies as a game. ", "Did Data\nAge really think the fancy title\nscreen would make up for the\nappalling gameplay? ", "Recommended\nvariation: 3B 1 player\n\nET The Extra-Terrestrial\n(Atari 1982) FI\ncan remember all the way back to\n1982 when I got ET as a surprise\nChristmas present! ", "I couldn't\nbelieve how lucky I was to get\nsuch an expensive game! ", "And when\nI saw that awesome title screen\nand heard the ET theme, I\nthought for sure I had struck\ngold. ", "I played it for days, and\nsomehow convinced myself it was\na good game. ", "Denial is an ugly\nthing. ", "Twenty years later, I've\ncome to terms with my feelings.", "\nThe truth is, ET is incredibly\nfrustrating and almost\ncompletely devoid of fun. ", "The\nobject is to avoid bad guys\nwhile collecting phone parts\nhidden in pits. ", "The problem is,\nthese pits are EVERYWHERE! ", "You\ncan barely move without\naccidentally keep falling into\none of these annoying things! ", "Is\nthis supposed to be fun? ", "Who\nplay-tested this crap? ", "I've seen\nthe movie, and I don't remember\nET falling into ONE pit, much\nless 100 of them! ", "When you're\nnot in a pit, a symbol at the\ntop of the screen indicates what\nyou can do (call Elliott, eat\ncandy, locate piece, etc.). ", "The\ngame has some nice animation,\nbut gameplay glitches, poor\ndesign, and confusing controls\nmake it a struggle from start to\nfinish. ", "This was obviously a\nrush job. ", "Atari was ultimately\nforced to bury its inventory of\nET cartridges in a concrete\nlandfill. ", "Believe me, they did\nus all a favor.", "\n1 player\n\nGreetings, Gamers. ", "Once again we\ndip into the'Vault for another pair\nof classic gaming ads. ", "You'll\nnotice a slight name change to\nthe column starting this month.", "\nI did it mainly so people would\nget this column mixed up with a\nsection on my NES webpage, which\nhas Nintendo commercials.", "\n\nAnyway, this month I'm covering\nthe Intellivision, and I'm\nspotlighting a pair of\ncommercials featuring George\nPlimpton.", "\n\nIntellivision Space Games\nThere's no doubt that while the\nIntellivision had excellent\nsports games, Atari had them\nbeat when it came to\naction/arcade games. ", "Then in\n1982, with a science-fiction\nresurgence in play, both\ncompanies produced space games.", "\nAtari put out ads saying they\nhad the best games, saying\n\"nobody compares to Atari.\" ", "In\nthis ad from Mattel, a nerdy kid\nsays that line, only for good\nol' George to come up and\ncompare them to Intellivision.", "\nAs Plimpton shows off the space\nline-up, including Space Battle,\nSpace Armada, and Astrosmash,\nthe kid is shocked, saying,\"I didn't know!\"", "\n\nThe ad closes with the kid enjoy\nthe INTV line-up while Plimpton\nsays, \"The Intellivision Space Games\nfrom Mattel Electronics. ", "Once\nyou compare, you'll know.\"", "\n\n\"Let me shows you who has the\nREAL space games.\"", "\n\nIt's like he discovered the Holy\nGrail.", "\n\n\"I'm so sorry I doubted you.\"", "\n\nIntellivision RebateThis\ntime we find Plimpton talking\nabout a rebate offer Mattel had\nduring late 1982. ", "Of course he\ndelivers his message the only\nway he knows how - by standing\nin a tiger's cage!", "\n\n\"The last time Intellivision had\na $50 rebate, I refused to do\nit. ", "And they're trying to\npersuade me to do another one.", "\nWell, perhaps I was a bit hasty.", "\nAfter all the Intellivision is a\nmarvelous system and $50 is a\nbig rebate. ", "So buy an Intellivision\nbefore November 28* and get $50\nback from Mattel Electronics.", "\nAnd hurry! ", "Can I go now!\"", "\n\n*Offer expired.", "\n\nWatch out, George, there's\nsomething behind that screen.", "\n\nHe's a brave man for doing this.", "\n\n\"Get $50 back, and that's no\nlion.\"", "\n\n\"Tell me why I'm doing this\nagain.\"", "\n\nTime to sign off for another 30\ndays. ", "The Retrogaming Commercial\nVault CD is coming slowly but\nsurely. ", "My goal is to have it\ncompleted by January 1, with 70\nads. ", "If you have any questions,\ncomments, suggestions, etc,\ne-mail me at\[email protected] and\nI may add you to my mailing list\nto get updates.", "\n\nBTW, please don't ask me to put\nNES ads on the disc. ", "You can\nfind those at my Nintendo\nwebsite, NES Times\n(come.to/nestimes). ", "Until next\ntime, keep gaming.", "\n\nDebates continued all the time\namongst my friends and I about\nwhich video game machine was the\nbest. (", "Not much has changed\nhey?!?) ", "But there was always one\nway in which my humble Vic 20\nalways won out, along with other\nhome computers of the day. ", "That\nis creating your own games. ", "This\nis something that was just\nimpossible with an Atari VCS or\nColecovision. ", "But with the Vic\n20 and its built in BASIC the\nonly limit you had was your\nimagination (Oh, and the\npathetic 3.5K memory).", "\n\nAs I said in my article last\nmonth, my friends and I were\nalways busy typing in listings\nfrom magazines. ", "As we became\nmore skilled at programming we\nwould then start to make little\nchanges to the games we typed\nin. ", "We would make things a bit\nfaster, change the sprites a bit\nor add some sound effects if\nthere weren't originally any\nthere. ", "But then one day a friend\nof mine attempted what we all\nthought was the impossible,\nwriting his own game. ", "Oh we of\nlittle faith!! ", "To the surprise\nof us all it worked, and the\ngame turned out to be a pretty\ngood one too.", "\n\nWell we were all very impressed\nand very inspired. ", "So we took up\nthe challenge to start writing\nour own games. ", "The Vic 20 was\nwell supported with many books\nabout how to program. ", "Plus our\nlittle \"user group\" was always\nthere to lend a hand if you got\nstuck on something. ", "Among us all\nwe produced some fun little\ngames. ", "Sure, none of them would\nhave challenged the likes of\nJeff Minter and Tom Griner, but\nwe were immensely proud of our\nlittle achievements.", "\n\nIt was during the early days of\nlearning to write my own games\nthat I learnt a very important\nthing about using computers -\nWhat ever you are doing,\nremember to SAVE!!!!", "\n\nI set about writing a version of\nPong. ", "I wrote out a fair bit of\nthe program on paper before\ninputting anything on the\ncomputer. ", "Then when I started\nactually typing it up on the\ncomputer I got on a real roll.", "\nIn my enthusiasm I typed in\n\"RUN\" to see what my program was\nlike. ", "The \"Pong\" screen appeared\nwith two bats. ", "It looked\nperfect. ", "Then the ball appeared.", "\nIt still looked perfect. ", "I was\njust so excited. ", "But then it all\nwent horribly wrong. ", "The screen\njerked and suddenly went all\nyellow. ", "There was no curser, no\nwriting at all. ", "My game had\ncrashed and I had forgot to save\nit. ", "I had no choice but to turn\noff my Vic and start all over\nagain.", "\n\nAnd by the way, I did redo the\nwhole game, remembering to save\nit, but it never did work\nproperly and I ended up just\ngiving in. ", "On to some reviews...\n\nBLACK HOLEHere\nis a real technical achievement\nfor the Vic 20. ", "Tom Griner is\none of the programmers along\nwith Jeff Minter that really\npushed the Vic 20 to its limits,\noften doing things many thought\nwas impossible on such a basic\nmachine. ", "Here in Black Hole Tom\nGriner has produced some very\ngood 3D wire frame graphics. ", "His\nprogramming efforts here earn\nhim a huge 10 out of 10. ", "As for\nthe actual game, it is a pretty\ngood shoot-em-up based on two\nclassic games, Space War and\nAsteroids. ", "You control a small\nship and must destroy the aliens\nthat appear while also trying to\navoid the gravity of the sun at\nthe centre of the screen.", "\nPushing up on the joystick\nenables you to thrust forward,\nwhile left and right rotates\nyour ship. ", "The fire\nbutton…..fires your lasers.", "\nBlack Hole is a lot of fun, but\ndoes lack variety. ", "A bit more\nvariety and it would have easily\nmade it into the \"must have\"\ncategory.", "\nMy Score - 8/10\n\nDEMON ATTACKThe\nfamous Atari VCS game is\nconverted to the Vic 20\nbrilliantly. ", "It has lost none of\nits graphical splendour or\nmarvellous game play at all. ", "For\nthe few who have not played\nDemon Attack, it is a\nshoot-em-up with similar\nelements to the likes of\nGalaxian and Phoenix. ", "The\ngraphics are nicely detailed.", "\nOften the Vic 20 can be guilty\nof having blocky graphics or\nstretched sprites. ", "But Demon\nAttack is nice sharp. ", "Game play\nis pretty relentless. ", "The demons\nconstantly attack. ", "The more you\nshoot and kill, others just\nappear to take their place. ", "When\nthe demons fire at you, watch\nout. ", "They don't let loose just\none little missile, but around a\ndozen at a time pour down on\nyou. ", "When you finish a few games\nof Demon Attack your trigger\nfinger knows it has had a real\nworkout - but it will be worth\nevery minute.", "\nMy Score - 9/10\n\nGOLD FEVERGold\nFever is a fun platform game\nthat has some similarities to\nLode Runner. ", "You need to run\naround the screen collecting\ngold bars that are scattered\nabout, all the while avoiding\nthe weird looking enemies that\nare pursuing you. ", "You climb up\nand down the ladders to get to\nthe higher or lower platforms.", "\nPressing the fire button allows\nyour man to jump over the\nenemies. ", "This isn't as easy as\nit seems. ", "Once you have\ncollected all the gold, a red\ndoor appears taking you to the\nnext level. ", "The graphics are\ncolourful and reasonably well\ndefined. ", "Movement is a bit jerky\nand that can become annoying.", "\nThis certainly isn't a patch on\nthe brilliant Lode Runner, but\nit should keep platform fans\noccupied for quite a while. ", "By\nthe way, what are those enemies?", "\nAll I have is the cart with no\ninstructions, so I have no\ndocumentation to tell me. ", "They\nkind of look like watch dogs.", "\nWhat do others think?", "\nMy Score - 6/10\n\nRAID ON FORT KNOXThis\nis one of my personal\nfavourites. ", "I have spent\nliterally hours playing this.", "\nRaid On Fort Knox is a maze game\nwhere you must break into Fort\nKnox and steal all the gold.", "\nMaking your job more difficult\nare the constantly patrolling\nwatchdogs. ", "If they catch you,\nyou're dead! ", "The game starts off\neasily enough. ", "Just three gold\nbars and one watchdog. ", "But as\nyou clear each level, the amount\nof gold bars to collect\nincreases, as do the amount of\nwatchdogs. ", "The sound really adds\nto this game. ", "The constant\nbackground sound is a little\nlike the sound the ghosts make\nin Pacman. ", "When ever you pick up\na gold bar the sound goes up a\nfew tones and gets faster. ", "This\nadds to the overall tension and\nreally gets the blood pumping.", "\nGraphics are simple but\neffective and it all moves along\nat a great pace, even when there\nare heaps of watchdogs pursuing\nyou.", "\nMy Score - 9/10\n\nSATELLITE PATROLAt\nfirst glance this game doesn't\nseem like much. ", "The graphics are\nblocky and the sound minimal.", "\nBut as is often the case with\nclassic games, the game play\nshines through. ", "Satellite patrol\nis an original game which draws\na lot of influence from two of\nmy favourite games, Asteroids\nand Time Pilot. ", "This is a\nshoot-em-up game where you must\ndestroy enemy satellites as well\nas many asteroids that fly past.", "\nThat is where the obvious\nAsteroids influence comes into\nit. ", "But you don't just stay on a\nstatic screen, but rather the\nscreen scrolls in all eight\ndirections as you chase down the\nenemy satellites. ", "That is where\nthe Time Pilot influence comes\ninto it. ", "If you are a fan of\nAsteroids or Time Pilot then you\nwill love this game. ", "The\ngraphics are blocky, but they\nare very colourful. ", "The\nscrolling is nice with just a\nbit of slowdown when there are\nheaps of asteroids on the screen\nat once.", "\nMy Score - 8/10\n\nThis\nmonth we finish up our double\nshot of the best home computer\ngames\nfrom 1983 with 2 classics\noriginally made on the Atari\nhome computers thatmost everyone has seen or\nheard of, even if on the NES.", "\nOops - I erredagain, since every\nversion of \"Boulder Dash\" says\n’84. ", "Most of thismonth’s 7 reviews are\navailable only on disk, or\nfairly rare as carts - somany of you’ll need to\nfire up those emulators.", "\n\nThe Many Faces of...Archon\n\nA\nhead-to-head competition using\nthe forces of good (White)\nversus evil\n(Black), blended\nperfectly as part strategy board\ngame & part arcade\nshoot’em up. ", "The board\nis similar to chess, with each\narmy on one side,\nbut the grid is 9X9 with\n25 of the squares always white,\n25 always black &\nthe remaining 31 squares,\ncalled luminous - changing with\nthe ebb and flow\nof time. ", "But first we’re\nintroduced by names to the 18\ncharacters as they\ntake the battlefield in\nformation. ", "There are 8 unique\nmythical or magical\nfigures. ", "The goal is to\neliminate all enemy pieces or\ncontrol all 5 power\nsquares. ", "These 5 squares\nare located at the middle square\nalong each of\nthe 4 board edges & one\nin the center square. ", "Thus, 1\nis on the Wizard’s\nWhite square, 1 on the\nSorceress’s Black square and the\nother 3, across the\nluminous central row.", "\nLight Forces: Wizard, Unicorn,\nArcher, Golem,\nValkyrie, Djinni, Phoenix\n& Knight. ", "Dark: Sorceress,\nBasilisk, Manticore,\nTroll, Shape Shifter,\nDragon, Banshee and Goblin.", "\nEvery piece has its own\nunique set of traits and\nonly the pawns (Goblins &\nKnights), and also the\nSorceress & Wizard are an\nequal match for each other. ", "The\nstrategy screen\nis a top view of the\nboard where you either move 1\npiece each turn, or cast\none of 7 magic spells via\nyour Wizard or Sorceress.", "\nSpells are: teleport,\nheal, shift time,\nexchange, summon elemental,\nrevive and imprison. ", "Each\npiece has a means of\ntravel (ground, air or teleport)\nand some movement\nrange (in squares).", "\nGround movers cannot pass\nthrough an occupied square,\nand when you end your\nturn on an opposing piece - you\nengage in BATTLE.", "\nThe strategy board opens\nup into the full screen arena,\nputting the pieces\nat opposite sides along\nwith different colored & sized\nbarriers, anywhere\nfrom a few to a couple\ndozen. ", "These barriers may seem\nfrustrating, but are\ncritical to play as they\nprovide a place to hide and add\nrandomness in\ntheir coming and going,\nand how much they will get in\nyour way, block shots, appear to grab hold of\nyou and finally to bounce you\nbackwards off\nthem. ", "The square’s color\nis very important as it provides\nbonus power to\nthe combatant of that\ncolor. ", "For luminous squares,\nthe power bonus varies\nfrom a small amount when\nthe color is Green or Magenta,\nto the full bonus 2 turns later when completely\nWhite or Black. ", "Luminous\nsquares remain one of\nthe 6 color shades one\nturn for each player. ", "You begin\neach game at a\nmiddle color & work\ntowards White or Black and then\nreversing back and\nforth ad infinitum. ", "In\nthe arena, pieces differ in\ntheir movement speed;\nbody (target) size;\nweapon type (swing, throw or\nother); weapon size;\nweapon speed; weapon\ndamage inflicted; stamina\n(displayed as a power\nindicator bar); weapon\nre-load time, and some unique\nattack and/or combined\ndefensive skills. ", "The\ncomposite skills and\ncapabilities of \"light\" and\n\"dark\" forces are\nconsidered equal, but again,\nnearly every character is\nunique.", "\n\n\"Archon\" makes a great choice\nfor classic or neoclassic (NES)\nVG tournament\nplay at conventions or\ngame parties. ", "No live\ncompetition . . . ", "no problem\n. . . ", "because you can\nplay a computer opponent &\nchoose who moves first &\nwho is light or dark.", "\nThe CPU only has one skill level\n– but is fairly\nshrewd at strategy but\nsomewhat predictable and only\nsemi-decent as a\ncombatant. ", "Assuming that\nyou can easily defeat your\nfriends or the CPU,\nhere are a few\nsuggestions to bring you back\nfor a greater challenge. ", "Play\nleft-handed; or never use\n\"revive\"; never use magic; never\ninitiate a\nbattle; or never initiate\nbattle with a major piece; never\nuse a major\npiece (die) in the arena;\nand combinations of these.", "\n\nHome Version Similarities:\nExcept those in <>: all home\nversions have:\ntwo-player simultaneous\njoystick action <AP2>; intro\nmusical score;\nindividual character\narrival (names & take their\npositions on the board); a\ndemo where you can watch\ncomputer players for several\nmoves; randomness in battle with changing barriers in\nthe arena; audio queue when each\nweapon\nhas reloaded; power bar\nindicator on screen; and the\ngame could end in a\ndraw after a complete 12\nmove luminous cycle without any\nbattles.", "\n\nHave Nots: Spectrum (NA) The\nSinclair Spectrum is the best\nclassic system that I still\ndon’t own. ", "Irecently noticed\nsignificant updates to this\nsystem’s large collection ofgames at the\nWorldofspectrum.org. ", "My\napologies to the large following\nof\nSpeccy fans - as I’ve finally\nconfirmed existence of these\nmany faces,including: \"Mario Bros\",\n\"Gyruss\", \"Spy Hunter\",\n\"Beamrider\", \"PolePosition\", \"Robotron\n2084\", \"Burning Rubber\",\n\"Dragonfire\" & \"Space ShuttleJIS\".", "\n\nBronze Medal: Apple II (35\nor 37)My\nfirst reaction back in college\nwas unimpressed - comparing it\nto the\nC64. ", "The biggest drawback here\nis the Sound, which is adequate\n(5). ", "The\nintro music is OK, but\nthe effects are non-distinct –\nalmost sounding\nalike. ", "Some pieces\nconstantly make sounds during\nbattle, and those that\nsound bad are\nirritating. ", "Fortunately, weapon\nre-load is audible, so not\nmuch loss to the game’s\ncharm & re-playability. ", "There is\nno music to\nconclude the match.", "\nGameplay matches the Atari, as\noutstanding (9) & all\nversions are well done,\nwith great game depth. ", "This\nversion probably has\nthe best demo as the 2\ncomputer opponents can fight\nquite a long battle\neach time. ", "Addictiveness\nis pleasant (8), but I have\nsubtracted a point\ndue to poor programming\nof the collision detection,\nprimarily of the\nBanshee & also the\nPhoenix. ", "There may be others,\nbut the perimeter/area\nweapons were poorly done\n– larger than what is visibly\nshown - making them\ntoo powerful and just\nplain unfair to those who are\nunsuspecting. ", "On all\nversions, you can pause\nindefinitely by waiting when it\nis your turn to\nmove. ", "The Graphics are\ngood enough (6) to see all the\naction, but the\nluminous squares are\ncrappy, not beautiful solid\ncolors, but pixelated\ncombinations of white,\nblack, orange & blue. ", "Very\nannoying trying to\nfigure out where you are\nin the flow of time. ", "Give us\nsolid colors please!", "\nControls are effective\n(7), and give you a choice of 1\nor 2 players and\nalso 1 or 2 joysticks and\nthen a selection for both light\n& dark players\nand finally to select the\nkeys on the keyboard for\nmovement/firing. ", "Once again, a casual fan (like me)\ncannot get my Apple II joystick\nto both move\nand fire - I must hold\nthe stick between my knees, then\nhold one hand to\nmove the stick and one to\npress the fire <Apple> button.", "\nRegardless, the\nanalog control scheme\nmakes the 8 directions hard to\nnail down, so you’ll still be off and misfire often\n(ie like 5200 or Inty) – and in\nthis game,\nyou must be accurate or\nyou may die before you get the\nsecond chance. ", "For\nthose with two sticks,\nproperly working, Controls\nshould only have the\nanalog directional\nproblem and be outstanding (9).", "\nAvailable only on disk.", "\n\nSilver\nMedal: Atari 8 Bit (42)My\nfirst reaction is – this\noriginal version is fine, but\ncould have beenimproved. ", "Gameplay is\noutstanding (9). ", "Too bad\nthere’s only one computerskill level, and not a\nchoice to watch (the demo)\ncomputer battle computer(for very long).", "\nAddictiveness is great (9),\nevery game is unique, and there is so much variety,\nstrategy and randomness from\nplaying a different\nhuman player, and even\nfrom the computer. ", "The Graphics\nare very good (7)and the combatants\nresemble fantasy creatures, but\nnot too much detail orcolor. ", "The pieces could\nbe larger since the strategy\nboard uses a small portion of the screen. ", "Fortunately the arena is full\nscreen. ", "Sound isexciting (7) with a nice\ntheme song and a full set of\ncolorful audioeffects. ", "They are\ndistinct (firing, re-loading,\nhitting, missing) but seemto lack emotion of those\non the later released C64. ", "The\nControls areperfect (10). ", "Available\nboth on cart & disk. ", "One of the\nbest 2-playergames ever on the Atari.", "\n\nGold Medal: Commodore 64 (45)My\nfirst reaction was this is the\ngreatest disk game I’ve ever\nloaded in a(jaw dropping) 13 seconds\n- made possible via the Vorpal\nloader. ", "Secondsafter typing in that\nLoad\"*\",8,1 command, I could\nopen my dorm room door\nand blast that awesome\nmusic (my favorite 8 bit score)\ndown the hall - signaling another round of\n\"Archon\" battles would begin\nimmediately. ", "Thefirst 2 students to take\na break from studying would face\noff, H-T-H in thearena. ", "That next\ngeneration of college students\nwould have twice the funwith 4-player \"Bomberman\"\nbattles, but that’s another\nstory. ", "Scores and comments match the Atari, plus\nthe Gameplay is outstanding (9)\n& the\nAddictiveness is great (9). ", "The\nGraphics are sharper here (8),\nthe best ofall versions, but still\nthe weakest feature in this\ngame. ", "Even more color& animation is possible.", "\nA post battle victory strut (ie\nlike sacks ortouchdowns in the NFL)\nwould have been cool. ", "Sound is\nsuperb (9), with thetitle track nearly a work\nof art. ", "The effects are much\nbetter – with thecrisp sound of a swing &\na miss, or cha-ching! ", "Metal\nconnecting! ", "Controls are perfect (10). ", "Available\nonly on disk. ", "One of the best\n2-player gamesever on the C64.", "\n\nFinal notes: Simultaneous death\nby pawns is cool. ", "Phoenix vs\nPhoenixbattles are boring and\nthere should be a law against\nsuch impudence.", "\n\nThe Many Faces of...Boulder Dash\n\nRockford says \"Don’t tap you’re\nfoot waiting for me!\" ", "He does\njust that\nwhenever you’re not\nmoving him in search of the\nsecret jewels of the caves.", "\nThis \"collect ‘em up\"\nplays somewhat like \"Dig Dug\",\nbut is such a fast\npaced, action filled game\nthat you might not realize it.", "\nThere is less\nviolence than \"Dig Dug\"\nbecause you have no weapon - but\nyou still have\nrocks – boulders in this\ncase, to drop on the bad guys.", "\nIt’s just as much\nfun, but requires a\nsignificant amount of strategy\nand planning to conquer\neach cave. ", "There are\noften more enemies than you can\ndefeat, so knowing\nthe cavern and managing\nyour resources is critical. ", "Due\nto the fast pace\nof the action – you can\nbe your own worst enemy –\ndropping everything on\nyourself, or getting\ntrapped. ", "Your enemies do not\nhunt you down, instead\nthey blindly move only in\nopen ground either ClockWise or\nCCW and follow\nthe edge of the\nopenings. ", "You move L/R/U/D and\nmove (dig) through the dirt\n- each space moved takes\nthe same amount of time,\nregardless if you are\ndigging or not, or\ncollecting the diamonds.", "\nCollect the required number of\ndiamonds remaining as\nshow on-screen & then exit\nbefore time’s up. ", "Extra\ndiamonds means even more\n(bonus) points getting you\ncloser to earning an\nextra life, but don’t be\ngreedy. ", "Opening up the space\nbelow a diamonds or\nboulders will bring them\n& everything above down until\nthey stop falling.", "\n\nDash those boulders, which when\nhitting your enemies will either\ndestroy\nthem or cause a diamond\nexplosion which fills that spot,\nplus the 8 around\nit – creating up to 9\ndiamonds. ", "Hold the fire button\nand push a direction\nto grab a diamond or\nclear dirt next to your space or\nto push ONE boulder L/R. There are 3 start levels\nfor each of caves A, E, I or M\n(ie 1, 6, 11\nor 16), and levels 4 and\n5 for Cave A, making 14\ndifferent starting points\nfor your game. ", "After\ncompleting Cave 20, move on to\nCave 1 on the next\nlevel. ", "Each cave is\nunique, exactly 2 screens wide,\n2 screens tall, and\nthe only randomness is\nfrom the amebas. ", "The more you\npractice, the better\nyou will master the\nskills required or at finding &\nperfecting a pattern\nfor that cave. ", "The game\nmoves along quickly, so patterns\nare tedious, but\nsometimes effective.", "\n\nHome Version Similarities:\nExcept those in <> all home\nversions have:\ngreat introductory music;\na demo of Cave A <CV>; bonus\nlives every 2K; a\ntimer for each level; #\nof remaining diamonds to\ncollect; a chime when the\nexit door appears <AP2>;\na warning when time is almost\nup; a key to abort the life/timer (R/S, Esc or *)\nif trapped; 2 players & 2\njoysticks <AP2>; a\nhigh score <C64, Atari>;\nand a pause - space bar or on\nthe CV use <0> & <8>.", "\n\nHave Nots: Spectrum (NA)\nSpectrum fans often list\n\"Boulder Dash\" in their top 10\nlists. ", "This is\ncurrently my most desired\n8 bit system to acquire, but I\ndoubt that’ll ever\nhappen. ", "Until then, I’m\nhappy to mention what I can\nhere.", "\n\nHave Nots: Apple II (42 or 44)\nMy\nfirst reaction was the analog\ncontrols and internal sounds are\nthe onlydrawbacks. ", "The Gameplay\nis fantastic (9) on all home\nversions, with lotsof game depth, action and\ncreativity. ", "The game start\noptions for practicingare terrific. ", "In the NES\nversion, these are more\ncreatively replaced withthe very popular and even\nmore addictive passwords. ", "This\nis a collect’emup, action/adventure and\npuzzle game combined. ", "The\nControls are very nice(8), but if the joystick\nbutton works for you score it a\n(9). ", "A point wasdeducted since fast\naction never works well with\nanalog controls.", "Addictiveness is\nwonderful (9) with all the start\nlevels to practice, butloose a point as grabbing\ndirt and moving the other way\ninstantly isincredibly hard with\nanalog. ", "Graphics are superb (9)\non all versions with great details & color aplenty.", "\nAnimation is pretty decent and\nlots ofboulders & enemies can be\nin flight simultaneously. ", "Sound\nis effective (7)and does not detract from\ngameplay. ", "The music & effects\nwould be a littlebetter on external\nspeakers. ", "The ameba noises are\nreplaced by music here.", "\nAvailable only on disk.", "\n\nSilver Medal: Commodore 64 &\nAtari 8 Bit (46)\nGreat 3 way battle with these\ntwo just missing. ", "All three\nmedal winners\nhave well done (9)\nGameplay, awesome (10)\nAddicitveness. ", "This is what\ndefines re-playability,\nmaking us keep coming back game\nafter game. ", "Then\nthe next night & the next\nand then years later to try\nagain. ", "Graphics are\nwonderful (9); Sound is\npleasant (8) with nice echoes,\nfade in/outs &\nsufficient variety of\neffects. ", "The intro music is\nnice, but what really\nkicks - is the cascade of\nboulders and/or diamonds\ncrashing and exploding\nblending together and\noverlapping beautifully.", "\nControls are perfect (10),\nbut all versions will\ntake some time getting used to\nthe timing of the\nrapid movements.", "\n\nAtari 8 bitMy\nfirst reaction was \"is this the\nC64?\" - ", "sure enough these are\nequivalent\nversions - looking and\nsounding much the same.", "\nAvailable on disk, or on a\nrare but much sought\nafter cart ($60).", "\n\nCommodore 64My\nfirst reaction back in ‘85 was\nto keep on coming back to play\neach levelagain and again until I\nbeat it. ", "Available only on disk,\nthis gamefrequently ranks in top\n10 lists for C64 fans. ", "There\nare 50+ games in theC64’s massive library\nthat are either spin-offs,\nclones, home brews orcreated levels of this\ngame or the BD Construction Kit.", "\n\nGold Medal: Colecovision (47)\nMy\nfirst reaction was excited by\nits graphic brilliance. ", "Alas,\nthis gameis a bit rare & since it\nis really fun to play, you’ll\nsearch long & hard -then pay $40+ for one. ", "I\nplayed it via a Dreamcast\nemulator, but I don’tthink that hurts/helps\nthese scores. ", "I was tempted to\ndrop theAddictiveness score a\nnotch as the screen scrolling\nappears to be veryjerky - but maybe that is\ndue to the emulation. ", "Even so,\nthis versionsupposedly allows one to\ncontinue on the level just\ncompleted pressing <*>after the game is over -\ncan’t beat that. ", "The Graphics\nare surely a workof art (10), with much\ndetail, variety or colors and a\nreally great 3-Dlook. ", "This should make\nCV fans cry for other carts to\nhave been so nicely done. ", "If you cannot find this\nbaby, be happy to play the other\nmeal\nwinners for now.", "\n\nFrom Cleveland, the heart of\nRock & Roll! & ", "America's Roller\nCoast.", "\nAlan & Kathy Hewston, Proud\nparents of almost 6 Yr. ", "old\nSamanthawho recently rode the\n\"Raven\", #1 Wooden coaster on\nthe planet& almost 3 yr Timothy who\nis on that long road of potty\ntraining.", "\n\nAfter a short hiatus, Sites of\nthe Month returns. ", "Here is the\nlatest sites to check out:\n\nRetrogames\nR UsIf\nyou like to look at pictures,\nthis is a good site for you.", "\nWith cover scans of almost all\nthe classic magazines, a great\nsection for classic joysticks\nand more, this site gives you a\nbunch of cool stuff to look at.", "\nI especially liked the joysticks\nas you do not always see alot of\nattention given to the vast\namount of controllers for the\nAtari 2600. ", "Here is the link to\nthe site:\n\nTolkien Computer Games\nWhile not entirely classic, it\nis something that many classic\ngamers can relate with. ", "Here is\na place to find out about all\nthe Tolkien inspired computer\ngames. ", "While most are\nhomebrews, there is some very\nimaginative stuff here. ", "If you\nare a fan of Lord of the Rings\nand the Hobbit, then check it\nout!", "\n\nTime for more questions from the\nreaders of the newsletter (and\nsome other emails that I get:\n\nWhat happened to all the video\ngames you had for sale on your\nwebsite?", "\n\nI\nhad a person who has opened a\nstore purchase them. ", "While the\ndeal is not complete yet, it\nshould be soon. ", "To be honest, I\nam glad to be out of selling\ngames. ", "It has gotten harder to\nreplace them as I do not have as\nmuch time to search the flea\nmarkets and garage sales. ", "Plus,\nthe level of competition in the\narea has increased dramatically\nin the past few years. ", "I used\nto be able to find stuff at the\nflea markets with little\nproblem, but now there is a\ndozen people looking for the\nsame stuff and it is a matter of\nluck to find anything. ", "I used\nto never leave a flea market\nempty handed, but now I almost\nnever find anything.", "\n\nIf the world was going to end\nand you had time to play one\nlast game, what would it be?", "\n\nTo\nbe honest, if the world was\nabout to end, I would not be\nplaying video games.", "\n\nI really love Joust because of\nthe two player mode. ", "What other\nclassic games have cool two\nplayer modes? ", "Please no sports\ngames.", "\n\nSince you did not say any\nsystem, I will just list a\nhandful for different systems\nand arcade games and you can\ndecide if they are on a system\nwant to get.", "\n\nAtari 2600 - Warlords (great\nfour player mode), Pong (what is\na better two player game?)", "\n\nAtari 7800 - Centipede, Joust,\nAsteroids (yes they have two\nplayer cooperative or\ncompetitive modes on both\nCentipede and Asteroids) and for\nfun, do two player Robotron\nwhere one person shoots and one\nperson moves. ", "Very fun and\nstrange.", "\n\nOdyssey 2-Quest for the Rings\n(probably the best two player\ngame for a weak system)\n\nVectrex - Ripoff and Armor\nAttack (two great two player\ngames)\n\nIntellivision - Utopia (too fun\nfor words)\n\nBally Astrocade - Incredible Wizard (or as\nit was known at the arcades,\nWizard of Wor)\n\nArcade - Joust, Timber, Wizard\nof Wor, Ripoff, Armor Attack,\nPong, Warlords, there are so\nmany that I know I am forgetting\nand this does not count the Bit\nAge when you have Golden Axe,\nSimpsons and a ton of others.", "\n\nAnother issue\nin the can. ", "The summer heat is\nalmost gone and I am happy to\nsee it go. ", "Of course that means\nthe chill of winter is around\nthe corner. ", "Brrrr. ", "Check back\nnext issue as I bring you\nanother issue of classic\nenjoyment. ", "By the way, if\nanyone would be kind enough to\nburn me a copy of the\nIntellivision emulator for the\nDreamcast with games, I would be\nvery appreciative. ", "While I have\nmost of the games (as well as\nboth Intellivision Lives! ", "CDs\nand even the Playstation\ncompilation which is missing\nmost of the games I really like\n<namely Diner, Thin Ice,\nTruckin, Dracula, Worm Whomper,\nthe D & D games and Dreadnaught\nFactor>), I would rather play\nthey on my 32 inch TV with my\nDreamcast arcade joystick\ninstead of the computer or with\nthe less than enjoyable\nIntellivision controller (don't\nbother me with the you need to\nexperience the games with the\noriginal controller to\nappreciate them, I have been\nplaying Intellivision games for\nover 20 years on those awful\ncontrollers and I would much\nappreciate using my arcade\njoystick)." ]
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[ "Rogerio Martins is up first on remix duties for I Know Ur There and once again he delivers a super fine slice of groovy deep house music. ", "A formidable presence on the Portuguese electronic music scene, Martins’ mission is to provide quality sounds nurtured from up and coming artists and veterans alike. ", "For over 10 years now this has been a reality and, from time to time, we’re lucky enough to get exquisite sounds from the man himself. ", "Here Martins doesn’t hold back as he unleashes powerful kick drums and noisy distorted hi hats that pack a massive punch. ", "A deep pulsating bassline dominates the low end as beautiful deep house chords rise up from the depths. ", "The vocal come through on the break to give the track a club vibe. ", "The break also features a rich hi string and climaxes with a nice snare roll before those monster kicks returns for the duration. ", "A solid slice form the boss that will not disappoint.", "\n\nRick Wade’s double hitter I Know Ur There and Seen Things gets the remix treatment from Piston label boss Rogerio Martins and the prolific Bicycle Corporation. ", "Released back in Spring 2017, these two cuts performed very well indeed and we thought they deserved to be brought to the fore once again. ", "House music hero Rick Wade is revered throughout the electronic music community. ", "His career is an illustrious one, becoming involved in a fledgling house music scene in the mid 80’s. ", "He spent his time working hard, DJing at parties, on radio stations and eventually turning his hand at producing music, a signature sound developed and the rest is history. ", "An amazingly talented artist we just love having here at Piston.", "\n\nRick Wade’s double hitter I Know Ur There and Seen Things gets the remix treatment from Piston label boss Rogerio Martins and the prolific Bicycle Corporation. ", "Released back in Spring 2017, these two cuts performed very well indeed and we thought they deserved to be brought to the fore once again. ", "House music hero Rick Wade is revered throughout the electronic music community. ", "His career is an illustrious one, becoming involved in a fledgling house music scene in the mid 80’s. ", "He spent his time working hard, DJing at parties, on radio stations and eventually turning his hand at producing music, a signature sound developed and the rest is history. ", "An amazingly talented artist we just love having here at Piston.", "\n\nSecrets Of The Trade reaches its 10th edition and once again we’ve selected some of the finest cuts from our recent Piston Recordings offerings. ", "Our mission is and will always be to provide only the best house music in all its forms, from Tech House to Deep House, we’ve got you covered. ", "Tracks from the likes of Rick Wade, Marco Madia, Mike Morales and Mi Ke, Boyard, Demarkus Lewis, James Brucke, Danny eM and label founder and head honcho Rogerio Martins are all on hand to ensure maximum impact on the floors. ", "Get this one in your collection and you’ll have the tools to rock out at any party.", "\n\nSecrets Of The Trade reaches its 10th edition and once again we’ve selected some of the finest cuts from our recent Piston Recordings offerings. ", "Our mission is and will always be to provide only the best house music in all its forms, from Tech House to Deep House, we’ve got you covered. ", "Tracks from the likes of Rick Wade, Marco Madia, Mike Morales and Mi Ke, Boyard, Demarkus Lewis, James Brucke, Danny eM and label founder and head honcho Rogerio Martins are all on hand to ensure maximum impact on the floors. ", "Get this one in your collection and you’ll have the tools to rock out at any party.", "\n\nProlific house music aficionado Rick Wade returns to Piston Recordings with his fourth slice of house music goodness for our listening pleasure. ", "Detroit based Rick is highly revered in the industry for his dedication to the true purposes of house. ", "Also known as Big Daddy Rick and Dr. Low-Tech, he has literally released hundreds of tracks throughout his career on almost 50 different labels since the mid 1990’s. ", "He is also owner of Harmonie Park Records which specialises in deep house and has been running this label since 1993. ", "Born just outside Chicago’s South Side he started spinning in the mid 80’s in the same club where Jeff Mills was cutting his teeth. ", "From there he went on to run his own show on WCBN and gained a name for himself on the circuit to this day. ", "His last outing here – Daedalus – was very well received as expected and we’ve no doubt this one will hit the floors in time for the Summer months.", "\n\nProlific house music aficionado Rick Wade returns to Piston Recordings with his fourth slice of house music goodness for our listening pleasure. ", "Detroit based Rick is highly revered in the industry for his dedication to the true purposes of house. ", "Also known as Big Daddy Rick and Dr. Low-Tech, he has literally released hundreds of tracks throughout his career on almost 50 different labels since the mid 1990’s. ", "He is also owner of Harmonie Park Records which specialises in deep house and has been running this label since 1993. ", "Born just outside Chicago’s South Side he started spinning in the mid 80’s in the same club where Jeff Mills was cutting his teeth. ", "From there he went on to run his own show on WCBN and gained a name for himself on the circuit to this day. ", "His last outing here – Daedalus – was very well received as expected and we’ve no doubt this one will hit the floors in time for the Summer months.", "\n\nAs 2015 draws to a close it’s time for us to take a look back at some of the highlights that continue to keep Piston bursting at the seams with only the highest quality cuts. ", "We’ve also worked hard to bring on board a whole swathe of new talent on top of our current pool of established artists. ", "In this year’s bumper round-up we feature 50 superb tracks and remixes from artists such as Leandro Silva, Bonetti, Leandro Di, Upright, Rick Wade, Daniel Ray and label guru Rogerio Martins to name just a few. ", "At Piston it’s all about the music and this showcase is the perfect starting point to get locked on to some of Europe’s finest deep house, tech house and techno grooves. ", "Roll on 2016!", "\n\nAs 2015 draws to a close it’s time for us to take a look back at some of the highlights that continue to keep Piston bursting at the seams with only the highest quality cuts. ", "We’ve also worked hard to bring on board a whole swathe of new talent on top of our current pool of established artists. ", "In this year’s bumper round-up we feature 50 superb tracks and remixes from artists such as Leandro Silva, Bonetti, Leandro Di, Upright, Rick Wade, Daniel Ray and label guru Rogerio Martins to name just a few. ", "At Piston it’s all about the music and this showcase is the perfect starting point to get locked on to some of Europe’s finest deep house, tech house and techno grooves. ", "Roll on 2016!", "\n\nPiston Recordings proudly presents The Secrets Of The Trade 004 showcasing 20 of the finest deep and tech house grooves from a plethora of quality artists and outlets. ", "We’ve sourced only the very best cuts and brought them together in one huge pack for your listening pleasure. ", "Tracks and remixes come from the likes of Rick Wade, Dreamer G, Mano Le Tough, Brame and Hamo, PBR Streetgang, Milton Jackson, Demarkus Lewis, COEO, ItaloBros, So Inagawa, Sek, Cerillo, Andy Hart, Kian T, Bonetti, Dyed Soundorom, label head honcho Rogerio Martins and many others. ", "If you’re looking to add that extra spice to your sets, then you’ve just found the perfect recipe." ]
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[ "Japan has asked a major US publisher to \"correct\" a school textbook that references World War II sex slaves, the foreign ministry said Thursday, as Tokyo's bid to polish its history moves abroad.", "\n\nDiplomats petitioned McGraw-Hill to change passages of a book used in American schools that refer to \"comfort women\", a euphemism for those forced to work in military brothels.", "\n\n\"The Japanese government, through an overseas diplomatic office, in mid-December asked McGraw-Hill executives to make a correction in the content of their textbook titled 'Traditions & Encounters: A Global Perspective on the Past',\" a foreign ministry statement published by the Wall Street Journal said.", "\n\nScroll down for video\n\nThe Comfort Women statue in Glendale, California, pictured on September 9, 2014. ", "Japan has asked a major US publisher to \"correct\" a school textbook that references World War II sex slaves ©Frederic J. Brown (AFP/File)\n\nThey did this \"upon finding grave errors and descriptions that conflict with our nation’s stance on the issue of 'comfort women'\".", "\n\nThe Japanese government under nationalist Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has embarked on a global campaign to right what it sees as the wrongs of global perceptions of its WWII violence.", "\n\nMainstream historians agree that around 200,000 women, mainly from Korea, but also from China, Taiwan and the Philippines, were forced to provide sex to Japanese soldiers in a formalised system of slavery.", "\n\nRight-wingers in Japan dispute this, and insist the women were common prostitutes. ", "They say neither the state nor the military was involved in any coercion.", "\n\nMcGraw-Hill Education confirmed they had been approached by \"representatives from the Japanese government... asking the company to change the description of 'comfort women' in one of our publications,\" according to the Journal.", "\n\n\"Scholars are aligned behind the historical fact of 'comfort women' and we unequivocally stand behind the writing, research and presentation of our authors,\" they said.", "\n\nThe approach to a foreign publisher is unusual, but nationalists at home have pressed hard for a reinterpretation of history\n\n- Nanjing Massacre -\n\nLate last year, Japan's liberal Asahi Shimbun retracted a series of articles dating from the 1990s centring on the testimony of a former Japanese soldier who said he had been involved in rounding up Korean women to work in brothels.", "\n\nHis testimony had long-since been discredited, but the paper had for years resisted pressure to withdraw the articles.", "\n\nIts about-face was greeted with glee by right-wingers, including the prime minister, who demanded the paper apologise for its part in the globally-accepted view of Japan's wartime record.", "\n\nTokyo has been angered in recent years over statues honouring \"comfort women\" erected by Korean communities in the US and elsewhere.", "\n\nAnd in December the government lodged a complaint with Beijing over a reference to \"300,000\" people who were killed when imperial troops swept through the Chinese city of Nanjing, in a weeks-long orgy of rape and violence.", "\n\nChinese President Xi Jinping made the comment in a speech on December 13, calling on Tokyo to acknowledge the gravity of its past crimes.", "\n\nDiplomats protested that the figure is \"different from Japan's position\" and that it is \"difficult to determine the concrete number of victims,\" sources told Kyodo News.", "\n\nSince his election in 2012, Abe has pushed what supporters call a less \"masochistic\" view of Japan's history.", "\n\nWhile the approach is popular among core right-wing supporters in Japan, it does not have broad appeal among a Japanese public that largely feels disconnected from events more than seven decades ago." ]
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[ "The mobile phone is increasingly more important as an information and content access device. ", "Currently there may be twice as many mobile communication devices as personal computers. ", "Mobile operators are increasingly looking to high value data services as a way to overcome the continuing decline in average per user voice revenue. ", "Billions of dollars are being spent globally on wireless licenses with billions more in investments in the pipeline for development of infrastructure and services by wireless service and content providers. ", "Carriers may be introducing new data, content and multimedia services as a means of generating new revenue streams, reversing negative ARPU trends, retaining and attracting customers as well as increasing returns on investment, and extending and differentiating their service offering to consumers. ", "The emergence of these wireless technologies create unique opportunities for wireless carriers, advertisers and publishers to generate additional revenue streams through new and existing customers. ", "As consumer adoption of wireless technology continues to increase, marketing via mobile devices becomes an important part of all integrated data communications strategies.", "\nHowever, usage patterns for mobile search and Web search may differ, as well as the expectations of the users and the advertisers. ", "Combined with a completely different user experience, these may change the value of clicks and lead opportunities. ", "Current mobile devices may have limited browser capabilities that do not support the rich feature set of the Web. ", "Handset capabilities may impact the search behavior of mobile users, where the limitations of numeric-pad keyed entry narrow the searched for terms. ", "The small screen size on mobile devices may have an impact on the performance of the search implementations. ", "The size of screens on mobile handsets may limit the output that may be displayed per listing, and the number of listings per screen. ", "The absence of a mouse or joystick increases the time necessary for a mobile user to browse a webpage and click on links. ", "Network broadcast speeds and bandwidths may limit the amount of data that a user receives at a time. ", "Additionally, mobile users travel with their mobile devices and may need to obtain information much quicker than Web users. ", "Current online marketing systems may not account for differences between mobile handsets and computers." ]
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[ "Predictors of Clinical Outcomes in Hemodialysis Patients: a Multicenter Observational Study.", "\nCardiovascular and noncardiovascular mortality and morbidity rates of hemodialysis patients are high despite improvement in dialysis delivery. ", "Hemodialysis patients (n = 532) from 9 hemodialysis facilities were enrolled in this cohort study in September 2012. ", "Causes of death, hospitalization, and hemodialysis exit were recorded during a 28-month follow-up period. ", "A Cox proportional hazard model was used to predict death adjusting for case-mix variables, nutrition variables, bone mineral variables, Kt/V, vascular access, and Charlson comorbidities index. ", "Patients were 56.0 ± 15.4 years old (57% men). ", "A total of 161 patients (30%) died (17 per 100 patient years), and the most common causes of death were cardiovascular diseases (42%) and infections (25%). ", "Transplantation rate was 7 per 100 patient years and hospitalization frequency was 0.76 per patient year. ", "Based on the multivariable Cox proportional hazard model, the mortality hazard ratio was 1.03 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.01 to 1.05; P = .007) for age (years), 0.21 (95% CI, 0.11 to 0.40; P < .001) for serum albumin (g/dL), 1.21 (95% CI, 1.03 to 1.42; P = .02) for serum phosphorus (mg/dL), 1.001 (95% CI, 1.0005 to 1.002; P = .001) for serum intact parathyroid hormone (pg/mL), 1.58 (95% CI, 1.01 to 2.51; P = .047) for hemodialysis catheter (compared to arteriovenous fistula), and 1.75 (95% CI, 1.59 to 1.94; P < .001) for the Charlson score. ", "Nutritional factors, comorbidities, vascular access, and abnormal mineral metabolism are the main determinants of mortality and morbidity in hemodialysis patients." ]
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[ "We are continuing to work on updates to our Privacy Policy and GDPR Compliance. ", "Currently, I am missing certain information. ", "That has been requested and will be added as soon as it is available. ", "I am not able at this time to give an exact date for completion but I agree this is an urgent priority and will update the information ASAP.", "\n\nWillie Frazer strikes again!", "\n\nThe man, who is now in hiding, claims to have left the dissident republican group in recent weeks and has passed information to Britain's foreign intelligence service MI6, including on an alleged attempt to murder Ian Paisley Jnr.", "\n\nThe republican, from the border counties, says he was one of the Real IRA's intelligence officers, but grew disillusioned with the organisation over what he claimed were its deepening links with Islamic terrorists.", "\n\nHe said that he wanted to absolve himself of his past involvement with the group by warning those it was targeting.", "\n\nReliable sources say that the security services have verified that the man was a member of the Real IRA but that the relationship between British intelligence and the man, whose name cannot be published for his own safety, has now broken down.", "\n\nOn the run, he has been moving around various safe locations and is now living in fear of his life.", "\n\nMr Frazer, director of Families Acting For Innocent Relatives (FAIR), said that he was astonished by what had happened and had been \"very cautious\" when first contacted by the man.", "\n\n\"We did a lot of checking to verify that he was who he said he was,\" he said.", "\n\nThe middle-aged dissident says that he turned down offers of money from his MI6 handler and asked that instead they give him a new identity, something he claims they reneged on.", "\n\nOther sources say that MI6 parted company with the man because they claimed that the level of information he was providing was not from a sufficiently high level within the Real IRA.", "\n\nAsked why he had come to Mr Frazer, who is widely disliked within republicanism because of his work for victims of IRA terrorism, he said: \"I did my own checks and knew I could trust him.\"", "\n\nHe claims that the Real IRA wanted to murder Mr Frazer and had asked him to do research on him.", "\n\n\"Last year there was a conversation in a pub where someone said about him 'That ****'s going round stitching people up and he hates Catholics',\" he said.", "\n\n\"There are people in South Armagh – including Provos – who don't care what happens, they just want to take him down.\"", "\n\nHe also says that he told his handler of an attempt to kill Ian Paisley Jnr: \"Mr Paisley's son (Ian Jnr) was the main one.", "\n\nThere was also a recruitment officer for the PSNI.\"", "\n\nMr Paisley told the News Letter that he was \"aware of the allegation\" but declined to comment further.", "\n\nDeclan Ganley, the prominent Irish businessman and Libertas founder, was also on the target list, the dissident republican claims.", "\n\n\"I called him and he thanked me for it because I thought they (MI6) were taking too long to contact him,\" he said.", "\n\nMr Frazer said that his group was \"demanding that the information provided be acted upon\".", "\n\nHe said: \"He has seen the error of his ways and the information which he has brought forward has the potential to do a lot of damage to the dissident republican cause.\"", "\n\nAnd Mr Frazer last night paid tribute to the former Real IRA man he said that he has now come to trust.", "\n\nThe FAIR director said that it was a vindication of the South Armagh-based group's \"principled stand\" that a dissident republican fearing for his life felt secure coming there for help.", "\n\n\"This shows how far victims have been able to go in persuading senior republicans to renounce violence,\" he said.", "\n\n\"People have often criticised FAIR on cross-community issues but this shows that victims stating their case can have a profound effect.", "\n\n\"It speaks volumes that a man such as this would identify FAIR as an organisation he could feel safe with.", "\n\n\"Our principled stand and integrity gave him the confidence to make this step.\"", "\n\nan absolutely bizarre tale, particularly the bit about a tout refusing to accept money from his handlers.", "And if im not mistaken that picture looks suspiciously identical to the interior of a well known and highly popular hotel lobby in the centre of Newry . ", "Which would be the absolutely last place youd want to be surreptitiously meeting willy frazer in secret while dodging assassins and keeping your identity under wraps .", "\nI can only surmise these 2 met in the same outpatients waiting room whilst getting identical prescriptions .", "\nAnd the Declan Ganley bit ??? ", "wtf ???", "\n\nan absolutely bizarre tale, particularly the bit about a tout refusing to accept money from his handlers.", "And if im not mistaken that picture looks suspiciously identical to the interior of a well known and highly popular hotel lobby in the centre of Newry . ", "Which would be the absolutely last place youd want to be surreptitiously meeting willy frazer in secret while dodging assassins and keeping your identity under wraps .", "\nI can only surmise these 2 met in the same outpatients waiting room whilst getting identical prescriptions .", "\nAnd the Declan Ganley bit ??? ", "wtf ???", "\n\nHe's really more to be pitied than laughed at, merle, god love him (because who else could).", "\n\nIt would seem like the wrong place to meet up with people like that all right. ", "Having said that I'd never agree to meet Wille in a private place.", "\n\n“I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty, than those attending too small a degree of it.\" - ", "Thomas Jefferson (yeah, I'm aware of the irony)\n\nThis guy has publicly admitted being in the RIRA till recently.", "\nUmmm, isnt this an offence? ", "Why hasnt he been charged?", "\nBetween the schizo in Donegal, Sunday Worlds Dr Cyanide who no-one has ever heard of, and this guy who feels compelled to contact wee Willie, theres no shortage of comic relief in the media these days.", "\nThings are looking desperate in the States intel these days." ]
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[ "Bi-acromial dimples: a series of seven cases.", "\nSeven patients with bi-acromial dimples are reported, with a family history in only one. ", "This skin condition presented as an anatomic peculiarity without associated abnormalities. ", "Although it has been previously documented as a finding in malformation syndromes such as the 18q syndrome, we point out that it may be found quite frequently in isolation and without morbidity. ", "Therefore, it should be mainly considered as an anatomic variation without pathologic significance." ]
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[ "Ed Balls offered to stand aside so his wife Yvette Cooper could run for the Labour leadershp\n\nLabour leadership contender Ed Balls became the first former cabinet minister to unequivocally come out and say the Iraq War was \"wrong\".", "\n\nIn an interview with The Daily Telegraph, the former children's secretary said the decision to join the invasion in 2003 was an \"error\" for which Britain had paid a heavy price.", "\n\n\"It was a mistake. ", "On the information we had, we shouldn't have prosecuted the war. ", "We shouldn't have changed our argument from international law to regime change in a non-transparent way,\" he said.", "\n\n\"It was an error for which we as a country paid a heavy price, and for which many people paid with their lives. ", "Saddam Hussein was a horrible man, and I am pleased he is no longer running Iraq. ", "But the war was wrong.\"", "\n\nMr Balls, who was an adviser to Gordon Brown in the Treasury at the time of the invasion, said he had warned his boss it was a mistake to try to blame the French for the break down of international negotiations to find a peaceful resolution.", "\n\n\"I was in the room when a decision was taken that we would say it was that dastardly Frenchman, Jacques Chirac, who had scuppered it,\" he said.", "\n\n\"It wasn't really true, you know. ", "I said to Gordon: 'I know why you're doing this, but you'll regret it.' ", "France is a very important relationship for us.\"", "\n\nHis comments will be seen as an attempt to distance himself from one of the most controversial legacies of the former Labour government.", "\n\nDespite his reputation as Mr Brown's closest lieutenant, he insisted they had often argued. ", "He said: \"I had more blazing rows with him than anyone. ", "You had to do that sometimes to shut Gordon up.\"", "\n\nMr Balls also confirmed that he had offered to stand aside to allow his wife, former work and pensions secretary Yvette Cooper, to run for the leadership, but she had declined.", "\n\nPA" ]
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[ "Slot Machine (band)\n\nSlot Machine (สล็อท แมชชีน) is a Thai rock band from Bangkok, Thailand. ", " They were awarded as Band of The Year 2019 from Nine Entertain Award, also they recorded their albums with BEC Tero Music (Also known as Sony Music Thailand). ", " Their songs “ผ่าน” (Yesterday), was awarded Song of the Year at the Seed Awards held in January 2007, Their song was again awarded 2nd SEED AWARDS and nominated for Rock Album of the Year, Rock Artist of the Year and Music Video of the Year.", "\n\nHistory \n\nSlot Machine (สล็อต แมชชีน) is one of the leading Thai rock bands from Bangkok, Thailand. ", "They were awarded Band of The Year 2019 from Nine Entertain Awards, which follows a string of Awards across their fifteen year career. ", "They are signed to BEC Tero Music (and previously released a number of albums for Sony Music), Thailand.", "\n\nSlot Machine was formed by a group of high school boys competing in national music contests. ", "They have been through multiple stylistic changes and seen the transition from the cassette age to the digital music age. ", "Slot Machine released their self-titled debut album in 2004 that featured their first hit single ‘Ro’ (I’m Waiting For You), followed by ‘Mutation’ in 2006, produced by Scott Moffatt, former member of Canadian boy band The Moffatts. ", "Scott added a new element to their music and the album produced two mega-hits: ‘Phan’ (Yesterday) and ‘Kham Sutthai’ (Song for U). ", "Shortly after the release of their second album, Slot Machine was chosen as the opening act for Linkin Park’s Bangkok concert in front of 30,000 fans. ", "In 2008, the band released their third studio album, ‘Grey’. ", "It was a more challenging album featuring a more experimental sound on songs like ‘Fan’ (Dream) and ‘Rue Du’ (Grey Sky). ", "But the fans, as always, responded positively to the changes in the band's music.", "\n\nTheir best-selling album, to date, is 'Cell', which received numerous media awards in SE Asia. ", "Hit tracks from the album included ‘Chan Chao’ (Goodbye) and ‘Phra Athit Songklot’ (Golden Age).", "\n\nIn 2013, Slot Machine was nominated for the ‘Best Southeast Asian Act’ at the MTV Europe Music Awards, and their ongoing work with MTV on the network’s Human Trafficking Awareness concerts culminated in the band performing on the same stage as Jason Mraz at the MTV EXIT LIVE IN MYANMAR charity concert, which was held to raise awareness about human trafficking at the People’s Square (Schwedagon, Yangon) in front of 70,000 people.", "\n\nSlot Machine was again nominated for Best Southeast Act at the MTV EMA’s in 2014 – and in the same year released their fifth album, ‘Rainbow’, produced by the talented Australian producer, Daniel Denholm. ", "The album included the hits ‘Rung’ (Rainbow) and ‘Khloem’ which had over 120 million hits on YouTube.", "\n\nAt the end of 2014, Slot Machine celebrated their 10th anniversary by performing a live concert - ‘Slot Machine – The First Contact’ at Impact Arena, Thailand’s largest indoor concert venue.", "\n\nSlot Machine’s first all-English album was released in early 2016, produced by six-time Grammy Award-winning producer Steve Lillywhite. ", "The album heralded a new chapter in the band’s career. ", "Slot Machine vocalist Foet shared his experiences working with the legendary producer: “We have worked with foreign producers before but Steve was different. ", "He has worked with the world’s biggest bands. ", "It was an amazing experience for us to work with him. ", "He saw us performing live and wanted to work with us! ", "Steve is very easy to work with and he made us all feel at ease. ", "The one-month period flew by so quickly. ", "At first, we planned to work on just four tracks, but before we knew it, we had completed the entire album.” ", "The album was recorded in one month at Karma Sound Studios. ", "Steve Lillywhite shared his views on seeing the band live for the first time, “I was amazed by both their musical talent and the age of their audience, who, for a rock band, were young. ", "It’s my rule that I must see a band perform live first before deciding whether to work with them. ", "Slot Machine impressed me. ", "It was great to see the young audience enjoying their music. ", "It’s new to me. ", "I thought I could help the band reach another level.”", "\n\n‘Spin the World’ was followed by extensive international touring throughout the UK, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong and the USA. ", "In 2018, Slot Machine then went on to work with two outstanding US-based producers: Brandon Darner (Imagine Dragons and The Envy Corp) and Justin Stanley (Beck, Prince, David Bowie etc.), ", "and released the first new English single \"Know Your Enemy\" which was selected as the theme for the ROV World Gaming Championships. ", "The second single, Hummingbird, was released in September 2019 to great critical acclaim.", "\n\nMembers \n Karinyawat Durongjirakan (Foet) – vocals (2000 – present)\n Atirath Pintong (Gak) – bass guitar (2000 — present)\n Janevit Chanpanyawong (Vit) — guitar (2006 – present)\n\nFormer members\n Supon Sillapasas (Games) – guitar (2000 — 2004)\n Kanun Weeranarong (Kon) — guitar (2000 — 2005)\n Porama Oupasarn (Ker) — drums (2000 — 2005)\n Kemsopon Wongpaisarnsin (Yut) – guitar (2006 — 2008)\n Settharat Pancgchunan (Auto) — drums (2006 – 2018)\n\nStudio albums \n\nSpin the World (2016, BEC-Tero Music)\nRainbow (2014, BEC-Tero Music)\nTime Machine (2004-2013) The Best of Slot Machine ( 2013, BEC-Tero Music)\n CELL (2011, Sony Music)\n GREY (2008, Sony Music)\n Mutation (2006, Sony Music)\n\nEnglish Single Lists \n\nHummingbird (September 20, 2019)\n Know Your Enemy (November 15, 2018)\n Sweet Bird (September 4, 2017)\n Spin the World (June 23, 2017)\n And We Go (April 24, 2017)\n Sky Burning Stars (January 23, 2017)\n Say What You Want (June 3, 2016)\n I Know, I Know (January 28, 2016)\n Give It All to You (July 27, 2015)\n\nConcerts \n Concert “Khuen Klai Punn” – December 24, 2006 at EVI Place Soi Sukhumvit 63 (Ekkamai)\n Slot Machine: The first contact - September 27, 2013 at Impact Arena MuangThongThani\n Slot Machine: The Mothership Concert - August 26, 2017\n\nAwards and nominations\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n http://www.slotmachine.band Official Website Slot Machine\n https://www.facebook.com/SlotMachineRock Facebook Slot Machine\n https://twitter.com/slotmachineband Twitter Slot Machine\n https://www.youtube.com/SlotMachineRock YouTube Channel Slot Machine\n Official LINE: @Slotmachine\n Instagram: @slotmachinerock\n \n\nCategory:Thai rock music groups\nCategory:Musical groups from Bangkok" ]
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[ "I see. ", "So since he was unaware it was being broadcast, it’s everyone else’s fault, then?", "\n\nI guess this is supposed to be the default reaction whenever someone in esports crosses a line:\n\nAnd seriously, do we really need to re-hash this whole ‘writing anything other than lavish praise to sponsors is killing esports’ bullshit? ", "Because that’s what it is: bullshit. ", "Like I’ve written before: it’s out of your hands.", "\n\nA leading public figure in a nacent industry is going to be held to a different standard than your average pub scrub. ", "That’s reality. ", "There’s a phrase for thinking otherwise, and it’s something about having a food stuff in your stomach and your hand simultaneously.", "\n\nI’m not saying athletes and esports stars alike can’t be afforded personalities and attitudes. ", "But the thing about esports is that it largely lives on the internet, where anything can be documented and distributed - sometimes in real-time to hundreds of people. ", "You must be under the assumption that you’re in mixed company at all times, because you most likely are. ", "If that means you have to assume your pro player buddies are streaming until they tell you otherwise, so you cross the line and crack an off-color joke with a good friend who you’re familiar with on that level, then it’s on you to do that; it’s not on the rest of us to play “didn’t see nuthin” if you don’t." ]
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[ "The European Organisation for Rare Diseases awards Orphan Europe for exceptional contribution to reducing the impact of rare diseases on people's lives\n\nPublished 6:09 AM ET Wed, 26 Feb 2014\nGlobe Newswire\n\nLA DEFENSE, France, Feb. 26, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- EURORDIS (European Organisation for Rare Diseases) announced yesterday that Orphan Europe has been awarded the prestigious EURORDIS Company Award for distinction in the field of rare diseases. ", "The award, presented at the EURORDIS ceremony held in celebration of Rare Disease Day in Brussels, recognises Orphan Europe's established track record in the field of orphan drug development. ", "The award also distinguishes Orphan Europe's engagement with the rare disease community in improving the diagnosis and management of these diseases. ", "Orphan Europe achieves this through work to establish scientific networks, engaging with patient organisations and its staff volunteering programme. ", "Most lately Orphan Europe funded the Recordati Rare Diseases Foundation for advancing knowledge in rare diseases through independent, professional education and training.", "\n\nThe EURORDIS Awards are presented to pioneering companies developing treatments for rare diseases. ", "The winners are selected based on the number of treatments approved or in development, the company policy on access to drugs, the track record with patient organisations and partnership with EURORDIS.", "\n\n\"We are honored to receive this award in recognition for our work in rare diseases. ", "At Orphan Europe we understand the devastating effect of many rare diseases and the urgent need for companies like ours to develop new innovative treatments\", said Corrado Castellucci, M.D. Vice President Orphan Drugs at Recordati, who accepted the award on behalf of Orphan Europe. \"", "This award is a great thing for every person working at Orphan Europe, a company which places people with rare diseases at the heart of what they do\".", "\n\n\"We are honoured to acknowledge the commitment and achievements of the recipients of the EURORDIS Awards on the occasion of Rare Disease Day 2014. ", "This year, Rare Disease Day puts the spotlight on Care. ", "Each of the 11 EURORDIS Award 2014 recipients is making a significant and unique contribution to improving access to the many different kinds of Care people living with a rare disease need and deserve. ", "Working together, we are starting to make a real difference to the millions of patients and families throughout Europe who live with a rare disease,\" -Yann Le Cam, Chief Executive Officer, EURORDIS\n\nIn Europe a rare disease is defined as a condition that affects less than 5 per 10,000 inhabitants, and is fatal or severely debilitating. ", "There are about 7,000 such diseases. ", "While each disease is rare, when considered together they affect over 25 million Europeans or almost 1 in 10 people. ", "There are certain challenges that all patients and families affected by rare diseases share.", "\n\nAbout Orphan Europe\n\nOrphan Europe is a pharmaceutical company which provides treatments for patients with unmet medical needs suffering from rare diseases. ", "Orphan Europe, part of the Recordati group, has nearly 25 years' experience in bringing orphan drugs to market for rare diseases with 7 products to date and more in the pipeline. ", "For more information, visit www.orphan-europe.com." ]
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[ "Finally realizing that nothing spurs consumer spending like a sense of apocalyptic dread, VISA has partnered with Robert Kirkman to create a series of prepaid debit cards emblazoned with images from The Walking Dead. ", "Now you can give the gift that says, “I know you like one thing, so go buy that thing—or some other thing!—with this thing imprinted with that first thing,” while also saying, “Civilization is fragile and humanity is a tenuous illusion, so let’s go shopping.” ", "Each card comes with your choice of comic artist Charlie Adlard’s drawings (Rick on horseback, Michonne brandishing her katana, zombies lurching toward you in what is by no means meant to be an ironic visual metaphor for mindless consumption) and promise to deliver what Kirkman calls “an exciting way for fans to incorporate the series’ art into their daily lives.” ", "Specifically, the part of your life where you decide to buy something with your VISA card, and—just like on the TV show—the excitement of considering whether to do something, having a conversation about it, and then standing around waiting. [", "via The Hollywood Reporter]\n\nAdvertisement" ]
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[ "Effect of supplemental sericea lespedeza leaf meal pellets on gastrointestinal nematode infection in grazing goats.", "\nFeeding sun-dried sericea lespedeza [SL; Lespedeza cuneata (Dum-Cours.) ", "G. Don.] ", "reduces gastrointestinal nematode (GIN) infection in goats fed in confinement, but effects of this forage when fed as a supplement to goats on pasture are unclear. ", "A study was completed in which supplemental feeds (75 and 95% SL leaf meal pellets and a commercial pellet, all fed at 0.91 kg/head/day) were offered to thirty growing male Spanish goats (9 months old, 20.6 ± 2.8 kg, 10/treatment) grazing perennial warm-season grass pastures in Fort Valley, GA, from September to November, 2010. ", "Fecal and blood samples were taken from individual animals weekly to determine fecal egg count (FEC) and packed cell volume (PCV), respectively, and animal weights were recorded at the start and end of the trial. ", "After 11 weeks grazing, animals were slaughtered for recovery, counting, and speciation of adult GIN from the abomasum and small intestines. ", "There was no difference in FEC between goats fed the 75 and 95% SL leaf meal pellets, but both groups had lower (P<0.05) FEC than the goats fed the commercial pellets from days 35 to 77. ", "The PCV values were not affected by the dietary treatments. ", "Animal gain per day averaged 102.0, 77.2, and 53.3g for goats fed 95% SL, commercial, and 75% SL pellets, respectively (P<0.05). ", "The 95% SL leaf meal pellet goats had 93.0 and 47.3% fewer (P<0.05) total (male+female) adult Haemonchus contortus and Teladorsagia circumcincta, respectively, than control animals, while only male H. contortus were lower (47.6%; P<0.05) in 75% SL-fed goats compared with commercial pellet-fed animals. ", "Feeding supplemental SL leaf meal pellets improved animal performance (95% SL pellets) and reduced worm burdens (75 and 95% SL pellets) in young grazing goats and is a useful tool for natural GIN control in small ruminants." ]
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