I can say shit
Isn't spaceship I know it's something your kind isn't exactly most familiar with
I not in the sense that my species is
If i I remember correctly for my studies, First species is very, very very new to space travel
And you haven't gotten very far you even with your drones and pro
Meanwhile, my
We've been from Galaxy Galaxy all across the expanse the universe
Oh, you call us lanes? One there's a leak called you i totally learned what you call yourself
And if I recall correctly, you call yourself humans
Is that accurate? C c I know my staff
Place a little bit
Give me some credit
My species, the vis probably more advanced than yours
Sorry to say
Oh my? I'm called T
And I'm pretty sure I got all the information i needed from you from my scans and observations, but? I guess in the name of being formal, you can use yourself to me properly
It does match when I discovered my observations
And I did really have the right hand
Everything is going according to plan
Oh, yes
I've been watching you for quite some time
I guess in the way, you tell time in your planning
Probably a good year too
I've been watching you
I off
It was really easy to get into all your little technological gadgets because they're so primitive
It was like nothing
I was like, child's play
So I was able to watch share pretty much whenever I wanted to
So I got to see where when you ate and where when you slept and what you did, While the sun was facing your side of your planet? It's just we're scientific degrees so I assure you
I've been tasked with observing different species on different planets
And My current project is humans on when
When would you call your plan again? Right
Such a weird name rear pronunciation
My plants name is Misha
And his galaxy he's away from here
You wouldn't know much about it
I mean your species barely knows what's in your solar system
But then once i decided, and what's outside your entire galaxy
You haven't ain't gotten that far yet
Like I said
Your kind is very very
Very primitive
I need a discovery You're being watched by another species as well
The race
We've been rivals with the The t system for Oh, I don't even know how long at this point
Our of time very different from yours
Well let's just say it's been very, very long
You could call them or Got quit enemies better rivals
Because they're year to research all over the galaxy too and take specimens and samples and do usage research projects and just get all over the universe But we wanna do it first and do it better
Let's see i hate to see this
They a bit of the upper hand because they have a whole system of planets at their disposal
Well, that's be S or oh just one thing year were player
Much like you humans on your planet
Oh, wow, there's plenty of other species on Vista
Some our as intelligent and is vis, and they have their place and what they do
But the shall knew we're the ones who travel throughout space and time
That's just what we do
So we special specialize said
Yes, feel free to ask questions
I don't mind
There has been a couple tea ones watching you too
I guess you really are that unique not special
Even though based on what I've seen in prepared to do other you ones i've researched here? Pretty ordinary, You don't do anything that special
You certainly have different case and you're entertainment for most to humans
But I wouldn't call that really drastic
My face can you again real quick? Yep
Nothing anywhere near came up
Everything has lined up with my research? Yes
You have all the right body parts
The other humans have
Right here
The elongated main form Four append and a pretty regular size head and premium
If I noticed he was coming buried
Shaved sizes and colors
It's very interesting
Are actually fairly similar
We come in different sizes and colors too
Though we're more different jade What do you call these colors? Blue screens
Maybe some pink But all treated equally
We think it's brother
God wise is to has judgments based on things out of one's control based said how they formed
Vanessa can't be said for all the humans
What if you