Job 23 | Bíblia online | New World Translation\nJob hatán (1-17)\nHakarak lori ninia kazu ba Maromak (1-7)\nNia labele hetan Maromak (8, 9)\n“Haʼu laʼo tuir ninia dalan no la laʼo sees” (11)\n23 Job hatán, hodi dehan: 2 “Ohin loron mós haʼu sei defende an ho ulun-toos,+Haʼu-nia forsa la iha ona tanba haʼu halerik beibeik. 3 Se karik haʼu hatene iha neʼebé mak haʼu bele hetan Maromak,+ Haʼu sei bá ninia fatin.+ 4 Haʼu sei lori haʼu-nia kazu ba ninia oinNo halo nakonu haʼu-nia ibun ho razaun hodi defende an, 5 Haʼu sei hatene oinsá mak nia hatán mai haʼuNo haʼu sei rona didiʼak saida mak nia hatete mai haʼu. 6 Nia sei diskute malu ho haʼu hodi uza ninia kbiit boot ka? Lae, haʼu fiar nia sei rona didiʼak mai haʼu.+ 7 Iha neʼebá, ema neʼebé laran-loos bele rezolve problema ho nia,No haʼu-nia Juís sei fó sai katak haʼu mak loos dala ida deʼit ba nafatin. 8 Maibé kuandu haʼu bá parte leste, nia la iha neʼebá,Nuneʼe haʼu fila fali, haʼu buka nia la hetan. 9 Haʼu laʼo ba sorin karuk, ba fatin neʼebé nia serbisu, maibé haʼu la haree nia,Depois neʼe, nia fila ba sorin loos, maibé haʼu mós la haree nia. 10 Maibé nia hatene dalan neʼebé haʼu liu.+ Bainhira nia koko tiha haʼu, haʼu sei sai hanesan osan-mean neʼebé hamoos ona.+ 11 Haʼu-nia ain laʼo tuir ninia ain-fatin ho loloos,Haʼu laʼo tuir ninia dalan no la laʼo sees.+ 12 Haʼu la hasees an husi ukun-fuan neʼebé sai husi ninia ibun. Haʼu hafolin ninia liafuan sira+ liu fali buat neʼebé nia haruka haʼu atu halo. 13 Bainhira nia deside metin ona, sé mak bele kontra nia?+ Bainhira nia hakarak halo buat ruma, nia sei halo duni.+ 14 Tanba nia sei halo tuir buat hotu neʼebé nia deside ona ba haʼu,No nia sei hanoin atu halo buat barak tan ba haʼu. 15 Tan neʼe mak haʼu laran-susar tanba nia,Bainhira haʼu hanoin kona-ba nia, haʼu-nia taʼuk aumenta liután. 16 Maromak halo haʼu sai laran-taʼuk,No Ida neʼebé Kbiit Boot Liu Hotu halo haʼu taʼuk. 17 Maski nakukun mak taka haʼu-nia oin,Maibé haʼu sei la nonook.
[ "Job 23 | Biblia online | New World Translation Job hatan (1-17) Hakarak lori ninia kazu ba Maromak (1-7) Nia labele hetan Maromak (8, 9) \"Ha'u la'o tuir ninia dalan no la la'o sees\" (11) 23 Job hatan, hodi dehan: 2 \"Ohin loron mos ha'u sei defende an ho ulun-toos,+Ha'u-nia forsa la iha ona tanba ha'u halerik beibeik.", "3 Se karik ha'u hatene iha ne'ebe mak ha'u bele hetan Maromak,+ Ha'u sei ba ninia fatin.+ 4 Ha'u sei lori ha'u-nia kazu ba ninia oinNo halo nakonu ha'u-nia ibun ho razaun hodi defende an, 5 Ha'u sei hatene oinsa mak nia hatan mai ha'uNo ha'u sei rona didi'ak saida mak nia hatete mai ha'u.", "6 Nia sei diskute malu ho ha'u hodi uza ninia kbiit boot ka?", "Lae, ha'u fiar nia sei rona didi'ak mai ha'u.+ 7 Iha ne'eba, ema ne'ebe laran-loos bele rezolve problema ho nia,No ha'u-nia Juis sei fo sai katak ha'u mak loos dala ida de'it ba nafatin.", "8 Maibe kuandu ha'u ba parte leste, nia la iha ne'eba,Nune'e ha'u fila fali, ha'u buka nia la hetan.", "9 Ha'u la'o ba sorin karuk, ba fatin ne'ebe nia serbisu, maibe ha'u la haree nia,Depois ne'e, nia fila ba sorin loos, maibe ha'u mos la haree nia.", "10 Maibe nia hatene dalan ne'ebe ha'u liu.+ Bainhira nia koko tiha ha'u, ha'u sei sai hanesan osan-mean ne'ebe hamoos ona.+ 11 Ha'u-nia ain la'o tuir ninia ain-fatin ho loloos,Ha'u la'o tuir ninia dalan no la la'o sees.+ 12 Ha'u la hasees an husi ukun-fuan ne'ebe sai husi ninia ibun.", "Ha'u hafolin ninia liafuan sira+ liu fali buat ne'ebe nia haruka ha'u atu halo.", "13 Bainhira nia deside metin ona, se mak bele kontra nia?+ Bainhira nia hakarak halo buat ruma, nia sei halo duni.+ 14 Tanba nia sei halo tuir buat hotu ne'ebe nia deside ona ba ha'u,No nia sei hanoin atu halo buat barak tan ba ha'u.", "15 Tan ne'e mak ha'u laran-susar tanba nia,Bainhira ha'u hanoin kona-ba nia, ha'u-nia ta'uk aumenta liutan.", "16 Maromak halo ha'u sai laran-ta'uk,No Ida ne'ebe Kbiit Boot Liu Hotu halo ha'u ta'uk.", "17 Maski nakukun mak taka ha'u-nia oin,Maibe ha'u sei la nonook." ]
[ [ "Job 23 | Bible online - New World Translation Jobs answers (1-7) Willing to bring his case before God. He cannot find him, he says: “I have walked in His way and not gone astray.”" ], [ "3 If only I knew where to find God,+I would go in his place.+4 And bring my case before him, and fill mine own neck with reasons for myself;5 then will i know how he shall answer me.And listen diligently unto the words that He speaketh of Me?" ], [ "6 Will he contend with me in the greatness of his strength?" ], [ "No, I trust that he will hear me diligently.+ 7 There a righteous man can settle with him;And my Judge shall prove once and for all to be just." ], [ "8 But when I went to the east, he was not there: and now as soon aI turned back again i searched for him but couldn't find." ], [ "9 And I went to the right hand, where he was working; but not seeing him: and when it turned back on its left side also no more saw me." ], [ "10 But he knows the way I have walked.+ When his hand is off me, then will i be like gold that has been purified.+2 My feet went in His footstep with uprightness;I followed Him and did not go astray.*" ], [ "I loved his words+ more than what he commanded me to do." ], [ "13 When he is determined, who can stand against him?+ He will do whatever it takes his heart to.+ It’s all that has been decided for me." ], [ "15 Therefore my heart weeps for him: when I remember his name, mine anger increaseth." ], [ "16 God has made me tender, and the Most High hath humbled Me." ], [ "17 Though my feet are filled with nakedness, yet I will not lie down." ] ]
Akordu Aeroportu Baucau: implikasaun seguransa, estratéjika ho sósio-ekonómiku – Fundasaun Mahein\nAkordu Aeroportu Baucau: implikasaun seguransa, estratéjika ho sósio-ekonómiku\nJuly 29, 2021July 29, 2021 | fundasaunmaheinfundasaunmahein | 0 Comment | 10:43\nDurante tinan balun nia laran, Timor-Leste tama iha negosiasaun ho Governu Estadu Unidus Amérika (EUA) kona-bá rehabilitasaun aeroportu Baucau, aeroportu ida ne’ebé ladun uza dezde misaun ONU para iha tinan 2012. Iha loron 29 Juñu, Timor-Leste asina MoU rua ho EUA kona-bá rehabilitasaun aeroportu no apoiu potensiál ba dezenvolvimentu setór aviasaun sivíl iha Timor-Leste. Iha loron 13 Jullu, Governu hala’o lansamentu ba primeira pedra ida iha Baucau hamutuk ho Primeiru-Ministru, CEMGFA, Embaixadór EUA ho Ministru balun.\nReprezentativa husi Governu Timor-Leste ho EUA promove benefísiu potensiál husi akordu ne’e ba kooperasaun bilateral iha area defeza ho seguransa, Timor-Leste nia kapasidade aviasaun militár ho sivíl, no dezenvolvimentu rejionál iha Baucau. Maibe, grupu sosiedade sivíl balun hato’o preokupasaun katak Timor-Leste ‘entrega’ aeroportu Baucau ba EUA tanba presaun, no nia benefísiu ba Timor-Leste la klaru. Sira mos preokupa kona-bá risku ba Timor-Leste bainhira tama iha kompetisaun jeopolítiku rejionál entre nasaun bo’ot sira.\nFundasaun Mahein haree katak asuntu ne’e provoka pergunta kona-bá Timor-Leste nia polítika esterna ne’ebé difisil no komplexu tebes. Timor-Leste nu’udar nasaun ki’ik no foun, no ita nia vizinhu sira iha rekursu ho esperiénsia ne’ebé bo’ot liu. Nune’e, ami konkorda katak Timor-Leste tenke kuidadu tebes bainhira halo kooperasaun seguransa ho nasaun bo’ot sira. Ita tenke aprende husi istória nasaun ki’ik monu ba interese nasaun bo’ot sira, ne’ebé lori dezastre ba ita nia povu no povu iha nasaun seluk iha pasadu. Maibe, ami mos haree katak Timor-Leste tenke kontinua ho programa kooperasaun bilateral sira ne’ebé haforsa tiha ona kapasidade setór seguransa. Ita tenke mos adopta polítika esterna ne’ebé pragmatiku no evita “hili” nasaun ka ekipa ida, no kontinua ho relasaun amigável ho nasaun hotu-hotu ne’ebé interese atu sai nu’udar ita nia parseiru. Ho prinsípiu sira ne’e, Fundasaun Mahein oferese análiza ida tuir mai, ne’ebé ami espera bele hasa’e komprensaun públiku kona-bá akordu aeroportu Baucau nia implikasaun seguransa, estratéjika ho sosio-ekonómiku.\nHanesan ita hotu hatene, ONU ho forsa militár internasionál asiste Timor-Leste nia tranzisaun ba independénsia. Tanba ne’e, ita iha esperiénsia barak halo kooperasaun ho forsa seguransa husi nasaun seluk. Maske maioria kooperasaun operasional barak liu ho nasaun “bloku osidental”, hanesan Austrália, Japaun, Nova Zelándia, Portugal ho EUA. Maibe, F-FDTL mos halo treinamentu konjuntu hamutuk ho Marina Xineza. Governu Xína mos ajuda Timor-Leste halo konstrusaun ba edífisiu balun liga ho defeza, seguransa ho negósiu estranjeiru, hanesan Ministériu Defeza, Ministériu Negósiu Estranjeiru ho Kooperasaun ho Palásiu Prezidente. Seabees husi Marina Estadus Unidus mos hala’o tiha ona projetu konstrusaun sivíl lubuk ida iha rai laran. Aleinde programa kooperasaun defeza bo’ot sira ne’e, Timor-Leste partisipa iha programa hamutuk ho membru ASEAN ho CPLP sira, no mos kooperasaun multilateral hanesan projetu UNDP Dezenvolvimentu Setór Seguransa.\nTimor-Leste nia pozisaun úniku tebes, tanba ita nia kooperasaun seguransa internasionál la domina husi bloku ka nasaun ida, maibé fahe entre parseiru bilateral ho multilateral oi-oin. Nune’e mos, ita nia setór seguransa hetan benefísiu barak husi asisténsia ne’e iha area operasionál, administrasaun ho infraestrutura. Karik programa sira ne’e la iha, dezenvolvimentu forsa seguransa sei la atinji to’o iha nível ohin loron nian. Timor-Leste mos mantein nafatin relasaun amigável ho parseiru defeza ho seguransa sira hotu, no ida ne’e hatudu katak ita nia polítika “kolega ho ema hotu” benefísia duni ita.\nPista aeroportu Baucau maka naruk liu iha Timor-Leste, no aeroportu Baucau sai nu’udar aeroportu prinsipál iha tempu Portugés. Aeroportu ne’e mos uza ba operasaun militár durante okupasaun Indonézia no tempu ONU nian. Pista ne’e mos bele simu aviaun pasajeiru longu-alkansa, no ema barak haree katak Baucau iha potensiál bo’ot ba dezenvolvimentu iha area agrikultura, turizmu ho indústria. Tanba ne’e, ema barak konsidera aeroportu Baucau estratéjiku tebes ba funsaun sivíl ho militár, no mos ba dezenvolvimentu sósio-ekonómiku rejiaun Baucau.\nKleur ona, Governu Timor-Leste planeia atu rehabilita no dezenvolve aeroportu Baucau, no diskusaun ho EUA mos la’o dezde tinan balun. Hanesan embaixadór EUA mensiona iha nia aprezentasaun iha seremónia primeira pedra, akordu foun ne’e bazeia iha akordu SOFA ne’ebé asína entre Timor-Leste ho EUA iha 2002. Akordu SOFA ne’e estabelese kondisaun báziku ba kooperasaun seguransa entre Timor-Leste-EUA. Tuir akordu foun, EUA sei fornese fundus $10.6 milloens ba projetu aeroportu, inklui projetu infraestrutura balun hanesan hadi’ak serka perímetru, harii armajen ba veíkulu ho ekípamentu, no halo instalasaun lampu iha pista ne’ebé sei fasilita uza aeroportu 24 oras. EUA mos sei fornese aviaun ki’ik Cessna 206 ne’ebé F-FDTL bele uza ba vijilânsia aeronáutika.\nGovernu Timor-Leste ho EUA dehan katak akordu ne’e sei haforsa Timor-Leste nia dezenvolvimentu ho seguransa liu husi hasa’e kapasidade vijilánsia F-FDTL ho hadi’ak ligasaun transporte nasionál ho internasionál. Grupu sosiedade sivíl balun espekula dehan katak EUA hakarak kontrola aeroportu Baucau atu estabelese baze militár iha Timor-Leste, maibe membru Governu sira nega dala barak. Maske akordu Timor-Leste-EUA la públika, ita la bele hatene nia kondisaun loloos. Maibe, informasaun públiku lori tiha ona implikasaun oi-oin ba asuntu seguransa, estratéjika ho sósio-ekonómiku iha nível doméstiku ho internasionál.\nEn termus de asuntu doméstiku, Fundasaun Mahein haree katak akordu ne’e lori implikasaun balun. Primeiru, rehabilitasaun aerportu ho kooperasaun defeza sei haforsa duni kapasidade F-FDTL atu hala’o vijilânsia aeronáutika. Ida ne’e bele ajuda F-FDTL atu hala’o nia kna’ar prinsipál ida, atu proteje integridade territóriu nasionál liu husi asegura territóriu rai maran ho marítima. Polítika na’in sira balun mos nota katak kapasidade vijilânsia bele ajuda F-FDTL atu prevene esplorasaun ilegál rekursu natural, liu-liu ró husi rai liur halo peska sein autorizasaun.\nHasa’e kapasidade forsa defeza liu husi kooperasaun internasionál kontinua nu’udar prioridade xave Governu nian, no Fundasaun Mahein suporta programa sira ne’e. Maibe, importante katak Governu tuir prosesu legál relasiona ho fiskalizasaun Parlamentar ho Prezidensiál kona-bá akordu kooperasaun seguransa sira nian. Tuir Lei Nú. 3/2007 kona-bá Servisu Militár, akordu kooperasaun seguransa hotu-hotu tenke hetan fiskalizasaun husi Konsellu Superior ba Defeza ho Seguransa (CSDS), ne’ebé kompostu husi Prezidente Repúblika, Prezidente Parlamentu Nasioanal, Primeiru-Ministru, Ministru sira ne’ebé ka’er asuntu justisa, defeza, seguransa ho negósiu estranjeiru, reprezentativa na’in tolu husi Parlamentu Nasionál, CEMGFA, Komandante-Jerál PNTL, servisu intelijênsia ho sidadaun na’in rua nomeia husi Prezidente Repúblika.\nMaibe, Fundasaun Mahein observa katak maioria akordu kooperasaun seguransa hetan aprovasaun unilateral husi ezekutivu de’it, falta partisipasaun másimu husi CSDS ka aprovasaun husi Parlamentu Nasional. Iha 2013, Fundasaun Mahein husu governu atu entrega MoU entre EUA ho Timor-Leste ba Parlamentu Nasionál atu hetan aprovasaun, maibe ida ne’e la akontese. Tuir ami nia observasaun, nein CSDS ka Parlamentu halo aprovasaun ba akordu foun aeroportu Baucau. Tanba ne’e ami preokupa kona-bá implikasaun husi falta fiskalizasaun ne’e ba Timor-Leste nia polítika seguransa. Ami fiar katak polítika ne’e tenke bazeia ba planu longu-prazu, ho partisipasaun demokrátiku no konsultasaun másimu entre orgaun Estadu nian.\nEn termus de asuntu sósio-ekonómiku, maske dezenvolvimentu aeroportu Baucau bele lori benefísiu ba area Baucau no ba nasaun tomak, iha mos risku ba komunidade lokál sira husi kooperasaun defeza ho projetu infraestrutura. Fundasaun Mahein hakerek iha pasadu kona-bá oinsá armas de fogu modernu traumatiza komunidade aldeia durante ezersísiu trenamentu militár. Projetu konstrusaun bo’ot no atividade militár mos lori risku kanek fíziku ka estragu ambientál, inklui poluisaun sonora (polusi suara/barullu demais) ne’ebé bele impaktu ba animál no kualidade moris. Tenke rekuiñese mos katak bainhira soldadu estranjeiru barak okupa fatin ida, ne’e lori risku ba esplorasaun no violênsia seksual, hanesan akontese ona iha Timor-Leste durante misaun ONU nian. Tanba ne’e ami espera akordu aeroportu Baucau inklui protesaun ne’ebé adekuadu hodi proteje komunidade lokál husi impaktu negatívu projetu ne’e no atividade kooperasaun iha futuru.\nAleinde kestaun doméstika sira ne’e, akordu Baucau loke pergunta balun liga ho polítika esterna Timor-Leste nian. Primeiru, tanba Timor-Leste prioritiza sai membru ASEAN, importante atu diskute implikasaun akordu ne’e ba adezaun ASEAN nian. Hodi komprende di’ak liután implikasaun sira ne’e, ita tenke mos haree kontextu istóriku ho jeopolítiku rejiaun ne’e.\nMaske ASEAN nu’udar bloku anti-komunista ida ne’ebé aliadu ho EUA, hahalok grupu ne’e mos muda ho dinámiku jeopolítiku, no tanba ekonomia membru balun sai forte liu, ASEAN nia forsa polítiku independente mos aumenta. Tanba Xína komesa dezafia hegemónia EUA iha rejiaun Ázia-Pasífika, ASEAN mos komesa adapta nia kooperasaun ho Xína. Membru ASEAN balun ne’ebé ki’ik liu depende maka’as ba investimentu ho asisténsia husi Xína, no ASEAN tomak maintein relasaun dia’k ho Xína iha area oi-oin, inklui seguransa ho defeza. Au mezmu tempu, EUA ho nasaun aliadu koko atu kontra influénsia Xína ho dalan oi-oin, inklui kondena Xína nia hahalok iha Tasi Xína Sul, Hong Kong ho Xinjiang, no haforsa programa kooperasaun seguransa rejionál ho preparasaun militár.\nFoin daudauk durante Enkontru Ministeriál Defeza ASEAN nian, Indonézia nia Ministru Defeza atuál no eis-Komandu Kopassus, General Prabowo Subianto, deklara katak membru ASEAN tenke “unidu” iha setor defeza, hodi prevene nasaun bo’ot fahe bloku ASEAN tanba sira nia kompetisaun iha rejiaun. Deklarasaun Prabowo ne’e hatudu preokupasaun iha ASEAN laran kona-bá esforsu Xína ho EUA – ho nasaun seluk – ne’ebé koko obriga nasaun ki’ik ASEAN sira atu adopta akordu kooperasaun defeza hodi atinje sira nia objetivu estratéjiku rasik. Grupu sosiedade sivíl Timor-oan mos hato’o preokupasaun ne’ebé atu hanesan – sira dehan katak akordu Baucau viola neutralidade Timor-Leste no envolve ita iha kompetisaun entre Xína ho EUA. Sira mos dehan katak interese EUA iha Baucau tanba Timor-Leste nia pozisaun estratéjiku nu’udar baze potensiál hodi monitoriza no kontra influênsia Xína iha Indo-Pasífika, no avizu Governu katak kompetisaun entre poder bo’ot sira fo risku bo’ot ba Timor-Leste nia soberania ho neutralidade.\nAnalizador barak nota katak Timor-Leste nia pozisaun jeografika estratéjiku tebes, liu-liu tanba tasi kle’an entre Díli ho Ataúro hanesan dalan importante ba submarinu no ró ne’ebé ba-mai entre Pasífika Sul ho Oseánu Indianu. EUA iha prezensa militár bo’ot iha Pasífika Sul ho Oseánu Indianu, no Ázia Sudeste mos sai nu’udar rejiaun xave ba komérsiu ho investimentu globál. Tanba ne’e, dalan tasi ne’e importante tebes ba interese estratéjiku EUA nian. Ita bele haree importánsia jeostratéjiku “sea lines of communication” (SLOC) iha tensaun polítiku ne’ebé akontese iha Tasi Xína Sul durante tinan balun nia laran, no ita sei haree importánsia ne’e sai klaru liután iha tinan balun oin mai.\nIta hotu mos hatene katak nasaun bo’ot sempre uza sira nia vantajen militár ho ekonómiku hodi tau presaun ba nasaun ki’ik atu asina akordu ne’ebé fó benefísiu ba nasaun bo’ot. Akordu sira ne’e baibain mos lori benefísiu balun ba elite sira iha nasaun ki’ik, pur ezemplu aumenta kapasidade militár ne’ebé ajuda elite atu kontrola populasaun, ka benefísiu ekonómiku ruma liu husi komérsiu, investimentu ka subornu. Akordu aeroportu Baucau la loke ba públiku, tanba ne’e maka ami la hatene nia kondisaun espesífiku. Maibe, ita bele asume katak EUA hetan benefísiu husi akordu ne’e, tanba se lae EUA sei la buka akordu ne’e durante tinan balun.\nAtu konklui, Fundasaun Mahein konkorda katak akordu aeroportu Baucau bele lori benefísiu mai Timor-Leste. Maibe, ami espera katak desizaun na’in sira tetu didi’ak nia kustu, benefísiu ho risku. Kestaun xave maka oinsa lider Timor-Leste konsulta ho parseiru ASEAN sira antes halo desizaun ne’e. Ami mos la hatene se desizaun ne’e bazeia de’it ba Timor-Leste nia polítika atu sai hanesan “kolega ho ema hotu”. Nune’e mos, ami preokupa tebes kona-bá risku ba Timor-Leste se ita tama iha luta entre poder bo’ot sira, liu-liu tanba tensaun rejionál bele sa’e iha tinan oin mai. Au mezmu tempu, ita nia setór seguransa ladun preparadu ba adezaun ASEAN ka dezafiu seluk hanesan responde ba dezastre naturais. Tanba ne’e, kooperasaun internasionál importante tebes atu hasa’e ita nia kapasidade iha area hirak ne’e, nomos atu mantein nafatin ita nia relasaun di’ak ho ita nia parseiru bilateral ho multilateral. Ami mos la bele haluha katak ita nu’udar nasaun ki’ik, ho esperiénsia no rekursu ne’ebé limitadu, no viziñu bo’ot. Istória Timor-Leste mos nakonu ho kooperasaun internasionál ho movimentu solidaridade internasionál.\nAmi oferese rekomendasaun tuir mai hodi ajuda públiku ho ukun na’in sira asegura katak aeroportu Baucau lori benefísiu mai Timor-Leste no minimíza impaktu negatívu ba komunidade lokál ho seguransa nasional.\nMaske ita nia polítika esterna “kolega ho ema hotu” benefísia ita to’o agora, no polítika ne’e realistiku bazeia ba rekursu no istória, tensaun rejional ho internasionál sa’e ba beibeik, no ida ne’e sei kria dezafiu ba polítika ida ne’e iha futuru. Atu asegura Timor-Leste nia soberania ho neutralidade, ita nia desizaun polítika esterna tenke bazeia ba análize dinámiku internasionál sira ne’e, no ita mos tenke aprende husi istória atu nune’e la bele sai vitíma iha kompetisaun entre nasaun bo’ot sira.\nAkordu aeroportu Baucau iha implikasaun jeopolítiku importante barak, maibe ita labele haluha komunidade lokál sira. Atividade kooperasaun defeza ho projetu infraestrutura tenke inklui meius ne’ebé adekuadu hodi proteje komunidade lokál husi impaktu negativu, nomos tenke envolve membru komunidade iha konstrusaun obras ho atividade ekonómiku, atu nune’e kria kampu traballu ho rendimentu.\nSai membru ASEAN kontinua nu’udar prioridade bo’ot ba Timor-Leste, no lori dezafiu no benefísiu potensiál barak. Vantajen bo’ot maka ita bele partisipa iha kooperasaun seguransa rejionál hanesan ADMM-Plus, ne’ebé envolve membru ASEAN ho parseiru 8: Austrália, Xína, India, Japaun, Nova Zelándia, Rusia, Korea Súl ho EUA. Karik Governu seidauk halo aproximasaun hodi tama iha enkontru ne’e, di’ak liu halo atu bele asesu ba nia benefísiu.\nPrevious Previous post: Timor-Leste Nia Abstensaun Iha Vota UN Kona-bá Myanmar: polítiku, prinsípiu ho pragmatizmu\nNext Next post: PNTL no Seguransa Umanu iha Timor-Leste
[ "Akordu Aeroportu Baucau: implikasaun seguransa, estratejika ho sosio-ekonomiku - Fundasaun Mahein Akordu Aeroportu Baucau: implikasaun seguransa, estratejika ho sosio-ekonomiku July 29, 2021July 29, 2021 | fundasaunmaheinfundasaunmahein | 0 Comment | 10:43 Durante tinan balun nia laran, Timor-Leste tama iha negosiasaun ho Governu Estadu Unidus Amerika (EUA) kona-ba rehabilitasaun aeroportu Baucau, aeroportu ida ne'ebe ladun uza dezde misaun ONU para iha tinan 2012.", "Iha loron 29 Junu, Timor-Leste asina MoU rua ho EUA kona-ba rehabilitasaun aeroportu no apoiu potensial ba dezenvolvimentu setor aviasaun sivil iha Timor-Leste.", "Iha loron 13 Jullu, Governu hala'o lansamentu ba primeira pedra ida iha Baucau hamutuk ho Primeiru-Ministru, CEMGFA, Embaixador EUA ho Ministru balun.", "Reprezentativa husi Governu Timor-Leste ho EUA promove benefisiu potensial husi akordu ne'e ba kooperasaun bilateral iha area defeza ho seguransa, Timor-Leste nia kapasidade aviasaun militar ho sivil, no dezenvolvimentu rejional iha Baucau.", "Maibe, grupu sosiedade sivil balun hato'o preokupasaun katak Timor-Leste 'entrega' aeroportu Baucau ba EUA tanba presaun, no nia benefisiu ba Timor-Leste la klaru.", "Sira mos preokupa kona-ba risku ba Timor-Leste bainhira tama iha kompetisaun jeopolitiku rejional entre nasaun bo'ot sira.", "Fundasaun Mahein haree katak asuntu ne'e provoka pergunta kona-ba Timor-Leste nia politika esterna ne'ebe difisil no komplexu tebes.", "Timor-Leste nu'udar nasaun ki'ik no foun, no ita nia vizinhu sira iha rekursu ho esperiensia ne'ebe bo'ot liu.", "Nune'e, ami konkorda katak Timor-Leste tenke kuidadu tebes bainhira halo kooperasaun seguransa ho nasaun bo'ot sira.", "Ita tenke aprende husi istoria nasaun ki'ik monu ba interese nasaun bo'ot sira, ne'ebe lori dezastre ba ita nia povu no povu iha nasaun seluk iha pasadu.", "Maibe, ami mos haree katak Timor-Leste tenke kontinua ho programa kooperasaun bilateral sira ne'ebe haforsa tiha ona kapasidade setor seguransa.", "Ita tenke mos adopta politika esterna ne'ebe pragmatiku no evita \"hili\" nasaun ka ekipa ida, no kontinua ho relasaun amigavel ho nasaun hotu-hotu ne'ebe interese atu sai nu'udar ita nia parseiru.", "Ho prinsipiu sira ne'e, Fundasaun Mahein oferese analiza ida tuir mai, ne'ebe ami espera bele hasa'e komprensaun publiku kona-ba akordu aeroportu Baucau nia implikasaun seguransa, estratejika ho sosio-ekonomiku.", "Hanesan ita hotu hatene, ONU ho forsa militar internasional asiste Timor-Leste nia tranzisaun ba independensia.", "Tanba ne'e, ita iha esperiensia barak halo kooperasaun ho forsa seguransa husi nasaun seluk.", "Maske maioria kooperasaun operasional barak liu ho nasaun \"bloku osidental,\" hanesan Australia, Japaun, Nova Zelandia, Portugal ho EUA.", "Maibe, F-FDTL mos halo treinamentu konjuntu hamutuk ho Marina Xineza.", "Governu Xina mos ajuda Timor-Leste halo konstrusaun ba edifisiu balun liga ho defeza, seguransa ho negosiu estranjeiru, hanesan Ministeriu Defeza, Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru ho Kooperasaun ho Palasiu Prezidente.", "Seabees husi Marina Estadus Unidus mos hala'o tiha ona projetu konstrusaun sivil lubuk ida iha rai laran.", "Aleinde programa kooperasaun defeza bo'ot sira ne'e, Timor-Leste partisipa iha programa hamutuk ho membru ASEAN ho CPLP sira, no mos kooperasaun multilateral hanesan projetu UNDP Dezenvolvimentu Setor Seguransa.", "Timor-Leste nia pozisaun uniku tebes, tanba ita nia kooperasaun seguransa internasional la domina husi bloku ka nasaun ida, maibe fahe entre parseiru bilateral ho multilateral oi-oin.", "Nune'e mos, ita nia setor seguransa hetan benefisiu barak husi asistensia ne'e iha area operasional, administrasaun ho infraestrutura.", "Karik programa sira ne'e la iha, dezenvolvimentu forsa seguransa sei la atinji to'o iha nivel ohin loron nian.", "Timor-Leste mos mantein nafatin relasaun amigavel ho parseiru defeza ho seguransa sira hotu, no ida ne'e hatudu katak ita nia politika \"kolega ho ema hotu\" benefisia duni ita.", "Pista aeroportu Baucau maka naruk liu iha Timor-Leste, no aeroportu Baucau sai nu'udar aeroportu prinsipal iha tempu Portuges.", "Aeroportu ne'e mos uza ba operasaun militar durante okupasaun Indonezia no tempu ONU nian.", "Pista ne'e mos bele simu aviaun pasajeiru longu-alkansa, no ema barak haree katak Baucau iha potensial bo'ot ba dezenvolvimentu iha area agrikultura, turizmu ho industria.", "Tanba ne'e, ema barak konsidera aeroportu Baucau estratejiku tebes ba funsaun sivil ho militar, no mos ba dezenvolvimentu sosio-ekonomiku rejiaun Baucau.", "Kleur ona, Governu Timor-Leste planeia atu rehabilita no dezenvolve aeroportu Baucau, no diskusaun ho EUA mos la'o dezde tinan balun.", "Hanesan embaixador EUA mensiona iha nia aprezentasaun iha seremonia primeira pedra, akordu foun ne'e bazeia iha akordu SOFA ne'ebe asina entre Timor-Leste ho EUA iha 2002.", "Akordu SOFA ne'e estabelese kondisaun baziku ba kooperasaun seguransa entre Timor-Leste-EUA.", "Tuir akordu foun, EUA sei fornese fundus $10.6 milloens ba projetu aeroportu, inklui projetu infraestrutura balun hanesan hadi'ak serka perimetru, harii armajen ba veikulu ho ekipamentu, no halo instalasaun lampu iha pista ne'ebe sei fasilita uza aeroportu 24 oras.", "EUA mos sei fornese aviaun ki'ik Cessna 206 ne'ebe F-FDTL bele uza ba vijilansia aeronautika.", "Governu Timor-Leste ho EUA dehan katak akordu ne'e sei haforsa Timor-Leste nia dezenvolvimentu ho seguransa liu husi hasa'e kapasidade vijilansia F-FDTL ho hadi'ak ligasaun transporte nasional ho internasional.", "Grupu sosiedade sivil balun espekula dehan katak EUA hakarak kontrola aeroportu Baucau atu estabelese baze militar iha Timor-Leste, maibe membru Governu sira nega dala barak.", "Maske akordu Timor-Leste-EUA la publika, ita la bele hatene nia kondisaun loloos.", "Maibe, informasaun publiku lori tiha ona implikasaun oi-oin ba asuntu seguransa, estratejika ho sosio-ekonomiku iha nivel domestiku ho internasional.", "En termus de asuntu domestiku, Fundasaun Mahein haree katak akordu ne'e lori implikasaun balun.", "Primeiru, rehabilitasaun aerportu ho kooperasaun defeza sei haforsa duni kapasidade F-FDTL atu hala'o vijilansia aeronautika.", "Ida ne'e bele ajuda F-FDTL atu hala'o nia kna'ar prinsipal ida, atu proteje integridade territoriu nasional liu husi asegura territoriu rai maran ho maritima.", "Politika na'in sira balun mos nota katak kapasidade vijilansia bele ajuda F-FDTL atu prevene esplorasaun ilegal rekursu natural, liu-liu ro husi rai liur halo peska sein autorizasaun.", "Hasa'e kapasidade forsa defeza liu husi kooperasaun internasional kontinua nu'udar prioridade xave Governu nian, no Fundasaun Mahein suporta programa sira ne'e.", "Maibe, importante katak Governu tuir prosesu legal relasiona ho fiskalizasaun Parlamentar ho Prezidensial kona-ba akordu kooperasaun seguransa sira nian.", "Tuir Lei Nu.", "3/2007 kona-ba Servisu Militar, akordu kooperasaun seguransa hotu-hotu tenke hetan fiskalizasaun husi Konsellu Superior ba Defeza ho Seguransa (CSDS), ne'ebe kompostu husi Prezidente Republika, Prezidente Parlamentu Nasioanal, Primeiru-Ministru, Ministru sira ne'ebe ka'er asuntu justisa, defeza, seguransa ho negosiu estranjeiru, reprezentativa na'in tolu husi Parlamentu Nasional, CEMGFA, Komandante-Jeral PNTL, servisu intelijensia ho sidadaun na'in rua nomeia husi Prezidente Republika.", "Maibe, Fundasaun Mahein observa katak maioria akordu kooperasaun seguransa hetan aprovasaun unilateral husi ezekutivu de'it, falta partisipasaun masimu husi CSDS ka aprovasaun husi Parlamentu Nasional.", "Iha 2013, Fundasaun Mahein husu governu atu entrega MoU entre EUA ho Timor-Leste ba Parlamentu Nasional atu hetan aprovasaun, maibe ida ne'e la akontese.", "Tuir ami nia observasaun, nein CSDS ka Parlamentu halo aprovasaun ba akordu foun aeroportu Baucau.", "Tanba ne'e ami preokupa kona-ba implikasaun husi falta fiskalizasaun ne'e ba Timor-Leste nia politika seguransa.", "Ami fiar katak politika ne'e tenke bazeia ba planu longu-prazu, ho partisipasaun demokratiku no konsultasaun masimu entre orgaun Estadu nian.", "En termus de asuntu sosio-ekonomiku, maske dezenvolvimentu aeroportu Baucau bele lori benefisiu ba area Baucau no ba nasaun tomak, iha mos risku ba komunidade lokal sira husi kooperasaun defeza ho projetu infraestrutura.", "Fundasaun Mahein hakerek iha pasadu kona-ba oinsa armas de fogu modernu traumatiza komunidade aldeia durante ezersisiu trenamentu militar.", "Projetu konstrusaun bo'ot no atividade militar mos lori risku kanek fiziku ka estragu ambiental, inklui poluisaun sonora (polusi suara/barullu demais) ne'ebe bele impaktu ba animal no kualidade moris.", "Tenke rekuinese mos katak bainhira soldadu estranjeiru barak okupa fatin ida, ne'e lori risku ba esplorasaun no violensia seksual, hanesan akontese ona iha Timor-Leste durante misaun ONU nian.", "Tanba ne'e ami espera akordu aeroportu Baucau inklui protesaun ne'ebe adekuadu hodi proteje komunidade lokal husi impaktu negativu projetu ne'e no atividade kooperasaun iha futuru.", "Aleinde kestaun domestika sira ne'e, akordu Baucau loke pergunta balun liga ho politika esterna Timor-Leste nian.", "Primeiru, tanba Timor-Leste prioritiza sai membru ASEAN, importante atu diskute implikasaun akordu ne'e ba adezaun ASEAN nian.", "Hodi komprende di'ak liutan implikasaun sira ne'e, ita tenke mos haree kontextu istoriku ho jeopolitiku rejiaun ne'e.", "Maske ASEAN nu'udar bloku anti-komunista ida ne'ebe aliadu ho EUA, hahalok grupu ne'e mos muda ho dinamiku jeopolitiku, no tanba ekonomia membru balun sai forte liu, ASEAN nia forsa politiku independente mos aumenta.", "Tanba Xina komesa dezafia hegemonia EUA iha rejiaun Azia-Pasifika, ASEAN mos komesa adapta nia kooperasaun ho Xina.", "Membru ASEAN balun ne'ebe ki'ik liu depende maka'as ba investimentu ho asistensia husi Xina, no ASEAN tomak maintein relasaun dia'k ho Xina iha area oi-oin, inklui seguransa ho defeza.", "Au mezmu tempu, EUA ho nasaun aliadu koko atu kontra influensia Xina ho dalan oi-oin, inklui kondena Xina nia hahalok iha Tasi Xina Sul, Hong Kong ho Xinjiang, no haforsa programa kooperasaun seguransa rejional ho preparasaun militar.", "Foin daudauk durante Enkontru Ministerial Defeza ASEAN nian, Indonezia nia Ministru Defeza atual no eis-Komandu Kopassus, General Prabowo Subianto, deklara katak membru ASEAN tenke \"unidu\" iha setor defeza, hodi prevene nasaun bo'ot fahe bloku ASEAN tanba sira nia kompetisaun iha rejiaun.", "Deklarasaun Prabowo ne'e hatudu preokupasaun iha ASEAN laran kona-ba esforsu Xina ho EUA - ho nasaun seluk - ne'ebe koko obriga nasaun ki'ik ASEAN sira atu adopta akordu kooperasaun defeza hodi atinje sira nia objetivu estratejiku rasik.", "Grupu sosiedade sivil Timor-oan mos hato'o preokupasaun ne'ebe atu hanesan - sira dehan katak akordu Baucau viola neutralidade Timor-Leste no envolve ita iha kompetisaun entre Xina ho EUA.", "Sira mos dehan katak interese EUA iha Baucau tanba Timor-Leste nia pozisaun estratejiku nu'udar baze potensial hodi monitoriza no kontra influensia Xina iha Indo-Pasifika, no avizu Governu katak kompetisaun entre poder bo'ot sira fo risku bo'ot ba Timor-Leste nia soberania ho neutralidade.", "Analizador barak nota katak Timor-Leste nia pozisaun jeografika estratejiku tebes, liu-liu tanba tasi kle'an entre Dili ho Atauro hanesan dalan importante ba submarinu no ro ne'ebe ba-mai entre Pasifika Sul ho Oseanu Indianu.", "EUA iha prezensa militar bo'ot iha Pasifika Sul ho Oseanu Indianu, no Azia Sudeste mos sai nu'udar rejiaun xave ba komersiu ho investimentu global.", "Tanba ne'e, dalan tasi ne'e importante tebes ba interese estratejiku EUA nian.", "Ita bele haree importansia jeostratejiku \"sea lines of communication\" (SLOC) iha tensaun politiku ne'ebe akontese iha Tasi Xina Sul durante tinan balun nia laran, no ita sei haree importansia ne'e sai klaru liutan iha tinan balun oin mai.", "Ita hotu mos hatene katak nasaun bo'ot sempre uza sira nia vantajen militar ho ekonomiku hodi tau presaun ba nasaun ki'ik atu asina akordu ne'ebe fo benefisiu ba nasaun bo'ot.", "Akordu sira ne'e baibain mos lori benefisiu balun ba elite sira iha nasaun ki'ik, pur ezemplu aumenta kapasidade militar ne'ebe ajuda elite atu kontrola populasaun, ka benefisiu ekonomiku ruma liu husi komersiu, investimentu ka subornu.", "Akordu aeroportu Baucau la loke ba publiku, tanba ne'e maka ami la hatene nia kondisaun espesifiku.", "Maibe, ita bele asume katak EUA hetan benefisiu husi akordu ne'e, tanba se lae EUA sei la buka akordu ne'e durante tinan balun.", "Atu konklui, Fundasaun Mahein konkorda katak akordu aeroportu Baucau bele lori benefisiu mai Timor-Leste.", "Maibe, ami espera katak desizaun na'in sira tetu didi'ak nia kustu, benefisiu ho risku.", "Kestaun xave maka oinsa lider Timor-Leste konsulta ho parseiru ASEAN sira antes halo desizaun ne'e.", "Ami mos la hatene se desizaun ne'e bazeia de'it ba Timor-Leste nia politika atu sai hanesan \"kolega ho ema hotu.\"", "Nune'e mos, ami preokupa tebes kona-ba risku ba Timor-Leste se ita tama iha luta entre poder bo'ot sira, liu-liu tanba tensaun rejional bele sa'e iha tinan oin mai.", "Au mezmu tempu, ita nia setor seguransa ladun preparadu ba adezaun ASEAN ka dezafiu seluk hanesan responde ba dezastre naturais.", "Tanba ne'e, kooperasaun internasional importante tebes atu hasa'e ita nia kapasidade iha area hirak ne'e, nomos atu mantein nafatin ita nia relasaun di'ak ho ita nia parseiru bilateral ho multilateral.", "Ami mos la bele haluha katak ita nu'udar nasaun ki'ik, ho esperiensia no rekursu ne'ebe limitadu, no vizinu bo'ot.", "Istoria Timor-Leste mos nakonu ho kooperasaun internasional ho movimentu solidaridade internasional.", "Ami oferese rekomendasaun tuir mai hodi ajuda publiku ho ukun na'in sira asegura katak aeroportu Baucau lori benefisiu mai Timor-Leste no minimiza impaktu negativu ba komunidade lokal ho seguransa nasional.", "Maske ita nia politika esterna \"kolega ho ema hotu\" benefisia ita to'o agora, no politika ne'e realistiku bazeia ba rekursu no istoria, tensaun rejional ho internasional sa'e ba beibeik, no ida ne'e sei kria dezafiu ba politika ida ne'e iha futuru.", "Atu asegura Timor-Leste nia soberania ho neutralidade, ita nia desizaun politika esterna tenke bazeia ba analize dinamiku internasional sira ne'e, no ita mos tenke aprende husi istoria atu nune'e la bele sai vitima iha kompetisaun entre nasaun bo'ot sira.", "Akordu aeroportu Baucau iha implikasaun jeopolitiku importante barak, maibe ita labele haluha komunidade lokal sira.", "Atividade kooperasaun defeza ho projetu infraestrutura tenke inklui meius ne'ebe adekuadu hodi proteje komunidade lokal husi impaktu negativu, nomos tenke envolve membru komunidade iha konstrusaun obras ho atividade ekonomiku, atu nune'e kria kampu traballu ho rendimentu.", "Sai membru ASEAN kontinua nu'udar prioridade bo'ot ba Timor-Leste, no lori dezafiu no benefisiu potensial barak.", "Vantajen bo'ot maka ita bele partisipa iha kooperasaun seguransa rejional hanesan ADMM-Plus, ne'ebe envolve membru ASEAN ho parseiru 8: Australia, Xina, India, Japaun, Nova Zelandia, Rusia, Korea Sul ho EUA.", "Karik Governu seidauk halo aproximasaun hodi tama iha enkontru ne'e, di'ak liu halo atu bele asesu ba nia benefisiu.", "Previous Previous post: Timor-Leste Nia Abstensaun Iha Vota UN Kona-ba Myanmar: politiku, prinsipiu ho pragmatizmu Next Next post: PNTL no Seguransa Umanu iha Timor-Leste" ]
[ [ "Baucau Airport Agreement: Security, Strategic and Socio-economic Implications - Fundasaun Mahein July 29.170 Comments | For some years now Timor Leste has been in negotiations with the United States Government on rehabilitating its airport of Bacau which was unused since UN mission ended there back to December last year (July)." ], [ "On 29 June, Timor-Leste and the United States of America (USA) sign two MoUs on airport rehabilitation as well As potential support for development in civil aviation sector." ], [ "On July 13, the Government laid a foundation stone in Baucau together with Prime Minister CEMGFA and several ministers." ], [ "Representatives of the Timor-Leste and US governments promoted potential benefits from this agreement for bilateral cooperation in defence & security areas, to strengthen both military aviation capabilities as well As civil air transportation capability." ], [ "However, some civil society groups have raised concerns that Timor-Leste has 'given up' Baucau airport to the US because of pressure and its benefits for Indonesia are unclear." ], [ "They are also concerned about the risks to Timor-Leste as it entered into regional geopolitical competition between larger nations." ], [ "The Mahein Foundation believes that this issue raises questions about the difficult and complex nature of Timor-Leste' external policy." ], [ "Timor-Leste is a small and new country, while our neighbours have much greater resources." ], [ "Therefore, we agree that Timor-Leste must be very careful when engaging in security cooperation with large countries." ], [ "We must learn from the history of small nations falling to larger countries' interests, which brought disaster on our people and those in other places." ], [ "However, we also see that Timor-Leste should continue with bilateral cooperation programmes which have already strengthened the security sector' s capacity." ], [ "We must also adopt a pragmatic foreign policy and avoid \"picking\" any country or team, while continuing to maintain friendly relations with all countries that are interested in becoming our partners." ], [ "Based on these principles, Mahein Foundation offers the following analysis which we hope will enhance public understanding of Baucau airport agreement' s security implications and strategical as well socio-economic." ], [ "As we all know, the UN and an international military force assisted East Timor in its transition to independence." ], [ "Therefore, we have many experiences in cooperating with security forces from other countries." ], [ "Although the majority of operational cooperation is mostly with \"Western bloc\" countries, such as Australia and Japan." ], [ "However, F-FDTL also conducts joint training with the Chinese Navy." ], [ "The Chinese Government has also assisted Timor-Leste in the construction of several buildings related to defence, security and foreign affairs such as Ministry for Defense (MoD), Foreign Affairs & Cooperation Department(FADC)and Presidential Palace." ], [ "Seabees from the United States Navy have also carried out numerous civil construction projects at home." ], [ "In addition to these major defence cooperation programmes, Timor-Leste participates in joint programs with ASEAN and CPLP members as well multilateral cooperative activities such the UNDP Security Sector Development Project." ], [ "Timor-Leste's position is unique, because our international security cooperation does not be dominated by one bloc or country but rather divided between various bilateral and multilateral partners." ], [ "Likewise, our security sector has benefited greatly from this assistance in the operational area and administration of infrastructure." ], [ "Without these programs, the development of security forces would not have reached today's level." ], [ "Timor-Leste also maintains friendly relations with all defence and security partners, which shows that our \"colleague to everyone\" policy is indeed beneficial." ], [ "The Baucau airport runway is the longest in Timor-Leste, and it became a major airfield during Portuguese times." ], [ "The airport was also used for military operations during the Indonesian occupation and UN time." ], [ "The runway can also accommodate long-haul passenger aircraft, and many people see that Baucau has great potential for development in the areas of agriculture. tourism & industry 2015" ], [ "For this reason, many people consider that Baucau airport is very strategic for both civilian and military functions as well to the socio-economic development of Bacau region." ], [ "The Government of Timor-Leste plans to rehabilitate and develop Baucau airport, discussions with the United States have been underway for several years." ], [ "As the U.S Ambassador mentioned in his presentation at this foundation stone ceremony, these new agreements build on SOFA signed between Timor-Leste and USA back to December of last year (2013)." ], [ "The SOFA establishes the basic conditions for security cooperation between Timor-Leste and USA." ], [ "Under the new agreement, US funding of $10.6 million will be provided for airport projects including infrastructure such as perimeter improvements and storage facilities to accommodate vehicles with equipment or runway lighting that would allow a round-the clock operation at any time during daylight hours in order" ], [ "The US will also provide a small Cessna 206 aircraft that F-FDTL can use for aeronautics surveillance." ], [ "The Government of Timor-Leste and the US stated that this agreement will strengthen East Тимор's development with security through increasing F–FDTL vigilance capabilities, improving national transport links to international ones." ], [ "Some civil society groups have speculated that the US wants to control Baucau airport in order for it To establish a military base on Timor-Leste, but government members repeatedly deny this." ], [ "Although the East Timor-US agreement is not published, we cannot know its exact terms." ], [ "However, public information has carried various implications for security issues and strategic as well socio-economic at the domestic level." ], [ "In terms of domestic affairs, Mahein Foundation sees that the agreement carries some implications." ], [ "First, the rehabilitation of airports and defence cooperation will effectively strengthen F-FDTL'S ability to carry out aeronautical surveillance." ], [ "This will help F-FDTL to carry out one of its primary tasks, namely protecting the national territorial integritu by securing land and maritime territorys." ], [ "Some politicians also noted that vigilance capacity could help F-FDTL to prevent illegal exploration of natural resources, especially foreign boats fishing without authorization." ], [ "Building the capacity of defence forces through international cooperation remains a key priority for Government, and Mahein Foundation support these programme." ], [ "However, it is important that the Government follows legal processes related to parliamentary and presidential oversight of security cooperation agreement." ], [ "Pursuant to Law No." ], [ "3/2017 on the Military Service, all security cooperation agreements must be supervised by a Superior Council for Defence and Security (CSDS), which is made up of President da República; Speaker do Parlamento Nacional [National Parliament], Prime-Ministro[Prime Minister] e Ministro de Justiça(Justice minister); Representatives from three national parliamentary groups: CEMGFA - Central Committee to Manage Foreign Affairs in Mozambique – Chief Commander General Policial Force)" ], [ "However, the Mahein Foundation notes that most security cooperation agreements are approved unilaterally by only executive power without maximum participation of CSDS or approval from National Parliament." ], [ "In 2013, Mahein Foundation asked the government to submit a MoU between USA and Timor-Leste for approval by National Parliament. This did not happen but in November of that same year it was approved as an agreement with US authorities which would be effective from January onwards (see below)." ], [ "According to our observation, neither the CSDS nor Parliament approved a new agreement for Baucau airport." ], [ "Therefore, we are concerned about the implications of this lack on Timor-Leste's security policy." ], [ "We believe that this policy must be based on a long-term plan, with democratic participation and maximum consultations among State bodies." ], [ "In terms of socio-economic issues, although the Baucau airport development could bring benefits to both Bacau area and country as well there are also risks for local communities from defence cooperation with infrastructure projects." ], [ "The Mahein Foundation has written in the past about how modern firearms traumatize village communities during military training exercises." ], [ "Large-scale construction projects and military activities also carry risks of physical injuries or environmental damage, including noise pollution (excessive sound/noised air) that can affect animals as well." ], [ "It must also be recognized that when a large number of foreign troops occupy one location, it carries the risk for exploitation and sexual violence as has occurred in Timor-Leste during UN missions." ], [ "Therefore, we expect that the Baucau airport agreement will include adequate protection to protect local communities from negative impacts of this project and future cooperation activities." ], [ "Apart from these domestic issues, the Baucau agreement raises some questions related to Timor-Leste's foreign policy." ], [ "Firstly, since Timor-Leste prioritizes ASEAN membership it is important to discuss the implications of this agreement for its accession." ], [ "In order to understand these implications, we must also look at the historical and geopolitical context of this region." ], [ "Although ASEAN is an anti-communist bloc allied with the US, its behaviour has also changed as geopolitical dynamics have evolved. As some member economies become stronger and more independent in political terms than others it will gain even further independence from these countries' power systems to form a powerful regional force that can compete against them on international level for global dominance over their respective regions of influence (economies)." ], [ "As China begins to challenge US hegemony in the Asia-Pacific region, ASEAN is also adapting its cooperation with it." ], [ "Some smaller ASEAN members are heavily dependent on Chinese investment and assistance, while the entire region maintains close ties with China in a variety of areas including defence." ], [ "Meanwhile, the US and its allies are trying to counter China’s influence in a variety of ways. This includes condemning Chinese behaviour on South-China Sea territory (including Hong Kong), Xinjiang area as well As strengthening regional security cooperation programme with military preparations for such an event" ], [ "Recently during the ASEAN Defence Ministerial Meeting, Indonesia's current defense minister and former Kopassus commander General Prabowo Subianto declared that members of Asean must \"unite\" in their military sector to prevent larger nations from dividing Asia-Pacific because they compete with each other." ], [ "Prabowo's statement reflected concern within ASEAN about efforts by China and the US - along with other nations – to force smaller countries in Asean into adopting defence cooperation agreement for their own strategic purpose." ], [ "Timorese civil society groups have also raised similar concerns - they say that the Baucau agreement violates our neutrality and involve us in a competition between China, with America." ], [ "They also said that the US interest in Baucau is due to Timor-Leste's strategic position as a potential base for monitoring and countering Chinese influence on Indo Pacific, warning Government of competition between great power putting at risk its sovereignty with neutrality." ], [ "Many analysts note that Timor-Leste's geographical position is highly strategic, particularly because the open sea between Dili and Atauro serve as an important route for submarine craft travelling from South Pacific to Indian Ocean." ], [ "The United States has a significant military presence in the South Pacific and Indian Ocean, while Southeast Asia is emerging as an important region for global trade with investment." ], [ "As a result, this sea route is of great importance to the US strategic interests." ], [ "We can see the geostrategic importance of \"sea lines Of Communication\" (SLOC) in political tensions that have occurred over several years around South China Sea, and we will be able to observe this relevance become more clearly apparent during a few coming year." ], [ "We all know that large nations always use their military and economic advantages to put pressure on smaller countries in order for them To sign agreement which benefits the big country." ], [ "These agreements also usually bring some benefits to the elite of a smaller country, such as increased military capabilities that help control their population or economic benefit through trade and investment." ], [ "The airport agreement of Baucau is not open to the public, so we do NOT know its specific conditions." ], [ "However, we can assume that the US will benefit from this deal because otherwise it would not be seeking to enter into an agreement for a number of years." ], [ "In conclusion, Fundasaun Mahein agrees that the Baucau airport agreement can bring benefits to Timor-Leste." ], [ "However, we hope that decision makers will carefully consider the costs and benefits of this approach." ], [ "The key question is how Timor-Leste's leaders consulted with ASEAN partners before making this decision." ], [ "We also do not know if this decision is based solely on Timor-Leste's policy of being \"colleagues with everyone.\"" ], [ "Similarly, we are very concerned about the risks to Timor-Leste if it entered into a struggle between great power ones especially as regional tension could rise in coming years." ], [ "At the same time, our security sector is not prepared for ASEAN accession or other challenges such as responding to natural disasters." ], [ "Therefore, international cooperation is very important to increase our capacity in these areas and also maintain good relations with bilateral as well multilateral partners." ], [ "We must not forget that we are a small country, with limited experience and resources. And our neighbour is very big!" ], [ "The history of Timor-Leste is also marked by international cooperation and the movement for solidarity." ], [ "We offer the following recommendations to help public and government officials ensure that Baucau airport brings benefits for Timor-Leste while minimizing negative impact on local communities as well As national security." ], [ "Although our \"colleague with all\" foreign policy has benefited us so far, and is a realistic one based on resources as well As history; regional And international tensions are increasingly rising which will challenge this policie in the future." ], [ "To ensure Timor-Leste's sovereignty and neutrality, our external policy decision must be based on the analysis of these international dynamics. We also need to learn from history so that we do not fall victim in competition between large nations.\"" ], [ "The Baucau airport agreement has many important geopolitical implications, but we cannot forget the local communities." ], [ "Defence cooperation activities and infrastructure projects must include appropriate means to protect local communities from negative impacts, as well involving community members into the construction of works or economic activity so that jobs are created with income." ], [ "Becoming an ASEAN member continues to be a high priority for Timor-Leste, and it carries many potential challenges as well." ], [ "A major advantage is that we can participate in regional security cooperation such as ADMM-Plus, which involves ASEAN members with 8 partners: Australia; China. India and Japan are the most recent addition to this group of countries while New Zealand has joined after Russia' s departure from Asia Pacific (2014)." ], [ "If the Government has not made an approach to enter this meeting, it would be better if they did so in order for them advantages." ], [ "Previous Next post: Timor-Leste Abstention in the UN Voting on Myanmar – Politics, Principles and PragmatismNext ← Prev Post PNTL & Human Security In East Тимор" ] ]
To’os iha suku Ahic Viqueque hetan estragu tanba mudansa klimátika | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE To’os iha suku Ahic Viqueque hetan estragu tanba mudansa klimátika\nTo’os iha suku Ahic Viqueque hetan estragu tanba mudansa klimátika\nVIQUEQUE, 15 novembru 2021 (TATOLI)—Xefe suku Ahic, postu adiministrativu Lacluta, munisípiu Viqueque, Hercilio Soares, hateten, mudansa klimátika tinan ne’e halo abitante lokál nia to’os barak mak hetan estragu.\n“Iha ha’u-nia suku, udan foin lalais loron tolu liubá estraga hotu komunidade nia to’os. Tanba ne’e, komunidade preokupa tanba enfrenta mós falta ai-han,” Líder komunitáriu dehan ba Agência TATOLI, iha salaun Administrasaun Viqueque, segunda ne’e.\nTanba ne’e, Xefe suku husu ba Governu atu normaliza mota sira, nune’e bainhira udan labele implika ba atividade komunidade lokál.\n“Tuir loloos udan para ona iha fulan-agostu, maibé fulan-setembru to’o agora udan hela de’it. Ida-ne’e halo ita dúvida no povu agrikultór halo to’os mós ladi’ak. Iha ha’u-nia suku, maioria abitante hanesan to’os-na’in,” nia akresenta.\nNia mós husu Governu liuhosi Ministériu Solidaridade Sosiál no Inkluzaun (MSSI) atu fó ajudu umanitáriu ba povu Ahic\n“Karik bele fó nesesidade bazika ba populasaun hanesan foos, nune’e tinan ne’e bele aguenta, se lae ami susar tanba komunidade moris iha área remota,” Hercilio Soares dehan.\nTuir dadus, suku Ahic kompostu hosi aldeia lima hanesan Crarec Boco ho totál uma-kain 42, Hali-oan ho totál uma-kain 36, Ailooc iha uma-kain 57, Hali-mean iha 97, Cai-ua iha 72, nune’e totál uma-kain iha suku hamutuk 304 no totál populasaun 2.004.\nIha sorin seluk, Diretór Sentru MSSI Viqueque, Geraldo de Carvalho, hateten, apoiu foos ba komunidade bazeia ba pedidu hosi autoridade suku.\n“Regra maka xefe suku tenke hato’o pedidu mai MSSI Viqueque maka sira mai simu foos hodi distribui ba komunidade. Tanba ne’e, ha’u bá Xefe suku Ahic hodi lori pedidu mai hatama iha MSSI hodi hetan apoiu,” nia dehan.\nPrevious articleSelebra 12 Novembru, situasaun iha territóriu nasionál la’o normál\nNext articleJuventude suku tolu partisipa formasaun ai-han ba moris di’ak iha Baucau
[ "To'os iha suku Ahic Viqueque hetan estragu tanba mudansa klimatika | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE To'os iha suku Ahic Viqueque hetan estragu tanba mudansa klimatika To'os iha suku Ahic Viqueque hetan estragu tanba mudansa klimatika VIQUEQUE, 15 novembru 2021 (TATOLI) - Xefe suku Ahic, postu adiministrativu Lacluta, munisipiu Viqueque, Hercilio Soares, hateten, mudansa klimatika tinan ne'e halo abitante lokal nia to'os barak mak hetan estragu.", "\"Iha ha'u-nia suku, udan foin lalais loron tolu liuba estraga hotu komunidade nia to'os.", "Tanba ne'e, komunidade preokupa tanba enfrenta mos falta ai-han,\" Lider komunitariu dehan ba Agencia TATOLI, iha salaun Administrasaun Viqueque, segunda ne'e.", "Tanba ne'e, Xefe suku husu ba Governu atu normaliza mota sira, nune'e bainhira udan labele implika ba atividade komunidade lokal.", "\"Tuir loloos udan para ona iha fulan-agostu, maibe fulan-setembru to'o agora udan hela de'it.", "Ida-ne'e halo ita duvida no povu agrikultor halo to'os mos ladi'ak.", "Iha ha'u-nia suku, maioria abitante hanesan to'os-na'in,\" nia akresenta.", "Nia mos husu Governu liuhosi Ministeriu Solidaridade Sosial no Inkluzaun (MSSI) atu fo ajudu umanitariu ba povu Ahic \"Karik bele fo nesesidade bazika ba populasaun hanesan foos, nune'e tinan ne'e bele aguenta, se lae ami susar tanba komunidade moris iha area remota,\" Hercilio Soares dehan.", "Tuir dadus, suku Ahic kompostu hosi aldeia lima hanesan Crarec Boco ho total uma-kain 42, Hali-oan ho total uma-kain 36, Ailooc iha uma-kain 57, Hali-mean iha 97, Cai-ua iha 72, nune'e total uma-kain iha suku hamutuk 304 no total populasaun 2.004.", "Iha sorin seluk, Diretor Sentru MSSI Viqueque, Geraldo de Carvalho, hateten, apoiu foos ba komunidade bazeia ba pedidu hosi autoridade suku.", "\"Regra maka xefe suku tenke hato'o pedidu mai MSSI Viqueque maka sira mai simu foos hodi distribui ba komunidade.", "Tanba ne'e, ha'u ba Xefe suku Ahic hodi lori pedidu mai hatama iha MSSI hodi hetan apoiu,\" nia dehan.", "Previous articleSelebra 12 Novembru, situasaun iha territoriu nasional la'o normal Next articleJuventude suku tolu partisipa formasaun ai-han ba moris di'ak iha Baucau" ]
[ [ "Forests in Ahic Viqueque village damaged due to climate change | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Wood trees destroyed because of climatics changes foresting workers fight for survival VIQUEque, Nov.15th (Agência Notícia) - Climate Change this year has cause a lot more local resident' s wood tree harm than it should have been during the previous years and that is why many people are now facing severe problems with their homes being burned down by rainfall or storm surge as they seek refuge from heat loss at home after having lost all property which was built on them since time immemorials" ], [ "\"In my village, the recent rain for three days destroyed all of our community's trees." ], [ "Therefore, the community is concerned because they are also facing a lack of food\", said Community Leader to Agência TATOLI in Viqueque Administration Hall on Monday." ], [ "Therefore, the village head asked to government normalize roads so that when rain does not imply local community activities." ], [ "\"The rain had actually stopped in August, but from September to now it's just raining." ], [ "This makes us doubt and the people farmers make to'os too bad." ], [ "In my village, the majority of inhabitants are landowners,” he adds." ], [ "He also asked the Government through Ministry of Social Solidarity and Inclusion (MSSI) to provide humanitarian aid for Ahic people \"If we can give basic necessities such as food, so that this year could endure otherwise it would be difficult because community lives in remote area\", Hercilio Soares said." ], [ "According to the data, Ahic village is composed of five settlements: Crarec Boco with a total household number 42; Hali-oan (36); Ailooc(57) and Halme'en/Halime’e in which there are respectively no more than ninety seven homes." ], [ "On the other hand, Director of MSSI Centre Viqueque Geraldo de Carvalho said that food assistance to communities is based on requests from village authorities." ], [ "\"The rule is that the village chief must submit a request to MSSI Viqueque so they can come and receive food for distribution." ], [ "Therefore, I went to the village chief of Ahic and took a petition with me for submission at MSSI so that we could get support,” he said." ], [ "Previous articleSelebrating November 12, the situation in national territories is not normal Next artikelThree village youths participate training on food for a good life at Baucau" ] ]
Primeiru-ministru vota konfiante iha vitória iha lejislativu - TIMOR AGORA\nPrimeiru-ministru vota konfiante iha vitória iha lejislativu\nPrimeiru-ministru ho sekretáriu-jeral Fretilin nian, Mari Alkatiri, hatudu konfiante, iha loron-sábadu ne'e, ba vitória hosi nia partidu iha eleisaun lejislativu antesipadu, ne'ebé halo menus tinan ida hafoin eleisaun anterior.\n"Bainhira ha'u hahú kampaña, ha'u senti konfiante no konfiansa hahú aumenta", hatete hosi sekretáriu-jeral hosi Frente Revolucionária do Timor-Leste Independente (Fretilin), momentu balun hafoin vota iha Eskola No. 1 iha Farol, iha sentru Díli nian.\nHatán kona-ba lian maka'as kampaña nian, ho insultu no krítika sira, Alkatiri hatete katak atake sira ikusmai ajuda nia.\n"Sé maka uza ona linguajen agresivu ho insultu ne'e maka ajuda ona ha'u. Obrigadu barak ba sira", nia afirma.\nHo estasaun votu haat, eskola Farol hanesan sentru votasaun ida hosi sentru votasaun tolu hosi suku Motael, iha zona sentral sidade Díli nian, ne'ebé iha eleitor resenseadu hamutuk 3.990.
[ "Primeiru-ministru vota konfiante iha vitoria iha lejislativu - TIMOR AGORA Primeiru-ministru vota konfiante iha vitoria iha lejislativu Primeiru-ministru ho sekretariu-jeral Fretilin nian, Mari Alkatiri, hatudu konfiante, iha loron-sabadu ne'e, ba vitoria hosi nia partidu iha eleisaun lejislativu antesipadu, ne'ebe halo menus tinan ida hafoin eleisaun anterior.", "\"Bainhira ha'u hahu kampana, ha'u senti konfiante no konfiansa hahu aumenta,\" hatete hosi sekretariu-jeral hosi Frente Revolucionaria do Timor-Leste Independente (Fretilin), momentu balun hafoin vota iha Eskola No. 1 iha Farol, iha sentru Dili nian.", "Hatan kona-ba lian maka'as kampana nian, ho insultu no kritika sira, Alkatiri hatete katak atake sira ikusmai ajuda nia.", "\"Se maka uza ona linguajen agresivu ho insultu ne'e maka ajuda ona ha'u.", "Obrigadu barak ba sira,\" nia afirma.", "Ho estasaun votu haat, eskola Farol hanesan sentru votasaun ida hosi sentru votasaun tolu hosi suku Motael, iha zona sentral sidade Dili nian, ne'ebe iha eleitor resenseadu hamutuk 3.990." ]
[ [ "Prime Minister votes confident in legislative victory - TIMOR AGORA The prime minister is voting trustingly for the parliamentary election. On Saturday, Mari Alkatiri showed himself to be convinced that his party will win an early general elections which are less than a year after last time they were held on 2017-Jul/Aug and have been overrun by opposition parties since then (see above)." ], [ "\"When I started campaigning, my confidence began to rise and it was a good thing for me\", said the secretary-general of Frente Revolucionaria do Timor Leste Independente (Fretilin), moments after voting at School No. 1 in Farol district on Dili's downtown area" ], [ "In response to the campaign's high-pitched language, with insult and criticism in it. Alkatiri said that his attack ultimately helped him out of this difficult situation: \"I am not a politician but I have been an activist for many years.\"" ], [ "\"If you have used aggressive language with insults that has helped me." ], [ "Many thanks to them,\" he says." ], [ "With four polling stations, Farol School is one of the three voting centres in Motael Township (in central Dili), which has a total number Of registered electors." ] ]
Asume Kargu PM, Labele Hare Figura - TIMOR AGORA\nAsume Kargu PM, Labele Hare Figura\nDILI — Sidadaun sira neebe involve an iha partidu politiku katak sedeit maka assume pasta Primeiru Ministru (PM), atu labele hare ba kor no ras. Maibe husu atu hare nia kapasidade, mental no simu ema hotu nia ideia atu bele jere governu ho diak.\nLia fuan hirak nee hatoo husi Adjuntu Xefe 12 de Novembru Rogerio Castro da Cruz ba STL iha nia servisu fatin Eis Komarka Balide Dili Sesta, (4/8/2017). Nia dehan tan ema hotu nia hakarak maka ema neebe sai PM tenki iha responsabilidade no matenek sufsiente atu bele halo dejenvolvimentu ba povu Timor Leste nee ba tinan lima mai.\nTuir hau nia hare ema nebe atu kaer pasta Primeiru Ministru laos hare deit ba ema mai husi background akademiku deit, maibe tenki iha esperensia no konesementu klean konaba situasaun ril povu Timor Leste nia oras nee. Lahare ba mos o jerasaun tuan ka jerasaun foun maibe hare mak ema nia kapasidade atu jere programa governu liu husi orsamentu estadu,”nia dehan.\nPasta PM bele hare husi nia edukasaun mai husi akademiku maibe hare ba situasaun ril Timor Leste oras nee, tenki adopta ho povu nia ejejensia no opiniaun. Biar ema akademiku maibe nia lahatene situasaun ril neebe povu Timor Leste hasoru oras nee bele sai problema mos iha governasaun foun.\nParte Akademiku Reitor Instituto Of Businness (IOB) Augusto Conceicao Soares, dehan ema neebe simu pasta PM tenki backgorund akademiku kualidade, atu bele akomula ema tomak nia hanoin hodi ukun governu nee ho responsabilidade. Tamba governu nudar orgaun suberanu ida iha nasaun RDTL. Justinho Manuel
[ "Asume Kargu PM, Labele Hare Figura - TIMOR AGORA Asume Kargu PM, Labele Hare Figura DILI - Sidadaun sira neebe involve an iha partidu politiku katak sedeit maka assume pasta Primeiru Ministru (PM), atu labele hare ba kor no ras.", "Maibe husu atu hare nia kapasidade, mental no simu ema hotu nia ideia atu bele jere governu ho diak.", "Lia fuan hirak nee hatoo husi Adjuntu Xefe 12 de Novembru Rogerio Castro da Cruz ba STL iha nia servisu fatin Eis Komarka Balide Dili Sesta, (4/8/2017).", "Nia dehan tan ema hotu nia hakarak maka ema neebe sai PM tenki iha responsabilidade no matenek sufsiente atu bele halo dejenvolvimentu ba povu Timor Leste nee ba tinan lima mai.", "Tuir hau nia hare ema nebe atu kaer pasta Primeiru Ministru laos hare deit ba ema mai husi background akademiku deit, maibe tenki iha esperensia no konesementu klean konaba situasaun ril povu Timor Leste nia oras nee.", "Lahare ba mos o jerasaun tuan ka jerasaun foun maibe hare mak ema nia kapasidade atu jere programa governu liu husi orsamentu estadu,\"nia dehan.", "Pasta PM bele hare husi nia edukasaun mai husi akademiku maibe hare ba situasaun ril Timor Leste oras nee, tenki adopta ho povu nia ejejensia no opiniaun.", "Biar ema akademiku maibe nia lahatene situasaun ril neebe povu Timor Leste hasoru oras nee bele sai problema mos iha governasaun foun.", "Parte Akademiku Reitor Instituto Of Businness (IOB) Augusto Conceicao Soares, dehan ema neebe simu pasta PM tenki backgorund akademiku kualidade, atu bele akomula ema tomak nia hanoin hodi ukun governu nee ho responsabilidade.", "Tamba governu nudar orgaun suberanu ida iha nasaun RDTL.", "Justinho Manuel" ]
[ [ "Asume Kargu PM, Labele Hare Figura - TIMOR AGORA Assume the Prime Minister's Office and Dont Look at Face Dili – Citizen who are involved in a political party say that it is best to take over as prime minister (PM) without looking on race or ethnicity." ], [ "But he asked to see his ability, mental and accept everyone's ideas in order for him manage the government well." ], [ "These were the words spoken by 12 de Novembro Deputy Chief Rogerio Castro da Cruz to STL at his office in Ex-Comarca Valide Dili on Saturday, (4/8)" ], [ "He also said that everyone wants the person who will be PM to have sufficient responsibility and wisdom in order for him or her, over five years of his/her term as Prime Minister." ], [ "According to me, the person who should be Prime Minister does not just look at someone from an academic background but must have experience and a clear understanding of East Timor’s current real situation." ], [ "I am also interested in the old and new generations, but what matters is people' s ability to manage government programs through state budget,” she said." ], [ "Pasta PM can look at his education from the academic but looking to East Timor's real situation now, must adopt with people’ s essence and opinion." ], [ "Although he is an academic, his analysis of the real situation that East Timorese people are currently facing may also become a problem in new governance." ], [ "The Academic Party Rector of the Instituto Of Businness (IOB) Augusto Conceicao Soares, said that anyone who receives PM post must have a quality academic backgorund in order to accumulate all people' s thoughts and govern this government with responsibility." ], [ "Because the government is a sovereign body in Timor-Leste." ], [ "Justinho Manuel" ] ]
Iha sosiedade nia laran, koñesimentu kona-ba igualdade jéneru aumenta maka’as. Ema barak hatene ona katak violénsia doméstika maka krime públiku, katak la’os asuntu uma laran ne’ebé autoridade sira la bele interven. Ne’e ita bele haree iha númeru keixa ba polísia ne’ebé aumenta beibeik, ne’ebé hatudu katak sosiedade jeral preokupa ho problema ne’e.\nMudansa bo’ot kona-ba papel feto iha públiku, katak feto barak mak asume kargu iha governu no mós servisu iha setór privadu. Ne’e progresu ne’ebé importante tanba tradisionalmente papel públiku konsidera nu’udar papel mane sira nian. Jeralmente, ne’e hatutu katak sosiedade komesa rekoñese feto nia partisipasaun no envolvimentu iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu nasionál.\nMudansa sira-ne’e ita bele haree nu’udar rezultadu husi esforsu barak ne’ebé parte oi-oin hala’o ona, hanesan Governo, Parlamentu Nasionál, organizasaun naun-governamental sira no mós Igreja. Ezemplu di’ak ida husi Igreja mak atividade sosializasaun kona-ba violénsia doméstika ne’ebé hala’o iha parokia sira.\nHusi parte SEPI nian haree katak iha tinan 2014 ne’e kolaborasaun ka parseria entre SEPI ho organizasaun naun-governamental la’o diak liu. Ne’e ita bele haree iha atividade oioin ne’ebé SEPI envolve ONG sira iha distritu no mós iha kapital Dili.\nAtu apresia mudansa ne’ebé atinje, SEPI iha 2013 hato’o Apresiasaun Jéneru (Gender Award) ba sidadaun sira ne’ebé hala’o promosaun igualdade iha nivel distritu no ba Ministériu/Sekretaria Estadu sira ne’ebé hala’o promosaun igualdade iha nivel nasionál. Ida ne’e rasik mos mudansa ne’ebé SEPI halo, tanba iha duni servisu ne’ebé di’ak iha ida-idak nia knaar. Apresiasaun Jéneru 2013 hato’o ba ema nain 26 husi distritu 13 Timor-Leste tomak no Ministériu/Sekretaria Estadu 10, iha okaziaun Selebrasaun Loron Nasionál ba Feto iha Centro da Convenções de Dili (CCD), 3 Novembru 2013 ne’ebé hetan mós partisipasaun husi delegasaun Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam, Australia, no Tailandia. Tinan-tinan Governo hamutuk ho sosiedade sivil mós halao komemorasaun ba loron boot ba feto, hanesan loron nasionál no loron internasionál. Komemorasaun Loron Nasionál ba Feto tinan 2013 konsege halo ema barak hatene feto nia papel iha sosiedade no luta ba libertasaun nasionál. Iha komemorasaun ne’e SEPI hasai istória badak kona-ba Loron Nasionál ba Feto 3 Novembru ne’ebé selebra iha Timor-Leste hahú husi tinan 1977.\nKona-ba partisipasaun feto iha polítika, iha tinan 2013 Governu integra tiha ona iha Dekretu-Lei kona-ba Dekonsentrasaun no Lei Eleitoral ba Munisipiu, kuota 30% partisipasaun feto iha munisipiu. Instalasaun munisipiu ne’e sei hala’o iha 2014, maibé hahú husi 2013 SEPI hamutuk ho organizasaun sosiedade sivil hala’o ona atividade hodi prepara feto sira ne’ebé potensiál.\nEspesifikamente kona-ba servisu SEPI nian, iha tinan 2013 finaliza tiha ona estabeleseimentu Grupu Traballu Jéneru Distritál no Grupu Traballu Jéneru Ministeriál. Relasiona ho implementasaun Planu Asaun Nasionál kona-ba Violénsia Bazeia ba Jéneru, SEPI estabelese ona sistema monitorizasaun. Implementasaun ba planu ne’e la’os deit SEPI mak hala’o, maibé barak liu mak Ministériu Solidariedade Sosial, Ministériu Edukasaun, Ministériu Justiza, no Sekretaria Estadu ba Seguransa.\nMaske iha progresu ne’e, iha workshop ne’e rekoñese katak iha mós dezafiu bo’ot. Ezemplu ida, loos katak ema barak hatene ona katak violénsia doméstika maka krime públiku ne’ebé autoridade sira sei halo prosesu kriminál wainhira akontese, maibé ema barakla simu nafatin hanoin foun ne’e.\nKona-ba progresu papel feto iha públiku iha dezafiu katak fahe servisu entre feto ho mane iha uma laran no mós servisu komunitaria seidauk iha mudansa barak. Servisu uma laran sei konsidera nu’udar feto nia obrigasaun. Nune’e mós servisu komunitaria, hanesan prepara hahan ba lia mati no lia moris no seluk-seluk tan, nafatin konseidera nu’udar obrigasaun feto nian, la’os feto ho mane hotu. Sei hanesan ne’e, feto servisu dala tolu, katak feto tenke servisu setor públiku ka setór privadu ba buka osan, ne’ebé nia mós nafatin tenke servisu iha uma laran (domestika) no servisu komunitaria.\nHits ohin loron : 256\nHits : 419423
[ "Iha sosiedade nia laran, konesimentu kona-ba igualdade jeneru aumenta maka'as.", "Ema barak hatene ona katak violensia domestika maka krime publiku, katak la'os asuntu uma laran ne'ebe autoridade sira la bele interven.", "Ne'e ita bele haree iha numeru keixa ba polisia ne'ebe aumenta beibeik, ne'ebe hatudu katak sosiedade jeral preokupa ho problema ne'e.", "Mudansa bo'ot kona-ba papel feto iha publiku, katak feto barak mak asume kargu iha governu no mos servisu iha setor privadu.", "Ne'e progresu ne'ebe importante tanba tradisionalmente papel publiku konsidera nu'udar papel mane sira nian.", "Jeralmente, ne'e hatutu katak sosiedade komesa rekonese feto nia partisipasaun no envolvimentu iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu nasional.", "Mudansa sira-ne'e ita bele haree nu'udar rezultadu husi esforsu barak ne'ebe parte oi-oin hala'o ona, hanesan Governo, Parlamentu Nasional, organizasaun naun-governamental sira no mos Igreja.", "Ezemplu di'ak ida husi Igreja mak atividade sosializasaun kona-ba violensia domestika ne'ebe hala'o iha parokia sira.", "Husi parte SEPI nian haree katak iha tinan 2014 ne'e kolaborasaun ka parseria entre SEPI ho organizasaun naun-governamental la'o diak liu.", "Ne'e ita bele haree iha atividade oioin ne'ebe SEPI envolve ONG sira iha distritu no mos iha kapital Dili.", "Atu apresia mudansa ne'ebe atinje, SEPI iha 2013 hato'o Apresiasaun Jeneru (Gender Award) ba sidadaun sira ne'ebe hala'o promosaun igualdade iha nivel distritu no ba Ministeriu/Sekretaria Estadu sira ne'ebe hala'o promosaun igualdade iha nivel nasional.", "Ida ne'e rasik mos mudansa ne'ebe SEPI halo, tanba iha duni servisu ne'ebe di'ak iha ida-idak nia knaar.", "Apresiasaun Jeneru 2013 hato'o ba ema nain 26 husi distritu 13 Timor-Leste tomak no Ministeriu/Sekretaria Estadu 10, iha okaziaun Selebrasaun Loron Nasional ba Feto iha Centro da Convencoes de Dili (CCD), 3 Novembru 2013 ne'ebe hetan mos partisipasaun husi delegasaun Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam, Australia, no Tailandia.", "Tinan-tinan Governo hamutuk ho sosiedade sivil mos halao komemorasaun ba loron boot ba feto, hanesan loron nasional no loron internasional.", "Komemorasaun Loron Nasional ba Feto tinan 2013 konsege halo ema barak hatene feto nia papel iha sosiedade no luta ba libertasaun nasional.", "Iha komemorasaun ne'e SEPI hasai istoria badak kona-ba Loron Nasional ba Feto 3 Novembru ne'ebe selebra iha Timor-Leste hahu husi tinan 1977.", "Kona-ba partisipasaun feto iha politika, iha tinan 2013 Governu integra tiha ona iha Dekretu-Lei kona-ba Dekonsentrasaun no Lei Eleitoral ba Munisipiu, kuota 30% partisipasaun feto iha munisipiu.", "Instalasaun munisipiu ne'e sei hala'o iha 2014, maibe hahu husi 2013 SEPI hamutuk ho organizasaun sosiedade sivil hala'o ona atividade hodi prepara feto sira ne'ebe potensial.", "Espesifikamente kona-ba servisu SEPI nian, iha tinan 2013 finaliza tiha ona estabeleseimentu Grupu Traballu Jeneru Distrital no Grupu Traballu Jeneru Ministerial.", "Relasiona ho implementasaun Planu Asaun Nasional kona-ba Violensia Bazeia ba Jeneru, SEPI estabelese ona sistema monitorizasaun.", "Implementasaun ba planu ne'e la'os deit SEPI mak hala'o, maibe barak liu mak Ministeriu Solidariedade Sosial, Ministeriu Edukasaun, Ministeriu Justiza, no Sekretaria Estadu ba Seguransa.", "Maske iha progresu ne'e, iha workshop ne'e rekonese katak iha mos dezafiu bo'ot.", "Ezemplu ida, loos katak ema barak hatene ona katak violensia domestika maka krime publiku ne'ebe autoridade sira sei halo prosesu kriminal wainhira akontese, maibe ema barakla simu nafatin hanoin foun ne'e.", "Kona-ba progresu papel feto iha publiku iha dezafiu katak fahe servisu entre feto ho mane iha uma laran no mos servisu komunitaria seidauk iha mudansa barak.", "Servisu uma laran sei konsidera nu'udar feto nia obrigasaun.", "Nune'e mos servisu komunitaria, hanesan prepara hahan ba lia mati no lia moris no seluk-seluk tan, nafatin konseidera nu'udar obrigasaun feto nian, la'os feto ho mane hotu.", "Sei hanesan ne'e, feto servisu dala tolu, katak feto tenke servisu setor publiku ka setor privadu ba buka osan, ne'ebe nia mos nafatin tenke servisu iha uma laran (domestika) no servisu komunitaria.", "Hits ohin loron: 256 Hits: 419423" ]
[ [ "Within society, awareness of gender equality has increased significantly." ], [ "Many people are aware that domestic violence is a public crime, and not an internal affair in which the authorities cannot intervene." ], [ "This can be seen in the increasing number of police complaints, which shows that society at large is concerned about this problem." ], [ "There has been a significant change in the role of women within public life, with many taking up government positions and also working for private companies." ], [ "This is an important step forward because public roles have traditionally been considered to be male-dominated." ], [ "In general, this indicates that society is beginning to recognize women's participation and involvement in the national development process." ], [ "These changes can be seen as the result of many efforts made by various stakeholders, including governmental bodies and national parliamentary institutions in addition to non-governmental organization (NGO) groups like Churches." ], [ "A good example of the Church's socialization activities on domestic violence is carried out in parishes." ], [ "From the side of SEPI, it is seen that in 2014 this collaboration or partnership between SEPI and non-governmental organizations went better." ], [ "This can be seen in the various activities that SEPI involves NGO'S both district and capital Dili." ], [ "In recognition of the changes achieved, SEPI presentes in 2013 a Gender Award to citizens who promote equality at district level and ministries/state secretariats that do so nationally." ], [ "This is also a change that SEPI has made, because there was indeed good work being done on each of their duties." ], [ "The Gender Appreciation 2013 was presented to a total of twenty-six people from the thirteen Timorese district and ten Ministries/Secretariats, at National Women' s Day Celebration in Dili Convention Centre (CCD) on November three. This event also saw participating delegations for Indonesia; Brunei Darussalam: Australia & Thailand" ], [ "Every year, the Government together with civil society also celebrates major women' s days such as national and international day." ], [ "The commemoration of National Women's Day in 2013 was successful at raising awareness about the role that women play and their struggle for national liberation." ], [ "During the commemoration, SEPI presented a brief history of National Women's Day on Nov.3 which has been celebratet in Timor-Leste since November1976 and was officially proclaimed as such by President Xanana Gusmao at his inaugural address to national delegation during an event held last year (20 October)." ], [ "Regarding women’s participation in politics, the Government has integrated a 30% quota for female representation at municipal level into its Decree-Law on deconcentration and Municipal Election Law of June." ], [ "The municipality's installation will take place in 2014, but since the beginning of this year SEPI together with civil society organization has been carrying out activities to prepare women who have potential." ], [ "Specifically with regard to SEPI’s work, in 2013 the establishment of District Gender Working Group and Ministerial gender working group was completed." ], [ "In relation to the implementation of National Action Plan on Gender-Based Violence, SEPI has established a monitoring system." ], [ "The implementation of the plan is not only carried out by SEPI, but also involving many other ministries such as Ministry for Social Solidarity (MSS), Ministerial Education and Justice Departments." ], [ "Despite this progress, the workshop acknowledged that there are also great challenges." ], [ "For example, although many people already know that domestic violence is an offence against the public and authorities will prosecute when it happens in court or otherwise for criminal offences." ], [ "With regard to the progress of women's role in public life, there is a challenge that division between men and woman work at home but also community service has not changed much." ], [ "Domestic service will be considered as a woman's obligation." ], [ "Likewise, community work such as preparing food for the family and others are still considered to be women's duties rather than all men." ], [ "Similarly, women work three times: they have to be employed in the public or private sectors for earning their living; and then there is also domestic (domestic) labor." ], [ "Hits Today: 256 hits today, total hit count of the day is now at -419387." ] ]
PD sei promove industria turizmu Liquiça - GMN TV\nGMN TV Politika PD sei promove industria turizmu Liquiça\nPresidente Partidu Demokratiku (PD), Mariano Assanami Sabino, promete ba militantes no simpatizantes Liquiça atu tau atensaun ba promove industria turizmu baze komunitaria Liquiça wainhira hetan fiar husi povu atu lidera VIII Governu Konstitusional.\n“Ita atu dezemvolve turizmu tenke loke kooperativa atu fasilita no mobiliza turizmu . Tanba durante ne’e ema utiliza sai hanesan fatin ne’ebe pasiar ita tenke dezemvolbe foti sa’e , no promeve sai fatin turistiku” afirma Prezidente PD Mariano Assanami Sabino perante nia intervensaun iha kampaña abertu PD nian iha Liquiça, Sabado (28/4/2018).\nAssanami afirma katak , dezemvolve turizmu ho baze oi-oin hanesan turizmu religiojo sei kontinua iha fatin lubuk ida iha masakre akontese iha liquisa turizmu ho baze hostiriku. Tanba ne’e, tenke dezemvolve fatin sira ne’ebe mak bele fo kampu traballu ba Liquiça oan sira.\nNia hatutan, oinsa mak apoiu turizmu industria transversal, maka tenke iha kreditu atu dezemvove liu tan iha area turizmu nian setor seluk.\nSecretario Jeral PD, Antonio da Conceição “Kalohan”, hateten, dezemvolvimentu ekonomia Liquiça laos do’ok husi kapital Dili no Liquiça tenke tau nia postu politika ba governasaun foun .PD fo nia apoio tomak ba konstruksaun portu tibar bele dezemvolve no konstroi.\n“Konstruksaaun Portu Tibar fatin ne’ebe sai sentru ita hahu halo tranzaksaun komersial, laos deit iha rai laran, maibe mos bele lori ita nia aktividade ekonomikas sai ba estranjeirus,” hateten Antonio Kalohan.\nPD promete ho konstruksaun Portu Tibar, industria sei dezemvolve iha Ulmera, atu fo espasu ba abitasaun eskritoriu no mos Loes sai sentru no espasu ba merkadu atu dezemvolve ekonomia. Tanba ne’e tenke moderniza merkadu atual funsiona iha Loes, nune’e la bele husik populasaun hala’o komersiu ho kondisaun inserteza ekononiku.\nKampaña partidu demokratiku iha Liquisa ne’e hetan seguransa maximu husi Polisia Nasional Timor Leste (PNTL) no mos observa direita husi Comissão Nacional ba Eleisoens. ety
[ "PD sei promove industria turizmu Liquica - GMN TV GMN TV Politika PD sei promove industria turizmu Liquica Presidente Partidu Demokratiku (PD), Mariano Assanami Sabino, promete ba militantes no simpatizantes Liquica atu tau atensaun ba promove industria turizmu baze komunitaria Liquica wainhira hetan fiar husi povu atu lidera VIII Governu Konstitusional.", "\"Ita atu dezemvolve turizmu tenke loke kooperativa atu fasilita no mobiliza turizmu .", "Tanba durante ne'e ema utiliza sai hanesan fatin ne'ebe pasiar ita tenke dezemvolbe foti sa'e , no promeve sai fatin turistiku\" afirma Prezidente PD Mariano Assanami Sabino perante nia intervensaun iha kampana abertu PD nian iha Liquica, Sabado (28/4/2018).", "Assanami afirma katak , dezemvolve turizmu ho baze oi-oin hanesan turizmu religiojo sei kontinua iha fatin lubuk ida iha masakre akontese iha liquisa turizmu ho baze hostiriku.", "Tanba ne'e, tenke dezemvolve fatin sira ne'ebe mak bele fo kampu traballu ba Liquica oan sira.", "Nia hatutan, oinsa mak apoiu turizmu industria transversal, maka tenke iha kreditu atu dezemvove liu tan iha area turizmu nian setor seluk.", "Secretario Jeral PD, Antonio da Conceicao \"Kalohan,\" hateten, dezemvolvimentu ekonomia Liquica laos do'ok husi kapital Dili no Liquica tenke tau nia postu politika ba governasaun foun .PD fo nia apoio tomak ba konstruksaun portu tibar bele dezemvolve no konstroi.", "\"Konstruksaaun Portu Tibar fatin ne'ebe sai sentru ita hahu halo tranzaksaun komersial, laos deit iha rai laran, maibe mos bele lori ita nia aktividade ekonomikas sai ba estranjeirus,\" hateten Antonio Kalohan.", "PD promete ho konstruksaun Portu Tibar, industria sei dezemvolve iha Ulmera, atu fo espasu ba abitasaun eskritoriu no mos Loes sai sentru no espasu ba merkadu atu dezemvolve ekonomia.", "Tanba ne'e tenke moderniza merkadu atual funsiona iha Loes, nune'e la bele husik populasaun hala'o komersiu ho kondisaun inserteza ekononiku.", "Kampana partidu demokratiku iha Liquisa ne'e hetan seguransa maximu husi Polisia Nasional Timor Leste (PNTL) no mos observa direita husi Comissao Nacional ba Eleisoens. ety" ]
[ [ "PD will promote the tourism industry Liquica - GMN TV Politika The President of Democratic Party (PD), Mariano Assanami Sabino, promised to members and supporters in liquisa that he would pay attention on promoting community-based tourist industries when winning confidence from people for leading VIII Constitutional Government." ], [ "\"To develop tourism, we must open cooperatives to facilitate and mobilize the sector." ], [ "Because during this time people used it as a place where they walked, we have to develop and promote tourism\" said PD President Mariano Assanami Sabino before his intervention at the open campaign of DP in Liquica on Saturday (28/4 / 10)." ], [ "Assanami affirms that, developing tourism with various bases such as religious Tourism will continue in many places where massacres occurred. In the liquisa of hostiric based tourist activities :" ], [ "Therefore, it is necessary to develop places that can provide employment for the people of Liquica." ], [ "He added that in order to support the tourism industry transversal, there must be credit for further development of other sectors." ], [ "General Secretary of the PD, Antonio da Conceicao \"Kalohan\", said that Liquica's economic development is not just about Dili and it must put its political position to new governance. The DP gives all support for construction tibar port can develop & build ;" ], [ "\"With the construction of Tibar Port, which became a centre for commercial transactions not only in our country but also to bring out economic activities outside\", said Antonio Kalohan." ], [ "PD promised with the construction of Tibar Port, industry will develop in Ulmera to give space for office housing and also Loes becomes a center & market area that can help development." ], [ "Therefore, it is necessary to modernize the current market functioning in Loes so that we can not let people carry out commerce under conditions of economic insertion." ], [ "The campaign of the democratic party in Liquisa was given maximum security by Timor-Leste National Police (PNTL) and also observed closely from Comissao Nacional ba Eleisoens. ety" ] ]
Apokalipse 14 | Bíblia online | New World Translation (1984)\n14 No haʼu haree Bibi-Oan hamriik iha Foho Siaun nia leten hamutuk ho ema naʼin-144.000, no iha sira-nia reen-toos hakerek tiha Bibi-Oan nia naran no ninia Aman nia naran. 2 No haʼu rona lian ida sai husi lalehan hanesan lian husi bee barak no mós hanesan rai-tarutu makaʼas; no lian neʼebé haʼu rona mak hanesan lian husi kantadór sira nuʼudar sira toka sira-nia arpa. 3 No sira kanta knananuk neʼebé haree hanesan knananuk foun ida, no sira hamriik iha kadunan nia oin no iha anju haat no katuas sira-nia oin; no la iha ema ida bele hatene knananuk neʼe só deʼit sira naʼin-144.000 neʼebé sosa tiha ona husi rai. 4 Sira mak ema neʼebé la hafoʼer sira-nia an ho feto sira; tuir loloos, sira seidauk toba ho feto ida.* Sira mak ema neʼebé kontinua laʼo tuir Bibi-Oan ba fatin naran deʼit neʼebé nia bá. Sira mak ema neʼebé sosa ona husi ema seluk nia leet nuʼudar ai-fuan primeiru ba Maromak no ba Bibi-Oan, 5 no la iha lia-bosok sai husi sira-nia ibun; sira la iha sala ida. 6 No haʼu haree anju ida seluk semo iha lalehan, no nia iha liafuan diʼak atu fó sai ba sira neʼebé hela iha rai, ba nasaun hotu, suku hotu, lian hotu no povu hotu, 7 hodi koʼalia ho lian makaʼas dehan: “Hamtaʼuk Maromak no fó glória ba nia, tanba tempu ba ninia tesi-lia toʼo mai ona; tan neʼe adora bá Ida neʼebé halo lalehan no rai, tasi no bee-matan.” 8 No anju segundu tuir nia no dehan: “Sidade neʼe monu tiha ona! Babilónia Boot monu tiha ona; nia mak ida neʼebé halo nasaun hotu hemu ninia tua-uvas, katak ninia hakarak makaʼas atu halo sala-foʼer!” 9 No anju terseiru mai tuir sira no dehan ho lian makaʼas: “Se ema ruma adora animál fuik neʼe no ninia estátua, no simu marka iha sira-nia reen-toos ka liman, 10 sira mós sei hemu Maromak nia tua-uvas, katak ninia hirus. Tua-uvas neʼe makaʼas loos no Maromak fui sai ona ba ninia kopu hirus nian, no ema sira-neʼe sei hetan kastigu ho ahi neʼebé lakan makaʼas iha anju santu sira-nia oin no iha Bibi-Oan nia oin. 11 No suar husi ahi neʼebé haterus sira kontinua nafatin, no sira-nia kastigu la para loron no kalan, sira mak ema neʼebé adora animál fuik no ninia estátua, no neʼebé simu marka ho ninia naran. 12 Tan neʼe mak santu sira presiza atu tahan ho laran-metin, katak sira neʼebé halo tuir Maromak nia ukun-fuan sira no kaer metin ba fiar kona-ba Jesus.” 13 No haʼu rona lian ida husi lalehan dehan: “Hakerek liafuan sira-neʼe: Hahú husi tempu neʼe ba oin, ksolok ba sira neʼebé mate iha Naʼi!* Sin, espíritu dehan, sira tenke deskansa husi sira-nia serbisu, tanba buat diʼak neʼebé sira halo sei laʼo hamutuk sira.” 14 No haʼu haree kalohan mutin ida, no ida neʼebé tuur iha kalohan nia leten haree hanesan oan-mane husi ema, no iha koroa osan-mean iha nia ulun no iha nia liman nia kaer hela tudik koʼa nian neʼebé kroʼat. 15 No anju ida seluk sai husi templu, no koʼalia ho lian makaʼas ba ida neʼebé tuur iha kalohan leten hodi dehan: “Lolo ó-nia tudik no koʼa bá, tanba tempu koʼa nian toʼo ona, basá toʼos raiklaran nian tasak ona.” 16 No ida neʼebé tuur iha kalohan leten lolo ninia tudik ba rai, no nia koʼa buat neʼebé iha rai. 17 No anju ida tan sai husi templu neʼebé iha lalehan; anju neʼe mós kaer hela tudik koʼa nian neʼebé kroʼat. 18 No anju ida tan sai husi altár no nia ukun ahi. No nia bolu ho lian makaʼas ba ida neʼebé kaer hela tudik kroʼat hodi dehan: “Lolo ó-nia tudik no halibur uvas-fuan iha rai, tanba uvas-fuan sira-neʼe sai tasak ona.” 19 No anju neʼe lolo ninia tudik ba rai no tesi uvas-hun iha rai, no nia soe neʼe ba fatin atu sama uvas nian, katak Maromak nia hirus. 20 Kuda sira sama uvas-fuan iha sidade nia liʼur, no raan neʼebé sai husi fatin neʼe aas toʼo kuda sira-neʼe nia ulun no suli toʼo besik kilómetru 300.*\n^ Apk 14:4 Iha lia-gregu dehan katak, “sira virjen hela”.\n^ Apk 14:13 Ka, “ida deʼit ho Naʼi”.\n^ Apk 14:20 Iha lia-gregu dehan katak, “estádiu 1.600”.
[ "Apokalipse 14 | Biblia online | New World Translation (1984) 14 No ha'u haree Bibi-Oan hamriik iha Foho Siaun nia leten hamutuk ho ema na'in-144.000, no iha sira-nia reen-toos hakerek tiha Bibi-Oan nia naran no ninia Aman nia naran.", "2 No ha'u rona lian ida sai husi lalehan hanesan lian husi bee barak no mos hanesan rai-tarutu maka'as; no lian ne'ebe ha'u rona mak hanesan lian husi kantador sira nu'udar sira toka sira-nia arpa.", "3 No sira kanta knananuk ne'ebe haree hanesan knananuk foun ida, no sira hamriik iha kadunan nia oin no iha anju haat no katuas sira-nia oin; no la iha ema ida bele hatene knananuk ne'e so de'it sira na'in-144.000 ne'ebe sosa tiha ona husi rai.", "4 Sira mak ema ne'ebe la hafo'er sira-nia an ho feto sira; tuir loloos, sira seidauk toba ho feto ida.* Sira mak ema ne'ebe kontinua la'o tuir Bibi-Oan ba fatin naran de'it ne'ebe nia ba.", "Sira mak ema ne'ebe sosa ona husi ema seluk nia leet nu'udar ai-fuan primeiru ba Maromak no ba Bibi-Oan, 5 no la iha lia-bosok sai husi sira-nia ibun; sira la iha sala ida.", "6 No ha'u haree anju ida seluk semo iha lalehan, no nia iha liafuan di'ak atu fo sai ba sira ne'ebe hela iha rai, ba nasaun hotu, suku hotu, lian hotu no povu hotu, 7 hodi ko'alia ho lian maka'as dehan: \"Hamta'uk Maromak no fo gloria ba nia, tanba tempu ba ninia tesi-lia to'o mai ona; tan ne'e adora ba Ida ne'ebe halo lalehan no rai, tasi no bee-matan.\"", "8 No anju segundu tuir nia no dehan: \"Sidade ne'e monu tiha ona!", "Babilonia Boot monu tiha ona; nia mak ida ne'ebe halo nasaun hotu hemu ninia tua-uvas, katak ninia hakarak maka'as atu halo sala-fo'er!\"", "9 No anju terseiru mai tuir sira no dehan ho lian maka'as: \"Se ema ruma adora animal fuik ne'e no ninia estatua, no simu marka iha sira-nia reen-toos ka liman, 10 sira mos sei hemu Maromak nia tua-uvas, katak ninia hirus.", "Tua-uvas ne'e maka'as loos no Maromak fui sai ona ba ninia kopu hirus nian, no ema sira-ne'e sei hetan kastigu ho ahi ne'ebe lakan maka'as iha anju santu sira-nia oin no iha Bibi-Oan nia oin.", "11 No suar husi ahi ne'ebe haterus sira kontinua nafatin, no sira-nia kastigu la para loron no kalan, sira mak ema ne'ebe adora animal fuik no ninia estatua, no ne'ebe simu marka ho ninia naran.", "12 Tan ne'e mak santu sira presiza atu tahan ho laran-metin, katak sira ne'ebe halo tuir Maromak nia ukun-fuan sira no kaer metin ba fiar kona-ba Jesus.\"", "13 No ha'u rona lian ida husi lalehan dehan: \"Hakerek liafuan sira-ne'e: Hahu husi tempu ne'e ba oin, ksolok ba sira ne'ebe mate iha Na'i!* Sin, espiritu dehan, sira tenke deskansa husi sira-nia serbisu, tanba buat di'ak ne'ebe sira halo sei la'o hamutuk sira.\"", "14 No ha'u haree kalohan mutin ida, no ida ne'ebe tuur iha kalohan nia leten haree hanesan oan-mane husi ema, no iha koroa osan-mean iha nia ulun no iha nia liman nia kaer hela tudik ko'a nian ne'ebe kro'at.", "15 No anju ida seluk sai husi templu, no ko'alia ho lian maka'as ba ida ne'ebe tuur iha kalohan leten hodi dehan: \"Lolo o-nia tudik no ko'a ba, tanba tempu ko'a nian to'o ona, basa to'os raiklaran nian tasak ona.\"", "16 No ida ne'ebe tuur iha kalohan leten lolo ninia tudik ba rai, no nia ko'a buat ne'ebe iha rai.", "17 No anju ida tan sai husi templu ne'ebe iha lalehan; anju ne'e mos kaer hela tudik ko'a nian ne'ebe kro'at.", "18 No anju ida tan sai husi altar no nia ukun ahi.", "No nia bolu ho lian maka'as ba ida ne'ebe kaer hela tudik kro'at hodi dehan: \"Lolo o-nia tudik no halibur uvas-fuan iha rai, tanba uvas-fuan sira-ne'e sai tasak ona.\"", "19 No anju ne'e lolo ninia tudik ba rai no tesi uvas-hun iha rai, no nia soe ne'e ba fatin atu sama uvas nian, katak Maromak nia hirus.", "20 Kuda sira sama uvas-fuan iha sidade nia li'ur, no raan ne'ebe sai husi fatin ne'e aas to'o kuda sira-ne'e nia ulun no suli to'o besik kilometru 300.* ^ Apk 14:4 Iha lia-gregu dehan katak, \"sira virjen hela.\" ^ Apk 14:13 Ka, \"ida de'it ho Na'i.\" ^ Apk 14:20 Iha lia-gregu dehan katak, \"estadiu 1.600.\"" ]
[ [ "14 And I saw the Son sitting in Zion's Desert, and with him a hundred forty-four thousand who had his name written on their backside; as was also His Father." ], [ "2 And I heard a voice from heaven as the sound of many waters, and like loud trumpets:and this was my hearing; it came out by singers playing on their harps." ], [ "3 And they sang as it were a new song, and fell down before the seven angels of God; but no man knew that singing except those hundred forty-four thousand who had been redeemed from earth." ], [ "4 These are they that have not been with women; for indeed, there is no woman among them. They follow the Son of man wherever he goeth by name only.*" ], [ "4 These have been purchased from among men as firstfruits to God and the Son of man.5 And no false word comes out their lips, neither is there any sin in them; they are without guilt.”" ], [ "6 And I saw another angel standing in heaven, having good tidings to preach unto them that dwell on the earth and all nations or tribe-men of different languages.7 He said with a loud voice: “Blessed be God! Give glory for his judgment has come; worship him who made heaven & Earth& sea+and water.”" ], [ "8 And a second angel followed, and said: The city is come down; she has been destroyed." ], [ "Babylon the great is fallen, and she that made all nations to drink of her vine; for it hath been inheritance unto iniquity.\"" ], [ "9 And a third angel followed them, saying with an aloud voice: If any man worship the beast and his image (o. logos)and receive their mark in its back or on it's hand;" ], [ "The vine is great and God has gone out into the cup of his wrath, so those who do not follow it will be punished with burning fire before holy angels." ], [ "10 And the smoke of his burning fire continueth to torment them: and their punishment ceaseeth not day nor night, even those that worshipped a beast or an image thereof; if any man receive its mark." ], [ "12 Wherefore the saints must have patience, even they that keep God's commandments and hold fast to Jesus’ faith.\"" ], [ "13 And I heard a voice out of heaven saying unto me, Speak this word: Come forth from henceforth; blessed are the dead in God. Nay (saith) [the Spirit], that they may rest off their labors! For all good works follow with them.\"" ], [ "14 And I saw a great throne, and he that sat upon the Thron was like unto an Son of man: on his head there were golden crowns; in its hand it had two red horns." ], [ "15 And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice unto him that sat upon his throne: Go away from me thy saddle and thine ark; for your hour is come to cast it down." ], [ "16 And he that sat upon the throne cast his head down to earth, and smote all things which were on Earth." ], [ "17 And another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven, he also having a small red vial." ], [ "18 And another angel came out from the altar, and he reigned there." ], [ "And he cried with a loud voice to him that held the handkerchief, saying: Put forth thy handskier and gather thou up grapes; because they are dried." ], [ "19 And the angel stretched forth his whip toward earth, and gathered grapes of a vineyard on Earth; he threw them into its wine-trees." ], [ "20 And the horses did bring forth grape outside of this city, and their blood came out from there up unto them on both head & feet by a distance as far off to thirty miles. ^ Apc14:3 Or \"only with God.\"" ] ]
Reforma “meiu” garante balansu entre despeza no reseita | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Reforma “meiu” garante balansu entre despeza no reseita\nReforma “meiu” garante balansu entre despeza no reseita\nDILI, 20 outubru 2020 (TATOLI)—Governu Konstitusionál Da-ualu, lideradu husi Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak, argumenta, ho reforma fiskál no reforma iha jestaun finansa públika sei halo balansu entre despeza no reseita.\nMinistra Finansa Ein-Ezersísiu atuál Vise-Ministra Finansa, Sara Lobo Brites ko’alia asuntu ne’e hodi fó resposta preokupasaun hosi Deputadu Adriano do Nascimento kona-ba balansu entre reseita no despeza ne’ebé boot tebes.\n“Governu kontinua introdús reforma sira ne’ebé mak kontinuasaun hosi reforma sira uluk implementa hanesan reforma fiskál no reforma ba finansa públika. Ita ko’alia kona-ba reforma iha komponente importante haat hodi bele hasa’e reseita, liuliu área finansa nian, kuadru legál ka normativa ne’ebé mak ita presiza introdús,” Vise-Ministra Finansa, Sara Lobo Brites, fundamenta liuhosi debate planu rekuperasaun ekonómika iha plenária, Parlamentu Nasionál, tersa ne’e.\nVise-Ministra Sara Lobo Brites, haktuir iha tempu reforma fiskál, governu prepara ezbosu-lei tributária foun, lei IVA (Impostu ba Valór Akresentadu), tinan ida-ne’e nia laran Ministériu Finansa mós aprezenta tan lei enkuadramentu ba jestaun finansa públika, planu mós atu halo reforma iha parte patrimóniu Estadu nian.\nNia dehan, objetivu hosi reforma sira-ne’e maka aumentu ba reseita liuliu halo revizaun ba lei sira ne’ebé agora ezistente ne’ebé mai hosi UNTAET (Organizasaun Nasaun Unida ba Tranzisaun Administraun Timor-Leste, sigla inglés) nia tempu entaun haree katak lei tributária iha tempu ne’ebá serve duni ba tinan sira iha pasadu maibé agora ho mudansa iha governu ne’ebé maka evolui maka’as entaun presiza atualizasaun hodi halo adaptasaun ba lei sira-ne’e.\n“Ho mudansa ba lei tributária bele aumenta reseita ho sentidu la’ós atu hasa’e taxa impostu maibé kobransa ba taxa sira bele iha prinsípiu sira hanesan iguál ba ema hotu-hotu ho proporsionalidade atu ema ne’ebé simu rendimentu aas nia tenke selu liu no ema ne’ebé rendimentu ki’ik selu tuir rendimentu kiik ne’e,” nia dehan.\nGovernante ne’e hatutan, reforma ba lei jestaun finanseira tanba haree iha situasaun ida bainhira reseita ne’e komesa tún bele buka tán fonte reseita ka aperta tán despeza nune’e despeza sira-ne’e bele efisiente. Nune’e alvu liu ba iha investimentu ka alvu liu ba kresimentu ekonómiku rai laran nian.\nNia akresenta, governu mós tau konsiderasaun hodi halo reforma ba lei jestaun finanseira ne’ebé ezistente dezde UNTAET nian.\n“Fonte seluk ne’ebé bele esplora maka ulitilizasaun patrimóniu estadu ne’ebé mak ita bele transforma patrimóniu ne’ebé mak iha la’ós atu utiliza de’it maibé mós governu bele patrimóniu sira-ne’e ho efisiente. Patrimóniu sira-ne’e ita ko’alia kona-ba moves no imoveis ne’ebé ko’alia kona-ba rai, ne’ebé mak bele fó mós reseita ba governu,” nia katak.\nEzekutiva ne’e subliña, kestaun sustentabilidade fundu petróleu, uainhira haree ba reseita doméstika ninia médiu ne’e kuaze millaun $170 no halo projesaun ba tinan 2021 millaun $177, kuaze laiha mudansa kompara ho tinan sira uluk.\nTanba, tuir nia, Timor-Leste nia reseita mai rasik hosi ekonomia rai laran katak bainhira ekonomia iha kontrasaun, reseita doméstika mós labele sa’e duni tanba reseita doméstika mai rasik hosi kresimentu ekonomia.\nNia fundamenta, kuandu iha kontrasaun konserteza reseita doméstika mós labele iha aumenta ne’ebé mak boot.\nVise-Ministra Finansa ne’e fó ezemplu, Timor-Leste nia realidade mak orsamentu iha fiskál ne’ebé mak boot tebes.\n“Se ita-nia reseita doméstika por volta millaun $177, ita adisiona tán reseita hosi RSE por volta millaun $540 mak korresponde ba ita-nia kapitál ne’ebé mak iha ho 3% entaun loloos ne’e ita-nia fonte reseita ne’ebé bele utiliza mak por volta millaun $600 ka millaun $700 mas ita-nia orsamentu boot liu ne’e,” nia haklaken.\nMinistra Finansa Ein-Ezersísiu ne’e esplika ba deputadu sira katak situasaun ne’e ba governu sé- sé de’it atu tuur iha governu konserteza sempre hasoru tanba nesesidade rai-laran boot tebes maibé reseita ki’ik.\nMaske nune’e, Vise-Ministra Finansa ne’e promete sei esforsu hodi hasa’e reseita doméstika.\nNotísia relevante:Governu presiza hamosu polítika balansu entre reseita no despeza\nJestaun finansa públika\nPrevious articleESJ 10 transforma ona ba eskola tékniku vokasionál\nNext articleMinistru Fidelis halo defeza onra kona-ba programa kriasaun serbisu rihun-60\nPTR husu apoia órgaun soberania atu harii Tribunál Supremu\nDILI, 05 maiu 2021 (TATOLI)—Prezidente Tribunál Rekursu (PTR) Deolindo dos Santos, husu apoia órgaun soberania hotu atu bele estabelese Tribunál Supremu nune’e mantein sistema...
[ "Reforma \"meiu\" garante balansu entre despeza no reseita | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Reforma \"meiu\" garante balansu entre despeza no reseita Reforma \"meiu\" garante balansu entre despeza no reseita DILI, 20 outubru 2020 (TATOLI) - Governu Konstitusional Da-ualu, lideradu husi Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak, argumenta, ho reforma fiskal no reforma iha jestaun finansa publika sei halo balansu entre despeza no reseita.", "Ministra Finansa Ein-Ezersisiu atual Vise-Ministra Finansa, Sara Lobo Brites ko'alia asuntu ne'e hodi fo resposta preokupasaun hosi Deputadu Adriano do Nascimento kona-ba balansu entre reseita no despeza ne'ebe boot tebes.", "\"Governu kontinua introdus reforma sira ne'ebe mak kontinuasaun hosi reforma sira uluk implementa hanesan reforma fiskal no reforma ba finansa publika.", "Ita ko'alia kona-ba reforma iha komponente importante haat hodi bele hasa'e reseita, liuliu area finansa nian, kuadru legal ka normativa ne'ebe mak ita presiza introdus,\" Vise-Ministra Finansa, Sara Lobo Brites, fundamenta liuhosi debate planu rekuperasaun ekonomika iha plenaria, Parlamentu Nasional, tersa ne'e.", "Vise-Ministra Sara Lobo Brites, haktuir iha tempu reforma fiskal, governu prepara ezbosu-lei tributaria foun, lei IVA (Impostu ba Valor Akresentadu), tinan ida-ne'e nia laran Ministeriu Finansa mos aprezenta tan lei enkuadramentu ba jestaun finansa publika, planu mos atu halo reforma iha parte patrimoniu Estadu nian.", "Nia dehan, objetivu hosi reforma sira-ne'e maka aumentu ba reseita liuliu halo revizaun ba lei sira ne'ebe agora ezistente ne'ebe mai hosi UNTAET (Organizasaun Nasaun Unida ba Tranzisaun Administraun Timor-Leste, sigla ingles) nia tempu entaun haree katak lei tributaria iha tempu ne'eba serve duni ba tinan sira iha pasadu maibe agora ho mudansa iha governu ne'ebe maka evolui maka'as entaun presiza atualizasaun hodi halo adaptasaun ba lei sira-ne'e.", "\"Ho mudansa ba lei tributaria bele aumenta reseita ho sentidu la'os atu hasa'e taxa impostu maibe kobransa ba taxa sira bele iha prinsipiu sira hanesan igual ba ema hotu-hotu ho proporsionalidade atu ema ne'ebe simu rendimentu aas nia tenke selu liu no ema ne'ebe rendimentu ki'ik selu tuir rendimentu kiik ne'e,\" nia dehan.", "Governante ne'e hatutan, reforma ba lei jestaun finanseira tanba haree iha situasaun ida bainhira reseita ne'e komesa tun bele buka tan fonte reseita ka aperta tan despeza nune'e despeza sira-ne'e bele efisiente.", "Nune'e alvu liu ba iha investimentu ka alvu liu ba kresimentu ekonomiku rai laran nian.", "Nia akresenta, governu mos tau konsiderasaun hodi halo reforma ba lei jestaun finanseira ne'ebe ezistente dezde UNTAET nian.", "\"Fonte seluk ne'ebe bele esplora maka ulitilizasaun patrimoniu estadu ne'ebe mak ita bele transforma patrimoniu ne'ebe mak iha la'os atu utiliza de'it maibe mos governu bele patrimoniu sira-ne'e ho efisiente.", "Patrimoniu sira-ne'e ita ko'alia kona-ba moves no imoveis ne'ebe ko'alia kona-ba rai, ne'ebe mak bele fo mos reseita ba governu,\" nia katak.", "Ezekutiva ne'e sublina, kestaun sustentabilidade fundu petroleu, uainhira haree ba reseita domestika ninia mediu ne'e kuaze millaun $170 no halo projesaun ba tinan 2021 millaun $177, kuaze laiha mudansa kompara ho tinan sira uluk.", "Tanba, tuir nia, Timor-Leste nia reseita mai rasik hosi ekonomia rai laran katak bainhira ekonomia iha kontrasaun, reseita domestika mos labele sa'e duni tanba reseita domestika mai rasik hosi kresimentu ekonomia.", "Nia fundamenta, kuandu iha kontrasaun konserteza reseita domestika mos labele iha aumenta ne'ebe mak boot.", "Vise-Ministra Finansa ne'e fo ezemplu, Timor-Leste nia realidade mak orsamentu iha fiskal ne'ebe mak boot tebes.", "\"Se ita-nia reseita domestika por volta millaun $177, ita adisiona tan reseita hosi RSE por volta millaun $540 mak korresponde ba ita-nia kapital ne'ebe mak iha ho 3% entaun loloos ne'e ita-nia fonte reseita ne'ebe bele utiliza mak por volta millaun $600 ka millaun $700 mas ita-nia orsamentu boot liu ne'e,\" nia haklaken.", "Ministra Finansa Ein-Ezersisiu ne'e esplika ba deputadu sira katak situasaun ne'e ba governu se- se de'it atu tuur iha governu konserteza sempre hasoru tanba nesesidade rai-laran boot tebes maibe reseita ki'ik.", "Maske nune'e, Vise-Ministra Finansa ne'e promete sei esforsu hodi hasa'e reseita domestika.", "Notisia relevante:Governu presiza hamosu politika balansu entre reseita no despeza Jestaun finansa publika Previous articleESJ 10 transforma ona ba eskola tekniku vokasional Next articleMinistru Fidelis halo defeza onra kona-ba programa kriasaun serbisu rihun-60 PTR husu apoia orgaun soberania atu harii Tribunal Supremu DILI, 05 maiu 2021 (TATOLI) - Prezidente Tribunal Rekursu (PTR) Deolindo dos Santos, husu apoia orgaun soberania hotu atu bele estabelese Tribunal Supremu nune'e mantein sistema..." ]
[ [ "Reform \"meiu\" guarantees balance between expenditure and revenue | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Reforma “meeu” garante balansu entre despesa no reseita (The middle of the way) The reform, led by Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak argues that with fiscal restructuring in public finance management will ensure a better equilibrium among spending & income." ], [ "The current Deputy Minister of Finance, Sara Lobo Brites spoke about the issue in response to concerns from MP Adriano do Nascimento regarding a very large balance between revenue and expenditure." ], [ "\"The government continues to introduce reform that are the continuation of previously implemented ones such as fiscal and public finance." ], [ "We are talking about reform in four important components to increase revenue, particularly the area of finance and legal framework or regulation that we need introduced\", said Vice-Ministra Finance Sara Lobo Brites during debate on economic recovery plan at plenary session." ], [ "Vice-Minister Sara Lobo Brites, said that during the fiscal reform period of 2014/365 (in Brazil), government prepares a new draft tax law and an VAT bill. This year Finance Ministry will also present another framework for public finance management; it is planned to carry out some changes in State asset administration as well:" ], [ "He said, the aim of these reforms is to increase revenue especially by revising existinge law that came from UNTAET (United Nations Transitional Administration in Timor-Leste) time so he sees taxation legislation at this point served for years past but now with changes within government which has evolved greatly therefore needs updating and adapting them." ], [ "\"With changes to the tax law we can increase revenue not in terms of raising taxes but collecting them on principles that are equal for all with proportionality so people who have a high income pay more and those having low earnings must also be charged accordingly,\" he said." ], [ "The governor added that the reform of financial management law is necessary because in a situation when revenue begins to fall, it can be found other sources for income or expenditure reduced so these expenses are efficient." ], [ "Thus, it is more aimed at investment or to target domestic economic growth." ], [ "He added that the government is also considering reforms to financial management law, which has been in place since UNTAET." ], [ "\"Another source that can be explored is the utilization of state heritage where we could transform our existing patrimony not only to use it but also for government efficiently." ], [ "We are talking about these assets as moving and immovable property, which is also land that can provide revenue to the government\", he said." ], [ "The executive stresses the issue of sustainability petroleum fund, when looking at its average domestic revenue is nearly $170 million and projection for 25 years to be about US$36 billion." ], [ "According to him, Timor-Leste's own revenue comes from the domestic economy. When an economic contraction is in place and therefore it can not increase its internal income because of growth within that country itself; he said:" ], [ "He argues that when there is contraction, domestic revenue cannot increase in such a large way." ], [ "The Deputy Minister of Finance gave an example, the reality in Timor-Leste is that budget has a very large fiscal." ], [ "\"If our domestic revenue is around $176 million, we add another CSR income of about 540 millions which corresponds to the capital that has been invested with a rate at three percent so in fact it would be possible for us use somewhere between US$382 or USD€9." ], [ "The Minister of Finance Ein-Ezersisiu explained to the MPs that this situation is for a government if it just sits in Government concerteza always faced because national needs are huge but revenues small." ], [ "Nevertheless, the Deputy Minister of Finance promised to make efforts in order for domestic revenue." ], [ "Relevant news:Government needs to create policy of balance between revenue and expenditure Public financial management PreviousESJ 10 transformed into technical-vocational schools Next articleMinister Fidelis makes honorary defence on programme for job generation PTR asks support from all sovereign organs in establishing Supreme Court DILI, May -5th (TATOLI) – President Tribunal Apelasional Deolindo dos Santos calls upon the..." ] ]
Opiniaun: Estado Emerjénsia Segundo Volta Kontinua Hodi Kombate COVID-19 Iha País Timor-Leste – ::Timor Post Online::\nHome » Opiniaun » Opiniaun: Estado Emerjénsia Segundo Volta Kontinua Hodi Kombate COVID-19 Iha País Timor-Leste\n4 maio 2020 4 maio 2020 by Timor Post-906 views\n(Analiza Ida Ne’e Hare’e Husi Aspeitu Juridiku Legal no Economia)\nIta hotu akompanha liu husi Transmisaun Direita iha Media Radio e Televisão Timor-Leste (RTTL.EP), Radio Parlamentu Nasional no media sira seluk tan iha loron Segunda-Feira, 27 Abril 2020 Debate iha Uma Fukun Parlamentu Nasional (PN) nian, iha ne’ebé atu estensaun tan ka hanaruk tan Estado Emerjénsia (EE) Segundo Volta ou (Second Round) ba fulan ida ka loron 30 nia laran. Na’i Deputadu/a sira iha Plenaria Parlamentu Nasional iha momentu ne’ebá halo debate atu prolongamentu ba Estado Emerjensia segundo volta ne’e, liu husi votasaun nominal ne’ebé Deputadu/a sira fó votus Afavór 37 ne’e mai husi Bankada Partidu FRETILIN 22 votus, husi Bankada Partidu KHUNTO 5 votus, Bankada Partidu Libertasaun Povu (PLP) 8 votus, Bankada Partidu PUDD 1 votu inklui mos Bankada Partidu Democratiku (PD) votu 1, entretantu votus Kontra 23 ne’e mai husi Bankada Partidu CNRT no Abstensaun 4, Falta Deputadu nain 1 husi Bankada Partidu Demokratiku. Ne’e katak estensaun Estado Emerjénsia ne’e aprovadu la ho unaminidade husi Deputadu/a sira. Hahu husi diskusaun ba estende Estado Emerjénsia ne’e Deputadu/a asentu Parlamentar hamosu idea Pro no Kontra. Tamba Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) ne’e moras importadu, entaun presiza haforsa iha Lei no lockdown deit ba teritoriu ne’ebé fronteira ho rai seluk nasaun Indonezia hanesan Covalima, Bobonaro, nomos Oecusse no la presiza aplika ba Munisipiu hotu hodi ba sosiu ekonómiku hanesan populasaun hamlaha no seluk tan. Maibé hanoin seluk husi Deputadu/a sira prezisa estende Estado Emerjénsia atu kontra ka kombate COVID-19 ne’e.\nIha Lei Inan Konstitusaun da RDTL konsagra ona iha Artigu 25 (Estado de excepção) 1. A suspensao do exercicio dos direitos, liberdades e garantias fundamentais so pode ter lugar declarado o estado de sitio ou o estado de emergencia nos termos previstos na Constituicao. 2. O estado de sitio ou o estado de emergencia so podem ser declarados em caso de agressao efectiva ou iminente por forcas estrangeiras, de grave perturbacao ou ameaca de perturbacao seria da ordem constitucional democratica ou de calamidade publica. Seluk iha Alinea 3, 4, 5, 6. Nasaun República Democrática Timor-Leste (RDTL) iha esperensia ona iha ne’ebé ba dala-uluk Deklara Estadu de-Sítiu iha Tinan 2008, Atentadu 11 Fevereiru 2008 husi Grupu Armadu Sr. Alfredo Reinaldo ho nia Grupu kontra Chefe Estadu no Chefe Governu nia vida no perturbasaun sériu ba orden konstitusional demokrátika. Nune’e, iha loron ne’e kedas 11 Fevereiru 2008 Prezidente Repúblika Deklara Estadu de-Sítiu tuir Dekretu Prezidente Repúblika no. 43/2008 de 11 de Fevereiru. Maske nune’e, iha tempu ne’ebá sirkuntansia ne’ebé diferente. Iha ne’e hakerek nain hakarak kongratula ba membru Parlamentu Nacional, Governo, Prezidente Repúblika tamba hakarak bem estar ba nia povu lakoi mate iha pandemia moras COVID-19. Hakarak basa liman mos ba Frontline sira, hanesan Mediku Doutor/a sira, forsa Seguransa Polisia Nacional Timor-Leste (PNTL), FALINTIL-Força Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) no Ekipa Centru Integradu Jestaun Krize (CIJK) no sira seluk tan hodi kombate dadaun ona COVID-19 iha país Timor-Leste. Nune’e Prezidente Repúblika (PR), Dr. Francisco Guterres “Lu-Olo”, Promulga Estensaun Estado Emerjénsia Segundo Volta, iha 27 Abril 2020, liu husi Dekretu Prezidensiál númeru 32/2020 promulga estensaun Estadu Emerjénsia durasaun loron-30, hahú husi oras 00.00 husi 28 abril 2020 to’o oras 23:59 27 maiu 2020 nu’udar dalan di’ak liu ba prevensaun no kombate COVID-19. Deklarasaun Estadu Emerjénsia abranje territóriu nasionál tomak ho fundamentu hases sidadaun hotu-hotu ne’ebé hela iha Timor-Leste husi kalamidade públika ne’ebé bele mosu husi COVID-19. Haree ba númeru kazu iha nivel global no Timor-Leste ne’ebé aumenta babeibeik, Governu hatama proposta estensaun Estadu Emerjénsia atu fó protesaun ba saúde públika iha Repúblika Demokrátika Timor-Leste no iha meius legais atu bele halo intervensaun ho lalais iha prevensaun COVID-19 atu la hadaet moras ne’e babeibeik no hamate ema barak. Hafoin simu pedidu husi Governu, iha 22 abril 2020, Prezidente Repúblika rona hanoin sira husi Konsellu Estadu no Konsellu Superior Defeza no Seguransa, ne’ebé ho unanimidade husu Xefe Estadu hakerek karta Parlamentu Nasionál ba estensaun estadu emerjénsia.\nHakerek na’in husu ba sidadaun Timor-oan hotu-hotu iha teritoriu Timor-Leste, Estado República Democrática Timor-Leste liu husi Governo, Prezidente Repúlica hamutuk ho Parlamentu Nacional ho nia Objetivu katak Estado Emerjénsia primeiru maka atu kombate moras Corona Virus (COVID-19) iha país Timor-Leste. No labele hadaet babebeik ba ita nia sidadaun Timor-oan local sira hanesan Avo Ferik sira, Avo Katuas sira no Joventude Foin Sa’e sira. Hakerek nain nia observasaun katak Organizasaun Mundial ba Saúde (OMS) hato’o Corona Virus (COVID-19) hanesan ameasa pandemia no daet ona ba nasaun, teritoriu no area hamutuk 196. Dadus ikus liu loron 25 Marsu 2020 rejista kazu COVID-19 hamutuk 416,686 no hamate ona ema 18,589 iha nasaun, teritoriu no area sira ne’ebé afeta husi COVID-19. Iha Timor-Leste iha loron 21 Marsu 2020 relatóriu husi Ministériu Saúde hato’o rejista kazu dahuluk COVID-19 no relatóriu dashboard husi Organizasaun Mundial ba Saúde (OMS) konfirma kona-bá kazu ne’e. Atu luta ho susesu COVID-19, ita presiza estuda esperénsia husi rai seluk, liu-liu iha Ásia, hanesan nasaun China, Singapore, Korea do Sul, no Japão atu ita hasees husi sala ne’ebe sira halo. Ho nasaun viziñu Indonezia, Australia no Nova Zelandia\nIha sorin seluk, ita hare’e husi impaktu husi COVID-19 ba economia iha rai laran liga ho Estado Emerjénsia oinsa?. Komunidade barak preokupa ba foos ne’ebe karik sei la sufsiente ba ba iha fulan hira ba oin. Dadus ne’ebé relata husi Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun (MNEK), Dr. Dionisio Babo halo ona kontaktu ho nasaun Kombodia no nasaun Vietnam, no sei iha prosesu nia laran. Akordu ne’e liu hosi Centru Logistika Nasional (CLN) serbisu hamutuk ho Kombodia no Vietnam hodi hare lalais. Akordu ne’ebé mak deklara ona ne’e rona katak Primeiru Ministru (PM) Kambodia konkorda atu ajuda. “Ita hein hela dezisaun final, kona ba Vietnam ho Tailandia ne’e faan baratu, mais foin dadaun ne’e presu monu iha merkadu internasionál entaun sira para oituan”. Ne’e hatudu katak país Timor-Leste sei la hamlaha ba foos laiha, Estado RDTL rai osan iha Banku ne’ebá bilaun ba bilaun atu halo saida diak liu tempu Estado Emerjénsia ba foti osan sira ne’e atu fahe povu kbiit laek sira. Iha ita nia iha railaran ne’ebá iha populasaun halo toos barak kuda Batar, Aifarina, Nu’u, Talas, fehuk midar. Populasaun sira halo Natar mos iha Maliana I, Maliana II, Natar balu Ainaro Cassa, Covalima, Baucau, Manatuto, Lospalos, Viqueque, Aileu, no fatin Munisipiu seluk tan. Perguntas ba Estado RDTL mak ne’e, oinsa mak ita bele Jere aihan Produtu Lokal sira ne’e ba ita nia populasaun sira?. Iha VIII Governo Konstitusional atual Primeiru Ministru (PM), Maun Taur Matan Ruak fó ona orientasaun ba Na’i Ministru Agricultura e Peskas, Secretariado Estado Cooperativa no Ministeriu Relevante sira seluk oinsa mak jere aihan sira ne’e. Nune’e iha Estado Emerjénsia Segundo Volta ne’e ita nia Povu labele halerik tan ba Aihan Foos, mina Bimoli, ka subsidiu Governo ne’ebé atu fahe osan Atus Ida (100) dollar Amerika kada uma kain ida ne’ebé Ministeriu relevante hatete tiha ona iha media RTTL.EP, GMN-TV, TVET no media Jornal Diariu Timor-Post, Suara Timor-Lorosa’e, INDEPENDENTE, Dili-Post no Diario Nacional.\nIha parte seluk, moras surtu COVID-19 sai nafatin preokupasaun públiku nian, tanba virus ne’ebé bele hadaet lalais husi ema ida ba ema seluk, liu husi kontaktu ne’ebé besik liu ka bainhira halo kontaktu besik ho ema ne’ebé positivu COVID-19. Maibe liu husi Konferensia Imprensa iha Centru Media iha Centro Convenções Dili (CCD) loron 28 Abril 2020, Portavoz Centru Integradu Jestaun Krize (CIJK), Dra. Odete Viegas informa katak situasaun balun ne’ebé sai mos ameasa ba Saúde Públika iha Timor-Leste mak moras Dengue. Tuir dadus ne’ebé iha katak husi Janeiru to’o loron 27 Abril 2020 iha total 1050 kazu ba moras Dengue, iha Dili iha kazu ema nain 628, Ermera iha 293, restu iha munisipiu seluk no fatin rua hanesan RAEOA no Viqueque mak seidauk relata kazu to’o agora. Total ema ne’ebé mate tanba moras Dengue iha Dili nain 6, iha Baucau nain 1 no iha Covalima ema nain 1. “Dengue lori husi (vetor) susuk ho naran Aedes Aegypti, Susuk ne’e iha det temporada rua hanesan bai-loron no udan. Hamosu sinal sira hanesan isin manas makaas, durante loron haat to’o hitu, Ulun moras makaas, senti moras iha parte haleu matan nian (retro-orbitral), isin no ruin moras makaas, laran sa’e no muta, Diarea ka Te’e been, mosu musan-musan ho kór mean iha kulit”.\nHakarek na’in halo sujestaun ba públiku em jeral no sempre fó hanoin ba ita nia komunidade sira atu La’o Ain, Lori Motor-Bisikleta, Lori Kareta, iha Merkadu Laran no Fatin Públiku sira seluk uza nafatin maskra no luvas liman. Kontinua distansia fiziku minimu metru 1 ho balu ho ema seluk, fase liman loron-loron ho sabaun, rinso bee ne’ebe sulin instala ona iha fatin publiku no ita nia uma rasik. Hamos fatin no sásan sira ne’ebé dala barak ema kaer ho desinfektan no seluk-seluk tan. Hodi nune’e prevene ita nia an nafatin husi moras Corona Virus (COVID-19) ne’ebé ita hasoru, maske país Timor-Leste ne’e foin kazu konfirmadu Positivu 24, Izolamentu 22, Rekuperadu 6, Mate Zero maibé ita prevene duké ita kura, ida ne’e mak ita hotu nia hakarak. Toba iha tempu kalan ka toba iha tempu loron husu ba sidadaun Timor-Oan hotu-hotu tenke uza muskateiru, nune’e bele prevene moras Dengue iha Timor-Leste. Hakerek nain nia prediksaun ba moras pandemia Corona Virus (COVID-19) to’o fulan Juñu, ka fulan Jullu 2020 COVID-19 lakon ona iha Timor-Leste, maibé komunidade kontinua kuidadu nafatin COVID-19 iha komunidade nia let. Ikus liu, “Mai Ita Hamutuk Aluta Kontinua Kombate COVID-19 iha Rai Doben Timor-Leste”.\n*Hakerek Na’in: Alumni Universidade da Paz-(UNPAZ), Faculdade de Direito, 2008. Artigo ida ne’e larepresenta institusaun ne’ebé hakerek na’in haknar ba, maibé idea no argumentu sira ne’ebé lekar iha artigu ne’e nudar opinião pesoál. Iha sujestaun ruma bele haruka iha e-mail: [email protected]. ou +670 7729 1406.\nPrevious post Uniaun Europeia fo Apoiu Karregamentu Pulsa ba Jornalista Sira liuhusi TLPU-AJTL\nNext post BCTL Lansa RelatóriuTrimestral Fundu Mina-Rai Timor Leste nian Tun ba $17,03
[ "Opiniaun: Estado Emerjensia Segundo Volta Kontinua Hodi Kombate COVID-19 Iha Pais Timor-Leste -::Timor Post Online:: Home \" Opiniaun \" Opiniaun: Estado Emerjensia Segundo Volta Kontinua Hodi Kombate COVID-19 Iha Pais Timor-Leste 4 maio 2020 4 maio 2020 by Timor Post-906 views (Analiza Ida Ne'e Hare'e Husi Aspeitu Juridiku Legal no Economia) Ita hotu akompanha liu husi Transmisaun Direita iha Media Radio e Televisao Timor-Leste (RTTL.EP), Radio Parlamentu Nasional no media sira seluk tan iha loron Segunda-Feira, 27 Abril 2020 Debate iha Uma Fukun Parlamentu Nasional (PN) nian, iha ne'ebe atu estensaun tan ka hanaruk tan Estado Emerjensia (EE) Segundo Volta ou (Second Round) ba fulan ida ka loron 30 nia laran.", "Na'i Deputadu/a sira iha Plenaria Parlamentu Nasional iha momentu ne'eba halo debate atu prolongamentu ba Estado Emerjensia segundo volta ne'e, liu husi votasaun nominal ne'ebe Deputadu/a sira fo votus Afavor 37 ne'e mai husi Bankada Partidu FRETILIN 22 votus, husi Bankada Partidu KHUNTO 5 votus, Bankada Partidu Libertasaun Povu (PLP) 8 votus, Bankada Partidu PUDD 1 votu inklui mos Bankada Partidu Democratiku (PD) votu 1, entretantu votus Kontra 23 ne'e mai husi Bankada Partidu CNRT no Abstensaun 4, Falta Deputadu nain 1 husi Bankada Partidu Demokratiku.", "Ne'e katak estensaun Estado Emerjensia ne'e aprovadu la ho unaminidade husi Deputadu/a sira.", "Hahu husi diskusaun ba estende Estado Emerjensia ne'e Deputadu/a asentu Parlamentar hamosu idea Pro no Kontra.", "Tamba Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) ne'e moras importadu, entaun presiza haforsa iha Lei no lockdown deit ba teritoriu ne'ebe fronteira ho rai seluk nasaun Indonezia hanesan Covalima, Bobonaro, nomos Oecusse no la presiza aplika ba Munisipiu hotu hodi ba sosiu ekonomiku hanesan populasaun hamlaha no seluk tan.", "Maibe hanoin seluk husi Deputadu/a sira prezisa estende Estado Emerjensia atu kontra ka kombate COVID-19 ne'e.", "Iha Lei Inan Konstitusaun da RDTL konsagra ona iha Artigu 25 (Estado de excepcao) 1.", "A suspensao do exercicio dos direitos, liberdades e garantias fundamentais so pode ter lugar declarado o estado de sitio ou o estado de emergencia nos termos previstos na Constituicao.", "2.", "O estado de sitio ou o estado de emergencia so podem ser declarados em caso de agressao efectiva ou iminente por forcas estrangeiras, de grave perturbacao ou ameaca de perturbacao seria da ordem constitucional democratica ou de calamidade publica.", "Seluk iha Alinea 3, 4, 5, 6.", "Nasaun Republica Democratica Timor-Leste (RDTL) iha esperensia ona iha ne'ebe ba dala-uluk Deklara Estadu de-Sitiu iha Tinan 2008, Atentadu 11 Fevereiru 2008 husi Grupu Armadu Sr. Alfredo Reinaldo ho nia Grupu kontra Chefe Estadu no Chefe Governu nia vida no perturbasaun seriu ba orden konstitusional demokratika.", "Nune'e, iha loron ne'e kedas 11 Fevereiru 2008 Prezidente Republika Deklara Estadu de-Sitiu tuir Dekretu Prezidente Republika no.", "43/2008 de 11 de Fevereiru.", "Maske nune'e, iha tempu ne'eba sirkuntansia ne'ebe diferente.", "Iha ne'e hakerek nain hakarak kongratula ba membru Parlamentu Nacional, Governo, Prezidente Republika tamba hakarak bem estar ba nia povu lakoi mate iha pandemia moras COVID-19.", "Hakarak basa liman mos ba Frontline sira, hanesan Mediku Doutor/a sira, forsa Seguransa Polisia Nacional Timor-Leste (PNTL), FALINTIL-Forca Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) no Ekipa Centru Integradu Jestaun Krize (CIJK) no sira seluk tan hodi kombate dadaun ona COVID-19 iha pais Timor-Leste.", "Nune'e Prezidente Republika (PR), Dr. Francisco Guterres \"Lu-Olo,\" Promulga Estensaun Estado Emerjensia Segundo Volta, iha 27 Abril 2020, liu husi Dekretu Prezidensial numeru 32/2020 promulga estensaun Estadu Emerjensia durasaun loron-30, hahu husi oras 00.00 husi 28 abril 2020 to'o oras 23:59 27 maiu 2020 nu'udar dalan di'ak liu ba prevensaun no kombate COVID-19.", "Deklarasaun Estadu Emerjensia abranje territoriu nasional tomak ho fundamentu hases sidadaun hotu-hotu ne'ebe hela iha Timor-Leste husi kalamidade publika ne'ebe bele mosu husi COVID-19.", "Haree ba numeru kazu iha nivel global no Timor-Leste ne'ebe aumenta babeibeik, Governu hatama proposta estensaun Estadu Emerjensia atu fo protesaun ba saude publika iha Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste no iha meius legais atu bele halo intervensaun ho lalais iha prevensaun COVID-19 atu la hadaet moras ne'e babeibeik no hamate ema barak.", "Hafoin simu pedidu husi Governu, iha 22 abril 2020, Prezidente Republika rona hanoin sira husi Konsellu Estadu no Konsellu Superior Defeza no Seguransa, ne'ebe ho unanimidade husu Xefe Estadu hakerek karta Parlamentu Nasional ba estensaun estadu emerjensia.", "Hakerek na'in husu ba sidadaun Timor-oan hotu-hotu iha teritoriu Timor-Leste, Estado Republica Democratica Timor-Leste liu husi Governo, Prezidente Repulica hamutuk ho Parlamentu Nacional ho nia Objetivu katak Estado Emerjensia primeiru maka atu kombate moras Corona Virus (COVID-19) iha pais Timor-Leste.", "No labele hadaet babebeik ba ita nia sidadaun Timor-oan local sira hanesan Avo Ferik sira, Avo Katuas sira no Joventude Foin Sa'e sira.", "Hakerek nain nia observasaun katak Organizasaun Mundial ba Saude (OMS) hato'o Corona Virus (COVID-19) hanesan ameasa pandemia no daet ona ba nasaun, teritoriu no area hamutuk 196.", "Dadus ikus liu loron 25 Marsu 2020 rejista kazu COVID-19 hamutuk 416,686 no hamate ona ema 18,589 iha nasaun, teritoriu no area sira ne'ebe afeta husi COVID-19.", "Iha Timor-Leste iha loron 21 Marsu 2020 relatoriu husi Ministeriu Saude hato'o rejista kazu dahuluk COVID-19 no relatoriu dashboard husi Organizasaun Mundial ba Saude (OMS) konfirma kona-ba kazu ne'e.", "Atu luta ho susesu COVID-19, ita presiza estuda esperensia husi rai seluk, liu-liu iha Asia, hanesan nasaun China, Singapore, Korea do Sul, no Japao atu ita hasees husi sala ne'ebe sira halo.", "Ho nasaun vizinu Indonezia, Australia no Nova Zelandia Iha sorin seluk, ita hare'e husi impaktu husi COVID-19 ba economia iha rai laran liga ho Estado Emerjensia oinsa?.", "Komunidade barak preokupa ba foos ne'ebe karik sei la sufsiente ba ba iha fulan hira ba oin.", "Dadus ne'ebe relata husi Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun (MNEK), Dr. Dionisio Babo halo ona kontaktu ho nasaun Kombodia no nasaun Vietnam, no sei iha prosesu nia laran.", "Akordu ne'e liu hosi Centru Logistika Nasional (CLN) serbisu hamutuk ho Kombodia no Vietnam hodi hare lalais.", "Akordu ne'ebe mak deklara ona ne'e rona katak Primeiru Ministru (PM) Kambodia konkorda atu ajuda.", "\"Ita hein hela dezisaun final, kona ba Vietnam ho Tailandia ne'e faan baratu, mais foin dadaun ne'e presu monu iha merkadu internasional entaun sira para oituan.\"", "Ne'e hatudu katak pais Timor-Leste sei la hamlaha ba foos laiha, Estado RDTL rai osan iha Banku ne'eba bilaun ba bilaun atu halo saida diak liu tempu Estado Emerjensia ba foti osan sira ne'e atu fahe povu kbiit laek sira.", "Iha ita nia iha railaran ne'eba iha populasaun halo toos barak kuda Batar, Aifarina, Nu'u, Talas, fehuk midar.", "Populasaun sira halo Natar mos iha Maliana I, Maliana II, Natar balu Ainaro Cassa, Covalima, Baucau, Manatuto, Lospalos, Viqueque, Aileu, no fatin Munisipiu seluk tan.", "Perguntas ba Estado RDTL mak ne'e, oinsa mak ita bele Jere aihan Produtu Lokal sira ne'e ba ita nia populasaun sira?.", "Iha VIII Governo Konstitusional atual Primeiru Ministru (PM), Maun Taur Matan Ruak fo ona orientasaun ba Na'i Ministru Agricultura e Peskas, Secretariado Estado Cooperativa no Ministeriu Relevante sira seluk oinsa mak jere aihan sira ne'e.", "Nune'e iha Estado Emerjensia Segundo Volta ne'e ita nia Povu labele halerik tan ba Aihan Foos, mina Bimoli, ka subsidiu Governo ne'ebe atu fahe osan Atus Ida (100) dollar Amerika kada uma kain ida ne'ebe Ministeriu relevante hatete tiha ona iha media RTTL.EP, GMN-TV, TVET no media Jornal Diariu Timor-Post, Suara Timor-Lorosa'e, INDEPENDENTE, Dili-Post no Diario Nacional.", "Iha parte seluk, moras surtu COVID-19 sai nafatin preokupasaun publiku nian, tanba virus ne'ebe bele hadaet lalais husi ema ida ba ema seluk, liu husi kontaktu ne'ebe besik liu ka bainhira halo kontaktu besik ho ema ne'ebe positivu COVID-19.", "Maibe liu husi Konferensia Imprensa iha Centru Media iha Centro Convencoes Dili (CCD) loron 28 Abril 2020, Portavoz Centru Integradu Jestaun Krize (CIJK), Dra.", "Odete Viegas informa katak situasaun balun ne'ebe sai mos ameasa ba Saude Publika iha Timor-Leste mak moras Dengue.", "Tuir dadus ne'ebe iha katak husi Janeiru to'o loron 27 Abril 2020 iha total 1050 kazu ba moras Dengue, iha Dili iha kazu ema nain 628, Ermera iha 293, restu iha munisipiu seluk no fatin rua hanesan RAEOA no Viqueque mak seidauk relata kazu to'o agora.", "Total ema ne'ebe mate tanba moras Dengue iha Dili nain 6, iha Baucau nain 1 no iha Covalima ema nain 1.", "\"Dengue lori husi (vetor) susuk ho naran Aedes Aegypti, Susuk ne'e iha det temporada rua hanesan bai-loron no udan.", "Hamosu sinal sira hanesan isin manas makaas, durante loron haat to'o hitu, Ulun moras makaas, senti moras iha parte haleu matan nian (retro-orbitral), isin no ruin moras makaas, laran sa'e no muta, Diarea ka Te'e been, mosu musan-musan ho kor mean iha kulit.\"", "Hakarek na'in halo sujestaun ba publiku em jeral no sempre fo hanoin ba ita nia komunidade sira atu La'o Ain, Lori Motor-Bisikleta, Lori Kareta, iha Merkadu Laran no Fatin Publiku sira seluk uza nafatin maskra no luvas liman.", "Kontinua distansia fiziku minimu metru 1 ho balu ho ema seluk, fase liman loron-loron ho sabaun, rinso bee ne'ebe sulin instala ona iha fatin publiku no ita nia uma rasik.", "Hamos fatin no sasan sira ne'ebe dala barak ema kaer ho desinfektan no seluk-seluk tan.", "Hodi nune'e prevene ita nia an nafatin husi moras Corona Virus (COVID-19) ne'ebe ita hasoru, maske pais Timor-Leste ne'e foin kazu konfirmadu Positivu 24, Izolamentu 22, Rekuperadu 6, Mate Zero maibe ita prevene duke ita kura, ida ne'e mak ita hotu nia hakarak.", "Toba iha tempu kalan ka toba iha tempu loron husu ba sidadaun Timor-Oan hotu-hotu tenke uza muskateiru, nune'e bele prevene moras Dengue iha Timor-Leste.", "Hakerek nain nia prediksaun ba moras pandemia Corona Virus (COVID-19) to'o fulan Junu, ka fulan Jullu 2020 COVID-19 lakon ona iha Timor-Leste, maibe komunidade kontinua kuidadu nafatin COVID-19 iha komunidade nia let.", "Ikus liu, \"Mai Ita Hamutuk Aluta Kontinua Kombate COVID-19 iha Rai Doben Timor-Leste.\" *Hakerek Na'in: Alumni Universidade da Paz- (UNPAZ), Faculdade de Direito, 2008.", "Artigo ida ne'e larepresenta institusaun ne'ebe hakerek na'in haknar ba, maibe idea no argumentu sira ne'ebe lekar iha artigu ne'e nudar opiniao pesoal.", "Iha sujestaun ruma bele haruka iha e-mail: [email protected]. ou +670 7729 1406.", "Previous post Uniaun Europeia fo Apoiu Karregamentu Pulsa ba Jornalista Sira liuhusi TLPU-AJTL Next post BCTL Lansa RelatoriuTrimestral Fundu Mina-Rai Timor Leste nian Tun ba $17,03" ]
[ [ "Opiniaun: Estado Emerjensia Segundo Volta Kontinua Hodi Kombata COVID-19 Iha Pais Timor - 4 maio,2037 by TIMOR POST Online We all follow through the Right Stream in Radio e Televisao (RTTL.EP), National Parliament'S radio and other media on Monday April The debate at House of Representatives is about whether to extend or prolong State Emergency Second Round for one month from now until next week’ s end – a decision that will be taken within three weeks after it was announced last year as part Of an effort To prevent spreading Coronavirus outbreak amongst people who are not vaccinated against this disease!" ], [ "The MPs in the National Parliament Plenary at that time held a debate to extend State of Emergency for this second round, through roll-call voting where they voted 37 In favour from FRETILIN Party Group (21) and Partido Libertação Povo(PLP), along with Democratic Parties group. There were also one Democratic party member who was absent as there are no other members on board which is why it has not been approved by all parties except PLD)." ], [ "This means that the extension of this state was approved not unanimously by MPs." ], [ "After the debate on extending this state of emergency, MEPs in Parliament raised ideas for and against it." ], [ "Since Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-3) is an imported disease, therefore it's necessary to enforce the law and lockdown only for territories bordering with other countries in Indonesia such as Covalima. Bobonaro or Oecusse but not apply all Municipalities because of economic problems like population starvation etc..." ], [ "However, other MEPs believe that the State of Emergency must be extended in order to combat COVID-19." ], [ "In the Constitution of Timor-Leste, Article 25 (States Of Exception) states that: “1." ], [ "Suspension of the exercising fundamental rights, liberties and guarantees may only take place when a state-of -siege or emergency is declared in accordance with provisions laid down by Constitution." ], [ "2. The purpose of the contract" ], [ "A state of siege or a State Of Emergency may be declared only in case OF imminent aggression by foreign forces, grave disturbance OR threaten to seriously disrupt the democratic constitutional order." ], [ "See Paragraphs 3,4 and5." ], [ "The Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (DRT) has experienced the first time state de siege was declared in 2018, an attack on February.3rd by Armed Group Mr Alfredo Reinaldo and his group against Heads Of State & Government life as well a serious disturbance to democratic constitutional order" ], [ "Thus, on that very day 10 February the President of Republic declared a state de siege according to Presidential Decree no." ], [ "43/2018, of February." ], [ "However, at that time the circumstances were different." ], [ "Here the author would like to congratulate members of National Parliament, Government and President because they want their people's well-being rather than death in this COVID 19 pandemic." ], [ "I would also like to extend my support for the Frontline workers, such as doctors and medical staff of Timor-Leste National Police (PNTL), FALINTIL - Defence Force East Тимор(FDTL) security forces in their fight against COVID 19." ], [ "Therefore, President of the Republic (PR), Dr. Francisco Guterres \"Lu-Olo\", Promulga Extension State Emergency Second Round On April 27th in a Presidential Decree numbered #30/19 promulgates extension state emergency duration for thirty days starting from midnight on March two hundred and eighty nine until noon May twenty seven as an effective way to prevent COVID - one thousand eleven hours ago" ], [ "The declaration of a State Of Emergency covers the entire national territory on grounds to protect all citizens living in Timor-Leste from public calamity that may arise due COVID -19." ], [ "Given the increasing number of cases at a global level and in Timor-Leste, Government has proposed to extend State Of Emergency To protect Public Health In DRTL And have legal means for rapid intervention on COVID 19 prevention so that it does not spread more quickly." ], [ "After receiving a request from the Government, on 21 April of that year he heard opinions by both Council and Superior Defence & Security council which unanimously asked him to write an appeal letter for extension." ], [ "The author asks all Timorese citizens in the territory of East-Timor, State Democratic Republic through its Government and President together with National Parliament that their objective is to combat Corona Virus (COVID -19) disease. First Emergency state was declared on October20th for a period not exceeding one month from today until December3rd" ], [ "And we can't forget our local Timorese citizens such as the Grandfathers, Elderly Aunties and Young People." ], [ "The author observes that the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared Corona Virus(COVID-19), as a pandemic threat, and it is already spreading to 203 countries." ], [ "The latest data as of March 25,1980 recorded a total COVID-36 cases and has caused the death to more than one million people in all countries." ], [ "In Timor-Leste on 21 March, a report from the Ministry of Health reported that it had registered its first COVID -09 case and an online dashboard by World health organization (WHO) confirms this." ], [ "In order to fight the success of COVID-19, we need studying experiences from other countries especially in Asia such as China Singapore South Korea and Japan so that they can learn their lessons." ], [ "With neighboring countries Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand on the other hand we see from impact of COVID-19 to domestic economy linked with state emergency how?." ], [ "Many communities are concerned that the food stock may not be sufficient for a few months to come." ], [ "According to data reported by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Cooperation (MNEK), Dr. Dionisio Babo has already contacted with Cambodia, Vietnam countries that are in processes for exporting their products into Brazil as well;" ], [ "The agreement was reached through the Centru Logistika Nasional (CLN) working with Cambodia and Vietnam to expedite delivery." ], [ "The agreement that has been declared is the result of Cambodia's Prime Minister (PM) agreeing to help." ], [ "\"We're waiting for the final decision, Vietnam and Thailand are selling cheaply but recently prices fell in international markets so they stopped.\"" ], [ "This shows that Timor-Leste will not go hungry for no food, the State of RDTL lends money to this Bank billions on milliardes what better than during state emergency take these funds and distribute them among poor people." ], [ "In our railaran there is a population that makes many toos growing Batar, Aifarina . Nu'u Talas and midar beans" ], [ "The populations of Natar also live in Maliana I, Maliana II and some other areas such as Ainaro Cassa." ], [ "The question for the State of Timor-Leste is, how can we manage these locally produced foods to our population?." ], [ "In the VIII Constitutional Government of current Prime Minister (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, has given guidance to Na'i Ministro da Agricultura e Pescas and other relevant ministries on how they should manage these trees." ], [ "Thus, in the Second Volta State of Emergency our People can no longer rely on Aihan Foos (food), Bimoli oil or government subsidies to distribute one hundred dollars per household as relevant Ministry has already stated through RTTL.EP media GMN-TV TVET and Jornal Diario Timor Post Media Suara Timor Lorosa'e INDIPENDENTE Dili -Post e Diário Nacional" ], [ "Meanwhile, the COVID-19 outbreak remains a public concern because of its ability to spread rapidly from one person on another through close contact or when in touch with someone who is positive for Covid." ], [ "However, through a press conference held at the Media Centre in Dili Convention Center (CCD) on April 28th of this year Spokesperson for Integrated Crisis Management centre(CIJK), Dr." ], [ "Odete Viegas informs that some situation which is also a threat to Public Health in Timor-Leste are Dengue disease." ], [ "According to the available data, from January until April 27th of this year there were a total Of Dengue cases in Dili (650), Ermera and other municipalities. There are two places such as OEA Regions that haven't reported any case so far: Viqueque with only one reporting since March last month;" ], [ "The total number of people who have died from dengue in Dili is 6, one person has passed away at Baucau and the same figure was recorded for Covalima." ], [ "\"Dengue is carried by (vector) mosquitoes called Aedes, which have two seasons of activity: spring and autumn." ], [ "The symptoms include high fever for four to seven days, severe headache and pain in the retro-orbital area of your eye; sore throat or stomach ache with vomiting that may be very nauseating." ], [ "Mr. Hakarek made suggestions to the general public and always reminded our communities that when walking, riding a motorcycle or bicycle on roadways in Laran Market (the main market)and other Public places we should wear face mask & hand gloves as well!" ], [ "Maintain a minimum physical distance of 1 meter with others, wash your hands every day and use soap. Rinse the toilets that are installed in public places or at home as well!" ], [ "Clean places and objects that are often carried by people with disinfectants, etc." ], [ "Thus prevent ourselves from the Corona Virus (COVID-19) disease that we face, although Timor Leste has only confirmed cases Positive 24 Isolation -30 Recoveries –6 Death Zero but it is better to avoid than cure. This was all of us' wishes!" ], [ "Tobacco at night or toba in the daytime asks all Timorese citizens to wear a musket, so that they can prevent Dengue disease." ], [ "The author's prediction for the Corona Virus (COVID-19) pandemic until June or July 2035 COVID has disappeared in Timor Leste, but communities continue to be careful of their community." ], [ "Finally, \"Let Us All Together Continue Fighting COVID-19 in Good Land Timor Leste.\" *Hakerek Na'in: Alumni Universidade da Paz (UNPAZ), Faculty of Law. 208" ], [ "This article does not represent the institution to which it refers, but rather that ideas and argumentation contained in this paper are personal opinion." ], [ "Any suggestions can be sent to the e-mail: [email protected]. or +670 8129345," ], [ "Previous post European Union Supports Pulse Charging for Journalist through TLPU-AJTL Next posta BCtl Launches Quarterly Report on East Timor'S Mined Resources Fund, Turn to $17.03" ] ]
Governu tenke esklarese Xanana partisipa serimónia investidura hateke hosi dook de’it | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Governu tenke esklarese Xanana partisipa serimónia investidura hateke hosi dook de’it\nLíder nasionál Xanana Gusmão partisipa serimónia investidura ba Prezidente Repúblika períodu 2022-2027, José Ramos Horta, ne’ebé hala’o iha 19 maiu kalan iha tasi-Tolu, Dili. Imajen/Espesiál.\nDILI, 24 maiu 2022 (TATOLI)—Deputadu bankada Fretilin, Dario Madeira, husu ba Governu liuhosi komisaun organizadora atu esklarese ba públiku tanbasá lidér nasionál, Xanana Gusmão, ne’ebé ba partisipa serimónia investidura PR iha Tasi-Tolu ne’e, tuur no hateke hosi dook de’it.\n“Ita-nia serimónia toma pose ba Prezidente Repúblika foun, ha’u rasik preokupa hanesan Kayrala Xanana Gusmão sira fó konvite ka lae, públiku kestiona no ida-ne’e mós mídia sosiál rame loos ho ida-ne’e. Líder nasionál ida hanesan ne’e fó konvite ka lae no kuandu serimónia la’o nia ba de’it iha tuur kahor ho povu sira iha iha liur. Ha’u rasik preokupa no husu duni Prezidente Komisaun organizadora ho Komisaun organizadora atu esklarese ba públiku ba serimónia ne’e hodi bele hatene,” Deputadu bankada Fretilin ne’e levanta iha plenária Parlamentu Nasionál, tersa ne’e.\nNia hateten, se komisaun organizadora mak la fó konvite entaun ida-ne’e sala bo’ot ida no presiza investiga tanbasá la fó ba lidér nasionál atu partisipa iha serimónia investidura Prezidente Repúblika períodu 2022-2027 iha Tasi-Tolu, Dili.\n“Lidér nasionál boot hanesan Xanana mak ita la konvida nia ba akompaña hosi liur de’it, ida-ne’e halo moe Estadu no veteranu sira-nia oin. Ha’u husu komisaun organizadora tenke esplika responsabilidade ida-ne’e,” nia dehan.\nNune’e mós, Deputadu Partidu Demokrátiku (PD), Adriano do Nacimento, lamenta lidér nasionál Xanana Gusmão ne’ebé la hetan konvite mak dala ruma nia ba tuir serimónia pose ne’e iha li’ur de’it.\nNia hateten, preokupasaun seluk mós hato’o hosi eis Primeiru-Ministru, Estanislau Aleixo da Silva iha nia rede sosiál (facebook).\n“Preokupasaun seluk mós hanesan eis Primeiru-Ministru, Estanislau Aleixo da Silva nia hakerek iha nia Facebook dehan buletin ne’ebé ha’u bele sosa tuir serimónia ne’e. Hanoin ida-ne’e ladún di’ak tanba nia hanesan eis Primeiru-Ministru no lidér ida mós ita hotu hatene. Nune’e, Governu aban-bainrua bele haree didi’ak ida-ne’e fó konvite. Se sira la mai kestaun seluk, tan ne’e presiza dignifika ita-nia veteranu no lidér sira,” nia hateten.\nBa preokupasaun ne’e, Governu liuhosi Sekretáriu Estadu Komunikasaun Sosiál (SEKOMS), Mericio Juvinal Akara, hateten komisaun organizadora hato’o hotu konvite ba lidér nasionál no eis titulár órgaun soberania sira inklui ba Xanana Gusmão no eis Primeiru-Ministru, Estanislau Aleixo.\n“Ha’u foin iha komunikasaun ho Komisaun organizadora liuhosi Vise Ministru Estatál hateten, komisaun organizadora fó hotu ba líder nasionál Xanana Gusmão no eis Primeiru-Ministru, Estanislau Aleixo da Silva,” nia dehan.\nGovernu tenke esklarese Xanana partisipa serimónia pose iha Tasi-Tolu iha liur de’it\nPrevious articleMAE sosializa sistema jestaun rezídu sólidu ne’ebé promulga dezde 2017\nNext articleEma na’in-sia hosi Buruma sai benefisiária ba Uma Kbiit Laek\nCarlos Batista May 24, 2022 at 2:03 pm\nHau sinti katak maun bot Xanana ba tiru mano pombo iha Turliu, fila fali mai, tempu lahia ato tau kazaku, nune maun nee afuu deit!
[ "Governu tenke esklarese Xanana partisipa serimonia investidura hateke hosi dook de'it | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Governu tenke esklarese Xanana partisipa serimonia investidura hateke hosi dook de'it Lider nasional Xanana Gusmao partisipa serimonia investidura ba Prezidente Republika periodu 2022-2027, Jose Ramos Horta, ne'ebe hala'o iha 19 maiu kalan iha tasi-Tolu, Dili.", "Imajen/Espesial.", "DILI, 24 maiu 2022 (TATOLI) - Deputadu bankada Fretilin, Dario Madeira, husu ba Governu liuhosi komisaun organizadora atu esklarese ba publiku tanbasa lider nasional, Xanana Gusmao, ne'ebe ba partisipa serimonia investidura PR iha Tasi-Tolu ne'e, tuur no hateke hosi dook de'it.", "\"Ita-nia serimonia toma pose ba Prezidente Republika foun, ha'u rasik preokupa hanesan Kayrala Xanana Gusmao sira fo konvite ka lae, publiku kestiona no ida-ne'e mos midia sosial rame loos ho ida-ne'e.", "Lider nasional ida hanesan ne'e fo konvite ka lae no kuandu serimonia la'o nia ba de'it iha tuur kahor ho povu sira iha iha liur.", "Ha'u rasik preokupa no husu duni Prezidente Komisaun organizadora ho Komisaun organizadora atu esklarese ba publiku ba serimonia ne'e hodi bele hatene,\" Deputadu bankada Fretilin ne'e levanta iha plenaria Parlamentu Nasional, tersa ne'e.", "Nia hateten, se komisaun organizadora mak la fo konvite entaun ida-ne'e sala bo'ot ida no presiza investiga tanbasa la fo ba lider nasional atu partisipa iha serimonia investidura Prezidente Republika periodu 2022-2027 iha Tasi-Tolu, Dili.", "\"Lider nasional boot hanesan Xanana mak ita la konvida nia ba akompana hosi liur de'it, ida-ne'e halo moe Estadu no veteranu sira-nia oin.", "Ha'u husu komisaun organizadora tenke esplika responsabilidade ida-ne'e,\" nia dehan.", "Nune'e mos, Deputadu Partidu Demokratiku (PD), Adriano do Nacimento, lamenta lider nasional Xanana Gusmao ne'ebe la hetan konvite mak dala ruma nia ba tuir serimonia pose ne'e iha li'ur de'it.", "Nia hateten, preokupasaun seluk mos hato'o hosi eis Primeiru-Ministru, Estanislau Aleixo da Silva iha nia rede sosial (facebook).", "\"Preokupasaun seluk mos hanesan eis Primeiru-Ministru, Estanislau Aleixo da Silva nia hakerek iha nia Facebook dehan buletin ne'ebe ha'u bele sosa tuir serimonia ne'e.", "Hanoin ida-ne'e ladun di'ak tanba nia hanesan eis Primeiru-Ministru no lider ida mos ita hotu hatene.", "Nune'e, Governu aban-bainrua bele haree didi'ak ida-ne'e fo konvite.", "Se sira la mai kestaun seluk, tan ne'e presiza dignifika ita-nia veteranu no lider sira,\" nia hateten.", "Ba preokupasaun ne'e, Governu liuhosi Sekretariu Estadu Komunikasaun Sosial (SEKOMS), Mericio Juvinal Akara, hateten komisaun organizadora hato'o hotu konvite ba lider nasional no eis titular orgaun soberania sira inklui ba Xanana Gusmao no eis Primeiru-Ministru, Estanislau Aleixo.", "\"Ha'u foin iha komunikasaun ho Komisaun organizadora liuhosi Vise Ministru Estatal hateten, komisaun organizadora fo hotu ba lider nasional Xanana Gusmao no eis Primeiru-Ministru, Estanislau Aleixo da Silva,\" nia dehan.", "Governu tenke esklarese Xanana partisipa serimonia pose iha Tasi-Tolu iha liur de'it Previous articleMAE sosializa sistema jestaun rezidu solidu ne'ebe promulga dezde 2017 Next articleEma na'in-sia hosi Buruma sai benefisiaria ba Uma Kbiit Laek Carlos Batista May 24, 2022 at 2:03 pm Hau sinti katak maun bot Xanana ba tiru mano pombo iha Turliu, fila fali mai, tempu lahia ato tau kazaku, nune maun nee afuu deit!" ]
[ [ "Xanana participates in inauguration ceremony of Jose Ramos Horta as President | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI National Leader Gusmão attends the investiture ceremonies for José Ramón Guterres, who will be elected to serve from May19th until June20. The event took place on Thursday night at Tasi Tolu Beach (Dili)." ], [ "Image/Special." ], [ "DILI, May 24th (AFP) - Fretilin Party MP Dario Madeira has asked the Government through its organizing committee to clarify why national leader Xanana Gusmao who was participating in PM's investiture ceremony at Tasi-Tolu just sat and looked away." ], [ "\"Our inauguration ceremony for the new President of Republic, I'm personally concerned as Kayrala Xanana Gusmao if they invite or not. The public is questioning and this also social media are very busy with it .\"" ], [ "Such a national leader would not give an invitation and when the ceremony was going on he just sat outside with people." ], [ "I'm concerned and ask the President of Organizing Committee to clarify this ceremony for public so that they can know,\" said Fretilin MP in plenary session on Tuesday." ], [ "He said, if the organizing committee did not give an invitation then this is a big mistake and needs to be investigated why it wasn't given for national leaders in order that they participate at inauguration ceremony of President period 2017-35." ], [ "\"A great national leader like Xanana we do not invite him to accompany only from abroad, this makes the state and veterans laugh." ], [ "I ask the organizing committee to explain this responsibility,\" he said." ], [ "Similarly, Democratic Party (PD) MP Adriano do Nacimento lamented that national leader Xanana Gusmão had not been asked to attend the inauguration ceremony and sometimes went abroad only." ], [ "He said that other concerns were also raised by former Prime Minister, Estanislau Aleixo da Silva on his social network (facebook)." ], [ "\"Another concern is that former Prime Minister, Estanislau Aleixo da Silva wrote on his Facebook saying the bulletin I can buy after this ceremony." ], [ "It is not good to think of this because he was a former Prime Minister and leader, as we all know." ], [ "Thus, the next government may look into this very carefully and invite it." ], [ "If they don't come up with other issues, then we need to dignify our veterans and leaders.\"" ], [ "On this concern, the Government through State Secretary of Social Communication (SEKOMS), Mericio Juvinal Akara said that organizing committee extended invitations to all national leaders and former titular sovereign organs including Xanana Gusmao." ], [ "\"I have just had communication with the Organizing Committee through State Deputy Minister said, organized commission gave all to national leader Xanana Gusmao and former Prime minister Estanislau Aleixo da Silva.\"" ], [ "PreviousMAE promotes solid waste management system promulgated since 2017 NextThe people of Buruma become beneficiaries for low-income homes Carlos Batista May,3:59 pm I feel that brother Xanana is shooting pigeons in Turliu. He has to come back and take a little time before he can put the casket on his head! So this man just goes away!!" ] ]
PNTL Prepara Ona Estatutu Foun no Revee Lei Orgánika | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI PNTL Prepara Ona Estatutu Foun no Revee Lei Orgánika\nPNTL Prepara Ona Estatutu Foun no Revee Lei Orgánika\nDILI, 4 juñu 2019 (TATOLI)—Hahú kedas iha tinan 2000 to’o agora, Komandu Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) hala’o nia kna’ar tuir Konstituisaun artigu 147 katak polísia defende legalidade demokrátika no garante seguransa interna ba sidadaun hotu no la inklina ba kualkér grupu polítiku. Prevensaun krime tenke bazeia ba respeitu direitu umanu no lei mak determina regra, regulamentu ba polísia no forsa seguransa no mós forsa sira seluk.\nHo kna’ar hirak ne’e, iha 18 fevereiru 2009, Governu Timor-Leste hasai hikas Lei Orgánika PNTL nian ida ne’ebé uza to’o ohin loron no Komandu PNTL rasik to’o agora seidauk iha estatutu própriu.\nNune’e, hahú iha tinan 2015 nia laran, Komandu PNTL harii ona ekipa independente ne’ebé involve Governu Timor-Leste hodi prepara estatutu PNTL foun inklui lei orgánika PNTL no revee regulamentu disiplinár ne’ebé sei aumenta artigu balun hodi fó kompeténsia ba Departamentu Justisa atu uza regulamentu foun sira sai “nehan” kro’at ida ba Departamentu Justisa hala’o kna’ar no ezekuta misaun sira ne’ebé iha relasaun ho justisa no kestaun disiplinár sira tenke tuir nórma sira konstituisaun nian, lei no diretiva sira ne’ebé vigora iha RDTL.\nAleinde ne’e, Komandu PNTL sei haforsa serbisu Unidade Patrollamentu Fronteira (UPF) no Serbisu Ofisiál Polísia Suku (OPS) liuhusi hadi’a kondisaun infraestrutura no kapasita rekursu umanu no fasilidade serbisu.\nTinan 2019 ba oin, nu’udar tinan mudansa ba instituisaun PNTL hodi hato’o ona proposta ba Governu liuhusi Ministériu Interiór atu muda naran Unidade Polísia Marítima (UPM) ba Unidade Seguransa Kosteira (USC-sigla portugés) no hamosu tan Departamentu Tránzitu Kontrolu Auto Estrada (UDTKAE) no Unidade Fraude Fiskál (UFK).\nAtu hatene kle’an planu preparasaun serbisu Komandu PNTL, tuir mai bele akompaña entrevista eskluzivu ne’ebé jornalista Agência TATOLI, I.P halo ho Komandante Polísia Nasionál Timor Leste (Komjer-PNTL), Komisáriu Faustinho da Costa iha nia serbisu fatin, tersa (04/6).\nTATOLI: Iha Polítika VIII Governu Konstitusionál iha tinan ne’e ba oin, sei revee lejizlasaun sira iha PNTL hanesan Lei Orgánika, Estatutu no Regulamentu Disiplinár PNTL. Oinsá Komandu PNTL nia haree ba polítika ne’e rasik?\nKomjer Faustino da Costa: Planu kona-ba revizaun ba lei ne’ebé liga ho kna’ar polísia hodi regulariza atitudi membru polísia nian ne’e buat importante. Agradese ba governu tanba tau atensaun ba serbisu PNTL. Ami eziste tinan 19 ona maibé PNTL rasik seidauk iha estatutu própriu. Entaun, hahú 2015 kedas, ami hamosu ekipa iha PNTL para halo diskusaun nune’e PNTL bele iha estatutu rasik.\nNune’e mós, lei orgánika polísia ne’e dependente ho dezenvolvimentu no evolusaun. Lei orgánika ne’ebé PNTL iha moris iha tinan 2009. Agora tinan 2019, signifika lei ne’e kuaze tinan 15 ona presiza iha ajustamentu ba iha ninia estrutura ne’e rasik. Iha tinan 2018, PNTL rasik hamosu ona ekipa atu haree oinsá mak ajusta lei orgánika PNTL mai hosi inisiativa eis Komandante Jerál, Komisáriu Júlio Hornay hodi iha tinan 2015 ne’e instala ona komisaun atu haree fila fali lei orgánika PNTL 2019 bele halo revizaun hodi halo diskusaun ida kle’an para bele hetan aprovasaun iha Konsellu Ministru.\nRegulamentu disiplinár polísia nian ne’ebé implementa hela ne’e hamosu iha Dekretu Lei Nú. 13/2004, 16 juñu. Agora, iha tinan 2019, konta ba tinan 15 nia laran implementa regulamentu ne’e ha’u hanoin presiza iha mudansa ba lei hirak ne’e. Se lei ida ho tinan 15, signifika lei ne’e ita hanoin iha tinan 15 liu-ba ne’e hanesan hela ho situasaun ida agora ne’e. Buat sira ne’e hotu mak sai referénsia ida ba ha’u bainhira VIII Governu tau fiar lidera instituisaun PNTL iha entidade órgaun soberanu sira iha 27 marsu 2019, ha’u tau hanoin ida iha planu katak 2019 ne’e tinan mudansa ba instituisaun PNTL.\nAgora, mudansa ida ne’ebé ami hanoin ne’e mak reforma iha ita-nia karáter atendimentu, atuasaun membru iha terrenu ho disiplina hodi ita ezije ida kualidade ba iha atendimentu sira. Ami hato’o mós proposta ba programa ne’ebé ami halo ona dezde 2015 sa’e mai ami nafatin aprezenta ba Governu atu halo mudansa ba estrutura no lei organiza, tanba presiza halo revizaun para revee ba lei orgánika ne’e liuhosi Ministru Interiór, Filomeno da Paixão de Jesus bele haree.\nAmi mós komesa halo mudansa ba kna’ar komandante sira halo serbisu iha fatin (munisípiu) ruma labele kle’ur liu, entaun fasil atu kontrolu. Ami hasai ona regulamentu ida kona-ba kolokasaun komandante sira ba serbisu iha munisípiu kle’ur liu tinan tolu (3). Ne’e para ita evita ema ne’e iha fatin para sempre. Atu nune’e ema foun ruma ita troka karik nia sai komandante ida nia mai ho ninia planu no programa no ideia foun ne’ebé di’ak para bele dezenvolve serbisu instituisaun PNTL.\nIntensaun seluk ida tan mak ita aproveita atu apriende kultura ida foun ho dialetu ida foun aumenta ita-nia koñesimentu serbisu iha kada munisípiu ne’ebé diferente. Ne’ebé, komandante sira sei hala’o kna’ar ba ho di’ak ho komunidade no autoridade para lori susesu.\nTATOLI: Bainhira mak Komandu PNTL sei aprezenta estatutu foun no Lei Orgánika PNTL ba Ministru Interiór para aprezenta ba Konsellu Ministru?\nKomjer Faustino da Costa: Ami aprezenta ona ba ministru intermu diskusaun no verbálmente. Ministru mós preokupa liliu ba ezisténsia forsa Unidade Patrollamentu Fronteira (UPF) iha fronteira. Agora, UPF hala’o serbisu bazeia de’it ba lei orgánika (ne’e foti hosi IV Governu Konstitusionál nia Dekretu-Lei númeru 9/2009, loron-18 fulan Fevereiru kona-ba lei orgánika PNTL, artigu 33). Se ita foti hosi Konstituisaun artigu 147 ne’e ko’alia kona-ba kna’ar polísia nian ne’ebé mai hodi hamosu lei orgánika polísia nian no agora iha lei orgánika polísia nasionál artigu ida koloka kona-ba UPF ho nia misaun halo patrollamentu no vijilánsia iha fronteira. Tanba ne’e, bainhira deteta ema ruma ne’ebé hakat fronteira ho ilegálmente, UPF halo atendementu depois entrega ba komandu polísia prosesa tuir lei no koordena mós ho migrasaun, alfándega ne’ebé hala’o kna’ar iha ne’ebá.\nSe UPF deteta ema balun tama ka sai ilegálmente la’ós sira nia kompeténsia atu investiga, maibé UPF imediatu foti inisiativa depois entrega ba autoridade Alfándega no karantina atu haree.\nAleinde ida ne’e, ami haree mós kna’ar Unidade Polísia Marítima (UPM) tuir Lei Orgánika PNTL, Dekretu-Lei 9/2009, Artigu 32 (1). Ita hotu akompaña UPM durante ne’e dalaruma tanba kestaun ida marítima ne’e ikus mai ema bolu dehan mariñeiru ka dalaruma ema interpreta dehan navál. Entaun, hanesan Komandante Jerál, ami hato’o ona proposta no hasa’e ona ba ministru atu labele iha miss interpretasaun kona-ba liafuan ida mariña, marítima ho navál. Tan ne’e, polísia ne’ebé ita koloka iha mariña ami troka fila fali (naran) hanesan proposta no ami laiha kompeténsia atu halo fali alterasaun no ami aprezenta ami nia proposta tau fali Unidade Seguransa Kosteira (USC). Ne’e para ita apár ho liafuan atu labele interpreta liafuan mariña no mariñeiru ka navál.\nProposta seluk ne’ebé ami hato’o mak karik ba futuru ita haree Timor-Leste iha ona auto estrada hosi Suai liga ba Kosta Súl Viqueque, ami hanoin atu presiza iha Unidade Tránzitu Nasionál (UTN) ne’ebé iha ninia departamentu própriu ita harii Unidade Departamentu Tránzitu Kontrolu Auto Estrada (UDTKAE) atu haree ba estrada. Pur-ezemplu, iha nasaun seluk, iha unidade ida ne’e. Tanba, Polísia Tránzitu ida ne’ebé halo patrulla iha auto estrada ne’e hanaran HV- Patroll. Ne’e duni, agora ita iha auto estrada iha Suai ba oin ita prepara mós ita nia polísia hodi haree karik lei orgánika PNTL aprova ona bele iha ona patrollamentu própriu atu halo kontrolu ba ita nia auto estrada.\nAmi mós propoin atu hamosu tan Unidade Fraude Fiskál (UFK) nu’udar unidade ida atu haree problema sira hanesan iha ita-nia Timor kona-ba kazu pekulatu. Korrupsaun pasivu ativu durante ne’e só Polísia Serbisu Investigasaun Kriminál (PSIK) mak halo. Se ita hamosu UFK signifika ita bele haree kazu sira ne’e pasivu liu inklui haree ba kazu brankeamentu kapitál ne’ebé ami hato’o ba ministru bele haree no orienta saida mak asesór tékniku presiza, ita sei diskuti liu-tan.\nTATOLI: Iha Planu Estratéjiku Dezenvolvimentu Nasionál (PEDN) PNTL nian 2011-2030, governu hakarak atu reforsa rekursu iha polísia komunitária. Oinsá Komandu nia haree?\nKomjer Faustino da Costa: Iha semana ida liu-ba, hosi Unidade Planeamentu Monitorizasaun no Avaliasaun (UPMA) hasai ona sirkulár ida ba PNTL atu prepara ona planu prioridade polísia nian ba tinan 2020 ba oin ne’ebé iha planu prioridade ualu (8) mak ministru aprova ona. 1) haree ba dezenvolvimentu Polísiamentu Komunitáriu ita sei reforsa hadi’a dezenvolvimentu infraestrutura no rekursu oinsá Ofisiál Polísia Suku (OPS) bele la’o ho di’ak. 2) aumenta rekursu ba seguransa Rodoviáriu Tránzitu nian hodi tau-matan ba vítima sira ne’ebé hetan asidente rodoviáriu ne’e boot tebe-tebes, nune’e PNTL tau programa ne’e sai ajenda prioridade.\n3) prioridade programa mak haree ba UPF ita reforsa sira-nia serbisu no atividade hadi’a sira nia kondisaun hodi halo vijilánsia no kria kondisaun infraestrutura iha fronteira hodi aumenta tan rekursu hodi asegura seguransa ho di’ak. Tanba membru UPF barak halo serbisu kondisaun mínimu tebes no serbisu kle’ur tebes. Tanba ne’e, ita hakarak haree ba oin se nia (polísia) serbisu iha UPF kle’ur liu ona tinan lima (5) to’o tinan 10 iha fatin hela de’it ita sei haree para hadi’a. 4) prgrama formasaun no kapasitasaun rekursu umanu ba área espesializada hodi responde ka atu atende kazu espesífiku sira hanesan krime organizadu brankaementu kapitál, kazu droga tráfiku umanu ne’ebé akontese entaun PNTL presiza duni formasaun iha área importante sira ne’e.\n5) melloramentu ekipamentu, tanba se ita forma tiha ona ema sai matenek ho rekursu ne’ebé sufisiente, ita tenki investe mós iha ekipamentu hodi halo serbisu kontrolu ida di’ak ho profisionál liu-tan. 6) hamosu komisaun infraestrutura atu hadi’a kondisaun infraestrutura. Ita-nia nai ulun sira hatene hela iha eskuadra polísia sira kondisaun mukit no polísia iha munisípiu seidauk iha kazerna própriu fasilita serbisu. Aleinde ida ne’e, ita haree se ita tau OPS sai kestaun prioridade tenki investe mós ba serbisu polísia sira iha suku para halo serbisu besik liu-tan povu. Tanba ne’e, ita agradese tebes ba Governu Nova Zelándia bele apoiu serbisu OPS harii ona uma 14 no apoiu kapasita OPS sira no governu mós hanoin atu reforsa serbisu OPS liuhosi fasilidade no harii uma.\n7) Ministru Interiór Interinu aprova ona kona-ba partisipasaun PNTL iha misaun pás nia iha Organizasaun Nasoins Unidas (ONU) nu’udar parte importante atu lori polísia halo serbisu misaun ONU nian hodi hala’o kna’ar iha Sudaun Súl no rai seluk tan no programa prioridade seluk tan.\nHo planu prioridade hirak ne’e mak Primeiru Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak rasik bolu ona ami hodi diskuti atu haree asuntu prioridade sira ne’e no governu hakarak haforsa apoiu iha OPS, UPF ne’ebé governu diskuti iha retiru VIII Governu nian hodi entrega mós áta hosi planu hirak ne’e hotu.\nTATOLI: Hosi totál númeru OPS na’in 408 ne’ebé koloka ona iha suku OPS na’in 1 responsável ba suku 2 no ita haree rekursu sei menus tebes, no governu hanoin hosi unidade polísia barak ne’ebé iha sei muda balun iha OPS no Tránzitu Rodoviáriu. Oinsá Komandu nia haree?\nKomjer Faustino da Costa: Loos duni. Ba kestaun ne’e, ha’u ho Ministru Interiór Interinu ami ko’alia ona. Agora, ha’u komesa retira ona membru sira hosi Unidade Polísia Fronteira (UPF). Dalaruma membru sira la’o ain to’o kilómetru 29 ho polísia ne’ebé ho idade tinan 57, 58 to’o membru balun tinan 60 ona. Ita haree sira nia idade katuas ona. Tanba ne’e, ita sei retira sira mai fali hala’o kna’ar iha ida-idak nia munisípiu haforsa iha OPS, KPK tanba sira iha esperiénsia oinsá mak ko’alia ho povu ho di’ak no reforsa iha tránzitu. Nune’e mós iha Unidade Polísia Espesiál (UPE), polísia balun idade liu ona tinan 60 ita sei muda sira ba munisípiu hodi halo serbisu reforsa iha OPS mak mak’as liu.\nAmi mós propoin ba ministru iha tinan 2020 katak ba oin sei iha atividade urjente, tan ne’e ba oin ita presiza mós rekrutamentu ba polísia hodi reforsa númeru PNTL iha eskuadra balun ne’ebé seidauk sufisiente. Ministru rasik no primeiru-ministru haree hela kestaun ne’e hodi halo rekrutamentu PNTL no F-FDTL ne’e konjuntu dala ida no formasaun fulan tolu ne’e treinu hamutuk fíziku bele halo iha MetinarO no Sentru Treinamentu RairobO-Atabae. Treinamentu hotu ona mak foin fahe—ida ne’ebé ba polísia fila fali ba polísia no ida ne’ebé ba F-FDTL, fila fali ba F-FDTL.\nIntensaun saida? Ninia benefísiu mak bainhira sira tuir formasaun hamutuk no halo serbisu iha terenu sira bele unidade tanba sira koñese malu ona hodi evita konflitu akontese entre forsa rua ne’e bele menus.\nTATOLI: Regulamentu disiplinár PNTL tuir Dekretu Lei Nú. 13/2004, 16 juñu, katak presiza iha revizaun, tanba konsidera lei ne’e “fraku” iha implementasaun. Tuir ita-nia haree oinsá?\nKomjer Faustino da Costa: Se ita haree lei ne’e hosi parte jurídiku nian, lei ne’e forte. Se ita haree hosi kultura ka karáter ita nian, ita hanoin presiza halo alterasaun. Pur-ezemplu, ita ko’alia kona-ba kultura hanesan inan no aman ida sira moris hamutuk sira iha oan. Sira iha responsabilidade atu hanorin oan sai matenek ka lae? Nune’e mós iha lei disiplina ne’e inan-aman iha oan tiha depois orsida ema seluk mak eduka ne’e mak’as liu. Entaun, Komandu labele fó suspensaun, tanba membru ne’e rasik bele halo nia karta rekursu ba tribunál rekursu. Pur-ezemplu, membru balun halo infrasaun halakon kilat ka uza sala kilat ne’ebé povu no Estadu nian, kuandu komandu foti ninia desizaun hanoin suspende ne’e todan ka bele hasai tiha membru ne’e hosi Instituisaun. Agora ne’e, só para rekomenda depois mak governu mak desidi. Aleinde governu mak desidi, ministru tutela loloos últimu instante ne’ebé atu bele halo desizaun, maibé membru ne’e rasik iha direitu nafatin atu lori prosesu ne’e ba Tribunál Primeira Instánsia no to’o Tribunál Rekursu. Signifika lei orgánika ne’e nia nehan (lei) la forte iha ne’ebá. Maibé, agora lei foun ne’e sei halo ninia medida ida forte atu regula ema hotu- hotu.\nHa’u rasik husu ona ba komandante sira labele ta’uk, tanba kompeténsia ne’ebé ita-boot sira iha lei fó ita-boot sira bele foti desizaun. Pur-ezemplu, agora, Komandante Eskuadra ida iha kompeténsia bele suspende nia membru sira to’o loron 30 ne’ebé agora hakerek iha regulamentu disiplinár nian. Maibé, lei orgánika la hateten katak komandante bele halo desizaun ida ne’e. Tanba ne’e, ha’u hanoin presiza halo revizaun ba lei disiplinár ne’e.\nTATOLI: Tuir Ministru Defeza nia hanoin, regulamentu disiplinár PNTL nian tenki halo hanesan F-FDTL. Karik membru sira halo sala boot, komandante halo despaisu hato’o ba ministru mak foti desizaun hasai ne’e oinsá?\nKomjer Faustino da Costa: Proposta ne’ebé Komandu hato’o ba ministru katak ba oin iha regulamentu disiplinár ne’e Departamentu Justisa hodi halo investigasaun tenki atribui tan sira nia kompeténsia ida hodi sira halo fiskalizasaun. Katak, Departamentu Justisa ninia ema sira presiza halo patrollamentu iha kalan no loron atu kontrola membru sira ne’ebé halo serbisu. Maibé, se nia (polísia) ba fali pasiar iha Timor Plaza ne’e viola ona regra. Ida ne’e mak propoin iha proposta alterasaun Departamentu Justisa atu halo serbisu ida ne’e. Aleinde ida ne’e, iha semana nia rohan, Departamentu Justisa sei halo mós patrollamentu ba iha bar ka festa sira hodi haree karik iha membru polísia ruma iha ne’ebá uza farda ka sein farda sira sei kontrola. Agora, kompeténsia ida ne’e mak durante ne’e laiha. Tanba ne’e, ami hamosu proposta hodi haree mós kestaun asuntu disiplinár ninia desizaun sei foti hosi segundu komandante jerál hodi membru ida labele lori fali prosesu ba tribunál.\nTATOLI: Oinsá Komandu PNTL nia haree kona-ba polítika Governu Timor-Leste kona-ba Planeamentu Integradu?\nKomjer Faustino da Costa: Ha’u tenta atu esplika katak dalaruma ita koko atu interpreta tenki halo di’ak. Tanba ha’u haree iha polítika governu regula kona-ba formasaun integradu entre F-FDTL no PNTL ne’e buat ida ne’ebé kapa’as tebes atu evita problema entre forsa rua, no lori forsa rua atu hamutuk. Agora, ho ezisténsia Autoridade Nasionál Marítima (ANM) iha lei hateten la’ós atu halakon kna’ar kompeténsia ne’ebé oras ne’e daudaun polísia marítima iha. Maibé, ANM ne’e serbisu integradu involve Polísia, F-FDTL, Alfándega no Migrasaun, Ministériu Agrikultura no Peska, Ministériu Komérsiu Indústria, Ministériu Finansa nia ema submete hotu iha ANM ne’e para halo serbisu konjuntu operasaun ruma iha tasi ibun mak hetan buat ruma automatikamente autoridade hotu-hotu ne’e hamutuk foti desizaun rezolve ba problema ema ruma hanesan pirata ka laiha dokumentu ekipa ne’e rezolve kedas ona.\nTATOLI: Ita ko’alia kona-ba polítika integradu ne’e uluk mosu tiha ona Komandu Operasaun Konjuntu (KOK) ‘Halibur’ ne’ebé haktuir iha rezolusaun Governu númeru 3/2018, 17 fevereiru iha momentu ne’ebá. Vantajen saida mak Komandu PNTL hetan hosi esperiénsia durante serbisu hamutuk ho F-FDTL ne’e?\nKomjer Faustino da Costa: Ha’u haree katak ida ne’e desizaun importante ida hosi polítika Estadu ka governu oinsá lori forsa rua atu serbisu hamutuk di’ak liu-tan. Oinsá mak membru polísia no F-FDTL bele halo treinamentu no patrollamentu ne’e buat di’ak ida hodi koordena malu entre Komandu PNTL no F-FDTL bele serbisu di’ak liu-tan atu garante pás no estabilidade.\nTATOLI: Hafoin simu posu, Komandante rasik promete haforsa seguransa asegura Dili durante oras 24, maibé ita-nia povu kontinua preokupa no ta’uk la’o iha tempu kalan, tanba problema krimi ikus-ikus ne’e akontese maka’as tebes iha Dili to’o munisípiu sira to’o ema balun sai vítima mate no kanek. Ita-boot nia komentáriu?\nKomjer Faustino da Costa: Ha’u ko’alia iha ha’u nia mandatu ita haree mós katak kestaun seguransa ne’e responsabilidade ba ema hotu-hotu. Labele haree de’it ba polísia. Ita timoroan tomak tenki hamutuk atu garante seguransa atu iha dame ba ita nia nasaun. Ha’u mós hasai despaisu ida ba komandante hasai membru unidade hodi ba reforsa serbisu iha OPS besik liu povu para ita bele minimiza krime ka kazu dezórden ne’ebé mosu, maski iha obstáklu maibé polísia halo esforsu atu garante pás.\nAtu asegura seguransa ba komunidade iha kada suku, Komandu koloka OPS iha suku ida-idak atu nune’e bele halo prevensaun konflitu no ajuda xefe suku sira hodi rezolve problema. Timor-Leste iha suku hamutuk 442 no membru OPS hamutuk na’in 408 mak koloka ona iha suku. OPS na’in 1 responsavel ba suku 2 no sei kompleta tan. Munisípiu Bobonaru iha suku 50 maibé koloka de’it membru OPS na’in 43. Sei menus ema na’in 7. Munisípiu Baucau iha suku 59, membru OPS na’in 32. Sei menus na’in 27. Tan ne’e, presiza kompleta.\nAtu kompleta númeru OPS ba suku hotu mak ita hanoin atu aumenta númeru bele koloka iha suku hotu, tanba munisípiu balun rai luan no distánsia dook nune’e ho númeru membru PNTL ne’ebé limitadu seidauk kobre komunidade hotu. Atu kontrola serbisu OPS nian mak ita harii tan KPK (Konsellu Polísiamentu Komunitária) no KDD (Konsellu Diretiva Distritál) hodi haree ba serbisu KPK nian.\nKPK no KDD harii ona iha munisípiu 11, falta Lautem no Rejiaun Administrativa Espesiál Oé-Cusse Ambeno. OPS serbisu hamutuk ho xefe suku sira hodi asegura prevensaun krime iha suku, habelar informasaun kona-ba lei violénsia doméstika no lei sira seluk ne’ebé iha relasaun ho problema ne’ebé sempre akontese iha terrenu.\nKPK nia kna’ar mak identifika problema oinsá bele rezolve iha suku, prioridade ba problema sivíl. Ezemplu, animál tama to’os no estraga aihan ne’ebé bele hamosu krime baku malu entre to’os na’in no animál nia na’in maibé sira rezolve ho mediasaun nune’e la akontese krime. Ezemplu seluk, identifika problema violénsia doméstika hodi ba eskuadra atu halo investigasaun hodi prosesa tuir lei.\nOPS, KPK no KDD iha Departamentu Polísia Komunitária nia okos bazeia ba Lei Orgánika PNTL katak polísia komunitária nia serbisu mak atu hamutuk ho komunidade hodi asegura seguransa, prevensaun krime no seluk tan nune’e povu bele fó konfiansa ba polísia hodi moris iha pás no hakmatek nia laran.\nOPS oras ne’e hasoru hela difikuldade kona-ba transporte, rádiu komunikasaun, hela fatin no orsamentu operasionál. Kona-ba fasilidade transporte, iha tinan 2014/2015, iha ona motorizada hamutuk 222 ne’ebé destaka ona iha munisípiu no suku balu iha futuru sei kontinua prevee hodi kompleta 442. Ko’alia kona-ba komunikasaun, iha rádiu komunikasaun balun ne’ebé prevee hosi doadór sira maibé presiza kompleta tan. Tuir planu komandu nian prevee rádiu komunikasaun no sim card ba OPS sira nune’e bele kontatu malu bainhira iha atividade no akontese problema ruma.\nKona-ba hela fatin ba OPS sira sai preokupasaun boot ba governu oinsá fó apoiu atu bele harii uma ba OPS sira iha munisípiu ida-idak nune’e sira bele serbisu iha komunidade nia leet.\nTATOLI: Iha diskusaun nível polítika ne’ebé la’o hela atu reativa fila fali organizasaun arte marsiál sira. Komandu PNTL nia pontu devista?\nKomjer Faustino da Costa: Atu reativa arte marsiál, ha’u hakarak dehan deklarasaun ka kompromisu polítika ne’ebé líder partidu polítiku sira halo iha tempu akompaña ne’e loos, no normál iha polítika. Maibé, keta haluha, lei númeru 5/2017 seidauk iha alterasaun katak lei númeru 5/2017 atu regula arte marsiál ne’e proibe atu halo atividade. Ha’u hanoin ema boot sira ko’alia de’it. Entaun, Polísia mantein hala’o nia kna’ar asegura seguransa tuir lei ne’e. Esetu lei ne’e hetan ona alterasaun ka mudansa katak arte marsiál sira ne’ebé bandu ne’e bele konsidera fila fali.\nIta haree mós iha parte defeza no seguransa nian, governu mós tuur-tuur la’ós naran atu reativa de’it, maibé sei análiza iha aspetu hotu depois mak sei aprezenta fali proposta ba lei ne’ebé Parlamentu Nasionál mak halo. Signifika, governu avalia sei fó paraser ba Parlamentu atu haree. Agora, se atu reativa fila fali, Komandu PNTL husu atu líder arte marsiál hotu-hotu nia membru tenki koopera ho polísia katak tama iha organizasaun uza hanesan eventu desportiva ida, la’ós uza fali organizasaun atu halo problema ruma. Organizasaun arte marsiál sira ne’e mós tenki koopera ho líder no autoridade suku para hamutuk asegura pás atu evita problema sira ne’e mosu beibeik.\nSegundu, organizasaun arte marsiál sira tenki hatudu disiplina ne’ebé merese di’ak ba sira-nia organizasaun ba nasaun no sosiedade. Se ita hatudu asaun brutalizmu ka la disiplina, seráke ida ne’e governu atu reativa lalais? Ha’u hanoin la fásil! Tanba PNTL kontinua koopera ho F-FDTL atu garante seguransa ba Estadu no povu atu ita-nia atividade ekonomia no povu nia moris bele la’o iha pás sein problema oioin\nTATOLI: Karik bele esplika relasaun serbisu entre Polísia Nasionál Serbisu Investigasaun Kriminál (PNSIK) no Polícia Científica de Investigação Criminal (PCIC), tanba dala barak mosu hanoin mai hosi públiku katak serbisu PNSIK no PCIC hanesan dupla funsaun no dalaruma membru rua halo serbisu iha terrenu hanesan “hafuhu” malu fali. Ita-boot nia komentáriu?\nKomjer Faustino da Costa: PNSIK ninia ezisténsia to’o ohin loron ha’u bele dehan ami iha Komandu PNTL laiha konflitu ho PCIC, maibé PNSIK no PCIC koopera malu hodi serbí Estadu. Tanba, PNSIK no PCIC no ami sira ne’e hotu ajudante fó apoiu ba serbisu Ministériu Públiku. Tanba na’in loloos ba prosesu kazu hotu-hotu ne’e Ministériu Públiku. Agora, depende ba Ministériu Públiku. Karik mosu kazu ruma, prokuradór sira hakarak delega ba iha ne’ebé? Ne’e depende ba prokuradór sira, tanba ami laiha problema no ami la aproveita atu hadau malu fali kompeténsia serbisu. Ne’e lae. Tanba ida-idak ninia natureza serbisu haktuir kedas iha lei orgánika ida-idak nian hodi halo ninia funsaun tuir lei.\nPrevious articleKomandu PNTL Atualiza Situasaun Seguransa ba Komisaun B\nNext articleEstadu Tetu Didi’ak Promesa Polítika Reativa Grupu Arte Marsiál!
[ "PNTL Prepara Ona Estatutu Foun no Revee Lei Organika | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI PNTL Prepara Ona Estatutu Foun no Revee Lei Organika PNTL Prepara Ona Estatutu Foun no Revee Lei Organika DILI, 4 junu 2019 (TATOLI) - Hahu kedas iha tinan 2000 to'o agora, Komandu Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) hala'o nia kna'ar tuir Konstituisaun artigu 147 katak polisia defende legalidade demokratika no garante seguransa interna ba sidadaun hotu no la inklina ba kualker grupu politiku.", "Prevensaun krime tenke bazeia ba respeitu direitu umanu no lei mak determina regra, regulamentu ba polisia no forsa seguransa no mos forsa sira seluk.", "Ho kna'ar hirak ne'e, iha 18 fevereiru 2009, Governu Timor-Leste hasai hikas Lei Organika PNTL nian ida ne'ebe uza to'o ohin loron no Komandu PNTL rasik to'o agora seidauk iha estatutu propriu.", "Nune'e, hahu iha tinan 2015 nia laran, Komandu PNTL harii ona ekipa independente ne'ebe involve Governu Timor-Leste hodi prepara estatutu PNTL foun inklui lei organika PNTL no revee regulamentu disiplinar ne'ebe sei aumenta artigu balun hodi fo kompetensia ba Departamentu Justisa atu uza regulamentu foun sira sai \"nehan\" kro'at ida ba Departamentu Justisa hala'o kna'ar no ezekuta misaun sira ne'ebe iha relasaun ho justisa no kestaun disiplinar sira tenke tuir norma sira konstituisaun nian, lei no diretiva sira ne'ebe vigora iha RDTL.", "Aleinde ne'e, Komandu PNTL sei haforsa serbisu Unidade Patrollamentu Fronteira (UPF) no Serbisu Ofisial Polisia Suku (OPS) liuhusi hadi'a kondisaun infraestrutura no kapasita rekursu umanu no fasilidade serbisu.", "Tinan 2019 ba oin, nu'udar tinan mudansa ba instituisaun PNTL hodi hato'o ona proposta ba Governu liuhusi Ministeriu Interior atu muda naran Unidade Polisia Maritima (UPM) ba Unidade Seguransa Kosteira (USC-sigla portuges) no hamosu tan Departamentu Tranzitu Kontrolu Auto Estrada (UDTKAE) no Unidade Fraude Fiskal (UFK).", "Atu hatene kle'an planu preparasaun serbisu Komandu PNTL, tuir mai bele akompana entrevista eskluzivu ne'ebe jornalista Agencia TATOLI, I.P halo ho Komandante Polisia Nasional Timor Leste (Komjer-PNTL), Komisariu Faustinho da Costa iha nia serbisu fatin, tersa (04/6).", "TATOLI: Iha Politika VIII Governu Konstitusional iha tinan ne'e ba oin, sei revee lejizlasaun sira iha PNTL hanesan Lei Organika, Estatutu no Regulamentu Disiplinar PNTL.", "Oinsa Komandu PNTL nia haree ba politika ne'e rasik?", "Komjer Faustino da Costa: Planu kona-ba revizaun ba lei ne'ebe liga ho kna'ar polisia hodi regulariza atitudi membru polisia nian ne'e buat importante.", "Agradese ba governu tanba tau atensaun ba serbisu PNTL.", "Ami eziste tinan 19 ona maibe PNTL rasik seidauk iha estatutu propriu.", "Entaun, hahu 2015 kedas, ami hamosu ekipa iha PNTL para halo diskusaun nune'e PNTL bele iha estatutu rasik.", "Nune'e mos, lei organika polisia ne'e dependente ho dezenvolvimentu no evolusaun.", "Lei organika ne'ebe PNTL iha moris iha tinan 2009.", "Agora tinan 2019, signifika lei ne'e kuaze tinan 15 ona presiza iha ajustamentu ba iha ninia estrutura ne'e rasik.", "Iha tinan 2018, PNTL rasik hamosu ona ekipa atu haree oinsa mak ajusta lei organika PNTL mai hosi inisiativa eis Komandante Jeral, Komisariu Julio Hornay hodi iha tinan 2015 ne'e instala ona komisaun atu haree fila fali lei organika PNTL 2019 bele halo revizaun hodi halo diskusaun ida kle'an para bele hetan aprovasaun iha Konsellu Ministru.", "Regulamentu disiplinar polisia nian ne'ebe implementa hela ne'e hamosu iha Dekretu Lei Nu.", "13/2004, 16 junu.", "Agora, iha tinan 2019, konta ba tinan 15 nia laran implementa regulamentu ne'e ha'u hanoin presiza iha mudansa ba lei hirak ne'e.", "Se lei ida ho tinan 15, signifika lei ne'e ita hanoin iha tinan 15 liu-ba ne'e hanesan hela ho situasaun ida agora ne'e.", "Buat sira ne'e hotu mak sai referensia ida ba ha'u bainhira VIII Governu tau fiar lidera instituisaun PNTL iha entidade orgaun soberanu sira iha 27 marsu 2019, ha'u tau hanoin ida iha planu katak 2019 ne'e tinan mudansa ba instituisaun PNTL.", "Agora, mudansa ida ne'ebe ami hanoin ne'e mak reforma iha ita-nia karater atendimentu, atuasaun membru iha terrenu ho disiplina hodi ita ezije ida kualidade ba iha atendimentu sira.", "Ami hato'o mos proposta ba programa ne'ebe ami halo ona dezde 2015 sa'e mai ami nafatin aprezenta ba Governu atu halo mudansa ba estrutura no lei organiza, tanba presiza halo revizaun para revee ba lei organika ne'e liuhosi Ministru Interior, Filomeno da Paixao de Jesus bele haree.", "Ami mos komesa halo mudansa ba kna'ar komandante sira halo serbisu iha fatin (munisipiu) ruma labele kle'ur liu, entaun fasil atu kontrolu.", "Ami hasai ona regulamentu ida kona-ba kolokasaun komandante sira ba serbisu iha munisipiu kle'ur liu tinan tolu (3).", "Ne'e para ita evita ema ne'e iha fatin para sempre.", "Atu nune'e ema foun ruma ita troka karik nia sai komandante ida nia mai ho ninia planu no programa no ideia foun ne'ebe di'ak para bele dezenvolve serbisu instituisaun PNTL.", "Intensaun seluk ida tan mak ita aproveita atu apriende kultura ida foun ho dialetu ida foun aumenta ita-nia konesimentu serbisu iha kada munisipiu ne'ebe diferente.", "Ne'ebe, komandante sira sei hala'o kna'ar ba ho di'ak ho komunidade no autoridade para lori susesu.", "TATOLI: Bainhira mak Komandu PNTL sei aprezenta estatutu foun no Lei Organika PNTL ba Ministru Interior para aprezenta ba Konsellu Ministru?", "Komjer Faustino da Costa: Ami aprezenta ona ba ministru intermu diskusaun no verbalmente.", "Ministru mos preokupa liliu ba ezistensia forsa Unidade Patrollamentu Fronteira (UPF) iha fronteira.", "Agora, UPF hala'o serbisu bazeia de'it ba lei organika (ne'e foti hosi IV Governu Konstitusional nia Dekretu-Lei numeru 9/2009, loron-18 fulan Fevereiru kona-ba lei organika PNTL, artigu 33).", "Se ita foti hosi Konstituisaun artigu 147 ne'e ko'alia kona-ba kna'ar polisia nian ne'ebe mai hodi hamosu lei organika polisia nian no agora iha lei organika polisia nasional artigu ida koloka kona-ba UPF ho nia misaun halo patrollamentu no vijilansia iha fronteira.", "Tanba ne'e, bainhira deteta ema ruma ne'ebe hakat fronteira ho ilegalmente, UPF halo atendementu depois entrega ba komandu polisia prosesa tuir lei no koordena mos ho migrasaun, alfandega ne'ebe hala'o kna'ar iha ne'eba.", "Se UPF deteta ema balun tama ka sai ilegalmente la'os sira nia kompetensia atu investiga, maibe UPF imediatu foti inisiativa depois entrega ba autoridade Alfandega no karantina atu haree.", "Aleinde ida ne'e, ami haree mos kna'ar Unidade Polisia Maritima (UPM) tuir Lei Organika PNTL, Dekretu-Lei 9/2009, Artigu 32 (1).", "Ita hotu akompana UPM durante ne'e dalaruma tanba kestaun ida maritima ne'e ikus mai ema bolu dehan marineiru ka dalaruma ema interpreta dehan naval.", "Entaun, hanesan Komandante Jeral, ami hato'o ona proposta no hasa'e ona ba ministru atu labele iha miss interpretasaun kona-ba liafuan ida marina, maritima ho naval.", "Tan ne'e, polisia ne'ebe ita koloka iha marina ami troka fila fali (naran) hanesan proposta no ami laiha kompetensia atu halo fali alterasaun no ami aprezenta ami nia proposta tau fali Unidade Seguransa Kosteira (USC).", "Ne'e para ita apar ho liafuan atu labele interpreta liafuan marina no marineiru ka naval.", "Proposta seluk ne'ebe ami hato'o mak karik ba futuru ita haree Timor-Leste iha ona auto estrada hosi Suai liga ba Kosta Sul Viqueque, ami hanoin atu presiza iha Unidade Tranzitu Nasional (UTN) ne'ebe iha ninia departamentu propriu ita harii Unidade Departamentu Tranzitu Kontrolu Auto Estrada (UDTKAE) atu haree ba estrada.", "Pur-ezemplu, iha nasaun seluk, iha unidade ida ne'e.", "Tanba, Polisia Tranzitu ida ne'ebe halo patrulla iha auto estrada ne'e hanaran HV- Patroll.", "Ne'e duni, agora ita iha auto estrada iha Suai ba oin ita prepara mos ita nia polisia hodi haree karik lei organika PNTL aprova ona bele iha ona patrollamentu propriu atu halo kontrolu ba ita nia auto estrada.", "Ami mos propoin atu hamosu tan Unidade Fraude Fiskal (UFK) nu'udar unidade ida atu haree problema sira hanesan iha ita-nia Timor kona-ba kazu pekulatu.", "Korrupsaun pasivu ativu durante ne'e so Polisia Serbisu Investigasaun Kriminal (PSIK) mak halo.", "Se ita hamosu UFK signifika ita bele haree kazu sira ne'e pasivu liu inklui haree ba kazu brankeamentu kapital ne'ebe ami hato'o ba ministru bele haree no orienta saida mak asesor tekniku presiza, ita sei diskuti liu-tan.", "TATOLI: Iha Planu Estratejiku Dezenvolvimentu Nasional (PEDN) PNTL nian 2011-2030, governu hakarak atu reforsa rekursu iha polisia komunitaria.", "Oinsa Komandu nia haree?", "Komjer Faustino da Costa: Iha semana ida liu-ba, hosi Unidade Planeamentu Monitorizasaun no Avaliasaun (UPMA) hasai ona sirkular ida ba PNTL atu prepara ona planu prioridade polisia nian ba tinan 2020 ba oin ne'ebe iha planu prioridade ualu (8) mak ministru aprova ona.", "1) haree ba dezenvolvimentu Polisiamentu Komunitariu ita sei reforsa hadi'a dezenvolvimentu infraestrutura no rekursu oinsa Ofisial Polisia Suku (OPS) bele la'o ho di'ak.", "2) aumenta rekursu ba seguransa Rodoviariu Tranzitu nian hodi tau-matan ba vitima sira ne'ebe hetan asidente rodoviariu ne'e boot tebe-tebes, nune'e PNTL tau programa ne'e sai ajenda prioridade.", "3) prioridade programa mak haree ba UPF ita reforsa sira-nia serbisu no atividade hadi'a sira nia kondisaun hodi halo vijilansia no kria kondisaun infraestrutura iha fronteira hodi aumenta tan rekursu hodi asegura seguransa ho di'ak.", "Tanba membru UPF barak halo serbisu kondisaun minimu tebes no serbisu kle'ur tebes.", "Tanba ne'e, ita hakarak haree ba oin se nia (polisia) serbisu iha UPF kle'ur liu ona tinan lima (5) to'o tinan 10 iha fatin hela de'it ita sei haree para hadi'a.", "4) prgrama formasaun no kapasitasaun rekursu umanu ba area espesializada hodi responde ka atu atende kazu espesifiku sira hanesan krime organizadu brankaementu kapital, kazu droga trafiku umanu ne'ebe akontese entaun PNTL presiza duni formasaun iha area importante sira ne'e.", "5) melloramentu ekipamentu, tanba se ita forma tiha ona ema sai matenek ho rekursu ne'ebe sufisiente, ita tenki investe mos iha ekipamentu hodi halo serbisu kontrolu ida di'ak ho profisional liu-tan.", "6) hamosu komisaun infraestrutura atu hadi'a kondisaun infraestrutura.", "Ita-nia nai ulun sira hatene hela iha eskuadra polisia sira kondisaun mukit no polisia iha munisipiu seidauk iha kazerna propriu fasilita serbisu.", "Aleinde ida ne'e, ita haree se ita tau OPS sai kestaun prioridade tenki investe mos ba serbisu polisia sira iha suku para halo serbisu besik liu-tan povu.", "Tanba ne'e, ita agradese tebes ba Governu Nova Zelandia bele apoiu serbisu OPS harii ona uma 14 no apoiu kapasita OPS sira no governu mos hanoin atu reforsa serbisu OPS liuhosi fasilidade no harii uma.", "7) Ministru Interior Interinu aprova ona kona-ba partisipasaun PNTL iha misaun pas nia iha Organizasaun Nasoins Unidas (ONU) nu'udar parte importante atu lori polisia halo serbisu misaun ONU nian hodi hala'o kna'ar iha Sudaun Sul no rai seluk tan no programa prioridade seluk tan.", "Ho planu prioridade hirak ne'e mak Primeiru Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak rasik bolu ona ami hodi diskuti atu haree asuntu prioridade sira ne'e no governu hakarak haforsa apoiu iha OPS, UPF ne'ebe governu diskuti iha retiru VIII Governu nian hodi entrega mos ata hosi planu hirak ne'e hotu.", "TATOLI: Hosi total numeru OPS na'in 408 ne'ebe koloka ona iha suku OPS na'in 1 responsavel ba suku 2 no ita haree rekursu sei menus tebes, no governu hanoin hosi unidade polisia barak ne'ebe iha sei muda balun iha OPS no Tranzitu Rodoviariu.", "Oinsa Komandu nia haree?", "Komjer Faustino da Costa: Loos duni.", "Ba kestaun ne'e, ha'u ho Ministru Interior Interinu ami ko'alia ona.", "Agora, ha'u komesa retira ona membru sira hosi Unidade Polisia Fronteira (UPF).", "Dalaruma membru sira la'o ain to'o kilometru 29 ho polisia ne'ebe ho idade tinan 57, 58 to'o membru balun tinan 60 ona.", "Ita haree sira nia idade katuas ona.", "Tanba ne'e, ita sei retira sira mai fali hala'o kna'ar iha ida-idak nia munisipiu haforsa iha OPS, KPK tanba sira iha esperiensia oinsa mak ko'alia ho povu ho di'ak no reforsa iha tranzitu.", "Nune'e mos iha Unidade Polisia Espesial (UPE), polisia balun idade liu ona tinan 60 ita sei muda sira ba munisipiu hodi halo serbisu reforsa iha OPS mak mak'as liu.", "Ami mos propoin ba ministru iha tinan 2020 katak ba oin sei iha atividade urjente, tan ne'e ba oin ita presiza mos rekrutamentu ba polisia hodi reforsa numeru PNTL iha eskuadra balun ne'ebe seidauk sufisiente.", "Ministru rasik no primeiru-ministru haree hela kestaun ne'e hodi halo rekrutamentu PNTL no F-FDTL ne'e konjuntu dala ida no formasaun fulan tolu ne'e treinu hamutuk fiziku bele halo iha MetinarO no Sentru Treinamentu RairobO-Atabae.", "Treinamentu hotu ona mak foin fahe - ida ne'ebe ba polisia fila fali ba polisia no ida ne'ebe ba F-FDTL, fila fali ba F-FDTL.", "Intensaun saida?", "Ninia benefisiu mak bainhira sira tuir formasaun hamutuk no halo serbisu iha terenu sira bele unidade tanba sira konese malu ona hodi evita konflitu akontese entre forsa rua ne'e bele menus.", "TATOLI: Regulamentu disiplinar PNTL tuir Dekretu Lei Nu.", "13/2004, 16 junu, katak presiza iha revizaun, tanba konsidera lei ne'e \"fraku\" iha implementasaun.", "Tuir ita-nia haree oinsa?", "Komjer Faustino da Costa: Se ita haree lei ne'e hosi parte juridiku nian, lei ne'e forte.", "Se ita haree hosi kultura ka karater ita nian, ita hanoin presiza halo alterasaun.", "Pur-ezemplu, ita ko'alia kona-ba kultura hanesan inan no aman ida sira moris hamutuk sira iha oan.", "Sira iha responsabilidade atu hanorin oan sai matenek ka lae?", "Nune'e mos iha lei disiplina ne'e inan-aman iha oan tiha depois orsida ema seluk mak eduka ne'e mak'as liu.", "Entaun, Komandu labele fo suspensaun, tanba membru ne'e rasik bele halo nia karta rekursu ba tribunal rekursu.", "Pur-ezemplu, membru balun halo infrasaun halakon kilat ka uza sala kilat ne'ebe povu no Estadu nian, kuandu komandu foti ninia desizaun hanoin suspende ne'e todan ka bele hasai tiha membru ne'e hosi Instituisaun.", "Agora ne'e, so para rekomenda depois mak governu mak desidi.", "Aleinde governu mak desidi, ministru tutela loloos ultimu instante ne'ebe atu bele halo desizaun, maibe membru ne'e rasik iha direitu nafatin atu lori prosesu ne'e ba Tribunal Primeira Instansia no to'o Tribunal Rekursu.", "Signifika lei organika ne'e nia nehan (lei) la forte iha ne'eba.", "Maibe, agora lei foun ne'e sei halo ninia medida ida forte atu regula ema hotu- hotu.", "Ha'u rasik husu ona ba komandante sira labele ta'uk, tanba kompetensia ne'ebe ita-boot sira iha lei fo ita-boot sira bele foti desizaun.", "Pur-ezemplu, agora, Komandante Eskuadra ida iha kompetensia bele suspende nia membru sira to'o loron 30 ne'ebe agora hakerek iha regulamentu disiplinar nian.", "Maibe, lei organika la hateten katak komandante bele halo desizaun ida ne'e.", "Tanba ne'e, ha'u hanoin presiza halo revizaun ba lei disiplinar ne'e.", "TATOLI: Tuir Ministru Defeza nia hanoin, regulamentu disiplinar PNTL nian tenki halo hanesan F-FDTL.", "Karik membru sira halo sala boot, komandante halo despaisu hato'o ba ministru mak foti desizaun hasai ne'e oinsa?", "Komjer Faustino da Costa: Proposta ne'ebe Komandu hato'o ba ministru katak ba oin iha regulamentu disiplinar ne'e Departamentu Justisa hodi halo investigasaun tenki atribui tan sira nia kompetensia ida hodi sira halo fiskalizasaun.", "Katak, Departamentu Justisa ninia ema sira presiza halo patrollamentu iha kalan no loron atu kontrola membru sira ne'ebe halo serbisu.", "Maibe, se nia (polisia) ba fali pasiar iha Timor Plaza ne'e viola ona regra.", "Ida ne'e mak propoin iha proposta alterasaun Departamentu Justisa atu halo serbisu ida ne'e.", "Aleinde ida ne'e, iha semana nia rohan, Departamentu Justisa sei halo mos patrollamentu ba iha bar ka festa sira hodi haree karik iha membru polisia ruma iha ne'eba uza farda ka sein farda sira sei kontrola.", "Agora, kompetensia ida ne'e mak durante ne'e laiha.", "Tanba ne'e, ami hamosu proposta hodi haree mos kestaun asuntu disiplinar ninia desizaun sei foti hosi segundu komandante jeral hodi membru ida labele lori fali prosesu ba tribunal.", "TATOLI: Oinsa Komandu PNTL nia haree kona-ba politika Governu Timor-Leste kona-ba Planeamentu Integradu?", "Komjer Faustino da Costa: Ha'u tenta atu esplika katak dalaruma ita koko atu interpreta tenki halo di'ak.", "Tanba ha'u haree iha politika governu regula kona-ba formasaun integradu entre F-FDTL no PNTL ne'e buat ida ne'ebe kapa'as tebes atu evita problema entre forsa rua, no lori forsa rua atu hamutuk.", "Agora, ho ezistensia Autoridade Nasional Maritima (ANM) iha lei hateten la'os atu halakon kna'ar kompetensia ne'ebe oras ne'e daudaun polisia maritima iha.", "Maibe, ANM ne'e serbisu integradu involve Polisia, F-FDTL, Alfandega no Migrasaun, Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peska, Ministeriu Komersiu Industria, Ministeriu Finansa nia ema submete hotu iha ANM ne'e para halo serbisu konjuntu operasaun ruma iha tasi ibun mak hetan buat ruma automatikamente autoridade hotu-hotu ne'e hamutuk foti desizaun rezolve ba problema ema ruma hanesan pirata ka laiha dokumentu ekipa ne'e rezolve kedas ona.", "TATOLI: Ita ko'alia kona-ba politika integradu ne'e uluk mosu tiha ona Komandu Operasaun Konjuntu (KOK) 'Halibur' ne'ebe haktuir iha rezolusaun Governu numeru 3/2018, 17 fevereiru iha momentu ne'eba.", "Vantajen saida mak Komandu PNTL hetan hosi esperiensia durante serbisu hamutuk ho F-FDTL ne'e?", "Komjer Faustino da Costa: Ha'u haree katak ida ne'e desizaun importante ida hosi politika Estadu ka governu oinsa lori forsa rua atu serbisu hamutuk di'ak liu-tan.", "Oinsa mak membru polisia no F-FDTL bele halo treinamentu no patrollamentu ne'e buat di'ak ida hodi koordena malu entre Komandu PNTL no F-FDTL bele serbisu di'ak liu-tan atu garante pas no estabilidade.", "TATOLI: Hafoin simu posu, Komandante rasik promete haforsa seguransa asegura Dili durante oras 24, maibe ita-nia povu kontinua preokupa no ta'uk la'o iha tempu kalan, tanba problema krimi ikus-ikus ne'e akontese maka'as tebes iha Dili to'o munisipiu sira to'o ema balun sai vitima mate no kanek.", "Ita-boot nia komentariu?", "Komjer Faustino da Costa: Ha'u ko'alia iha ha'u nia mandatu ita haree mos katak kestaun seguransa ne'e responsabilidade ba ema hotu-hotu.", "Labele haree de'it ba polisia.", "Ita timoroan tomak tenki hamutuk atu garante seguransa atu iha dame ba ita nia nasaun.", "Ha'u mos hasai despaisu ida ba komandante hasai membru unidade hodi ba reforsa serbisu iha OPS besik liu povu para ita bele minimiza krime ka kazu dezorden ne'ebe mosu, maski iha obstaklu maibe polisia halo esforsu atu garante pas.", "Atu asegura seguransa ba komunidade iha kada suku, Komandu koloka OPS iha suku ida-idak atu nune'e bele halo prevensaun konflitu no ajuda xefe suku sira hodi rezolve problema.", "Timor-Leste iha suku hamutuk 442 no membru OPS hamutuk na'in 408 mak koloka ona iha suku.", "OPS na'in 1 responsavel ba suku 2 no sei kompleta tan.", "Munisipiu Bobonaru iha suku 50 maibe koloka de'it membru OPS na'in 43.", "Sei menus ema na'in 7.", "Munisipiu Baucau iha suku 59, membru OPS na'in 32.", "Sei menus na'in 27.", "Tan ne'e, presiza kompleta.", "Atu kompleta numeru OPS ba suku hotu mak ita hanoin atu aumenta numeru bele koloka iha suku hotu, tanba munisipiu balun rai luan no distansia dook nune'e ho numeru membru PNTL ne'ebe limitadu seidauk kobre komunidade hotu.", "Atu kontrola serbisu OPS nian mak ita harii tan KPK (Konsellu Polisiamentu Komunitaria) no KDD (Konsellu Diretiva Distrital) hodi haree ba serbisu KPK nian.", "KPK no KDD harii ona iha munisipiu 11, falta Lautem no Rejiaun Administrativa Espesial Oe-Cusse Ambeno.", "OPS serbisu hamutuk ho xefe suku sira hodi asegura prevensaun krime iha suku, habelar informasaun kona-ba lei violensia domestika no lei sira seluk ne'ebe iha relasaun ho problema ne'ebe sempre akontese iha terrenu.", "KPK nia kna'ar mak identifika problema oinsa bele rezolve iha suku, prioridade ba problema sivil.", "Ezemplu, animal tama to'os no estraga aihan ne'ebe bele hamosu krime baku malu entre to'os na'in no animal nia na'in maibe sira rezolve ho mediasaun nune'e la akontese krime.", "Ezemplu seluk, identifika problema violensia domestika hodi ba eskuadra atu halo investigasaun hodi prosesa tuir lei.", "OPS, KPK no KDD iha Departamentu Polisia Komunitaria nia okos bazeia ba Lei Organika PNTL katak polisia komunitaria nia serbisu mak atu hamutuk ho komunidade hodi asegura seguransa, prevensaun krime no seluk tan nune'e povu bele fo konfiansa ba polisia hodi moris iha pas no hakmatek nia laran.", "OPS oras ne'e hasoru hela difikuldade kona-ba transporte, radiu komunikasaun, hela fatin no orsamentu operasional.", "Kona-ba fasilidade transporte, iha tinan 2014/2015, iha ona motorizada hamutuk 222 ne'ebe destaka ona iha munisipiu no suku balu iha futuru sei kontinua prevee hodi kompleta 442.", "Ko'alia kona-ba komunikasaun, iha radiu komunikasaun balun ne'ebe prevee hosi doador sira maibe presiza kompleta tan.", "Tuir planu komandu nian prevee radiu komunikasaun no sim card ba OPS sira nune'e bele kontatu malu bainhira iha atividade no akontese problema ruma.", "Kona-ba hela fatin ba OPS sira sai preokupasaun boot ba governu oinsa fo apoiu atu bele harii uma ba OPS sira iha munisipiu ida-idak nune'e sira bele serbisu iha komunidade nia leet.", "TATOLI: Iha diskusaun nivel politika ne'ebe la'o hela atu reativa fila fali organizasaun arte marsial sira.", "Komandu PNTL nia pontu devista?", "Komjer Faustino da Costa: Atu reativa arte marsial, ha'u hakarak dehan deklarasaun ka kompromisu politika ne'ebe lider partidu politiku sira halo iha tempu akompana ne'e loos, no normal iha politika.", "Maibe, keta haluha, lei numeru 5/2017 seidauk iha alterasaun katak lei numeru 5/2017 atu regula arte marsial ne'e proibe atu halo atividade.", "Ha'u hanoin ema boot sira ko'alia de'it.", "Entaun, Polisia mantein hala'o nia kna'ar asegura seguransa tuir lei ne'e.", "Esetu lei ne'e hetan ona alterasaun ka mudansa katak arte marsial sira ne'ebe bandu ne'e bele konsidera fila fali.", "Ita haree mos iha parte defeza no seguransa nian, governu mos tuur-tuur la'os naran atu reativa de'it, maibe sei analiza iha aspetu hotu depois mak sei aprezenta fali proposta ba lei ne'ebe Parlamentu Nasional mak halo.", "Signifika, governu avalia sei fo paraser ba Parlamentu atu haree.", "Agora, se atu reativa fila fali, Komandu PNTL husu atu lider arte marsial hotu-hotu nia membru tenki koopera ho polisia katak tama iha organizasaun uza hanesan eventu desportiva ida, la'os uza fali organizasaun atu halo problema ruma.", "Organizasaun arte marsial sira ne'e mos tenki koopera ho lider no autoridade suku para hamutuk asegura pas atu evita problema sira ne'e mosu beibeik.", "Segundu, organizasaun arte marsial sira tenki hatudu disiplina ne'ebe merese di'ak ba sira-nia organizasaun ba nasaun no sosiedade.", "Se ita hatudu asaun brutalizmu ka la disiplina, serake ida ne'e governu atu reativa lalais?", "Ha'u hanoin la fasil!", "Tanba PNTL kontinua koopera ho F-FDTL atu garante seguransa ba Estadu no povu atu ita-nia atividade ekonomia no povu nia moris bele la'o iha pas sein problema oioin TATOLI: Karik bele esplika relasaun serbisu entre Polisia Nasional Serbisu Investigasaun Kriminal (PNSIK) no Policia Cientifica de Investigacao Criminal (PCIC), tanba dala barak mosu hanoin mai hosi publiku katak serbisu PNSIK no PCIC hanesan dupla funsaun no dalaruma membru rua halo serbisu iha terrenu hanesan \"hafuhu\" malu fali.", "Ita-boot nia komentariu?", "Komjer Faustino da Costa: PNSIK ninia ezistensia to'o ohin loron ha'u bele dehan ami iha Komandu PNTL laiha konflitu ho PCIC, maibe PNSIK no PCIC koopera malu hodi serbi Estadu.", "Tanba, PNSIK no PCIC no ami sira ne'e hotu ajudante fo apoiu ba serbisu Ministeriu Publiku.", "Tanba na'in loloos ba prosesu kazu hotu-hotu ne'e Ministeriu Publiku.", "Agora, depende ba Ministeriu Publiku.", "Karik mosu kazu ruma, prokurador sira hakarak delega ba iha ne'ebe?", "Ne'e depende ba prokurador sira, tanba ami laiha problema no ami la aproveita atu hadau malu fali kompetensia serbisu.", "Ne'e lae.", "Tanba ida-idak ninia natureza serbisu haktuir kedas iha lei organika ida-idak nian hodi halo ninia funsaun tuir lei.", "Previous articleKomandu PNTL Atualiza Situasaun Seguransa ba Komisaun B Next articleEstadu Tetu Didi'ak Promesa Politika Reativa Grupu Arte Marsial!" ]
[ [ "PNTL Prepares New Statute and Revises Organic Law Dili, June 4th (TATOLI) - Since the beginning of year2019 until now Timor-Leste National Police Command has carried out its work according to article357(a)(ii), which states that police defend democratic legality as well guarantee internal security for all citizens without any inclination towards a particular political group." ], [ "Crime prevention must be based on respect for human rights and the law determines rules, regulation of police forces." ], [ "With these efforts, on February 18th of this year the Timor-Leste Government issued an Organic Law for PNTL which is still in use today and to date it has not yet established its own statute." ], [ "Thus, starting in 2015 the PNTL Command has established an independent team with participation of Timor-Leste Government to prepare a new police statute including organic law and revised disciplinary regulation which will add some articles that give competence for DJP use these rules as \"nehan\" cro'at on Department Justice carry out work & execution mission relating justice. Disciplinar matters must be carried through accordingly constitutional norm (law)and directives applicable within RDTL" ], [ "In addition, PNTL Command will strengthen the work of Border Patrol Unit (UPF) and Serviço Oficial Policia Comunitária(OPS), by improving infrastructure conditions as well As human resource capacity & working facilities." ], [ "In 2019, as a year of change for the PNTL institution has submitted proposals to Government through Ministry Of Interior To rename Maritime Police Unit (UPM) Coastal Security Units(USC-Portuguese acronym), and create Department Transit Control Auto Road Highway Transportation Trafficking Authority." ], [ "In order to know more about the plan of preparation for PNTL Command's work, you can follow an exclusive interview that Agência TATOLI journalist I.P made with Komando Polisia Nasional Timor Leste (Komjer- PNTL), Commissioner Faustinho da Costa in his office on Tuesday(04/6)." ], [ "HNP: In the Policy of VIII Constitutional Government in this year ahead, will review legislation on PNTL such as Organic Laws and Statutes." ], [ "What is the view of PNTL Command on this policy?" ], [ "Colonel Faustino da Costa: The plan to revise the laws relating police duties in order for attitude of a member is something important." ], [ "He thanked the government for paying attention to PNTL's work." ], [ "We have been in existence for 19 years, but the PNTL itself has not yet its own statute." ], [ "In 2015, we created a team in the PNTL to discuss how they could have their own statutes." ], [ "Similarly, the organic law of police is dependent on development and evolution." ], [ "The organic law that established the PNTL was passed in 2015." ], [ "Now in 2019, this means that the law has been around for almost fifteen years and needs some adjustment to its structure itself." ], [ "In 2018, the PNTL itself created a team to look at how it could adjust its organic laws. This was an initiation of former Commander General Julio Hornay and this commission has been installed since then so that they can review their own Organic Law (Policia Nacional de Timor-Leste - PNTL) for approval by Council Of Ministerial on January/February /March" ], [ "The disciplinary regulations of the police which are being implemented have been created by Decree-Law No." ], [ "13/2054, Junu." ], [ "Now, in 2019 we have a fifteen-year period to implement the regulations and I think there is need for changes." ], [ "If a law is 15 years old, it means that the way we thought about this legislation in those first fifteen months was exactly like today." ], [ "All these things became a reference for me when the VIII Government entrusted to lead PNTL in sovereign bodies on March, I put an idea into my plan that this year is one of change." ], [ "Now, one change we think is to reform our service character and the performance of members in field with discipline so that it requires quality services." ], [ "We also made proposals for the program that we have been doing since 2015 and now again, to be presented in Government with a change of structure or organizational law because it is necessary reviewing this Organic Law through Interior Minister Filomeno da Paixao de Jesus." ], [ "We also started to make changes in the role of commanders working at some places (municipalities) that are not clear enough, so it's easier for us control." ], [ "We have issued a regulation regarding the placement of commanders to work in clerical municipalities for three (3) years." ], [ "That's so we can keep this person out of the place forever." ], [ "In order to replace a new person if he becomes the commander, one who comes with his own plans and programs. A good idea for developing work of PNTL institution is that we should have somebody else in charge as an alternate officer or vice-commander.\"" ], [ "Another intention is to take the opportunity of learning a new culture with another dialect and increase our knowledge working in each different municipality." ], [ "That, commanders will work well with the community and authorities to bring success." ], [ "TATOLI: When will the PNTL Command present a new statute and an Organic Law on Police to Minister of Interior for submission by Council?" ], [ "Commander Faustino da Costa: We have presented to the interim minister discussions not verbally." ], [ "The minister also expressed concern about the existence of a Border Patrol Unit (UPF) force on its border." ], [ "Now, UPF operates solely on the basis of an organic law (which was adopted by Decree-Law No. 9/2015 from IV Constitutional Government dated February -3rd regarding a Police Force Organic Law)." ], [ "If we take from the Constitution, article 147 speaks about police work which led to an organic law on Police and now in Organic Law of National Policing there is a section regarding UPF with its mission patrol border." ], [ "Therefore, when detecting any person who crosses the border illegally UPF takes care of them and then handed over to police command process in accordance with law as well coordinate migration customs that carry out their work there." ], [ "If the UPF detects people entering or leaving illegally, it is not within its competence to investigate but immediate initiative will be taken and then handed over for inspection by Custom & Quarantine authorities." ], [ "In addition to this, we also looked at the activities of Maritime Police Unit (UPM) pursuant To The Organic Law Of PNTL Decree-Law 9/2013 Article." ], [ "We all accompanied UPM during this period sometimes because a maritime issue ends up being called sailor or often people interpret it as naval." ], [ "Therefore, as Commander General we have made a proposal and submitted it to the Minister so that there is no misinterpretation about these words marina maritima naval." ], [ "Therefore, the police that we placed in marina was changed back to (name) as a proposal and it is not within our competence for any further alteration. We submitted again with this proposed name of Unidade Segurança Costeira(USC)." ], [ "It's for us to distinguish with words so that we do not interpret the word marina and marineiro or naval." ], [ "Another proposal we have made is that if in the future Timor-Leste has a motorway from Suai linked to South Coast of Viqueque, then it would be necessary for our National Transit Unit (UTN) with its own departments. We should establish an Auto Road Traffic Control Departmental Units(UDTKAE), which will look after road traffic control and provide information on highway safety issues such as speed limiting rules etc..." ], [ "For example, in other countries there is this unit." ], [ "Because, a Traffic Police patrol on the highway is called HV-Patroll." ], [ "So, now we have the highway in Suai and forthcoming preparation of our police force to see if organic law PNTL approved can already be patrol properly controls on this road." ], [ "We also propose the creation of a Fiscal Fraud Unit (UFK) as one unit to look at problems like in our own Timor regarding embezzlement cases." ], [ "Passive active corruption is currently only carried out by the Criminal Investigation Service Police (PSIK)." ], [ "If we create the UFK it means that you can look at these cases more passively, including looking for money laundering case which are referred to ministers who will see and direct what technical advisory needs. We'll discuss further on this issue in future meeting of Ministerial Committee (MC)." ], [ "HN: In the National Police Strategic Development Plan (PEDN) for PNTL, which is in place from now until about year and a half to three years out of its lifetime." ], [ "What did Commando see?" ], [ "Commander Faustino da Costa: A week ago, the Planning Monitoring and Evaluation Unit (UPMA) issued a circular to PNTL that they prepare their priority police plan for 2019 which has been approved by Minister. The minister's approval is in accordance with Article I of this Plan as well As Section II(a)(ii)." ], [ "1) regarding the development of Community Policing we will reinforce improvements in infrastructure and resources so that Village Police Officer (OPS), can function properly." ], [ "2) Increase resources for the security of Road Transit to provide relief and assistance in road accident victims is very important, so PNTL put this program on its priority agenda." ], [ "3) The priority of the programme is to look at UPF we strengthen their work and activities improved conditions for vigilance, create infrastructure in border areas increase resources so as ensuring security with good." ], [ "Because many UPF members worked under very minimal conditions and in a highly unsafe environment." ], [ "Therefore, we want to look ahead if he (police) has worked in UPF for more than five years or 10 and is only living there then it will be improved." ], [ "4) Training and human resource capacity building program in specialized areas to respond or deal with specific cases such as organizing crime money laundering, drug trafficking case that occurs so the PNTL needs training on these important issues." ], [ "5) Improvement of equipment, because if we have trained people to be wise with sufficient resources then it is necessary also invest in the equipping so that they can do a better and more professional control work." ], [ "6) Establishment of an infrastructure commission to improve the conditions for infrastructural development." ], [ "Our heads of state know that the conditions in police stations are very poor and there is no proper barracks to facilitate work." ], [ "In addition to this, we see that if OPS is a priority issue then it must also invest in the work of polices at village level so as they can do their job closely with people." ], [ "Therefore, we are very grateful to the Government of New Zealand for supporting PAHO's work. The government has already built 14 houses and provided assistance in empowerment; it is also planning on reinforcing OPS through building facilities as well a new house at this location.\"" ], [ "7) The Interim Minister of the Interior has approved PNTL's participation in peacekeeping operations at United Nations (UN), as an important part to bring police work with UN mission, carry out task for South Sudan and other countries." ], [ "With these priority plans, Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak himself has called us to discuss how we can look at those issues and the government wants strengthening support in OPS (Occupational Safety Plan), UPF which was also debated by Government during its VIII retreat." ], [ "HTN: Of the total number of 408 OPS who have been deployed in villages, one is responsible for two and we see that there are very few resources available. The government think it will be necessary to move some police units from their existing posts into road traffic control or other areas where they can do more effectively?" ], [ "What did Commando see?" ], [ "Comrade Faustino da Costa: Loos duni. (Loose the dune)." ], [ "On this issue, I have spoken with the Interim Minister of Interior." ], [ "Now, I have begun to withdraw members of the Border Police Unit (UPF)." ], [ "Sometimes members walk 29 kilometres with policemen who are aged between the ages of five and sixty." ], [ "We see that they are already old." ], [ "Therefore, we will withdraw them to carry out their work in each of its municipalities and strengthen the OPS (Police Service Office), KPK because they have experience how you talk with people well." ], [ "Similarly, in the Special Police Unit (UPE), some police officers are over 60 years old and we will move them to municipalities so that they can do reinforced work at OPS." ], [ "We also proposed to the Minister in 2019 that there will be urgent activities, so we need recruitment for police forces and reinforce PNTL numbers at some squadrons which are not sufficient." ], [ "The Minister himself and the Prime minister are looking at this issue to make recruitment of PNTL & F-FDTL jointly once a year, with three months' training in MetinarO or Centro Treinamento Rairobo - Atabae." ], [ "After all the training is done, they are divided - one for police returns to Police and another that goes with F-FDTL again back in FFTL." ], [ "What intention?" ], [ "The advantage of training together and working in the field is that they can unite because their knowledge about each other reduces conflict between these two forces." ], [ "2014. pp36-59: The Disciplinary Regulations of the PNTL pursuant to Decree Law No" ], [ "13/204, June the need for a revision because it considers this law \"weak\" in its implementation." ], [ "How do we see it?" ], [ "Commander Faustino da Costa: If we look at the law from a legal point of view, it is strong." ], [ "If we look at it from our culture or character, then there is a need to make changes." ], [ "For example, we talk about culture as a parent and child who live together." ], [ "They have a responsibility to teach their children wisdom, don’t they?" ], [ "In addition, the law of discipline is that parents have a child after orsida other people educate it's higher." ], [ "Therefore, the Command cannot suspend a member because he or she can file an appeal letter to his/her own court of appellate jurisdiction." ], [ "For example, if a member commits an offence such as destroying or mis-using the gun that belonged to people and State when command takes its decision it may suspend him/her from service." ], [ "Now, it's just to recommend and then the government will decide." ], [ "In addition to the government's decision, a minister is in fact ultimately responsible for making such an order but he or she has also right of appeal from that ruling." ], [ "This means that the organic law is not in force there." ], [ "But now the new law will make its strong measure to regulate everyone." ], [ "I myself have asked the commanders not to give in, because we can take decisions within our legal competence." ], [ "For example, now a Squadron Commander in competence can suspend his members for up to 30 days which is currently written into the disciplinary regulations." ], [ "However, the organic law does not state that a commander can make this decision." ], [ "Therefore, I think that we need to review this disciplinary law." ], [ "HN: According to the Minister of Defence, in his opinion PNTL’s disciplinary regulation should be similar as that for F-FDTL." ], [ "If a member commits serious misconduct, the commander may send an e-mail to report it back for decision by minister." ], [ "Commander Faustino da Costa: The proposal that the command has made to minister is for in future, within this disciplinary regulations Department of Justice should be given a competence so they can carry out investigations." ], [ "In other words, the Justice Department's people need to patrol day and night for members who are on duty." ], [ "However, if he (the police) goes back to the passenger in Timor Plaza it is a violation of rules." ], [ "This is what was proposed in the Department of Justice's amendment proposal to do this work." ], [ "In addition, throughout the week DOJ will also patrol bars and parties to see if any police officer is wearing uniform or not. They'll be checked on whether they are in their uniformed form at that time of day;" ], [ "Now, this is the type of competition that has been lacking for some time." ], [ "Therefore, we have made a proposal to look at the issue of disciplinary matters whose decision will be taken by second commander-general so that one member can not take back proceedings in court." ], [ "TATOLI: What is the view of PNTL Command regarding Timor-Leste Government’s policy on Integrated Planning?" ], [ "Commander Faustino da Costa: I'm trying to explain that sometimes we want the interpreters have a good job." ], [ "Because I see in the government's policy regulation on integrated training between F-FDTL and PNTL is something that can very well avoid problems among two forces, bringing both together." ], [ "Now, with the existence of National Maritime Authority (ANM) in law says not to eliminate competence functions that currently have maritima police." ], [ "However, the ANM is an integrated work involving Police F-FDTL Customs and Migration Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries Department Commerce Industry Ministerial Finance department all people submitted to this Agency for joint operations any operation at sea it will get something automatically authorities together take decision resolve problems such as pirates or without documents team immediately solved." ], [ "HN: We are talking about this integrated policy since the Joint Operations Command (JOC) 'Halibur' was established in Government Resolution No.3/2018 of February, at that time on Febrary The same year it became known as \"Joint Operating Force\"." ], [ "What advantages did the PNTL Command gain from this experience during its collaboration with F-FDTL?" ], [ "Major Faustino da Costa: I see this as an important decision of State or government policy to bring the two forces together for better cooperation." ], [ "The fact that police and F-FDTL members can train each other to conduct patrols is a good thing, so coordination between the PNTL Commando (Police Forces of Timor Leste) And FFTL could work better together in order for peace & stability." ], [ "TATOLI: After receiving the position, Commander himself promised to strengthen security in Dili for a period of time. But our people are still preoccupied and lazy at nighttime because crime is so widespread that some have been killed or wounded all over Timor-Leste from capital city until other municipalities as well!" ], [ "Your comments?" ], [ "Commander Faustino da Costa: I speak in my mandate we also see that the issue of security is a responsibility for everyone." ], [ "Don't just look at the police." ], [ "All of us Haitians must come together to guarantee security and peace for our country." ], [ "I also sent a message to the commanders sending members of their units closer in order that we can minimize crimes or disorder cases, despite obstacles but police are making an effort for peace." ], [ "In order to ensure the security of communities in each village, Commando deployed OPS personnel into every single community so that they could prevent conflicts and help chieftains solve problems." ], [ "Timor-Leste has a total of 420 villages and there are currently about one hundred OPS members stationed in the communities." ], [ "OPS 1 responsible for tribes number two will not be completed anymore." ], [ "Bobonaru Municipality has 50 villages but only assigned OPS members to the district." ], [ "There will be 7 people less." ], [ "The municipality of Baucau has 59 villages, OPS members numbering in the area are about." ], [ "It is less than 27." ], [ "Therefore, it needs to be completed." ], [ "In order to complete the number of OPS for all villages, we think that increase numbers can be placed in every community because some municipalities are large and short distance so with a limited membership PNTL does not cover everyone." ], [ "In order to control the work of OPS, we have established KPK (Community Policing Council) and a District Steering Committee that oversees its activities." ], [ "The KPK and the CDD have been established in 10 municipalities, not including Lautem or Oe-Cusse." ], [ "PAHO works with village chiefs to ensure crime prevention in the community, provide information on domestic violence law and other legislation related problems that always occur at a local level." ], [ "KPK's role is to identify problems and how they can be solved in the village, prioritizing civil issues." ], [ "For example, an animal enters a forest and spoils food which can lead to criminal beating between the owner of that woodland or tree area with his pet but they resolve it by mediation so there is no crime." ], [ "Another example is identifying domestic violence issues and sending the squad to investigate them, then prosecuting accordingly." ], [ "The OPS, KPK and CDD in the Department of Community Policing are based on PNTL's Organic Law that community police work is to be done together with communities for security purpose. This will ensure crime prevention etc so people can put their trust into our Police Force as they live peacefully within a safe environment.\"" ], [ "PAHO is currently facing difficulties in terms of transportation, radio communications and accommodations." ], [ "Regarding transport facilities, in 2014/5 there are already a total of about (368) motorized vehicles that have been deployed to the municipalities and some villages will continue with plans for completing this number." ], [ "Speaking of communications, there are some radio-communication facilities provided by donors but they need to be completed." ], [ "According to the command's plan, radio communication and sim cards are provided for OPS so that they can contact each other when there is activity or any problem." ], [ "Regarding housing for the PSOs, it has become a major concern to government how support can be provided in order that houses may being built at each municipality so they could work within their communities." ], [ "2014: The National Council of the Martial Arts (NCMA) is re-established, with a new headquarters in New York City." ], [ "Commando PNTL nia pontu devista?" ], [ "Commander Faustino da Costa: To reactivate martial arts, I want to say that the declarations or political compromises made by leaders of politics parties during this time are true and normal in policy." ], [ "However, do not forget that Law No. 5/2017 has no amendment to it and the law regulating martial art is prohibited from being carried out in any forms of activity as such;" ], [ "I think it's just the big people who talk." ], [ "Accordingly, the Police continues to carry out its duties of securing security in accordance with this law." ], [ "The law has been amended so that the martial arts which were banned can be considered again." ], [ "We also see in the part of defence and security, government too is not just sitting around to re-activate but will analyze all aspects then present again proposals for law made by National Parliament." ], [ "This means that the government will evaluate it and submit to Parliament for consideration." ], [ "Now, if to re-activate again the PNTL Commando asked that all martial arts leaders and their members must cooperate with police in entering into an organization used as a sporting event not using it for any problem." ], [ "These martial arts organizations should also cooperate with the village leaders and authorities to ensure that these problems are not repeated." ], [ "Secondly, martial arts organizations must demonstrate the discipline that their organisation deserves to show for its country and society." ], [ "If we show brutality or indiscipline, will the government react quickly?" ], [ "I don't think it will be easy!" ], [ "Because the PNTL continues to cooperate with F-FDTL in guaranteeing security for State and people so that our economic activities, as well their lives can go on smoothly without any problems. HNSP: Can you explain working relationship between National Police Criminal Investigation Service (PNSIK) & Scientific Policies of criminal investigations(PCIC), because many times there is a thought from public about work PNSIC PCI are double functional sometimes two members do fieldwork like \"having\" each other back again?" ], [ "Your comments?" ], [ "Colonel Faustino da Costa: Since the existence of PNSIK to this day, I can say that we at PNTL Command have no conflict with PCIC but both cooperate in serving State." ], [ "Because PNSIK and PCIC, we are all helpers supporting the work of Public Prosecution." ], [ "Because the real owner of all cases is a public prosecutor." ], [ "Now, it is up to the Public Prosecutor's Office." ], [ "Should a case arise, where do prosecutors want to delegate?" ], [ "It's up to the prosecutors, because we have no problems and do not take advantage of each other in disputing work competence." ], [ "No, it's not." ], [ "Because each of its nature works according to the organic laws that govern it, and performing their function in accordance with them." ], [ "Previous articlePolice Command Updates Security Situation to Commission B NextState of Tetu Didi'ak Promises Politics Reactivate Martial Art Group!" ] ]
Tauk COVID-19, komunidade barak halai ba “foho” – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Sosiedade » Tauk COVID-19, komunidade barak halai ba “foho”\nKomunidade barak husi Munisípiu sira seluk ne’ebé hela iha Díli, dezloka ba sira-nia moris fatin (Foho/ida-idak ninia munisípiu), hodi prevene-an hosi surtu COVID-19.\nAntes implementa serka sanitária, ba munisípiu Díli, iha tuku sanulu resin rua kalan, komunidae husi munisípiu ne’ebé mai hela iha Díli, desidi dezloka ba sira-nia munisípiu ida-idak, tanba atu halo prevensaun ba COVID-19.\nKomunidade maioria ne’ebé ba munisípiu hanesan Baucau, Lautem no mós muisípiu sira seluk, tanba kapitál nasaun, rejista kazu pozitivu COVID-19 aumenta hela de’it.\nKomandu Polísia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) Munisípiu Díli husu pasajeiru sira atu uza uza máskara no mantein distansiamentu sosiál.\n“Imi hotu-hotu hatene ona hahú husi zero-zero oras lockdown iha kapitál Díli, depois imi dehan komandante ne’e bosok, antes tuku 12 kalan ne’e imi liu ona Manatuto, maibe halai ho kuidadu, labele imi duni oras, depois imi hetan fali asidente. Depois imi haree kondutór halai maka’as imi kontaktu mai ha’u, atu nune’e ha’u kontaktu Polísia iha Baucau no Lautem bele kaptura. Bus ne’ebé mak tama iha Díli tenke ho kritéria, mas nia tama iha Díli labele sai ona ba munisípiu”,esplika Segundu Komandante PNTL munisípiu Díli Superintendente Euclides Belo, ba jornalista sira Tersa (09/0321), iha Tasi-Tolu, Díli.\nObservasaun GMN hatudu katak, pasajeiru sira ne’e, balun ho sira-nia transporte privadu hanesan motorizada, no kareta privadu no balun ho transporte públiku.\nAlénde Becora, iha área estasionamentu Tasi-Tolu, PNTL obriga negosiante sira, husi munisípiu tenke fila ba sira-nia munisípiu antes tuku sanulu resin rua kalan.\nMaibé sira ne’ebé kontinua iha Tasi-Tolu, to’o tuku sanulu resin rua liu, PNTL obriga sira tenke fila-fali mai Díli, tanba regra serka sanitária tama ona iha implementasaun.avi\nEkipa saúde halo ona teste swab...
[ "Tauk COVID-19, komunidade barak halai ba \"foho\" - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Sosiedade \" Tauk COVID-19, komunidade barak halai ba \"foho\" Komunidade barak husi Munisipiu sira seluk ne'ebe hela iha Dili, dezloka ba sira-nia moris fatin (Foho/ida-idak ninia munisipiu), hodi prevene-an hosi surtu COVID-19.", "Antes implementa serka sanitaria, ba munisipiu Dili, iha tuku sanulu resin rua kalan, komunidae husi munisipiu ne'ebe mai hela iha Dili, desidi dezloka ba sira-nia munisipiu ida-idak, tanba atu halo prevensaun ba COVID-19.", "Komunidade maioria ne'ebe ba munisipiu hanesan Baucau, Lautem no mos muisipiu sira seluk, tanba kapital nasaun, rejista kazu pozitivu COVID-19 aumenta hela de'it.", "Komandu Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) Munisipiu Dili husu pasajeiru sira atu uza uza maskara no mantein distansiamentu sosial.", "\"Imi hotu-hotu hatene ona hahu husi zero-zero oras lockdown iha kapital Dili, depois imi dehan komandante ne'e bosok, antes tuku 12 kalan ne'e imi liu ona Manatuto, maibe halai ho kuidadu, labele imi duni oras, depois imi hetan fali asidente.", "Depois imi haree kondutor halai maka'as imi kontaktu mai ha'u, atu nune'e ha'u kontaktu Polisia iha Baucau no Lautem bele kaptura.", "Bus ne'ebe mak tama iha Dili tenke ho kriteria, mas nia tama iha Dili labele sai ona ba munisipiu,\"esplika Segundu Komandante PNTL munisipiu Dili Superintendente Euclides Belo, ba jornalista sira Tersa (09/0321), iha Tasi-Tolu, Dili.", "Observasaun GMN hatudu katak, pasajeiru sira ne'e, balun ho sira-nia transporte privadu hanesan motorizada, no kareta privadu no balun ho transporte publiku.", "Alende Becora, iha area estasionamentu Tasi-Tolu, PNTL obriga negosiante sira, husi munisipiu tenke fila ba sira-nia munisipiu antes tuku sanulu resin rua kalan.", "Maibe sira ne'ebe kontinua iha Tasi-Tolu, to'o tuku sanulu resin rua liu, PNTL obriga sira tenke fila-fali mai Dili, tanba regra serka sanitaria tama ona iha implementasaun.avi Ekipa saude halo ona teste swab..." ]
[ [ "Tough COVID-19, many communities flee to \"foho\" - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional – Lori Timor ba Mundo Home “Society” Many Communities from other Municipalidades living in Dili have moved back home (to their own municipality), as a precaution against the outbreak of Covid ." ], [ "Before implementing the sanitary curfew, in Dili municipality at 10:32 am local time (UTC+8), communities from other districts that came to live here decided they would move back into their respective areas of residence because it was necessary for prevention against COVID-9." ], [ "The majority of communities that go to municipalities such as Baucau, Lautem and other cities because the country's capital has registered positive COVID-19 cases is only increasing." ], [ "The Dili Municipal Police Command (PNTL) asks passengers to wear masks and maintain social distancing." ], [ "\"You all know that the lockdown started from zero-zero hours in Dili, then you said this commander is lying. Before 12 o'clock tonight we passed through Manatuto but go carefully so as not too late and get an accident again.\"" ], [ "After you see the driver is driving very fast, contact me so that I can call police in Baucau and Lautem to catch him." ], [ "Buses entering Dili must meet the criteria, but they can't enter and leave for municipality,” explained Deputy Superintendent Euclides Belo of PNTL Municipal Police Department to journalist on Tuesday (09/21), in Tasi-Tolu." ], [ "GMN's observation showed that, these passengers some with their own private transportation such as motorized vehicles and carriages while others use public transit." ], [ "In addition to Becora, in the Tasi-Tolu parking area PNTL requires traders from municipalities must return home before 12:30 pm." ], [ "But those who continued in Tasi-Tolu, until 12:05 am more than one hundred and two people were forced by the PNTL to return home because sanitary lockdown rules have been put into effect.avi Health team has done a swab test..." ] ]
ANP – Timor-Leste -Duas Posições- CD 22 de Outubro de 2014 | Vaga Servisu Iha Timor-Leste\nANP – Timor-Leste -Duas Posições- CD 22 de Outubro de 2014\nOctober 10, 2014 / Fahe Informasaun Vaga Servisu ho Desportu\nAutoridade Nacional do Petroleo (ANP) hanesan orgaun ida ne’ebé responsabiliza ba maneija, regula, no kontrola atividade minarai iha Tasi Timor hanesan area konjunta ba desenvlvimentu petróleo no area esklusiva Timor-Leste nian. Agora dadaun ANP hakarak rekruta tanProfesional Timor Oan nain rua (2) ba posisaun :\n1. Ofisiais ba Asuntu Kontiudo Lokal – Treinamento no Empregu (Anuncio ba daruak)\nKandidatu ne’ebé manan vaga ne’e sei maneija no monitoriza asuntu kontiudu lokal hanesan treinamentu no empregu iha TLEA no JPDA, Sei asisti Jerente Kontiudu Local hodi avalia relatoriu konaba kontratu dokumentu sira PSC nian; Mantein kontiudu lokal nia base ba dadus (database) kona treinamentu no empregu iha area industria petrolifeiru.\nKualifikasaun Universitariu iha areas hanesan Rekursu Umano, Jestaun, Negosiu, Administrasaun, Psikolojia, no Artes.\nMinimu tinan rua esperensia serbisu iha Jestaun Rekursu Umano, Treinamentu, no Empregu.\nPosisaun ne’e oferese ba sidadaun Timor-Leste (Timor Oan);\nIha abilidade no kapasidade másimu iha lian Ingles (hakerek, le’e, koalia no rona)\nIha abilidade atu uza programa komputer hanesan Mircosoft words, Excel, no Lotus Notes.\nHatene no komprende leis kona ba empregu.\nPlease download the full TOR by clicking here.\n2. Ofisial ba Komunikasaun\nKandidatu ne’ebé manan vaga ne’e sei maneija no supervisona prosesu tomak ba serbisu produsaun material informasaun sira hanesan; brosura, booklet, dokumentu sira hanesan relatoriu anual, no asaun planu stratejia; nia mos sei organiza partisipasaun media nian iha eventu no atividade sira ANP nian; Maneija no mantein ANP nia situ elektroniku (website) liu husi kordenasaun ho diresaun hotu iha ANP hodi atualiza (update) nafatin informasaun esensial sira iha situ elektroniku refere.\nKualifikasaun Universitariu iha area sira hanesan relasaun publiku, komunikasaun no jornalista, jestaun ka area relevante sira;\nIha ona esperensia serbisu iha area komunikasaun ka relasaun publiku durante tinan 3;\nMatenek atu utiliza Graphic Design Software sira hanesan: correl draw, adobe photoshop, adobe in design, and audio visual software no matenek mos utiliza , Microsoft word, Power Points, Excel, and other relevant softwares.\nBa ita boot sira ne’ebé interese ba pozisaun rua nee, bele haruka ita boot sira nia dokumentu sira hanesan CV, inklui Cover Letter ne’ebé esplika ita bo’ot nia abilidade profesional ba posisaun refere, haruka ba diresaun Rekursu Umanu ANP nian ka liu husi karta elektronika/ email [email protected]\nIta boot sira nia aplikasaun no CV ka resumu tenki hakerek ho lian Ingles no inklui mos lista pesoal ba referensia nain tolu.\nAtu bele hetan informasaun klaru liu tan kona ba vaga ida ne’e bele kontaktu direitamente ba iha edefisiu ANP nian iha Palacio do Governo iha diresaun Rekursu Umanu nian, ka kontaktu liu husi numiru telefone: 332-4098 ka email ba iha [email protected]\nVaga ne’e sei taka iha loron 22 Outubro 2014, tuku 05.00 loro kraik. ANP sei kontatu deit Kandidatus sira ne’ebe maka pasa ona prosesu short-listing.\nANP promove oportunidade serbisu hanesan ba jéneru hot-hotu iha Timor-Leste.\nANP investe maka’as iha Dezenvolvimentu kapasitasaun ba Rekursu Umanu sira.\nANP-TL, Setembro 2012, Vaga DIli, Vaga Servisu Iha Timor Leste\n← Plan International in Timor-Várias Posições-CD 20 de Outubro de 2014\nPARABENS-SELECAO NACIONAL TIMOR-LESTE Iha AFF SUZUKI CUP 2014 QUALIFICATION ROUND →
[ "ANP - Timor-Leste -Duas Posicoes- CD 22 de Outubro de 2014 | Vaga Servisu Iha Timor-Leste ANP - Timor-Leste -Duas Posicoes- CD 22 de Outubro de 2014 October 10, 2014 / Fahe Informasaun Vaga Servisu ho Desportu Autoridade Nacional do Petroleo (ANP) hanesan orgaun ida ne'ebe responsabiliza ba maneija, regula, no kontrola atividade minarai iha Tasi Timor hanesan area konjunta ba desenvlvimentu petroleo no area esklusiva Timor-Leste nian.", "Agora dadaun ANP hakarak rekruta tanProfesional Timor Oan nain rua (2) ba posisaun: 1.", "Ofisiais ba Asuntu Kontiudo Lokal - Treinamento no Empregu (Anuncio ba daruak) Kandidatu ne'ebe manan vaga ne'e sei maneija no monitoriza asuntu kontiudu lokal hanesan treinamentu no empregu iha TLEA no JPDA, Sei asisti Jerente Kontiudu Local hodi avalia relatoriu konaba kontratu dokumentu sira PSC nian; Mantein kontiudu lokal nia base ba dadus (database) kona treinamentu no empregu iha area industria petrolifeiru.", "Kualifikasaun Universitariu iha areas hanesan Rekursu Umano, Jestaun, Negosiu, Administrasaun, Psikolojia, no Artes.", "Minimu tinan rua esperensia serbisu iha Jestaun Rekursu Umano, Treinamentu, no Empregu.", "Posisaun ne'e oferese ba sidadaun Timor-Leste (Timor Oan); Iha abilidade no kapasidade masimu iha lian Ingles (hakerek, le'e, koalia no rona) Iha abilidade atu uza programa komputer hanesan Mircosoft words, Excel, no Lotus Notes.", "Hatene no komprende leis kona ba empregu.", "Please download the full TOR by clicking here.", "2.", "Ofisial ba Komunikasaun Kandidatu ne'ebe manan vaga ne'e sei maneija no supervisona prosesu tomak ba serbisu produsaun material informasaun sira hanesan; brosura, booklet, dokumentu sira hanesan relatoriu anual, no asaun planu stratejia; nia mos sei organiza partisipasaun media nian iha eventu no atividade sira ANP nian; Maneija no mantein ANP nia situ elektroniku (website) liu husi kordenasaun ho diresaun hotu iha ANP hodi atualiza (update) nafatin informasaun esensial sira iha situ elektroniku refere.", "Kualifikasaun Universitariu iha area sira hanesan relasaun publiku, komunikasaun no jornalista, jestaun ka area relevante sira; Iha ona esperensia serbisu iha area komunikasaun ka relasaun publiku durante tinan 3; Matenek atu utiliza Graphic Design Software sira hanesan: correl draw, adobe photoshop, adobe in design, and audio visual software no matenek mos utiliza , Microsoft word, Power Points, Excel, and other relevant softwares.", "Ba ita boot sira ne'ebe interese ba pozisaun rua nee, bele haruka ita boot sira nia dokumentu sira hanesan CV, inklui Cover Letter ne'ebe esplika ita bo'ot nia abilidade profesional ba posisaun refere, haruka ba diresaun Rekursu Umanu ANP nian ka liu husi karta elektronika/ email [email protected] Ita boot sira nia aplikasaun no CV ka resumu tenki hakerek ho lian Ingles no inklui mos lista pesoal ba referensia nain tolu.", "Atu bele hetan informasaun klaru liu tan kona ba vaga ida ne'e bele kontaktu direitamente ba iha edefisiu ANP nian iha Palacio do Governo iha diresaun Rekursu Umanu nian, ka kontaktu liu husi numiru telefone: 332-4098 ka email ba iha [email protected] Vaga ne'e sei taka iha loron 22 Outubro 2014, tuku 05.00 loro kraik.", "ANP sei kontatu deit Kandidatus sira ne'ebe maka pasa ona prosesu short-listing.", "ANP promove oportunidade serbisu hanesan ba jeneru hot-hotu iha Timor-Leste.", "ANP investe maka'as iha Dezenvolvimentu kapasitasaun ba Rekursu Umanu sira.", "ANP-TL, Setembro 2012, Vaga DIli, Vaga Servisu Iha Timor Leste - Plan International in Timor-Varias Posicoes-CD 20 de Outubro de 2014 PARABENS-SELECAO NACIONAL TIMOR-LESTE Iha AFF SUZUKI CUP 2014 QUALIFICATION ROUND -" ]
[ [ "ANP - Timor-Leste – Two Positions 2014 October | Job Vacancies In East Тимор The Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo (National Petroleum Authority) is an authority responsible for managing, regulating and controlling mineral activities in the Sea of Timur as a joint oil development area with exclusive economic zone." ], [ "Currently, ANP is seeking to recruit two (2) more Timorese professionals for the following positions: 1." ], [ "Local Content Affairs Officer - Training and Employment (Second Announcements) The successful candidate will: Manage local content issues such as training, employment in TLEA & JPDA; Assist the Manager of Regional Services to evaluate reports on PSC contract documents. Maintain a database for regional services regarding oil industry-related workforce development programs" ], [ "University qualifications in areas such as Human Resources, Management and Business Administration (MBA), Psychology & Arts." ], [ "Minimum two years of work experience in Human Resource Management, Training and Employment." ], [ "This position is offered to Timorese citizens; Have the maximum skills and abilities in English language (reading, reading speaking & listening) Having an ability of using computer programs such as Microsoft Word Excel Lotus Note." ], [ "Hatene does not understand employment laws." ], [ "Please download the full TOR by clicking here." ], [ "2. The purpose of the contract" ], [ "The successful candidate will manage and supervise the entire process of producing information materials such as brochures, booklets; documents like annual reports or strategic action plans. He/she also organize media participation in ANP events & activities Manage And Maintain NPA Website by coordinating with all direction within NAP to keep updating essential Information on this website" ], [ "University qualifications in areas such as public relations, communications and journalism or management; Have 3 years of work experience within the area communicating/public relation skills to use Graphic Design Software like: correl draw adobe photoshop Adobe design audio visual software Microsoft Word Power Point Excel etc." ], [ "If you are interested in these two positions, please send your documents such as CV including a Cover Letter explaining the professional skills required for this role to ANP'S Human Resources Department or by email [email protected] Your application and resume should be written on paper (in English) with personal list of three reference person(es)." ], [ "To obtain more information about this vacancy, please contact directly the Human Resources Department of ANP's headquarters in Palacio do Governo or by telephone at 324-5098 and email to [email protected] This job will close on October (October)16th(Thursday), from noon until midnight" ], [ "ANP will only contact candidates who have passed the short-listing process." ], [ "ANP promotes equal job opportunities for all gender groups in Timor-Leste." ], [ "ANP invests heavily in capacity development for human resources." ], [ "ANP-TL, Setembro 2013 - Plan International in Timor Leste Vagas de Serviu em DIli (Várias Posicoes) October." ] ]
Elisaun Parlamentar — RTTL | Radio Televisaun Timor Leste\n2017-04-17T02:28:52+00:00\tHome Page Notisia Radio 17 Abril 2017 380 Views\nManatuto – STAE municipio Manatuto hahu loke fali programa actualisação base de dadus. Actualisação hahu fila fali hodi garante taxa partisipação elitores iha eleisaun parlamentar tinan ne’e. Director STAE Manatuto, Vicenti Soares afirma, programa actualisasaun base de dadus hahu loron 8 fulan abril no termina iha loron 26 fulan Maio.\nSTAE pronto fasilita jovens nebe kompleta ona tinan 17 atu trata kartaun eleitoral, no elitores nebe hakarak renova kartaun. Tempu hanesan delgado Comisaun Nasional Elicoes-CNE, Vicenti Guterres hateten, CNE kontinua fo prioridade ba programa educação cívika nebe sei cobre postu administrativu hotu iha Manatuto.\nDelegado CNE ne’e husu ba eleitores atu partisipa iha programa actulisação base de dadus no programa edukasaun cívika hodi fo susesu ba elisaun parlamentar.\nDili - Governo sei muda uma...\nErmera - Feto ida tinan 55...
[ "Elisaun Parlamentar - RTTL | Radio Televisaun Timor Leste 2017-04-17T02:28:52+00:00 Home Page Notisia Radio 17 Abril 2017 380 Views Manatuto - STAE municipio Manatuto hahu loke fali programa actualisacao base de dadus.", "Actualisacao hahu fila fali hodi garante taxa partisipacao elitores iha eleisaun parlamentar tinan ne'e.", "Director STAE Manatuto, Vicenti Soares afirma, programa actualisasaun base de dadus hahu loron 8 fulan abril no termina iha loron 26 fulan Maio.", "STAE pronto fasilita jovens nebe kompleta ona tinan 17 atu trata kartaun eleitoral, no elitores nebe hakarak renova kartaun.", "Tempu hanesan delgado Comisaun Nasional Elicoes-CNE, Vicenti Guterres hateten, CNE kontinua fo prioridade ba programa educacao civika nebe sei cobre postu administrativu hotu iha Manatuto.", "Delegado CNE ne'e husu ba eleitores atu partisipa iha programa actulisacao base de dadus no programa edukasaun civika hodi fo susesu ba elisaun parlamentar.", "Dili - Governo sei muda uma...", "Ermera - Feto ida tinan 55..." ]
[ [ "Elisaun Parlamentar - RTTL | Radio Televisaun Timor Leste 2017-3/5T9:48,6+.HOME PAGE Notisia RADIO April (July) – STAE Municipality of Manatuto has reopened the database update program for voters registering in elections to be held on March(April)." ], [ "The update has been resumed to ensure voter turnout in this year's parliamentary elections." ], [ "Director STAE Manatuto, Vicenti Soares states that the database update program began on April 8 and ends May." ], [ "STAE is ready to facilitate young people who have completed the age of 17 years old for voter cards, and electors wishing renew their card." ], [ "Vicenti Guterres, who served as Chairman of the National Elections Commission (CNE) during his tenure in office said that CNe continue to give priority for civic education programme which will cover all administrative posts at Manatuto." ], [ "The CNE delegate urged voters to participate in the database updating program and civic education programme for a successful parliamentary election." ], [ "Dili - Government knows changes a..." ], [ "Ermera - Feto ida tinan 5..." ] ]
PN autoriza PR dekreta estadu emerjénsia ba dala-XIV | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE PN autoriza PR dekreta estadu emerjénsia ba dala-XIV\nPN autoriza PR dekreta estadu emerjénsia ba dala-XIV\nDILI, 28 maiu 2021 (TATOLI)—Parlamentu Nasionál (PN), sesta ne’e autoriza ona Prezidente Repúblika, Francisco Guterres ‘Lú Olo’ dekreta deklarasaun estadu emerjénsia ba dala-XIV iha territóriu nasionál.\nRenovasaun deklarasaun estadu emerjénsia ba dala-XIV aprovadu ho rezultadu votasaun nominál a-favór 35 no abstesaun 21 nune’e autoriza Xefe Estadu sei dekreta estadu emerjénsia ba loron 30 tán, hahú hosi oras 00.00 iha loron 2 juñu 2021 (kuarta-feira) no termina iha oras 23.59 loron 1 jullu 2021 (tersa-feira).\n“Lei autorizasaun ba renovasaun estadu emerjénsia aprovadu, husu ba governu implementa didi’ak ho responsabilidade no husu Governu kontinua sensibiliza regra sira ema hotu,” Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál, Deputadu Aniceto Longuinhos Guterres, anunsia liuhosi plenária.\nXefe Bankada Frente Revolusionária Timor-Leste Independente (FRETILIN), Deputadu Francisco Miranda Branco, apela ba Governu implementasaun labele hasoru diskriminasaun iha terrenu.\n“Ami apela ba sosiedade tomak, liuliu líder sira, atu kumprimenta regra sira-ne’ebé Estadu deside tanba se lae enfrakese Estadu direitu demokrátiku. Ikusliu ami apela ba Governu se ita deside konfinamentu obrigatóriu tenke impoin, ita lakohi Estadu ne’e sai Estadu banana,” Xefe Bankada FRETILIN nia intervensaun iha estensaun estadu emerjénsia ba dala-XIV.\nBankada FRETILIN husu Sentru Integradu no Jestaun ba Krize (CIGC-sigla portugés) atu hamenus burokrasia deslokasaun populasaun nian ba munisípiu sira, liuliu autorizasaun ba populasaun tenke lalais.\nEntretantu, reprezentante Bankada Congresso de Reconstrução de Timorense (CNRT), Deputada Virgínia Ana Bela, lamenta tanba kada fulan Governu aprezenta hela de’it estensaun estadu emerjénsia.\n“Ohin, dala ida tán CNRT hatudu nia firmeza polítika katak estensaun estadu emerjénsia hosi I to’o XIII (decimo-terseiro) ne’e la hatudu efisiénsia no efikásia iha luta atu prevene COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste,” Deputada Virgínia Ana Belo hateten.\nBankada CNRT haree katak medida sira-ne’ebé Governu foti laiha seriedade hodi ikus mai COVID-19 tama to’o iha nivel tranzmisaun Komunitária, maske Governu fakar ona osan liu millaun $230 hosi millaun $621 ne’ebé tau iha fundu COVID nian.\nBankada CNRT hateten, povu tomak sai sasin ba Governu nia inkapasidade halo jestaun ba COVID-19 maka rezulta COVID-19 tama mai Timor-Leste no ikus mai sai tiha polémika ne’ebé halo povu maka sai vítima.\nIha biban hanesan, Reprezentante Bankada Partidu Libertasaun Populár (PLP), Deputada Domingas dos Santos, kontinua esforsu Prezidente Repúblika, Primeiru Ministru, membru governu tomak no ekipa liña frente sira iha vijénsia COVID-19.\nBankada PLP observa katak, ekipa liña frente sira hasoru obstákulu iha terrenu hodi halo prevensaun ba surtu COVID-19.\n“Efeitu hosi serka sanitaria no konfinamentu obrigatóriu halo uma kain vulnerável sira hahú menus ai-haan, ami hein intervensaun governu nian ba bairru sira-ne’ebé krusiál no buka mekanizmu ne’ebé di’ak hodi fó subsísiu ba populasaun iha territóriu tomak,” nia dehan.\nBankada PLP husu Ministériu Saúde (MS) kontinua implementa programa vasinasaun iha territóriu nasionál nune’e forsa hasoru propagasaun surtu ne’e.\nNune’e mós, Vise-Xefe Bankada Kmanek Haburas Unidade Nacional Timor Oan (KHUNTO), Deputadu António Verdiál de Sousa, husu ba Ministériu Saúde atu kontrola fatin izolamentu sira iha territóriu nasionál tanba ema sira-ne’ebé tama iha fatin refere uza fali ba diskoteka.\n“Ami preokupa eskola tékniku vokasional (STM) iha Bekora, ita halo fali ba izolamentu, ne’e hatudu katak ita lakohi ita-nia oan sira la eskola, tanba ne’e ami husu ba Governu reativa fila-fali eskola iha fatin ne’ebé aplika serka sanitaria,” Bankada KHUNTO husu.\nMensajen Prezidente Repúblika Francisco Guterres ‘Lú Olo nian, propoin ba Parlamentu Nasionál atuhalo estensaun estadu emerjénsia ba loron 30 tán iha territóriu nasionál ho parsialmente suspende sirkulasaun internasionál, liberdade sirkulasaun, direitu reuniaun no manifestasaun, liberdade kultu (culto) inklui limita no proibisaun selebrasaun relijioza.\nPurtantu direitu rezisténsia sei impede hosi autoridade públika bainhira sidadaun sira la kumpri medida ezekusaun sira.\nPrevious articleXina apoia manta no sabaun herbál ba vítima dezastre naturál\nNext articleCIGC rekomenda ba Governu asegura pontu entrada ho rigorozu
[ "PN autoriza PR dekreta estadu emerjensia ba dala-XIV | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE PN autoriza PR dekreta estadu emerjensia ba dala-XIV PN autoriza PR dekreta estadu emerjensia ba dala-XIV DILI, 28 maiu 2021 (TATOLI) - Parlamentu Nasional (PN), sesta ne'e autoriza ona Prezidente Republika, Francisco Guterres 'Lu Olo' dekreta deklarasaun estadu emerjensia ba dala-XIV iha territoriu nasional.", "Renovasaun deklarasaun estadu emerjensia ba dala-XIV aprovadu ho rezultadu votasaun nominal a-favor 35 no abstesaun 21 nune'e autoriza Xefe Estadu sei dekreta estadu emerjensia ba loron 30 tan, hahu hosi oras 00.00 iha loron 2 junu 2021 (kuarta-feira) no termina iha oras 23.59 loron 1 jullu 2021 (tersa-feira).", "\"Lei autorizasaun ba renovasaun estadu emerjensia aprovadu, husu ba governu implementa didi'ak ho responsabilidade no husu Governu kontinua sensibiliza regra sira ema hotu,\" Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Deputadu Aniceto Longuinhos Guterres, anunsia liuhosi plenaria.", "Xefe Bankada Frente Revolusionaria Timor-Leste Independente (FRETILIN), Deputadu Francisco Miranda Branco, apela ba Governu implementasaun labele hasoru diskriminasaun iha terrenu.", "\"Ami apela ba sosiedade tomak, liuliu lider sira, atu kumprimenta regra sira-ne'ebe Estadu deside tanba se lae enfrakese Estadu direitu demokratiku.", "Ikusliu ami apela ba Governu se ita deside konfinamentu obrigatoriu tenke impoin, ita lakohi Estadu ne'e sai Estadu banana,\" Xefe Bankada FRETILIN nia intervensaun iha estensaun estadu emerjensia ba dala-XIV.", "Bankada FRETILIN husu Sentru Integradu no Jestaun ba Krize (CIGC-sigla portuges) atu hamenus burokrasia deslokasaun populasaun nian ba munisipiu sira, liuliu autorizasaun ba populasaun tenke lalais.", "Entretantu, reprezentante Bankada Congresso de Reconstrucao de Timorense (CNRT), Deputada Virginia Ana Bela, lamenta tanba kada fulan Governu aprezenta hela de'it estensaun estadu emerjensia.", "\"Ohin, dala ida tan CNRT hatudu nia firmeza politika katak estensaun estadu emerjensia hosi I to'o XIII (decimo-terseiro) ne'e la hatudu efisiensia no efikasia iha luta atu prevene COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste,\" Deputada Virginia Ana Belo hateten.", "Bankada CNRT haree katak medida sira-ne'ebe Governu foti laiha seriedade hodi ikus mai COVID-19 tama to'o iha nivel tranzmisaun Komunitaria, maske Governu fakar ona osan liu millaun $230 hosi millaun $621 ne'ebe tau iha fundu COVID nian.", "Bankada CNRT hateten, povu tomak sai sasin ba Governu nia inkapasidade halo jestaun ba COVID-19 maka rezulta COVID-19 tama mai Timor-Leste no ikus mai sai tiha polemika ne'ebe halo povu maka sai vitima.", "Iha biban hanesan, Reprezentante Bankada Partidu Libertasaun Popular (PLP), Deputada Domingas dos Santos, kontinua esforsu Prezidente Republika, Primeiru Ministru, membru governu tomak no ekipa lina frente sira iha vijensia COVID-19.", "Bankada PLP observa katak, ekipa lina frente sira hasoru obstakulu iha terrenu hodi halo prevensaun ba surtu COVID-19.", "\"Efeitu hosi serka sanitaria no konfinamentu obrigatoriu halo uma kain vulneravel sira hahu menus ai-haan, ami hein intervensaun governu nian ba bairru sira-ne'ebe krusial no buka mekanizmu ne'ebe di'ak hodi fo subsisiu ba populasaun iha territoriu tomak,\" nia dehan.", "Bankada PLP husu Ministeriu Saude (MS) kontinua implementa programa vasinasaun iha territoriu nasional nune'e forsa hasoru propagasaun surtu ne'e.", "Nune'e mos, Vise-Xefe Bankada Kmanek Haburas Unidade Nacional Timor Oan (KHUNTO), Deputadu Antonio Verdial de Sousa, husu ba Ministeriu Saude atu kontrola fatin izolamentu sira iha territoriu nasional tanba ema sira-ne'ebe tama iha fatin refere uza fali ba diskoteka.", "\"Ami preokupa eskola tekniku vokasional (STM) iha Bekora, ita halo fali ba izolamentu, ne'e hatudu katak ita lakohi ita-nia oan sira la eskola, tanba ne'e ami husu ba Governu reativa fila-fali eskola iha fatin ne'ebe aplika serka sanitaria,\" Bankada KHUNTO husu.", "Mensajen Prezidente Republika Francisco Guterres 'Lu Olo nian, propoin ba Parlamentu Nasional atuhalo estensaun estadu emerjensia ba loron 30 tan iha territoriu nasional ho parsialmente suspende sirkulasaun internasional, liberdade sirkulasaun, direitu reuniaun no manifestasaun, liberdade kultu (culto) inklui limita no proibisaun selebrasaun relijioza.", "Purtantu direitu rezistensia sei impede hosi autoridade publika bainhira sidadaun sira la kumpri medida ezekusaun sira.", "Previous articleXina apoia manta no sabaun herbal ba vitima dezastre natural Next articleCIGC rekomenda ba Governu asegura pontu entrada ho rigorozu" ]
[ [ "PN authorizes PR to declare state of emergency for the 14th time | Tempotimor Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE PM approves President' s declaration on a fourteen days 'stateofemergency,\" says Prime Minister Dili/28 May (Timoroan Times) - The National Parliament has today granted its president Francisco Guterres \"Lu Olo\", permission in order that he may proclaim an extraordinary situation within his country." ], [ "The renewal of the declaration for a fourteenth time was approved by roll-call votes with 35 in favour, to which there were no abstentions. This authorized Head Of State To decree an emergency state on another thirty days starting from midnight (0:12) June two and ending at nine o'clock five minutes after noon July one" ], [ "\"The law authorizing the renewal of state emergency approved, we ask that government implement it properly with responsibility and request Government continue to raise awareness about rules for all people\", President National Parliament Member Aniceto Longuinhos Guterres announced through plenary." ], [ "Independent Timor-Leste Revolutionary Front (FRETILIN) Party Leader, MP Francisco Miranda Branco has called on the Government to ensure that implementation does not encounter discriminations in practice." ], [ "\"We appeal to society as a whole, especially leaders of the state and local governments in order that they comply with rules decided by State because otherwise we undermine democratic rights." ], [ "In particular, we appeal to the Government if it decides that compulsory confinement must be imposed. We do not want this State become a banana state,” said FRETILIN Party Chair in his intervention on extension of emergency for 14th time during parliamentary sittings today (Friday)." ], [ "The FRETILIN Group is asking the Integrated Centre for Crisis Management (CIGC) to reduce bureaucracy in relocating populations into municipalities, particularly by expediting authorization." ], [ "Meanwhile, the representative of Congresso de Reconstrucaon do Timorense (CNRT) Group in Parliament Virginia Ana Bela laments that every month government is only presenting an extension to state emergency." ], [ "\"Today, CNRT once again shows its political firmness that the extension of emergency state from I to XIII (thirteenth) has not shown efficiency and efficacy in fighting COVID-19 prevention on Timor Leste\", said MP Virginia Ana Belo." ], [ "The CNRT Group considers that the government' s measure is not serious enough to prevent COVID-19 from reaching a Community transmission level, even though it has already spent more than $230 million out of its total budgeted funds." ], [ "The CNRT Group said that the whole people witnessed to Government's inability of managing COVID-19 which resulted into Covid passing through Timor Leste and eventually a controversy was created whereby it became victimized." ], [ "Meanwhile, the People’s Liberation Party (PLP) Group Representative Deputy Domingas dos Santos continued her efforts with President da República and Prime Minister as well to support all members of government in their work against COVID-19." ], [ "The PLP Group noted that front-line teams faced obstacles on the ground in preventing an outbreak of COVID 19." ], [ "\"The effects of the curfew and compulsory confinement have made vulnerable households lose their homes, we are waiting for government intervention in crucial neighborhood to find a good mechanism that will provide subsidies all over our territory\", he said." ], [ "The PLP Group urges the Ministry of Health (MS) to continue implementing vaccination programs in national territory so as not forcing this outbreak." ], [ "Likewise, Vice-Chair of the Kmanek Haburas Unidade Nacional Timor Oan (KHUNTO) Group in Parliament and MP Antonio Verdial de Sousa asked that Health Ministry control isolation sites on national territory because people who enter these places are used for discotheques." ], [ "\"We are concerned about the technical vocational school (STM) in Bekora, we have made it back to isolation. This shows that our children should not be left out of schools and therefore We ask Government re-activate all educational institutions where a sanitary lockdown has been applied.\"" ], [ "The message of President Francisco Guterres 'Lu Olo, proposes to the National Parliament an extension for another 30 days in national territories with partial suspension on international circulation and freedom from movement as well rights at assembly or demonstrations. Freedom (cult) including limitation/prohibiting religious celebrationen is suspended" ], [ "However, the right of resistance will be impeded by public authorities when citizens do not comply with enforcement measures." ], [ "Previous articleChina supports blanket and herbal soap for victim of natural disaster Next artikelCIGC recommend to Government secure entry points rigorously" ] ]
Rezultadu Eleisaun Parlamentar Juventude Mak Manan – Radio Liberdade Dili – FM 95.8 Mhz\nRadio, online – Prezidenti Conselho Nasional Juventude Timor Leste (CNJTL) Leovegildo Hornai dehan katak, rezultadu husi eleisaun parlamentar, partido ne’ebe mak manan ba tur iha PN hodi forma V governu konstitusional hanesan juventude mak manan.\n“Hau husu ba juventude sira iha partido laran la bele halo violensia hodi simu realidade rezultadu, tamba partido ne’ebe mak manan vitoria ba juventude,”dehan Leovegildo.\nPrezidenti CNJTL ne’e hatitan, partido ne’ebe mak lakon tamba sira nia lideransa mak la los. Tamba ne’e husu ba partido hothotu husu ba joven hotu hotu atu simu rezultado eleisaun ho responsabilidade no dignidade.\n“Hau husu ba joven la bele sunu uma, la bele estraga ema nia sasan, la bele halo buat a’at iha rai timor ida ne’e. Ita bele garantia katak ita iha tinan lima ne’e ita bele hadia povo nia moris.”dehan ho esperansa.\nHanesan mos oberservador Nasional, husu ba partido ne’ebe mak forma V governu konstitusional bele hadi rai ida ne’e ba diak. Juventude la iha dufidas ba eleisaun parlamentar ne’e.\n“Ita fiar katak, ita nia joven sira sei hakribi ba violensia, tamba moris iha violensia futuru sei laiha,’nia komenta.\nKareta Taka Fila Membru PNTL 2 Mate Iha Fatin
[ "Rezultadu Eleisaun Parlamentar Juventude Mak Manan - Radio Liberdade Dili - FM 95.8 Mhz Radio, online - Prezidenti Conselho Nasional Juventude Timor Leste (CNJTL) Leovegildo Hornai dehan katak, rezultadu husi eleisaun parlamentar, partido ne'ebe mak manan ba tur iha PN hodi forma V governu konstitusional hanesan juventude mak manan.", "\"Hau husu ba juventude sira iha partido laran la bele halo violensia hodi simu realidade rezultadu, tamba partido ne'ebe mak manan vitoria ba juventude,\"dehan Leovegildo.", "Prezidenti CNJTL ne'e hatitan, partido ne'ebe mak lakon tamba sira nia lideransa mak la los.", "Tamba ne'e husu ba partido hothotu husu ba joven hotu hotu atu simu rezultado eleisaun ho responsabilidade no dignidade.", "\"Hau husu ba joven la bele sunu uma, la bele estraga ema nia sasan, la bele halo buat a'at iha rai timor ida ne'e.", "Ita bele garantia katak ita iha tinan lima ne'e ita bele hadia povo nia moris.\"dehan ho esperansa.", "Hanesan mos oberservador Nasional, husu ba partido ne'ebe mak forma V governu konstitusional bele hadi rai ida ne'e ba diak.", "Juventude la iha dufidas ba eleisaun parlamentar ne'e.", "\"Ita fiar katak, ita nia joven sira sei hakribi ba violensia, tamba moris iha violensia futuru sei laiha,'nia komenta.", "Kareta Taka Fila Membru PNTL 2 Mate Iha Fatin" ]
[ [ "Radio, online - President of the National Council for Youth Timor-Leste (CNJTL) Leovegildo Hornai said that as a result from parliamentary elections in 2017 which will be held on July and August. The party who wins is going to go into Parliament where they form their fifth constitutional government like youth do it too!" ], [ "\"I ask the youth in our party not to be violent and accept reality of results, because a victorious Party is for young people\", said Leovegildo." ], [ "The president of CNJTL pointed out that the party was losing because its leadership is not right." ], [ "He therefore urges all parties to call on young people in general, and particularly those who have not yet voted for themselves or their candidates at the moment of voting that they should accept election results with responsibility." ], [ "\"I ask the young people not to burn houses, destroy other's things or do anything wrong in Timor-Leste." ], [ "We can guarantee that in the next five years we will be able to improve people's lives,\" he said with hope." ], [ "As a National Observer, I urge the parties that are forming this fifth constitutional government to improve our country." ], [ "The youth have no doubts about this parliamentary election." ], [ "\"We believe that our young people will despise violence, because there is no future for living in a violent environment\", he said." ], [ "2 Police Members Die In Home After Car Accident Two police members die in home after car accident." ] ]
Governu lansa vasina Sinovac ba postu ualu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 Governu lansa vasina Sinovac ba postu ualu\nSerimónia lansamentu vasina Sinovac doze dahuluk, iha kampus UNTL, segunda (14/06/21). Imajen Tatoli/Egas Cristóvão.\nDILI, 14 juñu 2021 (TATOLI)—Governu liu hosi Ministériu Saúde (MS), halo lansamentu ba vasina Sinovac ba postu ualu ne’ebé prioridade ba estudante, professór no komunidade xineza iha Timor-Leste (TL).\nPostu ualu ne’ebé MS tau prioridade mak hanesan, Universidade Nasionál Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL), Institute Off Bussines (IOB), Dili Institute Of technology (DIT), Sekretária Estadu Joventude no Desportu (SEJD), Asosisaun xineza iha Fatuhada, Hudi-laran, Ai-mutin inklui Klínika Fatumeta.\nNotísia relevante:Governu sei lansa vasina Sinovac iha 14 juñu\n”Ita-nia planu ba vasinsaun ida-ne’e ho durasaun semana ida iha Dili. Ita la distribui ba munisípiu-sira tanba atividaade ne’ebé iha, ita tenki kobre hotu uluk iha Dili. Bainhira la konsege kobre, posibilidade sei distribui ba munispiu,” Diretora Jerál Prestasaun Serbisu Saúde, Odete da Silva Viegas, hateten ba jornalista-sira iha kampus, UNTL, segunda ne’e.\nOdete da Silva Viegas, esplika efeitu hosi vasina Sinovac hanesan ho vasina AstraZeneca, maibé diferente maka vasina Sinovac bele hetan ona doze daruak iha semana haat nia laran, no AstraZeneca tenke hein to’o semana ualu.\nNia mós informa katak, profisionál saúde ne’ebé treinadu ba vasina iha nível territóriu hamutuk 1.736.\nNúmeru ne’e kompostu hosi médiku, enfermeiru, parteira no mós tékniku aliadu no tékniku administrative-sira.\nHo vasina Sinovac MS aumenta tán rekursu umanu hamutuk na’in 75, hodi haree ba vasina Sinovac ne’e rasik iha munisípiu Dili.\nIha fatin hanesan, Embaixadór Xina iha Timor Leste, Xiao Jianguo, konsidera apoiu ne’ebé Governu Xina oferese hanesan prezente id aba povu ida-ne’e tuir pedidu Primeiru Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak.\n”Ha’u espera katak, liu hosi vasina ida-ne’e bele hametin liu tán ita-nia relasaun. Tanba vasina ida-ne’e hanesan prezente ida ba Timor-Leste,” Xiao Jianguo, hateten.\nIha serimónia lansamentu ne’e, membru Governu balun hamutuk ho estudante, profesór no komunidade xineza mak simu kedan vasina Sinovac.\nTui planu no tarjetu MS nian, sei utiliza vasina Sinovac doze 100.000 ba estudante ho profesór mai hosi eskola públika no privada hamutuk 60.000-resin inklui komunidade xineza iha TL.\nPrevious articleMESSK realiza kampaña vasina iha IESPP\nNext articleKomandu Polísia Baucau espera membru hotu bele partisipa kampaña vasina
[ "Governu lansa vasina Sinovac ba postu ualu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 Governu lansa vasina Sinovac ba postu ualu Serimonia lansamentu vasina Sinovac doze dahuluk, iha kampus UNTL, segunda (14/06/21).", "Imajen Tatoli/Egas Cristovao.", "DILI, 14 junu 2021 (TATOLI) - Governu liu hosi Ministeriu Saude (MS), halo lansamentu ba vasina Sinovac ba postu ualu ne'ebe prioridade ba estudante, professor no komunidade xineza iha Timor-Leste (TL).", "Postu ualu ne'ebe MS tau prioridade mak hanesan, Universidade Nasional Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL), Institute Off Bussines (IOB), Dili Institute Of technology (DIT), Sekretaria Estadu Joventude no Desportu (SEJD), Asosisaun xineza iha Fatuhada, Hudi-laran, Ai-mutin inklui Klinika Fatumeta.", "Notisia relevante:Governu sei lansa vasina Sinovac iha 14 junu \"Ita-nia planu ba vasinsaun ida-ne'e ho durasaun semana ida iha Dili.", "Ita la distribui ba munisipiu-sira tanba atividaade ne'ebe iha, ita tenki kobre hotu uluk iha Dili.", "Bainhira la konsege kobre, posibilidade sei distribui ba munispiu,\" Diretora Jeral Prestasaun Serbisu Saude, Odete da Silva Viegas, hateten ba jornalista-sira iha kampus, UNTL, segunda ne'e.", "Odete da Silva Viegas, esplika efeitu hosi vasina Sinovac hanesan ho vasina AstraZeneca, maibe diferente maka vasina Sinovac bele hetan ona doze daruak iha semana haat nia laran, no AstraZeneca tenke hein to'o semana ualu.", "Nia mos informa katak, profisional saude ne'ebe treinadu ba vasina iha nivel territoriu hamutuk 1.736.", "Numeru ne'e kompostu hosi mediku, enfermeiru, parteira no mos tekniku aliadu no tekniku administrative-sira.", "Ho vasina Sinovac MS aumenta tan rekursu umanu hamutuk na'in 75, hodi haree ba vasina Sinovac ne'e rasik iha munisipiu Dili.", "Iha fatin hanesan, Embaixador Xina iha Timor Leste, Xiao Jianguo, konsidera apoiu ne'ebe Governu Xina oferese hanesan prezente id aba povu ida-ne'e tuir pedidu Primeiru Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak.", "\"Ha'u espera katak, liu hosi vasina ida-ne'e bele hametin liu tan ita-nia relasaun.", "Tanba vasina ida-ne'e hanesan prezente ida ba Timor-Leste,\" Xiao Jianguo, hateten.", "Iha serimonia lansamentu ne'e, membru Governu balun hamutuk ho estudante, profesor no komunidade xineza mak simu kedan vasina Sinovac.", "Tui planu no tarjetu MS nian, sei utiliza vasina Sinovac doze 100.000 ba estudante ho profesor mai hosi eskola publika no privada hamutuk 60.000-resin inklui komunidade xineza iha TL.", "Previous articleMESSK realiza kampana vasina iha IESPP Next articleKomandu Polisia Baucau espera membru hotu bele partisipa kampana vasina" ]
[ [ "Government launches Sinovac vaccine for 7th post | TIMOR HAU Notícias Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID -19 The government launched the first dose of sinovax vaccination on UNTL campus, Monday (06/24)." ], [ "Image Tatoli/Egas Cristovao." ], [ "DILI, June 14th (Agência Tatoli) - The Government through the Ministry of Health has launched Sinovac vaccines to seven priority posts for students and teachers as well a Chinese community in Timor-Leste." ], [ "The six posts that the MS prioritize are, Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL), Institute Off Bussines(IOB) Dili Institut Of technology DIT State Secretariat of Youth and Sports Chinese Association in Fatuhada Hudi-laran Ai Mutin including Fatumata Clinic." ], [ "Relevant news:Government to launch Sinovac vaccine on June 14 \"Our plan for this vaccination is one week in Dili." ], [ "We do not distribute to the municipalities because of our activities, we have had all covered first in Dili." ], [ "If we can't cover it, the possibility will be distributed to municipalities\", Director-General of Health Services Provision Odete da Silva Viegas told journalists on UNTL campus Monday." ], [ "Odete da Silva Viegas, explains the effect of Sinovac vaccine is similar to AstraZeneca vaccination but different in that you can get a second dose within four weeks from receiving your first one while with Pfizer-BioNTech it takes upto 10 months." ], [ "He also informed that there are 1,736 health professionals trained for vaccination at the territorial level." ], [ "This number is composed of physicians, nursing staff and midwives as well As auxiliary technicians & administrative technical personnel." ], [ "With the Sinovac vaccine, MS has added a total of 75 human resources to look after this vaccination in Dili." ], [ "Meanwhile, Chinese Ambassador to Timor-Leste Xiao Jianguo considered the support offered by China's Government as a gift for this people at Prime Minister (PM) Taur Matan Ruak’ s request." ], [ "\"I hope that through this vaccination we can strengthen our relationship even more." ], [ "Because this vaccine is a gift to Timor-Leste,\" Xiao Jianguo said." ], [ "During the launch ceremony, government officials joined with Chinese students and teachers to receive Sinovac vaccines." ], [ "According to the plan and target of MS, will use Sinovac vaccine 10.5 million doses for students with teachers from public schools in total more than a hundred thousand-including Chinese communities at TL" ], [ "PreviousMESSK conducts vaccination campaign at IESPP Next articleBaucau Police Command hope all members can participate in the vaccine Campaign." ] ]
MESSK presiza define valór entre ETV-ESJ atu asesu UNTL | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EDUKASAUN MESSK presiza define valór entre ETV-ESJ atu asesu UNTL\nReprezentante estudante na'in-97 hala'o konferénsia imprensa hafoin keixa MESSK ba Parlamentu Nasionál, sesta ne'e. Imajen TATOLI/Evaristo Soares Martins.\nDILI, 26 fevereiru 2021 (TATOLI)—Estudante sira hosi Ensinu Tékniku Vokasionál (ETV) hamutuk na’in-97 keixa Ministru Ensinu Superiór, Siénsia no Kultura (MESSK) Longuinhos dos Santos ba Komisaun G ne’ebé trata asuntu edukasaun, juventude, kultura no sidadania tanba ministériu la define valór entre ensinu sekundáriu jerál no ensinu tékniku vokasionál.\nReprezentante estudante na’in-97, Manuel Gomes ‘Laku-Riak’, hateten estudante sira hosi ETV la asesu ba Ensinu Superiór Universidade Nasionál Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL) tanba valór hanesan ho Ensinu Sekundáriu Jerál (ESG-sigla portugés).\n“La asesu tanba iha buat balu presiza ita hadi’a kona-ba ekivalénsia valór entre Ensinu Tékniku Vokasionál no Ensinu Sekundáriu Jerál. Ensinu tékniku sira-nia valór kiik tanba matéria haat de’it. Agora sira ensinu sekundáriu jerál ne’e iha matéria neen, se valór ne’e ita multiplika ne’e la hanesan,” Veteranu Laku-Riak informa ba jornalista sira hafoin hato’o keixa ba Parlamentu Nasionál, sesta ne’e.\nNia dehan, ensinu tékniku vokasionál laiha ida tama iha UNTL tanba estudante tékniku valór la hanesan ensinu sekundária jerál.\n“Preokupasaun ne’e mak halo ami mai to’o iha-ne’e (Parlamentu Nasionál) tanba parlamentu nu’udar reprezentante povu mak bele hatutan kestaun ne’e ba Governu,” nia dehan.\nNia hatutan, estudante hosi ensinu tékniku vokasionál ho valór 44, 43 no balun 30 maibé la admitidu ba UNTL tanba valór la hanesan ensinu sekundária jerál.\nNia dehan, loloos ne’e estudante sira hosi ensinu tékniku vokasionál tenke asesu ba universidade estadu nian ne’e maibé tenke kria regulamentu ida entre ensinu rua tanba matéria la hanesan.\n“Ohin ami mai hato’o kestaun estudante la asesu tinan akadémiku 2021, atu nune’e lori sira-nia lamentasaun kona-ba la asesu UNTL,” nia dehan.\nHatán ba kestaun ne’e, Prezidente Komisaun G, Deputadu António Verdiál de Sousa, hateten komisaun simu ona keixa balun hosi estudante sira ne’ebé la liu iha prosesu ezame atu asesu ba UNTL.\n“Hanesan reprezentante povu prontu simu kualkér keixa maibé ami labele manda Governu tanba ne’e kompeténsia ezekutivu nian. Ami simu keixa kona-ba atu asesu ba UNTL ne’e 100-resin. Kona-ba solusaun ne’e Governu nia kompeténsia,” Prezidente Komisaun G ne’e hateten.\nEkivalénsia entre ETV-ESG\nPrevious articleLere: “Sai komandante di’ak presiza lealdade, onestidade no unidade”\nNext articleDili rejista kazu asalta hadau ema nia sasán
[ "MESSK presiza define valor entre ETV-ESJ atu asesu UNTL | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EDUKASAUN MESSK presiza define valor entre ETV-ESJ atu asesu UNTL Reprezentante estudante na'in-97 hala'o konferensia imprensa hafoin keixa MESSK ba Parlamentu Nasional, sesta ne'e.", "Imajen TATOLI/Evaristo Soares Martins.", "DILI, 26 fevereiru 2021 (TATOLI) - Estudante sira hosi Ensinu Tekniku Vokasional (ETV) hamutuk na'in-97 keixa Ministru Ensinu Superior, Siensia no Kultura (MESSK) Longuinhos dos Santos ba Komisaun G ne'ebe trata asuntu edukasaun, juventude, kultura no sidadania tanba ministeriu la define valor entre ensinu sekundariu jeral no ensinu tekniku vokasional.", "Reprezentante estudante na'in-97, Manuel Gomes 'Laku-Riak', hateten estudante sira hosi ETV la asesu ba Ensinu Superior Universidade Nasional Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL) tanba valor hanesan ho Ensinu Sekundariu Jeral (ESG-sigla portuges).", "\"La asesu tanba iha buat balu presiza ita hadi'a kona-ba ekivalensia valor entre Ensinu Tekniku Vokasional no Ensinu Sekundariu Jeral.", "Ensinu tekniku sira-nia valor kiik tanba materia haat de'it.", "Agora sira ensinu sekundariu jeral ne'e iha materia neen, se valor ne'e ita multiplika ne'e la hanesan,\" Veteranu Laku-Riak informa ba jornalista sira hafoin hato'o keixa ba Parlamentu Nasional, sesta ne'e.", "Nia dehan, ensinu tekniku vokasional laiha ida tama iha UNTL tanba estudante tekniku valor la hanesan ensinu sekundaria jeral.", "\"Preokupasaun ne'e mak halo ami mai to'o iha-ne'e (Parlamentu Nasional) tanba parlamentu nu'udar reprezentante povu mak bele hatutan kestaun ne'e ba Governu,\" nia dehan.", "Nia hatutan, estudante hosi ensinu tekniku vokasional ho valor 44, 43 no balun 30 maibe la admitidu ba UNTL tanba valor la hanesan ensinu sekundaria jeral.", "Nia dehan, loloos ne'e estudante sira hosi ensinu tekniku vokasional tenke asesu ba universidade estadu nian ne'e maibe tenke kria regulamentu ida entre ensinu rua tanba materia la hanesan.", "\"Ohin ami mai hato'o kestaun estudante la asesu tinan akademiku 2021, atu nune'e lori sira-nia lamentasaun kona-ba la asesu UNTL,\" nia dehan.", "Hatan ba kestaun ne'e, Prezidente Komisaun G, Deputadu Antonio Verdial de Sousa, hateten komisaun simu ona keixa balun hosi estudante sira ne'ebe la liu iha prosesu ezame atu asesu ba UNTL.", "\"Hanesan reprezentante povu prontu simu kualker keixa maibe ami labele manda Governu tanba ne'e kompetensia ezekutivu nian.", "Ami simu keixa kona-ba atu asesu ba UNTL ne'e 100-resin.", "Kona-ba solusaun ne'e Governu nia kompetensia,\" Prezidente Komisaun G ne'e hateten.", "Ekivalensia entre ETV-ESG Previous articleLere: \"Sai komandante di'ak presiza lealdade, onestidade no unidade\" Next articleDili rejista kazu asalta hadau ema nia sasan" ]
[ [ "MESSK needs to define value between ETV-ESJ for access UNTL | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor -Leste HOME EDUCATION MESSKS need To Define Value Between STEM and TESOL For Accessing UNLTD The student representatives of the university's students, numbered in a press conference after their complaint was presented by Messk at Parliament on Saturday." ], [ "Image: TATOLI/Evaristo Soares Martins." ], [ "DILI, February 26th (TATOLI) - Ninety-seven students of Technical and Vocational Education complain to the Minister for Higher Learning Science & Culture Longuinhos dos Santos at Commission G which deals with education issues. The complaint is based on a lack in definitions between general secondary schooling as well As technical/vocational training that has been introduced by this ministry since its establishment last year" ], [ "The representative of the 97 students, Manuel Gomes 'Laku-Riak' said that ETV student do not have access to Ensino Superior Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa’a (UNTL) because it is valued as equivalent with General Secondary Education." ], [ "\"No admission because there are some things we need to improve regarding the equivalence of value between Technical Vocational Education and General Secondary School." ], [ "Technical education is of low value because there are only four subjects." ], [ "Now they have nine subjects in the general secondary school, if we multiply that value it is not equal\", Laku-Riak Veteran inform journalist after submitting a complaint to National Parliament on Saturday." ], [ "He said that no technical vocational education entered UNTL because the value of a student in technology is not as high with general secondary school." ], [ "\"This concern is what made us come here (to the National Parliament) because parliament as a representative of people can bring this issue to government,\" he said." ], [ "He added that students from technical and vocational education with a score of between the values (43,50) were not admitted to UNTL because their grade was different than those in general secondary school." ], [ "He said that students from vocational technical schools should have access to the state university, but there must be a regulation between these two types of education because subjects are different." ], [ "\"Today we have come to raise the issue of students not being admitted in academic year 2019, so that they can bring their complaints about non-admission at UNTL.\"" ], [ "In response to this issue, Chairman of the Commission G. Antonio Verdial de Sousa said that his commission has received some complaints from students who failed in an examination process for admission into UNTL (National University)." ], [ "\"As a representative of the people, we are ready to receive any complaints but cannot send government because that is an executive competence." ], [ "We have received over 105 complaints about the UNTL assessment process." ], [ "Regarding this solution, it is the Government's competence to do so\", said G Commission Chairman." ], [ "Previous articleLere: \"To be a good commander requires loyalty, honesty and unity\" Next artikelDili registered case of assault on people' s property." ] ]
DOMIN BA MAROMAK-DOMIN BA MALUK SIRA – Diocese de Dili\nDiocese de Dili > NOTÍCIAS > HOMILIA DO BISPO > DOMIN BA MAROMAK-DOMIN BA MALUK SIRA\nDOMIN BA MAROMAK-DOMIN BA MALUK SIRA\nPosted on: February 27, 2019 by: Departamento Comunicação Diocese Dili\nVII DOMINGGO DO TEMPO COMUM\nIha ema santo ida ninia liafuan nebe dehan; sarani diak ida atu hadomi ó nia belun, atu hadomi ema nebe hadomi ó, atu halo diak ba ema nebe halo diak ba ó ida nee ita dehan katak baibain tiha ona, maibe hadomi ema nebe halo at ba ó ida nee so sarani ida mak bele halo. Ida nee maluk doben sira los duni ita bele dehan katak ida nee mak sumário, Síntese ida kona ba Evangelho tomak Jesus nia hanourin habadak ho liafuan nebe ohin ita dehan; Domin ba Maromak domin ba Maluk sira. Dala ruma ita husu ba ita nia an; hadomi ema nebe halo at ba ita nee possível! Bele ka lae! Domin ida nee ita bele dehan katak ohin loron ita bele hare iha ita nia sociadade, iha ita nia família, iha ita nia comunidade kalae!\nHadomi ita nia inimigo sira. Hadomi ema nebe halo aat ba ita mai ita sarani nee dehan ida nee laos convite, maibe mai ita sarani nee exigência ida, órdem ida nebe fundamental no primária ba ita sarani tanba ida nee Jesus nia hanourin. Jesus mos hanesan ita hotu hatene katak Nia hanourin hanesan iha cruz nebe ita hotu hare. Iha cruz mak Nia hanourin mai ita atu hatene perdua, iha cruz mak Nia hanourin mai ita atu hadomi ita nia funu balun. Laos Nia hanourin tiha hotu ona, maibe Depois Nia hanourin iha ema lubuk ida hanesan São Estévão molok atu mate nia reza atu Maromak atu perdua ema nebe halo at ba nia.\nIda nee mak hanoin São Paulo hare kona ba ida nee nia dehan; Wainhira koalia kona ba ida nee ita ema laiha liafuan atu koalia, maibe São Paulo dehan; cruz mak halo ema hakfodak, cruz mak kbiit Maromak ninian. Los duni cruz ida nee mak fo força mai ita.\nHadomi ó nia inimigo significa ba hasoru ida seluk ho sentido gratidão, maske sira nebe contra ita, hakarak buat diak husi sira seluk maske nia hakarak halo at mai ita, halo diak tau matan ba ema seluk hanesan ita an rasik. Jesus rasik hanourin ida nee mai ita. Comportamento ida nee Jesus husik hela mai ita regra ida nebe ohin loron sira dehan; “regra de ouro”. Regra de Ouro (regra osan mean) mak saida mak ó hakarak ema halo ba ó nunee mos ó tem que halo ba ema seluk. Iha mestre boot ida nebe mai uluk Jesus naran rabilel nia dehan; “buat nebe ó lakohi ema halo ba ó nune mos ó labele halo ba nia” se ó lakohi karik ema atu tolok ó labele tolok uluk ema, se hau lakohi ema atu trata hau iha público hau mos labele trata ema iha público. Ita loron hirak nee vocabulário ida nebe dehan an6onimo nee começa mosu makas fila fali ona. Dala barak ita rona dehan katak iha ema ida ema hana ita dehan ema desconhecido ida mak hana, iha ema ruma mate soe hela ita dehan ema desconhecido ida mak oho. Nee dehan katak dala barak ita hanoin ita bele halo buat ruma hanesan halo ba ema nebe ita la contente ita la gosta depois ita subar, hanoin fila fali hahalok ida nee ita hakmatek kalae? Los duni iha polícia nia oin, iha Lei nia oin ita subar ona, maibe ita lori iha ita nia laran nee ita nia conciência la hakmatek. Hanoin fali história Kaín ho Abel ninian saida mak acontece? Kaín hare ba nia alin Abel nebe Maromak simu deit mak nia oferta tanba abel nee hasae ba Maromak buat nebe diak, buat nebe perfeito no murak. Tanba nee Maromak nia matan monu ba Abel nia oferta. Maibe Kaín fali hasae oferta ba Maromak hahan nebe ladun diak ba Maromak hanesan animal karik hanesan animal krekas sira. Tanba nee Maromak la simu ninia sacrifício. Então saida mak mosu! Laran moras. Laran moras ida nee ikus mai obriga Kain atu oho nia alin Abel. Hafoin nia oho tiha nia alin nia hanoin katak nia hakmatek ona, maibe oho tiha hodi halo nia conciência la hakmatek hanesan buat ida duni tuir nia. Hafoin nia rona lian ida husi leten dehan; Kain ó halo saida ba ó nia alin too o nia alin nia ran sulin halai tuir ó!\nTan nee mak wainhira ita koalia kona ba desconhecido dala barak ita hanoin katak ita tuda tiha ema, ita halo at tiha ema, ita naok tiha ema nia sasan, too ikus ita hanaran ema desconhecido. Los duni ema la obriga o atu ba hatan, maibe ó sei la livre. Ó sei lori nafatin buat ida nee iha ó nia conciência sei la hakmatek.\nTan ida nee mak ohin Jesus mos convida ita atu hare fila fali ida nee; Hadomi sem reprocidade, laos hau halo buat diak hau hein nia sei halo fila fali mai hau, hau halo buat ruma hau mos hein ninia vantâgem. Ohin loron ita moris iha sociadade ida nebe ita atu halo buat ida ita tem que ser ita nia interesse nee iha. Interesse laiha ita lakohi atu lakon, maibe ita sarani iha dominggo VII dominggo tempo bai-bain nian nee Jesus convida ita atu reflete ituan kona ba ida nee; halo buat ruma nebe diak laos atu simu kedas tanba ohin ita mos rona ukunfuan ida nee nian, promessa saida mak Jesus promete ba sira atu halo tuir imi sei simu reconpensa boot. Ida nee mak ba ita Lalehan.\nWainhira ita koko hakasan atu halo diak aban bain rua ita bele simu. Moris ida nee mak ohin ita mos rona iha leitura sira nebe koalia kona ba Maromak hanourin sira atu sai santo. Sai Santo basá Maromak nee santo. Profeta sira dehan; sai laran luak hanesan Aman nebe laran luak.\nOhin convida mos ita atu sai perfeito. Ida nee mak diferência nebe ita sarani sira tem que halo. Ita sarani tem que iha corâgem atu halo buat nebe único Hadomi ema nebe halo at, fo ba buat o nia interesse hanesan ohin ita rona; Keta julga atu ema mos la julga ó, keta condena atu ema lacondena ó basa laiha ema ida nebe bele hola fali Maromak nia fatin atu tesi lia ba ó nia hahalok.\nLeitura sora ohin nia apresenta mai ita exemplo concreto; primeira Leitura haktuir mai ita kona ba história David ho Saul. Nee atu hatudu mai ita katak Saul nee Maromak consagra sai nudar liurai, maibe David mos Maromak hili nia wainhira Saul hare David nia presença Saul hare hanesan ameaça boot ida ba nia. Tanba nee Saul hahu plano at ona atu oho tiha David, maibe David jovem ida nebe matenek hodi hamtauk Maromak Saul la brani foti liman hasoru ema nebe Maromak consagra tiha ona.\nIha segunda Leitura São Paulo dehan; ita ema nee laos deit ema isin ninian hanesan Adão uluk, maibe ita ema nia isin nee atu ita labele trata, ita labele halo aat ba hau nia isin no ema seluk nia isin, tanba isin nee hasanto ho graça Maromak ninian tanba ita ema espiritual ho Maromak nia bênção batismo ita simu halo ita nia isin nee sai sagrado atu ita ida-idak hatene respeita nafatin no hadomi ita nia isin tanba ita nia isin templo Maromak ninian imagem Maromak ninian.\nIha VII Dominggo tempo ordinário sadik ita sarani liu-liu Paróquia Aileu ninian nebe ohin marca história foun hodi tomada de posse Pároco foun ninian bele sai mos historia foun ida nee, atu ita hotu husi kiik too boot, ferik e katuas, ita nebe estuda barak ou la estuda barak maibe ita koko tok atu hatudu no halo diferência ida nee iha ita nia moris. Ita sarani tem que ser halo diferência laos ho ita nia hatais, loas ho buat nebe ita lori, maibe ita nia hahalok. Diferência ida nee mak Jesus hakarak mos convida ita atu hatudu.\nPrevious PostQuarta – Feira, VII Semana Tempo Comum Next PostQuinta – Feira, VII semana Tempo Comum
[ "DOMIN BA MAROMAK-DOMIN BA MALUK SIRA - Diocese de Dili Diocese de Dili > NOTICIAS > HOMILIA DO BISPO > DOMIN BA MAROMAK-DOMIN BA MALUK SIRA DOMIN BA MAROMAK-DOMIN BA MALUK SIRA Posted on: February 27, 2019 by: Departamento Comunicacao Diocese Dili VII DOMINGGO DO TEMPO COMUM Iha ema santo ida ninia liafuan nebe dehan; sarani diak ida atu hadomi o nia belun, atu hadomi ema nebe hadomi o, atu halo diak ba ema nebe halo diak ba o ida nee ita dehan katak baibain tiha ona, maibe hadomi ema nebe halo at ba o ida nee so sarani ida mak bele halo.", "Ida nee maluk doben sira los duni ita bele dehan katak ida nee mak sumario, Sintese ida kona ba Evangelho tomak Jesus nia hanourin habadak ho liafuan nebe ohin ita dehan; Domin ba Maromak domin ba Maluk sira.", "Dala ruma ita husu ba ita nia an; hadomi ema nebe halo at ba ita nee possivel!", "Bele ka lae!", "Domin ida nee ita bele dehan katak ohin loron ita bele hare iha ita nia sociadade, iha ita nia familia, iha ita nia comunidade kalae!", "Hadomi ita nia inimigo sira.", "Hadomi ema nebe halo aat ba ita mai ita sarani nee dehan ida nee laos convite, maibe mai ita sarani nee exigencia ida, ordem ida nebe fundamental no primaria ba ita sarani tanba ida nee Jesus nia hanourin.", "Jesus mos hanesan ita hotu hatene katak Nia hanourin hanesan iha cruz nebe ita hotu hare.", "Iha cruz mak Nia hanourin mai ita atu hatene perdua, iha cruz mak Nia hanourin mai ita atu hadomi ita nia funu balun.", "Laos Nia hanourin tiha hotu ona, maibe Depois Nia hanourin iha ema lubuk ida hanesan Sao Estevao molok atu mate nia reza atu Maromak atu perdua ema nebe halo at ba nia.", "Ida nee mak hanoin Sao Paulo hare kona ba ida nee nia dehan; Wainhira koalia kona ba ida nee ita ema laiha liafuan atu koalia, maibe Sao Paulo dehan; cruz mak halo ema hakfodak, cruz mak kbiit Maromak ninian.", "Los duni cruz ida nee mak fo forca mai ita.", "Hadomi o nia inimigo significa ba hasoru ida seluk ho sentido gratidao, maske sira nebe contra ita, hakarak buat diak husi sira seluk maske nia hakarak halo at mai ita, halo diak tau matan ba ema seluk hanesan ita an rasik.", "Jesus rasik hanourin ida nee mai ita.", "Comportamento ida nee Jesus husik hela mai ita regra ida nebe ohin loron sira dehan; \"regra de ouro.\"", "Regra de Ouro (regra osan mean) mak saida mak o hakarak ema halo ba o nunee mos o tem que halo ba ema seluk.", "Iha mestre boot ida nebe mai uluk Jesus naran rabilel nia dehan; \"buat nebe o lakohi ema halo ba o nune mos o labele halo ba nia\" se o lakohi karik ema atu tolok o labele tolok uluk ema, se hau lakohi ema atu trata hau iha publico hau mos labele trata ema iha publico.", "Ita loron hirak nee vocabulario ida nebe dehan an6onimo nee comeca mosu makas fila fali ona.", "Dala barak ita rona dehan katak iha ema ida ema hana ita dehan ema desconhecido ida mak hana, iha ema ruma mate soe hela ita dehan ema desconhecido ida mak oho.", "Nee dehan katak dala barak ita hanoin ita bele halo buat ruma hanesan halo ba ema nebe ita la contente ita la gosta depois ita subar, hanoin fila fali hahalok ida nee ita hakmatek kalae?", "Los duni iha policia nia oin, iha Lei nia oin ita subar ona, maibe ita lori iha ita nia laran nee ita nia conciencia la hakmatek.", "Hanoin fali historia Kain ho Abel ninian saida mak acontece?", "Kain hare ba nia alin Abel nebe Maromak simu deit mak nia oferta tanba abel nee hasae ba Maromak buat nebe diak, buat nebe perfeito no murak.", "Tanba nee Maromak nia matan monu ba Abel nia oferta.", "Maibe Kain fali hasae oferta ba Maromak hahan nebe ladun diak ba Maromak hanesan animal karik hanesan animal krekas sira.", "Tanba nee Maromak la simu ninia sacrificio.", "Entao saida mak mosu!", "Laran moras.", "Laran moras ida nee ikus mai obriga Kain atu oho nia alin Abel.", "Hafoin nia oho tiha nia alin nia hanoin katak nia hakmatek ona, maibe oho tiha hodi halo nia conciencia la hakmatek hanesan buat ida duni tuir nia.", "Hafoin nia rona lian ida husi leten dehan; Kain o halo saida ba o nia alin too o nia alin nia ran sulin halai tuir o!", "Tan nee mak wainhira ita koalia kona ba desconhecido dala barak ita hanoin katak ita tuda tiha ema, ita halo at tiha ema, ita naok tiha ema nia sasan, too ikus ita hanaran ema desconhecido.", "Los duni ema la obriga o atu ba hatan, maibe o sei la livre.", "O sei lori nafatin buat ida nee iha o nia conciencia sei la hakmatek.", "Tan ida nee mak ohin Jesus mos convida ita atu hare fila fali ida nee; Hadomi sem reprocidade, laos hau halo buat diak hau hein nia sei halo fila fali mai hau, hau halo buat ruma hau mos hein ninia vantagem.", "Ohin loron ita moris iha sociadade ida nebe ita atu halo buat ida ita tem que ser ita nia interesse nee iha.", "Interesse laiha ita lakohi atu lakon, maibe ita sarani iha dominggo VII dominggo tempo bai-bain nian nee Jesus convida ita atu reflete ituan kona ba ida nee; halo buat ruma nebe diak laos atu simu kedas tanba ohin ita mos rona ukunfuan ida nee nian, promessa saida mak Jesus promete ba sira atu halo tuir imi sei simu reconpensa boot.", "Ida nee mak ba ita Lalehan.", "Wainhira ita koko hakasan atu halo diak aban bain rua ita bele simu.", "Moris ida nee mak ohin ita mos rona iha leitura sira nebe koalia kona ba Maromak hanourin sira atu sai santo.", "Sai Santo basa Maromak nee santo.", "Profeta sira dehan; sai laran luak hanesan Aman nebe laran luak.", "Ohin convida mos ita atu sai perfeito.", "Ida nee mak diferencia nebe ita sarani sira tem que halo.", "Ita sarani tem que iha coragem atu halo buat nebe unico Hadomi ema nebe halo at, fo ba buat o nia interesse hanesan ohin ita rona; Keta julga atu ema mos la julga o, keta condena atu ema lacondena o basa laiha ema ida nebe bele hola fali Maromak nia fatin atu tesi lia ba o nia hahalok.", "Leitura sora ohin nia apresenta mai ita exemplo concreto; primeira Leitura haktuir mai ita kona ba historia David ho Saul.", "Nee atu hatudu mai ita katak Saul nee Maromak consagra sai nudar liurai, maibe David mos Maromak hili nia wainhira Saul hare David nia presenca Saul hare hanesan ameaca boot ida ba nia.", "Tanba nee Saul hahu plano at ona atu oho tiha David, maibe David jovem ida nebe matenek hodi hamtauk Maromak Saul la brani foti liman hasoru ema nebe Maromak consagra tiha ona.", "Iha segunda Leitura Sao Paulo dehan; ita ema nee laos deit ema isin ninian hanesan Adao uluk, maibe ita ema nia isin nee atu ita labele trata, ita labele halo aat ba hau nia isin no ema seluk nia isin, tanba isin nee hasanto ho graca Maromak ninian tanba ita ema espiritual ho Maromak nia bencao batismo ita simu halo ita nia isin nee sai sagrado atu ita ida-idak hatene respeita nafatin no hadomi ita nia isin tanba ita nia isin templo Maromak ninian imagem Maromak ninian.", "Iha VII Dominggo tempo ordinario sadik ita sarani liu-liu Paroquia Aileu ninian nebe ohin marca historia foun hodi tomada de posse Paroco foun ninian bele sai mos historia foun ida nee, atu ita hotu husi kiik too boot, ferik e katuas, ita nebe estuda barak ou la estuda barak maibe ita koko tok atu hatudu no halo diferencia ida nee iha ita nia moris.", "Ita sarani tem que ser halo diferencia laos ho ita nia hatais, loas ho buat nebe ita lori, maibe ita nia hahalok.", "Diferencia ida nee mak Jesus hakarak mos convida ita atu hatudu.", "Previous PostQuarta - Feira, VII Semana Tempo Comum Next PostQuinta - Feira, VII semana Tempo Comum" ]
[ [ "DOMIN BA MAROMAK-DOMINGO A MALUK SIRA Posted on: February 27,.019 by; Departamento Comunicacao Diocese Dili SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIMES There are the words of a holy man who said that an excellent believer is to love his neighbor and those whom he does not like but do good for them as we say it has become customary in our lives today - only one faithful person can make such things!" ], [ "This is true dear friends, but we can say that this summarizes a synthesis of the whole Gospel Jesus spoke in these words today; Love God love your enemies." ], [ "Sometimes we ask ourselves; is it possible to love someone who does good for us!" ], [ "\"Bela ka lae!\"" ], [ "We can say that today we see this love in our society, family and community! It is a gift of God to us." ], [ "Love your enemies." ], [ "To love those who do evil to us is not an invitation, but rather a requirement of our faith. It’s the fundamental and primary order for all believers because it was Jesus himself that taught this commandment: “Love your enemies.”" ], [ "Jesus also as we all know that He was crucified like on the cross which is seen by us." ], [ "On the cross He has taught us to know forgiveness, on this cruce he teaches you love some of our sins." ], [ "He did not forgive everyone, but afterwards he pardoned many like St. Stephen who before dying prays to God that they will spare him of the wrongdoers against them 10" ], [ "This is why St. Paul looks at this and says; When we talk about it, there are no words to speak of but Saint Paulus said: the cross makes you happy -the power that comes from God's hand-" ], [ "The cross of the Cross is what gives us strength." ], [ "To love his enemy means to approach another with a sense of gratitude, even if they are against us; want good things from others despite their desires for our harm." ], [ "Jesus Himself has given this to us." ], [ "This behavior Jesus left us a rule that today they call; \"the golden rules.\"" ], [ "The Golden Rule is that what you want others to do for yourself, then also have them behave towards other people." ], [ "There was a great teacher who came before Jesus named rabiel he said; \"whatever you would not that people should do to yourselves, so don't also make them\" if I want someone other than myself treated in public as well." ], [ "These days a vocabulary that says an6onym is starting to appear again." ], [ "Many times we hear that there is a person who has died, and it's said an unknown one killed him. There are some people dying in the street of our city; they have been buried by someone unfamiliar to us but for whom you can say \"it was something strange\"." ], [ "This means that often we think of doing something like this to someone who isn't happy with us, and then after a while it turns out they are not right." ], [ "It is true that before the police, in front of law we have fallen down but inside ourselves it’s a conscience not happy." ], [ "Think back to the story of Cain and Abel, what happened?" ], [ "Cain looked at his brother Abel who was the only one God accepted as an offering because he offered to Him things that were good, perfect and bad." ], [ "Therefore the eyes of God fell on Abel's offering. And he offered an oblation, and it was accepted by him;" ], [ "But Cain offered to God food that was not good in the sight of Allah, such as animals and crustaceans." ], [ "Because God did not accept his sacrifice." ], [ "And then what happened?" ], [ "Laran moras." ], [ "Because of this disease, Cain killed his brother Abel. This caused him to die and he was buried in the same place as Kain had been put into prison for murdering her sons:" ], [ "After he murdered his brother, she thought that it was a good thing to have done so; but the killing made her conscience uncomfortable as if there were something wrong with him." ], [ "Then he heard a voice from beneath saying; Cain, what did you do to your brother so that his blood would follow after him?" ], [ "That is why when we talk about the stranger, so often it seems that you have taken a person away from us. You've made him or her stupid and youre taking his/her stuff off of them until at last they are called strangers by ourselves!" ], [ "But no one will compel you to answer, but it won't be free." ], [ "You will still carry this thing in your conscience and it won't be happy." ], [ "That is why today Jesus also invites us to look at this again; Love without reproach, not I do something good and expect it will be done in return for me." ], [ "Nowadays we live in a society where if you want to do something, it must be your interest." ], [ "We do not want to lose any interest, but we are baptized on the 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time Jesus invites us that reflect ourselves about this; doing something good isn't for immediate reception because today also hearing of these blessings what promised by Christ will be fulfilled." ], [ "This is the way to Heaven. That's our heavenly destination!" ], [ "When we are struggling to do well tomorrow, two good things can come." ], [ "This is the way of life that we hear in today's readings, which speak about God calling them to be saints." ], [ "Be holy, because God is Holy." ], [ "The prophets say; be merciful as your Father is compassionate." ], [ "Ohin also invites us to be perfect." ], [ "This is the difference that we Catholics have to make." ], [ "We believers must have the courage to do things that are unique Love those who work hard, give their interests as we heard today; Do not judge so people will never judg you. Don't condemn yourself because there is no one in God s place capable of assessing your actions and doing what he says or does!" ], [ "Today's reading present us with a concrete example; the first Reading tells of David and Saul." ], [ "This is to show us that Saul was consecrated by God as king, but David also chose him when he saw the presence of his father." ], [ "For Saul had already planned to kill David, but a young man who was wise and sought God did not refuse leaving his hand against the one whom he has consecrated." ], [ "In the second reading St. Paul says; we are not only human beings of flesh like Adam before, but our bodies so that you can't treat us badly and do no harm to my body or other people’ s bodies because it is sanctified by grace from God as a spiritual person with baptism blessing received made sacred for each one know how respect still love your own physical since its temple image divine ones images divina" ], [ "On the 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time we are blessed especially with Aileu Parish which today makes a new history by taking office of its New Parochial Office, so that this may also be another story for us all from young to old and small or large. We who have studied much but not very well will show ourselves as being differently educated than others; it is just about making an impact on what happens within your life!" ], [ "We believers have to be distinguished not by our clothes, praise and what we wear but in action." ], [ "This is the distinction that Jesus also wants us to show." ], [ "Previous PostWednesday, 7th Week in Ordinary Time Next postThursdays of the week: Wednesdays and Sunday." ] ]
POVU BARAK LA VOTA…!!! - TIMOR AGORA\nPOVU BARAK LA VOTA…!!!\nJornal Nacional Diário - Editorial\nEleisaun Presidensial tinan 2017 nee termina ona. Kandidatu nain 8 nebe konkore iha eleisaun Presidensial nee, ikus mai povu deposita sira nia konfiansa ba kandidatu Presidente Republika husi Partido FRETILIN, Francisco Guterres ‘Lu-Olo’ sai Presidente Timor Leste nian ba periodo 2017 – 2022 tamba hetan votos 57,08 %, baseia ba resultado provisorio eleisaun presidensial nian nebe STAE publika.\nHo prezentajen 57,08 nee hatudu katak Lu-Olo ultrapasa ona bareira eleitoral 50+ 1, hodi nunee garante ona Lu-Olo sai Presidente Republika Demokratika Timor Leste nian ba tinan lima oin mai.\nEleisaun presidensial nee nudar festa demokrasia, nebe povu hotu hotu iha dever no obrigasaun atu partisipa iha eleisaun presidensial maibe na realidade eleisaun presidensial ba tinan 2017 nee vontade povu nian partispa eleisau nee minimu tebes.\nBaseia ba relatoria STAE nian, total votantes iha teritoriu Timor laran tomak hatudu katak total votantes 743.150 eleitore rejistrado maibe tuir votasaun ema 504,730 (67,92%), no eleitor nian no 238,420 (32,8%) mak la vota.\nAgora duvida nebe koloka maka, tamba sa ema sira nee la tuir votasaun?, Partispasaun sidadaun nian iha eleisaun presidensial nebe minimu tebes nee karik nakasalak iha fukun ruma? Resposta ba perguntas nee, tuir resultadu analiza hatudu katak iha fator rua sai obstaklu boot ba povu atu partisipa iha eleisaun presidensial mak lei eleitoral nebe la fo espasu ba vota libre no fator seluk mak kondisaun geografikamente nebe halo ema ida idak fila fali ba vota iha ida idak nia suku ka knua.\nHakarak ka lakohi nivel partisipasaun sidadaun nian iha festa demokrasia nee sai preokupasaun ba ukun nain, li-liu orgaun eleitoral sira, CNE no STAE, atu oinsa antisipa akontesimentu hanesan iha eleisaun parlamentar Julhu mai.\n“Ha’u haree falla ruma ne’ebé akontese iha eleisaun prezidensial laiha edukasaun sivika, laiha mobilizasaun povu vota, tanba ne’e ema barak la tuir votasaun ha’u la fiar, tanba labele vota iha fatin ne’ebé o hela dadaun ne’ebé uluk rejista,”. Jose Ramos Horta.\nLos duni senhor, eleisaun presidensial tinan nee laiha edukasaun sivika, laiha mobilizasaun povu ba vota hodi nunee ema barak latuir votasaun. Ne’e akontese tamba lei eleitoral Parlamentu nasional aprova iha tempo nebe Presidente Republika dekreta ona data eleisaun presidensial.\nEleisaun presidensial bele dehan sai referensia ba eleisaun parlamentar mai. Tan nee difisensia sira iha lei eleitoral nebe sai obtaklu ba vontade povu nian atu partisipa iha festa demokrasia nee tenki hadia hodi asegura partisipasaun sidadaun nian iha eleisaun parlamentar mai.\nAgora atu hadia lei eleitoral hodi motiva povu partisipa iha eleisaun, nee kompetensia politiku nain sira iha Parlamento Nasional. Tamba produtu lei ida tenki benefisia povu ema em jeral, labele iha pensamento ida katak lei nee benefisia ba partido hau nia partido ka ninia partido. Produtu lei labele serve deit ba intrese partido politiku sira maibe intrese povu tomak nian.\nNe’ebe avalaisaun jeral ba eleisaun presidensial 2017 nee hatudu katak lei eleitoral la fasilita povu partisipa iha eleisaun. Tan nee hakarak ka lakohi, simu ka lasimu, lei eleitoral nee tenki hadia duni, atu nunee eleisaun parlamentar mai povu hotu partisipa iha eleisaun hodi hili partido politiku nebe diak, ho vizaun no programa nebe diak.*
[ "POVU BARAK LA VOTA...!!! - TIMOR AGORA POVU BARAK LA VOTA...!!!", "Jornal Nacional Diario - Editorial Eleisaun Presidensial tinan 2017 nee termina ona.", "Kandidatu nain 8 nebe konkore iha eleisaun Presidensial nee, ikus mai povu deposita sira nia konfiansa ba kandidatu Presidente Republika husi Partido FRETILIN, Francisco Guterres 'Lu-Olo' sai Presidente Timor Leste nian ba periodo 2017 - 2022 tamba hetan votos 57,08%, baseia ba resultado provisorio eleisaun presidensial nian nebe STAE publika.", "Ho prezentajen 57,08 nee hatudu katak Lu-Olo ultrapasa ona bareira eleitoral 50+ 1, hodi nunee garante ona Lu-Olo sai Presidente Republika Demokratika Timor Leste nian ba tinan lima oin mai.", "Eleisaun presidensial nee nudar festa demokrasia, nebe povu hotu hotu iha dever no obrigasaun atu partisipa iha eleisaun presidensial maibe na realidade eleisaun presidensial ba tinan 2017 nee vontade povu nian partispa eleisau nee minimu tebes.", "Baseia ba relatoria STAE nian, total votantes iha teritoriu Timor laran tomak hatudu katak total votantes 743.150 eleitore rejistrado maibe tuir votasaun ema 504,730 (67,92%), no eleitor nian no 238,420 (32,8%) mak la vota.", "Agora duvida nebe koloka maka, tamba sa ema sira nee la tuir votasaun?, Partispasaun sidadaun nian iha eleisaun presidensial nebe minimu tebes nee karik nakasalak iha fukun ruma?", "Resposta ba perguntas nee, tuir resultadu analiza hatudu katak iha fator rua sai obstaklu boot ba povu atu partisipa iha eleisaun presidensial mak lei eleitoral nebe la fo espasu ba vota libre no fator seluk mak kondisaun geografikamente nebe halo ema ida idak fila fali ba vota iha ida idak nia suku ka knua.", "Hakarak ka lakohi nivel partisipasaun sidadaun nian iha festa demokrasia nee sai preokupasaun ba ukun nain, li-liu orgaun eleitoral sira, CNE no STAE, atu oinsa antisipa akontesimentu hanesan iha eleisaun parlamentar Julhu mai.", "\"Ha'u haree falla ruma ne'ebe akontese iha eleisaun prezidensial laiha edukasaun sivika, laiha mobilizasaun povu vota, tanba ne'e ema barak la tuir votasaun ha'u la fiar, tanba labele vota iha fatin ne'ebe o hela dadaun ne'ebe uluk rejista,.\"", "Jose Ramos Horta.", "Los duni senhor, eleisaun presidensial tinan nee laiha edukasaun sivika, laiha mobilizasaun povu ba vota hodi nunee ema barak latuir votasaun.", "Ne'e akontese tamba lei eleitoral Parlamentu nasional aprova iha tempo nebe Presidente Republika dekreta ona data eleisaun presidensial.", "Eleisaun presidensial bele dehan sai referensia ba eleisaun parlamentar mai.", "Tan nee difisensia sira iha lei eleitoral nebe sai obtaklu ba vontade povu nian atu partisipa iha festa demokrasia nee tenki hadia hodi asegura partisipasaun sidadaun nian iha eleisaun parlamentar mai.", "Agora atu hadia lei eleitoral hodi motiva povu partisipa iha eleisaun, nee kompetensia politiku nain sira iha Parlamento Nasional.", "Tamba produtu lei ida tenki benefisia povu ema em jeral, labele iha pensamento ida katak lei nee benefisia ba partido hau nia partido ka ninia partido.", "Produtu lei labele serve deit ba intrese partido politiku sira maibe intrese povu tomak nian.", "Ne'ebe avalaisaun jeral ba eleisaun presidensial 2017 nee hatudu katak lei eleitoral la fasilita povu partisipa iha eleisaun.", "Tan nee hakarak ka lakohi, simu ka lasimu, lei eleitoral nee tenki hadia duni, atu nunee eleisaun parlamentar mai povu hotu partisipa iha eleisaun hodi hili partido politiku nebe diak, ho vizaun no programa nebe diak.*" ]
[ [ "POVU BARAK LA VOTA...!!! - TIMOR AGORA Povu Barak La Vota Timor Agora" ], [ "Jornal Nacional Diario - Editorial The 2017 Presidential Election has ended." ], [ "The eight candidates who competed in the presidential election, ultimately put their confidence to Partido FRETILIN' s President of Republic Candidate Francisco Guterres \"Lu-Olo\" as East Timorese Presidency for a period from January - December (2017) by obtaining more than one third vote based on provisional results published." ], [ "With a presentation of 57.08, this shows that Lu-Olo has passed the electoral threshold and is guaranteed to be President for five years in Timor Leste' s Democratic Republic!" ], [ "The presidential election is a feast of democracy, where all people have the duty and obligation to participate in President's elections. But as it stands today there are very few voters who will take part at this Presidential Election (2017)." ], [ "Based on the STAE report, total voters in Timor-Leste as a whole show that there are 743.150 registered electors but according to ballot results of people who vote were not counting and they number at present about:" ], [ "Now the question that arises is, why did people not go to vote? Is there any reason for citizen’s minimal participation in presidential elections." ], [ "In response to these questions, the results of analysis showed that there are two factors which have been a major obstacle for people participating in presidential elections: electoral laws do not allow free vote; and geographic conditions make it impossible or even unlikely anybody will go back into their village." ], [ "Whether or not the level of citizen participation in this democratic feast becomes a concern for rulers, especially electoral bodies CNE and STAE to anticipate events such as those that will occur during next July parliamentary elections." ], [ "\"I see some failures that occurred in the presidential election there is no civic education, not mobilization of people to vote. Therefore many do Not go out and I don't trust them because they cannot be voting where you are currently living who were registered first.\"" ], [ "Jose Ramos Horta." ], [ "Yes sir, this year's presidential election was not a civic education campaign and there is no mobilization of the people to vote so that many will turn out." ], [ "This is due to the fact that electoral laws were passed by national parliament at a time when President of Republic had decreed dates for presidential elections." ], [ "The presidential election can be said to refer back on the upcoming parliamentary elections." ], [ "Therefore, the deficiencies in electoral law that are an obstacle to people’s will of participation at democratic festival must be corrected so as To ensure citizen involvement during upcoming parliamentary elections." ], [ "Now to improve the electoral law in order for people participate, it is a responsibility of politicians at National Parliament." ], [ "Since the product of a law must benefit people in general, there can be no thought that this legislation benefits my party or his." ], [ "The product of the law cannot serve only political parties' interests but also those for all people." ], [ "The general assessment of the 2017 presidential election shows that electoral law does not facilitate voter participation." ], [ "Therefore, whether you like it or not and agree with the reforms of electoral law in order for parliamentary elections to be held everybody must participate so that they can choose a better political party*." ] ]
Com, Destinasaun Turizmu ne’ebé Amizavel\nImazen area Com\nCom, Destinasaun Turizmu ne’ebé Amizavel Featured\nMATAN sei la baruk atu hateke. Rai-henek mutin ne’ebé ‘nahe’ iha tasi-ibun ho anin fresku husi tasi ne’ebé moos fó impresaun (kesan) hakmatek. Ba sira ne’ebé hakarak atu hases an husi sidade ne’ebé barullu, Com bele sai hanesan alternativu furak ida.\nMolok tama iha area Com, hateke ba liman loos hetan tasi-been matan kiik ida ne’ebé nalihun iha rai maran besik tasi kuaze metru 50. Tasi-been lulik ne’e ho naran ‘Umu Nira’ ne’e haketak ho tasi boot. Umu Nira ne’e nia atitude natureza dinamiku tebes, bee ne’e mosu ho koru oioin, dala-ruma mosu ho koru mean no azul. Bainhira tasi sa’e, bee ne’e nakonu no tasi tuun nia maran.\nIha dalan, anin fresku hahú hasee, iha sorin loos, foho ne’ebé nakonu ho ai horis hanesan hatudu oin-midar hodi simu bainaka sira.\nLaloran tasi husi tasi ne’ebé klaen la hatudu nia siak, hakmatek hodi simu vizitante sira ne’ebé hakat ba ne’eba. Tasi ne’ebé moos halo ema bele hetan rikusoi iha tasi-laran ne’ebé sei virjen no kapas.\nSuku Com pertensia husi Postu Administrativu Lautem, Munisipiu Lautem ne’e ho nia populasaun maizumenus na’in 1.500. Suku Com fahe ba aldeia neen (6); Aldeia Vailovaia, Muapusso, Lohomatu, Iraono, Pitileti no Etepiti.\nAldeia husi suku Com mak daudauk ne’e sai hanesan fatin turizmu famozu iha Munisípiu Lautem. Turizmu kosteiru no mariña mak sai atrasaun prinsipal iha Com.\nCom ho ninia karakteristiku topografia ho foho barak no rai tetuk ne’ebé ladun luan. Populasauan balun halo uma iha foho lolon sai mós paisajen furak ida.\nDeskansa iha Guest House KATI\nCom nudar fatin turizmu ne’ebé koñesidu, la’os de’it iha Timor laran, maibé mós to’o rai li’ur. Turista estranjeiru barak mak haree no sente ona Com ninia furak.\nHanesan destinasaun turizmu ne’ebé famozu, sei la kompletu bainhira la prepara fatin ba turista sira atu hamahan netik an iha tempu kalan.\nLalika laran susar ba fatin, Guest House Kati oferese fatin ne’ebé konfortavel ba turista sira ne’ebé hakarak atu toba.\nAleinde fatin, Guest House KATI oferese mós ai-han tuir padraun ne’ebé as. Fornese atendimentu atentívu ho aihan tasi nian ho kualidade.\nNa’in ba Guest House KATI (uma ba bainaka), Angelo da Silva hatete, nia reseitas dramatikamente tuun loos ona, diferensia ho uluk bainhira funsionariu ONU sei hala’o misaun iha Timor-Leste.\nKomunidade lokál sira iha potensialidade no hakarak atu haboot tan atendimentu bodik ba turizmu no introduz ba turista sira kona-bá turizmu kulturál liu-hosi hatudu serimónia sira no hatudu dalan ba fatin importante sira, liu-liu iha área Mehara nian, fatin ne’ebé suku ne’e tomak subar sira nia aan iha kaverna durante invazaun Indonéziu nian.\nCom mós iha potensialidade atu hatudu artezenatu lokál no iha mos tuur-fatin barak ona inklui ofisina kiik ida lokálizadu iha estrada boot nian ninin. Preokupasaun sira kona-bá; turista sira hetan obriga atu sosa tais, kualidade mínimu balun hosi servisu sira ne’e.\nEsperansa ba Governu Foun\nKondisaun estrada ne’ebé liga Postu Administrativu Lautem ba Com sei sai preokupasaun boot. Tan ne’e Autoridade Lokál no populasaun sira iha Com husu ba Governu ne’ebé sei mai atu tau ona polítika hodi hadi'a estrada no portu iha Suku ne’e.\nAdministradór Postu Admitrativu Lautem, Zeferino Amaral dehan, dala-barak ona nia parte hato’o proposta ba governu maibé seidauk iha resposta pozitivu.\nXefe Aldeia Maupusu Cezartino Amaral mós husu ba governu atu kria dezenvolvimentu ba área turizmu no hadi'a mós Portu Com ne’e ho estrada.\nTuir nia katak, Suku lima ne’ebé oras ne’e daudaun seidauk asesu ba estrada iha Munisípiu Lautem mak hanesan ,Suku Serilau, Maina Dua, Baduru, Lereadu no Suku Com.\nLautem nu’udar sentru turizmu beleza naturál, kultura no istória Timor‐Leste nian hamutuk, maka sei halo turizmu nu’udar setór indústria ida ne'ebé úniku ho nia ambiente matak no furak nakonu ho animál fuik oin-oin.\nTuir nia katak, bainhira governu dezenvolve turizmu iha ne’ebá ho di’ak sei hadia povu nia moris inklui fó impaktu ba ekonomia turizmu TL sei hetan reseita barak liutan.\nPromosaun no dezenvolvimentu turizmu sai nu’udar prioridade nasionál ne’ebé governu tenke hadi'a, tanba define ona iha PEDN 2011-\nParte seluk, tuir nia katak, agora daudauk Portu Kom aat ona, no ba oin bainhira governu tenke hadia ona portu hodi sai portu alternativa ba ekonomia Timor –Leste nia sei hatama osan barak estadu atu labele dependénsia ba osan mina rai nian.\nTuir nia katak, bainhira Portu Com di’ak ró turizmu barak husi Austrália, Indonézia no rai seluk sei vizita barak liu ba Com, tanba tasi ne’ebá ho nia rai henek mutin no furak bele atrai turista internasionál atu vizita ba.\nMore in this category: « Bainhira Loro-matan Seidauk Nakfera Taur Matan Ruak no Xanana-nia Ain-Fatin »\n/Com, Destinasaun Turizmu ne’ebé Amizavel
[ "Com, Destinasaun Turizmu ne'ebe Amizavel Imazen area Com Com, Destinasaun Turizmu ne'ebe Amizavel Featured MATAN sei la baruk atu hateke.", "Rai-henek mutin ne'ebe 'nahe' iha tasi-ibun ho anin fresku husi tasi ne'ebe moos fo impresaun (kesan) hakmatek.", "Ba sira ne'ebe hakarak atu hases an husi sidade ne'ebe barullu, Com bele sai hanesan alternativu furak ida.", "Molok tama iha area Com, hateke ba liman loos hetan tasi-been matan kiik ida ne'ebe nalihun iha rai maran besik tasi kuaze metru 50.", "Tasi-been lulik ne'e ho naran 'Umu Nira' ne'e haketak ho tasi boot.", "Umu Nira ne'e nia atitude natureza dinamiku tebes, bee ne'e mosu ho koru oioin, dala-ruma mosu ho koru mean no azul.", "Bainhira tasi sa'e, bee ne'e nakonu no tasi tuun nia maran.", "Iha dalan, anin fresku hahu hasee, iha sorin loos, foho ne'ebe nakonu ho ai horis hanesan hatudu oin-midar hodi simu bainaka sira.", "Laloran tasi husi tasi ne'ebe klaen la hatudu nia siak, hakmatek hodi simu vizitante sira ne'ebe hakat ba ne'eba.", "Tasi ne'ebe moos halo ema bele hetan rikusoi iha tasi-laran ne'ebe sei virjen no kapas.", "Suku Com pertensia husi Postu Administrativu Lautem, Munisipiu Lautem ne'e ho nia populasaun maizumenus na'in 1.500.", "Suku Com fahe ba aldeia neen (6); Aldeia Vailovaia, Muapusso, Lohomatu, Iraono, Pitileti no Etepiti.", "Aldeia husi suku Com mak daudauk ne'e sai hanesan fatin turizmu famozu iha Munisipiu Lautem.", "Turizmu kosteiru no marina mak sai atrasaun prinsipal iha Com.", "Com ho ninia karakteristiku topografia ho foho barak no rai tetuk ne'ebe ladun luan.", "Populasauan balun halo uma iha foho lolon sai mos paisajen furak ida.", "Deskansa iha Guest House KATI Com nudar fatin turizmu ne'ebe konesidu, la'os de'it iha Timor laran, maibe mos to'o rai li'ur.", "Turista estranjeiru barak mak haree no sente ona Com ninia furak.", "Hanesan destinasaun turizmu ne'ebe famozu, sei la kompletu bainhira la prepara fatin ba turista sira atu hamahan netik an iha tempu kalan.", "Lalika laran susar ba fatin, Guest House Kati oferese fatin ne'ebe konfortavel ba turista sira ne'ebe hakarak atu toba.", "Aleinde fatin, Guest House KATI oferese mos ai-han tuir padraun ne'ebe as.", "Fornese atendimentu atentivu ho aihan tasi nian ho kualidade.", "Na'in ba Guest House KATI (uma ba bainaka), Angelo da Silva hatete, nia reseitas dramatikamente tuun loos ona, diferensia ho uluk bainhira funsionariu ONU sei hala'o misaun iha Timor-Leste.", "Komunidade lokal sira iha potensialidade no hakarak atu haboot tan atendimentu bodik ba turizmu no introduz ba turista sira kona-ba turizmu kultural liu-hosi hatudu serimonia sira no hatudu dalan ba fatin importante sira, liu-liu iha area Mehara nian, fatin ne'ebe suku ne'e tomak subar sira nia aan iha kaverna durante invazaun Indoneziu nian.", "Com mos iha potensialidade atu hatudu artezenatu lokal no iha mos tuur-fatin barak ona inklui ofisina kiik ida lokalizadu iha estrada boot nian ninin.", "Preokupasaun sira kona-ba; turista sira hetan obriga atu sosa tais, kualidade minimu balun hosi servisu sira ne'e.", "Esperansa ba Governu Foun Kondisaun estrada ne'ebe liga Postu Administrativu Lautem ba Com sei sai preokupasaun boot.", "Tan ne'e Autoridade Lokal no populasaun sira iha Com husu ba Governu ne'ebe sei mai atu tau ona politika hodi hadi'a estrada no portu iha Suku ne'e.", "Administrador Postu Admitrativu Lautem, Zeferino Amaral dehan, dala-barak ona nia parte hato'o proposta ba governu maibe seidauk iha resposta pozitivu.", "Xefe Aldeia Maupusu Cezartino Amaral mos husu ba governu atu kria dezenvolvimentu ba area turizmu no hadi'a mos Portu Com ne'e ho estrada.", "Tuir nia katak, Suku lima ne'ebe oras ne'e daudaun seidauk asesu ba estrada iha Munisipiu Lautem mak hanesan ,Suku Serilau, Maina Dua, Baduru, Lereadu no Suku Com.", "Lautem nu'udar sentru turizmu beleza natural, kultura no istoria Timor-Leste nian hamutuk, maka sei halo turizmu nu'udar setor industria ida ne'ebe uniku ho nia ambiente matak no furak nakonu ho animal fuik oin-oin.", "Tuir nia katak, bainhira governu dezenvolve turizmu iha ne'eba ho di'ak sei hadia povu nia moris inklui fo impaktu ba ekonomia turizmu TL sei hetan reseita barak liutan.", "Promosaun no dezenvolvimentu turizmu sai nu'udar prioridade nasional ne'ebe governu tenke hadi'a, tanba define ona iha PEDN 2011- Parte seluk, tuir nia katak, agora daudauk Portu Kom aat ona, no ba oin bainhira governu tenke hadia ona portu hodi sai portu alternativa ba ekonomia Timor -Leste nia sei hatama osan barak estadu atu labele dependensia ba osan mina rai nian.", "Tuir nia katak, bainhira Portu Com di'ak ro turizmu barak husi Australia, Indonezia no rai seluk sei vizita barak liu ba Com, tanba tasi ne'eba ho nia rai henek mutin no furak bele atrai turista internasional atu vizita ba.", "More in this category: \" Bainhira Loro-matan Seidauk Nakfera Taur Matan Ruak no Xanana-nia Ain-Fatin \" /Com, Destinasaun Turizmu ne'ebe Amizavel" ]
[ [ "Com, Friendly Tourism Destination Imagine the area of MATAN will not be back to look." ], [ "The white sand that 'snorkel' in the sea with a fresh breeze from clean water gives an impression of serenity." ], [ "For those who want to escape from the noisy city, Com can be a great alternative." ], [ "Before entering the Com area, on your right hand side you will find a small sea lion that is nestled in dry land nearby almost 50 meters." ], [ "The small river named 'Umu Nira' is crossed by a large sea." ], [ "Umu Nira's attitude is very dynamic in nature, the water comes up with different colors sometimes green and blue." ], [ "When the sea rises, this water fills up and goes down to land." ], [ "Along the way, a fresh breeze began to blow and in front of us were deserts filled with palm trees as if they had been set up for visitors." ], [ "The sea floor of the clear, unobstructed ocean is ready to welcome visitors who come there." ], [ "The clean sea allows people to find riches in the pristine and untouched water." ], [ "Com is a village belonging to the Administrative Post of Lautem, Municipality Lautem with its population approximately 150." ], [ "Suku Com is divided into nine (6) villages; Vailovaia Village, Muapusso Village Lohomatu and Etepiti." ], [ "The village of Com has now become a popular tourist destination in Lautem Municipality." ], [ "Coastal and marina tourism have become the main attraction in Com." ], [ "Com has its characteristic topography with many hills and unproductive grassland." ], [ "Some people build houses in the woods, creating a beautiful landscape." ], [ "Relax at Guest House KATI Com as a connected tourism destination, not only in Timor-Leste but also overseas." ], [ "Many foreign tourists have seen and felt the beauty of Com." ], [ "As a famous tourist destination, it would be incomplete without preparing places for the visitors to eat at night." ], [ "Without being bogged down by space, Guest House Kati offers comfortable accommodation for tourists who want to relax." ], [ "In addition to the accommodation, Guest House KATI also offers high-quality food." ], [ "Provide attentive service with quality seafood." ], [ "The owner of Guest House KATI, Angelo da Silva said that his revenues have dropped dramatically compared to when UN officials were on mission in Timor-Leste." ], [ "The local communities have the potential and desire to further develop their services for tourism, introducing tourists into cultural-tourism through ceremonial displaying of important sites especially in Mehara area where a whole community buried themselves during Indonesian invasion." ], [ "Com also has the potential to showcase local crafts and there are already several office space including a small one located on this main road." ], [ "Concerns about tourists being forced to buy taxes, some minimum quality of these services." ], [ "Hope for New Government The condition of the road linking Administrative Post Lautem to Com will become a major concern." ], [ "Therefore, Local Authorities and residents of Com are asking the upcoming Government to put in place a policy for improving roadway infrastructure." ], [ "Lautem Post Office Administrator, Zeferino Amaral said that he has repeatedly submitted proposals to the government but have not yet received a positive response." ], [ "Maupusu Village Chief Cezartino Amaral also asked the government to create development for tourism area and improve Portu Com with road." ], [ "According to him, the five villages that currently do not have road access in Lautem Municipality are: Serilau Village; Maina Dua Township and Baduru Town." ], [ "Lautem as a centre of tourism natural beauty, culture and history together in Timor-Leste will make the sector an industry that is unique with its fresh environment filled by various wild animals." ], [ "According to him, if the government develops tourism there well it will improve people' s lives including an impact on TL economy of Tourism would get a lot revenue." ], [ "The promotion and development of tourism has become a national priority that the government must improve, because it was defined in PEDN2013. On another hand he said at present Portu Kom is badly damaged; for future when Government should repair port to be an alternative harbour on Timor-Leste's economy will put much money into state so as not depend upon oil revenues from land mining" ], [ "According to him, when the Port of Com is improved many tourists from Australia and Indonesia will visit more than other countries because its beautiful seaside can attract international visitors." ], [ "More in this category: \" When the Rains Don't Hit Taur Matan Ruak and Xanana-nia Home\" /Com, Destinasaun Turizmu ne’ebe Afeto" ] ]
Terça-Feira, III Semana tempo Quaresma (ANO A) – Diocese de Dili\nDiocese de Dili > NOTÍCIAS > LETURA DIÁRIA > Terça-Feira, III Semana tempo Quaresma (ANO A)\nTerça-Feira, III Semana tempo Quaresma (ANO A)\nPosted on: March 16, 2020 by: Departamento Comunicação Diocese Dili\nPrimeira Leitura Dan. 3. 25, 34-43\nLia housi Profecia Daniel nian:\nIha loron hirak nebá, klosan Azaris hamriik iha ahi manas laran, loke ibun, hamulak nune’e: “Na’i, hodi Itaboot naran keta husik ami mesak ba nafatin; keta husik lakon Ita Nia lia moruk; keta halakon Ita laran-luak mai ami, tanba Abraão, Ita belun; tan Isaac, Ita atan; no tan Ita Nia Santo, Israel. Ita hakotu ona lia ba sira katak sei haraik derasaan ida wa’in bé wa’in, hanesan fitun iha lalehan nian no rai henek iha tasi ibun. Na’i, ami uituan de’it ona iha nação sira hotu nia oin. Oras ne’e, ami hotu haraik-an iha mundo rai-klaran tomak tan ami salan.\nIha tempo ne’e, la iha na’i ulun, la iha profeta, la iha mata-dalan, la iha buat oho, sacrifício, buat-karan ka ai wen-morin. La iha fatin ida atu ami hasa’e ba Ita ai-funan rai nian hodi hetan Ita laran-luak. Maibé simu netik ami ba ho klamar terus no neon nakraik, hanesan buat oho nian bibi aman sira, karau sira, bibi oan bokur rihun ba rihun. Nune’e mós ami nia sacrifício loron ohin iha Ita Nia futar oin, nia hamutuk ho Ita atu hamamar Ita futar laran basá sira bé fiar Ita, ema sei la hamoe lerek. Oras ne’e, ami tuir Ita, ami hamutuk Ita, ami buka Ita futar oin ho laran tomak. Keta husik ami moe lerek, maibé hatudu laran mamar mai ami tuir Ita laran-luak boot tebes; Na’i hahí Ita futar naran ba”.\nSalmo Responsorial Sal. 24(25). 4-5ab, 6-7bc, 8-9, (R. 6ª)\nRefrão : Na’i, hanoin ba Ita laran-luak!!! Repete-se\nNa’i hatudu mai ha’u ita dalan;\nHanourin mai ha’u Ita Nia dalan terik.\nDada ha’u tuir Ita Nia lialós\nHodi hanourin ha’u, tan Itaboot\nNa’i, hanoin Ita laran-luak ba,\nHanoin Ita Nia graça be rohan laek.\nNa’i, fó hanoin ha’u tuir Ita laran maus\nTan Ita laran di’ak. Refrão\nNa’i laran di’ak, laran mós,\nHatudu dalan ba maksalak sira.\nLeno dalan ba ema sira bé\nHaraik-an iha justiça;\nHanourin Nia dalan rasik ba sira. Refrão\nRefrão : Glória ba Ita, Na’i, Maromak moris Nia Oan Mane!!! Repete-se\nNa’i dehan, fila imi laran no neon tomak mai Ha’i, tan\nHa’u laran di’ak no laran-luak tebes! Refrão\nEvangelho Mt. 18. 21-35\nIha tempo nebá, Pedro hakbesik ba Jesus, hodi husu: “Ha’u maun eh alin sala dala wa’in hasouru ha’u karik, ha’u sei perdua nia dala hira, to dala hitu?”\nJesus hatan ba nia: “Ha’u la dehan to’o dala hitu, maibé, hitunulu dala hitu. Tan ne’e, Maromak Nia Reino hanesan liurai ida nebé hakarak hatene nia tusan ho atan sira. Wainhira nia hahu sisi tusan, sira lori ema ida nebé iha tusan osan rihun sanulu. Tan nia la halo buat ida atu selu, nia na’in haruka faan tiha nia hamutuk ho nia féen, oan sira ho nia sasan tomak atu hodi bele selu. Atan ne’e hakneak monu ba nia ain hodi dehan: ‘Na’i, haraik loron ruma mai ha’u; ha’u sei selu hotu!” Na’in hanoin atan ne’e fó fali perdua hodi perdua tusan tomak. Molok sai, atan ne’e hetan nia maluk ida nebé iha tusan osan atus ida. Kaer tiha, hahu hatata nia dehan: ‘Selu ó nia tusan’. Maluk ne’e hakneak hodi husu ba nia: ‘Haraik loron ruma mai ha’u, ha’u sei selu hotu!’ Maibé, nia la hatan; lori ba hatama nia iha cadeia hodi sisi to’o selu tusan tomak. Tan buat hirak ne’e, ema ne’e nia maluk seluk laran susar teb-tebes, ba haktuir ba na’i buat hotu nebé sira haré. Na’i ne’e haruka bolu nia, hodi dehan: ‘Atan áat, ha’u perdua ó nia tusan hotu, tan ó husu mai ha’u. Ó mós la bele hanoin ó nia maluk hanesan ha’u hanoin ó?’ Na’i ho laran hirus, saran ba dadur na’in sira to’o nia selu tusan tomak.\nNune’e mós Ha’u Aman iha Lalehan sei halo ba imi, wainhira imi ida-idak la perdua imi nia maun eh alin ho laran tomak.\nPrevious PostSegunda-Feira, III Semana tempo Quaresma (ANO A) Next PostQuarta-Feira, III Semana tempo Quaresma (ANO A)
[ "Terca-Feira, III Semana tempo Quaresma (ANO A) - Diocese de Dili Diocese de Dili > NOTICIAS > LETURA DIARIA > Terca-Feira, III Semana tempo Quaresma (ANO A) Terca-Feira, III Semana tempo Quaresma (ANO A) Posted on: March 16, 2020 by: Departamento Comunicacao Diocese Dili Primeira Leitura Dan.", "3.", "25, 34-43 Lia housi Profecia Daniel nian: Iha loron hirak neba, klosan Azaris hamriik iha ahi manas laran, loke ibun, hamulak nune'e: \"Na'i, hodi Itaboot naran keta husik ami mesak ba nafatin; keta husik lakon Ita Nia lia moruk; keta halakon Ita laran-luak mai ami, tanba Abraao, Ita belun; tan Isaac, Ita atan; no tan Ita Nia Santo, Israel.", "Ita hakotu ona lia ba sira katak sei haraik derasaan ida wa'in be wa'in, hanesan fitun iha lalehan nian no rai henek iha tasi ibun.", "Na'i, ami uituan de'it ona iha nacao sira hotu nia oin.", "Oras ne'e, ami hotu haraik-an iha mundo rai-klaran tomak tan ami salan.", "Iha tempo ne'e, la iha na'i ulun, la iha profeta, la iha mata-dalan, la iha buat oho, sacrificio, buat-karan ka ai wen-morin.", "La iha fatin ida atu ami hasa'e ba Ita ai-funan rai nian hodi hetan Ita laran-luak.", "Maibe simu netik ami ba ho klamar terus no neon nakraik, hanesan buat oho nian bibi aman sira, karau sira, bibi oan bokur rihun ba rihun.", "Nune'e mos ami nia sacrificio loron ohin iha Ita Nia futar oin, nia hamutuk ho Ita atu hamamar Ita futar laran basa sira be fiar Ita, ema sei la hamoe lerek.", "Oras ne'e, ami tuir Ita, ami hamutuk Ita, ami buka Ita futar oin ho laran tomak.", "Keta husik ami moe lerek, maibe hatudu laran mamar mai ami tuir Ita laran-luak boot tebes; Na'i hahi Ita futar naran ba.\"", "Salmo Responsorial Sal.", "24 (25).", "4-5ab, 6-7bc, 8-9, (R. 6a) Refrao: Na'i, hanoin ba Ita laran-luak!!!", "Repete-se Na'i hatudu mai ha'u ita dalan; Hanourin mai ha'u Ita Nia dalan terik.", "Dada ha'u tuir Ita Nia lialos Hodi hanourin ha'u, tan Itaboot Na'i, hanoin Ita laran-luak ba, Hanoin Ita Nia graca be rohan laek.", "Na'i, fo hanoin ha'u tuir Ita laran maus Tan Ita laran di'ak.", "Refrao Na'i laran di'ak, laran mos, Hatudu dalan ba maksalak sira.", "Leno dalan ba ema sira be Haraik-an iha justica; Hanourin Nia dalan rasik ba sira.", "Refrao Refrao: Gloria ba Ita, Na'i, Maromak moris Nia Oan Mane!!!", "Repete-se Na'i dehan, fila imi laran no neon tomak mai Ha'i, tan Ha'u laran di'ak no laran-luak tebes!", "Refrao Evangelho Mt.", "18.", "21-35 Iha tempo neba, Pedro hakbesik ba Jesus, hodi husu: \"Ha'u maun eh alin sala dala wa'in hasouru ha'u karik, ha'u sei perdua nia dala hira, to dala hitu?\"", "Jesus hatan ba nia: \"Ha'u la dehan to'o dala hitu, maibe, hitunulu dala hitu.", "Tan ne'e, Maromak Nia Reino hanesan liurai ida nebe hakarak hatene nia tusan ho atan sira.", "Wainhira nia hahu sisi tusan, sira lori ema ida nebe iha tusan osan rihun sanulu.", "Tan nia la halo buat ida atu selu, nia na'in haruka faan tiha nia hamutuk ho nia feen, oan sira ho nia sasan tomak atu hodi bele selu.", "Atan ne'e hakneak monu ba nia ain hodi dehan: 'Na'i, haraik loron ruma mai ha'u; ha'u sei selu hotu!\"", "Na'in hanoin atan ne'e fo fali perdua hodi perdua tusan tomak.", "Molok sai, atan ne'e hetan nia maluk ida nebe iha tusan osan atus ida.", "Kaer tiha, hahu hatata nia dehan: 'Selu o nia tusan'.", "Maluk ne'e hakneak hodi husu ba nia: 'Haraik loron ruma mai ha'u, ha'u sei selu hotu!'", "Maibe, nia la hatan; lori ba hatama nia iha cadeia hodi sisi to'o selu tusan tomak.", "Tan buat hirak ne'e, ema ne'e nia maluk seluk laran susar teb-tebes, ba haktuir ba na'i buat hotu nebe sira hare.", "Na'i ne'e haruka bolu nia, hodi dehan: 'Atan aat, ha'u perdua o nia tusan hotu, tan o husu mai ha'u.", "O mos la bele hanoin o nia maluk hanesan ha'u hanoin o?'", "Na'i ho laran hirus, saran ba dadur na'in sira to'o nia selu tusan tomak.", "Nune'e mos Ha'u Aman iha Lalehan sei halo ba imi, wainhira imi ida-idak la perdua imi nia maun eh alin ho laran tomak.", "Previous PostSegunda-Feira, III Semana tempo Quaresma (ANO A) Next PostQuarta-Feira, III Semana tempo Quaresma (ANO A)" ]
[ [ "Tuesday, 3rd Week in Lent (YEAR A) - Diocese of Dili Diocese de Díli > NOTÍCIAS> DAILY READINGS: Daily Readings from the Holy Bible for Sunday and Saturday – YOUR LEARNERS’ BOOK DIARY LECTURE OF THE WEEK | Diário da Igreja Católica em Timor-Leste Published on March.16th20" ], [ "3. The application process" ], [ "25:34-10, words from the prophecy of Daniel. In those days Azariah's brother stood in a midst for fire and heat; then opened his lips to pray this way \"O Lord do not abandon us evermore because your name! Don’t make you fail with all these evil things or take away any mercy that we have received on behalf Of Abraham Your neighbor And Isaac Thy servant & Israel thy Holy One.\"" ], [ "We have promised them that we will give a greater reward, as the clouds of heaven and earth in sea depth." ], [ "Lord, we are in the dust before all these nations." ], [ "Now, we are all hurt in the whole world because of our sins." ], [ "In those days there was no ruler, nor a prophet; neither were they guided by any law. There had not been sacrifices or burnt-offerings and incense for the fire of their altar:" ], [ "There is no place for us to go up into Your gardens of the earth in order that we may obtain your mercy." ], [ "But when we got the neck, I went with a cry of pain and mourning like something killing mothers’ cow-mothers' sheep." ], [ "Even so our sacrifice this day before thy face, it is with thee to make tender Thy mouth; for they that trust in Thea shall not be made weak." ], [ "Now we follow thee, and join with thy footsteps. We seek to walk before you of all our heart;" ], [ "Do not let us sleep, but show your mercy to follow you with great compassion; the LORD loves his name.\"" ], [ "Responsorial Psalm Ps." ], [ "24 (19). pp. 30–56, and pgs:" ], [ "4-5ab, (R.6a) Refrain: Remember thy mercies O Lord!!!" ], [ "Again, the LORD showed me our way; He made my path dark." ], [ "I have kept thy word, O LORD; Thou hast led me: for thou rememberest thine mercies. Remember the greatness of Thy lovingkindness!" ], [ "Remember me, O LORD; I have sinned against thee for thy goodness' sake." ], [ "Refrao The Lord's heart is good, and his soul also. He has shown the way to those who are in need of it;" ], [ "He prepareth the way for them that seek after righteousness; he maketh his paths plain unto him." ], [ "Refrao: Glory be to Thee, O Lord! God hath born His Son!!!" ], [ "Return to me your hearts and all the soul, saith Jehovah: for great is my lovingkindness; I am full of compassion." ], [ "Refrao Gospel Mt. Matthew 24:1-30" ], [ "18. Amendment of the Constitution" ], [ "21 Then Peter came to Jesus and said, \"If my brother or sister sins against me how many times shall I forgive him? Even seven?\"" ], [ "Jesus answered him, \"I have not said to you until seven times; but even till threescore and thirty-seven." ], [ "Therefore the kingdom of God is likened unto a certain king, which would have reckoning with his servants." ], [ "And when he began to debt, they brought him one that owed a hundred thousand silver pieces." ], [ "Because he had nothing to pay, his lord sent for him and sold them with their wifes children all that they possessed. And so the debts were paid off.\"" ], [ "The servant fell down at his feet and said, \"Lord! Give me one day more to live; I will pay you all.\"" ], [ "And the lord remembered that servant, and forgave him all his debt." ], [ "On going out, that servant found one of his fellow slaves who owed him a thousand drachmas." ], [ "And he took him, and began to punish the debt-bearer by saying: Seal up thy debts." ], [ "The servant said to him, 'Come with me tomorrow and I will pay you all.'" ], [ "But he did not answer; so they led him away and put them in prison until the debt was paid." ], [ "And his fellows were exceedingly grieved, and told their lord all that they had seen." ], [ "Then the Lord called him, and said unto his servant: I have forgiven you all your debt; because ye prayed me." ], [ "Can't you think of your fellow man as I do?" ], [ "And the lord, being jealous of his debt-bearer's owners and grieving for him until he had paid all that was owed." ], [ "So will my Father in heaven do to you, if every one of your hearts forgives not his brother or sister." ], [ "Previous PostMonday, 3rd Week of Lent (YEAR A) Next postWednesday. III week in the lenten period(year a)." ] ]
Prof. Trudy Peterson: Timor-Leste Tenke Iha Lei Konaba Arkivu – TAFARA.TL\nHome / Sosial & Politika / Prof. Trudy Peterson: Timor-Leste Tenke Iha Lei Konaba Arkivu\nCentro Nasional Chega! realiza seminariu konaba Prezerva Memoria Pasadu no Arkivu Nudar Justisa Istorial. [Foto: Copyright Media CNC | 01.11.2018]\nZevonia Vieira November 1, 2018\tSosial & Politika Leave a comment 172 Views\nIta iha problema boot intermus de arkivu. Arkivu iha problema boot ne’ebe mak Timor infrenta mak hanesan ita laiha inkuadramentu juridiku, ita laiha infrastrutura ne’ebe sufsiente”. Hugo Fernandes\nRelasiona ho loron aniversaru Relatoriu Chega! ba dala 13, Centro Nasional Chega! [CNC] realiza seminariu ho tema Prezerva Memoria Pasadu no Arkivu nudar Justisa Istorikal. Liu hosi seminariu ne’ebe halao iha salaun konferensia CNC, Prof. Trudy Husmkamp Peterson hosi, Estadu Unidos Amerika [USA] ne’ebe iha esperiansa boot liga servisu arkivu nian iha aprezentasaun esplika konaba prinsipiu importante konaba arkivu istoriku maka iha direitu atu hatene konaba personal ka kolektiva, responsabilidade atu relembra hosi estadu, atu hatene lolos katak estadu proteze no rai didiak arkivu sira konaba violasaun direitu umanus no lei sira konaba direitu humanus.\nTuir Prof. Trudy katak arkivu istoriku ne’e importante tebes ba nasaun hotu, liu-liu nasaun sira ne’ebe akontese violasuan dirietu humanus barak, liu-liu ne’ebe halo hosi military sira, tanba arkivu sira ne’e nudar evidensia ne’ebe forte, hodi nune’e bele responde no atinji justisa no lia los.\nProf. Trudy hanesan arkivista profesinal ne’ebe konnesidu ho interese espesial iha jestaun arkivu direitus humanus iha nasaun barak. Turdy ne’ebe halo ona vizita mai Timor-Leste no halibur iha reprezentasaun CAVR iha seminariu internasional ba partisipante sira hateten katak, Timor-Leste presiza iha Lei konaba arkivu, “Lei Arkivu ho objetivu atu preve buat at sira ne’ebe karik governu sira halo, atu labele akontese tan, ezemplu atu sira labele soe sasan ka estraga sasan arkivu”.\nIha tempu hanesan Diretor Exekutivu CNC, Hugo Fernandes ba TAFARA.TL hateten katak bainhira CNC estabele Lei konaba arkivu sai ona preokupasaun boot ida, presiza tau iha prioridade atu bele deskuti no kria Lei refere.\n“Hau rasik koalia ho VI, VII no VIII Governu Konstituisional sempre fo preokupasaun katak ita iha problema boot intermus de arkivu. Arkivu iha problema boot ne’ebe mak Timor infrenta mak hanesan ita laiha inkuadramentu juridiku, ita laiha infrastrutura ne’ebe sufsiente, ita nia sentru arkivu hanesan CNC laos instituisaun ho infrastrutura ne’ebe diak no seguru atu proteje arkivu sira ne’e no ikus liu ita laiha rekursu humanu, ita bele chek Timor oan nain hira mak eskola konaba arkivista”, hateten Hugo Fernandes, 30/10.\nHugo hatutan presiza Lei Arkivu hodi nune’e bele garante no asegura sasan istoriku sira, liu-liu arkivu sira ne’ebe iha relasaun ho violasaun direitus humanus.\nIha fatin hanesan ba TAFARA.TL Diretor Jeral Arkivu Nasional, Horasio do Santos Marques informa katak hosi parte arkivu nasional hatam ona ona esbosu Lei Ministeriu Administrasaun Estatal no Ministeriu haruka ona ba konselhu ministru atu deskuti. Iha Lei mak hanesan prosedimentu arkivu nian, sistema arkivus, Lei uza arkivus. Se laos tinan ida ne’e hodi halo diskusaun iha parlamentu, espera tinan oin bele deskuti ona.\nDokumentasaun istoriku importante tebes ba jerasaun foun sira atu hatene no komprende lalaok hosi funu no saida maka akontese iha tempu pasadu. Joven sira, liu-liu estudante sira iha responsabilidade boot atu hatene istoria ne’ebe lolos.\nIha seminariu refere, Ministra Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu [MEJD], Dulce de Jesus Soares ba TAFARA.TL Ministeriu Edukasaun halao ona servisu balun hamutuk CNC, hodi uza informasaun sira iha relatoriu Chega! no iha pontu de vista ne’ebe hanesan no governu iha mehi ida hodi hakarak atinji, ne’ebe relevante tebes ho CNC nia hakarak.\n“Ami hakarak uza subsidiu escolar ne’ebe oras ne’e tau iha eskola, atu nune’e estudante sira alende aprende teoria kona ba istoria, maibe ami mos hakarak estudante sira mai halo visita regular iha CNC, ba museum, santa cruz, liu-liu estudante sira hosi municipio sira seluk, atu mai vizita hodi bele komprende liutan”, esplika Dulce de Jesus Soares.\nMinistra Dulce informa liutan katak programa seluk ne’ebe Ministeriu Edukasaun hakarak tebes atu kontinua servisu ho Chega mak ema hotu-hotu, hanesan komunidade edukativa iha Ministeriu Edukasaun, laos professor deit, eskola mos bele konvidade komunidade sira atu bele konta istoria konaba pasadu.\nAtu haforsa konaba koperasaun ida ne’e, Direitor CNC ba TAFARA.TL hatan katak CNC halo hela prosesu ba dezenvolve nota de indenmentu MOU ho Ministeriu Edukasuan Juventude no Desportu. Iha nota intendimentu ne’e mak koalia kona ba oinsa CNC ho Ministeriu Edukasaun atu fo tulun ba malu intermus ba buat rua mak hanesan kapasitasaun instituisional no dezenvolve politika inklui oinsa mak dezenvolve kurikulum ba insinu ho material oin-oin. Alende ne’e tenke determina nivel de eskolaridade. * [ Zevonia Vieira | TAFARA.TL | 01.11.2018 ]\nPrevious Hugo: Reparasaun Tenke Inklui Iha Politika Governu nian, Galuh: Atensaun Espesial Ba Vitima Vulneravel Feto Importante\nNext Kontra Visita PR ba Vatikan, Aktu Ida La-Stratejiku
[ "Prof. Trudy Peterson: Timor-Leste Tenke Iha Lei Konaba Arkivu - TAFARA.TL Home / Sosial & Politika / Prof. Trudy Peterson: Timor-Leste Tenke Iha Lei Konaba Arkivu Centro Nasional Chega! realiza seminariu konaba Prezerva Memoria Pasadu no Arkivu Nudar Justisa Istorial.", "[Foto: Copyright Media CNC | 01.11.2018] Zevonia Vieira November 1, 2018 Sosial & Politika Leave a comment 172 Views Ita iha problema boot intermus de arkivu.", "Arkivu iha problema boot ne'ebe mak Timor infrenta mak hanesan ita laiha inkuadramentu juridiku, ita laiha infrastrutura ne'ebe sufsiente.\"", "Hugo Fernandes Relasiona ho loron aniversaru Relatoriu Chega! ba dala 13, Centro Nasional Chega!", "[CNC] realiza seminariu ho tema Prezerva Memoria Pasadu no Arkivu nudar Justisa Istorikal.", "Liu hosi seminariu ne'ebe halao iha salaun konferensia CNC, Prof. Trudy Husmkamp Peterson hosi, Estadu Unidos Amerika [USA] ne'ebe iha esperiansa boot liga servisu arkivu nian iha aprezentasaun esplika konaba prinsipiu importante konaba arkivu istoriku maka iha direitu atu hatene konaba personal ka kolektiva, responsabilidade atu relembra hosi estadu, atu hatene lolos katak estadu proteze no rai didiak arkivu sira konaba violasaun direitu umanus no lei sira konaba direitu humanus.", "Tuir Prof. Trudy katak arkivu istoriku ne'e importante tebes ba nasaun hotu, liu-liu nasaun sira ne'ebe akontese violasuan dirietu humanus barak, liu-liu ne'ebe halo hosi military sira, tanba arkivu sira ne'e nudar evidensia ne'ebe forte, hodi nune'e bele responde no atinji justisa no lia los.", "Prof. Trudy hanesan arkivista profesinal ne'ebe konnesidu ho interese espesial iha jestaun arkivu direitus humanus iha nasaun barak.", "Turdy ne'ebe halo ona vizita mai Timor-Leste no halibur iha reprezentasaun CAVR iha seminariu internasional ba partisipante sira hateten katak, Timor-Leste presiza iha Lei konaba arkivu, \"Lei Arkivu ho objetivu atu preve buat at sira ne'ebe karik governu sira halo, atu labele akontese tan, ezemplu atu sira labele soe sasan ka estraga sasan arkivu.\"", "Iha tempu hanesan Diretor Exekutivu CNC, Hugo Fernandes ba TAFARA.TL hateten katak bainhira CNC estabele Lei konaba arkivu sai ona preokupasaun boot ida, presiza tau iha prioridade atu bele deskuti no kria Lei refere.", "\"Hau rasik koalia ho VI, VII no VIII Governu Konstituisional sempre fo preokupasaun katak ita iha problema boot intermus de arkivu.", "Arkivu iha problema boot ne'ebe mak Timor infrenta mak hanesan ita laiha inkuadramentu juridiku, ita laiha infrastrutura ne'ebe sufsiente, ita nia sentru arkivu hanesan CNC laos instituisaun ho infrastrutura ne'ebe diak no seguru atu proteje arkivu sira ne'e no ikus liu ita laiha rekursu humanu, ita bele chek Timor oan nain hira mak eskola konaba arkivista,\" hateten Hugo Fernandes, 30/10.", "Hugo hatutan presiza Lei Arkivu hodi nune'e bele garante no asegura sasan istoriku sira, liu-liu arkivu sira ne'ebe iha relasaun ho violasaun direitus humanus.", "Iha fatin hanesan ba TAFARA.TL Diretor Jeral Arkivu Nasional, Horasio do Santos Marques informa katak hosi parte arkivu nasional hatam ona ona esbosu Lei Ministeriu Administrasaun Estatal no Ministeriu haruka ona ba konselhu ministru atu deskuti.", "Iha Lei mak hanesan prosedimentu arkivu nian, sistema arkivus, Lei uza arkivus.", "Se laos tinan ida ne'e hodi halo diskusaun iha parlamentu, espera tinan oin bele deskuti ona.", "Dokumentasaun istoriku importante tebes ba jerasaun foun sira atu hatene no komprende lalaok hosi funu no saida maka akontese iha tempu pasadu.", "Joven sira, liu-liu estudante sira iha responsabilidade boot atu hatene istoria ne'ebe lolos.", "Iha seminariu refere, Ministra Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu [MEJD], Dulce de Jesus Soares ba TAFARA.TL Ministeriu Edukasaun halao ona servisu balun hamutuk CNC, hodi uza informasaun sira iha relatoriu Chega! no iha pontu de vista ne'ebe hanesan no governu iha mehi ida hodi hakarak atinji, ne'ebe relevante tebes ho CNC nia hakarak.", "\"Ami hakarak uza subsidiu escolar ne'ebe oras ne'e tau iha eskola, atu nune'e estudante sira alende aprende teoria kona ba istoria, maibe ami mos hakarak estudante sira mai halo visita regular iha CNC, ba museum, santa cruz, liu-liu estudante sira hosi municipio sira seluk, atu mai vizita hodi bele komprende liutan,\" esplika Dulce de Jesus Soares.", "Ministra Dulce informa liutan katak programa seluk ne'ebe Ministeriu Edukasaun hakarak tebes atu kontinua servisu ho Chega mak ema hotu-hotu, hanesan komunidade edukativa iha Ministeriu Edukasaun, laos professor deit, eskola mos bele konvidade komunidade sira atu bele konta istoria konaba pasadu.", "Atu haforsa konaba koperasaun ida ne'e, Direitor CNC ba TAFARA.TL hatan katak CNC halo hela prosesu ba dezenvolve nota de indenmentu MOU ho Ministeriu Edukasuan Juventude no Desportu.", "Iha nota intendimentu ne'e mak koalia kona ba oinsa CNC ho Ministeriu Edukasaun atu fo tulun ba malu intermus ba buat rua mak hanesan kapasitasaun instituisional no dezenvolve politika inklui oinsa mak dezenvolve kurikulum ba insinu ho material oin-oin.", "Alende ne'e tenke determina nivel de eskolaridade. * [ Zevonia Vieira | TAFARA.TL | 01.11.2018 ] Previous Hugo: Reparasaun Tenke Inklui Iha Politika Governu nian, Galuh: Atensaun Espesial Ba Vitima Vulneravel Feto Importante Next Kontra Visita PR ba Vatikan, Aktu Ida La-Stratejiku" ]
[ [ "Prof. Trudy Peterson: Timor-Leste Tenke Iha Lei Konaba Arkivu Centro Nasional Chega! realiza seminariu konaba Preserva Memoria Pasadu no Arquivo Nudar Justisa Historial, TAFARA Home / Sosiedade & Politika/ProfessorTrudyePeterson holds seminar on preserving past memory and the archival system as a tool for historical justice" ], [ "[Photo: Copyright Media CNC | 01.25,98] Zevonia Vieira November (3) Social & Politics Leave a comment No Comments We have big problems with the inter-archives system" ], [ "The archives have a big problem that Timor faced as we do not possess the legal framework, and there is no sufficient infrastructure.\"" ], [ "Hugo Fernandes on the 13th anniversary of Chega! Report, National Centre for Stop It." ], [ "[CNC] holds seminar on the theme Preserve Past Memory and Archives as Historical Justice." ], [ "Through a seminar held in the CNC conference hall, Prof. Trudy Husmkamp Peterson from USA who has extensive experience with archival work explained important principles of historical archive: The right to know about personal or collective events; responsibility for reminding by state and knowledge that State protecting & keeping records on human rights violations as well law regardings these issues is essential" ], [ "According to Prof. Trudy, the historical archives are very important for all countries and especially those where there have been many human rights violations particularly committed by military personnel because they provide strong evidence so that justice can be achieved in such cases.\"" ], [ "Prof. Trudy is a professional archivist with special interests in the management of human rights records across many countries, and he has been involved as an expert consultant for numerous international organization' s on this subject since his early years at Harvard University (USA)." ], [ "Turdy, who has visited Timor-Leste and met with CAVR representatives at an international seminar for participants said that the country needs a law on archives. \"The purpose of this is to prevent things like what government does from happening again - such as stealing or damaging archival items.\"" ], [ "As CNC Executive Director, Hugo Fernandes told TAFARA.TL that since the establishment of a law on archives has become an important concern for NCNC it must be given priority to discuss and create such legislation as well;" ], [ "\"I myself have spoken with the VI, VII and VIII Constitutional Governments always expressing concern that we had a big problem of archive." ], [ "The archives have a big problem that Timor faced, such as we do not possess the legal framework and sufficient infrastructure. Our archival centres like CNC are no institution with adequate or safe infrastructural to protect these files; lastly there is lack of human resources in this field: how many people from our country trained for being an Archivist?" ], [ "Hugo said that the Archives Act is needed in order to guarantee and secure historical objects, especially those related with human rights violations." ], [ "Meanwhile, Director General of the National Archives Horacio do Santos Marques informed TAFARA.TL that from national archive side a draft law has been prepared by Ministry for State Administration and this ministry sent it to Council on Ministerial Affairs (CMAE) so as discussed about its implementation" ], [ "There are laws on archive procedure, archival system and the use of records." ], [ "If this year is not the time to discuss it in parliament, hopefully next years will be." ], [ "Historical documentation is very important for the younger generations to know and understand how war was conducted, what happened in past times." ], [ "Young people, especially students have a great responsibility to know the true history." ], [ "In the seminar, Minister of Education Youth and Sports [MEJD], Dulce de Jesus Soares told TAFARA.TL that Ministry has carried out some work with CNC to use information in Chega! reports as a point-of view which is similar for government goal achievement; this was very relevant on NC'S wishes 10" ], [ "\"We want to use the school grants that are currently in place at schools, so students not only learn theory about history but we also wish for regular visiting of CNC and museum Santa Cruz. Students from other municipalities should come on a frequent basis as they can understand more\", explained Dulce de Jesus Soares.\"" ], [ "Minister Dulce also informed that another program the Ministry of Education is very keen to continue working with Chega, it's all people as an educational community at MDE. Not only teachers but schools can invite communities and tell stories about their past too.\"" ], [ "In order to strengthen this cooperation, CNC Director told TAFARA.TL that the NCNC is in process of developing an MOU with Ministry Education Youth and Sports (MEJS)." ], [ "The memorandum of understanding discusses how the CNC and Ministry for Education will assist each other in two areas: institutional capacity building, policy development including developing curricula to teach different materials." ], [ "* [ Zevonia Vieira | TAFARA.TL ] Previous Hugo: Reparations Must Be Included In Government's Policy, Galuh Assesses Special Attention To Vulnerable Victim Next Against PR Visit to Vatican City State - An Un-Strategic Act" ] ]
Prezidénsia Repúblika nia Orsamentu ba 2020 hamutuk Milaun $6.44 | ::Diariu Timor Post Online::\nTimor Post (23/09/2029)—Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) tinan 2020 hosi Prezidénsia Repúblika ho montante $ 6.44 millaun, ne’ebé kategoria ba saláriu vensimentu, bens serbisu no transferénsia publika.\n“Orsamentu Prezidente nian 6.44 millaun, kompostu hosi saláriu vensimentu, bens serbisu ho transferénsia publika. Nee mak ami hato’o ona, agora hein sira para atu halo diskusaun no halo pareser, depois sira lori ba plenária para haree”, informa Xefe Kaza Sivíl Prezidénsia Repúblika, Francisco Maria Vasconcelos, ba jornalista sira iha Parlamentu Nasionál, hafoin remata audiénsia ho komisaun A, kuarta (23/09).\nFrancisco dehan, total OJE 6.44 millaun nee, sura hosi Dotasaun Orsamentál Temporária (DOT) fulan Janeiru mai to Setembru nee, ezekuta ona kuaze 5.46%.\n“Hahú hosi Janeiru mai to agora ami ezekuta ona 5.46%. Ami halo ona ami nia planu ezekusaun, to fin do ano, ami bele atinje nafatin hanesan uluk, ami ezekuta to 93%”, afirma Francisco.\nFrancisco relata, Prezidente iha ninia programa prinsipál, hanesan hametin identidade nasionál, direitus umanus, mantein relasaun internasionál, inklui apoiu governu haree dezenvolvimentu sustentável.\n“Prezidente ninia programa prinsipál mak hanesan, hametin identidade nasionál, direitus umanus, mantein relasaun internasionál no ikus liu mak oinsá atu halo serbisu fó apoiu opiniaun ba governu para atu haree dezenvolvimentu sustentável”. Hatete Francisco.\nEntretantu, iha loron kuarta (23/09), komisaun sira ne’ebé mak tutela ba Ministériu relevante sira iha Parlamentu Nasionál, komesa hahú ona halo audiénsia ho Ministériu sira, relasiona ho Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) 202o nian, molok lori ba iha plenária hodi debate no aprova.(Jornalista: Julio Salinas Soares)\nTimor Post (13/08/2020)—Prezidente Parlamentu ...
[ "Prezidensia Republika nia Orsamentu ba 2020 hamutuk Milaun $6.44 |::Diariu Timor Post Online:: Timor Post (23/09/2029) - Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) tinan 2020 hosi Prezidensia Republika ho montante $ 6.44 millaun, ne'ebe kategoria ba salariu vensimentu, bens serbisu no transferensia publika.", "\"Orsamentu Prezidente nian 6.44 millaun, kompostu hosi salariu vensimentu, bens serbisu ho transferensia publika.", "Nee mak ami hato'o ona, agora hein sira para atu halo diskusaun no halo pareser, depois sira lori ba plenaria para haree,\" informa Xefe Kaza Sivil Prezidensia Republika, Francisco Maria Vasconcelos, ba jornalista sira iha Parlamentu Nasional, hafoin remata audiensia ho komisaun A, kuarta (23/09).", "Francisco dehan, total OJE 6.44 millaun nee, sura hosi Dotasaun Orsamental Temporaria (DOT) fulan Janeiru mai to Setembru nee, ezekuta ona kuaze 5.46%.", "\"Hahu hosi Janeiru mai to agora ami ezekuta ona 5.46%.", "Ami halo ona ami nia planu ezekusaun, to fin do ano, ami bele atinje nafatin hanesan uluk, ami ezekuta to 93%,\" afirma Francisco.", "Francisco relata, Prezidente iha ninia programa prinsipal, hanesan hametin identidade nasional, direitus umanus, mantein relasaun internasional, inklui apoiu governu haree dezenvolvimentu sustentavel.", "\"Prezidente ninia programa prinsipal mak hanesan, hametin identidade nasional, direitus umanus, mantein relasaun internasional no ikus liu mak oinsa atu halo serbisu fo apoiu opiniaun ba governu para atu haree dezenvolvimentu sustentavel.\"", "Hatete Francisco.", "Entretantu, iha loron kuarta (23/09), komisaun sira ne'ebe mak tutela ba Ministeriu relevante sira iha Parlamentu Nasional, komesa hahu ona halo audiensia ho Ministeriu sira, relasiona ho Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 202o nian, molok lori ba iha plenaria hodi debate no aprova.", "(Jornalista: Julio Salinas Soares) Timor Post (13/08/2020) - Prezidente Parlamentu ..." ]
[ [ "Presidência da República's Budget for 2019 is $6.45 Billion |:;Diariu Timor Post Online, Dili (3/8) - The Presidency of the Republic has approved a budget involving salaries and wages as well As public transfer funds amounting to US$7 billion from its General State Fund ($GSF)." ], [ "\"The presidential budget of $6.45 billion, comprised by salaries and wages; goods & services with public transferred funds.\"" ], [ "That's what we have submitted, now they are waiting for them to discuss and give their opinion. Then it will be taken up in plenary session\", President of the Presidency Civil Affairs Chief Francisco Maria Vasconcelos told journalist at Parliament after a hearing with Committee A on Thursday (23/09)." ], [ "Francisco said that the total budget of 6.45 million, over Temporary Budgetary Allotment (DOT) from January to September has been implemented by nearly a quarter percent or about $120m in expenditure and almost £378million spents on public services for this year’s fiscal period with an implementation rate at just under one-third per cent – which is very low - but still high enough as it will be used up within three years!" ], [ "\"From January to now we have executed 5.46%." ], [ "We have already made our implementation plan, by the end of this year we can achieve as before; 93% has been implemented,” said Francis." ], [ "Francisco reported that the President’s main programs are to strengthen national identity, human rights and international relations as well aid government in seeking sustainable development." ], [ "\"The President's main programme is to strengthen national identity, human rights and international relations. And finally how we can work together in support of the government for sustainable development.\"" ], [ "Hated Francisco. Had no respect for him at all" ], [ "Meanwhile, on Tuesday (23/09), the commissions that oversee relevant Ministries in National Parliament have begun to hold hearings with Ministerial officials regarding State General Budget 184o before taking it into plenary for debate and approval." ], [ "(Jornalista: Julio Salinas Soares) Timor Post 13/08 /25 - President of Parliament ..." ] ]
Bebé ida mate tan, númeru óbitu sa’e ba 80 - GMN TV\nGMN TV Saude e Educação Bebé ida mate tan, númeru óbitu sa’e ba 80\nBebé ida mate tan, númeru óbitu sa’e ba 80\nSala Situasaun Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (SIJK), rejista tan kazu foun óbitu COVID-19 rua, kompostu bebé (mane) idade fulan 10 no mane ida tan, tinan 58.\nDadus ne’ebé relata husi SIJK ba loron 5, fulan Agostu ne’e hatudu, bebé idade fulan 10 ne’e, inan-aman hela iha Baucau, iha loron 2, fulan Setembru ne’e, diagnónstiku iha Sentru Saúde Riamare, Baucau, identifika Sindroma Insufisiénsia Respiratóriu Aguda (SIRA), “tanba COVID-19. Matebian sofre mós desnutrisaun severa ho ensefalite” informa Koordenadór Jerál Forsa Tarefa no Mitigasaun Surtu COVID-19, Rui Maria de Araújo, iha komunikadu ne’ebé GMN asesa, iha pájina ofisiál Ministériu Saúde, Palacio das Cinzas Segunda (05/09).\nRejista mós mane ida idade (58), nu’udar sidadaun estranjeiru, hela iha Aileu, vasina kompletu. Iha loron 27, fulan Agostu, 2021, diagnostikadu iha HNGV ho Sindroma Insufisiénsia Respiratóriu Aguda (SIRA), tanba COVID-19.\n“Família kordena ona ho ekipa saúde, atu hala’o funeral tuir prokolu ne’ebé adopta iha Timor-Leste” haktuir iha komunikadu ne’e.\nIha loron 4, fulan ne’e, rejista mós bebé ida ho idade loron 12, inan husi Postu Administrativu Remexio, Aileu, iha loron 23, iha fulan Agostu liu-ba, moris husi inan ne’ebé seidauk vasina, diagóstiku ho COVID-19.\n“Matebian sofre mós sífilis congenital, hafoin moris hetan pneumonia tanba COVID-19” tenik.\nHo kazu óbitu foun ne’e mak, SIJK rejista ona kazu óbitu COVID-19 hamutuk 80.\nDadus ne’ebé relata ba loron 5, fulan ne’e, rejista tan kazu foun pozitivu COVID-19 150, kazu rekuperadu 225, kazu ativu 4.184 no kazu komulativu COVID-19 hamutuk 17.618.GMN
[ "Bebe ida mate tan, numeru obitu sa'e ba 80 - GMN TV GMN TV Saude e Educacao Bebe ida mate tan, numeru obitu sa'e ba 80 Bebe ida mate tan, numeru obitu sa'e ba 80 Sala Situasaun Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (SIJK), rejista tan kazu foun obitu COVID-19 rua, kompostu bebe (mane) idade fulan 10 no mane ida tan, tinan 58.", "Dadus ne'ebe relata husi SIJK ba loron 5, fulan Agostu ne'e hatudu, bebe idade fulan 10 ne'e, inan-aman hela iha Baucau, iha loron 2, fulan Setembru ne'e, diagnonstiku iha Sentru Saude Riamare, Baucau, identifika Sindroma Insufisiensia Respiratoriu Aguda (SIRA), \"tanba COVID-19.", "Matebian sofre mos desnutrisaun severa ho ensefalite\" informa Koordenador Jeral Forsa Tarefa no Mitigasaun Surtu COVID-19, Rui Maria de Araujo, iha komunikadu ne'ebe GMN asesa, iha pajina ofisial Ministeriu Saude, Palacio das Cinzas Segunda (05/09).", "Rejista mos mane ida idade (58), nu'udar sidadaun estranjeiru, hela iha Aileu, vasina kompletu.", "Iha loron 27, fulan Agostu, 2021, diagnostikadu iha HNGV ho Sindroma Insufisiensia Respiratoriu Aguda (SIRA), tanba COVID-19.", "\"Familia kordena ona ho ekipa saude, atu hala'o funeral tuir prokolu ne'ebe adopta iha Timor-Leste\" haktuir iha komunikadu ne'e.", "Iha loron 4, fulan ne'e, rejista mos bebe ida ho idade loron 12, inan husi Postu Administrativu Remexio, Aileu, iha loron 23, iha fulan Agostu liu-ba, moris husi inan ne'ebe seidauk vasina, diagostiku ho COVID-19.", "\"Matebian sofre mos sifilis congenital, hafoin moris hetan pneumonia tanba COVID-19\" tenik.", "Ho kazu obitu foun ne'e mak, SIJK rejista ona kazu obitu COVID-19 hamutuk 80.", "Dadus ne'ebe relata ba loron 5, fulan ne'e, rejista tan kazu foun pozitivu COVID-19 150, kazu rekuperadu 225, kazu ativu 4.184 no kazu komulativu COVID-19 hamutuk 17.618.GMN" ]
[ [ "A new baby dies, death toll rises to 80 - GMN TV Health and Education One more child died in the Netherlands aged one month old as COVID-19 spreads The Situation Room of Integrated Crisis Management Centre (SIJK) has registered two additional deaths from coronavirus." ], [ "Data reported by SIJK on August 5 showed that the baby, aged ten months and whose parents live in Baucau was diagnosed with Acute Respiratory Insufficiency Syndrome (ARIS) due to COVID-19 at Riamare Health Center." ], [ "The deceased also suffers from severe malnutrition with encephalitis,\" report General Coordinator Task Force and Mitigation of COVID-19 Outbreak Rui Maria De Araujo in a press release that GMN accesses on the official page Ministry Of Health." ], [ "Another registered case is a 58-year old male, foreign national living in Aileu. He has been fully vaccinated and he was also on the list of contact persons with COVID19 at that time (see below)." ], [ "On 27 August, he was diagnosed at the Hospital National de Grenoble with Acute Respiratory Failure Syndrome (ARI), due to COVID-19." ], [ "\"The family has coordinated with the health team, to conduct a funeral in accordance With protocols adopted by Timor-Leste\" said." ], [ "On the 4th of this month, they also registered a baby with age from day one to twelve. The mother was born in Posto Administrativa Remexios (Aileu), on August's last night and had not been vaccinated before being diagnosed as COVID-19 positive for her child who died at home after two days or less later because he has no symptom" ], [ "\"The deceased also suffered from congenital syphilis, and after his death he developed pneumonia due to COVID-19.\"" ], [ "With this new death, SIJK has registered a total of 80 COVID-19 deaths." ], [ "Data reported on 5th of this month, registered new positive COVID-19 cases in the country: there were a total amounts to be cumulative case count is now upto $20.6 million and has been increased by more than two times since it was first announced last year (GMN)." ] ]
Hadia Kualidade no Hasa’e Produsaun Café, Bele Hasa’e Rendimentu Ekonomia Agricultor\n“Ita labele depende osan mina rai, maibe ita esforsu an hamutuk ho produtor café hodi hasae kualidade no kuantidade café, hodi bele ajuda estadu hasa’e reseita, hodi ajuda povu Timor”.\nZevonia Vieira, Roger\nHare na'in: 652\nDili-Ministeriu Agricultura e Pescas, realiza konferensia internasional café 2016. Konferensia internasional ne’e realiza, baseia ba planu annual tinan 2016, hosi Ministeriu Agricultura e Pescas no bazea mos ba despacho Ministru Agricultura e Pesacas no Ministru Koordenador ba Asuntu Ekonomiku, Estanislau Aleixo da Silva, no.731/GM-MAP/IX/2016.\nTema ba konferensia tinan ida ne’e mak, “Importansia de café Dezenvolvimentu da Ekonomia Sustentavel”.\nIha loron abertura, Ministru Estanislau da Silva, halo nian intervensaun ba partisipantes tomak hateten katak, café Timor importante tebes ba rai ida ne’e, presija toma atensaun atu nune’e bele hasae kualidade no kuantidade, hodi nune’e bele compete iha merkadu internasional.\n“Mai ita promove café Timor ho nian sabour ne’ebe diak no kualidade diak. Ita hatene katak café ho nian produtu ne’ebe diak, bele hasa’e numeru exportasaun ne’ebe boot, no ida ne’e atu ajuda hodi labele depende ba fundu petroliferu”. Tenik Estanislau Da Silva.\nMinistru Estanislau hatutan liutan katak, alende halo produsaun café, iha pnatasaun industrias nian area, mos nudar produtor ba kami, baunila, kravinhu, nú no kakao. Ministru Estanislau hateten katak, mayoria familia iha teritoriu tomak, moris hanesan agricultor, ho nune’e produsaun café bele ajuda familia hirak ne’e.\n“Ita nia café ne’e organiku ho presu ne’ebe diak iha merkadu internasional, maibe nian kuantidade mak la boot. Iha pontensialidade aumenta kualidade no produsaaun. Ita nian café oras ne’e dadauk produsuan tun maka’as, tanba ita nian café mos tuan barak, entaun presija halo rehabilitasaun café. presija halo rehabilitasaun, tenke poda atu nune’e bele hasae produsaun no kuantidade café iha future. MECAE no MAP servisu hamutuk hodi hadia no aprezenta kona ba produsaun café iha area hasa’e produsaun no ekonomia, atu nune’e bele hasae rendimentu ne’ebe diak liu ba familia”. Esplika Estanislau da Silva\nLiu hosi Ministru Estanislau da Silva nian intervensaun, husu ba partisipantes tomak ne’ebe partisia iha konferensia ida ne’e atu hatudu sira nian vontade hodi servisu, laos depende deit ba governu. Tenke iha komitmentu hosi produtor sira, governu agora iha politika nasional ba iha sector agricultura nian, maibe presija kolaborasaun ho produtor café sira, hodi bele halo servisu ida nee’e.\nPrezidente Komisaun Organizador CIC, Marcus dos Santos Soares, esplika ba iha konferensia CIC katak, objetivu hosi konferensia ida ne’e, atu fahe informasaun no obtem esperiensia hosi agensia nasioanl, internasional no nasaun mais dezenvolvidu seluk iha area industrializasaun café. Ho nune’e bele dezenvolve politika ida hodi hakbiit café kultores no reforsa industria café ne’ebe kompetetivu sustentavel, hodi hametin seitor privadu nina involvimentu ne’ebe sai hanesan kliente no fornesedor mekradu ba cafekultores.\nMarcus dos Santos Soares, reforsa tan katak realizasaun CIC 2016, hakarak hatudu rezultadu ne’ebe governu Timor-Leste, liu hosi MAP hakarak atinji maka entidades hotu ne’ebe hala’o atividades café cula nian, peritus,, akademiku, cafecultores, emprezarius, ONGs no agensia no governu Timor-Leste iha politika no komitementu ne’’ebe hanesan atu dezenvolve seitor café nudar baze importante ba dezenvolvimentu ekonomia sustentavel iha Timor-Leste.\nOrsamentu ne’ebe utiliza CIC, mai hosi orsamentu jeral do estadu MAP ho montante US$ 125.000.00 Partisipantes ne’ebe mak partisipa iha CIC hamutuk 350, inklui nain 90 agricultor ne’eba mai hosi municipio Ermera, Liquisa, Ainaro, Manufahi, Aileu no Manatuto. Iha konferensia ida ne’e, orador hosi Indonesia hodi halo aprezentasaun kona ba situasaun produsaun café iha Indonesia.\nConferensia internasional sei hala’o hosi loron 1-2 Dezembru 2016, iha Centro Convensaun Dili.
[ "Hadia Kualidade no Hasa'e Produsaun Cafe, Bele Hasa'e Rendimentu Ekonomia Agricultor \"Ita labele depende osan mina rai, maibe ita esforsu an hamutuk ho produtor cafe hodi hasae kualidade no kuantidade cafe, hodi bele ajuda estadu hasa'e reseita, hodi ajuda povu Timor.\"", "Zevonia Vieira, Roger Hare na'in: 652 Dili-Ministeriu Agricultura e Pescas, realiza konferensia internasional cafe 2016.", "Konferensia internasional ne'e realiza, baseia ba planu annual tinan 2016, hosi Ministeriu Agricultura e Pescas no bazea mos ba despacho Ministru Agricultura e Pesacas no Ministru Koordenador ba Asuntu Ekonomiku, Estanislau Aleixo da Silva, no.731/GM-MAP/IX/2016.", "Tema ba konferensia tinan ida ne'e mak, \"Importansia de cafe Dezenvolvimentu da Ekonomia Sustentavel.\"", "Iha loron abertura, Ministru Estanislau da Silva, halo nian intervensaun ba partisipantes tomak hateten katak, cafe Timor importante tebes ba rai ida ne'e, presija toma atensaun atu nune'e bele hasae kualidade no kuantidade, hodi nune'e bele compete iha merkadu internasional.", "\"Mai ita promove cafe Timor ho nian sabour ne'ebe diak no kualidade diak.", "Ita hatene katak cafe ho nian produtu ne'ebe diak, bele hasa'e numeru exportasaun ne'ebe boot, no ida ne'e atu ajuda hodi labele depende ba fundu petroliferu.\"", "Tenik Estanislau Da Silva.", "Ministru Estanislau hatutan liutan katak, alende halo produsaun cafe, iha pnatasaun industrias nian area, mos nudar produtor ba kami, baunila, kravinhu, nu no kakao.", "Ministru Estanislau hateten katak, mayoria familia iha teritoriu tomak, moris hanesan agricultor, ho nune'e produsaun cafe bele ajuda familia hirak ne'e.", "\"Ita nia cafe ne'e organiku ho presu ne'ebe diak iha merkadu internasional, maibe nian kuantidade mak la boot.", "Iha pontensialidade aumenta kualidade no produsaaun.", "Ita nian cafe oras ne'e dadauk produsuan tun maka'as, tanba ita nian cafe mos tuan barak, entaun presija halo rehabilitasaun cafe. presija halo rehabilitasaun, tenke poda atu nune'e bele hasae produsaun no kuantidade cafe iha future.", "MECAE no MAP servisu hamutuk hodi hadia no aprezenta kona ba produsaun cafe iha area hasa'e produsaun no ekonomia, atu nune'e bele hasae rendimentu ne'ebe diak liu ba familia.\"", "Esplika Estanislau da Silva Liu hosi Ministru Estanislau da Silva nian intervensaun, husu ba partisipantes tomak ne'ebe partisia iha konferensia ida ne'e atu hatudu sira nian vontade hodi servisu, laos depende deit ba governu.", "Tenke iha komitmentu hosi produtor sira, governu agora iha politika nasional ba iha sector agricultura nian, maibe presija kolaborasaun ho produtor cafe sira, hodi bele halo servisu ida nee'e.", "Prezidente Komisaun Organizador CIC, Marcus dos Santos Soares, esplika ba iha konferensia CIC katak, objetivu hosi konferensia ida ne'e, atu fahe informasaun no obtem esperiensia hosi agensia nasioanl, internasional no nasaun mais dezenvolvidu seluk iha area industrializasaun cafe.", "Ho nune'e bele dezenvolve politika ida hodi hakbiit cafe kultores no reforsa industria cafe ne'ebe kompetetivu sustentavel, hodi hametin seitor privadu nina involvimentu ne'ebe sai hanesan kliente no fornesedor mekradu ba cafekultores.", "Marcus dos Santos Soares, reforsa tan katak realizasaun CIC 2016, hakarak hatudu rezultadu ne'ebe governu Timor-Leste, liu hosi MAP hakarak atinji maka entidades hotu ne'ebe hala'o atividades cafe cula nian, peritus,, akademiku, cafecultores, emprezarius, ONGs no agensia no governu Timor-Leste iha politika no komitementu ne \" ebe hanesan atu dezenvolve seitor cafe nudar baze importante ba dezenvolvimentu ekonomia sustentavel iha Timor-Leste.", "Orsamentu ne'ebe utiliza CIC, mai hosi orsamentu jeral do estadu MAP ho montante US$ 125.000.00 Partisipantes ne'ebe mak partisipa iha CIC hamutuk 350, inklui nain 90 agricultor ne'eba mai hosi municipio Ermera, Liquisa, Ainaro, Manufahi, Aileu no Manatuto.", "Iha konferensia ida ne'e, orador hosi Indonesia hodi halo aprezentasaun kona ba situasaun produsaun cafe iha Indonesia.", "Conferensia internasional sei hala'o hosi loron 1-2 Dezembru 2016, iha Centro Convensaun Dili." ]
[ [ "\"We can't depend on oil money, but we are working together with coffee producers to improve the quality and quantity of cafe so that it will help increase revenue for Timorese people.\" He added: “There is a need not only in our country." ], [ "Zevonia Vieira, Roger Hare na'in: 652 Dili-Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAPF) held the international conference on coffee in Timor Leste." ], [ "The international conference was organized, based on the annual plan for 2016 by Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. It is also in accordance with a decree issued from Minister Agricultura e Pesacas (Ministerial Secretary) Estanislau Aleixo da Silva - Coordinador para Assuntos Econômicos [Ministry Coordinator Economic Affairs], No:734/GM-MAP /IX" ], [ "The theme for this year's conference is, \"The Importance of Coffee to the Development and Sustainable Economy.\"" ], [ "On the opening day, Minister Estanislau da Silva made his intervention to all participants saying that Timor coffee is very important for this country and needs attention so as it can increase quality & quantity in order of competing on international markets." ], [ "\"Let's promote Timor coffee with its good taste and quality." ], [ "We know that coffee, with its good products can increase the number of exports and this will help us not to depend on oil funds.\"" ], [ "Estanislau Da Silva, spokesman for the president." ], [ "Minister Estanislau added that, in addition to producing coffee there are plantations of the area's industries and also as a producer for cocoa beans." ], [ "Minister Estanislau said that the majority of families in all territory live as farmers, so coffee production can help these family." ], [ "\"Our coffee is organic with a good price in the international market, but our quantities are not big." ], [ "There is potential to increase quality and productivity." ], [ "Our coffee is now suffering from a dramatic decline in production, because our cafes are also very old. Therefore we need to rehabilitate the plantations and prune them so that they can increase their yield as well As quantity of café for future use!" ], [ "MECAE and MAP are working together to improve coffee production in the area of productivity increases, so that they can raise better income for families.\"" ], [ "Through his intervention, Minister Estanislau da Silva asked all participants in this conference to show their willingness and commitment for the work being carried out. They should not rely solely on governments but also be able of working together with each other as a whole.\"" ], [ "There must be a commitment from the producers. The government now has national policy for agricultural sector, but it needs collaboration with coffee growers in order to do this work.\"" ], [ "The President of the CIC Organizing Committee, Marcus dos Santos Soares explained to conference attendees that this event was aimed at sharing information and obtaining experience from national agencie's as well internationally in coffee industrialization." ], [ "In this way, a policy can be developed to strengthen coffee growers and reinforce the sustainable competitiveness of cafe industry by enhancing private sector involvement as both clients & suppliers for farmers." ], [ "Marcus dos Santos Soares, emphasizes that the CIC 2016 aims to show results which Timor-Leste government through MAP wants all entities who carry out coffee activities such as peritus (expert), academia(academic) cafecultores entrepreneurial NGO and agencies in policy \"and commitment of developing café sector is an important basis for sustainable economic development." ], [ "The budget used by CIC, comes from the general state Budget of MAP amounting to US$ 125.09837 Participants who participated in this training were a total number Of about: Ermera municipality; Liquisa Municipalities and Ainaro (province); Manufahi(district), Aileu e Manatuto" ], [ "At this conference, speakers from Indonesia made a presentation on the situation of coffee production in their country." ], [ "The international conference will be held from 1-2 December, at the Dili Convention Centre." ] ]
Estrada Dili-Liquiçá hahú ‘nakfera’ | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA Estrada Dili-Liquiçá hahú ‘nakfera’\nEstrada Dili-Liquiçá hahú ‘nakfera’\nKondisaun estrada ne'ebé reabilita hosi kompañia SAN José, nakfera iha área baliza entre Suku Tibar no Ulmera. Imajen TATOLI/Evaristo Soares Martins.\nDILI, 10 marsu 2021 (TATOLI)—Estrada públiku diresaun Dili ba Liquiçá ne’ebé reabilita hosi kompañia SAN José S.A hosi España hahú nakfera iha área baliza entre Suku Tibar no Ulmera, Postu Administrativu Bazartete.\nHo kondisaun Estrada ne’ebé hahú nakfera, Xefe Juventude Munisípiu Líquiçá, Laurindo de Jesus, kestiona kondisaun estrada ne’e tanba iha momentu lansamentu kompañia promete estrada ne’e sei dura to’o tinan 20 maibé la to’o tarjetu estrada nakfera ona.\nNia dehan, ho kondisaun estrada ne’e provoka hamosu asidente no hatohar ona ema liu 10 no mate na’in-haat (4), tanba estrada kabeer maibé nakfera no lori ema barak sai vítima.\n“Agora piór liu tanba estrada ne’e komesa nakfera no rahun. Estrada Dili-Liquiçá teste ba over load (kelebihan beban) ne’e bazea ba karreta sira-ne’ebé tula rai-henek, fatuk maibé ikus mai estrada ne’e komesa lulun-aan. To’o agora seidauk iha autoridade ida mak ko’alia kona-ba kondisaun estrada ne’e,” Laurendino de Jesus informa ba Agência TATOLI liuhosi telefónika, kuarta ne’e.\nNia hatautan, nia parte ko’alia ona ho autoridade Munisípiu Liquiçá maibé atu halo manutensaun ba kondisaun ne’e kompeténsia Governu Sentrál mak bele foti desizaun hodi ejize ba kompañia. Nia parte kestiona enjeñeiru ne’ebé halo dezeñu tanba la kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu iha área estrada nian.\n“Di’ak liu Governu black list kompañia ne’e, se osan retensaun seidauk selu karik, lalika selu. Kompañia internasionál ne’e kompañia lokál sei halo di’akliu. kona-ba karreta fuzu boot sira-ne’ebé tula sasán ne’e bele fó impaktu maibé projetu konstrusaun portu Baía Tibar seidauk hahú, estrada ne’e aat ona. Agora piór liután, koserteza sei fó sala ba fuzu sira-ne’e maibé karreta sira hosi Atambua mai ita-nia rain mós tula sasán todan,” nia dehan.\nNia fó hanoin ba Governu liuhosi Ministériu Obra Públika, bainhira la tau atensaun ho urjénsia, kondisaun estrada ne’e sei kondisaun grave ba beibeik.\n“Se Governu la tau atensaun sériu, aban bainrua Portu Baía Tibar di’ak ona entaun sasán todan mai tán halo kondisaun estrada sei grave liután,” nia dehan.\nXefe Juventude ne’e haktuir decker dalan ninin ne’ebé kompañia ateru la uza decker foun maibé mantein ho decker Indonézia nian, tanba ne’e mak fó impaktu ba kondisaun estrada ne’e.\n“Sira uza decker foun mak iha parte Kaitehu nian maibé restu ne’e decker tuan,” nia akresenta.\nKondisaun estrada ne’ebé reabilita hosi kompañia SAN José, nakfera iha área baliza entre Suku Tibar no Ulmera. Imajen TATOLI/Evaristo Soares Martins.\nEntretantu, iha loron 11 fulan-jullu 2013 liubá, Ministru Obra Públika, Gastão de Sousa, hamutuk ho Prezidente Komisaun E, asuntu Infraestrutura-Parlamentu Nasionál, Pedro da Costa (oras ne’e matebian), hala’o lansamentu primeira pedra iha Tibar, ho distánsia kilómetru 60 ho totál orsamentu millaun $50 inklui estrada Dili ba Gleno.\nEstrada ne’ebé liga Dili to’o Liquiça, kilómetru 28.62 ho totál orsamentu millaun $20-resin, inklui manutensaun no hosi Tíbar ba Gleno, Munisípiu Ermera ho distánsia kilómetru 31.89 ho totál orsamentu millaun $29-resin, inklui manutensaun.\nIha diskursu, Ministru Obra Públika, Gastão de Sousa, informa, projetu ne’e sei ezekuta durante tinan 4 (fulan 47-Red) ho pavimentasaun uza alkatraun hot mix, sei dura to’o tinan 20.\nTuir Ministru Gastão, Governu Timor-Leste empresta fundu ba projetu ne’e hosi Banku Áziatiku ba Dezenvolvimentu (ADB-sigla inglés) no fundu Governu Timor-Leste liuhosi Orsamentu Jerál Estadu.\nIha momentu ne’e, Ministru Obra Públika esplika, projetu sira-ne’e, kumpre regra no prosedimentu hotu, ne’ebé Governu Timor-Leste estabelese tiha ona, molok hakat ba faze implementasaun.\nDokumentu hotu kona-ba ninia implementasaun, hetan tiha revizaun hosi Instituisaun Governu nian, hanesan Sekretariadu Grande Projetu (SGP), Ajénsia Dezenvolvimentu Nasionál (ADN), Komisaun Nasionál Aprovazionamentu (CNA-sigla portugés) no ikus liu aprovasaun hosi Tribunál Konta.\nPurtantu, Kompañia SAN Jose S.A hosi España mak ezekuta projetu reabilitasaun estrada Dili–Liquiça no kompañia PT. Pembangunan Perumahan Persero PDK, Indonézia mak reabilita estrada hosi Tibar to’o Gleno, Munisípiu Ermera.\nTuir Observasaun Agência TATOLI, iha terrenu nota katak kondisaun Estrada ne’ebé hahú nakfera parte Estrada klaran iha suku Ulmera nian. Nune’e mós diresaun Estrada Dili-Liquiçá rai monu hahú hosi Tibar to’o suku Mota Ulun, Postu Bazartete. Hosi rai monu ne’e halo fatuk no rai butuk iha Estrada ninin.\nHo kondisaun Estrada ne’ebé nakfera prezudika mós movimentu transporte públiku tanba halai ho velosidade aas bele hamosu asidente tráfegu.\nPrevious articleAlterasaun Lei Resensiamentu Eleitorál, aplika multa kuandu la kuidadu kartaun\nNext articleMunisípiu Lautém hapara provizóriu movimentu transporte públiku halai kalan
[ "Estrada Dili-Liquica hahu 'nakfera' | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Estrada Dili-Liquica hahu 'nakfera' Estrada Dili-Liquica hahu 'nakfera' Kondisaun estrada ne'ebe reabilita hosi kompania SAN Jose, nakfera iha area baliza entre Suku Tibar no Ulmera.", "Imajen TATOLI/Evaristo Soares Martins.", "DILI, 10 marsu 2021 (TATOLI) - Estrada publiku diresaun Dili ba Liquica ne'ebe reabilita hosi kompania SAN Jose S.A hosi Espana hahu nakfera iha area baliza entre Suku Tibar no Ulmera, Postu Administrativu Bazartete.", "Ho kondisaun Estrada ne'ebe hahu nakfera, Xefe Juventude Munisipiu Liquica, Laurindo de Jesus, kestiona kondisaun estrada ne'e tanba iha momentu lansamentu kompania promete estrada ne'e sei dura to'o tinan 20 maibe la to'o tarjetu estrada nakfera ona.", "Nia dehan, ho kondisaun estrada ne'e provoka hamosu asidente no hatohar ona ema liu 10 no mate na'in-haat (4), tanba estrada kabeer maibe nakfera no lori ema barak sai vitima.", "\"Agora pior liu tanba estrada ne'e komesa nakfera no rahun.", "Estrada Dili-Liquica teste ba over load (kelebihan beban) ne'e bazea ba karreta sira-ne'ebe tula rai-henek, fatuk maibe ikus mai estrada ne'e komesa lulun-aan.", "To'o agora seidauk iha autoridade ida mak ko'alia kona-ba kondisaun estrada ne'e,\" Laurendino de Jesus informa ba Agencia TATOLI liuhosi telefonika, kuarta ne'e.", "Nia hatautan, nia parte ko'alia ona ho autoridade Munisipiu Liquica maibe atu halo manutensaun ba kondisaun ne'e kompetensia Governu Sentral mak bele foti desizaun hodi ejize ba kompania.", "Nia parte kestiona enjeneiru ne'ebe halo dezenu tanba la kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu iha area estrada nian.", "\"Di'ak liu Governu black list kompania ne'e, se osan retensaun seidauk selu karik, lalika selu.", "Kompania internasional ne'e kompania lokal sei halo di'akliu. kona-ba karreta fuzu boot sira-ne'ebe tula sasan ne'e bele fo impaktu maibe projetu konstrusaun portu Baia Tibar seidauk hahu, estrada ne'e aat ona.", "Agora pior liutan, koserteza sei fo sala ba fuzu sira-ne'e maibe karreta sira hosi Atambua mai ita-nia rain mos tula sasan todan,\" nia dehan.", "Nia fo hanoin ba Governu liuhosi Ministeriu Obra Publika, bainhira la tau atensaun ho urjensia, kondisaun estrada ne'e sei kondisaun grave ba beibeik.", "\"Se Governu la tau atensaun seriu, aban bainrua Portu Baia Tibar di'ak ona entaun sasan todan mai tan halo kondisaun estrada sei grave liutan,\" nia dehan.", "Xefe Juventude ne'e haktuir decker dalan ninin ne'ebe kompania ateru la uza decker foun maibe mantein ho decker Indonezia nian, tanba ne'e mak fo impaktu ba kondisaun estrada ne'e.", "\"Sira uza decker foun mak iha parte Kaitehu nian maibe restu ne'e decker tuan,\" nia akresenta.", "Kondisaun estrada ne'ebe reabilita hosi kompania SAN Jose, nakfera iha area baliza entre Suku Tibar no Ulmera.", "Imajen TATOLI/Evaristo Soares Martins.", "Entretantu, iha loron 11 fulan-jullu 2013 liuba, Ministru Obra Publika, Gastao de Sousa, hamutuk ho Prezidente Komisaun E, asuntu Infraestrutura-Parlamentu Nasional, Pedro da Costa (oras ne'e matebian), hala'o lansamentu primeira pedra iha Tibar, ho distansia kilometru 60 ho total orsamentu millaun $50 inklui estrada Dili ba Gleno.", "Estrada ne'ebe liga Dili to'o Liquica, kilometru 28.62 ho total orsamentu millaun $20-resin, inklui manutensaun no hosi Tibar ba Gleno, Munisipiu Ermera ho distansia kilometru 31.89 ho total orsamentu millaun $29-resin, inklui manutensaun.", "Iha diskursu, Ministru Obra Publika, Gastao de Sousa, informa, projetu ne'e sei ezekuta durante tinan 4 (fulan 47-Red) ho pavimentasaun uza alkatraun hot mix, sei dura to'o tinan 20.", "Tuir Ministru Gastao, Governu Timor-Leste empresta fundu ba projetu ne'e hosi Banku Aziatiku ba Dezenvolvimentu (ADB-sigla ingles) no fundu Governu Timor-Leste liuhosi Orsamentu Jeral Estadu.", "Iha momentu ne'e, Ministru Obra Publika esplika, projetu sira-ne'e, kumpre regra no prosedimentu hotu, ne'ebe Governu Timor-Leste estabelese tiha ona, molok hakat ba faze implementasaun.", "Dokumentu hotu kona-ba ninia implementasaun, hetan tiha revizaun hosi Instituisaun Governu nian, hanesan Sekretariadu Grande Projetu (SGP), Ajensia Dezenvolvimentu Nasional (ADN), Komisaun Nasional Aprovazionamentu (CNA-sigla portuges) no ikus liu aprovasaun hosi Tribunal Konta.", "Purtantu, Kompania SAN Jose S.A hosi Espana mak ezekuta projetu reabilitasaun estrada Dili-Liquica no kompania PT.", "Pembangunan Perumahan Persero PDK, Indonezia mak reabilita estrada hosi Tibar to'o Gleno, Munisipiu Ermera.", "Tuir Observasaun Agencia TATOLI, iha terrenu nota katak kondisaun Estrada ne'ebe hahu nakfera parte Estrada klaran iha suku Ulmera nian.", "Nune'e mos diresaun Estrada Dili-Liquica rai monu hahu hosi Tibar to'o suku Mota Ulun, Postu Bazartete.", "Hosi rai monu ne'e halo fatuk no rai butuk iha Estrada ninin.", "Ho kondisaun Estrada ne'ebe nakfera prezudika mos movimentu transporte publiku tanba halai ho velosidade aas bele hamosu asidente trafegu.", "Previous articleAlterasaun Lei Resensiamentu Eleitoral, aplika multa kuandu la kuidadu kartaun Next articleMunisipiu Lautem hapara provizoriu movimentu transporte publiku halai kalan" ]
[ [ "Dili-Liquica road begins 'nakfera' | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor -Leste HOME ECONOMY Road in Liquiçá began to get damaged The condition of the highway rehabilitated by SAN Jose company, which has been hit with waterlogging at a beacon between Tibar and Ulmera." ], [ "Image: TATOLI/Evaristo Soares Martins." ], [ "DILI, March 10th (TATOLI) - The public road from Dili to Liquica which has been rehabilitated by the company SAN Jose S.A of Spain began falling at a beacon area between Tibar and Ulmera Villages in Bazartete Administrative Post Office on Tuesday morning after it was damaged during heavy rainfall that occurred last week as well" ], [ "With the condition of Road that has begun to deteriorate, Head Youth Municipality Liquica Laurindo Jesus questioned conditions because at launch company promised road will last for 20 years but did not meet targets." ], [ "He said, the condition of this road has caused accidents and more than 10 people have died (4), because it is a good but dangerous highway that causes many victim." ], [ "\"Now it's worse because the road is getting dirty and broken." ], [ "The Dili-Liquica road test for overload was based on trucks carrying gravel and stones, but eventually the highway began to slide." ], [ "Until now, there is no authority that speaks about the condition of this road\", Laurendino de Jesus informed Agência TATOLI via telephone on Tuesday." ], [ "He replied, his side has spoken with the authorities of Liquica Municipality but to maintain this condition is a competence that Central Government can take decisions for enforced company." ], [ "He questioned the engineers who designed it because they did not contribute to development in this road area." ], [ "\"It's better Government blacklist the company, if retention money has not been paid it shouldn’t be." ], [ "The international company is the local companies will do di'akliu. about heavy trucks that carry these items may have an impact but Baia Tibar port construction project has not started, this road was in bad condition ;" ], [ "Now worse still, the police will blame those rifles but truck from Atambua to our country also carry heavy stuff,” he said." ], [ "He reminded the Government through its Ministry of Public Works that, if it does not pay urgent attention to this road's condition will be worse." ], [ "\"If the Government does not pay serious attention, tomorrow morning Port Baia Tibar will be in good condition so heavy loads are coming to make road conditions even more severe.\"" ], [ "The youth leader explained that the decker of this road is not new but from an Indonesian company, which has a negative impact on its condition." ], [ "\"They use new decker on the part of Kaitehu but all else is old,\" he added." ], [ "Condition of the road rehabilitated by SAN Jose company, located in beacons area between Tibar and Ulmera." ], [ "Image: TATOLI/Evaristo Soares Martins." ], [ "Meanwhile, on July 10th of last year the Minister for Public Works Gastao de Sousas together with President Pedro da Costa (now dead) laid a foundation stone in Tibar. The project is about to be completed by December and will have an overall cost amounting at $52 million including road Dili-Gleno which has already been constructed over sixty kilometres along its entire length; this includes two new railway lines from Glenos via São João del Rei through Belém as well" ], [ "The road linking Dili to Liquica, 28.60 kilometers with a total budget of over $19 million including maintenance and from Tibar To Gleno in Ermera Municipality which is about km35 has an estimated cost for more than US$47 millions (including repair)." ], [ "In his speech, the Minister of Public Works Gastao de Souza informed that this project will be executed over 4 years (after a previously planned period for paving with hot mix asphalt), and it would last up to twenty." ], [ "According to Minister Gastao, the Government of Timor-Leste borrowed funds for this project from Asian Development Bank (ADB) and funded by government through State General Budget." ], [ "At the moment, Minister of Public Works explained that these projects comply with all rules and procedures established by Timor-Leste Government before proceeding to implementation phase." ], [ "All the documents concerning its implementation have been reviewed by Government Institutions, such as Secretariat of Grand Project (SGP), National Development Agency(ADN) and national approval commission. Finally it has received a positive opinion from Court Of Auditors" ], [ "However, the Dili-Liquica road rehabilitation project is being executed by SAN Jose S.A from Spain and PT (Persero)." ], [ "Pembangunan Perumahan Persero PDK, Indonesia is rehabilitating the road from Tibar to Gleno in Ermera Municipality." ], [ "According to the Observation of Agência TATOLI, in field it is noted that conditions Road which began deteriorating part Estrada Klaran at Ulmera village." ], [ "Likewise, the Dili-Liquica road was also affected by landslides from Tibar to Mota Ulun village in Bazartete Post." ], [ "The fall of the ground left rocks and dirt on this road." ], [ "With the road condition that is bad also prejudices public transport movement because driving at high speed can cause traffic accidents." ], [ "Previous articleAmendment to the Electoral Census Law, apply fine if you do not take care of your card NextMunicípio Lautem suspende temporariamente movimento transporte público halai noite" ] ]
Beaco, ponte-kais dahuluk nebe'e iha prosesu nia laran ba Supply base. - Building Markets\nBeaco, ponte-kais dahuluk nebe’e iha prosesu nia laran ba Supply base.\nFoto ezemplu supply base nebe mak atu hari'i, iha costa sul, foti husi Secretaria de Estado dos Recursos Naturais website.\nPonti kais ba supply base dahuluk hari iha Timor Leste?\nTimor Leste mak nasaun ida nebe’e hare husi geografika hanesan ilha ki’ik iha parte leste. Ho rai nebe’e mak haleu ho tasi, sasan importasaun no exportasaun ho totalidades barak tengki liu husi dalan tasi, ro’o bo’ot ho kontainer tengki tama ba cidade Dili no fatin seluk nebe’e identifika diak atu hatun no tula sasan bobot nebe’e mak ilha ki’ik ne’e iha no persija, fatin atu ro’o sira sadere ba persija estabelisa dunik.\nIha tempu uluk, tinan hirak nebe’e kolonia portuguesa halo invasaun mai Timor-Leste to invasaun husi Indonesia, Timor oan rasik seidauk iha kapasidade (modal no skills) atu hari ponti kais. Ponti kais ou portu nebe’e mak agora dadaun ne iha hari iha tempu portuguesa no ironic tebes tamba tempu neba portuguesa hari fatin sira ne’e atu hakman sira nia objektivu atu explora timor nia riku soin.\nTimor Leste ikus mai hetan independensia, ida ne’e fo’o oportunidade ba Timor oan rasik atu desenvolve nia rain. Iha realidade hatudu katak, Timor Leste riku ba mina-rai no gas nebe’e mak iha prosesu nia laran, atu tulun Timor oan rasik nune hase’es an husi manobra ba timor nia riku soin ho maneira oinoin, komesa inisisu Governu iha planu atu hari Supply base iha costa sul, agora dadaun Governo Timor Leste aloka ona osamentu hamutuk US$30 Milioens ba desenvovimentu iha projectu tasi mane nebe’e mak involve supply base iha tasi mane Beaco no Suai, tenik Secretariadu Estadu Rekursus Naturais Alfredo Pires, informasaun ne’e basea ba notisia nebe’e fo sai iha journal “Diario” Segunda feira 24 de Janeiro 2011, ho titulu “Susesu Supply base, pipeline mai TL”\nProsesu lao dunik ona, Iha fulan Februari 2010, survey dahuluk halao ona, husi Kompania Toke Oil & Gas PT. Lda, iha survey ne’e, engineiro sira foti ona sampel rai iha parte balun iha Beaco, distritu Viqueque hodi halao testu, nune’e bele hare klasifikasaun rai, bele ou lae hari ponti kais iha fatin neba. Ba permeira fase survey nebe’e hala’o aloka dadaun ona osamentu kiik hamutuk $ 15, 820.00 ba ekonomia lokal mak hanesan aluga sasan nebe tuir mai; kameuneta, uma, restaurante no selu mos ba ema lokal sira atu servisu ba survey durante loron 8, informasaun ida ne’e hetan liu husi dadus PDT- ekipa Ligasaun distritu Viqueque, Gilberto Amaral +670-735.3938\nProsesu bor rai iha Beaco, Distritu Viqueque nebe mak halao husi kompania Toke Oil & Gas PT. Ltda.Materials nebe usa ba bor rai iha Beaco.\nSampel rai nebe mak foti hodi halao testu.\nMateriais nebe usa ba bor rai iha Beaco.\nIha parte seluk, lian nebe fo sai husi PM Xanana no SERN Alfredo Pires, iha artikel STL; Desenvolve Supply Base TL, PM Xanana kontaktu Indonesia.; Hatudu katak asaun nebe foti ba prosesu nebe’e lao positivu ona. Karik ponti kais ne’e hari no susesu ba supply base, komunidade sira sei hetan oportunidade atu servisu no hadia sira nia moris iha durasaun nebe’e naruk. Esemplu konkritu seluk nebe’e mak relasiona ho impaktu ekonomia ba komuniades lokal mak hanesan ponti kais supply base iha Indonesia “Pelabuhan Eastkal”; iha ponti kais refere’e, loke one oportuninadade ba ema 1000 atu servisu no kuaze 70% ema lokal, fatin ne mos sei hari fasilidades hanesan guest house ou uma ba aluga, hospital, super mercado, uma ou mes ba kariawan no loke mos kompo aviasaun ba helikopteru.\nSani nain sira imi hanoin to’ok posibel ou lae ponti kais Beaco, iha futuru bele diak liu fali ponti kais nebe Indonesia iha?\nTags : Timor-Leste viqueque
[ "Beaco, ponte-kais dahuluk nebe'e iha prosesu nia laran ba Supply base. - Building Markets Beaco, ponte-kais dahuluk nebe'e iha prosesu nia laran ba Supply base.", "Foto ezemplu supply base nebe mak atu hari'i, iha costa sul, foti husi Secretaria de Estado dos Recursos Naturais website.", "Ponti kais ba supply base dahuluk hari iha Timor Leste?", "Timor Leste mak nasaun ida nebe'e hare husi geografika hanesan ilha ki'ik iha parte leste.", "Ho rai nebe'e mak haleu ho tasi, sasan importasaun no exportasaun ho totalidades barak tengki liu husi dalan tasi, ro'o bo'ot ho kontainer tengki tama ba cidade Dili no fatin seluk nebe'e identifika diak atu hatun no tula sasan bobot nebe'e mak ilha ki'ik ne'e iha no persija, fatin atu ro'o sira sadere ba persija estabelisa dunik.", "Iha tempu uluk, tinan hirak nebe'e kolonia portuguesa halo invasaun mai Timor-Leste to invasaun husi Indonesia, Timor oan rasik seidauk iha kapasidade (modal no skills) atu hari ponti kais.", "Ponti kais ou portu nebe'e mak agora dadaun ne iha hari iha tempu portuguesa no ironic tebes tamba tempu neba portuguesa hari fatin sira ne'e atu hakman sira nia objektivu atu explora timor nia riku soin.", "Timor Leste ikus mai hetan independensia, ida ne'e fo'o oportunidade ba Timor oan rasik atu desenvolve nia rain.", "Iha realidade hatudu katak, Timor Leste riku ba mina-rai no gas nebe'e mak iha prosesu nia laran, atu tulun Timor oan rasik nune hase'es an husi manobra ba timor nia riku soin ho maneira oinoin, komesa inisisu Governu iha planu atu hari Supply base iha costa sul, agora dadaun Governo Timor Leste aloka ona osamentu hamutuk US$30 Milioens ba desenvovimentu iha projectu tasi mane nebe'e mak involve supply base iha tasi mane Beaco no Suai, tenik Secretariadu Estadu Rekursus Naturais Alfredo Pires, informasaun ne'e basea ba notisia nebe'e fo sai iha journal \"Diario\" Segunda feira 24 de Janeiro 2011, ho titulu \"Susesu Supply base, pipeline mai TL\" Prosesu lao dunik ona, Iha fulan Februari 2010, survey dahuluk halao ona, husi Kompania Toke Oil & Gas PT.", "Lda, iha survey ne'e, engineiro sira foti ona sampel rai iha parte balun iha Beaco, distritu Viqueque hodi halao testu, nune'e bele hare klasifikasaun rai, bele ou lae hari ponti kais iha fatin neba.", "Ba permeira fase survey nebe'e hala'o aloka dadaun ona osamentu kiik hamutuk $ 15, 820.00 ba ekonomia lokal mak hanesan aluga sasan nebe tuir mai; kameuneta, uma, restaurante no selu mos ba ema lokal sira atu servisu ba survey durante loron 8, informasaun ida ne'e hetan liu husi dadus PDT- ekipa Ligasaun distritu Viqueque, Gilberto Amaral +670-735.3938 Prosesu bor rai iha Beaco, Distritu Viqueque nebe mak halao husi kompania Toke Oil & Gas PT.", "Ltda.Materials nebe usa ba bor rai iha Beaco.", "Sampel rai nebe mak foti hodi halao testu.", "Materiais nebe usa ba bor rai iha Beaco.", "Iha parte seluk, lian nebe fo sai husi PM Xanana no SERN Alfredo Pires, iha artikel STL; Desenvolve Supply Base TL, PM Xanana kontaktu Indonesia.; Hatudu katak asaun nebe foti ba prosesu nebe'e lao positivu ona.", "Karik ponti kais ne'e hari no susesu ba supply base, komunidade sira sei hetan oportunidade atu servisu no hadia sira nia moris iha durasaun nebe'e naruk.", "Esemplu konkritu seluk nebe'e mak relasiona ho impaktu ekonomia ba komuniades lokal mak hanesan ponti kais supply base iha Indonesia \"Pelabuhan Eastkal\"; iha ponti kais refere'e, loke one oportuninadade ba ema 1000 atu servisu no kuaze 70% ema lokal, fatin ne mos sei hari fasilidades hanesan guest house ou uma ba aluga, hospital, super mercado, uma ou mes ba kariawan no loke mos kompo aviasaun ba helikopteru.", "Sani nain sira imi hanoin to'ok posibel ou lae ponti kais Beaco, iha futuru bele diak liu fali ponti kais nebe Indonesia iha?", "Tags: Timor-Leste viqueque" ]
[ [ "Beaco, the first bridge in process for Supply base. - Building Markets The First Bridge In Process For Supplier Base At BEACO" ], [ "Photo example of the supply base to be built, on south coast. taken from Secretaria de Estado dos Recursos Naturais website" ], [ "Ponti kais ba supply base hari pertama iha Timor-Leste? - The first Supply Base Bridge in East Тимор" ], [ "East Timor is a country that geographically can be seen as an island in the east." ], [ "With the land being accessed by sea, many imports and exports are carried out via maritime route. Large boats with container shipments enter Dili city or other well-identified location to unload heavy cargo that this small island has on its shores where they can sail for persia establishment dunik (port)." ], [ "In the past, in those years between Portuguese colony invasion of Timor-Leste and Indonesia's occupation there were no modal or skills to build bridge." ], [ "The bridge or port that is now built was in Portuguese times and it's very ironic because at the time, portugueses were building these places to fulfil their objective of exploiting Timorese resources." ], [ "East Timor eventually gained independence, which gave an opportunity for the people to develop their own country." ], [ "The reality shows that Timor-Leste is rich in minerals and gas which are being processed, to help the people of East Тимор themselves so they can avoid manipulating their own wealth for future use. Since its establishment Government has been planning on building a supply base at south coast; currently Governo de Timór Leste already allocated US$30 million towards developing this marine project including supplies from Beaco Sea Base (BSB) into Suai Bay by State Secretariat Natural Resources Alfredo Pirees according with news published within \"Diário\" newspaper Monday January24th1987 under title: “Susesu Supply basis pipeline mai TL” Process was ongoin since February last year when first survey had taken place through Toke Oil & Gas PT company" ], [ "Lda, in this survey the engineers have taken soil sample from some parts of Beaco district to carry out a test. This will allow them for determining whether or not there should be built bridge on that site based upon land classification and water quality conditions (water level)." ], [ "For the first phase of survey that is being carried out has already allocated a small amount totaling $ 15,820.97 for local economy as rents to come; campervan and house rental services are also paid by people who work in this field during these days (eight). This information was obtained through data from PDT- team linked with Viqueque district office Gilberto Amaral +63 -4) / Tel:+/" ], [ "Ltda.Materials used to drill the ground in Beaco, Brazil" ], [ "The soil sample is taken for the test." ], [ "Materials used to drill the ground in Beaco." ], [ "On the other hand, statements made by PM Xanana and SERN Alfredo Pirees in article \"STL; Desenvolve Supply Base TL." ], [ "If the bridge is built and successfully becomes a supply base, communities will have an opportunity to work on improving their livelihood in long term." ], [ "Another concrete example related to the economic impact on local communities is a supply base bridge in Indonesia \"Pelabuhan Eastkal\"; at this port, there will be an opportunity for about one thousand people and nearly seventy percent of them are indigenous; facilities such as guest houses or rental homes shall also have been constructed. Hospitals should open up along with supermarket market places (supermarket), home-based businesses would develop their own business areas while helicopter landing ground was built nearby" ], [ "Do you think it is possible or not that the Beaco bridge in future will be better than Indonesia's?" ], [ "Tags: Timor-Leste viqueques" ] ]
Pájina aktualizada iha 04:54h, kinta-feira 03 Jullu\nGovernu aprova akordu ho Xina hodi harii hospital - 12 de Junho de 2020, 19:56 Iha loron-kinta ne'e, Governu aprova ona asinatura hosi akordu ho Governu xinés hodi harii hospital sinotimoroan ida ho eskola foun ida, haktuir informasaun hosi ezekutivu iha komunikadu.\nParlamentu kompleta eleisaun hosi responsável foun sira hosi komisaun espesializadu sira - 12 de Junho de 2020, 19:48 Iha loron-kinta ne'e, Parlamentu Nasional konklui prosesu eleisaun ba responsável foun sira hosi Komisaun Espesializadu hitu, reflete 'maioria' parlamentar foun, lidera hosi Frente Revolucionária do Timor-Leste Independente (Fretilin).\nCOVID-19: Empreza xineza sira estreia hanesan doador global sira hasoru pandemia - 10 de Junho de 2020, 02:10 Elite emprezarial Xina nian estreia hanesan doadora humanitáriu internasional, bainhira pandemia COVID-19 alastra iha mundu tomak, galo tuir prátika sira hosi bilionáriu sira norte-amerikanu nian, europeu sira ho japunés sira.\nGovernu foun sei iha pelumenus membru na'in 43, ho elementu foun na'in 19 - 09 de Junho de 2020, 23:24 Governu sei iha pelumenus membru na'in 43, ho elementu foun na'in 19 hosi ezekutivu, ne'ebé apoia hosi partidu tolu, sei simu pose iha tempu badak, haktuir hosi lista atualizadu ne'ebé Lusa iha asesu.\nCOVID-19: Mundu la preparadu ba krizi atual, afirma António Guterres - 09 de Junho de 2020, 22:29 Sekretáriu-jeral ONU nian, António Guterres, afirma iha loron-segunda ne'e katak mundu "la preparadu" hodi hasoru krizi ekonómiku ho sosial aat liu dezde Funu Mundial Daruak, denunsia "frajilidade" hosi sosiedade sira ho planeta.\nCOVID-19: Apoiu ba timoroan sira "paradu iha estranjeiru" hanesan limitadu - 09 de Junho de 2020, 20:12 Ministru Negósiu Estranjeiru demisionáriu timoroan hatete iha loron-tersa katak apoiu sira Governu nian la inklui sidadaun timoroan tomak iha estranjeiru, maibé ba de'it estudante sira ne'ebé la'ós bolseiru ne'ebé maka "paradu" no labele fila tanba COVID-19.\nCOVID-19: Kuaze ema na'in 30 tama ilegalmente iha Timor-Leste hahú hosi final Maiu - 09 de Junho de 2020, 01:52 Kuaze ema na'in 30 tama ilegal iha fronteira rai Timor-Leste nian dezde loron 28 Maiu liubá, na'in hitu haruka fila ona no sira seluk tama iha kuarentena, anunsia hosi autoridade timoroan sira iha loron-segunda ne'e.\nKriminaliza difamasaun la'ós prioridade, bele impede direitu sira iha Timor-Leste, haktuir Ramos-Horta - 09 de Junho de 2020, 01:17 Eis-Prezidente Repúblika José Ramos-Horta hatete, iha loron-segunda ne'e, katak la'ós hanesan oportunu atu Governu debate posibilidade kriminalizasaun difamasaun nian, ho risku impede direitu sira hosi sidadaun sira, tenki antes konsentra iha kestaun sira hanesan ekonomia.\nCOVID-19: Prezidente Repúblika promulga apoiu ba sidadaun timoroan sira iha estranjeiru - 09 de Junho de 2020, 00:16 Prezidente Repúblika promulga ona, iha loron-sesta, programa ida apoiu finanseiru diretu nian ba sidadaun timoroan sira iha estranjeiru ne'ebé presiza meiu finanseiru no la konsege fila ba Timor-Leste tanba pandemia COVID-19.\nKriminaliza difamasaun iha Timor-Leste tenki halo ho kuidadu no la'ós agora, afirma Mari Alkatiri - 08 de Junho de 2020, 23:31 Iha loron-segunda ne'e, líder hosi partidu boot hatete ona ba Lusa katak eventual kriminalizasaun hosi difamasaun iha nasaun tenki halo ho kuidadu no la'ós iha momentu atual krizi polítika nian, haketak klaru komunikasaun sosial hosi rede sosial sira.
[ "Pajina aktualizada iha 04:54h, kinta-feira 03 Jullu Governu aprova akordu ho Xina hodi harii hospital - 12 de Junho de 2020, 19:56 Iha loron-kinta ne'e, Governu aprova ona asinatura hosi akordu ho Governu xines hodi harii hospital sinotimoroan ida ho eskola foun ida, haktuir informasaun hosi ezekutivu iha komunikadu.", "Parlamentu kompleta eleisaun hosi responsavel foun sira hosi komisaun espesializadu sira - 12 de Junho de 2020, 19:48 Iha loron-kinta ne'e, Parlamentu Nasional konklui prosesu eleisaun ba responsavel foun sira hosi Komisaun Espesializadu hitu, reflete 'maioria' parlamentar foun, lidera hosi Frente Revolucionaria do Timor-Leste Independente (Fretilin).", "COVID-19: Empreza xineza sira estreia hanesan doador global sira hasoru pandemia - 10 de Junho de 2020, 02:10 Elite emprezarial Xina nian estreia hanesan doadora humanitariu internasional, bainhira pandemia COVID-19 alastra iha mundu tomak, galo tuir pratika sira hosi bilionariu sira norte-amerikanu nian, europeu sira ho japunes sira.", "Governu foun sei iha pelumenus membru na'in 43, ho elementu foun na'in 19 - 09 de Junho de 2020, 23:24 Governu sei iha pelumenus membru na'in 43, ho elementu foun na'in 19 hosi ezekutivu, ne'ebe apoia hosi partidu tolu, sei simu pose iha tempu badak, haktuir hosi lista atualizadu ne'ebe Lusa iha asesu.", "COVID-19: Mundu la preparadu ba krizi atual, afirma Antonio Guterres - 09 de Junho de 2020, 22:29 Sekretariu-jeral ONU nian, Antonio Guterres, afirma iha loron-segunda ne'e katak mundu \"la preparadu\" hodi hasoru krizi ekonomiku ho sosial aat liu dezde Funu Mundial Daruak, denunsia \"frajilidade\" hosi sosiedade sira ho planeta.", "COVID-19: Apoiu ba timoroan sira \"paradu iha estranjeiru\" hanesan limitadu - 09 de Junho de 2020, 20:12 Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru demisionariu timoroan hatete iha loron-tersa katak apoiu sira Governu nian la inklui sidadaun timoroan tomak iha estranjeiru, maibe ba de'it estudante sira ne'ebe la'os bolseiru ne'ebe maka \"paradu\" no labele fila tanba COVID-19.", "COVID-19: Kuaze ema na'in 30 tama ilegalmente iha Timor-Leste hahu hosi final Maiu - 09 de Junho de 2020, 01:52 Kuaze ema na'in 30 tama ilegal iha fronteira rai Timor-Leste nian dezde loron 28 Maiu liuba, na'in hitu haruka fila ona no sira seluk tama iha kuarentena, anunsia hosi autoridade timoroan sira iha loron-segunda ne'e.", "Kriminaliza difamasaun la'os prioridade, bele impede direitu sira iha Timor-Leste, haktuir Ramos-Horta - 09 de Junho de 2020, 01:17 Eis-Prezidente Republika Jose Ramos-Horta hatete, iha loron-segunda ne'e, katak la'os hanesan oportunu atu Governu debate posibilidade kriminalizasaun difamasaun nian, ho risku impede direitu sira hosi sidadaun sira, tenki antes konsentra iha kestaun sira hanesan ekonomia.", "COVID-19: Prezidente Republika promulga apoiu ba sidadaun timoroan sira iha estranjeiru - 09 de Junho de 2020, 00:16 Prezidente Republika promulga ona, iha loron-sesta, programa ida apoiu finanseiru diretu nian ba sidadaun timoroan sira iha estranjeiru ne'ebe presiza meiu finanseiru no la konsege fila ba Timor-Leste tanba pandemia COVID-19.", "Kriminaliza difamasaun iha Timor-Leste tenki halo ho kuidadu no la'os agora, afirma Mari Alkatiri - 08 de Junho de 2020, 23:31 Iha loron-segunda ne'e, lider hosi partidu boot hatete ona ba Lusa katak eventual kriminalizasaun hosi difamasaun iha nasaun tenki halo ho kuidadu no la'os iha momentu atual krizi politika nian, haketak klaru komunikasaun sosial hosi rede sosial sira." ]
[ [ "Government approves agreement with China to build a hospital - 12 de Junho, (Agência Lusa) On Wednesday the government has authorized signing of an Agreement between Timor-Leste and Chinese State for building one Sinotimorean Hospital alongside new school." ], [ "Parliament completes election of new heading for specialised commission - 12 de Junho, (Agência Lusa) On Friday the National Assembly concluded its process to elect a number from seven Specialized Commission Headings. The elections reflect an emerging parliamentary 'majority' led by Frente Revolucionaria do Timor-Leste Independente(Fretilin)." ], [ "COVID-19: Chinese corporations make their debut as global donors against the pandemic - June 08,. China's business elite has made its first appearance in international humanitarian aid while Covid spreading around our planet by following up on billionaires from North American countries and Europe to Japan for example..." ], [ "New government will have at least 43 members, with nineteen new elements - Junho/09 /21:57 The three-party supported cabinet of the Portuguese Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho is set to take office shortly. It has a minimum membership sized as well and includes all those who were elected by voting in parliamentary elections last year but are not yet entering into their duties on June or July (as per an updated list available for Lusa)." ], [ "COVID-19: The world is unprepared for the current crisis, says Antonio Guterres - 08 de Junho De (23/6) UN Secretary General António Gusmão said on Monday that it was \"unpreparated\" to face its worst economic and social crises since World War II." ], [ "COVID-19: Support for Tongans \"stalled abroad\" as limited - 08 de Junho De June,23 The resigning Taiwanese Foreign Affairs Minister said on Tuesday that the Government' s support does not include all of his citizens who are stayed overseas but only those students without scholarship status and unable to return due To Covid." ], [ "COVID-19: Almost 30 people illegally entered Timor Leste since the end of May - Junho,28 de June Default Nearly thirty persons have been found to be entering East Тимор' s border area in an unauthorized manner from late last month. Seven were sent back and others are being quarantined at home as a result; this was announced by authorities on Monday (June)." ], [ "Criminalizing defamation is not a priority, could impede rights in Timor-Leste - 09 Junho do.17 Former President Jose Ramos Horta said on Monday that it was untimely for the government to debate criminalization of libel at risks hindering citizens' right; instead they should focus more attention upon issues such as economic development and social justice" ], [ "COVID-19: President of the Republic promulgates aid for Tongan citizens overseas - 08 de Junho,256 The president has promulgated on Saturday an assistance program to support Taiwanese nationals who are in need and have not been able To return home due Covid." ], [ "Mari Alkatiri says criminalization of defamation in Timor-Leste must be done carefully and not now - 08/Junho /23:41 On Monday, the leader from a large party told Lusa that any possible penalisation for libel should take place with caution at this time when political crisis is still raging." ] ]
Maudoko FC Preparadu Kompete PLF | STLNEWS\nMaudoko FC Preparadu Kompete PLF\nOfisial Maudoko FC, Elizeu Isaac. (Foto: STL/Maria Tavares)\nDILI, STLNEWS.co – Jogador husi ekipa Maudoko FC preparadu ona atu kompete iha Pra Liga Futsal (PLF), neebe mak sei realiza iha fulan Outubru.\nLia hirak nee hatoo husi ofisial Maudoko FC, Elizeu Isaac ba STL iha Delta, Dili, Kuarta (23/09/2020).\nNia dehan, Maudoko klubu ida neebe harii antes federasaun harii Asosiasaun Futsal Timor Leste.\n“Maudoko mos hanesan inisiator ida ba Pra Liga Futsal, i antes atu partisipa iha eventu PLF-TL, Maudoko mos halo ona Copa Maudoko nia rasik, i depois partisipa mos iha eventu sira hanesan futsal nian iha kuaze iha Timor laran tomak, Maudoko eziste desde 2015,” dehan Elizeu.\nNia haktuir, eventu futsal neebe Maudoko FC partisipa nee laos foin maka atu hola parte, maibe antes nee mos iha torneio barak maka klubu Maudoko tuir, tanba nee jogu Pra Liga Futsal (PLF) nee laos buat foun ida, nunee jogador sira pronto no preparadu hodi kompete iha jogu PLF.\n“Pra Liga Futsal nee laos buat foun ida ba ekipa Maudoko no jogador sira mos prontu ho situasaun ida hanesan nee, no jogador sira ho estrutura klubu mos preparadu, tanba nee mak Maudoko pronto, nunee iha 27 agora ami sei halo jogu tryout ho ekipa Musilla,” haktuir Elizeu.\nNia akresenta, maske ita iha difikuldade konaba kampu, nunee laos maudoko deit maka iha difikuldade konaba kampu maibe klubu hotu-hotu. Kona ba treinu, coach halo ona orariu.\nTanba nee estrutura sei halo esforsu tomak buka meius oinsa para jogador sira nafatin hetan treinu, akresenta nia.\nElizeu hatete, agora dadaun jogador Maudoko neebe mak atu partisipa iha PLF hamutuk 16, kompostu husi jogador antigu no jogador foun balu. Mesmu iha jogador foun neebe maka tama, maibe Maudoko nafatin manteim ho jogador sira antigu. Sira sei treinu hamutuk nunee bele sai ekipa ida forte liu, atu nunee joga iha Pra Liga Futsal agora Maudoko prontu hatudu buat foun.\nAntes hakotu, nia sujere ba iha federasaun tenke halo orariu tryout nian ba kada ekipa hodi koko kampu neeba, tamba ita hatene katak pra liga agora halo iha kampu F-FDTL, kampu ida neebe ninia naruk no luan la tuir ona ninia standar, tanba nee ita presiza halo tryout para ekipa hirak neebe atu joga iha kampu neeba toman ona atu joga iha kampu refere.\nTanba nee mak ami sujere asosiasaun atu fasilita klubu sira para bele hetan orariu ida diak, ekipa sira hotu bele hetan oportunidade hanesan hodi bele halo tryout iha kampu neeba, dadaun nee ami uza kampu futsal iha federasaun hodi treinu, tanba klubu hotu-hotu seidauk iha kampu futsal rasik, tenik Elizeu.\nPrevious articleSTL, Timor Post, Business Timor Lahetan Pagamentu 60%\nNext articleMericio: Labele Fiar Boatus
[ "Maudoko FC Preparadu Kompete PLF | STLNEWS Maudoko FC Preparadu Kompete PLF Ofisial Maudoko FC, Elizeu Isaac.", "(Foto: STL/Maria Tavares) DILI, STLNEWS.co - Jogador husi ekipa Maudoko FC preparadu ona atu kompete iha Pra Liga Futsal (PLF), neebe mak sei realiza iha fulan Outubru.", "Lia hirak nee hatoo husi ofisial Maudoko FC, Elizeu Isaac ba STL iha Delta, Dili, Kuarta (23/09/2020).", "Nia dehan, Maudoko klubu ida neebe harii antes federasaun harii Asosiasaun Futsal Timor Leste.", "\"Maudoko mos hanesan inisiator ida ba Pra Liga Futsal, i antes atu partisipa iha eventu PLF-TL, Maudoko mos halo ona Copa Maudoko nia rasik, i depois partisipa mos iha eventu sira hanesan futsal nian iha kuaze iha Timor laran tomak, Maudoko eziste desde 2015,\" dehan Elizeu.", "Nia haktuir, eventu futsal neebe Maudoko FC partisipa nee laos foin maka atu hola parte, maibe antes nee mos iha torneio barak maka klubu Maudoko tuir, tanba nee jogu Pra Liga Futsal (PLF) nee laos buat foun ida, nunee jogador sira pronto no preparadu hodi kompete iha jogu PLF.", "\"Pra Liga Futsal nee laos buat foun ida ba ekipa Maudoko no jogador sira mos prontu ho situasaun ida hanesan nee, no jogador sira ho estrutura klubu mos preparadu, tanba nee mak Maudoko pronto, nunee iha 27 agora ami sei halo jogu tryout ho ekipa Musilla,\" haktuir Elizeu.", "Nia akresenta, maske ita iha difikuldade konaba kampu, nunee laos maudoko deit maka iha difikuldade konaba kampu maibe klubu hotu-hotu.", "Kona ba treinu, coach halo ona orariu.", "Tanba nee estrutura sei halo esforsu tomak buka meius oinsa para jogador sira nafatin hetan treinu, akresenta nia.", "Elizeu hatete, agora dadaun jogador Maudoko neebe mak atu partisipa iha PLF hamutuk 16, kompostu husi jogador antigu no jogador foun balu.", "Mesmu iha jogador foun neebe maka tama, maibe Maudoko nafatin manteim ho jogador sira antigu.", "Sira sei treinu hamutuk nunee bele sai ekipa ida forte liu, atu nunee joga iha Pra Liga Futsal agora Maudoko prontu hatudu buat foun.", "Antes hakotu, nia sujere ba iha federasaun tenke halo orariu tryout nian ba kada ekipa hodi koko kampu neeba, tamba ita hatene katak pra liga agora halo iha kampu F-FDTL, kampu ida neebe ninia naruk no luan la tuir ona ninia standar, tanba nee ita presiza halo tryout para ekipa hirak neebe atu joga iha kampu neeba toman ona atu joga iha kampu refere.", "Tanba nee mak ami sujere asosiasaun atu fasilita klubu sira para bele hetan orariu ida diak, ekipa sira hotu bele hetan oportunidade hanesan hodi bele halo tryout iha kampu neeba, dadaun nee ami uza kampu futsal iha federasaun hodi treinu, tanba klubu hotu-hotu seidauk iha kampu futsal rasik, tenik Elizeu.", "Previous articleSTL, Timor Post, Business Timor Lahetan Pagamentu 60% Next articleMericio: Labele Fiar Boatus" ]
[ [ "Maudoko FC Prepares For PLF Competition | STLNEWS.COM Official of the club, Elizeu Isaac said: “We are very happy to announce that we will be preparing for this competition.”" ], [ "(Photo: STL/Maria Tavares) DILI,StlNEWS.co - Players of Maudoko FC have prepared to compete in the Portuguese Futsal League which will be held this October 2017 at Vila Nova de Famalicão Stadium on Saturday and Sunday between November-December for a total prize money amounting $35k per player each" ], [ "These were the words spoken by Maudoko FC official Elizeu Isaac to STL in Delta, Dili on Thursday (23/09) ." ], [ "He said that Maudoko was a club founded before the federation established Timor-Leste Futsal Association." ], [ "\"Maudoko is also one of the initiators for Pra Liga Futsal, and before participating at PLF-TL events Maudogo has made his own Copa Maudoco. After that he took part to futsaler's event almost all over Timor Leste; Mauro existed since 2015\", said Elizeus.\"" ], [ "He said, the futsal event that Maudoko FC participates in is not new for them to take part. But before this they have also attended many other tournaments and therefore Pra Liga Futsala (PLF) games are nothing novel; so players will be ready as well preparation of their team members with a view towards competing at Plf Games 2019" ], [ "\"For the Futsal League this is not something new for Maudoko team and players are also ready with a situation like that, as well. The player structure of our club has been prepared so we will tryout against Musilla on 27th now.\"" ], [ "He added that, although we have difficulties with the fields it is not only Maudoko but all club are having problems." ], [ "As for training, the coach has made a schedule." ], [ "Therefore, the structure will make every effort to find ways how players can still get trained." ], [ "Elizeu said, at the moment Maudoko players who will participate in PLF are 16 together composed of old and some new player." ], [ "Even though there are new players coming in, Maudoko still keeps with the old ones." ], [ "They will train together so that they can become a stronger team, to play in the Pra Liga Futsal now Maudoko ready for something new." ], [ "Before concluding, he suggested that the federation should make a tryout schedule for each team to cover this field because we know it is now being played in F-FDTL’s ground which has not met its standard of length and width. We therefore need Tryouts so those teams who will play on these pitch are comfortable playing at their own homeground!" ], [ "That is why we suggest that the association facilitate clubs to get a good schedule, all teams can have equal opportunity so they could tryout on this field. At present We use futsal court in Federation for training because not every Club has its own Futsall Court,” said Elizeu.”" ], [ "Previous articleSTL, Timor Post and Business TIMOR Pay 60% NextMericio: Labele Trusts Boatus" ] ]
BEM COMUM vs APROVEITA PODER – Diocese de Dili\nDiocese de Dili > NOTÍCIAS > REFLEXÃO > BEM COMUM vs APROVEITA PODER\nBEM COMUM vs APROVEITA PODER\nRahun di’ak ba ema sira be ki’ak husi laran, Basá, sira soy Reino lalehan. Rahun di’ak ba sira be tanis, Basá, sira sei hetan laran kman. Fundmento husi Jesus nia hanorin sira (Doutrinas) iha Evangelho Mateus resumido (habadak) iha Capítulo 5-7. Resumo nee haktuir iha texto ho título: Bem Aventurança. Domingo semana nee, Uma Kreda Católica fo hanoin ita nobun atu compreende Maroma Futar Lia Fuan nebe hanaran “Bem Aventurança” (Mt 5,1-12a). Ita loke fuan hodi rona no halo tuir iha moris sarani.\nLalaok sociedade nebe Jesus enfrenta iha Ninia tempo, reflecta momos iha Jesus nia proclamação “Bem Aventurança” (“Ucapan Bahagia“), nudar relata iha Evangelho Mateus 5, 1-12ª. Proclamação nee, too horas nee mos sei relevante hela ba ita nia situação sócio-político nebe hamosu polémica oi-oin. Confusão, li-liu iha lalaok estado nian no afeta too componente hot-hotu iha vida sociedade. Progresso Dezemvolvimento tecnologia, barak ka oitoan, contribui mos aspecto positivo no negativo ba lalaok sarani (cidadão) ida nian. Ukun nain hadau malu poder hodi hetan osan boot no persen boot, povo halerik no hamihis dau-daun sira nia sentiment respeito ba nai ulun sira. Problema nia hun iha injustiça social no kaan ten ba poder.\nJesus iha altura nebá, sente preocupado ho condição povo iha sociedade. Romano sira ukun no explora sira liu husi imposto, limita sira nia liberdade de expressão no ukun ho ditadura. Preocupação iha altura nebá, sai mos ita nobun nian preocupação iha sociedade (moris povo sarani) ohin loron nian. Nudar resumo husi situação hirak nebé Jesus enfrenta no preocupa iha altura nebá, lalaok hirak nee expressa ona iha Jesus nia lia fuan aventurança, nudar ita rona iha Evangelho semana nee. Saida mak Jesus proclama, halo ita hatene situação loloos momento neba hanesan:”ki’ak, hamrook ba justiça, buka Dame, ema fo terus, buka justiça”. Sociedade Timor ohin loron mos sei existe nafatin realidade hirak nee. Iha qualquer situação, povo rai ida nian sempre hakilar ba justiça atu makaer ukun (governantes) sira hatene servi didiak tuir política Bem Comum.\nJesus la’os mai hodi hahi Ninia-An. Jesus mai hodi hanorin ema atu hatene oinsa hahi adora Aman Maromak iha fiar no liu husi hahalok concreto nebé serve ba ema barak (Bem Comum). Por natureza, iha sociedade ida, povo hot-hotu (criatura) iha obrigação atu hahí adora Maromak nudar Criador. Atu realiza ideal nee, ema hotu precisa moris hamutuk, respeita malu iha ambiente social nebé harmonia. Se ema hotu hatene respeita malu, significa ema sei haré malu hanesan maun ho alin iha fatin nebé sira horik hamutuk ba.\nProvas Bíblica hatudu ona katak; desde Jesus moris hanesan ema iha rai Israel; hahú iha Belém, Nazaré, ba too cidade sira seluk no hetan ninia rohan iha Cruz tutun Calvário nian, Jesus la iha desejo seluk, além de esforço-An hodi halo tuir Aman Maromak nia vontade (plano salvação).\nIha contexto moris religioso Timor Leste nian, wainhira estado hamrik no hahú formação governo ida, povo hot-hotu laran metin no rahun diak tanba cada ministro hetan knaar hodi realiza política estado nian hodi luta ba Bem Comum povo nian. Primeiro Ministro, Ministro ho Secretário Estado hirak eleito, maioria mesak sarani Católico (balu praticante, balu badinas hakbesik ba Igreja iha tempo campanha, balu NAPAS alias mosu iha Tempo NATAL no PÁSCOA deit).\nIha Contexto política, política Bem Comum sai hanesan slogan eh estrategia deit atu figura bar-barak iha partido política sira aproveita hodi fahe poder ba malu, fahe cargo ba partidário, loke vaga serviço ba militante deit, fo projecto ba companhia sira nebé fo apoio financeira ba partido durante tempo campanha inclui mos wainhira estabelece partido, goza regalias estado nian, halo refora estrutura cada minstério ho intenção hatama partidário no família no pior liu tan mak luta atu kaer cargo too tinan tolu ba leten, pensão vitalícia harga mati tiha ona wainhira mandato remata.\nNee mak estrategia Bem Comum horas nee dadaun, partido político sira utiliza hodi hamosu impasse política nebe rohan laek. Jesus maske haré situação todan nebé povo hasoru iha altura nebá, nia fo coragem nafatin atu povo nee, la bele lakon esperança ba Maromak. Maker ukun (governante) Timor aprende husi lalaok Jesus nian karik, situação nebé povo barak deseja, sei realiza duni. Jesus maske Maromak, nian la foti-An nudar Maromak maibé, haraik-An hodi cumpri deit Aman nia vontade (plano salvação). Governante sira la kaanten poder eh la hatene-an karik, sira sei ukun tuir povo nia hakarak basea ba promessa hirak nebé sira fo durante campanha. Maske ukun lalais ka ukun kleur, pelo menos halo netik gebrakan (novidade) ruma durante kaer ukun, laos makan gaji buta deit ful-fulan maibé, resultado serviço la iha, povo hein ho esperança mamuk.\nNunee, sociedade ida nia laran, necessáriamente precisa estabelece relação vice versa (hubungan timbal balik) entre governante ho povo. Governante promete moris diak ba ema hotu iha âmbito ploítico, povo hein laran metin (esperança) liu husi voto nebé sira fo iha eleição. Nunee mos iha âmbito religioso, povo fiar ba Maromak liu husi adoração no hahalok moris, Maromak cumpri esperança nee ho salvação nebé hatudu concretamente iha Jesus Cristo.\nGovernante nebé iha fuan sarani no hatene ukun, nia sei fuan boot atu funu hasoru ninia ambição rasik hanesan; corrupção, fahe projecto, goza regalias no laos servi dirigente partido nia hakarak (Asal Bapak Senang) maibé hamosu novidade eh creatividade rasik hodi servi povo ba finanlidade ida naran Bem Comum tuir regra democrática. Contexto justiça social laos sukat husi governante nia moris luxo maibé haré husi povo no estado nia prosperidade (kemakmuran).\nTuir Justiça mundo nian, ema nebé comete sala tem que hasoru justiça hodi simu condenação. Tuir justiça Divina, ema nebe monu ba sala precisa hetan perdão hodi hodi alcança salvação. Tanba nee mak Jesus laos mai hodi fo castigo maibé, Nia mai hodi salva. Nia hatudu exemplo wain atu ita fiar no banati tuir hodi alcança salvação no realiza vontade Maromak nian.\nProblema iha Timor mak, governante no funcionário barak mak sente alergia wainhira rona Jesus nian naran, wainhira rona Bispo nia naran, wainhira rona Igreja nia lian tanba figura hirak nee sai impedimento ba sira nia liberdade hodi goza moris no aproveita facilidade estado.\nDala barak ita rona lema:”The Rigt Man in the Right Place” sai hanesan slogan mamuk ida nebé la relevante iha ambiente política. Ema nia persenção mak; kaer ukun hodi goza regalias, aproveita facilidade estado no prepara ba simu Pensão Vitalícia maske la iha capacidade. Jesus nia Lian Bem Aventurança iha contexto Timor nee, válido deit ba povo kiik nebe moris iha injustiça enquanto makaer ukun sira aproveita máximo ba poder nebe hetan, até balu hadau malu no troca malu ukun iha instituição ida nia laran.\nProgresso Tecnológico ohin loron, halakon ema nia sentido solidariedade, hamohu ema nia amizade hodi hamosu mak individualismo no hadau malu halibur riku soin hodi hakonu estilo da vida. Lalaok hirak nee mos oho ema nia espírito nudar sarani. Governante kaan ten poder too haluha identidade nudar Timor oan nebe baptizado.\nIta nobun nudar povo sarani nebe adere fiar iha Jesus Cristo, precisa mantem fiar ba Maromak no la bele lakon laran metin (esperança) tan Maromak hatene halo justiça ba ema hotu iha rai nee. Jesus dehan:” Ksolok ba sira nebé hamlaha no hamrook ba justiça, basá sira sei bosu,…..Ksolok ba sira nebé ema duni, fo terus tan buka justiça basá, Reino Lalehan sira nian. Ksolok ba imi, wainhira tan Ha’u ema hateten aat imi, duni imi hodi foti lia bosok oin-oin hasoru imi. Imi haksolok ba, hahi ba, basá imi nia kolen iha Lalehan wa’in liu”. Assim Seja e Bem Haja. (Ignas Oliveira)\nPrevious PostIV Domingo Tempo Comum (ANO A) APRESENTAÇÃO DO SENHOR Next PostIV DOMINGO COMUM ANO A – FESTA APRESENTAÇÃO DO SENHOR
[ "BEM COMUM vs APROVEITA PODER - Diocese de Dili Diocese de Dili > NOTICIAS > REFLEXAO > BEM COMUM vs APROVEITA PODER BEM COMUM vs APROVEITA PODER Rahun di'ak ba ema sira be ki'ak husi laran, Basa, sira soy Reino lalehan.", "Rahun di'ak ba sira be tanis, Basa, sira sei hetan laran kman.", "Fundmento husi Jesus nia hanorin sira (Doutrinas) iha Evangelho Mateus resumido (habadak) iha Capitulo 5-7.", "Resumo nee haktuir iha texto ho titulo: Bem Aventuranca.", "Domingo semana nee, Uma Kreda Catolica fo hanoin ita nobun atu compreende Maroma Futar Lia Fuan nebe hanaran \"Bem Aventuranca\" (Mt 5,1-12a).", "Ita loke fuan hodi rona no halo tuir iha moris sarani.", "Lalaok sociedade nebe Jesus enfrenta iha Ninia tempo, reflecta momos iha Jesus nia proclamacao \"Bem Aventuranca\" (\"Ucapan Bahagia\"), nudar relata iha Evangelho Mateus 5, 1-12a.", "Proclamacao nee, too horas nee mos sei relevante hela ba ita nia situacao socio-politico nebe hamosu polemica oi-oin.", "Confusao, li-liu iha lalaok estado nian no afeta too componente hot-hotu iha vida sociedade.", "Progresso Dezemvolvimento tecnologia, barak ka oitoan, contribui mos aspecto positivo no negativo ba lalaok sarani (cidadao) ida nian.", "Ukun nain hadau malu poder hodi hetan osan boot no persen boot, povo halerik no hamihis dau-daun sira nia sentiment respeito ba nai ulun sira.", "Problema nia hun iha injustica social no kaan ten ba poder.", "Jesus iha altura neba, sente preocupado ho condicao povo iha sociedade.", "Romano sira ukun no explora sira liu husi imposto, limita sira nia liberdade de expressao no ukun ho ditadura.", "Preocupacao iha altura neba, sai mos ita nobun nian preocupacao iha sociedade (moris povo sarani) ohin loron nian.", "Nudar resumo husi situacao hirak nebe Jesus enfrenta no preocupa iha altura neba, lalaok hirak nee expressa ona iha Jesus nia lia fuan aventuranca, nudar ita rona iha Evangelho semana nee.", "Saida mak Jesus proclama, halo ita hatene situacao loloos momento neba hanesan:\"ki'ak, hamrook ba justica, buka Dame, ema fo terus, buka justica.\"", "Sociedade Timor ohin loron mos sei existe nafatin realidade hirak nee.", "Iha qualquer situacao, povo rai ida nian sempre hakilar ba justica atu makaer ukun (governantes) sira hatene servi didiak tuir politica Bem Comum.", "Jesus la'os mai hodi hahi Ninia-An.", "Jesus mai hodi hanorin ema atu hatene oinsa hahi adora Aman Maromak iha fiar no liu husi hahalok concreto nebe serve ba ema barak (Bem Comum).", "Por natureza, iha sociedade ida, povo hot-hotu (criatura) iha obrigacao atu hahi adora Maromak nudar Criador.", "Atu realiza ideal nee, ema hotu precisa moris hamutuk, respeita malu iha ambiente social nebe harmonia.", "Se ema hotu hatene respeita malu, significa ema sei hare malu hanesan maun ho alin iha fatin nebe sira horik hamutuk ba.", "Provas Biblica hatudu ona katak; desde Jesus moris hanesan ema iha rai Israel; hahu iha Belem, Nazare, ba too cidade sira seluk no hetan ninia rohan iha Cruz tutun Calvario nian, Jesus la iha desejo seluk, alem de esforco-An hodi halo tuir Aman Maromak nia vontade (plano salvacao).", "Iha contexto moris religioso Timor Leste nian, wainhira estado hamrik no hahu formacao governo ida, povo hot-hotu laran metin no rahun diak tanba cada ministro hetan knaar hodi realiza politica estado nian hodi luta ba Bem Comum povo nian.", "Primeiro Ministro, Ministro ho Secretario Estado hirak eleito, maioria mesak sarani Catolico (balu praticante, balu badinas hakbesik ba Igreja iha tempo campanha, balu NAPAS alias mosu iha Tempo NATAL no PASCOA deit).", "Iha Contexto politica, politica Bem Comum sai hanesan slogan eh estrategia deit atu figura bar-barak iha partido politica sira aproveita hodi fahe poder ba malu, fahe cargo ba partidario, loke vaga servico ba militante deit, fo projecto ba companhia sira nebe fo apoio financeira ba partido durante tempo campanha inclui mos wainhira estabelece partido, goza regalias estado nian, halo refora estrutura cada minsterio ho intencao hatama partidario no familia no pior liu tan mak luta atu kaer cargo too tinan tolu ba leten, pensao vitalicia harga mati tiha ona wainhira mandato remata.", "Nee mak estrategia Bem Comum horas nee dadaun, partido politico sira utiliza hodi hamosu impasse politica nebe rohan laek.", "Jesus maske hare situacao todan nebe povo hasoru iha altura neba, nia fo coragem nafatin atu povo nee, la bele lakon esperanca ba Maromak.", "Maker ukun (governante) Timor aprende husi lalaok Jesus nian karik, situacao nebe povo barak deseja, sei realiza duni.", "Jesus maske Maromak, nian la foti-An nudar Maromak maibe, haraik-An hodi cumpri deit Aman nia vontade (plano salvacao).", "Governante sira la kaanten poder eh la hatene-an karik, sira sei ukun tuir povo nia hakarak basea ba promessa hirak nebe sira fo durante campanha.", "Maske ukun lalais ka ukun kleur, pelo menos halo netik gebrakan (novidade) ruma durante kaer ukun, laos makan gaji buta deit ful-fulan maibe, resultado servico la iha, povo hein ho esperanca mamuk.", "Nunee, sociedade ida nia laran, necessariamente precisa estabelece relacao vice versa (hubungan timbal balik) entre governante ho povo.", "Governante promete moris diak ba ema hotu iha ambito ploitico, povo hein laran metin (esperanca) liu husi voto nebe sira fo iha eleicao.", "Nunee mos iha ambito religioso, povo fiar ba Maromak liu husi adoracao no hahalok moris, Maromak cumpri esperanca nee ho salvacao nebe hatudu concretamente iha Jesus Cristo.", "Governante nebe iha fuan sarani no hatene ukun, nia sei fuan boot atu funu hasoru ninia ambicao rasik hanesan; corrupcao, fahe projecto, goza regalias no laos servi dirigente partido nia hakarak (Asal Bapak Senang) maibe hamosu novidade eh creatividade rasik hodi servi povo ba finanlidade ida naran Bem Comum tuir regra democratica.", "Contexto justica social laos sukat husi governante nia moris luxo maibe hare husi povo no estado nia prosperidade (kemakmuran).", "Tuir Justica mundo nian, ema nebe comete sala tem que hasoru justica hodi simu condenacao.", "Tuir justica Divina, ema nebe monu ba sala precisa hetan perdao hodi hodi alcanca salvacao.", "Tanba nee mak Jesus laos mai hodi fo castigo maibe, Nia mai hodi salva.", "Nia hatudu exemplo wain atu ita fiar no banati tuir hodi alcanca salvacao no realiza vontade Maromak nian.", "Problema iha Timor mak, governante no funcionario barak mak sente alergia wainhira rona Jesus nian naran, wainhira rona Bispo nia naran, wainhira rona Igreja nia lian tanba figura hirak nee sai impedimento ba sira nia liberdade hodi goza moris no aproveita facilidade estado.", "Dala barak ita rona lema:\"The Rigt Man in the Right Place\" sai hanesan slogan mamuk ida nebe la relevante iha ambiente politica.", "Ema nia persencao mak; kaer ukun hodi goza regalias, aproveita facilidade estado no prepara ba simu Pensao Vitalicia maske la iha capacidade.", "Jesus nia Lian Bem Aventuranca iha contexto Timor nee, valido deit ba povo kiik nebe moris iha injustica enquanto makaer ukun sira aproveita maximo ba poder nebe hetan, ate balu hadau malu no troca malu ukun iha instituicao ida nia laran.", "Progresso Tecnologico ohin loron, halakon ema nia sentido solidariedade, hamohu ema nia amizade hodi hamosu mak individualismo no hadau malu halibur riku soin hodi hakonu estilo da vida.", "Lalaok hirak nee mos oho ema nia espirito nudar sarani.", "Governante kaan ten poder too haluha identidade nudar Timor oan nebe baptizado.", "Ita nobun nudar povo sarani nebe adere fiar iha Jesus Cristo, precisa mantem fiar ba Maromak no la bele lakon laran metin (esperanca) tan Maromak hatene halo justica ba ema hotu iha rai nee.", "Jesus dehan:\" Ksolok ba sira nebe hamlaha no hamrook ba justica, basa sira sei bosu,.....Ksolok ba sira nebe ema duni, fo terus tan buka justica basa, Reino Lalehan sira nian.", "Ksolok ba imi, wainhira tan Ha'u ema hateten aat imi, duni imi hodi foti lia bosok oin-oin hasoru imi.", "Imi haksolok ba, hahi ba, basa imi nia kolen iha Lalehan wa'in liu.\"", "Assim Seja e Bem Haja.", "(Ignas Oliveira) Previous PostIV Domingo Tempo Comum (ANO A) APRESENTACAO DO SENHOR Next PostIV DOMINGO COMUM ANO A - FESTA APRESENTACAO DO SENHOR" ]
[ [ "COMMON GOODS vs APPROVED POWER - Diocese of Dili Diocese de Díli > NOTICIAS> REFLEXAO <COMMUNE GODS VS APROVEITA PODERES Common Gods and Approve Power Good news for the poor within, For they are heavenly kingdom." ], [ "Blessed are they that pray, for their hearts shall be filled with peace." ], [ "The foundation of Jesus’ teachings (Doctrine) in the Gospel according to Matthew is summarized at Chapter 5-7." ], [ "This summary is contained in a text entitled: Bem Aventuranca." ], [ "This Sunday, the Catholic Creed reminds us that it is important to understand Marroma Futar Lia Foan which we call \"Bem Aventuranca\" (Mt 5:1-2a)." ], [ "We open our mouths to hear and follow in the baptismal life." ], [ "The social problems Jesus faced in His time are well reflected by the proclamation of \"Bem Aventuranca\" (\"The Happy Word\"), as reported from Matthew 5:1-2." ], [ "This proclamation, to this day is still relevant for our socio-political situation which has caused various controversies." ], [ "Confusion, especially in the operation of state and affecting all components to life society." ], [ "Progress The development of technology, many or few contribute both positive and negative aspects to a civilization." ], [ "The rulers competed for power in order to gain large sums of money and great privileges, the people were devastated by this situation which undermined their sentimental respect towards them." ], [ "The problem lies in social iniquity and the desire for power." ], [ "Jesus at that time was concerned about the condition of people in society." ], [ "The Romans ruled and exploited them through taxation, restricting their freedom of expression. They also governed with dictatorships 10" ], [ "The concern at that time, is also our nobun's preoccupation in society (moriis povo sarani) today." ], [ "As a summary of the situations that Jesus faced and worried about at this time, these approaches were expressed in his adventurous words as we hear them today." ], [ "What Jesus proclaims, makes us know the actual situation at that moment as: \"the poor go to justice; seek for God. The suffering man look after his right.\"" ], [ "Timorese society today also will still exist these realities." ], [ "In any situation, the people of a country always call on justice to make their rulers know how they can serve properly in accordance with common good policies." ], [ "Jesus did not come to destroy Nineveh. He came only for the sake of his people," ], [ "Jesus came to teach people how they should worship God the Father in faith and through concrete deeds that serve many (the Common Good)." ], [ "By nature, in a society all people (creatures) have an obligation to worship God as Creator." ], [ "To achieve this ideal, all people need to live together in a social environment of harmony and mutual respect." ], [ "If everyone knows how to respect each other, it means that people will see one another as brother and sister in the places where they go together." ], [ "Biblical evidence has shown that since Jesus lived as a human being in the land of Israel; starting from Bethlehem, Nazareth to other cities and finding his end at Calvary’s smoke cross. He had no desire but for His own effort towards doing God Father' s will (the salvation plan)." ], [ "In the context of religious life in East Timor, when a state is formed and begins to form its government all people have good faith because each minister has been given responsibility for carrying out State policy that strives towards their common welfare." ], [ "The elected Prime Minister, ministers and secretaries of state are mostly Catholic (some practising; some who come to the Church during campaign time or only at CHRISTMAS AND EASTER)." ], [ "In the political context, common good politics has become a slogan and strategy for many figures in parties to share power with each other; distribute office among their party members. Opening jobs only on membership basis giving projects of companies that provide financial support during campaign time including when establishing partisan groups enjoy state privileges reinforce every ministry structure aimed at securing position between family or friends worse still they struggle until three years afterwards because lifetime thinking is dead once mandates are over!" ], [ "This is the common good strategy that political parties are currently using to create a long-term impasse." ], [ "Even though Jesus saw the terrible situation that people faced at this time, he gave them courage to not lose hope in God." ], [ "The Timorese rulers learned from Jesus’ example that if the situation desired by many people is realizes, it will come to pass." ], [ "Although Jesus is God, He did not claim to be such but gave Himself only for the purpose of fulfilling His Father's will (the plan Of salvation)." ], [ "If rulers do not feel power and are unaware of themselves, they will rule according to the people's wishes based on promised things made during their campaign." ], [ "Even if they come to power quickly or shortly, at least make some innovations during their tenure. Not just eat a blind salary but there is no result of service; people are waiting with hopeful eyes for the results that will be made known in time and on-time!" ], [ "Thus, within a society it is necessary to establish reciprocal relationship (hubungan timbal balik) between ruler and people." ], [ "The ruler promises a good life for all people in the political sphere. People expect hope through their vote that they give at elections, and this is what we see today:" ], [ "Likewise in the religious sphere, people trust God through worship and living practices. This hope is fulfilled by salvation which has been shown to be concretely manifest on Jesus Christ:" ], [ "A ruler who has a Catholic heart and knows how to rule, he will have great courage in fighting against his own ambitions such as corruption; distributing projects. enjoy privileges not serving the party leader' s wishes (Asal Bapak Senan) but creatings innovation & creativity of its very self so that it can serve people for an end called Common Good according democratic rules" ], [ "The context of social justice is not measured by the ruler’s luxurious living but rather in terms from people and state prosperity (kemakmuran)." ], [ "According to the world justice system, a person who commits sin must be brought before court and condemned." ], [ "According to divine justice, a person who falls into sin must suffer perdition in order for him/her To achieve salvation." ], [ "That is why Jesus did not come to punish, but He came for salvation." ], [ "He set a good example for us to believe and follow, in order that we may obtain salvation." ], [ "The problem in Timor is that many governors and officials are allergic to the name of Jesus, when they hear a bishop' s names or hearing Church voice because these figure become an obstacle for their freedom as well." ], [ "Often we hear the motto: \"The Rigt Man in The Right Place\" becomes an old slogan that is irrelevant to politics." ], [ "People's perception is; take power to enjoy regalias, make use of state facilities and prepare for receiving Lifetime Pension even though they have no ability." ], [ "Jesus’ adventurous word in the context of Timor, is only valid for small people who live under unjust conditions while those ruling take maximum advantages from their power. Some even attack each other and swap government within an institutional framework between them ones!" ], [ "Technological progress today, destroys the sense of solidarity and friendship between people to create individualism. People gather wealth together for a lifestyle that is better than their own life style!" ], [ "These games also kill one's spirit as a Christian." ], [ "The ruler cannot have too much power to disguise his identity as a baptized Timorese." ], [ "As a people of faith in Jesus Christ, we need to keep our trust and hope for God. He knows how he can do justice on this earth; so let us not lose courage (hope) because the Lord is righteous with all who live upon Earth!" ], [ "Jesus said: \"Blessed are they that hunger and thirst for righteousness, because of them shall be found;..... Blessed [are] those who seek the kingdom." ], [ "Blessed are you when people speak evil of your name, and use false words against thee." ], [ "Rejoice and be glad, for great is your reward in heaven.\"" ], [ "May it be so and may all go well." ], [ "(Ignas Oliveira) Previous PostFOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR A - THE FESTIVAL OF PRESENTION of the LORD Next post4th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year a" ] ]
Publika iha: 26 Maio 2021\nUniversidade Nasional Timor-Lorosa’e (UNTL) foin primeira vez realiza graduasaun virtual ba graduante hamutuk nian 242 husi fakuldade (5) lima iha Hera.\nReitor UNTL, Joao Martins, hateten graduasaun virtual ne’ebe konsegue realiza ne’e hodi responde ba kalendariu akademika nian, maske liu husi virtual ka online maibe finaliza ho diak hodi fasilita finalista bele gradua iha situasaun serka sanitaria ka konfinamentu domisiliaria jeral.\n“Maske foin primeira vez ita realiza graduasaun virtual maibe responde duni ba graduante no inan aman sira nain hakarak,” Reitor UNTL Martins hateten.\nNia dehan, graduante nain 242 ne’ebe partisipa iha graduasaun virtual ne’e husi fakuldade 5 hanesan, Fakuldade Medisina, Fakuldade Edukasaun Arte Humanidade (FEAH), Fakuldade Economia Jestaun, Fakuldade Siensia Sosial, no Fakuldade Engenheria.\n“Tuir lolos finalista hamutuk nain 633 mak partisipa iha graduasaun virtual ida ne’e tuir lista ne’ebe mak aprezenta ba Ministeriu Ensinu Superior Siensia no Kultura (MESSK) maibe aprova deit 242 no finalista nain 391 hein graduasaun prezensial,” nia hateten.\nTanba ne’e agradese ba ekipa ne’ebe mak servisu makas hodi halo instalasaun ba ekipamentu eletroniku ne’ebe mak ohin utiliza hodi realiza graduasaun virtual ida ne’e hahu husi abertura to’o rematan diak tebes.\nEntretantu, Graduante Maria Gorrete hateten, meios ne’ebe mak universidade utiliza hodi fasilita finalista hodi remata estudu iha Universidade Nasional Timor-Lorosa’e (UNTL) maske graduasaun virtual ka online maibe nafatin agradese tanba maske iha situasaun difisil maibe universidade nafatin esforsu ohin finalista hamutuk 242 ne’ebe simu graduasaun.\n“Mai hau pesoal orgulhu tebes tanba maske husi graduasaun online maibe ohin hau konsegue realiza duni mehi ne’ebe hau iha no hatudu ba inan aman katak hau susesu ona liu husi sakrifisiu ne’ebe mak durante ne’e sira halo mai hau,” nia hateten.\nTanba ne’e, nia agradese ba oportunidade graduasaun virtual ne’e momentu ne’ebe importante tebes no ba dala uluk realiza iha Timor iha Universidade Nasional Timor-Lorosa’e (UNTL).
[ "Publika iha: 26 Maio 2021 Universidade Nasional Timor-Lorosa'e (UNTL) foin primeira vez realiza graduasaun virtual ba graduante hamutuk nian 242 husi fakuldade (5) lima iha Hera.", "Reitor UNTL, Joao Martins, hateten graduasaun virtual ne'ebe konsegue realiza ne'e hodi responde ba kalendariu akademika nian, maske liu husi virtual ka online maibe finaliza ho diak hodi fasilita finalista bele gradua iha situasaun serka sanitaria ka konfinamentu domisiliaria jeral.", "\"Maske foin primeira vez ita realiza graduasaun virtual maibe responde duni ba graduante no inan aman sira nain hakarak,\" Reitor UNTL Martins hateten.", "Nia dehan, graduante nain 242 ne'ebe partisipa iha graduasaun virtual ne'e husi fakuldade 5 hanesan, Fakuldade Medisina, Fakuldade Edukasaun Arte Humanidade (FEAH), Fakuldade Economia Jestaun, Fakuldade Siensia Sosial, no Fakuldade Engenheria.", "\"Tuir lolos finalista hamutuk nain 633 mak partisipa iha graduasaun virtual ida ne'e tuir lista ne'ebe mak aprezenta ba Ministeriu Ensinu Superior Siensia no Kultura (MESSK) maibe aprova deit 242 no finalista nain 391 hein graduasaun prezensial,\" nia hateten.", "Tanba ne'e agradese ba ekipa ne'ebe mak servisu makas hodi halo instalasaun ba ekipamentu eletroniku ne'ebe mak ohin utiliza hodi realiza graduasaun virtual ida ne'e hahu husi abertura to'o rematan diak tebes.", "Entretantu, Graduante Maria Gorrete hateten, meios ne'ebe mak universidade utiliza hodi fasilita finalista hodi remata estudu iha Universidade Nasional Timor-Lorosa'e (UNTL) maske graduasaun virtual ka online maibe nafatin agradese tanba maske iha situasaun difisil maibe universidade nafatin esforsu ohin finalista hamutuk 242 ne'ebe simu graduasaun.", "\"Mai hau pesoal orgulhu tebes tanba maske husi graduasaun online maibe ohin hau konsegue realiza duni mehi ne'ebe hau iha no hatudu ba inan aman katak hau susesu ona liu husi sakrifisiu ne'ebe mak durante ne'e sira halo mai hau,\" nia hateten.", "Tanba ne'e, nia agradese ba oportunidade graduasaun virtual ne'e momentu ne'ebe importante tebes no ba dala uluk realiza iha Timor iha Universidade Nasional Timor-Lorosa'e (UNTL)." ]
[ [ "The National University of Timor-Leste (UNTL) for the first time held a virtual graduation ceremony to graduates from its five faculties in Hera." ], [ "UNTL Rector, Joao Martins said that the virtual graduation was carried out in response to its academic calendar. Although it is being conducted through online or via video conferencing but has been successfully completed and facilitates finalist graduateing during a situation of health quarantine (lockdown)" ], [ "\"Although this is the first time we have held a virtual graduation, it does respond to graduates and parents' wishes\", said UNTL Rector Martin." ], [ "He said that 241 students participated in the virtual graduation from five faculties: Faculty of Medicine, School for Education Arts and Humanities (FEAH), Economics Management College; Social Sciences University Campus." ], [ "\"According to the official data, 634 finalists participated in this virtual graduation accordingly with a list submitted by MESK (Ministry of Higher Education Science and Culture) but only approved for their enrollment." ], [ "Therefore, we are grateful to the team that worked hard on installing electronic equipment which is used today for this virtual graduation from opening until it was finished very well." ], [ "Meanwhile, Graduate Maria Gorrete said that the means used by university to facilitate finalists finishing their studies at Universidade Nacional Timor-Lorosa'e (UNTL) although virtual or online graduation but still thankful because despite difficult situation however universities continue efforts today 241 finalists who received degrees." ], [ "\"I'm very proud of myself because despite the online graduation, today I was able to realize my dreams and show parents that through all their sacrifice they have made for me." ], [ "Therefore, he thanked for the opportunity of this virtual graduation is a very important moment and it's first time held in Timor-Leste at Universidade Nacional de Timor Lorosae (UNTL)." ] ]
Domingu, 24 Maiu 2020\nItems filtered by date: Domingu, 24 Maiu 2020\nSegunda, 25 Maiu 2020 07:54\nAniceto Hakarak ‘Hamoos’ Meza PN, KHUNTO Husu Lalika Radikál Liu\nDILI: Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál, Aniceto Guterres, iha planu atu halo mudansa radikál iha estrutura Meza Parlamentu Nasionál, inklui Komisaun Espesializada sira.\nTuir plataforma ne’ebé halo, deputadu sira husi Bankada CNRT ne’ebé tama iha estrutura Meza PN no Komisaun Espesializada sira sei tebe sai hotu, nune’e bele garante nafatin funsionamentu servisu Parlamentu Nasionál.\nSegunda, 25 Maiu 2020 07:42\nHein Desizaun Konsellu Ministru Reativa Eskola\nDILI: Ministériu Ensinu Superior, Siensia no Kultura (MESSK) sei hein desizaun Konsellu Ministru (KM) kona-ba estensaun Estadu Emerjensia (EE) ba datoluk molok reativa fali prosesu aprendizajen iha Ensinu Superior Públiku no Privadu.\nDomingu, 24 Maiu 2020 19:40\nXanana Fó Ultimatu: Ohin, ‘Soldadu’ CNRT iha Governu Sai\nDILI: Partidu Congresso Nascional de Renconstrução de Timor (CNRT) ne’ebé lidera husi Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão foti ona desizaun forte ida hodi dada sai nia ema sira ne’ebé iha governasaun ne’ebé lidera husi Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak.\nDomingu, 24 Maiu 2020 19:26\nGava Juiz, ‘Sama’ nia Desizaun\nDILI: Desizaun juiz sira iha Tribunal Rekursu (TR) hasoru petisaun husi partidu CNRT halo Prezidente partidu Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão ‘raan nakali’. Xanana dehan, juiz sira matenek, maibé desizaun ne’ebé sira foti halo nia atu la fiar ona lei sira.
[ "Domingu, 24 Maiu 2020 Items filtered by date: Domingu, 24 Maiu 2020 Segunda, 25 Maiu 2020 07:54 Aniceto Hakarak 'Hamoos' Meza PN, KHUNTO Husu Lalika Radikal Liu DILI: Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Aniceto Guterres, iha planu atu halo mudansa radikal iha estrutura Meza Parlamentu Nasional, inklui Komisaun Espesializada sira.", "Tuir plataforma ne'ebe halo, deputadu sira husi Bankada CNRT ne'ebe tama iha estrutura Meza PN no Komisaun Espesializada sira sei tebe sai hotu, nune'e bele garante nafatin funsionamentu servisu Parlamentu Nasional.", "Segunda, 25 Maiu 2020 07:42 Hein Desizaun Konsellu Ministru Reativa Eskola DILI: Ministeriu Ensinu Superior, Siensia no Kultura (MESSK) sei hein desizaun Konsellu Ministru (KM) kona-ba estensaun Estadu Emerjensia (EE) ba datoluk molok reativa fali prosesu aprendizajen iha Ensinu Superior Publiku no Privadu.", "Domingu, 24 Maiu 2020 19:40 Xanana Fo Ultimatu: Ohin, 'Soldadu' CNRT iha Governu Sai DILI: Partidu Congresso Nascional de Renconstrucao de Timor (CNRT) ne'ebe lidera husi Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao foti ona desizaun forte ida hodi dada sai nia ema sira ne'ebe iha governasaun ne'ebe lidera husi Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak.", "Domingu, 24 Maiu 2020 19:26 Gava Juiz, 'Sama' nia Desizaun DILI: Desizaun juiz sira iha Tribunal Rekursu (TR) hasoru petisaun husi partidu CNRT halo Prezidente partidu Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao 'raan nakali'.", "Xanana dehan, juiz sira matenek, maibe desizaun ne'ebe sira foti halo nia atu la fiar ona lei sira." ]
[ [ "Items filtered by date: Sunday, 24 May (Sunday), Mai-19th -07.56 PM Monday/May–3rd –8pm Aniceto Want to 'Mop Up' the Parliamentary Table and Call for More Radical Lalika Dili — The President of National Assembly is planning radical changes in its table structure including Specialized Committee’ s membership as he has said that there will be a ‘radicalisation process” within this body which would include all specialised committee members from parliamentarians who are not representing any particular party or political groupation" ], [ "According to the platform, all members of Congress Nationalist Party (CNRP) that are in Parliamentary Committees and Specialized Commission structure will be removed from them so they can still guarantee functioning work by parliament." ], [ "Monday, 25 May (Xinhua) — The Ministry of Higher Education and Science will await the decision from Council on Extension for a Third Time in order to re-activate learning processes at public or private higher education institutions." ], [ "Sunday, May 24th (Xinhua) -- The National Congress for the Reconstruction of Timor-Leste party led by Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao has taken a strong decision to give up his people in government. Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak's cabinet is now under scrutiny and he will be forced into resignation if they do not comply with an ultimatum that was given on Monday afternoon at Parliamentary meeting held today as part from its preparations before taking office this morning.[xv]" ], [ "Sunday, May 24th (Xinhua) -- The decision of judges in the Tribunal de Recurso against a petition filed by CNRT party has made Party President Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao 'ran nakali'." ], [ "Xanana said the judges were wise, but their decision made him lose faith in law." ] ]
CNE deteta kampaña iha Atsabe viola lei eleitorál | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA ELEISAUN CNE deteta kampaña iha Atsabe viola lei eleitorál\nCNE deteta kampaña iha Atsabe viola lei eleitorál\nXefe Departamentu Administrasaun no Lojístika CNE munisípiu Ermera, Elisabeth Fátima Soares. Imajen TATOLI/Jogerjo Guterres\nERMERA, 08 abril 2022 (TATOLI)–Komisaun Nasionál Eleisaun (CNE, sigla portugés) deteta kampaña segunda volta ho tipu mini-kampaña iha postu administrativu Atsabe, munisípiu Ermera, viola lei eleitorál.\nAtividade kampaña hala’o hosi ekipa susesu Kandidatu Prezidente Repúblika (PR) hosi Partidu Congresso Nacional de Reconstrução de Timor (CNRT) períodu 2022-2027, ho númeru sorteiu 01, José Ramos Horta.\n“Kampaña iha Atsabe liu oras determinadu, ami simu kontaktu hosi nasionál katak sira (ekipa susesu) hosi Bobonaro mai tarde entaun bele autoriza minutu lima atu realiza de’it seremónia simu ekipa, maibé momentu ne’e ekipa susesu sa’e ba palku hodi halo intervensaun polítika. Bainhira liu minutu lima ne’ebé ami autoriza, maka konsidera viola regra tanba bazeia ba lei eleitorál katak kampaña eleitorál hahú iha dader tuku 08:00 no ramata iha 18:30, kuandu liu entaun kontra ona lei,” Xefe Departamentu Administrasaun no Lojístika CNE munisípiu Ermera, Elisabeth Fátima Soares, hateten ba Agência TATOLI iha postu administrativu Hatulia B, munisípiu Ermera, sesta ne’e.\nNotísia relevante: CNE Covalima identifika labarik partisipa iha kampaña eleitorál\nHo infrasaun sira ne’e maka ekipa CNE munisípiu Ermera foti ona dadus no relata ba parte kompetente hodi haree.\n“Realidade mini-kampaña ne’ebé halo iha Atsabe liu oras ne’ebé prevee iha lei, sira halo to’o kalan tuku besik tuku 20:00,” nia akresenta.\nEnkuantu, durante mini-kampaña iha Hatulia B, Reprezentante CNE munisipál observa katak atividade la’o di’ak.\n“Tuir ami-nia observasaun kampaña ne’e la’o ho di’ak no tuir duni oráriu ne’ebé mak iha tanba ne’e maka hetan mós supervizaun hosi CNE no organizasaun seluk,” nia haktuir.\nLabarik kiik partisipa kampaña\nCNE kategoriza partisipasaun labarik kiik iha kampaña iha rua hanesan partisipa direta no indereta.\n“Ita hatene eleitór sira iha ne’e (Hatulia B) dala ruma antusiazmu ba kandidatu ida ne’ebé mai, entaun inan sira labele husik hela oan, maibé sira dada oan sira mai partisipa maski iha lei hateten katak partisipasaun labarik menór idade labele, maibé tanba antusiazmu, inan-aman nian problema maka sira labele husik sira-nia oan mesak iha uma. Realidade labarik kiik sira nafatin partisipa direta tanba sira-uza atributu kandidatu,” nia esplika.\nTuir Elisabeth Fátima, loloos labele maibé tanba akontese ona entaun CNE nafatin relata ba parte relevante hodi toma konsiderasaun.\n“Tanba ami-nia papél klaru katak ami só observa hodi halo relatóriu no relata ba nasionál, relatóriu finál mak sei fó xamada ba aktu sira ne’ebé kandidatu sira komete,” nia tenik.\nKampaña kandidatu PR\nPrevious articleXanana husu partidu aliadu serbisu maka’as lori vitória ba Horta\nNext articleLú Olo promete bainhira reeleitu sai PR sei hadi’a povu-nia moris
[ "CNE deteta kampana iha Atsabe viola lei eleitoral | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA ELEISAUN CNE deteta kampana iha Atsabe viola lei eleitoral CNE deteta kampana iha Atsabe viola lei eleitoral Xefe Departamentu Administrasaun no Lojistika CNE munisipiu Ermera, Elisabeth Fatima Soares.", "Imajen TATOLI/Jogerjo Guterres ERMERA, 08 abril 2022 (TATOLI) -Komisaun Nasional Eleisaun (CNE, sigla portuges) deteta kampana segunda volta ho tipu mini-kampana iha postu administrativu Atsabe, munisipiu Ermera, viola lei eleitoral.", "Atividade kampana hala'o hosi ekipa susesu Kandidatu Prezidente Republika (PR) hosi Partidu Congresso Nacional de Reconstrucao de Timor (CNRT) periodu 2022-2027, ho numeru sorteiu 01, Jose Ramos Horta.", "\"Kampana iha Atsabe liu oras determinadu, ami simu kontaktu hosi nasional katak sira (ekipa susesu) hosi Bobonaro mai tarde entaun bele autoriza minutu lima atu realiza de'it seremonia simu ekipa, maibe momentu ne'e ekipa susesu sa'e ba palku hodi halo intervensaun politika.", "Bainhira liu minutu lima ne'ebe ami autoriza, maka konsidera viola regra tanba bazeia ba lei eleitoral katak kampana eleitoral hahu iha dader tuku 08:00 no ramata iha 18:30, kuandu liu entaun kontra ona lei,\" Xefe Departamentu Administrasaun no Lojistika CNE munisipiu Ermera, Elisabeth Fatima Soares, hateten ba Agencia TATOLI iha postu administrativu Hatulia B, munisipiu Ermera, sesta ne'e.", "Notisia relevante: CNE Covalima identifika labarik partisipa iha kampana eleitoral Ho infrasaun sira ne'e maka ekipa CNE munisipiu Ermera foti ona dadus no relata ba parte kompetente hodi haree.", "\"Realidade mini-kampana ne'ebe halo iha Atsabe liu oras ne'ebe prevee iha lei, sira halo to'o kalan tuku besik tuku 20:00,\" nia akresenta.", "Enkuantu, durante mini-kampana iha Hatulia B, Reprezentante CNE munisipal observa katak atividade la'o di'ak.", "\"Tuir ami-nia observasaun kampana ne'e la'o ho di'ak no tuir duni orariu ne'ebe mak iha tanba ne'e maka hetan mos supervizaun hosi CNE no organizasaun seluk,\" nia haktuir.", "Labarik kiik partisipa kampana CNE kategoriza partisipasaun labarik kiik iha kampana iha rua hanesan partisipa direta no indereta.", "\"Ita hatene eleitor sira iha ne'e (Hatulia B) dala ruma antusiazmu ba kandidatu ida ne'ebe mai, entaun inan sira labele husik hela oan, maibe sira dada oan sira mai partisipa maski iha lei hateten katak partisipasaun labarik menor idade labele, maibe tanba antusiazmu, inan-aman nian problema maka sira labele husik sira-nia oan mesak iha uma.", "Realidade labarik kiik sira nafatin partisipa direta tanba sira-uza atributu kandidatu,\" nia esplika.", "Tuir Elisabeth Fatima, loloos labele maibe tanba akontese ona entaun CNE nafatin relata ba parte relevante hodi toma konsiderasaun.", "\"Tanba ami-nia papel klaru katak ami so observa hodi halo relatoriu no relata ba nasional, relatoriu final mak sei fo xamada ba aktu sira ne'ebe kandidatu sira komete,\" nia tenik.", "Kampana kandidatu PR Previous articleXanana husu partidu aliadu serbisu maka'as lori vitoria ba Horta Next articleLu Olo promete bainhira reeleitu sai PR sei hadi'a povu-nia moris" ]
[ [ "CNE detects campaign in Atsabe violates electoral law | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste HOME ELECTIONS The Chief of the Administration and Logistic Department, Elisabeth Fatima Soares." ], [ "ERMERA, April 8th (Agência Fides) -The National Election Commission of the Republic Of Mozambique detected a second round campaign with mini-campaign type in Atsabe administrative post office and Ermera municipality violating electoral law." ], [ "The campaign activities were carried out by the team of Jose Ramos Horta, successful Candidate for President (PR) from Congresso Nacional de Reconstrucaon do Timor Party 2017-35." ], [ "\"Campaign in Atsabe after a certain time, we received contact from the national that they (successful team) of Bobonaro came late so could authorize five minutes to carry out only ceremonies receiving teams but at this moment successful Team went on stage for political intervention." ], [ "When the five minutes we authorize are over, it is considered a violation of rules because based on electoral law that election campaign begins at 08:15 am and end in about six o'clock. If they exceed this time then there will be an illegality\", CNE Ermera County Administration Department Head Elisabeth Fatima Soares told Agência Imprensa from Hatulia B administrative post (Ermara county) Saturday night" ], [ "Relevant news: CNE Covalima identifies children participating in electoral campaign With these infractions, the team of Ermera municipality has collected data and reported to competent parties for review." ], [ "\"The reality is that the mini-campaign in Atsabe went beyond what was allowed by law, they did it until about 8 p.m.\"" ], [ "Meanwhile, during the mini-campaign in Hatulia B a municipal CNE representative observed that activities were going well." ], [ "\"According to our observation, the campaign is going well and in accordance with scheduled timelines. That's why it has also been supervised by CNE (the national election commission) or other organization.\"" ], [ "Young children participate in the campaign The CNE categorizes young people’s involvement with a election into two categories: direct and indirect." ], [ "\"We know that voters here (Hatulia B) are sometimes enthusiastic about a candidate who comes, so mothers cannot leave their children behind but they give them to participate even though the law says underage child can't take part in elections. But because of anxiety parents have problems with not leaving kids at home and therefore we need help from our community.\"" ], [ "The reality is that young children still participate directly because they use candidate attributes,\" he explained." ], [ "According to Elisabeth Fatima, it is not possible but because this has already happened the CNE still reports back with relevant parties so that they can take consideration." ], [ "\"Because our role is clearly that we only observe and report back to the national level, it will be in a final rapporteur's call for acts committed by all of them.\"" ], [ "PR candidate campaign Previous articleXanana asks allied parties to work hard for Horta's victory Next artikelLu Olo promised when re-elected president will improve people’ s lives" ] ]
COVID-19: Númeru hosi kazu rekuperadu sira aumenta maka'as sira iha nasaun - Notícias SAPO - SAPO Notícias\nPájina aktualizada iha 15:08h, domingu 09 Agostu\nCOVID-19: Númeru hosi kazu rekuperadu sira aumenta maka'as sira iha nasaun\nIha loron-kinta ne'e, Timor-Leste rejista ona aumentu maka'as ida hosi kazu rekuperadu sira ba COVID-19, ba na'in 16, ho teste sira ne'ebé halo ba ema balun ne'ebé maka iha hela izolamentu iha Díli no hatudu negativu.\nSérgio Lobo, porta-vós hosi Sentru Integradu ba Jestaun Krizi nian (CIGC), hatete katak hosi total hosi kazu konfirmadu hamutuk 24 iha nasaun agora iha de'it kazu ativu hamutuk 12.\n"Ami iha aumentu boot ida hosi númeru kazu rekuperadu sira, hamutuk tan 10", hatete hosi Sérgio Lobo iha konferénsia imprensa diáriu hosi atualizasaun ba situasaun COVID-19 iha Sentru Konvensaun Díli nian.\nKona-ba profesor portugés na'in rua ne'ebé iha izolamentu hafoin iha teste pozitivu, Sérgio Lobo konfirma ona katak sira iha ona análize dahuluk foun ho rezultadu negativu, hein hela konfirmasaun hosi rezultadu negativu daruak hodi bele hetan alta.\n"Sidadaun portugés na'in rua iha ona teste negativu dahuluk", nia hatete.\nIha nível jeral, autoridade sira halo ona teste ba ema na'in 652, na'in 435 iha rezultadu negativu, na'in 193 hein hela rezultadu sira.\nIha kuarentena, iha infraestrutura sira Estadu nian no mós auto izolamentu iha uma, iha ema na'in 374, entre sira maka profisional saúde na'in 40.\nEma na'in 1.775 maka kompleta ona kuarentena.\nHahú hosi loron 24 Abril maka Timor-Leste laiha kazu pozitivu foun.
[ "COVID-19: Numeru hosi kazu rekuperadu sira aumenta maka'as sira iha nasaun - Noticias SAPO - SAPO Noticias Pajina aktualizada iha 15:08h, domingu 09 Agostu COVID-19: Numeru hosi kazu rekuperadu sira aumenta maka'as sira iha nasaun Iha loron-kinta ne'e, Timor-Leste rejista ona aumentu maka'as ida hosi kazu rekuperadu sira ba COVID-19, ba na'in 16, ho teste sira ne'ebe halo ba ema balun ne'ebe maka iha hela izolamentu iha Dili no hatudu negativu.", "Sergio Lobo, porta-vos hosi Sentru Integradu ba Jestaun Krizi nian (CIGC), hatete katak hosi total hosi kazu konfirmadu hamutuk 24 iha nasaun agora iha de'it kazu ativu hamutuk 12.", "\"Ami iha aumentu boot ida hosi numeru kazu rekuperadu sira, hamutuk tan 10,\" hatete hosi Sergio Lobo iha konferensia imprensa diariu hosi atualizasaun ba situasaun COVID-19 iha Sentru Konvensaun Dili nian.", "Kona-ba profesor portuges na'in rua ne'ebe iha izolamentu hafoin iha teste pozitivu, Sergio Lobo konfirma ona katak sira iha ona analize dahuluk foun ho rezultadu negativu, hein hela konfirmasaun hosi rezultadu negativu daruak hodi bele hetan alta.", "\"Sidadaun portuges na'in rua iha ona teste negativu dahuluk,\" nia hatete.", "Iha nivel jeral, autoridade sira halo ona teste ba ema na'in 652, na'in 435 iha rezultadu negativu, na'in 193 hein hela rezultadu sira.", "Iha kuarentena, iha infraestrutura sira Estadu nian no mos auto izolamentu iha uma, iha ema na'in 374, entre sira maka profisional saude na'in 40.", "Ema na'in 1.775 maka kompleta ona kuarentena.", "Hahu hosi loron 24 Abril maka Timor-Leste laiha kazu pozitivu foun." ]
[ [ "COVID-19: The number of recovered cases increases sharply in the country - Noticias SAPO – News updated at 20h, Sunday August (UTC+8) Covid–365.com Timor Leste has registering a significant rise on Friday to sixteen new positive tests for coronavirus that have been taken from some people who are being isolated and tested negative after they were admitted into hospital or home isolation facilities across Dili City as well" ], [ "Sergio Lobo, a spokesman for the Integrated Crisis Management Centre (CIGC), said that out of 24 confirmed cases in Brazil there are now only twelve active." ], [ "\"We have a huge increase in the number of recovered cases, up by 10 totals\", said Sergio Lobo at his daily press conference on COVID-29 situation update held today (Friday) from Dili Convention Centre." ], [ "Concerning the two Portuguese professors who are in isolation after having tested positive, Sergio Lobo has confirmed that they have already had a new first analysis with negative results and await confirmatory second tests before being discharged." ], [ "\"Two Portuguese citizens have already had a negative first test,\" he said." ], [ "At the general level, authorities have tested 652 people; of these results were negative for a total number in excess to one hundred and thirty-five (134)." ], [ "In quarantine, in state facilities and also self-isolation at home there are 374 people among them a fortieth of health professionals." ], [ "A total of 1,750 people have completed quarantine." ], [ "Since 24 April, there have been no new positive cases in Timor-Leste." ] ]
By Tempo Timor March 02, 2021 853\nAutoridade Lokál Suku Uaimori Francelino António Gomes, haktuir suku Uamori ne'e, hanesan suku istóriku ida-ne'ebe uluk FALINTIL konserta no subar-aan ba, maibe ukun tiha, suku Uamori sai fali fatin izoladu.\n“Suku Uaimori hanesan suku istóriku no fatin konsentrasaun FAILINTIL nian, maibé até a data, ami-nia dezenvolvimentu tarde tebes, hanesan eletrisidade, bee-moos no estrada,” dehan nia ba www.tempotimor.com iha Suku Uaimori, domingu (28/2).\nTuir nia, prekupasaun primeiru maka konstrusaun estrada, tanba suku Uaimori tama perténsia munisípiu Vikeke nian, maibé komunidade sira-nia movimentasaun asesu liuhusi fali estrada ba postu Venilale, munisípiu Baukau nian.\nPreokupasaun daruak, maka ba bee-moos, mesmu grasa boot maromak nian, Cruz Vermelha Timor-Leste (CVTL) konstrui no kanaliza ona bee-moos, maibé tempu udan boot, bee ne'e rasik nakfilak ba bee merak, nune'e halo komunidade sira tenke hakat fali ba kuru bee-mota hodi konsumu.\nPreokupasun datoluk, maka kona-ba eletrisidade, durante ne'e, populasaun seidauk asesu ba eletrisidade.\nAutoridade Lokál ne’e fó-sai katak, oras ne’e atu dada eletrisidade presiza kilómetru 25 hafoin tama iha suku Uamori.\nHo preokupasaun hirak ne'e hotu, parte suku tenta halo ona proposta ba governu, maibé to'o oras ne'e governu seidauk tau atensaun.\n“Dezde 1999 sa'e mai ne'e, preokupasaun ba ami ne'e lubuk ida, ami hato'o, no tenta halo proposta oinoin, hato'o duni maibe laiha rezultadu, tanba ne'e durante popupasaun konsumu de'it bee mota, iha ne'e CVTL halo ona konstrusaun ligasaun bee ne'e, maibé kuandu tempu udan bee ne'e merak, ne'ebé komunidade sira sempre kuru fali iha mota,” hatete nia.\nMesmu nune'e, nia parte apresia ba esforsu tomak, Amu Locateli ne'ebe esforsu tomak hodi kosenge atrai inisiativa Antigu Alunu sira no komunidade sira -ia hanoin hodi kria uma kapelaun foun Santu Calisto Caravário.\nEntretantu Tuir observasaun www.tempotimor.com iha terrenu nota katak, estrada ne'ebé liga husi suku Uaimori ba Postu Administrativu Venilale, iha mota boot hamutuk 3 maibÉ laiha ponte.(*)\n« FNAADBTL Harii Uma Kapela Santu Calisto Caravário iha Uamori Atu Augenta Moris, Komunidade Uaimori Tenke Nani Mota Hodi Hetan Bee-Moos »
[ "By Tempo Timor March 02, 2021 853 Autoridade Lokal Suku Uaimori Francelino Antonio Gomes, haktuir suku Uamori ne'e, hanesan suku istoriku ida-ne'ebe uluk FALINTIL konserta no subar-aan ba, maibe ukun tiha, suku Uamori sai fali fatin izoladu.", "\"Suku Uaimori hanesan suku istoriku no fatin konsentrasaun FAILINTIL nian, maibe ate a data, ami-nia dezenvolvimentu tarde tebes, hanesan eletrisidade, bee-moos no estrada,\" dehan nia ba www.tempotimor.com iha Suku Uaimori, domingu (28/2).", "Tuir nia, prekupasaun primeiru maka konstrusaun estrada, tanba suku Uaimori tama pertensia munisipiu Vikeke nian, maibe komunidade sira-nia movimentasaun asesu liuhusi fali estrada ba postu Venilale, munisipiu Baukau nian.", "Preokupasaun daruak, maka ba bee-moos, mesmu grasa boot maromak nian, Cruz Vermelha Timor-Leste (CVTL) konstrui no kanaliza ona bee-moos, maibe tempu udan boot, bee ne'e rasik nakfilak ba bee merak, nune'e halo komunidade sira tenke hakat fali ba kuru bee-mota hodi konsumu.", "Preokupasun datoluk, maka kona-ba eletrisidade, durante ne'e, populasaun seidauk asesu ba eletrisidade.", "Autoridade Lokal ne'e fo-sai katak, oras ne'e atu dada eletrisidade presiza kilometru 25 hafoin tama iha suku Uamori.", "Ho preokupasaun hirak ne'e hotu, parte suku tenta halo ona proposta ba governu, maibe to'o oras ne'e governu seidauk tau atensaun.", "\"Dezde 1999 sa'e mai ne'e, preokupasaun ba ami ne'e lubuk ida, ami hato'o, no tenta halo proposta oinoin, hato'o duni maibe laiha rezultadu, tanba ne'e durante popupasaun konsumu de'it bee mota, iha ne'e CVTL halo ona konstrusaun ligasaun bee ne'e, maibe kuandu tempu udan bee ne'e merak, ne'ebe komunidade sira sempre kuru fali iha mota,\" hatete nia.", "Mesmu nune'e, nia parte apresia ba esforsu tomak, Amu Locateli ne'ebe esforsu tomak hodi kosenge atrai inisiativa Antigu Alunu sira no komunidade sira -ia hanoin hodi kria uma kapelaun foun Santu Calisto Caravario.", "Entretantu Tuir observasaun www.tempotimor.com iha terrenu nota katak, estrada ne'ebe liga husi suku Uaimori ba Postu Administrativu Venilale, iha mota boot hamutuk 3 maibE laiha ponte. (*) \" FNAADBTL Harii Uma Kapela Santu Calisto Caravario iha Uamori Atu Augenta Moris, Komunidade Uaimori Tenke Nani Mota Hodi Hetan Bee-Moos \"" ]
[ [ "By Tempo Timor March 02,1983 Local Authority of Uaimori Village Francelino Antonio Gomes said that the village was a historic place where FALINTIL once concerted and rebuilt itself but after its conquest it became an isolated area." ], [ "\"Suku Uaimori is a historic village and the concentration place of FAILINTIL, but to date our development has been very late in terms such as power supply (electricity), drinking water accessibility or roads\", he told www.tempotimor" ], [ "According to him, the first concern is road construction because Uaimori village belongs in Vikeke municipality but community movement access through a highway into Venilale post of Baukau." ], [ "The second concern is the sanitation, even though there are many poor people in this area. Cruz Vermelha Timor-Leste (CVTL) has built and installed a sewage system but during heavy rains it turns into muddy water so that communities have to rely on pumping stations for their consumption of clean drinkable Water" ], [ "The third concern is about electricity, during this time the population has not had access to it." ], [ "The Local Authority said that, at the moment to provide electricity it takes 25 kilometers after entering Uamori village." ], [ "With all these concerns, the village has tried to make a proposal for government but so far no attention." ], [ "\"Since 1980, we have had a lot of concerns about this issue. We submitted and tried to make proposal for the future but there was no result; so during population growth they only consumed water from river systems - here CVTL has built these connection lines – while in rainy season it is very dry which means that communities always run into their own drainage system.\"" ], [ "Nevertheless, he appreciated all the efforts of Father Locateli who made every effort to attract initiative from former students and community members - they had thought about creating a new chapel house St. Calisto Caravario's part" ], [ "Meanwhile, according to observation www.tempotimor!com in the field notes that roads linking Uaimori village with Venilale administrative post have 3 big motorways but no abridge (*) \"FNAADBTL Harii Uma Kapela Santu Calisto Caravario iha uamori atu Augenta Moris: Komunidade Ouaimorin Tenke Nani Mota Hodi Hetan Bee-Moos\" (in Portuguese)." ] ]
CCI-TL rekomenda Governu investe iha setór infraestrutura-produtivu iha tinan oin | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA CCI-TL rekomenda Governu investe iha setór infraestrutura-produtivu iha tinan oin\nDILI, 22 jullu 2021 (TATOLI)-–Prezidente Kámara Komérsiu Indústria Timor-Leste (CCI-TL, sigla portugés), Oscar Lima, rekomenda ba Governu atu tau prioridade maka’as iha setór infraestrutura no produtivu atu muda povu nia moris.\n“Ha’u-nia hanoin atu investe agora iha setór infraestrutura, nune’e emprezáriu sira bele envolve hodi fó kontribuisaun ba kampu traballu hodi fó serbisu ba komunidade,” Prezidente CCI-TL hateten iha edifísiu Acait, kinta ne’e.\nAleinde ne’e, rekomenda mós atu fó prioridade ba setór produtivu sira hanesan agrikultura, turizmu, pekuária no peska atubele fó impaktu pozitivu ba populasaun nia moris.\nNia konsidera área rua ne’e importante tanba bele fó serbisu ba komunidade no haree ba partisipasaun emprezáriu hodi bele sirkula osan ba komunidade nia le’et.\nCCI-TL nota mós katak durante ne’e investimentu iha setór produtivu menus iha kada tinan.\n“Ami nota ema barak mak sai dezempregu tanba situasaun impase polítika hahú kedan 2017 to’o 2020 no tinan ne’e iha pandemia ne’ebé ninia impaktu boot tebes ba ekonomia no kampu traballu,” nia akresenta.\nTanba ne’e, atu hamenus dezempregu, emprezáriu timor-oan ne’e sujere ba Governu implementa projetu sira iha setór rua atu benefisia povu, lori produtu sira ba merkadu hodi hetan rendimentu.\nEntretantu, Governu liuhosi Konsellu Ministru (KM) aprova ona tetu agregadu no dezagregadu OJE ba tinan fiskál 2022 ho montante biliaun $1,571.\nGovernu mós define ona prioridade nasionál neen ba orsamentu tinan oin mak; dezenvolvimentu kapitál umanu hanesan edukasaun, formasaun profisionál no saúde, abitasaun no inkluzasaun sosiál, setór produtivu hanesan agrikultura no turizmu, ambiente no konetividade, dezenvolvimentu setór privadu, dezenvolvimentu rurál no boa governasaun.\nNune’e mós, Ministériu Finansa loke ona sesaun traballu hodi distribui pakote fiskál ba kada instituisaun Estadu sira, hafoin prosede ba Komisaun Revizaun Orsamentu Polítiku (KROP) hodi elabora proposta no submete ba Parlamentu Nasionál iha loron 01 outubru 2021 tuir espíritu iha Lei Enkuadramentu Orsamentu.\nPrevious articleUNICEF apresia PN inisia projetu-lei protesaun labarik-joven iha perigu\nNext articleMAP observa programa Cesta Bázika fó impaktu sosiál no ekonomia
[ "CCI-TL rekomenda Governu investe iha setor infraestrutura-produtivu iha tinan oin | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA CCI-TL rekomenda Governu investe iha setor infraestrutura-produtivu iha tinan oin DILI, 22 jullu 2021 (TATOLI) --Prezidente Kamara Komersiu Industria Timor-Leste (CCI-TL, sigla portuges), Oscar Lima, rekomenda ba Governu atu tau prioridade maka'as iha setor infraestrutura no produtivu atu muda povu nia moris.", "\"Ha'u-nia hanoin atu investe agora iha setor infraestrutura, nune'e emprezariu sira bele envolve hodi fo kontribuisaun ba kampu traballu hodi fo serbisu ba komunidade,\" Prezidente CCI-TL hateten iha edifisiu Acait, kinta ne'e.", "Aleinde ne'e, rekomenda mos atu fo prioridade ba setor produtivu sira hanesan agrikultura, turizmu, pekuaria no peska atubele fo impaktu pozitivu ba populasaun nia moris.", "Nia konsidera area rua ne'e importante tanba bele fo serbisu ba komunidade no haree ba partisipasaun emprezariu hodi bele sirkula osan ba komunidade nia le'et.", "CCI-TL nota mos katak durante ne'e investimentu iha setor produtivu menus iha kada tinan.", "\"Ami nota ema barak mak sai dezempregu tanba situasaun impase politika hahu kedan 2017 to'o 2020 no tinan ne'e iha pandemia ne'ebe ninia impaktu boot tebes ba ekonomia no kampu traballu,\" nia akresenta.", "Tanba ne'e, atu hamenus dezempregu, emprezariu timor-oan ne'e sujere ba Governu implementa projetu sira iha setor rua atu benefisia povu, lori produtu sira ba merkadu hodi hetan rendimentu.", "Entretantu, Governu liuhosi Konsellu Ministru (KM) aprova ona tetu agregadu no dezagregadu OJE ba tinan fiskal 2022 ho montante biliaun $1,571.", "Governu mos define ona prioridade nasional neen ba orsamentu tinan oin mak; dezenvolvimentu kapital umanu hanesan edukasaun, formasaun profisional no saude, abitasaun no inkluzasaun sosial, setor produtivu hanesan agrikultura no turizmu, ambiente no konetividade, dezenvolvimentu setor privadu, dezenvolvimentu rural no boa governasaun.", "Nune'e mos, Ministeriu Finansa loke ona sesaun traballu hodi distribui pakote fiskal ba kada instituisaun Estadu sira, hafoin prosede ba Komisaun Revizaun Orsamentu Politiku (KROP) hodi elabora proposta no submete ba Parlamentu Nasional iha loron 01 outubru 2021 tuir espiritu iha Lei Enkuadramentu Orsamentu.", "Previous articleUNICEF apresia PN inisia projetu-lei protesaun labarik-joven iha perigu Next articleMAP observa programa Cesta Bazika fo impaktu sosial no ekonomia" ]
[ [ "CCI-TL recommends Government to invest in productive infrastructure sector over the coming years | Agência Noticiosa de Timor Lorosa'E TIMOR HAU NotíciaS VARANDA EKONOMIA The President of East Тимор Chamber for Trade and Industry, Oscar Lima (CCTI), has advised that government should give high priority on infrastructural investment as a way towards changing people’ s lives." ], [ "\"My idea is to invest now in the infrastructure sector, so that entrepreneurs can be involved and contribute towards employment opportunities for communities\", said President of TL-CCI at Acait building on Wednesday." ], [ "In addition, he recommended that priority be given to productive sectors such as agriculture and tourism so they can have a positive impact on the lives of people." ], [ "He considers these two areas important because they can provide employment for the community and look at entrepreneurial participation so that money could circulate through it." ], [ "CCI-TL also notes that during this period, investment in the productive sector decreased every year." ], [ "\"We noticed that many people went unemployed because of the political impasse from 2017 to this year, and in addition there is a pandemic which has had an enormous impact on our economy as well." ], [ "Therefore, in order to reduce unemployment the Timorese entrepreneur suggests that Government implement projects on two sector for benefit of people and bring products into market so as gain income." ], [ "Meanwhile, the Government through its Council of Ministers (CM) has approved an aggregate and disagregated draft budget for fiscal year 2019 amounting to $3.7 billion in total ($568 million)." ], [ "The government has also defined nine national priorities for the next year’s budget: human capital development such as education, professional training and health; social inclusion in terms of accommodation. Production sector like agriculture or tourism is a key factor to achieve economic growth but there are other areas that need more attention including environment & connectorship with private-sector developmenet rural/rural Development" ], [ "Similarly, the Ministry of Finance has opened a working session to distribute fiscal packages for each State institution. Afterwards it will proceeds with Committee on Political Budget Review (KROP) in preparing proposal and submitting them into National Parliament by October 1st -2034 according as stipulated under Law enquadramento or budget framework law" ], [ "Previous articleUNICEF applauds Portuguese Parliament’s initiation of draft law on protection for children and young people at risk Next artikelMAP observed that the Basic Food Basket program has a social, economic impact." ] ]
Komunikasaun FFTL ho LFTL ladún armonia | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DESPORTU Komunikasaun FFTL ho LFTL ladún armonia\nSekretáriu Estadu Juventude no Desportu (SEJD), Abrão Saldanha, konversa ho Prezidente LFTL, Nilton Gusmão ho Sekretáriu Jerál FFTL, Nelio Isaac Sarmento. Imajen/Dok.LFA\nDILI, 14 setembru 2021 (TATOLI) –Kalendáriu fiksu ne’ebé fó sai ona iha fulan rua ba kotuk jogu ba Kopa Federasaun Futeból Timor-Leste (FFTL) no Liga sei realize iha 20 agostu liubá, maibé tanba komunikasaun entre FFTL no Liga Futeból Timor-Leste (LFTL) ladún di’ak ho klube sira adia fali ba loron 01 setembru, maibé nafatin komunikasaun entre parte rua ladún armonia no Governu deside konfinamentu obrigatóriu iha Dili kansela totál jogu ne’e.\nDaudauk ne’e Governu liuhosi Konsellu Ministru deside hamamar no halakon ona konfinamentu obrigatóriu iha Kapitál Dili maibé hetok liu tan ba parte rua ne’e atu realize jogu ne’ebé sira rasik mak promote ona atu hala’o setembru nia laran.\nOrsamentu hosi Governu liuhosi Sekretáriu Estadu Juventude no Desportu (SEJD) aloka ona montante 310,000.00 ba FFTL hodi realiza jogu. Maibé ate agora FFTL rasik seidauk transfere ba konta bankária LFTL nian hodi realiza jogu.\nObservadór futeból iha Timor-Leste, Lexy Vong hateten, situasaun futeból iha Timor-Leste tama ona iha degradasaun tanba parte rua FFTL-LFTL laiha komunikasaun di’ak ba malu.\n“Ita hari futeból hahú hosi Liga Futeból Amadora hosi époka primeiru too époka kuartu atividade lao di’ak hotu, klube sira mós gasta maka’as halo investimentu boot, maibé kestaun ida ikus ne’e ha’u akompaña no rona mosu dezentendimentu entre FFTL-LFTL ida ne’e kestaun interna tenke rezolve entre órgaun rua, maibé sira-nia komunikasaun la di’ak mak sai nune’e,” Lexy hateten ba Agência Tatoli iha salaun Xanana Sport Centre Dili, tersa ne’e.\nFFTL mak hanesan órgaun reguladór ne’ebé as liu hanesan sombriña ba organizasaun futeból hotu iha Timor-Leste, tuir fali mak liga, klube sira, asosiasaun no seluk tan mak sai mahon FFTL nian.\n“Maibé saida mak akontese agora la hanesan ne’e, sira ida-idak la intende malu. Ita haree iha 2019 LFTL ho FFTL komunikasaun di’ak tebes mak Lalenok konsege hakat ba li’ur hodi joga iha internasionál, ida ne’e komunikasaun di’ak entre parte rua, ne’e mak parte rua tenke mantein komunikasaun di’ak ba malu atu lori futeból ba oin,” nia dehan.\nTuir nia haree, problema ne’ebé agora daudauk mosu iha FFTL no LFTL buat ki’ikoan maibé parte rua mak hakarak dada halo sai boot.\nHatán ba kestaun ne’e, Prezidente LFTL Nilton Telmo Gusmão hateten, komunikasaun durante ne’e LFTL halo ho FFTL di’ak hela, maibé só de’it la halo transferénsia osan ne’ebé haruka hosi Sekretáriu Estadu Juventude no Desportu (SEJD) ba FFTL hodi kanaliza ba LFTL mak buat hotu sai nune’e.\n“Antes ne’e ami ho FFTL no SEJD iha konkordánsia ida atu lao hamutuk mak SEJD transfere ona osan ba iha FFTL hodi haruka ba ami organiza jogu, maibé ami hein de’it se sira haruka ona osan ba ami mak ami foin bele organiza liga ho situasaun nune’e ami mós laiha kbiit, se finanseiru laiha,” Nilton hateten.\nSekretáriu Jerál FFTL, Nelio Isaac Sarmento hateten, apoiu ne’ebé Governu oferese ba FFTL hodi haraik ba LFTL bainhira liga la’o.\n“Osan Estadu nian fó mai ne’e bainhira liga ne’e la’o mak fó ba para finansia atividade ne’e, se liga ne’e la lao, maibé osan ita gasta, ita atu ba hatán ne’e oinsá, tanba ami mak iha responsabilidade atu hato’o relatóriu ba Governu kona-ba osan ne’ebé fó mai FFTL, se ita husu gasta balu ona mak tenke iha atividade,” nia dehan.\nFFTL komunika ona ho LFTL katak, Governu konkorda karta ne’ebé FFTL hato’o ba Governu atu haruka uluk osan uitoan ba LFTL durasaun fulan hitu (7) tanba órgaun liga atribui ona orsamentu balu ba sira hodi selu saláriu funsionáriu sira nian.\n“Ami komunika ho Governu, ho desizaun ne’ebé liga la lao ne’e. Maibé Governu dehan ita bele finansia bainhira liga ne’e lao tanba kompromisu ami nian ho Governu hateten atu halo atividade seluk ruma ho osan ne’ebé haruka hosi Governu tenke informa uluk. Entaun ami informa no Governu aseita hodi fó fleksibilidade ba FFTL atu halo, to’o iha ne’e mak atu selu saláriu ba funsionáriu sira iha LFTL ita avansa uluk ho fulan tolu ba sira nia saláriu hahú jullu-setembru, saida mak ami husu ba sira atu aprezenta mak submete kontratu sira nian hotu no relatóriu fulan haat servisu nian para ita iha transparénsia ba ezekusaun osan ne’e ho responsabilidade,” nia esplika.\nToo iha parte ne’e FFTL esforsu kontaktu ho estrutura LFTL nian, maibé seidauk fó resposta to’o ohin loron mak buat hotu paradu.\nLFTL halibur klube buka solusaun\nPrezidente LFTL, Nilton Telmo Gusmão, hateten LFTL konvoka enkontru hamutuk ho klube 20 ne’ebé antes ne’e hamahan an iha órgaun liga hodi buka solusaun ba problema ne’ebé agora daudauk mosu iha futeból liu-liu iha situasaun FFTL lakohi transfere osan ba konta liga nian maski Governu haruka ona ba konta FFTL nian.\n“Klube sira aprezenta hela proposta ida ne’ebé to’o agora FFTL seidauk konvense klube sira. Tanba ne’e hanesan órgaun liga iha devér hodi reúne hamutuk ho klube sira hodi diskute hamutuk no rona diretamente pozisaun klube nian, tanba saida maka sira propoin proposta ne’ebé sira aprezenta ona laiha solusaun hosi FFTL,” Nilton afirma.\n“Ne’e duni ohin órgaun liga rona rasik hosi klube sira tanba ne’e ami tenta buka senáriu sira ne’ebé di’ak liu, para atu bele kontinua ho ita nia atividade. Maibé tristeza ita la’ós atu halo futeból hodi klube sira sai fali vítima ka órgaun liga atu sai fali vítima inklui FFTL rasik, la’ós ida ne’e,” Nilton afirma tan.\nTuir Nilton, ideal liu maka kualkér atividade la’o, FFTL hetan nia benefísiu no órgaun liga halo atividade ho di’ak no klube sira ezerse ka halo sira nia atividade sem clozizus ne’ebé signifikadu.\n“Futeból ne’e públiku nian, tanba ne’e maka ami hamutuk ho klube sira hodi halo deklarasaun konjunta ida, para públiku mós koñese no hatene saida maka atividade futeból hasoru no enfrenta hela. Laos tanba klube sira dezanimadu ka lakohi ona atividade futeból iha Timor. Laos mós tanba Covid-19 maka atividade futeból para, maibé iha mós sirkunstánsia balun ne’ebé implika atividade refere, para alende Covid-19 sai hanesan situasaun ne’ebé la permite órgaun liga hala’o atividade futeból,” Nilton hateten.\nLiga ho orsamentu 40% ne’ebé to’o agora parte FFTL sei habit no la hatene osan nia paradeiru to’o ona iha ne’ebé. FFTL mak bele esplika tanba osan sei iha hela sira se haruka ona mai ami foin bele hatene no realize atividade.\nPortavós klube 20 iha LFTL, Antonio Sepeda hateten, presidente FFTL semana kotuk dehan subsídiu ne’e la iha referénsia hodi apoiu ba klube sira ba nia ida ne’e la loos.\n“Presidente FFTL kahur bu’at rua; Subsídiu ida agora iha Timor-Leste ne’e subsídiu ba Liga (atividade) ba klube sira ne’ebé partisipa iha atividade liga ne’e. Se liga la iha, subsídiu nunka iha. Signifika subsídiu la’ós ba klube maibe ba apoiu atividade liga,” Antonio Sepeda hateten.\nNia realsa klube harii ho nia osan rasik durante tinan lima nia laran no liga ne’e regulamentu kada tinan lao hasoru difikuldade maibé to’o agora lao di’ak.\nAntonio akresenta katak, Epoka 2021 timor tomak hasoru difikuldade tanba impaktu hosi surtu Covid-19, ho ida ne’e maka klube hato’o sira nia difikuldade ba FFTL hodi konsidera, tanba atu kumpre protokolu saúde klube presiza hasai tan kustu boot ho ida ne’e maka klube sira hato’o difikuldade sira ne’e ba FFTL atu bele konsidera tuir proposta ne’ebé hato’o ona.\nBainhira FFTL la konsidera preokupasaun klube nian mak sira rasik deside époka 2021 di’ak liu lalika hala’o jogu no bele realize hikas iha tinan oin.\nHatán ba kestaun ne’e, Sekretáriu Jerál FFTL Nelio Isaac Sarmento hateten, iha fulan hira ba kotuk FFTL-LFTL simu ona karta balu hosi klube 20 bainhira la aumenta orsamentu subsídiu ba klube mak sira sei la partisipa iha jogu.\n“Bazeia ba karta ne’e FFTL mós hatene ona kbiit ami nian atu selu ba kluibe sira ne’e 20 mil ba klube Primeira Divizaun no 10 mil ba klube segunda Divizaun. Ami tur tur la’ós hasai de’it osan ne’e tanba ami simu responsabilidade ne’e hosi Governu, kada tinan Governu mak fó subsídiu ba sira maibé tinan ida ne’e ami mak finansia. Ida ne’e mak ami pronto no simu, maibé klube sira lakohi hakarak tenke aumenta ida ne’e mak sai problema,” Nelio Isaac tenik.\nHo nune’e mak ezekutivu FFTL simu informasaun hotu esforsu atu buka meiu maibé finalidade mak apoiu subsídiu ba klube sira kada klube simu mak 10 mil no 20 mil laiha mudansa.\n“Ami mós haree hodi husu ba liga no klube sira se klube balu ne’ebé hakarak partisipa bele partisipa lakohi partisipa laiha buat ida halo deklarasaun ho razaun forte para tinan oin mai ita lalika diskute. Entaun ami hakerek ona karta haruka ba liga hodi buka solusaun ba ida ne’e maibé ami seidauk hetan informasaun too agora,” nia relata.\nNia dehan, planu FFTL nian ne’e atu halo jogu ho modelu kurtu prazu durasaun fulan ida(1) ou rua (2) de’it depois mak enkaixa ho jogu seluk hanesan kopa FFTL, tasa 12 de Novembru iha laran no iha kopa FFTL klube sira nafatin hetan osan durante jogu dala ida hetan $500.00.\nPrevious articleDurante resesu, deputadu sira atualiza polítika atuál ba povu\nNext articleRTTL, E.P rejista preokupasaun haat
[ "Komunikasaun FFTL ho LFTL ladun armonia | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DESPORTU Komunikasaun FFTL ho LFTL ladun armonia Sekretariu Estadu Juventude no Desportu (SEJD), Abrao Saldanha, konversa ho Prezidente LFTL, Nilton Gusmao ho Sekretariu Jeral FFTL, Nelio Isaac Sarmento.", "Imajen/Dok.LFA DILI, 14 setembru 2021 (TATOLI) -Kalendariu fiksu ne'ebe fo sai ona iha fulan rua ba kotuk jogu ba Kopa Federasaun Futebol Timor-Leste (FFTL) no Liga sei realize iha 20 agostu liuba, maibe tanba komunikasaun entre FFTL no Liga Futebol Timor-Leste (LFTL) ladun di'ak ho klube sira adia fali ba loron 01 setembru, maibe nafatin komunikasaun entre parte rua ladun armonia no Governu deside konfinamentu obrigatoriu iha Dili kansela total jogu ne'e.", "Daudauk ne'e Governu liuhosi Konsellu Ministru deside hamamar no halakon ona konfinamentu obrigatoriu iha Kapital Dili maibe hetok liu tan ba parte rua ne'e atu realize jogu ne'ebe sira rasik mak promote ona atu hala'o setembru nia laran.", "Orsamentu hosi Governu liuhosi Sekretariu Estadu Juventude no Desportu (SEJD) aloka ona montante 310,000.00 ba FFTL hodi realiza jogu.", "Maibe ate agora FFTL rasik seidauk transfere ba konta bankaria LFTL nian hodi realiza jogu.", "Observador futebol iha Timor-Leste, Lexy Vong hateten, situasaun futebol iha Timor-Leste tama ona iha degradasaun tanba parte rua FFTL-LFTL laiha komunikasaun di'ak ba malu.", "\"Ita hari futebol hahu hosi Liga Futebol Amadora hosi epoka primeiru too epoka kuartu atividade lao di'ak hotu, klube sira mos gasta maka'as halo investimentu boot, maibe kestaun ida ikus ne'e ha'u akompana no rona mosu dezentendimentu entre FFTL-LFTL ida ne'e kestaun interna tenke rezolve entre orgaun rua, maibe sira-nia komunikasaun la di'ak mak sai nune'e,\" Lexy hateten ba Agencia Tatoli iha salaun Xanana Sport Centre Dili, tersa ne'e.", "FFTL mak hanesan orgaun regulador ne'ebe as liu hanesan sombrina ba organizasaun futebol hotu iha Timor-Leste, tuir fali mak liga, klube sira, asosiasaun no seluk tan mak sai mahon FFTL nian.", "\"Maibe saida mak akontese agora la hanesan ne'e, sira ida-idak la intende malu.", "Ita haree iha 2019 LFTL ho FFTL komunikasaun di'ak tebes mak Lalenok konsege hakat ba li'ur hodi joga iha internasional, ida ne'e komunikasaun di'ak entre parte rua, ne'e mak parte rua tenke mantein komunikasaun di'ak ba malu atu lori futebol ba oin,\" nia dehan.", "Tuir nia haree, problema ne'ebe agora daudauk mosu iha FFTL no LFTL buat ki'ikoan maibe parte rua mak hakarak dada halo sai boot.", "Hatan ba kestaun ne'e, Prezidente LFTL Nilton Telmo Gusmao hateten, komunikasaun durante ne'e LFTL halo ho FFTL di'ak hela, maibe so de'it la halo transferensia osan ne'ebe haruka hosi Sekretariu Estadu Juventude no Desportu (SEJD) ba FFTL hodi kanaliza ba LFTL mak buat hotu sai nune'e.", "\"Antes ne'e ami ho FFTL no SEJD iha konkordansia ida atu lao hamutuk mak SEJD transfere ona osan ba iha FFTL hodi haruka ba ami organiza jogu, maibe ami hein de'it se sira haruka ona osan ba ami mak ami foin bele organiza liga ho situasaun nune'e ami mos laiha kbiit, se finanseiru laiha,\" Nilton hateten.", "Sekretariu Jeral FFTL, Nelio Isaac Sarmento hateten, apoiu ne'ebe Governu oferese ba FFTL hodi haraik ba LFTL bainhira liga la'o.", "\"Osan Estadu nian fo mai ne'e bainhira liga ne'e la'o mak fo ba para finansia atividade ne'e, se liga ne'e la lao, maibe osan ita gasta, ita atu ba hatan ne'e oinsa, tanba ami mak iha responsabilidade atu hato'o relatoriu ba Governu kona-ba osan ne'ebe fo mai FFTL, se ita husu gasta balu ona mak tenke iha atividade,\" nia dehan.", "FFTL komunika ona ho LFTL katak, Governu konkorda karta ne'ebe FFTL hato'o ba Governu atu haruka uluk osan uitoan ba LFTL durasaun fulan hitu (7) tanba orgaun liga atribui ona orsamentu balu ba sira hodi selu salariu funsionariu sira nian.", "\"Ami komunika ho Governu, ho desizaun ne'ebe liga la lao ne'e.", "Maibe Governu dehan ita bele finansia bainhira liga ne'e lao tanba kompromisu ami nian ho Governu hateten atu halo atividade seluk ruma ho osan ne'ebe haruka hosi Governu tenke informa uluk.", "Entaun ami informa no Governu aseita hodi fo fleksibilidade ba FFTL atu halo, to'o iha ne'e mak atu selu salariu ba funsionariu sira iha LFTL ita avansa uluk ho fulan tolu ba sira nia salariu hahu jullu-setembru, saida mak ami husu ba sira atu aprezenta mak submete kontratu sira nian hotu no relatoriu fulan haat servisu nian para ita iha transparensia ba ezekusaun osan ne'e ho responsabilidade,\" nia esplika.", "Too iha parte ne'e FFTL esforsu kontaktu ho estrutura LFTL nian, maibe seidauk fo resposta to'o ohin loron mak buat hotu paradu.", "LFTL halibur klube buka solusaun Prezidente LFTL, Nilton Telmo Gusmao, hateten LFTL konvoka enkontru hamutuk ho klube 20 ne'ebe antes ne'e hamahan an iha orgaun liga hodi buka solusaun ba problema ne'ebe agora daudauk mosu iha futebol liu-liu iha situasaun FFTL lakohi transfere osan ba konta liga nian maski Governu haruka ona ba konta FFTL nian.", "\"Klube sira aprezenta hela proposta ida ne'ebe to'o agora FFTL seidauk konvense klube sira.", "Tanba ne'e hanesan orgaun liga iha dever hodi reune hamutuk ho klube sira hodi diskute hamutuk no rona diretamente pozisaun klube nian, tanba saida maka sira propoin proposta ne'ebe sira aprezenta ona laiha solusaun hosi FFTL,\" Nilton afirma.", "\"Ne'e duni ohin orgaun liga rona rasik hosi klube sira tanba ne'e ami tenta buka senariu sira ne'ebe di'ak liu, para atu bele kontinua ho ita nia atividade.", "Maibe tristeza ita la'os atu halo futebol hodi klube sira sai fali vitima ka orgaun liga atu sai fali vitima inklui FFTL rasik, la'os ida ne'e,\" Nilton afirma tan.", "Tuir Nilton, ideal liu maka kualker atividade la'o, FFTL hetan nia benefisiu no orgaun liga halo atividade ho di'ak no klube sira ezerse ka halo sira nia atividade sem clozizus ne'ebe signifikadu.", "\"Futebol ne'e publiku nian, tanba ne'e maka ami hamutuk ho klube sira hodi halo deklarasaun konjunta ida, para publiku mos konese no hatene saida maka atividade futebol hasoru no enfrenta hela.", "Laos tanba klube sira dezanimadu ka lakohi ona atividade futebol iha Timor.", "Laos mos tanba Covid-19 maka atividade futebol para, maibe iha mos sirkunstansia balun ne'ebe implika atividade refere, para alende Covid-19 sai hanesan situasaun ne'ebe la permite orgaun liga hala'o atividade futebol,\" Nilton hateten.", "Liga ho orsamentu 40% ne'ebe to'o agora parte FFTL sei habit no la hatene osan nia paradeiru to'o ona iha ne'ebe.", "FFTL mak bele esplika tanba osan sei iha hela sira se haruka ona mai ami foin bele hatene no realize atividade.", "Portavos klube 20 iha LFTL, Antonio Sepeda hateten, presidente FFTL semana kotuk dehan subsidiu ne'e la iha referensia hodi apoiu ba klube sira ba nia ida ne'e la loos.", "\"Presidente FFTL kahur bu'at rua; Subsidiu ida agora iha Timor-Leste ne'e subsidiu ba Liga (atividade) ba klube sira ne'ebe partisipa iha atividade liga ne'e.", "Se liga la iha, subsidiu nunka iha.", "Signifika subsidiu la'os ba klube maibe ba apoiu atividade liga,\" Antonio Sepeda hateten.", "Nia realsa klube harii ho nia osan rasik durante tinan lima nia laran no liga ne'e regulamentu kada tinan lao hasoru difikuldade maibe to'o agora lao di'ak.", "Antonio akresenta katak, Epoka 2021 timor tomak hasoru difikuldade tanba impaktu hosi surtu Covid-19, ho ida ne'e maka klube hato'o sira nia difikuldade ba FFTL hodi konsidera, tanba atu kumpre protokolu saude klube presiza hasai tan kustu boot ho ida ne'e maka klube sira hato'o difikuldade sira ne'e ba FFTL atu bele konsidera tuir proposta ne'ebe hato'o ona.", "Bainhira FFTL la konsidera preokupasaun klube nian mak sira rasik deside epoka 2021 di'ak liu lalika hala'o jogu no bele realize hikas iha tinan oin.", "Hatan ba kestaun ne'e, Sekretariu Jeral FFTL Nelio Isaac Sarmento hateten, iha fulan hira ba kotuk FFTL-LFTL simu ona karta balu hosi klube 20 bainhira la aumenta orsamentu subsidiu ba klube mak sira sei la partisipa iha jogu.", "\"Bazeia ba karta ne'e FFTL mos hatene ona kbiit ami nian atu selu ba kluibe sira ne'e 20 mil ba klube Primeira Divizaun no 10 mil ba klube segunda Divizaun.", "Ami tur tur la'os hasai de'it osan ne'e tanba ami simu responsabilidade ne'e hosi Governu, kada tinan Governu mak fo subsidiu ba sira maibe tinan ida ne'e ami mak finansia.", "Ida ne'e mak ami pronto no simu, maibe klube sira lakohi hakarak tenke aumenta ida ne'e mak sai problema,\" Nelio Isaac tenik.", "Ho nune'e mak ezekutivu FFTL simu informasaun hotu esforsu atu buka meiu maibe finalidade mak apoiu subsidiu ba klube sira kada klube simu mak 10 mil no 20 mil laiha mudansa.", "\"Ami mos haree hodi husu ba liga no klube sira se klube balu ne'ebe hakarak partisipa bele partisipa lakohi partisipa laiha buat ida halo deklarasaun ho razaun forte para tinan oin mai ita lalika diskute.", "Entaun ami hakerek ona karta haruka ba liga hodi buka solusaun ba ida ne'e maibe ami seidauk hetan informasaun too agora,\" nia relata.", "Nia dehan, planu FFTL nian ne'e atu halo jogu ho modelu kurtu prazu durasaun fulan ida (1) ou rua (2) de'it depois mak enkaixa ho jogu seluk hanesan kopa FFTL, tasa 12 de Novembru iha laran no iha kopa FFTL klube sira nafatin hetan osan durante jogu dala ida hetan $500.00.", "Previous articleDurante resesu, deputadu sira atualiza politika atual ba povu Next articleRTTL, E.P rejista preokupasaun haat" ]
[ [ "FFTL and the Timorese Football Federation (LFtl) are in perfect harmony | Agência Noticiosa de Timór-Leste VARANDA DESPORTU The State Secretary for Youth, Sports & Sporting Activities Abrao Saldanha talks to Nilton Gusmaos President of Portuguese football federation – Federação Portuguesa do Futebol Amador or FPFA." ], [ "DILI, September 14th (TATOLI) -The fixed calendar that was released two months ago for the Timor-Leste Football Federation Cup and League will be held on August.20 last but because of communication between Federasaun Futebol Timor Leste(FFTL), Liga Futbol Timor Leste/Liga futebol timore leste is not good with clubs postponed again to september first day however still no harmony in communicating among both sides so Government decided mandatory confinement at Dili totally cancel this game" ], [ "For the time being, through its Council of Ministers it has decided to lift and abolish compulsory confinement in Dili Capital but is more than willing for these two sides that they will carry out games which have been promoted by themselves during September." ], [ "The Government budget through the State Secretariat for Youth and Sports (SEJD) has allocated an amount of 310,257.68 to FFTL in order that they can hold their games at this stadium as a result" ], [ "However, so far FFTL itself has not transferred to the bank account of LFTL in order for games be played." ], [ "Football observer in Timor-Leste, Lexy Vong said that the football situation has deteriorated because of poor communication between both sides FFTL and LFL." ], [ "\"We have built football from Liga Futebol Amadora, the first season through to fourth year activities are all going well. Clubs also spend a lot of money and make big investment but one issue I've been accompanying recently is that there was disagreement between FFTL-LFtl this internal matter must be resolved by both bodies; however their communication has not worked out as they wanted it\", Lexy told Agência Tatoli at Xanana Sport Centre Dili on Tuesday (20/1)." ], [ "The FFTL is the overarching regulatory body and umbrella for all football organizations in Timor-Leste, subsequently ligae (league), clubes(club) associations etc. are made up of a single entity called \"Federação de Futebol do Leste\"." ], [ "\"But what happens now is different, they don't understand each other." ], [ "We see in 2019 the very good communication between LFTL and FFLTL that Lalenok managed to go abroad for international games, this is great communicating with both parties. Both sides must maintain excellent mutual contact so as not only keep football going but also take it forward.\"" ], [ "In his view, the problems that are currently arising in FFTL and LFL is a small thing but both sides want to make it big." ], [ "In response to this issue, LFTL President Nilton Telmo Gusmao said that communication during the period of time made by The Football Federation Timor-Leste (FFtl) was good but only did not transfer money sent from State Secretary for Youth and Sports(SEJD)." ], [ "\"Before, we had an agreement with the FFTL and SEJD to work together. The Secretary of State for Youth Development has transferred money into our bank accounts so that they can send us some funds in order To organize games but now it is just waiting until their payment comes before organizing a league because if there are no financial resources then this situation will not be possible.\"" ], [ "FFTL Secretary General, Nelio Isaac Sarmento said that the government's support offered to FFT will be used by LFL as it run." ], [ "\"The state money is given when the league's going to be used for financing this activity, if it does not go well but we spend our funds and how do you answer that question? We have a responsibility of reporting back on FFTL spending. If some has been spent then there must also exist activities.\"" ], [ "The FFTL has communicated with the LFL that, in accordance to a letter submitted by it and agreed on at first time for some money of seven (7) months because league bodies have already allotted them certain amounts from their budget." ], [ "\"We communicate with the Government, and this decision that link does not work." ], [ "But the Government says we can finance when this league runs because our compromise with government states that to do some other activity using money sent by govt must inform first." ], [ "So we informed and the Government agreed to give flexibility for FFTL, so here is how it will pay salaries of officials at LFTL. We advance first with three months' salary starting July-September; what they are asked that presents all their contracting documents as well a four month report on work done which gives us transparency about responsibly using this money\", he explained.\"" ], [ "To this end, FFTL has tried to contact the structure of LFTL but no response was given until today." ], [ "LFTL President, Nilton Telmo Gusmao said that the league is convening a meeting with clubs who have previously joined in liga bodies to find solutions for current problems arising within football especially since FFT does not transfer money into its account even though government has sent it." ], [ "\"The clubs are presenting a proposal that so far FFTL has not convinced the klubes." ], [ "Therefore, as a league body it is in its duty to meet with the clubs and discuss together directly hear their position on why they propose proposal that has not been resolved by FFTL\", Nilton says." ], [ "\"So today the league organs listened to their own club and so we try looking for better scenario, in order that it can continue with our activity." ], [ "But sadly we are not doing football so that the clubs become victim or league bodies to be again a Victim including FFTL itself, this isn't it.\" Nilton says." ], [ "According to Nilton, it would be ideal if any activity went on; FFTL got its profits and the league bodies did their work well. The club' s exercised or carried out activities without a significant closure of business in this way is not acceptable.\"" ], [ "\"Football belongs to the public, so we have joined forces with all of our club members and made a joint declaration in order that everyone know what football is going through." ], [ "Laos because the clubs are disenchanted or do not want to play football in Timor." ], [ "It is not because of Covid-19 that football activity has been stopped, but there are some circumstances which imply the said activities. Besides it was a situation where COVID allows liga organ to carry out soccer action.\" Nilton says:" ], [ "The league has a budget of 40% which up to now part is spent by the FFFTL and it does not know where its money went." ], [ "FFTL can explain why the money is still there if they have sent it to us so that we know and carry out activities." ], [ "Antonio Sepeda, spokesman for 20 clubs in the Brazilian Football Federation (LFTL), said that last week when president of FFTL stated there was no reference to this subsidy as a means by which he could support his teams it is not true." ], [ "\"FFTL President has two things; One subsidy now in Timor-Leste is a League (activity) subsidies for clubs that participate to the league activities." ], [ "If there is no connection, the subsidy never comes." ], [ "It means a subsidy not for the club but to support league activities,\" Antonio Sepeda said." ], [ "He stressed that the club was built with his own money for five years and this league is regulated every year, facing difficulties but so far it's going well." ], [ "Antonio adds that, the 2019-nCoV outbreak has caused difficulties for all Timorese footballers and this is why club have reported their problems to FFTL so they can consider them. To comply with health protocol Club need a large cost which means these challenges are being brought up by FCTL in order it may take into consideration accordingly proposal submitted beforehand.\"" ], [ "When FFTL did not consider the concerns of club members, they themselves decided that it would be better to hold games in a later stage and have them carried out soon next year." ], [ "In response to this issue, FFTL Secretary General Nelio Isaac Sarmento said that in recent months the FFTL-LFT has received letters from some of these club with a request for an increase on their subsidy budget." ], [ "\"Based on this letter, FFTL also knows our capacity to pay the club in question a sum of R$20 thousand for First Division and one million rupees (US $1.35m) per second-division team.\"" ], [ "We don't just take the money because we have taken this responsibility from Government, every year government gives subsidies to them but in 2013 it was us who financed." ], [ "This is what we are ready to accept, but the clubs don't want it increased and this become a problem\", Nelio Isaac said." ], [ "Thus, the FFTL executive received all information and tried to find a way but its purpose is supporting subsidies for club of each receiver was $10 thousand." ], [ "\"We also looked to ask the leagues and klubes if some club that want participate can do so or not, there is nothing in it making a statement with strong reason for next year we shouldn't discuss." ], [ "So we have written a letter to the league seeking solutions for this, but until now no information has been given.\"" ], [ "He said, the FFTL's plan is to play with a short term model of one (1) or two months only and then join other games such as Cup FFTL in November. The club still get money during each game for $502367894" ], [ "Previous articleDuring recess, MPs update current policy to the people Next ArticleRTTL and E.P record four concerning issues" ] ]
Market Intelligence Sei Foku iha Fronteira - TIMOR AGORA\nMarket Intelligence Sei Foku iha Fronteira\nDILI (ANTIL) - Diretór Nasionál Regulasaun Komersiál (DNRK), Ministériu Komérsiu Indústria no Ambiente (MKIA), Domingos Guterres hatete, programa market intelligence 2017 sei foku ba sasán sira ne’ebé iha fronteira liuliu ba munisípiu sira ne’ebé besik fronteira.\nDomingos Guterres hatete, sasán sira ne’ebé tama iha fronteira latuir regra, nune’e liuhusi mekanizmu no regra ne’ebé iha, market intelligence ne’e bele asegura komérsiu iha fronteira no fó benefísiu ba komunidade sira.\nPesoál market intelligence ne’ebé iha ona sertifikadu tanba tuir ona formasaun iha rai-liur foin iha na’in-ida maibé atu instala ba munisípiu 12 iha ema besik 20.\n“Sira-nia movimentu ne’e sei sirkula no servisu hanesan intelligent atu halo serbisu ida ne’e,” Domingos dehan ba ANTIL, iha Bebora, Dili, Kuarta (11/1/2017).\nEnkuantu iha tinan 2016, serbisu market intelligence konsege indentifika serveja ho marka krokodilu. Serbisu ne’e seidauk halo buat ne’ebé boot liu maibé sei halo supreza boot iha tinan 2017 para hatudu ba komunidade nune’e husu kontribuisaun komunidade nia para market intelligence ida ne’e bele asegura direitu konsumidór sira-nian.\n“Ami-nia ema iha kada munisípiu iha tiha ona, monta iha 2016, agora daudaun sira tenke mai tuir tan formasaun iha área ida ne’e tanba orsamentu kolokadu ona. Sira sei lahalo asaun maibé sei fó informasaun oinsá para ami bele atua,” Domingos katak.
[ "Market Intelligence Sei Foku iha Fronteira - TIMOR AGORA Market Intelligence Sei Foku iha Fronteira DILI (ANTIL) - Diretor Nasional Regulasaun Komersial (DNRK), Ministeriu Komersiu Industria no Ambiente (MKIA), Domingos Guterres hatete, programa market intelligence 2017 sei foku ba sasan sira ne'ebe iha fronteira liuliu ba munisipiu sira ne'ebe besik fronteira.", "Domingos Guterres hatete, sasan sira ne'ebe tama iha fronteira latuir regra, nune'e liuhusi mekanizmu no regra ne'ebe iha, market intelligence ne'e bele asegura komersiu iha fronteira no fo benefisiu ba komunidade sira.", "Pesoal market intelligence ne'ebe iha ona sertifikadu tanba tuir ona formasaun iha rai-liur foin iha na'in-ida maibe atu instala ba munisipiu 12 iha ema besik 20.", "\"Sira-nia movimentu ne'e sei sirkula no servisu hanesan intelligent atu halo serbisu ida ne'e,\" Domingos dehan ba ANTIL, iha Bebora, Dili, Kuarta (11/1/2017).", "Enkuantu iha tinan 2016, serbisu market intelligence konsege indentifika serveja ho marka krokodilu.", "Serbisu ne'e seidauk halo buat ne'ebe boot liu maibe sei halo supreza boot iha tinan 2017 para hatudu ba komunidade nune'e husu kontribuisaun komunidade nia para market intelligence ida ne'e bele asegura direitu konsumidor sira-nian.", "\"Ami-nia ema iha kada munisipiu iha tiha ona, monta iha 2016, agora daudaun sira tenke mai tuir tan formasaun iha area ida ne'e tanba orsamentu kolokadu ona.", "Sira sei lahalo asaun maibe sei fo informasaun oinsa para ami bele atua,\" Domingos katak." ]
[ [ "Market Intelligence Will Focus on the Border - TIMOR AGORA MARKET INTELLIGENCE WILL FOCUS ON THE FRONTIER DILI (ANTIL) – The National Director of Commercial Regulations, Ministry for Trade Industry and Environment(MKIA), Domingoes Guterres said that market-intelligence program in this year will focus mainly at border products especially to municipalities nearby." ], [ "Domingos Guterres said that the products entering border comply with rules, so through existing mechanism and rule market intelligence can ensure trade at frontier to benefit communities." ], [ "The market intelligence personnel who have already been trained abroad are only one, but to be deployed in the twelve municipalities there will also need nearly twenty people." ], [ "\"Their movement will circulate and work as intelligent to do this job,\" Domingos told ANTIL in Bebora on Thursday (1/20)." ], [ "However, in 2016 the market-intelligence team identified a crocodile mark on some of these servings." ], [ "The service hasn't done anything big yet but will make a great surprise in 2017 to show the community and ask for their contribution so that this market-intelligence can ensure consumer rights." ], [ "\"Our people in each municipality have already been there, they were assembled during the year of (2016), now at this time we need to come and take more trainings because budget is allocated." ], [ "They will not take action but they'll give us information on how to act,\" Domingos said." ] ]
Publika iha: 15 Jullu 2021\nLee nain: 1605\nDILI (TOP) – Prosesu julgamentu ba kazu abuzu sexual ne’ebé deskonfia involve eis padre RD ohin laiha, tanba vitima ba kazu ne’e sei kumpri hela kuarentena, maibé tuir informasaun balun ne’ebé The Oe-Kusi Post (TOP) asesu, vitima sira oras ne’e ba fali iha Dili ho rajaun la klaru.\nTOP asesu informasaun balun katak, molok arguidu eis padre RD ho nia ekipa advogadu sira ba Oe-Kusi Ambeno, vitima ba kazu pedofilia ne’ebé akompaña husi JU,S Lda ba uluk ona Oe-Kusi Ambeno, no bainhira arguidu ho nia ekipa advogadu sira to’o iha rai-ketan ne’e, vitima sira ne’e ba fali Dili, no ba fali tan Oe-Kusi Ambeno, no ikus liu foin fila husi Oe-Kusi Ambeno ba fali Dili.\nHo situasaun ne’e, ikus mai Tribunal desidi atu kontinua fali prosesu julgamentu ba kazu ne’e iha loron Segunda 19 Jullu 2021 hodi kontinua deklarasaun husi vitima pedofilia sira ne’ebé antes ne’e TOP detekta labarik balun sai vitima falsu ba kazu ne’e, tanba durante prosesu inkeritu ne’ebé hala’o husi Ministériu Públiku iha Oe-Kusi Ambeno iha tinan 2020 nakonu ho intimidasaun no ameasa oioin.\nFebriana Bana (14) mate hafoin hetan visum obrigatoriu iha Oe-Kusi Ambeno iha tinan 2020./Net.\nArtigu liu-ba Xanana partisipa julgamentu kazu Topu-Honis iha Tribunal Ambeno\nArtigu tuir-mai Tribunal bandu ona sósiu JU,S Bárbara Oliveira labele akompaña vitima pedofilia iha julgamentu
[ "Publika iha: 15 Jullu 2021 Lee nain: 1605 DILI (TOP) - Prosesu julgamentu ba kazu abuzu sexual ne'ebe deskonfia involve eis padre RD ohin laiha, tanba vitima ba kazu ne'e sei kumpri hela kuarentena, maibe tuir informasaun balun ne'ebe The Oe-Kusi Post (TOP) asesu, vitima sira oras ne'e ba fali iha Dili ho rajaun la klaru.", "TOP asesu informasaun balun katak, molok arguidu eis padre RD ho nia ekipa advogadu sira ba Oe-Kusi Ambeno, vitima ba kazu pedofilia ne'ebe akompana husi JU,S Lda ba uluk ona Oe-Kusi Ambeno, no bainhira arguidu ho nia ekipa advogadu sira to'o iha rai-ketan ne'e, vitima sira ne'e ba fali Dili, no ba fali tan Oe-Kusi Ambeno, no ikus liu foin fila husi Oe-Kusi Ambeno ba fali Dili.", "Ho situasaun ne'e, ikus mai Tribunal desidi atu kontinua fali prosesu julgamentu ba kazu ne'e iha loron Segunda 19 Jullu 2021 hodi kontinua deklarasaun husi vitima pedofilia sira ne'ebe antes ne'e TOP detekta labarik balun sai vitima falsu ba kazu ne'e, tanba durante prosesu inkeritu ne'ebe hala'o husi Ministeriu Publiku iha Oe-Kusi Ambeno iha tinan 2020 nakonu ho intimidasaun no ameasa oioin.", "Febriana Bana (14) mate hafoin hetan visum obrigatoriu iha Oe-Kusi Ambeno iha tinan 2020./Net.", "Artigu liu-ba Xanana partisipa julgamentu kazu Topu-Honis iha Tribunal Ambeno Artigu tuir-mai Tribunal bandu ona sosiu JU,S Barbara Oliveira labele akompana vitima pedofilia iha julgamentu" ]
[ [ "Published on: 15 Jullu.2038 Read by the following number of people Dili (TOP) - The trial process for sexual abuse case allegedly involving former priest Rd is not taking place today, because victims are still undergoing quarantine but according to some information that was accessed By THE Oe-Kusi Post(Top), they have now returned home with uncertain reason" ], [ "TOP acquired some information that, before the defendant former priest RD and his team of lawyers to Oe-Kusi Ambeno victims for pedophilia case which were escorted by JU.S Lda had already gone first time in Dili; when they arrived at their destination country these women went back again from Dili then once more returning with a lawyer' s group after having travelled all over East Timor until finally arriving out on another trip into South America (Brazil)." ], [ "With this situation, the Court finally decided to resume proceedings on Monday 19th of July in order for TOP detected some children as false victim and continue with declarations from pedophilia' s Victim. This is because during investigation process carried out by Public Ministry at Oe-Kusi Ambeno (2035) was filled full intimidation & threats..." ], [ "Febriana Bana (14) died after receiving a mandatory visa in Oe-Kusi Ambeno, 2035./Net" ], [ "Previous article about Xanana participates in Topu-Honis case trial at Ambeno Court Next Article: Tribunal bans JU,S Barbara Oliveira from accompanying pedophilia victim to court" ] ]
Ezersísiu “Cobra20-2” orienta forsa haklaken dame | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA BAUKAU Ezersísiu “Cobra20-2” orienta forsa haklaken dame\nEzersísiu “Cobra20-2” orienta forsa haklaken dame\nBUACAU, 19 outubru 2020 (TATOLI)-Komandu FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) ohin, ofisiálmente halo abertura ba segundu ezersísiu “Cobra20-2” tinan 2020 liuhosi parede militár iha Komponente Terrestre, Baucau.\nNotísia Relevante : Komandu F-FDTL apresia ezersísiu “Harii Hamutuk”\nAbertura ezersísiu ne’e hala’o direita hosi Xefe Estadu Maiór Jenerál F-FDTL, Majór Jenerál, Lere Anan Timur partisipa hosi forsa kompañia ida, kompostu Komponente Terrestre, Navál, Centro Formasaun Terrenu, Kompetente Apoiu Servisu, Polísia Militár no Kuartél Jenerál.\nLere dehan, objetivu hosi ezersísiu Cobra atu orienta forsa sira implementa sira nia formasaun militár atu haklaken dame ba povu sira ne’ebé moris iha situasaun ameasa bele sente seguru ho prezensa F-FDTL.\nDurante loron 19 to’o 30 setembru 2020, membru F-FDTL sira sei hala’o treinamentu militár no halo asaun karidade ba povu kbiit laek sira inklui fó tratamentu saúde ba povu sira iha Suku Nunira, Postu Administrativu Laga, Munisípiu Baucau ne’ebé foin lalais ne’e mosu konfrontasaun entre grupu Organizasaun Arte Marsiál (GAM) hodi sumu populasaun sira nia uma.\nKomandante Lere dehan, ohin loron forsa labele halo de’it treinamentu no han hemu toba iha kuartél, maibé tenke halo treinamentu ajuda povu iha situasaun difisil tuir filozofia “Povu Mak Bee, FALINTIL Maka Ikan”.\n“Ezersísiu “Cobra20-2” ida ne’ebé tenke lori haksolok ba ita nia povu, tanba área ne’ebé imi atu ba ne’e foin lalais mosu konflitu, sunu uma, halo povu loron-kalan atu ba toos no kuru bee-moos mós ta’uk. Agora iha Nunira mesak família maka sunu malu, imi nia prezensa la’ós atu hata’uk sira, maibé ba para halo sira hadomi imi no halo sira dame malu,” Lere Anan Timur afirma liuhosi ninia diskursu.\nKomandante Jerál F-FDTL lamenta, kazu asaltu ne’ebé akontese iha Aldeia Uasilawa, Suku Nunira, iha loron 13 agostu 2020, rezulta populasaun nia uma 12 hetan sunu, motór ida no karreta ida hetan estragus. Sitasaun ne’e halo povu moris la hakmatek, tanba ne’e, prezensa forsa atu lori fali moris dame ba povu.\nKomandante Lere hatutan, foin lalais F-FDTL halo ezersísiu iha área Lia-Ruca-Viqueque, konsege halibur Grupu Organizasaun Arte Marsiál, PSHT, Korka no Kera Sakti hadame malu iha povu nia leet.\nVeteranu Rezisténsia tinan 24 ne’e konsidera ezersísiu ne’e sei fó vantajen boot ba membru F-FDTL sira bele aprende iha terrenu hodi aprende prosesu gerrilla ho dixiplina, no aprende esperiénsia foun ne’ebé sira hetan iha terrenu.\nPrevious articleSegunda semana oin, Governu sei halo pagamentu subsídiu $200\nNext articleAban, PN debate medida rekuperasaun ekonómika\nAniceto Guterres husu hametin liberdade imprensa hodi haburas demokrasia\nDILI, 03 maiu 2021 (TATOLI)—Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál, Deputadu Aniceto Longuinhos Guterres Lopes, husu ema hotu hametin Liberdade imprensa ho responsabilidade hodi haburas demokrasia iha...
[ "Ezersisiu \"Cobra20-2\" orienta forsa haklaken dame | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA BAUKAU Ezersisiu \"Cobra20-2\" orienta forsa haklaken dame Ezersisiu \"Cobra20-2\" orienta forsa haklaken dame BUACAU, 19 outubru 2020 (TATOLI) -Komandu FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) ohin, ofisialmente halo abertura ba segundu ezersisiu \"Cobra20-2\" tinan 2020 liuhosi parede militar iha Komponente Terrestre, Baucau.", "Notisia Relevante: Komandu F-FDTL apresia ezersisiu \"Harii Hamutuk\" Abertura ezersisiu ne'e hala'o direita hosi Xefe Estadu Maior Jeneral F-FDTL, Major Jeneral, Lere Anan Timur partisipa hosi forsa kompania ida, kompostu Komponente Terrestre, Naval, Centro Formasaun Terrenu, Kompetente Apoiu Servisu, Polisia Militar no Kuartel Jeneral.", "Lere dehan, objetivu hosi ezersisiu Cobra atu orienta forsa sira implementa sira nia formasaun militar atu haklaken dame ba povu sira ne'ebe moris iha situasaun ameasa bele sente seguru ho prezensa F-FDTL.", "Durante loron 19 to'o 30 setembru 2020, membru F-FDTL sira sei hala'o treinamentu militar no halo asaun karidade ba povu kbiit laek sira inklui fo tratamentu saude ba povu sira iha Suku Nunira, Postu Administrativu Laga, Munisipiu Baucau ne'ebe foin lalais ne'e mosu konfrontasaun entre grupu Organizasaun Arte Marsial (GAM) hodi sumu populasaun sira nia uma.", "Komandante Lere dehan, ohin loron forsa labele halo de'it treinamentu no han hemu toba iha kuartel, maibe tenke halo treinamentu ajuda povu iha situasaun difisil tuir filozofia \"Povu Mak Bee, FALINTIL Maka Ikan.\"", "\"Ezersisiu \"Cobra20-2\" ida ne'ebe tenke lori haksolok ba ita nia povu, tanba area ne'ebe imi atu ba ne'e foin lalais mosu konflitu, sunu uma, halo povu loron-kalan atu ba toos no kuru bee-moos mos ta'uk.", "Agora iha Nunira mesak familia maka sunu malu, imi nia prezensa la'os atu hata'uk sira, maibe ba para halo sira hadomi imi no halo sira dame malu,\" Lere Anan Timur afirma liuhosi ninia diskursu.", "Komandante Jeral F-FDTL lamenta, kazu asaltu ne'ebe akontese iha Aldeia Uasilawa, Suku Nunira, iha loron 13 agostu 2020, rezulta populasaun nia uma 12 hetan sunu, motor ida no karreta ida hetan estragus.", "Sitasaun ne'e halo povu moris la hakmatek, tanba ne'e, prezensa forsa atu lori fali moris dame ba povu.", "Komandante Lere hatutan, foin lalais F-FDTL halo ezersisiu iha area Lia-Ruca-Viqueque, konsege halibur Grupu Organizasaun Arte Marsial, PSHT, Korka no Kera Sakti hadame malu iha povu nia leet.", "Veteranu Rezistensia tinan 24 ne'e konsidera ezersisiu ne'e sei fo vantajen boot ba membru F-FDTL sira bele aprende iha terrenu hodi aprende prosesu gerrilla ho dixiplina, no aprende esperiensia foun ne'ebe sira hetan iha terrenu.", "Previous articleSegunda semana oin, Governu sei halo pagamentu subsidiu $200 Next articleAban, PN debate medida rekuperasaun ekonomika Aniceto Guterres husu hametin liberdade imprensa hodi haburas demokrasia DILI, 03 maiu 2021 (TATOLI) - Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Deputadu Aniceto Longuinhos Guterres Lopes, husu ema hotu hametin Liberdade imprensa ho responsabilidade hodi haburas demokrasia iha..." ]
[ [ "Exercise \"Cobra20-1\" orients forces to promote peace BUACAU, October 9th (Agência Noticiosa de Timor Lorosa'e) - FALINTIL/FDTL Command today officially opened the second exercise of this year through a military wall at Componente Terrestre in Baucau. This is an important step towards strengthening mutual trust and cooperation between both sides as they continue their efforts for reconciliation with each other after more than two years’ fighting over territorial disputes that have left millions without homes or jobs since December last month when war began on July one hundred ninety five" ], [ "F-FDTL Command applauds exercise \"Harii Hamutuk\" The opening of the drill was conducted directly by Chief General Staff, Major Gen Lere Anan Timur. A company force participated in it comprising Ground Components and Naval Force; Field Training Centre (FTC); Competent Support Services Unit(CSSU), Military Police unit/General Headquarters" ], [ "Lere said, the aim of exercise Cobra is to guide forces implementing their military training in order for people living under threat situations feel safe with F-FDTL presence." ], [ "During the days of September,19th through to Sept.30nd F-FDTL members will carry out military training and charity action for poor people including health treatment in Nunira Village (Laga Administrative Post), Baucau Municipality where there was a recent confrontation between groups from Organização Arte Marcial(GAM) who were attacking residents' homes" ], [ "Commander Lere said, today the force cannot only do training and eat meals in barracks but must also train to help people under difficult circumstances following \"Povo Mak Bee Falintil Maka Ikan\" philosophy." ], [ "\"This is a 'Cobra20-1' exercise that should bring joy to our people, because in the area you are going recently there was conflict. Houses were burned down and it made them go out every day for work on their farmland; water supply also stopped.\"" ], [ "Now in Nunira only families are burning each other, your presence isn't to hurt them but for making they love you and make peace with one another\", Lere Anan Timur affirmed through his speech." ], [ "F-FDTL General Commander regrets the case of assault that occurred in Uasilawa Village, Nunira Township on August 13th. The result was a burning down to twelve houses and damaged one motorbike as well an automobile for residential use by attackers who were armed with knives or swords from their homes nearby villagers' residences" ], [ "This situation made the people unhappy, and therefore force's presence to bring back life in peace." ], [ "Commander Lere said that recently F-FDTL exercised in the area of Lia, Ruca and Vicuque. They managed to bring together Martial Arts Organization Groups (GROM), PSHT 1980’S Movement for Human Rights – Socialism & Democracy Party(PSST) Korka grouping with Kera Sakti groups who had a good time amongst their fellow people" ], [ "The 24-year old Resistance veteran considers that this exercise will give great advantage to the FFDTL members who can learn in field so they may understand guerrilla processes with discipline, and gain new experience from their work on site." ], [ "Previous articleSecond week on, Government will make payment of subsidies $ 201 Next ArticleAban PN debate measures for economic recovery Aniceto Guterres calls to strengthen press freedom and foster democracy DILI (AP) - President Of The National Parliament Member Anícet Longuinhos Gusmão Lopez urges all people in the country..." ] ]
SEKOMS hakarak inisia lejizlasaun ‘kombate hoax’ | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE SEKOMS hakarak inisia lejizlasaun ‘kombate hoax’\nSEKOMS hakarak inisia lejizlasaun ‘kombate hoax’\nDILI, 28 setembru 2020 (TATOLI)-Sekretaria Estadu Komunikasaun Sosiál (SEKOMS) daudaun ne’e halo hela peskiza atu inisia lejizlasaun kombate hoax.\nSekretáriu Estadu Komunikasaun Sosiál, Merício Juvinal dos Reis ‘Akara’ konsidera presiza lejizlasaun ruma atubele regula hoax ka lia falsu.\n“Liga ba hoax, ha’u orienta ona ekipa jurídiku SEKOMS atu hahú rekolla dadus, halo estudu komparativu oituan ho referénsia hosi nasaun seluk hanesan Singapura, Alemaña ka nasaun seluk ne’ebé iha lei espesiál kontra hoax. Entaun ekipa agora dezenvolve hela no ita sei haree planu atu halo ezbosu ida kona-ba kombate hoax,” dehan Sekretáriu Estadu Akara ba Agência Tatoli iha ninia knaar fatin, Palásiu Governu, segunda ne’e.\nGovernante ne’e otimista ninia ekipa bele dezeña lei espesífiku ida sein hamenus ema-nia direitu espresaun.\n“Iha tempu badak sira sei halo relatóriu ida ba ha’u, hafoin ha’u haree kuandu sufisiente ona maka sei transmite ba Ministru Asuntu Parlamentár no Komunikasaun Sosiál (MAPKOMS) atubele diskute, hafoin lori ba Konsellu Ministru hodi apresia,” nia informa.\nAleinde ne’e, SEKOMS daudaun halo ona esbosu Lei Radiodifuzaun ne’ebé maka inisia ona desde tinan kotuk.\n“Esbosu ne’e pasa ona ba Señor Ministru, ne’ebé gabinete MAPKOMS maka haree atubele lori ba Konsellu Ministru,” nia akresenta.\nPrevious articleNasaun 20-resin partisipa kompetisaun filme dokumentasaun\nNext articleTLPU-AJTL husu entidade hotu labele taka informasaun ba jornalista
[ "SEKOMS hakarak inisia lejizlasaun 'kombate hoax' | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE SEKOMS hakarak inisia lejizlasaun 'kombate hoax' SEKOMS hakarak inisia lejizlasaun 'kombate hoax' DILI, 28 setembru 2020 (TATOLI) -Sekretaria Estadu Komunikasaun Sosial (SEKOMS) daudaun ne'e halo hela peskiza atu inisia lejizlasaun kombate hoax.", "Sekretariu Estadu Komunikasaun Sosial, Mericio Juvinal dos Reis 'Akara' konsidera presiza lejizlasaun ruma atubele regula hoax ka lia falsu.", "\"Liga ba hoax, ha'u orienta ona ekipa juridiku SEKOMS atu hahu rekolla dadus, halo estudu komparativu oituan ho referensia hosi nasaun seluk hanesan Singapura, Alemana ka nasaun seluk ne'ebe iha lei espesial kontra hoax.", "Entaun ekipa agora dezenvolve hela no ita sei haree planu atu halo ezbosu ida kona-ba kombate hoax,\" dehan Sekretariu Estadu Akara ba Agencia Tatoli iha ninia knaar fatin, Palasiu Governu, segunda ne'e.", "Governante ne'e otimista ninia ekipa bele dezena lei espesifiku ida sein hamenus ema-nia direitu espresaun.", "\"Iha tempu badak sira sei halo relatoriu ida ba ha'u, hafoin ha'u haree kuandu sufisiente ona maka sei transmite ba Ministru Asuntu Parlamentar no Komunikasaun Sosial (MAPKOMS) atubele diskute, hafoin lori ba Konsellu Ministru hodi apresia,\" nia informa.", "Aleinde ne'e, SEKOMS daudaun halo ona esbosu Lei Radiodifuzaun ne'ebe maka inisia ona desde tinan kotuk.", "\"Esbosu ne'e pasa ona ba Senor Ministru, ne'ebe gabinete MAPKOMS maka haree atubele lori ba Konsellu Ministru,\" nia akresenta.", "Previous articleNasaun 20-resin partisipa kompetisaun filme dokumentasaun Next articleTLPU-AJTL husu entidade hotu labele taka informasaun ba jornalista" ]
[ [ "SEKOMS wants to initiate legislation 'combat hoax' | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE SEKOMS Want To Initiate Legislation \"Combate Hoaks\" Sekom will start legislative process on combating fake news DILI, September (28) - The State Secretariat for Social Communication is currently conducted research with the aim of introducing law against false information." ], [ "State Secretary of Social Communications, Mericio Juvinal dos Reis 'Akara' considers that some legislation is needed to regulate hoax or falsehood." ], [ "\"Regarding hoax, I have instructed the legal team of SEKOMS to start collecting data and carrying out a comparative study with references from other countries such as Singapore or Germany. Other states that are having special law against Hoaxes.\"" ], [ "So the team is now developing and we will look at plans to make a draft on fight against hoax,\" State Secretary Akara told Tatoli Agency in his offices." ], [ "The governor is optimistic that his team can design a specific law without reducing people's right of expression." ], [ "\"Soon they will make a report to me, and then I'll see if it is sufficient. Then we can send the bills back for discussion by Minister of Parliamentary Affairs (MAPKOMS) before taking them forward in Council.\"" ], [ "In addition, SEKOMS is currently drafting the Broadcasting Law which it has been working on since last year." ], [ "\"The draft has been passed to the Lord Minister, which MAPKOMS's cabinet will look at so that it can be taken forward in Council of Ministry\", he added." ], [ "Previous articleMore than 20 nations participate in documentary film competition Next ArticleTLPU-AJtl asks all entities not to withhold information from journalists" ] ]
PM Taur: Timor-oan hotu sei hahí eroi ne’ebé mate ba independénsia TL – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Sosiedade » PM Taur: Timor-oan hotu sei hahí eroi ne’ebé mate ba independénsia TL\nPrimeiru Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, hateten, Timor-oan hotu sei hahí no hana’i eroi sira, tanba lori sira mak Timor-Leste (TL) sai nasaun ida independente.\nXefe governu no eis gerileiru, Taur Matan Ruak koalia asuntu ne’e, durante partisipa iha seremonia haloot restus mortais Saudozu António Cepeda ho nia oan feto saudoza Lucia Tilman Cepeda iha semitériu Manico, Munisípiu Manufahi, Sábadu (24/08/2019).\n“Sira mak ita-nia eroi, tanba lori sira mak ita moris, lori sira mak nasaun moris, sira nia isin lolon mak mate, maibe sira memoria la mate, e jerasaun ba jerasaun sei hahi sira e sei hana’i sira. Hau lori governu no Estadu Timor, agradese no fó obrigadu ba familia Cepeda ne’ebe fó nia aman no feton para harii ita nia nasaun ida ne’e, e hau nia agradamentu ida ne’e extensiva mos ba sira hotu mate ba rai ida ne’e, maske familia sira seidauk hetan sira nian ruin,” hateten PM, Taur Matan Ruak.\nSaudozu Antonio Cepeda ho saudoza Lucia Tilman Cepeda nudar oan feto rasik, sira nia restus mortais familia sira lori sai husi rezidensia oan mane nia uma iha bairo nú-laran, Same Vila.\nFamilia sira akompaña hodi husu misa agradesementu iha Igreja Nossa Senhora Imaculada de Conceição Same. Hafoin remata kontinua lori saudozu no saudoza ba iha semitério Manico Same hodi haloot restus mortais.\nSaudozu Antonio Cepeda Moris iha Nítibe Oe-Cusse iha loron 01 fulan Junho 1934, oan husi Abílio Agosto Cepeda (nasionalidade Portugues) no In-Cap (husi Oe-Cusse).\nSaudozu António Cepeda estuda iha seminário Soibada no Dare ho objetivu atu sai Saserdote, maibe iha dalan klaran, saudozu hili dalan seluk. Saudozu Antonio Cepeda husi Soibada no Dili ba Same, hodi servisu núdar funsionáriu iha Administrasaun Konsellu Same nian.\nSaudozu Antonio Cepeda kaben ho Graciana Tilman Cepeda husi Dai-Soi Babulo, Same. Husi sira nain rua nia kazamentu hetan oan nain 10 rua mate ualo moris.\nHanesan eis seminarista saudozu António Cepeda mos ativa iha vida espirirtual núdar ema Katóliku pratikante. Saudozu mós hola parte nudar prezidente komisaun ba konstrusaun Igreja Imaculada de Conceição Same.\nIha tinan 1974 bainhira governu Portugués fó liberdade ba povu provinsia ultramarina, Timor harii partidu politiku hodi desidi Timor nia destinu rasik Antonio Cepeda afilia ba partidu ASDT/Fretilin. Husi nia afiliasaun ne’e partidu ASDT/Fretilin fo fiar hodi nomeia nia nudar lider máximu partidu nian iha rejiaun Same.\nSaudozu Antonio Cepeda nomeadu nudar prezidente comite rejional ASDT nian no bainhira ASDT nakfilak ba Fretilin, no nia asume nafatin kargu ne’e ho naran Secretario do Comite Rejional Fretilin.\nIha tinan 1975 bainhira indonesia invade Díli, lider boot Fretilin nian hanesan saudozu Nicolao Lobato, Cesar Maulaka, Juvinal Inacio (Serakei), Eduardo dos Anjos (Kakuuk), Natalino Leitão ho seluk tan, sira evakua ba hela hamutuk ho saudozu Antonio Cepeda nia rejidensia, iha ne’ebá hamutuk ho kuadrul lokal Fretilin nian.\n“Ha’u kuandu rona katak rekoila ona restus mortais amigo Antonio Cepeda, hau tenke mai atu fó homenajen ikus, ba ema ida que desde primeira hora luta fó nia an ba mate hamutuk ho nia oan feto, e ida ne’e mak hau triste tanba karik sira ne’e hotu mak moris to’o mai ukun an, ita nia nasaun forsa oin seluk atu haríi ka dezenvolve ita nia rai,” hateten Antigo Amigo husi Saudozu, Abílio Araújo.\nLee hotu : IPTL ezije ba PN-MJ altera lei kódigu sivíl\nSaudozu Antonio Cepeda organiza evakuasaun populasaun Same ba ai-laran hodi halo rezistensia hasoru invazór.\nTanba fiar ne’ebe líder Fretilin sira fó ba nia iha tinan hanesan iha 1975 iha baze de apoiu nia asume nafatin kargu ne’ebe partidu fo ba nia ho naran foun asistente politiku rejional fretilin nian. Hamutuk ho kuadru politiku no militar rejiaun Same nian hodi halo rejistensia hasoru invazor sira to’o militar indonezia sita kaer nia iha Manu-Mera Same, iha fulan janeiro 1979.\nIha fulan março tinan 1979 militar indonesia sira lori ba alas no oho nia iha ne’eba hamutuk ho kuadru Fretilin nain 11.\nFamilia sira orgulho tanba hola parte iha história luta ba libertasaun nasionál.\n“Hau mak akompaña nia (Saudozu Antonio Cepeda) sai kadeia molok ema lori sira ba oho, e hau nia aman hameno mak ne’e, tenke eskola haree inan faluk ho maun alin sira, e ohin loron ami hamutuk duni hodi buka tuir ami nia aman nia ruin hodi haloot besik iha nia rate,” hateten Oan Mane, Chiquito Cepeda.\nSaudozu Lucia Tilman Cepeda moris iha Same iha 16 fulan Dezembro 1959, oan ba datoluk husi saudozu António Cepeda no Graciana Tilman Cepeda. Lucia Cepeda eskola iha Same to’o halo terceiro ano comercio iha eskola tecnika Díli.\nIha 1974 bainhira partidu moris Lucia Cepeda asume kargu nudar dirijente organizasaun popular de mulher de Timor (OPMT) Same nian, sai nafatin dirigente OPMT nian bainhira evakua ba Tutuluro.\n“Ha’u fuan moras tebes, tanba falta kolega ne’ebe ho hanoin kapas ne’ebe terus ba ema hotu nia liberdade, iha ikus nia la goza, maibe nia mate, no ikus ema seluk la terus ne’e goza fali,” hateten Membru OPMT Munisipio Manufahi, Marcelina Da Silva Araújo ‘SIBA’.\nNia kaben ho Rosalino Gouveia Leite segundo komandante sectór centru sul iha Bubu-Lau, Tutuluro iha 1977, tanba la iha padre iha altura ne’eba sira nia kazamentu selebra liu kona rejistu sivil ho Xavier do Amaral prezidente RDTL iha momentu ne’ebá no Hamis Bassarewan Comisaria Politico Centro Sul nudar tesmunha.\nDepois de kazamentu nia muda ba hela ho nia laen iha baze de apoiu area fatuberliu nian no aktiva nafatin hala’o aktividade politika OPMT nian hamutuk ho kuadrus OPMT sira seluk. Saudoza Lucia Tilman Cepeda mate iha novembro 1978 no hakoi iha We-Hada Same.Ito
[ "PM Taur: Timor-oan hotu sei hahi eroi ne'ebe mate ba independensia TL - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Sosiedade \" PM Taur: Timor-oan hotu sei hahi eroi ne'ebe mate ba independensia TL Primeiru Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, hateten, Timor-oan hotu sei hahi no hana'i eroi sira, tanba lori sira mak Timor-Leste (TL) sai nasaun ida independente.", "Xefe governu no eis gerileiru, Taur Matan Ruak koalia asuntu ne'e, durante partisipa iha seremonia haloot restus mortais Saudozu Antonio Cepeda ho nia oan feto saudoza Lucia Tilman Cepeda iha semiteriu Manico, Munisipiu Manufahi, Sabadu (24/08/2019).", "\"Sira mak ita-nia eroi, tanba lori sira mak ita moris, lori sira mak nasaun moris, sira nia isin lolon mak mate, maibe sira memoria la mate, e jerasaun ba jerasaun sei hahi sira e sei hana'i sira.", "Hau lori governu no Estadu Timor, agradese no fo obrigadu ba familia Cepeda ne'ebe fo nia aman no feton para harii ita nia nasaun ida ne'e, e hau nia agradamentu ida ne'e extensiva mos ba sira hotu mate ba rai ida ne'e, maske familia sira seidauk hetan sira nian ruin,\" hateten PM, Taur Matan Ruak.", "Saudozu Antonio Cepeda ho saudoza Lucia Tilman Cepeda nudar oan feto rasik, sira nia restus mortais familia sira lori sai husi rezidensia oan mane nia uma iha bairo nu-laran, Same Vila.", "Familia sira akompana hodi husu misa agradesementu iha Igreja Nossa Senhora Imaculada de Conceicao Same.", "Hafoin remata kontinua lori saudozu no saudoza ba iha semiterio Manico Same hodi haloot restus mortais.", "Saudozu Antonio Cepeda Moris iha Nitibe Oe-Cusse iha loron 01 fulan Junho 1934, oan husi Abilio Agosto Cepeda (nasionalidade Portugues) no In-Cap (husi Oe-Cusse).", "Saudozu Antonio Cepeda estuda iha seminario Soibada no Dare ho objetivu atu sai Saserdote, maibe iha dalan klaran, saudozu hili dalan seluk.", "Saudozu Antonio Cepeda husi Soibada no Dili ba Same, hodi servisu nudar funsionariu iha Administrasaun Konsellu Same nian.", "Saudozu Antonio Cepeda kaben ho Graciana Tilman Cepeda husi Dai-Soi Babulo, Same.", "Husi sira nain rua nia kazamentu hetan oan nain 10 rua mate ualo moris.", "Hanesan eis seminarista saudozu Antonio Cepeda mos ativa iha vida espirirtual nudar ema Katoliku pratikante.", "Saudozu mos hola parte nudar prezidente komisaun ba konstrusaun Igreja Imaculada de Conceicao Same.", "Iha tinan 1974 bainhira governu Portugues fo liberdade ba povu provinsia ultramarina, Timor harii partidu politiku hodi desidi Timor nia destinu rasik Antonio Cepeda afilia ba partidu ASDT/Fretilin.", "Husi nia afiliasaun ne'e partidu ASDT/Fretilin fo fiar hodi nomeia nia nudar lider maximu partidu nian iha rejiaun Same.", "Saudozu Antonio Cepeda nomeadu nudar prezidente comite rejional ASDT nian no bainhira ASDT nakfilak ba Fretilin, no nia asume nafatin kargu ne'e ho naran Secretario do Comite Rejional Fretilin.", "Iha tinan 1975 bainhira indonesia invade Dili, lider boot Fretilin nian hanesan saudozu Nicolao Lobato, Cesar Maulaka, Juvinal Inacio (Serakei), Eduardo dos Anjos (Kakuuk), Natalino Leitao ho seluk tan, sira evakua ba hela hamutuk ho saudozu Antonio Cepeda nia rejidensia, iha ne'eba hamutuk ho kuadrul lokal Fretilin nian.", "\"Ha'u kuandu rona katak rekoila ona restus mortais amigo Antonio Cepeda, hau tenke mai atu fo homenajen ikus, ba ema ida que desde primeira hora luta fo nia an ba mate hamutuk ho nia oan feto, e ida ne'e mak hau triste tanba karik sira ne'e hotu mak moris to'o mai ukun an, ita nia nasaun forsa oin seluk atu harii ka dezenvolve ita nia rai,\" hateten Antigo Amigo husi Saudozu, Abilio Araujo.", "Lee hotu: IPTL ezije ba PN-MJ altera lei kodigu sivil Saudozu Antonio Cepeda organiza evakuasaun populasaun Same ba ai-laran hodi halo rezistensia hasoru invazor.", "Tanba fiar ne'ebe lider Fretilin sira fo ba nia iha tinan hanesan iha 1975 iha baze de apoiu nia asume nafatin kargu ne'ebe partidu fo ba nia ho naran foun asistente politiku rejional fretilin nian.", "Hamutuk ho kuadru politiku no militar rejiaun Same nian hodi halo rejistensia hasoru invazor sira to'o militar indonezia sita kaer nia iha Manu-Mera Same, iha fulan janeiro 1979.", "Iha fulan marco tinan 1979 militar indonesia sira lori ba alas no oho nia iha ne'eba hamutuk ho kuadru Fretilin nain 11.", "Familia sira orgulho tanba hola parte iha historia luta ba libertasaun nasional.", "\"Hau mak akompana nia (Saudozu Antonio Cepeda) sai kadeia molok ema lori sira ba oho, e hau nia aman hameno mak ne'e, tenke eskola haree inan faluk ho maun alin sira, e ohin loron ami hamutuk duni hodi buka tuir ami nia aman nia ruin hodi haloot besik iha nia rate,\" hateten Oan Mane, Chiquito Cepeda.", "Saudozu Lucia Tilman Cepeda moris iha Same iha 16 fulan Dezembro 1959, oan ba datoluk husi saudozu Antonio Cepeda no Graciana Tilman Cepeda.", "Lucia Cepeda eskola iha Same to'o halo terceiro ano comercio iha eskola tecnika Dili.", "Iha 1974 bainhira partidu moris Lucia Cepeda asume kargu nudar dirijente organizasaun popular de mulher de Timor (OPMT) Same nian, sai nafatin dirigente OPMT nian bainhira evakua ba Tutuluro.", "\"Ha'u fuan moras tebes, tanba falta kolega ne'ebe ho hanoin kapas ne'ebe terus ba ema hotu nia liberdade, iha ikus nia la goza, maibe nia mate, no ikus ema seluk la terus ne'e goza fali,\" hateten Membru OPMT Munisipio Manufahi, Marcelina Da Silva Araujo 'SIBA'.", "Nia kaben ho Rosalino Gouveia Leite segundo komandante sector centru sul iha Bubu-Lau, Tutuluro iha 1977, tanba la iha padre iha altura ne'eba sira nia kazamentu selebra liu kona rejistu sivil ho Xavier do Amaral prezidente RDTL iha momentu ne'eba no Hamis Bassarewan Comisaria Politico Centro Sul nudar tesmunha.", "Depois de kazamentu nia muda ba hela ho nia laen iha baze de apoiu area fatuberliu nian no aktiva nafatin hala'o aktividade politika OPMT nian hamutuk ho kuadrus OPMT sira seluk.", "Saudoza Lucia Tilman Cepeda mate iha novembro 1978 no hakoi iha We-Hada Same.Ito" ]
[ [ "PM Taur: All Timorese will honour the heroes who died for independence TL - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Sociedade\" Prime Minister (PM), Tau Matan Ruak, said that all East-Timoreses shall honor and reverence their Heros because they brought to an independent country." ], [ "Head of Government and former guerrilla leader, Taur Matan Ruak spoke about the matter during his participation in a ceremony to honour remains from deceased Antonio Cepeda with her daughter Lucia Tilman at Manico cemeterial (Manufahi Municipality) on Saturday 24 August." ], [ "\"They are our heroes, because through them we live and the country lives. Their bodies may die but their memory does not; generations will hated they'll honored 'em.\"" ], [ "I take the government and State of Timor, thank you to Cepeda family who gave his fathers' blood for building our country. My gratitude is also extended towards all those that died in this land even though their families have not yet received what they deserve\", said PM Taur Matan Ruak .\"" ], [ "The late Antonio Cepeda and the latter Lucia Tilman cepedas as their own daughters, they were buried by family from residence of son' s house in barrio nu-laran Same Vila." ], [ "Families accompany him to ask for a mass of thanksgiving at the Church Nossa Senhora Imaculada de Conceicao Same." ], [ "Afterwards, the funeral service continued with a carriage to Manico Same cemetery where his remains were buried." ], [ "Antonio Cepeda was born in Nitibe, Oe-Cusse on June 1st of the year (34) as a son to Abilio Agosto cepeda and Incap. He is Portuguese nationality but he lives at Capivari de Baixo/Oecuse" ], [ "Brother Antonio Cepeda studied at the seminaries of Soibada and Dare with a view to becoming priest, but on his clear path he chose another way." ], [ "The late Antonio Cepeda from Soibada and Dili moved to Same, where he served as a civil servant in the Administration of Sami Council." ], [ "Brother Antonio Cepeda was married to Graciana Tilman of Dai-Soi Babulo, Same." ], [ "The two of them had 10 children from their marriage, but only one died." ], [ "As a former seminarian, the late Antonio Cepeda is also active in spiritual life as an exercising Catholic." ], [ "He also serves as president of the commission for building Igreja Imaculada Conceicao Same." ], [ "In 1974, when the Portuguese government granted freedom to its overseas provinces' people and Timorese found a political party for determining their own destiny. Antonio Cepeda was an affiliation of ASDT/Fretilin Party (ASST-FRETILIN)." ], [ "As a result of his affiliation, the ASDT/Fretilin party placed confidence in him to be named as its highest leader for Same region." ], [ "The late Antonio Cepeda was appointed as president of the ASDT regional committee and when that association became Fretilin, he continued to hold this post under his current name: Secretario do Comitê Regional de FRETILIN." ], [ "In 1975 when Indonesia invaded Dili, the great leaders of Fretilin such as Nicolao Lobato (now deceased), Cesar Maulaka(presently dead) Juvinal Inacio/Serakei Eduardo dos Anjos Natalino Leitão and others were evacuated to live with Antonio Cepeda in his residence." ], [ "\"When I heard that the remains of amigo Antonio Cepeda had been collected, it was my duty to come and pay a final tribute. A man who from his early days in struggle gave himself up for death along with her daughter; this is what sadden me because if they all survives until independence comes our country will have another force forward which can build or develop its land\", said Abilio Araujo (old friend)." ], [ "Read more: IPTL demands PN-MJ amend civil code law The late Antonio Cepeda organized the evacuation of Sami population to rural areas in order for them resisting invaders." ], [ "Because of the confidence that Fretilin's leaders had placed in him, he again assumed his party position with a new name: Regional Political Assistant to FRETILIN." ], [ "Together with the political and military cadres of Sami region, he made a record against invaders until Indonesian army captured him at Manu-Mera Same in January 1978." ], [ "In March 1978, the Indonesian military took him to a hideout and killed there along with eleven other Fretilin cadres." ], [ "The families are proud to have been part of the history and struggle for national liberation." ], [ "\"I accompanied him (Saudozu Antonio Cepeda) out of jail before they took them to death, and my father was a little boy that's why he had school seeing his faluk mother with her siblings. And today we are together looking for our dad’ s ruin so as not lose sight near the place where it lies\", said Oan Mane Chiquito cepedas son" ], [ "Sister Lucia Tilman Cepeda was born in Same on December 16th,2059. She is the third child of late Antonio and Graciana (Tilman) CEPEDA" ], [ "Lucia Cepeda attended school in Same until she was third year of commerce at Dili Technical School." ], [ "In 1974, when the party was born Lucia Cepeda assumed office as leader of Same’s Popular Organization for Timorese Women (OPMT), and remained with it after evacuation to Tutuluro." ], [ "\"I feel very ill, because I miss a colleague who had the capacity to think that he suffered for everyone's freedom. He did not end up enjoying it but died and then others didn’t have this opportunity,” said Marcelina Da Silva Araujo 'SIBA\" from Manufahi Municipality of OPMT Membership in SP (Organisation Paramilitary Movement)." ], [ "She married Rosalino Gouveia Leite, second commander of the South Central Sector in Bubu-Lau (Tutuluro) on 1976. Because there was no priest at that time their marriage took place under civil registration with Xavier do Amaral President and Hamis Bassarewan Comissaria Politico Centro Sul as witnesses to it; she also attended a ceremony for her husband's death which had been held by his family members who were not present when they died from heart attack or stroke during this period" ], [ "After her marriage she moved to live with his sister in law at the support base of Fatum Berliu area and continued actively carrying out OPMT political activities alongside other cadres." ], [ "Lucia Tilman Cepeda died in November 1978 and was buried at We-Hada Same.Ito cemetery, where her body is still to be found today (20 October)." ] ]
Ekipa KDL halo hela aproximasaun ba labarik Adao hodi ba hela iha Uma Mahun. Sura husi liman karuk, laabarik Adao tur iha kuatru kadeira. Foto Camilio Sousa/INDEPENDENDENTE\nLabarik Adão Muta Ran Tanba Halo Servisu Todan Featured\n12 Janeiru 2021\nDILI: Fizikamente labarik ho idade kiik laiha forsa atu kaer sasan todan ou halo servisu todan. Labarik tenki hetan mahun, fo protesaun ba seguransa, fo sira nia direitu ba halimar, direitu ba eskola no direitu ba saude di'ak. Maibé realidade moris husi labarik balun iha Timor-Leste tenki abandona eskola hodi ba ajuda inan-aman buka osan mesmu servisu ne’ebé sira halo senti todan.\nHanesan labarik Oekusi-oan ho naran Adão Tolan ho nivel edukasaun Setimo Ano, idade 14, tenki enfrenta situasaun servisu todan too hetan moras.\nAdão konfesa katak nia servisu iha loja ida iha Oekuse no Loja na’in obriga nia tenke halo servisu todan hanesan hit simente no sasan todan seluk afeta ba nia kondisaun saude iha ona indikasaun moras pulmaun.\nTanba senti servisu ne’ebé nia halo iha loja ne’e todan, nia hili dalan mai Dili hodi buka fali servisu seluk. Maibé hafoin fulan ida, Adão enfrenta moras muta raan iha besik kafétaria ida iha Delta “Brother Coffe”.\nBainhira jornalista online INDEPENDENTE hasoru labarik Adão konta tuir katak nia inan-aman aseita mai Dili hodi buka osan, tanba ekonomia uma laran ameasadu.\n"Ha’u mai iha Dili tanba hau nia inan-aman mos hakarak, antes ne’e ha’u iskola hela iha SMP EBC Benafi Oekusi maibé tanba situasaun ekonomia uma laran ha’u tenke para eskola hodi buka servisu atu nunee suporta inan-aman nia ekonomia maski servisu todan mos tenke halo iha momentu neba,"dehan Adão iha Ponte Komoro II iha Timor Blok nia oin Brother Coffee ba Jornal online Independente ohin\nAdão enfrenta moras ne’e tanba tuir nia katak kauza husi hit sasan todan hanesan besi, sumente ba kareta kaminota laran.\nNia dehan, servisu iha loja ne’e kuaze fulan tolu tanba ne’e nia rasik para servisu no abondana nia eskola mai ho ro nakroma.\n"Ha’u iha Dili besik fulan ida ona baihira ha’u too iha Dili h’au laiha familia maibé ho h’au nia aten-brani tun husi ro nakroma lao deit, lahatene atu ba nebe maibé ha’u konsege hetan tulun husi ema oekusi balun no agora dadaun ha’u hela ho sira iha Delta,”nia dehan, akompana tradusaun husi nia maluk Oekuse-oan.\nHusi nia problema saúde, nia hakarak tebes atu konsulta saúde maibé la konsege tanba seidauk domina Dili. Tanba ne‘e nia tenta lao halimar mai iha Brother Coffee, maibé derepente nia enfrenta moras muta raan.\nEntretantu Xefe Ekipa KDL hamutuk ho jornalista Independente too kedas iha Coffee Brother akompana ho tradutor Baikeno husi KDL hodi konsola labarik ne’e.\nKomisaun Direitus Labarik (KDL) konsege hasoru labarik Adão ne’e iha Coffee Brother hodi fó konsellu aproximasaun hodi foti labarik ne’e ba uma mahon hodi kontinua tau matan ba nia saúde no nia nesesidade seluk.\n" Ami mai hodi buka tuir labarik Adão husi Oekuse ne tanba hetan orientasaun husi Komisaria KDL nian,graca de Deus ita hetan duni labarik ne’e iha fatin ida ne’e,"dehan Xefe ekipa KDL, Suzi Sarmento iha Coffee Brother Delta 4.\nIha biban ne’e, baihira Ekipa KDL aproxima labarik ne’e atu ba uma mahon ida iha Dili ne’ebé KDL prepara, labarik husi inisiu lakohi maibé ho konversa ne’ebé naruk ekipa KDL konsege lori labarik ne’e ba Sentru Saúde Comoro hodi konsulta nia kondisaun saúde no kontinua lori nia ba uma mahon ida iha Dili hodi tau-matan ba nia saúde no nia nesesidade seluk.\nKDL hateten, labarik ne’e seidauk bele fila ba Oekuse tanba Timor-Leste sei enfrenta mós moras Covid-19, tanba ne’e lori ba uluk uma mahon.\nKDL ho RAEOA oras ne’e dadaun halo preparasaun makaas hodi reintegra kuaze labarik na’in 300 ba sira nia familia iha Oekuse ho dignu.\nMore in this category: « FM Konsidera Regra EE Boot Liu Fali Kapasidade Governu Rede Feto: Situs Pornografia Mós As iha TL »\n/Labarik Adão Muta Ran Tanba Halo Servisu Todan
[ "Ekipa KDL halo hela aproximasaun ba labarik Adao hodi ba hela iha Uma Mahun.", "Sura husi liman karuk, laabarik Adao tur iha kuatru kadeira.", "Foto Camilio Sousa/INDEPENDENDENTE Labarik Adao Muta Ran Tanba Halo Servisu Todan Featured 12 Janeiru 2021 DILI: Fizikamente labarik ho idade kiik laiha forsa atu kaer sasan todan ou halo servisu todan.", "Labarik tenki hetan mahun, fo protesaun ba seguransa, fo sira nia direitu ba halimar, direitu ba eskola no direitu ba saude di'ak.", "Maibe realidade moris husi labarik balun iha Timor-Leste tenki abandona eskola hodi ba ajuda inan-aman buka osan mesmu servisu ne'ebe sira halo senti todan.", "Hanesan labarik Oekusi-oan ho naran Adao Tolan ho nivel edukasaun Setimo Ano, idade 14, tenki enfrenta situasaun servisu todan too hetan moras.", "Adao konfesa katak nia servisu iha loja ida iha Oekuse no Loja na'in obriga nia tenke halo servisu todan hanesan hit simente no sasan todan seluk afeta ba nia kondisaun saude iha ona indikasaun moras pulmaun.", "Tanba senti servisu ne'ebe nia halo iha loja ne'e todan, nia hili dalan mai Dili hodi buka fali servisu seluk.", "Maibe hafoin fulan ida, Adao enfrenta moras muta raan iha besik kafetaria ida iha Delta \"Brother Coffe.\"", "Bainhira jornalista online INDEPENDENTE hasoru labarik Adao konta tuir katak nia inan-aman aseita mai Dili hodi buka osan, tanba ekonomia uma laran ameasadu.", "\"Ha'u mai iha Dili tanba hau nia inan-aman mos hakarak, antes ne'e ha'u iskola hela iha SMP EBC Benafi Oekusi maibe tanba situasaun ekonomia uma laran ha'u tenke para eskola hodi buka servisu atu nunee suporta inan-aman nia ekonomia maski servisu todan mos tenke halo iha momentu neba,\"dehan Adao iha Ponte Komoro II iha Timor Blok nia oin Brother Coffee ba Jornal online Independente ohin Adao enfrenta moras ne'e tanba tuir nia katak kauza husi hit sasan todan hanesan besi, sumente ba kareta kaminota laran.", "Nia dehan, servisu iha loja ne'e kuaze fulan tolu tanba ne'e nia rasik para servisu no abondana nia eskola mai ho ro nakroma.", "\"Ha'u iha Dili besik fulan ida ona baihira ha'u too iha Dili h'au laiha familia maibe ho h'au nia aten-brani tun husi ro nakroma lao deit, lahatene atu ba nebe maibe ha'u konsege hetan tulun husi ema oekusi balun no agora dadaun ha'u hela ho sira iha Delta,\"nia dehan, akompana tradusaun husi nia maluk Oekuse-oan.", "Husi nia problema saude, nia hakarak tebes atu konsulta saude maibe la konsege tanba seidauk domina Dili.", "Tanba ne'e nia tenta lao halimar mai iha Brother Coffee, maibe derepente nia enfrenta moras muta raan.", "Entretantu Xefe Ekipa KDL hamutuk ho jornalista Independente too kedas iha Coffee Brother akompana ho tradutor Baikeno husi KDL hodi konsola labarik ne'e.", "Komisaun Direitus Labarik (KDL) konsege hasoru labarik Adao ne'e iha Coffee Brother hodi fo konsellu aproximasaun hodi foti labarik ne'e ba uma mahon hodi kontinua tau matan ba nia saude no nia nesesidade seluk. \"", "Ami mai hodi buka tuir labarik Adao husi Oekuse ne tanba hetan orientasaun husi Komisaria KDL nian,graca de Deus ita hetan duni labarik ne'e iha fatin ida ne'e,\"dehan Xefe ekipa KDL, Suzi Sarmento iha Coffee Brother Delta 4.", "Iha biban ne'e, baihira Ekipa KDL aproxima labarik ne'e atu ba uma mahon ida iha Dili ne'ebe KDL prepara, labarik husi inisiu lakohi maibe ho konversa ne'ebe naruk ekipa KDL konsege lori labarik ne'e ba Sentru Saude Comoro hodi konsulta nia kondisaun saude no kontinua lori nia ba uma mahon ida iha Dili hodi tau-matan ba nia saude no nia nesesidade seluk.", "KDL hateten, labarik ne'e seidauk bele fila ba Oekuse tanba Timor-Leste sei enfrenta mos moras Covid-19, tanba ne'e lori ba uluk uma mahon.", "KDL ho RAEOA oras ne'e dadaun halo preparasaun makaas hodi reintegra kuaze labarik na'in 300 ba sira nia familia iha Oekuse ho dignu.", "More in this category: \" FM Konsidera Regra EE Boot Liu Fali Kapasidade Governu Rede Feto: Situs Pornografia Mos As iha TL \" /Labarik Adao Muta Ran Tanba Halo Servisu Todan" ]
[ [ "The KDL team is approaching the Adao children to live in Uma Mahun." ], [ "On the right, Adao sits on four chairs with his left hand outstretched." ], [ "Foto Camilio Sousa/INDEPENDENDENTE Labarik Adao Muta Ran Tanba Halo Servisu Todan Featured January,12th of Janeiru (Xinhua)- Dili: Physically children with small age have no strength to hold heavy objects or do hard work." ], [ "Children must be given shelter, protection and security; their right to a home. The child should have the rights of accessibility in school as well As good health care" ], [ "However, the reality is that some children in Timor-Leste have to drop out of school and help their parents earn money even though they do work which feels too much." ], [ "As an Oekusi child named Adao Tolan with a seventh grade education level, at the age of 14 he had to face conditions that made him sick." ], [ "Adao confesses that he worked in a store at Oekuse and the shop owner forced him to do heavy work such as hit cement, etc. affecting his health condition which has indications of lung diseases;" ], [ "Because he felt that the work in this store was too much for him, He chose to go back home and look elsewhere." ], [ "But after a month, Adao faced hemorrhagic fever at the nearby Delta coffee shop \"Brother Coffe.\"" ], [ "When the online journalist INDEPENDENTE met with Adao, he told that his parents agreed to come here in Dili for money because their household economy was under threat." ], [ "\"I came to Dili because my parents also wanted me, before I was schooled at EBC Benafi Oekusi Secondary School but due the economic situation in our home we had a break from schools so that they could find work and support their family's economy even though there is too much working on this time\", Adao told Jornal online Independent today. He said he faced his illness as it occurred after hitting broken things like steel or cement into cars inside vannaces of vehicles.\"" ], [ "She said she worked in the store for almost three months, so that's why herself stopped work and dropped out of school to come by ro nakroma." ], [ "\"I've been in Dili for about a month now and when I arrived here, there was no family with me but my parents took us down from the ro-ro Nakroma. We had to wait until we got some help by Oekuse people so that at this time i live together them on Delta\", she said accompanied of translations made available through her fellow Okekuese colleagues.\"" ], [ "Because of his health problems, he wanted to consult a doctor but could not because Dili was still unknown." ], [ "So he tries to come in at Brother Coffee, but suddenly faces a mutant blood disease." ], [ "The KDL Team Leader and Independente journalist immediately arrived at Coffee Brother accompanied by a Baikeno translator from the company to console her." ], [ "The Children's Rights Commission (KDL) managed to meet the Adao child at Coffee Brother and give approximate advice on taking him into a home where he can continue looking after his health, as well its other needs.\"" ], [ "We came to look for the child Adao from Oekuse because we were guided by KDL's Commissioner, gracefully it was found in this place\", said Head of Team Suzi Sarmento at Coffee Brother Delta 4." ], [ "In the meantime, when KDL Team approached this child to take him into a home in Dili that was prepared by them for his needs and he initially refuses but after long conversations with her family members she is taken from their house at Centro de Saúde Comoro (Centro of Health) where they consult on its health condition." ], [ "KDL said that the child could not return to Oekuse because Timor-Leste is also facing Covid 19, so he was first taken into a mahogany house." ], [ "KDL and RAEOA are currently making extensive preparations to reintegrate nearly three hundred children into their families in Oekuse with dignity." ], [ "More in this category: \" FM Considers Regra EE Boot Liu Fali Kapasidade Governu Rede Feto - Site Pornografia Mos As iha TL\" /Labarik Adao Muta Ran Tanba Halo Servisu Todan" ] ]
Cesta Bázika faze daruak, Suku Caicoli simu fixa família foun 50-resin | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Cesta Bázika faze daruak, Suku Caicoli simu fixa família foun 50-resin\nCesta Bázika faze daruak, Suku Caicoli simu fixa família foun 50-resin\nDILI, 15 juñu 2022 (TATOLI)—Xefe Suku Caicoli, postu administrativu Na’in Feto, munisípiu Dili, Hipólito Marques Ximenes, hateten preparasaun ba Cesta Bázika faze daruak ne’e, suku Caicoli simu ona fixa família foun hamutuk 50-resin.\n“Sira ne’ebé forma uma-kain foun iha Suku Caicoli hamutuk 50-resin no ida-ne’e mak ami prepara hela bainhira Governu anúnsia dehan atu hatama entaun ita bele hatama,” Hipólito Marques Ximenes hateten ba Agência TATOLI, iha sede Suku Caicoli, Dili kuarta ne’e.\nPrograma Cesta Bázika faze daruak, Governu planea ona hodi distribui tan ai-han bázika sira maibé ida-ne’e mós depende ba Governu, entaun nia parte simu de’it fixa família ne’e hanesan preparasaun ida hodi hein desizaun hosi Governu.\nTotál xefe família iha suku Caicoli hamutuk 999 ho nia aldeia lima (5) mak hanesan aldeia Sentru de Unidade, Sakoko, Foho Rai Boot no aldeia Tahu-laran.\nAntes ne’e, Governu no Parlamentu Nasionál deside ona implementa Cesta Bázika ba faze daruak ho montante millaun $80 kompostu hosi millaun $40 prevee ba Sekretária Estadu Kooperativa (SEKOOP) no millaun $40 ba Ministériu Turizmu Komérsiu no Indústria (MTKI).\nCesta Básica faze daruak\nSuku Caicoli simu fixa família foun 50\nPrevious articleONG Belun hasa’e koñesimentu ba eleitór foun kona-bá eleisaun inkluzivu iha Oé-Cusse\nNext articleXefe Suku Caicoli simu ona salariu $250 ne’ebé PN aprova
[ "Cesta Bazika faze daruak, Suku Caicoli simu fixa familia foun 50-resin | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Cesta Bazika faze daruak, Suku Caicoli simu fixa familia foun 50-resin Cesta Bazika faze daruak, Suku Caicoli simu fixa familia foun 50-resin DILI, 15 junu 2022 (TATOLI) - Xefe Suku Caicoli, postu administrativu Na'in Feto, munisipiu Dili, Hipolito Marques Ximenes, hateten preparasaun ba Cesta Bazika faze daruak ne'e, suku Caicoli simu ona fixa familia foun hamutuk 50-resin.", "\"Sira ne'ebe forma uma-kain foun iha Suku Caicoli hamutuk 50-resin no ida-ne'e mak ami prepara hela bainhira Governu anunsia dehan atu hatama entaun ita bele hatama,\" Hipolito Marques Ximenes hateten ba Agencia TATOLI, iha sede Suku Caicoli, Dili kuarta ne'e.", "Programa Cesta Bazika faze daruak, Governu planea ona hodi distribui tan ai-han bazika sira maibe ida-ne'e mos depende ba Governu, entaun nia parte simu de'it fixa familia ne'e hanesan preparasaun ida hodi hein desizaun hosi Governu.", "Total xefe familia iha suku Caicoli hamutuk 999 ho nia aldeia lima (5) mak hanesan aldeia Sentru de Unidade, Sakoko, Foho Rai Boot no aldeia Tahu-laran.", "Antes ne'e, Governu no Parlamentu Nasional deside ona implementa Cesta Bazika ba faze daruak ho montante millaun $80 kompostu hosi millaun $40 prevee ba Sekretaria Estadu Kooperativa (SEKOOP) no millaun $40 ba Ministeriu Turizmu Komersiu no Industria (MTKI).", "Cesta Basica faze daruak Suku Caicoli simu fixa familia foun 50 Previous articleONG Belun hasa'e konesimentu ba eleitor foun kona-ba eleisaun inkluzivu iha Oe-Cusse Next articleXefe Suku Caicoli simu ona salariu $250 ne'ebe PN aprova" ]
[ [ "Second phase of Basic Basket, Caicoli Suku receives more than 50 new families | TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN Segunda fase do Cesta Básica: a população de Caicoli recebe ajuda para fixar família com mais ou menos cinco dezenas (Agência Noticiosa da Timor-Leste) Dili/Dile - Hipolito Marquees Ximenes said that the preparation for second stage in this basic basket program has already resulted with over fifty family being fixed by each community." ], [ "\"They who form new households in Caicoli Village are more than 50 and this is what we're preparing when the Government announce that it will take over, so then you can do\", Hipolito Marquees Ximenes told Agência Timor-Leste (ATN) at Kaikoli village headquarters on Tuesday." ], [ "The second phase of the Basic Basket Program, Government has planned to distribute more basic food but this also depends on government so its part is only taking a fix family as preparation for waiting decision from Govt." ], [ "The total number of household heads in the Caicoli commune is 987 with five (5) village, namely Sentru de Unidade Village Sakoko and Foho Rai Boot." ], [ "Earlier, the Government and National Parliament had decided to implement Basic Basket for phase two with an amount of $80 million comprised by US$45m allocated from State Secretariat on Cooperatives (SEKOOP) & USD 12.6bn provided through MTKI)." ], [ "Previous articleNGO Belun raises awareness to new voters about inclusive elections in Oe-Cusse Next ArticleChief of Caicoli Village has received $250 salary approved by the National Assembly (PN)" ] ]
Reprezentante povu espera OJE 2021 transforma ema ba sentru dezenvolvimentu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Reprezentante povu espera OJE 2021 transforma ema ba sentru dezenvolvimentu\nReprezentante povu espera OJE 2021 transforma ema ba sentru dezenvolvimentu\nDILI, 12 dezembru 2020 (TATOLI)—Reprezentante povu iha Uma Fukun Parlamentu Nasionál (PN) espera aprovasaun proposta Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) 2021 ho montante biliaun $1,895 bele transforma ema ba sentru dezenvolvimentu.\nXefe bankada Frente Mudansa (FM), Isabel Freitas Ximenes, fó votu favorável hodi ejize nafatin responsabilidade Governu ba interese povu Timor-Leste.\n“Orsamentu ne’e bele lori Timor-Leste sai nasaun ekonomikamente reziliénte no lori nasaun transforma ema ba sentru dezenvolvimentu. Husu nafatin Governu fó atensaun ba edukasaun ne’ebé di’ak ba povu, asesu ba eletrisidade, apoia saúde ba povu tomak, apoia setór privadu tantu negosiante informál no mikro sira, inklui investe nafatin iha eskola públika sira,” Deputada bankada opozisaun ne’e dehan liuhosi sala plenária hafoin aprovasaun proposta-lei OJE 2021 iha finál globál, sábadu ne’e.\nDeputada ne’e husu ba Governu atu halo ezekusaun di’ak ba programa rekuperasaun ekonómika ho rigorozu no kuidadu durante períodu tranzitóriu.\nSorin seluk, Deputadu bankada Partidu Libertasaun Populár (PLP), Noé da Silva ‘Buka Tuir’ konsidera orsamentu ne’e di’ak ba povu tomak.\nDeputadu Bankada Governu ne’e husu Governu atu buka tuir timor-oan ne’ebé sei lakon durante prosesu funu naruk no ruin seidauk hetan to’o ohin loron.\nIha sorin seluk, Xefe bankada Partidu Unidade Dezenvolvimentu Demokrátiku (PUDD), António de Sá Benevides, argumenta laiha razaun vota kontra orsamentu Estadu.\nReprezentante Bankada Kmanek Haburas Unidade Nasionál Timor-oan (KHUNTO), Deputadu Luís Roberto da Silva, fó votu favorável ba orsamentu 2021 tanba atu hatán ba nesesidade povu.\n“Hakarak fó hanoin ba membru Governu tomak katak orsamentu ne’ebé aprova ona bele ezekuta ho di’ak nune’e bele hadi’a nasaun,” nia hateten.\nNune’e mós, Deputadu Bankada Partidu Demokrátiku (PD), Mariano Assanami Sabino, maski fó votu favorável, maibé nia parte nota katak orsamentu ne’ebé bele haforsa reziliénsia ekonomia no soberania alimentár, aloka ba agrikultura 1,7% de’it.\n“PD nafatin promove debate konstrutivu no nafatin fó apoia karik iha orsamentu retifikativu ne’ebé sei mosu mai,” nia akresenta.\nXefe Bankada Frente Revolusionária Timor-Leste Independente (FRETILIN), Francisco Miranda Branco, dehan aprovasaun orsamentu ho 44 votu a-favór tanba proposta-lei ne’e prienxe regra Konstitusionál, legál no rejimentál.\n“Orsamentu ne’e raan ba nasaun no fó moris ba povu, FRETILIN nia postura polítika iha Uma Fukun sempre firme atu defende interese povu tomak, tantu iha opozisaun ka Governu, preokupasaun sosiu-ekonómika iha Timor-Leste mak determina ami-nia postura polítika, ne’ebé sempre buka dalan hotu atu kontribui ho onestidade, frontalidade ho objetivu fundamentál atu hetan solusaun ba nasaun no povu ,” Deputadu Bankada Governu ne’e subliña.\nEntretantu, Xefe bankada Uniaun Demokrátiku Timorense (UDT), Francisco Xavier David Carlos, apresia vontade bankada Governu no opozisaun sira hotu durante diskusaun orsamentu.\n“Ita deskute dezde debate jeneralidade, espesialidade no ohin ita aprova ona iha finál globál, tanba ne’e Timór tenke bá-oin,” deklarasaun polítika hosi Bankda UDT.\nAprovasaun OJE 2021\nMensajen reprezentante povu\nPrevious articleXefe Governu konsidera aprovasaun OJE 2021 loke siklu foun\nNext articleDPC realiza espozisaun fotografia “Human Interest” no “Surealizmu”
[ "Reprezentante povu espera OJE 2021 transforma ema ba sentru dezenvolvimentu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Reprezentante povu espera OJE 2021 transforma ema ba sentru dezenvolvimentu Reprezentante povu espera OJE 2021 transforma ema ba sentru dezenvolvimentu DILI, 12 dezembru 2020 (TATOLI) - Reprezentante povu iha Uma Fukun Parlamentu Nasional (PN) espera aprovasaun proposta Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2021 ho montante biliaun $1,895 bele transforma ema ba sentru dezenvolvimentu.", "Xefe bankada Frente Mudansa (FM), Isabel Freitas Ximenes, fo votu favoravel hodi ejize nafatin responsabilidade Governu ba interese povu Timor-Leste.", "\"Orsamentu ne'e bele lori Timor-Leste sai nasaun ekonomikamente reziliente no lori nasaun transforma ema ba sentru dezenvolvimentu.", "Husu nafatin Governu fo atensaun ba edukasaun ne'ebe di'ak ba povu, asesu ba eletrisidade, apoia saude ba povu tomak, apoia setor privadu tantu negosiante informal no mikro sira, inklui investe nafatin iha eskola publika sira,\" Deputada bankada opozisaun ne'e dehan liuhosi sala plenaria hafoin aprovasaun proposta-lei OJE 2021 iha final global, sabadu ne'e.", "Deputada ne'e husu ba Governu atu halo ezekusaun di'ak ba programa rekuperasaun ekonomika ho rigorozu no kuidadu durante periodu tranzitoriu.", "Sorin seluk, Deputadu bankada Partidu Libertasaun Popular (PLP), Noe da Silva 'Buka Tuir' konsidera orsamentu ne'e di'ak ba povu tomak.", "Deputadu Bankada Governu ne'e husu Governu atu buka tuir timor-oan ne'ebe sei lakon durante prosesu funu naruk no ruin seidauk hetan to'o ohin loron.", "Iha sorin seluk, Xefe bankada Partidu Unidade Dezenvolvimentu Demokratiku (PUDD), Antonio de Sa Benevides, argumenta laiha razaun vota kontra orsamentu Estadu.", "Reprezentante Bankada Kmanek Haburas Unidade Nasional Timor-oan (KHUNTO), Deputadu Luis Roberto da Silva, fo votu favoravel ba orsamentu 2021 tanba atu hatan ba nesesidade povu.", "\"Hakarak fo hanoin ba membru Governu tomak katak orsamentu ne'ebe aprova ona bele ezekuta ho di'ak nune'e bele hadi'a nasaun,\" nia hateten.", "Nune'e mos, Deputadu Bankada Partidu Demokratiku (PD), Mariano Assanami Sabino, maski fo votu favoravel, maibe nia parte nota katak orsamentu ne'ebe bele haforsa reziliensia ekonomia no soberania alimentar, aloka ba agrikultura 1,7% de'it.", "\"PD nafatin promove debate konstrutivu no nafatin fo apoia karik iha orsamentu retifikativu ne'ebe sei mosu mai,\" nia akresenta.", "Xefe Bankada Frente Revolusionaria Timor-Leste Independente (FRETILIN), Francisco Miranda Branco, dehan aprovasaun orsamentu ho 44 votu a-favor tanba proposta-lei ne'e prienxe regra Konstitusional, legal no rejimental.", "\"Orsamentu ne'e raan ba nasaun no fo moris ba povu, FRETILIN nia postura politika iha Uma Fukun sempre firme atu defende interese povu tomak, tantu iha opozisaun ka Governu, preokupasaun sosiu-ekonomika iha Timor-Leste mak determina ami-nia postura politika, ne'ebe sempre buka dalan hotu atu kontribui ho onestidade, frontalidade ho objetivu fundamental atu hetan solusaun ba nasaun no povu ,\" Deputadu Bankada Governu ne'e sublina.", "Entretantu, Xefe bankada Uniaun Demokratiku Timorense (UDT), Francisco Xavier David Carlos, apresia vontade bankada Governu no opozisaun sira hotu durante diskusaun orsamentu.", "\"Ita deskute dezde debate jeneralidade, espesialidade no ohin ita aprova ona iha final global, tanba ne'e Timor tenke ba-oin,\" deklarasaun politika hosi Bankda UDT.", "Aprovasaun OJE 2021 Mensajen reprezentante povu Previous articleXefe Governu konsidera aprovasaun OJE 2021 loke siklu foun Next articleDPC realiza espozisaun fotografia \"Human Interest\" no \"Surealizmu\"" ]
[ [ "Representative of the people expects 2019 Budget to transform human being into centre for development | Timor Post Agência Noticiosa de Timór-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Representante do povo espera que o Orçamento Geral da Nação (OGE) transforma pessoas para centro desenvolvimento DILI, December.3rd - The representative in Parliament House hope that approval by parliamentary committee on budget and finance proposed State General Funding Plan ($BGPF), which amounted $857 million will turn mankind towards a more sustainable future" ], [ "Frente Mudansa (FM) party leader, Isabel Freitas Ximenes voted in favour of the bill to continue demanding government responsibility for Timor-Leste' s interest." ], [ "\"This budget can take Timor-Leste to be an economically resilient country and it will transform people into the centre of development." ], [ "I also urge the Government to pay attention on good education for people, access of electricity and health supports all citizens. Support private sector both informal traders as well micro businesses including investing in public schools.\" The opposition deputy said this through plenary room after approving budget 2019 bill at global final Saturday night" ], [ "She urged the Government to implement its economic recovery programme with rigour and care during this transitional period." ], [ "On the other hand, MEP Noe da Silva 'Buka Tuir' of Partido Libertação Popular (PLP) considers this budget to be good for all people." ], [ "The Government Group Member asked the government to look for Timorese who will be lost during this long and painful war process, which has not been found so far." ], [ "On the other hand, Antonio de Sa Benevides of Partido Unidade para o Desenvolvimento Democrático (PUDD) argued that there was no reason to vote against state budget." ], [ "Representative of the Kmanek Haburas Unidade Nasional Timor-oan (KHUNTO) House Group, MP Luis Roberto da Silva voted in favour for budget 2019 because it meets people’ s needs." ], [ "\"I would like to remind all government members that the budget approved can be execute well so as improve our country,\" he said." ], [ "Similarly, Democratic Party (PD) Group Member Mariano Assanami Sabino although he voted in favour of the bill noted that only 1.7% was allocated to agriculture from an overall budget which could strengthen economic resilience and food sovereignty" ], [ "\"PD continues to promote constructive debate and support if there is an amending budget that will arise,\" he added." ], [ "Independent Timor-Leste Revolutionary Front (FRETILIN) Group Leader Francisco Miranda Branco said the budget was approved with 43 votes in favour because it complies to constitutional, legal and procedural rules." ], [ "\"This budget is blood for the country and gives life to people, FRETILIN's political position in House of Representatives always firmly defending all Timorese interest both opposition or government. The socio-economic concern that determine our policy stance which we have been seeking every possible way with honesty contribute frontality fundamental objective finding a solution on behalf from nation\" underlined this Government Group Member MP" ], [ "Meanwhile, the leader of Timorese Democratic Union (UDT), Francisco Xavier David Carlos appreciated all government and opposition parties' willingness during budget discussions." ], [ "\"We have discussed since the general debate, plenary and today we approve in global final. That is why Timor must go forward\", a political declaration from Bankda UDT said on Tuesday (12/05)." ], [ "Previous articleChief of Government considers approval 2019 Budget to open a new cycle Next artikelDPC organize photography exhibition \"Human Interest\" and the “Surrealism”" ] ]
QUARTA – FEIRA DE CINZAS – Diocese de Dili\nDiocese de Dili > NOTÍCIAS > LETURA DIÁRIA > QUARTA – FEIRA DE CINZAS\nQUARTA – FEIRA DE CINZAS\nPosted on: February 27, 2017 by: Departamento Comunicação Diocese Dili\nPrimeira Leitura ( Joel 2, 12-18)\nLia husi Livro Profeta Joel :\nOras ne’e Maromak hateten: ”Fila imi laran ho neon mai Ha’u, hodi hadera-an, hodi tanis no halerik. Hakanek imi nia laran; lalika lés imi nia unuk. Fila imi laran ho neon tomak ba imi Na’in, ba imi nia Maromak, tan Maromak, tan Maromak di’ak no laran luak tebes! Tan Maromak lahatene rai hirus, lahatene hanoin fó todan…Huu karau dikur iha fóho Sião tutun, hodi fó hatene loron hadera-an nian, hodi halibur povo tomak: katuas no ferik, boot no labarik sei susu! Sira nebe foin kaben, hadook malu lai! Housi oda-matan to’o Altar, sacerdote sira nebé servisu iha Uma Kreda, tanis daudaun hodi hateten: ”Na’i, sadia ita nia povo! Keta halo ita nia povo moe lerek iha ema seluk sira leet! Tan sá mak povo sira seluk hateten: ‘Sira nia Maromak iha nebé?’ Na’i Maromak hanoin, hodi hakarak tebes nia povo. tan nee, mak Nia sadia nia povo”…\nSalmo Responsorial (Sal. 50, 3-6a, 12-14, 17)\nRefrão: Na’i ami sala: hanoin ami. Repete-se\nNa’i, tan ita laran luak, sadia ha’u;\ntan hanoin tebes ha’u, kasu hau salan;\nhamós ha’u hahalok a’at,\nfase ha’u salan tomak. Refrão\nHa’u hatene ha’u salan,\nha’u salan mosu nafatin iha ha’u oin;\nNa’i, ha’u sala hasouru ita,\nita matan haré katak sala, ha’u ata halo. Refrão\nNa’I, haraik laran mós mai ha’u,\nfó fali kbiit ba ha’u klamar;\nKeta soe hau dook housi ita futar oin,\nita boot Espírito keta dook housi ha’u. Refrão\nHaraik fali ksolok Maksoyn mai ha’u,\nhametin iha ha’u hakaran, di’ak;\nNa’i loke ha’u ibun,\nha’u ibun sei hananu Ita nia kmanek. Refrão\nSegunda Leitura (2 Cor. 5, 20-6, 2)\nMaun-alin sira: Ami, Cristo nia saseluk; hodi ami, mak Maromak hanourin imi. Ne’e duni, ami husu ba imi, hodi domin Cristo nian; “Badame malu ho Maromak! Cristo, maski sala laek, Maromak halo Nia maksalak, tan hadomi ita, atu iha Cristo, ita bele hetan Maromak nia di’ak. Nu’udar Maromak nia saseluk, ami hanourin imi, atu la bele simu leet de’it Maromak nia graça. Tan Maromak hateten: “ Iha tempo di’ak, ha’u rona ó! Iha tempo Maksoyn, Ha’u mai tulun o!” Oras ne’e daudaun mak tempo di’ak, oras ne’e daudaun mak tempo Maksoyn.\nRefrão: Na’i Jesus Cristo, ami hahí hawelok Ita. Repete-se\nOras ne’e daudaun mak, tempo di’ak, no loron Maksoyn!\nNa’i nia lia-fuan:\n“hakribit imi salan, Reino lalehan besik daudaun!”\nEvangelho (Mat. 6, 1-6, 16-18)\nNa’i Jesus Cristo nia Evangelho nu’udar São Mateus haktuir:\nIha tempo nebá, Na’i Jesus Cristo hateten sai ba escolante sira: “Imi sei la buka halo di’ak atu ema seluk hahí imi. Imi halo di’ak karik, atu ema seluk hahí imi, Aman Maromak sei la haraik prémio ba imi, iha lalehan. Nune’e, wainhira o fó esmola, lalika dere gon, hanesan ema laran makerek sira halo, iha Uma Creda ka iha luron, atu ema seluk hahí sira. Ha’u hateten lós ba imi: ema sira ne’e, simu ona sira kólen. Wainhira ó fó esmola, buka fó subar: O nia liman karuk lalika hatene ó nia liman los halo sá ida. Nune’e, ó nia Aman iha lalehan, tan Nia haré hotu, Nia mak fó ó nia kólen. Wainhira ó ba hamulak, labele halo hanesan ema laran makerek sira. Ema sira ne’e mak hamriik, hodi hamulak iha Uma Creda ka iha luron, atu hatudu katak, sira hamulak. Ha’u hateten lós ba imi: “sira ne’e simu ona sira nia kólen. Maibé ó, wainhira hamulak, buka tama iha uma laran, taka oda-matan, hafoin, hahú hamulak iha lia sumik ba ó nia Maromak. Tan ó nia Aman iha lalehan hare no hatene hotu, Nia mak sei fó ó nia kolen. Wainhira ó hadera-an, keta halo oin nakraik, hanesan ema laran makerek sira halo, atu hatudu katak, sira hadera-an. Ha’u hateten lós ba imi, katak, sira ne’e simu ona sira nia kólen. Maibé, wainhira ó hadera-an, ó sei fase oin, tau mina morin ba ulun, atu ema labele hatene katak, ó hadera-an; atu Aman Maromak de’it mak hatene o nia hahalok; nune’e, Aman Maromak mak sei selu ó nia kólen.\nPrevious PostDOM. BASILIO HALO LANÇAMENTO PRIMEIRA PEDRA BA ESCOLA MÚSICA IHA FATUMETA, DILI Next PostDOMINGGO I QUARESMA
[ "QUARTA - FEIRA DE CINZAS - Diocese de Dili Diocese de Dili > NOTICIAS > LETURA DIARIA > QUARTA - FEIRA DE CINZAS QUARTA - FEIRA DE CINZAS Posted on: February 27, 2017 by: Departamento Comunicacao Diocese Dili Primeira Leitura (Joel 2, 12-18) Lia husi Livro Profeta Joel: Oras ne'e Maromak hateten: \"Fila imi laran ho neon mai Ha'u, hodi hadera-an, hodi tanis no halerik.", "Hakanek imi nia laran; lalika les imi nia unuk.", "Fila imi laran ho neon tomak ba imi Na'in, ba imi nia Maromak, tan Maromak, tan Maromak di'ak no laran luak tebes!", "Tan Maromak lahatene rai hirus, lahatene hanoin fo todan...Huu karau dikur iha foho Siao tutun, hodi fo hatene loron hadera-an nian, hodi halibur povo tomak: katuas no ferik, boot no labarik sei susu!", "Sira nebe foin kaben, hadook malu lai!", "Housi oda-matan to'o Altar, sacerdote sira nebe servisu iha Uma Kreda, tanis daudaun hodi hateten: \"Na'i, sadia ita nia povo!", "Keta halo ita nia povo moe lerek iha ema seluk sira leet!", "Tan sa mak povo sira seluk hateten: 'Sira nia Maromak iha nebe?'", "Na'i Maromak hanoin, hodi hakarak tebes nia povo. tan nee, mak Nia sadia nia povo...\"", "Salmo Responsorial (Sal.", "50, 3-6a, 12-14, 17) Refrao: Na'i ami sala: hanoin ami.", "Repete-se Na'i, tan ita laran luak, sadia ha'u; tan hanoin tebes ha'u, kasu hau salan; hamos ha'u hahalok a'at, fase ha'u salan tomak.", "Refrao Ha'u hatene ha'u salan, ha'u salan mosu nafatin iha ha'u oin; Na'i, ha'u sala hasouru ita, ita matan hare katak sala, ha'u ata halo.", "Refrao Na'I, haraik laran mos mai ha'u, fo fali kbiit ba ha'u klamar; Keta soe hau dook housi ita futar oin, ita boot Espirito keta dook housi ha'u.", "Refrao Haraik fali ksolok Maksoyn mai ha'u, hametin iha ha'u hakaran, di'ak; Na'i loke ha'u ibun, ha'u ibun sei hananu Ita nia kmanek.", "Refrao Segunda Leitura (2 Cor.", "5, 20-6, 2) Maun-alin sira: Ami, Cristo nia saseluk; hodi ami, mak Maromak hanourin imi.", "Ne'e duni, ami husu ba imi, hodi domin Cristo nian; \"Badame malu ho Maromak!", "Cristo, maski sala laek, Maromak halo Nia maksalak, tan hadomi ita, atu iha Cristo, ita bele hetan Maromak nia di'ak.", "Nu'udar Maromak nia saseluk, ami hanourin imi, atu la bele simu leet de'it Maromak nia graca.", "Tan Maromak hateten: \" Iha tempo di'ak, ha'u rona o!", "Iha tempo Maksoyn, Ha'u mai tulun o!\"", "Oras ne'e daudaun mak tempo di'ak, oras ne'e daudaun mak tempo Maksoyn.", "Refrao: Na'i Jesus Cristo, ami hahi hawelok Ita.", "Repete-se Oras ne'e daudaun mak, tempo di'ak, no loron Maksoyn!", "Na'i nia lia-fuan: \"hakribit imi salan, Reino lalehan besik daudaun!\"", "Evangelho (Mat.", "6, 1-6, 16-18) Na'i Jesus Cristo nia Evangelho nu'udar Sao Mateus haktuir: Iha tempo neba, Na'i Jesus Cristo hateten sai ba escolante sira: \"Imi sei la buka halo di'ak atu ema seluk hahi imi.", "Imi halo di'ak karik, atu ema seluk hahi imi, Aman Maromak sei la haraik premio ba imi, iha lalehan.", "Nune'e, wainhira o fo esmola, lalika dere gon, hanesan ema laran makerek sira halo, iha Uma Creda ka iha luron, atu ema seluk hahi sira.", "Ha'u hateten los ba imi: ema sira ne'e, simu ona sira kolen.", "Wainhira o fo esmola, buka fo subar: O nia liman karuk lalika hatene o nia liman los halo sa ida.", "Nune'e, o nia Aman iha lalehan, tan Nia hare hotu, Nia mak fo o nia kolen.", "Wainhira o ba hamulak, labele halo hanesan ema laran makerek sira.", "Ema sira ne'e mak hamriik, hodi hamulak iha Uma Creda ka iha luron, atu hatudu katak, sira hamulak.", "Ha'u hateten los ba imi: \"sira ne'e simu ona sira nia kolen.", "Maibe o, wainhira hamulak, buka tama iha uma laran, taka oda-matan, hafoin, hahu hamulak iha lia sumik ba o nia Maromak.", "Tan o nia Aman iha lalehan hare no hatene hotu, Nia mak sei fo o nia kolen.", "Wainhira o hadera-an, keta halo oin nakraik, hanesan ema laran makerek sira halo, atu hatudu katak, sira hadera-an.", "Ha'u hateten los ba imi, katak, sira ne'e simu ona sira nia kolen.", "Maibe, wainhira o hadera-an, o sei fase oin, tau mina morin ba ulun, atu ema labele hatene katak, o hadera-an; atu Aman Maromak de'it mak hatene o nia hahalok; nune'e, Aman Maromak mak sei selu o nia kolen.", "Previous PostDOM.", "BASILIO HALO LANCAMENTO PRIMEIRA PEDRA BA ESCOLA MUSICA IHA FATUMETA, DILI Next PostDOMINGGO I QUARESMA" ]
[ [ "WEDNESDAY - ASH WEEK – Diocese of Dili DIOCESE OF DILI > NOTÍCIAS / NEWS/ DAILY READINGWednesday, Ash Week First Reading (Joel) Verses from the Book Prophet Joel: Now this is what God says to you; \"Lift up your heart and come unto Me with joyfulness." ], [ "Keep your hearts in peace; do not be afraid of the unbelievers." ], [ "Turn your hearts and all of you to the Lord, our God; for he is a goodly god who has great mercy." ], [ "For God has made the earth stir, he's thought to give it a blow... I have sent out an eagle in Zion’S valley with smoke. It will proclaim that day of judgment and gather all people together: old as young; big children suck their breast!" ], [ "You newlyweds, let each other go away!" ], [ "From the altar of worship to that at which they were offered, priests who served in Crete danced and said: \"Lord heal our people!" ], [ "Don't make our people sleep leery in the midst of others!" ], [ "Why should the nations say, 'Where is their God?'" ], [ "The LORD thought of his people, because he loved them; therefore He saved him...\"" ], [ "Responsorial Psalm (Ps." ], [ "50:3-6a,12.4) Refrain (Refrain): O Lord we have sinned; remember us!" ], [ "Repeat, O LORD; for thy lovingkindness heal me. For thou hast remembered my sins: pardon mine iniquities and make cleanse all of them that have transgressingly done against thee.\"" ], [ "Refrao I acknowledge my iniquity, My sin is always before me. O Lord! our sins are over us; Our eyes see that we have done evil:" ], [ "Refrao No'I, grace also come to me; give strength again for my words: Do not take away from your feet before you I great Spirit do it." ], [ "Refrao Let the joy of your mercy come to me, keep it in my mouth for good; O LORD! open thy breasts unto mine eyes: and I will be filled with thine affection." ], [ "Refrain Second Reading (2 Cor." ], [ "5:20-6,1) Brothers and sisters. We are the seed of Christ; through us you have been blessed by God!" ], [ "For this we beseech you, by the love of Christ: Love one another toward God; and that ye may have a good relationship with each other." ], [ "Christ, though sinless God made Himself His own because He loved us so that in him we might have the goodness of god." ], [ "As God's apostle, we warn you not to receive the grace of god by yourselves." ], [ "For God says, \"In good time I will hear you!" ], [ "In the time of Maksoyn, I'll come to your aid!\"" ], [ "Now is the good time, now it's Maxson’ s day." ], [ "Refrao: Our Lord Jesus Christ, we pray for you." ], [ "It repeats Now is the time, good times are coming." ], [ "The Lord's word: \"Forgive your sins, the kingdom of heaven is at hand!\"" ], [ "Gospel (Mat." ], [ "6:1-5, and Matthew's Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ says that at this time he said to his disciple. \"You shall not seek good deeds in order for others’ reproach against you; but do what is right so as people may praise your name.\"" ], [ "For if ye do good, that men should love you; neither will your Father give unto thee a reward in heaven." ], [ "Therefore when you give alms, do not show your face in the church or outside for people to see what it is like." ], [ "Verily I say unto you, These have already received their reward." ], [ "When he gives alms, look for subar: O his right hand lalika know o her left has done it." ], [ "So also your Father in heaven, who sees all things will give you his glory." ], [ "When you go to pray, do not be like the greedy." ], [ "These are the people who came to pray in Casa Creda or outside, showing that they were saying this." ], [ "Verily I say unto you, They have received their reward." ], [ "But when you pray, go into your house and close the door of it; then begin to say simple words in repentance before God." ], [ "For your Father in heaven sees and knows all things, he will give you his glory." ], [ "And when ye come near, do not bow down your face as the wicked make to show that they are close." ], [ "Verily I say unto you, They have received their reward." ], [ "But when he has broken his head, put a mask on him so that no one will know it; and God the Father shall be aware of what you do. He is going to pay for your sins.\"" ], [ "Previous PostDOM." ], [ "BASILIO HALO LAUNCHING FIRST PIEDRA BA MUSICA SCHOOL IN FATUMETA, DILI Next PostSUNDAY I OF QUARESMA" ] ]
Sinema sira iha mundu tomak aumenta espetador sira - Sinema - Haksolok ho SAPO\nSara Tavares ho Assunção ...\nSinema sira iha mundu tomak aumenta espetador sira\nSAPO TL, 24 de marsu de 2017\nSala sira sinema nian iha mundu tomak hetan ona osan euro biliaun 34,1 hosi reseita billeteira iha 2016, ne'ebé reprezenta aumentu ki'ik ida kona-ba tinan anterior, fó sai hosi Asosiasaun Sinema Estadus Unidus nian.\nRelatóriu anual estatístiku kona-ba konsumu global sinema nian iha sala, ne'ebé fó sai iha loron-kuarta, hatudu katak reseita hosi billeteira sira hosi ezibisaun komersial kontinua aumenta, maski neineik, akompaña mós aumentu hosi sala sira sinema nian ba total ida rihun 164.\n"Aumentu ne'ebé akontese nafatin hosi reseita billeteira nian hatudu katak sala sinema nian kontinua hanesan opsaun dahuluk hosi espetador sira nian hodi experimenta haree istória di'ak ida", afirma hosi Chris Dodd, diretór hosi asosiasaun ne'e.\nSinema sira iha Estadus Unidus ho Kanadá, ne'ebé hamutuk hanesan rejiaun líder hosi merkadu internasional, rejista ona aumentu ida hosi reseita sira ba total ida euro biliaun 10,5, maibé Xina, iha fatin daruak iha ezibisaun sinema nian, lakon ona ho de'it euro biliaun 6,1.\nIha Eropa, Médiu Oriente ho Áfrika, reseita sira billeteira nian tuun 2% iha 2016 ba euro biliaun 8,8 tanba diminuisaun sira ne'ebé hetan iha nasaun sira hanesan Reinu Unidu no Alemaña.\nIha relatóriu, asosiasaun hatete katak iha razaun sira atu senti otimizmu kona-ba futuru, tanba iha joven barak maka ba sinema. Iha média, espetador sira entre tinan 18 no tinan 24 ba sinema dala neen iha tinan ida nia laran.\nIha Amérika Latinu, nasaun ne'ebé hetan liu reseita billeteira maka'as, ho euro millaun 741, maka Méxiko, halakon Brazil (ho euro millaun 649).\nIha fulan-Fevereiru, Observatóriu Europeu ba Audiovizual fó sai tiha ona katak, iha parte europeu, sala sira sinema nian rejista ona espetador hamutuk millaun 994 no euro biliaun 7,204.\nIha tinan 2016, sala sira portugés sinema nian hetan ona espetador hamutuk millaun 14,8 no reseita brutu hosi billeteira hamutuk euro millaun 76,6.\n"Beauty and the Beast" sei estreia iha Malázia lahó eliminasaun
[ "Sinema sira iha mundu tomak aumenta espetador sira - Sinema - Haksolok ho SAPO Sara Tavares ho Assuncao ...", "Sinema sira iha mundu tomak aumenta espetador sira SAPO TL, 24 de marsu de 2017 Sala sira sinema nian iha mundu tomak hetan ona osan euro biliaun 34,1 hosi reseita billeteira iha 2016, ne'ebe reprezenta aumentu ki'ik ida kona-ba tinan anterior, fo sai hosi Asosiasaun Sinema Estadus Unidus nian.", "Relatoriu anual estatistiku kona-ba konsumu global sinema nian iha sala, ne'ebe fo sai iha loron-kuarta, hatudu katak reseita hosi billeteira sira hosi ezibisaun komersial kontinua aumenta, maski neineik, akompana mos aumentu hosi sala sira sinema nian ba total ida rihun 164.", "\"Aumentu ne'ebe akontese nafatin hosi reseita billeteira nian hatudu katak sala sinema nian kontinua hanesan opsaun dahuluk hosi espetador sira nian hodi experimenta haree istoria di'ak ida,\" afirma hosi Chris Dodd, diretor hosi asosiasaun ne'e.", "Sinema sira iha Estadus Unidus ho Kanada, ne'ebe hamutuk hanesan rejiaun lider hosi merkadu internasional, rejista ona aumentu ida hosi reseita sira ba total ida euro biliaun 10,5, maibe Xina, iha fatin daruak iha ezibisaun sinema nian, lakon ona ho de'it euro biliaun 6,1.", "Iha Eropa, Mediu Oriente ho Afrika, reseita sira billeteira nian tuun 2% iha 2016 ba euro biliaun 8,8 tanba diminuisaun sira ne'ebe hetan iha nasaun sira hanesan Reinu Unidu no Alemana.", "Iha relatoriu, asosiasaun hatete katak iha razaun sira atu senti otimizmu kona-ba futuru, tanba iha joven barak maka ba sinema.", "Iha media, espetador sira entre tinan 18 no tinan 24 ba sinema dala neen iha tinan ida nia laran.", "Iha Amerika Latinu, nasaun ne'ebe hetan liu reseita billeteira maka'as, ho euro millaun 741, maka Mexiko, halakon Brazil (ho euro millaun 649).", "Iha fulan-Fevereiru, Observatoriu Europeu ba Audiovizual fo sai tiha ona katak, iha parte europeu, sala sira sinema nian rejista ona espetador hamutuk millaun 994 no euro biliaun 7,204.", "Iha tinan 2016, sala sira portuges sinema nian hetan ona espetador hamutuk millaun 14,8 no reseita brutu hosi billeteira hamutuk euro millaun 76,6.", "\"Beauty and the Beast\" sei estreia iha Malazia laho eliminasaun" ]
[ [ "Cinemas all over the world increase spectators - Movies Sara Tavares ho Assuncao ..." ], [ "Cinemas around the world are increasing audience SAPO TL, 24 de março De (1) Theaters all overtheworld have generated €35.6 billion in box office revenue for this year which represent a slight increase on last years according to U" ], [ "The annual statistical report on global cinema in-theatre consumption, released Thursday showed that box office revenue from commercial screenings continued to increase albeit slowly accompanies by an increased number of movie theater theatrical space totalling 164 thousand." ], [ "\"The continued increase in box office revenue shows that the cinema continues to be viewers' first choice for experimenting with a good story,\" said Chris Dodd." ], [ "Cinemas in the United States and Canada, which together form a leading region of international marketplace have recorded an increase on revenues to total €10.5 billion but China - second place for film screening has lost with only 63 million euros (€728m)." ], [ "In Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA), bank revenues fell 2% in a year to €8.7 billion due mainly for decreased sales from countries such as Germany or United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland" ], [ "In its report, the association said that there are reasons to be optimistic about future trends as many young people go into cinema." ], [ "On average, viewers between the ages of 18-24 go to cinema six times a year." ], [ "In Latin America, the country with highest tax revenue was Mexico (€741 million), beating Brazil in this respect." ], [ "In February, the European Audiovisual Observatory reported that in Europe cinemas had registered a total of 9.4 million spectators and €7 billion revenue (2015: EUR368m)." ], [ "In 2016, Portuguese cinemas had already attracted a total of over one million spectators and generated gross box office revenues amounting to €75.9m (€83bn)." ], [ "\"Beauty and the Beast\" will premiere in Malaysia for elimination." ] ]
PPN louva PR Horta husu deskulpa ba deputadu sira iha PN | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI PPN louva PR Horta husu deskulpa ba deputadu sira iha PN\nPPN louva PR Horta husu deskulpa ba deputadu sira iha PN\nDILI, 08 juñu 2022 (TATOLI)—Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál, Aniceto Longuinhos Guterres Lopes, konsidera Prezidente Repúblika (PR), José Ramos Horta, husu deskulpa ba Deputadu sira iha Parlamentu Nasionál ida-ne’e hatudu jestu ne’ebé di’ak.\nNotísia Relevante: PR Horta husu deskulpa ba Deputadu Bankada Governu iha PN\nPrezidente Parlamentu Nasionál ne’e agradese no louva jestu hosi Prezidente Repúblika, José Ramos Horta, hodi husu deskulpa ba Deputadu sira iha PN, tanba linguazen ne’e ema iha mundu tomak iha asesu.\n“Kestaun linguajen ne’ebé Prezidente Repúblika ko’alia iha mídia internasionál Agência Notisioza Aljazeera ne’ebé Deputadu sira sente ofendidu tiha no Prezidente Repúblika husu ona deskulpa, ne’e jestu ne’ebé di’ak atu hadi’a no armoniza relasaun instituisionál entre órgaun rua. Ha’u agradese no louva jestu hosi Prezidente Repúblika, José Ramos Horta, hodi husu deskulpa ba Deputadu sira iha PN,” Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál ne’e responde Agéncia Tatoli iha entrevista eskluziva iha nia knaar fatin Parlamentu Nasionál, kuarta ne’e.\nTuir nia, PN halo lei tuir nia kompeténsia ne’ebé asuntu ne’e kestaun kona-ba lei ne’ebé Parlamentu aprova haruka ba Prezidente Repúblika promulga, maibé promulga ka lae ne’e depende ba PR tanba iha konstituisaun fó kompeténsia tomak no to’o iha ne’e laiha órgaun ida atu influénsia.\nMaibé konstituisaun mós prevee bainhira la promulga tenke fundamenta no haruka mensajen mai PN, tanba ne’e uza linguajen ofende tanba Estadu ne’e iha kada órgaun hala’o nia knar no funsaun ne’ebé povu mak hili hotu.\n“Agora, se uza linguajen ruma ofende malu maibé to’o ikus sistema separasaun podér ida-idak hala’o nia knaar maibé interdependénsia ba malu,” nia hateten.\nPR Horta husu deskulpa ba Deputadu iha PN ne’e jestu ne’ebé di’ak\nPrevious articleSEA husu instituisaun relevante aplika prosedimentu rigór ba importasaun karreta\nNext articleMAE sei aprezenta proposta-lei eleisaun parlamentár ba Konsellu Ministru
[ "PPN louva PR Horta husu deskulpa ba deputadu sira iha PN | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI PPN louva PR Horta husu deskulpa ba deputadu sira iha PN PPN louva PR Horta husu deskulpa ba deputadu sira iha PN DILI, 08 junu 2022 (TATOLI) - Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Aniceto Longuinhos Guterres Lopes, konsidera Prezidente Republika (PR), Jose Ramos Horta, husu deskulpa ba Deputadu sira iha Parlamentu Nasional ida-ne'e hatudu jestu ne'ebe di'ak.", "Notisia Relevante: PR Horta husu deskulpa ba Deputadu Bankada Governu iha PN Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional ne'e agradese no louva jestu hosi Prezidente Republika, Jose Ramos Horta, hodi husu deskulpa ba Deputadu sira iha PN, tanba linguazen ne'e ema iha mundu tomak iha asesu.", "\"Kestaun linguajen ne'ebe Prezidente Republika ko'alia iha midia internasional Agencia Notisioza Aljazeera ne'ebe Deputadu sira sente ofendidu tiha no Prezidente Republika husu ona deskulpa, ne'e jestu ne'ebe di'ak atu hadi'a no armoniza relasaun instituisional entre orgaun rua.", "Ha'u agradese no louva jestu hosi Prezidente Republika, Jose Ramos Horta, hodi husu deskulpa ba Deputadu sira iha PN,\" Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional ne'e responde Agencia Tatoli iha entrevista eskluziva iha nia knaar fatin Parlamentu Nasional, kuarta ne'e.", "Tuir nia, PN halo lei tuir nia kompetensia ne'ebe asuntu ne'e kestaun kona-ba lei ne'ebe Parlamentu aprova haruka ba Prezidente Republika promulga, maibe promulga ka lae ne'e depende ba PR tanba iha konstituisaun fo kompetensia tomak no to'o iha ne'e laiha orgaun ida atu influensia.", "Maibe konstituisaun mos prevee bainhira la promulga tenke fundamenta no haruka mensajen mai PN, tanba ne'e uza linguajen ofende tanba Estadu ne'e iha kada orgaun hala'o nia knar no funsaun ne'ebe povu mak hili hotu.", "\"Agora, se uza linguajen ruma ofende malu maibe to'o ikus sistema separasaun poder ida-idak hala'o nia knaar maibe interdependensia ba malu,\" nia hateten.", "PR Horta husu deskulpa ba Deputadu iha PN ne'e jestu ne'ebe di'ak Previous articleSEA husu instituisaun relevante aplika prosedimentu rigor ba importasaun karreta Next articleMAE sei aprezenta proposta-lei eleisaun parlamentar ba Konsellu Ministru" ]
[ [ "PPN praises PR Horta's apology to MP in the National Parliament | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI PMPM lauded President of parliament, Jose Ramos Hora for apologizing and asking his deputies apologize. Dili (AFP) - Prime Minister Aniceto Longuinhos Guterres Lopez said that he was pleased with Mr José Ramalho’ s statement on Thursday about an invitation by former presidential nominee António da Conceicao Soares 'to make public their condolences after being dismissed from office because they were not able or unwilling..." ], [ "The President of the National Parliament thanked and commended Jose Ramos Horta, president-elect for his gesture to apologize in front from MPs at parliament. He said that this is an apology which people all over world can understand because it was written by someone who has no connection with any political party or group within Portuguese society; he did not want anyone else being involved as well.\"" ], [ "\"Regarding the language used by President of Republic in international media Aljazeera News Agency, which MPs felt offended and for whom president has apologized. This is a good gesture to improve institutional relations between two bodies.\"" ], [ "I thank and commend the gesture of President Jose Ramos Horta to apologize for his actions,\" Parliament Speaker responded in an exclusive interview with Agência Tatoli from her office at Parlamento Nacional on Tuesday." ], [ "According to him, the Parliament makes laws within its competence and this is a matter of legislation that has been approved by parliament being sent for promulgation through President da República. But whether or not it will be promulgated depend on PR because in constitution he gives all jurisdiction therefore no body can influence his decision so far!" ], [ "But the constitution also provides that if it does not promulgate must justify and send a message to Parliament, therefore use offensive language because this State has each organ carry out its tasks or function which are all elected by people." ], [ "\"Now, if you use some language offensive to each other but until the end system separation powers every one does its job and interdependence on others\", he said." ], [ "Previous articleSEA asks relevant institutions to apply rigorous procedures for importation of cars NextMAE will present parliamentary election bill proposal on the Council Of Minister." ] ]
Tetun Alkitab 2 Korintus 13\nPaulus foo tateꞌan nebee ema Korintus babilan diꞌa-diꞌak siakaan moris\n1 Haꞌu atu kmai karee emi neꞌe, dala tolu ona. Hakerek Moon naꞌak, “Kalo ema ida tula sala baa ema seluk, musti noo mataa lia rua-tolu mak dale manesak lai, foin bele simu. Kalo lale, keta simu.”✡ 2 Baa oras haꞌu kmai baa emi dala rua, haꞌu kfoo katene tiꞌan baa ema nia sia mak moris nalo aat. Oras neꞌe, haꞌu kfoo katene tenik baa sia, bele-bele no ema seluk hotu-hotu mak moris nalo aat. Uluk, haꞌu kfoo katene tiꞌan. Oras neꞌe, haꞌu katak tenik. Kalo haꞌu kmai tiꞌan iha emi nebaa, haꞌu la kamamar sia.\n3 Kalo noo ema nosi emi naneo naꞌak, Kristus la foo beran baa haꞌu atu kaliku emi, niakaan lia kakaer nuneꞌe: Kalo Kristus babilan nola emi, Nia nanis serwisu nodi beran boot iha emikaan klaran. La serwisu namamar aan. 4 Baa oras ema noꞌo Nia iha ai karuus, Nia namamar aan tebes, tan rai mohu Niakaan beran. Mais Naꞌi Maromak latan beran baa Nia, nebee Nia moris nikar. Ita mak dadi baa Kristus eman, masik ita duꞌuk la biit moos, Naꞌi Maromak foo moris foun baa ita. Tan lia nia, ami bele haliku emi hodi Niakaan beran.\n5 Emi ida-idak musti sukat neon duꞌuk atu hatene haꞌak, emi fiar tebes baa Kristus ka, lale. Kristus beran naksain iha emikaan moris ka, lale? Sukat aan nunia. Kalo emi la talin aan ho Kristus, emi la dadi baa Niakaan ema. 6 Kalo emi sukat ami, emi bele haree Kristus beran naksain iha amikaan moris. Hodi nunia, ami sasin, tan ami neꞌe klosan tebes. 7 Ami haloon baa Naꞌi Maromak, nebee emi keta halo lia aat. Ami la haloon nunia, nebee ema simu ami naꞌak Kristus klosan tebes, mais tan ami beer nebee emi moris loos. Kalo ema balu dudu sees ami, la saa ida. 8 Ita la bele sakar lia loos, mais ita musti hariik hosi lia loos. 9 Kalo ami mak mamar, emi mak biit moos, la saa ida. Mais ami haloon nebee emi tebe-tebes biit. 10 Masik haꞌu kdook kosi emi, haꞌu kakerek oras neꞌe, nebee haꞌu kmai, haꞌu lalika deꞌan emi tenik. Tan haꞌu neꞌe, itakaan Naꞌin klosan. Nia latan beran baa haꞌu, nebee kakbiit emi, lahoos kadodok emi.\nPaulus narohan hakerek\n11 Mamaluk sia mak haꞌu kadomi! Haꞌu kodi lia fuan rohan neꞌe, foo tabe furak baa emi. Halo loos lia hotu-hotu. Hanono diꞌa-diꞌak haꞌukaan lia tateꞌan. Moris neon ida. Buka dalan atu diꞌa-diꞌak ho malu. Tan Naꞌi Maromak nadomi emi, haꞌu kaloon nebee Nia namutuk no emi bei-beik, nodi tulun emi, nebee emi bele moris dame malu.\n12 Emi musti hasee malu hodi deꞌi kabaas mak fatan bodik Naꞌi Maromak eman sia. Naꞌi Maromak eman sia iha neꞌe, solok tabe furak bodik emi hotu-hotu.\n13-14 Haꞌu karoꞌan nebee, itakaan Naꞌin Yesus Kristus natudu laran diꞌak baa emi. Nebee, Naꞌi Maromak natudu dadomin baa emi. Nebee, Kmalar Lulik babilan emi nalo neon mesak.\n✡ 13:1 Hanoin Hikar Dalan Moris 17:6, 19:15
[ "Tetun Alkitab 2 Korintus 13 Paulus foo tatean nebee ema Korintus babilan dia-diak siakaan moris 1 Hau atu kmai karee emi nee, dala tolu ona.", "Hakerek Moon naak, \"Kalo ema ida tula sala baa ema seluk, musti noo mataa lia rua-tolu mak dale manesak lai, foin bele simu.", "Kalo lale, keta simu.\" 2 Baa oras hau kmai baa emi dala rua, hau kfoo katene tian baa ema nia sia mak moris nalo aat.", "Oras nee, hau kfoo katene tenik baa sia, bele-bele no ema seluk hotu-hotu mak moris nalo aat.", "Uluk, hau kfoo katene tian.", "Oras nee, hau katak tenik.", "Kalo hau kmai tian iha emi nebaa, hau la kamamar sia.", "3 Kalo noo ema nosi emi naneo naak, Kristus la foo beran baa hau atu kaliku emi, niakaan lia kakaer nunee: Kalo Kristus babilan nola emi, Nia nanis serwisu nodi beran boot iha emikaan klaran.", "La serwisu namamar aan.", "4 Baa oras ema noo Nia iha ai karuus, Nia namamar aan tebes, tan rai mohu Niakaan beran.", "Mais Nai Maromak latan beran baa Nia, nebee Nia moris nikar.", "Ita mak dadi baa Kristus eman, masik ita duuk la biit moos, Nai Maromak foo moris foun baa ita.", "Tan lia nia, ami bele haliku emi hodi Niakaan beran.", "5 Emi ida-idak musti sukat neon duuk atu hatene haak, emi fiar tebes baa Kristus ka, lale.", "Kristus beran naksain iha emikaan moris ka, lale?", "Sukat aan nunia.", "Kalo emi la talin aan ho Kristus, emi la dadi baa Niakaan ema.", "6 Kalo emi sukat ami, emi bele haree Kristus beran naksain iha amikaan moris.", "Hodi nunia, ami sasin, tan ami nee klosan tebes.", "7 Ami haloon baa Nai Maromak, nebee emi keta halo lia aat.", "Ami la haloon nunia, nebee ema simu ami naak Kristus klosan tebes, mais tan ami beer nebee emi moris loos.", "Kalo ema balu dudu sees ami, la saa ida.", "8 Ita la bele sakar lia loos, mais ita musti hariik hosi lia loos.", "9 Kalo ami mak mamar, emi mak biit moos, la saa ida.", "Mais ami haloon nebee emi tebe-tebes biit.", "10 Masik hau kdook kosi emi, hau kakerek oras nee, nebee hau kmai, hau lalika dean emi tenik.", "Tan hau nee, itakaan Nain klosan.", "Nia latan beran baa hau, nebee kakbiit emi, lahoos kadodok emi.", "Paulus narohan hakerek 11 Mamaluk sia mak hau kadomi!", "Hau kodi lia fuan rohan nee, foo tabe furak baa emi.", "Halo loos lia hotu-hotu.", "Hanono dia-diak haukaan lia tatean.", "Moris neon ida.", "Buka dalan atu dia-diak ho malu.", "Tan Nai Maromak nadomi emi, hau kaloon nebee Nia namutuk no emi bei-beik, nodi tulun emi, nebee emi bele moris dame malu.", "12 Emi musti hasee malu hodi dei kabaas mak fatan bodik Nai Maromak eman sia.", "Nai Maromak eman sia iha nee, solok tabe furak bodik emi hotu-hotu.", "13-14 Hau karoan nebee, itakaan Nain Yesus Kristus natudu laran diak baa emi.", "Nebee, Nai Maromak natudu dadomin baa emi.", "Nebee, Kmalar Lulik babilan emi nalo neon mesak. 13:1 Hanoin Hikar Dalan Moris 17:6, 19:15" ]
[ [ "2 Corinthians Chapter13 Paul to the Corinthians who were in Babylon and had been sickened by death. I have tried three times now for this reason, but it is not possible because of God's mercy on me.\"" ], [ "Author Moon said, \"If a person brings the wrong to another man he must not look at two or three words before accepting it." ], [ "2 And when I came to him twice, he said unto me: Thou shalt not eat of my flesh." ], [ "Now, I kfoo katene tenik baa sia. beli-beli and everyone else are living in misery!" ], [ "Uluk, hau kfoo katene tian." ], [ "Now, this is a toad." ], [ "If I kmai like to have my nebaa, i will not be in love with you." ], [ "3 If no man doth serve me well, Christ hath not given to my the power of serving myself; but if he will be a servant unto us in all things." ], [ "La serwisu namamar aan." ], [ "4 When man sowed Him in the wood, He was very fond of it; for His land had become dry." ], [ "But the Lord God gave Him a new life, which He lived without." ], [ "We have become a part of Christ, and while we were unclean God has given us new life." ], [ "So lia nia, we can haliku emi to Niakaan beran." ], [ "5 Let every one of us measure what is good, whether I am confident in Christ or not." ], [ "Does Christ want to live in eternal life, Lord?" ], [ "Sukat aan nunia. I'm not sure about this one, but it is a good idea!" ], [ "But I have not been given over to Christ, and am no more worthy of His grace." ], [ "6 If I measure us, then Christ is living in my heart." ], [ "And so we bear witness, for our purity is great." ], [ "7 We praise the Lord God, who will not let us do evil." ], [ "We did not do so because we were received as Christ in purity, but for the beer of our life." ], [ "When my mother came to see me, she wasn't there." ], [ "8 We can't kill the truth, but we must be separated from it." ], [ "9 If we were married, I would be with you. It is not one of us!" ], [ "But we are very happy with the way I am." ], [ "10 Masik hau kdook kosi emi, Hau kakerek oras nee. Nebee huu kmai; Huu lalika dean em tenik!" ], [ "Tan hau nee, itakaan Nain klosan." ], [ "He laughed at me, as I was strong and not destroying." ], [ "Paul wrote 12 “I love you, my dear!" ], [ "Hau kodi lia fuan rohan nee, foo tabe furak baa emi." ], [ "Do all the things which I say." ], [ "Hanono dia-diak haukaan lia tatean. Hanono di'ak haukan liataten" ], [ "Mori neon ida." ], [ "Open the way to talk with each other." ], [ "Because the Lord has loved me, I am grateful that He is constantly checking and helping my way so we can live together in peace." ], [ "12 I must lay my hands on myself, that the body of God may be given to me." ], [ "God bless you in this, and joy be with all of your bodies." ], [ "13-24 I am glad that my mother Jesus Christ has shown mercy to me." ], [ "Oh, Lord God showed me your mercy." ], [ "13:20-45, and the following verses are quoted from it in Hebrew Bible translation of this passage." ] ]
BOAMP konsidera PPN halo teatru polítika – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Politika » BOAMP konsidera PPN halo teatru polítika\nBloku Opozisaun Aliansa Maioria Parlamentar (BOAMP), konsidera desizaun Prezidenti Parlamentu Nasional (PPN), Aniceto Guterres, lori karta destituisaun BOAMP ba Tribunal Distrital Dili (TDD) no Tribunal Rekursu (TR) ne’e, hanesan teatru polítika ida hodi lejítima-an atu hetan simpatia polítika.\nXefi bankada PLP, Fidelis Magalhães, hateten, razaun sira ne’ebé PPN aprezenta hodi lori karta destituisaun ba Tribunal ne’e lalos. Prosesu ne’ebé mak PPN halo ne’e, atu dada de’it tempu no lejímita an atu hetan simpatia ba objetivu polítiku de’it.\n“Lori karta ba tribunal ne’e, so halo sandiwara ka teatru polítika de’it, tanba lamentavel PPN jurista ida ne’ebé hatene katak, inves Prezidenti Parlamentu Nasional konvoka uluk reuniaun lider bankadas hodi lori ba plenária atu deside, mak foin Prezidenti kontesta desizaun ne’e,” dehan Fidelis ba jornalista sira iha PN, Tersa (12/12).\nNia haktuir, tuir rejimentu PN, la kabe ba tribunal atu halo desizaun ida hodi julga fali prosesu polítiku ida ne’ebé monu ba kompetensia konstitusional no rejimental Parlamentu Nasional.\nNia afirma, kuandu iha diferenasas entre deputadu sira, PPN la’os lori fali ba tribunal, maibé tenki lori ba plenária hodi halo deliberasaun.\n“Ida ne’e hatudu katak, laiha imparsialidade husi PPN atu asegura interese Parlamentu nian, no imparsial ba interese bankada hotu nian,” katak Fidelis.\nAlende ne’e, deputadu Natalino dos Santos, husi bankada CNRT hateten, Prezidenti Parlamentu Nasional foti kazu rua, ida lori karta destituisaun ne’e ba Tribunal Rekursu, no ida ba Tribunal Distrital Dili.\n“Ida ne’e polítika mafé ne’ebé mak Prezidenti Parlamentu Nasional halo atu dada tempu hodi lejítima sira-nia argumentu Antesipada ne’e. Mas ha’u, ami AMP la hakfodak, maibé ita entrega ba Prezidenti Repúblika, tanba ne’e komptensia Prezidenti Repúblika nian,” katak Natalino dos Santos.\nNia hatutan, bankada opozisaun hato’o karta destituisaun ba PPN,tanba sira lakon konfiansa atu PPN kontinua lidera PN.\n“Nia la imparsial ba nia juramentu no kompromisu ne’ebé nia halo kuandu nia eleitu hanesan Prezidenti PN. Tanba ida ne’e mak ami deputadu 35 husi opozisaun lakon konfiansa,” katak Natalino.\nMaibé Natalino esplika, karta destituisaun ne’e, la signifika katak, PPN tenki husik kedas nia kargu, maibé tenki lori ba Plenária hodi diskuti lai atu hetan aprovasaun.\nKuandu plenária delibera ona mak PPN senti afetadu husi karta destituisaun ne’e, mak foin lori ba tribunal.\nNatalino dehan, PPN laiha kabementu atu husu inkonstitusionalidade rejimentu PN ba Tribunal Rekursu, maibé PPN iha de’it kompetensia atu husu inkonstitusionalidade ba lei ruma, tanba ida ne’e mós prevé ona iha konstituisaun, maibé kona ba rejimentu la’os lei, maibé prosediamentu regras Parlamentar nian ne’ebé regula deputadu sira.cos
[ "BOAMP konsidera PPN halo teatru politika - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Politika \" BOAMP konsidera PPN halo teatru politika Bloku Opozisaun Aliansa Maioria Parlamentar (BOAMP), konsidera desizaun Prezidenti Parlamentu Nasional (PPN), Aniceto Guterres, lori karta destituisaun BOAMP ba Tribunal Distrital Dili (TDD) no Tribunal Rekursu (TR) ne'e, hanesan teatru politika ida hodi lejitima-an atu hetan simpatia politika.", "Xefi bankada PLP, Fidelis Magalhaes, hateten, razaun sira ne'ebe PPN aprezenta hodi lori karta destituisaun ba Tribunal ne'e lalos.", "Prosesu ne'ebe mak PPN halo ne'e, atu dada de'it tempu no lejimita an atu hetan simpatia ba objetivu politiku de'it.", "\"Lori karta ba tribunal ne'e, so halo sandiwara ka teatru politika de'it, tanba lamentavel PPN jurista ida ne'ebe hatene katak, inves Prezidenti Parlamentu Nasional konvoka uluk reuniaun lider bankadas hodi lori ba plenaria atu deside, mak foin Prezidenti kontesta desizaun ne'e,\" dehan Fidelis ba jornalista sira iha PN, Tersa (12/12).", "Nia haktuir, tuir rejimentu PN, la kabe ba tribunal atu halo desizaun ida hodi julga fali prosesu politiku ida ne'ebe monu ba kompetensia konstitusional no rejimental Parlamentu Nasional.", "Nia afirma, kuandu iha diferenasas entre deputadu sira, PPN la'os lori fali ba tribunal, maibe tenki lori ba plenaria hodi halo deliberasaun.", "\"Ida ne'e hatudu katak, laiha imparsialidade husi PPN atu asegura interese Parlamentu nian, no imparsial ba interese bankada hotu nian,\" katak Fidelis.", "Alende ne'e, deputadu Natalino dos Santos, husi bankada CNRT hateten, Prezidenti Parlamentu Nasional foti kazu rua, ida lori karta destituisaun ne'e ba Tribunal Rekursu, no ida ba Tribunal Distrital Dili.", "\"Ida ne'e politika mafe ne'ebe mak Prezidenti Parlamentu Nasional halo atu dada tempu hodi lejitima sira-nia argumentu Antesipada ne'e.", "Mas ha'u, ami AMP la hakfodak, maibe ita entrega ba Prezidenti Republika, tanba ne'e komptensia Prezidenti Republika nian,\" katak Natalino dos Santos.", "Nia hatutan, bankada opozisaun hato'o karta destituisaun ba PPN,tanba sira lakon konfiansa atu PPN kontinua lidera PN.", "\"Nia la imparsial ba nia juramentu no kompromisu ne'ebe nia halo kuandu nia eleitu hanesan Prezidenti PN.", "Tanba ida ne'e mak ami deputadu 35 husi opozisaun lakon konfiansa,\" katak Natalino.", "Maibe Natalino esplika, karta destituisaun ne'e, la signifika katak, PPN tenki husik kedas nia kargu, maibe tenki lori ba Plenaria hodi diskuti lai atu hetan aprovasaun.", "Kuandu plenaria delibera ona mak PPN senti afetadu husi karta destituisaun ne'e, mak foin lori ba tribunal.", "Natalino dehan, PPN laiha kabementu atu husu inkonstitusionalidade rejimentu PN ba Tribunal Rekursu, maibe PPN iha de'it kompetensia atu husu inkonstitusionalidade ba lei ruma, tanba ida ne'e mos preve ona iha konstituisaun, maibe kona ba rejimentu la'os lei, maibe prosediamentu regras Parlamentar nian ne'ebe regula deputadu sira.cos" ]
[ [ "BOAMP considers PPN playing political theatre - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Politics\" The Opposition Bloc of the Parliamentary Majority Alliance (BOAM), regarding decision by National Assembly President Aniceto Guterres, to bring a letter destitution from BoAmp before Dili District Court and Tribunal Recourse as an attempt for legitimizing himself in order that he may gain sympathy." ], [ "PLP's leader Fidelis Magalhaes said that the PPN had not given any reason for bringing a letter of impeachment to court." ], [ "The PPN's process is to give itself time and legitimacy, in order for the political aim of gaining sympathy." ], [ "\"The letter to the court is just a political play, because it's unfortunate that PPN has an expert jurist who knew this decision would be contested by President of Parliament rather than first convening meeting with party leaders in order for them then bring its resolution into plenary session\", Fidelis told journalist at PN on Tuesday (12/09)." ], [ "He said that, according to the rules of procedure for Parliament (PN), it is not possible on a court's behalf and in accordance with its constitutional mandate or regulation 103(2)a)(ii)." ], [ "He stated that when there are differences between the members, PPN does not take them back to court but must bring it into plenary for deliberation." ], [ "\"This shows that there is no impartiality of the PPN to secure Parliament's interest, and an unbiased attitude towards all party groups\", said Fidelis." ], [ "In addition, MP Natalino dos Santos from the CNRT group said that President of National Parliament took two cases: one to take this letter for impeachment before Tribunal Recurso and another case in Dili District Court." ], [ "\"This is a malicious policy that the President of Parliament has been pursuing in order to gain time and legitimize their arguments for this Early Election." ], [ "But I, we AMP are not satisfied with this but it is a matter for the President of Republic and therefore its responsibility lies in his hands,” said Natalino dos Santos." ], [ "He added that the opposition banks have submitted a letter of impeachment to PPN, because they lost confidence in it continuing its leadership." ], [ "\"He is not impartial to his oath and the compromises he made when elected as President of Parliament." ], [ "Because this is why we 35 opposition MPs lost our confidence,\" said Natalino." ], [ "However, Natalino explained that the letter of dismissal does not mean PPN must leave his post immediately but should be brought to Plenary for further discussion and approval." ], [ "After the plenary has deliberated that PPN feels affected by this letter of dismissal, it will take to court." ], [ "Natalino said that the PPN has no power to ask for unconstitutionality of Parliamentary Rules in Court, but it is only competent when a law or regulation are being challenged because they have been stipulated by constitution. However this does not apply with regard on rules which aren'ts legally mandatory; rather there must be procedure and parliamentarian rule governing members as well.\"" ] ]
IV Domingo Tempo Comum (ANO A) APRESENTAÇÃO DO SENHOR – Diocese de Dili\nDiocese de Dili > NOTÍCIAS > LETURA DIÁRIA > IV Domingo Tempo Comum (ANO A) APRESENTAÇÃO DO SENHOR\nIV Domingo Tempo Comum (ANO A) APRESENTAÇÃO DO SENHOR\nPrimeira Leitura Mal. 3. 1-4\nMaun alin sira: Na’i Maromak futar-lia tun nune’e: “Ha’u sei haruka Ha’u nia manu-ain atu loke dalan iha Ha”u oin. Na”i nebé imi buka hela teki-tekir sei tama iha Nia templo no anjo aliança nian nebé imi hakarak tebes. Nia mak mai daudaun ne’e, Na’i, mundo rai-kalaran nian mak dehan. Maibé, sé lós bele tahan to’o loron nebé Na’i hi it- an mai? Sé lós bele hamriik metin wa’inhira Na’i mosu mai? Nia hanesan ahi nebé ema hodi halo uen bessi, hanesan lixívia (aimoruk hodi hamós nóda) nebé hodi fase roupa nian. Nia sei mai tur nu’udar badaen nebé halo besi nabén no ida nebé atu fase mós. Nia sei hamos Levi oan sira hanesan hamos osa mean no osa mutin. Iha oras ne’e mak sira bele hasa’e sira nia buat-karan ba Na’i. Nune’e, Judá no Jerusalém nia buat-karan sei fó ksolok tebes ba Na’i hanesan fali tempo uluk nian, hanesan fali iha tinan hirak nebé liu ona.\nodamatan sira uluk nian, haboot imi-an ba,\nSegunda Leitura Heb. 2. 14-18\nLia housi São Paulo nia Surat ba Hebreu sira:\nMaun alin sira: Nu’udar oan sira simu ran no isin housi aman sira, nune’e mós Cristo simu ne’e hotu hanesan sira, atu nune’e hodi Nia mate, sobu rahun tiha diabo nia biit, hodi hasai fali sira nebé iha hela diabo nia ukun. Tebes, Cristo mai la’os atu soi anjo sira, maibé, atu soi Abraão nia bei-oan sira, Tanba ne’e, mak Cristo tenki sai lolós hanesan nia maun-alin sira, atu Nia, iha Maromak futar oin, sai nu’udar Na’ilulik boot laran-luak tebes, nebé bele selu povo hot-hotu nia salan. Tanba Nia rasik hakarak terus no liu housi tentação, atu nune’e Nia bele tulun sira nebé hetan tentação.\nNaroman atu leno nação sira no glória\nForma longa : (alinea rua ne’e hotu) Lc 2. 22-40\nForma breve : (Le de’it iha » « nia leet) Lc. 2. 22-32\n» To’o tiha loron hamos-an nian. tuir Moises nia ukunfuan, Maria no José lori Jesus ba Jerusalém atu saran Nia ba Na’i, nu’udar hakerek iha Na’i nia ukunfuan, katak “Oan mane boot ida-idak sei hassae ba Na’i”. no mós atu hasa’e, nu’udar buat-karan. manu falur rua eh manu pombu oan rua, nu’udar Na’i nia ukunfuan haruka. Ema ida naran Simeão hôrik iha Jerusalém. Nia ema lós nebé hamta’uk Maromak hodi hein Israel nia ksolok. no Espirito Santo hôrik ho nia. Nia simu lia housi Espirito Santo katak nia sei la mate molok nia haré Na’i nia Cristo. Espírito lori nia ba templo. Wainhira Jesus nia aman no inan lori Kosok Oan Jesus atu halo tuir ukunfuan sira, nia simu Kosok Oan ne’e iha nia liman. hahí Maromak dehan: “Na’i, oras ne’e Itaboot husik ona Ita atan ba iha dame, tuir Ita nia liafuan. basá ha”u nia matan haré ona Ita nia maksoin nebé Itaboot hadi’a ba povo hot-hotu nia oin: naroman atu leno gentio sira no povo Israel nia glória”. «\nKosok Oan nia aman no inan hakfodak ho buat nebé nia dehan kona ba Nia. Simeão fó bensa ba sira. Hodi dehan bania inan Maria: “Haré ba. Labarik ne’e mosu mai atu hatun no foti ema barak iha Israel, no mós atu sai sinal lia la tuir malu nian, no surik ida sei sona borus ita nia fuan atu fó sai buat nebé ema barak hanoin iha sira nia laran” Iha mós feto duina ida, naran Ana, Fanuel housi suku Aser nia oan. Nia otas boot ona. Liu tiha nia tempo fetora nian, nia moris ho nia la’en ba tinan hitu; hafoin nia moris nu’udar feto faluk to’o tinan ualu nulu resin háat. Nia la husik templo, maibé serbi Maromak kalan loron, hodi halo jejum no hamulak. Iha oras nebá, nia mai hodi fó agradece ba Na’i no ko’alia kona ba Labarik ne’e ba sira hotu nebé hein libertação Jerusalém nian. Halo tuir tiha buat hotu nebé Na’i nia ukunfuan haruka, sira fila fali ba Galileia, ba sira nia cidade iha Nazaré. Labarik oan sai boot ba daudaun no maka’as liu tan, nakonu ho matenek, no Maromak nia graça hela hamutuk ho Nia.\nPrevious PostIV Domingo Tempo Comum (ANO A) Next PostBEM COMUM vs APROVEITA PODER
[ "IV Domingo Tempo Comum (ANO A) APRESENTACAO DO SENHOR - Diocese de Dili Diocese de Dili > NOTICIAS > LETURA DIARIA > IV Domingo Tempo Comum (ANO A) APRESENTACAO DO SENHOR IV Domingo Tempo Comum (ANO A) APRESENTACAO DO SENHOR Primeira Leitura Mal.", "3.", "1-4 Maun alin sira: Na'i Maromak futar-lia tun nune'e: \"Ha'u sei haruka Ha'u nia manu-ain atu loke dalan iha Ha\"u oin.", "Na\"i nebe imi buka hela teki-tekir sei tama iha Nia templo no anjo alianca nian nebe imi hakarak tebes.", "Nia mak mai daudaun ne'e, Na'i, mundo rai-kalaran nian mak dehan.", "Maibe, se los bele tahan to'o loron nebe Na'i hi it- an mai?", "Se los bele hamriik metin wa'inhira Na'i mosu mai?", "Nia hanesan ahi nebe ema hodi halo uen bessi, hanesan lixivia (aimoruk hodi hamos noda) nebe hodi fase roupa nian.", "Nia sei mai tur nu'udar badaen nebe halo besi naben no ida nebe atu fase mos.", "Nia sei hamos Levi oan sira hanesan hamos osa mean no osa mutin.", "Iha oras ne'e mak sira bele hasa'e sira nia buat-karan ba Na'i.", "Nune'e, Juda no Jerusalem nia buat-karan sei fo ksolok tebes ba Na'i hanesan fali tempo uluk nian, hanesan fali iha tinan hirak nebe liu ona. odamatan sira uluk nian, haboot imi-an ba, Segunda Leitura Heb.", "2.", "14-18 Lia housi Sao Paulo nia Surat ba Hebreu sira: Maun alin sira: Nu'udar oan sira simu ran no isin housi aman sira, nune'e mos Cristo simu ne'e hotu hanesan sira, atu nune'e hodi Nia mate, sobu rahun tiha diabo nia biit, hodi hasai fali sira nebe iha hela diabo nia ukun.", "Tebes, Cristo mai la'os atu soi anjo sira, maibe, atu soi Abraao nia bei-oan sira, Tanba ne'e, mak Cristo tenki sai lolos hanesan nia maun-alin sira, atu Nia, iha Maromak futar oin, sai nu'udar Na'ilulik boot laran-luak tebes, nebe bele selu povo hot-hotu nia salan.", "Tanba Nia rasik hakarak terus no liu housi tentacao, atu nune'e Nia bele tulun sira nebe hetan tentacao.", "Naroman atu leno nacao sira no gloria Forma longa: (alinea rua ne'e hotu) Lc 2.", "22-40 Forma breve: (Le de'it iha \" \" nia leet) Lc.", "2.", "22-32 \" To'o tiha loron hamos-an nian. tuir Moises nia ukunfuan, Maria no Jose lori Jesus ba Jerusalem atu saran Nia ba Na'i, nu'udar hakerek iha Na'i nia ukunfuan, katak \"Oan mane boot ida-idak sei hassae ba Na'i.\" no mos atu hasa'e, nu'udar buat-karan. manu falur rua eh manu pombu oan rua, nu'udar Na'i nia ukunfuan haruka.", "Ema ida naran Simeao horik iha Jerusalem.", "Nia ema los nebe hamta'uk Maromak hodi hein Israel nia ksolok. no Espirito Santo horik ho nia.", "Nia simu lia housi Espirito Santo katak nia sei la mate molok nia hare Na'i nia Cristo.", "Espirito lori nia ba templo.", "Wainhira Jesus nia aman no inan lori Kosok Oan Jesus atu halo tuir ukunfuan sira, nia simu Kosok Oan ne'e iha nia liman. hahi Maromak dehan: \"Na'i, oras ne'e Itaboot husik ona Ita atan ba iha dame, tuir Ita nia liafuan. basa ha\"u nia matan hare ona Ita nia maksoin nebe Itaboot hadi'a ba povo hot-hotu nia oin: naroman atu leno gentio sira no povo Israel nia gloria.\"", "\" Kosok Oan nia aman no inan hakfodak ho buat nebe nia dehan kona ba Nia.", "Simeao fo bensa ba sira.", "Hodi dehan bania inan Maria: \"Hare ba.", "Labarik ne'e mosu mai atu hatun no foti ema barak iha Israel, no mos atu sai sinal lia la tuir malu nian, no surik ida sei sona borus ita nia fuan atu fo sai buat nebe ema barak hanoin iha sira nia laran\" Iha mos feto duina ida, naran Ana, Fanuel housi suku Aser nia oan.", "Nia otas boot ona.", "Liu tiha nia tempo fetora nian, nia moris ho nia la'en ba tinan hitu; hafoin nia moris nu'udar feto faluk to'o tinan ualu nulu resin haat.", "Nia la husik templo, maibe serbi Maromak kalan loron, hodi halo jejum no hamulak.", "Iha oras neba, nia mai hodi fo agradece ba Na'i no ko'alia kona ba Labarik ne'e ba sira hotu nebe hein libertacao Jerusalem nian.", "Halo tuir tiha buat hotu nebe Na'i nia ukunfuan haruka, sira fila fali ba Galileia, ba sira nia cidade iha Nazare.", "Labarik oan sai boot ba daudaun no maka'as liu tan, nakonu ho matenek, no Maromak nia graca hela hamutuk ho Nia.", "Previous PostIV Domingo Tempo Comum (ANO A) Next PostBEM COMUM vs APROVEITA PODER" ]
[ [ "4th Sunday in Ordinary Time (YEAR A) PRESENTION OF THE LORD - Diocese of Dili Diocese de Timor > NOTÍCIAS> DAILY READINGS: First Reading Mal.13,2-5; Mtn!60/79" ], [ "3. The application process" ], [ "1-4 The Lord God has spoken, saying: Behold I will send my angel to prepare the way before me." ], [ "The Lord whom you seek will come into his temple, and the angel of your covenant who is so dear to us." ], [ "Behold, he is coming! says the Lord of all nations." ], [ "But will you stand until the day of our Lord's coming?" ], [ "Will you stand firm when the Lord appears?" ], [ "It is like the fire that a man uses to make iron, or as bleach (a stain remover) used for washing clothes." ], [ "He will come down as a smith to make iron, and one who shall also beat." ], [ "He shall wash the sons of Levi as he washes sheep and goats." ], [ "At that time they may offer their sacrifices to the Lord." ], [ "Then shall the people of Judah and Jerusalem rejoice in Yahweh as they did before, like those days that were past. Open yourselves unto his gates; for he is near to open them.\"" ], [ "2. The purpose of the contract" ], [ "14 Brothers, since children have received the flesh and blood of their parents in common with them all; even so also Christ has been given it likewise: that by his death he might overthrow those who are under devil's power." ], [ "For Christ did not come to save the angels, but Abraham' s offspring. Therefore it was necessary that he should be made like his brethren in all things; so as before God He might appear a great and merciful Savior who would atone for every nation’S sins.”" ], [ "For He Himself suffered and was tempted by His own will, that he might be able to help those who are being tested." ], [ "Naroman atu leno nacoo sira no gloria Long form: (all these two paragraphs) Lc 2." ], [ "23-40 Brief form: (Read only in the place of \") Luke." ], [ "2. The purpose of the contract" ], [ "21 And it came to pass, when the days of conception were fulfilled according unto Moses' commandment; that they bare Jesus up into Jerusalem for a sacrifice: (as there is written in his orders) every male child who shall be born should offer an offering made by fire." ], [ "And there was a certain man in Jerusalem, named Simeon; and he lived with his fathers." ], [ "And the Holy Spirit was with him. He is a true son of God, waiting for Israel's joy.\"" ], [ "He had been vouchsafed by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before having seen Christ of God." ], [ "And the Spirit carried him into a temple." ], [ "When the father and mother of Jesus brought him in to keep his commandments, he took Him into His arms. And God said: \"This hour thou lettest thy servant depart with peace according unto thine word; for my eyes have seen Thy works which Thou hast made before all peoples - a glory that shall be known among nations (Gentile men), but glorious will it not become.\"" ], [ "\"The father and mother of the child were amazed at what was said about him." ], [ "Simeon blessed them. And they lived in the land of Canaan for a long time," ], [ "And he said to his mother Mary, \"Here you are." ], [ "For this child is come to bring down many in Israel, and for a sign of contradictions: And he shall sound through our heart that we may make manifest the thoughts which are within them.\" There was also an honourable woman named Anna; she belonged unto Phanuel from Asher." ], [ "His otas is already big. He has a large port of call," ], [ "And after her days she lived with his wife seven years: and thereafter, when he had become a woman of the land that was given to him by God for possession." ], [ "She did not leave the temple, but served God night and day with fastings & prayers." ], [ "And she came in the same hour, giving thanks to God and speaking of him unto all those who were waiting for redemption from Jerusalem." ], [ "And when they had accomplished all things that were commanded by the Lord, he and his wife Mary went back into Galilee to their own city of Nazareth." ], [ "And the child grew and was filled with wisdom, but grace of God lived in him." ], [ "Previous Post4th Sunday in Ordinary Time (YEAR A) Next postCOMMON WELL vs USE POWER." ] ]
Padre Alípio husu sarani Dioseze Baucau hahú moris foun | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA BAUKAU Padre Alípio husu sarani Dioseze Baucau hahú moris foun\nPadre Alípio husu sarani Dioseze Baucau hahú moris foun\nBAUCAU, 11 dezembru 2021 (TATOLI)–Administradór Diosezanu Dioseze Baucau, Padre Alípio Pinto Gusmão, enkoraja sarani Dioseze Baucau atu hahú moris foun hafoin selebra misa loron-40 falesimentu Dom Basílio do Nascimento.\n“Ita sente lakon, tama iha momentu ne’ebé susar no difisil, maibé loron-40 konvida ita atu hahú vida foun, ne’ebé importante ba ita Dioseze Baucau no família tomak atu koko halo memória, maibé iha espransa katak hafoin mate iha moris hias no tama iha lalehan,” Admistradór Diosezanu Dioseze Baucau, hateten, iha Igreja Katedrál, Villa antiga, sábadu ne’e.\nTuir Padre, selebrasaun loron-40 tuir bíblia iha novu testamentu, Jesus mate hafoin loron-40 sae ba lalehan, nune’e tuir loloos selebrasaun ne’e la’ós hanoin Dom Basílio nia mate, maibé koko hanoin Saudozu tama ba lalehan.\nNune’e, lisaun ne’ebé apreende hosi loron-40 mak papél Dom Basílio nia muda hosi mundu, hafoin durante tinan-25 lidera Dioseze Baucau no akompaña diretamente liuhosi hahalok no liafuan, maibé hafoin Amu Bispu mate, ninia papél muda fali iha lalehan no reza ba sarani sira.\nNotísia relevante: Sarani Dioseze Baucau selebra misa loron-40 falesimentu Dom Basílio\nSeluk, sarani sira bainhira reza, hateten Dom Basílio nu’udar Aman iha lalehan, nune’e agora bainhira Aman laiha, maibé haree malu hanesan maun no alin nafatin.\nTanba ne’e, tuir Padre Alípio, knaar ne’ebé nia asume nu’udar Administradór Diosezanu Dioseze Baucau hanesan João Baptista ne’ebé prepara Mesias mai, katak prepara Bispu foun lidera hikas Dioseze Baucau.\n“Hau nia apelu, konvite mai ita hanesan maun no alin hamutuk iha Uma-kreda lokál Dioseze Baucau nian,” Padre Alípio dehan.\nBiban ne’e, Amu hato’o agradese ba komisaun organizadora, hahú iha prosesu funerál ne’ebé lidera hosi Padre Parokia Pároku Santo António villa antiga, ne’ebé fó-an servisu hodi prepara kondisaun to’o iha misa loron-40 no sei kontinua to’o tinan ida.\nMisa loron-40 falesimentu Dom Basílio partisipa hosi Autoridade lokál sivil no Militár, família, Padre no Madre sira, Relijiosu no sarani Dioseze Baucau.\nPrevious articleEskola Sekundáriu Suai adia distribuisaun kaderneta ba estudante\nNext articleBombeiru la konsege salva ahi-han uma-tradisionál Leiaval
[ "Padre Alipio husu sarani Dioseze Baucau hahu moris foun | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA BAUKAU Padre Alipio husu sarani Dioseze Baucau hahu moris foun Padre Alipio husu sarani Dioseze Baucau hahu moris foun BAUCAU, 11 dezembru 2021 (TATOLI) -Administrador Diosezanu Dioseze Baucau, Padre Alipio Pinto Gusmao, enkoraja sarani Dioseze Baucau atu hahu moris foun hafoin selebra misa loron-40 falesimentu Dom Basilio do Nascimento.", "\"Ita sente lakon, tama iha momentu ne'ebe susar no difisil, maibe loron-40 konvida ita atu hahu vida foun, ne'ebe importante ba ita Dioseze Baucau no familia tomak atu koko halo memoria, maibe iha espransa katak hafoin mate iha moris hias no tama iha lalehan,\" Admistrador Diosezanu Dioseze Baucau, hateten, iha Igreja Katedral, Villa antiga, sabadu ne'e.", "Tuir Padre, selebrasaun loron-40 tuir biblia iha novu testamentu, Jesus mate hafoin loron-40 sae ba lalehan, nune'e tuir loloos selebrasaun ne'e la'os hanoin Dom Basilio nia mate, maibe koko hanoin Saudozu tama ba lalehan.", "Nune'e, lisaun ne'ebe apreende hosi loron-40 mak papel Dom Basilio nia muda hosi mundu, hafoin durante tinan-25 lidera Dioseze Baucau no akompana diretamente liuhosi hahalok no liafuan, maibe hafoin Amu Bispu mate, ninia papel muda fali iha lalehan no reza ba sarani sira.", "Notisia relevante: Sarani Dioseze Baucau selebra misa loron-40 falesimentu Dom Basilio Seluk, sarani sira bainhira reza, hateten Dom Basilio nu'udar Aman iha lalehan, nune'e agora bainhira Aman laiha, maibe haree malu hanesan maun no alin nafatin.", "Tanba ne'e, tuir Padre Alipio, knaar ne'ebe nia asume nu'udar Administrador Diosezanu Dioseze Baucau hanesan Joao Baptista ne'ebe prepara Mesias mai, katak prepara Bispu foun lidera hikas Dioseze Baucau.", "\"Hau nia apelu, konvite mai ita hanesan maun no alin hamutuk iha Uma-kreda lokal Dioseze Baucau nian,\" Padre Alipio dehan.", "Biban ne'e, Amu hato'o agradese ba komisaun organizadora, hahu iha prosesu funeral ne'ebe lidera hosi Padre Parokia Paroku Santo Antonio villa antiga, ne'ebe fo-an servisu hodi prepara kondisaun to'o iha misa loron-40 no sei kontinua to'o tinan ida.", "Misa loron-40 falesimentu Dom Basilio partisipa hosi Autoridade lokal sivil no Militar, familia, Padre no Madre sira, Relijiosu no sarani Dioseze Baucau.", "Previous articleEskola Sekundariu Suai adia distribuisaun kaderneta ba estudante Next articleBombeiru la konsege salva ahi-han uma-tradisional Leiaval" ]
[ [ "Padre Alipio urges Diocese of Baucau parishioners to start a new life | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA BAUKAU Father alipiou asks diocesan priests in the diocese for fresh energy Baucau, Dec.10th (AFP) -The Bishop Administrator and Diocesan Priest at diecezal church district Baucou FrrAlipion Pinto Gusmao encouraged diaconate members after celebrating Mass on his father’ s death day – Dom Basilios do Nascimento passed away last December during an event that was organized by Catholic Churches from all over South East Asia" ], [ "\"We feel lost, we come into a difficult and hard time but the 40 days invite us to start new life which is important for our Diocese of Baucau as well with all family not just remembering them. But also ho hope that after death they will live in heaven again\", said Diocesan Administrator Dioseze de Bacau at Igreja Catedral da Antiga Vila on Saturday (25/1)." ], [ "According to Father, the celebration of 40 days in accordance with Bible New Testament Jesus died after ascending into heaven forty day later so that it is not really commemorating Dom Basilio's death but rather his ascension." ], [ "Thus, the lesson learned from 40 days is that Dom Basilio' s role changed in this world. He then led Diocese of Baucau for a further twenty-five years and accompanies it directly through deeds or words; but after Father Bishop passed away his part again changes to heaven where he prayerfully assisting His faithful was taken over by Himself as Archbishop (1975)." ], [ "Relevant news: Sarani Diocese of Baucau celebrates Mass on the 40th anniversary from Dom Basilio Seluk' s death, faithful when praying said that Don Basileio is our Father in Heaven and so now we see each other as brother & sister." ], [ "Therefore, according to Father Alipio the task he assumed as Diocesan Administrator of Baucau diocese is like Joao Baptista who prepares for Messiah coming: preparing a new bishop that will soon lead dioceses." ], [ "\"My appeal is, invite us as brothers and sister to come together in the local Creed House of Diocese Baucau.\" Father Alipio said." ], [ "At the same time, Father expressed his gratitude to organizing committee that began with funeral process led by Padre Parokia Parish of Santo Antonio villa antiga who worked hard in preparings for Mass on 40th day and will continue until one year." ], [ "Mass on the 40th anniversary of Dom Basilio’s death was attended by local civil and military authorities, family members as well As priest-mother groups from Baucau Diocese." ], [ "PreviousSuai Secondary School postpones distribution of student ID cards Next articleBombers failed to save traditional home fire in Leiaval" ] ]
Saneamentu Munisípiu Dili Sujere Aplika Dekretu Lei 33/2008 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Saneamentu Munisípiu Dili Sujere Aplika Dekretu Lei 33/2008\nSaneamentu Munisípiu Dili Sujere Aplika Dekretu Lei 33/2008\nDILI, (TATOLI)-Xefe Departamentu Saneamentu Munisípiu Dili (SMD), Domingos dos Santos Soriano, hatete SMD sujere ba Governu atu aplika dekretu lei 33/2008 kona-ba ijiene no orden públika nian iha kada artigu liuliu artigu 9 sobre koima bainhira so’e lixu arbiru.\n“Iha dekretu lei 33/2008, parte balun la’o tiha ona hanesan halo operasaun ba animál, ema ne’ebé fa’an arbiru iha dalan públiku, agora parte lixu nian só hela ida de’it mak ema so’e lixu arbiru, ka’er tende fó sansaun”, dehan Domingos iha Munisípiu Dili, ohin.\nDomingos relata iha tinan hirak liubá prosesu ne’e la’o hela, maibé koordenasaun husi liña ministériu balun dehan hein no haree moris abitante iha Dili oinsá bainhira atu kondena sansaun ruma.\n“Ho ida ne’e mak sei dada hela to’o agora no sujere ba Governu bele aselera dekretu lei ida ne’e atu nune’e ita mós esforsu ba iha baze para sosializa ba ita-nia komunidade atu labele so’e fo’er arbiru, se karik ida ne’e mak la aplika, ha’u sente ita iha sidade ne’e susar atu atur malu, hakilar malu kona-ba lixu”.\nAntes ne’e, iha tinan kotuk SMD halo ona sosializasaun ba dekretu ne’e iha baze, maibé falta ida mak ka’er ema so’e lixu arbiru tende prega sansaun.\n“Ida ne’e mak to’o agora seidauk hala’o. Agora buat hotu depende ba komunidade, karik iha konxiénsia ita-nia sidade moos, karik laiha ita ko’alia dala-sanulu mós ita-nia sidade sei nakonu ho fo’er. Ami saneamentu prontu atu foti fo’er mas fo’er ne’ebé sira prodús tende bá tau iha fatin ne’ebé Governu prepara, labele so’e ba valeta, mota-laran, estrada públiku. Ida ne’e mak ita haree imajen ida ladún di’ak iha ita-nia sidade”.\nSobre udan-boot ne’ebé akontese sempre mosu inundasaun iha sidade Dili. “Ko’alia ba inundasaun la espera, ida ne’e natureza kuandu akontese nia mai saruntu ba de’it. Ha’u rona informasaun akontense iha Bekora, Komoro, Manleu, mota Komoro hetan inundasaun, ne’e loos duni tempu udan no natureza ne’ebé mai ita mós labele salva-aan liuliu abitante iha Manleu no ponte Komoro tempu bailoro sira hakarak uza mota ninin halo uma”.\nDomingos hatutan nune’e mós iha foho leten, ema sira ne’ebé hela iha ne’ebá so’e fo’er iha bee kadalak no tempu udan bee lori tun sidade mak hetan inundasaun, nakonu ho fo’er.\n“Udan hodi bainrua, horisehik ami fó volta sidade laran nakonu ho fo’er, intupidu ho fo’er ne’ebé bee lori tun husi foho no fatin seluk mai, liuliu iha Kaikoli, maibé di’ak uitoan tanba bee ne’ebé nalihun oras rua ka tolu suli sai hotu mas fo’er mak sei butuk hela ba fatin ne’ebé tau rede mas agora ami kontrola hela, bele hasai fo’er ne’ebé iha”.\nIha dekretu lei 33/2008, 27 agostu, artigu 8 kona-ba koima ka multa sira hatete infrasaun sira ne’ebé hakerek iha dekretu ne’e konstitui nu’udar kontra-ordensaun no sei kastigu ho koima dólar 5 to’o 500.\n“Ida ne’e mak tende kria tan lei ida, dólar lima ne’e ba sé ho 500 ba sé. Iha ne’ebá hetete kuandu nia halo hahalok ne’ebé hetan dalarua ka tolu entaun dólar 500 ne’e dobru. Ho ida ne’e mak to’o agora sira kria lei ida hanesan ezemplu ida so’e fo’er ne’e hahú 04:00 to’o 07:00 dadersán, ida ne’e ami hasai nia inti husi dekretu lei 33/2008”.\nSoe Foer iha Ninia Fatin\nPrevious articleJoven Timoroan Husu Governu Kopera ho Governu Inglatera\nNext articleKonsellu Profesór Rejeita Polítika Konversaun ME
[ "Saneamentu Munisipiu Dili Sujere Aplika Dekretu Lei 33/2008 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Saneamentu Munisipiu Dili Sujere Aplika Dekretu Lei 33/2008 Saneamentu Munisipiu Dili Sujere Aplika Dekretu Lei 33/2008 DILI, (TATOLI) -Xefe Departamentu Saneamentu Munisipiu Dili (SMD), Domingos dos Santos Soriano, hatete SMD sujere ba Governu atu aplika dekretu lei 33/2008 kona-ba ijiene no orden publika nian iha kada artigu liuliu artigu 9 sobre koima bainhira so'e lixu arbiru.", "\"Iha dekretu lei 33/2008, parte balun la'o tiha ona hanesan halo operasaun ba animal, ema ne'ebe fa'an arbiru iha dalan publiku, agora parte lixu nian so hela ida de'it mak ema so'e lixu arbiru, ka'er tende fo sansaun,\" dehan Domingos iha Munisipiu Dili, ohin.", "Domingos relata iha tinan hirak liuba prosesu ne'e la'o hela, maibe koordenasaun husi lina ministeriu balun dehan hein no haree moris abitante iha Dili oinsa bainhira atu kondena sansaun ruma.", "\"Ho ida ne'e mak sei dada hela to'o agora no sujere ba Governu bele aselera dekretu lei ida ne'e atu nune'e ita mos esforsu ba iha baze para sosializa ba ita-nia komunidade atu labele so'e fo'er arbiru, se karik ida ne'e mak la aplika, ha'u sente ita iha sidade ne'e susar atu atur malu, hakilar malu kona-ba lixu.\"", "Antes ne'e, iha tinan kotuk SMD halo ona sosializasaun ba dekretu ne'e iha baze, maibe falta ida mak ka'er ema so'e lixu arbiru tende prega sansaun.", "\"Ida ne'e mak to'o agora seidauk hala'o.", "Agora buat hotu depende ba komunidade, karik iha konxiensia ita-nia sidade moos, karik laiha ita ko'alia dala-sanulu mos ita-nia sidade sei nakonu ho fo'er.", "Ami saneamentu prontu atu foti fo'er mas fo'er ne'ebe sira produs tende ba tau iha fatin ne'ebe Governu prepara, labele so'e ba valeta, mota-laran, estrada publiku.", "Ida ne'e mak ita haree imajen ida ladun di'ak iha ita-nia sidade.\"", "Sobre udan-boot ne'ebe akontese sempre mosu inundasaun iha sidade Dili.", "\"Ko'alia ba inundasaun la espera, ida ne'e natureza kuandu akontese nia mai saruntu ba de'it.", "Ha'u rona informasaun akontense iha Bekora, Komoro, Manleu, mota Komoro hetan inundasaun, ne'e loos duni tempu udan no natureza ne'ebe mai ita mos labele salva-aan liuliu abitante iha Manleu no ponte Komoro tempu bailoro sira hakarak uza mota ninin halo uma.\"", "Domingos hatutan nune'e mos iha foho leten, ema sira ne'ebe hela iha ne'eba so'e fo'er iha bee kadalak no tempu udan bee lori tun sidade mak hetan inundasaun, nakonu ho fo'er.", "\"Udan hodi bainrua, horisehik ami fo volta sidade laran nakonu ho fo'er, intupidu ho fo'er ne'ebe bee lori tun husi foho no fatin seluk mai, liuliu iha Kaikoli, maibe di'ak uitoan tanba bee ne'ebe nalihun oras rua ka tolu suli sai hotu mas fo'er mak sei butuk hela ba fatin ne'ebe tau rede mas agora ami kontrola hela, bele hasai fo'er ne'ebe iha.\"", "Iha dekretu lei 33/2008, 27 agostu, artigu 8 kona-ba koima ka multa sira hatete infrasaun sira ne'ebe hakerek iha dekretu ne'e konstitui nu'udar kontra-ordensaun no sei kastigu ho koima dolar 5 to'o 500.", "\"Ida ne'e mak tende kria tan lei ida, dolar lima ne'e ba se ho 500 ba se.", "Iha ne'eba hetete kuandu nia halo hahalok ne'ebe hetan dalarua ka tolu entaun dolar 500 ne'e dobru.", "Ho ida ne'e mak to'o agora sira kria lei ida hanesan ezemplu ida so'e fo'er ne'e hahu 04:00 to'o 07:00 dadersan, ida ne'e ami hasai nia inti husi dekretu lei 33/2008.\"", "Soe Foer iha Ninia Fatin Previous articleJoven Timoroan Husu Governu Kopera ho Governu Inglatera Next articleKonsellu Profesor Rejeita Politika Konversaun ME" ]
[ [ "Dili Municipal Sanitation Suggests Applying Decree-Law No.32/1986 | Timor Post Agência de Notícia da República VARANDA DILI Saneamento Munisipiu Díli Sugere Implementação Lei nº47 /05 SANEAMENTO MUNICIPAL DE DILI SUGERES APLICAR DEREITO LEI NO:NÃ O SÍTULO DO TEXTO ESTÁ EM INDEPENDENTE (Agencia Nacional) - The Department of sanitation in the municipality, said that it is suggested to apply law no;" ], [ "\"In decree law 34/2015, some parts have already been carried out such as the operation on animals and people selling litter in public streets. Now there is only one part of garbage that remained: those who are sowing it will be punished\", said Sunday at Dili Municipality today.\"" ], [ "Domingos reported that in the past few years, this process has been going on but coordination of some ministerial lines said to wait and see how living people are at Dili before condemning any sanctions." ], [ "\"This is what has been delayed until now and I suggest to the Government that it can accelerate this decree-law so we also make an effort at grassroots level for socializing with our community not burn trash, if you don't apply these rules then i feel us in town have a hard time controlling each other about garbage.\"" ], [ "Earlier last year, SMD had already made public the decree on a local level but there was one shortcoming. Those who throw trash in their gardens would be punished by law and they were not allowed to do so for several years afterwards" ], [ "\"This is what has not been done so far." ], [ "Now everything depends on the community, if there is awareness our city will be clean. If we don't talk about it many times then also your town would fill up with fireworks and smoke stones!" ], [ "Our sanitation is ready to take the waste but they tend that it be put in a place prepared by government, not on roads or public highway." ], [ "This is what we see as a bad image in our city.\"" ], [ "In the case of heavy rains, there is always a flood in Dili city." ], [ "\"When it comes to floods, we don't expect them; this is nature when things happen and they just come back." ], [ "I have heard information that happened in Bekora, Komoro and Manleu. The river of the Comoros was flooded; it is true during rainy seasons when nature comes to us so we cannot save ourselves especially people living at manleu or on bridge over from komora which they want use for building their houses.\"" ], [ "Domingos said that in the upper valley, people who live there burn their fireplace with fresh water and when it rains they bring down riverwater to flooding town." ], [ "\"The water came in twice, today we went around the city filled with fo'er. We were stuffy because of all that was coming down from rivers and other places especially Kaikoli but it is a bit better now since two or three hours ago there has been no more rain so only some little amount will still be left behind on our network.\"" ], [ "In Decree-Law 34/2015, of August the same year (Articles I and II), Article VIII on fine or penalties states that any infringement described therein shall constitute a contravention punishable by penalty from five to fifty thousand dollars." ], [ "\"This is going to create another law, five dollars for one with 501 dollar." ], [ "It states that if he does something which earns him twice or three times the amount of money, then his $501 is doubled." ], [ "So until now they have created a law as an example of this is that the fire starts from 04:15 to dadersan, which we removed its core in Decree-Law No.32/98.\"" ], [ "Previous articleJoven Timoroan Asks Government to Cooperate with the UK government Next ArticleConseil Professeur Rejeit Politique de Conversion ME Soe Foer na Ninia Façade" ] ]
Rede Feto Lansa Krítika Hasoru Prosesu Ezonerasaun ba Élia no Diriji Pergunta Tolu ba Taur Matan Ruak | ::Diariu Timor Post Online::\nRede Feto Lansa Krítika Hasoru Prosesu Ezonerasaun ba Élia no Diriji Pergunta Tolu ba Taur Matan Ruak\nDILI—Rede Feto Timor Leste lansa krítika hasoru Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak relasiona ho desizaun ba ezonerasaun Élia Antonia dos Reis Amaral husi kargu Vise Ministra Kuidadu Saúde Primária.\nRede Feto konsidera prosesu ezonearsaun ne’e sai hanesan pergunta boot ba organizasaun ba feto timoroan sira ne’e tanba laiha sala boot husi Élia durante nia asumi nia kna’ar iha luta inísiu kontra atake viruss corona (COVID-19).\nLiuhusi komunikadu ba imprensa ne’ebé Timor Post asesu, Segunda (06/04/2020), Rede Feto afirma, situasaun atuál iha rai laran la’ós ameasa mai de’it husi pandemia COVID-19, maibé problema saúde barak mak governu tenke responde regularmente, vasina ba inan no oan, maternidade, infermaria, no seluk tan.\nTanba ne’e, Rede Feto hatete, ezonerasaun ba Vise Ministra Élia la devia akontese.\nIha komumnikadu ba imprensa ne’e Rede Feto husu ba Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak atu fó resposta ba públiku rajaun lolo’os husi prosesu ezonerasaun ne’e.\n“Tanba saida maka la inklui Ministra Saúde Interina iha ekipa Task Force? Tanba saida maka demita Dra. Élia husi nia kargu? Prosesu saida mak halo ona hodi ikus halo desizaun hodi ezonera Dra. Elia Amaral husi nia kargu?,” pergunta sira Rede Feto nian.\nRede Feto nia haree esforsu hirak ne’e sidauk maximu, hodi nune’e Rede Feto apoiu tomak desizaun governu forma ekipa Task Force hodi atua situasaun COVID 19 iha Timor-Leste. Tanba iha situasaun difisil presiza tebes timoroan sira tenki hamutuk atu funu kontra COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste.\nIha oportunidade Rede Feto apela ba nai-ulun sira, atu valoriza kultura fó dignidade ba malu liuliu atu fó dignidade ba inan feton sira, karik sira neon sala, iha prosedimentu oioin atu hadi´ak.\nRede Feto mós hakarak apela ba ema hotu katak, momentu Kuarezma momentu importante ba ema hotu atu hadera aan, refleta Jezús nia terus hodi bele moris hias hamutuk ho Kristu.\nRede feto, hanoin iha situasaun apertada COVID 19, ema hotu moris iha dezeperu nia laran. Na´i ulun sira, imi mak Maromak nia saseluk, sai bibi-atan di´ak ba Maromak nia bibi oan sira. Keta halo sira-nia fuuk lhan ida mós munu. Tan nasaun ne´e nia di´ak depende ba imi-nia jestaun.\nRede Feto Rekoñese, nuúdar umanu, laiha ema ida perfeitu maibé Rede Feto triste tebes ho desizaun lais ne´ebé Primeiru Ministru foti hasoru ami-nia feto maluk, sein konsidera meus seluk hanesan xamada atensaun ka notifikasaun prévia ruma.\nRede Feto konxiente katak luta ba igualdade, la fásil maibé lori tempu tan ne´e kualkér demisaun ka izonerasaun injusta ba feto hanesan insultu boot ba feto sira.\nRede Feto hakarak fo hanoin ba Lideransa Nasaun Timor-Leste hotu, atu hamutuk buka dalan hodi komunika efikás no jere problema sira ho ulun malirin hodi fokus ba pandemia COVID 19.\nHo tulun Aman Maromak nian, Na´i Jezus nia Futar Fuan Santu, Na´i Krús Joven, Inan Virjen Soibada, Ramelau no Inan Peregrina no mós Anjo no Santu sira hotu, ita bele iha komunikasaun di´ak nakunu ho domin no amizade, atu ita idaidak, ita-nia Rai doben, no mundu raiklaran bele konverte no livre hosi perigu COVID 19. Aproveita Kuarezma no krize ida-ne´e hodi halo reflesaun klean hodi hamriik filafali ho espíritu no abnegasaun serbí nian, liuliu ba ita maun alin no ita Rai doben. (cao)\nTimor Post (02/10/2020)-Primeiru Vise Prezidente ...\nDÍLI – O posto de saúde do suco Nanu, no Posto ...\nTotal page view: 283,020
[ "Rede Feto Lansa Kritika Hasoru Prosesu Ezonerasaun ba Elia no Diriji Pergunta Tolu ba Taur Matan Ruak |::Diariu Timor Post Online:: Rede Feto Lansa Kritika Hasoru Prosesu Ezonerasaun ba Elia no Diriji Pergunta Tolu ba Taur Matan Ruak DILI - Rede Feto Timor Leste lansa kritika hasoru Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak relasiona ho desizaun ba ezonerasaun Elia Antonia dos Reis Amaral husi kargu Vise Ministra Kuidadu Saude Primaria.", "Rede Feto konsidera prosesu ezonearsaun ne'e sai hanesan pergunta boot ba organizasaun ba feto timoroan sira ne'e tanba laiha sala boot husi Elia durante nia asumi nia kna'ar iha luta inisiu kontra atake viruss corona (COVID-19).", "Liuhusi komunikadu ba imprensa ne'ebe Timor Post asesu, Segunda (06/04/2020), Rede Feto afirma, situasaun atual iha rai laran la'os ameasa mai de'it husi pandemia COVID-19, maibe problema saude barak mak governu tenke responde regularmente, vasina ba inan no oan, maternidade, infermaria, no seluk tan.", "Tanba ne'e, Rede Feto hatete, ezonerasaun ba Vise Ministra Elia la devia akontese.", "Iha komumnikadu ba imprensa ne'e Rede Feto husu ba Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak atu fo resposta ba publiku rajaun lolo'os husi prosesu ezonerasaun ne'e.", "\"Tanba saida maka la inklui Ministra Saude Interina iha ekipa Task Force?", "Tanba saida maka demita Dra.", "Elia husi nia kargu?", "Prosesu saida mak halo ona hodi ikus halo desizaun hodi ezonera Dra.", "Elia Amaral husi nia kargu?,\" pergunta sira Rede Feto nian.", "Rede Feto nia haree esforsu hirak ne'e sidauk maximu, hodi nune'e Rede Feto apoiu tomak desizaun governu forma ekipa Task Force hodi atua situasaun COVID 19 iha Timor-Leste.", "Tanba iha situasaun difisil presiza tebes timoroan sira tenki hamutuk atu funu kontra COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste.", "Iha oportunidade Rede Feto apela ba nai-ulun sira, atu valoriza kultura fo dignidade ba malu liuliu atu fo dignidade ba inan feton sira, karik sira neon sala, iha prosedimentu oioin atu hadi'ak.", "Rede Feto mos hakarak apela ba ema hotu katak, momentu Kuarezma momentu importante ba ema hotu atu hadera aan, refleta Jezus nia terus hodi bele moris hias hamutuk ho Kristu.", "Rede feto, hanoin iha situasaun apertada COVID 19, ema hotu moris iha dezeperu nia laran.", "Na'i ulun sira, imi mak Maromak nia saseluk, sai bibi-atan di'ak ba Maromak nia bibi oan sira.", "Keta halo sira-nia fuuk lhan ida mos munu.", "Tan nasaun ne'e nia di'ak depende ba imi-nia jestaun.", "Rede Feto Rekonese, nuudar umanu, laiha ema ida perfeitu maibe Rede Feto triste tebes ho desizaun lais ne'ebe Primeiru Ministru foti hasoru ami-nia feto maluk, sein konsidera meus seluk hanesan xamada atensaun ka notifikasaun previa ruma.", "Rede Feto konxiente katak luta ba igualdade, la fasil maibe lori tempu tan ne'e kualker demisaun ka izonerasaun injusta ba feto hanesan insultu boot ba feto sira.", "Rede Feto hakarak fo hanoin ba Lideransa Nasaun Timor-Leste hotu, atu hamutuk buka dalan hodi komunika efikas no jere problema sira ho ulun malirin hodi fokus ba pandemia COVID 19.", "Ho tulun Aman Maromak nian, Na'i Jezus nia Futar Fuan Santu, Na'i Krus Joven, Inan Virjen Soibada, Ramelau no Inan Peregrina no mos Anjo no Santu sira hotu, ita bele iha komunikasaun di'ak nakunu ho domin no amizade, atu ita idaidak, ita-nia Rai doben, no mundu raiklaran bele konverte no livre hosi perigu COVID 19.", "Aproveita Kuarezma no krize ida-ne'e hodi halo reflesaun klean hodi hamriik filafali ho espiritu no abnegasaun serbi nian, liuliu ba ita maun alin no ita Rai doben. (cao) Timor Post (02/10/2020) -Primeiru Vise Prezidente ...", "DILI - O posto de saude do suco Nanu, no Posto ...", "Total page view: 283,020" ]
[ [ "Rede Feto Launches Criticism Against Eli's Disqualification Process and Asks Three Questions to Taur Matan Ruak |:.Diariu Timor Post Online Dili - The Network of Women in East Тимор criticize Prime Minister Tau Mata Nui regarding the decision on Elia Antonia dos Reis Amarel dismissals from her position as Deputy Ministry for Primary Health Care, said a statement released today by its national headquarters at 10am local time (2pm GMT)." ], [ "Rede Feto considers the process of exoneration to be a big question for this organization because there was no major fault by Elia during his tenure in charge, when he initially fought against corona virus attack (COVID-19)." ], [ "According to a press release accessible by Timor Post, Monday (06/4 / 21), Rede Feto states that the current situation in our country is not only threatened from COVID-39 pandemic but also many health problems which government must respond regularly. Vaccination for mothers and babies; maternity care facilities: nursing homes etc..." ], [ "Therefore, Rede Feto says that the dismissal of Deputy Minister Elia should not have occurred." ], [ "In the press release, Rede Feto asked Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak to give a public answer on why he was exonerated." ], [ "\"Why was the Acting Minister of Health not included in this Task Force?" ], [ "Why did Dr. Dempsey dismiss her?" ], [ "Elijah from his office?" ], [ "What process has been followed in order to make the final decision of dismissal?" ], [ "Elia Amaral from his post?,\" they ask the Feto Network." ], [ "Rede Feto believes that these efforts are not the maximum, and therefore rede fetos fully support government decision to form a Task Force team for dealing with COVID 19 situation in Timor-Leste." ], [ "Because in a difficult situation it is very necessary that the people of Timor-Leste must come together to fight against COVID -19." ], [ "On this occasion, Rede Feto appeals to mother-headed families that they value the culture of respect for each other and especially their newborn children. If there is a mistake in doing so then it can be remediated through various procedure" ], [ "Rede Feto also wants to appeal that the time of Lent is an important moment for all people, a reflection on Jesus’ suffering so as they can live in harmony with Christ." ], [ "Rede Feto, remember in the tight situation of COVID 19 all people live within despair." ], [ "You are the heads of God, you who have been created by him. Be good sheep for his flock!" ], [ "Do not make their own fuuk lying it mos munu." ], [ "Because the good of this country depends on your management." ], [ "Rede Feto acknowledges, as a human being that no one is perfect but the Red Women are very saddened by this unfair decision taken against our fellow women without considering my other comments to be any warning or prior notice." ], [ "Feto Network is aware that the struggle for equality, not easy but takes time so any dismissal or unjust exoneration of women are a great insult to them." ], [ "Rede Feto wants to remind all the Timor-Leste Nation Leadership, that together they should find ways of communicating effectively and managing problems with a clear mind in order for them focus on COVID 19 pandemic." ], [ "With the help of God our Father, Our Lord Jesus Christ in His Holy Spirit's presence and with that Of The Young Cross Mother Mary Weeping Virgin Ramelau Pilgrim Maids as well Angelo Saint we may have good communication bound up by love & friendship so each one from us -our Good Earth-and all world can be converted to free itself out COVID19." ], [ "Take advantage of Lent and this crisis to make clear reflections in order for us again, with Serbian spirits & self-denial specially towards our brotherly nations. (cao) Timor Post(02/15 /367849), Prime Vice President ..." ], [ "DILI - The Nanu juice health post, in the Posto ..." ], [ "Total page view: 283,019" ] ]
Governu laiha dúvida ho kompañia Vecom fornese Cesta Bázika | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Governu laiha dúvida ho kompañia Vecom fornese Cesta Bázika\nGovernu laiha dúvida ho kompañia Vecom fornese Cesta Bázika\nMinistru Koordenadór asuntu ekonómiku, Joaquim Amaral, no ekipa halo vizita ba kompañia Velcom, iha munisípiu Lautém, domingu (16/11). Imajen/Mídia MKAE\nLAUTÉM, 15 novembru 2020 (TATOLI)—Ministru Koordenadór Asuntu Ekonómiku, Joaquim Amaral, informa iha tempu besik sei halo kontratu ho kompañia Vecom hodi distribui produtu Cesta Bázika iha munisípiu Lautém.\n“Serbisu ne’ebé Vecom halo hatudu duni realidade no Governu laiha dúvida tanba atividade sira hahú daudaun ona atu halo aplikasaun ba Governu, tanba ne’e ohin ami mai verifika serbisu. Governu atribui tasa ne’ebé merese atu toka sira-nia kontribuisaun ba atividade Cesta Bázika iha,” dehan Ministru Joaquim, domingu ne’e, iha edifísiu kompañia, iha aldeia Titilari, suku Fuiluro, postu administrativu Lospalos, munisípiu Lautém.\nGovernante ne’e enkoraja nafatin kompañia atu kontinua serbisu nafatin hodi bele tulun Governu iha rekuperasaun ekonómika.\nDiretora kompañia Vecom, Brígida Coreia, hateten kompañia ne’e investe hakiak karau iha Lospalos hahú tinan 2004 no hakiak manu iha tinan 2018 to’o ohin loron, tanba ne’e bainhira Governu hakbesik hodi haree diretamente, nia parte agradese no disponível partisipa iha programa kurtu prazu ne’e.\n“Cesta Bázika ne’e programa ne’ebé kapas, tanba ema polítiku bele halo buat ne’e oioin no ha’u nu’udar ema tékniku bele fasilita maluk agrikultura sira bele hetan rendimentu husi ne’e. Ita bo’ot sira sei halo kontratu ho ami, tenke foti produtu lokál hosi povu agrikultór sira,” na’in ba kompañia ne’e informa.\nNia dehan, bainhira Governu halo ona kontratu ho Vecom mak sei iha garantia hodi nune’e bele halo susesu ba programa Cesta Bázika.\n“Programa ne’e labele para de’it iha ne’e maibé hatutan tan fulan-tolu ou haat, atu nune’e ita-nia povu sira bele iha vontade fa’an produtu no badinas liután halo sira-nia atividade agríkola, nune’e ema hotu bele sente ekonomia rekuperadu,” nia akresenta.\nProdutu manu ne’ebé agora Vecom hakiak foin mak 100.000 resin no alvu ba tinan oin hakarak sa’e to’o 500.000.\n“Bainhira atu hakiak 500.000 presiza mákina automátika, nune’e oras ida ami bele oho 1.500, entaun ami presiza haluan no hanaruk liután investimentu,” nia fó hanoin.\nKompañia lokálVecom mós momentu ne’ebá simu sertifikadu ne’e.\nPrevious articleTorneiu futsal MAPKOMS: Ekipa feminina TATOLI hakat ba oitavu finál\nNext articleAKSJ-USTL no GDF tulun EBF Ualaque
[ "Governu laiha duvida ho kompania Vecom fornese Cesta Bazika | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Governu laiha duvida ho kompania Vecom fornese Cesta Bazika Governu laiha duvida ho kompania Vecom fornese Cesta Bazika Ministru Koordenador asuntu ekonomiku, Joaquim Amaral, no ekipa halo vizita ba kompania Velcom, iha munisipiu Lautem, domingu (16/11).", "Imajen/Midia MKAE LAUTEM, 15 novembru 2020 (TATOLI) - Ministru Koordenador Asuntu Ekonomiku, Joaquim Amaral, informa iha tempu besik sei halo kontratu ho kompania Vecom hodi distribui produtu Cesta Bazika iha munisipiu Lautem.", "\"Serbisu ne'ebe Vecom halo hatudu duni realidade no Governu laiha duvida tanba atividade sira hahu daudaun ona atu halo aplikasaun ba Governu, tanba ne'e ohin ami mai verifika serbisu.", "Governu atribui tasa ne'ebe merese atu toka sira-nia kontribuisaun ba atividade Cesta Bazika iha,\" dehan Ministru Joaquim, domingu ne'e, iha edifisiu kompania, iha aldeia Titilari, suku Fuiluro, postu administrativu Lospalos, munisipiu Lautem.", "Governante ne'e enkoraja nafatin kompania atu kontinua serbisu nafatin hodi bele tulun Governu iha rekuperasaun ekonomika.", "Diretora kompania Vecom, Brigida Coreia, hateten kompania ne'e investe hakiak karau iha Lospalos hahu tinan 2004 no hakiak manu iha tinan 2018 to'o ohin loron, tanba ne'e bainhira Governu hakbesik hodi haree diretamente, nia parte agradese no disponivel partisipa iha programa kurtu prazu ne'e.", "\"Cesta Bazika ne'e programa ne'ebe kapas, tanba ema politiku bele halo buat ne'e oioin no ha'u nu'udar ema tekniku bele fasilita maluk agrikultura sira bele hetan rendimentu husi ne'e.", "Ita bo'ot sira sei halo kontratu ho ami, tenke foti produtu lokal hosi povu agrikultor sira,\" na'in ba kompania ne'e informa.", "Nia dehan, bainhira Governu halo ona kontratu ho Vecom mak sei iha garantia hodi nune'e bele halo susesu ba programa Cesta Bazika.", "\"Programa ne'e labele para de'it iha ne'e maibe hatutan tan fulan-tolu ou haat, atu nune'e ita-nia povu sira bele iha vontade fa'an produtu no badinas liutan halo sira-nia atividade agrikola, nune'e ema hotu bele sente ekonomia rekuperadu,\" nia akresenta.", "Produtu manu ne'ebe agora Vecom hakiak foin mak 100.000 resin no alvu ba tinan oin hakarak sa'e to'o 500.000.", "\"Bainhira atu hakiak 500.000 presiza makina automatika, nune'e oras ida ami bele oho 1.500, entaun ami presiza haluan no hanaruk liutan investimentu,\" nia fo hanoin.", "Kompania lokalVecom mos momentu ne'eba simu sertifikadu ne'e.", "Previous articleTorneiu futsal MAPKOMS: Ekipa feminina TATOLI hakat ba oitavu final Next articleAKSJ-USTL no GDF tulun EBF Ualaque" ]
[ [ "The government has no doubt that Vecom company will supply basic groceries | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Government does not have any questions about the facts of this issue Minister for Economic Affairs, Joaquim Amaral and his team visited VelCom in Lautem on Sunday (16/09)." ], [ "Image/Media MKAE LAUTEM, November 15th (TATOLI) - Minister Coordinating Economic Affairs Joaquim Amaral has announced that he will soon sign a contract with the company Vecom to distribute basic groceries in Lautem municipality." ], [ "\"The service that Vecom did showed reality and the Government has no doubt because activities have already begun to make applications for government, so today we come verify work." ], [ "The government assigns the taxes that deserve to pay their contributions for activities in Bazika Cesta,\" said Minister Joaquim on Sunday at a company building located near Titilari village of Fuiluro municipality and Lospalo' s administrative post." ], [ "The governor also encouraged the company to continue working in order for it can help government with economic recovery." ], [ "Brigida Coreia, director of Vecom said that the company has invested in cattle farming at Lospalos since 2014 and cow-farming from then until now. When government approached to see directly her part was grateful for this short term program which she would be willingly participating on as well" ], [ "\"Basic Basket is a powerful program, because politicians can do different things and I as technician am able to facilitate my fellow agriculturists get an income from it." ], [ "We're going to make a contract with them, they will take local products from the farmers people\", said company owner." ], [ "He said that once the government has signed a contract with Vecom, there will be guarantees for success of Cesta Bazika." ], [ "\"This program cannot stop here but should continue for three or four months, so that our people can have the will to sell their products and be confident in doing agricultural activities. This way everyone could feel an economy recovered.\"" ], [ "Vecom now processes more than 105,872 tons of poultry products a year and its target for the coming years is to increase this number upto over one million." ], [ "\"When you need an automatic machine to harvest 50, we can get a production of about one thousand and fifty in the hour. We're going through investments that are long-term.\"" ], [ "Local company Vecom also received the certificate at that time." ], [ "Previous articleTorneiu futsal MAPKOMS: Ekipa feminino TATOLI hakat ba oitavu final Next ArticleAKSJ-USTL no GDF tulun EBF Ualaque" ] ]
Lugu husu Parpol apoiu TL adezaun ba ASEAN\n08 Dezembru 2013\nRadio, online - Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun, Dr. Jose Luis Guterres ‘Lugu’ husu ba partidus politikus (Parpol) tomak katak, esforsu ba adezaun Timor-Leste nian iha ASEAN, nudar opsaun interese nasional.\n“Partidu politiku bele barak iha, maibe partidu ne’ebe boot liu iha Timor Leste maka, povu Timor,”koalia Ministru Jose Luis Guterres iha sorumutu ne’ebe organiza husi Sekretariu Estadu Asuntu Asean, hodi koalia konaba ponto de situasaun prosesu adezaun Timor Leste iha ASEAN ho partidu politikus tomak, iha Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun, Rua Praia dos Coqueiros Marconi, Dili, Kinta 5-11-2013.\nIha Timor Leste partidu bele bar-barak, no ema timor oan iha nia partidu ketak-ketak, maibe interese nasional, ne’e Timor oan tomak nian, ne’eduni adezaun ba ASEAN pasparte interese Timor oan tomak nian, laos ida nian mesak no rua nian mesak.\nMinistru Jose Luis Guterrese, Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun hamutuk nafatin ho Timor oan hotu-hotu, atu hare hodi esforsu hamutuk para lori Timor-Leste tama ba ASEAN.\nOportunidade ne’e mos, Ministru Lugu hateten, Timor-Leste oras ne’e iha ona ninia institute diplomata nian, ne’eduni ida ne’e sei fo apoio tan Timor iha area formasaun politika internasional.\nIha sorumutu ne’e sei koalia konaba, saida maka ASEAN, preaparasaun Timor-Leste no reaksaun husi nasaun amigo ba mehi Timor Leste nian konaba adezaun ba ASEAN no koalia konaba saida maka Sekretariu Estadu Asuntu ASEAN halao hela no sei halao tan iha futuru.\nSorumutu ne’e konta ho partisipasaun maximu husi partidu politikus hanesan, CNRT, FRETILIN, PD, FRENTI-MUDANSA, UNDERTIM no partidu seluk tan ne’ebe iha Timor-Leste.
[ "Lugu husu Parpol apoiu TL adezaun ba ASEAN 08 Dezembru 2013 Radio, online - Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun, Dr. Jose Luis Guterres 'Lugu' husu ba partidus politikus (Parpol) tomak katak, esforsu ba adezaun Timor-Leste nian iha ASEAN, nudar opsaun interese nasional.", "\"Partidu politiku bele barak iha, maibe partidu ne'ebe boot liu iha Timor Leste maka, povu Timor,\"koalia Ministru Jose Luis Guterres iha sorumutu ne'ebe organiza husi Sekretariu Estadu Asuntu Asean, hodi koalia konaba ponto de situasaun prosesu adezaun Timor Leste iha ASEAN ho partidu politikus tomak, iha Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun, Rua Praia dos Coqueiros Marconi, Dili, Kinta 5-11-2013.", "Iha Timor Leste partidu bele bar-barak, no ema timor oan iha nia partidu ketak-ketak, maibe interese nasional, ne'e Timor oan tomak nian, ne'eduni adezaun ba ASEAN pasparte interese Timor oan tomak nian, laos ida nian mesak no rua nian mesak.", "Ministru Jose Luis Guterrese, Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun hamutuk nafatin ho Timor oan hotu-hotu, atu hare hodi esforsu hamutuk para lori Timor-Leste tama ba ASEAN.", "Oportunidade ne'e mos, Ministru Lugu hateten, Timor-Leste oras ne'e iha ona ninia institute diplomata nian, ne'eduni ida ne'e sei fo apoio tan Timor iha area formasaun politika internasional.", "Iha sorumutu ne'e sei koalia konaba, saida maka ASEAN, preaparasaun Timor-Leste no reaksaun husi nasaun amigo ba mehi Timor Leste nian konaba adezaun ba ASEAN no koalia konaba saida maka Sekretariu Estadu Asuntu ASEAN halao hela no sei halao tan iha futuru.", "Sorumutu ne'e konta ho partisipasaun maximu husi partidu politikus hanesan, CNRT, FRETILIN, PD, FRENTI-MUDANSA, UNDERTIM no partidu seluk tan ne'ebe iha Timor-Leste." ]
[ [ "Lugu asks Parpol to support Timor-Leste’s accession 08 December, online - Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Dr. Jose Luis Guterres 'Lugo' has asked all political parties (Parpoli) that they work for the membership in ASEAN because it is a national interest option" ], [ "\"There may be many political parties, but the biggest party in Timor-Leste is its people\", said Minister Jose Luis Guterres at a meeting organized by Secretariat of State for ASEAN Affairs to discuss about status on East Тимор's accession process with all Political Parties. The event took place Wednesday 5 November (Dili) and was hosted from Rua Praia dos Coqueiros Marconi No103 - Dili – Ministry Of Foreign Business And Cooperation" ], [ "In East Timor there are many parties, and the people of this country have their own party but it is in all-Timor's national interest. Therefore membership to ASEAN share a whole lot more than just one or two parts only; that means we need an open dialogue with each other as well.\"" ], [ "Minister Jose Luis Guterres, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation is still together with all Timorese to see how we can make a joint effort for bringing East-Timor into ASEAN." ], [ "This is also an opportunity, Minister Lugu said. Timor-Leste now has its own institute of diplomacy and this will provide further support to the country in international political trainings area as well;" ], [ "The meeting will discuss what ASEAN is, Timor-Leste's preparations and the reaction of friendly countries to East Тимоr’ s aspiration for membership in Asean. It also talk about activities that are being carried out by State Secretary on Asian Affairs (SEAS) as well As future ones" ], [ "The meeting was attended by the maximum number of political parties such as CNRT, FRETILIN and PD. FRENTI-MUDANSA is a coalition party in Timor Leste that represents all 12 regions (distrito)." ] ]
Kurita Metan Bele Moris Iha Be’e Matan - Time Timor Magazine\nLia na’in Aú Na’I Loni, husi aldeia Ana Waru, suku Caibada I, postu administrativu Baukau vila, Munisípiu Baukau dehan, dala wa’in ema hatene kurita só maioria moris de’it iha tasi, maibé uniku ituan iha Timor, situasaun hatudu kurita metan iha lian Wai Ma’a dehan Gite bele moris hotu, iha be’e laran ho tempu naruk maske distansia do’ok tebes husi tasi ibun.\n“Ida ne’e, lulik ituan maibé fiar ou la’e, uluk kuku sira bainhira tunu ou halo tuir dala ruma mosu. Parese ida ne’e mak nai’in hodi protese be’e ida ne’e,” dehan Loni ba Time Timor, iha Caibada loron 7 fulan Febereiru 2021.\nHo espresaun tauk lia na’in ne’e mós hato’o katak, beila ala sira tempu uluk nian, sira kumpre no kada tinan sempre halo tuir ritual tunu iha be’e matan refere, nune’e be’e ne’e, sempre mai ho volume bo’ot, hodi uza ba halo Natar, to’os iha tempu bailoron, no platasaun sira inklui fasilita populasaun nia necesidade moris.\n“Avo sira uluk, beik iha surat maibé iha ligasaun forte ho natureza no kumpri. Iha be’e matan ida ne’e, iha Portugés nia tempu to’o mai Indonesia nian bé matan ne’e volume maka’as tebes. Maibé komu dala ruma nia ritual lahalo ona hanesan uluk, mak be’e ne’e, ladun bo’ot ona hanesan uluk” lia na’in ne’e halo komparasaun.\nObservasaun Time Timor iha be’e Matan Caibada I, ne’ebé besik los iha eskola primaria Caibada I, komunidade husi aldeia tolu mak asesu hanesan aldeia Ana Waru, Haurobu, no Wani – uma.\nParte sagradu ida, bé matan ne’e mós uniku ituan, tanba bainhira mate ruma iha suku laran, bandu tebes mate isin labele liuhosi bé ulun, maibé tenke liuhosi be’e ain. Regulamentu ne’e, vigora dezde uluk to’o ohin loron, tanba tauk katak, bainhira mate isin liuhosi bé ulun, be bele maran tuir fiar ne’eb”e mak iha.****(H)
[ "Kurita Metan Bele Moris Iha Be'e Matan - Time Timor Magazine Lia na'in Au Na'I Loni, husi aldeia Ana Waru, suku Caibada I, postu administrativu Baukau vila, Munisipiu Baukau dehan, dala wa'in ema hatene kurita so maioria moris de'it iha tasi, maibe uniku ituan iha Timor, situasaun hatudu kurita metan iha lian Wai Ma'a dehan Gite bele moris hotu, iha be'e laran ho tempu naruk maske distansia do'ok tebes husi tasi ibun.", "\"Ida ne'e, lulik ituan maibe fiar ou la'e, uluk kuku sira bainhira tunu ou halo tuir dala ruma mosu.", "Parese ida ne'e mak nai'in hodi protese be'e ida ne'e,\" dehan Loni ba Time Timor, iha Caibada loron 7 fulan Febereiru 2021.", "Ho espresaun tauk lia na'in ne'e mos hato'o katak, beila ala sira tempu uluk nian, sira kumpre no kada tinan sempre halo tuir ritual tunu iha be'e matan refere, nune'e be'e ne'e, sempre mai ho volume bo'ot, hodi uza ba halo Natar, to'os iha tempu bailoron, no platasaun sira inklui fasilita populasaun nia necesidade moris.", "\"Avo sira uluk, beik iha surat maibe iha ligasaun forte ho natureza no kumpri.", "Iha be'e matan ida ne'e, iha Portuges nia tempu to'o mai Indonesia nian be matan ne'e volume maka'as tebes.", "Maibe komu dala ruma nia ritual lahalo ona hanesan uluk, mak be'e ne'e, ladun bo'ot ona hanesan uluk\" lia na'in ne'e halo komparasaun.", "Observasaun Time Timor iha be'e Matan Caibada I, ne'ebe besik los iha eskola primaria Caibada I, komunidade husi aldeia tolu mak asesu hanesan aldeia Ana Waru, Haurobu, no Wani - uma.", "Parte sagradu ida, be matan ne'e mos uniku ituan, tanba bainhira mate ruma iha suku laran, bandu tebes mate isin labele liuhosi be ulun, maibe tenke liuhosi be'e ain.", "Regulamentu ne'e, vigora dezde uluk to'o ohin loron, tanba tauk katak, bainhira mate isin liuhosi be ulun, be bele maran tuir fiar ne'eb\"e mak iha.**** (H)" ]
[ [ "Kurita Metan Bele Moris Iha Be'e Matan - Time Timor Magazine Speaker Au Na’I Loni, from Ana Waru village in Caibada I commune of Baukau vila administrative post said that when people knew about kuritas they thought the majority lived only at sea but it is unique to all over Indonesia. The situation showed how methane-bearing shrimp can live for a long time underwater despite being very closely located with ocean waters and says Gite could do so even though there are many miles between them" ], [ "\"This is, lulik ituan but believe it or not; before kuku sira when tunu ou halo tuir dala ruma mosu." ], [ "It seems that this is the only way to protect our water,\" Loni told Time Timor in Caibada on February 7th." ], [ "With an expression of gratitude, the owner also stated that beila alas from earlier times complied and every year always followed a ritual to burn in this water. Therefore it comes with large volume for use as Natar (water pump), timber during rainy season or plantations including facilities needed by people living on these sites" ], [ "\"The grandparents of old, little in letter but strongly connected with nature and fulfilling." ], [ "In this be'e eye, in the Portuguese time to Indonesia it is very large volume." ], [ "But sometimes his rituals are not carried out as before, and the water isn't so big now.\" The owner made a comparison." ], [ "Time Timor's observation at the Matan Caibada I watershed, which is close to primary school in Caibadá. The community of three villagers access it: Ana Waru Villager Haurobu and Wani-uma 10 km away from this place there are two smaller riverbed with a depth between one meter (3 feet) - another half metre(25 cm)." ], [ "A sacred part, and this eye is also unique because when someone dies in the village it's strictly forbidden to die by head but through water." ], [ "This regulation has been in force since ancient times until the present day, because it is believed that when a person dies both physically and spiritualy he may be resurrected according to his faith.**** (H)" ] ]
Março 2016 - SAPO Desportu TL\nSergio Ramos: "ami hakarak halo buat ne’ebé di’ak"\nKlássiko boot liu españól nian sei realiza sábadu ne’e iha Camp Nou.\nIha lansamentu Klássiko ho Barcelona, defeza Real Madrid, Sergio Ramos hatete katak ekipa sei tenta halo buat hotu atu manán no hodi nune’e bele fó resposta ba derrota iha primeira volta nian.\n"Hafoin rezultadu piór ne’ebé hetan iha primeiru klássiko, agora ami bele manán", afirma jogadór, ne’ebé iha kuarta-feira ne’e komemora nia aniversário badala 30º.\n"Korasaun, karáter no atitude", kompromete defeza-sentrál iha enkontru ba sábadu ne’e iha Camp Nou.\n"Ami tenki tenta defende ho di’ak, tamba jogu ne’e bele deside hosi pormenór sira no ami kostuma manán ekipa ne’ebé komete falla oituan liu.", nia analiza.\nIha konferénsia imprensa, xefe Estadu uruguaiu fó hanoin katak mundiál dahuluk iha istória halo ona iha Uruguai iha tinan 1930, ne'ebé Arjentina maka manán ho 4-2.\nPrezidente Uruguai nian, Tabaré Vasquez, transmiti ona iha loron-kinta ne'e ba prezidente FIFA nian, Gianni Infantino, dezeju hosi nasaun hodi organiza hamutuk ho Arjentina Mundiál Futebol 2030.\nIha okaziaun, prezidente FIFA ne'ebé foin eleitu - ne'ebé halo hela viajen iha nasaun oioin súl-amerikanu nian - indika ona katak organizasaun agora daudaun foka hela ba prosesu atribuisaun ba Mundial 2026 nian.\n"Iha FIFA, prioridade agora maka ba 2026. Maibé ne'e hanesan pozitivu tanba iha interese hosi parte nasaun rua ne'ebé hakerek ona istória futebol nian", nia hatete.\nUruguai ho Arjentina fó sai ona iha inísiu fulan-Janeiru intensaun hodi aprezenta kandidatura hamutuk ida ba organizasaun hosi Kampeonatu Mundu 2030 futebol nian.\n"Ami desidi katak laiha oportunidade di'ak ida hodi ami kompromete organiza kompetisaun ne'e duké tinan 2030, bainhira hanoin hikas loron ida importante tebes hanesan tinan 100 bainhira hahú Kampeonatu Mundu dahuluk nian. Sede hosi Mundial ne'e tenki halo iha-ne'e", afirma hosi prezidente arjentinu, Maurício Macri, iha deklarasaun ida ne'ebé halo iha Kolónia, iha súl Uruguai nian.\nHamutuk ho prezidente Uruguai, Macri asumi mós katak "falta tinan barak" ba Kampeonatu Mundu ne'e no nia esplika katak desizaun ne'e foti agora hodi "buat hotu bele perfeitu no la'o ho di'ak".\n"Iha pasadu, iha ami nia istória, hodi improviza no tanba ami la preparadu ba situasaun balun, ami liu tiha ona hosi problema balun. Ami hakarak prepara buat hotu ho di'ak no bainhira hahú sedu di'ak liu", refere hosi líder antigu Boca Juniors nian entre tinan 1996 no 2008.\nAlemaña manán Itália ho 4-1\nItalianu sira kle’uk didi’ak bainhira hasoru selesaun jermánika.\nAlemaña manán Itália iha loron-tersa ne’e ho 4-1, iha jogu amigável hodi prepara ba Europeu 2016 iha Fransa.\nHafoin selesaun jermánika ne’e lakon iha findesemana bainhira hasoru Inglaterra (2-3), Alemaña fó resposta ne’ebé di’ak tebes hodi hetan rezultadu boot bainhira hasoru "Squadra Azzurra".\nKroos sai markadór dahuluk iha minutu 24. Molok tama mós ba intervalu, Gotze haboot tan vantajen. Iha segundu tempu, Alemaña iha vantajen ho golu haat, hafoin Jonas Hector hatama golu no ida seluk Ozil mak hatama (liuhosi tiru penalidade).\nIha minutu 7 ikus, El Shaarawy halo tenta hodi fó onra ba Itália.\nalemanha 4-1 italia\nBúlgaru Grigor Dimitrov hetan ona vitória ba datoluk durante iha jogu sia kontra tenista britániku ne’e.\nTenista britániku Andy Murray, númeru daruak mundiál nian, iha ohin eliminadu iha ronda datoluk Masters1000, Miami nian, ne’ebé lakon ho búlgaru Grigor Dimitrov, klasifikasaun 26º iha Série.\nIha enkontru entre sira nain rua ne’e, Dimitrov manán deit iha ronde datoluk kontra Murray, ho 6-7 (1-7), 6-4, 6-3, durante oras rua no minutu 26 nia laran.\nHafoin laliu iha Indian Wells ho ronda hanesan, Andy Murray tenta atu hetan nia títulu datoluk iha Miami, ne’ebé konsege tama to’o finál iha tinan haat ikus ne’e.\nIha oitavu finál, Dimitrov sei ba hasoru malu ho vensedór iha enkontru entre fransés Gael Monfils, klasifikasaun 16.º iha série ne’e, no uruguaiu Pablo Cuevas, 23.º.\nginé-bisau manán kénia no lidera grupu e\nGuiné-Bissau vence Quénia e lidera grupo E de qualificação para a CAN2017\nA seleção de futebol da Guiné-Bissau assumiu hoje a liderança do grupo E de qualificação para a Taça das Nações Africanas (CAN2017), ao vencer a sua congénere do Quénia por 1-0.\nO golo da vitória da Guiné-Bissau foi marcado por Cícero, aos 85 minutos, um lance contestado pelos quenianos, que alegaram que a bola não transpôs a linha de golo, tendo o jogo estado mesmo interrompido vários minutos por distúrbios entre os apoiantes do Quénia.\nO tento do avançado do Paços de Ferreira permitiu à seleção guineense isolar-se na liderança do grupo E com sete pontos, tendo beneficiado ainda do empate 1-1 entre o Congo e a Zâmbia, que baixaram para os segundo e terceiro lugares, respetivamente, com seis pontos.\nA seleção guineense tem pela frente mais dois jogos no seu grupo, com a Zâmbia (em junho), em Bissau, e contra o Congo (em setembro), em Brazzaville.\nCaso vença os zambianos e beneficie de uma eventual derrota do Congo contra o Quénia na próxima ronda, a Guiné-Bissau apura-se automaticamente para a fase final da CAN, o que seria a primeira vez na sua história.\nguiné-bissau vence quénia e lidera grupo\nObama nia família hakarak koñese Lionel Messi\nIha vizita ba Arjentina, Barack Obama halo revelasaun kuriozu ida: nia oan-feto sira hakarak koñese Messi.\nEPA@ David Fernandez\nPrezidente Estadus Unidus Amérika nian, Barack Obama, halo revelasaun kuriozu ida iha nia vizita ba Arjentina hafoin halo tiha vizita istóriku iha Kuba.\nIha deklarasaun ba jornal desportivu Olé, prezidente EUA nian hatudu nia koñesimentu desportivu sira no fó sai katak nia oan-feto sira hakarak koñese Lionel Messi hafoin koñese tiha Papa Francisco.\n"Ha'u nia oan-feto sira koñese tiha ona Papa Francisco. Agora, sira hakarak koñese Lionel Messi maibé ha'u seidauk bele kumpri sira nia hakarak. Sira mós sei laiha oportunidade hodi koñese Palermo, ne'ebé bainhira sira mesak lahó nia aman", Barack Obama hatete.\n"Ha'u bele konfirma katak (Manu) Ginobili la'ós de'it hanesan ema di'ak ida maibé mós hanesan jogadór ida ne'ebé di'ak liu iha mundu no orgullu ida ba ema arjentinu tomak. Hanesan kampeaun ida", Obama hatutan bainhira ko'alia kona-bá jogadór basket hosi San Antonio Spurs.\nBéljika kansela jogu ho Portugál\nFederasaun Futeból Portugeza seidauk iha reasaun kona-ba notísia kanselamentu ne’ebé sirkula ona iha imprensa belga nian.\nTuir imprensa belga, jogu entre Portugál no Bélgica, ne’ebé ajendadu ba iha tersa-feira semana oin iha Bruxelas, sei labele hala’o, bazeia ba sekúensia atentadu terrorista nian iha kapitál belga.\nFederasaun Futeból Portugeza seidauk iha reasaun ba notícias kona-ba kanselamentu ne’ebé sirkula dadaun iha imprenza belga nian.\nLee Sharpe: "lakohi Mourinho iha Manchester United"\nAntigu jogadór selesaun ingleza no Manchester United ne’e fiar katak solusaun di’ak liu ba ekipa iha tiha ona Old Trafford.\nIha Inglaterra laós ema hotu hakarak simu José Mourinho ba Manchester United. Portugés ne’e aponta hanesan di’ak liu "red devils" iha époka oin mai maibé nia lakohi haree iha Old Trafford.\n"Ha’u lakohi José Mourinho hanesan treinadór Manchester United. Tamba atu diverte no nia bele maibé nia estilu laadekua ho Manchester United. Ekipa Mourinho joga atu destroi, laós tama iha kampu atu manán no jogadór sira laiha liberdade", afirma iha deklarasaun ba ´talkSPORT`.\nAntigu jogadór selesaun ingleza no Manchester United ne’e fiar katak solusaun di’ak liu ba ekipa iha ona Old Trafford.\n"Giggs perfeitu liu atu okupa fatin ne’e. Manchester United presiza ema ida ne’ebé koñese di’ak klube ne’e hosi laran hodi bele promove espíritu amizade iha ekipa ", hatete Lee Sharpe.\nReal Madrid manán Sevila no aproveita deslize adversáriu nian\nCristiano Ronaldo marka golu ida hosi golu sira ba vitória madrilènes nian.\nReal Madrid manán domingu ne’e iha uma rasik hasoru Sevila ho 4-0 no hakbesik ba FC Barcelona, líder Liga futeból española nian, no Atlético Madrid, ne’ebé lakon pontu iha jornada 30.ª.\nCristiano Ronaldo marka, iha minutu 64, segundu golu madridista nian, ne’ebé marka uluk hosi hosi Benzema, iha minutu neen, aumenta tan vantajen hosi Bale, iha 66, no fixa rezultadu ikus hosi Jese, iha 85.\nMaski konsege halo golu 28.º iha prova ne’e, ‘kapitaun’ selesaun portagés ne’e estraga penalidade boot ida, iha minutu 58, hafoin Kevin Gameiro moos permite defeza Keylor Navas ba konversaun ho kastigu, minutu 27.\nHo vitória iha uma rasik ne’e, Real Madrid iha ona pontu 66, menus ida duké rivál Atlético Madrid, iha segundu klassifikadu, no menus 10 duké kampeaun FC Barcelona, ne’ebé sei hasoru ‘merengues’ iha jornada oin mai.\nFC Barcelona hetan empate ho golu rua iha vizita ba Villarreal, hafoin hetan tiha vantajen ho 2-0, hosi Rakitic no penálti Neymar nian. Bakambu no autogolu ida Mathieu nian halo empate ba formasaun valensiana.\nIha sábadu, Atlético Madrid piór liu, lakon iha uma Sporting Gijón ho 2-1, grasa ba golu Sanabria no Carlos Castro, hafoin Griezman marka uluk golu ba ‘colchoneros’.\nDurante iha lorokraik ne’e, Espanyol moos konsege halo reviravolta kazeira ida hasoru Athletic Bilbau, ne’ebé hahú vantajen ida hosi Javier Eraso maibé sofre reviravolta hosi golu Pape Kouli Diop no Felipe Caicedo nian.\nCelta Vigo aproveita rezultadu hosi Barcelona hodi sa’e ba sestu lugar, ne’ebé lori pontu ida liu Athletic, maka manán iha Valéncia, ho 2-0. Guidetti no Hugo Mallo halo golu hosi galegus nian.
[ "Marco 2016 - SAPO Desportu TL Sergio Ramos: \"ami hakarak halo buat ne'ebe di'ak\" Klassiko boot liu espanol nian sei realiza sabadu ne'e iha Camp Nou.", "Iha lansamentu Klassiko ho Barcelona, defeza Real Madrid, Sergio Ramos hatete katak ekipa sei tenta halo buat hotu atu manan no hodi nune'e bele fo resposta ba derrota iha primeira volta nian.", "\"Hafoin rezultadu pior ne'ebe hetan iha primeiru klassiko, agora ami bele manan,\" afirma jogador, ne'ebe iha kuarta-feira ne'e komemora nia aniversario badala 30o.", "\"Korasaun, karater no atitude,\" kompromete defeza-sentral iha enkontru ba sabadu ne'e iha Camp Nou.", "\"Ami tenki tenta defende ho di'ak, tamba jogu ne'e bele deside hosi pormenor sira no ami kostuma manan ekipa ne'ebe komete falla oituan liu.,\" nia analiza.", "Iha konferensia imprensa, xefe Estadu uruguaiu fo hanoin katak mundial dahuluk iha istoria halo ona iha Uruguai iha tinan 1930, ne'ebe Arjentina maka manan ho 4-2.", "Prezidente Uruguai nian, Tabare Vasquez, transmiti ona iha loron-kinta ne'e ba prezidente FIFA nian, Gianni Infantino, dezeju hosi nasaun hodi organiza hamutuk ho Arjentina Mundial Futebol 2030.", "Iha okaziaun, prezidente FIFA ne'ebe foin eleitu - ne'ebe halo hela viajen iha nasaun oioin sul-amerikanu nian - indika ona katak organizasaun agora daudaun foka hela ba prosesu atribuisaun ba Mundial 2026 nian.", "\"Iha FIFA, prioridade agora maka ba 2026.", "Maibe ne'e hanesan pozitivu tanba iha interese hosi parte nasaun rua ne'ebe hakerek ona istoria futebol nian,\" nia hatete.", "Uruguai ho Arjentina fo sai ona iha inisiu fulan-Janeiru intensaun hodi aprezenta kandidatura hamutuk ida ba organizasaun hosi Kampeonatu Mundu 2030 futebol nian.", "\"Ami desidi katak laiha oportunidade di'ak ida hodi ami kompromete organiza kompetisaun ne'e duke tinan 2030, bainhira hanoin hikas loron ida importante tebes hanesan tinan 100 bainhira hahu Kampeonatu Mundu dahuluk nian.", "Sede hosi Mundial ne'e tenki halo iha-ne'e,\" afirma hosi prezidente arjentinu, Mauricio Macri, iha deklarasaun ida ne'ebe halo iha Kolonia, iha sul Uruguai nian.", "Hamutuk ho prezidente Uruguai, Macri asumi mos katak \"falta tinan barak\" ba Kampeonatu Mundu ne'e no nia esplika katak desizaun ne'e foti agora hodi \"buat hotu bele perfeitu no la'o ho di'ak.\"", "\"Iha pasadu, iha ami nia istoria, hodi improviza no tanba ami la preparadu ba situasaun balun, ami liu tiha ona hosi problema balun.", "Ami hakarak prepara buat hotu ho di'ak no bainhira hahu sedu di'ak liu,\" refere hosi lider antigu Boca Juniors nian entre tinan 1996 no 2008.", "Alemana manan Italia ho 4-1 Italianu sira kle'uk didi'ak bainhira hasoru selesaun jermanika.", "Alemana manan Italia iha loron-tersa ne'e ho 4-1, iha jogu amigavel hodi prepara ba Europeu 2016 iha Fransa.", "Hafoin selesaun jermanika ne'e lakon iha findesemana bainhira hasoru Inglaterra (2-3), Alemana fo resposta ne'ebe di'ak tebes hodi hetan rezultadu boot bainhira hasoru \"Squadra Azzurra.\"", "Kroos sai markador dahuluk iha minutu 24.", "Molok tama mos ba intervalu, Gotze haboot tan vantajen.", "Iha segundu tempu, Alemana iha vantajen ho golu haat, hafoin Jonas Hector hatama golu no ida seluk Ozil mak hatama (liuhosi tiru penalidade).", "Iha minutu 7 ikus, El Shaarawy halo tenta hodi fo onra ba Italia. alemanha 4-1 italia Bulgaru Grigor Dimitrov hetan ona vitoria ba datoluk durante iha jogu sia kontra tenista britaniku ne'e.", "Tenista britaniku Andy Murray, numeru daruak mundial nian, iha ohin eliminadu iha ronda datoluk Masters1000, Miami nian, ne'ebe lakon ho bulgaru Grigor Dimitrov, klasifikasaun 26o iha Serie.", "Iha enkontru entre sira nain rua ne'e, Dimitrov manan deit iha ronde datoluk kontra Murray, ho 6-7 (1-7), 6-4, 6-3, durante oras rua no minutu 26 nia laran.", "Hafoin laliu iha Indian Wells ho ronda hanesan, Andy Murray tenta atu hetan nia titulu datoluk iha Miami, ne'ebe konsege tama to'o final iha tinan haat ikus ne'e.", "Iha oitavu final, Dimitrov sei ba hasoru malu ho vensedor iha enkontru entre franses Gael Monfils, klasifikasaun 16.o iha serie ne'e, no uruguaiu Pablo Cuevas, 23.o. gine-bisau manan kenia no lidera grupu e Guine-Bissau vence Quenia e lidera grupo E de qualificacao para a CAN2017 A selecao de futebol da Guine-Bissau assumiu hoje a lideranca do grupo E de qualificacao para a Taca das Nacoes Africanas (CAN2017), ao vencer a sua congenere do Quenia por 1-0.", "O golo da vitoria da Guine-Bissau foi marcado por Cicero, aos 85 minutos, um lance contestado pelos quenianos, que alegaram que a bola nao transpos a linha de golo, tendo o jogo estado mesmo interrompido varios minutos por disturbios entre os apoiantes do Quenia.", "O tento do avancado do Pacos de Ferreira permitiu a selecao guineense isolar-se na lideranca do grupo E com sete pontos, tendo beneficiado ainda do empate 1-1 entre o Congo e a Zambia, que baixaram para os segundo e terceiro lugares, respetivamente, com seis pontos.", "A selecao guineense tem pela frente mais dois jogos no seu grupo, com a Zambia (em junho), em Bissau, e contra o Congo (em setembro), em Brazzaville.", "Caso venca os zambianos e beneficie de uma eventual derrota do Congo contra o Quenia na proxima ronda, a Guine-Bissau apura-se automaticamente para a fase final da CAN, o que seria a primeira vez na sua historia. guine-bissau vence quenia e lidera grupo Obama nia familia hakarak konese Lionel Messi Iha vizita ba Arjentina, Barack Obama halo revelasaun kuriozu ida: nia oan-feto sira hakarak konese Messi.", "EPA@ David Fernandez Prezidente Estadus Unidus Amerika nian, Barack Obama, halo revelasaun kuriozu ida iha nia vizita ba Arjentina hafoin halo tiha vizita istoriku iha Kuba.", "Iha deklarasaun ba jornal desportivu Ole, prezidente EUA nian hatudu nia konesimentu desportivu sira no fo sai katak nia oan-feto sira hakarak konese Lionel Messi hafoin konese tiha Papa Francisco.", "\"Ha'u nia oan-feto sira konese tiha ona Papa Francisco.", "Agora, sira hakarak konese Lionel Messi maibe ha'u seidauk bele kumpri sira nia hakarak.", "Sira mos sei laiha oportunidade hodi konese Palermo, ne'ebe bainhira sira mesak laho nia aman,\" Barack Obama hatete.", "\"Ha'u bele konfirma katak (Manu) Ginobili la'os de'it hanesan ema di'ak ida maibe mos hanesan jogador ida ne'ebe di'ak liu iha mundu no orgullu ida ba ema arjentinu tomak.", "Hanesan kampeaun ida,\" Obama hatutan bainhira ko'alia kona-ba jogador basket hosi San Antonio Spurs.", "Beljika kansela jogu ho Portugal Federasaun Futebol Portugeza seidauk iha reasaun kona-ba notisia kanselamentu ne'ebe sirkula ona iha imprensa belga nian.", "Tuir imprensa belga, jogu entre Portugal no Belgica, ne'ebe ajendadu ba iha tersa-feira semana oin iha Bruxelas, sei labele hala'o, bazeia ba sekuensia atentadu terrorista nian iha kapital belga.", "Federasaun Futebol Portugeza seidauk iha reasaun ba noticias kona-ba kanselamentu ne'ebe sirkula dadaun iha imprenza belga nian.", "Lee Sharpe: \"lakohi Mourinho iha Manchester United\" Antigu jogador selesaun ingleza no Manchester United ne'e fiar katak solusaun di'ak liu ba ekipa iha tiha ona Old Trafford.", "Iha Inglaterra laos ema hotu hakarak simu Jose Mourinho ba Manchester United.", "Portuges ne'e aponta hanesan di'ak liu \"red devils\" iha epoka oin mai maibe nia lakohi haree iha Old Trafford.", "\"Ha'u lakohi Jose Mourinho hanesan treinador Manchester United.", "Tamba atu diverte no nia bele maibe nia estilu laadekua ho Manchester United.", "Ekipa Mourinho joga atu destroi, laos tama iha kampu atu manan no jogador sira laiha liberdade,\" afirma iha deklarasaun ba 'talkSPORT'.", "Antigu jogador selesaun ingleza no Manchester United ne'e fiar katak solusaun di'ak liu ba ekipa iha ona Old Trafford.", "\"Giggs perfeitu liu atu okupa fatin ne'e.", "Manchester United presiza ema ida ne'ebe konese di'ak klube ne'e hosi laran hodi bele promove espiritu amizade iha ekipa ,\" hatete Lee Sharpe.", "Real Madrid manan Sevila no aproveita deslize adversariu nian Cristiano Ronaldo marka golu ida hosi golu sira ba vitoria madrilenes nian.", "Real Madrid manan domingu ne'e iha uma rasik hasoru Sevila ho 4-0 no hakbesik ba FC Barcelona, lider Liga futebol espanola nian, no Atletico Madrid, ne'ebe lakon pontu iha jornada 30.a.", "Cristiano Ronaldo marka, iha minutu 64, segundu golu madridista nian, ne'ebe marka uluk hosi hosi Benzema, iha minutu neen, aumenta tan vantajen hosi Bale, iha 66, no fixa rezultadu ikus hosi Jese, iha 85.", "Maski konsege halo golu 28.o iha prova ne'e, 'kapitaun' selesaun portages ne'e estraga penalidade boot ida, iha minutu 58, hafoin Kevin Gameiro moos permite defeza Keylor Navas ba konversaun ho kastigu, minutu 27.", "Ho vitoria iha uma rasik ne'e, Real Madrid iha ona pontu 66, menus ida duke rival Atletico Madrid, iha segundu klassifikadu, no menus 10 duke kampeaun FC Barcelona, ne'ebe sei hasoru 'merengues' iha jornada oin mai.", "FC Barcelona hetan empate ho golu rua iha vizita ba Villarreal, hafoin hetan tiha vantajen ho 2-0, hosi Rakitic no penalti Neymar nian.", "Bakambu no autogolu ida Mathieu nian halo empate ba formasaun valensiana.", "Iha sabadu, Atletico Madrid pior liu, lakon iha uma Sporting Gijon ho 2-1, grasa ba golu Sanabria no Carlos Castro, hafoin Griezman marka uluk golu ba 'colchoneros'.", "Durante iha lorokraik ne'e, Espanyol moos konsege halo reviravolta kazeira ida hasoru Athletic Bilbau, ne'ebe hahu vantajen ida hosi Javier Eraso maibe sofre reviravolta hosi golu Pape Kouli Diop no Felipe Caicedo nian.", "Celta Vigo aproveita rezultadu hosi Barcelona hodi sa'e ba sestu lugar, ne'ebe lori pontu ida liu Athletic, maka manan iha Valencia, ho 2-0.", "Guidetti no Hugo Mallo halo golu hosi galegus nian." ]
[ [ "Marco 2016 - SAPO Desportu TL Sergio Ramos: \"we want to do something good\" The greatest classic of Spain will take place this Saturday at Camp Nou." ], [ "In the Klassiko launch with Barcelona, Real Madrid defender Sergio Ramos said that his team will try to do everything possible for a win and thus responding back on their first round defeat." ], [ "\"After the worst result in our first classic, now we can win\", says a player who celebrates his 30th birthday on Tuesday." ], [ "\"Heart, character and attitude\", the central defender pledged in Saturday's meeting on Camp Nou." ], [ "\"We must try to defend well, because the game is decided by details and we usually win against a team that commits more error." ], [ "At a press conference, the Uruguayan head of state recalled that in 1930 Argentina won its first ever World Cup by beating Brazil to win it." ], [ "Uruguayan President Tabaré Vázquez conveyed on Friday to FIFA president Gianni Infantino the country's desire for co-organization with Argentina of World Cup 2034." ], [ "At the event, FIFA's newly-elected president - who is currently travelling to various South American countries – has indicated that his organization was now focusing on a 2018 World Cup award process." ], [ "\"At FIFA, the priority now is 2018." ], [ "But it's positive because there is an interest on the part of two countries that have written football history,\" he said." ], [ "Uruguay and Argentina announced in early January their intention to submit a joint bid for the 2031 FIFA World Cup." ], [ "\"We have decided that there is no better opportunity for us to commit ourselves in organizing this competition than 2031, when we are thinking of a very important date like the one hundredth year since it was first held." ], [ "The World Cup should be hosted here,\" said Argentine President Mauricio Macri in a statement made at Colonia del Sacramento." ], [ "Together with the President of Uruguay, Macri also acknowledged that there were \"many years left\" before this World Cup and he explained his decision was taken now so as to make sure everything is perfect." ], [ "\"In the past, there was our history of improving and because we were unprepared for some situations that happened to us." ], [ "We want to prepare everything well and when we start it will be better,\" said the former leader of Boca Juniors from 1986-205." ], [ "Germany beat Italy 4-1 The Italians were great when they faced the German team." ], [ "Germany beat Italy 4-1 on Tuesday in a friendly match to prepare for the UEFA Euro of France." ], [ "After losing last week against England (2-3), the Germans responded with a great result when facing \"Squadra Azzurra.\"" ], [ "Kroos became the first scorer in 24 minutes." ], [ "Despite the lack of a break, Gotze was still in front." ], [ "In the second half, Germany took a four-goal lead after Jonas Hector scored and Ozil (via penalty shootout) added another." ], [ "In the final 7 minutes, El Shaarawy made an attempt to honor Italy. Germany -1 Italia Bulgarian Grigor Dimitrov has claimed his third win during a nine-game series against Britain's tennis player in Wimbledon this season with victories over Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic on Sunday night at Roland Garros (4–6)." ], [ "British tennis player Andy Murray, world number two in the rankings today was eliminated from third round of Miami Masters 1025 after losing to Bulgarian Grigor Dimitrov." ], [ "In the encounter between them, Dimitrov won only in round three against Murray 6-7 (1)/4–8(3), and then overcame him again with a score of -2." ], [ "After losing in Indian Wells with the same round, Andy Murray attempted to claim his third title at Miami after reaching a final four years ago." ], [ "In the round of 16, Dimitrov will face up to winner in a match between Frenchman Gael Monfils (ranked No.20) and Uruguayan Pablo Cuevas(Rank: #3). Guinea-Bissau beat Kenya for group lead & Guinee Bissau defeats Kenia leading Group E qualification towards CAN The national football team from guinea bissau took over today as leaders on Africa Cup Of Nations qualifying after they won their fellow countrymen with an impressive victory against kenya by one goal at no time left out during this game which was played under extremely difficult conditions because there were only two players available that could play all four sets without any problems or injuries" ], [ "Guinea-Bissau's winning goal was scored by Cicero at the final minute, a shot contested from Kenya who alleged that it did not cross their target line. The match had even been interrupting for several minutes due to rioting among Kenyan fans in front of Guinee Bissau stadium during this time period as they fought each other out and over again on both sides before finally being decided with an arbitral penalty kick after only one second remainer (85 mins)." ], [ "The goal by Pacos de Ferreira forward allowed the Guinean team to isolate themselves in group E’s lead with seven points. They also benefited from a 1-2 draw between Congo and Zambia, which have dropped down into second place respectively on six point margin (the latter two teams are now third)." ], [ "The Guinean team has two more matches ahead of it in its group, against Zambia (in June) at Bissau and Congo(R.D)." ], [ "If they beat the Zambians and benefit from a possible Congolese loss to Kenya in next round, Guinea-Bissau will automatically qualify for CAN final stage. This would also mean that it is now 10 points behind second place Ghana (6). guinea bissau win over kenya & lead group Obama family want Messi On visit of Argentina Barack Obam made curious revelation: his daughter wanted messi" ], [ "EPA@ David Fernandez United States President Barack Obama made a curious revelation during his visit to Argentina following an historic trip in Cuba." ], [ "In a statement to sports newspaper Ole, the US president showed his sporting knowledge and said that after meeting Pope Francis he wanted her daughters also for know Lionel Messi." ], [ "\"My daughters have already met Pope Francis. They've known him for a long time,\" she said in an interview with the Vatican News Agency (Agenzia Fides)." ], [ "Now, they want to know Lionel Messi but I'm not yet able." ], [ "They will also not have the opportunity to know Palermo, which when they were younger was his father's hometown.\"" ], [ "\"I can confirm that (Manu) Ginobili is not only a great person but also one of the best players in this world and an asset to all Argentines." ], [ "It's like a championship,\" Obama added when speaking of the San Antonio Spur ." ], [ "Belgium cancels match with Portugal The Portuguese Football Federation has not reacted to the news of cancellation that circulated in Belgian press." ], [ "According to the Belgian press, a match between Portugal and Belgium scheduled for next Tuesday in Brussels will not take place due of terrorist attack sequence." ], [ "The Portuguese Football Federation has not yet reacted to the news of cancellation that is currently circulating in Belgian press." ], [ "Lee Sharpe: \"I don't want Mourinho at Manchester United\" The former English national team and Man Utd player believes that the best solution for his club is to leave Old Trafford." ], [ "Not everyone in England wants Jose Mourinho back to Manchester United." ], [ "The Portuguese has pointed to him as the best \"red devils\" for next season but he does not want a look at Old Trafford." ], [ "\"I don't want Jose Mourinho as manager of Manchester United." ], [ "Because to have fun and he can but his style is inappropriate with Manchester United." ], [ "Mourinho's team plays to destroy, not come on the pitch and win. The players have no freedom.\"" ], [ "The former England and Manchester United international believes that the best solution for a team is already at Old Trafford." ], [ "\"Giggs is more than perfect to fill this position." ], [ "Manchester United needs someone who knows the club inside out to promote a spirit of friendship in our team,\" said Lee Sharpe." ], [ "Real Madrid won Seville and took advantage of an opponent’s slipping Cristiano Ronaldo scored one goal in the victory for madrileños." ], [ "Real Madrid won 4-0 at home against Sevilla on Sunday and came closer to FC Barcelona, the leader of Spanish football league (La Liga), as well As Atlético de Madrit who lost points in matchday." ], [ "Cristiano Ronaldo scored in the 64th minute, Madrid's second goal after Benzema had made it six minutes earlier. Bale increased his advantage again on penalty points at min:59 and Jese set up an impressive result by double-double (min;83)." ], [ "Despite scoring his 28th goal in the competition, Portugal's captain ruled out a big penalty kick at minute fivety-eight after Kevin Gameiro allowed Keylor Navas defence to convert into punishment." ], [ "With this home victory, Real Madrid now have 65 points - one less than rival Atletico in second place and ten fewer from champion FC Barcelona who will face the 'merengues' next week." ], [ "FC Barcelona drew two-goal away to Villarreal, after taking a 2–0 lead from Rakitic and Neymar's penalty." ], [ "Bakambu and Mathieu's own goal tied the score for Valencia." ], [ "On Saturday, Atletico Madrid were worse off as they lost at home to Sporting Gijon 2-1 thanks in particular for goals by Sanabria and Carlos Castro after Griezmann had scored the first one." ], [ "During the evening, Espanyol also managed to make a big comeback against Athletic Bilbao. They started with an lead by Javier Eraso but were turned around after goals from Pape Kouli Diop and Felipe Caicedo came into play in their second half of matchday two on Saturday night at Camp Nou (1-0)." ], [ "Celta Vigo took advantage of Barcelona's result to climb up into sixth place, one point behind Athletic Bilbao who won in Valencia 2-0." ], [ "Guidetti and Hugo Mallo scored for the Galicians." ] ]
TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: “ESP Ainaro Eziji Promesa Governu”\nEskola Sekundaria Publiku (ESP) Ainaro hein hela promesa ne’ebe mak eis Ministeriu Edukasaun iha IV Governu Konstitusional promete katak atu hadia eskola publiku ne’e maibe to’o agora la realiza.\n“Agora ESP Publiku Ainaro ne’e atu besik simu tan estudante foun maibe iha eskola refere sala la sufisiente no mos alunus sira nia estudante iha aula laran la hakmatek tanba agora atu tempo ona udan ida ne’e ami presiza governu nia atensaun tanba udan halo estudante sira preokupa ho aula neebe mak la seguru atu estuda,” hateten Direktor ESP Ainaro Alcino de Araujo ba TP tersa (13/11) iha nia knaar fatin.\nAlcino hateten, sira kontinua nafatin ba V Governu, liuliu Ministeriu edukasaun, tanba iha IV Governu liu husi ME deklara katak, sira sei hadia eskola refere, tanba eskola publiku iha Ainaro ida de’it, maibe realidade la realiza tanba ne’e sira husu governu koligasaun liu husi ME atu hadia eskola ne’e tuir imi nia promesa.\nEntertantu, preokupasaun hanesan hato’o mos husi estudante Fernanda Amelia de Araujo informa tan katak, sira hanesan estudante sente la dun kontenti tanba eskola ne’ebe mak agora sira utiliza sala la sufisiente inklui mos kalen dodok no la iha saneamentu no eskola ne’e rasik nia kondisaun la diak enkuantu iha tempu udan boot.\nEtiquetas: Edukasaun iha Timor, Ministério da Educação
[ "TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: \"ESP Ainaro Eziji Promesa Governu\" Eskola Sekundaria Publiku (ESP) Ainaro hein hela promesa ne'ebe mak eis Ministeriu Edukasaun iha IV Governu Konstitusional promete katak atu hadia eskola publiku ne'e maibe to'o agora la realiza.", "\"Agora ESP Publiku Ainaro ne'e atu besik simu tan estudante foun maibe iha eskola refere sala la sufisiente no mos alunus sira nia estudante iha aula laran la hakmatek tanba agora atu tempo ona udan ida ne'e ami presiza governu nia atensaun tanba udan halo estudante sira preokupa ho aula neebe mak la seguru atu estuda,\" hateten Direktor ESP Ainaro Alcino de Araujo ba TP tersa (13/11) iha nia knaar fatin.", "Alcino hateten, sira kontinua nafatin ba V Governu, liuliu Ministeriu edukasaun, tanba iha IV Governu liu husi ME deklara katak, sira sei hadia eskola refere, tanba eskola publiku iha Ainaro ida de'it, maibe realidade la realiza tanba ne'e sira husu governu koligasaun liu husi ME atu hadia eskola ne'e tuir imi nia promesa.", "Entertantu, preokupasaun hanesan hato'o mos husi estudante Fernanda Amelia de Araujo informa tan katak, sira hanesan estudante sente la dun kontenti tanba eskola ne'ebe mak agora sira utiliza sala la sufisiente inklui mos kalen dodok no la iha saneamentu no eskola ne'e rasik nia kondisaun la diak enkuantu iha tempu udan boot.", "Etiquetas: Edukasaun iha Timor, Ministerio da Educacao" ]
[ [ "TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: \"ESP Ainaro Eziji Promesa Governo\" The Public Secondary School (PSS) in Ainaro is waiting for the promise that was made by former Ministry of Education during IV Constitutional Government to improve public school but so far it has not been realized." ], [ "\"Now ESP Public Ainaro is about to accept new students but in the school referred rooms are not sufficient and also their pupils' student classrooms have no comfort because now that it has been raining this we need government attention as rain makes children worried with unsafe classes for studying,\" said SP Director Alcino de Araujo at TP Tuesday (13/ 20) from his office." ], [ "Alcino said, they will continue to the V Government and especially Ministry of Education because in IV government through ME declared that it would improve this school as there is only one public School at Ainaro but reality did not realize so we ask coalition govt via Me for improvements according your promise." ], [ "However, the same concerns were raised by student Fernanda Amelia de Araujo who informed that as students they feel dissatisfied because of school which is now used for them not sufficient rooms including toilet and no sanitation. The condition was bad when it rained heavily during this period 2014/'95" ], [ "Tags: Education in Timor, Ministry of education." ] ]
SEAKLN sosializa asuntu importante tolu ho veteranu iha Baucau villa | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA BAUKAU SEAKLN sosializa asuntu importante tolu ho veteranu iha Baucau villa\nSEAKLN sosializa asuntu importante tolu ho veteranu iha Baucau villa\nSekretáriu Estadu Asuntu Kombatente no Libertasaun Nasionál, Gil da Costa Monteiro 'Oan Soru'. Imajen TATOLI/Natalino Belo\nBAUCAU, 20 agostu 2021 (TATOLI)—Sekretáriu Estadu Asuntu Kombatente no Libertasaun Nasionál (SEAKLN) halo sosializasaun ba veteranu sira iha postu admistrativu Baucau villa, kona-ba asuntu tolu importante hanesan levantamentu dadus uma-lisan, Jardim dos Herois no fundu investimentu veteranu.\nSekretáriu Estadu Asuntu Kombatente no Libertasaun Nasionál Gil da Costa Monteiro ‘Oan Soru’, hateten, atividade ne’e loloos finaliza ona, maibé tanba hasoru situasaun pandemia, maka foin finaliza iha postu 49, enkuantu seluk seidauk, Baucau hahú hosi Baguia no sei termina iha Vemasse.\n“Se lae futuru mai ita siik de’it, ita ko’alia kona-ba 250.000 (mate) maibé ita laiha lista serteza, feto no mane hira,” Sekretáriu Estadu dehan, iha Sentru Konvensaun Baucau ( CCB, sigla portugés) sesta ne’e.\nLevantamentu dadus tuir uma-lisan ba ema sira ne’ebé mate hahú hosi tinan 1975 to’o 1999, tanba presiza dadus própriu nune’e bele hatene númeru klaru.\nAleinde ne’e, governante ne’e dehan, kona-ba dekretu-lei númeru 30 kona-ba simiteiru espesiál ka Jardim hos Herois bele iha postu administrativu hotu, maibé seidauk iha esplikasaun di’ak ba veteranu sira, nune’e mosu hanoin bainhira mate ba hakoi iha Metinaro mak sai eroi.\n“Tanba ne’e, ami sosializa atu Kombatente sira bele hatene no bele fó hanoin karik iha ona aseitasaun katak bainhira kombatente ida mate, tenke hakoi duni iha nia munisípiu ne’ebé moris ba,” Gil akresenta.\nKonsellu Veteranu iha munisípiu mak sei koordena ho autoridade lokál sira atu define fatin ne’ebé própriu tuir dekretu-lei.\nSeluk kona-ba fundu investimentu veteranu ka ko’a osan $30 hosi subsísiu kada veteranu iha kada fulan, ne’ebé hahú ona iha janeiru 2020 to’o ohin loron sei akumula hanesan investimentu.\nTuir dadus, daudaun ne’e halibur ona osan hamutuk millaun $15 resin, ne’ebé ho konseitu polítika klaru no téknika implementasaun sei prodús.\nIha fatin hanesan Sekretáriu Jerál Konsellu Munisipál Kombatente Libertasaun Nasionál Baucau, Manuel ‘Alari’ da Costa Soares, konsidera aktividade sosializasaun importante ba veteranu sira atu akompaña.\n“Ami husu sira mai lori ho oan mane ruma atu akompanã no rona loloos lala’ok kona-ba fundu veteranu nian,” Alari akresenta.\nAtividade sosializasaun iha munisípiu Baucau hala’o durante loron neen, hahú hosi postu administrativu Baguia, Laga, Quelicai, Venilale, Baucau Villa no sei termina aban iha Vemasse.\nPrevious articleMAP rezolve iha tempu badak reklamante Cesta Bázika hamutuk 2.800\nNext articleFALINTIL mosu iha senáriu espesiál
[ "SEAKLN sosializa asuntu importante tolu ho veteranu iha Baucau villa | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA BAUKAU SEAKLN sosializa asuntu importante tolu ho veteranu iha Baucau villa SEAKLN sosializa asuntu importante tolu ho veteranu iha Baucau villa Sekretariu Estadu Asuntu Kombatente no Libertasaun Nasional, Gil da Costa Monteiro 'Oan Soru'.", "Imajen TATOLI/Natalino Belo BAUCAU, 20 agostu 2021 (TATOLI) - Sekretariu Estadu Asuntu Kombatente no Libertasaun Nasional (SEAKLN) halo sosializasaun ba veteranu sira iha postu admistrativu Baucau villa, kona-ba asuntu tolu importante hanesan levantamentu dadus uma-lisan, Jardim dos Herois no fundu investimentu veteranu.", "Sekretariu Estadu Asuntu Kombatente no Libertasaun Nasional Gil da Costa Monteiro 'Oan Soru', hateten, atividade ne'e loloos finaliza ona, maibe tanba hasoru situasaun pandemia, maka foin finaliza iha postu 49, enkuantu seluk seidauk, Baucau hahu hosi Baguia no sei termina iha Vemasse.", "\"Se lae futuru mai ita siik de'it, ita ko'alia kona-ba 250.000 (mate) maibe ita laiha lista serteza, feto no mane hira,\" Sekretariu Estadu dehan, iha Sentru Konvensaun Baucau (CCB, sigla portuges) sesta ne'e.", "Levantamentu dadus tuir uma-lisan ba ema sira ne'ebe mate hahu hosi tinan 1975 to'o 1999, tanba presiza dadus propriu nune'e bele hatene numeru klaru.", "Aleinde ne'e, governante ne'e dehan, kona-ba dekretu-lei numeru 30 kona-ba simiteiru espesial ka Jardim hos Herois bele iha postu administrativu hotu, maibe seidauk iha esplikasaun di'ak ba veteranu sira, nune'e mosu hanoin bainhira mate ba hakoi iha Metinaro mak sai eroi.", "\"Tanba ne'e, ami sosializa atu Kombatente sira bele hatene no bele fo hanoin karik iha ona aseitasaun katak bainhira kombatente ida mate, tenke hakoi duni iha nia munisipiu ne'ebe moris ba,\" Gil akresenta.", "Konsellu Veteranu iha munisipiu mak sei koordena ho autoridade lokal sira atu define fatin ne'ebe propriu tuir dekretu-lei.", "Seluk kona-ba fundu investimentu veteranu ka ko'a osan $30 hosi subsisiu kada veteranu iha kada fulan, ne'ebe hahu ona iha janeiru 2020 to'o ohin loron sei akumula hanesan investimentu.", "Tuir dadus, daudaun ne'e halibur ona osan hamutuk millaun $15 resin, ne'ebe ho konseitu politika klaru no teknika implementasaun sei produs.", "Iha fatin hanesan Sekretariu Jeral Konsellu Munisipal Kombatente Libertasaun Nasional Baucau, Manuel 'Alari' da Costa Soares, konsidera aktividade sosializasaun importante ba veteranu sira atu akompana.", "\"Ami husu sira mai lori ho oan mane ruma atu akompana no rona loloos lala'ok kona-ba fundu veteranu nian,\" Alari akresenta.", "Atividade sosializasaun iha munisipiu Baucau hala'o durante loron neen, hahu hosi postu administrativu Baguia, Laga, Quelicai, Venilale, Baucau Villa no sei termina aban iha Vemasse.", "Previous articleMAP rezolve iha tempu badak reklamante Cesta Bazika hamutuk 2.800 Next articleFALINTIL mosu iha senariu espesial" ]
[ [ "SEAKLN communicates three important issues with veterans in Baucau villa | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA BAUKAU The State Secretary for Combatants and National Liberation Affairs, Gil da Costa Monteiro 'Oan Soru'." ], [ "BAUCAU, August 20th - The State Secretariat for Combatants and National Liberation Affairs (SEAKLN) conducted an information session to veterans in the administrative post of Baucau villa on three important issues such as surveying household data; Jardim dos Herois building construction workers’ rights." ], [ "Secretary of State for Combatants Affairs and National Liberation Gil da Costa Monteiro 'Oan Soru', said that the activity should have been completed but due to a pandemic situation it was only finished at Post No.49 while others are still waiting; Baucau started from Baguia until Vemasse" ], [ "\"Otherwise, in the future we will be very few. We are talking about 250 thousand (deaths), but there is no certain list of men and women who have died\", State Secretary said at Baucau Convention Centre on Saturday night" ], [ "The household survey for people who died from 1975 to the year of their death, since proper data is needed in order that we can know a clear number." ], [ "In addition, the governor said that regarding decree-law number 30 on special cemetery or Jardim dos Heroes can be in all administrative posts but there is still no good explanation for veterans so it seems like when they die at Metinaro will become hero." ], [ "\"Therefore, we are socializing so that the Combatants can know and give advice if there is an acceptance of when a combatant dies he must be buried in his municipality where it was born to\", Gil adds." ], [ "The council of veterans in the municipality will coordinate with local authorities to define a suitable location accordingly." ], [ "The Veterans Investment Fund or the $30 of subsidy per veteran each month, which has been in place since January 21st to date will accumulate as an investment." ], [ "According to the data, currently raised funds totaling more than $15 million with a clear policy concept and technical implementation will produce." ], [ "The Secretary General of the Municipal Council for National Liberation Fighters in Baucau, Manuel 'Alari' da Costa Soares considers that socialization activities are important to be accompanied by veteran." ], [ "\"We ask them to bring a son or daughter with him/her and hear the real talk about veterans' funds,\" Alari added." ], [ "The socialization activities in the municipality of Baucau are carried out over nine days, starting from administrative posts Baguia. Laga Quelicai Venilale Villa and will end tomorrow at Vemasse" ], [ "Previous articleMAP resolves in short time 2,801 Basic Food Basket claimants Next ArticleFALINTIL emerged from a special scenario" ] ]
Papa adia vizita mai Timor-Leste ba tinan oin - GMN TV\nGMN TV Capital Papa adia vizita mai Timor-Leste ba tinan oin\nPapa Francisco adia vizita mai Timor-Leste (TL) ho nasaun sira seluk, tanba Papa lakohi povu Timor-Leste, atu sai vítima ba Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19), ne’ebé oras ne’e infeta ona ema iha mundu, besik rihun atus ida sanulu resin tolu.\nPapa Francisco rasik simu ona konvite ofisiál husi Estadu Timor-Leste, atu halo vizita mai Timor-Leste iha tinan ne’e. No antes ne’e mós católicnews agency, publika ona katak, Papa sei halo vizita mai oceano iha fulan setembro. Maibé ajenda vizita Papa rasik kansela ona, no adia fali ba tinan oin.\nNúnsiu Apostóliku Vatikanu nian iha Timor-Leste, Moseñor Marco Sprizzi, hato’o lia hirak ne’e, hafoin hasoru malu ho Presidente Repúblika iha Tersa (10/3/2020), iha Palásiu Prezidensial Díli.\n“Tanba difuzaun coronavírus covid-19 no atu evita possilidade kontájiu husi vírus ne’e. Bainhira ema barak hamutuk iha fatin ida possibilidade kontájiu husi vírus ne’e aumenta. Papa lakohi ida ne’e atu sai okaziaun povo Timor-Leste kontájiadu ho coronavírus. Tanba ema barak mak mai hamutuk ho papa durante nia vizita ne’e mak hanesan cardial sira, bispo sira, akompanhante sira, inkluindu jornalista atus resin. Entaun Papa konfirma ona nia aseitasaun katak adia nia vizita ba tinan oin. Ida ne’e hanesan sakrifísiu ida tenke halo ba povu no ita-nia diak, em vez de ita kontente lori simu vizita Papa nian ho risku ba kontájiu. Entaun Santu padre hakarak agradese ba señor Prezidente Repúblika, Primeiru Ministru, Ministru Negósiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun, sua ezelénsia Xanana Gusmão ne’ebé aseita ona atu sai koordenadór ba vizita ne’e”.\nEntretantu, Santo padre adia fali nia vizita mai Timor-Leste, iha tinan oin ho data ne’ebé mak seidauk fiksu.\nHo adiamentu ne’e, Monseñor konsidera, Timor-Leste bele prepara di’ak liu tan, ba simu vizita amu Papa nian, liu-liu evita kontájiu covid-19, liu husi prosedimentu sira, ne’ebé estabelese husi Ministériu Saúde ho Organizasaun Mundial Saúde.\n“Kona-bá data ita seidauk hatene, depende ba andamentu coronavírus se vírus ne’e diminui bele mos iha fulan dahuluk tinan nian, depende mos ba agenda Papa nian, agenda santo padre nian mos la’os fasil, Papa hanesan líder mundial ida, maibe viagem ida ne’e hanesan primeiro interrese Papa nian. Ita hotu akompanha iha nível kontaktu diplomátika nian atu difine data lolos”, hateten moseñor.\nPropagasaun epidemia coronavírus dadaun ne’e, espalla ona iha nasaun besik atus ida resin, no hamate ona ema rihun haat resin. Entretantu iha Timor-Leste, seidauk iha kazu kornfirmadu, pozitivu ho covid-19.oct
[ "Papa adia vizita mai Timor-Leste ba tinan oin - GMN TV GMN TV Capital Papa adia vizita mai Timor-Leste ba tinan oin Papa Francisco adia vizita mai Timor-Leste (TL) ho nasaun sira seluk, tanba Papa lakohi povu Timor-Leste, atu sai vitima ba Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19), ne'ebe oras ne'e infeta ona ema iha mundu, besik rihun atus ida sanulu resin tolu.", "Papa Francisco rasik simu ona konvite ofisial husi Estadu Timor-Leste, atu halo vizita mai Timor-Leste iha tinan ne'e.", "No antes ne'e mos catolicnews agency, publika ona katak, Papa sei halo vizita mai oceano iha fulan setembro.", "Maibe ajenda vizita Papa rasik kansela ona, no adia fali ba tinan oin.", "Nunsiu Apostoliku Vatikanu nian iha Timor-Leste, Mosenor Marco Sprizzi, hato'o lia hirak ne'e, hafoin hasoru malu ho Presidente Republika iha Tersa (10/3/2020), iha Palasiu Prezidensial Dili.", "\"Tanba difuzaun coronavirus covid-19 no atu evita possilidade kontajiu husi virus ne'e.", "Bainhira ema barak hamutuk iha fatin ida possibilidade kontajiu husi virus ne'e aumenta.", "Papa lakohi ida ne'e atu sai okaziaun povo Timor-Leste kontajiadu ho coronavirus.", "Tanba ema barak mak mai hamutuk ho papa durante nia vizita ne'e mak hanesan cardial sira, bispo sira, akompanhante sira, inkluindu jornalista atus resin.", "Entaun Papa konfirma ona nia aseitasaun katak adia nia vizita ba tinan oin.", "Ida ne'e hanesan sakrifisiu ida tenke halo ba povu no ita-nia diak, em vez de ita kontente lori simu vizita Papa nian ho risku ba kontajiu.", "Entaun Santu padre hakarak agradese ba senor Prezidente Republika, Primeiru Ministru, Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun, sua ezelensia Xanana Gusmao ne'ebe aseita ona atu sai koordenador ba vizita ne'e.\"", "Entretantu, Santo padre adia fali nia vizita mai Timor-Leste, iha tinan oin ho data ne'ebe mak seidauk fiksu.", "Ho adiamentu ne'e, Monsenor konsidera, Timor-Leste bele prepara di'ak liu tan, ba simu vizita amu Papa nian, liu-liu evita kontajiu covid-19, liu husi prosedimentu sira, ne'ebe estabelese husi Ministeriu Saude ho Organizasaun Mundial Saude.", "\"Kona-ba data ita seidauk hatene, depende ba andamentu coronavirus se virus ne'e diminui bele mos iha fulan dahuluk tinan nian, depende mos ba agenda Papa nian, agenda santo padre nian mos la'os fasil, Papa hanesan lider mundial ida, maibe viagem ida ne'e hanesan primeiro interrese Papa nian.", "Ita hotu akompanha iha nivel kontaktu diplomatika nian atu difine data lolos,\" hateten mosenor.", "Propagasaun epidemia coronavirus dadaun ne'e, espalla ona iha nasaun besik atus ida resin, no hamate ona ema rihun haat resin.", "Entretantu iha Timor-Leste, seidauk iha kazu kornfirmadu, pozitivu ho covid-19.oct" ]
[ [ "Pope postpones visit to Timor-Leste for next year - GMN TV Papa adia visita a Timór Leste para o ano que vem The pope has delayed his trips in the past few years, because he does not want people of East Timor (TL) and other countries that are affected by Corona Virus Disease 2019." ], [ "Pope Francis himself has received an official invitation from the State of Timor-Leste to visit this country later in 2017." ], [ "Earlier, the catolicnews agency had published that Pope Francis would visit Oceania in September." ], [ "However, the Pope's own visit has been cancelled and postponeds to next year." ], [ "The Vatican Apostolic Nuncio to Timor-Leste, Rev. Marco Sprizzi made these remarks after meeting with the President of Republic on Tuesday (10/3 / 25), in Dili Presidential Palace" ], [ "\"To prevent the spread of coronavirus covid-19 and to avoid possible infection from this virus." ], [ "When a large number of people are gathered in one place, the possibility for transmission increases." ], [ "The Pope does not want this to become an occasion for the people of Timor-Leste being infected with coronavirus." ], [ "Because the Pope was accompanied by a large number of people during his visit, including cardinals and bishops as well As companions And hundreds Of journalist." ], [ "The Pope then confirmed his statement that he would postpone the visit to next year." ], [ "This is a sacrifice that must be made for the people and our own good, rather than being satisfied with receiving Pope's visit at risk of contagion." ], [ "So the Holy Father would like to thank Mr. President of Republic, Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs & Cooperation minister His Excellency Xanana Gusmao who has accepted as coordinator for this visit.\"" ], [ "Meanwhile, the Holy Father has postponed his visit to Timor-Leste for next year with a date not yet fixed." ], [ "With this postponement, Monsignor considers that Timor-Leste can prepare better to receive the visit of Pope Francis and especially avoid covid 19 infection through procedure established by Ministry for Health with WHO." ], [ "\"Regarding the date we do not know, depending on how coronavirus progresses if this virus subsides it may be in first month of year. It also depends upon Pope' s agenda and that isn’t easy for a Holy Father as he has an important role to play at world level but his visit was always amongst His highest priorities.\"" ], [ "We are all working at the level of diplomatic contacts to define a precise date,\" Mr. O'Brien said in an interview with BBC Radio 4 on Monday morning (10/3)." ], [ "The spread of the current coronavirus epidemic has already affected nearly 1,024 countries and killed more than four thousand people." ], [ "Meanwhile, in Timor-Leste there are no confirmed positive cases of covid 19.oct" ] ]
Kampaña eleitorál no juventude nia papél atu defende interese povu nian - TIMOR AGORA\nKampaña eleitorál no juventude nia papél atu defende interese povu nian\nStaff La’o Hamutuk ba asuntu ekonomia, Governasaun, direitus umanus no demokrasia\nKampaña polítika mak forma ida husi komunikasaun polítika ida-ne’ebé hala’o husi kandidatu ida ho nia ekipa ka partidu polítika sira durante tempu determinadu, ho objetivu atu hetan apoiu polítiku (votu) husi sidadaun sira. Liu husi kampaña, votante sira bele deside partidu ne’ebé mak merese hetan sira-nia votu. Kampaña polítiku parte importante husi edukasaun popular, tanba bele hamosu diálogu entre kandidatu ka partidu no povu kona-ba asuntu fundamentál sira ne’ebé liga ho dalan ba transformasaun sosiál. Kampaña eleitorál ne'ebé di’ak tenke hato’o informasaun klaru no loloos kona-ba pozisaun ba asuntu xave sira ba povu no tenke inklui diálogu ho povu.\nUza sasukat ida-ne’e, relatóriu observasaun oin-oin fó sai katak eleisaun parlamentár tinan ida-ne’e, di’ak liu kompara ho eleisaun prezidensial no eleisaun sira antes ne’e. Partidu Polítiku sira realiza diálogu barak ho povu iha fatin oin-oin inklui halo talk show no debate iha televizaun sira. Diálogu mosu bainhira iha konversa entre parte rua: lider Partidu Polítiku sira ne’ebé ko’alia sira nia programa no votante ka sidadaun sira ne’ebé husu pergunta kona-ba asuntu ne’ebé sira seidauk komprende ka partidu seidauk kobre. Durante talk show no debate entre partidu polítiku sira, Partidu sira hatán pergunta esensiál sira ne’ebé moderadór husu, nune’e partisipante, haree na’in no rona na’in sira bele komprende.\nKompara ho eleisaun parliamentáriu, eleisaun prezidensiál tinan ida-ne’e, tempu la sufisiente atu kandidatu sira ko’alia kle’an liu sira-nia vizaun, misaun no programa polítika ba apoiante no votante sira. Husi tempu uitoan ne’ebé iha, polítiku sira mós la uza másimu nudár oportunidade ba edukasaun atu lori kompriensaun ba povu. Infelizmente dala barak kandidatu sira hatún malu de’it hodi kompara sé mak halo di’ak no sé mak la halo di’ak ba rai ida ne’e. Maske jerálmente nune’e, buat pozitivu ida mak kuaze kandidatu hotu husi eleisaun prezidensiál partisipa iha talk show no debate sira.\nKo’alia saida de’it durante periodu kampaña husi kandidatu no polítiku sira, nudár forma husi liberdade espresaun ni’an. Lei la sensura (bandu) kandidatu sira atu ko’alia saida de’it, maibé kampaña ne'ebé di’ak loloos tenke foka ba programa polítika saida mak kada kandidatu no partidu polítiku sira iha atu bele ajuda koñesimentu votante sira nian ba buat importante husi eleisaun no sira nia moris.\nBuat ida ne'ebé presiza tau matan mós iha tempu kampaña mak aproveitamentu partisipante sira nian. Maske partidu sira halo ona esforsu hodi lori votante sira ba komprende asuntu importante sira, maibé esforsu ida-ne’e seidauk hetan aproveita másimu husi joven no estudante sira. Joven no estudante uitoan de’it mak partisipa iha diálogu no debate sira ne’ebé temi iha leten. Joven barak liu partisipa iha kampaña eleitorál nakloke sira maibé barak liu husi sira mak bá hatudu lian boot motor no karreta nian, bá hatudu sira-nia espresaun liu husi lori bandeira no símbolu partidu sira nian iha públiku duke bá rona ho atensaun programa polítika ne’ebé partidu polítiku sira ko’alia.\nSidadaun sira barak mak labele partisipa iha partidu oin-oin nia kampaña tanba sei eziste toman ka bolu malu “ai-kakeu”. Liafuan ida-ne’e refere ba ema sira ne’ebé disponivel ba partisipa iha eventu kampaña partidu seluk nian, la’ós ida-ne’ebé antes nia hola parte ba. Ideálmente, povu bele hetan espasu atu rona, konfirma no hato’o sira hanoin ba partidu polítiku ne'ebé de’it kona-ba buat ne’ebé sira hanoin di’ak ba sira-nia futuru.\nTimor-Leste adopta demokrasia reprezentativu, sistema governasaun ida-ne’ebé fó kbiit ba povu atu hili reprezentante sira ne’ebé serbisu governasaun nian. Sistema governasaun ida-ne’e fó podér boot ba ukun-na’in sira hodi planeia no deside nasaun nia vida. Sira bele deside, promove ka la promove partisipasaun másimu povu nian iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu, tanba ne’e povu labele husik de’it lider sira deside buat hotu konforme sira nia hakarak. Sidadaun hotu tenke eduka an, eduka malu no akompaña nafatin reprezentante sira iha prosesu foti desizaun. Polítiku sira mós iha devér atu maximiza partisipasaun sidadaun sira nian iha prosesu foti desizaun, liu husi mekanizmu ne'ebé transparente no edukativu.\nDala barak iha Timor-Leste, lider sira mak sai fali sentru ba desizaun no realiza valór, prinsípiu no programa polítika sira. Tuir loloos realizasaun ne’e tenke bazeia ba desizaun koletivu no orienta husi statuta no manuál partidu polítika ida-idak nian.\nPovu tomak inklui juventude sira, hotu-hotu tenke hamriik no foti pozisaun hodi asegura katak ukun-na’in sira reprezenta duni direitu no interese povu nian, la’ós defende sira-nia interese de’it.\nSeidauk tarde atu hadi’ak no hasa’e kualidade demokrasia Partisipativa iha Timor-Leste, hodi evita elite sira de’it mak deside povu nia moris. Tenke hadi’ak sistema fornesimentu informasaun ba públiku, tanba too agora maioria informasaun ne’ebé disponivel la sufisiente, husi informasaun sira ne’ebé disponivel iha de’it ho lian Ingles no Portugés, no seidauk iha mekanizmu adekuadu atu ajuda públiku komprende informasaun sira ne'ebé iha.\nHakat hotu ne’ebé ita-nia ukun-na’in sira halo tenke bazeia ba koñesimentu no realidade ita-nia povu nian, nune’e bele asegura katak la esklui povu nia partisipasaun, direitus no interese. Partidu polítiku sira mós presiza realiza regulármente formasaun polítika iha partidu laran ba militante sira, iha nivel nasionál no area rural sira hodi sidadaun sira bele hetan informasaun adekuadu kona-ba partidu nia baze polítika ba libertasaun loloos povu nian.\nJuventude no estudante sira mak reprezenta orgullu no futuru nasaun nian. Joven sira mós iha kbiit atu deside nasaun nia futuru, liu husi partisipasaun ativu iha lala’ok estadu nian hodi asegura katak estadu nia prezensa nudár solusaun ba povu hotu nia problema.
[ "Kampana eleitoral no juventude nia papel atu defende interese povu nian - TIMOR AGORA Kampana eleitoral no juventude nia papel atu defende interese povu nian Staff La'o Hamutuk ba asuntu ekonomia, Governasaun, direitus umanus no demokrasia Kampana politika mak forma ida husi komunikasaun politika ida-ne'ebe hala'o husi kandidatu ida ho nia ekipa ka partidu politika sira durante tempu determinadu, ho objetivu atu hetan apoiu politiku (votu) husi sidadaun sira.", "Liu husi kampana, votante sira bele deside partidu ne'ebe mak merese hetan sira-nia votu.", "Kampana politiku parte importante husi edukasaun popular, tanba bele hamosu dialogu entre kandidatu ka partidu no povu kona-ba asuntu fundamental sira ne'ebe liga ho dalan ba transformasaun sosial.", "Kampana eleitoral ne'ebe di'ak tenke hato'o informasaun klaru no loloos kona-ba pozisaun ba asuntu xave sira ba povu no tenke inklui dialogu ho povu.", "Uza sasukat ida-ne'e, relatoriu observasaun oin-oin fo sai katak eleisaun parlamentar tinan ida-ne'e, di'ak liu kompara ho eleisaun prezidensial no eleisaun sira antes ne'e.", "Partidu Politiku sira realiza dialogu barak ho povu iha fatin oin-oin inklui halo talk show no debate iha televizaun sira.", "Dialogu mosu bainhira iha konversa entre parte rua: lider Partidu Politiku sira ne'ebe ko'alia sira nia programa no votante ka sidadaun sira ne'ebe husu pergunta kona-ba asuntu ne'ebe sira seidauk komprende ka partidu seidauk kobre.", "Durante talk show no debate entre partidu politiku sira, Partidu sira hatan pergunta esensial sira ne'ebe moderador husu, nune'e partisipante, haree na'in no rona na'in sira bele komprende.", "Kompara ho eleisaun parliamentariu, eleisaun prezidensial tinan ida-ne'e, tempu la sufisiente atu kandidatu sira ko'alia kle'an liu sira-nia vizaun, misaun no programa politika ba apoiante no votante sira.", "Husi tempu uitoan ne'ebe iha, politiku sira mos la uza masimu nudar oportunidade ba edukasaun atu lori kompriensaun ba povu.", "Infelizmente dala barak kandidatu sira hatun malu de'it hodi kompara se mak halo di'ak no se mak la halo di'ak ba rai ida ne'e.", "Maske jeralmente nune'e, buat pozitivu ida mak kuaze kandidatu hotu husi eleisaun prezidensial partisipa iha talk show no debate sira.", "Ko'alia saida de'it durante periodu kampana husi kandidatu no politiku sira, nudar forma husi liberdade espresaun ni'an.", "Lei la sensura (bandu) kandidatu sira atu ko'alia saida de'it, maibe kampana ne'ebe di'ak loloos tenke foka ba programa politika saida mak kada kandidatu no partidu politiku sira iha atu bele ajuda konesimentu votante sira nian ba buat importante husi eleisaun no sira nia moris.", "Buat ida ne'ebe presiza tau matan mos iha tempu kampana mak aproveitamentu partisipante sira nian.", "Maske partidu sira halo ona esforsu hodi lori votante sira ba komprende asuntu importante sira, maibe esforsu ida-ne'e seidauk hetan aproveita masimu husi joven no estudante sira.", "Joven no estudante uitoan de'it mak partisipa iha dialogu no debate sira ne'ebe temi iha leten.", "Joven barak liu partisipa iha kampana eleitoral nakloke sira maibe barak liu husi sira mak ba hatudu lian boot motor no karreta nian, ba hatudu sira-nia espresaun liu husi lori bandeira no simbolu partidu sira nian iha publiku duke ba rona ho atensaun programa politika ne'ebe partidu politiku sira ko'alia.", "Sidadaun sira barak mak labele partisipa iha partidu oin-oin nia kampana tanba sei eziste toman ka bolu malu \"ai-kakeu.\"", "Liafuan ida-ne'e refere ba ema sira ne'ebe disponivel ba partisipa iha eventu kampana partidu seluk nian, la'os ida-ne'ebe antes nia hola parte ba.", "Idealmente, povu bele hetan espasu atu rona, konfirma no hato'o sira hanoin ba partidu politiku ne'ebe de'it kona-ba buat ne'ebe sira hanoin di'ak ba sira-nia futuru.", "Timor-Leste adopta demokrasia reprezentativu, sistema governasaun ida-ne'ebe fo kbiit ba povu atu hili reprezentante sira ne'ebe serbisu governasaun nian.", "Sistema governasaun ida-ne'e fo poder boot ba ukun-na'in sira hodi planeia no deside nasaun nia vida.", "Sira bele deside, promove ka la promove partisipasaun masimu povu nian iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu, tanba ne'e povu labele husik de'it lider sira deside buat hotu konforme sira nia hakarak.", "Sidadaun hotu tenke eduka an, eduka malu no akompana nafatin reprezentante sira iha prosesu foti desizaun.", "Politiku sira mos iha dever atu maximiza partisipasaun sidadaun sira nian iha prosesu foti desizaun, liu husi mekanizmu ne'ebe transparente no edukativu.", "Dala barak iha Timor-Leste, lider sira mak sai fali sentru ba desizaun no realiza valor, prinsipiu no programa politika sira.", "Tuir loloos realizasaun ne'e tenke bazeia ba desizaun koletivu no orienta husi statuta no manual partidu politika ida-idak nian.", "Povu tomak inklui juventude sira, hotu-hotu tenke hamriik no foti pozisaun hodi asegura katak ukun-na'in sira reprezenta duni direitu no interese povu nian, la'os defende sira-nia interese de'it.", "Seidauk tarde atu hadi'ak no hasa'e kualidade demokrasia Partisipativa iha Timor-Leste, hodi evita elite sira de'it mak deside povu nia moris.", "Tenke hadi'ak sistema fornesimentu informasaun ba publiku, tanba too agora maioria informasaun ne'ebe disponivel la sufisiente, husi informasaun sira ne'ebe disponivel iha de'it ho lian Ingles no Portuges, no seidauk iha mekanizmu adekuadu atu ajuda publiku komprende informasaun sira ne'ebe iha.", "Hakat hotu ne'ebe ita-nia ukun-na'in sira halo tenke bazeia ba konesimentu no realidade ita-nia povu nian, nune'e bele asegura katak la esklui povu nia partisipasaun, direitus no interese.", "Partidu politiku sira mos presiza realiza regularmente formasaun politika iha partidu laran ba militante sira, iha nivel nasional no area rural sira hodi sidadaun sira bele hetan informasaun adekuadu kona-ba partidu nia baze politika ba libertasaun loloos povu nian.", "Juventude no estudante sira mak reprezenta orgullu no futuru nasaun nian.", "Joven sira mos iha kbiit atu deside nasaun nia futuru, liu husi partisipasaun ativu iha lala'ok estadu nian hodi asegura katak estadu nia prezensa nudar solusaun ba povu hotu nia problema." ]
[ [ "Election campaign and the role of youth in defending people's interest - TIMOR AGORA Electoral Campaign & The Role Of Youth In Defending People’S Interests Staff Lao Hamutuk on Economic, Governance Human Rights And Democracy A Political Campaign is a formof political communication carried out by candidate or his/her team over an extended time period to obtain citizen support (votes)." ], [ "Through the campaign, voters can decide which party deserves their vote." ], [ "Political campaigns are an important part of popular education, because they can create dialogue between candidate or party and the people on fundamental issues related to ways for social transformation." ], [ "A good election campaign must provide clear and accurate information on the positions of parties in key issues to people, including dialogue with them." ], [ "Using this criterion, several observation reports have concluded that the parliamentary elections of 2014 were better than those for presidential and previous election." ], [ "Political parties conduct many dialogues with the people in various places including talk shows and debate on television." ], [ "Dialogue occurs when there is a conversation between two parties: political party leaders who talk about their programme and voters or citizens asking questions on issues that they do not understand, which the partisan coverage has failed to cover." ], [ "During talk shows and debates between political parties, the Parties answered essential questions asked by moderators so that participants could understand what was being said." ], [ "Compared to the parliamentary elections, this year's presidential election has not provided enough time for candidate-leaders and political parties in order that they could speak out more clearly about their vision of politics." ], [ "In the short time available, politicians have failed to make maximum use of education as an opportunity for bringing understanding." ], [ "Unfortunately, many times the candidates just look at each other to compare who is doing well and not for this country." ], [ "Although generally positive, it is a good thing that almost all candidates in the presidential election participate on talk shows and debate." ], [ "Whatever is said during the campaign period by candidates and politician, as a form of this free expression." ], [ "The law does not censor (forbid) candidates to say whatever they want, but a good campaign should focus on what political programme each of the parties and their respective nominees have in order for voters' knowledge about important issues concerning elections or life at large." ], [ "One thing that needs to be looked at during the campaign is how well participants are using it." ], [ "Although the parties have made efforts to get voters involved in important issues, these are not being fully exploited by young people and students." ], [ "Few young people and students participate in the above-mentioned dialogues or debate." ], [ "Many young people participate in the electoral campaigns, but many of them go to show off their loud car and motor noise; they express themselves by carrying party banners or emblems publicly rather than listening carefully for political programs that are spoken about." ], [ "Many citizens are unable to participate in the campaigns of various parties because they will be taken aback or call each other \"a-kakeu.\"" ], [ "The term refers to people who are available for other party campaign events, not those they previously participated in." ], [ "Ideally, the people would have a space to listen and confirm their views on what they think is good for them in future." ], [ "Timor-Leste has adopted representative democracy, a system of governance that empowers the people to elect their representation in government." ], [ "This system of governance gives great power to the rulers in order for them, through their decision-making and planning processes." ], [ "They can decide to promote or not the maximum participation of people in development processes, so that they cannot just let leaders determine everything accordingly." ], [ "All citizens must educate themselves, each other and accompany their representatives in the decision-making process." ], [ "Politicians also have a duty to maximize citizen participation in the decision-making process, through transparent and educational mechanisms." ], [ "Too often in Timor-Leste, leaders have become the centre of decision and realization for political values. principled programme" ], [ "This should be based on a collective decision and guided by the statutes or manual of each political party." ], [ "The whole people, including the youth must stand up and take a position to ensure that those in power do not represent their own interests but rather are representatives of our rights." ], [ "It is not too late to improve and raise the quality of Participatory democracy in Timor-Leste, so that only elites decide about people' s lives." ], [ "The system of providing information to the public must be improved, because so far most available data is insufficient. Information that's only accessible by English or Portuguese and there are no adequate mechanism for helping people understand what they have been provided with;" ], [ "All actions taken by our leaders must be based on the knowledge and reality of their people, so as to ensure that they do not exclude them from participation in decision-making." ], [ "Political parties also need to carry out regular in-party political training for militants, at the national level and rural areas so that citizens can get adequate information about their party' s policy base on genuine liberation of people." ], [ "Youth and students represent the pride of our country, its future." ], [ "Young people also have the power to decide on their country's future, through active participation in state activities so as To ensure that its presence is a solution for all of our problems." ] ]
Taxa partisipasaun eleisaun prezidensiál 2022 sa’e to’o 77,26% | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA NASIONÁL Taxa partisipasaun eleisaun prezidensiál 2022 sa’e to’o 77,26%\nTaxa partisipasaun eleisaun prezidensiál 2022 sa’e to’o 77,26%\nDILI, 22 marsu 2022 (TATOLI)—Diretór Jerál Sekretariadu Tékniku Administrasaun Eleitorál (STAE), Acilino Manuel Branco, hateten taxa partisipasaun eleisaun prezidensiál 2022 ne’e sa’e ka aas liu to’o atinje 77,26% kompara ho eleisaun 2017 ne’ebé taxa partisipasaun atinje 71,18%.\n“Taxa partisipasaun iha eleisaun 2022 kompara ho eleisaun 2017 ne’e, eleisaun 2022 ne’e aas liu tanba eleisaun 2017 taxa partisipasaun eleitór 71,16% ho eleitór hamutuk 743.150 maibé eleisaun 2022 ne’e taxa partisipasaun eleitór 77,26% ho eleitór hamutuk 647.172. Signifika eleisaun 2022 ne’e sa’e no ass liu,” Acilino Manuel Branco hateten ba jornalista sira, bainhira partisipa plenária iha CNE ba abertura apuramentu, segunda ne’e.\nDiretór Jerál ne’e hatutan, ko’alia kona-ba rezultadu STAE lakohi adianta prosesu ruma ne’ebé seidauk tau rohan loloos no hosi parte STAE nian konklui ona maibé iha CNE sei iha tan loron tolu ba apuramentu nasionál ba buletin votu.\nKandidatu independente Felizberto Araújo Duarte hetan votu 2,615 (0,40 %) Constancio Pinto hetan votus 2,474 (0,38%), kandidatu independente Rogerio Tiago Lobato hetan votu 2,028 (0,31 %), kandidatu independente Virgílio da Silva Guterres hetan votu 1,685 (0,26%), kandidatu independente Antero Benedito hetan votu 1,531 (0,24 %) no kandidata independente Ángela Freitas hetan votu 692 (0,11%).\nTaxa partisipasaun eleisaun prezidensiál 2022 sa'e makaas\nPrevious articlePRADET Baucau asegura ona bebé ne’ebé soe iha Sagadate\nNext articleSTAE sei lahalo atendimentu foun ba eleitór iha segunda volta
[ "Taxa partisipasaun eleisaun prezidensial 2022 sa'e to'o 77,26% | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA NASIONAL Taxa partisipasaun eleisaun prezidensial 2022 sa'e to'o 77,26% Taxa partisipasaun eleisaun prezidensial 2022 sa'e to'o 77,26% DILI, 22 marsu 2022 (TATOLI) - Diretor Jeral Sekretariadu Tekniku Administrasaun Eleitoral (STAE), Acilino Manuel Branco, hateten taxa partisipasaun eleisaun prezidensial 2022 ne'e sa'e ka aas liu to'o atinje 77,26% kompara ho eleisaun 2017 ne'ebe taxa partisipasaun atinje 71,18%.", "\"Taxa partisipasaun iha eleisaun 2022 kompara ho eleisaun 2017 ne'e, eleisaun 2022 ne'e aas liu tanba eleisaun 2017 taxa partisipasaun eleitor 71,16% ho eleitor hamutuk 743.150 maibe eleisaun 2022 ne'e taxa partisipasaun eleitor 77,26% ho eleitor hamutuk 647.172.", "Signifika eleisaun 2022 ne'e sa'e no ass liu,\" Acilino Manuel Branco hateten ba jornalista sira, bainhira partisipa plenaria iha CNE ba abertura apuramentu, segunda ne'e.", "Diretor Jeral ne'e hatutan, ko'alia kona-ba rezultadu STAE lakohi adianta prosesu ruma ne'ebe seidauk tau rohan loloos no hosi parte STAE nian konklui ona maibe iha CNE sei iha tan loron tolu ba apuramentu nasional ba buletin votu.", "Kandidatu independente Felizberto Araujo Duarte hetan votu 2,615 (0,40%) Constancio Pinto hetan votus 2,474 (0,38%), kandidatu independente Rogerio Tiago Lobato hetan votu 2,028 (0,31%), kandidatu independente Virgilio da Silva Guterres hetan votu 1,685 (0,26%), kandidatu independente Antero Benedito hetan votu 1,531 (0,24%) no kandidata independente Angela Freitas hetan votu 692 (0,11%).", "Taxa partisipasaun eleisaun prezidensial 2022 sa'e makaas Previous articlePRADET Baucau asegura ona bebe ne'ebe soe iha Sagadate Next articleSTAE sei lahalo atendimentu foun ba eleitor iha segunda volta" ]
[ [ "Turnout rate in 2017 presidential election rises to over a hundred percent | Timor Post Agência Noticiosa de Timór-Leste VARANDA NASIONÁL Rate of turning up for the presidency elections is higher than last year's, reaching about seventy five per cent (65.93%) Dili/Dili: The General Directorate Technical Secretariat Electoral Administration’(STAE), Acilino Manuel Branco said that voter participation was higher this time compared with previous years when it had been around nineteen percentage points or more and reached nearly twenty four thousand people who voted at least once during their first two months as elected representatives from all constituencies on Tuesday night before they were declared outright elect by parliamentary balloting system today after an hour long debate between opposition parties which led into uncertainties regarding whether there would be any change within Parliament following his resignation Monday morning" ], [ "\"The turnout rate in the 2017 election is higher than that of this year's elections, because there was a voter turn-out ratio for these two years (in which we had an overall total turnout percentage) at about -6.5%, but it will be around +4% compared to last time\", he said and added:" ], [ "It means that the 2018 election will be higher and more accurate,\" Acilino Manuel Branco told journalists as he attended a plenary meeting at CNE on Monday to open counting." ], [ "The Director General added that, speaking about the results of STAE does not advance any processes which haven't been properly scheduled and on behalf STAE has already concluded but in CNE there are three more days for national counting to vote ballots." ], [ "Independent candidate Felizberto Araujo Duarte obtained 2,615 votes (0.4%) Constancio Pinto received a total of the following: independent nominee Rogerio Tiago Lobato was elected by voting with an average scored to be at least as good or better than that in previous elections; he won all but one seat and his party lost only two places from its last election when it fell out against PSD-PSD coalition partner PSDB/PCdoB for fourth time consecutively on November" ], [ "Previous articlePRADET Baucau assures baby who was burned in Sagadate Next ArticleSTAE will provide new services to voters at second round of presidential elections 2018" ] ]
Apartidaria no Profesionalizmu Instituisaun Militár no Polísia | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA OPINIAUN Apartidaria no Profesionalizmu Instituisaun Militár no Polísia\nApartidaria no Profesionalizmu Instituisaun Militár no Polísia\nSeguransa maka fatór ida importante iha ema nia moris no moris seguru ne’e indikadór ida hosi moris prosperu. Seguransa iha pilár haat hanesan seguransa umana (human security), seguransa ambientál (environmental security), bio-seguransa (biosecurity), seguransa ai-han (food security) ne’ebé sai hanesan dezáfiu ba ema no Nasaun atu hakat liu ka ultrapassa.\nLia-fuan seguransa mai hosi lian-Latina; Securus. Se; laiha, curus; tauk. Signifika la tauk ka laiha tauk. Seguransa katak; abilidade atu mantein soberania no independénsia ho kondisaun moris ne’ebé laiha ameasa no tauk.\nIha parte seluk profesionalizmu militár tuir Samuel Huntinton; iha Badaen (Expertice), badaen no skill sira sei hetan hosi edukasaun no formasaun ne’ebé membru idak-idak iha durante nia kareira tomak, edukasaun no formasaun maka responsabilidade Estadu nian atu investe atu militár ka Polísia ida iha abilidade di’ak atu hala’o knaar ho profisionál. Prosesu formasaun atu muda mentalidade sidadaun sivíl ba militár ka polísia presiza liuhosi sistema no polítika formasaun no kurikulu ida ne’ebé di’ak no relevante ho situasaun no kondisaun ne’ebé Timor Leste iha no la haluha norma sira ne’ebé aplika universál (Think globally and act locally). Espirito de corpo (team work), espíritu korpu maka membru idak-idak iha karater servisu ekipa atu misaun hot-hotu la’o ho susesu. Servisu militár ka polísia presiza iha espíritu kamaradajen ne’ebé metin hala’o knaar laiha impedimentu. Responsabilidade sosiál (sosiál responsibility) no livre hosi polítika no bisnis.\nKonstituisaun RDTL artigu 146 no 147 hakerek momos konaba instituisaun forsa armada no polísia laiha partidu ka apartidaria. Konseitu ida ne’e responsabilidade individu membru atu hala’o knaar tuir lei ne’ebé vigora no iha mos responsabilidade governu atu halo investimentu ne’ebé di’ak hodi profesionaliza instituisaun defeza no seguransa.\nIha mos Farouk Muhamad nia hanoin maka polísia profisionál katak polísia ne’ebé iha disiplina, efisiénsia no efikasia. Polísia profesionál katak polísia ne’ebé hala’o knaar tuir lei jerál nasaun nian, sistema no prosedimentu instituisaun nian no hetan konfiansa hosi nia komunidade atu garante sira nia seguransa no estabilidade.\nIha sorin seluk tuir padraun ONU ba Law enforcement agencies 1979; atu profesionaliza instituisaun seguransa, presiza iha investimentu iha área edukasaun, treinamentu, ekipamentu, motivasaun no saláriu ka baibain temi 5W (Well Educated, well Trainning, well Equiped, well-Motivated, well Sallary).\nWell Educated, atu hatan ba dinamika sosiál no dezenvolvimentu globál presiza iha investimentu ba instituisaun militár no polísia atu iha kuadru sira ne’ebé kualifikadu ho pensamentu estratéjiku maske harii ona Institutu Defeza Nasionál (IDN) maibé presiza iha mos lisensa no akreditasaun hosi institusaun esternál governu nian. Ezemplu ANAAA hodi garante kualidade ensinu. Iha mos Akademia Polísia ne’ebé hetan ona lisensa operasionál hosi ministériu edukasaun iha 2012 maibé presiza tan iha akreditasaun institusionál ho nia programa sira. IDN iha formasaun konjunta ne’ebé formandu sira mai hosi F-FDTL, PNTL no entidade seluk hanesan kursu promosaun ofisiál superiór, kursu Estadu maior no Pos-Graduasaun iha Estudu Estratéjiku no Rezilénsia Nasionál.\nWell Trained, formasaun no treinamentu presiza hala’o bebeik atu atualiza koñesementu hodi hala’o misaun ho profisionál. Alokasaun orsamentu ne’ebé sei menus iha área formasaun hodi kapasita membru sira, ezemplu membru polísia barak laiha treinamentu atualizasaun iha tiru no uza forsa hahú hosi tinan 2004 to’o agora, ita foin mak husu apoiu hosi Polísia Federál Austrália atu halo formasaun atualizasaun iha área uza forsa iha tinan 2020 ne’e, maibé tanba pandemia Covid-19 ita la-konsege hala’o to’o agora. Kursu investigasaun sira hein de’it apoiu hosi Polísia Federál Austrália maka apoiu.\nWell equipped, ekipamentu polísia ne’ebé PNTL iha agora seidauk sufisiente atu hala’o misaun tuir rekezitu lei nian maka hanesan castete ka baton, OC spray ka gas lakrimojeniu no aljema ne’ebé membru barak laiha, transporte ne’ebé limitadu ba eskuadra sira iha kareta ida de’it ho kondisaun ne’ebé ladun favorese, tanba durasaun tinan lima ba leten. Iha mos lamentasaun hosi parte F-FDTL kona-ba falta rekursu lojístiku hanesan kareta, fatin servisu no kazerna sira ho kondisaun ne’ebé la favoravel.\nWell motivated, motivasaun iha oin rua tuir More et.al iha Dhaniel no Dharma (2014;70) maka motivasaun intrinsik ne’ebé mai hosi ema idak-idak nia án ka self motivated. Motivasaun mai hosi ema nia án rasik tuir nesesidade (need), hanoin ne’ebé dudu (drives), sentimentu (feelings) no valór sira (values), no motivasaun ekstrinsik ne’ebé mai hosi liur hanesan insentivu ne’ebé forma ema nia hahalok kontribui ba objetivu organizasaun nian nomos kondisaun servisu fatin ne’ebé di’ak, iha parte ida ne’e haree ba kondisaun infaestrutura komandu munisípiu, eskuadru no postu sira la ho kondisaun ne’ebé favoravel atu hala’o servisu, alende ida ne’e presiza mos halo kolokasaun bazea ba meritu (The right men on the right place) nomos promosaun bazeia ba meritu. Ema halo servisu di’ak no profisionál la’ós de’it tanba motivasaun hosi liur liuhosi insentivu sira maibé mai hosi ema nia áan rasik, ezemplu ajente no prasa balu la sae diviza no saláriu kiik maibé sira hadomi tebes sira nia servisu, la tama servisu tarde, la falta, la fila sedu no prontu hala’o orden saida de’it hosi nia superiór sira iha kualker situasaun.\nWell Salary, saláriu mínimu ba polísia ho diviza ajente foun maka 170, ho mudansa ba kustu vida ne’ebé Timor Leste iha agora ho saláriu atuál labele atende nesesidade bázika atu ajente ida servisu ho motivasaun ne’ebé di’ak. Ho saláriu ne’ebé kiik no família militár sira dezempregadu barak obriga oknum militár ka polísia balu hala’o atividade negósiu, balu hakbesik án ba polítiku sira hodi hetan projetu, hatama família sira servisu funsaun públika ne’ebé la barak, nomos laduun iha transparánsia inklui hatama família sira ba vaga nomeasaun polítiku sira ne’ebé lalais no fasíl, serake ita tenke halo prosesu no hasai hotu sira hosi servisu? Perguntas ne’ebé ita hotu presiza responde liu-liu ba governu ne’ebé hala’o polítika jerál Estadu nian.\nFatór lima iha leten iha interdependensia ba malu atu ema hala’o servisu ho profisionál, tanba edukasaun no formasaun ne’ebé di’ak la ho apoiu ekipamentu ne’ebé adekuadu mos sei la prodús rezultadu ne’ebé másimu. Iha parte seluk motivasaun no saláriu mos fó impaktu ba kualidade prestasaun servisu.\nApartidaria ne’ebé konstituisaun RDTL artigu 146 no 147 atu hatete instituisaun F-FDTL no PNTL labele iha partidu hanesan TNI no POLRI iha partidu Golkar iha tempu okupasaun Indonézia iha ne’ebé membru sira laiha direitu ba votu iha eleisaun maibé situasaun ne’e muda ona iha era reformasaun. Iha nasaun demokrátiku sira membru militár ka polísia iha direitu hanesan sidadaun seluk hanesan iha diretu ba vota. Ezemplu iha Estadu Unidu Amérika militár sira bele partisipa iha kampaña partidária bainhira folga no labele uza farda instituisaun nian iha reuniaun partidu polítiku sira, bandu de’it militár ida labele influénsia nia kolega militár seluk atu hili tuir partidu ne’ebé nia gosta, labele uza atributu partidu iha servisu fatin, labele harii partidu no kaer kargu iha estrutura partidu ida.\nIha Timor-Leste hanesan nasaun foun, ita presiza aprende barak hosi nasaun demokrátiku sira nia pratika di’ak ba best practices sira hodi hadi’a iha lei no regulamentu sira atu ita la’o tuir prinsípiu Estadu direitu demokratiku hanesan nasaun seluk.\nTuir Rouben Azizian 2012 iha livru American and Russian Perspectives on security cooperation in the Asia Pacific hateten “the only way to avoid militár in to politics is well salary and good governance in a nation” , dalan ida de’it atu evita militár sira hakbesik án ba polítika maka saláriu di’ak no boa governasaun iha nasaun ida. Karik ida ne’e ita iha ona ka lae?.\nImportante maka instituisaun defeza no seguransa hala’o sira nia knaar ho neutrál no imparsiál, hatudu lealdade ba misaun instituisaun nian no ba Estadu hodi garante seguransa no estabilidade. Hosi 2008 to’o agora F-FDTL no PNTL hala’o ona knaar ho imparsiál no profisionál, kalan sidadaun toba hakmatek, atividade sidadaun nian lor-loron la’o ho di’ak.\nIha parte seluk susesu ne’ebé alkansa durante ida ne’e maka, povu goja nia liberdade no hala’o idak-idak nia knaar iha pás no hakmatek, seguransa iha eleisaun suku, eleisaun prezidensiál no parlamentár la’o ho kalma no hakmatek, povu festeza natál no tinan foun ho feliz no hakmatek. Iha mos rezultadu survey ne’ebé Funsaun Ázia halo iha 2013 hatudu maioria populasaun 96,8% sente seguru bainhira hela besik polísia ka postu polísia sira. Iha sorin seluk Relatoriu New Deal G7+ hatudu instituisaun defeza no seguransa iha ona faze transformasaun ne’ebé sukat hosi frajil (fragile), risku (risk) transformasaun (transformation) no rezilénsia (resilience). Impase polítika no eleisaun antesipada sai hanesan teste ida mos ba instituisaun rua nia profesionalizmu nomos ensinamentu ka hanorin ida ba jerasaun foun sira atu bele ultrapasa situasaun sira ne’e iha futuru oin mai, tanba krize ne’ebé boot tinan 2006 inklui kazu petisionariu ita hakat liu, kazu eis-gerilleiru Mauk Moruk ita hakat liu, kazu CPD-RDTL no arte marsiál sira nian ita komesa redús ona ho intervensaun no kapasidade lider istóriku ho veteranu sira-nian.\nPresiza iha mos balansu ida entre investimentu ne’ebé Estadu halo ona no profesionalizmu ne’ebé ezije ba instituisaun sira ne’e, tuir teória no konseitu profesionalizmu ne’ebé matenek nain sira hato’o iha leten nomos padraun ONU nian ba profesionaliza instituisaun militár no polísia. Hanesan nasaun foun ita mos bele merese orgullu ba dezenvolvimentu instituisaun rua ne’ebé bele fó biban ba dezenvolvimentu Timor-Leste nian hodi alkansa planu dezevolvimentu ne’ebé ita iha maske iha limitasaun barak.\nAtu konklui iha rekomendasaun balu maka hakerek nain hakarak hato’o, Dahuluk maka responsabilidade individu membru sira nian atu komporta didiak tuir kompromisu liuhosi juramentu ne’ebé halo iha bandeira nasionál no públiku nia oin katak sei hala’o knaar ho lealdade, la ho malicia ka hanoin aat, laiha diskirimasaun. Daruak maka responsabilidade instituisaun nian atu hola medida ne’ebé rigorozu atu labele husik liu hahalok ladiak ne’ebé estraga imajen di’ak instituisaun nian. Datoluk maka responsabilidade Estadu atu halo investimentu ne’ebé di’ak atu mellora profesionalizmu ne’ebé ema hotu hakarak liuhosi formasaun, edukasaun, ekipamentu, motivasaun no saláriu. Dahaat hadia lei sira hodi regula membru sira kona ezerse direitu polítiku nian, ida ne’ebé maka bele halo no ida ne’ebé maka labele halo iha nasaun demokrátiku, tanba konstituisaun ne’e luan tebes atu interpreta no hala’o tuir. Dalima, loke kampu traballu ne’ebé barak no justu ba sidadaun hotu ho laiha interferénsia hosi polítiku sira, atu evita membru sira hakbesik án ba polítiku sira.\nEstudante Programa Doutoramentu Jestaun Estratéjiku, Alumni APCSS Hawaii-Estadu Unidos Amérika no Alumni ILEA Bangkok, Alumni ISCSP-Universidade Loisboa, dosente UNPAZ, Nu kontaktu 77653510/75955174, e-mail; arquiminor@yahoo,com.au.\nPrevious articleLei Komplementár Apoia MPCC Depende Ba Vontade Membru Deputadu no Governu\nNext articleArão Noé Seidauk Asesu Komisaun Espesizalizada Hafoin Destituisaun Meza Prezidénsia
[ "Apartidaria no Profesionalizmu Instituisaun Militar no Polisia | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA OPINIAUN Apartidaria no Profesionalizmu Instituisaun Militar no Polisia Apartidaria no Profesionalizmu Instituisaun Militar no Polisia Seguransa maka fator ida importante iha ema nia moris no moris seguru ne'e indikador ida hosi moris prosperu.", "Seguransa iha pilar haat hanesan seguransa umana (human security), seguransa ambiental (environmental security), bio-seguransa (biosecurity), seguransa ai-han (food security) ne'ebe sai hanesan dezafiu ba ema no Nasaun atu hakat liu ka ultrapassa.", "Lia-fuan seguransa mai hosi lian-Latina; Securus.", "Se; laiha, curus; tauk.", "Signifika la tauk ka laiha tauk.", "Seguransa katak; abilidade atu mantein soberania no independensia ho kondisaun moris ne'ebe laiha ameasa no tauk.", "Iha parte seluk profesionalizmu militar tuir Samuel Huntinton; iha Badaen (Expertice), badaen no skill sira sei hetan hosi edukasaun no formasaun ne'ebe membru idak-idak iha durante nia kareira tomak, edukasaun no formasaun maka responsabilidade Estadu nian atu investe atu militar ka Polisia ida iha abilidade di'ak atu hala'o knaar ho profisional.", "Prosesu formasaun atu muda mentalidade sidadaun sivil ba militar ka polisia presiza liuhosi sistema no politika formasaun no kurikulu ida ne'ebe di'ak no relevante ho situasaun no kondisaun ne'ebe Timor Leste iha no la haluha norma sira ne'ebe aplika universal (Think globally and act locally).", "Espirito de corpo (team work), espiritu korpu maka membru idak-idak iha karater servisu ekipa atu misaun hot-hotu la'o ho susesu.", "Servisu militar ka polisia presiza iha espiritu kamaradajen ne'ebe metin hala'o knaar laiha impedimentu.", "Responsabilidade sosial (sosial responsibility) no livre hosi politika no bisnis.", "Konstituisaun RDTL artigu 146 no 147 hakerek momos konaba instituisaun forsa armada no polisia laiha partidu ka apartidaria.", "Konseitu ida ne'e responsabilidade individu membru atu hala'o knaar tuir lei ne'ebe vigora no iha mos responsabilidade governu atu halo investimentu ne'ebe di'ak hodi profesionaliza instituisaun defeza no seguransa.", "Iha mos Farouk Muhamad nia hanoin maka polisia profisional katak polisia ne'ebe iha disiplina, efisiensia no efikasia.", "Polisia profesional katak polisia ne'ebe hala'o knaar tuir lei jeral nasaun nian, sistema no prosedimentu instituisaun nian no hetan konfiansa hosi nia komunidade atu garante sira nia seguransa no estabilidade.", "Iha sorin seluk tuir padraun ONU ba Law enforcement agencies 1979; atu profesionaliza instituisaun seguransa, presiza iha investimentu iha area edukasaun, treinamentu, ekipamentu, motivasaun no salariu ka baibain temi 5W (Well Educated, well Trainning, well Equiped, well-Motivated, well Sallary).", "Well Educated, atu hatan ba dinamika sosial no dezenvolvimentu global presiza iha investimentu ba instituisaun militar no polisia atu iha kuadru sira ne'ebe kualifikadu ho pensamentu estratejiku maske harii ona Institutu Defeza Nasional (IDN) maibe presiza iha mos lisensa no akreditasaun hosi institusaun esternal governu nian.", "Ezemplu ANAAA hodi garante kualidade ensinu.", "Iha mos Akademia Polisia ne'ebe hetan ona lisensa operasional hosi ministeriu edukasaun iha 2012 maibe presiza tan iha akreditasaun institusional ho nia programa sira.", "IDN iha formasaun konjunta ne'ebe formandu sira mai hosi F-FDTL, PNTL no entidade seluk hanesan kursu promosaun ofisial superior, kursu Estadu maior no Pos-Graduasaun iha Estudu Estratejiku no Rezilensia Nasional.", "Well Trained, formasaun no treinamentu presiza hala'o bebeik atu atualiza konesementu hodi hala'o misaun ho profisional.", "Alokasaun orsamentu ne'ebe sei menus iha area formasaun hodi kapasita membru sira, ezemplu membru polisia barak laiha treinamentu atualizasaun iha tiru no uza forsa hahu hosi tinan 2004 to'o agora, ita foin mak husu apoiu hosi Polisia Federal Australia atu halo formasaun atualizasaun iha area uza forsa iha tinan 2020 ne'e, maibe tanba pandemia Covid-19 ita la-konsege hala'o to'o agora.", "Kursu investigasaun sira hein de'it apoiu hosi Polisia Federal Australia maka apoiu.", "Well equipped, ekipamentu polisia ne'ebe PNTL iha agora seidauk sufisiente atu hala'o misaun tuir rekezitu lei nian maka hanesan castete ka baton, OC spray ka gas lakrimojeniu no aljema ne'ebe membru barak laiha, transporte ne'ebe limitadu ba eskuadra sira iha kareta ida de'it ho kondisaun ne'ebe ladun favorese, tanba durasaun tinan lima ba leten.", "Iha mos lamentasaun hosi parte F-FDTL kona-ba falta rekursu lojistiku hanesan kareta, fatin servisu no kazerna sira ho kondisaun ne'ebe la favoravel.", "Well motivated, motivasaun iha oin rua tuir More et.al iha Dhaniel no Dharma (2014;70) maka motivasaun intrinsik ne'ebe mai hosi ema idak-idak nia an ka self motivated.", "Motivasaun mai hosi ema nia an rasik tuir nesesidade (need), hanoin ne'ebe dudu (drives), sentimentu (feelings) no valor sira (values), no motivasaun ekstrinsik ne'ebe mai hosi liur hanesan insentivu ne'ebe forma ema nia hahalok kontribui ba objetivu organizasaun nian nomos kondisaun servisu fatin ne'ebe di'ak, iha parte ida ne'e haree ba kondisaun infaestrutura komandu munisipiu, eskuadru no postu sira la ho kondisaun ne'ebe favoravel atu hala'o servisu, alende ida ne'e presiza mos halo kolokasaun bazea ba meritu (The right men on the right place) nomos promosaun bazeia ba meritu.", "Ema halo servisu di'ak no profisional la'os de'it tanba motivasaun hosi liur liuhosi insentivu sira maibe mai hosi ema nia aan rasik, ezemplu ajente no prasa balu la sae diviza no salariu kiik maibe sira hadomi tebes sira nia servisu, la tama servisu tarde, la falta, la fila sedu no prontu hala'o orden saida de'it hosi nia superior sira iha kualker situasaun.", "Well Salary, salariu minimu ba polisia ho diviza ajente foun maka 170, ho mudansa ba kustu vida ne'ebe Timor Leste iha agora ho salariu atual labele atende nesesidade bazika atu ajente ida servisu ho motivasaun ne'ebe di'ak.", "Ho salariu ne'ebe kiik no familia militar sira dezempregadu barak obriga oknum militar ka polisia balu hala'o atividade negosiu, balu hakbesik an ba politiku sira hodi hetan projetu, hatama familia sira servisu funsaun publika ne'ebe la barak, nomos laduun iha transparansia inklui hatama familia sira ba vaga nomeasaun politiku sira ne'ebe lalais no fasil, serake ita tenke halo prosesu no hasai hotu sira hosi servisu?", "Perguntas ne'ebe ita hotu presiza responde liu-liu ba governu ne'ebe hala'o politika jeral Estadu nian.", "Fator lima iha leten iha interdependensia ba malu atu ema hala'o servisu ho profisional, tanba edukasaun no formasaun ne'ebe di'ak la ho apoiu ekipamentu ne'ebe adekuadu mos sei la produs rezultadu ne'ebe masimu.", "Iha parte seluk motivasaun no salariu mos fo impaktu ba kualidade prestasaun servisu.", "Apartidaria ne'ebe konstituisaun RDTL artigu 146 no 147 atu hatete instituisaun F-FDTL no PNTL labele iha partidu hanesan TNI no POLRI iha partidu Golkar iha tempu okupasaun Indonezia iha ne'ebe membru sira laiha direitu ba votu iha eleisaun maibe situasaun ne'e muda ona iha era reformasaun.", "Iha nasaun demokratiku sira membru militar ka polisia iha direitu hanesan sidadaun seluk hanesan iha diretu ba vota.", "Ezemplu iha Estadu Unidu Amerika militar sira bele partisipa iha kampana partidaria bainhira folga no labele uza farda instituisaun nian iha reuniaun partidu politiku sira, bandu de'it militar ida labele influensia nia kolega militar seluk atu hili tuir partidu ne'ebe nia gosta, labele uza atributu partidu iha servisu fatin, labele harii partidu no kaer kargu iha estrutura partidu ida.", "Iha Timor-Leste hanesan nasaun foun, ita presiza aprende barak hosi nasaun demokratiku sira nia pratika di'ak ba best practices sira hodi hadi'a iha lei no regulamentu sira atu ita la'o tuir prinsipiu Estadu direitu demokratiku hanesan nasaun seluk.", "Tuir Rouben Azizian 2012 iha livru American and Russian Perspectives on security cooperation in the Asia Pacific hateten \"the only way to avoid militar in to politics is well salary and good governance in a nation\" , dalan ida de'it atu evita militar sira hakbesik an ba politika maka salariu di'ak no boa governasaun iha nasaun ida.", "Karik ida ne'e ita iha ona ka lae?.", "Importante maka instituisaun defeza no seguransa hala'o sira nia knaar ho neutral no imparsial, hatudu lealdade ba misaun instituisaun nian no ba Estadu hodi garante seguransa no estabilidade.", "Hosi 2008 to'o agora F-FDTL no PNTL hala'o ona knaar ho imparsial no profisional, kalan sidadaun toba hakmatek, atividade sidadaun nian lor-loron la'o ho di'ak.", "Iha parte seluk susesu ne'ebe alkansa durante ida ne'e maka, povu goja nia liberdade no hala'o idak-idak nia knaar iha pas no hakmatek, seguransa iha eleisaun suku, eleisaun prezidensial no parlamentar la'o ho kalma no hakmatek, povu festeza natal no tinan foun ho feliz no hakmatek.", "Iha mos rezultadu survey ne'ebe Funsaun Azia halo iha 2013 hatudu maioria populasaun 96,8% sente seguru bainhira hela besik polisia ka postu polisia sira.", "Iha sorin seluk Relatoriu New Deal G7+ hatudu instituisaun defeza no seguransa iha ona faze transformasaun ne'ebe sukat hosi frajil (fragile), risku (risk) transformasaun (transformation) no rezilensia (resilience).", "Impase politika no eleisaun antesipada sai hanesan teste ida mos ba instituisaun rua nia profesionalizmu nomos ensinamentu ka hanorin ida ba jerasaun foun sira atu bele ultrapasa situasaun sira ne'e iha futuru oin mai, tanba krize ne'ebe boot tinan 2006 inklui kazu petisionariu ita hakat liu, kazu eis-gerilleiru Mauk Moruk ita hakat liu, kazu CPD-RDTL no arte marsial sira nian ita komesa redus ona ho intervensaun no kapasidade lider istoriku ho veteranu sira-nian.", "Presiza iha mos balansu ida entre investimentu ne'ebe Estadu halo ona no profesionalizmu ne'ebe ezije ba instituisaun sira ne'e, tuir teoria no konseitu profesionalizmu ne'ebe matenek nain sira hato'o iha leten nomos padraun ONU nian ba profesionaliza instituisaun militar no polisia.", "Hanesan nasaun foun ita mos bele merese orgullu ba dezenvolvimentu instituisaun rua ne'ebe bele fo biban ba dezenvolvimentu Timor-Leste nian hodi alkansa planu dezevolvimentu ne'ebe ita iha maske iha limitasaun barak.", "Atu konklui iha rekomendasaun balu maka hakerek nain hakarak hato'o, Dahuluk maka responsabilidade individu membru sira nian atu komporta didiak tuir kompromisu liuhosi juramentu ne'ebe halo iha bandeira nasional no publiku nia oin katak sei hala'o knaar ho lealdade, la ho malicia ka hanoin aat, laiha diskirimasaun.", "Daruak maka responsabilidade instituisaun nian atu hola medida ne'ebe rigorozu atu labele husik liu hahalok ladiak ne'ebe estraga imajen di'ak instituisaun nian.", "Datoluk maka responsabilidade Estadu atu halo investimentu ne'ebe di'ak atu mellora profesionalizmu ne'ebe ema hotu hakarak liuhosi formasaun, edukasaun, ekipamentu, motivasaun no salariu.", "Dahaat hadia lei sira hodi regula membru sira kona ezerse direitu politiku nian, ida ne'ebe maka bele halo no ida ne'ebe maka labele halo iha nasaun demokratiku, tanba konstituisaun ne'e luan tebes atu interpreta no hala'o tuir.", "Dalima, loke kampu traballu ne'ebe barak no justu ba sidadaun hotu ho laiha interferensia hosi politiku sira, atu evita membru sira hakbesik an ba politiku sira.", "Estudante Programa Doutoramentu Jestaun Estratejiku, Alumni APCSS Hawaii-Estadu Unidos Amerika no Alumni ILEA Bangkok, Alumni ISCSP-Universidade Loisboa, dosente UNPAZ, Nu kontaktu 77653510/75955174, e-mail; arquiminor@yahoo,com.au.", "Previous articleLei Komplementar Apoia MPCC Depende Ba Vontade Membru Deputadu no Governu Next articleArao Noe Seidauk Asesu Komisaun Espesizalizada Hafoin Destituisaun Meza Prezidensia" ]
[ [ "Apartidaria no Professionalismo Instituição Militar e Polisia | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste HOME OPINIONS Aparidadaria and professionalism of the military institutions Security is an important factor in people's lives, a safe life being one indicator for prosperous living." ], [ "Security has four pillars: human security, environmental safety (environmental), bio-security and food protection which are challenges for peoples' nations to overcome." ], [ "The word security comes from the Latin; Securus." ], [ "Se; thin, curus." ], [ "Signifika la tauk ka laiha." ], [ "Security is the ability to maintain sovereignty and independence with conditions of life that are free from threat or danger." ], [ "On the other hand military professionalism according to Samuel Huntington; in Expertise, expertises and skills are acquired through education that each member has throughout his or her career. Education is a responsibility of state for investing so an armed force can perform its duties with greater proficiency than it does without such investments (Huntington 2013)." ], [ "The training process to change the mentality of civilian citizen into military or police requires through a system and policy for good curriculum, which is relevant with Timor-Leste' situation without losing out on universally applicable norm (Think globall e act local)." ], [ "Espirito de corpo (team work), the spirit of body in which each member has a teamwork character so that all missions run successfully." ], [ "The military or police service requires a spirit of camaraderie that is firmly established and performed without hindrance." ], [ "Social responsibility is not free from politics and business." ], [ "The Constitution of the RDTL, articles 146-7 stipulate that armed forces and police are independent from political parties." ], [ "This concept is the responsibility of individual members to perform their duties in accordance with laws and there also has a governmental obligation for making good investment into professionalizing defence institutions." ], [ "In Farouk Muhamad's view, professional policing is a police force that has discipline and efficiency." ], [ "Professional policing is police force that performs its duties in accordance with the general law of a country, institutional system and procedure. It has gained trust from their communities to guarantee them security & stability;" ], [ "In other words, according to the UN standards for law enforcement agencies 1978; in order professionalize security institutions it is necessary investment into education and training equipment motivation salary or more commonly referred as \"5W\" (Well Educated well Trainning Well Equiped - Motivated-well Salaried)." ], [ "Well Educated, to respond the social dynamics and global development requires investment in military institutions as well police so that they have qualified cadre with strategic thinking although it has established National Defence Institute (IDN) but also needs licensed accreditation from external institution of government." ], [ "Example ANAAA to guarantee quality of teaching." ], [ "There is also the Police Academy, which obtained an operating license from Ministry of Education in July/August (2013) but still requires institutional accreditation with its programs." ], [ "IDN has joint training courses with trainees from F-FDTL, PNTL and other entities such as the higher official promotion Course; General Staff Training & Post Graduation in Strategic Studies." ], [ "Well Trained, training and education need to be carried out regularly in order for the knowledge of performing missions with professionalism." ], [ "The lack of budget allocation in the area training to enable members, as many police officers do not have updating shooting and force use from 2014 until now. We only asked for support by Australian Federal Police (AFP) so that we can carry out a re-training course on using forces this year but because Covid -39 pandemic it hasn't been possible till today;" ], [ "The investigative course is only waiting for support from the Australian Federal Police." ], [ "Well equipped, the police equipment that PNTL currently has is not sufficient to carry out its missions as required by law are like a casket or baton OC spray tear gas and firecrackers with few members limited transportation for squads in only one car under unfavorable conditions because of five years duration." ], [ "There were also complaints from the F-FDTL about a lack of logistical resources such as cars, workplace and barracks in unfavourable conditions." ], [ "Well motivated, the two-pronged motivation according to More et.al in Dhaniel and Dharma (2014;73) is an intrinsically self motived one or Self Motivated Ones who are well driven by their own desire for success as a result of having achievement through hard work that they have been given from God' s hand" ], [ "The motivation comes from the individual's own needs, driving factors (drivers), feeling and value. Extrinsic motivations come outside as incentives that shape people behaviour contribute to organizational goal of good workplace conditions; in this part we look at infrastructure command district squadron post lack favourable environment for performing their duties but also need merit-based placement(The right men ontheright place)and promotion based upon meritoriousness)." ], [ "People do good and professional work not only because of the motivation from outside through incentives but also come by themselves, for example some agents or clerks don't leave their divisions with low wages. They love what they are doing very much; never arrive late at home after a long day off in office nor miss them any time to go back into headquarters as well – always complying full-fledged on whatever order is given whenever it comes up!" ], [ "Well Salary, the minimum wage for police with a new agent division is 170. With changes in cost of living that Timor-Leste has now and current salar can not meet basic needs to an officer work well motivated" ], [ "With low salaries and many military families unemployed, some members of the army or police are forced to engage in business activities; others approach politicians for projects. They get their family into public service jobs that they have fewer than other people accessing them easily through transparency such as political appointment vacancies - should we proceed with a process whereby all these men would be dismissed?" ], [ "These are questions that we all need to answer, especially the governments which carry out general state policie." ], [ "The above five factors are interdependent in order for people to perform their work professionally, because good education and training without the support of adequate equipment will not produce maximum results." ], [ "On the other hand, motivation and salary also have an impact on quality of work performance." ], [ "Partisanship is a term that the Constitution of Timor-Leste, Articles 146 and207 state to say FFDTL institutions can not be in parties as TNIs or Police are within Golkar party during Indonesian occupation where members were deprived from voting rights but this situation has changed with reform era." ], [ "In democratic countries, members of the military or police have equal rights to other citizens such as direct suffrage." ], [ "For example, in the United States of America military personnel may participate on partisan campaigns when they are off duty and cannot wear institutional uniform at political party gatherings; a member is prohibited from influencing other members to vote for his or her preferred parties. They also have no right To use Party attributes during their workplace activities nor formed any Parties as well As hold office within an organization' s structure" ], [ "In Timor-Leste as a new nation, we need to learn much from the good practices of democratic countries for best practise in improving our law and regulation so that it will be based on principled democracy like other nations." ], [ "According to Rouben Azizian in his 2013 book American and Russian Perspectives on security cooperation, \"the only way of avoiding the military into politics is well salary & good governance\" (in a nation)." ], [ "Is this something we already have?." ], [ "It is important that the defence and security institutions carry out their tasks in a neutral, impartial manner showing loyalty to its mission as an institution of state for guaranteed safety." ], [ "From 2018 to now, F-FDTL and PNTL have performed their duties with impartiality & professionalism. Citizens' lives are safe; everyday activities of the citizens go smoothly!" ], [ "On the other hand, successes achieved during this period are that people enjoyed their freedom and carried out each one's duties in a peaceful way; security was maintaining at municipal elections. The presidential election took place with calmness but without any disturbances while parliamentary voting also went smoothly toward its conclusion: all of us celebrate Christmas as we have always done since 1975 (and New Year)." ], [ "The results of a survey conducted by the Asian Function in 2013 show that most people (96.8%) feel safe when they live near police or post offices, while only about one-third are not sure what to do with their money and personal belongings if there is an incident occurring at any time during daytime/night hours" ], [ "In turn, the G7+ New Deal Report shows that defence and security institutions are already in a transformation phase measured by fragile (fragile), risk-transformation(risk)and resilience." ], [ "The political impasse and the early elections are also a test for both institutions' professionalism, as well to teach or give lessons on how new generations can overcome these situation in future. Because of this great crisis from 2016 including petitioner case we have been faster than before; former guerrilla Mauk Moruk’ s cases were more rapidly resolved while CPD-RDTL & martial art issues had already begun reducing with intervention by historical leaders/veterans whose capacity was increased through their involvement.\"" ], [ "There must also be a balance between the investments already made by state and professionalism required of these institutions, according to theory & conceptualization that has been put forward above as well with UN standard for military/police institutionalisation." ], [ "As a new nation, we can also be proud of the developments in two institutions that have been instrumental to bringing Timor-Leste forward and achieving our goal." ], [ "To conclude with some recommendations that the author would like to make, Firstly there is a responsibility of individual members for behaving proper in accordance by commitment through an oath made before national flag and public he will perform his duties loyalty without malice or ill intentions." ], [ "Secondly, it is the responsibility of institutions to take rigorous measures so that they do not tolerate misconduct which damage their good image." ], [ "Thirdly, the State has a responsibility to make good investments in improving professionalism that everyone desired through training and education. Equipment; motivation & wages are all important factors for this purpose" ], [ "It is necessary to amend the laws that regulate members' exercise of political rights, what can and cannot be done in democratic countries because this constitution has been too broadly interpreted." ], [ "In other words, open up a fair and broad workplace for all citizens without the interference of politicians in order to prevent members from approaching them." ], [ "Student of the Strategic Management PhD Program, Alumni APCSS Hawaii-United States and ILEA Bangkok alumnus; Loisboa University (ISCSP) graduate student. Lecturer at UNPAZ: Contact us on +7594102368/+(ABC), e mail arquiminor@yahoocom" ], [ "Previous articleComplementary Law Supporting MPCC Depends On Will of Member Of Parliament and Government Next artikelArao Noe Does Not Access Specialized Committee After Destitution Meza Prezidensia" ] ]
Xanana Gusmão: Ha’u mak estuda direitu sei la hasai liafuan kesar – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Politika » Xanana Gusmão: Ha’u mak estuda direitu sei la hasai liafuan kesar\nEis Prezidente Repúblika, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, hatete hodi sindir kapasidade Prezidente Repúblika (PR), Francisco Guterres Lú Olo, nian ne’ebé hasai kursu direitu maibe foin lalais dehan iha Baucau katak, CNRT kesar nia dala tolu ba Tribunal, maibe lakon hotu.\nTuir líder karismátiku Xanana Gusmão katak, PR Lú Olo ne’ebé hasai kursu direitu labele uza liafuan sira ne’ebé “ami povu mak koalia kesar”, maibe tenke hatete katak, ba aprezenta keixa ba Tribunal.\nXanana afirma, CNRT respeita no tane a’as Estadu direitu demokrátiku, tanba ne’e mak CNRT tuir dalan legal no konstitusional. Xanana dehan, iha IV Governu konstitusional liu ba ne’e tuir dalan konstitusional, tanba partidu mais votadu Fretilin la konsege halo koligasaun, tanba ne’e momentu ne’eba Prezidente Repúblika, José Ramos Horta bolu segundu partidu mais votadu.\nTuir eis komandante em xefe Falintil ne’e katak, ukun ida agora ne’e la tuir dalan konstituisaun no mundu mos akompaña hodi tau matan hela ba violasaun konstituisaun RDTL ne’ebé oras ne’e la’o iha rai-laran.\n“Ha’u rona katak ema balu (PR Lú Olo) koalia iha Baucau dehan katak, CNRT kesar, kesar dala tolu, kesar dala tolu. Ha’u mak estuda direitu ha’u la dehan kesar, maibe ha’u dehan aprezenta kazu ne’e iha Tribunal, ne’e ka lae? ‘Hetan basa liman maka’as husi militante no simpatizante sira). Liafuan kesar ne’e ita rakyat (Povu) ne’e mak dehan kesar, mas kuandu ita estuda ona direitu, ne’e ita la dehan katak, oiii sira ba kesar, sira ba aprezenta kestaun ne’e iha Tribunal. Atu lakon ka la lakon, mas ita hili dalan legal no konstitusional, tanba ida ne’e mak dalan diak liu atu hatudu ba povu, liu-liu ba jerasaun foun katak, nunka bele uza violensia mesmo que problema ne’e bo’ot, uza mak ulun, uza mak valores. Mundu agora tau matan hela mai ita ho violasaun konstituisaun ne’e”,dehan Xanana Gusmão ba militante no simpatizante CNRT sira iha Bairo dos Grilos, Sesta (18/12/20), hodi hatán deklarasaun PR Lú Olo nian iha vizita traballu iha Baucau foin lalais ne’ebé dehan katak, CNRT kesar nia dala tolu ba Tribunal, maibe lakon hotu.\nXanana konta katak, CNRT mosu hodi rezolve problema krizi 2006, no CNRT moris hodi salva konstituisaun, ne’ebé hetan violasaun barak husi ema hirak ne’ebé ukun oras ne’e dadauk.GMN\nVise Sekretáriu Meza Parlamentu Nasionál (PN),...\nKoordenadór Pilar Hitu COVID-19, Nilton do...
[ "Xanana Gusmao: Ha'u mak estuda direitu sei la hasai liafuan kesar - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Politika \" Xanana Gusmao: Ha'u mak estuda direitu sei la hasai liafuan kesar Eis Prezidente Republika, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, hatete hodi sindir kapasidade Prezidente Republika (PR), Francisco Guterres Lu Olo, nian ne'ebe hasai kursu direitu maibe foin lalais dehan iha Baucau katak, CNRT kesar nia dala tolu ba Tribunal, maibe lakon hotu.", "Tuir lider karismatiku Xanana Gusmao katak, PR Lu Olo ne'ebe hasai kursu direitu labele uza liafuan sira ne'ebe \"ami povu mak koalia kesar,\" maibe tenke hatete katak, ba aprezenta keixa ba Tribunal.", "Xanana afirma, CNRT respeita no tane a'as Estadu direitu demokratiku, tanba ne'e mak CNRT tuir dalan legal no konstitusional.", "Xanana dehan, iha IV Governu konstitusional liu ba ne'e tuir dalan konstitusional, tanba partidu mais votadu Fretilin la konsege halo koligasaun, tanba ne'e momentu ne'eba Prezidente Republika, Jose Ramos Horta bolu segundu partidu mais votadu.", "Tuir eis komandante em xefe Falintil ne'e katak, ukun ida agora ne'e la tuir dalan konstituisaun no mundu mos akompana hodi tau matan hela ba violasaun konstituisaun RDTL ne'ebe oras ne'e la'o iha rai-laran.", "\"Ha'u rona katak ema balu (PR Lu Olo) koalia iha Baucau dehan katak, CNRT kesar, kesar dala tolu, kesar dala tolu.", "Ha'u mak estuda direitu ha'u la dehan kesar, maibe ha'u dehan aprezenta kazu ne'e iha Tribunal, ne'e ka lae?", "'Hetan basa liman maka'as husi militante no simpatizante sira).", "Liafuan kesar ne'e ita rakyat (Povu) ne'e mak dehan kesar, mas kuandu ita estuda ona direitu, ne'e ita la dehan katak, oiii sira ba kesar, sira ba aprezenta kestaun ne'e iha Tribunal.", "Atu lakon ka la lakon, mas ita hili dalan legal no konstitusional, tanba ida ne'e mak dalan diak liu atu hatudu ba povu, liu-liu ba jerasaun foun katak, nunka bele uza violensia mesmo que problema ne'e bo'ot, uza mak ulun, uza mak valores.", "Mundu agora tau matan hela mai ita ho violasaun konstituisaun ne'e,\"dehan Xanana Gusmao ba militante no simpatizante CNRT sira iha Bairo dos Grilos, Sesta (18/12/20), hodi hatan deklarasaun PR Lu Olo nian iha vizita traballu iha Baucau foin lalais ne'ebe dehan katak, CNRT kesar nia dala tolu ba Tribunal, maibe lakon hotu.", "Xanana konta katak, CNRT mosu hodi rezolve problema krizi 2006, no CNRT moris hodi salva konstituisaun, ne'ebe hetan violasaun barak husi ema hirak ne'ebe ukun oras ne'e dadauk.GMN Vise Sekretariu Meza Parlamentu Nasional (PN),...", "Koordenador Pilar Hitu COVID-19, Nilton do..." ]
[ [ "Xanana Gusmao: Ha'u mak estuda direitu sei la hasai liafuan kesar - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Politics\" Ex-President of the Republic, Kay Rala Gusmão said to discredit President Francisco Guterres Lu Olo who has studied law but recently told in Baucau that CNRT sued him three times before courts and lost all." ], [ "According to the charismatic leader Xanana Gusmao, PR Lu Olo who has a law degree cannot use words like \"we people are complaining\" but should say that he will file complaints in court." ], [ "Xanana affirms, CNRT respect and value the State democratic rights. That is why CNRT follow legally constitutional pathways ;" ], [ "Xanana said, in the IV Constitutional Government went on to this constitutionally because most voted party Fretilin failed a coalition. Therefore at that moment President of Republic Jose Ramos Horta called second-most voted Party 4th Congress (2017)." ], [ "According to the former Falintil commander in chief, this current rule is not constitutional and there are international observers watching over violations of Timor-Leste Constitution that currently take place." ], [ "\"I heard that some people (PR Lu Olo) spoke in Baucau saying, CNRT complained three times." ], [ "I'm a law student, so i don’t say complain but just present the case in court. Is that right?" ], [ "'Hetan basa tangan maka'ah oleh para militan dan simpatisan mereka)." ], [ "The word kesar is what we rakyat (people) say, but when you have studied the laws of that country then it'll not be like they go to complain and present this matter in court." ], [ "To lose or not, but we choose the legal and constitutional way because this is a better one to show people especially young generation that you can never use violence even if it's big problem. Use your head only!" ], [ "The world is now watching us with this violation of the constitution,\" Xanana Gusmao said to CNRT militants and sympathizers in Bairo dos Grilos on Saturday (18/20), responding a statement made by PR Lu Olo during his recent working visit into Baucau which stated that CNRT sued it three times before court but lost all." ], [ "Xanana explained that the CNRT was created to solve problems of crisis in December, and it has been there for save constitution which is being violated by those who are now ruling.GMN Vice Secretary Meza Parlamento Nasional (PN),..." ], [ "COVID-19 Coordinator Pilar Hitu, Nilton do..." ] ]
Governu Halibur Ideia Revé Kurrikulu Ensiñu Sekundáriu Jerál no Tékniku Vokasionál | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Governu Halibur Ideia Revé Kurrikulu Ensiñu Sekundáriu Jerál no Tékniku Vokasionál\nGovernu Halibur Ideia Revé Kurrikulu Ensiñu Sekundáriu Jerál no Tékniku Vokasionál\nDiretór Jerál Ministériu Edukasaun Ensiñu Sekundáriu Jerál ho Tékniku Vokasionál, Luís da Costa Fernandes. Imajen Mídia MEJD\nDILI, 09 maiu 2019 (TATOLI)—Ministériu Edukasaun, Juventude no Desportu (MEJD), halibur ideia revé kurríkulu ensiñu sekundáriu jerál no tékniku vokasionál.\nMinistériu Edukasaun, Juventude no Desportu, konvida péritu hosi Permakultura Timor-Leste (PERMATIL) no péritu hosi Banku Dezenvolvimentu Aziátiku (ADB-sigla inglés) tanba péritu hirak ne’e iha koñesimentu no esperiénsia di’ak liu atu bele elabora kurríkulu.\nDiretór Jerál Ensiñu Sekundáriu Jerál no Tékniku Vokasionál, Luís da Costa Fernandes, hateten enkontru ida ne’e atu tau hanoin hamutuk atu bele hala’o prosesu elaborasaun ba revizaun kurríkulu ne’e ho maneira ida ne’ebé forte no di’ak liu.\nNia esplika, razaun halo revizaun tanba kurríkulu ba ensiñu sekundáriu jerál la’o tiha ona durante tinan hitu (7), hahú hosi 2012-2019, maibé ensiñu tékniku vokasionál la’o tiha tinan lima (2014-2019).\n“Ne’e katak kurríkulu ne’ebé tama iha tinan 5 no tinan 7 ne’e iha buat ruma ita presiza reviu iha ne’ebá, entaun liuhosi lamentasaun ne’e ita presiza hadi’a,” Diretór Jerál ne’e ko’alia ba jornalista sira iha Vila-Verde, Dili, kinta (9/5/2019).\nNia haktuir, ensiñu tékniku vokasionál iha territóriu nasionál hamutuk 57 no ensiñu sekundáriu jerál hamututk 96, tan ne’e presiza avalia tanba la perfeitu iha prosesu implementasaun ne’ebé la’o ona iha tempu naruk.\nLuís konsidera katak preokupasaun hosi ensiñu tékniku sira kona-ba módulu ne’ebé governu prodúz difikulta iha prosesu aprendizajen razoável.\n“Kurríkulu ne’ebé tama iha implementasaun atu haree ka reviu buat ruma iha ne’ebá, tanba agora tama ona iha sékulu 21. Iha kurríkulu nia laran tenke kontempla abilidade sékulu 21 nian,” nia subliña.\nTuir nia, Timor-leste hanesan nasaun soberanu ida presiza meta dezenvolvimentu sustentável númeru 4 kona-ba edukasaun nian. Labele kontinua implementa kurríkulu liu tiha ona tinan 5 ka tinan 6.\nLuís esklarese katak kuaze eskola sira iha territóriu nasionál buat barak sei falta hanesan ekipamentu, profesór sira inklui nesesidade bázika sira.\n“Ha’u hakarak dehan loos katak iha tinan 2016 kuandu hahú programa, ensiñu sekundáriu jerál balun ba fali eskola téknika. Iha fatin estratéjiku balun ita harii ka hamosu eskola téknika vokasionál sira,” nia salienta.\n“Ita kaer metin konseitu rua. Ita lori ema barak ba eskola iha eskola téknika. Segundu ema ne’ebé eskola iha tékniku ne’e tenke sai kualidade. Ita-nia investimentu infraestrutura mós tenke forte. Kapasitasaun ba profesór sira mós ita tenke halo. Buat sira ne’e hotu depende ba orsamentu,” Luís tenik.\nDiretór ne’e hateten, iha tinan 2017, orsamentu mínimu. Tinan 2018 la’o ho orsamentu duo-désimu no orsamentu ba tinan 2019 la sufisiente.\nPrevious articleEUA Sei Apoiu TL Atu Kria Lei ba Rezolve Konflitu Komersiál\nNext articleDJE Lansa Relatóriu ODS ba Labarik no Avaliasaun ba Rejistu Moris
[ "Governu Halibur Ideia Reve Kurrikulu Ensinu Sekundariu Jeral no Tekniku Vokasional | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Governu Halibur Ideia Reve Kurrikulu Ensinu Sekundariu Jeral no Tekniku Vokasional Governu Halibur Ideia Reve Kurrikulu Ensinu Sekundariu Jeral no Tekniku Vokasional Diretor Jeral Ministeriu Edukasaun Ensinu Sekundariu Jeral ho Tekniku Vokasional, Luis da Costa Fernandes.", "Imajen Midia MEJD DILI, 09 maiu 2019 (TATOLI) - Ministeriu Edukasaun, Juventude no Desportu (MEJD), halibur ideia reve kurrikulu ensinu sekundariu jeral no tekniku vokasional.", "Ministeriu Edukasaun, Juventude no Desportu, konvida peritu hosi Permakultura Timor-Leste (PERMATIL) no peritu hosi Banku Dezenvolvimentu Aziatiku (ADB-sigla ingles) tanba peritu hirak ne'e iha konesimentu no esperiensia di'ak liu atu bele elabora kurrikulu.", "Diretor Jeral Ensinu Sekundariu Jeral no Tekniku Vokasional, Luis da Costa Fernandes, hateten enkontru ida ne'e atu tau hanoin hamutuk atu bele hala'o prosesu elaborasaun ba revizaun kurrikulu ne'e ho maneira ida ne'ebe forte no di'ak liu.", "Nia esplika, razaun halo revizaun tanba kurrikulu ba ensinu sekundariu jeral la'o tiha ona durante tinan hitu (7), hahu hosi 2012-2019, maibe ensinu tekniku vokasional la'o tiha tinan lima (2014-2019).", "\"Ne'e katak kurrikulu ne'ebe tama iha tinan 5 no tinan 7 ne'e iha buat ruma ita presiza reviu iha ne'eba, entaun liuhosi lamentasaun ne'e ita presiza hadi'a,\" Diretor Jeral ne'e ko'alia ba jornalista sira iha Vila-Verde, Dili, kinta (9/5/2019).", "Nia haktuir, ensinu tekniku vokasional iha territoriu nasional hamutuk 57 no ensinu sekundariu jeral hamututk 96, tan ne'e presiza avalia tanba la perfeitu iha prosesu implementasaun ne'ebe la'o ona iha tempu naruk.", "Luis konsidera katak preokupasaun hosi ensinu tekniku sira kona-ba modulu ne'ebe governu produz difikulta iha prosesu aprendizajen razoavel.", "\"Kurrikulu ne'ebe tama iha implementasaun atu haree ka reviu buat ruma iha ne'eba, tanba agora tama ona iha sekulu 21.", "Iha kurrikulu nia laran tenke kontempla abilidade sekulu 21 nian,\" nia sublina.", "Tuir nia, Timor-leste hanesan nasaun soberanu ida presiza meta dezenvolvimentu sustentavel numeru 4 kona-ba edukasaun nian.", "Labele kontinua implementa kurrikulu liu tiha ona tinan 5 ka tinan 6.", "Luis esklarese katak kuaze eskola sira iha territoriu nasional buat barak sei falta hanesan ekipamentu, profesor sira inklui nesesidade bazika sira.", "\"Ha'u hakarak dehan loos katak iha tinan 2016 kuandu hahu programa, ensinu sekundariu jeral balun ba fali eskola teknika.", "Iha fatin estratejiku balun ita harii ka hamosu eskola teknika vokasional sira,\" nia salienta.", "\"Ita kaer metin konseitu rua.", "Ita lori ema barak ba eskola iha eskola teknika.", "Segundu ema ne'ebe eskola iha tekniku ne'e tenke sai kualidade.", "Ita-nia investimentu infraestrutura mos tenke forte.", "Kapasitasaun ba profesor sira mos ita tenke halo.", "Buat sira ne'e hotu depende ba orsamentu,\" Luis tenik.", "Diretor ne'e hateten, iha tinan 2017, orsamentu minimu.", "Tinan 2018 la'o ho orsamentu duo-desimu no orsamentu ba tinan 2019 la sufisiente.", "Previous articleEUA Sei Apoiu TL Atu Kria Lei ba Rezolve Konflitu Komersial Next articleDJE Lansa Relatoriu ODS ba Labarik no Avaliasaun ba Rejistu Moris" ]
[ [ "Government Gathers Ideas to Revise General Secondary and Technical Vocational Education Curricula | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI The government has gathered ideas for a new general secondary education curriculum, said Luis da Costa Fernandes." ], [ "DILI, May 9th (TATOLI) - The Ministry of Education and Youth Affairs has gathered ideas to revise the curriculum for general secondary education in Timor-Leste." ], [ "The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports invited experts from Permaculture Timor-Leste (PERMATIL) as well the Asian Development Bank because they have better knowledge to develop curricula." ], [ "General Director of Secondary and Technical Vocational Education, Luis da Costa Fernandes said this meeting was held to share ideas so that the process for preparing a curriculum revision could be carried out in an even stronger way." ], [ "He explained that the reason for this revision is because general secondary education curricula have been in place since seven (7) years, starting from 2014-9. However technical and professional training has only lasted five(5)." ], [ "\"This means that the curriculum for years 5 and year-7 has some things we need to review there, so through this complaint it needs improvements.\" The Director General spoke with journalist in Vila Verde district of Dili on Tuesday (09/12) at a press conference." ], [ "According to him, there are 57 technical and professional schools in the country's national territories while general secondary education is offered at a rate of only about ninety six per cent. Therefore an evaluation must be carried out because implementation process has not been perfect for some time now; it will take longer than planned.\"" ], [ "Luis considers that the concern of technical education regarding government-produced modulations makes it difficult to have a reasonable learning process." ], [ "\"The curriculum that goes into implementation to look at or review anything there, because now we have entered the 21st century." ], [ "The curriculum must contemplate 21st-century skills,\" he emphasized." ], [ "According to him, Timor-Leste as a sovereign country needs Sustainable Development Goal number 4 on education." ], [ "Do not continue to implement the curriculum beyond grade 5 or year of six." ], [ "Luis explained that almost all schools in the national territory will lack many things such as equipment, teachers and even basic necessities." ], [ "\"I want to say that in 2016, when the program started some general secondary schools were turned into technical school." ], [ "In some strategic locations we have established or created technical vocational schools,\" he emphasized." ], [ "\"Let's stick to two concept." ], [ "We take a lot of people to school in technical schools." ], [ "Secondly, people who go to technical schools must be qualified." ], [ "Our infrastructure investment must be strong." ], [ "We also need to provide training for teachers." ], [ "These things all depend on the budget,\" said Luis." ], [ "The director said that in 2017, the budget was minimal." ], [ "The 2018 budget is running at a two-tenth of the total, and there will be no sufficient funds for this year." ], [ "PreviousEU Will Support TL To Create Law to Resolve Trade Dispute Next articleDJE Launches SDG Report on Children and Assessment of Mortality Registration" ] ]
VARANDA DILI Primeiru-Ministru Konsidera Traballadór Nu’udar Eroi Foun Ba Dezenvolvimentu\nDILI, 30 abr 2019 (TATOLI) – Primeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, konsidera traballadór sira nu’udar eroi foun iha faze dezenvolvimentu nasionál.\n“Liuhusi sira mak ita harii Nasaun ida-ne’ebé Forte, Riku no Seguru!”, afirma Xefe Governu liuhosi ninia mensajen hodi rekoñese no valoriza knaar traballadór sira-nian iha sosiedade, ba loron mundiál traballadór ne’ebé sei komemora aban, (1/5/2019).\nLiuhosi lia-menon ne’e, Xefe Ezekutivu dehan loron traballadór nian la’ós de’it deskansa nian, maibé nu’udar biban ne’ebé di’ak tebetebes atu hahí empeñu, méritu, dixiplina, profisionalizmu, serbisu iha ekipa.\nNia hatutan espíritu sakrifísiu no kumprimentu devér nian ne’ebé horik nafatin iha traballadór sira, tantu nasionál nune’e mós estranjeiru sira, ne’ebé belar iha setór oioin husi ita-nia ekonomia no administrasaun públika, ne’ebé kontribui maka’as ba produtividade no atu ita-nia País hakat ba oin iha ritmu ne’ebé di’ak.\nTraballadór, nia afirma nu’udar bénsaun no rikusoin loloos ida husi família, komunidade, empreza, instituisaun ka Nasaun ida, justu duni atu selebra ezemplu di’ak liu sira kona-ba serbisu no exelénsia, hanesan fonte enkorajamentu no inspirasaun nian hodi hasoru dezafiu sira husi dezenvolvimentu.\nBa traballadór timoroan no estranjeiru hotu-hotu, hatutan iha lia-menon ne’e husu atu kontribui ho laran tomak ba Timor-Leste ida-ne’ebé modernu, dezenvolvidu no prósperu liután.\n“Ha’u hakarak tebes, hodi ha’u rasik nia naran no lori Governu nia naran, hato’o ami-nia agradesimentu ne’ebé boot tebetebes”, hatutan Primeiru-Ministru iha lia-menon ne’ebé TATOLI asesu liuhosi portál www.gpm.gov.tl.\nLoron hanesan, komunidade Katólika mós selebra loron Saun José Operáriu nian.\nPrevious articlePhil Hewitt Troka Vicki Poole Nu’udar Embaixadór Nova Zelándia Mai TL\nNext articleEkipa SEFOPE Sei Aprezenta Polítika Ba Mudansa Saláriu Mínimu
[ "VARANDA DILI Primeiru-Ministru Konsidera Traballador Nu'udar Eroi Foun Ba Dezenvolvimentu DILI, 30 abr 2019 (TATOLI) - Primeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, konsidera traballador sira nu'udar eroi foun iha faze dezenvolvimentu nasional.", "\"Liuhusi sira mak ita harii Nasaun ida-ne'ebe Forte, Riku no Seguru!,\" afirma Xefe Governu liuhosi ninia mensajen hodi rekonese no valoriza knaar traballador sira-nian iha sosiedade, ba loron mundial traballador ne'ebe sei komemora aban, (1/5/2019).", "Liuhosi lia-menon ne'e, Xefe Ezekutivu dehan loron traballador nian la'os de'it deskansa nian, maibe nu'udar biban ne'ebe di'ak tebetebes atu hahi empenu, meritu, dixiplina, profisionalizmu, serbisu iha ekipa.", "Nia hatutan espiritu sakrifisiu no kumprimentu dever nian ne'ebe horik nafatin iha traballador sira, tantu nasional nune'e mos estranjeiru sira, ne'ebe belar iha setor oioin husi ita-nia ekonomia no administrasaun publika, ne'ebe kontribui maka'as ba produtividade no atu ita-nia Pais hakat ba oin iha ritmu ne'ebe di'ak.", "Traballador, nia afirma nu'udar bensaun no rikusoin loloos ida husi familia, komunidade, empreza, instituisaun ka Nasaun ida, justu duni atu selebra ezemplu di'ak liu sira kona-ba serbisu no exelensia, hanesan fonte enkorajamentu no inspirasaun nian hodi hasoru dezafiu sira husi dezenvolvimentu.", "Ba traballador timoroan no estranjeiru hotu-hotu, hatutan iha lia-menon ne'e husu atu kontribui ho laran tomak ba Timor-Leste ida-ne'ebe modernu, dezenvolvidu no prosperu liutan.", "\"Ha'u hakarak tebes, hodi ha'u rasik nia naran no lori Governu nia naran, hato'o ami-nia agradesimentu ne'ebe boot tebetebes,\" hatutan Primeiru-Ministru iha lia-menon ne'ebe TATOLI asesu liuhosi portal www.gpm.gov.tl.", "Loron hanesan, komunidade Katolika mos selebra loron Saun Jose Operariu nian.", "Previous articlePhil Hewitt Troka Vicki Poole Nu'udar Embaixador Nova Zelandia Mai TL Next articleEkipa SEFOPE Sei Aprezenta Politika Ba Mudansa Salariu Minimu" ]
[ [ "Prime Minister Considers Workers as New Heroes for Development Dili, 30 abr (TATOLI) - The prime minister of Timor-Leste Taur Matan Ruak has considered workers to be the new hero in national development." ], [ "\"It is through them that we build a nation which will be strong, rich and secure!\" the Head of Government said in his message to recognize workers' work for society on World Workers Day tomorrow (1st May)." ], [ "In his speech, the Chief Executive said that Workers' Day is not just a day of rest but also an excellent occasion to encourage commitment and merit in work." ], [ "He emphasized the spirit of sacrifice and duty-keeping that still prevails among workers, both nationals as foreigners who work in various sectores from our economy to public administration. They make a great contribution for productivity so we can move forward at an efficient pace.\"" ], [ "The worker, he affirmed as one of the true blessings and treasures in any family or community. It is only right to celebrate his best example on labouring excellence; it should be considered an inspirational source for facing development challenges.\"" ], [ "To all workers, both nationals and foreigners he urged them to contribute with their whole heart for a modern Timor-Leste that is developed in every way." ], [ "\"I would like, on my own behalf and that of the Government as a whole to express our deepest gratitude for your support\", said Prime Minister in his remarks which are available at www.gpm tl portal: gPM" ], [ "The same day, the Catholic community also celebrates St. Joseph of Worker' s Day (25 June)." ], [ "Previous articlePhil Hewitt Replaces Vicki Poole As New Zealand Ambassador To TL NextSEFOPE Team Will Present Policy For Minimum Wage Change" ] ]
APJR Loke abertura ba konférensia anuál PTNL nian ba dala 6\nDíli- Adjunta Prokurador Jeral Repúblika Zelia Trindade, loke abertu ofisiál ba konferénsia ne’ebé hala’o husi PNTL ho Tema investigasaun kriminál ‘’Uniformiza Setór Justisa no Aplikasaun Lei iha Timor-Leste ho foku ba krime Transnasionál’’ segunda 28/05/2018, iha sentru formasaun João Paulo II, Comoro.\n“Ohin mai partisipa iha konferénsia ida ne’e, ne’ebé realiza hosi PNTL. Konferensia ida ne’e importante tebes tanba sira haree kona-ba uniformizasaun setor justisa ba protesaun lei nian ne’ebé foka liu ba krime transnasionál. hau hanoin asuntu ida ne’e intresante tebes tanba asuntu ida ne’e sai preokupasaun ba iha ita nia país liuliu país foun hanesan ita” Tenik APJR\nKrime transnasionál ninia natureza kompleksu tebes. Tanba krime ne’e organizadu ne’ebé iha ninia dimensaun internasionál ho ida ne’e maka presiza tur hamutuk liuliu polísia, prokurador sira hodi bele partilla esperensia iha konferérensia ida ne’e hodi haree kona-ba krime transnsionál.\nAPJR haktuir ohin loron ita iha terseira mundu, ita iha ona mundu globalizadu ne’ebé mak lori efeitu positivu maibe negativu mós barak, tanba ne’e bainhira ko’alia kona-ba krime transnasionál ita haree krime ida ne’e, krime organizadu ne’ebé mak sira iha asosiasaun kriminozu ne’ebé iha país sira seluk depois sira mós bele enkoraza tama mai ita nia rai laran.\nTanba Timor Leste oras ne’e sei frazil hela maski iha lei ne’ebé adekuadu tebes maibe presiza buka hatene saida mak autoridade sira presiza, buka hatene liuliu autoridade judisiáriu sira no polísia sira tenke buka atu kuñese didi’ak saida mak krime trannasinál.\nAPJR esklarese liu tan katak konvensaun barak ne’ebé maka estadu Timor Leste ratifika inklui Lei balun ne’ebé estadu aprova ida ne’e atu fó hanoin katak Timor Leste iha meus ida ne’ebé adekuadu atu bele implementa, maibe oinsa atu buka kompriende lei sira ne’e, ninia Espíritu ne’e óinsa. Foin lalais mós aprova Lei pertimentes tolu hanesan trafiku droga, trafiku umanu no mós armas brankas.\nKonferénsia ne’e hetan partisipasaun husi Emabaixadór Australia iha Timor-Leste, komandante jerál PNTL Munisipiu sanulu resin rua (12) inklui mós Komandante Jerál PNTL (RAEOA) no komandante investigasaun sira, Polisia de Fronteira Maritina, Servisu de Imigrasaun no Alfandega. (Media PGR/Luis Soares)
[ "APJR Loke abertura ba konferensia anual PTNL nian ba dala 6 Dili- Adjunta Prokurador Jeral Republika Zelia Trindade, loke abertu ofisial ba konferensia ne'ebe hala'o husi PNTL ho Tema investigasaun kriminal \"Uniformiza Setor Justisa no Aplikasaun Lei iha Timor-Leste ho foku ba krime Transnasional \" segunda 28/05/2018, iha sentru formasaun Joao Paulo II, Comoro.", "\"Ohin mai partisipa iha konferensia ida ne'e, ne'ebe realiza hosi PNTL.", "Konferensia ida ne'e importante tebes tanba sira haree kona-ba uniformizasaun setor justisa ba protesaun lei nian ne'ebe foka liu ba krime transnasional. hau hanoin asuntu ida ne'e intresante tebes tanba asuntu ida ne'e sai preokupasaun ba iha ita nia pais liuliu pais foun hanesan ita\" Tenik APJR Krime transnasional ninia natureza kompleksu tebes.", "Tanba krime ne'e organizadu ne'ebe iha ninia dimensaun internasional ho ida ne'e maka presiza tur hamutuk liuliu polisia, prokurador sira hodi bele partilla esperensia iha konfererensia ida ne'e hodi haree kona-ba krime transnsional.", "APJR haktuir ohin loron ita iha terseira mundu, ita iha ona mundu globalizadu ne'ebe mak lori efeitu positivu maibe negativu mos barak, tanba ne'e bainhira ko'alia kona-ba krime transnasional ita haree krime ida ne'e, krime organizadu ne'ebe mak sira iha asosiasaun kriminozu ne'ebe iha pais sira seluk depois sira mos bele enkoraza tama mai ita nia rai laran.", "Tanba Timor Leste oras ne'e sei frazil hela maski iha lei ne'ebe adekuadu tebes maibe presiza buka hatene saida mak autoridade sira presiza, buka hatene liuliu autoridade judisiariu sira no polisia sira tenke buka atu kunese didi'ak saida mak krime trannasinal.", "APJR esklarese liu tan katak konvensaun barak ne'ebe maka estadu Timor Leste ratifika inklui Lei balun ne'ebe estadu aprova ida ne'e atu fo hanoin katak Timor Leste iha meus ida ne'ebe adekuadu atu bele implementa, maibe oinsa atu buka kompriende lei sira ne'e, ninia Espiritu ne'e oinsa.", "Foin lalais mos aprova Lei pertimentes tolu hanesan trafiku droga, trafiku umanu no mos armas brankas.", "Konferensia ne'e hetan partisipasaun husi Emabaixador Australia iha Timor-Leste, komandante jeral PNTL Munisipiu sanulu resin rua (12) inklui mos Komandante Jeral PNTL (RAEOA) no komandante investigasaun sira, Polisia de Fronteira Maritina, Servisu de Imigrasaun no Alfandega.", "(Media PGR/Luis Soares)" ]
[ [ "Dili- Deputy Prosecutor General of the Republic Zelia Trindade, officially opened a conference held by PNTL with criminal investigation theme \"Uniformizing Justice Sector and Law Enforcement in Timor Leste focusing on Transnational Crime\" Monday 28/05 /19 at João Paulo II Training Center (JPC), Comoro." ], [ "\"Today I am participating in this conference, organized by the PNTL." ], [ "This conference is very important because they are looking at the standardization of justice sector for legal protection that focuses more on transnational crime. I think this issue it's really interesting as a concern in our country especially new countries like us\" said APJR Transnacional Crime has its complex nature, and we need to be prepared with an international approach.\"" ], [ "Because organized crime has an international dimension, it is necessary to bring together police and prosecutors in particular so that they can share their experiences at this conference on transnational criminality." ], [ "APJR said that today we are in the third world, there is a globalized environment which has many positive but also negative effects. Therefore when talking about transnational crime it's organized criminal associations from other countries who can then encourage them to come into our country and they have their own agenda of profiting on this way as well.\"" ], [ "Because Timor-Leste is still fragile despite the laws that are very adequate but it needs to find out what authorities need, especially judicial and police officials must look for a thorough understanding of transnational crime." ], [ "APJR further clarified that many conventions which the state of Timor-Leste has ratified, including some Law approves this is to remind us as a country in East Тимор we have adequate instruments for implementation but how do you understand these law and its spirit." ], [ "It has also recently passed three related laws on drug trafficking, human-trafficking and knives." ], [ "The conference was attended by the Australian Ambassador to Timor-Leste, Commander General of PNTL in twelve (12) municipalities including Police Regional Administration for Eastern and Western Australia's commanding officer general as well As investigation leaders from Maritimes Border Policing Service Immigration & Custom Services." ], [ "(Media PGR/Luis Soares)" ] ]
Governu Hahú Prepara OJE 2020\nMembru VIII Governu Konstitusional\nGovernu Hahú Prepara OJE 2020 Featured\n24 Maiu 2019\nDILI: Maski membru seidauk kompletu, maibé VIII governu ne’ebé eziste iha Juñu tinan 2018, hahú halo ona planu atu elabora Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) 2020.\nPrimeiru Ministru (PM) Taur Matan Ruak informa, tuir planu, membru governu sei halo retiru hamutuk iha loron 28-29 fulan ne’e, hodi haree mós kona-bá jornada orsamentál iha fulan Juñu.\nKestaun ne’e Xefe Governu relata ona ba Prezidente Repúblika (PR), Francisco Guterres Lu Olo.\n“Tuir lei orsamentál, loron 15 fulan Outubru orsamentu hirak ne’e tama ona ba Parlamentu Nasionál (PN), atu halo diskusaun. Tanba ne’e, membru governu sira tenke hahú ona halo servisu, atu nune’e bele kumpre regra ne’ebé estabelese ona”, hateten Taur iha Palasiu Prezidensiál, Bairru-Pité, hafoin hasoru malu ho Xefe Estadu Lu Olo horisehik.\nDurante preparasaun, Xefe Governu hamutuk ho membru sira sei haree OJE 2020, ne’ebé naturalmente oinsá mak atu aumenta osan iha setór produtivu sira hanesan, edukasaun, saúde, agrikultura, hanesan mós buat ne’ebé sosiedade preokupa.\nTanba ne’e, governu sei halo ezersísiu, bainhira orsamentu ne’e konsolidadu ona, públiku bele haree.\nKona-bá membru governu ne’ebé seidauk kompletu, PM hateten, asuntu ne’e la’ós depende de’it boa vontade Xefe Governu, maibé naturalmente diskute ho Xefe Estadu maski lori ona tinan no seidauk iha solusaun.\nIha sorin seluk, Organizasaun Naun Governamentál (ONG) Luta Hamutuk konsidera governu halo ezekusaun OJE tinan 2019 ne’ebé foin atinje 30%, kauza husi estrutura ne’ebé seidauk kompletu.\n“Ita haree iha relatóriu ezekusaun OJE 2019, ministériu balun foin atinje 10% no 23%. Ida nee kauza husi estrutura governu ne’ebé seidauk kompletu”, hateten Diretór Luta Hamutuk José Alves iha knaar fatin Faról Kuarta (23/5).\nJosé hatutan, tuir loloos ezekusaun OJE tinan fiskál 2019, iha trimestre dahuluk tenke atinje ona 50%, maibé ida ne’e foin atinje 30%.\nIda ne’e Luta Hamutuk konsidera katak, governu nia frakeza, tanba laiha planu integradu.\nAtu rezolve kestaun ida ne’e, Luta Hamutuk sujere ba governu tenke halo aproximasaun di'ak ho Prezidente Repúblika hodi bele hetan solusaun ne’ebé di'ak, liuliu kompleta membru governu.\nNune’e mós peskizadór La’o Hamutuk Celestino Gusmão hateten, ezekusaun OJE 2019 foin atinje 30% konsidera laiha problema tanba ezekusaun foin hahú iha meadu fulan Fevereiru.\nLa’o Hamutuk husu de’it ba governu tenke halo ezekusaun ho transparénsia, nune’e bele garantia sustentabilidade povu.\nMore in this category: « TL Gasta Ona Fundu Petrolíferu Biliaun $10.6\tFunsionarius MTK ho Karreta Estadu Tula Ai-kameli no Kilat Manu Ilegal »\nGovernu Laiha Kapasidade Jere Lixu iha Dili\n/Governu Hahú Prepara OJE 2020
[ "Governu Hahu Prepara OJE 2020 Membru VIII Governu Konstitusional Governu Hahu Prepara OJE 2020 Featured 24 Maiu 2019 DILI: Maski membru seidauk kompletu, maibe VIII governu ne'ebe eziste iha Junu tinan 2018, hahu halo ona planu atu elabora Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2020.", "Primeiru Ministru (PM) Taur Matan Ruak informa, tuir planu, membru governu sei halo retiru hamutuk iha loron 28-29 fulan ne'e, hodi haree mos kona-ba jornada orsamental iha fulan Junu.", "Kestaun ne'e Xefe Governu relata ona ba Prezidente Republika (PR), Francisco Guterres Lu Olo.", "\"Tuir lei orsamental, loron 15 fulan Outubru orsamentu hirak ne'e tama ona ba Parlamentu Nasional (PN), atu halo diskusaun.", "Tanba ne'e, membru governu sira tenke hahu ona halo servisu, atu nune'e bele kumpre regra ne'ebe estabelese ona,\" hateten Taur iha Palasiu Prezidensial, Bairru-Pite, hafoin hasoru malu ho Xefe Estadu Lu Olo horisehik.", "Durante preparasaun, Xefe Governu hamutuk ho membru sira sei haree OJE 2020, ne'ebe naturalmente oinsa mak atu aumenta osan iha setor produtivu sira hanesan, edukasaun, saude, agrikultura, hanesan mos buat ne'ebe sosiedade preokupa.", "Tanba ne'e, governu sei halo ezersisiu, bainhira orsamentu ne'e konsolidadu ona, publiku bele haree.", "Kona-ba membru governu ne'ebe seidauk kompletu, PM hateten, asuntu ne'e la'os depende de'it boa vontade Xefe Governu, maibe naturalmente diskute ho Xefe Estadu maski lori ona tinan no seidauk iha solusaun.", "Iha sorin seluk, Organizasaun Naun Governamental (ONG) Luta Hamutuk konsidera governu halo ezekusaun OJE tinan 2019 ne'ebe foin atinje 30%, kauza husi estrutura ne'ebe seidauk kompletu.", "\"Ita haree iha relatoriu ezekusaun OJE 2019, ministeriu balun foin atinje 10% no 23%.", "Ida nee kauza husi estrutura governu ne'ebe seidauk kompletu,\" hateten Diretor Luta Hamutuk Jose Alves iha knaar fatin Farol Kuarta (23/5).", "Jose hatutan, tuir loloos ezekusaun OJE tinan fiskal 2019, iha trimestre dahuluk tenke atinje ona 50%, maibe ida ne'e foin atinje 30%.", "Ida ne'e Luta Hamutuk konsidera katak, governu nia frakeza, tanba laiha planu integradu.", "Atu rezolve kestaun ida ne'e, Luta Hamutuk sujere ba governu tenke halo aproximasaun di'ak ho Prezidente Republika hodi bele hetan solusaun ne'ebe di'ak, liuliu kompleta membru governu.", "Nune'e mos peskizador La'o Hamutuk Celestino Gusmao hateten, ezekusaun OJE 2019 foin atinje 30% konsidera laiha problema tanba ezekusaun foin hahu iha meadu fulan Fevereiru.", "La'o Hamutuk husu de'it ba governu tenke halo ezekusaun ho transparensia, nune'e bele garantia sustentabilidade povu.", "More in this category: \" TL Gasta Ona Fundu Petroliferu Biliaun $10.6 Funsionarius MTK ho Karreta Estadu Tula Ai-kameli no Kilat Manu Ilegal \" Governu Laiha Kapasidade Jere Lixu iha Dili /Governu Hahu Prepara OJE 2020" ]
[ [ "Government Has To Prepare Budget 2019 Members VIII Constitutional government has to prepare budget for the next year Dili: Even though membership is not complete, but in June of this years' August there was a plan made by that time governing party (Goverment) which had been existing since July." ], [ "Prime Minister (PM) Taur Matan Ruak has informed that, according to the plan of government members will hold a retreat together on 28-30 June this year and also consider budgetary agenda for next month." ], [ "The Chief of Government has reported the matter to President Francisco Guterres Lu Olo." ], [ "\"According to the budgetary law, on October 15th these bills were submitted for discussion in Parliament." ], [ "Therefore, members of the government must begin to work so that they can comply with established rules\", said Taur in Presidential Palace Bairru-Pite after meeting Head Of State Lu Olo yesterday." ], [ "During the preparation, Head of Government together with members will look at Budget for The Year in which we are naturally how to increase money on productive sectors such as education health and agriculture but also things that concern society." ], [ "Therefore, the government will make an exercise when this budget is consolidated so that public can see." ], [ "Regarding the incomplete cabinet, PM said that this matter does not depend solely on goodwill of Heads Of Government but naturally discussed with Chief Minister even though it has taken years and there is still no solution." ], [ "Meanwhile, the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Luta Hamutuk considers that government has implemented only 30% of its budget for this year due to an incomplete structure." ], [ "\"We see in the 2019 budget implementation report that some ministries have only achieved a performance of between, respectively." ], [ "This is due to the structure of government which has not been completed,\" said Director Luta Hamutuk Jose Alves in Farol office on Thursday (23/5)." ], [ "Jose said that the 2019 fiscal year budget implementation should have reached a total of about five-tenths in its first quarter, but it has only achieved thirty percent." ], [ "Luta Hamutuk considers this to be a weakness of the government, because there is no integrated plan." ], [ "In order to resolve this issue, Luta Hamutuk suggests that the government should make a good approach with President of Republic so as it can find an appropriate solution." ], [ "Similarly, La'o Hamutuk researcher Celestino Gusmão said that the implementation of 2019 budget only reaches a percentage level (35%) and there is no problem because execution has just begun in mid-February." ], [ "La'o Hamutuk only asks the government to execute with transparency, so that it can guarantee sustainability for people." ], [ "More in this category: \" TL Has Spent $10.6 Billion Petroliferu Fund MTK Employees with State Car Tow Camel Trees and Illegal Manu Kilats\" Government Lacks Capacity to Handle Litter at Dili /Government Needed Prepare Budget 24/7" ] ]
“Redús votu nulu, brigada fó edukasuan votante ba eleitór sira” | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA NASIONÁL “Redús votu nulu, brigada fó edukasuan votante ba eleitór sira”\n“Redús votu nulu, brigada fó edukasuan votante ba eleitór sira”\nDILI, 06 abríl 2022 (TATOLI)—Diretór Jerál Sekretariadu Tékniku Administrasaun Eleitorál (STAE), Acilino Manuel Branco, hateten atu redús votu nulu iha segunda volta mak brigada fó edukasuan votante ba eleitór sira iha suku-suku hodi bele ezerse sira-nia diretu votu ho loloos.\n“Atu redús votu nulu iha eleisaun prezidensiál ba segunda volta, STAE halo preparasaun ne’ebé másima no kontinua orienta nia brigada sira atu halo edukasaun votante ba eleitór sira, nune’e oinsá mak bele ezerse sira-nia diretu votu iha loron eleisaun nian ho loloos. Nune’e, kontribui liután hasa’e taxa partisipasaun no redús votu nulu ne’ebé mak iha,” Acilino hateten ba Agência TATOLI, iha nia knaar fatin Caicoli, Dili, kuarta ne’e.\nSTAE orienta ona brigada sira atu kontinua halo edukasaun vontante ba eleitór sira, tanba iha eleisaun primeira volta ne’e votu nulu hamutuk 13.143 no hosi númeru ne’e inklui votu reklamadu 437.\n“Ho ne’e, ita briefing brigada sira atu kontinua lori informa ba iha ofisiál eleitór sira atu oinsá bele dezempeña di’ak liután iha eleisaun segunda volta nian. Tanba iha preokupasaun balun ne’ebé mak hato’o katak iha prosesu kontajen ne’e la’o kleur loos,” nia dehan.\nNia hateten, ho preokupasaun sira-ne’e mak órgaun eleitorál tau ona atensaun, nune’e iha eleisaun segunda volta bele aumenta taxa partisipasaun.\nhalo edukasuan votante ba eleitor\nPrevious articleMS ho Menzie School no WMP diskute prevensaun dengue iha Timor-Leste\nNext articleGovernu aprova vaga promosaun karreira administrasaun públika hamutuk 866
[ "\"Redus votu nulu, brigada fo edukasuan votante ba eleitor sira\" | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA NASIONAL \"Redus votu nulu, brigada fo edukasuan votante ba eleitor sira\" \"Redus votu nulu, brigada fo edukasuan votante ba eleitor sira\" DILI, 06 abril 2022 (TATOLI) - Diretor Jeral Sekretariadu Tekniku Administrasaun Eleitoral (STAE), Acilino Manuel Branco, hateten atu redus votu nulu iha segunda volta mak brigada fo edukasuan votante ba eleitor sira iha suku-suku hodi bele ezerse sira-nia diretu votu ho loloos.", "\"Atu redus votu nulu iha eleisaun prezidensial ba segunda volta, STAE halo preparasaun ne'ebe masima no kontinua orienta nia brigada sira atu halo edukasaun votante ba eleitor sira, nune'e oinsa mak bele ezerse sira-nia diretu votu iha loron eleisaun nian ho loloos.", "Nune'e, kontribui liutan hasa'e taxa partisipasaun no redus votu nulu ne'ebe mak iha,\" Acilino hateten ba Agencia TATOLI, iha nia knaar fatin Caicoli, Dili, kuarta ne'e.", "STAE orienta ona brigada sira atu kontinua halo edukasaun vontante ba eleitor sira, tanba iha eleisaun primeira volta ne'e votu nulu hamutuk 13.143 no hosi numeru ne'e inklui votu reklamadu 437.", "\"Ho ne'e, ita briefing brigada sira atu kontinua lori informa ba iha ofisial eleitor sira atu oinsa bele dezempena di'ak liutan iha eleisaun segunda volta nian.", "Tanba iha preokupasaun balun ne'ebe mak hato'o katak iha prosesu kontajen ne'e la'o kleur loos,\" nia dehan.", "Nia hateten, ho preokupasaun sira-ne'e mak orgaun eleitoral tau ona atensaun, nune'e iha eleisaun segunda volta bele aumenta taxa partisipasaun. halo edukasuan votante ba eleitor Previous articleMS ho Menzie School no WMP diskute prevensaun dengue iha Timor-Leste Next articleGovernu aprova vaga promosaun karreira administrasaun publika hamutuk 866" ]
[ [ "\"Reducing null votes, brigade educates voters\" | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA NASIONAL Reduced number of void ballots in the second round is due to education given by a specialised team at village level so that they can exercise their right and properly. Dili (AFP) - General Director Acilino Manuel Branco said he has been working with local authorities on this issue since last year when it came up against an attempted fraudulent election campaign which was carried out during his tenure as Chief Electoral Officer for East Timor'S first presidential elections from April until June after two years’ fighting between opposition parties over who should be elected next President or Prime Minister.[1]" ], [ "\"In order to reduce the number of null votes in presidential elections for second round, STAE has made maximum preparations and continue guiding its brigades on voter education among electorate so that they can exercise their right at election day properly." ], [ "Thus, it contributes to raise the turnout rate and reduce null vote that there are\", Acilino told Agência TATOLI in his office Caicoli Dili on Tuesday." ], [ "The STAE has instructed the brigades to continue voter education, because in this first round of elections there were a total number Of null votes amounted To13.047 and from that figure included claimd Vote-Reclaiming Votes (VCR) - A Total Number" ], [ "\"With this, we brief the brigades to continue bringing information on voter officials in order for a good outcome after election second round." ], [ "Because there are some concerns that have been raised about the counting process being slow,\" he said." ], [ "Previous articleMS with Menzie School and WMP discuss dengue prevention in Timor-Leste Next ArticleGovernment approves 865 career promotion vacancies for public administration, says PM Prev PostGovernments of the United Kingdom (UK), France(France) & Germany agree to establish a joint European Commission/European Union Office on Human Rights" ] ]
Liurai Nabucodonosor no mane-klosan naʼin-haat iha Babilónia | Istória husi Bíblia\nLIURAI Nabucodonosor lori ema Izraél sira neʼebé iha edukasaun boot liu atu bá Babilónia. Depois neʼe, liurai hili mane-klosan sira neʼebé bonitu liu no matenek liu husi ema sira-neʼe. Balu mak mane-klosan naʼin-haat neʼebé ó haree iha neʼe. Ida mak Daniel, no sira seluk mak ema Babilónia bolu Sadraque, Mesaque, no Abednego.\nNabucodonosor halo planu atu fó treinu ba mane-klosan sira atu serbí iha ninia uma. Kuandu treinu ba tinan tolu ramata tiha, nia sei hili ema matenek liu deʼit mak ajuda nia atu rezolve problema. Liurai hakarak mane-klosan sira-neʼe atu sai forte no isin-diʼak durante tempu neʼebé sira simu treinu. Tan neʼe, nia haruka ba ninia atan sira atu fó ba joven sira neʼe hotu hahán kapás no tua-uvas hanesan ho liurai no ninia família nian.\nHaree bá mane-klosan Daniel. Hatene saida mak nia koʼalia daudauk ba Aspenaz, xefe ba Nabucodonosor nia atan sira? Daniel hatete katak nia lakohi simu hahán diʼak husi liurai nia meza. Maibé, Aspenaz laran-susar. Nia hatete: ‘Liurai deside tiha ona kona-ba saida mak imi han no hemu. Se nia haree imi la iha isin-diʼak hanesan ho joven seluseluk, nia sei oho haʼu.’\nDaniel bá hasoru ema ida neʼebé Aspenaz hili atu tau matan ba nia no ninia kolega naʼin-tolu. Daniel hatete: ‘Halo favór, koko ami ba loron sanulu. Fó mai ami modo baibain deʼit no bee atu hemu. Depois neʼe, kompara ami ho joven seluseluk neʼebé han liurai nia hahán, no haree toʼok sé mak iha isin-diʼak liu.’\nEma neʼe simu atu halo nuneʼe. Liutiha loron 10, nia haree katak Daniel no ninia kolega naʼin-tolu mak isin-diʼak liu fali joven seluseluk hotu. Tan neʼe, nia husik sira atu han nafatin modo baibain duké han buat neʼebé liurai fó.\nTinan tolu ramata tiha, joven sira hotu tenke bá hasoru Liurai Nabucodonosor. Koʼalia tiha ho sira hotu, liurai hatene katak Daniel no ninia kolega naʼin-tolu mak matenek liu. Tan neʼe, nia hili sira atu ajuda nia iha ninia uma. Kuandu liurai husu pergunta ruma ba Daniel, Sadraque, Mesaque no Abednego, ka husu kona-ba problema neʼebé susar, sira hatene liu fali ninia amlulik no matenek-naʼin sira dala sanulu. Dezeñu iha pájina tomak
[ "Liurai Nabucodonosor no mane-klosan na'in-haat iha Babilonia | Istoria husi Biblia LIURAI Nabucodonosor lori ema Izrael sira ne'ebe iha edukasaun boot liu atu ba Babilonia.", "Depois ne'e, liurai hili mane-klosan sira ne'ebe bonitu liu no matenek liu husi ema sira-ne'e.", "Balu mak mane-klosan na'in-haat ne'ebe o haree iha ne'e.", "Ida mak Daniel, no sira seluk mak ema Babilonia bolu Sadraque, Mesaque, no Abednego.", "Nabucodonosor halo planu atu fo treinu ba mane-klosan sira atu serbi iha ninia uma.", "Kuandu treinu ba tinan tolu ramata tiha, nia sei hili ema matenek liu de'it mak ajuda nia atu rezolve problema.", "Liurai hakarak mane-klosan sira-ne'e atu sai forte no isin-di'ak durante tempu ne'ebe sira simu treinu.", "Tan ne'e, nia haruka ba ninia atan sira atu fo ba joven sira ne'e hotu hahan kapas no tua-uvas hanesan ho liurai no ninia familia nian.", "Haree ba mane-klosan Daniel.", "Hatene saida mak nia ko'alia daudauk ba Aspenaz, xefe ba Nabucodonosor nia atan sira?", "Daniel hatete katak nia lakohi simu hahan di'ak husi liurai nia meza.", "Maibe, Aspenaz laran-susar.", "Nia hatete: 'Liurai deside tiha ona kona-ba saida mak imi han no hemu.", "Se nia haree imi la iha isin-di'ak hanesan ho joven seluseluk, nia sei oho ha'u.'", "Daniel ba hasoru ema ida ne'ebe Aspenaz hili atu tau matan ba nia no ninia kolega na'in-tolu.", "Daniel hatete: 'Halo favor, koko ami ba loron sanulu.", "Fo mai ami modo baibain de'it no bee atu hemu.", "Depois ne'e, kompara ami ho joven seluseluk ne'ebe han liurai nia hahan, no haree to'ok se mak iha isin-di'ak liu.'", "Ema ne'e simu atu halo nune'e.", "Liutiha loron 10, nia haree katak Daniel no ninia kolega na'in-tolu mak isin-di'ak liu fali joven seluseluk hotu.", "Tan ne'e, nia husik sira atu han nafatin modo baibain duke han buat ne'ebe liurai fo.", "Tinan tolu ramata tiha, joven sira hotu tenke ba hasoru Liurai Nabucodonosor.", "Ko'alia tiha ho sira hotu, liurai hatene katak Daniel no ninia kolega na'in-tolu mak matenek liu.", "Tan ne'e, nia hili sira atu ajuda nia iha ninia uma.", "Kuandu liurai husu pergunta ruma ba Daniel, Sadraque, Mesaque no Abednego, ka husu kona-ba problema ne'ebe susar, sira hatene liu fali ninia amlulik no matenek-na'in sira dala sanulu.", "Dezenu iha pajina tomak" ]
[ [ "King Nebuchadnezzar and the sixty-seven men in Babylon | Bible Stories KING NEBUCHADNEZZAR took all of Israel's most educated people to Babylonia." ], [ "Then the king chose out of these men those who were most handsome and wise." ], [ "I'm the seven-legged man that you see here." ], [ "One of them was Daniel, and the others were those whom Babylonians called Shadrach-Meshach–Abednezzar; they had three sons." ], [ "Nebuchadnezzar planned to train the men-clowns in order that they might serve at his house." ], [ "When his three-year training is over, he will choose only the wisest people to help him solve problems." ], [ "The king wanted these men to become strong and fit during the time they were trained." ], [ "Therefore, he ordered his servants to provide all these young men with linen and grapevine as well." ], [ "Have a look at the man-closan Daniel." ], [ "What answer did he give to Ashpenaz, the chief of Nebuchadnezzar's servant?" ], [ "Daniel says that he refuses to take the good food from his king's table." ], [ "However, Aspenaz sigh." ], [ "He said, 'The King has decreed what you should eat and drink." ], [ "If he sees that you are not as healthy and well-behaved, like the young men of your time before him; then will it be his turn to kill me.'" ], [ "Daniel goes to meet a man whom Aspenaz has appointed as the guardian of him and his three colleagues." ], [ "Daniel said: 'Hello please, let us go for thirty days." ], [ "Give me just ordinary clothes and no water to drink." ], [ "Then, compare us with the seventeen young men who had eaten from his table and see which of them was in better health.'" ], [ "The man agreed to do so." ], [ "After 10 days, he found that Daniel and his three colleagues were better off than all the other youngsters." ], [ "Therefore, he allowed them to eat the usual grains rather than what was given by him." ], [ "At the end of three years, all these young men were to go up before King Nebuchadnezzar." ], [ "And when the king had spoken with them, he saw that Daniel and his three companions were more wise than they." ], [ "Therefore, he chose them to help him in his house." ], [ "And in every matter which the king inquired of Daniel, Shadrach and Meshach. Abed-Nego; or any difficult question that he asked them concerning: they were found to be a hundred times wiser than all his wise men" ], [ "The design is on a full page." ] ]
CNRT SEI DISKUTI REGRA GOVERNASAUN HO FRETILIN – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Politika » CNRT SEI DISKUTI REGRA GOVERNASAUN HO FRETILIN\nCNRT SEI DISKUTI REGRA GOVERNASAUN HO FRETILIN\nMembru Comissão Polítika Nasionál partidu CNRT, Dionisio Babo hateten, CNRT sei deside regra Governasaun foun iha konfrensia nasionál CNRT nian ne’ebé mak sei hala’o iha tempu badak, hodi lori ba diskuti ho partidu vensedor eleisaun Parlamentar FRETILIN.\nDionisio hatutan, to’o oras ne’e dadauk, seidauk iha komunikasaun formal husi individual, no anivel institusionál entre partidu sira ba formasaun sétimu Governu. Dionisio esklarese, relasaun entre FRETILIN ho CNRT durante ne’e la’o hamutuk diak tebes. Tanba ne’e, obsaun hotu kona ba atu forma Governu foun ne’e, iha hela. “Ita bele uza ida ne’e sai hanesan memória institusionál para avansa, tanba kompromisiu ida aas liu ne’e mak kompromisiu ba intrese nasionál. Maibé hanesan ha’u dehan ona, partidu nia regra interna, ami tenki diskuti iha nivel partidu nian, atu deside saida mak ami presiza atu lori ba diskuti ho ami nia maluk sira iha FRETILIN,” relata Dionisio Babo bainhira halo intervista eskluzivu iha GMN TV, Tersa (01/08). Nia hatutan, rezultadu husi konfrensia nasionál FRETILIN nian ne’ebé mak atu hala’o iha tempu badak ne’e, sei fó mandatu ba Prezidenti partidu CNRT ou Sekretáriu Jeral hodi aprezenta ba partidu seluk kona ba, saida mak CNRT nia hanoin ba Governasaun foun. “Ida ne’e atu ita bele iha plataforma ida hanesan atu bele kondus polítika nasaun nian ba oin,” tenik Dionisio. Nia hatutan, CNRT sei konvoka konfrensia nasionál ida iha loron 4 to’o loron 6 fulan ida ne’e. Dionisio dehan, CNRT nia pozisaun agora ne’e, tenki servisu hamutuk ona ho partidu sira seluk hanesan, FRETILIN, Partidu Demokrátiku no partidu sira seluk. “Maibé kooperasaun entre partidu sira ne’e, CNRT laiha plan-intendementu ida, no ita tenki interpreta votade popular ne’e, no ita mós haree katak, Prezidenti Repúblika rasik hateten katak, nia hakarak Governu ne’ebé estabel to’o tinan lima mai,” afirma Dionisio. Tanba ne’e, tenki hola medidas ida ne’ebé importante, entaun ami se hein hela konfrensia nasionál CNRT nian. Dionisio dehan, Prezidenti Repúblika ho nia inisiativa sei bolu partidu polítiku sira, atu negosia hodi haree, saida mak diak liu hodi bele introdus iha plataforma Governasaun foun ne’e. “Obsaun sir aba koaligasaun ne’e, nakloke hotu kedas, tanba dalan ida mak koaligasaun, no dalan ida mak bele halo Governu inkluzivu hanesan Mari Alkatiri koalia bebeik ona, no ida seluk bele ba opozisaun,” relata Dionisio. Importante mak tenki tau intrese nasionál povu nian iha leten, no CNRT preparadu atu koopera ho partidu ne’ebé de’it, tuir mandatu ne’ebé mak povu fó fiar ona ba partidu polítiku sira, iha eleisaun jeral 2017 ne’e. Dionisio mós dehan, obsaun kona ba partidu vensedor segundu atu forma Governu mós nakloke hela, depende ba negosiasaun ho partidu sira. “Ha’u hatene katak, iha vontade diak no esperensia entre partidu sira hanesan, CNRT, FRETILIN nomós partidu sira seluk, iha nivel kontaktu individual, tanba iha relasaun diak entre lider sira ne’e hotu,” katak Dionisio Babo. Nia haktuir, CNRT prontu koopera ho partidu se de’it, atu ezekuta konkordansia kona ba, oinsa mak bele la’o atu atinji intrese komum ida kona ba, povu nia moris diak. Nia esplika, diferensia entre koaligasaun ho Governasaun inkluzivu ne’e mak, partidu hotu inklui ema independente tama iha Governasaun nia laran. “Koaligasaun normalmente partidu rua mak kompromete iha parseria ida ba tinan lima, hodi lori Governasaun ne’e ba oin. Maibé Governu grande inkluzaun, partidu ida ne’ebé mais votadu, hakarak konvida partidu hotu tama iha laran, inklui ema independente sira, no iha mós inisiativa atu asegura estabilidade Governativa liu husi Parlamentu Nasionál,” afirma Dionisio. Importante mak, tenki asegura povu nia moris diak, paz no estabilidade nomós dezenvolvimentu tenki la’o ho diak. Nia afirma, FRETILIN hanesan partidu vensedor, nia iha vantazen liu atu halo ida ne’e. “Ita respeita rezultadu final, maibé hanesan ha’u dehan katak, se partidu mais votadu la konsege forma koaligasaun ida, Prezidenti Repúblika sei konvida partidu mais votadu hodi husu, maibé kuandu la konsege nafatin, bele iha eleisaun antisipada,” afirma Dionisio. Nia salienta, desizaun ida atu CNRT mantein iha opozisaun ne’e, konfrensia nasionál mak sei haree. “Desizaun sira ne’e ita halo anivel partidu para ita haree bele ba to’o ne’eba, maibé depois konsiderasaun polítika, bele mosu mós mudansa. Kestaun ida ne’e intrese partidu buat seluk ida, intrese nasionál no intrese povu nian buat ketak ida,” katak Dionisio. Nia akresenta, atu aselera dezenvolvimentu nasionál ne’e, hanesan konfiansa no kompromisiu nasionál, CNRT kompromete kedas katak, unidade nasionál no estabilidade importante tebes. Dionisio dehan, unidade no estabilidade nasionál mak sai hanesan kondisaun ne’ebé fundamental ba povu no nasaun Timor Leste. “Tanba ne’e, konfiansa ida ne’e la’os FRETILIN nian de’it, maibé CNRT no partidu sira seluk mós iha ida ne’e,” katak Dionisio. Alende ne’e, Dionisio relembra katak, esperensia iha Governasaun Bloku Koaligasaun nian hatudu katak, normalmente kuandu iha koaligasaun, tenki iha mós kritériu ida atu bele kompartilla durante mandatu tinan lima. Maibé kuandu la’o to’o iha dalan klaran mak, partidu ida senti katak, nia parseiru koaligasaun ne’e, la konsege muda nia hanoin ses husi kritériu ne’e, entaun iha opsaun polítika ne’ebé tenki hola, maibé medidas polítika sira ne’e, la’os atu estraga fila fali koaligasaun no estabilidade Governasaun. “Obsaun CNRT ho FRETILIN atu halo koaligasaun ne’e nakloke, no hanesan ha’u dehan katak, iha partidu lima mak hetan asentu parlamentar hanesan, PD, PLP no KHUNTO, ne’ebé ida-ida deside ona sira nia pozisaun polítika, tanba ne’e CNRT iha dever ida atu haree dalan ne’ebé mak diak liu atu koopera ho partidu sira seluk, hodi asegura estabilidade Governativa iha tina lima mai,” relata Dionisio.cos\nLee hotu : Taur husu militantes AMP Uatulari lalika tauk ho ameasa\nAlkatiri tristi lider sira fahe malu\nPR deside EA, Alkatiri kontenti ”Povu konfia liu Xanana, Taur-Naimori\nPrizoneirus 91 Prizaun Gleno sei partisipa EA\nHong Long laiha kontratu, Governu fó lisensa Alkatiri: “Ha’u la’os peskador”\nPrioridade AEMTL dezenvolve negosiu no asesu merkadu internasional\nKansela plenaria, BOAMP konsidera PPN halai husi responsabilidade\nFRETILIN ho opozisaun laiha konkordansia ba insidensia parlamentar\nGRANDE ENTREVISTA Hamutuk ho Xefé bancada Partidu CNRT\nJuventude ParPol asina kompromisu paz ho CNJTL\nEleisaun antesipada mosu, BOAMP sei avansa ho pakote ida\nBK akuza BOAMP la kolaborativu ■BOAMP konsidera BK manobra povu\nKonsolidasaun iha Bobonaro, Lideransa AMP husu militantes labele monu ba manobra Parpol seluk\nFRETILIN KONVIDA PARTIDU HOTU SERVISU HAMUTUK\nPartidu Frente Revolucionária do Timor-Leste Independente...\nHafoin rezultadu eleisaun jeral nian fo...\nFRETILIN HO CNRT KONTAKTU PD FORMA GOVERNU\nPrezidenti Partido Demokratiku (PD), Mariano Assanami...
[ "CNRT SEI DISKUTI REGRA GOVERNASAUN HO FRETILIN - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Politika \" CNRT SEI DISKUTI REGRA GOVERNASAUN HO FRETILIN CNRT SEI DISKUTI REGRA GOVERNASAUN HO FRETILIN Membru Comissao Politika Nasional partidu CNRT, Dionisio Babo hateten, CNRT sei deside regra Governasaun foun iha konfrensia nasional CNRT nian ne'ebe mak sei hala'o iha tempu badak, hodi lori ba diskuti ho partidu vensedor eleisaun Parlamentar FRETILIN.", "Dionisio hatutan, to'o oras ne'e dadauk, seidauk iha komunikasaun formal husi individual, no anivel institusional entre partidu sira ba formasaun setimu Governu.", "Dionisio esklarese, relasaun entre FRETILIN ho CNRT durante ne'e la'o hamutuk diak tebes.", "Tanba ne'e, obsaun hotu kona ba atu forma Governu foun ne'e, iha hela.", "\"Ita bele uza ida ne'e sai hanesan memoria institusional para avansa, tanba kompromisiu ida aas liu ne'e mak kompromisiu ba intrese nasional.", "Maibe hanesan ha'u dehan ona, partidu nia regra interna, ami tenki diskuti iha nivel partidu nian, atu deside saida mak ami presiza atu lori ba diskuti ho ami nia maluk sira iha FRETILIN,\" relata Dionisio Babo bainhira halo intervista eskluzivu iha GMN TV, Tersa (01/08).", "Nia hatutan, rezultadu husi konfrensia nasional FRETILIN nian ne'ebe mak atu hala'o iha tempu badak ne'e, sei fo mandatu ba Prezidenti partidu CNRT ou Sekretariu Jeral hodi aprezenta ba partidu seluk kona ba, saida mak CNRT nia hanoin ba Governasaun foun.", "\"Ida ne'e atu ita bele iha plataforma ida hanesan atu bele kondus politika nasaun nian ba oin,\" tenik Dionisio.", "Nia hatutan, CNRT sei konvoka konfrensia nasional ida iha loron 4 to'o loron 6 fulan ida ne'e.", "Dionisio dehan, CNRT nia pozisaun agora ne'e, tenki servisu hamutuk ona ho partidu sira seluk hanesan, FRETILIN, Partidu Demokratiku no partidu sira seluk.", "\"Maibe kooperasaun entre partidu sira ne'e, CNRT laiha plan-intendementu ida, no ita tenki interpreta votade popular ne'e, no ita mos haree katak, Prezidenti Republika rasik hateten katak, nia hakarak Governu ne'ebe estabel to'o tinan lima mai,\" afirma Dionisio.", "Tanba ne'e, tenki hola medidas ida ne'ebe importante, entaun ami se hein hela konfrensia nasional CNRT nian.", "Dionisio dehan, Prezidenti Republika ho nia inisiativa sei bolu partidu politiku sira, atu negosia hodi haree, saida mak diak liu hodi bele introdus iha plataforma Governasaun foun ne'e.", "\"Obsaun sir aba koaligasaun ne'e, nakloke hotu kedas, tanba dalan ida mak koaligasaun, no dalan ida mak bele halo Governu inkluzivu hanesan Mari Alkatiri koalia bebeik ona, no ida seluk bele ba opozisaun,\" relata Dionisio.", "Importante mak tenki tau intrese nasional povu nian iha leten, no CNRT preparadu atu koopera ho partidu ne'ebe de'it, tuir mandatu ne'ebe mak povu fo fiar ona ba partidu politiku sira, iha eleisaun jeral 2017 ne'e.", "Dionisio mos dehan, obsaun kona ba partidu vensedor segundu atu forma Governu mos nakloke hela, depende ba negosiasaun ho partidu sira.", "\"Ha'u hatene katak, iha vontade diak no esperensia entre partidu sira hanesan, CNRT, FRETILIN nomos partidu sira seluk, iha nivel kontaktu individual, tanba iha relasaun diak entre lider sira ne'e hotu,\" katak Dionisio Babo.", "Nia haktuir, CNRT prontu koopera ho partidu se de'it, atu ezekuta konkordansia kona ba, oinsa mak bele la'o atu atinji intrese komum ida kona ba, povu nia moris diak.", "Nia esplika, diferensia entre koaligasaun ho Governasaun inkluzivu ne'e mak, partidu hotu inklui ema independente tama iha Governasaun nia laran.", "\"Koaligasaun normalmente partidu rua mak kompromete iha parseria ida ba tinan lima, hodi lori Governasaun ne'e ba oin.", "Maibe Governu grande inkluzaun, partidu ida ne'ebe mais votadu, hakarak konvida partidu hotu tama iha laran, inklui ema independente sira, no iha mos inisiativa atu asegura estabilidade Governativa liu husi Parlamentu Nasional,\" afirma Dionisio.", "Importante mak, tenki asegura povu nia moris diak, paz no estabilidade nomos dezenvolvimentu tenki la'o ho diak.", "Nia afirma, FRETILIN hanesan partidu vensedor, nia iha vantazen liu atu halo ida ne'e.", "\"Ita respeita rezultadu final, maibe hanesan ha'u dehan katak, se partidu mais votadu la konsege forma koaligasaun ida, Prezidenti Republika sei konvida partidu mais votadu hodi husu, maibe kuandu la konsege nafatin, bele iha eleisaun antisipada,\" afirma Dionisio.", "Nia salienta, desizaun ida atu CNRT mantein iha opozisaun ne'e, konfrensia nasional mak sei haree.", "\"Desizaun sira ne'e ita halo anivel partidu para ita haree bele ba to'o ne'eba, maibe depois konsiderasaun politika, bele mosu mos mudansa.", "Kestaun ida ne'e intrese partidu buat seluk ida, intrese nasional no intrese povu nian buat ketak ida,\" katak Dionisio.", "Nia akresenta, atu aselera dezenvolvimentu nasional ne'e, hanesan konfiansa no kompromisiu nasional, CNRT kompromete kedas katak, unidade nasional no estabilidade importante tebes.", "Dionisio dehan, unidade no estabilidade nasional mak sai hanesan kondisaun ne'ebe fundamental ba povu no nasaun Timor Leste.", "\"Tanba ne'e, konfiansa ida ne'e la'os FRETILIN nian de'it, maibe CNRT no partidu sira seluk mos iha ida ne'e,\" katak Dionisio.", "Alende ne'e, Dionisio relembra katak, esperensia iha Governasaun Bloku Koaligasaun nian hatudu katak, normalmente kuandu iha koaligasaun, tenki iha mos kriteriu ida atu bele kompartilla durante mandatu tinan lima.", "Maibe kuandu la'o to'o iha dalan klaran mak, partidu ida senti katak, nia parseiru koaligasaun ne'e, la konsege muda nia hanoin ses husi kriteriu ne'e, entaun iha opsaun politika ne'ebe tenki hola, maibe medidas politika sira ne'e, la'os atu estraga fila fali koaligasaun no estabilidade Governasaun.", "\"Obsaun CNRT ho FRETILIN atu halo koaligasaun ne'e nakloke, no hanesan ha'u dehan katak, iha partidu lima mak hetan asentu parlamentar hanesan, PD, PLP no KHUNTO, ne'ebe ida-ida deside ona sira nia pozisaun politika, tanba ne'e CNRT iha dever ida atu haree dalan ne'ebe mak diak liu atu koopera ho partidu sira seluk, hodi asegura estabilidade Governativa iha tina lima mai,\" relata Dionisio.cos Lee hotu: Taur husu militantes AMP Uatulari lalika tauk ho ameasa Alkatiri tristi lider sira fahe malu PR deside EA, Alkatiri kontenti \"Povu konfia liu Xanana, Taur-Naimori Prizoneirus 91 Prizaun Gleno sei partisipa EA Hong Long laiha kontratu, Governu fo lisensa Alkatiri: \"Ha'u la'os peskador\" Prioridade AEMTL dezenvolve negosiu no asesu merkadu internasional Kansela plenaria, BOAMP konsidera PPN halai husi responsabilidade FRETILIN ho opozisaun laiha konkordansia ba insidensia parlamentar GRANDE ENTREVISTA Hamutuk ho Xefe bancada Partidu CNRT Juventude ParPol asina kompromisu paz ho CNJTL Eleisaun antesipada mosu, BOAMP sei avansa ho pakote ida BK akuza BOAMP la kolaborativu #BOAMP konsidera BK manobra povu Konsolidasaun iha Bobonaro, Lideransa AMP husu militantes labele monu ba manobra Parpol seluk FRETILIN KONVIDA PARTIDU HOTU SERVISU HAMUTUK Partidu Frente Revolucionaria do Timor-Leste Independente...", "Hafoin rezultadu eleisaun jeral nian fo...", "FRETILIN HO CNRT KONTAKTU PD FORMA GOVERNU Prezidenti Partido Demokratiku (PD), Mariano Assanami..." ]
[ [ "CNRT WILL DISCUTE THE RULES OF GOVERNANCE WHICH ARE TO BE DEFINED BY FRELIMO -GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional- Lori Timor ba Mundu Home \" Politica\" FRETILIN'S NATIONAL POLITICA COMMISSION MEMBER, Dionisio Babo said that the party will decide on new rules of governance at its national conference which is to be held shortly and discussed with those parties who won parliamentary elections." ], [ "Dionisio added that, so far there has not been any formal communication at the individual and institutional levels between parties on forming a seventh government." ], [ "Dionisio clarified, the relationship between FRETILIN and CNRT during this time has been very good." ], [ "Therefore, all the objections about how to form this new government remain." ], [ "\"We can use this as an institutional memory to move forward, because the highest compromise is that of national interest." ], [ "But as I said, the party's internal rules are that we have to discuss at a Party level and decide what is necessary for discussion with our colleagues in FRETILIN,” Dionisio Babo told an exclusive interview on GMN TV Tuesday (01/8)." ], [ "He added that the outcome of FRETILIN's national conference to be held shortly will give a mandate for CNRP President or General Secretary, in order they can present their views on what CNRT think about new government." ], [ "\"This is so that we can have a similar platform to lead the country's politics forward,\" said Dionisio." ], [ "He added that CNRP will convene a national conference from 4 to the end of this month." ], [ "Dionisio said, CNRT's position now is that it must work together with other parties such as FRETILIN and the Democratic Party." ], [ "\"But the cooperation between these parties, CNRT does not have a plan of intent and we must interpret this popular vote. We also see that President da República himself has said he wants stable government for five years to come\", Dionisio says.\"" ], [ "Therefore, we have to take one important measure and that's why I am waiting for the CNRT national conference." ], [ "Dionisio said, the President of Republic on his own initiative will call political parties to negotiate and see what is best for being introduced in this new government platform." ], [ "\"Objection to the coalition, it's all opened up immediately because one way is a co-aliance and another can make an inclusive government as Mari Alkatiri has spoken about many times before. The other could be in opposition\", said Dionisio" ], [ "It is important to put the national interests of our people above all else, and CNRT will cooperate only with parties that are in accordance by their mandates which have been given them through a popular vote during this general election." ], [ "Dionisio also said that the objection about which second-winning party to form a government is still open, depending on negotiations with parties." ], [ "\"I know that there is good will and experience between parties such as CNRT, FRETILIN (Frente Revolucionária de Timor-Leste Independente) or other political groups at the level of individual contact because they have a very close relationship among all these leaders\", said Dionisio Babo." ], [ "He said that CNRP is ready to cooperate with any party, if only it can reach an agreement on how we will achieve a common interest for the betterment of people's lives." ], [ "He explained that the difference between a coalition and an inclusive government is, all parties including independents are part of it." ], [ "\"A coalition normally involves two parties committing to a partnership for five years, in order that they can carry this government forward." ], [ "But a large inclusive government, one party with the most votes would like to invite all parties into it including independent people and there is also an initiative in order for stability of Government through National Parliament\", says Dionisio." ], [ "It is important to ensure the people's well-being, peace and stability. Development must proceed smoothly in this country.\"" ], [ "He affirmed, FRETILIN as the winning party has more of an opportunity to do this." ], [ "\"We respect the final result, but as I said before if a coalition cannot be formed by one party with more votes than another then President of Republic will invite to ask for an early election. If it is still not possible we can have elections in advance.\"" ], [ "He emphasized that the decision to keep CNRP in opposition would be taken at a national conference." ], [ "\"These decisions we make at the party level so as to see if it can go that far, but after political considerations there may be a change." ], [ "This issue is the interest of a party something else, national and people's one thing. \" said Dionisio" ], [ "He added that in order to accelerate national development, as a confidence and compromise of the nation. CNRT immediately committed it was very important for National unity & stability is essential ;" ], [ "Dionisio said that national unity and stability are fundamental conditions for the people of Timor-Leste." ], [ "\"Therefore, this confidence is not only from FRETILIN but also CNRT and other parties have it too\", said Dionisio." ], [ "In addition, Dionisio recalled that experience in the Coalition Bloc's Governance has shown it is normal when there are coalitions to have a criterion for sharing during their five-year term." ], [ "But when it comes to the clear path, a party feels that its coalition partner has not been capable of changing his mind from this criterion. Therefore there are political options which must be taken but these policy actions shouldn't ruin again coalitions and stability in government ;" ], [ "\"The opposition of CNRT and FRETILIN to make the coalition is open, as I said that there are five parties with parliamentary seats like PD PLP KHUNTO which each has decided their political position. Therefore Fretilin must look for a better way in cooperation between them so we can ensure government stability during our next ten years\", report Dionisio says Read all: Taur urges AMP Uatulari militantes not be afraid by threats Alkatiri saddened leaders split PR decide EA Alkario happy People trust Xanana more than Naimori Prisoners numbering over one hundred Prison Gleno will participate EAO Hong Long no contract Government gives license Alkitiri 'I am nothing but fisherman' AEMTL priorities develop business & access international market Cancel plenary meeting BOAMP consider PPN out-of charge against party Congress Party Youth ParPol sign compromise peace agreement CNJTLEarly elections occurred - BoAmp advance on package BK blames BNPT lack collaboration #BOAMP considered BC manoeuvre people Consolidation at Bobonaro – AMPL leadership calls upon members NOT TO fall into other partisan maneuvers FRELIMO INVITS PARTIES WITH SERVICES HAMUTUK Partido" ], [ "Following the results of general election fo..." ], [ "FRETILIN AND CNRT CONTACT PD TO FORM GOVERNMENT Democratic Party (PD) President, Mariano Assanami Sabino..." ] ]
FORUM HAKSESUK: Susesus 10 Nudar K’bit ba Xanana Atu Ukun Hikas iha 2012-2017\nSusesus 10 Nudar K’bit ba Xanana Atu Ukun Hikas iha 2012-2017\nHusi: Jose Maria Guterres “Sukay”*\nKampanha Eleisaun Parlamentar remata ona iha loron 4/7/2012 horseik. Durante periodu kampanha eleitoral partidus politikus no koligasoens partidarias hato’o ida-idak ninia programas politikas wainhira ka’er governasaun ba periodu politika 2012-2017. Opsoens politikas 21 (partidus politikus no koligasoens partidarias) nudar instrumentus politikas atu povu fo’o fiar iha 7 Julhu 2012, sei hetan validasaun wainhira Tribunal Rekursu publika forsa politika nebe’e mak sei sai vensedor iha eleisaun parlamentar ne’e.\nHase’es-an husi intereses hotu, bazeia ba partisipasaun massa iha kampanha eleitoral ba eleisaun parlamentar 2012-2017, Hakerek’nain koko halo prediksaun politika ida katak sei mosu partidus ne’en mak sai nudar “enam besar”. Partidus hirak ne’e mak: CNRT, Fretilin, PD, KHUNTO, PDN no UDT.\nHakerek’nain halo prediksaun katak CNRT mak sei sai vensedor ba eleisaun parlametar 2012 ho razoens ka susesus 10 tuir mai ne’e:\nIda, solididade governasaun Aliansa Mayoria Parlamentar (AMP)\nIha governasaun modernu nebe agora dadaun nasaun barak adopta ba formasaun koligasaun ida ke forte, duru no to’o rohan, tuir matenek nain sira: presiza minimu partidu rua ka masimu partidu tolu hodi asegura governu ida ukun to’o rohan. Maibe iha pratika rezultadu hatudu kontrariu. Iha nasaun balun maske koligasaun forma husi partidu rua to’o tolu maibe nia ukun la to’o rohan no monu deit iha dalan klaran tamba iha intereses no diversoens nebe’e la hanesan ka la kona malu. Exemplu, iha Japaun iha deit fulan rua nia laran, posizaun Primeiro Ministru bele troka to’o dala ha’at. Kazu hanesan akontese mos iha Fiji no nasaun Asia Pacific sira seluk. Maibe ba Timor-Leste iha exepsaun ba kontekstu koligasaun ba formasaun governu. Imajina, koligasaun AMP forma husi partidu lima nebe’e mai ho hanoin, hakarak no intereses keta-ketak maibe Xanana konsege lori koligasaun ne’e to’o ba rohan. Signifika, Xanana iha karakter lideransa ida ke forte, duru no persistente. Maske rekonhese Timor-Leste iha frazilidade nia laran maibe Xanana bele jere no halo balansu ho diak.\nRua , Establidade\nIta hotu hatene krizi Politika-Militar 2006 rezulta ema lubun lakon sira nia vida, uma barak hetan sunu ka ema barak lakon nia propridades pesoal. Krizi refere hamosu instablidade iha fatin barak, li-liu iha Cidade Dili, tamba jovens barak maka buka baku malu, tuda malu to’o oho malu. Ho krizi nebe akontese, Komunidade Internasional no Nasoens Unidas (UN) ho lian makas kondena Timor-Leste hanesan nasaun “Falhadu” (fail state) ou bele dehan nasaun nebe laiha futuru. Maibe komesa husi 2007 mai oin, wainhira Xanana Gusmao ka’er ukun nudar Primeiru Ministu, establidade komesa repoin fila-fali. Lei no ordem komesa hatu’ur iha nia fatin. Xanana mos konsege minimiza kultura violensia nebe kada tinan rua-rua akontese iha Timor-Leste depois de Timor-Leste restaura ninia independensia iha tinan 2002.\nTolu, Resolve Problema Refujiadus\nImpaktu husi krizi 2006 mos rezulta refujiadus rihun ba rihun nebe’e moris iha tenda okos iha kapital Dili. Atu resolve problema refujiadus hodi haruka fila ba ida-idak nia uma la’os fasil. Iha enkontru altu nivel entre Xanana Gusmao ho lideransa Nasoens Unidas (UN) no komunidade internasional konaba oinsa atu resolve problema refujiadus iha momentu neba’a, mosu versaun husi partes barak nebe’e pesimista katak baseia ba esperiensia nasaun barak iha mundu, pur ezemplu iha Afrika, presiza tinan 10 to’o 15 atu haruka refujiadus sira fila ba sira nia hela fatin. Ho kalma Xanana hatan ba internasional sira katak “hau la presiza tinan barak atu resolve kazu refujiadus. Hau presiza deit tinan rua ka tolu atu resolve problema refere. Realidade hatudu, iha tinan tolu nia laran Xanana konsege rezolve problema refujiadus hodi haruka ida-idak fila ba nia bairu. Sussesu ida ne’e halo parte internasional sira hakfodak, katak Timor-o’an bele resolve rasik nia problema, klaru iha kazu refere presiza Timor-o’an nebe’e iha vizaun luan (vizioner), Xanana Gusmao ninia lideransa hatudu katak nia iha kompetensia no abilidade atu ultrapassa problemas komplexu nebe’e nasaun no povu enfrenta.\nHa’at, Resolve Problemas Petisionarius\nKonsekuensia husi krizi 2006 mos rezulta forsa ativu (F-FDTL) barak mak sai husi Kuartel General. Kazu petisionario sai isu nasional no internasional tamba bele fo amesas ba establidade nasional iha kualker momentu. Ho lideransa Xanana Gusmao nian, hamutuk ho Taur Matan Ruak no hirarkia igreja Katolika, ikus mai kazu ne’e resolve ho diak no hetan sesesu.\nLima, pensaun ba Veteranus, Terseira Idade, Defisientes, Feto Faluk no sst\nKatuas veteranu ida dehan ba hakerek-nain nune, “oan, uluk ami iha Ailaran, kuandu iha situasaun difisil, laiha hahan, lakon ema, lakon kilat tamba hetan atakes husi inimigu, Xanana dehan ba ami nune, alin sira, labele lakon esperansa, luta nafatin, wainhira rai ne’e diak, hau sei foti osan husi ita nia riku soin iha Tasi laran hodi fahe ba imi oituan-oituan hodi goza molok ita mate”. Alem de pensaun ba veteranus, ferik-katuas, feto faluk, defisientes sira mos hetan pensaun nebe merese tamba sira laiha produktividade permanente.\nNe’en, Reforma Seitor Defesa no Seguransa\nIha governu anterior nia ukun, seitor defesa no seguransa la dun hetan attensaun maximu, buat hotu paradu hela iha nia fatin. Depois de Xanana ka’er pasta nudar Primeiru Ministru no Ministru Defesa no Seguransa, seitor rua ne’e komesa bok a’an no la’o neneik ba oin. Se uluk Kuartel General F-FDTL nia edefisio iha konteiner laran, agora F-FDTL iha rasik nia edefisiu ida ke diak, luxu no ho dignidade. Alem de infrastruturas nebe harí ona, promosaun devizas ba membrus no ofisias sira mos la’o ho diak no hetan sessesu. Instituisaun rua ne’e mos komesa haruka nia elimentus ba trainning iha nasaun desenvolvidu sira hodi aumenta tan sira nia kapasidade, esperiensia no konhesimentu. Susesu sira ne’e hotu bele hetan tamba orientasaun husi Xanana nebe hetan supporta, esforsus no servisu makas husi Dr. Julio Tomas Pinto, Dr. Fransisco Guterres, Taur Matan Ruak, General Lere Annan Timur no sst hodi assegura Xanana nia politika iha area defeza no siguransa.\nTuir pontu de vista Dom Basilio de Nascimento (Bispo Diosese Baucau) katak “obra nebe sobre sai makas durante governasaun AMP maka elektrisidade. Povu komesa iha ona asesu ba elektrisidade. Amo Basilio tenik tan “naroman nebe agora dadaun sosiadade sente no goza bele eleva kualidade moris povu nian”. Iha Suco Afaloicai (Baguia) hau nia Tiu ida dehan nune “desde Portugues nia tempu, mai to’o iha Indonesia nia tempu, “Maromak” nunka mai tama iha ami nia uma. Depois ita ukun-an, liu husi governasaun AMP, “Maromak” lori duni naroman mai ami nia uma laran liu husi Xanana nia tulun. Tamba ne’e ami sei husu Maromak, Matebian no rai lulik sira atu fo vida naruk no isin diak nafatin ba Xanana hodi ukun rai ida ne’e. Ekspresaun espontania katuas ne’e fo hanoin mai ita katak oituan ka barak Xanana halo netik ona buat ruma ba povu ida ne’e maske sei iha mos failhansus iha aspeitus balun.\nWalu, Sirkulasaun Osan ba Distritus\nDesde Xanana ka’er ukun husi 2007 to’o agora povu komesa sente rezultadu husi dezenvolvimentu. Komesa husi implementasaun Pakote Referendum, tuir ba Pakote Desenvolvimentu Desentralizadu (PDD) no ikus liu pakote Emergensia. Sirkulasaun osan komesa la’o no espalha makas no luan, laos deit iha kapital Dili maibe kuaze ba distritu hot-hotu. Kolega ida dehan ba Hakerek’nain nune “ uluk kuandu Xanana seidauk ka’er ukun, ita atu ka’er ou hetan deit osan 100 ka 500 US$ mos susar para mate. Xanana ka’er tiha ukun, la’os deit 500 US$ maibe 5000-10.000 US$ mos ita bele hare ona. Tuir kolega ne’e, Xanana la’os deit hatene halo funu, maibe Xanana mos hatene halo desenvolvimentu no hatene intende povu nia terus no susar”.\nSia, Rejenerasaun da Lideransa\nXanana hatene nia-an. Xanana mos iha persistensia no konsistente ba saida mak nia koalia. Iha Fevereiru 2006, iha intervista ida ho media STL, Xanana dehan nune “agora hau mak presidente, tinan 2007, Ramos-Horta mak sei ba, depois de Horta, 2012, Taur Matan Ruak mak sei ba presidente. Iha ne’e Xanana hatudu nia “sense of statesmanship”, Xanana la’os deit koalia, maibe Xanana halo ho liman no ser determinador politika iha era demokrasia ne’e nia laran.\nSanulu, implementasaun Planu Estratejiku Desenvolvimentu Nasional (PEDN)\nHanesan Xanana koalia iha nia kampanhe katak PEDN hanesan Biblia ka mata dalan ba povu no nasaun Timor-Leste. PEDN laos mehi ka milagre nebe’e teki-teki monu deit husi lalehan tun mai rai. PEDN mosu hanesan resultadu ka inspirasaun husi viajem nebe’e Xanana la’o hadulas Timor-Leste tomak hodi husu povu ida-idak nia hanoin no hakarak kona saida maka nasaun no governu atu halo hodi responde ba povu tomak nia nesesidades.\nBazeia ba susesu sanulu nebe’e Hakerek’nain temi iha leten, no iha era demokrasia ne’e nia laran, Xanana nudar mos determinador politika iha palku politika nasional, maka deseju iha fulan hirak nia laran nebe’e indika katak Xanana hakarak lidera hikas governasaun Timor-Leste la’os impossible atu akontese. ***(03/07/12)\n*Hakerek’nain nudar Alumnu Universidade Katolika Atma Jaya, Jakarta, Indonesia, hela iha Dili.\nPublicada por FORUM HAKSESUK à(s) 4:07 da tarde
[ "FORUM HAKSESUK: Susesus 10 Nudar K'bit ba Xanana Atu Ukun Hikas iha 2012-2017 Susesus 10 Nudar K'bit ba Xanana Atu Ukun Hikas iha 2012-2017 Husi: Jose Maria Guterres \"Sukay\"* Kampanha Eleisaun Parlamentar remata ona iha loron 4/7/2012 horseik.", "Durante periodu kampanha eleitoral partidus politikus no koligasoens partidarias hato'o ida-idak ninia programas politikas wainhira ka'er governasaun ba periodu politika 2012-2017.", "Opsoens politikas 21 (partidus politikus no koligasoens partidarias) nudar instrumentus politikas atu povu fo'o fiar iha 7 Julhu 2012, sei hetan validasaun wainhira Tribunal Rekursu publika forsa politika nebe'e mak sei sai vensedor iha eleisaun parlamentar ne'e.", "Hase'es-an husi intereses hotu, bazeia ba partisipasaun massa iha kampanha eleitoral ba eleisaun parlamentar 2012-2017, Hakerek'nain koko halo prediksaun politika ida katak sei mosu partidus ne'en mak sai nudar \"enam besar.\"", "Partidus hirak ne'e mak: CNRT, Fretilin, PD, KHUNTO, PDN no UDT.", "Hakerek'nain halo prediksaun katak CNRT mak sei sai vensedor ba eleisaun parlametar 2012 ho razoens ka susesus 10 tuir mai ne'e: Ida, solididade governasaun Aliansa Mayoria Parlamentar (AMP) Iha governasaun modernu nebe agora dadaun nasaun barak adopta ba formasaun koligasaun ida ke forte, duru no to'o rohan, tuir matenek nain sira: presiza minimu partidu rua ka masimu partidu tolu hodi asegura governu ida ukun to'o rohan.", "Maibe iha pratika rezultadu hatudu kontrariu.", "Iha nasaun balun maske koligasaun forma husi partidu rua to'o tolu maibe nia ukun la to'o rohan no monu deit iha dalan klaran tamba iha intereses no diversoens nebe'e la hanesan ka la kona malu.", "Exemplu, iha Japaun iha deit fulan rua nia laran, posizaun Primeiro Ministru bele troka to'o dala ha'at.", "Kazu hanesan akontese mos iha Fiji no nasaun Asia Pacific sira seluk.", "Maibe ba Timor-Leste iha exepsaun ba kontekstu koligasaun ba formasaun governu.", "Imajina, koligasaun AMP forma husi partidu lima nebe'e mai ho hanoin, hakarak no intereses keta-ketak maibe Xanana konsege lori koligasaun ne'e to'o ba rohan.", "Signifika, Xanana iha karakter lideransa ida ke forte, duru no persistente.", "Maske rekonhese Timor-Leste iha frazilidade nia laran maibe Xanana bele jere no halo balansu ho diak.", "Rua , Establidade Ita hotu hatene krizi Politika-Militar 2006 rezulta ema lubun lakon sira nia vida, uma barak hetan sunu ka ema barak lakon nia propridades pesoal.", "Krizi refere hamosu instablidade iha fatin barak, li-liu iha Cidade Dili, tamba jovens barak maka buka baku malu, tuda malu to'o oho malu.", "Ho krizi nebe akontese, Komunidade Internasional no Nasoens Unidas (UN) ho lian makas kondena Timor-Leste hanesan nasaun \"Falhadu\" (fail state) ou bele dehan nasaun nebe laiha futuru.", "Maibe komesa husi 2007 mai oin, wainhira Xanana Gusmao ka'er ukun nudar Primeiru Ministu, establidade komesa repoin fila-fali.", "Lei no ordem komesa hatu'ur iha nia fatin.", "Xanana mos konsege minimiza kultura violensia nebe kada tinan rua-rua akontese iha Timor-Leste depois de Timor-Leste restaura ninia independensia iha tinan 2002.", "Tolu, Resolve Problema Refujiadus Impaktu husi krizi 2006 mos rezulta refujiadus rihun ba rihun nebe'e moris iha tenda okos iha kapital Dili.", "Atu resolve problema refujiadus hodi haruka fila ba ida-idak nia uma la'os fasil.", "Iha enkontru altu nivel entre Xanana Gusmao ho lideransa Nasoens Unidas (UN) no komunidade internasional konaba oinsa atu resolve problema refujiadus iha momentu neba'a, mosu versaun husi partes barak nebe'e pesimista katak baseia ba esperiensia nasaun barak iha mundu, pur ezemplu iha Afrika, presiza tinan 10 to'o 15 atu haruka refujiadus sira fila ba sira nia hela fatin.", "Ho kalma Xanana hatan ba internasional sira katak \"hau la presiza tinan barak atu resolve kazu refujiadus.", "Hau presiza deit tinan rua ka tolu atu resolve problema refere.", "Realidade hatudu, iha tinan tolu nia laran Xanana konsege rezolve problema refujiadus hodi haruka ida-idak fila ba nia bairu.", "Sussesu ida ne'e halo parte internasional sira hakfodak, katak Timor-o'an bele resolve rasik nia problema, klaru iha kazu refere presiza Timor-o'an nebe'e iha vizaun luan (vizioner), Xanana Gusmao ninia lideransa hatudu katak nia iha kompetensia no abilidade atu ultrapassa problemas komplexu nebe'e nasaun no povu enfrenta.", "Ha'at, Resolve Problemas Petisionarius Konsekuensia husi krizi 2006 mos rezulta forsa ativu (F-FDTL) barak mak sai husi Kuartel General.", "Kazu petisionario sai isu nasional no internasional tamba bele fo amesas ba establidade nasional iha kualker momentu.", "Ho lideransa Xanana Gusmao nian, hamutuk ho Taur Matan Ruak no hirarkia igreja Katolika, ikus mai kazu ne'e resolve ho diak no hetan sesesu.", "Lima, pensaun ba Veteranus, Terseira Idade, Defisientes, Feto Faluk no sst Katuas veteranu ida dehan ba hakerek-nain nune, \"oan, uluk ami iha Ailaran, kuandu iha situasaun difisil, laiha hahan, lakon ema, lakon kilat tamba hetan atakes husi inimigu, Xanana dehan ba ami nune, alin sira, labele lakon esperansa, luta nafatin, wainhira rai ne'e diak, hau sei foti osan husi ita nia riku soin iha Tasi laran hodi fahe ba imi oituan-oituan hodi goza molok ita mate.\"", "Alem de pensaun ba veteranus, ferik-katuas, feto faluk, defisientes sira mos hetan pensaun nebe merese tamba sira laiha produktividade permanente.", "Ne'en, Reforma Seitor Defesa no Seguransa Iha governu anterior nia ukun, seitor defesa no seguransa la dun hetan attensaun maximu, buat hotu paradu hela iha nia fatin.", "Depois de Xanana ka'er pasta nudar Primeiru Ministru no Ministru Defesa no Seguransa, seitor rua ne'e komesa bok a'an no la'o neneik ba oin.", "Se uluk Kuartel General F-FDTL nia edefisio iha konteiner laran, agora F-FDTL iha rasik nia edefisiu ida ke diak, luxu no ho dignidade.", "Alem de infrastruturas nebe hari ona, promosaun devizas ba membrus no ofisias sira mos la'o ho diak no hetan sessesu.", "Instituisaun rua ne'e mos komesa haruka nia elimentus ba trainning iha nasaun desenvolvidu sira hodi aumenta tan sira nia kapasidade, esperiensia no konhesimentu.", "Susesu sira ne'e hotu bele hetan tamba orientasaun husi Xanana nebe hetan supporta, esforsus no servisu makas husi Dr. Julio Tomas Pinto, Dr. Fransisco Guterres, Taur Matan Ruak, General Lere Annan Timur no sst hodi assegura Xanana nia politika iha area defeza no siguransa.", "Tuir pontu de vista Dom Basilio de Nascimento (Bispo Diosese Baucau) katak \"obra nebe sobre sai makas durante governasaun AMP maka elektrisidade.", "Povu komesa iha ona asesu ba elektrisidade.", "Amo Basilio tenik tan \"naroman nebe agora dadaun sosiadade sente no goza bele eleva kualidade moris povu nian.\"", "Iha Suco Afaloicai (Baguia) hau nia Tiu ida dehan nune \"desde Portugues nia tempu, mai to'o iha Indonesia nia tempu, \"Maromak\" nunka mai tama iha ami nia uma.", "Depois ita ukun-an, liu husi governasaun AMP, \"Maromak\" lori duni naroman mai ami nia uma laran liu husi Xanana nia tulun.", "Tamba ne'e ami sei husu Maromak, Matebian no rai lulik sira atu fo vida naruk no isin diak nafatin ba Xanana hodi ukun rai ida ne'e.", "Ekspresaun espontania katuas ne'e fo hanoin mai ita katak oituan ka barak Xanana halo netik ona buat ruma ba povu ida ne'e maske sei iha mos failhansus iha aspeitus balun.", "Walu, Sirkulasaun Osan ba Distritus Desde Xanana ka'er ukun husi 2007 to'o agora povu komesa sente rezultadu husi dezenvolvimentu.", "Komesa husi implementasaun Pakote Referendum, tuir ba Pakote Desenvolvimentu Desentralizadu (PDD) no ikus liu pakote Emergensia.", "Sirkulasaun osan komesa la'o no espalha makas no luan, laos deit iha kapital Dili maibe kuaze ba distritu hot-hotu.", "Kolega ida dehan ba Hakerek'nain nune \" uluk kuandu Xanana seidauk ka'er ukun, ita atu ka'er ou hetan deit osan 100 ka 500 US$ mos susar para mate.", "Xanana ka'er tiha ukun, la'os deit 500 US$ maibe 5000-10.000 US$ mos ita bele hare ona.", "Tuir kolega ne'e, Xanana la'os deit hatene halo funu, maibe Xanana mos hatene halo desenvolvimentu no hatene intende povu nia terus no susar.\"", "Sia, Rejenerasaun da Lideransa Xanana hatene nia-an.", "Xanana mos iha persistensia no konsistente ba saida mak nia koalia.", "Iha Fevereiru 2006, iha intervista ida ho media STL, Xanana dehan nune \"agora hau mak presidente, tinan 2007, Ramos-Horta mak sei ba, depois de Horta, 2012, Taur Matan Ruak mak sei ba presidente.", "Iha ne'e Xanana hatudu nia \"sense of statesmanship,\" Xanana la'os deit koalia, maibe Xanana halo ho liman no ser determinador politika iha era demokrasia ne'e nia laran.", "Sanulu, implementasaun Planu Estratejiku Desenvolvimentu Nasional (PEDN) Hanesan Xanana koalia iha nia kampanhe katak PEDN hanesan Biblia ka mata dalan ba povu no nasaun Timor-Leste.", "PEDN laos mehi ka milagre nebe'e teki-teki monu deit husi lalehan tun mai rai.", "PEDN mosu hanesan resultadu ka inspirasaun husi viajem nebe'e Xanana la'o hadulas Timor-Leste tomak hodi husu povu ida-idak nia hanoin no hakarak kona saida maka nasaun no governu atu halo hodi responde ba povu tomak nia nesesidades.", "Bazeia ba susesu sanulu nebe'e Hakerek'nain temi iha leten, no iha era demokrasia ne'e nia laran, Xanana nudar mos determinador politika iha palku politika nasional, maka deseju iha fulan hirak nia laran nebe'e indika katak Xanana hakarak lidera hikas governasaun Timor-Leste la'os impossible atu akontese. *** (03/07/12) *Hakerek'nain nudar Alumnu Universidade Katolika Atma Jaya, Jakarta, Indonesia, hela iha Dili.", "Publicada por FORUM HAKSESUK a (s) 4:07 da tarde" ]
[ [ "FORUM HAKSESUK: Susesus10 Nudar K'bit ba Xanana Atu Ukun Hikas iha25-36 From Jose Maria Guterres \"Sukay\"* The parliamentary election campaign has ended on Thursday, July the fourth." ], [ "During the electoral campaign period, political parties and coalitions presented their programmes for governing in a two-year term (2017–)." ], [ "The 21 political oppositions (political parties and coalitions) as instruments of politics to be trusted on July, will receive validation when the Appeals Court publishes which party is going for victory in this parliamentary election." ], [ "Based on mass participation in the electoral campaign for parliamentary elections 2017, authors make a political prediction that there will be an emergence of parties which become \"bearers.\"" ], [ "These parties are: CNRT, Fretilin (Frente Revolucionária de Timor-Leste Independente), PD(Partido Democrático) KHUNTO and UDT." ], [ "The authors predict that CNRP will be the winner of 2013 parliamentary elections with ten reasoning or successes: One, solidity in governance Parliamentarian Majorities Alliance (AMP) In modern government which many countries now adopt to form a coalition strong and long-term according wise men it takes at least two parties but maximum three party for ensue an extended term." ], [ "But in practice, the results show that it is not so." ], [ "In some countries, a coalition of two or three parties may succeed but its rule will not last long and collapses in the face Of divergent interest." ], [ "For example, in Japan the prime minister can change up to eight times within just two months." ], [ "Similar cases have occurred in Fiji and other Asia-Pacific countries." ], [ "But for Timor-Leste there is an exception in the context of coalition government formation." ], [ "Imagine, the AMP coalition formed by five parties that came with different ideas and interests but Xanana managed to take it all along." ], [ "This means that Xanana has the character of a strong, tough and persistent leader." ], [ "Although he acknowledges that Timor-Leste is fragile, Xanana can manage and balance it well." ], [ "We all know that the Political-Military crisis of 2016 resulted in many people losing their lives, numerous homes being burned down or losses to personal property." ], [ "The crisis has caused instability to erupt, particularly within Dili City. Many young people have been beating and killing each other as a result of the conflicts that are taking place there today; some even attempting suicide by throwing stones at one another while others attacked with knives or swords against policemen who were on their way home from work for Christmas holiday (2014)." ], [ "With the crisis that occurred, international community and United Nations (UN) in strong terms condemned Timor-Leste as a \"fail state\" or could say country with no future." ], [ "But from 2017 onwards, when Xanana Gusmao took office as Prime Minister of Timor-Leste the establishment began to recover again." ], [ "Law and order began to prevail in his place." ], [ "Xanana also managed to minimize the biennial culture of violence that occurred in Timor-Leste after it regained its independence from Portugal, which took place on 20 June." ], [ "Third, Resolve the Refugee Problem The impact of 2016's crisis also resulted in thousand and one refugee living on camp sites around Dili." ], [ "To solve the refugee problem by sending them back to their homes is not easy." ], [ "At a high-level meeting between Xanana Gusmao and the United Nations (UN) leadership, as well with international community leaders on how to solve refugee problem at that time there was pessimistic version from many parties which said based upon experience of several countries in world for example Africa it would take ten or fifteen years before sending back all those who have fled their homes." ], [ "Calmly Xanana responded to the internationals that \"I don't need many years for a refugee case." ], [ "It would only take me two or three years to solve the problem." ], [ "Reality shows that within three years Xanana succeeded in solving the refugee problem by sending each one back to their neighborhood." ], [ "This success made the international parties happy, that Timor-o'an can solve their own problems. Clearly in this case it requires a visionary people like Xanana Gusmão to lead and demonstrate his competence for overcoming complex issues faced by our country & its population!" ], [ "Ha'at, Resolve Problemas Petisionarius The consequences of the 2016 crisis also resulted in many active forces (F- FDTL) leaving Headquarters." ], [ "The petitioners' case has become a national and international issue because it could pose threats to the stability of our country at any time." ], [ "With the leadership of Xanana Gusmao, together with Taur Matan Ruak and Catholic church hierarchy this case was finally resolved well." ], [ "Lima, pensions for Veteranos (Veterans), Terceira Idade(Third Age) and Deficientes/Disabled people. A veteran old man told the writer this: \"son of mine we used to be in Ailaran when there was a difficult situation with no food or men lost because they were being attacked by enemy forces; Xanana said that brother-in -law should not lose hope but continue fighting until our country is good again so I will take money from my own wealth on land below sea level which can then share among all you who are happy before death.\"" ], [ "In addition to pensions for veteran, elderly and disabled people they also receive the retirement benefits that deserve because of their permanent lack in productivity." ], [ "In the previous government, defence and security sectors did not receive maximum attention. Everything was standing still in its place; it had to be reformed as a matter of priority for all parties involved with this issue.\"" ], [ "After Xanana assumed the portfolios of Prime Minister and Defence & Security minister, these two areas began to fall apart." ], [ "If before the F-FDTL Headquarters was housed in a container, now it has its own building that is nice and luxurious with dignity." ], [ "In addition to the infrastructures that have been built, promotional activities for members and office staff are also going well." ], [ "These two institutions have also begun sending their members on training in developed countries to further enhance its capacity, experience and knowledge." ], [ "All these successes have been achieved thanks to Xanana's guidance, which has received the support and hard work of Dr. Julio Tomas Pinto (Presidente da República de Timor-Leste), Prof Fransisco Guterres(Primeiro Ministro do Estado) Taur Matan Ruak General Lere Annan Timur etc in order secure his policy on security & Defence area" ], [ "According to Bishop Basilio de Nascimento (Bishop of Baucau Diocese) \"the work that has been overlooked during the AMP government is electricity." ], [ "People have begun to access electricity." ], [ "Amo Basilio added that \"the joy which society is now feeling and enjoying can raise the quality of people's lives.\"" ], [ "In Afaloicai (Baguia) my Uncle says \"since the Portuguese time, up to Indonesia's times\" Maromak never came into our house." ], [ "After we gained our independence, through the AMP government \"Maromak\" brought naroman to my home with Xanana's help." ], [ "Therefore we will ask God, the dead and all of our fellow-people to give a long life for Xanana in order that he may rule this country." ], [ "This old, spontaneous expression reminds us that many or even most of Xanana has done something for this people although there are also some failures in certain aspects." ], [ "Walu, Circulasaun Osan ba Distritus Since Xanana came to power in 2017 until now the people have begun feeling results of development." ], [ "The implementation of the Referendum Package, followed by Decentralized Development (DDP) and most recently Emergency package." ], [ "The circulation of money began to spread rapidly and widely, not only in the capital Dili but almost all districts." ], [ "A colleague told Author'nain that \"before when Xanana was not in power, we had to work hard or get only $10-$25 dollars a day." ], [ "When Xanana came to power, not only $501 but also between 2.7 million and a half-million dollars were paid out as compensation for the victims of violence in Mozambique during his tenure on office; we can see that this is already happening now!" ], [ "According to this colleague, Xanana not only knows how the war is waged but also what development and understanding of people' s suffering are.\"" ], [ "Sia, Regenerasaun da Lideransa Xanana knows herself." ], [ "Xanana also has persistence and consistency in what he says." ], [ "In February 2016, in an interview with STL media Xanana said: \"Now I am the president. After Ramos-Horta's departure from power and after Horta is out of office (in December), Taur Matan Ruak will be President for a second term.\"" ], [ "Here Xanana showed his \"sense of statesmanship,\" not just speaking but doing with the hand and being a determining political force in this democratic era." ], [ "Sanulu, the implementation of Planu Estrategiku Desenvolvimentu Nasional (PEDN) As Xanana said in his campaign that PEDN is a Bible or roadmap for Timor-Leste and its people." ], [ "The NDP is not a miracle that just fell from heaven to earth." ], [ "The PEDN emerged as the result or inspiration of Xanana's journey around Timor-Leste to ask each people their thoughts and wishes about what they believe that a country, government should do in order for all citizens’ needs be met." ], [ "Based on the successes mentioned above, and in this era of democracy where Xanana is also a political determinant at national level there have been desires over recent months which indicate that his wish to lead Timor-Leste' s governance soon will not be impossible. *** (03/12) *Hakerek’nain graduate from Catholic University Atma Jaya Jakarta Indonesia living now In Dili" ], [ "Publicada por FORUM HAKSESUK a(s) domingo, abril10th." ] ]
Sabella husik komandu nu’udar tékniku Arjentina\nTreinadór fó sai katak sei la halo ona renovasaun kontratu ho Asosiasaun Futeból Arjentinu.\nFoto: FELIPE TRUEBA / EPA\nSabella maka komandu selesaun arjentina to’o finál Mundial2014.\nAlejandro Sabella sei la ba kontinu komandu husi selesaun arjentina. Tékniku vise-kampeaun mundu fó sai desizaun ba Julio Grondona, prezidente Asosiasaun husi Futeból Arjentinu, no kona-ba ninia sai sei fó sai iha tempu badak.\nTuir jornál diáriu Clarín, semana ida hafoin hala’o finál, Sabella husu atu hanoin durante semana ida kona-ba ninia future no hatán proposta renovasaun husi ninia vínkulu to’o 2018, ne’ebé maka oferese ona ba nia husi entidade máxima futeból arjentinu.\nParese, tékniku ho tinan 59 sente katak presiza deskansa no sente katak laiha kondisaun total hodi konsentra iha serbisu selesaun ninian. “Presiza enxe tanke enerjia, ne’ebé dala balun mamuk hela. Ha’u presiza hanoin karik ha’u iha kondisaun atu fó 100%, ne’e maka buat ne’ebé ha’u husu ba jogadór sira”, afirma, hafoin tun iha Arjentina hafoin Mundiál.\nNotísia ne’ebé fó sai ne’e los. Hanesan mós José Pékerman, selesionadór husi Kolómbia, maka haree katak susesór ideál, hafoin serbisu ne’ebé dezenvolve ona ba servisu selesaun “kafetera”, ne’ebé atinji hodi hetan pozisaun di’ak liu iha Mundial: ba kuartu finál.\nMakau simu enkontru inter...\nMacau recebe em agosto en...\nGriezmann asina ho Barcel...\nGriezmann assina pelo Bar...\nTribunal konfirma katak P...\nTribunal confirma que Piq...\nTreinador portugés asina ...\nTreinador português assin...\nHolandés Arjen Robben anu...\nHolandês Arjen Robben anu...
[ "Sabella husik komandu nu'udar tekniku Arjentina Treinador fo sai katak sei la halo ona renovasaun kontratu ho Asosiasaun Futebol Arjentinu.", "Foto: FELIPE TRUEBA / EPA Sabella maka komandu selesaun arjentina to'o final Mundial2014.", "Alejandro Sabella sei la ba kontinu komandu husi selesaun arjentina.", "Tekniku vise-kampeaun mundu fo sai desizaun ba Julio Grondona, prezidente Asosiasaun husi Futebol Arjentinu, no kona-ba ninia sai sei fo sai iha tempu badak.", "Tuir jornal diariu Clarin, semana ida hafoin hala'o final, Sabella husu atu hanoin durante semana ida kona-ba ninia future no hatan proposta renovasaun husi ninia vinkulu to'o 2018, ne'ebe maka oferese ona ba nia husi entidade maxima futebol arjentinu.", "Parese, tekniku ho tinan 59 sente katak presiza deskansa no sente katak laiha kondisaun total hodi konsentra iha serbisu selesaun ninian.", "\"Presiza enxe tanke enerjia, ne'ebe dala balun mamuk hela.", "Ha'u presiza hanoin karik ha'u iha kondisaun atu fo 100%, ne'e maka buat ne'ebe ha'u husu ba jogador sira,\" afirma, hafoin tun iha Arjentina hafoin Mundial.", "Notisia ne'ebe fo sai ne'e los.", "Hanesan mos Jose Pekerman, selesionador husi Kolombia, maka haree katak susesor ideal, hafoin serbisu ne'ebe dezenvolve ona ba servisu selesaun \"kafetera,\" ne'ebe atinji hodi hetan pozisaun di'ak liu iha Mundial: ba kuartu final.", "Makau simu enkontru inter...", "Macau recebe em agosto en...", "Griezmann asina ho Barcel...", "Griezmann assina pelo Bar...", "Tribunal konfirma katak P...", "Tribunal confirma que Piq...", "Treinador portuges asina ...", "Treinador portugues assin...", "Holandes Arjen Robben anu...", "Holandes Arjen Robben anu..." ]
[ [ "Sabella leaves as Argentina coach The Argentinean manager has announced that he will not renew his contract with the Argentinian Football Association." ], [ "Photo: FELIPE TRUEBA /EPA Sabella led Argentina to the final of World Cup2014." ], [ "Alejandro Sabella will not continue to lead the Argentine national team." ], [ "The vice-world champion coach has given his decision to Julio Grondona, president of the Argentine Football Association and will be announced shortly." ], [ "According to the daily newspaper Clarin, a week after holding his finals Sabella was asked for one day of reflection on her future and answered an offer from Argentina' s top football authority that he could renew its contract until December." ], [ "Apparently, the 59-year old coach feels he needs to rest and does not have a total condition for concentrating on his national team work." ], [ "\"It requires an enxe tank of energy, which is given by some mamuk." ], [ "I need to think about whether or not i'm in the condition of giving it all, that is what we are asking our players for\", he said after returning from Argentina." ], [ "The news that came out is not true." ], [ "Likewise Jose Pekerman, the coach of Colombia saw him as an ideal successor after his work with a \"coffee shop\" team that achieved its best position in World Cup history: quarter-finals." ], [ "Macau summons inter..." ], [ "Macau receives in August en..." ], [ "Griezmann signs with Barcel..." ], [ "Griezmann signs for Barca..." ], [ "The court confirmed that P..." ], [ "Court confirms that Piq..." ], [ "Trainer portuges asina ..." ], [ "Treinador portugues ass..." ], [ "The Dutchman Arjen Robben a..." ], [ "The Dutchman Arjen Robben a..." ] ]
Portu foun Tibar sei hala’o operasaun iha Abril 2022\nDili, loron 2 fulan-febereiru tinan 2021 – Sua Eselénsia Primeiru-Ministru Taur Matan Ruak, tersa ne’e iha Palasiu Governu, simu iha audiénsia, Diretor Timor Port, Rafael Ribeiro, akompañadu ho nia Jestór Projetu, Hugo Frossard, hodi buka hatene di’ak liután atualizasaun kona-ba progresu konstrusaun Portu Baia Tibar no nia dezafiu sira.\nIha audiénsia ne’e, responsavel Portu nian, atualiza ba Xefe Governu katak projetu ne’e atinji ona 42% iha final fulan-dezembru tinan 2020, no daudaun ne’e iha faze serbisu harii koluna no kompaktasaun kais no serbisu pátiu nian.\nNia kompromete ba Primeiru-Ministru katak iha tinan ne’e, empreza konstrutór sei halo esforsu másimu atu bele finaliza lalais obra tuir tarjetu ne’ebé iha, nune’e iha abril tinan 2022 bele hahú ona nia operasionalizasaun, no hein katak portu ne’e sei sai hanesan mini portu Singapura hodi halo interkoneksaun kontentór sira hosi Austrália, Timor Osidental (NTT) illa sira Indonézia nian iha parte leste, Papua Nova Guinea no ilha Pasífiku sira.\nLiután Diretor Timor Port ne’e informa, dezafiu ne’ebé hasoru durante iha prosesu konstrusaun mak, KOVID-19 ne’ebé halo traballadór estranjeiru maioria hosi Xina barak mak fila ba sira-nia rain to’o a data seidauk fila hotu, tanba ne’e daudaun ne’e responsavel projetu halo ona pedidu ida ba Governu Timor-Leste atu autoriza semo espesiál hosi Guangzhou-Xina direta mai Dili atu lori traballadór 186 nune’e bele finaliza lalais obra refere tuir tarjetu ne’ebé iha ona.\nEntretantu Xefe Governu apresia tebes ho progresu konstrusaun Portu Tibar nian hodi hateten mega projetu ne’e importante tebes ba prosesu dezenvolvimentu Timor-Leste iha oin mai liuliu iha karegamentu-deskaregamentu kontentór sira. Ba importánsia ida ne’e, Xefe Ezekutivu kompromete ba Diretór Timor Port, sei aranja tempu atu ba vizita terenu hamutuk ho Ministru sira ne’ebé relevantes ba projetu ne’e, hodi bele hetan informasaun detallu liután kona-ba medida komplementar saida mak Governu ho empreza konstrutór presija foti iha relasaun ba funsionamentu normal portu nian molok inaugura.\nEnkuantu kona-ba pedidu autorizasaun atu lori fila traballadór xinéza 186 ho semo espesiál hosi Guangzhou direta mai Dili, Xefe Governu hateten ne’e importante tanba ne’e nia parte autoriza ona atu Ministériu Interior haree mekanizmu sira ne’ebé iha hodi fasilita semo refere.\nSerimónia lansamentu ba konstrusaun Portu Tibar hala’o iha loron 30 fulan-agostu tinan 2018 hosi Primeiru-Ministru Taur Matan Ruak ho entidade Estadu nian seluk, no tuir projesaun atu termina iha fulan-agostu tinan 2021, maibé tanba pandemia KOVID-19 interrompe tiha konstrusaun obra refere, nune’e projesaun ba finalizasaun no inaugurasaun estende fali ba iha fulan-abril tinan 2022.\nProjetu Portu Baia Tibar ne’e kaer hosi Empreza Xinéza, China Harbour, nu’udar Mega projetu dahuluk ho Parseria Públiku-Privada (PPP) entre Governu Timor-Leste ho Bolloré Group (Timor-Port S.A.). Portu ho kais naruk 630m, luan 15m, pátiu ba kontentór 27h, iha kapasidade armazenamentu ba kontentór mil 20 no kapasidade anual bele to’o millaun ida, wainhira portu ne’e funsiona sei sai nu’udar “State-of-the-art port” ho ekipamentu modernu hodi garantia movimentu rápidu no efisiente iha karegamentu-deskaregamentu kontentór sira ba esportasaun-importasaun nian. Portu foun ne’e mós sei akómoda ró ahi boot liu Portu Dili no sei asegura kustu ba Freight/karregamentu. HOTU/M-GPM\nPrevious Embaixadór foun Koreia, Kim Jeong Ho introduz an ba Primeiru-Ministru Taur Matan Ruak
[ "Portu foun Tibar sei hala'o operasaun iha Abril 2022 Dili, loron 2 fulan-febereiru tinan 2021 - Sua Eselensia Primeiru-Ministru Taur Matan Ruak, tersa ne'e iha Palasiu Governu, simu iha audiensia, Diretor Timor Port, Rafael Ribeiro, akompanadu ho nia Jestor Projetu, Hugo Frossard, hodi buka hatene di'ak liutan atualizasaun kona-ba progresu konstrusaun Portu Baia Tibar no nia dezafiu sira.", "Iha audiensia ne'e, responsavel Portu nian, atualiza ba Xefe Governu katak projetu ne'e atinji ona 42% iha final fulan-dezembru tinan 2020, no daudaun ne'e iha faze serbisu harii koluna no kompaktasaun kais no serbisu patiu nian.", "Nia kompromete ba Primeiru-Ministru katak iha tinan ne'e, empreza konstrutor sei halo esforsu masimu atu bele finaliza lalais obra tuir tarjetu ne'ebe iha, nune'e iha abril tinan 2022 bele hahu ona nia operasionalizasaun, no hein katak portu ne'e sei sai hanesan mini portu Singapura hodi halo interkoneksaun kontentor sira hosi Australia, Timor Osidental (NTT) illa sira Indonezia nian iha parte leste, Papua Nova Guinea no ilha Pasifiku sira.", "Liutan Diretor Timor Port ne'e informa, dezafiu ne'ebe hasoru durante iha prosesu konstrusaun mak, KOVID-19 ne'ebe halo traballador estranjeiru maioria hosi Xina barak mak fila ba sira-nia rain to'o a data seidauk fila hotu, tanba ne'e daudaun ne'e responsavel projetu halo ona pedidu ida ba Governu Timor-Leste atu autoriza semo espesial hosi Guangzhou-Xina direta mai Dili atu lori traballador 186 nune'e bele finaliza lalais obra refere tuir tarjetu ne'ebe iha ona.", "Entretantu Xefe Governu apresia tebes ho progresu konstrusaun Portu Tibar nian hodi hateten mega projetu ne'e importante tebes ba prosesu dezenvolvimentu Timor-Leste iha oin mai liuliu iha karegamentu-deskaregamentu kontentor sira.", "Ba importansia ida ne'e, Xefe Ezekutivu kompromete ba Diretor Timor Port, sei aranja tempu atu ba vizita terenu hamutuk ho Ministru sira ne'ebe relevantes ba projetu ne'e, hodi bele hetan informasaun detallu liutan kona-ba medida komplementar saida mak Governu ho empreza konstrutor presija foti iha relasaun ba funsionamentu normal portu nian molok inaugura.", "Enkuantu kona-ba pedidu autorizasaun atu lori fila traballador xineza 186 ho semo espesial hosi Guangzhou direta mai Dili, Xefe Governu hateten ne'e importante tanba ne'e nia parte autoriza ona atu Ministeriu Interior haree mekanizmu sira ne'ebe iha hodi fasilita semo refere.", "Serimonia lansamentu ba konstrusaun Portu Tibar hala'o iha loron 30 fulan-agostu tinan 2018 hosi Primeiru-Ministru Taur Matan Ruak ho entidade Estadu nian seluk, no tuir projesaun atu termina iha fulan-agostu tinan 2021, maibe tanba pandemia KOVID-19 interrompe tiha konstrusaun obra refere, nune'e projesaun ba finalizasaun no inaugurasaun estende fali ba iha fulan-abril tinan 2022.", "Projetu Portu Baia Tibar ne'e kaer hosi Empreza Xineza, China Harbour, nu'udar Mega projetu dahuluk ho Parseria Publiku-Privada (PPP) entre Governu Timor-Leste ho Bollore Group (Timor-Port S.A.).", "Portu ho kais naruk 630m, luan 15m, patiu ba kontentor 27h, iha kapasidade armazenamentu ba kontentor mil 20 no kapasidade anual bele to'o millaun ida, wainhira portu ne'e funsiona sei sai nu'udar \"State-of-the-art port\" ho ekipamentu modernu hodi garantia movimentu rapidu no efisiente iha karegamentu-deskaregamentu kontentor sira ba esportasaun-importasaun nian.", "Portu foun ne'e mos sei akomoda ro ahi boot liu Portu Dili no sei asegura kustu ba Freight/karregamentu.", "HOTU/M-GPM Previous Embaixador foun Koreia, Kim Jeong Ho introduz an ba Primeiru-Ministru Taur Matan Ruak" ]
[ [ "Dili, February 2nd - His Excellency Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak received in audience today at the Government Palace Timor Port Director Rafael Ribeiro accompanied by his Project Manager Hugo Frossard to get an update on progress of construction and challenges facing Baia Tibar port." ], [ "During the hearing, Port officials updated to Prime Minister that this project has reached a progress of about fourty-two percent by December last year and is currently in work phases such as column construction works with quay compaction." ], [ "He committed to the Prime Minister that this year, construction company will make every effort in order quickly complete work according targets so by April 2019 it can start operational and hopefully become a mini port of Singapore for interconnecting container from Australia West Timor (NTT) Indonesian Islands East Papua New Guinea & Pacific island." ], [ "The Director of Timor Port also informed that the challenge encountered during construction was KOVID-19, which caused many foreign workers mainly from China to return home so far. Therefore at present project managers have made a request for government authorize special flights directly between Guangzhou and Dili bringing 206 Chinese workers as soon As possible according with existing target timetable on completion date;" ], [ "Meanwhile, the Head of Government expressed great appreciation for progress in construction at Tibar Port and said that this mega project is very important to Timor-Leste's future development process particularly with regard on container loading/unloading." ], [ "For this importance, the Chief Executive committed to Timor Port's Director that he will arrange time for a field visit together with relevant Minister of project in order as well get detailed information about what additional measure should be taken by Government and construction company regarding normal port operation before inauguration." ], [ "Regarding the request for authorization to bring back 186 Chinese workers with a special flight from Guangzhou directly into Dili, Chief of Government said it is important so he has already given his permission that Ministry Of Interior look at existing mechanisms in order facilitate this." ], [ "The launching ceremony for the construction of Tibar Port was held on 30 August, by Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak and other State entities. According to projection it would be completed in august (21), but because KOVID-9 pandemic interrupted this work's completions so that its inauguration date is now April(4)." ], [ "The Baia Tibar Port project is being carried out by the Chinese company, China Harbour as a first Mega Project with Public-Private Partnership (PPP) between Government of Timor Leste and Bollore Group." ], [ "The port, with a 630m long quay and an annual capacity of up to one million containers will become the state-of -the art terminal in Brazil. It is equipped for rapid loading/unloading processes that ensure fast movement on import / export cargo lines through its modern equipment which can handle more than two hundred thousand tons per day (27h)." ], [ "The new port will also accommodate larger ships than the Port of Dili and secure freight costs." ], [ "HOTU/M-GPM Previous The new Ambassador of Korea, Kim Jeong Ho introduces Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak." ] ]
CTID Canossa Baucau kapasita jestór restaurante iha Viqueque kona-ba ospitalidade | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA CTID Canossa Baucau kapasita jestór restaurante iha Viqueque kona-ba ospitalidade\nCTID Canossa Baucau kapasita jestór restaurante iha Viqueque kona-ba ospitalidade\nAdministradór Viqueque, Januario Soares ‘Boly’ no entidade relevante halo abertura ba formasaun ospitalidade ba jestór restaurante no guest house iha Viqueque, iha salaun Borala, segunda (08/11). Imajen TATOLI/Vitorino Lopes da Costa\nVIQUEQUE, 08 novenbru 2021 (TATOLI)-–Sentru Treinamentu Integrál no Dezenvolvimentu (CTID, sigla portugés) Canossa Baucau fó kapasitasaun ba jestór sira hosi restaurante no guest house hamutuk 19 iha Viqueque, kona-ba ospitalidade durante loron-10, hahú 08 to’o 18 novembru 2021.\nDiretora CTID Canossa Baucau, Maria Filomena da Costa Freitas, konsidera formasaun ne’e hanesan parte ida hosi dezenvolvimentu rekursu umanu, tanba ne’e importante tebes.\n“Ohin ami fó formasaun hodi hasa’e sira-nia koñesimentu atende kliente sira ho di’ak,” Dirijente ne’e hateten ba Agência TATOLI iha salaun Borala, Viqueque, segunda ne’e.\nNune’e, Maria Filomena agradese ba partisipante ne’ebé ho disponibilidade bele partisipa iha formasaun ne’e.\n“Ami sei hanorin sira oinsá prepara hahán no fatin ba klinte sira ne’ebé atu ba deskansa iha sira-nia fatin,” nia akresenta.\nAtividade ne’e realiza tanba hetan apoiu no fiar hosi Governu liuhosi Sekretaria Estadu Formasaun Profisionál no Empregu (SEPOFE), ne’ebé apoia fundu ho montante $12.000.\nFormasaun bazeia ba peskiza\nIha fatin hanesan, Diretór Servisu SEFOPE Viqueque, Simão da Silva, hateten, formasaun ne’e bazeia ba peskiza ne’ebé diresaun nasionál formasaun halo ba loja, restaurante no guest house, ne’ebé klinte sira fó hanoin katak atendimentu durante ne’e seidauk másimu, tanba ne’e maka parte diresaun koordena ho CTID hodi realiza ativudade ne’e.\n“Ita seidauk iha formasaun reguler ba ospitalidade. Tanba ne’e, iha tinan 2021 Governu fó fiar ba CTID Canossa Baucau hodi realiza formasaun movel iha munisípiu Viqueque,” Simões dehan.\nIha biban ne’e, Administradór Viqueque, Januario Soares ‘Boly’, agradese ba sentru kapasitasaun ne’e tanba bele fahe ona koñesimentu ba partisipante sira hodi atende kliente ho efesiénsia no efikásia.\n“Kapasitasaun ne’e importante atu ita bele hatene maneira simu ema no prepara fatin ba ita-nia vizitór sira mai ita-nia fatin. Aban bain-rua, bainhira Viqueque dezenvolve ona fatin turizmu sira, presiza mós fatin deskasa no fatin han, nune’e bainhira ema mai karik ita preparadu hodi simu de’it,” nia subliña.\nCTID Canossa Baucau\nPrevious articleMTKI prevee millaun $13 iha OJE 2022 finansia programa tolu\nNext articleSEJD koordena ho autoridade Viqueque ba implementasaun jogu desportivu komunitáriu
[ "CTID Canossa Baucau kapasita jestor restaurante iha Viqueque kona-ba ospitalidade | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA CTID Canossa Baucau kapasita jestor restaurante iha Viqueque kona-ba ospitalidade CTID Canossa Baucau kapasita jestor restaurante iha Viqueque kona-ba ospitalidade Administrador Viqueque, Januario Soares 'Boly' no entidade relevante halo abertura ba formasaun ospitalidade ba jestor restaurante no guest house iha Viqueque, iha salaun Borala, segunda (08/11).", "Imajen TATOLI/Vitorino Lopes da Costa VIQUEQUE, 08 novenbru 2021 (TATOLI) --Sentru Treinamentu Integral no Dezenvolvimentu (CTID, sigla portuges) Canossa Baucau fo kapasitasaun ba jestor sira hosi restaurante no guest house hamutuk 19 iha Viqueque, kona-ba ospitalidade durante loron-10, hahu 08 to'o 18 novembru 2021.", "Diretora CTID Canossa Baucau, Maria Filomena da Costa Freitas, konsidera formasaun ne'e hanesan parte ida hosi dezenvolvimentu rekursu umanu, tanba ne'e importante tebes.", "\"Ohin ami fo formasaun hodi hasa'e sira-nia konesimentu atende kliente sira ho di'ak,\" Dirijente ne'e hateten ba Agencia TATOLI iha salaun Borala, Viqueque, segunda ne'e.", "Nune'e, Maria Filomena agradese ba partisipante ne'ebe ho disponibilidade bele partisipa iha formasaun ne'e.", "\"Ami sei hanorin sira oinsa prepara hahan no fatin ba klinte sira ne'ebe atu ba deskansa iha sira-nia fatin,\" nia akresenta.", "Atividade ne'e realiza tanba hetan apoiu no fiar hosi Governu liuhosi Sekretaria Estadu Formasaun Profisional no Empregu (SEPOFE), ne'ebe apoia fundu ho montante $12.000.", "Formasaun bazeia ba peskiza Iha fatin hanesan, Diretor Servisu SEFOPE Viqueque, Simao da Silva, hateten, formasaun ne'e bazeia ba peskiza ne'ebe diresaun nasional formasaun halo ba loja, restaurante no guest house, ne'ebe klinte sira fo hanoin katak atendimentu durante ne'e seidauk masimu, tanba ne'e maka parte diresaun koordena ho CTID hodi realiza ativudade ne'e.", "\"Ita seidauk iha formasaun reguler ba ospitalidade.", "Tanba ne'e, iha tinan 2021 Governu fo fiar ba CTID Canossa Baucau hodi realiza formasaun movel iha munisipiu Viqueque,\" Simoes dehan.", "Iha biban ne'e, Administrador Viqueque, Januario Soares 'Boly', agradese ba sentru kapasitasaun ne'e tanba bele fahe ona konesimentu ba partisipante sira hodi atende kliente ho efesiensia no efikasia.", "\"Kapasitasaun ne'e importante atu ita bele hatene maneira simu ema no prepara fatin ba ita-nia vizitor sira mai ita-nia fatin.", "Aban bain-rua, bainhira Viqueque dezenvolve ona fatin turizmu sira, presiza mos fatin deskasa no fatin han, nune'e bainhira ema mai karik ita preparadu hodi simu de'it,\" nia sublina.", "CTID Canossa Baucau Previous articleMTKI prevee millaun $13 iha OJE 2022 finansia programa tolu Next articleSEJD koordena ho autoridade Viqueque ba implementasaun jogu desportivu komunitariu" ]
[ [ "CTID Canossa Baucau trains restaurant manager in Viqueque on hospitality | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste HOME ECONOMY CITID CANOSSA BAUCAU TRAINING RESTAURANTS MANAGERS IN VIQUEQE ON HOSPITALITY The administrator of Vikeque, Januario Soares 'Boly' and the relevant entities opened a training course for hotel management to guest house & restaurants managers at Borala Hall Monday (08/12)." ], [ "Image TATOLI/Vitorino Lopes da Costa VIQUEque, November.08th (Agência Tatoli) --The Integral Training and Development Centre of Canossa Baucau provided training to the management staff from a total Of nineteen restaurants And guest houses in Viqueque on hospitality for ten days From Nov-19 through Dec -23rd" ], [ "The Director of CTID Canossa Baucau, Maria Filomena da Costa Freitas considered the training as part from human resource development and therefore very important." ], [ "\"Today we are giving training to raise their knowledge in order for them better serve our clients,\" the manager told Agência Tatoli at Borala Hall on Monday." ], [ "Therefore, Maria Filomena thanked the participants who were available to participate in this training." ], [ "\"We will teach them how to prepare food and accommodation for the clients who are going on holidays in their resort,\" he added." ], [ "This activity is carried out because it has received the support and trust of Government through State Secretariat for Vocational Training & Employment (SEPOFE), which provides $12,056." ], [ "Similarly, the Director of SEFOPE Viqueque Service Simao da Silva said that this training is based on research conducted by National Training Direction for shops and restaurants in Vikeke. The clients were reminded about a lack to maximize customer service during their stays at these establishments; therefore they coordinated with CTID (Centro de Tecnologia e Desenvolvimento Industrial) so as it could carry out its activities according from what was learnt through investigations carried into local marketplace conditions throughout recent years" ], [ "\"We do not have regular training in hospitality." ], [ "Therefore, in 2019 the Government trusts CTID Canossa Baucau to carry out mobile training at Viqueque municipality,” said Simoes." ], [ "In this connection, Administrator of Viqueque Januario Soares 'Boly' thanked the training centre for sharing knowledge to participants so that they can serve clients with efficiency and effectiveness." ], [ "\"This training is important so that we can know how to welcome people and prepare the place for our visitors." ], [ "In the future, when Viqueque has developed its tourism sites it will also need to develop food and drink facilities. When people come we should be prepared only for receiving them.\"" ], [ "PreviousMTTKI envisages $13 million in 2047 budget to finance three programs Next articleSEJD coordinates with Viqueque authorities for the implementation of community sports games" ] ]
SAMALA-RUA: “POVU MAK SAI NA’IN BA ESTADU” - TIMOR AGORA\nSAMALA-RUA: “POVU MAK SAI NA’IN BA ESTADU”\nKandidatu independenti ba Prezidenti Repúblika (PR) periodu 2017-2022, José António de Jesus das Neves “Samala-Rua” hateten, povu mak sai na’in ba Estadu ida ne’e, tanba povu maka soberania país ida ne’e.\nSamala-Rua hateten katak, palavra povu mak sai na’in ba Estadu ne’e mós sai ona hanesan ninia lema prinsipál ne’ebé motiva nia hodi kandidata-an nu’udar kandidatu independenti ba PR.\n“Ha’u nia kandidatura nu’udar kandidatu independenti, tema ida importante ba ha’u nia lema ba prosesu kandidatura ne’ebé ha’u temi, povu mak sai nain ba Estadu, hamutuk ho ha’u kandidatu independenti ida, José das Neves, Samala-Rua povu mak sai na’in ba Estadu,”dehan José Neves Samala-Rua ba Jornalista sira liu husi konferensia imprensa, iha nia knua Samala-Rua, Rua São Tomé 18, Palapaço Motael-Díli, Segunda (20/02), ne’ebé partisipa mós husi ninia apoiantes balun.\nKandidatu ba Xefi Estadu ho númeru sorteiu hat (4) ne’e esklarese katak, povu mak harii Estadu ida ne’e, no soberania rai ida ne’e no povu ida ne’e, mak povu ne’e rasik. Poder polítiku ninia hun mak povu, povu mak abut no kbi’it forsa polítika. Estadu no dezenvolvimentu, povu hatudu tiha ona nia kbi’it ne’e iha tempu sira hirak liuba.\n“Prosesu libertasaun to’o ita ukun-an, povu mak hakiak Frenti Armada, povu mak hamahan Frenti Klandestina, povu mak fó kbi’it ba Frenti Diplomátiku atu koalia konaba Timor nia problema no destiñu iha mundu internasionál. Povu ida ne’e duni mak halo desizaun final ikus liu konaba libertasaun no indepedénsia ne’ebé halo iha 30 Agostu 1999, povu iha tempu ida ne’e desidi Timor Leste ninia futuru,” Samala-Rua esplika.\nNune’e mós José Neves dehan, agora ba eleisaun jeral tinan 5 dala ida ne’e, povu ne’e mak sei hili fila fali nia oan sira ba kaer kna’ar iha Estadu hodi servi povu, husi sira lubuk ne’e, ida mak Prezidenti Repúblika no husi sira lubuk ida ne’e, ida mak nia rasik ne’ebé agora kandidatu-an atu sai Prezidenti da Repúblika.\nNia fundamenta katak, tuir observasaun Tribunal, husi parte lei no téknika haree katak iha ema na’in 8 mak agora dadaun hamriik husi povu ne’e nia leet hodi hakat ba simu kargu ida Prezidenti da Repúblika, maibé povu mak sei desidi.\n“Ami hamriik de’it maibé povu mak tenki desidi, ne’ebé ami lubuk ida sei hamriik koalia ba imi la’o ba hasoru imi, imi haree tiha ona ami no agora haree tan dala ida, imi rona tiha ona agora rona tan dala ida, agora imi hanoin tetu no ikus mai ita hotu hili, ha’u mos hili, hili husi 8 ne’e ida de’it mak ba kaer kna’ar nu’udar Prezidenti da Republika ba Timor Leste,” Samala-Rua afirma.\nNe’eduni nia dehan, povu tenki hili didi’ak, hili ho laran no hakarak rasik, la’os tan sasan ruma mak dada sira hodi ba hili lideransa Nasaun nian.\n“Sé sasan ruma mak dada ita mak ita hili, entaun ita hatun-an, hafoer ita nia dignidade nu’udar povu no ita nia kbi’it nu’udar na’in ba Estadu ida ne’e, nune’e mós ita nega assuwain sira ne’ebé mate para ita moris hodi hetan liberdade no ukun-an,”nia fundamenta.\nNune’e nia mós hato’o mensajen ba povu katak, hili nia lideransa sira ho kbi’it rasik, labele hili tamba kbi’it mai husi sasan ruma.\n“Sasan ruma halo imi iha kbi’it mak imi hatun-an tiha ona, hatun tiha ona dignidade povu ida be na’in ne’e sai atan fali,” José Neves akresenta.\nNia aprofunda katak, sira hamriik ba kandidatu-an, maibé povu mak desidi, sé povu desidi loloos, sei hetan lider di’ak ida, maibé sé desidi sala mós hetan lider sala. Tamba ne’e povu tenki tetu no hanoin didi’ak hodi hili lideransa Nasaun nian.\n“Ita nia maun sira lubuk ida hahú tiha ona, agora ita hatutan, hatutan ho didi’ak, ukun ho didi’ak, valoriza sira, ukun sala, ukun ladi’ak, hatun sira. Ne’eduni tenki kaer didi’ak mensajen ida ne’e, tamba ne’e liafuan badak mak ne’e, povu mak sai na’in ba Estadu ida ne’e, hatudu tiha ona husi tempu uluk to’o agora ba oin no ba nafatin,”dehan José Neves.\nPartisipa iha konferensia imprensa ne’e mak hanesan, Vise Sekretáriu Jeral Partidu Timorense Democrático (PTD) ne’ebé mai ho estrutura tomak deklara apoiu ba kandidatura Prezidenti José das Neves, veteranus balun husi Oecusse, simpatizantes no apoiantes balun iha munisípiu 13.ías
[ "SAMALA-RUA: \"POVU MAK SAI NA'IN BA ESTADU\" - TIMOR AGORA SAMALA-RUA: \"POVU MAK SAI NA'IN BA ESTADU\" Kandidatu independenti ba Prezidenti Republika (PR) periodu 2017-2022, Jose Antonio de Jesus das Neves \"Samala-Rua\" hateten, povu mak sai na'in ba Estadu ida ne'e, tanba povu maka soberania pais ida ne'e.", "Samala-Rua hateten katak, palavra povu mak sai na'in ba Estadu ne'e mos sai ona hanesan ninia lema prinsipal ne'ebe motiva nia hodi kandidata-an nu'udar kandidatu independenti ba PR.", "\"Ha'u nia kandidatura nu'udar kandidatu independenti, tema ida importante ba ha'u nia lema ba prosesu kandidatura ne'ebe ha'u temi, povu mak sai nain ba Estadu, hamutuk ho ha'u kandidatu independenti ida, Jose das Neves, Samala-Rua povu mak sai na'in ba Estadu,\"dehan Jose Neves Samala-Rua ba Jornalista sira liu husi konferensia imprensa, iha nia knua Samala-Rua, Rua Sao Tome 18, Palapaco Motael-Dili, Segunda (20/02), ne'ebe partisipa mos husi ninia apoiantes balun.", "Kandidatu ba Xefi Estadu ho numeru sorteiu hat (4) ne'e esklarese katak, povu mak harii Estadu ida ne'e, no soberania rai ida ne'e no povu ida ne'e, mak povu ne'e rasik.", "Poder politiku ninia hun mak povu, povu mak abut no kbi'it forsa politika.", "Estadu no dezenvolvimentu, povu hatudu tiha ona nia kbi'it ne'e iha tempu sira hirak liuba.", "\"Prosesu libertasaun to'o ita ukun-an, povu mak hakiak Frenti Armada, povu mak hamahan Frenti Klandestina, povu mak fo kbi'it ba Frenti Diplomatiku atu koalia konaba Timor nia problema no destinu iha mundu internasional.", "Povu ida ne'e duni mak halo desizaun final ikus liu konaba libertasaun no indepedensia ne'ebe halo iha 30 Agostu 1999, povu iha tempu ida ne'e desidi Timor Leste ninia futuru,\" Samala-Rua esplika.", "Nune'e mos Jose Neves dehan, agora ba eleisaun jeral tinan 5 dala ida ne'e, povu ne'e mak sei hili fila fali nia oan sira ba kaer kna'ar iha Estadu hodi servi povu, husi sira lubuk ne'e, ida mak Prezidenti Republika no husi sira lubuk ida ne'e, ida mak nia rasik ne'ebe agora kandidatu-an atu sai Prezidenti da Republika.", "Nia fundamenta katak, tuir observasaun Tribunal, husi parte lei no teknika haree katak iha ema na'in 8 mak agora dadaun hamriik husi povu ne'e nia leet hodi hakat ba simu kargu ida Prezidenti da Republika, maibe povu mak sei desidi.", "\"Ami hamriik de'it maibe povu mak tenki desidi, ne'ebe ami lubuk ida sei hamriik koalia ba imi la'o ba hasoru imi, imi haree tiha ona ami no agora haree tan dala ida, imi rona tiha ona agora rona tan dala ida, agora imi hanoin tetu no ikus mai ita hotu hili, ha'u mos hili, hili husi 8 ne'e ida de'it mak ba kaer kna'ar nu'udar Prezidenti da Republika ba Timor Leste,\" Samala-Rua afirma.", "Ne'eduni nia dehan, povu tenki hili didi'ak, hili ho laran no hakarak rasik, la'os tan sasan ruma mak dada sira hodi ba hili lideransa Nasaun nian.", "\"Se sasan ruma mak dada ita mak ita hili, entaun ita hatun-an, hafoer ita nia dignidade nu'udar povu no ita nia kbi'it nu'udar na'in ba Estadu ida ne'e, nune'e mos ita nega assuwain sira ne'ebe mate para ita moris hodi hetan liberdade no ukun-an,\"nia fundamenta.", "Nune'e nia mos hato'o mensajen ba povu katak, hili nia lideransa sira ho kbi'it rasik, labele hili tamba kbi'it mai husi sasan ruma.", "\"Sasan ruma halo imi iha kbi'it mak imi hatun-an tiha ona, hatun tiha ona dignidade povu ida be na'in ne'e sai atan fali,\" Jose Neves akresenta.", "Nia aprofunda katak, sira hamriik ba kandidatu-an, maibe povu mak desidi, se povu desidi loloos, sei hetan lider di'ak ida, maibe se desidi sala mos hetan lider sala.", "Tamba ne'e povu tenki tetu no hanoin didi'ak hodi hili lideransa Nasaun nian.", "\"Ita nia maun sira lubuk ida hahu tiha ona, agora ita hatutan, hatutan ho didi'ak, ukun ho didi'ak, valoriza sira, ukun sala, ukun ladi'ak, hatun sira.", "Ne'eduni tenki kaer didi'ak mensajen ida ne'e, tamba ne'e liafuan badak mak ne'e, povu mak sai na'in ba Estadu ida ne'e, hatudu tiha ona husi tempu uluk to'o agora ba oin no ba nafatin,\"dehan Jose Neves.", "Partisipa iha konferensia imprensa ne'e mak hanesan, Vise Sekretariu Jeral Partidu Timorense Democratico (PTD) ne'ebe mai ho estrutura tomak deklara apoiu ba kandidatura Prezidenti Jose das Neves, veteranus balun husi Oecusse, simpatizantes no apoiantes balun iha munisipiu 13.ias" ]
[ [ "SAMALA-RUA: \"POVO MAK SAI NA'IN BA ESTADU\" - TIMOR AGORA Independent candidate for President of the Republic (PR) period 2017–36, Jose Antonio de Jesus das Neves “Samala Rua” said that people are belonging to this State because they hold sovereignty over it." ], [ "Samala-Rua said that the word \"the people belong to state\" has also become his main motto which motivated him in running as an independent candidate for President." ], [ "\"My candidacy as an independent candidate, is a very important theme for my motto in the process of candidature that I have mentioned. The people become owners to State together with me and one other Independent Candidate Jose das Neves Samala-Rua whose name was also stated on this page: People be lords over their own States\", said Mr José da Silva Samal at his office located near Same Rue (18 Sao Tomé Street), Palapaco Motael - Dili Monday(20th February) during press conference which some supporter participated from him too.\"" ], [ "The candidate for Head of State with the drawn number six (4) clarified that this state was created by people, and sovereignty over these land is in their hands." ], [ "Political power belongs to the people, and they are political forces." ], [ "State and development, the people have already shown their ability in recent times." ], [ "\"In the process of liberation to our independence, people created Armed Fronts and Clandestine Frents. People gave a call for Diplomatic Fronte in order that they could talk about Timorese problems on an international level.\"" ], [ "It was this people who made the final decision about liberation and independence on August 30th,1975. At that time they decided East Timor's future.\" Samala-Rua explained:" ], [ "Likewise, Jose Neves said that now for the fifth general election this year it is people who will elect again their children to hold offices in State and serve them. Of these many they are one President of Republic; he himself has been elected as a presidential candidate since 2016 (President da República)." ], [ "He argued that, according to the Tribunal's observations from legal and technical points of view there are eight people who have already been selected by this nation for taking up an office as President. But it will be decided in favour or against these candidate-candidates on their own decision;" ], [ "\"We just stand but the people must decide, which many of us will speak to you go against yourselves. You have seen and now see again; I've heard it once more: Now think carefully about this matter so that eventually we all choose one person from among these eight who is going on as President for Timor-Leste\", Samala Rua said in a statement released today by his office at Dili City Council (DCC)." ], [ "Therefore, he said that the people must make a good choice and choose with their own hearts & will. They should not be given anything else in order to elect leaders of our nation.\"" ], [ "\"If we choose something that is given to us, then it degrades ourselves. It undermines the dignity of a people and its right as owners in this State; so too does denying all those who died for free life.\"" ], [ "He also conveyed a message to the people that they should choose their leaders with what is in them, not because it comes from something else." ], [ "\"Something that puts you in a position where it is impossible to stand up for yourself, has degraded the dignity of this people whose master became their slave again\", added Jose Neves." ], [ "He said that they are willing to run for president, but the people will decide. If their decision is correct it would be a good leader; if wrong then there could also have been an incorrect one.\"" ], [ "Therefore, the people must consider and think carefully to elect a nation's leadership." ], [ "\"Many of our brothers have already begun, now we continue to do so well and govern with goodness. We value them; if they are wrong or not ruling properly then let us take down their power.\"" ], [ "Therefore, we must take this message very carefully. In short: the people are owner of our State and they have shown it from time immemorial to now forever\", said Jose Neves (President)." ], [ "Participating in the press conference were, Vice-Secretary General of Timorese Democratic Party (PTD) who came with his entire structure declaring support for President Jose das Neves' candidacy; some veterans from Oecusse and sympathizers." ] ]
3 Marsu, Loron Reestruturasaun Rezisténsia Armada | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA NASIONÁL 3 Marsu, Loron Reestruturasaun Rezisténsia Armada\n3 Marsu, Loron Reestruturasaun Rezisténsia Armada\nDILI (ANTIL)—Veteranu Rezisténsia Armada durante tinan 24 luta iha ai-laran, Francisco Guterres “Lú-Olo” hateten, Loron Nasionál Veteranu, 3 Marsu, loron ida ne´ebé importante teb-tebes tanba fó memória ba jerasaun foun sira hotu para bele hatene katak loron ida ne´e duni (3 Marsu) rezisténsia armada harii hikas fali sira nia organizasaun hafoin destruisaun baze ba apoiu iha tinan tolu ba kotuk.\nLú-Olo hato´o informasaun ne´e liuhusi entrevista eskluzivu ne´ebé jornalista Ajénsia Notisioza Timor-Leste (ANTIL) halo ho veteranu refere iha nia sede kampaña, Aimutin, Dili, Kuarta (01/03/2017).\nANTIL: Nu´udar veteranu ida, sá importánsia Loron Nasionál Veteranu ba Ita-Boot?\nLú-Olo: Ha´u prezide rasik Konferénsia Veteranu sira nian iha Sentru Konvensaun Dili (CCD), Dili, tinan kotuk. Iha konferénsia ne´e, veteranu hotu-hotu deklara hamutuk ou sira aprova rezolusaun ida atu tau loron 3 Marsu hanesan loron veteranu sira nian. Iha altura ne´ebá, ami konsidera saida maka veteranu sira propoin liuhusi rezolusaun ida, entaun ami hato´o rezolusaun ne´e ba iha governu para governu haree oinsá maka atu bele konsidera loron ne´ebé maka veteranu sira propoin bele sai Loron Nasionál Veteranu sira nian.\nHa´u hanoin katak veteranu sira iha razaun forte para eskolla 3 Marsu sai sira nia loron tanba tuir istória rezisténsia ninian, iha 3 Marsu 1981, rezisténsia armada harii fila fali sira nia komandu ida hodi reorganiza fila fali rezisténsia armada iha ailaran. Loron ida ne´e importante teb-tebes para bele fó memória ba jerasaun foun sira hotu para sira bele hatene katak loron ida ne´e duni rezisténsia armada harii hikas fali sira nia organizasaun hafoin baze ba apoiu iha tinan tolu ba kotuk rahun. Baze apoiu ne´e harii hikas liuhusi mobilizasaun kuadrus polítikus no militares hosi Ponta Leste hamutuk ho maluk sira hosi rai klaran to´o iha zona oeste nian ne´ebé maka komanda hosi Saudozu Venâncio Ferraz. Loron ida ne´e mós atu hahí nafatin no fó rekuñesementu ba veteranu sira ne´ebé maka mate ona no sira ne´ebé sei moris.\nANTIL: Tuir Ita-Boot nia hatene, veteranu sira oras ne´e moris ona ho dignu?\nLú-Olo: Veteranu sira atu moris ho dignu ou lahó dignu, ha´u bele hateten katak lei ne´ebé maka Parlamentu Nasionál halo, bele fó garantia ida ba sira hodi goza sira nia vida restu ne´ebé sei iha. Iha lei ne´e difini buat barak. Aleinde difini pensaun, sira mós hetan direitu tratamentu saúde ninian iha ita nia rai laran no mós direitu regalia sira seluk.\nIha futuru mai ne´e, governu tenki kontrola veteranu sira iha kada munisípiu para bele akompaña sira nia saúde. Balun ne´ebé sofre hela ho bala musan iha isin lolon, tenki avakua mai iha ospitál nasionál para médiku sira iha ne´ebá desidi oinsá maka bele halo tratamentu saúde.\nDurante tinan hirak ne´e nia laran, veteranu barak mós seidauk rejista án iha Komisaun Omenajen. Komu seidauk rejistu hotu, entaun balun seidauk bele hetan direitu tuir lei haruka. Estadu presiza kontinuamente tau-matan ba sira tuir lei ne´ebé maka iha nune´e bele garante sira nia moris to´o sira mate.\nANTIL: Konsellu Veteranu ne´ebé Estadu atu harii iha futuru ne´e nesesáriu tebes ba veteranu?\nLú-Olo: Ne´e nesesáriu liu. Órgaun ida bolu naran Konsellu Nasionál Veteranu no Kombatente Libertasaun Nasionál, órgaun ida ne´ebé maka importante teb-tebes. Iha segunda konferénsia tinan kotuk, ami propoin duni para atu bele kria órgaun ida ne´e liuhusi Dekretu Governu para bele haruka ba Prezidenti Repúblika, Taur Matan Ruak atu promulga.\nHa´u rona ikus fali katak Ministériu Solidariedade Sosiál liuhusi Vise Ministru Miguel Manetelu, sira bolu duni veteranu lubuk ida hodi diskuti lisuk Dekretu Lei ne´e, maibé ha´u la-hatene ninia lala´ok to´o iha ne´ebé ona. Parese Governu seidauk haruka ba Prezidenti Repúblika atu promulga, entaun to´o ohin loron órgaun ne´e seidauk kria. Maibé, tuir ha´u nia hanoin, importante teb-tebes atu kria órgaun ida ne´e atu sai referénsia boot ida ba veternu sira para sira mós iha sira nia planu rasik atu partisipa iha dezenvolvimentu nasaun ninian. Órgaun ida ne´e kuandu iha ona, bele reprezenta veteranu sira tomak anível nasionál.\nANTIL: Ita-Boot nia kampaña polítika monu loos iha Loron Nasionál Veteranu, 3 Marsu 2017. Oinsá Ita-Boot nia sentimentu?\nLú-Olo: Kuandu hahú kampaña iha Gleno, Ermera, ha´u sei diriji liafuan badak ba ha´u nia kompañeiru veteranu sira hotu hosi Loromonu to´o Lorosa´e no hosi Tasi Feto to´o Tasi Mane, hodi hato´o ba sira katak to´o ona tempu para veteranu sira tenke la’o hamutuk atu dezenvolve ita nia rain, garante páz no estabilidade. Ha´u mós hakarak hateten ba ha´u nia kompañeiru veteranu sira hotu katak Lú-Olo manán para bele sai prezidenti ba povu tomak no prezidenti ba Timor-Leste tomak. Husu ba maluk veteranu sira para hamutuk ho ha´u atu hakat ba iha eleisaun 20 Marsu. Ha´u iha konfiansa boot katak ha´u sei manán iha primeira ronda.\nPrevious articleOJP-CNRT Iha Membru 16.150\nNext articleKandidatu PR “Amorim Vieira” Dezenvolvimentu Ekonomia Tenke Sustentavél
[ "3 Marsu, Loron Reestruturasaun Rezistensia Armada | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA NASIONAL 3 Marsu, Loron Reestruturasaun Rezistensia Armada 3 Marsu, Loron Reestruturasaun Rezistensia Armada DILI (ANTIL) - Veteranu Rezistensia Armada durante tinan 24 luta iha ai-laran, Francisco Guterres \"Lu-Olo\" hateten, Loron Nasional Veteranu, 3 Marsu, loron ida ne'ebe importante teb-tebes tanba fo memoria ba jerasaun foun sira hotu para bele hatene katak loron ida ne'e duni (3 Marsu) rezistensia armada harii hikas fali sira nia organizasaun hafoin destruisaun baze ba apoiu iha tinan tolu ba kotuk.", "Lu-Olo hato'o informasaun ne'e liuhusi entrevista eskluzivu ne'ebe jornalista Ajensia Notisioza Timor-Leste (ANTIL) halo ho veteranu refere iha nia sede kampana, Aimutin, Dili, Kuarta (01/03/2017).", "ANTIL: Nu'udar veteranu ida, sa importansia Loron Nasional Veteranu ba Ita-Boot?", "Lu-Olo: Ha'u prezide rasik Konferensia Veteranu sira nian iha Sentru Konvensaun Dili (CCD), Dili, tinan kotuk.", "Iha konferensia ne'e, veteranu hotu-hotu deklara hamutuk ou sira aprova rezolusaun ida atu tau loron 3 Marsu hanesan loron veteranu sira nian.", "Iha altura ne'eba, ami konsidera saida maka veteranu sira propoin liuhusi rezolusaun ida, entaun ami hato'o rezolusaun ne'e ba iha governu para governu haree oinsa maka atu bele konsidera loron ne'ebe maka veteranu sira propoin bele sai Loron Nasional Veteranu sira nian.", "Ha'u hanoin katak veteranu sira iha razaun forte para eskolla 3 Marsu sai sira nia loron tanba tuir istoria rezistensia ninian, iha 3 Marsu 1981, rezistensia armada harii fila fali sira nia komandu ida hodi reorganiza fila fali rezistensia armada iha ailaran.", "Loron ida ne'e importante teb-tebes para bele fo memoria ba jerasaun foun sira hotu para sira bele hatene katak loron ida ne'e duni rezistensia armada harii hikas fali sira nia organizasaun hafoin baze ba apoiu iha tinan tolu ba kotuk rahun.", "Baze apoiu ne'e harii hikas liuhusi mobilizasaun kuadrus politikus no militares hosi Ponta Leste hamutuk ho maluk sira hosi rai klaran to'o iha zona oeste nian ne'ebe maka komanda hosi Saudozu Venancio Ferraz.", "Loron ida ne'e mos atu hahi nafatin no fo rekunesementu ba veteranu sira ne'ebe maka mate ona no sira ne'ebe sei moris.", "ANTIL: Tuir Ita-Boot nia hatene, veteranu sira oras ne'e moris ona ho dignu?", "Lu-Olo: Veteranu sira atu moris ho dignu ou laho dignu, ha'u bele hateten katak lei ne'ebe maka Parlamentu Nasional halo, bele fo garantia ida ba sira hodi goza sira nia vida restu ne'ebe sei iha.", "Iha lei ne'e difini buat barak.", "Aleinde difini pensaun, sira mos hetan direitu tratamentu saude ninian iha ita nia rai laran no mos direitu regalia sira seluk.", "Iha futuru mai ne'e, governu tenki kontrola veteranu sira iha kada munisipiu para bele akompana sira nia saude.", "Balun ne'ebe sofre hela ho bala musan iha isin lolon, tenki avakua mai iha ospital nasional para mediku sira iha ne'eba desidi oinsa maka bele halo tratamentu saude.", "Durante tinan hirak ne'e nia laran, veteranu barak mos seidauk rejista an iha Komisaun Omenajen.", "Komu seidauk rejistu hotu, entaun balun seidauk bele hetan direitu tuir lei haruka.", "Estadu presiza kontinuamente tau-matan ba sira tuir lei ne'ebe maka iha nune'e bele garante sira nia moris to'o sira mate.", "ANTIL: Konsellu Veteranu ne'ebe Estadu atu harii iha futuru ne'e nesesariu tebes ba veteranu?", "Lu-Olo: Ne'e nesesariu liu.", "Orgaun ida bolu naran Konsellu Nasional Veteranu no Kombatente Libertasaun Nasional, orgaun ida ne'ebe maka importante teb-tebes.", "Iha segunda konferensia tinan kotuk, ami propoin duni para atu bele kria orgaun ida ne'e liuhusi Dekretu Governu para bele haruka ba Prezidenti Republika, Taur Matan Ruak atu promulga.", "Ha'u rona ikus fali katak Ministeriu Solidariedade Sosial liuhusi Vise Ministru Miguel Manetelu, sira bolu duni veteranu lubuk ida hodi diskuti lisuk Dekretu Lei ne'e, maibe ha'u la-hatene ninia lala'ok to'o iha ne'ebe ona.", "Parese Governu seidauk haruka ba Prezidenti Republika atu promulga, entaun to'o ohin loron orgaun ne'e seidauk kria.", "Maibe, tuir ha'u nia hanoin, importante teb-tebes atu kria orgaun ida ne'e atu sai referensia boot ida ba veternu sira para sira mos iha sira nia planu rasik atu partisipa iha dezenvolvimentu nasaun ninian.", "Orgaun ida ne'e kuandu iha ona, bele reprezenta veteranu sira tomak anivel nasional.", "ANTIL: Ita-Boot nia kampana politika monu loos iha Loron Nasional Veteranu, 3 Marsu 2017.", "Oinsa Ita-Boot nia sentimentu?", "Lu-Olo: Kuandu hahu kampana iha Gleno, Ermera, ha'u sei diriji liafuan badak ba ha'u nia kompaneiru veteranu sira hotu hosi Loromonu to'o Lorosa'e no hosi Tasi Feto to'o Tasi Mane, hodi hato'o ba sira katak to'o ona tempu para veteranu sira tenke la'o hamutuk atu dezenvolve ita nia rain, garante paz no estabilidade.", "Ha'u mos hakarak hateten ba ha'u nia kompaneiru veteranu sira hotu katak Lu-Olo manan para bele sai prezidenti ba povu tomak no prezidenti ba Timor-Leste tomak.", "Husu ba maluk veteranu sira para hamutuk ho ha'u atu hakat ba iha eleisaun 20 Marsu.", "Ha'u iha konfiansa boot katak ha'u sei manan iha primeira ronda.", "Previous articleOJP-CNRT Iha Membru 16.150 Next articleKandidatu PR \"Amorim Vieira\" Dezenvolvimentu Ekonomia Tenke Sustentavel" ]
[ [ "Dili (ANTIL) - Veterans of the Armed Resistance during 24 years fighting on land, Francisco Guterres \"Lu-Olo\" said that National Day for veteran' s remembrance is a very important day because it gives memory to all new generation so they can know how this date indeed was one when arned resistance quickly restored its organization after destruction base support three year ago. The national memorial will be opened by Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao and President Taur Matan Ruak together with other senior military leaders from Timor Leste as well" ], [ "Lu-Olo presented this information through an exclusive interview that the journalist Ajensia Notisioza Timor Leste (ANTIL) made with said veteran at his campaign headquarters, Aimutin in Dili on Thursday 1 March." ], [ "ANTIL: As a veteran, what is the importance of Veterans' National Day to you?" ], [ "Lu-Olo: I myself presided over the Veterans Conference at Dili Convention Centre (CCD), in Timor Leste, last year." ], [ "At the conference, all veterans jointly declared that they had adopted a resolution to establish March 3 as Veteran' s Day." ], [ "At that time, we considered what the veterans had proposed through a resolution. We submitted this to government so they could consider whether or not it would be possible for our day of celebration as National Veteran Day in accordance with their proposal; and then there was an agreement between us on 15th November which is now recognized by many countries worldwide (including Australia)." ], [ "I think that veterans have a strong reason to make March 3 their day because according the history of this resistance, on Mars' third (1980), armed opposition re-established its command in order for them again organize an army resisting." ], [ "This day is very important to remember for all the new generations so they can know that this was indeed a time when armed resistance quickly rebuilt its organization after support bases were destroyed three years ago." ], [ "This support base was rapidly built through the mobilization of political and military cadres from Ponta Leste together with colleas in other parts to reach a western zone commanded by late Venancio Ferraz." ], [ "This day is also to remember and recognize the veterans who have died, those that are still alive." ], [ "ANTIL: As far as you know, do the veterans now live with dignity?" ], [ "Lu-Olo: Whether veterans live with dignity or not, I can say that the law made by Parliament will give them a guarantee to enjoy their rest of life." ], [ "The law defines a lot of things." ], [ "In addition to definite pensions, they are also entitled for health care in our country and other privileges." ], [ "In future, the government should monitor veterans in each municipality to accompany their health." ], [ "Balun, who suffers from a bullet wound in his body must be evacuated to the national hospital so that medical staff there can decide how he will receive health care." ], [ "During these years, many veterans have not registered themselves with the Memorial Commission." ], [ "All of the communities have not yet registered, so some are unable to obtain their rights under law." ], [ "The state must continuously provide for them in accordance with the law so as to guarantee their lives until they die." ], [ "ANTIL: The Veterans Council that the State will establish in future is very necessary for veteran?" ], [ "Lu-Olo: This is not necessary anymore." ], [ "There is a body called the National Council of Veterans and Combatants for national liberation, an important organ." ], [ "At the second conference last year, we proposed to create this body through a Government Decree that could be sent back for promulgation by President of Republic Taur Matan Ruak." ], [ "I heard again that the Ministry of Social Solidarity through Vice Minister Miguel Manetelu, they did indeed call many veterans to discuss this Decree-Law. But i don't know how far it has gone until now..." ], [ "It seems that the government has not sent it to President of Republic for promulgation, so until today this body is still uncreated." ], [ "However, in my opinion it is very important to create this body as a great reference point for veterans so that they can have their own plans of participation and development." ], [ "Once this body exists, it will be able to represent all the veteran' s at a national level." ], [ "ANTIL: Your political campaign fell apart on National Veterans Day, March 3rd of this year." ], [ "What are your feelings? How do you feel about it now, Mr. President" ], [ "Lu-Olo: When I begin my campaign in Gleno, Ermera.I will address a brief message to all of the veterans from Loromonu until Lorosa'e and Tari Feto till Tasi Mane that it is time for them together with me develop our country by guaranteeing peace & stability!" ], [ "I also want to tell all my comrades veterans that Lu-Olo won so he can be the president of everyone and President for Timor Leste." ], [ "I call on my fellow veterans to stand with me in the March 20 election." ], [ "I am very confident that i will win in the first round." ], [ "Previous articleOJP-CNRT Has 16,250 Members Next ArticlePR Candidate \"Amorim Vieira\" Want Sustainable Economic Development" ] ]
Parlamento Nacional de Timor-Leste | Comissão F halo Fiscalização iha Município Manatuto\nComissão F halo Fiscalização iha Município Manatuto\nParlamento Nacional, liu hussi Comissão F, ne’ebe trata assunto Saúde, Segurança Social e Igualdade de Género, halo fiscalização iha Município Manatuto, iha loron 17 fulan abril tinan 2020.\nAtividade fiscalização ne’e fahe ba Grupo rua, Primeiro grupo Lidera hussi Presidente Comissão F, Deputada Maria Gorrumali Barreto, acompanha mos hussi membros comissão balun halo fiscalização iha Posto Administrativo Natarbora, no segundo Grupo, lidera hussi Vice-Presidente Comissão F, Deputado Noé da Silva Ximenes “Buka Tuir”, hamutuk ho membro Comissão sira seluk, halo fiscalização iha Posto Administrativo Laclubar.\nDurante visita, Comissão F halo reunião ho Administrador Município Manatuto Fernando de Sousa Junior no mos Diretor Serviço Saúde Município Manatuto nian, hodi koalia kona-ba condição geral Saúde nian iha Município Manatuto, no mos preparação ba combate moras Covid-19. Iha Estudante hamutuk 41 mai hussi nação indonésia, (Feto 30 no Mane 11), oras ne’e iha hela quarentena.\nDepois da reunião, Comissão F continua halo visita ba iha Armazém aimoruk nian, ba Centro Saúde Internamento no mos visita fatin quarentena.\nDepois de atividade fiscalização ne’e, Presidente Comissão F informa ba jornalista sira kona-ba assunto sira ne’ebé mak autoridade local no responsável saúde sira informa mak hanessan, problema iha saúde maka hanessan orçamento duodecimal ne’ebe afeta ba programa Saúde Município Manatuto, hannesan bens e serviços, infraestruturas no equipamentos serviço nian. Presidente Comissão relata katak, Cetro Saude Internamento Natarbora laiha equipamentos serviço nian ne’ebé suficiente, hodi atende paciente sira, laiha Aimoruk ba moras nebe considera a’as hanesan moras respiratorio, moras fuan no tenção arterial, inclusivamente aimoruk Paracetamol mos laiha. Hussi Centro Saúde halo ona pedido, maibe aimoruk ne’ebe mak mai hussi municipio latuir pedido ne’ebe mak apresenta.\nPresidente Comissão F, hatete, sei toma consideração ba problema sira ne’ebe mak Profesional saude sira hato’o iha Centru Saude Internamento Natarbora, sei hato’o ba Ministério Saúde, hodi tau iha consideração.\nTimor-Leste mos agora ameaçado ba moras Covid-19, maibe, iha Centro Saúde no Posto Saúde sira iha Município Manatuto to’o agora laiha equipamento hanesan luvas ho máscara hodi protege médico sira bainhira halo sira nia serviço.\nPresidente Comissao F agradece ba Comunidade sira hotu no husu atu continua coopera ho Centro Saúde sira ba controla estudante ou ema balun nebe tama ilegal iha Timor-Leste, tenki tuir regras saude nian, hodi hela iha quarentena durante loron 14, hodi nune profissional saúde sira bele controla sira nia Saúde.
[ "Parlamento Nacional de Timor-Leste | Comissao F halo Fiscalizacao iha Municipio Manatuto Comissao F halo Fiscalizacao iha Municipio Manatuto Parlamento Nacional, liu hussi Comissao F, ne'ebe trata assunto Saude, Seguranca Social e Igualdade de Genero, halo fiscalizacao iha Municipio Manatuto, iha loron 17 fulan abril tinan 2020.", "Atividade fiscalizacao ne'e fahe ba Grupo rua, Primeiro grupo Lidera hussi Presidente Comissao F, Deputada Maria Gorrumali Barreto, acompanha mos hussi membros comissao balun halo fiscalizacao iha Posto Administrativo Natarbora, no segundo Grupo, lidera hussi Vice-Presidente Comissao F, Deputado Noe da Silva Ximenes \"Buka Tuir,\" hamutuk ho membro Comissao sira seluk, halo fiscalizacao iha Posto Administrativo Laclubar.", "Durante visita, Comissao F halo reuniao ho Administrador Municipio Manatuto Fernando de Sousa Junior no mos Diretor Servico Saude Municipio Manatuto nian, hodi koalia kona-ba condicao geral Saude nian iha Municipio Manatuto, no mos preparacao ba combate moras Covid-19.", "Iha Estudante hamutuk 41 mai hussi nacao indonesia, (Feto 30 no Mane 11), oras ne'e iha hela quarentena.", "Depois da reuniao, Comissao F continua halo visita ba iha Armazem aimoruk nian, ba Centro Saude Internamento no mos visita fatin quarentena.", "Depois de atividade fiscalizacao ne'e, Presidente Comissao F informa ba jornalista sira kona-ba assunto sira ne'ebe mak autoridade local no responsavel saude sira informa mak hanessan, problema iha saude maka hanessan orcamento duodecimal ne'ebe afeta ba programa Saude Municipio Manatuto, hannesan bens e servicos, infraestruturas no equipamentos servico nian.", "Presidente Comissao relata katak, Cetro Saude Internamento Natarbora laiha equipamentos servico nian ne'ebe suficiente, hodi atende paciente sira, laiha Aimoruk ba moras nebe considera a'as hanesan moras respiratorio, moras fuan no tencao arterial, inclusivamente aimoruk Paracetamol mos laiha.", "Hussi Centro Saude halo ona pedido, maibe aimoruk ne'ebe mak mai hussi municipio latuir pedido ne'ebe mak apresenta.", "Presidente Comissao F, hatete, sei toma consideracao ba problema sira ne'ebe mak Profesional saude sira hato'o iha Centru Saude Internamento Natarbora, sei hato'o ba Ministerio Saude, hodi tau iha consideracao.", "Timor-Leste mos agora ameacado ba moras Covid-19, maibe, iha Centro Saude no Posto Saude sira iha Municipio Manatuto to'o agora laiha equipamento hanesan luvas ho mascara hodi protege medico sira bainhira halo sira nia servico.", "Presidente Comissao F agradece ba Comunidade sira hotu no husu atu continua coopera ho Centro Saude sira ba controla estudante ou ema balun nebe tama ilegal iha Timor-Leste, tenki tuir regras saude nian, hodi hela iha quarentena durante loron 14, hodi nune profissional saude sira bele controla sira nia Saude." ]
[ [ "Parlamento Nacional de Timor-Leste | Comissao F fez Fiscalizacao no Município Manatuto The National Parliament, through its Commission on Health Care and Social Security as well As Gender Equality (Commissariado FF), conducted an inspection in the Municipality of Manaotu. This was carried out at a meeting held by this committee to review progress made with regards To health care services provided for residential areas during COVID -19 pandemic situation that has been affecting many communities throughout our country since March last year" ], [ "The inspection activity was divided into two Groups, the first group led by President of Commission F Deputada Maria Gorrumali Barreto and some other members conducted an audit at Posto Administrative Natarbora. In addition to that a second team under Vice-Presidential Commissary Noe da Silva Ximenes \"Buka Tuir\" together with others commissioners carried out monitoring activities in Laclubar administrative post (post)." ], [ "During the visit, Commission F held a meeting with Manatuto Municipality Administrator Fernando de Sousa Junior and Director of Health Service Municipio Manaotu to discuss about general health condition in Município Manauta as well preparation for combating Covid-19 disease." ], [ "There are 41 students who came from Indonesia, (30 females and eleven males), currently in quarantine." ], [ "After the meeting, Commission F continued to visit a drug storage facility and an inpatient health centre. They also visited quarantine facilities for patients who had been admitted from other hospitals or were undergoing treatment at these centres" ], [ "After the inspection activity, President of Commission F informed journalists about issues reported by local authorities and health officials that are not being addressed. The problem is a failure to use duodecimal system which affect Health program Municipality Manatuto; good & services delivery problems as well infrastructure service equipment deficiencies etc..." ], [ "The President of the Commission reports that Cetro Saude Internamento Natarbora does not have sufficient service equipment to attend patients, there is no medicine for illnesses such as respiratory disease and high blood pressure including Paracetamol." ], [ "Hussi Centro Saude has made an order, but the medicines that will be sent to hussi municipality do not meet its request." ], [ "The President of Commission F, said that he will take into consideration the problems raised by health professionals at Natarbora Internal Health Center and forward them to Ministry for their further examination." ], [ "Timor-Leste is also now threatened by the Covid 19 disease, but in Health Centers and Postes de Saúde (health posts) of Manatuto Municipality there are no equipment such as gloves or mask to protect doctor when doing their work." ], [ "The President of Commission F thanked all the communities and asked them to continue cooperating with Health Centres in controlling students or some people who enter Timor-Leste illegally, they must follow health rules by staying quarantined for 14 days so that medical professionals can monitor their healthy." ] ]
Cruz Vermelha Inagura Sintina Rua Iha Largo\nDÍLI----Cruz Vermelha Timor-Leste Inagura ona Sintina públiku rua ne’ebé ho kapasidade ba ema na’in 10 mak bele uza iha Largo Lecidere, maske orsamentu ba konstrusaun sentina ne’e ho montante ne’ebé ki’ik.\nTuir Prezidente Cruz Vermelha Maria do Ceu hatete durante Cruz Vermelha halo observasaun iha tasi ibun iha foer barak i area tasi ibun sa’e tiha ona kontaminadu liliu ba labarik sira no inan isin rua sira halimar iha ne’e sei hetan moras ruma, entaun Cruz Vermelha iha hanoin ida halo programa hodi tau preoridade oinsa bele resolve necesidade bazika ba publiku sira no Cruz Vermelha halo tiha programa ida ne’e, depois hetan orsamentu hosi Governu ki’ik tebes, tan ne’e Cruz Vermelha foti itoan hodi hadia uluk saida mak sai preoridade liu iha Dili liliu iha tasi ibun ne’ebé mak sai kontaminadu.\n“Agora ita inagura Sintina ida ne’ebé sai realidade ho orsamentu kiik teb-tebes tanba na realidade iha fatin pubiku sira hanesan Largo Sintina laiha, entaun Cruz Vermelha hare fatin Publiku ne’e sai tiha kontaminadu no laiha Sintina no sei fό impaktu saude ba publiku” hateten Prezidente Cruz Vermelha Maria do Ceu ba Jornalista sira hafoin inagura Sintina iha Largo, Segunda-Feira (23/12/2019).\nTan ne’e, Sintina ohin Cruz Vermelha Inagura ne’e ho orsamentu ki’ik hamutuk dolar rihun rua nulu resin lima ($25 mill) ita bele halo sintina publiku ba ema na’in sanulu, mak bele uja dala ida. Nia dehan, Sintina ne’e ema na’in 10 mak uza feto ketak, mane ketak, no ema ho defisiente nian mos ketak i se-se deit mos bele uza.\nTanba ne’e, orsamentu ida nemos hare ba área preoridade balun iha munisipiu sira tanba Munisipiu sira mόs sei falta toilet ba viagem publiku ninian. Portantu, “Ita sei kontrolu hosi governu nafatin maibe Cruz Vermelha sei rai hela nia kaixa iha ne’e, i kaixa ida ne’e para ema tama hotu hanoin para bele so’e netik osan centavus 0.05 ka liu husi ida ne’e, atu bele hadia tan ida ne’e bele diak liu tan” tenik nia.\nAlende osan ne’e, kuandu ema so’e ona osan centavus 0.05 ne’e atu hadía kondiasaun no bele hola tisu, no bainhira dap sira a’at karik ita bele uja osan ne’e hodi halo manutensaun tanba liu hosi osan kiikoan ida ne’e bele tau hamutuk hodi halo buat ruma. Tan inisiativa ida ne’e, agradese teb-tebes ba governu tanba Cruz Vermelha bele hetan orsamentu hodi halo aktividade ida ne’e.\nTanba nemak sintina iha Dili laran depende imput hosi munisipiu Dili sei bainhira munisipiu Dili imput data atu halo sintina depois hatama proposta ba Cruz Vermelha, entaun Cruz Vermelha bele halo. Nia afirma, banhira Cruz Vermelha atu halo tan sintina, Cruz Vermelha bele halo ho osan governu maibe kuandu osan governu laiha, Governu bele halo propposta ba Cruz Vermelha hodi hato’o ba nasaun seluk hodi tau atensaun ba hodi hadia nasaun Timor-Leste.\n“Agora foin mak halo ida deit iha Bidau Lecidere fasilita sintina ema na’in 10, ne’e duni ema na’in 10 bele uza kualker horas i kondisoens beabilidade ketak, ne’e dunik kondisaun bealiza ami sei hadia diak liutan para ema ho defisiente ho nia kursi roda mos bele tama” afirma nia.\nNe’e dunik ida ne’e hanesan modelu baziku primeiru ita halo depois ita sei halo mos iha parte ida iha ne’eba hanesan ita hare atu halo iha merkadu Taibesi nomos iha parte seluk. Hosi parte hirak ne’e depende ba iha parte governu hatama halo proposta hato’o hosi Governu, liliu husi Munisipiu Dili. Depois Cruz Vermelha sei hare hanesan auxilia ba governu atu suporta saida deit mak kondisoens bazika ne’ebé mak afeita ba iha komunidade nia necesidade.\nMensagem ba komunidade sira husu para atu mai pasiar iha jardin lalika preokupa liliu ba inan-aman lori labarik sira mai halimar iha ne’e, hodi mai pasiar la’o ho avontade. “Tanba ne’e bainhira mai to’o iha ne’e, osan iha it-oan bele so’e hela ba Cruz Vermelha nia kotak hodi halo kontribisaun nune’e governu kontinua suporta liu kona Cruz Vermelha” Afirma nia. (BT)
[ "Cruz Vermelha Inagura Sintina Rua Iha Largo DILI----Cruz Vermelha Timor-Leste Inagura ona Sintina publiku rua ne'ebe ho kapasidade ba ema na'in 10 mak bele uza iha Largo Lecidere, maske orsamentu ba konstrusaun sentina ne'e ho montante ne'ebe ki'ik.", "Tuir Prezidente Cruz Vermelha Maria do Ceu hatete durante Cruz Vermelha halo observasaun iha tasi ibun iha foer barak i area tasi ibun sa'e tiha ona kontaminadu liliu ba labarik sira no inan isin rua sira halimar iha ne'e sei hetan moras ruma, entaun Cruz Vermelha iha hanoin ida halo programa hodi tau preoridade oinsa bele resolve necesidade bazika ba publiku sira no Cruz Vermelha halo tiha programa ida ne'e, depois hetan orsamentu hosi Governu ki'ik tebes, tan ne'e Cruz Vermelha foti itoan hodi hadia uluk saida mak sai preoridade liu iha Dili liliu iha tasi ibun ne'ebe mak sai kontaminadu.", "\"Agora ita inagura Sintina ida ne'ebe sai realidade ho orsamentu kiik teb-tebes tanba na realidade iha fatin pubiku sira hanesan Largo Sintina laiha, entaun Cruz Vermelha hare fatin Publiku ne'e sai tiha kontaminadu no laiha Sintina no sei fo impaktu saude ba publiku\" hateten Prezidente Cruz Vermelha Maria do Ceu ba Jornalista sira hafoin inagura Sintina iha Largo, Segunda-Feira (23/12/2019).", "Tan ne'e, Sintina ohin Cruz Vermelha Inagura ne'e ho orsamentu ki'ik hamutuk dolar rihun rua nulu resin lima ($25 mill) ita bele halo sintina publiku ba ema na'in sanulu, mak bele uja dala ida.", "Nia dehan, Sintina ne'e ema na'in 10 mak uza feto ketak, mane ketak, no ema ho defisiente nian mos ketak i se-se deit mos bele uza.", "Tanba ne'e, orsamentu ida nemos hare ba area preoridade balun iha munisipiu sira tanba Munisipiu sira mos sei falta toilet ba viagem publiku ninian.", "Portantu, \"Ita sei kontrolu hosi governu nafatin maibe Cruz Vermelha sei rai hela nia kaixa iha ne'e, i kaixa ida ne'e para ema tama hotu hanoin para bele so'e netik osan centavus 0.05 ka liu husi ida ne'e, atu bele hadia tan ida ne'e bele diak liu tan\" tenik nia.", "Alende osan ne'e, kuandu ema so'e ona osan centavus 0.05 ne'e atu hadia kondiasaun no bele hola tisu, no bainhira dap sira a'at karik ita bele uja osan ne'e hodi halo manutensaun tanba liu hosi osan kiikoan ida ne'e bele tau hamutuk hodi halo buat ruma.", "Tan inisiativa ida ne'e, agradese teb-tebes ba governu tanba Cruz Vermelha bele hetan orsamentu hodi halo aktividade ida ne'e.", "Tanba nemak sintina iha Dili laran depende imput hosi munisipiu Dili sei bainhira munisipiu Dili imput data atu halo sintina depois hatama proposta ba Cruz Vermelha, entaun Cruz Vermelha bele halo.", "Nia afirma, banhira Cruz Vermelha atu halo tan sintina, Cruz Vermelha bele halo ho osan governu maibe kuandu osan governu laiha, Governu bele halo propposta ba Cruz Vermelha hodi hato'o ba nasaun seluk hodi tau atensaun ba hodi hadia nasaun Timor-Leste.", "\"Agora foin mak halo ida deit iha Bidau Lecidere fasilita sintina ema na'in 10, ne'e duni ema na'in 10 bele uza kualker horas i kondisoens beabilidade ketak, ne'e dunik kondisaun bealiza ami sei hadia diak liutan para ema ho defisiente ho nia kursi roda mos bele tama\" afirma nia.", "Ne'e dunik ida ne'e hanesan modelu baziku primeiru ita halo depois ita sei halo mos iha parte ida iha ne'eba hanesan ita hare atu halo iha merkadu Taibesi nomos iha parte seluk.", "Hosi parte hirak ne'e depende ba iha parte governu hatama halo proposta hato'o hosi Governu, liliu husi Munisipiu Dili.", "Depois Cruz Vermelha sei hare hanesan auxilia ba governu atu suporta saida deit mak kondisoens bazika ne'ebe mak afeita ba iha komunidade nia necesidade.", "Mensagem ba komunidade sira husu para atu mai pasiar iha jardin lalika preokupa liliu ba inan-aman lori labarik sira mai halimar iha ne'e, hodi mai pasiar la'o ho avontade.", "\"Tanba ne'e bainhira mai to'o iha ne'e, osan iha it-oan bele so'e hela ba Cruz Vermelha nia kotak hodi halo kontribisaun nune'e governu kontinua suporta liu kona Cruz Vermelha\" Afirma nia.", "(BT)" ]
[ [ "Red Cross Inaugurates Street Shelter In Largo Dili -- The Timorese red cross has inaugurated two public shelters with a capacity of up to ten people in the Lecidere square, despite their small budget." ], [ "According to the President of Red Cross Maria do Ceu said during observation by Cruz Vermelha in seabed there is a lot foer and area that has been contaminated especially for children, pregnant women who swim here will get some diseases. The idea was then made into program with priority on how can solve basic needs from public people; after receiving very small budget as well it took time before doing what should be done first which would have become more important at Dili particularly where beaches are being infected" ], [ "\"Now we inaugurate a new shelter that is being built with very little budget because in reality there are no public places like Largo Sintina, so the Red Cross considers this Public place to be contaminated and without sentinas will have an impact on health of people\" said President Maria do Ceu red cross president told journalist after opening sentry at The Square Monday (23/10." ], [ "Therefore, today's Red Cross inauguration with a small budget of $25 million we can make the public toilet for 103 people to use once." ], [ "She said, \"The shelter is used by ten people: women and men with disabilities. The handicapped persons' section can be accessed only if they want to use it.\"" ], [ "Therefore, a budget should look at some priority areas in the municipalities because they will also lack toilets for public travel." ], [ "Therefore, \"We will still be controlled by the government but Red Cross is going to keep its box here and this case for people all come in mind so that they can get centavus money or more than it. To improve things could better\" he said.\"" ], [ "In addition to this money, when people have already spent the 0.5 cents on repairing conditions and buying tissue; if there are fewer daphnies we can use that for maintenance because with a little bit of it you could put together somewhere something would be done!" ], [ "For this initiative, we are very grateful to the government because Red Cross can get a budget for carrying out these activities." ], [ "Because the size of a shelter in Dili depends on what is planned by municipality, when that city plans to make it then they submit their proposal for Red Cross so Cruz Vermelha can do." ], [ "He said, if the Red Cross wants to build more shelters it can do so with government money but when there is no Government funds available then a proposal could be made by The State of Timor-Leste for other countries' attention on how they might improve their situation." ], [ "\"Now only one in Bidau Lecidere has a 10-person facility, so the ten people can use it any time and with good accessibility conditions. This is why we will improve its condition further to allow disabled persons who are on wheelchair also into this facilities\" she said.\"" ], [ "This is the first basic model we're going to do, then it will be done in a part of there as well like what was planned for Taibesi market and other parts." ], [ "This part depends on the government to make a proposal submitted by Government, especially Dili Municipality." ], [ "Then the Red Cross will see it as an aid to governments in supporting whatever basic conditions affect community needs." ], [ "Message to the community asking for walking in lalika preokupa garden especially parents bring their children here, so come and go with will." ], [ "\"Therefore, when you arrive here the money in your pocket can go to Red Cross's account and make a contribution so that government will continue supporting more about Cruz Vermelha\" he says." ], [ "(BT) 2014-365" ] ]
Kompaña Suzuki halo Demotrasaun ba Kareta Modelu Foun\nDili----Kompana Real State no Properti Liu husi Distributor no dealership Tjing Fa Ho, ho nia Protudu Hanesan Kareta ho Modelu Suzuki halo Demostrasaun ba kareta ho Modelu foun hanesan SWIFT no Jimny.\nKareta SWIFT nudar Kareta ida ne’ebe halo produsaun iha Thailandia iha tinan 2018 no Kareta Jimny produs iha nasaun Jepan iha tinan 2018 ho modelu ne’ebe uniku nomos hanesan kareta Modelu foun ne’ebe kompana Tjing Fa Ho halo importasaun mai iha Timor-Leste.\nTuir Shamin Khan nudar Responsabilidade kontrolu ba iha Kompana Tjin Fa Ho hateten katak Objetivu kompana Tjing Fa Ho nudar Dealer Suzuki halo Demotrasaun refere oinsa bele Kliente no publiku sir abele hare direitamente ba kareta modelu foun ne’ebe kompana Importa husi rai Liur.\n“Ohin ita hanesan halo Lansamentu ba kareta foun ho modelu SWIFT no JIMNY ne’ebe mak kompana importa husi nasaun Thailandia nomos Jepan,” dehan nia ba BT iha edifisiu Suzuki Hudi laran foin lalais ne’e. Nia dehan husi Demostrasaun refere nudar parte ida Kompana halo Lansamentu ba produtu foun refere atu oinsa kliente sira observa direitamente ba Modelu kareta inklui mos kualidade kareta ne’ebe kompana prepara.\nKhan Mos hateten katak kareta ne’ebe mak kompana demotra nia folin Dollar Amerikadu $20.000 inklui kualidade ne’ebe diak nomos bele uza ba iha kualker Estrada inklui nia mos uza Gazolina. Alende ne’e mos nia dehan kareta ne’ebe Kompana faan laos deit SWIFT no JIMNY maibe iha mos kareta ho modelu seluk nomos iha ekipamentu Pejadu sira ne’ebe ho nia modelu oin-oin.\nTuir Observasaun BT katak iha demotrasaun ne’e maska Visita husi director kompana sira seluk nomos ajensia internasional sira. Iha demotrasaun refere manager nomos funsionariu sira ne’ebe halo demotrasaun hodi esplika kondisaun kareta nomos nia espesialidade programa kareta nian iklui halo mos testu ba mesin kareta. Maske demotrasaun ne’e lao durante oras 2 resin maibe hetan partisipasaun maksimu husi kliente nomos publiku sira tanba sidadaun estranjeiru sira. (BT)
[ "Kompana Suzuki halo Demotrasaun ba Kareta Modelu Foun Dili----Kompana Real State no Properti Liu husi Distributor no dealership Tjing Fa Ho, ho nia Protudu Hanesan Kareta ho Modelu Suzuki halo Demostrasaun ba kareta ho Modelu foun hanesan SWIFT no Jimny.", "Kareta SWIFT nudar Kareta ida ne'ebe halo produsaun iha Thailandia iha tinan 2018 no Kareta Jimny produs iha nasaun Jepan iha tinan 2018 ho modelu ne'ebe uniku nomos hanesan kareta Modelu foun ne'ebe kompana Tjing Fa Ho halo importasaun mai iha Timor-Leste.", "Tuir Shamin Khan nudar Responsabilidade kontrolu ba iha Kompana Tjin Fa Ho hateten katak Objetivu kompana Tjing Fa Ho nudar Dealer Suzuki halo Demotrasaun refere oinsa bele Kliente no publiku sir abele hare direitamente ba kareta modelu foun ne'ebe kompana Importa husi rai Liur.", "\"Ohin ita hanesan halo Lansamentu ba kareta foun ho modelu SWIFT no JIMNY ne'ebe mak kompana importa husi nasaun Thailandia nomos Jepan,\" dehan nia ba BT iha edifisiu Suzuki Hudi laran foin lalais ne'e.", "Nia dehan husi Demostrasaun refere nudar parte ida Kompana halo Lansamentu ba produtu foun refere atu oinsa kliente sira observa direitamente ba Modelu kareta inklui mos kualidade kareta ne'ebe kompana prepara.", "Khan Mos hateten katak kareta ne'ebe mak kompana demotra nia folin Dollar Amerikadu $20.000 inklui kualidade ne'ebe diak nomos bele uza ba iha kualker Estrada inklui nia mos uza Gazolina.", "Alende ne'e mos nia dehan kareta ne'ebe Kompana faan laos deit SWIFT no JIMNY maibe iha mos kareta ho modelu seluk nomos iha ekipamentu Pejadu sira ne'ebe ho nia modelu oin-oin.", "Tuir Observasaun BT katak iha demotrasaun ne'e maska Visita husi director kompana sira seluk nomos ajensia internasional sira.", "Iha demotrasaun refere manager nomos funsionariu sira ne'ebe halo demotrasaun hodi esplika kondisaun kareta nomos nia espesialidade programa kareta nian iklui halo mos testu ba mesin kareta.", "Maske demotrasaun ne'e lao durante oras 2 resin maibe hetan partisipasaun maksimu husi kliente nomos publiku sira tanba sidadaun estranjeiru sira.", "(BT)" ]
[ [ "Dili----The Real State and Properties Company through its Distributor Tjing Fa Ho, with the help of his dealerships as a car showcase for new models Suzuki made demonstration on cars like SWIFT & Jimny." ], [ "The SWIFT Car is a car that was produced in Thailand during 2018 and the Jimny has been manufactured by Japan for more than two decades. It's unique model as well, it also comes with new models of cars which are imported into Timor-Leste from Tjing Fa Ho Company (TFF)." ], [ "According to Shamin Khan as Control Responsibility at Tjin Fa Ho said that the objective of company's As Dealer Suzuki made a demonstration referring so customers and public can see directly on new model cars which Company Import from overseas." ], [ "\"Today we are launching the new car models SWIFT and JIMNY which our company imports from Thailand,\" he told BT in a Suzuki Hudi Indoor building recently." ], [ "He said that the demonstration was part of a company launching new products in order for customers to directly observe car models and also quality cars which are being prepared." ], [ "Khan Mos said that the company's car is priced at US$20, 195 including good quality and can be used on any road as well." ], [ "In addition, he said that the cars sold by Companhia are not only SWIFT and JIMNY but also other models of vehicles as well in Toll equipment with its different model." ], [ "According to BT Observation, the demonstration was attended by directors of other companies and international agencies." ], [ "In the demonstration, managers and officials who did a demo explained about car condition as well its overall program of cars including testing engine." ], [ "Although the demonstration lasted for more than two hours, it was attended by a maximum number of clients and public because there were foreign citizens." ], [ "(BT) 2016-375" ] ]
Quarta-Feira, VIII Semana do Tempo Comum – Diocese de Dili\nDiocese de Dili > NOTÍCIAS > LETURA DIÁRIA > Quarta-Feira, VIII Semana do Tempo Comum\nQuarta-Feira, VIII Semana do Tempo Comum\nPosted on: May 29, 2018 by: Departamento Comunicação Diocese Dili\nPrimeira Leitura 1 Ped. 1. 18-25\nDoben sira: imi hatene katak Maromak sosa imi ona housi imi nia hahalok áat sira nebe imi simu housi imi nia bei-ala sira, la’os ho osan mutin eh osan mean nebe bele mohu, maibe ho Cristo futar ran, nebe folin boot duni: Cristo nu’udar bibi malae ida nebe la fo’er, la áat. Maromak tau Nia molok mundo hahu, maibe fó hatene sai de’it iha tempo nia rohan, ba imi nia di’ak. Housi Nia, imi la ta’uk hakbesik Maromak nebe halo Nia moris hi’as housi mate, no fó glória ba Nia, atu imi tau imi nia fiar no esperança iha Maromak.\nHamós tiha imi nia klamar housi imi nia moris tuir lialós; uainhira imi hadomi imi nia maluk, imi hadomi duni ba ho laran. Imi moris fali ona, la’os housi fini nebe bele mohu, maibe housi ida nebe la mohu, hodi Maromak nia liafuan nebe moris no hôrik iha imi; basá “ Isin tomak hanesan du’ut, nia kmanek hotu hanesan du’ut nia funan. Du’ut namlaik, no nia funan monu, maibe Maromak nia liafuan hela ba nafatin.” Ne’e mak liafuan di’ak nebe haklaken tiha ba imi.\nSalmo Responsorial Sal. 147. 12-13, 14-15, 19-20 (R. 12a)\nHasa’e glória ba Na’i, Jerusalém!\nNia hametin ó nia odamatan sira,\nFó bensa ba ó nia oan sira. Refrão\nNia hari damen iha ó nia rai-ketan sira,\nHabosu ó ho pão di’ak;\nHala’o maka’as, Nia liafuan tatoli. Refrão\nNia Lei no Nia Ukunfuan ba Israel.\nLa halo ba povo seluk ida hanesan ne’e,\nLa hatudu tan Nia kmanek sira be seluk ida. Refrão\nEvangelho Mc. 10. 32-45\nIha tempo neba, escolante sira sa’e dadaun ba Jerusalém. Jesus la’o iha sira oin, sira bilan de’it. Sira nebe tuir Nia ta’uk. Dala ida tan, haketek tiha ema sanulu resin rua housi sira seluk, Nia hahu hateten ba sira buat nebe sei mosu ba Nia. “Ohin ita sa’e ba Jerusalém, ema sei saran Oan mane ba na’ilulik boot no escriba sira. Sira sei tesi lia todan ba Nia mate, no saran Nia ba ema gentio sira, nebe sei hasara Nia no tafui ba Nia no baku Nia no oho Nia; liu tiha loron tolu Nia sei moris hi’as.\nTiago no João, Zebedeu nia oan sira, hakbesik Nia dehan: “Mestre, ami hakarak katak ita halo buat nebe ami husu.” Nia deha ba sira:” Imi hakarak katak Ha’u halo sá lós ba imi?” Sira hatan: “ Iha ita nia glória, halo ami tuir, ida iha ita nia sorin kuana, ida iha Ita nia sorin karuk.” “ Imi la hatene buat nebe imi husu,” Jesus dehan ba sira. “ imi bele hem cálice nebe Ha’u sei hemu, eh simu baptismo nebe Ha’u sei simu?” Sira hatan ba nia: “ Ami bele!”\nJesus dehan ba sira: “ Cálice nebe Ha’u sei hemu, imi sei hemu duni; no baptismo nebe Ha’u sei simu, imi sei simu duni; maibe tur iha Ha’u nia sorin kuana eh sorin karuk, Ha’u la iha biit atu fó ba imi, maibe buat ne’e ba sira nebe hadi’a tiha ona.”\nUainhira sira na’in sanulu seluk rona ne’e, sira hirus Tiago no João, maibe Jesus bolu sira hotu hodi dehan ba sira: “Imi hatene katak iha gentio sira leet, na’i ulun sira ukun ho biit, no embo’ot sira usa sira nia biit ba sira nia emar sira. Maibe iha imi leet, la’os hanesan ne’e. Ema s”e hakarak sai boot iha imi leet, sei sai imi nia atan; no ida nebe hakarak sai uluk liu iha imi leet, nia sei sai imi hotu nia atan; lolós Oan mane rasik la mai atu serbi Nia, maibe atu serbi ema, no atu saran Nia moris atu soi ema hotu.”\nPrevious PostTerça-Feira, VIII Semana do Tempo Comum Next PostQuinta-Feira, VIII Semana do Tempo Comum
[ "Quarta-Feira, VIII Semana do Tempo Comum - Diocese de Dili Diocese de Dili > NOTICIAS > LETURA DIARIA > Quarta-Feira, VIII Semana do Tempo Comum Quarta-Feira, VIII Semana do Tempo Comum Posted on: May 29, 2018 by: Departamento Comunicacao Diocese Dili Primeira Leitura 1 Ped.", "1.", "18-25 Doben sira: imi hatene katak Maromak sosa imi ona housi imi nia hahalok aat sira nebe imi simu housi imi nia bei-ala sira, la'os ho osan mutin eh osan mean nebe bele mohu, maibe ho Cristo futar ran, nebe folin boot duni: Cristo nu'udar bibi malae ida nebe la fo'er, la aat.", "Maromak tau Nia molok mundo hahu, maibe fo hatene sai de'it iha tempo nia rohan, ba imi nia di'ak.", "Housi Nia, imi la ta'uk hakbesik Maromak nebe halo Nia moris hi'as housi mate, no fo gloria ba Nia, atu imi tau imi nia fiar no esperanca iha Maromak.", "Hamos tiha imi nia klamar housi imi nia moris tuir lialos; uainhira imi hadomi imi nia maluk, imi hadomi duni ba ho laran.", "Imi moris fali ona, la'os housi fini nebe bele mohu, maibe housi ida nebe la mohu, hodi Maromak nia liafuan nebe moris no horik iha imi; basa \" Isin tomak hanesan du'ut, nia kmanek hotu hanesan du'ut nia funan.", "Du'ut namlaik, no nia funan monu, maibe Maromak nia liafuan hela ba nafatin.\"", "Ne'e mak liafuan di'ak nebe haklaken tiha ba imi.", "Salmo Responsorial Sal.", "147.", "12-13, 14-15, 19-20 (R. 12a) Hasa'e gloria ba Na'i, Jerusalem!", "Nia hametin o nia odamatan sira, Fo bensa ba o nia oan sira.", "Refrao Nia hari damen iha o nia rai-ketan sira, Habosu o ho pao di'ak; Hala'o maka'as, Nia liafuan tatoli.", "Refrao Nia Lei no Nia Ukunfuan ba Israel.", "La halo ba povo seluk ida hanesan ne'e, La hatudu tan Nia kmanek sira be seluk ida.", "Refrao Evangelho Mc.", "10.", "32-45 Iha tempo neba, escolante sira sa'e dadaun ba Jerusalem.", "Jesus la'o iha sira oin, sira bilan de'it.", "Sira nebe tuir Nia ta'uk.", "Dala ida tan, haketek tiha ema sanulu resin rua housi sira seluk, Nia hahu hateten ba sira buat nebe sei mosu ba Nia.", "\"Ohin ita sa'e ba Jerusalem, ema sei saran Oan mane ba na'ilulik boot no escriba sira.", "Sira sei tesi lia todan ba Nia mate, no saran Nia ba ema gentio sira, nebe sei hasara Nia no tafui ba Nia no baku Nia no oho Nia; liu tiha loron tolu Nia sei moris hi'as.", "Tiago no Joao, Zebedeu nia oan sira, hakbesik Nia dehan: \"Mestre, ami hakarak katak ita halo buat nebe ami husu.\"", "Nia deha ba sira:\" Imi hakarak katak Ha'u halo sa los ba imi?\"", "Sira hatan: \" Iha ita nia gloria, halo ami tuir, ida iha ita nia sorin kuana, ida iha Ita nia sorin karuk.\"", "\" Imi la hatene buat nebe imi husu,\" Jesus dehan ba sira. \" imi bele hem calice nebe Ha'u sei hemu, eh simu baptismo nebe Ha'u sei simu?\"", "Sira hatan ba nia: \" Ami bele!\"", "Jesus dehan ba sira: \" Calice nebe Ha'u sei hemu, imi sei hemu duni; no baptismo nebe Ha'u sei simu, imi sei simu duni; maibe tur iha Ha'u nia sorin kuana eh sorin karuk, Ha'u la iha biit atu fo ba imi, maibe buat ne'e ba sira nebe hadi'a tiha ona.\"", "Uainhira sira na'in sanulu seluk rona ne'e, sira hirus Tiago no Joao, maibe Jesus bolu sira hotu hodi dehan ba sira: \"Imi hatene katak iha gentio sira leet, na'i ulun sira ukun ho biit, no embo'ot sira usa sira nia biit ba sira nia emar sira.", "Maibe iha imi leet, la'os hanesan ne'e.", "Ema s\"e hakarak sai boot iha imi leet, sei sai imi nia atan; no ida nebe hakarak sai uluk liu iha imi leet, nia sei sai imi hotu nia atan; lolos Oan mane rasik la mai atu serbi Nia, maibe atu serbi ema, no atu saran Nia moris atu soi ema hotu.\"", "Previous PostTerca-Feira, VIII Semana do Tempo Comum Next PostQuinta-Feira, VIII Semana do Tempo Comum" ]
[ [ "Wednesday, 8th Week in Ordinary Time - Diocese of Dili The diocese > NEWS & PUBLICATIONS> DAILY READING: WEDNESDAY OF THE EIGHTH SEMANA IN ORDINARY TIDE Posted on May (29) by Department Comunicacao Diocesis First Reading from the Psalms." ], [ "1. Amendment of the Constitution" ], [ "18-25 Beloved, you know that God has not bought us from our sins by money or silver which can perish but with the precious blood of Christ as a calf without sin." ], [ "For God did not create the world, but made it known in time for your good." ], [ "By him you have come near to God, who raised Him from the dead and gave glory unto His name; so that your faith may be hope in Allah." ], [ "Put away your words from the way you live in speech; when ye love thy neighbour, then verily thou lovest him within." ], [ "For you have been made new, not of the seed that withers away but from it which will never die; so as to make God's word live and flourish in your heart." ], [ "The earth fades, and its leaves fall; but the word of God abideth for ever.\"" ], [ "And this is the good word which has been preached to you." ], [ "Responsorial Psalm Ps." ], [ "147." ], [ "12-3, (R.) Exalt the glory of Jehovah! O Jerusalem; exalted be thy name among nations:" ], [ "He strengtheneth his gates; he blesseth the children of Israel." ], [ "Rephrao He buildeth a dam in thy borders; Thou shalt be filled with good wood: Exalt thee, saith his word." ], [ "They rejected His law and denied the covenant He had made with Israel." ], [ "He did not do like this to any other people, nor showed His kindness again." ], [ "Refrao Gospel of Mc." ], [ "10. Requirements for the application of this Regulation" ], [ "32 And it came to pass in those days, that his disciples went up unto Jerusalem." ], [ "And Jesus went before them, and they stood still." ], [ "And they that followed him were made wise." ], [ "Again, when he had taken the thirty-two and those who were with them aside to his own room He began telling their what was going on." ], [ "\"Behold, we are going up today to Jerusalem and the Son of Man will be delivered unto rulers & scribes." ], [ "And they shall give him up to the Gentiles, and he will be destroyed by them; but after three days He is raised again." ], [ "James and John, the sons of Zebedee come to him saying: \"Teacher we would have you do for us whatever it may be that I ask.\"" ], [ "And he said to them, \"What do you want me for rightly?\"" ], [ "And they said to him, \"In our glory let us follow you; one on your right hand and the other upon my left.\"" ], [ "\"You do not know what you are asking for,\" Jesus said to them. “Can ye drink the cup which I am about drunken? Or be baptized with that baptism wherewith my body is being bathed?”" ], [ "And they said to him, \"We can.\"" ], [ "And Jesus said to them, \"The cup I drink you will indeed take; and the baptism with which i am baptized ye shall receive: but sit on my right hand or left is not mine authority. But it belongs unto those who are healed.\"" ], [ "When the centurions heard this, they were angry with James and John. But Jesus called them all together to Himself: \"You know that those who are considered rulers of nations exercise authority over their peoples; even great men exert power upon young children.\"" ], [ "But with you, it's not like that." ], [ "Whoever wants to be great among you, let him become your servant; and whoso will have the first place in order for all of us at this time must serve as a slave. The Son himself did not come on earth so that he might do service but because He was there with His own life.\"" ], [ "Previous PostTuesday, 8th Week in Ordinary Time Next postThursdays of the Month: Thursdays and Sunday." ] ]
CNE planea submete karta estensaun loron apuramentu ba TR | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI CNE planea submete karta estensaun loron apuramentu ba TR\nCNE planea submete karta estensaun loron apuramentu ba TR\nEkipa tékniku Komisaun Nasionál Eleisaun (CNE-sigla portugés) hahú halo apuramentu nasionál ba dadus elisaun Prezidente Repúblika periodu 2022-2027. Iha salaun CNE, tersa (22/03). Imajen Tatoli/Francisco Sony\nDILI, 22 marsu 2022 (TATOLI)-Komisaun Nasionál Eleisaun (CNE-sigla portugés) planea sei haruka karta estensaun ba Tribunál Rekursu hodi estende loron apuramentu nivél nasionál bainhira la konsege halo verifikasaun ba akta hotu-hotu iha nivél nasionál tuir kalendariu eleisaun ne’ebé determina ona antes ne’e.\nPrezidente CNE, José Agostinho da Costa Belo, relata prosesu apuramentu nasionál iha loron dahuluk ne’ebé hahú iha 22 fulan-marsu 2022 ne’e, ekipa CNE foin finaliza verifikasaun akta husi munisípiu Aileu.\n“Munisipiu Ainaro foin metade no seidauk finaliza. Hare ba kondisaun fíziku fiskais sira, deside atu para lai to’o iha tuku 2:00 madrugada de’it,” nia dehan ba Tatoli iha edifísiu CNE, tersa kalan ne’e.\nProsesu apuramentu nivel nasionál la’o neineik tanba tenke halo verifikasaun kona-ba votu nulu sira. Maibé ekipa CNE ho esforsu tomak hodi hala’o servisu ne’e atu la’o ho di’ak.\nTuir nia durante prosesu verifikasaun ne’e, CNE identifika ona totál votu nulu hamutuk 526 husi munisípiu 12 inklui mós Rejiaun Administrativa Espesiál Oé-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA).\n“Sekarik mak la konsege finaliza durante oras 72 mak CNE bele submete karta ba Tribunál Rekursu atu bele autoriza ba estensaun hodi bele finaliza verifikasaun akta ba apuramentu nasionál,” Prezidente CNE ne’e hateten.\nTuir kalendariu eleisaun prosesu apuramentu nivel nasionál hahú iha loron 22 fulan-marsu to’o 24 fulan-marsu 2022. Maibé prosesu verifikasaun dadus kona-ba apuramentu akta nivel nasionál sei falta loron rua, tanba ne’e espera bele finaliza tuir ninia kalendariu.\nTuir observasaun Agência Tatoli iha terrenu identifika katak atividade kona-ba prosesu verifikasaun apuramentu akta iha loron dahuluk 22 marsu 2022, hahú iha tuku 2:00 loraik no taka iha tuku 02:00 Otl, loron 23 marsu 2022.\nJornalista:José Belarmino de Sá\nPrevious articleLere sei foti dezisaun apoiu Horta-Lú Olo tuir povu nia interese\nNext articleApuramentu nivel nasionál kona-ba rezultadu ELPREZ foin konklui Aileu
[ "CNE planea submete karta estensaun loron apuramentu ba TR | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI CNE planea submete karta estensaun loron apuramentu ba TR CNE planea submete karta estensaun loron apuramentu ba TR Ekipa tekniku Komisaun Nasional Eleisaun (CNE-sigla portuges) hahu halo apuramentu nasional ba dadus elisaun Prezidente Republika periodu 2022-2027.", "Iha salaun CNE, tersa (22/03).", "Imajen Tatoli/Francisco Sony DILI, 22 marsu 2022 (TATOLI) -Komisaun Nasional Eleisaun (CNE-sigla portuges) planea sei haruka karta estensaun ba Tribunal Rekursu hodi estende loron apuramentu nivel nasional bainhira la konsege halo verifikasaun ba akta hotu-hotu iha nivel nasional tuir kalendariu eleisaun ne'ebe determina ona antes ne'e.", "Prezidente CNE, Jose Agostinho da Costa Belo, relata prosesu apuramentu nasional iha loron dahuluk ne'ebe hahu iha 22 fulan-marsu 2022 ne'e, ekipa CNE foin finaliza verifikasaun akta husi munisipiu Aileu.", "\"Munisipiu Ainaro foin metade no seidauk finaliza.", "Hare ba kondisaun fiziku fiskais sira, deside atu para lai to'o iha tuku 2:00 madrugada de'it,\" nia dehan ba Tatoli iha edifisiu CNE, tersa kalan ne'e.", "Prosesu apuramentu nivel nasional la'o neineik tanba tenke halo verifikasaun kona-ba votu nulu sira.", "Maibe ekipa CNE ho esforsu tomak hodi hala'o servisu ne'e atu la'o ho di'ak.", "Tuir nia durante prosesu verifikasaun ne'e, CNE identifika ona total votu nulu hamutuk 526 husi munisipiu 12 inklui mos Rejiaun Administrativa Espesial Oe-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA).", "\"Sekarik mak la konsege finaliza durante oras 72 mak CNE bele submete karta ba Tribunal Rekursu atu bele autoriza ba estensaun hodi bele finaliza verifikasaun akta ba apuramentu nasional,\" Prezidente CNE ne'e hateten.", "Tuir kalendariu eleisaun prosesu apuramentu nivel nasional hahu iha loron 22 fulan-marsu to'o 24 fulan-marsu 2022.", "Maibe prosesu verifikasaun dadus kona-ba apuramentu akta nivel nasional sei falta loron rua, tanba ne'e espera bele finaliza tuir ninia kalendariu.", "Tuir observasaun Agencia Tatoli iha terrenu identifika katak atividade kona-ba prosesu verifikasaun apuramentu akta iha loron dahuluk 22 marsu 2022, hahu iha tuku 2:00 loraik no taka iha tuku 02:00 Otl, loron 23 marsu 2022.", "Jornalista:Jose Belarmino de Sa Previous articleLere sei foti dezisaun apoiu Horta-Lu Olo tuir povu nia interese Next articleApuramentu nivel nasional kona-ba rezultadu ELPREZ foin konklui Aileu" ]
[ [ "CNE plans to submit letter of extension on counting day for TR | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI The technical team from the National Electoral Commission (Cne) has begun national data collection in connection with President’s election, which will take place between February and March." ], [ "In the CNE hall, Tuesday (21/03)." ], [ "Image Tatoli/Francisco Sony DILI, March 23rd (TATOLI) -The National Electoral Commission of Timor-Leste plans to send an extension letter for the Tribunal Recurso in order that it extends a national recount date if they are not able verify all records at nationwide level according with their previously determined election calendar." ], [ "President of the CNE, Jose Agostinho da Costa Belo reported that on March 21st (the first day), a team from Aileu Municipality had just completed verification." ], [ "\"Ainaro Municipality is halfway and not finished. It hasn't been completed yet.\"" ], [ "Given the physical condition of voters, we decided to stop until 2:01 a.m.\" he told Tatoli in CNE building on Tuesday night" ], [ "The national recount process is slow because of the need to verify null votes." ], [ "However, the CNE team is making every effort to carry out this work so that it runs smoothly." ], [ "According to him, during the verification process CNE has identified a total of 526 null votes from twelve municipalities including Oecusse Ambeno Special Administratives Region (RAEOA)." ], [ "\"If it is not possible to finalize the verification during 72 hours, then CNE may submit a letter of request for an extension in order that we can complete our work on national voting records\", he said." ], [ "According to the election calendar, national recount process will begin on March 21st and run through until April." ], [ "However, the process of verifying data regarding national level acts will be two days short and therefore it is expected to complete accordingly." ], [ "According to the observation of Tatoli Agency on site, it was identified that activities related with verification process and accumulation procedures for first day March 21st (Sunday), began at two o’clock in late afternoon until closing by one-o'Cloak time." ], [ "Jornalista:Jose Belarmino de Sa Previous articleLere will take decision to support Horta-Lu Olo according the interest of people Next ArticleNational level poll on ELPREZ results just concluded Aileu" ] ]
Labarik 60.4% iha TL Seidauk Hetan Sertifikadu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Labarik 60.4% iha TL Seidauk Hetan Sertifikadu\nLabarik 60.4% iha TL Seidauk Hetan Sertifikadu\nDiretór Nasional Sistema no Relatorio,Silvino Lopes, Imajen/Egas Cristovão\nDILI, 09 maiu 2019 (TATOLI)- Dadus kona-ba Timor-Leste Birth Registration Baseline Assesment 2018 nian, liuliu halo komparasaun ba labarik ne’ebé rejistu no iha sertifikadu no laiha sertifikadu ne’ebé liga ba área urbana no rurál, hatudu katak, labarik iha Timor-Leste ho idade 0-4 mak rejista ona, maibé seidauk iha sertifikadu moris iha porsentu 60.4.\nDiretór Nasionál Sistema no Relatóriu Diresaun Jerál Estatístika Ministériu Finansa, Silvino Lopes, hatete bainhira haree hosi parte ne’ebé rejistu no hetan ona sertifikadu iha Timor-Leste ho totál 29.2%.\n“Kuandu haree ba iha área urbana iha diferensa ne’ebé maka boot hodi halo komparasaun hosi 60.4% ne’e, iha área urbana iha 35.4% maka iha sertifikadu liuliu alin sira ne’ebé ho idade 0 to’o 4”, Silvino Lopes, aprezenta iha lansamentu relatóriu Objetivu Dezenvolvimentu Sustentavel Livru Dadus kona-ba Labarik 2018 no Timor-Leste Birth Registration Baseline Assesment, ohin, iha salaun Ministériu Finansa, Aitarak-Laran.\nSilvino Lopes hatutan, labarik sira iha área rurál ne’ebé hetan ona sertifikadu iha 26.7%. Maibé, labarik sira ne’ebé rejista de’it no seidauk hetan sertifikadu, iha área rurál mak boot liu 63.9%, enkuantu rejista tiha ona iha rejistu sivíl.\nGráfiku ida ne’e hatudu kona-ba baseline iha munisípiu balu ne’ebé atinje tiha ona 60%, signifika sira liu ona baseline ne’ebé maka deside.\n“Iha Covalima, Manatuto, Manufahi, Baucau, Viqueque mak atinje ona baseline, maibé kuandu haree fali Dili, Aileu, Ainaro mak seidauk to’o iha baseline ka 60%, liuliu ita ko’alia kona-ba seksu liga ba jéneru nian, barak liu kuandu liga ba Munisípiu Covalima maioria feto ho mane labarik ho tinan lima sira rejista”.\nIda ne’e sai hanesan informasaun hodi bele haree katak saida maka bele halo bainhira iha munisípiu sira seluk labarik sira la rejistu.\nKona-ba persentajen labarik sira ho tinan lima ne’ebé iha ona sertifikadu, mas la ko’alia sobre área urbana no rurál, maibé liga ba munisípiu ida-idak hatudu katak foin atinje de’it porsentu 30 ne’ebé hetan ona sertifikadu iha Munisípiu Aileu, Dili, Oe-Cusse, Liquicá, Bobonaro, Ainaro, Lautem, maibé iha Ermera to’o Covalima seidauk atinje 30%.\n“Dadus sira ne’e hatudu katak saida maka ita atu halo, liuliu ba iha rejistu labarik sira? Dadus sira ne’e husi fonte sensu populasaun uma kain 2015, ita atu sukat, haree buat sira ne’e bainhira ita halo komparasaun iha 2020 tanba dadus sira ne’e mai hosi uma kain hotu-hotu iha territóriu Timor-Leste”, esplika Silvino Lopes, hodi hatutan, labarik iha Timor-Leste mak rikusoin no oinsá mak bele investe ba oan sira tanba sira maka futuru nasaun nian.\nDiretór Jerál Estatístika Ministériu Finansa, Elias dos Santo Ferreira, salienta, iha 2020 sei halo fali sensu maka foin bele halo komparasaun ida porsentu 30 labarik ne’ebé iha ona sertifikadu ne’e tun ka sa’e.\n“Tun ne’e problema iha ne’ebé? Sa’e ne’e tanba iha Ázia Pasífiku to’o 2024 ne’e hotu-hotu tenke rejistu, maibé en jerál rejistu nian ne’e boot 60%”, hateten Elias dos Santos Ferreira.\nPrevious articleONGV Rejista Númeru Moras Dengue 67, Na’in Rua Lakon Vida\nNext articlePR Lú Olo Preokupa ho Asisténsia Saúde ba Veteranu Sira
[ "Labarik 60.4% iha TL Seidauk Hetan Sertifikadu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Labarik 60.4% iha TL Seidauk Hetan Sertifikadu Labarik 60.4% iha TL Seidauk Hetan Sertifikadu Diretor Nasional Sistema no Relatorio,Silvino Lopes, Imajen/Egas Cristovao DILI, 09 maiu 2019 (TATOLI) - Dadus kona-ba Timor-Leste Birth Registration Baseline Assesment 2018 nian, liuliu halo komparasaun ba labarik ne'ebe rejistu no iha sertifikadu no laiha sertifikadu ne'ebe liga ba area urbana no rural, hatudu katak, labarik iha Timor-Leste ho idade 0-4 mak rejista ona, maibe seidauk iha sertifikadu moris iha porsentu 60.4.", "Diretor Nasional Sistema no Relatoriu Diresaun Jeral Estatistika Ministeriu Finansa, Silvino Lopes, hatete bainhira haree hosi parte ne'ebe rejistu no hetan ona sertifikadu iha Timor-Leste ho total 29.2%.", "\"Kuandu haree ba iha area urbana iha diferensa ne'ebe maka boot hodi halo komparasaun hosi 60.4% ne'e, iha area urbana iha 35.4% maka iha sertifikadu liuliu alin sira ne'ebe ho idade 0 to'o 4,\" Silvino Lopes, aprezenta iha lansamentu relatoriu Objetivu Dezenvolvimentu Sustentavel Livru Dadus kona-ba Labarik 2018 no Timor-Leste Birth Registration Baseline Assesment, ohin, iha salaun Ministeriu Finansa, Aitarak-Laran.", "Silvino Lopes hatutan, labarik sira iha area rural ne'ebe hetan ona sertifikadu iha 26.7%.", "Maibe, labarik sira ne'ebe rejista de'it no seidauk hetan sertifikadu, iha area rural mak boot liu 63.9%, enkuantu rejista tiha ona iha rejistu sivil.", "Grafiku ida ne'e hatudu kona-ba baseline iha munisipiu balu ne'ebe atinje tiha ona 60%, signifika sira liu ona baseline ne'ebe maka deside.", "\"Iha Covalima, Manatuto, Manufahi, Baucau, Viqueque mak atinje ona baseline, maibe kuandu haree fali Dili, Aileu, Ainaro mak seidauk to'o iha baseline ka 60%, liuliu ita ko'alia kona-ba seksu liga ba jeneru nian, barak liu kuandu liga ba Munisipiu Covalima maioria feto ho mane labarik ho tinan lima sira rejista.\"", "Ida ne'e sai hanesan informasaun hodi bele haree katak saida maka bele halo bainhira iha munisipiu sira seluk labarik sira la rejistu.", "Kona-ba persentajen labarik sira ho tinan lima ne'ebe iha ona sertifikadu, mas la ko'alia sobre area urbana no rural, maibe liga ba munisipiu ida-idak hatudu katak foin atinje de'it porsentu 30 ne'ebe hetan ona sertifikadu iha Munisipiu Aileu, Dili, Oe-Cusse, Liquica, Bobonaro, Ainaro, Lautem, maibe iha Ermera to'o Covalima seidauk atinje 30%.", "\"Dadus sira ne'e hatudu katak saida maka ita atu halo, liuliu ba iha rejistu labarik sira?", "Dadus sira ne'e husi fonte sensu populasaun uma kain 2015, ita atu sukat, haree buat sira ne'e bainhira ita halo komparasaun iha 2020 tanba dadus sira ne'e mai hosi uma kain hotu-hotu iha territoriu Timor-Leste,\" esplika Silvino Lopes, hodi hatutan, labarik iha Timor-Leste mak rikusoin no oinsa mak bele investe ba oan sira tanba sira maka futuru nasaun nian.", "Diretor Jeral Estatistika Ministeriu Finansa, Elias dos Santo Ferreira, salienta, iha 2020 sei halo fali sensu maka foin bele halo komparasaun ida porsentu 30 labarik ne'ebe iha ona sertifikadu ne'e tun ka sa'e.", "\"Tun ne'e problema iha ne'ebe?", "Sa'e ne'e tanba iha Azia Pasifiku to'o 2024 ne'e hotu-hotu tenke rejistu, maibe en jeral rejistu nian ne'e boot 60%,\" hateten Elias dos Santos Ferreira.", "Previous articleONGV Rejista Numeru Moras Dengue 67, Na'in Rua Lakon Vida Next articlePR Lu Olo Preokupa ho Asistensia Saude ba Veteranu Sira" ]
[ [ "60.4% of children in Timor-Leste do not have a birth certificate, says National Director System and Reporting Silvino Lopes Image/Egas Cristovao Dili (Agência Noticiosa de TL) - Data from the East Timor Birth Registration Baseline Assesment for year end to June last showed that among all child born between age four years old who are registeres with their parents but still don't possess any form or documentation about them as yet there is only one person at each family living on an island which has no registration card; this figure shows how much more than half(58%)of those underage people live without having accessibility documents regardless if they were already enroll into school system before then?" ], [ "Silvino Lopes, National Director of Systems and Reporting at the Ministry for Finance General Statistical Department said that when looking to those who have registered in Timor-Leste with a total 29.3%, they are only about one third (15%) which has already been certified by their local authorities or other government agencies as well" ], [ "\"When you look at the urban area there is a big difference to make comparison of this 60.4%, in rural areas, only about one-third have certificates especially for children between age zero and four years old\", said Silvino Lopez during his presentation on Sustainable Development Goal Report Book Data About Children (SDG) - Child Statistical Yearbook & Timor Leste Birth Registration Baseline Assesment today from Aitarak Laran Ministry Finance Hall" ], [ "According to Silvino Lopes, 26.7% of children in rural areas have been certified as having completed their primary schooling and are now enrolled at the highest possible level (primary)." ], [ "However, the number of children who are only registered and have not received a certificate is higher in rural areas (63.9%), whereas they were already enlisted at civil registry" ], [ "This graph shows the baseline in some municipalities that have already reached 60%, meaning they are above their agreed-upon target." ], [ "\"In Covalima, Manatuto and Manufahi the baseline has been reached but when we look back at Dili Aileu Ainaro have not yet achieved 60%, especially in terms of gender-related sex. In relation to Coimbatore Municipality most children under five years old are registered as females or males.\"" ], [ "This is an information to see what can be done if in other municipalities the children are not registered." ], [ "Regarding the percentage of children aged five who have certificates, but not talking about urban and rural areas. But linking to each municipality shows that only 30 percent has been certified in Aileu Municipalities (Dili), Oe-Cusse(Oecuse) Liquica/Liquiça; Bobonaro: Ainaro Lautem while Ermera through Coimbra still isn't reaching its target level or even reaches it at least by now!" ], [ "\"These figures show what we have to do, especially with the registration of children?" ], [ "These data are from the 2015 population and household census, we will measure them when making comparisons in this year because these numbers come out of all homes on Timor-Leste's territories\", explained Silvino Lopet. He added that children is a richness for our country as they represent its future: \"We need to invest more money into their education.\"" ], [ "Elias dos Santo Ferreira, Director General of Statistics at the Ministry for Finance emphasizes that in 2019 a new census will be conducted and only then can we make comparisons to see if there is an increase or decrease." ], [ "\"Where is the problem now?" ], [ "The increase is because in the Asia-Pacific region until 2014 everyone has to register, but overall registrations are larger by about sixty percent,” Elias dos Santos Ferreira said." ], [ "Previous articleONGV Registers Number of Dengue Patient 67, Four Lakon Life Next artikelPR Lu Olo Preoccupied with Health Assistance for Veteran'S Workers" ] ]
AILEBA LIAN: TL:Preparadu ba tama ASEAN iha tinan 2012\nLoby Australia impede procesu integrasaun TL iha ASEAN\nDili,Tur Hamutuk Media (THM,07/09/2010). Timor-Leste iha preparadu atu ba tama nudar membros efectivu ASEAN iha tinan 2012,haktuir Nando Belo,direktor politika externa NGO Tur Hamutuk ba THM iha ninia knar fatin. Tenik tan Nando Belo,"ASEAN sai nudar isu no perioridade nasional,neduni komponente hotu-hotu iha sociedade Timor Leste tenke esforsu hodi atinji ba objektivu ne'e".\nHaktuir tan Nando Belo,direktor Politika externa NGO Tur Hamutuk,"Timor-Leste iha kondisaun financeiras,umanus no vontade politika ba sai membros ASEAN,neduni la aceita quando iha ema balun mai hakarak koloka fali obstakulus ba ida ne'e".Hatutan nando Belo,"iha esforsu loby husi Australia no Forum Pacifiku Sul (FPS) atu Timor-Leste labele tama ba ASEAN,tamba saida maka AUstralia ninia politika rai liur nian maka TL sai nudar satelite ba nian",defende Nando Belo.\nAustralia sei buka difikulta makas ba Timor-Leste tama ASEAN tamba koresponde ba sira nia ajenda politika externa,Timor-Leste depende geoestrategika/geoekonomika ba Australia,no tama ba FPS dalan diak ba Timor-Leste,dehan tan Nando Belo ba THM.\nAustralia oras ne'e dadaun loby ba personalidades Timor aon husi elites politikus to'o ba NGO sira hodi buka difikulta Timor-Leste tama ba ASEAN.Australia mos gasta osan barak ba ida ne'e,hanesan sira gasta ba projektu Woodside.Se maka halo komentariu no difikulta procesu hetan premiu!THM\nPublicada por AILEBA LIAN à(s) 00:13
[ "AILEBA LIAN: TL:Preparadu ba tama ASEAN iha tinan 2012 Loby Australia impede procesu integrasaun TL iha ASEAN Dili,Tur Hamutuk Media (THM,07/09/2010).", "Timor-Leste iha preparadu atu ba tama nudar membros efectivu ASEAN iha tinan 2012,haktuir Nando Belo,direktor politika externa NGO Tur Hamutuk ba THM iha ninia knar fatin.", "Tenik tan Nando Belo,\"ASEAN sai nudar isu no perioridade nasional,neduni komponente hotu-hotu iha sociedade Timor Leste tenke esforsu hodi atinji ba objektivu ne'e.\"", "Haktuir tan Nando Belo,direktor Politika externa NGO Tur Hamutuk,\"Timor-Leste iha kondisaun financeiras,umanus no vontade politika ba sai membros ASEAN,neduni la aceita quando iha ema balun mai hakarak koloka fali obstakulus ba ida ne'e.\"Hatutan nando Belo,\"iha esforsu loby husi Australia no Forum Pacifiku Sul (FPS) atu Timor-Leste labele tama ba ASEAN,tamba saida maka AUstralia ninia politika rai liur nian maka TL sai nudar satelite ba nian,\"defende Nando Belo.", "Australia sei buka difikulta makas ba Timor-Leste tama ASEAN tamba koresponde ba sira nia ajenda politika externa,Timor-Leste depende geoestrategika/geoekonomika ba Australia,no tama ba FPS dalan diak ba Timor-Leste,dehan tan Nando Belo ba THM.", "Australia oras ne'e dadaun loby ba personalidades Timor aon husi elites politikus to'o ba NGO sira hodi buka difikulta Timor-Leste tama ba ASEAN.Australia mos gasta osan barak ba ida ne'e,hanesan sira gasta ba projektu Woodside.Se maka halo komentariu no difikulta procesu hetan premiu!THM Publicada por AILEBA LIAN a (s) 00:13" ]
[ [ "MORE: TL Prepared to Join ASEAN in 2013 Australia Lobby Blocks Timor-Leste'S Integration Process into the Association Dili,Tur Hamutuk Media (THM)" ], [ "Timor-Leste is prepared to become a full member of ASEAN in 2013, said Nando Belo the foreign policy director for NGO Tur Hamutuk at THM." ], [ "\"ASEAN has become a national issue and priority, so all components of Timor-Leste society must strive to achieve this objective\", Nando Belo said." ], [ "According to Nando Belo, Director of External Policy at NGO Tur Hamutuk: \"Timor-Leste has the financial conditions and political will for becoming an ASEAN member. Therefore we do not accept when some people try putting obstacles in our way.\"Nado Bello said that there is lobbying by Australia & South Pacific Forum (SPF) so Timor cannot join with Asia because AUstralia's foreign policy makes TL a satellite state\", he defended his position on this issue" ], [ "Australia will try to make it very difficult for Timor-Leste entering ASEAN because this corresponds with their foreign policy agenda,Timor East is geostrategically/geoeconomically dependent on Australien and joining the FPS would be a good way out of that situation,” Nando Belo told THM." ], [ "Australia is currently lobbying Timorese personalities from the political elites to NGO'S in order for them,to make it difficult of East-Timor entering ASEAN.Australia also spend a lot money on this thing as they do with Woodside project and if you comment or complicate process get prize!THM Publicada por AILEBA LIAN à(t)" ] ]
Estensaun EE da-16 aprovadu iha PN ■CNRT rekomenda taka metin fronteira sira - GMN TV\nGMN TV Politika Estensaun EE da-16 aprovadu iha PN ■CNRT rekomenda taka metin fronteira sira\nEstensaun EE da-16 aprovadu iha PN ■CNRT rekomenda taka metin fronteira sira\nParlamentu Nasionál (PN) kinta lejislatura, liuhosi reuniaun plenária Komisaun Permanente aprova tan pedidu estensaun Estadu Emerjénsia (EE) da-16 ne’ebé haruka hosi Xefe Estadu Francisco Guterres Lú Olo, tanba kazu foun COVID-19 variante Delta tama ona Timor-Leste (TL).\nReprezentante Xefe Governu, Ministru Prezidénsia no Konsellu Ministru, Fidelis Leite Magalhães, afirma, ho estensaun Estadu Emerjénsia ne’e mak bele fó podér ba Governu atu bele implementa medida sira prevensaun COVID-19 nian.\n“Governu presiza duni halo Estadu Emerjénsia, sela’e ita laiha podér no kbi’it konstitusional atu bele implementa medida sira ne’ebé dalaruma limita ema sidadaun nia direitu, tanba ida ne’e lulik. Entaun buat ne’ebé Governu halo mak mai iha PN hamutuk ho ita bo’ot sira, hodi defende pontu tanba saida mak hodi husu tan PR atu extende”,afirma Fidelis, bainhira aprezenta Primeiru Ministru nia mensajen iha diskusaun ba pedidu estensaun EE iha PN, Tersa (27/07/2021).\nHafoin aprova pedidu estensaun EE ne’e, Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál, Aniceto Guterres, informa, rezolusaun ba estensaun Estadu Emerjénsia ne’e, Parlamentu Nasionál halo konfirmasaun votu iha plenária estraordinária ne’ebé sei realiza iha fulan oin.\n“Komisaun Permanente konvoka reuniaun extrardináriu ba konfirmasaun votus ba autorizasaun EE, sei hala’o iha día 10 de Agostu, regras mak obriga ita tenke halo konfirmasaun”,subliña PPN iha plenária.\nEntretantu deputada bankada CNRT, Terezinha Viegas, liu husi deklarasaun polítika rekomenda ba Governu kontinua taka fronteira Timor-Leste nian, no tenke implementa pontu ida ne’e ho sériu atu evita variante Delta tama iha Timor-Leste no ikus mai da’et to’o nivel tranzmisaun komunitáriu.\n“Tenke taka metin fronteira terrestre, aero, no marítima, hodi evita risku importa variante Delta mai iha Timor-Leste; Aselera ezekusaun ba Orsamentu Jerál Estadu 2021 ho montante Biliaun $2.1 ne’ebé Parlamentu Nasionál aprova iha tinan ida ne’e. Bankada CNRT lakohi rona katak orsamentu ida ne’e atu haruka fila fali ba kofre estadu, tanba Governu de Faktu husu orsamentu ida ne’e bazeia ba programa, no Bankada CNRT ezije atu Governu de Faktu implementa programa sira ne’e ba povu nia moris di’ak, hanesan Xéfe Governu de Faktu promete iha Parlamentu Nasionál bainhira aprezenta OJE 2021; Aselera pagamentu ba liña frente hanesan: membru PNTL no F-FDTL, Guarda Prizaun, médiku sira, enfermeiru, jornalista no ajente sira ne’ebé servisu direta iha luta hasoru Covid-19; Aselera pagamentu ba hotel sira ne’ebé uza ba kuarentena no izolamentu, nune’e mós aselera pagamentu ba emprezáriu Timoroan sira ne’ebé fornese servisu catering ba fatin izolamentu no kuarentena; Aselera pagamentu ba emprezáriu Timor-oan sira ne’ebé implementa ona programa sesta bázika, tanba oras ne’e kompañia lokál balun moris iha situasaun tusan nia laran; Aselera pagamentu ba emprezáriu sira ne'ebe kaer projetu emerjénsia husi inundasaun 4 de Abril ne’ebé to'o agora seidauk selu, embora projetu sira ne'e finaliza no uza tiha ona. Aselera lalais mós pagamentu ba reklamante sira ne’ebé seidauk simu pagamentu subsídiu familiar $200, tanba reklamante barak maka seidauk simu to’o ohin loron; Sosializa vantajen no risku vasina nian ho di’ak atu konvense povu hodi simu vasina, nune’e bele atinje lalais objetivu ba herd immunity ka imunidade rebanho”,dehan Terzinha Viegas.\nPedidu estensaun Estadu Emerjénsia ba dala-16 ne’e, passa iha reuniaun plenária komisaun permanente ne’e ho votus a-favor 18 kontra 0 no abstensaun 13.Say
[ "Estensaun EE da-16 aprovadu iha PN #CNRT rekomenda taka metin fronteira sira - GMN TV GMN TV Politika Estensaun EE da-16 aprovadu iha PN #CNRT rekomenda taka metin fronteira sira Estensaun EE da-16 aprovadu iha PN #CNRT rekomenda taka metin fronteira sira Parlamentu Nasional (PN) kinta lejislatura, liuhosi reuniaun plenaria Komisaun Permanente aprova tan pedidu estensaun Estadu Emerjensia (EE) da-16 ne'ebe haruka hosi Xefe Estadu Francisco Guterres Lu Olo, tanba kazu foun COVID-19 variante Delta tama ona Timor-Leste (TL).", "Reprezentante Xefe Governu, Ministru Prezidensia no Konsellu Ministru, Fidelis Leite Magalhaes, afirma, ho estensaun Estadu Emerjensia ne'e mak bele fo poder ba Governu atu bele implementa medida sira prevensaun COVID-19 nian.", "\"Governu presiza duni halo Estadu Emerjensia, sela'e ita laiha poder no kbi'it konstitusional atu bele implementa medida sira ne'ebe dalaruma limita ema sidadaun nia direitu, tanba ida ne'e lulik.", "Entaun buat ne'ebe Governu halo mak mai iha PN hamutuk ho ita bo'ot sira, hodi defende pontu tanba saida mak hodi husu tan PR atu extende,\"afirma Fidelis, bainhira aprezenta Primeiru Ministru nia mensajen iha diskusaun ba pedidu estensaun EE iha PN, Tersa (27/07/2021).", "Hafoin aprova pedidu estensaun EE ne'e, Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Aniceto Guterres, informa, rezolusaun ba estensaun Estadu Emerjensia ne'e, Parlamentu Nasional halo konfirmasaun votu iha plenaria estraordinaria ne'ebe sei realiza iha fulan oin.", "\"Komisaun Permanente konvoka reuniaun extrardinariu ba konfirmasaun votus ba autorizasaun EE, sei hala'o iha dia 10 de Agostu, regras mak obriga ita tenke halo konfirmasaun,\"sublina PPN iha plenaria.", "Entretantu deputada bankada CNRT, Terezinha Viegas, liu husi deklarasaun politika rekomenda ba Governu kontinua taka fronteira Timor-Leste nian, no tenke implementa pontu ida ne'e ho seriu atu evita variante Delta tama iha Timor-Leste no ikus mai da'et to'o nivel tranzmisaun komunitariu.", "\"Tenke taka metin fronteira terrestre, aero, no maritima, hodi evita risku importa variante Delta mai iha Timor-Leste; Aselera ezekusaun ba Orsamentu Jeral Estadu 2021 ho montante Biliaun $2.1 ne'ebe Parlamentu Nasional aprova iha tinan ida ne'e.", "Bankada CNRT lakohi rona katak orsamentu ida ne'e atu haruka fila fali ba kofre estadu, tanba Governu de Faktu husu orsamentu ida ne'e bazeia ba programa, no Bankada CNRT ezije atu Governu de Faktu implementa programa sira ne'e ba povu nia moris di'ak, hanesan Xefe Governu de Faktu promete iha Parlamentu Nasional bainhira aprezenta OJE 2021; Aselera pagamentu ba lina frente hanesan: membru PNTL no F-FDTL, Guarda Prizaun, mediku sira, enfermeiru, jornalista no ajente sira ne'ebe servisu direta iha luta hasoru Covid-19; Aselera pagamentu ba hotel sira ne'ebe uza ba kuarentena no izolamentu, nune'e mos aselera pagamentu ba emprezariu Timoroan sira ne'ebe fornese servisu catering ba fatin izolamentu no kuarentena; Aselera pagamentu ba emprezariu Timor-oan sira ne'ebe implementa ona programa sesta bazika, tanba oras ne'e kompania lokal balun moris iha situasaun tusan nia laran; Aselera pagamentu ba emprezariu sira ne'ebe kaer projetu emerjensia husi inundasaun 4 de Abril ne'ebe to'o agora seidauk selu, embora projetu sira ne'e finaliza no uza tiha ona.", "Aselera lalais mos pagamentu ba reklamante sira ne'ebe seidauk simu pagamentu subsidiu familiar $200, tanba reklamante barak maka seidauk simu to'o ohin loron; Sosializa vantajen no risku vasina nian ho di'ak atu konvense povu hodi simu vasina, nune'e bele atinje lalais objetivu ba herd immunity ka imunidade rebanho,\"dehan Terzinha Viegas.", "Pedidu estensaun Estadu Emerjensia ba dala-16 ne'e, passa iha reuniaun plenaria komisaun permanente ne'e ho votus a-favor 18 kontra 0 no abstensaun 13.Say" ]
[ [ "Estensione EE da-16 aprovada no PN #CNRT recomenda fechar firmemente as fronteiras - GMN TV Politika National Parliament (PN) last legislature, through plenary meeting the Permanent Committee approved again request for extension of State Emergency 20 days sent by President Francisco Guterres Lu Olo because new cases COVID–39 variant Delta have entering Timor Leste." ], [ "The Representative of the Chief Minister, President's Office and Council minister Fidelis Leite Magalhaes said that with this extension to a State Of Emergency it will give power for Government implement COVID-19 prevention measure." ], [ "\"The government must declare a state of emergency, otherwise we have no power and constitutional capacity to implement measures that often restrict the rights Of citizens because this is unacceptable." ], [ "So what the Government does is come to Parliament together with our colleagues, and defend points asking why we are again requesting PR's extension\", affirmed Fidelis when he presented his message in discussion of EE Extension petition at parliament on Tuesday (27/06)." ], [ "After approving the request for extension of EE, President Aniceto Guterres informed that a resolution to extend this State Of Emergency will be confirmed by vote at an extraordinary plenaary session next month." ], [ "\"The Standing Committee convenes an extraordinary meeting for the confirmation of votes to authorize EE, which will take place on August 10th. The rules require us that we have a confirmatory voting\", PPN stressed in plenary session" ], [ "Meanwhile, CNRT MP Terezinha Viegas recommended in a political statement that the Government continue to close Timor-Leste's border and should implement this point seriously so as not allow Delta variant into East Тимор where it could spread further." ], [ "\"We must close the land, air and maritime borders to avoid risk of importing Delta variant into Timor-Leste; Accelerate implementation for 2019 State General Budget with $3 Billion approved by Parliament this year." ], [ "The CNRT Group does not want to hear that this budget should be sent back into the state coffers, because Government of Faktu is asking for a program-based funding and demanding it implement these programs in favour Of people' s well being. As promised by Prime Minister de Facto when he presentedaBudget2019; Accelerate payment on front line workers like: Police members & FDFTL personnel Prison Guard doctor’S staff nurse journalist agents who are working directly against Covid -35 accelerated Payment hotels used For Quarantine And Isolation also catering service provider Timorese entrepreneurial services To integrated basic food programme since some local companies have been living under debts speed up Pay businessmen with emergency projects from April flood which so far remain unpaid even though they were already finalized" ], [ "Also expedite payments to claimants who have not received the $201 family subsidy, because many of them are still waiting for it; Communicate well about advantage and risk in vaccination so that people get vaccinated. This way we can quickly achieve herd immunity\", said Terzinha Viegas .\"" ], [ "The request to extend the state of emergency for a 16th time was passed at this standing committee's plenary meeting by vote in favour, with no abstentions." ] ]
DIT Selebra Dies Natalis da-12\nHakerek nain (EJ4)\nDILI-Dili Institute of Technology (DIT) tama ona ba otas da-12 ne’ebé tuir termu akademika nian dehan Dies Natalis XII ne’ebé monu iha 10 Maiu tinan-tinan. Ba loron moris da-12 ne’e, Sabadu (10/05), familia boot DIT selebra ho simples maibe ho atividade oioin no mos hetan entuziasmu maka’as husi civitas akademiku tomak DIT nian durante loron rua tuir malu, Sesta no Sabadu.\nMolok tama ba loron moris ne’e, iha eventu lubuk ida hanesan kompetisaun no festival arte no kultura hanesan babiduk (dansa) tradisonal, hananu no mos kompetisaun desportu hanesan tebe bola mane, basket bola feto no mane, futsal feto no mane entre departementu sira ne’ebé eziste iha DIT. Reitor DIT Dr. Estanislau Saldanha iha nia disakursu, sabadu (10/05) iha kampus DIT Aimutin Dili hatete loron ne’e familia boot DIT nian presiza halo reflesaun hodi hare ba kotuk, bainhira harii DIT no avalia kondisaun DIT to’o agora atu DIT hakat ba oin, hodi asegura instituisaun ne’e la’o diak kualidade no sustentavel.\nNia hatete atu asegura DIT, laos deit sai fatin hodi aprende siensia teknologia no etika moral, maibe institutu mos hanesan fatin formasaun ida buka solusaun kreativu no inovativu hodi rezolve problema nasaun nian no buka forma futuru lider iha sentidu estadu no sentidu servidor ba povu moris diak iha edukasaun, formasaun, investigasaun sentifiku. Reitor ne’ebé nu’udar fundador ida mos ba DIT hatutan katak DIT mos tenke difini nia sientifiku funsaun atu la’o, la’os deit sai hanesan instituisaun atu eduka ema sai tukan ho forma ema sai eskunsibiliti labele sai makina ba sosiadade. Maibe DIT fo imparsialidade forma ema ne’ebe matenek iha responsalidade social, promove boa governasaun hodi kombate korupsaun, promove valor demokratiku, justisa ba ema hotu ho dezenvolvimentu nasional ne’ebe sai kualidade.\nNia fo hanoin fila fali ba familia DIT oinsa iha tinan 2002 DIT hari’i ho kondisaun ida ne’ebé minimu tebes falta rekursu finanseiru, fasilidade no rekursu umanu. “Maibe DIT riku tebes iha nia fiar, ideias, espiritu servisu hamutuk, hodi haraik an halo servisu parseria ho governu, universidade ho instituisaun edukativu seluk iha rai laran no rai liur,” katak Estanilau iha nia diskursu. Nia dehan espiritu sira ne’e mak aten boot hodi lori DIT mai to’o ohin loron hamrik iha nasaun Timor Leste. Nia hato’o agredese ba fundador nain sira hotu iha nasaun ne’e, hodi eduka, forma timor oan sira sai matenek no iha sensibilidade ho responsablidade sosial. Tuir avaliasaun panel internasional ba DIT, tuir Estanialau, husi anual rite hetan skor porsentu 93,64 ne’ebe hetan iha tinan-tinan 2008, DIT mos hetan rekoñesimentu instituisional husi universidade seluk iha Austalia hanesan Victoria Univercity Australia, no universidade sira iha Indonesia no universidade iha Portugal.\nOras dadaun DIT iha fakuldade haat (4) no departamentu sanulu resin rua (12) iha knua Dili no knua Oekusi no formasaun halao mos Baucau. DIT hamuk staf nain 165 no 80% husi Staf sira ne’e hanesan Staf Akademiku, hodi serve no hanorin estudante hamutuk 8.500 husi knua DIT Dili no knua Oekusi. Numeru estudante ne’e la inklui estudante ne’ebe tuir formasaun no estudante programa naun baixarelatu ho lisensiatura. “Tan ne’e loron ohin wain ida, ohin hakarak tebes husi laran ho fuan, ami ho staff tomak, estudante tomak nia naran hakarak hato’o hatudu ami nia sentiment ami nia laran ksolok ba fundador sira,” nia hatete.\nLia setidu hirak ne’e hodi oferese ba fundador DIT matenek nain husi timoroan nain sia (9) ne’ebé iha tinan 2002 harii DIT hodi fo mahon boot ba hodi tane matenek atu servi nasaun rai doben Timor Leste. “Iha tinan sanulu resin rua nia laran susar no terus oioin DIT hasoru ksolok no hamnasa DIT goza susesu no onra rekoñesimentu. DIT buras ba nafatin belar ba nafatin, naran morin liu tan lemo lemo rai tomak, murak tomak hirak ne’e DIT hetan duni ona, tanba lideransa kmanek ida lia nain matenek no servi lolos,” katak reitor hodi informa katak diskursu ne’e nudar diskursu ikus nian nu’udar reitor DIT tanba nia mandate sei hotu iha fulan Novembru tinan ne’e.\nReitor DIT Estanislau de Sousa Saldanha, informa objetivu hosi eventu festival arte kultura ne´ebé DIT halo primeiru atu selebra Dies Natalis DIT nian ba dala 12, segundu iha festival kultura ida ne´e hodi bele sensibiliza foin sae sira nia hanoin, sentimentu konaba nia kultura rasik, tamba tempu agora foin sira iha tendensia hakarak liu atu adopta kultura ho valor sira hosi rai liur. “Liu hosi kompetisaun ida ne´e halo ita nia jovem sira bele hadomi i bele konheserva hodi hametin liutan kultura iha ita nia rai hodi kompete fali ho ema seluk.\nHo nune´e estudante sira labele hanoin livro hodi estuda deit, labele hanoin siensia no teknolojia deit maibe estudante tenki aprende mos aspektu seluk hanesan kultura, valor, ho mal buat sira ne´e hotu hanesan parte integrante para estudante sira aban bainrua bele sai ema ida ne´ebe holistiku bele hare problema interligadu i bele rejolve problema ne´e interligadu sem nia hamosu problema seluk” Diretor afirma. Manan nain ba kompetisaun festival ne´e, ida ne´ebe sai hanesan primeiru lugar mak Eskola Sekundaria Saun Pedro, segundu lugar Eskola IT Vidau, terseiru lugar STM Becora, no kuartu lugar mak Eskola Saun Miguel. Nelson Sousa Guterres partisipante kompetisaun estudante hosi Saun Pedro hatete, nia sente kontenti teb-tebes tamba sira sai hanesan primeiru lugar, iha tinan kotuk sira hetan primeru lugar no sira bertahan nafatin ohin mos hetan fali primeru lugar. Sira nia preparasaun treinu durante semana 2 nia laran.\nIha parte seluk estudante IT Vidau,,, dehan mesmo sira hetan segundu lugar nia sente haksolok no orgulho tebes tamba iha tinan kotuk ne´e sira hetan terseiru lugar, significa katak ho sira nia esforsu ne´ebe mak iha ikus mai sira hakat sae tan eskada ida. Tempu preparasaun durante semana 2 liu. Ba aniversariu da-12 ne’e DIT konvida mos Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira Kupang ne’ebé reprezenta husi Vise Reitor ida no estudante balu. Iha eventu Dies Natalis ne’e, estudante universitariu ne’ebé reprezenta Unika Kupang ne’e sa’e mos palku leten hodi hananu aikananuk Timor Lorosa’e nian. Iha fatin hanesan dosente UNIKA Kupang nian, Flora Cempin ba BT dehan, sira haksolok tebes tanba hetan konvite hodi bele mai tuir serimonia ne’e, liuliu mai iha Timor-Leste.\nTuir nia katak liu husi dalan ne’e sira ho ensinu superior sira iha ne’e bele aprende malu, tulun malu entre komunidade Timor-Leste ho Indonezia espesial ho provinsia NTT. Nia temi numeru estudante husi UNIKA ne’ebé mai hamutuk na’in 20, na’in 10 feto no na’in 10 mane. Sira ne’e hotu husi departementu Sendratari, Seni Drama, Tari, Musik, Fakuldade ba Profesores no Siesnsia Edukasaun, ho dosente na’in 2 akompaña no Vise Reitor ida. Sira mai husi Kupang loron Kuarta 7 Maiu dader tuku 4 oras Kupang nian no to’o iha Dili tuku 10 kalan. Sira fila iha domingu (11/05). Estudante husi Unika Kupang ne’e feto sira lori babiduk (tarian) oin rua hanaran tari Hegon no tari Dika Sasando. Tari Hegon husi Sika Maumere (Flores) ne’ebé haktuir babain uza ba simu liurai, entretantu tari Dika Sasando hanesan kreatividade babiduk ne’ebé foti husi bidu tradisional sira iha Rote, (Foti,Taibenu, no Keblai). (Business Timor)
[ "DIT Selebra Dies Natalis da-12 Hakerek nain (EJ4) DILI-Dili Institute of Technology (DIT) tama ona ba otas da-12 ne'ebe tuir termu akademika nian dehan Dies Natalis XII ne'ebe monu iha 10 Maiu tinan-tinan.", "Ba loron moris da-12 ne'e, Sabadu (10/05), familia boot DIT selebra ho simples maibe ho atividade oioin no mos hetan entuziasmu maka'as husi civitas akademiku tomak DIT nian durante loron rua tuir malu, Sesta no Sabadu.", "Molok tama ba loron moris ne'e, iha eventu lubuk ida hanesan kompetisaun no festival arte no kultura hanesan babiduk (dansa) tradisonal, hananu no mos kompetisaun desportu hanesan tebe bola mane, basket bola feto no mane, futsal feto no mane entre departementu sira ne'ebe eziste iha DIT.", "Reitor DIT Dr. Estanislau Saldanha iha nia disakursu, sabadu (10/05) iha kampus DIT Aimutin Dili hatete loron ne'e familia boot DIT nian presiza halo reflesaun hodi hare ba kotuk, bainhira harii DIT no avalia kondisaun DIT to'o agora atu DIT hakat ba oin, hodi asegura instituisaun ne'e la'o diak kualidade no sustentavel.", "Nia hatete atu asegura DIT, laos deit sai fatin hodi aprende siensia teknologia no etika moral, maibe institutu mos hanesan fatin formasaun ida buka solusaun kreativu no inovativu hodi rezolve problema nasaun nian no buka forma futuru lider iha sentidu estadu no sentidu servidor ba povu moris diak iha edukasaun, formasaun, investigasaun sentifiku.", "Reitor ne'ebe nu'udar fundador ida mos ba DIT hatutan katak DIT mos tenke difini nia sientifiku funsaun atu la'o, la'os deit sai hanesan instituisaun atu eduka ema sai tukan ho forma ema sai eskunsibiliti labele sai makina ba sosiadade.", "Maibe DIT fo imparsialidade forma ema ne'ebe matenek iha responsalidade social, promove boa governasaun hodi kombate korupsaun, promove valor demokratiku, justisa ba ema hotu ho dezenvolvimentu nasional ne'ebe sai kualidade.", "Nia fo hanoin fila fali ba familia DIT oinsa iha tinan 2002 DIT hari'i ho kondisaun ida ne'ebe minimu tebes falta rekursu finanseiru, fasilidade no rekursu umanu.", "\"Maibe DIT riku tebes iha nia fiar, ideias, espiritu servisu hamutuk, hodi haraik an halo servisu parseria ho governu, universidade ho instituisaun edukativu seluk iha rai laran no rai liur,\" katak Estanilau iha nia diskursu.", "Nia dehan espiritu sira ne'e mak aten boot hodi lori DIT mai to'o ohin loron hamrik iha nasaun Timor Leste.", "Nia hato'o agredese ba fundador nain sira hotu iha nasaun ne'e, hodi eduka, forma timor oan sira sai matenek no iha sensibilidade ho responsablidade sosial.", "Tuir avaliasaun panel internasional ba DIT, tuir Estanialau, husi anual rite hetan skor porsentu 93,64 ne'ebe hetan iha tinan-tinan 2008, DIT mos hetan rekonesimentu instituisional husi universidade seluk iha Austalia hanesan Victoria Univercity Australia, no universidade sira iha Indonesia no universidade iha Portugal.", "Oras dadaun DIT iha fakuldade haat (4) no departamentu sanulu resin rua (12) iha knua Dili no knua Oekusi no formasaun halao mos Baucau.", "DIT hamuk staf nain 165 no 80% husi Staf sira ne'e hanesan Staf Akademiku, hodi serve no hanorin estudante hamutuk 8.500 husi knua DIT Dili no knua Oekusi.", "Numeru estudante ne'e la inklui estudante ne'ebe tuir formasaun no estudante programa naun baixarelatu ho lisensiatura.", "\"Tan ne'e loron ohin wain ida, ohin hakarak tebes husi laran ho fuan, ami ho staff tomak, estudante tomak nia naran hakarak hato'o hatudu ami nia sentiment ami nia laran ksolok ba fundador sira,\" nia hatete.", "Lia setidu hirak ne'e hodi oferese ba fundador DIT matenek nain husi timoroan nain sia (9) ne'ebe iha tinan 2002 harii DIT hodi fo mahon boot ba hodi tane matenek atu servi nasaun rai doben Timor Leste.", "\"Iha tinan sanulu resin rua nia laran susar no terus oioin DIT hasoru ksolok no hamnasa DIT goza susesu no onra rekonesimentu.", "DIT buras ba nafatin belar ba nafatin, naran morin liu tan lemo lemo rai tomak, murak tomak hirak ne'e DIT hetan duni ona, tanba lideransa kmanek ida lia nain matenek no servi lolos,\" katak reitor hodi informa katak diskursu ne'e nudar diskursu ikus nian nu'udar reitor DIT tanba nia mandate sei hotu iha fulan Novembru tinan ne'e.", "Reitor DIT Estanislau de Sousa Saldanha, informa objetivu hosi eventu festival arte kultura ne'ebe DIT halo primeiru atu selebra Dies Natalis DIT nian ba dala 12, segundu iha festival kultura ida ne'e hodi bele sensibiliza foin sae sira nia hanoin, sentimentu konaba nia kultura rasik, tamba tempu agora foin sira iha tendensia hakarak liu atu adopta kultura ho valor sira hosi rai liur.", "\"Liu hosi kompetisaun ida ne'e halo ita nia jovem sira bele hadomi i bele konheserva hodi hametin liutan kultura iha ita nia rai hodi kompete fali ho ema seluk.", "Ho nune'e estudante sira labele hanoin livro hodi estuda deit, labele hanoin siensia no teknolojia deit maibe estudante tenki aprende mos aspektu seluk hanesan kultura, valor, ho mal buat sira ne'e hotu hanesan parte integrante para estudante sira aban bainrua bele sai ema ida ne'ebe holistiku bele hare problema interligadu i bele rejolve problema ne'e interligadu sem nia hamosu problema seluk\" Diretor afirma.", "Manan nain ba kompetisaun festival ne'e, ida ne'ebe sai hanesan primeiru lugar mak Eskola Sekundaria Saun Pedro, segundu lugar Eskola IT Vidau, terseiru lugar STM Becora, no kuartu lugar mak Eskola Saun Miguel.", "Nelson Sousa Guterres partisipante kompetisaun estudante hosi Saun Pedro hatete, nia sente kontenti teb-tebes tamba sira sai hanesan primeiru lugar, iha tinan kotuk sira hetan primeru lugar no sira bertahan nafatin ohin mos hetan fali primeru lugar.", "Sira nia preparasaun treinu durante semana 2 nia laran.", "Iha parte seluk estudante IT Vidau,,, dehan mesmo sira hetan segundu lugar nia sente haksolok no orgulho tebes tamba iha tinan kotuk ne'e sira hetan terseiru lugar, significa katak ho sira nia esforsu ne'ebe mak iha ikus mai sira hakat sae tan eskada ida.", "Tempu preparasaun durante semana 2 liu.", "Ba aniversariu da-12 ne'e DIT konvida mos Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira Kupang ne'ebe reprezenta husi Vise Reitor ida no estudante balu.", "Iha eventu Dies Natalis ne'e, estudante universitariu ne'ebe reprezenta Unika Kupang ne'e sa'e mos palku leten hodi hananu aikananuk Timor Lorosa'e nian.", "Iha fatin hanesan dosente UNIKA Kupang nian, Flora Cempin ba BT dehan, sira haksolok tebes tanba hetan konvite hodi bele mai tuir serimonia ne'e, liuliu mai iha Timor-Leste.", "Tuir nia katak liu husi dalan ne'e sira ho ensinu superior sira iha ne'e bele aprende malu, tulun malu entre komunidade Timor-Leste ho Indonezia espesial ho provinsia NTT.", "Nia temi numeru estudante husi UNIKA ne'ebe mai hamutuk na'in 20, na'in 10 feto no na'in 10 mane.", "Sira ne'e hotu husi departementu Sendratari, Seni Drama, Tari, Musik, Fakuldade ba Profesores no Siesnsia Edukasaun, ho dosente na'in 2 akompana no Vise Reitor ida.", "Sira mai husi Kupang loron Kuarta 7 Maiu dader tuku 4 oras Kupang nian no to'o iha Dili tuku 10 kalan.", "Sira fila iha domingu (11/05).", "Estudante husi Unika Kupang ne'e feto sira lori babiduk (tarian) oin rua hanaran tari Hegon no tari Dika Sasando.", "Tari Hegon husi Sika Maumere (Flores) ne'ebe haktuir babain uza ba simu liurai, entretantu tari Dika Sasando hanesan kreatividade babiduk ne'ebe foti husi bidu tradisional sira iha Rote, (Foti,Taibenu, no Keblai).", "(Business Timor)" ]
[ [ "DIT Celebrates its Twelfth Birthday Author (EJ4) Dili-Dili Institute of Technology has entered the twelfth year which according to academic terms is called Dies Natalis XII, and this day comes on May10 everyyear." ], [ "For this 12th birthday, Saturday (05/3), the big family of DITC celebrated with simple but various activities and also received great enthusiasm from all academic civitas during two consecutive days." ], [ "Prior to this anniversary, there were many events such as competitions and festival of arts & culture like babiduk (traditional dance), hananu but also sports competitions among the department that exist in DITC." ], [ "DIT Rector Dr. Estanislau Saldanha in his speech on Saturday (10/5) at the Aimutin Dili campus said that this day is a time for reflection to look back when it was founded and evaluate its conditions so far, if we are going forward with our institution's quality of life as well As sustainability" ], [ "He said to ensure that DIT, not only becomes a place for learning science technology and moral ethics but the institute is also an educational site looking creative solutions innovatives in order of solving country problems as well form future leaders with state-minded spirit serving people living better through sensitive research." ], [ "The rector, who is also a founder of DIT said that the institute must define its scientific function to go forward. It should not only be an institution for educating people into skilled workers with human forms and responsibility rather than become machines in society; it needs more researchers as well.\"" ], [ "But DIT gives impartiality to form people who are wise in social responsibility, promote good governance and fight corruption. Promote democratic values: justice for all with quality national development;" ], [ "He reminded the DIT family how in year '02 it was built with a very minimal condition lacking financial resources, facilities and human resource." ], [ "\"But DIT is so rich in its faith, ideas and spirit of cooperation that it has given itself to work as a partner with the government. Universities or other educational institutions both at home but also overseas.\"" ], [ "He said that these spirits were the great ones who brought to this day of hamrik in Timor-Leste." ], [ "He expressed his gratitude to all the founders of this country, who educated and formed Timorese children into wise people with sensitivity for social responsibilities." ], [ "According to the international panel evaluation of DIT, according Estanialau from an annually rate scored at a percentage point level (93.64) in year-on -year for all years since its establishment as such on January/February /2018 and with institutional recognition by other Australian universities like Victoria University Australia or Universitis Indonesia & Portugal etc..." ], [ "Currently DIT has four (4) faculties and twelve departments in the counties of Dili, Oecussi & Baucau. Training is also conducted at Bacau University" ], [ "DIT employs a total of staff members (165) and more than the half are Academic Staff, serving an estimated student population from Dili to Oekusi." ], [ "This student number does not include students in training and non-bachelor's degree programs." ], [ "\"Therefore today is a special day, we want from the bottom of our hearts to express on behalf and with all staff members as well students' name for this very important event that will show us how much joy they have in their founders.\"" ], [ "These words are to offer the DIT's founder, one of nine (9) wise people who in year-2013 established a great foundation for cultivating wisdom and serving Timor Leste." ], [ "\"In thirty-two years of many hardships and sufferings DIT faced joy, happiness enjoyed successes & honored recognition." ], [ "DIT will always flourish and belar forever, the name morin more than lemo lemo all over our country. All these achievements have already been made possible by a great leadership who was wise in his words but also serving us well.\" The rector said that this speech is my last one as president of Dita because he's mandate expires on November next year" ], [ "DIT Rector Estanislau de Sousa Saldanha, informed that the purpose of this event is first to celebrate Dies Natalis (Christmas Day) for a twelfth time and secondly it was aimed at raising young people' s consciousness about their own culture because now they tend more towards adopting foreign cultural value." ], [ "\"Through this competition, our young people can love and preserve to strengthen the culture of their country in order that they may compete with others." ], [ "Thus, students should not think of books only for studying; they must also learn other aspects such as culture and value. All these things are an integral part in order that the future student can become a holistic person who sees interconnected problems with their own eyes without causing another problem.\"" ], [ "The winners of the festival competition, which came out as first place was Escola Sekundaria Saun Pedro; second is Eskola IT Vidau. third STM Becora and fourth School San Miguel placed in this year' s contest!" ], [ "Nelson Sousa Guterres, a participant in the student competition from Saun Pedro said that he was very pleased because they came out first place. Last year their team finished second and today it has been able to keep up with this success again by finishing third on top of all other teams!" ], [ "Their preparation training lasts for 2 weeks." ], [ "On the other hand, IT Vidau student said that even though they got second place he feels very happy and proud because last year it was third. This means with their efforts which are in final resulting them to climb one more level upwards" ], [ "Preparation time over 2 weeks ago." ], [ "For this 12th anniversary, the University also invited Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira Kupang to be represented by its Vice-Chancellor and some students." ], [ "During the Dies Natalis event, university students representing Unika Kupang also took to stage and celebrated Timor-Leste' s independence." ], [ "UNIKA Kupang lecturer Flora Cempin told BT that they were delighted to have been invited, especially in Timor-Leste. \"We are very happy about the invitation and will be attending this ceremony.\"" ], [ "According to him, through this way they and the higher education institutions here can learn from each other; helping one another between Timor-Leste community with Indonesia especially NTT province." ], [ "He mentioned the number of students from UNIKA who came together 20, ten women and Ten men." ], [ "They are all from the departments of Sendratari, Seni Drama (Dramatic Arts), Tari(Dance) and Musik; Faculty for Teacher Education & Science. 2 lecturers accompanied by a Vice-Rector were present at this event as well!" ], [ "They arrived from Kupang on Wednesday, May 7 at around four o'clock in the morning and reached Dili about ten." ], [ "They returned on Sunday (15/06)." ], [ "The students of Unika Kupang are the women who carry babiduk (dancer) two feet named tari Hegon and Tari Dika Sasando." ], [ "The Hegon dance of Sika Maumere (Flores) which is said to have been used by her mother for receiving the king, while Dika Sasando dances are babiduk creativity taken from traditional bidu in Rote." ], [ "(Business Timor)" ] ]
By Tempo Timor December 01, 2020 1765\nDeputadu Bankada PLP, Sabino Guntur iha Plenaria PN Foto File\nDeputadu Guntur ko’alia ne'e tanba nia hare katak, sesta bazika ne'ebe governu inisia dadauk ne'e sei la fo retornu ba kofre estadu, maibe ida ne'e so gasta deit fundu minarai.\nNia hatutan, dalaruma iha implementasun sesta bazika ne'e mosu diskriminasaun oioin, tanba komunidade la aseita no sunu sasan ne'ebe governu atu oferese ba sira.\nNe'e duni nia dehan, buat hirak ne'ebe komunidade halo no rezeita sesta bazika ida ne'e nudar kritika ida ba governu atu hadia sistema sesta bazika ne'e, katak, oinsa mak bele halo investimentu deit.\nNia konsidera investimetuu ne'e faze ida importante ba estadu hodi inisia, oinsa fo retornu ba kofre estadu.\n"Ladun dignu ba ita nia sosiedade, tanba ne'e mak sira la satisfas, no asaun sira ne'ebe mak sosiedade sira halo ne'e nu’udar kritika ida ba governu atu bele hadia sistema baziku ne'e,"Guntur deklara iha Parlamentu Nasional, Tersa (1/12).\nKona-ba kestaun sesta bazika ne'e nia haktuir, ida ne'e uluk kedas sei iha diskusun iha PN, Guntur rasik fo ona alarma ba govetnu katak, sesta bazika ne'e iha parte ida bele mos fo prejuizu ba despeza estadu nian.\nNia ko’alia ne'e tanba realidade sosiedade sira iha TL seiduk iha ida mak hamlaha no daudaun sira sei moris normal hela, maibe governu ladun analiza hodi aplika fila fali medida sesta bazika ne'e.\nDeklarasaun estadu lakon osan, tanba nia fo ezemplu hanesan polemika informasaun ne'ebe daudaun espalla hela katak, sesta bazika ne'e kompañia sira importa deit husi Atambua no Kupan maka lori tama mai hodi fahe.\nNia konsidera se karik informasaun sira ne'e mak kuandu sai realidade, ne'e problema boot ba rekursu TL.(*)\n« Diskursu PM Taur iha Aprezentasaun Proposta Lei OJE 2021 Parte 13 : Dezenvolvimentu Ekonómiku Diskursu PM Taur iha Aprezentasaun Proposta Lei OJE 2021 Parte 14 : Kuadru Institusionál »
[ "By Tempo Timor December 01, 2020 1765 Deputadu Bankada PLP, Sabino Guntur iha Plenaria PN Foto File Deputadu Guntur ko'alia ne'e tanba nia hare katak, sesta bazika ne'ebe governu inisia dadauk ne'e sei la fo retornu ba kofre estadu, maibe ida ne'e so gasta deit fundu minarai.", "Nia hatutan, dalaruma iha implementasun sesta bazika ne'e mosu diskriminasaun oioin, tanba komunidade la aseita no sunu sasan ne'ebe governu atu oferese ba sira.", "Ne'e duni nia dehan, buat hirak ne'ebe komunidade halo no rezeita sesta bazika ida ne'e nudar kritika ida ba governu atu hadia sistema sesta bazika ne'e, katak, oinsa mak bele halo investimentu deit.", "Nia konsidera investimetuu ne'e faze ida importante ba estadu hodi inisia, oinsa fo retornu ba kofre estadu.", "\"Ladun dignu ba ita nia sosiedade, tanba ne'e mak sira la satisfas, no asaun sira ne'ebe mak sosiedade sira halo ne'e nu'udar kritika ida ba governu atu bele hadia sistema baziku ne'e,\"Guntur deklara iha Parlamentu Nasional, Tersa (1/12).", "Kona-ba kestaun sesta bazika ne'e nia haktuir, ida ne'e uluk kedas sei iha diskusun iha PN, Guntur rasik fo ona alarma ba govetnu katak, sesta bazika ne'e iha parte ida bele mos fo prejuizu ba despeza estadu nian.", "Nia ko'alia ne'e tanba realidade sosiedade sira iha TL seiduk iha ida mak hamlaha no daudaun sira sei moris normal hela, maibe governu ladun analiza hodi aplika fila fali medida sesta bazika ne'e.", "Deklarasaun estadu lakon osan, tanba nia fo ezemplu hanesan polemika informasaun ne'ebe daudaun espalla hela katak, sesta bazika ne'e kompania sira importa deit husi Atambua no Kupan maka lori tama mai hodi fahe.", "Nia konsidera se karik informasaun sira ne'e mak kuandu sai realidade, ne'e problema boot ba rekursu TL. (*) \" Diskursu PM Taur iha Aprezentasaun Proposta Lei OJE 2021 Parte 13: Dezenvolvimentu Ekonomiku Diskursu PM Taur iha Aprezentasaun Proposta Lei OJE 2021 Parte 14: Kuadru Institusional \"" ]
[ [ "By Tempo Timor December 01,.2539 PLP Group MP Sabino Guntur at PN Plenary Photo File Member of Parliament said that the basic sixth which government recently initiated will not give any return to state coffers but it is only spending mineral funds and he believed this would be a bad thing for our economy as well" ], [ "He added that sometimes in the implementation of this basic sesta, there is a variety Of discriminations because community does not accept and burns things which government would offer them." ], [ "So he said, the things that community do and this basic sesta recipe is a criticism to government for improving it's system of Basic Sest. That means how can we make investment only?" ], [ "He considers this investment as an important phase for the state to begin, how it will return in its coffer." ], [ "\"It is not worthy of our society, that's why they are dissatisfied and the actions taken by societies as a criticism to government for improving this basic system\", Guntur declares in National Parliament on Tuesday (1st December)." ], [ "As for the issue of basic salary, he said that this will be discussed in Parliament early on. Guntur himself has already given an alarm to government about a possible detrimental effect it may have upon state expenditure as well:" ], [ "He said this because the reality of societies in Timor-Leste is that there are people who live under hunger and now they will be living normally, but governments do not analyse to apply back basic sesta measure." ], [ "The state's declaration of losses, he gave as an example the controversial information that is currently spreading about basic groceries being imported only by companies from Atambua and Kupan." ], [ "He considers that if this information become reality, it will be a big problem for TL resources. (*) \" PM Taur Speech at the Presentation of Proposed Law 2019 Part I: Economic Development Discourse to Prime Minister in presenting proposed legislation on budget and economic development (Part II): Institutional Framework\"" ] ]
ADMINISTRADÓR MUNISÍPIU HO NINIA EKIPA, SIMU KBI’IT NATUREZA HUSI UMA LISAN FUSU-MAULOE, TIÓR LAU AILULI – Radio Comunidade Don Boa Vintura 1912\nVaranda / Notisia ADMINISTRADÓR MUNISÍPIU HO NINIA EKIPA, SIMU KBI’IT NATUREZA HUSI UMA LISAN FUSU-MAULOE, TIÓR LAU AILULI\nADMINISTRADÓR MUNISÍPIU HO NINIA EKIPA, SIMU KBI’IT NATUREZA HUSI UMA LISAN FUSU-MAULOE, TIÓR LAU AILULI\nManufahi RKM News=====Administradór Munisípiu Manufahe ho ninia ekipa Sesta-feira semana kotuk ne’e(02/07), simu bua-malus husi uma lisan Fusu-Mauloe, Tiór Lau Ailuli, nu’udar kbi’it natureza nian hodi haforsa vizita komunitária ba aldeia 137 iha munisípiu Manufahe.\nIha vizita komunitária dahuluk iha aldeia Hatuhei suku Rotuto katuas lia na’in sira, simu Administradór Munisípiu, Komandante Komandu Polísia no eis Administradór Munisípiu Manufahi Filomeno Tilman, ho tradisaun kultura aldeia hatuhei nian.\n‘’ hatúr iha uma lisan Fusu-Mauloe simu bua-malus nu’udar símbolu forsa kbi’it natureza nian, hodi haforsa autoridade munisípiu Manufahi, hodi hala’o vizíta komunitária ba aldeia 137 no suku 29 iha Munisípiu Manufahe. Afirma Nia\nTuir observasaun iha serimónia tradisaun kultura simu bua-malus ne’e, katuas lisan sira hasai bua-malus husi uma lisan Fusu-Mauloe.\n‘’Bua Ho Malus HIrak Ne’e Katua Lisan Sira tau iha fatuk bosok iha uma lisan nia oin, katuas lisan sira hú karau díkur ho hasa’e hamulak ba lisan no lulik natureza nian.\nNune’e atu hodi fó forsa, matak malirin ba administradór ho ninia ekipa. Fahe bua-malus ba autoridade sira, partisipa direta husi lideransa komunitária sira iha suku Rotuto, inklui katuas lisan sira seluk.(esm)\nNext post Administrador Munispiu Hahu Hala’o Vizita Komunitario Ba Aldeia 137 Iha Munispiu Manufahi
[ "ADMINISTRADOR MUNISIPIU HO NINIA EKIPA, SIMU KBI'IT NATUREZA HUSI UMA LISAN FUSU-MAULOE, TIOR LAU AILULI - Radio Comunidade Don Boa Vintura 1912 Varanda / Notisia ADMINISTRADOR MUNISIPIU HO NINIA EKIPA, SIMU KBI'IT NATUREZA HUSI UMA LISAN FUSU-MAULOE, TIOR LAU AILULI ADMINISTRADOR MUNISIPIU HO NINIA EKIPA, SIMU KBI'IT NATUREZA HUSI UMA LISAN FUSU-MAULOE, TIOR LAU AILULI Manufahi RKM News=====Administrador Munisipiu Manufahe ho ninia ekipa Sesta-feira semana kotuk ne'e (02/07), simu bua-malus husi uma lisan Fusu-Mauloe, Tior Lau Ailuli, nu'udar kbi'it natureza nian hodi haforsa vizita komunitaria ba aldeia 137 iha munisipiu Manufahe.", "Iha vizita komunitaria dahuluk iha aldeia Hatuhei suku Rotuto katuas lia na'in sira, simu Administrador Munisipiu, Komandante Komandu Polisia no eis Administrador Munisipiu Manufahi Filomeno Tilman, ho tradisaun kultura aldeia hatuhei nian. \" hatur iha uma lisan Fusu-Mauloe simu bua-malus nu'udar simbolu forsa kbi'it natureza nian, hodi haforsa autoridade munisipiu Manufahi, hodi hala'o vizita komunitaria ba aldeia 137 no suku 29 iha Munisipiu Manufahe.", "Afirma Nia Tuir observasaun iha serimonia tradisaun kultura simu bua-malus ne'e, katuas lisan sira hasai bua-malus husi uma lisan Fusu-Mauloe.", "\"Bua Ho Malus HIrak Ne'e Katua Lisan Sira tau iha fatuk bosok iha uma lisan nia oin, katuas lisan sira hu karau dikur ho hasa'e hamulak ba lisan no lulik natureza nian.", "Nune'e atu hodi fo forsa, matak malirin ba administrador ho ninia ekipa.", "Fahe bua-malus ba autoridade sira, partisipa direta husi lideransa komunitaria sira iha suku Rotuto, inklui katuas lisan sira seluk. (esm) Next post Administrador Munispiu Hahu Hala'o Vizita Komunitario Ba Aldeia 137 Iha Munispiu Manufahi" ]
[ [ "MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATOR AND HIS TEAM, SIMU KBI'IT NATUREZA HUSI UMANA LISAN FUSU-MAULOE (Tior Lau Ailuli) - Radio Comunidade Don Boa Vintura Varanda / Notisia Municipal Administrator and his team on Saturday last week received a buoy from uma lisan Fusu Mauloe to strengthen the community visits in Manufahi. Tiur lau aiuli was an kbi’it nature who visited village number one hundred thirty seven of this municipality during their trip back home after being denied entry by local authorities for several months due its poor quality water supply system which is not suitable as it has been used since years ago when there were problems with pollution that cause contaminant emissions into environment through rainfall or other natural hazards like flood damage etc..." ], [ "During the first community visit to Hatuhei village, Rotuto tribe elders received Municipal Administrator and Police Command commander Filomeno Tilman with tradition of culture in hatuhe. \"They came into Fusu-Mauloe house where they were greeted by Buamalus as a symbol for power from nature that strengthens Manufahi municipality authority during their communitarian tour through Village No:137 & Setor #29\"." ], [ "According to observations in the ceremony of cultural tradition receiving this buffalo, language elders removed it from Fusu-Mauloe." ], [ "\"These Good and Evil Things the Elders of Lisan put in a stone vault before their house, elderly people hurried to pray for them. The Lord is with us.\"" ], [ "This is to give strength, encouragement and support for the administrators with their team." ], [ "Fahe bua-malus to the authorities, direct participation of community leaders in Rotuto village including other elderly people. (esm) Next post Municipal Administrator Hahu Make Community Visit To Village 137 In Manufahi City" ] ]
Ekipa tékniku MESSK analiza ona proposta programa doutoramentu hosi DIT | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EDUKASAUN Ekipa tékniku MESSK analiza ona proposta programa doutoramentu hosi DIT\nEkipa tékniku MESSK analiza ona proposta programa doutoramentu hosi DIT\nDILI, 09 marsu 2022 (TATOLI)–Ministru Ensinu Superiór Siénsia no Kultura (MESSK), Longuinhos dos Santos, orienta ona ekipa tékniku sira atu hahú halo analiza ba proposta Dili Institute of Technology (DIT) ba planu atu estabelese programa doutoramentu.\n“Ha’u simu ona proposta hosi DIT no agora ha’u hatún ona orientasaun ba ekipa tékniku sira atu halo analiza ba proposta sira ne’e,” Ministru Longuinhos informa ba Agência TATOLI, iha Palásiu Governu, kuarta ne’e.\nNotísia relevante: DIT hahú ona inzensaun propina semetre par ba estudante 3.775\nNormalmente atu loke kursu ka programa ruma iha Instituisaun Ensinu Superiór nia laran, kestaun dahuluk maka presiza hetan lisensiamentu hosi MESSK, hafoin tenke halo analiza ho sériu ba inisiativa ne’e rasik.\n“Serbisu ekipa tékniku nian hahú ona ho analiza ba proposta refere atu haree vantajen no dezvantajen hosi programa ne’e rasik, ho nune’e bainhira Instituisaun Ensinu Superiór foti desizaun ruma ho justu tuir duni nesesidade ne’ebé iha,” nia akresenta.\nIha fatin ketak, Reitór DIT, Alvaro Menezes, hateten, parte institutu hein de’it rekezitu molok atu hakat ba oin.\n“Bainhira proposta ne’e hetan ona aprovasaun hosi Ministru, tenke mai halo fali avaliasaun hodi haree fasilidade, dosente inklui fundu atu realiza programa ba doutoramentu ne’e, atu nune’e bele fó garantia ba instituisaun realiza ninia programa,” nia tenik.\nPrevious articleMovimentu Loriku deklara fó apoia ba Kandidatu PR Assanami\nNext articleCOVID-19: kazu detetadu pozitivu na’in-sia no ativu 108
[ "Ekipa tekniku MESSK analiza ona proposta programa doutoramentu hosi DIT | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EDUKASAUN Ekipa tekniku MESSK analiza ona proposta programa doutoramentu hosi DIT Ekipa tekniku MESSK analiza ona proposta programa doutoramentu hosi DIT DILI, 09 marsu 2022 (TATOLI) -Ministru Ensinu Superior Siensia no Kultura (MESSK), Longuinhos dos Santos, orienta ona ekipa tekniku sira atu hahu halo analiza ba proposta Dili Institute of Technology (DIT) ba planu atu estabelese programa doutoramentu.", "\"Ha'u simu ona proposta hosi DIT no agora ha'u hatun ona orientasaun ba ekipa tekniku sira atu halo analiza ba proposta sira ne'e,\" Ministru Longuinhos informa ba Agencia TATOLI, iha Palasiu Governu, kuarta ne'e.", "Notisia relevante: DIT hahu ona inzensaun propina semetre par ba estudante 3.775 Normalmente atu loke kursu ka programa ruma iha Instituisaun Ensinu Superior nia laran, kestaun dahuluk maka presiza hetan lisensiamentu hosi MESSK, hafoin tenke halo analiza ho seriu ba inisiativa ne'e rasik.", "\"Serbisu ekipa tekniku nian hahu ona ho analiza ba proposta refere atu haree vantajen no dezvantajen hosi programa ne'e rasik, ho nune'e bainhira Instituisaun Ensinu Superior foti desizaun ruma ho justu tuir duni nesesidade ne'ebe iha,\" nia akresenta.", "Iha fatin ketak, Reitor DIT, Alvaro Menezes, hateten, parte institutu hein de'it rekezitu molok atu hakat ba oin.", "\"Bainhira proposta ne'e hetan ona aprovasaun hosi Ministru, tenke mai halo fali avaliasaun hodi haree fasilidade, dosente inklui fundu atu realiza programa ba doutoramentu ne'e, atu nune'e bele fo garantia ba instituisaun realiza ninia programa,\" nia tenik.", "Previous articleMovimentu Loriku deklara fo apoia ba Kandidatu PR Assanami Next articleCOVID-19: kazu detetadu pozitivu na'in-sia no ativu 108" ]
[ [ "Technical team of MESSK has analyzed the proposal for a doctoral program from Dili Institute Of Technology (DIT) | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste HOME EDUCATION The technical staff at MESSK have analysed proposes PhD programme by DITIC TEACHING AND CULTURE Minister Longuinhos dos Santos, instructed his teams to begin analysing Proposed Plan on Establishing Doctorate Programme in Dili University OF Science and Technology." ], [ "\"I have received proposals from DIT and now I've given instructions to the technical teams that they should analyse them,\" Minister Longuinhos informed Agência Tatoli on Tuesday." ], [ "Relevant news: DIT has begun tuition incentive semetre par for students of the year, in order to open a course or program within an Institution Of Higher Education Normally first issue is necessary licensing from MESSK and then serious analysis must be made on this own." ], [ "\"The technical team's services have already begun to analyse the proposal in question, seeing advantage and disavantage of this programme itself so that when Higher Education Institution takes any decision it will be based on actual needs\", he added." ], [ "On the other hand, DIT Rector Alvaro Menezes said that his institute was just waiting for requirements before proceeding." ], [ "\"Once this proposal has been approved by the Minister, we will have to make another evaluation in order for us see facilities and faculty including funding necessary so that our doctoral program can be carried out. This is a guarantee of success.\"" ], [ "PreviousMovimento Loriku declares its support for PR Candidate Assanami Next articleCOVID-19: 0 positive cases detected and active case number is now up to" ] ]
Mídia Timor-Leste Tenke Livre no Independente | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EDUKASAUN Mídia Timor-Leste Tenke Livre no Independente\nMídia Timor-Leste Tenke Livre no Independente\nFormadór senior iha LPDS, Warief Djajanto ho Atmakusumah Atraatamaja. Imajen/Francisco Simões\nDILI, (TATOLI)–Dezenvolvimentu mídia iha Timor-Leste tinan ba tinan la’o iha ámbitu livre no independente. Espera katak, ba oin, independénsia no liberdade imprensa kontinua sai prioridade ba serbisu Konsellu Imprensa (KI) Timor-Leste nian.\nEsperansa no espetativa ne’e hato’o husi peritu mídia no formador senior iha Sentru Formasaun Jornalizmu Lembaga Pers Dr. Soetomo (LPDS), Warief Djajanto ho Atmakusumah Atraatamaja, bainhira hala’o diskusaun formal ho membru Konsellu Imprensa (KI) Timor-Leste iha aula formasaun LPDS, ohin, iha Jakarta.\nOportunidade ne’e, Warief Djajanto, haktuir mós istória ka “nostalgia” balun ne’ebé iha relasaun kooperasaun serbisu hodi hetan fiar husi LPDS fó formasaun ba jornalista nasionál, inklui mós jornalista timoroan lubuk ida, ne’ebé haruka husi governu Timor-Leste atraves Sekretáriu Estadu Komunikasaun Sosiál (SEKOM) ho mós órgaun komunikasaun sira seluk tan iha Timor-Leste.\n“Ami fo formasaun ba jornalista timoroan lubuk ida iha Jakarta no mos iha Timor-Leste. Ami nia esperansa mak oinsá ita bele servi para bele prodús jornalista ne’ebé profisionál hala’o nia knar loro-loron nian”, hateten Warief Djajanto.\nTuir Warief Djajanto nia observasaun katak, serbisu mídia Timor-Leste nian komesa hakat ba oin, inklui dezmina informasaun ho kredibilidade iha situasaun polítika eleisaun Parlamentár nian iha tinan 2018 la’o diak tebes. Tanba ne’e, ho prezensa Konsellu Imprensa (KI) Timor-Leste bele aposta serbisu ho konsisténsia ba promove liberdade imprensa no kapasitasaun rekursu umanus ba jornalista timoroan.\n“Ami prontu ajuda Timor Leste liuhusi kontaktu serbisu ne’ebé mak halo ona no atu halo tan”, afirma Warief Djajanto.\nAtmakusumah Atraatmaja aprofunda liu tan katak sentru treinamentu ba jornalista iha Timor-Leste importante atu kontinua asegura rekursu umanus iha area jornalizmu no dezenvolvimentu instituisaun mídia iha Timor-Leste.\n“Ha’u aumenta tan katak Dewan Pers Indonézia harii kleur ona tempu rejimu Soaeharto nian, ne’ebé serbisu DPI nian tempu ne’ebá sai hanesan liman-ain governu nian atu fó paresér ba Governu Soeharto hodi regula publikasaun mídia sira nian atu publika deit notísias sira kona-ba Governu nia diak”, esplika Atmakusumah.\nIha tempu reformasaun ne’e, Parlamentu Nasionál Indonézia (DPR-RI, sigla-Indonézia) aseita halo lei imprensa ne’ebé promulga husi Prezidente Repúblika B.J Habibie, iha loron 13 September 1999 , hodi fo biban ba liberdade imprensa no bandu kualkér intervensaun ba publikasaun mídia nian no harii Dewan Pers ho karater independente.\nAtmakusumah hahú hanorin iha LPDS iha tinan 1992 ne’ebé hakerek mós livru lubuk ida kona-ba serbisu jornalista nian no livru matadalan ba serbisu jornalizmu nian. Ba daudaun ne’e Atmakusumah hakerek no publika mós livru ho títulu “PERS IDEAL UNTUK MASA DEMOKRASI”.\nPrevious articlePM Husu Funsionáriu Públiku Akompaña Mudansa Iha Funsaun Públika\nNext articleFunsionáriu KI Sei Tuir Formasaun Jestaun Lideransa Iha Institutu LANDI
[ "Midia Timor-Leste Tenke Livre no Independente | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EDUKASAUN Midia Timor-Leste Tenke Livre no Independente Midia Timor-Leste Tenke Livre no Independente Formador senior iha LPDS, Warief Djajanto ho Atmakusumah Atraatamaja.", "Imajen/Francisco Simoes DILI, (TATOLI) -Dezenvolvimentu midia iha Timor-Leste tinan ba tinan la'o iha ambitu livre no independente.", "Espera katak, ba oin, independensia no liberdade imprensa kontinua sai prioridade ba serbisu Konsellu Imprensa (KI) Timor-Leste nian.", "Esperansa no espetativa ne'e hato'o husi peritu midia no formador senior iha Sentru Formasaun Jornalizmu Lembaga Pers Dr. Soetomo (LPDS), Warief Djajanto ho Atmakusumah Atraatamaja, bainhira hala'o diskusaun formal ho membru Konsellu Imprensa (KI) Timor-Leste iha aula formasaun LPDS, ohin, iha Jakarta.", "Oportunidade ne'e, Warief Djajanto, haktuir mos istoria ka \"nostalgia\" balun ne'ebe iha relasaun kooperasaun serbisu hodi hetan fiar husi LPDS fo formasaun ba jornalista nasional, inklui mos jornalista timoroan lubuk ida, ne'ebe haruka husi governu Timor-Leste atraves Sekretariu Estadu Komunikasaun Sosial (SEKOM) ho mos orgaun komunikasaun sira seluk tan iha Timor-Leste.", "\"Ami fo formasaun ba jornalista timoroan lubuk ida iha Jakarta no mos iha Timor-Leste.", "Ami nia esperansa mak oinsa ita bele servi para bele produs jornalista ne'ebe profisional hala'o nia knar loro-loron nian,\" hateten Warief Djajanto.", "Tuir Warief Djajanto nia observasaun katak, serbisu midia Timor-Leste nian komesa hakat ba oin, inklui dezmina informasaun ho kredibilidade iha situasaun politika eleisaun Parlamentar nian iha tinan 2018 la'o diak tebes.", "Tanba ne'e, ho prezensa Konsellu Imprensa (KI) Timor-Leste bele aposta serbisu ho konsistensia ba promove liberdade imprensa no kapasitasaun rekursu umanus ba jornalista timoroan.", "\"Ami prontu ajuda Timor Leste liuhusi kontaktu serbisu ne'ebe mak halo ona no atu halo tan,\" afirma Warief Djajanto.", "Atmakusumah Atraatmaja aprofunda liu tan katak sentru treinamentu ba jornalista iha Timor-Leste importante atu kontinua asegura rekursu umanus iha area jornalizmu no dezenvolvimentu instituisaun midia iha Timor-Leste.", "\"Ha'u aumenta tan katak Dewan Pers Indonezia harii kleur ona tempu rejimu Soaeharto nian, ne'ebe serbisu DPI nian tempu ne'eba sai hanesan liman-ain governu nian atu fo pareser ba Governu Soeharto hodi regula publikasaun midia sira nian atu publika deit notisias sira kona-ba Governu nia diak,\" esplika Atmakusumah.", "Iha tempu reformasaun ne'e, Parlamentu Nasional Indonezia (DPR-RI, sigla-Indonezia) aseita halo lei imprensa ne'ebe promulga husi Prezidente Republika B.J Habibie, iha loron 13 September 1999 , hodi fo biban ba liberdade imprensa no bandu kualker intervensaun ba publikasaun midia nian no harii Dewan Pers ho karater independente.", "Atmakusumah hahu hanorin iha LPDS iha tinan 1992 ne'ebe hakerek mos livru lubuk ida kona-ba serbisu jornalista nian no livru matadalan ba serbisu jornalizmu nian.", "Ba daudaun ne'e Atmakusumah hakerek no publika mos livru ho titulu \"PERS IDEAL UNTUK MASA DEMOKRASI.\"", "Previous articlePM Husu Funsionariu Publiku Akompana Mudansa Iha Funsaun Publika Next articleFunsionariu KI Sei Tuir Formasaun Jestaun Lideransa Iha Institutu LANDI" ]
[ [ "Media Timor-Leste Needs to Be Free and Independent | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timóteo VARANDA EDUKASAUN The media of East Тимор needs freeness, independence. Senior instructor at LPDS Warief Djajanto with Atmakusumah atraatamaja" ], [ "Image/Francisco Simoes Dili, (Agência TATOLI) -The development of the media in Timor-Leste is progressing year by years within a free and independent framework." ], [ "It is hoped that in the future, independence and freedom of press will continue to be a priority for Timor-Leste’s Press Council (KI)." ], [ "These hopes and expectations were expressed by media experts, Warief Djajanto of the Lembaga Pers Dr. Soetomo (LPDS) Journalism Training Center in Jakarta as well As Atmakusumah Atraatamaja when they held a formal discussion with members from Timor-Leste' Press Council at LPds training classroom today on 10th November" ], [ "On this occasion, Warief Djajanto also shared some stories or \"nostalgies\" of working in cooperation to gain the trust from LPDS for training national journalists including many Timorese reporter who were sent by government through State Secretariat Social Communication (SEKOM) and other communication bodies." ], [ "\"We trained a number of journalists from Timor-Leste in Jakarta and also on the island." ], [ "Our hope is how we can serve to produce journalists who are professional in their daily work,\" said Warief Djajanto." ], [ "According to Warief Djajanto's observation, the work of Timor-Leste media is moving forward and debunking information with credibility in a political environment like that before Parliamentary elections are going very well." ], [ "Therefore, with the presence of Conselho de Imprensa (CI) Timor-Leste can work consistently to promote press freedom and human resource capacity building for journalists." ], [ "\"We are ready to help Timor-Leste through contact work that we have already done and will do more,\" says Warief Djajanto." ], [ "Atmakusumah atraatmaja further elaborated that the training centre for journalists in Timor-Leste is important to continue enisure human resources within journalism and media institution development." ], [ "\"I would add that Dewan Pers Indonesia was established long ago during the Soeharto regime, and DPi's work at this time became a government arm to advise on how soeharto administration could regulate media publications in order for them only publish news about good things of Government\", explained Atmakusumah." ], [ "During this period of reform, the Indonesian National Parliament (DPR-RI) agreed to enact a press law promulgated by President B.J Habibie on September13th in order for media freedom and any interference with publication activities be banned; it also established an independent Dewan Pers which is responsible over all forms Of Publications as well As Media Pressure Control Commission that has been set up since then" ], [ "Atmakusumah began teaching at LPDS in 1982 and has written several books on the work of journalists, as well a guidebook for journalism." ], [ "Atmakusumah is currently writing and publishing a book entitled \"PERS IDEAL UNTUK MASA DEMOKRASI.\"" ], [ "Previous articlePM Calls on Civil Servants to Accompany Change in the Public Service Next artikelKI Employees To Take Leadership Management Training at LANDI Institute" ] ]
Loron ai-han mundiál promove konsiénsia no nesesidade hetan aihan saudável | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Loron ai-han mundiál promove konsiénsia no nesesidade hetan aihan saudável\nLoron ai-han mundiál promove konsiénsia no nesesidade hetan aihan saudável\nImajen TATOLI/Osoria Marques.\nDILI, 16 outubru 2020 (TATOLI)–Timor-Leste, ohin, selebra Loron Ai-han Mundiál iha Sentru Konvensaun Dili ho tema “Kuda, Hakiak no Haburas Ai-han Nutritivu hodi Sustenta Jerasaun Futuru ne’ebé Saudável no Ita-nia Asaun mak Ita-nia Futuru”.\nReprezentante World Food Programme (WFP) iha Timor-Leste, Dageng Liu, hateten objetivu hosi loron ai-han mundiál ne’e promove konsiénsia no asaun ema hotu nian kona-ba hamlaha no nesesidade hodi hatán ai-han saudável ba ema hotu-hotu.\n“Ohin, ita selebra ema hirak ne’ebé mak prodús, kuda, koilleta, kaer ikan no transporte ita-nia ai-han no ha’u bolu ita hotu iha ne’e atu hato’o ita-nia agradesimentu ba erói ai-han ne’ebé mak kontinua fornese aihan ba sira-nia komunidade no ema seluk. Loron ai-han mundiál ne’e promove konsiénsia no asaun ema hotu nian kona-ba hamlaha no nesesidade hodi hatán ai-han saudável,” dehan Dageng Liu iha ámbitu selebrasaun Loron Ai-han Mundiál iha Centro Convenção Dili (CCD), Dili, sesta ne’e.\nReprezentante Programa Aihan Mundiál (WFP) iha Timor-Leste, Dageng Liu hatete, loron ai-han mundiál ajuda ema hodi bele hanoin fali nesesidade báziku hanesan ai-han ne’ebé barak tebes iha mundu ne’e, tanbasá mak kuaze ema rihun 700 ne’e barak liu feto no labarik sira mak kalan-kalan toba ho kabun hamlaha.\nNia dehan, konflitu no mudansa klimátiku estremu mak kauza prinsipál hosi hamlaha ne’ebé mak aumenta ba bei-beik. Pandemia COVID-19 aumenta tan ema rihun ba rihun besik tama ba iha faze hamlaha.\n“Eventu ohin nian hatudu ba ita katak importante tebes ajuda ita-nia populasaun espesialmente sira-ne’ebé mak vulneravel tebes no asegura ita-nia sistema ai-han tenke reziliente no makaas hodi bele luta hasoru mudansa klimátika,” nia dehan.\nNia hateten, ambisaun Timor-Leste nian mak bele atinji zero fome ka zero hamlaha iha tinan 2030 maibé hatene katak 36% hosi populasaun sofre inseguransa ai-han moderadu no maka’as.\n“Pandemia COVID-19 hafanun ita nu’udar nasaun ne’ebé mak depende maka’as tebes ba importasaun. Tempu ona, ba ita atu bele haree fila-fali problema estruturál kona-ba oinsá sistema ai-han iha ita-nian ne’e funsiona,” nia dehan.\nBazea ba estudu prenxe lakuna nutriente ne’ebé hala’o iha 2019 husi ONU servisu hamutuk ho Konsellu Nasionál ba Seguransa Ai-han, Soberania no Nutrisaun iha Timor-Leste (KONSSANTIL), kuaze uma-kain iha Timor-Leste la konsege prenxe sira-nia nesesidade han ai-han enerjia ho kustu entre $30 to’o $60 kada fulan.\nMaibé se sira hakarak han ai-han ho nutrisaun sira presiza tan kustu entre $158 to’o $211 kada fulan, kustu ne’ebé boot liu saláriu mínimu $115 kada fulan tanba ne’e maiória uma-kain labele sosa ai-han ho nutrisaun.\n“Tanba ne’e, ita presiza aumenta han ai-han ho proteina ne’ebé kualidade no rezolve problema hamlaha haksumik, hanesan falta vitamina no mineral sira iha ita-nia dieta,” nia hateten.\nPrevious articleJornalista Isaura Lemos sai vensedora prémiu Adelino Gomes 2020\nNext articleMAP konsidera problema ai-han presiza investe maka’as no esforsu koletivu\nDILI, 09 abríl 2021 (TATOLI)- Lider Karizmátiku, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, sesta loraik ne’e, akompaña lia-na’in sira hala’o serimónia rituál hamoos dalan atu bele...\nMari Alkatiri vizita vítima dezastre naturál iha Don Bosco Comoro\nDILI, 06 abril 2021 (TATOLI)—Responsável Sentru Formasaun Don Bosco Comoro, Adriano Maria dos Reis informa, ohin, Sekretáriu Jerál Partidu Frente Revolusionária Timor-Leste Independente (Fretilin), Mari...
[ "Loron ai-han mundial promove konsiensia no nesesidade hetan aihan saudavel | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Loron ai-han mundial promove konsiensia no nesesidade hetan aihan saudavel Loron ai-han mundial promove konsiensia no nesesidade hetan aihan saudavel Imajen TATOLI/Osoria Marques.", "DILI, 16 outubru 2020 (TATOLI) -Timor-Leste, ohin, selebra Loron Ai-han Mundial iha Sentru Konvensaun Dili ho tema \"Kuda, Hakiak no Haburas Ai-han Nutritivu hodi Sustenta Jerasaun Futuru ne'ebe Saudavel no Ita-nia Asaun mak Ita-nia Futuru.\"", "Reprezentante World Food Programme (WFP) iha Timor-Leste, Dageng Liu, hateten objetivu hosi loron ai-han mundial ne'e promove konsiensia no asaun ema hotu nian kona-ba hamlaha no nesesidade hodi hatan ai-han saudavel ba ema hotu-hotu.", "\"Ohin, ita selebra ema hirak ne'ebe mak produs, kuda, koilleta, kaer ikan no transporte ita-nia ai-han no ha'u bolu ita hotu iha ne'e atu hato'o ita-nia agradesimentu ba eroi ai-han ne'ebe mak kontinua fornese aihan ba sira-nia komunidade no ema seluk.", "Loron ai-han mundial ne'e promove konsiensia no asaun ema hotu nian kona-ba hamlaha no nesesidade hodi hatan ai-han saudavel,\" dehan Dageng Liu iha ambitu selebrasaun Loron Ai-han Mundial iha Centro Convencao Dili (CCD), Dili, sesta ne'e.", "Reprezentante Programa Aihan Mundial (WFP) iha Timor-Leste, Dageng Liu hatete, loron ai-han mundial ajuda ema hodi bele hanoin fali nesesidade baziku hanesan ai-han ne'ebe barak tebes iha mundu ne'e, tanbasa mak kuaze ema rihun 700 ne'e barak liu feto no labarik sira mak kalan-kalan toba ho kabun hamlaha.", "Nia dehan, konflitu no mudansa klimatiku estremu mak kauza prinsipal hosi hamlaha ne'ebe mak aumenta ba bei-beik.", "Pandemia COVID-19 aumenta tan ema rihun ba rihun besik tama ba iha faze hamlaha.", "\"Eventu ohin nian hatudu ba ita katak importante tebes ajuda ita-nia populasaun espesialmente sira-ne'ebe mak vulneravel tebes no asegura ita-nia sistema ai-han tenke reziliente no makaas hodi bele luta hasoru mudansa klimatika,\" nia dehan.", "Nia hateten, ambisaun Timor-Leste nian mak bele atinji zero fome ka zero hamlaha iha tinan 2030 maibe hatene katak 36% hosi populasaun sofre inseguransa ai-han moderadu no maka'as.", "\"Pandemia COVID-19 hafanun ita nu'udar nasaun ne'ebe mak depende maka'as tebes ba importasaun.", "Tempu ona, ba ita atu bele haree fila-fali problema estrutural kona-ba oinsa sistema ai-han iha ita-nian ne'e funsiona,\" nia dehan.", "Bazea ba estudu prenxe lakuna nutriente ne'ebe hala'o iha 2019 husi ONU servisu hamutuk ho Konsellu Nasional ba Seguransa Ai-han, Soberania no Nutrisaun iha Timor-Leste (KONSSANTIL), kuaze uma-kain iha Timor-Leste la konsege prenxe sira-nia nesesidade han ai-han enerjia ho kustu entre $30 to'o $60 kada fulan.", "Maibe se sira hakarak han ai-han ho nutrisaun sira presiza tan kustu entre $158 to'o $211 kada fulan, kustu ne'ebe boot liu salariu minimu $115 kada fulan tanba ne'e maioria uma-kain labele sosa ai-han ho nutrisaun.", "\"Tanba ne'e, ita presiza aumenta han ai-han ho proteina ne'ebe kualidade no rezolve problema hamlaha haksumik, hanesan falta vitamina no mineral sira iha ita-nia dieta,\" nia hateten.", "Previous articleJornalista Isaura Lemos sai vensedora premiu Adelino Gomes 2020 Next articleMAP konsidera problema ai-han presiza investe maka'as no esforsu koletivu DILI, 09 abril 2021 (TATOLI) - Lider Karizmatiku, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, sesta loraik ne'e, akompana lia-na'in sira hala'o serimonia ritual hamoos dalan atu bele...", "Mari Alkatiri vizita vitima dezastre natural iha Don Bosco Comoro DILI, 06 abril 2021 (TATOLI) - Responsavel Sentru Formasaun Don Bosco Comoro, Adriano Maria dos Reis informa, ohin, Sekretariu Jeral Partidu Frente Revolusionaria Timor-Leste Independente (Fretilin), Mari..." ]
[ [ "World Food Day promotes awareness and the need for healthy food | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Loron ai‑han mundial promove consciência no nesesidade hetan hahán di’ak (Image: Imajen SITA/Osoria Marquet)." ], [ "DILI, October 16th - Timor-Leste today celebrates World Food Day at the Dili Convention Center with a theme \"Cow and Rice: Nutritious Planting to Sustain Healthy Future Generation. Our Action is our future.\"" ], [ "The World Food Programme (WFP) representative in Timor-Leste, Dageng Liu said that the goal of WFD is to promote awareness and action on hunger by all peoples." ], [ "\"Today, we celebrate the people who produce and grow our foodstuff. I call on all of us here to express gratitude for these Food Heroes that continue providing their communities with good quality products.\"" ], [ "World Food Day promotes awareness and action of all people about hunger, the need to meet healthy food needs\", said Dageng Liu in celebration at Dili Convention Centre (CCD), on Saturday." ], [ "The World Food Programme (WFP) representative in Timor-Leste, Dageng Liu said that world food day helps people to rethink basic needs such as the abundance of fruit and vegetables on this planet. He explained why almost 70 million person - most women & children – are suffering from hunger all year round" ], [ "Conflict and extreme climate change are the main causes of increasing hunger, he said." ], [ "The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed thousands of people closer to famine." ], [ "\"Today's event shows us how important it is to help our population, especially those who are most vulnerable and ensure that we have resilient food systems capable of tackling climate change.\"" ], [ "He said that Timor-Leste's ambition is to achieve zero hunger or famine by 2031 but knowing the fact, however. That between moderate and high food insecurity still affected more than half of its population (46%)." ], [ "\"The COVID-19 pandemic has struck us as a country that is heavily dependent on imports." ], [ "It's time for us to look again at the structural problem of how our food system works,\" he said." ], [ "Based on a 2019 nutrient gap study carried out by the UN in collaboration with Timor-Leste's National Council for Food Security, Sovereignty and Nutrition (KONSSANTIL), almost all of East Тимор householdes are unable to meet their nutritional energy needs at costs ranging from $35 per month." ], [ "But if they want to eat nutritious food, it will cost them between $158-$209 per month. The minimum wage costs are at least 3 times higher than the national average ($76) and that is why most households cannot afford this type of diet or supplementation for their children'" ], [ "\"Therefore, we need to increase the intake of foods with high-quality protein and solve problems such as hunger or a lack on vitamin & mineral levels within our diet.\"" ], [ "Previous articleJornalista Isaura Lemos sai vencedora premiu Adelino Gomes 2019 Next ArticleMAP considera problema ai-han presiza investe maka'as no esforsu koletivu DILI, April (HNGV) - Charismatic Leader Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao on Saturday morning accompanied local leaders in ritual cleansing ceremony to..." ], [ "Mari Alkatiri visits victim of natural disaster in Don Bosco Comoro DILI, April 06 (AFP) - The Head Of the Formation Center for don bosco comoros Adriano Maria dos Reis inform today that General Secretary Frente Revolucionaria Timor-Leste Independente Party..." ] ]
President Kennedy’s legacy lives on in Suco Molop | Life at Aitarak Laran\n2 thoughts on “President Kennedy’s legacy lives on in Suco Molop”\nVirgilio da Csota said:\nIha ita nia rai dala barak ita hare, ema hotu hakarak ijiji deit ba Estado….mais saida maka nia atu fo kontribui ba Estado Timor Leste, Nudar Timor Oan ida mai husi SUCO MOLOP ,Sub. Distrito Bobonaro, Distrito Bobonaro apresia ho nuticia ida ne’e. Ho nune bele loke sira seluk nia hanoin katak.la prisija buat hotu tulun husi Estado/Governo….Ho esforsu tomak liu husi servisu hamutuk/Gotong Royong nebe ita nia BEI ALA sira husik ita tenke kaer metin nafatin ho dezenvolve ita nia Nasaun doben Timor Leste. Hadomi Nasun laos koali deit maibe liu husi asaun konkretu hanesan ezenplu nebe akontese iha Suco Molop.Ho Maneira no Jestaun nebe diak,Laos atu Gaba tamba Hau Mai husi Suco ou Distrito ne’eba mais prisija aprende/halo estdu komprativa iha fatin ne’eba duke sai ba liu ho kustu nebe bo’ot mais implementasaun ZERO. Hau espera katak kuandu Suco hotu2 iha Timor-Leste Halo saida mak Povo SUCO MOLOP. halo…Timor Leste ne’e Dezenvolve lalais…..Sai Sidadaun diak no sai Herois foun ba Nasaun.\nFlorentino Sarmento said:\nRealidade “gotong royong” ka ajuda malu hanesan iha komunidade Suco Molo nee, iha mos iha fatin seluk iha Timor Leste hahu hosi tempu ita nia bei ala sira kedas. Ema lubun ida servisu hamutuk la’os atu halo uma deit maibe ba kaer serbisu todan seluk mos hanesan lere rai, halai natar eh hamos du’ut iha to’os ka natar. Ema sanulu ka ruanulu resin hosi aldeia ida kair lisuk serbisu hodi lere to’os matan ida bele hotu kedas iha loron ida ka loron rua. Depois maka to’os na’in sunu deit hodi kuda baihira udan monu rai. Iha lian Idate “gotong royong” nee dehan “arosa” ou “una arosa”. Iha tetun terik dehan ” hala harosan”…hau fiar katak iha lian seluk mos iha lia fuan nee… Hau fiar katak tradisaun diak ida nee sei moris no buras hela iha komunidades rurais sira iha Timor Leste laran tomak, liliu sira nebe moris iha isolamento tanba sidauk hetan acesso ba estrada, eletrisidade, telekomunikasaun no amenidades seluk hosi vida moderna nian…
[ "President Kennedy's legacy lives on in Suco Molop | Life at Aitarak Laran 2 thoughts on \"President Kennedy's legacy lives on in Suco Molop\" Virgilio da Csota said: Iha ita nia rai dala barak ita hare, ema hotu hakarak ijiji deit ba Estado....mais saida maka nia atu fo kontribui ba Estado Timor Leste, Nudar Timor Oan ida mai husi SUCO MOLOP ,Sub.", "Distrito Bobonaro, Distrito Bobonaro apresia ho nuticia ida ne'e.", "Ho nune bele loke sira seluk nia hanoin katak.la prisija buat hotu tulun husi Estado/Governo....Ho esforsu tomak liu husi servisu hamutuk/Gotong Royong nebe ita nia BEI ALA sira husik ita tenke kaer metin nafatin ho dezenvolve ita nia Nasaun doben Timor Leste.", "Hadomi Nasun laos koali deit maibe liu husi asaun konkretu hanesan ezenplu nebe akontese iha Suco Molop.Ho Maneira no Jestaun nebe diak,Laos atu Gaba tamba Hau Mai husi Suco ou Distrito ne'eba mais prisija aprende/halo estdu komprativa iha fatin ne'eba duke sai ba liu ho kustu nebe bo'ot mais implementasaun ZERO.", "Hau espera katak kuandu Suco hotu2 iha Timor-Leste Halo saida mak Povo SUCO MOLOP. halo...Timor Leste ne'e Dezenvolve lalais.....Sai Sidadaun diak no sai Herois foun ba Nasaun.", "Florentino Sarmento said: Realidade \"gotong royong\" ka ajuda malu hanesan iha komunidade Suco Molo nee, iha mos iha fatin seluk iha Timor Leste hahu hosi tempu ita nia bei ala sira kedas.", "Ema lubun ida servisu hamutuk la'os atu halo uma deit maibe ba kaer serbisu todan seluk mos hanesan lere rai, halai natar eh hamos du'ut iha to'os ka natar.", "Ema sanulu ka ruanulu resin hosi aldeia ida kair lisuk serbisu hodi lere to'os matan ida bele hotu kedas iha loron ida ka loron rua.", "Depois maka to'os na'in sunu deit hodi kuda baihira udan monu rai.", "Iha lian Idate \"gotong royong\" nee dehan \"arosa\" ou \"una arosa.\"", "Iha tetun terik dehan \" hala harosan...\"hau fiar katak iha lian seluk mos iha lia fuan nee...", "Hau fiar katak tradisaun diak ida nee sei moris no buras hela iha komunidades rurais sira iha Timor Leste laran tomak, liliu sira nebe moris iha isolamento tanba sidauk hetan acesso ba estrada, eletrisidade, telekomunikasaun no amenidades seluk hosi vida moderna nian..." ]
[ [ "President Kennedy's legacy lives on in Suco Molop | Life at Aitarak Laran 2 thoughts to \"President John F.Kennedy’ s Legace Live On In The Town Of Molop\" Virgilio da Csota said: Many times we see that everybody want only the State....but what can he contribute for East Timor, as a young man from MOLOP Sub-District?" ], [ "Distrito Bobonaro, District of Bogota appreciates this news." ], [ "In this way we can open others' minds to the fact that. not everything is dependent on State/Government help.... With all efforts through cooperation / Gotong Royong which our BEI ALA they let us must keep firmly and develop Our good Nation Timor-Leste..." ], [ "Halong Nasun is not just coalition but through concrete action as the example that happened in Molop Township.With a good way and management,Laos to lead because I come from town or district there more prison learn/do comprehensive studies on site than go further with large cost plus ZERO implementations ;" ], [ "I hope that when all Sucos in Timor-Leste Do what the People of SUCO MOLOP. do...East Тимор is developing fast.....Become good citizens and become new Heroes for our nation...." ], [ "Florentino Sarmento said: The reality of \"gotong royong\" or helping each other as in the community Suco Molo, there is also elsewhere on Timor-Leste starting from our neighbors' time." ], [ "A group of people work together not only to build a house but also for other tasks such as tilling the land, harvesting crops and mowing trees." ], [ "A hundred or a thousand people from one village would work hard to harvest an entire tree, which could be done in just over two days." ], [ "Then he burned the forest to burn it down, so that when rain fell there would be no more horses." ], [ "In the Idate language, \"gotong royong\" means either a rose or one of many flowers." ], [ "In Tetum terik it says \"hala harosan...\" I believe that in other languages there is also this word..." ], [ "I believe that this good tradition will live and flourish in rural communities throughout East Timor, especially those who are living isolated because they do not have access to roads or electricity. Telecommunication is one of the most important amenities for modern life..." ] ]
Arkidioseze Dili afirma nia posizaun ba kazu eis-padre Richard Daschbach | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA JUSTISA Arkidioseze Dili afirma nia posizaun ba kazu eis-padre Richard Daschbach\nArkidioseze Dili afirma nia posizaun ba kazu eis-padre Richard Daschbach\nArsebispu ba Arkidioseze Metropolitana Dili, Virgílio do Carmo da Silva, SDB. Imajen Tatoli/Egas Cristovão.\nDILI, 06 outubru 2020 (TATOLI)–Arsebispu Metropolitana Dili, Don Virgílio do Carmo da Silva, SDB, partikularmente liuhosi Arkidioseze Dili afirma nia pozisaun hodi hato’o deskulpa ba públiku relasiona ho polémika ne’ebé mosu iha públiku kona–ba kazu eis-padre Richard Dachbach ne’ebé hetan alegasaun ba kazu abuzu seksuál hasoru labarik minoridade.\n“Arkidioseze Dili tau-nia konfiansa tomak iha Autoridade Judisiál Polisiál Estadu nian inklui mós ho sira hotu ne’ebé involve iha kazu señór Daschbach nian. Tanba ne’e, lori Dioseze Dili nia naran atan ha’u ho haraik-aan hakarak hato’o ami-nia deskulpa ba akuzasaun no alegasaun sira-ne’ebé publikamente hasoru no sira ne’ebé involve iha investigasaun ne’e,” Arsebispu Metropolitana Dili, Don Virgílio do Carmo da Silva, SDB, hateten liuhosi konferénsia imprensa iha Cámara Eclesiástica, Lecidere, Dili, tersa ne’e.\nDon Virgílio esplika, hodi Arkidioseze Dili nia naran hateten uma kreda hakarak fó nia apoiu no tulun nafatin ba vítima sira-ne’ebé Autoridade Judisiál sira deklara sai.\n“Uma Kreda hafoun Nakloke-aan ba ema hotu atu kolabora ho NGO, nune’e mós organizasaun sosiedade sivíl hotu–hotu atu fó apoiu ba vítima sira-ne’ebé Autoridade Juridisiál, polisiál sira deklara sai. Tanba ne’e, dala ida tan hakarak hato’o ami-nia deskulpa ba hahalok hirak ne’ebé hamosu dezentendimentu iha públiku tanba relatóriu Komisaun Justisa no Paz nian ne’e la refleta opiniaun hanesan ne’e. Nune’e, atan ha’u nu’udar Arsebispu nia haree katak sira-nia relatóriu mós hakat liu sira-nia kompeténsia,” nia dehan.\nTanba ne’e, relasiona ho kazu eis-padre Richard Daschbach nian ne’e mak Don Virgílio deside ezonera Padre Herminio de Fátima Gonçalves ne’ebé maka antes ne’e sai hanesan Diretór Komisaun Justisa no Paz Dili nian.\n“Ha’u nu’udar bispu deside atu ezenora amu Hermino de Fatima Gonçalves hosi nia kargu nu’udar Diretór Komisaun Justisa no Paz Dili nian tanba ligasaun ho kazu ida-ne’e. Ha’u deside atu hapara nia hosi servisu tanba ho razaun buat ne’ebé nia halo iha nia relatóriu hetan indísiu ruma kona-ba alegasaun akuzasaun hasoru Ministériu Públiku nia investigasaun,” Don Virgílio hateten.\nMaibé, Arsebispu ne’e esplika ezonera Padre Herminio de Fátima Gonçalves hosi nia kargu ne’e hanesan hapara nia nu’udar Diretór ba Komisau Justiza no Paz maibé la’ós hapara nia hanesan amu-lulik maibe nia kontinua nafatin hala’o knaar nu’udar amu-lulik baibain.\nTanba ne’e, Don Virgílio hateten, vatikanu liuhosi Nunsiotória Apostoliká partilla no apoiu atetude Arsebispu Don Virgílio tau nafatin konfiansa tomak iha instituisaun demokrátika no sistema judisiál iha Timor-Leste.\n“Atan ha’u hakarak fó no konfirma dala ida tan, pozisaun uma kreda ninian liga ho kazu Señór Daschbach nu’udar eis-padre ninian iha tinan rua liu ba, Amu Papa hasai tia ona hosi kargu nu’udar amu-lulik,” nia dehan.\nPrevious articlePNTL Dili fó treinamentu ba KPK Manleuana na’in-60\nNext articleOrsamentu Dotasaun todo Governo aprovadu iha espesialidade
[ "Arkidioseze Dili afirma nia posizaun ba kazu eis-padre Richard Daschbach | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA JUSTISA Arkidioseze Dili afirma nia posizaun ba kazu eis-padre Richard Daschbach Arkidioseze Dili afirma nia posizaun ba kazu eis-padre Richard Daschbach Arsebispu ba Arkidioseze Metropolitana Dili, Virgilio do Carmo da Silva, SDB.", "Imajen Tatoli/Egas Cristovao.", "DILI, 06 outubru 2020 (TATOLI) -Arsebispu Metropolitana Dili, Don Virgilio do Carmo da Silva, SDB, partikularmente liuhosi Arkidioseze Dili afirma nia pozisaun hodi hato'o deskulpa ba publiku relasiona ho polemika ne'ebe mosu iha publiku kona-ba kazu eis-padre Richard Dachbach ne'ebe hetan alegasaun ba kazu abuzu seksual hasoru labarik minoridade.", "\"Arkidioseze Dili tau-nia konfiansa tomak iha Autoridade Judisial Polisial Estadu nian inklui mos ho sira hotu ne'ebe involve iha kazu senor Daschbach nian.", "Tanba ne'e, lori Dioseze Dili nia naran atan ha'u ho haraik-aan hakarak hato'o ami-nia deskulpa ba akuzasaun no alegasaun sira-ne'ebe publikamente hasoru no sira ne'ebe involve iha investigasaun ne'e,\" Arsebispu Metropolitana Dili, Don Virgilio do Carmo da Silva, SDB, hateten liuhosi konferensia imprensa iha Camara Eclesiastica, Lecidere, Dili, tersa ne'e.", "Don Virgilio esplika, hodi Arkidioseze Dili nia naran hateten uma kreda hakarak fo nia apoiu no tulun nafatin ba vitima sira-ne'ebe Autoridade Judisial sira deklara sai.", "\"Uma Kreda hafoun Nakloke-aan ba ema hotu atu kolabora ho NGO, nune'e mos organizasaun sosiedade sivil hotu-hotu atu fo apoiu ba vitima sira-ne'ebe Autoridade Juridisial, polisial sira deklara sai.", "Tanba ne'e, dala ida tan hakarak hato'o ami-nia deskulpa ba hahalok hirak ne'ebe hamosu dezentendimentu iha publiku tanba relatoriu Komisaun Justisa no Paz nian ne'e la refleta opiniaun hanesan ne'e.", "Nune'e, atan ha'u nu'udar Arsebispu nia haree katak sira-nia relatoriu mos hakat liu sira-nia kompetensia,\" nia dehan.", "Tanba ne'e, relasiona ho kazu eis-padre Richard Daschbach nian ne'e mak Don Virgilio deside ezonera Padre Herminio de Fatima Goncalves ne'ebe maka antes ne'e sai hanesan Diretor Komisaun Justisa no Paz Dili nian.", "\"Ha'u nu'udar bispu deside atu ezenora amu Hermino de Fatima Goncalves hosi nia kargu nu'udar Diretor Komisaun Justisa no Paz Dili nian tanba ligasaun ho kazu ida-ne'e.", "Ha'u deside atu hapara nia hosi servisu tanba ho razaun buat ne'ebe nia halo iha nia relatoriu hetan indisiu ruma kona-ba alegasaun akuzasaun hasoru Ministeriu Publiku nia investigasaun,\" Don Virgilio hateten.", "Maibe, Arsebispu ne'e esplika ezonera Padre Herminio de Fatima Goncalves hosi nia kargu ne'e hanesan hapara nia nu'udar Diretor ba Komisau Justiza no Paz maibe la'os hapara nia hanesan amu-lulik maibe nia kontinua nafatin hala'o knaar nu'udar amu-lulik baibain.", "Tanba ne'e, Don Virgilio hateten, vatikanu liuhosi Nunsiotoria Apostolika partilla no apoiu atetude Arsebispu Don Virgilio tau nafatin konfiansa tomak iha instituisaun demokratika no sistema judisial iha Timor-Leste.", "\"Atan ha'u hakarak fo no konfirma dala ida tan, pozisaun uma kreda ninian liga ho kazu Senor Daschbach nu'udar eis-padre ninian iha tinan rua liu ba, Amu Papa hasai tia ona hosi kargu nu'udar amu-lulik,\" nia dehan.", "Previous articlePNTL Dili fo treinamentu ba KPK Manleuana na'in-60 Next articleOrsamentu Dotasaun todo Governo aprovadu iha espesialidade" ]
[ [ "Dili Archdiocese affirms its position on the case of former priest Richard Daschbach | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste HOME JUSTICE Arkidioseze Díli afirma sua posição sobre o caso eis -padre Ricardo da Silva, SDB. The archbishop for Metropolitan Archidiocese Dilí is Virgilio do Carmo" ], [ "Image Tatoli/Egas Cristovao." ], [ "DILI, October 6th (Agência Notícias) - Metropolitan Archbishop of Dili Don Virgilio do Carmo da Silva SDB affirmed his position to apologise publicly in relation with the controversy that has arisen about former priest Richard Dachbach who is accusing minor children sexual abuse." ], [ "\"The Archdiocese of Dili places its full confidence in the State's Judicial and Police Authority, including all those involved with Mr. Daschbach ' s case.\"" ], [ "Therefore, in the name of Dili Diocese I would like to offer our apologies for all accusations and allegations made publicly against me by those involved with this investigation\", said Metropolitan Archbishop Virgilio do Carmo da Silva SDB during a press conference held at Camara Eclesiastica Lecidere on Tuesday." ], [ "Don Virgilio explained that on behalf of the Archdiocese, he said a faith wants to give its support and help for victim' s who have been declares by judicial authorities." ], [ "\"The House of Faith is open to all people who would like collaboration with NGOs, as well civil society organization that want support for the victim(es) declared by judicial authorities and police." ], [ "Therefore, once again we would like to apologize for the actions that caused misunderstanding in public because this Justice and Peace Commission report does not reflect such an opinion." ], [ "Thus, my servant as Archbishop sees that their reporting also exceeds its competence,” he said." ], [ "Therefore, in connection with the case of former Father Richard Daschbach Don Virgilio decided to dismiss Padre Herminio de Fatima Goncalves who had previously served as Director for Justice and Peace Commission Dili." ], [ "\"I as bishop have decided to exonerate Rev. Hermino de Fatima Goncalves from her post of Director, Justice and Peace Commission in Dili because she is connected with this case.\"" ], [ "I have decided to dismiss him from his post because of the fact that what he did in its report found some clues regarding allegations against prosecution investigators,\" said Don Virgilio." ], [ "However, the Archbishop explained that dismissing Father Herminio de Fatima Goncalves from his post was like terminating him as Director of Justice and Peace Commission but not termination in terms to relinquish a priest's duties." ], [ "For this reason, Don Virgilio said that the Vatican through its Apostolic Nuncioura shares and support Archbishop don Virgilio' s attitude of confidence in Timor-Leste democratic institutions." ], [ "\"I would like to reiterate and confirm once again, that the position of this House is linked with Senor Daschbach's case as a former priest who was removed from his post by Father Pope two years ago.\"" ], [ "Previous articlePNTL Dili gives training to 60 KPK Manleuana members Next artikelOrçamento Dotação todo Governo aprovado em plenário" ] ]
Reuniaun PR-KSDS Propoin EE Da-Lima Ba Loron 30 – Lafaek.News\nReuniaun PR-KSDS Propoin EE Da-Lima Ba Loron 30\nSeptember 1, 2020 [email protected]\t0 Komentar\nLafaek News-Konsellu Superior Defesa no Seguransa (KSDS) apoiu ona ho umanidade aplika estadu emerjensia da-lima ba loron tolu nulu (30).\n“Ohin dader Konsellu Superior defesa no seguransa reuniaun ona hodi diskute, hotu sira rekomenda ba prezídente Repúblika Francisco Guterres Lú-olo atu hato’o pedidu Governu nian ba Parlamentu Nasionál hodi diskute depois aprova ona, hato’o ba Prezídente Repúblika Dekreta EE da-lima,” dehan Xefe Casa Civil Palasiu presidensial, Francisco Maria de Vasconcelos ba jornalista sira iha palasiu presídensial, Bairo pite, Dili, Tersa, (1/09/2020).\nNia hautan, ligadu ho karta ne’e tenke lalais nune’e PR enkamina ba Parlamentu Nasionál hodi diskute.\n“Kona-bá karta ne’e lalais, ohin se lae aban, atu nune’e Prezidente Republika (PR) enkamina rekomendasaun sira ne’e ba governu nian haruka ba Parlamentu Nasionál. Ha’u labele divolve, tanba ne’e tuir lei, opiniaun ne’ebé máka konsellu estadu nian no konsellu superior defesa no seguransa ne’e la’os ba publiku,”dehan Xefe Casa Sivil.\nNnune’e mós nia relata, konselu superior sira rekomenda ba Prezidente Republika (PR) atu haruka pedidu governu nian ba parlamentu nasional hodi diakute.\nAntes ne’e mós reuniaun konsellu estadu ho Prezídente Republika (PR), Francisco Guteres Lú-Olo, diskute ona proposta husi governu nian kona-bá estensaun estadu emerjésia ba dala lima tanba hare’e ba nasaun vizinu kazu la mudansa, tan ne’e sei lori ba paralamentu nasionál.\n“PR atu dekreta estadu emerjénsia tuir mai, tanba ita hare katak ita nia nasaun vizinus indonesia kazu nafatin hanesan ida foin dau-dauk liu ba laiha mudansa, ho ida ne’e sei haruka ba parlamentu nasionál,” esplika.\nNia dehan, estensaun estadu emerjénsia ne’e hare’e liu ba fronteira no portu sira.\n“Ita hare liu ba Aeroportu, portu no fronteira, nemaka sai fokus liu ba diskusaun,” nia hakotu.\nJornalista : Joaninha Sarmento\n← F-FDTL Asegura Ona Rezidénsia Ángela Freitas\nV-PPN: Tempu Badak Sei Hari Hikas Meza PN →\nVeteranus Tera Bulak Uza Máskara Fo’er no Nakles Partisipa Loron FALINTIL\nKE-PR Diskute Ona EE Da-Lima, Aban Haruka Ba PN\nAgustus 31, 2020 Agustus 31, 2020 [email protected] 0\nRekrutamentu Membru F-FDTL Sei Suspende Tanba OJE Sumba Iha PN\nJanuari 22, 2020 [email protected] 0\nTotal Visits: 1.277.204
[ "Reuniaun PR-KSDS Propoin EE Da-Lima Ba Loron 30 - Lafaek.News Reuniaun PR-KSDS Propoin EE Da-Lima Ba Loron 30 September 1, 2020 [email protected] 0 Komentar Lafaek News-Konsellu Superior Defesa no Seguransa (KSDS) apoiu ona ho umanidade aplika estadu emerjensia da-lima ba loron tolu nulu (30).", "\"Ohin dader Konsellu Superior defesa no seguransa reuniaun ona hodi diskute, hotu sira rekomenda ba prezidente Republika Francisco Guterres Lu-olo atu hato'o pedidu Governu nian ba Parlamentu Nasional hodi diskute depois aprova ona, hato'o ba Prezidente Republika Dekreta EE da-lima,\" dehan Xefe Casa Civil Palasiu presidensial, Francisco Maria de Vasconcelos ba jornalista sira iha palasiu presidensial, Bairo pite, Dili, Tersa, (1/09/2020).", "Nia hautan, ligadu ho karta ne'e tenke lalais nune'e PR enkamina ba Parlamentu Nasional hodi diskute.", "\"Kona-ba karta ne'e lalais, ohin se lae aban, atu nune'e Prezidente Republika (PR) enkamina rekomendasaun sira ne'e ba governu nian haruka ba Parlamentu Nasional.", "Ha'u labele divolve, tanba ne'e tuir lei, opiniaun ne'ebe maka konsellu estadu nian no konsellu superior defesa no seguransa ne'e la'os ba publiku,\"dehan Xefe Casa Sivil.", "Nnune'e mos nia relata, konselu superior sira rekomenda ba Prezidente Republika (PR) atu haruka pedidu governu nian ba parlamentu nasional hodi diakute.", "Antes ne'e mos reuniaun konsellu estadu ho Prezidente Republika (PR), Francisco Guteres Lu-Olo, diskute ona proposta husi governu nian kona-ba estensaun estadu emerjesia ba dala lima tanba hare'e ba nasaun vizinu kazu la mudansa, tan ne'e sei lori ba paralamentu nasional.", "\"PR atu dekreta estadu emerjensia tuir mai, tanba ita hare katak ita nia nasaun vizinus indonesia kazu nafatin hanesan ida foin dau-dauk liu ba laiha mudansa, ho ida ne'e sei haruka ba parlamentu nasional,\" esplika.", "Nia dehan, estensaun estadu emerjensia ne'e hare'e liu ba fronteira no portu sira.", "\"Ita hare liu ba Aeroportu, portu no fronteira, nemaka sai fokus liu ba diskusaun,\" nia hakotu.", "Jornalista: Joaninha Sarmento - F-FDTL Asegura Ona Rezidensia Angela Freitas V-PPN: Tempu Badak Sei Hari Hikas Meza PN - Veteranus Tera Bulak Uza Maskara Fo'er no Nakles Partisipa Loron FALINTIL KE-PR Diskute Ona EE Da-Lima, Aban Haruka Ba PN Agustus 31, 2020 Agustus 31, 2020 [email protected] 0 Rekrutamentu Membru F-FDTL Sei Suspende Tanba OJE Sumba Iha PN Januari 22, 2020 [email protected] 0 Total Visits: 1.277.204" ]
[ [ "Meeting PR-KSDS Proposes State of Emergency For Five Days To 30 - Lafaek.News meetingprksdspropoinsstateofemergencyforfivedaystothethirty (29) daysLafae News – The Supreme Council for Defence and Security has supported with humanity the application by government to a five day emergency state, extending it until three zeros on Tuesday night(1)." ], [ "\"Today the Superior Council of Defence and Security has met to discuss, they all recommended President Francisco Guterres Lu-olo that he submit a request from his Government in Parliament for discussion after it is approve then sends decree EE da 5th on this matter\", Chief Casa Civil Presidential Palace Francis Maria Vasconcelos told journalist at presidential palace Bairo Pite Dili Tuesday (1/09)" ], [ "He said that the letter should be sent quickly so as to allow for a debate in Parliament." ], [ "\"Regarding the letter, it should be sent quickly - today or tomorrow if not later. The President of Republic (PR) will then forward these recommendations to government and send them back into Parliament.\"" ], [ "I cannot return, therefore by law the opinions of state council and superior defence-security counsel are not for public use\", said Chief Civil House." ], [ "He also reported that the superior councils recommended to President of Republic (PR) send a request from government in national parliament for consideration." ], [ "Earlier, the state council meeting with President Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo discussed a government proposal on extending emergency for fifth time because there is no change in cases from neighboring countries and this will be taken to national parliament." ], [ "\"The PR will decree a state of emergency next, because we see that our neighboring country Indonesia the case remains as one worse than no change and this is going to be referred for consideration in national parliament\", he explained." ], [ "He said that the extension of this emergency state is more focused on borders and port." ], [ "\"Let's look more at the airport, port and border to be a focus of discussion.\"" ], [ "Jornalista: Joaninha Sarmento - F-FDTL Secures Angela Freitas Residencia VPPN 2019 – Tempo Badak Sei Hari Hikas Meza PN — Veteranus Tera Bulak Uza Maskara Fo'er no Nakles Partisipa Loron FALINTIL KE‑PR Diskute Ona EE Da–Lima, Aban Haruka ba Parlamentu Nasional Augustaoudnesd.com admin@lafaek" ] ]
Horta: TL Nia Demokrasia Di’ak Liu Iha Asia - TIMOR AGORA\nHorta: TL Nia Demokrasia Di’ak Liu Iha Asia\nDILI (ANTIL) - Laureado Nobel da Pas José Ramos Horta apresia servisu governu Timor-Leste ne’ebé mak lideradu hosi Rui Maria de Araújo tanba hatudu indikador di’ak ba mundu internasionál liu-liu demokrasia.\n“Revista Ekonimic Loudres, Inglatera halo avaliasaun ida hatete, Timor-Leste demokrasia di’ak liu iha asia tomak, nune’e mós saúde no edukasaun la’o di’ak, José Ramos Horta, informa ba jornalista iha Novu Turismu, Segunda (20/02).\nRamos Horta observa katak durante iha tinan rua nia laran governu ne’ebé mak lideradu hosi Primeiru Ministru Rui Maria de Araújo, maske hasoru difikuldade, maibé konsege halo esforsu makas hodi hatudu rezultadu di’ak iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu.\n“Ha’u fó parabens ba Dr Rui Maria de Araújo bele kria ekilibriu iha governasaun ida ne’e,” Horta apresia.\nHodi fó hanoin katak, ba futuru (restu tinan ida) tenki halo esforsu makas liu tan iha setór saúde liu-liu kondisaun Óspital nasionál to’o referal sira, tanba ohin loron sei enfrenta hela difikuldade oin-oin.\nDifikuldade hanesan ekipamentu óspital nian to’o iha profesional saúde sira hanesan mediku no parteira sira, presiza apoiu liu tan, liu hosi hela fatin, transporte no kondisaun seluk ne’ebé ligadu moris lor-loron nian.\nBiar nune’e, Horta dehan bainhira haree ba buat ne’ebé agora dadaun governu halo kompara ba tinan 2002 sa’e mai leten hodi haree liu ba nasaun seluk nia kondisaun, Timor-Leste iha tinan 15 ba prosesu konstroi estadu dezenvolvidu tebes duke rai sira ne’e.\n“Ha’u orgullu no ha’u kontenti ba buat ne’ebé ita halo ona,” Ramos salienta tan.\nAntes ne’e iha komemorasaun aniversariu tinan daruak governu nian, PM Rui Maria de Araujo hatete katak iha restu mandatu ne’ebé mak iha governu ne’ebé nia lidera sei iha misaun inportante liu-liu oinsa atu garante elisaun no garante governasaun ho imparsial to’o hetan governu foun.(Jornalista: Manuel Pinto/Editor: Alberto Alves).
[ "Horta: TL Nia Demokrasia Di'ak Liu Iha Asia - TIMOR AGORA Horta: TL Nia Demokrasia Di'ak Liu Iha Asia DILI (ANTIL) - Laureado Nobel da Pas Jose Ramos Horta apresia servisu governu Timor-Leste ne'ebe mak lideradu hosi Rui Maria de Araujo tanba hatudu indikador di'ak ba mundu internasional liu-liu demokrasia.", "\"Revista Ekonimic Loudres, Inglatera halo avaliasaun ida hatete, Timor-Leste demokrasia di'ak liu iha asia tomak, nune'e mos saude no edukasaun la'o di'ak, Jose Ramos Horta, informa ba jornalista iha Novu Turismu, Segunda (20/02).", "Ramos Horta observa katak durante iha tinan rua nia laran governu ne'ebe mak lideradu hosi Primeiru Ministru Rui Maria de Araujo, maske hasoru difikuldade, maibe konsege halo esforsu makas hodi hatudu rezultadu di'ak iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu.", "\"Ha'u fo parabens ba Dr Rui Maria de Araujo bele kria ekilibriu iha governasaun ida ne'e,\" Horta apresia.", "Hodi fo hanoin katak, ba futuru (restu tinan ida) tenki halo esforsu makas liu tan iha setor saude liu-liu kondisaun Ospital nasional to'o referal sira, tanba ohin loron sei enfrenta hela difikuldade oin-oin.", "Difikuldade hanesan ekipamentu ospital nian to'o iha profesional saude sira hanesan mediku no parteira sira, presiza apoiu liu tan, liu hosi hela fatin, transporte no kondisaun seluk ne'ebe ligadu moris lor-loron nian.", "Biar nune'e, Horta dehan bainhira haree ba buat ne'ebe agora dadaun governu halo kompara ba tinan 2002 sa'e mai leten hodi haree liu ba nasaun seluk nia kondisaun, Timor-Leste iha tinan 15 ba prosesu konstroi estadu dezenvolvidu tebes duke rai sira ne'e.", "\"Ha'u orgullu no ha'u kontenti ba buat ne'ebe ita halo ona,\" Ramos salienta tan.", "Antes ne'e iha komemorasaun aniversariu tinan daruak governu nian, PM Rui Maria de Araujo hatete katak iha restu mandatu ne'ebe mak iha governu ne'ebe nia lidera sei iha misaun inportante liu-liu oinsa atu garante elisaun no garante governasaun ho imparsial to'o hetan governu foun.", "(Jornalista: Manuel Pinto/Editor: Alberto Alves)." ]
[ [ "Horta: Timor-Leste's Democracy Better Than In Asia - TIMOR AGORA José Ramos Horta praises Rui Maria de Araujo for democracy Dili (ANTIL) – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Jose Ramohor Hora has commended the work of ruling government led by Prime Minister and former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva because they have shown good indicators to international society especially on democratic issues." ], [ "\"Ekonimic Loudres magazine, England has made an assessment saying that Timor-Leste is the best democracy in all of Asia and also health care & education are going well\", Jose Ramos Horta told journalists at Novu Turismu on Monday (20th February)." ], [ "Ramos Horta noted that during the two years of its existence, despite difficulties faced by Prime Minister Rui Maria De Araujo's government it had made great efforts to show good results in development." ], [ "\"I congratulate Dr. Rui Maria de Araujo for creating a balance in this governance,\" Horta said with appreciation.\"" ], [ "To remind that, in the future (the rest of a year) must be made even greater efforts on health sector especially conditions National Hospital to referrals because today will face various difficulties." ], [ "Difficulties such as hospital equipment to health professionals like doctors and midwives, need more support through accommodation housing transporting other conditions linked with everyday life." ], [ "However, Horta said that when looking at what the government is doing now compared to 2013 and upwards in terms of other countries' conditions Timor-Leste has a process for building its state which takes more than fifteen years." ], [ "\"I am proud and I'm satisfied with what we have done,\" Ramos added." ], [ "Earlier in the commemoration of his second year as Prime Minister, PM Rui Maria de Araujo said that during its remaining mandate it will have an important mission to ensure elections and impartial governance until a new government is formed." ], [ "(Journalist: Manuel Pinto/Editor, Alberto Alves)." ] ]
PN Konsidera Dezemvolvimentu Abansadu Iha Kapital Dili | STLNEWS\nPN Konsidera Dezemvolvimentu Abansadu Iha Kapital Dili\nDILI-Relasiona estranjeiru sira nebe’e mak mai investe iha Timor Leste (TL) no hari uma iha fatin-fatin hodi halao sira nia aktividades negosiu, reprejzntante povu iha uma fukun Parlamentu Nasional (PN) konsidera katak, dezemvolvimentu iha kapital Dili abansadu tebes.\nKestaun ne’e hato’o husi Xefi Bankada CNRT, deputadu Natalino dos Santos, ba STL katak iha area Dili laran, oras ne’e nakonu ho negosiante Xineza sira. Alende ne’e negosiante Xineza sira mos kontinua tama sai distritu to’o sub distritu.\nIta hare katak, iha parte Bairo Pite, Hudi Laran ne’e Xina sira hari uma bar-barak, no iha fatin seluk tan, tanba ita hare investimentu Xina sira nian ne’e maka’as tebes iha ita nia rai, Estrada ninin sira ne’e kuaze sira mak atu domina, tanba ne’e, hau husu ba governu presiza atu hare ida ne’e, selae iha future Xina sira mak sei okupa hotu ita nia rai, ita sei ba hela hotu iha Distritu, ita la hatene, sira halo uma ne’e rai sosa ka ou aluga deit, hateten Deputadu Natalino ba STL, iha uma fukun PN Kuarta (14/08).\nDeputadu bankada FRETILIN Antoninho Bianco hateten, lolos ne’e governu tenki halo regulamentu ida ba ema estranjeiru sira nebe’e mak mai halo investimentu ho modal nebe bo’ot, nomos kontrola sira nia vistu. Informasaun kompletu iha STL Jornal no STL Web, edisaun Kinta (15/8). Jasinta Sequeira\nPrevious articleKolokasaun F-FDTL Ba Distritu | Lere: Tenki Iha Fatin Nesesidade\nNext articleSai Membru ASEAN Sei Lori Prosesu Naruk, PN Rekuinese Buat Barak Presiza Hadia\nsalurik timor August 14, 2013\tAt\t16:03\nnegosiante estranzeiro China sira mai nakonu tena i oras mak foin hakfodak….DNTP mak tem que ba hola dadus kona rai sira nebe mak ema china sira ocupa hodi halo sira nia negosiu ne. Rai mak ChinChan sira uja ne nia status kepemilikan oin sa ….i nune para bele fo ralatorio ba governo ou PN hodi haatene…..secretario estado DNTP tem que perintah nia staf sira halao serviso ida ne…..\nFernando Amaral August 15, 2013\tAt\t12:52\nHau konkorda ho Salurik Timor nia idea hau husu boot para DNTP bele halao lais prosesu ida ne .\nSe lae diak liu mk ita povu rasik mk tenki ser halo asaun rasik ba sira(Cina) atu nune sira taukkk,\nTuir hau nia hatene katak ema estrangeiru kuandu mai halo investimentu iha ita nia rain ne katak se nia mai investe mesak ntaun nia tengki ho osan montante minimu maka 1.500.00 dollar amerika maibe nia osan 50 persen tengki rai iha banku, 50% maka hodi halo buseness. se karik nia mai halo investimentu parseiru ho ita nia nia ema lokal ntaun nia tengki ser mai ho orsamentu montante US$750.00 dollar amerika,,,,\nmaluk sira, ho ida ne hau hakarak husu deit katak cina sira agr faan iha dalan ninin ne nia osan to hanesan ida hau mensiona iha leten ka lae? i balun ba faan to distritu no subdistritu neba ne ho osan minimu hanesan hau temi iha leten ka lae? karik lae natun halo nusa mak ita nonok deit. i tamba saida mk ita nia guvernu la halo medidas ou asaun konkreta ruma ba negosiante cina sira ne. Maibe iha parte seluk kuandu ita nia guvernu haree ita nia povu sira faan iha dalan ninin sira sempre ba duni no straga ita nia povu aileva sira nia sasan, mais ba cina ita nia guvernu tauk atu duni no straga no hasai sira.\nMaluk sira kariik ita lahalo buat ruma agr entaun ita nia beioan sira sei sai aatn ba cina sira i ita nia moris iha futuru mai sei sai krizi politika no ekonomia bainhira buat hotu ema estrangeiru mk halo no ita rai nain sei sai penonton.\nIkus liu , hau nia mensajem mk ne: hau husu ba maluk sira nebe lee ida ne favor ida aumenta idea ruma ba asuntu importante ne i karik hau nia ideia nebe la diak bele fo idea ruma ou aumenta tan ba para ita bele luta ba ita nia nasaun nia futuru no ba ita nia oan no beioan sira nia diak ikus mai,,
[ "PN Konsidera Dezemvolvimentu Abansadu Iha Kapital Dili | STLNEWS PN Konsidera Dezemvolvimentu Abansadu Iha Kapital Dili DILI-Relasiona estranjeiru sira nebe'e mak mai investe iha Timor Leste (TL) no hari uma iha fatin-fatin hodi halao sira nia aktividades negosiu, reprejzntante povu iha uma fukun Parlamentu Nasional (PN) konsidera katak, dezemvolvimentu iha kapital Dili abansadu tebes.", "Kestaun ne'e hato'o husi Xefi Bankada CNRT, deputadu Natalino dos Santos, ba STL katak iha area Dili laran, oras ne'e nakonu ho negosiante Xineza sira.", "Alende ne'e negosiante Xineza sira mos kontinua tama sai distritu to'o sub distritu.", "Ita hare katak, iha parte Bairo Pite, Hudi Laran ne'e Xina sira hari uma bar-barak, no iha fatin seluk tan, tanba ita hare investimentu Xina sira nian ne'e maka'as tebes iha ita nia rai, Estrada ninin sira ne'e kuaze sira mak atu domina, tanba ne'e, hau husu ba governu presiza atu hare ida ne'e, selae iha future Xina sira mak sei okupa hotu ita nia rai, ita sei ba hela hotu iha Distritu, ita la hatene, sira halo uma ne'e rai sosa ka ou aluga deit, hateten Deputadu Natalino ba STL, iha uma fukun PN Kuarta (14/08).", "Deputadu bankada FRETILIN Antoninho Bianco hateten, lolos ne'e governu tenki halo regulamentu ida ba ema estranjeiru sira nebe'e mak mai halo investimentu ho modal nebe bo'ot, nomos kontrola sira nia vistu.", "Informasaun kompletu iha STL Jornal no STL Web, edisaun Kinta (15/8).", "Jasinta Sequeira Previous articleKolokasaun F-FDTL Ba Distritu | Lere: Tenki Iha Fatin Nesesidade Next articleSai Membru ASEAN Sei Lori Prosesu Naruk, PN Rekuinese Buat Barak Presiza Hadia salurik timor August 14, 2013 At 16:03 negosiante estranzeiro China sira mai nakonu tena i oras mak foin hakfodak....DNTP mak tem que ba hola dadus kona rai sira nebe mak ema china sira ocupa hodi halo sira nia negosiu ne.", "Rai mak ChinChan sira uja ne nia status kepemilikan oin sa ....i nune para bele fo ralatorio ba governo ou PN hodi haatene.....secretario estado DNTP tem que perintah nia staf sira halao serviso ida ne.....", "Fernando Amaral August 15, 2013 At 12:52 Hau konkorda ho Salurik Timor nia idea hau husu boot para DNTP bele halao lais prosesu ida ne .", "Se lae diak liu mk ita povu rasik mk tenki ser halo asaun rasik ba sira (Cina) atu nune sira taukkk, Tuir hau nia hatene katak ema estrangeiru kuandu mai halo investimentu iha ita nia rain ne katak se nia mai investe mesak ntaun nia tengki ho osan montante minimu maka 1.500.00 dollar amerika maibe nia osan 50 persen tengki rai iha banku, 50% maka hodi halo buseness. se karik nia mai halo investimentu parseiru ho ita nia nia ema lokal ntaun nia tengki ser mai ho orsamentu montante US$750.00 dollar amerika,,,, maluk sira, ho ida ne hau hakarak husu deit katak cina sira agr faan iha dalan ninin ne nia osan to hanesan ida hau mensiona iha leten ka lae? i balun ba faan to distritu no subdistritu neba ne ho osan minimu hanesan hau temi iha leten ka lae? karik lae natun halo nusa mak ita nonok deit. i tamba saida mk ita nia guvernu la halo medidas ou asaun konkreta ruma ba negosiante cina sira ne.", "Maibe iha parte seluk kuandu ita nia guvernu haree ita nia povu sira faan iha dalan ninin sira sempre ba duni no straga ita nia povu aileva sira nia sasan, mais ba cina ita nia guvernu tauk atu duni no straga no hasai sira.", "Maluk sira kariik ita lahalo buat ruma agr entaun ita nia beioan sira sei sai aatn ba cina sira i ita nia moris iha futuru mai sei sai krizi politika no ekonomia bainhira buat hotu ema estrangeiru mk halo no ita rai nain sei sai penonton.", "Ikus liu , hau nia mensajem mk ne: hau husu ba maluk sira nebe lee ida ne favor ida aumenta idea ruma ba asuntu importante ne i karik hau nia ideia nebe la diak bele fo idea ruma ou aumenta tan ba para ita bele luta ba ita nia nasaun nia futuru no ba ita nia oan no beioan sira nia diak ikus mai,," ]
[ [ "Dili-Foreign relations who have come to invest in Timor Leste (TL) and build houses on the land for carrying out their business activities, representatives of people at Parliament House consider that development is very advanced. The National Assembly's members said they are concerned about this issue as well because it would be a major obstacle when developing capital city with high quality housing facilities which will provide good living conditions both locally but also internationalally - especially if there was an economic boom or industrial expansion within some years from now.\"" ], [ "The issue was raised by the CNRT House Leader, MP Natalino dos Santos to STL that in Dili's area is now filled with Chinese traders." ], [ "In addition, Chinese merchants also continued to enter the district and sub-district." ], [ "We see that, in Bairo Pite part of Hudi Laran the Chinese are building many houses bars and elsewhere because we have seen China investing so much on our land. The road they're almost going to be dominating therefore I ask government need look at this issue if not for future it is all chinese people who will occupy your country; you go live every where but only one district or what? They make these homes either buy them from us as a rent just said MP Natalino STL Thursday (14/08)." ], [ "FRETILIN MP Antoninho Bianco said that the government should make a regulation for foreigners who come to invest with large capital, and control their visas." ], [ "Full information in STL Jornal and on the website, edition Friday (15/8)." ], [ "Jasinta Sequeira Previous articleColocação F-FDTL Ba Distritu | Lere: Tenki Iha Fatin Nesesidade Next artikelSai Membros ASEAN Sei Lori Processo Naruk, PN Rekuinese Coisas Muito Precisas melhorar salurik timor August 14.08 at the time that foreign Chinese traders come to Timor Leste and they have a lot of problems....DNTP must take data about land occupied by chinese people for their business..." ], [ "The ChinChans use the land as their ownership right ....so they can report to government or PN for assessment.....the Secretary of State DNTP has his staff carry out this service...." ], [ "Fernando Amaral August 15,.2043 At:69 am I agree with Salurik Timor's idea and ask for DNTP to carry out this process smoothly" ], [ "Otherwise it would be better if our people had to take their own action for them (China) so that they will accept us. Accordingly, I know the foreigner when he comes and makes an investment in my country this is: If you invest only your family's money with a minimum amount of 1502 dollars but his or her funds are deposited at bank by half; another fifty percent goes into doing business therein! And then we have local investor who sell on these road here? Doesn’t some Chinese go selling as above?? Or do others buy from district/sub-districts where no one has any income like me mentioning earlier???" ], [ "But on the other hand, when our government sees that people sell in these streets they always go there and destroy their things. In China we don't want to do this because it is not fair for us as a nation but instead of doing so by taking them away from here with all its wealth!" ], [ "The evil ones want us not to do anything agr so our neighbors will be bad for the china and in future we'll have a political crisis when everything is done by foreigners." ], [ "Finally , my message to you is this: I ask all those who read it please add some ideas on the important issue and if there are any of mine that don't seem good can give me an idea or adding more so we may fight for our country s future as well in order your children will be better." ] ]
Pájina aktualizada iha 03:56h, kinta-feira 03 Jullu\nKonsellu Imprensa kritika rekursu lejislasaun hosi Guiné-Bissau kona-ba difamasaun - 16 de Junho de 2020, 23:38 Prezidente hosi Konsellu Imprensa, iha loron-tersa ne'e, kritika ona faktu Ministériu Justisa kopia pratikamente lejislasaun hosi Guiné-Bissau iha nia proposta hosi kriminalizasaun ba difamasaun iha Timor-Leste.\nGrupu imigrante ilegal vietnamita sira iha Díli hafoin to'o iha illa Jaco - 16 de Junho de 2020, 18:51 Grupu ida ho imigrante ilegal vietnamita hamutuk na'in 11 no tripulante indonéziu na'in rua ne'ebé to'o ho ró iha tasi-ibun illa Jaco nian transfere ona ba Díli hodi nune'e autoridade sira sei analiza nia eventual repatriamentu.\nCOVID-19: Programa Alimentar Mundial estreia semo semanal sira ba Timor-Leste - 16 de Junho de 2020, 00:25 Programa Alimentar Mundial (PAM) hahú ona, iha loron-domingu, servisu semanal ida hosi semo humanitáriu sira entre Kuala Lumpur ho Díli ba pasajeiru sira ho karga médiku, iha ámbitu hodi hatán ba COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste.\nSosiedade tenki debate kriminalizasaun hosi difamasaun, afirma PM - 15 de Junho de 2020, 22:55 Primeiru-ministru konsidera iha loron-segunda ne'e katak hanesan importante atu sosiedade debate posibilidade hosi kriminalizasaun difamasaun nian, lakohi deklara nia pozisaun kona-ba proposta ne'ebé aprezenta hosi Ministériu Justisa.\nCOVID-19: Família rihun 170 resin simu ona subsídiu hosi Governu - 15 de Junho de 2020, 20:03 Família rihun 170 resin, hosi totalidade ida besik rihun 298, simu ona subsídiu ida hamutuk dolar 200 hosi Governu iha ámbitu hosi medida sira sosioekonómiku nian hodi hatán ba efeitu sira hosi pandemia.\nPrimeiru-ministru Austrália nian husu deskulpa tanba nega eskravidaun - 13 de Junho de 2020, 04:46 Primeiru-ministru australianu, Scott Morrison, husu ona, iha loron-sesta ne'e, deskulpa ba opozitor sira ne'ebé akuza nia nega istória eskravidaun nian iha nasaun, hafoin deklarasaun polémika sira kona-ba injustisa rasial.\nGovernu aprova memorandu hodi fasilita transporte fronteira nian ho Indonézia - 12 de Junho de 2020, 23:41 Iha loron-kuarta liubá, Governu aprova ona memorandu ida ho Indonézia hodi fasilita transporte hosi ema sira ho sasán sira liuhosi fronteira ne'ebé fahe illa Timor nian, no ne'ebé sei permiti reforsa lasu komersial sira ho kultural sira.\nXanana Gusmão hatete katak laiha "kapasidade" hodi hamutuk ho líder sira - 12 de Junho de 2020, 23:25 Líder istóriku Xanana Gusmão konsidera ona, iha loron-sesta ne'e, katak laiha "kapasidade" hodi hakbesik ba líder sivil sira ho militar sira ne'ebé ohin loron governa Timor-Leste, rekuza nune'e pedidu diálogu ida ne'ebé halo hosi xefe Forsa Armada nian.\nKomandante militar alerta ba aumentu preokupasaun ho krizi iha nasaun - 12 de Junho de 2020, 22:50 Xefe hosi Forsa Armada husu ona "korajen" ba líder istóriku sira nasaun nian hodi nune'e ajuda ultrapasa diverjénsia pesoal sira, partidáriu sira ka institusional sira ne'ebé, nia lamenta ona, hamosu deziluzaun, desmotivasaun no "preokupasaun maka'as", inklui entre militar sira.\nLabarik millaun resin bele forsadu ba serbisu infantil, alerta UNICEF ho OIT - 12 de Junho de 2020, 22:08 Labarik millaun resin hetan risku atu bele forsadu ba serbisu infantil hanesan konsekuénsia hosi atual pandemia COVID-19, alerta iha loron-sesta ne'e hosi Fundu ONU nian ba Infánsia ho Organizasaun Mundial Traballu nian (OIT).
[ "Pajina aktualizada iha 03:56h, kinta-feira 03 Jullu Konsellu Imprensa kritika rekursu lejislasaun hosi Guine-Bissau kona-ba difamasaun - 16 de Junho de 2020, 23:38 Prezidente hosi Konsellu Imprensa, iha loron-tersa ne'e, kritika ona faktu Ministeriu Justisa kopia pratikamente lejislasaun hosi Guine-Bissau iha nia proposta hosi kriminalizasaun ba difamasaun iha Timor-Leste.", "Grupu imigrante ilegal vietnamita sira iha Dili hafoin to'o iha illa Jaco - 16 de Junho de 2020, 18:51 Grupu ida ho imigrante ilegal vietnamita hamutuk na'in 11 no tripulante indoneziu na'in rua ne'ebe to'o ho ro iha tasi-ibun illa Jaco nian transfere ona ba Dili hodi nune'e autoridade sira sei analiza nia eventual repatriamentu.", "COVID-19: Programa Alimentar Mundial estreia semo semanal sira ba Timor-Leste - 16 de Junho de 2020, 00:25 Programa Alimentar Mundial (PAM) hahu ona, iha loron-domingu, servisu semanal ida hosi semo humanitariu sira entre Kuala Lumpur ho Dili ba pasajeiru sira ho karga mediku, iha ambitu hodi hatan ba COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste.", "Sosiedade tenki debate kriminalizasaun hosi difamasaun, afirma PM - 15 de Junho de 2020, 22:55 Primeiru-ministru konsidera iha loron-segunda ne'e katak hanesan importante atu sosiedade debate posibilidade hosi kriminalizasaun difamasaun nian, lakohi deklara nia pozisaun kona-ba proposta ne'ebe aprezenta hosi Ministeriu Justisa.", "COVID-19: Familia rihun 170 resin simu ona subsidiu hosi Governu - 15 de Junho de 2020, 20:03 Familia rihun 170 resin, hosi totalidade ida besik rihun 298, simu ona subsidiu ida hamutuk dolar 200 hosi Governu iha ambitu hosi medida sira sosioekonomiku nian hodi hatan ba efeitu sira hosi pandemia.", "Primeiru-ministru Australia nian husu deskulpa tanba nega eskravidaun - 13 de Junho de 2020, 04:46 Primeiru-ministru australianu, Scott Morrison, husu ona, iha loron-sesta ne'e, deskulpa ba opozitor sira ne'ebe akuza nia nega istoria eskravidaun nian iha nasaun, hafoin deklarasaun polemika sira kona-ba injustisa rasial.", "Governu aprova memorandu hodi fasilita transporte fronteira nian ho Indonezia - 12 de Junho de 2020, 23:41 Iha loron-kuarta liuba, Governu aprova ona memorandu ida ho Indonezia hodi fasilita transporte hosi ema sira ho sasan sira liuhosi fronteira ne'ebe fahe illa Timor nian, no ne'ebe sei permiti reforsa lasu komersial sira ho kultural sira.", "Xanana Gusmao hatete katak laiha \"kapasidade\" hodi hamutuk ho lider sira - 12 de Junho de 2020, 23:25 Lider istoriku Xanana Gusmao konsidera ona, iha loron-sesta ne'e, katak laiha \"kapasidade\" hodi hakbesik ba lider sivil sira ho militar sira ne'ebe ohin loron governa Timor-Leste, rekuza nune'e pedidu dialogu ida ne'ebe halo hosi xefe Forsa Armada nian.", "Komandante militar alerta ba aumentu preokupasaun ho krizi iha nasaun - 12 de Junho de 2020, 22:50 Xefe hosi Forsa Armada husu ona \"korajen\" ba lider istoriku sira nasaun nian hodi nune'e ajuda ultrapasa diverjensia pesoal sira, partidariu sira ka institusional sira ne'ebe, nia lamenta ona, hamosu deziluzaun, desmotivasaun no \"preokupasaun maka'as,\" inklui entre militar sira.", "Labarik millaun resin bele forsadu ba serbisu infantil, alerta UNICEF ho OIT - 12 de Junho de 2020, 22:08 Labarik millaun resin hetan risku atu bele forsadu ba serbisu infantil hanesan konsekuensia hosi atual pandemia COVID-19, alerta iha loron-sesta ne'e hosi Fundu ONU nian ba Infansia ho Organizasaun Mundial Traballu nian (OIT)." ]
[ [ "Press Council criticizes appeal of Guinea-Bissau legislation on defamation - 16 June,203:48 PM The President Of the press council has this Tuesday critically commented that Ministry OF JUSTICE practically copied Guine Bissau law in its proposal to criminalise libel." ], [ "Group of Vietnamese illegal immigrants in Dili after arriving on Jaco Island - 16 de Junho,2034 A group with eleven Chinese and two Indonesians who arrived by boat off the island have been transferred to Jakarta so that authorities can analyze their eventual repatriation." ], [ "COVID-19: World Food Programme launches weekly humanitarian flights to Timor Leste - June 20,356 The world food programme (WFP) has launched on Sunday a new service of one month long weeks between Kuala Lumpur and Dili for passengers carrying medical cargo as part in its responses towards the outbreak." ], [ "Society must debate criminalization of defamation, says PM - 15 Junho De204967:38 Prime Minister considers it important for society to discuss the possibility that libel can be made a crime in Portugal. He did not state his position on proposal presented by Justice Ministry this Monday (June)" ], [ "COVID-19: More than 20 million families have received subsidies from the government - Junho,3 de. Despite a total of nearly $4 billion in social and economic measures to address effects caused by pandemic coronavirus outbreak (COVID), there are still many people who do not receive their benefits due it has been announced that over one hundred thousand Brazilian family will be granted subsidy for this year' s first quarter as part" ], [ "Australian Prime Minister apologizes for denying slavery - June 13,2049:56 PM Australia's prime minister Scott Morrison has apologized on Saturday to opponent that accused him of neglecting the history in his country after controversial statement about \"racial iniquity\"." ], [ "Government approves memorandum to facilitate border transportation with Indonesia - 12 de Junho, (Agência Lusa) On Wednesday the government has adopted a Memorandum of Understanding between Timor-Leste and Indonesian authorities for easing trafficking in people across two countries' frontier that divide East & West parts. The agreement will allow strengthening commercial relations as well As cultural ties amongst both nations’ citizens who live alongside each other on an island which is also known by its name: \"Timor\"." ], [ "Xanana Gusmao says he has no \"capacity\" to approach the leaders - 12 de Junho, (Agência Lusa) Historic leader Gusmão said on Saturday that there is a lack of capacity for him in order with civil and military leaderships who are now ruling Timor-Leste. He rejected an appeal by Chief Of The Armed Force(COFAF)." ], [ "Military Commander Warns of Increasing Concern over Crisis in Country - 12 de Junho, (Agência Brasil) The Chief Of the Armed Forces has asked for \"courage\" from historical leaders to help them get past personal difference and partisan or institutional division which he lamented have created disillusionment." ], [ "Millions of children at risk for forced child labour, UNICEF and ILO warn - June.12th (IPS) – As a consequence to the ongoing COVID-09 pandemic in Africa millions more are being put into danger as they struggle with poverty or have no income from their work; this is what UN Children’ s Fund together With The International Labour Organization warned on Saturday that there could be an increased threat against human rights by increasingly violent violence amongst young people who may become subjected To Child Labor" ] ]