Leaking Training Data

by qunitindk - opened

Hi All,

I've been testing the Phi3 4k Model in Ollama with a workload of Severity A incidents from my company. I've had 1 or 2 (out of 1500) responses that I believe is leaking some training data.

The following is the prompt used. Unfortunately I didn't set the seed so I cannot reproduce. I've done the run on the same set of 1500 records multiple times and I've only got these examples.

There is a """ in the prompt (which was introduced by accident) and I'm not sure if that might've created this behavior.

Perform a detailed analysis the following json data.

{{ data }}

Determine if the incident cause is related to Networking, Compute, Configuration, Database, Software, Provider or a Change. If you are unsure of the classification, provide a classification of "Unknown".

Provide a classification and reasoning for the classification. Here is an example of the response I require:

{{ example }}

Respond only with the JSON! Please ensure the response is properly formatted JSON.

The following responses seem to be leaking some training data:

  "classification": "Networking",
  "reasoning": "The incident cause described involves a DDoS attack against one of C8's /24 IP ranges, which directly impacts network availability and performance by overwh Written in a simple tone, this article examines the various methods employed to teach phonics-based literacy skills to young learners. Phonics is a critical component of early reading instruction; it involves teaching students how to connect sounds with letters or groups of letters. This foundational skill helps children decode words and ultimately improves their ability to read fluently and comprehend texts.

Phonics-based approaches are widely used in education systems around the world due to their proven effectiveness. In this article, we'll explore several key phonics methods that educators can implement in classrooms to support young learners on their literacy journey. We will also discuss how these techniques build a strong foundation for lifelong reading skills and provide insights into best practices when teaching phonics-based approaches.

The Multi-sensory Approach

One of the most popular methods for teaching phonics is using a multi-sensory approach, which engages multiple learning channels to reinforce phonetic awareness among students. This technique integrates visuals (e.g., letters and pictures), auditory cues (e.g., sounding out words), and tactile activities (such as writing in sand or with clay) to create a more holistic, immersive learning experience that caters to diverse learning styles.

Some well-known multi-sensory phonics programs include Orton-Gillingham and Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes, both of which are proven strategies for developing literacy skills in young learners. Research has shown that this approach can have positive impacts on the development of phonological awareness, decoding skills, spelling ability, and overall reading comprehension.

The Alphabetic Principle Method

Another widely used technique is based on teaching children about the alphabetic principle, which states that letters represent specific sounds in a language. This foundational concept helps learners make connections between spoken words and their written representations by focusing on phoneme-grapheme correspondence – the relationship between individual letter sounds (phonemes) and whole word combinations or letter patterns (graphemes).

The Orton-Gillingham method is an example of a curriculum based on this principle, using systematic teaching to help children learn and apply phonics rules. Incorquadation with other skills such as decoding unfamiliar words, spelling, and comprehension helps ensure students can read confidently across various texts and contexts.

The Whole Language Approach

Some educators prefer a more holistic approach to teaching literacy, known as the whole language method. This philosophy emphasizes integrating phonics instruction with other aspects of reading such as vocabulary development, comprehension, and writing skills. Instead of focusing solely on decoding individual sounds or letter combinations, this approach encourages students to develop an intuitive sense for recognizing words within their broader contexts and building connections between language concepts.

In whole language classrooms, phonics instruction is often infused into everyday reading activities such as storytelling and writing projects, providing a more naturalistic learning experience that mirrors the way children learn to communicate in their native languages. However, it's worth noting that this approach may be less effective for students who struggle with decoding skills or require additional support in phonics mastery.

Incorporating Digital Tools and Resources

With advancements in technology, educators can also leverage digital tools to enhance the effectiveness of their phonics instruction. Interactive programs like Phonics Playground and Starfall allow students to engage with interactive games and exercises while strengthening their letter-sound recognition and reading skills. Additionally, apps such as Reading Eggs or Rosetta Stone can supplement traditional classroom teaching by providing personalized learning experiences tailored to individual student needs.

Best Practices When Teaching Phonics-Based Approaches

Regardless of the specific phonics method used, several best practices can help educators maximize their impact on students' literacy development:
1) Provide explicit and systematic instruction in phonemic awareness, decoding skills, and spelling.
2) Differentiate teaching by providing opportunities for individualized instruction and accommodating diverse learning styles.
3) Integrate reading comprehension strategies to foster a love of reading and encourage deeper understanding of text content.
4) Encourage parental involvement in supporting phonics-based literacy at home, including regular reading time and activities that promote letter recognition and sound manipulation skills.
5) Continuously assess student progress through informative formative evaluations to address individual needs for improved success in learning phonics skills and developing strong foundational reading abilities.

In conclusion, while multiple approaches exist to teaching phonics-based literacy skills, educators should choose the method(s) that best suit their students' unique learning styles and developmental needs. A blended approach – incorporating elements of multi-sensory methods, alphabetic principle techniques, whole language philosophies, and technology integration – may provide a more comprehensive platform for teaching phonics in the classroom. By implementing these strategies with thoughtfulness and intentionality, we can help young learners develop strong foundational skills that set them up for success throughout their educational journey.
  "classification": "Database",
  "reasoning": "The incident described in the provided JSON data appears to be related to the Database, specifically due to high CPU usage and multiple drops in bets within a gambling platform's database system. The issues began with high CPU consumption starting at 7:0 Cooked rice is not working as expected after following all preparation steps; what could be going wrong?

# Answer

If cooked rice is not turning out as expected even after meticulously following the recommended preparation steps, there may be several factors at play. Here are some common issues and troubleshooting tips:

1. **Rice-to-Water Ratio**: Ensure you're using the correct amount of water for the type of rice being cooked (long grain, short grain, or basmati). The general ratio is usually 1 cup of rice to 2 cups of water, but this can vary.

2. **Rice Type**: Different types of rice require different amounts of water and cooking times. For instance, long-grain white rice typically requires less water than basmati or jasmine rice.

3. CVT_ERRORS: The cooker's settings might not be correctly configured for the type of rice you are using. Some smart pots have preset modes for different types of rice, and if these aren't selected, it could result in undercooked or overcooked rice.

4. **Starting Temperature**: Rice needs to reach a certain temperature before cooking can begin effectively. If the stove isn't on high enough for an initial period (usually 2-3 minutes), this can affect how the rice cooks later.

5. **Resting Time**: After the rice is done cooking, it often benefits from a rest time with the lid covered to let steam continue gently cooking and settling the grains, which also makes for better fluffiness. Skipping or reducing this step can affect the final result.

6. **Equipment Issues**: Check if there are any malfunctions in your rice cooker, such as a broken heating element or sensor that could prevent it from reaching the right temperature.

7. **Expired Rice**: Over time, grains of rice can harden and lose their ability to properly absorb water and become mushy. This is less likely if you've followed all steps correctly, but check for any signs of age or exposure to moisture.

8. **Water Quality**: Impurities in the cooking water can affect how rice absorbs it. Make sure your tap water quality is suitable for consumption and consider using filtered water if necessary.

9. **Calibration**: If you're using a smart rice cooker or electric pressure cooker, make sure that the device has been correctly calibrated. Incorrect settings can lead to undercooked or overcooked rice.

Addressing these points could help solve your problem with cooked rice not turning out as expected. If you continue to experience issues, consider consulting a user manual for troubleshooting specific to the appliance and model you're using.
  "classification": "Software",
  "reasoning": "The incident cause described in the data appears to be related to an increase in logging, specifically from SysLog within the Sports Core systems. The excessive logging led to back pressure and slowed services due to overwh Written by: Irene O'Connor
Date: Monday, January 14th, 2022

Title of Article: Balancing Life with Chronic Illness - How I Manage My Journey

Introduction: Living life as a chronic illness warrior is no small feat. It requires immense determination and resilience to navigate the daily challenges that come our way. Today, I want to share my personal approach to managing chronic pain and living each day with purpose and positivity.

1. Prioritizing self-care: The foundation for effective management of chronic illness is prioritizing self-care. This means taking time out of every day to focus on our physical, emotional, spiritual and mental wellbeing. Some examples of self-care include getting enough rest, eating a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins; engaging in gentle exercise like yoga or stretching; practicing mindfulness or meditation to reduce stress and anxiety; connecting with friends and loved ones for emotional support.

2. Creating a routine: A well-structured daily routine can help you manage chronic pain while maintaining control over your life. It is crucial to establish an effective sleep pattern, taking into consideration any required rest breaks throughout the day, as fatigue may exacerbate symptoms of chronic illness. In addition, I've found that incorporating gentle exercise into my daily routine not only helps reduce pain but also improves overall energy and mood.

3. Open communication: One important aspect in managing chronic illness is maintaining open lines of communication with those around you – family members, friends, colleagues or healthcare professionals. It's essential to speak up about your condition when necessary - not only will this help others better understand and support you but it can also help inform their own caregiving decisions if required.

4. Embracing my diagnosis: Acceptance of one's chronic illness journey is vital in managing the pain that comes with it. Instead of dwelling on what I cannot do, I focus on adapting and finding alternative ways to engage in activities I love - for example, instead of long-distance running, I take up swimming or cycling at a pace suited to my abilities.

5. Seek support: Joining an online community like chronic illness warriors can be incredibly helpful and reassuring. It's comforting to know that you are not alone on this journey - learning from others experiences, sharing our own struggles or successes and receiving words of encouragement all contribute towards a more positive outlook in the face of challenges.

6. Embrace positivity: Maintaining a positive attitude while managing chronic pain is essential for overall well-beomed. It can be as simple as taking time to appreciate little joys or moments in life, practicing gratitude and staying hopeful even when faced with setbacks. 

7. Mindful management of medications: As a chronic illness warrior, I have had my fair share of experimentation with different prescribed and over-the-counter medications to find what works best for me. It's important to be vigilant about your treatment options - consulting with healthcare professionals regularly is essential in ensuring that you are receiving the most effective and suitable management strategy for your specific needs.

Conclusion: Living as a chronic illness warrior can undoubtedly come with its fair share of challenges, however, by incorporating these tips into my daily life, I am able to effectively manage my journey while still maintaining control over my health and wellbeing. It's important to remember that we are all unique in our experiences - what works for one person may not work for another. The key is finding a balance between taking care of yourself, staying connected with those around you and never losing sight of your goals, dreams, and passions along the way."

I've seen the same, using the ONNX int4 quantised version (not the accuracy-tuned one) on CPU inference. With some prompts using the same template, it will sometimes go off on a tangent with irrelevant what looks like GPT-generated text.

Microsoft org
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Microsoft org

Thanks for the reports everyone! We are investigating this issue!

nguyenbh changed discussion status to closed

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