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Model Card of lmqg/mt5-base-zhquad-qg

This model is fine-tuned version of google/mt5-base for question generation task on the lmqg/qg_zhquad (dataset_name: default) via lmqg.



from lmqg import TransformersQG

# initialize model
model = TransformersQG(language="zh", model="lmqg/mt5-base-zhquad-qg")

# model prediction
questions = model.generate_q(list_context="南安普敦的警察服务由汉普郡警察提供。南安普敦行动的主要基地是一座新的八层专用建筑,造价3000万英镑。该建筑位于南路,2011年启用,靠近南安普敦中央火车站。此前,南安普顿市中心的行动位于市民中心西翼,但由于设施老化,加上计划在旧警察局和地方法院建造一座新博物馆,因此必须搬迁。在Portswood、Banister Park、Hille和Shirley还有其他警察局,在南安普顿中央火车站还有一个英国交通警察局。", list_answer="南安普敦中央")
  • With transformers
from transformers import pipeline

pipe = pipeline("text2text-generation", "lmqg/mt5-base-zhquad-qg")
output = pipe("南安普敦的警察服务由汉普郡警察提供。南安普敦行动的主要基地是一座新的八层专用建筑,造价3000万英镑。该建筑位于南路,2011年启用,靠近<hl> 南安普敦中央 <hl>火车站。此前,南安普顿市中心的行动位于市民中心西翼,但由于设施老化,加上计划在旧警察局和地方法院建造一座新博物馆,因此必须搬迁。在Portswood、Banister Park、Hille和Shirley还有其他警察局,在南安普顿中央火车站还有一个英国交通警察局。")


Score Type Dataset
BERTScore 77.38 default lmqg/qg_zhquad
Bleu_1 37 default lmqg/qg_zhquad
Bleu_2 25.9 default lmqg/qg_zhquad
Bleu_3 19.25 default lmqg/qg_zhquad
Bleu_4 14.73 default lmqg/qg_zhquad
METEOR 23.92 default lmqg/qg_zhquad
MoverScore 57.5 default lmqg/qg_zhquad
ROUGE_L 34.72 default lmqg/qg_zhquad

Training hyperparameters

The following hyperparameters were used during fine-tuning:

  • dataset_path: lmqg/qg_zhquad
  • dataset_name: default
  • input_types: paragraph_answer
  • output_types: question
  • prefix_types: None
  • model: google/mt5-base
  • max_length: 512
  • max_length_output: 32
  • epoch: 16
  • batch: 16
  • lr: 0.0001
  • fp16: False
  • random_seed: 1
  • gradient_accumulation_steps: 4
  • label_smoothing: 0.15

The full configuration can be found at fine-tuning config file.


    title = "{G}enerative {L}anguage {M}odels for {P}aragraph-{L}evel {Q}uestion {G}eneration",
    author = "Ushio, Asahi  and
        Alva-Manchego, Fernando  and
        Camacho-Collados, Jose",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing",
    month = dec,
    year = "2022",
    address = "Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
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Dataset used to train lmqg/mt5-base-zhquad-qg

Evaluation results