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Cheers Raised in Welcome of National Liberator Pyongyang, October 13 (KCNA) -- On October 14, Juche 34 (1945), a Pyongyang city mass rally took place at the then public playground at the foot of Moran Hill in welcome of the triumphal return of President Kim Il Sung who achieved the historic cause of national liberation. When the President appeared on the platform, cheers of "Long live General Kim Il Sung!" shook the playground. The Pyongyang Minbo, a newspaper of those days, wrote about the sight of the Pyongyang public playground on that day under the title of "Cheers of 400 000 People Shake Korea, a Lovely Land": Pyongyang has a long history of 4 000 years and a large population of 400 000. Has it ever had such a large meeting as this? Has it ever held such an important meeting? What gave historic significance to this meeting and turned it into a storm of emotion, was that General Kim Il Sung, the great patriot of Korea and a hero whom Pyongyang produced, was present in person there, and extended joyful and warm greetings and words of encouragement to the people… as soon as General Kim Il Sung appeared on the platform, the hero whom the Korean people hold in high respect and have been looking forward to seeing, a storm of enthusiastic cheers arose, and most of the audience were deeply moved to silent tears. In his historic speech "Every Effort for the Building of a New, Democratic Korea" delivered at the mass rally, the President appealed to all members of the Korean nation to positively contribute to the state building, those with strength dedicating strength, those with knowledge devoting knowledge and those with money offering money. The thunderous cheers raised by the people 75 years ago was an eruption of their boundless gratitude and reverence for the President, a legendary hero of anti-Japanese war and the benevolent liberator of Korea, and a manifestation of their pledge to devote all their efforts and wisdom to the building of a new country. facebook로 보내기 twitter로 보내기 Reddit로 보내기 linkedin로 보내기 pinterest로 보내기 google로 보내기 naver로 보내기 kakaostory 로 보내기 flipboard로 보내기 band로 보내기 To write your feedbacks
The Link Between Music and Drugs? Over the years there has been a strong suggestion on how influential music may be in terms of behaviour and thinking. Whilst a lot of songs tackle a lot of gritty issues, are they really holding up a mirror to how life really is? Or do musicians who focus on darker issues and reckless behavior promote a lifestyle that is dangerous and unmanageable? There are some very raunchy tunes and indeed very good tunes that focus heavily on drug use, although some of these tracks, like Black Sabbath’s Hand of Doom track (from the album Paranoid), the song clearly states the dangers of messing with you mind and the tradegy of the Vietnam war, one can’t help but see some form of morbid curiosity in taking up such an extreme roller coaster of emotions of drugs. Butler, of Black Sabbath expressed his frustration at how fans misinterpreted the band’s lyrics, stating that “for instance, on ‘Hand of Doom’ they’ll pick up one sentence out of that and blow it up into this big thing, like as if we’re telling everyone to go and shoot smack. The whole song is against drugs. Songs About Drugs are Nothing New Although a lot of focus is given to the latter part of 20th century, from The Rolling Stones, Beatles, Black Sabbath, Motley Crue, the explosion of the rave scene..etc. Drugs have played a big part in music for almost as long as we’ve had music. Some of the earliest examples of this I can find is in the 1300’s AD, when the Benedictine Monks (who are now the makers of Buckfast) lived by the motto “Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die.” They held a high reverence for, well, to be frank, getting fucked up. Despite being a religious Christian sect,and the Bible making several references to the potential harms of alcohol and being drunk. They preferred to see booze, especially wine in the same positive light as Jesus saw it. Their love of alcohol was later adopted in song for Carmina Burana in 1935, as seen below: Recent History of Drinking and Drug Songs There are countless songs from Ireland also that state about drunkenness, some are done with good humor, however personally I find the humor a bit tragic. I believe a lot of the Irish drinking culture comes from oppression and inter-generational trauma. In the 1920’s in the USA there were songs about having the cocaine blues. Very few of these songs are now referenced as being a direct cultural influence now, even though they would have been around the time of our great-grandparents. Personal Exposure to Drugs Through Music It was widely known when I was a kid that the Beatles were into drugs, I remember Paul McCartney had been busted for possession of weed when I was kid which really overtly showed off his drug use. As a kid I was really fascinated by the Beatles and especially their psychedelic phase, two of my favorite albums were Magical Mystery Tour (allbeit an EP on it’s first release) and Sgt.Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. Sgt.Pepper was wonderfully weird album for me, it was incredibly surreal and witty. The sound and whole set up of the album was just wonderfully enchanting for a kid to get into. My dad had the original mono gatefold sleeve which came with wonderfully wacky additions like stickers, a fake mustache and a badge. The lyrics were quite nonsensical and hard to follow. There weren’t any real overt lyrics about drugs, but it was heavily rumored that the Beatles were taking LSD and that the song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds was about an LSD trip. I was a young boy of the early 90’s and this music still had a lot of appeal, at the same time there was a new scene emerging that was transforming the whole of the UK. The rave scene. Rave Music In the late 80’s rave music was beginning to emerge with a newer more powerful overt and slightly hidden messages about taking drugs for fun. Shamen Ebenezer Good Now in the 90’s there were groups appearing on TV’s Top of the Pop’s saying “E’s are good, E’s are good, Ebenezer Good“, also this new wave of dance music was calling itself the second summer of love, a throwback to the 1960’s “summer of love”. There was even a rather poor act called “Candyflip” who did a cover-version of Strawberry Fields Forever, The Beatles song. Candy flipping is a term used to describe mixing LSD with MDMA/ecstasy. So these references were quite overt in many ways. The strawberry also became a big icon to be printed on sheets of LSD that would often contain humorous cartoons or iconography. LSD blotter image All this was quite alluring as a kid, it seemed that doing something like ecstasy or LSD would be quite fun and rewarding. Raves looked really fun, it played in to that childish rebellion and a yearning to escape from conformity. Rave music became quite a big part of my life, but I was much too young to run away and join the circus back then. I was quite convinced from an early age that I’d very much like to try psychedelic drugs, the people who I admired had all done them and I felt like they could probably offer an experience that could be life enhancing. Even the more morbid aspects of drug taking seemed interesting to explore. In April 1994 Kurt Cobain took his own life after years of depression and addiction. As I was still pretty young at this stage I didn’t really fully understand the extent of Kurt Cobain’s addiction issues and how depressed he was. More news poured out by the weeks following and Kurt’s tragedy. It came more to light that Kurt Cobain had been abusing heroin very heavily along with his wife of the time Courtney Love – This is just what I heard in the papers of the time, I have no knowledge of any of the personal events. Heroin to me seemed like a very tragic drug, I remember it being referenced in Guns and Roses songs, it didn’t seem like there were many winners with heroin use. As a adolescent I couldn’t really see the point in taking something like that, but the allure of ecstasy and other drugs were still there. Messing With the Mind I was around 14 years when I first tried magic mushrooms, I had tried cannabis earlier before but I really hated it when I first smoked it. I think I only ever actually smoked it to fit in with my peers around me. I went to a very rough comprehensive school and kids were exposed to drugs from a very early age. A fair few of my friends at school came from families that openly smoked cannabis and binge drank alcohol. Some of my friends had older brothers and sisters who were already into harder drugs, who had experiences of LSD, ecstasy amphetamines, cocaine and even heroin. Drugs like cocaine and heroin I couldn’t even conceive of taking, they seemed completely deadly to me, no matter how much I’d heard Motely Crue or Guns’n’Roses make reference to them. I was interested in Magic Mushrooms because they were said to be non-toxic and much less risky than other substances, friends of the time assured me if it went wrong I could just hold it together for 6 hours and then the feeling would past. So I took a risk. I do not like to make too many references to drug use, a) sometimes I’m worried what people will think of me still and b) I don’t want to glamorize drugs. This quick story might seem like a was cool kid listening to hip sounds, the music was still cool but I was desperate to fit in too and I always was looking for things to escape. My experience on mushrooms was a rewarding and interesting experience, I felt like it opened my eyes up quite a bit to this shared psychedelic experience that so many others had pointed to in the past. I certainly didn’t listen to any music on mushrooms, although giddy and pleasant, I was completely disorientated and spent about 6 hours walking around a park. Does Music Promote Drug Use? It’s hard for me to give a direct and accurate answer on this, maybe there are some individuals who feel spurred on or triggered by certain songs. But if we were to consider one simply fact, such as the amount of times a song has been played to how it’s influenced the public. I believe at the the time of writing this the song Dr. Feelgood by Motely Crew has been played over 14,000,000 times over Spotify since it was uploaded. The song is about drug dealing, namely heroin and cocaine. Has heroin and cocaine use gone up over the time it has been played? There will no doubt be some people who might feel that songs or music deeply reflects their own personal life or aspire to keep as closely to the attitude of the music they follow. A person choosing to use drugs comes from a variety of influences and music is probably one of the least biggest influences in those drives. Rave music and dance culture does expose younger people to have more easy to access drugs where people take ecstasy and speed to dance all night, however, most concert halls will expose you to alcohol and cannabis. Whether a person takes drugs or not is usually determined by their own-wellbeing, peers and environmental factors and access to drugs. Any other piecing together of information is merely circumstantial. Heavy Metal Suicides In the USA during the 1980’s the band Judas Priest were put on trial for having to contributed to suicide of one individual and serious manning of another. These two teenagers apparently decided to turn a shotgun on themselves after listening Judas Priest. The band’s dark image and darker lyrical content were turned on them to make themselves culpable for crimes they were totally unconnected with. The incident is incredibly bizarre and it actually beggars belief to imagine it ever actually happened. I have watched the documentary on the matter, unfortunately for the two who decided to took their own life they seemed to channel some major depressive disorder into their obsession for heavy metal music. When an obsessive mind becomes focused in on such morbid thoughts of ending their own life it must be hard to shake. It seems that on their way out they decided to name drop Judas Priest. (Only one of the gentlemen involved killed himself with a shotgun blast to the head, the other on later died from an overdose of drugs) . The incident is also referenced in the Billy Joel song We Didn’t Start The Fire, where he sings the line “Heavy Metal Suicides”. They weren’t the only band to be linked to suicides, in the 70s UK band Black Sabbath’s album Paranoid was reported to have driven a female nurse to suicide. The accusations were outlandish and unfounded, no further action was taken. There may be a case that certain songs can trigger off emotional states in people, but it is down to a person to take their own personal responsibility for this and not indulge themselves they might not feel they are able to handle. For instance, you would not watch a horror film late at night if you are looking for a peaceful sleep. If you’re feeling morbid, avoid things too distressing Some styles of music and specific songs can potentially Give a person in recovery euphoric recall over times they may have enjoyed taking drugs to certain music’s or at certain events. A person could potential he filter out all the negative harms caused by the use and only think of the good times. This is actually a common trigger amongst people refraining to be drink and drug free. However with a robust aftercare plan this should not make a person relapse, if it does then maybe a combination of things are going on. So, if you’re recovering from drugs and alcohol it can be a good idea to shelve those tunes for awhile until you have a few more brighter days ahead, then you can breakout all the Shamen, Velvet Underground, Rave, Motely Crew, Oynx, Necro, Nine Inch Nails and Judas Priest you fancy. – Written By Dylan Kerr 2019 1 Comment Leave a Reply You are commenting using your account. Log Out /  Change ) Google photo Twitter picture Facebook photo Connecting to %s
Discovering Moroccan Beauty Rituals Discovering Moroccan Beauty Rituals Argan oil is one of the most popular natural beauty ingredients that originates from Morocco. It's exceptional properties and benefits for skin and hair are universally known, but argan oil isn't the only beauty secret that Moroccon women have.  Moroccan beauty rituals date back centuries; these rituals consist of a wide variety of natural and plant-based ingredients. We have uncovered some of the most potent treatments that originate from this part of the world.  Argan oil: The holistic properties of this precious oil are endless: it's nourishing for the skin, heals brittle nails, brings shine to the hair, and improves the overall appearance of the skin and hair. Argan oil is a rich source of antioxidants like vitamin E and polyphenols. Ghassoul (rhassoul): A high-quality healing clay from Atlas Mountain and Fes region. It is rich in minerals such as magnesium, iron, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, and silica. This untreated and naturally dried clay has a silk-like feel and can help even out skin tone and reduce blemishes. It also has the unique ability to both nourish skin and reduces breakouts. Rosewater: The rose water from Rose valley of Morocco has exceptional soothing properties. Used as a toner, rose water helps to balance your skin and open blocked pores. It can also be used over make-up as a setting spray.  Moroccan Black Soap: It is olive oil-based soap and exfoliator. Rich in vitamin E, it removes dead skin and improves the texture of the skin.   Prickly Pear Seed Oil: It is said that you need to be old enough to deserve this oil. Prickly Pear Seed oil is one of the rarest and most precious natural skincare ingredients in the world. It is rich in fatty acids, amino acids, vitamin K and has 150% more vitamin E than Argan oil. Its properties include anti-aging, skin hydration and also helps remove pigmentation.
- advertisement - Nashai Catlett Nashai Catlett Philly writer. Wellness and Pop Culture. I love Hip Hop. Slob in my personal life. Assassin in my professional life. hashtag: Balance Nashai Catlett's posts Ain’t No Love: Why Your City Isn’t The Reason Your Brand Isn’t Growing Separating yourself from being "normal" and venturing off into your own business can be a lot of good and bad things. It can be exciting, it can nerve-wracking, it can be frustrating, and it can humbling. Venturing off into your own business can be exciting because you’re doing something you love, nerve-wracking because running your own brand comes with a lot of... Fake Women Empowerment Is A Thing That Really Shouldn’t Exist At All There is no specific definition for women empowerment. Since the late 1840’s women have been fighting for equality. From economic empowerment to political empowerment, women have been battling gender-related barriers to break down the social norms of women like sexual harassment, career progression and unequal pay, where women are paid less than men are for performing the same...
On the occasion of summer and the variety of vegetables it offers us, this article is dedicated to the Greek Mediterranean diet, which is rich in vegetables and raw materials from the Greek land. The dishes “ladera” are the protagonists of the summer in the Greek traditional cuisine and as the word itself testifies, they are perfectly interwoven with the olive oil. The main ingredients of these dishes are olive oil and vegetables. Generations and generations have grown up with these foods, Greeks and tourists are always looking for them to taste them during their summer vacations. Okra, green beans, broad beans, peas, aubergines are just some of the dishes that belong to the category of “ladera” and most often cooked from at least one type of vegetables, herbs and always with olive oil. “Ladera” symbolize the homemade and healthy food, exude the warmth and hospitality of Greek households and are part of the Mediterranean way of life and culture of the Greeks. They are almost always accompanied by bread and feta cheese. The “ladera” are always cooked with olive oil and it is even better when the olive oil is added at the end of cooking or even to our own dish. In this case we always prefer extra virgin olive oil because it is rich in vitamin E, polyphenols and antioxidants, therefore it is an ally in the good health of our body. If we want an even more balanced and harmonious taste in combination with the beneficial properties of extra virgin olive oil, we could choose different varieties of olive oil from all over Greece and marry them with the corresponding “ladera” dishes. For example, we should choose with the peas that have a sweet taste an extra virgin olive oil more bitter and spicy as Koroneiki variety, with the beans an extra virgin olive oil that has a strong aroma and taste of tomato (Halkidiki variety) because the tomato salad always goes well with this dish and with the okra an extra virgin olive oil sweeter in taste (manaki variety) so as not to lose the intensity given to them by the lemon during cooking. The “ladera” apart from part of the traditional Greek cuisine and the culture of the Greeks in the food could be easily a lifestyle that more and more included in the diet of the younger ones because it is a vegan dish without any animal fat rich in vitamins and antioxidants, against the wear and tear of time that free radicals in our body release thanks to the presence of olive oil. Irini Kokolaki Expert of virgin olive oil tasting Diplomate of the University of Jaen, Spain Quality consulter
1: The water molecule Quiz Please sign up for the course before taking this quiz. 1. The words “hydrogen ion” and “proton” can be used interchangeably.1 2. Which one of these does a water molecule NOT do?1 3. Regular water never has any ions (H+ or OH-) in it.1 4. What do you call H3O?1 5. Water is a polar molecule.1 True / False 6. What percentage of an adult human body is water molecules?1 7. What is another name for a hydrogen ion?1 8. An oxygen atom has how many protons?1 9. NaOH (sodium hydroxide) will dissolve in water because it is…1 10. How many protons does a hydrogen atom have?1 11. The oxygen atom of the water molecule has a slightly negative charge to it.1 12. What causes salt to dissolve in water?1 13. When a molecule has one side that is more negative and one side that is more positive, we say that the atom is…1 14. Water molecules can break apart into and H+ and an OH-. What is the OH- part called?1 15. Why does the “ear” side of the water molecule have a positive electrical charge?1 16. The Periodic Table is a complete list of all known…1 Back to: 1: The water molecule
Has Science Discovered God? Einstein didn’t believe it was possible. Stephen Hawking said it might be the greatest scientific discovery of all time. What discovery has baffled the greatest scientific minds of the past century, and why has it caused them to rethink the origin of our universe? New, more powerful, telescopes have revealed mysteries about our universe that have raised new questions about the origin of life. Has science discovered God? But wait a minute! Hasn’t science proven we don’t need God to explain the universe? Lightning, earthquakes and even babies used to be explained as acts of God. But now we know better. What is it about this discovery that is so fundamentally different, and why has it stunned the scientific world? This discovery and what molecular biologists have learned about the sophisticated coding within DNA have many scientists now admitting that the universe appears to be part of a grand design. One cosmologist put it this way: “Many scientists, when they admit their views, incline toward the teleological or design argument.”[1] Surprisingly, many scientists who are talking about God have no religious belief whatsoever. [2] So, what are these stunning discoveries that have scientists suddenly speaking of God? Three revolutionary discoveries from the fields of astronomy and molecular biology stand out: 1. The universe had a beginning 2. The universe is just right for life 3. DNA coding reveals intelligence The statements leading scientists have made about these discoveries may shock you. Let’s take a look. One-Time Beginning Since the dawn of civilization man has gazed in awe at the stars, wondering what they are and how they got there. Although on a clear night the unaided human eye can see about 6,000 stars, Hubble and other powerful telescopes indicate there are trillions of them clustered in over 100 billion galaxies. Our sun is like one grain of sand amidst the world’s beaches. However, prior to the 20th century, the majority of scientists believed our own Milky Way galaxy was the entire universe, and that only about 100 million stars existed. Most scientists believed that our universe never had a beginning. They believed mass, space and energy had always existed. But in the early 20th century, astronomer Edwin Hubble discovered the universe is expanding. Rewinding the process mathematically, he calculated that everything in the universe, including matter, energy, space and even time itself, actually had a beginning. Shockwaves rang loudly throughout the scientific community. Many scientists, including Einstein, reacted negatively. In what Einstein later called “the biggest blunder of my life,” he fudged the equations to avoid the implication of a beginning. [3] Perhaps the most vocal adversary of a beginning to the universe was British astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle, who sarcastically nicknamed the creation event a “big bang.” He stubbornly held to his steady state theory that the universe has always existed. So did Einstein and other scientists until the evidence for a beginning became overwhelming. The “elephant in the room” implication of a beginning is that something or Someone beyond scientific investigation must have started it all. Finally, in 1992, COBE satellite experiments proved that the universe really did have a one-time beginning in an incredible flash of light and energy. [4] Although some scientists called it the moment of creation, most preferred referring to it as the “big bang.” Astronomer Robert Jastrow tries to help us imagine how it all began. “The picture suggests the explosion of a cosmic hydrogen bomb. The instant in which the cosmic bomb exploded marked the birth of the Universe.” [5] Everything from Nothing Science is unable to tell us what or who caused the universe to begin. But some believe it clearly points to a Creator. “British theorist, Edward Milne, wrote a mathematical treatise on relativity which concluded by saying, ‘As to the first cause of the Universe, in the context of expansion, that is left for the reader to insert, but our picture is incomplete without Him.’” [6] Another British scientist, Edmund Whittaker attributed the beginning of our universe to “Divine will constituting Nature from nothingness.” [7] Many scientists were struck by the parallel of a one-time creation event from nothing with the biblical creation account in Genesis 1:1. [8] Prior to this discovery, many scientists regarded the biblical account of creation from nothing as unscientific. Although he called himself an agnostic, Jastrow was compelled by the evidence to admit, “Now we see how the astronomical evidence leads to a biblical view of the origin of the world.” [9] Another agnostic, George Smoot, the Nobel Prize winning scientist in charge of the COBE experiment, also admits to the parallel. “There is no doubt that a parallel exists between the big bang as an event and the Christian notion of creation from nothing.”[10] Scientists who used to scoff at the Bible as a book of fairy tales, are now admitting that the biblical concept of creation from nothing has been right all along. Cosmologists, who specialize in the study of the universe and its origins, soon realized that a chance cosmic explosion could never bring about life any more than a nuclear bomb would—unless it was precisely engineered to do so. And that meant a designer must have planned it. They began using words like, “Super-intellect,” “Creator,” and even “Supreme Being” to describe this designer. Let’s look at why. Finely-Tuned for Life Accident or Miracle? But couldn’t this fine-tuning be attributed to chance? After all, odds-makers know that even long shots can eventually win at the racetrack. And, against heavy odds, lotteries are eventually won by someone. So, what are the odds against human life existing by chance from a random explosion in cosmic history? For human life to be possible from a big bang defies the laws of probability. One astronomer calculates the odds at less than 1 chance in a trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion. [14] It would be far easier for a blind-folded person—in one try— to discover one specially marked grain of sand out of all the beaches of the world. Another example of how unlikely it would be for a random big bang to produce life is one person winning over a thousand consecutive mega-million dollar lotteries after purchasing only a single ticket for each. What would be your reaction to such news? Impossible—unless it was fixed by someone behind the scenes, which is what everyone would think. And that is what many scientists are concluding—Someone behind the scenes designed and created the universe. This new understanding of how miraculous human life is in our universe led the agnostic astronomer George Greenstein to ask, “Is it possible that suddenly, without intending to, we have stumbled upon the scientific proof of the existence of a Supreme Being?”[15] However, as an agnostic, Greenstein maintains his faith in science, rather than a Creator, to ultimately explain our origins. [16] Jastrow explains why some scientists are reluctant to accept a transcendent Creator, There is a kind of religion in science; it is the religion of a person who believes there is order and harmony in the Universe…This religious faith of the scientist is violated by the discovery that the world had a beginning under conditions in which the known laws of physics are not valid, and as a product of forces or circumstances we cannot discover. When that happens, the scientist has lost control. If he really examined the implications, he would be traumatized. [17] It is understandable why scientists like Greenstein and Hawking seek other explanations rather than attribute our finely-tuned universe to a Creator. Hawking speculates that other unseen (and unprovable) universes may exist, increasing the odds that one of them (ours) is perfectly fine-tuned for life. However, since his proposal is speculative, and outside of verification, it can hardly be called “scientific.” Although he is also an agnostic, British astrophysicist Paul Davies dismisses Hawking’s idea as too speculative. He writes, “Such a belief must rest on faith rather than observation.” [18] Although Hawking continues leading the charge to explore purely scientific explanations for our origins, other scientists, including many agnostics, have acknowledged what appears to be overwhelming evidence for a Creator. Hoyle wrote, Although Einstein wasn’t religious, and didn’t believe in a personal God, he called the genius behind the universe “an intelligence of such superiority that, compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection.”[20] Atheist Christopher Hitchens, who spent much of his life writing and debating against God, was most perplexed by the fact that life couldn’t exist if things were different by just “one degree or one hair.” [21] Davies acknowledges, There is for me powerful evidence that there is something going on behind it all. It seems as though somebody has fine-tuned nature’s numbers to make the Universe…. The impression of design is overwhelming. [22] DNA: The Language of Life Astronomy is not the only area where science has seen evidence for design. Molecular biologists have discovered intricately complex design in the microscopic world of DNA. In the past century, scientists learned that a tiny molecule called DNA is the “brains” behind each cell in our bodies as well as every other living thing. Yet the more they discover about DNA, the more amazed they are at the brilliance behind it. Scientists who believe the material world is all that exists (materialists), like Richard Dawkins, argue DNA evolved by natural selection without a Creator. Yet even most ardent evolutionists admit that the origin of DNA’s intricate complexity is unexplainable. DNA’s intricate complexity caused its co-discoverer, Francis Crick, to believe that it could never have originated on earth naturally. Crick, an evolutionist who believed life is too complex to have originated on earth, and must have come from outer space, wrote, An honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only state that in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to almost be a miracle, so many are the conditions which would have had to have been satisfied to get it going.[23] The coding behind DNA reveals such intelligence that it staggers the imagination. A mere pinhead of DNA contains information equivalent to a stack of paperback books that would encircle the earth 5,000 times. And DNA operates like a language with its own extremely complex software code. Microsoft founder Bill Gates says that the software of DNA is “far, far more complex than any software we have ever developed.”[24] Dawkins and other materialists believe that all this complexity originated through natural selection. Yet, as Crick remarked, natural selection could never have produced the first molecule. Many scientists believe that the coding within the DNA molecule points to an intelligence far exceeding what could have occurred by natural causes. In the early 21st century, leading atheist Antony Flew’s atheism came to an abrupt end when he studied the intelligence behind DNA. Flew explains what changed his opinion. What I think the DNA material has done is to show that intelligence must have been involved in getting these extraordinarily diverse elements together. The enormous complexity by which the results were achieved look to me like the work of intelligence…. It now seems to me that the finding of more than fifty years of DNA research have provided materials for a new and enormously powerful argument to design.[25] Although Flew was not a Christian, he admitted that the “software” behind DNA is far too complex to have originated without a “designer.” The discovery of the incredible intelligence behind DNA has, in this former leading atheist’s words, “provided materials for a new and enormously powerful argument to design.” Fingerprints of a Creator Are scientists now convinced that a Creator has left his “fingerprints” on the universe? Although many scientists are still bent on squeezing God out of the universe, most recognize the religious implications of these new discoveries. In his book, The Grand Design, Stephen Hawking, who doesn’t believe in a personal God, attempts to explain why the universe doesn’t need God. Yet when faced with the evidence, even Hawking, has also admitted, “There must be religious overtones. But I think most scientists prefer to shy away from the religious side of it.”[26] As an agnostic, Jastrow had no Christian agenda behind his conclusions. However, he freely acknowledges the compelling case for a Creator. Jastrow writes of the shock and despair experienced by scientists who thought they had squeezed God out of their world. A Personal Creator? If there is a superintelligent Creator, the question arises, what is he like? Is he just some Force like in Star Wars, or is he a personal Being like us? Since we are personal and relational beings, wouldn’t the one who created us also be personal and relational? Many scientists like Arthur L. Schawlow, Professor of Physics at Stanford University, winner of the Nobel Prize in physics, believe that these new discoveries provide compelling evidence for a personal God. He writes, “It seems to me that when confronted with the marvels of life and the universe, one must ask why and not just how. The only possible answers are religious…. I find a need for God in the universe and in my own life.”[28] If God is personal and since he has given us the ability to communicate, wouldn’t we expect him to communicate with us and let us know why we are here? As we have seen, science is unable to answer questions about God and the purpose for life. However, since the Bible was right about creation from nothing, might it also be trustworthy regarding God, life and purpose? Two thousand years ago a man set foot on our planet who claimed to have the answer to life. Although his time on earth was brief, his impact changed the world, and is still felt today. His name is Jesus Christ. The eyewitnesses to Jesus Christ tell us that he continually demonstrated creative power over nature’s laws. They tell us he was wise, humble and compassionate. He healed the lame, deaf and blind. He stopped raging storms instantly, created food for the hungry on the spot, turned water into wine at a wedding, and even raised the dead. And they claimed after his brutal execution, he rose from the dead. They also tell us that Jesus Christ is the one who flung the stars into space, fine-tuned our universe and created DNA. Could he be the one of whom Einstein unknowingly referred to as the “superintelligence” behind the universe. Could Jesus Christ be the one of whom Hoyle unknowingly referred to as having “monkeyed with physics, chemistry and biology?” Has the mystery of who was behind the big bang and the intelligence of DNA been revealed in the following account from the New Testament? Now Christ is the visible expression of the invisible God. He existed before creation began, for it was through him that everything was made, whether spiritual or material, seen or unseen. Through him, and for him, also, were created power and dominion, ownership and authority. In fact, every single thing was created through, and for him….Life from nothing began through him, and life from the dead began through him, and he is, therefore, justly called the Lord of all. [29] Jesus spoke with authority about God’s love for us and the reason he created us. He said he has a plan for our lives, and that plan centers on a relationship with himself. But for that relationship to be possible, Jesus had to die on the cross for our sins. And it was necessary for him to rise from the dead so that we too could have life after death. [30] If Jesus was the Creator, he certainly would have the power over life and death. And those closest to him claim they saw him alive after he died and was buried for three days. Did Jesus Really Rise From The Dead? The apostle Paul tells us that life from the dead began through Jesus Christ. The eyewitnesses to Jesus Christ actually spoke and acted like they believed he physically rose from the dead after his crucifixion. If they were wrong then Christianity has been founded upon a lie. But if they were right, such a miracle would substantiate all Jesus said about God, himself, and us. But must we take the resurrection of Jesus Christ by faith alone, or is there solid historical evidence? Several skeptics began investigations into the historical record to prove the resurrection account false. What did they discover? 2. An atheist believes God doesn’t exist. An agnostic believes we can’t know. 3. Brian Greene, The Elegant Universe (New York: Vintage, 2000), 81-82. 4. George Smoot and Keay Davidson, Wrinkles in Time (New York: Avon, 1993), 241. 5. Robert Jastrow, God and the Astronomers, (London: W. W. Norton, 1992), 13. 6. Ibid., 104. 7. Ibid., 103. 9. Jastrow, 14. 10. Smoot and Davidson, 17. 11. Stephen Hawking, The Illustrated A Brief History of Time (New York: Bantam, 1996), 156. 12. Hugh Ross, The Creator and the Cosmos (3rd ed.) (Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 2001), 224. 13. Stephen Hawking, A Brief History of Time (New York: Bantam, 1990), 125. 14. Hugh Ross, The Creator and the Cosmos (Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 2001), 198. 15. George Greenstein, The Symbiotic Universe (New York: William Morrow, 1988), 27. 16. Ibid., 189. 17. Jastrow, 105. 18. Paul Davies, God and the New Physics (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1983), 174. 19. Fred Hoyle, “Let there be Light,” Engineering and Science (November 1981). 20. Albert Einstein, Ideas and Opinions—The World As I See It (New York: Bonanza, 1931), 40. 21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDJ9BL38PrI 22. Paul Davies, The Cosmic Blueprint (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1988), 203. 23. Francis Crick, Life Itself (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1981), 88. 24. Quoted in William A. Dembski and James M. Kushiner, eds., Signs of Intelligence (Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos, 2001), 108. 25. Quoted in Gary Habermas, “My Pilgrimage from Atheism to Theism”: Interview with Antony Flew, Philosophia Christi, (Winter, 2005). 26. John Boslough, Stephen Hawking’s Universe (New York: Avon, 1989), 109. 27. Jastrow, 107. 29. Colossians 1:15-17, J. B. Phillips. 30. John 3:16; John 14:19. Permission to reproduce this article: Publisher grants permission to reproduce this material without written approval, but only in its entirety and only for non-profit use. No part of this material may be altered or used out of context without publisher’s written permission. Printed copies of this article and Y-Origins and Y-Jesus magazine may be ordered here. © 2013 JesusOnline Ministries. This article is a supplement to Y-Jesus magazine by Bright Media Foundation & B&L Publications: Larry Chapman, Chief Editor. Download as PDF. Print your tickets
I'm currently testing events that include numeric values: const level = new BN(1); truffleAssert.eventEmitted(tx, 'EventName', {level}); As you can see, the level variable is a BN, and holds the correct value, I've already checked that. However two BN objects seem not to be equal when comparing through eventEmitted. I know I can do it in the following way: const level = new BN(1); truffleAssert.eventEmitted(tx, 'EventName', e => e.level.toString() === level.toString()); However this second way is less intuitive, longer to write, harder to maintain and definitely much dirtier. Do you guys know if there's a workaround to make this work using objects rather than filter functions? Actually never mind, I just found the solution, which is definitely not very intuitive. I leave it here in case it can help someone. const level = web3.utils.toBN(1); // <------ we must use this function truffleAssert.eventEmitted(tx, 'EventName', {level}); // now this works So just using web3.utils.toBN suffices. | improve this answer | | Your Answer
Inspired Writing As I have mentioned before, I am writing my book “Revisiting the Laws of Attraction”. My personal journey and studies into manifesting an abundant life. I look at the chapters and topics I have written so far, and the writing seems like an endless task of joy and love. I think on that thought, an endless task, and as a writer, that is a correct assumption. A writer’s job, especially an inspired writer, is never complete. We always have new thoughts, ideas and discoveries. As one book comes to completion another is unfolding. What an incredible journey and love, sharing and inspiration. The “ah ha” moment I had the other day has to do with the format. “Revisiting the Laws” is sort of like a journal. These are small excerpt of thought, experiences and new ideas. There is a good reason for this format though. I want to inspire people, motivate people and watch them open to their ah ha moments as well. We are living in the most amazing time of a new spiritual awakening. In this world of high technology, we can connect and share in ways unfathomable a century ago. But in all the ease and openness we have in our lives we are working harder, striving more, and feel more disconnected than ever. Depression, anxiety, loneliness, anger, fear and the like are on the rise. Every person at one point in their life can relate to one or more of these feelings. In the awakening we learn that these are signs of our disconnection to the greater whole of life. The universal creative spirit that connections all things and everyone. When you begin tapping into your source energy which is connected to all that is, you begin to see glimpses of happiness, joy, dreaming possibilities, seeing opportunities, meeting the right people at the right time, life begins to have a new meaning, purpose is birthed in and through you. In today’s world that is so rushed and so busy, we feel we lack time. When is the last time you sat and read a book? If you are like me, you can devour 2-3 books a week. I use all forms to accomplish this. I have my Nook and Kindle for electronic reading, I have my audible books for my commutes, and my favorite is the actual paper books. There is something very comforting to me to hold a paper book in my hand and flip through the pages, highlight key ideas, or jot notes in the margins. If I feel a title is one that will inspire, educate or possible fill in my collection better I order the book. If it is available, I select the hardback over the paperback. I love surrounding myself with books and I want them to last. My dream is to have a house with a library in it, full of my favorite and most inspiring books to share. Photo by Pixabay on As I was getting at earlier though, we are starved for time. Who has time to sit down and read long chapters that describe in detail every thought and idea? I want this book to be one that uplifts and inspires people to be the best they can be. I want it in a format that people can sit down for fifteen to twenty minutes and read something that makes them laugh, or think, or feel differently. If you are tired, challenged, or feeling down, you can read a short chapter or two and feel uplifted. You can with just a few minutes, raise your spiritual vibration enough that you can go forth in the next segment of your day with a connection to source that will let the energy flow that brings abundance into your life. Abundant joy, peace, inspiration, and flow. I am looking forward to writing more fun chapters for this book. I can see it as a book that rests on a desk at work, in a mother’s purse, on a bed side table. One of those books that people go back to time and again to help them elevate their spiritual vibration when they feel off. A book to motivate when the day is challenging. Author and speaker Dr. Wayne Dyer say, “When you change the way you think, the way you think changes”. You can also think of this as: when you change the way you look at the world, they way you look at the world will change.” This is not just a cute play on words, if you really listen to those phrases, they make great sense, this is where awakening occurs. When people think of abundance they mostly think of money and wealth. Achieving money and wealth in abundance is the byproduct of being abundant in all areas of life. It isn’t about the stuff; it is about the emotions and feelings first. When you are first abundant in joy, happiness, thanksgiving and gratitude then the other abundance will follow; relationships, opportunities, health, wealth and achieving your dreams. We often think, because we were taught to think, that if we achieve enough wealth, power, stature, importance, then we can be happy. If you look through history though many wealthy people are terribly unhappy. So, there is a missing link. The truly successful people, those who you see have the full life success and are also joy filled, have figured out the secret. They apply, consciously or unconsciously, the Universal laws of attraction. They focus in being connected, seeking joy and happiness and then the inspiration, coincidences, opportunities flow into their lives. When you are connected to the spirit or source, you are connected to the intuition and personal guidance that will draw to you that which you desire. What will be in this book? The fountain of youth, the keys to understanding, a spiritual pathway to connecting to the creative God force energy that is everyone and everything. I share these in my little tidbits of personal experiences, stories shared from others, and inspirational thoughts I have. When you have a few minutes, you can pull it out and read a little to remind yourself that life is meant to be joyful. Life is meant to be a grand adventure. Life is meant to be appreciated. We can step out of the past, not fear the future, and relish the amazing beauty in the now.
As we mentioned in the first part of this series “There are so many people and people groups who have not heard the Gospel. The truth about how many people have never heard is staggering. The sad fact is that many Christians in relatively wealthy parts of the world (e.g. United States, Canada, UK, Europe) give very little thought, concern, time or money toward reaching the lost in relatively poor parts of the world (e.g. 10/40 Window). Is it because they don’t have a burden for the lost? Why would Christians who understand the task Jesus Christ has given His Church not feel the burden to finish the task? More than half of the world’s population lives in that 10/40 Window. The vast majority of the people living in that area of the world (approximately 90%) have not heard the life-saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism are the predominant religions in the 10/40 Window. Atheistic Communism is also a huge obstacle in that region of the world. Preaching the Gospel there truly is an unfinished task for Christians.” Pakistan is a Muslim country with an estimated population of about 221 million people. About 95-98% of the population are Muslim (approximately 90% Sunni). Hinduism and Christianity are small minority religions in Pakistan. Christians (less than 2% of the total population) are almost evenly split between Catholics and Protestants. Pakistan is definitely a mission field in the 10/40 Window. We have communicated with many Pakistani Christians through the years, including pastors and evangelists. Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashto and Urdu are some of the languages spoken in Pakistan. Many people also speak English. We have some of our GraceLife Bible studies available in Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashto and Urdu at GraceLife eBooks Translated and will be adding more in the near future. One of the Christians we’ve supported in Pakistan helps feed widows and their children. He approached GraceLife about helping start a sewing center so the widows could earn money to help feed their children. Our discussion led to the beginning of the Grace Sewing Center. Grace Sewing Center in Pakistan Grace Sewing Center in Pakistan As you can see from the pictures above, the small sewing center now has two machines and tables where the women work together. There are about 15 widows who are learning to sew to make clothing to sell in the community to help feed their children. The center has room for five sewing machines, so we need three more. Each machine costs $50 and each table is $35, so that’s a need for $255. The monthly cost of a center director, sewing teacher, room rental and sewing supplies is about $150. More about how to help in a moment. Widows and Orphans James 1:27 God’s heart is tender toward widows and orphans. Psalm 68 calls Him “A father of the fatherless, a defender of widows.” The fact that God feels that way toward orphans and widows should cause Christians to feel the same. We invite you to support the Grace Sewing Center in Pakistan. You can email us at and we will put you in contact with the Christian leaders in Pakistan involved with the center to learn more about the ministry and how you can help as God leads. The potential for helping these women earn money to support themselves and their children is great. Please pray for the widows, their children and the Christian leaders involved in this new ministry. GraceLife Ministries™ 1990-2020
Consumers with Food Sensitivities When an individual develops symptoms from eating a food that does not normally cause such symptoms in others, then that person is described as having a food sensitivity (or sometimes a food hypersensitivity). Food sensitivities are divided into different types depending on what body system is involved in the reaction. This page will describe these different reaction types. It will also explain the importance of an accurate diagnosis and correct treatment. Additionally, it will also give a brief explanation of why individualized dietary advice is important. Throughout this section for the consumer with food sensitivities, there will be links to other web pages that can provide more detailed information about the differing food sensitivity conditions and how they can be managed day-to-day. Types of Sensitivity Reactions Food Allergy When an individual reacts to a food they generally describe themselves as having a food allergy, but such reactions may not always be a food allergy according to its medical definition. A food allergy is when an adverse reaction to a food is due to the individual's own immune system. Food allergies can themselves be split into different types. One type of reaction requires the presence of a certain antibody called immunoglobulin E (usually shortened to IgE). This immunoglobulin plays an essential role in food allergy reactions, acting as a 'go- between' within the immune system, facilitating the reaction. These types of reactions are called IgE-mediated Food Allergies (sometimes called antibody-mediated food allergies) and they generally occur quite soon after the food is eaten (sometimes within a minute) although some symptoms may take a few hours to appear. Thus, these reactions are also sometimes known as immediate hypersensitivity reactions. These types of reactions can cause the severe reactions to food we hear about in the news such as swollen lips and throat, hives, and/or a severe drop in blood pressure. However, they can also cause other symptoms such as vomiting, diarrheaFARE (Food Allergy Research and Education) logo, eczema and asthma. More information on these conditions and how to manage them can be found at the FARE (Food Allergy Research and Education) website. Reactions where different cells of the immune system (not IgE) are involved are called non-IgE mediated food allergies (sometimes called Cell-Mediated Food Allergy). These adverse reactions to foods are not immediately life-threatening but they can still be serious. If they are not treated correctly the sufferer may become very ill. Even in cases that do not become serious, the sufferer is often in great discomfort which can become both mentally and physically draining if left untreated. Many non-IgE mediated conditions involve the digestive system (such as gastro-esophageal reflux, food protein-induced enteropathy and food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome). Some eczema can be non-IgE mediated and a condition called Heiner's Syndrome is also a non-IgE mediated food allergy which affects breathing. Celiac disease is a non-IgE mediated food allergy although it is often considered a distinct condition separate from food allergy. Further information on food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (ofteFPIES foundation logon referred to as FPIES) and other food protein induced enteropathies can be found in the separate section of this website called 'FPIES' and also from the FPIES Foundation website. There is also a separate section on Celiac disease. Additional advice National Foundation for Celiac Awareness (NFCA) logoand guidance can be found at the website of Beyond Celiac, formerly known as the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness (NFCA). There are food allergies where both IgE and other factors within the immune system are required to be present and active. Such conditions are collectively called eosinophilic disorders and include eosinophilic esophagitis, eosinophilic gastritis and eoAmerican partnership for eosinophilic disorders (Apfed) logosinophilic gastroenterocolitis. Details of these conditions can be found in the separate section of this website called Eosinophilic disorders and also from the website of the American Partnership for Eosinophilic Disorders (Apfed) Food Sensitivities Not Involving the Immune System These conditions are often called food intolerances although your Clinician/Health care worker may call them non-allergic food hypersensitivities. These conditions are not as well understood as those which involve the immune system (i.e. food allergies). They may be due to an individual being very sensitive to the pharmacological effect of some food ingredients (e.g. caffeine, biogenic amines, alcohol, or certain food additives) or they may be due to an enzyme deficiency. Conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, rhinitis, hyperactivity, migraine, tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), and urticaria (hives) have been reported as being due to or worsened by certain types of food but the evidence for any association is not strong. On the other hand, reactions due to enzyme deficiencies are well documented and understood. The best example is lactose intolerance caused by a deficiency or partial deficiency of the enzyme, lactase, in affected individuals. The deficiency in lactase leads to an intolerance to milk and milk products that contain lactose or milk sugar. Diagnosis and Treatment Since the elimination of any food from the diet is difficult and can cause a nutritional deficiency (particularly in infants and young children), it is very important that any suspected reaction to a food is investigated medically. Without expert medical assiAAAAI Logostance, individuals often identify food as the cause of the symptoms when it is not or else they identify the wrong food or too many foods. This can lead to unnecessary avoidance diets. Additionally, getting an accurate diagnosis from an allergist will allow access to any appropriate medication required to manage the condition. This is particularly important in cases of life-threatening reactions to foods. In the box on the right are links to help you to further investigate your symptoms to see if they may be related to food sensitivity (The Virtual Allergist) and how to find an allergist. We would recommend using these links to ensure that you see a recognized medical practitioner working in the world of food sensitivity to assure that you are getting the best available advice. Where available, a board-certified allergist (see the AAAAI web site) is often the best choice. Whatever the type of food sensitivity, the treatment of it is the same, avoidance of the food that causes the reaction. The extent to which a food needs to be avoided and how that is best done differs according to the condition and the food to be avoided. Any dietary manipulation should not be carried out without consultation with a health professional who as well as being qualEat Right Logoified in the field of food sensitivities, are also qualified in nutritional counselling (ideally a registered dietitian). This ensures you get an individual dietary management plan so that you know what to eat to make sure your diet is giving you all the nutrients you need. Follow up care by the nutritional practitioner is also recommended to ensure the on-going diet is nutritionally adequate. How regularly this follow-up is needed will depend on the age of the patient and how many and what foods are being cut out of the diet. Such nutritional advice is especially important for infants and children. Regardless of how hard a person with a food sensitivity tries to avoid eating the food which they react to, it is possible that this may happen. The actions that need to be taken after the food has been eaten are different according to what type of sensitivity you have. It is important that anyone with a food sensitivity themselves or anyone caring for someone with a food sensitivity knows what to do during/after a reaction, from understanding when to seek medical assistance (and how) to finding out what exactly caused the reaction (this is not always obvious). These details are given in the section entitled 'Life saving/food safety issues'. Written by Kate Grimshaw PhD RD November 2013 (updated April 24, 2017)
Images representing 7 different types of instant transfer fraud 7 Types of Instant Transfer Fraud You Should Worry About Instant money transfers allow customers, as the name suggests, to move money in seconds instead of days. While this capability opens new avenues for consumers, it also comes with a very real, very risky side effect: the threat of instant transfer fraud losses. With instant money transfers, once funds are delivered, victims will not have time to contact their banks or financial institutions to stop or reverse a transaction. Banks, meanwhile, lack the bandwidth and resources to review numerous transactions to determine which ones are fraudulent and which ones are legitimate. If the transfer is approved, fraudsters, scammers, con artists, and other nefarious characters have immediate access to the funds, and there is little that banks or customers can do to recover the money. The following outlines seven common scams and frauds that involve instant money transfers, how they work in an instant transfer environment, and how machine learning rules can detect fraud and protect customers, employees, and businesses from falling victim to various scams. 1. Authorized Push Payment Fraud What is Authorized Push Payment Fraud? An authorized push payment (APP) is a type of money transfer scam that occurs when a customer is tricked into transferring money to an account controlled by a criminal. This type of fraud relies heavily on the targeted individual trusting the person whom the fraudster is impersonating. The fraudster could pretend to be a representative of a victim’s bank, for example, claim that their account has been compromised and urge them to move money to a different account that they operate. This was one of the most common types of fraud against businesses last year and is on track to continue the trend this year. APP fraud has notably risen in the U.K. market where losses reached £456 million ($603.7 million USD) last year, up from £354 million ($468.7 million USD) the previous year. How Setting Transfer Limits Helps Stop APP Fraud The most effective way to stay vigilant against fraud is to know your customers’ normal behaviors. Understanding what constitutes normal can help your organization to realize when a customer is engaged in risky behaviors or if they are about to make a high-risk transfer. Rules-based machine learning systems can stop transfers from being completed if, for example, the number of transfers the user made in a recent span of time is far greater than the number of transfers they have made in the past few months, if the sender attempts to transfer money to several new recipients, or if the value of the transfer to new recipients is unusually high. Implementing these limits based on the knowledge of your customers’ normal behaviors can help your organization to stop fraudulent transactions from occurring. 2. Account Takeover Fraud What is Account Takeover Fraud? In the case of account takeover (ATO) fraud, a fraudster uses stolen credentials to access someone else’s money. Email addresses, phone numbers, credit card numbers, bank account numbers, or other personally identifiable account information can be used to gain access to a bank account. In other instances, fraudsters might purchase stolen login credentials from the dark web. Once fraudsters have access, they transfer money out of the breached account and into one of their own. Losses from ATO-based incidents surpassed $4 billion as recently as 2018. Understand Your Customers’ Normal Behaviors to Detect ATO Fraud. A rules-based system can help your organization to understand the way your customers typically engage with your platform and highlight suspicious patterns. The system can then flag these patterns to identify whether an ATO event is in progress. Activities that can trigger an alert can include changes of address, frequent updates to names on an account, attempted login attempts from unrecognized mobile devices, unfamiliar geographic locations, changes in the usual web browser for logins. Systems can also flag activities like money transfers to unfamiliar accounts, making purchases with new merchants, or using credit cards or debit cards to make unusual travel arrangements. 3. CEO Fraud What is CEO Fraud? When your boss wants something done right away, your first instinct is to scramble in order to make it happen. Fraudsters are counting on this reaction as a means to trick employees into committing fraud on their behalf. CEO fraud works when the criminal sends an employee an email, text message, or makes a phone call impersonating the company’s CEO or another high-level executive with an urgent request. The targeted employee is often someone who works in accounting, finance, or payroll and has the authority to approve outgoing payments. To pull off such a fraud, the criminal would first need to pull off a spear-phishing or a business executive compromise (BEC) event (or both) in order to steal the executive’s credentials. These stolen credentials can be used to commit additional fraud scams, including ATO attacks. Let the Rules Work For You Just as they can be used to understand a customer’s normal behaviors, rules-based systems can also develop an understanding of what is normal behavior for CEOs and employees. The system’s rules can trigger alerts if an employee starts to make an unusual number of direct deposits to new recipients or if large amounts of money are being transferred faster than normal. These same rules can also determine if the user was redirected to a financial services portal from an email instead of through the desktop or mobile device they normally use. The rules can also trigger an alert if an imposter CEO email was sent to multiple employees across an organization. 4. Mandate Fraud What is Mandate Fraud? Mandate fraud occurs when a company employee is manipulated into redirecting a legitimate payment like direct debits or bank transfers to a fraudster-controlled account. Having acquired personal details, such as a professional contact’s name or other information, a fraudster will impersonate the representative of a supplier or an executive that the employee already knows. Next, they convince the employee to alter their account information, possibly offering an excuse like switching FIs as a reason for the change. The scheme might not come to light until the legitimate supplier contacts the business to inquire about their missing payment. In the U.K. market, mandate fraud nearly reached £100 million ($131 million USD) in the 2018/19 fiscal year. In the United States, the FBI reported this type of fraudulent activity cost businesses $1.77 billion in losses in 2019. Follow the Money to Detect Suspicious Behavior Rules-based solutions can track and flag activities including when a supplier changes sensitive information like associated bank accounts. The solutions can also track the ecosystem of banks and detect suspicious patterns such as if several accounts from a single bank are making an unusually high number of payments to a single receiver account. These rules can be triggered if the number of debits from an account with no activity reported in the previous three months exceeds a set threshold. 5. Money Mule Fraud What is Money Mule Fraud? Money mules act as a middleman for fraudsters by making transfers on the bad actor’s behalf. There are three key types of money mule. First, an unwitting actor who has been deceived into participating in a scheme. These individuals might have been tricked by a romance or job opportunity scheme into opening up a bank account on someone else’s behalf. Second, there are witting mules who ignore the warnings of banks that they are being manipulated. These mules might remain convinced against all evidence that they stand to gain financially from the fraudster’s scheme and continue to follow instructions. Finally, there is the complicit mule who is aware of their connection to a criminal scheme. These individuals might already be profiting from fraud and travel to new markets to open accounts with legitimate banks, help criminals move money, and recruit other money mules into their scheme. The events of COVID-19 created numerous opportunities for money mule scams to target desperate individuals. Build an Account Profile to Stop Money Mules Organizations need to review a wide range of information in order to stay a step ahead of money mule activities. Building a profile can combine a wide range of information about a user and help organizations to detect money mule patterns before it is too late. Reviewing the profile can help organizations to build a holistic view of a user by assigning them a mule score at their application process and continuing to build on that score each time the user interfaces with the platform and different products. In addition to building a mule score, organizations can also profile users’ behavioral data, based on information like how often they log onto a platform and if the amount they transact in fluctuates radically in a short period of time. They can also review their combined inbound and outbound payment activity, and compare monetary sources of data – including bank accounts and transaction amounts – with non-monetary sources of data, such as devices and addresses to help identify suspicious patterns that could be linked to money mule activities. Click here to find more information on how to stop money mule fraud. 6. Payroll Scheme Fraud What is Payroll Scheme Fraud? Payroll fraud represents roughly 8.5 percent of all global fraud, according to data from the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. There are multiple ways for bad actors to pull off a payroll scheme and even some big-name corporations have fallen prey to this type of activity. Payroll fraud can be an inside job where an employee deliberately inflates the hours they have worked on their timesheet or submits a false overtime payment claim. In another insider scenario, a payroll employee could redirect payments from a recently terminated employee to their own account. In perhaps the spookiest example of payroll scheme fraud, companies are haunted by “ghost employees” — individuals who don’t actually work at the company but who collect a paycheck anyway. Even employers can commit payroll scheme fraud. This can happen if businesses deliberately misclassify full-time W2 employees as 1099 independent contractors in an effort to avoid payroll taxes. Prevent Payroll Fraud by Getting to Know Your Employees Stopping this type of fraud requires an organization to first become familiar with their employees’ normal patterns of behavior. This can be done through a two-prong approach: In the first prong, rules-based systems can be put into place to stop known bad employee behavior, such as detecting if an employee has been sending unusually large amounts of money to new recipients, whether the number of recipients that an employee typically sends money to has increased at a much faster pace than expected, or if the sender and recipient are in completely different geographic locations. The second prong addresses unknown employee behavior. That’s where machine learning becomes particularly useful. By building profiles around “normal” behavior, machine learning algorithms can detect deviations from baseline behavior and spot patterns that might have otherwise gone undetected. 7. Phishing What is Phishing? In a phishing attack, fraudsters will use a variety of tactics to deceive an individual into revealing personal information. These types of attacks could involve fraudsters using emails, phone calls, and websites and pretending to be legitimate businesses in order to deceive their target. Fraudsters often use an urgent tone of voice to convince their target to move quickly and transfer their money. These communications could contain links to fraudulent websites that have been designed to look like recognizable organizations (like eBay, for example). When the recipient clicks on the link, they can disclose their personal and payment information. This type of fraud has seen an uptick since the COVID-19 pandemic as more consumers shifted away from in-person to online commerce. Pinpoint the Abnormalities to Protect Your Employees & Customers Phishing attacks are similar to CEO fraud. However, instead of targeting a specific executive persona, a phishing attack can target just about anyone using email, phone calls, or SMS (a tactic known as smishing) communications. A system that understands how these individuals behave normally on a day-to-day basis will be in a stronger position to identify if an individual or customer has been targeted by a phishing scheme. A rules-based system can detect if a sender is making more transfers than normal (or that is allowed) to new recipients or are engaging with high-risk businesses or individuals. Key Takeaways With payments capable of moving in a matter of seconds, it’s more important than ever to understand how fraudsters operate in order to avoid falling prey to schemes. Instant transfers are intended to serve customers and businesses, not fraudsters. That’s why it is important to learn how instant transfer fraud can be pulled off. Rules-based machine learning solutions can help banks and businesses consider the larger picture to determine if an instant transfer poses a higher risk of fraud. The best way to prevent fraud is to ensure that you understand your customers’ normal patterns. Armed with this knowledge, machine learning rules can ensure instant transfers remain safe and secure for legitimate users. Download the eBook Money on the Move: Understanding Traditional vs. Instant Transfers to learn more about preventing instant payments from becoming instant fraud losses. It includes handy charts detailing types of transfers across the globe. Subscribe to stay infomed • Fraud prevention
Extremely overgrowth in property Reported in the Other category anonymously at 13:05, Wed 14 January 2015 Sent to Auckland Council 32 sec later. Javascript is required to view this map. Hi there, When the owner wanted to sub-partition the land so that he could profit from it, one of his highlights was that he promised the residents that he will maintain and upkeep the native tress and surroundings well. Looks like its only verbal EMPTY promises as the there is extreme overgrowth and weeds propagating all over the property. Please act on it asap and due to the extreme dry weather, a fire could destroy all the native bush around it. Is it just a wild notion (and i certain hope its not true) that this might just be a possible option the owner want "mother nature" to do so he could profit further from sub-partitioning the land? Isn't there a legal case ongoing and would the occurence of a fire impact the case if there are no longer native trees left in the property? Can provide a photo if you reply to this notice. Regards Ethan More issues nearby Provide an update Please note that updates are not sent to the Council. Issue lifecycle Please enter a time in 24 hour (eg. HH:MM) format. If no time is included, the default will be midnight on the specified date. The current time is: 1 November 2020 - 3:06pm This site is a beta version.
· Naturefund press release A very rare and odd bird: Harpy Eagle discovered For the first time in Honduras a Harpy  Eagle has been seen with offspring. The second largest bird in the world hides itself away in the dense jungles of Middle and South America and is extremly rare. First Harpy Eagle's nest in Honduras Anyone who has ever spotted a Harpy Eagle can consider themselves extremely lucky. The second largest bird in the world hides itself away in the dense jungles of Middle and South America and rears one offspring every 3 to 4 years in a nest that is usually hidden away at a height of 25 to 30 metres above the ground. Observing them, until recently was almost impossible. This is what makes the news from Honduras even more amazing: that a Harpy Eagle's nest with one offspring has been found in the Patuca National Park. This nest is the first one ever to be found in the Middle American State, and what's more, it was discovered by chance. While tracking jaguars for a study, the German nature photographer and filmer Herbert Dohlen and Dr. Louis Perrinjacket, a US tropical doctor, came across the sensation almost by accident. The Harpy Eagle's nest is one of the only three that have ever been documented in the whole of Middle America North of Panama. The other two sightings were made in Belize and Guatemala. Great importance to protect the rain forest Patuca This find, as unusual as it is, according to experts is very revealing for quite another reason: it illustrates the great importance of the current measures taken to protect the rain forest, and in turn how they assist the protection of species. Which is exactly what is happening in the Patuca National Park. The German conservation organisation Naturefund has been involved with the national park for five years. During this time, together with the national park management of the Asociación Patuca, more than 100 tree nurseries have been built, thousands of trees have been planted every year, and an immeasurable amount of trees have been saved from deforestation. Cooperation with local indigenous population As Katja Wiese from Naturefund has explained: „This was only possible because we worked together very intensively with the local indigenous population and convinced them of the inestimable value of their rain forest.“ Therefore, as well as the tree nurseries, Naturefund has established the so named „forest garden method“ in the national park. This method allows areas of destroyed forest to be reforested in an affordable way, while at the same time allowing the land to be used for agricultural means. Satellite images from the summer of 2011 show that in the area where Naturefund are active the rain forest is growing back. Even the conservationists didn't expect that all the effort they have put in over the years would be rewarded by such an unusual find. For them, the Harpy Eagle is a symbol that they are walking on the right path, and it is imperative that they continue to do so. As Nelly Paz, director of the Asociación Patuca has said: „We know that the Harpy Eagle needs a large territory of at least 150 square kilometres of dense, continuous forest with no human interruption. It is our long term aim, together with the people who live there, to ensure that this is made possible.“ Patuca National Park - young and big The Patuca National Park was only founded on the 1st of January 1999 and therefore is relatively young. However, it covers an area of 375.584 hectares and is the largest national park in Honduras. It also took a long time for the local people to appreciate the enormous ecological value of their forest. But since the sighting of the Harpy Eagle's offspring, which naturally caught the interest of experts from all over the world, the local people have developed a certain pride in „their national park“. At the same time, a committee of nature conservation organisations and government representatives has been founded to protect the Harpy Eagle. Their future goal is to pull together with all their strength to prevent the destruction of the rain forest and to protect the precious habitats of the Harpy Eagle and many other species. If you would like to make a donation to help protect the Harpy Eagle and the rain forest, please send all donations to the following account: Naturefund e. V., account number: 101261352, bank code number: 51050015, Nassauische Sparkasse, keyword: Patuca. For more information about the rain forest project, you can visit our site at: To the press fotos (in German)en/about_us/press/press_photos.html Press contact Naturefund Naturefund e. V., press relations Sonnenberger Str. 20a, 65193 Wiesbaden Tel.: +49 611 504 581 011, pressekontakt(at)naturefund.de Press contact Asociación Patuca Nelly Paz, Tel: +504 236 9910, [email protected], Skype: Nelly Paz, Honduras Asociación Patuca Colonia Villas del Río, Bloque D, Casa 1510 Municipio del Distrito Central, Honduras, C. A. P. S. Would you like to receive press releases of Naturefund? You can register here: Register for press releases Natur schützen Unterstützen Sie Naturefund und schützen Sie Natur. Naturefund e. V. Karl-Glässing-Straße 5 65183 Wiesbaden +49 611 504 581 011 Jetzt spenden Registriert beim Registergericht Wiesbaden, VR 3739 Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer: DE 293241718 Freistellungsbescheid: Als gemeinnützige Körperschaft befreit von der Körperschaftssteuer gem. §5 Abs.1 Nr.9 KStG unter der Steuernummer 43/250/76281. Ihre Spende an Naturefund kann steuerlich abgesetzt werden.
Show Posts Topics - cfx795 Pages: [1] 2 3 Hardware / desktop wireless card for P10 « on: August 14, 2019, 02:54:28 pm » I'm looking for advice with regards to a wireless card for my desktop computer. I was eyeing this card: I'm running Peppermint 10. I'm only broadcasting across the room at the moment, nothing special. Thx. Hardware / Printer for PM9 « on: July 04, 2019, 07:09:57 am » Haven't been on this forum in a while, generally just extremely content with desktop and laptop systems running PM9. I've chosen for quite a while, now, not to have a printer. I use it so rarely that it seemed best just to print over at the central library a few blocks from here. But now it seems like I'm printing things (typically it's some sort of return label) more frequently, and maybe it'd be easier to have a printer at home. I had a Samsung wireless laser printer that just stopped working. I had it printing via Google Cloud Print as opposed to computer operating system. That worked for a while and then. Yeah, not so well. I was printing things so rarely, like I said, that I simply tossed the printer and decided $0.10/copy at the library was a fine deal. But... if I were to get another printer... I've heard that HP printers are generally Linux compatible. I'm not sure whether I'd get ink jet or laser. I guess what I was thinking was something cheap to print an occasional mailing label, that sort of thing. I'm not sure I care about wireless. It could have a cable. I don't care whether I can tap my phone or teach it to sit up or roll over, or whatever. The main idea would just be to not have to walk over to the library every time I want to print a  shipping label.  I was looking at this one, which I presume would even come with deluxe ink and power button. Would I be able to find the drivers to run this printer on PM9? (10, 11, etc) I'm also certainly open to suggestions. Thanks. APPENDED: quite frankly I don't even care about color printing. B/W works. Hardware / Running primary and secondary drives on Dell laptop. « on: April 25, 2019, 01:37:49 pm » So I replaced the DVD-RW drive on this Dell e6430 laptop with a caddy and a second (toshiba/1TB) HDD. I have a 64GB SSD in the primary drive slot. I intend for this to be my boot drive and the large HDD as storage. I know I've  been through all this before on this forum, but I need a bit of hand-holding, as per usual. I can do this from "disks" right? What do I need to do to set up this sort of hybrid operation? CPU~Dual core Intel Core i5-3340M (-MT-MCP-) speed/max~1409/3400 MHz Kernel~4.15.0-47-generic x86_64 Up~1:07 Mem~1036.0/7880.1MB HDD~1064.2GB(0.9% used) Procs~204 Client~Shell inxi~2.3.56  Hardware / upgrade to wireless ac « on: April 18, 2019, 07:41:19 am » I'm thinking of upgrading my wireless network. Right now I've got this Motorola SBG6580 - combo modem/router. It's not that bad. Wired I generally get in excess of 200Mbps, downstream. Upstream, meh... 10? Today it was 11. My desktop's hard-wired into an ethernet cable. My Latitude laptop sits over there across the room with its older WiFi card, and it gets... well ok, today it's getting 24 (downstream) and 7 (up). That's the wireless I'm getting from a few feet away from the Motorola unit. I've gotten as high as 40 downstream. (yesterday I tested it, it was around 40) I'm thinking of upgrading to a wireless ac router. I have this Cisco DPC3008 modem that the cable company gave me, that I'm not currently using. I looked at the specs, it'll handle speed of up to 340Mbps. So what I'm thinking is that I'd be using this modem with a new wireless ac router. Not that I want to throw a lot of money at this thing. First of all, these speeds aren't that bad, as is. I mean, it's functional, especially inside my apartment. There's no one else besides me in this household, maximum 2 or 3 devices going at once. And not even actively going, just connected. (Maybe/sometimes) My phone, the Dell laptop, the Chromebook. That's absolute maximum. I don't give my WiFi password out to anyone else. Just me. The desktop is (and will continue to be) wired. Really more to the point might be range. Sometimes I pull up to the curb, I live downtown Madison, WI, and then I'm about 25 or 30ft from the modem/router. But the signal out there is actually pretty weak. So there's that - improving the range. I think I can get the wireless ac card for the e-series laptop for... maybe what? $20 or $25, Amazon or eBay. I'm thinking this Motorola modem/router sort the bottleneck in both range and speed. The other day I pulled up in the cab to the performing arts center, downtown. Just or the hell of it, I decided to test the WiFi that I was getting there, and was very surprised that it was like 100Mbps down and... I don't remember what it was upstream, but a lot faster than what I have at home. 40 or 60. Something. And I was getting this with my Chromebook. Wireless N, I think. I guess I'm just used to getting sort of sad, slow connections in public places, but maybe that's getting better as technology marches forward... This is the modem I'm looking at: from the manufacturer's website. It's about $50 on Amazon. Any thoughts? Hardware / Latitude e6430 « on: April 11, 2019, 03:23:58 am » I got a Latitude e6430 for $90. Works fine, I have it up and running PM9. It didn't come with a HDD or OS, just sort of bare drive bay or slot or whatever you call it. So I plugged my SSD in there and all seems well, so far. The SSD is, thus, unsecured in that drive bay, but I did order a HDD caddy cover. I should get that later today via USPS. Seems like there might be rubber rails or something that fit onto the sides of a HDD that would have originally fit into that drive slot? Do you need those for an SSD? I'm guessing I probably need some additional screws. I do have some computer screws, but mostly just for desktop cases, I don't know whether any of of them will be usable for this. I think think this is one of those 9 cell batteries, sort of sticks out at the back of the computer? 97Wh? I bought a dock, which looked great on paper. Not so much in practice. Just takes up quite a bit of space. I don't have much space. I seem to be brushing my hand up against the touchpad when I'm typing and sometimes highlight/deleting what I just typed, or else some other funky business where I inadvertently close the browser or something. I guess I just have clumsy hands and I'm not used to this whole touchpad/keypad configuration. I'm trying to keep my hands away from the touchpad when I'm typing. This machine came with 4GB RAM so I think I'll add some memory. Probably 8GB will do me. I have 16GB RAM in my desktop sort of "just because and why-not" but it's overkill - for me, I mean. I was going to look at what's already in there so that I know just what to order. Keep in mind I still haven't had this machine for 24hrs... Maybe some other upgrades... backlit keypad, 2nd drive there where there's currently a disk drive. I know someone in this forum told me there's also improved WiFi to be had since this machine was built and originally sold.  :-\ :-\ CPU~Dual core Intel Core i5-3340M (-MT-MCP-) speed/max~1312/3400 MHz Kernel~4.15.0-47-generic x86_64 Up~12:54 Mem~1269.3/3848.3MB HDD~64.0GB(13.2% used) Procs~203 Client~Shell inxi~2.3.56  Hardware / NVMe « on: January 28, 2019, 08:39:00 am » I'm looking at NVMe SSD's to fill that gaping void in my motherboard's M.2 slot. If I just want an SSD to fill that M.2 slot and don't want my brain to hurt from reading-and-thinking, should I just go with the Samsung 970 EVO? One wouldn't want to die from overexposure to specs and benchmarks, right?? There's apparently a 970 EVO Plus but I only saw it on I'm not sure the thing has really hit the shelves in North America. I'm afraid might charge a few bob or tuppence for shipping. You know how the Brits are. I was looking at these drives. Company called addlink. Never heard of them: The warranty isn't great, but the endurance rating (TBW) for some reason rather dramatically exceeds the Samsung drives, but maybe that's hype or bs. I wonder if it's accurate? I've also heard that most manufacturers greatly underestimate the endurance of their drives in the specs. So maybe Samsung did, and the other manufacturer didn't? Let me clarify that I use my drive primarily, almost exlusively, as a boot drive. Not much else. I don't have much, or any, data that is like. You know. Ark Of The Covenant-type stuff. I think what I have on this drive, right now, is... oh, let's see. Ah yes! The operating system. How much space does PM9 take? 7 or 8GB? Many times have I simply wiped my drive clean and installed a new OS, maybe store a few things in the cloud beforehand, but I'm really not much of a packrat. Probably a few times I've wiped something I meant to keep and thought oh well, I can find and replace it later... I'm a minimalist, I'm a low-power user, etc. I probably can't stress this enough. I'm always wondering how many of these numbers really only existsin the head of a prospective buyer, and maybe you benchmark it once and say yep, that's what they said it would do (or hopefully not "nope, that's really bad.") and then never again, and forget about it. I mean, I do get the sense that some of these lunatics really do spend a lot of time benchmarking. And that's fine, I'm not saying it's not normal. So what I mean to say is that I think this drive would be reading a lot more than it would be writing. Not that it doesn't appeal to me to have faster write speeds, you know, but I'm not sure at what price. I've heard some folks suggest that a 500GB drive might be the sweet spot for a lot of people - price/performance/capacity. Maybe. I think with most of these drives, the write speed nearly doubles when you move from the 250GB to the 500GB unit. That might actually compel me to spend a little more for the larger drive. Or maybe I'll just go with the slower write speed and buy a new sweater. I've always wanted a powder-blue lambswool sweater. This is my desktop system: System:    Host: mike-B360M-DS3H Kernel: 4.15.0-43-generic x86_64 bits: 64            Desktop: N/A Distro: Peppermint Nine Machine:   Device: desktop System: Gigabyte product: B360M-DS3H serial: N/A            Mobo: Gigabyte model: B360M DS3H v: x.x serial: N/A            UEFI [Legacy]: American Megatrends v: F6 date: 07/13/2018 Battery    hidpp__0: charge: N/A condition: NA/NA Wh CPU:       Quad core Intel Core i3-8100 (-MCP-) cache: 6144 KB            clock speeds: max: 3600 MHz 1: 800 MHz 2: 800 MHz 3: 800 MHz 4: 800 MHz Graphics:  Card: Intel Device 3e91            Display Server: x11 (X.Org 1.19.6 )            drivers: modesetting (unloaded: fbdev,vesa)            Resolution: [email protected]            OpenGL: renderer: Mesa DRI Intel HD Graphics (Coffeelake 3x8 GT2)            version: 4.5 Mesa 18.0.5 Audio:     Card-1 Intel Device a348 driver: snd_hda_intel            Card-2 C-Media CM108 Audio Controller driver: USB Audio            Sound: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture v: k4.15.0-43-generic Network:   Card: Realtek RTL8111/8168/8411 PCIE Gigabit Ethernet Controller            driver: r8169            IF: enp1s0 state: up speed: 1000 Mbps duplex: full mac: e0:d5:5e:ae:0e:64 Drives:    HDD Total Size: 64.0GB (13.6% used)            ID-1: /dev/sda model: Drevo_X1_pro_64G size: 64.0GB Partition: ID-1: / size: 59G used: 8.2G (15%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/sda1 Sensors:   System Temperatures: cpu: 40.0C mobo: 27.8C            Fan Speeds (in rpm): cpu: N/A Info:      Processes: 219 Uptime: 1 day Memory: 3795.3/15903.0MB            Client: Shell (bash) inxi: 2.3.56 I have some christmas$$ on Amazon from various sources. I've been thinking about upgrading my desktop system. I guess the real question I have is whether I would notice a difference, given my usage. I've got a 7th generation Celeron in there, right now, and I was thinking about upgrading to an i3-8100. But... I don't game. No video editing, or whatever.  I don't have a particular complaint with the G3930 Celeron. Is there really any point in upgrading?? I stream video, I web surf... stream music. Do you really need a quad-core cpu to do this sort of thing? Or, more to the point, am I likely to notice any improvement, whatsoever?? I thought I'd pose this question to people that actually seem to know what they're talking about on this forum, instead of reading user reviews on amazon or newegg, I feel like most of the folks on there. Well, you said keep it clean, so I digress... General Discussion / Dell e6430 « on: August 25, 2018, 05:41:32 pm » So I am thinking I might get one of these much-renowned Latitude 6430's, recommended by PCNetSpec, and others, some time ago. I'm presuming they still maintain ample utility in today's world, even if they were introduced many years back. There are a number of options on Ebay and Newegg; I'm trying to purchase from a vendor that looks legit, like Microsoft Authorized Refurbisher, a money-back guarantee, a one-year warranty. (I realize that electronics can fail at any time, but it seems likely that if you get a lemon, it's probably (often) going to rear its head sooner, rather than later.) So I'm looking at this: but of course there are a number of other options on Newegg and Ebay. I know there are i5's and i7's available, out there. I'm less interested in a really high-power machine than I am just something really solid, swappable, interchangeable, maybe you know what I mean. I'm just saying that for what I'm doing with this machine, it probably doesn't make a whole lot of difference whether it's an i5 or an i7, I'm pretty unlikely to notice the dif, personally. I built a desktop with a fairly recent low-end CPU (Kaby Lake Celeron) and I have been running Peppermint 7 on it with few or no problems. (Had some screen tearing in P8 and P9, so I stuck with P7) I have been reasonably happy with it - except that I have really limited space, and the rat's nest of wires you get with the desktop system. I'm sort of neurotic in my minimalism, and this bugs me. So my idea is a reasonably small, neat footprint and few or no external accessories. Maybe a wireless mouse, or maybe not. But not really something I'm probably gonna port around with me, probably a sort of self-contained stationary at-home unit, that doesn't resemble whatever crawled out of the Husky's belly in The Thing. I have a Chromebook that I'll probably tuck in my backpack for out-of-town excursion, or maybe even just my iPhone in some cases. I think these older laptops are considerably heavier/bulkier than modern units. Which in some sense is probably good, esp. for the purpose that I just described, I think. Anyway, probably swap out whatever hdd that comes with the Latitude with the SSD that I had in my desktop system, and presumably upgrade to Peppermint 9. Store the Windows HDD somewhere for safekeeping, or just reformat it and use it for a secondary drive. Something. I haven't used Windows for 7 or 8yrs. I don't know why I would start now. How long is the support for P7/8/9?? I think I was told the support for Peppermint 7 was thru... 2020 or something like that? That's why I never bothered to upgrade to 8 or 9, being completely happy with P7. It seemed pretty close to perfect to me. Anyway. I'm rambling. I'm open to any ideas about this thing - the Dell laptop. I've toyed with this before but I think I'm gonna move on it sometime next week. Thanks for listening. General Discussion / Google's Steely Tentacles. « on: January 24, 2018, 01:09:13 am » I didn't find it terribly hard to distance myself from the world of Microsoft, especially once I'd deployed Linux in its place. I had a brief fling with Skype, but that was years ago, probably before it was owned by Microsoft. I can't really think of any Microsoft product I'm using at the moment. Google's a different matter. I've been pretty wrapped up and entangled in the Google universe for the last few years. I've had Chromebooks, and right now I'm in a temporary situation where I am using just the Chromebook until I can get a Linux laptop up and running, probably with tax refunds a little later this winter - so in a few weeks. I was reading an 8-part series of articles by Brian Lunduke at Network World. I think the first one I read was "Part 4" where he talks about ditching GMail and using another mail system. I feel this same urge to disentangle myself from Google. Call it instinct. All the tracking and using my information, it's starting to bug me. So, I've made similar adjustments... Strangely enough, even during this interim in which I'm using an actual Chromebook, there are still some non-Google products to begin with. I established an account with Fastmail, I'm using Duck Duck Go as my default search engine. There's this pCloud storage to replace Google Drive, which I think will work fine. I don't really think I'm going to really miss these particular Google products, but like Lunduke summarizes in part 8, there, there are a couple sticking points - well, at least one. I haven't found any perfect replacement for Hangouts. Namely, for me, free texting and calling from my laptop. I'm not hugely infatuated with my smartphone. I think Lastpass (password manager) can be installed on Firefox, adblock, no problem. Most of these things probably aren't too difficult to switch over and avoid Google.  I think Hangouts is the sticking point. I have that Google phone number that I've used for years, and I'm not eager to lose it. I've actually used it as my primary contact. If I'm going to retain Hangouts and that phone number, obviously I can't just delete my Google account. As I've indicated in other posts, I plan to get one of these Dell Latitude laptops, run Peppermint 7 or 8, and probably Firefox as the default browser. I'm not far enough into this thing to say for sure whether I will go completely sans-Google. But maybe that shouldn't be the ultimate goal... or should it? Google didn't get to be Google by not having any good ideas... Maybe best not to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Hardware / laptops. « on: January 14, 2018, 06:11:30 pm » I was looking at this: Although I know I should "aspire" to something more powerful... (ba-dum-bum  :D) This cpu (N3450) scores almost twice as high on passmark as the cpu in my chromebook (N3060) which works just fine. I know y'all think I've got to be positively miserable with such a low-power device. But I'm not. Actually for 6W and $200 it's sort of impressive. There's an Amazon review there that even shows this Acer performs admirably with 4K video, and  no problem with 1080. I guess if there's a hitch here it's that it's only got 4GB of RAM. Although I wonder if there's a slot for another 4? I also looked at the used/refurbed Dell E-Series, per PCNetSpec, and there's more processing power there. Although, I will say that when it comes to HDD vs SSD, I generally would prefer a small SSD over a large HDD. And then there's the DVD Burner.  ::) A lot of the more high-end laptops, even the new ones in 2017 and 2018, they swap out the small SSD you see in a lot of lower-end units with, say, a 5400rpm drive, 1TB or 2TB, but I don't really see this as an upgrade. I'd choose speed over large capacity, for which I have little use. Cloud storage works fine for me. It just seems like they're selling me some stuff I don't want or need. I dunno. I'm just looking. I've hit a mental roadblock with regard to building and upgrading this desktop computer. My computing needs max-out at about Pentium level, I think, and beyond that I have other priorities for my $$. Additionally, I have very little physical space here for a desktop computer. I'm probably going to dismantle the desktop, and sell it off on eBay. I have a real nice 550W Seasonic PSU. I'm not sure what I thought I needed to power: a hair dryer? Toaster oven or microwave? So about tax refund time I think I'll get a 14 or 15" laptop. Something like that. Meanwhile, I'll continue browsing. [EDIT] I see that the SSD and memory are NOT upgradeable. So maybe not this Acer laptop... also maybe I could just swap the HDD out for an SSD. It seems like most laptops at a reasonable price just aren't going to come standard with an SSD. General Discussion / Games. « on: January 11, 2018, 08:51:25 pm » It's really striking to me how much of the consumer market for modern desktop computing seems to hinge on gaming. I feel like if I were to issue a general public challenge, to explain to me the need for this-or-that CPU or graphics card using neither the words "games" or "gaming," nor a thesaurus to come up with a word that essentially means "games," I really don't think most people could do it, and I'd be left with a lot of blank stares. I'm not complaining, it just really seems to be how it is when you look into buying a new cpu or video card, you can separate it into two crowds, perhaps with a flow chart. Do you game? Yes ----> you need a $400 discrete graphics card and a hex-core hyperthreaded processor. No----> A cheap Celeron CPU should suit you just fine, and you'll be happy with integrated graphics. Of course, this is insanely oversimplified, but just my general feel for the thing, having built a few desktop computers and purchased a lot of different computer components, mostly low-end or entry level. Maybe a few mid-level things. I'm not immune to that urge for power and speed, just as most people would like to drive a Maserati or Corvette. It's just that I'd use my i7 cpu for opening and composing emails and stutter-free Netflix, I guess. You could argue that flight simulation is a big computer game. Fair enough, but I'm talking mainly about the consumer market, not like industry, or commerce or military or whatever. I'm talking about the average Joe. Just something I've been thinking about lately. I have this urge to upgrade my stuff, and this sinking realization that it would probably all be mostly lost on the likes of me... Code: [Select] mike@mike-desktop ~ $ inxi -Fz System:    Host: mike-desktop Kernel: 4.4.0-109-generic x86_64 (64 bit)            Desktop: N/A Distro: Peppermint Seven Machine:   Mobo: ASRock model: B250M Pro4            Bios: American Megatrends v: P2.10 date: 05/05/2017 CPU:       Dual core Intel Celeron G3930 (-MCP-) cache: 2048 KB            clock speeds: max: 2900 MHz 1: 1302 MHz 2: 2784 MHz Graphics:  Card: Intel Device 5902            Resolution: [email protected]            GLX Renderer: Mesa DRI Intel HD Graphics 610 (Kaby Lake GT1)            GLX Version: 3.0 Mesa 17.2.4 Audio:     Card Intel Device a2f0 driver: snd_hda_intel            Sound: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture v: k4.4.0-109-generic Network:   Card: Intel Ethernet Connection (2) I219-V driver: e1000e            IF: enp0s31f6 state: up speed: 1000 Mbps duplex: full mac: <filter> Drives:    HDD Total Size: 64.0GB (23.2% used) Partition: ID-1: / size: 51G used: 6.6G (14%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/sda1            ID-2: swap-1 size: 8.27GB used: 0.00GB (0%) fs: swap dev: /dev/sda5 Sensors:   System Temperatures: cpu: 27.0C mobo: N/A            Fan Speeds (in rpm): cpu: N/A Info:      Processes: 168 Uptime: 5:54 Memory: 2000.1/7687.8MB            Client: Shell (bash) inxi: 2.2.35 I'm not exactly ready to discard my Intel system just yet and throw money at an AMD system. But I'm very close, really. I'm thinking of the recent news coming to light about the susceptibility of Intel systems to Meltdown. Of course the case, psu, ddr4 ram and SSD would all transfer, if I were to make the switch. The sort of distressing thing is that if I get a Ryzen cpu and mobo, I'm going to have to have some sort of discrete graphics card. My understanding is that there's not integrated graphics on the Ryzen chips, is that right? Which is just disappointing because I was entirely happy with the integrated graphics on this Kaby Lake Celeron. Plays HD streaming netflix just fine, etc. But, that's probably the extent of my power-usage. I want to see how all this Meltdown/Spectre stuff plays out. I mean the susceptibility of the Intel chips, I take it, isn't brand-new, but these threats seem to be new-ish. I read through the responses from both Intel, and AMD, and I have to say if I were to read between the lines, the Intel response sounded almost frantic, and the AMD response sounded, well - rather confident. So I'll see what happens. I was probably going to upgrade my system, anyway, and so now that this has all come to light, I think I know what direction my upgrade might take... cpu/mobo/graphics card. I don't want to throw tons of $$ at a graphics card, but if I do purchase one, I'd certainly want it to be superior to the integrated (Intel) graphics I just mentioned, not inferior. Cursory glance, I know nothing about these things, but I was looking at this AMD Radeon RX560. Maybe I could get it for... meh. $100? Something like that. That's about as much as I want to spend. Again, I'm not gaming or any other power-usage. I compared the RX560 to the HD 630 integrated graphics that comes with the higher-end Intel chips, on UserBenchmark: So it sort of looks like it would eat the HD 630 graphics for lunch. Any other ideas about this? Anyone? Also, were I to actually get that GPU, should I expect it to play nice with peppermint 7? Or PM8? (I'm currently running PM7) I mean could I expect it to be more-or-less plug and play? Just curious. Like I said, I'm not ready to abandon ship just yet until it seems everyone has a clearer grasp on this issue. I actually just canceled an order for a large HDD that I was going to use for storage on this system, which I never really found very compelling, anyway. Anyway, Amazon was sort of dawdling, as Amazon will often do... and so I had the opportunity to change my mind, and maybe I'll just save this credit back for a while until I figure out what the hell is going on with Intel and Meltdown. This I find a lot more compelling than a little more storage. Or, frankly, even more so than the most-powerful processor, or the snappiest SSD. So far, nothing has Melted Down. But it still bugs me. Seems like Intel knew about this thing for a rather long time, and just sat on it and didn't do anything. There's this, today, from CNBC: "AMD shares are up 10.4 percent in the two days through Thursday following the report, while Intel's stock declined 5.2 percent in the period, wiping out $11.3 billion of shareholder value." This thing about the "fundamental design flaw" in the Intel chips leaked (I read this on the Intel site) about a week earlier than they were hoping, they had some "patches" scheduled to come out next week, and were hoping to keep it quiet until then. And the thing apparently really blew up in their face. But I'm surprised they've been able to keep it quiet for whatever it is - 10 or 20yrs??? Anyway, the shit really hit the fan in the media, and now they're freaking out and saying wait, wait, the media is really exaggerating this thing, and it's really not that much of a problem... But a lot of smart folks are saying they're not (exaggerating) and that it really is (a problem). It's exactly the way you'd expect a massive corporation/bureaucracy to react when they get caught in a lie, and lose $11BIL in share value in two days. And then out of the other side of their forked PR-tongue: we care about security! Apparently not. ANYHOO. There, I've said it, I've vented. But what would you make of, say, a new AM4 motherboard, Ryzen 3 1200 with this Radeon RX560, running Peppermint 7? (Or 8?) General Discussion / Meltdown and Spectre. « on: January 05, 2018, 11:18:24 am » So what do I need to know about Meltdown and Spectre? Is the earth crashing towards the sun? Or a meteor plummeting towards Earth? What might we do to mitigate our vulnerability? I'm guessing don't store your vital information online, or leave it saved in your settings, etc? (Stored passwords, stored cc info, etc, etc?) These sorts of thing are rampant, though, wouldn't you say, in most folks' daily online routines? I mean the saved-this, and saved-that? I'm sure I'd need to make some considerable changes in the habits I've formed for the sake of convenience. Is it bad enough that one might consider an AMD processor? It's more than just Intel, though, isn't it? Wouldn't the truth of the matter be that we all became susceptible to hacks and malware and such, long-ago, when we made that pact with the Devil to go online and play on the internet?? Still, this threat is currently all the rage, viral or trending or whatever you want to say. So I'm curious what the smart people think... thanks! Hardware / purchased an HDD for storage. « on: January 01, 2018, 06:46:45 pm » I just ordered a Seagate BarraCuda 2TB HDD for $54.99. I already have a 60GB SSD for booting the OS. I debated between the WD Blue 5400rpm 1TB and the BarraCuda 7200 2TB. The WD 1TB was $45.99. So I went with the Seagate. I seriously doubt I'll ever use 2TB, and I wondered if there might be some difference in reliability between a 1TB and 2TB HDD. But ultimately, I mean, $9 for an additional TB, right? Similarly, there were some Seagate 4TB units for just under $100... but I just don't see the point - for me, I mean. I bought a couple sweatshirts and a couple 4pin 120mm fans for my case. Since my mobo and bios will accommodate two "smart fans"... and, so now I've depleted my Amazon gift credit from Christmas 2017. Hardware / upgrading my desktop « on: December 25, 2017, 07:31:47 pm » I got some Amazon gift cards for Christmas... Perhaps I'll upgrade the desktop computer, I'm running peppermint 7. I thought I might get an NVMe drive, and/or a new cpu. I've currently got a G3930 Celeron, I was thinking maybe upgrade to either a pentium G4600, or maybe if I'm feeling really scrappy, maybe an i5 7500. But... there's a pretty big price dif between those two chips. The Pentium chip is about $80, whereas the i5 is at least $180. Right now it's $195. Is it worth it? I mean, I'm not too unhappy with the Celeron chip, to be completely honest. I think I'm a  pretty low-power user. I must be, because most people on these forums positively gasp in horror when you say "Celeron." I recently read an Amazon review of the i5 in which the reviewer said "plays 1080p video flawlessly" and I was thinking: dude, my Celeron plays 1080p video flawlessly, and it cost $40! Seems like the best value would be the Pentium, for my usage, which is pretty minimal. Hyperthreaded, and the Intel Graphics 630, as opposed to 610 for the Celeron (which is fine, as far as I can tell...) I suspect that a lot of people think they need a lot more processing power than they really ever need, or use. Then again if I had unlimited funds, I probably wouldn't think much about $300 for an i7 or whatever. Like driving your Maserati or Porsche to the supermarket to get a dozen eggs and a gallon of milk. Performs the task flawlessly. Pages: [1] 2 3
Homemade lead acid batteries • Deveak_KaizenDeveak_Kaizen Registered Users Posts: 31 ✭✭ Its kind of expensive in the US if you buy "battery acid" from auto stores, its pretty cheap if you buy in bulk from chemical suppliers. Some sell it by the ton for under 300 bucks. So pretty close to 2 bucks a gallon. Most likely your paying so much because of hazard shipping and environmental laws. While its messy, with some preparation you could filter and concentrate battery acid from car batteries. • mcgivormcgivor Solar Expert Posts: 3,564 ✭✭✭✭✭✭ edited March 2018 #33 @BjornM said, I know what you mean. Almost every single component for a DIY battery is hard to find in Sweden. Didn't use to be like that when I was a kid, but now everything is considered dangerous for people or the environment. I have no good source for sulfuric acid yet. Ironically it is one of the cheapest chemical substances in the world. When I lived in Thailand, you could buy it for $2 per gallon. The current price in Thailand is 10 Bhat per 620 ml beer bottle ~6 per US gallon, so still around  $2 at current exchange rates, probably much cheaper if purchased in bulk  • clockmanfranclockmanfran Registered Users Posts: 67 ✭✭✭ edited March 2018 #34 Battery Acid for our particular batteries would be Sulphuirc Acid, 1 to 15 ratio to De-ionised water/distilled water. I use a 80% sulphuric acid and can be readily obtained in  500ml bottles in Europe with out to many issues.   So 500ml would make about 7.5 litres, (about 1.5 us gallons). .....  See pic of bottle in my Fume cabinet, with the label disappearing from just the fumes alone. I think that this homemade battery topic may be raising false hopes regards getting batteries cheap, and now its getting technical and in the Dangerous Acid discussion area. Perhaps another more technical Forum may be better appointed.   Depends on the Mods here? Safety protection at all times. PLEASE PLEASE remember, NEVER NEVER NEVER ADD water to the NEAT Sulphuric ACID solution. ADD the Sulphiric Acid to the water very carefully and slowly, and let it disperse within the water. Even so when adding correctly in just one go, in one spot on the water, the solution gets very hot very quick, and spits and spatters. Don't mess with neat sulphuric acid it does permanent damage to our fleshy bodies. Everything is possible, just give me Time. The OzInverter man. Normandy France. 3off Hugh P's 3.7m dia wind turbines, (11 years running).  ... 5kW PV on 3 Trackers, (6 years) .... 9kW PV AC coupled using Used/second hand GTI's, on my OzInverter created Grid, and back charging with the AC Coupling and OzInverter to my 48v 1300ah batteries.  • BjornMBjornM Registered Users Posts: 8 ✭✭ edited March 2018 #35 Since the Plante method of forming lead sponge at the electrodes is so time consuming, how about make the electrodes really thin so the process can be faster? Lead has low structural integrity, and would easily fall apart when very thin. Instead, lead coated copper foil could be used. This foil could be sandwiched with very thin polypropylene felt, and rolled up into a cylindrical shape. Each layer around 3 mm thick. From a research article: "The conditions for copper corrosion were investigated with regard to its use as the negative grid material in high performance lead‐acid batteries with gelled electrolyte. The experiments on copper sheets show that only under very extreme conditions, when there is a thin electrolyte film on the surface and no lead coating over a distance of more than about 3 mm, copper dissolution can occur. In this case, substantial potential shifts in the thin electrolyte film, resulting in a much more positive potential at that part of the electrode, were measured. With a properly lead‐coated copper grid there will be virtually no copper corrosion even under starved electrolyte conditions." EDIT: Rewritten for clarity. Off grid in a small cottage in western Sweden. • Deveak_KaizenDeveak_Kaizen Registered Users Posts: 31 ✭✭ Neato! So you can use copper to strengthen the grid or plate? You can order fumed silica online. A rubber cork could be used as a over pressure valve. Not sure if a real 1-2 psi plastic one way valve could be had. The copper and pure lead would certainly mean a low resistance battery.  You could probably do a plante plate with an inner copper grid for strength. Eventually it will be exposed but by that time the plate would be pretty compromised anyways. • Deveak_KaizenDeveak_Kaizen Registered Users Posts: 31 ✭✭ GOLD MINE! A huge thread in italian, google translated by a guy who worked with primordial batteries. Lots of info on its construction. It took him 4000 hours to reach his target goal. Technically it could go higher but that would compromise cycle life. Straight charge and discharge. He said the reverse method made it gain capacity faster but shed a lot of material and had to be done at low current. This seems like the perfect battery for solar. It grows and grows. You could half form it and just let the day to day use do it for you. His original design (although i don't think he kept it this way) was without separators and had them far apart. I would not do this. Not sure if spacing adds up enough resistance vs separators. So much to read! • petertearaipetertearai Solar Expert Posts: 446 ✭✭✭✭ question ... not related to making your own battery ... but what do people use sulphuric acid for , seeing as you can buy it in large volumes. Do people in Thailand have another use for it ?  2225 wattts pv . Outback 2kw  fxr pure sine inverter . fm80 charge controller . Mate 3. victron battery monitor . 24 volts  in 2 volt Shoto lead carbon extreme batterys. off grid  holiday home  • mike95490mike95490 Solar Expert Posts: 9,051 ✭✭✭✭✭ Do people in Thailand have another use for it ?  Cleaning swimming pools and cleaning concrete. solar: http://tinyurl.com/LMR-Solar gen: http://tinyurl.com/LMR-Lister , • BB.BB. Super Moderators, Administrators Posts: 31,091 admin Just a generic link to the large number of uses of sulfuric acid: How many of those have an "in home" use... Probably not many (my plumber used "professional only" sulfuric acid to clear a clogged drain--It worked great for that--Lots of bubbling and heat). • simmtronsimmtron Solar Expert Posts: 87 ✭✭✭ mcgivor said: Yes lead is toxic, but with all relevant precautions, the hazards can be reduced to near zero, the closest I've personally come to recycling batteries is replacing plates with manufactured plates, during my apprenticeship, before the molded case battery technology, am I dating myself?   yes you are dating yourself, haha • GrrGrr Registered Users Posts: 1 @BjornM I would recommend making salt water batteries. Salt water batteries have much lower energy density compared to other energy storage solutions, but are dirt cheap to produce and are made of completely non-toxic materials - in fact you can safely eat the materials used in their construction and not be harmed. In addition to those benefits, they are very safe and resilient. You can discharge them very deeply daily, and the materials are not flammable and are safe to touch. Here is some information on salt water batteries that I gathered together from duckduckgo.com searches: Please reply with how construction goes, I am very interested in this endeavor myself. @wayneworkman I just found your post. Very interesting but not much details to work with. I guess I need to start with general battery principles and details, and work from there. Regards • soloronesolorone Solar Expert Posts: 255 ✭✭✭ Interesting thread. I know nothing about this, but it brings to mind the 1910/1930s the 32 Volt Edison batteries in jars.  Sears sold 32 V.  gear. The elders of then related to me that at times the lead was removed and new lead replaced. I guess   nothing is  new.  • BB.BB. Super Moderators, Administrators Posts: 31,091 admin Here is a fun/interesting link that details Lead Acid batteries used in Farm Lighting systems circa 1922  or so: And the whole archive: • KenMorganKenMorgan Registered Users Posts: 43 ✭✭ tabbycat said: Lead is toxic.   lead is at least 90+ % recyclable ...  lithium ion on the other hand is less than 65%, and everything left is so virulently toxic that it makes lead and mercury look like a joke.  Pull your head out of al gores backside. 18 JA solar 200 watt panels, morningstar controller(s) and a magnum 4448 inverter with all the usual junk that goes with it. and a 600 a/h 48 volt battery bank Sign In or Register to comment.
faire revenir < Previous | Next > New Member UK English In cooking recipes the phrase "faire revenir" is often used. What does this mean in the cooking context ? • Chabada Senior Member France (French) It means: to brown. Example (source: Robert & Collins) = to brown the onions gently in the butter. Senior Member Wow...that's quite odd. "Faire revenir" = "to do to return" in imperfect terms, or "do to return" in imperative terms. How does that, in any way, relate to browning? Senior Member Français, Canada B. Usuel. Faire revenir de la viande, du poisson, des légumes, des oignons. (Laisser) se colorer plus ou moins fortement, avant la cuisson proprement dite, une volaille, un poisson, un légume dans un corps gras fortement chauffé (d'apr. COURTINE, Gastr. 1984) Senior Member Evidemment, on a du mal à comprendre en quoi ces oignons ou ce poisson "reviennent" - et d'où... Ils commençaient à tourner de l'oeil, peut-être ? I'd translate "to brown gently" - things shouldn't become really brown. france, french Sans doute parce que ce que l'on cuit, revient de l'état frais à cuit ou bien de l'état "blanc" ou "vert" à "doré" et qu'ainsi les aliments peuvent se dire "je n'en reviens pas" (jeu de mot). An explanation could be that foods being cooked to brown come back from "white" or "green" color state to "brown" color state, their normal cooked color(?). It could means that these foods come back from dead color (white) to a color of living (brown). Senior Member Canada (English) My husband and I read a magazine that is only available in French, but is for a cooking show that we watch regularly on TV. I can understand French very well, but him not so much. I regularly find myself translating the recipes an typing them out to keep in a binder for quick reference. There's one phrase I can never seem to find an accurate translation for: faire revenir. Dans une casserole, faire revenir le riz dans l'huile. Dans une poêle qui va au four, faire revenir l'oignon dans le beurre. I get the gist of what it means, but how would one translate it into English? Senior Member American English, Yiddish Maybe so, but "sear", or "sere", in the sense of dry and withered is said to derive from Indo-European via Old Teutonic and Old English. As "to burn or char with a hot iron", "to cauterize" the OUD gives an example from 1530. English, German When you are talking about vegetables, such as onions or leeks, "faire revenir" can be translated as to sweat. To sweat a vegetable means to cook it over low or medium heat until it becomes soft and translucent (i.e. softened but not browned.) Senior Member UK English Once again I find myself returning to a thread, still searching for a solution… I first heard "faire revenir" used by a French friend who was making us what I would call garlic beans. These were haricot beans and she steamed them for a bit, then fried them gently with chopped garlic, this frying part being the "faire revenir" bit. I suppose I have in a way answered my own question about how to say this in English, having just said "fry gently", but I'm not sure that really is the concept of "faire revenir", because, as a non-native speaker of French, I get stuck on the literal meaning of the words, like Somody above. I would be wary of using "to brown", as making the beans brown didn't seem to be the point. My friend's beans were green, garlicky, very slightly buttery as I remember and absolutely delicious. Senior Member For the beans, your suggestions (gently fry and, earlier, sweat) are fine. For me, there's one or two things about the concept of "faire revenir" in normal use, both of which are in the definition given by Gil in post #4. • It doesn't describe how the dish is cooked. The finished dish itself could be steamed, baked, stewed or even fried. It is a technical step in the recipe, like cleaning, blanching or seasoning. • It's usually about colour: adding/giving colour to an ingredient. Senior Member UK English Yes, and this is what bothers me, because "sweating" onions is definitely not about giving them colour. It's about making them soft and transparent and releasing their flavour. I am looking for a translation of "sweating" rather than the other way round. If "faire revenir" is about browning, I can't use it for "sweating" and it shouldn't really apply to my friend's garlic beans either, but that's the term she used. So I remain confused. Can "faire revenir" be used for "sweating" and "gently frying"? I'd like to know the answer from someone whose first language for cooking is French. Elsewhere on WR I have just discovered "faire fondre" - maybe this is more the thing for the initial sweating of onions? Senior Member UK English I've come across this thread and realise it's old but in reply to Wodwo, 'faire fondre' in relation to cooking onions, for example, implies cooking them for a lot longer than simply 'sweating'. I'd say that for the latter, you're looking at about 10 minutes cooking, whereas the former would take at least 20 minutes. When I'm translating recipes, I try to make the instructions as clear as possible rather than getting hung up on literally translating the French words, so probably would say something like, 'cook the onions over a low heat for until very soft (about 20 minutes)' rather than 'melt' them. Obviously, context is all… < Previous | Next >
I have two boxes: A- local machine, windows 7 : netbeans 8.01. B- remote server, Linux REHL 6, connection : SSH I am working in A on a C++ project (Makefile project) and i want to make it by B's Compiler . but I have to run "source ~/.bashrc" before make command in netbeans, how to do it? that replacement the make command with source ~/.bashrc && /usr/bin/make doesn't work and add variables to project properties --> run --> environment variable doesn't work.
Jump to content Advanced Members • Content Count • Joined • Last visited Community Reputation 13 Good Recent Profile Visitors 1. Close enough where you can buy based on which looks better to your eye at address, or has the better shaft, etc. In a blind test of a 100 golfers, I think the SIM might win 51-49. 2. That's awesome. Such a unique looking iron, that worked really well. 3. TourStage X-Blade 705 Type S. 5-PW. Standard L,L,L. Brand new KBS C Taper Lite 110 shafts. (These shafts were $245.70 professionally installed) New Golf Pride Tour Velvet grips. (These were $42.00 installed) These are one of Endo's best forgings. Similar to the Bridgestone J40 CB, but with a little deeper cavity in the long irons for ease of use. These are about as good as it gets if you are looking for a soft forged iron, that still delivers distance and forgiveness.I added a touch of lead tape to get them to D3 ... This tape removes easily. I can do it prior to shipping if you woul 4. Tiger made the PW to 56 transition work pretty well. 5. bullie76 - you can play these in a combo set for sure. Maybe go PTx in 5-7 and Icon in 8-PW. Throw some Mitsubishi OT or Fujikura MCI shafts in there while you're at it. Golf is a fun hobby, play what you want. 6. I may in fact be a little OCD, but I played with the same set of irons for a long time at D2. I now find that I am the most consistent if my irons are all at D2. I feel like if you have grooved your swing for a significant time to a specific SW ... it probably matters. Probably matters less for golfers who have moved back and forth between some different swingweights, or aren't even aware of the term 'swingweight'. lol ... 7. With the right shaft, I'm betting on the CG16 Tour to win that battle. Highly underrated club. 8. The Rogue SZ is a great head. Several people I play with have hit it long and straight for multiple seasons. Clearly the shaft change is playing the largest role in your mis-hits. It's shorter, lighter overall weight, and lighter flex. I'm guessing the swingweight is lower as well, yes? You mention that you have a "flatter" swing. From my experience, golfers with flatter swings take even longer to adapt to shaft changes, because timing is even more critical the flatter the swing. A drop in spin is rarely beneficial for accuracy, so I agree with others that this is also potentially part 9. I'm waiting for their Jablome models to hit the shelves. 10. Lofts and lies can be jacked around on a 10 year old set of forged clubs. Very likely they were hit off of mats at some point in their lives ... so you'll want to have those checked out. Grooves can be worn on forged scoring clubs, especially if someone hit a lot of balls on a sandy range. Grips may need to be replaced. I've also seen more than a few iron shafts that were not straight after 10 years. There isn't a major difference. But be aware there is potential someone has done something to alter the club in a negative way over the years of smashing them into the ground and/or mat 11. I would probably replace the wedges first, if the grooves are worn. Might as well stick with Cleveland ... RTX4's are nice. Some of the new drivers are more forgiving, like Ping G400 Max, and even more so when played closer to 44.5". Your irons are solid. Probably no rush to change those. Could be fun to add a 20 degree hybrid in there. All companies make a good one ... the Cobra F8/F9 are pretty nice out of the longer grass. Good luck. 12. M5's are bombers, but I would think the Pings are probably a little more rewarding to play, yes? I200's do a lot of things well. It really depends on your game and what you are looking for in an iron. They will both get the job done for sure. 13. Do you play a 330cc driver, rather than the bigger, more forgiving 460cc? There are tradeoffs to GI clubs … less workable, don't look as good to the eye, etc.. But, a Ping G410 iron is just plain going to be easier to hit for a beginner golfer than the smaller BluePrint. • Create New...
Obama Wants to Throw $1 Billion of US Taxpayer Money at Central America to “Stop Illegal Immigration” The southern border of the United States is about as wide open as it can get with Border Patrol agents reduced to clerks and directors of illegal alien invader traffic. Last year, the US government even advertised for individuals to help the invasion by bringing in illegals. We heard and saw pictures of train loads of illegal aliens from Central America, some riding on tops of box cars, making their way to the border where illegals then crossed unimpeded since agents were instructed to “stand down.” Tens of thousands of illegal alien minor children invaders crossed our borders “alone” resulting in members of Congress running down to the border to investigate this “humanitarian crisis” with some members participating in handing out “teddy bears and soccer balls” to these individuals the UN wanted classified as refugees. Reports began to surface from anonymous Border Patrol agents about “makeshift” families crossing, the government providing transport of these illegal invaders to communities across the country, and the numbers of adults crossing hidden by the government-directed media who focused on the children. Some agents reported to alternate news media that individuals were crossing our borders with highly contagious infectious diseases and workers at detention centers were threatened into altering reports and remaining silent about the problems. Later, it was discovered that television stations in Central America were reporting that the US borders were open and anyone who could make it there would not be turned away. All of this was done at the behest of the US government, with the knowledge of the US government and under full direction of the straw man Obama. Now, after directing a mass illegal alien invasion of the United States, Obama has the audacity to request in his $4 trillion dollar budget a sum of $1 billion dollars in spending to “help curb illegal immigration from Central America.” Trending: Despite the Lies, Midwestern Hospitals are NOT Overwhelmed with Second COVID Wave But wait, it gets even better. The money Obama wants to spend will not go toward securing the borders of the United States nor return to enforcing immigration law which would include deportation. According to Obama, this money would be “used to help address the causes of illegal immigration from Central America and would focus on helping Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala improve border security, economic and social development and make improvements to law enforcement and judicial systems in those countries.” take our poll - story continues below Will You Be Voting In Person November 3rd?(10) • Will You Be Voting In Person November 3rd?   There is so much wrong with this it’s difficult to know where to start; but, let’s start with the “cause of the illegal immigration from Central America.” The cause of that illegal alien invasion from Central America is the Obama administration, the countries of origin and a complacent Congress. Obama, using his infamous pen and phone, instructed Jeh Johnson to cease enforcing our immigration laws and put the Border Patrol in a stand down position. Instead of confronting illegal aliens crossing the border, agents were told to “hide” from these lawbreakers. Obama then solicited these countries to advertise “open US borders” to their citizens thereby initiating this invasion. Any other cause for this invasion that originates in the countries of Central America should get a “who cares.” It’s not like these countries all of a sudden started experiencing drug cartel problems, corrupt government and law enforcement issues or a sudden poverty among the masses. The problems in these countries have been festering for decades and no amount of money given away to these corrupt governments will make one bit of difference. Any person with any intelligence knows this. Obama’s fake rationale for releasing $1 billion of our tax payer dollars to these countries includes “helping Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala improve border security.” What is Obama saying here? America should help secure the borders of those countries to keep people in as in the style of the former USSR? People certainly are not flocking to enter those cesspool third-world corrupt criminal controlled countries. And, if they are leaving “undetected” by their own governments, their governments could care less. Instead of proposing money to secure the borders of the United States, Obama’s solution is to secure the borders of those Central American cesspools to “keep people in.” Some portion of these funds are to help these countries develop economically and socially along with improving law enforcement and the judicial systems. The United States is flailing economically and socially. We are fast approaching a tipping point, if we are not already there. But, the priority is to throw money at these Central American countries to help them improve to keep their people there. Corruption runs like metastatic cancer in these countries infecting every level of government and law enforcement agency from village to large city. Throwing money to the governments of those countries only feeds the corrupt government officials. The only way to get rid of that cancer is to “cut it out.” Even then, there’s always a few pieces left behind to proliferate and infiltrate the remaining healthy body. The process then starts all over again until the disease is just as bad and you need to cut some more. It never ends and becomes a money pit. In all of this, Obama fails to mention the country of Mexico. After all, Mexico allowed a “passing through” of illegal aliens in their country so these lawbreakers could enter the United States while Americans, who inadvertently enter Mexico by taking a wrong turn, are held in jail for months. Where’s their share of the American pie for their complicity in helping Obama with his purposeful invasion of the United States by illegal aliens? While it’s not being said, Mexico won’t be left out in all of this. For all intents and purposes, Obama’s proposal is nothing more than payment for services in assisting him with flooding this country with illegal, lawbreaking criminals that suck at the teat of America. Obama is a mythlomaniac or fanatical liar. This money is not going for what he contends; it’s a ruse. It’s nothing more than extortion of the American public to pay other countries for their assistance in speeding the downfall of the United States. Obama, along with the cooperation of Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala and Mexico, created the illegal alien invasion; now, they want the American tax-payers to pay these countries for assisting him in subversion under the guise of “improving” conditions in those countries while “securing” their borders. These are countries whose governments are corrupt, criminal and function as such. One could say they are “mini-Mafia” sovereigns. If there is one thing everyone knows it’s that the crime organizations always get paid – one way or another. It’s classic. Yet, there are those in America who will support this travesty under the guise of “humanitarianism.” They will nod their heads, swallowing this pile of stink without chewing. They aren’t alone as many in Congress will do the same. There is no end in sight for the extortion of the American tax-payers. John Boehner has already indicated Obama will be in the Oval Office for the next two years. Impeachment is off the table, meaning the lawlessness, corruption and criminal activities of this administration will continue under the “business as usual” mantra. The establishment GOP and RINO majority Congress has little backbone; so if they don’t buy this reasoning for the money, like they didn’t buy Obama’s original designation of the money as “aid,” Obama will try, try again until he comes up with something that these criminals in Congress will buy. If that doesn’t work, he’ll use his infamous pen and phone to shuffle these countries their payment for services rendered. Obama intends for these countries to get reimbursed and he’ll do it with or without Congress – that’s his modus operandi. It’s time to call out this ruse for what it is and let Congress know that not one dime of our taxpayer dollars needs to be sent to these corrupt, criminal countries, including Mexico, for any lame reason Obama tries to use to allocate those funds. That $1 billion dollars needs to stay firmly in the United States and be spent on our border security, our immigration enforcement, deportation of these illegal alien criminal invaders and our benefit. Become an insider! You Might Like Previous Bowe Bergdahl Makes His Way Home Next Jordanian Pilot Burned Alive by ISIS - Will Not Submit! Join the conversation!
A game with one mechanic has no right being this much fun. When I turned 30, I realized that I no longer had nearly as much time to spend on games as I had previously. And like nearly every video gamer, my backlog of purchased but unplayed games is very long. So I don’t need any new games. Then I saw Islanders on sale and was like “what the heck, it’s $2,” and impulse bought it. I’m super glad I did. Islanders is an adorable and minimalist city-builder. The game gives you a beautiful low poly island, and asks you build a city on the island using just about a single mechanic: it gives you a set of buildings to place down in the form of cards in your hand. There is no inherent resource cost to playing a building. Instead, you try to place them to maximize the points they return. Each building has a little radius that is shown when you place it, and when you place it, it scores based on that radius. For example, the Lumberjack building gives 1 point per tree in its radius, and deducts points per other Lumberjack in its radius. The Sawmill gives points per Lumberjack in its radius and deducts points per other Sawmill. Most buildings follow this simple pattern. There are things that they want to be next too, and things they don’t want to be next to. And… that’s basically it. There’s a little point gauge and when it fills up, you get a choice of different types of buildings to add to your hand of unplaced buildings. If you ever place all the buildings in your hand without filling up the gauge, the game ends and you start over.  When you place enough buildings on an island you’ll be able to travel to a new beautiful, procedurally generated island, but you’ll keep your total score. There’s probably some scaling here in that it feels like it gets harder and harder to fill the point gauge the farther you go, but I can’t tell quite what the ratio is. The beauty of this game lies in its elegance, and how it uses the placement mechanic to incentivize (somewhat) realistic and interesting city configurations. For example, mansions and houses get bonus points for being next to City Centers. Both Houses and Mansions also score points for being near buildings of the same type as themselves. However, as Mansions are worth more points, but have a smaller scoring radius then a house, you end up wanting to place them closer to the city center, since you can’t place them as far out without losing the bonus. So the game incentivizes a city configuration where you have a City Center, surrounded by a small ring of Mansions, surrounded by a large ring of houses! Discovering rarer building types and how they work is also fun. I always get a little kick out of seeing a clever new implementation of the mechanic, like how Shamans are worth points for each flower in their radius, and deduct points for each City Center… but Houses like to be next to Shamans. So initially your Shamans are in these secluded corners of the island, but then little towns spring up next to them. And the game is chock full of fun little interactions like this! Some buildings can only be built on cliffs. Seaweed Farms can be placed in the ocean, which is otherwise hard to use. Warehouses get benefits from industrial buildings and city buildings, but industrial buildings and city buildings don’t want to be next to each other. A nice little touch: there are many different island biomes. Each new island is strikingly visually different, and the terrain determines what kind of civilization you’re going to build! Mountainous islands are worse for cities and better for industrial civilizations because industrial buildings tend not to need to be densely packed. Another thing I really like is the presentation. Whenever you start the game, behind the menu there’s a slowly rotating panorama of a built up island that looks like it was chosen in order to make a gorgeous backdrop for the menu screen… but it wasn’t! The island behind the menu screen is always the one you are currently working on. This just serves as a testament to how picturesque the game is–no matter what you do, your island is going to end up being menu screen material.  I guess I should try to critique the game, but I could only come up with a couple things I don’t really like. 1. Between the price point, the gameplay, and the art, Islanders feels like a mobile game. This isn’t actually a problem, it just means I wish they had it for mobile so I could go buy it there too. I felt the same way about Mini Metro, which came out with a fantastic mobile app, so fingers crossed. 2. Playing and doing well is fun, but losing sneaks up on you. Maybe it’s because I was playing so casually, but I could never tell when I was going to lose. I’d place buildings until I only had 2 or 3 left and then realize “Hmm… I don’t think I’m going to be able to hit the points cap.” Ending with a whimper doesn’t feel great, especially when it’s a long run. And this might be an actual issue with the game if it was more competitive. But as it isn’t, I’d mostly consider it a minor qubbile. Will I play Islanders forever? I doubt it. But this game is 100% worth its $5 price tag. If you ever want a calming experience to kill some downtime, Islanders is worth picking up. You can find it here on Steam.
Humans Have Pondered These Geometric Shapes for 2,000 Years. These Two Professors Shed Light on Their Mysteries Dodecahedrons. (Credit: Getty Images.) Editor of SUM Geometry research doesn’t often get covered by mainstream news. But CUNY mathematicians who solved a classic problem saw their work featured by VICE and Wired, and they even earned a tweet from former Vermont Governor Howard Dean The challenge involved charting a straight-line trajectory around 3D shapes known as Platonic solids, starting and ending from the same vertex while avoiding all other vertices. Professors David Aulicino (GC/Brooklyn College, Mathematics) and Jayadev Athreya (University of Washington) showed that the challenge can be solved for dodecahedrons (which look like 12-sided dice), but not for the other Platonic solids (cubes, tetrahedrons, octahedrons, and icosahedrons). Working with Professor Patrick Hooper (GC/City College, Mathematics), they achieved a second breakthrough, coming up with 31 different types of trajectories around the dodecahedron.  Aulicino and Hooper spoke to The Graduate Center about their collaboration and their breakthrough.  The Graduate Center: What sparked your collaboration and exploration? Aulicino: Jayadev (Athreya) and I had found the closed trajectory on the dodecahedron and we were trying to classify all of the trajectories. We had hit a wall and couldn't get past the technical and computational challenges that we faced. Pat (Hooper) and I have known each other for years and we'd catch up with each other during weekly seminars at the GC. I was explaining to him all of these problems, and for him, he was able to work right through them. He joined our collaboration and we completed the classification. Professors David Aulicino and Patrick Hooper  Hooper: The discovery David and Jayadev made was really beautiful, and I became pretty excited once I heard there was more to be done. Prior to the collaboration, I had spent a lot of time contributing to a computer program to draw and analyze geometric surfaces like these. It was great that this tool I had helped develop could be used here. GC: Was there a eureka moment for you and if so, what was that like? Aulicino: There were a lot of small steps that added up to the final result. Especially with the classification of 31 trajectories, we had so many missteps that gave us the wrong number that when we finally got the right answer, we didn't know until after we checked everything 10 more times. GC: What does it feel like to solve a big puzzle like this? Aulicino: It was really gratifying to get a complete answer to this problem. In this case, we can theoretically find every single closed trajectory on the dodecahedron. Of course, it would take forever, but we know exactly how to get every one as a result of our work. Personally, I like the idea of finishing off a problem, and this fit into that desire. Hooper: I don’t think it is reasonable to say we solved a big puzzle. We did realize that there were things not understood about the dodecahedron (and by extension, the Platonic solids) and we figured out how to understand these things. These are beautiful objects, and it was a lot of fun to delve more deeply into them. GC: Why are Platonic solids so fascinating to us 2,000 years after Plato, and what is it about them that feels so cosmic? Hooper: The Platonic solids are accessible because anyone can recognize their beauty. For mathematicians, the amazing thing about the Platonic solids is that you have a natural concept of a maximally symmetric polyhedron, and surprise: There are only five solids that realize this maximal symmetry. Symmetry is a kind of beauty, and I think especially given historical connections between art and science, the Platonic solids have featured prominently in the minds of famous scientists including Leonardo da Vinci and Kepler. GC: What advice do you have for fellow researchers looking to break through the noise and get more attention for their discoveries? Aulicino: I would say don't do it for the press. I wanted to solve a fun problem and I'm humbled that the result has gotten the attention that it did. It can be very random whether or not a result receives attention. The focus should always be to do work that you love and care about. Hooper: I think this experience will change how I prioritize research topics. There is a lot of super interesting mathematics done all the time, but most requires a lot of mathematical background to appreciate. Accessibility needs to be a priority for mathematicians seeking attention. GC: Professor Aulicino, tell us about your work with high school students.  Aulicino: When I was in high school in Armonk, NY, I  got to work on a research project on graph theory with a SUNY Purchase professor, Marty Lewinter (in fact, he is an alumnus of both Brooklyn College and The Graduate Center). He inspired me to pursue math. I grew tremendously from this experience. I very much believe in “paying it forward.” It’s a really special opportunity for me to work with the high school kids that I’m working with in particular. They are from the STAR Early College school in Flatbush whose students are predominantly from backgrounds that are underrepresented in STEM. The students are at this school exactly because of their interest in science and math, so they are very smart. It’s been a pleasure to teach them about math and math research because I’m the first one that’s showing them that math is a vibrant and active pursuit. Submitted on: OCT 13, 2020 Category: Faculty Activities | GCstories | General GC News | Mathematics | Research Studies | Voices of the GC
I made the decision to learn audio engineering for two rather unimpressive, slightly shameful reasons: the first being because of a boy, and the second being because no one else was willing or interested in taking over the department. I mean, Cabe was really cute and  it looked like a easy gig. Microphone on, microphone off. Cue thunder sound effect. That kind of stuff. Fast forward four months to a theater gone dark, save for the emergency exit lights and the fluorescent light spilling out from the windows of the tech booth where I sat alone pouring over a manual and some “audio for dummies” print outs. There were buttons called “auxs” and apparently “frequencies” were a thing that mattered. It seemed I had made a terrible mistake. And yet, somewhere along the way I had uncovered an addicting fascination for things that created sound, and things that made sound louder. I puzzled all the buttons and knobs and terms together, and built a passion from a misguided venture. There was no end in sight – I was a tech-girl now. I was a fortunate geeky girl. Despite growing up in the southern Texas suburbs, I was often encouraged to take leadership roles and break stereotypes. My close female friends at the time were keeping pace with my strides in other fields of the tech-dom. We challenged each other, we cheered each other; we collaborated. By our senior year, the theater department had female technicians at the head of every department, and naively I assumed that this was normal. First day of college orientation shattered that illusion. I spent the next three-and-a-half years feeling quite small. We’re talking fish from a tiny little pond thrown in the sea. A massive sea. The Pacific Ocean. I was one of four girls out of a class of 56 individuals in a college environment that was 92% male. It’s a rather odd sensation, being an anomaly – for any girl who hasn’t ever entered a field of study or employment that is traditionally male-dominated, it’s hard to explain. Some see you as bit of a spectacle, some see you as an annoyance, a rare few see you as a threat. Any way you look at it, you are viewed as separate from the group. A tiny fish in the Pacific Ocean that had been ousted from the school. Pretty much like this. But then again, that was school. As I headed out in to the real world, I was sure I would be judged based solely on my intelligence and abilities. With eager optimism, I began to interview for jobs in both the live sound and audio post-production fields. At one point, I had an interview with a live sound production company in which the interviewer told me I might be too attractive to work with his team. I had another interview with a studio in which the owner said my resume was impressive, for a girl.  At my job as a live sound engineer, I had musicians come up to me at the sound board and ask me where my boyfriend, the sound guy, had gone. As a producer, I had a coworker tell me the reason I was good at multitasking was because women were programmed to have lots of babies. This is what the world is right now.  I am a tech-girl. I love computers and gadgets and things that are streamlined. I love talking about the Internet. I want to know how to write code better, and I’m learning how to build a computer from the ground, up. In a way, women are lucky to be outnumbered in the fields of science and technology, because we work harder; but we shouldn’t always have to. That’s where the problem lies. Thankfully, communities like IGGPPC and Minute Mentoring by  are working towards the solution. And now I am, too. I spent years fighting against my fellow female audiophiles and it got me absolutely nowhere. If anything, I only managed to further isolate myself; I only swam further away from the school. Then I got lost, and almost eaten by a shark. And while I was swimming, frantic and directionless in hopes to live another day, I realized it would be really great to have someone to brainstorm “how to not get eaten” ideas. Someone who also knew what it felt like to have to swim outside of the safety of the school, someone like a fellow tech-girl. Iggles, I’m not asking you to go out and picket your local dot com startup. I’m not saying you should wage war on forums, or burn your bra. That’s weird, and not really helpful in any tangible way. No, I only want to say that if you are passionate about science, technology, or wood-working – you go and do it, no matter what. If you have a friend who is also harboring a secret love of welding or software development, you help each other. With enough tech-girls and geek-girls swimming alongside each other, with enough Iggles challenging and cheering and collaborating, we could form our own school. A better school. Preferably this school: Pirate school.
Using the Seasons Thematically in Film As we’re entering the fall season, we see the changes happening all around us. Where there was once lush green grass and scorching afternoons there is now a cool autumn breeze and leaves coloring our trees and sidewalks. As a filmmaker, seasonal changes and their conditions can be an excellent way of showing either character changes or highlighting certain moments in a character’s arc. Whether you’re trying to find a time of year to set your film script or you’re planning on filming across years of your character’s life, the seasons can be manipulated to enhance your film and character journey. GDS Season Themes 1 Fall is a contemplative time because it’s nature’s ‘last hoorah’ before the cold winter season. However, from a directorial point of view, it’s also one of the most beautiful seasons to shoot in. The gorgeous hues of the leaves that tumble down from the trees and the much-earlier golden hour can create some amazing cinematography. How you utilize this season will depend on the nature of your film. For example, if you’re creating a horror movie you can utilize the orange tones to reinforce the ‘spooky season’ vibes. If you’re creating a romance movie, the fall season can give your whole movie a very Hygge feel complete with sweaters, hats, nature, blankets, etc. All of these cozy accessories can accent the couple falling into a love that makes them both feel ‘at home’. GDS Season Themes 3 Winter is the time when all aspects of nature (plants, animals, etc.) go into a sort of hibernation. And visually, winter could either be a very harsh, biting, cold and dark time or it could be a bright and stark-white beautiful oasis. Once again, this depends on the type of film you’re making. If you’re cycling through the seasons, this season could be the time that your protagonist goes through their hardest trek. Perhaps they’re going through a breakup or their family has stopped talking to one another. Lots of shots of them walking alone, the only piece of color against a white backdrop, the sound of a harsh wind in the background. On the other hand… you’ve all seen Hallmark Christmas movies. What could be a desolate wasteland in darker films becomes a magical wonderland in others, one need only to consider their tone and movie arc. GDS Season Themes 4 Spring is the season where everything is coming back to life and typically symbolizes a form of rebirth. If you’re cycling through the seasons in your film, perhaps this is the time when your character experiences a ray of hope coming out of the dark winter season. Perhaps they begin to recover from their breakup and start to go out on new dates or maybe their family starts to reconnect. Either way, visually you’ll want to shoot a lot of colorful flowers and have a lot of greenery in your shots (trees, grass, etc). In more nuanced takes it can even be used to serve as a contrast to your character and their emotional stage. For example, picture a lush green meadow in the spring. Little droplets of dew are dripping off of the flowers, tiny ladybugs are poking their heads out… and then you have your protagonist who plows through stomping on all of the flowers. They’re dressed in all black, a hood over their head, and deep bags under their eyes. Showing how much your protagonist looks out of place in a season that’s otherwise so beautiful and life-giving is one way to highlight a bad emotional point of your film. GDS Season Themes 5 Finally there’s summer, which is typically associated with warmth and the sun. This is a very interesting time cinematically because it symbolizes several different things, even varying depending on location. For example, summer in a small upper-east-coast town will be an idyllic time. The sun is shining, kids are running around playing, people are going to the pool and going to parties and getting tan and having a blast. On the other hand, take a typical summer day in a location like Arizona. Temperatures can get so high that even going to the pool doesn’t provide respite. It even gets so hot that it’s hard to sustain some forms of plant life, so this becomes more of a desert wasteland season as opposed to one of fun in the sun. While location is important to consider, it’s also important to consider the tone and genre of your film. You’ve likely heard the term ‘summer romance’ at some point in your life. There is a romanticized idea of the summer time and how fleeting it is. This doesn’t just apply to the romance genre either, perhaps you create a film where for one summer a typically shy kid goes on a convenient store robbing spree, almost gets caught, and then assimilates back into normal high school life once fall comes around. If you’re attempting to write an arc where the character starts and ends at a similar place, this season is the perfect setting for it.
“Ask The Head” Standing Prop Ask the Head Exhibit Caption: “This is generally assumed to be a “photo op” attraction. However, the slot in the front implies that some transaction could take place. Some who have reviewed the contents of the boxcar suggest that it was placed in the back of a darkened room or tent and an actor or fortune teller would pose behind it in order to interact with clients.” At the opening, guests who inserted coins in the slot were rewarded with whispered fortunes that ranged from “you will be rich” to “you are in grave danger”. Creature Portraits with Scientific Names Scientific Portraits Exhibit Caption: The purpose of these framed portraits is not known. The latin names affixed to the frames suggests they were part of a larger educational exhibit; however, the collection is a curious mix of scientifically documented creatures and unproven cryptids. Portrait Labels, Left To Right: Vermis mors mongolis Vampyroteuthis infernalis Geospiza difficilis septentrionalis Facticius piscsimian barnumensis “Blind Imp” Acrobat Masks Acrobat Masks The name of these “masks” comes from a label affixed to the outside of the box in which they were found. The lack of holes for eyes or mouth would make them impractical for actual use by anyone, especially an acrobat. For this reason, they are assumed to be for decorative purposes only, or for use by a creature that does not need to see or breathe. Article: Boxcar Discovered This is the article that sets the stage for the Goblin Circus show: a short mention in the Press & Argus about a mysterious boxcar found on an island in the middle of a lake south of Hell, MI.
1940 Nationality Act – Hypocrisy and Double Standards In the late 1930’s the United States was once again scratching away at the parchment writing out the legal parameters of the Nationality Act of 1940. The problematic parts of the legislation are certiain conditions that, if not met, a person’s citizenship “automatically expires”, with no due process. What was going on in the country that had lawmakers going to such efforts as to write new laws? With the country in the throes of the Great Depression, its economic effects rippled throughout the world. People from other countries did not have the means to emigrate. Also, because of the restrictive immigrant laws of 1924, many immigrants had been deported. As the threat of a second World War intensified throughout Europe, refugees began to challenge America’s restrictive immigration policies, although rarely successful. The gringa wants to know the facts. Digging a little deeper is required. By the 1930’s, the religious landscape of the nation had changed. America has been historically viewed as a nation founded by, created by and governed by Christians. By the year 1930, however, the population of Jews outnumbered the ranks of the Episcopalians and Presbyterians combined. Eastern European Judaism was the predominant Jewish culture in the U.S. They assimilated into American culture but designed community programs in order to maintain their distinctly Jewish heritage. Despite their “Americanism”, many schools and colleges blatantly discriminated against Jews. With public figures like Henry Ford openly criticizing the patriotism and character of America’s Jewish population, it’s no surprise that violence was commonly visited upon Jews during this period of U.S. history. America was becoming infatuated with it’s own national identity. Folk culture became popularized with the Library of Congress even beginning to collect American folk songs. American intellectuals churned out thoughtful manifestos such as “I’ll Take My Stand”, by the Southern Agrarians who desired a return to the simple way of life of agriculture. In direct contrast was Lewis Mumford’s “Technics and Civilization” which was more forward focused on developing technology to advance U.S. capitalism through a new age of modernism. Such modernist ideas were reflected in the architecture and art of the 1930’s. The 1939 World’s Fair in New York made it clear to the world that America wanted to leave behind the anorexic economy of the Great Depression and this would happen through the development of “the world of tomorrow”. This “world of tomorrow” was pictorialized in America cinema and television shows of the era. This was the birth of the superhero, like Superman and the Lone Ranger. Hollywood also played a critical role in producing forms of entertainment that also served as propaganda to lift American spirits out of the defeatist spirit of the Great Depression. This was when the world was introduced to an American original comedy genre, slapstick and screwball. The financial disaster of the Great Depression gave way to fantasy and longings for a modern, futuristic world. The nation’s economic solution for the people’s relief from the suffering of the Great Depression was the New Deal. This was not specifically a cure, but more of a stabilizing plan. This would enable people to get their feet back under them so they could focus on what Americans do best, make money. Because social and economic salvation came through the government, American perspective toward the government began to change. Americans who previously were suspicious of too much government control and power were now more inclined to believe that the intentions of Big Brother had the citizens’ best interest at heart. As people in the United States are looking forward, the Japanese are looking back. After years of chafing at the political insults America meted out to Japan through immigration policies, on December 29, 1934, Japan renounced the Washington Naval Treaty it had entered into with America in 1922. Five years later, 1939, Germany invades Poland. After a year of appeasement fails, aggression by Nazi Germany begins the Second World War. September 5th of that same year, the United States declares its neutrality. The U.S. had complete confidence in its isolationist position because by that time we already had the A-bomb thanks to refugee Albert Einstein that America welcomed to its shores in 1933 as he fled from the Nazis. And thus begins a flood of European immigrants seeking to escape the horrors of war which inspired the nation, known as the great hope of the hopeless, to once again reveal its true capitalist colors and reform the nation’s immigration and citizenship policies with the 1940 Nationality Act. Section 201 of this act declares citizenship at birth for any child born outside the U.S. of at least one parent who is a U.S. citizen. This parent must have lived within the U.S. or any of its territories for a minimum of ten years, with at least five of those years being after the age of sixteen years. In order for the child to maintain U.S. citizenship status the child must live within the U.S. or any of its territories for five years between the ages of thirteen and twenty-one years. These, of course, being the formative years of primary education and higher education. The nation wanted assurance that during those critical years the child was in the U.S. being indoctrinated with educational propaganda in the public schools in order to shape the mind of the child into a good patriot. If these residential conditions are not met, the child’s U.S. citizenship automatically expires without due process. Section 401 contains wording that provides for the revocation of U.S. citizenship if a person votes in a political election of another country. This particular requirement created legal challenges that resulted in inconsistent action by the U.S. In 1958, U.S. district courts ruled in Perez v. Brownell. Clement Martinez Perez was a U.S. citizen born in El Paso, Texas who traveled back and forth between the U.S. and Mexico, residing in either country for extended periods of time. At some point he voted in a Mexican election. Perez lost his U.S. citizenship based on the court’s finding that Congress can revoke citizenship regardless if the action qualifying for the loss of citizenship is intentional or unintentional. The Supreme Court upheld the decision based on the Necessary and Proper Clause of Art. 1, 8, clause 18 of the Federal Constitution which states that voting in a foreign political election means a withdrawal of U.S. citizenship. The purpose of this clause is so that the U.S. can avoid international embarrassment by Americans getting involved in foreign affairs. Nine years later the United States reverses its position. Beys Afroyim, who arrived in the U.S. in 1912, a Polish immigrant, and was naturalized in 1926, also became an Israeli citizen in 1950. He voted in six separate Israeli elections. He applied with the U.S. Consulate in Israel for an American passport. At first he was refused based on the same legal position attached to Perez in 1958. Taking his case all the way to the Supreme Court, the judge determined that Afroyim had not shown intent to lose his citizenship when he participated in Israeli elections. However, this was a direct contradiction to the published court opinion of the Perez case. Due to the country’s special relationship with the nation of Israel, Americans can hold dual citizenship here and in Israel. That is not the case with Mexico. The gringa suspects the reasoning behind the special relationship with Israel is founded in religion and guilt. Proof of the nation’s guilty conscience resonates in the words of President Truman after the war, “I urge the Congress to turn its attention to this world problem in an effort to find ways whereby we can fulfill our responsibilities to these thousands of homeless and suffering refugees of all faiths.” Now, if guilt is the reason for the special relationship between Israel and America, the gringa is okay with that. After all the United States should have a guilty conscience for not opening the immigration gates for the lambs who were trying to escape the slaughter. However, if religion is the basis for this international special relationship, the gringa says, “We gots us a problem.” According to the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.” If religion is the basis for a special relationship between the United States and Israel, resulting in laws being applied in a prejudicial fashion between Americans of different ethnicities, I believe that is some pretty clear evidence of racism as well as a violation of the spirit of the Constitution. The gringa thinks the District Court of 1958 and the Supreme Court of 1967 has got some splainin’ to do because it seems America’s “world of tomorrow” was one of racial double standards. Photo credit: www.designarchives.aiga.org
Russia Offers Floating Nuclear Plants to India How’s this for a bad idea: floating nuclear plants. Russia, which has plans to build 11 such plants in its far north in the next few years, is also hoping to export the technology. Last month, Russia pitched the idea to India, reportedly offering to moor Russian-operated nuke plants off the Indian coastline — a plan that would conveniently circumvent international rules that restrict nuclear dealings between the two nations. The floating plants would each generate enough power for a town of 50,000. They would also be far less secure than land-based nuke plants, say critics: Floating nuclear plants would lack major safety features such as high-impact concrete walls, and could be more vulnerable to natural disasters such as monsoons, tsunamis, and earthquakes, as well as to human threats such as terrorist attacks. Enviros also warn that any leaks from floating plants into oceans could spread radiation around the globe.
Before Your Book Launches - Promotion & Publicity So you've written a novel; now what? In this series, debut author-to-be Crystal King describes the traditional publication process from start to finish: the lead-up, what to expect along the way, and how building her social media platform has made a difference. In this installment of "On the Path to Publication" Crystal talks about promotion & publicity. Six months ago I wrote a post about the importance of building your social presence early. I shared my tactics and reasoning for working on building an audience. I'm not going to rehash all that here, but all of it is still relevant. I'm working hard on building audience on my social channels, hosting book giveaways, curating the best content and interacting where it makes sense (and where it is authentic) with influencers who may be able to help me promote FEAST OF SORROW. But there is a lot of other things besides social media to think about.  Since I work in the world of marketing, social and PR, I think that my publisher introduced me to my publicist early, probably to get me out of the hair of my editor. From what I hear from fellow authors, the publicist is generally assigned 3-4 months before the launch date.  A publicist will do several things. They'll get your book up on NetGalley and Edelweiss, sites for early reviewers (if you are a book blogger you should definitely sign up for it, free!).  A publicist will also work hard to make sure that magazines, newspapers and online publications will review the book and include it in articles or on top ten lists. The publicist will also try to get me, as an author, interviews. That is the heart of what they do. They also schedule book readings and events, they may help make introductions to high-powered book groups and help place articles you write on topics related to the book. It's possible they could flex their muscles with film contacts (I can hope). They might set up the author on virtual book tours (where the author is interviewed on a variety of blogs). It depends on where you fall on the totem pole for books the publisher chooses to promote (and it may be that you never really know where you rank on that pole). Most of this work starts about three to four months before the book launches.  The marketing team is a different story. They're going to be focused on advertising and making sure that the sales team has the right materials to sell into bookstores. They promote via social media and may help do more event-driven types of campaigns. They work in tandem with the publicist but are less focused on press and more on building awareness for the book. For example, the Touchstone marketing team has helped me with imagery for my social channels and are going to help me design a cookbook for people who pre-order the book.  I have heard over and over again from other authors that "No one is going to love your book as much as you do." It's true, and over the last few months, I've had to temper my enthusiasm in regards to how much I bombard my publisher with my ideas.  One thing that has helped me immensely is picking up the book "What to Do Before Your Book Launch" by bestselling authors M.J. Rose and Randy Susan Meyers. This handy guide helped me reset a few expectations. There is a chapter where they talk about how things on the backside of publicity work with publishers--the stuff that goes on behind the scenes that authors are never told. How the author is really just a cog in a bigger wheel and we need to keep that in mind. Touchstone, for example, publishes upwards of 80-100 books a year. The team is small which means that they are simultaneously working on many books at the same time. Bigger names are going to get bigger billing because they bring in more revenue for the publisher. I just thank my lucky stars that FEAST OF SORROW didn't go out at the same time as Anna Kendrick's recent book, because it felt like that's all that was promoted for the month of November! In the month of April, Touchstone is launching 14 books. I share a book launch date with the upcoming Lisa Unger book, The Red Hunter. Sharing a date with someone that famous will likely have both disadvantages and advantages.  In talking with many other authors, I know a number of people who decide not to solely rely on their in-house publicist and decide to also pony up for an additional publicist. When that happens, the hired publicist, in theory, coordinates with the in-house publicist to divvy up the work and gain even greater reach. Of course, if you publish your book with a small press or you self-publish, you may need to hire your own publicist regardless. Sometimes the publicist you hire is awesome. But, sometimes they aren't and I've heard several stories from friends about the disappointment they faced by choosing the wrong person. Choosing the wrong person may not just mean less press, it will also put you out of pocket a whole bunch of money, usually in the range of $5K-15K depending on the type/amount of work you are looking for from the publicist and what their rate of service might be.  There are a lot of articles on how to find a publicist, but one of the best out there is from Jane Friedman In the next few months, I'm going to be focusing on writing a lot of byline articles for publication. I'm also looking for additional book events that I can attend after my book is launched. I'll be thinking about what I want my email newsletter to be, and I'll likely conduct a few more book contests (which help me build my mailing list). I'll also be prepping for the book launch itself. More about that next month! grubstreet Image About the Author Crystal King is a 25-year marketing, social media and communications veteran, freelance writer and Pushcart-nominated poet. She is the author of the FEAST OF SORROW, about the ancient Roman gourmand, Apicius, and the forthcoming THE CHEF'S SECRET (February 12, 2019, Touchstone Books) about the famous Renaissance chef Bartolomeo Scappi. Currently Crystal works as a social media professor for HubSpot, a leading provider of Inbound marketing software. Crystal has taught classes in writing, creativity, and social media at Harvard Extension School, Boston University, Mass College of Art, UMass Boston and GrubStreet writing center. A former co-editor of the online literary arts journal Plum Ruby Review, Crystal received her MA in Critical and Creative Thinking from UMass Boston, where she developed a series of exercises and writing prompts to help fiction writers in media res. Find her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or at her website: See other articles by Crystal King by Crystal King
Genius Operated Living Enchanted Manifestation From GuildWiki Jump to: navigation, search Northern Golem Kiln Zcoins.png This article has an associated Zaishen Challenge Quest. Objectives[edit | edit source] • Mamp in Rata Sum will brief you on the defenses. (disappears from Quest Log after speaking to Mamp) • Protect each golem kiln as it heats up. • Learn how to deploy golems into battle. • Raze the Destroyer hive. • Drop an Asuran beacon obtained from Sokka to summon golem reinforcements. • Defeat the Bringers of Destruction protecting the hive. Bug.png Bug! The Bringers of Destruction appear when objective 4 is given. If either is destroyed before the final objective is given, the mission will never recognize their deaths, and you will have to resign. Obtained from Mamp in Rata Sum Scrying Pool in Hall of Monuments (after first completion, select "I seek guidance" option) A Little Help Rewards[edit | edit source] Mode Experience Asura reputation points First time Repeats Normal 2,500 1,000 1001 Hard 1,500 150 • 1 Only if below rank 8. Walkthrough[edit | edit source] This quest consists of two stages. The first stage is to protect the Northern Golem Kiln and the Eastern Golem Kiln from the Destroyer attackers while they warm up to full operating temperature. Gadd will assist at the eastern kiln, while Oola assists at the northern kiln. Should Gadd, Oola, or Sokka be killed, they will resurrect once the area is clear of enemies. The destroyers will attack the kilns in groups of two at slightly staggered intervals. Each pair contains one warrior and either a ranger, necromancer, or mesmer. Five pairs of destroyers will attack each side in all. With about one minute between waves, you shouldn't have any trouble killing the first pair before the next arrives. One strategy for this stage is to split the party and defend both kilns at once. With multiple players, you can split a party to have four party members to defend each kiln. It is preferable that every hero at a kiln be controlled by a player at the same kiln. A single player with henchmen and heroes can flag the henchmen at one kiln while he and his heroes defend the other. Since the destroyers only attack in pairs, the reduced party size isn't much of a problem, as long as each half-party has a good balance of healing and damage output. Four henchmen defending a kiln by themselves can get into trouble for a variety of reasons. Gadd or Oola can get stuck and not fight, leaving the side shorthanded. The destroyer rangers can fire on henchmen from far enough away that the henchmen AI to go attack doesn't trigger. Line of sight issues can block attacks, decreasing their damage output to the point that they are unable to clear one wave of destroyers before the next comes. If henchmen have to defend one side on their own, then watch their lifebars, and if they're still taking damage too long after one wave of destroyers arrives, you may need to leave your heroes and go help out. After the kilns are warmed up, the destroyers will stop attacking, and you can speak to Sokka to get an Asuran Beacon. When you drop the beacon, a G.O.L.E.M. 1.0 will be summoned to that location. You have to wait a certain time after using a beacon for a second G.O.L.E.M. 1.0 to be produced, and you can only have two G.O.L.E.M. 1.0s active at a time. Each golem will follow whoever summoned it, and that player can speak to the golem to make it hold position if you need to. The second stage of the quest is a forward assault on the destroyer hive. Cross either of the bridges from which the destroyers attacked and clear out the destroyers on the other side. At the top of the hill you will find a paired Destroyer of Earth and Destroyer of Lives; be careful not to aggro them while dealing with the other destroyers. On the other side of the hill is the hive, with a number of Destroyer Spawns and two Bringers of Destruction. The bringers can be pulled out of the ashy area and killed without triggering any of the spawns, which will hatch into fullsize destroyers. When both Bringers of Destruction are dead, a cutscene will play, and the party will be returned to Rata Sum. Alternative approach[edit | edit source] An alternative approach with using heroes and henchmen is to not have the Destroyers get close to the golems at all. This can be done by ignoring the first quest marker where Sokka is and turn left and go around the quest marker to the left bridge. Some destroyers will come towards you, so approach carefully. Kill off every destroyer in the area and flag your heroes and henchmen near the southern edge of the burnt area where the Bringers of Destruction would spawn and run off to the quest marker to activate the attack. The attacking Destroyers will spawn at the burnt area, but will have their tracks stopped by your heroes and henchmen. You may need to be quick and might need to use skills that increase your movement, as the heroes and henchmen may not able to survive long without your presence. Although you will end up facing four destroyers at the same time in the same area, this can ensure that the destroyers would never get a chance to attack the golem foundries since you and your party are located near the destroyers' spawn point. Once the kilns are warmed up, flag your heroes, run back to talk to Sokka and simply kill the two Bringers of Destruction. • Glitch: if you kill the two Bringers of Destruction before it says "kill the bringers of destruction" you will not complete the mission. Hard mode[edit | edit source] If bringing henchmen and heroes, hard mode means there is quite a bit less leeway for error on the henchmen side while powering up the golems. Because the bridge by the eastern golem can block line of sight, it is better to put the henchmen party at the start at the northern golem while you and your heroes take the eastern one. After you have golems, some groups of destroyers will run long distances when you are still a ways off. It helps to approach but not pull and wait for a group to come, rather than running up to one group and getting another group further behind it to come running into range, too. Creatures[edit | edit source] NPCs[edit | edit source] Allies[edit | edit source] Monsters[edit | edit source] Bosses[edit | edit source] Dialogues[edit | edit source] Briefing from the Scrying Pool. Quest Log: "These golems don't just make themselves, you know... although that's not a bad idea. But for now, this process takes some time. I'm sure our enemies don't want us to finish. Make yourself useful and defend this G.O.L.E.M. foundry from the attacking Destroyers." Cutscene 1[edit | edit source] Before the Battle <party leader>: "Livia, I'm sorry about you and Gadd." Livia: "I learned a great deal from him that can help Kryta. Tell me, have you ever heard of the Scepter of Orr?" Vekk: "Just stop yelling and look at my calculations!" Gadd: "I don't need to look at your calculations. I know it will work." Vekk: "Well, the rest of us don't share your confidence." <party leader>: "What's the problem now?" Gadd: "This HACK is telling me I don't know how to format a crystal array!" Vekk: "I'm TRYING to say that you run a greater risk putting the crystals in a serial pattern than in parallel." Gadd: "You'll get twice the power this way." Vekk: "That's too much power, too fast! You'd flood the enchantment buffers!" Gadd: "Don't lecture me! I was formatting crystals before you were born." <party leader>: "Both of you, quiet! If you want to achieve anything, you have to stop squabbling." Lork: "Vekk! Gadd! The Destroyers!" Gadd: "Now what?" Lork: "The Destroyers! They're coming up from below! Hordes of them!" Vekk: "We're almost done with the golems, but we're not ready yet." <party leader>: "We can go hold them off." Vekk: "Should I come with you?" Gadd: "Go, go. You're just underfoot here." Vekk: "Remember: parallel, not serial!" Gadd: "Yes, yes. So noted." Gadd: "How do they expect me to get any work done with all these interruptions?" Protect each golem kiln as it heats up: Gadd: "Destroyer swarms are headed this way. Here is what we need to do: protect the golem kilns while they heat up. Once they get to the correct temperature, Vekk's human friend here can summon the magical brutes into battle." Oola: "Brutes? The Destroyers don't stand a chance against my magnificent golems!" Gadd: "Your golems? These things would be worthless junk without my power source." Oola: "Hrumph! Gadd's never lets anything like reality get in the way when it comes to claiming all the credit." Sokka: "Enough arguing. Here they come!" Learn how to deploy golems into battle: Oola: "It takes some time for the kilns to produce a golem squad, but once they are ready you'll be able to summon them to the front lines." Gadd: "It's quite ingenious; we've miniaturized the magic of an Asura Gate into handy, portable beacons. Young Sokka, here, will accompany you with a pack full of beacons." Gadd: "Obtain a beacon from him whenever a golem is ready to deploy. Drop it anywhere on the battlefield and a golem will gate into your position." Oola: "Fight your way to the hive and destroy it. The golems will overwhelm the hive, if our hypotheses are correct." Gadd: "Of course they will. I'm never wrong!" Drop an Asuran beacon obtained from Sokka: Sokka: "A golem is ready to be deployed!" Sokka: "Wow. This stuff is so cool! Toss me some work. I'm a team player." Accept: "The golems are ready for deployment. Sokka, hand me a beacon." Reject: "Never mind." Defeat the Bringers of Destruction protecting the hive: Sokka: "Oh, my! What is that thing?" Cutscene 2[edit | edit source] Price of Victory Ogden Stonehealer: "That's a good day's fight!" Vekk: "It would have been harder without the golems." <party leader>: "Gadd and Oola got everything working just in the nick of time." <party leader>: "Oola, I was just telling Vekk about your golems." Oola: "Vekk, I have bad news. It's Gadd." Vekk: "What's he upset about now?" Oola: "He . . . He was trying to boost the power of the last golem." Vekk: "What are you saying?" Oola: "There was an explosion. He didn't make it. I'm sorry." <party leader>: "I don't understand. They hated each other. They argued all the time." Oola: "Fathers and sons argue sometimes. That doesn't mean they don't care." <scene changes> Vekk: "My father believed in the Eternal Alchemy. We are all part of a larger equation." Vekk: "And so we commend Gadd's remains to that greater equation." Vekk: "His ashes return to the universe, but his knowledge remains with us." <party leader>: "Vekk, we are all sorry." Vekk: "He died the way he lived: focused on his goal, and consequences be damned. I tried to warn him." Livia: "I know. I understand the need to protect the ones you love." Livia: "Always remember, he gave us a great victory." Vekk: "I don't know how many such victories I can stand." Notes[edit | edit source] • During this quest, barricades will block off the rest of Riven Earth on all paths except one. When you reach the Destroyer hive (where the Bringer of Destruction is), head east, and you'll be able to explore the entire area free of enemies. Eye of the North storyline quests EotN1mission sm.png Norn: Curse of the NornbearA Gate Too FarBlood Washes Blood Ebon Vanguard: Against the CharrWarband of BrothersAssault on the Stronghold Asura: Finding the BloodstoneThe Elusive GolemancerGenius Operated Living Enchanted Manifestation Deldrimor: Destruction's DepthsA Time for Heroes
Making A Diode Matrix ROM Here is a nice project that allows youngsters (but also adults!) to actually see the data stored in a Read Only Memory (ROM). The memory shown in the picture above is made of diodes. [Scott] made it as a part of his Barcamp Fall 2013 presentation about visualizing ROMs. He starts his write-up by stating the obvious: this memory is not practical. Nonetheless, it still was a fun exercise to do. [Scott] then greatly described all the different kinds of read only memories that you can find out there, with a few words explaining how they work. In his diode ROM, bits are ‘programmed’ by adding (or not) a diode between a given data line (anode) and an address line (cathode). When pulling low a given address line, the corresponding data line will only be pulled low if a diode is present. [Scott] finally checked his circuit by using a very old device programmer which could only be run in DOS. 32 thoughts on “Making A Diode Matrix ROM 1. He doesn’t mention that these types of diode arrays were actually used in some of the very old mainframes from the 60s and earlier, mostly for microcode. I only mention this because the lack of discussing it makes it sound like this was a pie-in-the-sky idea that popped up out of nowhere. “Practical” is relative, compared to today’s technology, but “practical” given that these types of arrays were actually used in production.I know i”m being pedantic. 1. I contemplated doing this, but being the current usage of the LEDs would be different than diodes, I wasn’t sure how it would work out. Also, it is read VERY quickly, so they’d basically appear to be always-on…. Although that would emphasize their “one-ness” or “zero-ness” quite nicely. I’ll explore this more… 2. The VOL of this “ROM” already violates the TTL specs of VIL of 0.8V(Max). Forward drop 0.6V + 74LS139 VOL 0.3V = 0.9V If the silicon diode were to be replaced with LED, all the outputs would be stuck at logic ‘1’. Red LED has lowest forward drop of 1.63V + 0.3V = 1.93V which is pretty darn close to VIH = 2V (min) Beside you are driving the LED at (5V-0.3V-1.63V)/10K = 0.3mA and coupled with very narrow pulse width for memory cycle in hundred of nanoseconds, you are not going to see it. 2. Density can be improved a lot, though. Start with perfboard with line pattern, and stick the diodes in vertically. Don’t skip holes. Snip off excess leads on the top, and solder them to a wire. You could even bend one of the leads and use that as the wire. 1. All of about 32 bytes is way more than enough to make a bootstrapper. Caveat: Depends heavily on the instruction set and hardware. One of the simplest ways is to use a parallel port with a clock line, reset, and single word input. A serial port is about the same if the hardware does the flow control and DMA. Once the interface fills the program memory, just jump to the beginning of your code. And of course, you can repeat this in an onion-style setup for more complex programs with more efficient (say, Ethernet) ways to transfer large amounts of data. Once you can get it to boot, you can hook up a 27xxx chip and burn it through the same board that it’ll be booting next time. Presumably, most people who’ve done this used the same pinout as a parallel-interface EPROM without as many address pins. ;) The hot swapping isn’t even an issue if you use a MUX board (high address line goes to #CSx/CSx lines). Many memory devices have CS0-2 (3 inputs, 1 opposite logic-polarity of others). A neat trick once you get it to bootstrap to an IC ROM, is to make the bootstrapping code check to see (say a switch on the board or some checksum) if the EPROM has already been written, and stop trying to update it. This doesn’t have to be the same as the diode-ROM code, obviously. You can make a more convenient upgrade/burn routine which takes up more space. 2. Did a bit of Googling and found these: If you’re going to try to make it work with 4 bytes of ROM, you might be better off using one of the ROM-less solutions. You literally just pause the PC and fill a buffer. You feed it the opcodes and data bytes to write to RAM. This is super cheap but only works on CPU’s that can run statically (<1KHz). 1. Yes, it can be massively condensed to be MUCH smaller. There were a few factors involved with this though… Being that I was hand-wiring it, it would have taken substantially longer. I also had a limited number of diodes in my parts bin. As it is, I reduced the content from “Barcamp!” to “Hi! “, to use fewer diodes and fewer address lines. I would have also had to figure out a more complex address decoding, as the ‘139 has two sets of 2 bits in. I could just use an extra inverter and some ORs to achieve this though…. Or a logic interface based on diode logic as well… ;) 3. There used to be a company that sold a grid socket that was perfect for this as you could bend the diodes and just plug them in allowing for a “poor mans” prom. 16X16 grid on .1 spacing that could be stuffed next to each other tightly. 4. I used something like this to throw a number of switches in a model railroad yard. You determine the track (address) and the diodes determine which switches to throw to get your train on that track. 5. The diode matrix is a good learning tool, but in practice it suffers from a lack of speed due to the slow diode-resistor transitions. It also take a lot of real estate and is a nightmare to wire together. A much more efficiient solution in terms of speed, size and wiring difficulty is using only 4x dual 4-bit 74153 multiplexers with inputs set to the bit value and select inputs used as word select: All Transistor-Transitor Logic (TTL), easy to reconfigure with only jumper wires, no programming device required for an easy low-density memory! 1. You could also add a precharge circuit to speed up the ROM. Use a mosfet in parallel to the pull-up resistor, and quickly pull it back up to high level during inactive phase of the clock. 6. Let’s see… If you had a 2×14 DIP header (in practice, 14-pin SIP headers), a 28-pin DIP socket, the diode ROM logic(address+array), and what ever is needed to program the EPROM, then you could use that. I still say to use a buffer chip and parallel port. If you wanted to ‘cheat’, BASIC stamps can program a Flash ROM through their port? ;) 7. If your dreams face to the lack of components this leads to a diode ROM of 63 bytes of code for starting 5 functions: Write, Read written code(forward and back), chose memory segment of 256 bytes and Run the code. It is enough to start creating for 8051 some monitor codes. Leave a Reply
HIKING THE HIGH COAST TRAIL - Hajk Clothing | Official online store We had a chat with Alexander Hall, a Hajk ambassador, an outdoor enthusiast, and a photographer, about his passion for the outdoors and his recent adventure to the High Coast in Ångermanland, Sweden. The High Coast is a coastal area located in north eastern part of Sweden. Alexander spent his time hiking up Skuleberget, a mountain in the northern parts of the High Coast. Where does your outdoor enthusiasm come from? I climbed Kebnekaise a few years back and really got hooked on the outdoor stage. That kind of kicked it off. The energy and wellbeing I feel after spending time outdoors is unbeatable. To combine the outdoors with my passion for photography is amazing and has now become a lifestyle. What put the High Coast on your map? I have a personal goal to try to visit all of Sweden's national parks before I turn 35. Not sure if I will make it, but that does not really matter. It is the journey that counts. How would you describe Skuleberget? The environment along the trail varies a lot. It shifts between deep forest, mountain tops, sandy beaches, steep cliffs, and green meadows. Views you simply will never forget and surroundings that will constantly amaze you. Reaching the top is truly amazing. What would you say to people thinking about visiting the High Coast for a hike? It is a great entry level hike. Of course, you could make it more challenging but there is really no need, you will get the most out of it either way. You do not need to spend too much time on research or use hardcore equipment to have a wonderful experience. I can highly recommend it. Thanks for sharing Alexander. We hope you reach your goal and make it to all national parks before turning 35!
Quick Answer: Is Converting To Natural Gas Worth It? Can you convert a house from oil to gas? Converting your existing oil-burning furnace or boiler to natural gas is likely to be expensive. At a minimum you will need to replace the burner, and many older models simply can’t be upgraded. However, if you need to replace an older oil furnace anyway, natural gas may make sense.. Is gas heating better than oil? Oil Heat vs. … Gas furnaces have an efficiency rating between 89% and 98% while oil furnaces have lower ratings between 80% and 90%. As seen, gas furnaces are more efficient. However, their efficiency comes at an extra cost, making gas furnaces more expensive than oil furnaces. Can you convert any BBQ to natural gas? Make sure your grill is designed for dual fuel and able to run off of natural gas. Not every propane grill can use natural gas, so be sure to consult your owner’s manual. Buy a conversion kit. A conversion kit enables you to turn a propane gas grill into a natural gas grill. What is the best natural gas generator? Best Natural Gas Generators Comparison TableProduct nameWattsRun timeBriggs & Stratton 4034620,000163 cu ft/hr at 1/2 loadWEN 561801800 surge and 1500 running7.5-hrs at 1/2 loadGenerac 646216,000193 cu ft/hr at 1/2 loadDuroStar DS4000S4000 Surge/3300 continuous8-hrs at 1/2 load2 more rows•Oct 21, 2016 How do you convert to natural gas? 3. Convert Your Home To Natural Gas—Contact National Fuel’s New Services Department at 1-800-295-0059 or (716) 827-2343 or submit an application on-line. A National Fuel representative will be assigned to you and help you through this process. How long does it take to convert from oil to gas? New gas service line installations take between four to six weeks, depending on permit approval and weather. How much does it cost to convert oil furnace to gas? According to CBS Boston, switching to a natural gas forced hot air system can cost between $4,500 and $7,000. And according to New England Cable News, conversions will run a household $3,500-$10,000. So you can see a wide swing between $3,500 and $10,000. New gas line installation can cost about $1,000. Is natural gas cheaper than oil? Natural gas is cheaper, this is true. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the average consumer pays more in a year for oil than gas. … The cost of a new natural gas furnace is about $7,000. How much does it cost to convert from oil to gas in CT? The oil to gas conversion cost for the most efficient heating appliances installed will generally range from $5,000 to $10,000, but that cost is reduced significantly by available financing and rebate incentives. Can you convert oil furnace to propane? Converting your Heating System from Fuel Oil to Propane Gas One easy solution is the installation of the Carlin Gas Conversion Burner that can be installed in almost any oil fired furnace, boiler or water heater. No clogged nozzles or filters from inconsistent or dirty grade fuel oil. Can you convert natural gas to propane? You can convert some appliances, but others are designed to burn only natural gas. If you can safely convert an appliance or furnace, then switching to propane as a fuel source requires some appliance modification, including replacing parts using a conversion kit. How much does it cost to convert to natural gas? Average cost: between $6,000 and $12,000. Other natural gas appliances, like a water heater, stove, clothes dryer, or pool heater (if needed) The total possible cost will vary based on individual requirements but generally averages between $6,800 and $14,800 for a typical single family home. Is it worth it to convert from oil to gas?
Keyspace List for WPA on Default Routers I am not sure I even understand your difficulty. Let's take NVG589 specifically. We have an algorithm that takes in a 64-bit integer 'x' and spits out a 12-letter password: for n in range(0,6): pw=pw_charset[x%37] + pw pw=chr(50+(x%8)) + pw For whatever reason, AT&T people don't just pull an 'x' out of a RNG or something, instead they pull a 31-bit int and multiply it by a magic number that is approximately 465661287.5245797. (Or possibly do some slightly longer sequence of multiplications and additions which amounts to the same thing, because simply multiplying by that number does not always yield the exact result. But ignore that for now.) Now, where did they get 465661287.5245797? Beats me. All I know is: (1) if they are starting with a 31-bit number, they had to multiply by _something_ (to span the whole range of passwords), since feeding a 31-bit value direct into code above would always result in passwords that start with 2a2a2a..; (2) that exact value reproduces many of the passwords I see in the wild and that can't be a coincidence. (To calculate it, I basically had the computer run through all possible values until it found one that gave lots of hits.) for NVG599, they tweak the number->password conversion algorithm and replace the 465... value with 2^32+2. Again why 2^32+2? Not a clue. Messages In This Thread RE: Keyspace List for WPA on Default Routers - by mrfancypants - 08-15-2017, 02:26 AM
3 months old baby Question: hi mommies: kya yeh fact h ki agr bm feed krani wali mummy cold water drink krti h to is ki wajah se baby ko cold and cough hota h plzzz ansr 5 Answers Answer: Some doctors do agree that if mother is being exposed to cold items be it cold water or ice creams then it can be a possible cause of kid's cold too. through BM it can get transferred to the child.. Answer: Until nd unless u dnt get cough baby wont get affected Nd no its not true jzz tc of ur self Baby will alwyz be alright God bless u All the best Answer: Yes it's true..aap koi b thandi ya garam cheej khayengi uska asar aapke baby ko hoga.aapke jariye wo cheej direct aapke baby ko milti h Answer: Hello! Nehi, aisa nehi hota hain. Par apko agar cold hua toh baby ko bhi cold hoga. Isisliye jyada mat lijiye. Answer: Ya it's true Similar Questions with Answers Question: hi..3 month baby ko gripe water or janam ghuti de sakte h kya plzzz ansr .. Answer: hello dear ghutti and gripe water are not advisable by the doctors. according them---  they make baby cranky spoil the digestion system. sometimes they may be cause of allergy. they have contain sugar in big amount which can increase the risk of tooth decay.  gripe water and ghutti may affect baby's feeding habit. some gripe water contains alcohol and artificial flavors which are very harmful for babies.  they also contains baking soda. baking soda should not given to colicky.  »Read All Answers Question: hi...kya yeh sach h ki baby ko jitna bm feed krayenge milk supply utni he jada hoti h plzzz btaye Answer: Haan milk supply better rehta hai agar feed karte rahenge...kyunki agar feed nahi karaoge toh milk ducts block hote hai »Read All Answers Question: hi...kya mai apne 1 month baby ko late kr bm feed kra sakti hu ? bcz mai ne suna h late kr baby ko feed krane se kaan mai prblm hoti h kya yeh sach h plzzz btaye Answer: Meri beti 1.5 mahine ki h, Mai b use late ker hi feed karwati hu Raat Mai . vese Th Koi problm nhi h ek mahine K baad »Read All Answers
Health Inspired Dentistry Blog Replacing Dental Fillings Thursday, 24 August 2017 Why Does My Filling Need Replacing? There are many different kinds of dental filling material and each has a different life span. Fillings can be made of gold, amalgam (silver) or composite (tooth colored) materials. A filling doesn’t need to be causing pain to necessitate replacement. In fact, the goal is to replace the filling before it gets to the point of being symptomatic. Constant daily stress from chewing, grinding and clenching teeth can cause a filling to wear. As the filling wears, it starts to separate from the tooth leaving gaps at the filling edges or cracks across the top of its surface. These gaps now provide an entry point for decay causing bacteria and food particles to work their way between the filling and the tooth. A toothbrush cannot remove these easily and decay may develop along the edge of the filling and underneath. If left untreated, decay can progress to infect the nerve of the tooth, which often results in a root canal or loss of a tooth. When silver fillings start to breakdown, they corrode sometimes causing a metallic taste in the mouth. They also begin to leach into the tooth causing it to turn black or grey, staining it, sometimes permanently. Prevention and treatment of failing fillings Prevention with regular dental examinations is one of the best ways to keep your teeth and fillings healthy. In the dental chair, magnification of these restorations with an intraoral camera can easily detect faulty fillings early to identify weakness that can lead to complications, which can be costly to tooth structure and your pocketbook. Removal of these fillings, especially older amalgam or mercury fillings, using a safe amalgam removal technique and equipment should be employed so mercury vapor and fine particles are not inhaled or absorbed into the lungs. Following removal, an aesthetically pleasing durable filling is placed that replicates tooth structure. Our practice promotes mercury-free, mercury safe, biological compatible dentistry and is certified in Safe Amalgam Removal services. Contact us for a complimentary examination to review your restorative needs. See our Preventative Care Services for more information. -Dr. Claudia Minadeo-Fox
Hegel & The Modern State The events of the French Revolution persuaded the Prussian philosopher Hegel that politics must be considered within its economic, cultural and religious context, as well in the context of history. Any a-historical social theory, such as state of nature theories and natural rights are archaic. Part of this was the need to reconcile ancient Greek & Roman liberty with modern ideas of liberty based on freedom of the individual. The French revolutionaries had tried to turn the French people into Roman citizens – with absolute loyalty to the state and the principles of the revolution, but had failed. Hegel considered how the benefits of the ancient citizen can be re-created in the modern world and combined with modern liberty. Hegel’s work ‘Phenomenology’ includes a discussion of freedom. Hegel claimed that freedom is the central feature of human life. The mind is essentially free, and both thought and action spring from the imaginative freedom of the mind. All human activity shows that we are free and all else is the raw material of our freedom. Even swinging our arms aimlessly displays the right of a mind to embody itself in and exercise sway over the human body. But what of other people who may limit our freedom? A person may reduce another to slavery in order to maintain their own freedom. However, the existence of slavery in a society causes it to become corrupted. Manual labour is despised, and traits such as cruelty, greed and petulance become the norm. In short, such societies are economic, technological and cultural dead ends. Hegel held that freedom is more than a matter of being left to our own devices, as Hobbes said. Freedom consists in mastering the world and enjoying it. A lunatic cannot be free because his will is unformed; an addict cannot be free because he cannot control his own choices. Philosophy of History In Hegel’s ‘Philosophy of History’ he walks through a history of freedom by discussing various concepts of societies through history. The first is oriental despotism, where only the despot is free, and all others are his slaves. There is no debate over policy and therefore no politics. The Greek polis is a development because some are free. Active citizens contributed to political debate and defended their state, but citizenship was heavily restricted and relied on slavery. If freedom is autonomy, and true autonomy is founded in our ability to govern ourselves by reason, i.e. to collectively choose to follow a system of rules based on reason, then the sad ending of Socrates highlights the limitations of ancient Greek freedom. Socrates’ insistence on following his own system of rules based on reason led to claims of disloyalty and treason against the Athenian state, and ultimately his execution. Christianity is the inception of Hegel’s view of modern freedom: the belief in the infinite value of the individual soul leads to the belief that we should all be free. Simultaneously Christian society requires submission to a higher authority; ultimately the authority of God can be replaced by the modern state. Philosophy of Right Hegel’s ‘Philosophy of Right’ describes a modern society that guarantees the freedom of all. The focus is on what rights and freedoms we should have, how they are generated, and what legitimises the state. Society should be based on the general will of those in society, but Hegel’s view of the general (or rational) will is different to Rousseau. Rousseau believed that humans are corrupted by society, whereas Hegel’s general will grows out of natural social interactions, whose rationality we come to understand through education and experience. The French Revolution taught Hegel that Rousseau’s general will is too abstract and is liable to be interpreted by a single individual, such as Robespierre. The general will sustains a framework of well-ordered rules which confer rights and duties on members of society, which allows them to live autonomously, and therefore in freedom. Hegel discusses what these rights and duties are. He starts with property rights (ownership being an enabler for control and therefore freedom). These rights can be conferred by work. Hegel knew that the labourer did not achieve part ownership of the object he worked on but instead received payment, and that a legal system is required to ensure agreement on the value of work. A legal system can also manage the transfer of ownership and distinguish between legitimate transfer and theft. To ensure freedom from theft, society must imbue people with a sense of morality. Penalties work as a deterrent (so if successful will not be required to be used), and social pressure is required to induce people to internalise those penalties as part of their conscience. If laws are at odds with our conscience, we are less likely to follow them. Hegel’s definition of morality differs to Kant, who claimed that our morality is governed by rational maxims. In other words, something is immoral if it is contradictory. For example, lying is contradictory because lies fulfil their function if someone believes them to be true, but if everyone lies then the lies will no longer be believed. Hegel implies that this view of morality was responsible for the descent of the French Revolution into terror. The combination of an extreme moral individualism (Kant insisted the individual’s reason is the final court of judgement above all else) and an extreme rationalism allowed the likes of Robespierre to believe themselves morally infallible, and therefore believe their opponents to be mad or evil. Hegel’s slogan that the truth lies in the whole meant that morality must consider the needs and values of society as a whole. Family, civil society, and the state Hegel also discusses the institutions of a rational modern political community, and groups them into the family, civil society, and the state. The family (meaning nuclear family) is naturally held together by the affection between individuals. The key purpose of the family is to prepare children for a life as adults within civil society. Hegel was novel in making a clear distinction between civil society and the state. Civil society is based on contractual relationships built on individual self-interest. Our actions are not coordinated by a rational will but by Adam Smith’s ‘invisible hand’ – we are motivated by self-interest, but by promoting our own interests we promote the general interest. This requires a regulated capitalist economy with a society split into three social classes – those in the landed economy, the non-landed economy, and administrators / officials (appointed on merit). This emphasis on administrators is consistent with Saint-Simon’s view on the importance of experts to manage an industrial society. Hegel also identifies the under and unemployed as a fourth social element, which if unmanaged will agitate and torment society. Hegel agreed that capitalism during his time created too many unwanted side effects (e.g. unpredictable food supplies and economies which could lead to famine and destroy livelihoods) but believed they could be managed by greater government regulation. Marx countered that the associated loss of income would not be acceptable to capitalists. Hegel came close to justifying the modern welfare state by highlighting the virtues of official provision over the vagaries of individual charity. He also noted the possibility of indiscriminate welfare affecting the self-respect of its recipients. The final aspect of a modern political community is the state. Hegel’s description of the state consists of three elements; the constitution, international relations, and the stage of world history. The state should be led by a constitutional monarch, with the Montesquieuan separation of powers into executive, legislative and judiciary. Hegel was critical of democracy. He favoured a limited franchise, a strong aristocratic element in parliament and Burke’s representative rather than delegate style of parliamentarian. The essence of the state is the unconditionality of our allegiance, hence Hegel’s disdain for the idea of a social contract with the state. This raises the question of whether people can be citizens rather than subjects. People know in broad terms when things are going well or not, but only experts can make policy in a complex modern society. The ultimate right of the state is to send its people to war. States must employ force in a measured fashion to secure national objectives. As Clausewitz said, war is the promotion of policy by other means. Strong cultures, such as those of ancient Persia and Greece, are actors in world history and allow mankind to progress. The ultimate purpose of the state is to shelter the culture of its society, and the freedom this entails. Since the renaissance political thinkers had been grappling with the challenge of how to re-create the society of ancient Athens in the modern world. Hegel said that we should not try, and instead rationalised the modern state as a third way. This was a balance; it guaranteed a substantial individual freedom but ensured a strong and effectively administered state. If you are interested in finding out more about this topic, I strongly recommend getting a copy of Alan Ryan’s ‘On Politics’, which this blog is predominantly based on. Here are a few links you can use to find it: Leave a Reply WordPress.com Logo Google photo Twitter picture Facebook photo Connecting to %s
Winner’s Circle Celebration – As Borough Boy Was Breathing His Last Video of the kill (Borough Boy) at Saratoga yesterday. Please continue watching till the end, when it’s all smiles in the Winner’s Circle even as another horse lay dying. Vile. Leave a Comment 1. And it’s not just the owners, trainers and jockeys – the people in the stands didn’t give two shits about this poor horse laying shattered in the mud. I don’t know why they feel they have to use a curtain on the track because it’s obvious people aren’t bothered in the least by seeing a horse literally break apart right in front of them. Died in the mud and then dumped in the garbage pile to be dragged away by the rendering truck. But they love their horses. I think every broken racehorse’s body should be taken to PETA and HSUS so they can look at the whip marks, the freeze burn scars, the shattered limbs and bits of bone found scattered on the track, and the bloody faces from pulmonary hemorrhaging. I want them to look into those dead horses’ eyes and tell them that this isn’t abuse. 2. Yet another horrific verification that this business doesn’t give a damn about the racehorses dying. As long as their horse picks up a check then who gives a fuck about the other one and this is precisely why their stupid “go to” quote is: there are just some bad apples that need to be weeded out. No, you are all bad apples, rotten to the core, every single one of you. You apologists, the racetracks, and every single entity needs to be weeded out of our civil society because you can’t possibly be civil or have one ounce of compassion while continuing to support this massive suffering and dying for a completely unnecessary gambling venue. Another thing, ever notice how this business continues to lie about their “smashing wagering records,” while proclaiming that no racehorses died during their meet? These people are the amoebas on top of the blood sucking leeches – that’s how low they are. I will continue to be a voice for racehorses like BOROUGH BOY – so sorry for you. We will not let you and all the others die in vain. • Do you or any of your followers have any concern about the health of the jock??? Its COMPETITION same as Automobile racing or football which also carry grave HUMAN dangers!!! Anyone involved from owner to trainer to jockey and beyond are deeply hurt by the results of these injuries during COMPETITION! • The jockey chooses that work. Surely you as a reasonable human can see that as a dangerous occupation. the jockey chooses to keep beating the horse to run even when the horse is in pain or going down as evidenced by the videos of races. now you tell me when the horse as the choice. end this useless waste of money and stop breeding these animals only to have them die • Not really. The jockey chooses to participate in a dangerous activity while fully aware of the consequences. Same for automobile racing or football. Humans are the only species that willingly participate in dangerous activities for fun or money, the horses don’t get a choice. If it’s so dangerous for the jockeys maybe horse racing should be banned? I assure you, if a jockey died daily it would be illegal. • You would think that if a jockey was so concerned about their health then they wouldn’t consent to the dangerous risks involved now would they? The racehorses don’t have a choice to be beaten or sent out to die now do they? Finally, if the owners and trainers are “beyond deeply hurt” then why do they support this? Why do they continue to subject their racehorses to practices that are nothing less than abusive? Why do they watch racehorse after racehorse snap their legs-off and not demand the shut down of this public butcher show? Why don’t they donate even one dime to their disposable gambling chips while spending hundreds of thousands buying yet their next voiceless victim? Deeply hurt? …….pleeeeezzzzzeeee. Go stick your head in some manure because maybe the smell with awaken your rational senses. 3. No words for this horror. The Greed of Humans is sickening. I am ashamed of these folks. I would never help them if they needed help after displaying such carelessness of these horses. No compassion for their lives, my heart is broken watching this. May Karma bring them sorrow in their lives full of Greed. 4. Why can’t this horrible industry fold up and go away. Stop the killing of theses beautiful horses. Please end horse racing in America 5. Oh my god I feel sick watching that the cruelest thing ever. Heartless I do not condone horse racing at all Just animal abuse Such a senseless waste of a life for you to line your pockets at there expense So very sad 6. Watching this was painful, Borough Boy was whipped harshly 6 times down the stretch, right before he broke down. Just speechless and Angry. Patrick has done a fantastic job in trying to end this torture as I was impressed by his plea on HBO this past May. There has to be coverage on the abuse during prime time such as 6O minutes. There are too many animal lovers, let alone humanitarians, in this country that are unaware of the inhumane treatment. Congress has been sitting on a reform bill for years while our beloved horses, who carried us through wars( recently in Afghanistan in 2001) continue to be tortured. I will be emailing 60 minutes with a request and hopefully Patrick can shine again and get a larger audience demanding an end to this cruelty. This video clearly shows the abuse and I’m sure Burough Boy, other broken down horses and ones led to slaughter all shared one last thought “I tried so hard to win for you but what did I do to deserve this treatment?” 7. You can literally see that poor horses’ broken legs flopping. The announcer didn’t even miss a beat. I think I now see what the problem is. These people- the announcers, the jockeys, the trainers, the owners, the vets and the fans – are so thoroughly desensitized by the day-after-day death, injury and abuse that they have no qualms whatsoever about this. It has become normal to them. They don’t even give it two seconds’ thought. I find myself wishing for a climate disaster, a world-wide plague, a disease with no cure, ANYTHING that will wipe the vile and despicable VIRUS that the human species has become off the face of the earth. • Thank you so much Arlene,you articulated Beautifully Exactly how I Feel. I know I am not alone,we are in the right,and we Will win out. 8. Beating that poor house right into the grave. It’s lplain he fell in the slop which would not have happen had he not been beaten to run through that crap. End this useless so called sport and stop breeding these horse so they can be tortured their whole lives for no useless purpose Leave a Reply You are commenting using your account. 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Dakotah and Jay How They Asked Dakotah and Jay went on their first family trip together last December to Florida! The plan was almost ruined because when a wave came in, Dakotah grabbed Jay to pull him in the water and he had to fight her since the ring was in his hand. As they we were walking down the beach he grabbed a big shell (almost lost the ring because a wave came in and soaked him as he went down to grab the shell) and turned around with it inside the shell. Dakotah literally was so happy she said “thank you” and hugged him. He had to ask her to say yes. They laugh about it to this day. Special Thanks Green Apple Photography  | Photography Clifty Falls State Park  | Engagement Shoot Location
online games, multiplayer games No download needed! What is Simcountry? Beginners Info What is Simcountry? remove limitation on quality and effectivity upgrades Status: Rejected   Detailed Description: right now, the maximum quality and effectivity of state corp is 200. there are also limits on CEO and public corps. this is not consistent with real world industry ideals. To be more similar to real world and make the economy game more interesting, i propose: 1. the will be no limitation on the amount of upgrades 2. the impact of upgrade will be reduced as overall improvement of the corporation. (real world, its much cheaper to improve from 59% to 60% than 99% to 100%) 3. effectivity upgrade will reduce quality unless quality is also upgraded (faster work usually means poorer job) if you want the corps be more interesting, vote yes! 14 gamers voted for the proposal. 47 gamers voted against the proposal. The proposal has been REJECTED. Simcountry Introduction
Skip to content 8 thoughts on “ Reflecting Lights 1. Together they recorded ‘Reflecting Light Vol. 2 using a Roland JX-3P, TR and a Steinway Grand Piano. The cassettes had mirrored covers, a reference to the Zweistein jacket 14 years prior. Inspired by the book “The Blue Island,” ‘Reflecting Light,’ a blend of solo piano and electronic sounds. 2. Jan 13,  · [Intro] C Cmaj7 C Cmaj7 [Chorus] C Cmaj7 C Cmaj7 Now that I've worn out, I've worn out the world Dm G Dm G I'm on my knees in fascination Dm G Looking through the night C C7 F And the moon's never seen me before Dm G C But I'm reflecting light [Verse] Dm G I rode the pain down Dm G Got off and looked up E Am Looked into your eyes Dm G The lost. 3. Apr 23,  · Which Colors Reflect More Light? From Total to Zero Reflectivity. If the color of a surface is anything other than white, it means that it absorbs light Tints and Shades. If a surface isn't white, then the closer its color is to white, the more light it reflects. Pastel Different Colors in. 4. Reflecting light. Toggle text. When light strikes an object, its rays can be either absorbed or reflected. A solid black object absorbs almost all light, while a shiny smooth surface, such as a mirror, reflects almost all light back. When reflected off a flat mirror, light bounces . 5. to cast back (light, heat, sound, etc.) from a surface: The mirror reflected the light onto the wall. to give back or show an image of; mirror. verb (used without object) to be turned or cast back, as light. 6. Reflector switches detect an object when it passes between the switch and the reflector, interrupting the beam. They have a longer sensing distance than direct-sensing switches. Adjustable switches can increase the intensity of the light beam to better detect shiny or translucent objects. 7. Reflecting Light. Share this science project. On the informational level, the student becomes acquainted with the law of reflection as it pertains to plane mirrors. First, the student experiences how a plane mirror creates an image that is flipped from left to right. Second, the law of reflection is used to explain the position of an image. 8. Light reflectance (LR) indicates the percentage of light that ceilings reflect. Our stone wool ceiling tiles and products feature a smooth or lightly textured, homogenous surface. Our selection of white acoustic ceiling products ranges in LR from to Leave a Comment
Information About Chhattisgarh Country  India Formation 1 November 2000 Capital Naya Raipur Largest city Raipur Districts 27 Official language Hindi, Chhattisgarhi In 1st November 2000, Chhattisgarh carved out of Madhya Pradesh and formed as India’s 26th state. Chhattisgarh borders Madhya Pradesh on the northwest, Maharashtra on the west, Andhra Pradesh on the south, Orissa on the east, Jharkhand on the northeast and Uttar Pradesh on the north. Raipur is the capital of Chhattisgarh. It is the 10th-largest state in India by area of 52,199 sq mi (135,194 km). Chhattisgarh takes its name from 36 princely states that constitute this region (chhattis means “36”, and garh means “fort”). The Chhattisgarhi language, a dialect of eastern Hindi, is a predominant language in the state, recognized along with Hindi as the official language of the state. Many tribal and some Dravidian influenced dialects or languages are spoken in various parts of Chhattisgarh. Chhatisgarh is an exquisitely scenic state, with two mighty rivers (Indravati and Mahanadi), 12% of India’s forests, and a series of rolling hills. The north of the state lies on the edge of the great Indo-Gangetic plain: The Rihand River, a tributary of the Ganges, drains this area. The eastern end of the Satpura Range and the western edge of the Chota Nagpur Plateau form an east-west belt of hills that divide the Mahanadi River basin from the Indo-Gangetic plain. The central part of the state lies in the fertile upper basin of the Mahanadi and its tributaries, with extensive rice cultivation. The upper Mahanadi basin is separated from the upper Narmada basin to the west by the Maikal Hills, (part of the Satpuras), and from the plains of Orissa to the east by ranges of hills. The southern part of the state lies on the Deccan plateau, in the watershed of the Godavari River and its tributary the Indravati River. Forests cover roughly 44% of the state. The economy of Chhattisgarh has grown rapidly in recent years. More than 80% of the population depends on agriculture, and 43% of the land is cultivated. The main crops are paddy, wheat, maize, groundnut, pulses and oilseeds. Chhattisgarh is also called the “rice bowl of India”. It has very good irrigation systems, with dams and canals on various rivers. Chhattisgarh is also rich in minerals. It produces 20% of the country’s steel and cement. Iron-ore, limestone, dolomite, coal, bauxite are abundant. It is the only tin-ore producing state in the country. Other minerals include korandum, garnet, quartz, marble and diamonds. Industry is significant part of state’s economy. State-owned industries include Bhilai Steel Plant and NTPC. Big private companies include Balco (sterlite industry), Lafarge and Jindal steel. From November to January, is a good time to visit, with lower temperatures, less humidity and the verdant greenery and raging waterfalls left by the monsoons. Source: Wikipedia [Chhattisgarh] Chhattisgarh Govt. Chhattisgarh Tourism
Skip to main content Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: Issue Date: 1-Aug-2013 Title: Modeling, analysis and optimization of integrated energy systems for multigeneration purposes Authors: Ahmadi, Pouria Publisher : UOIT Degree : Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Department : Mechanical Engineering Supervisor : Dincer, Ibrahim Keywords: Optimization Multigeneration system Abstract: Energy use is directly linked to well-being and prosperity across the world. Meeting the growing demand for energy in a safe and environmentally responsible manner is an important challenge. There are around seven billion people on Earth and population growth will likely lead to an increase in energy demand, which depends on the adequacy of energy resources. In addition, increasing population and economic development in many countries have serious implications for the environment, since energy generation processes (e.g., generation of electricity, heating, cooling, and shaft work for transportation and other applications) emit pollutants, many of which are harmful to ecosystems. Utilizing advanced technologies to mitigate global warming and increase the efficiency of energy systems are key objectives, with ways to meet them proposed and tested in many countries. Among these technologies, multigeneration processes stand out as a possibility for making important contributions due to their potential for high efficiencies as well as low operating costs and pollution emissions per energy output. In this PhD thesis, three novel multigeneration energy systems are considered, analyzed and optimized. The aim is to consider both renewable- and non-renewable-based multigeneration systems. A non-renewable-based multigeneration system is composed of a gas turbine as a prime mover, a double pressure heat recovery steam generator, a single effect absorption chiller, a domestic water heater, an ejector cooling system and PEM electrolyzer. This proposed multigeneration system can produce electricity, heating, cooling, hot water and hydrogen simultaneously. The overall exergy efficiency of the system is 60%, which is 30% higher than the power generation system. Observations show that shifting from a conventional power generation system to a multigeneration cycle leads to a decrease in CO2 emissions of approximately 120 kg/kWh, providing significant motivation to convert to multigeneration cycles. For renewable-based multigeneration systems, biomass-based and integrated ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC)-based were selected as candidates to meet the requirements of producing electricity, heating, cooling, hot and fresh water and hydrogen. The biomass-based multigeneration system is composed of a biomass combustor, an ORC cycle for producing electricity, a double-effect absorption chiller for cooling, a heat exchanger for heating, a proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyzer for producing hydrogen, a domestic water heater for producing hot water and a reverse osmosis (RO) desalinator for producing fresh water. Pine sawdust is used as the biomass fuel and burned in a biomass combustor. This multigeneration system increases the exergy efficiency by about 20% and reduces CO2 emissions by about 3500 kg/MWh compared to a conventional power generation system.The last multigeneration energy system examined is an ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC)-based system integrated with a PV/T solar collector and a single-effect absorption chiller to provide the cooling load of the system. An OTEC system utilizes low-grade energy and has a low energy efficiency. This integrated system uses warm surface seawater to evaporate a working fluid like ammonia or a Freon refrigerant, which drives an ORC turbine to produce electricity, which in turn is used to drive a PEM electrolyzer to produce hydrogen. A reverse osmosis (RO) desalination unit is used to produce fresh water. The exergy efficiency of this integrated system is 37%, which is higher than single generation systems and, in addition, this integrated system has no emissions as it uses ocean energy instead of fuel. Multigeneration processes can make important contributions due to their potential for high efficiency as well as low operating costs and pollution emissions per energy output. Issues such as fossil fuel depletion and climate change amplify the advantages and significance of efficient multigeneration energy systems. Appears in Collections:Electronic Theses and Dissertations (Public) Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science - Doctoral Dissertations Files in This Item: File Description SizeFormat Ahmadi_Pouria.pdf4.05 MBAdobe PDFView/Open Items in e-scholar@UOIT are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved, unless otherwise indicated.
Hollywood Superheroine How am I supposed to keep my new job in Hollywood when my father insists on summoning me to his universe over and over? I’m a storyboard artist, not a bodyguard, but Diabolical Dave McCay demands that I protect pioneer feminist actress Judy Anthony as she campaigns for women’s rights in his retro society. Why are clowns attacking an activist actress, anyway? Are these mere pranks, or something more serious? Why aren’t there other superheroes in Dave’s universe? And in my own universe, how can I fend off the advances of my charming but pushy new boss, a powerful Hollywood director? PG-rated nonstop comic book style adventure set in two universes, with plenty of super-powered battles and recognizable classic comic book scenarios—and some iffy romance thrown in. Comments are closed.
Born Ferenc Hoffmann in 1924, Kishon, an author, playwright, screenwriter and humorist, emigrates from Hungary to Israel in 1949. His more than 50 books, 9 plays, 5 movies and numerous newspaper columns gain him international recognition for his biting wit, creative characters and humorous depictions of everyday life in Israel. Some of his most noted works are the films “Salah Shabbati” and “Ha’Shoter Azulai” and the books “Noah’s Ark, Tourist Class” and “So Sorry We Won!”
I am a RN that works at a large hospital in GA. By Jackie I am a RN that works at a large hospital in GA. I have a disabled spouse that has had a transplant, heart disease and a disabled mother with COPD and heart disease that reside with me. I live with the fear of bringing this virus home to my family, while continuing my calling and career as a nurse. I see the real reality of this virus in patients and the spreading in society because a lot of people refuse to believe this is a real pandemic, but unfortunately is is all too real and the cases are continuing to grow in our hospital and we are having to open more covid units, we have more positive covid patients now than ever before. I pray people become aware and the only way we can prevent spreading this virus is through social distancing and when we can't do that wear a mask, and continually wash hands, use hand sanitizer, as well as educate yourselves and make sure you are taking anything you hear and read from reputable and scholarly persons and sites. God bless and stay well.
Publication: China Brief Volume: 2 Issue: 19 By Li Thian-hok The U.S. Department of Defense’s Annual Report on the Military Power of the People’s Republic of China, released on July 12, pointed out Taiwan’s growing vulnerability to China’s pre-emptive, multipronged blitzkrieg. In acquiring advanced weapons from Russia and frequent large-scale joint-force military exercises, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has been steadily developing a credible capacity to coerce Taiwan into submission through a strategy of “rapid war, rapid resolution,” which will preempt any chance of third-party intervention. The U.S.-China Security Review Commission’s report to Congress, released on July 15, predicted that in three to five years the PLA will have the military capability to pursue a forceful absorption of Taiwan. So why is the military balance of power shifting so rapidly in the PRC’s favor?
Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and glucose metabolism in human myocytes in Journal of Endocrinology Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) has been shown to have insulin-like effects upon the metabolism of glucose in rat liver, muscle and fat, and on that of lipids in rat and human adipocytes. These actions seem to be exerted through specific receptors which, unlike that of the pancreas, are not - at least in liver and muscle - cAMP-associated. Here we have investigated the effect, its characteristics, and possible second messengers of GLP-1 on the glucose metabolism of human skeletal muscle, in tissue strips and primary cultured myocytes. In muscle strips, GLP-1, like insulin, stimulated glycogen synthesis, glycogen synthase a activity, and glucose oxidation and utilization, and inhibited glycogen phosphorylase a activity, all of this at physiological concentrations of the peptide. In cultured myotubes, GLP-1 exerted, from 10(-13) mol/l, a dose-related increase of the D-[U-(14)C]glucose incorporation into glycogen, with the same potency as insulin, together with an activation of glycogen synthase a; the effect of 10(-11) mol/l GLP-1 on both parameters was additive to that induced by the equimolar amount of insulin. Synthase a was still activated in cells after 2 days of exposure to GLP-1, as compared with myotubes maintained in the absence of peptide. In human muscle cells, exendin-4 and its truncated form 9-39 amide (Ex-9) are both agonists of the GLP-1 effect on glycogen synthesis and synthase a activity; but while neither GLP-1 nor exendin-4 affected the cellular cAMP content after 5-min incubation in the absence of 3-isobutyl-1-methylxantine (IBMX), an increase was detected with Ex-9. GLP-1, exendin-4, Ex-9 and insulin all induced the prompt hydrolysis of glycosylphosphatidylinositols (GPIs). This work shows a potent stimulatory effect of GLP-1 on the glucose metabolism of human skeletal muscle, and supports the long-term therapeutic value of the peptide. Further evidence for a GLP-1 receptor in this tissue, different from that of the pancreas, is also illustrated, suggesting a role for an inositolphosphoglycan (IPG) as at least one of the possible second messengers of the GLP-1 action in human muscle.       Society for Endocrinology
I have 100.000 email adresses, I want to send them offers. You are here: < Back Yeah, I get this a lot. Many marketers gather email addresses during their business activities. Email is a very efficient way to communicate with your clients or leads, and its clear that you want to monetize your email list. The best solution really depends the following factors: 1. Where is your list from? How did you build it? Did you purchase it? Have you built it organically? If you have purchased lists, you need to clean them first. Why? Read more about list cleaning, honeypots and spamtraps. If you have organically built list, than you have good chance to have good results, but it also depends on how recent your lists are. 2. How old is your list? Is it recent customers? Is it customers from the past 10 years? The older your list is, the higher your bounce rate will be. Some third party email endpoints frown upon high bounce rates, so if you have an old list, you need to either clean them or slowly process through them. Read more about organic list cleaning here. 3. How much have you utilized your list in the past and how often do you plan on send to it? This question comes up very often. How often should you send mail? Sometimes you can send every day to a list of 50k subscribers and they won’t complain about it. Sometimes you find out that the best ROI you’ll get if you send once a month. Its important to know, that most email marketing solutions will charge you based on the number of contacts you have. If you work with many contacts (more than 20k), than a self hosted solution will work out better for you. 4. What is your planned ROI on an email? Do you want to have a roboust solution, or lets start small and see where it is going? If you already have email marketing plan ready, and you are committed to fulfill it or you have past experience with sending large amount of emails, than I suggest you go for an email endpoint with your hosted email marketing software. See my always-up-to-date email endpoint comparison. If you send huge amounts of emails to large lists and you look for the most cost efficient way sending it, get your own IPs, warm them up. You will need your own SMTP server or rent an SMTP server with your own IP. With your own IP you’ll have bigger responsibility. Read more about IP warmup. It can happen, that your email content is legal, but some larger providers thing otherwise. Your own IP could be the solution for you as well.
Epiphany 4B: A Listening Faith can-you-hear-me-nowOLD TESTAMENT: Deuteronomy 18: 15-20 To read the Old Testament Lectionary Passage, click here The book of Deuteronomy, which means “second law”, is broadly described as the components of the terms of the covenant that was given through Moses at Mt. Sinai between God and the people of Israel. The book begins with a narrative that summarizes the story of Israel’s life in the wilderness and then presents the “law code” as the framework of the remainder of the book. The book was probably not written, though, by either one person or even in one setting or time. It is rather sort of a compilation through which we can understand one of the most formative periods in the development of Israel’s faith. Up until the time of the passage that we read, there have been essentially three classes of leaders—royalty, priests, and power structures. The passage that we read introduces the idea of public leaders, prophets who would arise from time to time to bring a new word from God that could affect both the national and the private lives of persons in Israel. At this point, they were used to Moses and his particular style of leadership. But someone else would soon be in the leadership position. Essentially, it’s a reminder that true and effective leadership is not about the leader; it’s about the people being led and the message that those people receive. For the Israelites’ religion, prophets were very prominent. They were usually eloquent speakers and claimed authority that was given by God. They gave expression to the Word of God and were intended to be heard by the people. They effected change. And here, there is an implicit warning against “false prophets”. It is interesting that in this time prophets, who were known to often speak to not only religious issues, but also social and political ones. Prophets spoke for change in the world—the whole world. They were acutely political (of or pertaining to citizens or citizenship.) An interesting question for our time is to ask who our prophets are. Who are the ones calling for total and complete change in the world? Who are the ones calling for justice or peace? To be honest, in both Old Testament times and now, prophets were never that popular. Their message was too harsh, too biting, to close to home. Their message called us to change our lives. But, contrary to the way perhaps I try to imagine God, God is not a perfectionist. I don’t think there’s some static master plan of what the world should someday be. Instead, it’s about listening. It’s about the Creator and the Creation growing into each other. It’s not about keeping up with God. It’s about following wherever God goes. Our faith informs our lives and our lives inform our faith. William Sloane Coffin said that the final end of life lies not in politics, but the final end of life is concerned with the proper ordering of power to the end that it may enhance and not destroy human life. Only a fool hasn’t learned in the twentieth century that the political order in which people live deeply affects the personal lives they lead…The separation of church and state is a sound doctrine, but it points to an organizational separation. It is not designed to separate Christians from their politics. For our faith certainly should inform our common life, as well as our personal, more private lives. 1. What is your response to this passage? 2. What parallels for our time do you see? 3. Do you think there is a prophetic word of God in play today? 4. How does this speak to the separation of church and state? 5. How do you think we know when it IS the Word of God? 6. What is the cost of following a prophetic voice? 7. So how does this passage depict leadership? Is that the way we usually think of it? NEW TESTAMENT: 1 Corinthians 8: 1-13 To read the Lectionary Epistle passage, click here In this passage, Paul attempts to answer a question about eating meat offered to an idol. He takes their question, though, about a specific practice and gives a much wider explanation of moral reasoning and community relations. Eating, then, becomes a metaphor for the larger issues of living as a person of faith within the community. The point is that there is always more to it than just being right. The question is whether we follow knowledge or love. Typically, the widespread practice of the community was to sacrifice an animal to a deity, burning some of the flesh on an altar, and then eating some of it in a cultic meal, which was always a festive, social occasion. (Yeah, that’s MY idea of a party!) The remainder of the sacrificial animal was sold to the meat market for resale to the public. So believers would have the chance that they might be eating meats that had been sacrificed. The question here is essentially how one honors and protects holiness, lives set apart for God, while one is living in the world with all of the worldly customs and norms. But, of course, Paul is much more concerned with how believers relate to others and how believers claim to whom they belong. It is not what you eat, necessarily, but what controls and takes over your life. When something takes over your life, begins to run it for you, causes you to change who you are or what you do or how you live before God, then, according to Paul, you have idolatry. You will not be of any good for yourself or for the building up of the faith community. It is not a question of eating holy or unholy meat; it is a question of faithfulness or idolatry. There’s actually quite a bit here for us. Who is it we follow? (Again, what constitutes leadership for us? It is issues? Beliefs? Power? Do we follow (or vote!) for the one who will change society for the better or the one who will do the most for our lives?) What issues, or causes, or beliefs control our lives? What is so important to us that we might risk the community relationships surrounding us? Are we more affected by knowledge than we are by love? The point is that faith is about relationships. It is about relating to the world around us. We are not called to hold ourselves up in some tiny holiness-filled environment so that we can be pure and undefiled. Rather, we are called to go into the world, sometimes with reckless abandon, and take the message of love. It has nothing to do with telling people about God; it has to do with revealing God’s presence in their lives. 1. What meaning does this passage hold for you? 2. What are the “idols” that consume our lives today? 3. How does that affect ourselves and others around us? 4. What message does this hold for today? There is a scene in Tom Hanks’ movie, Forrest Gump, that came to mind when I read this text in 1 Corinthians. As a young boy, Forrest has to wear these clumsy, heavy leg braces. For the most part, he doesn’t care. In fact, the braces become so much a part of his life that he doesn’t even realize much how they have trapped and confined him. And then one day, some bullies chase Forrest and he has to run away but the braces slow him down. As the bullies get closer and closer and Forrest struggles to run faster, the braces finally break, fall off his legs, and suddenly he is set free to run fast. The point is this, Forrest never knew what it felt to be free or how fast he could run until he took that step or, in a better sense, was forced to break out of braces, and live differently, to live beyond himself. He never went back to the braces. In 1 Corinthians, the issue was dietary laws. When Paul was asked in Corinth about eating meat sacrificed to idols he said, “This is not a problem. We know that those idols are made of stone or wood. There is no god there. The sacrifice meant nothing. Pass the steak sauce and eat.” There is complete freedom in the gospel to eat meat sacrificed to idols because we are not saved by what we eat or don’t eat. Forrest could have kept those leg braces on his whole life and he wouldn’t have known it. All he would know is what he couldn’t do. He couldn’t run, can’t swim, couldn’t dance, couldn’t play ball, couldn’t cross his legs, couldn’t put his foot behind his head, or couldn’t do yoga. He would spend his life defining himself by what he couldn’t do. There are Christians like that. They define themselves by what they can’t do. Can’t drink, can’t smoke, can’t dance, can’t play cards, can’t watch movies. Oh, we are long past talking about circumcision and dietary laws but the same issue is at stake. Freedom. What am I allowed to do? If I am saved by grace, then am I free to do as I please? There is an old, subtitled movie called Babette’s Feast. It is the story of a woman, Babette, who has escaped the French Revolution with nothing but the clothes on her back. She ends up in a very small, parochial Danish village where she is employed by two spinster sisters whose minister father founded the village. The town has no joy. Religious rules are overbearing. Pleasure, music, laughter, and frivolity are vices to be scorned. There is a deep, heavy shroud of weariness blanketing all the people. Babette is an accomplished chef but is told to prepare each day a thin broth with bread. When she suggests some variation in the meal, she is quickly told that such pleasures are not of God. This is a place defined by what they cannot do. One day, Babette receives news that she has won the French lottery. The amount of money that she now has will enable her to move from that dreary village and reestablish her life wherever she wants. Faced with all of this freedom, she makes her choice. Babette takes all of her winnings and purchases the most extravagant food from live quails and turtles to unusual spices and seasonings. For the next week, she prepares the most exquisite feast that this village has ever had. And they come. They come hesitantly at first but then through this feast, open up with conversation, laughter, and joy that they have never before experienced. The only problem is that Babette is once again penniless. She has used her freedom as a servant to her neighbors. But in doing so, she not only set herself free but allowed this small village to taste the true freedom of life in the Spirit. (Excerpt from “The Struggle for Freedom”, by Scott Suskovic, available at http://www.sermonsuite.com/free.php?i=788031597&key=h4Nhveasvp1vrfaL, accessed 23 January, 2012) GOSPEL: Mark 1: 21-28 To read the Lectionary Gospel passage, click here After Jesus called the first disciples, which we read last week, they made their way to Capernaum. He enters the synagogue there and astonishes the crowd with the authority of his teaching—teaching that brings him constantly in conflict with the scribes, who were the resident “experts” in interpreting the Law. For the scribes, Jesus’ activities and teachings posed a threat to their traditions. As for the man who Jesus healed, the whole idea of someone with unclean spirits (or who was essentially “impure”) entering the synagogue was against the law as it existed. This person was an interruption. He didn’t fit. He didn’t belong. But not only did Jesus acknowledge him but he also healed him. For the writer of Mark, this was a great depiction of Jesus’ authority; after all, this is the authority to which even the impure, even the unclean, even the demons listen. You will remember that in The Gospel According to Mark, the heavens were ripped open upon Jesus’ baptism, upon the beginning of his ministry. The world as it was known was ending. Continuing that understanding, for the Gospel writer here, the end of these demons, the end of evil, signifies that the worldly age is coming to an end. Evil is being broken and redeemed. This whole idea of exorcism is odd for us, but the point is that God is bringing everything into the Kingdom of God. All of earth, with everything that is wrong, and all of the earthly power structures are being recreated and redeemed. So, really, was it a demonic possession or just a voice competing with the one to which the demoniac should have been listening? And if that’s the case, then where are we in this story? Jesus brought an unquestioned authority to his teaching. What was that? Well of course, it was the word of God? But what does that mean? It was not an overpowering; it was not a violent overtaking; it was a silencing. Maybe that what we’re called to do. Maybe that’s how God speaks—in the silences, when we’re listening. Shhh! Can you hear me now? You see, Jesus’ teaching was not just about words; it was instead about transformation. It was about taking that which we perceive did not belong and speaking Creation once again. 1. What meaning does this passage hold for you? 2. How does this relate to our world today? 3. How are we called to silence the voices of this world? 4. What voices are we called to silence? 5. What voices are we called to empower? Some Quotes for Further Reflection: We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. (Pierre Teilhard de Chardin) My ego is like a fortress. I have built its walls stone by stone to hold out the invasion of the love of God. But I have stayed here long enough. There is light over the barriers. O my God…I let go of the past. I withdraw my grasping hand from the future. And in the great silence of this moment, I alertly rest my soul. (Howard Thurman) “Silence! frenzied, unclean spirit,” cried God’s healing, holy One. “Cease your ranting! Flesh can’t bear it. Flee as night before the sun.” At Christ’s voice the demon trembled, from its victim madly rushed, while the crowd that was assembled stood in wonder, stunned and hushed. Lord, the demons still are thriving in the grey cells of the mind: tyrant voices, shrill and driving, twisted thoughts that grip and bind, doubts that stir the heart to panic, fears distorting reason’s sight, guilt that makes our loving frantic, dreams that cloud the soul with fright. Silence, Lord, the unclean spirit, in our mind and in our heart. Speak your word that when we hear it all our demons shall depart. Clear our thought and calm our feeling, still the fractured, warring soul. By the power of your healing make us faithful, true and whole.                         (Thomas H. Troeger, 1984, The United Methodist Hymnal # 264.) One thought on “Epiphany 4B: A Listening Faith 1. Ashley Winship February 3, 2015 / 10:36 am On Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 6:04 PM, JOURNEY TO PENUEL: Wrestling to See the Leave a Reply WordPress.com Logo Google photo Twitter picture Facebook photo Connecting to %s
Candlesticks by Kakadu Designs Veuillez nous excuser pour le désagrément. Effectuez une nouvelle recherche Leaning Candlesticks Wood candlesticks by Kakadu are hand painted with designs such as Holy Plants - featuring the Seven Species of Israel. Others have nature related themes and can be matched with other table decorations by the artist.
Many ranchers would likely not find a wolf howling as an adorable thing. However, it's hard not to enjoy seeing this little wolf pup letting the world hear his instincts kick in for the very first time. Since this video was first shared last summer, it's been viewed over 300,000 times. It reminds me of a neat National Geographic article called "Growing Up Wolf". It documents the beginning of life for a wolf pup including that first howl. As they state, the actually howling of a wolf pup doesn't begin until they are 5 to 10 weeks old just like this little guy. Depending on other danger factors in their environment, wolves live to be between 5 and 12 years old on average according to the National Geographic article. There has been plenty of controversy about the reintroduction of wolves into Yellowstone as even CBS News covered recently. For many there is nothing adorable about a wolf. But, it's hard to not appreciate this little wolf letting the world know it's a wolf. I enjoy it, but I don't have cattle that could be a victim of one of these guys when he gets big and is part of a pack. Enter your number to get our free mobile app
Joseph Friedman, Appellant, v. United States of America, Appellee, 381 F.2d 155 (8th Cir. 1967) Annotate this Case U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit - 381 F.2d 155 (8th Cir. 1967) August 9, 1967 Bernard J. Mellman, St. Louis, Mo., made argument for appellant; Morris A. Shenker and William H. Mathis, St. Louis, Mo., filed brief. Stephen H. Gilmore, Asst. U. S. Atty., St. Louis, Mo., made argument for appellee; Richard D. FitzGibbon, Jr., U. S. Atty., St. Louis, Mo., was with him on the brief. Before VOGEL, Chief Judge, VAN OOSTERHOUT and HEANEY, Circuit Judges. VOGEL, Chief Judge. Defendant-appellant, Joseph Friedman, was charged by grand jury indictment with having violated 18 U.S.C.A. § 659.1  Subsequent to indictment and prior to trial appellant moved to suppress certain evidence. After a hearing, the motion was overruled. Thereafter appellant was tried and convicted before a jury and sentenced to four years' imprisonment. This appeal followed. It is here claimed that error arises from (1) the overruling of appellant's motion to suppress evidence; (2) prejudicial comment made by the prosecutor in the closing argument; and (3) the giving of a prejudicial jury instruction on the meaning of "reasonable doubt." We affirm. Appellant, Joseph Friedman, was at all times herein relevant an employee of his brother, Louis Friedman, who, so far as the record shows, owns and manages the El-Jay Wholesale Company in St. Louis, Missouri. Appellant has been closely associated with his brother in this business enterprise for many years. He does not occupy the normal employee relationship for he works hours that are convenient to him. Besides appellant and his brother one other person, Sam Wilks, works at the El-Jay Wholesale Company. The El-Jay Wholesale Company sells canned and packaged grocery items, generally in minor quantities to small merchants but it also does some retail business. The physical premises of the company are a single store building divided into two rooms, the front room being the main public store area and the back room a closed storage area. In the public area, merchandise is displayed in the packing cartons, some opened and some sealed, which are stacked from the floor or from tables. There is one front entrance to the store, near to which is a check-out counter presided over by Louis Friedman. A truckload of soap products which had been stolen from the J. M. Donley Truck Line while in interstate commerce was delivered at the El-Jay Wholesale Company on May 21, 1966, where it was unloaded by the appellant, Joseph Friedman, one Billy Wayne Hopper — the person who had stolen the truck — two of his helpers, and Sam Wilks. Although there is a conflict in the evidence as to the involvement of appellant, the jury evidently believed Hopper, who testified that Joseph Friedman had instructed him as to the location of the truck, where to find the keys and where to deliver the stolen merchandise. Both appellant and his brother, Louis Friedman, were at the store when the stolen soap products were unloaded. Total payment of about $1,000 was given to Hopper for soap products valued at approximately $5,000. This was paid to him at different times and in varied amounts by both the appellant and his brother, Louis. Subsequently, on May 26, 1966, Bernard J. Welsh, Special Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation, went to the El-Jay Wholesale Company for the purpose of investigating the May 21st theft of soap products. He arrived at the store at about 11:00 o'clock a. m. and asked to see Louis Friedman. Agent Welsh did not have a warrant for arrest nor a search warrant. After Louis Friedman identified himself, Agent Welsh told him that he had information that certain soap stolen from the J. M. Donley Truck Line might be in his store. He told Louis Friedman that he had the right to remain silent, that anything he said could be used against him in a court of law, that he had the right to speak to an attorney or anyone else he chose, and that if any stolen soap was found it would be used as evidence in court. Louis Friedman told Welsh that he was welcome to look around the store, that "he had nothing to hide"; whereupon Agent Welsh discovered six cartons of soap in the front public part of the store which had serial numbers corresponding with those stolen on May 21st. Welsh then told Louis Friedman that he would like to look in the back room of the store. Louis informed him that he could look there, but that the door into the back room was locked, and that his brother Joseph, who had the key, was not at the store. Louis then telephoned appellant, Joseph Friedman, who, bringing the key, arrived at the store shortly after 11:30 a. m. Agent Welsh again fully identified himself, and told appellant that he had found stolen soap in the public area of the store and wanted to search the closed rear area of the store. He advised Joseph Friedman of his rights in the same manner as he had advised Louis Friedman, and added further that he had no search warrant and no right to search the rear area "without his brother's permission". After being so informed and advised, Joseph telephoned his cousin, an attorney, who instructed Joseph to open the back storage room door and relinquish any merchandise that did not belong to him. Joseph then voluntarily opened the door and Agent Welsh went into the back room, wherein he discovered cartons of soap with serial numbers corresponding to those stolen on May 21st. Agent Welsh then telephoned his headquarters, requesting that other agents come and help in the removal of the soap. Special Agent Johnson came out to the store pursuant to this request, arriving there at approximately 11:55 a. m.; whereupon he asked the Friedmans whether they had been advised of their constitutional rights. They replied that they had been so advised and that they had talked to "their attorney, a cousin". At least 384 cases of soap were found at the store. All except 6 cases were found in the rear storage room. Although Louis Friedman, who at the time of the search indicated that he was the sole owner of the store, orally consented to the search and removal of the soap, he, on recommendation of his attorney, did not sign any written consent to the search or removal. At no time was a warrant applied for or obtained for a search of the premises from which the soap was seized. I. Motion to suppress evidence. Appellant first claims that the trial court erred in overruling his motion to suppress evidence. His position is that the search and seizure yielding the soap introduced into evidence was conducted without first advising appellant of his personal right to refuse a warrantless search. He argues that if it is not shown that appellant knew of his right to refuse a warrantless search, any "consent" given by appellant does not constitute a waiver of his Fourth Amendment rights. The general effect of consent to a warrantless search was recently considered by this court in Drummond v. United States, 8 Cir., 1965, 350 F.2d 983, at page 988, certiorari denied, 384 U.S. 944, 86 S. Ct. 1469, 16 L. Ed. 2d 542, where we stated: "* * * The protection afforded by the Fourth Amendment with respect to a search of one's house may, of course, be waived by a consent freely and intelligently given. Whether such consent exists is usually a question which is `simply one of fact for the trier's determination'. Burge v. United States, 332 F.2d 171, 173 (8 Cir. 1964), cert. denied 379 U.S. 883, 85 S. Ct. 155, 13 L. Ed. 2d 89. If the finding is in the affirmative and is supported by substantial evidence, it is not our privilege on appeal to revise it. Maxwell v. Stephens, 348 F.2d 325, 336 (8 Cir. 1965); Burge v. United States, supra, p. 173 of 332 F.2d; Burnside v. [State of] Nebraska, 346 F.2d 88, 90 (8 Cir. 1965)." Although, as shown in the factual recital above, there is substantial evidence showing that appellant knowingly consented to a warrantless search, on appeal there is an attempt to invalidate this consent by the claim that the F.B.I. agent failed to make the appellant aware of his personal right to refuse a warrantless search of the premises occupied by El-Jay Wholesale Company. Appellant at no time disputes the fact that his brother, Louis Friedman, received a full and adequate warning concerning his constitutional rights, including the right to refuse a warrantless search and that thereafter he consented to the search of which appellant herein complains. Appellant also admits that before opening the back room he called his attorney for advice and was told to "cooperate" with the F.B.I. and that, "If they want to take it with them, let them take it." Nor does appellant dispute the fact that Louis Friedman was the owner of and at all times in general control of the premises which were searched and which yielded the incriminating evidence. In light of these undisputed facts, the fatal defect in appellant's argument is his erroneous assumption that his consent as well as that of his brother, Louis Friedman, was necessary to validate a warrantless search. It is well established that one exercising full or substantial control over premises may consent to a search and the evidence seized is admissible against third persons not party to the search proceedings. In United States v. Sferas, 7 Cir., 1954, 210 F.2d 69, certiorari denied, 347 U.S. 935, 74 S. Ct. 630, 98 L. Ed. 1086, the court stated at page 74 of 210 F.2d: "* * * the rule seems to be well established that where two persons have equal rights to the use or occupation of premises, either may give consent to a search, and the evidence thus disclosed can be used against either. Driskill v. United States, 9 Cir., 281 F. 146; Stein v. United States, 9 Cir., 166 F.2d 851; * * *." See, also, Drummond v. United States, supra, 350 F.2d at 989; Maxwell v. Stephens, 8 Cir., 1965, 348 F.2d 325, 336-337; Roberts v. United States, 8 Cir., 1964, 332 F.2d 892, 896. The instant case is stronger than any of the aforecited cases. Louis Friedman exercised not merely an equal right to occupy the premises searched but, according to the testimony, was the unquestioned owner as well as general proprietor. Louis Friedman knowingly consented to a warrantless search. Additionally, the evidence is clear that appellant gave implied consent after talking with his attorney. We find that the items produced were properly admitted into evidence against Joseph Friedman. II. Prejudicial comment. The second ground of error raised by appellant involves allegedly prejudicial comment made by the prosecutor in the course of closing argument concerning the failure of the defense to make use of an F.B.I. report — a Jencks Act statement — to question or impeach a principal prosecution witness, Billy Wayne Hopper. At the conclusion of Hopper's direct testimony and prior to cross-examination the prosecution, pursuant to the requirement of 18 U.S.C.A. § 3500, gave the defense statements Hopper had made to an F.B.I. agent. The F.B.I. report and the statements therein could not be formally introduced into evidence for they would constitute a prior consistent statement introduced to bolster the testimony of an unimpeached witness. The question then is whether the government's comment in closing argument achieves this allegedly prejudicially erroneous end, thereby accomplishing by indirect means that which could not have been done directly. The closing argument comment to which appellant herein objects appears in the record as follows: "* * * You see when Mr. Randall [defense counsel] * * * got ahold of the report of the FBI, he said, `I want to tell you I had this report over the noonday,' * * *. Now, this is on June 17th, and he mentioned very intently about Billy Wayne Hopper, and he cross-examined, but he didn't question him one bit from that report, at that time." At this point defense counsel objected, stating simply: "Your Honor, I'm going to object to this argument." Whereupon counsel proceeded to the bench where it was determined, outside the hearing of the jury, that the prosecution could not state that the defense did not use the F.B.I. report to impeach the prosecution witness. The prosecutor then proceeded with his closing argument and made no further reference to the F.B.I. report. The sole objection raised by appellant at the time of trial was the general objection set out above — "I'm going to object to this argument." Subsequent to the colloquy at the bench following the general objection, appellant did not move for a mistrial, make an additional specific objection, renew his general objection, request an explanatory instruction, or in any other way seek to remedy at the trial level that which he now claims on appeal is error. Affirmative action of this type is generally required to preserve a question for appeal. See, Patterson v. United States, 8 Cir., 1966, 361 F.2d 632, 667. Such affirmative action was not here taken. Nor can it be said that the trial court erroneously abused its discretion in failing to admonish the prosecutor for his allegedly prejudicial comment or declare a mistrial as a result of the comment, for such relief was not requested by appellant. See, Keeble v. United States, 8 Cir., 1965, 347 F.2d 951, 956. In any event, as Judge Matthes, speaking for this court, recognized in Isaacs v. United States, 8 Cir., 1962, 301 F.2d 706, when considering the propriety of a closing argument, at page 736 of 301 F.2d: "* * * The dominating question, always, is whether the argument complained of was so offensive as to deprive the defendant of a fair trial. It is not amiss for us to again point out that in a criminal case, the United States Attorney has imposed upon him a high and important responsibility. He should present the Government's case with vigor and earnestness, and use all legitimate means to bring about a just conviction, but, likewise, he must refrain from indulging in tactics or methods calculated to produce an unjust conviction." See, also, Birnbaum v. United States, 8 Cir., 1966, 356 F.2d 856, 866; Patterson v. United States, supra. Assuming, without deciding, that the challenged comment was improper, it nevertheless seems clear to us that considered in the context of the trial it could not and did not deprive appellant of a fair trial. This is in fact tacitly recognized by the appellant for, although he generally objected at the time the prosecutor first referred to the F.B.I. report, thereby cutting off any further references thereto, appellant did not subsequently raise any objection, demand any remedial action, ask for a healing instruction, or take exception to failure of the court to give one. If appellant believed that his case was prejudiced in the eyes of the jury as a result of the prosecutor's comment, he would have acted in a timely, appropriate manner to rectify this prejudice before the jury and create an appealable record. Appropriate action was not taken, however, and therefore no issue was preserved for appeal. III. Instruction on reasonable doubt. The final claim of error arises out of the trial court's instruction to the jury on the meaning of "reasonable doubt" which, in this court, he claims was "* * * confusing, misleading and prejudicial but, further, tended to infer that proof beyond a reasonable doubt is something less than the highest burden of proof." The trial court stated in its instruction to the jury: "Let me say to you further on this subject, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, it is not necessary for the government to prove the guilt of the defendant beyond all possible doubt. If that were the rule, few men, however guilty they might be, would be convicted. In this world of ours, it is practically impossible for a person to be absolutely and completely convinced of any fact, which by its nature is not susceptible of mathematical proof and certainty. In consequence, the law is such that in a criminal case it is enough that defendant's guilt be established beyond a reasonable doubt, and not all possible doubt." Whereupon, appellant's counsel stated: "* * * Defendant objects and excepts on the latter part of the instruction on reasonable doubt which begins, `Let me say further,' and ends `not all possible doubt,' for the reason that it is not proper law." (Emphasis supplied.) The court made no change in its instruction, submitting the case to the jury on the instructions as given. In the first place, it was the court's duty to instruct on the meaning of "reasonable doubt", Williams v. United States, 4 Cir., 1959, 271 F.2d 703, 705, and failure to do so upon request would constitute error, Holland v. United States, 10 Cir., 1954, 209 F.2d 516, 523; Nanfito v. United States, 8 Cir., 1927, 20 F.2d 376, 378; Blatt v. United States, 3 Cir., 1932, 60 F.2d 481. There is no requirement that particular words be used in the definition, nor is there an accepted standard definition which must be used in explaining reasonable doubt to the jury. Holland v. United States, supra, 209 F.2d at page 523; United States v. Schireson, 3 Cir., 1940, 116 F.2d 881, 883, 132 A.L.R. 1157; cf., United States v. Stoehr, 3 Cir., 1952, 196 F.2d 276, 284, 33 A.L.R.2d 836. As the court stated in Holland, supra, at page 523 of 209 F.2d: "* * * It is sufficient if the jury is given to understand that reasonable doubt as applied to the measure of its persuasion means a real or substantial doubt generated by the evidence or a lack of it; and that beyond a reasonable doubt means to a reasonable or moral certainty. Wigmore, supra, [on Evidence, 3d Ed., Vol. 9] Sec. 2497." We think the language used by the trial court here met that requirement and that it did not mislead or confuse the jury, nor was it prejudicial. Additionally, we point out here that Rule 30 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, 18 U.S. C.A., provides, inter alia: "* * * No party may assign as error any portion of the charge or omission therefrom unless he objects thereto before the jury retires to consider its verdict, stating distinctly the matter to which he objects and the grounds of his objection." (Emphasis supplied.) Appellant's objection or exception failed utterly to comply with that rule. There was complete failure to point out why appellant believed the instruction "not proper law". In Tomley v. United States, 5 Cir., 1957, 250 F.2d 549, certiorari denied, 356 U.S. 928, 78 S. Ct. 716, 2 L. Ed. 2d 759, the court, when faced with a similar problem, stated at pages 550-551 of 250 F.2d: "* * * Under that rule, [Rule 30, supra] in order to put the trial court in error, it is necessary that the defendant precisely state the grounds of his objection and that the grounds stated point out an error prejudicial to the defendant. Estep v. United States, 5 Cir., 223 F.2d 19, 22." See, also, Eastman v. United States, 8 Cir., 1946, 153 F.2d 80, 84; Bronstein v. United States, 8 Cir., 1927, 17 F.2d 12, 14; 8 Moore's Federal Practice, § 30.04, n. 6. No adequate specific objection was urged in the trial court and accordingly no appealable issue was therefore preserved. Furthermore, Rule 30 states explicitly that all objections must be raised "before the jury retires to consider its verdict * * *." See, Stegall v. United States, 6 Cir., 1960, 279 F.2d 872; Corbin v. United States, 10 Cir., 1956, 253 F.2d 646. No objection was raised here until after the jury retired to deliberate its verdict. Additionally, we are not presented here with a situation wherein the plain error rule, Rule 52(b), Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, 18 U.S.C.A., should be invoked. Everything about this case is persuasive of the conclusion that appellant was fairly tried and that he was found guilty on very substantial if not overwhelming evidence. 18 U.S.C.A. § 659 provides in pertinent part: "Whoever embezzles, steals, or unlawfully takes, carries away, or conceals, * * * from any * * * motortruck, or other vehicle, or from any station, station house, platform or depot * * * with intent to convert to his own use any goods or chattels moving as or which are a part of or which constitute an interstate * * * shipment of freight * * *; or "Shall in each case be fined not more than $5,000 or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; * * *."
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Georgia Laws Concerning Docking Salaried Employees' Pay Related Articles The state of Georgia abides by the federal government’s Fair Labor Standards Act in the workplace. This law safeguards the rights of nonexempt employees, requiring that they receive overtime pay, among other protections. Though exempt employees are not eligible for overtime pay, the FLSA does extend certain protections to them that would be upheld by the Georgia labor board. These include rules about docking the pay of salaried employees. Docking Salaried Employees Pay Salaried workers are often classified as exempt. To be classified as such, employees must meet certain requirements regarding their job duties. Exempt employees may be workers in executive, administrative, professional or outside sales positions who are compensated with a salary instead of hourly pay. In addition, with the exception of teachers and those who work in sales, these workers must be paid a salary of at least $455 per week, according to the FLSA. Since exempt employees must, under the FLSA, receive a predetermined wage each pay period, this law prohibits employers from docking pay due to the quality or quantity of the employee’s work. As such, employees must be paid their full salary if they accomplish the tasks outlined for them in a given week. Even if they report to work and there is nothing for them to do, if they were able and willing to do work, they must be paid. In addition, exempt employees are owed their salaries regardless of how many hours they work in a week. Read More: What Are Labor Laws Regarding Salaried Employees? Reasons for Docking Pay According to the FLSA, there are some acceptable reasons for an employer to dock an exempt worker’s pay: If the employee is absent from work due to personal reasons for more than a day; if the worker is sick or otherwise incapacitated, misses more than one day of work and the company has a plan to compensate them for the money they lose; to offset any amount the worker receives for jury duty, military service or witness fees; if the worker has violated major safety rules; if there is a disciplinary suspension; for unpaid leave subject to the Family and Medical Leave Act; and during the first or last week of employment if the employee does not work a full week. Georgia does not have any laws requiring an employer to pay an employee wages when they are involved in a wage dispute with the employee. In addition, Georgia exempt employee laws do not follow the federal Fair Labor Standards Act when it comes to protections like overtime. Georgia Overtime Laws In the state of Georgia, unless there is a specific exemption for their role, all employees must receive overtime pay for hours worked in excess of 40 hours worked in one work week. This overtime pay must be at a rate of 1.5 times the employee’s typical rate. Georgia, like the federal government, does not require that employees be given extra pay for working weekends or at night. This is a matter that must be agreed upon in an employment contract or by a union on behalf of the company’s staff. If it is outlined in an employee handbook that a higher rate will be paid for these hours, then the employer must abide by its promise. That being said, night and weekend labor in excess of 40 hours worked per week is subject to overtime pay.
You are here Netflix Taxes and Canadian Digital Issues in the Election Spotlight This week my regular technology law column (Toronto Star versionhomepage version) focused on the long election campaign and the prospect that digital issues might get some time in the spotlight. The column pointed to three broad themes – what comes after Bill C-51, the Trans Pacific Partnership, and a digital strategy 3.0. As part of the digital strategy discussion, I stated that questions abound, including “are new regulations over services such as Netflix on the horizon?” Prime Minister Stephen Harper addressed that question yesterday with a video and tweet in which he pledged that the Conservatives will never tax digital streaming services like Netflix and Youtube. Harper added that the Liberals and NDP have left the door open to a Netflix tax, but that he is 100% opposed, “always has been, always will be.” Both opposition parties quickly responded with the NDP saying they have not proposed a Netflix tax and the Liberals saying they have never supported a Netflix tax and do not support a Netflix tax. So is this much ado about nothing? Not exactly. First, there are groups and provincial governments that support a Netflix tax or mandated contribution to fund the creation of Canadian content. These include the Ontario and Quebec governmentsalong with many creator groups. Earlier this year, I obtained documents under the Ontario Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act that showed that the Ontario government spent months working toward a recommendation to expand the regulation of new media, including Canadian content requirements and increased regulation of foreign online video providers. Second, while the Liberals and NDP have not proposed a Netflix tax, they have called for requirements that online video providers disclose revenues, Canadian content availability, and subscriber numbers to Canadian regulators. This is a very soft form of regulation that Netflix and Google have rejected as beyond the power of the Broadcasting Act. Providing information to allow for more informed regulatory analysis does not seem particularly unreasonable, but the companies unsurprisingly fear that that analysis could ultimately lead to calls for more regulation or payments. Third, the real Netflix tax is the prospect of a levying sales taxes on digital products such as music downloads or online video services. It was the Conservatives that raised this possibility in the 2014 budget, launching a consultation on the issue that garnered supportive comments from companies such as Rogers, which noted that Canadian-based online video services such as Shomi operate at a disadvantage since they collect GST/HST, but Netflix does not. With many countries moving toward some form of digital taxation (as I noted in a January 2015 column on the issue, the real challenge lies in the cost of implementation), it seems inevitable that Canada will do the same in order to level the playing field and recoup a growing source of revenue. The Conservatives would presumably seek to differentiate between a generally applicable sales tax and a tax or fee targeting online streaming services, though many may feel it is a distinction without a difference. Given the context, I think discussion of a Netflix tax (whether the debate is about supporting Canadian content or taxation of digital services) is fair game. However, my concern is that it distracts from far more important digital policies. As I noted in my column, questions include what do the parties plan to do after Bill C-51?  Where do they stand on specific provisions in the TPP? Are there more changes coming to the wireless sector to increase competition and lower consumer costs? Will the parties support programs that ensure both universal access and address affordability concerns that have left millions of Canadians on the digital sidelines? Do the parties have any policies planned to support Canadian content or to address the future of the CBC? Are reforms to the copyright notice-and-notice system that has resulted in Canadians facing thousands of demands for settlements forthcoming? No shortage of questions that are not easily answered in a tweet.
TY - JOUR AU - Yuya Sakai PY - 2020/09/04 Y2 - 2020/10/31 TI - Relationship between air diffusivity and permeability coefficients of cementitious materials JF - RILEM Technical Letters JA - RILEM Tech Lett VL - 5 IS - 0 SE - Articles DO - 10.21809/rilemtechlett.2020.114 UR - https://letters.rilem.net/index.php/rilem/article/view/114 AB - In this study, the relationship between air diffusivity and permeability in cementitious materials was investigated to theoretically investigate the relationship between diffusion and air permeability coefficients. First, an equation to correlate air diffusivity and permeability in a straight circular tube was derived. Then, existing studies that measured both air diffusivity and permeability and compared reported data were collected and the applicability of the derived equation to cementitious materials was verified. Although a correction factor was not used, the two sets of data showed good agreement quantitatively. This indicates that the derived equation can be applied to cementitious materials including concrete, and measured air diffusivity can be converted to permeability of concrete and vice versa using the derived equation. ER -
Fantastic Mr. Fox? The fox: Friend or foe? 21 June 2016 When you see a fox, what do you feel? More than any other animal in Britain, the fox can elicit a cocktail of opinion and emotion. It is rarely a blank canvas. Perhaps you see the fox as vermin, a pest to be shot as quickly as possible, a rude interloper who doesn’t belong in the human space. Perhaps you see a beautiful creature, a cute pet to be fed, or a flash of fiery wildness in a depleted landscape. Perhaps you see a beautiful creature that, well, still needs to be shot or managed, to protect game birds or even threatened species such as avocets or lapwings. Perhaps you see a cunning rogue waiting to be hunted, or ‘Charlie’ as he is often called in the hunting literature. You might feel irritated if a fox once killed your hens. You might feel elated to witness the largest British carnivore left in Britain, now the days of the wolf, bear and lynx are long gone. You might even feel a little frightened: foxes are wild animals, after all, and can create primal reactions despite their small size. The complicated relationship we have with the fox in Britain was made clear to me at a young age. One side of my family traditionally had a fondness for hunting, particularly my late grandfather, but it didn’t follow that foxes were hated. In fact, the fox was more of a character to be admired and even respected. In the front room of a house in Scotland I often holidayed in as a child, fox ‘masks’ lined the wall, the taxidermied prizes of a successful day out hunting, while in a nearby study a beloved fox puppet – ‘Foxy’ – sat, often brought down for merriment and play with the young grandchildren. It was a curious ambiguity that intrigued me from a young age and drove my investigation into why the fox is so loved and loathed in my book, Foxes Unearthed. For city-dwellers – and I am currently a reluctant one – the fox will symbolise a different array of concepts to those in rural areas. One neighbour may delight in seeing cubs gambolling around in the garden and even feed a local vixen with sandwiches at dusk. If elderly and lonely, the fox might be the only living creature he sees for days. The same fox may wander next door and find someone even friendlier, say, the actress Joanna Lumley, who invites Reynard to relax on the sofa. The next day, our fox, feeling bolder, decides to explore the gastronomic options in the next house along but, sadly, its luck has run out. Mr Noble loathes the smell and the vixen’s chilling shriek. He calls up pest control and swiftly writes a cheque to have the animal trapped and shot the following night. This conflicting dynamic is played out regularly on the streets of our towns and cities. In the countryside, attitudes and agendas can be even more complex because they involve those who live off the land and, crucially, the historic sport of hunting. Farmers clash with foxes because they want to protect livestock; foxes clash with gamekeepers who want to protect poults for the local shoot; the shoot conflicts with the hunting fraternity, who want to keep foxes alive so they can hunt them. This final tension is nothing new. In a Sporting Review magazine published in 1869, a hunter called Captain Percy Williams is quoted as saying, ‘Pheasants have brought in their train envy, hatred and malice, have dispossessed the fox and demoralised the country.’ But why is our relationship with the fox so complicated in Britain? It’s partly because the hunt and the tensions it inspires are unique to this country. Fox hunting became part of the economy and cultural fabric in the 1800s, embedded in rural identity. Thanks to the longstanding zeal for hunting of all kinds, a series of laws had already been put into place that gradually made the British landscape particularly well suited for the activity. William the Conqueror set up the Forest Laws which protected quarry animals from death and their habitats from destruction and, following the Enclosure Acts, grassland spread, which was easier to gallop across. The British took their style of hunting on horseback around the world but it never quite took off as it had here. There were other factors. It is possible horse breeding in Britain led to hunts taking place at breakneck speed. After the near invasion by the Spanish Armada in 1588, Elizabeth I was determined to improve her cavalry, particularly focusing on the quality and speed of the horses themselves. Three Eastern stallions – the Darley Arabian, the Godolphin Barb and the Byerley Turk – were imported and, soon, the great English thoroughbred was reared, the fastest and bravest horse in the world. These magnificent new breeds meant that fox hunting could evolve from a slow, standard plod to a high-speed national obsession. The thrill element was born. Hound breeding also took place specifically in Britain, and improved as the eighteenth century drew on. Perhaps fox hunting prospered because it supported a prevailing idea of British identity: that of the gallant but dominating survivor. The manners and etiquette of early hunting chimed perfectly with Victorian society and the idea of the ‘manly gentleman’. Unlike the historical identity politics of hunting, the fox, in itself, is actually a simple beast. it is certainly a brilliant opportunist, capable of exploiting a huge range of ecological habitats and environments, and this is one of the reasons why it is so widespread around the world. But let’s take its diet: it is not a fussy eater and will adapt to location and season. In spring, it will pull earthworms out of the ground like strands of spaghetti, sometimes hundreds in one night. In May, it will snaffle strawberries or hoover up crane-fly larvae – ‘leatherjackets’. In the high summer, it favours crunchy beetles until autumn’s abundance of sweet plums and blackberries. Of course, the occasional fried chicken bone or sandwich crust might feature too. But animals cannot speak and so we speak for them. We have assigned the fox anthropomorphic levels of intelligence, cunning, malice and even psychotic intentions to its simple behaviour. We say that it ‘kills for fun’ and we call it ‘marauding’ when, really, it’s just going about its biological business. Trickster Reynard is a fiction, as is ‘Charlie’ the worthy opponent of the local hunt. But how fascinating that, over centuries, we’ve built the fox into an emblem, a character and a symbol to satisfy a need. Above all, our relationship with the fox is complicated because humans are complicated. Foxes Unearthed: A Story of Love and Loathing in Modern Britain by Lucy Jones is published by Elliott & Thompson and out now
The Connection Between Weight And Depression Michelle Meiklejohn / The medical and psychological communities are starting to come around to a more holistic idea when viewing illnesses of the body and mind: our body and mind are not separate compartments, they have a constant connection and influence on one another. For this reason, many people now recognize that physical problems can start in the mind and problems in the mind can be influenced by physical factors. One area in which researchers find the aforementioned statement to be true is weight control. Many studies, including one published in the Archives of General Psychiatry, are establishing a link between weight control and depression. This conclusion is intuitively self-evident to many people, especially if they struggle with weight control, depression or both. Let’s take a closer look at the relationship between weight control in terms of excessive weight gain and depression in order to better understand how they influence one another and how to end the unhealthy cycle. One question many people ask when they accept that weight gain and depression go hand in hand, but like the chicken or the egg, many people wonder which one comes first? Unfortunately there is no clear answer to this one: depression and weight gain contribute to each other, but we can’t definitively decide in which direction. Weight gain can cause depression and depression can cause some to gain weight. Weight gain can lead to lower self-esteem and decreased physical functioning; enzyme and metabolic process are not functioning properly and this can affect serotonin levels and brain functioning which can cause depression. Likewise, depression can lead to a decreased physical activity, overeating and indulging in comfort foods and junk food and this can lead to gaining weight. Pinpointing where the cycle starts isn’t necessarily the key to breaking the unhealthy cycle-understanding how both contribute to each other, as mentioned above, is the way to identify unhealthy habits and find a way to create new, healthy ones. Whether you are suffering from excessive weight gain, depression, or likely both, it is important that you seek professional help to address both issues. Resolving one issue often leads to the resolution of another. Seek a form of therapy and guidance that empowers your sense of control over your body and mind by helping you focus on building healthy habits related to eating, exercise, and mood regulation. Your body and mind are more intimately connected than you realize, and you are the driver of your body and mind. You also have more power than you realize when it comes to controlling your thoughts and habits, so take advantage of professional help that helps you take the reins of your life with strength and confidence.
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Astrological analysis for trends in December 2017 and for 2018 First let me say a few things about December 21, 2012 the end of the Mayan calendar. Prior to 2012 there was much anticipation and excitement about the winter solstice of 2012 when the winter solstice would align with the point where the galactic plane crosses the ecliptic which is the plain of the Earth’s orbit around the sun and within close tolerances also the orbital planes of the other planets of the solar system except Pluto. Many people expected some dramatic event to occur, such as a global financial meltdown, nuclear war, geological cataclysms, mass UFO landing, or other dramatic world changing physical event. When nothing that out of the ordinary happened many people dismissed the Mayan calendar end date a non event and much hoopla about nothing and went about life as usual. Something of supreme importance did happen  on that date, but it was a subtle pervasive change and not a dramatic physical event. It was a tipping point in consciousness beyond which the spiritual awakening, and expansion of consciousness of humanity could no longer be held back. This subtle pervasive shift in consciousness is far more powerful and significant than any outward physical event could be. The date of December 21, 2012 was simply a time marker for the middle of a window in time when powerful cosmic forces would bring about this irreversible expansion of mass consciousness. To change consciousness is to change everything. This is the point at which the dark forces of imposed ignorance and tyranny lost control at the mental, spiritual, and consciousness level. This guaranteed their defeat at the denser physical level as well but that is taking a little longer to play out. As exponentially increasing numbers of people see through the big lie. humanity can no longer be controlled by propaganda, disinformation, and fear manipulation. Tactics that used to work to start wars or create financial panics such as false flag events are now starting to backfire as the public becomes more sophisticated. 911 is a typical example. This massively orchestrated false flag event initially served its intended purpose of rallying public support for the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan and justifying increased domestic surveillance and erosion of civil liberties all in the name of fighting terrorism. In the long run as more and more undeniable scientific forensic evidence has come out that exposes the big lie. As numerous glitches and provable inconsistencies in the official story have been exposed, public opinion has turned against the real perpetrators in the global financial system, the military industrial complex, the secret alphabet agencies, and the deep state. There has been steady progress in revealing the real truth about the evil criminal nature of the small group of people who control the US and other important government and the global financial system. The desperate negative forces are resorting to more overtly violent and physically oppressive means to stay in control. This will only speed up their demise as this excessive use of oppressive tactics will increasing turn mass public opinion against the corrupt and incompetent established power structures of the world. This will eventually result in mass refusal to support the  tyrannical agendas of the old world order that thinks it is the new world order. Another such pervasive change occurred in 2006, 2007 and the Fall of 2008 when Pluto was conjunct the Galactic center. Many Astrologers were wondering what this important alignment would mean. This was the time in which the global economy stopped expanding and started to shrink bringing about the stock market crash and banking crisis of October 2008 that was the beginning of ongoing worldwide economic decline that has been covered up by rampant creation  of fiat currency out of nothing and massive debt that can never be paid back. Saturn Entered Capricorn, the winter solstice takes place on December 21  and Mercury turns direct at on December 23 at 13 degrees of Sagittarius all Within 3 days of each other. This indicates a significant change in astrological influences. Serious information about economic conditions, covert government activities, corruption in high places, and suppressed information about the return of the Nibaru Brown dwarf system and earth changes will start to come forward, thus enabling people to see and understand the bigger picture. There will be a more serious general outlook. Saturn conjunct the galactic center also conjunct Mercury turning retrograde at the beginning of this just passed December 2017 continues to have immense significance, and we definitely have not seen the end of it. This configuration is also trine Uranus in late degrees of Ares. these Uranus trines to Mercury Saturn and the Galactic center are very favorable in that they will encourage the practical application of creative thinking leading to breakthroughs in the long run. This combination Tells us that something of worldwide and even cosmic importance has been going on, and that information about it has been withheld and suppressed. Now that Mercury has turned direct on December 23, 2017 at 13 degrees of Sagittarius, within 2 days of Saturn entering Capricorn and the winter Solstice, information will begin to come out slowly at first but gathering momentum into mid January, as Mercury re traces his steps back to 29 degrees of Sagittarius where he turned retrograde. Mercury is conjunct Saturn at 3 degree of Sagittarius on January 13, 2018. This will necessitate some serious decisions on individual, business and Governmental levels. As Saturn transits Capricorn over the next approximately 2 and 1/2 years, the hierarchies of religious , educational, corporate and governmental organizations will come under ever increasing pressure. Corruption ever increasing out of control debt, debt to pay off interest on debt, trade wars, money poured into Arms manufacturing, manipulation and speculation instead on real investing in innovation and productivity is destroying efficiency, trust, and choking economic growth. Eventually it will bring down the international banking and currency exchange systems. In a worst case scenario, Earth changes, wars, and industrial accidents could bring down electrical grids, the internet and telephone systems and industrial infrastructure. With no electricity it would be impossible to pump gasoline, run factories. ship products and carry on modern commerce. We would be back in the 19th century with an early  21st century population. Breakdown of electronic communication systems, power grids, and destruction of industrial, travel, and shipping infrastructures could bring civilization to a halt. Break downs and shortages would compound each other bringing modern industry and economic system to a halt. Only simple local economies in isolated rural areas at hi altitudes would still be viable. Transiting Jupiter turns retrograde at 23 degrees of Scorpio on March 9, 2018.  Jupiter turns direct on July 10 2018 at 13 degrees of Scorpio between January 6 and May 1, 2018. This transit repeats again between august 28 and September 23, 2018. This transit is made longer because of Jupiter turning retrograde, while making this transit. This influence gets off to a strong start wit transiting Mars and Jupiter conjunct between January 2, and 12, 2018 while both are sextile Pluto. This influence favors the implementation of  cleaner, and more efficient and less wasteful technologies, by means of recycling, and use of renewable sources of energy such as sunlight instead of burning fossil fuels, and by getting multiple valuable by products as well as the main product out of the same natural resources. Venus is conjunct Pluto in Capricorn between January 7 and 11, 2018. This could bring some romantic-sexual intrigues and scandals among the rich and powerful into the mix. The sextile between Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn and Mars conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio could help in exposing Pedophilia and other dark sexual practices that have been carried on in secret in elite circles. Those people dedicated to making spiritual progress, being of service, and achieving a higher level of consciousness can make significant progress under the influence of Jupiter sextile Pluto, and related short term transits, together with others of like understanding and motivation can influence the mass consciousness in reaching a higher level of spiritual awareness. This can lessen the severity of economic, environmental, geological, climatic, and war related, events, chaos, and physical destruction over the next 8 to 10 years. Prayer, meditation, and intention to hold a positive vision for the future does influence the outcome of future historic trends and events. and if powerful enough can avert catastrophe, and steer the course of history in a positive direction. The outcome remains to be seen, but it is not far off. In the next 7 to 10 years the outcome will be determined. We are at a major cosmic time node and historic watershed. what happens in the next 7 to 10 years will determine human history on Earth and even has significance for time-space fairing civilizations for a long time to come. We are rapidly approaching a historic singularity, a major cosmic time node, A moment of truth where the imploding mass Karma Manifesting through the terminal corruption, and parasitical, cancerous criminality, of the top leadership of the major institutions that run the world brings civilization as we have known it to a grinding halt. It is referred to by various names such as the New World Order or Anu World Order, The Cabal, The Elites, The Illuminati, and other names. Its inner ranks consist of the top level heads of the world central banks, heads of  the fortune 50 most wealthy corporations in the world, The top hierarchy of major world religions, The British crown, The Rothschild banking dynasty, other European, and worldwide royal families, and perhaps some very well hidden inside controllers that the outside world has not even heard of. Jupiter in Scorpio is trine Neptune in Pisces, May through August of 2028. This is an influence of expansive emotion expressing spiritual qualities of love joy and beauty. People will have more emotional understanding, compassion, empathy, and psychic attunement and thus will be more, willing to cooperate and overcome past differences. This aspect forms a grand trine with the Sun in the US horoscope and will encourage economic growth. People will express more psychic awareness of each other’s moods and feelings, resulting in a greater expression of humanitarian understanding and spiritual unity. Because both Scorpio and Pisces are water signs the expansion of awareness that is the highest expression of this combination will come through the emotional level of expression and interaction. Scorpio embodies an emotional intensity that cuts to the very core of what motivates people. If they are willing to be honest with themselves and are willing to look at what is really behind their emotional reactions the can embody a penetrating insight and understanding that cuts cuts through pretense, illusion, and falsehood to a deep understanding of the human condition. With this insight comes the ability to be a powerful healer. Pisces as the last sign of the Zodiac embodies the subconscious memory of the experiences of all the previous signs. If these memories can be brought forward to a conscious level they make possible a universal empathic understanding of the human condition that can manifest as compassion. Both Jupiter and Neptune are very expansive And so is the trine as an aspect. If not properly managed their combined influence can manifest as excessiveness, and escapism that gets lost in the drama thus loosing perspective and emotional balance. If used in a positive way it will be the vehicle for a great outpouring of emotional understanding compassion and forgiveness. Most of humanity is still motivated at the emotional level, and thus with this influence there is a great opportunity to move mass consciousness to a higher level at the level of emotional feelings and expression where the vast majority of humanity lives. This will be largely expressed through art music and entertainment that are the major vehicles of mass communication at the emotional level. It remains to be seen how much of  this is co opted by mega corporate owned media versus alternative free media. 2017 could have been a lot worse than it has been, which makes me more cautiously optimistic. There is reason for hope, but no room for complacency. transiting Uranus enters Taurus for the first time on May 16, 2018. Uranus retrogrades back into Ares on November 7, 2018. Uranus re enters Taurus to stau on  March 7, 2018. Taurus is an Earth sign associated with the Financial world, and physical assets. Taurus is also associated with the physical planet, and the physical environment and therefore with agriculture, natural resources, food supplies and geology. Uranus brings sudden release of energy, drastic changes, and unexpected events and circumstances. Uranus in Taurus will bring accelerated geological changes, and long overdue major corrections and shakeups of worldwide financial systems. Investment in stocks, bonds, and other paper assets are likely to fall apart. People will find out that things that are not in their direct physical possession could become worthless. Many formerly wealthy people could suddenly be financially wiped out, and even become destitute. Saturn in Capricorn is trine Uranus in Taurus between Mid July and Mid October. 2018. This is a very favorable influence. Organized groups of  people will form communities and cooperative enterprises for sustainability and self sufficiency. They will embody a less hierarchical management structure and make decisions more by consensus and voluntary participation of coequal sauvergne individuals. Solutions, resources, and leadership can come from any person in the collective and be shared by all. Inventors and innovators will come up with sustainable solutions to practical problems such as energy production, food  production and sustainability, natural medicine. buildings and housing, education and so on. Transiting Mars in Scorpio is inconjunct Uranus in Ares between January 14 and 21, 2018. this could precipitate some unexpected sudden and dramatic disruptive events. such as  industrial accidents, military conflicts earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, riots, and false flag or real terrorist attacks etc. Mars Enters Sagittarius on  January 27, 2018. Mars in Sagittarius is square Neptune in Pisces between February 14 and 22, 2018. this will increase violent religious fanaticism especially among  Islamic factions in the Middle East. Isis covertly created by the CIA could go on the attack in a major attack or terrorist event. this would increase the danger of a wider regional war. This could be covertly supported by western powers to drive up the price of oil. There has been a glut of oil on the global market that has driven down the price of oil. there will be behind the scenes trickery and deceit. Transiting Mars in Sagittarius will trine Uranus in Ares between March 6 and 17 , 2018. This will facilitate worthwhile action to  implement advanced technological solutions in independent energy production and other areas to overcome dependence on mega corporate controlled systems. It will encourage independent gropes and grass roots organizations to take action to create independent sustainability and freedom by implementing advanced solutions to practical needs. Mars enters Capricorn on March 18, 2018, and leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius on May 17, 2018. Mars transiting Capricorn emphasizes practical action, efficiency, organization, and hard work, and ambition. it gets things done. These tendencies will be intensified when mars is conjunct Saturn in Capricorn between March 29, and April 8, 2018. On the negative side this can increase militarism and harsh authoritarian top down control in business and politics. On the positive side it can embody ambition, discipline, hard work, practicality, professionalism, and self reliance. there tends to be a hardnosed, no nonsense, get the job done attitude. It can also produce military confrontations and stand offs. it is associated with heavy industries such as steel and construction. Transiting Mars is in Aquarius between May 17 and August 14, and again between September 12 and November16, of 2018. Mars turns retrograde at 9 degrees of Aquarius on June 28, 2018. Mars in Aquarius is often dissatisfied with established policies and power structures and oppressive regulation and regimes and becomes revolutionary in attitudes and actions. under this influence. when Mars is in Aquarius people come together  in groups, political parties, and organizations to bring about reform and change. This can manifest in anything from polite political and social organizations to cadres of violent armed revolutionaries. The influence of Mars in Aq1uarius also manifests as inventiveness, technological and scientific research and development. People will get together and form groups and organizations to take action to initiate and move forward community projects and improvements. During any retrograde Mars cycle agendas can be delayed and held back and take longer to accomplish. With Mars retrograde in Aquarius this will be for sudden and unexpected reasons. Under this influence delays and frustrations can result from lack of agreement and unwillingness to make compromise. Aquarius is a fixed sign and can be quite stubborn. People tend to challenge authority and be more individualistic making it more difficult to get everyone to agree on the same agenda and plan of action thus causing delays. There can be a n attitude of don’t tell me what to do. During part of the 2018 Mars retrograde cycle Mars retrogrades back into Capricorn between August 14, and September 12, 2018, with Mars turning direct on August 27, 2018 at 28 degrees and 36 minutes of Capricorn. This could manifest as a conservative backlash reaction against the extremes of revolutionary factions. Under normal circumstances Mars takes 45days or a month and a half to transit a sign. During a retrograde cycle Mars spends approximately 6 months in one sign or 2 adjacent signs, whatever house or 2 adjacent houses Mars is in receives a much longer Mars activation, indicating prolonged intensified activity in the affairs ruled by the house or houses Mars is transiting while in a retrograde cycle. Mars retrograd periods take place at 2 year intervals. The next Mercury retrograde cycle is in Ares with Mercury turning retrograde at 16 degrees and 54 degrees of Aries on March 23, 2018. Mercury turns direct on April 15 at 4 degrees and 47 minutes of Ares Mercury regains 16 degrees of Aries where He turned retrograde on May 3rd 2018. mercury in ares tends to be impatient and so delays in communications and decisions will cause frustration and irritation. Retrograde Mercury is square Mars conjunct Saturn in Capricorn in the first week of April resulting in disagreements anger and frustration. This can result in arguments and angry confrontations over decisions and policies and who has the legitimate authority to make decisions. Mercury again squares Saturn in Capricorn between April 22 and 29, 2018. causing more frustrations and delays, especially if caused by obnoxious beurocracy officialdom, and legalities. Mercury and Venus are conjunct in the first degree of Ares on March 7 , 2018 at the very beginning of the zodiac. This signifies new beginnings in Literary arts and in new diplomatic initiatives to create peace and avoid conflict. People will take the initiative to express their creative ideas and artistic inclinations. This aspect is actually within a 2 degree orb between March 1 and 9, 2018 while spanning the Pisces-Aries cusp. Leave a Reply
Today I'd like to explore a commonly-asked question... How can you produce a large profit from a small bankroll? Well, as any semi-serious punter knows, the standard way to bankroll your betting is to invest a fixed amount of money (that, all importantly, you don't need for anything else), then stake an amount that will produce decent profit without unwarranted risk. Of course, this depends on the strike rate of the betting strategy you're using, and your personal approach to risk. Here at Lucrative, we like to take the "protection first, profit second" approach so generally advise staking in a way that allows your bankroll to survive roughly 5 maximum losing runs, as laid out in the table below: If we concentrate on the "advised stake" row, we can see that with this low-risk approach, a 50% strike rate merits staking 2% of your bankroll per bet, a 30% strike merits staking 1%, and so on. Unless your laying or betting odds-on, you're very unlikely to achieve a strike rate of 50% or greater. And for most punters, a strike rate somewhere around the 30% mark is much more realistic. However, this presents a problem... If the idea of investing a lump four-figure sum doesn't appeal to you (and you'll be in the majority), you're advised starting stakes will look something along the lines of: £100 bankroll: £1 stakes £200 bankroll: £2 stakes £500 bankroll £5 stakes Nothing wrong with the above, of course, apart from the undeniable reality that smaller stakes mean smaller profits. So...what, if anything, can we do to improve this dilemma? One option would be the throw caution to the wind and up your stakes to 2% - 5%. Based on some of the research surveys I've carried out in recent years, this is exactly what a lot of punters do. If this tactic sounds familiar to you, you're definately not alone. Unfortunately, it's a risky business and at 5% stakes, the chances that you'll go bust somewhere down the line is higher than you'd care to know. In short, I don't recommend it. The other option is to use a Rolling Bankroll. The idea behind a rolling bankroll is to start with a smaller investment, and set your stake so that it will cover your bets for the week (or month) ahead. If you're in profit at the end of the week, great! You can either withdraw your profit, or add it to your bankroll and start the following week with a larger pot. If a loss is made during the week, a contingency plan kicks in where you top your bankroll back up to the original balance. Let's use our BackLucrative Value tipping strategy as an example, to demonstrate how this works: Strike Rate: 28.81% Average bets per week: 20 To stake £10 per bet, you would require an approx. £1,000 fixed bankroll. However, to stake £10 per bet with a rolling bankroll, you only require enough to cover a weeks worth of bets. Based on the average number of bets per week, this would be £200; lets up that slightly to £250, as there will be some weeks with more bets than the average. With a £250 rolling bankroll, and £10 stakes, this is what the first four weeks of 2020 looks like following BackLucrative Value: Week 1 Starting bankroll: £250 Bets: 19 P/L: +5.25 points Bankroll after week 1: £302.5 Week 2 Starting bankroll: £302.5 Bets: 17 P/L: +13.37 points Bankroll after week 2: £436.25 Week 3 Starting bankroll: £436.25 Bets: 24 P/L: +0.19 points Bankroll after week 3: £438.15 Week 4 Starting bankroll: £438.15 Bets: 25 P/L: +6.37 points Bankroll after week 4: £501.9 With BackLucrative Value, we were able to build a conservative £250 bankroll up to £501.9 (100.76% increase), in just four weeks. You can view the results history here. If the results hadn't turned out so good, with the contingency plan in place we could have topped our bankroll up if needed. This is one viable way to maximise your betting profit without requiring a large initial investment, and without increasing your risk to unsustainable levels. With UK racing resuming very soon, this could prove a useful strategy if you're looking to start betting again, and want to squeeze as much profit as you can from a conservative bankroll. • I have been an avid Horse Racing enthusiast from a young age, and now have over 12 years experience in the industry. After leaving a dead end job to work as a full time Horse Racing Investor, I founded Lucrative Racing in 2011. The company focuses on teaching people how to create a supplemental income from betting investment, providing greater financial freedom in a time of economic uncertainty. Name Michael - Director, Lucrative Racing
Opinion » Commentaries Bias and facts More balance needed, less propaganda As a former English teacher, I can testify that Al Fonzi writes correct English sentences. However, I would argue that his thinking is biased, as he limits his support to only the relatively few "authorities" who support his conclusions while ignoring the significantly larger body of "authorities" who contradict him. This places his essay, "A Terrible Deal" (March 14), in the category of propaganda rather than valid argument on a controversial issue. For Al Fonzi, this approach isn't new, but it is dangerous when forwarded by a man whose accompanying "bio" lists him as a former "Army lieutenant colonel of military intelligence." Fonzi is a climate change denier, similar to our current leader, President Donald Trump, who claims there is no climate change because it still occasionally gets cold. To support his contention, Fonzi cites a handful of climate change deniers while ignoring the vast majority of climatologists who are warning us of the imminent danger to life as we know it. He ignores the unprecedented melting of the ice caps and the measured rising sea levels. He also claims that the current push for a green deal to correct the practices that are further endangering our world and its people is just a vast economic, anti-business conspiracy. He ignores the facts that interfere with his prejudices. More's the pity. Then, as a "solution" for those environmentalists who "steadfastly oppose immediate remedies using proven technologies that are currently available to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions," he proposes nuclear power (there still isn't a good solution to the problem of storing radioactive waste, which remains potentially fatal for God only knows how long), "large hydroelectric projects" (ignoring the reality of extended droughts resulting from changing climate patterns), and "natural gas" (which is subject to accidental release during extraction, as was suffered by Porter Ranch residents not too long ago). All are flawed alternatives. Then, to summarize, Mr. Fonzi compares "climate alarmists" to "religious cults predicting imminent doom, sitting on their rooftops, waiting for the end" and predicts that economic disaster would be eminent under a green deal that would make Americans "envy Venezuela" (a carefully selected allusion to a communist autocracy). His conclusions are neither valid nor productive but are purely political. I, for one, am tired of Mr. Fonzi's slanted rants and propaganda, but I respect the principle of free speech and respect New Times' willingness to print my responses when I differ with him. Δ Istar Holliday writes with concern from Arroyo Grande. Send your thoughts to [email protected] or write a letter for publication and email it to [email protected]. Comments (6) Showing 1-6 of 6 Add a comment Add a comment
Chow » Chow Feature Chicago Style You might not want to visit Kenney D's on a diet, but they know their fried foods In a metro area with about 1 million people, Tucson probably has more than its fair share of Chicago-style sandwich joints. You can pick from the Luke's locations, the various joints that seem to come and quickly go (e.g., the now-closed Chicago Fast-Food or Bubby's Chicago Style), and Kenney D's. Kenney D's is owned by one of Luke's sons, and though many of the menu items are the same, the recipes and execution are quite different. The portions at Kenney D's are monstrous, so prepare to share or take home leftovers. The food is inexpensive, plentiful and consistently good, with a few exceptions. The service is friendly and prompt, and overall it's a decent place to grab a quick and hearty bite on the southeast side. French fries are always an issue of personal taste, and I generally dislike crinkle-cut fries. But the ones at Kenney D's are really, really tasty ($3.25 for a regular order and $1.75 for a small; fries aren't included with sandwiches or entrées). Fried extra crispy on the outside, they were still nice and fluffy on the inside, and they were hot out of the fryer. Inferno hot. With the addition of a little salt, they were nearly fry perfection. The onion rings ($3.25) were also delicious—not too much batter, and prepared so that when you take a bite the whole onion doesn't slide out, leaving an empty batter casing behind. Kenney D's offers a slew of other deep-fried and carb-a-licious goodies, from fried mushrooms and zucchini ($3.60 each) to Bosco cheese bread ($4.75 for an order of three). I'd never had Bosco bread before, but I will definitely know to order it next time I'm craving breadsticks stuffed with gooey cheese and brushed with garlic butter—my cholesterol went up 10 points just thinking about it. But the sandwiches are the meat of Kenney D's menu (pardon the fully intended pun). The Italian beef ($6.95 large, $5.75 small) is one of the best I've had outside of Chicago. Order it with the hot peppers if you can stomach them (they are quite spicy), and you'll be rewarded with tons of flavor. The beef is tender and super juicy, and the spices and seasonings are spot on. Nearly all of the sandwiches are served on very crusty French bread, which tastes great but makes the huge sandwiches all the more filling. Another good choice was the Italian sausage ($6.75 large, $5.50 small, $7.65 double meat), again with the hot peppers. The sausage was spicy, with great flavor. Every good Chicago-style sandwich joint has to serve the ubiquitous Chicago dog (no ketchup!), and Kenney D's does it right. I (foolishly) ordered the double ($6), which comes on French bread instead of the traditional bun ($4 for the single on the bun or $6 for the foot-long Polish done up Chicago dog-style). The only disappointment on either of our visits was the burger. I ordered the half-pound Kenney D's Burger ($5.90, or $4.45 for the quarter-pound), which comes with bacon, cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion and Thousand Island dressing. The burger had been cooked to death and was simultaneously greasy and very dry. The lettuce was limp, the tomatoes weren't ripe, the cheese wasn't melted and the onions were pungent. It was a disappointment on all fronts. While the place isn't much to look at, there's something to that adage of not judging a book by its cover (or a greasy spoon by its décor). Aside from the misstep with the burger, the sandwiches were hot, huge, incredibly filling and inexpensive—definitely worth stopping in. Add a comment
online earning ways For many people, earn money online would be a complete Goal. If they could learn a way to make money with a website or some other online volunteer , they could leave their job to focus on entrepreneurship, go through more time with their family, and ultimately take back control of their time and their lives.Economy can be uncertain. Having a good job or a regular business can both have their downs in a bad…
novosibirsk (part I) The project looks at the drag community in Novosibirsk and examines the hidden relationship between fear and joy - something that is deeply embedded within the Russian condition. In this joy, there is a darker reality and often the truth must be hidden in this world and “joy” can only be expressed through beauty - one has to place him/herself within the system. That, in a lot of cases, is based on oppression and boundaries. The theme of oppression vs exhibition is constantly present in those systems of order. Joy itself becomes a form of repression, there are moments of freedom in the constructed safe space, but they can only be obtained and permitted behind the masks of beauty and entertainment. Beauty within a Russian context allows for certain freedoms from the norm. You must fit in the central mass of these systems unless you have power, money or beauty. In this way, beauty can become your safety net. You can perform in the full drag for hundreds of people at the concert, but you can’t hold hand with your partner in public. I saw a community happy with the ability to perform their art, but trapped by the reality that this form is the only place where they can touch on their true self. In the country, unsure of its own reality and fearful to discover the boundaries, many struggle to be themselves.
Read the previous part of the article: Impacts of Perinatal Anxiety Indeed, personal factors can predispose the development of anxiety during pregnancy or after childbirth. 1. Biological, hormonal and physical changes 2. Difficult life experiences and events 3. Previous personal history of anxiety or emotional difficulties 1. Biological, hormonal and physical changes Research has shown contradictory results about the effects of certain hormones on anxiety. It suggests that some women are highly sensitive to sudden changes in hormones, which will bring on more negative emotions. Physically, women experience an increase in their heart rate. Also, as the uterus grows, it pushes on the diaphragm, which leads to shorter breath and difficulty breathing. Women that are sensitive to these symptoms can erroneously label them as danger signs or signs that their emotional state is becoming worse, which leads to anxiety. 2. Certain difficult life experiences or events Certain traumatic events, like sexual abuse, perinatal loss or miscarriages can also predispose anxiety. 3. Previous personal history of anxiety or emotional difficulties Most studies conclude that a previous personal history of anxiety or emotional difficulties is a recurring risk factor for the development of perinatal anxiety. This supports the idea that previous psychological vulnerabilities can be reactivated during this period of life. This doesn’t necessarily mean that anxiety disorders were present in the past. Some developed vulnerabilities can affect how you react, think or manage your emotions. During the perinatal period, we sometimes see people that tend to think that nothing works, that something negative will always happen. Generally, they can even have a very negative attitude about possible complications or problems, pessimistic thoughts. In other words, during life, some people develop a lower level of tolerance for uncertainty. Because the perinatal period is full of uncertainty, new things, changes and unexpected events, the parent is less able to tolerate these uncertainties, which will make them worry more, and they can become obsessed with specific issues. All this can reactivate vulnerabilities or expose them in this period full of challenges to overcome. For example, a parent can have very high demands, perfectionist, for themselves and for others around them, or is someone who is never wrong (dysfunctional perfectionism). This parent will likely never be satisfied with their efforts. They have overly high and unacceptable standards for themselves and others. Consequently, their thoughts and behaviours regarding anxiety will be more present. If the parent looks at life through a filter of intolerance of uncertainty, perfectionism or sensitivity to anxiety, they will strongly react to the stages and the stresses during the perinatal period. Once activated, these vulnerabilities can continue and become more and more automatic, which helps sustain the anxiety. Continue reading: Perinatal Anxiety in Men and Women. This post is also available in: Français Leave a Reply Fill out this field Fill out this field Please enter a valid email address.
Why You Should Drink More Tea Drink More Tea Whether you’re trying to quit coffee or you just need a healthy drink that will make you feel great in the morning and at night, tea is an excellent choice. But perhaps, you haven’t had a compelling reason to drink more tea, just yet? A recent series of studies by scientists at the National University of Singapore shows that tea can impact your brain health significantly. In fact, they were able to show that participants who had been drinking tea at least 4 times a week over the last 25 years had better brain cell arrangements compared to their non-tea drinking counterparts. “Better brain arrangements” mean that the brain tissue and the nerves are aligned in such a way that signals are easily transmitted from one part of the brain to the other. When these arrangements are disorganized, it can lead to brain disorders including dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. And so the scientists were suggesting that tea could perhaps, be one way to keep such diseases at bay. That is just one way to benefit from a tea-drinking habit. It is, however, important to note that not all teas are actual “tea”. There are a number of products marketed under the “herbal tea” category that does not contain any actual tea at all. Real tea is made from the leaves of the plant Camellia sinensis. The different varieties of tea-black tea, white tea, green tea, and oolong tea are all derived from this plant. If you choose to drink more tea, make sure you’re buying tea that is made from the Camellia sinensis plant or else this post will not apply. Now, let’s look at more benefits of drinking tea. Tea has antioxidants Tea has antioxidants and this is important for several reasons. There are chemical reactions inside and outside our bodies that create harmful chemicals known as free radicals. Free radicals can result in skin damage and are at the root of certain diseases. Antioxidants block the actions of these free radicals and blocks the damage they could cause. Even though your body can naturally produce antioxidants, it’s always helpful to get an external boost, say from drinking tea. Tea is chock-full of antioxidants and drinking it regularly will supply your body with what you need to prevent free radicals from causing damage and disease. Tea has less caffeine than coffee One of the ways to get better sleep is to cut out caffeine at night. Even though tea does contain some caffeine, it is lower than what you get with coffee. Thus, it is useful if you need it to stay awake during the day and even if you drink it closer to your bedtime, it is likely not to affect your sleep. Tea can affect your immune system Researchers at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School found that a component of tea, L-theanine, is important in boosting the immune system. In the human body, T cells are a group of immune cells that fight infections. Particularly, T cells will produce chemicals that will kill bacteria, fungi or viruses that attack your body. One other way T cells fight infections is by developing “memory”. What this means is that, if the T cells in your body to kill a type of bacteria once, the next time that same bacteria shows up, the T cells will clear them faster and more effectively because of the previous encounter. Tea and heart health Remember how we talked about antioxidants and how they can prevent free radical damage? Well another thing antioxidants do is to prevent the buildup of plaque in the blood vessels. A buildup of plaque in the blood vessels causes atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a serious illness that can lead to a heart attack or stroke. The antioxidants in tea can help prevent this. Furthermore, tea contains flavonoids that help to reduce inflammation in the cardiovascular system. Some doctors have advised however not to drink tea excessively because you’re trying to load up on these components of tea. As a matter of fact, some doctors think too many flavonoids in your body can cause kidney damage. Everything in moderation.  Tea and the digestive system There are some reports that tea can help with digestion but there is still a lot of research that needs to be done in this area. Nonetheless, several Asian cultures have been drinking tea after their meals for centuries and appear to have great metabolism as a result of that. Tea may help prevent cancer Here are a few ways tea can help prevent cancer. As you can see, it’s a Pandora’s box of surprises when it comes to tea and its health benefits. If you found this post helpful, share it with someone else who will too.
Ricardo Rangel View from the Top Regenerating Tissue With Mexican Stem Cell Development By Miriam Bello | Mon, 10/05/2020 - 14:38 Q: How is Exomelab innovating in patient care and treatment in the field of regenerative therapy? A: Despite being a new company in the market, our expertise as a research team began around 1997 in the field of cells, organs and tissue transplantation. We began generating biotechnological platforms for isolating mesenchymal stem cells and as a result of these efforts, we decided to create this company. Through our research discoveries, we generated information on how stem cells can help the organism to renew cells in organs and tissues afflicted by any chronic degenerative disease. Mesenchymal stem cells can be isolated from many tissue sources, such as bone marrow, adipose tissue, body fat, endometrial tissue, and from embryonic attachments, such as placenta, the amniotic membrane and the umbilical cord. Endometrial tissue was the most important source for our studies. Women eliminate great quantities of stem cells per month through menstruation. Gemlabs laboratory has patented a device that isolates the menstrual flow from the first two days of the period to recover stem cells. Through an in vitro process, we are able to obtain millions of stem cells and bioactive elements from these cells, including exosomes and microvesicles. After isolating all these molecules, we combine them through tissue engineering into a biological scaffolding of collagen and calcium alginate that results in a patch that can be used on any damaged tissue. As we grew as a company, I started to specialize my research in Type II diabetes mellitus, specifically on diabetic foot as a result of a vascular tissue failure that causes sores that can even lead to the loss of a foot. We saw a great opportunity for mesenchymal stem cells to regenerate damaged tissue in patients suffering from diabetic foot. The patch stimulates the regeneration of tissue because it allows a process of revascularization, meaning the creation of new blood vessels and arteries. Moreover, this patch allows the wound to regenerate completely, meaning that it can even grow back hair, regenerate sweat and sebaceous glands. It also regenerates the nervous system, which allows a return of sensitivity. This patch prevents the formation of a scar or a fibrotic tissue. We started preclinical trials at PEMEX’s hospital and in 2019 we received the patent for this level three device development and also its sanitary registration with COFEPRIS. The patch can act on any damaged tissue, independently of the person’s healthcare background. This regenerative process is an unprecedented development because of the quality of the final result. Neither scientists nor doctors are used to seeing a healing process that does not create fibrotic scars but truly regenerates the tissue from within. Q: Which COFEPRIS approval processes were necessary to commercialize your products? A: The Mexican market is plagued by charlatanism and introducing a level three development requires a long and complex process to ensure that the product is 100 percent safe. COFEPRIS is still pretty young and expands according to the new innovations brought by Mexican developers. However, this does not happen often. There have been significant advances in the regulation of stem cells but we are still missing a general norm on the subject that includes cells, tissue and genetic therapies. These regulations already exist in the US and Europe, which provides us with guidelines as these countries have marketed many therapies in the past 10 years. I would not consider the stem cell market young because its development and regulation have been strengthening for 20 years. Despite COFEPRIS’ young experience in the field, it has strict requirements. The commission provides the sanitary registration for the use of stem cells in Mexico to those who comply with three licenses: procurement of source tissue, stem or progenitor cell storage bank and regenerative medicine. However, we do expect to see stronger regulations regarding quality control frameworks for the production of stem cell systems because we know how delicate and complex this process is. Mexico already has 20 laboratories working with mesenchymal stem cells and they all need to be working under the same guidelines and quality criteria. Q: The FDA approved a clinical trial of mesenchymal stem cells to treat COVID-19. How can Exomelab use its expertise to exploit this possible solution? A: Exomelab has been working on a protocol for the application of mesenchymal stem cells on the treatment of viral sepsis caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. We submitted this protocol to CONACYT and the results will determine if they will support the initiative. The importance of stem cells is in how they can help the lungs in the immunomodulation process. COVID-19’s severe damage to the respiratory system destroys many healthy cells within the body and this worsens in people suffering from any chronic disease, such as diabetes or obesity. One of the molecules that the virus uses to enter the body is the angiotensin receptor 2, which is the antagonist of molecule ASR that is related to the construction of blood vessels. Combined with a molecule that dilates the vein, this results in a massive impact on the human body as it inflates the system and compromises the respiratory system. Chinese research has shown that the use of three mesenchymal stem cell doses of 50 million each applied on days one, three and nine, allowed patients to overcome the most critical stages of COVID-19 within days.  Q: What are Exomelab’s near-term goals? A: Exomelab is working on the commercialization of our device through the brand Skin Care Exocell owned by Laboratorios GEM. We are also working on the creation of the International Society of Exosome-Based Medicine, which is developing quickly as it has attracted a great deal of attention and gathered important actors from many parts of the world. The idea of this society is to create a professional scientific forum to organize congresses and courses that encourage the use and development of exosome-based therapies. Exomelab applies biotechnological innovation to treatments using advanced regenerative therapies with mesenchymal stem cells and exosomes to promote the regeneration of damaged tissue Miriam Bello Miriam Bello Journalist and Industry Analyst
Join Our Exclusive 100% FREE Facebook Group - CLICK HERE! Handy Tips Does Exercise Affect Your Sleep? Exercise can indeed affect your sleep! How and when you exercise may all have an impact on your sleep quality. Can Exercise Improve Sleep? Yes, exercise can improve the quality of your sleep. In fact, many experts point to this basic lifestyle adjustment as being key to sleep improvement. However, sources point out that how and when you exercise makes a difference in how positively and how much your exercise will affect your sleep. There is no one right time of day to exercise. The best times to be physically active depends on your chronotype. Go to this quiz to find out: Generally speaking, exercise in the mid to late afternoon is ideal. For one thing, it gets you past the sleepy time in the afternoon when taking a nap (if possible) can result in you not feeling sleepy at bedtime. Late afternoon exercise gets your body to heat up and your circulation going, and as your body temperature cools, it seems to get the body ready for sleep. If you eat dinner early, exercising after dinner may work for you – but giving your body at least four hours of cool down time is said to be best. A vigorous workout in the evening shortly before bed means you are trying to sleep with a raised body temperature, and studies have shown that a cooling body temperature is most conducive to sleep. However, this is up to the individual.  Every body reacts differently to working out. Some people simply have a hard time winding down after an evening workout. That’s especially true if you were doing something super stimulating. If late night sweats hype you up, do not do them. If morning is the only time you have to exercise, of course that is better than no exercise at all. Because exercise is good for the body overall, all body systems from circulation to muscle tone are improved, and keeping your body in top shape ultimately promotes healthy sleep. Exercise also helps relieve tension and stress. Many studies have pointed out the relaxing benefits of exercise and the subsequent benefits of better sleep. What Kind of Exercise Is Best? Most experts agree that cardiovascular exercise is best for better sleep. A vigorous cardio workout that lasts at least 20 minutes is sufficient to raise body temperature, get your heart pumping, and enhance circulation. Examples of cardiovascular exercises you can do at home or nearby include: * Walking (vigorous, fast walking) * Jogging * Jumping rope * Aerobics * Bike riding The key is to make the exercise continual and vigorous. Yoga and other meditative, stretching exercises may be helpful especially if stress is stopping you from being able to sleep well. In fact, some experts say that stretching periodically throughout the day may be of benefit too. Leave a Reply
Review: The Revolution of “Black Panther” is Live Riley Jungbauer MSHS student, Riley Jungbauer (10), made his piece, “Black Panther,” in his art class. “When I was younger, Black Panther was my favorite superhero,” said Jungbauer. He decided to make the piece in light of the new movie coming out. Kaitlyn Cashdollar, Editor-in-Chief The cultural impact that Black Panther has made in the months leading up to its release is nothing short of extraordinary. With its all black cast and the biggest budget ever given to an African American director, it was breaking records from the start. Especially with the prejudice and representation issues in Hollywood with hiring black actors, writers, and directors, this movie meant a lot for the black community. But the cast and staff is not the only revolutionary thing about the film. The integration of African culture was a huge step for breaking negative stereotypes. The movie heavily features Afrofuturism, which is the integration of of advanced technology with African culture. Within the movie, there many subtle and huge pieces of culture intertwined with the costumes, set, and script. The costume department– headed by Ruth Carter, the costume designer, and Hannah Beachler, the production designer– spent months researching and making the costumes and settings. Carter used things like lip plates, best known in the Mursi and Surma tribes in Ethiopia; Zulu headdress, traditionally worn by married African women for ceremonies; the Igbo mask, which are used in Igbo rituals; Tuareg scarves, a large covering of the head and face, similar to ones worn by Tuareg people in North and West Africa; Ndebele neck rings, worn by the South Ndebele peoples of Zimbabwe and South Africa as part of their traditional dress; and so much more to express culture through the onscreen visuals. Language was another huge part that that was not only incorporated into the script but the movie album. The main language used in the movie was Xhosa, which is spoken by over 19 million people in Southern Africa, but Lupita Nyong’o– who played Nakia– also learned to speak Hausa for certain scenes. They even spoke some Korean for their scenes in Busan and used some Korean music for some transition scenes. This is huge, seeing that there is extreme prejudice against foreign language in America. English is still used in movies and tv shows– such as Sense8– even though they are set in foreign countries that don’t speak english. Music overall was a vital part of the movie and the impact it had. The original album was dome by Kendrick Lamar, who paired with TDE label head Anthony Tiffith to create the album inspired and made for Black Panther. As well, it features artists Travis Scott, ScHoolboy Q, 2 Chainz, Swae Lee, Vince Staples, and Future. Music is a huge part of black culture and both traditional and modern music was incorporated into the album. Even on top of his album, Lamar commented, “The magnitude of this film showcases a great marriage of art and culture.” Lamar even wrote a few songs from the perspective of the characters. For example, the first song on the album, narrated by and named,”Black Panther,” ends with the lyrics, “I am T’Challa.” The album goes further and even references the movie’s villain, Erik Killmonger, in the song “Opps.” Killmonger himself was one of the reasons this movie was so unique. Truly good villains are hard to come by; and I mean “good” to the fullest extent of the word. The best villains are the ones who aren’t completely wrong, the ones that you can sympathize with. Erik Killmonger is that villain. Marvel’s antagonists are notorious for a lack of real motivation. Most of them are just striving for world domination, while others have ideals of revenge. Killmonger is different. His cruelty isn’t driven by being evil or wanting revenge. His motivator is his strive for a change in how Wakanda interacts with the rest of the world. Since the technology and advances using vibranium have been kept hidden from the rest of the world in fear of colonization, Wakanda has not helped any others fallen victim to it. However, where his intentions are good, his actions are cruel and violent. This is the environment he grew up in, as it was revealing that he grew up in Oakland, California. As a younger version of himself in the movie, when asked about his father’s death, he responds with, “It’s just life around here.” Killmonger’s idea of justice for oppressed black people around the world was to arm them and to have the roles reversed. The oppressed becomes the oppressor. Even T’Challa points out: “You have become them.” Killmonger is a villain with understandable and compelling viewpoints, which makes him possibly the best villain Marvel has ever made. Even though his actions and overall execution of his plan was flawed, Killmonger’s overall goal was right, which is what T’Challa acknowledges at the end of the movie. Black Panther and Killmonger are different from previous heroes and villains we’ve seen in the past. In the end, T’Challa changes the way of Wakanda and opens their technology and innovation up to help the rest of the world instead of trying to stay hidden. He learns from his villain, and takes some of his overall beliefs and implements them using a better system, which we have never seen a hero do before. The most important thing about Black Panther, the thing that makes it really special, is the representation it provides to black youth. Even when black people are cast in movies and tv shows, it is often lighter skinned actors or actresses which leaves out the darker skinned part of the community. When watching Black Panther, black youth finally have heroes and role models to look up to. To me, this is the most powerful thing about the revolution of Black Panther.
Why It Is Unfair To Blame The Ref For The Outcome Of The Game Argggh….I feel the weight lifting off my chest as I get down to the business of writing on this topic. Every sports fan cannot deny that there have been times when they felt like the referee of a game they are either involved with as players or fans of their favorite team, should be blindfolded by well-built thugs dressed in black, wearing face masks and kicked in his/her behind and shoved in the back of an unlicensed truck… Taken to be never seen again. Yea ok, a bit over dramatic. But then again, is it? I mean do you know how many people had their hearts experience a technical glitch when the football referee called a goal for what was clearly a handball by Thierry Henry during the 2009 world cup? I’m sorry if you are not a soccer fan, I probably should have researched relevant applicable examples for other major sports such as cricket, basketball, hockey, tennis etc… Excuse my laziness but part of me feels like a true sportsman can relate no matter what the game is. After all, we’re all in this life together and life, is another game isn’t it? With that being said, this article is in support of referees and not an indictment against them. As a result of the competitive nature of sports, it is understandable that tempers will flare up, egos will be bruised and it is inevitable that disagreements over the call of the ref will happen. However, this article puts forth five reasons why it is wrong for players and fans alike to met out their frustrations on the ref. #1. The most important role of a ref is not to give fair or good calls but to simply be an impartial/neutral officiating party Yes, you read that right. And you thought it was to uphold the rules. Jokes aside, though, think about it. Everybody involved is actually well aware of the rules most likely; and even if someone was not, chances are the other players are. Heck even if most are not aware of the rules, at least, one player is or else you will not be able to play the game! Now if this is the case, it should stand to reason that players can then officiate themselves. However, as soon as one considers this thought, inevitably they come to the conclusion that players cannot be trusted to be fair and are likely to be biased towards their team or against a player they do not like etc. So I’m hoping by now you see my point, which is that the referee is meant to be neutral first and foremost. I would suggest that neutrality itself takes primacy over getting the call right. Why? Because no one will get it right all the time. What if the ref is clearly not impartial I hear you say? What if the ref is clearly intimidated or taken in by the charms of a player like all humans can be, and is clearly ruling for or against a player I hear you say?! Fair enough that brings us to my next point.The calls of the ref in 99% of cases does not make a material difference to the outcome of the game. #2. The calls of the ref in 99% of cases does not make a material difference to the outcome of the game Yes, when you stop to think about it, to what extent did really bad calls actually contribute to you losing the game? Stop and think for a moment before you say “Hey wait a min, you brought up the Theirry Henry situation yourself”. A goal in a football (or soccer game for my American readers) obviously makes a material difference. Yes, this is fair, for a game like football where scoring a point doesn’t come as easy as say tennis or basketball. Then again, was it the ref’s fault that the game was tied neck and neck until the very end when his bad call made all the difference? What credit is to be given to the other team for actually being tied in the first place? How much credit goes to Theirry Henri’s team for getting that corner kick in the first place? Is the ref responsible for the sequence of events that lead you to that vulnerable position in the first place? I guess the multi-million dollar question we need to ask ourselves is, is to what extent can the ref be blamed for the outcome of the game… I mean really? Like really? #3. It is actually impossible to get a ref that is infallible Now, before you say “I have had enough of this holier-than-thou crap’, just hear me out. I’m not saying you should not complain. By all means please do because we all know sports would not be what it is if it weren’t for the emotions involved. So if you think you should display your disagreement, why not? Always ask yourself this, how much of a human error margin have I actually given the ref? 50% of all calls? 30%? 10%? 0%? Then ask yourself how much should you actually give them? As humans, I would suggest that most refs will fall within a 10-30% margin of error depending on how trained they are. No amount of training can bring you below 10%. That I do not believe. But we all know the player or fan who gives 0- 1% margin of error, quick to flare up over any possible oversight of the ref. So we then turn the spotlight on these unreasonable and miserable creatures and ask them what about you? Are you infallible? #4. You are infallible so you might be wrong At the end of the day, the ref is not as emotionally invested as you are in the game. What are the chances that you are actually seeing what you want to see? In other words, you could be wrong. This means that in addition to giving the ref a 10-30% margin of error, you should also give yourself a margin of error that reflects the fact that the ref may have seen something you did not or perhaps what you saw is not what actually happened. #5. Sports, like life, is not necessarily fair When it is all said and done, the aim of the game for both fans and players is entertainment, to witness and partake in the miracles and demonstrations of the human spirit that is displayed on the sporting grounds. In case, you do not know how come sports can be responsible for raking in millions, drawing the attention of fans who devote themselves with a zeal that surpasses that of their fellow religions, it is because the saying “sports is life” is true. It is because the saying “life is a game” is also true… There is a lot more going on than a bunch of grown men and women chasing or watching adults chase a ball“, I would often bark at my mom who is wondering what all the fuss about sport is. Because what is being displayed on the grounds are acts of bravery to draw inspiration from, when a smaller boxer knocks down his bigger opponent or when a small player takes a charge in basketball. There are displays of brotherhood and teamwork when a player loses a game-winning free throw or penalty and he’s crying his heart out for letting the team down, and his teammates surround him/her and tell him it’s ok. There’s a real feeling of ecstasy and passion when a team comes from behind to win in the dying seconds of the game, to show you that when you think you are down in life just stay in the zone, and you might come out winning too. Sport displays the importance of every individual person but reminds us that it is the skill of the team as a collective that wins the game. At the same time, it allows us to see the power of one individual when the odds are stacked against his team, but he/she alone says “No- I AM NOT LOOSING TODAY”- this nothing short of the heroic stories of the ages. We see him/her take more than his/her fair share of the burden, playing his/her heart out as opponents ravage his/her team. Like the soldier who refuses to leave a man behind under heavy enemy fire, he gives it all his got. So yes, why shouldn’t we go nuts when Solskjær, coming in as a substitute in the 1999 UEAFA champions league final, scores two goals and wins the treble for Manchester United… Why shouldn’t we jump on our seats and kiss each other when Senegal beats their former colonial power France during their first world cup game and went on to the semi-finals during their first world cup? Like the good books of the world religions, there are great lessons to be learnt from sports for those who have foresight. Like life itself, it has a dark underbelly of racism, fanaticism, and corruption. Like life itself, it is not always fair. We see some gifted players who bless us with their talents for only a short period before they get injured, never to play again. There are people who never got a chance, to play at the highest levels despite being just as good, and are out there carrying a heavy load of whatever you want to imagine, toiling under adverse weather conditions to make ends meet, while you are reading this in comfort. Let’s not forget, that it’s supposed to reflect life. That’s why it’s real. Let’s not forget that the ref is also human… and that’s real. #6. Exceptions to every rule: The Ref is Dirty Like life, there are exceptions to everything. We have heard of match-fixing cases and this tarnishes everything about sports. But again, there are a few bad apples in everything, and they do not deserve me writing about or your time and attention as the dirty slime they are. However, this is not the case most of the time. Some of us display primordial rage at a referee even during a pick-up game. But is it really about the ref? or our own short-sightedness to consider that 99% of the time, the ref has no interest and, therefore, no intention to rule against you just for the hell of it? It is actually crazy to think this to be the case. In my opinion. Leave a Reply
Clean Eating Cream of Mushroom Soup The time has come when you start thinking about that green bean casserole.  So I made a clean eating cream of mushroom soup.  Traditionally, people use Campell’s cream of mushroom soup in making it.  Let’s take a look at the ingredients in Campbell’s Cream of Mushroom Soup: Wow.  I was surprised to see so many soy products in this.  Not to mention the MSG.  Since it also contains wheat flour, it’s not gluten free.  My recipe is very simple and happens to be gluten free as well.  My recipe is also dairy free and vegan. 🙂 Cream of Mushroom Soup - My Whole Food Life Clean Eating Cream of Mushroom Soup Clean Eating Cream of Mushroom Soup Prep Time 20 min Cook Time 10 min Serves 2 cups     adjust servings 1. In a blender , combine all the ingredients except the arrowroot.  2. Blend well and transfer to a sauce pan . 3. Add in the arrowroot and cook on medium heat for about 5-10 minutes just to let the flavors develop.  4. Refrigerate for later or even freeze it.  This recipe makes about 2 cups.  Enjoy! You may also like 39 thoughts to “Clean Eating Cream of Mushroom Soup” 1. This sounds super easy! Not much harder than it is to open those cans! I don't have any arrowroot powder, could I substitute for something else? I'm not watching my gluten per say... just trying to buy the non gmo stuff. Thank you for sharing, I can't wait to try this out!! 1. Thanks! The only other thing similar to arrowroot is cornstarch. Most of that is GMO, but maybe you can find an organic brand? 1. You can freeze it. I use regular button mushrooms. I chopped them a bit before blending, but you can probably throw them in whole too. 2. I found two different brands of organic starch at Wegman's. One was LET'S DO ORGANIC: The other was RUPUNZEL organic corn starch. There was also Kuzu ROOT STARCH. 1. I had no idea that Let's Do Organic made a starch. I will look for that next time. We were given a bag or organic arrowroot from my in-laws. 3. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Once again your timing couldn't have been better. Canned soup, and/or deleting them from my life, has been my latest obsession. Just one question, is the arrowroot powder a thickning agent? 4. Melissa, Thank you very much for posting this - it's something I've been wanting. I invented my own cream of chicken soup for cooking, but had not gotten around to mushroom soup. I like homemade versions so much better than the canned ones. The flavor is better, not to mention the healthier ingredients. 5. What would we substitute this soup for in your green bean casserole recipe? The 3 + 1/4 cups of veggie broth? Or all the liquid in that recipe? 1. If you are making the standard green bean casserole, you can add the soup to it. My green bean casserole recipe on my blog already includes a "soup." I wrote that recipe last year separately from the soup I just created. I hope that makes sense. The green bean casserole I came up with on my blog last year makes a smaller portion. More like a 1/2 casserole. 6. Now can you figure out a Golden Mushroom soup recipe that's dairy, corn and gluten free? :) That and regular mushroom soup were staples of my mom's recipes! 1. We have been talking about a regular mushroom soup, but I have never heard of golden mushroom soup. Do you have a recipe? 7. how could i make this work in recipes that use the condensed version in a can? since i would be using the stuff straight from the can without adding the extra liquid back in like i was making soup, i'm desperately looking for a good alternative that results in a condensed soup rather than a ready-to-eat soup. i have a kid with a food allergy that prevents me from being able to use the store bought stuff, although looking at the ingredients list makes me pretty glad i have to remove it. 8. Love the recipe----I used small brown mushrooms (didn't have any white button mushrooms).....I had some extra mushrooms so I sliced them then saute them and added them to the finished soup....MMM good....... 9. Is this the same thickness/consistency of the condensed version that is traditionally used in casseroles? Or is there a way to condense it? Do you think, if it were made into a casserole, that it would freeze well? Thank you! 10. Hello, I was wondering if you had any recipes for dinner casseroles that would feature this healthy mushroom soup? A Healthy tater tot casserole maybe? 11. Melissa, wonderful recipe, but is it OK to eat "non-cooked" mushrooms? I've always read that we must cook them? Thank you.. 1. Hi Nancy! I have actually never heard that before. I have never had an issue eating uncooked mushrooms. I do like sliced, raw mushrooms on my salads from time to time. Leave a Reply to Rachel Cancel reply
Two City Residents Critically Injured in Second Ward Shooting This post is also available in: Español (Spanish) NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ—City police are investigating an incident where two people were gunned down outside of a convenience store on Throop Avenue on August 22. The New Brunswick Police Department (NBPD) announced that a 43-year-old man and a 23-year-old woman, both from New Brunswick, had been critically injured in the shooting, which occurred around 9pm. The man was shot in the lower back and the young woman shot in the chest, according to the statement. "At this time there is no suspect identity or description," reads the NBPD press release issued the following morning. Police found the male victim at the scene, while other officers located the female victim in a car seven blocks away, "seated in the backseat of a vehicle." "Responding units were… flagged down in the area of Livingston Avenue and Handy Street, where they were directed to a second victim," reads the official statement. According to the release, both victims were taken to Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital where they are in critical condition. Detectives photographed the crime scene outside Cibao Grocery, a convenience store on the block of Throop Avenue between Delavan and Sandford Streets.  Also on that block, located in the city's Second Ward, is D'Palace Bar. "That corner is a hot spot 24/7," observed one New Brunswick Today reader.  "I have also spoken to a New Brunswick P.O. who shockingly admitted that 'Funding goes down if there are no crimes, we have to keep a balance.'" The shooting has sparked renewed calls for change across the city, and on social media. "It's time for the concerned residents to protest and go to city hall and address this consistent problem!" wrote another longtime community member on Facebook.  "I honestly don't know what has happened to my beloved city!" Gun violence has been a major problem in cities across the country, with two lives already being taken by guns this year in New Brunswick. On March 7, a 33-year-old man from Passaic was shot on Drift Street and later died at the hospital.  His alleged killer, a 23-year-old man from New Brunswick was arrested the following day and a murder charge against him was announced on March 16 by prosecutors. One month later, two Franklin Township police officers shot and killed a 27-year-old man in New Brunswick, allegedly after chasing him on foot across the border between the two towns.  The officers have reportedly returned to active duty, while massive street protests have demanded answers from County Prosecutor Andrew Carey about the case. According to NBPD crime statistics submitted to the State Police, there were 14 "assaults" with guns reported in the first seven months of this year. Additionally, there were 31 robberies with guns reported during the same time period. Both numbers are lower than they were at this point last year, when there had been 20 assaults with guns, and 36 robberies with guns. Anyone with information is asked to contact Detective Drew Weiss at (732) 745-5217.
☰ Menu Search North Korea: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Recently tensions with North Korea have risen, especially since the report from the Pentagon stating that Pyongyang could have an ICBM with nuclear capabilities by early 2018. Don’t go into deep isolation in your bomb shelter just yet, another report from Fox News says that the US Pacific Fleet is ready to launch a nuclear strike and do anything that would deflect any attacks toward the U.S., using the many anti-missile defense systems at their disposal in the region. While this is a bit of relief, the North Korean government has stated that any sign of attack will make Pyongyang use its “Nuclear Hammer” in retaliation. The North Korean situation became more mainstream when the American tourist Otto Warmbier was arrested and sentenced to 15  years of hard labor. The State Department this year negotiated his release. When he was returned in June, Otto’s family discovered that he was in a coma and deeply ill.  He later died on June 19. This sparked an outrage that has spread over the country. There are many now calling for a preemptive strike on the Rogue State before they can attempt to do any damage. However, there are many other military response options that are being weighed and considered. The preemptive strike is not the ideal, but more of a last resort because of the impossibility of completely destroying the weapons capabilities of the regime.  Since President Trump took office, North Korea has increased their threats and hostile rhetoric. The U.S. has responded by sending the Carl Vinson carrier strike group along with the Ronald Reagan group to the Sea of Japan in response the provocations from the North Korean regime.  But what would happen if we did attack North Korea? According to the North Korean State media, and our intelligence agencies, Kim Jong Un has his artillery aimed right at Seoul, South Korea vowing that if we attack them they will destroy the city and cause massive casualties. With an estimated 9.86 million living in the city, not mentioning the U.S. troops in the city.  A preemptive strike would be deadly to say the least, leaving few feasible options on the table for the military.  At this point, the best scenario could be an attempt to set up a coup to overthrow the regime. The situation with North Korea is complex and dangerous, but I feel that the U.S. will eventually confront and defeat the regime. Leave a Reply
Cattlemen's Day, 2004; Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station contribution; no. 04-242-S; Report of progress (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service); 923; Beef; Estradiol cypionate; Calf removal; MGA + CO-Synch; Gonadotropin-releasing hormone A study was conducted in 735 suckled beef cows to determine if synchronization of ovulation could be improved with estradiol cypionate (ECP) and(or) 48-hour calf removal in a modified MGA + CO-Synch protocol. All cows were fed melengestrol acetate (MGA) (0.5 mg/cow) daily for 14 days (days -32 to - 19 of the experiment) and received an injection of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) on d -7, an injection of prostaglandin F2α(PGF) on day 0, and received a fixed-time artificial insemination (AI) at 72 hours after PGF. Treatments were applied in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement. Calves either remained with cows (suckled) or were removed for 48 hours, beginning 24 hours after PGF and continuing until after the fixed-time AI (calf removal). Cows received either ECP at 24 hours after PGF or received GnRH concurrent with the fixed-time AI. AI pregnancy rates were similar for cows receiving ECP (48%) or GnRH (45%). Cycling status influenced the response to calf removal. Noncycling cows whose calves were removed had greater AI pregnancy rates than suckled cows, 37% vs. 27%, respectively. When calves were not removed, GnRH given at fixed-timed AI resulted in pregnancy rates similar to ECP and did not require additional handling of the cows. In the herd of mature cows with body condition scores near 5 and that had calved 75 to 80 days before the time of AI, the MGA + CO-Synch system used in this study produced AI pregnancy rates of 50% or better without heat detection. First page Last page Creative Commons License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
You are using an outdated browser. Please upgrade your browser and improve your visit to our site. The Most Dangerous Blogger in the World How Aleksey Navalny changed Russian politics Wikimedia Commons Today, a provincial court in the Russian city of Kirov sentenced Aleksey Navalny, the only real leader to emerge among the opposition since the fall of the Soviet Union, to five years in a prison camp, and slapped him with a hefty fine for an embezzlement scheme so convoluted it could only be fiction: He was accused, as he liked to put it, of “stealing a forest.”  It goes like this: While serving as a volunteer advisor to the governor of Kirov in 2008, Navalny tried to reform the local lumber industry. This, in turn, served as fodder for opening a case against him when he started digging into the corrupt dealings of government officials and state companies on his well-trafficked blog. The charge was that Navalny set up terms of trade that were unprofitable for the Kirov government, and, as a result, cost them one million rubles, or $30,000, for which he faced up to seven years in jail.  But as Navalny’s stature and political power among the urban middle class grew, the case, closed countless times by local prosecutors, kept being reopened. Last summer, after months of anti-Kremlin protests by a constituency Navalny had done much to create and mobilize, Navalny’s home was searched and ransacked by the Investigative Committee—the Russian FBI. Shortly thereafter, the head of the Investigative Committee, Alexandr Bastrykin—Putin’s classmate and close friend—growled at his subordinates in a public (and terrifying) meeting, that the Committee was to go after this man “with the last name Navalny” without “lowing” like cowards. Almost immediately, the case was reopened and the sum Navalny allegedly stole suddenly jumped to 16 million rubles, or $500,000. And now he faced up to ten years in jail. There was no way that Navalny wouldn’t be found guilty, or that he would somehow escape being sent to prison, despite rumors—based more on desperation and hope than on any reality—that he’d get a suspended sentence. Putin had clearly given his buddy Bastrykin a carte blanche to tighten the screws on the opposition that, after a disputed parliamentary election in December 2011, had been protesting by the tens of thousands. Navalny’s case was one of many; as Josh Yaffa reported for TNR, over two dozen people had also been swept up in the disciplinary dragnet. It didn’t help Navalny’s case that, as if in response to the ramped up charges, he published information on his blog that Bastrykin owned a business in the Czech Republic, where he also had established permanent residency. (Imagine, for example, if Robert Mueller was found to have residency in, say, Costa Rica.) Not that it really hurt Navalny either. There was no way that, with someone like Bastrykin calling for his head, Navalny wasn’t going to jail, and he knew it. He didn’t like to hypothesize and fantasize, but he was always very straightforward—and often glib and funny—about the risks he took. As the judge speed-read through the 100-page verdict and anxiety in the Russian language Twitter universe picked up, he asked his followers to stop being so sad and posted a picture of the Joker asking, “Why so serious?”  “Aleksey knew perfectly well that he would get a real sentence, and that it would be a long one,” his wife Yulia said after it was all over. In a packed, tiny courtroom, she and her husband briefly hugged, then he was handcuffed, and led out of the room. The judge, who had read the verdict in a trembling voice without looking up, had already escaped. “Aleksey, as much as it is possible, was ready for this,” she said. (Navalny’s co-defendant, businessman Petr Ofitserov, however, and his wife Lydia, were not ready: Ofitserov, a father of five, got four years, which he could have avoided by making a deal with the prosecutors. After the sentence was read, Lydia clung to Petr until the bailiffs separated them and led him away, and she collapsed into tears.) But Yulia is a politician’s wife and, like her husband, she too was ready. In the last year, she had accompanied him to every court date and protest, standing tall, blonde, and glamorous at his side. Sometimes, they trotted out the kids, now five and eleven. In a country not used to seeing the hearth and home of its leaders, images of the young and handsome Navalny family were quite powerful. Before long, Yulia had come to be Russia’s alternative first lady, and that’s how people referred to her. Navalny, though he didn’t like the labels, was their president.  When I first met Navalny, in December 2010, he was just a blogger writing about corruption, and I was going to do a small business story on him. It didn’t take more than five minutes to realize that I was eating sushi with the real deal, a young Yeltsin or a young Clinton just starting his ascent. Aleksey is tall and powerfully built, he is good-looking in a homey, Russian way; he is witty and sharp, with the foul mouth of a kid who didn’t grow up among the rarified Moscow intelligentsia, a salt-of-the-earth image he carefully cultivated. He is intensely, effortlessly charismatic, and manages to convince you that his wiles and talent for political maneuver are reserved only for the good fight. “He’s a natural-born politician,” Masha Lipman, a prominent Russian political analyst, told me at the time. “If Russia were a country with an open-field political competition, he’d be assured of a brilliant political career. He might even become a Presidential candidate.” But this wasn’t Navalny’s main asset. Unlike every other person in opposition politics during the Putin era, Navalny understood that Putin was not Russia’s main problem. Rather, the problem was the post-Soviet culture of greed, fear and cynicism that Putin encouraged and exploited. Navalny carefully distanced himself from the shrill, old-guard Western-friendly liberals—“hellish, insane, crazy mass of the leftovers and bread crusts of the democracy movement of the eighties,” he called them—who simply participated in Putin’s cult of personality in reverse, for it is also cultish to believe that one man is responsible for all the evil in your country. And yet, Navalny argued forcefully that Russians are no worse than anyone else—than the Georgians, or the Indonesians, or anyone else who had conquered corruption in their countries and established at least a semblance of the rule of law. Though this strain led him sometimes into the dark wilds of Russian nationalism, he would explode at the suggestion that Russians were somehow genetically or culturally predisposed to corruption and authoritarianism. “There is no cultural, mental or other kind of obstacle for us to live normally. It doesn’t exist,” he told me that winter. And Russia, he said, was not so different from Europe as to be unable to attain European standards of everything. “Everyone understands that it’s much better to live that way, and they all want to live that way. And we could live that way. We too could build a European-style democracy.” Navalny had no illusions that this was a quickly attainable goal. Instead of organizing tiny, futile protests in the style of the old guard, he worked quietly and methodically for years to build the foundation for the massive anti-Kremlin protests of 2011-2012. Even before he started his popular blog—“The Final Battle Between Good and Neutrality”—Navalny, a lawyer by training, worked on projects that got young Muscovites involved in the minutiae of their communities, protesting illegal development and the like, teaching them to use official, bureaucratic channels to their advantage. On his blog, he detailed the ridiculous but rather crude schemes through which state banks and oil and gas companies embezzled hundreds of millions of dollars. He posted the sheaves of documents that supported his allegations, and, perhaps because the country is so outrageously and obviously corrupt, this proved to be so popular that Navalny turned the venture into a separate, crowdsourced enterprise, and, later a Fund to Fight Corruption to which people actively still donate money, despite official intimidation. This has allowed him not to rely on politically toxic funds from America and the West, and to be locally self-sufficient. It’s hard to overstate the importance of this. Navalny did something very simple on his blog: He held officials and official companies accountable in a way a destroyed civil society was unable and unwilling to do. “Navalny is making stealing just as dangerous as it is now safe,” Internet entrepreneur Anton Nossik told me then. “He’s changing the public’s and the bureaucrats’ perception of the risks.” He made people living in a society atomized and sedated by the oil boom and by Putin’s politics feel like they were somehow responsible for what happened in their country—and, more importantly, that they could change things. This is no small mental step in a country where, by product of historical and generational design, over 80 percent of the population feels absolutely powerless. And in doing so, Navalny began to chip away at the Russian perception that politics is a dirty, useless word. His slow, meticulous work, his long-term vision is what ultimately brought tens of thousands of people out into the streets of Moscow. Many of them had voted for the first time in the December 2011 elections because of Navalny, and so felt cheated when they saw how badly they had been rigged. And so they came out in unprecedented droves, and signed up for the tedious work of election monitoring by the thousands, something that would have been unimaginable just a couple years prior. Recognizing the importance of this shift, as well as who was responsible, the authorities arrested Navalny the day after the elections, on December 5, 2011. It was not to be the last time. It is a cliché said of every put-upon opposition leader in the world, but it is particularly true of Navalny and the Russians: Navalny showed Russians how not to be afraid. The volume of fear—for one’s physical safety, for one’s livelihood, for one’s family—that fills the average Russian mind even today is staggering. It is, in part, a product of Russia's unfathomably bloody and ruthless history; and in part because today’s system plays on that fear by intimating that quiet ignorance is one’s safest bet, and making an example of those who don’t comply.  Navalny based his entire persona on being that example, and showing that not only was he fine, but that one could lead a happy and productive life not being so jumpy and overly cautious. He took the scariest people in the Russian system—people like Bastrykin—head on, and he did it with a biting sense of humor that made his blog not only an enraging but entertaining read. Even as he was shuttling back and forth between Moscow and Kirov for the trial, he managed to collect signatures and register for the Moscow mayoral election. He had a whole staff campaigning for him. He went to friends’ birthday parties and cracked the best jokes about what awaited him. As the judge read the verdict, he kept tweeting, and turning to smile and wink at his mother and wife. (In the hours after his conviction, his staff announced he is obviously no longer running, and has called for a boycott of the election.)  Mostly this is just Navalny’s gregarious personality, but it is also political strategy. It’s scary to tilt at windmills alone, but if you want others to charge them with you, you have to convince them that they only seem scary. Two years ago, when I first spoke to Navalny, he was very clear on this: There is no evil Putin machine, and if you push hard enough, it will collapse. “The people who work in business at a high enough level can tell you that there’s no machine at all,” he said. “It’s all a fiction. That is, they can destroy a single person, like [Sergei] Magnitsky or me or [Mikhail] Khodorkovsky. But, if they try to do anything systemically against a huge number of people, there’s no machine. It’s a ragtag group of crooks unified under the portrait of Putin. There’s no super-repressive regime. There are no mythical Cheka agents that we need to be scared of. It’s just a bunch of crooks.” When things happened to opponents of the system, he said, it was because they showed up individually. “But if tomorrow ten businessmen spoke up directly and openly we’d live in a different country,” he said. “Starting tomorrow.” Tomorrow did bring a different Russia, even if the so-called Snow Revolution collapsed under pressure from the machine, and because of its own disorganization and vagueness. But it is still different, as the thousands streaming into the streets of Moscow to protest Navalny’s conviction clearly show. (As did the Russian stock indexes, which plummeted 1.5 percent on news of the verdict.) These protestors are not afraid of the water cannons or the special troops. Today, Navalny’s conviction ironically showed them, is already tomorrow. Navalny’s trial was really the first time he had appeared on national television, which is all state owned and has blacklisted him. (Putin, for his part, talks about Navalny publicly as a sort of menace, but is too scared to utter his name out loud, for fear of legitimizing him and, like some scene out of a fantasy novel, bringing his mysterious Internet power to life.) The point was to preempt Navalny’s small but rising name recognition, and to associate him irrevocably with crime and corruption. However, polls show that Russians are cynical enough to understand that these charges are trumped up, that they are retaliation for his political work, and for his undermining of some very powerful monied interests. Understanding this, Navalny turned his closing argument into a stump speech. “Let’s get out of the world of fantasy and fairytales,” he said. “In the fifteen years of a huge influx of oil and gas money, what did the average citizen get? Did any of us get better access to health care, to educational infrastructure, to new housing? What did any of us get?” Navalny has not been shy about his political ambitions—he has said he wants to run for president—and here, he was especially frank. “Those who think that the threat of six years in prison"—what the prosecutor originally asked for—"will scare me into fleeing the country are deeply mistaken,” he said in his slightly nasal, swaggering timbre as the judge looked on, looking pained. “I can not run from myself. I do not have any other option, and I don’t want to do anything else. What I want to do is help the citizens of my country.” And, he added, echoing the title of his blog, “I think that not a single person among us has the right to be neutral …. Because every time somebody says, let me just stand off to the side and everything will pass me by, he helps this revolting feudal order, helps that spider sitting in the Kremlin, helps those hundred families sucking Russia dry. You are helping them every time.” The day before he traveled to Kirov, Navalny wrote one last and very long blog post. “It’s a strange feeling when you have to write something very meaningful before the verdict,” he wrote with his usual irreverence. “In any case, this is what I’d like to say …. Enough whining and being scared. It’s time to organize and get to work.” He went on, citing not lofty principles of freedom and human rights, but of the nitty-gritty political work that must form their foundation. “All these years, I’ve been learning alongside you how to organize even in conditions of a state propaganda machine, intimidation, and a lack of money. And we’ve learned some things. We’ve learned to collect money … we’ve learned to lead investigations better than those who are supposed to do the investigating. We’ve learned how to find the property of crooks, as well as their foreign residency permits. We’ve learned to produce, finance and distribute newspapers …. We’ve learned to organize large protests …. We’ve learned to form parties …. We’ve learned how to collect 100,000 real signatures for our petitions.” “There is no one but you,” he went on. “There is no one who cares about what’s going on in the country more than you. There are no magic volunteers who will show up and do the work for you…And if you’ve already gotten to the point where you are reading this blog, then you are the vanguard. There is no one but you.” The main thing, he said, was to not give into fear. What, after all, could the system do to us? Throw us in jail? “But what’s their actual potential for this?” he asked. “Arresting twenty people? Fifty people? One hundred people, if they really exert themselves? That is the terrifying potential. Of course, it’s rather unpleasant to end up as one of those 20-50-100 people, but all kinds of things happen in life. Sometimes, pianos fall on people’s heads.”
You are using an outdated browser. Please upgrade your browser and improve your visit to our site. Why There’s No Way Cain Will Survive His Abortion Gaffe When the entire candidate field opened fire on Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 tax proposal in Tuesday night’s Republican debate in Las Vegas, you could almost hear the sound of hundreds of exhaled breaths in elite GOP circles. Cain’s improbable rise in national and early-state polls would now end, they probably figured, as GOP voters discovered the pizza man’s signature policy proposal wasn’t terribly well thought out. But it’s likely that Cain could have overcome the criticisms surrounding his tax proposal. What he will struggle to live down, on the other hand, are his recent comments on abortion. The mounting criticisms of Cain’s 9-9-9 plan were troublesome, but far from fatal for the candidate. To begin, it’s unclear whether rank-and-file conservatives attracted to Cain in the first place will accept second-hand analysis from the “liberal” Tax Policy Center against the authority of Herman’s own web page and his humble Ohio economic advisors. Moreover, tax plans can be endlessly fiddled with, as Cain showed yesterday in his Detroit speech laying out a complicated “opportunity zone” exception to 9-9-9, which will address claims that it is highly regressive. And the heat that’s now on Cain for promoting a controversial set of tax reforms could soon be transferred to Rick Perry, who will unveil his own “flat tax” proposal next week. But debate over Cain’s vulnerability on 9-9-9 might not matter as much now, because the candidate has subsequently committed an unforced error of much greater magnitude—and on an issue where tolerance of heresy in the GOP ranks has shrunk to the disappearing point: abortion. At a time when the veto power of the Right-to-Life movement over national Republican tickets has become plain as day (just ask John McCain, whose top two vice-presidential choices had to be dropped in favor of Sarah Palin), Cain somehow managed to flub answers to simple, familiar questions on abortion policy in an interview with CNN’s Piers Morgan. It was surprising enough that Cain seemed to back rape and incest exceptions to a hypothetical abortion ban, since he said he didn’t as recently as two days ago (indeed, his hard-core anti-choice position was fundamental to his one prior candidacy, his unsuccessful 2004 Senate bid in Georgia against a rare pro-choice Republican, Johnny Isakson). But of far greater concern to the Right-to-Life lobby is the logic of Cain’s rambling answer, which seems to concede that abortion is generally a matter for families, not government, to decide. The highly influential proprietor of The Iowa Republican, Craig Robinson, made this clear in a post that opened up on Cain with both barrels: Basically, Cain’s position as a candidate is that of pro-abortion activists. The government has no right to tell a woman what she can or cannot do with her body. The difference is that a pro-life individual believes that child inside the womb is a life with inherent rights and that the mother should not be allowed to infringe it’s right to life [sic]. Cain will likely clarify his position, but how many times and on how many different subjects will he be allowed to ask for a “do-over” before he loses trust and credibility with voters? Robinson’s piece—entitled “Do We Really Know Who Herman Cain Is?”—is quite certainly ricocheting around Iowa political circles. And Cain, whose front-runner status in Iowa is already vulnerable to his lack of organization and personal attention to the state, could not have picked a worse subject on which to stumble. The Iowa GOP is a place where right-to-lifers walk tall, and where “social issues” have not lost any of their old punch. Rick Santorum, who has already attacked Cain for his gaffe, is undoubtedly seeing this as a God-given opening to poach on Cain’s intensely conservative voter base, as will Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, and the man whom so many Cain voters were supporting a month ago, Rick Perry. Pro-lifers in Iowa and around the country will quickly be reminded that Cain joined the already-suspect Mitt Romney and the presumed RINO Jon Huntsman as the only candidates who refused to sign the Susan B. Anthony List’s “Pro-Life Presidential Leadership Pledge,” which promises all-out war on abortion supporters and providers, earlier this year. And like Robinson, agents of Cain’s rivals will use this incident to raise basic questions about the Tea Party favorite’s ideological reliability on other issues, including taxes. Cain is lucky that this weekend’s Des Moines banquet for Ralph Reed’s Faith and Freedom Coalition will involve candidate speeches rather than a full-on debate, though he may well draw fire over abortion from his rivals anyway. Herman is a smooth operator with the soul of a born salesman, but this time his silver tongue may have undone him. Tax plans can be written or unwritten. For people who think legalized abortion represents an ongoing American Holocaust, however, the correct position is always the same, and any wrinkle or nuance that complicates “No!” is just going to get the candidate in deep trouble. Ed Kilgore is a special correspondent for The New Republic.
Letter From The Editor – Issue 11 There are 8,049 miles between the Waikato and Minnesota. That’s 12,954 kilometers for those of us on this side of that divide. But that distance has felt vanishingly small this last week as many of us have watched in horror at the events unfolding there and across the wider Divided States of America. Some have grown angry at the violence of the riots. Some of us have angered at the violence of the police officer who sparked this latest round of civil unrest. Those who have been paying close enough attention for long enough understand the grim reality that is playing out on the ground. They may not necessarily condone it, but they can understand it. In 2016 when Colin Kaepernick took a knee during the national anthem to protest police violence, Trump called him a traitor. It ruined Kaepernick’s football career. Many other people of colour in the public eye have made similar attempts to speak out. They have been blasted by the President, social commentators and the media. When this kind of non-violent protest is routinely excoriated it raises questions about the effectiveness of this approach. Take away someone’s voice and they will use their fists. It is hard to blame them for that. In the current environment there are those who point to the example of Martin Luther King Jr and his non-violent protests. These attempts ignore the fact that violent retribution by the state often resulted. Look to Selma, as an example, where Alabama State Troopers attacked the Civil Rights demonstrators in what has come to be known as Bloody Sunday. I, myself, am descended from the line of Te Whiti O Rongomai whose peaceful protests here in New Zealand ended with the sacking of Parihaka Pa, the arrests of the men, the rape of the women and the confiscation of vast amounts of land. I have grown up on that legacy but even I am struggling today to reconcile the valiant act of peaceful resistance with what we are witnessing now. A question keeps rearing its head, how does a man choose peace when his neighbour chooses war? And it is little less than war. Police, armed by the military, are using military tactics on protesters, both peaceful and otherwise. The President is not only publicly endorsing this but threatening the deployment of the actual military on domestic soil to quell the unrest by force. This is the behaviour of a dictator, not a civil servant. A leader has a duty to protect those they lead, not crush dissenting voices beneath the boots of the most powerful army in human history. Especially when those voices have the moral high ground. Others still are trying to point out that all lives matter. It’s true. Of course. The sky is blue. The sun sets in the West. These things are not really in question. We can more or less accept these as facts and move on. We can see it in how people behave. Most of us can walk around our cities, going about our lives and not have to worry if we are in imminent danger of a passing police office casually murdering us with his hands in his pockets. We can do this because we generally accept that all lives matter. If that wasn’t true, if we did have to fear the passing by of the police that our lives might be in imminent danger we might ask ourselves, does our life matter? Do all lives actually matter? Put yourself in the shoes of George Floyd. Or Tamir Rice, Eric Garner, or Philando Castile. All murdered by police officers as they went about their days. Their communities, looking at all this happening, are asking themselves that very question. If their lives really mattered, surely they could take it for granted that they could go about their lives without fear of the police? But that is not the reality they inhabit. The evidence is not there that this is true. People of colour are still routinely being killed by the State. It is a open question whether the society they live in actually values black lives. So they stand up and say “Black Lives Matter” to wake up their society to the difference of their experience. It is hard to blame for that. Those that say “All Lives Matter” are muddying the waters of a very real, very bloody struggle. To those that say “Blue Lives Matter”, of course they do. Being a police officer can be a dangerous job, they know that when they sign up and ultimately they have a choice. At the end of the day, they can take off their uniform. Nobody can escape the colour of their skin. The violence that has erupted across the US is not difficult to understand if we take the time to understand it. As the BLM movement itself has expressed there will be no peace until there is justice. There will be no justice until our societies value their minority populations. Until we see from their perspective. That is as true here as it is there. We would do well to remember that. Harry Malcolm Top 10 New Zealand Foods 10. Anything from HouseEasy on the wallet but you don’t look interesting by posting it on Instagram week in week out.9. WSU’s Read More »
What are Forex Hedging Strategies and How Can They Add to Your Trading Success? Want to learn about forex hedging strategies? Have you ever heard the term “hedging your bets”? If so, you probably know it means to offset the risk in a situation by making other speculations. If you are not sure if it is going to rain, you might “hedge your bets” by taking an umbrella in the morning. When trading goods or services in a market, a hedge is another trade or trades made to offset the risk of the original trade. Forex hedging occurs in just about every trading situation, including forex. In fact, the volatility of the forex market makes hedges almost a necessity. For this reason, there are also hedge funds in most speculative markets, such as the forex market. What are the main forex hedging strategies? The most basic forex hedging strategy is offsetting short-term trades. These do not manage risk very effectively, so another hedging method using foreign currency options is more popular. The appeal of this method is that the purchaser can buy or sell a currency at a set date in the future but is not obligated to do so. This gives the trader some protection, especially from shorter-term trades. There are several strategies you can use with options. Some are called long-term straddle, long-term strangle, bull spreads or bear spreads. All of these terms can be found in an investment glossary and work to limit the potential amount you can lose on any given trade. Why should I understand hedging strategies? If you already do anything in the forex market, you probably realize how volatile it is. What looks like a safe bet one minute might not be a few minutes later. If you understand forex hedging strategies very well, you have the ability to provide insurance of a sort for your trades. Without this insurance, your profits could dwindle to nothing with just a few bad trades. A good hedging strategy (or several) will help you to keep up your financial health. What are forex hedge funds and what are their advantages? Not all brokerages allow hedging among retail customers. If yours is one that does not allow it or if you are still not sure how to apply the leading strategies, you can also contribute to a forex hedge fund. As with other kinds of hedge funds, a forex hedge fund is a pool of investments that manages risk with a wide variety and high volume of trades. Forex hedge funds require legal offering documents drawn up by an attorney. Although forex hedge funds are still high risk as with similar investment vehicles, they can also be a simple way to hedge your investments because someone else makes hedge trades for you.
Island Gray Fox Scientific Classification Binomial nameUrocyon littorals Range Map Range of species in blue The Island gray fox can be found on Santa Cataline, San Clemente, San Miguel, San Nicholas, Santa Cruz and Santa Rosa Islands. The Island gray fox is smaller than the regular gray fox and is the smallest species of fox in North America.  They average between 59 to 79 cm long, which includes a tail length up to 29 cm.  Their height is just 15 cm. They feed mainly on fruits and insects, living on an omnivorous diet.  They will also feed on birds and deer mice, reptiles, snails and human garbage.   They will eat prickly pear cactus, sea-figs, manzanita and berries. The IUCN lists all subspecies of island gray Fox as near threatened.  By 2000, there was a population of just 14 Island gray foxes on Santa Rosa, down from 1,500 in 1994.  Threats to their population come from golden eagles, which can be four times their size.  The United States Navy has also affected their population by trapping and euthanizing foxes, although since 2000 they have employed different strategies. Why Do Foxes Scream?Opens in a new tab. How Do Foxes Navigate?Opens in a new tab.
Victim’s family curses out murderer moments before his execution STARKE, Fla. — A man convicted of killing two people in 1991 became the third inmate executed in Florida since the state resumed carrying out the death penalty after a hiatus. Fifty-three-year-old Patrick Hannon received a lethal injection and was pronounced dead at 8:50 p.m. Wednesday at Florida State Prison in Starke, the office of the governor said. Hannon was strapped to a gurney as witnesses watched on the other side of a glass window. While he expressed regret over the killings, he said it was two accomplices who killed the victims, Robert Carter and Brandon Snider. Carter was shot and Snider had his throat slashed. “I hope the execution gives the Carter family some peace. I wish I could have done more to save Robert. I didn’t kill anybody, but I was there,” he said. As he spoke, one of the victim’s female family members cursed. “Robby was a good man and a good friend, and I let him down when he needed me most,” Hannon continued. “As far as Brandon Snider, I think that everybody knows what he did to get this ball rolling. I’m sorry things worked out like this the way it did.” The same woman, whom authorities declined to identify later, cursed again in a whisper. Then as the execution began at 8:38 p.m., the woman made eye contact with Hannon and raised her hand as if to wave “bye-bye.” Hannon’s body moved during the execution procedure. His lips twitched, his chest heaved and his arms, legs and body appeared to convulse a bit. Then, 12 minutes after the execution began, he was pronounced dead. Florida resumed executions in August after making changes to its death penalty sentencing law. The law now requires a unanimous jury vote for a death sentence. The US Supreme Court had previously found that Florida’s old sentencing law, which did not require unanimity, to be unconstitutional. However, the new sentencing law did not affect Hannon’s case because the state’s high court ruled that those decided before 2002 were not eligible for relief. Hannon was convicted in 1991 of two counts of first-degree murder in the slayings of Snider and Carter. It was in January 1991 when Hannon and two other men went to Snider’s apartment in Tampa. Hannon’s friend, Jim Acker, initially attacked Snider with a knife, according to authorities. Prosecutors said the attacks were motivated by Snider’s vandalizing of Acker’s sister’s apartment. Snider was “eviscerated” by the initial stabbing, according to court documents, and Hannon sliced his throat, nearly cutting off the victim’s head. Carter, who was Snider’s roommate, also was home and fled the violence to an upstairs bedroom, where Hannon dragged him out from under a bed and shot him six times, the jury found. Hannon’s jury recommended death unanimously after finding him guilty of both killings. Hannon’s lawyers had earlier requested a halt to the execution plan before the Florida Supreme Court, but that was denied. Hannon had asked for a new sentencing phase, citing recent changes to Florida’s death sentencing system. Florida Supreme Court Justice Barbara Pariente, who dissented from the rest of the court, wrote that the jury was not given enough information to make an informed decision in Hannon’s sentencing phase. Without explanation Wednesday evening, the US Supreme Court denied two last-hour requests by Hannon’s lawyers to block the execution. Filed under 11/9/17 Share this article:
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Jola-Fonyi (kujóolay) Jola-Fonyi is a member of the Bak branch of the Atlantic-Congo language family. It is spoken mainly in the Casamance region in southern Senegal, and also in Gambia and Guinea-Bissau. In 2006 there were about 410,000 speakers of Jola-Fonyi, which is also known as Diola-Fogny, Dyola, Jola-Fogny, Jóola-Fóoñi, Kujamataak, Kújoolaak kati, Kúfooñaak, or Yola. Jola-Fonyi is used to some extent in education, commerce, administration and religious services, and also on TV and radio. There are ways to write Jola-Fonyi with the Arabic script, and also with the Latin alphabet. Jola-Fonyi alphabet and pronunciation Jola-Fonyi alphabet and pronunciation An acute accent over a vowel (á) indicates it is pronounced with an advanced tongue root. Download an alphabet chart for Jola-Fonyi (Excel) Sample text in Jola-Fonyi Bukanak búrom nan kuwolimi kurere kererer di waafaw búrom. Kubabaj poop búyejet di karampenoor. (Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights) Green Web Hosting - Kualo Why not share this page:
Go Back Home Who is terry bradshaw|Does Terry Bradshaw Have A Wife, Who Is His Spouse Best Stay-at-Home Jobs You Can Do EASY to Make Money from HOME (2020 Updated) 890 Reviews (Sep 22,Updated) 948 Reviews (Sep 29,Updated) 877 Reviews (Sep 30,Updated) Get to Know Terry Bradshaw's Modern Family Ahead of The ... 4060 reviews... How many wives has terry bradshaw had - 2020-09-01, Bradshaw has in later years made light of the ridicule with quips such as it's football, not rocket science bradshaw.The wedding came about it a very non-traditional way who.A VPN makes it so that you can appear to be surfing the web from your home town, so you can access the same streaming services you already paid for.  terry. "With what we went through, with all the heartbreak and crazy plays, there's a lot of pride terry.When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation terry.He has two siblings, Gary and Craig is. Kevin Hart Bio, Wiki, Early Life, Height, Weight and Waist who.Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect when you take a MasterClass course: terry.Entrenched as the Steelers’ quarterback, Bradshaw guided the team to a second consecutive championship in 1976 bradshaw. How many daughters does terry bradshaw have - 2020-08-22, “Register for an opportunity to be one of the first to pre-order your PS5 console directly from PlayStation,” read an email from Sony to PlayStation users back in August who.Rachel Bradshaw is Terry’s oldest daughter from his marriage to family attorney Charla Hopkins terry. Terry bradshaw new wife photo - 2020-09-08, Congress generally creates the frameworks for government action who.His name is Van Hunt, and you may already be familiar with some of his music bradshaw.Never seen before indeed bradshaw. Then, in the spring of 1971, the 26th Amendment passed the House and Senate, and was ratified by the states on July 1, 1971, lowering the voting age to 18 as part of the Voting Rights Act of 1970 who.Following the end of the war, it was the start of the Baby Boomer years and technology advancements such as the jet engine, nuclear fusion, radar, rocket technology and others later became the starting points for Space Exploration and Improved Air Travel is.As a cross-promotional stunt, he also hosted two consecutive Digi-Bowl specials in 2001 and 2002 on Fox Kids, providing commentary from the NFL on Fox studio in-between episodes of Digimon: Digital Monsters; the 2002 special was the final one as the Fox Kids block ended the same year terry. By winning 4 Super Bowls and several other championships in a short span of time, he has left a legacy for many others bradshaw. terry bradshaw new wife photo Terry Bradshaw TV Commercials - iSpot.tv How many daughters does terry bradshaw have - 2020-09-08, Individual state legislatures independently laid embargoes, negotiated directly with foreign authorities, raised armies, and made war, all violating the letter and the spirit of the Articles is.Heidi Klum Bio, Children, Husband, Net Worth and Family Life bradshaw.With only 10 days left in this fantasy baseball season, he discusses players to target for categories you might be hurting at who. He played for the Pittsburgh Steelers for fourteen seasons is.Jefferson, Adams, and Mason were known to read Montesquieu is.His father, William Marvin Bill Bradshaw (1927–2014), a native of Sparta, Tennessee, was a veteran of the United States Navy, a former vice president of manufacturing of the Riley Beaird Company in Shreveport, and a Southern Baptist layman is. When community members submit a link, they also write a custom headline for the story who.Bradshaw has won many accolades and career titles bradshaw.“It’s going to be Erin, Rachel, Tammy, my stepdaughter Lacey is. Does terry bradshaw have a black granddaughter - 2020-09-06, It somewhat restricts the powers of the government, says how it should be run, protects minorities from the possible abuse of majority rule, and protects the privacy and property rights of the people terry. This Single Mom Makes Over $700 Every Single Week with their Facebook and Twitter Accounts! >>See more details<< (Sep 2020,Updated) Terry bradshaw new wife photo - 2020-08-20, The Tennessean reported on Friday that former Titans kicker Rob Bironas had a blood alcohol level of .218 when he engaged in two acts of alleged road rage before dying in a single-vehicle crash on ; system, though the medical examiner said its effects were negligible is.But unlike Gates and Zuckerberg, Soros has long pointed to academic philosophy as his source of inspiration who.Aside from being the wife of a famous American football quarterback, Tammy’s personal life has been a source of inspiration to many women bradshaw. I was an outsider who didn’t mingle well terry.Like this story? Subscribe to CNBC Make It on YouTube bradshaw.In 1980, he had a cameo in Smokey and the Bandit II which starred Burt Reynolds, Jerry Reed, and Sally Field who. But as the Pittsburgh Steelers icon shared, he isn’t one to doll out relationship tips terry.Bradshaw expressed regret that he could not be there, but would later say privately that he did not feel he could face the crowds terry.Next year in 1984, he married Charlotte Hopkins and the couple welcomed two children: Rachel Bradshaw and Erin Bradshaw bradshaw. bio of terry bradshaw Who is terry bradshaw married to - 2020-09-12, But later he apologized for saying that who.Sign into your account for PlayStation Network and go to PlayStation Store to buy and download games bradshaw.For Bradshaw, he is especially excited that his family will forever have a unique collection of home movies who. “I thought, ‘Dad is 70 now, and when I’m gone, they’ll have this to look back on and laugh at,'” the Louisiana native recalled who.While FuboTV does get points for broadcasting the Fox Thursday night games in 4K, YouTube TV has access to Turner channels like TNT, TBS and CNN, as well as PBS, and a superior DVR is.She was originally sentenced to three years in state prison following a 2010 car crash that killed Helene Seeman and severely injured her husband who. “After all of that happened, I do talk about that, I’m very real about that, and I quit music because of that and moved back home,” Rachel said terry.There’s plenty of room to toss the pigskin around on Terry Bradshaw’s Oklahoma ranch who.Amanda TaylorClass of 2020For me, the most interesting part of studying the Constitution was the areas of law not actually written but instead derived from the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment bradshaw. How old are terry bradshaw's daughters - 2020-09-17, Although they will never be on the field at the same time, the clash between two of the games most mobile quarterbacks in Murray and Russell Wilson will make this one of the top Thursday Night Football games in 2020 terry.The pair married in 1972 but divorced in 1974 bradshaw.Bradshaw was born in Shreveport, Louisiana bradshaw. He was diagnosed with clinical depression terry.Bradshaw's retirement came as a surprise to some, and in hindsight unplanned on the Steelers' part is.15 8:20 p.m.Kansas City Chiefs at Buffalo Bills (Fox/NFL Network/Amazon) bradshaw. Being married to a famous retired NFL star who has generated so much for himself playing for the National Football League, it is believed that she shares in her husband’s estimated net worth of $15 million is.When he was a teenager, Bradshaw returned with his family to Shreveport terry.The player the Steelers drafted instead (Gabriel Rivera) only played six games before becoming a quadriplegic following a drunk driving accident, and Marino's subsequent success with the Miami Dolphins prompted Art Rooney to remind his sons daily until his death that the team should've drafted Marino terry.Terry Bradshaw isn’t afraid to be ‘brutally honest’ in new. Other Topics You might be interested(84): 1. Who is terry bradshaw... (75) 2. Who is olivia troye... (74) 3. Who is jerry harris... (73) 4. Who is george soros... (72) 5. Who is ashley tisdale... (71) 6. Who did amy locane play on melrose place... (70) 7. When is constitution day... (69) 8. What is thursday night football on... (68) 9. 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Rhode Island Commercial Lease Agreement The Rhode Island Commercial Lease Agreement is a legal document that is signed by a landlord (lessor) and tenant (lessee) that, in exchange for a stipulated monthly payment, allows a lessee to operate their business out of a property for three (3) to five (5) years, or another agreed length of time. The commercial lease differs significantly than its residential counterpart in that it: 1) contains few state-mandated regulations (on what is contained within the agreement), 2) commercial tenants typically have more responsibilities, and 3) parties negotiate the terms in a commercial lease considerably before putting it into effect. Rhode Island Commercial Lease Law – Chapter 34-18.1
Japan’s Long Nuclear Disaster Film Crisis Points Crisis Points gathers personal accounts of moments of turmoil around the world. OXFORD, England — Peering at the post-tsunami devastation in Japan on miniature YouTube windows or video-streaming displays from Japanese news outlets provokes not only great empathy and concern, but an unmistakable feeling of déjà vu. As a scholar focusing on the place of nuclear energy in Japanese culture, I’ve seen more than my share of nuclear-themed monster movies from the ’50s onward, and the scenes of burning refineries, flattened cities, mobilized rescue teams and fleeing civilians recall some surreal highlights of the Japanese disaster film genre. This B-movie fare is widely mocked, often for good reason. But the early “Godzilla” films were earnest and hard-hitting. They were stridently anti-nuclear: the monster emerged after an atomic explosion. They were also anti-war in a country coming to grips with the consequences of World War II. As the great saurian beast emerges from Tokyo Bay to lay waste to the capital in 1954’s “Gojira” (“Godzilla”), the resulting explosions, dead bodies and flood of refugees evoked dire scenes from the final days of the war, images still seared in the memories of Japanese viewers. Far from the heavily edited and jingoistic, shoot’em-up, stomp’em-down flick that moviegoers saw in the United States, Japanese audiences reportedly watched “Gojira” in somber silence, broken by periodic weeping. The original Godzilla, who emerged from testing an American thermonuclear weapon at Bikini Atoll. Associated Press/Toho Co. Ltd.A scene from the original “Godzilla”, a film inspired by the testing of an American hydrogen bomb at Bikini Atoll. Yet it is the film’s anti-nuclear message that seems most discordant in present-day Japan, where nearly a third of the nation’s electricity is generated by nuclear power. The film was inspired by events that were very real and very controversial. In March 1954, a massive thermonuclear weapon tested by the United States near Bikini Atoll in the Pacific, codenamed “Bravo,” detonated with about 2.5 times greater force than anticipated. The unexpectedly vast fallout from the bomb enveloped a distant Japanese tuna trawler named the Lucky Dragon No. 5 in a blizzard of radioactive ash. Crewmembers returned to their home port of Yaizu bearing blackened and blistered skin, acute radiation sickness and a cargo of irradiated tuna. Newspapers reported on the radioactive traces left by the men’s bodies as they wandered the city, as well as “atomic tuna” found in fish markets in Osaka and later at Japan’s famed Tsukiji Market in Tokyo. The exalted Emperor Hirohito himself was said to have eliminated seafood from his diet. In a nation fixated on purity, the revulsion against this second nuclear contamination of the homeland was visceral. In late September 1954, the Lucky Dragon’s radio operator Aikichi Kuboyama died. “Gojira” appeared in cinemas the following month, breaking the record for opening-day receipts in Tokyo and becoming one of the top-grossing films of the year. During the same month, there was an upsurge in anti-nuclear petitions in response to Kuboyama’s death, and the peace movement went national. Audiences who flocked to “Gojira” were clearly watching more than just a monster movie. The film’s opening scenes evoked the nuclear explosion in the Pacific and the damaged Japanese bodies so poignant to domestic viewers. Godzilla — relentless, vengeful, sinister — looms as an overt symbol of science run amok. The creature’s every footstep and tail-swipe lay bare the shaky foundations on which Japan’s postwar prosperity stood. The great reptilian menace onscreen — actually a man in a 200-pound lizard suit stomping through miniaturized versions of Tokyo neighborhoods — illustrated both Japan’s aversion to nuclear radiation and its frustrating impotence in a tense cold war climate. The bizarre and suggestive menagerie of creatures that followed Godzilla onto the silver screen ranged from the intriguing to the ridiculous. Two pterodactyl-like monsters, both named Rodan, wreak havoc on Japan after being disturbed underground by Japanese mining operations. Mothra, the giant, pied moth-god of Infant Island — a fictional nuclear testing ground in the South Pacific — unleashes devastation on Japan in one film and actually gets the better of Godzilla in an epic smackdown in another. Other monsters include Gamera, a giant turtle, and the absurd Varan the Unbelievable, a large reptile resembling a flying squirrel. In all the films, Japanese populations alternately mobilize against and cower from the threats that wash up, or lumber onto, Japan’s shores. If there is any thread running through this sprawling bestiary of monster films, it is “the profound vulnerability of Japan,” as William Tsutsui writes in his acclaimed book “Godzilla on My Mind.” Japan, relatively powerless in the cold war arena in reality, is able in a fictional world to muster its heavily armed and impressively disciplined Self-Defense Forces to fight against, or occasionally delay or redirect, the colossal rampaging of outlandish threats. But the films also clearly depict a human population that is, again and again, boxing above its weight class. Over time, Godzilla morphs into a defender of Japan, but dangers begin to materialize within the nation itself. For example, in addition to the lost moral compass of Japanese developers and other businessmen critiqued in several films, works like “Godzilla vs. the Smog Monster” (1971) gave voice to popular opposition against toxic pollution from Japanese industry and rapacious development that had notoriously poisoned Japanese bodies and defiled the nation’s once-famed “Green Archipelago” in a series of environmental debacles worthy of their own horror movie marathon. If the monster-film genre is less ubiquitous than it once was, the themes it reflected are no less present today, particularly in the 24-hour blanket coverage of last week’s earthquakes and tsunami. It shows a Japan that remains visibly beset by large-scale threats that strike without warning. Japan’s emergency response teams rescue citizens stranded amid once-thriving cities I have visited in years past that are now little more than sludge and debris. Cars, trucks, trains and large ships lie swept into piles ashore or float in murky water like misshapen bath toys. Buildings implode and fires rage as if ignited by a burst of radioactive breath or a flick of a great creature’s tail. But it also brings back into focus Japan’s awkward postwar nuclear predicament that was ambiguously illustrated by the Godzilla series. Japan now has 54 nuclear reactors, ranking third in terms of energy output behind the United States and France. Japan also has an unusually shoddy record for nuclear safety. The long string of occasionally fatal nuclear mismanagement lapses over the past few decades in a nation famed worldwide for manufacturing quality control and high-tech achievement is troubling and almost incomprehensible, to say the least. Part of this story is distinctly Japanese, as lack of transparency, insufficient inspection regimes and a sometimes paralyzing inability to make imperfect but practical decisions can leave an industry vulnerable to the sort of dangerous situations that confront the Fukushima reactors. What is different this time, however, is that we don’t need a disaster film to bring out the nuclear contradictions of Japanese society. The tsunami was but one clear counterargument to the claim that nuclear power is a safe solution to climate change and dwindling oil supplies. As our thoughts remain focused on the plight of tens of thousands of people in harm’s way, Japan’s flawed nuclear record can help shed revealing light on nuclear power plans in other nations, including the United States, that have to succeed in the real world instead of in a far-fetched film plot. Peter Wynn Kirby is a researcher with the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology at Oxford and a research fellow at the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences in Paris. His latest book is “Troubled Natures: Waste, Environment, Japan.
NCT Yuta’s Reaction To Taeyong Grabbing His Butt Is Priceless Yuta wasn’t here for Taeyong’s shenanigans. A fan captured a moment between NCT‘s Taeyong and Yuta that was just too funny to ignore. For some odd reason, Taeyong turned to Jaehyun and grabbed his butt, feeling how firm it was. Impressed at its firmness, he made a surprised face, “Oh.” Jaehyun nodded, all his hard work in the gym paying off. To compare, Taeyong reached an arm behind his back, feeling the firmness of his own butt, or lack thereof based on his facial expression. Since Yuta was standing on his other side, he was curious how his butt felt compared to theirs. He casually reached out a hand and grabbed a handful of Yuta’s rear end. Yuta instantly turned toward him, making the funniest face that was a mix of shock and disgust. To make it more amusing than it already was, Taeyong didn’t pay Yuta’s reaction any attention and continued to look around oblivious after what he’d done. Sometimes, no one knows what’s going on in Taeyong’s mind. Watch Yuta become shook because of Taeyong’s butt-firmness competition here. Who do you think won? Judging on firmness, the win went to Jaehyun; based on reactions, it was Yuta, hands down.
August 26th, 2006 Red googles matching eyes Burning Man 1: Into the country So, I went to Burning Man, with mr_snips, bluedevi and my Dad. I reckon that more than enough time has passed to abrade the soft, boring detail; exposing the ridges of durable anecdote material. So here we go: Flew in with Virgin Atlantic. I was twitchy about security, but the time of days-long delays seemed to have passed, leaving only bizarre strictures on bag sizes and drinks. Met up with Dad without trouble and checked in, a slightly unnerving process for Dad whose bulky lugguage (folding bicycle) and fragile lugguage (camera) were checked in separately, then casually shoved onto the same trolley. Still, we made it through the rules, restrictions and insanely long queues onto the plane on time. I always like travelling on planes. You sit around with a book or two, some music, and a selection of entertainment at your literal finger-tips (on Virgin flights, anyway); and every so often, a pretty lady brings you some booze or food. Also you are an (admittedly passive) participant in the overcoming of nature by a combination of human ingenuity and sheer brute force. What's not to like? Watched some films: Brick - A classic noir story but set at a modern American college (though not, I suspect, a typical one). Comparisons to Veronica Mars are inevitable and justified, though the dialogue lighter on the sass, more hard-bitten and slang-strewn. Recommended. 16 Blocks - I thought this was going to be a palate-cleansingly dumb action flick given the premise: grizzled old cop has to get vital witness to court room, despite the best attempts of the corrupt cops he is to testify against. However, it featured surprisingly well-drawn characters, slick plot development, and an ending much more surprising and satisfying than my expected 'goodies dive in slow motion away from an enormous explosion which consumes all remaining baddies, plot holes, etc.' Again, if the premise appeals to you in the slightest, you should check it out. Stay - Odd one, this. A psychiatrist has to deal with a colleague's patient, a suicidally depressed and bitter artist who can apparently predict the future. It's willfully strange and dreamy; and, like many such films, is good at layering on the mood and mystery, but when forced to reach a conclusion ends with 'oh, right' rather than 'oh, wow'. Still, worth watching. Didn't watch RV, for fear that this family comedy about a man taking his children on an ill-fated road trip in an RV might: a) shake my already slightly uncertain faith in the wisdom of this whole venture; and/or b) contain toxic levels of Robin Williams. Arrived in San Francisco unrested but happy. Once we'd had our finger-prints and photos taken and found Dad's stuff, we braved customs. For some reason, I always get stopped at customs. It didn't help that we tried to take a short-cut through some barriers which, in retrospect, would have bypassed the customs officers entirely. Once they'd bellowed and gestured us into the correct lane, we were bound to be in for a little scrutiny. "Where are you folks going?" "Burning Man, actually." "Could you just step over here, guys, put your bags down, then stand back." "Would you be doing this if we'd said 'Yosemite National Park'?" "Just step over here, please." Of course, we had nothing to hide, and hence nothing to fear. The officers did look askance at my tarot deck though, and spent a minute daring each other to pull a card before deciding against meddling with the occult and going back to meddling with our personal possessions. Eventually we were free, and immensely relieved to meet bluedevi, mr_snips, and Dad's mate, O. This last is a San Francisco resident who Dad met at The Festival In The Desert in Mali. He was big, black, and fantastically friendly and willing to help. He gave us a lift in a big, black SUV that looked ludicrously over-sized until we'd piled 4 passengers and their stuff into it, at which point we realised what an eminently practical size it, in fact, was. He dropped Dad at the RV hire place, and took us to vast camping store. An excellent idea in principle, it foundered in practice as we ended wandering, jet-lagged and confused, through the infinite isles of practical items, trying to remember what we might have forgotten to bring. We eventually shambled out, and rejoined Dad with the RV, a Winnebago Westphalia that seemed pretty pokey compared to O's mighty steed. After promising to meet up with O at the festival, we set off in search of a nearby RV park. Sure, strictly speaking it's illegal to drive your hire car on the day that you arrive in the country; but we weren't going too go far, and Dad had slept on the plane. We cruised over the Golden Gate bridge and onwards, seeking Highway 1 and its promised RV havens. With the exception of Dad, we were all drifting gently in and out of lucidity. This did not aid our navigational abilities, particularly in combination with our inadequately detailed map and (apparently) foolish assumption that Highway 1 would be a classic Americalandian 6 lane monster, not a penny-ante, winding coastal road lacking lights, signs, and the odd chunk of tarmac or guard-rail. The sea was beautiful, and the roadside foliage punctuated with the occasional, startling deer. However, the sun was setting and Dad was flagging more and more worryingly. The only RV place we'd seen was a) closed, b) called something like Chasm Park, and c) accessed by a road so steep as to suggest that it was not so much a refuge as a trap. Eventually we found a town which could supply much needed food and directions to a suitable, and allegedly nearby, park. We wound upwards into the forest, through a gathering mist which lent a distinctly Hammer Horror sensibility to the proceedings. We passed the point at which we expected the park. Then the point by which we must surely have found the park if it was there. Then further still. By this point we were all on the verge of unconsciousness and, occasionally, of the road. We unilaterally decided to turn around, head back to the town, and find a motel, car park, or alley way in which to finally pass out. However, turning round proved harder than we'd hoped, as the RV's vast turning circle, the painfully narrow road and uncannily ill-timed fellow road-users conspired against us. Close to despair, we finally found a side road to use, only to notice that it lead to the park we had been heading for all along! After a listless attempt to find the correct place to park, and a surprisingly competent surge to convert the RV from vehicle to accommodation, we sank gratefully into unconsciousness.
Alex P. In search of happiness Most of us identify with our biological gender. Transsexuals and transgender people are individuals who do not identify with this sex and have a different gender identity or psychological sex. They often live deeply troubled lives due to the constant mismatch between their gender identity and their sex assigned at birth (known as “gender dysphoria”), as well as the continuous prejudice and discrimination they’re subjected to. Many choose to take a long and complex road and transition to their preferred gender, which can go as far as undergoing surgical procedures to modify their anatomical sexual characteristics. During an initial period of approximately one year, transsexuals see the changes their bodies undergo and can experiment socially before deciding whether to go through with the sex conversion surgery. Alex P., whose birth name is Alessandra, is a transsexual from the Sicilian province of Caltanissetta and lives in Palermo: he’s thirty years old, is a graduate of the Accademia di Belle Arti (Art School) and has hearing difficulties. In 2016, Alex decided to undergo sex conversion surgery. He works as a waiter in an ethnic cuisine restaurant, acts with an amateur theatre group, and is an active member of Arcigay Palermo, of which his wife is the current president. Alex and Ana got married by civil ceremony in 2017 and, thanks to artificial insemination, are now parents to a baby girl called Aria, who was born in 2019. These images tell the story of Alex’s life between 2015 and 2019.
Saturday Preacher/Teacher Briefing A Poke in the Eye Seldom Helps 6a00d8341c652b53ef0120a7f4ac0d970b-800wi_3486I’ve been debriefing a little this morning on this year’s General Assembly. One take-away that surfaced was the importance of staying focused on the mission at hand. Let me illustrate…the debate on the General Council floor. I can’t count the number of times over the years that I have witnessed people arise to defend and promote an issue that they were passionate about or to warn and guide the Council from making an unwise choice but forget why they were there and ended up making outrageous or insulting and dishonoring remarks and ended up “shooting themselves in the foot” by alienating the very people they were trying to convince to consider their view. (Wow, what a long “Dickensesque” sentence!) Here’s the thought I want to leave with you today: We can do the same thing from our pulpits at home. I can’t tell you the times over the years that I wanted to take a jab at some “trouble-maker” in the church. Oh it is so tempting! But I would remind myself of something my dad taught me. He said, “Son, remember, every time you start shooting at the goats in your congregation you’ll usually miss them but always hit the sheep.” Dear fellow preacher/teacher of the Gospel, when you rise to speak stay focused on why you are there. Ultimately you represent Jesus. The goal is to make Him more winsome, desirable, majestic and glorious, not prove your point, get back at someone, or even to defend yourself. Remember you can prove your point but poke people in the eye while doing so. You can make your little jabs but you’ll never win the match. When rising to speak you can gain a laugh but lose a following. It is a privilege to be a preacher and teacher of the Gospel and to represent Jesus Christ. Let us commit to handling that terrifying privilege carefully. In closing I offer a few observations: 1. Most often preach/teach series or expositorily (systematically going through a book or passage of the Bible). People know when you are taking a pot-shot at someone and, even if they agree with you, will lose respect for you for doing it. However, there are times that the flock does need to be rebuked and corrected; systematically going through the Bible or a particular topic will give you the opportunity to do so with integrity and with measured, thought-out restraint. (Hammer the nail without bending it.)    2. Don’t make your ministry about you. You will get hurt in the ministry. People will say things about you, misrepresent you, misunderstand you, and even try to hurt you. There will never be a church you serve where everyone likes you or agrees with you all the time. But dear friend, it is not about us; it is always about Jesus Christ.  At least to the point of being crucified, stay focused on representing Him well.  3. Finally, find a way to honor the people you disagree with. Swallow your pride and remind yourself that you do not have a monopoly on wisdom. Listen to them, they may not be as sharp and articulate as you but they may be right or at least partly right. For sure, they can help you hone your own arguments and beliefs so that they will be more understandable and acceptable. I’ve been to many Assemblies now. There have been many memorable one-liners and riposte but sadly, not a lot of change of hearts. We are still debating many of the same issues that we’ve been debating for years. But you can create a safe-zone in your church where people with a different point of view from you can come and be celebrated and respected and where you can reason together. Remember, the goal is to get people to Jesus-He’ll take it from there. 2 thoughts on “A Poke in the Eye Seldom Helps Leave a Reply You are commenting using your account. Log Out /  Change ) Google photo Twitter picture Facebook photo Connecting to %s
Helge Å Managing bundles of ecosystem services with multiple users in Helge å catchment The goal of this project is to contribute knowledge that will enable a meaningful integration of the ecosystem services concept into practical landscape management. The project focuses on the catchment area around Helge å River in Southern Sweden – a complex social-ecological system where competing land uses accentuate upstream-downstream challenges ecosystem services management. Funded by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, the project is a collaborative effort between researchers at Stockholm Resilience Center (SRC) and practitioners at Kristianstad’s Biosphere Office (KBO). Key features To ensure a meaningful integration of the ecosystem services concept into decision-making, the project focuses on three key areas: 1. A better understanding of the ecological and social dimensions of the ecosystem services concept. This includes an understanding of how different ecological processes and human land management contributes in co-producing different ecosystem services, as well an understanding how different ecosystem services contribute to different aspects of wellbeing for different groups of people. 2. A better undertanding for how ecosystem services may interact and co-vary under different management regimes, forming specific bundles of services. This includes an understanding of how these bundles might change over time and what consequences this has for different groups of people and the relations between them. 3. A better understanding of processes that can facilitate adaptive co-management of ecosystem services bundles. This project specifically investigates the usefulness of resilience assessments as a tool for negotiations between different interest groups and joint exploration of management atrategies that reduces trade-offs and enhances synergies between different bundled ecosystem services. Led by • Elin Enfors (Stockholm Resilience Center) • Albert Norström (Stockholm Resilience Center) • Lisen Schultz (Stockholm Resilience Center) Photo: Jerker Lokrantz/Azote SPACES SPACES is a new ESPA funded project aiming to empirically test and understand the [...] Load More Posts Go to Top
Sunday Morning~ Cranberry Solitude I spent five hours in my kayak yesterday, paddling down Northeast Creek in the gorgeous fall sunlight. It was high tide and calm, and the water was smooth and glassy. I was out to forage. Having been away so much of the growing season, my neglected garden did it’s best to provide for the winter, but there was need to call in reinforcements. The blueberries, my sweetheart and I picked this summer, were safely tucked into the freezer for future culinary color and sustenance, but the cranberries were calling. I ponder this urge to forage. My siblings have it, too.  I’m convinced it’s from our Micmac ancestry and I embrace it. I love seeing it in my children. True, there were required hours of picking and preserving when they were growing up, and despite the grumbling at the time, I’d like to think those are happy memories for them.  Matt says, “Whatever helps you sleep at night, mum.” But hey! It was hard to raise kids with an appreciation of what our nourishing earth provides amidst the gluttony and excess! We had to have enforced harvests! How else were we to dominate?!  But this week he called to proudly tell me he was making a meal consisting of everything he had grown, so I know he really appreciates those Sunday morning blueberry outings. It’s in there somewhere. There are a few theories floating around out there about the upcoming winter. No one has ever seen this many berries or fruits on trees.  My apple tree even produced this year! That’s a first. Supposedly the squirrels are putting away record amounts of nuts and the weather predictions are dire. Well, if the cranberry crop is any prediction, we’d better be ready to get buried. So yesterday morning, with bright sun, nothing on the calendar, and three big containers tucked into corners of the kayak, I set off down the creek. I’d done a scouting mission the week before and found some good spots. The high tide was perfect and the floating berries were yelling “Over here! Come get me!”  Big red dots bobbing and floating near the tall grass that hides the sprawling plants beneath the water. A swipe with the paddle and hundreds more came to the surface. The water was cold and my shirt sleeves got wet but I couldn’t stop myself. I couldn’t leave until the buckets were full. I had a lot of time to think. I didn’t want to stop, so didn’t. I thought about not having to explain to anyone, negotiate, or cut short my activity because I’ve got some obligation to attend to. I’ve daydreamed about days like that. Doing exactly what I want without explanation. I thought a lot about the future. I wonder how it will be to incorporate someone else into my life?  Will that freedom get consumed? Divided? Explained away? Have I been single too long? I thought how he would have loved being there. I recalled with glee his excitement about the blueberries. He never complained about how hard they are to pick. We simply talked and picked and marveled at the abundance. Smiling. Happy. I thought about satisfying careers and what that might be in the years to come. I’ve never not known the next step. It’s unfamiliar and uncomfortable. I thought about teaching nutrition and how often I was asked the question about how much of this or that to eat. How to lose weight and keep it off? As I picked I thought, if everyone had to spend this much time collecting their food for the winter, no one would be overweight. I’ve told women to imagine they had to collect maple sap and boil it down into syrup themselves, and then imagine it’s the only syrup or sweet substance they had for the whole year. Then hold that image in your mind when considering how much to pour on your pancakes. That answer doesn’t satisfy everyone. Neither does a cupful of syrup. Maybe I should consider a different career. I’m overwhelmed with frustration and grief at how far we’ve strayed from our food source.  And then I’m overwhelmed with gratitude that I live where I can kayak to a wild setting, with a blue heron looking on (do they eat these berries?) and Canadian geese stopping to rest on their way south. I was startled by what, an otter? Something smooth and sleek poked it’s head up and did a graceful dive, showing off it’s slick butt as it disappeared beneath the surface, evoking another sweet memory. Mole and Rat and their escapades fill my mind and I was back to the cozy days of cuddles with kids reading aloud for hours on end. Look here! If you’ve really nothing else on hand this morning, supposing we drop down the river together, and have a long day of it? I thought of our young family listening to that story, ready for bed, piled up on the couch together.  I don’t know how to assimilate all the places my mind wandered yesterday. I let it flow, grateful again for the time and space, trying not to corral the thoughts, just let them bob and float. I heard a TED talk about happiness. Someone analyzed what happens in the brain when someone is experiencing happiness. He said that people are most happy when they are completely absorbed in an activity. Those cranberries made me happy. Cleaning and cooking them made me happy. Scraping the bits from the kettle and savoring the flavor made me happy. Just a thought. Vaccinium macrocarpon
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DFID Must Increase Aid to Refugees and IDPs The annual British aid budget for Burma is almost £90 million a year, but not enough of it is reaching people from ethnic minorities who have fled attacks by the Burmese military. In eastern Burma, around a quarter of a million people from ethnic groups now live in temporary camps in the country, or refugee camps on the border in Thailand. Most have fled attacks by the Burmese military. They have lost everything, and many have experienced or witnessed horrific human rights violations. Killing, rapes, torture. Confined to camps by government or military restrictions and because of the fear of further conflict and human rights violations, they are dependent on aid. But for the international community, they are not a priority. Conditions in the camps are harsh, getting proper shelter, food, medicine and medical care is a struggle. Children are missing out on a proper education. All because not enough aid is being given to support them, despite aid budgets for Burma increasing in recent years. Ethnic Karen refugees living in camps in Thailand have told Burma Campaign UK that cuts in the aid they receive make them feel like the international community is trying to starve them back into Burma even though it isn’t safe for them to return. DFID claims it is giving more aid to ethnic areas in Burma, but it is money for economic development, not extra humanitarian assistance to people living in the camps. Their basic humanitarian needs should be met before we start spending aid money on things like new motorways in Rangoon. The proportion of British aid spent on humanitarian aid, which helps refugees and internally displaced people, has fallen, and now makes up just 17 percent of the budget. The International Development Committee has also requested DFID look again and the balance of aid spending in Burma with a view to increasing aid to the most vulnerable refugees and internally displaced people. “Economic development is important, but people who have lost everything and have no way to earn a living should not be left in squalid camps without proper shelter, healthcare, food and education for their children”, said Anna Roberts, Executive Director of Burma Campaign UK. “They must be prioritised when decisions on aid spending are made.” Burma Campaign UK to asking supporters to write to DFID. The action is on our website here. View this original press release here. Related Posts: Send this to a friend
North Dakota’s Medical Malpractice Cap Is Being Attacked To Give Victim’s Rights Again Medical malpractice caps are horrible.  Innocent victims have their rights to compensation taken away.  There is no other arena when this happens.  If a robber steals $650,000 and gets caught, but there is a cap of $250,000, does he get to give $400,000 back and keep $250,000?  NO!  So why do we let doctors who get caught with a $650,000 verdict why does the victim have to pay $400,000 back?  This makes no sense! North Dakota has a medical malpractice gap of $500,000.  This is being challenged by a North Dakota woman who was rendered permanently disabled after a surgery.  She was awarded $3.5 million by a jury of her peers who clearly thought she was seriously wronged by the doctor.  She underwent a routine biopsy which ended up causing a stroke, which the cardiac and thoracic surgeon were found to have been very negligent. But now with the medical malpractice cap, she won’t receive almost all of that money. She is permanently disabled.  But won’t get the money from the doctors that clearly made massive mistakes in her treatment and care.  This is horrible and I hope, like the other states, that she gets her rights back and gets compensation for her loss.
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How Do You Know Who The Sluts In Your School Ar The way to boost Oxytocin Levels There are a range of strategies you can incorporate into your everyday abuse on dating apps to boost oxytocin creation: Crying: If you don't admit your emotions, you're not dealing with them, which invites stress. Suppressing your emotions has a negative effect on oxytocin creation. Crying has a soothing influence on the body, and when the local amature sluts Britton Ontario is casual sex 1988 movie Britton ON, the mind is also. Thus, when you are feeling like yelling, do not hold it back shout. Highly much accessibility or availability. Because there are usually reasons for extreme unavailability or availability you need to ask yourself why this is how it is. A guy with availability is frequently seeing girls or married to one. A man who's always accessible may be jobless or distressed. In any event, keep your eyes open. 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He arrived home and said, " Well, I guess I am an alcoholic" And that has been the Britton ON find local sluts of his love affair with a jar. Alex and I watched him for many years, but he slipped. The seven year sobriety coin the day after he died among his AA friends came from the Britton Ontario degas dancers prostitutes and gave Alex that Bill would have obtained had he been well enough to go to the assembly that week. Peering into the ladies room mirror at the waterside grille, and a martini and a half to my newest adventure, I devised a test. Unless there were two tall glasses of ice water and something resembling a plate of filled cherrystones on the pub once I returned, I would cut my losses now and save a whole world of trouble down the road. Feeling A Spark When Online Dating Britton Local Swinging Sluts Momo? It's famous as a hook up Program. You can try Momo if you are looking for ONS materials. Obviously, there are those searching for relationships on Momo. 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Every individual is accountable for emotions from the recipient and sender functions and their own behavior. Bear in mind that an chance to" Inquire Within" can happen at any moment and that" Inquiring Inside" does not mean that the individual sharing the information has the right to collect pertinent information if the leading person doesn't ask the ideal question. When your spouse is wounded, he or she may have a more difficult time expressing intense feelings. There's often resentment and also the more time you are detached from your local sluts's pain, the worse it gets. What To Do In Red Light District Amsterdam Based on what your interest is, there'll be a dating site that would suit your taste. The benefits of dumb local sluts tumblr Britton ON a dating website are obvious, as the other members come from the exact same background as you or share the identical interest with you, making it much easier to fulfill a like- minded person, and finally, a spouse. 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Last, you'll put strain on every date you go on. In case you have five dates are not going well, no worries. You have more dates lined up. You won't spend your time building yourself up to one date and feel dejected and disappointed when it doesn't go well. Why Do Girls Turn In To Sluts Britton Hispanic Dating Apps When they look at the level which they have a demand for acknowledgment or adoration, others are going to find. What you have to know is that the narcissist will take view local sluts free Britton of them and sees these things extremely easy. Rather than searching for these items from other individuals, you need to find them. We are not saying this will be a simple task it is definitely a challenge worth facing. Talking in a positive manner can help you learn to admit when you have done something great. Learning how to cultivate yourself on each level is also important. Soul, body, and Mind all need attention from you, not from people. 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When a person has these things, and he is also enjoying giving these items, then he is going to start thinking more in love along the lines of consistency and security. But if the relationship's start is work, pressure and a great deal of future talk he's not leading, then he'll Washagami Ontario local sluts phone numbers. How Do U Switch From Site Mode To Mobile On Ashley Madison Profile Criteria How much info do you want to provide and how much info do you believe you need to determine if another person is? Some websites need profiles, others don't. It's your call. Ask Questions Everyone underestimates the ability of a fantastic conversationalist. Someone who knows how to master the art of dialogue is always in need; they are the ones who make you feel as in the event that you've known them for ages. They're simple to talk to and leave you feeling like you can tell anything to. Their key is deceptively uncomplicated: they ask questions. They ask the proper questions. Now's the time when you want to become familiar with your date, so ask them. What are you really passionate about? What did they want to be when they grew up? What was their favorite movie as a child? What group do they refuse to admit they enjoy? Listen to their responses, find some way of connecting to it( " Woah, you loved The Watcher In the Woods? I didn't know anyone else noticed that! " ) Their answer is then used by and. Kids: If you have children, you MUST mention it to rule all the people who would not be interested out. It saves your time and theirs. If you do not have children and Washagami how to fuck local sluts in my area to own one someday then you need to mention that here instead. 18 Teen Year Old Sluts Who Fucks Mom Boy Friend Located Near Washagami ON What's the question? Well, why would a Washagami Ontario local cheap young sluts who has dated girls opt not to pursue a local bbw sluts Wellington PE girl like myself? Scared? Fearful of what if that's the case? Total of lies? A bad boy in great man( sheep's) clothes? In case you've got the time that I truly appreciate your insight and response. Local Dorm Sluts Washagami Paid Website Cons: Typically, women in this websites are interested in more of a severe sort of relationship rather than a fast link if that's what you desire. Additionally, you are investing your money right into it but it can worth every penny if you discover a date. How Can I Know Which Dating Sites My Husband Is In Committing to weekly calendar sync- ups( I recommend Google Calendar) is an excellent way of radically reducing undesirable surprises. Throughout a weekly calendar sync- up, look at your calendars schedule time discuss what the next couple weeks may seem like, and look at things which have shown up in your calendar during the week. Discussing plans, excursions, along with other obligations in advance will help prevent surprises throughout christian dating apps reviews and scheduling. Here are what specialists Dossie Easton and Janet Hardy need to say about the importance of predictability and preventing unwanted surprises: What Other Experts Are Saying" Our experience is that we want some kind of predictability. . . Many folks can take care of a nervous- making situation much better if they know when it is going to occur and when it is going to be finished. You can intend to do something inviting with a friend, go to a movie, see Mother, whatever- - and tell yourself that you only need to handle things with this particular chunk of time. . . I believe that moving onto a different app or giving my number to them is something they must earn. I think of it like a Washagami Ontario local sluts dtf near you, chatting about the program is on the bottom and meeting in person could be on the top. Moving onto another program is moving up a rung, then potential chatting on the phone could be a rung up from that. How To Find Sluts On Craigslist Washagami ON Hookers Showing Pussy Online dating self summary Washagami will be conversations in existence. If you can not speak with your spouse about the things that is hard, your marriage may not last. This is a great exercise to learn how the two of you are able to navigate topics. The further you broach uncomfortable subjects, the easier it will become. When you've got these talks, talking politics should be a cinch. Mature Local Sluts But after that I tossed the concept around in my head, and also an extreme sensation instantly came. . . an excitement. The concept of having a wild' arranged dateadventure' appealed to me. It was the same feeling I received from teasing( the unusual chances I would obtain) . Washagami Hookers Rdr2Sext Local Sluts Free Washagami What Happened To Ashley Madison The Company The person offering value is and he is himself. Because he wants to fuck her, he isn't speaking to a woman. He's speaking to her because he wants to have even more fun than he is having already. He wants to offer emotions that are good. Of course, attraction comes along with making people feel great. Understand that men are not machines. We wish to be happy. We want to be passionate. We want to be connected. We might not be plugged into our self, but we're currently trying. And if it does not fit for you, give it a goodbye and move forward. Keep your options open in the sense of do not lock yourself into a box, using specific parameters based on which you need in someone. Because somebody might just cut out that treated you like a queen and might have given you a superb lifestyle. Where To Find The Ashley Madison Hacked List Hey will inform you that they believe that you are unique and particular, but those things are never actually believed by them or love what it's about you that is unique and special. They only local sluts that you respect them and continue to find my local sluts Washagami ON. Washagami Local Latina Teen Sluts Tumblr DEAL BREAKERS Another portion of this is bargain breakers. These are things which you would not take or endure in another person. Things that turn you off. If you can not think of any right now, as you are speaking with people they will likely come to light. For me, these are first things that you ought to know to stay clear of. Why Arr So Many Girls Sluts Indian Sex Dating Washagami ON The safest thing you can do about phone numbers would be to exchange that the exact same time, so neither party is at a disadvantage. It is really no big deal. You can manage to inform the person that you being cautious, the person will know. Local Sluts No Sign Up Or Fres Washagami Honesty- An ideal person will appreciate your honesty. You need to tread carefully, if you realize that your dude is currently benefiting from your honest self. This trait that is precious will be definitely valued by A man of ethics. Why Are Girls Sluts Reddit Around Washagami Ontario Obviously, I'm speaking about that urge we women get that may really physically hurt if it's not happy, and that can cause shudders to ripple cause the breath to come in gasps. It's the urge. . . to shop yourself. Hot Naked Local SlutsLocal Sluts Voyeur Washagami I've never had a cosplay sex dating is not shown up to get by a woman. I've had customs. I've had to reschedule beforehand a few times, but never had to sit at a bar, because she determines that it's not worth it. Consider it, ifyou're truly excited about an offer( in any domain of life) , would you blow if off? Nope! So let's make ourselves that attractive to these girls. Let's set ourselves aside from each of the other men, Washagami Ontario local sluts giving blowjobs the same old BS over and over. Local Asian Sluts Wanting To Date When A Fuck Buddy Doesnt Respond To Text Messages Kids: If you have children, you MUST mention it to rule all the people who would not be curious out. It saves your time and theirs. If you don't have kids and hope to own one someday then you should mention that here instead. Never assume it for yourself, until a woman specifically TELLS you something awful. Assume she likes you. Assume that she wants to get to know you better. If you permit yourself to think why she would not want to go on the date, you may talk yourself. Why Are Women Sluts Now Maintain Vague Concerning Specifics sometimes discretion is important, when it comes to Facebook dating, Though the temptation is powerful! Never advertise in which you are unlessyou're ready to face the consequences, such as being asked by one of your women of curiosity when you told her thatyou're sick, why you were in a bar on a Friday night. Take the opportunity to check out and examine the privacy settings of your Facebook account. On the world wide web, the personal information you share the greater, to the public, as more of it can lead to misinterpretation. Constantly be general and share Washagami Ontario casual sex scenes tidbits as a general rule. Thing Number Two: In girls, the sex organ is your mind. A lot of us are prepared to compromise a lot if you are smart and funny, conversational and clever. And it might be terrific if you'd think about taking it but for us, you are prepared to. What Sluts Will Do For Cash 42 Also, you can ask the person questions prior to heading out on a day, in a refined and also non- grill- like way, of training course. You can ask them basic inquiries such as favorites( movies, music, leisure activities) to political views and examples of casual sex values. It is additionally easy to bow out a candidate, without the dramatization with the common buddy who set you up on the day, if points do not exercise in the long run. After you have actually gotten rid of a person from your potential listing, they'll simply return to the history of the online dating universe, and also you can inspect out your second option. Happiness takes hard work, no one is going to hand it to you. Ideally you will start to concentrate on your core beliefs if you are placing all of this work into finding joy. What are you ready to invest? Trust meI really don't desire love to sound like fiat money, but I would like you to know value. Your self worth not value, things such as energy connection, and emotions, these all issue. We are on a limited trip down here, so let's make each second count, until Amazon starts selling time. Barney Sluts How I Met Nearby Washagami ON I hear whatyou're saying- better hope she doesn't mind the you to kill your opportunities, get the date, and to be honest. But you don't desire her initial impression of you be one of disappointment, and you don't want her thinking you are a liar. But. . . SEPARATION GRIEF Well, the path is the local dmv sluts Lumsden SK that you take by ACCEPTING because being separated as ifyou're grieving your Soul to go through the subsequent stages, just like the different stages of despair. The quicker you conquer the stages, shorter and the simpler your journey becomes.
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Rejoice for the Day That Time of the Year It is that time of the year again. The time when the freezing temperatures roll in, and the grass is a white-ish grey in the early morning. When some mornings, more time is needed to get out of the driveway because there is a layer of ice coating the windshield. The time when the backyard is starting to look almost like a desolate wasteland. Soon only bare sticks and branches will be protruding from the ground and everything will become a dull, lifeless brown. This morning when I ventured out into the 32 degree yard, I saw the Kudzu Cars. They show their lifeless forms every year around this time, and they remain present until sometime around May, when the life of spring is breathed back into the vines that have overtaken these classic creatures. I never like the day that the cars show up. It just means that winter is around the corner, and the bleak and dreary landscape of the season has arrived. Although there is a temporary rest from those creeping vines, and that overtaking growth, the kudzu’s invasive beauty will be missed. 7 Replies to “That Time of the Year” Don't leave yet! Tell me what you think. You are commenting using your account. Log Out /  Change ) Google photo Twitter picture Facebook photo Connecting to %s %d bloggers like this: