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Yield formation in Brussels sprouts: effects of nitrogen R. Booij Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review 2 Citations (Scopus) Data of two field experiments, in which the nitrogen application rate was varied between 0 and 300 kg/ha, were used to analyze the factors that affect marketable yield in Brussels sprouts. Marketable yield (Y) is a function of radiation use efficiency (RUE), cumulative intercepted radiation (IPAR), partitioning of biomass (P) and the dry matter concentration in the buds (DMC): Y=RUE*IPAR*P/DMC. The effect of nitrogen application rate on marketable yield was analyzed in these terms. RUE was not affected by nitrogen application rate. Nitrogen application rate had also only a small effect on P and DMC. The effect of nitrogen availability on IPAR was the key factor in determining marketable yield. It had a strong effect on canopy development resulting in increasing interception of incoming radiation at higher nitrogen application rates. Consequences for cultural measures to obtain maximum yield are discussed. Original languageEnglish Pages (from-to)377-383 JournalActa Horticulturae Publication statusPublished - 2000 Fingerprint Dive into the research topics of 'Yield formation in Brussels sprouts: effects of nitrogen'. Together they form a unique fingerprint. Cite this
Tails Adventure - GameGear 2 views in last 8 hours Tails is about to embark on his very own adventure. Walking through the forest he finds a small part of a very large machine, what is it? Now the excitement begins. Help Tails gather all the parts, defeating his enemies on the way and find the answer to the riddle... Game Detail Tails Adventures (Japan) Sega G-3372 4974365133726 eBay | Amazon Tails Adventure (USA) Sega 10086025835 K-A eBay | Amazon Tails Adventure (Europe) You have successfully subscribed!
So I have some encrypted data in this executable. IDA couldn't do much with it, so it defined it as arrays. Now I know how to decrypt this data, and it has some encrypted code. I could of course, put the encrypted data into some separate file, run the decryption on it, and then let IDA process it, but then it looses connection to the original executable. Is it possible to replace the encrypted data 1:1 with the decrypted one, so I can let IDA process it, in the context of the executable? Depending on the layout of the binary, where the data you want to modify is and how complex the transformation is I would pick one of the following solutions: 1. If the transformation is simple and can be trivially done in a hex editor using one of its built in operations I would open the original input file in the hex editor, run the transformation and then in IDA select File, Load File, Reload the Input file. 2. If the transformation is complex and/or results in a new segment being mapped I would create an IDC or IDAPython script which does the transformation for you. The documentation for IDAPython can be found on hex rays website. The documentation for IDC can also be found on their website. They also have a small set of IDC tutorials on there. IDC functions you're particularly interested in are: AddSeg(), Qword(), Dword(), Word(), Byte(), PatchDword(), PatchWord(), PatchByte(). | improve this answer | | • Thanks for that overview. The decrypted code is position independent and doesn't need any new segments, so I try the idea with the memory snapshot first, as it sounds simpler. I guess in the long run, learning the python interface might have benefits though. :) – Devolus Oct 27 '13 at 16:25 Just debug the file in IDA itself and take a memory snapshot once the data is decrypted. | improve this answer | | • Can the address be adjusted? Because the block is allocated and then decrypted to that memory, so the snapshot would not have the original adress. – Devolus Oct 27 '13 at 16:21 • I like this suggestion.. Why even bother doing it if you can just have the program do the work for you. I guess if the binary isn't debuggable by IDA you'd need to drop down to the harder methods. There's also an element of proving to yourself that you actually understand the transformation. – Peter Andersson Oct 27 '13 at 16:21 Your Answer
What Are End-to-End Tests? Do I Need Them? Testing in a web app is never needed. No one is forcing you to integrate testing, but having tests helps you live a happier developer life — being sure something is being tested every time you change or add something. End-to-end or E2E testing is a methodology used to test whether the flow of an application is performing as designed, from start to finish. The entire web application is tested in a real-world scenario, such as communicating with the database, network, hardware and other services. In this case we will test a few websites online like Google or Hackernews. Selenium 3.0 Selenium IDE, probably the nephew of the old Selenium, was created with the intention of making recording and play-backing of E2E tests for the web as easy as using a web browser with a mouse and keyboard. The project is completely open source and it can be installed directly as a browser extension to start making test in less than one minute. It’s also part of the official Selenium family. Getting started 1. Installing the extension Selenium IDE on your browser. It’s really easy, just choose the right one for your browser: 2. Start recording your actions inside the browser. 3. Playback the test and add or fix your recorder behaviours. So, How Does It Work? You create or open a new project when you start the extension. If there are no other tests you will have to set the base URL of the website: You then add a new test: You playback the test to check that everything works. Usually some element in a specific step need to be changed from "css selector" to "X-Path" for example. WARNING: you need to add your test to a test suite to run it in groups! You should add the new test to a test suite, to enable you to group types of tests together and execute them in batches: Adding to a test suite, go to test suites tab and press add tests Adding to a test suite, go to test suites tab and press add tests If you prefer to watch a quick video walk-through: Can I Record a Test From a Specific Route of the Website? Yes — you just need to change the first instruction of your test from: Command = open, Target = "/sub_domain_page_url" To the following Target: Command = open, Target = /websitepagename Exporting the Results? You can decide to keep your tests as Selenium IDE files with a .side extension or export them to various formats of tests, such as: To export click the three dots to the right of a test name. I usually prefer to keep the .side extension to add more tests easily and to be able to integrate them with a continuous integration pipeline but I’ll discuss this in the next section. Continuous Integration with CircleCI If you decided to keep the .side extension you will be easily able to run the test in a pipeline like the ones available for free with CircleCI, free also for private repositories! I’ve created an example repository for you to get inspired from the simple structure of the tests folder and a .circleci/config.yml to configure chrome and selenium to run the tests on the Cloud of Circle. In my repository I’ve given you a complete example of Selenium IDE running for various website, like Google and Hackernews on CircleCI from here. If you want to understand how I was able to make it run on CirlceCI, read the next section. If you just want to use my repository I hope you I have helped demonstrate how easy it is to create end-to-end tests without having to manually write every single test. Running Selenium IDE CLI on My Local PC If you want to configure the selenium drivers you can read more on the official documentation of the command line runner. But I’ll share a few tips for running the CLI, like I did with Travis. You will need to setup a few components: To configure CLI you need to add these global packages: npm install -g selenium-side-runner webdriver-manager Then you have to properly configure Chrome to be be able to get its version running from the command line. Check if it is present on your system PATH — if not add the Chrome folder to your PATH: google-chrome — product-version Write down this version and then use webdriver-manager to install the right chromedriver version: webdriver-manager update — versions.chrome VERSION_ON_YOUR_PC For example if I had chrome version " 77.0.3865.40" I would type: webdriver-manager update — versions.chrome 77.0.3865.40 And finally run the tests: selenium-side-runner ./tests/my_side_file_test.side If you want to run all tests inside a folder just use "*" star: selenium-side-runner ./tests/*.side My New Motto! Less fatigue in creating tests = More tests being created by developers! Sources and References
Another Solyndra shoe drops Solyndra email: ‘POTUS involvement was Rahm’s idea’ BY: CJ Ciaramella — The Washington Free Beacon August 2, 2012 5:07 pm Chicago mayor and former White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel repeatedly claimed he had no memory of the Obama administration’s controversial $535 million loan to failed solar company Solyndra, but White House emails released Thursday say it was Emanuel’s idea for the administration to tout the doomed firm. Now he’s busy attacking and banning a profitable company from Chicago. Something fishy on his menu? 8 comments on “Another Solyndra shoe drops 1. Davetherave says: No big surprise we discover another one of the commie, pinko friends of the sumbitch is a liar and lawless politician. Those are the second and third most important qualifications to work for the Obama Crime Family. The first of course is swearing allegiance to Allah… • bullright says: Dave, You sure nailed that. He graduated from propaganda dep. to pol. I would add, Zero is a red in the head. So anything attached to him must compliment that. (or they aren’t going to go far in his administration.) Gambinos had nothing on these guys, sans the white carnations. 2. pepperhawk says: Well, well, so the mob boss of Chitcago was involved in Solyndra. Gee how surprising. LOL! The white carnations. That’s about right too. Chitcago is a good place for that little mob, filthy mouthed, Rham. I hope at some point he goes to jail like most other mayors and mob bosses in the land of Chit! • bullright says: Pepp, LOL (or LOChit) it would be sweet justice, though he’d never get his. If Blago went down, then who was he dealing with but him? That article the other day really told it Chicago style, the politicians there really think they are little kings. Notice how much national media pick on Christie while the leave him alone. And TBP was suggesting how much Emanuel’s Chicken Chitting could be diversions to cover other stuff? Now this comes out, so how much of that is just trying to keep the eye off of him or their other evil deeds? He couldn’t have survived both Clinton and Obama without being filthy dirty, and knowing how to cover the tracks. Neither Bill or Barry would have had him. Just like Sandy Burglar. Then plug in Chi-ca-go and what a circus it is. Chicago is running Washington. 3. clyde says: Stunned,I tell you. Rahm the Ballerina lied. Wonder if a meteorite could land in his office? 4. Reblogged this on The Busy Post and commented: How many similar cases will be uncovered when the Dems are out of office? You are commenting using your account. Log Out /  Change ) Google photo Twitter picture Facebook photo Connecting to %s
Haarlem Pano Haarlem Panorama I was playing around with my phone and was curious how well the panorama feature worked at night, which is typically pretty hard to stitch. Answer is: works pretty good. Leave a Reply
Recommended Reading: Shelter, by Jung Yun IMG_6091When we meet Kyung and Gillian at the beginning of Shelter*, Jung Yun’s debut novel, they, like many Americans, are struggling financially. They’re pressed by student loan debt, credit card debt, and a mortgage they can’t afford. Their garbage disposal is broken and their four-year-old son, Ethan, wakes up too early. And just as a realtor is telling them that if they sell their home it will be at a tremendous loss, a woman, naked and screaming, appears in their backyard. It’s Kyung’s mother, Mae Cho. This juxtaposition of the ordinary with shocking plot turns is the foundation of Shelter. Ms. Yun invites readers behind closed doors, where we find what is likely to be familiar—difficult family dynamics, strained relationships between generations and in-laws, worry over how to pay the grocery bill—and then what’s hidden beneath that familiarity: abuse, years of façades, and lives slowly falling to pieces. (This is not a happy book, but it’s not without a redemption narrative, either.) After Mae is taken to a hospital, Kyung, his father-in-law Connie, and brother-in-law Tim discover that Mae, Jin (her husband, Kyung’s father) and their housekeeper Marina have been victims of a home invasion and brutal assaults. In the aftermath, all three come to live with Kyung and Gillian, an arrangement that brings simmering tensions to a full-blown boil. As immigrants, the Chos were isolated in the Massachusetts town where Kyung and his father now teach at the nearby university; that isolation, Ms. Yun suggests, was one of the reasons why Jin’s abuse of Mae, and hers of Kyung, went unchecked. As an adult Kyung is desperate not to revisit his parents’ sins on his son, but this means he’s not sure how to parent him, exactly. And when his parents come to live with Kyung’s family, he’s forced to acknowledge the past every day, when he has heretofore maintained a dutiful but pronounced distance. Kyung shakes his head, aware that they’re falling back into the same old pattern again, the one in which he pities her and tries to help and she treats him badly because she hates herself for needing him. It’s impossible to be near someone like this, someone who brings out the best and worst in him, who punishes his attempts to be kind. For most of the summer, Kyung’s attempts “to manufacture a silver lining even if he runs the risk of suffocating in it” are thwarted by his own anger and a series of plot twists and turns that make this domestic drama read as fast as a thriller. The novel’s focus on Kyung is both a strength and a weakness. It’s a strength because Ms. Yun has created an exquisite character study. Kyung is often unlikable, his actions hard to defend, but the reader is constantly forced to question how much of his life and how many of his choices have been shaped by a childhood completely devoid of love. On the other hand, the focus on Kyung I think detracts from the portraits of the other characters, particularly Mae and Gillian, and the ending focuses on his journey to some kind of redemption, which felt wrong since it comes at the expense of his wife and mother. Nonetheless, this is a searing study of violence as a shaping force in contemporary lives. Recommended. Boston Readers: Jung Yun will be in conversation with James Scott at Newtonville Books on Tuesday, March 22nd, at 7pm. 
Otome Game Review: Hana Awase – Himeutsugi hen himehAlternative Titles: 華アワセ 姫空木編 Company: Enterbrain Release Date: 26.02.2014 Official Site: http://hana-awase.net/H/index.html Platform: PC Genre: Otome, YURA <3, SAD SHIT, YUGIOH Plot Summary: Kids playing Yu Gi Oh I finally got a break so decided to tie up some loose ends and this was one of the games still on my PC. Some of you who have had the misfortune to burn your eyes reading my shitty review of the first game may already know this but fuck yo, I think Hana Awase is THE SHIT.  Therefore, I’m prolly gna be more biased than usual and suck plenty of dick fanboying so hard that when I’m done, the walls in my room be painted white from my MANY GLASSES OF MILK!  Ugh, what were u sickos thinking? Anyway, the general gist of things is that there are these cool kids who go to school to learn how to play Yu Gi Oh. Some so strong, that their trap cards and monsters actually come to life and kill things.  So you know, they’re in school to learn how to kill each other with their magical powers.  I don’t fucking know, I don’t think anyone ever explains the purpose of the school and what sorta job prospects it offers these demented children.  Our heroine, wonderful adorable Mikoto enrolls cuz playing Magic the Gathering all day long beats vanilla lessons like maths and english.  A quick overview of things: all1_thumbKAEN is this elite school where the students (KAEI) have the special ability to draw powers from HANAFUDA cards or some shit like that…i have no fucking clue.  They have these girl partners called MINAMO who support them with their uh “pure water”  so that the Kaei can fight impurities called UTSUROHI/UTSURO.  While a KAEI can strike up contracts with more than one MINAMO (and can have a primary Minamo, their “partner”), a MINAMO can only serve one KAEI.  The top 5 KAEI are HIME, MIZUCHI, IROHA, KURENAI and UTSUTSU, with Utsutsu being mia ( the “5 Lights” or “5L” for short).   There is one super rare shiny Minamo called the SENKI and her lore is that she’s kinda like Kaguyahime: the Senki is a princess from the moon who came down to earth one day and met 5 princes. She does the forbidden and falls in love with a human being (one of the princes) so when her attendants come to retrieve her, she is unwilling to leave and there is war between the princes and the moon.  The princes die, are resurrected by their followers with KOTODAMA (magical words) and the princess returns to the moon.  Some shit like that. The parallels are obvious: Mikoto is the Senki and the 5L are the 5 princes who fall in love with her and consequently end up cray cray if things don’t go well. Also, there’s a main guy in each game and it’s all pretty much about him.  There are routes for the other guys but those basically serve as the main guy’s bad ends.  Judging from what happened in the first game. Mikoto will be in love with Himeutsugi in all routes and only he will get a happy ending. Himeutsugi = HIME himeThough I liked all the guys, I remember being pretty torn with Hime nonetheless. On the surface, he’s the princely, gentle type who’s popular with everyone but really, he’s a closet pervert who then becomes a nutty yandere. His yandere was more of the creepy, whiny sort, stalking Mikoto and making her his sex doll as opposed to the axe crazy “kill-the-third-wheel-and-his-family” kind so he sorta just gave me the heebie jeebies.  Since they made Mizuchi so sexy and brilliant in the first game, I’m sure I’ll be dying to lick Hime’s bum at the end of this one. Strangely enough, he’s also best friends with Mizuchi who is his polar opposite. The game starts with Mikoto talking with THE MOON (TSUKI) again.  In the first game, she sometimes has conversations with this dude in her head who tries to guide her and talks about her as his other half (of the moon).  The 5L are squabbling in the background and the voice tells her that he in hell right now and that she does not belong here.  She is to reach towards the light and hold onto it and when she wakes up, she’ll be holding onto the hand of her new KAEI master. 16496d02When she comes to, she’s on the train, holding hands with none other than a sleeping IROHA (IROHA X MIKOTO IS CANON).  Utsuro suddenly appears but she is rescued.  Iroha hands her the ONI FUDA (op card) and tells her that it will guide her. Now she’s back at home with some black Electro bitch attacking her.  Hime busts in and guess what the first thing this pervert does is? 33fab237Burrow his face in between Mikoto’s boobs. Such class.  Really now? The ONI FUDA appears and Hime realises that Mikoto is the SENKI.  Blabla card games blabla everyone else appears and Iroha knocks her out and she is taken to Yu Gi Oh school. She wakes up, gets dragged around the school and then has to Hana Awase with… I swear my nuts were bustin from joy; fuck, did I mention that I LOVE Mizuchi? ARGHHH  I don’t have enough human depth to start adoring Hime the same way at the same time!  It’s too much! So they Hana Awase, then Mikoto sees dead bodies.  Before she can ask any questions, Hime apologises and then punches her stomach roflcopter  So far, this game is doing a pretty bad job of making me like Hime.  First he rolls around in Mikoto’s chest like it’s his territory and now look what this crazy fucker does, he slugs a little japanese schoolgirl in the gut and knocks her out!  We can’t let this delinquent run loose in our neighbourhood, he’ll be a bad influence.  Think of our children! 131987c6When she comes to, the two little pervert principals are all over her.  They summon the 5L and tell Mikoto to choose  one of them.  Nothing happens though and her ONIFUDA won’t choose.  This is cuz they aren’t following the proper ritual rules (wrong time,wrong place and wrong people) so the principals postpone the ritual to next month and says that for now, Hime will take Mikoto. They’ll then run the ritual and see who’s group she’ll go to then. In the morning, Mikoto calls her friends AI and SHOU but they act like Mikoto applied to KAEN herself and has always wanted to go. Turns out Iroha changed reality with a KARAKURI (lit. kaleidoscope): it looks like some antique toy but depending on who uses it (is meant to be only for Iroha atm), grants  special powers. In this case, it is KARAKURI MIKOTO (mikoto as in “life” or “fate”) and it changes the life (mikoto) of a person.  He blabs on about how it was necessary and justified and when Momotose flips her shit at him, he just says to Mikoto that he’s told her once already that he’s not going to let her escape anymore.  She’s not to leave the school grounds either, in case she gets killed by UTSURO Hime then challenges Iroha to a Yu Gi Oh duel – if Hime wins, Iroha grovels at Mikoto’s feet for being a pube eater and gives permission for Mikoto to return home. If Hime loses, then Hime leaves the school.  Hime’s no.1 Minamo, HANAGAMI, jumps in and says that it’s senpai’s orders, Iroha is to duel, Momotose his MINAMO and Mikoto as Hime’s.  Oh and the winner gets a victory kiss from Mikoto ;) Mikoto goes to Hime’s room to uh learn some stuff from him hueheu but Mizuchi is with the guy and Hime’s just going on about how cute Mikoto is and wonders about whether she’s had sex before and how her big rack must be soft and- WAIT WHAT THE FUCK???  I always knew that Hime was a closet hentai but lords, at least he was subtle about it in the first game…Mizuchi calls him out on it like “Yo man stop talking about her like that, it’s indecent” but Hime just brags about how he’s gonna have some lovely studying session with her now. 188b2856The day of the match comes and FINALLY Kurenai shows up (right, did I mention that I ALSO LOVE KURENAI? Not as much as Mizuchi but certainly way more than Hime lol) and being the typical arrogant chauvinistic pig he is, the first thing he does is tell Mikoto what a great fuck she’d be and he starts eating her face out.  He says that Mikoto is his (the Senki contract is sealed with a kiss) now, who gives a fuck about the ONIFUDA, Kurenai just beat Iroha in a fight anyway.  If Hime wants Mikoto, he gotta beat Kurenai in a duel. Utsurohi show up so the duel is postponed again.  That night, TSUKI visits Mikoto and introduces himself as the half of the moon.  He tells her that he can’t physically meet her since he can’t move, his body sealed and bound by something.  Talking to her makes him feel better though and he holds her hand. Mikoto wakes up in a hospital bed after passing out from the UTSUROHI x Kurenai rape and Iroha is the one holding her hand, sleeping.  Turns out Iroha fainted during the match with Kurenai because he was “dry” – these Yu Gi Oh kids fight using what they call “WATER”. Like how blood gives us life, this WATER gives them the power to fight.  MINAMO provide a supply of water through physical contact and partnership but the prob with Iroha, is that most of the time, he refuses to take WATER from Momotose or his other MINAMO and even when given, it drains from him stupidly fast like he has urinary incontinence. 206e73efHime gets faintheaded so Mikoto lends him her lap to sleep on.  It’s hinted that Hime has something that he “must do” but is  hindered by some physical affliction.  He regrets not being able to protect Mikoto, especially when that victory kiss was meant to be his (nice priorities).  If he was a real prince and not a princess, he’d had been stronger, like the one he read about in a fairytale: One day, the prince saved a girl who was attacked by a monster.  The girl turns out to be a beautiful princess from the moon and the prince ends up falling in love at first sight.  He kisses her chest (LOL, typical Hime) and swears an oath of eternal love.  At the same time, the prince has a curse set on him, a curse that renders him unable to bring the princess any happiness, a sad, sad curse…. Fuck you Hime you troll. He kisses her quickly and tells her that he’ll tell her the rest of the story if the ONIFUDA picks him.  Meanwhile, the principals have decided that the ONIFUDA ritual has been fucked up twice already so now it’s time for operation BACHELORETTE: the 5 LIGHTS compete for Mikoto’s affections and she’ll choose her guy herself.   Mizuchi’s pissed off at this since it’s like making a sport out of Mikoto’s feelings (omg Mizuchi <3) so he refuses to participate. Since Iroha technically lost the duel, Mikoto is now allowed to go outside as long as Hime accompanies her. Mikoto returns home to see her two buttbuddies and Hime tells her to contact him once she’s done (he’s at least polite enough to not intrude on their reunion).  When dinner is over, Mikoto texts Hime who replies that it’s chilly tonight so she should take care, nite.  Mikoto’s like “aw he’s so nice! …WAIT A SEC how does he know it’s cold outside???” so she takes a look outside her window… …and sure enough Hime’s camping outside her house like some creepy hobo. …LOL oooohhhfuckingkay…. 0d68718eMikoto tells him to get his freezing ass inside da house but he goes on about how he doesn’t belong there in the warmth  and starts being all melodramatic about how he’s a failure and is always so dase like how is someone as uncool as him ever going to be like a prince?  Mikoto’s like “where the fuck is all this emo shit coming from m8″ and when Hime’s affliction comes again (something about having too much power? idfk), she throws herself on top of him like “I’M A BLANKET!!!” Then the next day he’s like “k I’m not doing this proposing thing too bye”.  I really have no fucking idea wt kinda drugs Hime is on. The day of the proposal comes and Kagami has brought her cameramen cuz this shit be going on national telly!  Instead of seducing Mikoto, Iroha and Kurenai talk about the Utsurohi attacks and conclude that Kagami is behind it with her cameras and shit.  Sure enough, her cameraman is an ADABANA (bad guy Utsurohi sth) and is working for the big bad GOTOU. 106c62e0The Gotou were royalty who rebelled against the Emperor.  The head of the Gotou family and the Emperor himself were apparently both in love with the Senki in the past or some shit.  Mikoto partners up with Hime to duel after getting permission from Iroha but Mushi uses thunderbolt and electrocutes the MINAMO (cuz their WATER conducts electricity like drinking water rofl idk otome physics man I guess sure).  Mikoto blacks out after seeing Hime use his powers to draw the current to himself. 21604476She dreams of a young boy crying about how he’s lost everything.  A curse has been cast on him and now he can’t be the prince who saves the princess: he will become a demon and kill the princess.  Mikoto comes to and finds out that Hime has basically drawn all the UTSUROHI filth and confined it to the school hall, where he’s trapped the ADABANA and some unfortunate students in there with him.  The principals have sealed off the area for now as everyone inside has probably been tainted and Iroha plans to bomb the place and bury it to contain the contamination. Mikoto leaves and Momotose then goes on about how the poor thing doesn’t even realise that she’s in love with Hime images (1) When did Mikoto fall in love with Hime? WHEN THE FUCK DID THAT HAPPEN??  She had more shipping with with even bloody brick wall IROHA ffs.  All Hime did to Mikoto was whine and whinge about being a princess boohoo and make inappropriate comments about her big tits. Mikoto runs off and starts hammering on the  door for Hime.  A reply comes and he chides her for being a silly girl, going so far for him.  He’s heard about the bomb plan and he’s given the thumbs up since he’s already tainted, might as well take the contamination with him when he kicks the bucket.  In truth, he’s a demon and he is the one who brought the UTSUROHI here.  Funny though, his powers were the very thing that allowed him to hold the contamination and keep the school and Mikoto safe…so he is sort of like a prince, isn’t he?  It’s a blissful thing, being able to finally become a prince at the end, it’s enough. 289ff123As he dies, the ONIFUDA tells Mikoto to say the words and she chants the KOTODAMA words of Resurrection.  The utsurohi clears, leaving the two of them.  Mikoto holds Hime hand because she had a feeling that he’s been reaching for her the entire time, and tells him that she’ll accept him and any more of his weird shit.  Even if the ONIFUDA says otherwise, she has chosen Hime as her partner and likes him. Hime snogs her and then ruins the moment when he suddenly grabs her tit and is like “always wanted to feel these bazookas cuz they biiiiiiiiiiiig” LOL WTF HIME CMON YOU’RE NOT HELPING YOURSELF AT ALL.  Ugh.  He decides that he’s gna fight his shitty destiny cuz boobs. Next morning, he immediately starts showing some yandere cray cray when he asks about this “SHOU-KUN” of Mikoto’s and goes on about he doesn’t want to hear Mikoto talking about some other guy when she clearly likes him, Hime. Anyway, they break the news but the ONIFUDA hasn’t stopped glowing, meaning that it is not accepting Hime as her partner (HAHAHAHAH CUZ IROHA X MIKOTO IS CANON) No sympathy for Hime cuz he then flirts with all his MINAMO as usual, kissing them and telling them how much he loves them all.  Mikoto’s like “wt the fuck” and Kurenai comes over, telling her to come to him and ditch this sleaze.    They hide when Hime shows up and another MINAMO who has come to return his lost phone.  He thanks her by embracing her and telling her that he likes her, asks if he can have her body. Anyway, the reason why some of Hime’s MINAMO dropped out last year and recently was because of this: MINAMO are meant to be pure as far as I know and sexy times disqualifies them.  Kurenai tells her this is what Hime really is like (most unfortunately for me, I have to suffer this shit now yay) and that Kurenai would take much better care of her…Hime comes back and is like “wtf are you two doing here in the dark??”, immediately implying that Mikoto  is cheating on him and even Kurenai can’t stand his nerve and calls him out on his hypocritical bs.  Hime’s like “I’m not some shameless skirtchaser like you, I’m just rewarding my MINAMO like I’m supposed to”   Now get back over here Mikoto, that’s a good girl…Mikoto is creeped out and hesitates but thank god the Utsurohi interrupt. UM EXCUSE ME PRINCESS, if we’re going to be playing the blame game, at least Kurenai doesn’t actually screw his Minamo because he knows it’d ‘sully them’ and get them kicked out from the school.  As far as I know, he’s super kind to his Minamo and he’s only this creepy with Mikoto. Hime goes on about how he wants to be no.1 for Mikoto and wants her to have no contact with other men. Yeah. Not happening while you still be manwhoring. 273befa7Mikoto speaks up once and says that he’s been feeling up all his other MINAMO so it’s not fair for him to demand that of her.  She’s willing to do whatever it takes to make him happy and uh wants to “warm him up” or sth.  Wtf Mikoto is way too good for Hime.  He doesn’t deserve her at all. They kiss like everything’s okay now er alright and in the morn, Kagami leaves the school and kisses Mikoto good bye. 2c2f68e8During break, Mikoto tells Ai about Hime but is pretty sure they aren’t technically dating so it’s nothing too big atm.  Hime shows up and bear hugs Mikoto and suggests that they become lovers, since Mikoto likes him anyway right?  He doesn’t care about the SENKI bs as long as he has Mikoto and asks her if she wants to have sex with him right now.  Mikoto freaks and shoves this sicko away, telling him that she can’t risk losing her MINAMO powers and not being able to support Hime so please, wait for now.  Hime gets pissy and says that fine, he’ll just be her partner and won’t touch her and then storms off download (3)He then bitches about his boohoos to Mizuchi, how Mikoto doesn’t understand him and his neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeds!!! He’s so sick of thinking about other people all the time, of being this perfect princess that he doesn’t care anymore and just wants Mikoto but thanks to Mizuchi’s advice, he’ll try to understand her POV.  lykomg sooo considerate. 2d179f45The two go out to clear UTSUROHI in the city the next day when Mikoto gets a call from a livid SHOU who has heard about this playboy bastard from AI and demands to know where they are right now so he can whoop that shitsack’s ass.  Shou arrives and starts pummeling the daylights out of Hime, fuck yes fuck yes and roars that he didn’t protect Mikoto all this time so that he could give her away to some shallow gigolo like Hime.   UTSUROHI then flock to his negativity and turn him into ADABANA. 06ad2dbeThey purify him but he blacks out and Mikoto faints too from fatigue and taint. When she wakes up, she’s naked and so is Hime and great, more of this shit. He claims it’s to maximise body contact for him to better purify her.  Hime confesses that he’s a coward and he’s been running away from his feelings, terrified of getting overwhelmed.  He’s done running though, he wants to become a man worthy of Mikoto so he confesses that he loves her, loves her so much that it’s killing him keeping her just as a MINAMO.  Mikoto tells her that she feels the same but she has to stay a MINAMO.  He won’t go all the way then and spends the night kissing her all over ugh Hime. just no. Hime reveals to Mikoto that “UTSUKI” in his name means a dead, hollow tree and true to his namesake, Hime can’t retain WATER so he’s always pissing his pants thirsty for some MINAMO loving. Tbh, he doesn’t know what happens to the cursed prince.  It was a book his dead parents left but the pages after that are missing.  He always wondered how the prince could fall in love at first sight since love at first sight is unrealistic as hell.  Over time though, because of his desperation to become a prince, he started believing that since the prince fell in love at first sight, if Hime falls in love at first sight too then he’d become a prince (such logic).  He’s been trying  that but that only made him a princess who loves everyone equally. 28fcd899Then the irresponsible fucker runs off  and they find out that a bunch of his MINAMO are cut to pieces in the greenhouse.  They all have a text from Hime saying “ay bby yu want sum fuk?” so they suspect Hime and Kagami (she has a katana).  Adabana come to take Mikoto but Iroha kicks their ass and then takes Mikoto to his room. He ties her to the bedpost because she’s a stupid SENKI who doesn’t understand her importance or the fact that a bunch of ADABANA want her.  This is to make sure she doesn’t run off and get herself killed.  He’s going to go and kill Hime now: because of him, Mikoto has chosen the wrong path and has caused this shitstorm.  When Mikoto declares that she loves Hime and dgaf, Iroha notices the hickeys and tears up her clothes in rage, roaring that the SENKI must not be tainted.  Then he falls asleep cuz it turns out he got drunk off some rum chocolate or sth rofl.  TSUKI visits her that night and mentions that he’s got a headache cuz that guy got drunk *Note: picking this up again after a year and I completely forgot about everything* Mikoto and Kurenai sneak into Kagami’s broadcasting company tournament as contestants.  Halfway through, theres a blackout and everyone is knocked out. When Mikoto wakes up, Hime is there but she can’t move or speak.  He confesses that he and Kagami did indeed, kidnap the principal and kill the Minamo.  He tells her that WATER is essentially your essence so if it’s all drained, you die.  Where he was a kid, his powers ended up killing a little girl called MATSURIKA who is the younger sister of KAGAMI.  Her body was destroyed and her drifting soul became consumed by hatred, wanting to return to a body and has been creeping on Hime.  Hime has been trying to find a vessel for the girl to inhabit.  A man named CHALICE (descendant of the Gotou, leader of the Gotou family rn I think) taught him how to do this so now he (Hime) and Kagami are obeying Chalice’s orders.  Chalice has also ordered Hime to bring him one of the principals (AWAHANA): apparently, this one has the key to resurrection.  For the ritual to work, Awahana has to leave the school so the barrier he put up will weaken. 03091295Meanwhile, Hime has been secretly draining the powers of everyone in the school.  He was surprised at Mikoto’s powers, how clean and perfect she is – the exact opposite of himself.  He’s been acting like a little twat, fighting his feelings for her but it’s no use because she is his first love and he wants her so bad.  As he confesses this to Mikoto, he begins to cry. Awahana’s body wasn’t compatible with Matsurika so Chalice ordered Hime to sacrifice everyone here, including Mikoto but he doesn’t want to.  He’s terrified of living without Mikoto. The Onifuda glows and Mikoto then awakens and tells him that she’s here to stop him, to accept him and shoulder his sins with him. 2767ca88Well now’s not the time so the two of them head out to fight.  Matsurika (who is now bound to some statue) calls Hime, saying that it’s time to kill all these girls here and give her a body back. Specifically, she wants Mikoto’s body.  Mizuchi comes to take down Hime but ends up warning Hime of Iroha’s approach and wishes Hime the best in his mission.  Hime finds Kagami, who in actuality is gay for her sister so is mad at Hime for killing Matsurika. Kagami hates men but because her beloved Matsurika told her to become a man, she did that too. Matsurika powers up Kagami, asking her whether she remembers that in the past, Matsurika used to choke her sister because it was weird that Kagami sounded like a woman even though she became a man. Anyway, Hime gets stabbed and falls off the balcony or sth but Mikoto awakens her Senki powers and heals him and saves everyone else in the building. Meanwhile, Matsurika meets Chalice, who actually wants Matsurika’s statue to use as an immortal vessel (rocks can’t die).  Matsurika on the other hand, wants to get out and take Mikoto’s body – they should work together. 06675555Mikoto wakes up at school, looks for Hime and the first thing the pervert says is “GET NAKED” so they make out the entire day before running off to purify Matsurika. Hime opens up a portal to a world called “Seaworld”, where lost souls hang or something so Matsurika has been stuck here since she was a child, unable to grow up and going pyscho. 02ca8d9aKagami tries again to kill Mikoto but ends up stabbing herself when she loses a card game lol and Iroha shows up to finish the job.  They hear Awahana’s voice come from Matsurika’s statue, then Matsurika fucking teleports her statue down to fight them. Hime ofc, has a mental breakdown halfway through cuz Matsurika won’t die – her hatred and his guilt can’t ever be erased.  Tsuki speaks to Mikoto and she sees Hime when he was a child, crying over Matsurika’s death.  Mikoto tells Hime that he is her prince and that she, his princess, is waiting for him to save her. 0692a890blablabla they defeat Matsurika, some plot stuff, I zoned out but anyway, Sensei comes in and reveals himself to be Chalice.  What he wants is tsuki, the moon but Momotose tells him the moon won’t return to him as now, the moon is Mikoto. And anyway. his real body in the real world will be under threat if he doesn’t gtfo now so he books it and says he’ll come again the next moon. 0556dcad…and then we’re suddenly shown an epilogue where Kurenai has won the Hana Awase tournament, everything is well and Hime and Mikoto have taken the day off to have dinner together at her place.  Blabla they kiss and talk about how the story of the princess and the prince is their story now and they live happily ever after. Huh?  That’s it? K idk if it’s because I’ve come back to this game after a year but holy shit that was abrupt.  I swear Chalice-sensei said he’d be back too so I figured the game was setting up for a final showdown between him and the 5L.  We also didn’t get to hear much about this tsuki everyone and Chalice kept talking about and I have no idea what Chalice is really up to. BUT idc anymore because I’m sick of Hime.  Time for… Mizuchi <3 Fuck I still love this guy even after so long.  He’s pretty much the same as in the first game: serious, a cleanfreak and still super cute and we find out that he’s actually horrible with technology and can’t text to save his life lol 0ae7548aHis path splits when Hime seals the school hall shut with the Utsurohi and Minamo.  Mikoto decides to team up with Mizuchi to help Hime but she ends up getting tainted by the Utsurohi so Mizuchi strips off her clothes to uh purify her.  LOL look at the two of these dorks. Mizuchi is the one who goes “MIRU NA!!” though he still gets all excited while licking her lololol Anyway, some plot stuff happens but it concerned Hime, meaning that I zoned out again and didn’t give a fuck.  The principals (as commanded by the Hana Awase king, MIKADO) order Mikoto to become the Senki under Mizuchi’s guidance.  Mizuchi decides to tell Hime about this himself, feeling that it’s the right thing to do and not surprisingly, Hime just goes on about how Mizuchi should just screw Mikoto while he’s at it and decides that he’s going to play matchmaker to help Mizuchi lose his cherry boy status. 0a0de69bAnyway, Aoi (Mizuki’s ex partner) runs off after hearing Mikoto has become Mizuchi’s new partner.  While hunting for her, Mikoto faints from overexertion and Mizuchi holds her for a while to recharge her water lol.  Hime mentions that the two of them suit each other.  Mizuchi confesses that he feels guilty for stripping her the other day and while he’s not trying to justify things, there’s a sweet smell coming from Mikoto that makes him go a little nutty. Hime then tells Mikoto to stop talking about finding Aoi because to Mizuchi, it sounds like she wants Aoi to come back so Aoi can become Mizuchi’s Minamo again thus freeing Mikoto from that position.  Mikoto calls Hime a hypocrite because that’s like what he’s doing to her: going on all day about how she should hook up with some other guy when she’s clearly in love with Hime!  Hime laughs and straight up tells her to give up because he doesn’t feel anything towards her. The next day, Mikoto feels like absolute shit thanks to fuckwad Hime so Mizuchi suggests they take a break from Hana Awase and grab some food.  He sits through a full course meal of sweets despite not being to handle sweet things very well (to the point that it makes him nauseous) because he sees that Mikoto likes sweets.  Mikoto muses that their relationship has become a comfortable one, where she no longer sees Mizuchi as intimidating and knows that he is a kind person. 2b954e3eThen she remembers Hime being a prick and finds herself crying, telling Mizuchi that it isn’t because she’s in pain but because her chest is so full right now. Mizuchi holds her until she stops and says that he knows she’s crying because of assfart Hime.  Mizuchi’s family craves the Senki who has mochizuki so has been willing to resort to any means to attain the Senki.  The Mikado’s orders that Mikoto become Mizuchi’s partner are in his family’s favour but it doesn’t sit well with Mizuchi: the Onifuda did not choose him and neither did Mikoto, as she was originally Hime’s partner.  He suggests that in order to set things right, Mikoto return to Hime.  Mikoto refuses though, saying that Mizuchi is her partner now and that though it is unfair to Aoi, she wants to stay with Mizuchi.  In response, Mizuchi kisses her on the forehead as it is a ritual that seals the Senki contract and asks if they can remain like this a little longer. sadkjfsdfndsafnadslfnlskfndskla Mizuchi sdflndsflndsaflndsalf <3<3<3 I am actually enjoying this game now that I don’t have to see Hime 90% of the time 09fff601The next day, Kurenai goes missing too.  After Hana Awase-ing, Mizuchi takes Mikoto to a playground where they both used to come to as children so it’s possible they’ve met before. He takes her higher up to see the sunset and tells her that when he was a kid, he met a girl who said to him that it’s the last day so that they should see the view together.  The girl took him here and for the first time, Mizuchi broke his curfew and stayed out till the sun set.  He forgot about this for a long time but recently, it’s been surfacing again, almost like a seal being broken. The girl resembles Mikoto and when Mikoto says that she understands how the girl felt, how the view washes away all the sadness, he tells her that now, he’s looking at her and not the girl he met before.  Though Mikoto might not want this now and though it might destroy what they have now, he has to say it and can’t keep it in anyway. ...aaaaaaaaaaaaaand just as he’s about to confess, Hime sucks them both away with his magical Minamo portal powers. We then get a flashback scene of Mikoto’s childhood, where she’s taking Mizuchi up to see the view.  Kurenai is there too and oh look,there’s a sack of shit  Hime sitting in a corner making sandcastles, going on about the princess and the prince BLABLABLA no one cares.  When asked to come see the view together, Hime guilt trips Mikoto, ranting about how this was THEIR secret place but now she’s gone and brought Kurenai and Mizuchi and has RUINED EVERYTHING!!!!!! Mizuchi tells him to stfu while riles Hime up some more because now Mizuchi, who already has everything unlike himself, is going to take away Mikoto, who is the only one who understands him :'( The two then fight over Mikoto who’s just confused af Well, good to know that Hime was already a little bitch back in the day. 26e6986bWhen Mikoto comes to, she’s in the other world that Hime created with his op powers.  Mikoto sees in the real world, her unconscious body in a wedding dress with Hime, where the guy is talking to himself about how beautiful she looks and how great a couple she makes with Mizuchi.  Mizuchi is there too along with Aoi, Kurenai and Iroha.  Iroha is blindfolded because his MOCHIZUKI see too much and if he probed any further, he might’ve ended up killing Hime and Hime can’t let that happen now – he’ll get rid of anyone who stands in the way of his Mikoto x Mizuchi ship.   Of all the people in the world, why did Mizuchi have to be the one to take away his Mikoto?  Hime begins crying (AGAIN) and yelling about how much he hates Mizuchi, then chokes as his body cracks under the strain of his Minamo powers (he has been taking in too much water or some shit fuck idk).  He decides that he doesn’t want to die alone so will release all the Utsurohi inside him and take everyone down with him.  Since Mikoto likes him, she’ll totally be fine with dying with him right? 07b4333bMikoto is then back at the park with Mizuchi where Mizuchi says Hime is his best friend so he hopes he can save him together with Mikoto.  Then back in they go into Hime’s world, where the utsurohi Hime released are fucking everyone up.  They find Hime who’s ready to take down Mizuchi and Mikoto with himself but before he dies (GOD BLESS) he just has to bitch and wangst some more and this time, we get a “YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND ME! NOBODY UNDERSTANDS MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE” speech that pisses even Mizuchi off.  Like cut the bullshit dude, it’s clear he’s boohooing inside.  Why couldn’t Hime just admit to all of this and be upfront with Mizuchi instead of wangsting by himself?  Clearly Hime doesn’t know either, the dumb fuck just wants Mikoto now As Hime dies, he tells Mizuchi why he couldn’t say anything of this: because Mizuchi is his best friend.  He apologises for being a twat and hopes that next time, he can finally be sincere and face Mikoto honestly. After Hime dies, the water he drained from everyone is returned and purified.  Everything is peaceful at school and Mikoto speculates that perhaps Hime did some Jesus thing where he died for everyone’s sins (to purify everyone’s utsurohi) or sth.  The sound of waves is always in her head now, the voice of Hime. 0613733dFast forward half a month and Mikoto has completely forgotten who Mizuchi is, believing Mizuchi to be Hime due to shock.  Mizuchi puts up with it and pretends to be Hime even though it’s obviously killing him especially when Mikoto wonders who this “Mizuchi” person is in her old texts. Mizuchi replies that if it’s for her, he’d do anything.  So, she asks him to tell her that he loves her since it’s always been her saying it and it’s strange that “Hime” hasn’t been saying it at all.  Mizuchi recites a poem for her which he says means the same thing.  I obviously did not understand squat but how other players interpreted it, I THINK,  was that it meant something alone the lines of “I am in a living hell that is unbearable to watch.  I wonder what sin I have committed.  This burning pain, like flames, is perhaps punishment for having this forbidden love.”  Mizuchi tells her that he is the one who chose this path of destruction and that he hopes someday, he can confess to her the words he has always wanted to confess. Then it ends with Mikoto on the verge of remembering but forgetting as soon as the sound of waves return.  Mizuchi recites another poem, hoping that someday, he can clear the haze in Mikoto…or sth lol shitty japanese. omg i am so sad now 0162362bI actually didn’t play this route and that’s because the requirement for it was for me to forfeit the final battle.  And I fucking tried.  I fucking tried so hard to let Hime win but at this point, my Mikoto was so broken that despite me basically skipping my own turn to do jack shit, Mikoto was so bloody tanky that all of Hime’s attacks did like 10% damage.  Hime typically shat out about 300 damage per turn but my Mikoto ended up taking like a paltry 30 and she had almost 8k health.  I managed about 15 turns but I still had 7.2k health at that point. So yeah no, I give up.  I saw the CG for it and I guess Hime basically makes Mikoto and Mizuchi into his sex puppets and murders the entire school. kurenaiLolol it’s this pervert again. Something about the way he is so confident about BEING a rapist douchewad makes me unable to hate him. I mean, least he’s UPFRONT ABOUT BEING A HORNY DEVIL and doesn’t play stupid mind games like somebody….that and he’s the only one who calls the other 5L out on their bullshit and knows that everyone wants Mikoto for themselves. 2acfa8f3Anyway, this time Mikoto chooses Kurenai as her partner but before she’s even reached that conclusion yet, one of his Minamo drag her to his room and locks the door lol.  First thing he goes on about is how dare she not be happy to receive a kiss from him! DID SHE THINK KURENAI-SAMA WOULDN’T NOTICE????  Mikoto screams that she hates Kurenai and he’s shocked but just for a moment because then he’s like “Lol impossible all the bitches love me” and then he proceeds onto eating her face, commenting on how he’s really good in bed UNLIKE SOMEBODY rofl. Anyway, Mikoto gets affected by the utsurohi so Kurenai tells her to strip so that he can heal her with body contact.  Right before she has to though, Mikoto hears Hime’s voice saying that he’ll help her from this pervert and suddenly, she and Kurenai are at an amusement part and see Awahana, apparently tainted and now potentially an Adabana.  Hime appears. calling Mikoto to him but Kurenai won’t allow her to go so Hime disappears and the two fight some Adabana. When they win, the world collapses and Kurenai gets hurt protecting Mikoto as they are returned to the real world. 23769234Kurenai remain unconscious, everyone else trapped in the hall has disappeared along with principal Awahana.  Mizuchi and Iroha both have their hands full with fighting the remaining utsurohi.  Kurenai stirs and the minute he wakes up, ofc he starting eating Mikoto’s face again and then gets on top of and starts on her ear, hunting for the source of that Senki smell.  Hentai-sensei comes in to save Mikoto, where he explains that her Senki pheromones are probably driving Kurenai nuts.  His robo assistant, Karakuri, begins mimicking Hime, saying that Hime is angry that Mikoto did not come to him and instead stayed with Kurenai. 30c1b5e6That night, Mikoto hears Hime’s voice again, saying that Kurenai is in the way and must be removed. Mikoto rushes to Kurenai’s room, finding a shit ton of utsurohi so the two of them Hana Awase and Kurenai hugs her in relief afterwards Anyway, the 5L are tasked with exterminating Awahana and Hime who are both presumed to be Adabana now. Kurenai accidentally cuts Mikoto with his hidden knife one time when he’s trying to drag her off to a hotel (typical) and that’s when Awahana/Hime show up again to kill him with Utsurohi but stop when Mikoto tells Hime not to kill people so senselessly.  Following that, Iroha and Mizuchi both vote to remove Kurenai as Mikoto’s partner, seeing as her purity is constantly under threat and now he’s gone and stabbed her.  Strangely enough, Kurenai doesn’t argue and instead runs off to hunt down Hime and his lost Minamo and doesn’t return for a week. 2643f070 Mikoto gets captured by his Minamo who get her all dolled up in an attempt to use her as bait to bring Kurenai back lol.  Confused, Mikoto asks why they don’t all just go out and use themselves as bait, seeing as everyone is “Kurenai’s woman” but they disagree and say that Kurenai is too nice to say otherwise but that they know that Kurenai has been searching for THE ONE who they say is obviously Mikoto.  Mikoto finds Kurenai sleeping on a bench outside the school and in his exhausted, groggy state, he mumbles about how dream Mikoto still smells good and man she looks extra fine today. When asked who “his woman” is, he replies that “his woman” is his bride from back in the day.  Mikoto wakes him up in an hour, where she feeds him some pancakes she made but all he can think about is her and he asks her to become “his woman”. 2e7da6ce……………AND AGAIN Hime shows up to cockblock, this time saying that he’s not Himeustsugi anymore but “Hime-kun”.  Mikoto is dragged into Hime’s world, this time it is RENGOKU, the state between death and life.  There she finds the real, sane Hime and Awahana who explain that if she stays here, she will die.  Hime can’t return because his physical body has been taken over by the other him, Hime-kun. Awahana’s old man body has also died as Hime-kun forced it to Hana Awase too many times. So back in the school hall where Hime was trapped with other Minamo and a shit ton of utsurohi, he tried the Jesus thing but there was too much utsurohi and part of his soul basically became tainted and became Hime-kun.  Back in the real world, Hime-kun has gotten rid of Kurenai and has taken Mikoto’s body. 29c1aa31Mikoto returns and it turns out Hime-kun trapped Kurenai in a world with Kurenai’s lost Minamo, who have all gone crazy and now take turns to beat the shit out of Kurenai. She dives into the portal to save Kurenai and the two Hana Awase again.  Kurenai holds his Minamo as they die, telling them that they were all his women.  Hime manages to regain control of his body for a moment and he tells the two to run as the world begins to collapse. 039bec55Mikoto wakes up in Kurenai’s arms, the two of them half dead.  Kurenai kisses Mikoto as she freaks out, thinking Kurenai will die and begs him to draw all her water from her.  He tells her that he wants her, not just her water and hands her bloody hand in his own to create  a blood bond between the two of them.  It is a promise that they’ll meet again and he tells her to swear her own blood to his. Hime shows up before Mikoto can say anything and he begs them to destroy his vessel before Hime-kun comes back.  That way, Hime will take down Hime-kun with him and the two of them will sit in Rengoku until they die. When the fight ends, Kurenai dies, having sustained fatal injuries when Hime-kun’s world collapsed and he only managed to make it this far with Mikoto’s water. Mikoto’s body has died too and any moment now, she’ll follow Kurenai and Awahana through the cycle of rebirth and be born again. Hime’s body apparently didn’t die (?? I’m not sure) but in any case, he stays in Rengoku and is unable to leave. Back at school, robo Karakuri reports to Kintokihana.  Mikoto’s body was found and along with Kurenai and Awahana, the three are presumed dead.  When Karakuri tries to search for Hime, he finds Hime’s voice.  Hime says he’s been replaying the events over and over, the ones with Kurenai and Mikoto.  He regrets having given up from the start and letting utsurohi be born from this regret – Hime-kun wasn’t crazy because of the utsurohi because all of the darkness was Hime’s. Hime ends up returning to his body but what’s the point? Mikoto is dead.  Since then, he has been waiting at that place, hoping that next time, he can put up a good fight from the start like everyone else. 057f625cMikoto wakes up with Hime but he’s got bonkers and has killed everyone in the school and now wants all of Mikoto’s water. She ends up becoming his sex slave irohaPhew, finally down to the last one.  Iroha is the leader of the 5L, the most powerful Yu Gi Oh player in the entire school and has the MOCHIZUKI in his eyes.  Generally comes across as an unfeeling bastard who cares only about preserving Mikoto’s Senki status but like everyone else, he really is head over heels in love with Mikoto. Like with the last two guys, Iroha’s route deviates from Hime’s one when Hime and a bunch of Minamo all get trapped inside the school hall with Utsurohi.  Well before the deadline, Iroha gets inside the hall and starts destroying all the students who have become Adabana.  Curiously, he is unable to locate Hime or any of the Minamo despite the hall having been sealed. Right on time, Hime’s portal opens and Iroha dives in, hellbent on exterminating Hime and Mikoto follows. 2ce8a035Mikoto ends up in a train where Hime calls for her.  Iroha appears and kills him, then blames Mikoto for all this.  Her indecisiveness as the Senki has brought hell to the school and as long as she is free to act, she will wreak more havoc.  Thus, he initiates the Senki ritual once more and declares himself to be her partner.  When she protests, he chomps down on her shoulder and orders her to accept him or he won’t stop.  She is to bend to his will and with Hime gone, now Iroha can lead her back onto the path that fate intended for her. Iroha then handcuffs Mikoto to himself, demanding that the two of them be together forever lol. 2824ddcdMomotose explains to Mikoto that Iroha is forever in a state of thirst no matter how much water from his Minamo he takes in, which explains why he’s like a robot – nothing can fill his heart and only Mikoto can. Anyway, Iroha falls asleep and Mikoto is forced to sleep in his room too, being unable to wake him up.  When Iroha wakes up, Mikoto is sleeping on his lap and is confused to see what she has been crying.  There is no reason for her to cry if Mikoto is with him.  All she has to do is forget about Hime and Iroha will take care of the rest, including killing everyone who makes her cry. 2a1f5978In the morning, Mizuchi tells Iroha that the amusement park nearby has been giving people strange hallucinations.  When Iroha and Mikoto go, they see Mikoto in a bunny girl costume LOL.  After fighting her, Mikoto goes dry and when she wakes up, she’s in a bathtub with Momotose to uh refill her bottle rofl i have no idea but MY YURI GOGGLES LASUIFHASIOGRHAW9FBASIOFHBADSKJFHASODFASIDOF 29691ea6The next day at the amusement parks. they fight fucking butterflies (HOW DO BUTTERFLIES PLAY YU GI OH??!??!) and after they win, an announcer tells Mikoto to reach out her hand and she’ll get a present. She does and out pops Hime, sane and whole.  The touching reunion is cut short by Iroha who goes absolutely apeshit and swears to kill Hime, regardless of whether he is an Adabana or human. 289321f8Mikoto is suddenly transported back onto the train with robo Karakuri.  Robo Karakuri used the kaleidoscope to change fate.  Mikoto sees Utsurohi come onto the train and flood the next carriage, in which sit her bff Ai and Shou.  When she opens the door, the two are dead and Karakuri asks if this was what she wanted. He turns the kaleidoscope once more and this time, she’s back at the amusement park with Momotose and Hime, with Iroha gone.  Neither of them know who Iroha is.  Awahana then gives Mikoto the kaleidoscope and tells her that there are two uses left and that the price to pay for using it is losing certain memories between the user and  the targeted. Iroha, for some reason, he probably used it on everyone else which wipes their memories of him but Mikoto remembers.  Mikoto decides to use it once more to correct fate 2ea22068Sure enough, Mikoto returns to the day she was with Iroha in the amusement park but when she tells him Hime will appear, Iroha vows to kill him all the same.  After they beat the butterflies, Mikoto does not reach out her hand when the announcer asks her to and instead, asks who the announcer is.  The announcer realises that Mikoto used the kaleidoscope and shows her a third option: Utsurohi butterflies killing everyone in the school. Iroha realises that the announcer is robo Karakuri, having seen him endless times in other futures, where Karakuri always ends up making Mikoto cry.  Iroha kills Karakuri, breaks the kaleidoscope he has and then takes Mikoto’s one in order to save everyone in school. Doing so though, would destroy important memories between Iroha and everyone he uses it on – HEY WAIT.  That’s exactly what happened the first time round!  Iroha  used the kaleidoscope to save the school so that’s why everyone forgot about him.  He says that he did it because the way fate is now, Mikoto wouldn’t smile.  Seeing everyone die at school made Mikoto cry and Iroha swore to never let that happen so he changed fate as many times as he needed to stop that.  However, it’d mean that everyone would forget about Iroha and Mikoto starts to cry at that too, confusing Iroha again, who says he believes he’s happy because Mikoto is here with him.   , he’ll be happy.  He never knew what that meant but now he realises that he’s been happy all along with Mikoto. He never really understood what it meant to be sad either until he saw Mikoto with Hime, though he doesn’t understand why. 053a28ccBefore he uses the kaleidoscope, he tells Mikoto to close her eyes and give him her hand.  He kisses her and says that must be the best present. Though Mikoto will forget about him, no matter how many times he is reborn, he will always yearn for the moon.  Ever since he met Mikoto, he’s been hearing a voice from hell and this time, it is saying “Thank you. Thank you for finding me”.   Mikoto finally realises who Iroha really is before Iroha bids her farewell, turns the kaleidoscope and fades away. Mikoto returns to a peaceful present where everything is well though Awahana has died, using up all his powers to purify the Utsurohi in the school hall and along with him, Hime died protecting the rest of the students.  There is one more person who saved everyone but no one knows. 180d144dSomeone turns the kaleidoscope again and Mikoto is then back on the train. She sees Karakuri telling Hime that he can change Hime’s fate if Hime agrees to join the Gotou, seduce the Senki and bring her to them, to which Hime agrees. Mikoto then falls asleep again and stirs to the sound of Iroha’s voice.  Now, in this world, Mikoto won’t cry.  The kaleidoscope will work only once more and he’ll save the last use in case he needs to protect Mikoto again one day. For now, he will sleep with her here. When she wakes up, she sees Iroha, who is a stranger to her, sleeping on her shoulder JUST LIKE HOW SHE FIRST MET IROHA AT THE BEGINNING OF THE GAME. For some reason, they’re holding hands and though Mikoto does not know who he is, he feels familiar and for now, she too will sleep. My heart can’t take this. END 2: Iroha kills Hime, then locks Mikoto up in his room. Afterthoughts and Conclusion Sorry, Hime ain’t got nutin on Mizuchi. In the end, I couldn’t get into Hime the way I did for Mizuchi, which was unfortunate as this game was all about Hime so I felt like I had to SIT through Hime’s story and was relieved to finally finish his route.  I don’t hate him but in a nutshell, there were just too many fucking hurdles to jump through for Mikoto to get Hime and honestly, he wasn’t worth all the work. Everyone else abused Mikoto in some way in their own routes – Kurenai was rapey af, Iroha just plain violent and Hime was emotionally manipulative – except for Mizuchi.  In the first game, I could say that perhaps it was because Mizuchi was the main guy and maybe in Hime’s game he’ll show some shades of grey but no, he was as gentlemanly as ever and always put Mikoto first. I still found Kurenai to be highly entertaining despite his forceful nature.  As for Iroha, I wasn’t sold until the last part of his route where it turns out he’s been changing fate over and over again for Mikoto’s sake.  Gah <3  I guess in terms of ranking, it’d be this: Mizuchi > Iroha = Kurenai >>Hime Storywise it was interesting but you’re still going to be in the dark for the most part when it came to the Mochizuki stuff as well as who the Mikado is, who the Gotou head is and what his aims are, and who Tsuki is k no I think we all know who that one is now.  Barring that, all the tragedy do make a man sad and for that alone, I’m more than satisfied.  What can I say, I’m a sucker for anything that can rip at my dusty heartstrings.  My favourite route is surprisingly not Mizuchi’s but is Iroha’s.  Mizuchi’s one was definitely more otoge but Iroha’s one really had weight and added to the story quite well, cementing that for Iroha, Mikoto really is everything.  I shat bricks when the game implied that Iroha was Tsuki because MAN I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN WITH IROHA’S OBSESSION WITH MOONING On its own, this game was pretty damn good especially Iroha’s route.  It was just a shame for me because one of the main selling points of this game is Hime and I expected him to carry the game, which was something that he couldn’t do in my POV.  I found him to be quite mediocre a character and the number of times I went 「うわ、ウザイ」easily tripled the number of times I squeed over him. On a closing note, my apologies again that HOLY SHIT IT’S BEEN OVER A YEAR since I’ve done anything here.  Blablaschoolworkblablanoonecares and I also am completely out of the loop when it comes to what is currently out in the otome market.  In any case, I’ve got some catching up to do and I hope I’ll be able to shit out another post not a year from now. 41 Responses to “Otome Game Review: Hana Awase – Himeutsugi hen” 2. Welcome back! Honestly speaking I havve ZERO interest in Hime since it’s pretty obvious that he’s a yandere. So I never bothered playing his game. I’m about to start playing Karakurenai’s game which I’ve been looking forward to the most. Despite Karakurenai being a douchebaggy pervert I really like his character. Thanks for the post, now I[‘m convinced once again that I don’t wanna play it, lol. • domshiki Says: I played Hime for the sake of completion and I really hoped that his title would make him seem less creepy and more lovable but yeah no. I’m super excited for Kurenai’s too, though I’ve heard it’s a little disappointing compared to the the first two games (tbh i don’t see how it can get worse that Hime). Kurenai will at least be super entertaining at least <3 Thanks for dropping by! 3. Omg baeee welcome back (´ε` )💕 I almost thought you ragequit blogging cause of diabolik wifebeater fangirls harassing you (;ಠ益ಠ;) Is that the new rape excuse now? xDDD Man this game is some weird shit, I’m glad you suffered through it for me lol. As far as otome gameosphere, everything is pretty much on the Vita now. There’s a few terribad PC releases here & there but like 85% is now on Vita. I’m currently struggling through a disaster called Reine des Fleurs (it has the Wand of Fortune team but the plot is ballsacks similar to this game lol). • domshiki Says: OH BAE I’VE MISSED YOU <3 Sorry I've been afk and not been dropping by – I haven't so much as looked at anything otoge-related in a year. ugh and no crazy fangirls are going to keep us apart. I personally think it's a great honour to have a tumblr hatepage dedicated solely to my shitty review lol Yeah this game was fucking weird especially with all the random excuses to get naked and horny but I LOVE DRAMA AND I'M A PERVERT SO IT'S PERFECT FOR ME <3 aahhh fekk. I don't plan on getting the Vita so I guess I'll be playing these terrible PC releases then. That's a real shame – I just looked up Reine des Fleurs and the art is beautiful so at least you have something nice to look at while you cry your way through the game :p 4. Great to see you back! Sadly I had to mostly skim this review as I wanted to avoid spoilers, but I still enjoyed what I read all the same. I’ll definitely come back to read this from top to bottom! • domshiki Says: It feels great to be back for now too! Yes please, then we can hopefully tear apart Hime together for being super kimoi ;) thanks for reading <3 5. Steel ball runs Says: I felt like this game was pretty shit tbh, and it was a close favorite to beating that BEES one. I mean, the stories are BAD but I like them?? Very entertaining. 12/10 points for this review i love it • domshiki Says: OMG that sums up my feelings perfectly: like the plot of this game was ridiculous and there was so much random “almost-rape” going on but I ended up enjoying it anyway. I’m currently playing part 2 of the beautiful Beesex game and I’m pissing my pants doing Sumeragi (HE’S FUCKING TERRIFYING). Thanks for reading <3 6. I’ve never played otome games so I mostly just read reviews about them. Your review are pretty funny, and although I think the plot for me is not that interesting, reading this was worthwhile. Hope you’ll continue making them in the future :) • domshiki Says: I’m glad you enjoyed the review at least :D Yeah, story is definitely not this game’s selling point. It’s more about seeing 5 guys go crazy over our heroine (tbh I still wonder why I enjoyed this game so much lol)…i guess? XD thanks for reading! 7. darthnyanchan Says: OMFG YOU’RE NOT DEAD YAAAY *\( ; ▽ ; )/* I waited for a post over a year and it was so worth it. Thanks for the post, it was awesome as always. It would be as nice as Mikoto’s tits to know you’re not dead every once in a while and stalk you lol Y U NO LET ME STALK U (yಠ,ಠ)y Just let me stalk you somewhere • domshiki Says: HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA oh you’re making me blush ^///^ I’m just glad you enjoy reading my horseshit <3 I'll try to update a little more frequently so you won't have to stalk me ;) 8. tofupatty Says: I thought something happen to you son! I love your shit! Welcome back! We totally missed you like we miss porn in our lives. xDDD Good, to see you back! I need to read this review and shit bricks while doing so at home and not at work. xDDD • domshiki Says: 10. Welcome back! I missed your funny blog posts! ^_^ Please make more okay? Oh god, I knew I never liked Hime. I’m still waiting for my bad, Iroha. He’s the one on my list! • domshiki Says: I will do my best to not be away for like a year again :3 rofl ikr he’s so fucking creepy. I didn’t really like Iroha either until playing his route and hsbfhiasjkldnashudlfndsihulfs HE IS SO SWEET i can’t wait for his game either 11. wb to the great world of otoge reviews :3c I admire your dedication to writing summaries as I tend to skip routes/charas that don’t appeal to me orz. Although I’m looking forward to Kurenai’s game a lot even though still not totally sure what’s going wrt plot. Anyways gl w/work & classes. • domshiki Says: am glad to be back with y’all ;) i sometimes question my own sanity while doing that too especially since I didn’t really like Hime and this game was basically me having to sit through a heroine going “BUT HIME </3" the entire game :/ I've started playing Kurenai's game and I'm just as confused as you are. It deviates from the first two games in terms of story telling and kinda feels all over the place atm so I'm hoping things get a little more cohesive soon. Thanks <3 • -cri- never reply to me #1stWorldProblems • domshiki Says: HAHAHAHAHAH IM SO SORRY I was afk – getting taken over by work and school again. and stahhhhp you’re making me blush ;p I’m honoured to be one of your two favourite blogs and in return, will try to shit out another review before the year is over <3 • my lif is complete 13. popo Says: Your review is interesting and funny as usual XD but damn, why there is so much rapey scene in otome game? -_- • domshiki Says: EYYYYYYY <3 lmao tell me about it. This game went as rapey as it could get without it being r18 rape. They uh *explain* it by blaming it all on Mikoto's "slut pheromones" or some shit like that. So creative mirite 14. Ohmahgawd you’re back from the de– you’re back! Yay! *( -^^-)* Never finished Hana Awase so got no clue what this game is albout, but imma read n’ enjoy me this review like a fluffy kid with chocolate cake heeheehee And no, as a long time avid reader of this blog, apology not accepted. I want me somma dem darn lotsalaughs otomegameporno review n’ AM REALLY LOOKIN’ forward on your take on Yoshiwara Higanbana huehuehue :D Sorry if I seem like a creep. Believe me, it’s intentional bwahahahaha j/k but you n’ your blogposts have been missed :) • domshiki Says: HAHA i’m home for now, enjoy <3 Again, I am so sorry. I will do a porno review next for sure, either Higanbana (just because you recommended it ;)) or maybe I'll finish Jooubachi no Oubou: BEE SEX OKAWARI. Creep? That's my favourite babe and I've missed you all too <3 15. Ahhhhhhhh yeeeeah. I now remember everything from this game after reading your review. Guess I don’t have to replay it now hahaha. I understand what you mean about Hime. For a game that’s supposed to be “his” game, it didn’t make me like him very much. And as someone who did actually lose to Hime (I saw in the guide it was going to be necessary so I think I actually played Mizuchi’s route first so I could be underleveled and would be able to lose easier. Let me tell you though, it was STILL hard even though I purposely went in underleveled), the way you described that end is pretty much what happened hahaha so you didn’t really lose out on that one. Iroha’s route didn’t steal the show in this game quite as much as it did in Karakurenai/Utsutsu-hen, but it still was the best route because it revealed the most info and gave the game a lot more depth. I have to ask though…did you really not realize that Iroha was the moon until the end? That made me laugh so much. I just chance-viewed that you might be playing the next Jooubachi soon. You’re in for a ride on that one. • domshiki Says: Awesome, glad I’m no the only one who wasn’t a huge fan of Hime’s character. I’M SO STUPID – I didn’t realise until Kurenai’s game that there is a bloody “FORFEIT” button for them card games but thanks for telling me what happens, I was dying to know because I knew it must’ve been really deep and touching /s FUCK I AM REALLY SO STUPID. I never cottoned on in Mizuchi’s game because I was all up in Mizuchi’s pants, then I took a year long break from Hime’s game so when I came back, I didn’t remember shit and only realised when the game spells out everything for me near the end. #idiotoftheyear #worthless I started the first ten minutes of it and I didn’t take anything away except onii-chan Sumeragi sex. Sumeragi scares me way too much. • I wanted to like Hime because he is interesting (and I like his voice hahaha), just like all the characters are but I don’t like yandere characters all that much even if I can kind of understand their motivations. He was just being a major ass in this game and also super bipolar. I realize that each premise needed to be different for each game but I was kind of sitting there like…is this seriously going to be about the Onifuda not choosing anyone because that’s not going to go well; it gives Hime more reasons to gripe about life lol. You’re not that bad hahaha. Honestly, the biggest hint to me was the Moon had the same seiyuu as Iroha (he just used his higher voice) and then it was basically confirmed in that one scene where Iroha ate (or smelled? Forget already) the alcoholic candy thing and the Moon was talking about how sick he felt because “that guy” went and got drunk. That’s a pretty apt view of the beginning. If you don’t like Sumeragi, his route is going to be hard to get through. I actually started a compiled Jooubachi review between the two games because I really wanted to comment on the WTF that went on but I didn’t finish it up when it was fresh so I feel like I’d have to at least replay bits of Kaguya’s game and I just don’t want to so that post might be in limbo forever lol • domshiki Says: YES HIS VOICE! His saving grace gah Tachibana Shinnosuke <3 I'm generally quite fond of yandere characters myself but yeah, he was way too bipolar and was more of little bitch than straight up axe crazy. LMAO yeah I was laughing so hard because EVEN THE ONIFUDA REFUSES TO CHOOSE HIM until way into the game unlike with Mizuchi where it chose him right off the bat if I remember correctly. AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA WE ARE BOTH IDIOTS. I thought the button would just end the game the first time I saw it and only realised it was a surrender button after trying to use it to return to the title page. Wow you picked out the voices? I couldn't tell at all. Yeah I just realised I actually wrote about that drunk thing in my post…and never connected the dots #fuckinggenius Oh jesus so Sumeragi doesn't get any better? I don't think I'll be able to see him as anything but a terrifying rapist. YOU SHOULD FINISH IT omg I want to see what you thought of it in full. I guess this game is even more stupid than Menou's one? I say that but I loved Menou-hen just because of the bee x monkey time travelling shit. Took balls to go maximum shitty like that. • Yeah, the onifuda chose Mizuchi right away because the ceremony progressed “properly” in that game. I would say poor Hime but…meh he was too annoying in his game for me to feel sorry for him really. I think I actually pressed that button on accident when I meant to actually play a combo so I lost the game and was like…OMG WHAT DID I JUST DO. So perhaps I blocked it out hahaha I can’t do that with everyone. It just happened because Terashima Takuma is one of those people I heard in a lot of genki roles so he always used his higher voice. HA is the first game series I know where he uses a lower voice so I was only able to pick it out because of that. I don’t have a super seiyuu radar or anything.You did write about the drunk thing, but that’s ok. We’ll chock it to raging about Hime ^_^ Better? HAH. He gets worse imo. He’s kind of interesting in a way, but he’s basically a terrifying rapist. There’s actually one scene is his game that really stands out in a WTF bad way that made me want to comment on the whole game hahaha. I don’t think time traveling was in this Kaguya’s game but the bee x monkey thing definitely comes back. Since you’re asking, I’ll try to finish it, but if you’re playing it now, you’re probably going to finish before I even get back to it. I have another game I’m trying to finish first and then perhaps I’ll go back to Jooubachi just so I can get it done since I already wrote at least half the thing. • domshiki Says: HAHAHA right? We didn’t need to feel sorry for Hime because HE WAS SO BUSY DOING IT HIMSELF with all the “oh boohoo I’m a princess and not a prince :'(” thing lmaoooooo like your brain was like “fuck it let’s pretend that never happened” and forgot about the forfeit button. YEAH he usually uses a higher voice right? I’ve never heard him use a lower one before so I was like “who the eff voiced Iroha” and was so surprised when I found out it was Terashima Takuma. I did really like it though, he does it pretty well :D Ugh yeah, raging about Hime. Feels like that’s all I did in his game lol ARE U SRS. HE GETS WORSE??! I think another commenter said something about ripping out a uterus or sth and I’m guessing only Sumeragi is terrifying enough to do something like that. omg I can’t wait for more bee x monkey sex cuz that one revelation in Menou’s game made me shit my pants laughing, like WHO THE FUCK CAME UP WITH THIS SHIT? AND WHO THE FUCK APPROVED OF THIS? Yes! Please lmk when you are finished with it! And no, I haven’t made any progress with Kaguya-hen, have been distracted with Yoshiwara Higanbana which so far, is actually pretty good though I haven’t touched any bad ends yet and some of them are called “MENTAL BREAKDOWN” or some shit and I’ve read some kansou about how the bad ends are fucked up. • Basically, yeah. Maybe he should’ve just changed his name so he wouldn’t develop a prince/princess complex LOL. Probably xD. Also could just be my bad memory granny brain. I like his low voice as well. I have a friend who hardcore loves Terashima so she even told me like…3 or 4 animes where he uses his low voice and I hadn’t seen them so that explained it. HE DOES. AND YES THAT SCENE. That scene is the reason why I wanted to even review this game because it was just so WTF. When I was just thinking about restarting it while I was still playing it to check if that actually happened or if my Japanese was failing, CG appeared where he’s holding it in his hand and I was like…okay then, confirmation acquired. I know. The bee x monkey thing was so bad it was hilarious. If I had taken the game seriously before that, it flew out the window at the point….but I think from Takanaemaru’s route it lost its seriousness (I played his route first) so there wasn’t much left by the time we learned about this in Hakuoh’s route. I’m going to be busy the next week (sister’s wedding) so you really might finish Kaguya-hen before I even get a chance to get back to it. Looking forward to your review on that game. I was mildly interested in it but was short on cash so decided not to get it. Good luck getting through those bad ends yo. They sound hardcore. • domshiki Says: LOL should have just called him “Queen Bitch” instead and give us a heads up. Oh damn your friend is good! I can only pick out voice actors who are really famous and even then they’d have to be using their usual voice like HanaKana or sth OMG PLEASE NO I thought people were joking when they were talking about the womb ripping shit. I can totally see people doubting their own Japanese and then hoping they read things wrong…but yeah no if they really did draw us a beautiful bloody cg of that. #amsoexcitednow Ikr? I played Hakuoh first and he was alright up until the point where he had random SM sex with Menou where I began to think “hm…I did hear that the writing goes to shit…”. Then out comes magical snake, bee x money sex and then Takanemaru’s motherfucking tardis shit. It’s a little sad that Ruby’s route is probably the most “sane” since he was already cuckoo anyway so I just went with all the weird shit there. HAHAHGADHAHAHAHA I HAVEN’T EVEN TOUCHED ANY OTOME GAMES SINCE, been so busy with school and work sorry. How was your sister’s wedding? :D I was about halfway through Yoshiwara if I remember correctly and tbh it’s not really worth the money. It’s not BAD, certainly no random rape in the non-bad ends yet or any super abusive womb-destruction shit but it’s meh. Story is boring af although the characters are cute. I think all otome game plots are going to be extra boring now after Hana Awase :p • OMG hahaha. Yeah, she’s hardcore. She’d probably recognize his voice in one word. I’m more in the same boat as you. Some voices of well-known seiyuu I can pick out really quickly but others I can recognize but not quite place. They sure did give us a CG of the scenes. It saved me from replaying it but I actually burst out laughing because I was really just considering replaying from the beginning of the scene. That scene isn’t even like a bad end scene, I think it’s just part of the route if I remember correctly? Yeah, I liked Hakuoh pretty well until that scene. I should’ve expected it though because I had read a translation of the Hakuoh drama CD before the game came out and it involved ropes LOL. I guess because Ruby was kind of insane his route had to make more sense hahaha. Nah, if I could finish the review before you got to it, it would be nice but I really haven’t been in the mood. I played some other games and then got really into an indie-developed game from the demo, but that actual game isn’t out yet. My sister’s wedding was good! It went pretty smoothly and her and her husband looked happy. Thanks for playing Yoshiwara for me so I know what I didn’t have to play haha. Always appreciate you taking one for the team! Seriously though, they need more well-developed plot games like HA.Although if all game stories were up to that standard I’d be dirt poor…or…poorer. Already pretty poor Dx 16. Arashi Says: Even though it wasn’t porno review, I still read everything cause you are hilarious. Can you please review Ijiwaru my master. Many thanks :) • domshiki Says: Glad you enjoyed my horseshit reviews :D I actually have played Ijiwaru my rapists a few years ago but took down the review because apparently I didn’t play the “true ends” and just touched pone or two. If I ever get the time, I’ll try to fullcomp the game and finish the review! Leave a Reply to lenaleemelodee Cancel reply WordPress.com Logo Google photo Twitter picture Facebook photo Connecting to %s %d bloggers like this:
____Give up the unrealistic hope that the perpetrator will apologize, answer your questions or be able to explain why he or she hurt you. Even if apologies or answers were forthcoming, they would not alleviate the pain. The perpetrator’s views, and depth of insight, will differ from your own. ____Understand that the pain is all yours, not the other person’s. When you forgive, it is for the purpose of dealing with your own pain. ____Make up a list of the specific things that were done to you which you have decided to forgive. This means acknowledging and grieving the losses that have resulted from being hurt, and this may generate potent feelings of anger, sadness and fear. (These intense feelings may be an indicator that you may need to work some more on your losses before you are ready to forgive, and the help of a supportive person – a therapist or a trusted friend – may be needed as you progress through this experience.) ____Write a letter to the perpetrator (this is a letter that you will never send). Allow your feelings to flow onto paper. Write freely about your hurt and anger, but include any positive feelings you may have about the relationship. If it feels right to you, acknowledge that the perpetrator may have been only doing the best he or she knew how to do at the time, or perhaps had been strongly influenced by her or his own upbringing. (If you don’t want to write a letter, imagine having a dialogue with the perpetrator. Or engage in a role-playing exercise with a therapist.) ____Create a ritualized separation ceremony which ends the link between you and the perpetrator. For example, you might burn your letter and lists and then scatter the ashes. Or you might visualize a final goodbye where the perpetrator – and your feelings of hurt – will become smaller and smaller and eventually disappear. As part of this ceremony, give the perpetrator your blessing and forgiveness. You are now free to live your life unburdened by the pain of your past hurt. Celebrate that freedom. Dr. Baya Mebarek, Psy.D., LMFT
Rules to successful trading Sometimes watching Discovery/National geographic channel provokes to you create your own ideas which could easily 163104be implemented in your life. Presenting you the collection of rules could be implemented in your profession :- The Power Nine: Rules to successful trading 1. Move: Always be flexible. The beauty of the stock market is polygamy is perfectly acceptable. Never get married to a particular position or a particular strategy. The market is complex, dynamic and always changing. Learn to change with it if necessary. 2. Plan de Vida: Always invest with a plan. Have strict rules and a machine-like approach. 3. Downshift: Pulling yourself out of the game when you’re not certain will help you from making debilitating mistakes. When in doubt get out. 4. 80% Rule: Never let more than 20% of your portfolio put 80% of your portfolio at risk. Position sizing is key to risk management. 5. Hope is a 4 letter word: Holding and hoping is not a strategy. Cut your losses, learn from it and never look back. Never ever get into something you can’t get out of. 6. Understand your risks: You can’t avoid black swans, but they don’t have to rip your face off. Understand your risks and your rewards. 7. Goals and accountability: Set goals and keep track of your performance. You are responsible for your own decisions. Own your mistakes. 8. Psychology: Learn to control your emotions and understand the emotions of those around you. Always remember what General Patton said: “if everyone is thinking the same then someone isn’t thinking”. Also the famous Buffett quote: “Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful.” 9. Your Tribe: Always remember that there is more to life than investing. Don’t live to invest. Invest to live. Being the richest man/woman in the graveyard is worthless if there isn’t anyone to bury you there. 2 thoughts on “Rules to successful trading Leave a Reply You are commenting using your account. Log Out /  Change ) Google photo Twitter picture Facebook photo Connecting to %s
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Document Type Activities and Labs Science--Study and teaching (Elementary); Caricatures and cartoons; Wit and humor in education; Elementary school science is an often-neglected subject in the current literacy-focused political atmosphere. However, reading informational trade books about science in literacy class can help children increase their science knowledge. Incorporating humor through content-related cartoons is an effective way to engage students in deeper understanding of content and creative play with language. A master’s degree student enrolled in a graduate course in instructional design acted as a consultant to a faculty member teaching a course in literacy methods for preservice elementary teachers and engaged undergraduates in creating humorous cartoons to teach science content. The preservice teachers read science trade books designed for an elementary school audience and listed science content ideas and terms about a given topic (earthquakes, volcanoes, fossils, crystals, glacier, or caves). They noted confusing topic-related terms that were homophones, words with multiple meanings, or words that sounded very similar to other common words, thus identifying possible wordings for puns. Next, they analyzed given cartoons for science content and humor, making suggestions for their improvement. They completed partially-finished cartoons to convey science information in a funny way. Finally, they created original cartoons of their own using their choice of scenario. A survey was administered to the preservice elementary teachers partway through the cartoon creation process to determine ways to help them. Students reported that they learned much science information from the trade books, and discovered how difficult it was to produce humor. They noted the motivating aspects of using humor in science and working within a group of peers. They found it difficult to generate creative ideas for cartoons and suggested that they be given more example cartoons and more opportunities for group brainstorming. Color cartoon scenarios made with clip art, along with idea-prompting questions, were provided and these increased productivity of humorous cartoons related to science content. Forty-eight color cartoons with accompanying science explanations created by the authors and preservice teachers are included as an appendix. These address the science topics of earthquakes, volcanoes, fossils, crystals, glaciers, or caves. We recommend that cartoons be used as part of science teaching because of their motivating and creative aspects. [14 references, 8 tables, 1 appendix of 48 color cartoons] Department of Curriculum and Instruction Original Date File Format
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Quick Answer: Does Music Influence Teenage Behavior? Probably, the most powerful effect music has over teenagers, their emotions, the perception of the world, themselves and their peers. Every parent knows that music influence on the behavior of teens is quite significant. It can motivate adolescents, inspire them or help to calm down and relax. Does music influence behavior? Research suggests music can influence us a lot. It can impact illness, depression, spending, productivity and our perception of the world. Some research has suggested it can increase aggressive thoughts, or encourage crime. Can music be a bad influence? Music has the potential to be a major influence in a child’s life. Music does not necessarily pose problems for teenagers who live a balanced and healthy lifestyle, according to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. How does music affect children’s behavior? The Influence of Music on Child Behavior. Music is a natural for capturing kids’ attention and imagination and, as it turns out, it has a huge impact on your child’s body and mind. Dancing, listening and playing to a beat can shift a kid’s mood, help him cooperate and express emotions. Does rap music influence violence? Study: Rap Music Linked to Alcohol, Violence A recent study by the Prevention Research Center of the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation in Berkeley, Calif., suggests young people who listen to rap and hip-hop are more likely to abuse alcohol and commit violent acts. How music affect your brain? Does music change your mood? Music is not only able to affect your mood — listening to particularly happy or sad music can even change the way we perceive the world, according to researchers from the University of Groningen. However, such mood changes not only affect how you feel, they also change your perception. Why is teenage music important? The findings include: Playing music provides a sense of belonging for teens. Making music provides the freedom for teens to just be themselves; to be different; to be something they thought they could never be; to be comfortable and relaxed in school and elsewhere in their lives. Why is music so influential? Many people are influenced by music they listen to. Mostly because they want to copy their favorite artist or because they feel that’s a way of expressing themselves and fitting in with the people that are into the same music. Another way people let music influence them is the language or slang they use. What music does for us? Improves mood. Studies show that listening to music can benefit overall well-being, help regulate emotions, and create happiness and relaxation in everyday life. How does music affect children’s learning? Does music affect child development? The Effects of Music on Childhood Development. Many studies have shown that exposing infants and babies in the womb to music helps build neural bridges used to process thought and information. Music can stimulate the brain’s alpha waves, which creates a sense of calmness in the listener. How much music does the average teenager listen to in a day? Teenagers listen to an average of nearly 2.5 hours of music per day. Does rap music affect your brain? Listening to music affects each of the four major lobes of the brain — frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital — in different ways. Researchers have yet to figure out the exact way music impacts the brain, but one thing is clear: It’s complicated. Multiple researchers have noted a link between music and dopamine. Who started rap music? DJ Kool Herc Why is Hip Hop important to society? Hip hop emerged as a reaction to the gang culture and violence of the South Bronx in the 1970s, and daily experiences of poverty, racism, exclusion, crime, violence, and neglect. It necessarily embodies and values resilience, understanding, community and social justice.
Portuguese Podengo The Portuguese Podengo is hound (sight and scent) breed from Portugal. As a breed, the Podengo is divided into three size categories that are not interbred: small (Pequeno), medium (Médio) and large (Grande). Their coats are either short and 'smooth', or longer and 'wired'. The smooth coated variety is traditional, whereas the wire coated variety is an outcome of the assimilation of various other breeds during the 20th century. In general, the breed is healthy; the Pequeno (small) variety has an average lifespan of approximately 15–17 years. All Podengo types are hardy, intelligent and lively dogs, excelling at agility and making fine companions. Loyal and fearless, Podengos are also good house guards and are amenable to training by dog experienced people and those that enjoy primitive (unrefined, "less domesticated") dog behavior. Keen hunting dogs, the Podengo has an affinity for game regardless of size. Typically, the dogs hunt in a pack with their handler following. When game is found, they kill and retrieve it, or flush it towards the hunter to be shot. Each size category traditionally hunts game appropriate to their size and temperament. (Pequeno: rabbits; Medio: rabbits and wild boar; Grande: deer and wild boar). The Dog Scanner app does provide a lot more information about the Portuguese Podengo breed as well as many more. Also known as This breed is also called Podengo, Podengo Portugues, Podengo Portugueso, Podengo Português, Portuguese Podengo Medio, Portuguese Podengo Pequeno as well as Portuguese Warren Hound. Is your dog a Portuguese Podengo? You can use our Dog Scanner app to find out whether your dog is a Portuguese Podengo.
Sleep Soundly When a child finally sleeps and parents can finally sleep too many parents say that they feel they have their lives back. Here are some comments from parents that I have worked with. "Evelyn's help meant that we were meticulously led through the steps of what to do when putting our baby to sleep and when she woke up during the night. I appreciated the step-by-step approach which left no room for ambiguity on what to do in different circumstances. I was so exhausted that I did not want to have to think about what to do to settle my daughter in the middle of the night!! It was money very well spent". Laura, Switzerland. Evelyn was recommended to me by my cousin and came with a glowing review! Having used a sleep trainer already, without success, I wasn't convinced she would be able to help me much but I was desperate, so I gave it a try. I'm so glad I did! The first trainer had a one size fits all mentality but Evelyn is much more bespoke in her approach. She really listens to the detail and her advice is all based on her expertise in scientific sleep studies and her vast experience. Not only that, she is a mother so she genuinely understands first hand the challenges involved in getting a baby to sleep.  Victoria, Hampshire Our son was a terrible sleeper for 16months after suffering from eczema as a baby. I went back to work when he was 14 months but he was still waking for long periods every night and would cry so loudly unless I held his hand. Evelyn took the time on the phone to explain the psychology and science behind his sleep issues, I remember crying as I felt so listened to and understood as having a "bad sleeper" had become like a shameful secret I didn't talk about anymore. After discussing options I chose a method that was right for us, and Evelyn supported me with everything from what to do with my older son during training to how to deal emotionally with any tears. So quickly he was sleeping through, I couldn't believe it. Evelyn was there for the next month on the phone giving me the tools I needed to keep consistency. Her expertise and intelligent approach gave me the confidence and knowledge I needed to give my child the gift of a restful night, every night. We haven't looked back :-). Sarah-Jayne, London. I was a bit dubious about spending money on a sleep coach, from my perspective we provided a safe & secure home to our daughter. She had a bedtime routine, she had clear, fair & firm boundaries and I felt we were doing our best. Yet despite these positives our daughter between 2.5 years and 3.5 years would frequently battle when going to sleep for sometimes as long as an hour and occasionally this included major tantrums. She would also wake most nights often up to 5-8 times. We and our daughter were exhausted. It affected her behaviour in the day and it affected our lives, our work, our marriage, our temper and our social life. We were often going to bed before 9.00 just to cope. Eventually we decided to use Evelyn and she reassured us, gave us fascinating information based on extensive research and gave us clear instructions on how to implement a bedtime routine. As expected it wasn't plain sailing from the start and our daughter was particularly trying, even Evelyn our sleep coach was surprised at how much our little girl fought against a clear routine. At one stage 4-6 weeks in our daughter had another tantrum and we felt gutted. Evelyn was especially helpful at this time, organising an impromptu meeting and reassuring us that this behaviour would pass. She was right and now 2 months on we have a little girl who goes to bed without a peep, who sleeps through the night including taking herself to the toilet, and she stays in bed quietly until 7.00. She is quiet from 19.30-07.00 every night. We feel human again and our little girl is happier in the daytime too. She started nursery yesterday and had the energy to enjoy it rather than be grumpy from tiredness. If your child has consistently not slept I would highly recommend Evelyn. We are educated parents who in the most part were doing well but we needed a little bit of professional help and that help has transformed our family life. Do not suffer indefinitely this could be the best few hundred pound you spend all year. Malcom, Dorset "I never at any point felt judged, and always felt so well supported throughout the programme. Thank you so much for helping my family and my marriage!" Having a child with additional needs I just didn't think anyone could help us with his sleep, but I was wrong. He sleeps so much better now. I wish I had known about you a long time ago. Thank you Evelyn for giving us back the gift of sleep I had read books, look on the internet, listen to advice from friends and family and I felt I tried everything, but nothing really seemed to help, she still didn't sleep. Then a friend gave me your details and we got in touch and what a difference it has made to our lives. Thank you Evelyn, we all sleep in our own beds all night long and we are all so much better off for it "Now that I understand why she doesn't sleep I know what I need to do about it"  "I wish we had come to you sooner, then we could all have been sleeping long ago" "Thank you so much for today, I feel so much more knowledgeable and I also feel that you have understood both me and my child and I now have plan to help her sleep"  "We can't thank you enough, she is a different child and we feel human again. This has been the best money I have spent all year"  "I never imagined that he would be sleeping through the night so soon, I just can't believe it" "She is so much brighter and her speech has come on in leaps and bounds, I can't believe it is the same child"  "Family life has been transformed. I no longer dread bedtime"  "It has been life changing, thank you"
For me it is a great deal working with Ditto. And I added how I work with it as a self-answering-question. Everyone has a way of making the daily use cases easier. I believe many of them are actual great since these methods developed over the years. It would be a great addition if people using an awesome tool to make a task easy, add it to the site. | | This is a feature that we support directly in the interface for those times when folks have those phenomenal EUREKA! moments, and want to get something they consider to be quite valuable available to other people right away. Concerns about spam are sort of valid, even though the feature isn't open to brand new accounts, and we have recently installed some very comprehensive measures to combat spam - my concern here is rooted squarely in the philosophy of how we get sites off the ground. We strongly, as in strongly discourage seeding of the site for the purposes of content generation. You don't have a problem there to begin with - there's over 120 open questions on the main site right now as I type this. This isn't a feature you should consider to be off-limits by any means, but don't use it as a way to build the site. If you suddenly find this application that seamlessly integrates your GoPro into Google Hangouts, that's the sort of thing you want to ask and self-answer in one swoop. You're ringing a loud bell that's intended to mean hey, come look at what I found over here, this is awesome and you should see it! Just don't do it as an exercise in content creation. Your heart is in the right place, but it's better to let this happen naturally. | | I'm going to make a case that this is a bad idea. Setting yourself up with a "question" so you can tout a particular piece of software will set this site up to be one big software advertising/listing service fast. Even if it is done with full disclosure, we cannot allow this site to become a listing service for every piece of software folks want out there. This isn't a software announcement and advertising site. Asking the question just so you can answer it is a form of Jeopardy that will get this site shut down fast. Your motives are commendable. I understand that you just want to share your favorite piece of software with the folks here. But saying that we encourage (or even allow) such self-answered "problem statements" opens the door to every software vendor and enthusiast to do the same. Who doesn't think the {software they use} is helpful? It's will attract the wrong type of content. If you do not have a very specific problem to solve (an actually question that needs a community to resolve), it should not be here. | | • In that case, would a feature-request for removing the self-answer option be considered? – allquixotic Feb 5 '14 at 17:01 • @allquixotic I hope not - why would we remove it? If used legitimately, it produces quality content. If used illegitimately, it doesn't and we delete something. We should wait until there's a problem to fix it. – Undo Feb 5 '14 at 17:05 • @allquixotic No! A self-answer is perfectly fine for “I had this problem, and I found this application that solved it”. Don't do it for “I love this application, and here's why you should too.” – Gilles 'SO- stop being evil' Feb 5 '14 at 17:19 • 1 @Gilles the distinction between those two cases is razor-thin in terms of what the actual content of the question and answer would consist of. That suggests that the motivation in your head when you went to ask/answer a question comes into play on this site and determines topicality or appropriateness. That's certainly different than other sites, but will we be able to educate users on this... – allquixotic Feb 5 '14 at 17:30 • 1 I completely agree with this, and it's one of the things I wanted to bring up originally. I can only imagine people just going to some product page and copying some features from a list to "create a question" that they could then answer with a well-written "recommendation." – animuson Feb 5 '14 at 17:51 While advertising software you love is commendable I think that self-answered questions like that blur the line between on- and off-topic far too much. Answering your own question is fine if you ask the question then happen to find a tool that fits your needs afterwards, but posing a question with an answer already in mind provides too many ways to break the limitations that softwarerecs needs to uphold. 1. Unless the question is very carefully worded both the question and any answers to it may end up being "primarily opinion-based". Knowing the answer ahead of time may promote laziness from the asker, whether incidental because they don't need to be too specific to receive the answer they want, or purposeful in an attempt to market the software to a slightly wider audience. 2. While questions like this are not self-promotion, they are promotional. It would permit the advertising of a single piece of software to the exclusion of all others if the user were to post their question, answer it, and immediately accept their own answer. In your question linked above in particular you have worded the answer as if you were talking to someone else. This could cause users quickly browsing the question or not caring or thinking to look at the asker and answerer to think that two different people were involved in the exchange, and thus place more stock in the answer. 3. Self-answered questions provide an avenue for anonymous self-promotion, as a developer for ProductX who is regularly known as MrsX across the internet would be able to create an account as MrY, ask and answer a question on their own software, accept the answer, and thus receive free traffic and links from a highly ranked site. While truly bad software would soon be voted out of oblivion, it is a path that would falsely inflate the reputation of mediocre or good software. | | • On bullet #2, it's not really to the exclusion of all others, the check mark just indicates the question author's personal preference - but it's hard to get people to look at it that way sometimes. However I'm not saying that you're wrong at all on any point. I'm interested to see what happens, and how people try to find creative ways to promote things for ... the wrong reasons. – Tim Post Feb 5 '14 at 15:13 • @TimPost It is a slight exaggeration on my part. I've seen many beginner or unregistered users on other SE sites look at a question, see the selected answer and think "obviously that is the correct answer", even when it isn't (or was but is now outdated). I think anyone bringing that mindset here without understanding just how broad our definition of "correct" can be would unknowingly be party to tipping the votes in favour of a promotional answer. – Ken Herbert Feb 5 '14 at 15:38 Maybe we should add a feature request to mark self-answered questions on this site more visually. As this site will inevitably invite vendors (or more generally creators) to do promotions of their software we can either fight that to the bitter end (which is a lot of work on our side) or allow it and just make it blunt obvious to the reader (which is a lot less work for our side) and thous let the reader decide for themselves if they trust this information. Also this could encourage people to write alternatives to this answer and the future reader to pay closer attentions to other than the accepted answer. We may even force a tag or something on such questions that one can exclude in search like saying: "I don't want to be advertised to." | | You must log in to answer this question. Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged .
I asked a question, where the original title was Free alternative to Adobe VoCo A moderator then left the following comment: Would you mind removing the word "Adobe VoCo" from the title? Or at least write a title like "Sound editor to insert words into speech (Free alternative to Adobe VoCo)". Thanks! So I changed the title and tried to find some reasoning here on Meta why such a title is not wanted. Here's what I found: Nothing seems to prevent a title like "Free alternative to ...". Why did the moderator then ask me to change the title? | | As Thomas said, a "Alternative to XYZ" title is not a the best way to attract good answers. It eliminates people who don't know the potentially out-of-trend XYZ, and it does not contain any keywords. Of course, most software have many features, for instance you might ask "Alternative to Emacs" because you use Emacs as a customer support suite, while the first answerer has always used Emacs as a sound file editor, and naturally the answer will not fit your actual need. Another indirect effect of questions titled "Alternative to XYZ" (even with a perfect question body that lists all requirements) is that newcomers might come to our site, see a title like this, and assume that asking such questions (naturally without requirements) is OK. So, I would go a bit further than Thomas and actually ban such titles, with this rule: It is OK to write "alternative to XYZ" in the title, but: 1. It must be within parenthesis, 2. It must be at the end of the title, 3. The question title must be understandable without it. Example: Open source Android app to convert mp4 to ogv (alternative to CloudY) | | TL;DR: for you own good. Indeed, nothing prevents you from writing such a title. However, it may be less likely that you get answers, if you consider the following situation. You have written "Free alternative to Adobe VoCo". Let's say someone reads this title in the question overview. Since Adobe VoCo is not a mainstream product, even just a demonstration in alpha or beta state, it's unlikely that someone is familiar with it. They may easily skip over the question and you get no answer. If the title is changed to a more general statement that can be understood without exact product knowledge, it's more likely that someone gets interested and looks at the question. Maybe he even likes it so much that he stars it, does some research and evaluation and finally posts an answer, even if he didn't know a recommendation straight away. So, the moderator's note was not a "you're breaking the rules" comment, but rather a way to optimize the question so you may get better answers. | | You must log in to answer this question. Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged .
Wide Grip Vs Close Grip Lat exercises are very common not only in the gym setting but also with workout stations at home. Lat exercises are best for building up the upper body muscles.  You can work out simply with just pull down equipments or can use different variation exercises to maximize body strength. Exercises should be done in a way that it should not strain any muscle. The weight you choose should be bearable and start the exercise with smaller weights and then move toward heavier weights. While doing Lat pull down another question arises that whether wide grip exercise is better or the cloer grip exercise. Below is the review of both types of exercise, their functions, their pros and cons and the most effective exercise. What are Last Muscles? Most of the people don’t know about Lat muscles that are actually an abbreviation of the Latissimus dorsi muscle which are the largest group of muscles and ar located at dorsal and lateral side of the body. These muscles are connected inside of the upper arm to pelvis and in upper torso and in the lower back area. The basic muscles that are included in lat muscles are teres major and minor, rhomboids, serratus posterior inferior and trapezius muscles. The muscles below the shoulder joints also work with it. Width and function of these muscles can be improved by pull down exercises. Grip that should be used There are two main ways to do the pull-down and pull up exercises. Close grip lat exercise and wide grip lat exercises. Both of these exercises are important and serve in their own respective manner. But people are always in search of the most beneficial exercise that’s why they always explore the differences between close grip and wide grip lat exercises. Close grip pull downs are the best exercises to build huge size muscles. This exercise will bulk up the LAT muscles by extending it outward. Close grip exercises are basically similar to the regular chin up bar exercise in which hands are approximately at the same distance as of shoulder. This will build and bulk up lower lat muscle, and make them larger. To get more information about lat exercises visit latpulldown.net. But Wide grip exercises are used to bulk up the body in an elongated way that gives the shoulder and targeted muscle a wider and broader look. That is why most people use wide grip pull downs to elongate and widen the shoulder muscles. You can use wide grip method while doing pull ups this method widely effect people who bring the bar to back of the neck during the workout. I hope this article helped you to get the up notch information about the lat exercises and difference between close and wide grip lat exercises. Leave a Reply
Latest News Safe Day for Seeds at South Island Champs No major dramas for the seeded players on day one of the South Island Squash Championships in Nelson. All seven seeds in action are safely through to the second round, with all but one of them winning in straight games.  Men's Open third seed Shane Johnston was the exception, edging to a 3-1 win over Christopher Collins. Top seed Megan Craig had a bye in the first round of the Women's Open, but put her time to good use, racking up a 3-1 win over Nick Wiffen in the men's draw.  The world number 52 now faces a tough ask tomorrow, taking on second seed Chris van der Salm in the quarterfinals of the men's draw,  as well as facing Julie Gillaly in the last eight of the women's. Round one 1. Shaun Madden def Oliver Reiter 3/0 Paul Roughan def Adrian Mennell 3/1 Andrew Ellis def Clark Ellery 3/0 4. Grant Craig def Martin McKelvie 3/0 3. Shane Johnston def Christopher Collins 3/1 Scott Galloway def Jason van der Walt 3/0 Megan Craig def Nick Wiffen 3/1 Chris van der Salm def Mark Roberts 3/0 Round one 1. Megan Craig BYE Julie Gillaly def Christine Palmer 3/0 Marre Smith def Jodie Backhouse 3/0 4. Emma Sim def Corina Stebbings 3/0 3. Erin Ellery def Susan Netto 3/0 Sophie O'Connell def Nicola Dann 3/0 Susan O'Connell def Christine Castle 3/0 2. Kerry Wickett def Kelsi Carrick 3/0 << Back Our Partners Website by
Nonfiction, Uncategorized The sky can be sliced, can be serrated. When we fly, clouds pull apart, the first heaven reconfigures, an unblemished celestial landscape forever alters with exhaust. It has become commonplace, flying. We view it not as an enchantment, but an inconvenience. We are not awed by the height we reach nor the speed with which we may exit one icy clime and find ourselves in the warm embrace of another. We forget that this is only possible — earbuds stuffed into auricles, pillows plumped under our heads — because someone stretched. Someone enacted an idea with a reach that exceeded his grasp. With a pounding heart and a galloping mind, he sketched, he planned, he fashioned and tested and failed. He had help. He was lifted, both by those whose ideas dovetailed with his own and those who doubted his ability to ever reach higher than they could. He s t r e t c h e d, and in so doing, built something that serrates the sky. I have gone whole days without stretching, gone full weeks, many years, a lifetime lifting toward spots much lower than those I could reach. I’ve been meek. Once my nana accused me of shrinking: you’re too young to be losing height and too old not to stand like you know you’re tall. Stretch. Her mother was diminutive. She lived to be 95 and in her final years, when you entered any room where she stood, it felt hallowed. After decades of curling down, she felt close to heaven. My great-grandma trained as a teacher then married a factory man-turned-preacher and raised 10 children, quietly. Old photographs show her sitting, stoic and adolescent, amid her sassier sisters who would grow up to buy land, write poems, perform monologues, ride camels in Egypt. I like to believe she was content. Perhaps family was her reach. Perhaps her laborious, love-glazed meals were all she needed to grasp. But it was only when her husband passed and left her with a decade alone that I saw her s t r e t c h. She ventured a joke, a smile, a risque repetition, and basked in the laughter that followed. She tested opinions on her tongue, rolled advice around her molars, conjured a voice more confident than I’d ever heard her use. By then, the bones in her back had calcified; her spine, not unlike a comma, separated her new and independent will from years of dependent clauses: if the children are well, if my husband allows, if the weather lets up, if the grandbabies need me. If I can. My posture is not what it should be, nor is my opinion of myself. This, like my talents, desires, and eyes, is an inheritance. But so are long arms, a galloping mind, an appreciation of aircrafts and their ability to serrate the sky. This year has been one of reaching, of fingertips pushing past practical possibility. I have stretched my perceptions. Stretched the confines of an INFJ personality. Stretched my patience till it was pulled thin and pliable as taffy. Stretched writing past entertainment, past preciousness, past secrecy till I reached activism. Stretched a dollar till it hollered, forgot its diminished value, and yielded to my will. Stretched beyond my agenda to help others reach an apex. This year has felt like a rack, like I was not so much the agent of my reach than a slave to it. Stretching is rarely triumphal. It is born of discomfort, desperation. It is born of disgust and necessity. It comes from dangling: yours from the end of a rope and that of the thing you most desire, within sight but just above the air you can touch. It aches, makes you painfully aware of the parts of yourself you neglect. Stretching intensifies your accountability: the stronger it makes you, the more you can carry. I am carrying so much more than I ever believed I would. S  t  r  e  t  c  h. Faith, Nonfiction By manipulating the shape of the body in freefall, a skydiver can generate turns, forward motion, backwards motion, and even lift. A wounded deer leaps highest. — Emily Dickinson On its surface, this day is no different than others. It adheres to the same 24 hours as all the rest. The sun rises and sets at hours consistent with those in the days surrounding it. It does not break from established weather patterns, does not undo the laws of gravity, does not defy velocity. It is but a day. But I tell you of a truth: we are made for risk. We are made for the meticulous building of traditions and for the very sudden breaking from them. Listen, feel the hard gallop of blood through the veins to the heart through the veins. This is how were meant to move through this, the only life we’re given: quick, but with deliberation, forceful and regenerative. We were meant for leaps, for freefalls–and just in case our fears make us forget, just in case the trappings of acquired finery cause a kind of amnesia, God occasionally grants us this: an extra revolution of earth ’round sun, a 366th opportunity to do what should be done daily. You will not perish. You will kiss lovers you would not have known, if not for the casting off of cynicism. You will break ground that, undoubtedly, would’ve been colonized later, by someone else who understood what it meant to manipulate a fall, a failure, in ways that become strengths. You will triumph where others see only defeat. You will tilt your head, close an eye, squint, make viewfinders of your fingers and gaze at the figure before you in the glass, gaze until she becomes someone to be revered, someone different than she was in years, in days, in moments before and who will be different still in the days to come. You will finish a thought, a deep, a pursuit once discarded–reconcile with a decision long past. You will take your children–biological, imagined, mentored–and pull them close with the sound of your lowered voice. Say, you may feel fixed as stone, but you have the freedom of vapor. Say, I have heard that, in the air, we become zephyrs. But this can only be confirmed though the leap. Say, I love you. This should matter. This should be a propulsion. When you feel yourself sinking, spread your arms, let your heart unfurl like a bolt of raw silk, and trust that love’s current will carry you.
Roman Consul Gaius Marius and the Marian Reforms Although Consul Gaius Marius (157-86 BCE)1 of Ancient Rome is known as one of the most controversial players on the stage of Ancient Roman history, he is likewise perhaps the greatest contributor to the increased battlefield proficiency that became what people today think of when we think of the powerful Roman Army. In fact, in many ways Marius set the standard by which most future successful military forces were to operate on at the tactical and logistical levels. The Marian Reforms played a pivotal role in the future of the Roman military, economy, political and social cores of Roman society. While his Reforms took care of some problems, a whole new problem took hold. That problem came when during the Jugurthan War in Numidia, Gaius Marius raised the first Roman volunteer army in 107 BCE.2 The army was made up of mostly poor, landless, and or unemployed men. He trained them and then defeated an enemy that had been fighting well against the Roman Army.Not only did this make Marius a hero because he defeated the enemy with his volunteer army, he managed to relieve a great portion of Rome’s economic problem of rampant unemployment by accepting men for service that were previously not allowed into the Roman armed forces due to societal status. Ironically, some of these men had once been lower class land owners who farmed, and while away on military service their homes had been confiscated and sold off by the wealthier classes of Roman citizenry. Once they had served, but now homeless, landless, and unemployed, without Marius they no longer were qualified for service. Marius changed that by allowing them into service in spite of their societal position. These veterans whose homes had been sold off naturally had a great level of distrust of the Roman central government and aristocracy. Likewise so too did the poor, and unemployed of the lower classes of Roman society. This distrust, along with the fact that under Marius, an army’s general was to pay his soldiers rather than the state turned the loyalties of the Roman soldier to his own commanding officer rather than to the nation itself. Thus, while a great economic burden on Rome had been lifted to a large extent, Marius’ volunteer army and method of paying them served the purpose of dividing Rome and eventually paved the way for generals and their armies to fight civil wars for ultimate power of Rome. Here is where Marius’ controversy comes into play. There is further irony here as well. Marius went to great length successfully to bring the Roman military under a more unified and uniform fighting force in spite of the fact that he caused the great divisions that took place. One simple way in which Marius brought a greater level of cohesion and single identity to the Roman military was the change their standards from the five different symbols of the minotaur, horse, eagle, wolf and boar to being uniformly an eagle across all of the legions.4 Another vital aspect that Marius focused on was the individual training of each soldier. The Roman soldier was without question a formidable and capable fighter in single combat, but his specialty was fighting as part of a cohesive unit. Giaus Marius dramatically improved the Roman soldiers’ abilities in single combat by employing the use of gladiators in their training.5 The gladiators had imported a vast number of different fighting styles from their homelands and the weapons to go with those styles. The training given by the use of the gladiators gave the Roman soldier of vast knowledge of the different styles of fighting he may encounter as well as the use of a large variations of weapons. The Roman soldier became much more effective in single combat than in previous periods of Ancient Rome. While Marius had his soldiers trained in many different fighting styles and weapons, Marius made yet another key reform that brought an excellent level of military efficiency to the Roman Army. That change was the standardization of weapons and equipment. Previously it was not uncommon to see Roman soldiers carrying a number of different weapons in a formation. This was because the soldier had to supply his own. Marius made changes that mandated all soldiers, in particular the heavy infantry, would have standardized weapons, shields, and armor. The soldier did still have to pay for his gear, but he purchased it from the state while in service. With each soldier carrying the same types of weapons, it was much easier for smiths to repair or replace a weapon or piece of gear when damaged or lost in battle. This made life easier for the combat soldier and for support personnel. Marius was able to also reduce the size of his army by drastically limiting beasts of burden to carry soldiers’ gear and ordered that soldiers carry most of their equipment on their person. This reduction in army size as opposed to the added weight on the individual soldier still made for an army that was able to move on march faster than before.6 They were able to march approximately 20 miles a day on favorable road conditions while carrying roughly 80-90 pounds.7 Much like King Philip II of Macedon in previous Greek history, Marius removed as many non-essential personnel and animals from his army as possible and thus made it faster and easier to move on campaign. After Gaius Marius had been victorious in the Jugurthan War in Numidia, Marius found himself once again dealing with a war, and that war was with the Germanic barbarians of continental Europe. What he found was that he needed a military organized in such a way that it was better suited for dealing with the large numbers of German warriors within the German battle formations. Marius needed more combat troops on the battle line, but needed to maintain flexibility of maneuverability. What Marius did was change the military organization from a maniple based army to a cohortal based force by changing the cohort from an administrative element to a tactical element in the army. This placed more men in the fray, but did not sacrifice tactical flexibility or maneuverability, and allowed for greater independent action by forces if need be. Clearly, Consul Gaius Marius was the author of a great number of innovations in the Roman military machine that dramatically improved its capabilities. His impact was felt in tactical ability, logistical ability, in the sphere of Roman economics, and in the social and political realms. Much of what he did was to serve Rome well against its enemies, but likewise the Marian Reforms pulled Roman allegiance apart. Consul Gaius Marius is a figure that can be greatly admired for his achievements, and yet is viewed as perhaps having done more damage to Rome than many, if not any other Consul of Rome serving before him. 1.Carey, Brian Todd, Allfree, Joshua B., Cairns, John. Warfare in the Ancient World. Barnsley:UK Pen and Sword Books Ltd 2009. 106 2. LeGlay, Marcel, et al, A Historyof Rome, 4th ed. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. 124-125. 3.Webb, J. P., From Marius to Patreaus: The Relevance of the Marian Reforms to the Modern American Warrior. Waco,TX: Webb Publishing 2011. 7 4.Goldworthy, Adrian. Roman Warfare. London:UK Phoenix 2007. 107 6. Webb, J. P., From Marius to Patreaus. 11-12 Adrian Goldworthy. Roman Warfare. London:UK Phoenix 2007. Appian. The Civil Wars: Book I. Chicago,IL: University of Chicago, 2006. Brian Todd Carey, Joshua B.Allfree, and John Cairns. Warfare in the Ancient World. Barnsley:UK Pen and Sword Books Ltd 2009.  J. P. Webb. From Marius to Patreaus: The Relevance of the Marian Reforms to the Modern American Warrior. Waco,TX: Webb Publishing 2011.  Marcel Le Glay, et al.  A History of Rome, 4th ed. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. Roeland Oosterloo and Luke Piersma. 2009. Roman Soldiers: 2011. Join the Conversation 1 Comment 1. I think that even the most despised leaders can bring about some of the most drastic and beneficial changes in a country’s history. There are a great many examples to be seen throughout time to support this. The best that comes to mind is Napoleon Bonaparte. Though he was not seen as France’s greatest leader he was the one that changed the face of France’s military. Napoleon was a brilliant tactical mind when compared to the standard of his day. He set a style of army for the European nations and used them to conquer a great deal of land in the name of France. Quite possibly his greatest achievement was not his conquest however, but rather his innovation of supplying rations for his men. It was Napoleon who is famous for saying “An army marches on its stomach.” The innovation that I speak of is of coarse the introduction of canning to the armies of France that allowed them to carry readily eatable and clean foods without the use of vinegar of some other strong and usually disgusting fermentation substance. This gave an army the ability to eat nutritious food without risk of disease, thought they did still spread among the ranks. And not only do the people who bring these changes get met with resistance and disapproval, they are often removed or limited in some way by those who do not support them. I believe that it is in fact partially because Marius brought these reforms that he was disliked so greatly. He stood against the common flow and took a stand to benefit the country and its people. Now it is easily said that Marius was of coarse not entirely stable in his life and was not the most trustworthy man, but when a man has a truly beneficial idea it is his right and more his responsibility to do all he can to see it come to fruition for all those it will benefit. Now that is not to say that all men who aspire must succeed, because as history has proven the winner determines who is right and who is wrong. As we have seen In both world wars, men can have very poor beliefs and act upon them with great tenacity to some extent reach their goal. However, These are not truly the ideas that shape the world (or land) for the betterment of all its citizens. Of course the obvious name that comes to mind is Adolf Hitler. Hitler was in no way a man with a beneficial vision, but the reform and technology that he spurred on was undoubtedly a vast and decisive gain for the German people that served him as well as the other Axis powers. His drive to create a master race led him to fund the production of the first true assault rifles which have obviously revolutionized modern warfare to an extreme that no one could have envisioned. As well his revolutionary tactics were of great use in later wars and battles afar. These tactics also spurred on his enemies to create their own irregular system of survival and attack, as can be seen on the Normandy assault. Leave a comment You are commenting using your account. Log Out /  Change ) Google photo Twitter picture Facebook photo Connecting to %s %d bloggers like this:
Genesis 1 Stereo RCA Cable (Tomee) (No reviews yet) Write a Review Bulk Pricing: Buy in bulk and save Genesis 1 Stereo RCA Cable (Tomee) Connect your headset or other audio devices with the 3.5mm Male/ Female RCA Replacement Audio Splitter Cable. Great for getting stero sound out of your Genesis or Mega-drive Model 1. This cable has a 3.5mm stereo plug male jack that splits into two RCA male stereo audio jacks that also contain female inputs. This ONLY has audio, it does not have video output.
SuperValu Recipe The Happy Pear Potato Cakes Steve’s wife Justyna is Polish so we regularly make these when in Poland (Placki Ziemniaczane) with polish potatoes but there’s nothing quite like irish potatoes . We love potatoes in their many forms, but have added chickpeas to this delicious potato cake for extra protein and bite and added a zingy coriander mayo that takes it to the next level. If you’re not a coriander fan simply replace with equal fresh basil. Preparation time: 10 minutes Cooking time: 15 minutes Ingredients Add to Shopping List Serves: 4 people Add all ingredients Select All For the Zingy Coriander Mayo: To Serve: 1. Soak the ground flax with the water and set aside for 5 minutes. 2. Grate the potatoes using a box grater or in a food processor with the grater attachment. 3. Grate the onion separately and make sure to squeeze any excess liquid out before mixing with the potato. 4. Drain and rinse the chickpeas, put into a bowl and mash slightly 5. Add all the ingredients into a large mixing bowl, and mix well using a spoon or by hand, the mixture will be slightly wet but the flour and flax will hold them together. 6. Time to make the mayo. Add all the mayo ingredients to a blender (except the oil) and blend until smooth, slowly add the oil, with the lid still on, while the blender is on so it creates an emulsion, this should take about 1-2 minutes. Give it a good blast at full speed for a min before finishing. You should have a lovely creamy zingy green mayo. 7. Shape the potato cakes batter into 8-10 cm, flat pancakes (100g each). 8. Heat 2-3 Tbsp of oil in large flat pan or heavy bottom frying pan on high heat, when hot, reduce the heat to medium and start to spoon the pancakes into the pan, and cook for 2-3 minutes on each side or until golden brown, cook in batches until all the batter is used. Serve with the delicious mayo! *Hint/Tip Great as a delicious weekend brunch addition Be the first to add a review. Shopping List 0 View Clear
KORG app Help Center How can I get the bundled software? (Can't find the CD-ROM containing the bundled software.) The bundled software can be downloaded from KORG Software Bundle. Please go to KORG Software Bundle for details. Was this article helpful? 0 out of 1 found this helpful Please sign in to leave a comment.
Pseudomyxoma Peritonei Pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP) is very rare. Approximately two people in 1 million will develop PMP, which grows out of the cells of the appendix as a benign tumour at first, but spreads as a low grade malignancy as it progresses. The cancer produces a jelly-like liquid called mucin, which eventually breaks out from the appendix and spreads into the peritoneal cavity. The peritoneum lines the inside of the abdomen, covering and protecting organs such as the ovaries, uterus, and bowels.[1]  The tumour affects men and women equally, but in women, it is usually associated with ovarian cancer which could be a metastasis of the primary appendiceal tumour. Symptoms of PMP can include hernia (a bulge on the abdominal wall), loss of appetite, unexplained weight gain, pelvic pain, and/or changes in bowel habits. All of these symptoms will depend on where the tumour is growing and what organs it is affecting. PMP is diagnosed through a battery of tests to eliminate the possibility of other more common diseases. These tests can include: • CT scan. • Pelvic or abdominal ultrasound. • Drainage of fluid from the abdomen. • Biopsy. Treatment for this tumour usually consists of two types of surgery: Cytoreductive surgery with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) and debulking surgery. HIPEC involves a solution containing chemotherapy that is heated to a temperature greater than body temperature. Before HIPEC is administered, the surgeon removes all visible tumours. This is known as cytoreductive surgery. Following cytoreductive surgery, the surgeon will administer HIPEC treatment directly into the abdominal cavity in the operative setting.[2] Debulking surgery is performed when other treatments are insufficient, and involves the removal of the affected peritoneum, part of the bowels and, in women, the uterus and ovaries.
Weans’ World 3: Protest that, weans!! (c) @stephffart By ArtyHetty: If I were that age again I’d be absolutely bloody livid at the ‘injustice’ that is England’s Brexit being wrought on my country, most likely where my parents voted to remain so as to secure an internationalist, economically healthy, safe future, now being removed from right under my feet. In fact the chains won’t be because of the SNP, or the SQA or whoever they want to blame, but will be secured tight around their ankles due to having no opportunities, no prospects and definitely no chance of FOM therefore studying and/or working in 27 other countries available to them. Their wings are being clipped by the EngGov in London, yet they protest about exam results, yes it’s awful to have that huge disappointment, and feel like your world just fell apart, but their world is being ruined by the big knobs re climate, re Brexit, re a likely dismantling of their own more competent socially aware and responsible government in Scotland! It will take many more years of hard slog by a pro Scotland (SNP right now) government to repair centuries of neglect, underinvestment, and contempt from the English masters in London, that has rendered Scotland unable to thrive, even though it is endowed with enormous wealth, all being removed by a corrupt neighbour. The media have done this, at the behest of the BRITISH NATIONALISTS, who are the ones these weans should be shouting out about and protesting against. Scotland will be taken back decades post Brexit, where if lucky, young and old alike have to leave to have any sort of quality of life. It’s tragic for Scotland if enough do believe the hype, but perfectly orchestrated, the BritNat propaganda machine must be being oiled (Scotland’s oil!) 24/7 right now. Smell the BritNat fear. Maybe the weans should protest the fact that Scotland is right at this moment denied £5.9 BILLION from the EU to mitigate against economic hit due to Covid19. All due to England dragging their country out of the EU. Protest that weans! PS: Not to mention that for those who do get to go to Uni, unlike their counterparts in England, they do not incur a £30K+ ‘debt’ for tuition (fees) at the end of their studies. I know of young people in England who have £50k+ of ‘debt’ after Uni, now with no FOM and with Brexit, they will never be able to repay it. No jobs, tragic.Once sent to a loan company (some tories own loan companies) they won’t leave them alone, they will never be able to buy a property either, not with massive debt. Maybe protest that because it’s the future for kids in Scotland should a BritNat party ever get to the helm again. Ed: Breath slowly, slowly, that’s better. 3 thoughts on “Weans’ World 3: Protest that, weans!!” 1. Well said. What are their prospects now regardless of attainment? I am so angry that Scotland is being dictated to by a different country in a so called union where we have no say. You guys do a great job. Keep the posts coming. Liked by 3 people 2. For all the genuine angst which will exist among pupils, teachers, SQA and SG over exam results this year, the furore contrived by the media and politicians is the greater scandal. Within an hour of a friend’s daughter being congratulated on Facebook on having just received confirmation on her exams pass, it was wall to wall “thousands up in arms” from media and opposition politicians. The script was prepared, everyone knew their lines, cue “Outrage” and….ACTION. Scotland is no longer served by decent debate over facts by sage journalists, it has become a propaganda machine to hammer away at public confidence in it’s government for purely political objectives. Liked by 2 people Leave a Reply WordPress.com Logo Google photo Twitter picture Facebook photo Connecting to %s
Tuesday, July 14, 2020 Memorial of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Today is the Feast of St. Kateri tekakwitha, Lily of the Mohawks. Her story is a compelling one, since she converted to Catholicism from her Native American spiritual heritage, causing her tremendous pain. She was rejected and excluded by her people and ended up contracting smallpox, a horrible plague in her day. She remains a powerful intercessor for people in need of healing. Given the current pandemic, St. Kateri is a healing witness to the power of prayer. Also, in this time of societal examination of racial attitudes and influences, we need to remember the horrible experiences of our Native American brothers and sisters. St. Kateri can guide us through the ways the shared history of our country and its “founding” is rooted in the lives of Native Americans. As the Europeans came to America in the 17th century, it had already been “founded” and cultivated by a variety of beautiful cultures that were simply brushed aside and denigrated. As various sports teams across the spectrum are reassessing their names, e.g., “the redskins,” we need to go well beyond the area of names given to sports teams. As a nation, we need to acknowledge the many ways that Native Americans experienced such brutality and violence, as they and their tribes were dislocated in the name of “manifest destiny.” The results of this brutality and aggression are poverty, alcoholism in high numbers, displacement, and bigotry. Native Americans and their Reservations are struggling to regain and strengthen their beautiful and ancient culture. Our government must do everything it can to right the wrongs, to make certain reparations needed for healing and to encourage artistic representations from the Native American community to be honored publicly. Fr. Frank St. Kateri, Pray for us.
Who’s really in control? The world into which Jesus was born was rife with many of the same problems our world faces today. Yet, the readings for the Epiphany of the Lord help us understand that because of Jesus’ birth, there is more light than darkness, more hope than despair.
Menu Close Racism of rigid legalism greets asylum seekers and their kind We rightly celebrate living in a society where law and order prevail. Being able to follow established rules allows for the smooth operation of the many necessary transactions of everyday life. Yet it is one of the paradoxes of life in general that if we obey too strictly the rules that govern our interaction, society will be dysfunctional. Life cannot be as predictable as laws and rules would like it to be; one has to improvise. This is not the same thing as being lawless. The rule of law, among other things, guarantees that we as citizens can access certain goods and services by right rather than at the whim of someone who is in a position of power over us. As those of us who have lived in societies where law and order is minimal know, even a small transaction like getting a driver’s licence can be socially and psychologically exhausting. It’s a circus of going up and down buildings, begging people, explaining to them what should be obvious, having to pay a bribe to have a paper stamped, seeing people who have come after you being served before you because they know so and so etc. The law homogenises very different kind of individuals. We like to live by the mantra that “everyone is equal before the law”. In real life, though, we are always faced with situations where we have to step outside the law and the rules to cater for particular people and situations. Trade unionists, for example, know this only too well. This is why work-to-rule is considered a form of industrial action. To work exactly “by the book” and “according to the law” slows everything down such as it puts into question the viability of an enterprise, making it dysfunctional. The same goes for society. Not only is “too much law and order” perceived as socially dysfunctional, it is perceived as unhealthy. The individuals who are seen to follow the rules too rigidly can be seen as inflexible and anti-social. In Western liberal nations we pathologise societies that are excessively driven by law and order and social control. We associate such societies with dictatorships and we see them as producing overly rigid individuals whose sense of freedom and creativity has been repressed. This is why our liberal education involves a continual attempt at finding a balance between making students follow certain rules and allowing them a bit of room to be unruly, whether in terms of behaviour or in terms of how to think. This is considered crucial for encouraging participation and fostering creativity. Humanity requires give and take Individuals who stick to the rules too rigidly are not only judged as “anti-social” they are sometimes perceived as “immoral”. Recently, a woman who was holding one child in her arm and was pushing another in a pram asked a bus driver to leave his driver’s seat and help her climb on the bus. He refused and said that it was not part of his job. The woman looked shocked; she felt entitled to have him break the rules for her. He noticed and immediately followed his refusal by saying that, in fact, he wasn’t allowed to do so. The driver was most probably “working by the book” and “within his rights” but most of the people on the bus were outraged and many jumped to help the woman while giving the driver looks of disapproval. This incident shows that even when we are wholeheartedly for law and order, we instinctively know that it is an intrinsic part of our humanity to extend to others a space “outside the law”. This allows for a bit of “give and take”, a bit of flexibility with laws and rules, when necessary. But, as the example of the bus driver shows, we are very much able to act “inhumanly” when we want to. We can refuse to be supple, denying others this space of flexibility that caters for their particular needs. Whether we do it to be purposefully mean or because we can‘t be bothered, it is often the case that when we do so, we take refuge in the law for doing it: “I am only doing my job”, “This is how things are done here”, “It can’t be helped”, “It’s the law”. We hide behind a façade of excessive legality. A history of two sets of rules While this excessive legality is often random and erratic, it takes a more regular and structural form when we examine the history of Western colonialism and racism. Here we find a recurring and even systematic history of social interactions in which Westerners require from those they racialise an exact obedience to the letter of the law. It is an obedience they do not require in interactions among themselves. Airport security is perhaps today the most obvious space where this can be observed, whether in the checking of papers or in the notorious “random” but extra-meticulous search to which some people are subjected. We also still have the equally classical occurrence observed in many government departments where a racialised person is told that a document she has forgotten is “absolutely necessary” to have a transaction finished. Another person can get away with a simple “Sorry, I forgot this paper”. Revelations of racial profiling for the purpose of airport security are a clear illustration of rules being applied most rigidly to people identified as ‘others’. EPA/Michael Reynolds These little moments of excessive legality add up to an insidious form of racism that is among the hardest to fight, precisely because “nothing illegal has been done here”. Its effect, however, can be as detrimental as any racism. Just as work-to-rule makes a factory dysfunctional, this excessive legality can make the racialised live in a world that has been made dysfunctional and even unbearable, especially for them. It is the case that since 9/11 the space for give and take outside the laws and rules of bureaucratic control has shrunk for everyone. Going by the book is increasingly perceived by the state as a security-driven necessity in many domains of life. Nonetheless, a space for some laxity and flexibility with the law still exists. Racialised people are very often denied this flexibility. Each Western country engages in this racist “excessive legality” with their own cultural particularity. France does it with its exceptional capacity to generate procedural claustrophobia. The UK persists with its quasi-eternal colonial mode of being racist while affecting to believe that it is shocking that something like this can happen. The Americans have the unique capacity for doing it as if nothing of the sort is happening. An inviolable ‘queue’ As for Australians, the usual dose of “island logic” gives the whole process a particular paranoid intensity. But everywhere the refrain is the same: we’re only applying the law, following the rules etc. The idea of asylum seekers “jumping the queue” is the latest instalment in this history of excessive legality. Is not the insistence on a “queue” for asylum seekers the ultimate example of the imagined state of “pure” law and order? Even if there were such a mythical queue, since when do we force people to stay in a queue when they are needy or weak? As we have already seen, being flexible with rules is part of the way we express our humanity. We know all too well that if an old frail person asks if they can jump the queue at a post office, we do not tell them: Go to hell, you cannot jump the sacrosanct queue. We let people jump the queue all the time if we think they need it. We let them do so except when we want to be vicious. And this is what racism as excessive legalism is: a long history of colonial racist viciousness. Asylum seekers are trying to snatch from us despite ourselves the space of “give and take” that we are refusing to offer. But we refuse to yield. And, as usual, we engage in this viciousness towards them in two ways. Either we argue that we are completely justified in not being flexible since, somehow we conveniently convince ourselves, they are not really in need of it, or we hide behind “we need to enforce the law and the rules” as so many colonialist racists have done before us. We’re only protecting the queue. For the queue needs protecting; somebody is about to jump it … unheard of. Want to write? Register now
Internet Internet Sun, 01 Nov 2020 01:18:43 +0000 Sun, 01 Nov 2020 01:18:43 +0000 The Forum Wheel Gateway What keeps you on (or off) social media? Tue, 27 Oct 2020 01:44:04 +0000 (Murtles2017) Murtles2017 As a note, I do notice certain things I miss without social media. The marketplace/buying and selling component is something I haven't found a... What keeps you on (or off) social media?]]> What do you use social medias for? Tue, 20 Oct 2020 14:20:10 +0000 (Mihare) Mihare 28 How to make $10 a day online? Tue, 20 Oct 2020 14:03:55 +0000 (Fairchildftw) Fairchildftw Thank you in advance.]]> 5 Social media changed our life...but for good or for bad? Tue, 20 Oct 2020 13:43:39 +0000 (sergio perez cascant) sergio perez cascant Some people are totally addicted to them, they cant live anymore without check your phone every 5 minutes or post their last photo. Some people really like be connected to people who are living very far away, but some people prefer to chat with their friends than meet with them in real. Personally I like specially Facebook, for example the events system, its really interesting to check which events are coming near you, how many... Social media changed our life...but for good or for bad?]]> Reasons why people love shopping online Tue, 20 Oct 2020 13:24:56 +0000 (Lighta) Lighta The reason being, expectation of a competitive pricing. These customers are commonly known as bargain hunters. If you can, offer competitive pricing for your products as compared to that at the physical stores. You could also choose to put a few... Reasons why people love shopping online]]> Internet can harm people ? Wed, 23 Sep 2020 20:25:32 +0000 (Eduardo C. Baria Jr.) Eduardo C. Baria Jr. There's number of negative effects on this technology we have these days like being poor in social skills, it can also affect us physically. There's a study that one of the most dangerous effects of technology is obesity and mental... Internet can harm people ?]]> Before starting a blog Sat, 12 Sep 2020 18:17:05 +0000 (Evelyn Mbeni Wambua) Evelyn Mbeni Wambua You will not have significant audience during the first few months. But do not give up. A blog can take upto 4 months to be fully established. Just work hard and you'll get there some day.]]> 1 Thu, 27 Aug 2020 11:12:23 +0000 (jerem audrey) jerem audrey Natural Gain Plus Enriched in natural ingredients, Max Performer has been proven to raise your self-esteem and confidence; reawaken your sexual desire, drive and libido; eliminate fatigue and erectile dysfunction; supercharge your energy, sexual stamina and performance, and increase your erection strength and size. A good male enhancement pills is one which improves your overall sexual life by giving you proper erection and...]]> How has social media helped you? Thu, 27 Aug 2020 10:36:50 +0000 (Janae Mitchell) Janae Mitchell If it wasn't for social media, social distancing would be extremely difficult for me. I'm able to text and share memes/pictures with my friends and communicate like normal. Being in quarantine still isn't easy, but social media has made it much easier than it would be without it.]]> Do you buy goods online? Fri, 14 Aug 2020 23:15:20 +0000 (Tianambula) Tianambula 44 Through day and night in social media Mon, 03 Aug 2020 03:51:59 +0000 (josef0000) josef0000 Due to the Covid 19 we have been using the internet more than ever Fri, 19 Jun 2020 04:52:42 +0000 (Ayraah09) Ayraah09 2 Earn BAT Crypto Currency Mon, 08 Jun 2020 01:18:26 +0000 (AngelInferno) AngelInferno It is become popular with new alt coins every year. A lot of people want to collect them while they're cheap and wait until they're worth more money. I have a way to earn BAT (Basic Attention Token; ETH Alt Coin) through your browser through targeted ads. The Brave Web Browser is an amazing resource. I personally get 5 Notifications and Hour and I make about $1,25 - $1.50 / Month... It's easy money,... Earn BAT Crypto Currency]]> best thing on internet Mon, 08 Jun 2020 01:15:47 +0000 (ashish kumar) ashish kumar 5 Social media is destroying our lives Thu, 28 May 2020 13:07:54 +0000 (Carmen Giurgiu) Carmen Giurgiu Some argue that social media only appears to cause depression and loneliness because most users already have those characteristics and only turn to social media to meet people. Although I don't totally agree with this, I believe it is an interesting point of view that is worth... Social media is destroying our lives]]> internet question Thu, 30 Apr 2020 23:53:17 +0000 (jakenyastarks) jakenyastarks Search engines are making us forgetful Wed, 22 Apr 2020 11:28:58 +0000 (Carmen Giurgiu) Carmen Giurgiu The researchers found that people often considered checking the Internet whenever they were asked questions they could not answer. They were also likelier to... Search engines are making us forgetful]]> Sending taste over the Internet Tue, 10 Mar 2020 21:18:47 +0000 (Carmen Giurgiu) Carmen Giurgiu But we’re one step closer with taste. In a study conducted at the University of Singapore, researchers were able to successfully send the sourness of a lemon drink to a... Sending taste over the Internet]]> new way to earn money with cryptocurrency Tue, 18 Feb 2020 21:31:00 +0000 (katalan1) katalan1 All you need to do is to download the app Pi Network and start to mine. This is really not hard and you will understand how does it work. right now the Pi is worth something around 0.16$ Try to be quick because not everyone gets approved. Once you sign up to the app you need a referral code to be approved so you can use this one: You should give it a try!]]> What are the pros and con of Internet? Thu, 30 Jan 2020 05:20:53 +0000 (Alice Ochieng) Alice Ochieng With internet communication the world has been connected with easy communications through social media Apps and now video talking is practical and you can talk live with your loved... What are the pros and con of Internet?]]>
Scars of Drehana Xavier rose and stretched, rolling his head from side to side, trying to get his neck to crack. He looked down at the rock he had been sitting on and grimaced before walking across camp to his gear pile, extracting a saddle blanket, and laying it on top of the rock. Xavier smiled and sat back down. Dawn had broken over the deserts of Drehana, and the scene was rather spectacular. Stunningly spectacular, in fact. The climbing sun bled brilliant oranges and purples onto the craggy bluffs and cliffs of the wild landscape. Xavier glanced at the map spread before him on the ground, staked in place by a throwing knife through each corner. Yawning, he picked up his coffee from where it had been sitting on the map. Steam rose from the top of the mug, smooth as a dancer, floating upward to meet the crisp autumn air with graceful defiance. All in all, it wasn’t a bad start to the day. Gustave had just returned from exercising the horses and was tending to them on the other side of their little clearing. Christian and Uraeus were snorting and neighing contentedly to themselves as Gustave readied their breakfast. After finishing with the horses, Gustave poured himself a mug of coffee and ambled over to sit next to Xavier. Brushing blond hair out of his eyes, he squinted down at the map Xavier had been studying. The hand-drawn, coffee ring-stained map depicted a box canyon several miles from them. A team of art thieves had made the canyon into their home. They had a painting that didn’t belong to them, and Xavier’s crew had ridden all the way to Drehana to relieve them of it. The thieves had made their permanent camp at the canyon’s head, alongside a cave in the canyon wall where they were hoarding their pilfered treasures. There was one guard on duty at all times, but he was guarding neither the treasure nor the camp. Instead, he was posted half a mile away at the canyon’s mouth. Sheer cliffs surrounded the canyon on all sides, and travelling through the mouth was the only way to get in. At least that’s what the thieves apparently thought. It was a grossly arrogant oversight. Camel, the final member of Xavier’s party, was currently at the canyon, keeping an eye on things. Eventually, the thieves would go on a plundering run and would leave only a skeleton crew behind. That was the moment that Xavier, Gustave, and Camel were waiting for. “What are you thinking?” Gustave asked as he sipped his coffee. “Nervous about the mission?” “No,” Xavier chuckled, turning from the map. “Do you really want to know?” “I asked, didn’t I?” Gustave picked up their food bag, selected a biscuit, and took a bite. “Alright,” Xavier said. “What do you think makes a life worth living? Is it making a difference? Is it leaving a legacy? Or is it maybe just … being happy?” “Wow.” Gustave looked sideways at Xavier as he passed him the food bag. “What’s got you all philosophical this morning, Xav?” Xavier shrugged and grabbed a biscuit of his own. “At the end of the day, when the draw pile is empty and all the cards are on the table, I want to know that I’ve played a good game.” Gustave chewed slowly. High above them, the desert sky was maturing into a fathomless expanse of sapphire. A few wispy clouds drifted past, delicate as dreams. Finally, Gustave said, “After the last hand is done, you’ve got to be satisfied with the way you played your cards. That’s it. Don’t let anyone tell you it’s about winning and losing, because it’s not. It’s about looking back and not regretting anything.” Gustave’s words made sense, as usual. Xavier nodded. Thank you he said by tapping a finger to his brow. Gustave clapped Xavier on the shoulder. “That’s what I’m here for Xav! Large weapons and life lessons are my specialty!” The two men laughed for a while and talked of simpler things. After a time, Gustave began rummaging in his bag for his pipe, but suddenly froze and cocked his head. Xavier had heard it too: a strange sound that didn’t quite fit in with the other noises of the desert. Too late, Xavier noticed the horses standing still as statues, ears aquiver. Xavier’s hand was flashing toward one of the throwing knives when the brush parted and Camel rode into the clearing on Dama. For a moment, the three men just stared at each other. Gustave’s sword was halfway out of its scabbard; Xavier was still holding his coffee in one hand while gripping the knife in his other. Camel hopped lightly to the ground. “Are you guys, ah, getting ready to save the Two Kingdoms or something?” “Camel, we almost killed you!” Gustave exclaimed as he jammed his sword back into its sheath. “Why didn’t you signal? And that horse of yours is too quiet—it’s not natural!” As if in reply, Dama snorted and shook out her sandy-colored mane. Camel just smirked and said, “My unnatural horse and I thought you might be interested in knowing that the canyon is now empty, save for two thieves: one on guard duty, and the other sleeping.” Xavier was on his feet in an instant, discarding his coffee in the brush as he jumped from his seat. “This is it!” “I’m heading back to the canyon to start preparations. Meet me when you’ve broken camp,” Camel said as he loaded several bundles onto Dama. “Hey—what are you guys eating over there?” Xavier tossed a biscuit to Camel, who caught it neatly, tapped his brow, and swung himself back into the saddle. By the time Xavier and Gustave arrived at the rim of the canyon overlooking the thieves’ camp, Camel had already set up two rappel lines. One rope was looped around a large boulder and the second, to be used only if needed, was anchored to a stout tree. The plan was simple. Wearing gambeson armor to allow him to move quietly, Xavier would rappel into the thieves’ camp alone, sneak into the cave, and find the painting. He would then return to his rappel line, Gustave would haul him up, and that would be that. As Xavier snuck through the camp, Gustave would be covering him from high up on the rim. If there was a problem, Gustave was a pretty good shot with a longbow. If there was a big problem, Gustave would come shooting down the rappel line in riveted chainmail armor, oversized bastard sword slung over his shoulder, ready to cause havoc. Camel’s job was to watch the guard at the canyon’s mouth. If the guard did anything unexpected, Camel would signal. If worse came to worst, Camel was also a deft shot with a longbow. The stolen painting belonged to Gustave’s neighbor. It was valuable enough that the man was willing to pay to get it back. Gustave had proposed to Xavier that they track and retrieve the painting, as a field test of their abilities. After all, if they were going to start a mercenary group, it was probably better to grease the cogs a little before they started turning gears. They had sent word to their old friend, Camden “Camel” Black, asking if he was up for an adventure. Camel, who lived in the crook of the Painted Mountains far to the north of Xavier and Gustave, had been eager to help retrieve the painting in exchange for a share of the reward. The three of them stood atop the sheer cliff, gazing down at the thieves’ camp 150 feet below them. “Are you guys ready?” Camel asked. Xavier and Gustave nodded. “Okay. I’ll make my way back to the mouth and signal when I get into position. Be safe.” “You too, Camel,” Gustave said as he tugged on his chainmail shirt. “See you on the other side.” Xavier stood at the canyon rim, his heels hanging over the cliff behind him. He had the thick rappel line wrapped around one thigh, across his chest to the opposite shoulder, and down his back. Glancing backward, Xavier let his eyes travel down, down, so far down, to the canyon floor. Xavier was no stranger to rappelling, but he had never quite gotten used to the feeling of walking backward off a cliff. The desert wind washed through his cropped hair and ruffled his gambeson as if playfully trying to topple him off the edge. Sweating despite the cool air, Xavier flexed his thickly-gloved fingers. He looked up at the boulder that was anchoring him, and then at Gustave, who nodded encouragingly. Xavier took a deep breath and backed over the edge. Immediately, a sickening, soul-crushing, rock-on-rock crunch split the air. Xavier looked up in alarm to see Gustave staring at him in wide-eyed shock. The boulder was shifting—and Xavier watched his rope slide up, up, and off the big rock’s tapered tip. For a moment—it felt like a moment, but it was probably only a heartbeat—Xavier hung suspended 150 feet above the floor of the canyon. He was dimly aware of Gustave making a leaping dive for the slithering loose end of the rope, but somehow Xavier knew that he was already too far gone. And then he was falling. Ten feet. Fifteen feet. Twenty feet—gone in the blink of an eye. Xavier flailed around desperately, his gloved hands scrabbling at the impassive rock. Brown and black hues flashed past and blurred together as he plummeted. There was no purchase to be had. Suddenly, a thought broke through the shock in Xavier’s mind. He turned his head and there was the second rappel line, still hanging intact. Xavier grabbed the rope with both hands, clenching it in his fists as tightly as he could and putting his feet against the wall in a frantic attempt to slow his momentum. The rope spooled through Xavier’s gloves, foot after foot after foot. He could feel it burning his hands even through the thick fabric. Gritting his teeth, Xavier clenched his fists tighter; he wasn’t slowing down! Xavier bent his knees and pushed off hard from the canyon wall, launching himself outward like a pendulum to get a few precious seconds of slack in the line. As he swung away from the cliff, Xavier used his left hand to twist the rope around and around his right wrist, hoping against hope that he could create enough friction. As he began swinging back toward the rock face, Xavier clamped down again with wrists crossed. This was going to hurt. Xavier smashed into the canyon wall, taking the brunt of the impact on his crossed arms. Something jagged punched through his glove and tore across the bottom of his right palm. He rebounded slightly off the rock and twisted chaotically in midair, clinging to the rope for dear life. The second impact came on his right side, and Xavier’s thigh, shoulder, and face became abruptly acquainted with all the cordial indifference of hard-hearted stone. Xavier threw his head back, baring his teeth in a silent scream and screwing his eyes closed as he tried not to black out. The dusty, earthy scent of sunbaked rock filled his nostrils. Sweat ran down his face in rivulets—sweat mixed with blood, Xavier realized as the taste of iron and salt made its way into his open mouth. But Xavier had stopped moving. Ever so cautiously, he opened his eyes and looked down, just to be sure. He had stopped! He was dangling like a spider on a thread not 20 feet above the canyon floor. Breathing deeply, Xavier lowered himself the rest of the way to the ground and slumped against the base of the cliff. He slowly let his eyes wander the thieves’ camp. Smoke curled lazily from a neglected fire and tents swayed in the gentle wind. The whole scene was picturesque as a painting. Xavier closed his eyes and leaned his head wearily back against the rock for a moment before finally turning his attention to his injuries. There was a fair amount of blood on the side of his face, but the wound itself seemed to be small. That was good. More concerning was his hand. His thick rappelling glove was soaked completely through with blood and the cut on his palm was deep. Leaving his glove on, Xavier cut a strip of gambeson from his armor and wound it tightly around his hand, hoping the thick padding would slow the flow of blood until he could get out of the canyon. Then he mentally gathered his strength and stood up. Craning his head back, Xavier looked up at the top of the cliff. He could see Gustave peering down at him in alarm. Gustave tapped his cheek—you ok? In reply, Xavier nodded and thumbed his earlobe—all good. Sort of, anyway. There was still work to be done, and Xavier looked over at the cave on the other side of the camp. Stumbling slightly, following the canyon wall and leaning against it for support, Xavier made his way to the crevasse. He heard deep snores coming from one of the tents as he passed. How had the thief slept through all that? The cave was only about fifteen feet deep, no more than a shallow fissure in the wall. Covered paintings, padded sculptures, and even some scrolls were arranged carefully around the small space. The painting that Xavier was looking for wasn’t hard to find. Once he had it, Xavier removed the canvas from the frame, rolled it, and placed it in a tube hanging on his waist next to his arming sword—simple tasks made difficult by the limited use of his right hand. As Xavier made to leave the cave, a small parcel caught his eye. Through a gap in the parcel’s wrapping, the carved metallic likeness of a rodent peered out at him. Something about the sculpture was tickling the edge of Xavier’s memory, just out of his reach. As Xavier picked up the tiny golden animal and held it in his hand, he knew he had seen the same carving somewhere else. He shook his head, tucked the figure into his pocket, and stepped out of the cave. The three friends rode away from Drehana, bound by the type of camaraderie that only comes from long years of friendship. Gustave and Camel were riding side by side, chatting animatedly. A few paces behind them, Xavier rode in comfortable silence. Gustave was asking Camel, “The Old Kingdom must be like this, right? Not the land itself obviously, but the untamed, wild feeling of it. It’s got to be something like this.” Camel shrugged. “There aren’t many who know what it’s really like across the mountains. The throne at Ahaniana fell nearly 600 years ago. The Old Kingdom has been cut off from us for that entire time.” “But those who have been there,” Gustave pressed, “describe it as having a feeling like this.” Camel smiled. “I guess we’ll just have to make the trip ourselves someday.” Gustave twisted in his saddle so he could point at Xavier, grinning as he said, “This mongrel’s son needs several pints of mead and a good night’s sleep before he goes anywhere!” Xavier laughed along with his two friends. He didn’t tell them that he had actually slept better on the ground while in Drehana than he had in a long time back at the estate in his four-poster bed. It had been two months since Walden’s fateful visit, and the estate was rumbling back to life, like an old war horse rousing herself from slumber. While in Drehana, Xavier had left his estate in the capable hands of Tempe, his trusted second. Xavier knew that she was driving growth even as he was away, and he was looking forward to returning so that he could inspect her progress. Even so, Xavier had felt happier in Drehana than he had in a long time back at his estate—despite the fact that he had nearly lost his life. Xavier flexed his right hand. The deep gash on the bottom of his palm had been cleaned and freshly dressed. In a month’s time, he would have nothing but a scar to remember Drehana. As Xavier inspected his bandages, his eyes were drawn to another long-healed wound, an old scar on his finger. When Christian had been a foal, he had snatched a morsel off the ground while Xavier wasn’t looking. Xavier had tried to grab it from his mouth, and Christian had bitten him. The bite was instinct more than anything, but Xavier had been furious at the horse. However, over the years, Xavier had become fond of the scar. When he saw it, he thought of Christian. He thought of the growing pains they had gone through together. He thought of the unshakeable bond they had eventually developed. That little scar reminded Xavier that nothing worth having ever comes without a struggle. There was an expression that Xavier had heard people use throughout the Two Kingdoms: wounds from a friend are faithful. Xavier had learned the truth of that saying. And as he rode, he decided that if the wounds of a friend could be faithful, the scars of Drehana probably would be too. Next chapter: Lost to the Night Previous chapter: The Mighty Wolverines Cover photo by derwiki on Pixabay 32 thoughts on “Scars of Drehana 1. Pingback: The Mighty Wolverines | The Mad Puppeteer 2. Wow this is fantastic! You had me going the whole time, I actually winced when Xavier hit that wall! Also, this line: “Xavier shrugged and grabbed a biscuit of his own. “At the end of the day, when the draw pile is empty and all the cards are on the table, I want to know that I’ve played a good game.” FANTASTIC! Such genuine and authentic dialogue that sticks with the reader Liked by 2 people 3. Pingback: Lost to the Night | The Mad Puppeteer 4. Enjoyed the world-building and the action sequences. Not the easiest things to combine, at least, while still maintaining the sense of place and people. Two lines I enjoyed in particular: and (not sure why, but the rhythm of the words, mostly*) Good establishing of character of…er characters… * now I know, it triggered a visual of Volstagg (from the MCU Thor franchise) Liked by 1 person Leave a Reply You are commenting using your account. Log Out /  Change ) Google photo Twitter picture Facebook photo Connecting to %s
Looking for Us in Others We each judge and question our perceived self. Self-perception is based upon what we ‘feel’. Once we judge our self with words that describe qualities those qualities make it difficult to realise anything that is in conflict with that criteria. It is because of our ‘self-perception’ that few realise that within each one of us is the complete answer to all our questions. What people look for in other people is an answer that can only be found within. What we look for is something better than what we have judged ourselves to be. The truth of us is beyond what we define our self to be. We can only find the true self by looking within. There are many examples of archetypes promoted by religion, culture, fashion and entertainment. Until we find the true self we compare our ‘perceived self’ with archetypes that provide the criteria for identifying any perceived lack. There is no lack within us. We look outside of us to find what can only be found by looking within because we have not realised what we are. When we look to perceived exemplars in order to find some inspiration or influence we can only drift further from our true self. Our cries for help are like a riddle that doesn’t know what is wrong, only that something feels wrong. Our feelings are implying something of value is hidden within us. So we look outside of our self to others who we perceive to be happier, better looking, more stylish or more successful for our salvation. This is what was once termed ‘idolatry’. Idolatry rejects the self for a perceived archetype which can be worshipped or mimicked in order to create the perception in others that we are the same as those idols who we attempt to replace our self with. If we look to others for our answers we have not recognised our gifts. We look to others in order to replace our self with an archetypal caricature. Our whole perspective is filtered through the beliefs of a caricature that is not us. Who we believe we are ‘is not who we are’. What we look for in others is what we forgot when we believed what others told us when we were children. If we do not feel good it is because of the way in which we perceive our self and what that self is experiencing. Unless injured, sick or born disabled the self is not limited. We are only limited by how we perceive our self. The perception of self is sustained by what each individual believes about their self. Once we create self-perception, unless it changes, we enter into a life-long contract to exist within perceived limitations. The self-concept is what is referred to as the ego.  We perceive what the ego perceives because we believe the ego is us and so our mind replaces our sight with our ego’s perception. With our faith its beliefs programme our mind. The medium for this communication is the body’s chemistry. Our awareness of these chemical signals is commonly interpreted and defined as emotional ‘feelings’. All feelings are neurochemical responses. Before the ego can communicate to us using the body’s chemical resources it needs control of those resources. The ego is essentially the mechanism we create to perceive reality. The ego uses the body’s chemistry as a warning mechanism whose function is to protect us, its God and creator. In order for the ego to warn us it needs a criterion and a stimulus. For example I could have tasted food that made me ill and then decided that this food is not good for me because it made me feel ill. The criterion for the ego to communicate with me is the belief that a particular type of food makes me ill and the evidence that the belief is true is what I felt. The ego knows that food made me ill because of what I felt. My perception will not help me to avoid having another unpleasant experience with that dish unless I believe the dish is responsible for my getting ill. But if I decide that food made me ill and feel strongly enough about it, my perception which is ever vigilant, will monitor my experience for ‘stimulus’ that conforms to the criteria that would identify ‘that food’. So if I encounter a menu which illustrates the same dish I need do nothing consciously. My perception will recognise the stimulus and communicate it to me using my body’s chemistry. This will be done by creating a particular feeling. Our perception creates ‘perceptually induced neurochemical responses’ to communicate to us when we are exposed to something and remind us of what we chose to believe about that stimulus. The medium of communication between our perception and our self is the body’s chemicals, which are experienced as ‘feelings’. How our beliefs judge any stimulus will determine what is written on a metaphorical prescription for the chemical responses dispensed by the brain.  Typically the range of chemical responses is mild discomfort, anxiety, fear and anger.  These words misrepresent what is factually occurring. What those emotions are describing are ‘perceptually induced neurochemical responses’. These chemical responses are sustained by what we believe.  The belief is the cause and the feeling is its effect.  The belief is a prescription to the neurochemical dispensary of our own brain.  How one person perceives a spider may not be how another person perceives that spider.  A person who runs from the location in which a spider is present does so because their perception has triggered a neurochemical response. Whilst the trigger stimulus is a spider, the cause of the response to that spider is ‘perception’ which is what is ‘believed’ about the spider. Another individual may feel nothing when they look at what is defined by the word ‘spider’. So what sustains the different and sometimes conflicting perceptions we each have regarding the same stimulus? The cause of all perception is the beliefs that sustain it. If my beliefs define you as my enemy then what neurochemicals do you think I create when I think of you or my perception reveals that I am exposed to you? How will I behave towards you?  If I do not perceive you as my enemy how will I behave towards you? The above example reveal contrasting experiences that do not exist outside of our mind and are sustained exclusively by our perception. For thousands of years ‘perceptually induced neurochemical responses’ have been defined as ‘emotions’ and ‘feelings’. All conflict in the world today is sustained by behaviour controlled by neurochemical responses.  A mind that is prejudiced by its beliefs can only respond to its perception of every experience it encounters. All perception is sustained by what we have been educated to believe or chosen to believe about every experience. For example, someone may slip on ice and fall, feeling pain felt in the body.  In this example the pain experienced ‘is not’ a perceptually induced neurochemical response. The pain is caused by our body’s natural response to the force of the impact felt by the body when it collided with the ice. In this example the cause of the chemical response is the factual experience. Our beliefs exclusively programme our perception. What we know is not what we perceive because what we perceive is what we believe. What we know is what we know. We can only believe what ‘we do not know’ because when we know we have no need of beliefs because we know. Our perception filters our experiences through the ‘criterion’ of our belief system. What this means is that if we change our beliefs we change how we perceive reality. If we change how we perceive reality we change our chemistry. If we change our chemistry we change how we ‘feel’. In the moment we believe we are what our parents tell us we are we create an existential constraint that is a perspective. This perspective is our given name. Once we are conditioned to respond to our name we are domesticated in exactly the same way a dog is domesticated. From this moment forwards we can be trained to understand and respond to spoken commands. So when we are asked a question it is the trained perspective that is expected to ‘obediently’ respond. We perceive a question according to our understanding of it. Our understanding is what we believe or what we know. Our perspective is not who we are it is who we believe we are. Once we believe we are who we are told we are we become trapped within an existential perspective. It is this perspective that creates and worships what it believes about what it perceives in experience. Once a belief is created our perception replaces an experience with what it believes it to be. From this moment forward our perspective vigilantly monitors our perceived experiences to remind us of our belief when exposed to any stimulus that conforms to our belief’s definition. Without a belief we feel nothing but peace. If we have a belief about any stimulus it programmes our a particular emotional response to any future encounter with that stimulus. In simple terms if I judge something to be ‘bad’ I feel bad when I am exposed to what I have judged that way. So we judge people, things and experiences to be ‘bad’, ‘boring’, ‘frightening’, ‘fearful’, ‘anxious’ and, when exposed to any qualifying stimulus that conforms to that criteria, our mind uses our body’s chemistry to create the appropriate ‘perceptually induced neurochemical response’. The criterion is sustained by beliefs that are forced, instilled or promoted by religion, politics, education and medicine and defined in conceptual terms. Good, bad, sinner, guilty, undeserving, stress, disease, self-sacrifice, martyr, soldier, law, criminal, sacrilege, heretic, blasphemer, terrorist, freedom fighter, insurgent, politician, need, profit, debt did not exist until they were created. These we all created to confine the mind within certain existential paradigms in order that the mind could be ‘remotely controlled’ by authority. These concepts are used to justify acts by man against man. Once believed these conceptual parameters control our ability to objectively see by prejudicing our perception. Our perception is prejudiced by the beliefs we worship as the ‘truth’.  Our mind uses these beliefs to define our reality. Once believed our beliefs create a phenomenon that some define as ‘hypnosis’.  We have absolute faith in our beliefs as long as we believe them. The quality of our whole life is determined by what we believe. We can choose to believe or we can choose not to believe. Many enjoy defining themselves as the victim of experiences which in truth have never had any effect upon them or what they feel.  It was their perception which existed exclusively within their own mind that caused their victimhood. If we feel we are not as good as some conceptual criteria or generic archetype we may feel bad. Eventually, this ‘psychic dynamic’ begins to take its toll on our body. Our body’s chemistry continually attacks us with what we generically define as our ‘feelings’. Our body’s chemistry creates ‘pain’ in response to the conditioned mind’s perception of us or our experience. This creates two sources for our body’s chemical responses. The first is the truth of experience and the second is our perception of our experience. Perception is the exclusive cause of the ‘perceptually induced neurochemical response’ defined by the word ‘fear’. The perspective creates separation within our mind. Each child is born with an innate wisdom counselled by compassion. However, once the child’s mind is conditioned with beliefs, those beliefs create a ‘un-whole’ division within the whole mind. This is also referred to as the ‘fall of man’. When knowledge replaced the truth of experience we replaced ‘what is’ with what we believed it to be. The ‘un-whole’ division within the whole mind created the paradox of the believer and his beliefs. A believer is controlled by his perception and his perception is controlled by his beliefs. This makes the believer a victim of his own judgement. This is why it was said in KJV Matthew 7:1-3 “Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?” Like a torch light that beam is projected. Until our faith in our beliefs is undone we cannot experience communion and, without communion, the believer will always be the victim of his own beliefs. Communion refers to ‘one’ mind. Our mind is separated between believer and belief. The belief is the name our mind is conditioned to respond to as children. The conditioning starts by creating a number of conditioned response to our given name. It is this perspective that judges our experiences, controlling us with ‘perceptually induced neurochemical responses’ that we define as ‘fearful feelings.’ If we undo this we return to the pre-belief innocent child that we are in truth. To understand what this means we need look no further than the scriptures. This is what Jesus is quoted to have said in KJV Matthew 18.3 “And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.” We can be saved but our perspective cannot. It cannot be saved because it is not true. What does not exist does not exist. If we are trapped within our perspective then we are condemned by our own judgement, existing in the form of beliefs. We cannot worship God and the ego. The ego loyally serves us its master and creator. Merely knowing and understanding duality will not result in the realisation of our self whole. In truth we are not divided or separate and we never were. We just pretended to be what we pretended to be. The ego perspective being unreal outside of our mind created beliefs to sustain the collective hallucination when the truth of experience threatened its continued existence. We invested our faith in beliefs to generate thoughts and feelings that reinforced the victimhood of the false perspective. When we began to form beliefs about our existence from this limited perspective we believed our beliefs were true. At first it was a wonderful adventure to pretend to be an archetypal me. When faced with a situation in which this caricature that represents us had no experience it could only refer back to its beliefs for guidance. Unless this caricature believed in compassion then there was no compassion because it is simply a ‘belief system’. If our perspective has no beliefs to guide it then it cannot cope. We are not alone in this self-delusion because all of mankind has invested their divinity in the belief in their own identity. We each play a part in our great adventure until we wish to wake up. Our choice of caricature may not be the ‘Cowboy’ or the ‘Indian’ or the hero or the villain but we always play what we define to be ‘me’. How we each identify me is not the real me but what we believe we are. The perspective that is the identity is therefore a part of us, created with our belief in it. To escape the limitations created and perceived by the identity we are looking at the TV, the internet and to other people to find a better way. The joyful child acquired beliefs which made it feel limited and fearful. We have no fear. Fear is a neurochemical response ‘that we create’ within our self ‘with our own power’.  Our unhappiness was nothing more than perceptual hallucinations that created chemical responses within our body that were triggered by exposure to what ‘we chose’ to fear. We do this by using our beliefs to define our self. We are the feeling. We are the life. We are the way. Until we realise, our consciousness will remain trapped within the hallucination of our ‘self-concept’. This is why we look to become something else. We know that something is wrong, but we don’t know what. What we haven’t fully realised is that we are whole as we were created. We are not without sin but sin is belief. A belief only exists within our mind whilst it retains our ‘faith’. Forgiveness is the withdrawal of our faith in our judgemental ‘beliefs’. We can only believe what we do not know so we are ‘innocent’. We just haven’t ‘collectively realised’ this yet because some are still looking outside of their perceived self for guidance. We each label our perceived self and then believe that the label we refer to is ‘me’. The label misrepresents us. This label is not us. The label is just what we believe. We are the believer not the belief which means it cannot be us. Other relevant articles –  Perception Causes Fear What Prevents Ideas  A-Z of all articles Leave a Reply
is boxing or mma more dangerous Is Boxing or MMA More Dangerous? With the recent trend in popularity among MMA, I continually get asked why such a dangerous sport is gaining notoriety. I go back and forth on this answer many times in my head before trying to explain that: although dangerous, MMA isn’t as bad as one may think. Of course, MMA comes with many dangers that boxing doesn’t, such as being choked unconscious or being kicked in the head. However, one could argue boxing is much more dangerous on the merit that it’s much easier to sustain a concussion through repeated blows to the head. When it comes to combat and contact sports there’s always the chance of injury. I’m not going to preach to you the safety of combat sports because the truth is, you’re going to get hit at one point or another. This is why I urge beginners who are starting Boxing, MMA, or Muay Thai to only start sparring when they’re ready. The worst thing you can do is start full-contact in combat sports before you’re trained with the ability to properly defend yourself. It’s similar to how younger kids should be taught how to tackle correctly in football before they graduate from two-hand touch or flag football. Brain health is something that you shouldn’t take lightly, which is why you’re in the right place to inform yourself about the risk factors of combat sports. Is Boxing or MMA more dangerous to compete in? When you think about it, the only reason why fighters wear padded gloves is to either: protect their hands, or to protect their opponent. However, heavier gloves allow fighters to sustain more damage than they normally would be able to take bare-handed. When the UFC first opened their doors in 1993, fighters didn’t wear any type of hand-protection, this meant you had to be careful not to break your hand when punching your opponent. The ONLY reason MMA fighters wear gloves today is for the protection of their hands. This is the complete opposite in boxing where fighters wear at minimum 8-ounce gloves. boxing or mma more dangerousThis is why I believe (along with countless researchers) that it’s much more dangerous (long-term) to compete in boxing than it is in MMA. The main reason being is the standing 8-count that is allowed in boxing, giving fighters the opportunity to take repeated knock-down blows. In MMA if a fighter is knocked-down without properly defending themselves, a good referee will typically stop the fight within a short amount of time. In boxing, it’s very possible to continually get knocked down and still be allowed by a referee to take further damage. Many researchers tend to agree with this analysis: the heavier the boxing gloves, the higher the risk of sustaining a concussion through combat sports. With the improvement of technology and brain science over the last few decades, we’ve been able to understand the dangers of concussions from contact sports. This type of research through football and boxing has given us an understanding of the risk factors of concussions through contact sports. When your head and gloves are padded to the max, this allows your brain to take more damage than previously possible. This type of repeated head trauma is what doctors worry about when accessing Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). What is CTE? Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is the term used to describe brain degeneration likely caused by repeated head traumas. CTE is a diagnosis only made at autopsy by studying sections of the brain. CTE is a very rare condition. It has been found in the brains of people who played contact sports, such as football, as well as others. Some symptoms of CTE are thought to include difficulties with thinking (cognition), physical problems, emotions, and other behaviors. CTE is a very controversial condition that is still not well-understood. Researchers do not yet know the frequency of CTE in the population and do not understand the causes. There is no cure for CTE, which is why it’s so important to minimize the number of blows you take to the brain. This is why it’s always best for a beginner to hold off on the intense sparring sessions, many professional MMA fighters such as Tony Ferguson don’t even spar at all! Are you more likely to get injured in MMA or Boxing? Researchers studied post-fight medical data of 1,181 MMA fighters and 550 boxers who competed between 2003 to 2013 in Edmonton, Canada. 59.4 percent of MMA fighters and 49.8 percent of boxers suffered some form of injury during their bout. However, 7.1 percent of boxers lost consciousness or suffered serious eye injuries compared to 4.2 percent of MMA fighters. Additionally, boxers were “significantly more likely” to receive post-bout medical suspensions for their injuries. mma or boxing more dangerousThis means that it’s more likely to get injured in an MMA bout, however, it’s also more likely to receive much more serious injuries in a boxing bout. This is something we previously talked about when regarding the dangers of boxing, being able to take repeated blows to the head is something that shouldn’t be taken lightly. If boxing didn’t involve so many repeated blows to the head then it would be safe, it also wouldn’t be considered boxing anymore. This is why I continually try to lecture fighters on the importance of repeated head trauma. Competing and training in boxing is much more dangerous because of all the risk factors we talked about above, however, chances are you’re more than likely to get injured in MMA training because there are just so many ways to get injured. You could break your toes kicking, you could hurt your arm through an arm-bar submission, you could even get cauliflower ear from wrestling, there are just so many different ways to get injured in MMA. Boxing is simple, you strike with your hands and try to avoid your opponent’s punches. The reason why boxing is so dangerous is because of the training styles implemented and the way you are tasked to compete. Many boxers will spar over 120 rounds before a championship fight, this means 120 3-minute rounds with a fresh new opponent every time. Many boxers will get knocked unconscious in a spar and be back in less than 2 days time. This type of training method is seriously dangerous and even if you have the best headgear available, it still won’t stop you from taking those repeated blows to the head that warrants a CTE scan. So, should you train Boxing or MMA? The purpose of this article wasn’t to get you to sway to one side or another, the main purpose was to shed the light on improper training methods that have been implemented through years of uneducated fighters and trainers. You should be aware of the dangers and risk factors involved in Boxing and MMA, however, this shouldn’t stop you from training either one. Boxing and MMA can both be trained safely under the supervision of an experienced trainer who understands the risks of hard sparring and repeated blows to the head. I support the training and advancement of every martial art, especially Boxing. I hope that one day we learn more on how to prevent things such as CTE in Boxing so that we can enjoy the sweet science for years to come. If you’re unsure about which martial art to start training, I highly suggest visiting Which Martial Art Should I Learn First? Leave a Comment Scroll to Top
Sew Creative Kids: Why Teach a Child to Sew By Helen Spencer They say that a child’s mind is like a sponge, it absorbs everything with ease, from knowledge to behavior, habits to temperament, skills to personalities. Since their minds are like that, why not let them absorb something very useful and interesting, something that will certainly prove itself to be helpful later on in their lives? One of the best choices for this is without a doubt sewing, due to the fact that it can help children develop some very important characteristics and skills. It might seem like a plain hobby, perhaps even a boring one, one which doesn’t offer a lot of benefits, but that’s not quite right, it’s not true. In reality, sewing is the exact opposite of all those things and is even getting more popular in the last few years. With that in mind, allow us to show you all of the positive sides of practicing sewing, and why you should teach your child how to do it. Reason #1: It’s fun Let’s face it, kids don’t want to do stuff that isn’t fun, and if you force such things on them, you’ll just end up making them hate it even more. Of course, there are some exceptions, some kids enjoy doing algebra at a young age, but we’re talking about the majority of children here. If you introduce them to sewing as a fun activity, which it honestly is, they’ll most likely look forward to learning it. And when something useful becomes a game, it will never get boring and never stop producing good results. Reason #2: It will help them develop good character traits When you dwell into the world of sewing and make it an everyday activity in your life, you’ll gradually start building a couple of useful abilities without even realizing it. These abilities will come in handy in various life situations, which is why they’re pretty important for children since they help them to develop a well balanced type of personality. We’re talking about patience, perseverance, diligence and proper organization skills. Without these, the entire sewing process would turn into a big mess without heads or tails. So if you notice that your child is lacking in one or more of these areas, make sure to have them try sewing, at least for a while, until you see improvement in their behavior. Another useful benefit of sewing is the fact that it can subtly teach you how to react in accordingly in some unexpected situations and face your problems instead of running away from them. For example, if your thread gets tangled or your machine starts chewing on the fabric, you could just abandon your project altogether, but the problem won’t go away by itself and will reappear when you start working on something else. However, if you resolve it properly, you’ll be able to proceed with your plans. This lesson is very important for kids, because they usually run away from problems instead of dealing with them. Reason #3: They will acquire a precious skill for later on in their lives If you teach your child to sew from a young age, they will most likely become very good at it by the time they get a little older, in their teenage years. Kids have troubles expressing themselves at this age and sewing could help them with that by allowing them to demonstrate their originality and creativity, as well as their attitude. Later on, when they start living on their own or go to college, sewing could become a great asset and provide them with the means of saving, or even earning money by doing what they enjoy, sewing. Quick research online shows that you can get them a child-friendly sewing machine for under $150, so it is not really a big investment in something that can potentially turn into a little business. In other words, they’ll surely be grateful to you because you taught them how to sew. These were just a few most important advantages of sewing and the reasons why you should teach your child how to do it. As you can see, it definitely is a great activity for your kid not only but because it offers a lot of benefits to them. The rest is up to you, will you teach your kid how to sew or not. Helen Spencer likes many things, but she just can’t stand to sit still and do nothing. She loves crafts, drawing, decorating, making beautiful things out of scratch with her own hands and above all – I simply adore sewing! She also loves spending time outdoors, but at the end of the day she ends up drinking tons of black coffee and staying up until the wee hours to work on one of her latest projects. It is during these hours which she has to herself that she feels perfectly complete and focused. She would love to help more people learn the basics of sewing. She started to share her knowledge and the tips which have been helping her continue enjoying sewing for decades which is why she has set up this site. Leave a Reply
Home Opinions OPINION: Batswana wake up you have the power in your hands. Politics is a competition of ideas and the voters get to choose the right candidate. Its upon an individual to elect who they want to lead them. I am not a political analyst however it is very apparent that as Batswana we are forgetting the gem we hold upon our grabs. The countdown has already began as October is around the corner and the elephant in the room is who should be sent to be our president, which party is eligible to be voted into power.. Let’s sit down and think, let it sink and understand our role in all the commotion. It is from your choice that will determine what government Botswana will have after October, a powerful and progressive government or a stale and flawed government,it within your power as a voter. A voter holds the key towards the progress of a country. Whoever he/she chooses, the fate of the entire nation rests on that certain individual’s hand. Think of how lives will be impacted by aptly choosing the wrong person or party. Use your voice and vote to change the future. Be conscientious enough and hold your head up high knowing that you voted by what your heart and mind dictates not by the desire of greed. Money is more powerful to others and it is no secret they simply could not resist the power it brings. However, remember that money does not last and a coin received today will be a paper to be stolen from government funds later on. Voters should stop giving politicians power by allowing their livelihood to be dependent upon politicians ,the country will remain in the hands of politicians unless voters recognize their power and push government to provide job and business opportunities. Unemployment cries can stop once we exercise our power as the people of this nation and let us all be patriotic in our choices.Patriotism is love of country. But you can not love your country without loving your countrymen and countrywomen. We don’t always have to agree, but we must find the common ground, we must build bridges across our differences to pursue the common good. The future is yet in your power. Let us never forget that government is ourselves and not an alien power over us. Choosing the right people to rule is such a powerful force. There’s nothing quite as powerful as people feeling they can have impact and make a difference A ruler needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue. We elected politicians to represent our needs and speak on our behalf and we also need to be responsible enough to hold them accountable. There is power in the ballot paper and there is also power in making sure that those you put in power serve their purpose.
If you have just entered the world of Crypto Currency investment, Cryptocoin mining is a term that you will get to hear frequently. What does it refer to? Is there any benefit of mining the digital coins? Paragraphs underneath shall explore the answers to these questions. Mining of Cryptocurrency- what does it imply? Explained in simple terms, this is the process that deals with the verification and addition to the public ledger that is called the block chain. Alternatively, the process holds a reference to the process by which the new coins come up to the market. To participate in the mining process, you simply need to have access to the web and the necessary hardware. The process involves the compilation of the latest transactions into classified blocks and subsequently, trying to solve  a puzzle. If you can solve the puzzle, you will move to the next block in the chain and go on claiming the rewards. As for the rewards, it is likely to involve the transaction fees that related to the complied transaction as well as the newly launched Cryptocoins. Thus, it will be right to describe the process as an analytical approach for going on adding more assets to the portfolio and gaining rewards that is offered on the process. How does mining process looks like How the process goes like? Once you have been introduced to the concept, you require knowing as how the entire process goes like. It will enable you to perform the necessary steps, when you will start the mining for yourself. The entire set of  efforts for mining these digital coins should focus on providing services of bookkeeping to the network of the digital coins. Remember, this process is actually a 24/7 process of computerized accounting for verifying the transactions. If you are deciding to mine the Crypto coins, you should be ready to accept tiny rewards and incentives for the aforesaid accounting services as you will be receiving a small portion of the coins in alternate days. Hence, you need to take the necessary steps that will downsize your personal expenses, including the amount payable on power utility bills as well as the hardware. Does this process yield actual benefits for the investors? For a few years after 2009, mining of digital coins was considered a really beneficial way to enhance your portfolio. However, in recent times, experts are casting their votes in against of this process to some extent. It is mainly for the reason that the rate of return on such efforts is really negligible. However, as this is a 24/7 process, you will require keeping on your PC for the entire day and night. Thus, you will end up paying excessive high amount on your power utility bills. Secondly, the process involves expensive hardware and software. Hence, you will require investing an extravagant amount of money to set up the necessary mining framework. Hence, this process can come beneficial to those who are doing it for years and doing the mining process on a large scale.
Hello folks! Here's the recipe that EVERYBODY loves! One of the Mexican's most famous creation! It's a perfect starter, snack, dressing... you can use it as you please for endless purposes. Its worldwide popularity has led to an incredible number of different recipes, so don't follow my recipe to the letter, feel free to add … Continue reading Guacamole
Thoughts on Pope Benedict XVI and the next guy in the job I woke up this morning to the startling news that Pope Benedict XVI was resigning at the end of the month, citing failing health and energy. The last time a pope resigned was in 1415 when Pope Gregory XII stepped down to end the Western Schism that had multiple claimants to the papacy.  Obviously, nobody alive has experienced a situation like this. Pontiffs die—sometimes suddenly, sometimes after a long illness—and an appropriate mourning period is completed before a conclave is convened to elect a new pope.  The new pope is guided by the former pope’s staff and tradition, and learns the job as he goes. Very little changes, and when it does, it’s not rapid change. This is the way it’s been for 2,000 years. For the first time in six centuries the next pope will have his predecessor alive and nearby. How will that man, known only to God right now, feel about that? No pope in more than half a millennium has had his predecessor around to watch how he’s doing. Presidents and Prime Ministers usually have one or more predecessors around and often consult them on matters of state. There’s a period of time between the election and the inauguration, and a transition staff ensures a seamless transfer of power. This happens with local elected offices as well. It’s considered a courtesy for the former leader to help the new leader assume power. Monarchs die, but they have had decades to groom their replacement, their heir, for the job. The rare abdicationusually results in a parent going into retirement while the heir takes the reigns. If the President of the United States dies in office or resigns(and I’ve experienced both in my lifetime) there is still an orderly, if slightly frantic, transition of power.  Even with short notice and lots of emotion, the new president can step into the job because presumably he (or someday she) has been kept in the loop and groomed for the job. The U.S. Constitution (25th Amendment) is very clear about presidential succession. Not so with the pope, who is, after all, a head of state as well as the spiritual leader of a billion Catholics worldwide. There is no “pope-in-waiting” or “vice pope,” no constitutional line of succession. While names of possible new popes are already being tossed around, nobody is groomed for the job, and nobody on Earth has ever had the last pope on speed dial. By many accounts, Pope Benedict accepted the job reluctantly. A shy academic theologian more comfortable with his books and writing, he took to the job with energy despite being the oldest pope (78) at election in more than 300 years. While he never achieved the rock star status of Blessed John Paul II, he grew into the role as the years went on, and leaves a legacy of influence and change in the church during troubled times. He even promoted the use of social media by the clergy, and encouraged better communication from the Vatican.   Yes, the shadow of the sex abuse scandal is a long one, and it will be a generation before those involved are no longer part of the clergy. But Benedict’s influence, leadership, and scholarship cast a longer shadow, and the next pope is faced with the extraordinary knowledge that the only guy alive who knows what the job is like is only a text or a tweet away.
China’s Marathon to Take Over America A Neocon Senate Coup Against Trump’s Foreign Policy? Spengler writes in the Asia Times Online, “Rather than a tariff war, the world will face a disruption of the global supply chain, major dislocations in high-technology trade, shocks to pricing, and a return to national autarky in a number of economic policies. The result will be ugly in economic terms, and it will raise strategic tensions everywhere in the world. Hard to imagine an American policy initiative stupider than its attempt to export democracy to Iraq, this will go down as the dumbest thing America ever did.” The Greatest Trade Deal That Never Was “Trump recognizes how unfairly our “partners” are treating us. He also exposed how insincere our trading partners were when they so readily declined his deal of true free trade. What’s more, he’s reinvigorating the image of the American president as a figure who commands–and deserves–the respect of foreign leaders, friend and foe alike.” Trump Zig-Zags on Trade Talks With China “One thing is clear: The White House is looking for a soft landing to its hard stances on trade with China. Perhaps China has already won this round of the trade war. But, if the White House holds strong, it just might exact the concessions it needs from China without sacrificing American national security.” China’s Western Swing to the Eastern Mediterranean
What the Obama Cult Factor Portends Posted: Dec 05, 2008 12:01 AM What the Obama Cult Factor Portends The cult mystique of Barack Obama continues while his fawning supporters blindly accept every move he makes, proving their support for him in the general election was not based as much on policy as personality. This could play right into Obama's hands if, as I believe, he does have major change on his mind. From a policy standpoint, Obama's campaign was fueled -- initially, at least -- by his unequivocal stance against the Iraq war. He was the only credible candidate (excluding such buffoons as Dennis Kucinich) who maintained from the outset that he opposed the war. Apart from his charisma and superior organizational operation, especially in the caucus states, his opposition to the war might have been the single most important factor contributing to his defeat of Hillary Clinton. Clinton, thinking she was the inevitable nominee, presumably believed she could sporadically assume the role of hawk with impunity looking to the general election. By the time Hillary was done posturing back and forth on the war, no one could be sure what her position really was, other than that she would say what she needed to say, consistency be damned, to best preserve her presidential viability. Obama shrewdly capitalized on Hillary's ambivalence, parlaying his opposition to the war to his maximum advantage. Given the nation's Bush fatigue -- no matter how unjustified from a broad historical perspective -- and Bush's very low approval ratings, it only made sense for Democratic presidential aspirants to make themselves the anti-Bush. Because the Iraq war was perceived as Bush's greatest sin and almost all other sins flowed from Iraq or were somehow conflated with it -- Abu Ghraib, rendition, waterboarding, "unilateralism," NSA surveillance, Halliburton, Gitmo, etc. -- Obama was uniquely positioned to be the anti-Bush. Obama seized on all this specifically -- condemning the entire laundry list of "sins" and expressly promising to reverse the whole lot of them, beginning with Iraq. As an added bonus, he was also the anti-Bush in terms of personality. He was smooth, articulate, calm (the anti-cowboy) and possessed the trappings of intellectualism and elitism. Obama also assured us that he would put an end to the alleged inequities of Bush's tax policy, which was falsely billed as skewed toward the wealthy and against the sainted "middle class." And, like most Democrats of the modern era, Obama pretended he could pull off the magic trick of balancing the budget while punitively taxing the producers and increasing spending on every imaginable item on the Democratic welfare wish list. Liberals complained when conservatives invoked Obama's alliances with unsavory characters and demanded we focus on policy. But when we tried to pin Obama down on how he could balance the budget while stifling growth and increasing spending exponentially or how he could avoid the disastrous consequences of a precipitous withdrawal of our troops from Iraq -- we got nothing but media-enabled stonewalling. Although Obama certainly articulated policies that were contrary to the status quo under President Bush, many of his supporters didn't care or weren't the slightest bit informed about the specifics of his policies. They were just swept up in his personality cult and nebulous promises of hope and change. So it should be no surprise that Obama's series of head-spinning reversals so far have been met not with outrage from his supporters (fringe leftists excepted), but with glib rationalizations. His newfound vacillation about Gitmo and NSA surveillance, his flip-flop on withdrawing from Iraq in 16 months, and his announced Cabinet appointments -- particularly Gates and Clinton -- are not being criticized as betrayals, but lauded as evidence that he is open-minded, adaptable, wise and, of course, presidential. He's facing nary a shred of accountability for his anticipatory breaches of campaign promises. His flock is just happy that he will be implementing these policies -- not President Bush. All of this says so many things about our electorate and the coming climate for the Obama presidency, but I'll just leave you with two quick ones. First, it shows that most of the hatred for Bush was not based on his policies, but on the eight-year hate-filled propaganda campaign against him. It also shows that there's no telling what Obama might be able to get away with in office, especially now that he has the cover of a few "moderate" appointments. There's a method to Obama's madness of continuing Bush's policies that are designed to bring the war to a peaceful and honorable conclusion, even if Obama is revealing his campaign deceit in the process. This will help create the climate for him to usher in his radical domestic agenda, from a new New Deal -- on steroids -- to nationalized health care to the Fairness Doctrine. Conservatives and moderates better snap out of their complacency, and the grass roots better gear up for war, or this whirlwind will come and go before we know what hit us.
Scratcher Joined 1 year, 7 months ago Zimbabwe About me Frisk: "Hello!" Sans: "Have a tea-riffic day, ha ha" Chara: "When will someone give me a chance to destroy the world already" Chara: "And why do people keep impersonating me????" About me »»»»»»» What I'm working on Sans: "A computer, ha ha" Frisk: "I'm lonely :,( please chat with me" Avatar by me i srsly am lonely What I've been doing You have 500 characters left. • Comments loading...
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Shocking Facts about Kalenjin Men Kalenjin men are among the most popular groups in Kenya with a special accent. There are special qualities that define Kalenjin men when it comes to relationship, marriage, dating, politics and financial management. Some of the characteristics of Kalenjin men include; 1. They are humble Kalenjin men are the most humble tribe in Kenya. They are not carried away by wealth or social status. These are the people who behave like low class citizens yet they have everything that could make them brag around. 1. They make the best husbands Kalenjin men play the role of father figure perfectly and they love their wives. They are good providers and also romantic. 1. They like being worshipped by wives Kalenjin men like dominating in marriage. They hate women who compete with them in relationship and marriage. A Kalenjin man never gives his wife a chance to contribute to family decisions. 1. They are loyal When a Kalenjin man tells you he will support you then be sure he means what he says, and when he says NO then take his answer very seriously. When a Kalenjin man develops trust in you, he will stick with you to the bitter end. 1. Violent Despite being humble, a Kalenjin man sometimes has a character that doesn’t augur well for him. He is a man who can be extremely violent when irritated but a cool guy when in good terms with you. 1. Intelligent It is hard to find a Kalenjin man who does not connect ideas; he is a man who was created to reason and become innovative. In school, for instance, a Kalenjin man is gifted and in a class of students from different tribes, you won’t miss a Kalenjin in top three when it comes to performance. 1. They don’t know how to approach women Almost 70 % of Kalenjin men don’t know how to seduce women. They might be having the feeling of talking to a lady but they don’t have the courage to approach her. If another man takes the lady they were having a crush on, they will feel extremely irritated.
Coronavirus (Covid-19): Latest updates and information Skip to main content Skip to navigation Use plans and tasks for organisation Personal development Individuals can use plans to organise and record learning and development over time. Use tasks within plans to set smaller goals towards a larger outcome, keep track of progress with personal learning activities or workshops to be attended. Build a personal development plan to both capture and demonstrate forward planning by focussing on targets, barriers to success, and to help identify where further support is needed. Set tasks for a cohort or group Plans and tasks can be added to templates and shared with groups or individuals. This allows a group of students on the same module (for example) to have a common set of tasks allocated to them. Students CANNOT edit tasks or plans that are shared with them - this functionality will be available in Mahara v19.10 and later. Create and manage plans and tasks Create a new plan 1. Click on the main menu icon, expand the Create section, and select Plans 2. Click on the New plan icon 3. Give your plan a title and description 4. Click Save plan Add tasks to the plan 1. Click on New task button after you saved your plan; or click Manage task button or the title of the plan to add new tasks 2. Enter a Title for your plan 3. Set a Completion date for the task 4. Add a Description of the task - ensure that this has enough detail, you can add text, images, links etc to this section. 5. Click on the Save task button to finish editing Edit tasks in a plan 1. Click on the Manage task button or the title of the plan to start editing the tasks 2. Click on the pencil Edit icon next to the task you want to change 3. Make the change or mark the task as complete 4. Click the Save task button and your changes are recorded Delete a task in a plan 2. Click on the Delete icon next to the task you would like to delete. Add plans to a page 1. Turn on editing on a page using the pencil  edit icon at the top right. 2. Click and drag the drag to add a block icon from the top right-hand side of the page to the appropriate location on the page. Existing blocks will move to make space. 3. A window will fly in from the right. Click on More, and click on the Plan  block in the list. 4. Check the box next to the plan (you may only have one) that you want to add. 5. Set the (maximum) number of tasks that should be visible on the page. 6. Click Save and the file(s) you have chosen will appear on the page as a list. Once the plan has been added to the page, you can remove individual tasks from the list. The information on this page relates to Mahara 20.04 and was last updated August 2020. Filter by tool, task or content
If you are looking for Kendrick Lamar shirts, then it wise to make a list of shirts you wish to buy and your favorite colors. This is crucial because shirts come in different colors and styles, and choosing can be confusing. Now, you might like blue, black, or even brownish types. You can also choose between mixed colors or dull colors. Short sleeve or long sleeve shirts according to your taste. Once you have your color and style needs, the choosing process is as easy as the following tips to help you identify the best Lamar shirts to buy. Kendrick Lamar Shirts Buying Guide The right Size You can have as many shirts as possible, but without the correct fitting, your quantity is nothing. Ensure any shirt you consider fit you well, and you feel comfortable with it at all time. Avoid larger pieces, for they don’t portray the real you, and they provide the worst experience ever. Trust me; there is the Right Size for you around, so do not just pick something because you can’t find yours. You get your body measured by a tailor or even try different shirts to ensure that what you buy is only for your body, no extensions after buying. Shop Offline If by any chance, you can walk or visit an offline store, it is advisable to get it in offline stores. The world market has provided the opportunity to shop around, walk around, and choose the right shirt. Doing it offline helps you to identify the right shirt and even have some comparisons with a wide range of the same line. I will advise that you should at least visit more than two stores and avoid buying the shirt from your first shop. Walk around and compare prices, quality, and terms of agreement like a warrant. Offline shopping allows you to try different shirts before choosing what to buy. These ensure a perfect fit. Bargain Well The shirts you are looking for are of high quality. And this does not have anything to do with price. Yes, nothing cheap comes with variety, but at least a small drop in price will do well. Try to ask for a discount and price cut or finds someone who allows you a refund. They are all the same and someone who gives them to you at a discount is considered the best. Buying Kendrick Lamar shirts is accessible only when you understand what you are looking for in your shirt.
Author Photo Ali Salman Ali Salman is a writer with motive, a blogger with sense, and rightly can be called a human with a brain. He started his editorial journey with Wccftech in 2015, covering the latest in tech news and guides for iOS and Android platforms. He did not limit himself to tech but also prolonged his journey as a researcher and writer in other fields like fiction and poetry. Salman successfully tinkers and explores his investigative skills within the software industry. He is well equipped with a vast understanding of mobile hardware insights and has a keen eye on the industry trends. He has contributed to multiple publications before settling with Wccftech. Salman has also successfully served in dynamic digital and social media marketing roles for various national and international marketing agencies.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010 "Oh yes, we're here." I am normally not influenced to read a book by its having been considered for or having won awards.  I am happy when a book I have already enjoyed receives an award but it doesn't usually change whether I will choose a book in the first place.  That being said, award-nominated books do tend to gain a certain visibility and clout and when I was offered Simon Mawer's Booker-nominated novel, The Glass Room, I was definitely curious.  I'm happy to have given this book a chance. The titular Glass Room is part of the Landauer House, built in an unnamed Czechoslovakian city for Viktor and Liesel Landauer in the 1920s.  Viktor is the owner of a very successful motor car company and is also a non-practicing Jew.  Liesel is a German and a Christian who sees nothing wrong with marrying the man who she fancied as a young teen.  When they go to Venice on their honeymoon, they happen to meet Rainer von Abt, a very modern architect who offers to build them a dream house.  What he gives them is much more -- a home of transparency and light.  However, the house also masks the secrets of its owners and leaves them visible ten years later when the Nazi Germans come to Czechoslovakia.  Though the Landauers flee, the house remains and lives its own life through the times of the Nazis and the Communists. The writing in this book is very simple and clear -- like the Landauer House and its Glass Room.  The most poignant writing of the entire book, though, is in the Afterword where Mauer explains that the German concept of "room" is not a single space with four walls and a function but is more than that.  "It is spacious, vague, precise, conceptual, literal, all those things.  From the capacity of the coffee cup in one's hand, to the room one is sitting in to sip from it, to the district of the city in which the cafe itself stands, to the very void above our heads ..." This description could really also apply to the novel.  Though the story seems straight-forward--the story of a marriage and a house--there are much deeper layers and more space in the story.  Some parts made me uncomfortable, some sad and others made me ill.  And yet, there was also a light that penetrated through the story -- a hope for the survival of a people, for the happiness of individuals and for the advancement of the civilized world. The story begins with Liesel's return to the house thirty years after abandoning it so some things are already expected but the strength of the story is in seeing how the details unfold.  Based on Mawer's writing in this book, I will definitely be looking into his others. Seeing the light past the darkness, Support our site and buy The Glass Room on Amazon or find it at your local library.  We received our copy from the publisher. 1. I love the cover to this one! It sounds really interesting, and I'm glad it motivated you to try his other books- that's always a positive! 2. You've definitely made me want to read this! :) 3. Yet another one added to my list! 4. Jenners - It was definitely a new perspective to WWII. It had the Jewish point of view but also the Czech one. Aarti - The choice of cover photo is stunning, isn't it? Eva - I hope you do! It has some really interesting women's issues in it as well. Tif - I hope you get to read it! 5. I'm reading this now--am about a third of the way in. I am enjoying it but am moving slowly through it slowly--I also like his writing style. The cover is striking, isn't it. 6. Danielle - I can't wait to see your review of it!
SecureConnect is a feature for Cisco Jabber that allows a user to set up a VPN connection so when a phone call is made through Cisco Jabber, it is secure and made over a VPN connection. This feature was very technical in the setup. If I recollect, it called for two VPN connections to be set up so the connection was secure as possible; it was also configurable based on the features selected by the Cisco customer when buying their VOIP system. I tried to make the flow as user friendly as possible, but this was very technical jargon; the engineers even had a hard time understanding the feature and had to go back to the engineering team that developed it several times to understand it better. I was the UX lead, was embedded within the Cisco Jabber for Android engineering team, and did all of the ux - brainstorming, concepting, working with the product manager, engineering lead, and developers implementing the feature. I used Omnigraffle and Indesign for the wireframes and specification. I've just included a couple of wireframes.  The main challenge was 1) understanding the technical aspects of the VPN feature and then designing for a user experience that was simple and easy. The chief problem was that it was still very technical and complicated; you had to design for every scenario because you didn't know what type of security configuration the client was going to buy. At the extreme, the Department of Defense or NSA might want that double configured vpn connection.​​​​​​​ Brainstorming & Ideation You may also like Back to Top
! COVID-19 Response – how to access Wiener Privatklinik hospital. Details divider image Treatment Options Q & A We offer various types of treatment but the info below does not substitute a consultation with a specialist. Frequently Asked Questions What makes Vienna and Wiener Privatklinik a point of excellence in treatment of cancer? The Wiener Privatklinik (WPK) Academy Cancer Center has unique features as a private institution caring for patients with cancer in Europe. These unique features include a very close interdisciplinary interaction between physicians of important academic standing and high esteem from various medical specialties including diagnostic disciplines, surgical and medical oncology. This close interdisciplinary interaction and the high academic quality of the involved physicians guarnatees the most up to date care for patients with cancer. Compared to classical therapies, how successful is immunotherapy and which ones are available at WPK ? Immune oncology has truly revolutionized therapeutic options for patients with many types of cancer. This particularly relates to lung cancer, but also a variety of other malignancies including kidney, ear-nose-and throat, gastrointestinal, colon and liver cancers. These are all available at the WPK Academy Cancer Center according to regulations by the European Medicines Agency (EMA). In fact, physicians treating patients with cancer at the WPK Academy Cancer Center were quite decisive in the international development of such treatment options in the international context. What other cancer treatments WPK is offering, besides immunotherapy and what are the next steps/plans? Due to sophisticated diagnostic means, physicians treating patients at the WPK Academy Cancer Center offer an abundance of personalized treatment options following minimally invasive biopsies thus gaining cancer tissue of the latest stage of disease development. It is self understood that the entire spectrum of treatments stemming from chemotherapies over targeted treatments to immunotherapy either alone or in combination are being offered depending on the latest stage of scientific evidence. How important is the prevention in fight against cancer and what WPK offers in this matter? Prevention and early recognition is an important aspect in the concept of the WPK Academy Cancer Center offering a series of options for prevention by counselling regarding appropriate life style changes ranging to genetic testing for the discovery of a risk of familiar cancers. What is your clinic distinguishing feature from other European clinics? The WPK Academy Cancer Center offers academic medicine by highly respected physicians from various specialties and sophisticated diagnostic methods in a luxurious environment of a private institution. When the new cancer drug is approved, or there is new significant research with results that are approved and can be applied, how long does it take till WPK also can offer these new drugs, methods etc to the patients? Austria is well known to have one of the shortest times between drug registration and drug access in Europe. This is immediately translated to patient care delivered at the WPK Academy Cancer Center. The major feature of immunity is to protect the body from foreign cells, including cancer. Why does immunity leave out of sight these “spies” or simply idle, which in some cases leads to the growth of a tumor? Tumour cells actively suppress the activity and function of white clood cells which infiltrate them. Thus, an immune response of these white blood cells is actively being paralyzed by targeting so called “immune checkpoints” which would be decisive for the generation of an appropriate immune response. Thus, no elimination of tumour cells by the body’s immune function is possible and the tumour grows and proliferates. What is the effect of immunotherapy? The current immune therapies is directed against these “immune checkpoints” thus reversing the paralysis of the white blood cells by the direct influence upon these immune checkpoint. Thus, this treatment is also called “immunecheckpoint inhibition”. The result is that the white blood cells can slowly, but steadily eliminate tumour cells thereby controlling and reversing tumour cell growth. What are the main advantages of this therapy compared to other methods of Oncology treatment, such as for instance chemotherapy? First of all, this is a completely new approach to cancer treatment by enabling the body’s own defense mechanisms to fight the tumour. Second, there are many data which show that such “immune checkpoint inhibitor” treatmentment works much better and is much more efficient than chemotherapy. This refers to very many tumours, particularly to malignant melanoma where chemotherapy does not work, at all, but immune checkpoint inhibitor treatment very well, but also to lung cancers, bladder cancers, malignant lymphomas and other tumours. How does immunotherapy cure cancer and is it the future of cancer treatment? Immuno therapy with so-called „immune check inhibitors“ is currently registered for env. 15 various cancers in various stages. Thus, it has entered clinical practice within the shortest time of its introduction in a variety of malignancies. Immuno therapy works by reversing the paralysis which the cancer exterts upon the immune system and thus allowing for killing of tumour cells by the body’s own defense mechanisms. How much successful is the treatment by immunotherapy and can we say that immunotherapy is 100% a panacea for all types of cancer? We still have to find out who benefits the best from immunotherapy, and it definitely is not the wonder drug for cancer in its present form, but it is a very decisive step forward in the treatment of very many cancers. Is there any contraindication to immunotherapy? There are side effects from immunotherapy, but there is no clear contraindication to this form of treatment. Is it possible to apply a method of immunotherapy treatment for patients who have contraindications to chemotherapy, for example patients with bladder cancer or kidney cancer? Yes, particularly in bladder cancer when patients do not tolerate platinum-based chemotherapy, the treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors is a valid option. How effective is the method of immunotherapy for lung cancer? Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor treatment is generally more effective than chemotherapy after the failure of a previous chemotherapy, but in some instances and in about 30% of patients with special characteristics this form of ttreatment is even better as first treatment of the disease than chemotherapy. Is it possible to achieve remission at an advanced stage of cancer with immunotherapy? How long does it take to treat using immunological drugs? In malignant melanoma, it seems that two years might be enough, in other forms of cancer we do not have this information, yet, and continue treatment as long as the patient and the tumour responds. Give an example of the best effect of immunotherapy? In metastatic malignant melanoma which led to death within six to months before the introduction of immunotherapy, we now have env. two thirds of patients alive and well at 2-3 years, and in lung cancer (which is a particularly dangerous disease) with certain characteristics first results show survival rates of env. 40% at five years after diagnosis. What is your clinic’s experience with immunotherapy? (Since when immunotherapy is being used in clinic? How often it is being applied and how many patients have been effectively cured?) Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor treatment is not a cure for cancer, but it is a means for the chronification of malignant disease. In our clinic and thanks to the specialists working there, we have the expertise of world-known experts in the field of immune checkpoint inhibitor treatment who have co-developed many of the currently available compounds. Thus, immune checkpoint inhibitor treatment is a common practice at the Cancer Center of the Wiener Privatklinik and has been used ever after its introduction. revised 06/2019 Social Media Facebook Twitter Google Plus E-Mail
The powerful influence of the monastic ideals in the communities in the monasteries Intense contemplation, often accompanied by physical rigours, constitutes ascetic practice—i. And we see men also keeping themselves virgins, some from the first, and some from a certain time. In creating man and woman in his own image and likeness, God created them for communion. It is very important to cultivate such joy within a religious community: The Teutonic Order German: In Origenistic circles however influenced as they were by Platonic spiritualism, which denied a matter of permanent God-created existence and for whom the only true reality was intellectual," iconoclastic tendencies survived. What impact did monasticism have on the development of Christianity in the Middle Ages? Other organizational or institutional types Whether membership is permanent or temporary distinguishes different monastic institutional types but has little bearing on organizational structure. In many places, there is a felt need for more intense communication among religious living together in the same community. Your mutual relations should be founded on the fact that you are united to Christ Jesus cf. Bernard says there was widespread concern in the later fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries about the condition of the monasteries. The military model was evident in their hierarchical structure—there were chaplains, knights, and sergeants under a grand master—and their numbers grew rapidly, in part because of the support of St. Japanese culture seems to have held assumptions about sexuality which differ in important ways from those characteristic of Anglo-American societies since the close of the nineteenth century. Ordinary monks and nuns were given the choice of secularisation with a cash gratuity but no pensionor of transfer to a continuing larger house of the same order. The homoerotic environment of Buddhist monasteries actually inspired a literary genre, Chigo monogatari Tales about acolyteswhich took as its theme the love between acolytes chigo and their spiritual guides. Moreover, there were no retrospective pensions for those monks or nuns who had already sought secularisation following the visitation, nor for those members of the smaller houses dissolved in and who had not then remained in the religious life, nor for those houses dissolved before due to the conviction for treason of their superior, and no friars were pensioned. Finally, we must never forget in this delicate, complex and often painful issue that faith plays a decisive role which allows us to understand the saving mystery of obedience. There is, as ever, truth in all, but we must understand that most of the time we end up believing exactly what the marketing and propaganda wants us to believe. The patriarch constantly insists on the New Testament evidence that Jesus experienced weariness, hunger, and thirst like any other man. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of small communities, especially for reasons of apostolate. But the Trinitarian terminology of the Cappadocian Fathers and its later application to Christology in the Chalcedonian and post-Chalcedonian periods clearly show that such concepts as ousia, hypostasis, or physis acquire an entirely new meaning when used out of the context of the Platonic or Aristotelian systems in which they are born. Moreover, the non-Greek-speaking East was almost entirely Monophysite by the eighth century and, as we shall see, Monophysitism tacitly or explicitly provided the iconoclasts with the essence of their theological arguments. Nevertheless, there was during most of possibly conditioned by concern not to re-ignite rebellious impulsesa distinct standstill in official action towards any further round of dissolutions. In religious communities, authority, to whom attention and respect are due also by reason of the obedience professed, is placed at the service of the fraternity, of its being built up, of the achievement of its spiritual and apostolic goals. Monasticism does not exist in societies that lack a written transmitted lore. The basis for all subsequent Eastern Christian Greek monastic institutions, it was simpler than some of the regulae of the orders founded in later centuries in western Europe. Above all in Latin America, through the general assemblies of the Latin American episcopate at Medellin, Puebla, and Santo Domingo, the "evangelical and preferential option for the poor" 18 has been strongly emphasised, and has led to a new emphasis on social commitment. In the age of Justinian, four major theological positions can be easily discerned: NalandaBihar, India. In Hinduism only a male person born into a Brahman priestly caste is entitled to perform sacerdotal Vedic ritual; this requires no further initiation than that given to all high-caste boys. The relationship between fraternal life and apostolic activity, in particular within institutes dedicated to works of the apostolate, has not always been clear and has all too often led to tension, both for the individual and for the community. In addition to concern for community life, these meetings are also important for fostering co-responsibility and for situating one's own work within the broader framework of religious life, Church life and the life of the world to which we are sent in mission. According to Philo, these monks and nuns were not only in Alexandria, but had communities in several other places as well, and were known for their lives of fasting, prayer, Scripture reading, and frequent public vigils where, among other things, they sung hymns about Bible stories. In contemplative communities, it should respect their own style of life. It must be admitted that this kind of reasoning presents difficulty today both to young people and to adults. The unity which they must build is a unity established at the price of reconciliation. The origin of this enigmatic group is false and was, therefore, created by whoever did begin the order. They provide opportunities to listen to others, share one's own thoughts, review and evaluate past experiences, and think and plan together. Why not make them an object of evaluation, of discernment and of planning in the regular community meetings. On the one hand, prayer is a mysterious transforming power which embraces all realities to redeem and order the world. Cromwell had already instigated a campaign against "superstitions": These regulations constitute the distinguishing feature of Buddhist particularly Theravada monasticism; strictly speaking, there is no Buddhist monasticism apart from the life lived according to the vinaya. Celtic Christianity It is with them, first and foremost, that he or she feels called to live relationships of fraternity and friendship. Historical development India Expansion of Buddhism. The Buddha was a charismatic leader who founded a distinctive religious community based on his unique teachings. Some of the members of that community were, like the Buddha himself, wandering were laypersons who venerated the Buddha, followed certain aspects of his teachings, and provided the wandering ascetics with the. In more recent centuries, the council of Trent granted all the mendicant orders except the Friars Minor and the Capuchins the right to have corporate property like other monasteries. Smaller monasteries for men and women emerged in Cappadocia under the influence of the Greek theologian St. Basil the Great (c. –), who composed the first widely authoritative monastic rule in Eastern Orthodox Christianity. Excerpts from "Byzantine Theology," Historical trends and doctrinal themes. By John Meyendorff (Please get the full version of this book at your bookstore). Over time, it became an affluent and powerful institution, the centre of a monastic organisation that included many hundred Cluniac monasteries across Western Europe. Cluny was one of the grandest and most magnificent Benedictine monasteries in. [11] In popular culture, Monjushiri became known as the patron saint of male homosexual love because of the unfortunate resemblance of the latter part of his name to the Japanese word for ‘arse’ (shiri). Rated 3/5 based on 87 review Literary Terms and Definitions M
Presidential Feuds, Part 2 The Feud That Left a Mark on Presidential History Andrew Johnson and Ulysses S. Grant engaged in a personal and political feud almost unparalleled in both the briefness of its duration and the violence of its animosity. The trouble began after the Civil War ended. Johnson, who had been elected Vice President in 1864, became President after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Grant was the commanding general of the army, and the hero of the Civil War. Johnson was determined to carry out Lincoln’s Reconstruction plans, bringing the southern states back into the Union as quickly as possible. Radical Republicans in Congress opposed Johnson’s plans, wanting to keep the southern states under military (and Radical) control. They felt that the southern states had committed political suicide and were no longer states; they were now territories again, and under Congressional control. After the mid-term elections in 1866, the Radicals found themselves in overwhelming control of both houses of Congress. They sought to use their advantage to control Johnson. One of the acts they passed was the Tenure of Office Act. This law declared that any position that required Senate confirmation of the appointment also required Senate confirmation before the official could be dismissed. This meant that Johnson could not control his own cabinet. Johnson sought to test the constitutionality of the Tenure of Office Act by firing his Radical and disloyal Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton. Stanton refused to be fired, claiming that Johnson was acting illegally under the terms of the Tenure of Office Act. Stanton actually barricaded himself in his office and refused to leave it. Johnson countered by suspending Stanton and appointing as interim Secretary of War the one man no one dared to oppose, Ulysses S. Grant. Grant served as interim Secretary of War until Congress reconvened. On January 13, 1868, the Senate passed a resolution declaring that the removal of Stanton was not legal and, although being very careful not to criticize General Grant, ordered Stanton reinstated. Grant relinquished the office and returned to his army duties. This began the feud in earnest. Johnson wrote an angry letter to Grant accusing Grant of breaking his word. Johnson felt that Grant knew what role he had been meant to play and backed out under pressure from Congress. Johnson implied that Grant deserted him, caring more about the upcoming Republican Presidential nomination than doing what was right for his country. Grant responded that he considered Congress, and not the President, the final authority in the matter, and that he had never given the President any intimation that he would violate the law to support him. Grant concluded his letter, written on February 3, 1868, saying, “And now, Mr. President, when my honor as a soldier and integrity as a man have been so violently assailed, pardon me for saying that I can but regard this whole matter from beginning to end as an attempt to involve me in a resistance of law for which you hesitated to assume the responsibility, and thus destroy my character before the country.” This was not the first clash between the two men. Shortly after the end of the Civil War, President Johnson sought to have Robert E. Lee arrested for treason, contrary to the surrender terms signed at Appomattox. Grant was furious that Johnson would even think about violating the term of the surrender that represented the nation’s solemn word of honor. When Lee appealed to Grant for help, Grant intervened on Lee’s behalf. He threatened to take his case to the people if the President did not drop his attempt to have Lee arrested. Johnson backed down, and Lee was not arrested. Grant was elected in 1868 to succeed Johnson as President. The two had not reconciled by the time Grant was inaugurated President on March 4, 1869. President Johnson refused to ride with Grant, and therefore was not present at Grant’s inauguration. This had not happened since John Quincy Adams left town the night before the inauguration of Andrew Jackson in 1829. The next great political feud involved two men who had been best of personal and political friends, Theodore Roosevelt and William Howard Taft. Teddy Roosevelt had been the incredibly popular President. Unfortunately, on election night in 1904, Teddy said he would not run for another term in 1908. In 1908, Teddy kept his word and retired. He virtually appointed his friend and Secretary of War William Howard Taft as his successor. With Teddy’s support, Taft won in a landslide. But shortly after Taft took office, the friendship, both political and personal, began to break apart until the two men became bitter enemies. In the next article, we will experience this political earthquake that changed not only our history, but also the history of the entire world.
Movie Reviews Paul’s Review Of “Selma” (2014) – Documentary Or Drama? Race privileges and civil rights are a hard topic to discuss, especially in this day-and-age. Where I’ve lived and the way I have grown up, race is not that much of a problem. I’ve been raised by the belief that everyone deserves the same rights and duties, no matter what their race, gender or orientation may be. I’ve never witnessed an act of hate due simply to the color of their skin and everyone gets a fair shake. Part of this is because of the age we live in. During the civil rights movement, who would have thought that the highest paid athlete in America would be Lebron James? Or that actors like Denzel Washington and Lupita Nyong’o would win the highest awards for their craft? Or how about Oprah Winfrey being, well, Oprah? She is just her own brand now and is arguably the most powerful woman in the world. And of course, the leader of the free world, the president of the United States. We really have made a lot of progress when it comes to civil rights. The reason I bring this up is to show how the film “Selma” has left very little impact on me. While I’m sure this film will stir some people up, “Selma” left me feeling a bit cold about events that were already ingrained into me – that the civil rights movement was a very tough time period when African-Americans were suppressed and did not have any rights as citizens of America. My response to that is – Man, it is a good thing we are passed that. So, what does this have to do with me? This is my problem with “Selma.” The whole film comes across as a documentary about that time period with actors playing these significant roles – Danny Oyelowo as Martin Luther King Jr., Tim Boardbent as President Lyndon B. Johnson and Oprah Winfrey as her holy self. Rather than telling a story with relatable characters and showing their lives, “Selma” is recapping the major events of the civil rights movement that led to African-Americans claiming their rights to vote and be apart of this nation. In showing how this came about, “Selma” does just fine. Every major moment is given the weight and importance that it deserves. How Martin Luther King Jr. became such an icon and leader in that movement is put on full display. However, outside of being that leader, that figure which most people know about, we do not get to know much Martin Luther King. We know that he has a few fights with his wife, but that’s about it. There is a person inside that legend, but it does not seem like we get to know him. Last year, “12 Years A Slave” showed us an honest yet brutal portrayal of one the darkest times in American history. A time when African-Americans were treated worse than filth and inhumanly. While I had problems with the film, I still respect Steven McQueen and the film for bringing this often-forgotten story to light and never once flinching in the face of disgust. While I could say the same thing about “Selma,” there is this feeling that holds me back. It is most certainly honest, but to the point where it becomes tedious. Perhaps it is that “Selma” does not take enough chances with a story that has been told many times, or that it feels more like a documentary instead of flowing narrative. We’ve seen or have been taught these historical events already, so what else do you have? Overall, “Selma” is average. It sits on the border of dull and excitement, unsure if it wants to be faithful to history or try something new. Each scene gets the job done at getting the point across and does not over stay its welcome. As a recap of that movement and a time capsule of mid-1960 Alabama, “Selma” is fine. If you’re unfamiliar with that time period or Martin Luther King Jr, check it out. But if you already know about it, then this film probably won’t do anything for you. Final Grade: C Leave a Reply You are commenting using your account. Log Out /  Change ) Google photo Twitter picture Facebook photo Connecting to %s
butterflys evolution 837 Words4 Pages Butterflies are established all over the world and in all sorts of environments: cold and hot, moist and dry, high in the mountains and at sea level. The largest parts of butterfly species are found in tropical areas, in particular tropical rainforests. There is a variety of sizes butterflies come in. The worlds smallest known butterflies, the blue pygmy found in southern California, has a wing span of just over half an inch. The largest species, New Guinea’s QueenAlexandras birdwing, can measure up from wingtip to wingtip up to twelve inches. Lots of butterflies migrate in order to stay away from any unfavorable environmental conditions like cold weather. Butterfly migration is not well understood. Most migrate somewhat short distances like the Common Buckeye the Painted Lady, and the Red Admiral but a few like some Monarchs migrate thousands of miles. As highly developed insects, butterflies and moths have a complete life cycle. When stating a complete life cycle or life span this represents that there are four separate stages. Each of every life span looks absolutely different. It also provides a diverse function in the life of the insect. Butterflies' most important structural adaptation is found in their wings and how butterflies and moths utilize them to cover up themselves. The wings of many butterflies have evolved to imitate their surroundings; a particularly good example is with the green hairstreak. These butterflies have wings that are shaped and colored to appear precisely just like the leaves where the butterfly is found on; implicating that it is extremely more difficult for predators to find. A lot of butterflies have developed eye spots on their wings. These eye spots provide the butterfly the facade of a much bi... ... middle of paper ... ...pretty colors and flashy. The butterfly has large wings of form of a hook. Usually butterflies have these colors: chestnut, black, yellow, blue, dark green, white, and coffee among other colors. Many butterfly species have eye spots on their wings to confuse and scare predators. Unlike camouflage that is when the butterfly blends in with its surroundings. In order to make them harder to find, other butterfly wings are designed to blend in with their surroundings. Some butterflies are toxic to eat; by doing this, it discourages any animals or predators from eating them. Lastly migration, the reason some butterfly species recur to migrate is in order to avoid colder weather. These species is what has kept human kind fascinating. A butterfly gives us lots of inspiration because they represent the character of being independent and strong, especially passive and quiet. Open Document
If you have an idea that will improve and contribute to your local community, here is a simple template you can use to write a letter to your local representative. To [name], I have an idea that will solve a lot of major problems. I care about the city and I would want nothing than what is best for the future. [details of idea] I don’t want to be too confident of my abilities but my track record speaks for itself. I am a person who has a way of making people happy. I even have a good record at school. I know I can be an asset to this country if given the right opportunity. When you implement my suggestion, it will be something you will be known for and people will vote for you again in the next elections. Sincerely yours, Other Free Letter Templates
If you’re having trouble processing a customers credit car payment, here’s a template you can use to send your customer a letter telling them that their credit card was declined. Dear [name], We have received your request to order [product] with a total amount of [amount]. However, we regret to inform you that at this time we cannot process your order due to the invalidity of your credit card. We accept other payment methods should you want to go through the order. Thank you and have a wonderful day! Other Free Letter Templates
Medium undead (greater revnant), neutral evil Armor Class 16 (natural armor) Hit Points 135 (18d8+54) Speed 30 ft. 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) Saving Throws Intelligence +7, Wisdom +8, Charisma +8 Skills Deception +8, Intimidate +8, Insight +8, Perception +8, Persuasion +8; any relevant skills it possessed in life Damage Immunities poison Damage Resistances necrotic; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non-magical weapons Condition Immunities charmed, exhausted, frightened, poisoned Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 18 Languages Elvish and any languages it knew in life Challenge 12 (8,400 XP) Special Traits • Embodiment of Despair. Any non-undead creature that moves to or begins its turn within 60 feet of the gloomwraith must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom check or become frightened. A frightened creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. A creature has disadvantage on these saving throws if it has more than one Mark of Woe. Once a target has made a successful save against this effect or the fear has been removed through magical means, it is immune to this power for the next 24 hours. The gloomwraith can activate or deactivate this aura on its turn without spending an action of any sort. • Lingering Spirit. When a gloomwraith reaches 0 hit points, its physical body is destroyed but the shadowy spirit remains. Its speed drops to zero, it regains 20 hit points, and it gains immunity to slashing, piercing, bludgeoning, fire, cold, and lightning damage. It cannot make slam attacks, but can continue to use Crushing Despair. It loses one hit point every minute until it is destroyed. • Woe-haunted Aura. Any creature that starts its turn within 30 feet of the gloomwraith must attempt a DC 12 Woe saving throw or suffer 1 point of spiritual damage. Any creature that dies within 2,000 feet of a gloomwraith adds +2 to its roll on The Dead Rise table (page 260). A creature killed by the gloomwraith itself adds +4 to its roll, instead of the usual +3 for being slain by one of the Dead. The gloomwraith can activate or deactivate this aura on its turn without spending an action of any sort. • Multiattack. The gloomwraith makes two slam attacks and uses Crushing Despair. • Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d8+3) bludgeoning damage. Special: If the target is frightened, this gloomwraith has advantage on the attack and regains 10 hit points if the attack hits. • Crushing Despair. The gloomwraith forces one living creature within 60 feet to attempt a DC 17 Wisdom save. On a failed save, the target takes 31 (5d10+4) psychic damage and 1d4 spiritual damage and is frightened; it takes half as much damage and is not frightened on a successful one. A creature with more than one Mark of Woe has disadvantage on this saving throw. When certain immensely powerful undead (e.g., the Prince of Tears) place their mark on a mortal, that undead forms a connection to that creature and can then feed on their suffering. The longer the mortal resists, the stronger the bond becomes. Eventually the victim hears whispers offering a release from pain. This offer is a death sentence, and those who accept it become gloomwraiths—vessels for a fragment of that Malevolent’s power. Cloaked in Cold Flesh. The corpse that houses a gloomwraith is preserved by the spirit within. Its skin is pallid and cold, but a casual observer could mistake it for a living creature. An active DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine or Perception) check discovers its true nature. When the gloomwraith exercises its full power, this pretense of life falls away. Wisps of shadow extend from the gloomwraith’s skin, forming the outline of a misty elven figure. This shadowy aura is semi-tangible and shields the gloomwraith from physical attacks. Puppet of the Prince. A gloomwraith is the hand of the Prince of Tears (or some other Malevolent). If the Malevolent has no immediate agenda, the gloomwraith defaults to going on a murderous rampage. But if there is work that can be done to further the Malevolent’s plans, a gloomwraith can act as a subtle agent. It might lead a cult, or sow fear and despair as a demagogue or doomsayer. The gloomwraith retains the memories of its former life and can pose as the mortal it once was, but it possesses an uncanny talent for manipulating peoples’ fears. Such a puppet might conceal its appearance with a mask and heavy clothing; such steps prevent a physical examination from revealing its true nature. Undead Nature. A gloomwraith doesn’t require air, food, drink, or sleep. Section 15: Copyright Notice
Convert CSV to Excel: how to import CSV files into Excel spreadsheets In this article you will find 3 quick ways to convert CSV to Excel. You will also learn how to import multiple CSV files in a single workbook and how to handle the cases when some data from a CSV file isn't correctly displayed in an Excel sheet. Last week we started to investigate the specificities of the comma-separated values format (CSV) and different ways of converting Excel files to CSV. Today, we are going to do the opposite - import CSV to Excel. This article will show you how to open CSV in Excel and import multiple CSV files at a time. We will also red-flag possible pitfalls along the way and suggest the most effective solutions. How to convert CSV to Excel If you need to transfer some data from your company's database to an Excel spreadsheet, exporting the database to a CSV file and then importing the CSV file to Excel is the first option that comes to mind. There exist 3 ways of converting CSV to Excel: you can open a .csv file directly in Excel, double-click on the file in Windows Explorer, or import CSV into Excel as external data. Below I will provide the detailed guidance on these methods and point out the strengths and limitations of each: How to open CSV file in Excel If you created a CSV file in another program, you can still open it as an Excel workbook in the usual way by using the Open command. Note. Opening the CSV file in Excel does not change the file format. In other words, this won't convert your CSV file to Excel's .xls or .xlsx , the file will retain the original .csv (or .txt) extension. 1. With your Microsoft Excel open, head over to the File tab and click Open. 2. The Open dialog box appears and you select Text Files (*.prn,*.txt,*.csv) from the drop-down list in the lower right-hand corner. Opening a CSV file in Excel 3. Browse for the CSV file and open it as usual by double-click. If you are opening a .csv file, Excel will open it straight away and display the data in a new workbook. If you have selected a text file (.txt), Excel will start the Import Text Wizard. See Importing CSV to Excel for full details. Note. When Microsoft Excel opens a .csv file, it uses your default data format settings to understand how exactly to import each column of the text data. If your data contains one of the below characters or entries, then use the Import Text Wizard instead: • different delimiters are used in your csv file; • the csv file contains different date formats; • you are looking for more flexibility in general. To get Excel to launch the Import Text Wizard, you can either change the file extension from .csv to .txt before opening the file, or import CSV to Excel as explained further. How to open a CSV file using Windows Explorer This is the quickest way to open CSV in Excel. In Windows Explorer, just double click a .csv file and have it open as a new workbook. However, this method works only if you have Microsoft Excel set as the default program for .csv files. If so, then you will see the familiar green Excel icon Excel icon displayed next to the .csv file's name in Windows Explorer. If Excel is not the default program, you can set it as such in this way: 1. Right-click any .csv file in Windows Explorer, and select Open with… > Choose default program from the context menu. 2. Click Excel (desktop) under Recommended Programs, make sure the "Always use the selected program to open this kind of file" is selected and click OK. Setting Microsoft Excel as the default program to open .csv files. How to import CSV to Excel Using this method you can import data from a csv file into the existing or a new Excel worksheet. Unlike the previous two methods, it does not simply open CSV in Excel but really converts a .csv file to .xlsx (in Excel 2016, 2013, 2010 or 2007) or .xls (in case of Excel 2003 and lower). 1. With the needed spreadsheet open, click the cell where you want to import the data from a .csv or .txt file. 2. On the Data tab, in the Get External Data group, click From Text. To convert a CSV file to excel, click From Text on the Data tab. 3. Browse for the csv file you want to import, select it and click the Import button (or simply double click the .csv file). Double click the .csv file to run the Text Import Wizard. 4. The Text Import Wizard will appear and you follow its steps. Before we move further, please have a quick look at the screenshot below that shows the original CSV file and the desired result in Excel. Hopefully, this will help you better understand why we choose this or that setting in the example that follows. Data to be converted from CSV to Excel Choose the file type and the row number to start importing the data from CSV to Excel. • Step 2. In this step, you select a delimiter(s) and text qualifier. Delimiter is the character that separates values in your .csv file. If your CSV file uses some character other than available in the pre-defined list, select the Other check box and then type your custom character. In our example, we specify Tab and Comma since we want each product (separated by tabs) to start with a new row and the product details such as IDs and sales numbers (separated by commas) to be imported in separate cells. Text qualifier is the character that wraps the values in your text file. All text enclosed in the text qualifier symbols, e.g. "text1, text2" will be imported as one value, even if the text contains a delimiter you specified.In this example, we have chosen a comma as the delimiter and a quotation mark as the text qualifier. As the result, all of the numbers with a decimal separator (which is also a comma in our case!) will be imported in one cell, as you can see in the preview section below. If we did not specify the quotation mark as the text qualifier, then all the numbers with decimal separators would be imported into two adjacent cells. Sect the delimiter and text qualifier • Step 3. If you are happy with the Data preview, then click the Finish button. Tip. If more than one consecutive comma or other delimiter characters may occur in your CSV file, then check Treat consecutive delimiters as one check box to prevent empty cells. 5. Choose the destination for the imported data, either an existing or a new worksheet, and click OK to finish importing your CSV file to Excel. Choose the destination and click OK to finish importing your CSV file to Excel. Click the Properties button to set advanced options for the imported data. Note. If your CSV file contains some numerical data or dates, Excel may not convert these values correctly. To change the format of the imported data, select the problematic column(s) in Excel, right click and choose Format cells from the context menu. Convert CSV to Excel: problems and solutions The CSV format has been around for over 30 years, but notwithstanding its long history it has never been officially documented. The name CSV (comma-separated values) implies the use of comma to separate data fields. But this is in theory. De facto, many so-called "CSV" files use other characters to separate data, such as: • Tabs - TSV files (tab-separated values) • Semicolon - SCSV files (semicolon separated values) Some implementations of CSV files wrap data fields in single or double quotation marks, while others require a Unicode byte order mark (BOM), e.g. UTF-8, for correct Unicode interpretation. This lack of standard spawns various problems you may be faced with when trying to convert an Excel file to CSV and especially when importing a .csv file to Excel. Let's investigate these issues beginning with the most common one. CSV file is incorrectly displayed in Excel Symptoms. You are trying to open a .csv file in Excel and all of the data is displayed in the first column. Cause. The root of the problem is different separators set in your Windows regional and language settings and the csv file. In North America and some other countries, the default List Separator is a comma. While in European countries the comma (,) is reserved as the Decimal Symbol and the List Separator is set to semicolon (;). Solutions. There are several possible solutions for this problem, you can quickly look through the recommendations below and choose the one most suited for your particular task. 1. Specify the right separator directly in the CSV file. Open the CSV file with any text editor (even the usual Notepad will do) and add the below text in the first line. Note, it should be a separate line before any data: • To separate with comma: sep=, • To separate with semicolon: sep=; As you can guess, you can set any other custom separator in the same way, simply type it after the equality sign. 2. Choose the needed separator in Excel. In Excel 2016, 2013 or 2010, go to the Data tab > Data Tools group > Text To Columns. Run the Text To Columns wizard in Excel. The Convert Text to Column wizard, choose the Delimited file type ad click Next. Then select the needed separator in the next step and click Finish. Select the needed separator for the CSV file. 3. Change the .csv extension to .txt. Opening a .txt file in Excel will start the Text Import Wizard and you can choose any delimiter as discussed in importing a csv file to Excel. 4. Open a semicolon delimited CSV file with VBA. Here is a sample VBA code to open a semicolon delimited CSV file in Excel. Though the code was written a few years ago for older Excel versions (2000 and 2003), if you are pretty comfortable with VBA, you won't have problems with updating it or modifying for comma delimited CSV files. Note. All of the solutions above change the separator for a given CSV file only. If you'd rather change the default separator once and for all, proceed with solution 5. 5. Change separators in Region and Language settings. Click the Start button and open the Control Panel, then click Region and Language > Additional Settings. The customize Format dialog window will open and you choose a dot (.) as the Decimal symbol and a comma (,) as the List separator. Change separators in Windows Region and Language settings. Click OK twice to close two dialog windows and you are finished. From now Microsoft Excel will open and display all CSV (comma separated) files correctly. Leading zeros are lost when opening a CSV file in Excel Symptom. Your .csv file contains values with leading zeros and those zeros are lost when you open the CSV file in Excel. Cause. By default, Microsoft Excel displays SCV files in the General format, which cuts off leading zeros. Solution. Instead of opening a .csv file in Excel, run the Text Import Wizard as explained in Importing CSV to Excel in order to convert CSV to Excel. In step 3 of the wizard, select the column(s) that contains values with leading zeros and change the column's format to Text. This will covert your CSV file to Excel keeping all zeros in place. Convert a CSV file to Excel keeping all leading zeros intact. Excel converts some values to dates when opening a CSV file Symptom. Some values in your .csv file look like dates and Excel automatically converts such values from text to a date. Cause. As mentioned above, Excel opens CSV files in the General format and converts values that happen to resemble dates from text to a date. For example, if you are opening a .CSV file containing user logins, the entries similar to apr23 will be converted to dates in Excel. Solution. Convert CSV to an Excel file by running the Text Import Wizard (Data tab > From Text). In step 3, select the column(s) with records that look enough like dates and change the column's format to Text. Change the column's format to Text If you are looking for the opposite, i.e. you want the values in a certain column to be converted to dates in Excel, then set the format of that column to Date and choose the desired date format from the drop-down list. How to import multiple csv files into Excel As you probably know, Microsoft Excel allows opening several CSV files using the Open command. 1. You click File > Open and select Text Files (*.prn, *.txt, *.csv) from the drop down list in the lower right-hand corner. 2. To select adjacent files, click the 1st file, hold down the Shift key, and then click the last file. Both of the clicked files as well as all the files in-between will get selected. To select multiple non-adjacent files, hold down the Ctrl and click each .csv file you want to open. 3. With multiple CSV files selected, click the Open button. Opening multiple csv files into Excel This method is straightforward and quick and we could call it perfect but for one small thing - it opens each CSV file as a separate Excel workbook. In practice, switching back and forth between several Excel files might be quite inconvenient and burdensome. Now let me show you how you can import multiple CSV files into one Excel workbook, placing each .csv file on a separate sheet or consolidating all the files in a single spreadsheet. Importing multiple CSV files in a single Excel workbook To import several .csv files into one workbook, we are going to use the Consolidate Worksheets Wizard. This add-in works with all versions of Excel 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007 and 2003. The evaluation version is also available and you can download it right now to follow this example more closely. The installation will take you just a couple of minutes. 1. Go to the Ablebits Data tab on the Excel ribbon and click the Consolidate Worksheets icon. Click the Consolidate Worksheets icon. 2. Select the CSV files you want to import in Excel. If you have the files open, the wizard will display their names in the dialog window. Otherwise, click the Add files… button in the lower right-hand corner. Select the CSV files you want to import in Excel. Select the files as you usually do in Windows Explorer (hold Shift to select contiguous files or Ctrl to select non-contiguous files). The result will look similar to what you see the screenshot below, and you click Next. Select the CSV files you want to import to Excel. 3. Choose how exactly you want to import the selected CSV files to Excel. As you can see in the screenshot below, you have several choices. Typically, you click the last open that imports all of the selected CSV files into a single workbook, each file on a separate sheet. Tip. If you are unsure which option to choose, click the i icon right to the option in question and you will see a mockup of the imported files. For example, to consolidate data from multiple CSV files in a single worksheet, choose the second option - "Copy data from the selected ranges to one worksheet". Consolidate data from multiple CSV files in a single Excel worksheet. 4. In the next step, you decide whether you want to import all the data or values only. When importing .csv files, you typically go ahead with the default setting "Paste all" and simply click Next. Choose how you want to import the data in Excel. 5. The last thing for you to do is to choose the destination for the imported CSV files. And again, you proceed with the default setting since the New workbook is the only available option. Choose the destination for the imported CSV files. 6. Click Finish, wait for a few seconds and get the desired result - multiple CSV files imported into one Excel workbook. Fast and painless, isn't it? As you understand, this was just one of the many possible applications of the Consolidate Worksheets Wizard. You can find more about this Excel add-in on its homepage. Hopefully, now you are able to convert any CSV files to Excel with ease. If you have any questions or have run into any issues, don't hesitate to drop me a comment. And thanks for your patience everyone who has read this long tutorial to the end! : ) 86 responses to "Convert CSV to Excel: how to import CSV files into Excel spreadsheets" 1. Trevor says: Dear Admin, Thank you so much for this useful information. Your detailed guidance has resolved my issue. Thanks again, 2. t alt says: How to automatically load a csv file where all fields are treated as "Text and where "separator=," is done by default? 3. mohamad says: tank u so much 4. Elias says: Thank you, thank you, thank you sooooooooo much!!! You've saved me tons of workload!!!! Thank you!!! 5. Anonymous says: 6. Anonymous says: When I double-click on the CSV file in Windows, Excel starts and then loads the file. The problem is that every record appears in a single column, ...instead of the Instead of the comma-separated values being in different columns. Any advise how to fix this and make the data in csv. file appear as Instead of the comma-separated values being in different columns as soon as the csv file is opened by excel? Thank you 7. Hugh says: Excellent article, it got my conversion done first time. 8. avinash says: while exporting data from excel(total 10 Columns) to csv how would i get 5th - 10th Column on the next line. Data in Excel SrNo Name Add Tel No 1 ABC sdfd 1212 Data Expected in CSV SrNo Name Add Tel No 1 ABC sdfd 1212 9. Vaibhav jain says: In csv file, I have an <> at the end of each row and | is used a delimiter I used | as delimiter in other but how I set so that <> is removed and after it, new row is displayed Can you please help ? 10. chandrasekhar says: I've created a backup of my contacts via NOKIA PC SUITE, the information have saved in Excel-> contacts.csv But here the information is not in the format as i expected, it's not showing the number(phone number), instead of that it's showing some other values. Please help me to convert that into an excel file where i can see the contact name, and number as well. 11. Sher Ali says: Dear Admin, Thanks again, Sher Ali Pakistan 12. venkat says: Hi Team I am wondering will the values get change when the csv file is opened and changed the format to Excelfile directly through "Save as" option. Please advise me. Thanks in Advance :) 13. Diana says: step 1 in the wizard does not show the other files to be merged. When i try to Add files, I cannot see the files as in the drop down to choose the type of file, there is no option to choose CSV files. It is limited to excel workbook 2003 or 2007. Please advise how i can merge them if i cannot choose my CSV files. P.s i have excel 2007 Thank you ! 14. sajjad says: can i import multiple csv files with first column as name of the CSV file for identification of where data is coming from. I have four regions North south Central and North2 and files are saved as north-date.csv , south-date.csv and vice versa can i add a column which can help me in seing that from which reigon i am getting the data in one worksheet ? 15. Nitin says: Awesome work, Thanks a ton 16. DELFONICS says: Product : HT630. We have a problem when we want to transfer the data we scanned from the scanner to an excel file on our computer with the CSV format. For example if we put the number 100 on the scanner, the 0 will vanish and we'll get 1 on the escel file. 2000 will become 2, 50 will become 5, and so on. When we use the text format, the 0 will display but not with the CSV format. Do you have an explanation. Does the problem come from the scanner or excel? Thank you very much. • Hello, To fins the cause of the problem, please try the following: 1. Create a text document with some numbers like 200, 100, 2000 and so on. 2. Convert this doc to an Excel file. 3. See the values you get. If they are different most likely the issue is caused by Excel. 17. David says: How to prevent a .txt file from converting a long number to scientific notation? I have been importing txt files with the same format and everything worked fine until I get to the last two files. There is a column that is 14 characters long that was behaving as expected but this time, after changing each column to the appropriate type and converting, the 14 characters that show correctly in the data to be converted, are displayed in scientific notation (e.g., 12345678998834 converts to 12345+...) 18. srihari says: thank you so much dear admin it was very nice & detailed guidelines for very neatly u explained the things it was so good once again thank you so much for your guide lines 19. jabir says: Dear sir\ madam I need csv file 20. Jitesh Mishra says: I am facing a problem while opening a CSV file in XLS format. The size of XLS file is more than 65K rows and even if i am trying to open it in excel2010 its throwing an error. However if i will reduce the size its working fine. The file generating from a tool which has a limitation of supporting excel 2000 or below only. I can generate the file using CSV format but can't read it. Please Suggest how i can open and read the file of size grater than 65K rows. 21. Mario says: Is it possible to open a file with a different file extension as a csv type with Excel 2010. We have a process that renames files from a.csv to a.csv.1 and a.csv.2 etc. I need to have excel open these as csv type. 22. sree says: it possible to refresh data after the import.If it works lemme know! 23. ron says: this discussion is perfect for learning, thank-you. now, can i ask about a variation? 1. i downloand a supposed csv file from a website, but it saves as a .xls and opens in excel 2013 in 'compatibility mode'. i can't use the 'get data' capability as it saves as .xls, and i can't use it as is, it needs to be imported into a workbook already saved as an .xlsm. 2. did i miss anything in your presentation? or is the only way to do this is try and record a macro that opens the .xls, saves it to .xlsm and then tries to add it to the larger .xlsm as a simple worksheet? 3. i guess i see all the options in 'get data', except the one that says 'get data' from an older format excel file. 24. Amit says: your blogs are so informative . Keep it up. ! I am facing a problem while copying word database to excel. All the columns in word table are getting arranged in a single column in excel in splitted manner . Please help me to tacle this problem. Thank You ..! 25. ashkan says: great article thanks very much 26. DaniOR says: Thank you so much, It was great help! 27. zeeshan says: Iam unable to modify a .csv file (I mean like formatting and highlighting etc.,)Is there any alternative that i can modify a .csv file and save it in the same .csv format. Your concern is highly appreciated... Thank You... 28. guy from that thing says: Hi - conditional formatting was working great. I pulled in data via a CSV feed, data types / conditional formatting rules all worked perfectly. Then the publisher changed the format of the CSV URL -- two notable changes I have to reverse the row order and then take the first row as the header row (by default the feed now puts the header row at the bottom). The columns are still the same, but with the rows reversed the conditional formatting will not take. I apply formatting the appropriate data type to the column (e.g., format a number), and reapply the conditional formatting to the column still no luck. Any ideas? 29. Tadeu dos Santos Pereira says: Dear all, I have one file created as .csv, so i just need to correct some information, and save it again. I have create a Macro that open the file as a normal excel file, and i'm saving the information as Normal way. But the problem is when i save the file again on the normal way, it's not consider the fields that were corrected as a TXT value, and when a save "01", in fact just save "1". Has any manner to save the information in text format and the csv format accept once i save it ? Thanks in advanced. 30. Mahlatse says: Thank you very much, this was really helpful and saved me a lot of time. Keep up the good work. 31. keerti says: im importing csv file to excel sheet but it is not properly separating it. my csv file contains text, numeric value also date plzzz help me out 32. Zoya Sikdher says: Thank you for this useful and resourceful share. I specially enjoyed your descriptions. They are right on slot and bound to help save time! So far I have been using Websites like zamzar and for the conversions and they are great too. My best is It has such a great interface and does the job in No Time. • Zoey says: is sham. I tried it couple of times..each time having to wait for 1 or more minute and end result of file that looked exactly like the source file. What a waste of time?! and potentially unsafe website with horrible pop-ups and ads. 33. mahadevan says: we have csv file with more than 1048576 Rows, but trying to open in xl format, we are not egtting the data more than the above rows. 34. Ashwini says: It was Really helpfull.. Thanks a lot 35. rohit says: Hello sir we are trying to convert Excel file to CSV file how can i convert for GST return 36. Jo says: Many thanks for this very helpful tutorial! Was very happy to see that this was so easy to do :-) 37. Juan Mora| says: Hey, I consider this really helpfull and with the "old version" of excel 2016 i used to do the data import. However, excel has got an update and know when i go to Data > From text/CSV the Text import Wizard does not show up, in his replace there's something called Power Query. Now, with that thing I have problems on setting the numbers as decimals when with the Text Import Wizard i had no problem. Any idea on how to help me with that? 38. Vincent says: This is very helpful..can i have a soft copy..Thank you 39. May says: Hi, can someone advise when I convert a csv tect file to excel, the number is 1.7122E+12 as number, I tried to converted to normal 1712200000000 with text " signed ! in front, thus I converted to number and turned out the same 1.7122E+12 as original one. Kindly help. 40. Vasile B says: Thank you. very useful info. 41. Abdurrahman Kara says: Thank you very much for the very valuable and useful information. 42. sisyphus says: your are amazing girl thanks 43. Trigger says: Excellent article which explains each step in detail. I have been battling to figure it all out with trial and error and this proves some of my findings! Thank you for the effort in documenting and posting! 44. Driss says: Thank you so much for this useful information. Your detailed guidance has resolved my issue. Best regards 45. Hamzah says: Thanks Your Present 46. Badru says: Thank you. 47. Karen says: I want to upload a csv file into excel without separating the data. Instead I want to use a macro to sort the data by criteria onto different worksheets first because the different records have different fixed width. I've put an example below. I would want to put HeaderRecord on one sheet all RecordType1 on one sheet all RecordType2 on one sheet all RecordType3 on one sheet TrailerRecord on one sheet After I do that, I already have the formula to text to column based on each record types fixed column width counts. Every ID will have RecordType1 and can have additional rows of RecordType2 and RecordType3. Pretend there are 500 Unique IDs (recordtype1), 900 Records total (400additional rows of data for RecordType2 & 3) HeaderRecord DateDateHourDate L RecordType1 First Last ID01 TitleDate1Date2 zerofilldate3 RecordType2 ID01 Date1Date2 YesNo Spacefill RecordType3 ID01 DataInfoDate1 ZerofillDate RecordType1 First Last ID02 TitleDate1Date2 zerofilldate3 RecordType2 ID02 Date1Date2 YesNo Spacefill RecordType3 ID01 DataInfoDate1 ZerofillDate RecordType1 First Last ID03 TitleDate1Date2 zerofilldate3 RecordType2 ID03 Date1Date2 YesNo Spacefill RecordType3 ID03 DataInfoDate1 ZerofillDate TrailerRecord Count 48. sam says: One solution is to change your regional settings for the "List separator" attribute to the character you want Excel to default to using, e.g. a comma (,) This can be changed in: Control Panel / Region / Additional Settings / List separator: 49. Elina says: Thank you so much! 50. kim says: Trying to convert a CSV file to Excel and it only converts the last total line, but not the rest of the data. What do I need to do? I cant work with the CSV file since it is only an export button I can get to in our program used from another company. • Doug says: It's not clear to me what you're trying to do. I think you're either trying to open a CSV file in Excel or you are trying to export a data file from another program into Excel. Are you importing a CSV file into Excel from another program or do you have the file itself? What do you mean it converts the last total line? Is it the last line in the file? Maybe you need to select all the data and then export it? 51. Atul Soni says: Thank you so much sir!! This article really helped me. 52. DUKAME says: thank u so much 53. aziz says: thank you that was great it did the job 54. Çağlayan Dökme says: That was precious for me, thanks. 55. Alfred Reinbrech says: Thank you for the explanation, it is very helpful. I have one problem tough, I cannot add up the amounts with auto sum. Is there another way to sum up the amounts? Thank you 56. shravan says: i have a notepad file and i am able to import the data in excel. now, this notepad file contains a trigger word "end" at several places. while importing, can i have some option in excel which will create a new sheet when this particular trigger word is found. 57. Семён says: Спасибо, Светлана! Очень помогли! 58. Alexandra says: When I import a csv file, I see in the preview the comma as decimal separator, as it should be, so all ok. But when I click finish, the result is terrible, instead of 5,458170215980170 it gives 5.458.170.215.980.170, so with thousands separator. How to fix this? Thanks in advance. 59. Oscar says: I would like to generate http:// and file:// links in my CSV files and have them active links when imported in to Excel. Such as a script that builds a .csv list of files in a directory structure with information in other columns that can be sorted or filtered, allowing quick access to these files from the spreadsheet. Many thanks in advance. 60. hicham says: Thank you. 61. Krešimir says: When import csv into excell how to excel in currency excel table (HRK) after number? Of course - Column data format: General. Of course I can do this cell by cell, but it takes a long time and creates a possibility of error. Thank you in advance, Krešimir 62. Brian says: Extremely helpful stuff!! Now, how do I get the "Consolidate Worksheets" add-on?? It wasn't in the list of "Get Add-ins". 63. Mastaria says: Dear Sirs/Madam, I am trying to upload csv file but it comes to our data system. But the error happen. It say "fist line must be header". Could you please help to to overcome it? 64. david says: 65. Samer says: Hi, need help. I was working on CSV file, and did few formulas. but when I Saved, Closed, and then reopened the file, the formulas disappeared and the numbers was shown as a text. please advise how can i retrieve these formulas, as I do not want to repeat my work again. 66. Scott Holmbeck says: We are using Excel 2016. I have an odd situation, where a third party requires pipes (|) around text data rather than the usual double quotes. I can't seem to get Excel to allow me to choose the pipe as a text qualifier on importing. The default choices are limited to double quote, single quote, and {none}. How can I get the | added to the list? 67. Claude Thibault says: Good Job, it work :) Post a comment
The life skills you need for success Updated: Jul 7 Investing is a lifeskill you practice everyday. You invest your time. Did you do things today to enrich yourself? You invest your money. Did you buy things today to enrich your life or tuck away some for the things your future self will need? Doing nothing is still a decision. Making proactive decisions about our time and money is the best way to ensure we live fully worthwhile lives. If you continue to rent while real estate prices are going up, you can be at risk of being priced out of your neighborhood. If you don’t go for the promotion, your learning curve can go flat If you do not jump for love, what memories will you cling onto during the tough times of a relationship. . Choosing to do nothing is sometimes the correct answer but it needs to be a proactive decision rather than avoidance. Here are a few tips and tricks to become a better investor. 1. To take on the right risks on homes, gear and love we need to be very sure of who we are and where we are in our lives at that moment.. By "right", I don't mean perfect. I mean fun and without regret when it goes wrong because it does go wrong sometimes Time spent in quiet will help you hear your own inner voice and make decisions right for you. 2. Invest only what you can lose, both time and money wise. 3. Invest only in what you understand and have an interest in reading about. 4. Have a discipline. Write down why you have bought something and why you would buy more and should sell it and don't get caught up in emotion of the day to day. 5. Read quality news. 6. Get out of the house and speak to a wide range of people. 7. Sign up for a course which would bring you a new perspective or take on a new assignment at work. We will need to take risk and scare ourselves a bit so we may arrive on the other side of fear. Make the effort needed to become a good investor of your time and money, everyday. It a necessary and grounding lifeskill. Afirefi Icon - Best personal budget app The unique online life & financial design platform  for women choosing to lead their best life  for a better balanced world. • White Instagram Icon • White Facebook Icon Contact Us    |     Privacy Policy    |    Terms of Use   |    FAQ
Home Stretchin' It Tue 1/10/2006 I don't have much to report, except that I am still alive AND KICKING ASS. In the last two weeks (not including the day I did the 24-hour comic, and a day of rest before that) I have drawn Comics for 106 hours (so far), averaging 8 hours a day. In that time I have completed SIX PAGES of Basewood, which is pretty insane, considering my previous pace of a page every MONTH or so during school. Partly, I think it's because the end of this chapter is pretty simple (a few characters, talking in the woods, with basically no backgrounds). But also there is a sort of INERTIA that builds up when I can just sit and work "The Schedule" and focus on my Comics day after day. It feels really good. I CANNOT wait to have it done and get it out to everybody. That will feel amazing, after working on it for A YEAR AND A HALF. The only down side to all of this is that I feel like a TOTAL ROBOT. I'm so exhausted that I usually spend my breaks taking naps, walking around the block like an old man or just zoning out. At one point I spent a whole day without leaving the apartment and then I realized as I lay down to sleep that I hadn't seen or spoken to a single other person all day. Ah well, I spent a whole semester seeing and speaking to LOTS of people, while Basewood lay neglected! So if I can just stick it out for a few more days it'll be all wrapped up. As a goal/reward, Aaron and I are going to head up to Boston this weekend to visit Liz and Kevin. Then it's back to school! P.S. While inking the image above I started getting a weird feeling... Then I realized that I had totally RIPPED OFF Nate's much funnier, more elaborate drawing. They say forgery is the highest form of flattery (or something like that). Sorry Nate! 6 comments on this entry this is very exciting... i envy your work ethic like no other. i had a month off and could barely keep up with simple routines. i can't wait to see chapter 2! jp Jan10 Ha, that's hilarious -- I immediately noticed the similarity. But you beat me to the punch! Pow! Uhm.. sadly, of course, I am not only a robot, I'm a robot interfacing with a COMPUTER, instead of a drawing board. However you appear to be further along in your robot transformation than me. I'm scared to say that I often find myself working inside for an entire day. But it's winter, right? It's UGLY outside here in Portland -- torrential downpour comes to mind. A lot. Nate Jan10 Yeah, Nate, you are more of a cyborg than a robot (uh...right?) I wish I could say the same about New York being miserable. If it was snowing and freezing outside, it would be a lot easier to stay inside all day. But for SOME REASON (cough global warming cough) yesterday it was 60 degrees and clear outside. It's been like friggin SPRING in New York! In JANUARY? WTF??? Alec Jan10 I have been noticing each time I check back at your site the end of this chapter of Basewood coming closer and closer. It is pretty exciting, and I cannot wait to see what is in store! FART! I didn't finish Basewood Chapter Two yet. I really underestimated how much work the last page entailed (SOOO much work!) Ah well, I'm off to Boston anyways. It's going to be really nice to have a break and get out of the city for a bit. And I'll still have a day and a half when I get back to wrap up Basewood before school starts. Thanks to everyone who helped root me on! Alec Jan13 You are the Daniel Boone of indie comics. Or maybe... the Lewis and Clark? Anyway... you're trudging on ahead paving the way for people without a sound work ethic... maybe you're Sacagawea. The helpful native girl. Aaron Jan13 Post your comment here: Well, I'm back from Boston, where I had a really great weekend! I was sort of bummed that I hadn't .. Crispy Ginger Crumples The 24-hour comic is done! Aaron and I survived! And we're still friends! (Pfew!) You can go ..
WW1 Trench Warfare What is a luger ww1 worth 7361 stamped erfurt worth7361? Top Answer User Avatar Wiki User 2009-08-17 00:36:00 2009-08-17 00:36:00 value would depend on overall condition User Avatar Related Questions it is either a erfurt pistol or an Erfurt rifle, which ??? From $500 to $2000, depending on condition. The more original finish left the higher the value. Roughly $900-$1200, depending on markings, condition, and matching parts/ correct magazine, etc. value of any firearms depends on overall condition, i.e., bore condition, finish condition, maker, etc, etc.........................send me a pic................... A 1915 Erfurt 8mm rifle is worth between $200 and $2,000 depending on its condition. The actual value varies based on individual sellers and the history of the rifle. A Buffalo Nickel stamped on a penny is worth $800.00. A Jefferson Nickel stamped on a ZN penny is worth $70.00. A Jefferson Nickel stamped on a CU penny is worth $60.00. Someone on the Jan C. Still Luger forum can probably help answer your question better than I Depending on condition, between $100 and $250- presuming you mean the .22 Stoeger Luger. The same value as any other luger of similar model and condition. And I have to ask- you know this how? although a P38 fires the same ammo as a Luger (9mm) it is not a Luger. It is a double action pistol that replaced the luger before wars end.......value of P38 can be checked by going to '' and scroll or seek P38................... value depends on overall condition...................... I hope you can back up the fact that it was a German general's luger ???? however, if you can prove it belonged to a general, it would be worth more... Amazing as it may seem, the holster for the German Luger can be worth as much as $300. If you really want to know, take it to a jeweler. The worth of the ring depends on a lot of factors, not just what it has "stamped on it." $5500 in excellent condition The worth of a triple stamped penny will vary depending upon its circulation and overall condition. It can be worth anywhere from $1.00 to thousands of dollars. A few hundred to a few thousand. Germany ring how much. Its. Worth? 100 to multiple thousands of USD depending on specifics They can sell for anywhere from $250 - $400. Whether they're actually worth it.. is a different matter entirely. Depending on condition, history, markings, etc., 25-250 USD I agree with this but the question is wrongly constructed, the Luger and P38 are to different guns. the value of your luger depends on overall condition and if all numbers match. metal wear, pitts or rust deminish price.........what is the condition..............? The coin needs to be seen for an accurate assessment, take it to a coin dealer. It could be worth as much as $30.00
Subscribe to Archaeology World Roundup September/October 2019 • WRU North Carolina CuffNORTH CAROLINA: A tavern in Brunswick Town that burned down in the 1760s may have been a popular watering hole for rebellious colonials. A small cufflink found among the tavern’s remains was inscribed with the words “Wilkes Liberty 45,” a cryptic rallying cry used by those opposing King George III. The phrase refers to seditious English politician and pamphleteer John Wilkes. In edition no. 45 of his paper, he criticized the English monarch—which got him arrested, but endeared him to American patriots. • WRU Virginia Yorktown REVISEDVIRGINIA: Divers exploring the York River identified burned wooden timbers and cannons that may belong to a British ship that sank during the Siege of Yorktown. In this, the Revolutionary War’s decisive battle, George Washington’s army attacked the British by land, while the French navy assaulted them from the sea. More than 40 British ships went down during the onslaught, either from enemy fire or because they were deliberately scuttled by Lord Cornwallis in an attempt to stop a French landing. • WRU Belize MaizeBELIZE: The Maya’s dependence on maize may have ultimately led to their collapse. Isotope analysis of bones from 50 burials at the site of Cahal Pech illustrates how the Maya diet changed between 745 B.C. and A.D. 850. Early communities had a more diverse diet that included maize as well as animals and wild plants. By the 9th century A.D., though, a strong preference for maize, driven by upper-class tastes, led to intensive farming of and overreliance on the crop, leaving it susceptible to drought. • WRU England BradgateENGLAND: The stone foundations of an early phase of Lady Jane Grey’s childhood home were uncovered in Bradgate Park, in Leicestershire. The Greys were one of the most prominent English families during the Tudor period and lived in Bradgate House for more than 200 years. Grey famously ruled England as queen for nine days before being deposed—and executed—in 1554 by Henry VIII’s daughter Mary I. • WRU Romania skullROMANIA: In 1941, when a 33,000-year-old human skull was discovered in southern Transylvania’s Cioclovina Cave, it was recognized as the remains of one of the earliest modern humans in Europe. New research suggests it is also evidence of a Paleolithic murder. Forensic investigation and experimental simulation concluded that two fractures on the skull were inflicted premortem, and not postmortem as originally thought. The individual appears to have been killed by bluntforce trauma to the head with a club-like object wielded by a left-handed suspect. • WRU Egypt WatermelonsEGYPT: The wild African watermelon has white flesh and is largely inedible due to its bitterness. However, wall paintings from ancient Egyptian tombs depict what appear to be watermelons, which has led experts to speculate that the fruit may have been domesticated in a manner that made it more palatable. Now, DNA sequencing from a watermelon leaf found in a 3,500-year-old tomb in Luxor has shown that two of the melon’s genes were manipulated, causing it to develop red flesh and a sweet taste. This confirms that New Kingdom Egyptians did indeed cultivate watermelons similar to the ones we enjoy today. • WRU Israel Tel ShikmonaISRAEL: The walled site of Tel Shikmona has long puzzled archaeologists. Despite its rocky coastline and lack of arable land, a community seemingly thrived there between the 11th and 6th centuries B.C. Recent reevaluation of ceramic material indicates the site housed a facility that produced purple dye, one of the ancient Mediterranean’s most sought-after commodities. The valuable dye was extracted from murex marine snails in a labor-intensive process that is still not fully understood. • WRU Russia Napoleon GeneralRUSSIA: Some 200 years after Napoleon’s unsuccessful invasion of Russia, residents of Smolensk unknowingly danced on the grave of one of the emperor’s most trusted generals. The body of Charles Étienne Gudin was recently discovered beneath an outdoor dance floor in the city. The skeletal remains were consistent with records showing that Gudin’s left leg was amputated after the 1812 Battle of Valutino. Upon his death, Gudin’s heart was removed, brought back to France, and interred in Paris’ Pere Lachaise cemetery. • WRU China CannabisCHINA: Long before it was popularized in the West by the 1960s counterculture, cannabis was an important part of Central Asian rituals. Researchers have detected trace amounts of the drug on several 2,500-year-old wooden braziers from the Jirzankal cemetery in far western China. This is the oldest scientifically verified evidence of cannabis smoking. The samples contained higher levels of psychoactive chemicals than most wild cannabis varieties, suggesting that locals may have cultivated the plant for its mind-altering effects. • WRU Indonesia Sumatra TsumaniINDONESIA: When the 2004 tsunami hit the northwestern coast of Sumatra, it caused almost unimaginable destruction. It also unearthed evidence that a previous tsunami had struck some 600 years earlier. A survey along 25 miles of coast near Banda Aceh revealed that at least 10 medieval communities once thrived there as part of the maritime Silk Road. A 1394 tsunami destroyed all but one of them. Thousands of recently recorded 15th-century Muslim gravestones suggest that Islamic traders eventually resettled the abandoned coast.
Body Scans & Progressive Relaxation Body Scan It has been said that emotion and stress exist closer to the physical realm than they do to the realm of thought. With that being said, there is a great deal of tension that is being held throughout one's physical body; some parts may seem obvious to us while other areas holding tension may be more subtle and not as evident in a given moment. The body scan is a mindfulness approach that allows a participant to bring focussed attention to individual parts of the body in a fairly systematic and incremental manner; either head-to-toe or toe-to-head. The body scan can be done from either a sitting or lying down posture, whichever is most comfortable for the participant.  By following along to some of the "guided links" one can "shine a light" on their entire body, bringing awareness to the areas that require some relaxing.  Studies show that bringing this purposeful relaxed approach to the body helps engage the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS) which then makes it more likely one will respond rather than react, feel happier, more alert and focused, and potentially have a greater level of satisfaction in their relationships with self and others. Progessive-Relaxation (also known as "Tense/Release") is another systematic and incremental approach to bringing awareness to parts of the body with the intent of contracting the muscle or body part and holding it for 5-10 seconds.  The "tense" phase is then immediately followed by a purposeful "release" of that tension while visualizing that tension washing down and out of you, through your toes, like a mountain stream; downward, until it finds its way out to the "bay" which exists outside of the body.
Comscore Beacon © amazon Amazon Gold Box Deals For June 8, 2017 Save Big On Braun Shavers And More With Today's Best Deals Save $64 On Braun Series 7 Wet & Dry Electric Shaver for Men with Clean & Charge System A great electric shaver doesn't come cheap, but they're worth it for their versatility — you can lather up and shave wet for an ultra-close shave, or you can run one over your face dry for a quick trim when you're running late. This shaver from Braun has great reviews and five different shave modes depending on your needs, and this deal bundle is unbeatable: You get not only the shaver, but the cleaning station with four extra cleaning cartridges, too. $149.99 at 61% Off Invicta Men's 'Pro Diver' Quartz Stainless Steel Casual Watch Not everyone's a serious horologist, and I'd say most men are actually just looking for a nice looking, well-built watch at a reasonable price. Most of the Invicta watches in today's Gold Box are kind of gaudy, to be honest, but this one's trendy and stylish yet still subtle. You can wear it pretty much anywhere (even in the pool!) and it should look good on all wrist sizes. Not a bad gift for dad either, if you're still shopping for Father's Day. $39.99 at 25% Off V76 by Vaughn Daily Balance Facial Moisturizer If you're just using drugstore body lotion to moisturize your face (or nothing at all), you're doing yourself a disservice and prematurely aging your skin. Your facial skin has special needs, and the V76 by Vaughn brand is specifically designed to meet those needs. This is a lightweight, daily use lotion that locks in your skin's natural moisture, reduces oil build up and generally leaves your skin brighter and tighter with no shine. $17.25 at 65% Off Etekcity Lasergrip 1080 Non-contact Digital Laser Infrared Thermometer Infrared thermometers are cool gadgets to have around, and at this price you don't really need a use in mind to justify grabbing one. They're popular among cooks for checking things like the temperature of a pan, but they have uses all around the home. If you suspect that you have some insulation issues around a certain window, for example, pointing this at the area will confirm your suspicions. It comes with a 9v battery too, which is nice. $15.99 at 38% - 50% Off Tom's Ware Mens Classic Slim Fit Contrast Inner Long Sleeve Dress Shirts Finding a good quality dress shirt at a good price can be tough, but these slim fit shirts from Tom's Ware have a touch of stretch in them for comfort, and appear to fit true to size. These have contrast fabric inside the cuffs, collar and placket, and it looks like it goes two ways: On some, the contrast fabric is a subtle gray, and would only be visible if you rolled up the sleeves or opened the collard — in other words, a standard dress shirt perfect for work. But on others, the fabric is a bold tartan plaid that's visible on the breast pocket and placket, even with it closed. Those shirts might be better reserved for casual wear, or at night. Either way, you have options. $17.55 - $21.59 at 52% Off Chill Pal Mesh Cooling Towel There aren't many good ways to stay cool when you can't avoid the summer sun, but these cooling towels have exploded in popularity recently because they offer relief. Simply soak it in water, give it a snap to activate... whatever it is it does, and drape it across your neck and shoulders for 1-2 hours of cooling comfort. When it gets dry, just re-soak and start over. I know a few bartenders who work outdoors that swear by these things. This is a lightning deal, but the sale price is still decent if you miss it. $7.17 - $11.97 at 73% Off GYY 3 In 1 Solar Rechargeable Collapsible Portable LED Camping Lantern Solar technology is getting so good that when combined with low-energy LED lights, it becomes a viable power source. This lantern collapses down to about the size of your cellphone, and can act as a flashlight in that position. But expand it, you have ample bright light for the boat, campsite or just the backyard. Let it recharge in the sun, or plug it in. They claim up to 12 hours of light on a charge, and user feedback seems to corroborate that. This is another lightning deal, so get it while you can. $6.54 at 46% Off Sugru Moldable Glue Sugru is a moldable play-doh-like substance that bonds to almost anything and cures into flexible rubber when left overnight. I bought some last time it was on sale to fix the frayed end of my laptop power cord, and it worked precisely as advertised. There really is no limit to what you can do with this stuff, and if kept in the fridge it'll last for years while you keep finding ways to use it. $11.97 at 38% Off Tommy Hilfiger Men's 4-Pack Boxer Brief Boxer briefs are overall the best option for underwear, providing a mix of support, coverage and comfort. But if you typically buy the low-cost department store brands and haven't tried some from a higher-end manufacturer, you're really missing out. It doesn't get more time-tested than Tommy Hilfiger underwear, and you have color options to suit your preferences. $27.99 at 23% Off BLACK+DECKER Convection Countertop Toaster Oven I use my toaster oven, no lie, at least twice as much as I use my big oven. It doesn't heat up the whole kitchen, and if you're only cooking for one or two, how much more space do you need? I have one similar to this, and I find that with the added convection feature, food actually bakes up faster and crispier in here than it does in the big oven. It's a great workhorse appliance, and it'll pay for itself in electricity bill savings once it's on your countertop. $36.20 at Show comments
Copyright © Astronomy Roadshow Planetarium All rights Reserved Monday - Friday: 9am-5.00pm        the moon The phases of the moon are complex, so here is a clip to help.. On the left is a complete rotation map of the moon. But from earth, we only see one side of it as shown in the right animation. This side faces the earth permanently in a 'captured' rotation orbit. so the back is never seen. Only when the space age began, did we send probes to the far side and image it. Russia was first to accomplish this in 1959 with a spacecraft called Lunar 3. The first human eyes to see the back were the crew of Apollo 8 on December 24th 1968; the very day I became fascinated by this topic age five... and a half.
Reviews from in the past sonic: the series about bad design decisions sonic hogs 3 hog knuckles & hedge The best 2D sonic along with mania feels like a real journey unlike sonic 2 while keeping the great physics and game design. it basically added two characters because tails was just sonic last game. really good game maybe except marble garden the spinning tops were invented by Satan the real Sonic 3 & Knuckles was the friends we made along the way OH yes, the ultimate wombo combo cartridge. That thing was huge, this is pretty much the best 2D Sonic game BUT its not the kind of game you try and finish in one sitting, its too long for that and when you game starts to be too long, the flaws start to show up... looking at you goddang cylinder on the amusement park (these days everyone knows the trick but back then.... oh boy... its the reason i finished this game first with knuckles instead of sonic) and on the sonic & knuckles side that pyramid levels are a real chore to go through. Don't get me wrong though, the game is a masterpiece and the OST is godlike, this was created using sonic 2 as a foundation and phew, they did a amazing job building upon it. This is a more straightforward Sonic experience compared to previous games, and I think that's why many hold it in higher regard than those. That said, despite its straightforwardness, it's got tons of style, some sick levels, and an excellent soundtrack. The "Sonic 3 Complete" rom hack is the way you need to experience this. One of the best Classic Sonic games, period. only like it marginally more than mania due to nostalgia. shame sega will never free it again due to bullshit copyright issues with the music, but at least there's sonic 3 AIR This game is the gold standard of not just sonic but everything I look for in linear platformers. My favorite game I fucking love sonic 3 slightly toned down sonic cd that makes for a more consistent experience for lthe longest time if you asked me to name my favorite video game of all time it was a dead heat between this & ocarina of time. and it's not really that they were ever surpassed. (well... i think wind waker surpassed ocarina of time, actually, but that's another conversation.) it's just that our understanding of what a video game can be changed drastically. but like... in terms of what we understood video games to be in the 90s, this is still (and always will be) the absolute pinacle to me. Very good sequel, adds new, very welcome power-ups. Levels up to the later third of the game are very strong, but then they dive down in quality a lot like in Sonic 2 (I do like Death Egg though). The game as a whole is much less concerned with beating levels quickly, levels are longer and a bit more linear. Special Stages (and how to access them) are a tad better than Sonic 1 and 2. Lots of time-wasting though, and lots of fake walls everywhere, tempting you to be overzealous in exploring levels and making the game's pacing incredibly slow. Too many bosses, and not many good ones. for the first time a sonic game feels like an actual adventure with an overarching story. three playable characters with unique abilities and physics. excellent level design. just a blast to play. can't recommend it enough A perfect blend of fast-paced & exploratory level design, legendary soundtrack, multiple characters, & "lock-on" technology to further enhance the experience, yet Marble Garden Zone is a snorefest. Unlike Sonic, and I can't stress this enough, Knuckles does NOT chuckle. I think some levels and setpieces go on too long but other than that its the 2nd best sonic game(Mania the first) & knuckles PERFECT! Play the Sonic 3 Complete mod on Steam for the best experience. Michael Jackson's now outdated because that beta Sonic 3 soundtrack is way better A masterpiece of a classic game that should be re-released more often Pretty good game, better than its predecessors. Music absolutely slaps, and the game mostly fun to play.
Home / News / Harris and Pence address Roe v. Wade, SCOTUS nomination Harris and Pence address Roe v. Wade, SCOTUS nomination “I will always fight for a woman’s right to make a decision about her own body. It should be her decision and not that of Donald Trump and Vice President Michael Pence,” said Sen. Kamala Harris. Live Updates: Watch More on About News Update Check Also Boris Johnson expected to announce new Covid-19 lockdown in England – watch live NOTE: This event has been postponed until 6.30pm GMT. Boris Johnson holds a news conference … 1. Avatar harris needs to stop breathing 2. Avatar This woman full of BS. 3. Avatar Why do Democrats keep pushing abortion when the majority of abortions are done to black babies? 4. Avatar Oh yeah…she went there. When backed in the corner, pull the race card. 🙄 5. Avatar Trump 2020..in your face….👏👏👏🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 6. Avatar THE FLY was Trump telling Pence what to say!!!!!!! Ha Ha Ha ha Ha ha! POOP! 7. Avatar Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! Who's on top of pence? fly!!! ——TRUMP 8. Avatar Alpha E Pluribus Numan Mitch McConnell has been attempting to stack the court with Republican sycophants long before Trump got here 9. Avatar https://youtu.be/mFywOS5spQ4 Watch this, the future is now… 10. Avatar Wrong Harris ur promote mortal sin shame on u for supporting abortion evil trump cares about soul,u Harris are putting people to hell 11. Avatar Biden is not a good Catholic by leaving abortion open shame on u for using Catholic church in ur mortal sin 12. Avatar They both didnt answer the question 13. Avatar Pence never ANSWERED the question about abortion in his home state. As usual with this admin he dodged the question. 14. Avatar It's as though Pence was instructed by Trump "No matter what they ask you, you just tell them how great I am. It doesn't have to even be related to the question they asked you. Just tell them I'm great. Run the clock down and try to find someone to throw under the bus. And keep the praise coming. Remember, I'm your god now, Mikey." 15. Avatar I’m now serious convinced pence in an alien 👽 .. 16. Avatar Mr President Donald j Trump is the one and only legendary.The best administrator and excellent ruler and experienced..U S A can just simply rely on Mr President Trump without looking back. Albert Prakash Kumar, Door no:67-2-9/1,Datta Sai Residency, Flat No:GB, Sai Baba Temple Street, Near Karanam gari centre, KAKINADA-533003,East Godavari Dist.Andhra Pradesh, INDIA. 17. Avatar Pence lies as much as trump he just has more conviction when he does it. 18. Avatar Pence chewed this gremlin up and spit this clown out 💯 TRUMP 2020 19. Avatar Planned Parenthood started out as exactly that: through contraception, space & plan your children. Now it’s nothing more than than an agency for child sacrifice, promoting abortion as an acceptable method of birth control (anyone remember the 5th Commandment, “thou shalt not kill”?). Unprotected, casual sex is irresponsible. You choose abortion, you live with the mental/physical consequences. The government & insurance companies don’t owe you this “service”; pay for it yourself. It is not a “right”. Our society has been brainwashed to think nothing of throwing away a child but will be up in arms if dogs & cats are mistreated or killed pre birth. Sick. 20. Avatar Every answer Pence makes sound the same. 21. Avatar Harris🤮This woman is a political joke, her hobbies: selling herself; trampling on the constitution; advocating socialism. 22. Avatar In the first civil war, republicans fought the democrats to save the slaves from democrat plantations. In the second civil war, republicans will fight the democrats to save the unborn from democrat high kill plantations. The democrats always think they are morally superior but it appears history tells a different story. No wonder the dems try to erase thier own history by tearing down statues. 23. Avatar 24. Avatar Senator Harris can be pure evil….Sorry but I just do not trust her with Americas future…. 25. Avatar Every question he answer was about trump is god .. smh we heard enough. I'm a republican and I'm voting blue 26. Avatar Jeremiah Johnson Harris being #2 reminds me of the city she comes from. That will be our world. 27. Avatar I noticed how pence kept interupting Harris, just like Trump. No respectful christian behavior. 28. Avatar Why kamala smirk and shake her head from time to time like facing her honey during the debate 29. Avatar Sanctmonious Pence 👹 is a lunatic & is a THREAT to all our civil rights 🐍 30. Avatar What was Pence doing in the toilets for the flies to follow him? Mother, u have some explaining to do. No wonder she didn't wanna hug him she must have caught him with his mouth full hence the damage to his eye. PINK EYE, YEAH! RITE, More like Manaconda eye 31. Avatar good for kamala for calling him out on them having 50 nominations none of them black it’s pretty obvious what they are trying to do 32. Avatar Thanks to China and Joe Biden for Covid-19.The globalists know the only way to stop Trump is by hurting the economy. It doesn't matter to them who dies in the process either. !!Communism is the death of the soul. It is the organization of total conformity in short, of tyranny and it is committed to making tyranny universal. Adlai E. Stevenson. 33. Avatar Great debate. Pence won. 34. Avatar God Mike's weak as water should pointing etc 35. Avatar Reps not happy that sl8w Mike never was more stern 36. Avatar 1:40 I stopped my job because of, p a i d t o b e h o m e .c o m 37. Avatar Harris is way inferior to Pence except for a glib tongue . 38. Avatar Abortion as a form of birth control is wrong. When two consenting individuals have sex (with or without 99.9% effective birth control) and healthy pregnancy results than it is wrong to abort that child's life. Reproductive rights start at the very second of consensual sex not after a pregnancy results. Most abortions are performed due to the mother not wanting the child she assisted in creating through consensual sex. Low rates for abortion are performed in cases of health issues, rape or incest. The abortion law needs to be more strict in cases where a woman willingly had sex and a pregnancy resulted. Just think…probably millions of unborn babies who would have grown up to be democrats have been slaughtered in the womb. 39. Avatar One of Pence's pupils was larger than the other. The larger one also appeared to be quite red… There is speculation that Pink Eye is a symptom for when COVID-19 infects a person through the tear duct, as Pink Eye is observed in 10% – 30% of patients eventually diagnosed with COVID. What are the facts? 1) Pence has been exposed to COVID recently. 2) Pink Eye is rare in healthy adults and 3) less rare in adults to coincidentally have Pink Eye and COVID simultaneously, instead of just COVID as the cause for redness. Using Bayesian statistics, and knowing these facts, this increases the likelihood of infection from 10% to a probability range of a little over 50% to nearly 80%. 40. Avatar this was a crucial question and she didn't answer , for those that argue that Pence didn't answer directly other questions , at least he did it indirectly , in this case Pence push her to almost outside of the ring 41. Avatar "Protect the sanctity of human life"? WTF! 211,754+ previously alive Americans dead due to Pence and T-Rump's ineptitude and abject failures. Unforgivable. 42. Avatar The Democrats want to KILL UNBORN CHILDREN she feels this way because she HAS NEVER HAD CHILDREN or at least none lived. They want to have TAX PAYERS PAY TO KILL UNBORN CHILDREN 43. Avatar Harris is a TRUE LIAR 44. Avatar ABC..Stop campaigning for Biden (NEW EVIDENCE Shows Obama Team Knew Russian Collusion Was BOGUS from the Beginning | Glenn Beck) 45. Avatar Even though Pence did really good with the "pack the courts" attack, Charlottesville-selected editing from the media, "losers and suckers" story being debunked, Biden's high taxes, Green New Deal, fracking/no fracking from Biden's team. He could also attack Harris with her calling Biden a racist and rapist. We love to see her reaction even though she got destroyed. lol 46. Avatar Mr Vice President, I'm speaking, I'm speaking……but I'm not giving an answer to the question. 47. Avatar Don't lecture me Putin, don't lecture me Putin 🤪🤣 48. Avatar Regarding the wedding ring issue……maybe you should learn that some people cannot wear one due to medical issues. Hands swelling, allergy to metal, a hazard at work. So he's Jewish. BIG DEAL. Are you racist against Jewish people, John Doe? 49. Avatar They have Faith alright but not in Jesus Christ . There Faith is now with muhammad 👉https://youtu.be/8xyMkd11oNo 50. Avatar Harris 👎👎👎👎 Leave a Reply
Group: main Endpoint Name Data Format Nature image system/array_2d_uint8/1 Input id system/uint64/1 Input projections system/array_2d_floats/1 Output Unnamed group Endpoint Name Data Format Nature subspace_lda tutorial/linear_machine/1 Input subspace_pca tutorial/linear_machine/1 Input The code for this algorithm in Python The editor will automatically enlarge to accomodate the entirety of your input Could not find any documentation for this object. Updated Name Databases/Protocols Analyzers tutorial/tutorial/full_fisherface/1/fullfisherfaces_10and4ncomp atnt/1@idiap_test_eyepos tutorial/eerhter_postperf_iso/1 tutorial/tutorial/full_fisherface/1/fullfisherfaces_5and2ncomp atnt/1@idiap_test_eyepos tutorial/eerhter_postperf_iso/1 This table shows the number of times this algorithm has been successfully run using the given environment. Note this does not provide sufficient information to evaluate if the algorithm will run when submitted to different conditions. Terms of Service | Contact Information | BEAT platform version 2.1.1b0 | © Idiap Research Institute - 2013-2020
Sunday, April 11, 2010 Studies sometimes show what we already know... Heck, we've lived it. If you've read my blog entries about hay you won't be surprised that forage costs have increased the most... Eating Like a Horse The cost of owning a horse is more than double what it was nearly 10 years That is one of the statistics in a study commissioned by the Saskatchewan Horse Vel Evans with Strategic Equine Inc. says the average 2001 cost of keeping a horse was $375. That jumped to $785 per horse in 2009. The biggest part of the increase was hay and forage costs, which can vary from year-to year, depending on yields. The study also estimates there are approximately 115,000 horses and 11,000 horse owners in Saskatchewan. blog it 1. I remember back when paying more than $2.00 a bale for hay was considered outrageous. Now you can't find hay for less than $5.00 in my area 2. My hay is over $6 a bale and sometimes over $7, depending on my supplier. I can remember bales at $1.50. But things will only get worse as farmland is developed and tillable land is used to produce crops other than hay. Doesn't take a study or a lot of research to figure this out. *G* 3. I'm happy to find $7 or $8 hay. It's funny, the cost of buying the horse hasn't changed much, but the cost of feed and vet care sure has! 4. Having a horse in Hong Kong for both racing and recreational purpose are very expensive. For recreational purpose, it is more than US$1,000 a month and for racing is much more. 5. What's the time frame on that figure? A week, a month, a year?
Mediation Resources Frequently Asked Questions About Mediation: What is mediation? "Mediation brings people in conflict together with a neutral third person who assists them in reaching a voluntary agreement. The mediator helps them clarify the issues, consider options, and reach a workable settlement that fits their needs. Here’s a classic example of how mediation works. The kitchen has one orange, and two cooks need it. One cook wants orange juice for a fruit drink and the other needs orange rind for cake icing. The mediator helps them discover their real interests (orange juice and orange rind) as opposed to their stated needs (the orange). The problem can be reframed into “who gets the orange at what time.” If the second cook gets the orange after the juice has been squeezed out, both can satisfy their real interests."  - American Bar Association Does mediation have to follow the law? "Mediation doesn’t rely on specific points of law. People solve their own problems by looking to the future instead of finding fault or blame. In contrast, the courts make judgments based upon the law, and rules limit what can be considered. Courts may be unable to address the genuine issues or causes of a dispute and may not focus on individual circumstances. If you want one of the benefits of court procedure - enforceability - your mediation agreement can be written saying that it is intended to be legally binding and then be filed in court." - American Bar Association Why mediate instead of litigate? "Mediation works. It is an effective means of dispute resolution for any dispute not requiring a judicial or third party determination. It provides a forum and an atmosphere in which parties gain understanding, become understood, and work together to explore options for resolution. By resolving disputes in mediation, parties determine for themselves what is important and, ultimately the outcome of the situation. While the benefits of mediation vary somewhat depending upon the nature of the dispute, and model of mediation applied, the following are some of the benefits typically associated with mediation:..." Lawrence A. Huerta, Support through the process... Screen Shot 2018-08-12 at 3.51.14 PM.png Screenshot 2018-08-19 14.58.37.png Jillian Landis 623 W Hays St.  Boise, ID 83702 © 2018 by Jillian Landis Proudly created with • Grey Facebook Icon • Grey LinkedIn Icon • Grey G+ Icon • Grey Instagram Icon
Border PackersSweethearts Australian Navel OrangesBorder PackersSweethearts Australian Valencia OrangesBorder PackersGold FruitBorder Packers Chocolate and Marmalade Mousse Use a glass serving dish or, if you want a high-rising crown, use a soufflé dish (about 500ml(1pt) capacity) and prepare in the following way: cut a 10cm (4 inch) wide double strip of waxed or grease proof paper, or cooking parchment or buttered foil. Secure it around the top of the dish with tape or string. Melt the chocolate with the water to form a thick cream. Whisk the eggs, egg yolks and sugar together in a basin over hot water until thick. Remove from the heat and continue to whisk until the basin is cold. Then add the warm chocolate and the marmalade. Dissolve the gelatine in hot water and add to the mousse. Stir until blended and thick. Fold in the whipped cream. Turn at once into the glass serving dish or the prepared soufflé dish.
in stock Price : $34.00 By Ritual Provisions Each candle contains one polished piece of Hematite and is poured during the full moon. Vessel: Matte black glass vessel with Silver foil on Silver label and black seal. (Comes with Linen Spell Bag) Fragrance: Notes of Hibiscus, Jasmine, Ylang Ylang and Geranium Burn Time: 50 Hrs Approx Weight: 1 lb Approx Size: 3x3.25 Moon Batch Soy Candles are poured utilizing the various phases of the moon. Ritual Provisions candles feature unique, charged quartz/minerals, point/s and/or cluster/s to amplify energy and ensure that they become an effective tool for meditation, altar work or simply filling your space with energy to manifest your goals. Light on fragrance and heavy on manifestation, each candle is blessed to bring positive intention and powerful energy to your home or sacred space. Most of Ritual Provisions candles feature quartz crystals. These stones are known for their healing properties and high energy vibrations. Quartz can be charged and programmed. It can also then be used to focus thoughts towards manifesting personal desires. Quartz and Candles are tools that are often used for Altar Work, Affirmations, and Meditation. MOON BATCH CANDLES are ideal because the crystals are in the candle. As the candle burns focus on what you wish to manifest. When the candle has burned down, use the crystal/crystals as a talisman, in further magical workings, or keep them on your altar to benefit from the energy and positive vibration you've drawn into it! Is this mumbo jumbo? Absolutely not. There is science behind it. Full moons are powerful things. Energy is everywhere at all times, but during a full moon the energy becomes stronger, more palpable. It resonates within us whether we are tuned to it or not. We experience stronger emotions and are more likely to experience behavioral swings during this time. Our ancestors timed everything in accordance with the phases of the moon, from harvesting crops to times of worship.  This is why every month’s full moon has a name and a special significance connected to the forces of nature and the seasons. The time of the full moon is a powerful healing opportunity, a time for meditating, recharging your energy field, and clearing your chakras and why so many cultures have rituals and ceremonies that take place during full moons. Energy healing during this time can be extremely effective, lighting up the corners of your subconscious and giving you access to insights about your emotions, your inner self, and your path in life. It's perfect for proactively manifesting your needs, whether those needs are for good health, spiritual growth, or simply material desires. MOON BATCH CANDLES are created with these things in mind and pouring them during the time of the full moon takes advantage of its incredible energy and ensures that the illumination they provide is not only physical, but spiritual as well.
How to access Google Service in China Google is the most popular Search Engines service used by both individuals and businesses, with a total of over 3.5 billion searches per day . Unfortunately, Google is completely blocked in China along with virtually all other Google, Gmail, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, and other popular websites and apps through a sophisticated internet censorship filter nicknamed the “Great Firewall”. There are plenty of other websites and apps that are blocked in China. How to access Google in China in 2019 You can access Google in China by using a VPN, or virtual private network. A VPN encrypts a device’s incoming and outgoing internet traffic and routes it through an intermediary server in a location of the user’s choosing. In this case, you could simply connect to a server outside of mainland China to access Google normally. ** If want the best VPN, The best BullVPN. VPN Service Use the web anonymously, unblock websites & encrypt your connection for Windows, Mac, iPhone & Android. Bull VPN Internet Freedom For Everyone  ✅ Hide your IP address  ✅ Access blocked websites ✅ Can watch movies, listen to music, play the web comfortably ✅ Can play websites outside of the country ✅ Prevent hacking from free Wi-Fi such as coffee shops ✅ Adjust the internet out of the area for better And load data faster ✅ Lag reduced and ping drop
IAA, Inc. (IAA) shares gained 5.18% today (2020-01-17). Is it the right time to buy? What’s happening at IAA, Inc. (NYSE:IAA)? What made the stock one of the top performing stock today? The company is indeed among the top gainers of the stock market, skyrocketing 5.18% (or 2.45 points) to $49.71 from its previous close of $47.26. So is it the right moment to buy? The shares had a decreased trading volume of 946,667 contracts this session compared to the average daily volume of last 10 days of 1,498,587 contracts and they had a decreased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of last 3 months of 1,196,853 contracts. The indicator of a company’s profitability, the earnings per share ratio is 1.46. This value shows how much money a company makes for each share of its stock. A higher EPS indicates more value because investors will pay more for a company with higher profits. This is positive and tells you exactly how much money the company earned per share of its 133.5M outstanding stocks. The closing market price for this trading session was 42.21% over 52 weeks minimum price of $34.96 and 0.50% under 52 weeks maximum price of $49.96. Also the price is 13.09% greater than 200 day average of $43.96 and 6.63% greater than 50 day average of $46.62. At post-market close the stock price was $49.65, thus decreasing -0.13% (or -0.06 points) with respect to regular market close. Looking at the trading signals for IAA, Inc. over last 6 months of daily time series of prices, the two-week relative strength index (RSI), a momentum indicator that measures the size of recent changes of price to evaluate overbought or oversold conditions, stands at 66.73. According to standard usage, it’s value between 30 and 70 suggests that IAA stock is currently neutral, and shares are stable in terms of price movement. The stochastic oscillator reading, another momentum indicator of overbought and oversold conditions, stands at 97.32. According to standard usage, it’s value greater than 80 is considered in the overbought range. But let’s keep in mind that even stochastic readings very close to thresholds are not indicative of imminent reversal. In fact very strong trends can maintain overbought or oversold conditions for an extended period, but changes in the stochastic oscillator might suggest future trend shifts. Another important signal comes from the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD), a trend-following momentum indicator. It helps investors understand whether the bullish or bearish movement in the price is strengthening or weakening. Traders keep constatly an eye on the move of the MACD above or below the zero line due to the fact that the reading is an indicator of the position of the 12-period Exponential Moving Average (EMA) relative to the 26-period EMA. It currently stands at 0.81. The MACD is above the zero line, which means that the short-term average value of IAA is above that of the long-term average, thus implying an upward momentum. Besides, its signal, given by nine-day EMA of the MACD, stands at 0.81. According to standard usage, this is a bearish signal which indicates that it may be time to sell your IAA stocks. Latest news that might have contributed to the great perfomance of IAA today are: Leave a Reply
Enjoy Caffe Bene Caffé Bene pursues free sensitivity space which allows customers to enjoy aromatic, fresh coffee paired with unique, mouth watering desserts, further enriching the coffee experience and inspires creativity. More info Caffe Bene Coffee Principle Raw coffee beans grow in respectively different places such as Ethiopia, Columbia, Brazil, Papua New Guinea. Since the coffee beans of Caffé Bene were roasted separately according to the features of raw beans, they have rich flavour and fragrance. When such rich flavor and aroma blended in optimum ratios, the best-class espresso of Caffé Bene completed. Delicious journey with Caffe Bene
Book cheap Chicoutimi car rentals Search for a car rental Where is Chicoutimi? Getting to know Chicoutimi will be a breeze once you've picked up your rental car. But before you hit the tarmac in an unfamiliar place, it's always good to know a bit of basic info about the area. One of the best things about going on a road trip is that you get to meet interesting new people. So while you're vacationing in Chicoutimi, why not take your rental car for a spin and get to know some of the other 143,700 individuals who call Saguenay home? What are the major attractions in Chicoutimi? If your trip to Chicoutimi is all booked but your itinerary is looking a bit empty, we can give you a helping hand. Outdoor adventures or hitting up the local nightlife? It doesn't matter what type of traveler you are, will help you with your vacation dreams. What are the best road trip destinations near Chicoutimi? Head out of Chicoutimi and experience something new. Saguenay is popular with travelers, so swing by and discover some of its best sights. It's only 2 miles away, so you barely have an excuse to miss it! What kind of rental car should I get for Chicoutimi? Chicoutimi is a little way out of central Saguenay, so we imagine you'll be doing a decent amount of driving. If you're planning to use Chicoutimi as a starting point to discover the city and its nearby areas, go for a smaller ride. There's nothing like a compact for maneuvering into those tiny parking spots. Alternatively, if you're heading away from the bright lights and traffic, book something with a little more power and storage. Not many people regret splashing out that little bit extra on a full-size or a premium car. Should I get a luxury rental car in Chicoutimi? You'll be pleased to hear that there's a huge range of both high-end and economy rental vehicles on offer in Chicoutimi. What you go with depends on how much you're willing to spend and the activities you've got planned. Specialty and prestige vehicles often spare no expense when it comes to comfort and class. If you're splurging, why not grab an SUV with all the bells and whistles, or perhaps a slick medium-sized vehicle? On the other hand, if you just need a set of wheels to get from A to B as cheaply as possible, we can help you out with a versatile compact vehicle (or something else that's unlikely to break the bank). Enterprise car rental locations in Chicoutimi 1 location Show location Car Rentals in Top Destinations
Pricey 'swag' is driving kids' sports costs up Kids want to look like pros when they're playing their favourite sports. But the trend of non-essential, customized gear is putting a big dent in parents' wallets. Looking like a pro doesn't come cheap Want your kids to dress like the pros? It's going to cost you. (Jonathan Daniel/Getty Images) If you have a child who plays sports, it can seem like another season is always on the horizon. Right now for many parents, the hockey and basketball seasons will be soon be in the rearview mirror and soccer and baseball will be front and centre. With the beginning of any new season come stories exploring how sport X is becoming more and more and expensive and less accessible for many Canadian families. And it's true — sports do get more costly every year. The registration fees increase, permit fees go up, and so do equipment costs. But there's another set of expenses that is rarely accounted for but can end up costing parents hundreds of additional dollars. It's the extras — the so-called "swag" that has become pervasive in youth sports.  This is the stuff the game could played perfectly fine without — the tracksuits, custom bags and toques, bat bags with numbers stitched into them, home and away jersey with names on the back. And it's become big business. Costs add up Eagle Beaver Sports is a massive store housed in a strip mall in Toronto's east end. On a recent visit to the warehouse, I was surrounded by thousands of boxes of hats, pants and track suits. You have to believe that if a piece of sports apparel exists, it's somewhere on one of these shelves. When I ask the owner when the "busy" season is, he laughs. "There really is no time off," says Stephen Gregoire, citing the year-round nature of today's competitive youth sports like hockey, baseball, soccer and football. "The seasons are extended so we really don't have a quiet time anymore." Gregoire says teams used to buy extra stuff because they actually needed it, whereas now it's become more about parents and kids showing off that they made the team. It's hard to put a dollar figure on this industry. But consider that, in Toronto alone, there are thousands of kids playing a variety of rep sports. You can rest assured their parents are shelling out a few hundred dollars each for whatever extras their child's team demands. My eight-year-old son played rep hockey this year and I learned quickly. Going into the season, he had a functional hockey bag and a brand-new helmet. His pants and gloves still fit. He didn't end up using any of that stuff this season. Every player on the team was required to have the same bag, helmet, pants and gloves. Throw in a track suit, toque and sweatshirt, and it adds up quickly. Look like a pro Why are we doing this? Why are we adding costs that aren't essential for participation? It seems the idea of "looking the part" has taken hold. "Kids want to look like [NHL players] so they wear their outfits and they look the part. It's the cool thing to do," hockey mom Tabitha Leonard says. "I've also heard that it looks intimidating… when a team will come in with the same outfits and bags." Seated next to her, Leonard's oldest son, Karsten, nods in agreement. "I'm proud to wear it because it's my team. And if I wear another jacket with another team on it I don't feel like I'm fitting in because that's not my team. But if you wear a jacket with a logo on it or a team, it looks like you are part of something." Hundreds for swimsuits The trend isn't limited to the most popular sports, like hockey, baseball or basketball. Swag plays a big role in the swimming pool as well. "It starts with dry-land training. Are [kids] wearing the right lululemon shorts? Are they wearing the right workout gear? You start to see them all kind of look the same and dress the same and then they take that into the water," says swimming coach Dave Ling, who has worked with some of Canada's best, including Olympic champion Penny Oleksiak. In the water is where things can really start getting expensive, Ling says. Top-end swimsuits can run into the hundreds of dollars. "It gets very detail-oriented in terms of what they're trying to look like and feel like and prepare like," Ling says. The trend show no sign of abating. Gregoire says it's an unstoppable marketing machine that will continue to grow as long as kids watch their heroes on TV. "The kids want to look like the pros, they want to be a pro someday, so they want to have that same look," he says. Take baseball as an example. "The biggest television audience is for the World Series," Gregoire says. "At that point in time, every product you are going to be able to buy for the next season is being worn by all of the people in the dugout, all the people on the bench, all of the people on the base paths. "We then get calls from the [youth] organizations saying, hey, the kids want that new sweatshirt or that new hat."
Responding to Emergencies The issue As America’s health protection agency, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is prepared to rapidly deploy disease detectives, lifesaving vaccines and medicines and other crucial support during a health emergency at home or abroad. However, federal dollars, even during emergencies, are tied to appropriations or approvals, restrictions and purchasing procedures that can limit CDC’s ability to act quickly. Why it matters When a health threat strikes, speed saves lives. Disease threats can spread faster and more unpredictably than ever before. Since 2011 alone, CDC has responded to dozens of public health threats including hurricanes, foodborne disease outbreaks, influenza, cholera, Ebola and Zika. CDC's state-of-the-art Emergency Operations Center operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to ensure America's health security. Solution and impact The CDC Foundation’s Emergency Response Fund provides immediate, flexible resources to CDC experts addressing emergencies that affect the public’s health—whether natural disasters, emerging disease outbreaks or bioterrorist threats. As just one example, CDC Foundation donors supported a wide variety of efforts for CDC’s Ebola response, including establishing emergency operations centers in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone; providing vehicles and motorcycles for disease surveillance and contact tracing; enhancing communications technology for field workers; funding training and communications efforts in the region; and much more. How you can help Give now: CDC and the CDC Foundation urgently need your help to protect the health, safety and security of America and the world. Join with us to ensure that CDC has a backup source of funding when needed most to fill gaps and address critical, in-the-moment needs that can help save and protect lives during health emergencies. Give now. Learn more: Contact Advancement at the CDC Foundation:, 404.653.0790.
Is Your Microbiome Happy? Why Should you Care? If your micro-organisms are happy, so are the cells in your body. Fact: If we took all the cells of your body and looked at them individually, what we would find is that between 90% - 99% of them are micro-organisms, and between 10% - 1% are human cells. When I first heard this, it blew me away. Why? Because the microbiome, which is the aggregate of all these micro-organisms in and around our bodies, has huge implications for our health and well being because we live symbiotically with them. A lot of studies done to date have been in the Newtonian way - meaning breaking things down and looking at one aspect here and another aspect there. There is merit in this way of looking at things in order to understand the underlying dynamics at play. But what about looking at the energetic love relationship between our microbiome and our human cells? In so doing would that help us come back to balance rather then isolating microbes in different areas? Up till Now... Since the time we discovered microbes existed, there has been a fight to kill them as they were thought to only cause disease. Yes, that is true on one level, but not on another and that is not a discussion for this article. You can watch this animated video I created for more information on how infections actually occur. As we know, there has been a decline of certain diseases like polio, smallpox and so on. But on the other hand there also has been an increase in diseases like asthma, skin conditions, irritable bowel syndrome, teeth and gum issues, obesity, allergies to a whole host of foods, pollen, animals etc, and in brain health conditions. The list goes on. Moving Forward With the New... Let’s start from the beginning to explain what the microbiome is, why this is important to restore, how it can be restored, and how to start alleviating so many chronic conditions. I have been inspired to write this article from what I have read and how it has helped me to move forward with it in my work with clients, and it felt important to share this information. Micro-organisms have existed here on the planet for a long time and continue to do so. We have evolved with them, and with the ratio of 90:10 microbes:human cells, I would say that they contribute a huge amount to our lives. They reside on every inch of your body, including your skin, in your nose, mouth, ears, oesophagus, stomach, especially your gut, and for women in the vagina. The Human Microbiome Project has also found that the microbes in our body have approximately 2 million unique genes (this is a current estimate) and the human genome in comparison has 23,000. This means that 90% of the unique genes in your body are microbial and only 10% are human! Microbes contribute to the health of our immune system, brain chemistry, psychological well-being, influence our nervous system, our gums, our mouth, and they are essential to optimum digestion by procuring certain enzymes. This function alone helps our bodies in a multitude of ways. Each colony is specific to its location and so the variation of genes is needed to adapt to the location. This helps us maintain balance in those areas they reside. The following is an excerpt from the article That Gut Feeling: Our initial inoculation happens when we are born and it is crucial it happens in this way to help develop our immune systems. There have been studies to show that the gut flora of a child that is born through the vagina has different gut flora to a child that has been born through a C-section. The latter has more skin microbes in their gut. So the birth process helps in introducing the microbes to our bodies, and as the baby develops and is fed breast milk, then introduced to different foods, the gut flora shifts and changes to accommodate the change in diet so that the body can digest the different foods. After gathering this information, my thoughts on our symbiotic relationship with the microbiome were from an angle that I feel hasn’t been looked at, or I am not aware of if it has. It is this: Just like our cells can be impacted by our emotions and beliefs, these must also be influencing the function of the microbiome. There is no way that it isn’t, because all of it is energy. Along those lines, I began to work with clients to help them energetically balance their microbiome, and this has been fascinating to observe how things turn around for them. These were clients that were taking probiotics before to help their situations, but not finding any relief from it. Yes of course there are many factors that contribute to any situation, but if the microbiome is 90-99% of our makeup, doesn’t it make sense to look at it energetically too? Microbiome Balance = Balance in our Bodies These are just a few examples of how balancing the microbiome was part of the contribution to bringing about balance to their bodies. One client, had endured many abdominal surgeries, and had also been prescribed antibiotics many times. I worked on getting her body back to balance, and that included the microbiome. Here is what she said: 

“I am so grateful to Charan for helping to clear the underlying issues of my persistent tiredness. I sensed that there was an imbalance within my gut after experiencing several abdominal operations and large numbers of antibiotics some years ago. I have tried many different modalities to clear the causes with some success, Charan rebalanced systems within my body including the microbiome, cleared old trapped trauma and I feel so very much better. I really can't thank her enough.” Another client had stools that contained undigested food on a regular basis. She was taking probiotics and enzymes and none of these were helping to digest the food. After her microbiome was corrected, her digestive system has now improved and her stools no longer have undigested food in them. An 8 year client, with severe eczema, her microbiome was found to imbalanced, and the cause of it was a very traumatic birth, that resulted in her large intestine meridian being imbalanced, which was then imbalancing her digestive tract, and which then contributes to the skin issue. A client with rosacea, had her microbiome imbalanced by two inherited emotions, shock and worthlessness, both coming from one ancestor seventeen generations ago, on her father’s side, who also recently developed similar symptoms! This energy passed on from one generation to the next at conception is referred to as epigenetics, as it impacts the way in which the genes are then expressed. Read more here for this case. How Do We Move Forward... I believe that by clearing the underlying energetic issues causing an imbalance in the person’s microbiome, we can allow it to come back to balance, and that in turn means that 90-99% of what we are made up of is now balanced. It is the same with positive gene expression. This work helps bring about positive expression of our genes, and if the microbe genes make up 90-99% of the genes in our body, then they shouldn’t be excluded from also having these benefits. By so doing we are optimizing this symbiotic relationship on multiple levels. The implications of this work are huge! It assists the person to come back to an overall state of balance so the body can function at an optimal level. I truly feel I have a new appreciation for the microbiome and really want to share this with a wider audience. The work that I have conducted with my clients which is in no way exhaustive, suggests to me that it is critically important to correct the energetic reasons behind any imbalance in the microbiome and then introduce physical aspects such as probiotics. This work is just the beginning and there is a lot of research being done on this topic. By writing this article I wanted to bring awareness to the fact that it is important to include the energetic work alongside the physical aspects (such as introducing probiotics in the diet) as they are not separate, because if the microbiome isn’t “happy” or balanced energetically, then it just won’t be functioning as well and in that case we won’t be functioning optimally either. Charan Surdhar
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More about how the Body Code works in this animated video More on Epigenetics in this animated video If you want to hear more about the microbiome you can do so in this video Big Thank you to Forrest Samnik, for help with editing. 50% Complete Two Step
At Providence Animal Hospital, our veterinarians perform both scheduled and emergency c-sections for cats and dogs in Charlotte. What is a c-section? A c-section (caesarean section) is major surgery during which puppies or kittens are removed from the uterus of a dog or cat. Most animals recover quickly and without complication from this procedure. At Providence Animal Hospital, we often perform c-sections in emergency cases where the animal has difficulty giving birth naturally. A c-section may also be prescribed by your vet preventively in specific dog breeds, or in common complicated birth scenarios.  Request a Consultation C-Section | Providence Animal Hospital | Charlotte & Waxhaw Veterinarian Preparing for a C-Section C-sections in cats and dogs are usually preformed in emergency situations, where the animal has been labouring for too long. If your pet is having a planned c-section, your vet will give you specific pre-operation instructions well in advance. Recovering from the Anaesthesia The anaesthetic should wear off quickly after the surgery. Most cats and dogs are fully recovered from anesthesia by the time they go home. Complete recovery from anesthesia may take two to six hours. During anaesthesia recovery period, closely monitor your pet so that she does not fall and hurt herself, or roll over on top of the newborn puppies. Before leaving her alone with the puppies/kittens, ensure that she is completely awake, able to stand on her own, and that she has taken an interest in caring for her babies. Home Care After a C-Section You must monitor the new mother and her puppies/kittens constantly in the first 24 hours after surgery. This will require staying up overnight and placing the puppies or kittens on the teats to ensure that they feed, and that the mother’s natural hormones become activated to induce her mothering instincts. Your pet should begin eating within a few hours of arriving at home. For the first 24 hours after surgery, offer her small only amounts of food and water at frequent intervals (every 15 to 30 minutes).  You'll find your dog or cat needs to eat a lot of food during the nursing period. She should be fed a premium, high-quality food during nursing in order to provide sufficient nutrition for her and her litter. « Go Back New Patients Welcome Contact Us
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Kurt Andersen’s ‘Fantasyland’ Got Me All Worked Up The new revisionist history of America shows us how we're ready to believe any crazy thing, but fails to hold the right people responsible. The US has been Fantasyland since the beginning; there's nothing Americans won't believe. Notwithstanding the headline of this review, it’s difficult to argue too strenuously with the overarching thesis of Kurt Andersen’s Fantasyland: How America Went Haywire: A 500-Year History in light of recent news. On Dec. 20, in the wake of the Republicans’ passage of a depraved tax “reform” bill, Speaker Paul Ryan went on the Today show to argue, fraudulently, that the bill would help America’s workers. Host Savannah Guthrie balked at Ryan’s dishonest framing of the bill and asked, “Are you living in a fantasy world?” He is; he did not notice anything amiss in the question. Going on TV to promote what would sound reasonable in the tax bill, rather than the nightmare of the truth about the bill, is an example tailor-made for Andersen’s argument that Americans, since the earliest days of European colonialism, have been uniquely willing, even eager, to believe just about — if not literally — any crazy thing, no matter how obviously insane, no matter how obviously self-serving, no matter now obviously false, no matter how obviously dishonest the source of the information. In America, the word “obviously” has never meant what it seems to mean. Andersen examines a vast sweep of American culture, and much of his argument is clever, reasonable and convincing. The Fantasyland that is the US emerges as a dubious mixture of credulity, fabulism and blind faith, all catalyzed by deluded self-regard and a solipsism that aggressively ignores any consequence for others or even for oneself. The breadth of Andersen’s history covers the spectrum from rollicking to sinister; he draws a straight line, for example, from UFO abductees to 9/11 truthers to President Trump. The book even points out some positive aspects of Fantasyland: Discussing how “Disneyfication” is a conceptual heir to “Barnumized,” he finds that the simulacral beatific small towns of Disneyland, Main Street USA, for example, helped inspire an authentic architectural conservation movement in real municipalities around the country. Fantasyland main street usa The simulacrum that is Main Street USA at Disneyland, 1957. Photo: Flickr user Tom Simpson / via Fantasyland covers the Puritans and the Salem Witch Trials, all of the religious Great Awakenings (a particular focus of the book), patent medicines, the Gold Rush, the Civil War and yellow journalism, but really gets going when it reaches the 20th century. Andersen notes a dramatic and telling shift in language use around the 1920s. Previously, “Americans had a wide-ranging, well-established vocabulary for [. . .] talking about suckers falling for hogwash.” But by the ‘20s, new synonyms stopped appearing and words like “balderdash,” “humbug,” “hooey” and “claptrap” fell out of use. At the same time, words that either derogatorily or neutrally identified something as simply untrue — “incredible,” “unbelievable,” “fabulous,” “fantastic” — were redefined to their current usage, describing the superlatively good. The need to describe unreality in the world with complexity and specificity seems to have dissipated. Story continues below. Also in the ‘20s, the Scopes Monkey Trial serves as a prime example of Americans’ Fantasyland tendencies. The case concerned teaching evolution vs. creationism in public school science classes, and lawyers William Jennings Bryan, for creationism, and Clarence Darrow, for science, faced off in court. Bryan argued that respect for religious believers necessitated the teaching of creationism; Darrow countered by arguing for the need to “[prevent] bigots and ignoramuses from controlling the education of the United States.” This is so characteristic of American Fantasyland because, after assessing these two points of view for shorter than 10 minutes, the jury ruled for Bryan and for Noah’s literally factual flood over Darrow and education. I have no trouble imagining an American court ruling this way still (or, possibly, again), almost a century later. Indeed, we’re clearly still on this trajectory of religiosity in important ways. Pentecostalism, an American invention from around the turn of the 20th century, represented no more than one-tenth of one percent of the worldwide population in the early years of its founding; today, 10 percent of people on earth — more than half a billion Christians — “believe they’re routinely speaking in a mystical holy language [speaking in tongues], curing illness by laying on hands, hearing personally from God.” So, if Andersen does so much well and has identified a genuinely important new lens through which to view and interpret American history, why did Fantasyland get me so worked up? The answer is his lack of rigor when it comes to issues around responsibility, accountability and blame. I appreciate that Andersen sought to write a book that eschews some minutiae in order to investigate a larger cultural process that is too complex to be engineered by specific individuals or even by too-narrowly identified groups — or even by purposeful agency. He presents many attractive, compelling ideas that do, in fact, help explain Americans to ourselves. The problem comes when he doesn’t distinguish among fantasies that gain traction and spread organically among peers and communities, organic fantasies that are leveraged or manipulated by people or groups trying to exercise power and fantasies manufactured and disseminated in a calculated way for the sake of power. I can concede that the concept of Fantasyland encompasses all these strains, but it is the differences that ultimately give the concept meaning. These differences illuminate how American culture functions, what is helpful and ethical, what is dangerous and built in bad-faith. Story continues below. This expresses itself in several interconnected ways: First, Andersen does identify a number of bad actors throughout the Fantasyland history of the US, but rarely paints outright villains as the outright villains they are. Some of Andersen’s assessments are so odd and disappointing that they threaten to undermine what’s smart and helpful about the book. He notes that blaming corruption and deregulation is just one way to look at the 2008 financial crash, but the “deeper causes” were some consumers’ fantastical thinking. Banks committing out of control, yet financially sophisticated, fraud and middle-class Americans being naïve about financial markets are both aspects of our national Fantasyland, but ignoring the differences in agency and culpability takes all power out of the argument and starts to feel absurd. Fantasyland Thiel Hogan Peter Thiel, left, financed Hulk Hogan’s lawsuit that forced a publication out of business. / via He plays the Hulk Hogan/Gawker lawsuit for laughs about the “milestone in Fantasyland jurisprudence” concerning testimony about the fictional character’s penis size, but never mentions that the conservative billionaire Peter Thiel bankrolled the lawsuit with the goal, which was quite successful, of using manufactured bankruptcy to censor Gawker into oblivion. Elsewhere, he calls conservative New York Times opinion columnist Ross Douthat “thoughtful,” identifies Paul Ryan as smart and describes some contributors to a book called Sharia: The Threat to America as “respectable” and national security “wonks,” suggesting Andersen doesn’t know what “respectable” or “wonk” means. Story continues below. Perhaps the most frustrating theme in Fantasyland is Andersen’s impulse to establish, contrary to his own examples and argument, that both the right and the left provide parallel examples of fantastical beliefs. He describes the 1990s-era specter of the UN usurping the sovereignty of the US as widespread, but this is simply not a concern of the left; it is the kooky right that is actively worried about this, which, let’s remember, is made up nonsense. He then goes on to offer the unrest at the 1999 World Trade Organization protest in Seattle as an example of a parallel conspiracy theory on the left. Andersen does not explain, though, that the WTO protesters were right. Protesting violent capitalism in the streets might be quixotic, but it’s not fantastical in the way fretting over a UN power grab is. The difference is important. In a chapter called “When the GOP Went off the Rails,” Andersen is unquestionably too gentle with Republicans. In a chapter about guns, Andersen notes that stockpiling guns in anticipation of rising up against a “tyrannical fascist-socialist-globalist regime” coming to confiscate them is pure delusion, but he does not focus this delusion on the right, which is where the delusion is objectively located. He says this uprising fantasy spread to the mainstream in recent decades thanks to the “work of the National Rifle Association and its affiliated hysterics.” Those are not hysterics; those are lobbyists. The difference is important. Story continues below. There is also a chapter called “Liberals Denying Science,” which is absolutely not about liberals denying science. In this chapter, Andersen cites solid, non-fantastical science showing that GMOs are safe to eat, but explains that “identical majorities of liberals, moderates and conservatives,” 57 percent across the board, distrust GMOs for Fantasyland reasons. Using this statistic about all Americans to attempt to make a dismissive point about the liberal side of the political spectrum in particular does not build sympathy for the argument. I have no intention of arguing that the left is somehow magically sane or without fabulism or dangerous ideas. Certainly Andersen’s examples of the Weathermen and the Symbionese Liberation Army shed light on intellectual and ethical failings on the left and strengthen the argument. But pretending, even half-heartedly, as Andersen does, that the left and the right are at all equivalent when it comes to the most important functions of American culture is simply wrong. Not just wrong, but infuriating.
#01ea72 Color Information In a RGB color space, hex #01ea72 is composed of 0.4% red, 91.8% green and 44.7% blue. Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 99.6% cyan, 0% magenta, 51.3% yellow and 8.2% black. It has a hue angle of 149.1 degrees, a saturation of 99.1% and a lightness of 46.1%. #01ea72 color hex could be obtained by blending #02ffe4 with #00d500. Closest websafe color is: #00ff66. • R 0 • G 92 • B 45 RGB color chart • C 100 • M 0 • Y 51 • K 8 CMYK color chart #01ea72 color description : Vivid cyan - lime green. #01ea72 Color Conversion The hexadecimal color #01ea72 has RGB values of R:1, G:234, B:114 and CMYK values of C:1, M:0, Y:0.51, K:0.08. Its decimal value is 125554. Hex triplet 01ea72 #01ea72 RGB Decimal 1, 234, 114 rgb(1,234,114) RGB Percent 0.4, 91.8, 44.7 rgb(0.4%,91.8%,44.7%) CMYK 100, 0, 51, 8 HSL 149.1°, 99.1, 46.1 hsl(149.1,99.1%,46.1%) HSV (or HSB) 149.1°, 99.6, 91.8 Web Safe 00ff66 #00ff66 CIE-LAB 81.873, -72.333, 44.984 XYZ 32.47, 60.063, 25.801 xyY 0.274, 0.508, 60.063 CIE-LCH 81.873, 85.18, 148.123 CIE-LUV 81.873, -73.811, 70.721 Hunter-Lab 77.501, -60.84, 34.512 Binary 00000001, 11101010, 01110010 Color Schemes with #01ea72 Complementary Color Analogous Color Split Complementary Color Triadic Color Tetradic Color Monochromatic Color Alternatives to #01ea72 Below, you can see some colors close to #01ea72. Having a set of related colors can be useful if you need an inspirational alternative to your original color choice. Similar Colors #01ea72 Preview Text with hexadecimal color #01ea72 This text has a font color of #01ea72. <span style="color:#01ea72;">Text here</span> #01ea72 background color This paragraph has a background color of #01ea72. <p style="background-color:#01ea72;">Content here</p> #01ea72 border color This element has a border color of #01ea72. <div style="border:1px solid #01ea72;">Content here</div> CSS codes .text {color:#01ea72;} .background {background-color:#01ea72;} .border {border:1px solid #01ea72;} Shades and Tints of #01ea72 Shade Color Variation Tint Color Variation Tones of #01ea72 A tone is produced by adding gray to any pure hue. In this case, #6d7e75 is the less saturated color, while #01ea72 is the most saturated one. Tone Color Variation Color Blindness Simulator Below, you can see how #01ea72 is perceived by people affected by a color vision deficiency. This can be useful if you need to ensure your color combinations are accessible to color-blind users. • #979797 Achromatopsia 0.005% of the population • #79a890 Atypical Achromatopsia 0.001% of the population • #e2ce6f Protanopia 1% of men • #f6c586 Deuteranopia 1% of men • #69deee Tritanopia 0.001% of the population • #90d870 Protanomaly 1% of men, 0.01% of women • #9dd27f Deuteranomaly 6% of men, 0.4% of women • #43e2c1 Tritanomaly 0.01% of the population
Current Status Not Enrolled Get Started Red Eye for the Correctional Nurse The complaint of red eye is common, and may include redness of the eyelids/lacriminal sac; the conjunctiva; the anterior chamber; the sclera; the orbit; and the uveal tract. It may or may not be associated with vision changes or complete visual loss. Most causes of red eye are self-limiting, but it is crucial that a thorough history and examination be conducted. Assessment of red eye includes a focused history that includes onset, location (one or both eyes affected), associated pain, vision loss, discharge, photophobia, swelling, tearing, itchiness, and recent cold, cough or eye trauma. A visual acuity test should be conducted for any patient presenting with a red eye. Red eye may be caused by a number of underlying conditions, including conjunctivitis, blepharitis, chalazion, hordeolum and uveitis. A patient with a red, painful eye and vision changes should be considered to have an emergent medical problem that needs evaluation quickly. This class includes discussion regarding the anatomy of the eye and the common conditions associated with red eye. Nursing interventions and patient education are also included for each condition.
Colorado I-70 snow tire requirement fails April 21, 2015 Photo: I-70 traffic between Frisco and Denver A winter storm backs up ski traffic on I-70 between Frisco and Denver. State lawmakers have failed to reach a compromise over requiring snow tires on Interstate 70 in the mountains during the winter. A committee was appointed to work out differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill. A bill requiring snow tires or chains for passenger vehicles passed the House last month. But it was watered down in the Senate to require only a study of the idea.  Sen. Randy Baumgardner, R-Hot Sulfur Springs, said the state Department of Transportation already has ways to regulate traffic and require snow chains. “They don’t need us to tell them how to do that, they already do that," Baumgardner said. "They can do it at any given time.” However, bill supporters say CDOT's regulations only go into effect after traffic jams and accidents begin. The bill moves back to the House where lawmakers can decide to accept the watered down Senate version, or vote down the bill.
What was the Trent Affair and why did it disrupt relations between the United States and Britain during the Civil War? Revision as of 01:25, 28 May 2019 by Admin (talk | contribs) On November 8, 1861, Charles Wilkes, a U.S. Navy Officer, captured two Confederate envoys aboard the British mail ship, the Trent. Great Britain accused the United States of violating British neutrality, and the incident created a diplomatic crisis between the United States and Great Britain during the Civil War. Confederate Envoys by US aboard British Ship Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of America, had dispatched these envoys—James Mason, former Chairman of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee and John Slidell, a prominent New Orleans lawyer—to secure British and French recognition of the Confederate States as a sovereign nation. Great Britain and France had maintained their diplomatic relations with the United States following the outbreak of the Civil War and had recognized the Confederacy as a belligerent power, but not a sovereign government, in early 1861. Davis sought to change this by negotiating with these nations for full diplomatic recognition. Official diplomatic recognition by Britain and France would not only lend credibility to the Confederacy’s bid for independence but would also pave the way for lucrative trade deals between the Confederate States and the European powers. Davis hoped that recent Confederate victories against Union troops would favorably dispose British and French officials to receive his envoys. In October 1861, Mason and Slidell slipped through the U.S. naval blockade and left Charleston, South Carolina for Cuba, where they took passage for England on the Trent. U.S. Captain Wilkes intercepted the Trent on November 8, 1861 and, without permission from Washington, ordered his lieutenant to board and search the ship. The U.S. boarding party took Mason, Slidell, and their secretaries as prisoners, but allowed the Trent to depart for England. Britain Orders Troops to Canada in Response Initial reaction on both sides of the Atlantic was strong. The United States, still smarting from the defeat at Bull Run during the summer, publicly celebrated this turn of events as a victory against the Confederacy and a blow to Confederate diplomacy. The British, on the other hand, strongly protested Wilkes’s action as illegal and a violation of their neutrality and demanded the release of the captive Confederate envoys as well as a formal apology. Although British officials continued to advocate a policy of neutrality, they did order troops to Canada and additional ships to the Western Atlantic. Neither the United States nor Great Britain wanted war, but it was clear that, at best, the Trent incident had sparked a major diplomatic disagreement and, at worst, appeared to have pushed Great Britain and the United States toward the potential for armed conflict. Thanks to a communication malfunction, the cable containing the severe early reaction and demands of British officials took almost a month to arrive in Washington. By then, emotions had cooled on both sides and a more balanced view of the situation prevailed. Nevertheless, the British still expected a response from President Abraham Lincoln and continued to emphasize that Captain Wilkes had acted without official authorization. Lincoln compromises with Britain and eases Tension The Lincoln administration understood that it would be unwise to risk a possible armed conflict and perpetuate bad relations with a foreign power while it was prosecuting a war against the Confederacy and moved to smooth things over through diplomatic negotiations. Charles Francis Adams, the U.S. Minister to Great Britain assured the British that the United States did not want a war and advised President Lincoln and Secretary of State William Seward that they should conform to some of the British demands. On December 26, 1861, Seward presented an official note summarizing the Lincoln administration’s position to Lord Lyons, the British Minister to the United States. Seward defended Wilkes’ action, although he conceded that Wilkes had erred by not seizing the Trent and letting a court affirm the legality of taking contraband prisoners. Nevertheless, Seward agreed to release the prisoners. Lyons, under orders from London, accepted this explanation thereby diffusing the diplomatic crisis. Ultimately, President Lincoln and Secretary Seward were satisfied with this outcome. However, the Trent affair confirmed that the British were willing to defend their position of neutrality in the American Civil War, a position that both the Union and the Confederacy had hoped to change. The Trent Affair, 1861
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Association of Prediagnostic Frailty, Change in Frailty Status, and Mortality After Cancer Diagnosis in the Women’s Health Initiative Importance: Understanding changes in frailty in relation to cancer diagnosis can inform optimal selection of cancer treatments and survivorship care. Objective: To investigate associations of prediagnostic frailty and change in frailty status with mortality after a cancer diagnosis. Design, setting, and participants: This multicenter, prospective cohort study included 7257 community-dwelling, postmenopausal women in the United States who had frailty assessed at the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) enrollment (1993-1998) and the 3-year visit who were subsequently diagnosed as having invasive cancer. The data were analyzed from January 7, 2019, to June, 8, 2020. Exposure: Frailty scores were defined from validated questionnaire items conceptually aligned with the Fried frailty phenotype, including at least 3 of the following characteristics: self-reported unintentional weight loss, exhaustion, low physical activity, and muscle weakness or impaired walking. Physical function components of the frailty score were updated a median of 10 (range, 1-18) times. Main outcomes and measures: Using multivariable-adjusted Cox proportional hazards models, this study examined associations of prediagnostic frailty (at the 3-year visit, before cancer diagnosis) and prediagnostic changes in frailty (from enrollment to the 3-year visit) with mortality. Women were followed up beginning from cancer diagnosis for mortality outcomes through March 2018. In linear mixed-effects models with frailty scores as a function of time since cancer diagnosis, this study evaluated whether the time slope, ie, the rate of change in frailty score, increased after cancer diagnosis. Results: This study included 7257 women in the WHI cohort who completed frailty assessments at enrollment and the 3-year WHI visit before cancer diagnosis and subsequently developed cancer. Cancer cases included 2644 breast cancers (36%), 822 lung cancers (11%), 691 colorectal cancers (10%), 445 endometrial cancers (6%), and 286 ovarian cancers (4%). At the 3-year visit, prior to cancer diagnosis, the mean (SD) age was 63 (7) years, and 1161 of 7257 (16%) of participating women met criteria for frailty; 2129 of 7257 (29%) were prefrail, and 3967 of 7257 (55%) were nonfrail. Over a median follow-up of 5.8 years after cancer diagnosis (range, 1 day to 19.9 years), 3056 women died. After multivariable adjustment, women who were frail (vs nonfrail) before cancer diagnosis had an increased risk of mortality after cancer diagnosis (hazard ratio [HR], 1.40; 95% CI, 1.26-1.55; P for trend <.001). Sustained frailty (21% [1537 of 7257] of women) or worsening frailty (22% [1578 of 7257]) vs being consistently nonfrail (45% [3266 of 7257]) before cancer diagnosis increased the risk of mortality after cancer diagnosis (HR, 1.25; 95% CI, 1.14-1.38 and 1.22; 95% CI, 1.11-1.34, respectively; P for trend <.001). In linear mixed-effects models, the rate of increase in physical frailty over time was statistically significantly higher after cancer diagnosis. Conclusions and relevance: Sustained and worsening frailty before cancer diagnosis was associated with an increased risk of mortality after cancer diagnosis in postmenopausal women. Furthermore, the rate of decline in physical function accelerated after cancer diagnosis. Frailty assessment could provide valuable information and perhaps prompt interventions to reduce and preempt worsening of physical frailty after cancer diagnosis.
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Old Fields into Native Meadows: from the Perspective of A Laidback Gardener We've been hearing quite a few encouraging stories from people who want to turn old fields (from abandoned farmlands to smaller empty lots in suburban neighborhood) into native plant meadows. The owners of these fields have beautiful visions: A mix of diverse native flowering plants with some woody species in the background to attract native wildlife population. They like to see lots of bird activities and butterflies and other beneficial insects and possibly more amphibian population. Some people inherited tens of acreage in the countryside and some happen to own small empty lots next to their suburban houses. What they have in common is they don't really want to engage landscaping companies to turn these spaces into thriving meadows overnight. They like to do the work themselves and wonder how to go about implementing their visions without using heavy equipments or incurring high monetary cost or, for that matter, a lot of their time. We appreciate this laidback gardener's approach. A lot, in fact! For one thing, if you make a mistake, it's likely be a small mistake and can easily be fixed. You can change your mind in the middle of a course without incurring costly damages. The other benefit is that you are gaining a huge amount of knowledge through your sweats and aching muscles and through your inquisitive minds. You will become a useful resource to others in the future. There are ways to achieve the goals if you observe some basic ecological principles. It will still involve a lot of diligent works but the reward will be equally great. Abandoned Old Farmlands into Woody Old Fields: Most likely, the old fields are once cattle-grazed Fescue fields and now let go. See above two photos? They were exactly that about a couple of decades or so ago. Only that this current owner (a government agency) of these two lots did not do much except for mowing once a year. Fescue still dominates the ground composition, but slowly different grasses, flowering plants and shrubs have taken roots. But you probably do not want to wait for a full decade to see a patch of new plants finally appear! In our region, woody old fields are naturally occurring by forest fires. When there is an opening in the forest like this, there are a lot of dormant seeds waiting to sprout taking the full advantage of sunlight and the less competitive ground space. A mosaic of forb, grass, and woody seedlings will grow as soon as the ground is cooled. The opening of forests gives a great opportunity for early successive plants like Black-eyed Susan, Patridge Pea, Field Thistle, various Goldenrod species, Little Bluestem grass, Broomsedge grass, Indian grass along with woody plants like Eastern Red Cedar, Virginia Pine, Carolina Rose, Black Cherry, and various Sumac species. You can create somewhat artificial Woody Old Fields in the thickets of Fescue. Let's imagine those massive Fescue grass as forests: you don't want to remove the entire field of Fescue. (By the way, these Fescue grass is so massive and immovable, they also protect your ground from obnoxious invasive plants moving in.) Instead, remove several patches of Fescue to create new garden plots and consider these plots as your own Woody Old Fields. Some plots are located in such a way to grow woody plants for wind protection. Some plots near the water (if you have one) for moist-loving grass and forb species. Some plots for dry meadow types. When you have the patches of fescue-free plots, you are ready to sow or plant. It is likely that any new plants will experience a certain amount of stress in a harsh condition like this, and we advise that you choose the plant species as mentioned above and put them closely together to support each other. Let these hardy species take roots and grow and spread first before adding more visually charismatic plants. If you become confident, you expand the plots by removing more Fescues. Suburban Open Plots for Meadow-style Gardens: A small suburban lot can be deceptively challenging. You don't necessarily know the history of how the ground was made up and used. You think you've removed all the pesky brambles and invasive vines, but their root system can revive from those broken pieces left underground. In a year or so, they roar back to life. Or you want to save some mature Black Locust or Sweet Gum or Maple trees on the edge of the lot. They drop tons of seeds each year and it seems every one of them sprouts in your carefully tended garden lot, thereby engulfing your native perennials. Or you realize that inches down the surface the ground was filled with construction debris. In dry period, the soil is as hard as a rock and it doesn't drain well when raining. The first order of the process is to observe what is happening on the ground and in the surrounding area. How the water is behaving when raining, and what happens when big storms hit the area. How people use the area around? You need to have a long-term management plan. How much time you could spend and how the immediate neighborhood would perceive this project. If you've done your homework, you start with a small and manageable plot with a clear physical boundaries of the garden so that everyone could see that as a garden. You can rid of weeds by placing dark plastic sheets or tarps over the mowed plots for a few weeks in summer (I know, there aren't any perfect ways of killing weeds without incurring some damage to some creatures) or placing heavy cardboard sheets or layers of newspapers laden by wood mulch on top for a few weeks in summer. You can also control the height of the plants by cutting down the stems of plants, especially cold-season species, in late spring. If cold-season Wildrye growing vigorously and tall in late Spring, you will see that other plants would grow tall to compete. The overall look is a bit unkempt for people whose eyes are trained by horticultural gardens. You can selectively control the height of some plants by cutting the stems at certain height in the spring. They may bloom slightly later in season but they are fine. You need a real plan for controlling invasive plants. Invasive plants are so permeated throughout the region, they come to your plots in all manners and forms. If it is just half an acre or even an acre, you could set aside one hour a week to control invasive plants. In my own garden (the front is a native pollinator garden and the backyard is like a woody old field), I spend an hour a month to control invasive weeds. It's not perfect, but it's sufficient. You decide what works for you and how much work you want to invest, and do not bite more than you could chew. The rest of the plots can be mowed regularly but infrequently. If you choose the right native plants, they will spill over as the ground is gradually improving through native grasses. Featured Posts Recent Posts Search By Tags Follow Us • Wix Facebook page • Twitter Classic • YouTube Social Icon Banner: Late October in a mixed stand of hickories, oaks, and American beech at Fountainhead Regional Park, on the northern shore of the Occoquan River, in Fairfax County, Virginia. Photo by Chris Bright.  • Facebook Social Icon • YouTube Social Icon © 2020 by Earth Sangha | All rights reserved [email protected] | 703.333.3022
Daily chart Why Europe needs more migrants Without them the continent’s population will start to shrink Graphic detail EUROPE’S biggest countries were once among the biggest anywhere. In 1950, four of the world’s ten most populous states were in western Europe alone. But decades of falling birth rates have resulted in slower population growth in Europe than in other regions. By 2017, Europe’s most populous country, Germany, ranked just 16th globally. The continent’s birth rate is now so low that the total population in many European countries has begun to decline. One solution is to attract more foreigners. This week Eurostat, the European Union's statistics agency, said that the region's population rose in 2016 solely because of immigration. The number of births and deaths were equal at 5.1m each, while net migration boosted the population by 1.5m to 511.8m. In 13 of its 28 member countries, more people died than were born last year. But not all saw their populations fall. A large intake of migrants to Germany (mainly Syrian refugees), and smaller net migration to Finland and Poland, meant that populations there still managed to grow. For all the political difficulties migrants can cause, Europe will need more of them if it wants to avoid shrinking. By 2050, Eurostat estimates that only Ireland, France, Norway and Britain would see their populations rise without migration. In contrast, Germany and Italy need migrants badly: without newcomers, they would face declines of 18% and 16%. And even if migration does continue, Eurostat’s central forecast reckons that Germany will still only just about maintain its current population of 82.8m. Even sustaining migration at current levels is unlikely to prevent most eastern and Mediterranean countries from shrinking. The former group has been losing people ever since the break-up of the Soviet Union. When those countries joined the EU, large shares of their populations emigrated to richer EU member countries to work, and most of them have stayed there. In Latvia, one of five countries where Eurostat projects emigration will worsen demographic decline, the population fell by a whopping 14% last year. For those who leave, the freedom to live and work where they choose is an immense boon. But the countries where they were raised face a hard task. They must attract and retain new workers, or increase their birth rates, or learn to live with a declining population. Reuse this contentThe Trust Project
"Promoting Health Around the World By the Body's Immune System" Enriching Gifts has created the first and only full spectrum digestive enzyme based nutritional supplement line. It all started in 1989 when Ronald K. Schneider was introduced to the role and importance of digestive enzymes. While studying nutritional science, he noticed a missing component that could be traced to numerous health issues. That missing component was the fact that humans lose the ability to efficiently digest their meals at a rate of one percent per year after reaching the age of twenty-five (peak digestive ability). Ronald K. Schneider then concluded that we continuously decrease our ability to provide full nutritional support to our cells as we age due to an enzyme deficiency. He then brought together a team of molecular biologists, food chemists, and medical professionals to identify all the conditions that contribute to the deterioration of health throughout one’s lifetime. After two weeks of collaboration, the team identified a total of 43 conditions that could inhibit the ability to achieve and maintain optimum health throughout one’s life. Then they developed an exhaustive list of compensatory and corrective actions that were tested on over 500 individuals. The data was analyzed using phase contrast blood microscopic analysis. The solutions led to the identification of 5 distinct categories. The first and foremost in importance was the Digestive process. Second in importance was the Immune system, third was Toxicity, fourth was Intestinal tissue health, and fifth was overall Nutrition at a cellular level. The final step by the team was to develop a complete ‘nutritional digestive enzyme based’ product line that when utilized in various combinations could enhance the body’s ability to negate those 43 conditions that lead to poor health. Ronald K. Schneider Ronald K. Schneider specializes in the field of immunoenzymology and Darkfield Phase Contrast Microscopy. After many years of studying alternative and holistic medicine, he focused on research with enzymes, then developed and provided private label products using his formulas to over 180 different distribution companies Dr. Brewer obtained his Ph.D. in inorganic chemistry from Michigan State University in 1992. He worked in both industry and the national laboratory system as a senior research scientist for over a decade before starting his own consulting business Ronald K. Schneider introduced his enzymes to Tom Manno in 1993, who was bench pressing just over 400 pounds at the time. Now Tom Manno is the world’s strongest man over 40 and bench presses almost 900 pounds.
In this edition of From the Developer we asked Christoffer Sevaldsen, designer of the tabletop RPG Black Void, to write about how he tried to express the game’s complex morality and why he’s interested in cosmic horror. In many stories, it feels convenient to know who the good guys and the bad guys are. It is comfortable to be able to put everyone into clearly labelled boxes, to know where they belong in the grand scheme of things. But does that approach make for compelling storytelling, and does it provide an exciting time during game night? I’ve always been most interested in fiction that involved switching allegiances, profound character evolution and fervor-altering revelations. I indulge in the wonder offered by stories where story progression discloses diverse aspects and facets of situations or characters. A narrative where realizing that seemingly cruel or virtuous acts might not be definitive is much more interesting. That is exactly what I want the Black Void setting to offer players. I sought to make Black Void multi-layered and provide a distinctive experience by introducing a complex morality intrinsic in the setting and permeating encounters for the players. The point of the game is not to be moralizing, provide answers or make judgements about ethics, but to spur roleplaying through the setting’s built-in cultural tension and dystopian environment. This is meant to inspire the players to explore philosophical aspects of their ethos and presupposed humanity. Retaining a believable and unrigid approach to the entire thematic and conceptual construct of the setting entails developing varying ethics and principles from the prevalent cultures and species that the characters encounter and possibly collide with without making them an actual game mechanic. I wanted to provide a foundation where players can choose to go into the game’s more philosophical and metaphysical aspects and explore a deeper set of quandaries. Morality and ethics have always been a point of contention in the real world. As part of my scrutiny of ancient cultures for the game, it was evident that different ages and conditions impose a diverse set of values upon individual principles. As the Black Void RPG is based on ancient cultures and their encounter with otherworldly species, I found it intriguing to explore how the prevalent real-world notions of right and wrong and good and evil might not apply to the characters in the game.  Black Void enables Arbiters (game masters) and players to focus on areas where it is not about “good versus evil” and to take a less rigid outlook by probing the grey areas where morals are points of view and conventional conjecture is non-existent or irrelevant. The basis for this is provided in the very outset of the game. Ancient humans are something close to refugees in an unfamiliar Cosmos, surrounded by species of different creeds, philosophies and views. Mankind is compelled to evaluate their ethos while perhaps being faced by possibly bizarre notions of morality from otherworldly species. The game asks questions such as how do human principles work when their ethos and culture are largely gone, and do such notions even have meaning or resonance in a place where the dominant species are otherworldly and alien? The prevalent tenet in Llyhn — the main location in the game setting — is might makes right, which is problematic if you find yourself at the bottom of the hierarchy, as mankind does. Slavery is ordinary, while a strict caste-system keeps those without power in check. The high castes can exploit others with little threat of repercussions. This is the environment facing the characters. It is up to the players to find a way to navigate this miasma while possibly retaining or establishing their humanity — whatever it turns out to be — in a setting which is profoundly inhuman. Moral application and judgement are influenced by the viewpoints and presupposed knowledge of individuals, as well as the surrounding setting, possibly making the characters face inimitable moral dilemmas that add to the already perilous encounters during sessions. Another aspect of Black Void is the cosmic horror element infusing the setting. The horrors of the Void — oblivious ethereal depths beyond the apparent world — are a near-constant threat not just to Voidfarers travelling between worlds. As the metaphysical Veil between the Cosmos and Void fluctuates, ruptures can appear unpredictably to unleash the madness of the Mindless Ghostly Abominations upon the Cosmos. As a fan of Lovecraftian horror, I enjoy the sense that there is something beyond the comprehension of mankind, something which can be felt but not understood until one reaches enlightenment, and perhaps not even then. The Black Void’s approach to cosmic horror is that the influence of the Void and its entities are somewhat pervasive throughout the game but don’t take center stage. The game is primarily devoted to continual struggles of mankind in an unfamiliar and callous Cosmos. Arbiters can focus their games on the cosmic horror element as much or as little as they want, choosing how much to involve the Void entities and their uncaring, unknown and unknowable phantasmagorical existence. One aspect which is persistent is the distorting influence of the Void. Characters can travel its fluctuating currents, be exposed to emanating ruptures across the Cosmos, or dabble in Mysticism. The Void influence may eventually contort a character, changing their physique or mind, and even degrading them or bestowing them with inhuman Attributes and Abilities through consistent or sudden immense exposure. The game’s cosmic horror element is embodied through the mechanics of enlightenment and madness. Madness deals with the frail mental capabilities of the characters in light of the onslaught of horrendous experiences they may be exposed to, while enlightenment enables the characters to intuitively understand the Void and thereby gain the ability to navigate its currents and perhaps even obtain powers and capabilities that are unattainable by ordinary humans. The goal of Black Void was always to create a game with a variety of aspects as well as a deep and engaging setting for both Arbiters and players to explore and enjoy. The complex moral ambiguity and cosmic horror elements of the game are two prevalent aspects of the Black Void setting and perfectly underline the main focus of the game as humanity struggles to find a place in an unfamiliar Cosmos. Survival is only the beginning! Christoffer Sevaldsen Christoffer Sevaldsen has been creating stories, building worlds, and playing and GMing roleplaying games since he was 10 years old; first with the older kids in school and later in multiple groups, ASA institutions, and RPG/gaming cons across Denmark and the United Arab Emirates. He is a former marketing director, musician, logo/brand designer and holds a B.A. in philosophy and a M.A. in communication. The Black Void RPG is his full-time occupation and his remaining waking hours are split between dreaming up new games and his family of three boys. 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Wi-Fi Connection Speed Frequently Asked Questions I have a Premium eLife package. Why is my Wi-Fi speed still low? If you are experiencing low Wi-Fi speed, you should check the following: Your devices Your internet speed heavily depends on your network equipment (router) • Old devices • Your devices’ hardware – processor, network card, memory, etc. – can impact the speed • Corrupted, outdated, or incorrectly configured operating system on your devices can also slow down the connection speed • If you are using an old router, consider upgrading it; an old router, or a router that is not designed to go as fast as your package, can slow down your Wi-Fi speed • Devices location • If your Wi-Fi router is located far from the devices, your internet speed will not be ideal; you may need a wireless repeater to boost the signal • Physical obstacles placed between the router and devices, especially walls and metal, can reduce Wi-Fi speed; move away metal boards, if any, and aquariums • Viruses • Viruses or malware might be running in the background, connecting to the internet and draining your network’s resources; take precautions by installing an antivirus programme and perform regular scans Number of connected devices • Protect your connection and use a Wi-Fi password to prevent unauthorised access • Share the Wi-Fi password only to those you’ve permitted to use your connection Your usage • Is everybody at home streaming music, gaming online, downloading videos, streaming movies and exchanging photos and videos? Also, the more you consume the internet, the more the connection slows down. In this case, consider upgrading your plan if you are a heavy user. Why do some internet videos run slow? Connection speed is not solely controlled from your side. The other party that you are connecting to also affects it. It could be that the website you are connecting to has a large number of users and the available speed is divided among them all. Likewise, if you are gaming online and encounter slow speed, the issue might be from the connection and the load on the server where the game is located. How can I make sure that I am receiving the speed that I am paying for? Visit myspeed.etisalat.ae and run the speed test after disconnecting all Wi-Fi connections and connecting your device to the router using a cable. I am the only one using the internet. Why is it still slow? Check your device as it may be running too many apps that connect to the internet at the same time. Some might be running in the background without you noticing it. Check your device settings such as auto-update, sync or back-up, as well as file sharing programmes.
Remaining Time Go Raymi - Expo Live How do you find authentic experiences off the beaten track in Ecuador? A trip to Ecuador might already seem like an adventurous holiday, but most tourists to this diverse country will just visit the same well-known destinations. Think of Ecuador and you probably conjure up images of the wildlife of the Amazon or perhaps the Galapagos islands. The country certainly has no shortage of attractions, which is why many people opt for organised tours that take in the same high-profile spots each trip. It can be a daunting task to seek out your own authentic experiences when visiting a foreign country, but GoRaymi is making it easy for tourists, breathing new life into small towns and traditional businesses by promoting them on their online marketplace. There, visitors are presented with countless options of unique experiences, and can easily tailor their trip to suit their lifestyle. Eco tourists might consider visiting somewhere like the Yaku Runa ecological community in the delightfully named Mother Earth parish, where they conserve traditional medicinal plants. Those looking to learn a new skill might try their hand at pottery at José Encalada’s workshop, using clay from the Sinincay mines. Whatever a person’s preferences, they are able to enjoy immersive experiences with genuine Ecuadorians. Funding from an Expo Live Innovation Impact Grant is enabling GoRaymi to make the necessary expansions to their technical infrastructure to promote the hidden gems of Ecuador to a wider audience. Not only does the service provide a valuable inflow of money for Ecuadorians, helping to preserve their way of life, it also offers a more fulfilling experience for the visitors and a glimpse into the real lives and culture of Ecuador.
Prices on widescreen monitors 20-inches and above have been dropping dramatically. In fact, the cost of monitors below 24-inches, with a native resolution of 1680×1050, are so low that they have become the standard. Sometimes you just want more pixels and a bigger piece of glass, though. The next most affordable size is 24-inches, where the native resolution moves up to 1920×1200. These monitors regularly had cost over $800 just a few months ago, but have now dropped to the $500-600 range for most brands. Every now and then, we come across what appears to be a real bargain. SOYO’s DYLM24D6 monitor is just such a case. This 24-inch widescreen LCD is bare-bones in its feature set, but comes in at a retail price of just $399, making it one of the least expensive monitors of this size we’ve ever seen. That doesn’t mean you should run out and buy one, though. At any price point, there’s a certain minimum level of quality expected. Can this low-cost 24-inch monitor clear that quality bar, or is it just another case of “you get what you pay for?” Continued…
U.S. flag An official website of the United States government Dot gov Official websites use .gov Secure .gov websites use HTTPS alert - warning Disaster Responses Disasters can come in many forms. FEMA responds to all declared domestic disasters and emergencies, whether natural or man-made, including acts of terror. feature_standalone img Search Your Location Find the most relevant information about disasters and emergency management by searching your location. Current Disaster Responses Find resources and current information to help during these ongoing major disaster declarations. feature_mini img Visit our Disaster Information page to learn about the formal declaration process, federal assistance programs for individuals and public infrastructure, ways you can volunteer and donate, or to find disaster reports and data.
A Case for The Burpee Oh, the dreaded burpee. We love to complain about this uniquely punishing movement, and try to avoid doing them as much as possible. But have you ever stopped to wonder where the burpee came from and why this torturous exercise is a favorite of fitness professionals across the globe?  Burpees: A Short History  Royal H. Burpee was a physiologist in New York City in 1939. He invented the first version of the burpee as a part of a fitness test. The original movement was milder than the burpee we know and love/hate today.  Mr. Burpee never intended for his fitness evaluation tool to become the form of exercise that it has become today. The burpee was intended to be performed 4 times in a row, and he would measure the participant’s heart rate before and after in order to assess their heart’s efficiency at pumping blood, thus determining his or her overall fitness rate.  Burpees: An Evolution  Over time the burpee was modified from its original, fitness evaluation form to the more vigorous modern movement. Here’s how the burpee evolved:  Original Burpee: Squat down and place both hands on the floor in front of you. Jump feet back into plank position. Jump feet forward. Return to standing. Perform only 4 times in a row, measuring heart rate before and after.  Modern Burpee: Bend over or squat down and place both hands on the floor in front of you, just outside of your feet. Jump both feet back into plank position. Drop to a pushup — your chest should touch the floor. Push or snake up to return to plank position. Jump feet back in toward hands. Explosively jump up into the air, reaching arms straight overhead. Perform as many times in a row as instructed by your trainer!  Burpees: The Most Effective Exercise Ever?!?  When you perform a modern burpee you are essentially doing a vigorous six-count bodyweight movement that requires you to move between six unique positions as quickly as possible.  Everything burns as you go through a series of burpees: your lungs, your legs, your arms, and most of all…calories. Burpees cultivate agility, strength, coordination and stamina while burning fat.  So the next time that you are told to do 20, 30, or 100 burpees: smile to yourself, think of Royal H. Burpee and be happy that you are doing an exercise that gets you enviable results in the shortest possible time. Please reload