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How to Turn Friendship Into Love
Love stories that started off as friendships are often the most long lasting romances. If you have a friend that you are beginning to have feelings for, this can be scary and confusing. You may feel that you don’t want to jeopardize the friendship but you also don’t want to miss out on a good thing. However, if you change up your habits, be honest with them about your feelings, and begin being more romantic, you can turn your friendship into love. 1. **Evaluate your feelings.** Before you make a decision to pursue your friend romantically, you should think critically and carefully about why you like them and why you want your relationship to change. Remember that once you tell your friend that you like them, your friendship will be changed forever. For instance, if you want to date them just because you feel happy around them, this may not be the best reason to pursue a relationship. However, if your heart skips a beat when you see them or if it makes you jealous to see them date other people, your feelings may be worth exploring. 2. **Talk to someone you trust.** Before talking to your friend about your feelings, consult someone you trust like a friend or a parent. They have probably experienced something similar in their life and will be able to give you good advice and insight about how to proceed with your feelings. Your mutual friends will be able to help you out especially because they are familiar with the two of you and they will be able to be more objective. 3. **Flirt with them slightly.** Though you cannot immediately transition into being in a relationship, you can begin to set the tone for your wishes. Flirt with them slightly sometimes. Gauge their reaction to your flirtation and if they respond positively or flirt back, this is an indication that they are also interested in you. 4. **Throw out subtle hints.** You can also begin throwing out hints here and there in regards to the two of you deepening your relationship. This is another way to gauge their interest in you to either encourage you to proceed or prevent you from moving too fast. You might say something like “My mom asked me if we were dating last night. I told her no, not yet.” Your friend will be intrigued by your answer and their answer will help you determine how they feel. 5. **Look nice when you see them.** When you see them, try to look your best. Make sure you are well groomed and clean and that you are well dressed. If you know they like a certain color or smell, try to wear that shade or fragrance more. Though relationships are about much more than looks, the initial attraction is important in establishing a spark. Looking your best can help to get the person to notice you and help them to see you in a new light. 6. **Compliment them more.** This is a great way to let someone know you like them without actually having to tell them. Most people enjoy receiving compliments and your friend is likely no exception. If they look particularly attractive one day, let them know. If they do well on a school project or an assignment at work, let them know that you admire their intelligence and work ethic. Don’t overdo the compliments, however. Too much of a good thing can sometimes be a bad thing. Stick to once or twice daily for a while. 7. **Change up your body language.** Flirtation and expressing affection for someone is about much more than just words. Your body can also express your feelings. Use your body language to make gestures that indicate that you like them. Lean into them slightly when they talk. Look softly at them in their eyes when they speak. Smile brightly at them when you see them or when they say something cute. Laugh at their jokes. Touch them in slight, small ways. Put your hand on their shoulder briefly when you laugh at them or touch their knee briefly when you sit side by side and are speaking to them. You can also hug them when you see them and when you are about to leave. 8. **Gather your thoughts.** After planting the initial seeds indicating that you like your friend, plan out what you want to say to them. Make sure to tell them that you value their friendship but see potential for something new and different. Though they may respond positively, know that they also may just want to be friends, which is okay, too. You may find that writing your thoughts out will help you organize them better. 9. **Think before you speak.** Your friendship will be forever changed after this moment, whether they decide to date you or not. Take sometime to be alone and to think critically about your decision before proceeding. 10. **Set aside some time to talk.** Reach out to your friend and let them know that you have something to tell them and that you want to meet up to talk. Assure them that it’s nothing at all to worry about, just an idea that you want to share with them to see how they feel. Meet in a quiet place that you both enjoy, like a park or a coffee shop. If you are very nervous about meeting, you can also have this conversation over the phone. It will be less pressure on both parties. If over the phone still feels like too much pressure, consider writing a letter to your friend expressing your thoughts. 11. **Be honest and heartfelt.** This is the time to tell your friend exactly how you feel. They may feel the same ways as you but have felt too scared to share their feelings. Open up your heart to them and tell them how much you love being their friend but you can’t help but feel something more for them. You might begin by saying something like “We have been friends for a while and I have loved every minute of it. I’ve loved it so much, in fact, that I find myself thinking about you quite a lot and looking forward to the time we have together. I wanted you to know that I like you, more than just as a friend. And if you don’t like me back, well I won’t exactly be happy, but I’ll understand. I just couldn’t keep this to myself any longer without seeing if you feel the same.” 12. **Listen.** After you have expressed yourself to your friend, being as honest and open as possible, take some time to listen to their response. Listen to them without waiting to respond, but simply to understand. Though this is an exciting time and you will likely be very nervous, try to focus as much as possible. You might want to say something like “Well, I’ve done quite a bit of talking and I’d like to know what you think now. Please be honest with me.” Answer any questions that they might have. They might ask you the moment you knew you felt something more, so take some time to think about that beforehand. 13. **Give them some time to think.** You may have shocked them with your words or they may have known it was coming. Either way, it is a lot of information to take in and you need to respect them enough to give them the time to process their feelings. Tell them that you don’t need an answer right away unless they are prepared to give you one on the spot. If they feel the same way as you, then that's great! If not, that will be okay, too and life will go on. 14. **Start slow.** Don’t jump into being in a relationship right away; this typically is unsuccessful in creating a long lasting and meaningful partnership. Instead, take your time to get to know your friend in this new and different way. Things will be and feel different now that your relationship has become beyond friendly. Enjoy this but be patient as well. Don’t rush or hurry love. 15. **Start going out more alone.** If the two of you typically see each other in groups or with mutual friends, start setting aside time to be alone together more. Relationships can often deepen and develop when fostered apart from others. Don’t abandon your friends for your newfound relationship, however. Still spend time with them, just take time to also spend alone with your new sweetheart. 16. **Go out on a date.** The more things progress, the time will come for the two of you to go on a proper date. Set aside some time to go out to dinner with one another or to a movie. Dates really set a tone of romance in a relationship and will further move you two away from friendship and into love. There are also other options for dates like a picnic in the park or going horseback riding. 17. **Don’t rush being physical.** Though this newfound love may be very exciting and fun, keep it cool for a while when it comes to showing physical affection. Even though your dynamic has already changed, it will change even further when you decide to move your relationship forward physically. Be careful and wait for the right time. 18. **Plan a romantic gesture for them.** To further solidify your newfound love for this person, do something romantic for them. Love is grown out of mutual adoration and care for two people and it is often fed when you do nice or sweet things for them. Take some time to think up something cute that you can do for them. Send flowers or write a love letter. Buy them a small, but thoughtful gift. 19. **Enjoy your newfound love.** If they are your friend, you likely already loved them before your relationship changed. However, the space you are now entering into is new and exciting and significantly different from your platonic friendship. Enjoy this new love and go forth and be happy!
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How to Admit Your Child to Inpatient Psychiatric Treatment
Leaving your child at an inpatient psychiatric treatment program is hard for any parent to do. You might feel worried about the care they will receive, guilty for not being able to help them more, or angry about the distress they've caused you. But getting your child the help they need can also bring you relief and put your family on the road to healing. Start by paying close attention to your child's problem behaviors and finding a treatment program that meets your family's needs. When you admit your child to the program, ask lots of questions so you can provide the best support possible. 1. **Notice if your child's behavior seems off.** If your gut instinct is telling you that something isn't right with your child, don't dismiss it. You know your child better than anyone else, and if they seem to be acting out of character – even if you can't put your finger on why – take it seriously. Don't be afraid to ask them how they're feeling as well. Open-ended questions can get them to open up. For example, if your child normally has good sleep habits, you should be alarmed if they seem to suddenly only need one or two hours (or less) per night. This could be a sign of a mood disorder. Ask other members of your household, such as your other children or spouse, if they have noticed strange behavior as well. They may be able to confirm your gut suspicion. Other people who have close daily interactions with your child, such as their coaches or teachers, may also be worth consulting. 2. **Don't ignore hostile, aggressive, or violent behavior.** If your child regularly threatens to hurt themselves or others, acts defiantly with authority figures, or gets into fights, seek help for them. Any kind of out-of-control behavior is a red flag for a mental health disorder. Let's say your typically reserved child gets sent to the principal's office for mouthing off at the teacher. This may point to a significant behavioral change influenced by a mental disorder or other traumatic event. 3. **Take depressive symptoms seriously.** If your child has been acting depressed for more than two weeks, it's probably not just hormones. Have your child's mental health evaluated if they've been acting sad or tearful, no longer participate in their favorite activities, or express feelings of worthlessness or guilt. Irritability and angry outbursts can also be signs of depression. If your child talks about suicide or wanting to die, talk to them about your concerns right away, and get them mental health treatment sooner rather than later. 4. **Talk to your partner or family.** As you review your child's symptoms, you may find it helpful to discuss the matter with your co-parent or another family member who knows your child well. This person can give you their perspective and help you make decisions. You might say, "I'm worried about Ellie. Have you noticed any changes in her? Will you go to a doctor's appointment with me to discuss her options?" 5. **Take your child to a psychologist for an evaluation.** If you think your child needs professional help, start by making an appointment with a psychologist. They will be able to evaluate your child's mental health and provide guidance on what kind of treatment program you should look for. Ask your pediatrician for a referral to a reputable psychologist in your area. It may help to jot down some notes about any changes you've noticed to help the doctor better understand your child's condition. If your child needs medication based on a psychological assessment, your child's psychologist can connect you with a psychiatrist. 6. **Ask your child's doctor or psychiatrist about options for treatment.** If you're overwhelmed at the idea of finding a good treatment program on your own, ask for help. A medical professional will be able to give you an overview of the treatment options available in your area. They'll also be able to advise you on which programs will meet your child's needs best. You might say, "This is all a lot to take in. Can you help me understand some other options for Henry? What would be your course of action if this were your child?" 7. **Contact several treatment programs.** Once you and your child's doctor have created a preliminary list of treatment programs that make sense given the diagnosis, call them and ask questions. Find out what type of treatment the program provides, how long a typical stay lasts, and how much the program costs. It's also a good idea to find out what kind of aftercare each program provides. Inpatient settings often stabilize your child's current condition and prevent further decline. Aftercare is critical to addressing underlying problems and moving forward. Make a list of your questions before you call each treatment center. Then compare your information on all the programs to decide which one fits your child's needs best. It's also a good idea to contact your insurance company and find out whether they will cover your child's mental health treatment. 8. **Take your child to the emergency room in an emergency.** If you think your child is a threat to themselves or to other people, take them straight to the emergency room or call 911. Your child may be admitted to the hospital right away, or they may be referred to another location for treatment. Be aware that it may take a long time – in some cases up to 24 hours – for your child to be evaluated in the emergency room. 9. **Explain the admission to your child.** Once you make the decision to admit, you will need to sit down with your child and discuss what's happening. Depending on your child's age and maturity level, they may already understand the circumstances. Still, it's best to be sure they understand and see if they have questions. You might say, "Josie, you're going to go and stay at the hospital for a few days. I know you have been really sad and we want to help you get better. I'm going to visit you as often as I can, okay? Do you have any questions?" If your child has a doctor he or she trusts, it may be helpful to have the doctor reassure them that this is for their benefit. 10. **Make sure you understand the practical aspects of the program.** When you admit your child to treatment, ask about the details of the treatment plan, how payments are managed, and whether you are legally required to sign your child in and out of the program. You may also want to ask about your child's daily schedule and how much you're expected to participate in therapy. Older teens may legally be able to sign themselves into and out of the hospital. Check the laws where you live to find out if this is the case. It's also a good idea to find out when visiting hours are and whether you will be able to talk to your child on the phone. Ask whether visits are only for parents, or whether siblings can visit, too. 11. **Find out how the program handles schoolwork.** Some psychiatric inpatient programs for kids and teens have teachers on staff, while others will allow you to bring your child their school assignments. Talk to the program ahead of time to make sure your child won't fall behind on schoolwork during their stay. It's also a good idea to find out if your child's school has any established protocol for students returning from hospitalization. 12. **Pack a bag for your child.** Check the program's guidelines before you pack for your child's stay. You will probably be asked to bring things like insurance information, clothes, toiletries, and a favorite book or stuffed animal. Most psychiatric treatment programs prohibit certain items. Avoid packing valuables, belts, any item with a cord or drawstring, or anything sharp. 13. **Discuss your child's care with their treatment team.** Talk with the therapist and psychiatrist who will work with your child. Tell them about your child's main symptoms, any treatment they have had in the past, and which strategies have helped them before. Remember that you are part of your child's treatment team, too. You know your child best, so don't hesitate to speak up if you think something isn't working. It's important to be proactive in your child's recovery. If a medication is of concern to you, make sure your voice is heard. You might say, "I'm concerned about the side effects of some of these medications. Are there any other drugs you can prescribe?" 14. **Take care of yourself.** Having a child in psychiatric treatment is stressful, so take care of your own well-being when you can. Keep your stress in check by breathing deeply or meditating for a few minutes every day. Maintain your overall health by eating well, getting some exercise, and avoiding drugs and alcohol. Remind yourself that you'll be able to help your child more effectively if you're in a healthy state of mind. If you're struggling, consider talking to a counselor or therapist.
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How to Pick Good Minecraft Servers
Choosing a good Minecraft server can be a challenge. You're sure to find something you enjoy among the thousands of options, but how do you get started? Find out where to find servers, how to tell if they're active and fun, and what they mean by all the jargon in the descriptions. 1. **Browse lists of servers.** The websites below list hundreds of Minecraft servers for you to browse. Since the lists are sorted by popularity, this is the best way to find active servers. Be aware that some servers just pay to be seen higher on the list. These should be labeled "sponsored" or have a star next to them. 2. **Pick the right type of gameplay.** The server descriptions or tags should describe what the server is all about. You're probably familiar with most of these if you've played on popular servers before. If not, see the descriptions below. 3. **Look up the population.** Most of these lists display how many players are currently logged in next to the name of each server. If you're looking for a place to play minigames or be part of massive projects, choose a server with at least 100 people logged in. If you're looking for a more intimate community, you might prefer one with 50 or fewer people online. The maximum server population is also listed. If it's full (for example, "240/240") you'll have to wait for someone to leave before you can log in. Some server lists also list online-time percentage," telling you how often the server is accessible. 4. **Check for grief protection:** Preferred by most players outside of PvP, this feature makes it difficult for other players to destroy your buildings and items. Survival servers usually mention this in the description if they have it, but not always. 5. **Look up other technical info.** You can sometimes find this info in the description of the server, or by looking at the tags that some server lists use to organize their servers. If the info is not there, visit the server's website or log in to the server and ask in chart: Minecraft version: The most active servers usually update to the latest version promptly. If the version number is lower than yours, you can change the version you use with the "Edit Profile" button, visible as soon as you open Minecraft. Mods: If you have a favorite mod you can't stand to play without, try to find a server that allows its use. Some servers require you to install a mod before joining. Online-time percentage: This shows how often a server is online (ideally 90%+). Only a few websites list this. Lag / ping time: How fast or slow the server is. This is usually difficult to find out without logging in. If the server forum has a lot of recent posts complaining about lag, stay away. 6. **Visit the server website.** Is the server's forum post or website page nice to look at? Does it include information about the server rules, features, staff, and community? The best servers tend to invest time into their online presence, making it user friendly and informative. 7. **Explore the server.** After all that, you'll need to try out the server to find out more. A good server should almost always have mods or admins online to answer your questions and tell you about the rules and server features. More importantly, join some games and conversations and see whether you enjoy the community. 8. **Check out standard Survival servers.** These servers feel the closest to playing in single-player Survival mode. Besides the chance to build and fight monsters with friends, many servers offer extra perks, like teleports between towns or shops where you can buy special items. Towny and Economy servers are especially focused on trading items and making money. 9. **Fight other players on PvP servers.** Player versus Player servers allow you to fight other players and destroy their bases. Some of the most popular are Faction or Raid servers, where teams of players wage war against each other. KitPvP is a popular variation that allows players to choose classes or "kits" with different weapons and abilities. 10. **Find places to play special game modes.** Some servers are dedicated exclusively to minigames, but almost all of the largest servers have at least a few you can play. Most server list websites use a tag system to list the available games. Parkour servers should have a large collection of fast minigames, such as Capture the Flag. If you want a more in-depth experience, try these popular options: On Skyblock maps, you spawn on a floating island with monsters and limited resources, and must complete building challenges without dying. Prison maps, usually on PvP servers, place you in a guarded compound with very limited resources. If you can survive in a world with powerful NPCs and other players, you can advance in rank and gradually become more powerful. On Infected/Zombie maps, "human" players try to survive and kill the "zombie" players before the infection can spread. 11. **Look for Creative servers.** Infinite items, the ability to fly, and no combat — if you care more about making things than mining or fighting, this mode is for you. Unfortunately, many big servers that advertise Creative mode only allow tiny building areas, or charge real money for it. If this is the main way you enjoy playing, your best chance is to find a small but active server, and talk to the admins in chat. If they get to know you and trust you, they can grant you the ability to enter Creative mode. 12. **Play Roleplay servers.** If you enjoy acting in-character and telling a story with other players, find a Roleplay server. Even more than on other servers, it's important that you get along with the other players. Explore the server website thoroughly to see if it's the kind of world you'd like to live in.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Make Money on eBay
If you're looking to bring in some extra cash or maybe start a new career, selling on eBay could be the answer you're looking for. There's money to be made by becoming part of the eBay seller community. Put in a little time reading the steps below, and that investment could pay off for you in a big way. 1. **Create an eBay account.** If you don't already have one, you'll need to go online and create an account on eBay. The account is free and allows you to operate as a seller or a buyer. Once you have an account, you can log in to My eBay and track your auctions, view bids and send and receive emails. Put some thought into the name you choose for your eBay user ID. This is how you'll be known in the eBay community. Pick something that's memorable but not weird, inoffensive and positive. 2. **Look into fees.** When you sell on eBay, you can operate under the standard fee arrangement or choose to become a subscriber. Among the differences are the number of free listing you get per month and the add-on fees you'll pay. As someone who's new to selling on eBay, you'll probably want to operate under the standard fee agreement. You'll pay no insertion fees on up to 50 listings per month and be charged a flat 10% final value fee when your item sells. There are three paid subscription accounts available on eBay. Each comes at a slightly different cost per month (from $15.95 to $179.95), a different number of no-insertion-fee listings per month (from 150 to 2,500) and final value fees that range from 4 percent to 9 percent. 3. **Open a PayPal Account.** PayPal allows your buyers to use a credit card or a checking account to pay for the items they buy from you. It also allows you to sell internationally. Buyers initiate the payment transaction with PayPal, and PayPal, in turn, transfers the money to your account. It's not required that you have a PayPal account in order to sell on eBay, but it can be difficult to succeed without one. Almost 90% of eBay users have a PayPal account. There's a feature on eBay that allows users to search for auctions by checking a box that says “only show sellers who take PayPal.” It's a popular choice for people who don't want to be bothered with writing and mailing a check or using some other form of payment. 4. **Decide what to sell.** It's best to start by selling things that you already have around your home. Go room by room and look for things you no longer need or wear or perhaps have never even used. Ebay offers an online tool called "Selling Inspiration House." Use it to navigate through a sample home and click on items you could sell and see how much you might earn for everything from shoes to computers. It's also a good idea to look around on eBay to see what other people are selling and at what price. Check to see how many "bids" an item has to try to gauge its popularity. Sell what you know. Not only will you need to write a detailed description of your item, but potential buyers may contact you with questions. It can be difficult to thoroughly explain the benefits of a product and answer detailed inquiries if you're not all that familiar with the item yourself. Determine what sells well and look for more of it. Local garage or estate sales can be a good way to buy things inexpensively that might sell for more on eBay. 5. **Start small.** While your ultimate goal may be to become an eBay Power Seller, you want to take things one step at a time. Starting with just a few items to sell gives you the chance to learn the ropes and establish yourself as a reputable seller. Like any new enterprise, selling on eBay may present you with some unexpected challenges, and you're bound to make a few mistakes--everybody does. Begin by selling just a few items so you can familiarize yourself with the responsibilities that come with being a seller. To become a truly successful seller, you need to have lots of positive feedback. When you're first starting out, you won't have any. Build your business slowly and give great customer service so that you can earn positive feedback. That way, you'll earn the trust of buyers, who will be more likely to do business with you once they see you're an established and honest seller. 6. **Choose how you want to sell.** eBay originally functioned as an auction site only, but now you have other options when it comes to putting your items up for sale. Consider how quickly you want to sell your item, whether or not you'd be willing to let it go at lower price than you'd hoped for and how much effort you want to put into the whole selling process. . If you list your item auction-style, you establish an opening bid and then allow a set number of days for buyers to submit their own bids for your item. Whatever the highest bid is at the end of the auction period, that is the final selling price of your item. The hope, of course, is that interest will be high and the price will rise over the auction period so that you come out a winner. You can set an auction to last 3, 5, 7 or 10 days. Sellers with a feedback rating of 10, will also be given the option of a 1-day auction. Many buyers watch items for a while and think about them before placing a bid, so a longer auction could be to your advantage. This choice may not be a good one if you're faint of heart as you have to contend with the stress of watching and waiting to see if the selling price will go up and if you'll break even or ideally make a profit on your item. While it may bring a bit of unwanted drama to your life, using the traditional auction method could pay off. eBay says buyers are twice as likely to buy an item when it's listed auction-style. . If you want to ensure that an item you list for auction doesn't go for a price you can't live with, you can set a Reserve on the item. A Reserve is the minimum bid you must receive in order to sell your item. If you set a Reserve, be aware that interested buyers may be in touch to find out your Reserve amount, so you may be spending some additional time answering questions. eBay also charges a fee for adding a Reserve. . The BIN feature lets you set the price you want for an item right from the get-go. Buyers who look at your listing will immediately know the price, and they can purchase straight out. BIN gives you the opportunity to perhaps sell your item quickly for the price you want and be done with it or move on to your next listing. You can list for 3, 5, 7, 10 or 30 days or choose the "Good 'Til Cancelled" option for your Buy It Now listing. You can add a BIN option to an item you have listed for auction. . You can add a Best Offer feature to a BIN listing. That way, interested buyers can submit to you a price they'd be willing to pay for your item. You do not have to accept any Best Offer bids that come in unless you want to. You can hold out to see if anyone will purchase your item at the BIN price. 7. **Decide on your price.** The best way to price an item is to see what similar items have sold for on eBay. Log in to your eBay account and choose "Advanced Search" and check the box marked "Completed Listings" to see what items have sold for across multiple categories. Look at how the items were sold (auction, BIN, Best Offer or Reserve)and pay particular attention to those that used the selling method you've decided to use for your own item. It's important to look for items that are similar to yours in as many ways as possible. That means condition, age, color and a variety of variables should be taken into account when comparing your item to those that have recently sold. You can see information about items that have sold within the last 90 days and for items that didn't sell within the last 30 days. When determining how much to charge for your item, use an eBay profit calculator. It's important to do this so that you will factor in all the costs involved such as fees, shipping, packaging, cost of the item. An item may sell at a loss if calculations are not completed prior to setting a price. 8. **Take photos.** It won't be enough to simply talk about your item, you have to show buyers what you're offering. In fact, as of July 31, 2013 eBay requires at least one photo for each listing. Photos must be border-less, without seller-added text or artwork and be at least 500 pixels on the longest side. When taking photos of your items, keep your background as simple and clean as possible. Set them up against a white or neutral background. Try clipping a piece of white poster board to a stand and bending it onto a table to serve as a backdrop. If your item sparkles (it's a piece of jewelry, for example) place it on a black background instead. Don't use lighting that creates shadows, hot spots, reflections or gray areas. Avoid using the flash on your camera. Opt instead for soft, natural light or diffused light created by a lightbox or by putting a sheet, gauze or frosted glass in front of your light source. Put your camera on a tripod. No matter how steady you think you can hold your camera, you're better off setting it up on a tripod for taking photos; that's especially true for close-up shots. Blurred images won't show buyers what they want to see, and they'll quickly move on from your listing. Take multiple shots. Take not only a straight-on shot of your item, but photos from multiple angles as well. Be sure to include close-up photos of important details on your item. With the exception of cars, you can post 12 photos per listing for free. 9. **Determine how you'll ship.** Once you've photographed your item, pack and weigh it so that you can arrive at an accurate shipping price. You can have shipping costs automatically calculated for you, double check the costs yourself or offer free shipping. You can choose "calculated shipping" when you list your item. When you do so, shipping costs will be automatically calculated for your buyer based on the buyer's ZIP code, the weight and the dimensions that you enter for the package. You can preview what shipping costs will be using eBay's Shipping Calculator. You'll enter detailed information about your package (weight, dimensions) your zip code and what shipping services (USPS, FedEx, UPS) you want to use. Offer free shipping. Free shipping allows you to attract more buyers and get higher placement in search results. Also, once a free-shipping transaction is confirmed, it'll earn you a 5-star rating on your "Shipping and Handling Charges Detailed Seller Rating." 10. **Write a description of your item.** Writing a great description is really key to making money on eBay. You have to tell potential buyers as much as you can about your item and do it in a way that's clear and appealing. Create a clear title. Say what you're selling using appropriate keywords and adding any useful information that might catch a reader's attention (brand name, designer, color). Don't try to be cute or clever; instead, be clear as to exactly what the item is that's up for sale. Write all the pertinent information. Include the item's color, size, model names or numbers, if it comes with accessories, whether it’s new or used and if used, how old it is and what kind of condition it's in. Refer to the photos you've taken to write an accurate and complete description. Talk about benefits. It's not enough for potential buyers to know all the features of your item, they need to understand how those features can benefit them. For example, if the the boots you're selling are waterproof, be sure and say "your feet will stay warm and dry." 11. **Contact your buyer.** Once you've received a winning bid or a buyer has purchased your item, you need to be in touch. If you've chosen to use the online "Checkout" feature, some information will be sent to your buyer, or you can send an invoice via My eBay. Be sure to confirm the following information with the buyer: total price, tax (if applicable), accepted forms of payment, shipping cost, shipping method, expected delivery date and a tracking or Delivery Confirmation number. 12. **Receive payment.** Before you ship an item to a buyer, you have to receive payment. Buyers are typically good about paying on time--they know their reputation via feedback depends on it. In some cases, you may have to send a gentle reminder to a buyer who is slow to pay. If you fail to receive payment from a buyer, do your best to work it out between the two of you. If your efforts fail, you can go to eBay's Resolution Center and submit an "unpaid item case." 13. **Ship the item.** As soon as you receive payment, plan to ship out the item. Be sure it's securely wrapped and cushioned with enough packing material so that it'll arrive in good shape. Buyers are often eager to receive their items, so ship on time to ensure that your customer is satisfied and leaves positive feedback. eBay gives you the option of creating a shipping label and packing slip on its site. Get a provide your seller with a tracking or Delivery Confirmation number, doing so can protect you if a buyer claims they never received the item. If you created a shipping label on eBay, the tracking or Delivery Confirmation number is available to you and the buyer in My eBay. 14. **Leave feedback.** It's not just buyers who leave feedback about their sellers, sellers, too, should leave feedback. This lets others know what it was like to do business with your buyer, helps your buyer improve his reputation (provided it was a good experience) and earns you a reputation as a thoughtful and appreciative seller. 15. **Pay your eBay fees** The sale price of your item along with any add-ons (gallery photos, Reserve, etc.) will determine what fees you must pass on to eBay. Be sure to make your payments in a timely fashion to establish yourself as a trustworthy seller. 16. **Be a great communicator.** Being responsive to interested buyers and your customers is important in any sales situation, but perhaps even more so on eBay where auctions can move quickly and people must rely only on email as a way of being in touch. Check your email frequently so that you can give prompt responses to questions about your items or inquiries regarding payment or shipping. Considering downloading the eBay app to your smartphone so that you can manage your communications more easily. Be friendly in your emails. It's always a good policy to treat people with courtesy. On eBay that can earn you repeat customers and great feedback. 17. **Give timely feedback.** You have the opportunity after every transaction to give feedback about your buyer. Do it. And do it in a timely way. eBay success is built on reputations. Be generous and quick in giving feedback in the hopes that your buyers will do the same for you. Don't withhold feedback--waiting for comments from buyers first before you post feedback about them; you'll seem petty. Unless a transaction was particularly horrific, come up with something positive to say to your buyer. Even a simple "Thank you for your business" is better than not leaving any feedback at all. 18. **Go wholesale.** You can purchase small wholesale lots of products that most people use on a daily basis and make those the focus of your eBay business. There are a lot of products that fit this description. Do you want to sell clothing or home decoration, beauty supplies or kitchen items? Make a decision, do some research on your market and learn how to target buyers and meet their needs. 19. **Find a niche.** One of the most common reasons buyers turn to eBay is to find unusual items that they can't find anywhere else. Browse through eBay's community groups to see all the folks who share common interests (stamp collectors,knitters, stay-at-home moms, vegans, etc.) and sell items that appeal to their specific needs and desires. 20. **Become a Power Seller.** Power Sellers represent an elite 4 percent of eBay sellers. A Power Seller designation tells buyers that you are trustworthy, honest and offer a fair deal, which in turn brings more buyers your way. Not only that, Power Sellers enjoy a number of advantages and benefits and special access from eBay. Depending on their level, these can include priority customer and technical support, discounts from UPS and even health insurance. Power Seller must meet a list of eligibility requirements. Be an active member for 90 days. Average a minimum of $1000 in sales per month for three consecutive months. Maintain a minimum of four average monthly listings for three consecutive months. Have an overall feedback rating of 100, of which 98% or more is positive. Have an account in good financial standing. Uphold the eBay community values, including honesty, timeliness and mutual respect Comply with all eBay listing and marketplace policies.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Ask a Girl Out in Middle School
Nobody said asking a girl out was easy -- especially not in middle school, when girls can be notoriously fickle and hard to read. But that doesn't mean it's impossible! If you make a game plan, keep your cool, and know how to win the girl over, then she'll be your girlfriend in no time. If you want to know how to ask a girl out in middle school, see Step 1 to get started. 1. **Be friends first.** If you want to ask out a girl in middle school, then you have to get to know each other a bit first. If they don't know you very well and you ask them out, they're probably more likely to say no. You don’t have to be best friends – and it’s probably better if you’re not, because you want to steer clear of The Friend Zone – but it does help if you know each other a bit, so that you’re on her radar and so that she thinks you’re a nice guy. If she has no idea who you are or if all she has to go by is gossip or guesses, then she’ll have a less likely chance of saying yes when you ask her out. Be friendly. Say hi to her and use her name to show that you’re thinking about her. Make an effort in a group setting. Ask how her day is going or give her a light compliment. Pay just a little bit of attention to her. Wave to her if she walks past you in the halls or sits behind you in class. Remember that you don’t have to come on too strong to get her attention. In fact, playing hard to get a little bit will catch her eye even more. 2. **Flirt with her a little bit.** If you want her to go out with you, then you have to build up a bit of chemistry first. You have to be a little bit flirtatious to see if you two can manage to have some light banter, laugh together, and to have a real connection. You can compliment a new outfit she’s wearing, tease her a bit (if she’s not too sensitive) or just joke around in a way that makes her see that you like her. If you’re in a group setting, pay attention to her, but don’t monopolize her time. Make her want to flirt with you, too, instead of just having her wait for you to come her way. 3. **See if she likes you.** Though there’s no way to know if she really likes you until you ask her out, you can look out for some signs that you've caught her eye. Knowing that she may have a thing for you can up your confidence when it’s time to pop the question. Here are some signs that she may like you: She may completely ignore you or pay a lot of attention to you in a group setting She may smile or blush when you catch her eye Her friends may whisper or giggle as they walk by you You just get a good, flirtatious feeling whenever the two of you talk Other people have teased you two about liking each other She always seems to be looking for excuses to talk to you Check how often she touches you and see if she makes a stupid excuse for it. This doesn't mean that if she touches you once or twice that she likes you. 4. **Pick the right place and time to ask.** If you want to ask her out, then you don’t have to pick the perfect place and time, but it does help if you pick a good opportunity to improve on your chances. If she wants to go out with you, then she’ll probably say yes under most circumstances, but you can improve your chances of getting the answer you want by picking a place that is pretty private without making the girl uncomfortable, and by picking a time when she’s in a good mood and not likely to be distracted or stressed out. You don’t have to wait around too long for the perfect opportunity to present itself. Girls in middle school can be pretty fickle, so if you feel like you have a pretty good opportunity to ask her out, go for it instead of waiting for the perfect one. 5. **Think of something you can do together.** When you ask her out, you will probably have to think of something to do together! This may seem fairly obvious to you, but you may be so concerned about whether or not she’ll say yes or how you’ll ask her that you haven’t really thought about what will happen after you ask the big question. Though, in middle school, some guys just mean that they want to be girlfriend/boyfriend when they ask girls out, it’s nice to actually think of something to do together, so when she says yes, you can say, “Awesome! How about we…” Instead of just saying, “Awesome! Um…uh…I guess I’ll see you around then.” Here are some things you can ask her to do: Go to a school dance that’s coming up Go to see a movie that’s coming out Go to a concert Go to the mall together Let you walk her home after school Go to a birthday party together 6. **Get a bit of privacy.** Make sure you get her alone enough that her friends aren't around giggling and teasing you guys, but that she’s not so isolated that she feels scared or unsafe. Pick a time and place like after school, by your lockers, during a small party, or even after a school dance. Try not to ask her before school because she’ll probably be thinking about what she has to get done that day and may be distracted. Also, don’t ask her before a big test or anything. Pick a time when she’s not likely to be stressed out or sad and check that she seems like she’s in a good mood when you approach her. 7. **Exude confidence.** Confidence is half the battle in any game, but also act a little nervous, show her that you like her. Though being Mr. Confident won’t help you much if she’s just not interested, it will help you ask your question as well as you can if she is interested. You just have to keep your head high, put a smile on your face, and remember to breathe and to let your body relax. Even if you’re sweating bullets or feel your stomach clenching, you have to act like you’re totally cool with talking to her – and pretty soon, you’ll see that you’ve tricked yourself into feeling confident! You don’t have to act arrogant. Just act like you know you’re a cool guy and that any girl would have a great time dating you. Make sure that you don’t end up acting a little bit too different from your everyday self. 8. **Make a bit of small talk.** You probably don’t want to say, “Hey! Do you want to go out with me?” That will be just a bit too abrupt, even for the most direct girls out there. While you don’t want to dilly dally too long, give it a minute or two so both of you are feeling comfortable so that you feel ready to ask her out and that she feels ready to answer your questions. Just say hi, ask her how she is, and maybe think of one or two things to mention before you go in for the kill. If it’s really obvious that you’re going to ask her out and you’re just kind of looking at the floor and kicking imaginary dust balls, then it’s time to spit it out. 9. **Ask her out.** You don’t have to be elaborate about it. Just say, “I really like hanging out with you. Will you go out with me?” Or, “Would you like to be my girlfriend?” Keep it short and sweet and watch her face to see how she feels about it. You don’t need to list the twenty reasons why you love her or to convince her that you’d be Boyfriend of the Year. Just come up with a one or two sentence phrase that will let you easily ask her out. After that, all you can do is sit back and wait for an answer. Make eye contact when you ask her instead of looking away or at the floor. She’ll be impressed with your confidence. 10. **React correctly.** After you ask her out, she’ll have few options other than saying yes or no. So, if she says yes, give her a hug, smile big, and let her know that you’re excited to be going out with her without doing a happy dance. Make her see that you’re pumped to be going out with her and that you think she’s a cool girl. Now go ahead and suggest whatever plan you had up your sleeve – and the rest is history! If she doesn't want to go out with you, don’t despair. Thank her for talking to you and make a graceful exit. Don’t be mean to her, kick your locker, or come off looking like a wimp. Remember that you want her to think highly of you even if she doesn't want to be your girlfriend. And don’t ever forget that there are plenty of fish in the sea – especially in middle school! 11. **Ask her out at the dance.** The school dance is a great place to ask the girl out. Just wait for a slow song, ask her to dance, and ask her if she wants to be your girlfriend at the end of the song. You’ll know from looking into her eyes while you’re dancing whether or not you have a chance. You can also use the dance as an excuse to ask her out, beforehand. Though this is more bold and puts the pressure on a bit, it gives you a great excuse to ask the girl out! The vibe at the dance is guaranteed to be a bit more romantic, say, than the vibe in your school cafeteria during lunch, so if you ask her out at the dance, there’s a better chance she’ll have romance on her mind. The downside: it may be next to impossible to get her away from her friends. 12. **Write her a note.** If you think you’re a Casanova when it comes to the written word, then write her a cute, short note that tells her that you like her and that you want her to be your girlfriend. This is a pleasant way to surprise her and to take off some of the pressure of having a real conversation; just make sure you know that she’ll get the note, whether you’re giving it to her during class or sticking it in her textbook or locker. Tell her to get back to you via note. Whatever happens, there’s nothing to be nervous about because she won’t have to be there to see your reaction! 13. **Have your friends talk to her.** This should be more of a last resort. If you really feel shy but want to ask the girl out and have a brave friend or two who have enough charisma to talk to the girl (without charming her too much, of course), then you can have one of your buddies go up to the girl and ask her if she wants to go out with you. Just make sure they know exactly what to say and that they don’t end up making you look like a wimp or misrepresent your intentions. If you really want a trusted friend to ask her out for you, then you may want to rehearse what he’s going to say. Yeah, this will feel ridiculous, but you’ll be grateful that you’ve prepped your friend for the big move! 14. **Call her up.** You can also ask the girl over the phone if you’re more of a phone guy. Call her up (hopefully you have her number already) and ask her if she wants to go out with you. For this move, it’s especially important to think of something that you can do together so you don’t just ask her out and then struggle to awkwardly get off the phone. You can also get her number from a friend of hers if she’s willing to give it out – after that, she’ll probably know what to expect when you call. 15. **Give her a small thoughtful gift.** If you’re already friends or know each other fairly well and you have an idea of what she might like, you can give her a nice but inexpensive piece of jewelry, a CD, a book, a nice notebook, or something that you think she’ll like without overwhelming her or making her uncomfortable by how nice it is. You can ask her out while giving her the gift, or even prepare a note asking her out within the gift so you can take some of the pressure off. 16. **Write it in chalk.** This maneuver is not for the faint of heart. If you really like her, write, “Will you go out with me, (her name here)?” outside in chalk and take her for a walk to show it to her. Yeah, it’ll be a little embarrassing if she says no, but imagine how cute it would be if she said yes to your chalk message! 17. **Ask her out in food.** Get her her favorite type of cookie or dessert and have someone write, “Will you go out with me?” on it in icing. This may sound cheesy, but if you’re able to pull it off, she’ll be impressed by your thoughtfulness and your creativity and won’t be able to resist you. Make sure you have a steady hand when you write your message and the rest will follow!
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Get a Man to Marry You
When you're in love, it's natural to want to spend the rest of your life with that person. However, it can be frustrating if you find yourself waiting around for the man you love to propose to you. If you want to get married, focus on creating a healthy, strong relationship that will last a lifetime. Also, work on being the best version of yourself, as this will make both you and your partner happier. Finally, if you need to, try dropping a few hints to let him know you're thinking of marriage. 1. **Plan to marry someone whose personal values are compatible with yours.** Your values are things like your views on family, money, faith, and how you treat others. If you see eye-to-eye on these types of things, it's going to be a lot easier for the two of you to be on the same page as you build a life together. Sometimes, marriage can work when you have opposing values, but it will take a lot more compromise and cooperation, and those issues may potentially be a source of conflict later on. For instance, if you believe it's important to raise your children in church but your boyfriend hates organized religion, you may find yourself arguing about that if you have children together one day. Talk about the future in a way that always includes him. 2. **Take your time getting to know his views on marriage.** Marriage is a big step, and just because you're excited about it, it doesn't necessarily mean your guy is. As you get to know each other better, ask him questions that might show what he thinks about the concept of marriage in general. If he's not ready to get married, there's probably not anything you can do to change his mind. For instance, if he opens up about past relationships, watch for signs of anything in his history that might make him afraid of commitment. If he has been hurt before, he might need extra time before he can open his heart enough to consider marriage. He might also say things like, "Marriage is just a piece of paper," which might indicate that he has no intention of getting married. You want to take the time to create a solid foundation with this man in your relationship. 3. **Be honest with each other.** If you want a man to marry you, he has to trust you completely. In turn, if he's the right man for you to marry, you should also feel that you're able to trust him. That kind of trust requires being open and honest with each other. Don't lie to him, and don't tolerate dishonesty from him, either. Honest and consistent communication makes it clear you're committed to him. 4. **Accept responsibility for your part in an argument.** At some point or another, disagreements will come up in your relationship. If things do get out of hand and an argument ensues, apologize for the things you said or did that contributed. That way, he'll be able to see that the two of you can overcome anything together in a mature way, which may help ease any fears he has over being married. During an argument, try to express your feelings without resorting to name-calling or losing your temper. Ask him to treat you with the same respect, as well. Don't let anyone manipulate you into taking all the blame for a disagreement. In almost every case, both of you will have contributed to the situation. 5. **Give him compliments and reassurance.** If you want your guy to feel like he can happily spend the rest of his life with you, take every opportunity you can to build him up. Frequently tell him how much you love him and how much he means to you, and give him specific compliments on the qualities and features you love most about him. For instance, you might say things like, "You're such a hard worker, and I really respect that about you," or "I love your smile!" If he's feeling nervous about a job interview, you might say, "You're so smart and you're more than qualified for the position. If they don't choose you, they don't deserve to have you!" 6. **Be supportive** In a strong and healthy marriage, you'll need to encourage each other, solve problems together, and uplift one another when times get really hard. By showing him that he can rely on you, he may feel more inclined to spend the rest of his life with you. For instance, if he's feeling sad because someone in his family passed away, you might just sit quietly with him, holding his hand. Don't pressure him to talk—he will if he wants to. If he's feeling stressed about work, you might prepare a nice meal for him or take him out somewhere out for dinner so he can unwind. 7. **Watch for red flags in the relationship.** Sometimes when you're caught up in infatuation, it can be hard to slow down and recognize early warning signs. For instance, if he grabs you, pushes you, or screams at you during an argument, that type of behavior is likely to escalate in the future. Other red flags might include trying to keep you away from your family and friends, putting you down or making you feel bad about yourself, blaming you for his actions, or insisting that he take control of both of your finances. 8. **Pursue your own interests and encourage him to do the same.** In a healthy relationship, you should each still have your own hobbies and friends. Not only will that help you feel more fulfilled and self-confident, but it will make your relationship stronger. Having a little time apart allows you to miss each other, and you'll have more to talk about when you do see each other! For instance, you might go for a bike ride with your best friend while he's watching a football game with his buddies. Of course, if you have the same interests, feel free to enjoy them together! Just don't be afraid to do things on your own, as well. 9. **Take time for self-care.** When you get the chance, make it a priority to spend time taking care of yourself. You'll feel happier and more relaxed, and your guy will likely love knowing that you can be responsible for your own well-being. This may make him more likely to propose, but even if it doesn't, you'll still get all the benefits from that self-care! Self-care might be something physical like relaxing in a bubble bath while you deep condition your hair, but it could also mean anything that makes you feel mentally, spiritually, or emotionally healthy, like practicing yoga or meditation, going for a long, quiet walk, or writing in your journal. 10. **Repeat positive affirmations if your self-confidence gets low.** Almost everyone struggles with self-doubt sometimes. If you start to feel like you aren't good enough, make a list of your best qualities. Then, look in the mirror and say those things out loud to yourself. For instance, you might say, "I'm a really good friend, and I try hard to make other people feel good about themselves. I'm worthy of being loved." If you're struggling with your self-confidence because you haven't been proposed to, you might remind yourself of the good things your guy has done for you. For example, you might say, "Jason drove 2 hours to see me the day I failed my Economics test. I know he loves me, even if we're not engaged." 11. **Work hard to try to be financially independent.** Being able to contribute to the household and make your own financial decisions will give you a great deal of self-assurance. Pursue a career that suits your personality, talents, and interests. When you're at your job, work hard and treat your higher-ups with respect, which may help you advance to higher positions over time. In some cases, concerns about finances may be the reason that he hasn't proposed yet, so being financially secure may help relieve some of his stress. 12. **Exercise regularly to stay healthy and relieve stress.** Exercising 20-30 minutes a day is one of the best ways to help relieve stress. Try going for a jog in the afternoons for an easy way to get in a little cardio. You could also join a yoga class, participate in a sport like swimming or softball, try strength training, or follow along with exercise videos in your living room. In addition to the stress-relieving benefits, exercising will help your body be fit and strong, which can help boost your self-esteem. Looking and feeling your best will make you seem more attractive to the man you love, so he might even be more inclined to propose to you. 13. **Talk about your future together.** If you want to gauge how interested your man is in marriage, try bringing up your plans for the future. For instance, you might talk about where you'd like to live, whether or not you'd like to have children, or what type of career you'd like to eventually have. Casually mention him as part of the plans, then pay attention to his reaction. For example, you might say something like, "I'd love for us to take a trip to Europe together one day." That will let him know he's included in your dreams. If he says something like, "I'd really love that!" then he may be thinking of a future together, too. If his answer is non-committal, like "Yeah, maybe," he may not be as invested as you are. 14. **Spend time with happily married couples.** Seeing other people in a happy, committed relationship might just get him thinking about popping the question, too.If either of you have friends who are great examples of a healthy, strong marriage, try to make plans with them whenever you can. For instance, you might have cook-outs, plan fun double-dates to movies or restaurants, or even go on a trip together. Attending a wedding together can be another way to get marriage on his mind. 15. **Point out engagement rings you like for an obvious hint.** If you really want him to know that you're hoping to be engaged soon, pick up a magazine or catalog featuring engagement rings. Then, casually browse through it when he's around, and show him a few of the ones you really love. Not only will this let him know you're thinking of marriage, but it will help him know what your tastes are. For instance, he might be imagining a classic ring with a large diamond, while you might prefer a non-traditional gemstone or an unusual design. Try not to show him rings that are way out of his price range. If he thinks your tastes are more expensive than he can meet, he might be hesitant to buy a ring at all. If you'd prefer not to have a ring at all, you can tell him that instead of showing him rings. It will still let him know you're thinking about marriage. 16. **Propose** Don't be afraid to take charge! If you really want to be engaged but your man hasn't popped the question yet, there's no reason you can't ask him, instead. It's up to you whether you get down on one knee or offer a ring, but do make it clear that you're asking him to marry you. Try to think of a way to make the proposal special and personal, like taking him to the place where you had your first date or a spot with a really romantic view. Once you're there, tell him how much he means to you, then ask him if he'll be yours forever!
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Fold Army Combat Uniforms
When you're packing to leave for active duty, you will need to fold your combat uniform carefully. Combat uniforms are folded doing a ranger roll. It is a fairly simple process that involves rolling your jacket and pants into a tight tube. In addition to proper folding, make sure you care for your army attire to prevent damage. 1. **Lay your jacket on a flat surface.** A clean floor or table top usually works well for folding a uniform. Lay your jacket as flat as possible and run your hands over it to remove any wrinkles or creases. 2. **Zip up your jacket and seal the velcro.** If your jacket is not already zipped and sealed, do so before folding it. The jacket should be zipped up completely and any velcro flaps should be sealed. 3. **Turn up your collar.** If your collar is turned down, make sure to fold it upwards prior to rolling up your jacket. This will help your jacket fold up smoothly and remain wrinkle-free during the process. 4. **Fold your sleeves.** You should fold either sleeve of the jacket across the chest. Fold them roughly at the shoulder line. The sleeves should overlap with each other near the center of the jacket. 5. **Turn the bottom of the jacket inside out.** At the bottom of the jacket's zipper, you will find two flaps on either side of the jacket. Place one flap under the other. Then, fold all the fabric at the bottom of the jacket inside out. Any fabric below the zipper should be folded. After folding the bottom of the jacket, run your hands over it to flatten out of the fabric and remove any wrinkles. 6. **Fold either side of the jacket inward.** Fold one side of the jacket inward into the middle of the jacket. Do the same thing on the other side. The jacket should be folded in a rectangular shape. The two edges of your jacket should meet in the middle of the jacket's chest, falling near the zipper. 7. **Roll up the jacket.** Starting at the top of the jacket, roll the jacket into a thin tube-like shape. Roll the jacket as tightly as you can, as this will save space in your bag. 8. **Lay the pants on a flat surface.** A tabletop or clean floor should be a good place to fold your pants. After lying your pants on this surface, smooth them out with your hands to remove any wrinkles or creases. 9. **Turn the top part inside out.** Turn an inch or two on the top of your pants inside out. Fold enough of the pants that the pockets are folded inside out. Then, use your hands to gently flatten out the top of your pants and remove any wrinkles. Make sure to smooth out the pockets especially. These can easily get in the way and prevent you from efficiently rolling up your pants. 10. **Turn your pants upside down.** Gently pick up your pants and turn them upside down. The zipper should be on the floor or table and the back of the pants should face upward. Use your hands to flatten your pants again after turning them upside down. 11. **Fold your pant legs.** Take one pant leg and fold it over the center of your pants. Then, fold the second pant leg over the first one. When you're done, your pants should form a rectangular shape with the legs crossing over one another. 12. **Roll up your pants.** Start at the bottom of your pant legs. Roll your pant legs up into a tight tube. Tighter is generally better, as this helps save space. 13. **Flatten the sides as you roll upward.** As you roll your pants upward, they will start to unfold at the top. Periodically use your hands to flatten the sides of the pants and push them back into the middle. This will help your pants roll as neatly as possible. 14. **Complete your ranger roll.** Keep rolling until you reach the top of your pants. Push any loose fabric that's sticking upward into the center of your rolled up pants. This should secure your pants so they can be safely packed. 15. **Remove any badges before washing.** After unpacking and unrolling your uniform, check it carefully for any badges. These should be removed before washing. Also, check pant pockets for any items. 16. **Turn uniforms inside out when washing them.** To protect the velcro and the color, army combat uniforms should be turned inside prior to washing. Do this each time you wash your uniform. 17. **Wash your uniforms only in cold water.** Cold water will prevent damage and discoloration, so always select the coldest water settings possible. If there is a sports wash or permanent press option on your washing machine, use that as well. 18. **Hang dry uniforms.** Avoid wringing or twisting uniforms to dry them. For best results, hang dry uniforms on a clothesline or hanger. If you're in a hurry, you can dry uniforms in a dryer. However, only dry on low to medium heat settings. 19. **Keep hazardous materials away from uniforms.** Bleach, fabric softener, chlorine, and starch can all harm army combat uniforms. Keep these materials away from army combat uniforms and never use detergents containing these materials when washing uniforms.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Prevent Dry Chapped Lips
Chapped lips can be dry, cracked, and painful. They can be caused by a variety of things, including dry weather, licking your lips, and certain medications. They tend to be especially bothersome during the cold winter months. Thankfully, you can prevent them by following a few easy practices. 1. **Use lip balm.** Apply a lip balm to promote healing and prevent chapped lips. Lip balm also helps to seal in moisture and protect your lips from outside irritations. Apply lip balm every hour or two to treat dry lips and to keep them healthy. Use balm with SPF of at least 16 to save your lips from sun damage. Apply lip balm after you have applied a moisturizer. Find a balm that has beeswax, petroleum, or dimethicone. 2. **Try using petroleum jelly.** Petroleum jelly (e.g., Vaseline) can help seal and protect your lips, acting as a balm. Using petroleum may also help to protect against the sun, which may dry and crack lips. Apply a sunscreen formulated for lips under the petroleum jelly. 3. **Apply a moisturizer.** Using a moisturizer will help your lips to stay hydrated and to absorb moisture more easily. Moisturizers are an essential part of keeping your lips as hydrated as they can be. Look for the following ingredients in your moisturizers: Shea Butter Emu Butter Vitamin E Oil Coconut Oil 4. **Use a humidifier to add moisture to the air.** If you live in a dry climate, prevent dry chapped lips by keeping your air humidified. You can purchase humidifiers at most big-box stores and drug stores. Aim for a humidity level in your home of between 30-50%. Keep your humidifier clean by washing it according to the manufacturer's instructions. Otherwise, it could become moldy or host bacteria and other nasty things that could make you sick. Start wearing less lipstick. Lipstick can dry out your lips so wear tinted lip gloss or better yet, embrace your bare lips. If you must wear lipstick, stay away from matte. It is very drying. 5. **Avoid going out in harsh conditions without protection.** Exposing your lips to the sun, wind, and cold will dry them out. Always apply a lip balm or cover with a scarf before venturing out. Seal in moisture with a lip balm or chapstick that contains sunscreen to prevent sunburning (yes, lips can sunburn too!). Apply thirty minutes before going outside. If swimming, re-apply the product often. 6. **Check your intake of vitamins and other essentials.** Having any vitamin deficiencies can cause your lips to dry and crack. Make sure you are getting enough of the following vitamins and minerals, and speak with your doctor if you aren't sure you're getting enough: B Vitamins Iron Essential Fatty Acids Multivitamins Mineral Supplements 7. **Drink plenty of water.** Being dehydrated can cause dry, chapped lips. Try to increase the amount of water you drink to help keep your lips hydrated. Winter has especially dry air, so make sure to increase hydration during this season. Drink at least the recommended 8 glasses of water a day. 8. **Rule out allergies.** You may be allergic to substances that come in contact with your lips. Fragrances and dyes are common culprits. If you frequently get chapped lips, use only products on them that have no fragrances or dyes. Toothpaste is another common culprit. If your lips itch, feel dry or painful, or blister after brushing your teeth, you may be allergic to the ingredients in your toothpaste. Try switching to a natural product with fewer preservatives, dyes, or flavorings. Lipstick is the most common cause of contact cheilitis (contact allergy) on the lips for women, but toothpaste is the most common cause for men. 9. **Don't lick your lips.** Licking your lips will cause more chapping. Even though it might seem like this helps keep them hydrated, it actually dries lips out. In fact, "lip-licker's dermatitis" is frequently seen in people who lick their lips too much, and can cause an itchy rash around the mouth. Use a lip moisturizer instead. Avoid using flavored lip balms, as this may encourage licking your lips. Don't over-apply any product as this may also cause you to lick your lips. 10. **Don't bite or pick your lips.** Biting lips removes their protective covering which causes further drying. Allow your lips to heal and function without picking or biting them. Pay attention to when you bite or pick your lips as you might not notice doing it. Ask a friend to remind you not to bite or pick if they see you doing it. 11. **Avoid certain foods.** Spicy and acidic foods may irritate your lips. Pay attention to your lips after eating and look for any signs of irritation. Try removing these foods from your diet for a few weeks to see if that irritation subsides. Avoid anything with hot peppers or sauces. Don't eat any highly acidic foods such as tomatoes. Some foods, like mango peels, contain irritants that should also be avoided. 12. **Breathe through your nose.** The constant flow of air caused by breathing through your mouth can dry your lips out and cause them to chap. Breathe through your nose instead. If you have trouble breathing through your nose, see your doctor. You may have allergies or another health condition causing congestion. 13. **Look at your medications.** Certain medications may dry your lips out as a side effect. Talk to your doctor to learn if any of your medications might be responsible for chapped lips. Medications may include prescription and non-prescription drugs used to treat: Depression Anxiety Pain Severe acne (Accutane) Congestion, allergies, and other respiratory troubles Never stop any medication without a doctor's approval. Ask your doctor for alternatives or how to manage this side effect. 14. **Know when to see a doctor.** In some cases, chapped lips may be the sign of another medical issue that will require a doctor's care. If you have any of the following, see your doctor: Persistent chapping despite treatment Very painful chapping Swelling or drainage from the lips Chapping in the corners of your mouth Painful sores on or near the lips Sores that don't heal
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Buy a Used Car from a Private Party
Buying a car through a private seller can often save time and money for the purchaser . You are able to negotiate more freely and with often a less experienced negotiator, with different incentives from a salesperson at a dealership . While many buyers fear buying lemons, many car repairs can be accomplished cheaply. With research and patience a private seller can often provide a great deal. 1. **Set aside a definite budget.** Private sellers expect to be paid by cash or check, in-full and upfront, and cannot provide financing. However, private sellers tend to be quite a bit cheaper than dealerships, making an all-at-once payment more beneficial. Note, however, that consumer protection laws do not apply to private sellers. Check the Kelley Blue Book value of any car you are considering. Apply for financing through a bank if you cannot pay the total cost of the car upfront. If you do not have enough saved you should consider a personal loan from a bank. The total cost of this can vary considerably depending on your credit score. Apply for this financing before you approach a seller. Look up the laws in your state regarding private sales. In nearly every state, caveat emptor ("Buyer Beware") applies. Basically, this means that once the money changes hands, you have no legal recourse or warranty if things go bad, even the day after you buy the car. You'd have to get any warranty in writing, preferably on the bill of sale. 2. **Consider your transportation needs.** Consider whether you will haul large loads, transport groups of people, the distance you will regularly travel, as well as the terrain. Plan for everyday use, and not edge-cases to avoid searching for cars that exceed your needs. This will help you filter what kind of vehicle you are looking for. 3. **Shortlist cars.** Look through auto classifieds, online, in your local paper, and through friends and family. Online sources like Craigslist can allow you to quickly sort through and filter sellers. Sellers are competing in a saturated market, so be discriminating in which ads you choose to make a response. 4. **Analyze the information in the ad.** Ads that are not descriptive or detailed often indicate that the seller is being disingenuous. The more information you are able to readily verify in the ad, the better. You will also be able to compare any asking price against a market price. Once you know the car's basics, look up similar models to compare prices. Note that terms like "clean," and "runs great" are not legally enforceable terms, nor particularly helpful for a buyer. Focus on miles, any recent mechanical work needed, make, model, and year of the car. 5. **Contact the seller at a reasonable hour.** Try not to call too late in the evening or too early in the morning - the seller may not be able to talk for long and tell you about the car. The seller should be easy to reach through the contact information in the ad, if not avoid further contact, as this might be a scam. If you want to negotiate the price of the car, know what price you're looking for now. It might not come up yet, and likely shouldn't, but you should have this idea from your budget earlier. Only contact sellers if you're interested in actually buying the car. Showing and testing a used car takes time, and the seller doesn't want to hold on other offers if you're not serious. 6. **During this phone call, verify the make, model, year, mileage, VIN (vehicle identification number) and general condition of the vehicle.** Any damage or wear can factor in to the price, so compare this against the asking price. Ask why the vehicle is being sold. Make a note of this information to compare later against the actual facts as they evolve. If the seller is unable or unwilling to give any of this information, go ahead and walk away. This is a huge red flag. 7. **Schedule an appointment to see the actual car and take it for a spin.** The time should work for both of you and the meeting should be in a public area if you do not know the seller. You should prepare for this meeting by having all your information and questions ready. Keep the seller apprised of any changes in your schedule for the meeting. Only meet the seller if you can also see the car. If they just want to meet in person, they're wasting your time. 8. **Ask for a maintenance history for the vehicle.** If you don't know a lot about auto mechanics, bring someone along with you for the best results. Private sellers may keep records of any repairs or maintenance done on the vehicle, and this will tell you the general health of the car. If they do not know the history, you'll absolutely need to do a thorough check through the DMV. Ask if they have made any modifications ("mods") to the car, and who did them. Ask, at the very least, for the mechanical history of the car since the current owner bought it. If they made repairs or changes themselves, it is up to you whether or not you trust them. 9. **Use the VIN to do a detailed car history search.** The DMV has a record of any accidents involving the car, as does, so that you can do a more detailed search. Use the VIN, located on the steering column in the interior, on the engine, or etched on the windshield, to get specific car information. The most likely location of the VIN is on the lower left-hand corner of the windshield (looking from the driver's seat). 10. **Make a thorough inspection of the vehicle, with the engine off and on.** Check the body for obvious damage or signs of previous heavy repairs, the tires for any obvious defects such as cracks or under-inflation or excessive wear, and the engine for any signs of physical damage. Use a small pocket magnet to find areas where plastic putty (bondo) was used to repair body damages. A paint thickness tester with a digital display will help to detect clunkers. Be aware of the fact that private sellers are not prevented in any way from selling damaged cars, and can hide the origin of the car through title washing, a process of selling a car and re-registering it in a new state. 11. **Inspect the vehicle for any signs of water damage.** Mineral deposits, discoloration, water stains on the interior, strong odor from cleaners, or deposited flotsam are all sure indicators of water damage. Any water damage to the engine or interior of the car is likely to leave the car totaled. 12. **Inspect the car for any rust or body damage.** Check in the wheel wells, the rockers, the floorboards, and trunk. Repairing or reversing rust is an expensive process. Indicators of shoddy bodywork include mismatched paint, use of plastic or fiberglass filler, or gaps between body panels. 13. **Examine the mileage on the vehicle.** The odometer is generally reliable, but wear on seat upholstery and the pedals are sure indicators of use as well. You should be alert when you find new pedal rubbers! The Kelley Blue Book offers a calculator for the price impact of mileage. Have this calculator handy. Note, however, that Kelly Blue Book prices will vary from zip code to zip code, so check prices in your own town, not where you buy the car. 14. **Check the tires, especially the front, for wear.** If they are worn unevenly, the car may need front end repairs to the alignment, shocks, tires or tie rods. While replacing the tires can be relatively inexpensive, any obvious and significant damage would make the car unsafe to test drive. A new set of tires can be a potential red flag -- as this is an odd expense to pay before selling the car. Make sure you pay specific attention to braking and handling when test driving. 15. **Examine the battery.** Batteries are inexpensive and easy to replace. If the terminals are corroded it is an indication of poor maintenance. Avoid test driving the car if the battery appears too corroded, it could spark or start a fire. 16. **Check the air filter.** Make sure there is no oil on the air filter, or near the air intake. This could indicate blown pistons or other engine damage. If you are unsure of how to check this, have an experienced mechanic show you. Again, a brand new air filter can be a red flag, as it might be a way to cover or postpone engine failure. That said, these cheap parts are easy to replace and should be replaced often, so as long as it's not brand new without an explanation you should be fine. 17. **Examine the engine's coolant and oil levels while the car is off.** The oil from the dipstick should be black and free from grit. The coolant should not have any particulate matter in it, or be sludgy or brown. This indicates serious issues with the engine that make the car unsafe and costly to repair. If the oil is red or green it is probably brand new. Again, if the seller is not upfront about this it can be a red flag that she/he is hiding bigger issues. 18. **Check the transmission fluid with the engine running.** It should smell sweet and have little particulate matter. Burnt orange or brown fluid means it hasn't been changed in a long time. Avoid test driving the car if there are issues with the transmission, as it locking up or otherwise braking could cause an accident. This is for automatic transmissions. For a manual transmission, check the clutch master cylinder for leaks, etc.; and the clutch pedal; it shouldn't feel either too stiff or too loose. Does the shifter hang up or pop out of gear? Those would be considered deal enders. 19. **Check the climate control in the car.** Run the heat and the air conditioning to see how well they run. The air conditioning may need coolant to improve cooling. The fan should blow without any obstruction or excessive noise. 20. **Test drive the car** Drive as you normally would, for a period of time that is sensible. This includes freeway and city driving. Keep an eye on the engine temperature, ease of steering and the ease of shifting gears, as well as the status of check engine light. You can monitor the gear shifts by observing the tachometer's rise and fall with acceleration. Many minor repairs can be accomplished relatively quickly. Keep the stereo off so that you can listen into the car for dangerous sounds or unwelcome noises. You can test the sound system, but make it quick. Try to drive, if possible, at a variety of speeds and locations. Get on a nearby highway and open it up, then try to slower, more precise turning on slower roads. 21. **Make sure the seller has all the necessary paperwork.** Unlike with a dealership, you must handle all the required paperwork to purchase the car. You can contact your local DMV to secure any papers needed to pay sales tax, transfer the title and registration, and any other legalities involved in purchasing the car . Ensure that you have established the source your financing, either through earnings or a loan, before you attempt to buy the vehicle. If the seller doesn't have the title in hand, walk away. Don't accept stories about it being lost or gone. Similarly, make sure you have your cash and any required paperwork ready. 22. **Have a professional mechanic inspect the car and perform any necessary tests at your expense as mechanics tend to favor the person paying for the inspection.** In some states, emissions tests are required before the sale of a vehicle, and this will allow you to catch any issues you might have missed during your test drive. The seller should be receptive to this if not, walk away from the deal because this is an indication of major needed repairs. 23. **Make an offer if the car suits you.** Although you may be accustomed to fixed prices, this an occasion where you often have leverage and can offer a below Blue Book valuation. Negotiation is acceptable in this situation, and if you have cash on hand, you can pressure the seller to a lower price. Consider the incentives of the seller. The seller often is motivated to sell the car privately because of a poor offer from a dealership. The seller is generally aware of the market value of the car and generally willing to sell below that value. You can use this to your advantage in negotiating the price. 24. **Get the signed title from the seller.** If your seller accepts your offer, fill out and mutually sign all the required paperwork, and make the payment. This should be sufficient to temporarily secure the title until you get the car legally registered in your name. If you are stopped by police without this under your name, the car may be considered stolen.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Memorize an Essay
Memorizing an essay is a great way to ace tests, rock presentations, and increase your overall knowledge. If you want to memorize an essay word for word, take things slowly by studying short parts one at a time. Memorization techniques such as visualization and physical cues can help you recall this information on demand. Of course, sometimes you don’t need to memorize things exactly. You may find it more useful to memorize the main ideas or important quotes instead. 1. **Make a schedule.** Plan out how long you have to memorize the essay. If you have more time, you can study a little each day for 20 or 30 minutes. If you only have a day or 2, you can memorize it in 30-minute chunks with a break of an hour or 2 in between. 2. **Break the essay down into parts.** Memorization is easiest when done in small chunks. Break the essay down into small sections. Depending on the length of the essay, each section might be a few sentences, one paragraph, or even one page. 3. **Memorize a little bit each day.** Start early when you need to memorize something. Give yourself 1 day for every paragraph or page. Master 1 section each day. Once you have memorized 2 sections separately, try putting them together. 4. **Read the essay out loud to start learning it.** Reading the essay out loud is important because it forces you to read and speak every single word in the essay. This will help you remember it. 5. **Test yourself after reading.** After you have studied the text for a while, put it down, and recite as much as you can from memory. At first, you may not remember much, but every time you practice, you will recall more and more. Use a partner to test you on what you've memorized. If you miss a word or forget a line, they can prompt you by telling you the next word or two. You might also want to arrange to practice in front of an audience of a few people. This will help to add some pressure, which may be beneficial to you later. 6. **Start from the end if going from the beginning is not working.** If the essay is long, you may find it easier to start at the end. Begin by memorizing the last sentence or paragraph, then move back to the sentence or paragraph right before that 1. 7. **Break up your study session to memorize quickly.** If you only have a short time to learn the essay, you should study it in small doses with breaks in between each session. Use memory boosting techniques, such as visualization and walking back and forth, to help make your memorization more effective. For example, you might study it for 15 minutes and take a 10-minute break before studying for another 15 minutes. Try writing out the essay once or twice. This can improve your memory. Avoid cramming the night before. Memorizing something in 1 session is not the most effective way to learn it. Repetition in small chunks will help more than cramming the essay all in 1 long session. 8. **Visualize parts of the essay.** Associate different parts of the essay with images. You might imagine the essay coming to life as you recite it. When you need to recite the essay, recall the images to help you remember the words. For example, the first part of the essay might be about tiger conservation, so you might visualize tigers as you go through this part. The second part may be about their habitat, so you might think about a jungle. 9. **Use memory palace techniques.** Imagine a room or building that represents your essay. For every main point, place a piece of furniture inside. Associate each piece of furniture with a point you have to remember. For example, if the main parts of the essay are about family, cooperation, and communication, you might imagine a photograph (family), a table (cooperation), and a telephone (communication). When you need to recall the essay, imagine yourself walking from the photograph to the table and then to the telephone in the proper order. 10. **Link passages to physical movement.** Gestures can help you memorize parts of the essay by associating words with movements. You might tap out a certain pattern when you start a paragraph, or gesture outwards to emphasize a particular word. Pacing can help improve recall. Some people even find doing a simple dance to be useful as they try to memorize the essay. 11. **Give yourself cues if you will present the essay.** As you memorize the speech, give yourself a prompt or cue that can remind you which part goes where. Practice hand gestures with your speech. Put certain gestures at specific spots in the essay. If you are allowed to use flashcards, you might write the basic outline on a series of cards. Glance down at these as you go along. You might ask a friend in the audience to give a signal if you are forgetting a line. 12. **Reduce it to an outline to remember the main points.** Write an outline of the essay's main ideas, concepts, and arguments. Make sure you only include the most important information, and organize it in the correct order. You might memorize the outline instead of the entire essay. 13. **Make flash cards if you want to learn quotes.** If you need to recall quotes from literary or academic essays, write the quotes on flash cards. Memorize the quotes 1 at a time. Make sure you also learn the author, year, and any other information that may be tested. 14. **Draw the main ideas of the essay if you are a visual learner.** Sketch out a flowchart or map of the main ideas of the essay. Put the thesis in the center of the chart, and draw lines out to its supporting ideas. When you need to remember the essay, you can redraw the chart to help you remember all the different pieces you need to recall. You can also draw images in your chart or sketch out the main events of the essay in comic form.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Kill Purslane
Purslane can wreak havoc in lawns and gardens across the world. This noxious weed doesn’t require much to live, so it will thrive even in poor soil conditions and areas of drought. If you are struggling with a purslane infestation in your lawn or garden, there are natural and chemical options to help you regain control and prevent future growth. 1. **Hand-pull purslane while it is still young.** The key is to remove the weed from the soil before it begins to seed. If you don’t, the plant will “throw” seeds into the surrounding areas. Use caution when picking mature plants that have already begun to seed. Overturning the soil can bring other seeds up to the surface and cause the purslane to spread even more. Be careful not to disrupt the soil too much. 2. **Remove plant fragments after weeding to prevent rerooting.** Place the plant matter into a paper or plastic bag before throwing it away. Stems and leaves can reroot themselves quickly, so if you leave any pieces laying around, you can expect to see more weeds growing soon. 3. **Allow your planted garden to dry out to kill any remaining seeds.** Do not water the area, and avoid covering it with mulch or any other coverings until it is completely dry. 4. **Cover an unplanted garden or ornamental area with plastic for 4-6 weeks.** Do this during the hottest time of the year to prepare a bare area for planting. Ideally, you want the temperature underneath the plastic to reach 130 °F (54 °C). Use ground stakes or heavy rocks to hold clear or black plastic sheeting in place over the area. This process is called soil solarization and works to kill plants and seeds near the surface of the soil by heating them to extremely high temperatures, and works best if the soil is moist. 5. **Purchase a liquid post-emergent at your local home improvement store.** Products such as Ortho Weed B Gon come in either a ready-to-use formula for quick and easy application, or a concentrate that requires mixing before use. Expect to pay about $20 - $30 USD for 1 gallon (3.8 L) of the ready-to-use formula, or $10 USD for 32 ounces (910 g) of the concentrate. Make sure you read the product label and check the weather before you apply an herbicide. Most treatments have recommended usage guidelines, like a minimum of 60 °F (16 °C), no wind, and a drying time of 1-2 hours. Be sure to use proper protective gear like gloves and safety glasses to protect yourself from chemical overspray. 6. **Apply a post-emergent chemical treatment to kill established plants.** These herbicides are most effective if they are applied when the plant is still young, preferably before it has begun to seed. If you wait until the plant is too mature, it may be difficult to regain control. 7. **Spot-treat your lawn and ornamental garden areas as needed.** For ready-to-use formulas, simply aim the nozzle at individual weeds and cover them in a light spray, making sure to spray near the root. If you are using a liquid concentrate, follow the instructions on the label for proper mixing prior to applying it to your weeds. Do not use post-emergent chemicals in a vegetable garden. Don’t spray plants you want to keep and be aware of where the wind carries the chemicals since the herbicides will kill whatever they come into contact with. Broadleaf herbicides won’t typically kill grasses. Read the label on your herbicide before spraying it. 8. **Maintain solid turfgrass to overpower purslane in your lawn.** Healthy, well-maintained lawns with strong root systems are the best way to stop purslane from overtaking your yard. A strong root system makes it more difficult for the purslane to establish itself. To build and maintain a healthy lawn system, check with a lawn and garden company in your local area. They can tell you how often you should water, for how long, and the best time of the day; and also give you advice for proper fertilization and other treatments based on the climate and soil conditions where you live. 9. **Apply a pre-emergent chemical treatment to prevent seeds from sprouting.** Herbicides containing the ingredients dithiopyr and pendimethalin will be the most effective, and can be used in ornamental garden areas and/or in your lawn. Do not use pre-emergent chemicals in a vegetable garden. Scotts and Spectracide brands make a granular formula that can be purchased at your local home improvement store for around $20 USD and will cover up to 5,000 square feet (460 m) Make sure you read the product label and check the weather before you apply an herbicide. Most treatments have recommended times when you should use them, like being a minimum of 60 °F (16 °C), having no wind, and allowing a drying time of 1-2 hours. Also be sure to use proper protective gear like gloves and safety glasses to protect yourself from the chemical. 10. **Cover your planted garden area with a thick layer of mulch.** Organic mulch should be applied in a layer that is at least 3 inches (7.6 cm) thick in order to block out the sun. A thinner layer of synthetic mulch that is composed of plastic, rubber, or fabric can be effective as well. Layering grass clippings or newspaper are also effective alternatives. 11. **Clean equipment that has been used in an infested area.** Clean lawnmowers, trimmers, planters, and all garden equipment that has been used in an infested area before using them in un-infested areas. This will help prevent the purslane from spreading into new areas.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Treat Poison Sumac
Poison sumac grows in wet, wooded areas primarily in the southeastern and northern United States. The associated rash is an allergic reaction to the urushiol oil of the poison sumac plant. When the oil comes in contact with your skin, it triggers itchy red blisters that leak or “weep,” similar to poison ivy and poison oak. Most cases don't require medical care. Typical rashes clear up on their own in one to three weeks, but the symptoms can be a major inconvenience. Knowing how to minimize discomfort, prevent the rash from spreading, and prevent future outbreaks will help you to survive and tame the misery. 1. **Take a cool shower immediately.** Urushiol oil takes about 30 minutes to enter the skin. As soon as possible after you've come into contact with the plant, take a shower with soap and cool water. Even if you miss the 30-minute window, showering will remove the oil from your skin and prevent the poison sumac from spreading. Avoid hot water, which will increase irritation. 2. **Buy anti-itch medications.** If you can't take preventive action within 30 minutes, you'll need some anti-itch treatments to apply to your rash. (Be sure to wash your hands afterward!) Look for products that will soothe the rash while also working to dry it up. When possible, use products with natural ingredients. Some good choices are: Using a cotton ball or piece of toilet paper, apply the calamine to the rash. Let it dry. Reapply as needed. Pour onto a cotton ball. Dab the entire rash. Resoak the cotton ball as it begins to dry. Reapply as needed. Rub into the skin. Reapply as needed. Apply in the same way you would use witch hazel. While it's safe to apply to rashes and blisters, it will burn broken skin. These medications are available without a prescription in most pharmacies. Gels and creams are the least expensive options. Apply once to twice daily to the rash. : A mild baby shampoo can help if the rash is on your scalp. 3. **Apply cool compresses.** Soak a washcloth with cool water. Wring out the washcloth until it stops dripping. Place the washcloth on the rash. Repeat the process when the cloth starts to feel warm. Apply compresses whenever you feel itchy. 4. **Soak in a therapeutic bath.** Buy an oatmeal bath treatment at the local drug store. Less expensive remedies include adding one cup (0.23L) of baking soda or Epsom salts to your bath water. Any of these baths works with your anti-itch medication to dry out the rash. Bathe once per day until your symptoms start to subside. 5. **Don't scratch.** Poison sumac can't spread from leaky blisters. However, scratching does make it worse. Bacteria living under your fingernails can get into the open sores and cause an infection. Rather than risking infection, apply your anti-itch treatments when you begin to feel itchy. It may help if you wear a pair of gloves at night so you're not tempted to scratch yourself. 6. **Seek medical help if your symptoms worsen.** Most cases of poison sumac clear up in a few weeks with proper home treatments. However, if the rash worsens, you could become very sick. Go to urgent care or an emergency room if any of the following symptoms occur at any point: The itching keeps you up at night. The rash shows no sign of improvement after about two weeks. The rash spreads to your eyes, nose, mouth, or genitals. You develop a fever of 100 degrees F (38 degrees C) or higher. The blisters start to ooze yellow pus, which is a symptom of infection. You experience pain in addition to itching. You have trouble breathing. 7. **Take prescription medications, if necessary.** If your rash worsens, your doctor will give you a prescription. For severe itching, you might receive an oral corticosteroid, such as prednisone. If your rash becomes infected, you will receive antibiotics, such as penicillin or erythromycin. Tell your doctor if you are allergic to penicillin or any other form of prescription medication. Allergic reactions range form minor rashes to life-threatening anaphylaxis. 8. **Scrub under your fingernails.** Immediately after exposure, use a nailbrush, which is available at any drug store. Even if your hands didn't touch the plant, scrub anyway. This will prevent the plant oils from being transferred to other parts of your body. 9. **Wash your clothes in hot water.** Immediately wash everything you were wearing when you came in contact with the plant. Add detergent to remove the urushiol oil. Otherwise, the oil can linger on fabrics like cotton or shoe leather, increasing the risk of spreading the rash and triggering a relapse. 10. **Bathe your pets.** If your dog or cat was with you during your encounter, give them a good bath with soap and lukewarm water as soon as possible. Plant oils can linger on their fur, increasing the risk of infection in humans. While dogs and cats can develop the poison sumac rash, it's very rare. 11. **Don't touch sensitive areas of your body.** Keep away from all mucous membranes, such as your eyes, nose, mouth, and genitals. Mucous membranes are far more sensitive than the rest of your skin. Their thinness and moist texture allow them to absorb toxins, including urushiol oil, more easily. 12. **Recognize the plant.** Poison sumac grows as a shrub or tree-like plant. Each branch consists of seven to 13 smooth leaves on a stem. The leaves appear orange in the spring and green in the summer. In the autumn, they can appear red, orange, or yellow. They sometimes sprout yellow-green flowers and/or whitish-green fruits. 13. **Cover your legs and arms.** Regardless of the weather, if you have to be in an area near poison sumac plants, wear long-sleeve shirts, long jeans, and boots. Tuck your jeans into your boots to prevent contact with the ground. If you garden in areas where the plant grows, wear impermeable gardening gloves to protect your hands. Avoid leather, as it can actually absorb urushiol oil and transfer it to your skin. 14. **Avoid areas where the plant grows, if possible.** Poison sumac grows mainly in swampy areas but can live in any area that is wet and forested. The most common regions are the southeast and northern parts of the United States. However, climate change is causing the plant to move into new habitats like the Midwest. 15. **Remove the plant.** Removal of poison sumac takes lots of strength and patience. Experts recommend using a hoe or lawn mower to remove the plant—but only with highly protective, impenetrable clothing. If you've never dealt with poison sumac and find it growing in your garden or yard, your safest bet is to hire professional landscapers.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Paint Sneakers
Whether you’re looking to salvage an old pair of sneakers, or just updating the look, painting sneakers is both fun and easy. Start off by cleaning the sneakers and using some nail polish to remove scuff marks so they’re ready to be painted. Then, come up with some designs and color schemes that you want to apply to the sneakers. Apply multiple thin layers of acrylic paint over the design on the sneakers and you’re done! 1. **Remove the laces.** Set the laces aside or consider replacing them with new ones that will complement the shoes when they’re painted. Keep the laces nearby so you can put them on when you’re done. Pull up the tongue so you can clean inside all of the creases of the shoes. You can wash the old laces in a washing machine to clean them. 2. **Clean the sneakers** Use hand soap or laundry detergent and a toothbrush to scrub off any dirt or residue on the sneakers. Let the shoes air dry for 8-12 hours before you paint them. Don’t machine-dry the sneakers or you could damage them. 3. **Dip a cotton ball in nail polish remover and scrub any scuff marks.** After the shoes are clean, take a cotton ball, dip it in nail polish and clean the toe, back, and midsole areas of the sneakers. Rub the areas and focus on removing scuff marks and stubborn stains. The midsole is the layer between the bottom of the shoe and the upper portion of the shoe itself. The acetone in the nail polish will also cause the paint to adhere to the sneakers better. Use q-tips to clean in between creases and other hard-to-access areas. 4. **Cover any areas you don’t want to be painted.** Apply painter’s tape to the edge of the soles as well as the inside rim of the top of the sneakers. Insert newspaper inside of the sneakers to keep them protected from the paint. Use painter’s tape so there isn’t any residue left behind when you remove it. If you’re painting sneakers that have a logo that you want unchanged, like the Nike swoosh or Adidas stripes, cover the logo with painter’s tape. 5. **Sketch your design out on paper.** Draw the entire design so you can decide if there are any changes you want to make. Color in your sketch and try different colors to find what you like best. Brainstorm sneaker paint design ideas and research sneaker designs online for inspiration. Coordinate colors so the painted sneakers are more aesthetically pleasing. If you’re unsure about certain elements or details, draw multiple sketches. For example, if you’re not sure if you should include a diamond pattern or a sawtooth pattern, try drawing a version of each and then make your decision. 6. **Lightly trace the outline on your sneakers with a pencil.** Use a standard HB pencil to add the design outline to your sneakers. Add the markings lightly so they don’t show up through the paint and so you can erase and make corrections if you need to. Sketch out the entire design you plan to add to the sneakers. Use the sketch you put on paper as a reference. Make a stencil of a design to help guide your markings. 7. **Trace over the outline with a paint marker.** Paint markers have different tip sizes and come in a variety of colors, so choose one that suits the design you want to create. Then, trace over the lines with a paint marker to make the outline more clear and to add color to your sneakers. You can find paint markers at craft supply stores and online. Practice tracing over the design on paper to be sure you’re using the best tip size for each outline. 8. **Use acrylic paint and micro-detail paintbrushes to paint sneakers.** You’ll need smaller brush tips to apply the paint and add details to your sneakers, so use a clean set of micro-details brushes. Acrylic paint will adhere to the sneaker best. You may need different brush sizes for different areas of the sneakers, so have a kit of various sizes handy. Organize the paint colors that match your design and keep them nearby so you can apply them more easily when you’re painting. Keep a glass of clean water nearby so you can wash the paintbrushes if necessary. You can get micro-detail brushes and acrylic paint at department stores, craft stores, and online. 9. **Add a thin layer of paint to 1 side of the sneaker.** Dip the paintbrush in the paint and apply a thin, even layer using smooth and consistent strokes. The first layer will set the base coat down and will not look like a finished product. Focus on 1 side at a time so the paint can dry while you’re working on the other side. Follow the outline you created and be sure to fill the spaces evenly with the paint. Be sure to wash the paintbrush in the glass of water if you plan to use the same brush for different paint colors. 10. **Flip the sneaker and paint the other side.** When the first side is done, rotate the sneaker and apply a thin coat of paint on the other side. Fill in the outline with the acrylic paint to match the other side. Be careful not to smudge or touch the paint on the other side of the shoe while you paint. 11. **Apply 3-4 more layers to both sides of the sneakers.** By the time you finish each side of the sneaker, the coat of paint on the other side should be dry enough for you to add another layer. Continue adding layers until the design is complete and you’re happy with the paint. Double check that the paint is dry by touching it lightly with your finger. If the paint is taking a long time to dry for you to add another layer, you may be applying layers that are too thick. 12. **Allow the paint to dry for 1 hour and remove the painter’s tape.** Acrylic paint dries pretty quickly, especially when it’s applied in thin layers. Keep the sneakers in a cool location so the paint doesn’t run and leave them undisturbed for an hour. Gently pull off the painter’s tape once the sneakers are dry. Check that the paint is dry by lightly touching it with your finger.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Believe in Yourself
At times, it can be hard for you to believe in yourself, especially if you have developed doubts about your self-worth. If you are having trouble seeing all the amazing things you possess and all the beautiful things you could offer to make this world a better place, there are simple things that you can do to start believing in yourself. You can take stock of all the things you have already accomplished, set goals for the future, make new friends, have good discussions, get a fresh perspective on things, look for opportunities to use your skills, and take good care of yourself to help rebuild your confidence. 1. **Make a list of your past accomplishments.** Writing out a list of your accomplishments will help you begin to believe in yourself. Sit down and make a list of all of the things that you feel you have excelled at during some point in your life. Include even the most minor activities, like putting together furniture from IKEA or organizing a party for a friend or family member. After you’ve compiled a short list, try to find patterns in the activities. Identify what you have done well over and over again to understand your skills. As you identify the skills that helped you accomplish things, begin to list those skills in a separate column. You can also make a list of stuff that you admire about yourself in a third column. For example, if you notice that you’ve been successful at caring for dogs or cats, this could mean that you are naturally a compassionate person. In this case, try to find more activities that will help you to use this skill--such as volunteering at a local animal shelter. 2. **Talk to people who love you.** If you're having trouble seeing all the wonderful things about yourself, you can always talk to someone who loves you. Sometimes we have difficulty seeing the best things about ourselves, but the people who love us will never struggle to see those things. Say something like, “Lately I have felt like I am not good at anything, but I am trying to move past that and identify my skills. What do you think I am good at?” 3. **Find a cause that you believe in.** It may be difficult to believe in yourself if you are always trying to please others. Make sure that you look for causes and projects that appeal to you and that you actually believe in. The passion that you feel for these causes and projects will help you to work harder and see how much you can achieve. 4. **Set realistic goals.** Setting realistic goals boosts your self-efficacy and helps you to believe in yourself and your ability to accomplish things. Make sure that you develop goals that are in line with your skills and that are attainable. For example, if you have decided that you want to work towards a long-term goal of becoming a veterinary assistant because of your animal handling skills, start by setting a small attainable goal of applying to a veterinary assistant program. Once you accomplish that goal, you can move on to another small, attainable goal that helps to get you closer to your long-term goal. Be prepared to go outside of your comfort zone now and then. Even though you are setting realistic goals, you might need to do things that you don’t normally do in order to accomplish your goals. After you set a goal, work hard until you achieve it. Don’t abandon a goal because it becomes too difficult. If a goal seems too difficult, try breaking it into a series of smaller goals and focus on one at a time. 5. **Reflect at the end of each day.** Self-reflection is an important component of self-improvement. It helps you to take stock of what you are doing well and what you still need to work on. Take a few moments at the end of each day to reflect on your experiences. If you have a day where you don’t accomplish as much as you hoped, you would try to learn what you can from the situation to avoid repeating any mistakes you might have made. For example, if you can’t seem to get yourself up in the morning to go on a hike as planned, you may have learned that you have trouble getting motivated in the morning. Try setting multiple alarms, and maybe even place one of them a few feet away from your bed, so you have to get up and turn it off. Or, you could try to find a different time to hike, instead of forcing yourself to do it in the morning. 6. **Be persistent.** Sometimes we feel like giving up because failure is a possibility, but it’s perfectly natural to struggle with something the first time you do it. Instead of blaming yourself for doing something wrong, give yourself permission to experiment without worrying about the consequences. Some of the most successful innovators have found that improvisation requires a sort of “playful” mindset as opposed to one that is fixated on a single goal. 7. **Connect with people.** Newly emerging perspectives in neuroscience are emphasizing the importance of persistently forging and reworking our relationships with others to support functional brain processes. As such, we will likely be unsuccessful at changing our habits without first realizing the degree to which our behaviors are conditioned by, or in some way dependent on, others around us. If you find that other people are constantly coming to you for advice, but you rarely feel like you have someone to talk to yourself when you’re unhappy, it could be the case that you’ve come to serve the role of nurturer in your group of friends. There’s nothing wrong with helping others, but it’s also necessary to take care of yourself. In fact, sometimes we help others more than ourselves because we’ve gotten used to doing so. Think about why you are inclined to help others and consider the effect it has on you. 8. **Build yourself up.** Work on thinking positively about yourself and your behavior. Fight the urge to be negative by identifying two of your strengths every day. Make sure that you challenge any unproductive thought that enters your head. If you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts like “I am a loser,” “no one likes me,” and “I can’t do anything right,” stop yourself and challenge the thought. Counter it with productive thoughts, identifying two positive things about yourself. The more that you practice this positive thinking, the easier it will become. For example, if you catch yourself having a negative thought like, “I am terrible at math,” reframe the thought in a more productive way by saying something like, "I find math challenging, but I am working hard and improving." 9. **Find ways to keep moving forward.** Sometimes you might feel stuck in a rut, with no idea how to keep going. In these cases, take a deep breath and try to put the present moment in perspective. People too often focus on the negative, which can lead us to ignore good things. Sometimes all that’s required is a change of scenery, or perhaps a disruption in your everyday routine. If feelings of dread or hopelessness last for an extended period, you might want to consider talking to a therapist or mental health counselor. Find a way to disrupt your usual routine or behavior. For example, if you feel that you are surrounded by negative people, you could join a sports club or other local group to meet some new people. 10. **Be proactive.** Procrastinating, or putting things off because they are difficult, sets you up for failure. When you have less time to do a task, you'll rush and miss things. Instead, do things on time so that you have the extra time to do your best! Experiencing the small successes of completed tasks can contribute to believing that you can accomplish greater tasks. For example, you might have a sink full of dishes to clean, but decide to put it off so that you can watch your favorite T.V. show. Before you know it, several other demands might arise, such as the T.V. going out and needing to be fixed or a problem arising with a bill you received, which might end up forcing you to put off the dishes even longer. Instead of letting everyday life demands pile on top of each other, tackle them as soon as you think about it. It might be unpleasant at first, but after a while it will become second nature and your day-to-day affairs will seem to take care of themselves. If you are a chronic procrastinator, you might want to consider talking to a therapist or mental health counselor. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can help you to stop procrastinating. 11. **Focus on the positive.** Psychologists have found that we often focus on negative comments about ourselves while ignoring the positive ones. We also tend to assume people are focusing on us more than they are. Try to remind yourself to focus on the positive more than the negative. If you find either yourself or those around you being extra critical, think about making some changes. 12. **Do things that are hard.** If we only take the easy route, it can be easy to think that we aren't capable of doing things that are hard. Prove to yourself that you can take on challenges by doing just that: take on challenges. Do things that will be rewarding, even though they'll be hard work. You can do it! Remember that you can always break down a difficult task into a series of small, easier tasks. 13. **Practice speaking up for yourself.** When things are happening around you, and you have an opinion or know a better way to do something, speak up! If you feel dissatisfied, don't just accept things the way they are. Take an active part in the situation. This shows others that you are capable of taking control and expressing your needs or desires to them. Speaking up will also help you to surround yourself with people whose aspirations and concerns are in line with your own. These are all things that are essential to becoming more comfortable in your environment, which research has shown a necessary step towards developing confidence in your ability act on your needs and desires. For example, if one of your co-workers often makes inappropriate jokes about women, try to come up with a way to bring your concerns about his jokes to his attention in a productive manner. You could simply say, “I am offended by your jokes because they make light of a very serious issue.” The discussion might become heated, but the more you practice speaking up for yourself on important issues, such a gender equality, the easier it will become. If you tend to worry about how others will interpret what you have to say and that often stops you from speaking up, try to break that habit. Practice expressing your thoughts and feelings to others without worrying about how they are interpreted, which might mean having to deal with misunderstandings arising when communicating with other people. If a miscommunication happens, don’t be afraid to share your personal history, especially how you’ve learned to communicate with others because of where you are from. It’s important for everyone involved to realize that such instances of miscommunication are not anyone’s fault in, but they can be opportunities for everyone involved to grow and learn more about each other’s unique modes of expression. 14. **Help others.** In helping others, we can often get a better view of what we're capable of and feel better about ourselves in the process. Helping others through volunteerism or everyday acts of kindness brings a wonderful sense of fulfillment. It also provides extra opportunities for you to use and develop your skills. By helping others, you will find yourself feeling more confident than ever. 15. **Pay attention to your appearance and hygiene.** Believing in yourself may be easier if you feel confident in the way that you look as well. You can make sure that you are looking and feeling your best by keeping a good daily hygiene and grooming routine. Make sure that you: Shower or bathe Style your hair Trim or file your nails Shave or keep your beard well groomed Brush your teeth (2X daily) Maintain a pleasant body odor by using deodorant, scented lotions, and perfumes Wear clothes that fit well and make you feel good Wear makeup that accentuates your best features 16. **Nourish your body with healthy food.** The food that you eat each day will affect the way that you feel physically and emotionally. If you take the time to prepare a nice meal for yourself, you will feel better than if you just eat a bag of chips and a can of soda for dinner. Make sure that you contribute to your overall well-being by only putting healthy food into your body. 17. **Exercise every day.** Exercise has long been noted for its ability to help reduce stress and make people feel happier, but some studies have also shown that exercise may help improve one’s confidence levels. Make sure to include at least 30 minutes of exercise into your daily routine to reap the physical and mental health benefits of exercise. 18. **Get plenty of sleep.** Sleep deprivation can aggravate self-consciousness and other negative emotional tendencies, so it is important to get plenty of sleep every night. Feeling self-conscious and negative will make it harder for you to believe in yourself. Try to get about 8 hours of sleep per night to avoid these adverse effects. 19. **Relax every day.** Make sure that you take a little time to relax every day. Incorporating activities like meditation, yoga, deep breathing, aromatherapy, and other soothing techniques will help you avoid negative thoughts and find it easier to believe in yourself. Find something that works for you and add it into your daily routine. 20. **Maintain a pleasant environment.** Your surroundings may also affect the way that you feel about yourself, so it is important to maintain a clean and pleasant home for yourself. Keep your house (or at least your room, if you live with others) clean and inviting. Place meaningful objects around the room to help you feel encouraged.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Blow a Shofar
Blowing the shofar is a religious duty of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, and Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. Though different sects of Judaism hold different shofar services, the musical technique and individual blasts are consistent the world over. With a little practice, anybody can learn how to blow a shofar for worship and celebration. 1. **Find a shofar that sits comfortably between your lips.** Shofars come in a variety of shapes, so it’s important to find one that suits you. Look for a shofar that is comfortable to hold between your lips, since that will be your only method of controlling how it sounds. Though size or looks may factor into your choice, they are less important than the comfort of the mouthpiece. 2. **Pull back and tighten your lips as if you were making a strong “T” sound.** Hold this position to make your lips taut. The tighter your lips are, the higher pitched note your shofar will produce. Some services call for notes of variable pitches, so practice tightening and loosening your lips while blowing. 3. **Press the shofar gently to your lips.** Pucker your lips and press the shofar to them. Press it gently to ensure your lips have room to vibrate while blowing. Make sure the hole between your mouth and the instrument is small to seal all the air in. If necessary, use two fingers to hold the shofar in place. Jewish tradition dictates that the shofar be placed at the right side of one’s mouth, though most rabbis are fine with other methods. 4. **Blow a small amount of dry air.** Though it may look intimidating, the shofar does not require a lot of lung power to blow properly. Blow a small amount of dry air into the shofar, being careful to not overexert yourself on any one blow. Do not pucker your cheeks, since the power of your breaths should originate from the diaphragm. 5. **Vibrate your lips.** The sound of a shofar is produced largely by the vibration of your lips. While blowing, make sure your breaths are fast enough to produce vibration, giving the instrument something to enhance and project. To practice, try and make a buzzing sound with your lips, as if you were blowing a raspberry or making an elephant noise. 6. **Practice the tekiah.** A tekiah is one unbroken blow that lasts between two and four seconds. It is a sound of exultation and joy that can represent anything from peace and stability to the exaltation of G-d. In most shofar services, tekiahs are placed at the beginning and end of each line of notes. 7. **Practice the shevarim.** A shevarim is made of three quick, separated blows. It is supposed to sound like a fractured tekiah, so each blow should last less than a second. The shevarim represents howls and moans, so each note should be sharp and melancholy. 8. **Practice the teruah.** A teruah is made of approximately nine short blows. Each note should be quicker than an individual shevarim and played in rapid succession. Depending on your sect of Judaism, the teruah may represent either an alarm, a call to action, or a wail of sorrow. 9. **Practice the tekiah gedolah.** A tekiah gedolah is an extended version of the normal tekiah. Traditional sects hold it for nine counts, while progressive sects hold it for as long as the shofar player is able. With practice, some people can sustain this note for over a minute. For Yom Kippur, many sects play a single tekiah gedolah to conclude the holiday.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Play with Your African Dwarf Frog
African dwarf frogs are incredibly social creatures, and while they shouldn't be handled outside of their habitat, there are plenty of ways to play with them. Using regular food and treats, you can entice them to move around the tank and train them to follow you. Playing with your African dwarf frogs makes their life in the aquarium a little less dull! 1. **Place some food at the tip of a turkey baster.** Use your frog's regular food, such as bloodworm or brine shrimp, and place a little bit at the end of a turkey baster. Suck the food slightly into the baster to keep it securely attached to the tip underwater. You can use treats instead of regular food if you so wish, but be careful not to use too much or your frog may not want to eat its regular food later on. A nice treat includes beef heart or krill. 2. **Position the tip of the baster about 1–2 in (2.5–5.1 cm) above the frog's head.** Remove the tank cover, but do not take your frog out of the aquarium, as it needs to be fully submerged in water. Position the tip of the baster in the water just above the frog's head and wait for it to get interested. You can gently sway the baster back and forth in the water to spread the scent of the food more effectively. 3. **Wait for your frog to notice the food, and watch it jump up and eat it.** Your frog should realize there is food above it soon enough, but if it doesn't then keep trying and be patient. As long as it can't reach the food just by stretching, it should jump up in the water and try to get the snack from the tip of the baster. If your frog still doesn't want to jump up even after it realizes there is food above it, it might be too high up. Lower the tip of the baster slightly until your frog is able to reach it! 4. **Repeat every day, raising the baster slightly higher each time.** You can train your frog to jump higher and higher each day by raising the tip of the baster a little bit higher than you had it the previous day. Keep offering your frog food, as it won't be interested in jumping for no treats! Keep the baster in the water, no matter how high it wants to jump after several days, or it could jump out on accident while trying to reach the food outside of the water — frogs are strong jumpers! 5. **Wash your hands with unscented soap and thoroughly rinse with water.** Frogs are delicate creatures and their skin is extremely absorbent compared to many other animals. Wash your hands and make sure to rinse them with water for at least a minute to get rid of any soapy remnants. Do not handle a frog with your bare hands even if you washed them, as the oils from your skin as well as all forms of soap can cause damage to the frog. 6. **Put some of your frog's food on your index finger.** Use enough food so that the frog will be able to see it on your finger from inside the aquarium. You can balance bloodworm or shrimp on your finger, or use fish pellets. Don't dip your finger in the water, or the food may fall off and you won't have anything to entice your frog with. 7. **Trace your finger outside of their enclosure in random, slow patterns.** Don't touch the tank and smear the food, instead trace a random pattern slowly in the air just outside the tank. African dwarf frogs have notoriously bad eyesight, so keep your finger close to the glass. Live food may be more effective than dead food, in which case you should use tweezers to hold a fly or other live bug in place while you trace it in the air. 8. **Watch the frog follow your finger, and after a few minutes, let it have the food.** After a few minutes of playing with your frog, drop the live food into the enclosure and let it have the treat. After a handful of times doing this, you may find that your frog follows your finger instinctively! Give your frog treats every time it follows your finger. Over time, it will associate your movements with treats, and will keep playing with you! 9. **Tie a thin string tightly around a piece of food, such as bloodworm.** Securely fasten a piece of bloodworm to the end of a long string. Use fishing wire, a colored fabric string, or something else firm and thin that will effectively wrap around a small piece of food. You may find that a frozen bloodworm is the best option to tie to a string. You can use live food, but it will be harder to fasten around the string. use a fishing hook with live food on the end of it. When the frog goes to eat the food, it will hook itself — fishing hooks are for catching fish, not playing with your pets. 10. **Dangle the string in the water of your frog's aquarium and wait till they notice it.** Dangle the string about halfway into the aquarium and let it float near your frog. It should notice the food in a few seconds and start to go for it. Using fishing wire or a strong thin string is recommended as it won't deteriorate in the water and can be used multiple times in a single play session. 11. **Move the string gently around in the water to get your frog to chase it.** When your frog starts to go for the food, move the string to another corner of the cage to get it to chase the string. Keep doing this until the frog gets tired, and then lift the string out of the water to remove the food. It's important to remove the food from the string so that the frog doesn't eat the string along with their tasty treat. If your frog does end up catching the string, don't panic — pull the string out gently from the frog's mouth. If you have to, pull the frog out of the water for just a few seconds with your cleaned and rinsed hands and the frog should instinctively let go of the string. 12. **Let them eat the food, then try it again without any treats tied to the string.** After removing the food from the string, drop it back into the water so your frog can have a tasty treat! Then, if you want to play with them again, dangle the string in the water without anything tied to it and see if they react.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Level the Ground for a Shed
A new shed is a great asset but it can cause a lot of problems if it's not placed on level ground. If you're worried about the ground where you want to place your shed being unsteady, it's relatively easy to make the area level in a matter of hours with the right tools. You can do this by plotting the area of your shed with wooden stakes and removing the topsoil from the area with a shovel. Make sure the subsoil is level and add the topsoil back in. Fill the rest of the hole with pea gravel and place your blocks and wooden posts on top of the pea gravel. 1. **Gather the basic materials.** To level the ground for a shed, you'll need plenty of different materials, all of which you can buy at the local hardware store. The basic tools you need are a hammer, screws, a drill, a shovel, a rake, a spirit level, measuring tape, a ground tamper, a pencil, and string. You will also need 2 4 in (10 cm) by 4 in (10 cm) posts that are the same length as your shed and 2 4 in (10 cm) by 4 in (10 cm) posts that are the same width as your shed. Get a long, flat plank of wood that you will use to make sure the ground is level. Get hardened steel, structural, No.9, 2.5 in (6.4 cm) long screws. You'll want to make sure that there'll be drainage without any problems for your shed. 2. **Calculate how much pea gravel and how many mason blocks you need.** The amount of these items you'll have to get depends on the size of your shed. The larger your shed, the more pea gravel you'll need to fill the foundation hole. The same goes for the mason blocks. To find the amount of pea gravel you need, multiply the length of your shed by the height of the hole (3 in (7.6 cm)) by the width of your shed. You will need enough mason blocks to lay around all 4 walls of the shed, so find the perimeter of the shed, and divide it by the length of each block to determine how many you need. 3. **Pick a relatively level area for your shed.** Putting a shed on a hill or another slanted area is a very difficult process that might require heavy machinery. You will find it much easier to level a relatively flat area. Avoid areas with standing water because this will cause a lot of problems for your shed. The water will soften the soil over time and the weight of your shed will cause the soil to shift even more. This could cause big structural problems for your shed. 4. **Mark out the area of your shed base using wooden stakes.** Find the measurements for the base of your shed on the side of the packaging. If you're making a shed from scratch, decide the measurements you want for your shed. Use a measuring tape to mark out this area on the ground. Plant wooden stakes at all 4 corners of the shed base. For example, if your shed is 15 ft (4.6 m) by 7 ft (2.1 m), measure the front of the shed first. Place 2 stakes at either side of the 7 ft (2.1 m) measurement. Then measure 15 ft (4.6 m) from both of your stakes and mark both of those spots with 2 more stakes. 5. **Join the stakes together using string.** The string makes it easier for you to find out if the measurements of the shed are square later in the process. Use string, fishing line, or twine. Tie the string around 1 stake before moving to the next stake. Tie the string to all 4 stakes, with all of them connected by the string. Make sure the string is tightly wrapped to the stakes and that there's no slack in the line. Tie the string at the same height on each stake. 6. **Check to make sure that the layout is perfectly square.** You can do this by using measuring tape on the stakes and string. Measure from the bottom left corner to the top right corner and note the measurement. Then measure from the top left corner to the bottom right corner. If both of these measurements are the same, your layout is square. 7. **Use a shovel to dig a hole the size of the shed.** Generally, around half the length of the head of your shovel should be the right depth to dig. If the ground is especially soft, dig the full length of your shovel's head in depth. Use the back of your shoe near the heel to force the shovel into the ground. Try to dig neatly inside the stakes. 8. **Remove the topsoil and grass with your shovel from the area.** Topsoil is much softer than other types of soil and it could cause problems for your shed if you don't remove it. Topsoil is browner in color than other types of soil. Keep digging the topsoil out of the hole and placing it in a pile on 1 side until you start to notice a lighter colored, more solid soil below it. Stop removing the soil when you reach this lighter soil. 9. **Level out the subsoil using a plank and spirit level.** Place a long plank into the area. At first, judge where the ground is uneven by looking at the plank. Move the subsoil until the plank looks close to level. Lay your spirit level on top of the plank and keep moving the soil until the spirit level shows that the ground is even. Repeat this process across the entire surface of the hole. 10. **Fill the hole to 3 in (7.6 cm) below the top with topsoil.** Now that the subsoil is level, use your shovel to add the topsoil back into the hole. While the topsoil is softer than the subsoil and can cause problems, you won't need to worry once the subsoil is level. You will fill the remaining 3 in (7.6 cm) with pea gravel later. If your topsoil contains grass, use your shovel to slice the layer of grass off the topsoil. 11. **Use a rake to break up lumps in the topsoil.** The topsoil needs to be even before you add the pea gravel on top of it. Topsoil tends to have rocks and other items embedded in it that can make it hard to even out. Drag your rake across the topsoil, breaking up lumps as you go. Throw any rocks out of the area as you rake them up. 12. **Compress the soil using a ground tamper.** A ground tamper is a heavy device with a flat head. Place it flat on the topsoil and push down on it to compress the soil. You can stand on it to create a downward force. Use the tamper to compress all of the soil in the hole. You can also use a vibrating whacker plate or another heavy, flat object that's easy to move. 13. **Level out the topsoil with the plank and spirit level.** To level out the topsoil, use the exact same method that you used to level out the subsoil. Place the plank on the topsoil and remove or add topsoil until it looks level. Place the spirit level on the plank and adjust the soil until the spirit level says the plank is level. The bubble at the center of the spirit level will be inside the 2 lines when the spirit level is level. Lay the plank across the whole area of the hole to level it out. 14. **Fill the hole with your pea gravel and level it.** Pea gravel will allow for water to pass into the soil under the shed. Use your shovel to fill the hole with pea gravel. Once the pea gravel is added and the hole is full, level it out using the ground tamper. The ground tamper will make the pea gravel level as you compress it. 15. **Place the mason blocks around the 4 outside walls of your covered hole.** You can place the sides of the blocks by side or have a small gap between them. Lay the blocks along the sides of the covered hole in a line. These blocks will form the foundation for your shed. Push them down to move the pea gravel beneath the blocks. 16. **Lay 4 in (10 cm) by 4 in (10 cm) posts on the blocks and check if they're level.** With the blocks laid down, place these wooden posts along the walls of the shed. Make sure that the posts are long enough to cover the length of the wall they're positioned at. Put your spirit level on top of the posts to check if they're level. If the posts aren't level, adjust the blocks or pea gravel accordingly. Keep adjusting until all 4 posts are level. 17. **Assemble the shed floor and fasten it to the wooden posts.** Once all of your posts are level, you can assemble the shed frame. Follow the instructions that came with the frame to assemble it. If you're making the shed from scratch, it's up to you how you build the frame and shed. If you don't have experience in shed building, get help from a builder or woodworker. When the frame is built, get a friend to help you lay the frame on top of your wooden posts. Secure the frame in place by drilling screws through it and into the 4 in (10 cm) by 4 in (10 cm) posts. The base and frame of the shed should be perfectly level at this stage. You can build the rest of the shed on top of these foundation parts.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Clean a Kilim Rug
Kilims are pileless style rugs that use flat-weaving techniques for a bold, often colorful design. They make a particularly striking floor covering, but caring for them requires special treatment to avoid damaging the fibers. A kilim rug must be cleaned by hand with a brush and gentle cleaning solution, and vacuumed with care to avoid tearing it. Stains must be treated quickly, though stubborn marks should only be treated for professional cleaners. 1. **Sweep both sides of the rug to remove loose debris.** Before cleaning the rug, you want to make sure that there isn’t any dirt or dust on its surface. Run a broom over the entire surface of the rug, and then flip it over to brush the other side as well. The carpet should be on a flat surface to make the cleaning process easier. You can use any broom to clean the rug, but a hand broom, which is essentially a handheld brush with bristles that are long like a traditional broom, offers the most control. 2. **Mix carpet shampoo with warm water and vinegar.** To create a gentle cleaning solution for the kilim rug, combine ½ cup (118 ml) of carpet shampoo designed for hand cleaning rugs, 4 ½ cups (1.1 l) of warm water, and 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of white vinegar. Stir well to ensure that the ingredients are well blended. The vinegar will help keep the colors in the rug from running. 3. **Dip a brush in the solution and apply it gently in vertical strokes.** Use a scrub brush with fairly strong bristles, and wet it so it’s saturated but not dripping. Stroke the brush over the rug in gentle vertical strokes, starting in one corner and brushing up and down in an overlapping motion. Continue brushing in the same manner until you’ve cleaned the entire rug. Don’t scrub the rug too vigorously with the brush. Its fibers are more fragile when they’re wet so you may damage the rug if you’re too rough. When you reach the fringe, work the brush over them vertically. It's not necessary to go over them a second time horizontally, though. Re-wet the brush whenever it seems to be getting dry. 4. **Go over the rug a second time with horizontal strokes.** After you’ve brushed the entire rug vertically with the cleaning solution, rub the brush over it left to right. Start in one corner of the corner, and continue brushing until you’ve cleaned the entire rug. 5. **Repeat the process on the other side of the rug.** When you’ve brushed the rug with the cleaning solution in both directions, turn it over to the other side. Clean the second side in exactly the same manner, so the rug is fully cleaned. If the rug is particularly dirty, you may want to repeat the cleaning process on both sides two or three times. 6. **Rinse the rug with clean water.** Remove all of the cleaning solution and dirt from your bristle brush by running it thoroughly under water. When you’re sure there’s no cleaning solution residue left behind, wet the brush with warm water and brush over the rug vertically and then horizontally to rinse it. You may want to rinse the rug more than once with a clean, wet brush to ensure that there’s no residue left behind on the fibers. You may use a hose to rinse the rug, but don’t let it get fully soaked. 7. **Leave the rug flat to dry.** If possible, lay it out flat on an inclined surface. You can set it out in the sun or leave it out under a fan to help the process along. Keep in mind that it may take up to two days for the rug to dry. Flip the rug over every six hours or so to ensure that it dries on both sides. Don’t walk on the rug or place any items on it until it’s completely dry. If you notice any residue from the cleaning solution once the rug is dry, use a clean, dry brush to brush it away. If you leave the rug outside, set it on grass or gravel so it can drain properly. 8. **Vacuum the rug weekly.** You won't have to scrub your kilim rug too often if you keep it free of dirt and dust. Running a vacuum over it once a week is usually sufficient, though you may want to vacuum more if the rug is in a heavily trafficked area. 9. **Use low suction.** You can use a vacuum cleaner to keep your kilim rug clean, but you shouldn’t use a high suction setting or the revolving brush on your vacuum. Both can snag the fibers and cause damage. If your vacuum doesn't have a low suction setting, use the extension hose or crevice tool attachment to go over the fringe. Use a small handheld vacuum if you have one. They are not powerful enough to damage the fibers. 10. **Vacuum both sides of the rug.** Because a kilim rug is hand-knotted, it doesn’t have the backing that other rugs often have. To keep it clean, make sure to run the vacuum over both sides to remove all of the dirt and debris. 11. **Avoid vacuuming the fringe.** The fringe definitely adds to a kilim rug’s charm, so you want to keep it intact. Don’t run your vacuum over the fringe because it may snag the fibers and unravel or tear them off. 12. **Remove any solids in the spill.** If the food or another item that you’ve spilled contains any solid pieces, use a spoon to carefully scoop them up. Avoid using too much pressure to remove them or you may wind up pressing the items into the fibers and making the stain worse. 13. **Blot away as much of the liquid as possible.** Use a clean sponge or piece of paper towel to carefully press against the stain and remove the excess moisture. Start blotting at the outer edge of the spill and work in toward the center so you don’t spread the stain. Be sure to lift the rug and blot the floor underneath the spill as well. 14. **Lift the rug and place a shallow container under the stain.** Because you’ll be rinsing the rug, you need a container to catch the water. A baking sheet or shallow Tupperware container works well. 15. **Pass clean water through the stained area.** Fill a small glass, mug, or bowl with clean, warm water. Pour it over the area with the spill so it rinses the rug and passes into the container below. The amount of water that you'll need depends on the size of the spill. Start with ½ cup (118 ml) and add more if necessary to fully rinse the area. 16. **Blot the rug again.** After you’ve rinsed the rug, remove the container. Place the rug flat on the ground again, and use a clean sponge or piece of paper towel to blot the area with the spill once more. If there is a stain left behind even after you rinse and blot the stain, you should consult a professional rug cleaner to handle the job. Trying to remove it yourself may damage the rug. 17. **Cover the urine-stained area with baking soda.** Pet urine can be difficult to remove if it has already dried. However, if the rug is still damp, sprinkle a thin layer of baking soda over the affected area. For dried pet stains, consult a professional rug cleaner. 18. **Set a clean cloth over the stain and press down.** Choose a white towel or rag to avoid discoloring the rug. Once the cloth is in place, apply heavy pressure to the area for 2 to 3 minutes to drive the urine into the baking soda. Stepping on the cloth is usually the best way to press on it. 19. **Remove the baking soda and repeat the process as necessary.** Use a spatula to carefully lift the baking soda off the rug, and discard it. If the rug is still damp, repeat the process. 20. **Place a container beneath the stained area.** Lift the rug up and set a shallow container, such as baking pan or Tupperware container, beneath the affected spot. Lay the rug back down over the container. 21. **Rinse the stained area with water and let it dry.** Fill a glass or mug with 1 cup (240 ml) of warm water and 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of white vinegar. Pour it over the affected spot on the rug to rinse away any remaining urine. The container beneath will catch the water so you can discard it. Allow the rug to dry for 12 to 24 hours without walking or placing any items on it. Avoid using urine removal products since the enzymes in the solution may damage the fibers.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Start a Charter School
Charter schools are public schools that are run independently from the local school district, but are still required to follow and meet local and state academic standards. These schools are publicly funded by the states they operate in, and they must comply with regular performance reviews. Charter schools provide students with innovative approaches to teaching and learning, and provide parents with a different educational option for their children within the public school system. Not all states allow charter schools, and those that do require that certain guidelines be met by the schools. Learning how to start a charter school in your community can help give your children an alternative, cutting-edge option for education. 1. **Check the legality of charter schools.** Because charter schools are funded by the states they operate in, each state must pass legislation to determine the legality of opening and operating a charter school there. If you're interested in starting a charter school, you will first need to determine whether charter schools are permitted in your state. As of January 2016, the majority of states and the District of Columbia have passed laws that allow charter schools to operate. The states in the U.S. that do not currently permit charter schools include: Kentucky Montana Nebraska North Dakota South Dakota Vermont West Virginia Washington - though charter schools were initially approved by state legislation, the state Supreme Court ruled in late 2015 that charter schools are unconstitutional. 2. **Check for capacity limits.** Of the states that do permit charter schools, approximately half put caps on how many charter schools can operate within that state. Depending on where you live, you may be ineligible to open a charter school due to capacity limits, even if charter schools are generally allowed in your state. The states which currently do not have caps in place are Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and Wyoming. If you live in a state that is not listed, there may be limitations on how many charter schools may legally operate within the state. However, it is still possible that your state may not have reached its capacity. Search online for charter school laws in your state to see if you can start a charter school in your region. 3. **Determine if new schools are allowed.** In addition to setting limits on the number of charter schools permitted, some states have laws that set limits on the types of charter schools allowed. That means that there may be restrictions on new start-up schools, public school conversions, and/or virtual schools. There are currently 31 states and Washington, DC, that allow for a variety of public charter school types. Those states are: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. 4. **Assess your level of commitment.** Starting a charter school is no easy task. It will take a lot of time and energy, and it will almost certainly be frustrating at times. Before you actually begin the process of starting a charter school, you should decide whether or not you'll be able to stick with the project, attend meetings, and work with other people to bring your vision to life. You'll probably need to put together a big team to actually make your charter school happen. Think about the set of skills you'll need to pull everything together: real estate experience, financial expertise, operations/management skills, leadership abilities, and educational instructors. Are you willing and able to work with such a large, diverse group of people? Planning for your charter school will most likely take at least a year, and may take considerably longer. You'll also need time to build a new facility or modify an existing one, depending on where you decide to open your charter school. Will you still have the same passion and patience for this project in a year (or longer)? 5. **Come up with a concept.** The main reason for starting a charter school should ultimately be to provide your community with an educational opportunity that does not currently exist. Think about what aspects of a well-rounded education are missing from your children's current public school options, and think about ways to incorporate those points into your potential charter school. Think about what could realistically be taught in public school curriculum, but isn't. You will have to stick to your state's standards of education, of course, but what could be done differently while still adhering to those standards? One successful charter school concept in an area with a large population of Chinese families was to incorporate Mandarin Chinese language lessons into the curriculum. Can you think of similar ways to provide relevant academic opportunities for the students in your community? 6. **Write a mission statement.** Once you have a clear idea of your charter school's concept, start working on drafting a mission statement. You'll need to be able to outline your vision to your state's Department of Education (or equivalent), so work on creating a clear, pragmatic mission and purpose. Your mission statement should be clear and concise. You'll need to relate most of your school's administrative decisions to its mission and core values, so the clearer and more specific you are, the easier it will be to put your mission into action. Ask yourself what the best, most ideal public school education would look like. Then start brainstorming a list of defining characteristics, and use these to generate the basic components of your mission statement. The mission statement should describe your charter school's purpose, as well as your goals/aspirations for the school (what you intend to accomplish). Consider explicitly incorporating a set of core beliefs into your mission statement. This can help guide you as you craft your mission statement, and may be useful for future evaluations of your school's performance. 7. **Establish your governance.** Before you can actually start the paperwork to enact your idea for a charter school, you'll need a board of governance. You'll need to decide both who is on the board and how that board will function. This is a vital part of any successful charter school, as approximately 27% of all new charter schools were disrupted by internal conflicts within the board. The people you select for your board should understand the mission you've outlined, and they should be fully dedicated to that mission. Get to know the people you're considering for your board, and see if their values and beliefs align with yours (and your charter's). Most successful charter school boards have between 7 and 11 members, where each member significantly contributes some specific skill set to the board. Some important areas of expertise to try to incorporate in your board include finance/accounting, real estate, facilities management, legal services, human resource services, fundraising and marketing, community partnerships, and academic programming. Think about where your own weaknesses lie (and be honest with your self-assessment), then look for potential board members who can strengthen the board with their strengths and expertise. Consider splitting your team up into sub-committees who can work on assigned aspects of research and planning based on the members' areas of expertise. Don't forget that the role of the board is to govern your charter school, and not manage it. Governance involves creating goals for the school, setting metrics to measure the school's process, evaluate the school, approve the budget, create policies, engage in fundraising, and enforce local and state charter laws. 8. **Set a budget.** The budget will help determine how your money is spent within the charter school. The governing board members should have a considerable voice in determining the budget, both in terms of how to raise funds as well as how to use those funds. Keep your mission statement in mind as you develop your budget. Are you holding your future students' best interests in mind at all times? Work with an accountant or financial planner to develop a budget proposal for the first year of operation, as well as a long-range budget plan that will cover the first three to five years of operation. You'll also need a detailed cash-flow projection for every year of operation. Have your board review and approve the budget and projections you develop on an annual basis. 9. **Choose a location.** The facilities in which you build and operate your charter school could make or break your charter's chances of success. It's seldom as easy as finding a spot and signing the lease. Finding and securing a facility for a charter school often requires some degree of compromise and innovation. Try to search for potential facilities within a central location that will be convenient for your prospective students and their parents. Property that used to house a school may be an ideal location, but finding an old school building in good condition can be difficult. Some charters operate out of converted retail spaces, while others rely on multi-use facilities to share the space and resources with other schools or businesses. Don't put a downpayment on any property until you know that your charter application is accepted. But that doesn't mean don't think about it at all yet - in fact, having a potential place lined up might help strengthen your application. 10. **Develop your petition.** In addition to a mission statement and board of governance, you'll need to develop a charter petition. This functions similarly to a business plan for a prospective business. It can span hundreds of pages and require extensive research. The charter petition should include your vision and mission for the school, as well as the school's curriculum design, hiring practices, predicted facilities/location, and communication structure. It can be very helpful to speak with other charter schools, both in your region and across the country. The board members at these established charter schools can help guide you with their own experience, and may be able to offer suggestions you would not have considered. Conduct your research in both legal requirements and functional practices of successful charter schools. You can find some of this information online, but for other aspects of research you may need to speak directly with board members at existing schools. 11. **Visit your state's Department of Education website.** Because charter school laws vary so much from one state to another, it's important to know your state's specific guidelines, deadlines, and regulations. There is no single compendium, unfortunately, so you'll need to learn about the particular forms, applications, and their deadlines required in your state. You can search online for your state's Department of Education website, or you can search for your state's charter school application process. Pay close attention to all relevant deadlines, as these will most likely be unique to charter schools in your state. Familiarize yourself and your board with all aspects of your state's charter school legislation. Some states require the applicants to exhibit a working knowledge of their state's legislated requirements, purpose, and objectives. 12. **Draft and submit a letter of intent.** Depending on your state's guidelines and requirements, you may need to write and submit a letter of intent. Depending on where you live, you may need to submit your materials to your local school district, your state's Department of Education, or to your state's Charter School Office (if such an office exists in your state). The letter of intent should outline the planning and design you've worked on thus far, and should identify the board members you've chosen to establish and operate your proposed charter school. A successful charter school letter of intent should include, but may not be limited to: applicant information founding group/board of directors, along with each individual's role and qualifications proposal history (if relevant) the name of your proposed charter school the prospective location - not the address, but simply the school district your charter will fall in, and any specific neighborhood(s) you've identified as a promising location planned grades and estimated enrollment any partner organizations you've lined up your school's mission statement an overview of how your school will live up to its mission statement the target population you hope your school will appeal to diversity initiatives for your charter school public outreach initiatives and community support for your proposed charter school 13. **Wait for approval.** Once your materials are submitted, you'll need to wait for authorization to proceed with your school. Most charter schools are authorized by the local school district, but if the school district denies your application you can appeal that decision to the county, and then to the state. Common reasons for a denied application include: an unsound educational program a concern over the petitioners' inability to successfully implement the school program they've designed a failure to address the conditions or guidelines set out for charter schools in your town, county, or state a failure to meet the educational requirements of schools in your district, county, or state 14. **Hire faculty and staff** If your charter school is approved, you'll need teachers, administrators, and facility managers. You may want to consider alumni of alternative teaching programs like Teach for America, or turn to online job listings. Have teaching applicants teach a sample lesson as part of the interview process. This will give you a good look at how that applicant actually performs in the classroom. Follow up on all job references, and pay close attention to each candidate's job history. Look for any dismissals and find out why that applicant was terminated from his position. Do a basic online search to see if each individual has a public social media account. This may give you some insight into the applicant's personality and ethics. Work with local law enforcement to conduct a background check. Most new charter school startups have a high turnover rate. If a teacher you hire isn't working out, don't wait five years before finding a replacement. Similarly, don't feel hurt if your teachers don't stick around for more than a year or two. Anticipate turnover from both your employees and from you and your board as the employers. 15. **Open for enrollment.** Once you've been approved for operations and you've hired a strong faculty and staff, you're ready to open for enrollment. Remember that you may be bound to certain class size restrictions and other regulations, and always keep your charter school's mission statement at the forefront of all operations. 16. **Monitor progress at all levels.** The only way to measure success is to monitor the progress (or lack thereof) of your school. Many education boards choose to work with an agency like Measures of Academic Progress (MAP). MAP can assess schools nationwide on a regular basis and provide you with a personalized assessment of your school's ranking, your students' progress, and your students' potential for growth. These results are often delivered within 24 hours, allowing you to keep on top of your your educators' effectiveness and your students' learning progress.
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How to Become a Baseball Scout
A baseball scout is a trained talent evaluator who travels exclusively to watch baseball players. Baseball scouts determine whether the players' skills and talents represent what is needed by the organization the scout is representing. A baseball scout should be aggressive, organized, passionate about baseball and willing to spend long hours on the road. If you want to become a baseball scout, follow these steps. 1. **Watch baseball with a scouts eye.** First, refresh your knowledge on the game of baseball if necessary. You need to have a strong understanding of the strategies and mechanics of the game. It is valuable for an associate scout to know as much as possible about playing the game of baseball so he can relate to prospects.. Baseball is in some ways a very technical sport, which means that baseball scouts need to have a keen eye and meticulous attention to detail. When you watch a game, practice the kind of behavior scouts do by paying attention to things like batting averages, running speeds, and pitching techniques. If you find it helpful, read up, both with books and online, on the strategies and mechanics of baseball, as well as the statistics and attributes that go into determining what separates a good player from a great player. 2. **Play baseball.** Although there are plenty of scouts who have little experience actually playing the game, it can certainly help. Playing baseball gives you the kind of first hand experience with how the game is played and what makes a good player that you can't get from just watching. Any experience with the game from the player's perspective is going to give you a leg up when it comes to analyzing them from the other side. You don't need years of semi-professional experience or a college baseball career. Look for a recreational baseball group in your city, or put one together yourself. 3. **Take a course on scouting.** There exist courses that anyone can take that teach the foundations of how to be a scout. They are training programs designed specifically for a aspiring scouts. Search online to find scout courses near you. MLB has its own official scout school, but be aware that they only hold programs in a few states, and positions are limited. 4. **Understand what it's like to be a scout.** Scouting baseball isn't a particularly glamorous job. It involves constant traveling, long periods away from home, waking up early, and an exhausting amount of work. Scouts have a lot of information in their heads when they're out on the job, everything from the names of coaches and players in their area to batting averages and pitching speeds. As a scout, you'll see endless hotel rooms, high school and college games, plane flights and rental cars. Your tools are nothing more than a radar gun, a notepad, and a wealth of knowledge about the minute details of what makes a baseball player great. 5. **Know the differences between scouting different leagues.** The most significant difference between scouting high school players and scouting college players is that with high school players, a scout needs to be able to project their skills farther into the future. College players will have already enhanced their speed, strength, and skill, thanks to both more experience and better, more specialized coaches. That being said, high school scouting is the more important of the two, because the players you'll be watching in college will be the ones you identified as worth watching in high school. 6. **Find an internship with a team.** Many high up executives in the MLB were once scouts, and many started out as unpaid interns before that. Unpaid internships usually require little to no experience, which makes them an ideal first step into an organization like the MLB. You can search for internships online, or by simply going into the offices of nearby teams and asking if they're looking to fill any positions. 7. **Learn about the job from a baseball scout.** Find a baseball scout at local baseball games. They usually hold a radar gun, which is used to measure how fast a baseball is thrown, and carry items like clipboards or binders with the logo of their professional baseball team employer on them. Approach them and discuss your aspirations. Get into the habit of going to local games in leagues that scouts will be looking at, like amateur leagues, semi-professional leagues, and college baseball. Avoid coming on to strong. When you try to make a connection with a baseball scout, be aware that everyone is different, and some people are not going to open to helping out an aspiring scout. You'll need to be outgoing and friendly, and know when to cut your loses. 8. **Look for associate scout openings.** As associate scout is an unpaid position that reports to a baseball scout. The associate scout is responsible for providing the scout with information on a regular basis regarding baseball players in a designated geographic area. Associate scouts typically work in the areas in which they live. MLB its own career opportunities search engine on their official website. Check this regularly to see if any associate scout positions near you pop up. Another option is to get to know scouts in your area, either by going to games and striking up conversations with them, or by making connections and networking from your internship with an organization. If you make your desire to become an associate scout clear, and you're a hard worker, you'll be noticed eventually. 9. **Work on your player evaluation skills.** As an associate scout, you will need to recognize players who have the skills required for professional baseball. Pay attention to advice from your supervising scout and read books on player evaluation. Your player evaluation skills are going to improve mostly through pure practice. By seeing batter after batter, pitcher after pitcher, and catcher after catcher, you'll slowly get better at noticing minute differences between their techniques, skills, and results. A scout has to know not just how to evaluate a player's current skills, but more importantly, how to see potential in player and project where their skills will end up. To do so, scouts judge position players in five basic areas, known as the five tools. A player who is great in all five tools is considered a five-tool player, and is a scout's dream. Those tools are: Hitting average, which refers to how consistently a player can hit the ball and hit it accurately. Hitting power, which refers to how high and far a player can hit the ball. Fielding, which refers to a player's effectiveness on the field, his agility, footwork, and quick reaction time. Arm strength, which refers to a player's strength when throwing a ball. Speed, which refers to a player's running speed. When scouting pitchers, scouts always sit behind the home plate, so they can get a good view of the plate from the batter and pitcher's perspective. They look for velocity first and command of the ball second, because usually, command can be improved through training much further than velocity can. 10. **Improve your reporting skills.** Associate scouts need to report how players are progressing and describe the skills of new prospects in a timely fashion. You'll need to know the rating system for players inside and out. Scouts give two numbers for each category in their reports, one for their current rating, and one for their prospective future rating. Some of the categories scouts report on include hitting power, pitching velocity, fielding ability, and running speed. Scouts use a 20-80 scale to rate players on the five tools. Fifty and above is major league status. Scouts generally look for players who are above major league status in at least two of the five tools. For pitchers, scouts rate the player's velocity with each of their pitches, with their fastball being the most important. That's because fastball skill is much more innate, whereas one can improve one's skill with a curveball or changeup. In addition, scout's measure a player's command of the ball, and their control. Command is their ability to put the ball where the catcher wants it. Control is their ability to consistently hit the strike zone. 11. **Promote to an area scout.** Show your supervising scout and the organization he works for that you've got what it takes to be a professional scout. Being good at making decisions, talking to people, digging up information, and being organized and aggressive could open up a paid position as an area scout. Understand that it could take a number of years to be promoted to an area scout because the positions open sporadically. In this position, you are responsible for reviewing all amateur baseball players in a geographical region, such as Oklahoma and Kansas or Northern Florida and Georgia. 12. **Progress in your career as a baseball scout.** Once you officially become a scout, there is room for advancement. If you continue to refine your ability to pick bright, young baseball stars, your next promotion could be to area supervisor and eventually national cross-checker. Keys to success include your ability as a scout, your passion for the job, how well you make connections within the industry, and your ambition for advancement.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Lay Shingles
Shingles protect sloping rooftops from the effects of rain, snow and hail while providing an attractive crown for the house. Keeping a solid roofing layer of shingles is an important way to avoid water damage and leaks. Doing it properly will keep you without problems for 20 or 40 years. Laying shingles can be hard and hot work, but the reward of an attractive, watertight roof can be worth it. 1. **Size your shingles appropriately.** Depending on how you're going to organize your rows and courses, some roofers like to cut five variable sizes of shingles when using the basic three-tab variety. Basically, you'll cut off one-half tab-width of the first tab to start the first course, changing the necessary area to fill with each row, shifting the "slots." Usually, the following cuts are useful: A half tab off for your first course shingles, A full tab for your second course shingles 1.5 tabs off of your third course shingles, 2 tabs off your fourth course shingles For your fifth course, cut off half of the final tab Keep your sixth course tabs intact 2. **Lay a starting row at the bottom of the roof along the edge.** Place nails in the three tab shingles about 3/4 inch (1.8 centimeters) above the cutouts, near where the tab meets the upper part of the shingle. However, make sure that you do not nail into the tar strip. Also place a nail 2 inches from each end of the shingle, in line with the other two. In all, use four nails per 3-tab shingle. Nailing here will cause the next shingle to cover the nail heads and allow the next and subsequent rows of nails in shingles to always penetrate and hold the top edge of the lower row (this allows 8 nails to hold each shingle). If the nail gun is firing too deeply, almost mashing through the shingles, then the nails will soon pull through and come loose. Set the air compressor and gun depth setting lower. 3. **Lay the first row of shingles directly covering the narrow starter row.** Snap a horizontal chalk line over the starting row to use as a guide. Cut six inches off the length of the first starter shingle nailed on, then use the rest of them full size. Shifting them in this way will join the ends of the first regular row of shingles placed over the starter shingles. This is the basic, sometimes called "straight up" way of laying shingles. For the kind of shingles you purchase there may be a special starter row of shingles or a roll of strip material that you cut to the length of your roof. Alternatively, you can use a starting row of full-sized shingles by turning them with the tabs pointing upward. 4. **Lay the second row of shingles.** Set the first shingle of the second row back a half tab, 6 inches (17 centimeters), from the edge of first shingle on the first row and so that the bottom of its tabs just touches the tops of the cutout slots on the shingle below. This 1/2 tab has to be cut off where it hangs off the left edge of the gable roof. Snap a vertical chalk line from the inside edge of the first shingle on the second row to the top of the roof, and from the inside edge of the first shingle to the top of the roof. These chalk lines will serve as a guide for subsequent even-numbered rows of shingles, and odd-numbered rows, respectively. Continue working horizontally up the roof until you reach the peaks. 5. **Shingle around stacks, vents and chimneys as necessary.** Nail pieces of aluminum sheeting over holes that you can stick your finger through to protect roofing over holes from sagging, dimpling, cracking and leaking. Stack pipes, vents and chimneys are surrounded with metal flashing laid over tar. Shingles should be interlaced with this flashing, which is usually cemented and nailed-down under upper shingles, but over the shingles on the sides. This is so water will run down the roof but not under the interlacing. For stacks and vents, have the bottom 2 or 3 rows that meet the flashing go under it, while the upper rows go over the flashing. 6. **Interlace the flashing around the chimney with the rows of shingles.** Cement a sheet metal flashing apron over the upper edge of the chimney flange before laying shingles over it and cement another flashing apron over the lower half. Then cover the lower apron on each cemented side layer of flashing that tucks under the top apron using asphalt roofing cement. 7. **Bring the ridge edges together with a ridge-capping layer.** You can either use special shingles called ridge shingles or cut a number of regular shingles into 3 tabbed, equal pieces and bend each so they fit snugly on the roof peak and nail them into place. You'll need longer nails for this part, as you're driving through more layers of shingles. 8. **Understand the basic patterns.** You'll get the most life out of your shingles and your roof by laying them in a smart pattern. The basic straight up pattern already described is perhaps the easiest and most commonly used, but professional roofers have different opinions about the most proper and efficient method of laying the shingles to get the most life out of them, which differ slightly in the amount of overlap and the pattern in which you install them. The basic patterns include: the straight-up pattern the half pattern 4-inch offset 5-inch offset 9. **Stagger each course to achieve the half pattern.** All the other patterns work in essentially the same way, offsetting the courses by a particular amount. For the 6-inch or "half" offset, you can protect butt joints and horizontally-moving water by starting a new course 6-inches in every row. Every seventh course, the butt joints will realign and offer stability and protection. 10. **Consider four and five inch offsets for added protection.** The method is exactly the same, though the measurement of the offset is slightly different. In an offset of four inches, standard shingles will realign every ten courses, while the five inch offsets will realign every eight. Understanding the benefits of each will help you decide which method to use for your roof: The short overlap of the four inch offset is somewhat easier, allowing you to use cutouts to overlap every two courses, making less work for you. Unfortunately, because of this, the pattern is less desirable for extremely cold climates or very wet places. For most DIY roofers, the five-inch offset is the most desirable pattern. It offers the most protection per shingle, making it much less likely that runoff will cut through the in-betweens, hiding shingle irregularities, and getting the most bang for your buck. 11. **Consider "racking" shingles until you reach the top on each side.** The racking technique uses two sizes of the first shingle of each row, the regular 3 tab pieces and shortened pieces for each end, working vertically rather than horizontally. It goes much faster, allowing you to keep your tools next to you as you work and avoiding having to constantly reposition. Racking shingles sometimes also may create a condition called "pattern curling," where the shingles curl and blow in the wind, at the places where the racked columns join, because of lifting the end of a shingle to place the next shingle and lifting the end high enough to nail the next shingle underneath each of the overlapping shingles. This curling may lead to water getting under shingles, leaking at the places where racked columns meet. In some cases, racking may void the manufacturer's warranty on the expected leak-proofing quality and useful life of some brands of shingles. It's a common practice among contractors.
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How to Get Rid of Gout when Pregnant
Gout during pregnancy is not common, but it does happen. Gout can cause symptoms such as swelling and pain in the joints, usually in the big toe. Unfortunately, most gout medications do not have sufficient evidence to support their use during pregnancy. However, there are dietary and lifestyle strategies you can try to get rid of your gout during pregnancy. 1. **Drink plenty of water.** You need to ensure that you are drinking about 8 glasses of water daily. During pregnancy, there is an increased amount of water in circulation. Some of this water escapes into the tissues, where they accumulate causing edema. This can cause dehydration in the pregnant woman, which can aggravate gout. The woman has to compensate for the wasted amount of water by increasing her intake of fresh water. Water helps to support the kidneys’ normal function by flushing them out and diluting the increased amount of uric acid crystals. This helps to reduce the amount of uric acid crystals being deposited in the joints, thereby improving symptoms and decreasing the frequency of gout attacks. You should always have a bottle of water close at hand during pregnancy. Also remember you will need to drink additional water after physical activity or in hot weather. 2. **Limit your intake of salt.** Stay away from any kind of meals or snacks that contain a lot of salt. Salt contains high quantities of sodium, and high sodium levels increase your body's tendency to trap more water and fluids inside, and to gather at the end at your inflamed joints, making gout inflammation worse. This means that you should avoid adding too much salt to your cooked meals. You should also stay away from fast food, as it contains huge amounts of salt. All kinds of salty snacks like potato chips and pretzels are not advised either. You also have to take care to avoid hidden salt sources, such as canned food, as salt is used as a preservative substance for many canned food products. 3. **Include complex carbohydrates in your diet.** Complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables may help to reduce your gout symptoms. Steer clear of processed and refined carbohydrates, such as white flour baked goods, candy, sugary beverages, and anything that contains corn syrup. Try to include a serving or two of vegetables with every meal and eat a couple of servings of fruit per day as snacks. Switch white flour with whole wheat flour in baking to get more whole grains into your diet. Try swapping your normal pasta and rice with whole wheat pasta and brown rice. 4. **Switch high-fat dairy products with low-fat options.** It is best to avoid high-fat dairy and other high fat proteins if you have gout. To cut back on fat, switch to low-fat dairy products, such as: low fat yogurt 1% or skim milk low-fat cheese low fat ice cream or frozen yogurt 5. **Limit the amount of red meat you eat.** A very important way to get rid of gout during pregnancy is to minimize your intake of red meat as much as possible, along with other rich sources of purines. Purines release uric acid when metabolized; therefore, reducing your intake of purine-rich foods is essential in avoiding gout attacks during pregnancy. Foods that are high in purines include red meat, beef, bacon, lamb, venison, turkey, ham, duck, chicken, and organ meat such as brain, liver or kidneys, in addition to seafood like anchovies, sardines, crab, lobster, salmon, tuna, shellfish, oysters. Other sources of purines include lentils, asparagus, cauliflower, kidney beans, lima beans, oatmeal, peas, spinach and mushrooms, You do not have to cut these foods from your diet entirely, but try to limit your intake to around 150 mg per day. Discuss your options with your doctor before switching to a low-purine diet. 6. **Eat more berries.** Berries are considered a good fruit choice for gout sufferers, as they both contain high amounts of an antioxidant substance called Anthocyanins. These antioxidants can fight free radicals that are released as a result of cell and tissue damage caused by uric acid crystals. They have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect that can relieve inflammation in the joints affected by gout. This means that they have the ability to reduce pain and swelling naturally. There is also some evidence to suggest that these anti-oxidants have the ability to lower uric acid concentration in the blood. Anthocyanins are found in high levels in all berries, including blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, and cherries. 7. **Eat foods that are rich in vitamin C.** Vitamin C is a strong anti-oxidant, which helps to build up the connective tissue and collagen at the affected joints after they have become inflamed and irritated. Vitamin C also enhances the kidney's function by decreasing levels of uric acid in the blood. Both of these things help in the treatment of gout. The recommended daily amount of vitamin C to lower uric acid concentrations is 500 mg. Another source of vitamin C is citrus fruits like orange and lemon - these are alkalizing fruits that counteract uric acid's effect inside the body and decrease crystal formation and deposits in the affected joints. This results in a significant decrease in painful gout attacks by lowering inflammation and swelling at the affected joint. 8. **Monitor the kind of fat you eat.** During pregnancy, you should stick to unsaturated fat sources like low-fat dairy products such as skimmed milk and light yogurt. Avoid eating saturated fats, such as those found in processed and fast food, whole dairy products or fat residues found in red meat. Saturated fats are harmful to your body and can trigger a gout attack as they trap uric acid inside and minimize your body’s chances of getting rid of it. This results in the increased formation of uric acid crystals. These crystals are then deposited around your joints, stimulating and triggering gout attacks and increasing the number of painful episodes. Additionally, saturated fats can easily increase your body weight, putting you at higher risk for obesity. Obesity is another trigger factor for gout as it puts additional body weight on your affected joints, increasing the stress on the irritated joint, exacerbating the inflammation and edema, and generally worsening your condition. Taking control of your fat intake and sticking with healthy unsaturated fats will make a big difference to your disorder and help in improving any further gout attacks. 9. **Gain a healthy amount of weight during your pregnancy** Gaining too much weight during pregnancy may make your gout symptoms worse. However, you should not try to lose weight during your pregnancy. Focus on healthy eating and gaining an appropriate amount of weight during your pregnancy. Even if you are obese, you will still need to gain between 11 to 20 pounds during your pregnancy. Speak to your doctor for specific dietary and weight gain recommendations during your pregnancy. If you are carrying twins, triplets, or more, then you will need to gain even more weight during your pregnancy. Talk to your doctor to find out what is healthy for you. 10. **Apply ice to the affected joint.** Icing the affected joint is very beneficial in reducing the swelling and accumulated fluids around the affected joint, in addition to easing other inflammation signs, like redness, warmth of the skin and pain. The cooling effect of ice will cause vasoconstriction of the capillaries around the affected joint, thereby limiting the amount of the leaked fluids and helping to treat the localized edema (swelling) at the inflamed joint. You should never apply ice cubes directly onto your skin as this can easily cause tissue damage. Instead, wrap the ice or the ice pad in a cotton towel then place it on the affected joint. If no ice is available, then you can also use a pack of frozen vegetables, such as corn or peas. Wrap the bag in a paper or cloth towel before using. Ice the affected area for about twenty minutes, three or four times daily to decrease pain and inflammation. 11. **Elevate your inflamed joint.** A pregnant woman should also elevate her affected joint to above heart level. If the affected joint is part of her lower extremities, such as the big toe; she is advised to sit or lie down while supporting her ankle with a cushion beneath. The same goes for the ankles and knees. If the affected joints include the elbows, wrists or fingers, support them with cushions raised to chest level using the aid of an armchair or desk. 12. **Wrap your affected joint in a cold cabbage leaf.** A natural solution that any woman can use to suppress the edema (swelling) around her injured joint is to use cold fresh cabbage leaves. Cabbage leaves are a very traditional way to get rid of swollen joints. They contain very strong anti-inflammatory components, such as sinigrin, lactic acid and vitamin C, which are all known to have antioxidant and antibacterial agents. This gives the cabbage leaves their natural powers to fight swelling and decrease edema. It's a good idea to put the cabbage leaves in the fridge so they are nice and cold before use. When you are ready to use them, take a leaf and wrap it around your big toe (for example) then wrap a bandage around it to keep it still. You may need to remove the harder, middle stem of the cabbage to make it easier to wrap. Leave the cabbage wrap on overnight, as it can help to ease the gout attacks that tend to happen at nighttime. Alternatively, you can use the cabbage wraps during the day, for four to six hours at a time. 13. **Wear loose clothing.** If you are having any painful gout attacks that are affecting joints in your upper body like the wrists or fingers, make sure to avoid using tight accessories for a while, like bracelets or rings. These closed accessories can form an additional source of pressure on the swollen, irritated joints and this can be a real annoyance, especially in the last trimester of pregnancy. If you notice any signs of edema (swelling) at your wrists or fingers, remove your jewelry, and consult your doctor immediately, before any gout attacks begin. 14. **Exercise regularly.** Aerobic exercise that elevates your heart rate (such as riding a stationary bike, walking, or swimming) at least three times a week can be helpful in improving gout. However, do not do exercise that causes pain to your affected joints; for instance, if your big toe is affected with gout and it hurts to walk, opt for a different exercise instead such as riding a stationary bike at the gym. 15. **Try drinking dandelion tea.** Another safe, natural way to ease the swelling of joint inflammation caused by gout is by drinking dandelion tea. Dandelion is a natural herb that helps the kidneys by excreting all the extra unwanted fluids from the body. Dandelion is a natural diuretic that is very helpful in easing and treating localized edema at the affected joints. This is explained by its high concentrations of potassium which works to decrease accumulated fluids in the body and balance the body's minerals. The tea can be made by adding one teaspoon of dried dandelion leaves to one glass of water, which should then be boiled. The tea should be allowed to steep for five minutes before drinking. Discuss the use of dandelion leaves with your doctor first, as he or she may advise against you drinking it if you have any gall bladder diseases, if you are taking any blood thinners, or are at risk for hyperkalemia (increase in potassium levels in blood) because you are taking a potassium sparing diuretic at the same time. 16. **Sip coffee in moderation.** A moderate amount of caffeinated coffee may help to ease gout symptoms as well. However, make sure that you do not drink more than one eight ounce serving of coffee per day while you are pregnant. 17. **Ask your doctor about medications and other treatment options.** Most of the medications used to treat gout are considered "Category C" by the FDA. What this means is that there is insufficient evidence to conclude whether they are safe or unsafe during pregnancy. Instead of medications, your doctor will usually recommend changes to your diet and lifestyle first. However, if you have very severe gout (or alternatively, if your gout persists after you have given birth), your doctor may advise you to consider medications. Note that you should NOT opt for medication use without first consulting your doctor. 18. **Try a medication called Colchicine.** This is a pill that can be prescribed by your doctor as one of the first-line treatments for an acute attack of gout. It is extremely effective; however, the evidence supporting its use in pregnant women is inconclusive so far. Talk to your doctor about the potential risks of taking this drug versus its potential benefits. 19. **Opt for corticosteroids.** Corticosteroids such as Prednisone are typically considered by your doctor as a secondary option after NSAIDs and/or Colchicine. The corticosteroids can be taken in pill form, or injected directly into the affected joint to reduce inflammation - this is likely your best bet, especially while you are pregnant, as a local injection will pose less of a risk of harm to your fetus. 20. **Prevent a recurrence of gout with Allopurinol.** Allopurinol works to directly lower your uric acid levels, hence treating and preventing further episodes of gout. As you recover from your acute gout attack, Allopurinol may be something to consider moving forwards to give the best chance that this does not happen again. Your doctor may suggest Allopurinol after giving birth to prevent recurrences of gout.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Replace a Truss Rod on a Guitar or Bass
A truss rod is primarily used in guitars and basses to counteract the string tension and help the instrument neck keep its proper shape. If the neck on your instrument won’t hold its shape no matter how much you adjust the truss rod, then the rod itself might be broken. But don’t worry, you don’t need a new instrument! It’s a big job, but you can replace the truss rod yourself at home. If you’re in the mood for a challenge, then this is a good project for you. You could also bring the instrument to any repair shop if this is a more complicated process than you want to do yourself. 1. **Lay the instrument on a flat, stable surface.** A workbench or table will work, as long as it’s flat and doesn’t wobble around. First, put down a sheet or drop cloth, because this is a messy job. Then lay the instrument down face-up. If you have a neck rest for the instrument, place it under the neck just below the head. This will make it easier to work on. If you’re not in a work area, you should also spread some drop cloth around the table to catch glue and sawdust. 2. **Take the strings off the instrument.** No matter what type of instrument you’re working on, the strings will get in the way while you’re working. Loosen each tuning peg until the strings come loose, then pull them out through the instrument bridge. You can put the string aside to put back on later or put on a fresh set of strings when you’re done. 3. **Melt the fretboard glue with an iron starting from the head.** You won’t be able to get the fretboard off unless you melt the glue first. Use an iron with no water in it. Put it on a medium setting, press it against the instrument neck, and slowly run it up and down to heat the glue. This should start loosening the bond. There are a few different ways to melt the fretboard glue. You could also use a heat gun by holding it 1–2 in (2.5–5.1 cm) from the neck and waving it up and down a few times to loosen the glue. You could also wrap the neck in an electric blanket and turn the heat all the way up. Leave it there for 5-10 minutes to heat the glue. The fretboard probably won’t get hot enough to burn you, but wear gloves as an extra precaution. 4. **Slip a flat putty knife underneath the fretboard.** Start at the instrument head and insert the knife between the fretboard and neck. Rock the knife back and forth to get it in as far as you can. Then pry up slightly to raise the fretboard in that spot. If you can’t get the knife under the fretboard, leave the iron on the spot for a few more minutes. Keep your fingers away from the knife. If you slip, you could get a nasty cut. 5. **Work down the neck with the knife and iron to pry the fretboard up.** Leave the iron on the next spot below the section you just pried up to loosen the glue. Then insert the putty knife and pry up this spot. Continue working your way down the neck to loosen the entire fretboard. All fretboards are different, and some might come up more easily than others. This could take a little while, so be patient and keep working. If the glue in spots you already lift starts hardening again, insert some thin wood strips between the fretboard and neck to keep them separate. If the fretboard won't come up, do not force it! You could crack the wood and need to get a whole new fretboard. Keep applying heat and working the putty knife carefully to work the fretboard up easily. 6. **Pull the fretboard off when it comes loose.** When you’ve worked all the way down to the instrument body, the fretboard should come off easily. Pull it up to take it off. Put the fretboard in a safe spot while you work. You’ll need to put it back on when you’re done with the truss rod. 7. **Scrape away any glue holding the old truss rod in.** Different manufacturers secure their truss rods differently. Some just rest it in the neck channel, and some actually glue it in. If the rod is glued in, use a razor blade or utility knife and scrape it off. This should free the rod. Wear gloves while you’re working so you don’t get cut. If the rod is glued in and won’t come out, use the iron or heating gun again to loosen it up. Don’t worry about damaging or scratching the old truss rod. It’s probably broken and you don’t need it anymore. 8. **Remove the old truss rod.** Grab the rod at either side and pull it up. It should come out easily as long as you removed all the glue. If the rod wasn’t glued in, it’ll just be resting in the slot. In this case, it’ll lift up even easier. 9. **Clean any glue out of the truss rod channel.** If there is leftover glue in the channel, scrape it off with a razor or knife. Then sand the channel with medium-grit sandpaper to smooth it down. If the rod wasn’t glued in, the channel is probably pretty clean. Still give it a sanding to get rid of any rough spots. Medium sandpaper is between 100- and 150-grit. 10. **Sand the old glue off of the neck.** The new glue won’t stick well if there is leftover glue. Use medium-grit sandpaper again and sand in a back-and-forth motion along the neck. Continue until the whole neck is smooth. If you’re using the same fretboard, then sand the bottom of that too. If you got a new fretboard, then you don’t have to sand it. 11. **Vacuum the neck to remove any sawdust.** The sanding and scraping will make a lot of sawdust. Use a shop vac and get rid of any dust, dirt, glue, or wood particles on the guitar neck. Pay careful attention to the truss rod channel. It’s easy for dust and debris to hide in there. If there is any dust leftover, wipe the neck and channel with a tack cloth or slightly damp rag. 12. **Get a truss rod designed for your instrument.** There are all kinds of truss rods available, and different instruments use particular kinds. Get a replacement that matches the type your instrument uses so you know it’ll fit right. When you know what you’re looking for, you can order new truss rods online or get them from a repair shop. The best thing to do is check your instrument manual or contact the manufacturer to ask about the right truss rod. You could also ask an employee at a repair shop. 13. **Fit the new truss rod into the channel with the nut facing the neck.** Hold the new truss rod so the nut on the end, or the thicker part, is closest to the neck. Press the rod into the neck channel and slide it so it takes up all the space in the channel. In some instruments, the truss rod nut should face the body instead of the neck. This is more common in acoustic guitars. Truss rods are designed to fit the truss rod channel, so it shouldn’t slide back and forth if it’s in properly. If the rod doesn’t fit, you may have gotten the wrong type. Double-check the kind that your instrument uses. 14. **Cover the rod with a strip of masking tape to protect it from the glue.** Use a thin strip of masking tape and cover up the whole channel. This keeps the truss rod in place and protects if from the glue. While some manufacturers glue their truss rods in, this isn’t a good idea for you. It’ll be much harder to fix if you make a mistake. 15. **Run a strip of wood glue around the perimeter of the guitar neck.** Start on either side of the neck and squeeze out a thin line of wood glue. Work your way around the whole border so there’s an even line surrounding the truss rod channel. Normal wood glue works fine for instruments, but you could also get specialized glue designed for your instrument. If you squeeze out too much in any spots, wipe it off. Globs of glue will leak out onto the neck. 16. **Spread the glue out into a thin layer.** A plastic card works best for this. Spread the glue around the whole surface so there’s a thin, even layer on the wood. This helps the fretboard stick better. Remove the masking tape when you’re done. Don’t worry about getting any glue on the masking tape. None will get on the truss rod if you covered it. 17. **Press the fretboard onto the neck.** Angle the fretboard so the wider frets are closest to the instrument neck and the thinner ones are closest to the body. Then press the fretboard down and arrange it so the edges are flush with the neck. Hold it down for a few seconds to let the glue get a hold. Double check and make sure that the fretboard is completely flush with the edges of the neck. If not, the fretboard won’t set properly. If some glue leaks out when you press the fretboard down, leave it for now. It's easier to scrape off after it's dry. 18. **Clamp the fretboard down to let the glue set.** Place a wood clamp every 3–6 in (7.6–15.2 cm) along the fretboard. Close the clamps with firm pressure. This keeps the fretboard and neck together while the glue dries. To ensure the fretboard sits with even pressure on it, some pros clamp down a block of wood onto the neck. You don’t need to close the clamps with a lot of pressure. Too much force could damage the neck. Just enough to keep the fretboard in place is fine. 19. **Leave the clamps on for 1 hour so the glue dries.** Wood glue usually dries pretty fast. Leave the instrument clamped and don’t disturb it for about an hour. After that time, the glue should be all dry and you can remove the clamps. The drying time might be different for the type of glue you’re using. Follow the instructions provided. 20. **Scrape off any glue spillage around the neck.** Pressing the neck and fretboard together could force some glue out and onto the instrument neck. Don’t worry, this is easy to fix. Just use a chisel or putty knife and scrape it off for a nice, clean finish. It’s better to wait until the glue is dry to scrape it off. If you wipe it away while it’s wet, it could leave a mark on the instrument. If the glue leaves any marks or won't come off completely, you can also sand it off with fine-grit sandpaper.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Dry Ginger
Ginger is a root that is used in natural medicines, recipes, and spice blends. It can be used to flavor a dish, settle an upset stomach, or even be brewed into a tea. Dried ginger is easy to store and keep to use in your household for months at a time. Whether you dry your ginger in the sun, in your oven, or in a food dehydrator, you can make dried ginger easily and with a little bit of patience. 1. **Snap a small piece from the root to test for freshness.** If the ginger snaps easily and does not have a lot of fibers, it is fresh. If it is hard to snap or has a lot of fibers connecting it to the root, it has more moisture in it than usual, and it will be harder to dry. Ginger can be found at most grocery stores, but if the ginger there isn’t fresh, try looking for a farmer’s market or produce market in your area. 2. **Smell the ginger for a spicy and rich scent.** Fresh ginger will smell sharp and have a strong scent, even with the skin still on. If the scent is dull or subtle, the ginger is probably not fresh and might be harder to dry or not have as bold of a flavor. 3. **Press your nail into the skin to make sure it is thin.** Ginger is much easier to dry when the skin is thin because it holds in less moisture. The skin of your ginger should be shiny and you should be able to mark it with your nail. If the skin is too thick, it will be harder to mark and will look duller. 4. **Rinse the ginger in cold water to get rid of dirt on the skin.** Ginger is a root, which means that it was covered in dirt before being dug up. There might still be some dirt left on the skin of your ginger, but you can run it under cold water for a few seconds to wash it off. The ginger doesn’t have to be perfectly clean, since you will be taking the skin off. 5. **Peel the skin off with a potato peeler.** Ginger skin is tough and doesn’t taste very good. Use a potato peeler to cut the skin off so that you are left with the softer, more flavorful part of the ginger root. You don’t need to peel very far down into the ginger, you just need to slice the thin layer of skin off. You can buy a potato peeler at most grocery and home goods stores. If you don’t have a potato peeler, you can use a sharp knife to carefully cut the skin off of your ginger. 6. **Cut your ginger into slices that are about ⁄8 inch (0.0032 m) thick.** The thinner your ginger pieces are, the faster they will dry. You can use either a sharp knife or a cheese grater to get your slices paper-thin. If you use a cheese grater, your slices will be smaller and may be easier to grind or chop later. 7. **Place the ginger pieces on a baking tray, making sure they don’t overlap.** Spread your pieces of ginger on a baking tray that is large enough to ensure that none of the pieces overlap. If your ginger pieces are touching, they will probably dry slower. You can line your baking tray with parchment paper for easy removal of the ginger later. 8. **Put your tray in an area that gets 8 hours of sun a day.** The more sun that your ginger pieces get, the faster they will dry. Find an area in your house that gets at least 8 hours of sun a day and place your baking tray in a place that it can stay for a few days. Window sills are an ideal place for drying ginger. If you live in a climate with low humidity, you can leave your ginger outside to sit in the sun instead, but this could attract small pests, like aphids. 9. **Leave the tray in the sun for 3 days to 1 week.** Depending on how much sun your ginger gets and how much humidity is in the air, sun drying can take anywhere from 3 days to 1 week. Ginger will snap when it is fully dry. Check your ginger daily to see if it is dry or if it needs more time in the sun. 10. **Store your dried ginger in an airtight container for 5 to 6 months.** After your ginger is dry, you can transfer it to an airtight container and store it in a cool, dry place. You can keep dried ginger for 5 to 6 months before using it. 11. **Lay ginger slices on your dehydrating tray, making sure the pieces don’t overlap.** Your ginger will dehydrate faster if the pieces are not touching each other. Lay your ginger on your dehydrating tray in a single layer so that they are not touching each other. Depending on how much ginger you are drying, you might have to do two rounds of dehydrating to make sure that all the pieces have enough room. Make sure your ginger pieces are large enough that they won’t fall through the holes in the tray. 12. **Dehydrate your ginger at 135 °F (57 °C) for 3-4 hours.** You can check your ginger after 3 hours to see if it needs more time. When your ginger is dry, it will snap easily and look much smaller than it did originally. Your ginger pieces may need more time to dehydrate depending on how big they are and how humid your climate is. Try not to over-dehydrate your ginger. Over-dehydrating will give your dried ginger a burnt taste. If your ginger changes colors or crumbles, it might be over-dehydrated. 13. **Store it in an airtight container or plastic bag for 5 to 6 months.** Once your ginger is dry, you can put it in an airtight container or a plastic bag and keep it in a cool, dry place. Be sure to use your dried ginger within 5 to 6 months of drying it. 14. **Spread the ginger on a baking tray, making sure they don’t overlap.** Your ginger will dry faster if none of the pieces are touching. Spread your ginger out on a baking tray and give each piece enough room to sit without touching any others. Depending on how much ginger you have to dry, you may have to use 2 baking trays. You can line your baking tray to help with removal later, but you don’t have to. 15. **Bake in the oven at 150 °F (66 °C) for 1 ½ to 2 hours.** Your oven should be on a very low temperature so that the ginger doesn’t burn. Check the ginger every half an hour to make sure it isn’t getting overly dry or burning. Dried ginger should snap easily and be smaller in size than when it was not dry. Your ginger can burn in the oven if it is in there for too long. If your ginger getting darker or smoking, take it out of the oven right away. 16. **Cool your ginger for 1 hour.** Before you use or store your dried ginger, make sure that it is completely cool. Set your baking tray on a kitchen counter to cool down for 1 hour before you take the pieces off. 17. **Store it in an airtight container or plastic bag for 5 to 6 months.** Once your ginger is cool, you can take it off of your baking tray and put it in an airtight container or plastic bag. Store your ginger in a cool, dry place and use it within 6 months of drying it.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Recover from Jet Lag from Europe
Traveling to Europe and back is certainly an adventure, but flying across several time zones can lead to jet lag, leaving you feeling foggy and fatigued. So how can you make the most of your European vacation and quickly get back on schedule when you return home? There are actually tons of things you can do before you leave, on the plane, once you arrive, and once you get back home so you don’t end up feeling like a zombie. We’ve done the research for you and have listed the best tips and tricks for beating jet lag below. 1. **Unfortunately, jet lag is worse when you’re traveling east.** To help mitigate some of the issues connected to jet lag, adjust your sleep schedule before you leave. Go to bed 1-2 hours earlier than you normally would to help yourself adapt to the local time zone. 2. **Stomach upset is a common jet lag complaint, but you can prepare ahead of time.** If you’re traveling from the U.S. to Europe, try eating your meals a few hours earlier than you normally would. This can help your body adapt to the local time zone, and meal schedule, more easily. You can do the same thing before you head back home. Eat your meals a little later than you normally would to help yourself adapt to your regular time zone at home. Stick with foods you know and like. Now's not the time to try out a new Tex Mex fusion restaurant or eat spicy curry for the first time. 3. **Long flights often cause dehydration, which can make jet lag worse.** Drink plenty of water during your flights to help your body stay in tip-top shape. Eat healthy meals and snack on fruits and veggies to avoid digestive problems associated with jet lag. Steer clear of heavy, fatty foods or calorie-rich snacks. Avoid alcohol and caffeine, both of which are stimulants and can further disrupt your sleep patterns. Keep drinking lots of water once you arrive in Europe as well as when you get back home—it'll help stave off that dreaded jet lag. 4. **Take advantage of times when that seat belt sign is off.** Sitting for the entire flight can make you feel sluggish, and also increases your risk of blood clots. Take time to stretch, stand, and walk about the cabin when it’s safe to do so. Getting a little movement in can give you more energy, too! 5. **To adapt to the local time, sleep when it’s nighttime in your destination city.** This might be tough if it’s mid-day in your local time zone, but hey, there’s no better way to pass the time on a plane than by sleeping! Wear comfy clothes, take off your shoes, and curl up with a blanket and pillow. You can even put on an eye mask and noise-canceling headphones to help you block out your surroundings. Skip the in-flight movie and resist the urge to scroll social media—blue light can disrupt your sleep, so avoid screentime if you’re hoping to nap in-flight. If you can, book your flight so it lands in the afternoon, local time, to help mitigate jet lag. 6. **Change your watch and take your meals at the normal time for your destination.** The best way to beat jet lag is to adjust to the local time zone as soon as you can. Most overseas flights will deposit you in Europe in the morning, so ignore the fact that it’s probably 2 am back home. Follow the local time zone and take your meals and sleep when locals do. The same is true for your return trip. Eat your meals and go to bed at a reasonable hour in your local time zone to beat jet lag faster. 7. **Getting outside and doing some light exercise during the day can help your body adapt.** Spend some time in the sun, especially in the morning, to help your body recognize the local time zone. Some light exercise like walking, especially during the daytime, can help your body adjust its circadian rhythm so you sleep better at night. It might help to book a particularly exciting tour or adventure for a few hours after you land in Europe. This will give you an incentive to stay awake and give you something to look forward to—it’s a win-win! 8. **Resist the temptation to crash when you arrive at your destination.** Going to sleep when it’s daytime won’t help you beat jet lag or adjust to the local time. As hard as it might be, do your best to stay awake until a reasonable bedtime hour in the city you're in. Hopefully, you’ll awake the next morning feeling refreshed and ready to go! 9. **A 15- to 20-minute nap can help you get through the rest of the day.** If you’re feeling super sluggish and need to rest, it’s okay to lie down for a bit. Just don’t sleep for too long, or you’ll end up being even more tired. Keep your nap to 20 minutes or less so you don’t further disrupt your nighttime sleep patterns. 10. **Traveling across time zones can make it hard to fall asleep, and medication can help.** When it gets dark in your destination, take 0.5 mg or less of a short-acting melatonin supplement. If you need something a bit stronger, ask your doctor to prescribe a sleep medication. You can take it at night for the first 3 days you’re in a different time zone to help combat jet lag. Before you take any supplement or medication, talk to your doctor to make sure it’s safe for you and won’t interact with any medications you’re on or health conditions you have. Some common medications that doctors prescribe for jet lag include Restoril (temazepam), Ambien (zolpidem), and Imovane (zopiclone). It's best to take a low dose and limit it to just a few days. 11. **Set your alarm for no later than 9 am local time.** While you might be exhausted and tempted to sleep in late, you won't be doing yourself any favors. To get your body's circadian rhythm adjusted to a new location, you’ve got to follow the local time zone. Plus, getting up early on your first full day in Europe means you’ll have an easier time going to bed that night. By the second day, you should be fully acclimated to European time! The same is true for your return trip! Get up early the day after you arrive home to better adjust to the local time.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Cope With Wearing Diapers to School
People of all ages wear diapers for many different reasons. You are not the only one. Wearing diapers to school can be scary. You may feel confused, embarrassed, or ashamed. However, there are many things that you can do to feel comfortable wearing diapers to school. 1. **Determine the level of absorbency you need.** The type of diaper you wear will depend on the amount of leakage you have, daytime wetting versus nighttime wetting, and what size you are. Diapers with more absorbency and nighttime wetting diapers are bulkier. 2. **Find the right diapers.** Because incontinence is an issue for people of all ages , a variety of diapers are on the market to meet your needs, and it can be helpful to research the various products that are available that will help you feel physically comfortable. There are diapers especially for older children, preteens, teenagers, and adults . You should try different brands of diapers until you find the right one. Having the right diapers can make you feel more confident. Youth pull ups are a great option for older children. Popular brands of youth pull ups are Goodnites and Select. Some of these pullups look exactly like regular underwear. Shopping for diapers can be expensive. The CareGiver Partnership allows you to try out samples before you spend a lot of money on diapers. If you are a preteen, you may be too small for adult diapers and too big for youth diapers. Race Car Diapers are made for preteens and come in many different sizes. These diapers were designed for boys. Molicare is another brand that has sizes for preteens. Popular brands for teenagers are Tena , Prevail, and Tranquility. You can also insert booster pads into your diapers to increase how much your diaper can hold. The booster pads will also allow your diapers to absorb more. The most important factor when finding the right diaper is how you feel in them. If they fit well and you are comfortable, you will be more confident wearing them to school. There may be other students with the same issues and you may want to be upfront about it. Sports are possible with the right product. Part of being more comfortable with your body is the acceptance that all bodies are diverse in shapes and functioning, and that means taking care of your body in a way that makes sense for you and your personal needs. There is a growing market of products used to manage incontinence ranging from briefs, pads, to specialty incontinence underwear that are designed to be discreet and comfortable to wear. 3. **Try your diapers on with your school clothes.** You should wear your diapers when you go shopping for new clothes. This will help you find clothes that do not expose your diapers. Wearing clothes that are one size larger than your actual size will help hide your diapers. 4. **Talk to the school nurse or an administrator.** Both you and your parents should discuss your medical condition with people at your school. Letting an authority figure at school know that you wear diapers may allow you to have some special privileges. You may be able to gain access to a private restroom where you can change your diapers. They may also give you permission to come late to class or leave class early to change your diaper. Two more things are necessary if you want to have complete bowel and urinary protection - namely a pair of plastic pull up pants - clear is best so as to monitor adult diapers underneath; and a onesie or singlet for support of the diaper once it becomes heavier. Lastly, Seni Quatro or Tena slip maxi are the kind of quiet briefs with cotton surface and velcro which attract no attention in a stall. 5. **Be discreet.** Bring your extra diapers, lotions, and creams in a special pouch that you keep in your backpack or in a backpack diaper bag. Diaper backpacks have special compartments to store all of your supplies, but they look like a regular backpack. You should also pack plastic bags in your backpack. You can put your dirty diaper in the plastic bag before you throw it away. Throwing away a plastic bag is less embarrassing than throwing away a diaper. 6. **Go to the bathroom during class.** Plan to use the bathroom when other students are less likely to be there. You want to increase your chances of being in the bathroom alone. 7. **Practice changing your diaper.** Diapers are noisy and changing in a public restroom may make you uncomfortable. You should figure out the quietest and quickest way to change your diaper when you are at home. This will help you feel more comfortable changing your diaper when you are at school. You may feel more comfortable just pulling down your wet or soiled brief rather than undoing noisy plastic tapes. Since you won't be able to wrap it tight to throw away, bring a bag for sure. 8. **Develop thick skin.** Some people may make fun of you for wearing diapers or ask you personal questions. If you are being bullied, you need to let your parents, teachers and principal know. You should also stand up for yourself if someone is teasing you. If someone politely asks you about wearing diapers, you should explain to them that you have a medical condition. It’s also helpful to challenge messages or biases that are rooted in ableism and marginalization and work to increase more inclusivity of all body types and needs. 9. **Change your diaper quickly if you have an accident.** A wet diaper is difficult to hide, and other people may notice. Changing your diaper as soon as it is wet will prevent the diaper from sagging and showing through your clothes. Soaked diapers will also smell if they are not changed quickly. 10. **Join a support group.** Talking to other people who also wear diapers to school can be a source of comfort. You can also get tips and ideas about how other people manage wearing diapers to school. Support groups can be online or in person. There are many online support groups and discussion boards. The National Association for Continence also has a list of resources to help you connect with other people. 11. **Identify what type of incontinence you have.** There are three major types of incontinence: urinary , fecal , and stress. Urinary continence is when you do not have control over your bladder. You may leak urine or not make it to the bathroom in time when you feel the urge. Fecal incontinence is when you do not have control of your bowel movements. Stress incontinence is when certain movements or activities (coughing, sneezing, running, jumping) put stress on your bladder and causes you leak urine. 12. **Keep a diary.** Try keeping a diary to learn what your triggers are. Information you should include in your diary are: the foods and drinks you are consuming; how often you go to the bathroom; the types of activities that cause you to leak. You should make your diary as detailed as possible. The information in your diary will also be helpful to your doctor. 13. **Get professional help.** A doctor will be able to help to identify the cause of your incontinence and create a treatment plan that is just for you. It is important that you talk openly with your doctor. You should not feel embarrassed because your doctor is used to helping people who have the same problem you have. Your doctor may send you to a physical therapist, prescribe medications, or even talk to you about the possibility of surgery. Your doctor will take a medical history, do a physical exam, talk to your parents, discuss a treatment plan, and run some tests. The National Association for Continence maintains a list of specialists across the United States. 14. **Create a voiding strategy.** Voiding is a part of bladder training that teaches you to go to the bathroom at specific times. You should discuss a voiding strategy with your doctor before you begin one. Scheduling bathroom visits helps to strengthen your bladder muscles and decrease the need to use diapers. If you are a child, your parents can help you with your bladder training. Start by measuring how often you use the bathroom. If you need to go to the bathroom every 20 minutes, try to increase the time between 5 and 20 minutes. You should slowly increase the time between your bathroom visits until you can go 90 to 120 minutes. If you are older, you can increase the time between bathroom visits by 15 minute increment.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Stop Taking Tramadol
Tramadol is a painkiller used to treat moderate to severe pain. If you’ve been taking tramadol for a significant period of time, your body has likely developed a dependence on the drug. When you stop taking it, you run the risk of experiencing dangerous withdrawal symptoms. Before attempting to detox from tramadol on your own, learn what to expect, how to decrease your use safely, and when to call in outside support. 1. **Talk to your doctor first.** You may decide to stop taking tramadol on your own, but make sure to let your doctor know that you intend to stop. Your physician will be able to help you gradually reduce tramadol use in order to minimize withdrawal symptoms. Always seek medical attention as often as you feel it's necessary. 2. **Learn the physical withdrawal symptoms.** The following is a list of symptoms that you will likely experience during your detox process, however you ultimately choose to detox. Should you experience any symptoms outside of the list, it is definitely advisable to contact your physician, or check in to a hospital or emergency room right away. Diarrhea Headache Nausea and vomiting Respiratory issues Shivering Sweating Tremors Hair standing on end 3. **Expect mental withdrawal symptoms, too.** Stopping using Tramadol is somewhat different from detoxing from other opiates because of its anti-depressant effects. This means that the following psychological and mood-related symptoms also regularly occur when detoxing from tramadol: Insomnia Anxiety Intense cravings for tramadol Panic attacks Hallucinations 4. **Accept the timeframe of tramadol detox.** Tramadol withdrawal symptoms will typically peak 48-72 hours after the last dose. These symptoms can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.The severity of withdrawal symptoms will also depend on the level of tramadol use and dependence. 5. **Ask about the use of other medications.** Suboxone is a drug used for opiate detox, and it must be obtained by a physician who is certified to use it. It is used to prevent most withdrawal symptoms and prevent cravings. Other drugs that ease withdrawal symptoms include clonidine, which reduces agitation, anxiety, and nausea, and buprenorphine, which shortens the timeframe of the detox. If you want to taper your use, unassisted by other drugs designed for detoxification, it still may be in your best interest to look into prescription antidepressants. Because Tramadol has antidepressant properties, you may experience mild to moderate depression upon detoxing. 6. **Configure a tapering schedule with your doctor.** Stopping taking Tramadol “cold turkey” can produce particularly strong, potentially dangerous withdrawal symptoms, including seizures. Put yourself on a tapering schedule that you stick to, no matter what. Mark dates that you should decrease use on a calendar or planner. Gradually reducing your consumption of the drug before stopping altogether can help your body self-regulate and will reduce the pain and danger of withdrawal. The method of tapering will be dependent on the presence of other physical and mental conditions present. In general, tapering opioids consists of a reduction by 10% daily, 20% every three to five days, and 25% a week. It is never advisable to taper by 50% daily anytime during the tapering process. For example, if you’re taking three pills per day, start your taper by taking two pills, one in the morning and one in the evening. In a week’s time, drop to only one pill in the morning, and stay there for another week. Stop taking it entirely once you have been taking a half pill a day for a week. 7. **Take care of yourself.** Set up a self-care routine that will also work to ease withdrawal symptoms. Put yourself on a bland, but nutritious diet to ease gastro-intestinal discomfort while still providing nutrients for your body’s adjustment. Lots of water is also crucial because of its role in the healing process and since fluids deplete rapidly during detox. Because of the flu-like symptoms you might experience, use heating pads and cold packs to help regulate your temperature and be more comfortable. Hot showers will also ease bone and muscle pain which is also common. It is also safe to use over the counter pain medications to treat other withdrawal symptoms. Taking a walk or any light exercise each day will help to increase your serotonin levels, which will help combat the depression that can accompany detox. 8. **Use natural supplements to treat withdrawal symptoms.** There are natural supplements that you can also use to target parts of your mental and physical health that will be affected by withdrawal symptoms. While tapering, try L-Tyrosine, which helps brain functioning. You can also use Valerian Root, which helps with sleep difficulty brought on by cutting out Tramadol. Consult your doctor before using supplements of any kind. Even natural supplements can sometimes interact negatively with prescription medications or certain medical conditions. 9. **Avoid alcohol.** While you are detoxing, remember not to use alcohol or other drugs. Because of the danger of mixing the two, even smaller doses of Tramadol combined with alcohol can worsen withdrawal symptoms of depression, and also cause confusion, suicidal ideations, loss of consciousness, brain damage, and respiratory depression. 10. **Research addiction treatments.** Consider the possibility of getting treatment for addiction to tramadol. You can also consult your doctor about whether or not in or outpatient treatment might be a good way for you to get through stopping taking the pills. Addiction treatments include the organization of treatment programs for patients, usually offering a combination of medical attention and counseling or group therapy to help get off the drug and understand the emotions behind using. Inpatient treatment involves a long stay at a residential facility, and is used for severe cases of tramadol addiction. Here, you will find a controlled and safe environment for the detoxification process. Outpatient treatment provides treatment and therapy at a clinic as you continue your normal routine at home. This type of treatment is used for less severe cases of use for patients who want to be able to continue the activities and relationships of daily life while detoxing. If you decide to go to a detox center or rehab facility, use this link to find a program close to you. 11. **Seek advice from experts.** Counselors, doctors, and psychiatrists are all at your disposal and are trained to help you resist the temptation of drug addiction. Behavior treatments can help to find ways to deal with cravings in drug use, and experts can suggest strategies to avoid relapse and deal with it if it occurs. 12. **Go to therapy.** After tramadol detox, it might be important to begin examining the root causes of your addiction to the drug. Often, drug use becomes a way of coping with life and intense emotions. Through behavioral therapy and counseling, you can look at the causes of and contributors to addiction and start to learn new ways of coping with and healing wounds from life’s difficulties. 13. **Consider attending support groups.** Support groups, like those that follow the 12-step format, are great opportunities to maintain your sobriety with others who understand the difficulties of doing so. During meetings you will be able to share your struggles and exchange tips for coping with life during and after detox. These groups are also a major help in preventing relapse by creating a source of accountability for your sobriety. Groups like Narcotics Anonymous deal specifically with addiction to opiates.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Come Up With Ideas
Have you ever been stuck thinking of a topic for your new project? Or do you not know what the name of your next chapter in the book should be? Good ideas require hard work, some space to distance yourself from your preconceived notions, and a sounding board to test your ideas against. 1. **Immerse yourself in the subject.** To get your brain on track to come up with an idea, you need to surround it with a lot of relevant information. What this means will depend upon what type of idea you are trying to come up with. If you are trying to come up with a theory, do a lot of relevant research. You should do studies that problematize your existing ideas. If you have gotten yourself to the point where you have so much information that you think that you know less about the subject than you did before, your brain will struggle to reconcile the facts with your theories even when you feel that you have turned it off. If you are working on fiction, read a lot of other authors who are trying to do similar things. Read books that familiarize you with the setting of the place you are writing about. Read literary theory to give you some perspective on how to write. Read philosophy to get ideas you might want to tackle in your fiction. If you are an artist, spend some time reviewing the works of other artists in similar fields. 2. **Get to know new and different people.** Interacting with people outside of your normal social group will expose you to new ideas and perspectives. This is pivotal to developing “psychological distance,” which is one of the most important prerequisites to creativity. Psychological distance is when you begin to look at things from a perspective other than that which you are accustomed to. Once you begin putting yourself in the shoes of a different person, it is easier to approach your problems in a way you haven’t thought of before. 3. **Go someplace new.** Traveling is also a good way to create “psychological distance.” Exposing yourself to new sights and sounds will cause you to think of things from a new perspective. Sometimes you can save yourself a plane ticket and use your imagination to turn the familiar into the unfamiliar. Even imagining yourself in a new place can make you approach things from a new, more creative perspective. Similarly, people have been shown to be more creative when they imagine the problem they are dealing with to be happening in the distant future. Alternatively, practice mindfulness to begin looking at your own world in a new way. Focus on something specific in your environment and try to experience it in its entirety. Notice things that would pass you by in your everyday life. One useful example of mindfulness is to pay close attention to crowded social environment. Go on a walk in an urban area or wait around in a crowded park. Look at how people interact with one another. Pay attention to their idiosyncrasies and imagine what is happening in their head. This will put you in another person’s shoes. 4. **Get a pen and write.** Allow your ideas to flow freely. You can focus on the topic that you are working on, but allow yourself to venture elsewhere if that is necessary to keep things flowing. Doing journal entries every day can be a good way to get you started writing. Even if the focus is on personal matters, you might wander into your creative work from a new perspective. 5. **Keep a schedule.** When no ideas are forthcoming, it can be easy to get discouraged and procrastinate. However, you typically won’t experience an epiphany until you’ve really struggled to work through your problems. Make self-imposed deadlines and force yourself to live up to them. If what you produce by the deadline isn’t spectacular, at least you know what hasn’t worked and how to improve in the future. 6. **Perform structured brainstorming sessions.** The demands of a rigorous, structured brainstorming session can force you to create more than you would otherwise. Set a time limit and goals that you aren't sure that you can meet. If you fail, you will still produce more than you would have if you hadn't challenged yourself. For example, give yourself 30 minutes to come up with 30 ideas. Just write as quickly as possible. Give yourself 30 minutes to write two pages of material. Alternatively, give yourself an hour to sketch out a drawing. It's unlikely that you'll come out with a great final product, but this sort of challenge can force you to come up with new ideas. 7. **Learn what to forget.** The main part of the creative process will always be excluding the things that don’t matter. Knowing what doesn’t matter at the beginning can be difficult — as creative types, we tend to want it all — but you should start writing down some ideas, even if they don’t seem well founded at first. Begin structuring the important information in your head and weed out what doesn’t seem to fit. 8. **Create the right conditions for epiphanies to occur.** Epiphanies are rare and difficult to control, but they are often the most important and impactful ideas that we produce. Epiphanies are produced by our unconscious mind, struggling with ideas that have dominated our conscious mind. To have an epiphany, therefore, we need both to work strenuously with ideas, but also take time off periodically to let them percolate. That doesn't mean that you should take off all the time. Try to give yourself at least an hour a day to let your mind wander naturally. Take at least a day off every week for the same purpose. 9. **Make yourself happy.** We can get angry and frustrated when struggling to figure something out. Those feelings will interrupt our creative process. We need to take some time off to be happy. How we do that will vary with our individual tastes. Try shopping. Check out some of the sights and sounds while you are out of the house. Surfing the web is a way to distract yourself that also exposes you to new ideas and information. 10. **Enjoy nature.** Go outside in your backyard and look at the sky. Go on a hike. Clear your mind. Try to focus on nature rather than the problems that you have been grappling with. Let your mind wander naturally and you might find what you are looking for. 11. **Listen to some music.** Put on some music to relax and clear your mind. Try to put on new music that will get you out of your intellectual rut. Alternatively, put on some music that will provoke powerful emotions that can inspire you. 12. **Meditate** Meditation is the classic way to clear your mind. Once you’ve cleared your mind, some of the mental blocks and preconceived notions that are hindering your creativity will collapse. Close your eyes and focus on one thing. It can be a phrase that you repeat in your head or a picture that you imagine in your mind’s eye. If your mind begins to stray elsewhere, gently pull it back to what you were meditating on. Mindful meditation has been shown to increase creativity by allowing the conscious part of your mind to take precedence over the reactive, habitual reptilian brain. To perform mindful meditation, sit upright in cross-legged pose, with few distractions. Devote about 25% of your attention to controlling and observing your breathing. Keep your eyes open and pay close attention to everything in your surroundings. When your mind begins to wander, focus it back on your environment. 13. **Put your idea on paper.** Once something has popped into your head, it is important to see if it works. Start mapping it out on paper, drawing it, or writing it down. Be sure that you have some record of what you have come up with so that you don’t forget it. Consider keeping a notebook on hand so that you can write down your ideas before they slip away. 14. **Research your idea.** An idea might seem good at first, but be unfounded. If it is an empirical theory, test it against the evidence to determine whether it is valid. If it is a literary or artistic idea, go back to the work of other artists to determine how original it is. See if your understanding of the setting or the facts of the plot are realistic. 15. **See what the critics say.** You should constantly seek feedback to improve your work. If you can get professional feedback that is great, but, if that is not feasible, start with your social circle. Throw your ideas out to your friends or significant other. Just because an idea sounds good to us doesn’t mean that it will fly with other people.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Cook Grasshoppers
Grasshoppers are a crunchy, delicious treat enjoyed around the world in countries like Mexico and Uganda. Just one grasshopper contains 6 grams (0.21 oz) of protein and many people think the world should harvest more insects to help people in need of healthy, nourishing meals. As long as you cook your grasshoppers, whether boiling or frying them, they will be safe to eat and ready in minutes. If you want to know how to cook grasshoppers in a variety of ways, see Step 1 to get started. 1. **Catch your grasshoppers.** The easiest way to obtain grasshoppers is simply to catch them yourself. They are easiest to catch in the morning when it's colder and they are lazier. You can simply grab them off the ground with your hands, if you're fast enough, or use a net to catch them. You can also create some of these more elaborate traps: Dig a hole in the ground and place a Mason jar with some bait, such as oats, apples, or carrots, in it. Either place some soil around the jar or tip it on its side -- the next morning, you should find grasshoppers in the jar. Just place the lid over it and you've caught your grasshoppers! If you want 'em alive, poke some holes in the lid. Take a shoot of green willow that's about three feet long and flick it down lightly on the grasshopper. This should pin it in place. 2. **Alternatively, buy your grasshoppers.** Depending on where you live, it may be tricky to buy grasshoppers, but not impossible. Try Mexican markets first. Grasshoppers, known as chapulines in Mexico, are a popular dish in Oaxaca. 3. **Be sure to cook them.** Grasshoppers are delicious and safe to eat, but you have to cook them first. This will keep you safe and will kill any parasites that they might be carrying. Don't attempt to eat them raw or you may suffer health issues. 4. **Remove the legs and wings.** The legs of grasshoppers aren't edible; although you won't be hurt from eating them, it's best to remove them before you begin to cook them. The same goes for the wings. Some say that freezing the grasshoppers for 10-15 minutes or boiling them for a few minutes makes the legs easier to pop off. This also has the benefit of killing them. Some people also pull the head straight off, which removes the guts (including the stomach). This tends to remove certain kinds of parasites (and could reduce the risk of eating the grasshopper raw, but it's still better to cook it). You can then insert a stick into the cavity and cook it over a fire. 5. **Clean your grasshoppers before you eat them.** Make sure to run them under cold water until they are clean and free of dirt. You can pat them down with a paper towel and then freeze or boil them, depending on the recipe. 6. **Make dry-roasted grasshoppers.** This is probably the easiest way to cook grasshoppers. Here's what you have to do to cook them: Freeze your cleaned grasshoppers for an hour or two. Spread them out on a paper towel on a cookie sheet. Preheat your oven to 200°F (93°C) and cook the grasshoppers for 1-2 hours until they're nice and dry and crunchy. Try to crush them in with a spoon a bit to test their level of crunchiness. It's up to you -- just make sure they don't get burned in the process. If you like, you can cover them in just a bit of olive oil and season them with salt and pepper to taste. 7. **Make garlic butter fried grasshoppers.** For this simple dish, here's all you have to do: Melt 1/4 cup of butter in a frying pan. Reduce the heat to medium-low. Sauté 6 cloves of garlic for 4-5 minutes, until golden brown. Add 1 cup cleaned grasshoppers to the pan. Sauté for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally. 8. **Make grasshopper fritters.** This is a tasty and decadent dish that makes the perfect snack or side dish. Here's how you make it: Sift 3/4 cups of flour, 1 tsp. of baking powder, and 1 tsp. of salt together in a bowl. Add 3/4 cups of milk and beat the mixture until it's smooth. Slightly beat one egg and add it to the mixture. Take 1 cup of grasshoppers and dip each of them in the egg batter. Make sure that the wings, legs (and the heads, if you like) have been removed. Fry oil in a frying pan. Deep fry the grasshoppers in the pan until they're crunchy and golden brown. Add salt and serve them. 9. **Make grasshopper skewers.** This is a creative dish that is not only delicious but has a beautiful presentation. Here's what you've got to do to make it: Make the marinade. To do this, mix together all of the ingredients except for the grasshoppers, the bell pepper, and the onion. Do this in a non-reactive baking dish. Marinate the grasshoppers. Submerge them in the marinade and let them sit there for at least an hour. For best results, you can marinate them overnight. Remove the grasshoppers from the marinade and pat them dry. Make the skewers by placing the grasshoppers, bell pepper, and onion on them in an alternating pattern. Brush your grill lightly with olive oil. Cook each skewer 2–3 inches (5.1–7.6 cm) above the fire. Turn them every 2-3 minutes and continue to baste them in olive oil if needed. Cook for about 8-9 minutes, until crunchy and ready to eat. 10. **Make sautéed grasshoppers.** This is another easy and delicious dish. Just take off the wings and legs, clean the grasshoppers, and get ready to sautee them. Here's what you do: Marinate the grasshopper in a mixture of lemon and lime juice for at least an hour. Sauté the garlic, serrano chile, and diced onion in a pan filled with oil over medium heat. Remove the garlic, onion, and chile, and sauté the grasshoppers in the remaining juice for around 8-9 minutes, or until they are crunchy and brown. Serve. Squeeze some lemon or lime juice over the grasshoppers and enjoy them on their own or in tortillas or tacos.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Treat an Open Wound
If you or someone you’re with has been wounded, you’ll need to administer first aid. Clean the wound with water, then apply pressure, using a clean cloth or gauze to stop the bleeding. If the bleeding is severe, focus on stopping the bleeding first and worry about cleaning the wound later. Depending on the severity of the wound, the victim may need to be taken to a hospital for emergency treatment. However, most small skin wounds and abrasions can be treated in under 30 minutes and require no medical follow-up. 1. **Apply pressure to stop the bleeding.** Try not to panic if you see a lot of blood because you can help stop the bleeding. Quickly check the wound for protruding debris, but don't remove anything that cannot be easily removed. Then, place a sterile bandage or a clean cloth over the open wound, being careful to avoid any protruding debris if you can. Press down on the bandage or cloth evenly to apply pressure to the wound. Wrap a cloth or another bandage around the wound to keep the pressure applied. Use what you have on hand. Once the bleeding is under control, you can clean the wound or help the person get treatment from a doctor. 2. **Move the victim to safety.** Before you start to treat the wound, move the injured person away from any area where they could sustain further injury. For example, if the victim is wounded from falling down a steep slope, move them away from the slope before beginning first aid. This will keep you and the victim from sustaining further injuries while you treat the wound. 3. **Rinse the wound with water.** It’s important to remove any dirt or other contaminants from the wound. Use a faucet or other water source to rinse the wound. If you have soap nearby, wash the skin around the wound as well. Keep rinsing until all dirt, rocks, and twigs are out of the wound. If you’re in the woods or away from running water, you can pour water from a water bottle over the wound. 4. **Do not remove large or deeply embedded debris.** If the wound is serious and large pieces of debris (e.g. a tree branch) are deeply embedded, leave these objects in the wound. Pulling out objects of this size could increase blood loss and make the wound more serious. Large debris will need to be removed by a doctor once the victim has been taken to a hospital. Small debris (gravel-sized or smaller) can be removed with tweezers. 5. **Apply antibiotic ointment if the wound is clean and free of debris.** Use clean gauze or a sterile Q-tip to apply an antibiotic ointment (such as Neosporin) to the wound. Minor wounds and skin abrasions can be easily infected, and an antibiotic ointment will greatly reduce the risk of infection. Avoid putting your fingers directly in the wound, since this will cause the victim pain. Wear latex gloves if you can; if they’re not available, wash your hands with soap and water before and after your apply the ointment. If you don't have an antibiotic ointment, you can apply petroleum jelly to the wound until you can get proper care. Use steri-strips to pull the edges of the wound together, which can help it heal faster. If the bleeding is severe and you’re worried that the person may lose a serious amount of blood (or lose consciousness), skip this step and move directly on to stopping the blood flow. 6. **Elevate the wound above the heart.** If the victim has been wounded on an arm or leg or on their head, prop their body in such a way that the wound is higher than their heart. This will help reduce the flow of blood to the wound and make the bleeding easier to stop. If the wound is located in an area that cannot be elevated above the heart—e.g., on the stomach or back—ask them to lie down. 7. **Place a clean cloth over the wound.** Take a clean piece of cloth or sterile gauze and place it directly over the wound. This cloth will prevent dirt and further contaminants from entering the wound. The cloth or gauze will also allow you to put pressure on the wound without putting your hands directly in it. If the victim was wounded in the woods (or if you do not have a First Aid kit), you’ll have to improvise. A lightly soiled cloth is better than nothing, so use a towel, a shirt, or a pair of socks. 8. **Apply direct pressure to the wound.** Place both of your hands over the wounded area and press down firmly. This will reduce the flow of blood from the wound, and allow the blood to begin clotting. Depending on the severity of the wound, keep direct pressure on it for 10-15 minutes. Then check if the wound is still bleeding. The pressure may cause some discomfort to the victim. If it’s seriously painful, though, you’re probably pressing too hard. 9. **Add more cloths or gauze if the wound continues to bleed.** If the first cloth or sheet of gauze becomes soaked with blood, apply a 2nd cloth directly over it. Continue applying pressure. If the bleeding continues, you may need to apply a 3rd and even a 4th piece of cloth. Keep pressure on the wound until the bleeding stops. Never remove a cloth that you have already applied. It’s crucial that the victim’s blood begins to clot and stop the bleeding. If you tear away a layer of gauze, this could re-open the wound. 10. **Take the victim to a doctor for stitches if the cut is deep or won’t close.** The victim will likely need stitches if the wound re-opens, is gaping with edges that don’t meet, or is deeper than ⁄4 inch (0.64 cm). They’ll also need stitches if the wound is still bleeding after 15 minutes of applying pressure, or is deep enough to expose the adipose tissue. Take the victim to a doctor as soon as possible to stitch the wound up. Adipose tissue is a yellow, fatty layer under the skin. It looks like round little yellow bubbles. 11. **See a doctor if you find signs of infection.** If the wound has become infected, the signs can show up 12-48 hours after the wound occurs. See a doctor as soon as possible if the wound shows signs of infection. When caught early, infection can be easy to fix. Signs of infection include: Redness, swelling, and skin around the wound that’s hot to the touch Discolored swelling in areas near the wound Pus mixed with blood draining from the wound An odd smell coming from the wound Severe pain from the wound Fever 12. **Head to a doctor if the wound was caused by rusty metal or an animal.** If the cut came from a piece of rusty metal, the victim may need a tetanus shot from a doctor. They should also see a doctor if the wound was caused by an animal bite and the skin was broken. In the case of rusty metal, the doctor may ask the victim when they received their last tetanus booster. If the wound is clean and they received a shot in the last 10 years, an additional shot might not be necessary. However, if the wound is particularly tetanus-prone, the victim may need a shot regardless. 13. **Go to the doctor if you see signs of blood poisoning.** Look for a red streak leading from the wound towards the heart. If the wound is on the arm, the red streak will be going up the arm; if it’s on the leg, it’ll be leading upwards. Blood poisoning can be life-threatening, so go to the emergency room as soon as possible. 14. **Bandage the wound and change the dressing 3 times a day.** Once the flow of blood has come to a stop, the wound should still be protected and kept covered. If the wound is small, a Band-Aid should work fine. Otherwise, you may need to bandage the wound with a sheet of gauze and medical tape (which can be found in a First Aid kit). 15. **Change the bandage 3 times a day.** Bandages and wound dressings need to be kept clean in order to discourage infection and to absorb any blood or fluid from the wound. Change the Band-Aid or gauze bandage 3 times a day, or whenever the bandage becomes wet or soiled. If bandages become dirty or absorb blood at a fast rate, the victim may need to visit the doctor again.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Get to Know Girls in Your School
If you're in middle or high school, you may want to talk to girls in your class. You may be interested in eventually dating, or you may just want some experience talking to members of the opposite sex. There are many ways you can work on talking to girls in your school. You can make initial contact through eye contact and a simple conversation. From there, you can work on socializing regularly to form a bond. If you're shy or nervous, there are ways you can work on relaxing before going into a conversation with a girl your age. 1. **Relax your body.** If you want to make contact with a girl you like, first try and relax your body. You want to make sure you don't communicate nervousness or defensiveness, as this may put a girl on edge. Try to stay calm going into the conversation. If you're nervous, you may lean forward and dip your chin down slightly. This can make you look aggressive. Try to be aware of your posture. Make sure your chin is straight and level. Keep your hands and arms loose at your side, or put your hands in your pocket. This will help make you look relaxed and nonchalant. This will make you look approachable. 2. **Make eye contact.** Another good way to initiate contact is eye contact. Eye contact can help convey interest and allow you to initiate a conversation. If you're interested in getting to know a girl from your class, try starting off with eye contact. Try to catch a girl's eye and hold her gaze for a few moments before looking away. However, be careful not to stare. This can come off as creepy. Try to make and hold hold eye contact briefly. If a girl is not returning your eye contact after a few seconds, look away and try again. You do not want it to look like you're staring. 3. **Smile.** A calm and friendly smile is a great way to grab someone's attention. Once you've made eye contact, try smiling. Try to think about something that genuinely makes you happy when you're smiling. You want your smile to look real and genuine, as a fake smile can easily give you away. 4. **Start a simple conversation.** Once you've gotten a girl's attention, you should make an effort to make conversation. It can be stressful to make conversation with someone you don't know, but with a quick observation or introduction you should be able to start a conversation. Start by introducing yourself. You can simply say something like, "Hi, I'm Paul." It may feel a little awkward, but if this is someone you see in class a lot, it's perfectly acceptable to introduce yourself. Try to open with an observation. When you're in school, there's a lot to observe and comment on. You could talk about the upcoming test or make an observation about what happened in class today. Try to give the girl the opportunity to share by posing an observation as a question. For example, don't just say, "Wow, that was a crazy test last week." Instead, say, "Wow, that was a crazy test last week, right?" This invites the girl to share her opinion as well. 5. **Join extracurricular activities.** During the average school day, it may be hard to stop and make conversation with a girl. However, if you join some extracurriculars, you may find it's easier to find people with common interests. Extracurriculars also provide you with the opportunity to socialize and make friends. This can help you meet girls. Find an after school club that caters to your interests and includes members of both genders. You're unlikely to meet girls on a boy's sports team. However, something like the school newspaper may help. The advantage of meeting people through a club is that you'll automatically have something in common. If you sometimes struggle to make conversation, you'll have something to discuss right away. 6. **Meet girls through others.** One of the easiest ways to establish a connection to someone else is through another person. It's easier to feel close and relaxed around someone if you meet in a casual social setting. If you have any friends who are close to girls in your school, mention you would like to try to meet some girls. See if that friend can invite you to parties and events where his female friends will be present. 7. **Share your thoughts and feelings.** In order to get to know someone, you need to share your thoughts and feelings with that person. Long talks in which you communicate openly are what foster the closeness that forms a friendship, and possibly a romantic relationship down the road. It may take time to get to the place where you're sharing feelings with a girl in your school, so be patient. You may have to spend some time socializing with her outside of school or at an after school club before the two of you feel close enough to open up to one another. Be patient and let things happen organically. You cannot force intimacy. As you get to know someone, you'll find you begin sharing things naturally as you feel more comfortable with one another. The girl may mention her family, share her opinion on a social issue, or tell you how she's feeling on a given day. Try to listen genuinely to what she says, and share your own emotions in turn. 8. **Talk on social media.** Social media can be a great way to get to know someone, especially if you tend to be shy. Many people meet in real life, and then strengthen that existing bond on social media. Once you've gotten to know girls in your school a little, add them on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media outlets. You can comment on a girl's Facebook post and talk to her through the messenger feature. Many people feel more relaxed talking online, and if you've established a bond online it may make face-to-face communication feel easier. Keep in mind, however, not to overdo it. If you pester a girl too much on social media, she may get annoyed. Do not, for example, like all her statuses, or comment on all her posts. Use discretion. 9. **Ask questions.** Asking questions is a great way to promote the flow of a conversation. They help the conversation move forward and show that you're genuinely interested in what the speaker has to say. When talking to girls in your school, ask a lot of questions to get to know them better. Ask general questions to start a conversation. For example, you can ask something like, "How was your day?" or "How did you do on that last test?" As the conversation continues, ask questions about the topic at hand. For example, if the girl mentions her family is getting a new puppy, don't just say, "Oh, that's cool." Instead, ask about this. Say something like, "What breed? Are you getting him from the shelter or a breeder?" 10. **Invite a girl to hang out.** After you've talked to a girl a bit, and know her somewhat, try inviting her to hang out. You can invite her to hang out in a group with you and your friends. However, you can also ask her to hang out with you one-on-one. If you want to go on a date, ask the girl to go somewhere with just you that feels date-like. You could ask her to go see a movie, to get dinner, or to grab coffee. You can also invite a girl to a social outing with your friends. This can be a great way to get to know a girl as a friend. You can also expand your friend's group by introducing a new member. 11. **Rehearse what you want to say.** It can be hard to get to know people if you're shy. If social situations make you nervous, there are ways you can overcome shyness. It may sound strange, but rehearsing what you want to say ahead of time may actually help. If you have to talk to a girl on the phone, or you know you'll see her in class, try writing down what you want to say. Obviously, you cannot plan out a whole conversation, but try jotting down what you want to talk about. Try to rehearse these words out loud, in front of a mirror. When you end up talking to the girl, the conversation may not play out exactly as you planned. However, you may be less nervous as you have some kind of a plan. 12. **Write down conversation starters.** It can also help to write down conversation starters. If you're going on a date, or getting together with the girl socially, conversation starters can be particularly helpful. Jot down things you could use to start conversations, such as observations ("I can't believe it's still snowing in March!), complements ("That's a great jacket on you!"), and questions ("Do you know what time the assembly is today?"). It may sound silly, but many people choke in the moment and fail to start a conversation. Having a plan can help. 13. **Discuss your fears with friends and family.** For many, shyness can be very difficult to overcome. It can help to talk out your issues with shyness with friends and family members. They may offer support, advice, and insight on how to cope with shyness. Choose people you feel will listen without judgment. Put-downs and lectures are unlikely to be helpful, so don't talk to people who like to give unsolicited advice. Select people who will listen and try to understand without trying to dismiss your shyness. 14. **Practice socializing.** Talking to girls in your school can be very intimidating. Many high school students are shy around girls. It may help to practice socializing in other places. Make conversation with boys in your class, make small talk with a clerk at the drugstore, call a family member who lives far away. Practice socializing in situations where you're less likely to feel nervous. This can help you relax more when talking to a girl.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Deadhead Mums
Deadheading is a gardening term that refers to the trimming off of dead blooms and growths on a plant. Though you may be nervous to go after your mum plants with a pair of garden shears, deadheading is actually an extremely healthy process for your plants that will make them look tidier and more beautiful. Mums in particular benefit from deadheading and the pinching back of their stems during the springtime to get them ready for their blooming period in late summer and early fall. Trimming and pinching your mums will keep them short and bushy, as well as propagate more side branches for a fuller and healthier-looking plant. 1. **Deadhead mums in late spring to mid summer.** The best time to deadhead or prune mums you are growing outside is during the late spring up to mid summer. This is right before blooming season, so the flowers have time to branch off from the cut stems. Deadheading during the warm season also makes it less likely that the vulnerable cut areas will be exposed to cold temperatures. If you are growing your mums in a greenhouse or indoors, you can deadhead them as soon as you see dead growths since the mums won’t be exposed to cold weather. 2. **Find blooms that are wilted or dead.** When it’s time to deadhead your mums, inspect the plant to find the flowers or branches that are spent. Most mum blooms are orange or yellow in color when healthy, and brown when dead or dying. They also are likely drier than the other healthy flowers of the plant, often with a papery and brittle texture to their petals. 3. **Pull off dead blooms with your fingers.** If your mum plant only has a few dead blooms, you can simply pull off the browned flowers with your fingers. To do this, grip the stem of the mum right under the dead flower, then simply pinch and snap off the dead bloom. If you are growing your mum indoors or in a greenhouse, this method is probably best for you since you can continuously deadhead throughout the year and don’t have to worry about exposing your mum to cold temperatures. 4. **Clip off bunches of dead flowers with shears.** If many of the blooms of your mum plant are dead, but the stalks appear to be alive and are growing buds, use a pair of garden shears to clip multiple flowers off at a time. Angle the shears right under the dead blooms and clip, taking off the blooms from a whole section of the plant. Repeat until you have taken off all the dead blooms. 5. **Shear at the bottom of the stem for major deadheading.** If most or all of the blooms and stalks on your mum plant are dead, you’ll need to use a pair of gardening shears to deadhead your plant. As soon as you see new green growth from your mum plant emerging from the ground, take a sharp pair of gardening shears and clip all of the dead sections of plant as close to the ground as you can. This will eliminate not only the dead flowers, but also the dead stems of the mum plant so that it can start anew. You may feel nervous about cutting off so much of the plant. However, if your mum is a perennial plant that went through a winter season, it’s necessary not only to cut off the flower but also the dead stems. Make sure that if you are doing a major deadheading that you do it during spring or early summer. This will give the new growths of the plant time to grow fully before blooming season in the fall. 6. **Don’t prune outdoor mums after they flower.** Once your mums flower in the fall, you may be tempted to deadhead any dead flowers you see among the healthy blossoms. Resist this temptation if you are growing outdoor plants in a region that has a cold winter season, as clipping back flowers right before cold weather will leave your plant vulnerable. 7. **Pinch mums during late spring and early summer.** Pinching refers to the pinching off of the top of the stems of a plant to encourage bushy growth and blossoming. Pinching can be done alongside the removal of dead blooms in late spring to early summer, as doing it before winter can also cause the mum to be vulnerable to the cold weather. Pinching is not strictly necessary but is a good addition to your deadheading routine, as it can make your plant fuller and healthier while keeping the shape of the plant compact and bushy. 8. **Identify leggy stalks to be pinched.** Because pinching is best done on tall stalks that you want bushier and more fruitful, take a good look during the late spring and early summer for stalks that you want shorter. It’s best to pinch your mums once the new shoots that emerge in the spring are 3 to 4 inches (7.62- 10.16 cm) high. Also look for any tips that look dead or browned. 9. **Grasp the tip under the first set of leaves.** Once you have identified some stalks that should be pinched, grasp the tip of a shoot right under the first set of leaves, about ½ to 1 inch (1.27 to 2.54 cm) down the stem from the tip. 10. **Pinch the tip off with your fingernails.** Use your fingernails to pinch off this tip and discard the pinched off tip of the plant. Repeat the process of pinching on all unhealthy or overly-tall stems. Pinching not only shortens the height of a tall plant, it also allows encourages rapid growth of leaves and blooms right below the pinched off area. 11. **Stop pinching in mid June to early August.** The optimal time to stop pinching for most mums is in mid July so that the plant has time to blossom and grow before blooming season. If your mum plant is an early cultivator then you should stop around mid-June, and if it is a late cultivator like a “Minnyellow” or a “Minngopher” mum, you can get away stopping pinching around early August. Look up your type of mum to see whether it is an early or a late cultivator. 12. **Dispose of the dead blooms and branches.** After deadheading your mums, it’s important to get rid of the dead blooms, branches or stems that you have taken off in the process. Pests like slugs and snails can lay their eggs in the dead foliage and overtake the mum, which will harm the plant. 13. **Mulch your mum during spring.** A good time to mulch your plant is after deadheading and pinching because it can add nourishment to the soil and protect the vulnerable plant against cold spells. Add a few inches of lightweight mulch in the spring or summer after deadheading, and add mulch in mid to late fall to protect mums against the winter. 14. **Make sure that mums get sun after pruning.** Mums need plenty of sun, and it’s a good idea to give them the nourishment they need right after pruning. After deadheading an indoor mum, bring it to a sunny windowsill. Try to time the deadheading of outdoor mums so that it receives at least a few hours of sunlight after the deadheading process. of soil feels dry, add water.”|}}
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Understand Your Emotions
Emotions are always with us. You might feel happiness when you laugh with a close friend or fear when you approach a growling dog. But there’s more to emotions than just the subjective experience of them. You can also learn how to understand your emotions. In recent years, scientists have increased our knowledge about the nature of emotions—about how different emotions came into existence, how emotions guide our behavior, and how different emotions impact our bodies and minds. Learning to understand your emotions is a fascinating endeavour that can help enhance your control over both your feelings and actions. 1. **Understand the origin of emotions.** Emotions are programmed responses shaped by evolution. They allow you to navigate your environment in ways that were generally adaptive in the past and are often still adaptive today. For example, emotions like fear evolved over time. When our human ancestors, who had the capacity to experience fear, saw a steep cliff, they behaved more cautiously as they neared the precipice. Because they took more precautions, individuals who experienced fear were more likely to survive than those without fear. The fearful individuals lived long enough to reproduce and gave birth to children with a similar capacity for fear. Evolution selected for both negative emotions like fear and positive emotions such as happiness. Negative emotions deter individuals away from actions that are harmful or costly. On the other hand, positive emotions motivate people towards potentially beneficial actions. 2. **Know the basic emotions.** Most psychologists agree that there are a set of so-called "basic emotions" with which all humans are endowed. These basic emotions are: anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise. Researchers have since expanded the list of emotions to include contempt, pride, shame, love, and anxiety. There may be more basic emotions than that, but the extent to which they are universally experienced or culture-specific remains up for debate. 3. **Learn about the role emotions play.** Emotions are incredibly important for our survival, our ability to thrive, and our ability to make good decisions. All emotions—even negative ones—help us navigate our world. For example, imagine you woke up one day, and you didn't feel embarrassed or have any sense of shame or social anxiety. You generally did not care at all how you acted in front of other people. Chances are you would lose all your friends if you didn't care how you acted around them. That’s because emotions help us to get along with others. 4. **Recognize how emotions affect decision-making.** Emotions are critically important to our ability to make decisions. Emotions provide value or weight to some information, thereby biasing our decision-making in one direction or another. Several studies have found that people with lesions to parts of their brain that are involved with emotion have impaired decision-making and in some cases impaired moral behavior. The most famous of these cases is Phineas Gage (PG). While working PG was accidentally impaled in the head with an iron rod, damaging a part of his brain involved in the processing of emotion. Miraculously, PG survived the accident, although he was never the same person again. His personality changed drastically. He displayed flat or inappropriate emotion, made horrible decisions, and was miserable to be around. One of the main reasons for this shift in behavior was that the rod had damaged a part of his brain involved in emotion. One group that has trouble in society are psychopaths. One of the key diagnostic criterion for psychopathy is a lack of emotion, something called callous-unemotional traits or a lack of empathy or guilt. Lacking these emotions can lead to antisocial and sometimes criminal behavior, highlighting the importance of emotion to our sense of morality. 5. **Know that emotions can become disordered.** Just as you could get a disorder of your kidneys or eyes, your emotions can also become disordered. If you think your emotions are potentially disordered, talk to a mental health professional about treatment options. Some of the more common disorders of emotion, or mental disorders in which emotions are affected include: Depression, which involves persistent and long-lasting feelings of sadness and a loss of interest. Anxiety disorders. General anxiety disorder refers to extended and excessive worry about day-to-day occurrences. Schizophrenia can be associated with a lack of emotions or an irritable or depressed mood. Mania, which generally occurs in bipolar disorder, refers to an extended period of abnormally and excessively elevated mood. Manic individuals may also be excessively and persistently irritable. 6. **Record when your emotions occur.** Once you have a sense of when emotions arise and how they feel, you can take notes on your emotions to further understand them. To learn more about the specific emotions you experience and what triggers them in your life, keep a log of when you feel an emotion and write down what you think triggered it. For example, maybe you felt anger and you recalled that soon before you realized that you had to wait in line for 15 minutes for lunch, and you hate waiting in lines. You can use this information to increase or decrease the emotions that you want or don't want in your life. If you know what makes you angry, you can take steps to avoid situations that trigger that emotion. For example, once you know that you hate waiting in lines, you can only buy a small handful of groceries at a time, so you can use the express lane. 7. **Learn what each emotion feels like.** People report that different emotions feel different subjectively. While the clearest distinction is that negative emotions feel very different than positive emotions, different negative emotions also feel different from each other. Embarrassment feels different than sadness, which feels different from fear. 8. **Learn what anger feels like.** Anger is experienced when someone has wronged you in some way. It serves to dissuade them from doing so again in the future. Without an emotion like anger, people might repeatedly take advantage of you. The experience of anger sometimes begins in the back between the shoulder blades and travels upward, along the back of the neck and around the sides of the jaws and head. When experiencing anger you may feel hot and flustered. If you notice sensations like tension, pain, and pressure in your back, neck, and jaws, you may be internalizing your anger. 9. **Learn what disgust feels like.** Disgust is a response toward repulsive stimuli, often things that can make us physically sick. It functions to protect us from things that could make us ill. It can also be experienced when we find things metaphorically gross - like certain moral violations. Disgust is felt primarily in the stomach, chest, and head areas of the body. You may actually feel sick or nauseous and find yourself closing off your nasal passages and moving away from the revolting stimuli. 10. **Understand what fear feels like.** Fear is experienced in response to dangerous threats like bears, heights, or guns. It helps us to avoid these things in the moment and to learn to avoid them in the future. Although fear is an evolved emotional response, many of the things we are afraid of are learned. Fear is usually felt primarily in the top half of the body. However, when it involves a fear of heights, fear often involves sensation in the legs. When experiencing fear, your heart may beat faster, you may breathe quicker, your palms may feel sweaty and hot as part of your nervous system kicks into high gear. This response is the so called fight or flight response. 11. **Know what happiness feels like.** Happiness is experienced in response to things that often have implications for surviving, thriving, and passing on one's genes. Examples of things that make us happy include having sex, having children, succeeding in a valued goal, being praised by others, and being in a nice welcoming environment. While happiness is perhaps one of those most easily recognizable or well-known emotions, is also one of the most difficult to define. It can involve feelings of warmth throughout the whole body, or it can involve a sense of feeling content, safe, or living the good life. 12. **Review what sadness feels like.** Sadness is experienced in response to a loss that we care about. It is a very painful emotion, which may act to help us to avoid losses in the future or to appreciate what we have when we get something back (such as in the case of a romantic partner). Sadness often begins in the chest and moves upward through the throat and up to the eyes where we see tears. You've probably heard the expression: "She's all choked up." Allowing yourself to cry fully can be a cleansing experience. Paying attention to the physical sensations in these areas and allowing the energy to move, helps us to grieve after a loss and empathize with others' suffering. 13. **Know what surprise feels like.** Surprise is experienced when something is unexpected but not deemed to be a threat. It is an interesting emotion in that it is relatively neutral in valence compared to the other emotions, which are often felt as positive or negative. Surprise may function to help re-orient attention to novel unexpected things. Surprise is felt primarily in the head and chest. It is experienced in response to the unexpected; it can feel like a bit of a jolt.
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How to Cope With the Loss of a Loved One
At some point in life, everyone loses someone they love. This is one of the most difficult life events imaginable. You need to be able to cope in a way that's healthy, even if it's painful. In the direct aftermath, allow yourself to work through your emotions. As time goes by, strive to care for yourself. If necessary, seek support from a mental health professional. 1. **Allow yourself to experience your feelings.** Losing someone you love is an emotionally devastating experience. In the aftermath of loss, you may find yourself grappling with a variety of feelings. It's very important that you allow yourself to feel what you are feeling, even if it's bad. Suppressing your feelings is not a good idea in the aftermath of loss. Avoiding feelings of sadness can prolong the grieving process. Also, suppressing grief can lead to things like anger, anxiety, and substance abuse. Even if pausing to consider your feelings is painful, it's important you allow yourself to feel. Do not shy away from feelings of devastation and heartbreak. Allow yourself to cry when necessary. Certain types of death or loss may be particularly difficult to process. Losing a child may provoke feelings of anger and injustice, for example. A suicide can lead to anger at the person who has died. With these kinds of losses, people often feel bad about their emotions or think how they're feeling is inappropriate or insensitive. Keep in mind no feelings are inherently good or bad. How you choose to act on your feelings can have negative consequences, but having a range of powerful emotions is normal. You should not judge yourself for feeling what you're feeling. Not all emotions in the immediate aftermath of loss are negative. It's not uncommon to feel gratitude for having been close to someone, even if they're gone. You may also find yourself smiling over fond memories. Many people find, when coping with loss, that they veer between laughter and tears. Understand all these emotions are healthy and necessary when it comes to processing loss. 2. **Express your feelings to others.** Talking to others is very important following the loss of a loved one. Your friends and family members may not be able to provide you with direct advice, but simply having someone to listen can be cathartic. Sometimes stating your feelings out loud can help you work through them. After a loss, seek out understanding friends and family members. Express your feelings to them and seek comfort and support. 3. **Find creative outlets.** Even if you're not typically a creative person, using a creative medium to express your feelings can give your grief a tangible form. Make a scrapbook or photo album commemorating your lost loved one. Write a poem, essay, or short story about your relationship with that person. Draw or paint out your feelings in abstract images and colors. This can help you get your feelings outside your own head in a concrete manner, helping you better process your emotions. 4. **Prepare for reminders.** After losing a loved one, reminders are constant. Reminders can be obvious, like holidays and birthdays. They can also be somewhat less tangible. Certain sights and smells, for example, can trigger memories. It's not always possible to know when you'll encounter a reminder. However, when you know a reminder is coming try to prepare. The anniversary of someone's death can be very painful. The first birthday without that person, as well the holiday season, can also be difficult to endure. During these times, it can be helpful to simply brace yourself for an emotional reaction. Acknowledge the fact you may very well be sad on these dates and remind yourself it's important to allow yourself to experience these feelings. However, you should also make sure you care for yourself. Make sure you have someone to call or go see if you know a certain date or event will trigger feelings of grief. You want to make sure you have adequate support. You can also have something to distract. While you should acknowledge your grief, if you become overwhelmed by it it's okay to have something comforting in mind to do. You could plan to go see a movie or call an old friend. 5. **Reminisce.** Many people find their memories comforting in the aftermath of loss. Reminiscing may be painful at first. However, with time you may come to treasure memories of your lost loved one. At the memorial and funeral service, allow yourself to share memories with others in attendance. Memory can be cathartic when it comes to coping with grief. You can also find tangible ways to honor someone's memory. For example, you may want to donate to a charity they cared about or get involved in an organization that was important to them. 6. **Take care of your physical needs.** In the wake of grief, people often neglect their physical needs. Even if it's difficult, make an effort to care for yourself. Not engaging in basic self care can affect your mood for the worse. Eat right. Many people suffer from a loss of appetite after losing a loved one or have an erratic, somewhat unhealthy eating schedule. However, strive for a healthy and well-balanced diet after losing someone. Eating quality foods, like fruits and vegetables, can help regulate your mood. Try to engage in very basic self care rituals. When you're grieving, these can sometimes be forgotten. Remember to brush your teeth twice a day, shower regularly, and try to get some exercise. Some self care rituals will inevitably slip during the grieving process. However, try to keep up as best you can given the situation. Simply caring for yourself can help with your emotional wellbeing. 7. **Avoid numbing the pain.** Alcohol and drug use can be tempting after grief. It can help numb the pain. However, you are at higher risk to develop a substance abuse problem when you're grieving. It can also be bad for your emotional health to avoid addressing your grief. Try to avoid drinking and drug use in the months after losing a loved one. 8. **Sleep.** Much like your diet, maintaining a solid sleep schedule is important in regulating your emotions. When you're going through a traumatic experience, it's important you make sleep a priority. Strive for 7 to 8 hours of high quality sleep each night. It may be very difficult to sleep after losing someone. If you have prolonged difficulty sleeping, talk to your doctor about temporarily trying a medication to help regulate your sleep cycle. 9. **Maintain a schedule.** It may be very difficult to maintain a regular schedule after losing a loved one. However, having some semblance of normalcy during your grief can provide comfort. A simple routine can help ground you and help you deal with negative emotions. Things like eating, sleeping, and exercise are important to incorporate in a routine. Make sure you make time for those basic needs. You should also try to see people at least once a week. Many people isolate themselves after a loss. However, you need support from those who care about you to move forward. 10. **Let people know what isn't helping.** You will get a lot of sympathy, advice, and feedback when you're grieving. Unfortunately, not all of it is helpful. People are rarely trying to be hurtful or insensitive when they say the wrong thing. They may simply be unsure of how to help. It's appropriate to respectfully let people know when they're not being helpful. You can also tell them how they can better help you cope with your grief. People sometimes inadvertently say things that come off as hurtful or insensitive to the bereaved. For example, a friend may say something like, "Be grateful for the time you had." If your loved one died somewhat young, this may bother you. You can try gently saying to your friend, "I really appreciate that you're trying to help, but my cousin died very young. Being reminded of the time I had, which wasn't very much, just makes me feel angry. Could you please not bring that up anymore?" You can also let people know what is helpful. Most people genuinely want to help. Even if they're saying the wrong thing, it's because they care. Letting them know what does and does not help will allow them to better assist you. For example, you could say to that friend, "The next time you want to help, maybe just ask me how I'm feeling and let me express it without offering any advice. Sometimes, I just need to vent." 11. **Join a support group.** Some people find support groups very helpful when dealing with a personal loss. Talking to others who've been through the same experiences can provide you with insight on how to cope. You can see if there are any support groups at hospitals or counseling centers in your area. If you can't find anything close by, consider an online support group. 12. **Recognize when you need psychological care.** It's normal to feel sad after losing a loved one. However, sometimes grief can spiral into depression. You should seek psychological care if you experience any of the following: Your emotions are so intense you are unable to cope with day-to-day life Your have difficulty sleeping Your personal relationships are suffering Your professional life is suffering You're having sexual problems or becoming accident-prone 13. **Find a therapist.** If you're experiencing symptoms of prolonged grief, make an appointment with a therapist. You can find a therapist by talking to your insurance provider or asking for a referral from your regular physician. If you're a student, you may be entitled to free counseling from your college or university.
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How to Dry Chives
Drying chives is a great way to capture their fresh flavor to use in your cooking all year long. Often used like an herb, chives are the smallest species of the edible onions and add a mellow onion and grassy flavor to food, especially potato, egg and fish dishes. You can choose to dry them the more traditional way by hanging them, by oven drying them, or by using a food dehydrator. 1. **Clean the chives.** Rinse them under cold running water and remove any dead or withered chives. Pat them dry with a clean towel or kitchen towel until all moisture is removed. 2. **Collect and bundle the chives.** Gather the chives into loose bundles that you can easily hold in one hand. Secure the stems with kitchen twine or a rubber band, ensuring that they stay together securely without crushing them. Trim off the excess bottom and top portions of any stems that stick out if you want the bundles to look even. If you are cutting the chives from a garden, trim them early in the morning after the dew has dried when they are the healthiest and full of flavor. 3. **Hang the bunches of chives upside down in a brown paper bag.** Cut small holes or slits in the sides of the small paper bags to allow airflow. Gather the top of the bag together with string and hang the chives inside the bag from the top. The bag prevents dust from gathering on the chives and keeps sunlight from bleaching out their green color. 4. **Store the bags of chives in a cool, dry location.** Leave them for approximately two weeks until they are brittle to the touch. Check the chives every few days to ensure that no mold has developed on them. 5. **Crumble the chives.** Remove the chives from the bags and bundles and place them on parchment paper or a cutting board. Gently crumble the chives with your hands or chop them with a knife into small pieces. 6. **Place the dried chives in an airtight container such as a glass mason jar and store out of direct sunlight.** 7. **Clean the chives.** Rinse them under cold running water and remove any dead or withered chives. Pat them dry with a clean towel or kitchen towel until all moisture is removed. 8. **Preheat the oven to the lowest temperature, ideally to 185˚ F (85˚ C) or lower.** 9. **Cut the chives into 1/4” inches (0.** 10. **Spread the chives on a shallow baking sheet.** Line the baking sheet with parchment paper before spreading out the chives to keep them from scorching on the metal. 11. **Heat the tray of chives in the oven for one to two hours.** Check the chives periodically to make sure they do not burn. Remove them when they crumble easily between your fingers. 12. **Gather up the parchment paper and funnel the chives into a glass jar with a tight fitting lid.** Seal the jar and store the chives in a cool location away from sunlight. 13. **Clean the chives.** Rinse them under cold running water and remove any dead or withered chives. Pat them dry with a clean towel or kitchen towel until all moisture is removed. 14. **Cut the chives into 1/4” inches (0.** 15. **Spread the chives evenly on the food dehydrator tray.** Cover the chives with a screen (if included with the dehydrator) to prevent them from blowing around. 16. **Heat the tray of chives in the dehydrator for roughly one hour at 90˚F (32˚C).** Check the chives periodically and remove them when they crumble easily between your fingers. 17. **Pour the chives into a glass jar with a tight fitting lid.** Seal the jar and store the chives in a cool location away from sunlight.
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How to Catch Dratini in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen
Dratini is a rare, Dragon-type Pokémon that, if raised right, can be a great addition to your team. You can find this elusive Pokémon in the Safari Zone, or you can cough up a pocketful of credits at the Rocket Game Center. See Step 1 below to find out how to add Dratini to your Pokedex without breaking a sweat. 1. **Obtain a Super Rod.** You will need the best rod in the game in order to catch Dratini. You can get the Super Rod on Route 12 in the house with a Fisherman inside. Talk to him and you will receive the Super Rod. 2. **Head to the Safari Zone.** Dratini can only be caught in the Safari Zone. You don't need to worry about which Pokémon you will use to fight, as there are no battles in the Safari Zone. You can get to the Safari Zone from Fuchsia City. 3. **Start fishing.** Dratini can be caught in any of the four areas of the Safari Zone. Throw your line out into any body of water you see to start fishing. There is a 15% chance that the Pokémon you catch will be a Dratini. When you hook a Pokémon, you will need to press the A button to set the hook, otherwise the Pokémon will get away. There is a 1% chance that you will catch a Dragonair, Dratini's evolution. 4. **Throw a Rock.** You have four options when you start a Safari Zone battle: you can throw Bait, a Rock, or a Safari Ball, or you can Run. Throwing Bait will make it less likely to run away but decreases the catch chance. Throwing a Rock will make it easier to capture, but increases the chance it will run away. Throwing Bait followed by a Rock will cancel the effects of each. If you want to improve the catch chance, either throw one Rock, or a Bait followed by two rocks. 5. **Throw a Safari Ball.** If the ball doesn't capture the Dratini, it will have a chance to run away. If it runs, you will need to fish again to catch another one. If it stays, you can try another Safari Ball on your next turn. 6. **Train your Dratini.** Once you've caught your Dratini, you can start training it to eventually evolve it into a Dragonite. Dratini can be used in a variety of party builds, thanks to its speed and Dragon-type attacks. To get the most out of your training, make sure to check out this guide on managing EVs, which can greatly affect the way your Dratini plays. 7. **Visit the Rocket Game Corner in Celadon City.** You can win a Dratini from here any time after you reach Celadon City for the first time. Dratini costs 2,800 Credits. 8. **Gamble or buy the credits.** You can use the slots machines to earn the credits you need, or if you don't have the time and have plenty of cash, you can buy the credits. If you want to gamble for them, one of the machines has better odds than the others, but it changes every time you enter the room.
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How to File Bankruptcy in the United States
Bankruptcy laws are a series of federal laws enacted to allow people to be relieved from their debts and start over with a clean slate. The laws changed in 2005, making the road to a fresh start more complicated, so it is important to completely understand the benefits and drawbacks before you decide to declare bankruptcy. Understand how to know when you should file bankruptcy, the different types of bankruptcy, and the procedure for filing. 1. **Consider other options.** Bankruptcy should only be used as a last resort. Before filing, try other options available to you to pay off your debts. Contact your creditors and try to negotiate for a loan settlement or a repayment plan with lower payments. Alternately, you can try a short sale of your assets to cover your debt, assuming you are not underwater on your loan. Try consulting with a debt management agency before deciding to file for bankruptcy. 2. **Analyze your debt.** Certain kinds of debt cannot be discharged, or erased, even if you declare bankruptcy. Categorize all of your debt and calculate how much falls into categories that cannot be discharged. If the majority of your debt cannot be erased, then bankruptcy may not the right option for you. Note that each state has specific provisions for those assets which are exempt from bankruptcy. Be sure to check state law. The following kinds of debt cannot be discharged in a bankruptcy: Alimony Child Support Debts that arise after bankruptcy is filed Some debts incurred in the six months prior to filing bankruptcy Loans obtained fraudulently Debts from personal injury while driving intoxicated Debts from willful and malicious injuries to person or property Some student loans Some taxes Secured loans, as lenders can foreclose on their capital 3. **Know which assets are exempt from seizure in bankruptcy proceedings.** While bankruptcy proceedings will seek to seize and sell off your valuable assets to repay creditors, there are some assets that are protected under state law. The exempted assets will depend on the type of bankruptcy you are filing for and your state's laws. Assets may be completely protected or protected up to a certain value. For example, there might be at automobile exemption of $5,000, meaning that you could keep a $4,000 car but not a $20,000 one. Common protected assets are cars, wedding rings, and your home. Some states may offer "wild card" exemptions that allow you to keep any other valuable assets up to a certain amount. Chapter 13 bankruptcy allows you to keep all of your assets, but you can reduce your liability to creditors by selling of assets of significant value. 4. **Understand that bankruptcy does not erase debt for cosigners.** A cosigner agrees to pay your debt in the event that you cannot pay. For example, a parent may have cosigned an auto loan for you when you graduated from college because you had little or no credit. However, if you declare bankruptcy, a cosigner on your loan is still be legally obligated to repay your debt. For example, your parent will still have to repay all or part of that car loan, even if you declare bankruptcy. 5. **Learn about the different kinds of bankruptcy.** Bankruptcy in the United States is handled in federal court under the rules of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. The U.S. Bankruptcy code identifies several different kinds of bankruptcy. These are usually referred to by their chapter in the U.S. Bankruptcy code. Individuals and businesses may file for Chapter 7. Property may be liquidated to pay off creditors. Secured debt may be eliminated, or you have the option of allowing the property to be repossessed or paying the creditor a lump sum equal to the current value of the property. Your income must be below a certain level to qualify for Chapter 7. Chapter 13 is also known as “wage earner” bankruptcy. Under Chapter 13, if you have a reliable source of income, you can propose a repayment plan to your creditors that pays them back over the next three to five years. Your debts must be below $1,149,525 in secured debt and $383,175 in unsecured debt. Note that the amount received by the creditors is established by your income after bankruptcy, not the amount of debt owed. Municipalities, such as cities, towns, villages, taxing districts, municipal utilities, and school districts can reorganize under Chapter 9. Businesses can reorganize under Chapter 11 or liquidate under Chapter 7. Chapter 12 is similar to Chapter 13. It is reserved for businesses for which 80% or more of debt is from the operation of a family farm or fishery. 6. **Understand the Consequences of Bankruptcy.** Learn about the kinds of debt that can be erased and what debts will not be forgiven. Recognize the impact on cosigners to your loans. Decide if you can live with the negative impact bankruptcy has on your credit. Evaluate whether or not you even qualify for bankruptcy. The impact bankruptcy has on your credit is largely determined by how good your credit is to begin with. If your credit score is high, it will probably take a huge hit and drop significantly. If your credit is already pretty bad, bankruptcy might not lower your score by very much. The more accounts associated with the filing, the bigger the impact on your credit score. If you file for Chapter 7 or 11, it will remain on your credit report for up to 10 years. If you file for Chapter 13, it may stay on your report for up to seven years. A Chapter 11 bankruptcy will stay on the business's credit report, not the individual owner's, unless they file a personal bankruptcy. 7. **Consider hiring a bankruptcy attorney.** Hiring an attorney is not required, but it is recommended. Filing for bankruptcy is a very complicated process and is rarely successful without the help of an attorney. Free legal services are available for those who cannot afford an attorney. For help finding an attorney, contact the American Bar Association or the Legal Services Corporation. . Filing without an attorney is called filing pro se. If you do decide to file pro se, the court may allow non-attorney preparers to help you. They can only help you with paperwork. They cannot answer legal questions or provide legal advice. Since they don’t represent you, they cannot sign anything on your behalf or receive payment for court fees. The United States has 90 bankruptcy districts, each with one bankruptcy court. Every state has at least one or more districts. 8. **Find out whether or not you qualify.** To file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, your income must be below a certain level. If you have any income left over after paying your monthly expenses, then you must file for Chapter 13 and make arrangements to repay your creditors. Take the “means test” to find out if you qualify for Chapter 7. Complete a series of three forms to take the means test. You may not have to fill out all of the forms. Your answers on the first form determine whether or not you have to fill out the others. Download form 22A-1 from the U.S. Court’s website. The form takes you through the steps of calculating your income and comparing it to the median income in your state for the same household size. If your income is below the state median, then you qualify for Chapter 7. If not, you proceed to form 22A-2. Download form 22A-2 from the U.S. Court’s website. The form takes you through further analysis of your income to determine if you qualify for Chapter 7. Fill out form 22A-1Supp to determine if you are exempt from the means test because most of your debts are from business expenses or you have recent military service. 9. **Fill out the bankruptcy forms.** The bankruptcy forms list all of your property, debt, income and expenses for the court. You must complete a large packet of forms. These forms include the bankruptcy petition, a series of schedules and various other forms. Download the forms from the U.S Court’s website. All debts need to be listed to be discharged; failure to list a debt may mean it continues after the bankruptcy. 10. **File the bankruptcy forms.** Filing the forms officially begins your case. If you are using an attorney, they will file the forms for you. If you are representing yourself, then you can take them to the bankruptcy court yourself. 11. **Receive a bankruptcy trustee.** The court will assign you a trustee when you file the forms. The trustee works on behalf of your creditors. This person is responsible for verifying the information in your bankruptcy documents. The trustee also looks at the property you own and determines how much of it you can keep. Each state has rules that govern what property is exempt from liquidation in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. The trustee determines this for your case and liquidates any non-exempt property. A bankruptcy judge presides over the bankruptcy court. The bankruptcy judge rules on matters such as eligibility and discharges. A debtor rarely has to appear in court before the bankruptcy judge. Much of the process is administrative and is carried out by the trustee away from the courthouse. 12. **Get credit counseling.** Any individual filing for bankruptcy is required to receive credit counseling and debtor education. Credit counseling is done before filing for bankruptcy. Debtor education occurs after bankruptcy. Certificates of completion must be presented to the court before debts can be discharged. Organizations providing these services must by approved the U.S. Trustee Program. Consult the Department of Justice to find a list of approved credit counseling agencies and debtor education courses. 13. **Attend the 341 Meeting.** You will have to attend a formal meeting of creditors, which usually happens at the offices of your trustee. This meeting with creditors is known as the 341 meeting, referring to section 341 of the Bankruptcy code. This requires debtors to face creditors so they can answer questions about their debts and property. The meeting will occur approximately one month after you file. During the meeting, the trustee asks you questions about your debt and why you are filing for bankruptcy. Arrangements for selling your non-exempt property are made. Also, arrangements are made for property pledged as collateral in secured loans. 14. **Evaluate your eligibility for Chapter 13 bankruptcy.** Businesses cannot file for Chapter 13, even if you are a sole proprietor. You must have a certain amount of disposable income. Your debts cannot be too high. You do not qualify for Chapter 13 bankruptcy if your secured debts exceed $1,149,525. Also you must be current on your income taxes. You must prove that you filed your federal and state income taxes for the past four tax years. 15. **Fill out the bankruptcy forms.** List all of your financial data. Indicate your income. Value your property. Enter your repayment plan. The forms for Chapter 13 are the same as the forms from Chapter 7. Download the forms from the U.S Court’s website. 16. **File your bankruptcy forms with the court.** A trustee will be appointed to your case by the court. Realize, however, that the trustee represents your creditors, not you. This person’s job is to verify your information, look for fraud and administer the bankruptcy procedures. If you feel you need representation, you should hire an attorney. However, you are not required to have one. 17. **Attend two hearings.** Within approximately one month of filing for bankruptcy, you will attend a meeting with your creditors. The trustee will arrange this meeting. Here you will answer questions about your debt and negotiate the terms of your repayment plan. Shortly thereafter, you will attend a confirmation hearing with a bankruptcy judge who will confirm your repayment plan.. 18. **Learn what a discharge means.** If you are awarded a bankruptcy discharge, you are no longer legally required to repay some kinds of debts. This is a permanent order. Creditors can take no further action against you to collect the debt. They cannot communicate with you about the debt. They can take no legal action against you. Unless there are any objections to the discharge, it is usually granted automatically. Creditors, debtors and their attorneys all receive copies of the order of discharge. 19. **Know when you can expect the discharge to occur.** The amount of time it takes to get a discharge varies depending on the type of bankruptcy for which you file. The court can deny a discharge if the petitioner does not complete the required credit counseling and debt education courses. Exemptions from this requirement can be granted in some cases if the debtor is disabled or on active military duty. In a Chapter 7 case, the discharge can happen within 60 days of the first 341 meeting, which is usually approximately four months from the date the debtor files for bankruptcy. It may take longer if a creditor files a complaint objecting to the discharge or a motion to dismiss the case. In Chapter 13 cases, the court grants a discharge after the debtor completes all agreed-upon payments. Since these payment plans last three to five years, it may take several years for the discharge to be granted. 20. **Prepare for debts that cannot be discharged.** The kinds of debts that can be discharged vary depending on the kind of bankruptcy filed. Congress determines the kinds of debts that cannot be discharged. These decisions are based on public policy. Debtors must still repay those debts that cannot be discharged. The categories of debt that cannot be discharged include some taxes, spousal or child support, debts for personal injury, student loans, and debts owed for driving under the influence. Under Chapter 13, some debts can be discharged that would not be dischargeable under other chapters. These include some taxes, some personal injury debts, and debts from property settlements during a divorce. Petitioners can also file a hardship discharge if they are unable to complete the planned payments due to circumstances beyond their control. 21. **Realize that a discharge is not guaranteed.** Creditors can object to and block a discharge by filing a complaint in the bankruptcy court. This is known as an adversary proceeding. The court can deny a discharge if you delay or hinder the proceedings. For example, you will not receive a discharge if you do not supply the proper documents, fail to complete the required educational courses, willfully conceal or destroy records or property or perjure yourself. A discharge can be revoked if it is determined that it was obtained fraudulently. This typically occurs within one year of the discharge. 22. **Consider repaying some discharged debts.** You may choose to repay some debts that have been discharged. Discharged debts cannot be legally enforced, but you can voluntarily repay them. For example, if you owe money to a family member, you may choose to repay that debt. Also, you may want to repay a debt to someone whose opinion is important to you. An example would be debts for medical treatment from a family doctor. 23. **Keep copies of the discharge court papers.** Keep all discharge court papers and decisions for your records. These will help you prove the debts have been discharged in the event creditors attempt to collect old debts. Creditors may claim after the fact that debts were discharged dishonestly, so having the papers to prove the court's decision can be useful. 24. **Create a budget.** Develop a realistic spending plan. Pay all of your bills on time. Stick to your budget at all costs. Avoid accumulating any more debt. Save to establish an emergency fund to help you deal with unexpected expenses. Set up automatic payments to help you pay your bills on time. 25. **Adopt a simpler life style.** Reduce your living expenses if possible. Pay less for groceries and housing. Purchase items with cash only. If you filed for Chapter 13, then you are living within a court-appointed budget while you work to repay debts. You will not be able to get a credit card or an auto loan without the court’s permission. 26. **Get a secured credit card.** Set up a secured credit card by depositing a given amount of money into a bank account. This sets your spending limit. Charge small amounts to this account each month. Pay the bill on time and as agreed. Secured credit cards help rebuild credit. Some cards may reward responsible payments by increasing the spending limit without requiring an additional deposit. 27. **Understand how bankruptcy will affect your credit.** It is possible to successfully bounce back from bankruptcy more quickly than you would think. You may still qualify for an FHA home loan. You will still receive credit card offers. You will still be able to get other loans, such as auto loans, at a reasonable rate. Bankruptcy does remain on your credit report for up to 10 years. However, your credit score can recover quickly if you make all of your payments on time. 28. **Review your credit report.** You can receive one free credit report each year. Review your credit report and check for errors. Make sure debts you no longer owe are not listed. Look for incorrect balances. Check for debts that are not yours. If you find an error, file a claim with the credit reporting agency.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Use Bergamot Oranges
Bergamot oranges have a unique bitter and sour flavor, and are believed to be a cross between a lime and a sour orange. While too bitter to be eaten raw, Bergamots can be preserved in jams or marmalades. Bergamot juice and zest can also add a bright flavor to custards, cookies, and other desserts. Try substituting bergamot oranges wherever you’d use Meyer lemons, such as in marinades or dressings. You can also use a cold press expression method to make an essential oil with the peel. 1. **Try adding a slice of Bergamot to your tea.** Since their oil is used to make Earl Grey, Bergamot oranges are a nice complement to a hot cup of tea. Try using a citrus peeler to slice off a piece of the rind or peel and let it steep in your tea. You can also cut a slice of Bergamot, squeeze its juice into your tea, then add in the slice to steep. 2. **Substitute Bergamot juice or zest in recipes that call for lemon.** Try using Bergamot wherever a recipe calls for the zest or juice of a Meyer lemon, such as in cake, custard, cookie, or meringue recipes. You can also use Bergamot juice in salad dressings, seafood marinades, and ceviches. 3. **Make a Bergamot margarita.** Try adding a bright twist to your margarita with freshly squeezed Bergamot juice. Mix 1.5 oz (about 40 mL) of tequila with .75 oz (20 mL) of orange liqueur and .5 oz (15 mL) each of lime and Bergamot juices. Shake the ingredients with ice in a cocktail shaker, then strain into salt-rimmed glasses over fresh ice. 4. **Make an oyster mushroom salad with apple and Bergamot.** Soak the apple slices in Bergamot juice and set aside. Get a skillet hot, coat it with a tablespoon of olive oil, and cook the mushrooms for about five minutes. Season them with salt and pepper, then remove them from heat. Whisk together the remaining tablespoon of olive oil and vinegar. Toss the greens, mushrooms, and apples and coat them with the oil and vinegar. Serve immediately with slices of fresh, warm baguette. 5. **Bake Bergamot sable cookies.** Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (180 degrees Celsius). Whisk together the flour, cornstarch, and salt. In another bowl, beat together the butter and sugar until the mixture is fluffy and creamy, then mix in the zest, juice, and vanilla. Combine the wet and dry ingredients until the dough comes together, then roll the dough into a log and slice it into cookies. Place the cookies onto a cooking sheet and bake for 16 to 18 minutes. Their tops should still be pale, but the bottoms should be slightly browned. 6. **Make Bergamot orange marmalade.** Separate the seeds from the pulp, wrap the seeds securely in cheesecloth, and puree the pulp. Combine the fruit puree, juice, water, and cheesecloth-wrapped seeds in a large saucepan. Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for about 20 minutes. Remove from heat and let the mixture rest for about two hours. Add the sugar to the fruit mixture, bring it to a boil again, then simmer for another 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. When finished, ladle the marmalade into sterilized jars. 7. **Slice or grate a quarter ounce (7 g) of Bergamot zest.** Use a citrus zester or grater to peel and finely grate the rind of a Bergamot orange. Place a quarter ounce of zest in a mortar. To make one batch of essential oil, you'll be using a ratio of a quarter ounce (7 g) of zest to one cup (240 mL) of carrier oil. Grate as much zest as you'll need for the number of batches you want to make, and separate them into quarter ounce portions. 8. **Add oil and grind the zest with a pestle.** Pour enough carrier oil into the mortar to cover the grated zest. Use a pestle to grind the zest and oil together. Continue for 15 to 30 minutes, then add the rest of the oil to the mortar. Your carrier oil should be a neutral oil, like jojoba or grapeseed. Avoid olive oil, which is too viscous and fragrant. If you don’t have a mortar and pestle, you can use a plastic baggie and mallet to break down the zest. 9. **Cover the mortar and let it stand for two days.** Tightly cover the mortar with plastic wrap. Let it stand out of direct sunlight for at least two days. If you’re making more than one batch of essential oil, transfer the zest and oil to a lidded container so you can use the mortar for the next batch. 10. **Strain the oil and store in a lidded container.** Secure cheesecloth to the top of a jar with a rubber band or string. Leave enough slack so the cloth can catch the zest when you strain the oil. Uncover the oil after it’s rested for two days and pour it slowly through the cheesecloth into the jar. After straining the oil and collecting the zest in the cloth, unfasten it from the top of the jar, keeping the zest in the cloth. Squeeze the cloth over the jar to extract as much oil as possible from the zest. 11. **Repeat the process if desired or store your oil.** To intensify its fragrance, you can repeat the process by using your essential oil as the carrier oil. If you don’t want to repeat the process, just keep it tightly sealed when you’re not using it. Use your Bergamot essential oil for personal fragrance, add a few drops to a bath, or fill a fragrance diffuser with it. Freeze batches that you don’t plan on using with one month. Store frozen batches for up to six months.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Walk in Wedges
If you’re new to wearing heels, wedges are a great option since they’re often more comfortable than stilettos. You can find practical wedges for when you’re on your feet all day as well as sky-high party shoes with a bedazzled base. Whatever wedges you choose, make sure they fit snugly and provide some ankle support. When you’re walking, focus on planting your heel first before rolling through to the ball of your foot. With the whole base of the shoe in contact with the floor, engage your leg and core muscles to help control your balance. 1. **Stand upright with your chin up and your shoulders back.** Don’t slouch when you’re walking in heeled wedges. Instead, keep your head and chin held up high. Bring your shoulders down and pull your shoulder blades toward each other at the back to open up the front of your chest. Keep your pelvis in a neutral position and avoid tilting it forward. If you’ll be standing still for a while, practice some comfortable standing leg poses. For instance, you could slightly bend 1 knee to take the pressure off of that foot while keeping the other leg firmly planted. 2. **Engage your abs and leg muscles to steady your balance.** Walking in wedges—especially higher-heeled ones—requires good balance. To keep yourself steady, activate your core muscles whenever you’re walking and standing in your wedges. Additionally, you’ll need to engage your thigh and calf muscles to maintain your center of gravity. Think about pulling your thigh muscles toward each other as you stand or walk in your wedges, and use your calf muscles to help keep your ankles steady. Try pilates, yoga, or a conditioning class to help build up these muscles and improve your balance. 3. **Strengthen your leg muscles by standing on the balls of your feet.** As soon as you stand up in your wedges, you’ll immediately notice a different set of muscles start to engage in your legs and feet. Practice working these muscles without the shoes on. Anytime you find yourself standing around in bare feet or flat shoes, roll up onto the balls of your feet. Stay there for about 5 seconds, then slowly roll down to your heels. Once you feel comfortable doing this, try walking around on the balls of your feet. This is an easy exercise to try while you’re getting ready in the morning, waiting at a bus stop, or standing in line at the store. 4. **Hinge your front leg at the knee as you take each stride.** Bend your front knee slightly as you lift your back leg off the ground, then step forward with your back foot until it's in front of the other one. Try to keep your foot pointed as you do this, and think of leading your stride with the ball of your foot. This will give you an easy, natural stride. Just keep in mind that you won’t actually plant the ball of your foot down first. Your front leg should end at about a 30-degree angle away from your body. Try this on the balls of your bare feet first before doing it in wedges. Once your leg reaches the front, don’t bend your knees and stomp. This won’t be a graceful or comfortable way to walk. 5. **Place your heel down first, then roll through to the ball of your foot.** When you have your front leg extended and your foot pointed in front of you, the heel of your wedge will be the closest part of the shoe to the ground. Continue your stride by placing the heel down first, then shift your body forward and roll through until the ball of your foot and the bottom of the wedge sits firmly on the floor. Then bring the back foot forward to take another step. Try walking in your wedges at a slow pace, to begin with. Once you find your balance, speed things up. When you’re walking in wedges, each shoe should be making a rocking motion. 6. **Aim to place 1 foot in front of the other in a perfectly straight line.** To help you maintain your balance and bring a sassy sway to your hips, think about walking along a straight imaginary line. You’ll keep your thighs and knees close together as you walk and keep your leg muscles engaged. Plant 1 foot directly in front of the other; don’t splay them out to the side. Sway your hips as you walk so you don’t put tension on your knees. Aim to keep the hip of your front leg higher and the hip of your back leg lower. 7. **Plant your entire foot when walking up and down the stairs.** If you lead with your heel while going up or down the stairs, you might take a misstep and lose your balance. Avoid this by planting the whole base of the shoe firmly on each step. Make sure you feel steady on your foot before taking the next step. Hold onto the handrail and take the stairs slowly so you don’t lose your balance. 8. **Choose wedges that fit your feet snugly without pinching.** When you try on a new pair of wedges, make sure the ball of your foot sits comfortably on the widest part of the shoe. For a closed-toe pair, wiggle your toes to make sure the toe box isn’t constricting. Or, for open-toe wedges, check to make sure your toes don’t extend past the edges of the sole. Ensure that they sit comfortably on the sole without getting pinched by the straps. Any pinching or rubbing will result in a blister, so it’s important that the shoes fit comfortably. Try an open-toe style to give your toes and feet more space to breathe. 9. **Tap on the wedges to see if the base of the shoe is stable.** When you’re considering a pair of wedges, set both shoes on a flat surface. Then, gently tap on the back part of the shoe, where your ankle would be. If the wedges teeter around or topple over, they won’t be easy or safe to walk in. Try to find a wedge that stays in place went you nudge it. Look for a wedge with a wider base for greater stability. If the shoe’s footprint is about the size of your foot, it should be pretty secure. But if the footprint is significantly smaller, it won’t be as stable. 10. **Opt for wedges with an ankle strap for more stability.** Wedges come in an endless variety of styles, from classic slingbacks and lace-up espadrilles to chunky styles with thick velcro straps. For the most comfortable walking experience, choose wedges that offer some sort of ankle strap for additional support. Make sure the shoe has an adjustable closure like a buckle so you can get a custom fit. Alternatively, try wedges with a side or back zip closure that hold your foot in a “cage” of straps. If they fit properly, these can feel very secure, too. Avoid wrapping straps or ties too tightly around your ankle as they might put pressure on your Achilles' tendon. If you’re new to wedges, avoid mules or flip-flop wedges that don’t have any sort of ankle strap. They’ll put a strain on your toes to grip onto the shoe. Plus, your foot might slip out of the shoe, causing you to twist your ankle. 11. **Aim for a heel height of 3 in (7.6 cm) or lower if you plan to do a lot of walking.** The right wedge can actually be a great everyday walking shoe. Stick with heel heights below 3 in (7.6 cm) so your foot doesn’t sit at a steep angle. If you prefer taller heels, look for wedges with a platform beneath the toe area. Even a slight platform will make the slope of your foot less dramatic. Choose wedges with grippy, slip-resistant bottoms if you’ll be walking a lot. Try a shoe with a base made out of raffia, cork, or a squishier synthetic material. Wood and hard plastic bottoms won’t be as shock-absorbent. If you plan to do a lot of walking in your wedges, look for a shoe with a cushioned sole or add an insole to an existing pair of wedges. 12. **Break in your wedges by walking around in them at home.** Soften up a brand new pair of wedges before going out in them to make them more comfortable. When you’re at home, wander around in your new shoes for a few hours at a time. Make sure you take them up and down the stairs and wear them on a variety of hard and soft floor surfaces to get more practice. When you’re starting to feel comfortable in your new shoes, try wearing them for a brisk 10- to 20-minute walk to make sure they don’t rub your feet in any way. If you notice some tender places, put an adhesive bandage over that part of your foot to prevent a blister from forming. Consider slipping a pair of comfortable flats into your bag the first time you go out in your wedges. This way, you can change if they start to become uncomfortable.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Determine Sex of a Quail
Determining the sex of quails can be done and luckily it is fairly simple. You will be able to quickly discover the sex of your quail using one of the methods below. 1. **Examine the colour and speckles of the quail's breast.** Females will have light-coloured breasts (such as cream or pale brown) with brown speckles. Males, however, will have dark-coloured breasts (such as reddish-brown), and will not have speckles. 2. **Securely hold the quail's body.** Make sure not to hold the quail by its legs, as the legs are very fragile. Have a gentle but firm grip on your quail, and then turn it upside-down. 3. **Examine the cloaca.** Blow the feathers underneath the tail to expose the cloaca. You may already be able to see a small bulge (if so, it is a male). 4. **Press the cloaca.** If you can't see a bulge just by looking at the cloaca, place one finger above the opening of the cloaca and put another finger below the opening. Gently press down. If a bulge pops up, then it's a male. White foam may also come out of the cloaca when you press it, which also indicates that it's a male. If there is no bulge and no foam when you press the cloaca, the quail is a female. 5. **Observe the quail's behaviour.** Male quails tend to be more aggressive towards each over whilst the female is more calm. Male quails will attack each over unless they are in a large space with lots of hiding spots. To see if they do attack, place them in a small box (but big enough for them to move around) and watch them for a minute or two. If they are males one should attack the other, if so remove them straight away to prevent serious injuries. 6. **Listen to your quail.** Male quails will often call to the female quails but sometimes the female has a call that sounds similar in some breeds of quails (usually to call to her chicks). Male quails will be loud and call a lot during mating season. Whilst calling the male will reach up as if stretching and then call. Male quails are even said to 'growl' during mating season. 7. **Watch your quails during mating season.** The female often builds the nest and feeds the chicks depending on the breed of quail you have. Sometimes the male will build the nest and feed the chicks so you shouldn't rely on this method. 8. **Examine the feathers during mating season.** Female quails usually have a loss of feathers on their head and back due to mating. 9. **Look at the difference between each quail.** Male quails usually have brighter and more colourful feathers around their back, neck and head whilst the female quails are usually a plain colour.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Organize Your Time
We live in a stressful world and time is always running short. Organizing your time is an excellent way to balance your workload and your leisure activities. We’ll show you a good way to think about your time and make your life much simpler. 1. **Use a monthly schedule.** A monthly sheet is used to monitor important deadlines. Visualizing the whole month at once will help you realize how much time you have left for a task. Think about what's essential. Do I have a deadline? Is there an important appointment with the doctor? Is my child due for vaccination? You don’t need a complex organizer to do this. A simple calendar in the kitchen should be enough. 2. **Plan with your household.** It is important to take into account your family or household when making monthly plans. Cross-compare your schedules and take note of activities for which you might be needed. Do the children need you at the football match? Does your partner require you to drive her to the hospital? Use a color code on your calendar. Assigning one color per family member is an excellent way to visualize quickly who needs to do what during the month. Try to put yourself in other's shoes. We all have stressful lives but having empathetic family members is such a plus! Your monthly plan should be accessible to the household. Don’t expect others to always remember your deadlines. 3. **Set your priorities.** It is far easier to plan when your priorities are set straight. Some tasks are urgent, others are not. It might not be as important to go to the football match as to change the tires of the car. Consider some of the following questions when planning with your household: Is this task essential? Can I push it back to next month? Do I have enough time to fulfill this task? Do I require help to do this? If yes, have I already asked for assistance? 4. **Monitor potential problems.** A train strike or a simple road work can derail your plans. Keep your monthly schedule updated and try to think about alternatives if you foresee a problem. Read the local press. It's an excellent source of information. Always check online for opening hours and train times. We all waste hours going to a closed shop or museum and we have all missed a train based on outdated information. 5. **Allow some time for your family and friends.** Being efficient is all about balance. You need to think about yourself and avoid burnout. Think of it as a long-term strategy. If you are unwell or depressed for weeks, you will not be able to work at your best and make the most of your time. If you are in a relationship, think about your partner. Seeing each other regularly is important and healthy. If you want to be pragmatic, think that a break-up or a divorce might consume a lot of time and energy! 6. **Use a weekly schedule.** A weekly sheet has a different role to play than a monthly schedule. it is more specific and will allow you to decide in advance how to balance your days. Start to fill the weekly schedule with your essential activities, such as work, appointments, emergencies, etc., and work your way toward non-essential tasks and hobbies. Always aim for a good balance. 7. **Keep a slot free.** Life is full of emergencies and last-minute tasks to do. If you keep a free hour or two in your busy week, you will be able to face any urgent and unexpected surprises. If no emergency turns up, take the opportunity to use this free slot to relax or fulfill another urgent task. If there is a last-minute emergency that neither you or your partner can take care of, ask a friend. They probably won't mind helping you and it will make your friendship deeper. Of course, they might also need you another time! 8. **Plan your shopping.** Most people waste a lot of time doing their weekly shopping during the wrong part of the day. Beat the queues by going on a Saturday at nine in the morning or order online if available in your region. If you have room for storage, buy a lot at the same time. Having cans of tomatoes, tuna, beans, rice, pasta, etc. will allow you to cook a healthy meal if you didn't have time to shop. 9. **Divide the housework equally.** Giving weekly tasks, like cleaning the kitchen, to each member of the family is an excellent way to make sure that the work division is fair and timed. It’s also harder to find an excuse not to do it if it has been agreed upon in advance. Be rational. If you come later from work, let your partner cook. You'll put the children to bed. Think about preferences. Your partner doesn't like cooking but you do? Your husband hates filling the dishwasher? Listen to them and try to accommodate everybody. If nobody likes a task, alternate each week. 10. **Cook during the weekend.** Cooking every day can be difficult or rushed. Plan, cook, and freeze at least a few meals during the weekend. It will make your life much easier when you come home from work. It is also far more healthy to cook and freeze your own food rather than buying ready-meals. 11. **Use a daily schedule.** Using a daily sheet to monitor your activities is the best way to visualize quickly if you are going to spend too much time on a task. It’s important to be both honest and realistic about the time needed to fulfill an activity when writing a schedule. If you have a smartphone, you can use the integrated organizer. It’s an easy way to remember your next task or enter a new one on the go. Alternatively, a to-do list is better to visualize what's really important but it is less effective at managing your time. 12. **Focus on your task.** Many people waste a least an hour at work. It is far more effective to focus entirely on what you have planned to do than being distracted. Turn off your phone and avoid social media at work. These are the biggest distractions. Make it a habit of answering your personal emails and texts at determined times. You will become a better texter and a better worker. 13. **Leave time for breaks.** It’s important to stop once in a while. Your brain needs to rest, if only for a few minutes, to refocus. Research demonstrates that even a distraction is likely to improve your work dramatically. Going to the toilets or having a cup of tea will already help considerably. If possible, go outside for a five minutes walk. 14. **Sleep at least seven hours per night.** Sleep deprivation can lead to several psychological and physical problems. It's not always about doing more, it's also about doing better!
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Crowdfund
It is entirely possible to run a very successful crowdfunding campaign without being absurdly well-connected or quitting your day job. The key to successful commercial and community crowdfunding is preparation and planning. 1. **Be clear about your goals.** Before you start your campaign, know with certainty how you will ask for money and why you need it. As crowdfunding consultant Sydney Malawer put it, “Do you have a legitimate ask besides 'we want money'?” People want to feel that they are a part of something big and important. They want to know that their money will play a significant role in accomplishing that goal. People crowdfund for all sorts of reasons: new business ventures, projects or causes they care about (e.g., a family member, friend or pet who is sick). 2. **Do research and outline your goals.** To justify and support your goals, you'll need to be clear about what the money will do. For personal causes, outline clearly how the money will be used and what impact it will have. 3. **Present your goals.** For commercial ventures, use graphs where useful. Write out an estimated budget for your campaign, based on any quotes you've received from manufacturers, insurers, lawyers, suppliers and distributors. For personal causes, describe what the money is for and how it will be used. E.g., $1000 will pay for Sharon's mortgage as she undergoes four weeks of chemotherapy. If this sounds like a lot of work, it doesn't have to be. Just be transparent about what you are trying to achieve. 4. **Research crowdfunding itself.** Both Kickstarter and Indiegogo provide helpful tips on their websites., which specialises in cause-related crowdfunding, offers their fundraisers 24/7 email and phone support. Mike del Ponte wrote a great post on “Hacking Kickstarter,” offering a list of factors to consider that contribute to campaign success, and the Unreasonable Institute shared some good lessons from their failed campaign. 5. **Find videos or high-quality photos.** Images can make or break a campaign. If you are crowdfunding for a commercial project, consider getting a professional videographer who is willing to work pro-bono, or make a video yourself. Focus on telling a compelling story. Keep it under three minutes in length. For personal causes, find heartwarming and emotional photographs, and upload them to your page. The more visuals you have, the better. 6. **Decide which platform to use.** There are hundreds available. Kickstarter and Indiegogo are the two best options for commercial projects. generates more than $12 million a year for personal causes. Kickstarter is quite popular but rather picky about the projects they allow. (They're looking strictly for "creative" ideas.) It can actually be difficult to make it onto their homepage because of high traffic. The smaller Indiegogo may be able to feature you more prominently on their homepage, newsletter, and social media outlets. is the premier cause-funding site in Australia, raising more than $12 million a year for personal and charity causes. Mycause will allow you to fundraise for overseas residents or charities, as long as you are clear on how you will get the money to them. You can forward money to a charity through PayPal. 7. **Design the layout of your campaign.** Have your story outlined (who, what, when, where, why, how) and your video and images in place. Make your explanation clear, simple and to-the-point. 8. **Offer rewards.** Particularly in the case of commercial ventures (where people don't often give out of kindness), rewarding contributors with prizes can be an effective motivating tool. If you can cause potential donors to think, “That looks awesome. I want that,” you could then reward them with a taste of the product you produce. For example, "$25 will get you a 250ml bottle of wine. $5000 will get you a weekend of health and wellness at a Napa winery." Be sure to factor shipping into the cost of the rewards. Your cost will include the price of the goods, plus shipping and a crowdfunding premium (a percentage the platform will take in payment for their services). 9. **Make sure you can comply with the estimated delivery date.** 70% of campaigns don't deliver on time. Select a date that gives you plenty of time to meet your commitments. New projects often take longer than anticipated. 10. **Make sure you have a core team of people promoting the campaign for you.** Think of crowdfunding as the layers of an onion. Your first layer is family and friends. If they won't donate to you, who will? Your second layer is coworkers (past and present), teammates, business associates, casual acquaintances. Your third layer is the press and general public. 11. **Reach out to organizations and workplaces.** Some organizations can provide wide networks of potential donors. Make a list of local organizations related to your cause or field. Ask them if they'd be willing to publicize your campaign through their social media. 12. **Use the media.** If you are doing the campaign on your own, you should draft a standard press release as a template. Personal interviews, however, are more likely to get you coverage. If you use a platform such as, their publicity team will send your story to the press free of charge. They will work to generate publicity on your behalf. 13. **Know your goal.** If it's a commercial venture, you should aim to raise 25% of your funding within 24 hours. If you succeed at that, Indiegogo or Kickstarter might feature you on their homepages. If it's for an individual or a cause, recommends reaching out to your first two layers of "the onion" (friends, family, coworkers, teammates) in the first 14 days and then going to the general public through the press after that. 14. **Try all forms of communication:** email, social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest), blogs, media, opinion pieces, personalised letters. Remind your network to spread the message as well. Platforms such as have integrated Facebook, Twitter and Gmail into their platform to make sending communications easy and effective. For systems that aren't fully integrated, you can try other tactics: In Gmail click on Contacts → More → Export (All Contacts, CSV). Then you can import those contacts into your preferred email service provider (e.g., MailChimp). Copy and paste the URL to your page, and give it a "New" status on Facebook. Tag supporters who will share the status. Focus on key influences on social media. After your general status post, reach out directly to key influences, posting specifically on their social media pages. Create a personal pitch. Hold an intimate event, make personal phone calls, and send individual emails to influential people who might respond to your pitch. 15. **Allow time.** Plan on sending updates to your backers and networks throughout the campaign, and also after it has ceased. Don't bombard people with messages, however. They might be tempted to mark them as spam. 16. **Thank everybody.** At the end of your campaign you should be sure to thank everyone who has supported you, and let them know what your future plans are.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Preserve Star Fruit
Star fruit (also known as also known as carambola) is delicious and high in Vitamin C. Unfortunately, it is also highly perishable once harvested--especially after it has been shipped thousands of miles. However, you might not intend to eat your fruit immediately. Instead, you can freeze or can your fruit in order to preserve it. 1. **Use only ripe fruit.** Ripe fruit has yellow skin and a waxy texture. It should feel soft but not squishy. Avoid fruit that has brown spots. Do not wash the fruit until after you have sliced it. 2. **Remove the rough edges of the fruit.** Using a fruit or vegetable peeler, glide the blade away from you along the raised edges. The skin should slide off easily. 3. **Cut the remaining flesh of the star fruit into small chunks.** Do this by using a paring knife to slice along the concave creases of the fruit. Be careful to avoid cutting completely through the fruit. The slices will separate easily once you have sliced into all the creases. 4. **Remove the seeds.** Holding one slice with both hands, gently move your thumbs in opposite directions. The slice should easily come apart into two pieces. You will find the seed packet along the edge facing you. Gently pull the packet out from the top down. Repeat this process with the remaining slices. 5. **Wash the fruit.** First, spray the slices with cold water. Then, soak them in distilled water for about two minutes. Soap, detergent, and other cleaners are toxic if swallowed and should be avoided--especially on sliced fruit! 6. **Purée the fruit pieces.** This can be done in a blender on the "purée" setting. If you are using a food processor, use the lower setting. Stop the blender or food processor when the mixture has become smooth but still thick. Do not let it liquefy too much. 7. **Pour the purée into ice cube trays.** Store the trays in the freezer. Allow the purée to freeze for at least 24 hours. 8. **Remove the frozen cubes and place into an airtight freezer bag.** Write "Star Fruit" and the date on the outside of the bag. Tropical fruits tend to keep for about three months in the freezer. 9. **Blend the fruit in a blender or food processor.** Use a low setting until you get the desired texture. For chunky jam, set the food processor or blender to a "chop" setting. If you prefer a smoother texture, set the food processor or blender to a "purée" setting. 10. **Cook the mixture.** In a saucepan, simmer the mixture over a low heat. Watch it closely until it begins to sizzle. Stir regularly to prevent the mixture from sticking to the pan. 11. **Add 6 cups (1.35 liters) of sugar.** Allow it to liquefy. Then, bring the contents of the saucepan to a boil. 12. **Reduce the heat to the lowest setting on the stove top.** Allow the mixture to simmer for 15 minutes. Remove the saucepan from the hot burner. If desired, add pectin. Simmer for an additional 15 minutes. 13. **Can the jam for storage** Official guidelines recommend storing canned preserves in a dry, dark place between 50 and 70 degrees F (about 10 to 21 degrees C). Unopened canned preserves usually remain safe to eat for about a year. Store opened jars in the refrigerator and eat them within one month. Keep the temperature in the fridge at no higher than 40 degrees F (4 degrees C). 14. **Add the frozen purée to drinks or soft foods.** Cool a glass of water or fruit juice with two or three frozen cubes. Spice up a frozen margarita with a few cubes. Add them to your favorite ingredients for smoothies or milkshakes. The frozen purée can also be mixed into homemade baby food. 15. **Use the jam as a spread or topping.** Slather a spoonful of jam on your toast. Turn "PB&J" into "PB&SF" by adding the star fruit jam to a peanut butter sandwich. Add a dollop of jam to your oatmeal as a healthy substitute for sugar. 16. **Make star fruit mousse.** Follow the instructions in wikiHow's article on how to make lemon mousse. Replace the lemon zest and lemon juice with the star fruit jam. Enjoy!
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Fix Stuck Bicycle Brakes
Are your bicycle brakes stuck, preventing you from riding? When brakes drag or stick, there are a few things you can try to fix them yourself. Checking the brake pads, lubricating the lever pivots and adjusting the cables are all easy to do on your own. If the damage is more serious, then you may need to visit a bicycle shop, or even replace your brake system. 1. **Make sure that the brake pads aren't worn down.** Pads that are worn down significantly will stick no matter how much you adjust them. If your brake pads are less than ⁄4 in (0.64 cm) thick, then you need to replace them. They should be "toed-in," meaning that front edge of the pads should touch the wheel rim first when you press the brake lightly. 2. **Check for a lip on the brake pad.** Some brake pads have a "lip" that sticks out on the side closest to the hub. This is caused by uneven wear and you will need to file or sand it down if there is a lip. If you've worn your pads down around the lip, then they might get stuck in the rim. Sand or file down the lip. If you do find that the lip is sticking out too far, file or sand it down with sandpaper so that the wheel can spin smoothly. Be very careful not to sand off so much that the brake pads won't work! You may need to remove the wheel to do this. 3. **Lubricate the lever pivots.** These are the points upon which the individual parts of your breaks pivot. If your levers feel rigid, try oiling the "pivot" pins on the lever handle. Place a dab of oil on each pivot point. Use a light machine oil or a special bicycle lubricant for best results. After you oil the lever pivots, they should feel snappy and quick when you pull them. Do not use lubricant on brake pads, rotors, or rims. This might ruin the pads and make it hard for you to stop your bike! 4. **Check the cables and replace them if needed.** Look for split housing and corroded cables, and replace the housing and cables if needed. If your levers are fine and the pad isn't stuck to the wheel somehow, then your cables form the next likely problem area. You should be able to fix your cables by hand without consulting a mechanic. If you do have trouble, however, don't hesitate to take your bicycle in to a shop. Split housing and corroded cables are common when you have stuck brakes. 5. **Adjust the cable lengths to increase tension.** The cable length adjustment is perhaps the most basic brake repair task that you'll encounter. On a typical safety bike, you can make fine adjustments without any specialized tools. Simply turn a barrel adjuster to make the best fit at the end of a length of cable housing. The barrel adjuster for a V brake is normally located on the hand-lever, where the housing exits. 6. **Lubricate the cables.** Get lubricant in an aerosol can with a tube. Then, spray oil into the cable housing at the ferrule: the cap where the cable enters the housing underneath the brake levers. Use a light machine oil with a small nozzle similar to "3 in 1" Oil, or purchase a special brake cable oil at a bike shop. Spray gently, and don't over-saturate the cables. WD-40 and other industrial-grade degreasing products may "wash" the factory lubricant off the cable. When the WD-40 evaporates, there will be very little lubricant residue on the cable. 7. **Remove the tubing.** If the cable is still stiff, try taking it out of its plastic tubing. First, remove the clamp at either the caliper or brake lever. Then, pull the cable out the opposite end. If you remove the cable, use an aerosol solvent (or even WD-40) to flush any dirt or debris from the cable tube while the cable is out. Apply a light coat of lithium grease or machine oil to the cable. Finally, reinstall the cable if it is not damaged. Put the cables back into the casing. Thread the loose end of the cable through the clamp at the end where you removed it. Then, check the "free travel": the distance the brake lever can be squeezed before the brake contacts the wheel. Tighten the clamp when the brake pads are about ⁄4 inch (0.6 cm) from the wheel with the lever released. 8. **Bleed and replace the brake fluid.** If possible, consult the manufacturer’s instructions and any video tutorials you can find to ensure that you get the correct type of bleed kit for your bike. This only applies to hydraulic brake systems. If you have hydraulic brakes, then the fluid will occasionally need to be bled and replaced. Make sure you don't get a lot of air bubbles in your replacement fluid. This can lead to the brakes feeling soft. Never use mineral oil as brake fluid if your user's manual specifies DOT (Department of Transportation-approved brake fluid).Likewise, never use DOT if your manual tells you to use mineral oil.' If you mixed up your fluids last time you bled the system, then that might be your problem. Avoid getting any oil or dot fluid on the brake pads because this will ruin them. 9. **Consult your user's manual for more specific instructions.** There are several kinds of hydraulic systems, and each is a little bit different. Look to your manual for step-by-step instructions. If you can't access your manual, try to figure out exactly what type of hydraulic system you have, and then find online instructions for that specific system. If you're still having trouble, then consider visiting a bike shop. 10. **Adjust the calipers for rim brakes.** The calipers are the part of the bike that actually squeeze the brake pads to the tire on rim brakes. Here's how to adjust them: Unscrew the brake pads, located on the inside of the brake calipers above your tires. The brake pad is the small piece of rubber on the lower inside of the caliper that actually comes into contact with the wheel. Adjust the brake so that it is 3 - 5 mm from the rim. Tighten the brake pad. Spin the wheel in the air and test the brakes. Adjust further as needed. 11. **Take your bike to a mechanic.** If all else fails, then it may be most efficient to ask a professional to fix your brakes. Look for a reputable bike shop or mechanic in your area. Read bicycle shop reviews online before you visit. You should be able to get a good sense for whether the mechanics there are helpful.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Cook Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is a succulent that’s loaded with a delicious and nutritious gel. You can actually cook and eat the gel, but the outer skin is tough and bitter. Luckily, the skin is super easy to remove so you can cook and eat the tasty raw aloe inside. 1. **Remove the stem by cutting it off at the base.** If you’re harvesting your own aloe vera, choose large stems to extract the most raw aloe. Cut the stem at its base with a knife, right where it connects to the main part of the plant. Rinse any dirt off of the stem so it’s nice and clean. If you’re harvesting from your own aloe plant, don’t cut away all of the stems or you could damage or potentially kill the plant. 2 large aloe vera stems can yield up to 1 pound (0.45 kg) of raw aloe. 2. **Cut off the first 1–2 centimetres (0.39–0.79 in) from the base of the stem.** Use your knife and find a spot just above the base of the stem. Make a clean cut straight across to remove a small section. Cut away similarly sized sections from all of the aloe vera stems you’re using. 3. **Soak the raw aloe in water for 5 minutes to remove the alonin.** Alonin is the yellow sap on the raw aloe gel. The alonin is a laxative that can upset your stomach, so fill a bucket or container with clean water and soak the stems in the water for 5 minutes to remove it. 4. **Peel off the outer skin with a knife.** Slide the sharp edge of your knife just under the outer peel of the aloe vera stem. Run the knife up the length of stem to peel away the outer layer of skin. Remove all of the green skin from each of the stems so you’re left with the raw aloe gel. Your knife will glide easily through the aloe gel, so take your time and try to remove just the peel so you can keep as much raw aloe as possible. 5. **Pick off any bits of peel left on the aloe.** The outer peel is bitter and tough, so remove all of it. Inspect the raw aloe gel after you peel the skin away and use your fingers to pick off any stubborn green bits left behind. 6. **Chop up 1 pound (0.45 kg) of raw aloe into 1 inch (2.5 cm) cubes.** Place the raw aloe on a cutting board. Use a sharp knife to slice the aloe gel into small, even cubes. 7. **Add the aloe into a saucepan with 2 tablespoons (30 mL) of lime juice.** Place the cubes of aloe into a medium-sized saucepan. Pour in the lime juice and swirl the pan around to mix them together. Raw aloe can be super slippery and difficult to grip, so you may want to use a spoon to scoop it up. 8. **Stir in 1 cup (240 mL) of cane sugar into the pan.** Add the sugar into the pan with the lime juice and aloe and use a spoon to stir it around. Stir the mixture well so it’s fully combined and will cook evenly. If you don’t have cane sugar, you can use refined sugar. 9. **Cook the aloe over medium-low heat until it’s no longer slimy.** Put the saucepan on a burner on your stovetop and set the temperature to medium-low so it doesn’t burn the aloe. Stir the aloe occasionally so it doesn’t stick to the saucepan. When the raw aloe slightly solidifies and isn’t slimy, remove the saucepan from the heat. 10. **Serve the poached aloe over yogurt or jello for a light dessert.** If you want a sweet aloe treat, fill a bowl with yogurt or jello. Top it off with your poached aloe and enjoy! 11. **Mix poached aloe vera into a soup for a savory option.** Because aloe doesn’t have a strong flavor, you can use it to add substance to your soups and stews. Season the aloe with savory spices instead of sugar before you poach it. Then, spoon the aloe into a soup or stew as it cooks and enjoy it when it’s finished.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Create Beaded Hair Barrettes
Beaded barrettes are elegant and beautiful on any type of hair. While they might seem difficult to make, you can easily learn how to create your own stunning beaded barrettes with the right tools and materials. Anchoring the first bead can be a bit tricky, but once you do that it’s just a matter of stringing beads in the order you want. Once your barrette is finished, try it on or give it as a gift to someone special. If you enjoy making barrettes, you might even make more of them to sell at craft shows or online. 1. **Cut 4 ft (1.2 m) of wire.** You will need to use 0.012 stainless steel wire to string the beads onto your barrette base. This type of wire is the strongest option and it will give you the best results. Cut the wire with a pair of wire cutters or very strong, sharp scissors. 2. **String 1 round bead onto the center of your wire.** Choose a bead that is larger than the hole at the end of the barrette base so that it won’t slip through the hole. This will be your anchor bead. Then, string the bead onto the wire by inserting 1 of the wire’s ends through it. Slide the bead down until it is in the center of the wire. You can use a plain or fancy bead to anchor the other beads onto the barrette base. It’s up to you and your design! 3. **Insert the ends of the wire through the hole at the end of the barrette.** The barrette should have 2 holes in it with 1 hole on each end. Insert the ends of the wire through one of the holes. Then, tug the ends until the bead is positioned over the hole. It doesn’t matter which end of the barrette you start stringing the beads on. However, you might find it easier to secure the crimp beads at the end if you start stringing beads at the hinge of the barrette rather than at the clasp or opening of the barrette. 4. **Insert the left wire through the right side of the bead and vice versa.** Cross the wires under the hole so that they are going in the opposite direction of the side of the bead they are on. Then, insert the end of each wire into the opposite side of the bead on the top of the barrette. Pull the ends through the bead and pull them taut to secure the bead over the hole. Your first bead is now anchored to the barrette base and you can continue to string beads onto it. 5. **Pick up 1 bead with each end of the wire.** You might want to make a small pile or fill a dish with the first type of beads you want to string onto the barrette. Insert 1 end of the wire through each of the beads and let the beads slide all the way down to the barrette base. An added bonus of using wire filament is that it is stiff, so you don’t need to use a needle to string your beads like you would use when making a beaded necklace or bracelet. 6. **Insert both ends through 1 bead from opposite directions.** Next, insert both ends of the wire through the same bead, but going from opposite directions. For example, insert the right end from the right side of the bead and the left end from the left side of the bead. Tug the ends to slide the bead against the others. The ends should cross each other inside of the bead and form a diamond shape with the first 4 beads attached to the barrette base. 7. **Press the beads down against the barrette and wrap the wires under it.** Once the beads are in a diamond-shape against the barrette, press it down to help make it lay even flatter. Otherwise, the wire may stick up from the barrette base slightly. Then, slide the ends of the wire under the barrette base going from opposite directions. 8. **Pass the end of each wire through opposite sides of the last bead.** Once the wires are crossed under the barrette, bring them back up along the side of the barrette base. Then, insert each end of the wire through the side of the bead that the wires come up on. Tug he ends of the wires until they are all the way through the bead. 9. **Repeat the process to add more beads.** After you have finished securing the fourth bead, repeat the process to add more beads in the same manner. Insert the ends of each wire through 1 bead each, and then insert them through the same bead to anchor those beads. Continue to do this until you reach the end of the barrette. 10. **Insert the ends of the wire through the end hole.** Once you reach the end of the barrette base, you can anchor the beads to the barrette base. Push the ends of the wire down through the hole on the end of the barrette base just as you did to anchor it at the beginning. Tug until the last bead is pressed against the hole. You can use the same type of bead you started with or a different bead depending on your preferences and design. 11. **Reinsert the ends through the bead over the hole.** After you bring the ends of the wire down through the hole, wrap them under the barrette base going in opposite directions and then bring them up along opposite sides of the barrette base. Insert each end through the bead on opposing sides and pull the ends through the bead until the wire is taut. If you’re finished adding beads, then you can secure the ends with crimp beads. If not, then repeat the process going back over the last row with a smaller size bead. 12. **Weave the ends under the barrette and secure them with crimp beads.** Insert the ends of the wires through 2 crimp beads from opposite directions. Tug the wires tight to get the beads as close to the barrette as possible. Then, use you chain-nose pliers to squeeze the beads tightly around the wire. You may want to open the hair clip before you do this to make it easier to access the bottom of the barrette. 13. **Cut the ends of the wires off right next to the crimp beads.** Use the wire cutters to do this. Cut the wire as close to the crimp bead as you can to minimize the amount of wire that is sticking out. Cut straight across the wire to prevent any sharp or jagged edges. You can also use a sharp pair of scissors to cut the wire, but with scissors it might be more difficult to cut as close to the barrette base as is needed for a clean finish.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Prepare for English Exams
Depending on your grade level, your English exam may cover material from the entire semester, or it could cover a single book. No matter how much course material you're studying for, preparing for an English exam takes time, concentration, and effort. Learning how to study efficiently will help you prepare for any exam, and can help put you in a position to succeed in your studies. 1. **Confirm the exam content and form.** Before you begin studying, you should confirm which information from your English course will be on the exam. Your syllabus should outline whether it is a unit-specific exam, for example, or a comprehensive exam covering an entire course worth of material. Check your syllabus, and read through your notes to see if your instructor announced any changes in class. Email your instructor or meet with her after class to confirm that you are studying the right material. Try to find out what format the literature exam will be in. If it is short answer or fill-in-the-blank format, you'll have to know the material a little more thoroughly than if it's a multiple choice format. Make sure that you attend class in the days leading up to the exam. Instructors will often do a review session in one of the class periods before an exam. 2. **Read your notes.** Your notes from class should help you get a general idea of what information your instructor thinks is most relevant or important from the reading assignments. If you've been taking notes while you read the course material or otherwise notating important passages, review those notes and passages as well. If your instructor talked about it in class, it's fair game for the exam. Anything from the relevant readings is also fair game for exam material. Review any supplemental material from class, such as handouts, worksheets, etc. Bring your book to class each week. Reading along while your teacher quotes or references passages can help give you a visual memory of the passages you're likely to be tested on. Take notes on any passages you discuss in class, and reread those passages extensively. You may also wish to highlight or underline any particularly important passages for ease of reference. 3. **Create a study guide.** As you go back through the book or books your exam will cover, take notes that will outline what you've read. You can make your own comprehensive study guide by reviewing important passages and jotting down the main people, places, and events in the book(s). Make a list of characters and their noteworthy characteristics. Try to get an overall sense of each character's personality, as well as each character's role in the book. Write down the dates or time period (if relevant) and the setting of each major section in the book. Try to get a sense of how the period may have affected the setting, and how both setting and period may affect characters. Jot down any details you learned about the author's life. Try to make connections between what the author experienced (both personally and generally, in his place and time) and what takes place in the book. Try to pin down what the book means, beyond just rehashing the plot. Was it a social commentary? A criticism of some person/place/movement? Is the novel thick with simile and metaphor? 4. **Quiz yourself.** Once you've written your own study guide and compiled all your course notes and handout materials, you should review this information until you can recall any portion of the material. Test your knowledge of the material by doing a quiz-and-recall review. Read a line from your notes with the answer covered or blanked-out, and see if you can tell (without cheating) what the notes said. You can also quiz yourself on plot and character questions by reciting the main characters, and main sequence of events to yourself. Do this as often as possible to test your memory - you can even quiz yourself by reciting these summaries while walking or doing chores. 5. **Take the exam.** After extensive study sessions, you should be ready to take the exam. Beyond just knowing the information, however, it can be useful to know how to take an exam efficiently. If you're taking a multiple choice exam, it's fairly easy to answer the exam questions systematically in a way that maximizes your potential for success. Pay attention to how many points each question is worth and spend more time on the questions that are worth more. For example, you would want to spend more time on a question that is worth 10 points than a question that is worth 2 points. Skip difficult questions and come back to them later. Hammer out the answers you know first, then spend more time working on what you're struggling with. Cover the answers while you read the question. Underline key words, and look for absolute qualifiers like "always," "never," or "none." In a true or false situation, these terms often indicate that the answer is false. Predict the answer before you look at the answer bank. Then find the best response that most closely matches your answer. Cross out any answers that you know are wrong. Make an educated guess if you are absolutely stumped - if you eliminated two wrong answers, you've probably got a 50/50 chance of guessing correctly. 6. **Reread the book(s) for the exam.** If you have sufficient time, it may be helpful to reread the book or books you will be tested on. If you don't have time to review the entire book(s), you should at least reread the most difficult passages. Identify the major themes in the book, and try to get a sense of the most important events. Write out the basic plot of the book. Include details like which character carries out a given action, as well as the overall sequence of events. 7. **Review old test questions.** You may not know what exactly will be asked of you on an essay exam, but you should have a fairly decent idea based on your completion of the reading and any previous exams you've taken. By predicting what will be asked of you on the exam, you can study more efficiently and outline your essay well before it's time to take the test. Review the questions and format of the last exam essays you completed for this course. Focus on the structure of previous exam essays. Were you asked to write about the reading within the context of historical events? The author's life? Did previous exam essays ask you to summarize the plot? Or did it go deeper, like compare/contrast questions, or questions that ask you to prove/disprove an argument? 8. **Anticipate possible essay questions.** Once you have a sense for the types of essay questions that might be asked, review your notes and study materials with that knowledge in mind. Try to pull out potential questions based on what you know about your instructor's essay questions in the past, and come up with your own thoughtful, articulate responses to those hypothetical questions. Put yourself in your instructor's shoes. What types of questions does he like to ask, and how might he pull those questions out of the course material at hand? You can also predict possible essay questions by looking for any boldface text/headings in your course textbook (if you have one), and turning those phrases into questions. As you look for possible essay topics, practice phrasing those questions using key essay terms like "describe," "explain," "define," and "contextualize". 9. **Outline your essay answers at home.** Once you've generated a few potential essay questions, try outlining your answers to these questions. This should help you to memorize some of the information that you will need to know and determine how best to organize your essay. You can make your essay outline as detailed as you want. For example, you could create a skeletal outline that briefly states the topics you will cover in each paragraph or you could create a more detailed outline with topic sentences for each paragraph followed by bullets for other details. Make sure that the points you include in your outline will provide a satisfactory answer to the question and that you know how to elaborate on each of these points. Only include relevant information in your outline. When you take the essay exam, you will need to be as concise and direct as possible and avoid padding your answers. Identifying and memorizing lots of relevant details will help you to write the best essay answers possible. 10. **Take the essay exam.** After you've reviewed the material for the exam, covered possible essay topics, and written practice essays, you should be ready to take the exam. Try to pace yourself if you're working within a time limit, and make sure you read every question (and its instructions) carefully before answering. Write down a condensed summary of all the information you've studied on your scrap paper or in the margins. This is called a "memory dump," and it's incredibly helpful for freeing up your mind to review the questions at hand. Review the instructions for each section to ensure that you're answering in the correct format. Analyze each question. Take a moment to reread what's being asked of you before you formulate a response, and look for action verbs that indicate what/how you should be writing. Form a thesis that will address the question. Organize and sketch out your supporting information on scrap paper or in the margins. Write a clear, concise thesis statement in response to the question, and write the body of your essay using your supporting information as the main points of each body paragraph. Review your answers. Confirm that your essays answer the questions completely, and look for any glaring factual errors, grammatical errors, or structural mistakes. 11. **Rewrite your notes.** Rewriting your notes can help you process the information from lectures/readings and commit that information to memory. When you rewrite your notes, though, be sure that you rephrase and summarize what your original notes said, instead of simply copying them word for word. Read over your original notes and give yourself a few minutes to process what you wrote. Think about the key concepts, characters, and literary devices discussed in each note passage. Paraphrase your notes into your own words. Try also drawing comparisons or connections between relevant topics and ideas discussed in class. 12. **Make and use flash cards.** Flash cards are easy to make and can be a valuable tool for studying. You can use these cards to study and memorize key terms, concepts, names, dates, and places. You'll need a stack of blank index cards. Write a term, concept, or name on one side of the card and its definition or explanation on the back. Quiz yourself by only viewing one side (either the term or its explanation) and reciting what appears on the other side. When you've mastered giving the explanation for the term, switch it up by giving the term for the explanation. Set aside cards you struggle with and review those cards with extra effort. Repeat the whole process until you've committed the cards to memory in any order. 13. **Break up your study sessions.** It may be tempting to cram right before an exam, but you will not retain much information by staging long, exhausting study sessions. Instead, you should study more efficiently by breaking your study sessions up into smaller, more manageable blocks of time. Don't study for longer than 50 consecutive minutes at a time. This can overload your memory and prevent you from retaining all the information. Take breaks between study sessions. Aim for at least a 5 to 10 minute break, and try stretching or going for a walk to refresh your mind and body before the next session begins. Pace your sessions out over the course of several days or weeks. Refuel by having a nutritious snack when you take a break from studying. Opt for fresh fruit and vegetables for a refreshing, reinvigorating study snack. 14. **Determine how/where you study best.** Some night owls find that they are more productive in the evening. Morning people, on the other hand, might prefer to wake up early after a good night's sleep and do their studying over coffee. However you study, it's important to try different study times and locations to figure out what works best for you. Schedule your study sessions during the time of day that you're most alert and attentive. Don't study when you're too tired. Study sessions while you struggle to stay awake will not be very productive, and you probably won't retain much information. Figure out where you study best. If you like working in a comfortable environment, you might study well at home. If you prefer a quiet, distraction-free setting, try the library. 15. **Get a good night's sleep.** It's important to get a restful night of sleep before the exam. You should show up to class alert and awake, ready to begin as soon as possible. Adolescent students in high school or younger typically need 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night. College students typically need between 6 and 10 hours of sleep, with seven to eight hours being the average. Make sure you're wakeful for the exam. Drink a caffeinated beverage or chew gum to ensure you're mentally alert. 16. **Start your morning out right.** Follow your usual morning routine to feel your best the day of the exam. If you usually shower in the morning, make time to do so. Just make sure you leave early enough to get to class at least 15 minutes before the exam to ensure you're in the right classroom. Eat a small, nutritious breakfast. Oatmeal and fruit is usually a good bet. Avoid eating anything that might upset your stomach. Make sure you use the bathroom before you get to the exam. Wear comfortable clothes. 17. **Bring whatever you need.** When you leave your home the day of the exam, make sure you've got everything you'll need for the test. The last thing you want to do is show up unprepared in some way. Bring extra writing utensils, in case your pen dies or your pencil breaks. You may want to bring a water bottle or coffee to stay hydrated and focused. If it's an open-book or open-notebook exam, bring your textbook(s) and your notebook to the exam.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Eat Fugu Sashimi
Fugu—or pufferfish—is considered a delicacy, and it's often served as sashimi despite containing the deadly neurotoxin tetrodotoxin. We don't recommend preparing this sashimi yourself, but in the hands of a skilled chef, it can be a delicious and daring treat! 1. **Understand the risks.** The fugu fish produces a deadly toxin called tetrodotoxin, which causes the body's central nervous system to gradually shut down. People who are poisoned by tetrodotoxin are fully conscious as they experience symptoms like dizziness, muscle paralysis, incoherent speech, asphyxia, and cardiac arrest. Fugu is safe to eat when it is prepared correctly by an experienced chef, but if it is prepared incorrectly, a single bite can kill a person. There is no antidote for tetrodotoxin, so many people who are exposed to it die. 2. **Know where it's legally available.** If you are in Japan, you should have a relatively easy time finding a restaurant that serves fugu sashimi. It is very important, however, to ensure that the establishment has a good reputation and is licensed to serve the fish. Most incidents of fugu poisoning occur at unlicensed establishments where inexperienced chefs prepare the fugu. There are a handful of restaurants in the United States that are licensed to serve fugu sashimi, although it must be imported from Japan pre-sliced. Fugu is illegal in the European Union. 3. **Ask to see the chef's certificate.** In order to be legally permitted to prepare fugu, a chef must be licensed. This is meant to ensure that only the most skilled and well-trained chefs are allowed prepare this potentially deadly fish. If you plan on trying it, make sure to ask for evidence that the chef is properly licensed. To get licensed, a chef must undergo a three-year apprenticeship program and take a rigorous exam, which the majority of applicants fail. Chefs in the United States may not have this license, as they do not slice the sashimi themselves. (This is still done by a licensed individual in Japan.) 4. **Avoid the most toxic parts of the fish.** The liver, ovaries, and intestines contain the highest concentrations of toxins, so these should be avoided by all except the biggest risk-takers. The meat of the fish contains very little poison, unless of course it is contaminated by the organs during preparation. Organs are sometimes served with the sashimi, but they must be specially treated to remove the toxins and are more risky to eat than the meat. The testicles are also very poisonous, but these are considered a delicacy in some areas. 5. **Choose the least poisonous species.** There are many different species of fugu, all of which are poisonous. While they are all potentially dangerous, the torafugu or tiger puffer has the least poisonous blood, which makes it the safest to eat. 6. **Consider a poison-free variety.** Some companies are raising fugu in captivity and restricting their diets to prevent them from producing their deadly poison. If you want to limit your risks when trying fugu sashimi, consider eating a farm-raised fish. Research is still being done on the safety of farm-raised fugu, so it's best to still stick with a licensed chef, even if the fish is farm-raised. 7. **Get immediate medical treatment if you have symptoms of poisoning.** While there is no antidote for tetrodotoxin, immediate medical intervention may be able to save your life if you are exposed. Doctors can use activated charcoal to absorb the poison and can also help you breathe so you don't asphyxiate from the toxin's effects. If your tongue feels numb, you need medical attention right away, as this is usually the first symptom. A slight tingling in the lips is usually okay. Other symptoms include dizziness, vomiting, and muscle paralysis. 8. **Prepare to spend a lot.** Fugu is an expensive dish, so expect to spend a lot on your meal. Depending on the type of dish you order, you could pay up to $200. The steep price has a lot to do with the complexity of the preparation. It's best to avoid cheap fugu from establishments that are not reputable, as it may not be safe. Some restaurants offer à la carte options if you don't want to spend too much and you only want to taste a small piece of fugu sashimi. 9. **Know what to expect.** Fugu is a mild, chewy fish. Some people find fugu sashimi bland. If you typically enjoy more flavorful fish, you may be disappointed with fugu, so consider ordering only a small amount when you first try it. 10. **Take advantage of flavor-enhancing garnishes.** Because fugu is very mild, you may want to add a little flavor. Fugu sashimi is often served with garnishes and sauce, so try eating these with the fugu for a more flavorful bite. Your fugu may be served with radishes and scallions, which will add some wonderful flavor to the fish. Ponzu sauce is often provided with fugu sashimi dish, so try dipping the fish in this to enhance the flavor. This is a vinegar-based sauce that has a slight citrus flavor. 11. **Eat fugu in the winter.** The wintertime is considered the best time of year for eating fugu because the fish's bodies fatten up during this time of year. If you want to get the most out of your fugu experience, eat it during the prime season. Be aware that because it is at its best, fugu is typically more expensive during the winter. 12. **Consider eating a small amount of poison (if you're a daredevil).** Some expert chefs purposely leave a trace amount of poison in the fugu when they prepare it. This causes a mild tingling effect in the lips, which many diners enjoy. It may also cause a sense of euphoria. 13. **Get a salad.** If you want to have an entire fugu meal, you may want to start with a salad. Some restaurants offer options that contain fugu skin. In order for the skin to be safe to eat, the chef must remove the fish's spikes. 14. **Consider techiri.** Another popular option for consuming fugu is techiri, which is a hot broth that contains vegetables and fugu. In this dish, the taste of the fugu is hard to detect, as the broth and vegetables have stronger flavors. 15. **Try it cooked.** In addition to serving fugu raw, the Japanese also eat it cooked in a variety of dishes. Popular options include hot pots and fried dishes. Fried fugu is likely to appeal to a Western palate, as it tastes something like chicken. If you're very daring, you may want to try eating some of the more poisonous parts of the fish. For example, in some places you can find cooked fugu testicles. 16. **Try a fugu drink.** At some high-end restaurants, you may be able to find hot sake mixed with a spoonful of the fugu fish's testes, which are highly poisonous. More commonly, you can find hot sake that has had fugu fins steeped in it. The fugu gives the sake a savory flavor. You should let it steep for a few minutes at your table before you drink it for the best flavor.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Be Childlike
In order to take a break from your life, channelling a childlike outlook can be a joyful, exhilarating experience. By observing the innocence of children you can regain the best qualities of your childhood, having positive interactions and rerouting the way you live you life, making things more simple, lighter, and more enjoyable. 1. **Interact with children for inspiration.** Play with a child who is close with you and observe how they view the world. Children are full of awe, innocence, and inspiration, and understanding the way they see the world will bring you closer to the childlike nature in yourself. If there are children in your family, play games with them and watch how they live in the moment. 2. **Ask children questions and observe their answers.** Children are confident in themselves and often unashamed at their own limited knowledge. Adopt this confidence into your own life by forgoing embarrassment. 3. **Learn something new every day.** Try reading a new book, or spontaneously visit a museum. If you allow yourself to invest your time in learning new things, your childlike wonder will return, fostering curiosity and passion in new things. Use the internet to learn how something works, or look at images of a place you’ve always wanted to visit. 4. **Learn how to play again.** The first way to abandon stress, regret, or sadness is to find new ways to live a playful life. By observing how children play and adapting their carefree attitude toward everyday objects and interactions, you will have more fun and feel more innocent throughout your day. 5. **Express yourself honestly.** Something children possess is a lack of embarrassment or shame. They express themselves honestly and openly. To try to do the same, change the way you normally dress or get a new haircut, allowing yourself to be playful in your self-expression. 6. **Don’t take things too seriously.** Although some things in life need to be addressed with seriousness, there are plenty of things that people take too seriously. Work on being more easygoing and mellow by letting the small things go and enabling yourself to let go of stressful thoughts when you can. Imagine how a child would react to the small things that typical bother you and adapt a carefree way of viewing them. 7. **Let yourself laugh at silly things.** Laughing is a great way to feel light and happy, and it is something children do often. Find a few things that make you laugh every day and enjoy them. Try watching family-friendly movies and television shows and reading works of children's literature. Comedy movies and television shows, and stand-up comics are also acceptable. 8. **Bring creativity into your everyday life.** Something you tend to lose as you grow older is your ability to ditch your self-awareness and be creative, even in the most mundane of situations. While cooking, don’t worry about making a mess. Cook exactly what you want and don’t worry about the mess until afterward. Decide to take up painting, writing, or dancing, even if you don’t think you will be good at it. Creativity will bring back the wonder and curiosity that you may envy in childlike behavior. Allowing yourself to be creative will bring fresh, inspiring, and new ideas into your life, which could benefit everything from your cooking skills to your career. 9. **Share with the people around you.** One of the things children learn first in grade school is how to share. Share your thoughts, feelings, dreams, and love with the people in your life. Expressing yourself honestly and openly will make you feel lighter and innocent. Try sharing physical objects, too, like money, food, or clothing with someone in need. Sharing with other people will allow you to feel connected to them and will broaden your worldview, taking your mind off yourself and spending time thinking of others. Another thing children learn early on is the importance of being polite and respectful. Say "please", "thank you", "excuse me", and "I'm sorry" whenever you need to apologize to someone. 10. **Forgive as a child forgives.** Children can be fighting one moment, and then completely forget about the fight the next, becoming friends again. Bring your easygoing manner back and forgive people whenever possible. Try to see people’s honest, true, childlike intentions and let go of your grudges. Focus on people’s good intentions, rather than being blinded by their bad intentions. People are rarely treating you badly on purpose, and understanding where someone’s anger or sadness is stemming from will help you forgive and understand them. 11. **Let go of your preconceived ideas of others.** Children don’t have any preconceived notions toward or about anyone, and welcome new people into their lives with open arms. When meeting new people, shed your prejudices and preconceived ideas about them, taking them as they are. This will open up new, exciting worlds for you to explore. Introduce yourself to someone new everyday and ask new people about their lives. Invite someone new to lunch and introduce your new friends to your old friends. 12. **Experience the beauty in life with someone you love.** Too often, it is easy for you to go through life without sharing something beautiful with someone you love. Ask a loved one to go on a walk with you, or to explore a new environment. Connect through the beautiful things you see together and share with honesty. These interactions will bring you closer together and make your relationship stronger. 13. **Be present in everything you do.** Even if you are not engaging in some childlike behavior, whether it be at work or in traffic, exercise your ability to be present. Children are never looking toward the future or looking back at the past. Allow yourself to feel your true feelings, crying or laughing whenever necessary. Being present will allow you to lose unnecessary inhibitions and allow yourself to make new discoveries. 14. **Let yourself change.** Children live life with a clean slate and are easily impressionable, changing with every new experience. Allow yourself to make changes in your life, following your passions and what you love to do. These changes can be as simple as painting a room a color that makes you happy to moving to the city of your dreams. Children aren’t burdened by ideas of can and cannot, so greet each new experience with open arms and allow yourself to be impacted by them. Discover what makes you truly happy and follow it. It is easy to feel caged in by the decisions they’ve made in the past, but children live each day like it is a fresh start. 15. **Explore the world innocently.** Escape your day by taking long walks and seeing the world in a new light. By going to new places and being open to new experiences, you will channel your inner child and allow yourself to be at peace. Try to see the world through a child’s eyes, stopping now and again to look at the clouds above you or to feel the wind sweeping by.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Take Care of Black Girls' Hair
Black hair is beautiful, whether it is natural, relaxed, or braided. The key to healthy, beautiful hair is moisture and gentle treatment. Without these, black hair can become dry and brittle. Caring for black hair takes a little bit of extra effort, but the soft, silky, and healthy results are worth it. 1. **Wash your hair once every 1 to 2 weeks.** The more often you wash your hair, the more you strip it of its moisture. This results in dry, brittle hair. You should wash your hair every 7 to 10 days, but you can get away with washing it once every 14 days. This will help prevent dryness and product buildup. If you can't find a shampoo and conditioner meant for ethnic hair, try to use a moisturizing shampoo meant for dry hair. Follow up with a moisturizing conditioner. If you must wash your hair more often, dilute your shampoo with 50% water and 50% shampoo. 2. **Consider washing your hair with just conditioner every 3 to 5 days.** This is also known as "co-washing." It will help moisturize your hair, and keep it manageable. Co-washing is especially great for natural curls, as it keeps the hair less frizzy, more defined, and better moisturized. You can help further seal the moisture in with a natural oil of your choosing. Step things up a bit by using a deep conditioning mask once a week to twice a month. Focus the conditioner on the ends of your hair; avoid applying it to your scalp. Applying conditioner to your scalp will cause your hair to appear greasy. It will also weigh down your strands. 3. **Use a moisturizing conditioner with lightweight, essential oils.** Oils like grape seed oil, are more easily absorbed by hair than products like lanolin, which will only clog and weigh hair down. Lightweight oils will moisturize your hair and make it shiny, but they won't weigh it down. 4. **Don't use products that contain silicones and sulfates.** Silicones are great for making hair nice and smooth, but they can only be removed with sulfates, a harsh cleaning agent that leads to dry hair. If you don't remove the silicones from your hair properly, your hair will get too much build-up, and end up looking dull, greasy, and lanky. Fortunately, there are lots of ways to make your hair nice and silky without using silicones, including nourishing masks and coconut oil. These products are easily washed out of your hair, without any dryness or brittleness. 5. **Consider using products with "organic" ingredients over products with "natural" ingredients.** Organic products are strictly regulated from farming to harvesting. This means that ingredients such as avocado, coconut, and shea were grown without the use of toxic chemicals, antibiotics, and pesticides that are harmful to humans and animals. These toxic chemicals can potentially harm your hair. The term "natural" is used very loosely by corporations. An orange soda can be natural because it has an orange flavoring that once shared a compound of a fruit. High fructose corn syrup is considered "natural" just like "petrolatum." 6. **Comb carefully using a wide tooth comb.** Always start from the ends of your hair first; never comb straight down from the roots. Avoid using brushes, as they will only make your hair frizzy. Lastly, avoid combing your hair every day; detangle it when necessary with your fingers. Excessive combing will break your hair off. Make sure your hair is slightly damp before you detangle. Hair is very vulnerable when wet, so if you just washed it, let it dry a little first. 7. **Consider using a comb attachment when blow-drying your hair.** Let your hair air-dry a little first, then gently blow dry your hair using a comb attachment. This will reduce the amount of pulling and tugging, which can lead to breakage. Comb attachments can also help speed up the drying process for tightly coiled natural hair. Comb attachments help stretch and straighten natural curls, so they're great if you plan on using a flat iron after drying. Instead of air drying, you can also sit under a dryer. 8. **Avoid heat styling when possible, and use a lower temperature and a heat protectant spray when you do.** Add the spray to your hair while it is still wet; this will help make it more effective. When styling your hair, hold the curling iron or flat iron slightly open while passing it over your hair. This way, you will avoid tugging and pulling your hair, which can lead to breakage Try to limit heat styling to two times a month maximum. Try to use the lowest temperature possible and avoid going too hot. Heat protectant sprays can only do so much. Opt for ceramic flat irons over metal ones. They will be gentler on your hair. Heat protectants come in many forms, other than sprays, including: shampoo, conditioners, creams, and serums. 9. **Avoid using high-stress hairstyles for long periods of time.** Tight ponytails and tight braids can look chic, but they also put a lot of stress on your hair and scalp. Overtime, they can create crimps and breakage in hair. They can also stress the hair follicles, and cause thinning along the hairline. Braids, cornrows, and weaves should not hurt. If they start to hurt, they are too tight, and are damaging your hair. Avoid using rubber bands when styling your hair, as they can cause tears and breakage. Instead, use a ponytail holder without a metal clip. 10. **Choose sewn-in weaves over glued-in weaves.** They are much better at protecting your natural hair against heat styling and outdoor elements. Glued-in weaves can rip out your natural hair upon removal, thus damaging it. If you do choose a glued-in weave, you can protect your natural hair by placing a stocking cap over it, then gluing the weave onto the stocking cap. If you are using a weave, visit your stylist every 2 to 3 weeks to ensure that it stays tight. A loose weave can tug on your hair and damage it. Change your weave every 1½ and 3 months. Let your hair rest for a few weeks after two consecutive weaves. 11. **Use caution when relaxing your hair, and only do it once every 2 to 3 months.** Try to get your hair relaxed professionally. If you do it at home, read the instructions carefully to prevent any damage. You should only apply relaxer to new growth, and never to hair that has already been relaxed. If you apply relaxer to previously relaxed hair, you will over-process it and damage it. Also, never leave the relaxer on the hair too long; this will cause serious damage and possible hair loss. When relaxing your hair, add some natural oil, like olive oil, to previously relaxed hair. This way, you won't accidentally over-process it. You can also use a conditioner or a pre-relaxer treatment to protect previously relaxed strands if you'd prefer to not use oil. Some stylists will recommend a touch-up every 6 weeks; that unnecessary, and actually very bad for your hair. You should get a touch-up every 2 to 3 months. Look at the ingredients: if it has too many long chemical names, try to stay away from it. 12. **Let your hair go natural every once in a while for a few weeks.** This is especially important if you are using high-stress hairstyles, such as weaves, cornrows, and braids. While fashionable, these styles put a lot of strain on your hair. Let your hair go natural for a week or two in between styles so that it can relax. If you must do something with your hair, consider wrapping a scarf or headband around it, or adding in a cute hair clip. 13. **Sleep on a satin or silk pillowcase to prevent frizz, breakage, and dryness.** This way, your hair can stay healthy and won't break or tear. Cotton pillowcases tend to snag hair and create tiny rips and tears. They also tend to suck the moisture out of your hair, which can make it even more frizzy and brittle. Satin or silk pillowcases are also great for skin, as they don't draw out moisture the way cotton pillowcases do. Wash the silk pillowcases once a week. You can do it by hand or using a washing machine. Check the label before washing them. If you can't get a satin or silk pillowcase, consider tying your hair up at night with a satin or silk scarf instead. 14. **Moisturize the ends of your hair.** You can use a moisturizing serum, or you can use a natural oil, such as coconut oil, castor oil, or olive oil. This will help prevent your hair from getting dry, snagging on things, and breaking. It will also help prevent split or damaged ends. 15. **Apply some oil to natural hair every day and straightened/relaxed hair twice a week.** Look for products that contain natural oils, such as almond, Argan, coconut, and jojoba. You can also just use natural oils straight from the bottle instead. Skip products with petrolatum, lanolin, and mineral oils. They will only dry your hair out and stop moisture from penetrating the shaft. A little bit of oil goes a long way. Start with a small amount, about the size of a dime, and add more as necessary. After washing your hair, apply a moisturizing leave-in conditioner, then add the oil of your choice. This seal in moisture and ensure that your hair stays healthy. 16. **Try a protein treatment.** Protein will make your hair less prone to breakage and over-moisturizing. Your hair will be a lot shinier too. Be careful not to overuse protein in your hair otherwise it will start to snap off. You can use a store-bought treatment or try your hand at making a DIY hair mask at home. 17. **Use a hot oil treatment twice a month to add moisture and elasticity to your hair.** Heat ½ to 1 cup (120 to 240 milliliters) of oil in a double-boiler or a jar in a pot of hot water. Part your hair into several sections, then use an applicator bottle to apply the oil. Massage the oil into your hair and scalp, then cover your hair with a shower cap for 30 minutes. Once the time is up, wash your hair as usual with shampoo. If you don't want to warm up the oil in advance, you can apply it then sit under a hooded hair dryer for 30 minutes while wearing a shower cap. Don't use a microwave to heat the oil, or it will lose its nutrients. If you don't have a shower cap, you can wrap a damp, warm towel around your hair instead. You can use any of the following oils: Argan, avocado, castor, coconut, jojoba, olive, sesame, and sweet almond. 18. **Trim your split ends as soon as possible.** Even healthy hair is prone to getting split ends, so be sure to check your hair for them regularly. The longer you leave them unchecked, the further the damage will creep up the hair shaft. Don't reply on "split end mending" serums, at they are only temporary fixes; they are not permanent and will not mend your split ends.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Ask for Permission to Use Tampons
Some girls are embarrassed to ask their moms about things like wearing a tampon. Overcome your fear of asking permission to use a tampon by preparing yourself with the right timing and materials. Be kind when you ask for permission, and don't whine if your parents say no. 1. **Ask your parent/guardian for a private conversation.** When you feel you are ready to use tampons instead of pads for your period, you may need to gain the permission of your parents (in many cases your mother). Gaining their permission is important because they buy your feminine products. It is also good for them to know what is going on in your life so that they can take care of you. For example, if your mom says she is headed to the store in an hour, ask her if you can have a talk before she goes. Perhaps send a quick text to ask your parent or guardian to meet with you so that when you see them face to face, they will be ready to listen. Say, “When I get home from school today, can we talk for a minute?” 2. **Write them a letter.** If you feel embarrassed or stressed about talking to your parents about using tampons, try writing them a letter. You may also want to write a letter if it's hard to find time to sit down with them. Writing a letter helps you organize your thoughts and make a strong appeal. Write down your thoughts in a logical order, such as opening with your desire to use tampons, describing why they are a good idea, explaining that you have the responsibility to handle them, and closing with a polite request. Revise your letter for proper wording and punctuation. You could open with, “Dear Mom, I know it may seem weird that I'm writing a letter, but I wanted to ask you something personal, and I feel more comfortable writing a letter than talking face to face.” You could also consider making it electronic, either writing a text or email, if that is something your parent or guardian would read. 3. **Talk to someone you trust.** If talking to a parent or guardian is too difficult, either emotionally or logistically, you may want to talk to another trusted adult first. Get advice from them on how to approach your parents. Discuss your fears with them. They may be able to offer advice that makes you feel less uncomfortable than talking to your own parents. Another adult you might discuss this with is your doctor. Your doctor can offer medical advice about tampon application, calming the fears of both you and your parents. Pull aside a trusted adult and ask, “Hey, can I talk to you about a personal issue real quick?” This can also be an experienced friend. 4. **Be prepared to be denied.** Part of asking for permission is being ready to have your request denied. Your parents may not feel you are emotionally prepared for such a step. They may think you need to be a little older, or that tampons aren't safe. Be prepared to show maturity by not getting upset at their refusal. Think about their personalities and your past experiences with them to help you anticipate what they might say. Ask why they won't agree to let you use a tampon in a respectful manner. Not getting upset can be the sign of maturity your parents need to agree to let you start using tampons. For example, a mature person is thankful, meaning they express gratitude even when things don't go their way. Understand that your parents are most likely interested in your safety and are not trying to be mean. 5. **Tell them what is going on.** Once you have your parents' attention, tell them about your desire to use tampons. You want them to clearly understand your position. Even if you don't think they will understand, you need to express your desire anyway. Start by saying something like, “So I've been thinking about it, and I want start using tampons.” 6. **Explain why you want to use tampons.** Explaining all the reasons why you want to do something is important for helping the other person become convinced. Use persuasion tactics like proper timing, being willing to do something in return, and being persistent. Your parents will probably be impressed by a logical argument made without whining. Choose to ask your parents for a discussion about tampons when they are relaxed, not right after they get home from work. Be willing to do chores or another task they have been wanting you to accomplish in return for permission to use tampons. If they say no at first, meet any conditions they offer and ask them again. Keep asking until they relent. Try, “I am old enough for tampons and I need them because I play sports.” 7. **Ask with a polite manner.** Be kind and polite when you ask for permission. Make eye contact with your mom or dad and say nice things about them. Don't flatter them to get them to agree with you; instead, be genuine with any compliments you give. Also avoid fidgeting, whining, or accusing them if you don't like their response. Say, “Thank you for taking time to meet with me today.” Use words like can, could, may, might, would, and so on. These words are humble rather than demanding, and will likely help you get what you want. For example, say, "I would like to start wearing tampons," instead of, "I have to wear tampons now." 8. **Avoid whining if they say no.** If the answer is “no,” don't throw a fit. This will only assure your parents that you are not ready for the responsibility of using tampons. Instead of whining, complaining, or being out of sorts, accept their judgement calmly. Don't tattle on a sibling in order to make yourself look better. If your older sister uses tampons without your parents' permission, for example, telling on her to get your way might cause family drama rather than help your case. 9. **Calm their fears.** When you are presenting your appeal to your parents to use tampons, you may want to start by calming their fears. For example, if they are worried you will get sick from using tampons, assure them that you know when to take out your tampon. If they are worried that you will use it improperly, assure them that you have learned how to use a tampon correctly. For example, explain that you know you should change a tampon every four to six hours. 10. **Demonstrate that you have researched tampons.** Start by printing out web pages. You can show your parents that you have read about how to apply a tampon properly. You can also show that you have read about the risks. Show that you have read up on Toxic Shock Syndrome and how to prevent it. Also show proof that your age doesn't have anything to do with your ability to use tampons. Any girl with a menstrual cycle can use a tampon. Explain how tampons are perfectly safe for both virgins and non-virgins. The tampon does not interfere with the hymen (the skin covering the vagina). Make them aware that tampons can't enter the body, so they are a safe alternative to pads. 11. **Offer stories of others your age.** Tell your parents about your friends who are in similar situations to your own, such as the same age and playing the same sports. Explain that they wear tampons and are perfectly fine. If you are feeling left out because you are not allowed to wear tampons, explain this to your parents. If anyone tries to bully you for not wearing tampons, tell an adult immediately. You can tell you are being bullied if you are being singled out on an ongoing basis; the bully is bigger than you in stature or has a stronger personality; and enjoys it when you are uncomfortable. 12. **Explain situations where you need them.** The reason tampons are an option on the market at all is because active women need them. If you play a sport like swimming, you physically should not swim unless you can contain your menstrual cycle; otherwise you might contaminate the water. You can play any sport better with a tampon. Other situations you might want a tampon include wearing tight clothing, having to change clothes in a public dressing room, or for the sake of comfort.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Transfer Bookmarks from One Computer to Another
This wikiHow teaches you how to transfer Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox bookmarks from one computer to another. 1. **Plug a flash drive into your computer.** A flash drive is probably the easiest way to quickly transfer your bookmarks to another computer. If you don’t have a flash drive, you can attach the bookmark file to an email message instead. 2. **Open Chrome on your computer.** It’s in the area of the Start menu in Windows, and the folder in macOS. 3. **Click ⁝.** It’s at the top-right corner of the browser. A menu will expand. 4. **Select Bookmarks.** Another menu will expand. 5. **Click Bookmark manager.** It’s near the top of the menu. 6. **Click ⁝.** It’s at the top-right corner of the page. 7. **Click Export Bookmarks.** This opens your computer’s file browser. 8. **Navigate to the location where you want to save the bookmarks.** If you’re using a flash drive, browse to the flash drive in the file browser. If you’re going to email yourself the bookmarks, navigate to your folder (or anywhere else that’s easy to remember). 9. **Click Save.** Your bookmarks will save to the selected location as an HTML file. When the file is finished saving, safely eject the drive from your computer. If you’re emailing the bookmarks to yourself, open your email client, compose a new message to yourself, attach the file, then click the send button. 10. **Plug the flash drive into the new computer.** If you emailed yourself the bookmarks, log into your email account from the new computer, open the message, then download the HTML attachment. 11. **Open Google Chrome on the new computer.** If you want to import the bookmarks into Firefox or Safari instead, open that browser now. 12. **Open the Bookmark Manager on the new computer.** In Chrome, click the at the top-right corner of the browser, select , then click . Press Ctrl+⇧ Shift+B to open the Bookmark Manger. Click the menu, click , then select . 13. **Click ⁝.** If you’re using Chrome, it’s at the top-right corner of the page. Other browser users should skip this step. 14. **Click Import Bookmarks.** If you’re using Chrome, this opens the computer’s file browser. Click , then select . Skip to the next step. 15. **Browse to the bookmark file.** If you saved the file to a flash drive, navigate to the flash drive. If you downloaded the file from an email message, navigate to the folder in which you saved it. 16. **Select the bookmark file and click Open.** If you’re using Safari, click . This will import your bookmarks into the new browser. 17. **Plug a flash drive into your computer.** A flash drive is probably the easiest way to quickly transfer your bookmarks to another computer. If you don’t have a flash drive, you can attach the bookmark file to an email message instead. 18. **Open Firefox on your computer.** It’s in the area of the Start menu in Windows, and the folder in macOS. 19. **Press Ctrl+⇧ Shift+B.** This opens the Bookmark Manager. 20. **Click Import & Backup.** 21. **Click Export Bookmarks to HTML.** Your computer’s file browser will appear. 22. **Navigate to the location where you want to save the bookmarks.** If you’re using a flash drive, browse to the flash drive in the file browser. If you’re going to email yourself the bookmarks, navigate to your folder (or anywhere else that’s easy to remember). 23. **Click Save.** Your bookmarks will save to the selected location as an HTML file. When the file is finished saving, safely eject the drive from your computer. If you’re emailing the bookmarks to yourself, open your email client, compose a new message to yourself, attach the file, then click the send button. 24. **Plug the flash drive into the new computer.** If you emailed yourself the bookmarks, log into your email account from the new computer, open the message, then download the HTML attachment. 25. **Open Firefox on the new computer.** If you want to import the bookmarks into Chrome or Safari instead, open that browser now. 26. **Press Ctrl+⇧ Shift+B.** This opens the Bookmark Manager in Firefox on the new computer. Click the at the top-right corner of the browser, select , then click . Click the menu, click , then select . 27. **Click Import & Backup in Firefox.** This opens your computer’s file browser. Click the at the top-right corner of the page, then select . Skip to the next step. 28. **Browse to the bookmark file.** If you saved the file to a flash drive, navigate to the flash drive. If you downloaded the file from an email message, navigate to the folder in which you saved it. 29. **Select the bookmark file and click Open.** If you’re using Safari, click . This will import your bookmarks into the new browser.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Understand Yourself
How well do you really know yourself? Sometimes you might find yourself doing things even though you're not quite sure why. Our subconscious controls a huge amount of our behavior and thus the reasoning behind many of our decisions in life can be shrouded in mystery. However, if you know how to look, you can gain a greater understanding of yourself: why you make the decisions that you do, what makes you happy, and how you might change for the better. 1. **Take a personality test.** The first thing you can do to gain a greater understanding of yourself is to get some objective assessment. You can also ask people you know, but their experience of you could lead them to the same biases that you have. Getting some objective opinions will give you a more accurate picture and lead you to consider some things you might not even have thought of. There are a number of established tests that you can take to learn about the different aspects of yourself (and more than a few less-reputable ones): The Myers-Briggs Personality type theory says that all people have 1 of 16 different basic personalities. These personalities can predict how you interact with people, the kinds of interpersonal problems and strengths that you have, and what kind of environment you live and work in best. If you're struggling to understand what makes you happy and what you should do with your life, consider taking a career test. These types of tests can help you decide what you might find the most satisfying, usually based on your personality and what you do for fun. 2. **Understand your learning style.** There is a theory that every person learns and processes their experience of the world in one of a number of different ways. Knowing what learning style you have will help you even once you're out of school and can help you to understand why you struggle with some activities and excel at others. As with the others, there are a number of free tests that you can take online. Just be aware that this is a disputed science, with many theories about how many learning styles exist, and you may get different results depending on which test you take. 3. **Do character writing exercises.** When writers go to write a book, they will often do writing exercises which help them to better understand the characters that they're writing about. You can do these same exercises to get a better understanding of yourself and many can be found online for free. These exercises may not have anything official to say about you, often relying on you to draw your own conclusions about what your answers say about you, but they may lead you to think about things you never thought about before. Try answering the following questions to get an idea of what this is like: How would you describe yourself in one sentence? What is your purpose in your life's story? What is the most important thing that has ever happened to you? How did it change you? How are you different than the people around you? 4. **Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses.** You can come to a better understanding of who you are and what is most important to you by thinking about your strengths and weaknesses. Importantly, you’ll want to compare your perception of your strengths and weaknesses to the strengths and weaknesses identified by your friends, family, and coworkers. The things that they see that you don’t can tell you a lot about yourself and how you see yourself. Examples of strengths include determination, devotion, self-discipline, thoughtfulness, decisiveness, patience, diplomacy, communication skills, and imagination or creativity. Examples of weaknesses include close-mindedness, self-centeredness, difficulty perceiving reality, judgement of others, and issues with control. 5. **Examine your priorities.** What you think is most important in life and in your day-to-day interactions can tell you a lot about yourself. Think about your priorities, compare them to the priorities of other people you respect, and think what your conclusions say about you. Of course, you need to be open to the idea that you might not have your priorities in the best order (many people don’t), which can also teach you a lot about yourself. If your house were burning down, what would you do? What would you save? It’s amazing how fire exposes our priorities. Even if you’d save something practical, like your tax records, that still says something about you (probably that you prefer to be prepared and not meet resistance in life). Another way to tell what your priorities are is to imagine that someone you love was being openly criticized for something that you don’t support (let’s say, they’re gay but you don’t agree with the lifestyle). Do you support them? Protect them? How? What would you say? Our actions in the face of peer criticism and possible ostracization can reveal our priorities. Some examples of priorities that people often have include: money, family, sex, respect, security, stability, material possessions, and comfort. 6. **Look at how you've changed.** Look at your past and think about how what has happened to you over your lifetime has affected how you act and think today. Looking at how you’ve changed as a person can reveal a lot about why you act the way that you do, because our current behaviors are built on our past experiences. For example, maybe you tend to get really defensive around shoplifters and are very harsh to people you perceive as stealing. When you think about it, you might remember stealing a candy from a store as a child and your parents punishing you very harshly, which would explain your stronger than normal reaction to that behavior now. 7. **Check yourself when you experience strong emotions.** Sometimes, you’ll find yourself getting really, strongly angry, sad, happy, or excited. Understanding what sets off these stronger-than-normal reactions, what their root cause is, can help you understand yourself better. For example, maybe you get really violently angry about people talking during a movie. Are you really angry about the talking or are you angry because you felt like it was a personal sign of disrespect towards you? Since this anger doesn’t help the situation, you might be better off trying to find ways that you can be less concerned about people respecting you, just to keep your own blood pressure down. 8. **Watch out for repression and transference.** Repression is when you don’t want to think about something, so you help yourself to forget it even happened. Transference is when you emotionally react to one thing, but what you’re really reacting to is something else. Both of these behaviors, which are very common, are unhealthy and finding out why you do them and finding ways to handle those emotions in a healthier way will make you a much happier person. For example, you might think that you’re not sad about your grandma dying, but when your family decides to get rid of her favorite old chair you get really angry and upset. You’re not really upset about the chair being gone. It was stained, smelled funny, and probably contained radioactive foam for all you know. You’re upset that your grandma is gone. 9. **Notice how and when you talk about yourself.** Do you turn every conversation you have into a conversation about yourself? Do you make jokes at your own expense whenever you talk about yourself? How and when you talk about yourself can reveal a lot about how you think and how you perceive yourself. It’s healthy to talk about yourself sometimes and it’s good to realize that you can’t do everything, but you should pay attention to extremes and think about why you go to those extremes. For example, your friend might have just finished her PhD, but when you’re all talking about it, you turn the conversation to be about when you were working on your master's. This might be because you feel embarrassed that you only got a master's and they finished a PhD, so you want to make yourself feel more important or accomplished by making the conversation about you. 10. **Look at how and why you interact with others.** When you interact with people, do you tend to put them down? Maybe you’ve noticed that you only choose to spend time with people that have more money than you. Behaviors like this can also teach you things about yourself and what is really important to you. For example, if you’re choosing to only spend time with friends that have more money than you, it may show that you want to feel more wealthy by letting yourself pretend you’re equal to your friends in that way. Think about what you "hear" vs what was said. This is another thing you can look out for when examining your interactions with your friends and family. You might find that what you hear is something like “I need your help” when what they actually said was “I want your company”, revealing that you have a strong need to feel useful to others. 11. **Write your biography.** Write your biography in 500 words in 20 minutes. This will require you to type very fast and think less about what you will include, helping you to identify what your brain thinks is most important when defining who you are. For many people, 20 minutes won’t even be enough time to type 500 words. Thinking about what you are upset you weren’t able to get out vs what you did say can also tell you things about yourself. 12. **See how long you can wait for gratification.** Studies have shown that people who can delay satisfaction have a generally better time getting through life, getting better grades, more education, and maintaining a healthier body. Think about situations where you could have delayed gratification. What did you do? If you have trouble delaying gratification, this is something to look out for a work on, since it often plays a role in success. Stanford did a famous experiment with this called the Marshmallow Experiment , where they watched how some kids reacted when presented with marshmallow treats and then followed their progress through life, over the course of many decades. The children who put off their treat in favor of a bigger reward did better in school, work, and health-related areas. 13. **Analyze whether you need to tell or be told.** When you’re doing something, like work, think about whether you seek out your next task without having to be asked, whether you need someone else to tell you what to do before you act, or whether you’d rather skip all of that in favor of just telling someone else what to do. Each of these things can say different things about you, depending on the situation. Remember that there’s nothing wrong with needing someone to give you instructions and guidance before doing a task. It’s just something to be aware of so that you can better understand and control your own behavior when important things come up. For example, if you know you’re bad at taking control in a situation but you know you need to, you can think about how your reluctance is just “a habit” that you can break and not a necessity. 14. **Look at the way you react in tough or new situations.** When things get really tough, such as when you lose your job, a loved one dies, or someone is threatening you, the more hidden or restrained parts of your character tend to come out. Think about how you’ve reacted in the past when the tension has gotten high. Why did you react the way that you did? How do you wish that you’d reacted? Would you be more likely to react that way now? You can also imagine these scenarios, but be aware that your hypothetical responses may be clouded by your bias and not accurate to how you’d really react. For example, imagine you were moving to a new town where no one knows you. Where would you go to make friends? What kind of people would you try to make friends with? Is there anything you’d change in terms of what you tell people about yourself vs what all your current friends know about you? This can reveal your priorities and what you’re looking for in your social interactions. 15. **Think about how having power influences your behavior.** If you’re in any kind of position of power, you might want to think about the effect it has on your behavior. Many people, when put in a position of power, will become harsher, less open-minded, more controlling, and more suspicious. When you find yourself making decisions that affect others, think about why you’re really making that choice: is it because it’s the right thing to do or is it because you need to feel in control of the situation? For example, when you’re babysitting your little brother, do you put him in timeout just for a small problem? Does this really help him learn or are you just trying to find reasons to put him in timeout? 16. **Examine your influences.** The things that have an influence on how you think and how you see the world can say a lot about you, whether you actually conform to what they teach or not. In seeing where your influences have shaped your behavior, you can better understand the root of the behaviors you do have. In seeing where you deviate from those taught behaviors, you can also identify your uniqueness and your own personal thinking. Thinks that influence you include: Your media intake, such as TV shows, movies, books, and even what porn you watch. Your parents, who might teach you things varying from tolerance vs racism to material wealth vs spiritual wealth. Your friends, who will pressure you into enjoying certain things or introduce you to new and wonderful experiences. 17. **Let go of your defensiveness.** If you want to really reflect and understand yourself better, you're going to need to think about parts of yourself that you really don't like and admit to some things you might not want to admit to. You'll be naturally defensive about admitting these kinds of things to yourself, but if you're really going to understand how you work, then you're going to need to let go of that defensiveness. Even if you don't let those barriers down for other people, you at least have to let them down for yourself. Becoming less defensive about your weaknesses can also mean opening yourself up to getting help from other people and making amends for past mistakes. If you're more open to discussion, criticism, and change, then other people can really help you understand and improve yourself. 18. **Be honest with yourself.** We lie to ourselves a lot more than we'd like to think about sometimes. We'll help ourselves to think that we made some questionable choices for noble or logical reasons, even when we were really just being vindictive or lazy. But hiding from the real reason behind our motives doesn't help us change and develop into better people. Remember: there's no point in lying to yourself. Even if you discover truths about yourself that you really don't like, this only gives you the opportunity to take those problems head on instead of just pretending like they don't exist. 19. **Listen to what others say to and about you.** Sometimes, especially when we do bad things, others will try to warn us against those behaviors. We also have a tendency not to listen. Sometimes this is good, because lots of people will say things about you just because they want to hurt you and their comment will have no basis in fact. But sometimes what they say is a good, outsider’s analysis of how you behave. Think about what people have said in the past and ask for some new opinions about your behavior. For example, your sister might notice that you tend to exaggerate. But this is unintentional on your part, which can serve to show you that your perception of reality is a bit off. There’s a big difference between evaluating what they say about you and letting that opinion control your life and actions. You shouldn't tailor your behavior to suit other people unless it is having a significantly negative impact on your life (and even then, you might want to consider that your environment might be the problem, not your behavior). Make changes because you want to change, not because someone else tells you that you should. 20. **Give advice.** Giving advice will often give you a great opportunity to think through your own problems and reevaluate them from the outside. When looking at someone else’s situation, you will be more likely to think about situations and circumstances that you never thought of before. You don’t even have to do this activity for real, although helping your friends, family, and even strangers is a nice thing to do. You can give advice to your older and younger selves, in the form of a letter. This will help you think through your past experiences and what you took away from them, as well as what is really important to you for the future. 21. **Take time and experience life.** The best way to really get to know yourself, however, is to just experience life. Just like getting to know another person, understanding yourself takes time and you’ll learn far more through experiencing life than by interviewing yourself and taking tests. You can try: Traveling. Traveling will put you in lots of different situations and test your ability to handle stress and adapt to change. You’ll come to a greater understanding of your happiness, priorities, and dreams than you ever could just sitting in your same old boring life. Getting more education. Education, real education, challenges us to think in new ways. Getting an education will open your mind and lead you to think about things you’d never even considered. Your interests and how you feel about these new things you learn can reveal things about you. Letting go of expectations. Let go of other people’s expectations for you. Let go of your expectations for yourself. Let go of your expectations for what life should be like. When you do this, you’ll be more open to seeing what new experiences might make you happy and fulfilled. Life is a crazy roller-coaster and you're going to encounter a lot of things that scare you because they're new or different but don't close yourself to those experiences. They might make you happier than you've ever been.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Host an Exchange Student
Hosting an exchange student can be a life-changing experience, both for the student and for you. Becoming a host gives you the opportunity to share your culture and traditions with new people. It also gives you the opportunity to learn about how others live. Hosting an exchange student can be a challenge, but it's also an adventure that you shouldn't miss out on! 1. **Learn about what hosting an exchange student means.** The United States Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs is a good place to start. While specific requirements may vary between programs, you will need to be able to provide a safe, secure, and welcoming place for your exchange student to live. You must be able to provide transportation and food while the student is with you. You should be able to offer support, guidance, and encouragement for a young person who may feel uncomfortable or frightened by a new culture (at least at first). Most of all, you should be interested in the sometimes-challenging adventure of representing your country and your culture to others. Exchange programs are usually split into two categories. Long-term programs usually run for longer than eight weeks. They may even be a full academic semester/term/quarter or a year. Short-term programs are usually eight weeks or less. Some programs have specific requirements for who may be a host family. Many programs do not. For example, the US State Department has had host families who were single adults, same-sex couples, military families, and senior couples with grown children. 2. **Find a reputable hosting agency.** Several government agencies run foreign student exchange programs. Many schools operate their own foreign exchange programs with schools in other countries. There are also private and nonprofit agencies that arrange for foreign exchange students to stay with host families. Whichever route you choose, do some research to make sure that you will be participating in a reputable program. The Better Business Bureau rates many exchange programs. The US Department of State runs several Youth Exchange Programs. These include exchanges with students from Germany, Eurasia, South and Latin America, and several countries with large Muslim populations. The Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET) is a not-for-profit organization that helps ensure quality standards for exchange education in high school. Programs listed with CSIET are likely to be responsible, reputable, and trustworthy. You can also find CSIET hosting opportunities at their website. ASSE International Student Exchange Program is a major sponsor of foreign exchange programs and has many affiliated programs. They might be a good place to start your search. 3. **Understand your responsibilities and benefits clearly.** Becoming a host family is a lot of responsibility, but it is also a wonderful learning experience for you as well as the student you host. You are taking on the responsibility for the well-being of your exchange student. Make sure that you are ready to take on that challenge. Having a good support network in place, such as connections within your community, can help you manage this responsibility. You must provide at least three meals per day for your student. You must also be able to provide transport (or access to public transport), as exchange students are not allowed to drive. Your student’s parents or sponsors will pay for their personal travel, health insurance, and program fees. In many cases, they will also give the student a spending allowance. Most programs require at least one member of the household to be 25 (or 26) or older. Some programs may require host families to have at least two members. You will not be the student’s legal guardian, and you will not be legally responsible for the student’s actions. However, you are expected to set a good example for your student and help them learn about local customs and laws. The US State Department does not allow hosts to receive reimbursement or a stipend. They do allow you to claim a flat-rate tax deduction of $50USD per month. 4. **Talk with other hosts.** The best way to learn about what it will be like to be a host family is to talk with other people who have done it. If you know people who have been hosts for exchange students, ask them about their experiences! Many programs also have video blogs and online forums where you can learn about the hosting experience. 5. **Apply to become a host.** The application process may vary depending on the program you have chosen. Once you’ve completed your application, you will probably have an interview with a program coordinator. When that is complete, you will have a representative to help match you with a student. The State Department requires that you complete a criminal background check as part of the application process. Many programs will allow you to choose your student, or at least set preferences such as the student’s home country, age, and gender. 6. **Learn about them.** The program should give you the student’s contact information prior to their arrival. Begin communicating with them before they arrive! The sooner you get to know the student, the better. Ask about any allergies or dietary restrictions they may have so that you can provide appropriate food. Ask about birthdays and other special events. Celebrating these in your home will help your student feel more at home. 7. **Prepare a room for your student.** If you have the space, give your exchange student his or her own room. S/he may feel more comfortable having his or her own space, especially in the beginning as s/he adjusts to her new home. Exchange students do not have to have their own rooms. However, you must provide your exchange student his or her own bed. If s/he must share a room with your own child, your child must be the same gender as your exchange student. The children must also be within 4 or 5 years of the same age. 8. **Provide a study space.** Your student will need a quiet space to study and work. Attending school is an integral part of the student exchange program experience, so give them the resources they will need to do well. Many students will have spending money to purchase things they need. However, providing some basic school supplies, such as pens, binders, and paper, will be a nice way to show your support of the student’s academic goals. 9. **Offer meals that represent your home culture and traditions.** One of the reasons students from other countries participate in foreign exchange programs is to learn about a new country and culture. Providing meals that represent your cultural background will give the student a “taste” of their new culture. Make sure that you’ve gotten information from the student about any allergies and dietary restrictions. Respect your student’s traditions. For example, if the student is an observant Muslim, avoid serving pork and other restricted foods. If you do serve a food that is prohibited by your student’s traditions, make sure that they have options they can eat. Encourage your student to share their food traditions with you! You will discover some delicious new foods and they will get to feel like they are contributing to their new home life. 10. **Give the student ways to contact home.** Students may feel homesick, especially at first. Giving them ways to contact their family and friends back home will help them feel connected to their loved ones. This will make it easier for them to adjust to their new home with you. Skype and other internet services offer ways to place video and phone calls, even overseas, at affordable rates (or even free). Give the student access to the internet so that s/he can email home. 11. **Ask what s/he would like to be called.** Ask your student how to pronounce his or her name, and try to say it that way. Your student may even have another name they wish to go by, so asking what to call them up front can ease their transition. For example, many Asian students choose to use “English” names. These may sound similar to their home-language name (e.g., “Jenny” for “Zhenni”) or may be a name they just like the sound of. You should also tell the student what they should call you and your family. Many students come from cultures that place a high value on respect for elders, so they may feel uncomfortable calling an adult by their first name unless you tell them it’s all right. You could even have the student offer names or nicknames for you and your family in their native language. This could be a great opportunity to learn something about your student’s language and cultural traditions. 12. **Let your student know about your home’s rules.** It is perfectly acceptable for you to enforce reasonable ground rules for your exchange student. For example, if your own children must be home by 10PM on school nights, you should let your exchange student know that s/he has the same responsibilities. Participating in a family’s home life is a big reason why exchange students choose an exchange experience. Students on exchange programs are usually told that they must follow their host family’s rules and expectations. Other common areas for rules and expectations might include: household routines policies about inviting friends over or having sleepovers phone and internet use Remember that your student may be coming from a family with very different rules and traditions. Be patient and accept that your student will probably make mistakes just as your own children will. Remember, they’re just kids too! 13. **Be open to learning.** Your exchange student has come to your country to learn about your culture and country. However, the learning experience runs both ways -- this is one of the most exciting things about being a host! Never assume that you know everything about your student’s culture. Encourage your student to share their experiences and traditions with you, just as you are doing with them. Even if you are fairly familiar with your student’s national culture, you don’t necessarily know what their individual and home life is like. Be open to asking questions and learning. Ask open-ended questions, such as “What do you like to do for fun at home?” This will encourage the student to share their experiences with you. 14. **Bring the student along, even on mundane errands.** Part of the reason the student has chosen to participate in an exchange program is to learn how people in your country live their daily lives. A run to the local supermarket or department store might seem humdrum to you, but it could be an enjoyable new experience for your student. Doing everyday things will also help them feel more at home, rather than feeling like a tourist. This is especially true if you are an American hosting a foreign student. American grocery stores and supermarkets are often excitingly huge to international students, who may be used to more compact shops. 15. **Involve the student in local sports and activities.** If your family has children, they can offer to introduce the exchange student to some of their own activities. It’s a good idea to encourage your student to get involved in school activities, such as sports and clubs. This will help them build a network of friends. If your community offers fun activities, let the student know about these opportunities too. Don’t push the student into anything they don’t want to do, but let them know what options are available. 16. **Show the student around.** Your exchange student is in your country to be more than a tourist. S/he wants to learn about a new culture and get experience interacting with new people and new customs. However, it’s a good idea to show your student around your hometown. Let them get to know the community they will be living in. If you have local attractions or landmarks, take your student to visit! Student exchange programs aren’t a vacation, but getting to see local places of importance are a big part of getting to know an area. 17. **Make yourself available for questions.** Your student may have many questions about the new culture they’re immersed in. Foreign customs and social matters can be very difficult to figure out as an outsider. Make sure that your student knows they can ask you any questions they have about school, daily life, culture, or anything else. If your family has children, encourage them to share their own experience with the student. There’s no better way to learn, for example, how to deal with social cliques in a foreign high school than to hear all the details from a student who deals with them every day. You might want to consider visiting with your school’s counselor to make sure your student is adjusting to school. 18. **Don't talk down to them.** Exchange students must be able to speak their host family's language with basic proficiency. There’s no need to talk painfully slowly unless they request it. Don’t assume that they don’t understand what you’re saying. On the other hand, be aware that your student’s understanding of your language may be limited, especially at first. S/he may not understand everything you say. Don’t condescend to them, but be willing to repeat and explain things. 19. **Be kind and welcoming.** You shouldn’t treat your exchange student like a pampered guest with no responsibilities. That isn’t why the student has come to your country on an exchange program. However, you should always try to be kind and supportive of the student. Remember that politeness and etiquette can be very different across cultures. For example, your student might seem standoffish to you, while they might feel as though they are just being respectful. Talk with your student about his or her home customs. 20. **Make them part of the family.** If you have chores or simple tasks in your households, let them be a part of it too. Chores could include dishes, taking out the trash, or even walking the dog. Most programs encourage you to involve your student in the daily responsibilities of your home life. This encourages the student to feel more like a family member than a visitor. 21. **Recognize signs of trouble.** Most exchange students report loving their exchange experiences. After the first few days or weeks, they will usually adjust to their new life. However, your student might have more difficulty adjusting. You should know what to look for in case your student is having trouble. Warning signs include: Continuing difficulty with the language. For example, the student’s language skills do not improve even though you are involving them in conversations and explaining new concepts to them. No interest in activities or socializing. Your student should be making new friends. Hopefully, they will also find activities they enjoy. If you don’t hear anything about this, it could be a sign that the student isn’t adjusting well. Excessive isolation. If your student spends most of time in his or her room and doesn’t seem interested in making new friends, this could mean they are not happy. Constant calls home. Too many calls and emails home can be a sign that the student is dealing with severe homesickness. Behavior changes. If the student seems more anxious, depressed, or irritable than usual, they may be having trouble. School performance. A big part of the exchange experience is academic. If your student isn’t performing well in school, they could be having trouble with the language or the school culture. Talk with your student if you see any of these things. Offer to help find them assistance, such as a language tutor. Encourage them to see a school counselor. Notify your host program. Don’t let your student’s stay be marred because they have a few difficulties!
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Improve Your Alcohol Tolerance
Increasing your alcohol tolerance is best done by gradually drinking more servings over time, but there are also things you can do before drinking that will help, too. Since drinking is a common aspect of many social occasions, like cocktail parties, work happy hours, dinners with family and friends, it's important to be able to "hold your liquor" so that you can make the most of these events. The most important thing to remember, though, is that you should always drink responsibly, which means pacing yourself and stopping when you or others think you've had enough. 1. **Know the difference between alcohol tolerance and dependence.** Although there is a relationship between alcohol tolerance and dependence, they are not the same thing. A person can increase their alcohol tolerance without becoming dependent, though having too high an alcohol tolerance likely means you are also dependent. Tolerance means that your body adapts to the consumption of a specific amount of alcohol, even in amounts such as one beer or one glass of wine. Dependence means that you consistently and compulsively consume alcohol and need it to function, a dangerous state you want to avoid. If your alcohol tolerance becomes too high, it's likely a sign that you're dependent, which can be dangerous not only for you, but also the people around you. 2. **Understand that different types of drinks are different.** Not all alcoholic drinks are equal in alcohol strength, and even the type of drink may be handled differently by different individuals. In general, the smaller the typical serving size, the stronger the drink. A shot of whiskey can have as much alcohol as an entire light beer. In many countries, the alcohol content is labelled on the container. The higher the content, the higher the effect. Sweet fruity drinks and/or cocktails can be very difficult to judge on alcoholic content--especially for a novice. Since these can vary widely based on the bartender, there is no one standard. Not all types of drinks are standardized. A typical lager-style beer is usually about 5% alcohol, but some craft beers are 20% or more. Different drinks may produce different effects. Be aware that while inebriation has common effects, different types of drinks may cause slightly different effects. For example, a person may be much more mellow drinking wine than after having tequila. 3. **Determine your current alcohol tolerance.** Before you start to increase your consumption, estimate what your current tolerance is. This will help you figure out the safest way to consume more alcohol. Have one drink, then perhaps another in a safe environment with responsible drinkers. Do not put yourself in a situation where impairment is inherently dangerous, or with people who are irresponsible and are likely to push you past your comfort zone. If you do not normally consume alcohol, or have one or two drinks once a week, your tolerance will be comparatively low. If you consume two drinks five days a week, your tolerance will be accordingly higher. 4. **Gradually consume more alcohol in a safe and responsible way.** The easiest way to increase your tolerance for alcohol is to drink more of it. You’ll want to do this without harming yourself- or anyone else. It is important to realize that alcohol consumption is never risk-free and that while you may not feel the effects of alcohol consumption, you may nevertheless be too impaired to function normally. Go slowly. For example, consume only one additional drink than you normally would. If you never drink, start with one, or even a half of, alcoholic beverage. If you usually have one glass of wine or one spirit, have one and a half or two drinks. This will ensure that you do not consume too much alcohol as you increase your tolerance. Consider having one glass of water in between drinks to help yourself consume drinks slowly. Eat while drinking. Consuming food while drinking helps keep the alcohol from having quite as strong an effect. Drinking on an empty stomach will cause much more inebriation than on a full one. 5. **Stay within sensible drinking guidelines.** Remember, you are increasing your tolerance and avoiding dependence. By consuming alcohol within sensible guidelines, you will run less risk of becoming dependent or harming yourself. Remember that your judgement will be impaired on alcohol--you can be drunk and not think you are. For this reason, it is often good to have a friend to keep tabs on your drinking, and help you to stay within the sensible guidelines for drinking. Alcohol units are based on the percentage alcohol in a beverage and the amount of alcohol consumed. One unit of alcohol is 10 milliliters (0.34  fl oz) of pure alcohol. Since most alcohol beverages are not pure alcohol, the percentage of alcohol in the drink is a factor in the number of units. For reference, a bottle of wine has 9-10 units. For example, one pint of beer with a 4% alcohol volume 2.3 units. If you prefer spirits, such as scotch, a "single" scotch of 25 milliliters (0.85  fl oz) has one unit. Or maybe you prefer wine, in which case, one 175 milliliters (5.9  fl oz) glass has 2.3 units. The guidelines for sensible drinking recommend no more than 2-3 units of alcohol a day for women. This would be the equivalent of approximately one beer or glass of wine per day, or two to three single spirits. The guidelines for sensible drinking recommend no more than 3-4 units of alcohol a day for men. This would be the equivalent of approximately 1-2 beers or glasses of wine, or 3-4 spirits per day. 6. **Know when to stop.** As your alcohol tolerance increases, it may be difficult to figure out when you’ve had too much to drink. Making sure you know how much you’ve consumed will help you avoid getting drunk, alcohol poisoning, or possibly worse. 7. **Have alcohol-free days every week.** It’s a good idea to have at least two alcohol free days per week. This will keep you from becoming dependent on alcohol and help your body recover from previous consumption. If you find that you can’t go a day without alcohol consumption, this is a sign that you are dependent. If this is the case, seek professional help. 8. **Know the dangers of alcohol consumption.** Any time you consume an alcoholic beverage, you run the risk of harming your body. The only risk-free alcohol consumption is not drinking at all, and the more you drink, the greater your risk. Tolerance will not protect you from the dangers of alcohol. In the short term, alcohol consumption can cause the following health problems: weight gain, depression, skin problems, and memory loss. In the long term, alcohol consumption can cause the following health problems: high blood pressure, chronic liver disease, and breast cancer. 9. **Understand how different bodily factors affect tolerance.** How a person tolerates alcohol is affected by several factors, some of which are manageable. Your gender, body type, weight, use of medication, food consumption, and fatigue are just a few examples of elements that influence your alcohol tolerance. Woman, who generally have more body fat and less water percentage in their blood, have a lower tolerance level than men. This is because they do not have as much water to dilute the alcohol in their blood. 10. **Control manageable factors of alcohol tolerance.** While you cannot control elements like your gender, if you want to increase your alcohol tolerance, controlling manageable factors such as weight, fatigue, hydration, and food consumption can help increase your tolerance. 11. **Gain weight, particularly muscle mass.** One simple way to increase your tolerance is by gaining weight. Generally, the more a body weighs, the more quickly it can absorb alcohol, making your level of tolerance higher. It's true that general body size affects tolerance, but muscle tissue absorbs alcohol much faster than fat. If you want to gain weight, remember to do so safely. Adding even 10 pounds to your weight will help increase your alcohol tolerance. But remember that just as alcohol consumption comes with risk factors, so does increased weight. In conjunction, for example, they can lead to high blood pressure. 12. **Have a meal.** If you have food in your stomach, alcohol will absorb less quickly, making the effects of alcohol less noticeable. Likewise, having nothing in your stomach will lower your tolerance. The size of the meal you have matters. For example, if you consume a larger meal, it will slow the absorption of alcohol into your blood, making your tolerance temporarily increase. The amount of time between food and alcohol consumption also affects your tolerance. For example, if you consume a large meal either just before or during alcohol consumption, your tolerance will be greater. If you have a smaller meal and wait to drink, your tolerance will be correspondingly lower. Remember that food only delays the absorption of alcohol into your system. You won’t necessarily be able to consume much more alcohol than you usually do, so it’s best to err on the side of caution and not go overboard. 13. **Make sure you’re hydrated.** Consuming alcoholic beverages when you’re dehydrated leads to decreased tolerance because there is less water in your blood to dilute the alcohol. For example, before you consume an alcoholic beverage, consider having a glass of water to make sure you are somewhat hydrated. Consider having a glass of water in between each drink. This will help you stay hydrated and ensure that you do not consume more than the sensible guidelines suggest. 14. **Make sure you’re rested and healthy.** If you’re fatigued and/ or ill, your body is less efficient at processing and eliminating alcohol. If you haven’t been sleeping or are fatigued from stress at work, consider having an alcohol free day. This will help your body recover and ensure you don’t consume too much alcohol. If you are ill and taking medications, know that they can interact with alcohol by increasing the effects of alcohol. If you are sick, consider having an alcohol free day. This will help your body recover, and ensure that you do not consume too much alcohol or experience any negative reactions from combining medication with alcohol. 15. **Remember to follow the sensible guidelines for alcohol consumption.** Even if you decide to increase your tolerance through controlling manageable factors such as weight, fatigue, illness, and food consumption, you still need to follow the sensible guidelines for alcohol consumption. Doing so will help ensure that you do not harm yourself, including becoming dependent on alcohol.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Wear Ear Climbers
An ear climber can add a new dimension to your look. This versatile piece of jewelry can be worn on its own or coordinated with other pieces of jewelry. No matter how you style your ear climber, let it take center stage when wearing it with other earrings. 1. **Thread the ear climber's post through your piercing.** Pick up the ear climber and locate its long, curved post. Place the tip of the post through your piercing and continue threading the post completely through your piercing. 2. **Flip up the ear climber.** Once you thread the ear climber's post all the way through your piercing, flip the ear climber up. Flip the ear climber into the desired position. Your earlobe should be gripped between the post and the front of the ear climber. 3. **Secure the ear climber with a gentle squeeze.** Gently squeeze the base of the ear climber with your forefinger and thumb. The ear climber should feel secure, but it should not be pinching your earlobe. 4. **Wear a single, bold climber as a statement piece.** Let a single, attention-grabbing ear climber take center stage. Keep other jewelry to a minimum to avoid over-accessorizing. For example, pair a bold ear climber with a simple ring. 5. **Try an ear climber in a unique shape.** Wearing a uniquely shaped ear climber can add a new dimension to any look. Try a constellation-shaped ear climber or an ear climber shaped like a snake. 6. **Try a climber that gives the illusion of multiple piercings.** An ear climber can appear as though it is two, three, or more separate piercings. These ear climbers can help you create a look that is layered, yet sleek. 7. **Balance a simple climber with an upper cartilage stud.** Consider wearing a single gold or silver ear climber on one lobe only. Then, balance the climber with a coordinating stud in your upper cartilage. 8. **Pair an ear climber with a simple stud in the opposite ear.** If you want to create an asymmetrical look, wear a single ear climber in one ear and a coordinating stud in the other ear. For example, try wearing a rhinestone ear climber and a rhinestone stud. 9. **Allow lots of room between multiple pieces of jewelry.** If you wear additional earrings with an ear climber, make sure you don't place the pieces too close together. Doing so will overcrowd the look. Try sticking to an ear climber with one or two additional pieces in the upper ear. 10. **Wear an ear climber with a turtleneck or high neck.** A turtleneck or shirt with a high neck will draw attention toward your chin, highlighting the ear climber. Try wearing a simple gold or silver ear climber with a black or navy blue turtleneck sweater.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Be a Good Master of Ceremonies
A master of ceremonies (also known as an MC or emcee) is the official host for a staged event, performance, or party. Normally, a good master of ceremonies introduces speakers, makes announcements, and engages with the audience to keep the ceremony agenda flowing as smoothly as possible. While being a master of ceremonies might seem like a daunting task, there are a few ways you can nail your responsibility as MC, and radiate confidence and charisma to keep the ceremony entertaining for all. We’ll show you how to both prepare for and execute your role as the perfect MC. 1. **Familiarize yourself with the nature of the event.** Knowing your event is important for all types of ceremonies, whether it’s a wedding, graduation, bar mitzvah, celebrity roast, etc. The type of event will dictate the type of atmosphere you, the MC, need to create. If possible, meet with the people organizing the event and go over the planned structure and itinerary of the event in detail. Knowing what’s going on at any given moment, what should be talked about and what is coming next is key to being a successful MC. 2. **Talk to an organizer to clarify your duties as the host.** The MC is responsible for creating and sustaining the intended atmosphere throughout the event, but often has other responsibilities. As MC, your main responsibilities include: Making sure the event stays on-schedule. Keeping the audience engaged. Introducing speakers and making them feel valued. Transitioning between speakers and presentations. Serving as a central figure and representative of the organization hosting the event. 3. **Acquire and study a guest list or roster from the event organizers.** Contact or research your key speakers to find out some background information on them. Use that information to prepare introductions for the speakers that are more personal and genuine. Find out if there are any special audience members who should be recognized during the event. Make sure you review everyone’s name and title so you know how to say it on stage when the time comes to make their announcement. 4. **Create an agenda for the event and review, minute by minute, the event schedule.** In addition, prepare some notes or a bulleted script for what you’ll say—you don’t need to plan every word, but it helps to have a structure or script to follow throughout the event. Take into consideration the time it takes to get on and off the stage, make introductions for guests, and speeches or thank yous from guest members. Create small notecards to keep yourself on task, or have an outline projected throughout the event for you to follow. It may be helpful to tell the lead organizer of the event that, as MC, you’re only going to answer to one person in charge in the case of complications. This will reduce misunderstandings during the event. 5. ** Practice public speaking** Being an MC means that you have a great sense of humor, you can work a crowd, and you’re a practiced public speaker. Memorize the major points you’ll need to hit, and consider your posture and hand gestures, which keep the audience more engaged. Also consider the event’s audience, and what sort of presenter they’d like to see—adjust your tone to be more serious or more casual accordingly. Remember to smile. Smiling reinforces the fun and lighthearted ambiance of the event, and makes you appear to be an enthusiastic MC. Keep in mind that as the MC, you are not the center of the show. You’re there to make others feel like they’re the stars of the show. 6. **Ask an event organizer for the dress code, and then punch it up a bit.** If an event is casual, dress in slacks and a button-up or a smart dress. If an event is semi-formal, wear a nice jacket or more elegant gown. As the MC, you’re the most-seen person there, and it’s better to overdress than underdress. Coordinate your outfit colors with the colors of the company of the organization in order to tie your presence more completely to the occasion. If possible, find out what color the stage and set dressings are, and choose an outfit that complements rather than clashes with those colors. For example, a red dress will blend in too much with red curtains, but a black dress will help you stand out. 7. **Smile, take a deep breath, and center yourself to remain calm.** Being an MC is a lot of pressure—the event’s success is largely attributed to how well the MC keeps things on track. Thankfully, you’re the perfect person for the job. While the event’s proceedings can get hectic, it’s important to remain calm and focus on maintaining your MC persona. To keep your cool, try: . Roll with the punches and continue on if you make a mistake. If you continue without acknowledging the slip-up, the audience will most likely forget your misstep. . Looking at the individual audience members might make you more nervous while speaking. Instead, try looking over the heads of the audience members to reduce intimidating one on one eye contact. . Talking too quickly can lead to mispronunciations and stuttering, which can affect people understanding you. Take your time, and pause slightly in between sentences, and take a deep breath away from the microphone if you need to. 8. **Introduce yourself and welcome the attendees in your speech.** Identify the specific, principal groups of your audience (like special guests, organizers, and the audience themselves), and welcome them individually. These welcomes don’t need to be long-winded, but they do need to be authentic. Tell everyone you’re glad they came, and remind them of the purpose of the event. For example, you might say something like, “To all of our Packer fan dairy farmers who traveled all the way from Wisconsin to celebrate this anniversary with us, a warm welcome.” “I'm so pleased and humbled at the incredible turnout. It means so much to the company, and to the speakers today, that you all took time out of your day to hear what we have to say.” 9. **Introduce the speakers with a brief biography and their achievements.** The MC has the key responsibility of introducing speakers that come up on stage, as well as other key people at the event. The more pertinent a guest is, the more detailed and tailored your introduction of them should be. Once you have made your introduction for a speaker, lead the audience in applauding the speaker until they reach the microphone, and again after the speaker has finished their speech. To keep the event running on time, discreetly notify a speaker if they are past their assigned time. Give them a note or some kind of visual cue, such as spinning a finger pointing upward to try and communicate to “wrap it up.” “Our next guest earned her doctorate in zoology from Columbia, where she made significant strides in advancing the study of primate behavior in the wild. Please join me in welcoming Jane Smith.” 10. **Use anecdotes and audience interaction to bridge segments.** Before the event, prepare some talking bits like remarks, anecdotes, or jokes that can be used in between segments. Try and find something funny or meaningful about the previous speaker or performance, and transition from there onto the next speaker or performance. If you find yourself in an awkward spot, try asking your audience yes-or-no questions. This keeps your audience engaged and focused, while reinforcing your command as MC. If the event is a few hours long, it’s helpful to occasionally give a short summary of the performances and presentations that have occurred during breaks in the action, and hint at or forecast what’s coming up next. 11. **Avoid losing your cool or showing your temper if something goes wrong.** A great MC is ready for anything. Live events are notorious for having slight hiccups: a server might spill a drink, the wrong music might play, or the scheduled speaker might be on their way back from the bathroom. Keep control of the event by embracing these hiccups and cracking a joke or by simply being patient. Remember that it’s not your job to reprimand someone, it’s your job to keep things running smoothly of something going wrong. An MC with a negative attitude can derail an event. “I’m told our next guest is running a bit late, but will be here momentarily. In the meantime, let’s give a round of applause to the foundation, for organizing this conference…” “Pardon my shouting, but the microphone is taking a little break! We’ll skip to the video presentation while we wait for it to get back to work.” 12. **Close with a summary of the proceedings followed by thank yous.** Your closing of the event should be as exciting and sincere as your opening. To close the event, the MC thanks all of the attendees, speakers, and performers. It’s good manners to also thank everyone who helped to put the event together. Summarize what took place at the event and what was learned, and bid your audience farewell. In addition, encourage the audience members to take action by being present for the next gathering, donating money, or continuing to pioneer in a certain field. Whatever it may be, encourage the audience to participate. “This evening we had the pleasure of hearing an impressive roster of experts speak on the work they’ve poured years of their lives into. I invite everyone here to support their work with a donation, or get involved yourself by volunteering.”
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Be a Positive Thinker
Negative emotions can spiral. If you want to stop letting yourself sink down into bad feelings, you can train yourself to let the light in. You can learn to find the bright side and stay positive, avoiding negativity in your life, and going about the process of improving yourself for the better. 1. **Start smiling more.** When you smile, your brain activates neural messages that actually make you feel more positive. Even if you're feeling kind of "blah," make your face do the work of brightening up your day. It works. An added bonus? When you smile, you'll spread positivity around to other people, putting other people in good moods as well. It's good for everyone. If you're not in a great mood, complaining about it won't make it any better. Practice forcing yourself to smile, and it'll become second nature. 2. **Make little changes in the words you use.** It's easy to say things that can accidentally bring you down. Using positive words, as opposed to negative words, has a proven effect on your mood and your attitude. Don't identify yourself with your feelings. Don't say, "I am sad" or "I am frustrated." Instead, put the negativity elsewhere. Say, "That movie made me feel sad" or "This task is difficult and frustrating." 3. **Do nice things for others, even if you don't feel like it.** Not having a great day? That doesn't mean you have to act like it. Choose to spread positivity around, and the smiles you get in return will do a lot to make you think more positively. Here a few little ideas for things you can do to brighten someone else's day: Clean up the house before your partner or roommate gets home Pick up coffee or donuts for your office Mow your neighbor's yard, or shovel their driveway in winter Just say hello and compliment a stranger 4. **Be with people you enjoy.** If you want to think positively, surround yourself with other positive thinkers, and with people who bring out the best in you. Hang out with people who are supportive, friendly, and like you for who you are. If you don't like hanging out with someone because they put you in a bad mood, stop hanging out with them. 5. **Find positive quotes or mantras to keep with you.** One great way to keep your outlook bright is to keep little quotes or sayings that you like in your pocket, on your phone, or otherwise in your mind as you go about your day. Subscribe to positive affirmation feeds on Pinterest, Twitter, or Facebook to keep your social networking more positive an influence in your life. 6. **Keep a journal and record each day.** If you sometimes end the day on a sour note, train yourself to turn that around. Instead, pour yourself a cup of tea, or another beverage of your choice, and sit down with a journal and write it out. Just sit down and start writing about your day. What happened? What went right? What went wrong? Put it all down. Write down three things that went well and explain why they went well. Write down three things that didn't go well, and explain why they didn't go well. Be as specific as possible in describing the events. Read back over what you wrote. Sometimes, what seems super-dramatic in your mind will suddenly seem much more minor when you actually read it out. Was it really worth all that negativity? 7. **Identify your negativity triggers.** What puts you in a dark mood? What makes you feel bad? Identify the things that make you spiral into negative emotional states, so you can plan how to attack those triggers and get rid of them from your life. Do you get angry or upset at a particular time of day? When a particular event happens? When you're around a particular person? What makes you angry? Maybe you just have trouble feeling positive about much of anything. If you struggle to approach even your vacation day with a positive attitude, you might want to get checked out for signs of depression and talk to your doctor. 8. **Only keep supportive friends.** If someone in your life doesn't contribute to your mental well-being, they don't have a place in your life. People who stress you out, criticize you, or bring you down are a waste of your time and energy. Avoid these people or draw firm limits with them. If you have to hang out with someone who rubs you the wrong way, or you can't stop seeing someone, do your best to draw limits. Be honest with them and tell them that you really need your space and you'd prefer to be left alone. As the old saying goes, if you wish to stay positive, prevent negative-minded people. 9. **Give less weight to what other people say.** If you feel good about something, let yourself feel good about it. If you don't care about something, don't let yourself be swayed by the opinions of others. Listen to your own voice and pay less attention to what other people have to say about you or your business. Don't ask for other people's opinion if you don't really need it. What difference does it make it your coworker doesn't like the name you picked for your new pet cat? As long as it makes you happy, that's all that matters. 10. **Stop comparing yourself to others.** Competition can bring up a lot of negativity in people. Avoid situations that force you to compare yourself or your skills to the skills of others. These situations can breed bad feelings, resentment, and anxiety. If you want to keep a positive mindset, avoid any situation that will force you to compare or compete with others. 11. **Stay busy.** Work hard and play hard. Fill up your schedule with activities that will keep you so busy you won't have time to sink back into negative feelings. If you're focused and productive, it's hard to feel negative about much of anything. Stay focused on the things you're doing and your accomplishments, not on anything else. In some people, staying busy helps to outrun feelings of negativity. In others, it creates it. Some people just need more downtime than others. If you're one of those people, make sure you get it for yourself. 12. **Don't sweat small stuff.** Being happy and satisfied, spending time with family and friends–these are the important things. Anything else? Chalk it up under the category of "small stuff." Do not sweat it. Block stuff on social networking that drives you crazy. If you've got a friend who won't stop humblebragging and making you annoyed, stop subscribing to their updates. Ignore it. Of course, if you're in a bad place and you need to improve your life, that may be an important step to take to help yourself get positive. Read the next section for tips. 13. **Get active** Exercise is shown to have drastic and positive effects on your mood, releasing stress-reducing hormones in your body that help to keep you feeling good. One excellent way of improving your outlook is to find some method of exercising that you enjoy, and making physical activity a bigger part of your life. Start small. Just start by taking 30-40 minute walks around your neighborhood, moving at a good clip. Cue up some music or a podcast that you enjoy in your headphones, and get some fresh air. Find a team sport that you like, like football, soccer, basketball, or volleyball, and join a community team if you enjoy the positive effects of sport. If you don't like gyms or sports, try a solo activity like hiking, swimming, or riding your bike. 14. **Set and complete goals** Sometimes, if you start feeling like you're wandering aimlessly, the negativity will start to creep back in. To keep those feelings at bay, start setting goals actively and working hard to meet them. Even if they're relatively small things, it's important to have some sense of purpose to meet the day. Write up a five year plan for important goals and do something every week to get yourself moving toward those goals. Where do you want to be in five years? What do you want to do? What can you do right now to move in that direction? If you're feeling successful in your life, but still struggle with feeling like you're not getting the most out of it, get a new hobby. Pick up an instrument, or start an art project to get creative in a way you might not be used to. 15. **Take the time to celebrate.** It's important to set aside the time to let yourself feel good. Even if you're busy, even if you're not feeling that great, it helps you cultivate a positive mindset to take the time out to celebrate with friends and family. Celebrate accomplishments, big and small. When someone graduates, that's cause for celebration. But, so is a regular Friday. Raise a toast to getting through the week! 16. **Eat well** What you put into your body can have a big impact on how you feel, both physically and mentally. Getting more leafy greens, omega-3 fatty acids, and folate in your diet is proven to come with mood-altering properties for the better. Always eat breakfast. Research reveals that people who eat breakfast are helping to jumpstart their metabolism, resulting in more energy and positivity throughout the day. Eat complex carbohydrates, found in oatmeal, whole grains, and sweet potato, to give yourself energy without the crash associated with simple carbs, like sugary cereals and processed foods. 17. **Let yourself relax when you need to** Relaxation is essential to staying positive. If you're the stressful type, train yourself to take a step back and grab a relaxation break when you need it. It's not a sign of weakness, it's a sign that you're doing what you need to do to stay healthy. Take short breaks periodically throughout the day. 10-15 minutes of sitting quietly and listening to meditative music, or reading a magazine during a busy workday can help you feel a lot more positive about the day. Take longer breaks as well. Don't leave unused vacation days on the table. Take a week off and use it to restore.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Write a Scientific Paper
Even if you are not planning to publish a scientific paper, you may be asked to write in this format for a college course or other program. Because scientific papers are written in a specific format, it is both easy and necessary to learn how to write them well. Following the style guide and knowing the necessary content of each section will help you to develop your skills as a scientific writer. 1. **Know your audience.** If you are in a field that crosses disciplines you might need to write the paper a bit differently than if you were aiming the information at one field. In some cases, you may want your study to be accessible to all readers, so you need to write the paper in a way that everyone will understand. In other cases, the audience may be people in the same field that have background knowledge of the subject. Since it is a technical paper, you will need to use some technical language, but avoid jargon for the sake of jargon and use acronyms only when absolutely necessary. Define all acronyms the first time you use the full word or phrase, then use the acronym throughout the rest of the paper. 2. **Use active voice.** For the most part, journals will require you to use active voice. This is not the case for every journal so make sure to check the style guide before you start writing. To use active voice, write statements like “We performed this experiment…” instead of “The experiment was performed…” 3. **Follow the style guide for publication.** If you are submitting the paper to a journal for publication, they will have a style guide or author guide that details all of the necessary formatting. It will tell you the maximum word count, the margin size, the font size/style, references format, etc. Following the author guide is absolutely necessary when submitting the paper for publication. Any restrictions on table/figure sizes or table/figure legends will also be included in the style guide. 4. **Organize the paper in the proper order.** Every scientific paper is structured the same way. It starts with an abstract that briefly summarizes the paper and then leads into an introduction. The materials and methods come next, followed by the results. The paper concludes with the discussion section and a list of references. Some journals move the materials and methods to the end of the paper and/or combine the results with the discussion section. Check the style guide for the specific journal you are submitting to. Although this is the order the paper will be published in, it is not necessarily the best order to write each section. Follow the steps in the “Writing the Sections” for the best way to compose the paper. 5. **Start with the Materials and Methods section.** When you sit down to write your scientific paper, the first section you want to write is the materials and methods section. It is the easiest place to start and doesn’t require much time to complete. The methods should be described clearly and anyone with the proper training should be able to replicate your experiments based on this section. Materials used for each method should be included, with references to the company and catalog number for purchase. You should include a description of all statistical methods used in the paper. You should also include explanations of any ethical approvals needed for the completion of the studies. 6. **Describe the results in the Results section.** The results section is pretty self-explanatory. It is the portion of the paper where you describe the results that were obtained during the course of the study. Results should be reported neutrally and reference any tables and figures included in the paper. You can summarize the findings, but do not discuss the data. You don’t need to include every experiment you performed or result you observed, just the information needed to convince the audience of your findings. This is not the section to speculate or draw conclusions. That comes later in the discussion. 7. **Interpret your data in the Discussion section.** This is where you interpret your results and discuss them in the context of what is already known about your topic. Draw conclusions about the data and talk about future experiments you would like to do to further the study. The goal is to convince the reader that this data is important and they should care about it. Avoid simply repeating what you have already said in the results section. Avoid making wild claims that can’t be supported by the data. Don’t ignore other papers that contradict your findings; discuss them and convince the reader why your data is correct despite the other information out there. Some journals combine the results and discussion into 1 larger section. Check with the journal before you begin writing. 8. **Review the literature in the Introduction.** The introduction is where you convince readers that the study you have done is important and tell them why it is important. This section should thoroughly review the available literature, discussing the problem, its significance, existing solutions, and the gap your work is trying to fill. State your hypothesis and objectives at the end of the introduction. Avoid long introductions; you want to be comprehensive, but succinct. 9. **Summarize the paper in the Abstract.** Save the abstract until the rest of the paper is complete. The length of this section is usually dependent upon the journal, but is generally around 250 words. It is a short summary to tell the readers what you did and what the important findings were. The final sentence should offer some interpretation/conclusion about the findings. Think of the abstract as an advertisement to encourage people to keep reading. 10. **Write a descriptive Title.** The final aspect of the paper to complete is to write the title. You want the title to be specific and reflect the data that is presented in the paper. This is the teaser for the paper, so you want to grab their attention. At the same time, you want to be succinct and use as few words as possible. Avoid technical jargon and abbreviations/acronyms. Consider which keywords you want to tag so that readers searching for articles on a specific topic will be directed to your work. 11. **Choose to present the data as a figure or a table.** The way you present the data is completely up to you, but there are some guidelines to help you decide the best way to show it to readers. Tables are used to present the raw data of the experiment while figures are used to illustrate comparisons. If the data can easily be stated in 1-2 sentences, there is no need for a figure or a table. Tables are frequently used to provide information about the makeup of a study group or the concentrations used within a study. Figures are used to compare the experimental results of the different groups in a visual way. 12. **Format the table properly.** When presenting data in a table, you must align any decimal points in numbers. Tables include short self-explanatory titles and brief legends to explain acronyms. Don’t include tables if they are not referenced in the text. You can add these tables to an appendix if absolutely necessary. Position the legend directly above the table. 13. **Make data sets easily distinguishable.** When constructing a figure, avoid adding too many datasets to one graph. This will look cluttered and will be difficult for the reader to understand. You may need to split the data into multiple graphs. This does not change the way the data is analyzed or interpreted, it just makes it easier to see. Avoid adding more than 3-4 datasets per graph. Label all axes properly and use the appropriate scales. 14. **Include scale markers on photographs.** When using microscope images or photographs of specimens, a scale bar must be included so the reader understands the size of what they are looking at. Make the scale bar clear, the font size easily readable, and include it in the corner of the image. If the image is dark, make the scale bar white. If the image is light, make the scale bar a contrasting dark. If the reader can’t see the scale bar, it is not useful. 15. **Use black and white images whenever possible.** If the paper is for a course, this step doesn’t necessarily apply. If you are submitting to a journal, there are substantial fees associated with color images, so avoid using colored figures if you can use line styles or patterned graphs instead. If you do use color, use complementary mute colors that don’t scream off the page. 16. **Use fonts that are large enough to read.** When making the figure, the font may look perfectly legible, but keep in mind it will be smaller when placed into the paper itself. Before you turn the paper in, look through all of the figures and make sure that all of the text is readable without having to squint. 17. **Write figure legends that describe the data.** The figure legend shouldn’t be too long, but should give enough information to the reader for them to interpret the data without reading the corresponding text in the paper. Spell out any acronyms used. The figure legend should be positioned underneath the figure itself. 18. **Use inline citations.** Every source should be cited directly within the paper. If you are making a statement based on information read in a book or another journal article, it needs to be cited directly after the statement. If you have multiple references that support one fact, cite all of them. Keep in mind, more citations doesn’t make a better paper. Cite peer-reviewed literature, manuscripts, and published data. Avoid personal communications, submitted, but unpublished manuscripts, and articles not in English. 19. **Check the style guide for format.** If you are submitting the paper for publication, the journal you are submitting to will have a specific style guide that will detail the format of inline citations and the reference list at the end. If the paper is for a course, ask your professor for the format. Some journals use an inline citation of (Author, Publication Year) with an alphabetical list at the end. Other journals simply use superscript numbers within the paper and have the numbered list of references at the end. 20. **Match the content to the source.** Make sure the source you are using accurately reflects the information you are saying. If the source doesn’t support your statement, find a different source. Paraphrase the source and avoid direct quotes. If you must quote directly, put the information in quotation marks and specify the page the quote came from. 21. **Avoid citing “common knowledge.”** Many journals have a limit on the number of citations that can be used in a paper. You want your paper to be well-cited, but if you have a limit, you want to make sure you are citing important information that supports your conclusions. If you’re unsure about information, err on the side of caution and cite it. If something is considered to be common knowledge in the field, it is not necessary to cite it. For example, stating that DNA is the genetic material of an organism does not need a citation. 22. **Use citation programs.** The easiest way to compile all of your references is to use a software program such as Endnote or Mendeley. These programs organize the references within the paper and make sure the format is correct. Many journals have a citation format that you can download and import into the reference manager that will update all of your references to the format required for that journal. Reference managers help avoid incorrect citations and save you hours of work updating the list of citations individually as you go. For more information on citation programs, check out
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Get Babies to Like You
Babies are wonderful little creatures, but they can also be a handful. Handling a baby is always more fun if they like being around you. By giving them lots of attention; playing with them; and sharing toys, knowledge, or food you can entice any baby to like you. 1. **Meet their basic needs.** The first and most essential way to earn a baby’s trust and get into their good graces is by meeting their basic needs. This means making sure they are fed, clean, and well rested. If the baby you are spending time with is in a sour mood, try feeding them, changing their diaper, or rocking them to sleep. 2. **Talk to them.** Babies love the sound of people talking. You can talk about anything! Tell them your life story, read them a book, or describe what is happening around you. The sound of your voice is very soothing to the baby. Additionally, if they grow accustomed to your voice, they will be more likely to remember you the next time you come by. 3. **Give them your undivided focus.** To be honest, hanging out with a baby can be a little boring. It may be tempting to look at your phone, watch television, or take on some other task while you are spending time with the baby. But if you can give the baby your undivided focus, even for a little while, they will respond to it and grow to love your company. Rather than giving them half of your attention all of the time, it is better to give them complete focus some of the time. Then at other moments, you can let someone else take the baby while you complete a task. 4. **Visit them often.** Babies do not have very developed memories. As they work to build foundational life skills, they will actually recall very little about the details. As a result, they can only remember people who they see often. If you want to win over a particular baby, try to spend as much time around them as possible. 5. **Make eye contact.** After babies are about eight weeks old, they will begin making eye contact. Babies love looking into your eyes. They do not experience the same self-consciousness that adults sometimes do during extended eye contact. Instead they feel a connection with the person looking at them. 6. **Play peek-a-boo.** Peek-a-boo is a classic baby game that requires nothing but your own two hands. Cover your eyes to disappear and then reappear with an exuberant “peek-a-boo!” The baby will almost certainly smile and laugh, and as a result grow to like you. Babies seven months or older will begin to play peek-a-boo by themselves. 7. **Make funny faces.** Babies also respond well to silly faces. Even very little babies will find joy in the funny faces you can make. Be creative and weird with the faces you make, and see if you can make them laugh. Very soon, the baby will be love having you around. 8. **Bring a puppy.** There are few things that a baby loves as much as a puppy. If you have a puppy (or any gentle family pet) that you can bring over to play with the baby, you are sure to brighten the baby’s day. Always be careful and alert when bringing animals around babies. Select an animal that could cause little harm and/or one that has been adequately trained. Make sure animals have their required shots before bringing one around a baby. Make sure the baby's parents approve any pets you bring over. 9. **Sing.** Babies are naturally drawn to rhythms and melodies. You can win a baby’s affection by singing to them. You can choose simple children’s songs, popular songs that you know, or make up any old melody, and the baby will love to spend time with you. 10. **Take them outside.** Fresh air and sunshine can do wonders for a baby’s mood. Take a baby outside to score points with them. The vitamin D in sunlight can make a baby very happy, and the wonderful colors and smells of the outdoors can provide myriad sensory experiences. Make sure to talk to the baby's parents on what protective clothing or sunscreen may be used to keep the baby safe from sunburn. 11. **Bring them toys.** Every body loves to receive gifts, and babies are no exception. Bring a baby an age appropriate toy to get them to like you. Search for fun, non-electronic, interactive toys for that baby’s age group. Then use that toy to play with them! 12. **Share your food.** If the baby in question is over six months old, and if their parents have already introduced solid foods, sharing a little bit of what you are eating can be a fun and easy way to make the baby happy and get them to like you. Excellent foods for sharing with a little baby are bananas or other very soft fruit. Always check with the parents to see which foods are allowed and what size bites are safe. 13. **Mirror their mood.** Babies are surprisingly adept at accessing a person’s mood. You can foster a connection with the baby by taking on whatever mood they seem to be in. If they seem fussy, you may want to make fussy faces back at them. If they are cheerful, respond in kind. These small gestures of empathy can lead to the baby enjoying your company. 14. **Teach them.** Babies love to learn. Anytime you play with them, it can be a great opportunity for learning. You can teach them about the ABCs while playing with blocks, you can practice new words as you walk through the garden, or you can teach them the sounds of different animals when you play with stuffed animals. If you make an effort to teach them, babies will grow to love you. 15. **Let them help you.** Babies as young as eight months old can start to be helpful around the house. If a baby is able to hold small objects, they can begin helping you clean up their toys. If they are mobile (crawling or walking), they can help even more. Even though a task will almost certainly take longer with a baby’s help, allowing a baby to help gives them a sense of belonging and pride. It is building a good foundation for them, and as a result, it will encourage them to like you.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Play Hide and Clap
If you saw the horror movie "The Conjuring" you probably remember the hide and clap game the family plays in their new home. The game combines the ideas of Hide and Go Seek and Marco Polo. Grab some friends and read on to learn how to play! 1. **Find people to play with you.** You only need two people to play this game, but it can be more fun and challenging if there are multiple people hiding. One person will be the seeker. All other players will hide. Consider the ages of the other players. Unless there is an adult keeping an eye on things, you might not want a blindfolded toddler running around as the seeker. Hide and Go Seek might be better for a player under 6 years old. 2. **Choose somewhere safe to play.** Because the seeker is blindfolded, it's important to choose a place where they won't easily get hurt. Try not to play near a busy street, traffic, or a steep drop-off if you're playing outside. If you're playing inside, make sure you lock doors that lead to stairways. Set the boundaries. If you don't want anyone to go in certain areas--like your parent's room, upstairs, or the basement--make sure everyone knows and agrees to stay out of these areas. Decide if it's okay for people to hide in things, like dressers or closets. 3. **Choose a signal for when the game is over or everyone should come out of hiding.** It's often "Olly, Olly, Oxen Free!" but you can choose any phrase you'd like. Just make sure everyone knows the signal. 4. **Choose the seeker.** There are countless ways to do this: rock, paper, scissors; drawing straws; eenie, meenie, miny, moe; or yelling "not it," with the last person who says it becoming "it." 5. **Blindfold the seeker and have he or she spin in a circle while counting to ten.** You can use a scarf or bandana or any scrap of fabric as a blindfold. The spinning will disorient the seeker so she doesn't know which direction she is facing or what obstacles are in her way. If you don't have a blindfold, the seeker can just close their eyes. Just make sure she doesn't peek! The seeker can count anywhere from 10 to 100. If people need more time to hide, try counting to 25 or 50. 6. **Run and hide!** Everyone else scatters to find a hiding place. Try and keep quiet as you find your spot, though the seeker will have a hard time figuring out which direction you went since she'll be spinning. You may change your hiding place at any time, but if you're noisy you may get caught! 7. **Seek the other players.** Once finished counting, the seeker begins searching for the other players. If you are the seeker, use your hands to guide you so you don't bump into anything, and listen carefully. Players may be breathing heavily after running to find their hiding spot and this may lead you in their direction. 8. **Shout for the "first clap".** The seeker can ask for three claps during the game (first, second, and third clap), and the people hiding must clap their hands. Don't waste your claps! You only have three chances, so try not to use them all right away or one right after the other. Pay attention to other cues--breathing, giggling, creaking floorboards--to help you find the other players. The players who are hiding can change hiding places. Just be aware of how much noise you are making! 9. **Choose a new seeker.** The game ends once the seeker catches someone who is hiding, and that person becomes "it." If the seeker uses all her claps and can't find anyone, she may give up and call the signal that the game is over, usually "Olly, Olly, Oxen Free!" You may want to use a timer so the game doesn't go on too long and become boring. If the seeker doesn't find anyone, she must take another turn as the seeker. But if someone else wants a turn, it's okay to switch. It may be frustrating to the seeker if she never finds anyone!
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Change from Being Messy to Neat
Having a messy environment can cause you to lose track of your belongings, is often unsanitary, and can even interfere with your ability to relax and concentrate. Individuals who want to transition from being messy to neat can effectively do so through a series of gradual lifestyle changes. Tidy your messy mindset to build more organized thought patterns, and overcome any mental and social barriers holding you back from a neater lifestyle. You can then exchange your messy habits for neat ones and start tackling any existing messes filling your life with clutter. 1. **Determine if being messy has a negative impact on your life.** There's nothing inherently wrong with being a messy person; in fact, some studies suggest that spending time in a messy environment can stimulate the brain and enhance creativity. On the other hand, being messy is toxic and unhealthy if it's disrupting your life, causing stress, and interfering with your health and overall well-being. Consider the impact your messiness might have on your productivity and overall professional or academic life. Some reports suggest that having a cluttered or messy workspace can decrease motivation and efficiency when performing structured (rather than creative) work. Additionally, when you're at work, your co-workers, supervisors, and clients/customers are more likely to view your work ethic and abilities negatively if they see an unkempt workspace. 2. **Set personal goals that help you stay neat.** “Becoming neat” when you're currently a messy person can be an admirable goal, but left at that, it's probably too vague for you to work toward effectively. A good goal should be both specific and positive, and should also involve a clear action plan that will allow you to reach it. Define your goal so that it focuses on the positive: instead of saying, "I want to be less messy," which focuses on a negative, say, "I want to be neater and more organized," which focuses on a positive. You'll also need to define what terms like "neat" and "organized" mean to you. Ask yourself if you only want a cleaner, clearer environment, or if you also want to better organize your time, goals, and habits. After setting a clearer goal, figure out what you'll need to do to achieve it. This may vary by person, but generally, you'll need to set patterns and habits that make becoming and staying neat feel more natural in addition to clearing any existing clutter from your living and work spaces. 3. **Write things down.** Writing down information you need to remember later is one of the simplest yet most effective ways to organize cluttered thoughts. With all the information thrown at you on a regular basis, attempting to memorize everything will only lead to chaos and forgetfulness. You can use your phone, your computer, or a pen and paper. Just make sure you're consistent about the method you choose and also have a way to keep written information organized. Write down both "big" and "small" details. Big details include things like notes on school lessons and instructions for projects at work. Small details include things like shopping lists, names of new acquaintances, and birthdays. 4. **Set deadlines but get things done as soon as possible.** These two ideas actually pair together naturally. For personal projects that have no deadlines, give yourself deadlines based on how quickly you can reasonably be expected to finish them. Keeping this deadline in mind will make you less prone to procrastinate. That said, it might still take some conscious effort to stop procrastinating if you're in the habit of doing so often. Simply focus on getting tasks done as soon as they come up, or as soon as you're able to get to them. When you don't set deadlines, it'll be harder to break out of your usual disorganization. When you procrastinate, you're more likely to run into chaotic situations in which multiple things have to get finished in a short amount of time. 5. **Focus on your priorities.** While it may seem contrary to the idea of becoming neat, you need to accept that some projects will be imperfect. That's not a result of being messy--that's just the way life is. The key here is to organize your priorities well enough to know which things are most important to you. Crucial projects (e.g., a project for school or work) should get more effort and attention. For less crucial tasks, it's okay to postpone the task or complete it in a less-than-perfect way (e.g., simply sorting your movie collection so that it's all in one place without worrying about organizing it by title, genre, etc.). By letting yourself remain a little messy when it doesn't matter, you'll save more brain power for neatness when it does matter. 6. **Make cleaning and tidying more enjoyable.** Cleaning isn't a chore if you're having fun! Instead of viewing staying neat as a chore or challenge, find ways to make it more fun and enjoyable. For example, wait until you're cleaning up before letting yourself listen to a new CD or audiobook, or time yourself to see how fast you can complete certain chores and reward yourself based on speed. It's all about perception. Many people avoid tidying because they can only view it as a chore, which taints the process with a negative hue. If you can turn the process into a game or reward, you'll put a positive spin on something you previously dreaded, making it easier to complete. 7. **Make organization easier for yourself.** Sometimes, becoming tidy is difficult for tangible reasons instead of psychological ones. You may not consciously realize it, but if accessing your filing cabinet requires you to dig out a key from a messy desk drawer and move a few boxes crowding the space in front of it, you'll be less likely to go through the effort and more likely to let your papers pile up on the desk. Look for any physical obstacles encouraging you to be messy, then brainstorm ways to reduce or remove those obstacles. In the noted example, you could hang the key on a designated key hook and move the filing cabinet out into the open, making it easier to file your papers into their proper places. 8. **Set a designated "dump" zone.** Designate one clearly defined space to pile any mess you don't have time to deal with immediately. For instance, you might choose an unused coffee table in a spare bedroom. Limit your messes to this one space, while keeping the rest of your living or work area consistently tidy. This way, instead of trying to completely break your messy habits, you're simply controlling them by giving them an outlet you can manage. Doing so can make it easier to be neat outside of that single outlet. Additionally, having one "dump zone" makes it easier to know where to find lost items. Just make sure you clean this area occasionally, or else, you'll risk letting it expand beyond its boundaries as more things pile up. 9. **Ask for help when needed.** Don't give in to any embarrassment you might feel about your current messy lifestyle. You're trying to improve, and that should be the point you focus on. To that end, don't be afraid to ask for help tidying or organizing when you feel too overwhelmed to manage the task on your own. If possible, try to ask someone who's fairly well-organized for help instead of asking someone who is equally messy. This might mean asking your super-tidy brother for help organizing your homework area, or consulting your mentally organized sister for help straightening out your financial papers. 10. **Surround yourself with neat, organized people.** Famous philanthropist W. Clement Stone once said “You are a product of your environment. So choose the environment that will best develop you toward your objective.” Spending time with people who are tidy will indirectly influence you to become more organized. Plus, you'll pick up useful tips and tricks about how to stay neat. Not all peer pressure is bad. Spending time with tidy peers will encourage you to mimic their behaviors, thus becoming tidier yourself. Plus, if you need some assistance clearing out clutter from your life, you'll already be in contact with some people who have the know-how to help you. 11. **Develop a cleaning routine or schedule.** Making plans to clean your environment regularly and writing these dates on the calendar helps you stay committed to being neat. This is an especially crucial step if you're transitioning from being a notably messy person to a neater one. As a messy person, you likely don't have any cleaning rituals or habits currently set in place, so tidying up won't come naturally to you. Being more intentional about your cleaning schedule sets you into a more organized state of mind, and should make it easier to follow through. 12. **Devote at least 15 or 20 minutes per day to tidying.** Spending short increments of time on organizing your environment helps you develop the habit of staying neat and clean long-term. For example, spend 15 minutes today organizing the junk drawer in your kitchen, then spend 15 minutes tomorrow organizing all loose papers on desks and tables. On a similar note, make your bed immediately after getting up. This makes your room look neater instantly, and helps set the tone for a fresh, new day of staying tidy. 13. **Dust and vacuum at least once per week.** Dusting and vacuuming helps the air in your environment stay fresh, and indirectly influences you to stay neat and tidy. Dedicate one day each week for dusting and vacuuming every area you're responsible for, whether that means just your bedroom or your entire apartment. Alternatively, you could spread the dusting and vacuuming throughout the week, tackling one area at a time: e.g., take care of your bedroom on Monday, your living room on Tuesday, your home office on Wednesday, etc. This can make the process seem less overwhelming if you have a large space you need to manage. Examining dust accumulation on certain items can also help you determine which things need to be put away--a thick layer of dust on an item that you'd need to physically handle to use, like a baseball bat or sewing machine, suggests that the item has been sitting around unused for long periods of time. 14. **Clean out your refrigerator once every three months.** Refrigerators packed with clutter and expired food can be hazardous to your health, especially when old foods are stored next to fresh foods. Go through your refrigerator every three months and throw away all expired foods, as well as all nearly expired foods you don't plan on eating before their expiration date. While you're at it, go through your pantry and freezer, too. While most pantry and freezer foods last much longer than perishable foods in your refrigerator, they still expire eventually, so you'll also need to clear out these areas. If once every three months seems like too much, try to go through your pantry and freezer at least once every six months. 15. **Go through all your clothing at least once per year.** If excess clothing is partly to blame for your messiness, go through your closet and drawers at least once every year to get rid of clothing you no longer wear or need. Clothing that is stained, smells bad, is damaged, no longer fits, or hasn't been worn in over a year should be thrown away or donated to free up closet space. Stained or otherwise damaged clothing should be thrown away. Clothing that's in good shape but no longer worn should be donated. Many communities have large clothing drop boxes meant for donations located in the parking lots of convenience stores, restaurants, and churches. They often look like brightly colored dumpsters, but will have some instructions or information on them indicating their purpose. These can be a convenient place to drop off any unused clothing you wish to donate if you're too busy to hand it over to a thrift store. 16. **Schedule set times for separate areas.** If you need to tidy an existing mess, you might find the task overwhelming, especially depending on how much of a mess you're facing. Work on one room or area at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed with finding a place for each of your belongings. For example, start with organizing your bathroom one weekend, then organize your living room the next weekend. It's a good idea to make a tangible schedule for yourself since doing so will structure your thoughts and better encourage you to stick with your plan. If you already have messy tendencies, relying on a spur-of-the-moment desire to tidy up any certain space will only carry you through that one space; it's unlikely you'll want to extend your efforts beyond that space and into other areas later on, based on the messy habits and mindset you've already built up. 17. **Remove everything for sorting.** If you're dealing with a significant mess, it's probably best to start the tidying process by gathering every out-of-place item into one centralized location. Doing so will make it easier to sort through those items and handle each one as needed. You should also take this time to dust, vacuum, and disinfect as needed. Clutter often covers up space on your floor, desk, and other surfaces, making it impossible to clean in those areas. Once these previously hidden areas are made bare again, taking a few minutes to clean them can make your living environment healthier and kickstart your desire to keep things looking as clean and clutter-free as possible. 18. **Get rid of things you don't need.** Messy people tend to collect useless items with hopes of using them again, such as outdated business cards, old paperback novels, and clothes that no longer fit. As you sort through your pile of clutter, set aside anything you don't use. Recycle and throw away litter and trash, and donate good items you no longer need to thrift stores and charities. If there's an item you haven't used in over a year but genuinely expect to use soon, tag it with a sticky note, makeshift flag, or other identifier, and store it alongside the other items you plan on keeping. When you use that item, remove the tag. Go back through your closet or desk in another 6 to 12 months and look for any remaining tags--these will indicate that you truly didn't need the item after all, and it should be safe to get rid of it. 19. **Store items you're not using.** If your home or environment isn't designed to accommodate all your belongings the way you desire, pack up and stow away items you're not currently using to reduce clutter. For example, pack away seasonal clothing, books you've read and want to keep, last year's tax paperwork, and various dust-collecting knick-knacks. Keep in mind that these should mostly be items you need or will use in the near future. You can keep a few pieces for sentimental reasons, but try not to make a habit of it. Simply transferring all of your clutter to your storage area will only shift the problem out of sight--it won't actually help you become neat. 20. **Have a designated place for everything you're keeping.** Organized people usually have a place for everything: pens and pencils go in mugs or pencil boxes, clothes have designated drawers and closet space, and loose papers go in filing cabinets and desks. By setting designated spots for each type of possession, it'll be easier to put things away in their proper place instead of letting them gather in one large, unidentifiable pile. Stay away from "miscellaneous" labels. Aside from being a non-descriptive and unhelpful identifier, giving yourself a “miscellaneous” box, file, or junk drawer may encourage you to lazily keep things there instead of putting them away where they actually belong, especially if this miscellaneous box is easier to get to than the proper location. In this way, you could unknowingly reinforce your existing messy habits and undermine your efforts at neatness.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Decorate Canvas Shoes With Markers
Footwear can make or break an outfit. And while purchasing the perfect pair of shoes can be satisfying, it’s rewarding in an even deeper way to customize your own kicks. You can exercise your crafty side to look stylish on a budget. Transform basic white canvas shoes using markers to add original designs and vibrant colors. You can also add texture to your shoes using a variety of fabrics and accessories. 1. **Decorate a pair of white or off-white canvas shoes.** Any brand of shoes will do. Just make sure they are canvas and not another material like suede, leather, or even synthetic leather. If you'll need to stretch the shoes, do that before you decorate. If you are less than confident in your design or coloring skills and have concerns about messing up, you can opt for a cheaper pair of shoes from a thrift or other discount store. 2. **Gather decorating materials.** In addition to your shoes, you’ll need the tools to decorate them with precision, personality, and style. A pencil will help you plan your design beforehand and offer you many chances at revision before moving on to coloring. Get a set of permanent, fabric, chalk ink, or acrylic markers in a variety of colors. That way, you’ll have lots of options when deciding on a color palette. Thin-tip markers will lend maximum precision to your designs without much bleeding. Black markers are useful in tracing designs. Rubbing alcohol can create a smudged effect after you’re done coloring. 3. **Set up shop in a well-ventilated area.** These materials can give off fumes. Once you’ve gathered them, find a workspace where fumes can disperse so you avoid getting dizzy. 4. **Protect your shoes with tape.** Be aware of the parts you don't want colored. Remove the laces so you don't get stray marks on them. If you would like to keep marker off the soles, tape over them up with painters or masking tape. You can also use tape to protect the other parts of a shoe when you’re decorating a specific area. 5. **Spark your imagination by asking yourself questions to guide your design** Is there a picture or pattern you particularly like? Do you have a color palette in mind? What passions or interests of yours can you represent visually? Remember that your designs will be permanent, so make sure to choose something you will be comfortable wearing over time. 6. **Color along seams or around eyelets to create accents.** This will create a look that is tasteful yet distinct. 7. **Draw patterns made from geometric shapes or create your own.** Artists and designers combine and repeat visual elements in regular arrangements to convey meaning, represent ideas symbolically, and delight viewers. When decorating with patterns, think in advance whether you want your shoes to be identical, symmetrical, complementary, or clashing, so you know how to apply your patterns to your shoes. Think about what colors you need or want in order to make your patterns. 8. **Take a free-form approach by drawing doodles.** If you don’t want the uniformity of a pattern, doodles can bring a sense of funky playfulness to your design. 9. **Cover one or both shoes with a single picture.** This approach requires extra planning and can be more labor-intensive than the others, but it is highly rewarding. There are many tutorials and templates available if you’re afraid your artistic skills don’t measure up to the task. Pay special attention to where the shoes meet if you are drawing a large picture. For example, many artists use the toes of both shoes to create contiguous scenes. Use tongues, toes, and heels to draw faces. These larger or more regularly shaped areas provide a nice backdrop for detailed and irregular drawings. Save the inner and outer sides for complementary flourishes. These areas naturally accommodate smaller and less intricate designs. 10. **Sketch your design with pencil, if necessary** This way, you will have a template to work from and can easily edit any mistakes you might make. Pencil will also wash out in the washing machine if you've drawn too much to erase by hand. 11. **Color in your designs or create doodles or accents.** Be as precise or as free with your markers as you want. Choose a color palette. Then pick one place to start coloring and move along the shoe from there. You can color from front to back or vice versa. A warm color palette includes reds, oranges, yellows, creams, and browns. A cool color palette features muted blues, greens, and grays. A mixed color palette can combine these colors and include bolder colors like pink, turquoise, and purple. Work on your shoes concurrently if you want them to match or look identical. For instance, if you color a blue diamond on one shoe, immediately do the same on the other in a corresponding spot. Use lighter-colored markers first. That way, you can easily color over any mistakes. Add deeper colors for extra vibrancy. Colors will naturally fade with wear. Making colors deeper from the start combats fading over time. 12. **Use a black marker to distinguish your designs.** This finishing touch can make your designs really pop. Trace the outlines around and inside your design to distinguish different colors, pattern elements, and images from each other. Shade elements of your picture and draw shadows to give your design depth. 13. **Decorate your laces to match your shoes.** This is another small touch that can add personality to your look. You can choose from a variety of methods for decorating your laces. Use a paint pen to draw dots or other small shapes on your laces. Color your laces with markers or fabric paint in ways that complement your overall shoe design. Dip your laces in a dye mixture or Kool-Aid to give them a consistent color. 14. **Smudge the colors on your shoes with rubbing alcohol.** This will give your shoes a tie-dye effect. Apply the alcohol with a paintbrush, spray bottle, or dropper, enough to cover the parts of the shoe you want to smudge. 15. **Place the shoes in a dry place away from anything that could spill on them** Allow your shoes to cure for at least 24 hours so the ink sinks into the fabric. 16. **Set your designs and protect them against weather-related wear using waterproof acrylic sprays.** You can also use beeswax to create this seal. 17. **Decorate with textural elements.** Measure the area on your shoe where you want to apply the material. Use a tape measure to find the length and width, or trace the exact shape. Cut the amount of material that matches your measurements. Almost any material can work for this purpose, including studs, spikes, glitter, buttons, beads, embroidery, fur, fringe, and lace. Apply your material using a strong craft adhesive like hot glue or E6000. 18. **Use stencils to create uniform patterns.** These premade patterns will make your shoes look professionally made. You can use Mod Podge and glitter to apply stenciled patterns. Mix Mod Podge and glitter in a bowl until you get a mixture with the amount of glitter you want for your stencil pattern. Lay a rubber stencil flat and smooth out any places where the stencil is not totally flat on your shoe. Dip a sponge pouncer in your Mod Podge and glitter mixture, and gently press the pouncer onto your shoe through the stencil. Lift up the stencil, wash it, and reapply the mixture until the stencil pattern covers your shoe. Stuffing your shoes with paper can make it easier for the stencil to lay flat so you can paint each shoe evenly. 19. **Print your own patterns for a fashionable, all-over-print look.** You can transfer any pattern you can print. All you need is iron-on paper. Find a pattern you like, print it onto the iron-on paper, and cut out the pattern as you would like it to appear on your shoes. Iron the cutouts onto your shoes according to the directions on the iron-on paper.Let iron-on paper cool before peeling the paper from your shoes. 20. **Create free-form patterns with foam or sponge stamps.** Cut the stamp patterns you want from a larger piece of foam or sponge. Pour acrylic paint into containers for you to dip your stamps. Dip the stamps in the colors you want. Apply your stamps where you want them on your shoe. You can cut stars, circles, or chevrons that extend the length of your shoes. Chevrons and long lines on the sides of shoes give them a racing-stripe look. Dip toothbrushes in acrylic paint for an even greater variety of unique patterns. 21. **Dye your shoes with fabric dye or Kool-Aid.** Mix dye powder or Kool-Aid with hot water until the mixture is about 2.5” deep in a baking dish of your choosing. Hold the part of the shoe you want to dye in the dye bath for 3 minutes each, and repeat with each new part of the shoe you want to dye. Use rubber cement to protect the soles and a damp paper towel to clean up excess dye. 22. **Expand your color and pattern combinations with fabric paint and paint pens.** Use a paint pen to add polka dots, or use fabric paint to color entire sections of your shoes. 23. **Add a splash of old-fashioned paint.** Scour your house for leftover paint cans, and tap into your inner Jackson Pollock. Remember, there’s no wrong way to decorate your shoes. The point is to have fun making something you’ll enjoy. Use a paintbrush to apply strokes, streaks, or gobs of paint. Drip paint directly from the bucket or tube for a splatter effect. 24. **Finished.**
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Pray in Hindu Temples
Visiting a Hindu temple can be a powerful cultural and religious experience. However, you need to prepare so that you are respectful of those worshiping. It is important to understand the rules, practices, and customs of the religion before venturing into the temple. 1. **Understand Hindu polytheism.** Hinduism is both polytheist and monotheist. That means Hindus believe in many gods, but that they are all parts of a single god. This means that Hinduism is both diverse, with an array of gods and rituals, but also united in the belief of a single god. Hinduism has thousands of gods and many of these gods manifest themselves in different forms. Brahman is the leading god and represents both existence, and non-existence. The three most important manifestations of Brahman are Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Roughly speaking, Brahma is the creator god. Vishnu is the responsible for preserving creation. Finally, Shiva is the god of destruction or nonexistence. 2. **Repeat mantras.** Mantras are sayings that are repeated to gods, sometimes specific gods, as a way to ask for a specific outcome. You can repeat these mantras to one of the deities at the temple. Verify that the mantra is appropriate for the god to which you are praying. One of the most popular mantras is “OM Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya.” 3. **Perform a japa.** Japa is a way to clear your mind by focusing on a holy passage or the name of a god. Instead of asking for something, you are devoting yourself to the truth of what you are saying to accept the wisdom and serenity of mind that comes with it. You should count the repetitions of the mantra with a mala, a string of beads similar to a rosary. A mala has 108 beads and you should try to do either one full rotation or ten. There is one particularly big bead, known as the head bead. Start at the bead directly after the head bead and roll it around with your thumb every time you repeat the mantra. When you reach the head bead, you have completed a full rotation. One good pose for performing japa is Padmasana. This is a basic cross-legged position in which you keep your body posture upright and your feet on top of the thigh of your opposite leg. Face north or east while preforming the japa. Sit on a rug. Do not hurry through the chant. Perform the chant slowly, concentrating on it, timing it with the slow pace of your your breathing. Avoid distractions. Focus intently on the meaning of the mantra. Your goal is to clear your mind. 4. **Sing bhajans.** Bhajans are songs that are sung in groups, in front of an image of the deity. You will need to arrive at the temple when the priests are leading a bajan. Sing along with the group. A bhajan is sung in a group, not alone, so you will need to coordinate with others to perform one. Temples will typically publicize times on which they will be performing a bhajan. Some will even include records of the bhajan, so that you can practice in advance. Review the website for information. 5. **Dress appropriately.** In accordance with religious beliefs, avoid showing too much flesh. Make sure that shirts and tops have sleeves and that shorts and skirts fall below the knee. Women should avoid wearing low cut blouses and fasten all buttons. Don't wear clothes that have offensive slogans or sexual overtones. It is typical for men to wear slacks and a button up shirt. Typical business casual attire should suffice. Women are more inclined to dress up in traditional Indian attire. This is not mandatory, however, you might feel out of place without it. Consider a long kurta top with leggings or pants. For women wearing western attire, consider a long, loose dress. You should be comfortable sitting cross-legged in the dress. Hinduism is a large, diverse religion, so attire can differ from one temple to the other. In some temples, it Is much less common to wear western attire. Western attire is banned in some parts of India. Do not wear animal skin, including leather. 6. **Be respectful.** Refrain from speaking or laughing loudly. Public displays of affection are inappropriate. If you are offered food, watch others first. Observe whether they say prayers and, if so, do the same before taking the food. 7. **Wear appropriate footwear.** You will need to take your shoes off at the temple. Therefore, you should consider footwear that is easy to remove. You might, however, keep on your socks. So be sure that your socks are clean and presentable. 8. **Research the temple’s schedule.** You can visit to pray throughout the day. However, temples will perform rituals several times a day. Try to research the schedule in advance online. That way, you can time your visit to either be present or not be present during one of these rituals. 9. **Remove your shoes.** It is important to remove you shoes before entering a temple. Upon entering you should be directed as to where to deposit the shoes and informed of any other requirements for your attire. In Bali, you will also be required to wear a sarong. Upon entering, you will be given the sarong. Someone will help you put it on as well. You might also see a foot wash area and a sink. You are not required to use these, but might want to if you need to clean up. 10. **Greet each god in counterclockwise order.** Upon entering, turn to your left and find the first statue of a god. Pay your respects by either assuming the Namaste pose or going prostrate. Continue until you have gone around the temple and greeted each god in this fashion. For Namaste, put your hands together in front of you in a praying motion. Bend your head down slightly. Alternatively, you can go all the way down to your knees and bow your head to the ground. The gods will likely have their own alcoves, little spaces cut out in the wall that act like their “homes.” 11. **Join rituals.** If there is a gathering of people, they priests might be performing a ritual. After greeting each of the gods, you can join the group. Before joining, however, you should check to see if the group is divided between men and women. If so, join the group appropriate for your gender. Some temples divide services up by gender, but others do not. Pay attention to what others involved in the ritual are doing and repeat their actions. Also, observe how people greet each other. Often, instead of saying “hello,” they will say “Hari om” or “Sai Ram.” 12. **Touch the lamp.** One common ritual involves priests walking in front of the crowd with lamps. For this ritual, you will want to hold your hand out over the lamp as it passes and then bring your hand back to your eyes. Do this three times and on the third time brush your hand over the top of your head. This ritual represents bringing the spirit of the fire inside of yourself. 13. **Consume the sweets or fruits.** The priests might walk around with bowl of liquid or fruit. Hold your hands out in a cupped position, with your right hand over your left hand. When the priest provides you with the liquid or fruit, consume it immediately. After drinking the liquid, rub anything remaining on the top of your head. Watch what others are doing to make sure that you are following proper decorum. Rituals can vary somewhat from place to play. These offerings are considered a blessing from god. They are formally known as either prasadam or prasad. 14. **Allow your forehead to be marked.** The priest might walk around marking heads with kumkum, ash, or turmeric. This is a blessing of your third eye. Simply allow the priest to touch your forehead, possibly bending forward slightly to offer your forehead. 15. **Behave.** Be sedate and respectful and avoid loud conversation and laughter. Don't make comments criticizing the religion or culture. Always bear in mind that the temple is a sacred space for those that are there to worship. Extinguish cigarettes before entering and don't bring any food or drink inside the temple. Don't chew gum loudly and always dispose of trash in a trashcan. Turn cell phones and pagers to silent or turn them off completely.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Be Happy for Others
It can be difficult to be happy for others at times, but overcoming those jealous tendencies can lead to significant improvements in your professional or social life, as well as your emotional wellbeing. You can free yourself from the stress and anxiety you experience when others succeed by focusing on the things that you’re grateful for and on the reasons it’s good for you, and for them, that you share in their joy. 1. **Use positive affirmations to change your thinking.** Positive affirmations are simply the method of repeating a positive statement to yourself regularly to help you change your outlook and perspective. This practice can reduce stress and the defensive associated with threats to our sense of self. . Repeat a simple statement about being happy for others every time you are faced with a situation that makes it difficult. Use declarative statements in your positive affirmations. Try a statement like, “I can be happy for others and appreciate their hard work,” or “I am happy for my friends and family because I want them to be happy too.” 2. **Don’t let yourself be competitive when there’s no need to be.** Feeling as though you need to compete with those close to you can be exhausting. It’s hard enough to build a life you can be happy in without seeing the victories of others as losses for you. Strive to celebrate their successes and you won’t have to experience the stress and frustration of seeing their victories in the wrong light. A victory for others is not a loss for you. Share in their triumphs and they will learn to share in yours. Use other’s accomplishments as inspiration for your own. 3. **Ask yourself if you want to be happy.** Feeling jealous others can be extremely stressful and often isn’t necessary. Instead, take a step back and ask yourself if you would rather be happy. By holding on to a negative frame of mind like jealousy, we are choosing to be unhappy. Instead, choose to close yourself off to negative emotions. Much like pushing out negative thoughts, push out negative emotions by focusing on positive ones. Making the choice to be happy is symbolic, but the commitment to change your thinking must be real. 4. **Make their victory your own.** It may be easy to see other people’s victories in a way that makes them seem to compete with your own; instead consider the ways they are also yours. Give yourself the opportunity to make it all about you (inside your head). Think of the ways you helped your friend or coworker in the recent or extended past. Think of the times you answered questions, listened patiently or gave a reassuring word. Those were your investments in their success, and now you can share in it. 5. **Don’t think anyone succeeds to spite you.** Everyone is going through their own journey, and for most of us each journey involves a fair amount of highs and lows. When someone reaches one of their high points, don’t assume it has anything to do with you, but rather is a part of the journey they started long ago. Remember the success of others is not personal, nor is it directed at you. Remove yourself from the equation and look at the situation again. You likely play a very little role in the person’s motivations. 6. **Exude positivity.** Being happy for others can be difficult when you allow jealousy to skew your perspective. Instead, focus on being positive. Even if you are unimpressed by the success of your friends, appreciate that their accomplishment means something to them. By being positive toward your friends when they succeed, you will help establish a supportive relationship with your friends that will benefit you both. Projecting positivity can help make you feel happier. It feels good to share in the joy of others, and you may find the positive feeling alone makes it worth the effort. 7. **Make a list of things that you’re grateful for regularly.** If you have trouble overcoming feelings of jealousy when you see others succeed, it may be because you are under representing your own accomplishments, successes or possessions in your mind. Make a list of all the things you have that you should be grateful for. Review the list from time to time and add to it when you can. Think of your list whenever you feel the urge to be jealous of someone else. 8. **Fake it until you make it.** You may have decided to make the shift toward being happy for other people, but that doesn’t change the way you feel. Instead, control your outward appearance to indicate that you are happy for others. Sometimes it’s okay to say something nice artificially, the gesture is still meaningful. You may find that you enjoy the act of celebrating other’s accomplishments, making it easier to transition toward genuine appreciation. 9. **Share in the happiness of others.** Allowing the happiness of others to make you happy can build strong relationships. Relationships develop or shift based on the way you interact with one another, and by demonstrating your happiness for others, those people are more likely to advocate on your behalf in the future. Sharing in the happiness in others is a great way to make friends and establish strong professional relationships. The good impression you make on others can benefit you both socially and professionally. 10. **Only use positive words when talking and push out negative thoughts.** You will find it much easier to be happy for others if you gain control of how you speak and what you think about. Don’t allow yourself to focus on negative aspects of anything and manage your dialogue in a positive fashion. Don’t let negative thoughts overwhelm you, focus on positive things. With practice, controlling your focus will get easier. Choose to say positive words to your coworkers and friends to place you in a more positive mindset and demonstrate your happiness for them. 11. **Give straightforward compliments.** You don’t need to be particularly creative in how you demonstrate that you are happy for others. Try giving them a straightforward compliment about the effort they’ve put forth or the situation they find themselves in. Give them the compliment face to face when possible. Keep it simple. Try something like, “congratulations on your promotion, I know how hard you worked for it!” 12. **Shine the spotlight on others to share in it.** One of the best ways to demonstrate that you are happy for others is to draw attention to their accomplishments or successes. By shining the spotlight on the successes of others, you share in the spotlight and establish yourself as a team player. The people you point out will likely appreciate the gesture, strengthening your relationship with them and encouraging others to do the same.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Quiet Your Inner Critic
Dealing with your inner critic can be really frustrating, and it can even be holding you back from the life you want. Your inner critic is the part of your personality that tells you you’re not good enough. While this can sometimes help you improve, it might also keep you stuck in a rut. Fortunately, you can get to the root of your inner critic so that you can change what it’s telling you. Then, you can turn your inner critic into an ally. 1. **Write down the limiting beliefs that your inner critic uses.** Think about the messages your inner critic uses a lot. This will help you analyze what your inner critic is saying so that you can address the fear and pain behind its comments. For instance, you might notice comments like, “I’m never good enough/skinny enough/smart enough,” “I’m so stupid,” or “I’m going to fail like always.” 2. **Try to remember the person who told you this about yourself.** In most cases, your inner critic picks up its harmful messages from people you know or your interpretations of events that happened. This means these thoughts don’t come from you! Work on figuring out where you got these thoughts so you can differentiate them from your innate beliefs about yourself. Ask yourself these questions: Where did I first hear these words? Which people do I associate with these words and feelings? What happened that made me feel this way? 3. **Identify the fears that your inner critic is protecting you from.** While your inner critic is hurtful, it’s also trying to protect you from pain. Something in your past makes your inner critic fearful that certain experiences will hurt you. Understanding where that pain is coming from may help you overcome it. Look for the possible fears behind your critic’s comments to figure out what you’re afraid will happen. Ask yourself these questions: "What am I afraid will happen if I don't listen to my inner critic?" and "What do I worry will happen if my inner critic stops saying these things to me?" Let’s say your inner critic tells you, “You’re so stupid! You’ll never pass an advanced math class!” What are your fears here? You may be afraid of getting yelled at by a parent, you could be afraid of having to repeat the class, or you may be worried about disappointing your teacher. 4. **Acknowledge your inner critic's positive intentions.** While it might seem like a paradox, your inner critic is actually trying to help you. Although it can still hold you back from reaching your full potential, its goal is to keep you safe. Try to recognize its positive intention and the benefits you get from it. This can help soften the blow from its comments. Think of ways your inner critic has been helping you. For instance, your inner critic might be trying to get you to study harder so you can make better grades and avoid getting yelled at. Additionally, it may be trying to help you get love from your parents or teachers. 5. **Use journaling to reflect on what your inner critic says and why.** Journaling is an excellent way to track your thoughts and feelings to better understand your inner experience. Give yourself permission to write down all of your thoughts and feelings as they emerge. Then, consider where these feelings come from and why you might be having them. Finally, reflect on what you wrote and try to find an epiphany. For instance, write in your journal every morning or in the evening before bed. Look for patterns and trends in the ways you react to your circumstances. Take note of both the times you engage in self-criticism and the times you're able to silence your inner critic. 6. **Challenge your inner critic with the truth.** Your inner critic is operating on fear, not truth, so its perceptions may be off. Additionally, you may have misinterpreted the events in your past. Try to see things from a different angle so you can find the real truth in what happened. Ask yourself these questions: Which parts of my inner critic’s comments aren’t true? What is my real truth? How would this look to an outsider? 7. **Label your thoughts as thoughts and not truths.** Don’t accept everything you think as a fact because they’re just perceptions you’re making in the moment. Instead, observe your thoughts and ask yourself if they seem truthful or not. This can help you separate fact from fiction when your inner voice is criticizing you. For instance, you might think, “I’m not going to try because I’ll fail anyway.” Counter this with, “When I try my hardest, I’m already a success.” 8. **Talk to a therapist if you’re struggling or had a traumatic past.** Dealing with an inner critic can be really hard. Additionally, sometimes your past is too traumatic and painful to face on your own. Fortunately, you can work with a therapist to help you recognize your inner critic and what it’s trying to say. Then, they’ll help you learn to reframe those thoughts. Ask your doctor to refer you to a therapist or look for one online. Your appointments may be covered by your health insurance, so check your benefits before you go. 9. **Reframe your inner critic’s comments so they’re supportive.** Based on what you’ve learned about your inner critic, look for the neutral or positive truth about what it’s saying. Then, rephrase your inner critic’s statement with the deepest truth. Let this new statement inspire you to be your best self without the fears that hold you back. For example, let’s say you catch yourself thinking, “I’m not very smart.” You might correct this to “I’m really smart when it comes to my area of interest.” Similarly, your inner critic might say, “You’re too ugly to try out for a lead role in a play.” You might counter this with, “Everyone is beautiful in their own way, so I can’t be ugly. Plus, I’ve got a lot of training and experience that makes me a great choice for the role.” 10. **Ask yourself what you’d say to your best friend in this situation.** Imagine that your friend comes to you upset and tells you that their inner critic is saying these things to them. Consider what you’d say to comfort your friend. Then, say those things to yourself. For instance, let’s say your inner critic tells you, “You’re a fraud at work, and everyone knows it.” If your friend came to you about this, you’d likely say, “That’s not true! You’ve worked so hard to get this job, and you have all of the qualifications. I’ve met your coworkers and they seem to like you.” Try saying these things to yourself. It’s likely that you’re way meaner to yourself than you’d ever be to your best friend. However, you don’t deserve this kind of treatment. 11. **Write a letter to your inner critic to help you overcome it.** At the start of your letter, acknowledge that you understand what your inner critic is saying and where that fear came from. Then, offer your inner critic some compassion, like you’re consoling a friend. Next, tell your inner critic what’s really true and explain how you reframed the situation. Finally, list your strengths to help you feel more confident. After you write your letter, it’s okay to tear it up or burn it so that no one finds it. 12. **Focus on your strengths to boost your confidence.** Your inner critic typically focuses on your perceived weaknesses. Instead, recognize your strengths and celebrate what’s great about you. This can help you boost your confidence and resist your critic’s comments. Here are some ways to find your strengths: Think of times in your life when you were really proud of something you did. These incidences can be big or small. For instance, you may have helped a friend deal with a hardship or you might have repaired your bike on your own. Consider what these events reveal about you. List the nice things people have said about you in the past. What have they complimented you on? What did you do well? Send an email to people you trust, asking them to tell you your strengths. Then, look for commonalities between the different responses.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Paint a Door Frame
Whether you're completely redoing the interior of your home or just want to change the style of your molding, painting a door frame is a quick and easy project. Start by removing the door from its hinges, then use a dropcloth and a few strips of painter's tape to protect surrounding surfaces. After cleaning and sanding the frame, you can repaint it in your preferred shade and delight in the new energy it adds to the room. 1. **Take the door off the hinges.** Take hold of the door from either side and lift up on it forcefully to slide it free from the attached wall hinges. Set the door aside where it won't be at risk of being damaged or getting paint on it. If you plan on painting the door the same color as the frame, simply leave it where it is. 2. **Cover the door with a sheet of plastic if you can't remove it.** Drape the plastic over the top of the door and smooth it out to eliminate all wrinkles and folds. Leave the door propped open all the way to expose as much of the frame as possible. Make sure the sheet you're using is long enough to reach all the way to the floor. It's usually okay to paint around doors that are particularly heavy or have complicated hinging systems, as long as you're careful. 3. **Put down a protective covering over the floor of your workspace.** A plastic or canvas dropcloth will work best, as you'll be able to position it exactly where you need it. Arrange the covering so that it skirts either side of the door frame. No part of the underlying floor should be exposed. A few sheets of newspaper can also serve as a makeshift floor cover if you don't have anything more durable on hand. If you're worried about paint bleeding through, use a second dropcloth or slide a layer of thick cardboard beneath the one you already have in place. 4. **Line the area around the door with painter's tape.** Be sure to apply the tape not just to the wall, but to all exposed hinges and latches, as well. Painter's tape will enable you to work freely without having to worry about paint ending up where it doesn't belong. Purchase a 3-4 inch (7.6-10.2 cm) roll of painter's tape if you're worried about making a mess. The wider the tape, the more room for error you'll have. 5. **Make any necessary repairs to the frame itself.** Older door frames that have seen a lot of use may need a little restoration in order to look their best. Fill small chips and gouges with wood putty or spackling, and use a line of caulk to seal gaps between the frame and the wall. Consider replacing any sections that are loose or broken. Painting over a damaged door frame will only change its color, not its general condition. 6. **Clean the door frame with grease-cutting soap.** Fill a small bucket with soapy water and use a sponge to scrub the frame from top to bottom. A thorough cleaning will help lift away any lingering dirt or stains that might show through or prevent the new coat of paint from taking hold. For best results, use a non-sudsy detergent like Dirtex or Spic & Span that won't leave behind a sticky residue. Rinse the frame with a damp cloth or sponge when you're finished cleaning to remove all traces of detergent. 7. **Pat the frame dry with a clean towel.** Be sure to go over every part of the frame where you'll be applying paint. When you're done, perform a quick touch test to make sure you haven't missed any wet spots. The frame needs to be completely dry before you move on to sanding. A microfiber towel will be your best bet if you want to work quickly, as they absorb more moisture than regular cotton towels. 8. **Sand the entire frame with a high-grit sandpaper.** Run the sandpaper lightly over the surface of the frame on all sides. There's no need to be too forceful—the idea is not to actually take off the existing paint, but just to scuff it up enough for the new color to stick. A frame that's already been painted should have a dull appearance by the time you're finished. Unpainted door frames won't typically require sanding. However, giving them a few light sweeps may help improve the paint's ability to adhere. Use 100-grit sandpaper or higher to avoid scraping up the wood underneath the paint. A sanding block with squared edges can come in handy for getting into cracks and crevices that are inaccessible with an ordinary square of sandpaper. 9. **Wipe the frame clean with a damp cloth.** Go over the frame one more time to pick up any dust or debris generated by sanding. If left behind, it could interfere with the adhesion of the new paint. Once you've got the frame looking spotless, allow it to dry to the touch. You could also use a clean brush or shop vacuum to remove heavier dust deposits prior to the final wipedown. 10. **Pick out a semi-gloss paint in the desired shade.** Select a latex-based interior paint designed specifically for use on trim. The slight sheen provided by a glossier paint will better showcase the updated frame by helping it stand out from the walls. If the door frame you're painting opens to the outside, go with an exterior trim paint instead. Latex-based paints are also easier to maintain than matte and eggshell paints. A quick wipedown with a damp cloth every 2-3 months will ordinarily be enough to keep them clean. 11. **Use a handheld brush.** You'll be able to paint with greater precision and efficiency with a brush than with a roller, which is best reserved for broad, flat surfaces. Many home improvement experts recommend using a brush with an angled tip to make it easier to work the new color into tight spaces. In order to achieve the cleanest finish, a good rule of thumb is to use a brush no wider than the surface you're painting. Holding your brush by the metal band just beneath the bristles rather than lower down on the handle will give you even more control over your paint placement. 12. **Start painting in the upper inside corner of the frame.** Angle the tip of your brush so that it's aligned with the corner and begin moving down the frame with long, sweeping strokes. Continue painting until you reach the bottom of the interior surface, then repeat on the opposite side. To prevent excess paint from globbing in the corners, work the paint in using the tip of your brush, then gently feather it back out again. Painting with a linear up-and-down motion makes it possible to cover more surface area and use less paint than brushing back and forth widthwise. 13. **Work your way to the outside of the frame.** After coating the inside of the frame, move outward and paint the jambs, or the outer face that's visible when the door is closed. Once again, go from top to bottom, aiming for full coverage. Don't forget to do both sides. Overlap your strokes by 0.5–1 inch (1.3–2.5 cm) to avoid leaving seams or thin patches. Keep an eye out for missed spots, as these may be noticeable to those passing through the door frame. 14. **Paint across the top of the frame.** Drag your brush from one end of the frame to the other overhead. Be careful not to apply the paint too thick while painting the top of the frame, or it could drip down on you. When painting tall door frames with a high clearance, pull up a stepladder so you can work more comfortably and with a better eye for detail. 15. **Let the paint dry to the touch before applying a second coat.** This may take anywhere from 1-4 hours, depending on the type of paint you're using. In the meantime, keep clear of the frame to avoid rubbing off the fresh base coat. Press the pad of your finger into the paint every few hours to see how it's coming along. If it feels slightly tacky, it most likely needs another couple hours. 16. **Brush on additional coats if necessary.** Most interior frames will only need 1-2 coats to look their best. Exterior frames may benefit from an extra coat to protect them against exposure to the elements. Paint follow-up coats the same way you did the base coat, using long, smooth strokes and moving from the inside out. After applying your topcoat, allow it to dry for at least 24 hours. Like you did with the previous coats, perform a touch test so you'll know when it's okay to rehang the door. It can take up to 2 weeks for new paint to cure completely and become resistant to dirt, smudges, and scratches, but it will be okay to put your door back up after a full day of drying. 17. **Hang the door back up if you removed it.** Once the paint is dry, replace the door by lining up the 2 sets of hinges and lowering it into place. Open and close the door a few times to make sure it tracks correctly. If it does, congratulate yourself on a job well done and enjoy the new and improved look of your door frame! Ask someone nearby to lend you hand if you're having trouble getting the door back on its hinges yourself. Avoid handling the painted sections of the door as much as possible until it has had a week or 2 to cure. Use only the knob or handle to open and close the door during this time.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Make Chocolate Dipped Strawberries
These delicious, attractive treats combine the best of fresh fruit and rich chocolate. The process is easy as long as you are cautious and patient. Melting chocolate can be finicky, but keep to low heat and all will be well. 1. **Throw away damaged strawberries.** Discard any strawberries that show signs of damage: Mushy or leaking juice Large white or green areas Dry, brown caps instead of green You can use strawberries with missing caps and stems, but they won't last as long. 2. **Wash the strawberries.** Fill a colander with the strawberries. Rinse under cool, running water. Gently shake the colander to clean all sides of the strawberries. Don't wash the strawberries more than an hour in advance. They spoil quickly once washed. 3. **Pat dry with paper towels.** Even a drop of water can make the chocolate grainy and unpleasant. Pat dry, then space the strawberries out on dry paper towels to finish air drying. Leave them at room temperature to avoid condensation from the fridge. 4. **Skewer the strawberries (optional).** Push a toothpick into each strawberry cap. You can skip this if the stems are still attached. 5. **Cover a baking sheet with wax paper.** Parchment paper will work as well. Aluminum foil will prevent sticking just as well, but may leave a pattern on the chocolate strawberries. 6. **Choose high-quality chocolate.** Besides the taste, cheap chocolate may not melt and harden evenly. Semisweet, bittersweet, or dark chocolate is easier to melt than milk and white chocolate. Use chocolate chips, or chop bars into even, ¼ inch (6 mm) pieces. "Candy melts" are extra-easy to use, but usually don't taste as good as real chocolate. If using a candy melt, follow the instructions on the label. 7. **Add butter (optional).** This makes the chocolate smoother and easier to use as a dip. Mix in 2 teaspoons (10 milliliters) unsalted butter for every 8 ounces (225 grams) chocolate. Never use more than this, or the water in the butter could ruin the chocolate's texture. Shortening has no liquid, so it will never ruin the chocolate. However, it should only be added after the chocolate has melted. 8. **Melt in a double boiler.** You can make one of these at home by placing a stainless steel or heat-safe glass bowl over an ordinary pan. Fill the pan with an inch or two (2.5–5 cm) of water, but make sure it doesn't touch the bottom of the bowl. Bring the water to a simmer, then add chocolate to the bowl and stir until melted. Use the lowest heat setting possible to keep the water simmering. Chocolate melts at low temperatures, and can separate if heated too high. 9. **Use a microwave instead.** Be aware that this method comes with a high risk of damaged chocolate. It should only be used for small amounts of dark or bittersweet chocolate. Set the microwave to defrost or the lowest power setting. Microwave the bowl of chocolate for 30 seconds, then take out and stir. Repeat in 15–30 second intervals until fully melted. Let stand 30 seconds, then stir one last time. Melted chocolate may still look shiny and hard, and will not feel hot. You'll have to give it a stir to test for melting. 10. **Let the chocolate cool slightly.** Leave the chocolate at room temperature for a couple minutes. It's easiest to dip strawberries in chocolate that's at around 100ºF (38ºC). This is roughly human body temperature, so it will feel tepid. 11. **Dip the strawberries.** Hold each strawberry by the stem or using a toothpick. Dip it into the melted chocolate, nearly up to the green cap. As you pull it out, give it a small shake. This fills in gaps in the chocolate and leaves a smooth line. Finish by rotating the strawberry to let excess chocolate drip off. 12. **Lay on the prepared sheet.** Place the dipped strawberries upside-down on the baking sheet covered in wax paper. Space them so they don't touch, or they'll stick together. 13. **Decorate the strawberries** Sprinkle chopped nuts or sprinkles over the chocolate while it is still soft. Or, if you'd like to add a classic white chocolate drizzle, refrigerate the strawberries first. Melt the white chocolate the same way as before, then drizzle it over the hardened chocolate using a fork. 14. **Refrigerate for 15–30 minutes.** Leave them in the refrigerator until the chocolate hardens completely. This should minimize the chance of white fat "blooming" to the surface. The chocolate is still safe to eat if it does bloom. You may wish to decorate it as described above, in order to hide the white surface. 15. **Store** These are best served the same day they are made. If storing them longer term, you have a few options: Hold flavor best, but only lasts 2–3 days. Keep covered but not in airtight container. May become limp. Hot temperatures will cause white fat blooms. Keeps for 5–7 days. Lay a paper towel at the base of a container and sprinkle with baking soda, then add berries and cover. This absorbs moisture, preventing sugar in the chocolate from forming white crystals. Best within 3 months, but keeps indefinitely. Chocolate must cover 100% of the strawberry to lock in juices. Freeze separated on a flat sheet first, to prevent sticking together.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Fly Alone As a Minor
Are you under 18? Flying solo? Nervous? Don't worry. Here are some tips to help you get through your experience and land safely. 1. **Memorize the basic information about your flight.** This includes the airline, your flight's gate, the departure time, estimated arrival time (sometimes you won't hear this until you get on the flight) and your seat number. Write this down on a card and stick it in a zipper pocket of a jacket or purse. It's also a good idea to make a note of it on your phone, or write it on a slip of paper and place it inside your phone case. 2. **Pack light.** Since you're traveling alone, you don't want to be weighed down with 50+ pounds of luggage. Pack a small suitcase or medium-sized bag with: entertainment for the flight, such as books, colored pencils, a sketchpad or journal, headphones, etc. any medication you might need, such as ibuprofen for headaches or a stomachache relief tablet clothes and other important things (contacts, spare glasses, hearing aids, toothbrush) in case your luggage gets lost, delayed, or stolen snacks (even if there will be a meal served) gum, lollipops and hard candy or mints to suck on and relieve pressure and ear popping 3. **Get any support if you need it.** If you are blind, deaf, mute, in a wheelchair, etc., make sure a flight attendant on the plane is able to help you in case you need anything or would be able to assist you in the case of an evacuation. If you are blind or physically limited in any way, make sure you can get to the lavatory easily. If you can't, alert a flight attendant. Some planes have flight-attendant alert cords to pull if you can't reach the alert button. 4. **Make sure you bring a cell phone or a throwaway phone.** Be sure you can receive a call, place a call, or turn the phone on and off. This is important for communicating with your parents and the person picking you up at the end of the flight. 5. **Make sure your suitcase(s) and carry-on bag look distinctive.** Your bag may be the same as someone else's, but you will be able to tell yours from theirs if yours has a colorful ribbon tied around the handle, or a strip of polka-dot duct tape across the front. 6. **Label anything you might take off on your flight.** Put your name on the tag of your sweater and inside your shoes. This may prevent you from losing them and from people walking off with them. 7. **Pack a purse, pack, or small carry-on bag.** Keep your ticket, cell phone, your passport, and any cash you're bringing in the purse. Don't let it leave your side until you reach your destination. 8. **Wear comfortable clothes, especially if your flight is long.** Don't wear anything that will be removed for security but takes a long time to be put back on. 9. **Keep your luggage with you until the baggage check.** Be sure that your suitcase(s) is/are fixed with labels and left with airport employees. 10. **Walk with purpose and confidence.** If you were dropped off at the airport and are fending for yourself, make it look like you know where you are going and are determined to get there, even if you're not quite sure where to go. Make a point of asking for help if you get lost. 11. **Be efficient at the security check-point.** When you reach security, remove your shoes and sweater before you get to the line. If possible, load all of your belongings into a bin and carry the bin to the line, to help you move through faster. When you leave security, ensure that you have everything. 12. **Make your way to your gate.** If you realize you forgot something, like gum, you can buy it at one of the convenience stores. This might be a good time to buy breakfast or lunch if you haven't already and it isn't being served on the flight, or go to the bathroom. 13. **Never leave your carry-on and/or purse unattended.** Bring them into the bathroom stall with you and keep them right beside you in line for coffee or a magazine. 14. **Get on the plane when you are called.** Pay attention to what the flight attendant is saying. You don't want to miss your category. 15. **Look to the attendants for help if you need it.** If someone on the flight is making you uncomfortable, don't hesitate to call a flight attendant. You are, after all, an unaccompanied minor. 16. **Pay close attention to the safety video.** In case of an emergency, you need to know what to do. 17. **Make sure you eat and drink enough on the plane.** Get a drink and a snack when the cart comes around. If a meal is being served, eat it. You don't want to be hungry or thirsty. That being said, listen to your body. If the food is gross and you get nauseous easily, pass on the meal and go for some pretzels and ginger ale instead. 18. **Don't let any stress about flying alone get to you.** Breathe deeply and try to sleep. Distract yourself with books and other things to do. Eat some pretzels. Drink some soda. 19. **When you land, gather up everything from your seat.** Dispose of any garbage. Make sure nothing is left behind. Tie your shoes and put on your sweater even if you're feeling warm: you don't want to lose it. 20. **Let someone else open the overhead compartment for you.** If items up above shifted during the flight, you'll be safe from falling objects. 21. **Exit the plane with all of your stuff, and immediately call the friend or relative picking you up.** Inform them that you are off the plane and you will be at the baggage carousel. 22. **Look at signs to determine where the baggage carousel is and which one will have the luggage from your flight.** Before taking up a spot beside a carousel, make sure it has the luggage from your flight, otherwise you'll be standing there for a long time. 23. **Make contact with your ride.** When you have your luggage, call the person meeting you again and ask them where they want to meet up with you. Make your way there, or stay at the baggage claim and wait for them if they tell you to do so. Don't leave with anyone that you don't recognize. 24. **Check in with your parents.** While you are walking to meet them or waiting, call your parents and inform them that you landed safely and have all your luggage, and that you love them. Parents really appreciate that last bit.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Choose the Right Bottled Water
When shopping for bottled water, it can be difficult to figure out which one to buy. This is especially true if you're unsure of the meaning of the marketing terminology on the packages or bottles. Many bottled water companies have been promoting their products as more natural, healthier, or superior compared to tap water. However, a little research can help when you're browsing a large variety of bottled waters. Some basic information can help you purchase a brand or type of water that's best suited for you. 1. **Purchase natural bottled water sources.** Companies offer a wide range of water types. However, you may want to purchase water that was bottled from a natural source — like a spring or artesian well water. Try: . This is water that is bottled from a well that contains either sand or rock that acts as an aquifer. Aquifers are important as they are a natural filter for the ground water. . This type of water contains no more than 250 parts per million of dissolved solids — it contains both minerals and trace elements. No minerals or other elements that are not already present can be added to the product at any time. Common minerals found include: calcium, magnesium, and potassium. . This must be collected from an underground source that flows naturally to the ground's surface. This type of water must be collected only from the spring or a tapping system that's directly accessing the spring. . This type of water contains carbon dioxide naturally. After treatment, companies may add carbon dioxide back into the carbon dioxide content. 2. **Avoid bottled water from municipal sources.** Some companies sell bottled water that is considered "tap water" or comes from a municipal source. If you're looking for an all natural or artesian water, bottled tap water should not be purchased. Purified water must meet the standards laid out by the US Pharmacopoeia. It must go through either distillation, reverse osmosis, or deionization prior to being bottled. However, this is often collected from municipal sources and is generally the same as the water that comes from your tap. You may see these labeled as "Distilled Water," or, "Purified Drinking Water." Bottled purified water is generally not thought to be inferior to other forms of bottled water, however it should be known that it does not come from a natural spring source and is not considered artesian water. 3. **Read the packaging labels.** If you look at the bottom of the bottle or on the back of the bottle, you will see a label that refers to the type of plastic used in the particular bottle. Many bottled waters use a plastic known as PET. This particular type of plastic is used in a variety of plastic packaging and is considered safe by the FDA. The chemical Bisphenol A (also known as BPA) has come under a lot of scrutiny lately. As with PET, you will see this labeled on products that contain any BPA. However, the FDA has reviewed multiple studies and has stated that BPA is safe for consumers. 4. **Calculate your estimated budget for bottled water.** Some bottles can be quite expensive — especially those that have unique packaging or claim to be artesian waters. When thinking about purchasing bottled water, you need to consider how many bottles of water you drink daily or plan on drinking. This daily count will help determine how much you should purchase each week. It might be more cost-effective to purchase bottled water in bulk. Many stores give discounts when you purchase larger quantities. You may also want to consider a home bottled water delivery system. Some companies will send large jugs of water and a dispenser that you can use in your home to fill reusable bottles. 5. **Store bottled water appropriately.** Bottled water, like many foods and beverages, should be stored in the appropriate manner to maintain the quality and safety of the product. Keep bottled water out of the light and heat. It's ideal to store it in a cool, dark location. There is no expiration date for bottled water as long as it's stored still sealed in a dark, cool location. Keep in mind how the bottles of water were handled or stored. You may want to consider washing off the top or lid, especially if it doesn't have an outer protecting film. The top and lid could have bacteria or other contaminants on it from its handling process. 6. **Purchase a home water purification system.** Home water purification systems may be more cost-effective long-term and cut down on the disposal of large quantities of plastic water bottles. There are two types of purification systems: whole house systems (these treat all water entering a household and are typically more expensive) and point-of-use systems (which treat water at the point of use — like a shower head or kitchen sink faucet). Many people choose the point-of-use systems as they are less costly. These include: Personal water bottles that have a built in filter. Great for on the go people who might not always have access to purified water. Pitchers that have a built in filter and purify water as it drains through the filter. Faucet purifiers that attach directly to the kitchen sink. However, many times specialty faucets are not compatible with these. Refrigerator/freezer purifiers. These are usually built into your appliance and allow you to have purified water and ice cubes that are frozen from purified water as well. 7. **Purchase BPA-free reusable water bottles.** If you decide to use or consume tap water or you have access to a purified water dispenser, you may want to consider purchasing a reusable water bottle to be more environmentally friendly. Using a reusable water bottle can help cut down on the amount of trash and plastic bottles discarded. 8. **Drink tap water.** Although tap water or city water may not have the appeal that some bottled waters have, it's a healthy and low-cost alternative to bottled waters. Most tap water is completely okay to drink. If you're worried about it, just purchase a filtered pitcher that sits in your refrigerator so that you have an extra level of filtration. Tap water is tested more frequently and for more bacteria and chemicals than bottled water. In addition, it's required to go through a disinfection process prior to consumption. Up to 1/4th of bottled waters are actually just bottled tap water (this is why it's important to read and understand the labels and marketing terminology).
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Cold Brew Tea
Cold brew coffee has taken off, and there's no reason you shouldn't give cold brew tea a chance, too! It's simple to make, as long as you have time to let it steep overnight. You can use tea bags or tea leaves, depending on your preference, though tea leaves will likely give you a slightly better flavor. Alternatively, try ice brewing your tea, which involves letting the tea sit on ice while the ice melts. 1. **Pick your tea.** You can use any tea you want to make cold brew tea from white or green tea to herbals and black tea. Some people prefer not to use black tea, simply because it has more tannins in it than other tea, which can make your tongue feel dry, but you can still use it for cold brew tea. Try green tea, white tea, or oolong for a few options. 2. **Place your tea bags or tea leaves into a jar or pitcher.** You can make as much or as little tea as you want. Just keep the ratio the same, 1 tea bag per 6 to 8 fluid ounces (180 to 240 mL) of water. Pick a jar or pitcher big enough to hold the amount of tea you want to make. You can cut open the tea bags to help the water and tea blend, but it's not strictly necessary. Alternatively, add 1-2 teaspoons (0.6-1.2 g) of loose leaf tea for every 6 to 8 fluid ounces (180 to 240 mL) of water. If you're using loose-leaf tea, try brewing it in a French press for easy straining the next day. Just add the water and loose-leaf tea to the pitcher of the press, and pop the lid on, leaving the plunger sticking up. The next day, press down on the plunger slowly to strain the tea leaves from the water and pour the tea out. 3. **Add 6 to 8  fl oz (180 to 240 mL) of water for each tea bag or spoonful of tea.** Measure out enough room temperature or cool water to match the tea bags you put in the pitcher or jar. Alternatively, add the same amount of water per 1-2 teaspoons (0.6-1.2 g) of loose-leaf tea you added. Play around with your tea-to-water ratio. Some people use as much as 1 tablespoon (2 g) of tea leaves per 6 to 8 fluid ounces (180 to 240 mL) of water. It all depends on how strong you like your tea. 4. **Let the tea sit on the counter for about an hour.** This gives the tea leaves a chance to start brewing before you lower the temperature. If you're short on time, 30 minutes is long enough. At this point, you can also add other flavorings, such as fresh or dried herbs, fresh slices of fruit like strawberry or lemon, slices of cucumber, or fresh mint. Just cut up a handful of fresh herbs or fruit to add to the pitcher, or add a spoonful of dried herbs to the water. 5. **Leave the mixture to steep overnight in the refrigerator.** The tea needs to steep at least 8 hours. Don't worry if you forget about it, though, because it's difficult to oversteep cold brew tea. Some people even like to leave the tea as long as 24 hours. 6. **Strain out the tea or tea bags.** If you used tea bags, simply scoop them out with a spoon and enjoy your tea. If you used loose-leaf tea, pour it through a mesh strainer into another clean container before enjoying. If you want to sweeten your tea, try simple syrup or honey, as straight sugar won't mix very well. 7. **Place a large ice cube in a small glass.** Use the type of ice cube you would see in whiskey or scotch, the large square or round ice cubes. These melt more slowly than other ice cubes. If you don't have the right kind of ice cube tray, make a larger ice cube in the bottom of a disposable cup. Pour in the water, and place it in the freezer until it's solid. To get the cube out, turn the cup upside down to run water on the bottom for a few seconds, which will help the cube pop out. 8. **Splash a tiny bit of water onto the ice cube.** You really only need a few drops. The water helps the ice begin to melt, making the process go just a bit faster. If you prefer, you could use a few drops of a flavored simple syrup instead. 9. **Sprinkle on 1-2 teaspoons (0.6-1.2 g) of loose-leaf tea.** Add the leaves to the glass. You can sprinkle them on top, but don't worry if they fall down the side or even under the cube. Really, it's fine for the leaves to fall anywhere. In fact, you can add the tea before the ice if you prefer. 10. **Let the cube sit for 30 to 60 minutes until the ice melts.** As the ice melts, it will extract flavors from the tea. Once it's completely melted, try a sip to see if the tea is too strong. If it is, you can add a bit more water before consuming it. 11. **Pour the tea through a strainer.** If you don't mind drinking around tea leaves, you can simply leave them in. Otherwise, remove them by pouring the tea through a fine mesh strainer. 12. **Add 3 regular ice cubes to a glass.** You don't need to measure these. Any standard ice cube tray or ice maker should work. Plus, you can always adjust the brew by adding more water at the end if it's too strong. 13. **Boil 0.25 cups (59 mL) of water and let it cool a bit before pouring it in.** Use water that's just below boiling, as boiling is just a bit too hot. Let the water cool for 2-3 minutes, then pour it over the tea. 14. **Sprinkle in 1-2 teaspoons (0.6-1.2 g) of tea leaves.** It doesn't matter where the tea leaves go. You can put them under or on top of the ice. The water will reach them eventually. 15. **Leave the tea to steep for 6 minutes.** The tea will steep a lot more quickly than other cold brew or iced brew methods. Once the ice has completely melted, the tea is ready to drink. If the tea is too strong, add a dash of cold water.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Express Your Happiness
So, something awesome just happened in your life. You're really excited, elated — joyful even — but you have no idea how to express these positive feelings to yourself or those around you. You're not alone! A lot of people struggle to express their happiness, and there are many ways in which it can be done. 1. **Think kind thoughts.** It’s normal for humans to focus on negative aspects of ourselves. Self-critical behavior is an evolutionary trait that keeps us on the road to progression. The downside is that this behavior weighs on our ability to stay positive. In order for you to express happiness to others, you need to be able to maintain that happiness without drifting into negative thoughts, and you need to be able to express that happiness to yourself. If you’re feeling happy, let yourself feel good and do your best to steer clear of negative ideas. Be proud of your achievements and don’t let thoughts like, “I could have done that better” or “I don’t deserve this” get in your way. Congratulate, don’t flagellate. 2. **Create art.** Despite the common trope of the “tortured artist,” studies have shown that the creation of art can actually enhance happiness and prolong feelings of pleasure. During art therapy, people report that art-making is a source of joy, even when they’re creating art that may communicate a painful thought or memory. If you’re already happy, expressing that happiness through art may even enhance your already positive feelings. Paint, draw, sculpt or create something with your hands. People in art therapy often report that creating something physical is a joyful experience because they find pleasure in exploration and innovation. Some people thrive on having a tangible product in front of them. Create a gratitude journal. If you’re not much for visual art, writing your feelings can be a great way to focus on happy thoughts. You could also write a fictional story or poem and express those feelings in an abstract way, rather than just making a list of what you’re grateful for. Make music. Imaging studies of the brain show that joyful music activates reward centers in our brains and releases dopamine; this gives us a hit of happiness, much like drugs or sex would. Playing a musical instrument and creating a positive song can amp up your happiness while you’re expressing it through music. 3. **Treat yourself well.** Happy people tend to have balanced lives — which means that they know when to work and when to play. Simply taking the time to take care of yourself in whatever way you need is a great way to express your happiness and love for your mind and body. Doing nice things for yourself is the actionable equivalent of telling yourself positive affirmations in your head. If you’ve been longing for a bubble bath, but you’ve been putting it off because you’ve been so busy — schedule it for later in the day so you can get much needed relaxation. If you’re the type of person who will skip lunch while at work to finish up a spreadsheet, change it up and take an hour off to take a walk and get a sandwich. 4. **Directly express happiness through language.** Telling someone you’re in a good mood is an easy way to communicate positive feeling. Try not to brag about being happy, though — as that can come off as over-confident or even annoying. Also, try to avoid saying “You make me feel happy” instead of “I feel happy.” Even though it’s possible that the people you’re speaking to would be glad that they bring you joy, it’s also possible that they may feel pressured to respond, or they could feel responsible for continuing your happiness. 5. **Encourage others to be the best that they can be.** This may seem like it’s not a direct expression of your happiness because you’re not telling the person why you’re in a good mood. But this is a common misconception. Expressions of happiness can be abstract. Technically, you express happiness whenever your behavior is influenced by that emotion. So simply by being a positive force in someone else’s life, your happiness is shining through. Examples of encouragement include: Tell your friend how proud you are of their recent accomplishments. Give your significant other extra compliments on their singing voice when they wail to their favorite metal songs in the car. Urge your younger sibling to go for that scholarship, even when they’re discouraged. 6. **Take part in acts of kindness.** Verbal expressions of happiness are common, but sometimes actions speak louder than words. If you’re in a good mood, why not do something kind for someone else to share the wealth of positive feeling? You could make your mother a card to let her know how much you love her. You could show up at your sick friend’s house with soup and a DVD. You could donate some money to a good cause of your choice. You could give your significant more hugs than usual. 7. **Rise above negative situations and act as a positive force in someone else’s life.** When someone you know is in a bad mood, it can be easy to get swept up in their negativity. If you’re in a good mood, you’re in a place of power to transfer that positive energy to the other person and change the situation. Avoid gossip. If someone you know is saying mean things about another person, try to steer the conversation away from hurtful topics and talk about someone you love or appreciate. Leave negative environments. If you’re with someone who is cranky because they’re too hot, tired or uncomfortable, suggest that you both move to a different location to help change their mood. Be there for someone in need. If a friend is going through a rough time, do your best to listen to their thoughts and feelings and don’t be judgmental. Don’t try to force them to be in a good mood with you, but use your happiness to try to channel it into being a sympathetic ear. Giving your time to those in need is an abstract way of expressing your happiness and lending positive energy to those around you. 8. **Ask yourself if you’re truly happy.** Some would argue that this question is impossible to answer because happiness is such a subjective term. But most psychologists believe that individuals can accurately self-report their emotional states; if someone feels happy, then they probably are. However, it is possible that one could pretend to be happy to please others or get through a tough situation in life. Ask yourself if you’re truly happy, or if you’re just feigning happiness for one reason or another. If you find that you’re not as happy as you would like to be, then this may be the reason you’re struggling to communicate happiness to others. 9. **Figure out what’s getting in the way of your expression.** Each individual has his or her own unique reasons for struggling with the expression of happiness. There isn’t one be-all, end-all solution to getting through an emotional roadblock. But don’t let this discourage you! We can often answer these questions for ourselves by taking the time to think about our relationship to happiness and how this can affect our behaviors. Think about situations in your life where you succeeded at expressing happiness. Do any moments come to mind? What did you do in that situation that was notable? What parts of that moment could you reenact? Think about instances where you weren’t able to express yourself. What did you do that you would change? What thoughts were you having at the time that made it difficult for you to share your feelings? Are there any instances in your past where your happiness was stifled? Do you recall any moments where you were expected to express happiness when you weren’t happy at all? 10. **Figure out what methods of expression feel right for you.** Expressions of happiness don’t always look the same for everyone. Just because your favorite TV character expresses happiness by smiling a lot and buying his friends lunch, that doesn’t mean you have to. Every human is unique and so are their methods of expression. Test out some methods of expression to see how they feel. Buy someone flowers, treat yourself to an expensive dinner, or simply smile at a passerby. If certain expressions of happiness feel more natural than others, then go with what feels right. Do what you’re comfortable with, and then in the future you might be able to push the boundaries and try methods of expression that you normally wouldn’t. Don’t be ashamed to take baby steps.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Remove Deep Facial Wrinkles
Rocking a more mature look has never been cooler, but don't feel bad if you have deep wrinkles that bother you. You can still embrace your age while taking steps to look as young as you feel! While home remedies won't make much of a difference to deep wrinkles, there are commercial and professional treatments that can help. Cosmetic creams are relatively inexpensive and there are some active ingredients that show promise at improving the appearance of wrinkles. However, since they're not FDA-regulated, there's no way to guarantee their effectiveness. If the wrinkles really affect your confidence, consider talking to a dermatologist about cosmetic procedures that can help. 1. **Apply an anti-aging gel, cream, or serum every day.** There's an endless array of skincare products on the market, and each has a unique formulation and combination of active ingredients. Regardless of which product you choose, you'll get the best results if you apply it consistently, so be sure to incorporate your anti-aging products into your daily skincare routine. Anti-aging creams are typically thick, and they're especially effective at nourishing dry skin. Gels are lighter than creams and they often have a silky feel. They absorb into the skin more quickly than creams, so they're a good option if you want to incorporate your anti-aging products into your morning routine. Serums tend to have a high concentration of the active ingredient, and they're good at penetrating deep into your skin. You may still want to use a cream or gel moisturizer after your anti-aging serum if your skin feels dry, but just use a plain moisturizer without anti-aging ingredients. 2. **Use topical retinoids for a powerful option.** Retinoids, which are derived from vitamin A, are some of the most popular anti-wrinkle ingredients in skincare. You can find both natural and synthetic retinoids in over-the-counter strength creams, or you can ask your dermatologist about a prescription-strength retinoid like tretinoin. If you use retinoic acids consistently over a period of time, you may notice the lines on your face starting to fade. Retinoids can make it easier for you to get a sunburn, so be especially sure to put on SPF every day if you're using them. You may also notice mild side effects like dry skin, itching, redness, or burning, which may go away after a few weeks. However, if they persist, try using a different formula, like a moisturizer containing retinol or retinaldehyde, which tend to be less irritating. The results from retinoids can take a while to show up. It might be 3-6 months before you start to see an improvement in your wrinkles, and you should see the best results after about 6-12 months. 3. **Smooth your skin with alpha hydroxy acids.** Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), like glycolic and lactic acid, and beta hydroxy acids (BHAs), like salicylic acid, gently exfoliate your skin. In addition, they might have a slight plumping effect, which can decrease the appearance of wrinkles and lines. You can often find these ingredients in chemical exfoliants. Start by only applying them once a week or so, since they might make your skin extra sensitive. Your skin will likely look more smooth and plump right away, although the effects may only be temporary. However, you may notice an improvement in your wrinkles over time, especially if you use an AHA. 4. **Try a silicone-based wrinkle filler for instant results.** A wrinkle filler works by actually filling in the wrinkles on your face, creating a smooth appearance. Just tap or smooth it into place and wait for it to dry according to the label instructions. The effects will be gone once you wash your face, but you should see results right away, so this is a good option if you just want to look fresh-faced in a hurry. You can apply makeup right over the wrinkle filler, if you'd like—the silicone will work as a primer. Although most wrinkle fillers won't have any long-term effects on your skin, some do contain exfoliants that can gradually help smooth out your wrinkles. These are typically marketed as wrinkle fillers, although you may get a similar effect by using a silicone-based makeup primer. 5. **Opt for hyaluronic acid to help plump your skin.** Hyaluronic acid is a naturally-occurring active ingredient found in many hydrating anti-aging products. It attracts water and holds it in your skin. That extra hydration will plump up your skin, smoothing out the appearance of wrinkles. Since hyaluronic acid plumps your skin, you should see some improvement in your wrinkles right away. Since your skin will look plump and smooth, you may notice that new wrinkles don't form as easily, as well. It's especially helpful at improving the look of crepey wrinkles. 6. **Look for peptides to boost collagen over time.** Some wrinkle creams contain peptides, which help encourage your skin to produce collagen. With regular use, this can help lessen the appearance of lines and wrinkles on your face. Copper peptides are commonly used in anti-aging products. 7. **Check for antioxidants like niacinamide and L-ascorbic acid.** Antioxidants help protect your skin from free radicals that can damage it and cause wrinkles. With regular use, they might also help reduce lines and wrinkles that are already there, although it may take a while to see noticeable results. Niacinamide is a popular antioxidant that helps hydrate your skin, improving its elasticity. Vitamin C is another popular antioxidant, but it's only really effective in skincare if it comes in the form of L-ascorbic acid. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an enzyme that's naturally found in your body. It can help improve lines and wrinkles, and it also works as an antioxidant. Aloe vera contains antioxidant-rich vitamins, along with skin-friendly enzymes, minerals, fatty acids, and more. It's a common ingredient in skincare products, although you can actually use aloe vera gel on its own if you prefer a more natural moisturizer. 8. **Use caution when you combine ingredients.** When you're trying out new skincare products, it's usually best to introduce one new ingredient at a time. That way, you can be sure you won't have a bad reaction to it, and if you do, it will be easy to know what to eliminate. In addition, be especially mindful not to combine multiple acid-based products on your skin, as that can increase your risk of skin irritation. For instance, you probably shouldn't add new products containing retinol and L-ascorbic acid at the same time. Similarly, avoid using an exfoliating scrub with a product that contains chemical exfoliants like AHAs or BHAs. If you have any dermatological procedures done to help reduce your wrinkles, talk to your doctor about what products and ingredients are safe for you to use. 9. **Try laser surfacing to help smooth and tighten your skin.** In laser resurfacing, you'll be treated with a laser that gently removes the top layer of your skin. As you heal, your new skin will look smoother and tighter, and you may notice your wrinkles are diminished. It might take several months before your skin is completely healed, so be sure to carefully follow any aftercare instructions. Typically, you'll receive a local anesthetic before this procedure is done, but if you're having a larger area resurfaced, you might be fully sedated. Some people experience scarring or permanent skin darkening after laser surfacing. Your risk of this may be higher if you have a darker skin tone. 10. **Smooth out wrinkles with a chemical peel.** A chemical peel is like a stronger version of chemical exfoliation. Your doctor will apply a solution to your skin that will gently dissolve the top layers, which should result in a decreased appearance of wrinkles. To remove deep wrinkles, your doctor will likely recommend a peel that penetrates the middle or deepest layers of your skin. These take longer to heal, but the results will be more effective than a gentler peel, and you may not need to return for any additional sessions. It's common for your skin to be red or sensitive after a chemical peel. If you have a deep peel, you might notice that your skin is lighter than normal, especially if you have a darker skin tone. More rarely, you may experience scarring, skin discoloration, or skin infection. 11. **Freeze your wrinkles with Botox.** Even though Botox is derived from the botulinum toxin, it's FDA-approved for use as an injectable wrinkle treatment. The toxin paralyzes the muscles around the injection site, so they aren't able to wrinkle naturally. In addition to the visible effects you'll get during the 3-4 months the Botox is active, your wrinkles might actually start to go away in the long run. Botox is especially effective when it's used to treat wrinkles around the eyes and in the center of the forehead. Botox should only be administered by a licensed medical professional. In addition to the visible effects you'll get during the 3-4 months the Botox is active, your wrinkles might actually start to go away in the long run. That's because most wrinkles are caused by repetitive movements. When those muscles can't move, the lines caused by that movement will start to fade. Some people experience a drooping eyelid after a Botox injection. Fortunately, this should go away after a few days. 12. **Get injectable fillers for a longer-lasting boost.** Most fillers will be absorbed into your body eventually, but they can give you a smooth appearance while they last—usually about 4-6 months. Fillers can be made of fat, collagen, or hyaluronic acid. When they're injected beneath your skin, they'll plump up your face, smoothing out deep creases like laugh lines around your mouth and nose. You might notice tenderness, redness, bruising, or swelling after an injection. See a licensed esthetician for fillers—you should never try to do an injection yourself at home. 13. **Opt for a face lift for the most dramatic results.** When you get a face lift, a surgeon will go in and carefully tighten the muscles and tissues under your skin. They may also remove excess skin from your face. This is an expensive procedure with a long recovery time, but the results can be dramatic. You might have swelling and bruising for several weeks after a face lift. Depending on the procedure, some scarring might be permanent. Typically, the results will last for about 7-10 years.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Stop Holding Grudges
Once you let go of a grudge, you will feel a weight lifted off your shoulders. Your mind will no longer be clouded by resentment, anger, or sadness. To stop holding onto a grudge, come to terms with the situation, reach a state of forgiveness, and move on. Take a deep breath, and let go of the past! 1. **Practice empathy** See the situation from the offender's perspective. Why would they behave that way? Maybe they had a really tough day at work. Maybe you would have reacted in a similar way if you were in their shoes. You can practice empathy by actively listening to others, opening up to others, withholding judgment, and volunteering. 2. **Reflect on times where you hurt others.** Remember when your brother forgave you for calling him mean names? Think of when others have forgiven you, and extend similar compassion to those who you think wronged you. 3. **Write your thoughts and feelings in a journal.** Write down your account of the situation. What happened, why were you upset, and who wronged you? This will help you recognize that the distress you feel is from hurt feelings you still have. Letting everything out onto the page helps you understand your feelings. Writing everything down will empty your mind of any baggage associated with the grudge. Getting out all of those thoughts will offer you more room to fill the space with positive thoughts and help you let go. 4. **Share how you feel about the situation with a loved one.** Talk about your grudge and the feelings associated with a trusted family member or friend. They can offer perspective to consider, like that it is time to talk to the person who upset you or that it is time to let go of a past breakup. Sharing with others will also help you understand exactly how you feel. 5. **Identify what needs healing.** Get to the root of the issue. Consider if the situation was a result of miscommunication or misunderstanding. Who is at fault, and who needs to be forgiven? Figure out how to solve the issue and who to forgive by first understanding the cause to begin with. Think about the effects the grudge has had on you. Do you find yourself not trusting other people? Do you find yourself acting irritable and angry more often? Are you experiencing physical issues like stomach pains or headaches? Have you changed your routines as a result of the offense? After you consider the grudge's effects on you, ask yourself who it is helping for you to be experiencing all of that. Does it tell the offender anything? Is the offender bothered by it? Are you expecting to "get back" at the person somehow? How effective is the grudge? Is it just hurting you? 6. **Acknowledge what took place and how you feel.** Recognize your emotions and the reality of the situation. Telling the truth about your feelings to yourself will help you to acknowledge the hurt you feel. Don't deny the event, and go over the facts of what occurred. Was the situation really a big deal? If not, try to let go of it. If so, you should talk about it with the offender. When you evaluate the situation, step back and consider if this grudge is worth your time to pursue or to continue dwelling on. Sometimes you can let go of the grudge without discussing the situation with the offender. Ask yourself if holding the grudge is about you or them. Extend compassion to whatever caused the wound, and let it go. After you understand exactly what took place and how you feel, find commonalities as to why your offender may have acted the way they did. Once you realize that you got in a fight with your friend because she just lost her job, it will be easier to let go of your hard feelings. 7. **Remember that forgiveness is a process.** Sometimes it takes multiple conversations to come to an understanding. Even small wounds may need to be looked over and forgiven again. Be patient with yourself and try to always think positively. 8. **Seek reconciliation with the person, if you desire.** Speak to the person who offended you. Ask them to talk about what happened, and share your feelings with your offender. Tell them exactly why their words or actions upset you. When your offender apologizes, you can either accept it or explain that you are not over the situation yet. You can say something like, "Hey, Joe, remember last week when you told me the blue dress I wore was ugly? That really hurt my feelings, and I've been upset about it since." 9. **Confront issues as they occur to prevent this from happening again.** When someone does something that upsets you, talk about it right away. If you don't talk about the issue, you will hold in anger and anxiety, and this will further fuel your grudge. You must let out your emotions in order to move on. Don't wait for someone else to apologize to you. That creates a sense of entitlement, and they may have no idea you are upset with them. 10. **Accept the apology and forgive the person or situation.** When forgiving, you are looking to find peace about the situation and find understanding with both parties. This does not mean that you are condoning their actions, but rather it means that you are deciding to move on by releasing the offense and the effect it has on you. Forgiving others also urges them to change their behavior in order to prevent future conflicts. 11. **Don't dwell on what happened.** Let go your grudge so you will feel better. Don't dwell on the situation, and resist any temptation to dwell when it surfaces. If it comes to mind, immediately think about something else or distract yourself with an activity like watching a movie or reading a book. 12. **Release the toxic emotions associated with the situation.** By revisiting the grudge and feelings of resentment, you are traumatizing yourself over and over each time you bring it to mind. Avoid this by letting go of the grudge out of love and respect to yourself, because you deserve to be happy. Remind yourself that you only have control over your response to a situation, so you can't do anything about how the other person feels. Reinforce these boundaries in your mind so that you don't feel responsible for someone else's feelings. To give up your grudge, you have to commit to forgiving the other person, starting with letting go of the negative emotions you attached to the situation. You will feel lighter and happier after getting this off your chest. 13. **Don't put expectations on people or situations.** If you have an expectation, you are setting yourself up for disappointment unless your intended outcome becomes reality. Give up expecting things from others and from your life, and instead focus on being healthy and happy. When you do have expectations for a situation, tell the other person what they are so that they know what they need to do to satisfy those expectations. People who fail to tell the other person what they want are setting themselves up for disappointment because the other person cannot read their mind. When you don't have expectations, you are less likely to get upset if someone doesn't meet them, and therefore you are less likely to hold a grudge. 14. **Care for your emotions and do what's right for you.** After you acknowledge your feelings and talk it out, you will likely feel emotionally vulnerable or exhausted. Give yourself some self-care by doing something fun or find support from a loved one. Respect yourself in the decisions you make regarding the apology by recognizing what you need. If you can't date someone after they cheated on you, break up with them out of respect for yourself. Do something nice for yourself, like a relaxing bath or a walk in your favorite park. This will show yourself some love and rid your mind of lingering feelings regarding the grudge.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Retain Information when You Study for a Test
Studying for a test requires a lot of memorization, which can feel overwhelming. If you want to adequately prepare for an exam, there are ways you can improve memorization. Engage with the materials when studying. Read actively and take notes. Use effective techniques, like flash cards and mnemonic devices. Make sure you manage your study schedule carefully. A solid schedule, including a good night's sleep, can help you have the energy to study. 1. **Read actively.** You won't retain information if you just casually read the material. When you're re-reading for a test, or reading new information, do so actively. This will help you remember the information better when a test arrives. It's easy to read a whole page and realize you took in nothing. If you notice your mind wandering, return it to the text. Ask yourself questions when you read. For example, ask, "What is the main point of this section?" It can help to underline as you go and write down notes in the margins. 2. **Summarize chapters after reading them.** You shouldn't study in one big session. You will end up feeling overwhelmed. If you summarize each chapter as you go, you will better retain the information later. When you finish a section of a textbook, close the book for a moment and briefly summarize the information in your head. You can also summarize the information by writing it down, which may help you remember it better. You can also recite the information to yourself out loud, as this may also help you remember it. If you're a visual learner, try drawing pictures, charts, or graphs of a chapter's material after you finish it. 3. **Take notes** Many students take notes during class. While this is a great tactic, you should also take notes while you're reading and studying alone. Putting the information into your own words as you go will help you remember it better later on. Try to take notes actively. Do not just, for example, copy down definitions and concepts into a notebook. Try to phrase them in your own words. This will help you better understand, and therefore retain, the information you've learned. You should also make sure your notes stay organized. Use headings to label the notes by chapter and section. You should also date the notes, especially notes you take in class. 4. **Explain the material to someone else.** If you're studying with another student, it can actually help to explain the information. Study groups can be helpful. If someone is struggling with a concept, having you explain it to them may help both of you better understand and retain the material. If you don't know anyone in your class, you can always ask a roommate or friend if you can explain the information out loud to them. 5. **Take a learning-style quiz to find out the best way for you to study.** A learning style quiz can help you learn whether you're a visual, auditory, or tactile learner. After you take the quiz, you can tailor your study approach to your learning style so it's more effective. You can find a learning-style quiz online by searching "Learning-style quiz" or "What kind of learner am I quiz." If you're having trouble finding a quiz, try taking the one at 6. **Write out information by hand.** Copying information over and over again can help commit it to your brain. When you write, you will be actively thinking about the words you're reading. If you're really struggling to retain a particular concept, vocabulary word, date, name, or other aspect of your course material, try writing it down a few times. You may remember it better later on. If you don't like handwriting, you can also type out your notes again and again. Just make sure to pay attention to what you're typing. You can also try copying your own notes. You may understand terms better if they're already phrased in your own words. This can help you retain the information later on. 7. **Use mnemonic devices.** Mnemonic devices are means of associating new information with phrases, terms, or images. Many people use mnemonic devices to help them commit new material to memory. For example, "Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain" is a mnemonic device many use to remember the colors of the rainbow, as the first letter of each word in the sentence corresponds to a color of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. If there isn't a well known mnemonic device for the material you're trying to learn, you can make up your own. Have fun and be creative. Make up a visual you can easily remember and use to recall information later. 8. **Make associations with the material.** In addition to mnemonic devices, you can make other associations that help you retain information. You can make visual associations in your mind, for example, or look for certain patterns. For example, say you're trying to remember John Steinbeck wrote East of Eden. You have a friend named Eden and a friend with the initials J.S. In order to remember this information, picture your friend with the initials J.S. standing next to your friend Eden. Imagine the two of them holding compasses pointing in the direction east. 9. **Make flashcards.** Flashcards are a wonderful way to help you retain information. They are particularly helpful when trying to remember things like dates, names, and vocabulary terms. You can make flash cards by writing information on either side of the card. For example, say you're making flashcards for vocabulary terms. Use index cards. Write the definition on one side and the word on the other. If you don't want to make physical flashcards, there are many websites that allow you to make flashcards online. 10. **Test yourself on the materials.** Testing yourself is one of the best means to retain information. Merely re-reading or studying the information is not as effective as actually testing yourself on the materials. In the weeks leading up to the exam, test yourself frequently. You can make up your own test by writing down questions as you re-read your notes and course materials. Think of questions that are likely to be on an exam. When you get done reviewing, try to answer your own questions. You can also see if your professor provides practice tests. You should take any practice tests your teacher offers, as this will help prepare you for the exam. If you have any old quizzes lying around, try retaking them. Look up online quizzes for the material you're studying and use them to test yourself. 11. **Review the material regularly so you retain it better.** Studies show that when students review the material they learned 3 times within a month of learning it, they're much more likely to retain that information. Within 24 hours of learning the material, review it for 10 minutes. Then, 7 days after you learned the material, review it for 5 minutes to get back up to speed. Finally, 30 days after you learned the material, you'll only need to go over it for 2-4 minutes for your brain to remember it! Instead of waiting until the day before your test to start studying, go over it during brief sessions throughout the month. Then, when your test comes around, you'll be more likely to remember it all. 12. **Organize your supplies.** You will have a harder time studying if you are disorganized. In order to make your study sessions most efficient, organize your supplies ahead of time. Make sure to separate materials by class. Keep a folder where you keep all your notes, past papers, and old quizzes. Keep your study area organized. If your study area is very messy, this can affect concentration. Tidy up your study area after each study session. 13. **Take breaks.** You will not retain information if you try to cram it in all at once. Instead of studying for hours on end, stick to reasonably timed study sessions with breaks in between. Keep yourself on a schedule regarding breaks to make sure they don't take too much time. You can, for example, agree on 50 minutes of studying and then 5 minutes of break time. Make sure to time your breaks. A 5 minute internet break can easily turn into an hour internet break unless you're diligent about setting a timer. 14. **Get enough sleep.** You cannot retain information unless you're getting a solid night's sleep each night. Make sure to go to bed at a reasonable hour, and aim for a full night's sleep each day. Sticking to a sleep schedule will help you fall asleep faster. If you go to bed and wake up at roughly the same time each day, your body's natural circadian rhythm will adapt. You should also engage in a relaxing ritual before bed each night. Try reading a book or taking a warm bath. Avoid electronic screens, as these can make sleep more difficult. 15. **Exercise regularly.** Regular physical activity can actually increase your brain's ability to retain information. Aim for half an hour of aerobic exercise a day to maximize your ability to recall information. Pick a form of exercise you enjoy, as you'll be more likely to stick to it. If you're very busy, see if there's a way to incorporate exercise into your daily routine. You can, for example, bike to class instead of walking or taking the train.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Make a DIY Teddybear with Socks or Felt
A teddy bear makes a priceless gift for a loved one, or even a cozy toy for yourself. And a hand-made teddy adds that much more love and care to your new fuzzy friend. It's easy enough for a beginner to craft, and won't break your bank. We'll show you how to make a lovable teddy out of a disused sock, or a cuddly cub out of a bit of felt and some sewing supplies. 1. **Lay a sock out flat.** Lay a sock out so that the flat of the foot is facing upward. This should create a fold at the heel. 2. **Cut the fabric for the head.** Draw a circle at the end of the sock, using the curve of the toe as a base. Add ear at the top of the circle to make the outline of a bear's head. This should not take up more than a quarter of the length of the sock. Cut the fabric just above the line of the ears. Once it is cut out, cut off just a sliver of fabric at the very base of the circle to make a hole for the neck. 3. **Cut out the fabric for the arms and legs.** Just above the heel, you'll see the tube of fabric that goes up the leg. Starting right after the curve of the heel ends and going until the hem of the sock, visually divide that length in half. Cut at that middle point on the long part of the sock. The end bit will be divided in two to make the arms. Cut a short split down the middle of the larger piece, until you reach the beginning of the heel. This will form the body and the legs. 4. **Stuff and sew the head.** Flip the head inside out and then use a sewing machine or your hands to sew the top of the head closed. Once it's closed, flip it right side out and then stuff the head with filling. Sew the neck closed when you've reached the desired head size. You can buy the stuffing used for stuffed animals at craft stores. If you don't want to do that, you can use cotton balls or scrap fabric to stuff your bear. 5. **Stuff and sew the body.** Flip the body inside out and then use a sewing machine or your hands to sew the legs closed. Once they're closed, flip it right side out and then stuff the body with filling. Sew the neck closed when you've reached the desired body size. 6. **Attach the head to the body.** Sew the head onto the body by hand using a basic running stitch or a saddle stitch. 7. **Sew on the arms.** Cut the end piece into two pieces to create the arms. Sew them partially closed and then stuff them. Attach them to the body once you are happy with how they look. 8. **Done!** Enjoy your new bear friend! You can sew on button eyes or use embroidery thread to give him a nose. 9. **Make the arms.** Cut out four bunny ear shapes. These will form the arms. Sew two pieces together using a machine or a basic stitch of your choice to form each one of the arms. Leave a slit at the end open for stuffing. 10. **Make the legs.** Repeat the previous step bit with slightly larger shapes to make the legs. You can adjust the shape of the leg to get your bear to look or sit differently. 11. **Draw out and made the profile of the head.** Draw a profile (side-view) of the head that you want for your bear. Cut out two pieces in this shape. Next, stitch them together from the neck up to the nose. 12. **Cut the gusset for the head.** Cut the gusset, or middle piece, to go between the two head pieces you already cut and sewed. Draw out a shape like a men's tie and make it long enough to reach between the point of the nose, all the way around to the back of the neck. You will need to line it up at the neck and pin it in place before sewing. 13. **Sew the gusset in place.** Once you've drawn and cut out the shape, sew the gusset into place between the existing head pieces. 14. **Make the body piece.** Now you'll need to make the body pieces. Start with two pieces of fabric cut into rectangles. Now, make rounded cutouts at each of the corners. Sew the sides together, along the long edges, so that you end up with a sort of tube. Now, sew one of the short edges closed, leaving the circle cutouts open. The arms and legs will be joined to the body at the circles. 15. **Turn all of the pieces inside out.** Using a pencil can help. Turning the pieces hides the seams you made. 16. **Stuff and attach the head.** Pre-stuff the head and sew it to the top of the body piece, at the open, short end. Some stuffing may leak out into the body. That's okay. 17. **Attach the arms and legs.** Now, sew on both of the arms at the upper circular cutouts. Attach one of the legs in a similar way, but leave the last leg off. Stuff the bear with filling and then sew on the last leg. 18. **Cut and attach some ears.** Cut ears out, making a shape like a half circle. Fold the shape in half and then attach the ears to the head. 19. **Give your bear a face.** Add facial details (like a nose and mouth) with embroidery floss or buttons. 20. **Sew on button eyes** Now you can sew on his eyes. Use buttons if you want to or buy stuffed animal eyes from your local craft store. Embroidered eyes are better for smaller kids who tend to put every thing in their mouth. 21. **Enjoy your new stuffed animal!** Have fun taking care of your new stuffed animal or give him to someone you love as a gift.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Pronounce Latin
Ever run into a Latin quote or motto and wonder how to pronounce it? In some fields, like medicine or botany, you may even run into dozens of Latin terms a day. Latin pronunciation is easy compared to the mess that is English spelling, but it does take some dedication to study since there are no native speakers to guide you. This pronunciation guide focuses on Classical Latin, as scholars think it was spoken by Virgil and other ancient Roman writers. It also includes most of the differences you need to know to speak or sing Church Latin. 1. **Say V as W.** The consonant v is pronounced as the English 'w' as in water. The word via (road), is pronounced "wi-a." Original Latin texts used the letter V in place of the vowel U as well (since the letter U did not exist). Modern Latin textbooks typically update the text to use the letter U for the vowel, and V only as the consonant. 2. **Pronounce i or j as y when it is a consonant.** Latin did not originally have the letter j, but some modern writers use it to avoid confusion. If J does appear, it is always pronounced "y" as in "you." If you are reading Latin as it was originally spelled, the letter i is sometimes this consonant "y," and sometimes a vowel. For example, the name Iulius or "Julius" is pronounced "Yoo-lee-us." 3. **Standardize your pronunciations of other consonants.** Unlike in English, each Latin letter is almost always pronounced in a consistent way: C is always hard, as in "cat." cum (with) = koom G is always hard, as in "goal." ago (I drive) = ah-go S is always a voiceless "s" sound as in "snake." spuma (foam) = spoo-ma R is always rolled. This sound doesn't exist in most English dialects, so beginners can pronounce this as they would normally say "R." 4. **Keep your H an H.** The only tricky part about a Latin h is that it always stays an h! Don't get fooled by combinations like "th" or "ch" — they do not have any special meaning in Latin. Just pronounce the first consonant as you would normally. If you want perfect pronunciation, try to include the h by making the following vowel breathier, as in "hoouse" or "uill" 5. **Pronounce other consonants as they appear.** Apart from the exceptions above, you can pronounce consonants as you would in "proper" English (the form usually taught in schools). Enunciate to keep the sounds distinct. For example, Classical Latin "t" is always pronounced clearly as a hard "t," never softening to a sloppy "d" sound. There are a small number of corner cases which are not important for beginners. If you want to become a Latin pronunciation expert, these are covered in the extra rules later on. 6. **Find a textbook that marks long and short vowels.** The easiest way to learn how to pronounce Latin vowels is to read texts designed for students. Each Latin vowel has a long and short pronunciation. Introductory textbooks often mark the long vowels with a macron (horizontal line) over the vowel, so a is always the short pronunciation and ā is the long one. If your main goal is to speak Church Latin, now's a good time to skip down to that section, since the vowel pronunciations are quite different. If you cannot find a text like this, speak with an advanced Latin student to get familiar with vowel pronunciation. Most students learn this best through practice and memorization, but you can look up the complex rules for identifying long and short vowels if you prefer that method. 7. **Pronounce short vowels.** Beginner textbooks either leave short vowels unmarked or top them with a circumflex (˘). When short, these vowels are always pronounced as follows: A as in alike E as in let I as in lick O as in off U as the "oo" in foot 8. **Learn the long vowels.** Textbooks mark long vowels with a macron (horizontal line). Long vowels are pronounced as follows: Ā as in father (the same sound as short a, but held for a longer time) Ē as the "a" in mate Ī as the "ee" in beep Ō as in only Ū as the "oo" in boot 9. **Know your diphthongs.** A diphthong is a combination of two vowels pronounced as one syllable. Latin pronunciation is much more standardized than English, so you do not have to guess at a vowel sound. These combinations are always pronounced as diphthongs: AE as the word eye. saepe (often) = sai-peh AU as the word ow. laudat (he/she/it praises) = low-daht EI as in ray. eicio (I accomplish) = ay-kee-oh OE as in oil. In all other vowel combinations, pronounce the vowels as separate syllables. tuus (your) = tu-us A combination of short and long vowels do not produce dipthongs. "poēta" (poet) = po-ay-tah 10. **Stress the first syllable of a two-syllable word.** For example, the word Caesar is pronounced KAI-sar. This holds true for all two-syllable words. 11. **Identify heavy and light syllables.** Latin poets relied on this classification to build their meter. Most Latin students learn to recite poetry eventually, and learning it early helps you with pronunciation as well: If a syllable has a long vowel or a diphthong, it is heavy. If a syllable is followed by a double consonant, it is heavy. The letter x counts as a double consonant (ks). If neither of those is true, the syllable is light. (Some teachers refer to this as "long" and "short" syllables, but it's important not to confuse them with long and short vowels.) 12. **Stress the second to last syllable if it is heavy.** The second-to-last syllable of a word is called the penult. If this syllable is heavy, stress it. Abutor (I squander) is pronounced ah-BOO-tor because the penult has a long vowel. Occaeco (I make blind) is pronounced ok-KAI-ko because the penult has a diphthong (ae). Recusandus (that which must be rejected) is pronounced reh-koo-SAN-dus because the penult is followed by a double consonant (nd). 13. **Stress the syllable before it if the penult is light.** If the penult is a light syllable (meaning it has a short vowel and is not followed by a double consonant), it is unstressed. Stress the third-to-last syllable instead, called the antepenult. Praesidium (guard) is pronounced prai-SI-di-um. The penult is light, so the accent falls on the syllable before it. 14. **Learn advanced pronunciation rules.** These are rare or low priority corner cases that many Latin students never learn. If you plan to time travel back to ancient Rome, you can impress Caesar with these signs of an excellent accent: Double consonants are pronounced twice: reddit (she gives back) is "red-dit," not "re-dit". "bt" and "bs" are pronounced "pt" and "ps." "gn" was pronounced "ngn" as in "wing nut." Some scholars think the letter "m" at the end of a word nasalized the final vowel, as in modern French, and that the combinations "ns" and "nf" had a similar effect. "br", "pl", and similar double consonants that "flow" into an l or r do not count as double consonants for syllable stress. 15. **Soften consonants before ae, e, oe, and i.** Church Latin, also called Ecclesiastical Latin, has been used in Catholic ritual, song, and church pronouncements for many centuries. Its pronunciation has changed in some respects to match modern Italian, which, after all, is a form of Latin filtered through millennia of change. One of the most noticeable differences from Classical Latin is the appearance of these sounds: If C appears before ae, e, oe, and i, pronounce it ch as in chain (instead of a hard c as in cat). In the same context, G is soft as in gem instead of hard as in goat. SC becomes sh as in sheep instead of sc as in scold. CC becomes tch as in catchy instead of cc as in accord. XC becomes ksh instead of ksk. 16. **Learn your vowel sounds.** Church Latin vowels tend to have less difference between the long and short forms than Classical Latin. The exact pronunciation can vary by congregation, so if you follow someone's lead or go with your instincts, you'll probably be fine. Singers especially tend to holding the same sound for a longer or shorter time instead of changing the quality of the vowel. When in doubt, use the following system: A as in father. E as in red. I or Y as the "ee" in sleep. O as in for (not as in go). U as the "oo" in boot. 17. **Pronounce your V as V.** Unlike Classical Latin, Church Latin pronounces the letter V as it is in English. 18. **Learn to pronounce GN and TI.** In Church Latin, these sounds are closer to modern Romance languages: GN is always pronounced as the "ni" in onion. TI followed by any additional vowel is pronounced as the "tsy" in patsy. Exception: TI is still pronounced "tee" if it is at the start of a word, or if it follows s, x, or t. 19. **Learn nihil and mihi.** These two words are pronounced as though the h were a k: nikil and miki. H is silent in all other words. 20. **Keep double vowels mostly separate.** Church Latin still uses the diphthongs AE and OE, as pronounced in Classical Latin. For AU, EI, AU, and EU, make both vowel sounds distinct. If stressed in a song, hold the note on the first vowel sound, and move through the second for a moment at the end. EI is pronounced as a diphthong (one sound) only in the word Hei.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Have Fun With Your Leopard Gecko
Beloved for their spotty scales and sweet personalities, leopard geckos are just the best. Now that you have your lizard all set up in it's cage, you're probably thinking: alright, let's have some fun! There are tons of easy ways to bond with your lizard, and we're walking you through them all below. Let's get started. 1. **Start handling your gecko when it is young.** When you first buy your leo, it will need some time to adjust to its new home. Let it sit in its tank for max a day unless it's very stressed, then give it some more time so it can explore and get comfortable. Don’t feel bad if, once it checks out its home, it doesn’t come out of its favorite hiding spot for a while. Having said that, the earlier you familiarize yourself with your gecko, the better, as geckos who are handled and played with at a young age are generally much more calm and loving when held at a later age. An ideal age to begin playing with your gecko is when it is five to six months old, but any age that it is comfortable with humans is good as long as it's not still a hatchling. Keep in mind that leopard geckos don't particularly like being held. If you get your leo used to being handled when it's young, it probably won't mind when you hold it, but it won't love it either! 2. **Understand that your gecko might be a little creeped out by you.** In the wild, anything as large as we are would be considered a threat by any lizard. So don't feel bad if your gecko takes a little while to warm up to you. Don’t rush your gecko. If you are antsy to begin handling and playing with your gecko, comfort yourself by learning all about your leo. When you set up its home, set up hiding places that your leo can go in without being watched. sometimes your leo just wants some alone time, and remember, they are nocturnal, so you shouldn't bother them during the daytime. While you are watching your gecko, familiarize yourself with your new pet. Find your gecko’s ears (The large hole-like appearances on the side of the Leo's head). Count how many toes it has on each of its feet. Count how many spots your gecko has and keep track (leopard geckos’ spots will change as they get older). 3. **Talk to your leo.** A key part of getting your gecko to feel comfortable around you is to get it comfortable with your voice. Speak to it in soothing tones. Similarly, look at your gecko from behind the glass. Is your gecko looking back at you? Speak while making eye contact with the gecko so that it knows you are what is making that noise. 4. **Let your gecko adjust to your hand.** It is very important to do this because if your gecko doesn’t adjust to your hand, it will never be comfortable being played with. Your gecko will be most active at night, generally after you get ready for night. At this time, place your hand in the cage, letting it rest on the bottom of the cage. Do not make sudden movement or you may scare your gecko. Let your gecko investigate your hand--it will probably lick your fingers, crawl on your hand, and eventually settle on a spot of your hand that is the warmest. You can encourage it do this by warming up your hand before trying to hold your leo. Do not pull your hand away if your gecko tries to lick it. Until you have created a bond between you and your leopard gecko, the gecko will see you as a predator. If you go away when it tries to lick you, it will try to lick you in order to make you go away in the future, so that it can be alone. If your gecko doesn't have human companionship, it won't want human companionship, and that will lead to an unfriendly gecko. Don’t be discouraged if your gecko doesn’t crawl on your hand right away. All geckos are different--some are a bit more adventurous than others. Each night, repeat this step and place your hand on the floor of the tank. Eventually your gecko will come to investigate. 5. **Know how to properly pick your gecko up.** After your gecko has gotten used to your hand and sits on it willingly, you can simply lift your gecko out of its cage. Make sure to cup your other hand under or next to the hand you are lifting the gecko up with so that you could catch your gecko if it makes a sudden move that could lead to it falling off of your hand. If you do need to pick your gecko up without waiting for it to crawl on your hand, do so very gently. Only pick your gecko up by its midsection and use as many fingers as possible (using all of your fingers that can fit around its midsection will give you a sturdier grasp). Hold your other hand underneath the gecko just in case it falls. Remember to never hold too hard as this is a small animal not fitted for roughhousing. 6. **Be mindful of your gecko’s tail.** Geckos can drop their tails if they think a predator has a hold of their tails, or if they become startled. Never pick your gecko up by its tail. Avoid making your gecko feel cornered or threatened. If it doesn’t feel like being handled and keep running away from your hand, take a break from trying to pick it up. Then try again later. It's fairly easy to tell when your gecko is scared or displeased as it will raise and wag it's tail as a warning if this happens try to just talk to it softly to make it calm down. 7. **Know what kind of treats you should give your gecko.** There are several different treats you can give your gecko, and most of them can be purchased at your local pet store. These include waxworms, mealworms, and crickets. Waxworms: These are the most common type of treat to give your gecko. Geckos love the taste of them yet they are high in phosphorus and fat. So only use these sparingly ( not more than about one every two weeks or so, especially if your leo is over a year old, as this could lead to obesity or your leo refusing to eat other insects.) Do not put calcium on the Waxworm when you do this, as the leopard gecko will eat it, then bite your finger. (powder will be left on your finger, and it will smell this.) 8. **Know how often you should handle and play with your leo.** Every gecko is different, but most people recommend for the best taming result to handle them at the least 15 minutes every day once they wake up. Though if you notice this stresses your gecko out then you should lower the times you handle and play with your leo. 9. **Gecko-proof your playing area.** Leopard geckos, especially young ones, are very fast and will run away if given the chance. When you first begin playing with your gecko, create a space that you are sure your gecko cannot escape from, such as a box or bin. You could also choose an area and then set up a barrier of pillows or other soft things to block your gecko from the rest of the house. Just make sure that your barriers are not made of anything that could tip over and hurt your gecko. A good thing to do as well when you're out and about in your house with your gecko is to make sure doors and windows are closed as drafts are not good for your gecko and other pets (if owned) may come and interfere Once your gecko has gotten used to being taken out of its cage, it should calm down a bit and you will be able to handle your gecko on your bed, couch, floor, etc. 10. **Let your gecko explore.** Geckos are generally curious, active creatures who like to explore, so let your gecko take the reins. Allow your gecko to crawl up your arms, ride on your shoulders, or even curl up in your hair. Be prepared for your gecko to settle in somewhere they find warmth on your body--geckos are cold blooded and our skin feels like a sunbaked stone to them. Don’t be surprised if your gecko decides to hang out around your neck or in the crook of your arm. Another way to let your gecko explore is to ball up a piece of fabric (like a shirt or towel) and place it on your bed. Let your gecko crawl around the towel and find its own favorite cave or hiding space. Make sure to keep an eye on your gecko so you know where he has hidden himself when it is time to put him back in his tank. Let your gecko explore an empty room or your bed. Geckos like climbing (though they aren't very good at it) and finding places to crawl into so let it crawl behind and around your cushions and pillows. Just make sure that you keep an eye on your gecko and never leave it unattended, or you could risk losing your gecko. 11. **Create an obstacle course for your gecko.** Get a bin or large box and place ‘obstacles’ in it. These can be paper towel tubes that your gecko can crawl through, smaller boxes your gecko can crawl over, or any other items. Get creative! Place climbing trees in the box for your gecko to climb (these can be bought at pet stores) or old toys to give your obstacle course a unique look. Leopard geckos love climbing on things. 12. **Set up a gecko carnival.** This is similar to creating an obstacle course for your gecko, the key difference being that the gecko is not trying to get from one side to the other. Instead, fill a box with gecko toys (climbing trees, patches of carpet, paper towel rolls, etc) and simply let your gecko play. You might be amazed at the funny things geckos do. Some love climbing up climbing trees and then jumping off again. Others love rolling around in a paper towel roll. Setting up a gecko carnival is a great way to learn what your gecko likes to do. Just be careful that nothing can fall and squish your gecko while it's playing. 13. **Watch a movie with your gecko.** While this is not necessarily ‘playing’, it is a great way to spend quality time with your gecko. Let your gecko get comfortable by sitting in its favorite warm spot on your body, and then settle in to watch a movie. Some leopard gecko owners have noticed that their geckos stare at the screen. Others will just fall asleep in a warm spot. Make sure the sound is not too loud though as it can startle and stress your gecko. 14. **Know when to put your gecko back in its tank.** Geckos need warmth to keep their energy levels up. When they are climbing or running around in an area that is not as warm as their tank, they can become fatigued. A good rule of thumb is to check your leo’s belly after you have been playing with them for 10 minutes. If its belly is cold to the touch, place your gecko back in its tank so that it can warm back up.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Grow Okra in Pots
If you’re looking for a fresh, new vegetable to grow in your garden this year, try planting okra seeds! Okra is rich in fiber, folate, and magnesium, and it can even help lower your cholesterol. It’s commonly added for some extra crunch to stir-fry recipes, but it also goes great in gumbo, stews, and salads. It has a crunchy texture and mild flavor, somewhat reminiscent of eggplant or green beans. 1. **Use one 3 to 5 US gal (11 to 19 L) pot for each okra plant you want to grow.** Ideally, choose a pot that is at least 12 inches (30 cm) deep so it can accommodate the okra’s roots. You could use ceramic, concrete, cement, clay, or even plastic containers—just make sure there are holes in the bottom for drainage. Okra thrives in the heat, so choose a black heat-absorbing pot if you can! 2. **Opt for dwarf okra seeds so your plants won’t outgrow the pots.** Non-dwarf varieties can grow to be 6 feet (72 in) or higher, and their roots wouldn’t have enough room to spread in a container. Dwarf okra shouldn’t exceed 3 to 4 feet (36 to 48 in). When buying seeds, look for these varieties of dwarf okra: Baby Bubba Bloody Burgundy Cajun Jewel Emerald Lee Prelude 3. **Plant your seeds once the temperatures are consistently above 55 °F (13 °C).** Okra is not frost-resistant and it won’t grow if it gets too cold. Wait 1-2 weeks after the last frost to ensure the temperature won’t dip down below 50 °F (10 °C) again. If you live in USDA growing zones 9-11, you can usually grow okra all year long. 4. **Bury 2-3 seeds about 1 inch (2.5 cm) deep in well-draining potting soil.** Okra does best in sandy or loamy soil, so look for a vegetable-specific variety at your local garden supply store. Create a small hole in the center of the pot and drop in the seeds. Cover them up with soil. Using several seeds in each pot should hopefully guarantee that at least one of them will take root and germinate. 5. **Water the soil until it is damp to the touch.** After you’ve planted the seeds, gently water each pot until the soil is saturated all the way through and some water is coming out of the bottom of the container. Avoid using too strong a stream of water, as that could dislodge the seeds or disturb the soil. It’s normal to see some shrinkage in the soil as it gets compressed by the water. As long as the seeds stay buried, you don’t need to worry about adding more to the pot. 6. **Place the pots outdoors where they can get 5-6 hours of direct sunlight a day.** Okra loves sunlight and heat and needs lots of it to thrive. If you can position your pots somewhere they’ll get more than 6 hours of sunlight, that’s even better. Okra can withstand high temperatures, so don’t worry about it getting scorched in the heat. As long as you water it regularly, it should do well. 7. **Water your okra plants every 2-3 days to encourage bountiful growth.** Stick your finger into the top 1 inch (2.5 cm) of the soil. If it isn’t damp to the touch, give it about 1 inch (2.5 cm) of water. If the temperatures are extremely high, you may need to add water every day. For a 3 to 5 US gal (11 to 19 L) pot, 1 inch (2.5 cm) would equal about 8 cups (1.9 L) of water. While you want the soil to be damp, you don’t want it to get muddy. If the soil does get over-saturated, give it a few days to regulate before watering it again. 8. **Bring your plants indoors if the temperature is going to drop below 50 °F (10 °C).** Depending on your region, you may experience unpredictable frosts late into the spring. Keep an eye on the weather forecast and take time to migrate your potted okra anytime the temperature is going to dip uncharacteristically low. Move the pots back outdoors as soon as possible so they get the sunlight they need. 9. **Fertilize the soil once the plant has reached 6 inches (15 cm) tall.** Opt for a 10-10-10 fertilizer, and lightly sprinkle it over the top of the soil in each pot. Avoid getting any granules on the plant itself, as it could harm the delicate leaves. A 10-10-10 fertilizer means that the composition is made up of 10% nitrogen, 10% phosphorous, and 10% potassium. You could also use a water-soluble fertilizer to fertilize as you water the soil. Just follow the instructions on the fertilizer and use it once the plants are about 6 inches (15 cm) tall. 10. **Sprinkle the soil with diatomaceous earth if you notice insects or pests.** Potted okra shouldn’t be a huge temptation to pests, but it isn’t immune to them. If you see mites, whiteflies, or aphids on the leaves, lightly cover the soil with a sprinkling of diatomaceous earth. You can buy diatomaceous earth from your local garden supply store or online. 11. **Keep an eye out for pods about 5-7 days after the okra has flowered.** Once the okra begins to bloom, you can expect an abundant harvest within the next 1-2 weeks. As flowers appear, start checking on the okra daily so you don’t miss the peak picking time. Okra will usually flower about 50-65 days after it was planted. You can generally expect your okra plants to produce harvestable pods for about 10-12 weeks. 12. **Pick the pods when they are between 3 to 5 inches (7.6 to 12.7 cm) long.** Use a sharp knife and carefully cut the stem of each pod to remove it from the plant. Okra can be a little prickly, so wear gardening gloves if you have sensitive skin. Pods that exceed 6 inches (15 cm) are generally going to be too tough to eat. You can test them by trying to break off the tip—if it snaps away easily, the pod should still be good to eat. 13. **Wait to rinse the okra until right before you’re ready to eat it.** Many vegetables can be rinsed before they go into the fridge, but okra tends to get slimy when it’s wet. When you’re ready to eat the pods, just give them a quick rinse under cool water and pat them dry with a clean paper towel. When okra gets wet, it can sometimes get slimy. While the texture of the slime is somewhat off-putting to a lot of people, it isn’t harmful and can actually be good for you! Some cooks recommend soaking okra in white vinegar for 30 minutes before drying it off and cooking it to prevent it from becoming slimy. 14. **Store harvested okra in the fridge and use it within 2-3 days.** Pop the harvested okra in a resealable plastic bag and place it in your fridge. If you aren’t going to use it within a few days, freeze or can it so it doesn’t go to waste. Don’t rinse the okra before putting it into the fridge. Throw out any okra that is discolored, mushy, or smelly. 15. **Blanche and freeze okra** Rinse the okra and trim off the stems. Blanch the okra in a pot of boiling water for 3-4 minutes, then immediately transfer the okra to an ice bath for an additional 3-4 minutes. Completely dry the okra before transferring it to a resealable plastic bag and placing it in the freezer. If you’re freezing a large quantity of okra, you could separate it into smaller batches so it’s easier to use at mealtimes.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Ombre Hair
Ombre hair is a coloring effect in which the bottom portion of your hair looks lighter than the top portion. To achieve this effect, it is necessary to bleach the lower portion of your hair. If you want to prevent a brassy or orangey color, you can also dye the bottom part of your hair after you have bleached it. This extra step is not required, but it helps to even out the tone of your ombre. Keep reading to learn how to get ombre hair. 1. **Select your color.** Therefore, you should choose a color that works well with your natural color. The usual options are a lighter shade of brown, a shade of red/auburn, or a shade of blonde. There are two types of ombre: traditional, and reverse. The traditional ombre has a lighter color at the tips of your hair than at the roots, while a reverse ombre has darker tips and lighter roots. Select a shade that is no more than two shades lighter than your existing hair color. The more subtle the color change, the more natural and sun-kissed your hair will appear. Whenever possible, look for mild or all-natural dyes that will be less damaging to your hair. 2. **Decide where you want the fade to stop.** Equally important as the color selection is choosing where your natural color and dyed color will meet. The lower down your hair the two meet, the safer your look will be. If the two colors meet too high, you run the risk of looking like you have grown-out roots, rather than a beautiful ombre. Ombre hair is more suitable for those with longer hair, as this makes you less likely to look like you have grown-out roots. The longer the hair, the further down the ombre can begin to work its contrast. In general, the jawline is a good place to have the two tones meet. 3. **Brush your hair** Make sure that there are no tangles left in your hair. This step will make applying the bleach easier, but it will also help you to make sure that your hair will be evenly colored. 4. **Put on a smock or an old t-shirt.** There is a good chance that you will get bleach or dye onto your clothes during the process. An artist or styling smock should help prevent this, though. If you do not have a smock to throw on, change into an old t-shirt that you can get dirty. 5. **Put on gloves.** Gloves generally come with a dye kit but if they don’t, you can simply use normal rubber, vinyl, or latex gloves. Remember that it is very important to wear gloves when dyeing or bleaching your hair. If you do not use gloves, you can end up dyeing or bleaching your hands in addition to your hair. The bleach can also irritate your skin, causing a burning sensation. 6. **Mix your bleach.** Unless you are doing a reverse ombre, you will need to use bleach to lift the color from your hair. There is the option of using blonde hair dye - which is safer on your strands - but it doesn’t lift as much color so your end-result will be much more subtle. Developer comes in 10, 20, 30, and 40 volumes. However, you should not need 30 or 40 volumes to achieve an ombre look. The easiest and cheapest at home bleach method is to use equal parts of 20 volume peroxide and powdered bleach. Mix 2oz each of the 20 volume peroxide and powder until they are completely combined into a creamy mixture. Always mix the bleach in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling too much of the fumes. 7. **Divide your hair into sections.** Part your hair down the middle so that it is split half-and-half. Then, divide both halves into as many sections as you want. At the very least, you should divide each half into half again, splitting your hair into quarters. If your hair is long and/or thick, you may want to divide it into more sections. Pin or tie each section off to separate it from the rest. If using clips, always be sure they are non-metallic – metals can react with the chemicals you’re using on your hair. Tease up the hair around the area where you want the ombre to begin. Teasing your hair around this area will help prevent a stark line or line of demarcation where you applied the bleach. 8. **Choose an application tool.** If you’re using a dye or bleach kit, chances are you were provided with a small brush to apply the bleach. If not, the best option is to use an applicator brush. You can find these are your local beauty supply store. Alternatively, a similar soft, small brush will work well for application. Just make sure that you use a brush that you would be okay with tossing out after you are done. 9. **Begin bleaching your hair.** Add bleach starting at the ends and working your way up to the desired fade line. Don’t feel like you need to work fast or to work in large sections; work in such a way that you get all the strands evenly coated with the lightening product. Make sure that you apply the bleach evenly to both sides of your hair. Check in the mirror to make sure that the bleach starts at about the same spot on both sides. Make sure that you coat all of the hair that you want to bleach. Inspect your strands to check for any spots you may have missed – even saturation is key. To avoid a stark line or line of demarcation, apply the bleach using an applicator brush and take vertical strokes down the hair strand, rather than painting the hair in a horizontal motion. 10. **Let the bleach set.** Depending on how light you want your hair to be, you will need to let the bleach set for anywhere from 10-45 minutes. To check, remove the bleach from a small strand of your hair after about 10-20 minutes. If you like the shade, remove the rest of the bleach. If you want to go lighter, leave it in and check again in 5-10 minutes. For a slight change in color, leave the bleach in for only 10-20 minutes. For a more bold change in color, leave the bleach for 40-45 minutes. Leaving the bleach in for longer will also help prevent orange or brassy tones. 11. **Wash out the bleach.** Keeping your gloves on, rinse out the bleach with warm water. Then, wash your hair with a sulfate-free shampoo. Be sure to get out all the bleach, or your hair will continue to lighten. Don’t condition your hair just yet. 12. **Make sure your hair is dry.** Use a towel to dry it off before beginning the coloring process. You may even want to wait for an hour or two to allow your hair to get mostly dry. 13. **Section off your hair once more.** Divide your hair into its original sections. Tie off the ends with elastic bands or hair clips to make your dying job a bit easier. Use at least 2-3 sections, or as many more as you need to feel comfortable. Again, use non-metallic clips to avoid reactions with the dying chemicals. 14. **Put on gloves.** Gloves generally come with a dye kit but if they don’t, you can simply use normal rubber, vinyl, or latex gloves. Remember that it is very important to wear gloves when dyeing or bleaching your hair. If you do not, you will end up dyeing or bleaching your hands as well. 15. **Prepare your color.** Most box hair dyes require a bit of measuring and mixing, so follow the instructions and prepare your dye. Make sure that you mix your dye in a well ventilated area. 16. **Brush in your color.** Follow the application instructions that came with your hair dye to properly add it to your hair. If you’re dying your hair with a traditional ombre (lighter ends), then apply the hair dye to all the bleached sections of hair and just a bit further up your strands as well. If you’re doing a reverse ombre, add the color just up to the color fade line, and then a second heavier coat near the tips (similar to the bleach application). Make sure that you coat all of the hair that you want to dye. Inspect your strands to check for any spots you may have missed. As with bleach, even saturation with dye is very important. 17. **Let the color set.** Follow the box instructions to be determine how long you should leave the dye in your hair. Wait the recommended amount of time for your hair dye to set. Since your hair has been bleached, you probably won’t need to leave the dye in for more than ten minutes. 18. **Wash out the hair color.** Keeping your gloves on, rinse out the dye with warm water. Then, wash your hair with a sulfate-free shampoo. Bleaching/coloring your hair can be very damaging, so take the time to use a deep conditioner to help add some moisture back into your locks. 19. **Dry and style your hair as usual.** With your hair being a tad fried from the chemical dye, it may be best to allow it to air-dry and avoid any hot tools. However, if you’re like most of us you’ll want to blow dry your hair right away and get it looking back to normal. Doing this also allows you to determine if you’ve gotten the color you want, or if you need to do some touching up post-dye.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Change A Password in Yahoo! Mail
This wikiHow teaches you how to change your Yahoo Mail password both on desktop and in the mobile app. You can easily change a known password, or you can reset a forgotten password. 1. **Click Difficulty signing in?.** This link is in the lower-right corner of the sign-in section. Doing so takes you to the account recovery page. 2. **Enter your Yahoo account's phone number.** This is the phone number that you used to sign up for Yahoo. If you have a recovery email address for Yahoo, you can enter it instead. You can also enter your Yahoo email address if you're unsure of your recovery phone number or email address. 3. **Click Continue.** You'll find this blue button below the text box. 4. **Click Yes, text me an Account Key.** It's a blue button near the top of the page. Yahoo will send a code to your selected phone number. If you entered your recovery email address instead, you'll click instead. If you entered your Yahoo email address, you'll enter the missing numbers or letters from the recovery option Yahoo provides before proceeding. 5. **Retrieve the Account Key.** To do so: Text — Open your phone's Messages app, tap the message from Yahoo, and review the 8-character code in the text message's body. Email — Open your recovery email inbox, select the email from Yahoo (it may be in the Spam folder), and review the 8-character code in the body of the email. 6. **Enter the Account Key.** Type the Account Key code into the text box that's in the middle of the "Verify" page. 7. **Click Verify.** It's below the text box. As long as the code matches the one that Yahoo sent to you, you'll be taken to the account selection page. 8. **Select your account.** Click the account for which you want to change the password. This will log you into the selected account. If you only have one Yahoo account, you may not be prompted to do this. 9. **Click Create a new password.** It's near the bottom of the page. 10. **Enter your new password twice.** Type your new password into the "New password" text box, then re-type it into the "Confirm password" text box. Both entries must match in order for you to be able to proceed. You can double-check your password by checking the "Show password" box. 11. **Click Continue.** It's a blue button at the bottom of the page. 12. **Click Looks good when prompted.** Doing so will confirm that your password change was successful and return you to your Yahoo inbox. If prompted to add features to Yahoo, click the grey link at the bottom of the prompt. 13. **Open Yahoo Mail.** Go to in your computer's browser. This will open your Yahoo inbox if you're logged into your Yahoo account. If you aren't already logged in, enter your email address and click , then enter your password and click before continuing. 14. **Click your name tab.** It's your name and profile picture in the upper-right side of the window. A drop-down menu will appear. 15. **Click Account Info.** You'll find this link below your name in the drop-down menu. Doing so opens the Account page. 16. **Click Account security.** It's a tab on the left side of the page. 17. **Re-enter your login information.** Type in your email address, click , enter your current password, and click . If you recently logged into your Yahoo account, you may not be prompted to log in again. 18. **Click the Change password link.** It's in the upper-right side of the page. This will take you to the password creation page. If you have Yahoo Account Key enabled, you'll instead click in the upper-right side of the page, click at the bottom of the pop-up window, click , and click . You can then click . 19. **Enter your new password twice.** Type your new password into the "New password" text box, then re-type it into the "Confirm password" text box. Both entries must match in order for you to be able to proceed. You can double-check your password by checking the "Show password" box. 20. **Click Continue.** It's a blue button at the bottom of the page. 21. **Click Looks good when prompted.** Doing so will confirm that your password change was successful and return you to your Yahoo inbox. If prompted to add features to Yahoo, click the grey link at the bottom of the prompt. 22. **Open Yahoo Mail.** Tap the Yahoo Mail app icon, which resembles a purple box with the phrase "Yahoo! Mail" and a white envelope on it. This will open your Yahoo inbox if you're logged in. If you aren't logged into the Yahoo Mail app, tap at the bottom of the screen (or, on Android, tap ), enter your email address, tap , enter your password, and tap . If you're logged out and can't remember your password, skip to the next method. If you're already logged in, you can simply reset the password from Yahoo Mail settings without having to know the old password. 23. **Tap ☰.** It's in the top-left corner of the screen (iPhone) or the search bar (Android). Doing so opens a pop-out menu. 24. **Tap Manage Accounts.** You'll find this near the top of the pop-out menu. This will open a list of currently signed-in accounts. 25. **Find your account name.** In the list of signed-in accounts, find the name of the account for which you want to change the password. 26. **Tap Account info.** It's a link below the name of the account whose password you want to change. 27. **Tap Security Settings.** This option is in the middle of the page. 28. **Enter your phone's passcode or Touch ID.** If prompted, scan your Touch ID or enter your phone's passcode. Depending on the type of phone that you have, you may not need to do this. 29. **Tap Change password.** It's a link in the upper-right corner of the page. If you have Yahoo Account Key enabled, you'll instead tap in the upper-right corner, tap at the bottom of the screen, tap , and tap . You can then tap . 30. **Tap I would rather change my password.** This grey link is at the bottom of the page. Doing so opens the password creation page. If you didn't have to scan your Touch ID or enter a passcode, you may have to tap a checkbox entitled "I'm not a robot" and then tap before proceeding. 31. **Create a new password.** Enter your new password into the "New password" text field, then re-type the password into the "Confirm new password" text field. This ensures that you don't accidentally mistype your password. 32. **Tap Continue.** It's a blue button at the bottom of the screen. Doing so immediately resets your Yahoo Mail password and returns you to the inbox page. If you use Yahoo's email services on desktop, you'll need to sign back into your Yahoo account with this new password the next time you use the service. 33. **Open Yahoo Mail.** Tap the Yahoo Mail app icon, which resembles a purple box with the phrase "Yahoo! Mail" and a white envelope on it. Doing so should open the Yahoo login page. If Yahoo Mail opens to an inbox, you're already logged into Yahoo Mail. This means that you can change your password without having to reset the old one. 34. **Tap Have a Yahoo account?.** This link is at the bottom of the screen. On Android, tap the purple box near the top of the screen. 35. **Tap Trouble signing in?.** It's a blue link near the bottom of the screen. 36. **Enter a phone number or email address.** In the text box that's in the middle of the screen, type in your phone number or recovery email address. If you don't know what your recovery options are, enter the email address for the Yahoo email address for which you're trying to change the password. 37. **Tap Continue.** It's a blue button in the middle of the page. Doing so will take you to a page with your phone number partially revealed. 38. **Tap Yes, text me an Account Key.** This blue button is in the middle of the page. Yahoo will sent a text message to the listed phone number. If you entered an email address, you'll tap instead. If you entered your Yahoo email address, you'll enter the missing numbers or letters from the recovery option Yahoo provides before proceeding. 39. **Retrieve the verification code.** This process will vary depending on whether you used your phone number or an email address: Text — Open your phone's Messages app, tap the message from Yahoo, and review the 8-character code in the text message's body. Email — Open your recovery email inbox, select the email from Yahoo (it may be in the Spam folder), and review the 8-character code in the body of the email. 40. **Enter the verification code.** Tap the text box in the middle of the Yahoo screen, then type in the code from the message. 41. **Tap Verify.** It's a blue button near the bottom of the page. As long as the code matches the one sent to your phone, doing this will open your Yahoo Mail inbox. 42. **Change your password** While the Yahoo Mail app doesn't give you an option to reset your forgotten password here, you can change the password as you normally would without having to know the old password.
{"url": "!-Mail", "language": "en"}
How to Make a Wish Come True Overnight
If you want to make a wish come true overnight, it helps to have a clear goal, a positive mindset, and a little luck. Do not make a wish and automatically assume that the universe is going to give you exactly what you want—you need to picture it happening and use the power of optimism. Start by writing out your wish. Meditate on it, consider making it more specific, and repeat it out loud over and over. Create a vision board or mantra to improve your understanding of your own desires. If possible, act towards making it happen. Keep in mind that there is no way to magically make something happen overnight. 1. **Be as precise as possible when defining your wish.** Once you have a general idea of what you want to happen, see if you can narrow it down a little bit. For example, if you’re wishing for a boyfriend, try adding more details. Do you want your boyfriend to go to a certain school? Have certain hair? How will the two of you meet? These kinds of questions can help you narrow your wish down. If you wish for something broad, it will be hard to determine whether it comes true or not. For example, if you wish for good health, does catching a runny nose mean that your wish didn’t come true? The more specific you are, the easier it will be to figure out if it came true or not. 2. **Ask yourself why you want this wish to come true and reframe it.** What goes around, comes around. If you’re making a wish for greedy or self-absorbed reasons, you may want to reframe your wish in more positive terms. Once you understand the general gist of your wish, ask yourself, “Why do I want this to come true?” and, “Will the world be better or worse if my wish comes true?” The answers to these questions will determine whether you should make a wish or not. For example, if you want to wish for a report card with good grades, don’t think “I want good grades so that my friends think I’m smart.” Instead, think “I want good grades because it will mean that I’m growing as a person.” Never wish harm or pain upon someone. 3. **Write your wish down, think about it, and post it in your room.** Jot your wish down on a blank sheet of paper. Look at it for 1-2 minutes and repeat what you wrote out loud. Think about the specific language and try to think about how you can make it more specific or accurate. Reconsider whether your intentions are good or not. Once you’ve settled on a single wish, either rewrite it or keep your first draft on the paper and hang it somewhere in your room so that you can look at it. Being able to visually refer back to the specific wording of your wish is essential to staying focused on it. Posting it where other people can see it will hold you accountable to your goal if the wish happens to not come true overnight. 4. **Create a vision board to help conceptualize your wish.** Get a large piece of foam or poster board. Get a few magazines or print out a few images from the internet that relate to your wish. Cut them out and glue or tape them together on your poster to create a vision board. Arrange the vision board in any way that you want! Layer images and add illustrations in a way that feels right to you to truly make it your own. Vision boards help the creator to stay focused on their goal and visualize what success would look like. It can also serve as a therapeutic activity or a fun creative exercise. For example, if your wish is “I want my first day of school to be productive and I want the other students to like me,” consider cutting out photos of friends getting along, teachers smiling at students, or close friends hugging. 5. **Be realistic about the limitations of wishing.** It’s important to recognize that wishing alone will not make anything happen. However, that doesn’t mean that wishing isn’t a helpful or productive activity. Composing and focusing on a wish can help you come to terms with what you want, why you want it, and how to achieve it. You’re going to have a much better experience if you recognize that making a wish is more of a visualization technique than some kind of magic. Considering what you can accomplish over the course of a night and act on it. Do everything within your power to make your goals come to fruition. 6. **Visualize your wish coming true.** Do not let your anxiety or fear get the best of you. Picture everything that you want coming true. Literally picture the best-case scenario playing out in your head. Continue to picture your wish coming true while you’re getting ready for bed, making a vision board, or talking on your phone. Keep thinking positive thoughts to ensure that you’re projecting a positive outcome! If you’re having trouble staying positive, try to identify the source of your negative thoughts and challenge them in your head. For example, if you’re scared that you won’t get what you want for Christmas, try to figure out what you’re actually scared of. If you’re scared that your family or Santa will forget about you, fight back by reminding yourself of all of the reasons that you’re worth remembering! 7. **Meditate to calm yourself and come to terms with your wish.** To meditate, sit up straight in a chair or sit on the ground in the lotus position. Turn the lights down and shut out any distractions. Close your eyes and focus on smoothing your breathing out by counting your individual breaths. Once you’re relaxed, start thinking about your wish. Let your mind wander and explore different avenues and lines of thinking. 8. **Write your wish over and over to compose a mantra.** A mantra is a phrase or slogan that is repeated over and over again. The goal is to help concentrate on your phrase to visualize it and help it come true. Sit down with a blank piece of paper. Starting in the top left of the page, write your entire wish out. On the next line, write your wish again by copying the same exact words. Do this until you’ve covered the entire page. Let your mind wander a little while you’re doing this. Think about the individual words that you’re writing and consider how your body feels as you write. 9. **Recognize the limitations of wishing without getting discouraged.** You may find yourself running up against certain realizations concerning problems with your wish. If at any point you realize that there is a problem with your wish, go ahead and revise it. You also need to recognize that wishing is not a scientific way of achieving a goal. It is simply a tool to help access the best parts of your desires and fuel them with positive energy. Wishing is not a science. There is no fool-proof way to make your wish come true. The most common limitations involve requiring other people to behave in a particular way. For example, you might wish, “I want my father to buy me a new video game tomorrow.” This requires your father to do something outside of your control. Try changing it to, “I want to get a new video game tomorrow.” 10. **Avoid using charms, spells, or other tricks to make your wish come true.** Charms, spells, tricks, and magic are not going to make something happen. It’s fine if you want to use them as a visualization tool or as a channel for meditation, but there is no way that they will directly help your wish come to fruition. You will be severely disappointed if you put all of your faith in some kind of charm or spell and it doesn’t come true. 11. **Figure out what you can reasonably accomplish in one night.** If there is any element of your wish that can be acted upon before the next day, do it. For example, if you wish is that you do well on a big test, study the night before and review your notes! If your wish revolves around falling in love, call up the boy or girl that you have a crush on and ask them out on a date! You can’t sit back and hope that all of your wildest dreams come true without working towards achieving them. 12. **Discuss your goals with a friend or family member to see how they can help.** If your wish can be achieved with the help of others, see if your close friends or family members would be willing to help. Tell them what your wish is and explain what you want to achieve over the course of a night. Even if they don’t offer to help you directly, they may have a piece of advice that will help you get closer to your goal. Say, “I am hoping to make something come true tonight, do you have a minute to talk about it?” 13. **Compose a to-do list** Before you go to sleep, sit down with a blank piece of paper and a pen or pencil. Write down every actionable step that you can take in the next couple of days to make your wish come true. Keep the to-do list in a visible place in your room, and work from top to bottom. Cross off each item as you complete it. For example, if your wish is to graduate from a good college, include items like, “Identify good schools that I can afford,” “Figure out the application process,” and, “Visit potential schools over the summer.” Put the easiest items at the top of your list to give you a couple of easy wins. This will make it easier to get the ball rolling and gain momentum. 14. **Put your wish under your pillow when you go to sleep.** Take the original piece of paper that you wrote your wish on and fold it under your pillow. Go to sleep that night thinking about your wish coming true. You will sleep better that night knowing that you wish is secure under your pillow, and keeping it close to your head will help focus your mind as you sleep!
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Make Rolls from Frozen Bread Dough
If you don't have time to make your own bread dough, you can pick up frozen bread dough at a store. Once it thaws, it can be used to make rolls. You can make regular dinner rolls, seasoned with some basic spices, or make cinnamon rolls for a sweet treat. 1. **Prepare a cooking sheet.** Sprinkle cornmeal over a baking sheet or cover it in parchment paper. This will prevent the dough from sticking to the sheet as it thaws. Set the sheet out on a flat surface in your kitchen. 2. **Place the dough on the sheet.** If the dough came wrapped in any packaging, unwrap it or remove from the packaging. Set the dough flat on the sheet. 3. **Check the bread dough after two hours.** Let the dough sit for two hours and then check on it. The dough should be rising slightly and softening at this point. If the bread seems to be rising on its own, simply continue to let it sit. 4. **Transfer the dough to the oven.** If the bread is not rising or thawing after two hours, place it in the oven. You don't need to turn on the heat. The oven's insulation will help the bread rise. 5. **Let the bread dough thaw until it doubles in size.** As the bread continues to thaw, it will also continue to rise. Within four to six hours, the bread will have doubled in size and you can proceed to make rolls. 6. **Divide the dough into equal pieces.** The number of pieces you end up with depends on the amount of dough. Most batches of frozen bread doughs, however, contain enough dough to make roughly 16 equal pieces. 7. **Shape the pieces into balls.** Wash your hands. Then, use them to roll each piece of bread dough into a small, uniform ball. 8. **Add seasoning.** The type of seasoning you use is up to you. You can try something like simple salt and paper. However, you can also try sprinkling Parmesan cheese and dried garlic over the rolls for some extra flavor. You can add any types of herbs you want. You could also try parsley, fresh basil, or even something unconventional like cajun seasoning. 9. **Bake your rolls at 400 °F (204 °C) for 15 to 20 minutes.** Place your rolls on a greased baking sheet and transfer it to the oven. Bake the rolls for 15 to 20 minutes. Remove them from the oven once they're golden brown. 10. **Store your rolls in the fridge.** Any uneaten rolls should be wrapped individually in plastic wrap and then stored in an airtight container. You can store them in the fridge, where they'll keep for one to two days. 11. **Roll the dough into a rectangle.** Dust a cutting board or similar surface with flour. Place your dough on the surface and use a rolling pin to flatten the dough into a rectangular shape. 12. **Add a layer of melted butter.** Spread melted butter over the dough. The precise amount will vary depending on the size of your bread dough, but use enough that you have an even layer of butter spread across the dough. For best results, use a pastry brush to spread your butter. If you don't have a pastry brush, you can use a spoon or spatula. 13. **Add a layer of cinnamon.** Sprinkle a generous amount of cinnamon over the bread dough. You want an even layer of cinnamon covering the butter. 14. **Roll up the dough.** Roll the dough length-wise using your hands. The dough should be rolled into a tight, cylinder shape. 15. **Slice the dough into equal-sized pieces.** The thickness is up to you. You can cut thinner pieces to make many small cinnamon rolls or thick pieces to make a few big cinnamon rolls. 16. **Bake the rolls 350 °F (177 °C).** Transfer the rolls to a greased baking sheet. Bake the rolls for 20 minutes or until the rolls are golden brown. 17. **Add icing.** You can make your own icing with some butter, powdered sugar, cream or milk, and vanilla. You can also use store bought icing and drizzle it over your rolls. 18. **Store your cinnamon rolls in the fridge.** Wrap your cinnamon rolls individually in plastic wrap and store them in an airtight container in the fridge. Baked goods usually last around two to three days.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Care for Arthritic Hands
Arthritis, in general, is the inflammation of joints. If you have arthritis in your hands, then you likely have inflammation in one or more of the joints in your hand or wrist. Arthritis in the hands can be caused both by disease (osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis) or an injury to your hand. In order to help manage the pain, inflammation, and other changes to your hands, it is important that you take proper care of your arthritic hands. 1. **Take recommended medications.** Your doctor may recommend that you take certain medications on a regular basis to help reduce the inflammation and pain caused by the arthritis. Some of these medications, like ibuprofen (an anti-inflammatory), does not require a prescription and can be taken several times a day. The following medications have been known to relieve the pain and inflammation caused by arthritis: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs — otherwise known as NSAIDs, these types of medication include ibuprofen (e.g Advil) and acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol). Most NSAIDs are available in some form as over-the-counter medications, but you can also get a prescriptions for stronger versions of NSAIDS (i.e. Tylenol 3s and 4s, etc.) Corticosteroids — mainly used to control inflammation. These drugs are administered with an injection. Oral corticosteroids may be given for rheumatoid arthritis. Analgesics — target only pain relief and do not control inflammation and include acetaminophen (i.e. Tylenol). Analgesics are also available in a cream form (e.g. Voltaren) and can be rubbed into the skin around the area that’s painful. Low level analgesics (like regular strength Tylenol) and a variety of the cream versions, are available over-the-counter. Stronger versions of analgesics are available by prescription. Disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs — otherwise known as DMARDs, these drugs actually work to modify your arthritis. DMARDs are available only by prescription. Biologic response modifiers — used mainly for rheumatoid arthritis, they work to block specific steps in the inflammation process of your body. Biologics are only available by prescription. Osteoporosis medications — help to slow bone loss or help to build new bone. There are a number of drugs that are used to treat osteoporosis and all are available only by prescription. 2. **Treat pain with injections.** If anti-inflammatory medications are not successful, your doctor may recommend getting regular injections at the site of your arthritis. These injections usually include an anesthetic and a steroid, and they can last for several months. While you may find injections successful, they are only meant to be a temporary measure and cannot be continued indefinitely. 3. **Splint your hands and/or wrists.** Splints can also be used on your hands and wrists in addition to, or instead of, medication or injections. A splint will help support and stabilize your hand or wrist in order to reduce the stress placed upon it by certain activities. Splints are normally worn for a limited time every day, as opposed to all day, every day. Most arthritis sufferers tend to use splints when performing specific activities which may cause them more pain, such as typing, driving, painting, gardening, etc. 4. **Consider surgery for your affected hand.** Unfortunately medications and injections do not always work as well as we’d like. Another option to consider is hand surgery. The exact type of surgery will be catered to your specific situation, but the main goal of the surgery is to reduce the pain over the long-term. Surgery where the joint can be saved or reconstructed is always the first, and best, option. However, if it isn’t possible to save the joint as is, your doctor may perform a joint replacement or a fusion. Fusing the joint(s) together can significantly reduce the amount of pain you experience, but it will permanently remove any movement you have in that joint. The fact that the joint cannot move is how the pain is eliminated, as the joint can no longer rub together. Joint replacement involves replacing your original joint with a man-made joint. Man-made joints usually consist of plastic, metals or ceramic and can last a very long time. A joint replacement will not only eliminate the pain you’re experiencing, but it will allow you to continue to use your hand normally. 5. **Attend after surgery hand therapy.** No matter what type of surgery you may have, you will need to perform hand therapy (a type of physical therapy) afterwards. Initially after surgery you may be asked to wear a splint full-time in order to limit the movement of your hand while it heals. You may also need to change the activities you perform until your hand or wrist is strong enough. Most people can recommence normal activities approximately 3 months after surgery. However, the speed of your recovery is high dependent on the effort you put towards taking care of your hand or wrist. 6. **Use an ice pack to reduce inflammation.** If the joint in your hands or wrists are swollen and painful from arthritis, you can use an ice pack or cold compress to help reduce the swelling and relieve the pain. 7. **Keep your hands warm.** If your hands or wrists are painful from arthritic inflammation that won’t go away, heating up your hands may give you pain relief. In fact, many arthritis sufferers usually experience more pain in cold environments and find keeping their hands or wrists warm all the time (e.g. wearing gloves) can help relieve pain. Wearing cotton gloves while you sleep can also help to keep your hands warm and may help reduce the amount of pain in your hands and wrists. Using a hot wax dip on your hands every morning can help start your hands off nice and warm every day. The hot wax can be kept in a crock pot and re-used many times. 8. **Get an assistive device.** Arthritis in your hands will likely cause you not to be able to perform certain activities, such as: opening a tight lid on a jar, gripping something tightly, prying open a container, etc. There are many products on the market that can help make all those activities easier for you, especially if you don’t always have someone else around to help. The internet is usually your best source for determining what products are available and finding out where you can get them. Google “arthritis self-help devices” and research which products would be best for you. 9. **Take glucosamine and chondroitin supplements.** Glucosamine and chondroitin supplements can be found at most pharmacies and health stores. They have been shown to reduce the amount of pain and stiffness in people who have osteoarthritis, but they do not work on everyone. You may want to try taking these supplements for 2 months to see if they have a positive effect on your hand or wrist pain. If they do not give you any relief, there is no point in continuing to take them. Note that glucosamine and chondroitin manufacturers claim these supplements can help rebuild cartilage in your joints. However, there have been no scientific studies to confirm this is an accurate claim and these supplements are not approved by the FDA for that purpose. 10. **Eat more fish.** Omega-3, which can be found in many types of fish and in fish oil capsules, can potentially reduce the amount of inflammation in your body. While this doesn’t work for everyone, trying a fish oil supplement or adding more fish to your diet can be an option to try. 11. **Bend your thumb.** Hold your right hand in a comfortable and relaxed position with all your fingers and your thumb held straight. Bend your right thumb across you palm (or as far as you can) and touch the bottom of your little finger. Then bend your thumb back to the original position. Repeat this exercise as many times as is comfortable with your right hand. Once finished with your right hand, repeat the same exercise with your left hand. 12. **Extend your fingers.** Hold your right hand upwards with your fingers straight and with no gaps between them. Bend the tips of your fingers downwards towards your palm. Bend only the first and second knuckles, while keeping your hand and fingers straight. Unfold your fingers and return your hand to your starting position. Bend and unbend your fingers slowly and smoothly. Repeat this exercise as many times as is comfortable with your right hand. Once finished with your right hand, repeat the same exercise with your left hand. 13. **Make a fist.** Rest the outside of your right fingers, hand and wrist on a flat surface. Start by holding your hand at a 90 degree angle to the flat surface, with your fingers pointed straight. While keeping your hand resting on the flat surface, close your hand to make a loose fist. Rest your thumb on the outside of your fist. Unfold your hand and put it back to the starting position. Bend and unbend your hand slowly and smoothly. When your hand is in a fist, don’t squeeze your fingers. Repeat this exercise as many times as is comfortable with your right hand. Once finished with your right hand, repeat the same exercise with your left hand. 14. **Curve your hand into a C.** Hold your right hand out in front of you, like you’re going to shake someone’s hand. Hold your fingers straight without any gaps between them. Using your fingers and thumb to curve your hand into the shape of a C, like you’re holding a can of pop. Un-curve your hand back to the original position. Curve and un-curve your fingers slowly and smoothly. Repeat this exercise as many times as is comfortable with your right hand. Once finished with your right hand, repeat the same exercise with your left hand. 15. **Create circles with your fingers and thumb.** Hold your right hand out in front of you, like you’re going to shake someone’s hand. Hold your fingers straight without any gaps between them. Start by curving your index finger and thumb so that the tips touch and form a circle. Repeat the process with your middle finger, then your ring finger and finally your little finger. Curve and un-curve your fingers slowly and smoothly. Repeat this exercise as many times as is comfortable with your right hand. Once finished with your right hand, repeat the same exercise with your left hand. 16. **Slide your fingers across the table.** Rest your right hand on a table with your palm down and your fingers straight. Keep a small gap between each of the fingers, and point your thumb away from your hand. Starting with your index finger, slide your finger to the left along the table until there’s a larger gap between your index and middle fingers. Repeat the same movement with your middle, ring and little fingers. Once you’ve moved all four fingers on your right hand, move them back to the starting position and repeat the exercise as many times as is comfortable. When you’re finished with your right hand, repeat the same exercise with your left hand. Regardless of which hand you’re exercising, you’re always moving your fingers towards your thumb.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Treat Spider Bites
Spider bites can be itchy and painful. Some bites are serious, but most can be easily treated. While it's helpful to identify the spider bite, you should always seek immediate medical care, because it's pretty easy to misidentify a bite. Even if a medical professional tells you a bite is non-dangerous, you should monitor it at home for any signs of a negative reaction. 1. **Look for a Sydney funnel web spider’s tarantula-like body.** The highly aggressive Sydney funnel web spider resembles a glossy tarantula and is found in dark, moist environments in South-Eastern Australia. A bite requires immediate professional medical attention since these spiders have a dangerous bite and symptoms will set in quickly. Initially the intensely painful bite will show little inflammation or blistering, but the person will sweat, have facial twitches, and may feel tingling around the mouth. Anti-venom does exist, and should be administered at a hospital as soon as possible. 2. **Notice the Brazilian wandering spider’s large, hairy body.** Brazilian wandering spiders are large, aggressive nocturnal spiders found in South America. They are usually are brown and hairy, with a 2 in (5.1 cm) long body and a black marking on the belly. Wandering spiders build no webs, roam at night, and can be found in banana clusters or hiding in dark environments. Their bites produce localized swelling and pain that radiates toward the torso, and may be accompanied by symptoms of nausea, vomiting, hypertension, breathing difficulties and, in males, an erection. Anti-venoms exist to help relieve symptoms, and deaths are rare. 3. **Look for a fluid-filled blister to indicate a brown recluse bite.** Brown recluse spiders can be many different shades of brown, but they have a violin-shaped marking on their back and long, spindly legs. Their bite initially stings, then deepens into intense pain over the next 8 hours. A fluid-filled blister that turns into a steadily enlarging open sore appears, and permanent tissue damage is preceded by a blue and red “target sign” around the wound site. Other symptoms include a fever, rash, and nausea. Brown recluse spider bites can produce scarring, but have caused no deaths in the United States. There is no anti-venom, but treatments of bite lesions exist via surgery and antibiotics. If you get a brown recluse bite, see a doctor. They might prescribe antibiotics and antihistamines to prevent infections and control itching and discomfort. You’ll also need a tetanus booster if you haven’t had one recently. If the bite is especially deep or infected, you might need surgery or more advanced wound care to help it heal properly. 4. **Keep an eye out for the red hourglass marking on a black widow.** Black widows are large, glossy black spiders with a red hourglass shape on their belly. They are found throughout North America. The bite may feel like a pinprick, and the site of the bite will be slightly red and swollen. Within 30 minutes to a few hours, however, intense pain and stiffness will begin. Severe abdominal pain, nausea, fever or chills may develop. Black widow bites are generally not fatal to healthy adults because a vaccine is usually readily available. However, if left untreated, people can lose limbs. Black widows and brown recluses are the only 2 types of dangerously poisonous spiders in the U.S. They both reside in warm climates and prefer dark, dry places like closets and wood piles. 5. **Take note of the redback spider’s red abdominal stripe.** Closely related to black widows, redbacks are found all over Australia, particularly in urban areas. Only female redback spiders are dangerous. These have a black (sometimes brownish) pea-sized body with a red stripe on the upper abdomen and an hourglass-shaped reddish orange marking on the underside of the abdomen. A redback bite will produce sweating, vomiting, nausea, muscular weakness, and pain, which may be excruciating. Since the invention of redback anti-venom, no deaths have occurred as a result of a redback bite. 6. **Get immediate medical care.** See a medical professional immediately for treatment, even if you think the bite isn’t serious. After all, it’s easy to incorrectly identify a spider bite. Go to the emergency room or call emergency services if you have signs of a severe reaction, such as severe itching, spreading redness around the bite, dizziness, wheezing, difficulty breathing, nausea and vomiting, or swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. If you have signs of a severe reaction or anaphylactic shock, use an epi-pen immediately if you have one. If you don’t have your own epi-pen, emergency personnel will likely give you an epinephrine injection followed by antihistamines. It’s a good idea to get a large antihistamine injection as soon as you can, even if you don’t know the type of spider bite. While anti-venom is available in most ambulances, it might be a little while before the proper one can be selected and administered. 7. **Apply an ice pack to reduce inflammation.** This will help slow the spread of the venom and bring down the pain and swelling. To prevent tissue damage, don’t leave the ice on your skin for more than 10 minutes at a time. Reapply the ice pack every 1-2 hours. If you believe the bite is from a Brazilian wandering spider, apply a warm compress. This will help reduce blood pressure in the area. 8. **Slow the venom's spread with elevation and compression.** If the bite is on an arm or a leg, elevate the limb. You can also wrap a bandage firmly around your limb above the bite. Move as little as possible to slow the spread of the venom. Be careful not to cut off circulation when tying the bandage. If you believe you are dealing with a redback bite, don’t tie a bandage around the area. Redback venom spreads slowly, so the bandage won’t do much except worsen the pain. 9. **Bring the spider with you to the medical facility, if you can.** Even if the spider is squashed, try to save it and bring it with you to the medical facility. Blood tests can reveal the type of spider bite, but having the specimen can speed up the identification and treatment process. Rubbing alcohol can be used to preserve a spider. 10. **Wash the bite area with cool soapy water.** Even if you believe the bite isn’t serious, it’s a good idea to have it examined by a medical professional. If they have determined it is non-dangerous, start by cleaning the wound with soapy water to help prevent infection. 11. **Apply a cool compress, such as an ice pack, for 10 minutes at a time.** This will ease the pain of the bite and help the swelling go down for 20 to 30 min. To prevent tissue damage, don’t leave the ice pack on for more than 10 minutes at a time. To keep the swelling down, re-apply the ice every 1-2 hours. 12. **Elevate bitten extremities to bring down swelling.** If you have a spider bite on your arm or leg, keep the limb elevated as much as possible. This is helpful for reducing inflammation and swelling. For example, if you’ve been bitten on the leg, lie down and prop it on a pillow or the arm of a couch. 13. **Take oral antihistamines to relieve itching and swelling.** Spider bites can be very itchy. If you’re experiencing a lot of itching and inflammation, try an over-the-counter antihistamine, like Benadryl or Chlor-Trimeton. Antihistamines can make you drowsy, so be careful taking them before driving or using heavy machinery. Always follow the dosage directions on the package. If you’re not sure how much to take, ask your doctor or pharmacist. 14. **Relieve minor symptoms of pain and swelling with NSAIDs or acetaminophen (Tylenol).** If the bite is inflamed or painful, over-the-counter painkillers can help. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen (Motrin), naproxen (Aleve), or aspirin will relieve both swelling and pain. You can also take acetaminophen (Tylenol) for pain, but it won’t help with swelling. Children or teenagers recovering from chickenpox or who have flu-like symptoms should not take aspirin. 15. **Apply a topical steroid cream for 1-2 days to reduce itching.** Steroid creams can help calm itching and inflammation at the site of the bite. Use a cream such as triamcinolone acetamide 0.05% or 1% hydrocortisone cream. Always follow the directions on the package or get advice from your doctor or pharmacist about how often to apply the cream. 16. **Monitor the bite for the next 24 hours to ensure symptoms don't worsen.** Within a few days, the swelling should go down and the bitten area should feel less painful. Call your doctor if symptoms don't improve. If your bite is just the size of a quarter, keep an eye on it. However, if it spreads in a stripy pattern around the area, producing redness and swelling, see a doctor right away. 17. **See your doctor if you have an allergic reaction.** In some cases, a bite from a normally non-dangerous spider can cause an allergic reaction. Call emergency medical services immediately if the person with the spider bite has the following symptoms: Difficulty breathing Wheezing Nausea Muscle spasms A stripy pattern spreading from the bite area Tightening in the throat that makes it hard to swallow Sweating profusely Feeling faint 18. **Follow up with your doctor if you see signs of infection.** Most of the time, spider bites heal up on their own with self-care. However, if you the bite doesn’t start getting better in a few days, or if you notice it getting worse, call your doctor. They may need to do more intensive wound care or treat you for an infection. Look out for symptoms such as: An open sore or blackened or discolored skin around the bite A fever or a general feeling of being unwell Worsening pain, swelling, redness, or warmth around the bite Pus or other discharge from the bite Red streaks radiating away from the bite
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Find the IMEI or MEID Number on a Mobile Phone
The IMEI or MEID number for your phone or tablet acts as a unique identifier for that device. IMEI stands for "International Mobile Equipment Identity" and is used by T-Mobile, AT&T Wireless, and other carriers that use Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM). MEID stands for Mobile Equipment Identification and is used by Verizon, Sprint, Cricket, and other carriers that use the Code Switch Multiple Access (CDMA) system. No two devices will have the same IMEI or MEID, which makes it a very useful tool for tracking lost or stolen cell phones. This wikiHow article will teach you how to quickly retrieve and record your IMEI or MEID number in a variety of ways, depending on your device. 1. **Open the Phone app .** It typically has a green icon with an image that resembles an old phone receiver. Tap the phone icon on your Home screen to open the Phone app. This dial code does not work with Verizon phones. If you have Verizon as your mobile carrier, you will need to find your MEID number using the Settings app. 2. **Open the dial pad.** It typically has an icon that resembles 10 squares in the shape of a phone's dialer. Open the dial pad on your phone. 3. **Dial *#06#.** You can retrieve the IMEI/MEID number on virtually any phone by dialing in the universal code, which is "*#06#". You typically will not need to press the Call or Send button. The IMEI/MEID number will appear as soon as you finish dialing the code. 4. **Copy the number.** Your IMEI/MEID number will appear in a new window on your phone. Write the number down as it is not possible to copy and paste it from your phone's display. However, you can take a screen shot. Most phones will tell you when the number is displayed if it is an IMEI or MEID number. If your phone doesn't you can verify which number it is by checking what carrier you use. GSM networks like AT&T and T-Mobile use IMEI numbers. CDMA networks such as Sprint, Verizon, and US Cellular use MEID numbers. If you need the MEID number, take the same number but ignore the last digit (IMEI is 15 digits, MEID is 14 digits). 5. **Open the Settings app .** This can be found on your iPhone's Home screen. This step works for any iPhone or an iPad that is capable of receiving cellular data from the 4G or 5G network. 6. **Tap General.** It's near the top of the Settings menu 7. **Tap About.** A list of information about your phone or tablet will appear. 8. **Scroll down to IMEI or MEID.** If you want to copy it to your iPhone or iPad's clipboard, tap and hold the number and select . 9. **Connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer.** Use the charging cable that came with your iPhone or iPad and connect it to a free USB port on your Mac or Windows computer. Make sure your iPhone or iPad is powered on. 10. **Open the Finder or iTunes.** If you have a Mac with macOS Catalina (Version 10.15) or newer, open the Finder. It has an icon that resembles a blue and white smiley face. If you have a Windows computer or a Mac with macOS Mojave or earlier, Open iTunes. It has a white icon with a music note. 11. **Click your device.** It will be listed as the name of your iPhone or iPad in the panel to the left. On iTunes, you may need to click the icon that resembles a phone or tablet in the upper-right corner. 12. **Click General or Summary.** It's the first tab at the top of the page. If you are using the Finder, it will say "General." If you are using iTunes, it will say "Summary." 13. **Locate the IMEI or MEID number.** It will be listed at the top of the page below the name of your iPhone or iPad. 14. **Open the Android Settings menu.** You can do this by tapping the Settings app in your App Drawer. 15. **Scroll down and tap About or About Phone.** It's near the bottom of the Settings menu. Depending on your Android model, it will either say "About" or "About Phone." On some phones, you may have to tap or in order to find the "About Phone" or "About Device" option. 16. **Scroll down to find the 15-digit IMEI or 14-digit MEID.** The numbers are the same other than the last digit--if you don't see an entry for MEID, you can safely provide the IMEI number and drop the last digit. On some phone's you may have to tap in order to find the IMEI or MEID. If you are having a hard time find the IMEI or MEID, tap the magnifying glass icon in the upper-right corner and enter "IMEI" (T-Mobile, AT&T Wireless) or "MEID" (Verizon, Sprint, US Cellular, Cricket) in the search bar. 17. **Write down the number.** There is no way to copy the number to your phone's clipboard, so you will need to write or type the number out. 18. **Locate the original packaging for your mobile device.** Don't worry about the booklet; look for the box. 19. **Locate the barcode label stuck to your box.** It might have been placed over the opening to act as a seal. 20. **Look for the IMEI/MEID.** It should be clearly labeled and is usually listed together with the barcode and serial number. 21. **Power off your phone** Before removing the battery or SIM card from your phone, you will need to make sure your phone is powered off. 22. **Locate your SIM card tray.** If your phone has a removable battery, the SIM card tray will be underneath the battery. If your phone does not have a removable battery, the SIM tray will be located on the side of your phone. It will be an oval-shaped compartment with a pinhole on one of the sides. 23. **Remove the SIM card tray.** If your phone has a removable battery, remove the back from your phone and then remove the battery. You will not need to remove the SIM card. If your phone has a SIM card tray on the side, use the SIM card removal tool that came with your phone to open the SIM card tray. Insert the pointed end of the tool in the pinhole and press down to eject the SIM card tray with the SIM card. If you don't have the SIM card removal tool that came with your phone, you can just use a paperclip. 24. **Check for the IMEI or MEID number.** If your phone has a removable battery, you can find the number printed on a label beneath the battery. You do not need to remove the SIM card. If your phone has an ejectable SIM card tray, check for the IMEI or MEID number either at the top of the SIM card holder or along the side. It will be in printed in tiny letters. 25. **Place the SIM card tray or battery back in the phone.** Once you have the IMEI or MEID number, you will need to return the battery or SIM card tray with the SIM card back to it's original place. Your phone will not work without it.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Hide a Big Forehead
When people first look at you, you probably want them to see the facial features that you have the most confidence in. If you have a big forehead and wish to hide it, there are many ways that you can bring the focus to other areas. Try out different hairstyles, makeup techniques, and accessories to cover it up and help limit your feelings of insecurity. 1. **Get bangs.** The best way to hide your forehead is by going to a salon and getting bangs. A straight across bang that gets gradually longer on the sides is the most versatile and fitting for larger foreheads. However, this style doesn't flatter all face shapes, including those that are wide or feature a prominent nose. There are many different types of bangs to choose from. Flip through a magazine and pick a favorite type to ask your stylist for, and be sure to go with one that best fits your face shape. Opt for curtain bangs or textured side bangs if your face is round. 2. **Go for a low, loose up-do.** If you want to wear your hair up, part your hair down the middle and put it in a loose bun. Pull a couple of pieces out of the top front and curl them with a curling iron on low heat to create a nice face-framing effect. Avoid the slicked back look. Unlike the low, loose up-do, a tightly pulled back ponytail or bun won’t be very flattering. Don't pull your hair back too tight, or else it will exaggerate the size of your forehead. 3. **Create volume with layers.** A big forehead often means a seemingly longer face. While flat, straight hair will make your face look even longer, hairstyles with a lot of wave and volume bring balance to your head shape by having a subtle widening effect. Also create volume by using volumizing hair products, curling your hair, or blowing it dry with a hair dryer and a round brush. 4. **Rock an edgy bob.** Get an asymmetrical bob with a dramatic side part. The side part breaks up your forehead and draws attention to your eyes while the longer front section makes your neckline a focal point. 5. **Contour to create an optical illusion.** Use a bronzer along your hairline that’s a shade darker than your foundation to create the impression of a smaller forehead. Don’t forget to blend the bronzer into your foundation well with a makeup blending sponge or brush to make sure that it looks natural. 6. **Add drama to your eyes.** Use bold eyeshadows and eyeliners to accentuate your eyes and make them the focal point. Eye makeup can also influence others’ perception of your face shape. For a dramatic nighttime look, go for a smoky eye look by applying a gray, navy, eggplant, or brown eyeshadow on your top eyelid, working up from the lashline to the crease. Sweep a deeper shade of the same hue into the crease, using a fluffy brush and soft window-wiper motions. Highlight your browbone with a neutral eyeshadow 1-2 shades lighter than your natural skin tone. Then, finish with your favorite dark eyeliner and mascara. 7. **Balance with blush.** Select a bright colored peachy or rosy toned blush and apply it to your cheekbones with a blush brush. Try also applying blush upwards toward the temple to seemingly lift your face and reduce the size of your forehead. 8. **Cover up with a cute hat.** Wearing a hat will allow you to cover up some of your forehead and express your own personal style simultaneously. If you’re heading to the beach with friends, wear a wide-brimmed, floppy sun hat to both hide your forehead and protect your face from UV rays. 9. **Sculpt your brows to look full and shapely.** A well-groomed brow is one of the best accessories you can have for almost any look. Use an eyebrow pencil, powder, or pomade to sculpt full, flattering brows. Remember to use short strokes with your pencil or brush to mimic brow hairs, and concentrate the majority of your product toward the outer edges of your brows. Use a clear brow gel to help hold your brows in place and keep them looking great all day long. 10. **Wear a bold necklace or funky earrings.** Get a statement piece of jewelry to help take your forehead out of the spotlight. Complete your outfit with a chunky necklace or a pair of sparkly chandelier earrings that others will admire.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Read a Newspaper
The art of reading newspapers seems to be dying out as more potential readers turn to other sources for information, particularly Internet publications like blogs and opinion sites. Whether you're reading to find a connection to your community, for greater knowledge about world events, or to relax while enjoying a coffee, here is a good way to get into newspaper reading. 1. **Find a comfortable place to read your paper.** Coffee shops, outdoor seating at restaurants, or your own easy chair are great places to settle in and enjoy reading your chosen paper. If you take the train to work, you can also read it there, on your way. 2. **Decide your reading purpose.** If you’re reading relaxation or pleasure, then you’re approach might be less structured. If you’re looking for a specific topic or for reading practice, you’ll need to be more organized. Most English-language newspapers are written at range of reading levels, from about fifth grade to college level, so you should focus on the articles and sections that will probably fit your purpose. For example, the film reviews will be easier, and faster, reading, while reports on complicated economic topics might be more challenging and take more time. Reading a paper to practice a foreign language will help you learn about the issues that are important to speakers of that language and as well as to engage in the culture and learn new vocabulary. 3. **Decide where you want to begin.** After you’ve gotten a sense of the overall paper, choose the section or article that has caught your attention, based on your reading purpose. You might choose a headline article on the front page, or you might skip to another section and begin reading sports. Use the table of contents as your guide. The editorial section contains opinionated articles rather than strictly factual news, such as the “Opinion” section in the Detroit Free Press, which may offer editorial perspectives on universal healthcare or the War on Terror. The lifestyle section usually has stories about the arts and commerce. Forbes, for example, may have articles about new movies, popular car models, and travel ideas. The entertainment section includes movie and theater reviews, as well as interviews with authors and artists and information about art galleries and other local and national events. Similarly, the sports section will report box scores from sports currently in season, and may include personal stories about players, coaches, or issues in the athletic world, such as the concussion problem in the NFL. 4. **Fold your paper so that you can read easily and comfortably.** If you’re in a crowded space, like a train, fold your newspapers into quadrants for easier reading and less worry about bothering other people. You might find it easier to separate the various sections, usually marked by a letter, and deal with them one at a time, rather than trying to keep all of the pages in order. Folding a newspaper correctly is optional, although if you’re passing it on to another person, it’s courteous to put all of the sections back in place when you’re done. 5. **Preview the section you’ve chosen to read.** Newspaper articles are usually written in an "inverted pyramid" structure, which means that the most significant information appears at the start of the story, rather than the end, followed by the details in order of importance. The first sentence, called the "lead" or "lede," is designed to catch readers' attention and provide the major details of the story to entice them to read further. Sidebars near significant stories offer analysis for understanding the "why" of the story. Read them first to have some context for the ideas. You can also read the articles’ subheadings or callout quotes, if available, for an overview of major topics and notable comments in the story. 6. **Choose the article that you want to read and begin.** Read the first few paragraphs, as these will contain the primary points of the article, and you’ll be able to determine if you want to continue reading it. Read the rest of the article or move to a new one if you’ve lost interest or if it doesn’t provide any information that you find worthwhile. Don’t be afraid to jump to a new article or section if your purpose is satisfied or if you need a break from a difficult topic. For example, you may find reading too much about domestic violence is too distressing for a relaxing read, so you can decide to save an article about an upcoming domestic violence court case for later. Once you’ve finished with a section, you can set it aside as you find a new place to begin previewing and reading. By the time you’ve read all or most of the sections, you should feel a sense of satisfaction as you collect that new pile of papers for recycling or reuse. 7. **Determine your own opinion and note your own biases.** When you're reading the editorial section, or the "op-ed" (opposite the editorial page), remember that you're reading the opinions of those writers, and not necessarily straight facts. Before you begin, you should read the article title to get an idea of the topic, and then take a moment to consider your own opinion first. Even though the news section is strictly informational, being aware of your own opinions and biases before reading those articles will help you to be more open minded about difficult topics. Try reading opinion pieces that are in opposition to your own views. Even if you don't agree, you might learn something new, whether it's a different way to defend your opinion, or a new perspective on the issue altogether. 8. **Connect your reading to your own life and other news sources.** Even if you’re reading to relax, taking a moment to see the relationship between the articles you're reading and your own experiences or concerns can lead to a more enjoyable experience. Ask yourself: “Can I connect the ideas or events that I’m reading about to my own life and the other stories I’ve read about this topic?” Making connections between your TV news and Internet video clips and a printed newspaper will help you to become even more informed about the topic and engaged as a citizen. 9. **Decide how much of the newspaper you want to read.** Sometimes, you may want to read a particularly long newspaper, like the Sunday edition, or you may have a requirement for a course in school. If you have limited time but you want to read the whole paper, your strategy will be different than if you need to read specific sections for an assignment. If you need or want to read the entire paper, but have only a small window of time, plan to use previewing and skimming strategies. If you have an assignment or a particular topic you're interested in reading about, then you'll be focused on the finding only the appropriate articles quickly and reading them carefully. 10. **Skim the headlines and pictures on all of the pages, one at a time.** The front page section is the most valuable “real estate” in the paper, and the editors reserve it for the biggest or most popular stories. Reading the headlines will give you an idea of the most important happenings, either locally, nationally, or internationally, and the images are chosen to establish the central or most interesting idea in a given story. This overview should take about three minutes, and you'll have a better idea of where you want to start. 11. **Start on the first page.** The most important story, by long newspaper tradition, should appear at the top right of the front page. The second-most important story will appear at the top left. Also, editors use larger type for "bigger" stories. Checking the table of contents, if you're looking for a particular topic, section, or article, will save you time, since you won't have to search the newspaper blindly. Some newspapers include mini-headlines at the very top of the page to catch readers' attention for stories in interior sections of the paper, such as sports or entertainment.< 12. **Read the first paragraphs of the articles.** Each time you begin a new article, read just the first paragraph or two. Newspaper articles always start with a "lede" or "lead," which contains the most important information. The rest of the article fills out the story with details, in order of importance. If you're reading efficiently, the first paragraph should give you enough information for a general understanding of the topic. If something in an article catches your attention, keep reading, but be ready to move on if your curiosity is satisfied. If you're reading for an assignment, use the lede to help you set up your summary notes, as it's the "Main Idea" of the passage. Articles should answer the questions: "Who? What? Where? How?," so use those questions to structure your notes, if necessary. 13. **Read every article in a section.** If an article in full contains a "jump line," or instructions to continue the story on another page, complete that story on the new page, and then return to the original section to continue reading. Avoid starting on the new page and possibly wasting time later trying to remember which articles you'd forgotten to read in earlier sections. You can also simply skim all of the articles, especially if you're in a hurry but want to get a snapshot of the main ideas. If you're reading for an assignment, or if you have a particular subject of interest, you can also scan all of the articles for key words of your topic. You can then read just those articles more carefully. 14. **Set aside each section as you complete it.** If you have space and want the encouragement that you're reading at a good pace, setting the completed sections aside will provide you with a tangible reminder of your accomplishments. 15. **Choose a local newspaper if you want more community engagement.** Local newspapers, both dailies and weeklies, can connect you to your community’s residents, politics, and happenings, and will be written by local writers with a vested interest in your area. These papers tend to have more reporter-initiated stories rather than mostly stories based on national news, which means they’re more proactive and less “reactive” in nature. Some local news are daily, while others are weekly or bi-weekly. Weekly newspapers will be even more community-centered, since they have more time to fully develop and research local stories. Local newspapers will employ not only writers from your community, but they will also use community members as sources, and so you may find the stories even more relevant to your own life. 16. **Choose a national newspaper if you want wider coverage of national issues.** National news outlets, such as USA Today or The Guardian, will include stories with wider appeal, but many of the stories will be wire-service pieces, such as those from the Reuters or the Associate Press (AP). They’ll include information on national weather trends and major political stories, and they’re more likely to have a significant online presence. Some very large metro-area newspapers, such as The LA Times or the Chicago Tribune, can be a good blend of local news stories and significant national coverage. National news outlets may offer more perspectives on many issues, as their staff writers might be located throughout the country, rather than in a single city. 17. **Choose an international or foreign paper to discover new perspectives.** International newspaper outlets can provide you with a new look at familiar issues or a chance to learn about a different culture. The newspapers of each country or region present their stories from the viewpoint of its culture, highlighting the values and positive attributes of that area of the world. If you read critically, you can pay attention to that bias, as well as your own, and gain a new understanding of the truth of a story. Some bias exists in popular newspapers, such as Russia Today and the Australian Associated Press, reporting on war and conflicts, primarily through either overreporting or underreporting of violence. Other issues arise from oversimplification of complicated national and international issues. 18. **Decide if you want to read a physical newspaper or an online version.** If you want the top stories, with up-to-the minute information and links to other perspectives on the same issues, try a digital newspaper edition. For possibly more in-depth coverage, including more editorializing or responses from other readers such as letters to the editor, go for print. Not all local papers will have comparable online coverage. For instance, the Community Impact News in Texas, includes only some stories on their website, though they have enormous local print circulation. Some newspapers, particularly national and international papers, will charge a subscription fee for online access. For example, the New York Times charges from $1.88-$8.75 a week for a subscription, depending on your level of access. Some online news sites, even those with print editions, may use inadequate research and intentionally misleading tactics to encourage traffic to their sites. 19. **Choose a newspaper that presents the news honestly and the opinions separately.** Newspapers are a mix of factual news and opinionated editorials. A news reporter should offer as many validated and researched facts as available, and an editorial should be clearly marked in a particular section of the paper. Check for credible sources and inappropriate stereotypes in headlines and stories. Ask yourself: “Who is telling the story?” If a story about the economy focuses on stockbrokers instead of the everyday people affected by a recession, the newspaper may not only be biased, but also out of touch with its readers. Find out more about the editorial staff and writers. Do they represent the diversity of the community that they serve? If not, then the stories may show further evidence of bias, particularly on coverage of news on parts of the community not represented at the paper.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Clean a Map Sensor
A manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor is a sensor used in the electronic control system of an internal combustion engine. It's necessary for performing calculations that influence combustion and ignition timing. Over time, it can get dirty and increase fuel consumption, cause a jerking during acceleration, and even stall your vehicle after ignition. If you think you need to clean your MAP sensor, you need to remove it and then give it a spray and scrub. 1. **Park your car on a flat surface and let the engine cool.** Before working on your car, you need to disconnect the battery while the engine is off. Find a flat surface to park your car and let the engine cool for about 5 minutes. Afterward, open the hood to your car. Avoid parking on an incline just to be safe. Lightly touch the engine after letting it cool. If it's still warm, wait another 5 minutes or until it cools. 2. **Disconnect the car battery** Locate the negative terminal on top of the car battery. Typically, it is covered with a black cap. If not, there should be a "-" sign near it or on top of the connector. Locate the wrench socket size that is appropriate for the nut on the negative terminal. Attach this socket to your wrench and remove the nut by turning it counterclockwise. Afterward, disconnect the negative battery cable. Repeat the above procedure with the positive terminal. Typically, it is covered in a red cap or marked with a "+" sign. 3. **Locate the MAP sensor near the intake manifold.** In most cars, the MAP sensor is right next to the intake manifold. It should be attached to an electrical connector that is fastened to a group of wires. There will also be a rubber vacuum hose running to it. If you're having trouble finding it, lift the engine's wiring harness slightly to give yourself a better view. Loosen the wiring harness by pulling out the plastic ends attached to its wires. Only remove the ones that make it easier for you to access the MAP sensor. 4. **Remove the vacuum line from the MAP sensor.** To remove the vacuum line, you must remove the retaining rings. Place a pair of straight retaining ring pliers into the 2 holes on the ring. Squeeze the pliers together to expand the ring and remove it from the vacuum. Continue until all of the rings are removed and unhook the vacuum line from the MAP sensor. Purchase retaining ring pliers at hardware or big-box stores. 5. **Unscrew all the bolts holding the sensor to your vehicle.** There are usually 2 to 3 bolts holding the sensor to the vehicle. Use a socket wrench to turn them counterclockwise and remove them from the vehicle. Afterward, your sensor should come loose. Keep the bolts in a small plastic container so they don't get lost. 6. **Unhook the electrical connector from the MAP sensor.** The electrical sensor is usually attached to the MAP sensor via a clip. Typically, the clip will unhook by sliding it upward or downward. Afterward, hold down the locking tab and remove the connector from the sensor. If there is no clip, detach the electrical connector by pressing on the locking tab and pulling it from the MAP sensor. 7. **Hold the MAP sensor over a flat surface.** Place your thumb on one side of the sensor and the rest of your fingers on the opposite side. Hold the unit with the sensor facing down. The sensor is the long protruding part that contains two metallic probes encased in a plastic cage. 8. **Spray 2 to 3 bursts of sensor cleaner onto the MAP sensor.** Continue holding the sensor over a flat surface. Press down on the nozzle of a sensor cleaner product to spray the sensor with 1 quick burst of the cleaner. Rotate the MAP sensor 1 to 2 more times and repeat this process until it has been cleaned from all angles. Buy sensor cleaning product from department stores or big-box suppliers. These products are specifically designed for sensor surfaces. 9. **Clean the outer surface of the MAP sensor using electric parts cleaner.** Place the MAP sensor on a flat surface with the sensor facing upward. Spray a dry rag with electrical parts cleaner. Gently scrub the rest of the sensor with the rag, taking care not to scrub the sensor itself. Lightly spray cleaning product into regions that you can't reach with the rag. However, avoid doing this if possible, as you won't be able to properly scrub and dry it. 10. **Reinstall the map sensor after letting it dry for 5 minutes.** With proper scrubbing, it shouldn't take more than 5 minutes to dry your MAP sensor. Afterward, reconnect the electrical connector and reattach the sensor to the vehicle using its bolts. Finally, reconnect the vacuum line with the retaining rings. Snap the retaining rings back on the vacuum line by opening them with your retaining ring pliers and placing them around the vacuum.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Clean Shoes with Toothpaste
You can make your dirty shoes look clean again by removing the dirt and debris with toothpaste. Use either a toothbrush or a cleaning pad to scrub the dirt from the shoes. Let the toothpaste dry into the shoes before removing it with a damp cloth and a water and soap solution. When you're finished, your shoes should look a lot cleaner than they were before you started. You should only clean canvas shoes and sneakers with toothpaste as other shoes could be damaged. 1. **Buy white non-gel toothpaste.** Gel toothpaste won't clean your shoes properly and there's a big chance that it will stain them. Gel toothpaste is especially bad for white shoes. You can use colored toothpaste if you have that lying around your home, but it won't clean the shoes as well as white toothpaste. Get an old toothbrush or a cheap, new toothbrush. There's no point using an expensive, brand new toothbrush to clean your dirty shoes. You won't be able to use it to clean shoes again and you definitely can't use it to brush your teeth. An old toothbrush is perfect for the job. 2. **Test the toothpaste on a small spot on one of your shoes.** Different types of toothpaste have different ingredients, some of which can damage your shoes. Most toothpaste will be okay to use, but you're better off testing them first. Apply a small amount of toothpaste to a small spot on one of your shoes. Check the spot after 20 minutes and wipe it with a damp cloth. If the toothpaste didn't stain the shoe, you can use it to clean both of your shoes. 3. **Apply a little bit of toothpaste to the brush.** There's no need to use a big dollop of toothpaste on the brush. You're better off using a small dab on the brush to clean your shoes. Too much toothpaste might damage your shoes. Use about half the amount of toothpaste that you'd use when brushing your teeth. You can also use a cleaning pad to scrub your shoes. Use a cleaning sponge to quickly clean your shoes or a wire brush to rigorously clean very dirty canvas shoes or sneakers. 4. **Scrub your shoes with the toothbrush.** How hard you scrub with the toothbrush depends on the color, material, and condition of your shoes. If you have dark colored shoes or shoes that are very dirty, you can use a lot of pressure to remove the dirt. If you have white shoes that you don't want to scratch, gently massage the toothpaste into your shoes with the brush. Identify any especially dirty spots and scrub back and forth over them with the brush to remove the dirt. 5. **Leave the toothpaste on the shoes for 10 minutes or so.** During this time, the toothpaste will soak into the material of the shoes. It will make some of the dirt easier to remove with a towel. 6. **Wipe the shoes with a damp towel.** Once the 10 minutes have passed, hold your towel under the sink for a couple of seconds and wipe the shoes. You can use as much pressure as you like on the shoes when wiping them with the towel. Make sure you clean as much toothpaste from the shoes as possible. Repeat the process if some of the dirt is still difficult to remove. 7. **Get a clean spray bottle or rinse one you already have.** You should use a clean spray bottle as other substances could harm your shoes. You can get a new, empty spray bottle at the local supermarket or household products store. If you need to clean out an old spray bottle, pour the contents down the drain. Add dish soap to the spray bottle and rinse it out until suds stop forming in the water. 8. **Mix 5 parts water and 1 part dish soap in the spray bottle.** You can use measuring cups to measure the exact amount of water and soap you put in the spray bottle. If you don't have measuring cups, it's better to use less dish soap rather than more. When you've added both the water and the soap to the spray bottle, put the cap on and shake the bottle to mix them. 9. **Spray the solution on a clean cloth and wipe the shoes.** Squirt the cloth a couple of times with the solution. Wipe the toothpaste from the shoes with the cloth in circular motions. Pay special attention to the parts of the shoes that were especially dirty before you cleaned them. Make sure you wipe all of the solution from the shoes with the cloth. 10. **Dry the shoes with a clean, dry cloth.** After wiping the shoes with the spray solution, you need to dry them. Use plenty of pressure to completely dry the shoes with the cloth. If you need to, you can leave the shoes in a cool, dry place to let them air dry.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How Long Should You Wait to Reply to a Text? Texting Etiquette for Crushes and More
It's always exciting when a new text pops up on your phone. While you might not have a reply prepared right away, the person’s probably waiting for you to respond. Everyone has slightly different texting habits, but you can still be respectful and follow some general texting etiquette. We've put together a list of options and advice to help you figure out the best time to send your message! 1. **That way, you won't leave them hanging or forget to respond.** It can be easy to forget about a message until later on if it gets lost in your notifications. If someone asks you a question that needs an immediate answer, show your respect and reply to them right away. That way, you won’t keep them guessing and they can keep doing what they need to. For example, you should try to reply right away when someone asks you if they need to buy a ticket for an event later that night. 2. **Why keep the person waiting if you’re excited to chat?** If you’re just relaxing and you get a text from someone, just take the time to read it and respond right away. The person you’re talking to will really appreciate the speedy reply and know that you’re eager to continue your conversation. Some people can see when you open a message even if you didn’t respond, which could make them feel anxious. Wait to open your texts until you can respond to them. You can still usually read your messages in your notifications without opening the app. 3. **That way, you can keep the convo flowing without seeming needy.** Even though you might be really excited to message them, you might seem a little needy or clingy with an immediate response. If you want to play it cool, wait for up to an hour so it doesn’t seem like you’re always on your phone checking for their reply. While it’s okay to reply later if you’re actually busy, purposefully waiting to text somebody might feel disrespectful if you’re available. If you had to make the person wait for more than an hour, offer them an apology and explain what kept you from messaging them. 4. **If you want to talk but can't right now, shoot them a quick text to let them know.** It’s completely normal if you can’t send a full response to someone right when you receive it. If you’re caught up doing something else and can't really chat right now, try to chime in to let the person know you’re not ignoring them. Then, you can give them a time that works better for you. For example, you could say something like, “Hey, I’m caught up right now, but I can chat tonight! 5. **If someone takes a few hours to text you, you can wait that long to reply.** If the person responds to you within a few minutes, they’re probably pretty eager to keep up the conversation so say something back to them quickly. If the person took about a day, then you’re fine leaving the text until tomorrow before you have to reply back. On top of taking the same amount of time, try to make your messages a similar length as the other person. That way, the conversation still feels balanced. 6. **Apologize for the delay and continue your conversation.** There may be days where you’re absolutely slammed and can’t find a chance to check your phone, and that’s okay! Even if it’s later in the same day, let the person know that you’re sorry for being so busy and offer a kind and thoughtful response to their message. For example, you could say something like, “I am SO sorry work was such a mess today, but other than that I’ve been pretty good! I hope your day wasn’t as stressful as mine 😊” 7. **Texting someone too late could wake them up.** Make sure the person is awake and available when you reply to them so they see your message as soon as possible. If you think the person is asleep, you can wait until morning to message them back. That way, you’re less likely to wait around for their message back. If you know the person keeps their phone on silent or vibrate, then it might be okay to reply late at night so they see your message right when they wake up. 8. **Waiting longer without explanation shows that you have no interest.** Even if you’re taking things slow as you get to know the person, too long in between texts can give someone the wrong impression. Say sorry about taking so long to get back to them. For example, you might say, “OMG I’m so sorry I missed this! I’ve just been really slammed the past few days.” 9. **A deep question might need a thought-out answer.** If someone asks you a tough question and you aren’t sure how to respond, see if they can give you any extra thinking time. That way, the person will expect a response eventually, but it’s not something that you need to worry about immediately. You can always respond to an insightful question asking for time. For example, you could say something like, “I’m really going to have to think on that one! Can I get back to you in a few days?” 10. **You may need to send a second message to remind the other person.** Studies have shown that after 4 hours, you’re more likely to get a response if you text again. That gives you enough time to restart the conversation and makes you sound less clingy. While more people aren’t bothered by a double text, constant messages or a wall of text could get intimidating to reply to. If the other person sends a lot of messages, set some texting boundaries. 11. **Cut off contact completely so you can move on.** This works best if you’re texting someone on a dating app that you just connected with. If you’ve only been texting but haven’t gotten together with someone in person, then you haven’t really had the time to form a good bond with them, so it’s okay to leave their messages on read. It’s also okay to ghost someone if you feel unsafe when you’re talking to them. If you’ve met the person you’re talking to but you still aren’t interested in the conversation, be honest and tell the person directly. Waiting to reply or ghosting the person will only hurt their feelings more.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Get Rid of Lightheadedness
Feeling lightheaded might alarm you, but it's usually not serious and easy to discover the cause. 1. **Be aware of risk factors.** There are certain factors that can make you more prone to lightheadedness. Knowing these can help you and your doctor identify the cause of your lightheadedness and the best way to rid yourself of it. If you are over the age of 65 years, you are more likely to have a medical condition or take medications that causes lightheadedness. Medications including drugs to lower blood pressure or pain, prevent seizures, sedatives and tranquilizers can cause lightheadedness. If you’ve experienced past episodes of lightheadedness, you're more likely to get them in the future. 2. **See your doctor.** Lightheadedness is often easily treated through self-care, but if you experience unexplained, recurring, or severe lightheadedness, see your doctor. This will help rule out more serious conditions and find the best way to get rid of your lightheadedness. If you have unexplained, quick onset, and severe lightheadedness accompanied by the symptoms such as head injury, severe headache, a very stiff neck, blurred vision, sudden hearing loss, trouble speaking, leg or arm weakness, and chest pain or rapid slow heart rate, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room to rule out a serious condition. Your doctor will ask you questions about the symptoms of lightheadedness you have as well as about any medical conditions you have and medications you take. Keep a log of the times you feel lightheaded to share with your doctor. Your doctor may order tests or an MRI to pinpoint the cause of your lightheadedness. If your doctor doesn’t find a cause and your lightheadedness continues, your doctor will discuss possible medications you can take or self-care measures you can use to make your symptoms manageable. 3. **Use medical treatment for lightheadedness.** Depending on the results of your doctor’s visit and possible tests, your doctor will prescribe treatment to manage your lightheadedness. Your doctor may prescribe medications or suggest managing your lightheadedness with self-care. If your lightheadedness is cause by an inner ear conditions, your doctor may prescribe balance retraining exercises, which is also called vestibular rehabilitation. You may also get a prescription for meclizine (Antivert), diazepam (Valium), or dimenhydrinate (Dramamine) to help immediately alleviate nausea and lightheadedness. If you have Meniere's disease, which causes the sensation of spinning, your doctor may prescribe a diuretic and dietary changes, such as a low-sodium diet, to minimize how much fluid your body is retaining. If you have lightheadedness because of vestibular migraine, your doctor may help you figure out what triggers your attacks, such as diet, stress, sleep and exercise. Your doctor may also prescribe to help prevent attacks or relieve nausea. If you suffer from an anxiety disorders, your doctor may prescribe medications and psychotherapy that may relieve your anxiety and dizziness. If you have anemia, or low iron levels, your doctor may suggest self-care through dietary changes. If you have hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, your doctor may suggest self-care through eating regular, healthy meals and carrying a snack. Heart conditions such as abnormal heart rhythm, or arrhythmia, may decrease your blood volume causing orthostatic hypotension, or low pressure when you stand up from lying or sitting down. Your doctor may suggest the self-care treatment sitting down and allowing your circulation to stabilize when this happens. Some medications, including anti-seizure drugs, sedatives, and tranquilizers can also cause lightheadedness and your doctor may re-evaluation your use of these treatments if they’re causing your lightheadedness. 4. **Take a break from whatever activity you’re doing.** No matter the cause of your lightheadedness, stop what you're doing and rest for a couple of minutes. This will help your circulation and brain adjust. Continuing to move or moving suddenly can make your lightheadedness worse, and may cause you to lose your balance. If you are not laying down and are able, consider putting your head on or between your knees. This will also help stabilize your blood flow and stop your lightheadedness. 5. **Take deep, steady breaths.** Making sure that you are getting enough oxygen can help relieve lightheadedness. Taking deep, steady breaths will help to get your body vital oxygen, but also calm you down. Try breathing to a count to help you focus on stabilizing your oxygen levels and pulse. For example, you can inhale for a count of four and exhale for a count of four. Choose a count that suits you best. Breathing slowly and deeply will help decrease an elevated heart rate, which also can make you feel lightheaded. 6. **Make sure you’re eating healthy, regular meals.** Both low blood sugar and low iron levels can cause you to feel lightheaded. Making sure that you are eating healthy and regular meals can help you avoid feeling lightheaded. Natural, whole foods including lean proteins, fruits and vegetables, and legumes will help you maintain normal blood sugar throughout the day, making you less likely to have a spell of lightheadedness. If you often suffer from lightheadedness because of low blood sugar, consider carrying a snack like a granola bar or an apple with you to combat any symptoms that might flare up. If you have low iron levels, incorporate more iron-rich foods into your diet to maintain safe levels of iron and help decrease the likelihood of lightheadedness. Examples of iron-rich foods are red and organ meats such as beef and liver, spinach, and dried beans. In some cases, not having enough sodium in your diet can cause lightheadedness. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt into a glass of water and this may help regulate your circulation and relieve your lightheadedness. 7. **Avoid dehydration and overheating.** Consuming enough liquids every day can keep you from feeling lightheaded. In hot weather, staying hydrated will also help you from overheating. You should drink at least 10 glasses of liquid a day to prevent dehydration. Drink 2 US quarts (2,000 ml) or 2 liters of cool liquids every 2 to 4 hours to relieve dehydration and overheating. Water is the best way to stay hydrated, but you can also drink other liquids such as tea, fruit juice, sports beverages, or non-caffeinated soda. Hyperthermia, or overheating, and dehydration can make you feel lightheaded. Resting in a cool place and drinking water or a sports drink (Gatorade, Powerade, others) will usually help ease the dizzy feeling. Remove as many clothes as possible to keep yourself cool and from losing any more fluids. 8. **Avoid substances that can make lightheadedness worse.** Certain stimulants including caffeine, alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs affect your circulation and increase your pulse. Avoiding these substances will help you prevent lightheadedness or keep it from getting worse. 9. **Arrange for help during bad episodes of lightheadedness.** If you are experiencing frequent episodes of lightheadedness, especially unexplained lightheadedness, avoid driving a car or operating other heavy machinery. In addition, you may need rest to help relieve your symptoms of lightheadedness. Arranging for friends, family, or colleagues to help you with transportation and other activities while you’re experiencing lightheadedness can ensure that you don’t seriously injure yourself or someone else. Keeping your home well lit and free of hazards that might cause you to trip or fall will also help you avoid serious injury.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Tighten a Windshield Wiper Retaining Nut
Most people have experienced slush and ice buildup on their windshield wiper blades. Normally this is a quick easy fix by reaching out the window, grabbing the wiper and knocking the ice off against the windshield. However, doing this can cause a wiper retaining nut to come loose and make the wipers unusable. 1. **Turn the windshield wiper switch off.** You should allow the blades to drop into the rest position. Turn the vehicle ignition switch off and remove the key. 2. **Follow the wiper arm away from the wiper blade to its base.** This may require that the hood be opened. Place a rubber mat, cardboard or some other piece of material in the area around the base of the wiper arm and position it to protect the glass and paint finish in case a tool slips. 3. **Pry up the plastic dust cap covering the nut.** Verify that the arm position is still correct and use a small flat screwdriver to pry the plastic cap covering the nut at the base of the arm away from the recessed nut well. The plastic cap may have a small slot to assist in inserting the screwdriver. With this dust cap removed, you will have the access you need to remove the nut. 4. **Select a socket sized to fit the hex nut.** Now that the dust cap is removed and you can analyze the hex nut that holds the wiper arm onto the drive post you should choose a socket that fits it. Place the socket on the ratchet or, if needed, on an extension that is attached to the ratchet. Be certain that the socket is an exact fit as some are metric and some are SAE. There should be no extra room or wiggle when you place the socket over the nut. 5. **Set the ratchet to allow it to tighten the nut.** Ratchets are designed both tighten and loosen nuts and bolts. You want to be sure you are set to spin in a clockwise direction. This will tighten the nut. 6. **Tighten the nut.** Place the socket (and short extension if needed) onto the ratchet handle slide it over the nut. Gently attempt to tighten the nut. If it turns easily, continue to tighten until it gets snug and then go about 1/8 of a turn more to secure the nut. If the nut is already very tight, stop this process. If the nut just spins in place and does not tighten, either the nut or the drive post may be stripped. If the nut is stripped it will need to be replaced. If the drive post is stripped it will need to be replaced, and this may mean replacing the windshield wiper motor. If the nut was already very tight, you will need to loosen the retaining nut and remove the wiper arm for inspection. If the base of the wiper arm is stripped or damaged this can cause the same behavior as a loose nut, but cannot be repaired. It will be necessary to purchase a new wiper arm and install it. 7. **Test the wipers.** Turn the ignition key on, turn the wipers on and test the travel of the arm for proper operation. If the arm slips, you will need to replace it. 8. **Mark where the windshield wiper blade rests.** If your wiper problem was not the result a loose nut, your wiper arm might be stripped out. In this case you need to replace it. The new arm needs to rest exactly where the original rested to insure proper travel. Bar soap, wax, or another easy to remove mark will work fine to mark this spot. 9. **Remove the nut that fastens the windshield wiper arm to the drive post.** Place the socket and ratchet fully over the hex nut and hold in place with one hand while Stabilizing the wiper arm by firmly gripping it with the other hand. This will prevent the linkage from exceeding the designed range of motion when twisting the ratchet. Twist the ratchet to spin the nut counter clockwise one half to one full turn. Once the hex nut is loosened, release your grip of the wiper arm and remove the socket and ratchet from the hex nut. Spin the hex nut completely off by hand and set aside for reuse. 10. **Remove the entire wiper arm from the drive post.** Lift the wiper blade up from the windshield with one hand and hold the point of attachment with the other. Gently "rock" the wiper blade back and forth while lifting with both hands and remove from the drive post. 11. **Clean the drive shaft splines with a wire brush and some WD-40.** This will remove trapped metal and dirt from the shaft splines. Be sure to wipe the shaft completely dry after cleaning. 12. **Examine the new arm.** Ensure that it has matching splines that will mate with the shaft. 13. **Install the new arm.** Line up the splines so that they mate with the shaft. Make sure that your wiper arm is in the correct resting position on the windshield (it should land on the same mark you made with the original wiper). 14. **Gently tap the arm down onto the shaft.** It is ideal to use a tool that will not scratch your new wiper arm. Rubber mallets work well for this. 15. **Clean the threads for the retaining nut.** This will help prevent the nut from cross-threading, stripping or being damaged when you tighten it. 16. **Install the retaining nut by hand.** Ensure that the nut turns freely and is not cross-threaded. If it turns easily, continue to tighten until it gets snug and then us the ratchet to go about 1/8 of a turn more to secure the nut. 17. **Test the travel of the arm for proper operation.** Spray water or windshield wiper fluid onto your windshield. Next turn the ignition key on and then turn on the wipers. If the wiper arms clear each other, move smoothly and do not travel into the molding at the edge of the windshield, turn off the wiper switch and ignition key. 18. **Tap the plastic cap back down.** Use a small rubber mallet if necessary, and be sure to align any grooves or tool prying slots to their original positions.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Appreciate the Art of Film
The terms film and movie are often used interchangeably. The word, film, though, has a slightly different meaning and is often associated with artistic expression rather than simple entertainment. As a result, appreciating the art of film is much different than simply watching films for entertainment. To appreciate the art of film you should try to experience many types of films, explore film culture, and gain a basic understanding of cinematography and the technical aspects of filmmaking. 1. **View films that have been critically acclaimed.** While film appreciation is more than just applauding films that critics have endorsed, critically acclaimed films are acclaimed because they are either groundbreaking or are characteristic of specific styles. Viewing critically acclaimed films, then, is a great way to hone your appreciation for film. Critically acclaimed films may include: Films that have won awards at the Golden Globes, the Academy Awards, the Cannes Film Festival, the Sundance Film Festival, or similar festivals and award ceremonies around the world. Films that exemplify a certain type of filmmaking or have pioneered a genre or subject matter. To find these films, run an internet search of your favorite film style or genre, and see what comes up. Read up on that style or genre so you can identify important films. 2. **Enjoy independent films.** Independent films are films created by filmmakers not associated with major studios. These films usually have lower budgets. While their budgets may be smaller, independent filmmakers can often take on subjects and use styles that are experimental or unique. Some of the most notable independent films include: ’Sideways’ ’Mean Streets’ ’Roger and Me’ ’Grizzly Man’ ’City of God’ 3. **Explore different genres you may otherwise ignore.** A genre is a category of film. While most people are familiar with popular genres like action, drama, and horror, there are many different film genres you can explore. Some major film genres that you might overlook include: Biographical Film noir – films that portray a dark and pessimistic worldview Cinema verite -- a style of documentary without a narrator Musicals Silent films Historical films American "Western" films 4. **Identify directors that create films you enjoy.** While experiencing different genres may help you gain a wide appreciation, you may gain a lot by identifying directors that create works that move you. Ultimately, directors are largely responsible for the artistic character of a given film. Some notable directors include: Orson Welles, who is best known for his 'Citizen Kane'. Agnes Varda, who is best known for her 'Vagabond' and 'La Pointe Courte.' Akira Kurosawa, who is best known for his 'Rashomon' and 'The Seven Samurai'. Federico Fellini, who is best known for his 'La Dolce Vita' and 'Amarcord'. Stanley Kubrick, who is best known for his '2001: A Space Odyssey' and 'A Clockwork Orange'. Jane Campion, who is best known for her 'The Piano' and 'Sweetie'. 5. **Join a film club.** Attend a film club in your community. Film clubs will often sponsor screenings of different types of films. You’ll not only be able to watch films, but discuss them with other people interested in the art of film. You may be able to find a film club through a local college or university. 6. **Subscribe to film-related periodicals.** There are a range of periodicals you can subscribe to educate yourself about films and filmmaking. These periodicals will contain reviews, and will discuss new films, film theory, and more. Consider subscribing to internet newsletters, internet magazines, and traditional magazines. Some examples include: 'Film Comment' ( and 'Filmmaker Magazine' ( 7. **Visit websites devoted to film culture.** Take time to run a web search for different websites on any aspect of film that might interest you. Depending on your specific taste, there may be blogs, message boards, and reddit threads on which you can engage other people with similar interests. Check out: Sites like The message boards and user comments on the Internet Movie Database ( Various reddits like TrueFilm, which is dedicated to in-depth discussions of film ( Websites dedicated to film reviews and criticisms like 8. **Take a course on films or filmmaking.** Colleges and universities in your region likely offer several courses on film appreciation and filmmaking. By taking these courses, you’ll be able to learn about many aspects of film. In the end, you’ll gain a better appreciation for the art of film. Some courses that might be available to you include: Introduction to Film Criticism History through Film Introduction to Filmmaking 9. **Observe different types of camera shots.** Filmmakers use both static shots and dynamic shots. Static shots are camera shots where the camera remains stationary and does not alter its aim. Dynamic shots are shots where the camera is moving and changing its aim. Filmmakers use both types of shots to convey meaning and to emphasize elements of what they are filming. With both types of shots, the angle, point of view, and scale may vary. Pay attention to these different elements when watching different films. 10. **Pay attention to the lighting.** Lighting is one of the most important parts of how filmmakers bring their stories to life. Filmmakers can use lighting to emphasize elements of what they’re shooting or to add mood to the story. There are several major types of lighting: Back lighting. This is when lighting comes from behind the character or object. This can be used to make something look mysterious or ominous. Key and fill lighting. This is lighting that is directed at a character or object. Under-lighting. This comes from below the character or object. Top lighting. This is where the lighting comes from above. It can be used to create a brighter, happier scene. Side lighting. This is when lighting is directed at the object from the side. 11. **Listen to the sound of a film.** The sound of a film can alter your perception of visuals and visual affects tremendously. As a result, your pursuit of film appreciation should be paired with a study of how filmmakers integrate sound into their work. Some things to consider are: The score Sound effects Lack of sound 12. **Educate yourself about formalism.** Formalist film is when a filmmaker focuses on aesthetics – how things look – more than the content or subject matter. Formalist filmmakers will experiment with a wide variety of things, including lighting, special effects, editing, colors, hues, and more. Some formalist films include: ‘Trip to the Moon’, ‘Cabinet of Dr. Caligari’, ‘The Blue Angel’, or ‘Golddiggers of 1933’ 13. **Learn about realism.** Realist film is when a filmmaker tries to recreate reality. Realist films will focus on set, location, and details. Realism does not lend itself to distortion or creative camera work. Realist films will often have a candid or natural appearance. Some realist films include: ‘Arrival of a Train’, ‘The Bicycle Thief’, ‘Breaking the Waves’, or the ‘Blair Witch Project’.
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Treat Kennel Cough
Kennel cough is a colloquial term referring to an infection that dogs kept in a boarding kennel may pick up from other coughing dogs sharing the same air space. More accurately, kennel cough, or infectious tracheobronchitis, is an umbrella term for a variety of highly contagious upper respiratory problems in dogs. The most common types of agents that cause kennel cough are Parainfluenza virus, Bordetella bronchiseptica, Mycoplasma, Canine adenovirus (types 1 and 2), Canine Reovirus (types 1,2, and 3) and Canine herpes virus. 1. **Understand the risk factors.** Kennel cough is extremely contagious. If your dog has been playing with other dogs in a park or has been staying in a kennel, there is a possibility it has been exposed. 2. **Listen for coughing** A dog infected with kennel cough may suddenly develop a cough, which can vary in severity from a quiet, persistent "huff" to a harsh hacking, choking cough. The latter is commonly mistaken for the dog having something stuck in his throat. If possible, open his mouth to check for a stick or bone that is stuck. An alternative means of determining if a dog has something stuck in its throat is to offer the dog a treat to eat. A dog with something stuck in his throat will not be able to eat the treat, so if he eats and swallows it without difficulty, it is unlikely it has a foreign object in its throat. 3. **Watch for gagging.** Just as humans get a sore throat with flu, so do dogs with kennel cough. This can lead to throat clearing, or gagging and retching episodes. For some dogs, this is so severe that they retch up saliva or froth. A dog that is vomiting because of nausea (rather than due to excessive coughing) will bring up yellow bile or food from the stomach. This is a likely a sign of some other problem. 4. **Monitor your dog's energy.** Some dogs with kennel cough show no signs of being ill, apart from an unpleasant cough. Others can be sluggish, lacking in energy and losing their appetites. It is always a good idea to get a dog that is coughing seen by your vet, but it is essential if the dog suddenly lacks energy or doesn't eat for 24 hours. 5. **Isolate the dog.** Kennel cough is highly infectious, because each time your dog coughs, it releases aerosol particles that can spread the illness. If you believe your dog has kennel cough, it is important to isolate it from other dogs immediately. A dog with kennel cough should not be taken on walks. Other dogs in the same household are potentially at risk. However, by the time the symptoms develop they have already been exposed, so keeping them separated from the sick dog at this stage provides no benefit. 6. **Take your dog to the veterinarian.** It is best to get any dog with a cough checked out by a veterinarian as soon as possible. The vet will be able to verify that the cough is because of infection, rather than another cause such as heart disease. He or she will also be able to tell you if the dog needs treatment or not. The vet will perform a thorough physical examination, including taking the dog's temperature, feeling the size of the lymph nodes in its throat, checking its mouth for a foreign object, and listening to its heart and lungs with a stethoscope. In the absence of a heart murmur, and if the veterinarian has a strong suspicion of kennel cough, he or she may suggest "diagnosis by treatment" rather than blood work and other expensive tests. If the dog then fails to respond to treatment as expected, further investigation may be needed. When you phone to make the appointment, tell the receptionist you suspect your dog has kennel cough. He or she may ask you to wait outside until the vet calls you in. This is to reduce the risk to other canine patients in the waiting room who might be exposed to infection. 7. **Obtain antibiotics, if appropriate.** Your veterinarian may or may not prescribe antibiotics for your dog. If they are prescribed, administer as directed. Antibiotics are not appropriate in every case. This is because the infection may be viral, in which case antibiotics will not help, because it is the dog's immune system that needs to fight and kill the infection. There is no way of differentiating bacterial from viral infections on the basis of a physical exam alone. On the other hand, if your dog is not able to fight off the infection on its own, or if veterinarian finds the dog has a fever or hears signs of congestion in the dog's chest, these can suggest the dog has a secondary bacterial infection as a result of the primary infection (which may be viral or bacterial). Under such conditions, an antibiotic may be prescribed. 8. **Give your dog some steam.** Run the shower on hot for a few minutes with the window and door closed. Sit with the dog in the steamy atmosphere for five to ten minutes, taking care to keep the dog away from the hot water. This helps to loosen any mucus in the dog's chest, which can ease the cough. The process can be repeated as often as necessary throughout the day. Never leave your dog unattended in the bathroom with hot water running, as it may scald itself. 9. **Make the dog rest.** As much as possible, prevent the dog from engaging in any strenuous activity. Do not take the dog for walks. Not only is it an infection risk for other dogs, but the exertion (especially breathing in cold air) is likely to irritate your dog's airways and make the cough worse. 10. **Administer cough medicine.** Coughing does the important job of moving phlegm out of the dog's chest and keeping the lungs clear. Stopping the cough completely is unwise, because this means the mucus just sits in the lungs and make it harder for the dog to breathe. However, if the dog coughs so much it can't sleep at night, it is acceptable to give some cough relief. A suitable cough medicine is a spoonful of children's Robitussin DM. Give the dog about one teaspoon for every 20 pounds of weight. Never give other human cough and cold remedies to a dog without consulting your veterinarian first. Administering the wrong dosage or ingesting certain active ingredients in drugs may cause serious health problems. Ideally, give cough medicine just once in each 24 hour period. 11. **Soothe the tickle.** If your dog's throat is irritated, you can also give it a simple home remedy that will help soothe the tickle. Give the dog one tablespoon of honey and one teaspoon of lemon juice, mixed together in warm water. This concoction can be given hourly, if necessary. Never give this to a dog with diabetes, as the honey will be harmful. 12. **Boost the dog's immune system.** To help your dog fight the infection, ask your veterinarian about giving it vitamin C pills crushed in water, wild berry bark, peppermint, raw honey, or yerba santa. These treatments are not scientifically proven, but anecdotal evidence suggests they may be of some benefit. 13. **Prevent future infections with a vaccine.** If your dog is in a high risk group (e.g. it spends time in kennels, attends dog shows, or mixes with lots of dogs in the park), consider a kennel cough vaccination to prevent future infection. This vaccine is effective against the major causes of kennel cough and gives 12 months of protection. Kennel cough is not typically a fatal condition, but it is a deeply unpleasant one. It is worth considering vaccination, especially if your dog is elderly or has other health problems.
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How to Open a Real Estate Brokerage
You might be interested in learning how to open a real estate brokerage if you have an affinity for real estate, a sound knowledge of business, and are comfortable with brokering deals that involve large sums of money. A real estate brokerage brings sellers and buyers of real estate together and, for a percentage of the deal, negotiates their transactions. Although the real estate market can fluctuate wildly, starting a real estate brokerage can be a profitable next step for any real estate agent with sufficient financial resources and contacts. 1. **Determine what type of real estate brokerage you want to open.** There are brokers who specialize in residential real estate, commercial real estate, national real estate, international real estate or a combination. It's best to specialize in a particular real estate niche as opposed to trying to market your brokerage as a "one size fits all" business. 2. **Assess market demand for your services.** Does the market in your community justify the existence of your business? How much of a demand is there in your area for the real estate services that you'll be providing? Is that demand expected to grow over the next several years? What are the overall prospects for the real estate market in your vicinity? Who are your competitors and how effective are they at market penetration? 3. **Determine whether your business could be profitable.** How much money do you expect to make over the next five years with your real estate brokerage business? How can you justify those earnings? How much do you plan on growing each year over the next five years? Answering these questions may be difficult, but they are crucial in determining whether or not you can realistically expect to stay in business for long. 4. **Write a business plan** Your business plan is a summary of your business and its strategies that you can show to potential investors or lenders. It is intended to be used to show them that you have a solid plan for your business compiled from research and experience. Your business plan should: Include an executive summary. An executive summary will give prospective lenders and investors a quick overview of your business model and explain how you expect to make money. Don't forget to include a mission statement.For example: "Our goal is to make it easy for our clients to find their dream home." Provide an overall description of your company. Your business plan starts with a description of your real estate brokerage. It should explain the services that you're offering, the needs of the market that you're satisfying, and a description of your target market. Describe your organization and management. This is where you'll describe the legal structure of your business, such as whether you're organized as an LLC, a partnership, a C or S Corporation, or a sole proprietor. You'll also use this section to highlight management experience in the industry. Explain your marketing strategy. How are you going to promote your real estate services? What is it that differentiates your real estate brokerage from others in the area? Don't forget to specify your unique selling proposition (USP). That's the service you're offering that sets you apart from your competitors. Include financial projections. Be sure to forecast growth in both income and expenses. 5. **Estimate the capital you'll need to run the business.** Before you even start out, you'll need money to run your real estate brokerage. Estimate your startup costs for leasing an office, buying office equipment, getting licensed, and for other expenses. You'll need startup capital as well as working capital. Startup capital is what you'll use to get your business off the ground. Working capital is what you'll use to pay for day-to-day operations. 6. **Finance your business yourself.** The simplest way to start your business is to use your own savings to do so. This will free you from ceding control to another partner or paying interest to a lender. However, the amount required to start your business will likely be higher than you are able to afford using your savings alone. 7. **Bring on partners.** If you don't want to take out a loan or don't qualify for one, you can bring on a partner to help you finance your startup costs. Your partner will come into the business by providing capital in exchange for an ownership share in the business. This will allow them to make business decisions (with you) and own a share of any profits. Partnerships must be structured using an official charter to effective and, in some states, legally recognized. You can also bring on a silent partner if you can find a willing investor. A silent partner contributes capital and owns part of the business, but does not make any business decisions or work. This would allow you to operate the business yourself using their money. 8. **Get a bank loan.** You should put some of your own money into your business, but all of your capital doesn't need to come from your own pocket. Consider getting a loan from a local bank to help you get started. You will need good credit and an effective business plan to qualify for this type of loan. 9. **Obtain a Small Business Administration loan.** The Small Business Administration (SBA) is a great source of loans for small businesses. To qualify, you need to demonstrate an ability to repay the loan, either in assets or revenues. Your personal assets also count towards the potential collateral on your loan. The SBA may be more likely to lend to some businesses than banks are. Visit your local SBA branch or the SBA's website to get started. 10. **Obtain all required licenses.** The requirements may vary, depending on where you live. In some states and countries, you can get your real estate agent's and broker's licenses at the same time, while elsewhere you may have to be a licensed agent for at least a year before applying for your broker's license. 11. **Choose a location for your office.** You're into real estate, so you already know that location is important. Make sure that you select a great office space for your business that's easily accessible and offers plenty of parking. 12. **Equip your office.** You're going to need computer equipment, office furniture, a fax machine, and the usual office supplies. 13. **Open broker trust accounts at your bank.** All real estate brokers are legally required to use broker trust accounts to deposit the money they receive from clients while brokering a deal. 14. **Purchase errors and omissions insurance.** There is some level of liability associated with a real estate brokerage. Be sure that you're properly covered with good quality insurance. 15. **Set up a website.** Once you've established your business as a real estate brokerage, it's time to set up a website so that you can market the properties your listing to people who are browsing online for real estate. According to one report, 90% of home buyers start their search online. If you don't have a solid online presence, your real estate brokerage is going to lose market share. Contact a web development company that specializes in creating websites for real estate brokerages. That way, you can be sure that your site not only presents a professional image but is also able to display properties that are in the Multiple Listing Service (MLS). Your website will need to be updated regularly to reflect changes in the real estate market. For example, you don't want people to browse your site and find a property for sale that's already under contract. Hire a search engine optimization company to optimize your website for local searches. That way, when people in your area search for a particular type of real estate listing, your page appears at or near the top of the results list. 16. **Prepare an independent contractor agreement.** When you do get to the point where you need to hire additional agents, you'll need a legal agreement in place that spells out their responsibilities and describes your expectations of agent behavior. 17. **Make a list of your contacts in real estate that includes people and businesses that can alert you to sellers and buyers.** A real estate business is essentially a sales business. It thrives on relationships. Build a list of contacts in your area and maintain a professional relationship with those people. 18. **Advertise your business.** Advertising is one of the best ways to get the word out about your business. However, it can be expensive. Be sure to measure the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns by always asking prospective clients how they heard about your business. 19. **Build brand awareness about your brokerage.** Sponsor a charitable event or a little league team in your area to keep the name of your business in people's minds. 20. **Generate buzz about your business.** Good public relations (PR) is better than advertising because it's free and it carries more authenticity. Sign up for (HARO). That way, when journalists need an expert on the real estate market in your area, they're more likely to contact you. They'll include your name and the name of your business in their reporting. That's free advertising. Distribute press releases with services that allow you to do so for free. Check out sites like Free Press Release. Make frequent use of social media to post news items relevant to your business. Also, post funny memes and show your human side with personal stories. Be careful about being too "salesy" with your social media accounts, though. Offer to be a speaker at real estate and business conferences. You especially want to be a speaker at events in your immediate area. 21. **Hire qualified agents who are local and can bring in more business.** Keep in mind that, if you're just starting out in the real estate business, you might be a one-person shop. That's normal. However, as your business grows, you'll need to hire additional staff.
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Leaky Air Mattress? Simple Repairs for a Good Night's Sleep
You've just flopped onto your air mattress for a well-deserved night of rest... only to find your mattress slowly sinking to the floor. Ugh! There's no need to panic, though—most mattresses can be saved by patching over leaks and tears. To do this, locate the leaks and clean the surrounding area so the patch sticks. Temporary measures, such as duct tape, can be used to seal the leak until you can glue on a stronger patch. With just a few simple supplies, your air mattress will be repaired and ready to use again. 1. **If you don’t know where the hole is, keep the air mattress inflated as you look.** Holes most often appear on the bottom or in the seams, so stand the mattress up against a wall to check. Listen for the sound of rushing air to detect tiny leaks. 2. **Try mixing a teaspoon of liquid dish detergent in a bowl of water.** Use a sponge to spread the soapy water over the mattress. Bubbles will appear from the leaking area. 3. **Circle the leak with the marker so you can find it easily later.** This is useful for small holes and tears. You can also use a piece of tape to mark the leak. 4. **Undo any plugs and let out the air.** Use your hands to push out any air still trapped inside the mattress. Lay the mattress flat on the ground. 5. **Wipe the leak and the fabric around it to remove any debris.** For a thorough clean, spread some of the isopropyl alcohol on a towel or cotton ball. When you’re finished, allow the mattress to dry completely. If you don’t have isopropyl alcohol, mix a teaspoon of any liquid dish soap into a cup of water and use it to wash the area. 6. **Gently sand around the leak with 120-grit sandpaper.** This is only necessary for flocked surfaces, which are raised and soft like velvet, or similar surfaces such as suede. The mattress’ box or owner’s manual will tell you what kind of mattress you have. If you’re still unsure, skip this step. 7. **Make sure the torn area is cleaned off with isopropyl alcohol first.** Cut a patch out of an old shirt or another cloth. Use super glue and weigh the patch down for at least 6 hours, if possible. This patch isn't as durable as plastic or rubber patches, but it will hold up until you can make more repairs. 8. **Clean off the damaged area and lay the tape flat over the hole.** You will be able to use the mattress for the night, but the tape will loosen over time. Replace it with a stronger patch when you get the chance. If you use tape, make sure you clean the tape residue left on the mattress when you try to patch it later. 9. **A glue gun can plug small leaks, but make sure it doesn't touch the mattress.** Warm up the gun, then hold the tip above the hole. Slowly move the gun over the hole until it is filled. The glue gun can melt the mattress, so keep the tip away from it. 10. **An old bath curtain is a great substitute if you don't have a repair kit.** Use scissors to cut a patch that is a little larger than the area you wish to cover. This will ensure the patch stays tight and in place over the hole. Repair kits come with some mattresses and can also be purchased wherever air mattresses are sold. Bike tire patch kits also work well for repairing air mattresses. Find them at bike and general stores. 11. **Brush the rubber cement over the back of the patch.** Also spread a layer over the leaking area. You can use a rubber glove to smooth the glue in order to ensure the patch stays flat against the mattress. Other strong glues, such as super glue, contact cement, or epoxy, may also work. You can also find glue that is specifically designed for surfaces such as air mattresses, pool floats, or whitewater rafts. This glue can be found where these items are sold. 12. **Set the patch over the leaking area and press down on it until it’s flat.** Weigh the patch down with a heavy object, such as a book. Leave the patch there for up to 12 hours if possible. If you don’t have time to wait for the glue to dry, the patch may come off. Try using duct tape or another cover material until you can cover the leak properly. 13. **Listen for any leaks once the mattress is inflated.** To test this, you can put talcum powder around the patch. If the mattress is still leaking there, the air will blow off the powder.
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How to Load a Dishwasher
Loading a dishwasher is not difficult, but loading it properly can help your dishes come out cleaner. It can also save energy and time. 1. **Insert the plates into the slots in the bottom section of the dishwasher.** Face them toward the center and, if they lean at all, lean them inwards and downwards. This is because the tubes, jets and rotating devices spray water outward from the center; down and outward from the top; and, up and outward from the bottom of the dishwasher. Try to keep all surfaces separated and accessible to the stream of water from the sprayers. 2. **Place the cups, glasses, and bowls at an angle so that they get water from below but don't take up too much room.** Stack the bowls neatly on an incline, so that the washing solution can reach inside the bowl and so that they will drain. This also allows you to fill in more space. 3. **Place Tupperware and all other plastic items on the top rack.** Because the heating element in most dishwashers is on the bottom, placing plastic items in the bottom rack could cause them to melt or warp. 4. **Place the various pots and pans open-side down in the bottom section of the dishwasher.** Do not crowd or overload the dishwasher. If necessary, hand wash large items or run the dishwasher a second time. 5. **Load the cutlery basket handle-down, separating pieces as much as possible.** Place knives, forks and spoons in the cutlery basket, handle down. In general, dangerous or sharp knives should be washed by hand, as they dull in the dishwasher. Any wood handled or wood utensils should not go in the dishwasher. Distribute the cutlery loosely, and position the soiled surfaces of the spoons and forks apart so that the water can reach them. Separation is key. Long pieces of cutlery can block the spray from tubes, nozzles and rotating devices. These items should be laid down in the upper basket. Lay larger serving utensils in the top section of the dishwasher. Arrange serving spoons with the bowl facing down so that water does not collect in them. 6. **Place cutting boards and large trays on the very outside of the bottom section of the dishwasher if they will not fit in the slots designated for plates.** It may be better to just hand wash your cutting boards though as the heat from the dishwasher often warps cutting boards. 7. **Use the plastic safety rack on the top shelf to hold wine glasses.** If you have a plastic, mesh-like piece that folds up and down on the top rack, this is likely meant to hold onto wine-glass stems. This is a great way to keep fragile pieces from getting scratched or cracked. 8. **Check that spinning arms and rotating devices spin freely and that there is nothing obstructing tubes or sprayers before each run.** Also, make sure that the detergent cups can open fully. If any of these things are obstructed or blocked, it will make it much harder to get a good wash. 9. **Fill the soap container on the bottom section of the dishwasher or the dishwasher door with powdered dishwasher detergent.** Fill to the designated line.If you use pellet-style detergent, simply use one pellet by placing it on the bottom edge of the dishwasher door before closing, Depending upon the temperature of the water and the length of the washing cycle, some of the wraps from the pellet bag may not completely dissolve which eventually plugs the drain. For this reason, some dishwasher manufacturers may not recommend the use of pelletized soap. Fill the soap container on the door of the dishwasher first if you have two. It is timed to open after the dishwasher does some pre-rinsing to soften up the dirt on its own. Only fill the second soap well if you have had issues with cleaning before, or you know a load is particularly dirty. 10. **Scrape the large food items off of dishes and into the trash or garbage disposal.** Remove things like bones, corncobs, seeds, and peelings, etc. Anything thick and caked on should be removed, but even smaller particles, like grains of rice, may or may not come off in your dishwasher. While you don't want to wash your dishes, wiping off with a dirty fork or napkin will lead to much better results later. Pre-rinse, but only if it is necessary. Most dishwashers and dishwasher detergents actually do a better job if they have something to remove. If your dishes aren't coming out clean, though, it might be best to use a quick spritz of water before the food hardens onto the dishes. 11. **Learn what foods generally come off and what does not as you use your dishwasher.** Proteins such as eggs and cheese; cooked- or baked-on foods; and starches that have dried onto the dish often require extra attention. A light pre-wash and scrub can make your dishwasher much more effective. You could also soak the plates in the sink before starting the dishwasher. 12. **Use a rinse agent, or a "pre-wash" fluid to prevent water streaks and get shinier dishes.** This will help to reduce water spots, especially if you have hard water. The rinse aid may not need refilling every time you run the dishwasher, but do top it off every couple of weeks to a month, or according to the instruction manual. You can replace commercial rinse aid with white vinegar in a pinch, with little difference in quality. Some dishwasher detergent has rinse aid in it. Read the label. If you have a water softener, or if your water is reasonably soft to begin with, you may find that rinse aid is unnecessary. 13. **Run the garbage disposal before running your dishwasher.** Dishwashers often drain into the same pipe as the sink, so it's important that the pipe is clear. If you don't have a garbage disposal, use a strainer in the sink drain to stop crumbs and debris from accumulating in the pipe. 14. **Know that you can use cold water if your detergent is "Phosphate free.** Modern dishwashing detergent actually eliminated dangerous phosphates, replacing them with enzymes that react at any water temperature. This saves you energy and money. 15. **Run hot water into your sink until the water coming out of the tap is hot before starting the dishwasher.** Dishwashers can heat up the water somewhat, but they usually work best when the water starts hot. If water is scarce, run the water into a container and use it to water plants or other purposes. 16. **Don't overcrowd the dishwasher, as it traps food on your dishes.** You should never be stacking things, or forcing everything into weird angles. Load the dishwasher up so that it is snugly packed, but not terribly crowded. Note any issues if you end up with a "bad wash." Did you overcrowd the trays and prevent anything from getting the best clean?
{"url": "", "language": "en"}
How to Dress up Like a Gangster
Whether you are getting ready for Halloween or are planning on attending a themed party, this article will teach you how to get your gangster on! 1. **Dress formally.** Gangsters in the 20s and 30s dressed up rather elegantly. A typical outfit included an all-black, gray, or pinstriped suit with a tie. Keep the color scheme simple; stick to black, white, gray or brown. If you don't have a suit jacket, then wear a vest and roll up the sleeves of your collared shirt. Either wear a white collared shirt with a black tie or a black collared shirt with a white tie. Wear a pair of black or brown dress shoes. If you want to add a dash of color, just try to make them work in harmony. Use the color wheel and look at which colors sit together on it. For example, blue and green work really great together. 2. **Wear a hat.** Find a black, white, gray, or pinstripe fedora. A popular look among traditional mobsters was to wear a black hat with white trim, or white hat with gray trim. Be sure that the hat matches your suit. Again, stick with neutral colors like black, white, gray, and brown. 3. **Carry a fake gun.** Toy guns can be purchased from Halloween stores or toy stores. Consider buying a squirt gun and spray-painting it black. 4. **Carry a cigarette.** In old films, criminals, gangsters, and other "bad guys" were often portrayed smoking cigars. While you certainly don't have to smoke it, carrying a cigar around will add an authentic element to your costume. 5. **Wear baggy clothes.** Unlike their old-fashioned counterparts, modern-day gangsters wear baggy, casual clothes that come in various colors. Find a pair of baggy jeans in either blue or black. You really can't go wrong with jeans, but trainers have also been making a comeback of lately. Buy an oversized t-shirt. A plain white shirt can also work. Wear an oversized hoodie, a puffy jacket or a large sweatshirt. 6. **Get inked up.** Gangsters are notorious for their tattoos. You can draw on fake tattoos using a pen, or apply temporary stick-on tattoos. Many gang members get tattoos of the faces of loved ones who have passed away on their upper arms. Draw tattoos on your face, neck, and/or chest. 7. **Get some bling.** Find long silver or gold chains with dollar signs, crosses, or other symbols on them. Try wearing multiple chains of different lengths and colors. 8. **Wear a bandana or beanie.** Either tie a bandana around your head or wrap it around your neck and tie it in the back. Beanies can be worn in any color but should not have any designs or logos on them. A cap can also work, being worn in different combinations or styles.
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How to Spot and Treat Scent Gland Tumors in Gerbils
Scent gland problems are pretty common in gerbils, and usually aren't much to worry about. Checking for small, bald patches on your gerbil's belly regularly will help you spot potential tumors, as will giving your gerbil's belly a quick rub to check for bumps. If you do find a tumor, take your gerbil to the vet right away—the sooner your vet can remove the tumor, the better for your gerbil. You can also take steps to make sure your gerbil gets scent gland tumors less frequently. 1. **Look for small bare patches on your gerbil's belly.** The scent gland itself is a long, yellow patch, but it will become dry if there's a tumor there. You'll notice some flaky skin, or it might look like there's a bit of powder on your gerbil's belly. 2. **Look for redness or swelling.** If a tumor does develop on your gerbil's scent gland, it might cause its scent gland to become inflamed. If you notice a red, swollen area on your gerbil's belly, take it to the vet. Even if it's not a tumor, it won't hurt to get your gerbil checked out. 3. **Run your finger over any bare patches.** Scent gland tumors are usually caused by your gerbil over-marking - running its scent gland over areas it wants to mark over and over. Because your gerbil will be dragging its belly over things, over-marking can also cause their bellies to look over-groomed. A bare patch on your gerbil's belly can indicate that there might be a tumor. Run your finger over the patch and feel for a small, hard lump. If you find one, it's best to take your gerbil to the vet. 4. **Take your gerbil to the vet as soon as you find a bump.** The sooner you have the scent gland removed, the sooner your gerbil can start to heal. Most scent gland tumors are easily curable with surgery as long as they're addressed quickly. 5. **Give your vet your gerbil's complete medical history.** To remove a scent gland tumor, your vet will first need to give your gerbil a mild anesthetic. Be sure you give your vet your gerbil's complete medical history—this will help your vet choose the right anesthetic. 6. **Get your gerbil surgery.** To remove a scent gland tumor, your gerbil will have to undergo surgery. Your vet can explain the risks to you based on your gerbil's health and age, but it's a pretty low-risk surgery. 7. **Limit the number of male gerbils you keep.** Male gerbils will rub the scent gland over things to mark their territory. If you have more than one or two male gerbils in one habitat, they'll scent more, which can cause a tumor in their scent gland. 8. **Consider putting in a scent diffuser.** Even if your gerbil is the only male in the habitat, check its marking habits. If you notice it's doing it quite a bit, you might be able to correct the behavior by use a pheromone diffuser in their cage. A pheromone diffuser sort of tricks your gerbil into thinking it's already marked its habitat. If a gerbil isn't over-marking its territory, a tumor has less chance of forming. 9. **Check your gerbil over once a week.** Sometimes, despite your best efforts, your gerbil might develop a scent gland tumor. Give your gerbil a good check once a week, looking for bald patches running your finger over its belly. As soon as you find something, take your gerbil to the vet.
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