Spreadsheet tip: expand a cell to contain all the content and make it visible
So what if you are typing in a spreadsheet and you're going to, you know, looks like, you know, this cell can only contain a certain amount of information. But let's say I was going to type a lot of stuff. Whoops. And you could, I'm just going to do line breaks and type type a lot of different things right. What do I make that cell expanded so that it can contain the whole thing the easiest way is to move your mouse over the left side. So at the bottom of that row on the left side, if you double click that that blue line I'm going to double click it right now. If you double click it, it will automatically adjust the height of the row to match however much there is same idea with, let's say I typed a lot in this, in this right. And let's say you know I wanted to match all that same same principle applies I can click on the, you know, make sure I go to the heading so the heading of this column and I double click on the right side, and it'll see that works. Okay, that didn't work. Well, anyway, you can click and drag as well. That will also expand it so is that helpful. Yes. Yeah, awesome. How did you do the blind breaks. The what the what. Oh, the line breaks the other line breaks on a Mac it's option enter option return option return. I think shift return. No shift return doesn't work on a Mac on a Windows I might be all to enter is my guess. So, you're in the cell. Great. Thanks. Thank you for making this. Yeah.
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⚽️ Why Your Soccer Shots Are Weak ⬇️ #soccershorts #soccershooting #soccer
⚽️ Why Your Soccer Shots Are Weak ⬇️ 🌟 I will send the “BETTER IN 1 DAY SOCCER BLUEPRINT” ($100 value for FREE) to anyone who comments the word #SOCCER on this post… 🏆 PS - Get started with The Soccer Success Planner & Online Soccer Academy (click the link in my bio) - 🔗
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Mistake number four, you have a weak foot. The most common reason players have a weak shot is because they kick the ball with a weak foot. Here you can see the difference between a strong flex foot and a weak limp foot. You may also approach the ball with a strong foot, but let your foot go weak as you make contact with the ball. Whether you're using the inside or laces, I will send the better in one day soccer blueprint to anyone who comments hashtag soccer on this video. Focus on keeping a strong foot with locked ankles as you push through the ball. Mistake number five, inaccurate follow through. When you start to analyze your shots, you may see that you often swing across your body or slice your shots away from goal. If you like this content, check out the soccer success planner. You can download it for free. There's a link in the description below. And for advanced training, check out the online soccer academy.
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Chen Singing Director's Q&A | 2021 Taiwan Post New Wave Cinema Project
This special Q&A session with Director Chen Singing 陳芯宜 was held virtually by the SOAS Centre of Taiwan Studies as part of the 2021 Taiwan Post New Wave Cinema Project on 2nd July 2021. The session gave attendees the rare opportunity to ask questions and have in-depth discussion with Director Chen Singing on her works, filmmaking experiences and thoughts on Taiwan's Post New Wave Cinema as one of its key figures. Director Chen Singing Director Chen Singing is a film visual artist whose works cover multiple disciplines, such as feature films, documentaries, experimental films and film scores, through which she expresses her long-term observation of contemporary society and portrays her profound depiction of people, characters and their living situations. She is also an expert in adopting the magic realism approach to highlight the absurdity of reality and society in order to highlight bigger societal issues. For her, there are no boundaries between the disciplines of drama and documentary, or reality and fiction, as they are not antonyms. They are merely aspects of media for her to explore the essence of life. Her 2014 documentary The Walkers, took ten years to record one of the most significant Taiwanese dancing institutions, Legend Lin Dance Theatre. The film has received mush critical acclaim and was nominated for the Golden Horse Award and the Taiwan International Documentary Festival. Her 2007 film, God, Man, Dog, was selected for The Forum at the Berlin Film Festival, and subsequently awarded the Tagesspiegel Readers’ Prize for Best Film. It was nominated in three categories and screened at more than thirty film festivals including at Pusan and Fribourg. In 2000, her 16mm feature film, Bundled, won the Best Drama and Best New Director awards at the Taipei Film Festival, the Best Original Film Song at the Golden Horse Awards, the Ecumenical Jury Award and the Prix du Jury de la presse politique at the Festival International de Films de Fribourg while being screened at dozens of film festivals.
[ "SOAS University of London" ]
Greetings, everyone. Welcome back to the last Director Q&A session. This is our great pleasure to welcome Director Chen Xinyi, a singing Chen, one of the most active, versatile, and multi-dimensional filmmakers in Taiwan today. Her works are known for being highly stylized and fast-paced, with focuses on issues in art, culture, and social issues. Last week, we screened 10 of her most important films. This, I would say, is the biggest director series that we have ever held. Based on the subject matters and themes of these films, we have divided them into two major categories. One focuses on social concern, and the other on arts in focus. So, the six films included in the social concern 社会关怀 are 广道 2000, 国民党 2007, The Clock 2011, The Pig 2013, Body Talk 2017, and A Real Meal The Same Year. The four included in the arts in focus 艺术焦点 include Years Switch Off and On 2011, The Walkers 2014, Mountain Spirits 2015, and The Moving Tent 2018. We have shown her critically acclaimed first feature film, for example, Bondode, 我叫阿明朗, you can see the posters at her background, which was shot on a 16-millimeter camera. At the age of only 27, she received numerous awards because of this film, such as Best Film and Best New Directors, both in Taiwan and also internationally. In 2007, her film, 国民党流浪神狗人, was again widely praised, nominated, or invited to more than 30 film festivals worldwide, from Berlin International Film Festivals, to Pusan International Film Festival, and the Friberg Film Festival in Switzerland. So, then you see the amazing documentary, The Walkers. It is another important work of hers. It took her 10 years to shoot, to recall the Legend Ling Dance Theatre, 无够舞蹈剧场. The Walker, again, won her countless Best Documentary Awards worldwide. So, for such a quite rare example, because it's an art documentary. So, it shouldn't attract a lot of attention, I mean, in terms of box office return, but actually, it has created a rarely seen case of box office success. We can see if you look at all these different kind of works, she has done. You can see she works on a wide range of subject matters, such as homeless people, poverty, aging, Alzheimer, social movement, theatre, dance, and arts. She also covered various genres, from documentaries, short films, to full-length feature films. So, no matter what kind of subject matter, or genre, or her films, demonstrate a strong sense of human dignity, sincerity, and idealism, she uses her camera to provide social critique about inequality, inequality, poverty, aging, and actually, the essence of beauty in life. Before we start today's Q&A session, I would like to thank our funders, the Ministry of Culture, the Cultural Division at the TRO in the UK, and also, of course, Taiwan Film and Audio Visual Institute, for their support. Without their generous funding and continuous backing, it would not have been possible to launch such an ambitious project. So, I would also need to remind you, this is a recorded session. The chat function is open now. Please make sure you post your question, you know, and join in the conversation. Okay. Then, Xiao Yi will collate the question and present them to Director Chen. Of course, you can also see Josh is on standby. He's our interpreter. He will help out all the translation. May I ask you to just put your hands together, put your microphone on, just say a big welcome to Director Chen. As the chair, I have the privilege of asking the first two questions. Thank you very much. And I will ask the question first in Chinese, so to allow the director to have some time to digest it and then in English. Director Chen, welcome. I will use Chinese first, then English. So, welcome. We are honored to invite you to share your movie life with us. So, as the host today, I will ask two questions first, then our audience will open for the audience to ask questions. Okay. So, the first question, Director Chen, in your movie, there are two very important, parallel themes. One is Taiwan's performance art, of course, there is visual art. And one is a kind of observation and criticism about the social issue. These two can be said to be very important themes in the movie creation. Can you please explain why these two themes are so important to you? So, what do you want to express? And I will ask in English. Okay. There seem to have two major elements in your films. One is the focus on Taiwan's performing arts. The other is a kind of social critique and observation of Taiwan's social issues. Those two major themes in your film, could you elaborate a little bit why they are so important to you and what do you want to express? Thank you, Director Chen. This may have something to do with my movie. Because I am not a movie star. I read an ad in college. When I was in college, I went to work as a very important director in Taiwan, Director Huang Mingchuan. So, all the technical components of the film were studied in the studio. Because Director Huang was in contact with Taiwan's potential arts, in the 1990s, Taiwan had just been closed for a long time. Closing for a long time means that the entire cultural circle, whether it's underground or underground, or all the cultural elements, because of the relationship between the two, they are all together. They have a very strong potential. So, I was in contact with Director Huang Mingchuan, a large number of potential artists or artists. And then, at that time, I started writing some scripts when I was in college. I wanted to create this part. So, in this process, it means that, except for me, I may be concerned about the life of the lower-level characters, or the condition of the small characters, and at the same time, I am concerned about whether Taiwan may not be as clear at that time as performing arts, or visual arts, or voice arts, or all kinds of arts. There is not such a strict separation. Because the entire cultural circle is in the state of being together. So, it means that these two lines are gradually formed at that time. Thank you. So, Director Chen's answer to this first question was partly to say, actually, that she started out in university. She didn't read film at university. She was in the advertising department. Advertising was her major at university. But her first experience of working in film was with a director called Huang Mingchuan, who was an important director in Taiwan. So, in his studio, that's where Director Chen started to learn her craft. And in the 1990s, following the opening up of Taiwan, the end of martial law, at the end of the 80s. So, in the 90s, then, Director Chen was explaining how this new freedom, which came about, had a huge impact on the arts, where underground art, overground art, performing audio visual art, it all kind of came crashing together in this big mix of people exploring art and exploring freedom at the same time. And that was something which made a big impact on her, because it was such a new scene and a fresh scene, and it hadn't actually started to separate into different spheres yet. While at the same time, something that Director Chen says was important to her was also taking note of some of the people that society had forgotten about, or people at the lower end of society, some of the kind of the left out people. And actually, then film was something that while she was saying, I think while she was still at university, she started to write scripts herself. So despite reading advertising in university, actually, she started to write her own scripts quite early on already. And then through the experience with Huang Mingchuan, started to gain that film-making experience as well. And then, when I started to enter the film circle, I started to make my own films, not from the documentary, but from the first film, which is the first film of my name, Minglai. At that time, the Taiwanese film, this was shot in 1999, and at that time, the Taiwanese film was in an understated state, maybe less than ten films a year, and then maybe five or six films were already a lot. So after the film was shot, she had won some awards at the International Film Festival, or won some awards, but in terms of the Taiwanese film environment, she was still at the bottom. At that time, she had quite a lot of pressure, although it was the first film, but she seemed to have already been a director of a Taiwanese film, which was a bad choice. No one wanted to watch a Taiwanese film in such a big environment. So at that time, because she was the first film, after the first film won some awards, or won some attention, I also had a self-doubt towards the creation. That is to say, if the Taiwanese film, the Taiwanese audience didn't want to watch a Taiwanese film, then I still had to continue filming films. So what should I do, continue to create this path, or continue to go down? And then in this whole, it's like a little bit, I don't know where the next step is in the state, those things that I have been interested in for a long time, whether they are artists or art groups, or those art activities that I am interested in, I still continue to pay attention to them. Then at some point, I first took a picture of Mr. Lin Lijun with a dance artist called Kinkanoko, a dance artist who appeared in the film. He is Japanese. And then Kinkanoko and Mr. Lin Lijun, after I finished filming my film, after looking for my own next step, I really want to know what other creators are doing. Their basic life as an artist, sometimes I use a form, it's like an artist's life. Their life is brought in, or where they go to get the money. What is their creative life like? I am very interested in understanding how other creators are doing their work in a difficult environment. That's why I started shooting another documentary. So Director Chen was explaining how her first work was not a documentary, it was the feature film Bundled, which she shot in 1999. But at that time, the market for Taiwanese films in Taiwan was kind of rock bottom. So in one year, there could be less than 10 films that would be released, just because there wasn't the market for people didn't, Taiwanese didn't want to watch Taiwanese films. So despite the fact that actually Director Chen was nominated for and won quite a lot of awards internationally for that film Bundled, critical acclaim was very positive. But in terms of box office, commercial success, that was something which Director Chen really struggled with. And she said, she felt like, well, if Taiwanese aren't going to watch Taiwanese films, what's the point in being a director? What's the point in carrying on making movies? And that was something which for her caused a real challenge to think about her future. And she said at that time, and she actually felt quite lost. And something that came out of that was that throughout that period, she had carried on observing other artists, other creators in Taiwan and other teams, other events as well, even artistic events. And that led her to think about the questions of, well, where do these other artists get their inspiration? And where does their creativity come from? And that led her down the road of documentary making to actually try to enter into the life of other creators, other artists, to discover what their life is like and how their creativity is birthed, how their work actually comes about. So that was where her first documentary work came, which was documenting Lin Li-Chen and also she was mentioning another artist from Japan. Yeah, I just forgot to turn on the microphone. Yeah, these two lines are almost the same. Yeah, so that's where these two social conscience and performing arts, those kind of two streams really came from in the beginning. And I think no matter, the teacher just asked about the topic of attention, I think no matter if it's about the attention of the artist or the state of my own script, I think it's more about looking for a person who lives in a society like this, whether it's about how people live or how people live, or for example, when I was filming an artist, why I was filming for so many years was because I wanted to find what their basic work is. Because art works can't be changed. Every time their style or style changes, their works may be good, bad, or different. But I always think there should be a core thing, that thing won't change. I wanted to find the core part of the artist and find out what that thing won't change. So in terms of particularly looking at whether it's documenting artists or whether it's writing a script, what Director Chen says her aim or her goal is to find out how do these people survive in today's society and what is it? What is that core, that central core that is unchangeable for them? Because if you take the example of an artist, their work will change over time, which is another reason why Director Chen says that she wanted to make such long-term documentaries, was to actually see over many years then, as the art changes, sometimes it might be good, might be bad, it might be coming from different perspectives, it might be well received, might be badly received. But actually what is it actually at the core of the artists themselves that doesn't change, that keeps them going, that keeps them motivated and keeps them alive? And so that's what she's searching for, is to see what's at the core, what's the central thing that doesn't change while all the creation itself is expressed in a different way. So I think my, there are so many steps, but it should be that between film and film, for me, it's all a process of creation, that is, film and film are both influencing each other and moving forward, it's not a single individual. So despite each documentary or each film being an individual entity in itself, it's an independent work, actually what Director Chen is saying is that there's a theme there, that each work will influence the other one, and actually you can almost link them all together in a stream as it were, because there's that central idea of searching for the core in people, what is it that's unchangeable there? Okay, I'm done. Thank you. Okay, it's very clear, thank you very much. So maybe I can ask the second question. So the other question. Director Chen, I also know that this time we're actually under a big framework, that is, in the Taiwan New Chao film series, we're considering the development of this generation of Taiwanese films. Of course, you're the most special, because we find that most of them are male. So as a female director, when you think about the so-called New Chao film era, there aren't too many female directors who can take part in the film. So do you think, have you been influenced by the New Chao film? Do you think that the film is more male-oriented? How do you think you are going to take your own path? Let me ask you in English, it's very simple. Sorry. As the title of the series suggests, we are trying, in the last two years, we tried to trace the cinematic trajectory of the post-New Wave cinema. So in Taiwan, among the post-New Wave generation director, I think you are quite unique, because for one, you are a female director. And do you feel that you are detached from that tradition, or have you been influenced by them? There's no such thing as a role model for you. So how did you manage to develop your own style? Thank you. Thank you. Let me go back and talk about the era of technology in film. It was the 90s. In Taiwan, there were very few female film directors. Almost very few. Most of them were still in the middle of the film, or they were filming in a larger film company. So if I didn't go to the director's office, I wouldn't have been able to form a team and shoot this film in a unique way, using 16mm film. It was almost impossible at the time. I don't know if you know how Taiwan was at the time. For example, I'm filming now. For example, the director, the film director, the lighting director, and the film director were working together for this film. This is the traditional way of making films. But director Huang Mingchuan was not there. He trained people. So the film director, the lighting director, all the departments, the editing, the lighting director, all of them were his students. So I was working in director Huang Mingchuan's office. I was working from the film, from the art, the photography, the lighting, the editing. I had to learn all the departments' work. I had to be able to make the right place. So at that time, I had to be able to get into a very solid technical training. This training was very important to me. Because at that time, there were very few female directors in Taiwan. I had to form a team. They were all very young people. This team started from the beginning to the end. It was a team. OK, so director Chen was explaining that in the 1990s in Taiwan, there were pretty much no women in film at all, in terms of filmmaking. And the way she was explaining, actually, the way that films were produced was that, generally, it was always the big companies that were making films. And the camera team, the lighting team, the audio team would all be brought in to make that particular project. But in her case, working with the director Huang Mingchuan at his studio, he did things slightly differently in that he brought his own people in. He had in-house teams for audio, for visual, for camera, for set, for basically the whole lot. And being involved then in that studio, that meant that director Chen had to learn every part of filmmaking. She was involved in every single department and actually got to see how each one worked. And what that meant for her was that it was an opportunity to kind of, from the top right down to the bottom, to learn about how films are made and have the experience then that when she came to make the movie Bundled, she was able to bring her own team together of young people. And she knew exactly how to organize the team and what needed to be done in each different area because she had already had that experience in the Huang Mingchuan studio. So for her, that was a real opportunity, a real boost because otherwise to be a female director in that era was next to impossible. So just now, the teacher just talked about a single star. I'm a female single star. I feel like I have a double male single star. One is a female. I'm a female. And another single star, I think, is the independent film, and the cross-recorded film. Or like I'm learning to do VR now or do some other parts of the show, the theater part. For example, I participated in Moving Tend, the theater work of the general director. This makes me feel like I'm not in the core of the film. This may sound weird, but I still feel like I'm in the film circle of Taiwan. This film circle is the film circle. Since the development of culture to a degree, it's becoming more and more obvious. This is the film circle. This is the theater circle. This is the artistic circle. This is the film circle. Each circle seems to be more obvious. I feel like I'm not necessarily in a certain circle. I'm not in the core of the film circle. I'm walking around in this circle. This circle makes me feel that I might be in my film or in the cross-recorded film or the theater film. This circle has always existed. So in terms of something which makes director Chen unique, she was saying actually, she feels there's two particular areas. So of course, being a female director, especially starting back when she did, was something that was pioneering in Taiwan. But also, being an independent director was and is something which marks out director Chen. And she was saying the fact that she exists almost on the fringe of the film circle, as it were, because she will cross over, whether it's between film and documentary or VR or with live theater effects and things like that. It's something which she finds, she's able to cross over boundaries quite easily. Whereas she was saying that as culture and as cultural industries develop to a certain level, then each area starts to separate and have more borders between them. So this is film and this is documentary, this is theater and this is performance art, this is music. And actually she doesn't fall into a specific category and fit in it. She's kind of on the fringe of all of those. And actually for her, that's a real advantage, a really unique spot. So for me, the influence I have on my life, of course, the directors of Taiwanese new films will definitely affect me a lot, like director Hou Xiaoxian, director Yang Dechang, director Tsai Mingyang, which is when I was a student or earlier, when I just came out to film, it was as if I would have a lot of contact with their films. This definitely has an impact. But rather than saying this is a absolute impact, I think it's not as if the whole Taiwanese culture was exploded at that time. The whole impact that exploded on me includes, for example, director Hou Xiaoxian, there are also, or in the early new films, many of them have, for example, the novel of Huang Chunming's writer, or something like that. These, for example, Huang Chunming's novel, or Chen Yingzheng's novel, these belong to a relatively civilized novel, will also greatly affect me. It means that at that time, the influence on me is not only on the part of Taiwanese new films, because Taiwanese new films are also related to Taiwanese novels or Taiwanese cultural circles. But these are the overall impacts on how I film all of my films. So in terms of being influenced by Taiwanese new wave cinema, director Chen says, yes, of course, that is something which has influenced her deeply, whether it's films from Hou Xiaoxian and Tsai Mingyang and directors from that generation. But even more than that, going further than that, is the actual cultural explosion, as director Chen described it, of the 1990s, of the post-Marshall law era. And actually, it's that kind of eruption of this cultural development and this newfound freedom of expression in art and in culture. That was like an all-around influence on her as a person, and then of course as a director. So for her, new wave cinema was actually part of this, and it was just one part of this, but also there was new literature and new books and new performing arts, and actually it was the whole spectrum of that, that influenced her on a deeper and a broader level than just the new wave cinema. So for example, just mentioned, for example, director Yang Dechang or director Hou Xiaoxian, they all changed, these two novelists also influenced me deeply, Huang Chunming's novelist and Chen Yingzhen's novelist. They are all more about the perspective of the people or the perspective of the characters and the perspective of the society. And so coming back to literature in particular, there were two authors, Chen Yijun and Huang Chunming, thanks, thanks, Huang Chunming, whose work, their novels, their books, often were focused on perhaps some of the down-announced in society or some of the people forgotten by society of the working class and looking at those issues of social conscience. And so as when some of these books were then made into new wave films, of course, both you have the books and you have the film influence, but also it's those themes of looking at those stories of the down-announced or looking at the stories of the forgotten people who have been left behind by society. From that, yes, that's had a big impact on director Chen, on her work and on the stories that she wants to tell. And then I think that age, actually, there's another influence, which is what I just said, the borderline of what I said. That age is also very common. For example, everyone may not know, for example, like the one I shot, Mr. Lin Yi-zhen, he used to help director Ke Yi-zhen or director Yu Kuan-min, he used to work in the film. For example, there was help in the car repair shop. So that's why all the cultural circles of that age are more lively, more mutual support or mutual, for example, mutual tolerance. Of course, but for me, it's still the same. So back in the 1990s, at that time, some of this crossover, cultural crossover, art crossover that director Chen has been talking about, that is something that she possesses as almost a unique point, actually back then, was much more common. And so she gives the example of artists from different spheres working together in particular. That was Yu Kuan-min's film. Yu Kuan-min and Ke Yi-zhen's director. Yu Kuan-min who choreographed some dance for Ke Yi-zhen's film for the movie Dance Watcher. Is that right? Lin Yi-zhen choreographed for Yu Kuan-min's Yu Kuan-ping's film. It's called Da Tuo Chao. English is Papa, can you hear me sing? OK. Right. OK, so that's an example of a particular crossover between the different spheres of art. And that's something which director Chen said was quite common at the time and something actually which she liked and has continued to try to do in her own work. So for her it's something of that merging of different spheres, that cooperation between different areas of different fields of art which she sees as something which influenced her back in that generation, but she's continued to this day to continue. Right. So what we just talked about is some impact. For women, of course, at that time, there were very few female choreographers or models. Of course, later on, I found a bit of creative energy in Mr. Lin Yi-zhen's body. Although he wasn't a choreographer, but because the foundation of the creation was very similar. So it's like I found a bit from Mr. Lin Yi-zhen in the form of creative energy so that I could continue to continue to work on the film. So in terms of role models, Director Chen was saying yes, despite the fact that there weren't other female directors at the time. She didn't have, you know, exact role models to look to in the area of filmmaking. But actually, she took a lot of inspiration from Lin Yi-zhen and her creativity. And while it might be a different field from directing, actually just that ability to keep going to be creative and to pioneer in our field of art is something which has encouraged and inspired Director Chen to keep going as a director herself. And then, actually, when I was in university, when I was in the 90s, that was when the gender movement was just started. So actually, at that time, when I was in university, I was influenced by a very positive, very positive thought. Because at that time, it was like, each community was moving in a relaxed way. And then, maybe, of course, Taiwan had something that was very important. And then there were relationships, there were political things, a lot of things were moving in a relaxed way. At that time, I felt like I had to solve the problems of relationships so that I could pay attention to gender. For example, at that time, although the topic of gender was what I paid attention to, but in a positive state, it seemed like there was a kind of feeling that you have to revolution in order to talk about gender because gender would be placed behind it. Later on, of course, I wasn't very positive. At that time, I felt that I wrote some more positive, more dynamic scripts. For example, a woman who put any drama into a song, which is a very experimental dynamic script. At that time, I wrote some about this, but later on, it was still from a person's foundation to look at this thing. So in my film, there may be not many, for example, very obvious, this is talking about a female protagonist, or something, but in the movie, it is said that a character usually is a woman. So then Director Chen has gone on to develop their answers to say how when she was at university in the 1990s, because the whole society was in flux, whether it was in politics, culture, arts, class, gender. So many of these issues were all kind of colliding together and there was lots of new thought coming out. What Director Chen was was saying was that actually to talk about gender, I think she was saying actually what almost was needed was to have a revolution first, to then be able to really focus on the issue of gender. So in her movies, then it's not very direct or very obvious the topic of gender in the way it's discussed. It's not something that she's really approached in a very obvious way. She did say on the side that previously she had written kind of script for like an animation which was very direct about a female who cut off female body parts and kind of exploring what is female in that area. But actually in her movies what she's chosen to do is to take the much less direct root and doesn't approach the topic of gender in such an obvious way but in her movies when if there is a strong character with a really quite a forceful role actually often that character will be a woman, will be female. So she does challenge gender stereotypes in that way but it's just it's not always direct and obvious. Thank you. Maybe you can come in. Thank you. Thank you. I think the first question from Andy so if you would like to first question that would be great. Thank you. So director Chen's already talked about working across fiction, film and documentary filmmaking and scholars and critics often draw a very sharp distinction between these two forms of filmmaking. But because Doctor Chen works across both, I wonder how she thought about the relationship between documentary and fiction. Whether she saw them as distinct or whether she saw them as a kind of points on a continuum. If she could just say a bit more about that please. Thank you. Xiao Yi or or Josh. Sure. Okay. Yes, please. So just Andy was asking about documentary and film and film stories. Often there is a very clear distinction between different fields. And then many maybe the audience would say these two things are completely different. But because both of you would do whether it's a film or a documentary you would take. So what do you think these two relationships are? How would you see the difference between a documentary and a film? I think for example when I was taking this I taught Amina this film. I did about a year of field research with some friends from Taipei who would teach them how to live their lives or do field research for more than a year. This is a continuation of this. I went from field research to this film he wanted to talk about. So when I wrote the first script it was very realistic. Because in the end there are some magic parts that are not all realistic. But when I started the first script it was very realistic. My team asked me since it was realistic why don't you take a documentary? Why do you have to make a film without a documentary? Why do you have to make a documentary without a documentary? I thought what I wanted to say was their living state. Their living state will affect their quality. If you use a documentary to film how you can't shoot the body or what is the problem. So I decided to use the documentary to use magic parts to show what they are facing and where the body is. So using the connection between fiction and documentary was before she started to shoot the movie bundled she spent an entire year researching homeless people in Taiwan and getting to know some of them trying to learn about their life and the issues they faced in life to actually get a proper idea and background for what she wanted to say through the film. And the first script the first draft script that she had and as they started to shoot was so realistic that actually members of her team then asked what's the point in making a movie out of this it may as well be a documentary because it's so real to true to life and that's something which director said she thought about for at least six months a documentary but actually what it was that persuaded her to to carry on making it as fiction was in order to be able to actually portray some of the some of the challenges some of the problems some of the the things that homeless people come up against in the clearest way that she could because as a documentary she would still only be able to the closest she could get essentially is as a fly on the wall to show what's happening day by day whereas telling the story she's able to actually represent even if it's real life events to represent them in a clearer way that brings the audience almost closer in a more emotional way into this whole topic this whole subject so in that sense as an example then that's what she's saying it's a good example of how documentary fiction have merged in her work so I think I am using documentary film using documentary film so what what Director Chen wants to do is to use the the method for making a documentary to make a movie and use the methods for making a movie to make a documentary and mix them together that's what she does and likes to do I know when she will do something and she will write a new script when she will go to her place and she will have some reaction under the observation for many years this character has already been in my mind I know what she will do every day I know when she will create what she may do what she may have some reaction so at this time I can make this using my camera to wait for the camera so all the camera is not any we know how to make a documentary there are many ways some are shot the camera is here you call this person to take a photo but in the film or all the film she doesn't have this kind of camera it's good to eat well eat well go go go and I can use the way to take this person maybe we will write a script for example what is this person going to do what will have some script first scene second scene third scene then of course the need is because it is enough I can write what he wants to do but he is a true person he is a true person but if you understand this person actually you So to give an example and go in the other way using using movie methods to make a documentary director Chen was was talking about filming Ling Lijian and the way that she has followed the the real person for so many years that in director Chen's mind now this person has almost become a fictional character, you know, he knows what kind of response he's going through. She will have what kind of reaction to how how she creates and she can almost direct the change and can anticipate, you know, what what the real person will do and therefore she can she can write a documentary script, which is almost like a movie script because she already knows this character. And she gave the example of real meal. For example, the shot where the old man is carrying a big bag of rice. It wasn't that she just happened to get that particular shot it was that she already knew this particular character knew what his daily habits were knew what he was going to do, and therefore was able to kind of script his story. Into the story that she wanted because she already knew how the real how the real character lived their life and therefore she could kind of anticipate in her mind what the documented character is going to do and capture that in a in a in the story that she wanted. So, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so 等於說我也是用一個比較是長期觀察的方式 是把它寫進去 等於說在劇情片的時候 我是用一個 等於說 就是剛剛類似長期的填調 你會知道有些moment 是你必須要呈現的 然後用寫的把它寫進去 但是它是立即於真實的 所以兩個東西都在尋找一個 我覺得都是一個 比較是 所謂的真實 到底是什麼這件事情 In terms of documentary then the way that director Chen captures the particular scenes that she wants is by waiting and so by getting to know this character knowing what they're going to do then instead of telling them to okay do this or do that or do that again she'll simply just wait for them to do whatever it is that she knows they will do at some point and so without interfering in them making it as natural as possible but having already you know researched this person's life then she's able to wait in the right place to capture the right shot at the right time to fit the story and then in terms of making fictional film, fictional works again it's through her research and through that kind of getting to know what reality is that she's able to put some of those real events into the script and make sure that the reality of what she's talking about gets portrayed through the fictional film so very much so using these methods to merge film and fictional film and documentary therefore to kind of ask the question of actually what is reality you know how are we portraying reality and what is reality almost finished that's it thank you next question is my own question before I ask you actually just said some of them have already answered a little bit so I will ask first and then I will talk about the English part actually because you have some films that you spent maybe ten years to film just like you just mentioned earlier actually you created one of the actions you want to look for other artists who are not comfortable with the film or are not comfortable with the film to find their own core and when you are filming a documentary you will also film your own theme then I will speak in English some of the documentaries took ten years to complete filming so as you suggested an important motivation behind your works is to unveil the core of something that stays and changed your life have you discovered your own who are during the process of filming and do you see your own subjectivity captured in your work thank you I kind of forgot your question your question is sorry you will in the process of filming find your own core and will you put your subjectivity in the documentary thank you if I talk about the documentary I can explain how I find the core of these artists for example the core may have just mentioned that I am looking for a reality or a core what is the core for example when I was filming a documentary I wanted to understand where the core of the creator is the core of the creator the core of the creator is when we do creative work I wanted to film what is the core of the creator the core of the creator seems to be a new word but it may be captured or the film is captured this is what I thought for example, I think there are two key points because I often get asked when will you stop because ten years is not because I set myself ten years or I set myself a few years but in the process of filming you still feel that you have not found then you will continue to film and then when you find you feel that you have to stop you make me feel that I have taken one day, I was on the mountain I went to pick up the mango flowers when I was picking up the mango flowers he suddenly saw the whole scene but the mountain path is actually a little dangerous he immediately turned his notebook and painted there if you have seen the person who had the camera then when he went back he began to paint to create the harmony in the work. For me, that moment is the moment when the light is on. This is the first point. The second point is how do I feel about the theater and how to convey the energy and image of the theater? Because we usually see the filming of the theater performance as a record. The record and the energy and spirit are different. The theater is like a concert. You must be at the scene. The actor or the dancer will give you a lot of energy. How does that energy bring the image of the theater? Later on, we used the dance film method to shoot some works of Lin Lijun. We used his dance as a script or script and used the film method to re-enact his dance. We used that method to make him feel that he can convey the energy of the theater. When these two works are shot, I feel like I have found the artist's fans. I can start editing or editing. So first of all, in terms of what Director Chen has talked about, finding that unchanging core or searching for reality, finding that that doesn't change in particular artists. What is it that inspires them to create? How do they create these questions? What Director Chen said she was searching for in doing such long-term documentaries was actually looking to be able to capture on film, on camera. Those moments in English would say a flash of inspiration or kind of an aha moment, I guess. A lightning bolt. Actually capture those moments where inspiration comes or inspiration hits. And that's because for an artist, those are kind of the sacred moments. And one example that Director Chen gives was when she was filming Ling Lijian and took her to a mountain top to an area where lots of particular flowers were blooming at the time. I'm not sure what flowers those were. What did you just say? Mango grass. Mango flowers, mango trees. Mango flowers, mango flowers. Mango flowers, OK. Mango flowers, I'm just kidding. I'm not sure of the English of mango, I'm afraid. That's a native Taiwanese flower, I presume, is it? I think it says it's a Chinese silver grass. A Chinese silver grass, OK. And the event or the moment, as it were, was going up to this mountain top and when then Ling Lijian saw this view, this view of the Chinese silver grass and obviously from the mountain top he got quite a vast view, just immediately kind of blocking out the environment and not even necessarily taking care of all the cars that were on the road, just running over to a vantage point, opening the notebook and just starting to draw and actually that became the starting point then for a painting. And then back at the art studio became a painting. And so I think Director Chen was saying that was a moment that she captured that you can see in her documentary of this kind of flash of inspiration and that's where it's come from and that was one part. The second thing that she's been looking to capture and to convey through her work was thinking of theater, actually how to portray the kind of the energy and the power of theater through film because up to generally when the theater productions are filmed it's more of a just documenting the night kind of thing, just recording it. And actually then you lose that energy. Director Chen was saying it's a bit like a concert whether it's theater or if it's live music. If you're there in the audience, there's an energy and there's a power that you have to be there to experience. And what she wanted to do was to be able to actually find a way through film of capturing that same energy and power, which is something which she tried to explore again with Ligni Jernem with the dance in particular, I think using dance film and using lots of new techniques at least to try to capture that energy and power and convey that in a new way through film. So those were two of the two examples of why she spent so long trying to capture these things in her work. So my way of filming a documentary can be said to be more like a documentary. Of course, it's not like a documentary. But my way of doing it is more like a documentary. It's like you have to respect this field. You won't do anything. And then you're an observer. And then what do you observe? Of course, for me, I'm looking for the essence. So I don't think so. If it's from this point of view, it's actually more of a so-called shooting theory. Where is the limit of the shooting theory? So I won't cross the shooting theory. I won't become a director. I won't use my own way of recording or my life in a documentary. Or I won't use any way to enter a documentary. I won't take such a way to make a film. So this method of making a documentary is very much trying to capture the absolute reality. So Director Chen was saying, in trying to find that core, that unchangeable core of an artist, it means that she can't force anything and she can't kind of arrange things too much. She really does need to actually almost be observing from the edge. So you're saying it's almost a bit like... Anthropological observation. Oh, thank you, Biu. Anthropological observation. In the sense of not putting herself into the documentary, not putting herself into the story, not letting the footage, the shots being too influenced by her own idea of what she wants to capture and actually being able to wait and to observe and to wait and observe and not interfere. And therefore, through that, inevitably, that takes a very long time. But through that, then analyzing, okay, what have I captured here and what is it actually almost through all this material that I'm searching for that unchangeable core? It's the part that belongs to the ritual. They're all using their works to create a ritual space. Maybe it's using dance or Mountain Spirit, it's using the way of the bamboo to create the real ritual space or dance is also a ritual space. And the sound of these people, they're also creating a ritual space that belongs to the sound of the ritual. And the elephant is actually like this. I think, although it looks very different, but it has a common sense. Of course, ritual space is actually all the art that human beings are looking for. It all has something to do with this. Okay, I'm sorry, I'm checking the ritual space. No, rituals. Ritual. Ritual. Thanks. So in this case, then director Chen was saying that through her work, whether you're looking at, so for example, Lin Nijian is a documentary about the theme is on dance. And then Moving Tent is about theatre. And then Mountain Spirit is more about sculpture and kind of the installation art, physical art. And Earswitched on and Off is about sound. It's kind of audiovisual, or mostly audio art, sonic art. And while they're all quite different, they're different spheres, different fields of art. Actually, they've all got their own, they all kind of have these rituals as part of what they're doing. And that actually is a theme which runs through all these different areas of art. So throughout these different documentaries, lots of them which are long-term, that's kind of a common thread which director Chen has discovered that they all are creating this kind of ritual space through the work that they're doing. And that's what they invite people into when they present their work. So actually, just later on, and then in terms of movies, and then in terms of movies, so from the bundled and good man dog as well, the themes that come through, whether it's themes of religion and lifestyle and belief and values and these are themes which keep coming back round again and again. So in terms of looking at director Chen was saying her own unchangeable core as it were, then in some ways through documentary and through film actually, it's coming back to these same issues. So some of the answers to these questions or some of the themes that director Chen discovers or uncovers through her documentaries, then inevitably these influence her movies and the stories that she tells through movies. And in some ways, I guess, both the movies and the documentaries will influence each other is what she's saying. So there's a flow between both of them. That's about it. Thank you. Next question is from Ting Ying. Ting Ying, do you want to ask yourself? Okay, okay. Director, hello. Director, you just mentioned that in the past, actually in the past few years of VR shooting experience, I also went to the Taipei Film Festival and watched this film for the future production. So I'd like to ask the director to share with us the experience of the VR short film. And the other thing is that during the production process, the director would think of VR as a new medium and the differences in the traditional way of shooting. So when you're shooting, do you make any changes in the creative process or changes in the mentality? Thank you. Do you need to translate the question first or do I answer it directly? Okay. Sorry, yeah. Ting Ying, do you want to read it? Okay, thanks for sharing, Director Chen. And you just mentioned your experience in making VR film after an image for tomorrow. And could you please talk a bit more about that? And is there any difference in your creative process when you use this new medium of VR? Thank you. I think VR, I started to study VR after I started to study VR. I started to study VR in order to shoot VR. And my own feeling is VR is not a movie. It can't be watched in a movie way. Because we see a lot in the international or Taiwan a lot of VR films. A lot of VR films use the concept of a movie to shoot VR. For example, it will cut or have a shot. For me, I don't see VR as such. I think VR is a new medium. It's like a new subject. So the language in the movie can't be directly covered in VR. Now we see VR as a category. I think it's a bit of a pity. It's like a documentary film, a short film, a experiment film or a film. And VR, VR is the same. But it shouldn't be divided like this. It should be VR. VR can be divided into VR, a documentary film, a film, a experiment film, a film. VR is a new media, not a new category. Director Chen was saying that in her experience, it was only when she came to making After Image Fall tomorrow, this VR project. In order to make this project, she started to research VR. And through that process, her perspective on VR is that it's a whole new media. And what she found was a bit of a shame in some ways is that a lot of people at the moment still treat VR just as a kind of an extra gadget and use the idea of making a movie and just kind of add VR into that. And so, you know, you make a movie with different shots and different cuts. It's just that it's in VR. Whereas what Director Chen was suggesting was that actually treat VR as an entire new media, an entire new thing in itself that within VR, you know, you could have documentary and you can have all of these different kinds of film within VR and don't just use kind of the past movie making ideas and language and try to cram that into VR. Actually, you have to broaden your headspace and treat VR as a whole new medium in itself in which you can still fit all the other kind of, you know, visual elements into it, documentary and film and other things. So, for example, when I was just talking about myself, I would also talk about other areas, like some of the theater's filming experience or the theater's participation experience. And I personally think VR is more... It's more about time. Because we would say that movies are more about time. I think VR is more about space. You can use space to look at it. It's a bit like a theater. It might be closer to the theater or, of course, it's an image but it might be closer to the theater or to its space. When you bring VR, you have a complete space. This space won't change. It's like a theater. The theater, whether it's lighting or scenery or any changes, it changes its time. Then it changes time with space. VR is a concept like this. You see the whole space in VR. You don't have a frame, you don't have a lens. So you're the whole space. So later, for example, I would use theater thinking in VR. How to change the space and change the performance. And then change the VR instead of using a direct cut. Because some VRs will cut directly. For example, you can change the cut or use the cut to integrate it. But I would use the space and the theater concept to make this VR. In Director Chen's project, then, in After Image for Tomorrow in this project, what she wanted to do was use her experience and almost use a perspective of making theater and translating that into VR as opposed to making a perspective of making a film. And actually, the really interesting thought that she shared on that, the idea is that in film, film is kind of using time to tell a story, to represent something. You know, it's fairly linear and as time goes on through the film, then things change and you watch them changing. Whereas theater is more about space. You're in this space and things in the space change and tell the story through the space. And VR, in that sense, then, is closer in Director Chen's opinion to theater than to film. So what she wanted to make was something where when you put the VR on, you're in that particular space. And so she would use things in the space to change and transform, to tell the story that she wanted, to represent what she wanted as opposed to what some other people do, which is having more of a movie style, where despite being in the VR, this particular frame will then cut to the next part, which cuts to the next part. So in that sense, Director Chen saying that VR can be almost closer to theater. At least that was what she wanted to do with her after image for tomorrow. Was that sense of using space and not just linear time? Another interesting observation is that when we're watching movies, when we're watching frame-to-frame movies, what we focus on is our thoughts, the story in the frame of our mind, and the story in our spirit, and what we gain from it. But in VR, there's something interesting because it's a space-based thing. When you're wearing VR, your physical feeling becomes very important. Your body is a very real thing. For example, when we're watching scenes in movies, for example, when we're watching scenes, we might have some kind of movie language or you're following someone, you're following someone all the time. We're very easily separated now because the image has been developing for so many years. We're very easily separated. We're following this person now. We won't ask why the camera is following this person. Maybe it's a person's perspective. Maybe it's a very objective person. We won't ask who is following this person. But in VR, because this is too new, we're not used to it. So it becomes that our physical feeling is very strong. Today, when the camera in my VR is at the top, I immediately feel like I'm a ghost or I'm on the ground. Why am I looking down here? The physical feeling is very strong. Or in VR, if you're shooting a person following him all the time, the audience will immediately feel who I am and why I'm following this person. So the audience's body, the body and everything related to this are all very fresh in this VR. I think this freshness is the period of time. If we develop for 10 or 20 years, we're used to VR, we won't have these freshness and these development. So I think we can use this freshness to develop a lot of the language of this media. What Director Chen is expanding on in terms of her observation of VR is that when compared to film, because film has been around for so long and we're also accustomed to it. Actually, the example she gives is in a film, if you have a shop that is following the protagonist of the film, following a character in the film, we put our mind, we put our self into the movie as it were and we just kind of observe it. We won't necessarily ask the question, why is this shop following this person? Who is following this person? What's going on in that sense? We're so used to movies now, the different angles and shots and things going on that we almost, we just observe and it's normal. Whereas with VR, it's not just you put your mind and your kind of your thoughts into the movie. Actually, your whole body becomes important and you're aware of yourself and your body when you're in the VR space. So if you're in VR and you find that you're up above, looking down from a really high place, then you suddenly think, who am I? And what am I doing up here? Am I a ghost? Am I a God or something? What's going on? Or similarly, if the VR angle is that you're following someone, then you immediately ask yourself, who am I and why am I following this person? What's going on? So director Chen was saying that this is partly due to the fact that VR is so new and we're not used to it. We're not so accustomed to it. And she thinks that will last for around about 10 or 20 years. So it's important right now to actually make use of this freshness of VR and kind of use it, experience it and play with it while it's still fresh for people before the audience get numb to some of the kind of the newness and the new areas of creativity that VR gives. Okay. Thank you. Thank you director. Let me ask the next question. The question is more theoretical. Let me try to translate it. You mentioned earlier that you would use a recording method to shoot a plot. So is there a way to use a Chinese name? Is there a way to use the concept of a lens or is it a bit like that of the so-called authenticity of the French War? That is, the movie must show the authenticity 而不是去控制真实的这种想法。 谢谢,不知道我翻译的,对不对? So does this play of documentary shooting for a feature film deal with the invisible camera idea or something closer to the genuineness reality which Andre Bazin was looking for in cinema? Thanks for applying. Thank you. If I'm talking about the theory of the 8th war I think I would rather use it in a documentary not to control the truth but rather to record this piece. As for the plot, I think the so-called truth because we can still have a lot of imagination about what is truth. We will always discuss what is truth or the fact that these years of documentary and other types of films are becoming more and more blurred. In fact, these blurings are discussing what kind of things are the truth. For me, a documentary or a plot is not two parts that are drawn out of a knife. Because this time I didn't put that the practice of the invisible camera or my own other short film. That short film for me is to blur these two lines. Of course, some of them are still very clear. For example, I teach him to play the old baby. He is really famous. We found a famous actor to play this character. In addition to the female reporter all the other actors are digital actors. Some of them are really famous and some of them are digital actors. In terms of documentary making Director Chen is very much observing and looking to make sure she doesn't control reality. I guess you could call it an invisible camera. It's not interfering with what's going on. But in terms of film what Director Chen was saying you do come back to the question of what is real and what is reality. There's a lot of discussion that does take place and can continue to take place about that question what actually is reality. Particularly as boundaries between film and documentary have become more and more blurred actually that's something which Director Chen has almost intentionally looked to do herself in her own work is blurring of those boundaries between documentary and between film. Of course there will be very obvious documentary and very obvious fiction film. But she gave two examples. One of the films being bundled the example that she gave of the film bundled war jiam is that the homeless protagonist was actually a homeless person in Taiwan and actually apart from the female journalist in the film everyone else was they were either real homeless or they were just everyday people they weren't professional actors and in that sense that was one way of actually blurring those boundaries between documentary and between film. And the second example that Director Chen mentioned Director Chen, you just mentioned another film that we didn't broadcast can you repeat that again? Travelling with the homeless in Trains We Gaze Okay one more time Travelling with the homeless Travelling with the homeless Travelling with the homeless Travelling with the homeless Travelling with the homeless Travelling with the homeless Travelling with the homeless Travelling with the homeless Travelling with the homeless Travelling with the homeless Travelling with the homeless Travelling with the homeless Travelling with the homeless Travelling with the homeless Travelling with the homeless Thank you, thank you. 并不一定是写实,他这两个是有一点点差别的,那比如说真实是包含我们看不到的空间的东西,比如说在流浪神果人里面有一段是神明起物吗,就是有三太子好像那个神,就是里面有很多的神像,那些东西是看不到的,然后有一幕是神明在一个废墟里面开始起物了,那那个看起来是很不真实的,很不写实。 应该说很不写实,但是其实对我来说那是真实。 我刚刚又突然想到,就是侯孝县导演,他其实讲过给年轻人,不知道在什么场合讲过,给年轻人说, 不是原文是这样讲,但是意思意思类似说,你不要看的地方,不完全是没有东西, 我刚刚又突然想到,就是侯孝县导演他其实讲过给年轻人,不知道在什么场合讲过,给年轻人的一句话是类似说, It's not the original language, but the meaning is that you don't want to watch the movie, you want to watch the life to create the movie. It's actually a suggestion for young people. The meaning of that is because I think there are a lot of images, a lot of movies, a lot of them are everywhere. In my college years, I couldn't watch so many movies, not so many, not so many internet, not so many images can be seen. In fact, my inspiration, a lot of ideas or inspiration came through books, novels or something. But now it may be through images. So I think this sentence, I have always put in my mind that you don't want to watch the movie to create the movie, you want to watch the life to create the movie. Don't try to get your inspiration from watching other films. Actually get your inspiration from life, from real life. And that's something which for Director Chen she was saying is she's kept that idea in mind. She tries to keep coming back to that advice, if you will. Because when she was young, when she was starting out, she didn't have that much opportunity to watch so many films as now. In fact, then there was no internet, whereas compared to nowadays, you can watch anything you like, anytime you like. And what she wants to do is to not get sucked into that actually, but to keep this advice in mind all the time actually. Take inspiration from life, not just from other people's work in that sense. So being able to make documentaries is something which Director Chen is grateful for. And feels privileged to be able to do because it's exactly that. It's being able to take inspiration from real life, from other people's real lives and document it. And actually that feeds into creative inspiration for her other work as well. Thank you Director Chen. I think we have Rossella here, so maybe perhaps if you would like to ask a question. We have a teacher who studies film and drama. Or please ask her a question. Rossella, if you don't have any questions, it's not compulsory. Great. Good to see you. Welcome Rossella. Don't forget to turn your mic on. Oh, yes, you're muted. Yeah, exactly. I was trying to figure that one out. Thank you for this event actually. The question actually is very simple. I watched the documentary about the moving tent. And as somebody who works on theater and I had read about Sakurai Taito and Taiwan, So I wanted to ask how did Director Chen get into contact with this group? And how did she get eventually to decide to make a film about them? Thank you. Okay, so I was just asking, he saw the moving tent, this documentary. And I was very interested in it. I also wanted to ask how did you get into contact with this group first? And then why did you decide to record them, to make a film? At first, I was just like Lin Lijun. Lin Lijun, I watched his dance for 2000 years and left a deep impression. And then Hai Bi-zhi, I saw him in the film, he had a band in Japan. A band from Yuzan. Yuzan also had a band from Yuzan. In the 1990s, I almost forgot to check the details of the 2000s. It was the first time that director Zhongqiao from Tsai's crew came to Taiwan to make a film. At that time, he was outside of Taipei. He was outside of Taipei. At that time, Taipei didn't have such a so-called park. Taipei is now almost nowhere to be found. Everywhere, for example, the outside of Taipei is a park. At that time, it was still a place with a wilderness. It was the first time that I watched Zhang Hongjun. After watching the film, I was very shocked. He used Japanese in the whole film. But in the script, he was talking about the nuclear waste. Nuclear waste is completely needed. Nuclear waste goes to a place, and what to do? How can a group of people face this matter? The name of the film is the first nuclear disaster. The first nuclear disaster. The first nuclear disaster is nuclear waste. It's a plot. After watching the film, Zhang Hongjun, who was in the film, would open the wood at the end. The stage was closed. We saw a stage, a scene, and so on. But the last scene would be on fire. When it was on fire, he would sing. After singing, he would open the wood at the end. When the wood was on fire, I was completely shocked. When the wood was on fire, it was a scene in the light of Taipei City. A city scene. You could see the city through the river. At that moment, it was like melting the plot and the script together. You weren't watching a film. You were watching something very real. Do you think what you see now is real? Or is the place where you live a real life? In fact, what we see in the film is real. The nuclear waste is not handled by these people. How do they live? This is real. When we opened this tent, what you see, what you think is real, is fake. It completely turned my view on the real, the real, the real structure. After watching it, I was totally shocked. Then, in 2004, he was also the director of the bridge. He continued to interact with Taiwan and Japan in detail. In 2004, he planned to establish a Taiwan seabed troupe. At that time, I joined the troupe as a participant. I joined the troupe as part of the filming. All the members of the troupe are very friendly. Everyone has other jobs. The troupe is more like this. Director Chen first came into contact with this team. It was when they came from Japan, when the director came from Japan to Taiwan in the year, around about the year 2000, she was saying, to do outdoor tent theatre. At that time, in Taipei City, there was still quite a lot of just open space that was left. Nowadays, she was saying there's a lot more parks around the empty space has generally been turned into parks. It's controlled, as it were. Whereas back then, the tent theatre was set up more in just an area of wasted space. She went to a watch and the theme of the story was about nuclear waste and how nuclear waste were impacted on the people that it got dumped on, essentially, and the kind of the fear and that problem, that issue. And what she said, that really opened up her mind, really was a big flash of inspiration moment for her, was at the end, throughout the whole story, you're watching things on a stage and it's contained in the stage. And the final part is where there's a fire and then the tent is opened up. And when it was opened out, the view, you can see the view of Taipei City behind there and suddenly it's like the whole story, which had been fantasy on a stage there being acted out, became a reality, because it was right there in the space that she existed in and actually therefore this issue actually was a real issue as well and it was reality for these people. And so that moment of the curtain opening up of suddenly placing this story in the reality of where Director Chen was, was it flipped up that whole idea of what is fiction and what is real. And that was a big moment, a big kind of mind opening for Director Chen right then and that led her to certainly to keep, to stay interested in this group and in this particular thing. And so in 2004, it was, again, it was a Taiwanese director which invited this Japanese director to come to Taiwan to start a theatre company in Taipei and that's something which Director Chen said she wanted to be involved in, partly involved in and partly to document the whole process and the people who were part of then that new theatre group mostly were not professional, they all had other jobs and they would come in and join this theatre group. Thank you. Can we start with that one? Thank you, Rosela, for asking this question. It's really fascinating. I want to follow up her question on the moving tent because I noticed in the film there's quite a big part was taking place and also involved in the social protest for Le Sheng... I don't know how to say Le Sheng Liao Yang Yuan. Le Sheng Liao Yang Yuan. Yeah. So there's a kind of social element in that particular film as well. So I was just wondering how did she get involved in that particular thing and how does she combine social issues into that particular work? Was it because Hai Bizi's theatre was socially very active or something else? OK. I'll use Chinese to ask. I just followed Rosela's question and she said that in the moving tent Le Sheng Liao Yang Yuan also performed in Le Sheng Liao Yang Yuan in the rescue zone and also some of the patients who were involved in it. Not only the actors, but also the audience. So in this film, although it's about the theater, there's actually a big relationship with the social issues and the activities. So I wanted to ask you why would you look at Hai Bizi at this point? Is it because you're personally interested in the issues they're involved in or is it just a very socially conscious group that's so attractive? Can you explain your thoughts on this group? Thank you. I think this part is this part is Hai Bizi. This group is a group that has a strong relationship with the social issues. When I was in Japan, because of the early British era, when I participated in the anti-sacrifice treaty, Japanese college students would participate in the anti-sacrifice activities. The theater was formed under such a state. They could go out and act and act. The director of the film usually cares a lot about the social issues, the international situation, the whole of Asia, and how to survive under such a state. So this is what the director of the film cares about. In answer to this question, the theater company Hai Bizi was originally connected to and interested in social issues. That was part of what the theater company was involved in and motivated by. So not just then in Taiwan, the original Japanese director in Japan was very much motivated by and interested in social issues, which was part of the reason director Chen said for the whole 10th theater idea of being able to go anywhere and take the message or the story out. And so that was something, again, which attracted her to the Hai Bizi theater company in Taiwan, was this very strong connection with the social issues, social movements, social conscience, I should say. How do people how do they survive, how do they cope in environments where they're oppressed or they come up against big problems, big trouble. So, in the 2000s to 2004, when Taiwan was back in Taiwan, we just talked about the situation. At that time, when we were fighting, many of the members of the crew also participated in the maintenance movement. It wasn't because of the crew that they participated in the maintenance movement, but the members of the crew participated in the maintenance movement. So, very soon the film crew will also follow the maintenance movement. So in terms of the year 2000 to the year 2004 when this Japanese director was regularly visiting Taiwan, actually, the issue of the Lersen that's the sanatorium from the sanatorium. Yes. Okay. The issue was of this place being closed and a campaign to keep it open. And what director Chen was saying was a lot of people who were involved in the campaign and protests were actually involved in that first and then involved with the High Beads Theatre Company because the High Beads Theatre Company was also involved in that project. The people being involved in the campaign and the protest first as opposed to being dragged in by the theatre company in that sense, which made it very real. And the other point that director Chen mentioned was even just the idea of having a tent theatre was actually because the director wanted to think about the whole idea of why are you in this place telling this story to this group of people what's the meaning behind the space that we're in right now in this location telling this particular story and the tent being a way of controlling and managing that in a way that you can write from the outset you think about that question and you can design in a way which has the maximum impact as opposed to just any old space. So his crew is still a so-called more advanced work he's not a director or a crew I hire these people or I pay money to the crew but if I'm a member and I'm an actor I have to pay to stand on that stage I have to do what I have to do but it's not the opposite I've written a script today I'll find some actors to play his relationship is not like that it's a more advanced work So in terms of the way that this Japanese director works is not to write a script and then to hire professional actors to come in and fit into the script and the story it's actually it's the members of the company they actually you have to actually sacrifice something you have to give something to be able to be involved in this you have to put yourself into into the story of the campaign you know what is it that you want to do what is it that you want to say and it's almost like the opposite way round from a traditional just simply write the script and hiring people to act it but it looks like his crew seems to be very sociable but I think he's very sensitive is that his script is not writing at all is that his script is not not real writing but he uses a lot of magic writing to make it clear what he wants to say so on the flip side despite being very based in real life reality and real social issues the scripts then that this particular the high beads of company the director will write are actually quite fantastical and he'll use fantasy to almost portray the message in an even clearer and harder hitting way so the issues the ideas are all very real but the way that it's portrayed through the script is almost quite fantastical okay fantastic thank you so much I have got I can I ask another question question thank you thank you very much let me use Chinese I'll ask a shorter question you just talked about the explosion many times the explosion of the 90s I recall the 90s Taiwan I also think Taiwan's culture is very wonderful and the impact is very interesting the movie is super so such a contrast you think such a wonderful culture such a low movie I'll ask a quick question you mentioned several times about the cultural explosion in the 1990s which when I look back it was really exciting period but why the contrast of really low and depressing film industry so in her view can she elaborate a little bit on this it's very outstanding I'm really very outstanding wait for the just mentioned the explosion I think this is more part of the creation it is the cultural or artistic stage after the explosion it is more it doesn't belong to the industry of course when the new movie director Yang they did it together or the whole culture for Taiwan the explosion or the production is such a situation of course the big environment in Taiwan I think it is more the problem of the industry of course she needs a lot of money she needs a lot of money to make a movie but this is more the industry but in the culture I think the movie in Taiwan was not low she didn't make a lot of money and she said it might not be good but she is talking about the movie or the movie or the movie or the new movie director I think they are still exploding she didn't have the influence of the industry of the industry I think so so in terms of a cultural explosion in the 1990s post martial law period in Taiwan what director Chen is suggesting is actually that was much more of a creative, a cultural, an artistic an explosion of expression and that didn't necessarily translate into the film industry as a kind of mature industry that they were established companies that made films in a particular way and required large budgets to do so and the kind of decline of the established film industry was another thing that actually was not that wasn't necessarily part of this explosion of creativity of culture, art and of expression and that actually while the industry, the film industry itself was in decline the kind of commercial part side of it was very much in decline then what director Chen suggests is that creatively it wasn't in decline creatively actually the film scene was also exploding it's just that the number of films being produced and released was much much lower but actually the directors of that time were very much part of this this new cultural creative explosion it's just that issues to do with the film industry itself meant that there were so few films that it wasn't a high point in Taiwan's film industry as it were okay I think we're just you know, running out of time so thank you so much director Chen this is amazing talk may I ask the audience to switch on your microphone and camera put your hands together maybe we should say a big thank you to director Chen thank you
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ARC Focuses on Resiliency and Collaboration
Appalachian Regional Commission held its annual conference in Ashland, Kentucky, September 11 and 12. The theme was Appalachian Rises and focused on the importance of resiliency and collaboration throughout the region.
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The Appalachian Regional Commission held its annual conference in Ashland, Kentucky, September 11th and 12th. The conference's theme was Appalachia Rises and focused on the importance of resiliency and collaboration throughout the region. As a federal co-chair, I believe that there is a lot that we can do in bringing groups together to work together that we're not really 13 individual states, we really are a region. So opportunities like this where we come together and then we have a great staff in Washington that comes and is able to work face-to-face, person-to-person with these groups talking about entrepreneurship, workforce development, the topics that these individuals are dealing with at their home places. So hopefully people are meeting each other, they're finding out they share a lot of the same commonalities, a lot of the same challenges and so by setting down and talking to each other, they may be able to start working out the solutions together. At Appalachian Wireless, we have the best service and the best deals right now. Save up to $500 on iPhone 13s and 14s, all models, all gigabytes with trade-in. Maybe go for an iPhone 12 for a penny, a penny with a two-year contract. We're not leaving out Samsung, save up to $350 on select Samsung devices including the S23. It's a win-win this month at Appalachian Wireless, the service, the savings, y'all got to jump on this deal right now. At Appalachian Wireless, we get you because we are you, we are Appalachian Wireless. During the conference, ARC's Inspire initiative awarded nearly $14 million to 43 projects supporting Appalachians recovering from substance use disorder, including $1.5 million for programs in eastern Kentucky. Now, we have 12 other states that we respect that are here, but we're really proud of what eastern Kentucky is doing. Most of the ideas that are moving eastern Kentucky forward come from eastern Kentucky and we get to highlight those and the leaders while providing additional funding. But today we're also talking about regionalism in a way I've never seen, with more states working together on economic development opportunities and investments than I've ever seen. Now, we are one country, but especially in Appalachia, we face the same challenges. So having people less worried about whether a new business is right here or just on the other side of a border, it helps all those states, it helps all those counties, and it helps all our people. For more information about ARC, go to Reporting for Mountain Top News, I'm Brianna Robinson.
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Public Art Commission Feb 15, 2024
All right. Hi, hi folks. How are we doing good? Hello. Great. Hi, Lori We'll wait a few more minutes and see if we've got anybody else joining tonight It's Tom coming. Yes, Tom will be here. Okay How about Jim? Jim will also be here. Yes. Jim is recovering from Surgery and health stuff. So we're gonna be real gentle with him tonight Tom's gonna take minutes, but we're we're also gonna use the transcripts that Angela puts together. So, okay Do you have a name of the person? I have the slides from the person that March? Well, no, no, no, not Christine, but for the person that sent an inquiry in I keep going through my email and I cannot find the person's name. I have I have That's which person we have We're dealing with two at the moment. Hi, Tom. Yeah. Who is the person that sent in the photographs of Paintings the new one the new one Christine Mirabelle No, no, not the one that's going up March and April. Well, that's why I'm asking which one you mean So you mean the other one? No, not not Christine, but Terry Agnes Agnes Yeah, that's something right. So can somebody send me that email again? Hold up. You have that Tom. I lost Great game, but it's a good. I think she should we should put her in Yeah, yeah, we're gonna talk about that tonight. Okay. I'll give my little stick here. Okay, buddy Welcome to Amherst public art February meeting. Um, I am Terry Holt. I am the co-chair Thomas is the other. Well, Tom is the other co-chair In light of the ongoing COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak, the then governor Baker issued an emergency order on March 12th 2020 Allowing public bodies greater flexibility and utilizing technology and the conduct of meetings under the open meetings law Pursuit to chapter 20 of the acts of 2021. This meeting will be conducted via remote means Members of the public who wish to access the meeting may do so by clicking on the zoom link This recording gets uploaded to the town's youtube channel promptly after the meeting No in-person attendance by members of the public is permitted But every effort is made to ensure that the public can adequately access the proceedings in real time via technological means And in the event they aren't able to do so or regardless we will post this on the town's youtube channel shortly after the meeting Thank you All right, we're all here. I think Jim is uh Hopefully he's coming along well, we can get going Welcome to February. I can't believe it's February already but welcome to it Gosh we're halfway through it now. I can't even believe it How about that snow storm, huh? We're supposed to get two more inches today, right? Yeah, that didn't happen I'm okay with that though. Robert. Good to see you Nice to see everyone. I hope you have heat I do. Thank you. Fantastic and your basement is not under ice anymore Not at the moment. Okay I'm pulling I'm pulling for your basement Go heater go All right, does everybody have a copy of the agenda and the minutes? No, I should open that up. Um, I can uh share That if that's helpful Everybody like me to do that. I can do that. So we we don't actually get sent copies, right? We just have to go and look for them on the town site. So angela sends you an email every month with the uh with the invite And I believe the agenda is attached. Um Earlier this week. I sent you all the minutes and the agenda also so you can look for an email for me I think I sent it Tuesday Oh, yeah, the notice about this meeting came rather late. I apologize All right, where is my share? Share screen there it is All right All right, we're gonna share This screen. All right And I'm gonna get my agenda It's here Okay, you all see the agenda Yeah, all right Here we are. Okay, uh, I need to keep an eye on the zoom Just in case jim comes in, okay and I don't see any attendees of the public. So I think that we are We are good Unless I just don't see them Okay, um, so first, uh approval of the january minutes. I have january minutes. I can call those up too Thank you, Tom for making these happen Okay Um january minutes I already looked through them. I don't know if you all have yet Because I'm not signed in I should be signed in Okay, um I didn't anybody have any corrections to the minutes I'm just looking at them now. Okay. I'm good I see and just a typo, but that's not a big deal I In terms of, um Clarity this is this is great. Thank you so much All right, uh, will somebody please propose a motion to To accept the minutes, um with minor changes I make a motion to accept the minutes with minor changes. Thank you. Have a second I second. Are we all okay with this? Say I All right. Thank you so much minutes pass I'm abstaining. You're abstaining. Okay, Dara all right, um Okay on the agenda, we've got electrify amherst to give you a update on that. I have the uh agreement That I need to fill out. I did a very silly thing when I signed up for this and that was that I put my name on it instead of Amherst public art So I need to talk to angel about that and make sure uh, there's no problem with that I asked for 1500 to pay three artists um to do three traffic, uh Transformer boxes. Um, we got 850 So, uh, I think that gives us room to possibly do two we will do I'd like to I'd like to offer five hundred dollars per artist and we'll pay for supplies So we'll have to pay some of you there are some of our own money possibly Um, we don't have to vote on that today. That is just something I wanted to put out there And we can talk about it for march Because I'd like to start working on a call for artists We do have a process, um for this for this, um This is a project that we've done before in the past Uh, I will we none of us were here for it, but um, it did happen in the past So, uh, angela has assured me there's a process and I've looked through it And it makes sense. So, um We will work on that starting in march But uh, I did want to talk about, you know, if if it's okay for us to do two this year And for us to make up the difference in what that would cost And is five hundred dollars enough money to give to an artist. So those are things we could talk about today Eric quick question. How are the boxes selected? Does the town select those or so you uh, we can we can all get ideas together And then I will bring them to the dpw and they will let us know, uh, if those are okay to be painted And they basically have to um, not be slated for being replaced soon That was a problem. Uh, last year we had a beautiful art on one end, but it was But it had to be replaced. So we lost the art I'd rather that didn't happen. So I I'd like them to stay up as long as possible So I need to just talk to the dpda to um, the dpw had and, uh, find out which ones we can paint And then we we just kind of pick out the ones that we like and then we go forward with our call We actually go forward with the call before we come up with the with the boxes themselves actually So we serve as the, um Uh selection committee we do I need to look more into that process, but I believe that's true. Tom. It is I don't think we have other people to uh, to vote on that. I think it is we get to choose that one in that process Right. I think that's true Um, do we know what kind of paint that they use on the boxes? Are they using house paint? Or acrylic paint? I think it's acrylics, but I'll have to find I'll I'll have to look through the paperwork that Angela sent us right because that, um acrylic paint I think in some because it's on It's such a large piece that it might be more expensive than house paint I think I'm also going to talk to my, um, my colleagues at Arlington Public Art and find out, uh Get some more details about how their project is run. They've been running it for years And so I can get some more information about the details like that so that we can write on I'll talk to Amy Crowley because she ran it here Yeah, I need to I need to talk to Amy Crowley too Okay, great any other thoughts about electrify amherst Do do we know what people have been paid in the past? Has it been $500 or I think that is about the average is $500 In other towns as well. I wish we could pay them more, but um We have budget, um So I think what I'll do is I think Tom and I are going to look through the electrify amherst process The stuff that Angela sent over we'll have more information about that at the next meeting Um, so we can talk about the process and what materials we need and what we should pay and how many we should do And we can have more details about that. That'll be on next month's agenda This is just kind of to um to let you know that we we got a grant Um, I need to fill out the paperwork for And then uh, we can start doing the work of getting ready for for this call for art All right, so moving on Uh update on the apac acc merger conversation. We met with um matt and julian Three oh gosh a month ago and discussed um the possibility the potentials of joining forces. Um, this was actually um We were asked to have this meeting from paul the town manager because uh in his opinion Uh, there's a lot of confusion about how art is done in early in amherst and to see if it would make sense for us to join forces So he asked and so we made that happen and we had our first conversation Um, lovely people. Uh, acc does a lot of great work in town. I'm really really we're very very glad. I'm very glad we have them Uh, I think we saw some Places where there was potential and some places where we were not quite sure if we would fit And uh, we both wanted to keep our autonomy, but we also know we could help the other out I think um matt was especially excited about the idea of having Uh more people to help read these grants and make these decisions because it's been very hard to get and keep committee members for the acc. Um, it's a lot of work and um as you probably know, uh There has been a shortage of public people wanting to go out for often like this Um throughout the country And we are we're seeing that ourselves So matt was saying that they also have trouble having enough people to to to the go through the grant process. It's a long process So he was excited about the idea of possibly having one or two of us join forces with them So you have more more people to do that work um, and from our perspective, uh We liked the idea of being more connected to the artists that are right now applying for grants. I feel like Sometimes we uh send out calls for art out into the ether We don't really have an attachment to artists and the artists themselves are coming to the acc So it's possible that we we have this font of artists that we could reach out to for calls And for uh for collaborations Instead of like kind of just throwing out a call we could actually talk to a group of people So it's a it's a little bit more more potential for us to have Bigger discussions better better collaborations and artists who would want to do the work that we are engaged in So that was um our our part of that Um tom, did you want to add anything else to that? I know you had a lot You had a lot to say during the meeting Well, I think those those are in fact the main points, uh Where where things stand now or or where they left off at least at that meeting was desire to uh select topics that felt like they were worth um Being the agenda for the next meeting, right? So I think that's what we understand So we didn't need to have another uh Random conversation with the agenda. I think we're going to um We wanted to go back to our commissions and our people and talk and uh figure out what what is the next conversation to have That we have some bullet points and some things to really Talk about and think about separately and then we come together and have another conversation um, so that's where we are so um I don't really had a lot else to add um Like I said, the ACC does a lot of really great work. Um the uh Project they do in the spring every year the block party is a really big deal for the town I'd love to be more uh To participate more into that we we did we were there last year and I I'm glad we were there, but I would like to have more um more engagement with the people of Amherst that go through that and um, so Some things to think about. Um, Dara, did you have some things you wanted to say about this idea? I guess I just wanted to ask you all did you talk about the Basic different missions the two groups have Yeah, and how did y'all finally Determine what those were Are they the ones that are written down? Yeah, so we had um, we had our papers in front of us for the meeting. So angela And we got that ready for us. We had we could look at our mission statements right there um, it would just kind of see the crossovers and um There are crossovers. Um our mission is a little their mission is a little more uh wide open Um for all art ours, of course, it's just based on whatever public art is defined as which is a Strange word. What is public art anymore? A public art has such a big history and it has such a great use in communities in a million ways. So It's good that it has its own name, you know, and the only thing that I I have questions about it because the ACC Amherst Art Cultural Council all their their money comes from massachusetts cultural council, right? Right, right Right, so that's a very different pool of money than What the commission ever has and not really we actually apply for grants through acc No, no, I know that we can apply for grants from them But if you're if you merge it you can't really apply to grants for them anymore Well, if we merge then we would um have access to the funds that are allocated to acc itself for programming They have a budget not necessarily because the mass cultural council really does care about that that money goes Mostly to individual artists. It does the the remaining isn't a lot of money. It is No, and I it is it is to be used for creating art Oh, I don't know. I've seen things they do since I've been watching them for years, you know, and they're great And I think the commission has the potential to be great and a lot better And I care about the difference between public art being defined as something that is presented to a group of people to fit into a very specific Place in a town with sometimes with A call that defines a little bit about what it needs to be and it's different the the grants for artists individual artists The artists make up their own thing. Nobody tells them what to do Nobody tells them. Oh, we want you to do this theme This is the theme i'm looking for in my pop in my art And that's a really that's a first amendment thing to preserve It's a kind of thing that you don't ever want to lose as an artist. You don't want to be told what to do And so I care about the difference the art the public art commission has very very different calling than Individual artists ones that that basically the acc and mcc or that's their main missions You know, so they're different And I care about the difference and I just want to make sure I mean, do you really have to merge to make this work? No No, and that's that's kind of what we're trying to figure out if is this a merger or is this a Collaboration or is this we work together or we help each other? We really haven't defined all those things That what our mission is and what their mission is both revolve around public benefit so There's they they have organizations that come to them and want Programming and for you know for art. Yeah But it's all for public benefit and amherst art is also for public benefit So that we have some things in common with our missions tom Yeah, I think the the the key thing is not to just focus on the acc part of money But yeah, which is not very much sources. Yeah, and uh, both You know that one of the overlaps in chartering statements For the two groups is to seek additional money They said they told us that they really don't do that. Yeah, uh-huh. Well, that's because they get money from mcc Right. So did did you all talk about the town council? Uh bylaw that is the call. I think it's called the percent for art bylaw The 0.5 percent. Yep. I'll talk about that Uh, we didn't want to talk about that in that meeting so much But we didn't talk about that that's that's charged to us. Yeah, that's that's separate And wouldn't that wouldn't that be coming up soon with the new school? Yes Several questions there and I've asked angela to look into these it It really seems as it will for the school the uh, the bylaw says that when The budget gets created that that is the appropriate time To launch a process. It's been very well defined actually for setting up a you know committee to call or call for submissions and to You know create a budget line for it. So there's the school building Project. There's also the question I asked angela also whether the north commons project whether that Was grandfathered in other words whether that started before the law took effect Yeah, or whether the public art the percent for artists got overlooked another question I have is The the the library expansion Uh, is what kind of critter is the library is it I don't believe it's it's considered a town department even though the town has Um involvement In funding et cetera et cetera I think angela said that uh, dona doma the name of it. Uh, it has its own kind of thing too. So The north amherst is a little bit different dara cherry and tom. Do you think it would be a good idea to send all of us the percent for art bylaw? Yeah, I'll send out. I copied it and I read it and it's really good for us all to know What that is to help us with this bigger conversation about the acc and apac Because well, I think this I think this is the equivalent of the state funding that they get In other words, it's it's fundamental to their charter the state funding the The percent for art is squarely The squarely charged to us right and that wouldn't change when I look at the possibility of a merger I don't see throwing everything into the same pot necessarily and in fact, uh, matt reminded us that There are things about the acc That we really can't change that they are required by the state My view is he might have, you know, the two of us under one kind of Umbrella or whatever you want to call it And keep the things that are special to each of us but then work together rather than in in isolation on things like additional funding Contact with artists and cultivation of liaisons things of that sort. Yeah Well, it makes a good good sense that the two groups would communicate I mean, I think so. Yes. Well, these lines of communication have not been open before and so I'm hoping that even these conversations will help that Yeah, and and then Us deciding what kind of ways to communicate Together is really important too. And I'm I'm in always in favor of people communicating With other interested parties or people who can help people and all that kind of, you know, good stuff I don't want to throw like I don't want to I don't want to do what tom said But think only about that they they have money and we don't it's not about the money anyways It's really about the collaboration and the and having more hands to do the work In a time when there's fewer people going out for public office I think that's my key that my key takeaways were working in collaboration and in kahoots with them under an under umbrella Where we each keep our own autonomy but help the other out and benefit from their benefit from each other's Missions, you know, yeah, well, and I think that the if the ACC made it clear to the public Through different art organizations in the valley art advocacy newsletter all kinds of stuff They would have more people volunteering to read grants than they could deal with Maybe yeah, yeah Yeah, and so maybe they also really need to work on communicating with the individual art Groups where they find artists who would be interested in being on Their committees or you can have ad hoc committees. I imagine right MCC is a little bit picky about how the Local cultural councils get their people Yeah, I really don't know the particulars, but I know that they can be picky about it uh, well, you know reading that At 0.5 project in bylaw. It's really great to read it You learn a lot about what the town thinks About what kind of art and what kind of things they hope for Yeah out of it because see like there's a big difference between telling an artist what you want There's a big difference between commissioning somebody with a theme And telling them what you want their art to say And having You know just a way of honoring people trusting that people's artistic ideas are going to be That you can judge them responsibly Yes, anybody else want to say something about this? Thank you. Thank you. I have a suggestion. I've been thinking about this What if we gathered a list of all of the artists Who have interacted with either the acc or a us public art found um and sent them each a letter asking them What can the town do what should the town do to promote art and artists? I think that's a good idea because they're better people who've already self identified. Yeah That would be great. I'd love to see more networking happen in this town among the artists as well Some artists like to be alone Okay, would anybody else like to hit say and think about this idea? Laura you got anything? Um No, I mean I I I don't really I You're us. Yeah, I I agree that we you know, there should be more communication between us and the cultural council because I think as long as I've been here, you know, we've applied for things but there's been no real communication. So I I think that I'm all for that. Um, and in whatever way we can if there are projects to work together and you know I think I just agree with everything that's been said. I haven't really heard in a in a way that we disagree on Anything it's it's all for having more communication and that we do have different missions that we work with You're right. Thank you, Lori Robert, did you have your microphone on for did you want to have something to say? I'm just curious how how How large is the cultural council how how many people there are 12 members Tom? Is that right? It sounds right. Um Matt said that they have a have an opening or two They have one right now and they're going to have two or three open up this year Okay, and they're a little nervous about that October, November, December, January they have they get real busy Uh, yeah, so they have one space open now and one two three are opening up this year so Yeah, they're a little nervous about that. Understandably. It's a it's a big job. They get they get a lot of applications All right. Well, that was a good conversation. Thank you so much everybody for joining in on that Um, please send us all copies of that of the bylaw if you would yeah, of course And uh, if it come, you know, like you're Your agendas for those meetings with other people about the issue. Yeah, so so right now we can Decide among ourselves what we would like to bring up for the next conversation. So What would you like us to bring that is? um I'll write it down here Who has ideas about what we do you think we should talk about for the next meeting? Well, I think we've talked about them Okay So when when we have our next meeting with the amherst cultural council, what would you like us to bring? Uh, I I would need a little bit of time to prepare that. Okay. That's fine. It's totally fine. Yeah If each of you will think about that and you can just send them to me Um, I will let you know when the next meeting is we don't have it on the books yet Because we all we wanted to go back to our commissions and talk. So, uh, Think about it. Um, think about this conversation And if you have some points you'd like us to bring up at the next one, I'd love to hear it All right Okay, let's move on to the next. Um Uh treasure report robert you have any changes in the treasure report No, not since last month. Um, and I never Got a response from the town about the question of that um Money that was related to the nifa grant. Yeah, I guess I'm assuming that it's It's in the planning department. So whenever there is a project Perhaps we can contact them to That might be it But if you have any questions you're not getting, uh, callbacks or or return emails reach out to angela Um, because she is um, she is mighty and she is our liaison and she will get it done She's been really amazing lately. Um Been really really helpful So yeah, if you have if you have any problems with getting information from any town employee Just ask angela. She will she will help us with that Okay, um, so we can move on to the town hall gallery march plans. We have a lovely artist coming in in march um christine Mirabelle Mirabelle um So we're going to be having our next artist reception on march 4th Eighth march, I think it's We hang it on the fourth it opens on the eighth. Okay, right. So the question is when is the um When is uh jennifer moisten and Um, amela Well, yeah, when are they going to take the other one down? We can have we can send them an email I'll get in touch with them and work that out. Okay. Thank you I think they wanted to make a few changes to some of the panels because uh, they've had some new information come up from the exhibit right, right So i've had this idea of uh And and mickey told me what you think about having uh after um christine's exhibit ends at the end of april um inviting the black history month Uh project to go back up from may in june. So it's there for june 10th um, I I think we should have it up until august until the end of august and maybe Have um because after that we have somebody that's interested and maybe um It would be good to leave the black history one up for a while so that people could really walk through and Really see it. I I think some of the exhibits need more time. Okay, so um, my recommendation I get I hear that that's something I suggest that we offer them We offer may in june for the um the repeat of the black history um, so as not to We like to I'd like to see us move ahead when we get requests from other artists Okay, and then back ourselves up too far Okay, we have one record one person at this point. That's agnes mccraven. We do So that would finish so that would get us through uh, july and august. So then we'll be looking at the next one looking for september Right, so that does give us a few months to Look for some more artists Right, okay um Yeah, I think I agree with that mickey. Um I would love to have that black history month up all summer, but we do have a an artist who has reached out to us So I I don't want to Yeah, we don't want to push her off. Yeah, okay All right, so let's let's do that. Um, so march eighth. Um, we're trying to figure out the time. Uh, I think she uh, Christine wanted a four to six Right, that's what she wrote in her email that she sent out to um Everyone yeah, I I mean, I feel like we uh A lot of people can't make it there at four o'clock and so you're gonna miss a lot of folks I I hate you're gonna miss the the restaurant traffic that might be going You know going on in town and people who are working until 430 and five me included. Um, you know that it kind of Excludes those people from this experience, which isn't my favorite thing Um, I'd like to reach out to her and ask if she would be okay with moving it to five or two six So that we can have Hopefully more people who work nine to five who can show up Right. Well, that's fine with it's fine with me if you reach out to her. Okay. It's totally fine Okay, so tom, I think you were gonna reach out to her and see if that's okay and we'll see We've got it's already up on the website. It's up. It's up for four o'clock and if it has to be that's fine It's right. I can't even get there at four. No, I don't know who can right But um, if it has to be four to six, that's fine, but I would rather it be a little bit later We've got a press release ready to go that angela wrote and tom and I looked over And uh, it's ready to go as soon as we agree on that time Okay, but that'll go out on facebook and instagram too. I believe so And to valley news and reminder and all those other places that these these things go Sent the announcements out to five or six Media outlets. I took a quick look back at one of the confirmations and it does Offer a link to make corrections. Okay, so maybe the others will too Okay, in the case if we do change we'll make those changes Angela has already said that she would change the the town's postings. Right. Okay I like I said if we do need to put a sign outside There will be two sandwich boards one at each entrance that the entrance from uh Boltwood drive is uh going to be open by then so we have to figure out a different place to put the table Well Yeah, I have a place to put it but um, okay Yeah, we're also trying to think about some ways that we can help pay for this and angela came up with a bunch of ideas about getting uh getting area businesses to Offer them a table if they will offer some food or part of the money to pay for the receptions I'd like to be a little bit more creative about how we pay because I I I paid for the first one Mikey paid for the second one Uh, I paid for this last one, but I'm gonna need to be reimbursed because It's a lot of money. I agree. So, uh, I'm gonna be putting in a receipt for that prepare for that robert Um, but I'd like a way to pay for this that isn't asking an artist for money right I know we did that in the past. Um It feels a little skeevy to me to say pay for your reception. I don't like it. So, uh, I'd like to find a different way to pay for it Our charter says that we should ask the town For budget too. So I think I do think this would be reasonable I don't again With budget setting it wouldn't happen immediately. Yeah, but that would be a reasonable operating expense Right that would be an ask. Yeah That's something we can actually think about for the next time the finance committee gets together And we can have we could ask for a a budget for receptions and and you know See what we can get from the town Right. All right on the list. Uh, okay. Um Anything else about town hall gallery? Did you all get to see the black history month months? Did you everyone see that amazing exhibit? You haven't go down take a look at it really all our names are on it really good stuff Yeah, our names are on it. Where well The one in the town hall. Yeah, right in the Very front And has a list of all of us Oh on the public arts commission. That's very sweet. Yeah, I'm um, I'm on the amherst The town website and it doesn't show that exhibition though Under the public art commission No, it's not under ours Did we not put it up there? No, I think with the scramble to get it up Oh, but we didn't do that and we should have Take a look under the department of equity Yeah, it might be in the dei department dei That's that's where I found that's where we shared the press release from was from the dei Yeah, um It was on this page, but it has been taken down Huh Hmm. I'm not sure why it was taken down Well, this goes to the point about better communication Yeah, um This is after the fact, but we could ask angela to put it up on the public art page too Right. I think I think it should be up there. Especially it was here. I don't know why it was taken down And then when you scroll down further so for another agenda item for the future is The tour amherst art Destinations we really need to update it because there are pieces on there that are no longer there Yeah, absolutely Yeah, I've uh angela has done some updates to the pages that I sent but it we certainly need to update some more pages If you'll write them down and send them to me, I will I will pass those along Um Amherst the town of Amherst lost its person who did the web updates And I don't know if they found somebody else to do those. So I think angela might be doing them too Maybe they hired somebody. I really I really don't know but I know that they were The person who was doing that Did we ever get um any answers about like I was just because we were talking about our mission and um You know it's it says Developing policies for publicly owned works and amherst. Do we actually know what we owned? Uh, we have a basic inventory Where's that? Be great for us to all see that too. Yeah, I think that is actually in stuff that angela sent over she sent us How many pages tom she sent us like electronic pages from the last Yeah, there are like 500 pages. Yeah, tom's gone through a lot of it I mean, I think we could probably Get an input for a good one. We should have it all in one easy to find place Absolutely It's good to be educated about what's behind us and what might have been overlooked That's how we go forward is knowing our history and the thing about this commission is that there isn't really It's hard to strategic plan when we don't know our past, you know And so the the the legacy of this commission seems to be people do things great things, but then they move on and there isn't really that That continuity That's something that I think we'd like to work on is is having having more records and more processes in place that we can pass along All right Okay, so I am moving on to the chair report which I wrote here somewhere I can find it. Haha All right chair reports short one this month. Um I did want to say the tom and I have been working on a few things. Um They're in the planning stages like we'd like to convene convene a meeting To take a look at the policies and processes for public art. Um, this would be a full commission meeting We'd like to make that happen in person if possible I know we talked about this last spring and we we just could not pull it together I would really love to pull that together this this spring if we could I think getting together in person and talking about and kind of mapping out how we do things how we should do things would be really helpful Um Also, like I said the talks with acc are ongoing I think there's a place where we can both coexist and help one another I'm not sure what that looks like and I'd like to meet with the town manager to see what he was thinking about when he first Asked us to get together and talk about it. So That's something I'll be doing as soon as paul can make some some time for me Uh, the town of amherst has offered our commission the opportunity to have a non voting counselor liaison Um, we have said yes. We think it might be useful to have a town liaison I don't know that we will get one But um the possibility exists that we will get a non voting member to um Who is a town representative and it could be somebody from Planning it could be somebody from uh, the library. It could be somebody from public works We don't really know exactly how that comes out, but Tom sent along a a letter saying sure we would be interested in that. So we'll see how that pans out Did you want to add anything about that tom? It just that we made the you made the point, uh You know in support of our request we made the point that We could certainly use some help as we work on Our processes and our filling out of our understanding of our charter I think that would be helpful to get somebody to help us with that process. So we'll we'll let you know how that goes Um, and then I just wanted to acknowledge all the work that angela mills has done in support for our commission I don't know if you were all aware She's really come through for us. Um, we don't have a planner, but we have an angela She's been writing press releases updating the website baking cookies for our reception Showing up at the receptions helping us get you know get them ready and keeping us all on schedule and aware of arts events Happening around town Um, we are very fortunate Yeah, we are we are very fortunate. So right Um, uh, also, um, I would like to come up with a response to kathryn regarding the for want of a nail project And I think it's going to be a letter of recommended steps. I think it's going to be a Um, kind of a this is uh This is what public art is thinking. Um, these are the holes that we see We are having trouble committing to this project even though we aren't paying for it Because we don't have an answer to some questions about what happens to these artifacts at the end of this project And also who will be responsible for this that the north amherst public library when it needs to be repaired Um, uh, there's a lot of questions that we didn't ever have to ever get answered. And so We can't really sign off on this and move forward I think we need to write a letter of recommendation saying these are things that you need to see Or take care of Did did you ever talk to amy crelly? I did not I still have not gotten together with her I've been too busy because she's got a lot of information specifically on projects like this I talked to her about the one that's in kendrick park, which somebody Did themselves and then donated to the town and the public arts commission said no We can't take it on I I don't agree with The idea that we can have a town filled with statues that Private citizens decide they want to put up as ego projects. I don't think that's what we want filled all over our town I think that if there is a public art project that has public benefit that uses, you know, that uses town artists Uh, some kind of a collaboration and something that we're all looking forward to or we want to mark on something historically and using art That's really valid, but I don't think ego projects are something that public art should really be doing And so I think that's going to be part of the response and um, I'm happy to write it up And we can talk about it, but um, I would like to get that done. I don't like to leave her hanging I don't if she wants to keep moving forward. I think she can move forward with the north amherst library If they want to put that up in in the front, you know, the front there and they're all excited about it Then I think that that's what we will say is we will say you may do what you like But it won't be a public a public art project Because you can't sign off on it as a commission. It just there's just it breaks some rules that we really Um, feel feel worried about Yeah, well and because she chose the artist to do it and she chose The parameters which is not within how we do things. It's also I was About what how she got a How she got an mcc grant because if you read, um, you know the regulations for our approving grants They have to be a public benefit I don't really see how this is of public benefit and it also is supposed to be a group like a group And there would be a group who would come to us and say we would like to do a project and then the ACC would say, oh great Here you go Instead of it being one person One person is not an artist, you know, so it's a little it's a little odd that it got a grant Um, but I'm I'm I'm not against it. I think she should be able to do this if if the library wants to do it so Have you talked to the library? Yes, I did. I reached out to them to ask what they thought about it. They they all were very excited about it Okay So like so we've you know, I guess that our due diligence was I talked to the DEI about it. They didn't It wasn't even on their radar. Um, they weren't concerned So I said, okay, I'm moving on and then I asked the historical commission and they said, oh That looks great. No problem. So I said, okay. Well, this is this is the due diligence So then I was asked to to contact the north library and they said yay, you know so, um We just kind of pass this off and and let them make this happen if they want I'm sorry, Tom. Go ahead. Go ahead. He froze Oh, he froze. Oh, okay um, I Like the where it's being placed is a has that been talked about? That intersection is so Dangerous. It's actually not in the end. It's right in the front It's the library that's like facing away from the intersection. It's in the front yard of that It's not it wouldn't be at any kind of problem Visually place that that we were shown where it was going to be is in that little triangle on the back of the new addition to the library Well, it's actually like right in front of the library. It wouldn't it's not it wouldn't obstruct any view anywhere Not what we saw and it's not so much of obstructing a view It's a distracting a a confluence of one two three four five Groups of people trying to all go through an intersection Yeah, I mean, you don't want a distraction like that close to the road Because it's very close to the road where she showed it to we saw it the one thing I saw I didn't think it was that close, but I know a lot on the their parking lot Faces the the Autobot the the Towing people shop and there's a big swatch of ground over there. Let's see If it's on here somewhere I feel like we saw something because I wouldn't have made that up No, you were right I'm just I have not been to the Northamers library yet That's helpful. I've driven by it. Don't get me wrong I'm just not as aware as you all probably are of how close to the road that is If this is the is this the picture this right here Yeah, we do right behind that bench. It would be like right here, right? I just don't I don't I can't tell the proximity of the other streets from this picture So it's hard to tell well. I can tell so it's really close. Okay My my biggest concern with it is the fact that Uh, she was allowed to go in there and take them Yeah, could take the horseshoes Because when when all the other Sites were excavated like the parking garage Everything went to the town and then went to the historical society There's an exhibit at the historical society of the objects that came out of The parking garage So I just don't understand why That library Just let her in there I think the construction company was there were the people who just let her have them the horseshoes I don't think it's a library at all. I think it was just the people who were doing the constructions said sure how you go Yeah, but that's not how you It isn't it isn't but so I think We just need to kind of write this this letter recommending her next actions and Just let her know because I just I don't want to leave her hanging any longer It sounds like you are all in agreement with me. So we'll we'll just go ahead. That happened. Okay Uh, okay back to Let's see Where did I put my other it is? Okay, um, we are at the place where I would be inviting public comments However, there is nobody to comment. Um Um, so uh in other business not reasonably anticipated prior to 48 hours before the meeting I was going to bring up something that uh, jim sent me uh that he was excited about um, but he's not here hoping he is okay he wanted to talk about a proposal put together by The late eric browdy who i'm not aware of who that is. Maybe you all know who that is uh and his wife gigi um I'm gonna put this on the next agenda since we since he's not here. Um, but uh, it looked it looked interesting to me So I'm gonna send my allowed to do that. I'm gonna ask him what I'm allowed to do Because I don't want to break, you know public law Can we read that? Could you lower it back down so we can read what the proposal actually is? Well, I can't read that page, but Uh, it's a mural exhibition on amherst east common Uh, I love the idea um I think that i'm just gonna propose it today and say Look what we're going to be talking about next month Because he's not here to talk about it Um, but I will we're the east common. Is that by saucy street? tom Is that by south east street? It says the east common Yeah, I think that's that's what they call that that grassy area That's across from the fort river school Okay Oh Okay All right. Well, that's so this will be coming up for our march meeting Which I will send you out a doodle for so that we can pick a time So coming up we will have um, we'll have a talk about the letter. I'll be sending to kathryn. We'll be talking about this interesting looking mural exhibition and we'll be Talking about other things that I said we're going to talk about okay, so if there is if there is a list in all those that paperwork Not, you know, I don't want to make extra work if it's not accessible but if there is a list of the work that um We are actually responsible for that the town owns right, you know in our files It would be great to share that at the next meeting. So tom, what do you think about possibly sharing that big document? I don't think it hurts any of us to actually have a copy so we can all look through it Okay, what do you mean by the big document the one that um angela sent with all the pages of everything? That's about 20. That's about 20 documents Um, what I can do is is pull out I can go back and excerpt Pages that He throws again Tom you keep freezing So I just want to make sure that um, he's going to contact christine. Yep about the time and I'm going to contact agnes mccraven um Tom about who's going to reach out to the next person you can all both decide who's going to do that Right. That would be for uh July and august july. Okay. I've got it Okay, I'll I'll contact agnes Okay, my key to contact agnes. Great Um, I will be there on the 8th no matter what the time is. I'll try to get there uh on time, but I might be late Um, so we should probably decide if uh, you all want me to get the treats or if you somebody else wants to this time And we are going to be paying you back Okay, um, I can't get there before four. So I Okay, I I think we're going to be changing it, you know If uh, if christine is a is amenable, we will be changing to six probably like six to seven thirty Um, in any event, uh, in any event I can pick up refreshments and things Okay, we'll talk we'll talk about a list and get that all worked out Okay So to do this we've got um a list of public art that we own We'd like to see that if we can get it. Um, if that means just sending us all a bunch of documents tom That's fine Um, I'd love to put together that list and somebody wants to make it their pet project. That's fabulous Um contact christine about the hours. That's what tom's gonna do And mickey's gonna reach out to the next artist I'm gonna write the letter to cat to catherine And I think that was it And you all are gonna have uh conversations Well, you're all going to be thinking about Other topics you want us to bring up for the next conversation We have with the amorous cultural council and you'll send those to me separately Don't see see anybody else so that we don't break meeting law Right, okay, and then next month we'll talk about embracing community which looks really fascinating. Um, do send good thoughts and emails to jim I know he's not feeling well. He's had a setback So reach out to him and send him some love I'm gonna call him and see how he's doing. Um Does anybody have anything else you'd like to bring up? Uh, just a very small point to add on to lori's request there There's also the category of temporary works That we I think we don't want to get lost in memory Oh, definitely not It turns out it just happens to be that one of my very favorite public art Things in amherst is in that category Remember there were those little white structures that had snippets of emily dickinson's verse on it I mean those those are gone And so I'd like to see us try to Find it and record what we can about the things that have been temporary I think that's a great idea archiving all of that information is really good for history Um, and I love a temporary public art I love things that that break down with time and like with nature and wash away with the weather I think that I love that Yeah, who did it do we know who did the um The terracotta um tiles that are all over the town. I think that's that's in the that's in the records Yeah, that's actually physical and inventory right, okay You can probably get the information you want about those Tant things with the lines from dickinson on from dickinson people Yeah, I'm sure they talk to they probably have pictures and documented Yeah, good point. Good point. I'll be on in the files too All right. Okay. So I think that's it for tonight. Um, it is 759. We are good. Look at that Fantastic. All right. Well, thank you all for coming. I appreciate your time and I will send out a doodle for the next meeting And I hope to see you on march 8th Okay, thank you. Oh, I should do a whole okay. Let's talk about who this let's do this the legal way Somebody like to make a motion to end our meeting I make a motion somebody second I second all in favor Hi, there we are being all legal. All right. Thank you so much everybody. Thank you. Thank you Have a good night
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EFAP #249 - The React Wars - xQc VS. Ethan Klein with ShortFatOtaku and Sitch - BIG ANNOUNCEMENTS
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I told me that was insanely offensive. Oh, my God. I'm sure we've got all of our dev stories because, you know, he's got a mouth on him. So. Mm hmm. Well, go on. Well, that was the crazy story. What did he say? Wait, there was a story. I made it. Are you also streaming this? It looks like you are. No, what? What? I'm in such a premiering something. They're trying to compete with this stream. Oh, they're competing. Wait, there's a lot of Steelers. I'm not even that was not me. OK. Mm hmm. It was me. It was all me. I know it was me, Barry. Adam under the bus. Like, yeah, my employee. Fuck this guy. It was our editor. All right, yo. Fuck, yo. Yeah, go. So hit the word, hit the button. Let's talk about. Well, how do you describe this? We should jump right into it. Well, oh, are you talking to someone else? Or should I get going on the venals? Venals. No, you do you. OK, you read the room and follow the, you know, trail to happiness. Here I go, doing me. All right, everybody, all right. As you've heard on real BBC slash other places, I've been awkwardly trying to explain when things will happen because we've had delays all over the place. It's been a nightmare. But I can tell you that without a doubt, the well, I guess first and foremost, the information, I feel like the thing they're going to be wanting to know the most is the video, the quantum video is indeed coming out sad. Guaranteed now, there's literally nothing I could imagine that would stop it that is within reason, you know. So there's a couple of things that could stop it like Voldemort, but I don't know if he's is he real? Which one's real of all the. I think he died. Right? Yeah, so we should be good on that. I think he died, but he has no nose. He has no. Oh, you can't even smell my video. It does smell. Nothing. Oh, he smells awful. That's true. Well, really. So there's that. And if that's happening, then, yes, you guys have figured it out. That means that we managed to get the thing we were talking about to happen. I'm going to do it in a cool way. Look, I'll spook him out with this first. You got it. You guys have got to boot the stream again. It's like, what's this? What's happening here? Look at that. OK. Oh, my God. Look at this image. Look at this possibly be says coming soon. Oh, my goodness. What is it? Oh, my gosh. Look at that. Oh, my God. Thank you. It changed. It's a different one. Who's this? Squirtle. That's probably. Yeah. Oh, wow. Look at that, boy. Oh, my God. There's another one. Oh, my goodness. Terrifying. Wow. What's happening? Who knows? I'm sure this is for this time. My God. Oh, wow. Oh, look at this one. It's spinning. I don't have a spinning one for all of us. How intense? What could this be? It's the thing. Oh, it's spinning. It's spinning at the at the Red Dead Redemption remake frame. Right. Yeah. Full FPS. This is the launch of the EFAP final figures. It's finally here. The day has arrived. Oh, good. Look at that. Hold on. Hold on. When you said vinyl before this, I thought you meant like actual records. Why? All of you old people. Why? How many hours do you think you can put on a vinyl record? It's like you're just like going to release vinyls of your old episodes. We can even put one on. People who want to see an eighth. People who want to see an eighth of an EFAP, they can buy an entire record for it. Yeah. I can't tell if Dev stole my joke I said before the stream. He did steal it. It's his now. Or did he actually believe that? No one will believe it. No, I actually believe that wasn't a joke. Listen, I've seen people sell some weird shit on vinyl. OK. Like you. So I thought you were actually going down this or I was like, OK. All right. No, vinyl figures. All right, cool. That's what they are. I'm looking at them. They swell. I think they swell. Look at them. Pretty sweet. Everyone's holding. I got my precious, precious film reel piece because I'm looking right into the scene. Rags has got his poppy corn because he's watching a movie. I love popcorn. Popcorn is an apex snack. Way better than poop corn. My signature green goo. What is that goo, by the way? Well, it's. Hey, look, you can get green with a little vinyl figure. Yeah, you can finally see what's going on here. I mean, you could with the plushies. Open it up. With the vinyl. Now you got a vinyl one. Yeah. I have a fringy plushie looking right at me while I'm sitting here for my shelf judging me. Yeah, I've got you. Off to the right there. Worshipping the marker. Look, they come with wonderful packaging, too. Look at this image here. Oh, my God. Look at the rags one. Here it is. Oh, wow. Look at that. It's all nice and look lovely looking. Look at them in there. It's sleek. He's just waiting. He's just waiting. I'm ready to be collected and stacked with others. Look at that fringing one. Wow. Can I mint them and sell them for five million euros? Yes, they come with mint. Oh, wow. Look. They don't come with mint. Oh, look at that. They stamped as well to be one of three of the EFAP collection. That's what they own them all. You become a true fapper. Which isn't that what we all want, ultimately? I think so. I'd say so. I think these are gorgeous and beautiful, and I reckon you guys should check them out. However, of course, if you aren't interested, like, briefly, that might work against your favor, as these are hyper-exclusive. They run away from the whole world once they're gone. I doubt they're going to be coming back. It's not quite like the plushies where you'll probably get different ones as time goes on, as we design different ones. There's not a huge expectation that the Vinyls will have a second run. So these, like I said, are hyper-exclusive, OK? Yes. If you don't get these, you will be out of luck. You'll never have anything like them. I've already picked mine. The campaign is available for 28 days. That is true. I can't even count that far. No, it begins. And it's OK. I can count for you, Mel. Oh, yeah. I'm not sure what to do with that. Look at that. On the website, they spin. Whoa. They get a nice 360-degree look at them. Yeah. Don't spin too fast, or they're going to puke. They can handle it. OK. Long creatures are more than capable. Yeah, we're quite happy with how these turned out. They gorgeous. Honestly, they are super impressive. These look great. Yeah, I think they look great. They're real neat. We'll obviously let you guys know as time goes on what's going on with them, what's happening with them. If you buy them together, you get yourself a little discount. 15%. It's true. I mean, that's, hey, that's a decent amount. And 10% plus 5%. Yeah. Links in the description. Go check these boys out. Though we shall be moving right along because we've got quite a set of things to check out today. We've dragged. What about links? YouTube broke all the, basically all the links again that are YouTube links. Do any of them work? The final ones work at least? Yeah, those one work. Just all the ones that have, like, Fringies is fine. But the other, Rags is works, even though it has the numbers now. All the ones that have, like, an ad before them change them back to... Have three times. No, that's great. Great feature, YouTube. I'm glad you put that in. I was about to say faster at fixing them, but it's like, no, this might not even fix them, so I shouldn't speak so soon. We'll try this. Probably, yeah, it didn't work. Cool. Thanks, YouTube. Very cool. Why though? Like, why do they have a system that they want you to use and doesn't work? That feels... I don't know. Wrong. I think it's just like... I'm pretty sure... YouTube slash ad rags, that you just pop up, just have it, like, just do it, just do it. Yeah, it's really weird because if you click on it and then move along, it breaks, but if you put it all in and then just do double space and go to the next line, it works. It's stupid as shit. That is actually fucking retarded, wow. I think what happens is the ad plus username is already a link in itself, so if you put the link after the link, it breaks. That would be my IT idea. Looks like they need to fix that shit now, don't they? I agree. They have Google money. They should be able to do this. Is that fixed now? A thing's better. A thing's not cringe. I'll check for you. I mean, I can't say that, but that looks good. Don't eat the vinyl. I don't know why I would need to say that, but please don't. It's all working and working mutually. It's all good. Wonder fuel. Did your manufacturer ask you to say that? Like, listen, you have to say this when you do this. It's part of the contract. We are asking them. Do not eat the vinyls. It's not real popcorn. Do not do it, please. What? I ate the plushy one. You can eat the plushy, I guess. What's the popcorn? Oh, no, Rex plushy one had a beer. No, I lied. Do not put them into a jar. Do not. You're too late. You'd have to get a big jar. Also, wait, you guys had plushies at one point, eh? I think I made a soup plush. They had two already. I still have them. I missed that. I got the Adam and Sitch plushies, but I missed the run of your guys. Sorry. I missed both of your runs. I know who Dev really likes. I guess we do. You should have saved that for the end of the stream. See, I'm a real friend. I have both of them. I also have all of both of them. Did I ever tell you guys that someone when I posted a picture that I got those all, someone tweeted at me, it's like, oh, that's what parasocial relationship looks like. I was like, yep. People I hang out with. You and I watched like a whole TV show with the same sofa. We're like parasocial, baby. Cringe metal cringe. All right. So yes, we're very happy with those. Check them out while you can. They look great description. You got them all together. You got a discount. It is swell. I think it's swell. The more I look at them, the more of that. I'm like, wow, these look really good. They look really cool. Look. Oh, we can have them on my desk. I just bought some. We tricked him. Oh, no. With our socialness. We parasocialized you. Okay. Here's your watch together letting everyone jump in. Because we're going to need a little bit of context for this. This is this. Right. This is the sequel to. The sequel to a sequel really. This is the first time I'm on these react. I just realized. The react saga. Oh, no. Well, you didn't make it to any of the trilogy. No, I didn't. I ranted on it on my streams. Because I watched the e-fabs on that. Do you need a GLDR? What's going on? I know what's up. I missed all of them somehow. This is definitely a previously on. Because it all. I think we did Hassan. Then we did our relevant Dems and Hassan. No, no. Yes. Then we did, of course, the newer stuff, which is two debates that happened. And then covering sort of XQC in a general sense with his lads. And now we had something happen, which was H3H3, Ethan Klein went head to head with XQC. That was a huge event on the internet. Everyone went nuts. It was crazy. Quite the meaning of the mind. It was fireworks. Nice one. Literally everyone was like, what the fuck is going to happen if these two are talking to each other? You know, we're going to find out today. But before we do that, I've managed to intertwine some clips. Classic. React art. Crimbo. Maybe one or two surprises. We've got plenty of fun to watch. Get ready for some EFAP exception here. Don't worry, your eyes do not deceive you. Is everyone ready to start? These clips are from the past. Let's get it. I'm excited. Be still, my heart. The title of this video. They're about to get the context for that. Don't you worry. YouTube content is there. Hang on. I should have had some nothing before this. It wouldn't go back. Your YouTube content is there when I ain't got nothing else left to talk about. Let's be straight. The classic. A classic line. Not the most classic line from this art. A classic line. It was our first understanding. They blatantly steal. It's something you should come to understand straight away. It's a streamer culture. I don't want to say streamer culture. Is that guy still around? Is he still doing things? Not relevant. It shows you how people don't give a shit to watch those. Holy shit. Wow. I got literally an ad for you guys. The vinyl figure in the watch together. Oh wow. Whoa. It's a sign. Everyone buy them. That's funny. Okay. What does take pride in your work mean? I don't know. There it is. The classic. There it is. That's one of those lines I think about randomly. Just things like... It just comes back into your mind. Wow. Somebody said that. I don't know what that means. I'm really glad you're a content creator. What kind of person and what life have you lived to not understand what taking pride in your own effort is? She doesn't understand it. She shouldn't let people know she doesn't understand. It's a lot happening at once. It's a stupid tool. Nobody even cares when you're generous. So why should I bother? You know what I mean? Why should I be generous? Why should I be generous if I can't brag about it online? Why be generous if I don't get anything out of it? Why should I help my dad out? Why should I help my dad with fuel or something? Nobody cares. I often have to help my dad out with fuel. He often has fuel problems. No fuel problems. He calls me on the phone and says rags because that's my name and I say, what is it? He says, I need fuel. I need fuel. I was like, oh no, dad's having fuel problems again. I feel like this is a lot more philosophical than you guys give her credit. She's asking why be good when you don't receive anything in exchange? It is a question that you can ask. You can do that if you want. Are you good for goodness' sake? She never heard the Santa song? I think she's going to go down in history as one of the great, I think, offers another avenue. Be selfish. I have an issue with the song though because the song is usually good for goodness' sake but it's also like, Santa will not give a fuck about you if you're not good. That's true. Exactly. I'm going to be good for presents. You're going to stop defending it. You're going to do it. No, dad's going to defend the horrible idea. Just before you start with your explanation, you do agree that Santa Claus is real, right? Well, hold on. Yes, Rags. I'll talk to your mom about later. I almost banned him. Talk to my mom about Santa? Wow. Okay, so listen. There's two ways that she's wrong. Obviously, right? At least. There's two big ways I can think of. On the one hand, it's like, well, obviously, when she says, why should I be good when I get anything out of it? That seems kind of selfish. But also, if you do good things to good people, they do generally reward you for it. So if she's doing good things and she's actually doing them and she's around people who aren't rewarding her, even though the reward isn't necessary, it shouldn't be happening anyway if you're around good people. If you're surrounding yourself with bad people. Because if I help one of you guys, I don't expect you to help me out in the future. But you probably would anyway, you know what I mean? We would. You're saying she doesn't even try to wrap this in your video. You talk about virtue ethics and how you have to know it to see it and its effects are very... It's probably because she's living in LA and she's living in that streamer bubble, where everyone's just super backstabby. It's transactional. It's very clout-brained, isn't it? Well, why would I be generous? Is there clout involved? Can I trade generosity for clout? People in that culture do they all get switch blades for Christmas? That's just what everyone gets. Nice and ready to go. From Santa, who totally exists. Yes. Why do you say it like that? You said it weird, but yeah. Because of your sentences, it confuses me. Oh, strange. Wait a minute. Do you devastate people? Is that what you do? Do I devastate people? Santa the destroyer. How come Santa's never given me a gift if he really exists, okay? Oh, shit. I don't want to be the one to tell him. Did anyone else? I think he might be on the naughty list. You might be on the naughty list. Santa's just an anti-Semite, honestly. Oh, no. You're definitely not getting anything. Oh, Saint Nick. Why did you... Give me a hint on the naughty list. You called me an anti-Semite. He just said it first. He won't even get... He's like, why did you do that? Why did you say that? Did you feel like a big boy when you said that? Oh, yeah. Is that the way he's calling me? We cut out all the ho-ho-hos, but... That feels like a really good skin because you just be like, how did you get in, Santa? And he just interrupts you like, I don't think you should say mean things. I want him standing, like, off in the corner, concealed in shadow. Yeah. Who are you and how did you get in? I'm Santa Claus. And I'm Santa Claus. I never left, boy. Okay. Dude, what am I supposed to do? Die? Like, I don't understand. They're all classic. Beauty. I have to stream your video or I'll die. It's my f- It's my f-fucking favorite. Oh, I haven't heard it from its mouth in a while. That was fantastic. Can we listen to that again? We can. I don't mind it forever. Nobody even cares when you're generous. So, like, why should I bother? Who are you and how did you get in? I don't understand. He doesn't understand. It's true. When he says he doesn't understand, I believe him. He's since moved on, because he's, I think he has a maid to cook the nuggies now. I thought that was his mom. Basically, sometimes the mom wouldn't be in to cook the nuggies, so he needed to solve the problem. Because otherwise he'd die. Oh, man. That reminds me, do you guys see that one clip in the mainstream where his maid shows up to clean his room? Let's not talk about it yet. Let's not talk about it. Oh, I'm so sorry. The need to humiliate people, sometimes you need to make an example out of them. Oh. Sound. Now, for anybody who's relatively new to EFAP, go watch those older episodes about Assad, after this one. They're gold. Yes, that was an crazy, crazy adventure. That was a fun one. Those are old characters. We got a new one today. What about the Pyramids? The Pyramids? Pyramids? The Pyramids, man. What is wrong with this guy? Why are you making fun of me like that? He doesn't actually say that. Yeah, man. The f**king cones, yo, the f**king... The cones. What the f**k is happening? I don't know what the Pyramids are. Now, you might think that the Pyramids are shaped like pyramids, but you're actually wrong. They're cones. You know what's funny? I said Pyramids back in the day, but it's my second language. It's his second language, too, you racist. Yeah, that's right. Wait, what? He's from Canada or something. Yeah, come back. French Canadian. To be fair, we make fun of Mel whenever he does that, so... That's true. I'll say something fun of her. Hello. There he goes. That's our metalhead. Dale got it. So, regarding... You're being French Canadian, right? Everyone says, oh, just his accent is the word choice. It's not his first language. Man, people who have heard him speak French, he's just a schizophrenic. He's just all over the fucking place. I think anyone who says, hey, he's just French Canadian is coping pretty hard. It's obviously more than that. It's more than that. Jam a man of fortune, and Jay must seek my fortune. Henry Avery's 1994. Did you say 1924? Oh, my God. Is he dyslexic or something? As much as it's the funniest thing ever, the jam one you could vaguely understand, you could be like, okay. Yeah, as a joke, you'd be like, oh, that kind of looks like jam, and it's a fun meme. This is the opening of Uncharted 4. Why would it be about jam? Jam a man of fortune, and Jay must seek my fortune. Yeah, like, what was it? 1994. He added an answer to Avery, and he changed the six to a nine to jam. It's rather wonderful, honestly. Yeah, man, the fucking cones, yo, the fucking, in the sand. The cones in the sand. Sounds like a Thomas Dolby album. Jam a man of fortune, and Jay must seek my fortune. We actually did say Jay. Henry Avery's 1994. 1994. It's just all wrong. It's great. I was gonna say, I prefer people do this than read it. Jam a man of fortune. This is one of the funniest things I've seen. That's pretty funny, yeah. This is his best content right here. Yeah, finally. Even original, crazy. Well, I'm gonna answer this, I have a coke bottle. Yeah, from the machine or some shit. I bring it back up, right? And when I touch it, I don't get wet at all. My hands are fine, right? When I let it there, after a couple times, dude, I play the fucking game, I get it, and it's fucking full of water, dude. It's full of fucking water, dude. Look at that shit. Wait, you mean condensation? It's dripping. Look at that shit. What is that? I refuse to believe this isn't real. He's talking about something very annoying, which is that drinks just form water from nowhere, and it's annoying. You know this when you're like three, you go, oh, my cup get wet. I don't know what he's talking about. They don't know, XQC wouldn't say it that eloquently, but yeah. Let's see how he explains this issue that no one else has noticed yet. Why? Condensation. What about it? What does that shit fucking do? No! So fucking annoying. Condensation. At least he's looking it up, I appreciate that. Condensation. Water collects as droplets on a cold surface when human hair is in contact with. So you make water. The fuck? There's no water, and then there's water. It just creates itself. I presume that he is also unfamiliar with water vapor. I just like... Do you know that ice is water? The infinite water machine. Does it not come across as having some problems? Explaining like a game mechanic to you, and you find it unfair. That's dumb as fuck. There's no water, and then there's water. Okay, that's stupid. God needs to patch the game of the universe. This is some alchemy shit. You look at XQC, and the gears are turning in his head, and he's like, I could solve the world's issues. He goes to Africa. He's like, how can I monetize this? Condensation. He just puts it out there, and he opens it. There you go. Water out of nothing. I'm going to save the world. We're going to make water out of nothing, guys. I'll save you all. When you pick up something, and then you not hold it anymore, it falls down. Have you ever noticed that? That's annoying. That's density. I haven't got authority from many flat earthers. That's the demon called density. He's invisible, and he drags everything down to the floor. Yeah. Condensation is the guy who walks around invisible and throws bottles. He spits on things. You guys are literally going to believe a phenomenon that's actually a pond. He was like, licking the balls. I'm going to put it on. Can you condensation? This reminds me of something now. Believe it or not, there was actually a guy who had that complaint about gravity. He spent like two or three years on the International Space Station. The way he kind of organized his area is he just put things in the air and they stayed there because he's low gravity. Right? My toothbrush goes right here, just in the middle of the air. He had his area meticulously laid out of all this stuff just floating. When he came back down, he kept doing it just out of habit. He was breaking stuff. He grabs his shirt. I'm going to put it over here. He just drops it. That's pretty funny. Really funny. What space does to a motherfucker? Yeah. Now, we continue. The context is this is just your run-of-the-mill XQC stream and he's got someone in the background and Maid doing some stuff and he starts typing. Normally, I'm not like embarrassed chat so I'm more social and chill. But this time there's a lot of fucking trash. How much trash? How much trash do you generate? You're just one guy. Did you draw my ground? I might have had right next to me so that doesn't happen. That's a crazy invention you can buy. I might have had trouble buying it but when I saw the pictures of Asmongold's room, I was like, oh. This is apparently not too far from normal for a lot of streamers. They will order food and drink and then they will finish it and then it will be tossed in the room in there that they are in. I don't know how this develops because I'm sure all of you are thinking but why would you want to do that? That's not something you want to do because then it'll smell or it'll be there and grab it with you and put it in the kitchen or in the fucking bin outside. I understand like leaving it there during the stream but then when you're done, get up and you put it in a garbage can. As you can see, they've gathered any large bags to collect his waste and well, he's feeling embarrassed about it. You should get a fucking bin before your desk. Allegedly. So firstly, you're an adult you should climb up after yourself. Secondly, let's say you're very busy because you have a very successful business which to be very, he does. You can't climb up after yourself, you hire a maid. The maids don't come during the stream. No, saying that you have a big business implies that you produce things and maybe there's like byproducts of the manufacturing process. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. Why do you do that? Why? He's manufacturing content and he's producing trash both on-screen and off-screen. Got it. I've heard from a lot of streamers that this is just kind of normal and Destiny has talked about though his house is not that dirty but like Aswin Gold as you see. A lot of these streamers they're ordering food constantly they're ordering from Amazon constantly the boxes just pile up in the corner until it takes over their house and they all have to go through regular and to be fair I've definitely had times when I've been working like a 16 hour day and I've left something out for the next day it's like, I should have thought about it. I knew you would do that. I knew you'd describe something normal and try and squeeze it into this. You know how sometimes you don't throw everything away immediately he's like, yes, that's normal, that's fine. I'm going to give you I'm going to give you Dev's Law Dev's Law of Human Behavior Every abnormal behavior is actually just an extension of normal behavior just taken to the extreme. Well obviously that's true. Yeah, so like streamers are just doing what normal people do just a lot more of it so it's not normal then a lot of it in the most you see abnormal behavior it's just normal behavior but ab Well like hoarding is like hoarding is like we all get objects we buy things but hoarders just buy a lot of things and get a lot of things and just stack it up in the rooms until they die and suffocate or whatever happens to them or murder someone yeah murder someone that's just like an abnormal version of not liking them okay so it's basically the same thing you have to understand it's normal for us to eat stuff just for him he eats a lot and doesn't put things away yeah or he just eats too much like this woman in the video that he's looking at here with the massive gunt the uh since I am only obese that's how it is nice furtive gunt I named him a black woman she's pregnant she's not pregnant I hope she's pregnant I'm not trying to excuse this behavior I'm just saying that like if you put yourself in their shoes it becomes a bit more understandable how they can get themselves into the position we don't like your good faithness here okay this is bad faith there's no way I'm gonna have to crash around me and then have someone come and pick it up after me fuck that well I was about to say that's understanding the situation that's not the reason this clip was shown like all over the internet given minorities jobs and stuff is kind of you should just do that yourself well what do they think you know cause they can read it's bags and bags there's two people they've been cleaning for years I don't even know what to say look she's looking she's looking at it oh no just cause you're living in Las Vegas and she's brown doesn't mean that you can't fucking read English well I mean it's like right around here it's a toss up for some reason you believe she's just not gonna look and not gonna read and then she does both of those things and you're like Jesus fucking Christ maybe he thinks that he's the only person who could see this on the screen wow the best part to me a lot of people didn't share this part of the video this is his reaction after this drop the knife now drop it body cam video shows the suspect barely moving oh my god shame I do find that whole encounter strange why can't he talk to them I don't know yeah why don't you say hi why don't you say thank you can you not do this right now by the way I'm super rich I'm gonna give you a bonus today because I'm so fucking filthy we can just move past that I don't know why the whole exchange played out that way oh yeah he was cripplingly shamed because of the insane amount of trash like he couldn't speak to them okay yeah but I mean you should probably get over that quickly because that has to be dealt with it's just like well that's what it is hi how you doing you know things are good right either you learn how to take care of yourself body cam video shows you don't have time just be comfortable with paying them to do it because that's their job right they're professionals you're a professional like do the work you know also just obviously the PSA we need to let everyone in chat know if they didn't already but when you bring stuff to your room to eat or drink when you leave that same room you can take it with you and put it in bins or repair it to go out with the trash as they say you know these are all options you still have I have been right next to me it's crazy it works so well you can just put stuff in there and when it's full you can grab the bag and put it somewhere else preferably outside in the big bin everyone in chat is question marking me they don't know what I'm talking about what has happened the west has fallen this guy didn't know what condensation was you're expecting him to understand that he can like pick up trash and take it to different rooms at least he knew what the cones in the sand were he might he might not know about condensation but he knows a lot about what's the similar word con what's the word I'm thinking condescension people were saying condescension yes condescension wow like conservation he's conserving his trash no nice say that word condensation is what's up my mind condescension your mind is condensation so the word condensation is like a magnet a gravity magnet it's like a black hole and it's sucking every similar sounding word into itself so when I'm thinking about condescension condescension I think condescension what about concentration is that falling into concentration concentration is good it might just be it might just be conflagration those are fine it's condescension because it's so close to condescension condescension condescension see it's like a magnet it's sucking away my ability to say that word it's like the hologram and halo so this is his intentions with the h3 debate what's his goal are you trying to have a good conversation or are you trying to get a big on on him big on why would you say this why would you admit this he's gonna get a big on why would you admit beforehand that you're not coming into this in good faith I don't that's his appeal because he's dumb his appeal to his audience he's just gonna be a big asshole I guess don't worry guys I'll be a jerk if you're trying to win people over which presumably he would want to do this makes it a lot harder when you admit from the get go that you're not that interested in having a real conversation it would also be worthwhile to know as much as that appeals to his audience they would have been appealed anyway he doesn't need to say it but now he's knocked off all of h3's audience who they're interested in yeah that's true but you know it doesn't matter right it's still gonna be on the substance don't make me feel like because I think here's what I think I think people get jaded from a lot of things and it's okay it's just human nature right and I think his lawsuit jaded them about a lot of things I think all the people who are listening to this as a vaude on times 2 just went what what was it you'd not be able to watch this on times 2 I'm sorry you're gonna have to 1x your way through this one baby react content I think it's malding he's looking to really get a win it's an emotional win not a rational one I'm sure it's malding when something bad happens to you I'm sure there's some like Aristotle quote or Marcus Aurelius quote about malding he said malding is human nature it's a malded human nature it's a malded human nature it's a malded or not a malded that's the question I have a big problem I have a big problem please point like just out of curiosity I've heard only a bit of this but I don't know the full story what is the Ethan lawsuit he's referring to someone in chat said what must imagine Sisyphus malding I'm pregnant I'm pregnant oh my god that's so good now just imagining Sisyphus pushing a ball up the hill his stuff all hair is falling off of his head in real life sorry what was the question my head has become the boulder I have become the boulder was that that one woe jack of like he's just pushing his own head up the hill would it be boulder of worlds I guess boulder of worlds this could be so many memes making an illogical argument about malding is a fallacy I don't know if people will though that's right so the Ethan lawsuit what was the story there I don't know the full details on it I just know that I think he didn't piss someone off with coverage and they went after him in the nature of they used to try and get him and he fall back some guy made like a weird what was it called the thing where people like run up and down sidewalks oh parkour yeah some guy made a parkour video and at the end of it he's like it's like him racing a woman and at the end of it he's like hey baby can I get ya a number and anyway Ethan made a video making fun of it and he used a bunch of clips of it to make fun of it in his video saying it was illegal for him to use the clips in the video oh well that's not true yeah well that's I think Ethan used about 60% of the clips of the guys original work and Ethan eventually won the lawsuit but I think it took like a year or longer to go through and it cost him a crap ton of money and he had to raise a bunch of money because obviously this was before Ethan was rich so well good for him though actually taking it to court and getting something well I think the guys sued him I don't think he should be nonetheless like actually taking a fair use claim to court and fighting it and winning is a victory even though I don't like true that's a good point that is a victory he can do good things he can he can be of some use I will say after this the debate and some of the other stuff Ethan Stock has gone up lately it has gone up yeah it has gone up it only took an XQC and a Hassan I'm only here for a big own that's it oh you're right yeah it took the combined powers of XQC and Hassan to raise the stocks of Ethan it's all it took to bring back a glimmer of old Ethan I will say all our powers unite create this truly is the part two by the way because like in the previous half of this so to speak this story we did cover the what Ethan said to Hassan and it was incredibly satisfying to watch because Hassan couldn't run away he actually had to just admit that he was wrong and that there were better things to do it was neat it proved that all of his things are arguments are done out of like not malice but you know like they're not coming from the right place and they don't make sense and I can go on that with that you know okay what's the better way like yeah man sure say first off like I was saying thank you for um doing this I think it's important conversation to have and I think you're the right person to talk to about it simply because I feel and I think you would agree with this premise that you are you push the the fair use value or apparently you don't even care about fair use at all I don't want to put words on your mouth so you can correct me where I'm wrong but you seem to not so as we go through this I want to talk about his strategy Ethan's because I don't know how many people here anyone here has seen this in full already I was not able to make it through the full thing I've seen some of it so I've seen all of it and I have a distinct impression as to what Ethan's plan was and how one was executing it obviously I've seen it because I had to edit this whole piece of shit put a bunch of clips in here for the fun of everything it'll be worth it I swear but as you see as you guys know has come in here he's got some screenshots he's got the stats on his side and he's going to get a big own that's his intentions Ethan's maybe we'll talk about them as they develop but so far even just from that intro he sounds pretty normal right it's just like he's even said you're a good person to talk to about this and you don't believe in transforming shit or fair use right like that's not even your worry which in terms of strategy he's probably going to want to not the best chance I think XCC had was to try and focus on how nobody's truly transforming really ultimately all of us could go down in a court of law for not transforming enough in a lot of the things that we do because it's easier to win on the law of that than it is on the morality of it because the morality is obviously going to be really really difficult for everyone to draw a line or you'd be wrong you not know this what you guys do I think is far more legally protected in your conversation with him he said he didn't give a shit about the legality and people would just argue about the morality which I think was crazy but I think you'd have a stronger case to argue that because then you're kind of like personal opinion if you go by a lot of how the rules work EFAP covers basically 100% of the content every time which is something that can get you in a lot of hot water when it comes to trying to reach fair use because you there's a lot of arguments that can be made that we completely replace the course we would argue in the spirit that we've created something new that belongs to us now and they'd be like yeah but this is the thing I didn't say that we would definitively lose or anything but we'd be in some gray areas it would be difficult it would be it would go on for years more than likely and they appeal to that to try and say we're all the same everyone would end up in that situation so there you go whatever it's fine we can all transform at any length or ability that we have a preference for when of course I know you're trying to spend gold out of like dog shit here because you don't agree with that of course not but it's this is the thing I even when I was talking to XTC I was like this is probably the strategy you'd have to run along with like focusing on how you really do care about the creators and that you want to compensate them where and if necessary you're asking me to listen to you no no not at all and not to mention we're about to find out why that is almost irrelevant anyway but hey well I'm all probably before because I have so many thoughts to share if if he like when your guys had that conversation I think if he went into this and just said you know I like he laid out his moral stance where he thinks everyone should be able to use everything essentially which is stupid but then followed up with saying I'm totally willing to like pay people or share profits or all that stuff you kind of like well I disagree with him but you know he's not selfish right he's willing to share the money yeah that's I think that would have been his best approach to the conversation if he had hardcore focused on how he's very invested in making people whole so to speak Ethan would have trouble going after him I care about it or at least you push it as far as it can go so you seem like the right person to talk about it with okay so I think there's three points to that I don't want to get too debated yet I like him just now it's oddly he's placed it in front of his closet um I guess he doesn't want to go to the closet do you think he maybe opened the closet to see if he could get the giraffe in and then gave up oh yeah I couldn't tell that it was clearly just way too big he's like I'm not sure he might be able to fit I see he's got a piranha plan as well over there at first I thought that was the door into his room and he put it there to prevent the maids from coming in I think I value a good life product right? one I think I'm the right guy because I do a lot of it I do good reacts bad reacts but I do a high density of reacts I do a lot of it but on top of that against popular relief I guess these days I asked for permission a lot and I try to make an ecosystem where things are good and not conflictual that's the main point so being generous I think his open gambit is I do it all and my primary goal is to make sure everything is chill and has permission which is okay does the start it's a decent start but we'll see how it goes also I just thought it says a little rabbit bouncing around yeah there's the bunny fair that's all good I want to make one I want to make one thing clear I sure do love grass top is that I want to focus on he's totally looking a guide right now and he's got this set out because it's been seen before another podcast he writes all this shit out which is good by the way notes and sources and he knows what to bring out because that was almost essentially like intro statements say whatever you want now I'm going to focus on what I want to focus on I'm not even sure that he necessarily heard anything XUC just said the youtube uploads because the twitch streaming itself I feel like is too much of a grey zone and there's industry standard so I think that Ethan would condemn the twitch streaming aspect of it ultimately too but I think he thinks it's too difficult because there's a couple more aspects involved that make it a little harder to attack mainly to do with the markets crossing over people argue that they're different markets therefore it's okay which is funny when I think I think you can easily make a lot of the same arguments you would make for the youtube reuploads as you would for the stream if anything that might be more of the focus considering the XQC himself has stated that the majority of his income comes from a stream not his youtube reuploads because at the end of the day whatever it is that you end up reuploading is the content that existed on the stream so if it was principally wrong on the stream like in terms of not being sufficiently transformative you figure that that would you know well I think that we would just say stealing is stealing that's it full stop can you as a youtube creator go to twitch and file like a thing for a stream how does it even work if you're not like a big company there's like a DMCA form you can fill out I don't think twitch is competent enough to actually do anything with it to be honest so yeah I think Ethan's just trying to a difficult battle to fight because of all of the meta arguments that people make about how the streaming ecosystem works and sort of this weird divide between it being on stream versus being on youtube so I'm guessing he is discarding that completely because he doesn't want to deal with it he doesn't need it well it's also just the nature of streaming if you were to just turn on a protected video right now and just let it play with nothing else your stream would be disabled by youtube in a couple of minutes it would just be down because it automatically attacks that twitch doesn't have that you have to manually file with twitch does twitch have no content recognition system at all they do but it's not it's for music and it's not like always running all the time on every single stream not like youtube so like you have to file and then you have to hope someone sees it and then hope that they do what you want them to do but then again if like let's say that you're a youtuber and next you see his reaction to your hour long video you can file it but there's no way there's going to be an action before his reaction is done you know all you can do then is just try to somehow get revenue out of him it's not going to in the middle of the stream the way that you can do that on youtube yeah and I think the wards on twitch are not monetized like youtube videos are if I remember correctly I think they're just there for you to watch if you want to I don't think you have like a like a thing with ads or something I could be wrong I just don't know I just don't know so I've said a few times over the course of my eFabs that like I used to know somebody who used to work at twitch and he left around like 2015 or something wards used to be monetized you can have like banner ads appear in the vod at regular intervals but it broke at some point and no one fixed it and it's just broke what it broke like something went wrong with the code it was kind of bug or something and then the banner ads stopped appearing and that there just hasn't been they just haven't fixed it so there's no monetization that's money they leave on the table like twitch themselves why wouldn't they fix that that seems like such a worthwhile thing to fix twitch is like full of retards right now is there any actual coding or any innovation in like eight years buys and slander or something so yeah the only thing about this strategy from Ethan that I would consider a huge benefit to actually see if he notices it but I don't think he does is that if Ethan's willing to ignore twitch vods and twitch streaming that means that there's aspects of that that should be able to fold over to youtube that you can use in your own defense you can use that as a wrench later on if you're in trouble you can be like how come you're okay with twitch vods then when he brings up problems and then he'd be like oh shit you know it would make him stumble debate style sort of tactics because if it was me I wouldn't let twitch vods and streaming go I'd be like nope that's bad too I would be less I would be more hesitant to call what happens on twitch a violation of any kind so I just want to focus on what you upload to your youtube channel is that okay um okay so that's gonna be a yes and a no because I truly believe that twitch as a is it somewhat of a competitor on vods if twitch didn't have vods then that'd be wrong that'd be right but twitch has vods and all the vods stay up and when people react they leave the vods up and it's probably the same thing isn't this fascinating he's basically saying like you'd be wrong not to take issue with it because twitch vods can compete with youtube videos yeah yeah I had to kind of think about that for a second and be like wait the way that he's describing vods because I'm not really sure about the whole twitch thing but the way that he's describing vods they just seem like youtube videos like if any Ethan should just be like okay yeah right yeah like explain to me why this helps you I just opened that door for you to go from just close to it so okay I guess we're talking about this now yeah I guess being able to watch yes so regarding twitch vods right you have twitch vods which are basically just like youtube streams the same thing you just watch the stream for a while twitch experimented with having like vod they call them vod uploads it's just videos you're just uploading videos right but you could edit a video and upload it to twitch and have it play like a youtube video and they were experimenting with that I don't know if it went away but basically they didn't want twitch to be to actually be a youtube competitor in video playback so if you uploaded a video it had to be manually approved by someone at twitch and almost no one's videos got approved like that must be in yeah I mean they have to be manually approved how many people are working with twitch must do that I don't know if that's still going but I think because of the manual approval the feature was so unpopular I can't imagine it's going to be insane I don't know how to imagine if you needed to manually approve any video that goes up on youtube how many people you'd have to hire oh my god are we talking like thousands and thousands of people right like this is almost impossible watch every video actually yeah if you have to watch it before approving it I think that's just impossible surely because there's too many videos that are too long isn't that like like 500 million hours or something of youtube content that gets uploaded like per day more than people who upload like first second third fourth draft like they keep uploading and they keep approving I've seen this already but okay I have to watch it again because I don't know it's just just in case these people stuck in a dungeon just watching youtube videos all day every day yeah you just tell them yeah this is a six hour review of um I don't know Avengers Infinity War I snuck one N word in there so good luck um they finally find it and they're like yes now I can decline the video yeah supposedly there's 720,000 hours of video uploaded every day to youtube 720,000 hours jeez that's uh I would twitch with youtube like what was the thought process that everybody I'm not sure because uh I would have thought they would have wanted to set up as soon as possible the ability to upload videos just because you have videos saved if there are videos from the people who are streaming and you're known for those streamers it's encouraging those streamers to stay on twitch and to continue to use twitch for another purpose so I think it's because twitch's game plan is to monopolize streaming and not care so much about video on demand and now their objective is to survive but why I mean what happened was is that youtube came along with streaming but youtube streaming is fundamentally different from twitch like it feels different right but kick kick feels like twitch in its prime you go over to kick the way that everything's laid out and the emotes and the culture of the site it feels like twitch when twitch was good so I think kick is going to be what basically does twitch in oh you think because I have no idea at this point in terms of rumble kick and what's the what's the other one another one right? I like Odyssey's doing something, BitShoot's doing something they're all this is preferable that there's a bunch of them I hope that they all stay alive long enough to make competition happen because man because yeah it didn't critical leave twitch recently and people like oh is this truly the sign of the end for twitch now the big good lads are all leaving yeah did you? did you really? apparently he's streaming on youtube now instead oh okay I know uh yeah kick signed a bunch of people to take them away from twitch I do hope kick ends up working out because it's actually a pretty fun site to be on they're not just banning people for making the most mild of edgy jokes you can actually have fun on the site so okay oh people are saying he didn't he didn't leave but he's ended his exclusivity so now he streams on I guess both oh okay interesting we're listening to music on stuff that remains in the VOD okay that's true but just for the sake of this conversation I just want to focus on because like from a legal perspective and I know you don't really care about the legality of it and that's fine but I just want to focus on like the youtube videos as they stand as like a product I understand that the VODs are on twitch and that that would you know create an inherent problem as well but just for the sake of the conversation to keep things clean and keep us from getting too messy that's that's my focus if that's okay with I think that's pretty reasonable as an explanation of all of this is to figure it out on the grounds of youtube and all that it wouldn't apply to twitch VODs okay um you know what just for the sake of having a good argument I'll do that except for when except for when the topic matters if it doesn't overall fine but there are certain points that like it plays a big role into it if it's too big I think I want to ignore it you know what that's 100% fine I guess I'm just saying that for myself so that when I'm talking you understand that I'm talking about your youtube channel and not making general statements about what's happening on twitch okay that's fair okay cool so I guess my first question for you to start is that do you think your work is transformative of course that's one of the main tenets of fair use do you think your work is transformative yes which is a really interesting response because of course I was like didn't I ask him that he said no or the very least he admitted that his content is filled with non-transformative stuff and so again this part I almost want to try and wait until for years back because this class is golden fair what can we talk about to pretend as though we can't possibly continue in this few minutes well we can talk about well let's examine the room personally I was looking at his room and I realized that his skeleton had hung itself his skeleton could have taken it more and hanged himself no no no that was the maid from before oh no it's a warning to other maids oh no Maria I think it's because he's a huge fan of Jared it's a reference it might be a reference doesn't have the runes yeah it needs the runes permanent marker runes on it he's got some plushies on some spare computers I guess maybe the one behind him is a fridge is that a mini fridge I think that could be a coolie I'll say this is very low tier in terms of streamer backgrounds the giraffe is neat he's recently moved I think that's why he hasn't found the elements yet the feng shui as they say alright well he had enough time to hang his skeleton and bring in his his computers and his guns we will get that done when we move in we always put in the skeleton up if those are skateboards shouldn't there be wheels on them are they snowboards oh snowboards it's true there's no snowboarding here it doesn't come to mind snowboarding is hard by the way it's hard as fuck I told you about it so you guys know the streamer Ludwig right streamer I think I've heard I do yeah so he recently did a stream where he watched 9 episodes of Vinland saga on stream with everybody when I saw that stream I was like oh no why are you doing this but he's the kicker was he on kicker? no the thing is he asked Netflix a crunchy roll and a creator of the anime if he could do that to promote the show and they both said yes so he got permission to do both of those and was able to watch it live on stream with everybody nice so it's just interesting to see that people can figure that out with big companies but some other streamers can't even ask some YouTubers to watch the video I find that really interesting they're surfer on YouTube man oh this looks interesting you can't expect him to go to stop the stream and go ask or plan things it's got to be spontaneous it's a cool thing I find it super interesting I tried a picture of if the six of us had a deal where we could all watch Simpsons episodes just as an example how would it go do you think would we just laugh where laughing is relevant or would we pause to comment or comment while it's going I don't even know what would they want do they want the episode played mostly without interruption probably I mean before the three e-faps that we all did last year on this topic there was the Twitch TV the TV meta where they literally just watched full episodes of Hell's Kitchen and stuff on Twitch that was going for a while that finally got slapped by Twitch so for a while it was very common to just I think so yeah that's why they stopped I could have sworn it was mentioned that they're still trying it these days but maybe not I think it didn't why did she need to do it I don't know why I would say I don't know why I think maybe people who are lower on the rung deserve to do it more I don't know it's virtual girlfriendism okay you can sit with Pokémon on your virtual couch and watch Hell's Kitchen yeah gang gang ice cream yum ice cream so yum that computer that computer in the background I think that's the one he got from Linus Tech Tips oh it's been retired huh is it really bad I think Linus gave him like a free computer as like a promo thing for like a crossover and I think that's its fate it's now sitting there alright Fringy's back now so I'm gonna roll it back a little welcome back of course that's one of the main tenets of fair use of course that's one of the main tenets of fair use do you think your work is transformative um yes that feels like a different that feels different from what he said before so this is why I wanted you to be back first so here we go everybody cause I was watching this when it was happening you do here I mean okay cause I was watching I don't know if you heard that weird uh that sounded like someone that might be here right now watching you yesterday and here you said it's absolutely not transformative here it is you don't have to care that's totally fine but you agree oh my god oh my god Mahler I bought the h3 podcast now you made it on the h3 podcast you're so talented I made it and I yeah what I saw was like holy shit he watched the stream oh my god if he watched the stream then that means he is very prepared yeah that means he fucking knows what advice was given and he knows what context was given so it's just like yep this is uh good luck XQC this is all you can have now you've created non-transformative reactions 100% yeah okay that's fine we agreed yeah what else do we even said 100% so so here you say you've 100% made non-transformative reactions did you change your mind um no no no absolutely not the whole point is that never is overly bad because I think we all have stuff that is non-transformative if you do a full on yes or no I just kind of like play with the question and that was kind of like play with the question just play with the question I legit my very good friend that question I think there's a core idea in his head and it's struggling to get out which is yeah uh you know I was vague with my answer sometimes or at least left room for interpretation but ultimately I have made non-transformative and transformative reactions that's what he wants to get to I think but this is like he's just all over the place already because this has got to be a little bit stressful to be playing a clip of yourself talking but contradicting what you just said so but your work is not fully transformative some of it is not by your own admission look at that face he's like admit it what? you know you cocked it yeah some of it is less reactive yeah 100% okay so in that regard do you care at all about like IP or copyright or like the fact that it's illegal does that matter that it might be illegal does that matter to you? oh no it doesn't matter flat out it doesn't because that's fair that's totally fair and so because what? you know what to be fair that was definitely like a chad no situation it's like don't you care that this is bad no alright it makes our job easier ish I guess I think the problem Ethan was having was just like wait now where do I go do I go trying to explain why it's something you should care about or should I just be like wow wow there you go you don't care which means you don't care about stealing stuff you know it's just like because I don't think he expected necessarily for him to just go like nah fuck it fuck it it doesn't matter to you I don't think it's there's any point to really even discuss well I can elaborate I can elaborate a little bit go ahead please and open the door a tiny bit just to give you a general angle general angle one of my favorite Star Wars characters usually the people that enforce it are the ones that have a problem with it the problem with the nature of the content itself I mean kind of in terms of the reality technically if I'm playing some telltale game well I mean they could take me down and then they want there comes the gaming argument maybe they could it's a little unclear the gaming thing is strange but no one really goes after it I always hate the gaming it's brought up because it's a very different medium and if I have my favorite game for its story and I wanted to know what everyone thought of it I could watch all of you play it separately and then play it myself you know I mean like it's fundamentally there is a difference between playing a video game and watching a video game whereas watching a video and watching a reaction to the video that adds only like 5 minutes to commentary is more or less the same thing mechanically you would absolutely all do different things but even that's why I brought up a story part even that you could all react very differently you could all create an experience that's very unique it feels like there's a reason that companies haven't on mass clamped down on that though it probably should be admitted like we are in a timeline that is a lot luckier than others where they did and a hell of a lot less content is available for that but that's the argument that a lot of people try to put in for why react stuff where they don't transform anything is okay because games okay this is okay but I don't know if you guys feel the same way but if someone was to do an XQC with I don't know I think of a game like DRS does probably a good example I'd be like you pretty much have just stolen the whole experience of DRS to and re-uploaded it he did say XQC did specifically say a telltale game right so I don't think a telltale game should count necessarily there's choices everywhere so it's different DRS there's a game that I think that was the example TotalBiscuit gave of like wait a minute is this a game because you just walk forward I think all you can do is stuff I can't remember if that's but yeah that's their game and I'm yonking their stuff so legality wise they could clap me for everything I've got but for just playing their game sure yeah I don't I wouldn't say that because again I don't think it's true I don't think it's not true either it's that weird sort of gray area of nobody like nobody does it and it's probably gonna stay that way you do not want to be known as the first game developers or studio or publisher to really go after people for doing that it's like the worst PR you could ever do but I wouldn't just so blatantly outright say oh yeah I'm not allowed to do this it's not a good position for you to put yourself in obviously well so fair use is decided on a case by case basis by a judge or jury so it's hard to do epic sweeping generalizations about what is and what isn't but ultimately if I understand your position you don't really care about the legality of it you're more like concerned with the philosophical thoughts of like reacting to content the limitations of that I care enough enough about it to where it affects me right so I have to care if it affects me what a lie it affects me it's stuff because it's the legality of it if somebody wants to strike down send out a claim I have to act on that so even though I care or not that will happen and it happens all the time except I like to create an environment where I engage with people in content that are not going to do that because they believe in the mutually beneficial nature of the interaction which has video games even though the video games could strike me and they want to just play a game on my stream right so I think my point is that we can kind of skip this whole conversation because I think we both agree if we did a fair use analysis and you admit that when you say it's not transformative that a lot of the stuff you do would fail the fair use test so we're at the same page and also a lot of your stuff too so we're in the same boat pretty much no I don't watch H3S3 but they have so many things but they just talk to each other and then have clips from something in there this was always definitely not comparable at all the strategy I mentioned this is always going to be XQC's plan was to try and level the playing field be like we're not so different you and I you can't come at me with your moral high ground because you're the same as long as XQC can sort of muddle everything up enough and get enough of an argument enough of an example then you're in hell with me probably not as much but even then that's not the best strategy you have to drag down the other person to your level I guess in a way that helps but really it doesn't change anything about what you've done and all Ethan would have to say is yeah I've done it in the past but that was a mistake that I did it and I think that it's bad so that instantly creates the distinction between the two of them which is not what XQC wants to have so it's very easy to get out of and it doesn't even really help you so I did a little stats maybe you don't want to hear it because you want to wait what was that translate I have statistics that will prove you wrong but perhaps you're going to put your fingers in your ears and say la la la la that's what he was just saying I love that song that was such a strange instant shift into a much more confrontational yeah apparently I think XQC believes already that Ethan's super hostile and to be fair he kind of is yeah you shouldn't take too long to discover Ethan's ulterior plans here but not to be his friend the fact that he's got clips on hand and he's studied that already shows but I'm just saying this comes across as a particularly big escalation in the confrontation you don't want to be the first person to throw out the insult yeah you wouldn't want to do the whim or anything what's happened there is he's very explicitly said I have the information to be a bit too emotional about it that you want to ignore it it feels like this is how all conversations go like the subtext eventually it always happens usually it doesn't happen in like three minutes no all of a sudden by density of content with how much you upload as a person as a channel I upload this much overall because I have a lot of runtime you upload about this much to break down the percentage of not similar content your ratio is how is mine I have no idea what you're trying to say right now it's not fair because Ethan could just say that at any point in the conversation I literally don't know what you're saying I don't understand this much that much you gotta explain that a little more do you see him smile I don't have to say that I feel like he knows he can pull the I don't understand what he's saying whenever he wants did XQC have like a data analysis person like go over the entire channel of H3H3 and run we will say in words we're gonna see an example of what XQC's editor has done for XQC and prep for this debate the things that are all on YouTube because you don't need to talk about my podcast it doesn't matter your content the stuff that you control and upload overall all the content you put out there I have about that much because it's a lot of runtime I have no fucking idea what you're talking about do you have proof of that you're just saying that much of this much that seems a little silly I have one of the highest runtime across the internet in terms of putting out content that you do with your commentary on the video if your stream is 12 hours long and you're reacting to an 8 minute video it doesn't matter it matters what you said about the 8 minute video it doesn't matter how long you streamed for he's right but the thing is all XQC's trying and failing miserably to say is that you are probably more a higher percentage of your content you probably transgress more than I have that's what XQC's trying to say he's wrong what is your evidence of this but this is the thing Ethan knows as well as we do the audience have no fucking clue what XQC's saying for the most part actually you talking about length is irrelevant and shows your lack of knowledge XQC would be like I'm talking about it point so if you let me elaborate on my point instead of breaking the semantics you're bringing in semantics by saying you don't understand what the hell I'm saying by not hearing my words you are doing semantics I think a lot of people they associate the word semantics with maybe they think that semantics means useless filler of a conversation instead of an important element of words and what they mean in their context I think semantics are important I think that I find it often annoying whenever someone says you're just doing semantics especially in a conversation where you disagree on the meaning of a word yeah like this is foundational to our we have to resolve this using the same words to mean the same thing otherwise we're just going to be talking past each other the whole time that's just semantics you're like sure it's not just semantics it is semantics it's Sitch's law what's Sitch's law Dev gave us his law the majority of arguments mine is much better the majority of arguments are really about definitions you just don't realize it interesting now what do you mean when you say definition well semantics is the condensation of words it's mysterious and wet where does it come from words generate meanings in the same way that the air generates water imagine if I've tried it before imagine if there were people with that Libertalia was just full of jam that like Avery and all of his pirate buddies had just taught a jam and they killed each other fighting over the jam and then Nathan starts shoving the jam into his shirt to try and collect it all together and he's like why can't I hold all this jam you're just slipping on it you're running semantics that's how fair use works okay we're not even talking about the nature of the condom yet fuck the condom hold on just to be clear you said you said you said you said you said hold on just to be clear you said you don't do fair use but I don't also so okay real quick it sounds like what's happening right now is XQC is panicking he knows he's kind of caught in a corner like this early on which is crazy for a debate but he's caught and that's what it sounds like the way he's trying to that might be how it sounds but seriously he's just trying to say Ethan you do it as well and worse that's all he's trying to say but he's really bad at speaking I wonder if like if you're blind right and you're like an inch away from a wall that you're about to hit you don't actually know it's there even though you're about to run right into it I feel that's kind of like how XQC is here he doesn't plan ahead when he starts a sentence no one knows where it's going to go or what thoughts it you know let him hear discovering it all as he goes to be slightly fair to XQC which I hate to do he's just Ethan just keeps interrupting him he should just say oh like let me state my full argument before you interrupt me and then we can talk about whether the argument is valid or not yeah I think everything that was just said is true I actually think all of those things are happening all at the same time because showing him a clip of himself definitely would have stressed him a little bit that's some deer in headlights a little bit oh yeah I mean he's definitely stressed out I think that's part of the reactions the other guy's more prepared than you are I'm not prepared we're talking about care use just to be clear right okay okay let's let's reel back a little bit and stop being stupid for a minute and just kind of like listen you're bold that makes me it's slipping in the insults instead of it's stupid it's super just to look at it like an actual like if there were health bars because it feels like a defensive punch that misses it's like what are you doing if you're thinking of a pokemon battle it's like yeah it's just a miss you cast counter but there was no attack so just imagine like defense like as soon as the clip got played it was like growl defenses down I think the obvious one here is it hurt itself and it's confusion oh yeah I don't know if yeah I wouldn't there's something specific he does that I would totally say that for but um this just feels like a miss to me like look at Ethan's face he's like what was that you just call me stupid for no reason at all well see this is why I think it's a deer in the headlights reaction right to having your being on the back foot immediately but being hit with your own clip you know and I from what I saw of this it just feels like he stays in the back foot the entire debate because he doesn't he doesn't ever recover from having his own words played in him well it certainly like obviously if you had a PR guy you'd be like don't don't do it before Ethan does it Ethan's audience are now going to be 100% against you I think the most important thing here is that Fringy is a fake Pokemon fan because growl reduces attack defense oh my god it's hail whip hail whip and lear lear is making it to fall sharply yeah that's right and of course stand attack lowers accuracy yeah what's the one with speed wait wait wait what did you just call what did you just call Pidgey fake fan detective it's Pidgey Pidgey Oto and Pidgeyot Pidgey is not Pidgey I didn't even know what I was laughing you got me I'm Pidgey the fool I wish it were called Pidgey Pidgey, Pidgey Oto, Pidgeyot what a pity what a pity come on that way I'm going to say it that way we got to see how he gets out of this he's on the hero's journey right now okay I'm listening you said see I feel like Ethan's like I'm winning this is working I haven't even tried yet I'm already winning feel like I overprepared yes you said that too but yes yeah absolutely I understand and I said that you did you right and I'm going to say you did you hey sit you did you you did you it was like a fun game show super wholesome who did you I'm Gene Rayburn welcome back to who did you with our special guest Richard Dawson two double fall fallacy right but in the instance where you try to take the high road and say well I don't do this guys well you do and the my next point is that an amount of content that you upload you're non-reactive there's actually quite a lot of I don't know what that means I don't know if you've caught it but seriously I like my main issue for him right now is he just can't fucking say what he's trying to say which is just you do it you do it worse than I do all he's trying to say how hard is it to say that and he keeps like moving around and Ethan's able to just poke at him being like what are you talking about why'd you keep talking about length and this and that that's not that's not a fair use works to stop saying that it doesn't mean anything you're just saying stuff I'm just saying words well I'm saying that you're just doing this you do a lot of this and this there's no stats there's no data I don't even know what you're referring to and that by the way this was this where I was like wait a minute if you remember my conversation with XQC and other times he's spoken on this he does say specifically the phrase like stats and data he says that all the time I think Ethan's heard him say that and he was waiting to throw this out first to be like you have no stats and data look at you no stats and data I need the stats and data if you want to be proven right you're just saying this is long which if he did do that like if he had prepared and actually like taken a sample or something and compared it he could have gotten him but if he's just appealing to this even if you found a couple examples even then you could always you could be like and think of the ones we didn't find compared to how many videos I can get a view but I mean he probably hasn't done that in this conversation doesn't he bring up something or tries to bring it up I don't know does he okay well um I saw like the first 30 minutes we're gonna get all kinds of developments but like the all I'm getting at here is that Ethan's just trying to be him up right now verbally Ethan is using debate tactics here because he does understand the concept that XQC is trying to say but he keeps saying well you're saying doesn't make any sense so he's trying to like perform for his audience to just disregard it like the concept if Ethan picked up 45% of a point from what XQC said every time he'll be like unless we hit a 60 I'm just gonna appeal to him being nonsensical I can and it'll work he knows he understands what he's trying to say I think he I think anyone can if they really try to listen to XQC and take it slowly which is again why I feel like XQC's got every right to start getting angry but you've got a hold back on random insults because it makes you look like a fool stop saying that it doesn't mean anything you're just saying stuff well I'm saying that you're just doing this you do a lot of this and this there's no stats there's no data I don't even know what you're referring to I mean if you want to talk if you want to talk about stats and data he's introducing himself to his own angle he's he's railroad which is it's a way to do it it's a strat but you go to worry for XQC now it's like wait what no I was doing a thing where are you going one specific video that I just analyzed just picked one out of the lot a rapper who got a $20 and Frank tattoo this is a let me just read off the stats and you can tell me if Matt is up or is worse so this is a video uploaded to your channel 10 days ago rapper who got a 10 minute and Frank sorry a $20 and Frank face tattoo okay so the original video run time is 9 minutes and 13 seconds oh sorry no the original video is 8 minutes 33 seconds okay the video here he added 40 that's neat good for you he added 40 seconds compared to the amount that he would have added to the JFK LEMONO video that might actually be more sure if the ratio works out is less here that you uploaded is 9 minutes 13 seconds that means you added 40 seconds to an 8 and a half minute video adding 7.8% run time actually I even did you a favor I condensed all of your commentary on this specific video into just a short video because it's only 40 is it the only favor easy to see you've just been railroaded hard you don't transform and then he's got you all like look how awful this is wow 3 seconds so I'm kind of impressed yeah he's not doing too bad he just put the noose around his neck he's like let me do your favor let me tighten this noose around your neck I'll show this well this is important because what you say the commentary does like no don't speak don't speak until I'm done matter because before you finish let me go so you're about to prove me right I said I do non-transformative dog shit and you're about I do non-transformative dog shit I do like him in subways we don't disagree on everything yeah okay fair so I don't have to show it to you you don't clap me because I mean I just said I did that as I say I'm white and I'm on camera what's happening what are we talking about his point is that your stated facts that we've already everyone knows is true and we've all agreed that's what he's trying to say but just saying that's like saying I'm white and I'm on camera he's like what are you talking about Hitler would not be proud it's such a bizarre fucking approach to this it just feels to me like he's flailing a little bit here he's using splash this is more transformative than mine the consistency the point you're trying to make well hold on before you do that let's just they both want to play their shit let me wait I'm gonna do my fist I do think it's interesting because the commentary does this is so funny to me because like obviously I did it for him with the JFK video it looks like the editor slash producer whatever has gone out and found one of the worst examples and he's put together all of the reactions from the video to show you all of the transformative elements right that's how this works this is one of the what the fuck am I and it's so annoying to know that he actually just does this all the time he just keeps going what the fuck what no way I'm a big ol' house if that was finished wait that is the response it's pretty good actually that guy's pretty good at that I know this video that's wild though it's so funny as well because you can already see that he didn't even talk about the obvious thing to talk about with a video like that should that be something you be allowed to do what would you say about a friend who maybe chose to do it he doesn't talk about any of it he just goes what a far what a far what a far what a far imagine having a friend I wonder what the far I guess I thought they had like one song hey that was it shit in the playback the giraffe is still there so that's been there for a while then I guess so he's just living that at least that was really recent like really like yesterday night I don't know it could have been he's just like scouring watching every stream well that's the thing though you can't tell the difference between someone like sniping a really great example deliberately to make him look bad or this could just be a random normal newest one you don't know I could believe so that's the entirety of the commentary you added to his eight and I know you don't defend yourself on this so I guess it's kind of a move point but the quality of the commentary you've admitted guilt he has said he's guilty just to be clear but moving on you could tell they probably talked about this off stream and it's like you've now laid him out the audience aren't going to be sympathetic to him at all at this point you have to be commenting analyzing being critical of the content you're watching for it to be fair use but that doesn't matter right because you don't even believe it is I think you're right so I think instead I think we should get an example of one of your examples then it's now turned into fuck you you do it too bitch you're just as bad as me which can only not really do much it's a lateral move at best let us begin the hundreds of millionaires fighting each other by throwing shit at each other that's what life is all about I guess I'd love to let's get one of your examples that show me the guidelines what I should do to react no he does so instead of having my example of this I think we should use yours instead so I could learn how to be a better creator how about you click on that good idea good idea oh I have to open it yes in a chat one second here don't tell me it's the clip that he was complaining about when he was watching them on their original podcast right like when they sat there just watching to see how long it would be before he spoke it's probably worth mentioning now the way this has worked is XQC has been supplied clips slash edited videos from his editor and I don't even think he's seen them this is his editor's work and his editor's told him I found examples of Ethan doing the thing that he's going to rip into you for so just play these on the stream so yeah you uploaded to your XQC clips channel you uploaded five so you uploaded five well I just want to explain it you uploaded five clips just play it so when it was my turn you played my clip when it's your turn you don't play the clip and you just comment before seeing it for you I'm going to play it I'm opening it here sorry here it is here's one of them from your channel 1.2 million views in six now is it okay if we watch this one Ethan shows XQC how transformative reactions are done number four this is the one you uploaded number one two three four yeah there's one two three four they're all good so here it is so you can finally over Logan Paul do you have a problem already Felix there's a cut here there's okay King why is there a cut there huh so may as well get all the context out early so you can understand how this conversation goes what Ethan is going to try and argue here is that he's he's taken what was it like an eight and a half minute video and then he took XQC's reaction which came to nine minutes and ten seconds something like that and what he did was have the editor chop out every last thing XQC says and then look at the length of that and then look at the content of it that's what I did when looking at XQC stuff as well because that gives you a strong impression of everything that XQC added and when you see that it's like what the what the XQC's editor the fucking galaxy brain that he is was like oh so you take an issue with anyone who just sits there watching the thing right and it's like sure and it's like okay so if I cut out all of your commentary there isn't that look like sit there just watching it for like three whole minutes oh and it's like oh you did the reverse oh no you fool editor to prove that Ethan is just as a vicki like basically take an EFAP stream and then play all of the times we play the video and cut everything else out and you're like see you don't transform it it'd be like you idiot you fucking moron you're fool it's actually actually taking me a while to sort of comprehend just how foolish that is this is this how long is the bother earning those vinyls that's the problem with that Ethan lays out pretty clearly this is the length of the original this is the length of yours here's your reaction that makes it really easy to follow if you just show me three minutes of Ethan not saying anything that means nothing to me if I don't know how long the video is already pointed out the first few seconds has a cut in it it's like wait what was in the cut something that I said the cut was the transformative content so yes if you cut out all the transformation yeah I guess I don't say anything and the thing is Ethan was there when this was created so he's gonna know that he probably transformed it because he's this is the thing you're dealing with Ethan Klein someone who is very very familiar with how this works and legally speaking knows he needs to transform it well yeah more so than a lot of people he'd be aware there's also the fact that you see decided to come with this evidence and not even check out he didn't watch them beforehand which is a huge mistake it's that terrible mix of he's an idiot and also a fool doing this debate in the first place was probably never gonna work out good but he doesn't have an understanding of his own let's call it intellectual limitations and he had to bake prep that was weird yeah like you have all of these resources to work with you can just pay people to do all this work I did watch the Destiny debate prep didn't XQC just do nothing that Destiny said he should do pretty much ignored all of it he didn't take my advice either focus on how you want to help people focus on you don't come across as an asshole it's a really really good bit of advice but nevermind yeah at least be nice you know at the very least come across as likeable that helps like you can maybe win this debate if you focus on the raw numbers of how much a YouTube creator gets a bump from a Twitch streamer watching their stuff you can make a decent argument there just from like the consequentialist point of view like hey look your channel blew up after I reacted to your stuff you can make that argument he just didn't do it there's loads of avenues he could have taken he could have argued this in a way that would work out well but he's really not doing well so far I don't know if Ethan points this out but the video that XQC brought up Logan Paul apologized to me by CoffeeZilla it's 13 minutes and 15 seconds long the editor cut out Ethan saying nothing for only 2 minutes of a 13 minute video that literally makes Ethan's point yes Flix there's a cut here okay Kani why is there a cut there huh? oh wow huh? this is why it's good to explain all this before I end yeah there's a cut here so whenever you play my video did I say wait Ethan I think I've seen something on the screen right there is that a dead pixel just play the fucking video bro and XQC has no idea what Ethan's getting at already okay but it undermines your argument if you're showing an edited clip if you're cutting out my commentary and then trying to say I don't you do fair use I'm not playing finally over Logan Paul apologized CoffeeZilla probably about the right time to comment on how insane this is by the way we're watching an editor took a reaction to a video about a whole other thing and chopped it up to show on a show about reaction content whether or not it's fair use it I like how the cameras are all in there and we're reacting to that and all the cameras are in different positions as well it's like who's the real one some other streamer reacts to this and their camera is going to be in the final the fourth corner fortunately it looks like Ethan changes his background so instead of the little bunny in the forest it's like a winter wonderland I like the bunny on the beach I like the beach bunny I like the beach bunny yeah he's just you know he's chilling out having a great day we said they like beach bunnies I love beach bunnies yeah you got a problem with that no he does that all the time he said it about santa too wow yeah you did first response he apologized look at this idiot it's not the editor by the way has now edited in clips of Ethan saying look at actually sitting there like a moron like trying to say hi you do it too big blunder because that just makes it hard to follow it does it actually confuses it if there's one thing that you need for this it's clarity it's like that I mean hold on I will say as someone watching this as a stream there's two Ethan's voice that's not coming from either of them wait what do you think that XQC's editor said that he needed to condense the video and XQC was confused by that word you're probably right he didn't talk about it he's literally just sitting there quiet and now we've been to cut a piece from leftovers it's like why are you doing that it's just confusing everything especially when there's only XQC's they're together oh my god you see him at the top right he thinks he's winning something here we all look at Ethan's face it's just like it's none of this which Ethan look at that face that's like a face of what is going on 30 seconds you should sue him fuck you XQC you beef bitch turns out it's actually on his secondary channel I'll play the whole thing just let me know when to stop see if you want me to thank you coffeezilla they could sue you and they would be right to sue you I think they would be in the right I think so Paul and it's a pretty big change in Logan's attitude so far so let's see what he has to say to us coffeezilla is not a criminal I wonder if he's gonna hire me what do you want to keep up the guy says I wonder what you have to say about this he thinks this is a slam dunk he thinks he's got him he hasn't said shit yet so I mean well you told me to let the clip play do you want me to interrupt it you got to choose a lane I was trying to be creative with it he's trying to be creative I was trying to be creative I believe you do comment down at the same time I was asking the old Ethan the guy that's morally aware of everybody he's high-roading to react to it but he's not saying shit do you want me to keep playing it okay cool but in all seriousness that's a good well you caught out fundamentally we have no fucking clue what he's caught out it's useless absolutely useless information have some major admissions in it I want to go through for one Logan apologizes to me I called him I apologized my criticism of him right now was that he uploaded this to youtube because I understand the nature of I'm gonna tell you I find it really interesting that you think this is compelling this actually first of all there's what can you say you failed to understand the point so hard so many cuts in it it's not persuasive at all but one thing I do want to ask you about is why you cut out the beginning of the segment when I talked about it here's when I set up the video here it is and again the framing what you say what would have happened while they were playing that is someone as a part of his team would have just gone the length told him play the beginning and you could just counter it in real time he has a team so when you have a lot of money and you have a team of people that you pay to help you with your job you can utilize these resources in order to help you not look like a fucking moron on the internet to be fair it's not the money isn't the problem with XQC he's rich it's the latest oh yeah he is a gajillion I think what we're actually saying is what you have oh shit buying a giraffe which by the way that's okay I'd do that baby I'm totally for buying the giraffe but I think he had a little bit left over to maybe you know spring for him improve his yeah so you could like maybe it's an expensive giraffe like an albino giraffe or something you can build a studio and expand your business and have employees and do a real thing or you could buy a giraffe he tried to pay his maids his editor didn't make this montage that is true but he's paid so something went very wrong because I think what you will hear here listen if it were a live giraffe is it better math on that yes you could you could ride him around town well sure but you probably edit better videos pulling that giraffe from his natural habitat yeah manna eight leaves off of tall trees and everything whatever it's a closet giraffe though well I feel like I like that very antithetical to where giraffes ought to be yeah and that's why it was so expensive and he couldn't afford anyone to do a shit for him there you go we solved it not joking by the way I would wonder who's whose team actually sees editors on a traitor to the throne so here's how that clip starts Felix what you cut out for some reason yeah so Logan made a video after you got absolutely bought like bought deed for his response where he's like I'm going to sue you this is bullshit why did you cut this me oh you played up video so is that a pre-act is that like a pre-act you just went in and pre-act is when you react a pre-act is like now we're going somewhere else why does that count it's like well the clip should probably count yeah I mean it should count yeah because you're adding content and also it's not mandatory you could just not do it well I mean that's what that's how it works for some reactions on Twitch right they'll just throw on the video and then just get up and leave without any preamble the preamble and your perspective on it is transforming it but it's just the point that he did make it's like why'd you cut it because you can't cut it if you didn't have the clip beforehand like the first thing that happens is the first part of the clip you can't miss it well to be the crazy part there is an answer to that question that is genuine and that is I was just showing how much time you don't react to and that you are sitting there and then the conversation moves into yeah but I'm allowed to do that as long as I'm transforming the majority of it that's the confusion but now XQC is like pre-act we actually can't stay on this is a losing argument anyway but he can't even like stay on it to his credit the word pre-act is pretty clever it's pretty clever I like it that is funny react is an alright portmanteau but I wonder who I wonder where he heard it from took out like 30 second slices from it so basically what you were saying is that you're going to the bar right and this part is like where you get in and where you get like a beer or something like that right and the rest of it you just fucking say what the fuck is that drinking guys talking about it why did you make it so much more complicated XQC like it's going to confuse the shit out of everyone why don't you just this is like why not just say what it is instead of trying to be like a magical parable to try and get the idea across just to find it just say what it is don't know what is any fucking clue what you're going on about fucking just like the intro so if you put an intro you're good so you don't understand how fair use works and that's fine but I don't know why you want to debate fair use when you don't care about it yes what you say in the beginning matters bro you're analyzing I'm contextualizing I'm criticizing I'm analyzing it that's what fair use is I'm not just sitting there and the audience isn't just re-acting watching the video while I mean you do get up and go to the bathroom a lot so I know that you want to but that's fine because you don't care about it but for you to think that this is so you use me as an example for your indignity feel it your identity indemnity? he wouldn't have used that way no why it must have been identity maybe indignity it could be because you mentioned going to the bathroom which is an indignity indemnity is security or protection against a loss or other financial burden so there's a chance he could have meant indemnity then there's a chance that I might be a chance if we hire a team of seven lawyers to investigate this sentence there is a non-zero chance that this might make some level of sense in a certain context depending on your interpretation chat like this no fucking way do you think this clip is compelling do you see what I'm saying that this example is really dishonest okay so in that clip my editor edited your own words saying it your editor did this have you watched it so this is a part that I particularly love listen specifically to the answer SQC gives though the answer should just be yes yeah wait for it you just watched it for the first time so the cuts have you watched the unedited version on my podcast so I'm going to go back because I feel like it may have been missed okay so in that clip my editor edited your own words saying it oh can I ask you something your editor did this have you watched it well yeah I watched it like you just did I watched it like I just did he's like you just did yeah Ethan we were there you were with me a moment ago you've watched it before like a little boy with his hand in the cookie jars like did you just take the cookie to go I didn't what do you know no it's like mom comes in and she sees you with a hand in the cookie jar she's like what are you doing here and the kid's like what are you doing here I'm protecting the cookies what are you doing but yeah just knowing in that moment like fuck I obviously should have watched them what have I got is there anything I can say it's like just say you have watched it just now cause you just did that's true there's also like a drop of throwing his editor under the bus in there too he doesn't really say it but the way that he like the tone of his voice is like well my editor this is like oh okay he's trying to pivot to throwing his editor under the bus mm-hmm I clip my editor edited your own words saying it oh can I ask you something your editor did this have you watched it um well yeah I watched it I did are you just watched it for the first time have you watched the unedited version on my podcast um yeah it's okay so then why was this removed if you don't let me talk I mean we're not cause yeah he's actually correct here you're not even letting it he answers the questions which is good and then goes to say someone else and then Ethan cuts them off it's like being a little rude being a little rude well I just want to get to the point you know what I mean cause I don't want you to deflect I want to know why you cut this part then when you ask a question you have to wait for me to answer otherwise it's not going to work okay go ahead please I apologize that's good stuff go ahead okay so there's four of them out of many of them by the way there's we only upload four cause we didn't want you to go crazy with the DMCA stuff um basically it's pretty much a lot of it's spliced that was a knock at him by the way that wasn't like a legit point I was just saying that we had five examples of you not transforming didn't want to do more than that cause didn't want you to DMCA us cause Ethan on leftovers made comments about how he hopes that XQC reacts to something he's made so we can DMCA him that's what that comment relates to and that's why Ethan made a face cause of course he wouldn't DMCA him for using examples in favor of a debate about fair use back to back cut it's like you're pausing a video but it's the same thing you go and stretch it two and a half you like how we try to make two and a half sound log two and a half yeah that's a lot of minutes man that's a huge amount of minutes but here's what I will say go get the one from that one you combo mustache twiddling hair and neck skin and you do like this what is he talking about what he's trying to say is the Ethan's commentary on meetcadion's video about twiddling his mustache and touching his neck and stuff but I feel like he just never communicates very well so you just listen you're like what the fuck are you doing signature villain maneuver by the way touching one's neck you see him I'll do it I'll do it that's major react bro you're right you understand this concept because you talk about all time meetcanyon is my friend who gave me permission to react oh so it's about permission then sometimes hold on before we move on I just want to make it clear that when you're accusing me of not adding enough commentary that you did upload a clip that's deceptively edited and I mean frankly which is true he needs to get back on to that point because that is when you don't want to lose out on the XQC's edits that try to fuck you over in a really really dumb fucking way don't let him forget it's dishonest why did you cut this beginning part it wasn't deceptively edited it was just a stupid concept XQC never explained to the audience it's up to the it's really up to you whether or not you want to go one direction or the other I think it's absolutely an accident the editor misunderstood but that you can easily sell it as deceptive and especially when you want to make XQC look worse but I'm with you I think it's incompetence I think the editor was like see he sits there for a whole two and a half minutes mm-hmm so Ethan why did you cut this? unfortunately the problem that I have right now is that you're saying that now and you're saying all this whatever right but it's quite literally you in the video that's edited you're just cutting it it's not the video how is there's cuts in it how it is how is that a representation of my analysis all right then examine exhibit B the meat channel one I already told you I had permission okay okay so why do I need to look at that so now it's about permission all in this one aspect yeah in the video you're trashing me you say he's sitting there and I will say I think XQC's managed to slither out of that now Ethan's let him do it he's like fine we'll go on to talk about permission 40 seconds without talking that's one of your major concerns or criticism it's why it's highlighted so much in the video that's a big hit you can do it and I'm going to show examples of you what he goes that fast I got nothing I don't know it fucking hurts my head like slow down just a little bit the whole point of communication is that other people understand your words and your thoughts so slow the fuck down it doesn't matter if you're saying things quickly if no one understands you you're just wasting everyone's time okay maybe just rewind it and like set it to 0.5 no no fucking way you understand all the times where you go not only 40 seconds you go 2 minutes without talking so then I don't have to argue against you you have to argue against yourself because these are your own words well here's what I'll say about that you're right because the 40 second thing is not a good analysis that's not a good that wasn't a good thing I said because when you're considering fair use considering the totality of it so what's happened here is that Ethan I think on Leftovers said if there's a 40 second amount if there's a time of 40 seconds if you're not adding anything then that's an automatic fail but Ethan's probably realizing that's not a good metric because there probably are times where that's okay I'm sure there's times on EFAP where we've let it go for 40 seconds that's probably happened it's a wider context you've got to consider more things he was just annoyed to see a stretch of 40 seconds I gotta say this part here where he's like take it back then didn't he just do that by saying it wasn't a great argument the thing about it is there's nothing to take back because he's talking about XQC's approach in totality not whether or not he did a 40 second gap in that that's wrong in and of itself this is complicated because it's like well yeah I guess I was talking about your content when I said the 40 second thing and that's not a valid critique but you are one of the worst reactors of all time I'm still standing by that that's what's gonna cause a huge breakdown here in terms of communication take it back in no you still are a content thief in my opinion why would I take it back I just said that wasn't a good analytical point I still think you're a content thief okay so take back what you said then why I believe it that's what I mean this is like this thing breaking through very easily this one I know I am I apologize for the 40 second thing I don't think it was a good analysis you want to go with the other comment that you made or not huh you want to go with the other huh the comment that you made or not we could go through all of them because you're wrong across the board every behavior you call me out on you have done in those videos okay if you say so but why do you want to okay hold on let me ask you a question why does that matter hypocrisy isn't a great argument because you can just say well okay even if I did that I'm sorry I shouldn't have done it I know that it's wrong and that already defeats the tactic it already falls apart two thieves next to each other and one of them says what I did was wrong I shouldn't have done it that was a bad thing to do and the other one saying yeah fuck it it should be mine I'm glad I stole I'm gonna keep stealing like that already is a really bad parallel that you're sending out what's happening though is I don't think actually she's gonna be able to make this argument but what you would need to do if someone calls you out for you're just doing hypocrisy you need to say I'm trying to point out you don't believe this is wrong you believe it's right but you're trying to make exceptions and you're trying to stand on a high horse that's all you're doing right that's the strategy yeah why did you say high horse you should have said stand on a giraffe oh hi giraffe I mean a giraffe isn't a horse though right well like it's a a quadruped servant animal right instead of being on a high horse get off your giraffe you know maybe you should just stand on his bunny no but then that would hurt him well it's not a real bunny it's a good little video giraffes are high and they're horse like so you stand on your giraffe and there was a giraffe in the video that we talked about pretty prominent there giraffe like yeah horses I don't know I don't know if they're ungulates they might be I can check though just tall horses okay horses yeah like all horses yeah the giraffe is an African even-toed ungulate you made that up no it's true they're member of the diverse clade you gonna lie to which just means true ungulates is that like an orc sounds like an orc or I think orcs are elves I don't know what elves are what are elves battle of helms deep giraffes and then they climbed up the giraffes next to get over the wall it was nice ooh yeah they have like ladders built like attached to the back of the giraffe they climb up yeah yeah but they'd be like fucked up Mordor giraffes like they're on their own oh man yeah yeah okay I'm liking it season two you still got time Mordor giraffes they're in the castle right they're in the castle and then the horn blows like oh no the orcs are at the gates and then the knights run out of the second floor of the castle and then slide down the giraffes necks they're going down like fire poles and then ride off nice why does that matter okay because earlier you said it you care about this all the time and all the time and maybe an answer you were like got him he said it he said all the time when you seem to be the guy who doesn't do any stealing or feeding and I have four examples right there all that just happened there was Ethan said if you're gonna call me a hypocrite how does that help you and then XGC's response was but I can call you a hypocrite exactly he didn't ask the reason why it's important to make this argument not show an example get another one then well that's not my job you're the one that's trying to prove it I go pursue and try to prove I don't do fair use why should I prove that I'm doing wrong like what this is like when the judge turns to the witness what do you have to say in your offense you know some witnesses would be dumb enough to do it stupid way that seems like that's exactly what you guys have been doing on twitter and whatnot right and it's your whole concern yeah I'm showing stuff about you and not telling you to go find a video of yourself not doing fair use that's just to just posting videos of you not asking you to find videos of you doing not fair use like what the fuck moronic so you said thief right yeah show me one I just did with the Anne Frank one 44 seconds of commentary on 8 minute 30 second video where you offer no critical analysis and do you have permission did you have permission for that maybe I didn't so this is really interesting because this is the thing well this is a tough one because XQC needs to hammer the point home that you condemn me whether or not you found out that I have permission which is a good point but you don't know but Ethan if Ethan's fast enough which he absolutely is he can be like did you did you admit it do you not want to admit it do you know like to the audience it's like yeah did you and XQC obviously didn't his point is that you don't know but he's losing ground in it immediately yeah it is he's not good at litigating his own positions so why don't you tell wait why won't you tell me Ethan's getting for the juggler already he's smiling yep because he knows the answer did you are getting I'm just saying are we moving the goalpost are we moving the goalpost there now it's not a goalpost it's just another facet of the conversation I heard that word in the debate once yeah that feels like people roll out is that what it means I don't know oh yeah move the goalpost moving the goalpost he's all semantics like gaslighting all of these overused internet words that have ruined things that are actually useful for describing conversations it's fucking annoying it quite literally is when you make it a goalpost okay what do you want to talk about the permission thing okay there you go I do want to say one thing there's the XQC could have actually drilled a point in there but he lost it but he let it go tough to get past the whole why aren't you telling us if you had permission or not if anything you just showed us an example of you doing the thing that's all Ethan has to do is just keeps asking that if he brings it up again in my career in my ten years of career I'm sure that there's been times where I have I've done a less good job of reacting fairly to content I'm sure of it right and that's so you're not even you're not anymore and that's something I acknowledge and something that I'm always working on and analyzing and thinking how I can do it better it's something I really care about and the reason why this conversation is interesting is because it's something that you don't care about and I'd like to know I'd like to understand that but are you saying have I ever done a bad reaction in my whole career yeah probably yes probably almost certainly so then would you agree to eat old Ethan or not to only then is a thief sack of dog shit why does he keep saying old Ethan it couldn't just be like it at any point in time you know throughout his entire career you're like trying to cast it as though there was a pattern of behavior of him being shit at it when the point he's obviously making is sometimes I don't do as good a job as I could have yeah because how which is a very normal human being thing is normal and it's hard to be like oh so you admit you're a piece of shit it's like what the fuck like it's not a pattern of behavior what has already been established to is Ethan is showing like you know guilt slash remorse when he's whole point is that he doesn't give a shit exactly a huge difference mm-hmm at the same time is that when he's when he when he phrases it as all the Ethan he's just giving Ethan a note is again that was the old me that's or because remember all actually his goal is to equalize the field is like we're not so different he's saying old Ethan at least right if it's not new at least old Ethan is all the things you called me so hey which doesn't even mean anything and Ethan should be able to handle this pretty well even if it was the case that he was bad at it before he'd be like yeah I was bad at it and that was shit and that's part of the reason why I motivated to make sure that it's other people don't make those mistakes sure yeah in those if that's what happened in that time sure I was a dog shit sack whatever the fuck you said have you made any effort dog shit sack whatever the fuck to repair damage or the things that you stolen from the people that you from well again I don't have specific examples there's nobody that's approached me so I it's you know have you taken accountability the same way you want me to get a accountability publicly for that I just did didn't I not really why not I just said yeah I've probably done that what do you want me to do you're gonna rob a bunch of people and say guys I might have robbed somebody lol I'm moving on I mean well it's not like going in a store and sticking somebody up fair use is interpreted by judge or Jerry so is it is it is it thief or is it not thief because the way I see it the way you do it I think is that steal something from somebody right there's gonna be a process of like finding who's guilty how much there's a whole process behind it like a legal system is just like I mean don't you have a legal system you seem to care but you didn't see a lot right so being a thief surely you're gonna care about that a lot things he's like making points yeah I assume everyone's following along but he's trying for you know it's like I see I got him on this thing definitely he's trying to wedge in on Ethan right because Ethan's whole thing is that you've taken shit from people that doesn't belong to you and then he's like yeah but you've admitted now that you've at least done it at somewhat at some time in your past correct and he's like yes and did you rectify it did you pay them did you contact them and if you know Ethan's always gonna say no it's partly built into his whole thing is that he likely has done it he doesn't know that he's done it because he always avoids doing it and on the point yeah like he doesn't under like ex-QC doesn't understand that Ethan is saying I have a standard I'm sometimes falling short of that standard here and there every now and then rather than what ex-QC does which was like a pattern of behavior exactly and there's no like that's just what I think in the entirety of EFAP's history I wonder if there's any time we would consider ourselves non transformative and if someone said like so you think you've transformed every single one I'd probably like I don't know that for sure I don't know yeah I think we have well if I to put one or the other I'd probably go for we have transformed all of them but I mean there's a chance we haven't by some standard maybe beyond our own difference between that chance versus the ex-QC chance which is likely basically all of them I don't know I've seen a transformative reaction from him yet so you know I don't know which where the victims are or if there are any all right let's move on we're talking in circles a little bit we won't talk about the permission thing so what you're doing is running away pretty much we're not running in a direction and you're going straight forward and that's what's going on now that's clearly not the case but I will just let it be for the sake of continuing the argument but yeah you do it every single day I mean I've done it maybe a few times in my career I've done you know and again I don't know who the victims are and if they come or nobody's ever come to me has anyone ever complained that you stole their videos? why do you think he's asking this question? because the answer is yes well it's beyond the answer being yes it has the screencap right of the yeah he's prepared it's the equivalent of like you know it's like in Jerry Springism it's like if your mom were here today what would you say to her? it's like you know she's a bitch and I hate her it's like well we have a surprise for you I'm guessing that Ethan has it was Neo right he was the guy who not Neo from the Matrix but the guy who had the cold moon video that's an example but no Ethan's got someone else oh well in any case yeah I figure that's what he's got like a tweet or something um anybody that has anybody ever? okay because nobody's ever complained to me about that oh so now you care about rather somebody right and if they didn't tell me well you know what which is actually a fair response because this conversation needs to be developed fully does it only matter if someone complains well that's not a good ethical standard all the problem isn't as much as possible to develop all of these aspects of the conversation well it's also just that Ethan's already explained that as far as he's aware he's transformed everything because that's his goal but he's probably not done it well at least once maybe more actually he's barely like comprehending what he's saying it's insane I can't believe that he can't understand what Ethan's saying well and I do want to give credit where it's due that is a solid response to what Ethan just said the fact he's like oh so it's only a problem if people come to you mm-hmm yeah yeah victim of the crime doesn't matter oh my god again look at these face comparisons look at that it should be mentioned Ethan is bold and happy to get him angry that's like a goal look at that look at that shitty grid oh so now you care about rather somebody right and if they didn't tell me well you know what you're saying the victim of the crime doesn't matter which is exactly what you went after me does the victim of a crime not matter well he's asking after the fact the exact argument that you went at me for and you were running away from it I don't know listen the proof that you have victims is literally just concrete proof you did it that's the only reason I'm saying it I don't understand your point which is an okay response the idea of like yeah there may be crimes that aren't accounted for but we know that there's someone here who feels you've stolen from them and that's that's more than you've got of me which is nobody so we say victims I said yeah some people you stole from they're a victim so okay and what about your victims I don't know who they are how many times do I need to say that me reaching out and making an agreement with them and every time yes we you're not even he's moved him in so now he just needs a reference if you want to open up the chat and go with the logs I have so many logs to make your head let me ask you a question I have hundreds of emails you should bring those to this conversation but like do you remember XCC in the beginning of the conversation said he never likes he doesn't like say always or never he doesn't like those because he always wants to make sure and it's like Ethan just said so you get permission and he's like yep always every time yep it's just like so now you screwed because all he needs to do is get one time where you haven't but I think XCC's point was more so that he is invested in it and he'll do what he can in relation to it not that he gets it every time before he covers a video you're funny this is why it's good to always say things like generally which is what I add him if you're listening I know you are generally he does way less asking than I do why are you bringing up his song what does that have to do with anything because when he was on the podcast we were sucking his balls out so second who's balls out so we watched we watched Ethan and Assad on leftovers that's what XCC is referencing you know everyone here in chat would you call what Ethan did sucking Hassan's balls out Hassan was not comfortable in that conversation he sucked his balls out of his body Hassan got more grilled on the topic of react content than in the rest of his entire life on that stream Ethan had to apologize after it he shouldn't have so this is bizarre I don't know why he made this point wait is this the thing that Hassan didn't start even though a couple of days ago prior to this he was saying XCC was a friend wasn't this like when he started chatting about how he was an asshole or something don't worry that stuff that'll come later good good any reactor which is more than your friend Hassan he does way less asking than I do why are you bringing up his song what does that have to do with anything because when he was on the podcast he was sucking his balls out he was turning on each other making his balls out also XCC just referred to Hassan as Mr. Chair React which is priceless fucking priceless he's not wrong no he's not wrong the cock cool in the kettle back what are you doing Mr. Chair React dude you're so dishonest you don't even know what you're talking about last week I chewed him out for an hour to the point where I had to apologize because people were mad at me you literally don't know that sounds like your problem it proves you wrong you moron what are you saying yeah that was a huge misfire even XCC knew that Hassan was chewed out by Ethan I don't know why he phrased it that way it is my problem but you have no consistency what you're talking about you just said I lick his balls and now I proved you wrong my consistency get it right like my whatever licks again this is shit for doing chair react when he does cookies and cream when he does cookies what is happening oh my goodness what have you done let's just move on to the permission part you know what I thought let's just keep running this is a marathon and you how about that what those are different and those are the opposite things in his mind he's like I know a word that's sort of related to the concept let's do a marathon you want to do the opposite some of this you just have to be like okay what if you say man some times the analogies that you come up with on the fly when it is all of them it starts to get a bit problematic that's right I'm running after you and you are going straight forward okay good that's the point of the conversation you are going forward that's the point what percentage of people would you say you get permission from the majority because the way it works for me for react the main lines most of the content that I like I have it all lined up the people that I really like the best we reach out to them it's a partnership and when there are smaller creators I try to be way more careful with the amount of growth that they are getting by the way this is all really good as a reaction he should have just brawl this out right at the beginning that I have partnerships with all these creators that I care about them and the smaller they are the more careful I need to be it's a huge winning point with Ethan because Ethan the permission part is a big part of it obviously the thing Ethan would need to do then is to prove he is lying this is so weird because from the beginning of this drama if he had just said this I usually do that and I've made some mistakes and I shouldn't do that anymore this wouldn't have blown up but instead he had this fuck you I don't give a shit attitude and that's why everyone jumped down his throat I don't give a shit attitude while very clearly demonstrating that I do well supposedly but it makes him seem dishonest here look at the way he is reacting it's like even space right yeah that's a funny face lots of them I try to be better with it and quite honestly when it comes to small creators I've never had any push back right so no victims in that case that's perfect why is it perfect old flame have you heard of a guy named Vince vintage you reacted to two of his videos this one was from a month ago do you remember this video disappearance of fps it's so court of law right now do you remember this video did you have more that or no do you remember watching this video the fact that the witness is like I don't remember okay I'm clearly there but do you remember when you were in the store stealing that we have you on camera doing remember is that me I can't recall I don't know I just can't recall I plead the fifth that was two and a half two and a half weeks ago okay perfect so it was very recent so would you consider this guy a small creator he doesn't have a lot of subs in fact here's his original video he only has 400,000 well that's not small but anyway you did this recently do you know who that guy is I think Ethan may have accidentally undermined himself a little bit by describing him as like a small creator because you can tell he wants to paint a picture but then he instantly realized like I shouldn't call a 400k subscriber someone as small man I wish I would be that small on youtube I think a lot of people would say like that's small isn't that you guys like mid-sized now I know you're more as big right compared to the totality of youtube channels it's probably still like it's funny the reason Ethan said small is to help paint the picture of big ol ex-qc is absorbing vampireing this smaller person but really you don't even need that ex-qc is enormous of course he would crush a 400k sub channel easily yeah relative to him is small okay why didn't you ask him for permission I don't know did he complain because at this point I don't know if I'm a victim well you do actually and what's funny is I literally just reached out to one random person from your recent reacts just one who followed me it was only one yeah no I swear to god are you a victim by the way hold on this is important for you to understand so I reached out to the vintage and I said hey I'm just curious well I think what ex-qc is trying to get at is like you're creating victims into becoming victims but in a way like a soul goodman type would be like can you make claims on things that have happened in your life no you hurt your back it's not okay you're not gonna get over in a week it's gonna be a lifelong debilitating come on buddy the implication that ex-qc is giving is that Ethan would have contacted them and said are you annoyed that ex-qc did this and they'd be like no and he's like yeah but you are yeah and they'd be like you know why you might be able to jump on my podcast if you are annoyed because you can talk about it that sort of thing could happen Chris did ex-qc get permission he was not making that argument yeah if he was clear and dude if he had evidence the big key that uh he really should have like Ethan shouldn't have said but technically speaking probably should give the information but as he said the person followed him is like well yeah you're like oh biased you could easily point to that and he would have told you the message he sent me that's okay he said really appreciate you reaching out Ethan I've never been contacted by ex-qc at all for any of my iraq videos my personal take is this I love big streamers watching like ex-qc is on miss kiff moist critical watching my videos on the stream I wanna pause this moment it's so priceless oh no ex-qc is like he's reading this out for his benefit he's celebrating unknowingly that there's a big but about to come it's a big ego boost but when ex-qc does it it's different when he watches my video he always reuploads that frown wow that's so funny whoops the way he slumped it was like a cartoon with his insightful commentary as wow chat isn't this crazy compared to when Hasan it's chat watched my stuff he shouted me out and he says he loves my stuff and he sent a bunch of subscribers to my channel a fair exchange he showed me a video of Hasan doing that and then he said ex-qc he really just steals my shit entertains his audience of hundreds of hours I put into my videos so what I will say is that if I were ex-qc I wouldn't bother with the bias claim now Hasan himself has said he likes it when people react but ex-qc does not transform that's right hold on a second I mean I'm not sure if I can take this guy at his word because he's making the claim that Hasan transforms yeah but Hasan does it should be mentioned on record Hasan is 50-50 sometimes and he makes this what he does is he feels he's doing the opposite of what we as people like us would do but he would assume say he has ten reactions seven of them are excellent one of them is okay we would look at the two and then say he does that every time and then he would say nah I do the seven every time that's like the stupid fight that goes back and forth and why the communities clash and stuff I'm willing to admit he does perfectly great reactions sometimes but the fact is when I was doing my getting familiar with his work back when we did the coverage of him I took the newest streams I think it was three or four examples of him playing videos while he got up from his seat so the fact is if it were seven good for three bad but the thing is he streams 12 hours a day every day then you stack up a huge amount of bad reactions you know what I mean easy to get your ammo it seemed like for him it wasn't a transformation it was the fact that Hasan wasn't uploading it on YouTube he was giving a shout out and trying to help his channel grow so he's like even if you don't transform it just helping me is fine which XUC is not doing right because I think that was the problem with the JXC thing rather than actually helping J out Hasan just clicked away he clicked away as soon as J started promoting the channel like oh no no no I can't have that bye bye and this was after having just what like 60-70% of that video wasn't even in the room at least yeah man that was a a long time ago referendum but hey it's a year and a half or something I think it might have been two years it's part of what kind of got this all kicked off again I mean that's the kind of stuff that still gets brought up that video is it's gonna be a mainstay for us I guess because this is the third time it's come back right well it's probably gonna come back well I get just a link in the YouTube description the problem isn't the reacting it's the re-uploading of my video with his face on the thumbnail and also and I don't DMC him because I don't want the Twitter drama mmm which by the way is something that's very real but a lot of people do not take seriously at all there are some people that think that's not a real thing I just find that remarkable that anybody could think like why wouldn't like a relatively small channel want to get into a big dramatic fight with a massive platform beef with a massive streamer yeah on social media like guys I think I think a lot of people either are like in a way we're sort of desensitized to it but it's still like a thing we have to think about and a lot of people can't really imagine what it's like to get dog piled by thousands of people on the internet it really sucks a lot of the time and people obviously want to avoid that people don't want to get into fights like people generally don't want to get into fights anyway there's a lot of stress and infamy all of us here probably had like a minor canceling event happen to us at least once right so a big pile of people come after you are like it's you know the first time it really sucks but you kind of get used to it if it keeps happening as callous that seems like you kind of get over it you know I'm more used to it now and desensitized to it you know the things I used to be afraid of I'm like it's a badge of honor now but you know not a lot of people obviously aren't in the space as we're in and they just want to make their videos and have a good time and you know totally fair and they don't want to get I mean like until it happens to you it's really tough to know what it feels like and I promise you especially the first couple times it really sucks yeah it does it does that's for sure I do know that my first conversation is that DMCA on YouTube has such a bad rap right even if you use it in a proper way there's going to be an assumption that you're just being slimy and so everyone's going to come after you yeah people view it as oh you removed content that this guy I liked made wow I was going to watch that you know yeah and then it's a bit hard to talk about because there's an assumption on either side that whatever your guy is doing is the right thing right like the creator who takes down a video because he views it as theft well he views it as theft but then the creator who has his video taken down he views as his rights as being infringed right so and then whoever you watch that's who the fans usually side with so people can be super tribalistic when it comes to defending you know their content creators and streamers and I don't expect the audience that XQC is developed to be the most intelligent cultured you know I don't imagine that there are any of the things that you should strive to be yes sure they're fine people he doesn't want the twitter drama wait why are you well hold on this guy says you stole a shit why are you denigrating that I think you should take this seriously that was such an easy fucking hot shot just being like hey take this seriously don't be a meaty because one is a paid actor what he's a white meat he's a paid actor he's a paid youtuber but a paid actor why did he say that why did he say that there's a conspiracy against me this attempt on my reputation has left me scarred Ethan has some great facial reactions throughout this he does he doesn't want the twitter drama wait why are you well hold on this guy says you stole a shit why are you denigrating that I think you should take this seriously well because one is a paid actor I think I mean that's a paid actor 100% wait what what are you saying oh it's a paid actor he's a paid actor yeah that is what it is okay well just assume for the sake of the conversation that he's not a paid actor why did you let that go Ethan do you think that he just said the paid actor line and then realized it was really stupid and now he's just like trying to not acknowledge it well hold on it's like a paid actor yeah so good faith I think this is a language thing this time because you could have like you know someone who is paid to do this okay paid actor he doesn't know the term for it in English when it's not an actor but still being paid to do something underhanded good faith draw it back to him saying that he was following him and that he could be a bias but like this is terrible language to use if you want to get that point across it immediately makes people think that Ethan actually found a man paid him and to pretend that this is all the truth when he's provably a person provably has to channel the react took place like all this stuff is absolutely stupid as fuck because of the image it puts in everyone's head but yeah if actually he was to lay it out as just he's someone that you set up to say all of this is way better yeah yeah it's the whole thing the channel all the subs all the videos before this it was it was all set up to catch XQC well the fact is wouldn't it be really funny if XQC doesn't even remember his reactions and so they actually did edit all of that and it's not even real XQC is like yeah I guess I did that I don't fucking remember whatever okay so the first guy you react right the first guy you send a message to sends you a paragraph that looks like the bible right and is stroking your ego out so you know what that's okay all bikes a bike and a bomb so what's really cool about this is that we can make that again Ethan just loving this I can't believe he's saying all this it's incredible something I should have with this person and make it 10 times better for our ecosystem right of how what I watch what I upload it if he had asked what he doesn't have to if he can use the DMC system and maybe there will be to the drum or not we usually never make we never make drama for DMC stuff but then I don't know what you're talking about dude why are you not responding to his accusation he says you're stealing his shit let me elaborate I don't know okay let me elaborate then he would be a data outlier a person who doesn't like it and we can either recurve that make it better and I will be damaging for every dollar that he had lost to me right and he had analytics to back up how much the video on YouTube cannibalized his or any sort of damaging data or stats behind it I would be more than happy to give him 10 times 10x whatever he'll reach out have you ever paid anybody 10x before so if you could tell 10x bit as he watched the stream that I was on so he already knew that this was something he was going to say he's already been like yeah that's great it's good that you do that have you ever done it he's trying to undercut it as soon as possible which again I didn't think Ethan would actually watch that stream but yeah but I would say that this is a little bit mean because this is it's a good thing that XCC has just said and if anything you want to encourage it right you don't want to be like well to be fair XCC said if you could produce analytics and that's kind of like that's the hard part how would you produce that evidence I mean we had a huge conversation about that you have to show that there'd be like a massive dip and if you don't show that you're going to say well fuck you well so part of this this is what I was actually going to say was that unless of course he's lying and so at that point it is kind of your job to try and weedle it out and you could do that by being like getting him to admit that yeah he's never going to pay anybody because they'll never be able to definitively prove that they've lost anything and that could be what his plan is has that ever happened how many times what ever it arises how many times does that happen I don't want to check with editor I'd assume not a lot of people do that oh okay so the amount really is what you're looking at then what XCC should have said is yeah most people are very happy with my reactions but those who aren't get compensated it just makes you sound pretty solid at that point instead of going oh so the amount of time that people actually take you up on that because what you're saying is I'm going to steal your stuff and I don't care if you have a problem with it you can come talk to me like that's not that's not your right shouldn't you apologize to Vince Vince from Shenmue it's not his job to come ask you for reparations for you stealing from him don't you understand that that is a fair topic so what you're saying is that you went digging for victims well that is fair but Ethan kind of made the exact same point like 10 minutes ago no one's come to me that's the thing XCC's got to catch those things but he not as good as that I literally messaged one dude okay so nobody in your production room why don't you just apologize to Vince Vintage production room I absolutely will I didn't get anything I feel really bad you don't know why because all about the whole sphere of this everything around it is to make something good happen right and that matters to me a lot that's bullshit bro nice try you literally do it to enrich yourself you're a multi-millionaire and you steal content from small creators and you don't give a fuck about their rights or what they want and then your only justification is oh yeah you can come chase me down and get my attention so I can pay you for the shit I stole it's total bullshit bro that was a really good just slam dunk basically yeah can you imagine like if a corporation did this for a company we're just gonna steal anything that you have and if you manage to find out about it and then come after us then we'll be like oh okay well we'll give you some forgiveness money so uh because that actually happens quite a bit if you're like a professional photographer your stuff gets stolen all the time and you better hope that you see it because they'll give you money if you see it but otherwise you're fucked yeah every once in a while there's a story about I mean this has been happening with like call of duty skins and stuff where they just like steal people shit I was gonna mention that with this sort of slam dunking it's uh because actually he was about to get into the whole like infinitely everybody benefits he does the whole like rising tide benefits or lifts or boats or whatever but uh is Ethan's cut him off with the fundamental logic which is true it's just like how come your world view happens to benefit you the most of everyone seems a little bit convenient you're not creating anything big for anyone you're just taking attention and views for yourself and you don't give a fuck about the uh the consequences of that it's not your decision to make that for other people's property that uh Ethan's clearly following whatever plan he's got on that laptop and that we've come to like lay out what what he does, how wrong it is, what his feelings on it are in total the whole asking forgiveness instead of permission and then once all the major points were laid out and the lack of permission and how much he doesn't care he just did the speech which I believe possibly was written down because he kept looking back on the screen it was, yeah it's like at this point he's pretty much done everything he needs to do now so this is destroyed most people's perception if it was ever positive anyway you sound like um you sound like a Robin Hood or something are you like some sort of hero or something like that wow fantastic well I think it was, I think I would have gone for him probably if I was excuse you on the big impassioned speech I would have ostivied written it down I would have called him Robin Hood feels like a weird you're absolutely right if you had called out that he wrote it down what are you a hero? it would work really well for like how set up this all is and you can make appeals to the fact that he had like this has all been railroaded but yeah by saying like what are you some kind of hero Ethan could just be like well thanks I guess I don't know not really but sure if you feel that way because it seems like the road the road that XQC had to go down was to say that yeah okay I do take this stuff but you know what here's some numbers and figures showing that the people whose videos that I watch actually benefit from it in some material sense because there are examples of that of people actually blowing up after having their stuff reacted to that should have been his argument this whole time if you said and if you are in XQC's position you need to be like alright guys we've got to find this list of people who blew up because of this and I need to have this on me at all times and maybe memorize it and statements from them being like that's the greatest thing that ever happened to me and I hope he does it for more people in the future if you had lines like that it would help but they haven't fished for them and you know we all know the reason why XQC doesn't care if it blows up your channel or not he hopes it does I guess it's better than not especially because it'll help his reputation overall but he doesn't give a shit as long as it benefits him he's only happy because he can use it as a potential defense for his own behavior only reason he cares and if he said yes my worldview of trying to benefit everybody really does highly benefit me but I don't think the drawbacks are enough to say that it's an overall negative I still think it's an overall positive and you know if you were that honest about it you might be able to get some way you do a lot of that I mean I guess if he wants to go down the philosophy route which he's definitely capable of doing he could say I was like well in a way we all sort of believe you know ideologies and things that we can do that do benefit us it just benefits other people as well so that's not really like a big deal he's just very specifically benefits him in a very great way at the expense of other people so that's I think what you're describing is like something that everyone does all the time right so like let's say you own a business you own a little shop you decide to hire someone are you doing it out of the good of your heart you need their labor to help you out but you're still going to help them by giving them a job right so there's this idea I do things for a variety of reasons and if it wasn't beneficial to me or anybody else I wouldn't do them and I have empathy and I realize if it helps me then this thing might help other people as well I think it's very easy without an eloquence I don't think he has it's very easy to bite the self-interest bullet as long as you can say yes of course I'm self-interested we're all self-interested other people are also helping yeah there's ways to do this you're just not doing it what is it egoistic or egocentric altruism what's the terminology sounds American I mean is that what it in a way that is an American term for what you're talking about I'm just saying go for some kind of broader egoism George Washington Carver he invented the philosopher altruism if he can present it in any way that is more than just pure kind of dumb self-interest that would help him in defense you take the high road on that one you have done that you do that okay fine I did it you know what I mean it's like so stupid what does it because you can't use me as an example for your own thing you keep saying that you're doing it you're doing it the mates are coming here I don't know why you keep saying that let me send one DM I'm going to send one message and I he will he's really he's really playing into the whole like this guy you got to say all this stuff it just happens to work it all out that way it's like actually you got to come up with a better point that one sucks full response right now give me a minute for it Tim you're making fun of this message I got from which was a genuine he was expressing himself genuinely and he was disturbed by the way he uses content can I ask you another question I will take it out right now what it's like a machine gun this ecosystem doesn't work for you let me ask you a question this is the video and you do this all the time you'll agree this is the slam dunk this is a tough one to escape from this does not vote well for the taste test why vote well no no no no I'm saying that he's going to ask him why the context for the audience if you don't understand what you're looking at here the original video has a thumbnail and a title and then what these reactors do including his son he did it all the time too they just take the same thumbnail put their own face on it and take the name because it helps feed themselves into the algorithm for the video itself the original video yeah now you might be like they don't know that's why they're doing it why the fuck else would they be doing it absolutely is why they do it like most of the time search terms in the title of course is going to muddy the waters yep that's not even a good reaction face no yeah you're right he's just getting there he's like he stole six airplanes he's like no bro what a chat he stole six airplanes I just want to steal six airplanes we'll have to watch the video but do you want to watch the action I could watch the xbox video yeah maybe he was just winging it I'm sure it comes up second on the touch oh yeah that's pretty good rags so someone in the chat says at least it's not a soy wojak no that's the preferable face to just disinterest what is this one what is it this one is like I said I feel like the sound the sound should be like like that's the sound that's invoked by this picture he I'm watching the little puppet dinosaur break out of its egg it used to you used the exact title and the exact thumbnail the only reason for anybody to do that is to confuse search and discovery and cannibalize views from the original that is the only reason to do that do you have any sense to back that up because I had the same for the opposite do you have the opposite do you have the opposite so this is the thing what SCC is saying is that you'd need statistics to prove that's what's happening but Ethan's just talking about motive what are you trying to do not what the result is the thumbnail and the title don't you see that users will be confused let me think on anything don't you think so my youtube channel does not grow well that's because you just post a ton of shit there no you don't put any effort into it okay and why did he let him change the topic he gotta stay on the thumbnail I think they do stay on it though wait why do you think that is because you don't give a fuck okay clearly gotcha so these are cut-downs for the people that we call the youtube frogs that are just watching my shit why are they called youtube frogs Pepe's don't sully the good name of frogs Pepe notes are so thorough and used that the viewers have now become frogs so SCC's youtube channel has 2.31 million subscribers well the thing is when he says it's not growing it still probably is it's probably still growing it's just the number is lower the growth you see is almost all exclusively twitch who also like youtube and then people who manage to enter into the algorithm thanks to the fact that they're like who the fuck is this guy reacting to a video I wanted to see anyway I guess I'll watch him react to it those people exist I don't know how many there are that's where the stats come in that's the whole reason they do the thumbnail tile thing you don't get that right no you haven't proven that you keep saying that but it doesn't mean anything okay then show me proof you asked for permission we got it you need to show me proof dude you're absurd the thumbnail I just put in the score it's like from one day ago and I've seen the same thumbnail from the actual video I'm pretty sure oh yeah he's still going obviously the they're all still going yeah I know I just saw it while I was looking at the subscriber number nothing has been changed nothing has changed why is it you think it's crazy the fact that you're using the same title and the same thumbnail is so parasitic it's so shady you are only doing that to siphon off views and confuse people they go sit she stayed on it there's no other reason for that why would you use the same exact title explain that to me so are you more upset about the title or about the kind of the video itself it's all together it's all on the pile since all that legality you would understand that intention is one of the hardest things to prove out there I don't think he's ever mentioned legality really at all that's a fucking awful thing when Ethan is like I can tell it's a bad intention your response needs to be no no no it's this good intention and now let me convince you that it's the good intention your response should be you can't prove it why would you say that did you push the old lady she's dead now it's like you don't know you can't prove it what would you say that you didn't say no about philosophy we already moved past legality you don't care about fair use we can kind of like do just answer the question Felix why did you do that why did you give it the same exact title and thumbnail just answer that because I wanted to why did you want to why did you want to exactly yes why did you want to because the thumbnail is good and it gives the viewer what they want which is the original he failed so bad on that that might be his biggest blunder so far the Ethan was like you're doing this because it's effective why did you do it because it's effective why because he said I want to I want to have a shit answer basically saying oh yeah I'm doing this so I get the most amount of people to see it and watch my content because that's beneficial to me weird it's pretty much over he's got him now because I feel like that's the definitive evidence that as you see does not care about anybody but himself video they want the original video okay so okay so I'll tell you since you don't like questions I'm just gonna give you a fact then right people that don't watch react content do not get served react content if somebody wants to watch us react it the way that's my word it's a good question Ethan said who gives a fuck look at that face again look at me well I thought it being cannibalistic was a problem with you you're gonna try to say that the google algorithm is somehow running deep for you so that's crazy the google algorithm is running deep so so you said it's cannibalistic I give you a hint on why it's not it's the intention okay so now it's it if you want to just keep going back and forth and say not there, not there, not there and that's the thing I don't know if actually see understands it and is trying to avoid it but like actually pointing out your intention to siphon off views is the worst like that's the biggest hit Ethan could get on you now it doesn't matter what your results are you only want to benefit mm-hmm no okay and if you added 20 because this is the thing, sqc could have said so we match the title and thumbnail often times in order to let people easily find the original video it really helps with discovery you could have made that argument I mean you could say that it's not good you can be like I'm almost certain that's what leads statistically to benefits we haven't been proven otherwise well okay here's the question does Felix have some level of moral integrity to not directly lie or is he just too lazy to create a lie in the first place what I just said I'm pretty sure he believes he believes that they benefit and if ever they didn't he like he said he thinks that the fucking person that Ethan's god as an example is lying that he's doing this for the clout he genuinely believes that they do benefit but he doesn't care if they benefit no but I mean like if he gave the like the rational you gave for why it's the same thumbnail title like no one would believe that except for maybe you know his fame but surely you agree it's better than saying I did it because I did it because I did it no right so that's what my question is is he too lazy to construct a lie or a rationale or does he have some like like moral fiber where he's like well I'm gonna do shitty stuff but I won't lie about it I have a feeling it's that he knows that he does it to siphon the views to get into the additional algorithms I feel like he does know that and that that's why that's happening right so yeah he couldn't come up with a lie and he was just like fuck it yeah I do it cause I want to like whatever 20 seconds of commentary to his video and you use the same title and the same thumbnail you don't see any problem with that okay there it is so it seems like you don't really need to say it seems that you don't care about it seems you don't not just care about the law it seems like you don't care about people's artistic creative property at all it seems that you don't have any respect for property at all and it seems like nobody to my knowledge has a problem and my video is being up for now but you're like a prolific thief you could say oh I found one example of you doing this back in whatever year you're prolific thief dude you do this every day multiple times a day on your youtube channel who does this on by the way you just say anything gotcha so I will go to somebody's house and say take something and he doesn't care right he generally doesn't and never reached out and you go out there and you go and seek the victims out right and you failed to establish a pattern of them being cannibalized the way that you think this is just one this is getting trapped to follow and I think Ethan's done his job at this point he feels so now we're looking for an exit from his POV that's enough isn't it okay in that case I put the burden of proof on you as well then so yeah permission yes because I think I don't need permission to transform content dude true okay so there's four of us you guys see all of them if you have proof you ask permission to any of those you win by a landslide I don't know it's a little tough to follow this I think XQC think I guess XQC doesn't understand that fair use literally says you don't need to have permission from the copyright holder it literally says that in section I think it's 106 of the United States copyright law I think his problem is that he is just latching on so that anything that comes to mind there's no clear pattern to his arguments whereas there was a much clearer pattern so Ethan's arguments yes yeah so when I think like an hour ago or something that he was just deer in the headlights and on the back foot the whole time I think this is when it really comes out that he's just been jumping from whatever comes into his head to whatever comes into his head with no no actual long term plan for this conversation while Ethan had points set up proven knock him down set up point him down he's been nailing it well as you said obviously Ethan came into this with a structured plan of attack that he's been following Ethan's had complete control of this entire conversation he's been directing the flow of it at every point and every time XQC tries to drag it somewhere else Ethan will just ignore it and go back to whatever he's trying to say and XQC keeps falling into the question again Ethan lies out these traps he falls into them because I mean it's pretty obvious that Ethan's goal was not to change XQC's mind it was to win it was to win the thing is that XQC wanted to win too but his strategy was oh I'm gonna make him mould I think it's like home for the best it was just systematic yeah exactly he was really confident that he would win even though he didn't have any like victory parameter we got insight into what Ethan thinks of him in that sort of little speech he gave right which was the your piece of shit that's just trying to benefit off of everyone else's work that's all you are well he did have a victim parameter it was to get a big own right yeah but what what does that even mean you know yeah I think like yeah I think maybe XQC was a bit too internet brain for this you know it kind of reminds me of some of the Vosh debates that I've seen I'm sure you guys have watched some or either on the show or not on the show but like Vosh debates where he just thinks he can be carried through the conversation by Charisma while he's got absolutely no prep on the subject yeah that's his meme right he doesn't research ever yeah you know what another name for water is aqua aqua yeah that was that was classic he talked to the the professor of philosophy that was the aqua conversation and then he talked to what if alt hissed about history with no prep and he's like a history guy and he just got like completely shellacked it was it was wild but yeah I think XQC is kind of doing the same thing where he thinks that like he is you know he's hard to understand yes but he's very charismatic he's popular for a reason he definitely like he's entertaining so he thinks that he can just kind of skate by on style which is not going to work maybe it's a massive overvaluing of your traits and attributes I've never seen his content I've always seen him do these debates and he's so bad in them XQC or Ethan XQC well I mean you saw his content you saw him watching the Leminar that was great that's true I mean like when he first started off he was a professional overwatch player right and there was obviously value in seeing someone play a game at a high level of skill yeah he still plays it and apparently he's very good at it yeah okay I think probably that plus his unique personality is what got him to where he is now what is his unique personality hold on wait a minute hold on I'm trying to be nice here that's okay but yeah like that skill plus his personality probably got him where he is but that doesn't give you anything in the debate arena yeah but so just stick to that just stick to doing video games like don't move out of that if that's all you can do I mean that's fine to be very really think that XQC thought he had this like he was like this he I think at some point to Ethan as being like a complete idiot loser like this will be fine I was surprised when Ethan brought out the clips I was like holy fuck he's doomed before he kind of talked to you about this has he debated other people on the subject or any subject like does he have a reason to think that he would like do well in this conversation unfortunately Sitch I feel like it's like most people feel like they'll do fine if they think they're right on the subject they'll just be like yeah I got this and this thing Ethan Klein's reputation it's like everyone thinks he's a complete loser idiot nonsense that can't do anything right so this will be simple and he's gonna get a big own I'm wondering like cause you you were pretty nice to him in the conversation and I'm wondering if that set him up to think he did well in the conversation even though you were like he didn't understand that Mahler just was kind of not like polite about it but just like clear and concise and polite but direct and maybe cause like Destiny and Abba kind of ran interference and it like gave him the false sense well what they said they'd be fine would be about little chattels and stuff yeah yeah I don't know Abba with the chat simply existing on the screen would make it transformative right Abba with the bad takes I can't believe that we had to rely on Carontos to be the voice of reason oh god he is funny he is really funny he's really insane I didn't know what was gonna fucking happen I love how insane he is I love that Carontos is shockingly unfunny, stupid simple minded I have no fucking clue how he has gotten in with Destiny the way he has he is stupid and simple minded but I will say he is funny it's kind of like the meme XQC is too like Mahler is like Thor he's like I can't defeat you but he can and it's like Carontos coming in it's like screaming one of the videos that there's four of them if you have if you have proof you ask permission to any of those you win by a landslide why would I need proof to transform a video the only one is me canon because he's my buddy there's obviously ones were like it's obvious were your buddies I actually did ask me canon you understand that on Twitch too there's people that everyone's friends with but this guy you I mean Vince so you're making assumptions about me but we're not making assumptions not an assumption I have a literal fucking message from the guy you stole from it's not an assumption it's literally a fact okay so the whole reason why this debate was in the first place is that people were finding victims that didn't exist it was like how is there a problem for people people couldn't still exist oh my god okay so you found a person who doesn't like it yes and there's multiple ways out actually he even specifically named you as the problem he said the other people actually clouded me up with XQC completely stole my shit added no valuable commentary and then stole my views that's specifically what he said actually so there's a problem and instead of reaching out is there a skeleton hanging off of a ceiling there is it's okay I don't think Frank was here when we talked about it though oh okay you're also afraid for anything yes that is a skeleton hanging from the top a beautiful skeleton that took his own life I don't know I gotta live in his room oh god it's his former maid that you couldn't hide in time for the stream he hanged herself I would rather kill myself and clean up this big mess do you think she plugged all the giraffe to set the rope yeah it's just happening in the background of his stream he's reacting to some fucking like goofy cloud video and then someone hanging themselves in the background he performed he waited for you to the savior of the earth to come in and just robin it the guy that guy got your rope why why why be robin it why be robin it when you can be prince john do you really not understand the concept that small creators wouldn't want to the easy I think Ethan should go the direction of like do you not care about people like is that not yeah you criticizing me for caring about other people because like ex-qc might be the kind of person who would actually say like no I don't like he would you might try and chat yes at some of the yes yeah I mean it doesn't sound it sounds bad when ex-qc is like making lines you'd expect a captain planet villain to be like oh here comes the savior of the earth care about the animals I'm so glad you said that because I was thinking of captain planet as well do you know what's the worst thing in the world kindness kindness is horrible we have to stop fair I'll tell you what's fair with ex-qc one of the biggest with the craziest fan base in the world like is that really a foreign idea to you that they wouldn't want to deal with this power dynamic you would crush them if you said your fans would harass them into oblivion that's too foreign for you to understand so this guy four in a case of shrapers big usey two videos small creators that's about to fucking die from something Ethan is here to save the day this person will now be able to import some food into the ice well I'm saying because if you make a if you draw a picture on who this person is and say small creator like struggling and whatnot I'm saving him and you're just you are misrepresenting so he doesn't matter oh yeah he doesn't matter but not in the capacity that you're trying to paint which is what I don't understand what you're saying a small struggling creator somebody please help this person before he goes out of business that well no I didn't say any of all Ethan's out of all of that Ethan said small yeah which is probably not the best word but you could argue it but you could argue it and often I get a hundred million dollar deal from kick anytime soon live audience of 50,000 people would absolutely swamp any live audience of 400k channels going to be able to dig up and just because you have a lot of subs that doesn't mean you're brolin and doe exactly well that you did you you did you just actually quite literally did not say that you said small creator that's enough let no it's not saying small does not mean he said that he's like fucking live in paycheck to paycheck he's about to die that's like one of the things that XC was adding well they think I was having a fair well it's like this weird Robin Hood thing it's like why are we on this it's upfront about his sub count I looked at it but anyway let's see I was just wrong I was just mega wrong move on you have been this entire time it's fine so yeah I'm sure you're familiar with this thread because he actually gave you permission to perform this analysis internet arch archanist archanist archivist he said he said I let XQC repost a reaction to see the impact it had okay and the analysis is basically the video witnessed an 87% decrease in impressions on the day of the re-upload okay and the video also witnessed a 52% decrease in obviously the problem with this being we need that we need to control the comparison well in this case you could easily make the argument of yeah but the reason why the views are lower is because it's just how it works typically for YouTube videos well you could also argue you would have lost more if not for my videos possibly you could that's why more would be you need more data this isn't enough another thing that bothers me about this example is the internet anarchist had a bunch of stipulations that don't apply to the normal like you can't use the same thumbnail and tile which is like well that isn't the point that okay viewers there's xqc equipped to like make these arguments because he could be up low doesn't that graph help him because if you look at it it's like sloping down and then it kind of it slightly goes up a little bit and then it's the truth is it's useless it could tell you it could be anything that could be higher or lower or the same it could have been the way that you interpret it can go kind of wild it's just not enough information there's so many variables so I mean of the evidence that I've seen then it actually shows that it has either a negligible or potentially even a negative effect on the original video and actually he even made you change the title and the thumbnail so why do you think he asked you to do that that was a great question to be honest with you why do you think he made you do that excuse me he said don't use the same thumbnail and title why do you think he asked you that because as a creator of the IP that you'd like to fucking say because you siphon views from people dude it's so fucking obvious why you do it you ask a question and you answer for me you can have a monologue if you want to just mute me and just go on a fucking rant but if you want to ask me a question you have to answer here's the answer you can choose the IP he wants to be different and he wants some changes and he spoke to us so instead of crying and being a little bitch it seems like that's cat optics 101 he's just very much missed out on it this isn't an answer why did he ask you and it's saying well he has the capacity to ask me to change it he wasn't a little bitch like the rest of him as Ethan just said like Vince being a little bitch Ryan is at it which by the way supports the whole thing Vince was saying in the DM saying like I don't want the fucking pressure and the stress of coming out against XTC because look what happened told me a little bitch you might have 400,000 subs but that doesn't mean you have a big Twitter presence that doesn't mean that you're used to this kind of attention there are plenty of creators who get really big but if you never have any sort of drama if you never have any controversy the first one is still the first one and you might not have the personality that mesh as well with being able to deal with that it's a big deal, it's not something that should be overstated this is crying and being a bitch is that what you're saying? that's all I said is this Twitter or what? I just wondering who you're talking about go ahead I mean we all fucking know who you were talking about it's pretty obvious but yeah you can pull the card I never used a name I didn't use a name everybody except this person who asked me you can't prove that so then like I was saying if I be getting a little bitch ass stop it oh you did it again if not a lot of positives and some of them can actually one of the stipulations has included a motivated call to action to subscribe to the original creator most do not do this all the ones that get complained about of course that was J's primary fucking issue apparently pissed everyone off was just credit and let the person promote their shit if you're going to take the whole video please didn't show any positive oh speaking of that we should probably say right now everyone should follow XQC and Ethan no call to action if it was only negative she would have asked us to take it down and would have done that no he left it up for the experiment and he said do not use any of my other videos without my permission he literally told you that so it's a social experiment at this point it's like an experiment Ethan I think he's to just word it slightly but just be like don't you think that's fucking fascinating that the one that's working with you has told you one of the rules is you cannot react to any of my videos yeah don't you think that's interesting XQC so now he's only letting it because it's an experiment now okay well I showed you yeah do you have proof in that positive effect no he didn't show us that again sure so explain how this is good he said I'll let you describe the video witness an 87% decrease in impressions on the day of the reupload so explain that dub to me do you in your position had a time machine you guys know what point he's going to make right you have to if you don't access the alternate universe where I didn't then you can't actually say with proof which is like gosh I mean true which is technically true answer the question we do not since we're going to do the whole answer for you you do not have a time machine it is impossible to know playing the fucking who added that that's because it's Ethan's live show they have that effect that's great it's brilliant yes I have a time machine that's an assumption you have no proof of course the point he's trying to make is you have no proof and he's cut him off ahead and said you have no proof so you use I've analytics so one data sets you have no data set and also you're the dude stealing content so the onus should be on you to prove the great benefit of it I find it a little bit and a little bit disappointing in the middle of analytics spewing words to your audience and mine about spewing words you you're spewing your words you can't be the word man if you just shut your mouth I mean me with my words if you were to use the descriptor spew of words would that apply more to Ethan or feelings definitely he's like he's like the water sprinklers for lawns when they're going back to their original depth and then that's what he's like he's just always on that mode I bet you could perfectly edit like the like the same cadence and rhythm of his speech one of his little machine gun spurts matches up perfectly with it it makes less sense that Ethan would reveal his time machine he wouldn't want to reveal the time machine it's a tactical thing when we're trying to prove that it quite literally doesn't help anybody you're muddying the waters on a reason could you stop please it's going to get really bad I don't want to do the whole insult because you're doing that it's just a statement of fact not an insult as we go forward you are fucking bald you're what? look at me say like fat he clearly has hair at least fat would be like accurate yes he's not bald the thing is everyone has been prepped on this we've all seen it in the previous chapter of the react was he calls everyone bald it just means you're mad I guess I don't know a lot of bald people wouldn't even consider it an insult I've been told that it's apparently like a twitch I'm not aware of we've gone over it before it started as bald mad and bald that makes sense and now he's taking it a step further and he just calls people bald that doesn't make any sense I like how it's a regression but also a progression you remember the variable that made it funny which was the angry and bald just bald that's not a joke that's just is it it's a description that is involving your hair-spinning and it's great which means that you're old as fuck the man who's is like he's just like what the fuck am I dealing with I guess we're done with the debate what is this creature saying it's funny as well because Ethan's hairline that's incredibly strong pretty good that's not bad is Ethan like 39 or 40? a lot of people are 38 so it's not bad a lot of people at this age would have a strong hairline that goes further back than this or at least back on the sides that's pretty good that's like your Tim Pools of the world right like wow Tim Pools is he's in his 30s right but he's younger he's younger well it's just some people get it like yeah of course it's getting bald in their 20s for the record there's nothing wrong with being bald there's nothing wrong with being bald there's no moral failing no it doesn't make you a less it's terrible listen to the mean streamer here it doesn't make you a worse person but I knew one kid who started going bald at 17 and that was a rough fucking high school of course of course take it off well remember I think George Collin had the joke that you shouldn't shave your hair if you're balding just own it yeah but that's bad advice oh my god oh my god George Collin is wrong yeah you should only take good advice not the bad advice actually I think the worst that I've heard is that he's going to do a guy in college and he completely fine had a hair, shaved it off he went around bald for like six years he's like I'm going to grow it out again he grows it out, no hair oh full castanza and I was like oh dude I'm sorry well it's kind of better though because he kind of primed everyone that he just looks bald for six years I've got bald relatives and they just there's a bulb for a while he was depressed he was like I wasted all my hair that's the pretty good treatment that you can get there right if you're, I get ads for like the companies that we'll talk about like yeah man my confidence was back Rogaine and then like Hummerboard is cool because there's a prominent one in Australia you get ads for it a lot where they do like the treatment to make people's hair grow back so it seems like there's fairly effective strategies right didn't Trump get something done at one point because his hair looks like he can get transplants like homeover or something yeah that was actually pubic hair and then Trump transplanted it all it's Pringies bulb, I'm the opposite of bulb my hair grows fast and it's a big thick afro wow you think that's a hood on Pringies head? no the best is Elon Musk looks really good for what he used to be that was a transplant right I don't know is it like in Simpsons when the hair comes alive and it's like you and your brain and stuff be careful there's a few things there you like get somebody else's hair transplanted in and then you adopt their personality right classic good episode the premise is faulty my friend I have a beautiful hairline so this is the thing people play this out it's actually possibly the worst thing you could target Ethan Clyde for because there's a lot of physical things people make fun of him for and that he takes on the chin and makes fun of himself for look at his face he's so happy you're getting for his hair it's like his favourite part of himself the one thing that isn't he clearly has hair he has hair he has it there on his head it's like if you said Chris Hemsworth you're fat and he's just kind of looking at you it's just not true is he like figuratively or I'm surely not literally all those in the literal matter of fact it's a frame of mind as you see if he was able to explain it it would be like you think bold what your soul is bold your soul is bold is this one for you or not I'm having trouble with the premise it has a striking resemblance to you trying to argue other points it literally has no premise at all you're just throwing insults for this go ahead I'm going to be quiet wait hold on a second it didn't actually just said you're just throwing insults but he just threw the worst insult that's why he threw it he felt he was being insulted so he was like I'm coming for your boldness now oh shit if you're not physically bold you're morally bold and that's what matters you're spiritually bold you're bold and hot bold and hard you're bold in the beginning I don't know if you've done any statistical analysis in the past I don't know if you've had a tax pass do you have any statistics or not go ahead do you have any statistics or not go ahead wait wait did you do that did they do that they did that it's hailline cab that's not really good at it that's not the point that's why he pays that's the great thing when you have a producing crew they can do shit like this on the fly they can make up some good jokes what can you say he's just not bold excuse me try it something else that looks like a natural this is the meme with the crow on the stand up stage look at his card it's a one joke that's what this is that's what's happening if you check eFab I think it's in there if you grab it we can put it on the screen let me scroll up and grab it apparently he's about to say something that kind of makes sense I'm curious I'll give you a point right now but the problem is of course he'd sunk himself when he went after being bold I'm just picturing now though it's a dark room and it's like 2am and Ethan's at home and like inconsolable his wife goes to bed and he slowly removes his wig and he actually I gotta scroll through all these fucking golden wine mass memes any statistical analysis in the past do you have any experience with statistics or not go ahead do you have any experience with statistics or not go ahead just make your point go ahead just make your point what does it matter the curve of a video that looks like a natural curve you can see it's already going down before I watch it and it keeps going down at a certain rate past it do you have any proof or any indicators that the video would have performed poorly or better after the reaction wow just to actually get the point that was an argument and it's not a bad one either even though again it's like what is to be done when you can never directly compare one video to how it would have performed in an alternate timeline the best you can do is like for like yeah probably the best move here and while I wouldn't normally do this I think this might be a time to appeal to intuition reasonably we can probably assume that you're really hurting the channel I think it's a fair I think like the intuition is fair somebody's watched the video more or less exactly as it existed before what incentive do they have to go rewatch that video on that other person's channel they've already gotten everything they could have out of it he's already killed him he got him on motive he did get him on motive that's true this kind of goes into the question this kind of goes into the question I think you asked I remember when we were on a conversation with him all about the if an alien steals your work and then takes it to a different galaxy and profits off it is that make it wrong? it still kind of sucks even if you're not directly harmed by it even if no one is going to watch this original video still kind of shitty part of the reality I tried to reply was if all the aliens on that planet loved his work and then found that out which by the way there's a future armor episode where this fucking happens it's going to a planet where all of those creatures are actually real and she just watches them for a day and writes down all the things that happen kind of funny how that's exactly reflective when people find out she's a fraud obviously it's like you're not a good writer because intuitively it feels wrong even if they're not being harmed by it intuitively it feels like you're stealing or doing something wrong normally that part of what some of us would call soul would be like this isn't like this is something not right here I mean if your soul is bald maybe you feel that way it's a full head of hair you understand isn't that something they say like my soul is laid bare my fully-haired soul my soul is laid bald my soul is laid bald I lay my soul oh no yeah so people will go after XTC like you can't call Ethan bold or your hairline is much worse than his it's like oh shit uh oh you've lost you had one thing he was shitty in his 20s as well he was younger yeah he was 28 or something XTC but also like that's why he has the long hair that's framing his face which is not a bad idea it's just don't make fun of people from being bolding when it seems like you're on a off-the-track to getting don't make fun of people from being bold in general yeah I would never tell a murderer to yellow grave use a deep grave you know so Fringy's law is certain circumstances you can make fun of someone who's bald you can't do it here or here uh no I'd say that generally you should do it but if you're gone you're not bald if you're going to an insure you are not bald yeah it's the base of the basic law if you are insulting someone for them being bald do not be bald you might have heard the old expression those the classic age-old expression those in grass huts should not throw spears he who is not bald can cast the first bald I was literally a joke in community I forgot about that he's like what was the actor's name who played uh oh Chevy Chase he calls him bald and he just says you're bald and then Chevy Chase like rages out take that back so obviously listen listen guys guys we gotta stop all this harassment going on the stream oh my god now that you've done that rags gonna be like I'm gonna find a better one yeah there's no need to come to the dark side here oh nice oh you got you already you got fucked up yeah you're not you're not pouring hair jokes are you oh my god any data that we do have which is of course just one definitely proves that if it did have an effect it's negative or negligible and as the guy who is I mean right I mean you certainly can't say that this helped the video so are you actually arguing that a 87% decrease helped the video and excuse me that's really what you're arguing to me right now that's also good so we're gonna go ahead and have the conclusion that you did hold on a second hold on let's go back just a little bit can we go back like five seconds or something no it's five oh you want fair enough I just want to get a look at this yeah we're not paying for them you could go back more if you want yeah go back to the beginning if you want all the way so it seems like if you want to actually look at numbers here it seems like the rate of decline slowed after the reaction right so you could make the argument that excuse me might have given him a little bit of a boost he gave him a tiny tiny tiny help yeah arguably but also the problem is it might have happened anyway and then when he says a 87.87 decrease in impressions like it's it's the comparison of what it would have been if not for that like that number all this shit is so irrelevant until we have a comparison yeah no I mean this guy's analysis is wrong and stupid but Ethan can point to it and say look at the graph look at the graph Felix can just go yeah look at the graph I win like no I win look at this graph so like there's there's definitely graphs out there of like a video that's reacted to today there are there are graphs out there there are giraffes listen guys that's not split hairs here okay that's not split hairs oh my goodness gracious so there are many graphs out there a video got reacted to like a month after it came out and then there was like a viewership spike and a sub-spike and then it settles back down to like the normal background views of before I don't think you can make a claim that that hurt them you know because after a few weeks videos just kind of unless they're like certain types of content that are just always booming most videos on YouTube just kind of have the same amount of just background views constantly right well I think they shouldn't have gone this direction anyway they should have focused on the fact that he does the same tiles and thumbnails to get into the algorithm to siphon views it's simple it's over at that point that's what your goal is and he's trying to critique him morally that's it you don't need to bring up all this because this is just confusing and if anything I'm willing to concede that it could very well have benefited this person we really don't know this is why last time I was on Moller I said the numbers conversation actually isn't that interesting because it's just math right you can just perfect information you can math out oh did you actually gain or lose from it oh you gained okay it was good for you you lost it was bad for you but that's not a moral conversation because the moral conversation is you know how do you feel about what happened to them taking it you know did you get consent these are these are conversations you can't mathematically kind of suss out well and it's worth mentioning as well like I said this one even feels more irrelevant because of the stipulations which were like make sure to promote the channel and the video make sure to not have the same tile and thumbnail make you know it's just like well then that just doesn't help what you should be emphasizing is that like if he wants to make the argument with these stats is that these stats are the optimal this is the optimal situation best-case scenario essentially exactly you're most likely to get something from it compared to the typical kind of reaction what's the average you know reaction do you think on average it helps instead of saying well it can logically help you know arguing that if 87% decrease help the video excuse me that's really what you're arguing to me right now that's awesome dude so we're going to go ahead and have the conclusion that you did not have a I understand you're still when you fumble the pronunciation it kind of ruins the dunk I feel like half of his communication problems would be solved if he just slowed down yeah you can get a speech therapist you need one which you know I mean I'm assuming he has some actual disorder make fun of someone that has a disorder that's called being friendly I mean that is true if he does I think that speech therapy can often help with these kinds of problems I mean what was the king's speech all about if not perseverance and dedication to speaking and then you become good at speaking everyone's telling me that he's out as bold also true you know I think that it's really odd that XQC is calling Ethan bald when he's the one who needs to pay you worked on that probably for a little while right? I don't even get it no actually it just sort of it just came to me as if in a fucking vision from God I believe that no I've received special revelation from God in the form of that you obviously had to have worked on it because no you could work on it for a while or a short amount of time I worked on it for a very short amount of time that's virtually indistinguishable from like just came to me in a flash it was okay I don't I don't get it I'm fucking damn it I see a lot of brood to pay oh to pay I would have given you a sensible chuckle that was worth at least a sensible chuckle on the open market all these are the fastest speaking Anglos I don't know about that I feel like we're the slowest I have I'd be interested in a list though now that you've got the data can you back that up it's just a thought in my head because who is the fastest I would have put Australians lower on the list of the fastest speaking English speakers as far as I'm aware Welsh speak real fast fastest it's to the point we can't understand them the Brad Pitt character and snatch is like the fastest talking whatever that is I feel like if anything you would describe Australians as very drawn out and relaxed and loose not fast you don't have a very thick Australian accent I don't have a very thick Australian accent all things considered yeah what the fuck what do you mean how dare you were you raised by kangaroos? if I was raised by kangaroos I probably wouldn't speak English would I no with that attitude yeah I guess so you'd still speak better than XQC my best guess would be oh wow what is the implication rags if I was raised by kangaroos which I wasn't if you were raised by kangaroos you would still speak better than XQC I'm not lifting you up I'm dragging him down it's only an elocution someone in chat is pointing out I don't sound German enough so I guess I'm in the same boat for a game you sound kinda German you take that back none of you know what Welsh people sound like I don't sound that American very jammed I don't I'm pretty American when you think that when rags sound American where do you think is there a specific region of America the impression that I get is that what people think of as like an American accent it's kind of silly because there's a bunch of different American accents but I do feel like basically California is what people are thinking of with like an American accent I mean rags does not sound California at all no it's not like that Cali Valley thing it's more like a general sort of west coast American kind of that's what I imagine because it feels like you go to a lot of other places you get more distinctive kind of yeah I think it's called New England or New York various parts of New York I think it's called like metropolitan accent which is kind of like the lack of a specific dialect I've always felt rags sounds like he's from Arkansas that's kind of the impression I've gotten what I get the impression with rags is that it's rags is more like it's kind of you can get that southern kind of you can kind of hear it in there but it's not quite so strong yeah a little bit it's not strong because my dad's from Missouri and my mom never really had a strong southern accent so I never really picked one up from my parents that much she's from the south yes as far as I know she was born in Arkansas or either there or Oklahoma but that was before she could speak at that point I see a lot of people saying a Midwest accent which I was also kind of thinking but there is kind of a sort of there are some sort of quirks to Midwest and accent right when I worked in a restaurant people would often ask where I was from because of my accent because I guess just where I was dude I had people asking me how my parents sounded you have an odd accent I had no idea that you yeah but I don't get that one I do not understand that one well no you don't to an American you don't sound American but maybe to no no way I do not sound like an American I was saying to an American I was from an educated West Virginia to an American you don't sound American but maybe to someone who's not American Australian and I don't think I sound like an American so I mean I agree but you're you you're biased I'm biased you're bald biased and bald done what do you think is the most do you think the Oxford accent is like what people think of when they think of a British accent or do you think it's more like Cockney or like Yorkshire I have to imagine people have a couple in their head for British I don't think it's going to be a dominant necessarily maybe English at that point wow English like what that's what I'm saying though British is already there's like a bazillion accents in Britain if there was one people thought of it's probably going to be English before any of the others and then which of English is probably going to be like I don't know I don't think it would be the Posh one it would probably be a combination of somewhere between Posh and Cockney I mean it's all English to me so I don't know all bunch of proto-Americans running around old racism that actually makes sense both racism there's actually a thread of logic there I think of when I think about British accent it comes down to either like I don't know the names of them it's either like a Lee Mack or a David Mitchell kind of thing do you think that's do you think there's anybody who thinks of Michael Cain's accent as like typical British that would be bad that's just Michael Cain's accent that's Michael Cain hmm he's the best because he's the easiest person to impersonate because the meme is you just say Michael Cain and you start to sound like him yeah Michael Cain yeah that's great that's wonderful we do not condone the use of cocaine on every frame of pause I do whatever it is that XQC took before this tangerines oh tangerines are great remember two serves of fruit you know every day it's two serves right two serves of vegetables I don't know how many servings of fruit you get a day I was taught two and then five servings of vegetables which I feel like the American Heart Association also known as ah ha recommends four to five servings each of fruits and vegetables daily so Fringy I've got some bad news you're horrifically malnourished and you may die at any moment I eat a lot of fruit I eat vegetables I like fruit and strawberries yeah I mean fruit is wonderful I feel like I need more work fruit is often good on its own yeah I didn't quite work into it yeah basically yeah he skipped vegetable day but you can just eat a strawberry or a plum or something like that and it'll be really yummy but you're not just going to yank out and bite in you know I didn't eat the fish dude I don't eat the fish I only had that one time did you like it I liked it I prefer salmon I wouldn't I would not eat the cat no I wouldn't I didn't say anything about a cat you said Garfield that's where you plant the Garfish I got salmon in my fridge I'll make it up to the stream I got a half a full a decent amount good stuff yum we do have to attend to listen to execute at some point we can't avoid a forever well here's the thing Mahler we literally don't have to this is our job we literally we make the decisions we could just leave and say goodbye everyone but here's the thing we're about to say before we segue back into might it be worthwhile to remind anybody who's popped in not the good news absolutely Mahler flash it on screen I was going to do it between the XQC Ethan section and the Ethan Hasan section okay that's okay I mean it doesn't matter we can just tell people you have vinyls that's true we'll just keep telling people we're going to give them a big show of it but yeah anyone who's like actually and new and like what do you just say vinyl music check the description and maybe you'll get your answers as to what he's referring to but it's not making any sense I love that we return on that how is it that a 52% decrease in viewers is a dub for you because it could have been a 65% it could have been worse yeah it could have been worse do you have any proof that you could have just let him sit there that didn't look great for Ethan right oh it could have been worse power of silence would it have been did it vinyl or not that's that's such a silly way to try to deflect from this really compelling data because in my data sets I think Ethan's coping a little bit well here's the thing though I don't like when XQC is saying in my data sets it's like okay you gotta show them it's not appealing to data sets that we never get to see what data do you have that would lead us even to believe oh I have the data I have the data and the statistics can you just show them like do you mind showing them once yeah evidence you don't present is not evidence exactly I have loads of evidence it's like I went to the harm it's like there's a really great argument that would destroy your point exhibit A just imagine it it's really good exhibit A exhibit B I know the answer but I'm not going to tell you it it's a bunch of them it seems to me that you're looking for any excuse any out to justify you stealing content for people now it's time to get back to hammering the overall point because this is a dead end case of data that suggests it's not okay here it comes when the man fails to compile it appropriately like somebody who knows what he's doing you make a conclusion based on one piece of data that you don't even understand is this a void to proceed with for you or not is this a way to you if only he was more eloquent he's actually doing okay what he just said is that he's all it he's getting a second win but he's stumbling you know what's going on here I don't get it me neither dude exactly yeah sees the opportunity to get away from that point kind of tell me that a significant decrease in views is a dub Ethan I guess I'll do I just lost 16 viewers since you've talked clearly you're robbing me how do you know that you're not boring maybe you're the fucking boring one oh you're saying it's impossible to know we only have a one time line right you're definitely more boring and not as fun to watch that's a fact it all could probably not a good response I think Ethan realizes that pretty soon now and he actually pulls it back really that's a joke of course I think you're very entertaining you're very talented it came across super patty this is like his big chance he's kind of right here so I'll say this ultimately I'm pretty perplexed by this conclusion that I guess negative data even just one data set okay I got you you want to go I really didn't think you would bite on a data thing because you are going to get fucking clapped right just bring out the data you've got it this is the time this is like this is why you have the data so that if you're in a big debate on the internet you can use that shit what are you holding onto what are you holding onto it for in case you need it later you don't expend it take a shit or get off the part situation get the data or move on from this point yeah but since you want the data okay I mean even though you're the one that has to prove something that's negative I could before you do that can you do me a favor read number three of his stipulation we're going back to this it's really really solid you know damn we'll pull it up for you I'm sorry I'll read it because I'll read it because I can English it sounds so mean but it's so true with peace and love I don't think many people understood that with peace and love being fair use a different thumbnail for XQC's reaction video to prevent any direct competition with my video and to minimize viewer confusion direct competition viewer confusion you just fucking do it you just do it you just do it direct competition viewer confusion you just fucking threw his bottle away that's why you use the same title I didn't say that this is the video to prevent any direct competition with my video and to minimize viewer confusion direct competition you just do it at least he screwed the top odds we were fucking drool over the carpet you just tossed it over his shoulder I know fusion even he thinks so same title and thumbnail bro why are you denying reality well that valent accent I just lost 16 viewers again better be funny or something bro it sucks as much as I obviously on Ethan's side of this argument XQC had something Ethan dragged him back to the thumbnail because it's been his strongest point and XQC just let him well I'm just telling you XQC you're the guy who sits like this in fucking okay so the transformative nature is about how straight you sit got it you want to talk about amount of transformation then if you want to move on to that topic let's just get some of your wife's old merch which is a direct I love this topic so for anyone who doesn't know this gets brought up a lot the teddy fresh had a big old controversy because you look Klein that's her business I believe teddy fresh they sell clothing and one of their designers basically straight up stole a design and they got in serious trouble for it but it's been sourced as far as I'm aware I don't know if it was more than one I can't claim otherwise but this conversation they'll cover most of it anyway I saw that I've seen it and some of the arguments you had against it but obviously this is just speaking like actually what the fuck are you doing yeah this is where he's just reaching for whatever you can grab he knows that this is a thing a drama that happens so he's using it you're evil too if you look at like Ethan's smile he knows exactly what XQC is walking into I think I changed the angle by 16 degrees and I changed a little bit of a gamma color on this one that's very transformative now I'm gonna watch your entire thing not react in any way you should perform I'm gonna change the color of the gamma in opacity and I'm gonna rotate sideways that's very transformative right Ethan come on so let me ask you before I address that and I'm happy to I'm gonna address everything you said about teddy fresh what does it matter if I'm a hypocrite how does that affect this conversation we're having genuinely you did try this before XQC isn't intelligent enough to understand what's being said to him we're talking about the philosophical nature of taking people's videos and I'm having this conversation with you but instead of answering the question you're constantly deflecting to prove that no I'm a bad guy and I don't see how why you would do that other than the fact that you don't have a good argument to argue the substance like why do you keep deflecting what does it matter if I'm a hypocrite Ethan you know sometimes you send it like a tweet if you'll comment in the bottom they say there's still time to delete this there's still time to fucking end the call and you go about your day okay before you say some really fucking dumb shit okay when you're out here okay again it's like XQC wasn't even fucking listening did you not hear anything Ethan said no he's just angry no he's just angry it was and there's ways out of this you just feel like I'm just trying to prove that you don't believe in what you're claiming to believe we have to say what does it matter that I'm a hypocrite I'm just saying when you say well dude what does it matter that I'm a hypocrite well no I'm genuinely curious but I'll answer the teddy-fresh before you do your monologue it discredits all your points in which you look like no it doesn't no I'm genuinely curious no no no XQC no I really want you to answer it and you fell on your face no it's an interesting philosophical question okay first of all the teddy-fresh thing so teddy-fresh is a company with 30 employees and by the way I love whenever someone's losing a debate to me they bring this up it's literally the lowest hanging fruit and if you know anything about me you know I've talked about this a thousand times but I'll address it because you brought it up we have like a whole team of designers and sometimes our designers um are taking stuff way too close to the source and I agree and it's not okay give a fuck so does my editors there's a hole in that topic no it's what you do as a result oh I'm so fucking insane if you find out that one of your employees nicked someone else's design and you fire them and you compensate the person who was wrong then you're good to go XQC it rags XQC doesn't see the difference between the people who find out the problem happened and try to rectify it and prevent it in future and the person who just lets it happen he's like the same damage was done both times so fuck you yeah it happened though it's uh really great position really strong position to have still sometimes when somebody gets confused at the company when one of the sweatshop guys gets it wrong oh my bad but when my editor gets it wrong oh no we are steaming it hold on hold on let me finish my point yeah bring it out here like bring it in bring it in like it's okay dude he's like comes across as he's freaking out because now there's two of them yeah hold on I didn't your husband is bald oh no oh my god really dude my hairline is okay dude the fact that you're coming for my hairline just proves how fucking delusional your whole that's a metaphor for all of your arguments okay teddy fresh we have designers right and it's a big we have a fairly large company this is a common problem in all street wear we've had designers who who have pretty much close to stole designs we fired people over it and every time it comes up we have company meetings and say guys this is unacceptable if you're caught do you see how like XQC is bored because now you have to listen to the whole explanation like why did you bring it up yeah like yeah you brought it up of course it's gonna waste a time he's gonna know it way better than you all you've got is someone told you he's already which I imagine I'm not very familiar with this I imagine he's already talked about this at length probably with how obsessive he is about the legality of everything obviously they have squared all of this away like no way they haven't so now you've just invited them to explain how innocent they are doing this you will be fired and we've made a strict guideline and it doesn't happen anymore what have you done what have you done to prevent it okay so okay okay that's what you sound alike it's so bad no he's done you can talk he's done I'm just being silly go ahead I'm sorry I don't know how you put up with this shit I would fucking leave his ass oh my god he's this seriously he reminds me of XQC flailing buddy stop get back on time this is looking bad yeah I think a third child with him wait XQC didn't even say we're getting divorced guys go ahead XQC is getting you know our four year old though oh no I'll throw it back because that was a very snide and quick comment from one of the people on Ethan's team but XQC is currently going through a divorce as far as I'm aware and so Ethan making reference like he did even make fun of my divorce so the guy in the background said he's going through a divorce but again the problem is XQC was the first one to start talking about the relationship that was a grass hut damn it no he's done you can talk he's done I'm just being silly go ahead I'm sorry I don't know how you put up with this shit I would fucking leave his ass I'm having a third child with him oh my god wait XQC didn't even say we're getting divorced go ahead you know our four year old though would like that look over yeah isn't there like a rumor going around though that Ethan is getting divorced there is a rumor apparently it's not anything yeah I don't know that's a while ago though I don't know who you got it for but our four year old would love your giraffe in the back don't buy it it's what you're pricing for no reason but I get a lot okay so let me I'm sorry Eila came to defend Teddy Fresh he actually wasn't planning to come in but you brought up Teddy Fresh listen then talk to me because I'm the person running Teddy Fresh not him you want to talk about it talk to me I understand Eila and the reason why I brought up that point is that sometimes some things happen it's somebody else's fault it's a mistake it's a whatever and some things just gonna happen is he implying it's the editor's fault yeah like some things are gonna happen I'm not gonna change anything about it because as I already said I don't give a shit but you did something so actually I have nothing to stand on so I don't know why I brought it up mistakes were made okay human nature and of course it's fun and the question is what do you do about it what are you doing about it I took action about it and it hasn't happened since things came up online people pointed out to us we had meetings at the office we made guidelines what are you doing about it that's the question okay so if you guys stop bombarding and you actually listen to the answer I'm talking I'm defending my company just answer the question if you'll stop interrupting just answer the question bro nobody cares okay I'll answer the question so what you are agreeing with me is that sometimes there's gonna be a mistake there's gonna be something that somebody doesn't want and you'll repeat go on and you will rectify it after the fact in hindsight what we did is not okay you continue to do it on a daily basis several times that is the point in full basic point but for some reason XQC keeps trying to appeal to the fact we've both done it in the past therefore we are the same that's it I'm here and I said I don't care there's nothing wrong with it I'm distributing to those guys who made the original graphic I'm making their life better while I'm sitting in a Gucci shirt you know yeah that was like a thousand bucks I know exactly yeah that felt weird the shirt he's wearing is apparently a thousand dollars yeah why he's one of those wealthy people that buys all this expensive kinds of dumbass shit he definitely buys stuff because it's expensive it's crazy that there's a market to just make things that are expensive just so people can buy them because they're expensive like it's not anything else right is it even for like a practical use or a beauty use like any kind of anything it's just it's worth a lot of money and that's it I don't know how a shirt has to look I don't know how a shirt would have to look like that I would be like yeah I'm gonna pay a thousand bucks for that maybe if it had Mr. Freeze from Batman and Robin on it and if that shirt costs a thousand bucks you got fucking scammed no it's worth a thousand bucks at that point okay if you had on the back like you know be cool or something okay that's two thousand yeah while you would bring that up to be honest that's gonna I thought it was a good point because you're taking because you're saying that you care answer the question you do nothing to rectify it while we do so go ahead what are you doing about it on a daily basis every single person that has brought a negative point about the videos but you don't change what you do we have absolutely we have it you literally said I don't care oh yeah but I still do the right thing though which is what which is work to make better thumbnails better description and to better work with the creators make better thumbnails that's a fucking lie he's still doing it today behind the video so that we don't fuck them over and they actually gain something from it now I'd like to talk with Sheila for a minute so what you're saying is that you're repairing from hindsight which is something that you even try to get at me at right and then you can't do it if it hasn't happened yet he keeps trying to pin them on the fact that we're both doing the same thing we both repair the problems when they come across please help us out okay fair enough then I XQC the corporate company well we have like two employees two editors right help us out guys this is so sad we have two guys we're playing the victim card here right well they sometimes make mistakes too it hasn't happened to us in a long long time since we took action this just happened to you on a daily basis just I think the difference if I can say is that I've been listening and when Ethan is asking you about this for example you don't say that this is wrong the thumbnail the matching thumbnail and title you say I did it because I like it no he says they're working on better thumbnails so the answer is changed now if this is your answer that sounds a lot better better thumbnail there is an irony if he did have like a really good thumbnail and title it might get into its own sort of algorithmic feedback that's better than trying to siphon the original video who knows is that I'm trying to make a bold point from the latch off the fact that he's on the fucking high road he shows the high road of the whole process that's your problem well he does have the high road all he's trying to do is point out he's a hypocrite he keeps trying to do that which is just like it's not even that great of a point even if you were completely correct when you are on the high road it is a thin fucking it is a thin fucking road on the high road again this is like seven metaphors like having a contest to see which one could manifest that road is thin and icy and you can slip and crack and fall in a bold you have to be really tight what you do, the thing that you say and how you act the high road is a bold road he's live everyday for hours please I'm talking to Ethan don't interrupt me now you take in the high road silence woman you have to be really tight in how you operate say things like oh well he does this right well you are wrong and I just told you okay so the designs you stole that's gonna be a thief piece of shit garbage that was not right when that happened it hasn't happened a long time and we made and we actually made efforts to prevent it you have not you said your efforts to prevent it is better thumbnails and titles bro this is your example of better thumbnails and titles two weeks ago this is two weeks ago what's funny about it is you know the Edison sword was like if I put XCC's face on it it'll cover the airplanes maybe the six I gotta move it I'll put this there and that yeah I've done it there we go I'm a good person the guy you did the experiment says change my thumbnail change the name be so that my audience doesn't get confused and so that you don't steal my views why are you denying that it's so obvious okay so like I said like I said answer the question the question is how is it that you can deny that you're stealing views and intentionally misleading audience to clicking your fucking video intentionally that is not intentional how is oh my god they accidentally look the same that's the thing it's so clear to the audience as well at this point it's like what do you mean you're not intending to do that it's obvious is it possible is it possible let's say someone comes from your stream they've watched you all day they love you they're a big fan they watched you react to let's say Mr. Beast's new video and then they come to the homepage and guess what they see there Mr. Beast's new video do you think are they less likely or more likely to click his video after they saw it on your channel that is an excellent question nice and clean are they of consideration the reason why this is a good question is because it doesn't actually change a lot of XQC's argument about the benefits but it sounds fantastic to hear him say they would click it yeah that's a pretty decent good mental and concise question yeah answer the question dude well more or less likely no no no just answer one or the other two choices less got them yeah that's the thing XQC knows Ethan knows Heela knows the whole audience though it's like well there it is that's been said now and so it feels blatant and if he knows that and he's doing the thumbnail and title thing it's just like you're not being sold as a great participant in this whole industry you know really feels like you are just trying to steal economy as you say damn so so that means that verbs that you're stealing that views intentionally so the views and the click rate on that particular instance do you think that would that will end up being a raw loss of the creator or not and this is the correct place to go next the overall the net gain or loss is it higher or lower it's the channel going to benefit though overall even if the views on that particular video don't go up as opposed to you know the alternate timeline that's where the conversation should go next and Ethan just needs to cut him off now yeah and all he has to say is you're the one doing the thievery the burden of proof is on you to show that it does and also just because you steal from someone and incidentally some good comes of it do you think that's something you want to be promoting sorry are we done talking about Teddy Fresh yeah if we're done talking about Teddy Fresh it should be better because I don't want to be like a game get out thief before I fucking robin hood this shit before I start responding to wealth is the only figure that he knows from literature Robin Hood quite useful for this no Robin Hood isn't analogous because Robin Hood was a thief he was just he was a noble thief he was like a thief from the rich what do you want to paint the image of is someone who like an enforcer he needs to pick like a like an enforcer white knight a white knight would be what you're looking for well Colin Prince charming I haven't got authority that XQC is white he did mention it holy shit I'm gonna come at you guys for stealing some designs Jesus Christ bro you're being pretty silly but ours is defensible yours is not or at least we're made it's not defensible but anyway thank you know what I mean I don't see this that sucks he completely misspoke because two kinds of defensible defensible in the sense that you did what was right once the event took place that is defensible the act itself was obviously not defensible yeah yeah guys it is defensible thievery guys they he pulled it back before you made fun of him it's too late it's stealing in the right way I retracted that as soon as I said it right what you heard I said we've corrected the air an understandable air in my opinion one that you refuse to remedy after time and time and time again you provide me zero direct answers this would be the time to do the speech to wheel out that line it does feel like Ethan is trying to end it he's done all the damage he's ramping up I think you know you're wrong and I think you don't care that you're wrong because it benefits you greatly you make a lot of money you don't want to change what you do and here's another thing you're not going to be able to make 12 hours of content for a kick who paid you 100 million dollars if you can steal other people's content because if you nailed it what the fuck are you going to do while they sit there and gamble nobody's going to watch that shit this is the thing Ethan has presented a very compelling story about this entire situation and it's so important to present a story that people understand and essentially believe to be true and there's a lot of facts that he can point to it's such a thorough breakdown compared to the sporadic scattershot insults that XQC has been talking about all the time you fucking prepare for shit like this well I mean this is the thing even if it's not necessarily 100% true because I guarantee you if XQC decided to play games he'd get a lot of viewers anyway so when Ethan says no one's going to watch that shit you could do other things just watching youtube videos the problem is that XQC is not good at refuting the narrative that Ethan is presenting as you said it's a really good story especially after everything that's been said even though that little bit was wrong and maybe some other little tiny bit was wrong the fact that the whole story makes sense and it's pretty powerful it's done well I have to say again not a fan of Ethan Klein but he's a pretty strong performance yeah pretty good you'd have to be delusional to think that XQC came out of this looking better in any way how did XQC's audience react to this I'm sure they already were oh they don't know how to react they don't know what reactions are well talking about XQC's reactions I guess speaking of that look at his face right now when he said you just sit there and gamble like that what do you say to that if you watch this shit already they don't care about you even have an argument it's clear you're not very good at that you lost 12 viewers man my views are very good nice throwback so I don't need like a therapist to give us a hint when does it end Ethan it seems like when you go on these tangents you just go on a rampage and you just ramble and ramble without making any concise point or a question you don't allow me to say that you can't say that I think he realized that as he was saying it like man I do that all the time do we talk like adults now or not oh shit I think this conversation we saw it like it's awesome to say that he was balding the whole time yeah and if you call it Ethan's cutting it off he's like this is exhausted cause yeah he's done everything he needs to do now yeah time to withdraw people would rather watch me full screen cam do the fucking worm bro do it for a week do a week of no reaction content see how many fucking views you get all these crying in the corner what is this sure not even the worm that's true that's not even the worm what the fuck is going on he just got on the ground and started scrolling around listen this is when you're not balding this is what I'm talking about this is yeah this is lucidity in its highest form just take a screenshot of this with his ass and they're saying we're not balding this is zen this is zen oh shit Ethan couldn't have you couldn't have given him more than what he wanted this is gone so his way at the end of the debate you're so mad that you get on the ground and start scrolling around like a worm it's crazy it is I'm surprised you haven't seen this through just osmosis this clip got shared everywhere obviously yeah I've seen that as well I think this conversation is kind of been exhausted people would rather watch me full stream cam do the fucking do a week do a week of no reaction content and see how many fucking views you get oh he's crying in the corner okay sure okay sure it's original content at least yes do that bro do the mates cleaned up before that yeah not the greatest performance for XTC bro it's awesome do a week of no react content oh man even a day even a day do one day without react content it doesn't seem like a fun challenge to see what you could do for a day his results are usually like fuck off you don't understand the stats man that's been like a fun challenge I mean we've done experimental leaf app episodes that are just like full discussions wow and of course movie breakdowns and things like that it would be interesting to see like what does it look like if you try to stream for 12 hours with nothing but what's going on in your head as a source of inspiration but yeah I don't think it'd be very receptive to that idea well how did those work out oh we've had positively the ones where we talked about a lot of the important aspects of storytelling for like each individual person on the panel favorite story and why like that was a really good episode I really like that one I think it's a lower viewed but fan favorite probably I guess anyway some of those like recently the secret invasion one apparently everyone's fucking watching that one but how many people would consider it their greatest and favorite years from now I don't know the Draxon was pretty funny dude that Draxon was hilarious I can't like entertainment right some poor VFX guy was like looking at the still frame and thinking fucking hell why did they make me do this at least they paid me a little bit well isn't the recent development that like Marvel VFX artists thinking about unionizing yeah that's right they are that's what I've heard there's a lot of shaken up going on in Hollywood a lot of changes your wife's merch sale sales on the first wave when knives and designs were stolen 90% 90% wow dang well that's a claim that's just a theory what you're just being silly bro I'm being silly prove me wrong I'm putting the proof is on you now right if you make an argument you haven't even shown I mean what he made a claim do you like that Ethan was like you haven't even shown what what you're being silly bro you're being ridiculous well it seems like I have to prove everything and you have to prove nothing well if you say that if you say the 90% thing then yeah the burden of proof is on the person making the claim so yes it is up to you to prove that I figured this was this is still their show oh really it all was going to happen I knew that nothing was coming out it was a team now I think that we've done a good job at getting to the heart of what you care about and how you feel about taking people's videos I think it was illuminating I think we had a really good conversation oh my god it's jover I don't think you have anything else interesting to say so I think we can wrap it up I think your audience thinks I have something interesting to say it's just a promise that you want me to sit here and listen to you see what you crawl around on the ground like a worm I'm gonna have a show to do you actually fucking organize and put work into my show I understand for you you're just burning time you could sit here for 12 hours I'd make your life easier you wouldn't have to go steal videos but me I plan this I have a show I have a schedule this is stop being interesting because you're just sitting there saying silly shit and doing the worm so with that being said thank you for calling I feel like it was very illuminating and I wish you the best and I hope you have a great stream I wanted to ask him who is mr. chair hold on real quick that was a subtle dig at the end did you hear that when he said thank you for calling as if he was like a call like a caller in a call in it wasn't like a scheduled debate he said thank you for calling specifically yeah like it's cute that you wanted to try and explain this nonsense but you know it's time to go it's time for you to go mr. chair is here actually I'll show this I wanted to ask him that one point oh yeah one point you forgot to do while he was here because I actually think this would have been interested to see XCC's response to say this sorry no it's okay it's okay that was not going anywhere but here for the people still watching here's him talking about mr. chair I have a concept in my chat called mr. chair if I'm gone and watch a video and I leave mr. chair watch this video for me and chat fucking loves mr. chair more than they like me that means that they like the original video hey did he steal chelie from me pretty much same concept yes but the thing is like if he had played this a lot of all of it watched him squirm after it this is great for the audience too he's saying that either he says here chat hates me like it's admitting that chat would rather him not be there so that they can watch the original content unobstructed which is something we discovered by the way of course I was causing when he was talking people telling him to hit play and to shut the fuck up unfortunately the culture surrounding react content is part of the reason why it's such a problem the views of which you're stealing but he's he's saying yeah I just walk away in my chair my chair does the work for me they love mr. chair okay and for them that has value and I think that that is can be understated that the chair adds value it can't be understated oh chair let's see getting xcc to acknowledge that defended on the live show would have been funny the empty chair adds value how can I have a conversation with this guy the truth is that he wants to be radically honest about what he's doing he wants to say I don't care about this I'm doing it I don't care he wants to make a million he wants to make a million uh exceptions oh if they come to me I'll pay them let's do the neck there cracking or something rats basically as far as I'm aware anyway there were like ticks onus on the victim to come to him the biggest content creator in the world there's a huge power dynamic but one guy did talk to Vince since he doesn't want the heat and of course why would he right I mean he's clearly not very stable to begin with I mean he hasn't slept clearly sending him a complaint could easily backfire on somebody um he wants to be radically honest about it but when he when it comes time to explain what he's doing is wrong he won't own it he's radically honest up to a point yeah I mean he wants to he wants to do the chat yes while also not doing it yeah where you say why are you naming it the same title and the same thumbnail as their video because I wanted to he can't he can't go there because he knows he's wrong that's just me sorry but it's true what an interesting debate that was it was interesting he uh he got fucking minced yeah that was an violation that was bad it's just crazy to me that his prep was made by his editor and he didn't even watch the edit he also didn't watch the original video and then when Ethan explains to him why is this cut off there's part of the transformation like right there of the content it's like pre-reacting it's like what is what is happening what are we doing this is all part of reacting you talk about what is happening then you lead into the topic or whatever show the clip talk more that's how you do it just so everyone knows you can just term it something else and it's like now it doesn't count because that's pre-acting it's like fuck off there is another chapter left because this caused fallout for Hassan and it's funny okay before that before that we're going to talk a little bit about these vinyl figures because the entire audience has cycled in now it's a completely new audience than when we started the show I'm sure of it you guys don't know we've got vinyl figures for the eFap crew look at that look at how amazing this is look at them oh my goodness I'm so erect I've clipped with goo popcorn film reels because that pretty much summarizes the whole thing you got to get them together you can get a discount and they come in these beautiful little packages look at it look at them go wow that one says Moller this one says Fringy this one says Fringy oh my goodness they're holding goo popcorn and film reel they're just being happy fellas they really do look great I really like the way that they've turned out look at him spin that's how you know their top quality that's a good trick we figured you guys might like something different this time not the plushy the vinyl these things can be stood up on a shelf maybe on your desk and of course if you want to keep them in the box or take them out of the box as people like to do with their vinyl figures it's true I'm not that glued into the vinyl figure culture I'll have to learn what it is that's the cool thing to do these are hyper limited edition you will likely never have a chance to get these again your life that's how special they are these are particularly potentially unique these will never be made again and who knows how many more vinyl figures will be made so as exclusive as they were before these are even more exclusive you're going to be looking back if months from now you don't buy these all three of them together for the 15% discount you will look back at your old self and you'll say what a fool I was I could be sitting right here with my beautiful gorgeous EFAP limited edition vinyl figurines and yet here I am sans figurines wallowing in the misery of loneliness this is what you'll be telling yourself months from now if you don't buy these all together for the 15% discount they're available for a limited time you got time but it is a limited time you do have time specifically a limited time of 28 days 15 hours 20 minutes and 55 seconds 5 minutes left not a lot of time not the greatest amount of time but some time it is some time but time fleets away it flitters away with every second that passes is one more second that you did not spend buying it's one less second that you could use to buy them time does eventually go bold and that is you look kind of bald here did you see your vinyls bald here you look very shiny you also look shiny you all look very shiny we're just shiny happy people that's what we are man I'm ready to have these bundles of happiness sitting on your shelf, your bookcase, on your desk or next to your tv anywhere and they'll last forever, they'll outlive you these could become cherished heirlooms for your children that they can pass down to their children and one day your children will ask you they'll probably be like a mythology about these strange creatures the eldritch, the gaffin mask man and the green plague doctor bird that will pass that will go on some glasses they will be asking after the apocrypips they will say what are these figures mean what are they because english will have disappeared and civilization will have restarted after the great wars but you'll still have these final figurines they'll become religious icons for around which to build the new civilization in the new world this is this is chariot to the gods kind of stuff right here I think everything that's been said is pretty normal this is all everything that I'm telling you is true don't forget when bought together I have a discount and it's my absolute collection that's part of the lore they are indeed anyway you guys want to watch more videos yeah sure I have this craving for popcorn right now I wish I had some yummy delicious popcorn I don't have a craving to consume my gear right now but I don't want to eat film but you know I do have a question here moeller do you have set up in this next segment the aftermath of the debate on destiny's channel I do not but obviously the summary of that is destiny tries to explain to xqc how he lost it doesn't work out that great I'm sure it went well what was wild about that is xqc came in and was like I won I feel amazing about this and I was like what no one felt amazing about this for you xqc well I mean I guess he's trying to convince himself right yes he's his own hype man do you think he could afford one but what he could afford like that joking family guy your own person who suck up just decreasing everything you say nice weather today that's a little cloudy it's like horrible nice tie I hate that I hate this tie it's awful it's gotty it's gotta go and I hate myself well I hate you too that sack of crap but I'm the president the best one there is but you just said you hated me but not you the president you hate slight clouds and then his head explodes oh family guys so sorry it's just do you think he actually was just coping or do you think he genuinely believed that he won that yeah I think the big thing that was pushing him is he thought the Ethan went to insults and like cheap tactics way faster and so that he won the optics battle but obviously he did not he was mistaken he knew am a man of bull who said that who said that who said that first we got this was some immediate aftermath there was a couple of DMs but this was the one that I wanted to look at so rags do you want to play xqc I yes of course of course I would I would even huh his accent his accent is stutter his accent is xqc there's no what else what does xqc stand for I have no not like thievery or anything I mean like what do the letters mean no clue okay alright well I mean it's on you he's the first I know Ethan I know it kills you inside you inside you lost so much time and money in that lawsuit wait to slow which one I I don't know whichever really you seem so bitter after it I'm fine anyways when the bills kick in and you're struggling remind yourself you leaked DMs out of insecurity look at my watch oh my yep the watch in my nail look at my watch in my nail and don't forget I got your whole house on my wrist so just for reference we're chucking our simpsons reference now there was a joke in the simpsons where I can't remember which character they have a watch that's gold and it has jewels inside that are so big that the hand can't move just something to think about the hand moves right the hand moves in this one but it's the spirit of the thing the watch is so important that it looks expensive that it's no longer usable what is that so let me oh there are the hands on the bottom side okay so I think it is 8 I want to say 820 so this watch 821 ish yeah this is an a royal oak frosted gold double balance wheel open worked from Audemars paquette if you go to their website and for those of you who are interested here in case you want to get your own royal oak frosted gold double balance wheel open worked watch from Audemars paquette you can go here to this link you might notice if you go to this link that it's price on request and you can plan an appointment to discuss your potential purchase of the royal oak frosted gold double balance wheel open worked you know it's expensive when you have to ask them to find out the cost I've heard it's like a 6 digit kind of price of course it is well according to the watch in question is from Audemars paquette's royal oak frosted gold double balance wheel open worked can sell for up to 456 $255 USD things I could do with that kind of money man yeah you could buy a watch it's so ugly you can't buy pretty you can't buy pretty now why is this watch so expensive it is very bald but it's beautiful bald because you'll notice for the price for instance the shimmering 18 carat frosted gold case and bracelet are enhanced by a bezel set with 32 baguette cut rainbow colored sapphires 2.24 carats all individually cut how incredible it's excellent in the case is a hammered 18 carat white gold case bezel set with rainbow colored baguette cut sapphires air proof sapphile crystal and case backs crew lucked crown so the dial a rhodium toned open work dial pink gold applied hour markers and royal oak hands with luminescent coating so yeah there's a lot of there's a lot that's going on here a lot that's going on here too much there's too much going on there what was the price they sell for up to 456 $255 USD this is something that he wears on his wrist first off let's let's be very clear here XQC cannot read this watch not because it's very confusing but because he doesn't know how to read an analog clock almost certainly I would it would save money he doesn't know what an analog clock is like in the words themselves you know what I mean probably yeah I can believe it but yes well okay first of all obviously showing off your what like rubbing your wealth someone's face obviously like one of the most low class thing you can do right but then on top of that like as a mansion itself I was gonna say Ethan and Ila live in a very rich mansion don't they I live in a giant mansion they're very wealthy the idea of it's like calling a bolt it doesn't even make sense I don't know it's just like I feel like Jeff Bezos called up Bill Gates was flexing about like his watch or something yeah Bill got myself a yacht outside it sounds like a fucking family guy joke or a simpsons like a cartoon show I don't know it really is because you said like you think that he probably thinks he won the debate but is this winning behavior setting somebody on the debate look at my expensive watch look at what my fever he bought me was this how long after the debate was this I think it was like a day you see the time it's like 3.45 in the morning oh yes the same day I actually think this was just yeah after the debate so I remember Ethan saying that he didn't even know why he was awake at this point because he was malding there are plenty of content creators that I don't ask for permission beforehand as well one because they're my friends or two because like it's a compelling video that I know I'm going to make a transformative product out of thumbnail right and if I make a transformative product out of that and you see it on my youtube this is Hassan coping trying to explain that he only ever does it with permission or transformative he doesn't steal he wouldn't do that fucking lying again it's like you watch it's the cookie jar shit it's like what are you doing we saw you everyone saw you does he just have random letters on his jacket I'm sure it's like a C-E-N-D is that an H-I-L you can make something out of that yeah it's like a little pixel little game you can play appropriate for them to try and strike it down Peter Santanello's videos are a great example of this it's like 3 hours long usually you know what a lot of the pros do Hassan is that when you're talking you pause the video it's playing so that when I was covering this to grab the relevant clips he like never pauses any like live show thing I guess because just to stay like up to date even though he's like ignoring everything they're saying why didn't you want to mute it or quiet it does he have like a big cardboard cut out of Queen Elizabeth with crosses on her eyes yes he hates her oh that's a little tasteless I remember they were all thrilled when she died very weird is that Obama standing next to her like in a suit yeah he didn't mention what the Queen was wearing but you mentioned what Obama was wearing I can't see he's in the way well you can tell he's got like crown on you think Bernie would approve of that he's sitting there looking at you judgmentally Julie and I don't ever do the full react upload do you think that he's doing this we're not pausing the video because this way he can say he reacted to the video without actually addressing any points it's funny you say that, that is entirely my theory I think that he wanted to get through this as quickly as possible because this was incredibly stressful and awkward for him to watch he had to choose sides and XQC over steps at one point and Hassan chooses a side well JCS are another great example as well that I mean where I have communicated with JCS I'm sure you are thrilled to steal all of JCS's stuff of course, yeah 100% it's got permission it's like yeah but you don't have to do fuck all because JCS is super irritating and what's JCS up to these days is he's still making videos I'm pretty sure a couple of months ago he put a new one out I didn't know if he was still doing stuff there's a channel that's kind of cropped up around the same time Matt Orchard that has like similar format he uploads a bit more frequently ultimately there is still a lot of grey areas in this but given the fact that yeah fucking conveniently for you you'll jump into those grey areas and swim around as much as you can swim around that's a good way of putting it given the fact that the overwhelming majority of youtubers don't even care about it and keep repeating that they don't care about it whatever you kind of keep saying that there are benefits to it as long as you're giving it your honest go ahead it well no you do have to actually transform it regardless if you're honest if you give it a jolly good college try and you're still not able to squeeze out some actual transformative reactions then you can't just do it and say well I tried it's nice that you tried but it needs to be sufficiently transformative yeah like I'm trying guys here I go trying trying is the first step on the way to actually succeeding it's not that serious of a conversation we're sucking his balls out when he does Mr. Chair react dude you're so dishonest you don't even know what you're talking about last week I chewed him out for an hour to the point where I had to apologize because people were mad at me wait what turn to me now it is my problem but you're like did this fucking dumb cube becker why why he always does that he always just lunges for like where they're from it's so weird it's like that guy Adam something right where he was calling like calling him Hungarian as an ESL as a Hungarian I take a little bit of why are you doing that why are you just laughing like oh yeah you becker it seems to be the case when you're dealing with someone who's like very ideologically left like Hassan you can still be racist towards white people that's just pretty much it in the previous episode we discovered they were friends XUC referred to him as chair reacts and this was Hassan was like oh right that's it we're done bridge burn fuck you wait it's my problem but you're like did this fucking dumb cube becker I don't think I've ever heard somebody call it cube becker I've only ever heard cube becker I think cube becker is the pronunciation that's correct and then cube beck cube beck cube beck like a cube ball like a bald person what is this I think he's in front of his nose is he in front of his nose snake rat say I'm chair react you coughs up a mother fuck you chair guy you're the chair guy you gotta pick one a snake rat a vicious well that's supposed to be the ultimate creature I guess the snake rat his very nature is contradictory yes schnauzer schnauzer I feel like say I'm chair react wait go ahead this feels very performative so I'm wondering did he watch this beforehand and he came up with this insult and he was just waiting for this moment to attack I'll buy the second half this is live so he's not doing this as prepare I don't think he's watching as it's happening he was prepared to deliver this insult clearly he's watching h3 and xc live oh okay nevermind this line of insult he was clearly he was ready to sell as you see down the river basically what he's saying is so angry but his face and voice are not matching the things he's saying it is a bit this is a bit different when he was going on the big rant about the Adam something guy that one seemed angry remember when Ethan on the last evap on this Ethan said something like he's a disgusting thieving like piece of shit and then Hassan's response was he actually sees an interesting guy like the angle of course being he hadn't dropped him yet but I think at this point he was like I'm so ready just give me a reason to drop you I mean excuse to write you off yeah and he did you cocksucking mother fucker oh my god why are you allowed to use cocksucker as an insult I don't understand these lefties I don't either you shouldn't be allowed to say that how can you be upset that we say retard but then you're like you call someone a cocksucker you're the chair guy bitch fucking suck my balls dude the reason why the high road conversation works is because it's inherently a conservative counter argument which is that what suck my balls dude the reason why the high road conversation works is because it's inherently a conservative counter argument which is that everyone's immoral everyone's imperfect so if I've done something bad well you've done something bad at a certain point in your life as well which makes your argument useless because everyone is stupid ultimately so they are conservative so you have to let him say the whole thing because I don't understand any of it myself to give you a slight bit of help he's responding to the high roading the concept of it we'll stop there he's talking about that counter argument which is that everyone's immoral everyone's imperfect so if I've done something bad well you've done something bad at a certain point and if you're just making people stupid ultimately so they are lizard brains go oh yeah you're right this is a bad guy too why is he talking about this it's hypocrisy it's by your logic it is a logical fallacy that is utilized in every debate I do it too you want to know why because it's rhetorically awesome to do click his video after this because the debate's a bullshit wow Admitted to being dishonest as fuck. He's like, yeah, and I do it too. This is sounds good. Can debates are dumb debates are gay It's just Everyone's getting reminds me. Oh, yeah, this is a side of course. It's like, yeah, did you forget? Like the beginning of his beginning of that rant was it's the Republicans that do what about ism and then he ends up saying I also do the water Because it sounds good Reason react content pretty dope shit that he hates it when I see does it yeah He that so I don't know if you guys recognize it or understand it he this ultimately comes down to I don't like the way You're reacting which is why I don't like this argument Which is why I was trying to tell Ethan when we were having that conversation together That like then you're basically policing someone else's reacts, which is not the best argument to make against it That never happened we watched the whole thing he never like tried to Push back that hard on Ethan Ethan was grilling him like crazy, and he would remember he was timid and scared It's just funny to watch him now be like yeah, I was trying to tell Ethan this but you know Ethan's argument is not good because it always Ethan watched the stream and so now Ethan wants to poke at Hassan at this You don't react hard enough because at the end of the day there are no clear-cut guidelines no clear-cut boundaries on appeal to the blue Everyone's in the blue. It's great like what to do. No like standardized best practices and Standardized best practice you can't try to like suss one out for yourself. You can't hold yourself to a standard Yeah, well, I mean, you know, there's no there's no standardized industry standard Which is already a funny sort of statement there for what you know there for what so fuck it just do whatever you want It's the Wild West, baby Will in the eyes of the audience especially I don't think so. I think I circumvented that pretty good. Sorry to interrupt you. I'm not Yeah, it will always evolve into you're not reacting hard enough Obviously, there are It is a fair point it is a fair point to say that you are not reacting in a way Well, ultimately it is you were not transforming this content. Yeah, people say you're not reacting hard enough I mean, you're not transforming this content. We can just be honest. What is the point of streamers going? Oh react hard It's like it's deflection. That's all you're trying to do Yeah, it is deflection, but you hold them to it and you say yeah on ironically react harder. Is that Yeah, I'm happy to use that Yeah, it's basically try harder give a shit. Yep, exactly Present aren't established, but like most people Most people understand are bad However, especially if you're doing like long-form content Especially if you're doing live streamed content without pre-production like you do point please Because you have your own version of that as well as like the members only broadcast there will always be Lulls and and moments of like dead air or even it's your job to try and minimize those as much as possible Yeah, but for you guys and Everyone even the highest end of transformative content. They'll have a time where it's not a hundred billion percent Transformative, don't you know You know, it's like all the same really kind of yeah, I think I mean it would be convenient if that was the case for Certainly be helpful for this Thing up, but that's also live reaction here. I'm talking and I made it clear. I'm talking specifically About his YouTube channel. I wouldn't make this claim. Okay. Well, that that that's something I made clear at the beginning. So I So, okay, so we're talking about his YouTube channel Now I would never claim that about streaming because I agree that streaming is too much of a gray area Yeah, and I don't think it's ever even not gray if you just go principally down. It's easy Yeah, if you hold yourself to a standard, you have a really clear line Intested so there's not really any precedent in that regard So in the context of talking about his YouTube channel, I have to disagree that it's not about react harder There is clearly zones There's like the funny thing is that it is about react harder if there are clearly yeah, but I get what he said Yeah, S tier zones which would be for example, I'll just Pretty much we're s-plus action videos highly I ain't in that stingy s-class Devil may cry smoke and sexy style Brew Right, yeah, and then there's a massive gray zone massive gray zone Yeah, would prop which this podcast would probably even fall in which would be like high high high up in the gray zone I don't think so well regardless I'm just trying to show you what I'm well like if you showed the best reactor and the worst You can clearly tell there's a massive amount of difference and even the most dim-witted moron can Imagine in their head, you know the differences in between there of how much you react and what you say All right, this is really not totally do they all know. Yeah, they all know them acting like oh rector I don't know exactly what that means. Yeah, you do shut the fuck up. You know exactly what that means Performative stupidity Well, and that's Ethan's trying to make it as simple like building blocks Play-Doh level shit He's like really good completely transformative gray zone and then under the gray zone is clearly Where he's trying to get at is where XQC is Right, I mean I saw knows all those like he understands all this. He's just pretending like oh I don't understand what you're saying to be fair What is this on just say for the past like 10 million years? He was trying to explain that there's a gray zone It's a big old gray zone Exactly cut. Why is he wearing a bush Reagan 84 hot? It's funny. I'm funny. Okay, channeling Republican. What about is him? The Because it make well it doesn't matter fair use doesn't it doesn't oh, yeah Yeah, but I'm saying like the way I see it your highly edited sketch videos your sketch react videos are Those are S tier. Yeah, those are S tier this podcast would be like a little bit below it But it still is like We're we're cutting this live, but every single thing that we're looking at we already know what we're going to be looking I mean like it's we can have a discussion about it. Sure It's all debatable and that's the nature of fair use It's all up to a judge and jury to decide based on the merits of this one particular instance And so that's what I mean There's like a massive gray zone and I would include like Myself at the top of that gray zone and then like may potentially even sniper wolf at the bottom of the gray zone. Yeah I've seen now dude. I've seen Ethan I wouldn't allow her in the gray zone. He knows the gray zone and also she's not the gray zone She's in the no the red zone on the bottom in the danger zone. Yeah, the danger zone Oh So hold on let's say the the black zone the very bottom, right? Whoa, there's zone within the black What color do you want to use Sitch? Well, it's the danger zone. We just said All right, all right, so anyway, yeah, and black means like if you're in the black you're on top, right? Here black and you associate negativity with it doesn't mean that you need to you know Okay, so I'm talking to the danger zone then yeah There's there's there's three tiers in there, okay So you have sniper wolf at the top who is just blatant But is still present and then reacting and then you have at the very bottom You have chair reacts where the person just walks away and that's the chair react to it, right? Mm-hmm, but there's this middle is there's a zone in the middle I don't guys I don't know if you guys have seen this but if you're like you ever see your parents You go home to visit your parents and they're scrolling on Facebook or something and they watch a video and the video is Like Steve Harvey reacts Have you ever seen these well? It's just a video and it's Steve Harvey in the corner laughing and going oh my god I can't believe he did that that's crazy However, you watch enough of these and you realize that Steve Harvey Harvey recorded like 25 reactions And they just play them over the exact same clips Oh, no over and over and over so you see you see the same Steve Harvey reaction Reacting to a completely different video and it's like wow you've just turned this into a into a fucking mill Haven't you you get Steve Harvey for one day to shoot a bunch of reactions to nothing And then you just put it all together and just use it for a year That's pretty wise words of Steve Harvey if we evolved from monkeys why are there still monkeys? Yeah, he can't explain that the tides go in yeah, I'd go to Bella Riley The best part was the fact that it cut to like, you know the wide shot and him getting up in silence I Can understand getting upset while like at the workplace. I don't understand why you don't think we know where tides come The reason why he got angry was because the thing on the teleprompter was vague, right? It wasn't like a clear You know set of lions for him to say Mm-hmm probably didn't say fuck it will do it live though No, I did it didn't say that but I think I think all it said was like something like something to do with sting It said sting will play him out and he didn't understand Ray zone. Yeah, there's like unacceptable dog shit straight up content theft Yeah, just like where XQC is directly uploads of someone else's YouTube video would be at the bottom, right? Like no, it's not even like I had the gray zone. It's in the black. So yeah, that's what black. Wow. He did it, too So it would be The the unacceptable barrier would be like at the top of that barrier you have like someone who's a streamer who like Uploads a straight vaude rip and they're not even fully there. They're like barely reacting to it They're just like kind of letting the video play as a substitute For their chatter be entertained with no, I don't disagree with you on that the only the only element of the outside of the gray zone conversation that we could be having is that There even in that even in that situation, there is not enough data You had you pulled up? Vince's video or Vince's statement on it, but there's still not enough data on Yeah, this is like man, I'm gonna need you to do a little bit of planning with your words Whether or not that levels of just No, this is a movie Bob because at least no movie Bob is definitely different movie Bob is like reading It's incredible. Yeah, it's it's just dense with this just rambling. This is me That is Valuable or not, especially if like certain what do you mean? Is it displacing in the algorithm? Is it good for a mid-sized channel really matter? Well, the reason I but it doesn't really matter the reason why it the reason why this is always not like a You can't fucking do this you piece of shit stop it and then everyone changes their Attitude towards it immediately the reason why this keeps resurfacing over and over again is because there's inconsistency Not enough data on whether or not it is appropriate How his tune is completely different to his own stream When he's because he knows the Ethan's right that'd be like he's just staring at him way into pounce on him It's such different energy It matters because for the most part creators don't Either out of fear either either fear that they don't want to get into trouble with the large content creator Or because they genuinely see value in it. We don't have the stats, but most people Do anything about it. Well as XQC Clearly exemplified by now attacking Vince on Twitter. I don't know if you saw this Can you pull that up? I fucking hate that. That was that was definitely fucked up He's not doing well, I don't think at this moment. Well, I don't want to pull that up I figured to help demonstrate what you were talking about Ethan. I do an XQC style paint Thing for you. So here's the Ethan is also podcast just about the top of the gray zone And sniper wolf is the bottom of the gray zone next you see is outside the bottom of the gray zone What do you think of that image? I probably should not be in the gray zone. No fucking way. Nope. Do you think she's above or below XQC though? I think I might need to see more of sniper wolf, but I I think she's below That's tough to say probably about as tough as Yeah, so her time reacting compared to time stolen is is way better ratio than XQC's Out of the gray zone This is actually really good the thing about her that's possibly more damaging than XQC is that she directly just rips the Yeah, the tiktoks, right? So they just dwindle on tiktok forever not not getting anything and she's you know Someone does something funny or creative they put it up and she's like, thank you. That's mine And it's as simple as that meanwhile XQC a lot of the videos. He's taking a very very very popular anyway, like Lemino isn't gonna be destroyed by XQC uploading his react Actually, I've got a question now that I'm thinking about this because you have some tiktok accounts Where the tiktok accounts are they actually put together like produced content like little 30-second or like two-minute skits or something Right, then you have some tiktok accounts where it's just people talking about an idea or sharing their day or something, right? I do a tiktok react series But I only choose people who like people who just talk about their day so that they're fucking insane I don't I I do not choose people who Make like very produced Comedic content or if I do I've done it a couple times where they kind of sneaked in I've definitely linked back All right, do you think it's different between those two different types of tiktok content? Like some of like like a like a vlog kind of person who's just like yo my day was shit because capitalism Yeah, something like that where they're like, yeah, let me tell you why And I just want to that a meaningful difference between taking something that is essentially off the cuff and took zero effort to make Like Probably to some degree Well, yeah, I mean as long as you're you know reacting to it and transforming it you're you know, you're okie-dokie But I guess it would be worse to take something that was you know, really, you know Difficult to make and took a whole bunch of time Instead of something that could just be like pumped out Ad nauseam if you had 30 seconds of a song just simply trying to say react content is fully ethical You spend 30 seconds saying that and then at the end you just go it's not you fucking moron That'll be funny and probably transformative if it was 30 seconds of a flash gets animation and at the end you go Then I'd be like you just stole that Yep, fair enough and to be fair I have done that second thing a couple times and I feel bad about it I won't do it again bad Yeah Here is also Ethan but in the gray zone. Yeah, yeah, and then here's just a sniper wolf down here That's just mean and then this is like dog This is like you're stealing content and it doesn't matter if it's good for people because he's literally Literally as leafy to he's okay. Can this kid literally ruined literally. I mean, how do you do that literally? Literally he's re-uploading videos. How many soundbites? Yeah, period like straight up Button that has him saying literally But I wouldn't be surprised if he mentioned it more digital, right? I guess a search bar thing and then they can hit whatever they want it with very little feedback. No, no, no That's not even applicable like the bit ex-Qc. Oh, yeah uploads videos of him Adding zero runtime or like two seconds runtime and all he says is that's crazy chat That is a re-upload you do you do realize that okay that conversation still turns into like I Agree with you, but even he's trying so hard to maintain his Stance of defending the ship, but he knows he can't do it in front of Ethan Oh, I agree with you that conversation is still like I don't like the way you're reacting and that can be expanded No, it doesn't This is crazy chat is not it's not additive. It's not critical. It literally doesn't transform. You're sitting there Re-uploaded a video. It's not there. You cannot debate that. I'll give you that's my problem with I felt like you were running D For ex-Qc a little bit when I watched you know cuz you're like no So the truth is he's not running defense for ex-Qc's running defense for himself This whole react harder thing is kind of like like you can't criticize anybody's I'll give you another example technically Technically we should give a first but um well at the end of the day all of this is Entirely dependent on the IP holder and what they want to do with their IP if they don't that's my point of why it doesn't matter Yeah, that's why it's like that's why there's always gonna be back and forth, but if the IP holder is like I don't give a shit. I love that I see But there are of course going to be examples of people that say no actually I don't like that and I had no Way of like even communicating that to ex-Qc because I was terrified that his fans would eat my ass The balls right out suck those balls out Which is valid. I think that is what's happening currently with Vince so I'm What I was trying to say is if we're looking at fair use like completely the reality is That unless you are directly engaging in commentary on the video that you are currently watching The video that you're currently watching you can't even use it as a narrative tool in most circumstances I know this from my days working at the young Turks And I know this from what I technically do in violation of like the actual fair use laws We've been when I'm uploading my YouTube videos, right when I upload my regular YouTube videos of a news When I'm providing news analysis Unless I am directly engaging in media criticism if I'm using a news clip as a narrative piece That is still something that I'm technically supposed to license that's a change From what he said last time isn't it I thought he was under the the case of like all of news is fine because it's yeah We need it for the public sort of thing like I'm not going crazy right like that was something that he said last time Wasn't it I could have sworn that I can't remember But that does sound like something like I associate him with having that opinion and I wonder where it's from There is an exception for journalism and fair use as well There's a clause for journalists and news stuff you still can't use someone else's footage to like For example, I don't know exactly what you mean, but I'm gonna disagree with you You are talking to Hassan Okay, yeah, I can't let's say instead of me Introing my my video like Rudy Giuliani wanted to see some titties today and we're gonna take a look at that and then go directly into like I don't know the news article that I'm reading through instead of doing that if I played an ABC news broadcast That's like Rudy Giuliani was found You know court documents revealed that Rudy Giuliani was really interested in seeing some tits if I put that clip in there And I don't actually immediately commentate on that clip or criticize that clip. That's technically a violation of fair use You especially if you don't license it, but so I get again it depends on the whole the whole Context of the clip, but okay. Let's say it is so what? the reason why I'm saying that is because There is a lot more He's finding his point give him a sec He's just like okay, I grant all that so what That could be Utilized there is a lot more IP That that could be acted on in a legal sense hold on You don't really have like a perspective that's fully informed on it. Yeah How dare you make him think about you could have you can abstain from a conversation If you're not ready for it, you're fine Even a professional opinion haver doesn't have to have an opinion on everything on everything They do their professional opinion ever though You would think that in this case he would have a really robust opinion on it considering that react content comprises not a small amount of What he does right? Not acted on your shit the focus is changing You're saying the IP laws to To onerous and I agree with that. Yeah, I'm not talking about the law necessarily. I'm talking about This notion that certain stuff that people do is just outright Unacceptable and not up for debate, which I think that you seem to disagree with It's the easiest fucking agreement ever but Awkward because the song is broken this rule so many times with like react harder this whole react harder meme The reason why I brought up the other side of it and how IP law if Enforced to its maximum degree would be really messed up and would Legitimately stop any kind of video from you know what it probably would be really messed up And it's not gonna be helped by you guys stealing everything. Yeah Yeah, I'm being created unless you are going into a process and like, you know even getting here I'll use this because it's not gonna you can see it. The other one is green cloud amplifier It technically be legally enforceable cloud amplifier could come and say we didn't give you rights to use this in your broadcast and like That is anything anyone for I agree. That is that is something that I'm terrified of it's a case-by-case basis You can sue anyone for anything. You don't terrify it at all Would you have like pulled it out and serve like bold? Yeah? Yeah, would you? Would you stream everybody's fucking? No, just no. This is like a what is the word for this when you're like Pretending to be scared of something to make it seem like it's a reason for why you make the shitty arguments you're making There's probably a word for this Which is precisely why the conversation bold and always goes back to are you reacting hard? I don't like the way you're reacting and then it's Entirely in the hands of the IP holder who can say I don't like the way you reacted. I'm gonna DMCA you and therefore Okay, let me ask you this We all agree if you upload let's just we're gonna talk about Vince's video. I Reupload it to my channel wholesale unacceptable Let's write yeah, you believe you have to fucking clarify with a song Can I just The same video re-uploaded except there's just a square of me sitting like this Just blankly the whole time is that acceptable? It's dependent on what no This is acceptable or not that means it's not because you don't need permission to transform content Yes, but so you think that it's not straight up Indefensible to sit in a box and stare at the camera while the video plays I Think that it is my personal opinion on it is that Actually one Content into indefensible do that however given that it's entirely up to the IP holder Themselves to either make a claim DMCA the channel. Do you say you can say about anything? I mean, I know but but the reason that takes the react harder thing I want to talk about that so the reason why I'm stating that the reason why I'm mentioning this is the reason why I Hate the way you talk Yeah You got Yeah, it almost helps that it's harder to understand them at focus it makes you focus on like paying attention It's like it's like listening. It's the it's the manual transmission version of listening Like you have to pay attention so it's safer on the road or something So so like if you guys think that I hedge my fucking bets this guy All right, so it's like he so if you ever ask him a hard question He'll always say well, I personally think yeah, because that's just a way of him It's a way that he can describe what he thinks but just say oh well I don't want this to be like applied society wide to everyone even though he Yeah, I'm not saying anyone should and I'm not saying the law should reflect it, but I Personally Yeah, well, that seems like you're just a bit allergic to making moral prescriptions then a lot of people are still going to be Confused at the end of this conversation because no matter what happens. We're not going to End up with clear-cut boundaries like well-defined boundaries I fucking hate how much he presses the appeal to the goo button the gray goo of knowing the mists the the blue Jumping right in there every single time whatever he can that are even enforceable not legally But like enforceable from a terms of service or in The terms of service because it's not a policy thing. Yeah But I disagree Because I feel like it's pretty obvious when it's not when it's clear-cut wrong Like if you were to sit in a box, yeah, which is essentially what XQC does he adds it is it's so funny That is the normal thing to think and to say and to know Just stealing someone's shit. It's so bizarre. We're at this point We have to keep talking about how whether or not it's okay Stuff like what what? crazy What so thinking of what what crazy I have a fresh delivery of a meme I Have a I have a beowyn meme of the stream the streaming You've got it Look at you Giraffe Critters where I'm like you can't it's probably not often that you draw a giraffe So whenever you're like, okay, I'm gonna draw giraffe. You gotta be like, okay I got like playing this out, you know cats and dogs. I probably draw those a lot You know some mice and rats and snakes are pretty much pretty fucking easy But like a giraffe is oh, I don't do one of these so I like but yeah, this looks really good Like the pattern on the giraffe. I wonder how it's really great. Yeah, that's a really good giraffe Drafts are very yeah, that's very good giraffe. Look at me. I really like this meme This is a very good meme. Let's smile my face. Well, it makes me happy. It is nice and wholesome Thank you, babe. Whenever when I look at this meme and I see all the images of you up top I think it's like I get like rotoscope vibes No, I I just kind of do like someone like they they they you know took a Picture and drew over it and stuff like photos and stuff of people and they drew over it like oh look at him I don't know why There you go. That is that's not different than sitting in a box and staring. I Don't disagree with you on that. I do I do think that from a like content standpoint I think that it is unacceptable to do that From a content standpoint, what does that mean? Know what I mean stand point we can say moral content Well, so yeah, that kind of sounds like it means he's just talking about The the raw data of making content. So like whether that be a subs or views or revenue You know money how much money you make off of it from a content standpoint It seems like he's referring to just the the material reality of what you get out of making content No, I think he means like in terms of the goodness of the content or the quality of the content you provide for your audience Yeah, I think it's not good Shinned sniper wolf you said that it's in the bottom of the gray area Which means that there is like at least some level of debatability that means that there's some level of acceptability She talks through it, right? Yeah more importantly than that. I think it's like pre-clips pre But like pre-selected Difference the the it's like a bad faith versus good day faith and like I think that sniper wolf is I Have to look at it. Frankly. I'd have to look at it really close. He's right. Good choice About to be worried there Yeah Many people would agree with you on that like people well, I like Jack's films would say it's completely unacceptable That's it's in the gray zone Yeah, I know that Hassan's like they're co-hosts are friends, but he's such a weasly piece of shit Grab his weasly little neck and be like you answer fucking question. Okay. I'm asked very specific thing And you keep saying but what about all these exceptions? I don't care about the exception It's really annoying is the most of us to be with the straggling and The while he's being straggling like I just don't have a strong position What I'm simply stating is Depending on the IP holder and depending on how the crowd is receiving it I almost want to ban him from referencing the IP holder like yeah Clearly people want to even watch Excuse me be in the fucking corner and go it doesn't matter if they want to watch it, bro Doesn't transform fucking argument people want people want a lot of shit Yeah, I know but they find it transformative enough if it's Transformative they find it So that means as long as someone thinks it's transformable enough You know what I mean enough With the argument that Ethan made it was just re-uploading it's like well I find it's transformative that is on this channel rather than the original channel Extra dash in the title so that's great I think Abba actually brought this up in the the back and forth with like when we take a film into maybe a crowd of like a Hundred people and show it on a big projector. We've transformed it now because all of those people are there Yeah, I mean yeah, exactly the watching it in a cinema is a different experience from watching it at home There for something I've transformed it now. Oh no. No. I mean It's just what's just like if you took a film and then you did a color correction on every single frame of the film You can be like well every single frame of the film is fundamentally different from the frames as they were in the original film You can present a difference that doesn't like it's if that difference is sufficient enough to transform the experience Yeah, he's strictly appealing to transforming the experience So to the point where if I'm depressed or if I'm sick or if I'm particularly tired that I'm watching it I'm like this is different from last time. I've transformed it now. It's mine. I got it You watch it when you're a teenager you watch it when you're an adult you watch it later in your life as an adult You've got a different perspective every single time therefore what you know Transform Uploaded every single time and get all those clicks every time You can literally just be like listen death of the author every individual person interprets this a little bit differently They're transforming it in their mind. Okay, so I had the rights to this every different experience of watching it Yeah, I just hate that Just him appealing that the audience feel it's transformative like what bullshit is that? Yeah, yeah, well, I think like What he what maybe it's let's call them Maybe the moral intuitions he's drawing on here is like if you if you say you're in a kid We're going back to the 90s and you're gonna have your your VHS copy of a movie that you liked you take that movie over to your friend's house and you watch it with like five other friends and The fact that you like you bought the the VHS tape so you can watch the movie But you can also go show it to people who don't own the VHS tape, right? So you could show it to your friends at your friend's house You could probably like bring it to a bar and put it on a bar. I mean well, I can do that But maybe not that there's so there's obviously a line here, right? Like if you brought it to your local library and displayed it at the library for anybody to walk in and watch Or like if you At some point as you scale it up and you add more people who are watching it and you also change the method by which you Transmit it it becomes a different type of thing than just watching it So there's different levels of responsibility there, right? So yeah, it's a different experience watching the movie alone versus watching it with your friends at your friend's house But that doesn't matter if you're broadcasting it versus just viewing it Yeah, and this happens a lot of you do like you have to get licenses and shit for a Projecting shit and balls and stuff, right? So So I think because twitch streamers just do this out of their house usually they probably feel like they're just watching it when they're actually broadcasting it Well, they're wrong. Yeah Yeah, there is this like I'm not really working. I'm not really a business I'm not really, you know beholden to legalities. I'm just in my room and people are just kind of chucking me money And it's not even really a job. It's all good, you know, we're all having a good time Yeah, I also wouldn't allow them to fall into that force ignorance cave because I'll be like, you know full well What you're fucking doing you have tens of thousands watching you. Yeah, right? I think like that attitude is reinforced at least culturally every time somebody says that making videos or streaming isn't a real job Like some boomer says that right like a real job or something I think it's more just that they know what they're doing and they don't care like I'm not even gonna give them Charability Totally admitted to this that they don't give a shit The idea that none of these guys recognize that their broadcasts into like tens of thousands of people is laughable But there's like, yeah, I'm just chilling in my house. It's like come on You know what you're doing is like I think it's not that they don't think that like oh I'm just in my house. So it kind of changes the mental state I think it's just that whenever you do anything online like you download a movie or steal a song It just doesn't have like the same psychological impact as if you were in a store and you grab something and sit off a shelf And so it's just like oh, okay. This is acceptable I guess on in the same sort of lizard brain way when people see those Images of the search results and then a react to search results right next to it People get very fucking angry very quickly, right because they know I will intuitively understand. Yeah All right Someone in chat said I don't know if it's true, but someone in chat said DSP apparently got $100,000 in WWE gotcha written off as a business expense There's no precedent saying yes, you did a job. Is that true? Yeah, cuz he did it on stream. Yeah Wow, what happened down? Yeah So he got gambling losses written off as a business expense for tax. Oh my god Yep. Yep. So basically the logic, but damn It is leaked there as legal precedent that when a streamer buys a game to play on stream They can write that off as a business expense and attack and like taxes and all that if I gambling losses Well, the thing is that he was he was playing a gotcha game. Oh Okay, so he spent like a hundred thousand dollars for shit Yeah Substitute if it's a substitute for the original video itself wait, did you have someone else to I did but I forgot it You said lizard brain, right? Yeah, you said no you said lizard brain. Oh I think I think I said something like lizard brain, but Mueller said the words lizard brain That's actually a really good way to look at it because I mean I called it moral intuition earlier It's just it's just like these people obviously know what they're doing because they've probably all incorporated They probably have like a payroll they probably have, you know all the things that you need to be a small business But I think in the moment they're like their knee-jerk reaction is I'm not actually doing anything wrong because I'm just here in my bedroom Hey, man, they just have to get a handle on that because it's not true Even though it is even though it's like kind of reasonable to think that way because we can all put ourselves in that headspace It's still not the truth. So you gotta it's basically the only real action The only real reaction is like, okay, I get it, but you have to grow up, you know You found a way you found a pathway an easy pathway to easy money Yeah, you want to hold on to it and that that's you know, that's it You just want to be able to keep stealing shit Minimal effort for your millions doesn't transform even want to bother with crediting the People who made and you're stealing don't put any links down there. Don't show their Their username on those tiktoks or whatever the fuck you're watching classic As as Jay promotes his own work Like oh no quickly. Oh, I'm so busy eating. Oh, it's promoting I'm not busy. I can eat my nuggets in 30 seconds later. Um Yeah, it's it's lame. It's really lame. I really like that jacksfilm is doing this old sniper wolf bingo now Yeah, it's funny And just tries to get all the creators that are on screen and credits them and everything. I think it's great It's a really fun watch by the way. I've been The thing I find most fascinating about it is that his his next attempt at making a difference because he's pretty jaded after the Like decade of this not going away and only getting worse He's like, yeah, he's just made a whole channel dedicated to making fun of her now And to be fair he rewards when there's good stuff. That's the idea Yeah, but they find it transformative enough if it's a substitute if it's a substitute for the original video itself When xg's face is associated with it, then there's enough people like his argument. I think is Yeah, so you see that he was making a really bad argument that he shifted it over to this is what actually he would say Yeah, this is his argument. Yeah, so so if it's wrong and stupid and dumb and retarded it's his dummy He said I'm just I'm just over here sitting with my with my hat. I'm just a humble messenger I'm gonna try to do my best to argue from his perspective Even though I don't agree with re-uploading his videos like in the way that he re What's your perspective Hassan? Let's hear from you. So, um, we had a whole With xgc. Fuck that. Let's tell me what you think xgc did We I said it did happen We didn't show it on the previous react episode where he does go looking for bad reactions from Hassan that are uploaded to youtube And there are plenty Ones that you know are transformative, but they scare in the line sort of thing They probably ones that Ethan would take issue with Re-uploads them for sure or re-uploading a video that's a straight vod rip where the only feedback you have is come on chat That's crazy. Like the clip that you put together. I think that's silly um, however I think his argument is I don't care if these videos are out there If they monetize it if if someone else of a smaller content creator has an mcn and they can monetize it Then they should monetize my video So they have to find out They have to have an mcn They have to set it up and they have to have the balls to do all of that at the risk of whatever happens next All because you want to make money off them Again, I steal the shit you tell me if i'm when i'm wrong and then i'll give it back to you Maybe It's not the the only because i'm you to catch millions of Yeah Or I have a bad day when you do it and it's like fuck you. I was transformative. Uh, sue me I'm gonna fuck you up because I have millions of dollars That's great. That's number one I'm actually surprising that the guy who advocates and excuses shoplifting is making this position, right? Number two if they don't want it and they want to dmca it I'm perfectly, uh happy to dmca it as well because i'm not using youtube as a way to To make additional money generate additional revenue I'm using it as a way for people to watch these vods that i'm trying to benefit from it But i'm so rich the pennies that come from the adsense on those uploads aren't important to me So they can have those pennies. I want the engagement They normally would not be able to take keep it on twitch Don't upload it to youtube. It doesn't matter that they have remedies. It's not their responsibility to chase him down to fucking remedy his theft I don't know. I don't I don't disagree even though it's against everything I just said, but I don't disagree The formula here is the son says a bunch of stupid shit for ages and then ethan says like one sentence That sounds like Squirrels away a little weasley little liar Really Having this conversation. It's running defense for xqc a little bit. It is because it It um, you know it creates It creates a sense of like, uh, like there's some conversation to be had about it and I just don't think there is I Oh my god, I agree so much There's no fucking conversation to be had with these reactions quote-a-quote really don't not in his case Yeah, you know, I mean you go all the way back to uh jacks. What was his name jinx? Jinx I don't know anything about jinx was a guy who was uploading videos exactly like xqc does It was like how long was that like six years ago Everybody agreed that somehow what this guy was doing was mega fucked up and he got like bullied off the internet This is why everyone's so fucking confused who was alive and around back then It's like why is this hard now? It was easy then What happened? Yeah, we just did it. Yeah, we just said it was bad I don't know why they stopped they had to stop. That's it. Give us the truth bomb stitch. What is it? Because these damn zoomers damn zoomers These zoomers don't care about anything. They got no principles. Doobers don't have hair I like us millennials. Okay us old men Wow, now all of a sudden it's feeling it's good XQc's doing it and all these twitch streamers are doing it and it's like, oh, we like them. They're cool Now we're gonna upload when he said all these twitch streamers are doing it. I wish the camera had just shown a shot It's even worse frankly than what he used to upload and that's also true. Yeah jinx used to actually do things The whole time he didn't get on Yeah, sometimes you would say like, haha, that's real funny and it wouldn't be credit. You have to make nuggies So, yeah, you know, and he would credit that's true now that the cool guy is doing it Uh, uh, let's have a conversation about if this fair use or not. I mean, it's fucking absurd in my opinion It's absurd. It's just wrong period black done, okay, so It's not fair use and the reason why it's it's not fair use. I don't think that it would be It it would be deliberated on in a way that is like good for xcc if that actually came down to it if by some insanity that XQc's youtube channel was dmca Broken grammar. I was about to say did you did you track that sentence? It was fucked. It's really tough I have to try I have to pay attention I think what he was saying was that if ever a crazy situation happened where XQc's channel got brought into like a courtroom to decide whether or not his reactions were fair use he would of course lose But he somehow like just listen to the way he constructs this sentence. It's fucking horrifying It's not fair use and the reason why it's it's not fair use. I don't think that it would uh be It it would be deliberated on in a way that is like good for xcc if that actually came down to it if by some insanity That uh XQc's youtube channel was dmca Following that is like a fucking mystery book like Uh for one of those you'll get lost yep His vods. Yeah, and then he countered it and it actually went to a court of law. He's getting fucking eviscerated, right? Right, which is why he understands Can you can you tell that he's getting more and more annoyed because he's like, yeah Makes this big point morally This is fucked easy and then you fucking has sod takes 10 years to say legally If he was dragged into a court really like what do you I don't give a fuck Is that which is why he doesn't want to you know, he doesn't care. Um, however That is precisely what i'm trying to say is that He's so what like you see the clips of his son, right? You've seen the clips where like his editor He has one sentence and there's like 10 edits The editor cuts out all the ums and the pauses and all this That's very common. I've noticed a lot of youtube youtubers. They they say a sentence or two sentences and there's Three four five cuts and i'm like motherfucker. Can you not say a sentence? A son is the worst that i've seen like yeah, no, yeah, definitely Did did you guys keep up with the um super mega drama? It's very sorted. You don't gotta go into it really but basically some some sort of sexual assault allegations, right? But the the video that comes out is of the girl who was making the allegations By the way, it turns out that they were They were like 99 false allegations because that's how these things go on the internet nowadays in the age of me too, right? So her editor who you're saying is they were kind of true They're like one percent true. Yes They're in the black So her editor who cut together this this vlog that she intended to go viral to take down super mega um It's everything is cut every single pause every single um every thing like it's and it's it's Oh my god a sentence has five different cuts in it. However, when it's time for her to like Cry for the camera Not a single cut Everything is just perfect It all plays and it's like okay You can you can clearly see something something's being done here Sneaky Did you catch the like dragon breath from Ethan as Hasan is talking in the background because you can tell it's the kind of breath is like That sort of thing He's getting fucking eviscerated, right? Right, which is why he understands that which is why he doesn't want to you know He doesn't care. Um, however That is precisely what i'm trying to say That was a weird one. It's just it comes across as like uh, what's what are you? Where's this going now? It's like is that fair use is actually Here, let me just so you see how it's probably coming out of his nose You know, yeah, well, no, it's not just that It's also that he's put himself close to the mic. It doesn't give a fuck because he's annoyed Yeah, because because the way the way the mic's angled and the way the nose is like He's like he's nose breathing down into the mic Also, what is Hasan like popping here? He's like getting a new gum every two minutes or something I don't as it looks like anything to delay the inevitable of having to make a point Hahaha Far more expansive like you have been able to create you've actually done something crazy and have been able to create some precedent But beyond that precedent Fair use in the way that we still analyze it in the way that we still uh utilize it Even in ways that the content watchers don't understand But take for granted It's still outside of the boundaries of fair use It's not even a discussion about legality. He's just it's all of that was fucking waste of time Yeah, I'm listening to Ethan or if he is listening to Ethan He's just trying to find ways to respond to it without making any actual points Okay, because again, who's to decide? Well, the reason why I mention it from a legality point of view is because You're asking like why are people not getting uh more mad at this or why are people not stopping this? If that's your question, then he's XQC should be ostracized. This should not be a norm that people are like Yeah, this is cool. He's just reuploading people's content whole fucking sale This should not be like something that people can do without catching the whole, you know And that's that's it the ethans advocating for what I imagine we'd all advocate for which is social pressure That's what we really want. We don't really want them to be like banned We don't want to be and dmca. We just want people to be like stop Stop making shit content You steal everything stop it From the whole internet. It's not it's not even about fair use Law, yeah, it's about right and wrong. Okay, ultimately. I think if I'm gonna be as like, um It in order to wrap this up. I think what you're trying to say is that there should be some Well-established boundaries that are not legally enforceable obviously because technically everything that you mentioned in the gray area Is it quite literally a violation potentially of fair use, right? That's what that means That's what the gray area means is that it is potentially great No, yeah, muller muller the gray area means it might potentially be violation if it's in the gray area gaps in between all this way Oh, well, I would do it but for I would do it but I just I actually just don't give a shit right now I don't even want to it ain't worth it It's not we're not talking about like legally enforceable. No fair use. We're talking simply about uh, what level of commentary Uh, like What is the bottom level of commentary of this man streams for a living? He's This is a guys Who is a millionaire one of the most successful people on the planet? It's one of those things right of our entire civilization He is one of those successful people in the history of human civilization Spanning tens of thousands of years actually true. Yeah One of the most listened to people And not just streaming like ex-qc at least has the excuse that he plays video games And he's good at the streams For like his political mind Yes, it's it's the kind of thing where he needs to make like a a point at any one point in his stream Any random point and you pause and then you have like a you know device that asks every single person listening What do you just say? What was the point? And all of them are like, um Oh something about gray this He's talking about gray maybe just no strong opinions where it's stated rake and bush 84 There you go Acceptability and how can we in and what's below that some kind of yeah How can we create some kind of social enforcement of it by ostracizing people for violating it clearly and like you? You do You got to be on a big podcast with some other famous dude Sit on your ass and say nonsense and get paid Does indeed regularly right? That's what you're trying to say Uh, because that's your point of view. There's a black zone. There's a black zone If if that's your point of view if that's your point of view. I agree with you Especially when it is uh in an effort in a way to protect smaller content creators That want to generate revenue content creators. It doesn't fucking matter. You don't get to steal. Oh, so true Don't just steal anything from anybody. Fuck you No, you can chop up from Walgreens because they have a lot of money or whatever Right now where it makes things harder. Let's expand it So In how large or small the creator is Like I agree with oh Jesus Yeah, there's Well, there's just there's you see a lot of people who are coming out like in defense of in defense of you know Shoplifting or looting. There's literally a book called in defense of looting. So There's there's this push from some very radical segments that that Hassan's part of that are very like, okay If you're poor you should be able to just shoplift from walmart or just loot a store because Does some know that like the shrinkage that happens from like shoplifting is Immediately felt by the employees who work At that given shop. Does he know that well, he advocates stealing from santa and the elves the ones that feel it Listen, I mean all all profit is theft. So shut up. Yeah. Yeah I mean like there was there was there was an article recently maybe a month or two ago where walmart said listen We're just closing down all of our stores in portland because they keep fucking looting them when we can't make a profit there So we're just gonna leave and it's like well well now you have nowhere to buy your stuff Where do they think the shrinkage is like absorbed? Who do you think pays the price for that? It's the employees who work at that store. They lose shifts Yeah, the brand walmart is not gonna and then yeah, and then and then it leads to that right Where the store the store may well close in that area and then those people now permanently have lost their jobs Yeah, and if we go by that logic now, we have more people that just start looting shit and then more things go down And oh whoops is the cycle and then we're all fighting They're tearing down capitalism. So it's just santa doesn't visit that town anymore Yeah, you're all bad. Not even cold. No, no cold. I think I think it's Because whenever there's like a video that goes viral of a store getting looted hasana always comments on it You always says the same thing about fuck capitalism. So well, that was the thing you got in trouble in recently, right? Was he was what celebrating that old guy getting what was what was that again? I don't want to he wasn't celebrating He was laughing about the guy. Oh, I can't yeah, I don't I don't want to get it like wrong or confused Get it wrong. He was laughing not celebrating I don't know. I I think it's I think I think it's that attitude that's guiding his his ideas here like if it's okay with Actual property. Why isn't it okay with it's okay with intellect? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know if I feel like it's just Solipsism like it's just I like it. It benefits me. Fuck it Like in terms of his stance on this react content, he benefits greatly. It's less work. It's still making money Um, he would love to maintain the status quo as it exists right now Evidently with how hard he's fighting Even on pretty pretty basic normal Positions that you would hold if you start a political podcast with xqc, which holy fuck. Could you imagine? But if he did They they would have doubled tripled and quadrupled down all of this none of these points would ever have been made by him It's because he's sitting across from e-e-eath and that he has to try and find a way to wiggle out of this Yeah, but all he's doing is doing the same points and then even it's like one sentence away of like stop Stop it. It's left over in the hands. This one speaks in a fucking slow motion And he barely said he keeps repeating the law over and over and over and over and over again Especially is in like I agree with you across the board and especially on Uh, defending smaller content creators. So I agree with you on that front If you're talking about social ostracization So what is your point regarding the black zone because that's the part I'm curious about regarding the black zone social ostracization Would still ultimately rely on Um, let's not even talk about consequence just right or wrong Do I think it's wrong to reupload someone else? Everyone knows what just happened he heard the question He was like oh this because he's not even just thinking about what he actually thinks he's thinking about how it will be heard Is like and what it'll mean going forward one of the consequences and what is it going to mean for his content? He's thinking about all these things. And so he's like, okay repeat the question back. That'll give us a few extra seconds Oh So annoying Or own vaude rip that you didn't actually Put a tremendous amount of effort in here. Yeah, I I said that already. We agree on that Onto youtube especially is it because then it So then there's a market substitute. Okay. So then it's all you could ethos lose this shit like he's so What's the yell what's the yell so badly hard to the black zone the react harder meme isn't really applicable Look at this. He's like answer me. You fucking muppet. Just give me give me what you think Just looking at you kermit's watching and he's not happy with your performance Is this i'm gonna repeat the question The criticism is still you're not reacting hard enough Right, but sometimes that's valid criticism There we go Yeah, it is like when you're just sitting there It is of course, so what's wrong with saying you're not reacting hard enough. So what's wrong with saying that in the black zone Well, it's because it's not Inforcible in any meaningful capacity. We're not talking about enforcement. And also that yeah, well, what the What does that have to do with fucking it? That's there on this show. Let's not be but um talking about right and wrong Yeah, think about the dynamic of the conversation. It's like, uh It's bad when they don't react. Yes. Yes. Oh, no. It is enforceable What are you talking about if you were doing that to like Warner brothers or disney or paramount films they would enforce it Well, the enforceability that ethan's already made clear is the social aspect. He says ostracization That's what we want and and at this point ethan's just asking if he finds it ethical Exactly. This is all This just follows from saying do you think it's right or wrong and he can't give a straight answer This is wild The react harder line is a thought terminating cliche that's specifically used to distract away from a valid argument and hassan understands this so he's not going to give this one up Boundary that you're setting is a boundary that you're setting is a boundary that your audience is setting It's it's ultimately not A boundary that is always going to be the same for every single person Just like you mentioned XCC is what an irrelevant piece of information Just doesn't mean anything well liked. So for a very long time. It was not something that they yelled at me for Why is he saying this? What is this? No And not very well like video you have a dog in this fight. So I don't know if you're ever going to be Will have to meet me there Called out I will say that's probably the first example of ethan actually going like step it this This could be considered a step it over a line as a co-host you basically just said you're too biased to answer the fucking question on you Yeah, it is true. Yeah But like if if you are um, you know fucking aware of anything you probably talk to him after the show and be like That was a bit of a dick move if you want to on asan's pop But they need to have a talk about being frank with each other anyway because this conversation success Well, I have two guys in the fight This is we're talking about like in practice application Um in theory, I also Personally Information is not a scarce good Like there is no scarcity in information. You put it out there. What does it have to do with Yeah, what the fuck are you talking about? Um, okay. Hold on here. I'll I'll jump in I'll be I'll be the the retarded political philosophy explainer here. Okay. I know what he meant It it hurt it hurt Hasan whisperer, yeah I guess I guess I am a little bit So, you know, there's idea that like there's an idea that if a good is not scarce It's fine to steal right right? So if there's an infinite amount of of water who cares if you steal somebody's water because you can just go get more water Something something like that, right? So Hasan is saying Listen, you can watch a video an infinite number of times So if you steal a view, it's not a big deal. You just go go go get more views But the issue is that the scarcity is not the the Availability is a video Yes, the viewers. Yeah, the scarcity is there's only so many people on this planet with only so much time to watch anything Exactly. Yes scarcity in terms of the consumption Well to be clear, he's not saying that the views are not scarce. He's saying that like If you take a video the video still exists, so the video itself isn't sure If the view that is worth value that That's we want to talk about that we can just get to the fundamental of if you create something do you have rights Over how it's used and distributed and duplicated. He would tell you capitalism He would tell you IP lore is ridiculous and draconian and needs to be yeah Yeah, sure, but except you wouldn't say that if it was negatively affecting him So would agree that he couldn't like make as much money as he is now. Here's a question. Of course. What about like if I A year after he was born I guess that he's ran out of his own personal IP of his face and you know likeness and voice I just make an AI version and he's more popular than his son Oh Fuck you and I get to make all the money off Your likeness because I just make him go say stupid shit all day He like watches it. He's like people like this. Yeah, they do That is the the basis of IP IP is technically IP on content is technically a concept that That that is is no different than enclosures, but this time in the digital sphere enclosures on what Art It's just ownership What does he wait? What does he mean by enclosures and I don't know what he means by enclosure I'm talking about idealistically Um, I that's my second dog in the fight. I think that uh limiting information Makes it oh you guys real quick enclosure. It's a term used by socialists to refer to uh Common property that's been unclaimed by anybody that then becomes private property by someone's use and they use it negatively So he's basically saying that like so let's say, you know You have unclaimed wild territory then someone shows up and builds a fence and starts a farm and has a homestead They have enclosed that property and when a socialist says enclosure They mean to say it that you should not have done that because you have now stolen property from the commons Is the notion that like all ideas essentially exist already in the universe and that like when you come up with it You haven't created it. You've extracted it from the fabric of reality Yeah, yeah Yeah, like you that that's actually the case Yeah, that's how you use it. Yeah, so like if you if you have an idea And then you and you have ip to protect that idea You're taking the idea away from everyone else who could have also had it But it's your idea That's the dumbest thing I've heard in my life But they don't view it as your idea. They view it as humanity's idea. I mean the idea doesn't exist without the agent to realize it though I think the same as enclosing land Yeah Okay, all right, let's move moving on Harder for new Forms of derivative. Okay, but so wait I just want to I want to thank dev for being here because This little gem none of us knew what the fuck the stupidity was This actual thought but thank you for explaining how dumb Are you against all IP law? Oh, can I just can you just appreciate his expression when he asked that question Look how fucking dead Ethan is asking makes it Uh harder for new Forms of derivative art. Okay, but so are you against all IP law? He looks like he's giving up Browsing porn or something Hassan he must have had this conversation with Hassan before because Ethan understood what he meant to ask this question I think he has had this conversation with him before that's why he's so despondent because I'm pretty sure he's expecting That's on to say copyright law Is we don't actually Very restricted. You need to understand you need more words that go to less places. I've got two dogs In this fight. I got the the principled the the the the the principled, you know idealistic position things And then and and on that front it my personal opinion You know just speaking personally to the fight. I think that you know if we want to talk about That's like out guys two dogs die two dogs. Yeah, um I don't know where the exact boundaries would be as we talked about last week. Yeah, let's not rehash that that would be Not rehash that Yeah, that's the thing Ethan realized like he doesn't want to fucking answer that question. Of course. He does it would be here for 10 years anyway, um Yeah, there's actually a youtuber who's a libertarian uh that Unironically has a very interesting argument about copyright tax Like he believes that change the topic america could implement some sort of copyright tax across the board and then there would be no copyright in general you could still um, you know, you could still go after people in in litigation for Reuploading your confidence entirety. So there's still a but how does copyright tax work? It's not like a licensing like the equivalent of that is it like what is he saying? What's the copyright tax space of protection there? But overall there would be a massive, you know, multi almost trillion dollar fund That by the way, this has nothing to do with anything. This is him trying to create like a Barrier and distance between like what the conversation was and he's like coming up with something to talk about Like jettison him. That is true This is all pun but the idea that he's time out if I think I understand it clearly is fucking moronic He's saying that we should like in a country Everyone should get taxed that goes into a pool and then if you create something and someone infringes upon your Your copyright you get to draw from the pool of tax revenue In a libertarian Sovereign fund based on taxation of copyright. Why don't we just do licensing licensing makes me more sense than that But you mean that thing that already exists. That's exactly what i'm saying. Yes Why should I have to pay for someone else's copyright infringement? I don't what part of this idea is libertarian If you don't make anything in your life that you just pay for everyone else stealing everyone's ideas Breaking bush would not approve of this idea You go that you spend on media that the government would spend Therefore limiting at least one element of of of profit seeking from the field of content creation and copyright And this would actually open up. Oh, was this back on that heavily subsidized government like art thing that he talked about last Oh god, that idea was insane Yeah, you two videos would be subsidized from the by the government I love how much like obviously at the call all of the Attempts to remove the profit motive from artistic works. It's like this thing that everyone believes would be a good thing to make it more pure but just like I I am Completely convinced if you remove the profit motive from creation of artwork It would like plummet in terms of some of the craziest awesome things we get Of course. No, they'll just do it because they love it You will get people who will do it because they love it That is true But you'll also lose out on a shit ton of things because people who aren't anyone near as motivated because they want to make a Living and create art. Well, yeah, they'll be too busy at their job. Yeah Conversation I've advocated for which is the good face. I'm true Is access to copyrighted material without having enough money That's why I talked about like growing up in turkey And why I believe in piracy if you don't have uh, this is nothing to fucking do It didn't have anything to do with it then and it does it now the money or Access to be able to receive this copyrighted Oh, just wait So I just noticed that it's past eight o'clock and I had to be done by eight o'clock Even though we're all close to the tail end. Yeah, we're even the right What if he says another word that we don't know? I know We need to have this video message of me like deb. Can you explain this one deb? What does he mean by bold? Bold enclosures, what are they a bold I'm all Well, it's just a bunch of people running around doing the word while also the hair is falling out Yeah, do you prefer bald or bush? Nice Or Reagan Well, or Reagan there were a few presidents. Yeah, all right, you don't have to answer. That's all right Imagine if you have like a president bald one day like president richard bald has now taken the office richard bald Excuse you would hate dick bald Bush had done that because VP how basically I've been bush-involved for president. Oh man. Yeah All right, well anyway, bye All right Everybody what you do in these days where they can find you guys on I was here last time you guys know what you guys know You could follow my channel it's short fat otaku you could follow my twitter It's it's sleepy divo I'm also on twitch and kick as well, but the youtube is the biggest thing for sure Um, and yeah as always. Thanks for having me Oh, I know I noticed I know the chat was complaining a bit that like I kind of disappeared In like for a half an hour there in like the middle of the of the yeah, so you owe us that time back Put it into the into the copyright fund pay I'll put it into the fund. Yeah. Yeah I I got a call had to deal with more car shit, but I mean hopefully I'm at the end of the nonsense now, but Yeah, thanks. It's all good. Very appreciative. Thanks for joining us. Thank you So actually before I go I have one quick question. How come you're doing this one on wednesday instead of saturday? You guys all busy saturday On saturday and there's our anniversary the following saturday, which you better turn up for otherwise. You're not a true friend Yeah, the 26, right? Yeah, same for you sitch All right, I'll make sure I'm there. I'll be there. Yep. Tell adam to come Sure, you're both going to buy our vinyls, right? Yeah, well, I already bought your vinyls Yeah I got it. So listen, I know that adam said he'd be watching Adam says he'd be watching this entire thing. So I just want to point out since I know that you're listening adam You know how I was able to explain enclosure there in the socialist sense. That's why I read all this dumbfuck literature that you complain about All right. Yo adam get uh come you trying to justify why you read my cup right now Yes Thanks for thanks for having me on I'll become a fascist See you Yeah, I just want to make it clear because I'm not talking about any of that and I don't want it to be confused I'm just talking but anyway, he's talking to the worst person on earth for those goals I'm not talking about any of that and I don't want it to be confused Hella has some notes. She says And I think there's a good point we do we shouldn't even call what xqc does react. It's a watch party I really really appreciate this point. He shouldn't be allowed to call what he does reacting Yes, watch party is a very excellent way to phrase it. I like that Like that It's a watch party. Then you really understand That it's it's actually a really good point. It is and yeah He's touching his neck like xqc said evil people do Shit He did the watch party thing is interesting too because if I think j tweeted about this If the watch party thing was actually a watch party and the all of the view count like the viewing Of those individuals went into the video itself. If you know, do you understand what I mean? Like you've got like a Yeah, a watch together hosts that cycles all of the views from all of the views of the stream into the views of the video Like that would actually start to fix all of this That'd be great. It's a watch party. It's not you're not wrong about that at all. So there you go. You're just Well, he's agreeing. He's saying you're not wrong about that at all to watch party Oh, oh, oh, oh, so then you need to be really bad, right? You're gonna bring up people sus because because this sounds like yeah, it's great, isn't it? Isn't it? It's awesome. Watch party. Yeah, it's good Yeah, well, wait, here's a question So if they had a system where you watched something on youtube or twitch and it would give Automatically however worked it would like share your views with whoever you're watching or give them the views Like what would you guys do because you are actually transforming it and you are critiquing whatever you're watching Like would take the views away from you and give it to them or do you share the views? um so this is the thing I actually suggesting it is a bit of a Pipe dream because I just don't know how would this would be set up properly how it would function perfectly There's so many things that would get in the way of it and you know the the big thing stepping in the way of it Is that there's just not enough passion for this this this topic dies every time it comes up it dies straight away and then they carry out I would want because I it depends how much revenue like youtube loses from twitch Like if they could force twitch to do this Like is it worth the cost to implement the system for youtube sake the thing? Well, that's a problem, isn't it? there's no incentive for companies to get this done because I don't even know that they would see much of a It only helps the individuals Yeah, well, I mean it would help youtube because they get some cut of whatever right in theory Um, yeah, because like if you're on twitch and you're cycling those twitch viewers into the youtube Yeah, I don't we're crossing the platforms. I don't even think they would There's so much I wouldn't make it where you did it Yeah, right unless youtube started suing them or something. It'd be yeah. I mean it'd be such a hassle to do And you know what? You just started realizing just fucking credit the channel just send people to the channel. Yeah, fuck's sake Sharing this video. You're not yeah transforming it. Yeah. I think excuse you would agree with that Technically it is a watch party. I mean excuse you would go as far as saying he makes dog shit bottom of the barrel Goblin crap content that's tears from people, but the everyone enjoys it And it's transformative for the channel as well. Yeah, and he's also saying he's got all the statistics on this side All of the statistics and facts, you know all those facts Yeah, well, he saw so many of them. Yes, the best facts That's nice. There's a watch party. There's a watch party mechanism on on twitch as well as a matter of fact The only issue is given international ip restrictions the watch party Mechanism only works for amazon. Yeah, I couldn't imagine the fucking red tape You'd have to deal with to get all of that stuff in working order for like actual tv shows and stuff studios properties and It basically destroys your vod and it shuts off people that aren't in canada or aren't in the united states of america from actually watching Your stream it like geo locks your stream, which is really shitty. That's that's the black So Like how are we just not doing tv again at this point? Do you mean because a channel A channel has to pay because a channel is like a like a tv channel is like a watch party A network, yeah Yeah, like on a network, but they have to pay Money to buy the rights to a bunch of things to show to people so that advertisers will then Give them money to broadcast all those things so in a sense. It's like compartmentalized watch party and Like that's you know, I mean I mean typical you know tv You know setups and channels those are going you know, they're getting smaller. They're kind of shrinking as the internet You know starts to take over. It's not the same though Because on this watch party, there's like a little guy's head at the corner of the screen. Oh, don't forget all and there's like a chat bar And there's little frogs in the chat bar smiling. Yeah, so it is different. It is transformative I mean that the real part of it that actually can't be understated is the feeling of not being alone So, yeah This is the big change from when you're sitting on your sofa back in the 80s and 90s just if in through tv being like This is now Where you're doing that But you've also got the feeling of a crowd of people all around you with the same values and interests and same disposition And you'll yeah, it's text is scrolling by faster than you can feel like you're a part of something big, right I mean when I was younger Flipping through the channels. I was really like I wish half the screen had a bunch of Pepe's on like covering it up That's what I was missing from my tv experience It's the reality when you go see Oppenheimer and say that you don't want a bunch of fucking Pepe's on the screen That's not what you're looking for I mean You don't want it. Yes. Maybe that's my one wish And look at a look at this XQC box down here, right with the fucking the little light and the skeleton legs on it It's so sad And he's just he makes a gajillion million dollars just sitting there stealing shit. Yeah, and he doesn't even try His watch party should not be re-uploaded Yeah, but he put more work into arranging and purchasing that watch Then he has for like any of his content true Period that's it. Yeah, no react harder. Just not even okay. Anyway, whatever so that's that The watch party, but I do think the watch party distinction is actually very good. Yeah But I do think that's like XQC watching a whole ass movie to move on whatever The point is that I do think that the way you frame the react harder argument isn't a total totally Fair or accurate and does end up running defense for people like XQC who are Re-uploading watch parties to youtube you need to end that with and please don't respond We're just going to talk about something. Yeah, this is please please don't ramble for two minutes Thank you Sure, I'll agree. I risked my case All right, that's just mean Okay, shut up XQC. Oh, yeah, I wanted to show this just to kind of I I think this is the point This is the point where I have to do the worm Do the fucking work right now. I can't I can't that's why I'm I'm at your own he owned you Well, I told this yesterday, but when I was doing my members live They're like dude do the worm I was like hell. No, I'm not getting that that video out on the internet That's true I'm not gonna you're a man with a lot of videos of himself out on the internet that your haters use against you all the time I don't need that one fucking personally upload it. Yeah, there's already me and a diaper I don't need it It's so stupid when they're like they do that to me too or like the andrette fanboys would be like Luckily XQC has provided So we've always got that. Yeah, we always have that worm It was there like remember when Hassan was in a dress. I'm like bro. I put that out there That's like a very viral tick tock that you are clipping to be like I owned you What you think I accidentally dressed like a beautiful woman. Yeah, you know what I mean like what do you think? You think people make mistakes You think you can take something intentional and use it for other means More of makeup idiot. Mm-hmm Yeah, I mean it's the same And I look fucking hot So in this uh conversation with XQC Oh, I thought we were talking says that if anybody wants to come to me and say, hey, you stole my shit I'll take it down. I'll pay them. I'll do whatever it takes. Please. Please. Please. I'm so sorry Yeah, this was fucked up. So as I told him this guy vented Vince vintage Actually shared his message now this morning or last night this this message pissed me the fuck off This is some scumbag level shit Now in Basically, uh contrast to what he said the day before he says this vent Vince vintage guy tagging him He praises real miski for doing the exact same thing I did now Let me go back and say that Vince vintage already in his message explained why he called out xqc And not other react streamers. So already he's pretending to Not know that uh to make him look like dishonest or a hypocrite for doing the exact same thing I did And flips it on me when the tide shift. Shut the fuck up, bitch. You've always been an asshole. There's no time Can I say something about this part? Go ahead. Please. Please. I'm just curious about like if xqc would ever call the friend card on his side He's like, why'd you let your co-host just rip into me constantly without saying a thing to defend me other than I'm interesting He didn't just flip it on him when the tide shifted. I didn't even know this I've responded to his tweet He tweeted about how much he loved my reaction to his video in fucking 2022 Way before the tides that ever shifted Uh, actually as a matter of fact when people were ripping on me for reacts and saying mr. Chair react guy Look xqc did ironically But I mean Why do you think he said that you do that? Like so no this guy has been like Obviously openly openly praising Twitch streamers that have reacted to his videos in a way that he considers to be good and transformative and also beneficial to his channel For a year like for an entire fucking year. Also if somebody What's wrong with that? He can he can praise people that have watched his content that's helped him And criticized people that have watched his content and haven't helped them That's that's a rational logical thing to do. I I mean currently if i'm wrong, but hassan is saying that in in contradiction to what xqc is saying xqc's point Is that hey, he's been pro these streamers and you only flipped on me when it was you know a good time to do it But is he it sounds like he's trying to defend xqc I think he's trying to show on xqc. I just misunderstand what he's what he's saying My impression is hassan is is is jumping in on xqc like saying that he's Wrong because this this guy was pro hassan Because of the style of react and he was anti xqc because of the style of react Is like yeah, I didn't like the way you do that then you shut the fuck up and listen. Yeah, that's it Dude, let me give you a great example of this. There's a youtuber out You guys you know this is this is the big chungest part There who has made a fuck ton of videos about me. Okay, there's a youtuber out there who's made a fuck ton of videos about me Okay They were 100 right When uh, they got mad at me for for uh playing their video and not watching it Which is ironic Who do you think he's talking about? Jay, it's j j. Have you made oh a fuck ton of videos on hassan? No, there was a j as far as i'm aware. There's one mainline video in two streams. That is it Well, he's probably putting all the like your guys videos on everyone else talking about it is all like that's all j's videos That's absolutely fucking nuts and I hate the way he rewrites history like this all the fucking time It was the it was the most reasonable thing that ever happened on the internet ever Jay was like credit the people you watch and remember hassan When someone in his chat said isn't it just like simple just credit the people he was like Oh, yeah, just just fucking credit the child that he banned them Yeah Because I don't think any of the videos that they've made about me Uh since then features this part. I've apologized. I've apologized multiple So in Jay's video, there's an acknowledgement of the apology And it's like there's there's a thanks for it But like there's also a recognition that the problem is that you just need to start crediting That's all just credit couple times and said like i'm changing certain things You're absolutely right about this like I apologized three fucking years ago Now that you say this like jay's making videos right now I know Yeah That person they still make videos all the time. No, they don't let's fucking lie But I am truly I am I was wrong. I I owned up to it. I was fucking wrong Um, even though I hate when people try to draw, uh, you know farm drama as much as they possibly can Office like that. You brought it up. What is what is what is happening? Like It's all just lies and obviously ether does no context. He's just like, yeah, sure, whatever. Um, you have to you Well, wait, this is good jay can make another video now Drama farmer j If you're doing this sort of thing And someone gets mad at you and I hadn't even re-uploaded that by the way to youtube Chair reactor or whatever even though that's where the chair react meme comes from. Yeah, that's still bad I love that he's saying like praise me for not re-uploading onto youtube the reactions where i'm just not even in my chair Yeah, you deserve praise for that hasan good stuff and I stopped doing that You have to you can't on the one hand be like if you dmca me. I have no issue with this Uh, I will pay you 10x and then turn around and fucking shit on the person It'd be like that's a paid actor because you're then paying their point. Here's dude. Yeah Well, yeah, and during the debate he was all of that was bullshit except for those last like two sentences What the fuck was that insane prompted his son to like finally turn somewhat on xqc here Uh, it's it's the getting cold chair react that got to him like crazy. He's referenced it twice in this Uh stream and then of course you saw what happened when you saw it live. He was fucking furious Yeah, but like going into this conversation when he's in from the beginning. He knew that he called them share a son Well, yeah, but um, isn't it easy to like offload onto xqc? They're not actually friends. They only said that about each other because they're obviously higher up on twitch They they are friends by you know circumstance It's all gonna is is hyper transactual. It's like transactional If there's no benefit you're out and the second that either of them even Slightly tossed them under the bus the other one was like i'm tossing you under the bus Fuck you know i'm tossing you under the fuck you It was like Yeah, dude. No, i'll i'll make it up to them. I care so much about them They've created like a Perpetual energy machine by trying to stab each other in the back while the other one moves the other one follows and it just goes on forever Then he goes this guy blatantly lies in a tweet because I didn't respond to his dm 12 hours later Not true was two days later After you literally said in the debate i'll i'll pay him 12 hours because i was flying to vegas bitch. How long's that flight? Flying yet. We had sent an email two days before i talked to vince. You know why he didn't see this email They sent it to some random fucking email for his like manager He didn't even it didn't even go to his box and by the way remember how he said It will say it is really funny that xgc doesn't have any stock in the idea that people like vince or whoever would Have any like trepidation going after a big creator because of what can happen And then he'd like publicly blasts him Thanks, dude 10x here's his editor reaching out. I can compensate you for the full revenue. Oh really bitch. What happened to 10x? Why don't you open with that you fucking scammer? So here he shows i guess him saying miss kiff showing love again Where's the tweet of him saying thanks xqc for reacting to my video Why didn't you show that one because he fucking doesn't like the way you react to his video? Yeah, um He's also sent him a dm and by the way, I know Felix you see those dms because when I type you shit you respond within five seconds Well, you know, he's he's out there flexing on you flexing on his haters He has your whole house on his wrist, okay And then yeah, that worked out the great move. Yeah He goes, I thought I'd stay silent and let the storm pass but no everyone jumped on that bag one It's currently spreading lies. I'm coming for you. Awesome, dude Really cool fucking job here of making good on on the way you still count the scum scumbag, dude Petulant fucking child The son defend your friends go Incapable of taking I think if any criticism I think uh, the way xqc presented himself if he If he actually was like, oh, yeah, I'll make amends and uh, you know Responded to vince's dm and was like here. Give me your paypal uh, and then and then replied with uh a Way to make amends. Oh the fuck does it take you this long to say give me a paypal and I'll compensate you Was happening to you Are you having a stroke? Like what's going on? I think that this is like I'm having a stroke It shouldn't be a little bit different considering that That would mean that he is actually fulfilling what he told you on the stream I mean listen, I think is what you're I mean, I think that's the right thing to do. Yeah I'd be if I was xqc after that conversation. I'd be pretty motivated to pay that guy immediately Ethan is 110 billion percent correct. It's it's not only an ethical thing to do, but good god It looks good If you just said give me a paypal and you paid him like a thousand dollars You said hopefully that covers it, you know, and fucking you could go even further like 10 000 and just be like I You know, surely that's covered it if you feel like you deserve more then let me know we can sort it out That would go a hell of a lot of a way instead of publicly blasting about your twitter account Well After all of this it's like good job and then going to vegas and lose a million Which is another factor on top. It's kind of why not hilarious And not wait two days and then why instead has only been 12 hours. So just scumbag, dude I hate that guy. Do you want to know why I I have a dog to vegas is three hours You want to know why I have a dog in this fight? Like It's because I do worry that If more rigorous dmca protocols are implemented on twitch in a similar automated fashion to youtube The live streaming on that website would be rendered useless because That's one part of the reason why youtube live streaming is so difficult I just can't fucking believe he's actually like fear mongering about dmca is being used more and more when he's the one Along with the rest of the chuckle fucks that are stealing everyone's fucking ip's To accomplish And you know this better than anybody else Um, lots of people do it. I do it Yeah, I know but it's not the same as live streaming on twitch Yeah, if it's my effort, which is Which is dominant in the live streaming uh spear if it happens It will be because of people like xqc true It's not the fault of the people with dmca at that point. It's the ones that have been wrong. Well, the wrong doers Who just sit there and watch full episodes of hunter hunter. Yeah, maybe we should socially ostracize them That could be a good idea. Yes, that'd be great. Yeah, don't give podcasts Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you're right about that. Yes the dark night. There you go. Hasan. He said he's right now We can move on right again. Yeah, if it happens is a result of that of the what is actually happening there React channels they've taken over. Oh god. So this is this is a little addendum. I think I find funny This is this channel is called man carrying thing And uh, he made a video about react channels. This is gonna be his his opinion on the matter. Okay All right YouTube for quite a while recently there's been some controversy revolving streamers and reacting to youtube content Basically youtubers who are uploading original content are getting them reacted to by stream and the react I don't know if he's this is his normal editing or if he's trying to evoke the time like original youtube because this So many cuts. Yeah, this kind of job cutting words. Yeah feels classic. I hope it's It's very in quality now I personally have had some of my videos reacted to by streamers and I have no issue with it If anyone wants to react to my videos, they're welcome to it But I also understand why some youtubers don't like that. It's a very complex issue I do want to look at the subject from all angles And you know, I think xqc has a very interesting video added insight to the conversation And hopefully I can you know critique and we can analyze some of what's going on here And hopefully learn more about the the subject so so this is gonna be pretty cool I'm gonna get his in-depth take analysis Based on what xqc has to add to the conversation first So I'm gonna break it down for us. It's gonna give us some transformative content based on Words break down Let's take a look I gotta grab something. I'll be right back. Yeah I still don't understand this and I have like 100k likes again People have been done about this again People are forgetting in the nature People want to set the computer open the one link, okay? Have been on second monitor and play games and whatever. Okay? That's what streams are about streams are shit content Oh Bearing to his own job of Streams are shit content. Oh, well, I think ours are pretty great. I like ours. Yeah stream In their entirety our shit content only only about to one percent of them By Jenga Good enough. Okay, or it's gonna be it's gonna be main main monitor content Nobody wants to fucking switch channels 80 times. They got you on a tv. Okay. So there that's my that's my talk That's this is my nobody wants to switch channels like they're on a tv. It's just like what? How did how did oh, I am the one like just switch the channels for you. I'm the good guy I'm your remote control Okay, okay. Well, I'm going to react shit. Okay? Yes, a lot of it is just watching it Because that's what chat wants. If I commentate too much chat gets fucking bored as chat gets mad if I got any video that I make There's four there. Four there. I don't give a fuck I don't the money's so little on that end I mean you probably wouldn't want to play on top of the box, right? Because if there's nothing in the box, it'll bow down a bit with the weight of the Jenga tower Relatively clear. He wanted it to fall What that's not the point of Jenga What is he? What kind of madness is this we're all making up our own Jenga rules What kind of who wants to live in that kind of world if I go play Jenga with someone then dammit I think there needs to be an understanding that the objective is not for the Jenga tower to fall down Well, you play in Bald Jenga Bald Jenga? Yeah, I don't think I don't think I've played Bald Jenga But it sounds like something that would make me angry So yeah, that's pretty crazy Man carrying thing he makes lots of funny funny videos back him out I don't support this Jenga He wants it to fall down kind of thing though. I don't I just don't I can't support that If you watch like a 30 minute xqc video and just play jenga in the background that I mean you can make a strong argument that that's parody and thus protect it completely by fair use Oh, yes, that's it for the next chapter of the react was uh The Is that chapter which which chapter is it six one and then two three four five. Yeah, I think this is six Chapter six. Aren't I glad that I'm finally part of the uh Give it a year and we'll do it do it again Yeah, I hope that it was everything you thought it would be and more Sure, I hope that it was grandiose beyond your wildest imaginings Yeah, so basically react hotter there you go Yeah, I hope you guys learn something Uh, it's so funny because it drags it all these crazy characters and they all say such insane things They all suck. They'll need to start a big tv show It's like the beat team. I don't think I'd watch it though. No I mean if they had to live together interact with each other and like they would rip each other apart Oh They have to react the hardest, that's the challenges And then they'll have to go like whoa chat. See there's chat. Look at this And chat is a little robot that walks around and his face is all of chat And they all have to like try and tempt him to follow them like whoever the other robot ends up following gets more points, you know Oh, and the chat would vote. Yeah, and it's like, oh, look at me. I'm jumping up and down Look at me chat and chat's like, whoa, he's jumping down and someone else is like, I'm in the toilet Yeah, I'm doing the worm. I'm doing the worm. Let's go Oh my god, we've designed it. There you go. That's the show and the chat is controlled by like You know all of the viewers putting in a command for who to follow and then the the top You know directed around the robot follows them It's all fair. Yeah, we did it. It's a million dollar idea billion dollar trillion dollar Oh my god, there's so much money and then everyone will stream it And we can buy the right re-stream all the streams Fucking fix the world then we'll take down all of the streams and combine them into one video and re-upload that and it'll just be It'll be nirvana. We will have reached it like as long as we're taking down streams and not jenga tower Yeah My stream though my streams look cool. It's time once again. It's probably talk for the vinyl thing. I'll take it That's right The vinyl figures that's high tier content because we've we've flushed out all the old viewers And now all the new ones are in now. None of you guys. That's right watching. We're here at the beginning Guarantee. Oh my god. What if that's how it worked every time a new person joins it boots out someone who's already been here Jesus Wow, that's awful Anyway, this is the main one bringing that up mutually the final figure. Oh, hey. Wow. Look at you go Look at you. This is the rags one. Wow. Oh, wow. Oh, man Look at that dog. Geez. This is the friggin one. Look at him Amazing Okay, that's right This one's me in my box safe You know warm And I on things no dust is getting to me this box. No jars. No, I just uh just box rags in his box You can always put on his box rags in his box. This is my house where I live until you buy me Okay Well, maybe even for a while after that too. Yeah, that's true. Maybe forever Yeah, you heard what I said earlier about the whole heirloom thing. Keep it. You fresh Then it's the friggin one beauty look at that wonderful Links are in the description And that's indeed Yeah, you should go and you should press that link with your mouse button because they won't be around forever And if you grab the collection together you get yourself Rambi you got a good old discount if you get all three. Yes, it's right 15 percent If stitch can buy them that means you guys you're gonna catch up to him because he's not even yeah watchy-fab He hates this like oh, I do you don't even like I'm the most parasocial. Okay at the moment So you better catch up Well cringe Which you know is a good way to segue into being like hey stitch Why don't you tell them where they can find you and what you're up to even though you were here last week It doesn't matter. They don't remember And you were on us. It's happened since then. I was on you when we were on you were on you were on me You were literally on me Um, you can find us me and adam at the sit-in adam show. Oh my god. Is it 4 p.m. Eastern? Oh my god Wait, what days on on tuesdays and what day and tuesdays sunday and tuesdays sunday and tuesdays So there isn't one for ages Who cares That's right. We're nearly as far away from it as we can get. Yeah, it's the sit-in adam show Not the adam and sit-show. Okay. Don't let them all or tell you this Wait, who's old adam that you're switching the name? No, that's what you want to tell him Is he listening right now adam? I believe it's probably not You need to make it up. He's working on the comic. He feels very guilty. I was not coming along by the way Cormick good But you know Good good, but you know It's a grind it's a lot of work a lot of work. He said good, but you know it makes me wonder Well, you know Well, I just I feel bad for him. It's just like every day. He's just slaving away He's like he's like literally gonna cripple his body. I'm like stop it Don't hurt yourself for the comic. It's not worth it. Don't do it adam He's like sit. I have to do it. I have to do it for the fans aw Hey metal anything Hello, do anything cruise fans. I did it. We'll know what you're up to. Where can they find you? Well, I'm just Leaming around no, I'll probably do some strumbling tomorrow. Uh, still working away on that video Hopefully I can start the the visual editing next week. That should work out. Uh I think So hopefully soon people will know what the video is actually about Wow So that's cool. Yeah, probably gonna play some more armored core for on start tomorrow evening and Then next I think next week already is armored core six. So Yeah, it's next friday. So that's gonna be on the list. So gaming be happening and uh, yeah Just working away just working away game envies Nice me You're gonna you going to forage frog Oh, yeah, yeah, right. I'm going to do the the The be beetle man the beetle man. Uh That's next week. Like I coaxed in Or sorry, red, I don'thh. Red beetle. Yes No blue blue Blue deal The blue is Karabahu Azul Yeah, what rake said I coaxed in me And and mark to to watch it and we're gonna do a little fortune at sometime next week They're paid actors though They are the only explanation for them wanting to go see blue beetle. They're paid by exposure bitch That's a reference to another Yeah, damn it Marcus and chat no Anyway, yeah, that's that's that's gonna be happening links both the Churnals and the channel of the dev in discrepancy and Rags for you Boy, I was just Thinking about how cool those vinyls were and I wish that there was a way for me to acquire all three of them for a 15% discount Mm-hmm display them prominently and my house. Well, we're in luck living room or Maybe what it would be like if I bought multiples of them and distributed them amongst friends and family so that they too could experience the joy of every frame of pause every day Even when we're not live every week on Saturdays beginning at 1 p.m. Central, but What was the question he didn't say 50% said 15 Good God. Yeah Well said you said 50 is like And if I did I didn't so what was the what was the question there You gotta announce that you're working on, you know, you do like every end of e-fap I do have some things I'm working on. Yeah, I do have some things. I'm working on I may have figured out a A solution to my computer issue, which means now I can render videos. That's cool because for a while here I it wouldn't just it just wouldn't render videos I could work on them, but I'd try to render them and it just wouldn't so I think I've got that fixed So I'm gonna try and be putting out a lot of dog bite stuff in particular I'm working on a big video for the main channel and that's gonna be that's gonna be a long boy Probably four hours when all said and done But we're no stranger to long videos here at every frame of pause Yeah, I suppose though. I'm not gonna give anywhere specifics because I don't want to you know I don't want to set myself up for that kind of thing. You know, I'm a free spirit I'm just a tumbleweed going where the wind blows Where will I be tomorrow? Who knows? He's just an easy-going drifter that that rags Who knows what he'll be up to you just got a Somebody stop him. No. Well, I can't be so stunning. He's a son. I guess I've been working on a little cartoon which will hopefully be done soon It'll be done before good old anniversary, which reminds me. I probably should let people know I made a cartoon about a cat throwing a ball Yet to mention I saw that that was fun. I've seen it too. I'm glad you thought it was fun Yeah on dubious sanity Wait, do I have a ton on yeah Does that create that yeah, there you go It's about a cat throwing a ball But it doesn't pan out and I'm making another one, but it's not like that one at all and it'll be done soon It's a ball throwing a cat. Whoa. We'll pan out Maybe in the sequel, but you know if there is one. Oh my goodness. It's the it's the age of sequels I suppose No original ideas anymore. What's the remaster? I'm a knife or the life Frame rate be better on the remaster or will it still be? You know, but you know depends. Oh, yeah, Red Dead Redemption. Yeah, that's right. Anyway, that's that's about it Obviously again vinyls take a look Do you think they look like which I think they are very cool and make sure you get that set because I get you the discount and We got a we got good old anniversary coming up soon. Yes So tomorrow I got open bar, of course You'll see me streaming then talking about movies and such and whatnot This Friday, I may or may not be appearing on Friday night ties to talk about that beetle movie Which means I have to see it Which is coming I don't fucking I guess I guess why not and then of course Saturday There is no e-fap as you would have seen by the title of this one It is the one before the anniversary and it's not anniversary time yet on Saturday It'll be video time we're popping out the the ant-man video the fabled ant-man video Which is ready to go. It's been proof to hell and back after every single gosh done long process Mean free you've worked on it for a very long time and it'll be me up to you guys to see it My expectation would be there on Saturday Wow Yeah, I have to move it So otherwise I will never watch it because it's gone forever after you from here. Thank God Yeah, so it would be 6 or 7 p.m. BST probably start it I guess I'm not 100% sure of when I would start it yet, but that'd be The plorn it is a six-hour video and it is now Guaranteed beyond a crazy circumstance to come out Probably 6 p.m. On Saturday BST BST is the time zone 6 p.m. If you want to make time for it, it'll be a long boy very very long boy And yeah, and then the following week following that a it'll be the e-fab fifth anniversary Where we will cover plenty of videos a plenty of guests like a flower stream, right? Yeah for yeah for the two of the beginning, but Hopefully we'll make it. I'm sure we will we always do and who knows what we will cover 250 episodes of this crazy show we call e-fab beautiful And yeah, that probably sums up everything other than of course as mentioned the vinyls of which you can find links to in the Description if you want to check them out Other than that, thank you all so much for joining us really do appreciate it Well good night We shall see you soon enough because all kinds of things coming out Bye-bye everybody Everybody See you later. Goodbye. Hello. See you
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Indifferentiability of 8 Round Feistel Networks
Yuanxi Dai and John P. Steinberger, Crypto 2016. See
Okay, thank you So let's start by recalling our structure of a Python network. So this is a round Python network and Each wire The wire length is n and we will use XI to represent the intermediate values So each value SI is n bit long and they satisfy This relationship here Okay, and we will call it by a round function now recall that Each round is a permutation. No matter whether the round function is or it's not a permutation and The Python network is a two amp bit permutation with input x 0 x 1 and output x 8 x 9 And in this talk, we will assume the round functions are independent random functions And the question is to what extent is such a network like a random permutation So let's take a look at the classic indistinguishability experiment We have a distinguisher and it's interacting with one of the two worlds It's advantage is defined as the difference of the distinguisher outputting one in the two worlds In and we assume the distinguisher is information Theoretic meaning that it has unbounded computational power. It just has a limited number of queries to its oracles in the real world interacts with the phystone network and In the ideal world Interacts with a random permutation and in both worlds it has two side queries to look the oracle so you can query backwards The Seminole Ruby Rack of theorem says for a Python network is Distinguishable from a random permutation. So the advantage is negligible for any distinguisher But in this talk, we will use a stronger notion on In differential ability introduced by Maura, Renner and Hollenstein in 2004 So in this case when we give the distinguisher Access to the round functions so we can query these small round functions as well in the real world However in the ideal world, there is no round function. So we will have to construct a simulator That will behave Try to behave like the round functions so that a distinguisher cannot distinguish between the two worlds and We require the simulator to be efficient and it has oracle access to P so our goal is to construct a simulator and In differential ability means for so many rounds and with such a simulator no distinguisher can distinguish using so many queries So also we require its advantage in the two worlds to be negligible So the first work on Differential ability of Python networks is done by Coran, Tethering and Suran in 2008 So they prove that five round five stone is not indifferenceable and they also proved six round is Indifferenceable from random permutation Then in 2009 Suran gave a simple ten round simulator in his PhD thesis so However in 2011 Holenstein, Kuntler and Tassaro found some flaw in the previous proofs and They showed 14 round five stone is indifferenceable Therefore whether ten round five stone is indifferenceable remains open at this point So concurrent and dependent of our work document so Kat and to rule Van Gogh then Prove that ten round five stone is indifferenceable and Disappeared in this year's Euro crib So our result is eight round five stone is indifferenceable. So We will first Give a natural and simple ten round simulator and from this simulator we will obtain an eight round simulator, which is also natural and simple Well, not that simple actually So the so this is our The comparison of our results So we achieve slightly better security than the previous work But it's still a very enormous advantage for the distinguisher. So not very good balance and Oh, and Q is the number of queries of the distinguisher and N is the wild land Okay, and now let's recall the is in differential beauty experiment So the question here is what can the distinguisher do to distinguish between these two worlds? As we can see in the real world the round functions must be consistent with the permutation in the fisto sense therefore the distinguisher can Well, you can like choose x 0 x 1 and make query all the way to obtain x 8 and x 9 And we will call this a path. So a path consists of x 0 through x 9 this 10 values and You can check if the path is consistent with the permutation like this And it can also start from other positions like from the back and all the way to front or start from the middle and to both sides and it can also go around so you can query through to f1 and Make the permutation query going to x 8 x 9 and then go to To obtain x 5 and see if the value of f5 x 5 is Consistent, but there are a lot of ways to complete a path and Moreover, you can do something more tricky Like you can use the same query in different path and you can also interleave queries in different path to confuse the simulator and So what can the simulator do? The basic strategy is already sampling and preemptive a path completion. So how to complete a path? Suppose it the simulator decides to complete this path So the green queries are already defined and the white ones are not so The simulator can lady sample some of the queries by lady sample we mean it chooses a Random value for the query. So it's randomly selected from all and bit strings and However, at this point the remaining two queries cannot be sampled anymore because the values are actually fixed by the other queries in the path and Generally in each part two queries have to be adapted regardless of how the other queries are defined and Therefore So the simulator has to complete a path early enough so that it has still has room to adapt Because you cannot adapt a query that has already been defined On the other hand, if you choose to complete them part complete too many parts Since when you are completing a part you will make more queries And this may create a out-of-control chain reaction and the simulator may never terminate and So the box in the previous simulator slides in the first First condition so it has no Room to adapt we will see it later So by adapting a path we mean assigning these two queries the values like this So so that you can be consistent with the permutation Okay, so now we start by introducing some 10-round simulator which is the basis of all the subsequent simulators so His simulator preemptively completes a path when one of the two detect zones become filled So it has a middle detect zone which consists of only two rounds meaning that for every pair of X F five and F six Every pair of queries to these two rounds a path should be completed and it also has an outer detect zone a consisting of four rounds So it's for every quadruple of queries to these four rounds that are Compatible with the permutation so not for all quadruple, but only for a small set of them a path should be completed and The position to adapt record that we have to adapt two queries in each path the position to adapt Depends on the last query that that feels a detect zone And we say the query triggers the detect zone so If a path is triggered at x2 or x5 it will be adapted here And if it's triggered at f6 or f9 It's adapted here Moreover if multiple path are triggered They will be completed in a 5-4 order. So the path tactic first will be completed first So let's demonstrate using an example. So say a query is issued here that triggers the outer detect zone of this path and First the query will be lazy sample. It's given a random value and We will adapt here So we will need to sample the other undefined queries in this path So these four queries will be lazy sampled and Moreover the queries to f5 and f6 are in the middle detect zone So these two queries will trigger more path and these triggered path are in queue and will be dealt with that later and So after this path is completed The simulator dequeues the next path in a queue and starts completing the path so Okay, so this is sounds 10-round simulator and its problem is there is a strategy for the simulator That causes the up. Sorry. There is a strategy for the distinguisher that causes the simulator to always adapt some Already defined query So this is sounds attack against his own simulator, which is quite complicated, but The idea is to so the randomness that Determines this adaptive query is sampled a long time ago before the query is actually sampled the query is adapted therefore Some other path has already used the same randomness and defined this query before so that's the problem basically and So how to fix the simulator? Hohlenstein et al Did this by adding buffer rounds around each adapt zone And moreover they prove that on the buffer rounds are adept are sampled right before the adaptation occurs So as you can see if these two values are newly sampled the values of x4 and x5 Will be Independently random and therefore they are very unlikely to Clyde with some existing query So we will use the same idea here, but instead of adding new rounds we will just use existing rounds as the buffer and If the left adapt zone is used we will call these two rounds the endpoints and if the right adapt zone Is used we call these two rounds the endpoints So there are the rounds around the adapt zone and our goal is to keep endpoints Unsampled until the path is ready to be adapted. So it's the same as Hohlenstein's idea and so In other words, we will require these four queries to remain unsampled until the path is completed Okay, so how to achieve this goal we will use the same example as before so When this query is issued We note that the triggering query of a path is always one of the endpoint queries. So Since this query is an endpoint query and the other endpoint queries are known we cannot complete this path yet So instead of lazy sampling one The triggering query we can only mark it as pending and not sample it and Then we we can issue these three queries and these queries will be Answered using the simulator's own interface just like a normal query from the distinguisher and and So again the query to f6 is in the middle detect zone so it may trigger other path and Since this query is an endpoint query of this newly triggered path and our goal should be Achieved also for this new path so the query to f6 cannot be sampled until the new path is completed and But the old path cannot continue until the query to f6 is Defined therefore the new path should be completed before the old one and this resulting In a life of order so the path detected later is actually completed first So this is the maybe the only difference between the two simulators So after this query is defined We have another the other endpoint query and this query is marked pending as well And we say the path is ready when both endpoint queries are pending So this part is ready to be completed. But why don't we complete it? I mean right away so You may have seen this The query can be the endpoint query of multiple paths And since our goal should be kept for all these parts these two parts should be Adapted at the same time after the query at x5 is defined So this is the batch adaptation idea from a work from Dodis Leo stem and Steinberger so the path that share an endpoint query should be adapted at the same time that's so that's the idea and this so the all these path will form a very nice tree structure and This will make our proof much easier and So This is Summary of our 10 round simulator. It has the same simple structure as the Hans simulator, but we change the convention order to Lifal and we delay the lazy sampling To ensure the freshness of the randomness and know that this is only a conceptual change because one way or another The endpoint queries are sampled randomly But as we have seen in the example this conceptual change actually lead us to the life or order of path completion Okay, and since we have the same structure as the Hans simulator We can use the exact same termination argument. So the outer detect zone cannot be Well, it's very unlikely to be triggered unless the distinguisher has a query the permutation query and so the number the number of path triggered by the author detect zone is at most Q in most executions and The number of queries in these two rounds Are not increased by path triggered by the middle detect zone. So they are only increased by either a distinguisher query whose number is at most Q or Increased by a path that is triggered by the outer detect zone Which which number is also upper bounded by Q and therefore they are at most two Q defined queries in positions five and six So at most for Q squared path can be triggered by the middle detect zone So this is the termination argument of our simulator So how to get down to eight rounds? To do this we have to rearrange the detect and adapt zones So we can see the other detect zone has four rounds, which is obviously very wasteful So we spread it into two other detect zones each consisting of three rounds and This makes triggering a path easier, but this does not ruin our termination argument since it is still hard to trigger the other detect zone without knowing the permutation query and We also have to move our adapt zones. So one of them is moved to The middle which overlaps the middle detect zone and this will create a problem that the adaptive queries are actually very likely to trigger a new path if the middle detect zone is still length two and Well, we don't want this I mean in the 10 round simulator the adapt zone is disjoint with Detect zone so adaptive queries are not triggering any path So to keep this probably we will extend the middle detect zone into two three round middle detect zones and this will prevent That from happening So this is what the simulator looks like The red ones are the adapt zones and the green ones are these detect zones. So as we can see in this graph it's very symmetric and Each position triggers exactly one type of path and moreover We can see here the middle Adapt zone is actually surrounded by two queries and we claim that these two queries will be undefined when these two queries are adapted So this will prevent Well, this will prevent the two adaptive queries to form To fill the middle detect zone of some path Okay, so Summarize of our a round simulator It uses the same life order as the 10 round simulator and it has four detect zones and it uses the same termination argument So what to do next So we only have an attack against five round Faisal and we now we have a proof for eight round Faisal So to close the gap we there are still two rounds And can we do More rounds to improve concrete security as we mentioned our proof achieves very bad security bound and This is because we are aiming at reducing the number of rounds so Can we prove a better bound if we use more rounds or even better prove the birthday bound for saying? 20 round Faisal and more of us we can consider alternative constructions like a soft shuffle Can we prove in differential ability bounds and better bounds for these constructions? Okay, that's it. Thank you. Thank you very much
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Vermont State House - Pensions 101 1/7/2022
So, what some of you probably know, most of you probably know that I have spent more time with Chris Roup this summer and fall than I have with my family. And it has, while it has been very enjoyable. It is time that we go our separate ways for a while that we Chris has been the person from JFO, who has been dogging our pension reform I think it's act 75 from last year is what it was. And I will say, we are, I believe, very lucky that Chris left to the state of Pennsylvania Pittsburgh in particular right. One of those piece to come to Vermont and he has been a valuable addition to this conversation. And then, oh, the most many of you out there in the that either world out there probably don't know what the conversation is. It's around the pensions and our pension system for state employees and retired and teachers, public school teachers so that's the conversation we have and Beth Pierce has also the Beth our treasure has worked really hard on this issue. Not just this year, but for many years in the past and we're very grateful for her wise input and her recommendations to us so I just wanted to acknowledge them and how grateful we are and what we're going to do today is look at the 2101. Because even though last year I think Chris did a introduction for us in the Senate. That was a long time ago. And I think that it's really important that we as all as a committee understand what our pension systems are, but they're not the healthcare systems that go along with that the where we are right now how we got there and some of the things that we need to do and think about to go forward. We will have a bill. I can't tell you exactly when we will have that bill, but we will have a bill and. But I think before that it's really important that we all have the basic understanding of our systems and what why why we're even here why we passed act 75 last year and why we're here now. Before I turn it over to Chris and Beth, I want to also acknowledge the valuable input and work done by NEA and the VSEA, they are part of the task force and have been working all along, trying to help solve this issue to save the system for their members. So I want to acknowledge their their input also. So with that do we have any questions technically or anything before we get started and then I'll just turn it over to Chris. And I thought that today we would just have the kind of 101 and not necessarily take any testimony or anything because we don't actually have the bill yet. So we'll just learn about where we are and what we need to do does that make sense to everybody. Yes. Okay, great. Okay, so with that Chris. Madam chair for the record Chris group joint fiscal office. It's a pleasure to see you all though I'm unfortunately we're not in person, we are remote. It has been a pleasure to spend a lot of time with Senator white throughout the task force process, even though we're dealing with such a sticky issue and it's also if I could just take a minute of personal privilege it's been. It's really a treat to work closely with Treasurer Pierce and her team. You know, she she's brought so much expertise to this conversation. Her partnerships been invaluable and as a member of the retirement system, I'm very grateful for her stewardship so thank you for what you and your team have done on these issues. So, with that, I am going to share my screen and my goal is to just run through a couple high level slides, and then we can open it up for some questions but then Treasurer Pierce can get a little bit more into the details and the specifics. So, how do you want to do this do you want to run through them first and because you'll probably answer many of our questions as you go through them, and then ask questions later. Yeah, I don't have a problem if you want to shout out a question as we go. Feel free to interrupt but can everybody see my screens or my slides okay on their screen. Yep. Excellent. Okay, so before we start let's just have a little refresher on some key terms that you're going to hear us talk about today, and throughout the session as the recommendations materializing so you'll hear this term a deck thrown around a lot. It's an actuarially determined employer contribution. That's the amount of money that the actuaries recommend that the employer the state pays into the system every year to fully fund the normal cost, plus make a payment toward the unfunded liability. How we pay that unfunded liability off is through a process called amortization which is a fancy word for saying that this is a way that you pay off a balance of a debt with interest through regular payments. And the payments that we make on our system's amortize their unfunded liabilities on a closed 30 year period that ran from the beginning of 2009 to the end of fiscal 38. And the payments that we make on our amortization are structured to grow in 3% increments in future years to roughly track the growth in the budget over time. Those payments are structured to get you to 100% funded by the end of the amortization period. When you hear this term normal costs thrown around normal cost is the amount of the present value of future retirement benefits that were earned by the active workforce each year. So every year as the system operates the system shed some liabilities as it pays out benefits to people who are already retired and also accumulate some new liabilities that are earned by the workers of today who are earning a pension benefit that they'll get in the future. So that normal costs sort of represents that amount of the liability that grows every year just through the natural course of the workforce continuing to earn benefits. You want to make sure that normal cost is funded to make sure you don't have an unfunded liability. You'll hear that term OPEB OPEB is a fancy word for other post employment benefits benefits other than pensions in Vermont and in most other places OPEB refers to subsidized retiree health benefits. The unfunded liability is really the difference between the cost of the retirement benefits that have been earned by the active and retired workforce and the assets that are available to pay for those benefits. And when you see the acronyms vSERS and vSTERS we're just talking about the state or the teachers retirement systems that the T for teacher is the key way to distinguish the plans. So let's start with a quick overview of some history. Prior to the great recession both pension systems were in a much stronger financial position than they are today. This is not unique to Vermont. This has happened in state pension systems across the country. But since the great recession right around 2008 2009, you see that those liabilities have grown faster than the assets have grown, and that gap between those lines represents the unfunded liability. That's the shortfall between the liabilities and the assets you have and over time that gap has grown. The ADAC has also grown to keep up with the fact that the unfunded liability has grown, and that basically means that the pension costs being paid by the state the employer pension costs have grown pretty significantly. So you could see that, you know, back in 2009, you know, the state employee ADAC was 25.9 million and the teacher was 37.1. Those numbers, you know, have now grown to 125.9 for the state and 205.2 for the teacher system next year. So that's a compound annual growth rate of 12.1 and 13%, respectively, obviously growing at a higher rate than overall revenues or the size of the budget has grown. The employer has excessively funded the ADAC in the current amortization period. So cumulatively from FY09 at the start of the amortization period through last year, the ADACs have been overfunded by 87 million for the state and $60 million for the teachers. But despite that, the funded ratios have continued to decline. And as a quick refresher, the VCERS ADAC is funded through a payroll charge on the funds of state government that employ the active members. So in the current fiscal year, that payroll charge is 19.5%. There's a total 25.5% rate assessed on the payrolls and six of that goes to the OPEB, 19.5 goes to the pension. The cost doesn't show up in a discrete line item in the big bill. Instead, this cost is embedded in the appropriations to all the fund, to all the departments that employ the active workforce. So about 40% of the cost falls on the general fund. The rest of it falls on special funds, federal funds, the T fund, all in proportion to how much they support the active payroll. The teacher system operates a little differently. Here you do make a direct appropriation in the big bill. The small cost piece of the ADAC is funded by the education fund and the unfunded liability payment is funded by the general fund. And a small portion of both of those costs are paid by the local education agencies on federally funded staff. From FY21 to FY22, as you recall from last session, what really prompted all this conversation, the ADACs increased pretty significantly for both systems. By $36 million for visas and about 64 for the teachers. And this is really due to changes in plan assumptions. The demographic assumptions were revised for both systems and a lower assumed rate of return was adopted. So, like many pension plans nationwide, from lowered it to assumed rate of return from 7.5 to 7%. And 7% were in line with most of the major pension systems out there nationwide that were surveyed by NASRA. But in a status quo situation, when all these actuarial assumptions are moving forward, you can expect the ADACs will increase at approximately 3% a year until FY2038 when combined they would be over $500 million. And then drop down pretty significantly upon the systems reaching fully funded. Once there's no unfunded liability to amortize, the employer would just have to pay the employer share of the normal cost every year, the amount of the normal cost that's not fully funded by the employee contributions. But it's important to remember that unfunded liabilities commonly occur, even when the ADACs are fully funded and everybody does the right thing. You just always will have some variation between your experience and your assumptions from year to year. So it's not realistic to expect to never have another unfunded liability after FY38. So that's just something to keep in mind that unfunded liabilities happen. They're inherent in defined benefit systems. They're not necessarily a cause for alarm, as long as you can afford to amortize those unfunded liabilities, and that they're trending in the right direction. At the start of the amortization period, let's just take a second here and understand why these unfunded liabilities grew so much. Back at the start of the amortization period, the visa system had an unfunded liability of $87 million, but at the end of last fiscal year, that shortfall had grown to $1.06 billion. Why did it grow? It wasn't due to one situation or one factor. It's due to a variety of things. The actuarial assumptions changed. So the assumed rate of return is lower in recognition of the fact that we're in a lower interest rate environment and the future outlooks for the investment markets are a little less optimistic than they were in the past. Demographics were also revised, no revised mortality tables and things of that nature. We've had salary experience deviating from assumptions. Investment performance has deviated from assumptions and that I'll get into that in another slide, but that's mostly due to the fact that the Great Recession happened during the current amortization period. And we've had mortality and retirement experience that have just deviated from what we thought would happen. So the payments into the system, you know, even though we've made more and more, you know, greater increasing payments every year, and members have been making their contributions. Those payments into the system have largely treaded water with the accumulation of the normal cost and the interest on the balance of the normal cost and unfunded liability. Only about $45.6 million of the unfunded liability has actually been paid down through contributions into the system, but more of the principal will be paid down in future years. It's kind of like thinking about your mortgage or your student loan where your early payments almost entirely go to interest, and over time more and more of your payment goes to the principal. Similar issue is at play here in the pension amortization. It's really important to remember that the underfunding by the employer did not cause this growth and unfunded liabilities, because remember the ADAC was actually overfunded by the employer cumulatively, and the visa system was fully funded as recently as the end of FY07. So what we've seen here is really a combination of our assumptions have changed, and we've had deviations in our experience where, you know, what we thought would happen just hasn't quite matched up with the reality. So you need to make those adjustments. Again, this is not unique to Vermont systems. Adjusting your assumptions is the small C conservative the prudent thing to do. You want to make sure you have realistic assumptions, but whenever you have more conservative assumptions, it can often result in higher pension costs. This chart here just shows you how the how the unfunded liability grew over time. You can see that it didn't all accumulate all at once. It's just every year you've seen a little bit more losses build up over time. Again that FY20 block that 225 million, that big jump was due to those changes in in assumptions that we discussed earlier in the session that's there, your new demographic assumptions and your lower assumed rate of return. Now let's take a look at the teachers real quick. One of the information period, the teacher pension system had an unfunded liability a little higher than the state 379.5 million. At the end of FY21, this had grown to just shy of $2 billion. So that's significantly larger than the unfunded liability for the state employees. What happened here was a similar story you've had changes to your actual aerial assumptions. Investment performance deviating from your from your assumptions particularly due to the great recession with the teachers net turnover and retirement experience were a really really big contributing factor to your experience losses and what this means is, we had fewer people leaving earlier in their career for reasons other than retirement than we assumed. And more people staying later in their career until retirement than we had assumed. So, how the workforce behaves relative to your assumptions can add costs to the pension system. And there's also legacy OPEB funding practices on the state side before 2015, the state paid the OPEB costs the subsidized healthcare out of the corpus of the pension fund that practice stopped in 2015. They paid $138 million to the unfunded liability during the current amortization period, which even though the ADAC was fully funded in the current amortization period. This had a similar effect of a contribution shortfall. One other important thing that distinguishes the teacher system from the state system is there was a greater deal of legacy employer underfunding of the ADAC pre 2007. From 2009 to 2006, the ADAC was underfunded all but four years by the state. Much of that cost has been made up subsequently because when you underfund the ADAC in one year, you know, future ADACs will go up. So that captures some of that lost revenue that was made earlier. But still, that legacy underfunding is a contributing factor to why you started this amortization period with a $379 million sort of opening balance to address. And the treasurer can get into this a little more when she speaks, but she did some estimates for the task force that quantified that the impact, the combined impact of that legacy underfunding and the prior OPEB funding practices are responsible for about $28 million that the ADAC costs were paying and about $353 million of that unfunded liability. So, you know, the impact was significant. It was still less than a fifth of sort of the problem we're looking at now. But it is important to note that the reason we saw those really big increases last year from year to year wasn't due to employer underfunding it was really due to the fact that we changed our assumptions. I'll start here for the teachers that I showed for the state employees just showing how over time that balance of unfunded liability has accumulated a little bit more and more. And that really big 378.8 million block you see at FY 20 is the result of those changes to assumptions that happened a year ago. I want to have more details about how to unpack these numbers from year to year and what specifically contributed what amount every year. I have two slides at the end of my slide deck that I'm not going to dwell on today, but you can go through on your own time and see just like, alright in 2012 what impact did net turnover have on the unfunded liability and you can see that number right there. But these are just the totals that roll up for everything. Let's talk a minute about investment performance virtually all of the investment experience losses that the systems have have experienced are due to the impacts of the Great Recession. There have been some smaller actual gains and losses in the most recent decade, but those were mostly offset by unusually strong gains in FY 2021. The systems did have a very, very strong return last year 24.62 was the preliminary return across the VPIC portfolio, but we still have not fully dug out of the hole, caused by that Great Recession. And when you hear me talk about experience losses or you see a you see a number here that's above the line here. That doesn't mean that we went to market and lost you know $20 million in any given year. This is all relative to the assumption. So if the assumption was we would get 7% return and we got a little less than 7% that shows up as an actuarial loss it doesn't necessarily mean you went and actually lost assets it means you did a little worse or a little better than you assumed you would. This chart here just shows you a sense of what the market value investment return has been over time. So you have a sense of how volatile those returns have been from year to year and compares the market value to the actuarial value. When we figure out how much money we need to pay into the pension systems, the pension systems do something called smoothing of their and of their investment performance. So it would be almost impossible for you all to accurately budget for ADAC expenses. If those costs could vary from year to year, as drastically as your investment performance can vary from year to year. So the way we get around that is we take those market gains and losses and recognize that over a period of time roughly a five year period. So you saw a really, really, really strong investment performance in 2021, but we're only recognized a small piece of that in the math this year. The lion's share of those gains are going to be recognized in the math in future years that if you see those, those black lines and those black bars you can see how much smoother they look from year to year and less volatile that reflects the impact of the smoothing. I just wanted to save page space so I didn't add a similar chart for the teacher system, but you would see a very similar trend with minor fluctuations for them. Let's talk a minute about demographics. Both pension systems have seen a very significant increase in the number of people receiving benefit payments out of the system versus the number of active members who are currently employed and making contributions into the system. Both systems now have more non active members than active members and the size of the active workforce is not increased we call this dynamic a maturing of the pension system. This is not unique to Vermont large cohorts of baby boomers have retired since the Great Recession, and our investment performance or investment portfolio was kind of battered at the same time so there's been sort of this double whammy where we have this big hole that we needed to find a way to dig out of. But we also have more and more members drawing benefits out of the system. Now, you know the pension systems are designed to pay out benefits you know that the normal cost calculation. The actuaries model what they think retirement behavior will be so there's enough money there to pay those benefits. But whenever you have more and more cash being paid out of the system for benefits, it makes it harder to increase your assets through investment growth alone. It makes it harder to dig out of that hole, because you have less ability to have compound investment gains. When more of your money is going out the gate and can't just keep growing through investments. This can lead to some higher risk of higher employer pension costs, and some greater concern for liquidity, which can then lead to less tolerance for investment risk, which obviously you know if you have a system that's very very mature and their funding ratio gets too low, you know you might you might end up in a position where you, you have to, you know, prioritize liquidity which means maybe you don't get as strong of a return on things that that have a liquidity, an illiquidity premium attached to them. Let's talk real quick about OPEB. OPEB is subsidized retiree health care and that's another very significant source of the state's retirement liabilities. Now unlike the pensions we don't, we have very minimal pre funding of our OPEB benefits we pay them on a pay as you go basis. So as the bill comes due to pay for the health premiums of today's retirees, they're paid for out of general appropriations for the most you know if we were to pre fund OPEB like we do with the pensions that would save tax dollars long term because you're using investment gains over time to fund those future benefit costs. However, pre funding does require, you know a commitment for several decades of increased expenditures above that pay go level in order to build up a head of you know ahead of steam and enough assets to invest over time. Pre funding alone though if the legislature were to adopt a pre funding strategy into statute and adhere to that strategy through regular increased payments at the recommended levels that in and of itself would cut the states unfunded long term liabilities by more than $1.6 billion. It's due to the ability to use a 7% discount rate on our liabilities instead of the 2.2% rate that the accounting rules require us to use in the absence of pre funding. So if the legislature can get to a position where it can commit it can afford to commit to a pre funding of OPEB, it will see a very very significant drop in the in the state's long term liabilities on its balance sheet. Let's talk real quick about the latest on actuarial valuations you know when we are having these conversations last spring, all of our numbers were on FY 20 numbers. Since then we have FY 21 numbers they come out in the fall when they do the annual actuarial valuations so it might it might be a good refresher just to give you a sense of what's changed in the last year. And as I mentioned, you know, thanks to the efforts of the pick and the treasurer's office, the pension funds at a very very strong investment year last year, but most of that benefit is not going to be recognized in the math until future years because of the smoothing. We did see the asset to grow faster than the liabilities which is a good thing, but the unfunded liabilities grew slightly in dollar terms, but the funded ratios also improved slightly. And we did see some actuarial losses, you know, anybody paying attention to the news has seen what the consumer price index has been doing lately. That has led to higher than expected cost of living adjustments and higher than expected retirement volumes have also happened. We've also seen a little bit of what we call negative amortization occurring last year due to timing reasons that negative amortization happens when the payments you're making into the system. And this is really offset the growth in the liabilities from the normal cost and the interest accruing. And this is due to a timing issue because there's a two year lag between when the valuations are done, and when the ADAC payment is made. So we saw the unfunded liability and the normal cost grow during FY 21, but our payment made an FY 21 was based on the FY 19 pre assumption change valuations. So this is going to resolve itself in future years when the payments catch up with with the higher but it was a factor in growing the unfunded liability just a little bit this year. Overall, the future pension costs are expected to be relatively close to what we thought they would be a year ago, slightly higher but relatively close. So for both systems, we saw the liability accrued liabilities continue to grow but as I mentioned, the assets grew faster than the liabilities. So the very strong investment year erased deferred market losses that we had from prior years and created deferred market gains that will be recognized in the actuarial math in future years due to the smoothing. So most of the benefit of that strong investment year is going to be realized in the next few years. So when you see these numbers here the market value of assets, that shows what the value of the assets are at a point in time the exchange value of it. But the actuarial value of assets reflects what that the impact of that smoothing and that's what we use for the funding calculations. When the actuarial value is larger than the market value, that means you have deferred losses that will be recognized in future years. A year ago, we had deferred losses. Now the actuarial value is less than the market value which means we have deferred gains. So we went from having a bit of a headwind to now a little bit of a tailwind. I mentioned the investment rate of return both funds at very strong market returns in FY 21. And, you know, a year ago we had $180 million combined of deferred losses that hadn't been recognized. Now we have combined deferred gains of $440 million to be recognized. If all else is equal and if all of your actuarial assumptions are moving forward, the funded ratio will expect to continue growing as more and more of those market gains are recognized in the actuarial math. But you know, all else is rarely ever equal. The market will always have some gains and some losses and, you know, I think it's very unrealistic to expect that FY 22's investment performance is going to be the same as it was in FY 21, just based on how the market has been performing for the first six months. So, we saw the unfunded liabilities increased slightly for both systems in dollar terms but not in relative terms. Again, that's because the liability, both the assets and the liabilities grew but the assets grew a little bit faster. So that led to the funded ratios showing some modest improvement. But again, that year over year change in the funded ratio is relatively small just due to the smoothing of the investment gains. Most of that benefit has not been recognized yet in the math. Both systems saw significant actuarial gains from the investment performance, but those gains were offset by some other actuarial losses. So on this chart, if you show a positive number, a positive number is something that added to the unfunded liability and a negative number is something that took away or reduced the unfunded liability. So the expected increases or reductions, you know, those gains there of 12 million and 29 million dollars that reflects your negative amortization. But if you take a look down at the COLA experience, up to this point, COLA experience had been a little bit lower than assumptions and had been a source of actuarial gains. This past year, the COLA being higher than assumptions led to some losses. We also had retirement experience being leading to higher losses than assumed. So overall, the visa system saw net experience losses of 11.2 million, and the teacher system saw some net experience gain of 12.1 million when you add all of these factors together. So the ADAC has projected from last year to the present year, the ADAC is projected to grow slightly more than the previously assumed 3% rate, but nowhere near the magnitude of the year over year increase we saw a year ago. Combined, the FY23 ADACs will be $5.3 million higher than what was expected in the prior valuation. And that's due mostly to the slightly larger unfunded liability balance to amortize, plus a slightly higher normal cost that reflects the addition of a 40 basis point administrative expense assumption. But you're seeing here that, you know, these costs increased by 4.98%, 4.56%, a far cry from what we saw last year, and not a huge departure from what we would typically expect if all of our assumptions are meant moving forward. So generally, we're not real far off track from where we thought we'd be a year ago. This chart just shows you what the different, what the different valuations mean to the amortization schedule. So those darker bars showed you a year previously what we thought our future amortization payments would be. You can see the lighter bars reflect the latest valuation, just a little bit higher every future year. Cumulatively though, and not adjusting for present value, the amortization payment expenses are projected to increase by a little less than $35 million over the next 15 years or so, compared to the prior valuation. But obviously you divide that by that many years and it doesn't lead to a very large year over year difference. Similar story with the teacher system, only a slightly smaller impact on the future amortization payment schedule, about $20 million of extra cost. And here's just a little chart showing some demographic changes from year over year. You could see that in both systems, the number of active members has declined a little bit. It declined a little bit more on the state side by about 250 members due to some significant vacancies on the state payroll. You can also see that the number of nonactive members. So that would be the total of the retired members and beneficiaries and your deferred vested members who are entitled to a benefit but not yet getting one and not in active service anymore, increased by about 300 members or so on either in both systems. But that ratio of nonactive to actives is now more than one in each system. You know, otherwise we haven't seen some some major changes from year to year, but I just wanted to show you those numbers to give you a sense of that comparison. Can we pause. Oh, that's it. Senator wrong. Well, first question first that last slide. I may have missed this but were you saying that there were more retirements in the past year than a normal year. There weren't necessarily significantly more than than in a normal year on the latest data and the treasure can can speak to this as well because her office tracks the data but the data that I saw as of early October did not show a significant spike in retirement activity in either system. When you take a look at what sort of the recent three year average has been, and you compare what things have been in the last year or so. There hasn't been a large departure what you're seeing here is my graphic trends showing up the workforce, a lot of more senior employees are retiring and leaving the workforce, just due to the broader demographics of the country. I'm seeing that the percentage of active workers you are of the baby boomer generation is dropping pretty substantially, and the percentage of people who are millennials and whatever generation comes after millennials is growing so you're seeing the demographic changes play out here. Okay, okay. Can I ask it a couple other. So, one question would be, I want to make sure I understand at the state level. Is it imprudent or impossible to use other financial instruments to pay down unfunded liability so aside from increasing actual revenue that you direct to unfunded liability. At the municipal level you might use a bond to, you know, stabilize your, your unfunded liability and pay that down and end up costing the taxpayer less is that are those kinds of options closed off to us at the state level are they imprudent. Yeah, that's a great question and I think that I would invite the treasure to respond to this too but you know I pension obligation bonds which I think the example you referred to are extremely risky. The other two propositions they are, if you go on the government and that's not Chris telling you that if you go on the government finance officers association the GFO a website. They have a banner last time I checked it highlighted in yellow and red text saying that they do not recommend pension obligation bonds on what you're doing is basically making an arbitrage bet. Assuming a great deal of timing risk, where if you went to the market and what you're essentially doing is going to the market, borrowing money on a taxable basis, investing that money, and, and basically thinking on the assumption that you're going to do better on your investment performance on that money then you'll pay an interest costs. There are many, many, many examples of this bet not paying out. I don't want to single out my former employer down in Pennsylvania, but let's just say that they did a pension obligation bond in 1999 for over a billion dollars. I think we all know what happened in the market several years after that. And I do not believe that bond has fully been refunded yet. So, this can add a whole other layer of risk to the equation. And I'm sure treasure pierce has some thoughts on that as well if she'd like to weigh in. Okay. So, I don't know if we want Beth to weigh in now or kitchen. Senator Ram Hinsale did you have another question and then I saw Senator column or also unmuted himself. Okay. I'm going to weigh in on that question just a little bit. Sure. So I think that a couple of things. When you look at investments. What they, we have a level of of assume rate of return, but that's not what the investment folks actually, you know, try to try to obtain they don't gear toward that they independently take a look at what type of risk. You know, we have in terms of those investments, and it's, it's, it's kind of a risk return type of equation. What is your appetite for risk. Some systems if you're in a, in a great situation you might be able to have more risk associated with it if you're really in a position, I would say the teachers fund for instance coming out of the great recession. I think it would be in a position where it would take less risk. Why all of them had the same asset allocation right now. You know, there's been some suggestion of tinkering and taking a look at that the muni cash flows are very different than the state and the teachers, where more money is needed to be liquidated to want to pay expenses and both the teacher and the state system, and that's expected, because the idea of doing pre funding is you're going to use investment money down the road to to pay for services and not continue to do the pay go. Otherwise what you would be seeing is the assets grow, and they grow and grow but they're not being used for pensions. So I think that they've had a careful, great approach. The return this year has been very good but it's very volatile either not get to that in a minute pension obligation bonds I would agree with with Chris that it's a really bad idea, particularly if you're underfunded, because you have more risk associated with that. Ironically, if you're a better funded you could take more risk on this in terms of arbitrage in terms of taking a look at it but I wouldn't suggest it for well funded plans either. But I looked at this a few years back and not Pennsylvania Chris but New Jersey did the same thing and they got Robert in 2001 Connecticut, Robert into they did it in 2007 I believe and then 2008 we don't know what happened there and they had a problem. In California, Illinois, have done pension obligation bonds Pennsylvania, and without due respect, those are the folks that we want to follow in terms of what we're doing. I know just why I guess there is a little bit of in terms of the management of this pension obligation bonds are an arbitrage bet. It's not something that we should get into. It's too risky. The other part of that when you mentioned bonds, there's one theory that you should just not have any risk at all. In equities don't put it in private equity as well private debt. You need a diversified portfolio so that when one item that say equities is having a rough time. The, that you your bonds or your private debt might do better. And in the great recession, they all correlated to one they were all together they moved in the same direction, which was a problem. But we stand folks and say just by bond you know where you are bonds are low level of return compared to the equities and private equity. And my comment to that has been, what you're doing is baking in more insurance policy by the taxpayer, because if you're going to get less in terms of overall portfolio, the taxpayers making it up so you have less risk in it, but, but your insurance program is coming from the taxpayers pocketbook. I don't know if that helps with the, the, your answer to this. So, so I think that given the conversation that we just had I think that I'm going to go to Senator column or but I think that we will have. We'll have Tom galanka come in and talk to us about the investment strategy for the state he's the chair of the newly constituted the pick the commission. So we'll have him come in also. I would recommend that you bring in Eric Henry to the CIO. Oh, I'm sure he'll bring him along. Okay. Well, I didn't know if, if we're having multiple able to answer our questions, can I ask or should I, I didn't know if this is the time to ask questions of everyone. Well, we want to make sure that we get through Beth's presentation because her presentation might answer a lot of questions that we have. So, if anybody has a question center column or did you have a question about Chris's presentation. Yes. So knowing full well there's only so much we can probably do to affect the ratio of non member or non active versus active. Is there such a thing as a perfect ratio I'm assuming it would be 1.0. I mean, maybe in a perfect world but are we headed in the right direction or what exactly can we do to affect that ratio. Yeah, that's a really good question. I'm not in the treasure might have an opinion on this to I'm not sure there's a perfect ratio I think that the takeaway here is that pension systems just behave a little differently based on their maturity If you have a brand new pension system, and you don't have a whole lot of a new adence getting benefits out of it. It's easier to have a have and maintain a well, a well funded system. You can to what the treasure was talking about your tolerance for risk. If you have a high like a well funded system with a high funded ratio and not a lot of a new adence drawing benefits out. You probably have a higher tolerance for investment risk than a system that is less well funded that has a greater and greater need to pay out more benefits. I don't think I'm constantly growing the active payroll isn't necessarily the solution because every extra body you add is also adding liability to the system. And, you know, shutting down a system to new hires creates its own challenges as well because you don't have new people paying in to help offset the cost of the benefits that you've already that you're already I'm not sure there's a there's a right or wrong. I think it's something that you need to pay attention to and understand that that how mature your system is and what your ratio of actives to non actives is can influence your risk calculation, the risk of future spikes and employer pension costs, and you know what your tolerance for investment risk is and how likely is it to grow your way out of a whole through investment performance. Thank you Chris. I'm going to suggest, Senator Ram Hinsdale did your question have to do with Chris's presentation, or is it a general kind of question because I'm going to suggest that perhaps treasure pierces presentation will make will go into the weeds and answer some of the questions that we might have and then and then we can open it up and remember this isn't the only day we'll be doing this. We've been doing this for many, many, many, many days and I know that some of this is really in the weeds, but that's where we've got to get, because we've got to make decisions. So, does that make sense. Yeah, I wrote my questions down so. Okay. Okay. Senator Pierce, would you like to thank you very much Chris. So, thank you Chris as well and I wrote down some notes as we're going and hope and I think that will assist in my presentation and appreciate all the work that you have done with our office as well so it's been been a partnership and I appreciate that. So, for the record best pierces state treasure, and I just want to say it's good to see you and looking forward to the day we can meet in person. In the meantime, stay safe that's very important. And I also want to thank you for the opportunity to present on our retirement systems. We've been sending reports to you over the years. And one of my reports I did a collage I think you remember that the various types of reports we've sent to various committees. But I think that trying to focus on it as we are now, this is the learning experience for all of us it says, you need to take action, you need to take a look at this every year, and you need to look at those trends, and make sure you're on the right path. So, leave it with that. I'm going to try to move quickly through the presentation. I've never been known to have small number of slides, but I'm going to try to breeze through some of them, but they're there for your, for your review later on. And Chris has answered some of the questions as we go we tend to have some of the similar types of information because we both think it's important. I'm going to move to page two. I'm hoping someone is actually going to be putting this on the. Do you have the ability to share your screen or Dale can you do it from what's posted. Yeah, my understanding with Gail was going to do that. If not, ask them if you're listening on on YouTube, you just volunteered to get on, but, but it's on our website. It's on the web page and can follow it if they have a separate device so I'm able to follow it here. Next, it might be helpful for folks that are looking joining us and that may not to have it. So, I'm hoping that Gail, are you able to do this. Well, the concern committee is that if I do that, I can't do anything else in my computer. Okay. I can do it in certain instances and if this is one of them. We can go forward with that. Oh, let's ask on or Ashlyn. Yeah, I just don't mean I can do it if you want. Yeah. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And I want to do so and I'm not sure all of you had an opportunity to meet him either remotely. Ashlyn was promoted in our office. He's now the director of financial literacy policy and special projects, taking over some of the work that Dylan was doing Dylan Jean Batista. And also retaining some of the policy work that that she did as well working on the housing report for instance, and other reports so she gets double duty time, but we'll take advantage of that. Oh, and was hired recently are you in this two months now, is that about right. Yeah, I guess about two months. There you go. And he's done a great job and we're lucky to have him. And I always say that I have the best staff in the state. Some of my fellow constitutional offices look at me as I say that, but, but I'm right. What can I say. So if we can move to page two. And sometimes I forget to put page numbers on these things, but this time we remember. So hey, so we have defined benefit plans. I'm going to refer to this DB. We have three plans the municipal system, the state and the vistas program the state teachers, we're going to concentrate on vistas and research today, they're funded by the state. The municipal system is funded. They're all funded by employee contributions but for the purposes of funding, the ADEF, the employer ADEF, the state is responsible for that for vistas and vistas in the municipal system is funded through the, the participating municipal entities. And that includes, by the way, a great number, I think more than half of the of the entities in the municipal system are schools. The non certified teachers the AIDS bus drivers or whoever it might be that participate in that system so that's a very important system to those folks as well. So moving to the second page. We also have two defined contribution plans. One is the state defined contribution plan, which is only available for exempt employees. They have an option of being in the DB or the DC. I'm an exempt employee by definition. I participate in the DB plan because I think it's a better value. At the numbers are pretty small in both cases. And we've seen a decline in the number of new participants picking up the state DC and a real decline in the municipal system to the extent that we need to reassess whether we can continue to afford that because in order to fund with that small economies with the economies of scale not being in balance. We may need to take a look at this something that we've done in municipal presentations. And we're going to find solutions but there are stresses when you have less and less people in a DC plan and have fixed costs. In addition to that. And we have supplemental retirement plans a deferred comp and I know that at least one member of this committee says but I can't invest in it. And there you go. I got a little smile on that a 403 B program which is essentially deferred program for for education public education entities teachers, and it's very similar to deferred comp plan, a slightly investment line up the single deposit investment account SDIA is closed to new entrants it's a program that was done in the 80s when we went down, switching from a trip was a contributory system to a non contributory I'd have to go back and look at the history. And at that time, folks are given an option to put their cash in this system. And many of them did. And it, it's continuing because it's a older folks that are have retired, it's continuing to have some reductions over the years and at some point time we're going to have to look and say, what do we do with that to be buy annuities or what we're going to do. And then we have a municipal retiree health plan. It's, it's not a section. Trying to remember the number 133 plan but it operates very similar to that that you can, that money was put in there by the employer, and that you can draw down on that retirement for eyeglasses or different types of medical expense. They do not have a health care plan in the municipal retirement system. This is one way to try to address it. Now the reason I put this in, in addition to that the Treasurer's Office does invest in other trust funds a higher education trust fund wildlife funds as well as our daily cash position. I can imagine with all the dollars coming to the state. It's pretty pretty hefty at this point. And the reason I'm mentioning this with the division of our office from the pick. We still need to fund these things we still need to administer this, and we still need to evaluate the fun lineup. So when you come to appropriations and you see that I'm asking for an additional staff person to work on these issues. And the reason that it doesn't come cheap to do this, the split as we've, we've done. That was one of the reasons that there was a little bit of weight to see when we get to those economies of scale when we had a larger amount of investments that it's under management that could support it, but we will be making a request to to continue to have the ability to manage these programs. We do have a contract with credential, who's now moving these services to to empower which used to be named Great West which we had is a previous contractor so gets a little crazy in this world but these are great programs when we switch to credential, we lowered our liability, I mean our expenses by 51%, which is a good deal for the members of the systems. I'm going to go back to visas. And I'm just going to probably just the next page please page four. I'm going to go past this rather quickly. I'm just a little history back in 1944 this was created, and some of the numbers in terms of retired members and in active members. I will say that there is no perfect number as Chris said, but our actuaries are. I think about this are saying it. It's a reason to take a look at the system that said it's not in a, in a crisis mode at this point in time. And all and as Chris said, the actuaries build, build into their assessments of in the valuation, the retirement process and what they expect to see there. This is not like so security that does not have that that methodology associated with it. So there is some expectation that this is built into the valuation process in our cash systems while this is an issue, moving in terms of the maturities might might have to be shorter our cash position we've looked at whether or not we would be able to withstand a crisis in terms of not having to liquidate all your assets. This session, you know, was a different type of thing but we can handle that volatility and we, we do an analysis of that every year when I say we, I'm a member of the, the VPET Commission, obviously not the chair. Under VPET I was the committee I was the vice chair. I thought it would be good to help with that division to relinquish that but I'm still, I'm chair of my favorite committee which is ESG environment and social and governance and there's an opportunity to use our funds in our position of constructive engagement to make a difference in things like climate change and worker safety and the like. I'm going to move right past these are the groups. I've seen that before. These are the different groups. Group F is the largest right now if you were looking at this, the big ones are F, over 90% of the workforce. There's a division between those that were hired before and after July 1, 2008. Group C is law enforcement and group D are the judges. Group A and C are systems that were in place some time ago and again now they, the number of folks in that are small and it's reducing over time. Vesters was created in 1947 and I will leave that alone in terms of so we're on page six. Thank you. She's keeping up with me. Thank you. Thank you. And you can take a look at those numbers, the same issue in terms of retired and active and almost everybody is in group C at this point. They changed the system back in the 80s. I'm going to have to check that date. And you had the option to remain there. They created a new system B when they were going back and forth with contributory, non-contributory systems. Those folks moved directly into group C so the vast majority of folks are in group C. I'm going to go over the Vermont model which is the next page. Briefly, this is the model between VPIC and the Treasurer's Office and the retirement. And you see that VPIC is a separate entity created by statute, but they do share in the actuarial services across the board. The board of trustees use the actuary. The pension consultant does as well as the investment commission. The boards of trustees are the ones that approve the actuary and work with them. The bulk of the work is with them with the board in creating the annual valuation and using the census data and moving through that. We do provide, at this point, currently provide some of the services to the investment commission, banking, wire services, financial reporting. So when you look at the states act, they change the name of the annual report. So it's the annual comprehensive financial report. All of the statements, the financial statements for pensions and most of the investments are done by my office. As the VPIC grows and they have more assets under management, it may make sense to have more, and they have economies of scale. They may do more, but right now they're continuing to purchase some services and then we're charging them for those services. They all end up in the retirement buckets of state, the teacher and the municipal system, but it creates more transparency on how much they're actually paying, have in terms of investments under management and their expenses. So we think it's appropriate to have those banking services that they need reflected in the VPIC investment side of the equation. This is the balancing at page nine. This is a normal, if you go to a text on pensions, this is probably right in the first, first couple of pages. And it's basically how pensions work in contributions, both the employer and the employee, plus investment income pay for benefits. And they pay for expenses of the system. And you're doing your just a little bit of algebra there. Contributions equal benefits plus expenses minus investment return. If you do not have sufficient contributions in the system, or you're paying out more benefits than you anticipated over the long term. And again, this is not something that would happen in a year. You have to pay attention to that and make sure that you continue to pay the aid debt, or you could get in a situation where they're no longer sufficient to to pay for expected future benefits. The critical shipping point is when you're not when assets decline, you're out of money, but when governors and legislators are no longer believe that they that the contributions are realistic and give up trying to pay for them. And that's happened in a number of states. I remember one state that that was pleased that they paid one third of the a deck and thought that that was an improvement. That's not a good sign. The next page is kind of fun. When I tried to do here and I took material from Segal. And GRS, which gave a road to Smith, and some of the work they did in Texas and kind of put this together. And we're going to take an example of someone, and this is how it works. Someone just was hired. I'll say she at age 30. And the questions that the actuary would try to assess based on trends that they see and other members of the system other members of that. That group, whether it's a B, excuse me, F or a C or D. What are the members probability of reaching retirement that gets into the termination assumption that's in the list of assumptions where you have gains and losses. When will the person retire that retirement assumption and how much would they the benefits be and that's based on salaries as well plus the formulas and how long would that benefit be paid that's the mortality assumption. So when you look at this, they're making an assessment on each and every person. This is done person by person in each system and then aggregated up to create with that asset. The liability is of the system. And it gets even more complicated because, for instance, that individual at age 30, and they're looking at when they expect that she might retire. There's a, it's broken up. It's not all. So there's a 7% probability she's going to retire at this age of 30% at this point and so on. And every one of those is broken up into a series of probabilities, and then aggregated up. And what you do with that information. You take a look at what the investment earnings will be to pay for those. And you take a look at that projected value of what you're going to need for future benefits. And, and what's the overall payroll that's going to provide contributions what would that a deck look like. And so with the value of assets, the normal cost which Chris talked about earlier, the accrued liabilities, and you go through that process of what, what it's going to look like in terms of your funding percentage. I had here some accurate, accurate real terms. They're very close to, to what Chris said with a little difference in just terminology. The way I try to explain normal cost is if I started today, there's no past service is no that we didn't fund it or the assumptions change. If I started today, how much money would you have to put aside to pay my benefits, when I do retire for the record not not not the immediate future my friends. And, and how much of that you annually have to put in so by the time I reach that probability of retirement, there are sufficient dollars. And that's that's very important that you're looking at this, the actuarial method and we'll talk a little bit more about that when you get to looking at the trends from year to year. The state uses something called entry age normal. When, when pensions were really the retirement pension of disclosures or statements that were promulgated by gas with the government accounting standards board in the 90s, they couldn't make up their mind. What pension method, they would put in there. So they put in six. So you could use one or the other. And in the case of the muni system, they used a hybrid of two, as did believe the MBTA in Boston, those are the only two I've seen with that. And as a consequence, you know, there was apples to oranges in terms of comparing from one state to the next, gas me when they change the rules you hear gas be 67 and 68, and I've done presentations on that. Try to standardize to one method the entry age normal, there are still variations. So I say it's apples to apples, but it might be honey crisps for grannies or empire or my favorite Max Macintosh so you still have that variation, but it's closer. Getting to the point that Chris made as well in 2007 visas had a surplus of approximately $11 million. When you look at the chart, you're going to see a negative brackets around that when we get to that chart. That's called a funding surplus. And that was eaten up rather quickly with the great recession. I'm going to skip over the next chart is pretty much what we've talked about. I'm going to skip over that if you have any questions. Let me know. Page 13. This is, I guess the question for me is, how are we doing. What does it look like and what is the future probabilities because again it's volatile assumptions change gains and losses change, but I want to take a look at it in three pieces one, the next status, which is primarily the valuation process. Is the employer contributing to the plan at the recommended rates. We'll talk a little bit about the teachers there. And is there a plan to retire the unfunded liability. And is it doable. One of the questions that was asked in terms of the current process and what is that the current status of the funds. There are doable amounts going forward as it grows. And that's an important question in terms of the retirement system going forward. I'm going to try to take these each in each segment. And the first one is going to be the longest time. I apologize I will try to stay out of the weeds as much as possible. So if you can go to page 14. The next step of evaluation is to calculate the approved like abilities, the value of those assets, and the calculate the funding status so we talked about all that just a little while ago. And to identify the gains and losses and to review those over time. And I think the review consists of two things one, we talked about is changing the assumptions, and you do that with an experiment study. Did I did I run close to those assumptions or those assumptions are mortality folks are living longer and when you look at the mortality tables created by the Society of Actuaries, they're usually a little bit behind it, then they then they created new tables and now people are not living quite as long as the health tables. So security also has mortality on tables. So you take a look at it, but that's not the only thing that you do with those gains and losses. You take a look at what is in your control to do something about it. You're not going to control the world economy. Vermont is a great place to live but we're not going to change the overall inflation rates across the country. We're not going to change the shortage of labor shortages and the supply chain shortage that we're seeing now, but we do have control over some of the retirement and turnover that's out there. And I'll talk about that in a minute, particularly in the teacher system that's a big piece of it, and looking at what we can do to analyze that and why is that happening. And what can we do around that. So there are things in your control, and there are things that not in your control. You take a look at the assumptions but you take an effort to to say, what can I do about those variations and gains and losses. So, it's a closed system by the way when you do evaluation, you don't look and say how many people I'm going to have next month, a year in the year after that. It's a point in time and a snapshot. We've talked a little bit about this already. The, this is a chart with the last three years of funding percentages based on that formula we talked about, what are your liability, what are your assets, and what is the unfunded liability or that surplus. When you have it. The better liability this year, not because again liabilities grew, as Chris mentioned, but assets grew faster and you had a slight increase in the, to the better, in terms of the unfunded liability, I should say, not an increase in the liability, but an improvement in the liability. And you see that in both systems, as well as a municipal system which is, as you can tell in much better shape than the system. The page 16 just does that year to year. History all the way back to 1997. I'm not going to go through it all, but if you go to 2007, and you see that 123 fourth column over unfunded actuarial liability, the 2007 you see that $11 million right there. The great recession hit this in pieces because you take a look at when the, the, the, the larger amount of actions the women issue the bankruptcy the, the, the other issues that hit this AIG and the like. Most of those occurred in September and then on and those are in fiscal year. Oh, nine. So if you take a look at this, you have some impact in 2008, but the big impacts happened in 2009. And because we smooth assets. A lot of that losses that we had were, were shared over a five year period. Some pension plans that, well, we don't want to incur all those losses. I know one very large one in particular said we're going to change this moving process, and we're going to say 10 years, instead of, instead of five, but that did is that lower the amount of losses you had. It kind of artificially kept the funding percentage higher. But when the game started to come. You didn't get to recognize those faster you know that that the snapback that you started to see in 10 and 11. And some of those pensions actually said well we should go back to the five, five year, you shouldn't be playing with those, those fundamentals to, to make your, your, your picture look better than it is. Chris had this chart ours is a little different and looking at it. And you see the graph. It's moderated a little. You go back to 2000 and in 2008, you see some, some impact there. And this is, I won't do any more on that but this is the growth in asset, I mean, excuse me unfunded liability from year to year. Same chart with the teacher system. And I'm going to stop there I'm not going to go through the next two charts. But we had a big problem here, both systems used a different actuarial method than the entry age normal, which was pretty much 80 similar percent of folks probably Batman used entry age normal. We is something called entry age normal frozen initial liability didn't affect the state plan, because it was well funded again in 2007 had a surplus. But when you were underfunded, and you weren't putting in the dollars or it was a dollars that you needed. This was a big problem. And that artificially kept the, the, the initial liability so back in 1988 they created a liability. And no matter what happened, the liability stayed roughly the same a little alterations from year to year, and everything got thrown to normal costs. And I remember when it was underfunded in 2003 when I first started working for the Treasurer's Office, and I said to my, my predecessor, where do you see what happens next year, and nothing changed. And I went back and took a look at the statute then called our actuary said, Are we actually doing this, the answer was yes. So we worked with the administration and the legislature to change that method. So I tend to use 2007 going forward when I'm looking at things, because some of that 2006 data with that system was not not as accurate, compared to, you know, in terms of what we're doing today. I liked with my predecessor said, if you, if you went to the doctor in the blood pressure machine wasn't working real well. And so you got a good blood pressure, you're, I don't know we're talking about BMI before that everything's off in the calculation. You go home and maybe not everybody in here because you have the discipline, but I might go go home and eat a lemon marine pie or something. And because my numbers were good. One of the problems with the teacher system is because of the underfunding because of the way we paid, didn't pay the ADA. This fill frozen initial liability had a bigger impact. And we're going to skip all the way to 21 page. See I'm making progress here. And if you take a look at the at the chart in the bottom will leave the other one alone for a minute shows that gap. The green is the entry age normal, and you see that the pink or red is the fill method, and it was relatively static. But the reality is that the EAN method is had a dramatic increase in the unfunded liability. So we corrected that Batman. So I tried to use 2007 going forward when I'm looking at this. We talked a little bit about gains and losses already. So I'm going to go to the, the page 23. You have economic ones and again we have very little control over what, what the cost of living in inflation across the country is. So in terms of investment returns, we definitely have some control over that but also the market and the volatility in the market and the trends are part of it, some of it based on inflation. We do have changes in the gains and losses related to demographics. There's some things we can do in terms of that. I don't think because when, when folks were talking about investments and investments is why there was a problem. Take a look at what Segal said assumptions are used to estimate a plan's future benefits and their present value but they do not determine outcomes. And I think that that's very important. It's used to to set your liabilities going forward, but it's not so much what you were set you use for an assumed return that does increase the, the liabilities going forward. And, but what happens is what you actually gain is the thing that makes a or lost is the thing that makes up the difference in this we took big losses in 2008 to 2000 and because of smoothing. I use 2011 because we pretty much got out of the impacts of the great recession on the unfunded. piece of smoothing, and I use that to take a look at the gains and losses as we go forward, and you'll see that in the report. Big one is inflation. This past year, and we predicted that when I talked in front of the task force and inflation affects your interest rate because it's part of the investments that you get in impacts and salary increases. Now it impacts the payroll growth off the GDP, and it impacts the impacts the cola that retirees receive going forward. That was a big change this year you probably saw all the news articles about Social Security and Social Security is paying something in the area 5.9% for cost of living adjustments this year so folks are going to be very happy this month as they get those. We use something called the CPI you northeast actually and it's a urban northeast, and you see that was very, very low, very, very low and this year jumped up to 4.6 a lot of the reasons are the, the labor shortages and again supply chain. Some folks economists will tell you that they think that this is short live. Others are now beginning to see it as a possibility of being longer. I usually throw a joke in here that if you put three economists in the room, you have six opinions. But the, I think that this is a little, it's going to be staying a little bit more and I'm not an economist so it's, we're waiting to see what happens there. But it's a big factor in terms of the gains and losses. Chris went over this. And so I won't take a lot of time on this but I highlighted the cumulative through again 2011 to 2020. I wanted to look at investments without the impact of the great recession how are we doing. And then the valuation of 2021. You see that investments that wiped out the, the good experience wiped out the, the, the, the negative situation in terms of losses that we had in terms of gains and losses. We, we see that that cola was a real, a real good piece of gains in the system. But we saw some of that go the other way in the 2021 valuation again going back to that 4.9% investment. The cola rate and the, the, what was assumed, which is mostly in the area of 2.43 to go to the teachers there's some significant ones here that cola is, is, is a piece that had some change. But if you take a look, investment gains and losses by the way, they're now a game ever so slightly in the teacher system it's ever so slightly gained from 2011 to 2021. There was a chart on page 27 that you'd say 2011 to 2021 on that chart in that last column my apologies there. And it was a slight loss in the state system, you combine them ever so slightly we have a game for that period, beginning in 2011 to the current period. And it was a, is a showstopper for me is page 28. And if you take a look at what drove these, these gains and losses in the state system was salaries, the assumption about salaries and if you go back and look at that. And so this is associated with that salary went up faster than the, the, the, the, the assumption that was in the, in the valuations at that point and again that's been tweaked as part of the experience study. Big issue was workforce turnover and retirement experience. And I think that that that is an even larger issue in the teacher system. I always point this out the retirement incentive program. It was very popular back in 2010. As you're looking at the budget and lowering the operating costs of the budget, but it was predicated on keeping some positions open. I don't have that number in front of me. I think it was 100 150 or about 100 of the 300 or so folks that took advantage of that retirement incentive. And the idea was you're going to keep those open to pay for the change and increase in the, in the retirement system because of those retirements and and lump sum that you're operating. Reductions and your retirement increases would actually be a savings over time didn't work that way. And by the way, Pennsylvania had a real problem with that Chris they really, really messed that one up. Anybody from Pennsylvania besides you Chris, I'd be happy to go over the numbers and there's a great report on how that happened between 2010 and 2014 keep in mind that the idea was to leave positions open to make that work 543 positions were added. Now, I'm not a workforce expert. I can't tell you, my guess is it's a lot of those positions were needed. We had a lot of pressures in terms of the initiatives we were doing, including the health care initiatives. I'm not a person that can answer those questions, I do believe that we need to have a more robust. Look at our workforce and how it's distributed and have a have a conversation about that. We have a lot of data, you know how many people have a degree how many don't how many have been working for X number of years. I think we really need to have a more robust workforce analysis to really get our handle on that in vistas. If you take a look at this. I think retirement and turnover combined. The total of the increase in the in the unfunded liability that total 509 million dollars or 41% of the increase in gains over that over from 2011 to 2021. The higher funding of the health care at that point was about 101 million. Actually, if you go back to 2007 or even back to 2001, it's a larger number combined that's 49.4% of the increase in unfunded liability. And what I would say to you is that health care, the issue of not funding was in our control. That was something we could control. But I look at the teacher retirement and turnover I see a pattern of the beginning around 2010, when we started talking about teacher student ratios and a much more heightened way. And we started to look at reorganization of the schools and the like, and you saw some changes in retirement patterns. A lot of folks thought that the retirement changes that we made or benefit changes we made in 2011 had some impact it did, but nowhere near the levels that folks thought that that would, that would have that impact it was over time to be very frank. So some things are in our control. Some things are not. I really believe that this is where the legislature be folks should be focusing their efforts. What is causing the turnover. What is causing the, the retirements with teachers. COVID is obviously had an impact. What are the other issues that are impacting that talk to the NEA talk to the schools talk to the business administrators and and really get under the hood to see what's driving that because, again, and even not even this year increased from 41 from 39% to 41%. That's a big number when you're looking at this. And same thing in aggregate went up from 47.8 to 49.4. That's something in our control. We need to have a conversation about why that's happening is, and is it a good thing in terms of workforce. Believe me, I doubt that. But what's happening why and what can we do about it. I'm going to go past the page on 29 in the interest of time, but this is very helpful in understanding some of the pressures and turnover. I guess I'm going to say a little bit about the schools have retirement incentives, in some cases, built into their into their contracts, and some of that is driving the, the increase in in unemployment rates. Again, that's something that can be discussed. I think some of those are very good some of those we might need to take a look at. But that's something that getting under the hood as as a legislator and working with your employee groups to find out what's going on with causing these things and have a serious I think you have, but I think that it has to have a little bit different perspective. As, as, as I said, as you try to take that the component pieces of art. I'm going to move to the second thing and how you we are doing and again, the first one was on the long, the long piece. So bear with me on this employer contributions are we contributing at the recommended rate with the ADAC and ADC gas because ADC, I can't say that in a quick pay the ADAC pay the ADAC, I used to say pay the ARC pay the ARC and I know some of you have heard me say that over the years, and that's so important, but it's hard to. So we use the term ADAC as to some of the others. We did something in 2008 that was helpful in terms of the budget. I'm not sure it was the right thing to do Chris talked about in 2009. We were prioritized and did a 30 years out to 2038. The reality is we were closer to the end of the amortization period. We were looking at the, the issues of the great recession and the impact it had on the ADAP. So the idea was to move it out and not take that shorter period and move it out to take some of the pressure off the ADAC. Some of that was probably needed. I think that those types of approaches all they do is kick the thing down the road. And I would caution you, as you're looking at retirement changes that are needed this year, that and I have not, I'm not privy to where you are on all these things, although I'm hearing pieces of it. This is not an answer, it kicks the thing down the road and it's not the answer. The good news is in 2016, we changed that. And we said, and this gets to a point where Chris was talking about how it increased over the years on the ADAP, excuse me, the unfunded liability in the ADAP associated with it. That's because we have it back loaded, and it was back loaded at 5% increments. So you're pushing some of that off down to the, down to the future. Didn't think that that was a very good idea we made a proposal to you folks to move that from 5% to 3% which is closer to the rate of inflation, really work that through with the legislators. And by doing that, and moving that up, we saved the taxpayers $167 million. So taking a look at how you do that amortization that funding, which is under the purview of the legislators, but obviously gets advice from the treasurer's office, the boards. And this was an opportunity, and JFO, this is an opportunity to save some dollars in the process. And, and again, link it closer to the rate of inflation. We talked about this before what's in the ADAP in terms of the normal cost. There's my equation again I had to put it up there. And what's, what's the normal cost? What's the amortization and the unfunded liability? So I'm not going to go through this, this chart. I have a little bit more detail on it, but you'll get that you got the idea already. And so we'll move on. Page 32 comes from the effort, which is the annual financial report. And I took it right out of there because I thought it was neat to see the types of level of detail that are put into that report. And over the last, last eight years in this report, and the reason they only have eight is the changes in GASB that were created in 2014. So that's, that's what they're asking you to put into the financial statements. You see that we actually did pretty well. We're contributing more the excess than what was in the ADAP. And that's darn good. And so happy with that we're in the right direction, but go to the next page, which is the one that we've talked about a lot of times I've brought this up in every presentation I've ever brought to the legislature that our contribution history was not good. It was characterized by significant underfunding, which pushed the unfunded liability up. Chris is right that it did not have anything to do with the 19 to 21 increase. But what it did do, if you go to the next page on page 34, what it did is put that system in a relatively poor shape to withstand the great recession, because it came into that's that recession with lower funding levels. And the pension underfunding was resolved in 2007. I remember, and this is just a personal side of this, when we work with Jim Reardon in the administration, and we had very serious conversations about this, and he worked with the governor to change this in 2007. And I think that I'm very proud of the fact that we were able to work with them collaboratively and work with the General Assembly to get to a point that we were paying the full ADAP. But also the health care was not paid, as Chris pointed out, and frankly, up to, I think, up to 2014 we were not we were paying the health care out of the teacher system, it was called a sub fund, but not appropriating enough dollars. I remember in 2011 there about the health care pay go the premiums were about $24 million, and we paid in that we appropriated $4 million. So that $20 million that came out of this system, which was what was not funded. Again, it's kind of an artificial construct on the ADAP that cost the taxpayer $60 million. And you do that year after year after year. It's a problem. Those two were the biggest issue with the underfunding of the system. I did this analysis, which I presented to the task force, and the, the, the, the, the pay, the spreadsheet was so, so large I was getting busy. So I just kind of put a sample of that in and the methodology, and some folks said well it's a billion dollars and they're probably right adding it. So each year when you do the ADAP, you have a loss because of it. It gets back into the unfunded liability, which is amortized over that period remains in 2038. So you're paying some of them back. Our estimate was that that 353 million dollars as of 2020 of that underfunding exists today. So the underfunding is at least 353 million. And as I pointed out to the task force, I was only able to go back to 2001 for the health care and that health care number in 1990 1991 and so on was still there. We weren't able to capture those dollars out of the old financial system. And we moved to something called vision in 2000 and in two, I believe, and that was quite a curriculum effort but it's, it's now in great shape, but we weren't able to stop my guess is that those numbers would put this thing closer to 400 million and maybe a tad above that. So that's a significant, it's not the billion dollars folks were talking about, but it is 400 million, which is a big piece of the unfunded liability, not all of it, but certainly a piece of it. How are we doing will go to the next piece which is what is the plan to retire the unfunded liability and bottom line, is it doable. And this is a lot in your, your, your neck of the woods. The next three charts page 37 and Gail I love it because you're I'm not always telling you when to change the thing. And in fact, most of the time and you're keeping up with me so that that's an incredible effort, thank you. But you take a look at where we were in the 2000 and 22 budget with the 20 valuation and the fact that we were talking about 604 million dollars between the two systems of increase and unfunded liability. You still have additional dollars that that were associated with the increase in the, in the, in the numbers, and you see that that change is still there. And that's the growth, moderate growth because we change the assumptions, but things like inflation, things like terminations and turnover and retirements had a lot to do with some negative, negative trends going forward and that concerns me and as you're looking at the retirement plans and whatever changes you're making, you need to take a look and say what's in my control mitigate those risks. You have the visas in the restores and you see the, the increase in the ADEC and the increase in the unfunded liability to go out to 2036 2037. The amount of money that you're going to be paying for those unfunded lot of the ADEC is going to be around 500 million, half billion dollars. And that's granted there's inflation in there, but it's still a big hunk of change, because as you know, the, the, the need for services and the state are going to increase as well. And do you get to a point where it's not doable, which is why you're making the changes that you have now. The next steps we wrote a report on the retirement boards, the boards of trustees directed the treasurer's office to take a look at this and write a report and we put some recommendations in. We knew that that was just the start, just like the retirement commission or committee back in 2010 in 2011 that created some recommendations that was a start, you saw some different approaches to those recommendations you saw some different ways to address the unfunded liability, but it started the discussion. And, and we have now started this discussion. At this point, you are the creator and the owner of the solution, you set the amortization period, you pay the ADEC, and you also establish the benefits, obviously with recommendations on the retirement boards, but you folks are the creator of the solution. We're looking forward to where we can, we can work with you. I am really ecstatic that you've been working with the NEA, and the, and the troopers and the law enforcement folks, and the, and the VSEA because then you get buy in, and that's so important. So, we're looking for what you folks are going to be doing with this. It's extraordinarily important to our future. And I, I recognize how difficult this is. The most painful thing I've done is treasure is to write that report. I love writing the clean water report it had a real impact on our, on our natural resources. I loved writing the housing report where we talked about some of the issues of special needs and homelessness. I'm not too happy. Let me rephrase that. I'm devastated by the fact that we had to do that and put that out there, but it did start the conversation. It did bring in and we had four meetings a week with generally two with the NEA to with the VSEA and the troopers, as we were working through this, this issue. We had those conversations, and I'm pleased that the task force and continues those conversations because they're very important. We'll spend a lot of time we're going to page 40. I have to say this, pre-fund the darn OPEP. We're costing ourselves a whole bunch of money. I'm not going to go through the advantages of doing that. And the interest, the bottom line is you're taking compound interest on the monies that you're putting in there for pre-funding, and it makes a heck of a lot of difference. To go to page 42, you see where we are now with the unfunded liabilities, the net OPEP liabilities, what it's called in the official literature, and it is very, very large. If you go to page 43, you see if we pre-funded, what would happen? And by pre-funding, taking advantage of that interest, power of compound interest, the unfunded liability for the state system will go down by 891 million. Now, last year we set a combination of 1.68 billion, but as you saw in the previous chart, we've actually had continued increase in those unfunded liabilities, and you will until such time as we do something about it and go away from pay go into pre-funding. So take a look at the teacher system, and I did it again. The teachers, I have to correct that. You know, you can look at this a dozen times or more and you don't see it. So that should say beasters. And if you take a look at that, by doing this, we would have a big impact. This on the beasters is if the state were to adopt it based on our current policies, and you would get a lift in terms of the impacts. About 40% of that goes to the general fund. So when you're looking at this, about 40% in our calculation is in the other funds, transportation, human services funds. About 23% of what we put in there is reimbursed by the federal government. So when you're looking at the cost of this, keep those things in mind. If you go to the next page, let me do one more thing there. On our current policy, if we didn't fund this thing, you would need a funding need of 122 million this year. Incluses with 42 million that we had in pay go. If you were to do this on a pre-funding, it would be 64.6 million. And again, 40% of that would approve to the general fund. And we also have the proposal to want to put the normal cost of that into the, into the ad fund for beasters as well. And as you see, it would have an 837 million dollar impact in terms of pre-funding. One thing I do want to make clear, we use 2.2 for the interest with not pre-funding last year. It's required to use the 20-year double-a bond as published by the bond buyer in other organizations. So a double-a, 20-year tax exempt bond, essentially a municipal bond. That will change from year to year. So if our interest rates and inflation continue, you're probably going to have a little less gap between them because that, that contract that adds to the, to the issue. So a few years back in 2016, something happened in November of 16. And that had an impact on the inflation rates. And then the next year and with the other directions. So it's very volatile. If you continue to do it on a pay go basis. And again, it grew from the 1.68. We have two methods for the beasters pre-funding. I've sent, I can't even tell you how many proposals based on these to the legislature since 2019. We've been working on this issue since 2014. But starting in 2019, we sent a graduated funding scale, which is option number one on this page to the General Assembly multiple times in the years. It needs to happen either that or the second one, which is a very, I want to compliment the Appropriations Committee and its chair, Representative, Senator Kitchell, that coming up with this model where you pay the normal cost for pre-funding in the fund and pay the premiums in the, in the, the general fund. And this would all go to the general fund on like these are worried. Again, you'll have those cost allocation around other funds. So bottom line for us, pay these get to pre-funding. It's the benefit for the taxpayers and we do not want to be out there in 10 years saying, how did this happen. Now we have to cut benefits from boys. Let's fix this now. Unlike what we did in pensions, particularly in the teachers system. I'm going to move through investments at the, at the speed of light, I think. Generally speaking, and this is investments why it's important, 60 to 62% of every dollar that we pay retirees comes from investment income. So it's a big part of it, but investments alone cannot solve the problem. Last year we had a great rate, 24.62. I believe that was the highest since the 80s. I was looking at the chart 83, I believe. And that's, that's, that's a great performance. I'm going to go to a chart, not just in a minute, but we do smooth those over time to avoid those peaks and valleys in your budgeting process, the ADEC to smooth that out. And again, we use a five year, which looks to be the normal across the country. This is a system where, you know, we've said we've banked that we've got that extra money for the next four years by, by smoothing it. That would be the best picture. We want that to happen. But what if investments don't meet the 7% in some of those years. Now you're digging into that instead of adding to it. You may have it in the, in the calculation, but it isn't entirely money in the bank with respect to valuations money in the bank with our assets. We invest all those dollars, but it, it's, it's not a good thing to say, well, we've got all that extra money everything's going to be okay. It doesn't work that way. As you saw with the Great Recession, as you saw in 2001, as you saw in back years in the 80s, it doesn't work that way. And we need to be careful that we don't rely on that investment performance, because again investment alone cannot solve the unfunded liability to go to the next chart on page 48. Look at that volatility now the orange by the way is the is the assume greater return over time beginning I believe on 1983 on this report, and you see that we had a very good year I think it's actually 82. And we're we've exceeded the 83 that is the 26.4 I think is what I said the other page I just wrote over at my comments. As you see where it beats the 25.2 and it's right up there with that, that 1983 mark, but it's volatile, you look at and it's more volatile. Now, that was in the past, I got a little box in the corner, and significant market events, the 1980s historically high interest rates, you invested in the CD for long term the next month you probably regretted it because the interest rates went up. The stock market stock market crash in 1987. The 90s and 91 with the recession, the dot com crash. The great recession obviously you know European sovereign debt crisis as well. The China driven international equity drawdown in 2015 brexit. You know, none of us thought that would actually happen, but it did. And a lot of regret from that. A lot of these happened in the month of June. So you're feeling pretty good in 2014 we're at 14 some odd percent. And when we got to May, and the and the fed created this thing called tapering. Okay, and it's called the taper tantrum tapering is a fed's policy. Tatum was a tatum tape. I'm going to get stuck in that word for the rest of the day. But the tantrum was the market reaction to that and if you look at the chart. We did pretty. We still we met our rate of return. But you didn't have that same belt that you could have had it without that tantrum that happened in May and continued into June. A lot of the events happened for a lot of reasons and that that time period. So we're feeling great and then we say what happened. You need to be careful investments of volatile and as time has gone on they've become even more volatile. Again, you should be talking to Tom about some of this and vitamin. I've got two more pages here. Folks talk about our assumption and it is in line with the national average. This came from Nazra in May of 2021. I haven't updated it since, but the average was 7.13 and the medium was seven and we're at seven. And you can see the count by the, the number of systems that they, they get data for reporting purposes. And the smoothing period is about five years and I think I might have left that out of the presentation. But it's about five years, the average across the country. Some systems go up as high as 5.3 and the average depending on the type. You have some folks that are outliers, but we think that we're right on target with that smoothing period and extending it as folks did in 2008 to to be very candid masked the crisis. It's not not the kind of thing that we do in Vermont and I'm proud of that the fiscal discipline that we have this last page is about banking that or as I said that you can't you shouldn't think it as banking and I just said the word, but it's about the money that you have that we receive through good investments in this year, but is is deferred into into the remainder of this smoothing period, but be careful. Go back to that chart on page 48, if you would mind. Look at that. You can have really good returns take a look what happened you know in the 97 98, you know, 22% and then you're down. Okay. This happens, and you need to be very careful to say that this is going to solve our problem. It is not because there's a reversion to the means that happens in investments. So that is my presentation. Ah, and I thought I found that screening page. I'll put it in the final report, and I'll be happy to take any questions up to the chair. I'll have some time on this and it's Friday and people probably want to go home pretty soon. Well I think that I would like if people have questions of clarification on the on the both of the reports that were given to us. Remember, we, we don't have any kind of a report from the task force yet so in terms of talking about solutions we're not at that point. So if there are questions of somebody start to say something. Okay, if there are questions of clarification for either Beth or Chris I think that's very appropriate because we really do need to understand what we're dealing with here. So, I know, Senator, Ron Hincell you had a couple questions before I don't know if they got answered in this, or if they produced more questions. Well, I mean now now you'll you'll know what I was like in grad school because I feel like I just took more than a 101 level class on on pensions ending with reversion to the means so I feel like I have a lot of questions I can I can stop at any point or someone can say, you know this is this can be answered later or it's just more of a question. It's more of a what I didn't get that of a policy question then a clarifying question or for another day. If you'd like. Yeah, I wouldn't ask policy questions at this point because until we have something to address here we really don't aren't talking about policy but clarification questions. Absolutely. Okay. So, so number one I was just trying to understand what, what the term is for when you make the policy decision to fund above the ADEC you don't have unfunded liability so if you have unfunded liability you're paying the unfunded liability but does the state ever is that pre funding, when you say, you know, let's go above the ADEC because, you know, we think that would help us pre fund or sort of prepare for any whenever depart above the ADEC. So pre funding is the term for what we're doing now you're putting the ADEC and you're putting more than the money that theoretically is going out for for retirement. Now, if you get closer to the, to the 2008, you're expecting, with someone setting committee I can't believe it we're eating up the investment money the principal, you're supposed to use that, otherwise you just do the premiums. Pre funding is, is the term used for that. I do want to go back and say when you're underfunded, as we are that eating into the investments is not a good thing. But mature plans you will see that. And I saw something about the S&P 500 and the number of folks that had similar situations. This is when you're at pre funding that's a problem. Putting more money in when you're, when you're reached your 100 is a good thing. There's also ways of you might want to take a look at walking in some of that money, so that you don't have the volatility when you get to that 100. I worked for a town that was someplace in the, my memory on this is this was 1997 when I left the town that was someplace around 120 some odd to 130% funded. Then they stopped putting money into the pension system. It's in really good shape. We're going to put that in health care. And they actually pre funded health care before it was a requirement. We were at something in the area of 42 40% pre pre funding when we look at these things that we're talking about now. That's that was incredible and I know of only one other entity, besides that town, they did that. But what happened is they stopped putting money in. Okay, they said, well, you know, and they said budgets are tight. We're going to not put in all that money this time. Okay. And as a consequence, their, their funded position is very similar to ours in both systems, and they're looking at a pension obligation bond. So that from my, my, my look at it is you need to put in at least and putting a little over is not a bad thing. It means that you're going to have some gains. And it means that, you know, you will be having some reductions to the, to the amortization table going forward. But I think that that's a good policy, building that up for rough times, because again, the teacher system was state system was at a minor surplus one one. I believe it was 1.8 I have to go back to the table, but it wasn't a big one, but immediately with the great recession so it doesn't hurt to be really overfunded. Now, on the other hand, you don't want to be so far overfunded that you're eating into taxpayer dollars that you could use someplace else, but you want to be healthy and you want to have a plan moving forward that protects the pension plan. As I said, take same one great shape we're going to put less in is not not a way to do that. And a healthy plan by the, this is the, the government accountability, the GAO said a healthy plan is 80% and in the society of actuaries that I'm not quite they push back on that what they said is 80% is a good place to be. But you want to be at 100, and you don't want to plan that did what this town did with said, I'm going to go down, I mean I'm not going to put some money in because I can, I can take a little risk there. And they got corroborate and not in the great recession is as did everyone else. So, what they're saying is you should 80% is a good place to be. You've got decent cash flow from that, but you also have a plan to improve on it to continue to move forward to have fiscal discipline and not well 80% is great and now I'm going to decline the 79, 78, 75 and sometime you're at 65. And if you look at some of our dollars, based on those gains and losses we've had some of that decline, not just the great recession, but decline since then in terms of our own funded liability. You know, you asked the question, and sort of like you asked, you know where's the light switch and I gave you the principles of electricity but you know it, if you have, I hope that helped. I think Chris has a response. I agree with everything the treasure just said I think what what I would going back to your question Senator I think you would refer to that as sort of like an alternative funding policy, where if there's a if there's a commitment to do sort of something in addition to the city of Philadelphia had an alternative funding policy in place for example because if you've got an open amortization system like we had down there and a bad funding ratio, it's real hard to make progress if you're only paying the ADAC. But the only other thing I would add is, you know, the the Gatsby rules in the math typically point you to getting to 100% funded, but systems typically don't stay at 100% funded for long when they reach there. You know, there are always going to be economic cycles that influence things, and decisions often get made that end up leading to higher pension costs in the future, because people think they can afford it. So going back 20 years ago in Pennsylvania, when the the economy was booming, you know, assumed rates of return were much higher, people are getting double digit returns consistently for 20 years. The legislature passed a retroactive benefit increase that was very substantial and then stopped paying the ADAC, and then the systems went from 100% funded to 60% funded. And at times you might think you can afford to make a decision at that point in time, only to see that the sort of the actual cost of the benefit turns out to be a lot more than you thought it was at the time you made those decisions. So that is a cautionary note I would flag that that can happen with with systems that have significantly more than 100% funding. That's called past service costs. When you when you turn, you go back and you say we're going to give you a benefit that you haven't funded over time. And that that does wreak havoc with systems. A lot of folks did that during that period. And a lot of folks did what this town did which is stop putting money in. They are things that good the economy is great. And they're in that same range of 60 some odd percent, but we actually exercise a fair amount of discipline on that when things were good. We didn't look out and say we're going to give big benefit increases because of that and I think that that's one of the pluses in terms of a fiscal discipline that we've seen here. I know about Philadelphia is not situation. I do know that the state had had didn't have a good record of of paying the ADEC. Yeah, that's what that's what the state did and Philadelphia did the pension obligation bond so I think there's cautionary tales in both the city and the state. So I would like actually to see if any of the other committee members have some questions, because I know you have a lot of them, Senator on instill but I would like if any of the other committee have clarification questions on on any of this. I guess everybody understands it very well. Ready, we're ready for the test on Monday. Actually, there, there probably will be when we actually get to the task force recommendations there will be a test that will be the test. I just, I, if I may, Madam Chair, I just want to say how much I appreciate the honing of Chris's. I mean having listened to the best reports now for years on this and and Chris is there, they just have gotten better and better and I think you know by the time this has been repeated this often we're all it's all beginning to filter in and we're all beginning to to get it some, you know, have lived with it all summer but it's you've just done a great job these reports are just better and clearer and more distilled into lay language is great. Thank you. Thanks. So, if nobody else has a questions and around hence you'll give another one. So you started to mention, you know, other communities and their decisions and it, it just gave me the impression that sort of the shorter term someone's thinking is or the less experienced they have with the ups and downs of the cycles. Maybe the less equipped they are to make these decisions over time and are there states that have done more than have a body that recommends to the legislature have they divested the legislature of the kind of decision making power around this in favor of something that keeps a more long term vision and approach to the decision. We're talking about the decisions of investments. Yeah, we don't, we don't have anything to do with investments. That's VP, we VP, we do nothing with investments. Maybe I'm using investment in the wrong way but how much we decide and decide to fund the ADAC right those are policy decisions we've made. That comes from the actuary. And then, yes, but it has to go into the budget so it is a, it is a policy decision because we, we fund it. So, somebody tells us how much we need to fund. And then we have to determine if that's the amount we fund, or if we fund less, or if we fund more. But somebody couldn't put it in our budget. Senator, if I may respond to that, a couple of things. If you take a look at the chart again on underfunding of the teacher system historically that will moves that were in our control. There are there are three things in particular that you folks have the decision making which is why I say you are the owner and creator of the creator and the owner of the solution. And that is that you are responsible for the funding policy, which is the amortization period. And so that's within the, the, the purview of the legislature. The second is the, the funding of the ADAC. And that's something that's part of your job. And sometimes we do it very well, and we have done it very, very well over the last several years. Not so much back in the, the 90s, for instance, and which was very unfortunate. The second one is the benefits. You set the benefits for now you get recommendations from our office you get recommendations from the, from the retirement boards and you hear a testimony from us. But ultimately, you set the benefits. So when you look at that you set the benefits you set the funding policy, and you set the amount of contribution that's going to be appropriated for it. So you have a great deal of responsibility that goes with that and a great deal of influence on the on the process. And again, that's why I say you're the creator and the owner of the solution going forward right now. So I'm going to go to Senator Clarkson and then Chris. I'd like to know how many states. I mean, your last thing is, you know, get to work pre funding. How many states do pre fund. And any, and I guess the second part of that question is as we look at other states and I know everybody's different but I know everybody has the same challenge. What state do you think is doing the best job planning and moving and take and and solving their this huge problem so I guess the first question is who pre funds and actually is able has done that. And then who's who's what's the best model so far for solving this huge challenge that every state is facing. Can I throw something in here before we get Beth and Chris to answer. So when we talk about, and I may be wrong here but we when we talk about just pre funding, what we need to remember is that there are really four buckets that we're looking at We're looking at the teachers pension system looking at the teachers OPEB. We're looking at the state employees pension and the state employees OPEB. They really are for four different buckets. And so if we're talking about pre funding we need to be clear about what it is we're pre funding. Not just pre funding. Yeah. So if I may, you're, you're pre funding the retirement systems that you're putting money in there over and above what would have been required just to pay the bill so to speak at least at the front end. And again, over time as a system which is, you use that interest. So both systems are pre funded, despite the fact that they're not so pre funded isn't when you get to 100. That's that's your, that's your percentage of pre funding, but you have a policy in place to pay that down in that amortization policy. And by the way, again, when we work with the legislature and recommended sort of back loading this thing back to 5% and move it to 3% and $67 million is is not chump change that was very important, something that you did the systems that are not pre funded or the teacher system I mean the teacher OPEB and the state OPEB. And when we change it, and we go to, and I'm hoping you do. This is something that's near and dear to to both the retirement boards and the treasurer's office in the retirement division, and all the employees, all of the employees that have health care. We talk all the time about health care being a right and I absolutely agree. If we end up with the solution because we don't refund that, you know that we have to stop giving health care to new employees or some horrible thing like that. You know, it's exactly opposite of the perspective that each almost each one of you have in terms of our future and the need for health care. And when you do that when you start pre funding, you're not going to be at 100% that day, you're going to be at a lower percent and grow that as you as you continue to pre fund the system. And, as I said, you know, you have to have discipline that town was in the 40s in terms of pre funding. And now it's not well because they use that money that they put aside for for pay go instead of investing it. You can look if you take those steps this year, we will be pre funding that doesn't mean we're at 100%. Right, it'll take us X number of years to get to 100% or maybe never, or maybe, maybe never you know getting to Chris's point that we have ups and downs in terms of our gains and losses, and the plan right now. We used option one for the teachers system and the amortization period is you're going to get to pre funding someplace in, I mean 100%. If everything went as you expected, and nothing happens as you expected, but you try to control again things are in our control, taking a look at health care experience, taking a look at health care experience. We reduce the cost of teacher health care this year by someplace between depending on what plan you're in 30 to 40%. That helps that that lower the under unfunded liability by 775 80% and that will improve as we change some have some less transition costs as we move to that. That was in our control, and that helped us keep the liability is manageable. There are things that you can do. But the bottom line for me is that if we don't move to this, we will be in the same position several years ago, several years in the future and say, how did we get to this. It's 2042 or something like that 49 I don't have it in front of me, but it's a long way away, but discipline now makes that happen and discipline now. When we talk to the rating agencies, the points we get in our rating agency, you know, we have trouble with, you know, the workforce and things along that line. But when we do something about pension liabilities, we do something about OPEB, that showed the fiscal discipline we get that now we have a lot of good sense of how we budget, you may say, Oh, no, we didn't do this we did this. That was, that was a idea that I don't agree with. But overall when you look at what we do as a state forward thinking in our fiscal discipline. We get through this year. It's what's that going to do the questions that you're asking today. Those are those are great questions, and it shows that you care about the future. And that's so important. And this is next step with that. And I will tell you that this will have an impact with the rating agencies, getting back to the point like more and more states are doing this. And some of those are an incremental moves. So are towns when I looked at the policy that we created for the for the ratcheting up to that policy number one for the teachers. I got that from a town I do. My memory is fading at the moment but I think it was new Britain, Connecticut, and I took a look at theirs and called the actuarial and said does this work. And after a couple of back and forth discussions, they said yes. So there are ways to get to it there are towns. I don't know and Chris you might know this I believe in the, in the. I would say recent past when we were doing these things in in the town I work for I'm trying not to say the names of things I believe Ohio at that point was one of the early ones that were doing some type of free funding. And I believe some folks in Alaska war, but there are clearly. And I will tell you that Alaska's made some mistakes in my mind about how they're handling the retirement systems. But there are growing number of states and municipalities that are doing this. I don't have it handy, but I can provide you that. Another thing I would add to what the treasurer said is that the gas be accounting rules changed a few years back that added a lot more transparency requirements around the disclosure of opab liabilities. And that put a lot more focus on opab than it typically had in the past. So, these benefits had not historically been pre funded to the extent that pension benefits had been, but more and more states are moving in that direction, since, you know, the rules require you to discount your accrued liabilities, using a blended rate tied to the 20 year double a municipal bond market if you're not pre funding, and with rates being as low as they have been. There are really increased liabilities on people's balance sheets. So that is drawn a lot more attention to the need to refund opab. But yeah, the treasurer is exactly right one of the, one of the things we really get dinged on as a state is, we have really really high long term liabilities relative to the size of our economy. So if you want to look at states that are that have really, really well funded systems and are doing things right. You know, I would suggest looking at some of the triple a rated states out there, particularly states that have, you know, a grown a lot in the last few decades. It's obviously really hard to do an apples to apples comparison that way. But when somebody always asked me how do we compare to other states, I typically look through two lenses I look at our New England peers, and I look at the triple a rated states, you know, you want to look at how our neighbors are doing because we have a lot of similar traits and characteristics, but you also want to look at how does the group of people that we aspire to be, what are they doing. And the only other thing I want to add back to the senator Ron Hinsdale's question, what around the sort of governance and decision making is, I just wanted to mention that you all set up a system here in Vermont that makes a lot of sense about how the plans are governed, where you know you've got labor and management, making the decisions about with the fiduciary responsibility over the pension systems, and you don't have a lot of people at that table who have a two year plot horizon. There are states out there and systems out there that have very politician heavy trustee boards, and that may or may not always lend to decision making that is in the best fiduciary interest of the plan participants, sometimes other considerations can seep into the decision making process so I think you all actually have set up a system that makes a lot of sense, and has has the right the right decision makers at the right tables. Thanks. If I can follow up one more time on that gas be 6768 or the pension ones, promulgated by by the government accounting stand book and 74 and 75 to the open. They make it clear in their in their process that these are accounting rules, they are not funding rules, but Chris is right because that's there, the rating agencies and we got away from, you know, the, the apples to oranges and again we have apples to grannies and Macintosh and some of that. But there's clearer direction or clearer comparative data. We actually in CDAC the capital debt affordability committee, look at our peers, and we aspire to be AAA. And so, and I will tell you that pensions as a function of the economics of the state in the lower workforce was a was a big part of where we lost the ratings, but we, we do aspire to that in a few years ago we put some pension sections in there. Now there's one state that has great economy that has a lot of federal dollars coming into it. And their pension numbers aren't that great, but they're still AAA, because they have all the other factors that make make you a feel good investors that that rating is about what investors want to feel in terms of security about making an investment with a with a municipality whether it's a state or or or a minute for town or city, and it's does get impacted several. I'll do it. I think it was two years ago, April. Senator McConnell said, you know, it's okay if municipalities default. Okay, you know, that's not what we're here to take care of it they're on their own. The next day, the rates for municipal bonds went sky high, because investors got scared and said, you know, I need to have more rate or interest to compensate me for the risk that I'm taking the market stabilized after that. But some of the things at the Fed level, whether it's the Fed, the Federal Reserve or whether it's the administration, or whether it's Congress do have an impact on those rates, and that's unfortunate. When I talked about things that aren't in your control, ours is the economy, not so much with those folks they actually have some impact on that. But because it has more transparency with the new standards and because we're now talking about comparative numbers apples to apples. You're seeing folks react to that and making the changes and I can think of a number of towns that are doing the funding of OPEB as well as a few states that come to mind I know there are more, and we'll get that information for you. I'm going to make a suggestion here I think that the, we, the conversation. We need to have clearly have more conversation on this and we might hear from Tom Galanca about their investment strategy we we have nothing to do with investment, but we can hear from them what their investment strategy is and how they approach it and then. Senator Clarkson. No, but I just, you know, we did good work I think on the governance piece I mean we made, we have impact in terms of helping decide who's part of the governance team and I think I really feel good about that work that we did with the VP. You know, yeah, that was good. And thank you Chris and Beth for thinking that was good work. And what I'm going to suggest is that we take this topic up again next Friday. As Senator Polina will remember a few years ago every Friday we seemed like maybe six or seven years ago every Friday we did cannabis. We didn't talk, right, and we didn't do cannabis we talked about cannabis. And that was every Friday and so I'm going to suggest that next Friday we all we look at pensions again the whole system. If there are. We have potentially Chris and Beth come back I know that Chris is torn between many committees and will try to make good use of his time if he can join us on Friday. And, and at that point, if there is a report from the task force will hear will also hear the report from the task force. Does that continue this conversation next Friday does that make sense committee. Yes, and then don't forget the the days we had committed to law enforcement that every Thursday was law enforcement you've had that you have a pattern of dedicating agenda days to specific topics which I'm kind of and I are very clear. I just, because I think that we will have more questions and some of those questions that might be answered by going back and looking at the slides that were given to us today. Some of them will, looking at the slides might provoke more questions. So we might have more questions but so Senator plan I saw you unmuted yourself. No, I was just going to say yes to the Friday afternoons. And, and hopefully we won't need a ton of Friday afternoons. But I'm suggesting that we schedule next Friday afternoon. Well, do we have any idea when the report might come out. And ballpark. We have a, we have there's a task force meeting on Monday. And we are hopeful that it will not be too much longer after Monday. I know that we are very far behind here, but because I think the report was due on December 2 or something. And the issues going back and forth and back and forth and I have to say that the task force has been working really hard and working together. So, I don't know if you know who's on the task force but the task force consists of Mike paycheck representing the administration, Michael class and who's the deputy treasure as a non voting member but participating a lot with information. And two members from the VSE a Eric Davis and Leona what, and one member from the troopers association Dan trottier, and three members from the NEA cake McCam, Andrew Eric, and Molly Stoner, and then three house members. John, John, and Peter Fagan and two Senate members myself and Corey parent. So that group has been working meeting every week until mid December and continues to meet so we're hoping. I wasn't rushing I was just curious. Yeah, it's a tough issue, but there's a lot to understand. And we need to make sure we get it right. So, does that make sense can. Yeah, we gather next Friday at one o'clock and continue this discussion. Yes. Great. Okay. Madam chair before you you call it a day. The, we're not calling it a day we have another bill to do. There you go. But the, the V pick commission has a consultant report that's due and I believe that they're they're expecting to. I just did my review but I'm a member of the commission, as have others. I believe they're looking to get that out on Monday or Tuesday. So my good, really helpful to get those folks in and tell you where they're at and what's going on. It's a very good report. And it wasn't we'll wait to July 1 and see what's happening. We're making changes as we can moving forward. And already you see some of the changes and it's a great report. And so I would recommend getting those folks in earlier. We, I will ask Tom about that. And then also I, and I don't know if you paid attention the other day when, because act 75 also set up a pension oversight committee, so that this doesn't happen again, so that there will be a committee and oversight that is really focused laser focused on the whole pension system so that we don't get ourselves in this mess over and over they will be looking at it on the off session and the members of that are Corey parent. Jane Kitchell. And, oh my God. I don't know if the house is appointed there's yet. No, the third senator. I didn't write them down unfortunately. I believe it's Cheryl Hooker. That's what I thought it was Cheryl Hooker but I wasn't sure I think it is yeah. So. Okay, so. Again, Madam Chair, when we, we had a report due and to the, to the, the, the group there the oversight. And at that point it had not been constituted in any way. Right. So we sent a report to the, to the Senate pro tem and to the, to the, to the speaker. So we met our deadline. Good. Okay. All right. So, thank you. Thank you. Yes, I'm going to give this to you. I'm so glad to see this. Thank you. I'm so glad to see this, but I'm too excited to talk to you. I just want to thank you. Yeah. Thank you, trustee. And I'm just glad to see this. The I saw you have the, the. You know, And I'm so glad to see this, because I'm. That's great. And I would like to, I want to thank you for this. Oh, thank you. Thank you. Yeah, thank you. Thank you. He has a three 30 commitment, I think. Okay. But Chris, can Chris join us? Chris can join us. And I'll see if will can join us because he was here as well. Oh, I didn't see that will was here. Okay. Great. So. Thank you, Beth. Have a good weekend, Beth. So I'm sure do you want to take a short break while I bring everybody back together.
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Giannis Antetokounmpo Posts Career-High, Kings Clutch Win | Run It Back
On today's episode of 'Run It Back' on FanDuel TV LIVE host Michelle Beadle took co-hosts Shams Charania, Eddie Gonzalez and Chandler Parsons through all the latest NBA news and notes as the season is in full swing. On this episode the crew discussed a career-high night from Giannis Antetokounmpo, the Thunder dominating win over the Celtics, Sacramento lighting the beam after a clutch Kings win and so much more. Find out what channel FanDuel TV is in your region here: Download the Run It Back Podcast Listen on Spotify ✳️ Listen on Apple 🍎 0:00 INTRO 0:45 GIANNIS CAREER-HIGH 12:00 CELTICS VS THUNDER 20:00 KINGS VS JAZZ 31:45 SHAMS SCOOPS 33:45 PANIC BUTTON 42:40 SCOOT HENDERSON 47:05 ON THE FLY PARLAY #FanDuel #NBA #FanDuelTV FanDuel on Twitter: FanDuel on Twitch: FanDuel on Instagram: FanDuel on TikTok: FanDuel on YouTube:
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The NBA has gone full Oprah. You get a 50 piece. You get a 50 piece. Eddie might even get a 50 piece if we wait long enough. Run it back, it starts now. Run it up, then run it back, yeah. Run it up, then run it back, run it back, run it back, yeah. That's right, this is Run It Back. It is a beautiful Wednesday morning here in New York City. Joined as always, Bum of Us Friends, Stadium Insider, Sean Charania, Chandler P joining us from Mexico and Eddie from across the river. How y'all doing today? It's like it's our Friday. Staying blessed. It is, it is, this is Wednesday's our Friday. We love Wednesdays here at Run It Back. All right, it feels like deja vu all over again because here we go, points were scored so, so many points. Giannis, career high 55 and went over the Wizards. He also grabbed 10 boards, had seven assists in the process. I don't know what he needs to prove, if anything, but did he prove anything more to you last night, Chandler? I mean, I'm with you, he doesn't really have to prove much more. I just think it's exactly what I said yesterday, how, you know, a game like this is what he needs to kind of stay relevant and to stay in that MVP race. And Giannis is, he's about as guaranteed as a solid, you know, stat stuffing player you can get. There's nobody really like him. There's no one that size with that physicality. And these other guys that are ahead of him, I think it's just because, you know, their teams are possibly a little better than impact that they're having on their team. But it's hard to go and say that Giannis isn't as important to his team as any of these other guys that were putting ahead of him in this MVP race. But, you know, he's quiet, he goes about his business. And then he has a game like this and kind of opens up eyes like, wow, you know, he is the best player in the NBA still. And so these are more nights like this, I think we'll continue to talk more and more about him. But he's just an absolute star. He's humble, he's quiet, and he is just unbelievable for the league and for the Bugs. I think nights like last night is where we might view him and take him for granted at times. I mean, 55 points. And what he's doing this year, averaging almost 33 points a game, taking almost 22 shots per game. Those are by far his career highs. He's had to take on a lot this season, especially without Chris Middleton for the most of the year. Drew Hoddy has been in and out of lineups at different points as well. So when you think about all these other star players that Giannis looks around in season, Nikola Joke, Luca Dante, Joellen Bede, the Brooklyn guys, there's a lot of love going around the league. And I think what we've seen Giannis having three straight 40 plus point games is, you know, I think he wants to show people that I'm here too. And I think there is some level of disrespect that we do give at times. But I think overall the performances that we've seen over the last week, I mean, it's just unreal between Giannis, LeBron, KD, Kairi, Joekig, Luca, Donovan. So I think this is Giannis' stamp and really making his mark. I think Sam's is right. I think Sam's is right. There is some disrespect, but there's also a little bit true to the slander that they call it, you know. He does kind of just run and done. You watched the game last night. He is just kind of running into guys and swiping through them and just being overly physical and other teams can't handle that. And it's not the most aesthetically pleasing game. He's not Kobe out there. So I get why people go, oh, I don't like watching this shot. 16 free throws last night. But the point is he's just productive as any players we've ever seen in this league, quite literally. And you cannot hate on production at the end of the day. A lot of people compare him to Shaq. I think there's like some early LeBron to him too, where LeBron wasn't relying on the jumper either. He was doing a lot of this. He was barreling through people and getting to the rim. Some of these calls are insane. This carry right here was a little insane. But look, when you initiate and you force all this contact and you force teams to have to match that, you're gonna get the benefit of the doubt because you're the one initiating all that. So it's like, at this point I'm over it. Like, I get the honest thing. I get why people don't like it. I get why people do. And at the end of the day, you have to tip your hat to this production. I'm actually shocked he's never scored 55 points before. But I give him credit because he was really going for it at the end of that game. The game was pretty much decided and he was shooting and running to the rim every time he got the ball after that. I thought he was gonna stay and he gets 60 because the Wizards had nothing for him at all. I mean, how could he not go for it right here? This has been a week in which all the cool kids are just scoring a bazillion points and he's right there at the brink. I figured like, why not? I won't put my name in that conversation for the week. But he did have a quote, which speaks to my heart. Here we go. This is straight from Yanis' mouth. I wanna get in a position that my game is boring. I just do what I do and people don't talk about it because it becomes boring. I do it every single night, but I don't get bored. The greats, the best players never get bored. There's one name that should come to mind when I read those types of words about an NBA player and it should be Tim Duncan. And if it wasn't, shame on you. But what he just described is quite literally the greatness that is and was Tim Duncan in the day, Chandler. So if you had to say it, could you call Yanis a modern-day Duncan or at least a wannabe modern-day Duncan? I mean, yeah, he's like Duncan because he's a star and he's so low-key and you don't see him in the off-season. He's not getting TMZ and he just goes about his business and he wins and he dominates the game. I think Yolkitch is more like Duncan, just how he played the game so beautifully I've never seen Tim Duncan do a win though, like Yanis did last night. And so Yanis isn't boring. He's just, he's got his little silly quotes. He does and he's funny and he's silly. But he's high octane and he's explosive and he's fun to watch just from a physical standpoint. Besides the brawn, there's never been like another wing that literally dominates the game like a shack did like Yanis. So I can see it just how he handled. He doesn't train with other guys in the off-season. Like he's very, he kind of goes back to Greece and you don't see him. And like I said, you don't see him in the news. I think Yolkitch is more like Tim Duncan, just the way they play the game and kind of boring and you look up at the Statue Street and he has 30, 15 and 10 and they're all going to go down as some of the greatest players of all time. But I wouldn't call Yanis boring quite yet. He just can't shoot. Yeah, Timmy would have never went on a marketing campaign like this. So it sounds like some Tim Duncan stuff, but he would have never sat on the podium and be like, hey guys, I'm working hard. Look, Timmy would have just worked in one title in the hand of his business. So like, I love Yanis. I love the kind of aloofness and the personality he brings and he's up there reading dad jokes and he's got the belt with his wife and all this stuff. And it's cool. But it's also like crazy artificial and much like LeBron or even Steph, he has this personality he wants us to have and he keeps telling us how great he is and he keeps telling us how he's not friends with anybody, but we've seen him at parties. We've seen him working out. We've seen it like it's cool, bro. We appreciate your game. Like we all took your side against James Harden. We all said, yo, James is tripping. It's great. You don't have to come out there every day and do this to us, just play. We enjoyed the windmill. We enjoyed the 55 points. You don't have to tell us, oh, I'm boring. You are kind of boring. You don't make jumpers. Like you don't really dribble that well. Like there is some stuff that we don't like and whereas we watch other players like Kyrie or Steph and they're way more aesthetically pleasing with their games, that's fine. Like you have a title, you keep winning awards. You might win a title this year. Just keep winning, bro. You'll be a legend. You're a legend now. It's great. You don't have to keep telling us. Did you just wrestle Wilson, Yanis? I feel like you just wrestled Wilson, Yanis. So we just haven't felt like it. I would never go that far with it. Yanis is way more cool than Russell Wilson. Let's not do that. That's slander. That's absolute slander. I know, it's become like an insult. He's not caught up in any towns, like come on. Wow. No, that's fair. But there is something to be said about the boring thing because when you think a Bucks final, it just doesn't get the heart pumping. But this week has been, it's been insane and the seal's been broken. So don't think we're going back to a more normal time. But the points scored this week have been absolutely insane. Of course, we had his 55. We had the Donovan Mitchell 71. Luca's had 50 a few times. More 40-point performances and a person can count. I don't even know, do you question the scoring surge? Do you like the scoring surge? Do you love the idea that there is no going back from this now, Chandler? Nothing, it's great. I think teams hate it because that means the defense is not what it should be or it should be at. When you watch an NBA game now is you're watching for the offense and teams that have good defense. It's usually teams that have very good records and are contending for a championship. But these guys now, they're so talented and they score in so many different ways. And that's why when you look at Giannis, he's not making threes. He's not scoring from outside the paint a lot of times. Like he went 15 to 16 last night from the free throw line. That's probably the most impressive stat that he did last night because with all his struggles and taking his time. But I think for ratings, the scoring is awesome. Like we're all talking about it. Social media is blowing up. Like those are crazy, crazy games. Like I think my career high was 34, 36 or something. And dudes are like, damn, you're averaging that now. Like it is just through the roof. And I love it for the game and I love it for the fans. But yeah, at some point, teams are going to have to start locking up and clamping down and playing some defense. So this is my theory. When you look at these games, games go on and Luca Donchich has this game, Don Mitchell has this game. You don't think Giannis and these other players are watching their peers? Like I think it's becoming a competition. Guys want to one up each other. We saw the other night Giannis shot 39 shots in Chicago. He had 40 some points. Like he was trying to go one up Luca Donchich in that game. I think he was clearly shooting for it. He came up a little bit short. But I think it is good for the game. It's good for competition that guys are seeing how other players are performing. They're seeing their peers. They're seeing their rivals and they want to one up each other. And I think they want to have their moment as well. And I think that's only good for the game. That's only good for competition. It's only good for the league. Yeah, I think this is a result of the style of basketball that has become uniform now. And they call it Helio Century. Can you look at the list of those names? I think only Jeremy Gran probably wouldn't qualify. But even then he has the ball a lot. But we're doing a lot of standing around and letting one guy dribble and create his own shots and work the pick and roll and figure out what works best for him. I think it's fun. I think it's amazing for the fans. It's amazing TV. Again, yesterday or the other day walking out the arena and going to go 71 on my screen. It didn't make no sense. So I think it's fun. And I just think it's a result of the way the league has went. It also kind of makes me appreciate Steph Curry a little more because he's somebody that does make it happen off the ball and could drop 60 on you. And just a little bit of different from the way the other guys are making it happen. But it's fun. How could you not enjoy a guy dropping 55 points and just going after it at the end of the game? Kind of like Donovan Mitchell did. Kind of like Luka Dončić does every night. And this is what we tune into the game for. I'll tell you why. Because like with anything else as fans and humans we're going to be bored with this in a second and then we're going to turn on it and then be like, wow, what happened to defense? It's coming. I know it's coming. There was another game last night, by the way. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought I was drunk when I was reading this last night as I'm watching the ticker. But thunder with a franchise high, 150 points. That's without SGA, crushing the Celtics by 33. They had seven players in double figures, five that had over 20 points apiece. I don't know what this does to my parlay, by the way. We'll talk about that later. But Chandler, what does this mean for OKC? Also, aren't they supposed to be losing? I mean, yeah, this is weird. Like you said, I was drunk. So that's why I thought it was true. It shows the potential. It shows the talent. It shows that these guys have set up their future very, very well. And they have a lot of pieces to grow with. And this is without SGA is the most improved player who's no doubt in all of this year, who's 24 years old. This is without Jeff Holmgren, who hasn't played this year, who's not playing, who's 20. Josh Giddy is an absolute hooper. He's 20 years old and the guys last night, they're all five guys with 20 points. You know, Jalen Williams, big, strong guard. He's 21. Isaiah Joe, he's 23. You know, it is nuts how young and how these guys play the right way. And look, they're not going to win a lot of games. They're still way behind. But when you start growing with these guys and if you keep this court together, they got something going. And then you throw in a guy like Lou Dorr, who I would think he's 27, 28. That guy's 23 years old and he's the ultimate blue guy. When you get these young, scoring, facilitating guys around him. So I love what they're doing. A game like this is shocking to me for Boston because they have a really good defense and they're giving up, you know, 150 points to this AAU team. It was very, very shocking. But I love what they're doing. I love the youth and they have a lot of assets going forward. You throw a couple of bets in there and you throw in the number one pick. This guy's future is very, very bright. Yeah, the Thunder team, where if you watch them, they're really well coached. They don't always have ability. They make some young mistakes, but they're really well coached. And they compete every night. They're 11 and nine at home. You would think their record is way worse than it is at 16 and 21. You know, the offensive explosion like this is a little unexpected. But they're out there competing every night. And like Chandler said, they've built up their future really well. They have another great pick coming up this year. And who knows where they go from here? And as they continue their tank and they really get into it later this season, they mess around and get two to three. They get one of the Thompson twins. They get scooped. They have a lot of opportunities to really take off. And, you know, even with that great rookie class next year, they might have the rookie of the year already in Chet Holmstrom as they wait for him to he'll look. So they're set up well for the future, much like Orlando. And the league is in good hands, man. The league is a really good hands going forward. I feel like the thing that really strikes at home is there's just not there aren't teams used to be there a handful or more of teams that are just those are wins for a certain amount of teams, right? Like you just go in and you know that that's going to be a W. And it just doesn't feel like that this season more than ever. But Jalen Brown in the loss had 29 points, as you could imagine after the game, not very happy. Here he is. We got our ass kicked. That's what happened. You come out, you take it for granted. That's what happens. And we probably had it coming to us, you know, came out last couple of games. We pick and choose when we want to play. We wasn't connected. Didn't have each other's back out there. You know, no help side defense. We didn't guard our yard. And those young boys over there came out and they made us look bad. They embarrassed us. They kicked our ass and that's what happened. I just love when he talks. I listen to Shams as far as changes for the Boston Celtics. I guess over the last month, what have you seen? I mean, this is a team largest loss in the Jalen Brown, Jason Tatum era. So that's not a good look, 33 point loss, but they're five and seven in the last 12 games, they're nine and eight in the last 17. So I am I think I think you have to look at it. You have to look at Jalen Brown's comments and be a little worried kind of where this is going. But I think a game like last night is a good example. And I think the last month probably is a good example in terms of the Ema Udoka effect. And that was always the leadership that he brought. The way that they were able to battle through adversity in those moments, they clearly missed that to an extent. And I think you can see that in the game last night. You can see that over the last several weeks is the Ema Udoka factor, how we impacted their defense, their leadership on and off the floor. Jalen Brown just spoke there about having each other's backs. Ema Udoka was the guy that filled those gaps. So we'll see Joe Missoula's there. He's going to be there the rest of the season. How does he continue to get his imprint there as a leader around this roster? Yeah, I think Sam's a spot on. A lot of this is going to fall on Joe Missoula. This is a team that just went to the finals. One of your best players is up there basically saying, you guys don't give effort every night. That falls on the coach. And this is a team that we know is championship ready. They made some improvements on the fringes as well by how Malcolm Brogdon and now they've got Robert Williams back. They should be a better team than they were last year. Their defense should not have fallen off in the way it has. Their offense regressed to the mean in December and now it's in January. And they got to turn this around. Sam's mentioned it a week or so ago that, yes, they started out rough last year and then they turned it around. You don't want to make a habit of that. You don't want to make a habit of hitting a switch when the rest of the league is going. The East is strong this year. And if they keep it up like this, they won't be the favorites out there for too much longer. This is a terrible loss for them on the road. And I'm happy Jaylen said it because he has to know it. They know it in that locker room. There's no reason to lose to this team. They're healthy. They have all their guys. They went out there and lost to a team without their best player in embarrassing fashion and the worst loss that they've had in this era of that team. And they only scored 150, but they could have scored way more. I think they had 130 at the end of the third quarter. So that's embarrassing for a team that hung their hat on defense last year and apparently can't do it again this year. Yeah, and there's got to be accountability here and it's got to be on the defensive side. You have the best duo in the NBA. They're going to score points, but you also have the roster and the talent to be a very good defensive team that we've seen from them before. But we saw lapses like this a couple of weeks ago where they lost to the magic twice in a row and I don't know if it's a, you know, kind of letting your guard down or a maturity thing, but like we just hit on the NBA is too talented. The guys are too deep right now. The teams are too deep. And like we said, there's no real easy game. You look at the Rockets, the Magic, the Thunder. They can beat anybody. And the Thunder showed us last night that there's no more cakewalks. There's no easy games. And Boston's got to look themselves in the mirror after this and grow from this, get better and really lock in defensively because they have the duo. They have brogged it as a great point guard, but they have the pieces to be a very, very, very good defensive team and they're just not showing it right now. Before we move on to the night cap last night, Eddie, I want to ask you very quickly. When you see Boston lose like this, knowing they're right around the corner for your Brooklyn Nets, are you excited or worried? Because I feel like this could be a catalyst. It's so embarrassing that they might go on a tear. I just want to ask. When I smoked with Jason and Tatum before the last Nets in something's game, he was like, yeah, we lost yesterday. So ain't no easy, ain't no easy go tonight. So yeah, I get a little worried. I mean, they're going to show up when they come to Brooklyn for sure. So, you know, whatever they're lacking right now, they'll be locked in that night. Yeah, that's just much more exciting. All right, the night cap. It was a wild, wild finish. Take a look. Here comes Fox has to switch market and guardian. Shot game clock down to four. Fox penetration. Fox layup. Yes. Deer with 0.4 on the clock. No timeouts for the Jazz. Marketing at the buzzer. And then it was called off after a review, Chandler. How bummed are you if you're marketing today? Come on. I mean, I had to watch this a couple of times to make sure they were right on the review. This looked like he got it off, but they played well enough to win this game. But this is frustrating just because this hot start that they got off to is colder and colder. And they're currently in the 10 seed and they're one game out of the play. And so this is a devastating loss. But also, if you look at the Deer and Fox ISO there at the end of the game, first of all, he's left handed and the double team is coming from the other side and Lori market and lets him go away from the double coming from the free throw line to a strong hand. That can't happen with the game on the line, especially with help coming. You've got to force them to the double team. But that was a hell of a play and I was a hell of a shot at the end. Unfortunately, I didn't count. But yeah, I'm pretty bummed today just because this is when that got away from us on our home court. Yeah, I'm old enough to remember and from I'm old enough to remember and from Sacramento. So I remember the old like Chris Weber, Carl Malone playoff series. They played it back to back years. And once upon a time was a rivalry for what story franchise. But yeah, you got to be bummed after that. You could kind of see it live that it was ladies are still a great shot. But I'm with Chandler. You got to look to the defense. They targeted Lori marketing on that play. They ran a switch and got him and he shaded him left the whole time for whatever reason. And you know, shout out to the jazz coach sending over the double because he knew it was coming. But Darren Fox made it look easy. He's been clutch all season. He's really been clutch his whole career but even more so this season. And that's a big win for the Kings. They had a real risk going on a slide, handled business there. And man, they're looking like a playoff team. It's jumbled as the standings are out there in the West. They're looking like a playoff team. They got their tandem back with DeMontes playing with the brace as Shams reported. And he looks like a monster. It's so weird to see two teams win a trade. But that trade for Tyrese Aliburton, you can kind of get them out of the air in Fox's way. The air in Fox probably gonna be all star this year and you get DeMontes Sabonis who's been your second best player and been your anchor in many ways on offense. The Kings look good. They're squeaking these out. And these are the wins that matter. These are the wins that franchise was losing for years and years and years on the road, losing the teams, losing games you had in your hand. And they're lighting a beam and they're getting excited out there in Sacramento. Eddie, if you're a Kings fan like yourself in your older days, like you've got to be proud of DeMontes Fox. Like the way he's playing right now and the way he's scoring in the fourth quarter, like to me it was masterful what he was doing last night. That mid-range shot, it looks like it was a couple of years ago where he was a fringe all-star. Last year you could tell he took a little bit of a step back. He's put in the work in the off-season, 22 points in the fourth quarter. He's been a guy that I think is like you said, an all-star type of player this year. There's no question. He was the best player on the floor last time. This Kings team, as long as they remain in the playoff range they might even get two all-stars with Sabonis in the way he's playing. But definitely at least one when it looks like it might be DeFox. Look, the Kings playoff drought, and you're right Eddie, I'm old enough shockingly as well to remember the good old days when it was nuts to go to Sacramento, but their drought is the longest playoff drought. It's 16 years. They have not been in the playoffs in 16 years. The next closest team is Charlotte, and that's only six. Chandler, it is time to do some predictions. Bold takes if you will. Are you going to guarantee right now today Kings playoff appearance this season? Yeah, I'll guarantee that. Is the play in counts as making the playoffs? I mean, yeah, I think it counts. Yeah. No, playing doesn't make the playoffs. Oh my God. You gotta make the playoffs. Okay, fine. We'll go with Sean. Yeah, I'll still guarantee it. You know why? Because they do have two really, really good players. They have a great rookie. They have an awesome coach who's kind of changed that culture around with them. And as jumbled up on the seedings are, they still have a good cushion to drop out. And they're like one or two games out of getting home court in the Western Conference. So I love their team. I love Kevin Herder. He's been an absolute, you know, sniper for them. Harrison Barnes, he's been doing it for years. He's so solid. Davion Mitchell, they have a little bit of everything. They have multiple ways to hurt you. Like I said, they're well coached and they have two absolute stars that are going to carry the load. And they're young. So they're going to be around for a while. They're going to keep getting better and better. So yeah, I will, and I'm pretty good at my predictions and my picks. Obviously. Yeah, guys, speaking your convictions. Now I actually feel bad for Sacramento. We just jinxed the heck out of all of them. By the way, I don't know what their beam budget is Eddie, but if they do make the playoffs, do we add another beam or do we stay with the single beam? I think they got to up the beam budget. I don't know how you change that at that point. Would you add another color or whatever? But if and whenever they do make the playoffs, there's going to be a celebration out there. So long as you're out in the four major professional sports in America, thanks to the Mariners making it the playoffs this year. So yeah, it's a little embarrassing. I mean, they've been a bad franchise for the better part of two decades at now at this point. And you need these wins out there. They fought really hard to get that arena to keep that team and have done almost nothing since then. The air box is kind of their crown jewel. Like sounds mentioned, they drafted him number five overall. He there was rumors he wanted out a few years ago. Sounds are no better than me. I don't know. Even when he signed with Clutch earlier this year, people were like, yo, is he going to ask out? That's the clutch move. And he's making it a home out there. And if he takes them to the playoffs in Sacramento, they will put your number in the Raptors for something like this. He's going to be hero. He's going to be hero. Eddie G out in the streets partying soon. So yeah, let's get another beam out there for the playoffs. I think this is a good idea. Eddie, are you going to move back to Sacramento if they become the hot team? He's going to low sack. It's OK. It's OK. We all go home. I'm going to visit. I'm going to visit next week. And that's more than enough for me. I'll be right back, guys. That's your time limit. I totally get it. The window is small. My least favorite thing in the whole NBA, that's our next topic. It's the damn two minute report. What is it and why? But the one from Monday saying now that they did miss the Jared Allen travel, were 12.1 seconds to go. And then, of course, the big story was the Donovan Mitchell 71 points. But now they are saying, of course, he did commit the lane violation in that play that was ultimately what sent it into overtime in the first place. And then that's how he got the 71 points. The Bulls knew this, but then they have to sit through the added insult to injury of the actual report confirming it. I guess first on the 71 points, Chandler, do you think that these now missed calls take anything away from what Mitchell did that night? No, hell no. This guy was unbelievable. He put on one of the greatest performances of all time. And he had a historic night. That, you know, sure, take away two points from him for the lane violation, which we never do. But no, he was still unbelievable. That building was rocking. My whole thing with this is the NBA and the, first of all, I like the two minute warnings. It exposes the reps. And I feel like they should be held accountable and they're missed calls. And they should be fine just as the players are. And they're not perfect. And that's OK. Listen, they're going to miss calls. Being a ref is the worst job in the world. Because no matter when you blow that whistle, half of the court is pissed at you. So it's never going to be perfect. But review it. If there's a play where it's this magnitude and this coming down to the wire of the game, they review everything else. They review a block or charge. Why not just sit there and stop the game, review this, and make sure you get the call accurate. These are two huge blown calls. And if I'm Chicago, I'm pissed. Yeah. Yeah, the Bulls have had a few of these, though. Like, they've gotten holds on a few. I think there's been at least three or four this season. We're at the end of the game. The two minute report comes out. And they could have won the game if not for a missed or blown call. But I think that night, a couple of nights ago, that was obvious that was apparent. I said yesterday, I was looking on Twitter. You could see screenshots of people pointing at Diamond Mitchell coming across the line. As the ball is not even close to the rim, it's still halfway through. So listen, it's a lane violation, no question. And I think if the refs could review it, they probably should have. If you're able to challenge it, I don't even know if at the time the Bulls had a challenge. But that's a tough way to lose. It's unfortunate. I don't take anything away from Diamond Mitchell's game, though. I mean, he can't control the refs. The performance he put on, he's not to make those crazy shots. So that's on him, for sure. Yo, Shoms, what is the threshold for a do-over? I remember there was a heat hogs do-over. I want to say like, 0-8, 0-9. That's how I'd be feeling if I was the Bulls. It was like, we got to run these final eight seconds back. I need this win in the win column. The two minute report, it's frustrating because yo, there is a hint of accountability there for the refs. But there also isn't. Nothing changes. We know these calls are bad in real time. The refs don't answer for them in any way. They still get assignments. It's like it's just twisting the knife for the losing fans and the losing team. So I mean, I guess it's cool to know, but if they're not going to redo the final three seconds and just let the Bulls inbound and win the game, then who cares? As far as the first question, yo, the refs called it the way they called it live. He still scored 71. I saw the buckets. They still count. So it is what it is. But yeah, this sucks. This sucks for the Bulls and the team who is going to be fighting for playoffs all season long. But if they missed the playoffs by one game and they have to look back on this, they should look back on letting him score 71 more than letting him get that free throw. And I hate when coaches and guys say, oh, one player in the game doesn't impact the game. Because I understand the theory behind that where we could have done other things leading up to that to not be in this position. But no, we are in this position. And now outside people like the referees are blowing the call that directly impact the outcome of the game. So I understand that these guys could have done something different and not been in that predicament in the first place. But a call like this, let alone two calls to lose on the road. Like, no, that's not fair. That's kind of bullshit. Like, I'm pissed from Chicago. I hate the two minute report because you already know you were wronged. Now you're confirming that I was wronged and not a damn thing happens. Like, to me, it's worse. I hate this system. And I hope they figure out a better way to do it because it would just piss me off even more than I already was. And that's my rant for today. Okay, that's all I got. We're gonna take a quick break right now. We're gonna get the latest on Kelly Ubrey, Junior and Zion. Man, do we wanna know more about Zion? Shaum's with all of that when Run It Back returns. Run it over, run it back, yeah, yeah. Run it over, run it back, run it over, run it back. Welcome back to Run It Back. This is the part of the show where we get the Shaum scoop and I hate it because the first, I mean, it's not a great start to the scoop today, Shaum. You got some news on Kelly Ubrey? Kelly Ubrey will be undergoing surgery on his left hand. He has a torn ligament and he's gonna be out four to six weeks. The hope is that he's gonna be back at some point after the All-Star break in mid-February. He's been the most consistent hornet all season, career high, 20 points per game. He is on an expiring deal and that made him a valuable player across the league. The guy that other teams were looking into to potentially trade for, but this is a hornet's team that's near the bottom of the East. They're one game out for the worst record in the Eastern Conference and I think a lot of teams are gonna be looking into them and seeing over the next couple of weeks, which direction do they go? Do they start selling off expiring players like Mason Plumlee, Ubrey, Terry Rozier? So this is definitely a team to monitor a tough blow for this hornet's roster. Yeah, that was a tough four to six weeks is a bit of time. This next one is the one that I think we were getting too excited. We were loving watching the Pelicans, Zion especially, but all right, talk to us about him. Three weeks, this pretty much takes you right up until February and at that point, just knowing the way the Pelicans have operated, how cautious they've been with Zion Williamson last season, this year. We'll see exactly when he's gonna be back just cause he's gonna be reevaluated at the end of the month. Doesn't mean he's gonna be back, but I think there is hope that this is not something that's more serious. Obviously the worst case in the hamstring is that you ruptured fully, it wasn't that, but with Zion Williamson, he's the prize possession of this Pelicans organization. They're gonna be very careful with them and I expect them to take a very cautious approach to this. That one bummed me out, Shoms. I'm not gonna lie to you. All right, Wednesday's our Friday, which means we're saying goodbye to you until Monday, my friend. Enjoy the rest of the week, enjoy your weekend, stay safe. I know we're gonna stick with Pelicans here, Chandler and Eddie, because it's panic button. That's obviously bad news about the Zion injury. Of course, Brandon Ingram, we haven't seen in forever. It literally seems like the entire season been out since November 25th. And there's no timetable, which is the bizarre thing on that. After tonight, they have five of six on the road and they're gonna face some good teams. Nets, Mavs, Celtics, those are just a few in that stretch, Chandler. Panic button time on this New Orleans team. Yeah, I'm hitting the panic button just because this team is this deep. They are young and they have a lot of talent, but they're only gonna go as far as Zion and BI go. And if they're out, who knows? And like we always talk about the Western Conference, there's, you know, there's six solid teams that are right there. And I can definitely see the Pelicans kind of sliding right out of there. And they do have vet guys like CJ and Balanchunas, Larry Nance mixed in with those young guys that kind of carry the load. But this is a whole different dynamic. This is a whole different team. And we always talk about the health of Zion and how it's physically possible. And one of the smartest guys I know in the medical field told me when he was in college, there's no way that this dude can sustain that. It's physically impossible and something's gonna give. And I hated that because he's so good and he's so talented and he's so fun to watch that the NBA is better with Zion playing. And this is just one of those things where again, a hamstring is nothing to dilly-dally with. And when you have that size and that explosiveness, it can tear or get worse or just kind of, you know, re-agitate it at any given minute. So I'm panicking just because our team and our future are these two guys and they're gonna miss a lot of time. Yeah, if there's a smaller concern button, I'm probably hitting that, maybe not panic just yet. I think this team can tread water for a few weeks. Hopefully they get BI back. I know the toe is tough to rehab from and you just need that for everything you do on the court. But I'm with Chandler on Zion. It's really tough to watch this because with that body type and the way he plays and his explosive as he is, look legs aren't meant to do what he does with his body. He's not meant to jump as high as he does and land from that high as often as he does. And his entire game is exposing his strength. So he needs that. He needs to be 100%. I only say concern because if they get these guys back in time for the playoffs, that's really what their aim is here. And if they can maintain some seating, they'd want to have home court going against the West and the juggernauts they have out there. But if they can get in, they're gonna be a tough out for everybody. And so you wanna think big picture in long term. It's gonna be big for CJ McCullum in the next weeks, months, whatever it is until these guys are full to carry that offense and to really keep them going. But like you said, tough schedule coming up and we're gonna find out about the role players on that team over the next few weeks. I think, you know what this means, right? It's time for my MVP Jose Alvarado to really step up and show the world what he's made of. And I'm very excited about that for him. It is time. Moving on to the Hawks. I don't know what the preseason expectations necessarily were for this Atlanta team. And we've talked at length about what is going on seemingly internally between Nate McMillan, Trey Young, some days they look like they know what they're doing out there, some days they don't. But Eddie, I'll start with you. Are you hitting the panic button on the Hawks? Yeah, when the coach is debating if he should retire mid-season, we're hitting the panic button. When the star player is saying, yo, I'm not playing the day coach, I don't care. I'm hitting the panic button. When both of those things are happening and you're losing games, yeah, there's a ton of panic about, I mean, there are only one game up in the playing. So they could quickly fall out of that. It's the pools and the Raptors behind them. And those are two teams that want to win games. They want to go to the playoffs. Yes, you definitely need to panic. They sprung big for the Chante Murray this summer and it gave up a ton of draft capital. They've been trying to shop John Collins for years it feels like to fix whatever they have going on over there. They just don't look like they like each other. That loss of the Warriors was terrible in a hundred different ways, but they're just not. When we talk about the Nets having fun and they're on a 12 game win streak, you look at the Hawks on the other end of the spectrum and those guys look like they're actually going to a day job and they hate it. So yeah, I'm probably hitting the panic button a few weeks ago, it's even worse now that this lost seven of their last 10. Yeah, yeah, I agree. And besides all the drama with, you know, you never really see a coach contemplating, resigning in the middle of the season and the star player sitting out and always having issues and second best players been on the trading block for three years now with John Collins. But the teams behind them, the Wizards, the Bulls and the Raptors, they all want to win and they're all just as or better than the Atlanta Hawks. And the Hawks have had two kind of fluke game winners by AJ Griffin. So they haven't played well. They made the big move for D'Aunty and Murray and it just hasn't panned out. Trey's kind of taken a step back this year. And so I'm hitting the panic button just because they're not a contender. They're not going to compete for a championship this year. And they might go on a skid here, not even make the play in. So they're on a slippery slope here and I'm definitely hitting the panic button. Yeah, it seems like the panic button might have been hit a bit ago. This next one is weird to me. DeAndre Aitin, all right? Not really shutting it down. It's the last two games, averaging eight points, two and a half rebounds. And as many blocks as Eddie, which is great for Eddie, except for that it's zero in two straight losses. But here's the thing about it. That's not even what we want to focus because there's like this video of him before, I believe a Nick's game. And he's practicing these underhanded half court shots, like things that you would just do when you're messing around. And he does that a lot, actually. So are you hitting the panic button, Chandler, on DeAndre Aitin? What is he doing? Yeah, this is confusing. I don't know if he's just like kind of an immature kid or what he's doing, but there's a lot of issues surrounding this guy. And I don't personally know him, but everything I've heard is if there's one issue on the Phoenix Sun, it's DeAndre Aitin. And I don't know if that's the most fair thing to say because we don't know everything, but the moral of the story is he can play it. And he is arguably their second best player with Devin and him. And he's a cornerstone to their future. But all of these other stuff, all these other antics, the beef with the coach, the beef with bridges, it's not good. It's not healthy. And the Suns, I feel like they've been fighting all these distractions all year long. And this goes way back to the off season with DeAndre Aitin and he was number one pick. He should be dominating. He should be an all star at this point. And he's not. And the Phoenix Suns kind of missed their window and they're sliding and they're unhealthy. So everything's just exposed right now because they're losing. And it's kind of falling on DeAndre Aitin as that guy because a lot of the drama negative news is kind of centered around him. So I'm not panicking in a weird way because he is so talented and so good in a critical piece but just enough with the outside noise and the distractions and the antics. Like just play basketball. Yeah, I'm not panicking either but that's just because he's very tradable. I think it's January 15th. He's eligible to be traded after signing that contract or a signature for agency this summer. And he actually has to agree to it. He has to, you know, it has to come be into his terms. But that's fine. You want it out. You wanted him out. You re-signed him for whatever reason. Workout trade. You clearly don't want him there. It has got to be frustrating for that team. They drafted him number one overall. Two picks ahead of Luca Donchis. So as much as we ragged, it's the Kings for picking Marvin Bagley over Luca. The Suns pick DeAndre Aitin. And it wasn't that controversial pick at the time but man, you know, five years later it's looking a little crazy. So yeah, only no panic because you clearly want him out. You have a route to get him out. It's time to get him out. And yeah, it's tough watching him out there. And they miss Devin Booker. And ever since Chris Paul's come back, they've been on a bit of a slide. We were talking about this team a month ago like a title contender. And things happened fast in this league. That's it. The thing about perspective, when they came into San Antonio, they were on that tear and DeAndre Aitin was doing those same pre-game practice shots and the rest of the team was dancing and they had all the, and it was fun looking. But then it's all about reading the room and having a little perspective. And that's interesting that Chris Paul came back and they went on a slide, Eddie. We should talk about that more next time. Next up, the consensus number two overall, just threw a dunk down that might make you go, Victor who, when run it back returns. So this is Scoot Henderson who is by all accounts going to be the number two pick after Victor Vinyama, easy for me to say. That's a grown man dunk right there guys. And look, this kid went to the G-League at 17 years old playing against grown ass dudes in America. And I'm sure he's kind of loving the Victor stuff because it puts him a little bit, I don't know, less pressure. Am I wrong in thinking that? Does he have a case to be number one, Chandler? No chance and this kid kept playing and he is a Hooper and he's gonna really, really help a team. And I think as much as Victor is number one, Scoot is number two. And I think it's land sizes. I think Victor can tear his ACL tonight and he'll still get drafted number one. This kid's a freak. He's a unicorn. We've never seen a prospect like this good. But on the flip side, Scoot Henderson can play. He can score the basketball. He's got a great build. He's athletic. He plays smart. He can play point. And that dunk last night was extremely impressive. But it's just, no, this Victor is too big. He's too long. He's too skilled. I do love the fact that they're both playing against pros and grownups and they're not in the college ranks or high school. They're competing at a very high level and they are dominating at a high level. So whoever gets the one or two pick, I'm honestly kind of stoked. It might turn out to be the number three pick. Ends up happier than the number one pick because this kid could end up being that good. And you never know with a big guy like Victor with his body and his health. So I think this kid's in a great situation where there's not a lot of pressure. Everyone's talking about Victor and this kid could easily come in and be better than Victor early on in his career. Yeah, I think we might see that. We might see him win rookie of the year. We might see him be the better player for a few years as Victor kind of assimilates to this style of play and the physicality and on and on and on. I think if you're picking Scoot first, if you're even thinking about it, you're basically banking on the potential over the help. And it kind of reminds me of Kevin Durant versus Greg Odin in that season where, yeah, if you didn't want Odin, it was because of the health. And we saw how that played out. It's played out that way a few times in draft history and you just never know. So you're gonna wanna do your due diligence. I think Scoot is gonna be great. I think it's an archetype that we already have in this league and that makes sense. But the potential of seven, six, wing, who can dribble, who can do all this stuff? It's just too much to overlook. I just cannot see Greg Popovich probably deciding to not take all of that and see what that does for the next 10 years. But Scoot is that good. He won't be 19 until next month. He's that great. And whoever gets him at two, they won't be disappointed either. And you can do a lot of things with a dynamic point guard who can play make the way he can. And it was that athletic. But I just cannot see a team going against the grain here. You gotta see what you get with Victor Limbiava. I mean, look, I think the Scoot's in the best case scenario because the pressure is so much less. But then you get to have the added motivation of always being referred to as the number two. To me, whoever gets Scoot, I'm with you guys. Like they might actually win that. And it's crazy to say now. But I also believe in this pressure situation being a little bit too much for kids. Yeah, it's almost easier to get the decision taken out of your hands, right? You're at two and he falls to you and you go, cool. I remember with the Celtics, they wanted Jason Tatum, they were gonna take him one overall. They ended up trading back with Philly. And they said then, we wanted to take him one. We were just a little worried. Mark Alphonse was the clear consensus, number one overall pick. We saw how that went. Sometimes you just gotta pick the guy you think is better and go with that. But man, you'd be hard-pressed to take anybody over Victor. If you don't have to, if you pass on Victor number one, that's how you get fired. If he turns out to be anything what they expect him to be. So if you get the normal pick, you have to, but there's no pressure on the number two pick because this kid's just falling right in your lap. Yeah. It's a good spot to be in. Taking a quick break when we come back, we won our parlay, kind of. I'm gonna try to explain that in my best possibility when we run it back, returns. Run it back, yeah. Run it over, run it back, yeah. Oh yeah, we're back baby, the parlay. This is last night. You're still winning guys. You guys got yours both right. My dude, SGA, I had under 29 and a half points, didn't play technically zero, yep, won that. But the parlay, it just dropped in value a little bit, but a W to W and that just means that we're on a hot streak once again. So let's just go into the weekend feeling really good about ourselves and our self-esteem. Eddie, what do you have for us for the first leg today? Hold on, Michelle. Let me tell you, five of those kids had over 20 last night. You don't think SGA would have had 70 last night I don't, I don't. And as far as I'm concerned, I'm still hot, still hot. Zero is less than 29. I think we won. We got to complain to somebody. We did, by all betting rules, we won. I'm going with Stephen Adams, under 14 and a half rebounds. This is an astronomical number. I actually went to go pick the over because I thought it was gonna be like 10 and they're playing the hornets and the hornets just don't care about basketball. But 14.5, that's insane, I have to go under. Okay, he sounds good, all right. All right, Chandler, he sounds sure. Yeah, I like the Pacers plus seven and a half. I mean, that is a lot of points. Philly has been so up and down. And I like the way the Pacers play. I got to take the points here and go Pacers plus seven and a half. Ooh, I have big feelings about that one, Chandler. I'm not gonna lie, my vision came out. I'm just going like straight money line today. Now that I've mastered what that means, we're the kings. So there it is, we're back up. 20 bucks, we'll win you $134. Frankie Coffee Cakes, that's our own Chandler from Bronx Tale, thank you so much. And that's gonna do it for us on this beautiful and wonderful Wednesday. So guys, enjoy the rest of the week and the weekend. I'm assuming, I don't wanna know what Chandler's plans are but they're better than ours Eddie and we know that to be true. That's gonna do it for us. We'll be back bright and early Monday morning. We're on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 10 Eastern in the morning. Don't forget, run it back.
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Tulsi Dharmarajan - High on design
As creators of products we are torn between focussing resources on core product functionality vs. user interface enhancements. In this discussion we will learn how the two are not isolated and explore various processes and tools that make these decisions easier. The session will focus on ideas and techniques that enable the creation of user interfaces that engage and empower users and eventually create product advocates. We will chat about: - Showcase of some products to learn from - Design thinking for ideation - Rapid prototyping techniques - Guerilla testing & other UX testing methods - Why spending time on Design now will increase the ROI in the future BIO: Tulsi Dharmarajan has more than 17 years of experience in design, engineering, UX, and analytics at both startup and enterprise companies. Most recently, she has been involved with using the lean startup model for creating software. She believes that lean, alongside agile development & agile UX holds the key to creating software for the future. She is passionate about creating software that helps her customers reduce their workload, feel happier while doing so, and inspire them to become product advocates! WHY: Over the past few years, I have spoken about design at Product Camps, MeetUps, and User Groups in the US. I recently moved back to India and would like to engage with the community here.
[ "hasgeek", "metarefresh" ]
Okay, so we've got Tulsi this morning who's going to be talking about designing products and services. And Tulsi's got a long history of working on designing products all over in startups and enterprises, which is going to take us through a whole bunch of different processes that we can use to actually go from merely good products to really amazing ones, using different tools, talking about prototyping, how do you use prototyping while building products, talking about gorilla testing, talking about usability, and also looking at an extremely important part of the picture, which is how do you sell design, how do you actually make a case for design, how do you say that design is actually going to lead to an increase in your investment by investing in design right now. So Tulsi runs a product and design startup based in Hyderabad called Zuri Labs, which you can take a look at as well. Thank you. Can everyone hear me okay? Let me just pass this and you get going here. Okay, so my talk is called High on Design. I think I was telling somebody last night, I think I was high maybe when I came up with the title of the talk, but basically what I'm going to be talking about is some real world examples that I've learned along the way. My life also started off in engineering very similar to Navjoth who spoke yesterday and I moved from engineering to product management into design and I sort of ended up full-circulate design now. I moved with my dog Zuri to India about a month and a half ago. I used to be in the US and I just started my company called Zuri Labs and we hope to work with nonprofits as well as smaller companies to help them realize their design of their vision of having innovative digital products on the internet. I'm really happy to actually be part of this wonderful network and be part of the digital revolution in India. Some of my contact information is below so I would love to hear from you and even if you have any feedback would or bad about my talk I would love to hear about it. So today I'm going to be talking about design thinking. We won't delve too much into the processes of design thinking. We'll instead move into some real-world exercises and examples that I've seen working and then we'll move on to how to empower your engineering teams because a good design is nothing without an engineering team to help you build it. So what is design thinking and why is it so important? Design thinking came up from companies like IDEO as well as the design school in Stanford and it's just an amazing institute and there's a lot of great work coming out of there but basically I think that design thinking gives companies this little design edge and if you look at companies that we all love, like I know many of you have Apple computers for example the first time I got my Apple computer many years ago I read an article about the sleep light in the Apple computer and basically the sleep light is a white light and it mimics human sleeping patterns. So the first night when my Apple computer was shut down and was next to the bed you know I looked at it and I was like oh my little computer is sleeping as well and you suddenly have this fondness towards your computer and so I think that little piece of design in the Apple computer made me a brand evangelist for Apple and I'm sure all of you have a similar story about Apple or you know your favorite brand there was something that turned you over into just from becoming just average user to becoming a product advocate so I think design is that key thing that can make that happen that kind of leap of faith happen and really kind of inspires customer loyalty so in terms of you know when you're explaining to your boss you know why is why should I spend money on design or you know what's the return on investment just think about how like you know well-designed products sort of sell themselves you know you create like a network of advocates and brand evangelists that just sell the product for you and I think that's really key and design can help that process. So back to design thinking and why I think it's important know what is design thinking according to Tim Brown who's the head of IDO a really fantastic organization if you haven't heard of it go to their website they have a lot of excellent content that you can learn from but basically you can read that I'm not going to read it for you but basically what design thinking is is just a different way of thinking I think many of us are already doing it and we're just putting a label on it but basically what design thinking is is empathetic thinking putting the user in the middle of the problem instead of the problem ahead and then really I mean you know a single line definition of design thinking is a human approach human centered approach to innovation and so I think that's really key to beautiful products put the user in front put the user's problems in front and really build the solution for that user to make that user happy to make that user more empowered and save them time or something like that but put that user in mind in the center so there are many many different ways that design thinking processes are defined and while we sit and talk about process and things like that I just want to clarify that not all processes work in all situations so don't just blindly go back to your organization and say you know like I read I saw on meta refresh that I need to do these six things and my company is now going to be successful I think you need to really take ideas from here and then see how it'll work within your own organizations within your own structures and patterns so basically design thinking the four key stages I think in the design thinking process are defined with where you basically define the user and you're the problem ideate where you throw out ideas it's a very collaborative type of process you don't judge during this process there are no stupid ideas that come up from this process I mean there might be but you don't judge other people's ideas and I think ideation is is key to design thinking where you throw out a lot of ideas and then figure out what works prototyping of course is really important where you go straight from ideation to prototyping so put it in some form that you can then get feedback from users and get users to engage with it and give feedback I mean again it goes back to you know design thinking puts the user in the center if you're not able to get feedback from the user then you know you're not really design thinking then you might as well just build a software product and then put it out there and figure out what it does and then of course built software product is not a software product if it's not built so that's obviously quite obvious and then learn I think that that too is important basically once you put the product out there don't just think that the product is out there my users are using it engage with your users see how they are engaging with the product I think yesterday Kartik mentioned about metrics there are a lot of tools out there that you can actually measure the metrics of how users are using the product you know how's the mouse moving before they actually click on that button you want them to click on and things like that so really measure all of that now I think every designer or many designers big challenge is how do they fit into the agile world and I don't think there's any easy answer for this unfortunately sorry I was talking to somebody yesterday where they they said that in their organization the designers are upfront and central I would love to work in organization like that but unfortunately never have so usually what happens is product management and engineering set the timelines for a product and then like many times actually engineering would come to me and say hey like we need these screens by tomorrow and obviously then you don't have time for ideation and prototyping and testing and all of that so what we did what we managed to do pretty successfully was actually get slightly ahead of the curve so we'd work with the product managers and figure out approximate timelines for when products were coming out in a sprint cycle and then we'd work one sprint or two sprints before that and then we also became much faster and quicker about this entire process in yellow sometimes we just do it in a day that we would you know ideate in the morning build the prototype in the afternoon if you have templates and think like bootstrap and stuff with easy to prototype and then we just do internal testing sometimes and also I mean I again want to iterate like just because there's a process doesn't mean that you should follow it and you shouldn't become rigid about following it there are lots of times that you can just use your gut instinct and put a feature out there I think that's really important if you understand your user and your market and your product then sometimes just build it and put it out there and see what see what the feedback is so don't get fully stuck on so I don't want to delve too much on theory let's just move on to some things that I've seen be successful and I've learned from other people along the way so the first thing is the first stage like we saw in that little circular diagram is defining so defining is of course key we I mean we don't even have to have this discussion if we're not working on defining so what is that stage so basically that stage is where you define the user and you define the problem and you define why solving this problem is important so that's the stage of defining so the first thing is defining your user and getting to know who your user is you know you don't need to do something as complicated like this it has helped us in the past especially trying to get all the engineers on the same page a lot of times what we used to do is print out these cards like really big that there with the photograph of the user what motivates them what makes them happy what's going to get them their next promotion what's going to make them look good in the eyes of their boss you know all of those sort of things you know do they have a dog what's their dog's name so really you know things little things about the user where you get to know them you get to know what motivates them you know so basically it's like an emotional map of your user and that's really important like it brings everyone on the same page when you're ideating as well as building the software so like in in our engineering office actually we have a whole wall full of users for various aspects of the product and it's you know it really helps validating the product the next thing of course is defining the problem of course you know there wouldn't be a solution if there isn't a problem so you know when you're defining the problem it's it's really important for the next stage that we talk about in a second the ideation stage to actually have a clear definition of the problem it's really important because if like if you have like 10 people in a room that are going to be ideating and kind of throwing out ideas for solving a problem it's really important that they know what the problem is that they're trying to solve everyone needs to be on the same page kind of you have equal footing when they're innovating around this problem so I mean this is just some examples that are some questions that you should ask yourself when you're defining the problem you know is it worth solving this problem how is the user going to feel if you solve this problem are they going to become more productive you know are they going to send you a thank you note you know it's always fabulous when you actually get a thank you note from the user saying you know thanks a lot like it just saved me six hours a day because you built this thing into the product you know that that sort of thing you know makes you know that you've done something right okay so we're going to do like a little ideation exercise in a few minutes but before we do that I want to talk about my five favorite sort of design rules when it comes to building user interfaces the first one is hardcore software free some people also refer to this as the epicenter basically what that means is that one or two elements that give us give your page its purpose put that kind of in the center of the page and then build all of the other functionality around it and when I say center of the page I don't mean like literally center of the page but center of the focus of the user I'll give you an example recently yahoo redid their user interface for their mail software I don't know how many of you use yahoo mail so about a week ago I was using yahoo mail and I couldn't figure out how to compose an email message I would think that that is core to yahoo mail being able to send an email message I shouldn't have to search the whole screen for that so that's what I mean when designing from the core so keep the core central it's also very very useful doing this when we're designing for responsive web design because as soon as you've identified what those core elements are and that core functionality is to a page then you know that on a smaller screen tablet mobile you still want to keep that core central so it's a really really useful principle to have the next one is the Pareto principle it's actually some it's actually a concept that comes from economics and sort of unrelated to design but some designers have taken this and are running with it and I think it's a useful principle it's basically the 20 80 or 80 20 principle you want to try and get the user to do 20 percent of the work required to achieve 80 percent of the result now obviously that's not always possible but it's something that would be great to strive for the third one I think is sort of a self-explanatory minimize distractions so that's just basically if you don't need it on the screen don't put it on the screen keep it minimal keep the fonts readable get rid of gradients and you know uber rounded corners and all of that stuff so you know just keep it simple keep it up and you're probably doing a job blank slate so blank slate is basically sort of the welcome map to your software application how does the user first feel when they enter the application like once they've logged in they've come into the application how does the user feel about the application how do they engage with the application it's not necessarily showing them a message it could be doing something for them I'll give you like a really great example I think a Pinterest has like a perfect blank slate the first time I signed into Pinterest or got my Pinterest account I was a skeptic like most people and I was like do we really need another social networking for images so then I said okay fine I need to sign up and see what it's all about so I sign up for Pinterest and as soon as I sign up the first thing it does is goes and checks what my interests are and comes back and says we think you should have these five boards so I'm like okay fine create the five boards and then it says we think you should follow these 10 people okay I'll follow those 10 people and all of a sudden in the next step my Pinterest account is set up I'm following 10 people they have all this exciting stuff and in just a few minutes I've become an addict to Pinterest because they had awesome blank slate they thought of the user they thought of engaging with the user and they thought of making adoption of the product much easier and I think that's something that we could all keep in mind and finally good defaults sorry was that a question no good defaults good default I don't know I think some people might think that it's not like one of the key principles I think it's a key principle because if you actually think of good defaults in the product like I'll give you an example Zomato like the first time I went to Zomato it had already selected Hyderabad for me or campaign monitor the first time I went to campaign monitor it had selected my time zone and it had gotten a whole bunch of information about me through my Facebook account so I think the good thing about defaults is if you think about the defaults then you realize that there are at least 20 questions you don't have to ask the user you can answer those questions for you and it sort of goes back to that whole you know inspiring adoption of your software asking the user less questions assuming more about the user and then personalizing based on what what we assume so now we're going to move into like a little ideation exercise so all of you probably have a notebook this idea actually came from someone at Google called brine oven and it's also talked about in the in the ghost game-storming book so definitely get it if you like this exercise so take your take your notebook and take a piece of paper out of your notebook so this exercise is called 685 which basically means six to eight ideas in five minutes but because we don't have that much time we're going to do a kind of shortened version of this which is going to be four to six ideas in three minutes so what you're going to do is fold the paper in half and then fold it in one-thirds so you're going to get something that looks like this you have six quadrants basically in your in your paper and now get out your pencil and I'll and I'll talk to you a little bit about the exercise okay so here's the exercise now the user is somebody called Tashi and he's a teacher by day and a foodie by night what makes him most happy is when he's cooking for his friends and his friends can tell him what a hero he is because he's cooked such a fine meal the problem is that Tashi has invited people for dinner and he's run out of gas he's called his regular gas company and they say that they can't deliver it for three days so Tashi is screwed he's not going to order pizza that's beneath him so he needs to get gas he needs to get gas today so what we're going to do in three minutes is come up with an app that Tashi can use it's going to be you know like a local app you know think about how local apps work what is needed for Tashi to find the gas locally find out if it's available how much is it going to cost and actually make the order and be able to track it on this piece of paper you're going to use one little square for each of your ideas and the goal is to come up with six ideas for the problem in three minutes so we'll start the clock and go ahead start brainstorming keep it really high don't think about who's going to build it how it's going to be built it's going to be like really low fidelity high just sketch out some ideas so go ahead and sketch I'll tell you after when you have about a minute to go I have a question if regular gas companies cannot provide it three days then any app will not do well yeah again like this is all an imagined world where there are perfect gas companies that provide gas today okay I think we're about halfway through have about 20 seconds to go okay I think we'll stop now so let me just try and take a poll like how many people actually could fill all six of those areas with excellent we have two how many people could fill four excellent how many people filled in more little squares than they thought they could fill okay good so you know like I think this hopefully this was a fun exercise to do you know the idea is just to get those juices flowing in your head and it's it's a really great exercise to do in a room with four or five people and then and then really you know be able to share those ideas with people now I think the one thing that you need to all be aware as a great designer is not every idea that you come up with is a good one or it might be a good one but it just may not be a good one for that specific scenario so the next step from this and we're not going to do this now but the next step of this whole exercise is either you brainstorm with those six ideas with other people or you take those six ideas and you do a one-up so what that means is you take chuck out or throw away five of the bad ideas from those six take one and kind of turn the sheet over and make that into more detail and then you can start getting feedback on that idea so let's move on to prototyping you know once you have that idea like we mentioned before you know the user is central to this process so I think I am personally a huge believer in going straight from like an idea to a prototype I no longer use Photoshop for any of the work I do because I realize that users cannot engage with Photoshop they don't know how that menu is going to pull down or that the button actually clicks or that there's a drop down or anything so it's much nicer to go straight from the to a prototype it's much more realistic for a user you can get much better kind of better feedback loop that the user is in and really be able to engage with them much more realistically and especially with things like Twitter Bootstrap and other sort of frameworks like that prototyping has become much much easier this specific sketch is actually from an interview that Dave Gray did with Jason Freed and if you haven't seen the interview you should it's half an hour of sheer awesomeness now of course creating wireframes is always an alternative I think if you don't have the skills to do HTML then definitely create wireframes but for those of you who don't do HTML and CSS and think that you're designers I think it's time to learn to do HTML CSS and JavaScript don't feel so scared it's not that difficult to do yeah so you can always do wireframes there are lots of wireframing tools out there Flare Builder and OmniGraphil and Balsamic are my favorites but there are a whole bunch of tools out there there are even some that are completely online as well okay I guess the the next important stage is testing you know if you need to get feedback from your users now when you approach your user it's really really important that you don't use jargon there are a whole bunch of designers that I know will go to the user and say you know this was our design process and here's how we thought about your problem and this is how we approached it and blah blah blah the user is not interested in any of that instead when you approach the user ask them really directed questions like here's the page what's the first thing you would do on this page or how would you go about creating this element ask them questions like that so that they give you they're able to engage and they're able to think about it the other thing that I found very useful is actually having usability tests with other designers they're able to engage with the product differently and you can actually have the designer talk you through what they are thinking as they are engaging with your prototype so that's also been very you're probably wondering what gorilla testing is it's something that I found very useful and it's actually fun and actually you make friends so lately what I've been doing whenever I design a piece of software is I'll go to like a coffee shop or something and especially if it's a B2C type of software take your prototype to a coffee shop approach somebody who looks friendly and tell them you'll buy a coffee buy them a coffee if they'll engage with your product for five minutes you get anonymous feedback totally kind of objective feedback and it really helps you improve the product and there's also lots of UX testing tools out there that allow you to do remote testing my favorite is this thing called Intuit HQ you can see here this is a TED the TED site being tested for a redesign so it's really straightforward this Intuit HQ basically they ask you like they allow you to put a screenshot of your product and then ask you to type in a question in this case you know how would you view upcoming TED conferences and then it tracks the mouse the mouse of the user and then gives you results based on the mouse tracking and things like that so it's a really great testing tool and it's quite affordable of course there are several others and then finally finally you know you might have the best design in the world but then if you don't have an engineering team to build it then you know we might as well all go home right so I think the first thing this is also another idea that came up from the game storming book it's called Four Seas so what the idea here is that you get before you're building a product get four disparate groups into a room so in this case you might have product managers focusing on the characteristics you might have marketing focusing on the characters your engineering team focusing on the components and then say your ops and database team focusing on the challenges and so you get all of these four kind of groups of people in a room to write down you know what they think about this product that you're proposing and that really empowers your entire company they bring everybody on the same page as far as the product and kind of inspires everybody about the product and it really puts the engineering team in the center of the process I think so there's that's one thing you know I in there are like lots of design center companies where designers are in the center of the solution or the problem or they're driving the solution basically and in those cases sometimes the engineers feel that you know they need to enable the designer in a lot of companies I've been at like the the engineer usually feels that they are the curator of the of the software and they need to protect the software and the designer is out there to screw with their zen basically but we're not doing that we're all working on this together and it's important that you you know build that relationship with your engineer and empower them the other thing that also has really helped is setting up design standards and guidelines that engineers can follow recently actually at allegiance we set up about six months ago we set up a design guidelines and it had everything from capitalizations to colors to fonts to everything and one day I was having coffee and I heard these three engineers fighting about what the capitalization should be for table headers because it wasn't in the design guidelines and I was like yes success so you know so you can inspire your engineering teams to follow design guidelines and be inspired to bring in design and design thinking into their processes and finally you know communicate the mistakes so they're not repeated what we've done in the past that's been really successful is have like mid-week design reviews where the engineering team can come and show show you what they're doing and that was really great because the engineers themselves started building kind of cool ideas into the system sometimes they were a bit crazy but you know if they're inspired I think that's a good thing and this is my last slide there are lots of tools out there to maintain templates and patterns which help establish the guidelines throughout your throughout your company I think one of the my favorite is pattern where you can save your favorites and go back to it and refer to it in the future so that's the end of my talk this is my contact information I would love to get feedback from all of you and I think we have about 15 minutes right for 10 minutes we have about 10 minutes for questions. Hi my name is Amit good presentation thank you and I myself am a UX designer and have been working on a lot of these things what you taught in the presentation one thing which I wanted to ask was how do you ensure visual design if you say you don't want to like skip the photoshop part and directly jump from wireframes to html and you also ask us to like learn html I know html yeah but like if I create html I have those prototypes but eventually that needs to be converted into an application it needs to go to the developer so this is one question and with the same question actually how detailed do you want to go to the wireframes uh the same question I had for Navjod also yesterday we were saying like a very crude uh wireframes that you're creating like paper prototypes and these starting are good for ideation and stuff but eventually you need to communicate those things actually elements in your page to the visual designer also so few people actually in wireframes do go like give them the background the focus to some buttons so that visual designers also understand what needs to be given more focus to so how do you ensure those things when you're advocating not to use photoshop or skip that I think well I guess it depends on whether you're developing a new application from the start or it's you know some features that you're adding to an existing application right so let's take the scenario where you're adding features to an existing application it's a little bit easier because you probably have a design guideline that's set and you're following a certain design guideline and so what we've done in those scenarios is actually create our own sort of bootstrap with all of those visual design elements in in there so that it's very easy to just take and build a form or a wizard or whatever so that's obviously the easier way I think when you're doing a new product what I've done actually in the past is first focus when you're doing usability tests you don't really need to have the visual elements at all so rather it's the layout it's the interactions and all of that and that we've just been able to do with bootstrap and things like that but then we send that eventually I mean if it's a new product I think you do need to resort to photoshop there are actually a lot of visual designers now that are just working directly in CSS and HTML and that actually is my preference because a lot of times that thing that you build in photoshop when you build it in HTML it doesn't really look the same or it takes like crazy amounts of effort to make it so I hope that answered your question yeah hello cool um earlier on you had a slide which had this survey you can give users so like what's your frustrations what's your ideal experience now on a lot of websites there's like a bio description on the user profile page where they can edit their account have you seen any websites that actually ask those questions on that little user account page it seems like a valuable thing to do yeah no I haven't and I think that would be like maybe that's the next piece of software we build cool all right sweet yeah it seems like a good idea I'll probably try it cool sweet hey it was really nice um so design thinking um since you've been practicing it for some time I've I've come across the term the process for a few years now I've also attended a couple of workshops around practicing empathy and brainstorming things like that I tend to kind of not agree with the I'm guessing just the naming of the thing because thinking to me or a process to me is really about automating stuff right it's about removing thought so that you can keep repeating things and given that here we've called a process design thinking that to me sort of seems absurd as a as as a name and I'm guessing that that's been one of the big reasons why I just haven't gotten into following some of the practices I mean the general ideas of practicing empathy and and understanding and spending time with your users are great but the name itself is dangerous because a lot of people might confuse it with real deep thought and understanding rather than you know a process thoughts what do you think I agree with you I think like the name itself go have a discussion with Tim Brown they have lived reply to that but I do agree with you and I think I sort of mentioned that earlier on I mean just because we're doing a B and C doesn't mean that we're building like awesome software right I mean you can always like I think a lot of times you know like if you know like awesome product managers or designers who really know their space they really know their users sometimes they just use their gut and you know they just be like yeah I think we should just do it this way and they put something out there and users love it so you know I don't think we should get caught up in processes and I also I think we talked a little bit about this last night I mean I agree with you it is a little bit dangerous especially when enterprise customer companies you know latch on to these sort of terms and then do it half-asset you know they don't they'll follow some of it they'll try to do some things and then like all of a sudden they'll tell their customers that you know we're doing design thinking and our software rocks but in reality it actually sucks but so I think I mean I don't think we should I agree with you that we shouldn't get carried away with these processes and things like that I mean the the whole goal of it is basically to design for the user keeping the user in mind so I think you know we can forget about the term but just remember the fact that we should design for your user hi hey we have a request for your UX testing tool slide somebody wants a copy of this to see the slide yeah I actually I can I can send you the whole slide deck and actually I have four or five pages of resources but anyway there are four or five slides of just resources that I use for this talk all right so we'll be putting that up online yeah one question so my question is that what design process according to you will be suitable for a product which tries to bring in some kind of behavioral change in the users so you what kind of you're trying to bring in new way of doing certain things you're trying to bring in behavioral change in the users so what design process would you recommend for such kind of products I'm not okay I can give you an example yeah so see so a few years back there was no Facebook right I was quite happy with awkward I was happy with the way I used to do things but then then comes Facebook and I got a new way of doing things and I found it quite cool probably because my friends are moving to Facebook so I also moved to Facebook but that's not what I really wanted at that point of time so how do you design such kind of products which tries to bring in this new way of doing things I don't know if I necessarily have an answer for that there is like one really interesting book that I read recently actually was an article called the fog method of thinking and I think it's a method that Twitter and Facebook and many of these social sort of networking sites use a lot of but it's a psychological type of approach to design where basically there's that I'm forgetting exactly the terms but there are three different things that happen there's a trigger there's like a reason and something else but the idea is that you try and segment all three into this at the same point of time for a user so you might want to read a little bit about those sort of things because I think companies like Twitter and Facebook and things like that they follow a lot of these sort of psychological principles for design but I myself am like not very familiar with other things about social and how social networking change behavior through design sorry hi I have one question you were suggesting you were suggesting to escape the photoshop entirely so in many companies are having many visual designers they all will lose their jobs well that's why I suggested they should learn html and csl that front end developers will lose their job what then front end developers will lose their job front end developers should need to learn JavaScript and jQuery
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ALAN STEINFELD: Making Contact on Dare to Dream podcast | cosmos extraterrestrial UFO disclosure
ALAN STEINFELD: Making Contact on Dare to Dream podcast. cosmos extraterrestrial UFO disclosure. Highlights: 1. Why are extraterrestrials here in such massive numbers? 2. How to prepare for contact with Extraterrestrial Existence? 3. How the unknown is full of miracles 4. Answers for questions that remain after the recent Pentagon’s disclosures What questions remain in the wake of the Pentagon’s disclosures as to who and why these extraterrestrial beings are here on Earth? My guest is Alan Steinfeld, an explorer of consciousness. For over 30 years he has hosted and produced the weekly television series New Realities in New York City. With 70,000+ subscribers to his New Realities YouTube channel, there have been over 20 million viewers of his programs. Alan has interviewed luminaries in the field of health, spirituality and UFOS - such as Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Ram Dass, and every major UFO researcher in the field. With his media appearances, lectures, and conferences Alan informs millions about human potential, remote viewing, and the nature of alien contact. For the over seven years he has been an emcee at the largest UFO event in the country, Contact in the Desert. Alan feels that only when the inner explorations of the soul are combined with the outer adventures of the mind can we achieve a harmonious understanding of our place in the cosmos. 👉To watch Alan Steinfeld’s 5-part MAKING CONTACT video series, go to: Award-winning "Dare to Dream" podcast, enjoyed by listeners for over 14 years with host, Debbi Dachinger, offers strong conversation on metaphysics, quantum creating, law of attraction, healing, and extraterrestrials. Subscribe! Leave a review; we read and appreciate them all! Join me on Instagram: @daretodreampodcast and @debbidachinger Debbi Dachinger is a certified Visibility in Media coach. She coaches people to write a page-turner book, takes their book to a guaranteed international bestseller, AND teaches clients how to be interviewed on radio and podcasts for massive results. 👉Get your free media visibility gift and start now: 👉The show is sponsored by and Access Consciousness. ⏰ Video Duration: 01:09:33 ツ ツ HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOY THIS VIDEO! If You Enjoy This Video, Please 🅻🅸🅺🅴 👍 and 🔗 🆂🅷🅰🆁🅴 it. 👉 Don't Forget to SUBSCRIBE 👇🏻 to This Channel & Press The Bell 🔔 For More Updates. 👉 🆂🆄🅱🆂🅲🆁🅸🅱🅴 🅽🅾🆆!!: 💬 Don't Forget to Tell Me Your Opinion in The Comments Below. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ 🎬 SUGGESTED VIDEOS: ▶️ HILLIS PUGH: Psychic Mediumship & Lemurian Light Energy 🎶 🔗 ▶️ DEBBIE SOLARIS: How Antares & Arcturus are stargates?Akashic Records 🎶 🔗 ▶️ MORGAN DAIMLER: Pagan Portals Fairy Queens 🎶 🔗 ▶️ SIOBHAN NICOLAOU: Healing Humans & Homes 🎶 🔗 ▶️ SUZANNE ROSS: The Awakening & Ascension of Humanity 🎶 🔗 ▶️ WIETEKE KOOLHOF: Channel For Arjun Info of The Universe 🎶 🔗 ▶️ AMY ROBESON: Secrets of The Akashic Records 🎶 🔗 ▶️ SERENA WRIGHT TAYLOR: Vedic Astrology For All Listeners 🎶 🔗 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ 💢 🅵🅾🅻🅻🅾🆆 🅼🅴 🅾🅽 : ► SOCIAL MEDIA 👇👇 ✅ Instagram ➭ ✅ Twitter ➭ ✅ Facebook ➭ ✅ Website ➭ ✅ LinkedIn ➭ ► Business Inquiries ONLY:- [email protected] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ #alansteinfeld #podcast #newrealities #daretodream #cosmos #debbidachinger #extraterrestrials #spirituality #debbidachingerwithalansteinfeld #interview #consciousness ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Thank you for watching this video, 👇🏻 click the "🆂🆄🅱🆂🅲🆁🅸🅱🅴 🅽🅾🆆" button to stay connected with this channel. Subscription Link:
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Welcome to Dare to Dream. This is Debbie Daschinger. I'm very excited to tell you, I just returned from Denver, Colorado, where this show, Dare to Dream, received the best radio and podcast award from the Coalition of Visionary Resources for Mind Body Spirit. Mind Body Spirit is actually their only category. But I was really so proud to be there among some amazing authors, music people like Jonathan Goldman and Stephen Halpern and so on and so forth, real notable people. It was quite an honor. And I just thank you guys so much for being with me all these years and helping make these things happen. The show has also been nominated for two People's Choice podcast awards for a Webby Award and is listed in the WELP magazine for one of the top 20 best podcasts to listen to this year. This show today is going to feature a special guest, Alan Steinfeld, who also does what I do out in the world and much, much more. And today, Alan's gonna be offering us multiple perspectives on what can no longer be denied that UFOs and their occupants are indeed visiting our world. A big thanks to our sponsors that's Dr. Dane Heer and Access Consciousness. They do amazing energy work out in the world. So if you would like to become a facilitator or if you would like to learn how to give bars sessions, one of their energy healing techniques, or go to one of their workshops anywhere in the world, go to as well as I'm Debbie Daschinger and I teach business people and entrepreneurs and healers and speakers the highly effective steps to write an engaging book. I am a book coach. I also have a company that takes books to a guaranteed international bestseller. I do all the heavy lifting for the author. And the last leg of the visibility that I share out in the world is how to be interviewed on radio and podcasts in 60 days or less and get massive results. If you would like to learn how to be more visible with what you do and learn some of these techniques that I teach, please accept my free gift to you which includes templates and videos and how-tos. Go to slash gift. It's slash gift. What questions remain in the wake of the Pentagon's disclosures as to who and why these extraterrestrial beings are here on earth? My guest today is Alan Steinfeld, an explorer of consciousness. For over 30 years, Alan has hosted and produced the weekly television series, New Realities in New York City. With 70,000 plus subscribers to his new reality's YouTube channel, there have been over 20 million views of his programs. And Alan has interviewed luminaries in the field of health, spirituality and UFOs such as Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Ramdas and every major UFO researcher in the field. For over seven years, Alan has been the emcee at the largest UFO event in the country called Contact in the Desert. To learn more about Alan and his show, go to slash New Realities. And also we're going to be giving out some information in the show notes a little later on about where you can watch and acquire his amazing new five-part video series called Making Contact that have names that you will absolutely want to hear from. And with that, I welcome Alan Steinfeld to Dare to Dream. It's so great to have you here. It is great to be here and congratulations on your awards. Wow, I'm impressed. So I'm happy to be here with your audience because obviously you reach a wide audience and it's always good to share the knowledge. So thank you Debbie. My pleasure, my pleasure. So Alan, you know what I want to start with is I think I'm one of the people that you like to appeal to in the sense I have been extremely metaphysical my whole life, transformational, psychic, channeling, all of that into. But I was an eye roller, honestly when it came to other worlds, other planets, other beings and I'm the person who suddenly woke up. Like four years ago, something happened and I started listening with different ears and I said, my God, this is truth. I know this is truth and my world changed. This show changed, conversations changed. I do contact work now. I've seen spacecraft so much is different. Do you believe that people are waking up like me right now and that there is more and more acceptance and more and more conversation around this? Well, absolutely. This is a time we're at a transition point in our world, in our culture. Not just you, millions of people around the world are seeing things in the sky, trying to explain it. They're having dreams. I just interviewed a ufologist from China where it's not very safe to talk about these things but she says people have been emailing her about their dreams and these beings showing up so it's not just things in the sky. It's interaction, it's contact that seems to be happening on a worldwide scale. We just think in this country it's just US or it's California but it's everywhere this phenomena is occurring and it's a vibrational shift. So you woke up because you've been metaphysical and all that but the vibration, the frequency of the planet, the frequency of thought is now welcoming these other beings into our reality. So it's part of I would say the Aquarian age. Moving into a new time, a new shift out of what they call the Kali Yuga into the Satya Yuga. There's many different traditions. Even in the Hebrew tradition they say, year 6000 will be the new Sabbath for a thousand years. So we're approaching that time, the year 6000, the Jewish calendar and we're so many traditions, the Toltec tradition, Sergio Magana talks about the time of the sixth son which is a time of understanding ourselves as energy, not matter, quantum physics is agreeing with that. Everything is shifting in our worldview and including our awareness that we're not alone in the universe. I mean, I'm not saying it and all the people in my book or the government is saying this to us. They are acknowledging there are ships visiting us, there are beings from other places in our airspace and it's been quite a controversy for the government to keep that a secret but it's no longer a secret. There is an acknowledgement that yes, that headline, I just interviewed Linda Moulton-Howe. She's saying we're not alone in the universe. That's what we're looking for with the Webb telescope being launched last month looking for life on other distant planets and star systems. It's only a matter of time and I think that time is shortly approaching where we realize that we are not a freak of nature. You know, science says no, life is an accident and this is probably the only place or maybe very few but life is an emergent property of creation itself. That's my belief system and it's only a belief system to say no, life is an accident. So belief system, I say is make believe. What do you want to sell yourself to make believe? Make believe life is abundant or make believe that we're just an accident. So when we believe and know that life is everywhere that like in my research with Gary Nolan from Stanford Research Institute, he says the DNA molecule appears to be older than the earth itself. Yes, DNA appears to be 9.5 billion years old and the earth is only 4 billion years old. So could it be that life is seeded throughout the universe by natural constituents of chemical compositions but is it also coming from a higher level? I mean, we don't have to use the word God but maybe there's a grand intelligence that we are derivative of. So these are questions that are not just philosophical, they're scientific. Science is looking at this and this is a seed change in human civilization. Imagine what it'll be like when we meet the others. When they actually, yeah, people are having dreams and contact but when it's really acknowledged that we're not alone in the universe, it does so many things. First of all, it changes our technology, right? When you've seen those ships, I don't think they're filling up their gas tank to get here. Not at our prices right now. Definitely not. But so what does that mean? If there's something like free energy, just think, if... It's a huge conversation, this along the free energy. Yes, and I think really, it's not so much aliens or whatever those beings are that the government doesn't want to admit. They don't, and it's just my feeling, they don't want to admit that there's something that could house your whole power, you know, system in your house, in your apartment without going to an oil company. By passing all the corporate controls that are obviously fueling politicians and saying, you know, maybe people can really be free if they own their own energy supply and maybe that's something that will really transform the world even more than the fact that, oh yeah, we have visitors. Just think, we won't have to be enslaved to oil companies. I mean, if you had a device in your place where you could power everything or your car, or it's just, it changes the destiny of human civilization. People no longer have to work to just survive. You know, we can cultivate the deserts. We can have abundant foods. I mean, it's, but that's just one aspect of the technology. Just think of the true history of who we are as human beings, of religion, you know? Maybe religion is outdated. Maybe the science, and I know you're spiritual so you understand the science of incarnation might be the real avenue we look into about who we really are. What is the nature of the soul? And what's our evolution as spiritual beings? So all that comes into play when we just acknowledge that there's something more in the universe than just humans, right? Does it make sense? Makes sense, completely, yeah. And you're the book, and it's right there. People can see it making contact that you've just released. It's the result, 30 years you've done of investigations into UFOs and into ETs. Right. So since the Pentagon disclosures, the who, the what, the how of why we're being visited. I mean, I've had Dr. Stephen Greer on the show and many other experts and everybody. It seems to me that there's a pattern with the answers. I'd love to hear your answer. Why are these beings here on earth amongst us every day? And also through visitation. Right. Well, there is a pattern to answers, but also this book is a collection of essays. So there's 12 different essays by the experts in the field. And I wanted to just be not my opinion because, you know, that's one. There's a, I wouldn't say disagreement, but everyone has their own reasons to answer this question. Who, what, why, where are they from? So I needed to put out a book that covered the scope of what these people I've really respect are saying and there's not an agreement about who, what, and why, but there is an agreement that yes, definitely, and the government has just acknowledged that we are being visited by intelligent beings. So I think by presenting the readers with many different possibilities, you know, people say, oh, I'm Pleiadian, Arcturian. I don't even know what that means. You know, what level of civilization of Pleiadian are you? I mean, so let's just establish so we can go to the next level and get the government to acknowledge that yes, we are not alone in the universe. We are being visited, like you said, every single day, every single night, if you go out to Sedona, look up the sky at Night Vision Goggle, with Night Vision Goggle, you'll see these lights moving and they're not just satellites. So the big questions, though, is why are they here in such massive numbers? That's something that if you read the book, you'll get a general overview, but you won't get an answer because we have to figure out what that answer is. It's up to us and I think on another level, we are the aliens, we've been, we are the aliens, right? We're, as human beings, not like any other creature on planet Earth. We build houses, we have relationships, you know? We make things and that has made us different. I mean, genetically, we're related, but on a conscious level, we are not related to the animals. I think we're star-seated. I mean, people are talking about star seeds. Now, this is just my opinion. We're star-seated and from other places as an evolved civilization and we've been dumbed down to not to acknowledge who and what we are. So the ETs or whatever those beings are, whatever's out there, are here at this time, I believe, to wake us up to who we really are and shows like yours and mine are talking to an awakened audience. Like you're not gonna get people switching from the football game to our shows, you know? Which is okay, they're doing their thing. I'm not judging anyone, I'm just saying it's too bad, but you know, I'm just saying that we're presenting an opportunity for people to think about these questions because these questions are expanding people's minds. And you know, you look at quantum physics, it all goes back to the observer. The observer affects reality. Of course, people like Joe Dispenza and all these human potential teachers are teaching that now, but we know that. We are more wave than particle, we're more energy than matter. However you wanna say it, the science is now proving what the mystics have for years understood. And I think that has to do with how ETs see the world. I think they can move through time and space because time and space are fluid in the matrix of consciousness. You know, sometimes you're looking at something that looks like you're waiting for the clock to change and it looks like forever to get to a certain time. And then time moves quickly and it depends on consciousness. Why does time seem different and different moments, even though objectively it's all counting the same time, it's because consciousness is an accelerated observer of the time space modality. So we have to look at how are these beings moving through time space and like the Tic Tac show and the Pentagon release, there's no propulsion system. They're able to turn it right angles and all the scientists say, well, that GeForce would really destroy anybody in those. You can't just do that. But maybe they're not using Newtonian physics. You know that Newtonian physics, you know how old it is, when Newton lived? No, tell us. I think he lived in the 1700s. We're using 300-year-old science to move our machines. A modern day situation. But we're using an ancient physics. And so quantum physics was a leap, but it's only an explanation. It's not an application. That's the problem with quantum physics. It's something, it's telling you your consciousness effects matter. But how does it do that? Is the missing piece that I think the ETs, like I say, whoever they are, want to help us because really gotta be, I think we're equal to them. Yes, they will freak us out. If they appear in front of you, right there in your little studio, in the apartment there, it would kind of freak me out because I've met them in altered states. I say dream states, altered states. And we have to adjust to their vibration. And that's something that the subtitle of this book, preparing for the new realities of extraterrestrial existence, the preparation is first knowing that something's there. And then adjusting the scope of our awareness to include the others. So when they do show up, you lock your doors, you're going to sleep, and suddenly there's a being at the foot of your bed, that it's traumatizing. It's maybe a little less traumatizing to hear like, you know, they don't have very good bedside manners, but it's a little less traumatizing to think that, oh, well, maybe I read about this, or this has happened before. So it's like, oh, so here's a being, and it's not a human being, because I know the door's a lock, I know I didn't hear it, and there they are. So how do we adjust to a paradigm that is mind-blowing? It's really what I'm trying to talk about over the fact that the government has barely admitted. Yeah, so talk about that. What are the obvious facts that this nine-page Pentagon Senate Intelligence Report omitted? Well, the one thing they did acknowledge that they're, they had 144 cases in June of 2021 where they observed, and only one was explained as a balloon. There were 143 that they said, well, it could be airborne clutter, it could be foreign adversaries, it could be a natural phenomena, it could be balloons, or, this is the fifth category, and this is what is in the document, other. It could be other. Now that is such a lame, really pathetic sort of inclusion of what they can't explain. They call it other, okay. So you get people like Louis Elizondo. You know who he is? Absolutely. I've had Daniel Sheehan on the show. Oh yeah, Daniel, Danny is his lawyer, and he was on a show I just did, but Louis Elizondo is leading the disclosure movement because he was a counterintelligence person working for the government. He was assigned this job of looking and investigating these UFOs. He didn't know anything about it. He says, oh my God, this stuff is real. I mean, this is like, and then he said- They're covering it up. And why are they covering it up is the big question. I think it's corporate influence, but I also think they've been lying, and this is the 75th year anniversary of Roswell. I might not go to Roswell this year and speak there on the 75th. So they've been covering up because, you know, there's that old saying once you tell a lie, you have to keep telling it in order to protect the truth. And the little lies become big lies become, and that's what happened in Roswell when Truman said, no, no, no, we can't, we just got out of a world war and we can't say there's this thing like people from another planet. So those little lies have become big lies, have become humongous lies. And now, you know, the Air Force is one of the main branches that have been covering up and actually ridiculing people for saying that there's stuff out there. So let's just get to ground zero, let's put it that way, where we can acknowledge some things here and it's not other, well, it's other, but it's other that, you know, it's not, and this is what Alessandro says, these things are not anything the Chinese, the Russians or the US have created. And it's not some third world country suddenly stumbling on. And the closest thing they'll say to mentioning the A word is that they're off world. They might be off world, but I want to push, and me and a lot of people in this citizens movement for UFO disclosure say, let's just say what it is. If it talks like a duck and walks like a duck, it might actually be an alien, right? Well said, I love that. So I'm curious when you say, Alan, that your UFO slash ET experience is more in the dream realm, talk about what any of your direct contact with celestial beings has been. All right, I'll tell you my story. It's in my book, but I'll tell you chapter seven. I'm driving cross country with this girlfriend who I had met in Sedona and we're driving back East and kind of take a round. We go up to Oregon and we cut across Oregon, take route 80 back to New York and back to Wanto actually, Long Island because I was still living there in 87. And so we stop, we're driving for like a long time. We stop in North Platte, Nebraska and we get off the interstate down a little row that says the sign says enter at your own risk and we just go to sleep because we're tired, we're driving and we just feel like we're frozen in the night. We're feel like we go to bed in the same position we wake up and I just talked to this woman not too long ago because it was a while ago and relationships, they evolve. But I said to her, because I gave her the book and she said, oh, I said, you remember that night? We slept by, you know, in Nebraska and she'd go, yeah, the night we felt frozen. It wasn't like we were frozen in a cold way but we were suspended animation. Like, you know, we woke up in the same position. I mean, who even remembers that? So I wake up and I think, and it feels a little weird, the scene. So we just keep driving and I think for a second, could something weird have happened? I go, nah, couldn't, you know. So I get back to New York and in the next like couple of days and there's a mark on the back of my leg. It's like a four prong puncture mark. It's like, and it's on the back of my knee, you know, it's like, and who looks at the back of their knee, right? I mean, Well, did it hurt? Was there a reason why you even checked back there? No, I didn't check. I was at the pool in Wontore. My mother says, oh, what's that in the back of your leg? And I said, oh, I don't know. Must be a spider bite or something like that. It's interesting because I think my mother's side of the family were all abductees, my mother and my grandmother. So it's interesting that she would spot that and she doesn't believe any of this stuff. Although she has a fear of cats and I said to her, what is it about cats that are scary so much? And she says it's the eyes. I said, well, so I think there's a history there and I think it does follow generations. So, but you know, the strange thing was I was doing video at the time. I was doing a video for this woman who was a choreographer and she was choreographing one of her abductions. And I just happened to meet her somewhere and she said, would you wanna work on? And then I showed her like, what do you think of this mark? And she says, well, that's an abduction mark. And I just sort of freaked out. It's like, cause it all came back. It must have happened that night where we felt weird. And then I called up my girlfriend and she was regressed and she said, yes, something happened and we were taken up. I mean, I didn't remember any of it because, and this is what I'm writing about in my next book. The trauma of reality not being what we thought it has been. And that's why I call my program new realities because I keep pushing to understand the nature of reality. And the nature of reality is nothing like we know. It's nothing like anything we understand. So there's trauma involved and the trauma is just when things are not what we thought they were. You know, reality is more solid than the ground beneath your feet. And when that starts to shake, you know, in California, it just throws your whole world off. And so when, so that's what freaked me out. How could I not remember what happened, but, and then I met Bud Hopkins. You know who Bud Hopkins is? Yeah, tell the audience. He's the Godfather, he's the one, he wasn't the first to notice the abductions phenomena. It was, that happened in 1961 with Betty and Barney Hill. Right. It was, they were an interracial couple, which I always think was interesting, traveling from Montreal back to Portsmouth, New Hampshire and they had four hours of missing time. And that became a case that I actually happened to read in Life Magazine, growing up on, no, it wasn't Life, it was Look, my family got Look Magazine. And I just want to say as an interesting sidebar here that even though I say, it was just several years ago when I woke up, when I look back on my history, what I realize is I was reading Whitley Streber's books as soon as they came out. I saw by accident the Barney and Betty Hill story with Esther. Yeah. And James Earl Jones. I mean, I was probably looking for like some music show on TV and that popped on and I couldn't leave the TV. I had to see the whole thing, blew my mind. I have a sister-in-law who's totally into this and she sent me tello's books. And so there are all these markers in my history that there was something desirous and connected to all of this, but it took a while till the rest popped. So huge movie and true story. But you know what, since you know, you only grew up a couple of miles from me in Long Island. Right? And Long Island is a real hotspot of UFO activity. Didn't I remember? Yes, yes. And I had early abduction before this 87. Does that send chills through you? Yes, I think you had it. Yes, I think so. Because I had some strange early experiences that I didn't really put together until the 1987 event, but I felt like there were times where I'm being pulled out of my body. There were red lights that seemed to come into my room. Yeah, just strange things happening there. Absolutely. And you know, along those lines, Alan, I also do some contact work with a woman who channels extraterrestrials. Who's that? This is Lisa Royal Holt. I know Lisa Royal is a huge star. I'd like to interview Lisa Royal. She's the one that starred the Lyrian Revolution with her Prisms of Lyra, you know? Well, I will introduce you. She's a dear friend and she's a nominal, beautiful human being. And one of the questions before I did, a couple of years ago before I did the first contact work, she asks questions of participants and it's very intimate. And one of the questions was, do you have lost time? And I had to think about that. I'm like, wow, that's so interesting. No one's ever asked me that. The truth is I don't remember most much of my childhood. It's just- Don't? No, I have reference points, maybe a few memories, but there's a lot I don't remember. And the other thing is going to bed was awful for me growing up because I would inherently turn over, look at the wall. And I can't tell you the things I saw that it was like a nightmare for me. It was so scary. Yeah, going to bed was very difficult. The dark- Me too, me too. I actually slept with the lights on and the radio on. And I could only actually fall asleep now, sometimes listening to the radio because, but no, I didn't like the lights being off and going to bed. So I think we'll probably grow up around the same time too, right? Definitely, oh my gosh. Yes. Maybe we're in the same ships. I think so. I think there were, you know, the Montauk project is not far from that part of Long Island might be, I know it's just, you know, in Suffolk County there, but that whole southern shore and the North Shore of Long Island was somehow, there were lots of ships sighted over there. There was a lot going on in the 60s and 70s, you know, particularly and into the 80s. I mean, lots of people I know have had experiences growing on Long Island, really. So it's my- So your girlfriend's regressed. Your girlfriend, now that girlfriend gets regressed. She comes back and says to you, yeah, something definitely happened. Yeah. You have a weird mark, prong in the back of your knee. Yeah. And how did your memory start to surface? Well, I have to say I was freaked out, but I did meet the guy who wrote the book on missing time, Bud Hopkins. That's his first book. He's the person who really said, oh, people have missing time. There might be a UFO related incidents, but I met the guy himself. And I told him about this and said, well, definitely. And there's other people very, you can even look online and it's just kind of freaked me out recently. But that is a good question because I have to admit, it took me 20 years to be regressed to the place where I went back to that incident where we're sleeping in my van and like, but I became obsessed with the subject in that 20 years time. It's like, first after being freaked out, like really, could this be true? I just, I have probably 2,000 books on the subject of UFOs. I look for every book, I went to every conference. That's how I got to know all the people I have in this book because they became friends, Linda Moulton-Howe and Whitley Streeburn, Grant Cameron and Nick Pope. You show up at enough conferences. You ask enough questions. It's like, who's this guy? Let's go out to dinner. It's like, it's more than just UFOs. We're talking about it. It's like, oh yeah, what's your family like? It's like, we become friends. So because I went to all these conferences and I wanted to know, because I was obsessed. What Grant Cameron says in my book, he gets you get sucked down the rabbit hole. Like, once you've had a sighting and I didn't have a sighting again. When did I have? I had a sighting in New York. It's like, there was this little light in New York City, really. And I thought I saw this little blue beam. And I say to myself, was that a blue beam coming out of that light? And when, as soon as I thought that, it happened again. And then I'm hanging out at some picnic and my friend who's had contacts says, you know, they're here. I said, where are they? And it's midday. And he says, they're right up there. And if I looked really high up there were these little silver dots in the sky that could have been balloons, but they were stationary and they weren't going anywhere. I mean, it's just, you can only look at these things for so long. And then I've had other sightings. And of course, just the other nights. Anyway, what are you asking? Yeah, weren't you also, because Whitley's been on the show like three times and, yeah, and he tells a story about this crazy talk about losing time that y'all went out, you drove out in a car and you were there. And you were going to some kind of a, I know it was like Native American event. And then you were going down some road and you had an experience, all of you together. Oh, it wasn't all of us. It was only Whitley. I'm sitting next to Whitley in the car and he goes, when I close my eyes, I feel like we're on a different, we're going down a different road. I'm seeing all these houses and these people. And he says to me, are you seeing this? And I say, no, I'm not seeing this. I close my eyes, but Whitley somehow connected with another dimension. But I was sitting next to, I mean, I don't think he was hallucinating. He was actually seeing what I think the ghost dancers we were in Pine Bush, South Dakota. And we're at a conference, a UFO conference in Pine Bush and we were just around where, you know, Wounded Knee. You know what Wounded Knee was? That was a massacre of Lakota people. And they were shot because they were trying to escape out of this dimension by doing the ghost dance. And the ghost dance, what I think was a portal opening to these other worlds. And I think somehow Whitley, because I respect Whitley and as one of the most lucid contactees around. He's going to be on my show this Thursday. I'll get to that. But he and Linda Moulton-Howe are going to be talking about their experiences in a really deep dive conversation. But so Whitley had these experiences because he's aware of these other levels. He says these beings have not left him since the time he wrote that book, Communion. So anyway, yeah, Whitley does tell that story. It didn't happen to me, but I was witnessing that. And I think it is a matter of sensitivity. I mean, when we train our sensitivity, we can see auric fields. We can, there's beings right here in front of us now that we're not seeing this because we have not been trained to see them. So this is what this acceleration and dimensional space is happening. That's why you woke up because you're evolving to a finer and finer frequency, maybe because of all the spiritual work, but you're starting to perceive other levels and then, boom, how could there not be other life in other worlds? Absolutely. And I want to say this for people who are listening. I think it's so important to hear. I also feel just listening to you, Alan, like a little bit of an ah-ha. I was too scared before. I was just so freaked out. You know, you read Whitley Strieber's stories of abductions, it's like, you see Barney and Betty Hill and they're abductions like, I don't want any of that ever. And I think I also saw dead people when I was very young and I went, click, let's shut that off. Aliens, click, let's shut that off. Not okay for me in this reality and just forge ahead. But when I became a woke, that was mostly my first conversations with people who are huge in this field. I was very honest about it. Right. And that was also a transformation over time for me to learn that in general, there was very little to be afraid of. And in fact, it was a massive contribution. Should I be lucky enough to have a connection, a relationship, you know, way more than a sighting, you know, that they have healing abilities. There's so many beautiful, beloved, celestial beings out there who are so aware of us and care so much. So that created this huge shift. And then I also want to reference what you said earlier about consciousness and choice and magic. And do you want prosperity or do you want to suffer basically? And I think even the same with UAPs and with extraterrestrials, it is, you know, we can actually invite in these beautiful experiences. And even someone like Whitley Streber case in point who started out being incredibly traumatized because his reality couldn't sustain that. And now over the years, this is one of the greatest experiences these connections he has on a almost daily basis with those from other worlds and parallel universes, et cetera, plus his wife who was passed to the other side. So even he has transitioned out of that fear trauma into this acceptance. And my God, thank you so much for all you've given to me in my life. Right. I do have to say, because you mentioned it and I was going to get back to that, you asked me when did I start to look into that? So I was freaked out and then became obsessed, but it was 25 years before I was actually regressed because I was like, do I really want to see what actually did happen to me? You know, so it took me all that time to work through my trauma to get a regression where it's like, oh, these beings show up at the back of the van. I have to say, when people say they are regressed, they are not, at least in my case, I'm not remembering what happened. Like it's something I remember. Oh, I did that yesterday. There's no conscious memory recall because we weren't conscious in the same way to begin with. So regression takes you back to an unconscious state. And it's hard to believe sometimes even your own projections, okay, I'm sort of remembering this, I'm seeing that, but I'm not remembering it because I didn't experience it because I wasn't conscious and we're only really remembering what's conscious. That's why we don't remember dreams, like they come in and out. But so I did have this regression and I did see these beings and it wasn't as weird as I thought. I said, oh yeah, they're friendly and they want to just check in and but it's more the idea of it. Really, so it took me a long time to get to that place where, and I only went there because I had met this guy from the Rentalist in Forest episode, Jim Pennington, who was touch the UFO while working for the Air Force. And he was so freaked out, he told me he had to take a sedative every night since then and that was like 1980 to like whatever it maybe is doing. And I said, well, if this guy is so freaked out just by touching a craft, I don't know, maybe I can deal with whatever happened to me. So that's when I decided to get regressed by hypnotherapists and they don't tell you what's happening. They say, okay, you're back there, what do you see? And then I start to see these beings that are odd, but in an altered state of conscious, if they were to show up here, I think we'd be freaked out, but it was in an altered state of relaxed state. I can't help but wonder when you tell this story, that this was Kismet, this was meant to be for your soul because your soul's mission is a big one in this life. Not just your radio show, not just your book, not just this five part video series, not just MCing. Like you have a huge presence, a known presence in this world and that you were being groomed in a way to have this voice for the work you're here to do and that they know. I think you're right. I mean, I feel like this is the most exciting thing I could do is look into this phenomena. I mean, who wants to be an accountant or everything you know, your parents on Long Island wanted you to be, doctor or lawyer or whatever those things are, what's more exciting than discovering the next level of reality as it unfolds and transforms human civilization? So, I mean, that's, yeah, it happened. And in my book in the second chapter, Grant Cameron says, if you've seen a UFO, if you've interacted with it, you were meant to see it. You are part of the phenomena. And we're part of the phenomena, Debbie, me and you and all the people listening. There's something really huge happening here to all of us at this time. And the government, they can deny it, but the way they're denying it is so obviously a lie that it's revealing the truth. So that's where we're at now. It took me all that time. And I'm just saying, I'm really excited about what the future holds for human beings, civilization, intellectual thinking, academic understanding, looking at the nature of reality. Who are we really? What is, how does the soul aspect of who we are interface with these other beings? And that's some of what I'll be talking about tomorrow night with our friend Whitley and Linda Moulton-Howe and Kamara Jones. And I'm doing this Making Contact series. It's a five-part series. And I'll show you my little trailer for that. You want to see how much- Awesome. So folks who are listening to the podcast as he gets it set up, just an FYI, if you'd like to actually see this, I urge you to go to slash debbie dashinger so you can watch this, watch Alan and I. And also he's gonna give us a trailer of Making Contact right now. Right. This is a series. Is that on your screen? I see a little you, a little me and not the- You see a black screen? Black screen. That's the black screen. All right. Right. So, let me just check this out. This is a series based on my book with some of the writers from my book, but I wanted to go further than just the essays. I wanted people to really explain why we're interfacing, but this trailer doesn't go into any of that. It just tells you what's going on. So this is me from deep, deep and outer space to the planet Earth, to the red rocks of Sedona, to our online community here comes a time, a message, a special series on Making Contact. There is no better time for Making Contact. I'm George Norrie, host of the National Radio Show, Coast to Coast AM. Alan Steinfeld has put together a well-conceived collection that covers it all. Thanks, George, for that introduction. This is Alan Steinfeld, the editor and author of Making Contact, which is a collection of writings of the best and brightest people in the field of ufology. I'm putting together a special series of some of these fantastic contributors to my book. People like Whitley Streiber, Linda Molten Howe, Carolyn Corey, Nick Poe, J.J. and Desiree Hurtaque, Adam Apollo, the alien lady, Mary Rodwell and such contactees as Marina Seren and Kamara Jones and the art of Kamara Jones, plus some very special surprises in the field. Please join me for this fantastic series of dialogues as I dive deeper into anything I've done before. For more information and for a complete description of the five week course, go to George, any final comments? The contributions of all these people help to give insight into the multifaceted intentions of the phenomena because making contact presents the opportunity for us to prepare to meet advanced civilizations. Someday, somehow in the future, the conflicts that have plagued our species for eons will come to an end and by making contact, we will take our rightful place among the stars. The Making Contact series is presented by Alan Steinfeld and New Realities, Deborah Giusti and the Global Peace Tribe, in association with Neil Gar, Portal to Ascension and Star Family Wisdom. Join us for this online series, Making Contact, the New Realities of Disclosure and Cosmic Awakening, Thursdays beginning May 19th from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Pacific time. To find out more and to sign up, go to See you there. Okay. And just to let folks know, don't worry if you didn't catch the URL, I will have it in the show notes so you can have a clickable. And these shows are on replay. We've done three in the series. We're doing our fourth on June 16th and the final one on June 23rd. And this is not stuff that's gonna be on YouTube. A lot of people charge people and then they put on YouTube. No, this is private because the conversations go deep. And I think people who are only interested in this will wanna see this. It's not like, it's for the general public if the general public was interested, but they want like, if you ever watch Ancient Aliens, it's like little sound bites. It's like, I can't, it's a great show. And there's great stories on there, but it's like, let's really have a conversation about this. Like me and you are having. Like this. And go deeper into the subject. And I think, and I appreciate your insights into the phenomenon, your openness and the fact that there's something going on and the government has to lay it all out. This is what people in the field and this is what the series is kind of hinting at. Let's put it all out on the table. What do we know? What's going on? Yes, they're using a different set of signs. How is this gonna change science? I mean, it's obviously they're using a physics that's not Newtonian, not even quantum, not Einsteinian. It's something other, let's find out. Let's have a look. This is an opportunity for all of us to evolve, to evolve our civilization, to get rid of war and famine and poverty. I mean, I know it's idealistic, but I think this is what expanding and opening to these beings. And most people think, you know, even the government said, well, national security and you know, why aren't they going to invade and take us over? If they were gonna do that, they would have done it a long, long time ago. If they have that kind of technology with that kind of G-Force, et cetera, they can go for the sky and to the water and back again if they can stop nuclear missiles, which they've done. Yes. Hello, yes. They have easily the technology to wipe us out as well, but they need us. We are an integral part of the universe and other universes. So we shouldn't downplay that the madness humanity is creating right now against each other and to Mamagaya. It's felt everywhere. The impact is enormous. And so when you talk, Alan, about the US government, the US Congress is really holding back on UAPs, which by the way, folks, unidentified aerial phenomenon is a UAP. So what do you, from all your investigation from this book, from your interviews, what do you know or would recommend that people can do so that they can prepare for the new realities of extraterrestrial existence? That is a great question. Thank you. I also wanna say the reason they're calling these going from UFO to UAP, and that's a government rebranding. It's because, just a car going by here. Okay, we can still hear you, perfect. Okay, good. All right, that is a government rebranding because whatever these objects are, are not just objects. There's a phenomena involved. Like you said before, there's synchronicities. There's healings, there's telepathy that happens. There's some negative effects, not just the positive effects. Some people get radiation poisoning or burns and altered states of consciousness, negative, like distorted. Some people have very ill effects, but there's a phenomena happening that's beyond objects. So one of the things the government did do accurately was to rename this unexplained aerial phenomena because phenomena is definitely more about what's going on than just flying objects. These are not just flying objects. Yes, they're that, but there's so much more and they're, and it's like there's a paper out by the government. It was just released in the U.S. Sun, the neurological repercussions of why. So what was your question again? It was a good question, but what was it? Yeah, basically how do people prepare? You and I know this is the new reality. You and I know because more and more and more people are waking up and maybe seven years ago, this would have been like, let's talk about this under the table because we will look like freaks if we say this out loud to most people. Today, we're talking about a lot of people who are not aware of what's going on. So I'm going to say this out loud to most people. Today, I certainly am finding, I say this in places and I'm amazed at the amount of people who come out of the closet and say, yep, I believe or I've had an experience. I will tell you that I've actually had very, very well-known transformational people on the show that I've interviewed and I get a hit. And I'm like, first of all, this person's a hybrid. Or they have definitely had experiences. There's no way they know what they know without having contact. And I have been bold enough to ask on my show and people have said, God, I've never talked about this before, but actually, yes, indeed, I've had contacts. So this is new realities of extraterrestrial contact and beings. How can the normal-ish layperson prepare themselves for this occurrence? I also want to say, we're going to be at this conference, this outdoor event this Saturday, where it's going to be like 5,000 UFO, I wouldn't say fanatics, but advocates that are there just because this is the time. So the preparation is on many levels. First, just read the papers. The government is saying this exists. That's the first level. Okay, it exists. How do I see one? What do I do if I see one? Just go out at night and look at the stars. It helps if you have night vision goggles, which amplify the light. They're military equipment, but they sell them online. You look at the sky on a really dark night somewhere outside of Los Angeles with night vision goggles. You'll see so many more stars and you'll see little things that seem to change direction and travel together. They're not just satellites. And then practice in terms of meeting, actually meeting, practice lucid awareness. Like in your dream states, practice being conscious in your dreams because, and that's one of the reasons I think Whitley's had so much contact is because he does a meditation twice a day where he practices his lucid awareness is, what does he call that? The awareness meditation or something, but anyway, he's practicing that and I think that's one of the reasons. So the more lucid you can stay in your dream states, the more this interface with these other realities can occur and that's another way. And just know the preparation is in knowing. Joe Dispenza says you need the knowledge before you have the experience or else if you have the experience you don't know what to do with the knowledge. Or you don't, if you have the experience, yeah, you need the knowledge sometimes as a preparation. So this book is a preparation because we're looking at the whole field. So just read a bunch of books, read what people have said, read what they've experienced. You don't have to be traumatized when you meet an ET because it's like truth goes through three levels. This is a famous quote by the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer. He said, truth, first it's ignored, then it's ridiculed and then it's self-evident. Well, we're out of the ignored stage, we're in sort of the ridiculed stage, we're coming out of that. And I think we're moving into the stage where, well, why wouldn't there be life? What is the big secret? What is so weird that there's, if you were sitting on a little island and you saw an island in the distance would you think that only your island had life and trees and bugs and plants and all those things? No, what's here is everywhere as, I mean, there's nothing unique. I mean, it's a beautiful planet. I love this planet, it's one of my favorite planets. But I'm sure there are some amazing planets, other places and like I said, we are not coming from a dead universe. We are not a freak of nature. I don't know that for sure, but science talks like it's a fact. Oh yeah, life evolved from this protoplasm and they don't know, they've never made life in a laboratory by sparking amino acids with electrical pulses and have them duplicate. No, I think life is an emergent property of existence itself and consciousness is the great force. Consciousness is the essence of this universe and this is what all the great physicists have said. Max Planck, Einstein, they've all said it's consciousness that is primary. Consciousness is the ground of all beings. So we may have descended from a greater consciousness or we may be a fractal of that greater consciousness but that consciousness is not isolated to this blue, watery planet on the outskirts of the Milky Way. I wanna say too, just to tag Riff on what you're saying right there, if it helps people at all to know this, it's actually not an other because based on everything I know, my DNA, which you are saying is extremely ancient as is yours and everybody else's, doesn't come from Earth. It isn't an album of all the many, many species and planets my soul has been connected with. Well, maybe not the DNA, but what you understand what I'm saying, it is ancient. No matter what, my soul has been around not just on this planet but many planets. So I can't say to an extraterrestrial, to an alien, air quotes, that you're different than me because I actually am you. Energy is everything, energy is everywhere. I was you in another life, in a parallel life, in another universe, et cetera, at one time or another and you were me. Exactly. So we are truly all connected and it's interesting because there's so much intolerance on this planet as it is, different genders, different races, different colors, different sexual choices, insane, as though anyone is better than the other, not. And that even goes out to other planets and other beings and species. What if there are beloveds? What if they're really here to help us? What if our souls in other lifetimes were truly connected to them and begging them at some level to come help us at a time when we're transitioning and we could use the help? Thank you. That is a beautiful epilogue. You're absolutely right because that's why they're here. We are in need. We're destroying our planet. We don't know who we are. On a soul level, when you meet these others, they are equal to us. They may have greater technology. They may be more intelligent, but they're not greater than us. That's what we have to remember. That's the big preparation. When they stand there in front of you and emanate a feel that might be overwhelming, on the soul essence level, they are equal to this essence, to that essence. There's nothing to be freaked out about. We are them, like you said, and they are us, and this is the evolution of human species. When we realize that we're part of a greater family, just think of the rewriting of history, of possibilities. This is the most exciting time in human history where we're right there. We're right on the threshold of meeting the other and integrating ourselves into, what Captain Kirk calls, star dates. What is the real history of Earth and humanity and the evolution, and where are we going, and how can help from these cosmic families benefit us? Because we're still making war with each other. We're still destroying, we're still drinking out of plastic bottles. We're still shooting each other. I mean, it's like, it's so primitive that they're waiting for us to grow up, wake up, and clean up our mess. It's like your mother saying, you're not gonna get pumping until you clean up your room. That's really what happens here, so. I love that. I wanna just repeat that. They're waiting for us to grow up, wake up, and clean up. That's like, beautiful little monster, right there. Oh, that just came to me, but it seems like they're waiting for, and they're slowly making itself evident that we're not alone. And you talk to people who are not trying to protect the secret, and there's people in government that are pushing for this, too. Luisa Alizando, there's a Republican who, you know, from, where's he from? Tennessee, Tim, Tim, Bershet? Something like that. But he's saying, no, we demand the truth. Andre Carson of Illinois, what's her name? Kristen Gillibrand has a whole office of UFOs. So, you know, there's people pushing for transparency and we're not getting this. We have to push harder. Let's talk about this at Disclosure Fest, but. Yes, and so that is what Alan was alluding to. He will be speaking on stage. I will be there as well in Los Angeles this weekend, Disclosure Fest out in a historical park. I'm so looking forward to it and to hearing you speak. And I have two quick personal questions to ask you here at the end, Alan Steinfeld. And the first is New York Post. I found a rendition of this newspaper with you, make it, in a bathtub, in an apartment. In my apartment. Yes, you are a feature article. What was that? Well, I've been living in my apartment for a long time. I'm not that long. It was built in the 1890s, but they were looking for old style New York apartments with a bathtub in the kitchen. And someone I knew, someone at the post said, oh yeah, cause I've had lots of company there and people. And they came up to my apartment and they said, how do you like bathing in your kitchen? I say, that is the most civilized place to bathe. Do you want to bathe where you go to the toilet? How primitive and barbaric is that? So yeah, so I have this bathtub and I still have that apartment and it's fun. So yeah, they featured me there in a little article it was during COVID and I had calls from all over the country. He said, oh yeah, I've been in that bathtub. It was just really fun. It was a kind of uplifting story during a not so uplifting time. And it did get around that story. How did you find that? Oh, I researched you quite a bit before you came on the show. And so there were many factoids that came up that were awesome. Thank you, thank you, thank you. But you didn't know I grew up in Wanto, did you? No, so Alan and I, it turns out have discovered I grew up in a town called North Belmore. He grew up in Wanto, like about a mile from each other. Yes, yes, at the same time. Yes, yes, yes, so. Alan, this is Dare to Dream. What are you next, Dare to Dream? What are your future dreams and goals? Well, it's along these lines. How do we, because this book is an introduction. How do we really understand something that's beyond our level of cognition? So new realities is about I dream of new realities. What does that mean to meet the unknown? How do we prepare ourselves for something we have no context for? And we do that by just opening our minds and not being attached to the known and letting the impossible. Everyone fears the impossible because they think it's awful, but that's only the possible, that's only the known. The unknown, it's full of miracles and surprises and yet to be imagined possibilities. So I'm dreaming of pulling in a greater awareness of the next level of reality that is at our doorstep. And how will that change us fundamentally as human beings? How will it expand our intelligence, our knowledge, our awareness? What will that do to our relationships with each other and our understanding of time and space? We think those are absolute fixtures, but maybe they're just an aspect of the conscious mind. So there's so much to discover. So I'm there looking forward every day. What's the next thing to discover? So I'm dreaming of the unknown. Beautiful. Thank you so much for doing the work you do and spearheading and being so brave. Courage means in spite of fear. And I don't know if you ever felt fear, but allowing yourself to live out loud and sing the song you came here to sing. Oh, that's beautiful. Thank you. I've always been excited. The only fear was like, oh my God, did I get abducted? And then I worked through that, but it's like, okay, what's the next level? What is it? So it's really not, I mean, yeah, maybe, no, I don't think it's, well, something might say courage, but I just follow my excitement as Bashar says, right? Follow your excitement and it will lead you everywhere. Hmm, beautiful, beautiful way to end this. Thank you. And beautiful note to everyone and a reminder to also follow your excitement and whatever is your mission to do and be here on this planet at this auspicious time. If you wanna find out more about Alan, go to slash new realities. His book is making contact. And I will have the URL for the making contact video, five part series, highly recommended. Most of the people in his book and also in this video series have been on the show. So I know you guys love these people. Definitely worth it. I've been watching it myself. And I end the show with this quote from physicist Stephen Hawking. I believe alien life is quite common in the universe, although intelligent life is less so some say it is yet to appear on planet Earth. Subscribe to this number one transformation conversation, the weekly dare to dream podcast with Debbie Dashinger. Leave me a message, comment. I read all of them and I get back to you. And I've got coming up next week, Dr. Megan Rose, who is a psycho spiritual counselor and director of the Enthesious, Enthiosis, excuse me, Enthiosis Institute. She and I are gonna be speaking about her book, Spirit, Marriage, Intimate Relationships with Other Worldly Beings. Thank you so much for joining us today. Remember to follow your excitement and dare to create all your dreams into your reality.
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If you’re looking for the BEST sales training videos on YouTube you’ve found it! If you want to make more Money selling cars & learn how to close any customer then Andy Elliott is the sales trainer to study! Grab your copy of my book now & get $942 in training for FREE!!! Click the link below 👇 Train Live With Andy Elliott Get 20% off Any Virtual Training with code: YT20 Join My Elite Fitness Program & Take Your Body, Business, & Life To The Next Level! Text "EARN IT ALL" to 602-900-8703 TEXT ANDY WITH ANY QUESTIONS!! 👉918-210-0254👈 To Receive FREE Daily Training & Motivation to Keep You Fired Up and Dominate the Competition! Click the Link Above and Add Me to Your Contacts Now!! For exclusive content, add me on Instagram: Officialandyelliott CONNECT WITH ANDY ON SOCIAL MEDIA!! Private Facebook Group ► Instagram ► Subscribe to my channel to receive The NEW Weekly Sales Videos! Stop Selling, Start Closing. If It Doesn't Challenge You, It Doesn't Change You! #carsalestraining ( #andyelliott (
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Hey guys, it's Andy Elliott. I wanted to make a quick video for anybody and everybody in the world that sells insurance. I want to tell you how if someone says no or if they're not sure that they want to buy life insurance, how to close them every time. Check this out. Hey guys, it's Andy Elliott. In this video, I want to talk to you real quick about an objection that I hear a lot of life insurance sales people are getting, okay? Now by the way, I'm explaining how this goes. Somebody is interested in life insurance. They request some information. The sales rep reaches out says, hey, it's Andy down here at ABC Insurance. I know you request some information on life insurance. Are you interested in burial expense? It means in the last, you know, parts of your life when you go to die where somebody else doesn't have to pay for your burial expense. There's already money put in place for that. Or were you looking to leave some money behind for a loved one? Which one would it be? And they'll kind of answer burial expense. It means at the end of their life, they want to have, you know, 20 to 30 grand so that way they can be buried and no one else has to come up with that. Because by the way, I don't know if you knew this. But people do have to come up with that money. Somebody has to pay for that burial. Usually it's people's kids and stuff like that. You don't want to leave that stuff to your family when you die. So people have life insurance for burial expense. Then there's also to leave some money behind for a loved one. What does that mean? That means if I'm married, obviously I got me, my wife, three children. If I was to die today, you know, I would have a 20 million tax-free check, right? Listen, tax-free check left behind to my family. So they don't need to worry about anything and they're good. Now, I know this. If I'm talking to somebody, I'm like, hey, so Joshua, I want to let you know we got two options here for you. You said you want to leave some money behind for your family you love. Number one, for $300 a month, it's going to be a million dollar policy. That means in the event that you die, they're going to get a million. And then the next one is going to be for $500 a month. Your wife and your kids would get $2.5 million. So in the event something happens, this is how this will be taken care of, which option works best for you. And the client says, I don't know, Andy. Joshua, thank you so much for getting me the information. You know, it's like thank you, thank you, thank you. But let me talk to my wife or let me think on this and then I'm going to get back with you. It's very simple. You ready? Say, hey, I totally understand. Hey, listen, I want to explain how I know if life insurance is right for you or it's not. In the last 30 seconds of your life, okay? In the last 30 seconds of your life, would you want your family to be left with a tax-free check, yes or no, that insured on the worst day of their life? They were protected and the fact that you're going to be gone, they would have money to be able to take care of themselves, continue to live without anyone else having to step in. Yes or no. And by the way, I want to ask you another question. In the last 30 seconds of your life, if your family is important to you, if you had to write a check for what your family's safety is worth to you, you probably couldn't write the check, could you? But if you could write the check, it would have to be at worth at least $300 a month to ensure that they had a check to be left behind after you were gone and you're passing. Would you agree? Okay. Well, insurance is a selfless act, okay? When you go to the mall and you spend money, you go to the mall to spend money on something that you get right there. When you spend $300 a month, you don't get anything out of it. Your family gets it after you're gone. Hey guys, what's going on? It's Andy. A lot of you leave comments telling me that you need help. Do me a favor and tell you the best way to get a hold of me. Shoot me a text message right now, 918-210-0254. 918-210-0254. I'll help you with whatever you need. I got your back for life. Let's get back to the video. As the leader of your home, there's controllables and uncontrollables. Controllables are things that you can control. You can control lots of things but you can't control when you're going to die. And since we can't control when you're going to die and it's an uncontrollable and you said, if you obviously your family's the most important thing into you in your life, if you had to write a check for what your family's safety is worth, you couldn't write the check but if you could, it'd have to be worth at least $300 a month. And if we know in the last 30 seconds of your life, if you had to look up and realize is my family protected, you by taking action right now could say yes, they are protected and in the event something does happen on the worst day of their life when they're when they're grieving and mourning without you, guess what? You'll know that they have a tax-free check in their hand so that they're going to be taken care of so no other man has to step in the home and help them out. They can help take care of themselves because of a decision you made today. A selfless decision. A decision that most fathers and most men don't make anymore because they're too busy watching football and drinking beer. Now the fact that we've gone this far on the call, it sounds like you love your family and I know this. I've already done the same thing that you're about to do for your family and it makes me feel good at night and sleep like a baby. So can we pass go and make sure your family's taken care of? Yes, great, let's wrap this up. Boom! That's how we do it. Grab a pen, grab a piece of paper, write down this clothes, go back and watch this video 50 times. If you got some buddies that sell life insurance, send it to them. Comment below. Love you guys. See you soon. Hey guys, I just want to tell you, you're the true one percenters. You made it till the end of the video. Do me a favor, share it with the friend that wants to go to another level. Make sure you like the video, comment below so I know who you are. Set your notifications and then subscribe to the channel. We got daily sales training videos dropping. I'll see you soon.
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Job Search & Interviewing: Resumes, Cover Letters, and Applications
Project I-DEA was funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and managed by the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
Resumes, cover letters, and applications. Resume. A resume is a short list of a person's work history, skills, education, and qualifications. If you want to apply for a job, you must make a resume. Work history. Your work history is a list of jobs and experience that a person had in the past. Employers will look at your work history to determine if you are good for the job. Highlights. In a resume, the highlights section lists important activities that someone has been a part of. It is good to list your accomplishments in this section. Accomplishments. Accomplishments are achievements or successes at work or school. Awards, certificates, and offices that someone held are examples of accomplishments. Qualifications. Qualifications are the abilities, certificates, licenses, or endorsements that a person has in order to do a job. Some jobs, like teaching, require certain qualifications. A cover letter. A cover letter is a letter to an employer that contains more detail about your qualifications and accomplishments. Always check your cover letter for spelling errors. The salutation is the greeting at the beginning of a letter. Common salutations are dear or to whom it may concern. It is polite to include a salutation. Body. The body is the main part of a letter that contains most of the information. You write about your qualifications in the body of a cover letter. Closure. The closure is the conclusion and end of the letter. It is a good habit to write thank you or sincerely at the end of your letters. Sender. The person who sends a letter and resume to another person is the sender. The sender's name, address, phone number, and email are at the top of the cover letter. Recipient. The person who receives something from another person is the recipient. The employer is the recipient of your cover letter and resume. Fill out an application. To fill out an application is to complete the form in order to apply for a job. Today, most jobs require that you fill out an application online. The end.
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Update on the attack on Hong Kong (Global Connections)
China is systematically undermining democracy. The host for this episode is Jay Fidell. The guest for this episode is Michael Davis. Michael Davis, who taught for some years at Hong Kong University, and who is senior fellow at the Wood Wilson International Center and Jindal University, and an expert on democracy and freedom of speech and protest in Hong Kong, will help us understand the latest development regarding China's efforts to attack and undermine democracy and free speech in Hong Kong. ThinkTech Hawaii streams live on the Internet from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm Hawaii time most weekdays, then we stream our earlier shows all night long. Check us out any time for great content and great community. Our vision is to be a leader in shaping a more vital and thriving Hawaii as the foundation for future generations. Our mission is to be the leading digital media platform raising public awareness and promoting civic engagement in Hawaii.
[ "Think Tech Hawaii", "Tech", "Energy", "Globalization", "Diversification", "Economy", "Hawaii", "popular", "China", "Xi-Jinping", "PRC", "Hong Kong", "democracy", "freedom of speech", "Universities in Hong Kong", "Hong Kong press", "protest in Hong Kong", "Jay Fidell", "Michael Davis" ]
I'm Jay Fidel. This is ThinkTech. More specifically, this is Global Connections with Michael Davis, who joins us from Washington, New York. You get that right. Joins us from New York. Okay. And Michael taught for years at the Hong Kong University, and he's a senior fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center, and he's a professor and faculty at the Jindal University in India. Good morning, Michael. Nice to see your smiley face. So we want to talk about Hong Kong today, because you've lived there, and worked there, and taught there, and you've sought up close for many years, and you still follow it closely today. You speak hither and yon about it, you write about it, and you must be concerned. Right? Yeah. You must be. I just wrote a book about it. So, yeah. What was the name of the book, and where can I get it? Well, it's called Making Hong Kong China, the rollback of human rights and rule of law, Columbia University Press. And you just google Making Hong Kong China, and it'll come up, and then it shows you how to order. It's actually rather cheap, because we wanted it for wide readership, so I think it's about 15 bucks. That's great. Okay. Well, can we get into what's going on there? It just seems every time I look, or every time I hear, every time I get a newsletter, email, what have you, things are worse in Hong Kong. Am I right? That's true. And especially in the last couple of years, since the protest in 2019, things have gone down very much. There's, I think, an attitude in the government that, well, look at all the protests in 2019, no country is going to tolerate that. And now there's arguing that only patriots should be running for office. And of course, arguing, well, every country wants their politicians to be patriots. But in the context of Hong Kong, patriot means something different than it does here. Here, you can be a patriot and oppose the government. There, the people that oppose the government then are being held not to be patriots. And I know that's one of the reasons we're talking today, because a bunch of them were arrested. Yeah. Yeah, the 47 most recently, on top of others before, all under that new security law a few months old, though. And it's pretty scary, because these guys are civilized, educated, thoughtful. They're legitimate democratic protesters, or media, like Jimmy Lai. And gee whiz, he's really that he, meaning Xi Jinping, is really going after them. Ruining their lives, making them miserable, completely miserable. How would you like to carry that around all day? Well, you can imagine that in Hawaii, if you imagine all the most popular political leaders all being arrested at once and told their threat to the nation's security just for participating in a primary election, then you get an idea of what we're talking about. That's essentially over many, many years when there's only a limited number of seats in the Legislative Council, a half of them, that have been directly elected over the years. And the opposition camp under the system, the way it's designed, would often lose seats because whoever got the most votes would get the seat. And if two opposition candidates ran against each other, then they would erase each other and the pro-government guy might get the seat. So with the design of trying to actually get a majority, even though all these years they'd want about 60% of the vote, 55, 60% of the vote in the popular vote, that is not narrow constituencies but in direct elections. And yet they would always hold about one-third of the seats because the system is kind of rigged against them, half the seats being chosen by what's called functional sectors. So they got the clever idea, one of my colleagues in Hong Kong, he was in fact led in creating this guiding benny tie, a professor who was recently dismissed. He got the idea last July of having a primary election so that they could choose among the opposition camp who would be the candidate in different districts for election. Something very familiar to you in Hawaii because of course you have primary elections there. And we know that sometimes they can be very competitive in a lot of debate so on. In this case they had it and 610,000 people participated in it. They organized it themselves and the idea was that they could win enough seats then they could control the government. Some of them had the idea under the basic law of Hong Kong that if they locked the budget then the chief executive have to resign and they'd have to be a new selection. So they're basically behaving like politicians everywhere trying to win and to control the government in a system that doesn't allow them to take charge of the government. So they were all in a primary election and Beijing, this was right after the national security law was passed on June 30th last year in July and Beijing was already saying well this primary election is subversion, one of the crimes of the national security law. But everybody kind of you know how can that be subversion all they're doing is having a primary election. In any case that stench was left in the air and then months I guess many months later the next year in fact just recently in January they were all arrested suddenly. 55 of them were arrested. Everyone who participated in the primary election was arrested. And recently they had a bail hearing right and one third of them got bail the rest of them were still in jail. What happened is in Hong Kong you'd be arrested then you have to be brought before the court to be charged and that was done last Sunday. They were told even though in January they said they wouldn't be called back until May they suddenly decided to speed it up. Now there's a put note here speed it up why because they're going to have meetings in Beijing and they want to you know get these guys in court and charge them with crimes as a prelude to the politics that's going on in Beijing. So in any case they were all brought in Sunday last Sunday not the one that just passed yesterday but the week before and told them to come back on Monday they would be charged 47 of the 55 were charged. And then under the new national security law something really horrible occurs because under that law it creates a presumption against granting bail. Now if you your listeners know anything about on bail they know that the idea is that people are innocent until proven guilty that's the basis on which in the common law which applies in Hong Kong and Hawaii the common law principle that you're innocent until proven guilty so you should be let off on bail unless you pose a danger to society in some way. And so that was the Hong Kong rule and you mentioned Jimmy Lye earlier that rule was overturned because Jimmy Lye the high court let him off on bail under very strict conditions. He's a very famous publisher in Hong Kong of the most widely read newspaper and he was charged with also with subversion and collusion with foreigners because he prints his ideas in newspapers and speaks to foreign press and criticizes the national security law. So almost all the people charged under this national security law over a hundred now are charged with speaking crimes. Only one as far as I know actually did something violent and that was on the first day of the law a guy ran his motorcycle into a cordon of police with signs on his motorcycle but otherwise almost everybody charged is charged with just something about speaking or freedom of speech. And so Jimmy Lye was granted bail during Christmas and then the government appealed it and the bail was withdrawn and well the government appealed it directly to the court of final appeal and when it did so when the court agreed to hear the case they put him back in jail and then when he finally issued its ruling they ruled based on the language of the national security law that there's a presumption against bail and that the defendant has to show us why you get bail. So this is why you were hearing about it in the news because now we got 47 people having to show that they pose no risk of committing these crimes and it's interesting you listen to the government the government calls them all dangerous people you know they're dangerous because the national security law is a law for subversion you can be sentenced from three years to life in prison okay and there's gradients under the law about which one should be given life in prison and so on. So the government prosecutes national security offenders as if they're murderers and they're a danger to society for speaking for in this case doing nothing more the only charge relates to having a primary and so by the way the one third of them that did get bail and I think was really token you know that did get bail the government appealed all of those cases they appealed the granting of bail they want them all in jail. Right and so they were all returned to jail but why it wound up in your evening news a lot is because it took four days of hearings why because the defendants instead of the government having to prove they are risked in society the defendants had to put on his best case they could to try to convince the court that they should be released on bail and so you can imagine under the national security law they have to convince the court they're not going to violate the national security law but the national security law is so vague that no one knows what's a violation of the national security law the government keeps making it up as it goes along so you have a bunch of defendants and a judge who don't even know what is a violation of the national security law in its totality and they're all trying to show that they pose no risk of doing that and so that's why four people were hauled off to the hospital during these hearings because they they fell ill from exhaustion as four defendants and so it was a horrendous experience and so then you're right eventually all of them were denied bail except for 15 and then the government immediately appealed that court and so the 15 were sent back to jail as well so all 47 were sent back to jail and then a day or two later the government says well we won't pursue the appeal against four of them so four of them did eventually get released but this is a kind of intimidation when we look at something like this we have to look beyond it's not just 47 people whose rights are at risk when these kinds of things are doing are taking place virtually anyone who opposes the government will understand that opposing the government is risky and and so that's the way free speech is you don't have to arrest all the journalists you don't have to arrest all the politicians you just have to arrest enough of them to send a message to the rest and that's kind of what's happening in Hong Kong to they must be terrified the average person the average person who might speak even to his his you know his close circle must be terrified that he also can be dragged into court he also can be exposed to a long sentence which presumably for a lot of them will be carried out in mainland China far away from friends and family and in retraining and and prison camps that will be very very unpleasant and and really end their lives as they have known their lives well see this is what we don't know now the security law itself one of the several of the provisions near the end create an office for safeguarding national security which is staffed by members of the mainland public security bureau and state security officers and this office can if it judges a case to be and this is quoting from the law complex can transfer the case to be tried on the mainland where virtually of course all rights go out the window even any courageous judges effort to protect rights would not be part of the case so that that could happen in fact when Jimmy Lai's case that first time that the case was sent on this bail issue to the highest court in Hong Kong there was a big article in the people's daily that in a very veiled sort of way seemed to suggest well if you guys in the court of final Jimmy Lai they said is a dangerous individual and if you guys don't get it right well one thing we can do under the national security law we have the ultimate power of interpretation so we can overrule you on the one hand but also I think there was a kind of veiled threat well we may take Jimmy Lai to the mainland so you can imagine no matter how good a common law judges are in Hong Kong they're going to feel the heat do we rule against the government and then risk having this taken out of our hands entirely or do we have to try to go along to get along so there's a kind of pressure to be very strategic which which judges in any authoritarian regime who are committed to justice pretty much have to do if they don't want to be slapped down and dismissed entirely from the process or have the process taken over by the hardliners in the regime so this you know whether the courts can defend rights in Hong Kong is not going to be just you know about the good intentions of judges and their commitment to justice it's going to involve their need to calculate the risk they will encounter and what is best for the society they're trying to protect they're being compromised the whole system is being compromised can you can you talk about other things that the that the you know the Chinese government is doing to limit freedoms to limit the rule of law to limit democratic process in Hong Kong well you know what I've talked about so far tells you how many institutions are under threat so our conversation so far we know that the chief executive is always beholden to Beijing so that institution is not going to be up to defending Hong Kong's autonomy when it comes to the legislature before what they did this week and I'm going to I know your question goes to what they're doing this week before that Beijing had already authorized the dismissal of four members of the opposition camp from the legislature for their that they were not patriotic enough because they were opposing the national security law and when the Beijing authorized that the Hong Kong government promptly dismissed the four and then all the opposition camp resigned from the legislative council so now the legislative council according to Kerry Lam she's very happy with it now she can really do business there because nobody opposes her so that's kind of what's what happened already now Beijing wants to fix their problems for long term so what they did is during this same week they declared in this meeting going on in in Beijing of the National People's Congress they alerted us that they were going to amend the annexes to the basic law of Hong Kong to talk about how the political system will function until you know there's full democracy which of course now seems like it'll never occur and so they're going to amend it and they we haven't seen the final text yet because there's still going on up there but we've been alerted to what is planned and so in the past the legislative council had you know I guess 70 members and 35 of them were directly elected in some form and 35 were kind of functional sectors well Beijing is going to expand it to 90 every time Beijing wants to talk about being more democratic it just wants to increase the number of heads in the room it's not going to actually increase who chooses the people to get in the room in fact what they're doing now well up until now given that the democrats will not the opposition will not win every single directly elected seat they've been able to hold on in the past to over one third of the seats which gave them the ability to block legislation not to pass it okay and so that was their their the only power they had to push back in the legislature but now Beijing is going to increase it to 90 and it's going to take out the votes of the that used to come from the district council which was five of the seats and then it's going to have these probating groups including uh Hong Kongers who sit in the national parliaments to then choose or to be a part of the legislative council so that basically the the pandemocrats even if they could run will never be able to get that one third again but of course that might even if actually matters because what they're also doing is they're going to increase the election committee that chooses the chief executive it's been 1200 they're going to make it 1500 and again pile on all the probaging people they can to increase the number not to increase the people who vote for the members of that committee and now that committee is not going to just choose the chief executive it's going to vet every candidate that's running for the legislative council so it's going to start functioning like the guardian council in Iran to vet for patriotism all candidates that run for the legislative council so the pandemocratic people in Hong Kong who are not in jail they're not too many of them but the ones that are not in jail have been interviewed by the press and of course they say well there's no way i'll be able to run for this office so we don't know whether Hong Kong's reaction will be to to boycott these elections when they finally take place one of the other things they've done they had already delayed the legislative council elections by a year last year that that primary election was to choose candidates to run last September for the legislative council well they not only condemn the primary election and threw four members out of lejko last year but they also delayed the election for a year now out in last night's press conference there's hints they're going to delay it further uh and so it starts looking a lot like Myanmar's approach to democracy uh now and and it's been a lot it's a big concern it's not just a concern for Hong Kong people but it's a concern for everyone who relied on promise the promises China made to Hong Kong and i think for a lot of us who just care about Hong Kong because Hong Kong is it's like New York London Paris it's one of the great cities of the world and it's been such an extraordinary place for China to have such an asset that that is in the first league of the world cities uh and now it's all these things are happening now i wonder where's all leading us i'm sure that would be your next question but one of the questions i wanted to ask is yeah what about you know i tell you where it would lead me i'd be trying to get out of there i mean because you know it's the walls are closing in um and there were some you know allocated uh visas uh by the uk to allow Hong Kongers to come to the uk but i understand that that program is in jeopardy what's going on with that can i get out yeah well that's it you just said one of the solutions if you can't go along with all of this somehow submit to everything Beijing's doing to control Hong Kong is exit exit is of course a tried and tested thing that's why we have such uh you know passionate debates in America over refugees and admissions of people into the country because people have to exit if they they can't change the government in any way and the government is a danger to society well Britain was really forthcoming because it said that sort of roughly half the population of Hong Kong could come to Britain because these were all people who hold what's called a British national overseas passport which was given to Hong Kongers when Hong Kong was handed over it didn't in the past give them the right to stay in Britain but only to stay for i think six months or something but now Britain has said all those bno passport holders and their families can come to Britain now Beijing is trying to threaten that trying to block people from exiting in some ways are threatened to do so but so far i think they can still apply for this visa if they're one of the things that that seemed to be needed at first was they actually had the bno passport and not simply that they were entitled to it but i think Britain relaxed that so all so that Beijing couldn't block them by blocking them from getting the bno passport so Britain is prepared to give visas to all these people when i think a great thing for Britain Hong Kong people are so industrious and after brixen in england it's probably they could use a few you know good entrepreneurs to come to town so i think they would benefit from having Hong Kong people come there but china it's kind of it's hard to figure out whether china wants this or not i mean obviously it would lose a big talent poll if people started all going to britain i think even carry lamb the governor chief executive hong i think her her husband is even a british national if i if i'm not mistaken but uh i'm just somewhat somewhere i heard that well it all sounds yeah so it all sounds pretty oppressive and you know and what one has to wonder um why there's a huge big looming question why why i guess the the people's congress for happening right now in beijing and it must be it must have some political connection with that and with the Xi Jinping's aspirations to get another five-year term and to be the biggest guy on the block um you know what what is the why here why is china being sort of tough on hong kong why i think there's a number of factors at play we can take our pay i think one is Xi Jinping is kind of a tough guy he he's uh taken a very hard lined approach to rule in home in china generally he arrested defense lawyers he's gone after all minority groups that he views as some kind of security threat in Xinjiang and Tibet and in mongolia even imposing a chinese language on people who speak a mongolia a mongol language or other languages the Uyghur languages and so on uh so all of that is part of what's going on uh and of course there's a there a claim well look at Hong Kong it was a big mess in 2019 no country would tolerate this according to the chinese official statements and so we're going to clean up this mess there's no regard to the fact that they caused it that the people were protesting because they weren't carrying out their commitments under the sign of bridge treaty on the base of law they wasn't like Hong Kong people just got up one day and decided they were going to wreck havoc on the streets of Hong Kong but they it's been years protesting and and you know and trying to persuade Beijing to carry out its commitments to Hong Kong and and seeing more and more Beijing interference in Hong Kong's autonomy so there was a reason for the protest but rather than address the reason you know they want to crack down now that that raises another reason that another answer to your question which is really I think part of the problem is Beijing doesn't did never did not ever know how to run an open society it just they just don't have it in their DNA to trust ordinary people to make decisions and to hold power in the way they promised in the basic law so if they could keep their fingers off of it then Hong Kong could manage it somehow although even Hong Kong officials are so complicit in Beijing's policies that they never carried out their duty either of defending Hong Kong's autonomy and this is why Hong Kong people have continuous and demented democracy so Beijing's DNA I think gets in the way and then what about what about American American policy Taiwan in their eyes Taiwan and then his policy with the the United States America so you got you got these huge international factors working that that must be affecting Xi Jinping's thinking though yeah in his perception America, Britain, Western democracies are all wanting to interfere in China's internal affairs that's their kind of constant refrain that you know don't in fact we heard it from the Chinese Foreign Minister even today that accusing foreign governments who were criticizing these new democracy cut back and you know that we've already they're they're under attack for doing that and that this is attacked by them as being an interference in China's internal affairs. The U.S. as well as the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act so we sanctioned people who are thought to be party to the national security law that we discussed and are carrying it out so each Kerry Lam has been sanctioned she can't any assets she have has in the United States would be seized and the banks she views it as a risk she was bragging at one point that she no longer takes her salary which is by the way one of the highest salaries for a political leader in the world I think more than the U.S. president that she takes it in cash so everybody was joking about her government house being full of cash under her mattress but in any case these sanctioned regimes have been and and one of the things that's on the table now as this crackdown ensues further is whether there could be ways to tailor sanctions to be more effective not just targeting a few politicians who probably don't have assets in the United States or may not care but rather including companies that are complicit in this crackdown or supporting Beijing because Beijing puts companies that do business in Hong Kong and China under pressure to support Beijing's policies how much pressure can foreign governments assert that they not do that if they do what they do it at the risk of you know access to American markets and so on so all of this is up for debate it's we don't know where it's going to go so how likely is Joe Biden how likely is it that Joe Biden would you know to take additional sanctions including I suppose the Donald Trump style of trade trade trade tariffs and sanctions or is he going to hang back and wait to see what happens well I think he's he's he certainly seems to be indicating that he's not going to roll back the sanctions that are in place so quickly he does take a hard line on Beijing he disagrees with Donald Trump really in strategy not in what wants to be achieved so I think he he's going to hold on to his sanctions but what he wants to do strategically is to restore US alliances so that the United States is not a lone cowboy that was kind of Donald Trump's problem he just out there on his own making a lot of noise but not necessarily accomplishing much because Beijing is the guys in Beijing are quite smart and clever they can get around a leadership in America that's kind of unpredictable so there's they they even reach deals with the European Union on on train and so on in the midst of all this which Biden didn't want Europe to do and I think there's a lot of pressure now to stop the European Parliament from approving those agreements so the US is I think by you're going to see that there's a safe harbor act in the US Congress but I think Biden will support which would open the door to Hong Kongers to come to the United States as well refugee kind of bill so those things are going to happen and whether they will sharpen the sanctions regime we'll have to see one of the things that is to Biden's advantage is that at least on their views on Trump not on Trump on China there's agreement across the aisle in Washington that everybody is very unhappy with Beijing's policies right now and so is it is it fair is it fair I mean we talked before the show about this contention between two sides of that discussion one is you know that China is essentially for the future a good partner for us very important we have to maintain a good wholesome relationship on the other side the other hand you know we have a lot of people that that take Donald Trump's message about how China it's all that and we have to beat it up at every opportunity and we can't have any trust relationship with it you know now or ever and I wonder you know what's what's the reality there is that somewhere in the middle should we be working toward a more robust a better engagement with China or should we just be freezing the map well they're both I think are very prominent in the debate I think business interests may want to keep things going with China but there is some capacity in US political leadership to redirect US investments into other regions and Southeast Asia and so on when it comes to things like manufacturing at low cost and and such so there's some of that which can be used in a kind of leveraged sort of way to try to persuade Beijing to ease off some of these policies which is something I think there's wide agreement on they want want this to happen there's some areas where working with Beijing is more promising like climate change maybe dealing with North Korea so some areas that I think all sides would like to to see still available but yet there are some really gnarly problems I think especially with the theft of intellectual property some of Trump's sanctions over tariffs and stuff were so out of date because China's the advantages China had set up for itself had long disappeared before Trump even got in office so he was targeting some out of dated problems but the one problem that he was talking about at least didn't do anything about was these technology transfers and so on that area I think the Biden administration is going to want to work on as well and I think there's a lot of agreement on China's human rights policies on both sides of the political spectrum in the US and so the new Secretary of State has also agreed with the Pompeo the former one that the behavior in Xinjiang for example can be viewed as genocide and so there there's a hard push on that now how can you use things like sanctions you know you might be able to use them against a very poor country but even there the success rate is not good so I think there's more disagreement about how to do it than what to do just how can you effectively create pressure that will bring Beijing's behavior around to a comfortable sort of thing it's regrettable that you you know you have many more options if you have a multilateral agreement I mean between a number of nations that you speak up not only on behalf of the United States but on behalf of a group of nations all of them are led by the United States I mean and that goes to Taiwan you started to talk about Taiwan a little while ago it strikes me that you know unless we have a multilateral agreement of nations that want to control China's you know avariciousness if you will in the South China Sea and elsewhere in the in the region we alone don't have that many options to stop China right and I think China's rise and you know China likes to describe the rise of China is going along with the decline of the US I'm not sure how much the US has declined rumors of the US decline have been around for decades but it's sort of remained a very powerful country and well hopefully its standing has not gone down but yeah I think working with allies in the face of the reality that China is a much more powerful country much wealthier country and it has its own resources went over support for its policies so working with others I think is is really a vital part of what any policy direction that's likely to be more constructive but of course the end of the day you don't want to hate China you want to find a way to bring it in and help it to understand your objections to what's going on in Xinjiang and Hong Kong now the Xi Jinping hasn't been very attentive to those concerns so we don't know if it's possible to push him to relax some of these things it seems very unlikely but it's the sort of I think the objective that's on the table now well it seems like it gets more and more interesting and if you will more and more threatening more challenging anyway and I hope you and I can we can follow it going forward we can I know there's going to be other events that'll be a deep breathing exercise in the next weeks and months not only about Hong Kong but other things like you know emerging out of the People's Congress so Michael I hope we can circle back there's so much more to discuss and there's so much more that will come down the pike to discuss absolutely so I'm always happy as you know I'm from over there in Hawaii and so getting I wish I were able to walk into your studio but I can see you're in your house as well so one day one day one day soon Michael Michael Davis thank you so much for joining us again on this discussion
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Real Analysis - Eva Sincich - Lecture 17
Zdaj se izgleda, da se je zelo v lemu, da se je, da je F in NAC, in je ta F prime over X nekaj nekaj zelo vzelo v svoj del, potem F je konstant. Zato je to zelo vse? the BV function intersected continuous function contained in AC. If you think it's true there are some examples you can find a function which belongs to both, but is not in AC in view of this. So for example the counter function you have, that is in BV. It's continuous but it's not in AC, because otherwise it's ... ... ... je zelo pravda všem, ... ... je nekaj kod, ok. Ok, ... značili smo v zelo, ... ... vzelo, da je to rečen, ... vzelo, da je začala ... vzelo, da je začala ... ... vzelo, da je začala ... vzelo, da je začala ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Pazite. V svoj cel, da smo nespešili to, da je nekaj na vse. Sredaj. A zato, da je, da je, da je, da je ni na vse, da je nekaj na vse. Ok, smo nekaj. Če bodo boš nekaj na vse, zelo, da je ... In je, da je ... ... lema, da je nekaj na vse, da smo nekaj na vse. Ok, zelo smo prišli to. Tukaj, tako, so vzout, da je vzout, da je F zelo v AC. Ok, potem, včasno, je to vzout, da je vzout. Tako, da vzout, da je vzout, da je vzout, da je vzout has the difference of two increasing function, OK. OK. f1 and f2, such that we have that capital F is f1 minus. In nekaj, imamo F1 in F2 prvnega rečenja v vseh lebecku lemu, OK? OK. Tako, imamo, da F je nekaj, F1 prvnega rečenja, minus F2 prvnega. Now, we pass the integral, bear the, behave the absolute values. Let's see it's less or equal. But we know that they are increasing so we can get rid of the absolute values. So this is equal. Okay, then here we apply the leback theorem because the models function. však. Zdaj smo so, da je to očočno neko mene vb. Ano vb in a. Ano vb. Ano vb. Ano vb. Ano vb. Ano vb. Ano vb. Ano vb. Ano vb. Ano vb. Tako, imamo tudi. Zato, da smo izvizili, da je injavnjavnja vsef in vsef je injavnjavnja, je vsef, da je izvizil in definitivno injavnjavnja vsef z njih tudi, tako, da je vsef, mir 可以 Refine as the Integral between a t g materia. And now we know that since f of prime is figurably yesterday, we prove for aんだ formula result, we have that g being the kaj je inakralli, kaj je inakralli fungšnj, g je inac. Zdaj smo tukaj tukaj. Zdaj smo tukaj izgledajte, izgledajte tukaj, tukaj f, tukaj x, tukaj g in f. Zdaj smo tukaj tukaj z inac. zdaj smo tukaj, ker je odgledajte z inac. Zdaj smo tukaj zvrčajte, tukaj ti je z vzulj, tukaj x, tukaj minus, tukaj vzulj, tukaj z inac. Tukaj je z vzulj. Tukaj x, Vse zelo je 0, ovo je prizvodno, da je bil je vse pomej. Tako, ovo je prizvodno, da je začal, da je F, z tem, da te zelo pogleda, da je to, da je napisak, skupaj, da je tudi kaj je vzela c in vzela vzela vzela vzela, zelo je vzela, da vzela vzela. Zato je tudi, da je f of x je, je to konstant, zazve, da je definitivne integral f of x, f prime of t, t. To je, to je f of a, a x t. Ok, zato to je naša karakterizacija, kaj je zelo za fungšenje, kaj je v AC. AC je zelo vse klas, kaj je zelo, kaj je zelo za fungšenje teorema. Ok, značujem vse argument. Značujem vse konvex fungšenje. Ok, značem vse definitivno. straight. So we consider a function phi defined in the open interval A,B with values in r, and this function is said to be convex if you have that for any x and y in A,B and any lambda, if we took lambda in between 0 and 1, Vsih, kaj smo imeli. Faj, komputer in delina kombinacije. Faj. Lambda x plus 1 minus lambda y. Zelo, nekaj je počkaj vse x in y. Zelo, nekaj je lambda, f of x, phi of x, sorry. Plus 1 minus lambda, phi, y. Ok, geometrikali, ja da vere, ki le jo tamo znam, ovo se pridem. Vse, geometrikali, ti se doželimo, je to corsa vtevna vse z vsem, vse z x , f of x, taj z nih dne, i x, phi of x una, so všeo, so vse ope, so všeo, pouze vse, o vačne. Zelo, je bila počkaj vsez, If you have x and y, so this code is easier. Now we're going to prove a lemma concerning the property of convex function. And this lemma would be somehow a building block for the next properties. Tako, da je to, če startujte z konvečnjih fungšnjih, 5, 5 in in B, v delizionu. Tako, da je to, če tako x in y, ok, zelo x in y in B, kaj je nekaj, naprejno, da je je vrčak tronov, da je vrčak tronov, da je, da, skupaj da je so treba. Če ste podjetjenje izmašljali, da so prošli, da se največje. A knaž. A drž ne koriš. Zelo, da je to bo pošli kod si take. Je, da je to bilo, da vrčak tronov, da so pripošli. Tako že ga ne plošem, kako pripošlo. variable x and y. Tukaj, definitivno je simetrično v x in y, ne? OK, zelo smo prišli to. Tukaj, zelo smo prišli x. Zelo smo prišli x. Zelo smo prišli, da smo prišli, da smo prišli v parametri, da smo prišli, da smo prišli, da smo prišli v variable y, OK? x coma vključne vladi. K �ejenje všeč sem bilo dassimte, tenne k data sem bilo detalolo prav sfl polite, vs Vj, in vj primi tudi otensek od pateke, OK? Zato j夲u vj primi, najdirekt vj primi, ko je ukriče na vizu po vzima- Prevojna vizu, ko je ukričen, OK? Kaj so je to vzivo mač? G. Vzima- vzima- ukričen G. Q. Vzima- To je nekaj svis. OK? zelo potrebno je, da zelo potrebno se neseliti. officially we have to use the hypothesis that y is in between y prime and x so we can express it as a linear combination. So since y belongs to x and y prime, we have that there exist on lambda. lambda vzal, tako je zelo stranje 0 in 1, tako da je ta je, da je y je nekaj lambda x plus 1 minus lambda y, y prime. Ok, zelo, da zelo, da zelo, da smo izgledali tako, da smo tukaj, da smo komputati phi tukaj tukaj tukaj je tukaj tukaj v lambda x x plus 1 minus lambda y prime. In so, baj konvexit, to je nekaj nekaj, danes lambda times phi of x plus 1 minus lambda phi of y prime. Ok. Ok, nao, so smo prišliši v tih, v tih košnji. Tako, skupajte. Tako, skupajte g, x, y, ko je pi, y, minus pi, x divided by minus x in ta denominator je pozitiv, ok? Tako, da je to, da je nekaj nekaj nekaj nekaj, dan, ok, lambda pi, x plus 1 minus lambda pi, y minus pi, x divided by minus x and this is equal if you collect pi, x so this is lambda minus 1, actually first we wrote this 1 minus lambda pi, y prime, this is pi, y prime minus 1 minus lambda pi, x divided by minus x ok, dan we observe that we can write y minus x has minus y minus lambda, x plus y minus lambda, y prime which is equal to y 1 minus lambda, y prime minus x ok, so finally what you get is that this is less or equal than pi, y prime minus pi, x less than y prime minus x and this is exactly g, x, y prime ok, and so we are done we are done for the first case so now we consider another case in the case when x is in between y and y prime ok, so we have that by the step before you can achieve what you want you have that g, x, y are less than g, y prime y, so here you apply x and y prime this is symmetric so this is g, y, y prime and this is less again by the step before than g, x, y prime and again you use this that is increasing with respect so you think y prime fixed and you have that y and x lies on the same side with respect to y prime so we can use the step before because here because y and x on the same side with respect to y prime ok, the other cases can be treated analogously so this concludes the proof ok, so with this proof we can prove many other properties interesting properties of the convex function so which are the following I stated them as a proposition ok, so we have phi maybe with values in R b, convex function then we have the following fact a, we have that phi is lip sheets on each closet sub interval of the type ok, of a, b the second fact is that so you have that the right and the left derivative of phi exist at each point of a, b this is c you have the following inequality so you have that the left derivative which I denote with a minus sign of phi of x is less or equal than the right derivative of phi of x of course for any x in a, b and d these two left and right derivatives are monoton increasing and finally you have that they coincide except on a countable number of point ok, so we prove the point a ok, so we have x and y in a, b and assume that for instance just to fix the idea that x is less than y ah so by the previous lem that one tells you that this function g is increasing in both variables you can deduce the result ok, so let me let me first consider ok, before before doing this we have to consider some sub-interval because we have to prove this in each closed sub-interval so we consider a sub-interval c, d of a, b and then we know that there exists another interval which is in between the two no, actually an interval a, b which is still containing a, b but contains this c, d ok, so you can find it so basically what we have that so we have that a is in between alpha c and then you have less than d, less than beta and less than b ok, then we took x and y x and y belongs to c, d because we are interested in proving the fact that if I is there and so by the previous lemma we have that we have that phi c minus phi alpha c minus alpha is less than phi y minus phi x y minus x less or equal than phi beta minus phi d b minus d so in the end what we have is that if you take the absolute values you find that f of x minus y is less or equal than a constant times x minus y ok and so this constant would be precisely the maximum between these two in absolute values so phi is slip sheets in c, d ok, to prove b ok, to prove b again we used the previous lemma ok, so let let us fix some x in a, b and we define function g g over h which is defined as phi of x plus h so it is an incremental quotient so of course minus phi of x divided by x so again, by the previous lemma we have that that g is increasing with respect to h so we have that both the limit from the left and the right side exist and they are finite ok, because phi is slip sheet so both the limit the right and the left hand side exist they are finite and this is because we already know that phi is slip sheet ok, and then we have to prove point c ok, so c tells you that the left hand side derivative is less or equal than the right hand side ok, so take now one h positive and again we use this function here so you have that g minus h is what? is phi of x minus h minus phi of x minus h this is less or equal and this is why this is because g is increasing then phi of x plus h minus phi of x divided by h this is equal to g of h and so the inequality is preserved when you take h when you let h goes to 0 so they taking the limit 0 plus then we are done ok, finally point d ok, so both derivatives are monoton increasing ok, so take x less than y and so we consider fx plus h minus phi of x this is less than phi of y plus h minus phi of y divided by h and again you take the limit from both sides for h which converts to 0 from the left and from the side from the left or from the right and then we obtain they are both monoton increasing ok, so what remains to prove is that they coincide except to a countable number of points ok, so so we have that you observe that the left for instance the left oh no, sorry the right hand side it means the same has at most a countable number of points of discontinuities and this is why it is monoton and finite cause it is and finite will not be ok, so we can take a point of continuity of the right hand side derivative ok so we have that if you have that for instance y is less than x by the previous lemma you have two facts one is that the x plus phi of x is less or equal than phi of x minus phi of y x minus y less or equal than the x minus phi of x this is one and by step c we have another fact so we have that the x minus phi of x is less or equal than the x plus phi of x so we combine the two and what we get we get that is less or equal than the x minus phi of x equal than of x ok, but I recall you the x is a point of continuity for the phi of x plus then if we let y tends to x we get a conclusion so if y tends to x then we are done ok, then the two coincide ok, so this concludes the proof of the full lemma proposition ok and then ok, now we want to introduce the concept of supporting life of a convex function but before doing this we need a very quick result and I couldn't you need this so it was just you combine one and two and here you get these two inequalities phi of y ok so you have a minus here you have plus and plus here x and here y you let y tends to x and then you are done so if again you have we start by convex function now and let x not be a point in a b ok, we have that if we have which somehow plays the role of a slope is in belongs to this interval to close at 1 for dx minus of phi x not dx ok, this may reduce to just one point in view of it can also be open then we have that phi of x is larger equal then what is called the supporting line of phi ok, the proof so we divide two cases is less than x not ok, then for what we saw before we have that incremental quotient of phi x phi x not x minus x not is lesser equal than dx minus phi x not which is lesser equal than m ok and so we prove because is less than x not ok, so the sign are reversed and the other, if you prove the other way around you have that analogously is larger equal than and so we are done ok, just a brief definition so the line y phi x not plus m times x minus x not is called the supporting line of phi at x not if it always lies below the graph of phi so namely you have that phi of x is larger equal than f phi of x x not plus mx minus x not this is for any x in AP now we prove the so called the inequality so do you notice inequality ok, so you have phi in a convex function and then you have ok, actually this time we have to let a equal to minus infinity and b equal to to plus infinity so f is defined in the whole real line and we assume that f is an integrable function on 0,1 ok, then the convex inequality tells you that if you have think that the integral between 0,1 of phi computed in f of t in dt this is lesser equal than phi of the integral provided phi is convex we prove this ok, so we introduce alpha to be equal to the integral between 0,1 of f of t in dt ok, this is of course is finite because f is integrable and we indeed we consider the supporting line at x not at alpha actually and let y to be equal to m x minus alpha plus and so in equation of the supporting line we have that and phi f of t is larger or equal then m f of t minus alpha plus phi alpha and then from both side with respect to t so we have that 0,1 ok, so this is 0 because of our choice of alpha and so we are done ok, so we have that indeed so and this concludes the proof of the Jensenian quality ok, we can consider now this exercise ok, so we consider a sequence finite sequence of positive number and then we have the following so we have that the geometric mean is always less or equal than the arithmetic one ok, this is a consequence of the Jensenian quality so the geometric mean is the following, you take the product with this phi I denote the product between this positive number and then I write this too ok, i n is less or equal to 1 over n times the sum of bi so this is the arithmetic mean and this is the geometric one so do you have any idea on how to prove this ok, so the convex function that is convenient to to consider to prove this is the exponential function so so we consider phi of x equal to e to the x ok, which of course is convex ok and then you have the interval 0,1 and you divide it into n sub interval of the same length ok so 1 up to n, so you have call them so i1 i denote them with ii and you have that the measure of ii is equal to 1 over n of course these are disjoint ok, now so somehow we fix our choice for the convex function and now we have also to fix a choice for the integral function and this would be done in terms of this interval so we will we will define the function f has the sum the linear combination of the characteristic function of ii where the coefficients will be fixed later the coefficients are alpha i and I will choose them later ok, so we want to compute the two parts which appear in the Jensen inequality so we have that so let me go down here ok, you have that exponential of the sum of alpha i t is equal to e the sum of alpha i times 1 over n this is dot ok, this is the first part the other one is the integral of the exponential of this 0,1 of course ok, so this is equal to what, this is equal to the sum over j j goes from 1 to n oh, you can just consider the integral you can split this all this integral into the integral over this the integral over this interval ij of the sum of alpha i and moreover what you have if you observe that you observe that we have that the integral over ij of this exponential of the sum dT this is equal to just the integral over ij or e alpha ij because the other one the other terms are equal to 0 outside ij and ok, so this is equal finally what you get is this is equal to the sum over j of the integral of ij e alpha j equal to and this is to dot so you combine one dot with two dot and then which what remains to fix are the choice of alpha j so ok, if you want to take the same this is not important ok, so if we set if we set alpha j to be the logarithm of beta j this is possible because our beta j was positive strictly positive then we have that oh, you have that e and this is equal to and so we are done ok let's conclude this is for the Jensen inequality you have to combine this dot and two dot are the two part are the two side of the Jensen inequality for the special choice of phi and f if you check I mean this is for the Jensen inequality ok so we start by saying that calculating the left hand side of the Jensen inequality for our special choice of phi and f and we saw that this is equal to this then we come to the second the right hand side of the Jensen inequality for our special choice of phi and f and we saw that these are equal to this so we combine the two and we use the Jensen inequality and you have this inequality ok you're not convinced it is I mean it's simple, it's just because of the Jensen inequality and so we are done ok, just let me introduce a brief result concerning a new argument actually and then we can stop ok, this concerns somehow the LP spaces this would be so the last argument of the course somehow are the spaces which has a function that has the p-power integrable, ok so the first theorem would be the Young inequality so you start from a and b to positive number no negative and you take some lambda and lambda is in between 0 and 1 ok, then we have the following a lambda times b1 minus lambda is less or equal than the sum of lambda a plus 1 minus lambda b, ok, somehow I mean, either we prove it but I will prove it anyway but of course this is you can see it as a special instance of the of the Jensen inequality, ok or what we just prove here ok, so we define the function f of t equal to lambda t plus 1 minus lambda minus t lambda for t positive ok, we do the derivative of t is equal to lambda plus minus lambda t minus 1 and ok I collect lambda 1 minus so we have that prime of t is equal to 0 if and only if t is equal to 1 and moreover we have that it is f is increasing so the derivative is positive for t larger than 1 and is negative for t less than 1 so we have that f as a minimum and yes, f has a minimum in t equal to 1 and so we have that since we have t equal to 1 is a minimizer and since f1 there is equal to 0 then we have then for any t, which is different from 1 we have that f of t is positive so what we want to prove is that lambda a plus 1 minus lambda b is larger equal than a lambda b1 minus lambda so in particular what this means that lambda a plus 1 minus lambda b minus a lambda b1 minus lambda is larger equal than 0 so call this star and now we have that if b is equal to 0 this is trivial otherwise we can divide for b if b is equal to 0 then star is trivial if b is positive so we have that this becomes lambda a plus 1 minus lambda b minus a lambda b1 minus lambda is equal to so you collect b here and then you have lambda times a divided by b plus 1 minus lambda minus a lambda b minus lambda a b ok so if you put let t equal to a over b then somehow we are done so we have that ok so we have that for what we saw before is different from 1 so when a and b are different we have that b f of t is positive ok then we are done for t different from 1 and moreover we have that f of t is equal to 0 if and only if t is equal to 1 if and only if a is equal to b and this tells you that for the young inequality you have the equality in the if and only if a is equal to lambda in the young inequality the quality sign holds if and only if a is equal to b let's prove the theorem ok so on Tuesday we will go on with the TLP spaces for today I think we are done
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Oct 11 Physics 12 U2L1 Force Concepts Part 2
Mr. Dueck's Lessons
[ "pittmath", "pmss", "physics", "math" ]
Because you get a great explanation. Everybody there? Read along with me, boys and girls. A force with which you have had some experience is the force of gravity between you and the Earth. This force is also known as weight. How much do you weigh? The answer should not be in kilograms. The answer should be in newtons. Weight is mg. It's measured in newtons. Or in the imperial system, it's measured in pounds. Found where we are? OK. Because it's not like I haven't had it up there for about 15 minutes or so. Let's just keep going. We'll ignore that on the internet. I think we're on the front page still, aren't we? Like the first page? We're there now? OK. So as I was saying, force of gravity is also called weight. Force of gravity is not the same thing as mass, although they are related. Mass is the amount of matter in an object, which we measure in kilograms. Or on the imperial system that was measured in slugs, believe it or not. To relate mass to force, we need to know the number of newtons of force per kilogram of matter. This quantity is known as, here's the term I want you to highlight or underline. This is the new term, gravitational field strength. Gravitational field strength. Find it? Ze? Find it? Hunt. I think you're here. So let me say this again. The number of newtons of force per kilogram is gravitational field strength. Near the Earth's surface, the gravity field strength is 9.8 newtons per kilogram. Now we've seen that 9.8 before, but what were the units that we attached to 9.8 previously? When I said to you 9.8, what was that number last year all the time? It's meters per second squared. It's the acceleration due to gravity. As it turns out, it's also the Earth's gravitational field strength measured in newtons per kilogram. And newtons per kilogram, if you muck around with the units, and we will in a second, is meters per second squared. Usually, if I'm dropping an object and I'm calculating its velocity, I'll say 9.8 meters per second squared. Usually, if I'm calculating a force on an object, I'll often say 9.8 newtons per kilogram, because it's the gravitational field strength. Moon's gravitational field is about 1.6 newtons per kilogram, which means if you dropped an object on the moon, it would fall at an acceleration of 1.6 meter per second squared. Here's the equation. Assuming the pen decides to write, let's try that again. Here's the equation. Fg equals mg, where g is 9.8 newtons per kilogram or meters per second squared. Basic example, example two. Find the weight of a 10-kilogram object on Earth and on the moon. So both of these are asking you to find the weight, which is fg. And in both of these, it's going to be mg. It's going to be mg. Only on the moon, I'll make sure I use g on the moon. And on the Earth, I'll make sure I use g, the gravitational field strength, on the Earth. The mass is 10, g is 9.8. A 10-kilogram mass exerts a force of 98 newtons. That's why when I had the two people pushing on the scale, I said, you know what? If you look at kilograms and multiply by 10, that's roughly the force in newtons. How much force would a 10-kilogram mass on the moon exert? Well, right here it says the moon's gravitational field is 1.6, so that's where the 1.6 came from, 16 newtons. You'd feel about 1.6 to your weight on the moon, which would take some getting used to. Your timing would be way off if you tried to play catch on the moon. Even your jumping would feel weird. Now in a space suit, you can't jump very well. But suppose we built a dome on the moon that had oxygen and a regular atmosphere in it, and so you didn't need to wear a space suit. I suspect the tricky part would be timing your landings because everything would be happening so much slower, you'd overreact and probably trip because you overreacted the land. Now turn the page. Emily, that means you can turn the page now. Example three says, example three says, select the best answer. Here's another one of those using principles of physics right to explain questions. If the force of gravity acts on an object, then the object A remains at rest, B moves at a constant speed, C accelerates in the direction of the force, D, all of the above. Once again, we're going to vote. Once again, how high you hold your hand is how certain you are of the answer. I'm positive. I'm pretty sure I'm only voting because Mr. Dewick is going to remember which people I haven't voted and he'll make fun of me, okay? So if the force of gravity acts on an object, then the object A remains at rest, B moves at a constant speed, C accelerates in the direction of the force, one, two, three, four, five, six, D, all of the above. All right, if you voted C convince me that D is wrong or if you voted D convince me that C is wrong. Can you remain at rest? Can A be true? Well, are all of you being pulled down by gravity right now? Yes, are all of you at rest right now? Yes, some of you more than others apparently Mitchell. B, can you move at a constant speed while under the force of gravity? Yeah, I did that when I jumped out of an airplane in free fall. Have I showed the free fall video yet? I haven't, have I? I'll just show that in a bit then. When I jumped out of my airplane, eventually I hit terminal velocity, which meant that air resistance up and gravity down were equal. So my net acceleration was zero even though gravity was pulling me down, I was moving at a constant speed. Certainly when I opened the parachute, I was moving at a constant speed. C, can you accelerate in the direction of the force? Well, yeah, that's true whenever you drop an object. So the answer is D, all of the above. And where it says explain your answer, I would give the three examples that I just gave an object on a table is at a constant speed even though it's under gravity, we're not gonna write it out. B, constant speed, terminal velocity, C, free fall when you first start to fall. That's how I would explain that one. We're not gonna write all that one out. Instead, we're gonna move to Newton's second law. So Newton's second law says that if we have balanced forces, then objects at rest remain at rest and objects in motion remain in motion. If we have unbalanced forces, actually crossed out Newton's second law, Newton's first law says that if we have balanced forces, then objects remain at rest and objects at rest remain at rest and objects in motion remain in motion. If we have unbalanced forces and the object accelerates in the direction of the net force. We write it this way. F net equals ma where F net is the total sum of all the forces, except writing out total sum is too much work. Does anybody know what's the symbol that we use in chemistry and in physics for the sum of or add them all up? So here's a great shorthand for you. You can reuse it often during this year. If you ever want to write the total or the sum of, it's that, a capital M on its side. It's a Greek letter sigma. It's where we get our letter S from. There's our S, there's the sigma. We just stopped doing that last little bit and curved it. And it stands for, well, here's what it looks like. That there means the total sum of the force, which is the net force in Newton's. Now, F net will never appear on our vector diagrams. It'll never appear on our free body diagrams. It's not a real force because it's not based on an interaction. It's the vector sum of all of the actual real forces. By the way, back here, I said that Newton's per kilogram were the same as meters per second squared. Here's the proof. One Newton per kilogram is the same as a meter per second squared because a Newton meter per second, sorry, kilogram meter per second squared is the same as a Newton. Why? Force is what times what, Conor? Mass, which is measured in kilograms and acceleration, which measured in. Okay, so here's what I'm gonna say. Kilogram meters per second squared. That's force, that's MA. And another way to write force is, another way to write acceleration is force divided by the mass. So if I take the force, kilogram meters per second squared, and I divide it by the mass, kilograms. Kayla, what happens to the kilograms if there's one on top and one on the bottom? So here's what I'm saying is it turns out force divided by mass is meters per second squared is acceleration, but what do I measure force in? Newton's, what do I measure mass in? What we're really saying is, Newton's per kilograms is the same as meters per second squared. There's your little proof. I shouldn't have done that big loopy thing because that's gonna be in the way. Another term for acceleration due to gravity is gravitational field strength. Measured in Newton's per kilogram. So often in a question, instead of saying, the acceleration is five meters per second squared, they'll say the acceleration is five Newton's per kilogram. That is meters per second squared, it's an acceleration. Or they'll say the gravitational field strength is five Newton's per kilogram, that's acceleration. Example four says find the unbalanced or the net force in each case, including direction. What's my net force in diagram A? How big? Two Newton's, what direction? You know what, let's go north, east, south, and west. Let's pretend we're looking down at an object. So this would be two Newton's east. My at symbol doesn't look very good. What's my net force in B? What's my net force in B? 3.7, direction, due south. What's my net force in C? What's my net force in C? One Newton, and this is why I put the at symbol in, so if otherwise there would be one N, then you wouldn't know what the heck it was going on. So one Newton at north. What's my net force in D? Brett, I heard you, thought I heard you. Oh, no, I didn't, okay, five Newton's east. And you can write out the word east so you can go at and put an E for east. E, first of all, what's my net north-south force in E? Zero, that's convenient. What's my net east-west force in E? Seven Newton's direction, west. If Y is greater than, is bigger than X, what's my net force here? Matt, louder. In fact, if I'm not mistaken, you went winter minus loser. Which is the approach that I use with my students. I turn every single force question into a great big tug of war. The reason is, in the unit we just finished, we always let down be negative and up be positive, so we always put in negative 9.8 meters second squared. In this unit, because we're often gonna have things moving up and something else moving down, we're just gonna decide the winning direction is positive, and that will take care of the negatives. We're not gonna put in negative 9.8. The math will take care of that for me. To solve force problems, first thing you're gonna hear me do is we're gonna draw a free body diagram. We draw one arrow for each force that acts on the object. We never ever, we never ever, we never ever, we never ever, we never ever put the net force on a free body diagram. It doesn't exist really. It's the mathematical combination of all of them, and we use it to solve things, but it's not an actual force per se. Label all the arrows, put the tail of the arrow at the center of each object, and if you want to, acceleration and velocity vectors can be drawn differently, for example, using wiggly lines. I usually don't put acceleration and velocity on my free body diagram, and a free body diagram, we represent all of the mass of an object with a dot, and then we label the forces. Then you're gonna use the free body diagram to write an algebraic net force equation, solve for any unknowns. Our force equation will be solved by using a tug of war analogy. We will ask ourselves, which force is winning? We can almost always figure that out just by looking at the diagram and scratching our brain. And we will then go like this, Andrew. Winner minus loser equals F net, where F net equals ma. In fact, often you'll see me just go winner minus loser equals ma. This allows us to avoid having to decide which directions are positive and which directions are negative. Do I put in a negative 9.8? Never in this unit. We will decide the positive and the negative and it'll take care of itself. Example five, turn the page, no? Nothing, guys a little tired it seems. Yeah, a long weekend, should be awake. Not, absolutely. So, example five, a 2000 Newton rock, hanging from a rope accelerates upwards at three meters per second squared. A says draw a free body diagram. I'm gonna draw the free body diagram right there. I'm gonna represent the forces on the rock with a dot. The mass of the rock I represent as a dot. So put a dot right there. Apparently I have to be really clear this morning. Okay. What are the forces acting on that rock? Get the obvious ones. Okay, gravity is always pulling down. Is the rock in free fall? No, then there must be another force in the opposite direction. What? Well, I notice it's a rope. What did we traditionally call a force exerted by a rope? Tension. Why did I draw my tension arrow so much bigger than my gravity arrow? Who's winning? You know how I know? That's why. That's how I know. And I'll always exaggerate my arrows to remind myself tension is winning and gravity in this case is losing. What's my equation? Well, we'll write this down the first few times. Write this down. Winner, take away loser is equal to the net force, which is just MA. Who's winning? Tension. So anything in the tension direction, anything pointing up is going to be positive. Winner, minus. Who's losing? Loser, that equals MA. So A said draw a free body diagram. B said compare the forces that act on the object. We actually did that in our free body diagram with our arrow lengths. C says write a net force equation. There's our answer to part C. There's our net force equation. Trevor, what does D want us to find? Get the tension by itself, huh? Turns out tension is gonna be MA plus FG. Now let's see here. Do I know the mass? I saw one person nod and one person say no. I think I do, but not blatantly. I can figure out the mass. How can I figure out the mass from this? Emily? Divided by 9.8. You know what I'm gonna do? I'm actually just gonna write in for the mass, 2000 over 9.8, and that way I don't have to worry about sig figs or decimal places or anything. I'll just do that, because I'm gonna do it no matter what. Why not do it in the equation? So there's the mass. Do I know A? Do I know my net acceleration? I do. How big, Kara? Three, minus, or sorry, not minus, plus. Do I know the force of gravity? Yeah, how big? Ooh, maybe I don't know the force of gravity. They blatantly told it to me very, very easily. What's the force of gravity on this rock? Come on, folks, what's the force of gravity on this rock? What's the weight of this rock? I just spent 10 minutes talking about how gravitational fields, we said that weight was the same as MG, that force of gravity is measured in newtons. Boys and girls, what's the force of gravity on this rock? 2,000 people. Really? 2,000 newtons, yes? I don't need to do nine point, they did that for me. I don't need to go through all that garbage. They gave me the weight in newtons. Good, now crunch the numbers. Please, wake yourselves out of these doldrums. I hope that was tiredness and not not knowing. If it was not knowing, you in trouble. Because I just spent five minutes talking about it. Turn your brains on. Find the answer, please. I'm gonna freeze my screen and not tell you the answer because some of you right now are so out of it. John, what'd you get? John, what'd you get? 2,612? Why is that wrong? Because it is. Why is that still wrong? Because it is. Oh, you guys know you got a test on Thursday, right? What do I want every single answer to be this year? Two or three sig figs. Why is this wrong? Four sig figs. How about 2.61 times 10 to the third newtons? Example six. Boy, wake up, people. Example six. Is it correct to say that if the rock in example five is moving upwards, then the string tension must always be greater than the weight of the rock. If the rock in example five is moving upwards, if the rock in example five is moving upwards, will tension always be bigger than FG? Convince me. I hear yes, convince me. Or do I hear no, convince me? Yes or no? If the rock is moving upwards, is tension always bigger than FG? Here's my rock. Right here, see it? What can you tell me about the speed that I just moved at? Constant, so what was my net acceleration? Zero, so if that's zero, how big is this number right here? Zero, what could you tell me about tension and FG? Would tension have to be bigger? In fact, it would be the, if A equals zero, constant speed, tension minus FG equals zero, there's my winner minus loser equation that we started out with, where the zero come from. Well, if acceleration is zero, what's zero times the mass? Zero, tension equals FG. If they're equal, are they greater? No, there's a mathematical explanation with a tiny bit of English, but there's a mathematical answer using principles of physics. For a rock moving upwards, is it ever possible for the chord tension to be less than the weight of the rock? Is it ever possible for this to be smaller than that? Yes or no? Katie said yes, convince me. Katie's right, it's something to do with acceleration, but she's wrong, she doesn't know what. Watch, was the rock moving upwards for a while? Did you see slack in the chord? Would that suggest that, what? I don't even think tension existed at all. In fact, I think tension was zero, but gravity hadn't vanished, had it? So this is really, I think Katie, what you were trying to visualize is this. For a split second, give it a big tug. So my answer to here would be, is it possible? Yes, if mass is in free fall, but still traveling up. You know what, instead of traveling, let's just say still moving, let's use their word, moving up. If your initial velocity upwards is enough that it stays in free fall for a few seconds before coming to a stop, once it starts to come back down and tension yanks up, okay, then tension, but on the way up for a split second in free fall, you all saw the string went limp there, yes? So yeah, it can be an interesting equation to try and draw. A little technical comment here on force equations and vectors. If the mass, in example five, is accelerating down, say at two meters second squared, we have two choices. We could always let down be positive and always let up, sorry, down be negative and always let up be positive. So up and right could be positive, down and left are negative, and we would say that, I don't like that approach. Caitlyn, it works great for small one-dimensional problems, but for two-dimensional problems, we have a problem. For example, here, this mass is moving down negative, but this mass is moving to the right, which last unit was positive. So we are going to use our tug of war, winner minus loser approach to try and deal with these. We will decide to let winner be positive. We will decide to let loser be negative. What's your homework? Well, your homework is really study for the test on Thursday, but then I don't see you for a week. Like your test is Thursday, next Tuesday, number one, number two, three is great. So one, two, three, four is good, parachute, yay. By the way, on question four, part C is on the next page just so that you know, I don't know it's saying which of the following is true, A, B, and C. Five is good, six, seven, and nine. Nine is a nice challenging one, but it's a great combination of last unit and this unit. That would be a great example of if I was wanting to give you a B-level written question. Okay?
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Cultural Heritage Board Special Meeting - September 13, 2023
Hey, well, welcome, everyone, to the City of Santa Rosa Cultural Heritage Board meeting, September 13th. We'll start out with a call to order and roll call. Okay. Board Member Boran. Here. Board Member Carney. Here. Board Member Fennell. Here. Board Member Klein. Here. Board Member Marslyn. Here. Vice Chair Garrett is currently absent, but we'll be here shortly. Chair Muser. Here. Let the record reflect that all Board Members are present with Vice Chair Garrett showing up linked. Thank you. Moving on to Board Business. Our statement of purpose, the principle duties of the Board include undertaking and updating historic inventories or surveys recommending designation of landmarks and preservation districts, reviewing proposed alterations to historic buildings, and promoting public awareness of preservation issues. If you are in a historic district would like more information regarding historic districts. Please see the process and review procedures for owners of historic properties. Real quickly if we can open up for public comment on that. We do not have any attendees via Zoom and nobody in person. Okay. We'll close public comment. We move to item three. What do you think about Board Member reports? Were we going to do that at all? I don't think we're doing anything except this, except the item for the special meeting. And then, and we'll. So no, no report from Ms. Murray. Either. Oh, no, I don't. I don't. I don't. Leah works. Study session. I have no reports. Okay. I do not at this meeting, but I will have a report for the next meeting. Okay. The special meetings because people aren't aware of them as much. Okay. I'm sorry. I apologize. Thanks. Just started. Okay. Moving on to item three. Scheduled items. And. This report. City of Santa Rosa. Resilient city changes. 2023. File number PRJ. 23 dash. 010 at background of city of Santa Rosa zoning code text amendment and a zoning map amendment for the resilient. City. Resilient city changes. And. Present her city planner presenter today is Christian. Thank you. It's all yours. Thank you. I'm going to share my screen really quickly. I will. I'm unfortunately hard of hearing. So. Okay. The more you could speak up the board would be appreciated. Good evening members of the board. Today I'll be discussing the resilient city combining district update. This is going to be. Talking about a few things related to resilient city that we have currently in the city. And we have certain measures for rebuilding. From disasters that were in place starting in 2018 that we're looking at changes by the end of the year. So currently we're looking at modifying our resilient city code section regarding a resilient city combining district. This currently is not within the historic combining district whatsoever because. These were adopted in response to the Tubbs nuns and glass fires. These are set to expire on December 31st 2023 unless amended by council. And these were created to address the reconstruction repair rebuilding and damaged parcels. From those disasters. This is also utilized alongside what we have is the resilient city development measures as well. So our project goals for this process and also coming here is to do permit streamlining to facilitate reconstruction. For any catastrophic events and then avoid any type of bottleneck during the permitting process. And reducing the review for any type of expedited review. So that would be reducing any level of if maybe a permit has to come to the CHP maybe it's reduced to the zoning administrator or to the staff level with the director review. So currently here has been our project timeline for the resilient city changes. We've gone through originally with city department feedback sessions in April and August. And then after that we reached out to a few developers about our design review process. And then we conducted a public survey about both of our resilient city ordinances. And then we went to the design review board for proposed changes that were pertain to design review. And then today is for cultural heritage board. Next we're bringing the entire project to planning commission for a recommendation to city council. And then we will be going to city council in November which would lead to the ordinance being adopted in December. We are currently looking at a permit streamlining for landmark alteration. This would be only be applicable to properties that are affected by any type of hazard in the city. We're currently working on that language right now for the upcoming ordinance changes. This would also help with reducing the process and time for rebuilding. Currently we have only gone through this process for hillside development and design review. So for areas that were affected by the fire they had originally they would be going to the zoning administrator or maybe even to the design review board for reviews for hillside development and design review. But our current resilient city measures reduced that to either zoning administrator level or to staff level to review these projects. This happened, that's still currently happening. That's because the ordinance is ending soon. And moving forward we're looking at making this process available for any natural disaster that happens in the city. So that's why we wanted to come to the cultural heritage where because that is a huge area of the city that could possibly be affected in the future. We're also looking at no longer tying this to a specific zone. So we're looking at no longer using the RC combining district but rather implementing it citywide so it doesn't have to go through any rezoning process with the city council. We have a few proposals to bring forward regarding resilient city landmark alteration processes. So the few of them that you can see here but I have listed four different types of projects. So separated between residential and non-residential. So we are giving you an idea about the residential project process. This would be reducing any type of rebuilding measures to just concept with a CHP and then going straight into the building permit process. Another thing would be going for residential projects going from CHP to zoning administrator. And then some findings they would need to cover would be listed under architectural compatibility so that is color, materials and pattern. Architectural features as well as district character. And then also thinking about the damage structures themselves that are considered historic. Looking at how those might be documented in any way or incorporated into the process. So that would be photo documentation in case these buildings might need to be taken down and we don't want to lose them forever so maybe we would have the property owner. Property owner have a photo documentation of whatever is left of the structure. Restoration would be maybe only a small portion of a structure is damaged. They can rebuild it or fix it or repair it and wouldn't need to go through as much measures and it would still be a part of the entire structure. Incorporation would be maybe the entire structure or majority of the structure has been damaged but there is still like a wall or a few up or any other determining factor. And then that's incorporated into a new design with the district character. And then also looking at possible historic report or historic evaluation for these projects to ensure they are still following our standards for historic preservation. Another thing to go over is that we have planned developments within the city. So these are areas within the city that kind of have their own type of zoning within the policy document. These are created to, there's a variety of reasons of why things are planned developments. They generally have their own standards because of specific reasons at the time when they were developed. A large majority of the parcels within historic districts are planned developments. So they have their own specific standards for those as well. We currently have a specific section in the RC zoning code that allows plan developments to go through different standards. But that will be being updated in the future. So to make it more clear of how these standards are going to be placed. And then lastly it's recommended by the planning and economic development department that the cultural heritage board provide comments and recommendations to staff about the proposed landmark alteration permit streamlining and the upcoming resilience city zoning code text and map amendments. My information is listed here. And please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you. Thank you. I have given this subject quite a bit of thought this last week. And trying to think about a way that the board could be the most productive and giving you information that's going to go on then to the planning commission. And I'm assuming the planning commission then will have a draft that they'll actually review. I think that might be a good idea. I think that might be a good idea. I agree. So because we don't really have kind of a draft of ideas. I drafted something up. And if everybody's okay with it, I'd like to just so that it goes on public. Maybe go ahead and read it. And I think that might add to creating some discussion of our board as to, you know, what, what things we might want to consider or think about to be forwarded to the planning commission. Do you good with that? We're trying to bring it up so we can have it on the screen while, while you're, you're going through it. And so members of the public can see it. Exactly. Okay. Yeah, it's going to be pretty hard. But if anybody's watching it on zoom and then towards the end of our discussion out, I will open this up for a public comment if there's anybody in the public. So anyway, I kind of handed this out to everybody. It's also was listed as late correspondence on an email to you that came out today. And I just titled that major disaster properties located in H combining districts. And for some of the new board members, you may already know this, but in case you don't, any area that's been designated a historic neighborhood has been identified on the zoning map and it gets a dash H after the properties on it. Miss Marie correct me if I'm wrong. And so that's what kind of makes the neighborhood identified specifically and those properties with the gas. So whatever they, their zoning was they get this addition dash H to it. So they call it acid combining district. The purpose of this document is to generate discussion around policy needs should a major disaster such as fire, earthquake or flood occur in a historic neighborhood. The disaster would involve the entire if the disaster could involve the entire district partial district or selected properties because changes to contributing structures within historic districts require either a minor or major landmark alteration permit. This document attempts to address the rebuilding needs of a historic district should it be impacted by a major disaster. So I kind of broke down some different scenarios. So the first scenario is a historic district with a major loss of structures identified as historic contributors. So should the percentage of loss contributing structures be greater than the number required to originally create the historic district, the following action shall be taken. And I'm, I think I've read somewhere I couldn't find it that when a historic district has created a survey is done and there's a count basically made of contributing structure versus non contributing structures and if there's enough contributing structures it makes it an historic neighborhood. So in this first scenario if you had a loss of so many of those contributing structures that was greater than really what was required to be. So a couple of options. First option zoning map amendment. After a survey of the affected area affected historic neighborhoods zoning map could preserve the historic district. I'll bet smaller while allowing rebuilding of loss structures under the provisions of 2028 100 that's the dash RC document that we saw the second option, removing historic district designation after a survey of the affected area, removal of historic district designation would occur if the loss of contributing structures is so significant that exceeds the number originally needed to create the historic district and geographic all location of the loss would make it impossible to adjust the zoning map for the affected historic district rebuilding would then proceed under the provisions of 2028 so those are two different things. One is we just redraw the map and actually we wouldn't be able to we would recommend to the planning commission to recommend to the city council to redraw the map or if there was so much loss like what happened in Hawaii it's really no longer a historic district it's all been lost. Two historic district with minor loss of structures deemed as historic contributors total destruction of contributing historic structure of the rebuilding of a totally destroyed structure with an historic district would be treated in the same manner as building on a vacant lot within a historic district therefore requiring major landmark alteration permit the new structure would need to comply with the identifying characteristics of the historic neighborhood and this will be an area for discussion for us is do we really need to require a major landmark alteration permit or could we do some of the things that are being suggested as far as having the zoning administrator handle the review of that or just after concept review just forward it on to building permit. B is partial destruction of contributing historic structure to repair rebuilding of a partially damaged structure within a historic district should be done in a manner to repair the structure to its original design and again if we're going to do it to a traditional design that might be something that concept review then straight on to permit process or we could stay with as it is now requiring major landmark alteration permit especially if they're going to be making changes in the process and then the third item is kind of a combination of both so you have a fire that maybe took out one of the streets or one of the area but you have pockets within the historic district but there's still enough left in the historic district for it to remain intact so you might have a rezoning map in our map rezoning the neighborhood as well as these pockets damaged or completely burnt down structures for major and minor landmark alteration permit requirements all fees associated with major and minor landmark alteration permits shall be waived losses of historic districts designated as a dash RC combining district shall receive expedited review by the CHP through the process of holding special meetings as needed and I would think that if we had a situation like this or we had a major we should be available to meet as often and as frequently as needed under a special meeting context to keep things rolling historic properties to be repaired in the same manner as they were built would be done so with a minor landmark alteration permit new structures to be built within this historic district would require a major landmark alteration permit five, removing historic designation and zoning map amendments to historic neighborhood designations a detailed survey of the historic district shall be conducted to determine the extent of damage and loss to the historic district the CHP should receive a recommendation for removing historic designation or amending the zoning map associated with the historic district CHP should provide comment to the planning commission if it is believed that historic district designation should be removed for the zoning map for the district changed and CHP special meeting shall be conducted to determine the extent of expedite review process and then finally additional considerations due to the additional complexities associated with historic districts and what makes this different than even the hillside or coffee park is that H designation because maybe the hillside was complicated because of building on a hill but the historic districts because they're collectively a historic element and so I think I feel that this new zoning language that the historic element needs its own section so anyway it is recommended the PED assign a single staff member for performing a post-incidence survey of the affected historic structures and oversee the rebuilding process so with that I'm going to jump back to staff or the other board members if they have comments or thoughts or clarification on what percentage would you say that it would have to be the buildings would be roomed or whatever to take away that designation of historic is there going to be a percentage point 25% of the buildings 50% or how many buildings were required at the time to make an historic district so I have 75% are burned it would lose its designation as an historic district I would think we would go back to the original survey that was done I don't know I don't know there was a number of percentage I don't know I know that we have we have our preservation districts we have a lot of properties outside those preservation districts that also are historic that don't have protection generation but I think I think yeah ultimately I'm sure concentration would play a role ultimately it would be the city council making that decision so whether or not it's a preservation presumably that would be on the recommendation of the city yes and that's the local designation there are other designations there's state and federal as well but if you look at the federal I read through all the federal information on the rebuilds I think this is pretty right on in terms of the federal and what our purview is I would I mean there are a couple of minor things I change in this like if you built on a vacant lot like the one on mcdonald avenue did they have to get a major landmark alteration just to build a brand new building on the lot yes yeah okay so that's one question and then I think we should clarify what the identifying characteristics of the historicity what we mean by that and what I've always assumed from our local guidelines and the federal guidelines is that you that is the pattern of the fenestration of those buildings and the pattern of the roof pitch and the materials used but that preferably the building be easily distinguished from the historic buildings so in other words like they've done in London to build a glass and steel building in an historic district is appropriate if the fenestration and the roof pitches are so large to the other buildings in that neighborhood I think that's always been an issue in Santa Rosa talking these through but I'd like to see some language like that added to this and I don't know how you I mean I think this this how do you know down on two part B if you're repairing a historic building how do you differentiate between the repair of the original building which you'd have to do my questions that's a repair in other words you're going to because your siding material has lived out its life and so you're going to replace the siding you would want we would want the siding material to match the original siding material because it's being repaired if you're doing an addition to the original structure I think that's where the Secretary of Terriers talks about differentiating something that would look blend compliment but stand out itself as this was added on there that's problematic because for instance in my house that I used to live in that siding is not made so it may have been made and is that something you want to require of and that's why I kind of feel that the processes that we see these are all discussions we would have if it were coming to the board and decisions that would be made if it was coming to the board and I know we want to expedite the process and but at the same time too if the historic district has remained intact there's also an obligation to the remaining property owners within that historic district and that's the reason why we have the major landmark alteration process and the minor landmark alteration process is to have an opportunity for us to discuss those things as well as open it up for public comment and public feedback from other neighbors and things as to how they feel about the design of that building so it's kind of on one end we want to rush it through or get it going but on the other end we also want to take into consideration that this is a historic neighborhood and possibly we still need to keep some of our processes intact I think the goal of this is to streamline process so I talked in the previous meetings about getting before the cultural heritage board through the concept design review which Chair Muser mentioned in his discussion and that's something that we can get pretty quick one of the problems where that can be problematic is with signage and the noticing process and we could really look at that and ease up the noticing so neighbors are still getting noticed but that concept design review process gets it onto an agenda with zero staff analysis it gets it on the agenda with a memo and that way the board can review the plans and make recommendations then moving into the next phase say if they were to follow all of those recommendations or get a report from a qualified professional that supports otherwise maybe something a compromise there that they could go straight to building permit for I think with the rebuild I think we went back to if it was major it went to minor and if it went from minor it went to director I think I don't know if that's how we did it at the get go for also it was delegated down to director all the way even for commercial I think it says for processes that would go to commission that would go to ZA I don't know if that was the original but those are some ideas what we did before you can see in that ordinance that was provided as an attachment to the memo is that it took things that were major projects and bumped it way down for minor projects and gave them to director level the process was intended to be very expeditious to get whether it's one person or 3,000 people that have lost their homes the goal is to get them back in the home very quickly and I completely agree that the so understand that that's when it's going to occur for somebody who has when their home has been demolished which could easily happen I mean you think about it if the fire started you know, wherever in the fountain probably burned down through the valley and through the proctor neighborhood it would take out McDonald's it would probably flip over to Cherry Street and then to Bourbon I mean if it's that big a fire it could burn a huge amount of the city because all those buildings are wood almost all of them I mean if you stuck up buildings and in that you'd have the high school which although it's not designated that's one of the most historic buildings in the city you'd have a whole lot of other major landmarks from the city so I do think it would have to be expedited because how would how do you get it done? and I think that's why there should be language that gives opportunity to undesignate a historic neighborhood and that would free up if there was so much damage if if the council was able to very quickly undesignate a historic neighborhood then you could fall back to whatever you have there without that yeah and as well as a language that would allow remapping if you had just a street or an area because like I say the reality is what makes it is the structures and if the structures are gone even if you built them back as close as you could they're still not and it shouldn't but if there is a building that is of value that's still standing that building should be treated under the historic code so for instance the McDonald mansion if that were to be a less standing that should not be raised just because the rest of the district is gone something else we do in our accessory dwelling unit ordinance we give people an option to provide design it the second unit like this when matching the siding materials color types of windows or provide a report from a qualified historian or we get up to you to figure out whose qualified to do that report but as an alternative of going for landmark alteration minor landmark alteration they provide that report and we look it over if we've got questions we know who to ask but that's an option you're going to have people in a catastrophic event with a lot of loss you're going to have people that do things that you don't want them to do but generally speaking people do the right thing and giving them really the goal here is to make it as easy as possible for them even I'm encouraging you to think outside the LNA process that that report after review if it meets certain standards and you can advise us on those standards where if they meet all those standards that they go straight to building so food for thought it seems like our discussion is kind of coming down to what do we want to do as far as the major landmark alteration permit requirement in the case of a major disaster and do we want to allow for concept review only and then you know the zoning I think it should at least go to the zoning administrator not just go direct to permit a major reduction under this circumstance or do we want to maintain the requirement of a major landmark alteration permit but maybe figure out a way to be able to fast track it a little bit more so to give some context to that when a major landmark alteration comes into the city or a minor for that matter it's not just planning staff that reviews that permit it goes through our building or engineering or water fire department everybody gets so it's not tough to expedite that and it's even tougher to expedite 100 of them let alone we've already seen 3,000 and in that case we brought on independent permitting staff and there were mistakes made standards were not followed by the homes built and in the end I think that even where those mistakes were made it was a really good thing over in Coffee Park I think Coffee Park has really turned out nicely you know for the most part but so I mean again the goal I'm assuming but I think the goal is really to make this as expeditious as possible and I don't think it would be reasonable to ask the board to be here 7 days a week yes depending on maybe the amount of destruction if it's complete destruction and the two homes next to it have all you know the other properties flanking it have also been destroyed maybe at that point it doesn't require I'm just throwing out ideas but we're looking for that kind of suggestions for you and I think can those suggestions come in after this meeting via email yeah absolutely we're happy to take any suggestions here today and then via email to Christian the only caveat we have is our timeline and we are moving quickly and that's just because both Resilience City sections expire at the end of this year and we want to make sure that these provisions are in place before the expiration so yes I think we can definitely take a look at the plans prior to the plan our deadlines are pretty soon another thought I was having to many of the waters just because that's what we like to do you know this is what we're taking forward to the Planning Commission and Council is codification of the Resilience City development measures that were developed and have been updated periodically since 2017 and so we're dealing with existing code language that we're putting into sections that make sense and modifying as needed this is creating something new that wasn't in there and it wasn't in there because the just the calamities that we have had have an impacted preservation districts right so another thought could be if this is more complex then we can do in this short period of time you know we might be able to say let the Council know that we also want to address preservation districts in this but it's more complex and we're going to come back I know that you want to move on to other things just to give it more time so we can move forward to what we have and amend that section later it's just another thought are there national guidelines like FEMA I know Mark DeBalker worked for FEMA for a while and went to disasters and made instant decisions on things would it be worth consulting with Mark to find out how how they if they had any guidelines for those decisions we have city staff that have been over helping the line fires and FEMA has a lot of there we may be able to just ask what's going on over there we might be able to get some guidance because there were a lot historic properties but you can't rebuild an historic property so it would be the ones that are left and it doesn't look like we have very many historic but the banion tree an arborist has weighed in and said that the banion tree was going to be down that came back with our building official I guess my thought is just and maybe it's totally all wrong but I just didn't want to have a situation where an RH designation combining is suddenly in a historic and it's all rules are off you know you build whatever you want and some of the neighborhoods are really challenging because some of the neighbors share a driveway with a joint garage in the back some of the neighbors have a driveway that's right along the edge of their house and then the garage is in the back these are a little narrow lots that you would never prove today that if fire was to go through there how would you rebuild those lots and how would you still allow a joint driveway but share in a historic neighborhood the answer should be yes the answer should be that's a defining characteristic of the historic neighborhood that they that's what made that all apart and those places looking the way that they look and I just think in a historic just because it is a historic district we just need to have an element you know if a disaster happens in that historic district that will kind of cover that and maybe after the fact or something might be a way to address that I don't think that this ordinance will address every situation that comes up and we all clamor on to fire there are lots of other things earthquakes can have some pretty devastating impacts as well and I think you're right I think after we see what happens there's probably going to be some urgency ordinance that comes up behind to assist and rebuild but to get us to a point where even with the smaller catastrophes you know it's one of your homes that goes down if it's an individual one single structure of fire or if it's a city block there's a gas main problem or something like that you know and I am I don't know the historic building code and we would certainly like that I don't know the official delay in on it but my recollection is that all the new structures that were legal nonconforming have been found and had to be reconstructed with current standards and we made provisions for them to still get through the process expeditiously but that's certainly something that we can look into but because I agree the other doesn't the reconstruction I don't think any of us have that and that's a problem because some of the historic district blocks are finding in West End you've heard kind of us banter so board members have I thought you were sort of gave some answers on how to handle different situations so is this a recommendation it may be a how things are handled based on circumstances generally I think we're going to probably leave it to staff as to determine what they want to move forward in their draft document but really hoping to get some feedback and again it doesn't have to happen today this is a lot to handle today you can certainly you've got to avoid the meetings even on a topic like this but I know that you can have certain you can have conversations with board members there are board members we all know they have a little bit more experience but again they can't talk to everybody and there's a reason for that education is okay education is not so there's a reason we have a 7 member board so I would encourage everybody to think about it and really look I'm happy to send out a couple ordinances like the ADU ordinance that has how we got people the state said you cannot ask for any additional entitlements meaning we can't ask for a landmark alteration in structure and preservation district if it's an ADU but we had to make some in order to avoid it you have to comply with this or do this I'm going to say a lot of times we talk about those reports and stuff but those reports are darn expensive they started about $4,000 amounts for the smallest of changes and they go up from there so somebody who's willing to do a report like that and get a certified professional writing that historic analysis that person's willing to make the investment in my opinion generally speaking there's always going to be the one ox but they're willing to make the investment to preserve the neighborhood so those are things that are food for thought for you all we're looking to you for a direction I have a question so ultimately what should we focus on in terms of coming up with a plan or a process that we can submit to the city or however it goes but do you want us to come up with a process to address these issues in historic if there's a disaster in the historic neighborhood yeah so what we're proposing in the presentation is some of the ideas that we have we would also like for you to weigh in on any kind of processing and permitting procedures you would like this is a great example of offering something to us the attachment from the chair definitely anything you can think of would definitely be very beneficial we just do have a very tight deadline so we'll be available after or via email or phone call if you have anything that comes up as well did we get a copy of your presentation it's on your agenda oh I didn't see yeah I can show you that and I think just the key to touch on the blue presentation yeah it comes up and the key to any comments from the board is really going to be looking at trying to streamline the process and make it easier for folks we all saw with the 2017 fires people just want to get back in their homes and they want to deal with going through a hillside development process or design review and to the extent that we can address the concerns of the board and what you guys look at through this process but through a streamlined way that's really kind of what we're hoping to get is there a way that the city can mitigate I don't know quite what the wording is for that but it's a 145 year old building and it burns down and you would want to build something else there that's equivalent not necessarily mimicking the historic building the codes the current codes are so different that the expenses just to bring everything to today's code is going to be extremely difficult so I don't know how you deal with that I think that's covered by homeowners insurance there's a problem because the homeowners insurance doesn't want to pay for all those upgrades people found out some hard lessons some people didn't have the clause in their homeowners insurance that would allow for code upgrades some people didn't have enough price per square foot to rebuild that I don't know I think that's more of a I don't think that's a city thing I think that would be a female thing homeowners also people need to realize they have to figure out what the rebuild is for the square footage for their own and I tell people all the time look if you were to rebuild now my house almost burned in the 2020 fire the glass fire six other homes are how we did and you just have to look what is it, is it 450 square foot is it 550 are you going to want those fancy pillars that are going to cost 40,000 a piece you've got to add all that extra but people need to be educated about being insured correctly and that was the big problem with both of those fires a lot of people were under insured so it is an issue do other cities have do you know what their codes are for the historical district has that been looked into what they're doing what I can let you know is we're one of the first cities to even have a resilient city ordinance and a couple cities that happened that were kind of may have followed ours we were kind of modeling a lot of things that are going to be happening because we were one of the few places that even had a disaster at this level so that's something to consider so if I was to just kind of condense my comments I would basically the direction that leads from me I would give would be to create a process that would expedite the rebuilding of homes by allowing the undesignation of historic districts if deemed necessary based on what was said or the remapping of a historic district or the ability to fast track our current major and minor landmark alteration processes without compromising the integrity of the historic neighborhood because we do have an obligation to those homes that remain in the historic neighborhood we don't we don't want to you know somebody survived and they got their little bungalow and now this T111 thing just got built next to it you know because it was fast track so anyway so that's that would be that might so that would be the fast track to adhere to the characteristics well yeah or allow allow staff to deem what they feel would be inappropriate I think at a minimum a review by the cultural heritage or at a concept review at a minimum and at a maximum the full scale you know because I know what you're saying with the major land we got to do the noticing we got to do it just it's gonna and with if you have quite a few numbers it could just really get rid of the major what did you say well get rid of the major landmark yeah and I guess what I'd like to keep is the what the elements of the major as far as the the it kind of protects the character defining elements of the neighborhood or it gives an opportunity at least for a review of the board but maybe get rid of the all of those other things that slow it down anyway yeah and I'm like Sam open for any process it just doesn't doesn't compromise the neighborhood the remaining neighborhood are there archives of all the historic building and we do have photo record of quite a bit of them I don't know about every single building but we do have a drive through survey that was conducted a couple years ago that have been used during all of the the binder still exists somewhere they do right by my office they're right by my house you should bring those to a meeting sometime and you have I have one okay every house in the historic district and then the that were done every yeah the contributing structures there's also a lot of photographic history the library of course the library does I I'm just going to throw out food for that again again so I know there's concern about some not that we need to discuss this day but when you're when you're putting together your recommendations I really hope that everybody takes a little bit of time to put together a recommendation and like Jessica said keep an eye on streamlining we've already seen the council waive all fees I'm just going to assume if it happens again they're going to do something along those lines but in the streamlining in terms of I mean like if the home that burnt down the home that vanished still had surviving neighbors and we saw that in a lot of neighborhoods right one random house was burnt or one random house survived there's no explanation for it but what if you know if something were there it's a I'm thinking of the Burbank Gardens district if there's single stories you may not want a double story a two-story coming into the neighborhood so think about stuff like that that could maybe keep people if they keep the same you know again roof if they keep these certain character defining elements which by the way are listed in our zoning code we codified them with the downtown station area specific plan in chapter 20 28 something and I can go ahead that's in our preservation district combining district I'll go ahead and forward that link to you too but if they were not not rebuilt like a historic building but still had those like the roof patch single story double story whatever the articulation maybe that's something that could get somebody right past right past that that landmark alteration permit and save them a ridiculous amount of money on a historic report again that's in a situation when the whole houses is gone and you I've said you can't my little thing which you can't rebuild history but that at least keeps that compatible so can we eliminate like we don't want any T11 signing but we already you know what we already and I you can propose it you guys that's I personally would be extremely supportive of that we have it in our design guidelines no T11 but then I've had people come in and say oh T11 doesn't just look like this anymore I don't even have the discussion because so few people are wanting to use that now people are going towards a hardy board but the other thing to consider too rebuild is requiring somebody to do do you mind how much you paid per shingle for your home well that's not probably an appropriate example $10 a shingle yeah so I mean it's very yeah but and there's beautiful shingles but shingles like for like you may have similar right it's kind of like wood windows you can't find wood windows unless you go to a restoration but the board has given us the ability to improve wood windows that are modern wood windows double-paying in the life all around the home that's the what we just want to do that so and again I like to say I think if your draft report if probably what I'm hearing at least at a minimum a concept review you know at least have a concept review I think the board really would like to see in concept we may not be in a position because of the emergency and everything to be in a decision making position but at least we could get feedback and then whoever the entity whether it be the zoning administrator whatever could take that feedback and go from there and in reality it's a good possibility it's going to be a higher contractor a consulting agent I mean that's what happened it may not even be your office your people that the feedback goes back to well maybe a clause that requires that individual to have a certain qualification no I think that's a good idea if it is a historic district that we try to keep it away from a group of contractors that are brought in to handle a situation like coffee park this coffee park to me isn't great so I think you can go down any street in coffee park and go under insured, over insured, under insured under insured, over insured and you can literally look at it and go okay these people did really great under insurance and these people were screwed and I think you can do that in preservation districts too you can see where there was workforce and there were the people that had more money but and just for clarification it wasn't, the contractors did the rebuild but we hired people to do the plan check and that is where that's where it's going to get approved I mean that's where the materials have called out so again I'm throwing out suggestions but I'm hoping that all of you can there be something that that's been done by a city actual employee rather than subcontract to approve within a designated district I just wanted to give some background on the data for that so we were able to pull a report for all the tubs and then fire parcels that were affected or designated RC so just for tons of nuns fire those were 2,644 parcels and from 2018 to now we've had 2,000 building permits finaled so that's quite a significant amount so I want you to think about that number when you're thinking of recommendations and the other thing to think about is yes they were contract folks that were doing a lot of these reviews but they had qualified planners in there and they were working under the direct supervision of our city staff members so they were not doing anything that wasn't in a direct line with the provisions and the direction given by city staff and I'm not aware of any city staff that have the qualifications that you're looking for I'm not aware of any city staff that have the qualifications that you're looking for I'm not qualified to write I would suggest that staff to the cultural heritage board should probably be in charge of the re-building in those historic neighborhoods No, that's a question Other comments? Patrick? I think that what Susan was talking about is someone's going to build something that is within the characters that we can in these preservation districts then they should be streamlined past any review that we have or maybe not I mean I'd like to say any review but then who's making the decision I guess is kind of what we're all a little bit hung up on but I think that's absolutely and someone wants to do a rebuild of close to what kind of what was there or something along those lines and it should absolutely just be a concept review like a repair to what was there a rebuild to what was there My understanding is that a rebuild a repair to what was there a rebuild to what was there I my read of the Secretary of State not to mimic but to remain compatible and with those those character defining elements again with the driveway depth of front yard three foot fence in the front yard those and those are all listed those were approved by the cultural heritage board we used to know it as Resolution 209 and we finally caught it and Mark Bakker was thrilled yeah I was going to say Mark is it true that some of those houses that were rebuilt my coffee park in those neighborhoods they had the plans as they were built got streamlined to be rebuilt on those previous plans they were except they had to be brought up to current standards so where we were I'm sorry yeah I can answer this was also like a previous question too about reconstructing things the way they were in historically we do have provisions for non conforming structures and uses so we did allow them to do generally the same thing as long as they're up to current building and fire code but it still allowed quite a few things to be as they were as long as they rebuilt in a certain timeline would that dictate what materials they use in the current it depends on what the building and fire requirements are but they might allow it to continue there's been some indigestion over shingle shingles and also shingle roof that's understanding forches decks vents in the home there's a lot of new fire and also interior sprinklers systems not as a big upgrade there's also a trigger for some of these things so when things were brought down to staff level review for hillside if they expanded over 10% of the original building footprint if they were doing more visual changes or environmental changes that would bring it back up to the zoning administrator level but other than that it was kept at staff level if it was generally similar to the original building I know you're under a tight time frame but just as you did a category at hillside is there possible to just throw something that category of the short neighborhood yeah we're already planning to do that I guess one of the things that when we talk about bringing something back some of these districts didn't become districts until what, 2000 yeah richwix yeah richwix so a lot of these homes started out as historic and then over the years they were you know when we talk about bringing them back you know my house is one of those awful plate houses but I had right before we went historic the owner that I bought it from put T11 up and took out all of that wonderful sign and took it all down and so in a situation like that and like the property that we had a few weeks ago that had a different sighting and then they're saying now that it's a different sighting you know we need a little bit of guidance some kind of concept review yeah repairs or if it is you know having a place all of the sighting and stuff but what was the sighting what would have been the sighting in the day I don't know that we could use a catastrophe to require people to restore I think if it was legal non-conforming they would be given the ability to go back with the legal non-conforming which is you know that whatever I'm assuming the person who owned your home and events hopefully they had building permits to do that work but it's not you need to know but yeah so if it's legal non-conforming but there's the benefit of it coming to the board on a concept review basis because restoration process if I'm going to use your house again as an example if a fire started at your neighbor's house and spread over and took out that wall it's you know you've got to reconstruct your wall the benefit you know if you're somebody who doesn't understand what the preservation district is about the benefit of coming to the board for concept is that you get that education there are a lot of people who are going to come just because it's required and say I got my plans already and this is what I'm doing exactly what was there before but there are others that will say wow that sounds like a really cool plan and it preserves the district and it makes my house work more money so anyway so that's just again I don't require anything that was legally constructed which by the way includes quite a few of those narrow driveway structures right and those are the ones I don't know that they could be reconstructed in the exact footprint I would have that we would have to defer the building you almost have to let them because there are lots that you know lot of lines and I think alone I would just have to defer to our building division on that I did not know the answer I'm trying to remember and I may be wrong but I think the cultural report does have the ability to adjust setbacks I think that's limited in historic neighborhoods so again there could be opportunity so the difference the differences setback is the zoning code district design standard whereas you've got the building code that requires certain access if it's building code the cultural heritage board might at least not that I'm aware of I don't think any board can supersede that you just have to let that process well trying to maybe think about trying to wrap this up let's kind of move towards final comments or staff I have one more question to throw in there I'm still worrying about the standalone historic buildings like the post office and there are a fairly large church of one tree but there is a large group of standalone buildings and how do we have those some designated and someone designated yeah right but I mean there are not these designated post offices designated their properties all over the city and unincorporated area a major disaster that just burned down for whatever reason just a one-off what would be the yeah I knew it wouldn't replace them but if they're damaged this I think is this ordinance intended to go for the one-off as well as the it is intended yeah so if it's designated and it has that if it's designated it has the dash H even if it's not in a district and so then if it's damaged and they want to do repairs it would need to follow the landmark alteration process so then we don't have to separate those two just everything we can to protect the cotton town sign I would also like to state we don't this doesn't have to be like perfect I would want you to know that both resiliency ordinances were updated around 12 times since 2017 so just know it will probably be changed when that happens on so when do you want us to have this ready like at our next board meeting well that's next week right we're not saying it again so we need to decide today we're just providing comments today and then if you have additional comments that you can email so you're going to take our comments today yes we're taking your comments today and if there are you know if you have additional comments that you want to email to Christian we would gladly take those just for Christian sanity if you could have that by your next meeting next week that would be lovely yeah would it be possible to see the draft prior to the planet commission meeting at this point at this point well look we can't provide it prior to the planning commission so yeah but it would be posted the week before so we always see it at that time and so the board can definitely provide comments on that that you know staff can take a look at and you know if we could get those prior to the meeting then we can take a look at it and be able to provide any response to the commission okay so this is pretty good so thank you it's just food for thought yeah and so will I heard I heard from a few but not all that there was some support for dropping down to concept in an effort to expedite concept review and then go for either director level or director level so did I excuse or even a someone that's been specially assigned that has you know those kind of qualifications to to deal with the historic structures in the historic districts something that has that high for that a number of of board members that do it there'd be some other comments final comments I don't have one more because I think that runs that on as far as if there is such a total loss that it should just it should boost the start doesn't matter entirely on that then it becomes really cool and the quicker you can make that happen and the quicker it would be people that just roll into you know you still don't think there should be like well if 25 percent is ruined they have to comply with how those buildings were it's 50 percent ruined that it's not a historic ability should there be you know still certain amounts it's gonna be so hard to tell me if it goes away entirely and the rest are mains yeah so it's gonna require a survey a legitimate survey there I hope we don't see that in our lab time other thoughts other comments I'm going to go ahead and open this up then for public comment we don't have any attendees via zoom and nobody in person I'll close the public comment period last final thoughts I'll call for adjournment then thank you all very much thank you
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A QT Py ESP32-S3 is coming soon :)
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currently do what is this these are still panelized esp 32 s3 cutie pie so this is coming soon we released the s2 cutie pie the s3 has dual core and it has ble and a lot more ram so this is a lovely little chip uh now in cutie pie format and um this is how it comes on uh panels so you know i like this panelization technique where it's routed out and then v scored because it's really easy to just break them off it's a little like grapes or something and then this is the tester um so the board goes in here i plug it into usbc and then there's a little testing jig and um the test code was going to test the gpio it programs it test the wi-fi strength and everything so i'm finishing this tester now and this is going to be in the store really soon cutie pie esp 32 s3
{ "url": "", "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -" }
Balikatan 23 | How U.S. Service Members Honored an Historic Day of Sacrifice
#Balikatan #PresenceMatters #JointForce #FreeAndOpenIndoPacific #bk23 #friendspartnersallies U.S. Service Members participating in Balikatan attend the, 81st Anniversary of The Day of Valor, at Mt. Samat in Bataan, Philippines, April 10, 2023. Defense Now - April 2023 U.S. Service Members attend The Day of Valor at Mt. Samat, Philippines PHILIPPINES 04.10.2023 Balikatan is an annual exercise between the Armed Forces of the Philippines and U.S. military designed to strengthen bilateral interoperability, capabilities, trust, and cooperation built over decades of shared experiences. (U.S. Army Video by Staff Sgt. Philip Ribas) Film Credits: Video by Staff Sgt. Philip Ribas Exercise Balikatan
[ "usmc", "1st MAW", "Balikatan", "FriendsPartnersAllies", "BK23", "Balikatan 23", "U.S. Service Members participating in Balikatan attend the", "81st Anniversary of The Day of Valor", "at Mt. Samat in Bataan", "Philippines", "April 10", "2023." ]
great shending for the ceremonial bonding of the bill with district president said forever and ever. In the name of... For the living veterans who carry the stories and legacies of bravery and valor, especially of their fallen comrades. Through them, you learn the heroism of Filipinos, even the smallest and simplest contributions they gave for the motherland. Their presence is an honor for all of us.
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Step Up To STEM - NCSSM Durham
Step Up to STEM at NCSSM-Durham is an innovative interdisciplinary academic program that uses exciting real-world subjects to challenge rising 9th and 10th graders across North Carolina and build their skills in science, math, technology, and communications. For more details, visit NCSSM, a publicly funded high school in North Carolina, provides exciting, high-level STEM learning opportunities. If you appreciate this video, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the NCSSM Foundation. Thank you! Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under creative commons CC-BY-NC-SA
The thing I like the most is the people. I really like fun to talk to and I really like funny, I like hang out with them. Hi, welcome to Step Up to STEM. This innovative interdisciplinary academic program uses exciting real-world subjects to challenge rising 9th and 10th graders across North Carolina and build their skills in science, math, technology and communications. Step Up to STEM is a great opportunity because it allows students from different places around our state to see themselves as the creators of technology and not just the users of technology to so they can see themselves represented in this field and learn about careers that are available to them and to get to collaborate with people from across the state and work together for a common goal. We're doing a lot of cool stuff about like how like forensic scientists view crime scenes and how like they view it differently from like an ordinary person and even from like a single strand of hair they can find a culprit or anything like that so that's been pretty cool. For this curriculum I decided with the No Justice, No Peace title. I wanted to show students not from just a viewpoint of being a political slogan but also from a scientific point of view. I wanted them to see that we need those key pieces of evidence to solve these crimes, to give peace to families and friends. This has kind of influenced my ideas about STEM because I'm doing a fiber optics course called Focus and Brilliant with Dr. Hubbard and we're learning about things that are really going to affect us in the real world and we're learning about things about the medical field, electricity, wifi and it's cool to see that these are things that I could really use in the future. Our students have been building what we call an optical voice link and essentially they're designing this technology where you have a transmitter with a mic on it and other electrical components and you're able to transmit your voice through a fiber optic cable to a transmitter that has a speaker on the other end and so they're able to use fiber optics to do kind of like a small-scale version of voice communications and so it was a really neat experience for the students and they were able to get a lot of hands-on skills like soldering and being able to learn what some of the different electrical components are. They learned how fiber optic works so refraction and total internal reflection and they were able to put it together into this prototype and the neat thing was it doesn't always work the first time you know you're making mistakes and how you solder things and so the students were really able to kind of thin for themselves and work independently to be able to make a mistake, fix it and then actually see it work. During the program's residential summer institute, students have the opportunity to take advantage of many unique enrichment activities. I think my favorite enrichment was navigating the college process because college is something that I've been worrying about since middle school and it was just nice to hear going in what to expect and what to prepare for and how to prepare for it. Students who are accepted into and complete the program as rising ninth graders are then offered a spot to return for a second summer of programming. It's a lot of fun talking about their lives, about their opinions, about what they do in their culture and it really helps them understand other people a lot more than they would without it. So the fact that NCSSM and stuff of the STEM are considering that even though it's neglected a lot in other areas is amazing. I've been to a STEM camp where I was the only African-American inside the whole entire camp or I was one of two. So that's really what I like about stuff of the STEM is that you see other people and not only just the campers, you see counselors and actual physical teachers who look exactly like you. I think stuff of the STEM is very unique and important and it's focused on underrepresented minorities and one of the things that I have found with working with students is that they value connection and they value communication and they value relevance and so it's not just the theoretical concepts but the big picture of what can I do with this ultimately that can help to make an impact on the world. Families interested in the program must complete the online application and request information from a teacher and school counselor. My husband and I are big believers of STEM emergent programs because it's an opportunity to see it and if you can see it then you can believe it's possible for you. These programs are important because they expose students, they prepare students, they broaden students thoughts. So you know a lot of students are like you know in third grade I thought I wanted to do this but to be able to explore in a forum like this is absolutely amazing. Becoming a senior and about to go to college I'm very excited for the next part of my life. It's all thanks to this camp.
{ "url": "", "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -" }
Debate: Celebrating our Future - Scotland’s Year of Young People - 12 December 2017
Maree Todd: Celebrating our Future - Scotland’s Year of Young People—That the Parliament recognises that 2018 has been designated as Scotland’s Year of Young People; notes that it will provide an opportunity to showcase the achievements and talents of all young people in Scotland and to ensure that their views are heard and acted on; welcomes that the themes for the year have been designed and agreed by young people themselves, and agrees that the Parliament has a key role to play in celebrating the contribution that Scotland’s young people make to society and their communities. Published by the Scottish Parliament Corporate Body. // We do not facilitate discussions on our YouTube page but encourage you to share and comment on our videos on your own channels. // If you would like to join in our conversations please follow @ScotParl on Twitter or like us on Facebook at
[ "Holyrood", "Scottish-Parliament", "Scottish", "MSPs", "MSP", "Edinburgh", "politics", "Parliament", "debate" ]
Can you invite all members to speak to the debate to press their request to speak buttons now?alingль presiding officer, I'm delighted to be opening the debate and to move the motion in my name at first, for me. I'm pleased too that there's broad support across the chamber for the motion, and indeed for 2018, the Hoggry, as we say in Gaelic, and I promise to learn the BSL and the Scots versions by the time we kick off in 2018. I'm happy to support the Labour amendment and to welcome the work of the awards network in recognising young people's achievements and encouraging volunteering. When I was a brownie leader, we had a number of young women help out while working towards the Duke of Edinburgh award, and their commitment to natural leadership qualities made my job as an adult volunteer much easier, not to mention much more fun. If there's one aspiration that I hope we might share for 2018, it would be to ensure that our young people feel and believe that they are valued, wanted and vital to our country's future, and that their voices are heard and listened to. Recent research suggests that young people today believe that others view them negatively simply because of their age. That is a real impact on their wellbeing and self-esteem. Changing perceptions of young people and changing the country's relationship with our young people must therefore be a key aim of 2018. They make a significant contribution to our society and our communities, and we should celebrate that contribution. Often, our young people are way ahead of us. I'll give you a way example. Since I became an MSP, one of the issues that I've been contacted most about is Marine litter. Long before Blue Planet 2 brought the country together on Sunday evenings, the children from Ulipol primary school were lobbying me about marine litter. They are a formidable force, especially when they team up with the ocean defenders from Sunnyside primary school in Glasgow. Not only have they together organised beach cleans, but they have been very effective in getting tourist businesses to give up plastic straws. It's been an absolute pleasure for me to watch the rest of the world coming round to their way of thinking. Since becoming a minister, I've really enjoyed meeting more of Scotland's young people. I was recently in Fife on a children's rights roads trip—gosh, quite hard to get that out—with members of the Scottish Youth Parliament, where I met a group of confident and articulate young people at Levenmouth academy and young parents from the gingerbread teenage parent project. It was a privilege to hear about their experiences. Sadly, not all of them are positive. The young mothers that I met are doing a fantastic job raising children in often difficult circumstances, so I was saddened to hear that some of them feel that they are not listened to by adult services. Those young mums spoke about taking their own mums along to health service appointments so that they get taken seriously. They need to be heard in their own right, not just for their own wellbeing, but also for their children's. I also went to Shetland to help to launch the Year of Young People, where I met dozens of enthusiastic and optimistic young people for whom next year is so important. I heard that their MSYPs have already started to attend council education meetings and that they are planning a big takeover of arts venues. For those of you who are aware of the Twitter banter between Shetland and Orkney libraries, it is the stuff of legends, so I particularly look forward to seeing how the youngsters get on with that. The First Minister travelled to Dumfries to officially launch the year. The year is a global first, a groundbreaking, themed year, which will celebrate all of our young people in Scotland wherever they live. Young people have been involved right from the start. Planning began in 2015 with hundreds of young people aged eight to 26, determining the issues that matter to them. Young people themselves have agreed the aims and objectives for 2018 and tasked government with creating a mechanism to let young people achieve them in 2018. They also agreed, after much debate, who we mean when we talk about young people for the purposes of 2018. It is everyone aged eight to 26, which does not mean that our younger children will not be included, but simply that the primary focus will be on this broad age group, who, as we know, have a diverse range of needs and interests. I want to thank young Scotland, children in Scotland and the Scottish Youth Parliament for the role that they have played in planning and preparations and I look forward to continuing to work with them throughout 2018. The year of young people also sets a challenge for government and Scottish ministers. They have committed to giving younger people a strong voice in policymaking and co-designing improvements to services that affect their lives. To this end, there are a group of dedicated 35 young people communicating who are our co-design leaders for the year. The inspiring group is ready and available to help everyone to ensure that young people are at the heart of everything that we do. There are now over 500 ambassadors based in every local authority area and I am pleased to advise Parliament that they will all receive certificates marking their contribution and achievement from the First Minister. You do not have to be an ambassador to receive a certificate. We will recognise contributions from nominated young people from right across the country throughout 2018. Young people have identified six key themes that will underpin the majority of the year's activities. The first theme is participation. We want Scotland's young people to have the confidence and skills to influence decisions, effectively and wider civic society, and to shape the future of Scotland that they want to live in. Alex Cole-Hamilton I am very grateful to the minister for taking intervention. I congratulate her on making her first speeches and minister to this chamber. In the programme for government, the First Minister outlined the plans of this Government to consider the incorporation of the UNCRC into Scotland's law as a means of extending that participation and enshrining it in every decision-making process in our country. That was very welcome, perhaps. Will the minister restate that commitment and tell us how that is pursuing? The First Minister You are right to identify that we committed to it in the programme for government, and it certainly will be a key theme of the year of young people. It is important that young people have the opportunity and the right to influence decisions made about their lives day-to-day. So, from 10 January 2018, eligible children who are aged 12 to 15 will be empowered by having largely the same rights as their older peers and parents under their additional support for learning act. That will be a particular benefit to look after children and young carers. It is perhaps unsurprising that education also emerged as a key theme. Raising standards in education is key to giving young people a platform to succeed, not just at school or in education but in life. The year of young people provides a prime opportunity for Scotland to lead the way internationally in its approach to giving young people a voice and their education and will include provisions in the education bill to that end. Young people also identified health and wellbeing as a priority theme, with mental health highlighted as a key issue. The Scottish Government has put in place a 10-year strategy to improve access to mental health services, back by an additional £150 million over five years, and it is also committed to preventative and early intervention approaches and investing in children and young people's health and wellbeing. We know that that makes a big difference to the risk of developing mental health problems, especially for children and young people. Last week, we announced the establishment of a youth commission on child and adolescent mental health. YoungScot and the Scottish Association for Mental Health are receiving funding to recruit young people with experience of mental health services to be young commissioners who will do their own research, identify issues and speak to experts, policy makers and service providers about solutions. Sport Scotland, active partners and young sports ambassadors are all embracing the year and planning activity to help young people to have active lives, because active lifestyles are also an important aspect of health and wellbeing. We look forward to a great year of sport in 2018, in particular with European championships here in Scotland in August. It might surprise some of the folk in the chamber that young people chose enterprise and regeneration as one of their key themes. That probably says more about us, I think, and those perceptions that we have about what motivates and interests young people. Why wouldn't young people want to stake in their economic future? Why wouldn't they want to use their curiosity and creativity and their innate ability to challenge and find solutions to influence our economy and their communities? Earlier this year, I visited Kinlach-Leven high school and I heard about their flourishing social enterprise, which is beautifully named Kinlach Loving, which has at its heart health and wellbeing, social inclusion and social justice. Just last month, they won the highly acclaimed Dragon's Glen prize from Lachaber Chamber of Commerce, so it's a pretty healthy business, too. We need to nurture enterprise, celebrate success and give young people a voice and say in their communities. Let's use the year of young people to better understand their interests and give them a platform to succeed. Ensuring that our young people emerge into adulthood with a strong sense of who they are, that they have talents that are appreciated and whose creativity will be encouraged and not curtailed is something that we can all agree is a desirable outcome for 2018 and beyond. Evidence from the Scottish household survey shows that people who engage in cultural activity in earlier years are more likely to participate and attend when as adults, and in turn report better health and life satisfaction than those who do not. Scotland's year of young people provides an opportunity to ensure that more young people can participate in culture and shape the future of the arts in Scotland. In line with our commitment to co-production, young people will also have a meaningful role in the development of the new cultural strategy for Scotland. Perhaps the single most important theme that young people identified upon which so much else follows is equality and discrimination. Currently, too many young people do not feel equal, nor do they feel that they are treated fairly. We already know that equality of opportunity is denied to some either because of their gender, because of poverty, sexual orientation and identity, because they are disabled or from a minority ethnic background or somehow different. We must change that. Difference must be recognised as a strength, not as a deficit, and we must encourage our young people to embrace and value difference and diversity. Clearly, there is a key role and responsibility for government here. On Sunday, we marked and celebrated international human rights day. As the First Minister said, we have come a long way in Scotland and achieved much, but there is much more that we need to do. That is how we will approach this fundamental issue in 2018, building on the good work that is already under way and facing up to challenges and no doubt some uncomfortable truths along the way. The year of young people provides a space in which to create intergenerational dialogue, to break down barriers between age groups and to ensure mutual respect and understanding. Crucially, it provides a space for parents and families to be recognised for their key role in the young people's lives. They are the most important resource and players in young people's lives, who shape the adults that our young people become. We need to value their contribution to celebrate their achievements and ensure that they feel supported, empowered and enabled. At the launch last month, the First Minister announced a busy and exciting events programme with 60 new or enhanced events across Scotland, all co-designed with young people. The programme is supported by a £1.2 million events fund that is administered by Visit Scotland. The nationwide programme, with young people at their heart, spans the country from a youth festival in Shetland, a science takeover at Helix Park, the home of the magnificent Kelpies and Scotland's biggest youth festival in Dumfries and Galloway, with more than 40,000 visitors expected over the weekend. Young people themselves have the opportunity to apply for funding to run their own events and activities throughout the year, developing skills and engaging their local communities. The Create 18 fund is still open for a second round, closing in January, so please do encourage young people from your own local area to apply. No doubt members will have noticed that I am very excited about Scotland's year of young people and the possibilities that it offers for our young people. We have the chance to show in 2018 that Scotland is a dynamic, welcoming, open and inclusive country, but perhaps the biggest opportunity and indeed challenge is to explore for ourselves and vitally to demonstrate those values to our young people. The year of young people gives us a unique, year-long opportunity to reset our relationship with our young people, to change their perceptions, to show that we believe in them and value the contribution that they make now and in the future. Presiding officer, there will be little point in the year of young people if we get to next December, put away the toolkits, pack away the activities with no fundamental shifts to point to and take forward. Changing attitudes is perhaps the single biggest ambition that we can have for 2018. We can do that by celebrating young people's achievements, holding events that put them front and centre by ensuring that we give them platforms to succeed. We must put young people, their voice and views at the heart of this activity. By pausing to listen to how young people perceive the world and how they are perceived by others, we can seek to create a better future for current and subsequent generations. That would make a fine legacy indeed for Scotland's year of young people. Thank you very much. I now call on Ian Gray to speak to and move amendment 94, 98.1, in his name. Thank you very much, Presiding Officer, and let me welcome Marie Todd to her place as minister to the first debate that she has led in that capacity. I am not sure if it is her civilising influence but I rise to support the Government motion and indeed to move the amendment in my name, perhaps this will not last but it is a good start. Speaking as someone for whom the personal highlight of the year was almost finished, he was receiving his bus pass, particularly pleased to slip in under the wire before Mr Yousaf could mess with the qualifying age. I cannot help but feel a little ill-placed to be helping to open a debate on the year of young people 2018. As the cliché of a grumpy old man, I feel that I should really be haranguing the youth of today for their general fecklessness, perhaps pointing out, for example, that when I was young I had to do my paper round, even on Christmas day, because those pre-smartphone days meant that we had real newspapers even on 25 December. Presiding Officer, I cannot do that, fun though it might have been, because, like every other member here and the minister herself alluded to this, my work as an MSP is constantly enlivened and enlightened by contact with the energy, empathy and achievement of those very youth of today. Individuals such as the incredible campaigner from Press and Pans, Grace Warnock, who aged 10 and suffering from Crohn's disease, launched a campaign that has revolutionised signage for accessible disabled toilets. Grace sometimes has to use these accessible toilets, and often she felt the disapproval of people around her who thought that she was not entitled to use them because she was not in a wheelchair nor did she have a disability that they could see. Rather than simply feel bad, Grace designed a new sign for accessible toilets, recognising that some disabilities are invisible and a wheelchair picture just does not cover it. She found a designer to produce the sign and, indeed, we installed the very first one right here in this Parliament building close to the public entrance. Now, Grace's sign can be seen everywhere, from airports to football grounds. A version of the sign can be seen in pretty well every supermarket in the country, too. Or, like Heather Cameron of Dunbar, a little older, a member of the youth Parliament for East Lothian and a global development goals ambassador, who has lobbied all the way to this Parliament and, indeed, to Downing Street 2 for those global goals to be pursued and achieved. But, not just individuals, groups, too, like the streets ahead children in Trinent, who, working with the children's Parliament, created together a visual vision, a mural of the future that they wanted to see for their hometown, and then took that mural and their vision all the way to present to the United Nations in Geneva, but, importantly, brought it back again to their own streets, which have already, indeed, begun to change in line with some of their ideas. So it goes on. The Amnesty Group in Dunbar Grammar School, campaigning for the rights of political prisoners across the world and the darkest corners of the world, started by the young people themselves, run by the young people themselves, promoted in the school by the young people themselves. A recharge in Trinent, a youth project, touching almost every young person in the town, delivered by generation after generation of young leaders paying on the support that they got to their younger brothers and sisters in turns. We all know—and I am sure that we will hear many examples—of the positive contribution young people are making to our communities and the year of young people is our opportunity to celebrate it. The truth is that I am, in fact, perfect to open this afternoon's debate because the obligation on older, supposedly influential curmrygens like me to begin to properly understand, acknowledge, support and, above all, listen to young people is exactly, I think, the purpose of the year of young people. To the credit of Government and all partners involved in planning the year, that has been in and of itself a good example, I think, of listening to young people, allowing them to determine the shape and purpose and programme of the year. The interim planning group, which was facilitated by children in Scotland, Young Scott and the Scottish Youth Parliament, clearly went to considerable lengths to ensure that the group's report was indeed driven by young people themselves and their aspirations for the year. I think that that augurs well for a Government programme or initiative, which perhaps will reach the parts that Government initiatives don't usually reach. Indeed, only a few weeks ago, while speaking to a group from S1, from Knox academy and my constituency who were visiting the Parliament, I was surprised to be asked in the Q&A session how much money the Government was making available for the year of young people 2018—a question to which I didn't know the answer at that point, but I asked a parliamentary question and happily have been able to provide the answer, which is, I think, a creditable £3 million, rather more than that in fact. The themes that emerged from that process—participation, education, health and wellbeing, inequality and discrimination—are all the stronger for having emerged from the regional and national workshops organised by the planning group. The overarching aim of course that the planning group had was the celebration of young people's achievements. I do think that we have to consider that in the context of the underlying concern at which I think we can see in the group's report that young people's achievements are not recognised, not acknowledged and that they face discrimination just for being young, subjected to negative stereotyping as unproductive, disrespectful or even intimidating. I made light in my opening of older people's bad and ignorant attitudes to young people, but it's no laughing matter, really. It lies at the heart of those themes for the year, leaving young people feeling unrepresented and voiceless, under-invested in when it comes to education and opportunity and even undermined in ways that can damage their very health and wellbeing. The briefing provided for today's debate from the Prince's Trust reminds us that half of young people do not believe in themselves at school and more than a quarter do not feel in control of their lives. Indeed, 16 per cent go as far as to say that they think that their life will amount to nothing. The year of young people really has to be seriously about changing those negative attitudes and beginning to turn around that intergenerational discrimination, which can be so harmful to young people and their life chances. That's, as the minister said, a big change in culture and attitude, and it won't happen in one year. Barnardo Scotland, in its message to MSPs for today, makes the point that the year must have a legacy. Some of that is about redoubling our efforts on core priorities for the Government and the Parliament as a whole, whether it's raising educational attainment and cutting the attainment gap, for example. However, it is also about finding new ways to embed the recognition of young people's achievements in society more widely so that they are recognised, respected, understood and rewarded. That's the thrust of our amendment. We have a platform already for recognising young people's achievements in the awards network. That allows recognition of informal opportunity through schemes such as the Duke of Edinburgh awards, the John Muir awards, Scouts, Boys Brigade, the Brownies, as Mr Todd brought up. All of those things can be recognised through the awards network. However, it is a work in progress, and awards need to be much more rigorously placed on the SCQF framework. The scope needs to be widened to include more schemes and good quality, but perhaps less formal achievements in volunteering and work experience, etc. Then, we need to find a way to pool every young person's achievements together—exam results, yes, but also youth awards, volunteering, work, all of it in the round—and present it in a way that employers, higher education, further education and society more generally recognise value and acknowledge. We have, for example, suggested a graduation certificate for all 18-year-olds after the ideas of ex-headteacher Danny Murphy from Stirling, but there may well be other ways. Such a mechanism would include exams that are already respected and recognised, but it would also place alongside them, with the same esteem, those other experiences and achievements, too. John Swinney. I am grateful to Mr Gray for giving way, because I agree entirely with the direction of his comments that he has made about the broader recognition of achievement. I highlight and indicate the willingness of the Government to engage constructively about how we can use the year of young people to perhaps better record and capture for the benefit of young people and society the very achievements that he has raised in the debate today. Iain Gray. I think that that is very welcome to hear from the education sector. Certainly, we did try to couch our amendment in broad terms, rather than a very particular proposal. It is an example of how we might do this. The key is that we try to find ways to celebrate young people's achievements not just next year, but every year. The minister made that point. Achievements that mark the whole breadth and diversity of young persons' activity in action and not just those who come with an exam certificate attached. For too long, those exam passes have been the only kind of young person's achievement for which they have been given respect and acknowledgement in which we have paid attention, too. The year of young people really is a good chance to change that, and not just for one year, but for the future. Thank you very much, and I call on Michelle Ballantyne to open for the Conservative Party. Presiding Officer, I am glad to be opening the debate for the Scottish Conservatives today. First of all, I welcome Marie Todd to her position as minister for children and young people. It is good to hear you speaking today. In that spirit of togetherness, we will also be supporting your motion and the amendment. The reason for that is that our young people are a talented, diverse and intelligent group who are the future of our country, and it seems only appropriate that we should celebrate their contribution to our society. Speaking as someone who has spent a large part of their career working with young people and as the mother of six children, I never fail to be surprised by their achievements and particularly by their ingenuity. Their ability to adapt and their enthusiasm to learn is never-ending in the right circumstances. That is precisely what the year of young people hopes to highlight. It provides a platform for young people to have their views heard and acted upon, and it helps to develop better understanding between the generations. It recognises the impact of teachers, youth workers and other supporting adults on young people's lives, and it creates opportunities for young people to express themselves through culture, sport and other activities. However, this is also an opportunity for young people to participate in decision making. By including young people in those choices, we encourage them to take responsibility for their actions while providing them with the skills that they need to succeed in later life. That is why I welcome the role that young people have played in the creation of their year. Designing it, promoting it and running it, the level of participation is staggering, and I have no doubt that it will prove to be a rewarding experience for all those involved. However, there is more to this year than just celebration, I think. One of the official themes, as Marie pointed out, is equality, the one that came through very strongly. Everyone in Scotland deserves the right to go about their daily life free from discrimination and abuse. Sadly, it is all too easy to still discover prejudice and bullying in our schools and communities. I would like to touch upon the story of Samina Dean, a youth worker with the grassroots organisation, Scotland Against Criminalising Communities. Speaking to the Equalities and Human Rights Committee last year, Samina highlighted the growing level of Islamophobia faced by Muslim children in Scottish schools. In her survey of 100 Muslim children, Samina found that 6 per cent of those in high school and 14 per cent of those in primary school had experienced physical Islamophobia, including being punched, kicked, pushed and having their hijabs pulled off. Whether it is sexuality, disability, gender or body image, children and young adults are routinely subject to abuse if they are perceived to be different. In Stonewall's recent school report, Scotland, the charity identified that 48 per cent of LGBT youth young people are bullied for being LGBT at school, while enthused 2016 attributes towards LGBT in Scottish education survey over a fifth of LGBT youth in Scotland attempted suicide at least once as a result of prejudice-based bullying. This is a year where we have an opportunity, as Marie Todd rightly pointed out, to change attitudes and our young people are going to lead, I hope, on doing that. I really welcome the Scottish Government's objectives laid down in the national approach to anti-bullying for Scotland's children and young people, but it is clear that there remain entrenched issues within our schools that must urgently be addressed. In a year that we intend to celebrate the confidence, diversity and equality of our young people, those numbers are more than a stilistical blip. They are indicative of a deep-rooted culture of bullying in our schools and I hope that this year we will see some change take place in that. In this year of young people there is also an emphasis on understanding and reinforcing the importance of mental health. We need to make sure that we understand the causal factors and have timely and appropriate support in place to prevent the deterioration of mental health and wellbeing. In the age of social media, where an image can be shared to an entire class in an instant, the mental health of our young people can come under attack anywhere, anytime and who better to lead us and guide us in addressing some of these issues than young people themselves. For the last 12 years I have been actively involved with charities that support young people with mental health issues and the lack of preventative and early intervention funding to support mental health and wellbeing in children and young people has been a constant source of frustration and I apologise for this in your speech of children and young people but Scotland has fallen behind England on this one with Sam H calling for leading calls for CAMHS funding to be increased threefold just to bring it in line with England. Last week I was privileged to attend the core of foundations reception everyone has a story it is those voices those young people whose lives and mental health has been blighted through circumstances beyond their control young people who have found the courage and the support to tell their stories through art through photography and through film young people who are not looking for awards not looking for acknowledgement but looking for the strength to meet the challenges that life brings we must remember in the year of young people that celebrating success does not always mean a trophy a recording contract a great job sometimes success is just about being able to meet each day with a smile sometimes success is finding your own voice and the confidence to use it the Scottish Government has made some headway in this area by introducing their mental health strategy and we must ensure that we have the resources we need to do the job properly and prevent the future crisis from growing in closing presiding officer the year of young people 2018 is a chance for us to celebrate scotland's young children and adults and to show the world the best of what they have to offer we would do well though to remember that it is also an opportunity to reflect upon the treatment of young people and to remind us that there is still a long way to go before we can claim to have a truly equal society that values and respects all our young people regardless of orientation or identity any celebration of young people will be entirely superficial if we do not work together and work hard to tackle the deep-seated inequalities that hold our young people back i look forward to doing exactly that through 2018 and beyond thank you open debate speeches of six minutes but there is some time in hand for interventions a little bit of flexibility there i call Jenny Gilruth we fall by Oliver Mundell miss Gilruth please thank you Presiding Officer and I remind members I'm the PLO to the education secretary a while back when I could possibly still have been classified as a young person myself the singer Amy McDonald wrote a song entitled the youth of today now you will be delighted that I will not be providing the chamber with a rendition today but I will read some of the lyrics my children weren't the same my children's children they're the ones to blame in my day we were better behaved but it's not your day no more or for the bulk of you who are not of my vintage just another brick in the wall so next year we mark the year of the young people good in the minister's letter to all msp's last Friday she notes that the year of young people is about celebrating their achievements valuing their contribution to communities which links nicely to Labour's amendment today and creating new opportunities for them to shine locally nationally and on the international stage I visited Thornton primary school in my constituency yesterday to present awards and assembly and as will come as no surprise I love visiting schools and speaking to pupils and I really love visiting Thornton primary school because they always bring in the nursery kids and it is always from the mouth of babes that the truest words are spoken so I told them about the year of young people and I asked them what should I say today a hand shot up tell them Thornton primary school is the best in the world due to fully done another hand tell them reading is fun now I'd just been presenting awards for the first minister's reading challenge and I met Amy who's in primary six and has read 36 books since September I actually accidentally tweeted 26 so I'd just like to get on the record it was 36 since September and I stand corrected reading is fun at Thornton primary school reading is cool everyone is involved in it too so at the back of the hall we had parents and carers at the front we had st Andrews university we had fife culture and leisure trust and we had the nursery teachers who are in charge of the book bug and the peak programme all partners in the schools drive to get more kids reading and then a voice from the corner of the room tugged at the head teacher tell her about the golden rule so he did now the golden rule means that you treat others as you'd like to be treated so there is a lesson I think for every single one of us in this place from a four-year-old Thornton primary school on that issue but the fact that we have to recognise what young people do though by setting aside an entire year speaks volumes about how their voices are so often marginalised in mainstream political discourse sure we visit their schools we get a picture we ask them to design our christmas cards we attend their prize giving but do we ever really truly listen to them and when we visit those schools are we presented with the head boy and the head girl or do we speak to me Jamie who's been removed from class because there's a politician visiting for the day we can only see as much as those that we visit are prepared to show us or that we are prepared to open our eyes and look for contrast that experience with the young people in Thornton primary school then with my next visit yesterday which was hosting kindred Scotland's children with exceptional healthcare needs event in here I'm going to tell you a wee story now about Tom Tom was born with a range of complex medical issues including noosophagus and a severe cardiac defect he needs help maintaining his airways constantly Tom is deaf his parents were told he would never be able to sign but today he does sign he can also knock out quite a good drumbeat on the table in committee room six Tom's mum describes him as her miracle his mum and dad are far better trained than anyone else in terms of meeting his needs and as a result no friends or family can ever really help with his care his mum has had to as she describes it project managed Tom's care and this is purely because services don't talk to each other now presiding officer I'm sure we've all done our homework for today and we're all recall that fourth principle of graphic ensuring joined up working but it gets worse for Tom when he went to nursery the teachers were trained and supporting him but when he went up to primary school there had to be two staff fill in from the nursery and this was despite numerous planning meetings and Tom having been immersed in the graphic paperwork since before he was even three the school knew he was coming when the staffing changed mum and dad were forced to step in to school for six weeks providing medical cover because there were not enough trained staff and they were eventually unable to continue providing that cover and then you know what happened the school said they could not provide a safe space for Tom to learn so he had to stop coming to school altogether Tom hasn't been to school since the 30th of November despite his right to an education being a legal entitlement so I felt I couldn't speak today in this debate without telling his story whether it's 2018 or not every child should have the right to learn protected as outlined in the programme for government over the next year the government will audit and embed the principles of the UN convention on the rights of the child into policy and legislation that's welcome but the government must also make sure they include the rights of children like Tom in this process children who have no voice I had a look at the the list of events planned for next year so we've got Hogmanay there's the Glasgow comedy festival and a youth TEDx event to name a few but I couldn't point to the Tom on that event list Amy in Thornton primary school blew me away yesterday imagine reading 36 books in September it is truly inspiring but then a few hours later I met Tom his story changed the way that I think about how we deliver for all young people and that is what 2018 has to be about every young person Amy and Tom because if we don't then perhaps we are destined to live out the words of that Amy McDonald song but it's not our day anymore it's their year so to 2018 let's make sure we get it right for every young person thank you thank you I call Oliver Mundell followed by Ruth McGuire Mr Mundell please thank you deputy Presiding Officer I'd like to start by making a point that I feel is very important to this debate and that is that young people are not that different from anyone else they share the same hopes and ambitions for their future and the same hopes and ambitions for the future of our country as everyone else as we celebrate the year of the young people then we must place it in its context and that means recognising that it comes for many young people across Scotland on the back of 10 years of SNP failure it might not suit the government to hear it but if we are really going to recognise the issues that face young people in Scotland then we must confront those failures head on under the SNP education in Scotland has gone backwards standards have fallen and we've fallen behind many other countries from around the world yes Gillian Martin Mr Mundell I appreciate that for teachers listening to his speech you are making them feel demoralised by that kind of language Mr Mundell I thank the member for that intervention but being in this chamber through debates and hearing debates like this I start to wonder how many teachers I'm going to have to meet who raise very legitimate concerns about education that this government's going to hide behind before we get on with the job of improving education in Scotland and we mustn't forget the important role that education plays in levelling the playing field and raising aspiration for all this is a government that has decimated our college sector yet another opportunity to level the playing field and raise aspiration and attainment it's a government that has ignored the challenges in our university sector and has sat back as talented young people from across Scotland have been turned away from Scotland's best universities Cabinet Secretary is the member aware that not only have we provided free university tuition in this country we have also seen a record level of Scots attending our universities for goodness sake celebrate a success Mr Mundell I thank the cabinet secretary for that answer but I think it shows a certain arrogance because this is a government that seems content and relaxed about the fact that the number of young people from deprived backgrounds going to university in Scotland is lower than it is across the rest of the United Kingdom in terms of my own constituency I continue to be shocked by the number of young people who denied their basic human right to education through poor provision of additional support for learning young people who as we've heard from in other debates in this chamber who are informally excluded from mainstream education equally within my own dimfresher constituency I remain concerned about the number of young people who experience a lack of opportunities both in terms of employment and wider social opportunities it's not good enough to say that unemployment is low in Dumfries and Galloway because we're seeing hundreds of young people every year forced to leave the region young people who don't have the chance to raise their own family or choose to continue to live in the area they're from young people forced to head from the central forced to head to the central belt or south of the border in order to find employment opportunities I don't think anyone can pat themselves on the back when we live in a country where challenges like this exist for our young people minister taken the intervention in the highlands and islands we face very similar challenges and one of the ways that we've risen to meet those challenges and to regenerate and reverse centuries of depopulation is land reform which is not simply about land ownership but about providing opportunities for young people in the future in the carlaway state young people are members of the board planning for the future of that part of the world would you support land reform Mr Mundell I think there's obviously a wide range of issues around land reform but I think anyone who's trying to suggest that that's the biggest single issue facing young people in the south of Scotland is kidding themselves because the young people I speak to are interested in the chance to raise their own family they're interested in finding housing they're interested in finding long term meaningful skilled employment we hear time and time again that education is a top priority for this government but I think there are very few people who would acknowledge that we see that in practice instead when it comes to the year of the young people what we see is Nicholas Durgeon popping down to Dumfries for a quick photo opportunity piggybacking on the success of young people and organisations who've been working hard on some of these most difficult issues for years it's not good enough and she shouldn't get away with it deputy presiding officer the year of the young people must be more than a PR opportunity for this SNP government on a more positive note I do wish to I do wish to I do wish to play tribute to councillor Adam Wilson who was elected to Dumfries and Galloway council in May 2017 and whilst he might not be a representative from my party I do recognise the outstanding contribution he has made locally in that time not only is it important to see young faces involved in every level of our politics in pushing for and fulfilling the role of the young people's champion on the council he's ensured that some of the issues affecting young people and young voters have certainly moved up the political agenda equally I believe at the same time it's important that we recognise the efforts of all volunteers across Scotland and particularly in my case in my Dumfriesshire constituency who makes such an important contribution to the lives of young people they weren't waiting around for a special year to come before they threw themselves into youth work nor were they waiting for or looking for a pat on the back those are the people and the activities that need to be pushed to the fore and whilst one-off events are welcome there's no denying that when it comes to helping the most vulnerable young people the young people who need the most support it's the work of these third sector organisations and volunteers that makes the difference so while I recognise the sentiment behind the year of young people and the tremendous work that many do the real question for the government is will this year be about delivering real action and change it cannot and must not be allowed to be a smokescreen for the failures of this SNP government thank you thank you I call Ruth Maguire to be followed by Elaine Smith miss Maguire please thank you Presiding Officer it's going to be quite hard to follow that inspirational and uplifting six minutes but I'll give it a bash I'm really pleased to have the opportunity to speak in this debate as we look forward or most of us look forward to the first ever year of the young people in 2018 today's motion for debate on year of the young people offers up many different themes and things to speak about and there are quite a few different points that I'd like to contribute today firstly I wholeheartedly agree with the motion about ensuring that the views of young people are heard and acted on but it's really important here that we do actually act on what young people say they want not just on what we might want them to say their agenda won't always be the same as ours or the organisation asking for their views and that has to be okay there's no point saying that we're listening to young people's views if we only hear what we want to when I was the youth champion for North Ayrshire council and for example a topic that came up came up most when we spoke to young folk was school toilets now that might not have been what many officers and some of the councils wanted counselors wanted to champion for young people but that's what was important for them so it was important that we acted on it we have to listen to all young people as Jenny Gilruth said not just the shiny prefects and the people already engaged in the structures and organisations that allow them to share their views but those on the outside too because for any listening exercise to be truly meaningful it has to include the views of and engage with all our young people including those who some might deem hard to engage with I have to say that when I hear that phrase I ask myself and I would ask others to reflect on whether these young people are really hard to engage with or if they're just easy to ignore we have to make sure that nobody's ignored because this is going to be the year of all young people not just some of them moving on Bernardo's in their briefing paper state that one of their main hopes for 2018 is equal protection for children I share this hope and I'm pleased to reiterate my support for John Finnie's members bill to ensure equal protection for children because any nation serious about the rights and wellbeing of its children and young people simply can't condone the use of violence against them I would question the view of any adult who would defend or condone the use of violence in children not only is violence wrong it's also an utterly ineffective way of either encouraging or stopping behaviour in children so I look forward to supporting that bill when it comes before Parliament there really couldn't be a more perfect year for it to become law than during the year of the first ever year of the young people. If I may touch as well on corporate parenting our own children leave home and then come back again for longer or shorter periods as they find their feet in the world and work out what they wanted to do perhaps between finishing college and finding their first job or if relationships break down or for any other reason the point is that children with families have the safety net and the security of their parental home to fall back on when they need it and looked after children need that security too. In October the First Minister announced that care experience young people will be exempt from playing council tax that was a big step forward which has been welcomed by care leavers and charities across Scotland as it recognises the huge financial pressures faced by those young people who don't have the fall back net of a family support that we can sometimes take for granted. Of course there's still much more that we can do to be better corporate parents so I strongly welcome the wider route and branch review of the care system in Scotland that's currently underway which crucially is being driven by the voices of those who have actually experienced care. The First Minister has pledged to listen to the views of 1,000 care experienced young people over the next two years one of which will appropriately be the year of the young people. Yes, I will. Gillian Martin. Would the member agree that the taking way of housing benefit from young people has had a particular impact on care experienced young people trying to make their own way in the world? Ruth Maguire. Absolutely and I would expect anyone giving a speech that mentioned housing issues for younger people to acknowledge that as well. The year of the young people is also a good opportunity for us to remember that our communities belong to children and young people as much as they do to adults, that children and young people should be out and about, they should be seen hanging about being in their space because their community is their space as much as it is ours. Growing up in the 1980s or the olden days as my daughter calls them, the opportunity to be playing outside was something that my friends and I and my brother took for granted. Nowadays I think our tolerance has gone a bit skew if to seeing children out playing and that should concern us all. Play is what children and young people do when they follow their own ideas and interests and their own way and for their own reason. It's also frequently described as what children and young people do when they're not being told what to do by adults. It's an essential part of every child's life and it's vital for the enjoyment of childhood as well as for children's social, emotional and physical development. Reflecting its importance, a child's right to play is enshrined in the UN convention on the rights of the child, so I was pleased to read in the recent programme for government, the Scottish Government, is to undertake a comprehensive audit on how we can further embed the principles of the UN convention on the rights of the child into policy and legislation, which will include the right to play. In conclusion, children and young people are not just our future, they are present too. Next year, the first year of young people provides an excellent opportunity to reflect just on that, to celebrate what our children and young people are doing right now, to listen to their needs and views and to support them to be all they can be. I congratulate the minister on her first speech in her role and commend the Scottish Government for making 2018 the year of young people, which, as we've heard, will allow young people to showcase their many talents on a local, national and global stage. I know that we will all agree across the chamber that young Scots should be empowered to fulfil their potential, and the initiative to switch and encourage young people to come forward with their own ideas is very welcome. I think that the approaching year of young people initiative has already had a positive impact, and perhaps this is because it was designed and agreed by young people themselves across Scotland over 500. Young people have signed up to be ambassadors, and that's a great sign of their determination to make a difference in their areas, promote their ideas, and I'm pleased that many of those ambassadors have come from the central Scotland region. MSYPs, youth councils, year of young people ambassadors and hundreds of other young people will, of course, be arranging events in different areas within each local authority, and, meanwhile, each youth council, including North Lanarkshire Youth Council, is planning a specific campaign for the year ahead to run alongside the year of young people. I recently met the two MSYPs for Co-Bridge and Christen, Jack Campbell and Ryan Kelly, to discuss their priorities. One of those was the Scottish Youth Parliament's annual campaign, which this year is right here, right now, encouraging young people to learn about their rights. The minister mentioned that in her opening remarks. That campaign also hopes to inspire schools, local authorities and this Parliament to respect and promote the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and in doing so, we can all play a part in hearing and acting upon the voices of young people, supporting them in whatever path they choose to follow and ensuring that they know that decision-making bodies in Scotland are backing them. I believe that, given the right here, right now campaign, a higher profile will fit in well with the focus of the year of young people. I was particularly pleased to learn that some primary schools in central region have won awards as rights-respecting schools, and I want to extend congratulations to them today. However, Jack Campbell did specifically raise with me the fact that it is expensive to undertake the training for that, so some schools might miss out, particularly those in more deprived areas, so I am hoping that that is perhaps something that the Scottish Government could look at helping with. Overall, the year of young people is based its ideas around six key themes, designed by young people, culture, education, participation, equality, health and wellbeing and enterprise and regeneration. Another important aim, which was mentioned by my colleague Ian Gray, is to tackle the generational gap between young people and older generations, particularly tackling the stereotypes that exist around young people. A survey recently carried out for the year of young people, which involved 1,000 adults and looked at their attitudes to 13 to 19-year-olds, and, worryingly, one of the findings reinforced the stereotype of young people being seen as lazy, irresponsible and lacking in communication skills, while that has definitely not been my experience when meeting and working with young people across central region. However, tackling those sort of attitudes is an important part of the work next year, and developing intergenerational projects will also help young people to bridge a gap in their own understanding of the challenges that are facing older generations. It is important to commend the work of the Scottish Youth Parliament and other partners of the year of young people. In particular, I think that young Scots should be applauded for facilitating the preparation of events and providing resources time, money and staff. Youth workers across the country also deserve credit for the work that they have done in getting people signed up and also making sure that information about the year of young people was made widely available to those who might be interested. That is a mainly consensual debate, so it should be. Nonetheless, we must also recognise the challenges that those working with young people are facing. At the local government committee of this Parliament last week, unison's Mark Ferguson said that cuts to local government funding have meant that youth services have been amongst the hardest hit. He went on to say that, and I am quoting him from the official report. The aspirations of children in our communities have been taken away from them because we do not have services at the level that we had before. That might have been informed by the survey of youth workers carried out last year by unison, which showed that 79 per cent have seen cuts or severe cuts to their budget as a result of cuts to council funding. Unison reports that there have been redundancies from teams that were already very small to start with, and youth workers also mentioned the standard of service that they want to deliver has been falling because the funding is not there, and 70 per cent said that their workload has increased. Those are issues that we need to take on board. We received an email yesterday from the Scottish Children's Services Coalition calling for a tripling of the budget for children and young people's mental health services. They point out that 10 per cent of young people aged between 5 to 16 have a clinically diagnosable mental health problem. They remind us that the consequences of not addressing child mental health including unemployment, homelessness and being caught up in the criminal justice system. Both of those examples remind us that cuts are impacting on services that young people rely on. I hope that we can work together to ensure that resources can better support and develop our young people so that the year of young people really can make a difference. The main objective of the year of young people is to showcase what they can do to support and empower and enable them and create more opportunities for young people to flourish and meet their full potential. It is appropriate to celebrate remarkable young people. I want to specifically mention Gemma Skelding, who came to be my guest to deliver time for reflection. Gemma was 12 years old in May when she delivered that time for reflection. A pupil at Falkirk High and her first language is BSL. She is a great example of a young person showcasing her talent. I am sure that our young Scots will all rise to the challenges of next year and enjoy their participation. I want to finish by wishing all young people taking part in the event every success for the year of young people. I also add my congratulations and best wishes to my colleague Mary Todd on her inaugural debate as a minister for childcare in early years. Some debates in the chamber are harrowing, contentious and not pleasant to take part in. This debate celebrating our future Scotland's year of young people is certainly not one of those, and I am delighted to be taking part in it. I guess the clues and the title celebrating our future, because to use a cliche, children are our future and, as Ruth Maguire said, are present too. I believe that it is our responsibility not just to selected members but as adults to do everything that we can to help them to grow up in a society that enables them to reach their full potential. Like everyone else in the chamber, I am regularly invited to visit schools to talk to the children, sometimes to tell them about the job of being an MSP and sometimes to answer pretty tricky questions from modern studies or politics students. Whether it is a primary school or high school, without exception, I have found the children to be polite, well-mannered and exceptionally knowledgeable about the world that they live in, and I am always impressed at their confidence and ability to ask mature questions. I mark contrast to my school days when talking to adults was done as little as possible and always staring at their shoes. However, I also know that life today for young people is not a bed of roses, far from it in many cases. Young people today have more pressures than previous generations in so many ways. Social media is dealing with horrendous world events such as the threat of terrorism, pressure to conform in a material world that, to some extent, robs them of a large part of their childhood. It is our responsibility to create a society for our young people to thrive and to protect our environment, such as letting them live in a frack-free Scotland, which, thankfully, we have done, and reducing air pollution and our carbon footprint. However, we must also ensure that access to mental health counselling is available quickly for those who need it. It is not an option to compromise on this, and I welcome the minister's comments on the progress in this area that has been planned. The Scottish Government is determined to make Scotland the best place in the world for children to grow up. We have started by undertaking transformational change in early years provision and attempting to close the educational attainment gap. However, there are still too many children living in poverty, and that must be tackled head on if we are to make a difference to children's lives. The child poverty bill sets out a series of targets that we must reach over the next decade, and we have established a poverty and inequality commission to provide advice to Scottish Government ministers and monitor progress on tackling poverty and inequality. We are also blessed in Scotland to have amazing children's charities such as Children First, Children in Scotland, Barnardo's, Aberlour and many more who do amazing groundbreaking work with children and families. However, I find that, very often, young people are way ahead of the game when it comes to organising and self-support, and it just takes one inspirational leader to make a huge difference to many lives. I met one of those leaders at an event that I hosted for Arthritis Research UK in Parliament last week. Her name is Charlotte Bamford, and she was diagnosed with acute arthritis at the age of 24 after years of painful tests and examinations. Charlotte was unassuming down to earth and, in a moving speech, totally devoid of self-pity, told us that, as arthritis was always perceived to be an old person's condition, she decided to start a blog to engage fellow young sufferers. There are more than 2,000 children in Scotland who suffer from arthritis, and Charlotte has become a peer mentor to many of them, despite dealing with the devastating effects that the condition has had on her life. We cannot forget the army of young carers who are a lifeline for their parents and selflessly sacrifice their own enjoyment and much of their childhood to help family members. They are simply awesome and inspiring, and we could never thank them enough for what they do in society. The speeches today have demonstrated the amazing potential of every young person, even those who have had the worst possible start in life. Early next year, I am hosting an event in Parliament to screen a film called Resilience, which highlights the ACEs initiative, ACEs standing for Adverse Childhood Experiences and the way a person's future is mapped out by them. My colleague Gail Ross is also hoping to hold a member's debate on the subject, and I urge everyone to sit up and take notice of the evidence and research that has been done on the subject. It is truly revolutionary and could shape the way we deal with disadvantaged young people for generations to come. In conclusion, Scotland's Year of Young People is a celebration of all the amazing contributions that our young people make to society. It must create a legacy where young people are listened to so that, in effect, every year becomes the year of the young person. We have heard the amazing line-up of events scheduled for their special year, which covers a fantastic variety of cultural education and sporting events. I hope that everyone who takes part absolutely has the time of their life. I wish every young person the very best of years, next year and every year, because their time is now. I would like to congratulate the minister for making such a positive first contribution in her new role. For reasons that are probably obvious, I am quite excited about Scotland's Year of Young People in 2018. Campaigning for enhanced rights and a greater role for young people in our society is something that I have been involved with for almost a decade now, which signals to me that perhaps my time as a young person is far closer to coming to an end than when it started. I am going to make the most of being the youngest member of this Parliament in our national year of young people. My personal journey in Scottish politics and public life has been shaped significantly by some of the organisations that work every day to make this a better country for children and young people to live in, none more so than the Scottish Youth Parliament. When I was elected there in 2011, we did not have votes at 16. We did not have equal marriage or a commitment to the living wage across the public sector, regardless of a worker's age. Now, in no small part down to the work of the youth Parliament, those are all a reality. In the last few days, the SNP has launched its Right Here, Right Now campaign, which other members have mentioned, focusing on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and on the aim of seeing it embedded into Scotland's law. I am in no doubt that the work of the youth Parliament across the 18 years of devolution also played a role in convincing voters in the west of Scotland that they could place their trust in me as a 21-year-old to be their voice here in Parliament. Although my age is not my only defined feature, I am quite sure that it is not the one that frustrates my colleagues the most. I would hope that, when I speak for my generation, others will listen and appreciate the reality for young people in Scotland across Europe and globally in 2018. We are right today to celebrate the progress that we have made, but tonight, nearly one in four children in Scotland will go to bed in poverty. This week across the UK, over a million people will go to work on a zero-hours contract. That is up from less than 170,000 in 2010, and it is disproportionately affecting young people. Over one third of that million are aged between 16 and 24. I know many of them. With 8,000 people sleeping out in Edinburgh this weekend, including the Deputy First Minister and a number of other MSPs, to raise the issue of rough sleeping and homelessness in plummeting temperatures, Centrepoint, a leading homelessness charity, has pointed out the link between zero-hours contracts and young people becoming homeless, often due to landlords refusing to accept anyone who is working on zero-hours, but it is not just zero-hours exploitation. More than one in five people, young people have been paid below the minimum wage, which itself is a poverty wage and, of course, is scandalously lower for the youngest workers. Colleagues working side by side can be paid significantly less for doing the same work simply because they are young. Millennials in the UK are likely to be the first generation since the war to earn less over the course of our lives than our parents did. The Resolution Foundation estimates that a typical 20-something today earns £8,000 less than a person of the generation before us. Elaine Smith I thank the member for taking intervention. I wonder if the member would commend the young people's trade union organisation better than zero, as I would wish to. Absolutely. I am grateful for that intervention from Elaine Smith. I think that better than zero has been an inspiring example of where young people can come together collectively and fight and win for their rights. Winning significant achievements for young people being exploited across Scotland, particularly in the hospitality sector. Not at this moment, but I will a little bit later, thank you. However, if you add to that the average house price being six times the average wage, which is much higher than the average young person's wage and the explosion in the price of private rents, we have a generation priced out of independent living. That is one in four, 18 to 13-year-olds have been forced to move back in with their family. I will take an intervention from Michelle Ballantyne at this point. Michelle Ballantyne I was listening to that with interest. I am wondering about what you are going to say to all the students at university who use flexible working either through zero-hours contracts, particularly in the hospitality trade, to help to pay the way through university, including, I have to say, three of my own children who benefited enormously from it. Ross Greer Zero hours work is exploitation. Poverty pay is exploitation. This is taking advantage of young people who are forced into those circumstances. If Ms Ballantyne wants to continue speaking, she should do the standard intervention— Ms Ballantyne, intervention is not heckling, thank you. Generational inequality isn't unique to the UK, though. The single greatest act of generational inequality is playing out across the world today. The climate crisis was not long ago something that we talked about in terms of the world left to my generation's grandchildren. Then it was our children and now it's to us today, watching our world start to slip away. Every tax cut for oil companies, every extension to the life of creaking fossil fuel power stations, every new capital project that drives private car use rather than public transport infrastructure—those are acts of generational betrayal, and we will not have the time to pick up the pieces of mistakes made by those who came before us. The climate science is now very clear. If we do not solve this crisis now, in the next five years, in the lifetime of this Parliament, it will not be solved. The feedback groups of global warming causing melting ice in permafrost, which in turn themselves caused more melting ice in permafrost, releasing more CO2 or burning rainforests, losing as valuable carbon sinks, are examples not only of abstract theory of planetary peril but of a live occurring event whose consequences we feel now in which my generation will feel throughout our adult lives. Whether it's the Hollywood stars of Los Angeles whose houses are burning as we speak or the young climate refugee from Ghana that I met at the door to Europe in Lampedusa, the climate crisis affects us all, but it affects the poorest and the youngest the most. What my generation and those who follow need and deserve is a new martial plan, not to rebuild a continent after war but to save the world from a level of devastation we will not be able to repair. Experience has taught us that real change is rarely given from above. It has to be seized, so whether you're a young person thinking of running for office, of going to your first rally or of taking part in direct action, please do not hesitate. You're powerful and your voice and your actions add weight to the thousands of others in this country and the millions of others across the world fighting for justice, social, economic, environmental, racial, gender, generational and the many other struggles that we must fight before our time is out, so please join this fight and help us win. Let 2018 be the year that we reclaimed our future. It's often easy to forget Ross Greer's relatively junior years given the consistent quality of excellence in his speeches that he often brings to this chamber. I'd like to start by reminding the chamber of my previous role as convener of the Scottish Alliance for Children's Rights. I'm also very grateful to Marie Todd for using her inaugural debate today as Minister for Children and Young People to allow this Parliament to consider that important reality of the year of young people, which will commence in January. I'm also grateful, too, for the consensual tone that they've sought to adopt in the motion before us, which has been mirrored in much of the debate today. Emotions such as this one can really bring out the best in this Parliament. They remind us of our common values and our shared objectives. They provide a sense of purpose, which picks up the challenge of Nelson Mandela when he stated that there can be no keener reflection of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its young. I don't think that there is a soul among us who does not share this Government's ambition to make Scotland the best place in the world to grow up. That intent has been manifest in the many times that this chamber has put aside the discord of party lines to move mountains in pursuit of that aim. In recognition of that, I would like to put on record my thanks to colleagues from across this chamber who have worked in unison to bring forward meaningful change in our communities for our most vulnerable young people through the increase in the age of leaving care to 21, in lifting the age of criminal responsibility and ending indiscriminate use of stop and search, in the extension of the franchise to 16-year-olds, in additional provision to Scotland's young carers and in the common ground established around John Finnie's private member's bill to end the physical punishment of children in our society. That is a powerful index of progressive change that represents the best that this Parliament can achieve when we put our differences aside. Presiding Officer, the year of young people that lies ahead should also serve to focus our attention on those many frontiers against whom all of us are still coming up short. Although the tenor of this debate is such that, on this occasion, I shall not ascribe particular blame in this regard, we all do well to remember those young people in health boards across this country, in some cases waiting two years and more for first-line treatment in child and adolescent mental health services, to those subjected to online exploitation, abuse and bullying, those victims of child trafficking forced to work in cannabis cultivation, nail bars and the sex industry, sometimes in slave-like conditions, those dispelled from areas in our communities through the use of high-frequency yet still legal mosquito devices, and those young people with additional support needs who, after waiting a long time for diagnosis, are still met with inadequate provision. However, it is for our young people in and on the edge of Scotland's care system that I will concentrate the remainder of my remarks. The life outcomes of the 15,000 children and young people who, on any given day, will find themselves in this country's care are demonstrably the worst of nearly any demographic in our society. So much so that I would go so far as to say that it is high time that this Parliament considers them for treatment in the context of other protected characteristics. That guarantee of after-care support at the age of 25 and the extension of continuing care to 21 has been an excellent start, but we need to do more. It is certainly my hope that the review that we are currently undertaking will see those who teach them, treat them and interact with them in any way are aware of the very specific realities that trauma, attachment disorder and loss can do to stalk their progress and development. One of the most significant recommendations in the recent review that was published by Sir Harry Burns into the targets that we employ in the health service was that we should be routinely capturing the extent and nature of adverse childhood events, and so to form a holistic response to that reality. Armed with that knowledge, when it comes, we need to ensure that we have a network of trauma recovery services and a trauma-informed approach that supports young people throughout their development. I welcome the distance that is travelled by this Parliament. I offer my co-operation and that of those benches to join efforts to address those frontiers without precondition. I recognise the will that exists across this chamber. If I may say so, Presiding Officer, to hear the First Minister make space in her speech on the programme for government to actively give voice to the possibility of incorporating the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into Scottish Law, which had been dismissed out of hand in the last session, is a measure of the progress that our nation is making in bringing us closer to realising the rights of young people and in giving them a meaningful voice in the life of this country. I thank her for it, and that is why I sought the minister to restate that commitment in her opening remarks. In shrining in law, the need for decision makers to actively listen to the voices of young people will help us to go some way to answering the challenge that was described by American futurist Alvin Toffler when he said that the secret message that is communicated to most young people today by the society around them is that they are not needed, but that society will run itself quite nicely until they, at some distant point in the future, will take over the reins. The fact is that the society is not running itself nicely because the rest of us need all the energy, brains, imagination and talent that young people can bring to bear down on our difficulties. I leave you with those powerful words and assure both the Government and the Labour Party of our support tonight. I am pleased to contribute to today's debate to celebrating the contributions of young people to their communities throughout Scotland. I also congratulate Minister Marie Todd on her first debate this afternoon. In De Friesen Galloway, the difference our young people make to the region is so important. It is supporting their communities by helping others and organising cultural events. As an MSP, I am lucky to spend a significant amount of time of my time with young folk. One of the best parts of my job is visiting schools across the region or welcoming school kids to Parliament to talk to them about what I do. This year, I visited Hoddon primary at Echo Fecan and I participated in the daily mile. We were promoting active travel, which is one of our Scottish Government commitments. I wish out for Lockerbie academy as well. The kids there are quite bright in the modern studies advanced class, and I have also been able to visit Douglas York, Carginbridge and Kirkcwbryd primary schools. I met the modern studies class to pick my brains about the political processes in Scotland. On Friday, I encountered the boys brigade group at Traqueer to say that they were excited is a complete understatement. I am consistently impressed by the quality of the questions, the knowledge and the insight of those young students. They are quite clever, and I look forward to having them in the chamber in the future, as MSPs represent our country. I always come away from those visits with optimism about Scotland's future in the capable hands of this generation of young people. In rural areas, it can be difficult for young people to find opportunities for employment, so it is vital that we empower them to explore career opportunities on their doorstep. The partnership between a local forestry company, Jaspy Wilson and Delbeaty High School is a positive example of how local businesses can help to do that. Last year, I joined employability and training minister Jamie Hepburn to visit the Delbeaty firm and look at their machinery business and learn about apprenticeships and training and the provision of education in rural areas. Mr Hepburn met apprentices and we found out more about the company's partnership with Delbeaty High School, which has allowed the local young people to gain practical experience of forestry engineering business and remain in the area. Offering our young people meaningful training opportunities in local businesses is vital to our region's economy and will address national skills shortages in some important areas of activity, particularly engineering. I am pleased to have Scotland's rural college campus in my area as well, providing vital training opportunities as well. The SRUC was recently awarded the Queen's Anniversary prize for higher and further education for a world-leading research into genetics of the dairy kai at the Crichton campus site in Dumfries. The work was supported by the Scottish Government throughout the environment, agriculture and food strategic research programme. With the study today estimated to have benefited the British dairy industry by more than £400 million. The arts, culture and heritage also play a vital role in the region and young people are the driving force behind many of our big cultural events. Almost a month ago, the First Minister visited the Oasis Youth Centre in Dumfries to formally launch the Government's year of young people 2018. Minister Todd has mentioned that already. The launch in Dumfries was in tribute to the fantastic job that the young people and youth workers did putting together the programme of events, which I understand will contribute significantly to the year's overall programme of activities. Part of the First Minister's visit, and it was not just a photo op, was to be able to look at the hard-hitting interactive youth information experience called the tune. It is designed and delivered by the young people, for the young people. The visit was a genuine experience by the First Minister. The youth engagement element of the youth festival brings a new twist on dealing with issues that affect young people's lives. Topics addressed have included domestic abuse, poverty, alcohol and sectarianism. More than 50 local young people volunteered to be involved and will be working all year to put together the award-winning educational experience. Youth Beats is Scotland's largest free youth music event and is back in 2018 to celebrate the festival's 10th anniversary and the year of young people. Running over two days with six different fringe events, the 2018 festival will focus on encouraging as many young people as possible to participate. The festival is so exceptional because it is organised and shaped by the volunteers. In Dumfries, we are also privileged to have the home of the new national centre for children's literature and storytelling at Montbray. It is the birthplace of Peter Pan. In September, I joined Cabinet Secretary Fiona Hyslop to visit the site and work began to transform the house where J.M. Barry's inspiration for Peter Pan occurred, and the house will be opening at the end of 2018, as marked in the year of young people. Montbray will contribute to the economic regeneration of Dumfries by directly creating new jobs and providing cultural and employment opportunities for young people. It is a global first. The year of young people will give our nation's young people a stronger voice on issues that affect their lives and will recognise the important contribution that they make to our country. Vitally, it is the young people themselves who have decided upon the aims, objectives and outcomes for the year and are at the very heart of planning and decision making. So I wish every young person success for next year and for the future and look forward to next year, 2018, as the year of young people. Thank you. I know that you referred to the minister as Minister Todd. I wouldn't want that to become the conventional way of addressing the year as Cabinet Secretary Hyslop and so on. I think that it was a slip of the tongue. Brian Whittle will be followed by Stuart Stevenson, please. Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer. First, I would like to bring members' attention to my declaration of interest, and I am a board member of the West of Scotland NSPCC. I would also like to welcome Marie Todd to her ministerial role. In her time in here, I have always enjoyed our interactions and sometimes robust discussions, although we do not necessarily agree on everything. I have genuine respect for the passion that you bring to this role. Finally, I would like to remind the minister when we are having those interactions in the chamber. Just remember who looks after you on the parliamentary rugby pitch. I am delighted to be able to contribute to this debate to the Deputy Presiding Officer, although I would suggest that every year should be the year of young people. I think that it is a great idea to bring a focus to their challenges and opportunities that they face in today's society. You will not be surprised to hear that I want to focus my contribution today on the importance of access to opportunity—oportunity to participate, to find an interest, a passion, whether that be in school time or otherwise—access to art, culture, drama, sport and activity. I have always thought that, when we were young, the world was full of opportunity. Anything is possible, and it is only when we grow a bit older that the adults get in the way of that ambition. They start to curtail that free thinking that we start to think about the limitations. While I was sitting here, I have to say what popped into my mind. My youngest grandson, five years old at school, was a visit by a placement, and he was asked—I don't know what the class was asked—what animals the police use in their day-to-day life. Very confidently, he threw his hand up in the air and said, giraffe. That kind of thinking that I like should be part of the police big cause, and his explanation was that they could see in through the top window. That is the kind of thinking that I like. Ambitions are shaped by the experience that we are exposed to and the opportunities that are available to our youth to interact and develop with their peers and learn together through trial and error, learn aspiration and self-worth, self-motivation, confidence and resilience. I have been very lucky in my life in that I have witnessed this as a coach over the past 30 years or so. I have had the pleasure of watching youngsters develop from young enthusiastic novices right through to international competitors. Much more than that, I have seen how taking part in sharing that journey with a group of like-minded people, travelling and meeting new people, learning to lose and striving to win, has shaped them as people. The vast majority of those who participate, of course, do not get to the headaches of international sport, but their drive to improving their ultimate success and improving their own performance helps to embed that confidence and resilience, that inspiration and that work ethic and aspiration that provides to the rest of their lives on and on going. That outcome is, of course, true for whatever activity they find a passion for, be it in academia, art, drama, sport or activity, and that is that they foster that kind of can-do attitude. It is all the more important when we hear, as Ian Gray has mentioned, from the Prince's Trust, who tells us that about half of young people say that they did not believe in themselves at school and that more than a quarter do not feel in control of their lives. That is exactly what activity such as the Prince's Trust and the Duke of Edinburgh programme does, which is why I was particularly dismayed, to hear that the South Ayrshire Council's plan to dump the Duke of Edinburgh programme in cut outdoor learning, increase playing field fees and close more activity centres. In my view, it is ripping the heart out of communities and exacerbating the healthy qualities that we want to tackle in feeding the attainment gap. To participate these days, it is more likely that a young person will need to travel, which excludes far too many. To be successful in this, we need to address the barriers to participation, not flipping that on its head to make access easier. For example, we need to look at the cost of participation to which travelling to venues is related. It used to be that an impromptu game of football—I have to say that Ruth Maguire walks back into the chamber here, saying to me that the 80s were the olden days. You have made a happy man very old, because I go back much further than that. It used to be that an impromptu game of football took a ball, jumpers for goalposts and a bit of open ground. Now, the no-ball game signs prevail, and it is now so often the case to play an ultramodern 4G pitch that must be booked in advance and paid for. Twenty-a-side football in the playground with a tennis ball is a thing of the past, now that health and safety, in my view, has gone mad. Extra-curricular activities have never recovered from their decimation in the mid-80s, for the options available to participate were wide and varied. I would advocate that the best assets we currently have to offer opportunity for all lies in the school estate. I have always thought that it is counterintuitive to have children leave school at the end of the day, where many of the great facilities are, only to have to get somewhere else in order to take part. Why not keep the school facilities open after school and before school for that matter? That is where the youth are after all. Stop waiting for the mountain to come to Mohammed or organise an opportunity where the audience is. In my experience, if the opportunity to participate exists, there will be no shortage of takers investing in them and you will get it back tenfold. Moreover, if we can get our youth more active, we will have a direct impact on the health of our nation and the future nation. Part of any mental health strategy, obesity and diet strategy has to be in allowing our youth to live an active healthy life. Sam H and Mental Health Scotland and even the Sam marathons have advocated inclusivity and physical activities having a hugely positive impact on poor mental health. Add-in physical health issues such as obesity and type 2 diabetes, musculoskeletal conditions, cardiovascular disease, stroke, drug and alcohol addiction, and we see a huge implication for the health service, not to mention welfare and justice. The earlier opportunities to participate are offered, the better the potential outcomes. If there are children from less affluent backgrounds already two years behind by the time they reach primary school age, why are we waiting until they get to school age before attempting to redress the situation? In conclusion, I welcome this debate and designating 2018 as the year of the young people. It gives us the opportunity to focus thoughts and ideas that are developing the very best opportunities for those in our society who will go into shape of our society. As always, I will take just a little bit more forethought and bravery from this place to implement this type of politics. It is time that we properly invested in our youth to open their eyes to the opportunity rather than stifle their ambition to give them the courage of their conviction and allow them to spread their wings and fly. I call Stuart Stevenson to be followed by Daniel Johnson. Presiding Officer, it is one of the great paradoxes of life that when you are a youngster, you cannot wait to grow up. When you get to my age, you wish you were a youngster. Of course, I am a member of SNP youth, admittedly an honorary member of SNP youth, but I still think, I hope, like a young person. Therefore, I am stepping up to the plate to thoroughly enjoy the year of young people. It is a wonderful initiative for people like me and, for that matter, like the ever-young Ian Gray, who is doing himself far too far down by referring to his bus pass. I have had four of them so far. The key point is—the serious point is—that the youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow. Ross Greer has said that. Alex Cole-Hamilton has said that. People around the chamber have said that. The campaign that we are embarking on for 2018 is an opportunity for young people to be heard and for their achievements to be recognised throughout Scotland. The events will be in all parts of our country, provide opportunities for people—yes, let's revert to type—adults like me and youngsters. We will see ingenuity of a character that we often don't suspect is there. Brian Whittle referred to using giraffes as police aids, police animals. I visited King Edward school. I, like others, love visiting schools, particularly primary schools, I must say. The headteacher in this quite small school, the whole school sitting there in one gymnasium, said that Mr Stevenson is here to answer all your questions. I said, I know all the answers. So what immediately happened? Somebody puts their hand up at the back of the class and says, what's my brother's name? So the youngsters will always beat the oldsters, every opportunity that comes along. Stuart Stevenson has put back in his box where he properly deserves to be. Ingenuity, intelligence. I do love it when the Tories applaud something. I've said, could the other benches please do it too on a cross-party basis? Thank you very much, Mr Cole-Hamilton. However, the reality is that our young people are a tremendous investment that we're making in our future and with good reason. I want to say a few words about the Aberdeen International Youth Festival. It's one of the north-east's superb cultural events. It's a yearly occurrence in the north-east that brings together youth from around the world to perform, showcase their talents and build bridges between nations. It includes dance, theatre, musical and other performances. It's been going since 1973, so it's not something that's just appeared. The minister appears to be suggesting even before she was born, and I believe her. It's hosted over 30,000 young people from across the globe. This year's festival includes performers from Italy, Jamaica, Ukraine, Morocco, Spain, Cuba and Russia, the Ivory Coast, Iceland, India, China, Norway, Brazil, Zimbabwe and even that distant outpost of civilisation at the USA. Of course, there will be a few locals from the north-east and across Scotland coming as well. It also provides, besides pure entertainment, educational opportunities, classes and workshops to allow people to learn. It's been a vibrant part of north-east life for a very long time. Last nine days, so it's a substantial event, and historically it's been funded in a large part by the Aberdeen Council. It's been supported throughout its history by the former Conservative member of the Parliament, Dr Dynette Milne, and properly so. In the present circumstance, I hope that she will speak to her colleagues in Aberdeen Council who are looking at withdrawing the finance from them. I'm disappointed that Oliver Mundell is not here because he could take a real action. He gave us none whatsoever to his complaints by talking to his colleagues in Aberdeen. I'm sure that we'll get to the right place and this debate and perhaps what we are saying here should be part of encouraging the council to have another thing. They've not formally made the decision yet, but I understand that they've made it in private. Now, there's been a survey that shows that what us wrinklies think of young people is not that favourable. 25 per cent are lazy, a third are responsible and 40 per cent are poor communicators. I must say that I don't see that at all. When I was a youngster at primary school, my communication skills were almost zero compared to the generation that now can speak and engage with us in a tremendous way. The young people of skills with the modern technologies that us older people lack can be quite scary and almost quite threatening, but it's absolutely necessary for the modern world. The power of the young to lead in schools across Scotland was seeing the climate change challenge being picked up by youngsters at school who got home and persuaded their parents and other adults they meet. That is an inspiration that we should recognise. I myself love spending time with young people. I'll be having lunch with my six-year-old goddaughter, Darcy, on Friday. On Tuesday in the Parliament here, my Danish part of my family, my great niece, Selma and her brother, Scott, will be here to brief me on what goes on in Danish politics and show that we can probably do things better. Jennifer Ruth is half my age, twice my brains. She is young, not old. She, like all young people, is the future. Daniel Johnson is followed by Gillian Martin. Thank you, Presiding Officer. The challenge has gone up from the ranks to follow that. I never could follow Stuart Stevenson. Let me add my congratulations to Marie Todd. There can be no better debate for the ministerial position than this one. The year of young people is clearly an important opportunity. In preparing for this speech, I was remarking to myself that the toughest political grilling that I have had since becoming an MSP was not anything that has happened in this chamber. It was not parliamentary hustings. It was being faced by the combined ranks of the primary sevens from South Morningside primary. When I met them six months ago, they were asking questions such as, how does the council decide how and where to build schools? What steps are the Government taking to achieve a zero-carbon economy and will they achieve it? Most importantly, how can school dinners be improved? I think that, based on the remarks from a number of people across the chamber this evening, I am not the only one who is very thankful that the school visit rooms and the lobby out there are not televised. I do not think that we would come off well at all. However, there are two realisations that I make from this. First of all, the potential and promise of young people is enormous. When I am faced with those questions and the insights, it strikes me that these young people could become anything, but they need the opportunity to do so. There are also the opinions and insights that we do well to make better use of. Those are some of the key things that I think this year provides us with the challenge and the opportunity to discuss. Indeed, Retard described that as being a year to change things for young people. I think that the insight that I will provide is that we need to ensure that that change happens in three key ways. First of all, it is ensuring that young people have a voice, that, secondly, they have the opportunities that they need, and, finally, that they have the support that they need to take those opportunities. On that first point, Michelle Ballantyne earlier remarked on the reception last week that was hosted by the Cora Foundation. She remarked on the powerful stories that we heard at that reception. However, I would go further, that the Cora Foundation's project on everyone has a story. I think that service is a very useful model about what we need to do, not just listening to those stories but embedding them into policy. The project is one where it interviewed practitioners and young people who had experienced issues in their families with addiction and how they recovered and then sought to make policy recommendations not based on statistics, not based on called policy analysis but on those experiences themselves. It strikes me that we have come a long way. We have provided votes for 16, we have the Scottish Youth Parliament, we have the Children's Commissioner, we have done a lot in terms of providing structures and platforms for young people, but we need to take that next step of embedding that experience of young people into our policy making and making sure that our policy making is relevant to those experiences in town. We also need to make sure that young people have opportunity, because the potential in and of itself is not enough. Opportunity is required in order to fulfil that potential. I think that very often our education system qualifications do not go far enough. They do not provide that broad range of experience and opportunity that Brian Whittle has outlined and indeed it does not recognise the broad range of achievements that, as we have set out in our amendment this afternoon. I think that we need to challenge ourselves to make sure that that broad range of opportunities are provided to our young people, that they are also recognised. I think that the work of the Prince's Trust is worthy of remark at this point. A number of members have mentioned them, but they are an organisation focused on making sure that young people are equipped to take opportunity and that there is a full range of opportunities at their disposal. I think that there are two programmes in particular that I have had experience of. First of all, they get into programmes that are there to help young people who might have slipped off the academic or vocational tracks through education, making sure that they have the opportunities to experience work and also develop the skills that they need to take work, and also the achieve programme, which again, of course— Gillian Martin. I thank you, Mr Johnson, for taking the intervention. Do you agree that it is important that we communicate with parents who might think that university or, indeed, colleges should be all and end all when it might be more suitable for their children to go into the modern apprenticeships? Daniel Johnson. I absolutely agree with that sentiment. The other key thing is understanding that we need to have a broad range of tracks through and through these different opportunities. I will just briefly round off what I was saying in terms of the achieve programme, which is about providing practical approaches to learning, learning in small groups for children who might otherwise struggle in a classroom environment. I think that it is these sorts of approaches that provide additional opportunities and different sorts of opportunities that are vital for young people. We also need to support young people because there are some fundamental barriers for many young people in terms of their ability to learn, ability to take opportunities. The health and wellbeing theme of the year of young people is hugely important, because, as other members have pointed out, one in four children in this country are living in poverty. That fundamental barrier is one that needs to be tackled. We are absolutely right to focus relentlessly on closing the attainment gap, but, truly, if we are going to eliminate that attainment gap, we have to eliminate poverty itself. We also have to eliminate the other issues and barriers that children have to learning. When many members have mentioned mental health, we need to make sure that there are adequate mental health provision counsellors in schools. In particular, I would like to highlight neurodevelopmental disorders. The specific additional support need that many children have is one that creates a fundamental barrier to children learning. Every classroom will have a child with autistic spectrum disorder, dyslexia, ADHD and maybe a combination of all those three things. The fact that we have lost additional support teachers and support staff is something that we need to tackle. This year has to be both about what we need to change, but it must also be about being unflinching about recognising the gaps that we currently have and making sure that we address them. I will close at that point. I am very pleased to be speaking today on the year of young people. As young people have been the focus of my work as a former lecturer at North East Scotland College, where I worked training many young people for over 14 years, I experienced that informs a lot of what I campaign on as an MSP in this Parliament. I could give 100 speeches on that theme, but I want to use my time to highlight three current issues impacting on young people, particularly in my area. My colleague Stuart Stevenson has given a very thorough overview of the importance of the Aberdeen international youth festival to the north-east of Scotland. I, too, am deeply concerned about Aberdeen City Council's proposals to defund this important festival that has, for as long as I can remember, given so much to the young people of Aberdeen City and Shire and beyond. I am dismayed that the council has delayed the decision further, causing further anxiety to the hard-working team behind it and the other organisations who work closely with them. That delay causes unnecessary and unfair uncertainty for the festival and the young people who will be involved. I am pleased that the SNP group in Aberdeen has made a prudent decision that funding has been made available for the next two years. I am hoping that their forward thinking attitude to the festival influences those in opposition, who I think have been enormously short-sighted in that. I echo Mr Stevenson's call for Tory members to press upon their city colleagues that the festival has saved and the deed to the Labour members to speak to their former colleagues who now act as independence for now. The value of the Aberdeen international youth festival cannot be contained in a business case. Getting young people involved in culture with like-minded people from across the world is of immeasurable value. I would like to touch on the effects of the festival and the young people who live in my constituency and around the north-east. In 2017, the AIYF performers expanded work further into Aberdeenshire and Murray to expand the cultural exchange. The festival's artistic director, Stuart Aitken, is committed to broader engagement in the region. I have also experienced that personally when I worked at station house media, or SHMU, as it is known in Woodside in Aberdeen, where we engaged with young people from across Aberdeen city's regeneration areas who worked with AIYF. The students that I had were involved in filming and broadcasting festival performances. They were local young people who could see how their work could reach broad audiences and international connections of their work gave them a sense of pride and possibility for the future. Opportunities to engage with the arts and other young people from across the globe are not often available to kids from the area that SHMU engage with. AIYF offered them that experience every single year. Another example of the wider effect of AIYF is the ACE Voices, a network of creative projects, partnerships and communities involving over 6,000 people of all ages in the north-east of Scotland, UK and further afield. It is heartening to hear the positive impact of AIYF on ACE Voices. For example, the ACE Voices Youth Choir is composed of 35 to 50 young people aged 11 to 18, and they are planning to tour the USA in July 2019. The children involved come across Aberdeen city and the trip to the US has come to fruition through a long-standing partnership with the festival. The leader of ACE Voices told me that moments like these often engender. That is what he said, a wider, often invisible ripple effect across people's lives. One young person wrote a testament of her experiences with ACE and AIYF, and she said that she would give her pride and achievement, and another wrote how getting involved in ACE Voices helped her overcome bullying, which made her feel lonely, sad and without friends. As a result of being involved in ACE Voices, the young person feels better, more active and creative. The year of young people is focused on providing an opportunity to showcase the talents of all young people, including those who may be more inclined to the arts or creative industries. However, and this is my second theme, the Tory-led Aberdeenshire Council has plans to cut visiting specialist teachers. Those are teachers who often deliver subjects such as music, art, languages and sport. That will come as a blow to rural schools who may depend on outside visitors to enhance the educational opportunities for their students. I am concerned about the work of both those councils that have an impact on my area, because they are putting at risk the work of this Parliament and Government in promoting the voices of young people. Finally, I want to mention a third thing that affects all children in Scotland, young people in Scotland. I am pleased that my work in encouraging online resilience for young people will happen during the year of young people. I am working in collaboration with Young Scot and North East Scotland College. Together, we are making films that encourage young people to protect themselves from online bullying, particularly of a sexual nature, such as news for news sharing, sexting and sharing intimate images that they might later on regret in their adult lives. I am proud to be working with college students on this project. The films that they are producing are aimed at raising awareness around the dangers of sharing those types of images on social media. They include important messages around consent, sexuality and coercion. Those films can only be effective if they are made by young people for young people. That is a very strong theme that comes out in a lot of the speeches today, that things around young people are only going to work if they are driven by young people rather than dictated by people like us as to what they should do. I hope that members will speak in my members' debate on the issue in February and come and see the films that Nescal students have created afterwards in an event that I am hosting in the Parliament. Finally, I hope that all of us, as parliamentarians, can use this year to prioritise the important work of magnifying the voices of young people in Scotland. I urge everyone to support youth-grounded initiatives such as AIYF whenever they see them and put politicking aside and just let things flourish and play the important part that they do in our culture. Thank you very much, Deputy Presiding Officer. I take this opportunity, the first opportunity, to welcome my Highlands and Islands colleague, Marie Todd, to her ministerial position. I welcome this opportunity to debate the year of young people. In many ways, the experience of young people in Scotland is a difficult subject to try and capitulate. There are certain common issues, opportunities, problems and barriers that young people in particular face, but in speaking on these topics, we should not forget that we are talking about hundreds of thousands of individuals, young people with different experiences, different objectives and many who have a very different path through life. Our approach to young people collectively will be best judged by how much attention we are able to give them individually, and it is therefore welcome that young people have been included in the development of the year of young people. Their participation is key, and we ought to recognise that it is not always straightforward. Obstacles exist and a quick glance at the Scottish Government's own public attitudes to young people polling demonstrates that negative stereotypes are still a challenge for many young people across Scotland. One of the primary objectives of the year is to provide a platform for young people to have their views heard and acted upon. I recently had the opportunity to meet with representatives from the Scottish Youth Parliament. They had many positive things to say, and they also raised a number of challenges that were widely agreed on, because, while they have perhaps the greatest range of opportunities of any generation before them, young people are also very conscious of the barriers and restrictions that they face too. In my region of the Highlands and Islands, young people are increasingly held back by issues around access, especially in rural and remote communities. The basics, such as transport, remain problematic. Public transport can be expensive and unreliable, restricting opportunities to training jobs, services and other issues. Barriers of experience can be just as oppressive. Asking a group of bright young MSYPs about whether they would consider setting up a business, their reaction was largely negative. Many saw the challenges and they should not be dismissed glibly, but few had positive experience of the opportunities. In Scotland, we still lag behind other parts of the UK in creating business startups, and the views of those MSPs suggest that we still have further to go to create a truly entrepreneurial society. I welcome that this is gaining some focus through what Scotland can do, which will be using the year to promote youth enterprise. Young people should have the confidence from an early stage to go out into the world and use their skills in business. That is also a generation where modern technology-led skills will be central to success. My party has campaigned in particular around STEM education, and we will continue to do so, recognising its huge importance for the future. It is also a generation where technology will become increasingly embedded in the lives of everyone from personal to professional use. Communication will be the underpinning of economic growth and development. Again, in my region, there are some of the worst parts of the UK for broadband infrastructure. Improvements are desperately needed to retain younger population in these remote and rural communities. The common thread in all of this is that Scotland's young people, regardless of where they are from or where their aspirations are, should not find Scotland a restrictive place in which to grow and develop. Governments should be able to help to support that development, where at all possible, and to make young people aware of all the opportunities available to them. Gillian Martin mentioned—I just caught it as I came in—that for some university will be their preferred destination, for others it will be college or apprenticeship. Whatever their path, many will feel pressure from parents, teachers or peers to make the right decision. That is why services such as careers guidance must deliver a personalised service where possible, which considers the real strengths of individuals, where their ambitions lie and how best to support them achieve their ambitions. There are many other areas where we can touch on today, but I would also like to consider where young people can make a difference in our democracy. With the voting age of the Scottish Parliament elections now at 16, engagement with young people has never been more important. I recall participating in several excellent events in schools earlier this year at Bray High School in Shetland, at the Scottish independence referendum at Kirkwall Grammar School and Stromnes academy, and at previous elections in Inverness and Murray. It is perhaps a cliché to say that young people often ask better questions at these events than their elders, but there is a good deal of truth in it. They ask questions because they want to know the answer, not because they are trying to make a political point. Despite the hunger for information and engagement, citizen and democracy retain that small part of the formal curriculum. Another of the year's objectives is to recognise the impact of those who work with young people, whether teachers, youth workers or significantly the army of volunteers who support community groups from sports to the arts. The value of their time and their efforts should not be underestimated. Working with young people often has far-reaching benefits. Given my very limited work with Citadel Youth Centre in Leith, I was delighted to meet a young person who is hosting up in Orkney, a young man who had attended the centre himself, and now, although he had moved to Orkney, his partner and daughter were regulars at that centre. With the events scheduled for next year, including welcome numbers outside of the Central Scotland, there will be opportunities to showcase talent, to build on skills, to engage, to create interests and to broaden horizons. We have a duty to future generations that cannot be taken lightly, so I look forward to the year of young people and hope that positive legacy is left behind after it has passed. The last of the open debate contributions is Joan McAlpin. Thank you, Presiding Officer. So many members across the chamber have taken the opportunity today to share stories of talented and selfless young people from their constituencies. Today we've crammed so many achievements into a few hours of debate, but 2018 gives Scotland a whole year to tell those stories and celebrate tens of thousands more. The Scottish Government's theme years have been extremely successful in promoting Scotland as a great place to visit with its focus on sectors and policy areas, such as our environment, food and drink and the built heritage, but the year of young people is, I would argue, even more significant than those milestones. It focuses on the most important national asset of all—the young people who will shape our country in the future. As several other members have pointed out, the year offers an opportunity to challenge stereotypes, and the Government research, quoted by others and published to Coen's side with the launch of the year, shows that most adults have positive perceptions of young people, with most finding them trustworthy and helpful, and only a minority of adults, one in four, nurse more negative. I would venture to say out-of-date perceptions. I would suggest that those adults are perhaps adults who do not have as much contact with our young people as we are privileged to have in the chamber. Still, those unrepresentative attitudes have an adverse impact on our young people, and teenagers reportedly feel that negative views based simply on their age have a detrimental effect on their self-esteem. According to a report by the Princess Trust, 28 per cent of young people do not feel in control of their lives, with 16 per cent going as far as to say that they do not believe that their lives will amount to anything, no matter how hard they have tried. We have heard today examples of initiatives right across Scotland that help young people to raise their self-esteem and challenge those perceptions, not least as Emma Harper has already described in Dumfries and Galloway, when I am told that youth groups were absolutely delighted to be picked out of all of Scotland to launch the year of young people. There are challenges, of course, as the minister has said in all rural areas, but, as well as the Oasis Centre in Dumfries, I would point to the Stove network that was funded by Creative Scotland, which has brought young people into Dumfries and Galloway and Dumfries, in particular, into redesigning their town centre and, indeed, running many of the cultural activities such as music workshops, spoken word and artistic project. Next month, the big burn supper in Dumfries will be the culmination of Scotland's winter festival programme and will involve many young people. I wanted to make this whole speech a positive and non-political one, but I feel that the sour note struck by Oliver Mundell cannot go unchallenged. Poverty and low self-esteem and limited opportunities for young people are glued together, and it is absolutely impossible to celebrate or separate the Conservative Government's welfare cuts from the challenges that young people face. I noticed that Mr Mundell's speech did not mention last month's joint statement by the Children's Commissioners for Scotland, England and Wales, asking for an urgent review of the benefits freeze and pointing to the Institute of Fiscal Studies' projection that absolute child poverty will rise four points by 2021 and relative child poverty will rise seven per cent by 2021 because of the policies of Oliver Mundell's Government, which has sanctioned the benefits of many young people, including single parents, and has cut housing benefit for 18 to 21-year-olds. By contrast, the Scottish Government has not only maintained educational maintenance allowance for the poorest young children, which was abolished by the Tory Government in England. We have extended it as well as creating 30,000 apprenticeships and, of course, making education free for university, including in Dumfries and Galloway, where we not only saved the Crichton campus but have expanded the numbers of young people through the Scottish funding council places. Mary Todd I thank the member for taking the intervention. I am sure that the member is absolutely well aware that the UNCRC, which Alex Cole-Hamilton talked about when he intervened on my speech, asking the Scottish Government to enshrine it in Scots law, contains article 26, which is that you have the right to help from the Government if you are poor or in need. That is not caveated by your birth order in your family. The two-child cap, which is part of the welfare reform brought in by your Government, absolutely contravenes the UNCRC. Emma Harper talked about the success of young volunteers in the region. I want to go back to the substance of the debate of praising young people by highlighting a couple of young volunteers in the region that have crossed my path. I would like to mention everyone, but you cannot do that. The first one was David Patterson, a young carer from a low-income area of Dumfries, who suffered from severe epilepsy and childhood and was bullied at school. He fundraised to go to Malawi with latitude global volunteering. He spent three months, including his 21st birthday, as a youth worker there, sharing peer-to-peer experience with African counterparts and mentoring the children there. He is back in Dumfries now, and the experience has given him so much confidence. He is now working in the care centre and has developed a successful career there. David has never once used the fact that he had a tough time as an excuse to feel sorry for himself, and instead his experiences have developed empathy and a desire to help others. The second story that I would like to tell is that of 19-year-old Shelby Watson, a wheelchair racer who was born with cerebral palsy. She is from Anandale, and she has already broken international records and collected gold medals for Scotland last year in Barcelona. She has brought world records in her class and, indeed, out with her class, as well as conducting her training. She also finds time to volunteer, and she coaches younger children and disabled children on the track in all the others that I can attest to as I attended the open day this summer. These are just two examples. There are thousands more of young people who have all over Scotland who have overcome challenges to give something back. More than anything else, I hope that 2018 will be an opportunity for us adults to say thank you to those young people for the immense contribution that they make to our national life. We now move to the closing speeches, and I call Ian Gray. Seven minutes, please, Mr Gray. Thank you, Presiding Officer. The debate today has been, as we predicted, consensual—mostly consensual, I think—probably achieved the greatest moment of consensus when the youth emeritus Stuart Stevenson announced that he was going back into his box where he deserves to be, uniting the chamber in their pleasure. I was intrigued by Mr Stevenson's confession that he has four bus passes. I don't understand if that means that he is 240 years old or that there is some small print on the bus pass that I have yet to read. However, one theme has been that we all want to use the year of young people to congratulate young people and have done much of that this afternoon. In fairness, members have taken some care not to congratulate ourselves too much. Indeed, a number of members have pointed out that we sometimes sell young people short. Alex Cole-Hamilton summed it up rather neatly, I thought, when he talked about the frontiers against which we fall short. That is true indeed. Today, we have seen education figures come out that show us that attainment gap between the richest and the rest in our schools remains very significant and has hardly changed. Mr Mundell talked a lot about some of the failings in our school and education system. I know that those on the SNP benches in particular felt that he was striking a sour note, but I remind him that he was preceded by Jenny Gilruth, who told us Tom's story about how the public services for which we are responsible had failed a young person. Ms Ballantyne talked about the lack of mental health funding for young people for CAMHS services. Again, we have seen today that one in four young people wait longer than the target time to access those services. Alex Cole-Hamilton again talked of some who wait as long as two years. Elaine Smith talked about cuts to youth work services. She is right, because for all our fine words here this afternoon, we must own up to the fact that in local government, when it comes to cuts, those services are often in the firing line, often seen as a soft option, non-statutory services that can suffer from cuts. Stuart Stevenson, would the member agree with me that today is an opportunity for us all to shoulder the burden of improving children's services across Scotland? I think that there is a recognition across the Parliament that there is more to do. Ian Gray I think that it absolutely is not truly as part of the consensus that we have struck today, and that is to everyone's credit. The other theme that has come across in the examples that members have presented to Parliament today is that sometimes the greatest achievements are in overcoming the greatest adversity. Elaine Smith talked about Gemma, whose first language is British Sign Language, who came and gave time for reflection here. Joan McAlpine just told us the story of David, who overcame bullying to work in Malawi. A number of members have talked about care-experienced young people and the very poor outcomes that they have. How much more then must we admire those such as Ashley Cameron, who's story was told in the Rapploch stories TV documentary not so long ago and who works with Kezia Dugdale in this Parliament? She turned her experience of care into a cause and a campaign for what she calls a revolution of care and love. Daniel Johnson talked about embedding young people's experience in policy-making, and you don't have to spend long with Ashley to realise that that is exactly what she is about. She doesn't just want her achievement celebrated, she wants them to change the world, and she is making that happen. Young people in my constituency in East Lothian Youth Council too undertook a documentary investigation of poverty in my county and then took that evidence that they had gained to the poverty commission set up by East Lothian Council, which is developing policy to address poverty. Young people want to change the world. Isn't that the truth that we'll be celebrating next year? That these young people are already making our world better? I confess in one moment of the debate when I was distracted by Twitter. I noticed that children in Scotland were tweeting that their LGBT ambassadors were on their way to visit Llythgo academy to meet the Gay Straight Alliance in that school and to hear about their work. I tell you, Presiding Officer, when I was at high school, the idea of a Gay Straight Alliance working to overcome discrimination would have been just unimaginable. Young people have already made our world today a better and more enlightened place. Yes, it's a good thing that we gave today's youth the chance to design their year. We have to understand that what they want is the chance to design their society. In truth, the more we let them do that, the better it will be for all of us. I call Rachael Hamilton. Around nine minutes, please, Ms Hamilton. Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer. Whilst we're being all young and funky like cursed, I suppose that we ought to say stay social and spread the word. Hashtag Y-O-Y-P 2018. Today, I attended the cross-party group on tourism and it was regarding today's debate, which is on young people 2018. Apparently, that has never been done before. It's a world first, I believe. In a nutshell, the year of young people 2018 is an opportunity to celebrate the amazing young personalities, talents and achievers that make up Scotland. It's about inspiring our nation through its young people's ideas, attitudes and ambitions. The year-long programme events, activities and ideas will give young people in Scotland the opportunity to show the world what they're made of. The year of young people is something everyone can support young or young at hearted, as again Stevenson is, and be immensely proud. Activities will be held throughout the year, such as the university 7s being held in Melrose, or the Youth Beats Festival that Emma Harper talked about. I wish Joan McAlpine luck with the Big Burns event that's coming up in Dumfries and Galloway. Codesign is a driving principle of all the activity that we're talking about. Ian Gray spoke of the positive contribution that young people are making, using examples of many individuals and groups throughout East Lothian who are willing and active to get involved on a voluntary basis. Today, we agree that we all have a stake in reaching out and making it a success for UK millennials and young Scots to achieve the objectives that this Government has set to provide a platform for young people to have their views heard upon and acted upon, to showcase the amazing talents of our young people through events and media, to develop better understanding and co-operation and respect between generations, which Elaine Smith spoke about, which I think is very important, because getting that balance between the generations is something that would benefit older people as well. We've seen it in other countries working really well. We also recognise the impact of teachers, youth workers and other supporting adults on young people's lives and providing opportunities for young people to express themselves through culture, sport and other activities. I'd like at this point to congratulate Marie Todd on her first speech as junior minister, and she set out the key themes that were developed by young people and will guide everything that we do in this Parliament across the year. If Daniel Johnson is right, we may find that our young people do a better job than we and maybe the Government do currently. The themes that Marie Todd talked about are participation, giving young people a chance to influence decisions that affect their lives. Perhaps young people in care will tell us how we can support them throughout their development, as highlighted by Alex Cole-Hamilton. Equality and discrimination, of which I'll talk a little bit about later, education, allowing young people to have more say in their education and learning. Culture, sharing and celebrating young people's talents and contribution to Scottish culture and arts. Enterprise and generation, celebrating young people's roles in innovation, entrepreneurship and the Scottish economy, as well as making Scotland a greener and more pleasant place to live. Finally, health and wellbeing, which I will talk about in a bit, and Brian Whittle's contribution. Children are our future and we must invest in them. Children are the foundation in which we build upon. Therefore, we must never question what we can do to invest in them. We mustn't lose sight of this. Whatever may come and seek to obscure our focus. The primary focus must be our legacy as politicians to leave a good future behind for our young people. Certainly, that is my goal. We all want to help to make Scotland a better place for young people to live and work. In my constituency in the Scottish Borders, we have an issue right now in which young borders are leaving to seek opportunities and not returning. Oliver Mundell, although many of you were critical of his speech, highlighted a number of issues and frustrations about living in Dumfriesia. He talked about the lack of opportunities that he spoke of his constituents who move away and able to bring up their own families in the area that they were born and bred in. Oliver Mundell called on improvements in education and attainment. I do not think that we should be critical of Oliver Mundell doing that, because what we want is all the same. We want improved lives for young people. I will just quickly. John McAmban. We should not at least credit the fact that the Creighton campus, which was saved from closure by the SNP Government in Dumfriesia and which has expanded, is giving young people from Dumfriesia and Galloway an opportunity to study there if they wish. I thank John McAmban for that intervention. I think that it was a collaborative campaigning to save Creighton campus along with the other politicians involved. I have visited the Creighton campus myself, and it is a fantastic facility. Just going back to rural regions, it means that we are losing innovative, fresh thinking brains and talent. It means that places such as Borders and Dumfriesia are always playing catch-up. As the national records indicate, a solution has not yet been found. Jamie Halcro Johnston also spoke of problems that young people have getting around because of transport costs in rural areas. Today, there is much consensus that we should address challenges that young people face, and the Labour amendment that we support today recognises barriers in society that prevent some people from being able to fully participate in volunteering opportunities. My colleague Brian Whittle talked about his involvement as a sports coach for young people. I, too, when I can get involved in umpiring and coaching in Erlston Network Club, an extracurricular activity that relies on volunteers and gives young people confidence by teaching a skill. Brian Whittle is passionate about creating a healthy and active nation, and I support his sentiments. I recently met with Leonard Cheshire, and although he is not in the Borders yet across Scotland, he aims to help young disabled persons' skills through opportunities in their local communities that may otherwise not be afforded. Hopefully, in 2018, we will see Leonard Cheshire come to the Borders. I cannot draw attention to the work of youth Borders. Youth Borders' collaborative partnership approach to working with children and young people was recognised as best practice example in the recent joint inspection for children and young people's services. The model ensures local youth clubs are available and all of the Scottish Borders' major settlements. The model was identified as unique by the joint inspection team. I am delighted that the Scottish Government will promote the model across Scotland's community learning, development and education sectors. It is fantastic that it is overarching aim to support alternative environments where young people can thrive, grow and evolve as individuals will be spread nationally. Iain Gray and Brian Whittle mentioned the Princess Trust. It was the brief highlighting the issues that youth have finding a voice. In many ways, it has never been easier for young people to share their view, but it has become clear that some understand their voice not to be heard. Either that is because it has been drowned out or ignored, as Ruth McQuire spoke passionately about. I want, as I am sure we all do, a platform other than social media for young persons to engage on. It is our job to encourage political debate from all sides and to make sure what we do benefits young people. Michelle Ballantyne spoke about the importance of equality and the pressures on young people who are bullied. For in a world of fake news and aggressive trolls, that space is no longer the birth of great ideas. It can be a platform of abuse and bullying, indeed one that cannot really be considered safe at all. The wellbeing and mental health of our young people is absolutely essential, so 2018 may require help to find a place of safe and lively debate—a place where nobody feels threatened or intimidated. Gillian Martin talked about work that she is doing through education and through film to communicate issues that affect young people. I cannot finish with not addressing Ross Greer's comment about the hospitality industry. I feel that the Greens have never supported business. The people who provide jobs and opportunities for people, I think that hospitality offers a flexibility. It is not a nine-to-five job. It is a growing industry. It is rewarding. Training and skills are offered. It opens doors. I think that it is not a great thing to do to talk hospitality industry down, Ross Greer. I am just in my last minute of break. I do have some spare time, if you wish to. Ross Greer. Does the member support workers in the hospitality industry being paid a wage that would put them below the poverty line as almost all those on-zero hours contracts are? Rachael Hamilton I am not, Ross Greer. I am not. Could you just repeat the last bit that you said? Ross Greer. As many, most of those on-zero hours contracts are. Rachael Hamilton I absolutely do not agree with Ross Greer about the hospitality industry offering lower than minimum wage. I, as you know, own a hospitality business and I absolutely cannot understand where Ross Greer is getting this information, but if you can provide that information to me and write to me about that, it would be something that I would be happy to support because I do not believe that people should be paid lower than the minimum wage. Deputy Presiding Officer, we have heard many different passionate speeches. If the same passion is carried into 2018 and the same optimism for our young people, 2018 will be a fantastic year. There will of course be hurdles to overcome, but we must build upon the good work already done. Good work by Leonard Cheshire to skill up younger persons with disabilities, good work by youth borders that aims to help young people thrive. I am sure that we all want to accomplish many of the suggestions given today and our responsibility to make sure that we do those lies with us. I would finally like to call upon ministers and the Cabinet Secretary to share with us what they hope to achieve in the year of young people. Perhaps give us some ideas of the measurements that will show us how the objectives have been achieved. Give us some reassurances about the educational attainment, the skills shortage, creating opportunities for young people to live and work in and to stay in the area that they grew up in. Perhaps we do not always get it right and it is time to work collaboratively with young people and ensure that their voices are heard. I might be incorrect, but I believe that Rachael Hamilton omitted to declare an interest when discussing the hospitality industry. I apologise. I will check the official report just to make sure that everyone is concerned. I call in Fiona Hyslop if you would take us up to decision time, please. Thank you, Presiding Officer. I would like to thank members for their contributions this afternoon. Clearly, there is a lot of support across the chamber for Scotland's year of young people and a lot of goodwill to Marie Todd in her new role. Of course, the year of young people is a global first. There is also support right across the Scottish Government. I recently led a discussion with my Cabinet colleagues about the year and focused on how we can promote engagement right across policy, including climate change and digital, to change the attitude, the culture and engagement with young people not just for one year but permanently. I was pleased to take part in last month's launch of the year. I had the pleasure of meeting with some inspiring young people at the Prince's Trust Wilson Centre in Glasgow, as well as meeting the TEDx youth who will be part of the signature event for the year, funded by event Scotland. All that build-up leads to a new way of approaching the year. It is only right that we welcome the different ethos that the year will bring. It has been developed by young people for young people. As we have heard, young people have agreed the six themes for the year, which will ensure that their views are developed as part of that year—culture, education, health and wellbeing, enterprise and regeneration, equality, diversity and participation. The activities that are currently planned are extensive, covering the entire country, but I hope that many more events will come to fruition over the next 12 months. The very first event will herald the new year, on 30 December. Events Scotland are funding a signature event. It is called hashtag scott word. It is a campaign that has involved young people discussing words that best describe what makes them proud of Scotland. Thousands will take part in the annual torchlight procession through the streets of Edinburgh on 30 December. At the end of the procession, torchbearers will spell out that one word on a huge scale, and it will symbolise how young people of Scotland feel about their country to herald in this very special year. Other cultural activities during the year include the Creator of Scotland's Year of Young People's Creative Traineeship programme, the National Theatre of Scotland is staging a Scotland-wide festival of theatre and performance that is created by young people. Jackie Kay, Scotland's national poet, Maca, is to take up residency at YoungScot. While culture is one of the six themes for the year, another key theme that many people talked about in the debate was participation. It is very important that Jenny Gilruth referred to this in her contribution that all young people have a chance to participate as part of getting it right for every child ethos that we have in the country. I want to reassure Jenny that she talked passionately about the young man whom she met, Tom. Some of the events that we talked about may be some high-profile events, but there are events throughout the year that I want to bring people's attention to. Perth and Conross have a diversity festival taking place. City of Edinburgh is working with Leonard Cheshire Disability Scotland. North Lanarkshire has hope for autism as an event. Bernardus is taking a participation group involvement in Inverclyde, and Sterling is focusing on young carers. I want to give a sense to everybody that there is something that I hope for everybody, but it is up to us to help to support them. We want young people to participate and engage, but we also want them to participate and engage in the democratic process to influence decisions that affect them. I am aware that this Parliament is planning a programme of public engagement activities that is aligned to the year to promote participation and to increase the number of young people that it engages with. I hope that members will wholeheartedly support the Parliament's year of young people activities wherever possible, and to help to ensure that young voices are heard and acted upon in all relevant aspects of committee work. What happens locally is equally as important as what is happening on a national level. All of us should endeavour to work with our young ambassadors in our own areas to support local year of young people activity, achievement and successes. It is also important that we engage with local authorities, youth work organisations, the voluntary sector, volunteers and community youth groups. All of them have a crucial role to play in delivering the aims and outcomes for the year. In my own area, we currently have 11 trades young ambassadors in West Lothian. I have applied further three to become ambassadors, two of the co-design leaders that are communicating are also from West Lothian, and I am looking forward to supporting the events that they are organising. However, it is also about challenges, and I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate and support Alice Ferguson, the NYSP for Linlithgow, in her campaign to save instrumental music tuition in West Lothian. Her mobilisation of young people, I hope, will make sure that her voice can be heard. Of course, councils make their own decisions about culture, but we have heard from Stuart Stevenson and Gillian Martin about the international youth festival. Before I leave Linlithgow, Iain Gray talked about the Linlithgow academy, and I look forward to relaying to the previous head boy who initiated the LGBT rights issues in that academy to make sure that he is aware of the celebrations and the events that are happening today as part of that campaign. If any member wants advice about how to get involved with the year, or if he wants to know about activities, please contact the year of young people's project team in the Scottish Government to provide further information and guidance. Referring to a number of contributions, there are a number of contributions, particularly about mental health. Health and wellbeing has been one of the themes chosen by young people. Michelle Ballantyne and Elaine Smith talked about that issue in particular. Ross Greer made a very powerful case about austerity and climate change and how young people are paying the price. That was also a theme that was reflected by Joan McAlpine. I want to mention the amendment. We are very happy to support it. Iain Gray is quite right that we should make sure that we celebrate young people's wider achievements as if at all possible. We can make a point of doing that during this year. He heard the response from the Cabinet Secretary for Education in that regard in relation to his contribution. Jamie Halcro Johnston talked about enterprise. I thought that it was a very important contribution. Again, enterprise is a key opportunity during the year to encourage young people. The fact that they have identified the issue shows that there really is an appetite for young people to make sure that they can participate in that area. One of the points that came across very powerfully was the telling of the individual stories by individual MSPs. Joan McAlpine started her contribution by the point that we should be telling the stories. Perhaps that might be one of the legacies from this debate is that we could try and work with the media in particular to make sure that throughout the year individual stories of individual young people who have succeeded perhaps in facing adversity have succeeded. However, as we have heard from so many, we managed to change things by campaigning in their own area, in their own rights, some of them local and some of them global. Indeed? Rachel Hamilton Would the cabinet secretary commit to that idea and work out a strategy of maybe being able to deliver what you have just suggested? I think that I have just said that it is a good idea and that is why I am suggesting that we do that. We can do that on a national basis, but that can also happen locally. Imagine every local newspaper championing the stories of young people as well as, obviously, our nationals as well. We want to aim to create a legacy from each of our few years. As previously mentioned, we are currently engaging young people in policy-making decisions right across Government. As Brian Whittle said, every year should be a year of young people. The experiences of young people should be embedded. I think that that was a point that Daniel Johnson made. Daniel Johnson reflected on how far we have come and our votes were 16 so much we have done. However, that is part of a journey and the year of young people should be what next steps can we take as well. We need to make sure that we are achieving a long-lasting legacy beyond 2018. We want to demonstrate to young people that we are working together to support them. Collectively, we need to continue to ask what their ambitions are. How do we help to achieve them? That is their year, of course. We must actively give young people the confidence that their voices might be heard. There was so much positivity in the debate, but I am afraid that Mr Mundell made one of the most miserable contributions. So miserly was his reference to the year of young people. The ebonyzers screwed at this Christmas time and looked generous in comparison. I would point out to the Conservatives that it was the other Mr Mundell who said that it would be a miracle if the Crichton campus would be saved. As the minister who was responsible for that action, I helped to solve that miracle. However, he also ducked and dived. Oliver Mundell for highlighting the immense effort that our local Conservative MP in Dumfrieshire made in campaigning to get the Scottish Government to get serious about keeping the Crichton campus open. It is a very cheap political remark when she accuses me of politicking in this type of debate. Cabinet Secretary. But he ducked and dived and was challenged by Marie Todd about land reform and how it can yet help young people to stay in their local areas. I thought that one of the most powerful speeches was by Ruth Maguire. She said that it is not just about listening to what you want to hear. It is also about being challenged as well. Although a number of people talked about young people being our future, I think that we have to change our mindset. Young people are our present. This year is to be celebrated. We want young people to be present in our approach to Government, to Parliament, to society. As the minister said, we want young people to be front and centre in our thinking, and their time is now. Let's celebrate our young people. The young people, as Ian Gray said, enlighten and enliven us. Yes, they challenge us on a local basis and also on global issues, but this is their year. This will be their time. Their time is now. Thank you, cabinet secretary. That concludes our debate on celebrating our future. Point of order, Liam McArthur. Thank you very much, Presiding Officer. I wish to raise a point of order earlier this afternoon in response to my topical question about a recent audit Scotland report into Police Scotland and the SPA, and specifically the so-called Golden Goodbye received by the former SPA chief executive John Foley. The justice secretary informed the chamber that, and I quote, the SPA former chief executive retired under the terms of the SPA's early retirement scheme that covers all SPA staff rather than through any individual settlement agreement. However, I understand that the SPA has since confirmed that while 43,470 pounds of Mr Foley's payment was under the early retirement scheme, a further 56,666 was indeed a discretionary amount paid as a result of an individual agreement. It was the latter that was criticised by Audit Scotland as being in substantial part unnecessary. In light of that discrepancy, I wonder if you could advise whether the justice secretary might be invited to clarify his comments on the payments made to chief executive. Thank you very much, Mr MacArthur. As all members will know, that does not qualify as a point of order. However, it is a point that the member wishes to make. It is now on the record. I am sure that the cabinet secretary will have heard it. If the member wishes to pursue it, he can do so either in writing to the cabinet minister or in a written question, as other members would do, Mr Rumbles. It would be helpful if the Presiding Officer could explain why such a statement is not a point of order according to the chair, because I cannot see any other issue where a minister who comes before Parliament makes a statement that has clearly now been identified as not accurate. My colleague is simply asking whether the Presiding Officer would be able to invite at the earliest convenience of the minister to clarify his comments to the Parliament. I will explain to all members in case they are unaware of those matters. They are not matters for me to adjudicate on. If the member wishes to clarify an issue, there are many, many opportunities in Parliament to do so. He can intervene in a debate, he can put it in a written question, he can ask an oral question, he can put the matter in writing to a minister. If, on the other hand, the member wishes to make a complaint on an allegation, which the member did not do, he would do so under the Code of Conduct for Ministers, the ministerial code, not under the Code of Conduct for Members. I hope that that is clear. If we can now move to decision time, there are two questions to be put as a result of today's business. The first question is that amendment 9498.1, in the name of Ian Gray, who seeks to amend motion 9498, in the name of Marie Todd, on celebrating our future Scotland's year of young people be agreed. Are we all agreed? We are agreed. The final question is that motion 9498, in the name of Marie Todd, as amended, is agreed. Are we all agreed? We are agreed. That concludes decision time and we will move to members' business, in the name of Rhoda Grant, and we will just take a few moments for members to change seats.
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Laudatory efforts in Lakshadweep and Dubai which make every Indian proud!
During the final Mann Ki Baat of the year, Prime Minister Narendra Modi highlighted India's best moments from 2022. He said that the year 2022 will be remembered for people adopting the resolution of 'Self-reliant India'. He spoke at length about focusing on evidence-based medicine, yoga and Ayurveda. The PM also paid rich tributes to former PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee and shared achievements of citizens from across the country. Subscribe Now: Stay Updated! 🔔 Follow us to stay updated: ► Download the NM App: ► Like us on Facebook: ► Follow us on Twitter: ► Follow us on Instagram: #MannKiBaat #MKBDecember2022 #PMModiMannKiBaat #MKB
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मेरे प्यरे देश्वास्यों हमारे देश में अपनी कला संसक्रित्त को लेकर एक नहीं जाग्रुक्ता आरही है एक नहीं चेतना जाग्रित हो रही है मन की बात में हम अकसर एसे उदारों की चर्षा भी करते हैं जैसे कला साहित और संसक्रिति समाज की सामोही पूंजी होते हैं बैसे ही इने आगे बड़ाने की जिम्येडारी भी पूरे समाज की होती हैं आपसा ही एक सबहल प्यास लक्स दिप में हो रहा है यहां कल्पेनी दिप पर एक कलब है कुमेल ब्रदर्स चलेंजर्स कलब यह कलब यूवाوں को स्थानिये संसक्रिति और परम्पारि करावो के सवरक्षन के लिए प्रे लिट करता है यहां यूवाوں को लोकल आर्ट, कोल कली, परीचा कली, किली पात्तु अर परम्पारि गानो की त्रेनिक दिजा पी यहनी पुरानी विरासत नहीं पीडी के हातो में सुरक्षिद हो रही है, आगे बट रही है और सात्यो, मुझे खुषी है इस प्रकार के प्रयात देश मेही नहीं विदेश में भी हो रहे है हाली मैं, दूभाई से ख़बर आई कि वहांके कालारी कलब ने ग्रिनिज भूक अब बल रेकोट्स में नाम दरज किया है कोई भी सोथ सकता है कि दूभाई के कलब ने रेकोट बनाया तो जो बहुरत से क्या समन दर सल, ये रेकोट वहारत की प्राजीन मारशल आर्ट कलारी आपट्ब से जुडा है ये रेकोट एक साथ सब से अदीग लोगों के दवारा कलारी के प्रदशन का है कलारी कलब दूभाई में दूभाई पूलीस के साथ मिलकर ये प्लान किया ये ये नेस्टर दे में प्रदशिट किया इस आयोजन में चार साल के बच्चो से लेगा साथ वर्स तक के लोगों लेग कलारी की अपनी शमता का बहतरीज प्रदशन किया अलगलक पीडिया कैसे ये प्राजीन प्रमप्रा को आगे बहारही है ये उसका अदहुत उदारन है
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Mod-01 Lec-19 Discrete time dynamics (Part III)
Topics in Nonlinear Dynamics by Prof. V. Balakrishnan,Department of Physics,IIT Madras.For more details on NPTEL visit
[ "Discrete time dynamics (Part III)" ]
Now we saw some properties of the logistic map last time and we also saw that there was an intricate sequence of bifurcations followed by the onset of chaos interrupted I mentioned by periodic windows and finally fully developed chaos. Now one of the interesting questions that arises immediately is when you have a chaotic attractor how frequently two different parts of the attractor get visited by a typical initial condition by a trajectory and is there some kind of stationary distribution or invariant probability distribution which tells you how these attractors are occupied by a typical trajectory. This is a question of great interest because as you know once you have the property of ergodicity then time averages which are not computable in general can be replaced by averages over some invariant distributions probability distribution so we need to compute these distributions. Now this the history of distributions is very very long goes back a long way and just to recall to you even in statistical physics in ordinary equilibrium statistical physics the primary task of the theory is to give you the invariant distribution. Now once you have this distribution then you can compute averages physical averages using the property of ergodicity. Let me recall to you what happens in thermodynamics and equilibrium statistical physics for a minute if you have a system a macroscopic system isolated from the surroundings in thermodynamic equilibrium then we know that the energy of the system is constant it doesn't change at all and you could ask what's the probability with which different states of the phase space different portions of the phase space of the system get occupied and this is called the micro canonical ensemble in equilibrium statistical mechanics and you could ask what's the probability distribution on the micro canonical ensemble and that's easy to see because it says if the system is described by a Hamiltonian q, p then for an isolated system in thermodynamic equilibrium the energy is constant. So this minus the constant value of the energy is equal to 0 and if I insist on describing my system by a probability density in phase space in the space of the p's and q's that density rho as a function of all the q's and p's is equal to something which ensures that this Hamiltonian always have that numerical value. So it's essentially a Dirac delta function at that point on the energy surface. So it is this thing that's the equilibrium or stationary distribution in a micro canonical ensemble. So this is for micro the same system if it's put in thermal equilibrium with a heat path at some temperature T absolute temperature T then we know that the ensemble we use is the canonical ensemble it's called the canonical ensemble and that's the one in which we do normal usual thermodynamics because normal physical systems cannot don't generally remain isolated they are in interaction with their surroundings and they are in general closed systems where the system can exchange energy with its surroundings with a heat bath but not matter in such a case we have the canonical ensemble and the corresponding density operator rho of q, p is something which ensures that the value e of the energy if e is one of the possible values of the energy of the system the relative probability with which the energy e is taken is equal to the exponential of minus e over kT where k is Boltzmann's constant this is the standard rule you have in the canonical ensemble. So the relative probability is e to the minus the energy over kT then the absolute probability is the same number divided by a normalization constant which is the sum over all values of e so it would look something like e to the power minus beta h of q, p whatever value this takes divided by a sum over all possible values or an integral in this case e to the minus beta h of q, p dq, dp this is an integration over all the degrees of freedom and the corresponding generalized momenta and it serves to normalize this probability density. This is the thing which you normally call the Boltzmann factor because you might have come across this in the form e to the minus e over kBT I have used the symbol beta for one over k Boltzmann times T if this is the relative probability that the energy is e if you sum over all possible values of e the denominator that gives you the normalization constant and it is called the partition function in equilibrium thermodynamics statistical mechanics. If you have other physical conditions such as an open system which can exchange both energy and matter with its surroundings then you use not the canonical ensemble but something called the grand canonical ensemble and the grand canonical ensemble again is of this form the density the probability density or the phase space density the equilibrium density is of the form e to the minus beta times h minus chemical potential times the number of particles in the system and that is the grand canonical ensemble depending on what experimental conditions you are interested in you have different ensembles which specify for each of them you specify what the invariant measure is what the probability distribution is now of course we also know that in classical mechanics this probability distribution in general for a classical dynamical system obeys an equation called the Liouville equation which is not quite the equation of motion for a dynamical observable recall that if a of q,p is a dynamical observable we found out that the rate of change of this was equal to the Poisson bracket of this a,h we found that this was the case long ago on the other hand the density itself rho of q,p is equal to the Poisson bracket of h with rho it has an extra minus sign now if the system is stationary in other words the density is completely stationary steady state then this cannot change with time so the equation was this this was the more equation of motion for the density and if it is completely stationary this quantity has to be 0 if this is 0 it means that the Poisson bracket of h with rho is 0 identically pardon me the additional minus sign ensures that first of all it says that this rho is a probability density and is not an observable this these are observables this minus sign ensures that the average values of physical quantities are independent of which picture you use to describe them either you use an active picture in which the dynamical variables vary with time and the density does not or you use a passive picture in which the dynamical variables do not change with time but the density probability density changes with time and these are called the Heisenberg and Schrodinger pictures respectively they are related to each other they transform transformations of each other but yeah exact this is exactly the point by insisting that averages of physical quantities remain independent or be the same whatever picture I choose to describe this evolution in so it is a little bit like to give an analogy it is like saying that if you have a particle moving in space then two ways of doing this either you say the position of the particle changes in space and the axis remain fixed or I could equivalently say the particles really stays where it is but it is the axis that are changing in space and both these things should give you exactly the same results they just to two transformed ways of looking at the same thing one of them is an active picture and the other is a passive picture in quantum mechanics we would say one of them is the Heisenberg picture and the other is the Schrodinger picture and physical answer should be independent of which picture you choose that imposes this equation on the density matrix on the density operator itself now yeah by insisting on this namely the time average of any physical quantity now I take the average value of this quantity and when I do that then it turns out that if I write the formula down for the average value and look at its time derivative then depending on whether I take the average value of a and let us suppress the q and p for a moment if I take an active picture and say this is the average value of this physical quantity which changes with time with respect to a stationary distribution row this must be exactly the same as a picture in which the a doesn't have explicit time dependence doesn't have time dependence at all but it's with respect to a row which depends on time and when I insist that this be the case then automatically it says consistency demands that row itself obey an equation with an extra minus sign here and this follows from the cyclic invariance of the trace I'll demonstrate this after a little while okay so eventually the point I was trying to get across here is that since delta row over delta t equal to this if if the distribution is to be a stationary distribution then this should be equal to 0 and that implies that the Poisson bracket of row with the stationary distribution or the equilibrium distribution let me call it stationary be equal to 0 identically and what does that imply what does this imply for this distribution this is a function of all the phase space variables and this is the Hamiltonian of the system and you're saying the Poisson bracket of this should be identically equal to 0 so what's the most general solution you can think of what condition does it put on row stationary it's a constant of the motion but it's not a physical observable so what condition does this put on row if I say that the Poisson bracket of row with H row stationary with H must be identically 0 in general it implies that this row stationary should be some function of H that's the most general thing you can think of under all conditions if this is to be true this must be a function of that H and that's exactly what has happened as you can see the stationary or equilibrium distributions row equilibrium are functions of H but what functions is not specified by this equation here that is specified by your experimental conditions whether the system is isolated or the system is in close system or not and that's why invariably the in equilibrium statistical mechanics the probability density in phase space is a functional of the Hamiltonian of a system and not of anything else and that follows from here now what can we learn from this for our problem well in our problem unlike equilibrium statistical mechanics where this is all you can say you can say that this must be some functional of this but it doesn't say what functional at all that has to be put in from outside and the fundamental postulate of the equilibrium statistical mechanics I recall to you says that all accessible microstates of a system in thermodynamic equilibrium and isolated system are equally probable and that's this measure so it says on this energy hyper surface you have a uniform measure it's completely ergodic and you have a uniform measure because this immediately tells you that this measure this delta function says there's only one constraint that H be equal to E it doesn't preferentially say this portion of the energy hyper surface is better than that portion or anything like that on the other hand when you have a canonical ensemble when the system is in equilibrium with a heat path then it says this thing it's called the Gibbs measure this factor the Boltzmann factor appears here and this is the particular functional of H so in the case of statistical mechanics you need extra inputs it's not yet fully derivable from dynamics at all and that tells you what the form of this invariant or equilibrium distribution is but in our case we have some dynamical systems specified by set of equations and everything must follow from those equations there's no external input possible anymore so where does that leave us well let's see how to find invariant measures and this is our next task so let me call it the invariant measure or the invariant density again to make things specific we work with a one-dimensional map which is chaotic same map of some unit interval or something like that and then the equation the map is the following Xn plus 1 is equal to some non-linear function of Xn and Xn is an element of some interval that's the sort of situation we have in mind and now let's assume that you are in a region of the parameters where you have chaotic motion completely and this is the interval this is the attractor and you would like to find is there an invariant measure or not how do we do this well if I start with a point X in this interval and I iterate once then it goes to a point which is f of X therefore if I start with some initial point Y and I ask what is the density row after one time step as a function of X what is this equal to well clearly if I start with a point Y it goes to a point f of Y and therefore the support of row 1 of X is a delta function of X minus f of Y if Y is my starting point so this is clearly true what happens if I start with a distribution in Y what happens if I start with a distribution which is row 0 of Y a given Y goes to an X which is given by X minus f of Y therefore a distribution or a probability density in Y row 0 of Y each Y goes to its corresponding X according to this rule and if I sum over all possible Y's I end up with row 1 of X so different Y's would go to different X's but each Y goes to an X which is given by this delta function condition because it's completely deterministic to give me the Y and I know exactly which X it goes to and now the probability density in X is just the integral of the probability density in Y weighted with this kernel so it's an integral equation for row 1 of X given after one iteration a density row 1 of X what is row 2 of X what's row 2 of X going to be equal to well once again you take the density after one iteration and then you again weight it with the corresponding delta function kernel and you get row 2 of X so this is again equal to I dy delta of X minus f of Y but here you put row 1 of Y because everything that I want here is a function of X and I keep integrating this well if you like you can write this out in several ways you could write this out as I dy delta of X minus f of Y times an integral over I del some dz delta of Y minus f of Z row not of Z you could do this so you could start with Z that goes to Y then it goes to X so certainly this is also true you could also have written this as equal to I dy delta of X minus f 2 of Y row not of Y so I could have said well you have to have two iterations now in time and the function that takes you from a given Y to a given X after two iterations is f 2 of Y so if this is your kernel then you integrate the original density with this delta function kernel and you have the density after two iterations so these are more or less obvious statements so therefore in generalize this and say if you give me the density after n iterations then the density in the n plus 1th iteration is given by this which you could also write if you like you could write this as f n out here and then put a row 0 here but now suppose you have an invariant density in other words under iteration it does not change at all that would correspond to taking the limit n going to infinity in this n goes to infinity in this so what would that lead to so let us call limit n goes to infinity row n of X equal to row of X and let us call this the invariant density that is like your equilibrium or stationary density in the case of statistical mechanics but now we have a dynamical equation here like the Liouville equation we have a dynamical equation here and you need to take the limit n going to infinity in this and what would be the equation obeyed by this invariant density if it exists yeah so all we have to see is to see what happens to this equation when n tends to infinity so if you call that row of X that is it because as n tends to infinity so does n plus 1 so the invariant density obeys this equation what kind of equation is this is it a linear equation this is a horrible nonlinear function but now remember the equation we are talking about is an equation for this function so is it linear yes indeed of course because it is just the first power of it so it is a linear is it a homogenous equation or in a pardon me this is horrible this is some function this is some complicated some K of X comma Y in row that is the unknown that is the unknown quantity this is unknown right we supposed to be given this you give me the map function and you know this so it is very much a linear equation is it homogenous or inhomogeneous where is the inhomogeneous term here it is an integral equation definitely it is not a differential equation it is an integral equation but is it homogenous or inhomogeneous in other words by multiply row it by a constant would this still be true yes of course so it is a linear homogenous is it a differential equation or an integral equation or a difference equation it is an integral equation it is a very much an integral equation. Is it an Eigen value equation? In some function space, this is some function x defined over some interval. Yes indeed, it is an operator. It is an integral operator acting on this row and that gives you this row again. Therefore, it is an Eigen value equation. It is an Eigen value equation for an integral operator with kernel k of x, y. Is this kernel smooth or is it singular? It is singular because it is a delta function. So it is a singular integral equation. It is not an easy thing. It has got a singular kernel. If it is an Eigen value equation, then in some abstract notation, we have an equation of the form row. Some vector in some function space in the language of linear vectors is equal to some abstract operator k, an integral operator acting on row. That is the way this equation structure is. So it is very much an Eigen value equation. Operator on this Eigen vector is equal to the Eigen vector. What is the Eigen value? 1 in this case plus 1. So you want to solve a singular linear homogeneous integral equation such that the solution corresponds to Eigen value plus 1 for this integral operator with a delta function kernel. Is there any other condition on row based on the physical requirement that this should be a probability density? It should be normalizable. Can it be negative? It is a density. Therefore, it could be unbounded. It does not have to be between 0 and 1, but certainly it must be normalizable. So you have extra conditions on it. So we also require row of x to be greater than equal to 0 for all x in the interval. And you also would like to have integral dx row of x equal to 1. This is the normalization. So if this solution exists, that depends on whether this what sort of map function you have, then you have got yourself an invariant measure. But you have to satisfy these conditions. This kernel may not have an Eigen function which satisfies these properties. It may well not have one. But if it does, then we are in business. Provided we know that it is the only solution for sure. So you also need uniqueness because we need to be sure that this is the only solution. There is only one solution which is physically acceptable in this case. So it is not an altogether trivial matter even in this one dimensional map. You have a complicated situation. You really have to solve an integral equation. It is homogenous. So it is overall constant, overall multiple cannot be found from the equation itself. But that is fixed by this normalization condition. This will fix what the constant multiplying this row is, the overall normalization constant. It should be non-negative, could be unbounded. We do not care. It should be integrable so that this condition is satisfied. And it should correspond to an Eigen vector in function space of that singular kernel with Eigen value plus 1. There could be other Eigen vectors corresponding to other Eigen values. So the spectrum of this operator could be very complicated indeed. But the physically acceptable solution is one which satisfies these conditions. And there are theorems which tell you that if such a solution exists then it is unique. That is too intricate for me to prove. So I am not going to do that. But let me take it as an assertion here. Let me make this assertion that if a solution to such an equation exists which satisfies these conditions then it is unique. So if you grant me that let's try and see what happens in the simplest cases we know of like the Bernoulli shift for instance. So let's apply it right away to the Bernoulli shift and see where it takes us. So we need this equation. We retain that and let's apply it to the Bernoulli map. And recalled in this case the map function f of x was equal to 2x modulo 1 and the interval i was 0 to 1. So to write this out this was equal to what? To write it out explicitly it was equal to 2y for y less than a half between 0 and a half and it was equal to 2y minus 1 for half less than y less than unity. And the map was discontinuous at the point half. So to refresh your memory this is what the map function looked like. So what f of y was equal to. So let's apply it and find out what rho of x is. So rho of x therefore is equal to an integral over this function from 0 to 1. So there are 2 delta functions here one of which will be applicable as long as y is less than a half and the other between a half and one. So let's write them out separately. So it is 0 to a half dy a delta function of x minus 2y rho of y plus an integral from a half to 1 dy delta function of x minus 2y plus 1 rho of y. In order to do this integral we got to convert this to a delta function over y. So we have to write y minus something or the other and then make sure that this delta function actually fires when y is in this range. So it's these lines on which the delta function fires and what we have done is to break up the integration from 0 to this and remember the constraint is that this quantity is equal to x whatever be x and x runs from 0 to 1. So what would this become? I have delta of x minus a function of y but we use this formula for the delta function of a function of the argument of the integrand and if you recall a delta function of a function phi of y can be written down. First of all what is the delta function? There are certain properties of the Dirac delta function which we need for this business and I am not sure if you recall them right away but let's write them down. First of all delta of a constant times y minus some y naught is equal to 1 over modulus a delta of y minus y naught. Modulus is some real constant a and I need a modulus in the denominator. So this makes sure that the normalization is kept correct. We also know that delta of y minus y naught is equal to delta of y naught minus y. The delta function is an even function of its argument about the point where it fires. We also know that delta function of a phi of y where phi of y is a nice function of y. This contributes whenever phi of y vanishes because that's where a delta function contributes. So suppose y sub i is a root of phi of y equal to 0. So phi of y i equal to 0 and let's label the roots as y 1, y 2, y 3 etc. Then this fires whenever you have such a root but near one of these roots if it's a simple root then it's clear that phi of y could be written as phi of y i which is equal to 0 by definition plus y minus y i times phi prime at y i but that's like a constant. You bring that down so this is equal to modulus phi prime at y i and you have to sum over all the roots. So these are the properties of the delta function that we need here and it's very simple in this case because by symmetry I write this immediately as delta of 2 y minus x and then I take out the 2. So this becomes equal to one half because I take out the 2 here and then after that I can do the integral because this becomes delta of y minus x over 2 and you've got to weight it with rho of y and integrate over all values of y from 0 to half and please notice that going back to this graph whatever be the value of x between 0 and 1 when y is between 0 and a half there is a contribution from this delta function. It does fire at one unique point and fires at a point which is given by x over 2. Therefore this integral contributes for all x between 0 and 1 that's important to remember. So you have to draw a picture of this kind to find out where these delta functions contribute and in this case this is the picture we have to look at. So as a function of y this is a half this is 0 this is 1 this is 1 you have x on this axis and wherever x is between 0 and 1 as long as y is between 0 and a half there is a point where this graph is intersected and therefore there is a point where the delta function contributes. Therefore I can write this first integral down immediately as rho of x over 2 plus once again I write this as delta of 2 y minus 1 plus x and I bring out the 2 which comes out here and this again becomes rho of 1 plus x over 2 again as before for every y between a half and 1 no matter what the x is between 0 and 1 this delta function does contribute is one unique point where it contributes for every x and therefore for all x in this equation x element of 0 to 1 you have this equation we have therefore converted this equation here for the invariant measure from an integral equation to what kind of equation what kind of equation is that it's a recursive equation but it's not a difference equation it's for a function in which the arguments are different it's not a differential equation it's not a difference equation it's a functional equation this sort of thing is called a functional equation this integral equation here is very important this thing here for the invariant density this is called this is the Frobenius Perron equation for the invariant measure it's an integral equation with a singular kernel and we've reduced it in the case of this one dimensional map to this functional equation and for every x this must be true doesn't look like a very straight forward equation to solve because functional equations are not easy to solve there are no standard algorithms in most cases to solve these equations at all there are some techniques but they are very intricate and in general there are no systematic algorithms as you have for the case of integral equations or differential equations or recursion relations difference equations or integral differential equations and so on functional equations are difficult to solve but we have this uniqueness criterion that I mentioned earlier as a very big help in other words if you can find a solution which satisfies this functional equation then it's got to be the unique solution provided it's normalizable and provided it's non-negative now of course one can immediately see from this that if you put x equal to 0 then it says rho of 0 must be equal to rho of a half then you put x equal to 1 and it says rho of half must be equal to rho of 1 and then you put values in between and you discover that all those rows must be equal to each other so what would be a guess it's a constant right and what kind of guess constant should it be it should be normalized 0 to 1 rho of x dx must be equal to 1 1 itself 1 itself so if rho of x is a constant equal to 1 then it says 1 is equal to 1 plus 1 divided by 2 which is true right so in this case the unique solution to this density is in fact a constant so the unique normalizable normalized non-negative solution rho of x equal to 1 0 less than equal to x less than equal to kind of establishes why I said that in the case of the Bernoulli shift the system is ergodic and the invariant density is unity in other words all irrational points on this line their iterates will uniformly and densely fill up the entire interval uniformly with a very simple invariant measure just a constant the moment you have that under your belt then you ask what about the other maps that we looked at for instance let's look at the tent map at fully developed chaos and see what happens in that case so for the tent map at r equal to I use 2r so this must be equal to 1 tent map at r equal to 1 recall that this map itself was equal to 2rx for 0 less than equal to x less than equal to a half and it was 2 2r into 1 minus x for a half less than equal to x less than equal to 1 pardon me yeah it should be 1 is anticipated as so it should be 1 it turns out to be exactly equal to 1 once again we can check this out right away this is what the map looks like in this case right and this function here this f of y equal to when r is equal to 1 it's 2 minus 2 y and you put that equal to x so what happens what kind of functional equation do you get this portion remains the same what happens here so you don't get this so if 2 minus 2 y equal to x on this side right so what do you get so what's y equal to what do what do I get here plus rho of what yeah 2 minus x over 2 which is 1 minus x over 2 again so it says rho of x is equal to this quantity I put x equal to 0 and it says rho of 0 is equal to rho of 1 when I put x equal to 1 and it says rho of half equal to rho of 1 and so on yeah yeah there is sort of yeah because after all what I did was to take this map going up that way I cut and pasted it in one case and I folded it in the other case in some sense you expect the distributions would not change at all and indeed that's true the difference of course is that in one case you have a discontinuous map in the other case you have a continuous map so it's continuous here although its slope is not defined at this point really doesn't matter and you end up with once again rho equal to 1 again by inspection I put rho equal to 1 and it satisfies this equation on both sides so for both these maps so for the this is the 10th map the symmetric 10th map at fully developed chaos so in both these cases I have rho of x is equal to 1 for the Bernoulli map for the Bernoulli map or the Bernoulli shift not true for the 10th map for r less than to less than 1 between half and 1 that's not true because then it's not the unit interval at all it's much more complicated than that and the invariant measure is not findable by analytic means find it numerically because the equation is not easy to solve in that case but here for this fully developed cases for these onto maps this is certainly true now what's the great advantage of finding the invariant measure well any physical quantity whose average you want time average you want can now be replaced by an ensemble average so all we have to do once you have an invariant measure is to say that if I have the iterate xn and I take any function of it here and I'd like to compute the time average of this quantity then I would write the following phi of x the time average of this observable is equal to limit n tends to infinity 1 over n a summation from j equal to 0 to n minus 1 it's the phi of xj where xj plus 1 equal to f of xj that's the rule for iteration I iterate each time I get a new variable each time I get a new value of the argument and I put that in here and I sum over this take the arithmetic average and I've got a time but if the system is ergodic on some interval I can replace this by an ensemble average weighted with the invariant measure therefore this can also be written as equal to and integral over the interval dx rho of x where this is the invariant measure or the invariant density rather times phi of x itself if I know rho of x this is just an integral now what was our definition of the Lyapunov exponent remember the Lyapunov exponent lambda was defined in these cases as equal to limit n tending to infinity 1 over n a summation from j equal to 0 to n minus 1 the log of the modulus of f prime right so instead of iterating the map and finding the slope at all the iterates and taking the modulus and then the log and summing over the whole thing you can write down now where god is it you can also write this down as equal to an integral over the interval dx invariant density rho of x log of the local stretch factor which is log of mod f prime of x so you give me the map and I compute this number for you and what is it for the Bernoulli map log 2 because rho of x is 1 yeah we implicitly use this we actually implicitly use this although in that case it was trivial because I know this thing is independent of xj it was piecewise linear with the constant slope so I this was rigorously equal to log 2 times 0 to n minus 1 of 1 which was n and it cancelled on both sides and you ended up with log 2 explicitly but now it is consistent with the fact that rho of x is equal to 1 so this immediately implies that rho of x is equal to 1 and lambda equal to log 2 independent of the starting point so the system is uniformly hyperbolic everywhere there is a stretch factor which is essentially log 2 the log of the stretch factor is essentially the Lyapunov exponent and it is uniform everywhere it is log 2 in this case we are not going to be able to say the same thing for the logistic map at fully developed chaos because for one thing this is no longer constant so you certainly cannot do this and we do not know what the invariant density is we need to discover what the invariant density is for the logistic map before we can assert that the Lyapunov exponent is log 2 it turns out to be log 2 for fully developed chaos I mentioned this last time but then it is not obvious unless you know what to put in here and this quantity here of course is x dependent because the map is 4 times x times 1 minus x and its slope changes from 4 at the 2 end points right to 0 in the middle and you have to do this integral in order to compute what the Lyapunov exponent is but before that you need to know what rho of x itself is but what is the Frobenes param equation in that case for the logistic map what you have to do is to take this function this is f of y and this is y and we know that f of y in this case equal to 4 y times 1 minus y you must set that equal to x and solve now for y to find the 2 roots of this equation and certainly there are 2 roots because for every given x there are 2 values of y and one of them is y 1 of x and the other is y 2 of x at every level x so you need to find that and then this equation changes and becomes a functional equation and it looks like rho of x is equal to delta of sorry equal to rho of the delta function fires at 2 points now in each case so for a given x you have a y 1 of x which is this root and you have a y 2 of x which is that root and therefore the density is evaluated at y 1 of x divided by the slope f prime at y 1 of x modulus plus rho of y 2 of x divided by the modulus of the slope of the map at the point y 2 of x where this is y 1 and this is y 2 or the left branch and the right branch of the inverse function you have to compute this by solving y 1 and y 2 are the roots of this equal to x and it is fairly messy it is a functional equation which is fairly messy because you have some complicated function of x here which involves square roots and so on because this is a quadratic function of y and you solve it there are 2 roots which you have to write down explicitly so let us do that so it says 4 y squared take it on the right hand side minus 4 y plus x equal to 0 so y 1, 2 equal to plus or minus equal to 4 plus or minus square root of 16 minus 16 x divided by 8 which we can simplify so this becomes 1 plus or minus the square root of 1 minus x divided by 2 that is y 1 and y 2 as functions of x you have to plug that in here put in the values of the slopes of the map at those points and then you have a functional equation whose solution is by no means obvious but it is immediately clear that because of these guys sitting here that a constant is not a solution you put x rho of x equal to 1 it is not a solution to this equation so guess work does not seem to work here so what does one do no I am not no I am not going to find a row there is no reason why it should be locked to yes we know I said that it is locked to so now you want to work backwards but it is not so easy guessing solutions to this because as you can see immediately you are going to have something which is rho of and look at it it is not trivial 1 plus root 1 minus x over 2 when that is horrendous rho of 1 minus root 1 minus x over 2 and then there are these factors as well so it is not by any means trivial this itself involves square roots and so on by the way since it is modulus you expect both of them will come out because it is clear that the map is symmetric so the magnitude of the slope here is the same as the magnitude of the slope here so this factor will come out but it is a function of x and constant is not a solution so what we need is a clever trick in this case this clever trick was found by von Neumann and Ulam long ago in 1947 and they solved for the invariant measure invariant density of this map and this turns out to be a very well known solution turns out to be very interesting solution also with many many ramifications but the idea is the following and let me give you a hint as to how one goes about solving this problem at fully developed chaos at parameter value 4 this map is solvable in the sense same sense in which the Bernoulli map was also solvable we could write the solution xn equal to 2 to the n x 0 modulo 1 that is formally in exactly the same way if you have something which says xn plus 1 equal to 4 xn into 1 minus xn and xn is between 0 and 1 so it suggests very strongly it is like sign of something or the other but the sign runs from minus 1 to 1 perhaps the sign squared would be a good idea so suppose I put xn equal to sign squared theta sub n what happens to this map so it says sign squared theta n plus 1 equal to 4 sign squared theta n cos squared theta n but that is equal to sign squared 2 theta n so as long as we define the range of theta properly it looks like theta n plus 1 is twice theta n we could put in a pi to make sure everything runs from 0 to 1 instead of 0 to whatever right but that is solvable that is the Bernoulli shift if you put your put in a factor of pi so let us put sign squared pi some beta n let us say sign squared pi beta n plus 1 is beta n plus 1 is pi beta n pi beta n and this whole thing becomes n squared 2 pi then simply says beta n plus 1 is twice beta n modulo 1 but that is just the Bernoulli shift for which we know the solution so it suggests strongly that I can actually write down the solution to this guy and in fact it is of the form xn equal to sign squared pi times beta n which is equal to we also know x0 equal to sign squared pi beta 0 so this becomes square root of x0 here and then a sign inverse gives you this and then a 1 over pi gives you this so this times 2 to the n over pi that cancels off sign inverse root x0 please check the factors of pi and so on what is something like this is the solution to this map at fully developed chaos so at the parameter value 4 things become a little simpler and it looks like it is essentially the Bernoulli shift in some transformed variables that is the reason why it turns out to be log 2 and incidentally that also tells us that if the measure in beta n is uniform this has a Bernoulli shift so it is constant then the measure in x is just the acrobian of the transformation that takes you from beta to x once again and I will write this down and we will verify this subsequently for the logistic map row of x for the map the fully developed chaotic map so for f of x equal to 4x times 1 minus x the solution to this equation is row of x is equal to 1 over the normalize solution x times 1 minus x this is due to Ulam this map is called the Ulam map very frequently this was used this thing was used as a random number generator by them originally by for reasons which I will explain later on it is like the Bernoulli shift in transformed variables and you actually have this as the invariant density notice it is not bounded at x equal to 0 or x equal to 1 but it is integrable just where roots in the denominator and gets integrable so if you draw a picture of this invariant density then it looks like this here is 0 here is 1 it is a very symmetric thing which looks like this and this curve is 1 over pi root x times 1 minus x in the total area under the curve is unity so the system predominantly likes to stay near the origin or at the other end and it is very rare that it comes in here the total area is actually 1 it is completely symmetric the cumulative distribution is some sign inverse as you can easily see you have to do an integral over this this is the density the probability density so you could ask how much time does this iterate spend in any sub interval thus just just the ratio you want this sub interval the ratio of this area to unity which is the total area by ergodicity once again so you can calculate the fraction of the time a very long trajectory a typical chaotic trajectory spends in any given region sub region of the tool full interval now I leave it to you as an exercise to verify that for this map the integral from 0 to 1 dx over pi root 1 minus x times 1 minus x times the log of the modulus of the slope of this map but the slope of this map is 4 minus 8x this integral can be done for too much difficulty and I leave it to you to verify that this is equal to log 2 so that it rigorously establishes that the Lyapunov exponent is log 2 for the chaotic for the logistic map at fully developed chaos at parameter value 4 this trick does not work for any value less than 4 of course when there are fixed points which are stable or periodic orbits we know the Lyapunov exponent explicitly but in the chaotic region in general one one only knows it numerically but it reaches a maximum value at fully developed chaos for all mu between 0 and 4 the largest value of the Lyapunov exponent is log 2 and it occurs at 4 parameter value 4 this transformation is part of a more general relation called topological conjugacy the the maps we are relating to each other they are related by transformations of variables that is the reason why this trick works in this case I will come back and talk about topological conjugacy little more because it says given one map you are able to find things for other maps to which this initial map is related but right now the point I wanted to make was that even though you do not have a uniform density the Lyapunov is still exponent is still log 2 and that these points are preferred for this map rather than anywhere in the middle in this case there is one more value of the parameter where this map is explicitly solvable in the sense that you can find xn as a function of x0 explicitly and that case does not have any chaos unlike this case and that is the case when you have a super stable fixed point so in that case it was twice in between and recall this was the case where the fixed point was at x equal to a half and the slope there was equal to 0 so the Lyapunov exponent went to minus infinity at that point but you can also solve this you can solve the equation xn plus 1 is twice xn 1 minus xn by a similar trick you can write down xn as a function of x0 explicitly what would you do what would you what does it suggest you do let me give you a hint suppose you multiply both sides by 2 what happens what does it suggest for the right hand side what should one do let us write this out so 4 xn minus 4 xn square what does it suggest yeah it suggests something very strong I mean does not this suggest that you complete squares what should I do to complete squares so I do a minus 1 there and I get a minus 1 here so 2 xn is this so 2 xn plus 1 minus 1 is equal to that but what is this equal to minus yeah 2 xn minus 1 the whole square isn't it so let us write this right so what does it suggest we do next bring the minus to this side so it is a minus this is equal to that so this 1 minus 2 xn plus 1 and this of course is 1 minus that is now trivial because it immediately says define a new variable u n equal to 1 minus 2 xn so it says u n plus 1 equal to minus goes away so what is the solution what is the solution to this recursion relation yeah each time you square right so what is u u n as a function of u 0 sorry sorry I am sorry u 0 to the power so now go back to x and the problem is solved these are the only two cases which can be solved analytically the only cases where the map new x times 1 minus x for x in the unit interval can be solved in closed form explicitly the recursion relation can be solved are a parameter value 2 and 4 it is lucky for us 2 is not very interesting because it is just a fixed point which is very stable no problem there but 4 is fully chaotic so we have like the Bernoulli shift we have a simple model it is not so simple it is called intricate properties as we saw but at that value at 4 things become analytically tractable you can solve things you can write down the Lyapunov exponent explicitly and we can form a relationship with the tent map and the Bernoulli shift so that is why this map again is used as a kind of paradigm for chaos many cases so let me stop here today and resume from this point onwards we are going to look at a few other maps which have some other interesting properties and then I come back and talk about the properties some more properties of the logistic map.
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Full Text Options for Dissertations & Theses
This video walks you through the process of locating the full text of dissertations and theses through the Ohio University Libraries. This video is released under Creative Commons license. You are welcome to use, redistribute, or remix it in any way you like, as long as you attribute us as the original creator. Faculty, please feel free to use this in your Blackboard. If you have any suggestions for future videos,let us know!
Hi, this is Jessica Hyman with the Ohio University Libraries, and in this video I'm going to show you how to find the full text of dissertations or theses. There is no single place to find the full text of dissertations or theses, so you may have to look in a couple of locations, or place a request for the full text via interlibrary loan. If it's an Ohio University document, start your search in Alice no matter the year to find either a link to the paper copy or a link to the full text online. If the document is a recent one by a student at another school in Ohio, check the Ohio Link Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Center to see if there is an online version. If not, look in the main Ohio Link catalog to see if there isn't a copy available for checkout from the school where the student did their work. For works from outside the state, it's worth taking a look in Alice and Ohio Link to see if someone has already purchased a copy of the document. If you don't find a copy by any of these means, there are some web sources that may be of use. Start by searching Google for the name of the document or the author. Some authors or schools will put their work online for anyone to read. You may also want to look in some thesis repositories like ProQuest Open, Open Thesis, or the Networks Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations. If none of these work or you'd like a hand searching for a copy, get in touch with us and we'd be happy to help. In many cases, we will be able to place a request for the item via interlibrary loan. To access interlibrary loan, scroll over the purple My Accounts tab on the library homepage. Click on the link for interlibrary loan slash Iliad. Click Login. Then choose the link to request a thesis under the other drop-down menu.
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Heimskringla: The Stories of the Kings of Norway, Called The Round World | Snorri Sturleson | 14/20 Audiobooks have many benefits for listeners and audiobook lovers. Here are some of them: 1. Improves Listening Skills: Auditing audiobooks can help you develop active listening skills. 2. Enhances Productivity: Another critical benefit of audiobooks is that it helps you to multitask. 3. Helps to Improve Language Skills. 4. Reduces Anxiety and Stress. 5. It Makes the Story Memorable. 6. Help To Build Your Attention and Focus. 7. Prepares You for a Good Night’s Sleep. 8. Audiobooks Can Help You Consume More Books. 9. Introduce students to books above their reading level. 10. Model good interpretive reading. 11. Teach critical listening. 12. Highlight the humor in audiobooks. 13. Introduce new genres that students might not otherwise consider. LibriVox volunteers have recorded full versions of public-domain audiobooks and made them available to everyone. Concise excerpts of contemporary and cutting-edge audiobooks performed by professional voice actors and digital catalogs of audiobooks. If you follow the link in the description or the digital catalog blocks and make a purchase, we may receive a commission. For which we would be grateful! Thank you! #audiobooksfree, #audiobooksfree90, #audiobooksfreeyourhands, #audiobooksfreedom, #freeaudiobooks, #freeaudiobooksforkids, #freeaudiobooks365, #freeaudiobooksmotivational, #freeaudiobooksonyoutube,#2freeaudiobooks, #8freeaudiobooksleft
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Section 49 of Heinz Gringla by Snorri Sturlson, translated by George Polk-Morris and Ira Kerr-Magnuson. This LibriVox recording is in the public domain. The story of Magnus the Good, Part 2, Chapter 14 through 26. Chapter 14 of Thor Gear Fleck. At first, Calphe, the son of Arnie, had most chiefly the land rule with King Magnus for some time. But then people took on themselves to call to the king's mind where Calphe had been at Stickelsted, and after that it was a harder task for Calphe to give due heed to the temper of the king. It befell on a time when, as there was a throng about the king, and then pleaded their causes, that there came before him with his pressing errand, the man who hath been named before, Thor Gear to wit of Sulla in Verdale. The king paid no heed to his words, but harkened them, who were nigher to him, then spoke Thor Gear to the king aloud, so that all heard who were there an eye. Speak thou to me, Magnus King, I was a following on with thy father. Then bear I thence mine head to human, when over the dead king these were striding. Now dost thou cherish that wretched host, the lord's betrayers, who joyed the devil. Then made men huge clamor there at, and some bad Thor Gear go out, but the king called Thor Gear to him, and ended his errands in such wise that Thor Gear was well pleased, and the king behite him his friendship. Chapter 15 of King Magnus and Calf. That was a little thereafter that King Magnus was at a feast at Hau in Verdale, and as the king sat at meat board there sat on one hand of him Calf Arneson, and on the other Einar Thambar Skelfer. By that time matters had come to this, that the king would have little to do with Calf, and thou held Einar in the greatest honor. The king said to Einar, we will ride unto Stichelstead today, I wish to see what tokens be of what there befell. Einar answered, I know not how to tell thee thereof, let Calf thy loveling, he knoweth how to tell of the tidings there. So when the boards were drawn, the king arrayed him to go, and spake to Calf, thou shalt fare with me to Stichelstead. Calf answered that that was not needful, then the king stood up and spoke somewhat angrily, fare, shalt thou, Calf, and therewith the king walked out. Calf clad himself swiftly, and spake to his swain, thou shalt ride up to Egge, and bid my house calls have every that aboard ship before sundown. The king rode to Stichelstead and Calf with him, and they got off their horses, and walked to the spot where the battle had been. Then said the king to Calf, where is the stead, where as the king fell. Calf answered, and stretched forth his spear, shat, here he lay fallen, said he, then the king said, where were thou then, Calf? He answered here, where now I stand. The king said, and was then read as blood, then might thine axe have taken on him. Calf answered, not took mine axe on him, and therewith all he walked away to his horse, leaped back thereof, and rode off on his way, and all his men with him. But the king rode back to Hau. Calf came in the evening up to Egge, his ship lay all-dite, at the gangways with all chattels, come aboard it, and manned with his house-calls, forthwith at night they made down the firth, and Calf bare day and night, as the wind blew, he sailed west over the sea, and tarried there long, and harried about Scotland, Ireland, and the South Isles. This telleth be Arnie Goldbrow scald in Calf's flock. Oh, Thor Berg's brother heard I, that the brother's son of Harold was good to thee, thou mates thee worthy thereof, that held on till folk therein wrought evil. All busily thine enviers waked up the strike betwixt you, the hurt of the son of Olaf, behold, I in these matters. Chapter 16 of King Magnus Olofsson. King Magnus cast his owning over Vig, which Ram had had, and Quistead, which Thorgir had had, Egge with all, and all that wealth which Calf left behind, and many other big havings he let fall into the king's garth, even such as they had had, who fell at Sticklestead in the host of the bonders. He did also many heavy punishments on those who had been in that battle against King Olaf, some he drove from the land, from others he took much wealth, and the cattle of others some he let hew. Then the bonders began to bewail them, and set among themselves what can abide in the mind of this king, in that he breaks for us the laws, even they which hay come the good set up, doth he not remember that we have never fold unright, he will have to fare the same way as his father or other lords, they whom we have taken from life when we got weary of their masterfulness and lawlessness. This complaining was widespread in the land, the men of Sagan had him hosting, and gave out the word that they would hold on to battle against Magnus if he should fare their abouts. King Magnus was then in Horde land, and had dwelt there much long, and had a big host, and made as if time to time, he would fare it north into Sagan. Thereof were the friends of the king where, and met together on a parlay, twelve of them, and settled between them to allot it, to one man to tell the king of this complaining, and in such wise brought the matter about that the lot fell on Sigvot. Chapter 17 The Staves of Naked Says Sigvot wrought a flock, called the staves of Naked Says, beginning with this first, that they deemed the king over much waltred, in his reed and beating down the bonders, they who threatened to raise up unpeace against him. He sang, strife here I, south mid Sagan folk, Sigvot the king has let it from trying a folk battle, yet if we fight then fare I. Don weapons be we warding the king full well with war swords, all eager for that meeting. How long shall the land be sundered? In that same lay there are these staves. Hey, Khan, who fell at fitjar, was height most good, yet did he of foe thiefdom avenge him, and well did men folk love him. Scythons folk held the laws fast of the foster son, most kindly, of Ethelstain. The bonders are slow to his forgetting. I deemed that the Karl folk rightly made choice, whereas the Olaf's and their withal the earls gave peace to the lands of people. The heralds ere the ever full trustee son of Trigde, that hold the laws leak equal, which folk took from those namesakes. Thy reed givers beroth not, Lord, for the naked speaking, O king, that word the way clears unto the ruler's glory. Unless the land host lyeth, quote the bonders, they have other worst laws, than thou be hideth ere well to men in wolf sound. O Lord of the hard vengeance, who is it now that eggs thee from thy word to go abackward, oft triest thou the thin steel? The Lord of men victorious to his word should be fast bounden. Fight further, it behooves thee never to ride thine oath sworn. Who eggs thee on, fight heeder, to hew thine own thane's cattle, in his land such work to win him, for a king is over boldness. Nair erst hath any council the young Lord thus, thy lads king of robberies are weary, there at is the whole folk angry. Give heed, O thieves, or thrower, to that murmur of the bonders which fereth now around us. Hold thou thine hand in measure, O gladner of the falcon, of wounds warm tears. Affrent is who, by death's warning, hearken unto the husband's willing. Peril, when all men hoary against the king or minded, ian, as I hear, now shalt thou take read thereto beforehand. Hideous it is when the thing men lay head to head and thrust down nose into cloak-lap, soothly silenced the thane's hath smitten. One thing most ugly bonders, the noble now are saying, his hand, my Lord king, layeth upon the thane's own airlands. For weaving will folk tell it if their heredities they render unto the king's weaves, ian, as a hasty past. Doon, do it. After this warning, the king changed for the better, and many further this same matter before the king, and so it came about that the king had talk with the wisest men, and then they framed their laws. Sithun's king Magnus let write the law book, which is still in Thrandheim, and is called Grey Goose. Sithun's king Magnus became well befriended and beloved of all folk of the land, and for that sake was he called Magnus the Good. Chapter 18 of the Knutlings Herald, king of the English, died five years after the death of Knut his father, and was laid in earth beside his father in Winchester. After his death took kingdom in England, Knut the brother of Herald, another son of Knut the old, so he was then king both over England and the Dane realm, and ruled there over for two winters. He died sick in England, and is laid in earth beside his father in Winchester. After his death was taken to King Edward the Good, son of Ethelred, king of the English, and of Queen Emma, the daughter of Richard the Rowan Earl. King Edward was brother by the same mother of Herald and Horda Knut. Goonhild hiked the daughter of Knut the old, and Emma, and was wedded to Kaiser Henry of Saxland, who was called Henry the Bounteous. Goonhild was three winters in Saxland, or ever she took sick and died. She died five winters after the death of Knut her father. Chapter 19 King Magnus gets Denmark. King Magnus, Olufsen, heard of the death of Horda Knut, then sent he men forthwith, south to Denmark, and did with them messages to those men who had bound themselves to him, with sworn oaths when peace and covenant were made between Magnus and Horda Knut, and called to mind of them their words, and let that follow that he himself would be coming so soon as summer was to Denmark with his host, and the ending word let go herewith that he would get to him all the Dane realm, even as stood their two covenant and sworn oaths, or himself to fall in battle with his host, so saith Arnor the Earl's scald. Of mastery was the word store allotted to the Earl's lord. Wrought out was what the luller of the woe of wolf was speaking, when the king said he was ready beneath the claw of raven, groveling to fall and shield din the grim, or get him Denmark. Chapter 20 the hosting of King Magnus. Then King Magnus gathers his host together, and summoned to him landed men and rich bonders, and got to him long ships, and when that host was all together it was of the bravest to behold, and right well arrayed, he had seventy ships when he sailed from Norway. So says the adult thou, brooks'd, long ships boldly, O Lord the battle valiant, whereas men had two eastward of keels at ten times seven. Southward the ship boards murmured, top sails with tackle wrangled, the mass long oak, the bay clothe, his bent board bowed the bison. Here it is said that King Magnus had the great bison, which King Olaf had done make. That was by tale of more than thirty rowing benches, and on the prowler of was the head of a bison, but after there was a tail, and the head, the tail, and both beaks were all laid with gold. This honored the earl scald, telethoth. Draith loath lather from without word, on the poopside, shook the red gold on ships rudder, speedy furs hound stooped down on the rushing fur craft, from the north stark stems thou heldest round staff banger. All ahead there quaked the deep, and glowed his fire, stormed steed's top mass in the dane realm. King Magnus put to sea out from odd deer over to Jutland, so saith Arnor, I shall tell how the bison, rhyme, spit and lee board leaning, bear on the Lord that deed swift of the Sagan folk from the northward. The burning things fierce bitter, laid prowl unto broad Jutland, and feign the folk did take him, the driver of the belt shaft. Chapter 21 King Magnus came to Denmark, and when King Magnus came to Denmark there had he a good welcome, and speedily he had things and motes with the folk of the land, and craved to be taken to king of them, even as had been covenanted afore. And whereas the chiefs of the land they that were of the highest renown in Denmark were bound by oaths to King Magnus, and desired to keep their words and oaths, they furthered much this matter before the folk. This again went there too that King Canute the rich was passed away, and all his offspring dead, and this was the third thing, that by then the holiness of Olaf had become known over all lands and the working of his miracles. Chapter 22 Magnus made King in Denmark, then King Magnus let summon the thing of the Bjorg, there at the Danes, both of old time and new, take their kings, and at this thing the Danes made Magnus Olafson king over all the Dane realm. Dwell King Magnus for a long while that summer in Denmark, and all folk welcomed him well, wheresoever he came, and gave him obeisance, and he appointed over all the land, men to bailiwicks and counties, and made grants to men of might, but when the autumn war he made for Norway with his host, and tarried in the elf for a while. Chapter 23 The Upcoming of Spine, Wolf's Son A man is named Spine, the son of Earl Wolf, the son of Thorgyll's sprachal leg. The mother of Spine was Astrid, the daughter of King Spine Twybeard. She was the sister of Knut the rich, by the same father, but of the same mother as Olaf, the swede king, the son of Eric. Their mother was Sigrid, the haughty daughter of Skogel Tosti. Spine, the son of Wolf, had by then dwelt a long while with the swede kings, is kinsman all along since the fall of his father, Earl Wolf, whereof it is written in the story of Knut the old that he let Slay Wolf his brother-in-law at Roskild, for that sake Spine was not in Denmark afterwards. Spine, the son of Wolf, was of all men the goodliest to look upon, the greatest and strongest, moreover, and a man of the greatest prowess and excellence. It was the say of all men, to whom he was known, that he had all things which make fair a good lord. Spine, Wolf's son, came to see King Magnus when, as he lay in the elf, as was said afore, and the king gave him a good welcome, with all that were many to further him. For Spine was a man most well befriended, and he told his matters himself before the king most fairly and deftly, so that it came to this that he went to King Magnus's hand, and became his man, whereupon he and the king talked many things over, privily, between themselves. Chapter 24 Spine given an Earl's name one day when King Magnus sat in the high sea, with a flung around him. Spine sat on the footstool before the king, and the king took up the word and said, I will make known unto my lords and to all the all folk that counsel which I will let be. Unto me here is come a man worthy both as to kin, and as to himself Spine, Wolf's son to it. He has now become my man, and has hanseled me his faith to that end. But in as much as ye know, that this summer all dains have become my men, now is that land headless, whereas I am gone away. And as ye want, there is much war risk both from winds and poor landers, and other folk of the east ways, or even from Saxons. Now I behite them to get a lord for the warding of the land, and the ruling thereof, and I see no man as meat there too for all stakes as Spine the son of Wolf, for he hath kin there too to be a lord. Now therefore I shall make him my earl, and give him to his hands the dain realm to rule over whilst I am in Norway, even as Canute the rich set earl wolf, his father to be lord over Denmark when Canute was in England. Einar then bar Skelfer, and soot over much earl, over much earl, fostered the son, the king spake wrathfully, thou thinkest I know but few, but to me it seemeth that some ye deem over much earl, and other some know men at all. Then stood up the king and fastened a sword to the belt of Spine, and Scythons took his shield and did it on his shoulder. Scythons set a helm on his head and gave him earl's name, and the same grants in Denmark as Wolf his father had had there a foretime. Then a shrine with holy relics was brought forth, and Spine laid his hands thereon, and swore earls of fealty to king Magnus. Scythons the king led the earl into the high seat beside him. So says the adult. Wolf's son himself was east there at the Elf. There Spine but took him hand on the shrine to swearing, and there behind he fairly. The Lord King of the Scannings, Ian Olaf's son the oath framed, to him hath been more short lived there covenant than should be. Then fared earl Spine to Denmark and had their good welcome of all the folk. Then he took to him a bodyguard and became speedily a great lord, and through the winter he went far and wide about the land, and made much friendship with the great men, and there too was he well beloved of the commonality. Chapter 25 Warfare to Wendland King Magnus held his host north into Norway and tarried there through the winter. The wind spring came, King Magnus had out a nickel host, and held with it south to Denmark. But when he came there he heard the tidings from Wendland that the winds had turned away from his obeisance in Jomsberg. There had the Dane kings had a nickel earl them. They had reared Jomsberg from the beginning, and now has that become an all-stark stronghold. The wind King Magnus heard such said he bat out from Denmark a nickel ship host, and made that summer for Wendland with all the host, and that right nickel host he had. Thereof telleth Arnor the earl scald. Thou king's son shalt hear in stave lay how the war shield unto Wendland bear ye. Then thou drewest, so happy, rhymy boards of the smooth rollers. Heard I, Nair, of king, that ever more ships hosted to their air land. Then by ships was plowed the sea-flood, wrought ye king, once more Wend sorrow. The wind King Magnus came to Wendland. He laid on to Jomsberg, and won the berg forthwith. There he slew much folk, and burned the berg, and the country wide away out from it, and wrought there the greatest deeds of war. So saith Arnor the earl scald. Shielding, ferrets thou forthwith fire, through a wild folk, then to warriors death was faded. Thiefs bane, south there fire gleam highest, at John ye kindled. In the work the heathen people know where durst their halls be warding. King ye wrought with the bright fire, drooping hearts unto the bergmen. Much folk in Wendland went under King Magnus' hand, but much more was that which fled away. Then ferred King Magnus back to Denmark, and arrayed him there for winter's seat, but sent away from him the host, both the Danish host, and there with all a great company of the band that had followed him from Norway. After twenty-six, King's name given to Spine. The same winter that Spine, son of Wolf, had got the rule over Denmark, and had made great friendship with that many big men, and gotten much the praise of the commonality, he let give him the King's name, and that reed many chiefs termed to. But in the spring when he heard that Magnus fared from the north from Norway, and had a great host, then ferred Spine to Skene, and then up in Goutland, and so on to Sweden to find King Eamond, his kinsman, and tarried there through the summer, but had spies in Denmark about the journey of King Magnus, and the multitude of his host. But when King Spine heard that King Magnus had let fair from him a great part of his host, and therewith that he was south in Jutland, then Spine rode down from Sweden, having with him a great host which the King of Sweden got for him, but when Spine came west to Skene, the Skeneings gave him a good welcome, and upheld him there for King, and then a great host drifted to him. Sithens he went over into sea land where he was well taken, and all that land he laid under him. Then he went to Fion, and laid under him all islands, and the folk went under him, and Spine had a great host, and many ships. End of The Story of Magnus the Good, Part 2, Chapter 14-26. Section 50 of Himes Kringla by Snorri Storrelson, translated by George Pope Morris and Irakir Magnuson. This liberal box recording is in the public domain. The Story of Magnus the Good, Chapter 3, Chapter 27-39. Chapter 27, King Harold wrangled about King's birth, but when it was spring, King Magnus and King Harold bat out and host from Norway, and on a time it befell that King Magnus and King Harold lay one night both in one haven, but the next day King Harold was the first bound, and he sailed forthwith. But in the evening he hoved into the haven, whereas he and King Magnus were minded to be that night. King Harold laid his ship in the King's birth, and there tented him. King Magnus sailed later in the day, and he and his came in such time into harbor, as that Harold and his men had already tented them, and saw that Harold had birthed his ship in the King's birth, and meant to lie there. But when King Magnus and his had struck sail, then spake King Magnus. Let men now grate them to rowing, and sit down and long the boards, but some undo their weapons and don them, and if they will not put off, then shall we fight. But when King Harold sees that King Magnus is minded to give them battle, he said to his men, Hew ye the hozzers, and let us shove the ships out of birth. Roth now is Kinsman Magnus. So did they that they laid the ships out of the birth, and King Magnus laid his own there into. When both had dited them, King Harold went with certain men on to the ship of King Magnus. The King greeted him well, and led him welcome. Then answered King Harold, that deemed I, that we were come amidst friends, but somewhat I must doubted me a while, whether ye would so let it be. But sooth is, as is said, Baron's mind swift burneth. Therefore I will account this no otherwise than as a child's deed. Answered King Magnus, it was kin deed, not a child's deed, though I should bear in mind what I gave and what I had kept back. If this little matter were now done in our despite, then would soon be another. But we will hold altogether to our covenant, such as it was done, and that same will we have from you, even as do we have. Then King Harold answered, it is an old custom that the wisest gives way, and therewith he went back to his ship. In such like dealings between the kings, it was found that hard it was to heed matters. King Magnus' men told that he was in the right, and that were unwise told that Harold had been somewhat shamed. But King Harold's men said that not otherwise was the agreement, then that King Magnus should have the birth if they both came in at one and the same time. But that Harold was not bound to out-birth them if he were birthed already, and they would have it that King Harold had done wisely and well. But they, who would make it worse, so told that King Magnus will to break the covenant, and would have it that he had done wrong and dishonor to King Harold. From these quarrels there soon wrought such talk of unwise men to such a point that there was dissension between the kings, and many things were found here too concerning which the kings thought each his own way, though here be but few such written. Chapter 28, Death of King Magnus the Good. This host, King Magnus and King Harold held south to Denmark, and when Spine heard thereof he fled away east to Skene. The kings, Magnus and Harold, dwelt a long while that summer in Denmark, and laid all the land under them. In the autumn they were in Jutland. It befell on a night when, as King Magnus lay in his bed, that he dreamed and thought he was instead, whereas was his father, the Holy King Olaf, and he thought he spake to him, What wilt thou, Jews, now my son, to fare with me, or to be of all kings the mightiest, and live long, and do such an ill deed as thou mayest boot scarcely, or not at all? He thought he answered, I will, that thou choose for my hand. Then he thought the king answered, Then shalt thou fare with me. King Magnus told his dream to his men, but a little later he got sick and lay a bed at a place called Southrop, and when he was come a night to his bane, he sent Thorear, his brother, to Spine Wolfson, to bid him that he should give such help to Thorear, as he might need, that went with the message that King Magnus gave to Spine the Dane realm after his day. He said that it was meat that Harold should rule over Norway and Spine over Denmark. Then died King Magnus the Good, and was right much mourned of all the folk, so sayeth Odd Cakinas called. Much tears dropped men a bearing to grave the king full bounteous, to them was the burden heavy, whom with the gold he gifted. So wavered hearts that the house calls of the king their tears held hardly. Soothly the king's own people sithence is often downcast. Chapter 29 The Like-Fair of King Magnus to Norway After these tidings had King Harold a thing with his host and old men, his mind to it that he was minded to take the host to the thing of Vabbiord, and let take him there to king over the Dane realm and sithence when the land, and tells it as his heritage from his kinsman King Magnus, no less than the realm of Norway. He bids the host to strengthen him and gives it out that then with the Northmen be masters of the Danes throughout all time. Then answered Einar, Thambar Skelfer, and let folk know that he was more bound to flit to grave the dead body of King Magnus his foster son, and to bring him to his father King Olaf, then to be fighting in the outland, or to be coveting another king's realm and havings. So ended his speaking, that he deemed it better to follow King Magnus dead than any other king alive. Then he let take the body and lay it out stately so that they might see the a rail on board the king's ship. Then all the Thranfolk and Northmen got them ready to go home with the body of King Magnus, and thus the war host broke up. Then King Herald saw this to be his best choice to fare back to Norway and make that realm his own first and thence to gather strength of host. And so King Herald fared now with all the host back to Norway. But when he was back in Norway he had a thing with the folk of the land and let take him to King over all the land. So fared he from the east out of the wick that he was taken for king by every folk land in Norway. Einar Thambar Skelfer fared with the body of King Magnus and with him all the host of the Thranfolk and brought it to Nidois, and he was laid in earth at Clemens Church where then was the shrine of King Olaf the Holy. King Magnus had been a man of middle growth, straight-faced and bright-faced and bright of hair, deft of speech, swift of counsel, masterful of heart, the most bounteous of money, a great warrior and the boldest under weapons of all kings he was the most beloved. Him praised both friends and foes. Chapter 30 of King Svain Wolfsson that autumn King Svain Wolfsson was staying east in Skene and set out on a journey to Sweden and was minded to give up that title of honor which he had taken to him in Denmark. But when he was come up to his horse low there rode there too certain men and told him the tidings, first that King Magnus Olafson was dead and next that all the host of the Northmen was gone from Denmark. Svain answered swift there too and said, I take God to witness that never henceforth shall I flee the Dane realm whilst I am alive. Then he leaped on his horse and rode south into Skene and straightway much folk drifted to him and this winter he laid under him all the Dane realm and all Danes took him to King. Thorir the brother of King Magnus came in the autumn to King Svain with the word sendings of King Magnus as is written afore and Svain gave him a good welcome and Thorir was long sithence with him in good cheer. Chapter 31. Harold so king. King Harold Sigurdsson took kingdom over all Norway after the death of King Magnus Olafson and when he had ruled over Norway one winter as it wore towards spring he bat out a war gathering from all the land one half of the all men host in men and ships and made south for Jutland. He harried in the summer far and wide and burned in Hoven to Godneth Firth. Then Harold wrought this while yet the oak of Lennon the man of Herzgrusseth hold we ogred of song spell in Godneth Firth our anchors. Then he spoke to Skull the adult and bat him do the rest and he sang one spatum do I tell now with fluke cold neb next summer shall hold the ship more southward for the hook the deep yet eek we. To this Boeberg points in his dropper that Harold went to Denmark the next year after the death of King Magnus the next year did thou dyke thee from out the land a war host sea with bright brine steed sheared's bow or fair ships went the water dear hall on darkson billow was lying then the dane folk was hard to be stead all folks saw off land the warships laden. Chapter 32 of the daughters of Thorkel Gusher. Then birthday the homestead of Thorkel Gusher he was a great chief but his daughters were led bound aboard ship they had wrought much mockery the winter before about that that King Harold would fair to Denmark with warships they cut an anchor out of cheese and said that such would well hold the ships of Norway's king then was sung this the maids of the Danes of Isle ring from out the cheese all sour the rings of anchors sheared that thing the king did anger now see if many a maiden a full stout crook of iron holding the king's ships thereof to mourn shall few be laughing it is told that this spy who had seen the fleet of King Harold spake thus to the daughters of Thorkel Gusher this said ye Gusher's daughters that King Harold would not come to Denmark answered daughter that was yesterday Thorkel ransomed his daughters with an exceeding deal of wealth so says granny the proud halak of the drifting of cracky never let she her eyelids dry a wending out in the full thick corn shawl drave flight the Lord of Fjallor of the King's foes to the strand there all swiftly daughter's father must pay the wealth out therefore King Harold harried all through this summer in the Dane realm and got him an exceeding deal of wealth but he was not inlanded that summer in Denmark but went back in the autumn to Norway and was there through the winter chapter 33 of the barons of King Harold King Harold got to wife Thora the daughter of Thorberg Arneson the winter next after the death of King Magnus the good they had two sons the older hype Magnus and the second Olaf King Harold and Queen Elisif had two daughters one hype Mary the other Ingegerd but the next spring after this warfare of which the tale has just been told King Harold bat out and host and went in the summer to Denmark and harried in sithna summer after summer so says stuff the scald we heard of wasted was foster and nickel fear the folk got there full fed was the raven each year the Danes were frided chapter 34 eeth heath be burned kings fine ruled over all Dane realm sithna s that King Magnus died in winter he sat in quiet but in summer he was abroad with all his common war host and be hyped to fair north into Norway with the host of the Danes and to do their no less evil than King Harold did in the Dane realm kings fine offered this winter to King Harold that they to King Harold that they should meet the next summer in the elf and there fight it out between them or else come to peace and both of them were busy all the winter through a ring their ships and the next summer both had out one half of their common war host that summer came abroad from Iceland Thor leak the fair and took to working a flock about Kings fine Wolfson he heard so soon as he came north into Norway that King Harold was gone south to the elf to meet Kings fine then sang Thor leak this hope is now that the war host of up Thranfolk may swiftly hop on the king war cunning on Rackney's road in points tower there then may God yet wield it which taketh land or life breath from other spine thinks little of peace the seldom lasting and he sang this with all Roth Harold he who often hath read shield off the land reared now the broad board beasts bring it from north on paths of bootley but the gold mouth fair died at mass gleaming dear that's fine hath he and he the spears that redneck seek or the seas from southward King Harold came with his host to the Trist appointed and heard that Kings fine lay south by sea land with his fleet so King Harold parted his host and let the more part of the bond to host fair back but fared with his bodyguard and landed men and the chosen of the host and all that of the bond to host which was nice to the Danes they fared south to Jutland south of Bendil Skaggy and so south about the other and their fared everywhere with warshield so says stuff the skull fled the other folk from meeting the king straight way the soul proud high heart great things arted or lands with Christ forever they went all the way south to Heathby took the merchant town and burned it then King Harold's men rocked this all Heathby in the fury from end to end was burned up that may be called me think if the dowdy deed of valor like that first fine we went harm last night before the dawning upon the town wall stood I flame gushed from out the houses of this Thor leak also telleth in his flock when he had heard that no battle had befallen in the elf fight rognir he who wots not may ask of the king's warfolk how twas that the king the wrath fain to Heathby him hath gotten when Harold sped the wind skates from eastward to the king's down but needless early soothly near should it have betided chapter 35 the flight fair of King Harold by the Jutland sea then King Harold went north having 60 ships and the most big and much laden with plunder which they had taken in the summer but when they came north off the order King's fine came down from the land with a nickel host and bad King Harold to fighting come a land King Harold had an host last by more than one half so he bad King's fine to fight with him a shipboard so says Thor leak the fair spine even he who born was at the best of tides of Midgard bad to the folk the mighty on land those shields to Redden but Harold shy of failing quotes he would fight the rather on wind hawk if swift ready the king his land would hold to after this King Harold sailed north about Vendol Skagi but then the wind baffled them so they laid their ships under leasy and there they lay overnight then came on a mist lying on the sea but when it was morning and the sun ran up they saw out to see as if certain fires were burning so this was told to King Harold and he looked and spake forthwith strike the tilts of the ships and let men fall to the oars the dane host now has come upon us and the mist will have cleared where as they are and the sun be shining on their dragon heads such as are overlaid with gold and even so it was as he said for there was come King spine with an host not to be fought against road then either of them as they most might the Danes had ships speedier under oars but the ships of the Northmen were both water logged and much deep so that it drew together much betwixt them then saw King Harold that things would not do as matters stood the drake of King Harold fared last of all his ships then spake King Harold to throw overboard rafts and let come on them clothes and precious things so much was the calm that these things drifted with the tide stream but when the Danes saw their own wealth drift on the main they turned off after it who fared ahead for they thought it easier to take that which floated loose than to have to fetch it from on board the Northmen here by was the chase Terry when King spine came after them with his ships he egged them and quote that were a Michael shame having so great and host as they had if they should not give them taken and have all power over them seemed that they had but a little company took the Danes then to harden the rowing again but when King Harold saw that the ships of the Danes went fast we bat his men lightness ships and throw overboard malt and wheat and swine flesh and hue down their drink and thus they stood a while then let King Harold take war hurdles casts and tongues that were tomb and cast them overboard and there with the war taken men and when that was drifted together on the sea then King spine bad save the men and so it was done in that dwelling it drew a thunder between them then the Danes turned back and the Northmen went their way so said Thor leak the fair I heard it all how King spine on ship path chase the Eastman but the other King swift-minded there from away he held him all giddings of the Thrand's King on the Jutland main storm spool and now needs must they be floating more ships with all they lost there King spine turned the fleet back under leasy and there came upon seven ships of the Northmen that host was of that war muster and bonders only and when King spine came upon them they prayed for peace and bad money for themselves so says Thor leak the fair the King's friends the stout hearted bad much to the Lord of men there of ransom they the lesser of folks set battle sleeping the bonders the King ready there at they stayed the onset when words befell to the men's sons no chapter was the life breath chapter 36 of King Harold Sigurdson King Harold was a man masterful and given to rule in his own land much sage of wit so that it is all men's talk that no Lord ever was in Northern land so deep-witted as was Harold or so nimble of Reed he was a nickel warrior and the boldest under weapons he was strong and defter of weapons than any other man even as his writ of war and yet is nickel more of his dowdy deeds unwritten which comes of our lack of lore and again that we will not bring to book stories without witness though we have heard speeches or heard tell of other things we deem it better that from henceforth matters be added than that it should be found needful to take those same things out a nickel tale of King Harold is set forth in those songs which Iceland men brought to himself or to his sons for which sake he was their nickel friend he was also the greatest friend to all the folk of this land and when as there was a nickel birth in Iceland King Harold gave leave to four ships to carry meal to Iceland ordering that no ship pound should be dear than 100 of Wadmaw he gave leave to fair abroad to all poor folk who could get them viddles across the sea and thence this land came through for that year embedded King Harold sent out hither a bell to the church to which all of the holy had sent the wood and which was reared at the all thing such memories have been here of King Harold and many other great gifts which he granted to those who sought to him chapter 37 of Haldor Snoresen Haldor the son of Snorri and Wolf the son of Usback of whom the tale have been told before came to Norway with King Harold in many ways they too were alike Haldor was the most of men and the strongest and fairest this witness bore King Harold to him that he had been the one of the men that were with him who was least startled at sudden haps whether that were man peril or tidings of joy or what so apparel might come to hand then was he no gladder thereby nor unglattered neither swept he more nor less nor drank nor ate other than his want was there in Haldor was a man few spoken stubborn of word bear spoken rough tempered in a meek and that fell ill with the King whereas he had with him enough of other men noble and serviceful Haldor teared with King Harold for but a little while and went to Iceland and set up a house at Herdholt where he dwelt till old and became an old man chapter 38 of Wolf Usback son Wolf the son of Usback was with King Harold in Michael Love he was the wisest of men depth of speech of Michael valiance faithful and single-hearted King Harold made wolf his marshal and gave him Joran the daughter of Thorbert the sister Thor whom Harold had to wife the children of Wolf and Joran were these Joan the strong of Rasmid and Brigida the mother of sheep Wolf the father of Peter Burden Swain the father of Wolf fly and Sigrid the son of Joan the strong was Irland homebred the father of Archbishop Einstein and his brother King Harold gave to Wolf the marshal the landed man's right and a grant of twelve marks and half of Folkland and Thranton to Booth so says Stein the son of Curtis and Wolf's flock chapter 39 of King Magnus King Magnus son of Olaf let build Olaf's church in Cheeping in which place the body of King Olaf had been waked night long that place was then over above the town there too he let raise the king's garth the church was not all done before the king died but King Harold let that be fulfilled which fell short he also let begin to build a stone hall there in the garth but it was not full done before he died King Harold let rear from its foundation Mary's church upon the male nigh where the holy body of the king had lain in earth the first winter after his fall that was a great minster and wrought strongly of line so that it might scarce be got broken when Archbishop Einstein let take it down the holy relic of King Olaf was awarded in Olaf's church while Mary's church was a doing King Harold let house the king's garth down below Mary's church by the river where it is now and where he had let build the hall he let Hallow a house for Gregory's church end of the story of Magnus the good part three chapter 27 through 39 section 51 of Heinz Kringle by Snorri Storrelson translated by George Pope Morris and Iroca Magnuson this LibriVox recording is in the public domain the story of Harold the hard ready part 1 chapter 1 through 13 chapter 1 the upheaving of King Harold the hard ready Harold the son of Sigurd Sall and brother to King Olaf the holy by the same mother was at stickle sted in the battle when as the holy King Olaf fell there Harold was wounded and got away with the other fleeing men so saith the adult heard I that the king shield storm on the king and I how drifted the burner of the bulgers there well availed his brother he prints but of 12 winters and three there to then aged from Olaf dead unwilling sundered and hid the helm seat ragnarald son of brucee brought Harold out of the battle and got him to a certain bonders who dwelt in a wood far away from other men and their Harold was leached until he was whole sythons the bonders son followed him east over the keel and they fared all by the woodland ways where they might but not the highways the bonders son wanted not who he was whom he was guiding and as they wrote amongst certain wild woods Harold sang this now I but little honored from wood to wood go creeping and yet who watered swiftly but at last I wax wide famed he fared east over I am planned and Helsing land and so to Sweden and there happened on ragnarald son of brucee and on a great many others of those men of king Olaf as had gotten them from stickles dead out of the battle chapter two Harold came into garth realm the next spring they got them ships and went in the summer east into garth realm to meet king jarrus leaf and were there through the winter so say of bulwark the sword's mouth king thou stroked when thou left this battle mates thou of raw flesh full the raven the wolf howled in the mountain but the next year east in garth realm were thou king stubborn hearted near herd we of peace waster waxing more famed than were thou king jarrus leaf gave good welcome to herald and his and herald became sith the captain over the land waters of the king and another was eilith son of earl ragnarald as the dorf says of one thing busied were captains twain whereas sat eilith the wedge hosts rank they thrust were the east winds into the stray crook not light unto less jars was the law of the host men herald tarried certain winters in garth realm and fared wide about the east ways then he arrayed him to fare out into greek land and had michael company of men and thence he went to michael garth so say of bulwark hard drave the chili shower the sword ships bows by the land side but there the barks be burnied bore bravely up their rigging before the bows the meat king saw michael garth's right medals their board fare ships a many toward the bergs high wing swept onward chapter three herald went into service in michael garth at that time they ruled over greek land queen zoe the rich and with her michael cata lactus and when herald came to michael garth to see the queen he took war service there and went forth with that same autumn on board galleys with those warriors who fared out into greek land sea and herald held the company of his own men then was captain over the host the man who is named gerger he was kinsman of the queen but herald had been for about a little while in the host when the bearings drew them much to him and they would fare all together when so were battles and it came to this that herald became captain over all the bearings he and gerger fared wide about the isles of greek land and wrought mighty deeds of war on the corsairs chapter four of the bearings and gerger on a time when they had fared over land and work to take night harbor by certain woods the bearings came first to the night stead and chose for themselves tent stead where they saw it best and lying highest for there was the lie of the land in such wise that it was soft and as soon as rain come if there is but ill abiding place where the land lie at low then came gerger the captain of the host and saw where the bearings had pitched their tents so we bad them go their ways and tent them other where saying that he will tent him there herald answered thus when ye be first come to a night abode then ye take up your night stead there and we must then tent us in another stead such as like of us so now do ye likewise pitch your tents in another place where ye will i deemed it would be a right of the bearings here within the realm of the king of the greeks that they should be masters of their own matter and be free in all matters before all men and be bound in service to the king only and the queen they wrangled here over with high words until both sides down their weapons and they were on the very point of coming to blows then came there to the wisest men and sundered them saying that it was a seemlier thing that they should come to peace on this matter and settle between them clearly so that no more there should be need of such strife so then there was a meeting agreed between them and manned with the best men and the wisest and at this meeting they so arreated it that all were of one mind as to this that lots should be born into skirt and lots should be drawn between greeks and bearings which should ride first or row or birth them in haven or choose tent stead each side should be content as the lot said syphons were lots made in mark then said herald to gur gear i will see how thou hast marked the lot that we may not both mark art lots in one and the same way and gur gear did so syphons herald marked his lot and cast it into the skirt and so both of them but the men who should draw the lots took up one and held it between his fingers and turned up his hand and said these shall first ride or row and birth them in haven and choose tent stead herald gripped his hand and took the lot and cast it out into the sea and said this was our lot gur gear said why let us thou not more men see it see thou now said herald to the one left and thou will ken there thy mark syphons was that lot scanned and all knew there on the mark of gur gear so that was doomed that the veering should have the allotted choices about all that they had been striving over more matters still be fell whereon they were not at one but ever they closed so that herald had his own way chapter five warfare of herald and gur gear they fared all together in the summer and harried and when as all the hosts were gathered together herald let his men be without the battle or else there whereas the man risk was leased and gave out that he would be wary of losing his warfolk but when he was alone with his band he laid him so fast to the fighting that one of two things should be either that he should get the victory or his bane often it so fell out when herald was captain over the host that he won the victory when as gur gear won it not this the warriors found and said that their matter would fare better if herald were sole captain over the host and they laid blame on the war duke and said that not came of him nor his company gur gear said that the veerings would give him no aid and he bad them go elsewhere and he would go with the rest of the host and win what they might then fared herald from the host and with him the veerings and the latins but gur gear fared with the host of the greeks and now it was seen what each might do herald ever gained victory and wealth but the greeks fared home to michael garth out taken young lads such as were minded to get them wealth they gathered to herald and these now had him for war duke so now he went with his host west to africa which the veerings called cirke land and then gained a great strength to his host in cirke land he won 80 bergs some were given up but some he took by might then he went to sicily so says the adult eight tens of towns thou may say in cirke land then were taken young hater of the worm place gleed red himself imperiled or ere the host arraer the risk to cirke men wended neath shield to raise hard hill play in sicily the level so say if illugi the burn dailler scald herald thou break us southlands with shields neath noblest michael the son of buddh li heard we his sons in law bad homeward here it is said that then was michael king of the greeks at this time herald tarried for many years west in africa and got exceeding much chattel's gold and all kinds of dear goods but all the wealth he got and did not need to have for his own cost he sent with trusty men of his north to home garth to the keeping and warding of king jaras leaf and there it was drawn to the other exceeding wealth as was like to be seeing that he was harrying the deal of the world which was the wealthiest of gold and dear goods and so michael as he did there at as has been soothly set afford that he will have won to himself eighty bergs chapter six herald won a berg in sicily but when herald came to sicily he harried there and laid his host to a certain town michael and of much people he sat down before it whereas the walls were strong so that it seemed to him doubtful if he might break them down the town's folk had vitals enough and other having such as they needed for the defense then he saw this reed that his fowlers took small fowl which nested in the town but flew into the woods by day to take their meat herald let bind on the back of the fowl shavings of fir tree and cast their in wax and brimstone and let set fire there too flew the fowl so soon as they were loose all at once into the town to see to their nestlings and dwellings which they had in the house thatches which were thatched of reed or straw thus caught the fire from the fowl onto the house thatches and though each one bore but a little burden of fire yet waxed then speedily michael fire since many fowls beret wide about the town into the thatch and there upon burnt one house after the other until the town was all aloe then all the folk came forth out of the town and prayed mercy even those same who had for many a day before spoken proudly and mockingly to the greek host and the captain thereof herald gave quarter to anyone who prayed therefore and sythens got the town into his power chapter seven herald won another berg another berg there was where to herald made with his host it was both much people and strong so that there was no hope that they might break it fields hard and level lay all about the town then let herald take the digging a dyke from where fella broke through so deep a gill that none might see into it from the town they flitted the mold into the water and let the stream bear it away they were at this work both day and night by shifts of companies but every day the host fell on the town from without but the townsmen went out into the battlements and each shot at the other but at night's they slept both the wind herald knew that the earth house was so long that it would be come in under the berg wall then let he his host weapon then it was against day that they went into the earth house and when they came to the end they dug up over their heads until stones were in the way set in line that was the floor of a stone hall then they broke up the floor and went up into the hall there sat before them on many of the townsmen eating and drinking and that was to them the greatest of wolves unwist for the veerings went up there withdrawn swords and straight way slew some and other some fled such as might bring that about the veering sought after them and some took the town gates and unlocked them and thereby went in the whole multitude of the host but when they came into the berg then fled the berg folk the many prayed peace and all got that who gave themselves up in this wise herald got the town to him and they're with exceeding wealth chapter 8 herald won the third town on the third town they came which was the most of all these and the strongest and the richest of chattels and folk around this town there were big ditches so that they saw that they might not prevail there by the same like wiles as with the bergs before they lay there much long in such wise that they got not done but when the townsfolk saw that they plucked up boldness there at they set up their array on the berg walls and then opened the berg gates and whooped at the veerings and egged them on and bad them go into the town and mocked the hearts of them and said that they were no better for battle than so many hens herald that his men go on as if they wanted not what they said we do nothing there too said he though we run to the town they will bring their weapons on us beneath their feet and although we get into the town with a certain folk yet have they might to pen inside as many as they will and keep the others out whereas they have set watches over all the town gates now we shall do them no less mockery and let them see that we dread them not our men shall go forth into the meads as nigh to the town as may be and yet take heed not to go within shot of them our men shall fare all weaponless and make them sports and let the townsmen see this that we heed not their array so then this went on for some days chapter nine of wolf and hall door of iceland men who went there with herald are named hall door the son of snorri the priest who brought this tale hitherto to the land the other was wolf son of us puck son of us this the wise both they were the strongest of men and all bold under weapon and were both of the dearest with herald they were both in the sports that when matters had gone this way for some days the townsfolk wished you beared them still more and went without weapons upon the walls of the town leaving yet the town gates to stand open now when the bearings saw this they so went to their sports one day that they had swords under their cloaks and helms under their hats but when they had been playing for a while and saw that the townsfolk wondered not they took their weapons swiftly and ran up to the town gate and when the towns people saw that they went well against them and had all their weapons and their befell battle in the town gate the veerings had no shielding armor say that they wrapped their mantles around the left arm so they got wounded and some fell and all were hard bested now herald with the host that was with him and the camp sought there too to give help to his men but by then the townsfolk were come up on the town walls and shot and stoned them and a hard battle would fell there and it seemed to them who were in the gate that the others went slower to help them than they would and when herald came to the gate his banner bearer fell and he said haldor take thou up the banner haldor answered and took up the banner staff and he spoke unwisely who will bear banner before thee if thou follow so softly as thou hast done now for a while but this was more a word of wrath than of truth for herald was the boldest under weapons so therewith they sought into the town there was the battle hard but such was the end of it that herald got the victory and won the town haldor was much hurt and had a nickel wound in the face and that was a blemish to him all the days of his life chapter 10 herald won a fourth town now there was a fourth town where too herald came with his host and that was the greatest of all those that are aforesaid and so strong was it that there was no hope that they might break it so they sat about the town and beset it in such wise that no goods could be flitted there into but when they had carried here for a little while herald fell sick in lay a bed he let set his land tent away from the other land tents for he deemed it for ease not to hear the noise and din of the host his men wiles came to and fro him in flocks asking him for counsel that saw the townsman that some new thing was poured amongst the veerings and they sent spies to find out what would be the matter but when the spies came back to the town they had the tidings to tell that the captain of the veerings was sick and therefore there was no falling on the town now when this had been going on a while then minnish the might of herald and then his men grew much mind sick and downcast and of all this the townsman heard so it came to this that the sickness was so heavy on herald that his death was told of throughout all the host sithons the veerings fared to a talk with the townsfolk and told them of the death of their captain and prayed that the clerks would give him burial within the town who in the townsfolk heard these tidings there were many that ruled over cloisters and other big churches in the town these would each faint have that body to his church whereas they wanted that there would follow it right nickel wealth so all the multitude of the clerks arrayed them and walked out of the town with shrines and holy relics and made a right fair procession but the veerings with all made up a great like fairing and the like chest was born high tilted over with paul and many banners born there over but when this was born in through the town gate they let fall the chest right a thought the gate over against the doors there of and the veerings blew a war blast in all their trumpets and drew their swords and all the veering host rushed there without of the camp with all weapons and ran towards the town with shouts and whooping but the monks and other clerks who'd gone out in this like fair and strove each with the other and would be first to go out and to take the offering work now have the zeager again to be as far as might be away from the veerings for they smoked down each one who was nearest to them whether he were learned or lewd the veerings went so about all this town that they slew them in folk and robbed all churches in the town and sees their untold of well chapter 11 of herald the son of secured herald was many winters in this warfare now told of both in cirque land and in sicily syphons he fared back to michael garth with his host and tarried there but a little while ere he arrayed his journey out to jerusalem world then he left behind all the wage gold from the greek king he and all the veerings with all who betook them to the journey with him so it is said that in all these journeys herald fought 18 folk battles so says the adult this watch the folk that herald hath wrought of brunts of battle 18 all grim peace often for this king hath been broken famed king in blood thou redness sharp claws of dusky eagle before thou fairest hither where came thou wolf gat feasting chapter 12 the jerusalem journey of herald herald went with his host out to jerusalem land and syphons up to jerusalem town but wheresoever he fared over jerusalem land all towns and castles were given up to his wielding so says stuff the scalt who had heard the king himself tell these tidings the edge bold stout heart varied jerusalem to conquer the upper land was friendly to the greeks and slaughter reaker by mighty now the land came unburned into the handling of the hardener of the battle that the soul of mighty herald here it is said that this land came unburnt and unherried into the power of herald he then went out to jordan and bathed him there as is the way of other palmers herald bestowed a great wealth on the grave of the lord and the holy cross and other holy relics in jerusalem land then he made safe the road all out to jordan and slew robbers and other harrying folk so says stuff the reed and wrath so word ran of the king of the agh dear people withstood the wiles of men folk on either bank of jordan but for true trespass people paid ill at the king's hands soothly into sooth peril gath day abide where well it like it then fed he back to michael garth chapter 13 herald set in prison when as herald was come to michael garth from jerusalem land he longed to fare back to the northlands to his heritage for he had then heard it that magnus olufson his brother's son had become king of norway and of danmark with all so he gave word to leave his service to the king of the greeks but when queen zoe was where they're out she grew full of wrath and hoe up guilt against herald and told that he would have misdealt with the greek king's wealth which had been gotten in warfare when as herald had been captain over the hose now there was a may young and fair height maria she was brother's daughter to queen zoe and that may had herald wood but the queen had may said it so have said bearings north here they who have been at rage in michael garth that this tale was had there of men who knew how that queen zoe would herself have herald to her husband and that that was the guilt most told against herald when he would fare away from michael garth though other matters were up born before all folk at that time constantine mano marcus was king of the greeks and ruled the realm along with queen zoe for these causes the king of the greeks let lay hand on herald and do him into prison the story of herald a hard ready part one chapter one through 13 section 52 of hymes cringla by snorri sterlson translated by george poke morris and iroker magnuson this liver box recording is in the public domain the story of herald the hard ready part two chapter 14 through 26 chapter 14 herald came out of prison but when herald came hard on the prison then showed himself to him the holy king olof and said that he would help him and there in the street was sythens made a chapel and hallowed to king olof and there has that chapel stood sythens the prison was made this way that there is a tower high and open at the top and a door from the street to go there into therein was herald cast and with him halter and wolf the next night thereafter came a rich woman to the top of the prison and had got up by certain ladders she and her two servant men they let sink down a rope into the prison and hauled them up to this woman the holy olof had done boot air while and had now shown himself to her in a vision to the end that she should loose his brother out of prison forth with herald fared to the veerings and they all stood up to meet him and greeted him well sythens all the whole host wept in them and went to where the king slept they lay hands on the king and sting out both his eyes so says thoron skagason the scald and his dropper the fierce king gained the hand glides but the throne king of greek land went with a hurt most grievous and stone blind was he thence forth so says the adult the scald the waster of wolves sorrow let's sting out both the iron of the throne king then and there was beginning of the stir days the agdeer folks all wielder in the east a marked full grisly laid on the valium chaser ill way the greek king ferred in these two droppers on herald and in many other songs on him it is told that herald himself blinded the greek king a duke or a counter other noble man might be named here too if they wanted that that were true but herald himself brought this story and those are the men who were there with him chapter 15 the fairing of herald from michael garth that same night herald and his went to the chambers where in maria lay asleep and took her away by might then they went to the galleys of the veerings and took two galleys and rode sythens into sea wood sound but when they came there whereas the iron chains lay right a thwart the sound then spake herald and bad men fall to the oars on either galley but those who did not row should all run aft in the galley and eat should have in his arms his baggage bag so ran the galleys up on to the chains but so soon as they were fast and lost way then that he all men run forward then that galley where on was herald plunged forward and leaped off the chain or riding it but the other break as it rode the chain and many men were lost but some were saved swimming thereby herald got him out of michael garth and so into the black sea but before he sailed away from the land he set the young mader shore and gave her a good following back to michael garth and bat her till zoe her kin's woman how much might she had over herald or how much the queen's might had withstood it that he should get the maiden then sailed herald north into ala palta and fared thence all over the east realm in these journeys herald wrought certain merry verses there are sixteen of them all together and one ending to all this is one pass sicily the hall swept wide out there the swift poops heart neath lads glowed well as like was and oh but we were proud then yet what I that but little shall laggard there besture him yet still the gird of gold ring in garth's let's scorn upon me this he pointed to elisif daughter of jarrus leaf king in home guard chapter sixteen herald came to home guard but when herald came to home guard king jarrus leaf gave him a wondrous good welcome and there he tarried the winter over and took into his own keeping all the gold which he had sent a foreviver from michael garth and many kinds of dear goods that was so michael wealth that no man in northern lands had seen such in one man's owning herald had three times come into palace spoil whilst he was in michael garth for that is law that whenever the king of the greeks the veerings shall have palace spoil they shall then go over all the king's palaces where are his wealth hordes and there each one shall freely have for his own what so he may lay hands on chapter seventeen herald got the daughter of king jarrus leaf that winter king jarrus leaf gave unto herald to wife his daughter height elizabeth whom the northman called elisif this witnesses stuffed the blind all wielder of folk of agder the battle balentius got him his wished mate took the men's friend gold plenty and king's daughter but towards spring he arrayed his journey out of home garth and fared that spring to al-dajiriya burg and got him ships there and sailed away from the east in the summer he turned first unto sweden and hoeved into sigton so saith valgaard of the mead thou shootest out ship herald neath fairest freight thou fit its gold bottomless from eastlands from garth's fame give men to thee i dowdy king thou stirruzed sharp through the hard storm onward but the ship's bowed there thou sawest sigton when lulled the sea drift chapter 18 meeting of king herald and spine wolfson there found herald spine wolfson that autumn he had fled away from king magnus at holiness but when they met each greeted the other well olah the swede king of sweden was mother's father to elisif the wife of herald but asprit the mother of spine was sister to king olah there made herald and spine fellowship together and bound it with privy covenant all swedes were friends of spine whereas he had his mightiest kindred in that land and then became all swede's friends of herald with all and his helpful men and many mighty men there were knit to him by affinity so says theodolph oak keel cut heavy waters from garth's all out of eastlands brisk land ruler all swede folk sithons were standing by thee mad storm fell on the lord king the ship of herald reeling on swollen lee board sped under broad sail with gold a michel chapter 19 the warfare of king herald sithons they betook them on board ship herald and spine and speedily a great host drew to them and when that host was arrayed they sailed from the east to denmark so saith valgaard sithons o fight blighting thee the oak tossed underneath thee in the sea all out from sweden right heritage was doomed thee ribhound around flat skeiny was born when ran ye straight way before the wind the ship scared the maids nigh sip to dain men they first hove into sea land and harried there and burnt wide about then they held over to feon and went a land there and harried so says valgaard herald thou didst do harry all sea lond king thou thrustest thy foes aback the wolf ran swift to go see the slaughtered the many manned king ended up on to feon and got there for helm's no little labor the sheared shield break full greatly bright fire burned in the town there of raw skilled in the south land the nimble king there let he smoke belcher fell down houses enough of landsmen lay below belied the fetters freedom to some the households woeful to the woods all silent drag them the folk ill sundered tarried for the danes that lived thereafter away they drifted then sport but caught were the fair women lock held the woman's body before the many a woman went to the ships the fetters the bright skin bit full fiercely chapter 20 king magnus called out a muster king magnus oliveson went in the autumn north into norway after the fight at holiness then heard he the tidings that herald sigurd sin his kinsmen had come to sweden and this more over that he and spine wilson had made fellowship between them and had out a great host and were minded to lay under them the dane realm and sithons norway king magnus bet a war muster out from norway and speedily a great host drew to him then heard he that herald and spine were come to danmark and were burning and bringing to bail fire all things and that the landsmen went under them widely there and that was said with all that herald was greater than other men and stronger and so wise that nothing was beyond his doing and that ever he had the victory when he fought so wealthy with all in gold that not like it was known so says the adult now under stems of seas hawk to hope good peace is risky of michael fear the folk watt ships off the land there heth he will hold bright bounteous magnus from northward steeds of rollers but noble herald died it from southward other wave nags chapter 21 the seeking of peace betwixt king magnus and herald the men of king magnus they who were of his council say that it bethink of them as to how matters have come into a straight place if these two kinsmen magnus and herald shall bear bane spear each after other so many men offer them here too to fare and seek after peace betwixt them so from thus talking over the thing the king assented there too then workmen gotten to man a swift cutter and they fared at their swiftest south to denmark there they get to them danish men such as were full come friends of king magnus to bear this erin to herald this business was much privy but when herald heard it said that king magnus his kinsmen would bid him peace and fellowship and that he should have one half of norway against king magnus and each against the other half of their loose wealth herald ye said that bidding and thus done these privy matters went back to king magnus chapter 22 sundering of the fellowship of king's fine and herald a little later it was that herald and spine spake on an evening over the drink and spine asked what precious things herald had whereby he set the greatest store he answered that it was his banner land waster than a spine what went with the banner that it was so michael dearer thing herald said it was told of it that he would have the victory before whom the banner was born and said that even so had it but tidied sithons he had got that spine answered then shall i believe that this nature goes with the banner if thou have three battles with king magnus thy kinsmen and have the victory in each then answered herald in surly wise i know the kinship between me and king magnus though thou mind me not thereof and for all we may fare against each other with war shield aloft that is not against another fashion of our meeting being seamlier then spine change color and said this will some folk be saying herald that thou hast so done before as to hold to that only of thy covenants as seem to thee would drag thine own case most forward herald answers less cases will thou know of my not having held my covenants than i wean king magnus will cry that he knoweth of thy not having held with him and therewith all each went his way in the evening when herald went to sleep in the poop of his ship he spake to his shoe swain now will i not lie in the bed tonight whereas my mind misgives me that all will not be guileless i found this evening that spine my uncle-in-law was much wrought with my plain speech so thou shall hold ward thereof if here be tonight ought of tidings then went herald into another place to sleep but laid in his bed there of three stub but in the night of boat rode up to the poop and a man went up aboard there and lifted the tilt of the poop and sithence went up inside it and hewed into the bed of herald with a nickel ax so that it stood fast in the tree the man leaped forth without into the boat but pit merc it was and he rode straight away but the ax which stood fast in the tree was left behind for a token then herald waked his men and let them know into what treachery they were come we may cease that he that we have here no help ends find so soon as he casts himself into treason against us so will that be the best choice to seek to get away hence while choice there is let us lose our ships and row away by stealth so do they and rode that night north along the land and they fared day and night until they met king magnus there as he lay with his host then went herald to meet king magnus his kinsman and a welcome meeting that was even as the old doll says oh wide fame king thou let us plow waters within shipboard clave dear ships flood in danmark there where from east thou ferrets the son of olav baddi half land half veins against him sithence there met mithinketh the kinsman feign exceeding there upon the kinsman talked matters over between themselves and all that fared in peace yearning wives chapter 23 king magnus gave to herald half the realm king magnus laid by the land and had his land till to shore that he to board his kinsman herald and herald went to the feast with 60 men and right brave was that banquet but as the day war king magnus went into the tent where herald sat and with him went men bearing burdens and that was weapons and raiment then the king went up to the outermost man he gave to him a good sword into the next to shield then clothes or weapons or gold to them greater who were the nobler sithence he came up before herald his kinsman and had in his hand to read wands and said which of these wands will thou take answered herald the one that is nearest me then spake king magnus with this read shoot i give thee half norway realm with all dues and scat and all the dominion thereto appertaining with these terms moreover that thou shalt be king in every place in norway as rightfully as i be but when we are all together i shall be the first man hailed and served and seated whereas there be three men of dignity together i shall sit betwixt them i shall have king's birth and king's bridge thou shalt steadfast and strengthen our power in this stead that we have made these such a man in norway as we had thought none should ever be whilst our head was still up above the mold then stood herald up and thanked him well for this honor and glory and so both sat down and were right married that day in the evening when herald and his men to their ships chapter 24 king herald gave precious gifts to king magnus the next morning king magnus let blow all his host to a thing and when the thing was set king magnus made known to all men the gift he had given to king herald his kinsmen the rear of sty gave the king's name to herald there at the thing that day king herald bad king magnus to his board and he went that day with 60 men to the land tent of king herald whereas he had a rate of banquet there were then both the kings amongst the gathered guests and fair was the feast and the entertainment most great and the kings were merry and glad but as the day wore then let herald the king bear a right many bags into the tent there with also men bore in clothes and weapons and other kinds of precious things and this wealthy shared and gave and dealt amongst king magnus men who were then at the feast then he let unloose the bags and spake to king magnus he gave us yesterday michael dominion which he had won from your unfriends and ours but you took us into fellowship with you this was well done for you have labored much there too so is it on the other hand that we have been a dweller in outlands and yet have we been in certain man perils ere i might bring together this gold which he may now see this will i lay down to the fellowship with you for we shall own all chattels with equal hands even as we each own half the realm of norway i want that our mind shapes are alike whereas thou art a much more bountiful man than i am now this money we shall share between us equally and then each may deal with his share as he will then herald let's spread abroad a big neat side and let poor there on the gold from the bags then were scales gotten and rates and the money was parted asunder and shared all by rate and all who saw it thought it up michael wonder that in the northland so much gold should become together in one place but indeed this was the heavings and wealth of the king of the greeks where as all men say houses are full of red gold now where the kings all marry there upon there came for the certain stoop that was as big as a man's head king herald took up the stoop and said where is now that gold kinsman magnus that thought which bring out to match this not head then answered king magnus so have unpeace and great hostings betid that well now all gold and silver hath gone which was in my ward and now there is no more gold in my having saved this ring and he took the ring and handed it to herald he looked at it and said this is little of gold kinsman for a king of two kingdoms and yet there may be some who must doubt it whether thou rightly own this ring then answered king magnus heavy heart if i own not this ring a right then what i not what i have rightfully come back for king all off the holy my father gave me that ring at the last parting then king herald answered laughing thou say a soothe king magnus that father gave thee the ring but he took it from my father for no great yield and for soothe it was no good times for small kings in norway when thy father was at his mightiest king herald gave two stag for rear at this feast a mazer girt with silver and there with a silver bow either gilt and full up with sheer silver pennies there went with it two gold rings and they weighed together a mark he gave him with all his own cloak of brown purple lined with white skins and behind him nickel honor and his friendship with all thore gills the son of snorri so said that he saw the altar cloth which was made of this cloak but guthrud the daughter of guthorne thoreson said that guthorne her father owned the mazer bow so that she saw it so say bow work oh foe of gold the green ground became thine own so her die sithens thou meetest magnus and gold to him thou baddest the peace tweaks due to kinsman all peacefully endured but fine he looked out only sithens for wave of battle chapter 25 of king magnus and king herald king magnus and king herald ruled both over norway the next winter after their appeasement and each had his own court in the winter they fared about the uplands of feasting and were wiles both together and wiles each by himself they fared right away north to thrantyman to nidois king magnus had guarded the holy relic of king olof sithens he came into the land and clipped his hair and nails every 12 months and had himself the key wherewith the shrine might be unlocked at that time manifold tokens befell at the holy relic of king olof soon befell flaws in the concord of the kings and there were many so evil minded that they went in and ill wise between them chapter 26 kings fine fared to denmark spine wolfson lay behind to sleep when as herald fared away sithens spine made spearings about the fairings of herald so when he heard that herald and magnus had made peace between them and that now they had both one host he held his company east about skeiny side and carried there until he heard in the winter that king magnus and king herald had held their host north to norway there upon spine held his company south to denmark and that winter he took all the kings dues there to himself end of the story of herald the hard ready part two chapter 14 through 26
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Connecting Africa to the Internet, How BRCK is running Magma in Production | Reg Orton
The OpenInfra Live: Keynotes featured dozens of speakers from around the world sharing the latest trends, production use cases and news around open infrastructure. Thank you to all of the sponsors, including Headline sponsors, Red Hat and Wind River. Watch the full event here: Connect with us: OpenInfra Twitter: OpenInfra LinkedIn: OpenInfra Facebook: OpenInfra Website: #OpenInfraLive
Hi, my name is Allison Price, and I'm the Director of Marketing and Community at the Open Infra Foundation. But I'm also the Chair of the Outreach Committee for the MAGMA community, and so I'm really excited to be joined by the CTO of Brick, Reg Orton, today to talk about how they are using MAGMA. Welcome, Reg. Hi, Allison. Thanks a lot. So MAGMA is an open source platform for building carrier-grade networks, and the community's mission is to connect the next billion people to life-saving resources like the Internet, which a lot of us may take for granted. So this, I think, directly ties to what you're trying to do, Reg, at Brick. So can you kind of provide an overview of what Brick is and what y'all are trying to achieve? Sure. So Brick started about seven or eight years ago with a goal, as you said, Allison, to connect the next billion. We've gone through a lot of iterations of how we're trying to do that. We started off building hardware, trying to work out, you know, just hardware is an access problem. Is it actually a connectivity problem? Is it the fact that there's just literally not enough connectivity? And now where we're angled towards is it's an affordability problem. So both, yes, while there may be lacking connectivity, which we can build and we can use MAGMA to get there, we need to find more affordable technologies to make that use case work and get more people online and get those people connected that currently aren't. Awesome. So, you know, you said it's been seven years since y'all started. So when did you start using MAGMA and what features drew you to using the technology? So we were one of the really early development partners on MAGMA with the Facebook team. What drew us towards it was this, you know, we've progressed from being, like, really a Wi-Fi-led company towards an LTE base. And that's a pretty big transition for those in the technical note. And the things that attracted us to MAGMA were a few things. One is the, you know, the ability to be open source. So the ability for us to, like, actually dig into the code base, build the features that we needed to deploy our connectivity. Secondly, thinking about connectivity differently. I mean, one thing we've always thought about in, you know, our context is the edge is really important. Like, where the users are is actually where we need to provide the services and the connectivity. In many markets, you can rely on data centers and you can rely on, you know, really fast pipes to get back to those data centers. In our markets, we can't. And so cell towers are often isolated. And MAGMA really allows us to use that distributed architecture to provide a very, very high quality and at the same time a very low cost service. So you kind of went into your use case a little bit. So where are the markets and where are these distributed edge centers that you're serving with MAGMA? So with MAGMA, we're really focusing, I mean, our market is Africa. We're an East African based company. We're based in Nairobi, Kenya. We've done a lot of work across sub-Saharan Africa, you know, in Niger, in West Africa, Kenya, Rwanda, and actually more recently in some of the Asian emerging markets in the Philippines where we're looking at, you know, similar kinds of people groups and similar kinds of customers that really are looking for this very affordable connectivity. I think it's really interesting kind of expanding it to the global market because it's one of the big benefits of open source that we see is because it's accessibility to people. And like you said, the affordability of the software makes it something that everyone can take advantage of it to get access to those life-saving resources. That's one of the really important things about what we've been doing is, you know, how you can provide kind of people that don't have access to getting access to resources, education, you know, healthcare information that, you know, MAGMA allows us to get that kind of to be further and further afield at a really affordable price point. So in addition to the affordability of it, are there any other benefits that y'all have seen after implementing MAGMA a few years ago? Right. And I think this is like how the architecture of MAGMA is built and like this edge-first ability and this big openness of the platform or the architecture has allowed us to build sort of MEK, the mobile edge computing resources where we've deployed education content at the cell tower. So that allows us to deliver really, really high quality services, you know, specific to some target markets. And that's due to how, you know, how it's built and how it's designed. And then even, you know, where we're plugged in. So we have another platform called Mojo, which is our affordability platform that allows users to get access to connectivity for free, you know, offloading that kind of offloading that cost burden to other groups to the, you know, governments or NGOs or actually most primarily digital work for, for corporate customers. We can bank that into MAGMA because of its open architecture. Awesome. So is your team contributing upstream to develop some of these features that you're looking for? Or how are you working with the global community on those feature requests? Yeah, certainly. So we contribute to some. Mostly in the early days, we're quite heavily, heavily contributing to the MAGMA ecosystem. You know, now we're really taking what's being built and applying it in the field. And that's been a really big part of what we've been contributing is, you know, how we can get some real world insights into using, is it different base stations, different networks, different, different use cases around using MAGMA. Well, I think that's one of the most powerful things about operators like you sharing your story is because that's a great way to contribute. It's to share the implementation, the architecture, so that other people who are facing the same challenges, who also want to connect people, they can learn from you and also implement it for their local communities or a region that may not have access. Absolutely. Awesome. Well, thank you so much, Reg. I really appreciate you telling your story. It was great having you on the open and for live keynotes today.
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August 15th, 11AM ET Market Update on TFNN - 2022
With over 150 years of combined trading experience, TFNN is the absolute authority in Technical Market Analysis. Join our hosts EVERY TRADING DAY from 9:00AM until 4:00PM ET for LIVE market updates, chart analysis, and trading advice. 9:06 'The Morning Market Kickoff' with Tommy O’Brien 10:06 'The Tiger Technician’s Hour' with Basil Chapman 11:00 'The Trader's Edge' with Steve Rhodes 12:06 TD Ameritrade’s Thinkorswim with Kevin Hincks and Tom White 1:06 'Trade What You See' with Larry Pesavento 2:06 'The Power Trading Hour' with David White 3:06 The Tom O’Brien Show News Updates at the top of each hour. Our hosts will answer your questions LIVE ON AIR! To ask a question call our listener line at 1-877-927-6648. Want to learn more? All of our hosts detail their trade recommendations and observations on the market in their powerful newsletters. You can see all of our newsletters on our website at TFNN also offers several powerful trading programs and educational webinars which you can view on our website at You can get Tom O'Brien's Book, The Art of Timing the Trade on Amazon. Have a hunch? Get powerful results with 2x and 3x Leveraged ETF's from Direxion. Want to take your trading to the next level? Check out TD Ameritrade's powerful trading platform over at Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter!
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Good morning folks, this is Steve Rhodes coming to you live from the shores of sunny Delray Beach, Florida. This year, 11 AM update. Currently I have all the U.S. indices that we track trading the downside does off 50 points about two tenths were sent three tenths for the S&P or 14 points two tenths for the NASDAQ 100 27 points three quarters of a percent for the Russell at 15 points of downside about nine tenths for the semis at 26 points of downside there if a gold trade off 21 bucks it's a little over 1% 2.5% for silver has 51 cents she's trading out of 2018 lights we crew back 372 88 40 is the print there natural gas off 18 cents 858 is the print and the 30 year treasure is up 1.141 19 so let's go take a look at our nine panel market update chart so we can find it here in the upper left hand corner what do we know so we do know that the ES mini has gotten up to resistance that happens to be the top of its weekly profile 42 77 so hence the struggle could this be the place where price would turn around it could if we were going to see that we would get some type of bearish reversal candle that confirms the sell the d-point pattern we don't have that as we speak right now you have a spot ball tunics it still blows 50 day exponential moving average the 50 days at 2433 so long as price remains below that now we do have a slightly rising spot ball tunics so we'll have to keep an eye on that but with it below the 50 day exponential moving average the wind is at the sale of the winds at the back of the sales for the S&P 500 the NQ trade about both the top of its daily and weekly profile isn't full out bullish motion out here bullish motion that is it is absolutely bullish as we speak if you take a look at the US dollar index just consolidated with inside its daily profile that's between the range of 105 20 and 106 58 gold right now is trading below the center of its bearish structured daily profile and that level is 18 0 to 8 18 0 to 80 we're trading right now at 1795 if price close below 18 0 to 80 then what that suggests is we should see a move down to test support which would be the bottom of that daily profile 1775 you have the same setup inside of silver it too has a bearish structured daily profile and this suggests that a close below 20 42 today should see a move down to support that's at 1974 lights we crude so far still maintains its currently by pattern and will do that as long as price remains above I should say closes above 88 23 natural gas pulling back but above the top of its daily profile so that looks pretty bullish looks like it should go target that most recent high from back in July and we take a look at the 30 year treasury back inside its daily profile a close today above 140 31 suggest a move up to the 140 306 level folks stay tuned for the trader's edge show but if you have to start your Monday please have a magnificent one and look forward to seeing you again soon take care now
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Elections and voting explained
Discover how elections work in the UK and take a closer look at the General Election, exploring: our right to vote, how candidates and parties gain votes and what happens once elected. If you are a teacher, this animation is a quick and easy way to introduce the General Election with secondary students studying subjects such as Citizenship or Government & Politics. This is just one chapter of the ‘An Introduction to Parliament’ video. Find the full video, along with further chapters, such as Parliament’s Structure and Your Voice, here:
[ "UK Parliament", "education", "elections", "voting" ]
In the UK, we live in a democracy, which means power is in the hands of the people through our right to vote. Throughout history, lots of people in the UK have campaigned for the voting rights we have today. There are lots of different types of elections to vote in – general, local, European. Let's take a closer look at how MPs are elected to the House of Commons through the general election. General elections take place in the UK usually once every five years, and every seat is up for grabs. On polling day, voters make a choice from a list of candidates. The candidate with the most votes then becomes that constituency's MP. OK, but how would I know who to vote for? Before elections, candidates need to campaign to get people to vote for them. Campaigning can involve handing out political leaflets, speaking in public debates, talking to people during door-to-door visits, and party political broadcasts. Parties standing for election publish a declaration of their policies during the campaign, called a manifesto. Once elected, an MP represents all their constituents – even the ones that didn't vote, or voted for a different candidate. The party with the most MPs elected forms the government, and their leader becomes Prime Minister. And if there's a hung parliament where there's no clear winner, then a minority government or a coalition government may be created, or a fresh election held.
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Authentic vs. Fake Alphas of the Manosphere | Red Man Group Ep. 171
Conquer inner trauma and Become the Ultimate Alpha Male with the Complex PTSD Masterclass. Save $100 now --~-- Episode sponsor: get BOGO tickets for a limited time to the woodstock of the manosphere 21 Summit at Ep. 171 of The Red Man Group with Authentic Alphas from Attend the world's largest manosphere gathering this October in Florida. BOGO tickets and full info at - Support 21 Studios at Help 21 Studios and The Red Man Group win the war on feminism Subscribe now:​​​​​​​ RMG Patreon:​​​​​​​ Follow RMG on Twitter:​​​​​​​ Like RMG on Facebook:​​​​​​​ Follow RMG on Instagram:​
[ "authentic alphas", "alphas", "fake alphas", "alpha male", "alpha males", "authenticalphas", "fake alpha males", "alpha male cringe", "logicsphere", "21 convention", "fresh and fit kick out", "hold the truth hostage", "apefather", "manosphere", "what do you bring to the table", "why women should not be in charge of the house", "@tateconfidential @tatespeech", "what is high value", "mgtow dictionary", "the vital message", "fresh and fit roast", "freshandfit podcast", "fresh and fit podcast" ]
What's going on fam? Anthony Johnson here today co-founder of the red man group founder of 21 studios 21 convention 22 convention the patriarch convention 20 university and 10 dozen of things on the internet. I've created over the past 16 years Today I got a special episode of the red man group for you episode 171 We have a returning guest to the show today a yende from authentic alphas down in Miami He's got back to America recently and this time we're gonna have he's on the show recently probably about two months ago And it was a good episode, but the internet was kind of choppy and stuff So this episode we're gonna be revisiting some of those topics and getting into new ones as well I'll more advice and stuff and look forward to his audio and internet connection today is like crystal clear So it's gonna be good before we get into the show quick shout out to our sponsor Which is our own event that we do the wood stock of the man is fear the Superbowl the man is fear the longest Running man is your event in the world by about 10,000 miles. It's amazing It's awesome, and I'm the fucking best at making them and they are the best by long shot So check out 21 studios calm link in the description to 21 summit. It is the 16 year anniversary That's 16 event or anniversary event for 21 studios and our conventions It's gonna be in Orlando, Florida October 14th to 17th 2022. That's a Friday through Monday The event starts in about 90 days right on the dot three months. It's gonna be fucking awesome Actually, it's three events in one so we have the patriarch convention for fathers. That's the blue We have the 21 convention classic That's for men and then we have the 22 convention for women We are making women great again at the main event We're making men alpha again and the fathered event we're rebuilding the patriarchy as you know a feminist smash the patriarchy Into a thousand pieces so we have to rebuild it make a new one You can learn more about the events on the website 21 studios calm There's a link at the top for live events and each one has information on each event when you go to the drop-down So this is the main event for all men basically over 18 Mostly it's for men ages like 25 to about 50 men who are single bachelors stuff like that Who are not married and generally not married anyway. You're welcome to come though if you're married We're not into like building a family yet and stuff like that It's gonna be awesome Go down to the speakers see all the speakers for the event including today's a and a it's on here as well We have a couple more writing still to Legends of the man is fair guys. I coach Greg Adams Jack Donovan Richard Grannon, Zen Parion, Ivan Throne Pat Stubman lots of great guys We also have the patriarch convention what you can see here and Similar lineup of new speakers Elliot for example speaking at the patriarch event but not the 21 convention The good thing is as a man you can actually get you get bonus complimentary access to both men's events So even if you're say 25 30 years old you go to the 21 convention main event You get free access to the patriarch event and you can see special speakers there that you want to see a personally like Elliot Hulse who has over two and a half million fans just on YouTube The speaker list for each event is different. There are some crossover obviously coach Greg for example will speak at all three events Other speakers only speak at one or two events. So it's customized each event with a custom lineup and There's a woman's event as well if you're a female Probably not too many females watching this today given that it's the red man group But if you are a female and you don't want to be at a generous skank and you want to be a great woman Go to the 22 convention and I have a great time bring friend free If you have a boyfriend for example to her husband He can go to the men's event and you can come for free to the 22 convention Where you'll get the best mansplaining in the world that even a few female speakers like attorney Melissa Isaac right here Jennifer Molesky and couple others Without further ado though become the ultimate alpha female, right? Anyway, without further ado, let's get into today's show appreciate you guys being patient with the five-minute commercial there for our event Please let me welcome to the show a yende from authentic alphas linked to his channel in the description How's it going man? AJ what's up, brother? Hey, man doing good appreciate you coming back on the show Not always always man. I wanted to do something with you a little bit earlier, but it's all good man So how's everything going? How's your fourth act your fourth of July go? Good. Yeah, I was out at the beach on 4th of July. I think I wanted to go visit my buddy Tony Bruno Or is it the next day? No, that was 4th of July. Yeah Yeah, so it's just simple like that I think I say on the beach was on use with your girl something like that. Oh, that was even more recently That was last weekend. Yeah, that was a different beach on the West Coast Yeah, I'm a West Coast Florida man. I grew up near Fort Myers gift coral But uh, both beaches are both side to the state are fucking awesome. So yeah, I'm Definitely, I mean there's a ton of things to get into man. Whether you like camping hunting. Yeah Jetski in the beach surfing is a ton of things in South Florida for sure. I'm actually a Trying to get out to the Tampa Pearl, you know a big bodybuilding enthusiast So the biggest bodybuilding competition in Tampa is First weekend in next month, so I might be out on the West Coast might be out there. Yeah Yeah, I love it man It's it feels like home to me the West Coast, you know, East Coast is awesome too But it's just different to me the salt kind of the environment the geography is different What's coast is like, you know, two-foot waves if that if that's flat brackish water and show where I grew up Yeah, you provide different culture. Yeah, yeah, but yeah, it's funny. You mentioned that picture me and my girlfriend Let me pull up. I could buy that real quick. Actually How do I overlay that shit? I wanted to let's actually talk about that because I think you'll find this pretty funny Here it is So one of the reasons I took this is to show that most now you're not one of them obviously But a lot of the red pill alfamil is in the man's fury. They can't pick up their woman because they're beluga whales as you may have heard and You know like my buddy Conovan my buddy Conovan sharp if I throw his back out trying to pick up miss Piggy So Love our boy Conovan right here. I Mean at a math a mathematical You know angle I actually disagree with you because most Implies more than half and I think most of these guys don't even have a girlfriend to begin with so Numerically that's it's impossible. I think more like 10% 5% of them Only 20% of them have a girl Well, they have a they have a five-finger girlfriend in a lot of cases You know, it depends on who they are that depends on the guy now But I always find that interesting because I know part of the topic for today is you know fake versus real Yeah, and one of the things I find real interesting is When guys are like giving this and a minute vice on on marriage or a definitive opinion on marriage And have never been married. Yeah, and then and then when they'll be like absolutely don't ever live with a female guys And then it's like you've never lived with a female before Or they're talking about the dynamics of boyfriend and girlfriend and they They don't maintain a girlfriend. They don't like have a Relationship whether it's long-term casual or whatever like yeah, like majority of their life That's the majority of their adult life was without a girlfriend Whether it's a girlfriend for a few months or girlfriend for years or girlfriend you were living with there's no girlfriend And I'm just like how are we talking about because there's certain things you could say that are true Whether or not you're experiencing it or it happens to be your personal situation or not It's a true statement, but these guys are like giving definitive advice on these things and in-depth opinions on it and it's like Bro, but you don't have a you don't you don't have a girlfriend man You don't live with a woman. So I don't know I find that part a little little awkward But I I think that the man is fair is oversaturated with men that don't even have relationships Let alone a relationship where they're Like this dominant male that they're telling guys you have to be either this dominant male in this relationship Or you do not you don't date a woman at all. It's like yeah, but you're not dating a woman at all Yeah, and they never have in a lot of cases. Yeah, exactly. They never have so it's just kind of weird to me And I mean I think I think I think it's I think it's a really important point though The fundamental point I think what you're saying is that there's constant constant speaking definitively but out of hand out of hand they have no first-hand experience or almost Right and like these hard line fucking stances on shit It's like you don't even know you read that off of red pill reddit three years ago And now you're just vomiting it on a YouTube for beta males who are even more clueless than you So it's like the sheep the sheep following the sheep following the betas off of a fucking cliff to nowhere And it's like to me the issue is Primarily the definitive You know statements like these red pill laws, you know, like that we all have somehow took a vote and agreed That is a hundred percent true. You never do that and I feel like even if Even if you were at the other end of the extreme you were a guy that had a lot of experiences with relationships You still can't say these things definitively Because you could say listen, I've lived with five women before and each time it's been terrible each time the same things started happening Okay, first of all number one. That's your personal experience number two the common denominator there is you not the women So maybe you're the reason why it's been the same way every time and then also Who are you to say that it's not gonna be different for another guy? I can find just as many guys that are gonna raise their hand and say listen, I've lived with a woman and it's great You know, I've lived with women several times And I've been one to leave because I felt because I got tired of the girl I wanted a new girlfriend or whatever, but but she was great though. It was good I just thought hey, maybe I could get a better looking girl or you know, whatever the case may be Or maybe I want to date a younger girl But it wasn't that her terrible female nature and she cheated on me and she did this and no Because I know with women and it's going great. I know guys that are married and it's going great Let's flip it on its head too though because we're looking at this from like a relationship standpoint Right like you're saying living with women kind of long-term stuff, but it also works in reverse I know one red pill content creator for example, you know, I'm too who Sean Lappie named Voldemort of the Manusphere Who has been married for almost 30 years? Allegedly a self-allegedly has has never cheated right has been faithful. Okay, fine I got no problem with that be a man of your word, whatever you put the ring on it You went front of your family and God and whatever But that dude also just put out the player's handbook or guidebook or something like that It's like motherfucker. You've been with 40 women, which is not that many They're a high school quarterbacks walking around with fucking bigger like not That's not that in a month that's done it in a month Yeah, and and if you haven't been laid by a new woman in 30 years What the fuck do you know about being a player the last time the last time you were got laid by new chick I just say no internet there was no internet and Bill Clinton was getting blowjobs like that's how long this has been This is like this is like This is just crazy to me. It's not it is crazy and the game is changed. Let me tell you son I don't even view myself as old But even I'm looking at it like damn the game has changed so much since yeah five years ago Like the game is changed dramatically even tinder is nothing like tinder was when it first came out That's right. It's like nothing like it was one of like all Instagraming what it was everything has changed Dramatic exponentially it's like as time goes things change like they'd multiplies it changes that much faster I mean, I remember Facebook first came out and it's just I remember you Couldn't even get on Facebook if you weren't in college. I wasn't It's funny you said that it's funny you said that because that's how I got introduced to Facebook It's like I was dating This chick that was in college and I was like always up at the campus I was staying at the campus and I felt left out because her and like all her friends and everybody they could have Facebook And I was like trying to like looking over people's shoulder trying to Yes, you see just message the person and then wow, that's cool You can poke them and shit dude, I'm so old I mean, I'm 33 but I feel sold when I got in the pickup art of stuff and picking up chicks at bars and shit You couldn't even send a dick pic. There was no such thing. Yeah Yeah, it was this basic, you know written text if that yet to get girls phone numbers, you know Like that's snapchat your Instagram. There was no such thing back then I remember waiting till after a certain time to call girls during the three nights and weekends When the cell phones first came out, I remember you calling a girl You didn't know if she was ignoring you or she didn't pay her phone because People's phones would be off periodically people's cell phones be off. Yeah It's good times was really good times even even you might remember this to from old-school pickup artists stuff Back in the 2000s. It was very popular and I did it You'd bring out like a like a little camera like a little point and shoot Sony cyber shot or whatever And you would take pictures of chicks and it's like this whole fucking game You know one of my buddies eventually wrote a game called camera game. It was much much different than that It was more with like an actual DSLR camera like a really nice camera Not the old club shit with the Sony cyber shot But that was a big thing back then because no one had fucking phones on their camera or cameras on their phones Like or it's garbage, but can I can I take it back further than that? Go ahead Me and my boys we used to like rent We would rent like I remember one of the favorite our favorite cars to rent was the The Ford Explorer with the pickup in the back when they first started putting a bed in the back Yeah, yeah, and we would take road trips We would take road trips from New York down the East Coast We go from like New York all the way to Florida and we would stop at all these states and Just like meet girls hang out with girls try to like spend the night get a hotel It hang out with girls and we brought the Polaroid camera Wow Yeah, we buy them at greens for like 44 but I remember it's 44 bucks. It's like 44 Well, let's explain we got to explain to the zoomers. What is a Polaroid camera? What is this Polaroid? Oh, it was awesome. It's a camera and you know Like the newer ones kind of fold it down you press the button and flipped up You take a damn picture and it would print the picture out right there and you just do this and then and we're not You know you take two or three of them and then each person would get one So like a girl would have you know one of her own to take and keep and you would have I still have a box of polaroid I still have it so I have a box of all the Polaroids Like all the trips we would take and all the hot girls we would meet and it was just flames, bro Like you meet the girl And maybe two days two nights and that's it. You're never sorry Because it was before social media. You couldn't like just go on Facebook and be like, oh, let me look this girl up I met Virginia. I Mean you could today if you remembered their name or whatever, but um Good time, bro. I mean it was all about adventure. It was about not knowing Yeah, what was gonna happen what we were gonna get into and I think a lot of the younger guys today they They'd lack that element like I talked to guys in their early 20s They don't ever mention anything adventurous Are taking any chances or just relying on their boys and we don't know how we're gonna do this But we got each other we'll figure it out kind of thing. Yeah Yeah, man by the time I was like Let's see 21 22 23 in my early 20s. I'd visited like 25 countries So a lot of it for me was international because of convention, but just personal stuff, too I would take backpacking trips and my boys down a lake Costa Rica and Panama and shit But one time we got a lot we got lost Hiking around a fucking volcano down in Costa Rica Like my buddy broke his ankle like it was a disaster man like monkeys with chasing us and shit and It was fucking crazy. It was good. It was funny at first. Yeah memories Yeah, and when the Sun's going down and you're in a fucking jungle it ain't so funny anymore and you're like, oh I'm gonna die out here like fuck bro. Well, at least we died together, bro Yeah But but that brings me to something I wanted to ask you about too now I don't remember the exact dates you found the PUA stuff and the manosphere But you've been following it on and off for a long time at least like 10 years or something like that Oh, man, um, if I had to put a number on I'd say about Summer around 2016 ish, okay, so not too too long But I was like a quiet Listener, I never really commented. I would always forget to like but I consumed a lot of The content I mean I wouldn't watch like one video at a time because you know I'm an artist. I'm a painter and then I'm always in the gym So it's like I'm doing cardio for maybe an hour hour and a half I might go through four or five videos, you know, I'm painting on my paint for three four hours a day So I'm going through tons of content a lot of um Well, I think everybody go ahead. What comes to mind those like even from that time period I think you've probably seen this but especially in my perspective 2005 I found it in high school until now and the manosphere Unfortunately has strongly drifted towards like away from interacting with women and towards getting the hell away from them And it which isn't to disown like I don't agree with a lot of McTowell But I don't disown the fact that men getting out of harm's way is a good thing I don't want to see men get wrecked in divorce court I don't want to see men make stupid reckless choices with Relationships with moving in too fast or whatever, you know getting married without a prenup. What kind of shit, right? But this is veered so far and it's not just McTowell, right? It's the black pill a lot of the the New Age hyper red pill shit from rollo like the rollo pill these dudes These dudes like don't when I came up in the manosphere in 2005 2008 2010 You were strongly pushed to go talk to women as much as you could hundreds of approaches thousands of women Whatever it takes to go out to a bar over a period of years and like get social learn social skills Right learn through trial and error of you know layer ports and field of ports banging chicks Stupid shit would happen when you know when you're out with your buddies and shit your wingmen You know your buddy would get laid you'd almost get laid you'd fuck it up at the last minute You get cock blocked the factor would come in like all that shit has been thrown out the window now And a lot of it is just dudes who are terrible with women giving the creators never mind the guys who followed them Giving absolutely shit dating advice hard line stanzas like we're talking about Everybody's fucking clueless. Nobody's fucking getting laid all they're doing is this bitching about women and jerking off and pretending They don't want women To it's like it's just fucking it's just fucking crazy. It's madness It used to be much more like dude go talk to a thousand Like definitely, I mean you you put it well one time that you you know Someone shall who shall be on names said they were in the Olympics of dating, right? It's like motherfucker. You were a spectator Yeah, you you were sitting down you take and I have no doubt and I have no doubt Mami is a tough scene to go pick up chicks. No doubt I've been a little bit down there buddies and shit, but I know people who grew up there I'd say the same thing like it's it can be a tough environment. No doubt. It's a big fucking city with it I never felt that way man to be honest with you. I never felt that way, but then again, um, I'm very Well, you're also bodybuilder and jacked as fuck. So but when I moved when I moved to South Florida I wasn't bodybuilding. Okay. Okay. I just I just was I just was a Female enthusiast I was like I was a casual dating enthusiast when I first moved here and I was always looking for Girls that were more fun More exact more adventurous more pleasant because I'm from New York and New York I think it's the hardest place to meet and talk to and get along with women is very hard New York is very get the fuck out of my face. You know, what do you want? You know, or what do you want? You know what I mean? And anybody will say that to you New York is a place where you could be You know some big black gangster with tattoos and you bump into a white dude with a briefcase and the white dude's gonna be like Yeah, watch where the fuck you're going. That's New York You know what I'm saying? Everybody got heart in New York and everybody's quick to tell you fuck you fuck your feelings I don't have time to care about your feelings So you could imagine how the women are in New York if you're not that guy It's like, why are you even talking to me and the guys are very aggressive in New York? It's like, hey, what's going on? What's going on sugar tits? I see you. I like that sundress. What's up? What's your name? You got a boyfriend? Well, I don't give a fuck about him. Give me your number I'll change your mind. That's New York, you know everybody Yeah, everybody just Says how they feel and how they are so when I move this kind of like just kind of like trump On like grabbing by the pussy kind of yeah, no, that's new york trump is from new york. So um You know when I was like traveling I was down to get on a plane get on a bus rent a car Anything to go somewhere else and experience Um, you know the chicks, you know, of course, you want to see the landscape you want to eat here You want to eat there you want to see it for yourself You want to go to whatever their car shows are you want to go to whatever their major events are their sporting events Blah blah blah, but let's be realistic as guys. We also want to see The the women want to experience the women of that place Um, so I was always interested in that and when I finally landed In florida like on a permanent permanently It was like that last frontier for me or that furthest frontier coming from new york florida was like the furthest state You know south and um, I decided to move to south florida because I kept going on spring break Like I kept going on spring break and in one year I couldn't afford to go my all my boys were like Yo, we're going and I was like damn bro money's kind of tighten and then it dawned on me when I asked my friends from out of state Yo, you coming to new york this summer because new york is awesome in the summer or at least it used to be um, sometimes they would say yeah, I can't afford it and I would think uh Too bad for you. I'm gonna be here for all the parades and all the events in the summer because I live here So I'm already here and I thought hold on. What if I use that same logic and I moved to south florida that way every spring I don't got to be like can I afford to go to spring break? I live here already So that was my thought process and I decided fuck it. I'm moving. I'm moving to florida. So when I got here. I was Uh enthusiastic about the challenge of miami girls. I wasn't like, oh man, it's so hard to talk to these But I was like, let's do it. What do I got to do push-ups more push-ups? I need more chess more this Well, I need a sports car. We'll call it red put some rims on it what I need Um, so I was down to to get the things that we're going to attract the women Even if it was subconscious like I wasn't necessarily saying. Oh, I'm going to get this red sports car because it will get me more putty tame It will get you genuine desire if you get the sports car Desire right and you want you want her soul? You want her soul? You suck her soul out with your red lambo Bro, let me tell you something that is not true. All of those things are just get your foot in the door Um, you know type type uh advantages. That's all they do Women make yourself a mark make yourself a mark if you're dummy Of the both that too that too but the women that aren't looking to use you and guys act like that's just women in general That's female nature. It's like nope. That's the women you attract when you ain't got shit to offer So it's just like when you put like rims and all this goofy stuff on your car It's not that all women are gold diggers. It's that that's gold digger bait. Hello. That's gold digger bait So if you're a fisher, you know different type of bait is going to attract different type of fish So if that's what you're bait, you're putting out guess what that's what you're going to catch Yeah You understand what i'm trying to say so Honestly, that's an excellent analogy and like every dude in the monastery needs to hear that You go fishing use different kinds of bait. You catch different kinds of fish They don't want to hear that though. They want to hear all these hoses ain't shit all women are retarded Absolutely. Listen, I've had women that were into me because I could paint and because I had different type of talents You could be a struggling artist a struggling musician a struggling visual artist Even a struggling comedian and attract certain types of women because that's what they're into And that's what they want to breed like that's what they that's the characteristics. They want their child to have Um, and that's going to hit them on a biological level whether they like it or not They don't have a choice in that particular Matter now if you're if you're a type of dude that got a lot of money Um, but your your personality sucks. Maybe you're not that fun. You don't tell fun stories You're not entertaining. You haven't done much with life. I have clients like that where it's like, you know Everything about the stock market. They know everything about trades. They know everything about crypto They know everything about finance, but they know nothing about anything else in life And they struggle on dates because the girls are just like So you're gonna talk about crypto some more And it yields what? No, what about the um, the nft is the nft experts, right? We're all gonna get No girl wants to hear that type of bullshit across the table Um, no matter regardless if you're spending 300 bucks on dinner They don't want to hear that boring ass jargon Um, and I remember when I was in my early 20 something that my girlfriend at the time had said to me And she said, you know what I like about you and I said, what's that? She said no matter what I do with you where I go with you It's always going to be fun She said we go somewhere and spend 10 bucks and I'll have an amazing time and I thought to myself Oh So sometimes you got to let girls tell you what they like about you because you might not necessarily know And I think that's how you get better understanding What are the things that work? What are the things that stand out uh to to them? And then also when you listen to women talk about the guys that they actually remember Because a lot of these guys are so forgettable. They don't realize it like you are forgettable It doesn't remember you um, but there are certain key guys in her life that she's gonna remember And it's not because he had the most money. It's not because he had this or that Unless there was some way she benefited from that so she might remember the dude That had a ridiculous amount of money because he might have been taking her on the spending sprees and all the shopping sprees and doing this and doing that But that's what she remembers about that guy. So everything stands out about Um, so there's something that stands out about each guy Um, that a woman uh, actually remembers But there are some things I wanted to say about about the migtail situation I'm gonna let you go with this some thoughts I had on that No, it's good men. This is uh, it's good commentary that men need to hear like You know having having all this money and shit. It doesn't always mean shit. And maybe that's you said it's what they remember about you I wonder if that's all they remember I don't know how to explain this If a guy is really that loaded and takes her out and takes her across the country takes her on a cruise Takes her on $10,000 shopping sprees. I don't even think a lot of times. She remembers the guy She won't even remember his face But she remembers she'll remember this particular handbag that he bought. Oh, yeah Oh, yeah, particular shoe. Oh, I love these shoes these shoes. They were from Italy She'll remember she'll remember the receipt with the fucking eight thousand dollar price tag on it. She'll remember the numbers So Yeah, you let me my my friend growing up to me. Hang on my friend Curtis gonna be dead now He died of cancer when he was like 21, unfortunately But he was a slayer with women when we were teenagers men I mean brutal like when he when he died a bunch of women like 200 women came to his funeral Yeah, they were mourning the man. He fucked No, I feel a guy like that. It was crazy. I feel a guy like that and it's all personality It was yeah, exactly. He was dude. We were teenagers. We were broke me and him were like, you know Throwing mulch on people's yard for 40 bucks. It's like side jobs, right? But what he did with women and now I understand it much better than a molder They had fun with them. They loved hanging out with them They loved having fun and they love sucking his dick Because they love having fun and that's what he provided for them every single time Just want to have fun Yeah, and he wasn't some clown. He wasn't like that and the girls gave him shit He had strict boundaries He would one time this bitch was trying to give him shit in his car We were driving around our hometown gift coral and she was throwing a fit whatever He is like he just slammed the brakes in the car. He's like get the fuck out And she's like, oh, he's like get the fuck out He threw her ass out of the car on the side. It wasn't like a highway or nothing It was like a side street He fucking threw us out and this is like when he had cell phones, you know, they didn't even have smartphones He immediately starts blowing his phone up get the fuck back. He's like, oh, fuck you He just kept driving. He eventually turned back around like a couple minutes later But he does ghosts that are asked on the side of the street And this this is why this guy was a gangster with women and when I was a kid and I was like I was by 16. He was like 17 my jaw was just on the floor because I loved it, but I didn't understand it I knew it was working I could see her just getting fucking so triggered And now I realize he was getting turned on by this shit because some fucking dude who would treat her like that All these guys in the monastery make ton otherwise They don't get that women love being if they need to be handled like that And you don't ever hear these guys talk about that shit because it's all just bullshit to them They want order they want order they want structure And then you know, who's who's not only willing to give it, but who's uh equipped Uh to give it and see that the whole the migtail thing I have a I have a couple Uh things I disagree with with the with the logic coming out of migtail today Number one You can't say that avoiding women Or not cohabitating with women or not marrying women or not doing this or not doing that or any particular thing Is going your own way You can't say that because migtail is an individual man going his own individual way Oh, hold on guys. I think okay. There you go. You're you're back. So I feel like telling guys. Hey Don't live with women. Don't date women. Don't marry women. Don't have children. I feel like that is contradictory to migtail It's an individual man And I think that's where the where the misleading part is because when you say men going their own way I think some people interpret that as like a group of dudes going somewhere. It's like no man going his own way a man Going his own way and if his way is being a father and having a family He needs to cohabitate with a woman married woman and have children to accomplish his way um So all the men that I looked up to when I was when I was younger that I admired I wanted to be like They all were heads of households and they all had families. They had their own thing They did they think they had some type of skills some type of craft They added some type of value to the community as well as their family. They was something respectable and admirable about them but Being a father and a husband was normal Yeah, uh to me it was a normal aspiration or something you wanted to do something you wanted to be Um, you know, and then I remember when I got to like my early 20s I was living with my older cousin at the time. He had already graduated college Um, he he ended up having to be a school teacher because everywhere he went they told him he was over qualified to play football for for for for Miami um University of Miami, and I remember us having these conversations where he'd be like, yeah, bro All my boys that are married. They'll be telling me don't do it. Like they're all unhappy They're all telling me don't do it and then all of a sudden it's like being a married man became something to avoid Right something that everybody was like don't do don't do the sucks. This is miserable and I'm like, where was that shift? You know because I can't put my finger on it I wasn't paying attention whenever the ship started to really happen or ramp up to where Being a married man was what you what you didn't want to do It was when now you became a sucker and you became a corn ball and you were boring and your woman was controlling you and telling you what to do I'm like, well, that's not what I didn't grow up seeing that I grew up seeing the opposite The man telling the woman and the kids what to do setting the rules You know holding down the house and him being respected and admired in the community And all that single mom shit was was was a shame like you not only brought shame on yourself You brought shame on your family. You brought shame on your great-grandparents if they were still alive They were in their graves. They'd be like Yeah, you know, so it's just conflicting messaging that I'm seeing being given to these young guys And then I'm sitting back looking at it thinking in myself Whether I was in middle school high school college Prison anywhere you are at work when you put a wager on it It becomes more exciting When it's something to lose in something the game any situation the scenario becomes more exciting If you're playing video games, it's it's cool You play video games with someone else It becomes more exciting and then if you put some money on it and gamble on it Now it becomes real exciting. Well, then you got skin in the you got skin in the game You got skin in the game grandpa said yo, we got to rake up the leaves. I'll tell you what we're gonna play madden and if I win Two out of three games you're gonna fucking rake the leaves and I'm gonna watch me to eliminate bitch. All right, you're on It made that football game exciting now because one of us is gonna be raking up the leaves and the other one's gonna be laughing at him Okay, and have bragging rights So when you're telling guys to avoid women and stop interacting with women and stop talking to women I'm thinking to myself you're making life boring Because you're you're you're taking the gamble out of it now Do you understand what i'm trying to say and If if you're with your boys and you see a girl and you're like damn We'll just go right here and your boys say yo, yo, yo, yo, we'll talk to her. You're like, hmm Yo, man, go talk to her Now it's gonna be fun either way because you're either gonna go over to get rejected and we're all gonna laugh at you And we're gonna tease you for the rest of the night. We're gonna have a ball with it Or you're gonna go over there. You're gonna get her number. You're gonna have a few drinks You're gonna be wicked from across the room like are we gonna be like that's my boy Either way it's gonna be more exciting is what i'm saying Um rather than that brings me I think there's something I want to ask you about But you mentioned in passing to me like very casually But I think most guys in the man's sphere need to hear about it and understand it And it's that when you were at a A conference of sorts in vegas You picked up some girls on the fly and I think you ended up fucking one of them and like all this shit You basically pulled a girl like at a conference is walking around and just doing your thing In a state in a state you don't even live in And to this to you this is pretty normal To me I get this too. I've done this and I've seen this myself through other coaches and shit too So for me I get it too But most guys in man's sphere are like I feel so far removed from this That you could just go to hotel for some other purpose and then you're out of pool or something exactly And you pick up a bitch and then you bring her to her room and you fuck her This is like She picked you up though. That's the thing. Did you pick her up? Did she pick you up? I mean, did you approach her or depends how you went down? But no no the point I'm trying to make is when you are in your value Right in your value what I mean by that is You are a commodity you yourself are something that's desirable Okay, in the business world Somebody wants to hire somebody wants you to work for their company All right, if you're an athlete some sports team is trying to convince you to come play for them Right If you're a single or available man some female Hey, you got some you got some noises in the background Oh Yeah, sorry. Sorry my my lady's making some coffee. So I mean so so so a woman now sees you and thinks damn I I want him Does she want you just for the night? Does she want you for the weekend? This does she want to have a real the point is you're desired So when that happens Did you get her? Did she get you because if she noticed you first? And she got you She got you because she said oh look at this guy. Oh my god. This guy's hot Even if you go over to talk to her first you think you saw her first It's like, hey, what are you doing? Hey, how are you doing? What are you doing here? Oh, I'm just visiting from blah blah blah. I'm here for work. Oh me too. I'm here for work too Oh, yeah, well, we should get a drink. Let's get something. I mean, this is like a chicken of the egg argument I get this but if you still had to make if she bumped any you on purpose like girls do that like the Exactly and shit that that's her picking you up for sure At least at least she's doing half the work or more But if she did nothing to activate it and you had to go set that shit up Well, I'll say you're responsible for it. Did she do nothing because women are very subtle in their approach Just making her so visible to you is her This is her initiating it. She's like eye contact eye contact. Yeah, right. I'm gonna let him see me Yeah, the minute a girl goes me more than like two seconds eye contact and like 80% trans she wants to fuck Why is she looking at me? She's looking at me because she wants to fuck She's looking at me because she wants my fucking dna. That's what she's looking at me Right and I think I think I don't get that Right a lot of these guys what happens is I mean, it's like if you're talking to somebody who's like On the task force and they're telling you this exciting adventurous story If they're telling it to someone that's not on the force This sounds like a movie to you because you're never going to experience it But if they're talking to a rookie He may have bigger and better stories coming in his career because he's he's in the field. He's in the realm Right. He just hasn't come across that experience yet So for a lot of guys in the man's sphere, they're coming from like I said, a spectator perspective They're they're never Anticipating that they're ever going to be in a position to experience any of these things. They're not they're not playing the game When I was when I was younger, I always knew that I was going to be playing the game I knew I was going to be a bodybuilder, right when I was young I was watching Conan and I was watching Rambo and Commando on a Schwarzenegger Sylvester Stallone, you know, uh, uh gene claude van damme I mean, that's all I was watching these damn action movies And and I thought the fighting was awesome that the muscles were cool And when I would go hang out with my favorite uncle, we'd watch star wars We would play mario brothers He would introduce me to his comic book collection and tell me you better not get a wrinkle in not one page Um, you know, and I mean I read his his bodybuilding magazines and he told me then he said listen You could look like this, you know, and he would show me black bodybuilders And because you know, they obviously weren't in movies and stuff He showed me black bodybuilders and he'd be like you could you can do this and I'd be like, wow, this is this is possible Well, you had a follow you had a follow a creep man call weather's is pretty jacked back in the day But that's right. That's the type of that's the generation that I grew up on So I knew that I wanted to to be like that like to do that whatever it takes to do that I knew I wanted to you know, I would watch Michael Jordan play basketball The as soon as the game was over, I'd go out and try to do that on the court You know, I'd watch randy moss, you know, and I'd say listen when I get back on the football field I'm gonna try to do that So when I saw older guys with beautiful girlfriends, I always knew I'm never dating a fat chick I'm never dating an unattractive chick. I'm never dating a chick with a bad attitude Like like I already had these aspirations like yo, I'm gonna have a girlfriend like that like yo I can't wait until I'm old enough If you're not gonna fuck fat woman, you can't be in the man's fair. That's how it works as a as a content creator Sorry, you're out You shouldn't be no you shouldn't be nowhere Near that and I get it not everybody is gonna have the same options and everybody's gonna have the same attractiveness level The point I'm trying to make is when I was a skinny kid from Brooklyn I already knew that I was going to work on these areas in my life as my point, you know I mean, I might not have had money, but I knew I was going to get money. I might not have muscles But I knew I was going to get muscles. I might not have had my own place and Material things and nice clothes But I knew I would get those things because I knew what was in between not having and having was effort You know effort and determination Like you have to be creative you have to be determined and you got to put into work You know, I was the kid that was down to go buy rakes rake people's leaves in the fall I was down to go buy shovels and shovel driveways in the winter I was down to convince my boys to go and do this with me So like I already had that leadership kind of mentality like yo, I got an idea how we can get money You know, and I'm you were you were a man of action. You're always taking action That's that's what makes you I'm it so makes you succeed and win in life as you act All these guys that suck and they just keep losing it life and they're bitching about women It's like you don't do any you don't do anything. I wonder you fucking you you're in the friend zone with 400 women Like all you do is nothing That's like that's a bad thing and it's like To me the guys have a lot of contradictory thought processes like for example, they'll be like, I'm a nice guy And I treat this girl well And I'm always and I'm always there for her Um, you know, but she but she doesn't want to date me if she doesn't want to have sex with me You know, she put me in the friend zone. How dare she and then you know, I'm I'm analyzing this and I'm thinking to myself Everything you just listed are friend qualities You should be so lucky to be her friend. You just said that you're always there for her. That's friendship You just said you always listen to her. That's friendship. You know what I'm saying? Like what are you talking about like you are right where you're supposed to be She's valuing you exactly how you deserve to be valued. I think it's I'm thinking wait a minute. This is how that's a good thing If you were to say all of that and you'd be like, she doesn't want to hang out with me. She doesn't want to be my friend Then I'd be like that bitch Do you see do you see what I'm trying to say? They're getting into a direct response to their actions. Their actions directly led to that's what I'm saying You're saying you're a good person You're always there for her. You have a good personality like bro. That's what you want enough friend So so you being in the friend somebody you are you are properly Casted you are right in the right world the director the cast well Let's pause though because a lot of the time is behind that it's not always fake But a lot of the times this is really just a fake front These dudes are putting up because they think it's going to get in her pants. It's both tell bullshit They're not her friend. They don't even want to be her friend Right and you can't and you cannot blame her for that because that's that's the next hypocrisy because you're over here saying like She's using me and she and she doesn't really like me It's like you're pretending to be your friend and you really want to fuck So you're trying to you're trying to use her for vagina like it's a stupid trade All you had to do is tell you want to fuck her the first time you start talking to her More or less and sometimes a short time frame. I would just do it immediately with I mean very quickly with a lot of women Let's talk about something else or two. I think you're be very qualified to talk on What I've noticed and maybe you've noticed is too since 2016 when you found the manager But it's got particularly bad over the since about that time like 2015 2016 All these creators all these off the e-book authors and gum road courses and all this shit Almost none of them these days like almost zero Talk about how to fuck women how to make out how to kiss women how to handle women There's nothing physical. There's no kinetic We used to call it kino way back in the day of the man's sphere There's nothing about touching women handling women making out with women How to fuck women like none of that shit none of it all they they talk about nothing but abstract hyper abstract Hypergamy is you know women have a pergamy like it's fucking herpes and aids and we're all gonna die and we're all doomed I mean, it's it's just amazing to me. We talked about earlier like how Ultra hyper conceptual and abstract everything is fucking gotten That gets men away from being physical being in their bodies being sexual with women and being alpha Not just in your head on the internet behind a fucking keyboard like in her fucking face in her fucking vagina None of these dudes not to do any of that shit I could go pick out 10 man's sphere red pill content creators right now And easily nine of them don't have a fucking clue how to handle women I think you do just talking to you and based on what you've said to me in passing and what you believe in What's he was casual and picking up a girl to pull and fucking her in the hotel room an hour later or something or that night Like that to me tells me, you know how to handle a woman, you know how to talk You know how to walk, you know how to pick them up walk around That's why that's another reason I picked my girlfriend I was this stupid simple shit like it was at a beach right is goofing around But like dudes when's the last time you saw a red pill youtuber do this like never I mean like I thought I think any guys do it to be honest you nowadays. Yeah, yeah exactly man I mean you can't take wells out of the water in Donovan's case, but But women will women will tell you uh, that's one of the Key things That they want and like And it influenced their selection and men they they after many women literally say You look like you look you could just pick me up or you like you could just break me And it's like you ever picked up you ever picked up a girl to clubs walk around with her like this I've done I used to be a male dancer. So like As part of the job description you pick them up and carry them to the private room to do the dance. Um But there's a couple of things that you said there that were very interesting and hit home Um, number one you used the word kinetic Yes, and that's something that I learned when I was much younger in school is that Females learn through audio through through talking and through facial expressions and things like that Boys learn kinetically they learn hands That's how we learn these boys. We learn by taking things apart putting it back together We learn by trying this does this work? Nope. What if I try this? Okay, what if I try this variation? process of elimination, that's how boys Learn we learn by tampering with shit Physically we learn how to hunt by going out there in the hunt and failing and saying, okay This animal beat me this time. How do I track this animal? How do I outsmart this animal? How do I overpower this animal? How do I outrun this animal? It's all kinetic, right? So we see differently than women our eyes are adapted to see movement Much better than women women's eyes are adapted to see color much better So because they're choosing they're choosing things based on the color, right based on the hue whereas guys we're We're testing our environment Right based on interacting with it physically So I think that's very valuable that you just pointed that out And the next reason why that hits home is that lately a lot of guys have been reaching out to me and trying to Request how I could help them be better with those very things kissing girls Touching girls being intimate with girls pleasing girls in the bedroom And it's a task for me to kind of I guess sit down and try to figure out how the hell do you design this curriculum? It's very hard without learning at first and right because I remember one guy came to me and he was like How much to do a video on it? And I gave him a particular price and I said the reason why you're gonna have to give me this price Is because the weightless video has to be done I can't I can't look at the camera And do a video how to kiss a girl. What do you want me to do? You want me to kiss air? You want me to tell you with my words? So I was like the way this has has to happen or the best way I could see it working Is if um, you're gonna pay me and you're gonna pay At least one girl and I'm gonna have to kiss said girl On camera so that you can see it And then you're gonna and then you're gonna get her feedback as to what worked for her Why it worked for her and then if you really want to do this in depth It would have to be at least like three girls because not every girl's the same But but it's not about knowing this one way that's going to work with every girl No, it's about knowing how to interact with an individual female to gauge what she likes to learn from her body language from The pace of her heart from her breath how she's breathing the morning all these type of things You're gonna have to learn how to Identify let me add a theory to complicate this a little more, but I think you'll appreciate it This is a theory. I had like a week ago. It's not It's not a theory out of nowhere. It's based on my experience of women And I think you'll be I think it'll been more of the two I think everybody male and female you have like a sexual personality Obviously you have sexual preferences, you know fetishes and kinks whatever right little shit you like to do Don't want to do whatever right You know jewish girls say they don't want to suck dick whatever it's bullshit They all fucking And every every kind of girl is going to say, you know girls from New York will be like that girls from Miami would be like this Oh, this bullshit, right? But as a man what I found with women over many years is my own preferences for what I want to do What works not only through trial and error at least in my n equals one and a go experience But like what I like to do what I want to do and how I'm able to move a situation forward For example, uh, one thing I always noticed that most of my make-ups I ever got I usually didn't kiss the girl first on the lips. I'd kiss her on her neck I'd kiss her on the neck That would be you know a few minutes in it could be five minutes. It could be 20 minutes whatever But I wouldn't go for her lips or even her face I'd go for her neck and after I kissed her on the neck I'd suck on her neck after that It's a it's done deal if you could suck on a girl's neck in public Even if you're both stone sober Chances are you could easily make out with her fucking mouth and then easily fuck her that not easily But most likely you're gonna fuck her that night But most guys don't have a clue about this right like how do I get to make it? Well, they're not passing me thresholds. They're not passing me thresholds because you know women need to be warmed up and Women have said that you know, you could find plenty of content women are saying You know women are like ovens and men are like microwaves You gotta kind of listen to those type of things because they there's a lot of truth And what they're saying is just that when women talk to each other They understand each other. So you need an interpreter You need to learn how to translate what they're saying to what they mean Well old-school Old-school pua terminology would actually be buying temperature And that is like raising their temperature you get them hot hot hot hot hot and a lot of that's physical It's being kinetic. It's touching them touching their elbow touching the shake in their hand Whatever the fuck it is. It doesn't matter and there has to be some some some push and pull involved because The idea the idea is to gradually nudge them in that direction But to constantly Keep keep keep a boundary so that they feel comfortable because they're because they're There also is the the element of you being a man And you being bigger than them stronger than overpowering and then you being a stranger. This is uncharted territory for you So she has a particular Boundary or lying there. You have to be calibrated if you're not calibrated You'll fuck it up and you're gonna do that and you're gonna learn the hard way. That's what I did It's thinner thicker Depending on the girl her experience and depending on how she feels about you as an individual But there still is some type of line There and I heard one girl refer to it as a sexual boundary and you know, she was all into You know, she's the therapist or whatever she went to school for but there is a line a sexual boundary And some for some women it's very thin. Maybe they were molested Maybe they're you know, they're they're they're a slut or whatever They've been around but there still is a line as my point how thick or how thin it is it varies But like you said, you have to be able to calibrate it So if you if you're coming in too strong too much too fast too consistent What happens is you're gonna hit that line and then it's gonna be a resistance and then she's gonna push you away And now you don't fuck it all up. Um, so unless you can unless you can recover depends a good your recovery your recovery game is too I've I've pushed way too far way too fast with chicks But I also learned how to like, you know pause kind of slow down pick things back up And then escalate over again, you know, just even out in public. I go to the bar like, uh She's not like pissed, but she obviously I pushed too far too fast Let me like chill out hang out there for five ten minutes try again The guys is that's the thing is the man is for these days doesn't teach guys like anything about this Can the guys even teach it can the guys that are there? They can't they they can't it's all scam like it's so sad man Like uh, like again, I know we're trying to we're doing the whole say no names Things but uh, you know despicable me from them from the f&f boys Um, every time you hear something about him and a female. It's always super awkward. The girl was not feeling it. Um, you know Right the mojo Right, so that's what I'm trying to say and then the question is is like how are we telling guys How to deal with women if you yourself don't even have that experience because I have that experience And and it's still hard to put it into words. It's still hard to describe to someone That's not familiar with it. Um, and and to be honest with you, I'm not as good as I used to be That's something I've noticed like come coming up on 40. I'm nowhere near What I used to be I'm not as charismatic Um, I'm not as good of a kisser. I'm not as good as bad in bed I'm none of these things because when I was younger I had a lot more ambition for it And I was a great kisser because I had to be, you know, you know Like like there's women that will tell you Um, like one of their complaints in a long-term relationship will be he doesn't even kiss me anymore He doesn't kiss me like he used to yeah because there's a have to anymore and the beginning of relationship, bro You gotta be A magician don Juan everything gotta be you know because you're trying to get in there, right once you get in there You you you slack you you lack off or you're like, uh, whatever, you know, you just give it a little It's very easy. It's very easy to get in there. Yeah like that right easy to get complain It's easy to get complacent right so um, you know, so so If you take if you take the 25 year old me Versus the the 40 year old me listen It is an interesting match up because there's plenty of things that the 25 year old me cannot even compare to Can't come close to but there's a lot of things at the 40 year old me. I can't hang I can't hang with the 25 year old me You know, I just don't got it anymore like I used to Um, well, you know what happened if you were a hunter you were a slayer when you were more active with it Yeah, I know the feeling right now now now i'm like, you know sitting home having things handed to me I gotta work for nothing anymore. Uh, so it's so nobody Nobody socrates says he's been in a relationship for a while But he spent, you know, many many years hunting down chicks at bars and fucking them And he would say it's like look when you're single you got to hunt for your food. That's how it is Yeah, it's true. Yeah, whether it's even even if it's a girl. You already fucked you got to keep that going Go to a bar get a new chick go on tender get a new chick like you got to hunt And you're you're hunting a sex drive a sex drive is way up there Yeah, when it's not guaranteed it's not guaranteed and you got you know every night you gotta go out dancing Can I do it can I pull it off? Um, and then also, you know, you got to keep the level high, you know, like I said, I was I was very picky You know very picky with chicks. I was never the one that would um, you do the fours and the fives and the sixes I'm just you know, it's not me Yeah, I'm not and I'm not knocking anybody that is like I'm not trying to shame any guys is what I'm saying Well the man is fear those are called nines and tens the fours and the fives and the sixes So they just like escalate these numbers It's just a lack of enthusiasm I think and I think the bar has been set so ridiculously low That the guys that can't measure up to what it should be make excuses to justify it and those excuses sound like women's hypergamy It's like women's hypergamy is a great is a great measurement. I'm sorry women women Setting a standard to where guys have to be better. I think it's good for everybody Um, but to complain about it because you can't reach it. I'm telling you right now There's no tall handsome or rich guys out there complaining about women's hypergamy Did you know this is a real this is a real quote. This is a hard nine her body is a hard nine Maybe even a little higher That's who this is a that's divan sharp. This is a real quote from donovan a real quote in right or audio I transcribed it. Yeah, I mean see that that really threw me off. Um Like that threw me off going going to that convention it really threw me off because I'm just like I'm just like, why are you? Why why are you I don't know I just It's tough like I like I like I couldn't figure out I couldn't figure out what that was about like I don't know what that pairing is about And and the only thing Valuable that can be taken from that in my in my opinion, right? The only the only thing that I think Um, is good advice Coming out of that situation Is men putting themselves in a position to hire Um, their significant other that's the only thing that I respected about it. I told him that I said, yo What I thought was really cool was the fact that you employ your woman That's it. Well, that's that might be the official arrangement, but I think she actually is taken over the business She actually run Right, that was back in the beginning now. It just looks like she took over the whole damn show And I'm just like, how do you have a show for men? Um, and in a in a on a male platform. This is supposed to be the man's fair and you let her run the whole show Let's talk about this this brings up an important point because someone was asking me on my twitter the other day They asked about three red pill chicks in particular Uh, the three like three, you know, I'm like these chameleon chicks, right? Like the pearly things and her friends and shit, but divan is another one And basically the old even old donovan old conovan old rollo from a couple years ago 2018 shit like that They were all like anti women in the man's sphere never let women in the red pill No women are red pill ever. There's no such thing. These are like actual quotes you can get from them Yeah, but but that's the that's the that's the bandwagon though. That's the bandwagon now I'm not sure which three girls you're talking about the only one you mentioned was pearly things Um, so now what I will say is my experience with pearly things. She's actually not a chameleon Like she actually believes all that shit that she says Um, and I think she just has a unique Um standpoint on these issues for a female. That's all that it is. I don't think it's really that special I don't think it's something that guys need to really stop I think she's I think I just agree. I think she's a chameleon her little friend is even worse though pearly is not the worst by far She's the least of the problems. I think her little friend that a little short one. I don't know what her name is I have no idea like I haven't like I haven't really been tuning in Um, so my experiences with her are not from watching like her content my experience was like interacting with her talking to her myself and um, I think she does believe a lot of Her talking points or her views and I think she just realized that hey, this is something cool I can do and maybe make some money not that she needs it because she comes from money So I think she just genuinely enjoys making this content not for whatever reason. I don't know There's an amicable reason. I don't know that she really actually can help dudes. I don't think so I'm not saying also by the way that I don't think she disbelieves everything out of her mouth She's not like a super she's not like a super fraud or anything You mean she doesn't care about guys because that that I don't believe I don't think she's doing it to like Help guys or to benefit dudes that I don't know. Yeah, I think yeah, that's kind of where I'm going with it I think she's just kind of pandering to simpy beta males who are actually into her even though she looks like ogre I think she's getting attention. She just likes attention like any other women I think she found something she enjoys doing that she's being well received Femme sapien is the one. I don't know her real name. Femme sapien is pearly's little friend I have no idea She blocked me on twitter. I never even talked about her before and I've looked through her twitter and I was blocked I'm like the fuck are you addressing any um questions any any questions that you're getting Yeah, we got one we can go over by the way the dude asked about sizzle mami that whole situation Yeah, you know what I was gonna tell you well, we already talked off camera about about you Addressing that and bringing that up. So I guess they did it. They did it for us. Okay. So what about it? Like like I don't like I don't know just seems like you want to gossip ask a direct question, bro That's just weird that you're like, what about sizzle mami? Like what about it? He's he's probably still a question Yeah, let's see what he see what he says Yeah, tell him to phrase that tell him to phrase that question um I think he won't a minute if he's still watching that was about 10 minutes ago not even Right, there's no there's no context to the question is what I'm trying to say He acting like this is some type of gotcha moment because The thing that's crazy is that the people that are talking about it whether it's guys in the comments or the actual content creators They're all operating under this pretense that it's some kind of gotcha moment It's not a gotcha moment if I brought it up long before anybody else Like I talked about it on my channel long before anybody else I made a video actually going to a gay club and interviewing the straight dude that worked at a gay club And him telling you the benefits of of not boycotting That industry or that environment and this dude is engaged and lives with the woman But he makes great money working at a gay club far more than he would if he worked at a Mainstream establishment. So if you're a bartender and you're a good-looking guy You're gonna be hard-pressed to find a place you're gonna make more money bartending than a gay bar And that does that mean you're gay all of a sudden because you serve drinks at a gay bar. Let's not forget The advantage that young attractive women have using their sexuality is that they can Profit off of it without actually doing or Um being interested in in whatever so so a good-looking girl can go bartending somewhere and make a ton of money She's not sleeping with the guy. She's selling drinks dummy She's just benefiting off of the fact that they find her attractive That's it. So how is it that when a guy does that all of a sudden now we have all this criticism But yet we live in a world where that's that is the the unspoken Uh understood advantage that young attractive women have is that wherever they work If it's a tip-based industry, they're gonna make more tips if they're young and beautiful All right, so that's that's that's the deal with sizzle. Um And and it's funny to me that I have all these guys Criticizing and judging me yet they could never relate because nobody's paying them for their likeness It's it's it's a it's one thing to criticize. What a football player decided to do Contractually, but yet you don't fucking play football and nobody's offering you any goddamn contracts to play football And you're over here speculating on what this football player should have could have would have did Oh, he should have signed this contract. Oh, he should never did that. He should I'm sorry. You play football people are signing you to play football So what do you know about what a contract looks like to play pro football? So you're over here criticizing what gigs a model decided to do yet You are not a model and there's nobody paying you for your damn pictures There's nobody paying you for your look and you're saying oh if you model for that underwear company you get you get Right and um, I thought it was funny that one of the the images that one of these content creators tried to Use to make a point He he he showed a picture that I took in speedos And was like look do you see this the guy in this picture the guy in this picture is gay Okay, now hold on there's a difference between a dude going to the beach or going to the pool in a pair of speedos That he chose because these are the this is the swimwear that he wears when he goes You know recreationally to the beach There's a difference between that And a guy that has never in his life worse speedos other than being paid to wear them in a photo shoot or or a runway show You see what i'm trying to say. So if I do runway and the outfits that I'm that I wear Uh, the outfits that I wear in the runway, you're gonna try to tell me that's my fashion sense Because they they paid me to wear that to do a runway show. I've never worn it other than to do that runway I put it on I took it off and gave it back to them. But now that's my fashion sense What about a bodybuilding competition stunning where speedos to You see I was gonna go there with it too because I remember when I first started dancing And like all my boys from back home found out about it. I don't talk to my boys from back home They're like, yo, what the fuck you wearing thumbs and all this shit. I'm like, no, my dude I've never owned a warthong in my life. They'd be like you wear g-strings. Oh, you wearing some fucking g-strings my nigga Like no, I'm not I'm not wearing any g-strings. I've never worn or owned any g-strings Like what you like like what you be dancing in because these are my friends, but they're just trying to understand it So when I show them the pictures, they were like they like you dancing in them little briefs I'm like, yeah, and they're like Yo, that look like what they wear like what the wrestlers wear. I'm like, it's exactly what the pro wrestlers wear I was like, this is also the same thing the bodybuilders wear exactly the same thing because The same person that makes themselves the bodybuilders and you know male dancers and they're like, oh, I mean I mean whatever then I'm like exactly But it's funny how some guys will see that and they'd be like, oh, you went a little gay ass trunks It's like, well, how come you don't say that about bodybuilders? How come you don't say that about about uh, about uh What you call it hulk hogan, you know, I'm saying how come you didn't say that about the ultimate warrior? It's It's the same it's the same We're in the same thing bro We're in high boots and these little underwear is the same thing that the wrestlers jump off the ropes with so It's just however people want to perceive it And the moment that I accepted I don't have control over how other people perceive things That's when I stopped caring because when I started dancing for women guys that were envious or jealous or just haters or whatever They'd be like, oh all male dancers are gay So, okay, you dance for women you're gay gay dance for women you you stripper you gay So then I thought about it. Why am I turning down all of these gigs To do gay events if when you dance for women people are still going to say you gay So it just didn't make sense to me It's like I'm turning down money because I don't want people to get the the idea that I'm gay But then I'm over here dancing for women and people are still saying you know you gay So I was like, you know what if people want to say that they're going to say that either either way And then the same athletes and the same actors and rappers that these guys be glorifying and supporting Those dudes actually are gay They actually are doing gay stuff to get their contracts and to operate in those industries I know this for a fact if you think zoos in hollywood aren't doing gay stuff Okay, the casting couch is is goes both ways people act like harpy wandstein was just touching on young pretty girls No, the casting couch Is um Look at kevin spacey, right? I mean that kind of there's a kind of tons of shit like that Right, even look at this guy right now that they're exposing uh was kc a perfect example So even in the religious world the casting couch is present So it's funny to me that you over here calling people names for things that they chose Okay, I chose to work at sizzle. I chose to accept their contract. There wasn't no Let me touch your butt. Let me do something gay and then we'll give you this contract No, the whole point is they had to pay me to to even Um consider tolerating that environment It's not I wanted to be in that environment and they were like, oh well You're gonna have to do something you're gonna have to do something for me if you want to be in this environment No, it's I don't want to be in this environment. So you're gonna have to Pay me handsomely For me to be in this environment, right I got this meme too. I pulled up. I love making these I got my boys make I get the best meme guys in the internet man A whole mafia of them you you you guys are making you guys have made an art out of that bro You guys have made you guys have made an art out of that I love blade too, man. I didn't want to do this to wasley slaves blade too is an amazing movie I mean blade one's good too. Somebody's asking somebody's asking. What do you think about uh, Andrew tates popularity? Uh, where's that? Well, it's not on you. It's on my on mine. Somebody's asking. Uh, what do you think about Andrew tates popularity? Yeah, I got no problem with tate people keep bitching about him. He took over the internet yesterday I mean he is uh, I think he got he got nuked off twitter by like officially like twitter fucking Corporate a few months ago. I think it really pissed him off And he just has like a army now of dudes uploading videos of him everywhere I think there's like 50 to 100 guys who's uploading videos on tiktok and instagram and youtube of them Constantly like every day of the fucking week. They're uploading viral videos of him faster than get banned And because of that, he's just like winning on the internet. He's just going super viral I have people from high school I've been talking 10 15 years DMing me on facebook and shit about andrew tate because i'm in the videos of them Interviewing them like you did the interview, you know, you sit down with them So I got a problem with tate these people bitching about him calling the fraud and show me people are stupid, man Hey, it takes associate path for money, but I think he's great. I got no problem with the guy Yeah, likewise man. I like him a lot and I think I think that there needs to be more Of a separation between individuals and who they choose to Um, you know sit down across the table from and do an interview because like Everybody's acting like the man's fur has to be like all clicked up And if you if you associate with this person or you work with this person and talk to this person Then you must dislike all the people they dislike and to me that is so like that's so like a grade school catty That's like to me. That's such a feminine mentality like oh you talk to her and you can't be friends with me It's like who said that any of us are friends, you know who who who said that we're not just associating We're associates. We're we're in a in a space exchanging ideas You don't have to like or dislike someone to be motivated to challenge their ideas or agree with their ideas And just because you don't like somebody doesn't mean you can't agree with some of the things they say And just because you do like someone doesn't mean you can't disagree with some of the things they say So I I think the way that A lot of the viewers as well as the content creators are behaving over disagreements is Very feminine in itself or very anti Man to me. It's very anti man because I feel like part of masculinity is being able to be sound and logic and reserved To to an extent where you can separate people From what they do and what they say what they stand for what their message is And then you can think about these things logically Without throwing in your your personal opinion about the the person into it um Because a lot of them after people bitching me about you know still supporting tate and they're like well tate hangs out with faking shit I'm like, I don't I'm like dude. He's not stupid. He knows their frauds like hello I don't I'm not going to demand though that he he goes after them and attacks them That's his prerogative to do that or not do that for whatever reason he wants I'm not going to bully him into it right he doesn't he doesn't care about that and see that's the thing for Him to be able to for him to say to me like look Because he messaged me like right after I had that little You know interaction with him and he was just like yo man is everything okay? Everything is good. I'm like yeah He's like all right. Well, listen, I mean if you're not getting along with those boys anymore that you know, whatever that's cool Um, you know men disagree But when I'm in Miami, you know, I still want to get together and have a conversation with you like we play And I was like all right cool and very few people took that standpoint So To to to try to gauge people through a screen It's not easy. It's not always going to be accurate, you know Some people argue judge your character, but it's difficult to judge people through a screen But when you've met people you've interacted with people and then you've seen people in certain situations And then saw how they chose to react That's how you begin to come to understand someone's character So, you know, there's plenty of guys that be like, oh my girlfriend would never do that Oh, I got a good girl my girl this and I'd be like, ah, stop. Shut the fuck up You do not know what your bitch will do until she's in that situation Don't tell me she'll never divorce you don't tell me she'll never take your kids Don't tell me she'll never take your property until you've gone through a divorce with her You do not know how she looks in a divorce. There are millions of men who had that same same lot of thinking She would she would never do that Exactly and you thinking yo, this is my boy. This is my dog and if something happens and he's singing to the police Like a canary that's not your boy But you thought he would never but then he did but if a situation happened and he was like, I don't know No, I'm not gonna someone someone to said Tate threw the red pill under the bus Look Tate is very red pill, but a lot of the red pill has become this bullshit I mean, this is considered red pill. Wife and up old aging Uh, almost half a century old obese single mom Right who is becoming bastardized Yeah, it's sick. Like I don't blame him for throwing the red pill under the bus because a lot of it's just the roll-up pill That's why the black that's why the black pill exists and migtail because they rejected a lot of his crap And it's everybody's uh Everybody's trying to pimp it out and make money off of it is the problem Yeah, and and so what happens is it stops being about content creators uh inspiring the listeners and their viewers and and um, you know Agitating thought and making people think about things dissect situations and be more self aware be more responsible It's it stopped being about that and it started being about Looking at the analytics and saying, okay. What's going to make me more money? Okay? Let me pander to them because I'm going to make more money. Let me tell guys It's not their fault because I'm gonna make more money. Let me money money. Let me work with this first instead of the Instead of the instead of the truth it became about super chats That's right. That's what I'm trying to say and that's the bottom line man. It's sick Right and you can't give tough love when you're too busy worrying about offending the guys that are going to give you the super chat money So now what happens is everything gets watered down and everything gets bastardized and we don't know what's true anymore We don't know what to believe. We don't know what to think Because these guys are in here with the wrong intentions And i'm not saying that they all started with the wrong intentions But it got that way when they started making money because what happens when you start making money You start buying shit. You start leasing shit. You start financing shit. You start increasing your cost of living So now you have to maintain that money to pay for your lifestyle So now it starts to compromise the integrity of what you're doing and that's across the board That's not just on youtube. That's anything that people do. I don't care if you make records You know, I don't care if you print magazines, whatever the hell you do Once you upgrade your cost of living Now you have to prioritize the income and it starts to overshadow the art um and the integrity of the work and That's where we are now in the hemisphere because it's grown to this This awkward place where it's not big enough to be mainstream But it's not small enough to be genuine if you understand what i'm trying to say Which is to be authentic, but we're too small to be mainstream That perfectly encapsulates where the manager is at right now Like a woman because that really nails it and i've seen it since 2005 and you're right It's gotten polluted by I wouldn't say money, but greed and I guess that's part of the process when when more money gets involved That's naturally what people some people are gonna do I do think and I hope that it gets better as it gets bigger But an awkward like a puberty or some kid growing up growing pains I think that's where it's at right now and i've never seen or heard anyone say that but you nailed it That's exactly where it's at in 2022. I hope it gets better. I'm trying to make the manager great again Yeah, I mean and that's something that um like I noticed about Your your message a long time ago because like I you know I used to come across Things that you were involved in from way back and it just was like every time You know something involving you Comes up it always seems to have an element or an error of There's always something about improving the state of Mint Yeah, right So it doesn't matter if you're making a few thousand doing that or if you're making millions doing that As long as that core principle stays genuine We're all good and I think I think every person That does something for profit should have a particular agenda That they've already decided like this is what I want to to do Like at the core Now it's like how much can I make doing that but that that part shouldn't change And I think for too many people that that changes You understand what you're trying to do at the core if that's changing So I mean as a personal trainer my goal is to like Simplify people's fitness goals for them and make them realize that it is obtainable It is achievable for what to do what you're trying to do Then there's nothing wrong with me trying to maximize how much money I can make doing that though That hasn't changed showing you that Whatever it is that you want to accomplish fitness-wise You can do it It's just a matter of you understanding what needs to be done and what you need to stop doing and then how you can create a Consistency in that how can you create a self-discipline that's going to allow a consistency so that you can start moving towards that goal That that core principle does not change and I end up becoming a millionaire Um in the fitness industry Then I'm good, but when it becomes about just selling people anything telling them whatever I gotta tell them The most amount of money how can I get the most amount of clients? How can I hire people to pretend to be me on the other side of the keyboard? Now yeah Now we we fucked up because now it's all about right It's very self-destructive too though when they do that and that's what I think a lot of these like fanboys And these guys who are just like simps for dudes They go from being simps for tricks and only fans of simps for dudes on youtube That's exactly what I said when I got to that podcast when that's when I sat there and helped them create that I realized I fucked up I made a monster because I had a different goal is what I'm trying to say Like like we're all working together to do this particular thing to create this thing But we all had different reasons for wanting to create it I wanted to create it to bridge the gap between men and women in the manifest because there's a There's a an issue with the communication Because when guys say what they're saying they're labeled as Massageness and women hater. I'm thinking to myself. Well, I talk about female nature. Because I hate women I love women. What are you talking about? I don't I don't want to go anywhere where there's no beautiful women I'm not interested. I'm not interested in no cruise. No trip. No, I'm not trying to go Hey, listen, we're booking you on this private flight. Are they going to be girls? Are they going to be beautiful flight attendants? If there's not going to be beautiful women there is not a destination I'm interested in so it's not that I hate women and I believe that Life co-habitating with women is better. But obviously you have to to have a relationship that's beneficial to both people If if you're a sucker or you're a simp, then no, you're not going to enjoy living with that woman She's not going to enjoy living with you. She's going to enjoy that She's not to pay the bills and she can use you and take advantage of you But she's going to resent you because she's not attracted to you. She's going to hate sharing a bed with you And you're going to and you're going to hate being used Being taken advantage of and you're going to hate living with a miserable woman that resents you So obviously that's not a good scenario But if if you're in shape you're a good-looking guy, you're trying to take care of yourself You're doing the best you can do with the genetics you got You're making good plans. You're managing the money. Well You're making sure that your woman is is happy because you're making her apply herself To achieve what she wants so that she doesn't take anything for granted She's happy, but she's not happy because you're trying to make her happy She's happy because you're aiding her and making herself happy like I tell women all the time I can't make you happy. I tell my woman. Hey, listen, if you're not happy, that's not my responsibility Okay, I can help you whatever your issues or your problems are let's talk about and Let's see what we can do, but I'm not responsible for your fucking happiness. So living with a happy woman That's domesticated to me is better than living alone. That's my personal opinion. Some people might disagree It also depends on where you are in your life when I was younger and I was a bachelor I didn't want to be around a woman for more than 48 hours, bro After a period of time like yo, uh, listen, uh, but you got somewhere you need to be because You gotta go space. Yeah, I want my space again So it depends on where you are, which you know in your life and then I hear a lot of guys saying Oh, I'm never gonna have children. This world is terrible never have children And I'm like, what the fuck are you talking about? Do you think that during the Holocaust? Jewish people were saying they're not going to have kids anymore Do you think during slavery that black people were saying they weren't going to have kids anymore? I mean medieval times man black plague and shit Right, that's that that's what I'm trying to say at what point in history the human being say It's not worth it to have kids anymore. The world sucks. I'm not having kids man. I'm going migtail I'm going migtail monk. It's just gonna be me by myself. I'm gonna go living a cave by myself I don't like women. I'm like children. I don't like people at what point in time Is that is that the position that men took and guys are acting like the like life has never been harder than it is today That is the most pansy ass Bitch shit that I've ever heard in my life. My grandfather had a heart Right, my grandfather had a much harder than me and he went on to have six children 15 grand children Four great-grandchildren and multiple properties. So who am I to say that life is not worth bringing children in or the world is terrible It's not fucking terrible. Okay. It's been worse And thankfully thankfully someone came before you your father your grandfather your great grandfather your ancestors who didn't have that fucking attitude Exactly. I wouldn't be here. You wouldn't be here. You wouldn't even be alive. You wouldn't even exist man Yeah, I think I think there's a short-term reaction to the current environment. It's not that bad I get it but long-term it's like stupid and delusional and self-destructive No, things are getting terrible things are getting really bad. That's not what I'm saying Yeah, all I'm saying is that giving up has never been the solution and never will be the solution Yes, and I think that is the opposite of the best qualities of men. I think One of the most astounding qualities of men is that they're the demograph that's gonna have guys Who are not going to give up? Regardless women are far more likely to throw in the towel and give up or look to for someone else To fix it or look for someone else to save them So all men aren't built that way. That's what makes the men that are built that way special and valuable Okay, the men that aren't gonna give up and the men that are willing to die for it That's what keeps us here Yeah, right. That's what that's what changes things. That's what makes things happen And you know that expression that hard times make strong men and strong men make good time Good times make weak men and weak men make bad time. There's a lot of truth to that, right? So I think that the man is fair in general is is getting a really bad rep Because not all but most or the most popular voices Um are blaming everything on everyone else And that's why I will tune women out when women start complaining I begin to tune them out because everything is predicated on being someone else's fault someone someone else did this to me I'm a victim and I'm helpless and it's not even worth trying So when this victim culture Right when men start talking like that then it's like Yeah They've tricked you into being weak the same way they tricked women into trying to be Strong in the sense of imitating male strength Yep Is the same way that they've duped men Into trying to become victims the way women would it's very interesting how they flipped it like this So now so now women think that their strength is an imitating a man's strength and women And then men think that someone's supposed to feel sorry for them because they're imitating a woman's victim hood It's like yes Bingo this this is this is a very astute observation a lot of the manister the worst and some of the most popular elements They promote this they promote imitating the worst elements Of womanhood and femininity Like there's a lot of there's a lot of good about women and there's some bad too There's like a good side and a dark side It's like men right men can get men can be really positive you build civilization You can win wars and defeat tyrants and you can also be violent You know rape and murder and kill and shit like there's there's sides And yeah, this shit is it's it's super unhealthy victim culture victim mindset shit And it's permeated a lot of the mandatory used to not be there like 10 years ago this didn't exist Well, there was more there was more male accountability in there And men were encouraged to have some type of agency But another thing I noticed is that even the vocabulary Is becoming bastardized and the vocabulary is becoming Just just as inaccurate as The female vernacular Let me explain what i'm saying Like women will leave a guy like for example women will leave a guy through Genuinely, what is hypergamy they will literally leave a dude Making 60 k a year for a dude making 85 k a year, right? And then their explanation will be uh, well, I deserved more And then the guy she left would be confused because he'd be like, what are you talking about? I did everything that I could have did I did everything for her I did everything in my ability in my power. I gave her everything that I could I did everything that I thought she wanted me to do I treated her well I never lied I didn't cheat on her So how could she have deserved more than what I did because I did the best I can okay hold on The confusion you're having there is the definition of the word deserve Your definition is you worked for it you sacrificed for it You were disciplined you did the right thing. So you expected the right thing reciprocity That's what you're thinking of when you say deserve What she means when she says deserve is I am this You give me that but some other guy was willing to give me more Therefore I deserve that more because a guy was willing to give it to me As I am So me not having to change anything or do anything someone was willing to offer me more than you So there I so therefore I must deserve it Because because I was I was offered it just being what I already am for you So if you're giving me seven Being me and someone is offering me 10 being me then I guess I deserve 10 not 7 That's the confusion Now so what's happening now Is that the language that we use in a hemisphere is also starting to not have a distinct definition So you'll see a lot of things falling under the wrong umbrella So females will do certain things and they'll be like, oh, that's female nature See that's classic female nature. It's like hold on bitch That's human nature Okay Just being exhibited by a female what she did wasn't indicative of females what she did was indicative to people But because a woman did it all of a sudden it's female nature When it's something that guys do the exact same thing So if you're not being chosen because you're a fucking loser, that's not female nature her not choosing you That's human nature her not choosing Sorry, I gotta I gotta clap at the fucking loser part. I'm talking to my girlfriend to give me some water But yeah, a lot of guys in the hemisphere does fucking losers and they don't want to hear it And if they would just hear if they would just hear it and like take it like I don't I don't I don't think you mean that in a mean way for most these guys I don't either but a lot of them are fucking losers and like you need to hear that so that you stop being a fucking loser, man Someone's gonna tell you and you don't have a big brother or a father Father would tell you that but you don't got somebody to tell you like hey, man Like whooping a fucking loser like wake the fuck up man the fuck up You have to you have to apply yourself to not be a loser So what happens is we act like if you're not chad if you're not tyrone, you're a loser. That's not what I'm saying I'm not saying if you don't have muscles. You're a loser Okay, I'm good at bodybuilding I'm a winner in bodybuilding That doesn't mean if someone isn't winning in bodybuilding. They're a loser if they're not winning in anything They're a loser pick something to win it Something that my grandfather said to me that gave me a lot of clarity But then also ended up confusing the shit out of me was be good at whatever you do That gave me so much clarity because then I knew what the focus was was to be good at everything that I attempted to do But where it confused me was is because now I was like, well Well, what do I do if I'm good at more than one thing? That's what fucked me up So now I ended up just trying all these different things and then I would get so determined to be better at those things If I failed I didn't give up. I said, no, fuck that. I got to be better at this So I found myself doing things I didn't even like to do but just because I refused to give up Do you understand what I'm trying to say I refuse to give up your attitude Right, I have to be good at this before I can quit I have to be good at it first All right, and and let me explain why that makes sense to me because If I'm not enjoying doing something and I'm not good at it I'm not sure if it's because I don't enjoy doing this or is it because I'm not doing well So I have to first at least get better at it and then see am I enjoying it now? Am I enjoying it now? What about now? What about now? Okay, I'm a little bit better. Am I enjoying it? And if I'm starting to do well or something and I still don't enjoy doing it then I've I've eliminated it now. I'm like, yo, I don't like doing this shit. Even when I win. I don't like doing this shit. Um So I just I just think that that it could be a helpful way to look at it for some guys because guys don't realize that It doesn't matter what you're good at it just matters that you're good at something Like for example on youtube you might have a channel where you talk about gender dynamics and that channel could be doing well It could be doing trash Okay, so if you're talking about that and you're you're not doing well You fucking suck your fucking loser because someone else is talking about that same shit and their channel is off the chain They're getting tons of views. They got tons of followers tons of subs and making great fucking money Okay, where there are also channels that just talk about comic book shit. There's channels that just talk about nerdy shit There's channels that just talk about tech shit And they're successful. They got a million subs So do you think that guy that has a million subs talking about nerd shit? Do you think he has a low quality of life? Do you think he has few friends? Do you think he struggles to date? I doubt it I doubt he's probably living a very cushy life. He's probably He's probably enjoying himself driving what he wants to drive living where he wants to live He probably has tons of friends that are in the same genre that are into the same things He's into and guess what there's a ton of groupies over there, too There's a bunch of groupies that like that nerdy shit So he found something that he was good at and he excelled in He's a winner It's something that I've never heard of So to me, I could see him and be like this fucking nerd this fucking loser. He's not a loser He's just a winner in something that I've never heard of So what I'm saying is guys have to find a lane pick a lane and and um Figure out how to excel in that lane because when I hear guys are like on the internet on youtube talking about me He's like, oh, I end this gay because he danced at a gay club. I'm exposed. I end to expose Okay, number one You're not exposing me because I already talked about this shit on my channel with with no problem. I'm not hiding anything from anybody I'm I'm transparent But then when I finally make the time to go look and see who's talking about me It's like but bro, you're not talking about anything else relevant Your channel is like nobody's heard of it You have no goddamn views going on the most views you have is talking about me and I'm not that popular What this tells me is that you're a loser because you're not winning at anything So much so that you have time to talk about someone that you've never met That you've never investigated that doesn't affect you in any way and you're not making any valid points You're not you're not saying anything meaningful. There's nothing to take from this even if it was true Okay, I end this game. Okay. Now. How does that help anybody? That follows you that subs to you How are you adding value to the people that's up to your content by exposing me for being gay? How is this helping me? You're saying that I'm not authentic. Okay. Now. Show me how you are authentic You're saying that I'm not an alpha. Okay, but how are you proving that you are alpha? Okay, you're saying that people shouldn't take or trust my advice because I didn't set a gay club Okay, great great fine. What advice are you giving that's better? What advice are you giving? Where's your advice? How are you challenging any of my advice? Are you challenging any of my talking points? No Are you debunking anything? I said No, so so what the fuck is the point of your channel? So so you see what I mean? So who has time to make this content and then worse who has time to listen to this content? I mean, let's let's put this in basic points You have a chick walking around you like right now that was just making coffee And you're and you're fucking this woman Oh, I mean living with see that's funny because someone said that oh in the video He made sure to have a woman kiss him. Goodbye. That wasn't staged to orchestrate it The same way my girl just came out of the room now and didn't know that I was recording It was the same way that day. She didn't know I was recording So she just came over and kissed me asking for the for the car keys on the record Your penis goes inside that someone's vagina just to make it very clear Not as often as it should because you know when you've been together forever and you stop having sex That's just part of being a relationship guys when you get older and you've been together for years You just stop having sex every freaking night, right? But yes, I my dick goes in my trick every day. So well my last relationship was like that too God bless you. My marriage was like that, but this relationship not like that So you're you're lucky. God bless you. But but you know, but it could happen. It could happen I have I have access right. It's not a sexless marriage or anything, right? But it was funny because someone accused me of having her as a beard right for anyone who knows what a beard is And I thought that was so funny because I was like, okay So a woman That I've been in a relationship with for over three years that I've lived with for over two years is a beard She's she's a she's a plant right and before that I lived with two women Okay, and then a couple years before that I was married for three years and I'm just like so So so I'm so I'm pretending Right, but yet I'm a person that never puts my personal woman on camera I never put my personal woman on camera. So who am I trying to trick or convince or I'm really rare with that too. Like I don't these guys you put their tricks on camera all the time They're just random women they put on it's like bro. You're gonna get me too with this shit I fucked, you know, nothing crazy like not a thousand but I fucked over a hundred women And the only two, you know, the public has ever seen me with my two girlfriends One of them was my wife That's it. If I'm not in a relationship with the chick the zero percent chance I'm gonna video for a picture with me zero You'll never find you can't get yourself in trouble. You get a criminal just exactly exactly. You can't these people to do are stupid, bro You're gonna get me too. Some girls gonna come after you for money or some shit like who knows man I don't do that shit And also there's never a picture of me and probably neither with with you neither There's not a single picture of me on the internet with a fat girl Not one because I don't fuck fat women because fat women are fucking gross Now if you like fat women and you want to admit it, that's fine, but I'm not into that shit you might you might find some with me because uh That's the thing I never dated any fat women or anything like that I used to be a dancer. So someone always wants to take a picture But that's that's another angle that these guys try they're like, oh, I end is gay because look at all these gay guys That have a yende on on on their social media Okay, so a bunch of guys that I don't know Okay, that acts to take a picture with me at events and I took pictures with them This proves what now now on my social medias. There's nothing gay there You know why because I'm not gay. I don't follow anything gay. I don't watch anything gay I don't view anything gay. So you show me pictures of guys that have posted pictures with me that I've never seen I've never been to these guys pages before I don't follow them I've never seen their their page or what they posted of me and then If if I go to the convention people are like, oh, I hand a it's you let me take a picture with you Okay, cool. I just got back from mexico every five seconds somebody's like a photo photo Can I take a picture with you because I've won a lot of bodybuilding competitions out there? So if I go to a convention, I go to a fitness expo or something There's people that are gonna want to take pictures with me So I'm just like what is that supposed to prove that I'm not just walking around acting homophobic and discriminating against people You're not proving anything other than that. I'm someone that has some type of celebrity status to people All you're proving is that people Want to take a picture with me. That's it. That's all that's all that's all you prove with that And then I'm not the type of person to be like now. Fuck you. I'm not taking a picture because There's no reason for me to be a dick Even if I don't want to take the picture. I'm not in the mood whether it's a fat land whale of a chick I'm gonna take the picture with her if it's some skinny teenage kid I'm gonna take the picture with him if it's some gay guy. I'm gonna take the picture with him. Whatever, bro I'm just being polite, right? So You know, I just feel like there's a lot of people in the atmosphere that are watching this content Just don't just name up with with no intention of improving themselves Or bettering or bettering their situation in any way So the way I see it is there's only really too many two main reasons you should be watching content That's either entertainment Or self-improvement. That's it. Either you're trying to learn something Or you you're trying to just be entertained All right I lean more towards learning something. I'm always watching history shit because I want to learn shit I'm always watching fitness and bodybuilding shit because I want to learn shit Um and self-improvement shit if I want to build something I'll kind of try to look at youtube if something's broken and I'm like, I think I could fix this fix this myself I'll go see if there's maybe a tutorial on it on youtube because I want to I want to learn shit I want to get in as much knowledge as possible the entertainment thing to me is less of a priority And I think the people that are prioritizing that Too much it's because they're not putting enough time Into working on themselves if you're if you're working so hard on yourself You're constantly working and then when you have some free time, you're like, yo, I just want to be entertained That's awesome. God bless you. But if you're just constantly looking for an escape From reality and you're looking for someone to tell you it's not your fault and you're looking for someone to tell you that It's women. It's it's this and bro. I don't feed into any of that shit. I've been this color my whole life I've never fed into racism and white supremacy and all this shit I can't stand the concept of black lives matters. It's a I've seen you go after BLM stuff when you're older videos, bro It is it is the most self-defeating bullshit. I've ever fucking seen We it's like Jordan Peterson says you've got to clean your own fucking room first Before you go out here and complain about anything else And I just feel like if you're talking about any particular community There's plenty of things for that community to work on within itself first At least at least as far as america is concerned. I'm not saying there isn't people being victimized and oppressed other places in the world Well, listen, I grew up in america Okay, and you're gonna have a hard time convincing me that in america Oppression is any americans first priority. There's nobody living in america that being oppressed is their biggest issue I refuse to agree with that if you're poor in america, you could become rich Okay, um, if you're of any uh, ethnic background in america There are no like actual laws or anything like that that are really holding you back There are some things that are unfair obviously Okay, there's a lot of things that are put in place to try to slow you down But there's nothing that can absolutely stop you in america. I do not believe that I believe in america Go ahead. There are serious problems too around the world. There's still like 10 20 million people enslaved in africa or something like that Right, that's what I'm saying child child slavery and sex slavery. It's like really serious shit that goes on People just ignore this shit. That's my point And to talk about first world problems. So I don't want to hear women complain in america I don't want to hear blacks complain in america. I feel like all of our issues that we have in america We have them as americans. I don't think it's like This group has a problem that group has a problem. I think we have a problem We have a problem with the way our country is being ran We have a problem with the way that our economy is going because as individuals we have such a lack of understanding how these things work Um, I think we lack leadership in our communities Things like that. I think our american problems, right? Not black american problems not black women problems Not not american women problems. We have these problems as a group, right? To even be divided and fighting over this abortion shit It's just a great example of how confused and lost we are as a nation. Like this is what we're arguing over I'm missing the bigger picture the bigger picture. There's so many there's so many major elements of that That are far more, um, disturbing Then what we're actually arguing about which is the right To get an abortion which isn't even a right to begin with but the fact that they were able to convince us That was a constitutional right at one point in time And then now they've overturned that And we're not even realizing that they just showed you that they can overturn a constitutional right you fucking idiot And and it was never a constitutional right to begin with so they tricked you into thinking that that was a constitutional Right, and then they just tricked you into it accepting them taking away a constitutional, right? Which is something that they should never be able to take away So if so if it was a constitutional, right, they should have never been able to overturn it And based on what a constitutional right is we should have never been gullible enough to believe that that's a constitutional right It's not Right. Yeah, right to scam and then and then it's a silly argument to even begin with And then they're using it to divide and conquer us into to pitch men and women against each other And now it's like oh, well, maybe the women should go on a sex strike Like what what are we even talking about anymore if women went on a sex strike? Then there wouldn't be any unwanted pregnancies like this shit doesn't even make any sense But we're arguing over it. Yeah, I like to say that you hear a lot about you know For better and for worse race relations in america on the news and shit Well, you never hear about what they should talk about is gender relations, which are collapsing And you see that like what we're talking about the fighting men and women But also just in dating and relationships the whole shit show of the modern sexual marketplace It's fucking collapsing if there's a stock market it'd be in a free fall collapse at this point Everything's fucking crazy at this point gender roles masculinity. Yeah, it's a trick and I made a video Showing you I made a video pointing out all the parallels and the similarities To the divide and conquer tactics amongst the different groups how they use the exact same blueprint So there's a time in history where they were convincing white people in america That they were better than and superior to black people that black people were these terrible people And it was all this propaganda that went into convincing you that all black people were criminals They they were feeble minded They were lower intelligence all these type of things they sabotage the public school system They did all of this shit to get to demonize Black people and convince white people to have a certain type of prejudice against them Then you fast forward to the modern day and now they flipped it So it used to be okay to use derogatory terms to describe black people openly It used to be fine legal encouraged now they flipped it So now you can say anything negative you want about cisgendered white males now It's okay to attack and discriminate against uh straight white men They also Yeah, but they also sneak sneak back some of the black stuff now it used to be uh with it You know colored people right black people now they say people of color It's like you you just you just said the same Yeah, it's the same fucking thing 50 years ago. You just switched the words around We're just switching around. It's just it's just an offensive anyway, but it's the perspective that they've conditioned you to have So now it's okay to to publicly criticize and demonize and talk about this group of people But not this group of people right? Yeah, but 60 years ago. It was reversed So now it you used to be able to say a bunch of um Offensive things about women in the past used to be able to say a lot of little slick shit If you listen to where they talked in the 20s 30s 40s in the 50s They said a lot of slick shit about women Sean Sean Connery in the 80s. You've probably seen this to barbara. We got bond. He said to barbara walters, you know He needs to slap a woman and he does he tried she tried to get him to back down He's like no, I'm not backing down. Sometimes you got to slap a woman You would never see that now, but this is Whether or not this is true. Whatever. It's but but but a but a woman could say it today is my point That's right. So you see how you see how they flipped it. So the men used to be able to say these things Uh about women used to be able to take these jabs and say things that that could be insensitive Could be offensive openly on tv interviews in movies, whatever Um, and then now you flip it and now women can do all those things in public on tv on the news on So what you're saying is like on the view, I think you're right One of these checks could say, you know, sometimes you need to slap your husband, you know Sometimes you just got to say that you're right because they could say that And they would get away with it. Yeah and 30 years ago you couldn't do that. That's what I'm saying. So they flip it so So they use media As of recently to convince women that men are terrible and that you don't want to be in relationships with women That it's better. I mean, sorry, you don't want to be in relationships with men It's better not to depend on men. It's better not to live with men It's better not to marry men not to have children not to be relationships with men focus on your education focus on your career Focus on so basically they've been telling women To go their own way. Yeah, it sounds like that should now You look at the direction we're going now and where's the direction we're going now Now there now it's the men that are responding by saying, you know what? I don't want to deal with women anymore I don't want to be in a relationship with women anymore So all I'm saying is they use the same tactics And they create this tone and then after it gets accepted in its mainstream Then they flip it now and they put it on the other side and then that's how you create that divide Because now that divide will never be mended. Look at how we've never mended the racial issues in america We've never mended them. But look how long ago they started Creating that divide now it's solidified and there's too much history just like the bloods and crypts So present day bloods and crypts might have not actually physically done anything to each other But they still have this feud going on because of the past generations So that's what we have now with blacks and whites and what we have now with men and women and like idiots We're falling for this same fucking strategy. So now we have men and women swearing each other off When in all actuality their lives will be better if they just learned how to get along much like Our nation will be better if we cut all this race shit out and just considered ourselves Americans and we were just Americans We would get over all the other shit real fast. We would get over it Okay, but we keep on creating these differences We got to have something on mtv and then we have to have a black version of it on bet Why why can't we just have an american version? Yeah What the fuck this is true, man. Hey, I want to take a super chat. We got one super chat Thanks for super chat dollar 99 from dawn one plague is zero Uh, thanks. What do you guys think of women talking about rp red pill? Um, we talked about this a little bit earlier. I don't think he's talking about chameleons necessarily. It sounds like in general But I did find I did find my girlfriend was going after this This hoe the real film sapien ali drummond. She blocked her and she blocked me as well I never even tweeted at her. I don't think Alyssa did either But you know, it it's not about this specific girl unnecessarily because there's just a lot Of women now talking about red pill stuff. It's this whole fucking thing, you know from different different angles too Right content creators like the one we just showed pearly is another content creator. Her channel is getting big It's got 150,000 more subs right now. Whatever There's a bunch of little ones popping up, you know, these like, you know, red pill Chick channels and shit, but also you get like hose on these Green-haired hoes on these like, you know podcasts and shit And that's presented as like normal and then they talk about, you know sexual dynamics and all this shit Anyway, what do you think about women talking about red pill? Should this be done at all? I mean a little bit. Is it too much? Well, I don't think that, um The red pill is something that we can just kind of Take an isolate to men even though. Yes, obviously men created the concept they created the term or whatever But that's just what men do in general. We created everything, but we can't just keep it to ourselves Um, so are women allowed to have an opinion on NASCAR? Yeah, they can have an opinion how much you value it as an individual that's up to you But to say that women shouldn't speak on NASCAR. I think that's crazy So yes, I think women should be able to speak about and have views and opinions on red pill concepts The idea of of of something having a completely different reality other than what's presented That's what red pill content is about. It's about the showing you this but it's really like this over here behind their back Um, so can women have an outlook in an opinion on that? Absolutely because they are they're also being lied to they also believe certain things about our reality that aren't true Are they gonna have a similar perspective as men? Absolutely not They're gonna have a completely different understanding and perspective and I think that's why it's valuable Because they exist. They're here too. They share um, the experience with us, so Should they lead? No, I don't think women should really lead much of anything. Should they participate? Absolutely. Absolutely I think they should be participating I think the problem is is that we keep trying to exclude them from these things when really what we should be doing is Holding their hands and being the arbiters of these environments And that's what my goal was bringing women into The man's fair and bringing them on to podcasts It wasn't to degrade them and expose them and all this other shit It was to let them have an opportunity To speak their side of it and then we could discuss it and then we as men could tell them why that's not what it is And this is why it's not working and this is why you guys are looking at it from the wrong perspective This is why you're misinterpreting men's behavior and men's uh, uh comments and desires You're not understanding where we're coming from. Let's talk about it and um Us saying you're not allowed. I don't think it's going to work saying no girls allowed. I don't think that's going to work for us Yeah, they I think an opinion, you know an observational opinion and even having an opinion That's not a big problem But I think what he might also be getting at is stuff like this which is a lot more explicit And this precedes the rep this precedes the repel. She's familiar with repel stuff in the man's sphere. Uh, this trick Your wing man Do you wonder if you got a big channel 228,000 subs? She looks like she's in her 40s Late 40s. I don't know But anyway, she's she's one of the female dating coaches and there's a bunch of them on youtube kesie and obel's another one Right dudes dudes listen to these chicks for dating advice and it's like bro kesie and obel's an ex stripper Like I know I know this for a fact because I know rex boyfriend and the whole fucking dramatic shit show behind all that I mean, she's she's like probably 15 years deep in the man's sphere or something But dudes listen to this check who just has her tits out and it's like bro This is for for what they consider red pill dating advice and it's like So fucking dumb like do not take dating advice from strippers guys well Here's the thing though because for me, I think I think information is um Is always going to be valuable in telling regardless. It's just how good are you at interpreting it? How how good are you at differentiating it, you know using discernment? And I think it's just weird how you have a lot of guys today That well, it's not weird. I mean, I understand why this one has almost a million subs No, no, I had What a fucking disaster No, no, I trust me. I've watched a lot of her videos for different for different reasons, but What I'm saying is I understand how guys get to this way of thinking Because you have such a large population of men that have been raised Primarily by women they've been raised by single mothers and then their single mothers only keep them around their female friends Their sisters. So now you have them around their aunts. They're around their mom and they're around their mother's friends So from a young age the female perspective is the only perspective that they're getting female conversations of all the conversations They're overhearing and then when male issues are being discussed or men are being discussed are being discussed by women So women are complaining about the men women are Saying this and saying the men should be doing this and should be like that So as a young boy you start getting this understanding that women are the arbiters Women are the ones that decide what's right and what's wrong How you should be what a real man is how a man should behave Then when they leave the home or they're not around the family, where are they they're at school? Well, what are their teachers female? So once again, you have a female being the arbiter of what's appropriate behavior You have a female telling you every time you act like a boy you're misbehaving Every time you get bored with woman shit. You have a tension deficit disorder every time you act like a guy Something's wrong Okay, so now when you leave that you go to the workplace. What happens at the workplace They have some under qualified woman managing you So now there's a woman at work telling you how you should be and what you should be doing and has the authority to fire you Or promote you then you start saying hey, I really want a girlfriend. I really want to spend time with a girl I really want to go out with this girl. I want to meet that girl So what happens now you start having to act we as to what she's approves of what she Likes and what she wants to try to get close to her So what just happened you spent your entire fucking life based on what women think want approve of Um and and and believe so now when you're trying to figure out what you're doing wrong Who do you look to? A whamen a woman is gonna tell me what i'm doing wrong a woman is gonna tell me how to get a woman a woman Is gonna tell me how to get late. It's it's mommy issues I think a lot of the man is for content creators are really just mommy issues writ large a lot of them Not all of them, but like probably 70 percent of them And and those women are monopolizing on that That phenomena of men acting like women or who decide what's what in our society And and it's really it just comes from a lack of fathers and father figures and older brothers because it's not just fathers It's just Male in general you need fathers. You need uncles. You need older brothers You need older male friends. You need older classmates You need bigger older guys on your foot on your sports teams coaches coaches Right, you need all of these strong males To help you become a well-rounded strong male And a lot of these guys since it was never in their childhood They never gravitated towards it and nowadays if a coach seeks a child You're like a potential pedophile or something like for a guy to try to reach out to a young guy And be like, hey, you know, let me let me try to mentor you. Let me try to guide you People think that's weird. That's creepy. Why are you taking an interest in young guys? So we vilified We vilified everything about masculinity. This is the end result. Is that a football coach? I had really good football coaches growing up man. They're masculine fucking dudes You should have seen a pissed off they were when they had to They were forced by the principal to take a girl on the football team as a good kicker Showing he lasted like a month, but It was a sanctuary of what we're trying to do here and every other society prior to this one Understood that they separated their boys and girls for a reason because that's how the development needs to take place Okay, we need to have boy scouts. Okay, we we need to have that separation Because boys and girls um learn differently They think act and interact with the world different and then as boys get to a certain age females become a distraction They start to prevent us from becoming ourselves because we're constantly worried about what they think So we can't be ourselves around that we can't fail in front of them You know, we can't take chances and take risk in front of them because we're worried about what the girl we like or think is cute thinks so For that reason, we need to be separated from them so that we can grow and mature Properly And then what happens is when you exclude women They're gonna have a certain type of response in this modern society. So when you look at little boys, right? And they want to go build clubhouses and they want to go get into trouble They want to you know, take bikes apart and build their own, you know, custom bike They want to do all those type of cool things as little boys when the little girls come around and say, hey, um You know, we weren't present when you were collecting materials We weren't present when you were hammering nails and hurting yourself We weren't present when you were climbing trees and picking a location to build your clubhouse But now that you've built it Okay, now that it's sturdy now that you ran an extension wire up there You have a fan and it's comfortable We want to come play in your in your clubhouse and that's when the guys are like, listen We're in the process of making a no girl sign right now So give us a couple of minutes and we're going to go ahead and put up a sign that says no girls Ew And then what are the girls going to do they're going to go run and tell an adult mommy mommy They won't let us play Now here's where we need that father because that father is supposed to step in and say honey They have their own little thing. They have their own little space Let boys be boys. Don't you want to have a tea party? Don't you want to play with your Bobby? No, I want to go in there and play in the clubhouse Listen, honey, you have to respect their space if they want to play with you They'll come down and play with you if they want you to come up they'll invite you But it's not up to me. That's their personal space. They built that clubhouse Nobody's having that fucking conversation with girls So they're going to grow up and become grown women And then when you try to exclude them from a job a company that they're not qualified to work in They're going to go say that it's discrimination. It's not discrimination Is that where were you when we were building this fucking company? Where were you when we were building this environment when we were taking risk? You were nowhere to be found. You were well, where were all these red pill chicks when the manister is getting built in the 1990s But that's that's my point Where were all these chicks when they were building twitch when twitch was a struggling platform and content creators on twitch Couldn't make a dollar They couldn't even afford to buy more video games. They couldn't afford to pay their internet service Where we're we're all the feet. Where are the poke manes then? Right, but now these girls are becoming millionaires on twitch and they suck at video games How is that even possible because they're blood sucking leeches off of simps, man? They just prey on beta males right, but they're like, but the beta is allowed though That's true. That's true. I mean it's it's definitely a mutually uh toxic relationship And everybody is miserable and nobody is happy I saw chick of the day, um, my friend Pat Stedman when I do really good dating coach guys who just fuck you'll meet him at 20 on this year He was tweeting about uh What was her name? niece woodhofer some shit like that. She was an instagram star She had like 4 million fucking instagram followers only fans like very very standard kind of thing. She killed herself And after she posted on like a reddit a subreddit where they it's like roast me subreddit It's this big subreddit where you post a picture yourself you make sure you verify it And then you just like get roast me right and some dude is fucking laid into her and she had killed herself from it as far as I could tell Suicide and it's like this is We we look at the simps and the incels or whatever interesting say that they're miserable and unhappy and this is all fucking This is retarded, but it's all the women. So the women it's all they're all fucking unhealthy retards Like that's kind of oversimplifying it, but it's really The guys don't know this because just like I was saying earlier when you were talking about You know going to a convention and going somewhere for work and meeting a beautiful woman hooking up with her Just like spontaneous. It wasn't even planned or attended Guys can't relate to that because it never happens to them Well, this is why guys don't know what the lives of these instagram models are really like Because they don't know them in real life and i'm always trying to tell guys It's not what you think, you know what i'm saying? I used to be a bouncer at a strip club I've managed many of of dancers. I've managed girls that have Only fans that used to do webcam before only before only fans was a thing So I know what these girls are like these girls that have all these followers and make all this money monetizing their sexuality I've dated plenty of female bartenders. So I understand their mentality of psyche how they are behind closed doors And I don't know these women the way that their fans do like a lot of these girls I don't know them through social media. I know them through real fucking life So you know so guys will be like yo this girl follows you It's like she doesn't follow me because I followed her on instagram and she likes my pictures too She follows me because I met her in real life I met her on earth earth one that's where I met her at and then after meeting her in real life Then we added each other to social media. So you see what I mean? So I know these girls without the filters I know these girls without the captions and all the bullshit that they claim And I know that these girls are single these girls are lonely These girls have issues from their childhood. These girls were molested girl. These women have all type of demons um, and that's usually the the the makeup of girls that choose these Industries they they usually have these things in common Um, so they're and they didn't they didn't have some loving father And then she ends up a huge only fans slut with four million followers Like you'd be kidding me. That's what I'm trying to say and I've met a lot of girls that are like Oh, I always wanted the only fans. It's like why you didn't get one Oh My dad, okay, my dad. It's always my dad something. I'm like that's interesting That that that girls will say they wanted an only fans, but they never got one and it's always something to do with having a dad The father, you know what I mean a man who loved them and set an example for them I mean, that's this is basic shit But you need it as a chick and if you don't you know fixing that is extremely hard and almost never happens Well, that craving attention comes from And I and I see it in some guys I see it in some even content creators some of these guys They will sit here and lie on the mic And they'll pan they'll do whatever because they just need that male validation They need that male attention and I'm thinking to myself man, there are guys that Their psychologists have said listen the reason why this person became a homosexual Was because he was craving male attention and the only male attention he could get was sexual And then I'm like well, how is that any better than these content creators that's willing to pretend to be somebody or not Because they're craving male attention. It's like dads are so valuable and when they're not in the equation It's like any number of things could go wrong when you remove The the the the father right and I'm not saying that all fathers are perfect because obviously you have fathers that are abusive Your fathers are alcoholics. You have fathers that cause the problems Um, but genuinely speaking if there isn't a good father in the home Any number of issues can stem from that and these issues are lifelong issues. So The women out of women that get naked in front of strangers They almost always have issues with their father for the price for the price of a cheeseburger You can go only fans and buy girls vagina picture of vagina for like literally four or five dollars And that short-term thinking that that short-term thinking also comes from a lack of a father because the father's the one I'm supposed to explain to you that it's not just how it affects you right now It's how it's going to affect you in the future moving forward years from now one so on and so forth Well, that's true for the men too. They're like you're pointing out here with that I didn't think about that as much as uh as you put out here But these male content creators who lie they create these these fake lives and all this bullshit These guys who are terrible with women and then go on the internet and give hard line dating advice When they haven't hooked up with the girl in two three years, like it's it's insane beyond insane, right? But they're they're seeking that male validation and a lot of it. I think you're right is from like father hunger They're hungry for that that male validation. Yeah, that male approval somebody telling them that you're cool Or you're good at something or you're good enough But like the chicks they're not thinking long term and they don't get it When you lie on the internet the internet never forgets and you lie and lie and lie for months and years and years And you build up this huge fake persona, right? And there's so many different variations of this, you know guys I think mid-life crisis is in their fifties like the the fraud father younger guys in the thirties and forties whatever That should catch us up to you men You built a life of lies a house of cards jesse lee peterson fucking case number one that dude's in his 70s I do this senior citizen that was a shocker to me like I never because the guy who talks about those issues You would have never thought not him, you know what I mean, but Definitely him flame together burn together pride boys for life I honestly had no problem with this guy a couple weeks ago, man I mean this this blew my mind too I've been so aggressive with the memes that gone after and people They overlooked that that this was someone who I was a speaker at my convention Was very popular, you know had helped promote my convention I had I didn't want to do any harm to this guy Or his reputation anyway until I found out he was been lying to my face for all these years And all of my customers and all of my fans and everyone else on the fucking internet That should piss me off pretty bad And it kept me blindsided, you know, I hadn't see it, you know, thursday night I didn't know shit friday night. I go to bed and look at this documentary. I'm like, oh fuck This is not good Yeah The news too hit the news on thursday man. It's thursday street, but you know what that's the thing because You know, and I you know, I experienced that real early in youtube was just like listen when people have The numbers when they have the majority They're protected bro because you got to think about it for him to be doing what he was doing There was that means there's so many people that knew and He was protected and there were so many people that were quiet. They were scientists, right? so I mean, you know, the bible is going to tell you that that righteous path is always going to be much narrower and have much fewer travelers Than that broader path. So, you know, when people act like you're not right because the person that you're, you know Contesting has more followers than you and if you if you were the authentic one Then you would be the one with all the subs. I was like, I'm like that according to the bible because You know, the the the the person that's trying to be honest and trying to be genuine is always going to get less support Yeah, then then the motherfuckers that are devious. You're 100 right. That's not how real life works for these It's with hunting creators anyway any kind of public figure like People don't want to hear the truth. They think they do sometimes the red pill of man is for guys or an example of that They don't really want it because when you tell them, hey brud's your fault You're a fucking loser You can't get your dick in woman because you're a fucking loser and you're a fucking loser because it's your fucking choice And you don't want to hear that because you don't want to change it. You don't be stopping a lazy ass That's the kind of truth that they don't want to hear but when they they want the sweet lies It's not their fault. Exactly. It's not that they don't this is what it is is that they want a truth They want a truth that supports Um that supports their pre-existing pre-existing beliefs Exactly. So it's like it it's like if okay, I'll give you an example average guy Failing with women therefore women aren't worth it So any content that's gonna tell me that Women aren't worth it. Just focus on yourself. Just focus on making money and then when you make your money Then you can treat women like shit. It's like Okay, so now what's happening is that message is appealing to to to your to your animosity because You want to believe that you're failing with women because women aren't worth it Not that you're failing with women because you're doing something wrong Then it's that message is telling you that should you ever be in a position that you can get girls That you should be punishing them for not choosing you when you were a loser Okay, that's that's your resentment. So so you're looking for a message that feeds that Right, but but all of that Right is low frequency because Something that's telling you that it's not your fault that you shouldn't make any adjustments and you shouldn't improve anything about you That's a low vibration and then something telling you that you should be Feeding into resentment That's also a little vibration or something telling you should feed into jealousy or any of these negative emotions anything That's encouraging you to feed into that is a lower vibration So someone will show me a book where someone was trying to say that like Jealousy and envy and all of these things were just Expected human traits and that other people's jealousy and envy isn't your problem And I was like that's absolutely false because first of all, it's a choice on how you want to respond To to those type of stimulations meaning if you see a guy and he's doing better than you or has more than you It's your choice if you want to respond with jealousy or envy or if you want to respond with aberration and appreciation And then say how can I befriend this guy? How can I get to know this guy? How can I maybe get some advice from this guy some guidance from this guy? How can I learn from this guy? How can I learn to be better and get and get better results like him? That's a choice if you would rather just say fuck him. Fuck this chat. Fuck this tyro Oh, fuck this guy. It's just because he's tall. Fuck this guy just because his parents had money Fuck this guy. It's just because this it's like You chose that you chose that easier and that and that kind of response And that kind of dumb shit response is exactly what passes as a red pill today. That's a cold barrage That's what i'm saying. That's where it's pill today. Blame right. It's blaming somebody else. Yeah, it's pathetic And then also saying that all those type of emotions are someone else's someone else's problem No, motherfucker. That's gonna become your problem So you have guys that are shitty as hell and if anybody criticizes them, they'll say, oh, they're just hating You know hate comes from below. It's like are they hating or they or do they have some some accurate criticisms here? So there's a lot of people that doesn't even make any sense because like the media goes after people sometimes They've come after me and my events for women and stuff They have you know millions of followers millions and millions and millions Are they beneath me because they have they have 20 million followers and they're beneath me This is fucking delusional. That's that's what i'm trying to say, but there's a lot of guys They try to hide behind that You know when they are doing well and they do have the numbers they try to act like anybody that's challenging them or Criticizes them. It's automatically hating. It's automatically jealous automatically envious Well, you know what these these dumb fucking betas are gullible enough to believe that shit You're right. It's a cover. Right. They use this, you know views or subscriber. Whatever. It's a cover It's a front to keep duping these dumb fucking betas All they need is one explanation for why this is not true, right? Oh, it's not true because I say so it's not true because Whatever like these people fucking believe anything and you wonder why because they want to because they want to believe So that's why I kind of give up with the trying to like expose That these people are Lying to their to the following and trying to take advantage of them and it's also why I stopped Feeling the need to care for or defend that demographic because I'm like hold on These guys don't want to be saved. These guys don't want to be held. These guys want to believe this bullshit Yeah, that's right one of you want to justify giving these guys your money and it's like, you know what? That's the same argument When guys are trying to justify giving their money to an only fans model So you know what go ahead and give that bit your money and go ahead and give this fucking fake ass Fucking dating coach your money. Go ahead. Give them both your fucking money idiot. Go broke You know what I'm saying believing that this only fans bitch really likes you and go broke Believe me that this fucking dating coach knows what he's talking about and he's actually trying to help you go broke You're right They that I just make memes because it pisses them off and I like insulting them and they deserve to be insulted If you want to be He's making an art out of it. Oh, absolutely. I love it. I love it Well, what it does is if there are any left in there that will are capable of waking up to reality on this These issues it's making them laugh and being ultra savage with the art that I think actually does it over time Because they cannot laugh. It's too funny. It's like, oh, yeah Yeah, art art does have a miss piggy, bro Who's not gonna laugh at miss piggy? His wife is miss piggy. I mean, come on. That's funny That should yo that I'm telling you right now that one right there No, that's he thinks he thinks like that Make me not have any type of like remorse For their fan base because I feel like if you see What he's doing right if you see how much he's riding on these other people's nuts Constantly trying to ride somebody else's coattails making fun of him. He makes fun of fat woman. He makes fun of fat woman Right, you're trying you're trying to stay relevant Jumping on these all these new bandwagons, right? Then you're like constantly trying to like like bash black women Not because you're trying to actually make sense of it or trying to analyze or break it down But you're trying to bash black women and act as if somehow like white women and all other women are better than black women It's like, all right. Well You're doing you're doing a lot of distasteful things just to kind of try to stay relevant and get some type of views You're struggling to stay on youtube and I get it because you invested a lot into the studio and the equipment and Choosing this career But then also the woman that you're wifing up and dating and justifying and bringing her into the fold and Giving her some type of celebrity. You're doing all this type of things. So what I'm trying to say is The the viewers that are sitting back and watching this the subs that are subbed to that If you're buying into this shit and you're falling for this bullshit Then that I don't feel sorry for you that I don't feel any need to tap you on the shoulder and be like Yo, these guys aren't what they say they are these guys are lying. These guys are taking a bet I'm like fuck that if you're that dumb Go ahead. Stay there. You belong there knock yourself out This is your this is their guru like this is your big guru. Okay. Have fun with the shark mama Right because I'm not because I'm not hating on the numbers knock yourself out. I'm not hating on the numbers I've listened to all of these channels um From the perspective of a sub So Whatever the hell there was to take and absorb I've already got it like I'm already absorbed and I'm I'm I'm on about my way because You know, let's let's say somebody is you know, they know 80 percent You know, they have 80 of knowledge in this particular area and I have 55 percent You know information in this area I can listen to that person's content and try to learn as much as I can But once I start getting to right around where they are or exceed them There really isn't any incentive anymore for me to pay attention because you're not saying anything I haven't heard I'm not learning anything over here anymore And that particular channel I stopped learning like Early like early so so I'm not gonna say there was never anything there But I just noticed that it started to get less and less interesting to me personally I'm not saying that someone else doesn't there isn't still something to learn there So all these channels they have something there a little bit of something there some more than others How much of it is? um Original now that's a whole other argument because well a lot of what Look you mentioned fishing earlier as an analogy a bait has to be good bait Even if it's fake it has to look like a fish even now they they put they put scents on little baits and shit, right? It's got to look legit look real a little bit Yeah and smell and taste you know real for the for the fish ship and a lot of fish were smart A lot of fish were smart enough to spit it out or smart enough to avoid it because they can tell it's synthetic But you know a lot of these channels majority of what is there the little bit that's there majority of that Is recycled shit anyway, so it's just like if you're if you're 22 and you're you you get on a certain people's Platform you're like oh shit. Wow. Wow. Wow. Yeah, it's new to you because you're 22 But the shit that they're saying that is true Isn't their shit anyway. It's recycled shit anyway So if you're 34 35 you've heard that shit already you heard that shit five years ago on a completely completely different channel so Um and then a lot of the channels that are popular now. They don't have any element of philosophy in it So when I first started listening to this this in this area, I was already late I was already late to the party 2016. That's late to the party But there still wasn't a lot of content creators that were They were philosophizing like there was philosophy there still there was still a lot of discussion being had like you're listening to um Uh human and I'm listening to sand man. I'm listening to to uh thinking ape and I'm I'm listening to turd flinging monkey and No, a bunch of other channels that I can't think of right this this minute a guy. I liked was this I'll show you do coltain because he was all about data. He was all about like the actual data What was the channel name? um coltain The guy's name is coltain and he's remember he stopped making content There was mixtape one-on-one. It was actually a good channel. I think that was a channel I think it was australian Reminded me of that guy, but yeah, yeah, I was listening to that too And it's not because I agree with everything these guys said it was simply that Nobody agreed with everything these guys said it was men having these open discussions and men Philosophizing and saying, you know, why is this this and I think this I believe this it seems like this The data is showing that but what about this and we never really can understand this It was a lot of questions being asked Basically is what I'm saying right so a lot of a strange of ideas going back and forth right and it was Encouraging you to actually think about these issues rather than just accept everything on face value And I think that's how a lot of guys get into trouble They just accept things the way that they're presented and then later they find out something's not right This isn't adding up. I thought this was supposed to equal that. Well, I was a nice guy Well, I did what I was supposed to do. I did everything everyone told me to do Why am I not getting what I was promised? So It's because you're asking these questions now. You weren't asking these questions earlier So I felt the matter sphere was a healthy place for men because it it uh, inspired thought it made guys think Think think critically critically. Yeah, right think critically think about all these things question everything Now I feel like guys are questioning nothing They're just accepting what they're being told. Yes. It's because women are bad. Yes. It's because female nature. Yes It's because of racism. Yes. It's because of this. Yes, it's because no hold on Let's let's peel back these layers and understand these things And then as an individual man start behaving in a way that's going to move you towards the result that you want You're gonna you're gonna always have to go against the odds to win as a man So I'm tired guys acting like they're entitled to something You're not entitled to anything if you look at nature most males most male mammals live and die never procreating Okay They're not entitled to shit. They're not entitled to territory. They're not entitled entitled to mating rights They're not entitled to resources. They're not entitled to shelter. You're not entitled to shit Okay, born as a male a male of any fucking mammals speech Species you're not entitled to shit. You might get eaten by something bigger than you you might get mauled to death Okay, you might have all the females taken from you You might have your cubs Slaughtered and you and you and you and your women taken and your territory taken You you can't afford to break a leg spring an ankle None of that Right. It's competitive And you have to challenge yourself And go against the odds is what I'm trying to say if you're trying to beat an alpha You're trying to be at the top. You're trying to be successful. Essentially what that means is that you beat out other males So so so so by definition the majority can't win by definition you cannot be in the majority and Have more than um than what you have so All this whining and acting like someone owes you something is is is becoming Pathetic in the man is for the man is for his becoming pathetic and what happens is now when someone from the outside Looks at it. That's the interpretation that they get of all of us now They get the interpretation that we're all pathetic. We're all a bunch of whiny babies Because it's called the man is fear. So it represents men. So they're thinking men in general are a bunch of weak cry babies Complaining about what they don't have and what they're not being given in life as if men are given anything so Those are just some of the things that I don't like about where the man is fear is uh Currently Okay. All right. So I had to check that check that chat guys All right. So real quick. I'm looking at my chat as some stuff in here um So, yeah, amazing video says yena. You need to make a video about your granddad Uh, I think I should I think I should do that. I should definitely make a video about About that. He's very inspiring dude. Um Man, are you thinking life a porn movie and that I didn't understand that one that comment Or who he's talking to Oh, I guess he's talking to the alchemist. I don't know what that means Uh Black Pope Andrew Tate is authentically the dark triad dude that some red pill guys tried to eliminate I'm not sure Yeah, I think a lot of us are criticizing where the red pill is going So I don't know what Tate said that it's considered throwing red pill under the bus but Yeah, I think a lot of a lot of content creators right now starting to To Criticize where the red pill is going and what's going on with the red pill Hey, sorry about that, man. I take a huge take piss. No, no problem. Just looking at some of these, uh comments Yeah Yeah, somebody's asking me am I planning on having a family? Yeah, I'm just trying to set myself up in a way where I feel like I can Have ultimate control or not ultimate but as much control as possible over my family the way things are going now We're going to lose a lot of control as citizens. So I'm just like I don't know what it's going to be like being a father when they're trying to vaccinate your kid and Crypto currency is coming in. They're going to have blockchain for information. So with the teaching your children, you're not going to have any say so over They're going to have drag drag, uh queens coming to school teaching your kid. They're alphabets. I don't know So that's why I haven't started a family yet is that I'm I don't feel that I have figured out Where to have this family and how to Lead and raise this family the way that I see fit, you know in a traditional way So that's my issue. But having a family having a wife and having kids I don't think there's anything wrong with any of those those aspects. It's the current day that that um That troubles me or worries me Yeah, things are getting pretty rough man. It's definitely been worse, but the Is the bizarre and insanely Perverse way that world that we have to you know, you know If you end up having kids have to raise kids and it's pretty wild man Like you mentioned the drag the drag queen shit and like the vac shit and like all this Freedom to be a parent to be a father to lead your family. That's like going down the drain really really fast I think it's already It's already What state in what country but yeah, well, you know, definitely what country but I mean like as far as america is concerned majority of the states I think I think but the fathers That are able to be fathers. I think they're being allowed To be fathers, you know what I mean? I almost feel like I I almost feel like They're fortunate. I feel like they're lucky. Like they're lucky. They're being they're being let be a father if that makes any sense Yeah, no Language is important and it's like when people Even independent of political stuff, you know, it's when a guy is like, you know I'm allowed to make decisions in my house. It's like motherfucker. You you don't make shit if you're allowed to make decisions You don't do shit, bro. You have no But that's how I feel that it is I feel like I feel like the guys that are like Being a dad and all of that. I feel like it's like that's like that's because your wife is letting you like Like your wife at the moment is letting you do that. But if any given time she decided, you know what? Fuck this. I'm not happy. It's over for you. Just take the damn kids And and um and you can't do shit about it. So you're so basically Yeah, this this to me too is so toxic and dysfunctional for human beings that If this doesn't get fixed, I think, you know, we're facing the fall of Rome my view is that basically I don't know if you can still hear me, but Basically masculinity and femininity are some of the most basic building blocks of any country and any civilization And we've screwed that we've screwed that shit up, whether it's divorce and marriage Or kind of more dating shit, you know, whatever doesn't matter All of it is so fucked that if this doesn't get fixed America's gonna fall apart like this century the whole empire not just america but all the the Allied countries canada the the west basically well, I think it's inevitable I think I think it's inevitable and I think what they're doing is They're setting they're setting america up to be in this this this awkward position where america is viewed as Like okay america is going to be this type of opposition But the way the rest of the view the world is going to view it as is that You are being uh, what's the word for it, man? We're going to be viewed as this This uh, this arrogant Um hurdle that needs to be overcome. All right. Let me just give me some examples of what i'm trying to say right now. They're pushing Um This energy crisis They're pushing this conflict in the ukraine as being the scapegoat for why our economy is about to crash They're going to start pushing all these environmental issues that are going to allow them to pass all these laws and just give The powers that beat um ultimate control over humanity And in all these other countries, they are already way further ahead Um With these things that they want to implement like for example when you go to like latin america You can't they don't give you plastic bags with your groceries if you go buy groceries You go to any store you buy anything like you have to bring your own bag when you're carrying it out in your hand They don't give you a bag which your purchase is and if they do offer a bag a plastic bag You have to pay for that plastic bag So it'd be like five cents or whatever for that plastic bag So it's a mental conditioning right and what they're trying to get you to believe is that all of a sudden the environment is in You know this dire situation and that every little plastic bag is polluting the earth and but which is bullshit It's just all about are they properly disposing of these materials If if they're if they're recycling like they're supposed to be and the disposing of the materials like they charge the taxpayers to Then none of these things would be an issue But what i'm saying is years ago, they set it up this way on purpose so that later They could use the environment being at risk As the leverage to get people to follow these rules and follow these laws now just just hear me out here It's a quick little rant So what happens is they don't implement these things in america first So for example when you go to when you're in certain countries and you order say fast food You won't have a lid or a straw for your drink. They'll just give you a drink in a cup They won't be no lid. There'll be no straw. So they're already eliminating any Um unnecessary plastics or whatever wherever they can but yet they don't do this they don't do this in america though So they're saving all of this for last in america so that when the time comes since we're the country of freedom We're the country of freedom of of speech and all this other type of shit They're gonna save us till the end and then they're gonna start to act like oh It's because of america america refuses to adhere to these rules america is being selfish america is this america is that So that when they finally get america to acquiesce What america stood for is now erased If you understand what i'm trying to say because we stand for freedom we stand for hey, you can't treat me like that because i'm a human being i'm equal to everyone else, you know This is inevitable though. I don't know It's inevitable right but but it's already decided is what i'm trying to say They're just saving us for last so that when so when the time comes The whole world teams up on us and says you have to accept Your your speech being policed you have to accept all these new regulations to protect the environment You have to get vaccinated you have to do this you have to do this because it's for the safety of all of us It's for the safety of the planet. How dare you? um think that your personal freedoms um and your bodily autonomy is more important than the environment How dare you as an american that kind of social pressure though you're saying like a social pressure thing basically Against the united states. No, it's this is real. I agree. I just think it might be it might be like a fuse It sets off a powder keg Like that's the problem. It's a good. It's a good problem to have i'm glad we have it But like this country has a lot of guns And there's still a lot of people willing to fight and die for what they for what they believe in in spite of what the media tells You and tries to portray and downplay like there's a lot of guns in this country and a lot of men But the thing is what i'm trying to say is that's that's why they're going to be able to demonize that mentality though because Now they're going to be able to say that all those traditional americans are terrorists now That's what i'm trying to say now Now they're going to be able to label you as a terrorist if you want to stand up for these these these freedoms and this belief And the rest of the world is going to agree with it because they would have already created the numbers against you What i'm trying to say is if they started with that type of bullshit in america America would have resisted it and when america resisted it the rest of the world would have had the strength of the courage to be like You know what that's right. You're right. You're right. That's not right. That's not fair and we're not going to allow that over here either So america has always been that in the world a lot of people don't realize that but america has always been A leader you mean right exactly that country that basically gave other countries the balls to say you know what This isn't right and we're not going to let you do this to us So if america can be rubbed out Then nowhere in the world is going to stop Um a tyrannical government So they're basically putting this in place in all the other countries first and saving us for last And if you don't believe me guys go through some fucking research on your own the social rating system that's coming to america They've already implemented it in china and india a couple of years ago You guys don't realize it because you're arrogant americans They don't care about what's going on in the rest of the world as a problem with americans We don't give a shit about what's going on in the rest of the world But the rest of the world is very informed about what's going on in america So It's already been i think at least two years now that they've had the social rating system in place in china If you don't know what that is you need to go you need to go learn what it is because they're bringing it here And once they bring it here The government's going to know what you had for breakfast They're going to know what time you woke up They're going to know how many drinks you had at the bar last night They're going to know how how how fast you drove your car home They're going to know everything and if you go one mile over the fucking speed limit They're going to drop your social rating, right? If you forget to take out your garbage or you don't recycle they're going to drop your social rating And when they drop it it's not only going to affect you It's going to affect your family and your friends So if your friends associate with you they're going to drop their social rating If your social rating drops your kids can't go to certain schools This is dead serious shit and they're bringing it Here it's old school communist shit too. I mean that's why that's why people didn't flee north korea I think is if even now if you flee and get caught or don't get caught look after your family You flee you get away. We'll kill your fucking mom dad your brothers sisters and your cousins like all of them So it's it's really sick shit, but I'm still hopeful that things will turn around in Well a peaceful way but b by any way necessary And I think that our founding fathers in the history of this country Is pretty good for that. There's no guarantee though. I mean this could be Probably Yeah, that's probably what the force that I as I remember I remember in 2018 You might recall as well jack dorsi the former ceo of twitter He was openly calling for civil war in a news article like an interview that came out. It's like This is I mean there's so many things wrong with that and retarded from a guy Especially a guy like jack dorsi But it shows you where their head is that that they're in their delusional, you know headscape these these feminists and liberals and shit They push for this stuff. They antagonize for violence and open conflict and it's like that's where they want it to go So they're gonna be funny because they were prepared for it. That's it. I don't think I think It's like the yeah, this little these liberals pushing for it. It's like, yeah, but y'all soft though Yeah, yeah pushing for the conservatives or the ones that kind of familiar with Yeah, there are 130 pounds, you know soaking wet green hair and never use the firearm before never shot a gun yet It's like So I don't know what's going to happen exactly. Nobody does but I'm hopeful that things will turn around Uh, there's some those there's some positive things from time to time You know, I was pretty happy with the rope your weight being overturned if only from a from a uh, social cultural perspective that Something like that could even happen It's like trump getting elected the fact that that even happened And it was a huge fuck you to feminism and all this shit That is interesting to me to see happen. I think what they should have learned from that Is that feminism has always just been a tool that they've used to the to the for division Like like it's just amazing to me that women actually think that they have any power So you don't have you don't have any power, bro Like women really think that like yeah, women have made so much changes and women have so much power now It's like no they don't they have the perception of power that's been given to them By the people that's behind feminism and the people behind feminism aren't women Yeah, they wanted they wanted a bunch of taxpayers what they wanted more That's what I'm trying to say that that was a political move was a move for power And the people that that did it and funded it Don't have vaginas. So it's just amazing that that they think they're the ones with the power That's like that's like thinking that Michael Jordan owns Nike or something It's like Michael Jordan is just the poster boy for Nike. He doesn't make his own shoes He doesn't own his own shoe company Jordan's are made by Nike All they did was not put the check on it and give it a different logo So that the simple minded people think that it's a different brand or something So so feminism is just You know something that was branded to appeal to women. They were like, all right. How do we Basically it's the same product, but let's just make it pink Let's make it pink so that it appeals to women and that we can get their votes It's like and they all fell for this shit. It's just I'm like, all right. Whatever. I mean It's destroyed us what I did. Yeah, there's no putting it back. You know, they're not gonna be able to put it back together And and they're gonna they're gonna they're gonna all regret it is the sad part because when When that martial law clicks in and the chaos starts There's not gonna be no single woman that's gonna feel safe or be comfortable whatsoever every woman is gonna want a strong man To protect and lead her when the shit hits the fan And you see how the resources are about to become scarce It's just funny to me that women are gonna have to eat all their words If I don't need no man, you're gonna need a man when his food shortages, bitch Okay, we're gonna need a man. All right So So good luck Hey, well that's that man. Let's wrap up. Um, I gotta get going here But it's been a good really appreciate appreciate your time coming on today man 100% Likewise, it's been interesting. Uh, hopefully we'll do this in person soon and um, you know, looking forward to the convention. So Yeah For everyone watching you can meet myself and a yende later this year in october at the 21 convention in orlanda florida It's come back tober 14 to 17 Country Adams will be there jack donovan, richard gran and myself Many other speakers about 20 or close to that per event And it's gonna be a four-day event friday through monday awesome time Best in the world to bring your friend free tickets or bogey like your favorite food at a grocery store So, uh, come on out. Have a good time. Go to 20 on link in the description for tickets There's also a link to yende's channel if you're on one of my channels watching this So check out his channel subscribe hit like leave comments that helps videos go viral on youtube One comment is like 10 likes So if that said everyone peace out yende. Thank you very much
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Canadian Orientation Abroad (COA) O-Canada Video 9_پشتو/Pashto
په بهر کې د کاناډا لارښود (COA) Canadian Orientation Abroad (COA) نهمه (۹) ویدیو– شپږم فصل زده کړې (پښتو) O-Canada د O-Canada Video 9 – Unit 6 Education (پشتو /Pashto)
شپگم برخا خوانا پکانداکی ده تالیم پاڑا ده پوهدلو لپاڑا دیر شایان شتن لری ده قانون لمخه پکانداکی ماشومان با ازدقری وقری دیر خونزی داسی کار کونکی لری چی رولی ده نوی راغلو کورا نیو اوزدقونکو سرام رستا کولدی تردسو دوی پوشی چی دزدقری سستم سنگا کار کوی او پکانداکی دزدقرو لباهیر سراش ناشی پکانداکی دزدقون کی پتسیر اوسیدل ممکن ده هغو هیوا دونوطس خطوپیر و لری چیرچی تاسوز دکری او жون کرده ده قاندا ده خونزی کار ده اگاس پورستویو یا ده سبتمبر پا پهل کی پل کیگی او ده جون پمیاش که پایترا سیگی او ده کار پجیریان که دمه هم لری کتاسو ده خونزی ده کار لپل که دو رستہم راشه نو تاسو لا هم کولشه پرتده خونزی لرخصتویو او عامرخصتویو پکانداکی زدقون که دو شمبیت چا خا ترجومی پوری خونزی تزی ده خونزیو ده بسونو خدمات امومن ده هغو ماشوما نولا پارشتون لری چیلو خونزی چا خا پتاکل شیوی واتن که جون کوی نور ممکن خونزی تا عاما ترانسفورت و کاروی ماشوما ممکن خونزی تا پبخو او یا هم پبائیسکل زدقون که معمولن یونیفوم نا اغندی کلچی خون که تولگیتا ننوزی زدقون که معمولن نداریگی پتولگی که زدقون که دباس کوالو پدالی زدوال کار کوالو او پوختنو کوالو سر از دکرا کوی لزدقون کو چا خا معمولن نغوختل کیگی چی یواز حقائق حفز گری زدقون که کوالشی لطولگی چا خا با هر پتنزیم شوی فالیتونو که هم برخواخی دمیسال پدول سپورتی لوبو کلبونو یا میوزیمونو تا سفرونا پدیتو گاز دکون کوالشی چیخ پلی لیوالتیا تا ودور کدی او نوی ملگری پیدا کدی زدقون که او حون که پنناسل مذاب جندر جنسی تمایل او ورتیا که متناویدی دوی یوز ایکار اوز دکرا کوی مالولیت لرون که خالق هم حق لری چید کندا دب بلحر اوزیدون که شخص پتیر دجون پر توو لو برخو که دوورتا که فیت سخا برخمنشی دو مالولیت لرون که خالق کولا پارا زانگرد برسید او مالی ملاترشتون لری ترچو لدوی سرم رست اوکری چیتالیم تلاسر سی پیدا کدی ده اخوز دکون کولا پارا ازافی ملاترشتون لری ده اخوز دکون کولا پارا ازافی ملاترشتون لری چوکچه فیزیکی سلوکی یاد از دکروپ برخه که ننگونی و لری ده امرستی کدیشی پخونزی یا بلکم زای کی چمتوشی لرسیدو سرسم دخبل خونزی ده حکومت لخوا تمیل شیوی سازمان یا استاسو سپانسران و سرخبری و اکره او ده ملاتر غوختن و اکره ده پا کندا که دخال او کولا پارا یو معمولی خبرده چه دوی دجوان پمختلف و وقتونو که حتى پلویوالی که کولشی خونزی طولارشی زینی هاق دلائل چی و ولی لویان پا کندا که از دکری کوی دنیم گروز دکرو بش برول ده هالی درجی دیبلوم یا سند پتر لاسا کولو سره دخبلو محارتونو لرول ده انگلیسی او یا فرانسوی جبو محارتونو تا ودوار کول هاگلو یان چخبلی سانویز دکری یان اعالی لیسای پایتا ندیرا سوالی پدی برخه که تولگیشتون لری ترسو دویو قولش چخبل اصنات ترلا سگری پدی تولگیو که زینی لویانو تا لوست او لیک همورز دکری حتى که دوی پخبل جبا که هم لیک او لوست نشی قوله ده انگلیسی او فرانسوی جبو دز دکری پموخا ده تولگی ده جبی دز دکری ترسان تازو تا پکانداکی ده жون درزدکوی پکانداکی ده تالیم دنور معلوماتو لپارا دخبل حکومت لخوا ده تمویل شیوی سازمان یاستا سوال اسپانسران او چخابو پوختای ده ده ده ده
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Brilliant Idiots | Is There a GOAT Gene?
Video By The Brilliant Idiots is a comedy podcast from the Loud Speakers Network featuring Charlamagne tha God, host of Power 105.1’s radio show, The Breakfast Club. Andrew Schulz is a world touring stand up comedian known for his work with MTV and independently successful comedy projects, “4:4:1 – a comedy experience by Andrew Schulz” as well as “52 weeks of stand up.” Check out the full episode here: Shop Brilliant Idiots clothes: The Brilliant Idiots is a podcast just as unpredictable as its hosts. From power 105's hit radio show "The Breakfast Club" comes Charlamagne tha God and stand up comedy's rulebreaker, Andrew Schulz. From music, comedy, relationships, to pop culture, politics and current events, everything is on the table for analysis. But take what you hear with a grain of salt, because while their perspectives are often brilliant, they're liable to be idiotic too. Follow the idiots on social: Charlamagne tha God Instagram - Twitter - Facebook - Andrew Schulz Instagram - Twitter - Facebook - Get tickets to Andrew Schulz LIVE: Join the discussion on the Idiots subreddit: Order Andrew's first comedy album "5:5:1": Order Charlamagnes second book, "Shook One": #BrilliantIdiots #Charlamagne #AndrewSchulz
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It's so stupid, it's positively bruised. The brain is possible. Listen, let's talk about the gold jean. Yes, is there a gold jean? Because I feel, no matter how hard you work, right, no matter how much time you put in the gym, no matter how much time you put in the studio, no matter how much time you put in the stage, if you're not a goat, you just won't be a goat. And I told Kevin Love, I said, well, Kev, what is LeBron doing that you're not doing? If it's just hard work, because Kev, if you're six foot 10, 230 pound, you can average 20 and 10, I used to at one point. So what is LeBron doing that you're not doing that he's LeBron and you're Kevin Love? Right, what did he say? I don't remember. I was just Kevin Love, this was a different Kevin. When you were saying Kevin, I was like, who? Well, Kevin Hart, what Kevin Hart thinks is with work ethic, anybody can be a goat. I don't think so. No, I do think there's a chosen few. I think there's a chosen few. I think there's people that, if you work hard enough, you can get to a certain level, but there's only like a certain amount of people that are just the chosen. I think both those things are kind of genetic and a certain way. There's a makeup mentally of people who have the goat ability that is, I don't care, I want greatness at all costs. I don't need personal relationships, I don't need friends, I don't need none of this. I just need to work and be great. I think Kobe had that, I think MJ had that. They had the ability, but they also got that mentality. I think Kevin Hart does that to a certain degree where it's like, look, I'll outwork fucking everyone and naturally quick and funny, and there you go. I think there's a small part of sociopath in you if you need to be great. You say you're doing all that shit, you say and you will do anything to be this great, but are you really? Michael Jordan, we say, oh man, he'll run over his mother for a point, but no, this motherfucker really will. And he probably has. Kobe, same guy. LeBron, I think he has the same type of sociopathism in him, but it just comes off a little bit more charismatic. It's not like Kobe where he's like, oh man, this guy's such a fucking asshole, nobody wants to play with him. I think LeBron's just more cerebral with his. That's what Kevin Love was saying. And I mean, I think, because the conversation started with me talking to Grant, and I said it with me, right? And with me talking to Grant, and I said, because Grant was talking about Tom Brady, and I was like, I said, can you really learn something from people like Tom Brady and LeBron? And the reason I said that is because they can push you, but they're pushing you to try to be as great as them. But can you really be? Tom Brady's a fucking anomaly. He's got 42 years old. He just want to sue Bolash. You're not going to see that again in this lifetime, probably. Nobody's gonna push you to be the goat. I think that's the competitive advantage if you got the gene. Like let's say it's a gene. The gene is that you're willing to sacrifice more than anybody else. And I think if you look at any goat, they've sacrificed more than anybody around them. And when you're willing to sacrifice, you stay in the gym. When you're willing to sacrifice, you study harder. When you're willing to sacrifice, you do what Tom Brady does. You find every competitive advantage you do in a game. I remember, I think you even brought this up, Akash, like Kobe was studying shark movements. Yes, because he couldn't guard Alan Iverson. Alan Iverson, he said he kind of moves like a shark out there. So he started studying shark movements to get some sort of competitive advantage playing D against Alan Iverson. Now that's the psychotic makeup, right? But that's what you need to have. That's what it takes. That's the shit it takes. So it's like you got to apply that to everything that you do. Like they said Peyton Manning would go through every single play at the end of every year, every single play that he did. Most people don't want to do that. Most people not going to listen to every set of their standup. Most people not going to listen to every interview. Most people are not going to put in the fucking hard work. Most people want to hang out with their boys. What about the person who does all of that but they still not a goat? You got to have both of that. They're just good. So here's the thing. That's where I think shit doesn't exist. I don't think that people have that kind of work ethic if it's not matched with ability. And I think that's where you, I don't think there's a guy who works as hard as Kobe but he's just kind of like okay and he plays at the YMCA. I think eventually you give up because even if you're, because even the goat is of goats needs positive reinforcement. You got to see some sort of tangible results. You got to see results. And if you're not seeing results you're like fuck this, I'm not going to do that. LeBron probably saw himself at like the fifth to sixth grade fucking dunking on motherfuckers. And it was like, okay, like I have a superior skill to these people. Let me hold it. Yeah, like you're not even, like some people aren't even in that club of like talent where you can even think to be like, okay, if I put in the work, if I do everything humanly possible I can achieve this level. And some people still don't think LeBron's really achieved that level. Maybe because he thinks a little differently. Maybe because he's a little bit or seems to be a nicer guy than a Jordan is or a Kobe is. I mean, I think it's goat tears though. Right? Like I said on this podcast before I think it's great. It's kings and it's gods. You know what I'm saying? I think LeBron is a king. Yeah. You know? What did Kevin Love say about him? He said it's mentality. He said it's all mental. He said he said LeBron would lock in in a way that he just, that nobody else could. I'll put LeBron in a different type of like goat category though because with him, you can tell that his interests kind of supersede sport. You know what I'm saying? Like he wants to be looked at on some Ali shit as a voice, a magic Johnson shit when it comes to business. Don't matter what they call it though baby. I mean, but on the court some people when the game's over the game's gonna end for everybody. Even this people in this room right now that really don't remember Michael Jordan like that. You just say, oh yeah, he's a goat but like you don't remember seeing him like that. Ooh. That's a ton of people. Some people Michael Jordan's just the fucking guy in the crying face. He's just a meme to a lot of people. He's just a guy with the sneakers. By the way, that's a goat meme though. It is. Come on now. That's a goat meme. But to a lot of people like they don't even. Go meme, go sneakers. Yes. On court attributes all fade away. It don't matter who you are. It don't matter where you going, where you going, what you play. That shit fades away to everyone and everyone's memory eventually. When we talking about basketball I agree with you LeBron James is a God outside of that court. Yeah. On the court too. But when you're comparing him to other gods there's other gods that are scrapped. But what I'm saying is I think LeBron the way he wants to achieve his goat status is trying to achieve all that at once. Cause Kobe was on the court goat but he wasn't that. We're not talking about like just being elite in one field. On that court baby. On that football field. We're just talking about like the specific like. Comics. Like Jeff Bezos could be the biggest jerk in terms of like how he treats his friends but I don't give a fuck about that. If you want to talk about a guy who like revolutionized business and motherfuckers a goat. But that's what I'm saying though. Just because he's a basketball player. You talk about if he's doing philanthropy and shit. No not even just philanthropy. I'm talking about like business I'm just saying all this other shit like as that guy. We talking about getting the ball in the basket. But that's the point of the goat game. I'm saying if he's the first person to do that shit. The point of the goat mentality as we are defining it here is I want to be the greatest at this thing. Thing. One thing. Sing a tune. Cause LeBron can't be the greatest human ever. He's more well rounded than Jordan but he's not the goat human. Hey Jesus. You can't get close to Jesus. You know what I mean?
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TOTY Market Rise! The first day of Team of the Year in FIFA 22 was CRAZY! We talk about it all and more in today's video! Connect with me! Clips YT Channel: TikTok: Twitter: Twitch: Instagram: @thefutaccountant Discord: We are now partnered with GFuelEnergy! Use code “TFA” for 10% off your order at! Want to make your favorite FUT Card come to life? Head over to to create your own fully customizable FIFA Ultimate Team card! Use code "Nate" at checkout for a discount! #FIFA22
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Hey guys, it's Nate, A.K. The Foot Accountant. Welcome back to the channel. What an absolutely crazy day of team of the year. Day one, with server crashes, tons of packs being released. Pack weight is crazy. Prices are cheap on these new team of year cards. Even cheaper day one prices than I was expecting to see them throughout the whole week when they were gonna be in packs later into next week. Messy is like 4.4 million coins is crazy, right? Lewandowski is already 1.7 million, which is kind of where I predicted this price to be after it was gonna be in packs for a week. And Bopay is eight mil, so the prices on these cards are cheaper already, but that just kind of falls in line with how this game has been this year. We had the SBC and objective content that we were expecting, the Harry Kane SBC, and the Danielle Verde five star skill objective, which it's a nice card. But what I wanna talk about today is the market rise, right? There was a lot of market rise yesterday. After all the servers crashing madness, and all that stuff that went on, there was a lot of cards that, you know, went up for the exact same reason that we talked about in the last couple of days, videos that the content wasn't game breaking for most people on this game. So what most people did was go out and use coins that they got from opening packs, whether it was lightning rounds, saved up packs, or whatever, they got coins from opening packs, went out and bought cards, and that caused a very nice market rise on these out of packs cards, some icons, and SBC fodder, which was crazy. Even with all the pack supply that we had yesterday, there were some fodder prices that actually went really low, but then skyrocketed because of how cheap some SBCs got. And I wanna talk about that. That was something that I don't think a lot of people saw coming. I definitely did not see that, but it makes sense, kinda looking at it in hindsight. So we'll talk about all that in today's video. And of course, talk about what content we could see today because with the schedule of how this looks, these attackers are gonna be in packs until Sunday. The midfielders will be in packs from Sunday to Tuesday, kind of in like two day sections, right? Two days for attackers, two days for midfielders, two days for defenders, and then after the defenders would go out of packs, that's when EA will release the full team. So we're looking at next Thursday for the full team of the year to be in packs, maybe next Friday, one of those two days, we'll kinda look into that and see what EA wants to do, but that's kinda the schedule as it looks. It's not confirmed, but based on their doing it right now and how they did it last year, that's what we can expect. But for today on Saturday, what kind of content could we see? There's a couple really big leaked SBCs, including a flashback, Rafael Verón, which has got the market moving already. So if you're excited for team of the year and you're excited for this promo and what's to come for this next week and a half of sort of content, make sure to hit the thumbs up and of course, subscribe to the channel. But let's take a look at these team of the year players because of course, some of these prices that we see already on these items are like prices that I thought we were gonna see a week into the promo after they have gotten packed from the first round when they're in packs by position. And then later on, Lewandowski, I think I predicted his price to be like 1.5 to 1.7 mil. He's already in the 1.7 mil range. Now some of these cards have gotten low tonight and have bounced back up. Now I actually bought a Messi in the low 4.3 mil range. He's starting to rebound back up now starting to get a little bit more rare. Still a couple of cards around 4.3. But you know, Mbappe was 7.8 mil. He's now back over eight. Lewandowski was 1.7 flat. He's now rising and Messi is rising too. But again, for first day prices, these are so cheap compared to last year. Case in point is this example right here with Mr. Lewandowski. Take a look at this. Lewandowski is 1.7 million coins right now and 1.5 on the Xbox. Last year, day one, Lewandowski was 3 million coins on a PlayStation and 2.7 on the Xbox. Crazy, crazy price differences from these cards this year to last year. Now Mbappe is more expensive this year, but that's just because Mbappe is a whole different level of a glitch this year in FIFA. So people are much more willing to pay, I think the extra coins this year for an Mbappe card compared to his item from last year that was 7 million coins. It's about a million coins more this year. Right now that is. He's still 6.3 on Xbox and last year on Xbox, he was 5.8, 6 mil, so not a huge difference there. But I do think that these cards will drop lower, maybe not so much dropping a tongue lower today on Saturday with more packs a little bit, I would say. But I can see these guys dropping off more, especially into the later part of the week, just because it seems so easy. Okay, let me rephrase that. It seems a lot easier than ever to pack team of the years. The amount of team of the years that I saw on my Twitter timeline yesterday from people that had opened up packs and saved up packs to open during this promo was crazy. I saw so many people that were packing team of the years. It was wild, especially Lewandowski. Now that just kind of goes in line with what we were expecting, honestly, because everything this year has so much higher pack weight. Even though the pack weight in the store says less than 1% on all of these cards, it still is, you know, people are hitting team of the years at a much faster rate than they ever have before in previous years. So that bodes well for especially coming into next week if you're waiting to open packs. Now I've opened 150 packs yesterday and didn't pack anything higher than 89 rated Benzema and Salah, right? Which is still a dub, but I didn't pack any team of the years. So you're like, yeah, Nate, team of the years are more packable. Didn't happen to me. Well, I'm just saying that over this next week and a half when we have team of the year cards packable, when you're doing upgrade packs, I think you're gonna see more people packing cards over these next couple of weeks on this game. So that's kind of what's happening with those cards. Now again, we can't talk about yesterday on FIFA without talking about the crazy server outage. I mean, this was, you know, we joke about the servers going down, but then it actually happens and the servers were down for like an hour and a half. I was literally here at 6 p.m. We were on the game and on the market for about 10, 15 minutes. The servers went down and I was not able to get consistently back into the game until like 7.30 p.m. UK, which is an hour and a half after the content drop. So EA said we are investigating reports, blah, blah, blah. Some players are not able to enter the game. So the servers were a huge issue yesterday and that created some market movement, which we'll talk about. But the biggest thing that came out of that was due to the issue covered in this thread, they have extended the current foot champions finals by 24 hours. So a lot of people are happy about that. You have an extra day to complete foot champs finals right now in this game for this weekend. So if you haven't played foot champs or if you got something going on this weekend, you've got extra time to get your 20 games in, which is very nice actually in all things considered for a lot of people that want to play week in league, that is very, very nice. So that's kind of what happened yesterday on the game. That was the big drama and the big news. Now we had the SBCs in objective content we expected, right? We had the objective Verdi, which did get a five star skill, three star week foot upgrade. And it's a nice free card. It's a five star skiller with really good pace, really good agility balance and 96 shot power. Yeah, that's kind of cool. He does have a three star week foot and he's got the, he's got long shot power, free kick sale. It's a decent card. Nothing stupid, crazy, but it is a nice card from objectives, maybe for a serial and tradable team. It's not super hard to attain. Now the Harry Kane SBC, a lot of downvotes here. I've already done this as a Spurs fan. It's in the club. I crafted it yesterday through upgrades. I'm a huge fan of this card. I just wish they would have given him four star skills. That's the four star skill move boost. And I think, you know, if they would have given him 90 pace and maybe 90 dribbling, just a little bit more of a boost on this card. And, you know, it could have been really good. But, you know, realistically with these stats, I think the SBC should have been about 250K. People would have been a lot more happy for it. But, you know, some people that want to get this done will get it done. But all things considered, kind of like we thought it was going to happen on the game yesterday, since, you know, the SBC content was good, but not insane. And since the cards that are in packs are super duper expensive, a lot of people went back to the market yesterday and just bought cards that they wanted for their team. And you saw a lot of players rise up in price. One of the examples that I bought yesterday, I bought an Enkunku for 548,000 coins. Now Enkunku is back up to 620,000 coins. Now, that's a general market rise, right? Or, here's another example. Anthony Martial, which is a card that we've been talking about all week. This guy was 520,000 coins. And this Anthony Martial has gone all the way up to about 600K, a really, really nice rise on this card as an item that is out of packs that people just wanted to buy and use. With the coins that they got today on this game, people bought cards like this to go out and use on the market. Gen Duzzi was a really big riser as well. Gen Duzzi went from like 300,000 coins, already being inflated. He was up at 340K for a hot moment. Right now he's like 320, 324. And there may be some more panic selling on this due to the SBC we might have this weekend, which we'll talk about in a second. But a lot of cards really rose nicely on the market yesterday, right? You had a lot of stuff move upwards because people again, went out and bought cards with the new coins that they had. So I bought these Nabri's earlier in the week at 170. I bought some Fred's yesterday at 225, 220, and they sold for like 260 to 270. There's another leaked SBC that is making this card rise, which we'll talk about in today's video as well. So I've sold a lot of cards. And again, I mentioned, or at least I think I mentioned, I bought a Messi tonight for 4.3 mil just because I thought that was so cheap for a day one price on Messi. Now he went back down to 4.3 flat and I bought mine at 4.34. So hopefully he gets rare into this morning on Saturday and I'm hoping to see this card go back up into, anywhere around the 4.7 to 4.8 mil range. I was gonna hopefully try out the Messi card but I bought a fresh one. So in order to keep it fresh and so that people would like to use that card a little bit more maybe if they're trying it out, I'm probably not gonna play a game with it but I'll buy him again at some point and try him out and have some fun with him. But just trying to make a quick flip out of a brand new card because these team of the years are hype, right? And they're gonna continue to fluctuate on the market especially on the first promo night. We see that happen very often. So there was a ton of coins that could have been made yesterday. Some of the biggest rises actually you saw on links to Lewandowski because he was the most affordable card that was released in team of the year yesterday. Kingsley Coleman went from about 500,000 coins, 520K, he was actually up to like 650 at one point. Alfonso Davies rule breakers card, this card absolutely exploded. He went from 140,000 coins all the way up to 220K. I think he's back down a little bit now. He's about 200 but this card exploded because people were moving Lewandowski to a CDM position linking Davies and Suley together who a lot of people did the Suley showdown and then boom, they had themselves a nice little triangle right there. So you saw that fly in price on the market yesterday too. Now let me look at something on the market where you guys are like, Nate, this is crazy, right? And I know we talked about selling fodder before Friday. Now this is why there were some crazy fodder movements on this game yesterday and we had to talk about this because it was absolutely wild and I really don't think many people expected this. So with the servers going down yesterday, I think this really created this scenario as well. The base or mid icon player pick, right? So SBC fodder yesterday, when the first hour of lining rounds and when the servers going down and nobody else is on the game, SBC fodder went stupid, stupid cheap, right? Take a look at this, take a look at this Lukaku. He went from 24,000 coins, which was down a little bit because people were getting out of some of their fodder. He went from 24,000 coins down to 21. He was actually like all 88s were 20K flat but look at this spike afterwards. Now with the content yesterday for a lot of people on this game, not being super crazy, you know, you had the K and SBC, all right, that wasn't wild, you have very overpriced cards that a lot of people can't buy if they don't have more than like, you know, two million coins, so what do people do? Well, they got some packs, maybe they did some upgrade packs, got a few fodder cards and they like, oh my goodness, there's still the base or mid player pick that is out, right? So they went back to the market and either bought fodder to finish an SBC like this that they already had partially completed or they were like, okay, there's nothing else to do so I'm gonna do a base icon player pick. The base icon player pick went from 700,000, 750,000 coins to do. Fodder dropped off so much that it went down to 590K and then it exploded right back over 700K because people had coins and people had extra fodder from opening packs. It was crazy. I mean, like again, I show you these 88 rated cards. I mean, I remember seeing Harry Kane during the lightning rounds, we checked, 90 rated cards were like 35K. Now he's up to 52,000 coins. So if you noticed that fodder was really low in that first lightning round and when people were trying to get back onto the game, if you saw that and you bought SBC fodder in that quick moment, great quick thinking and big time GGs because fodder exploded incredibly huge because of how cheap that SBC got. I mean, even look at the Kaka SBC, right? 950K. I mean, I still think Kaka was like 800 something, 1,000 coins in the dip. Yeah, 800,000 coins flat is what this card was when fodder was dropping so much yesterday. And then of course you saw the big rebound in there. So if you're looking for somebody who was looking to invest in fodder, that window was so small and so tiny. I mean, I'm not buying into this stuff right now. Even though the base icon player pick is out and that's probably gonna keep this fodder a little bit inflated, I don't wanna touch this at the moment. The low tier fodder is down 84s at 2,000 coins. That was a huge drop off and these cards really didn't bounce back, right? These guys kind of got, you know, packed into oblivion and they're still really, really low, maybe up like 100 or 200 coins a card. But the stuff that was really affected the most was that upper tier upper echelon of the fodder yesterday on the market, which was absolutely crazy. And especially it was crazy because EA is running all the lightning rounds in the world right now. We just picked up a sale. I don't know who it was on, but I'm curious, so I'm gonna check. All right, I sold this Gomez. I bought this at 285, sold at 337, GGs. But SBC fodder right now has been packed into oblivion at the same time as it's gone up. The supply on this game is crazy. They're running lightning rounds almost every single hour. They're doing the 85 plus star packs, the 86 plus star packs. Just like how we had during winter wildcards we had, you know, the 50, 100 and 125K lightning rounds. They're doing the extra lightning rounds on top of it, right? So I would expect to see early morning lightning rounds today on Saturday. They did, for the first time ever yesterday, they actually did two lightning rounds in one hour. When the servers were going down, they dropped the first 50K lightning round right away at 6PM with 50K packs. Then 30 minutes later, those had already sold out. So they put in another lightning round of 50K packs for the few people that were on the servers and on the game during that time. And so EA still made their bag yesterday. That's the crazy thing about this. EA still made their bag. People bought a bunch of FIFA points to open up lightning rounds for the team of the year attackers. And even though the servers were down, you know, EA still made their money because people bought those FIFA points and those packs filled out. That's the crazy part about it that even though that stuff went down and so many people were mad at EA Sports, so many people were mad at EA yesterday for the servers going down. Myself included, right? Because it's so disheartening when you want to get on the game and open packs because of the brand new team of the year cards that are out and you're just sitting there like, oh my goodness, I can't do anything because I'm literally just sitting here trying to get on this game and I'm not able to. So that was kind of crazy to see. But it is all good and well now and I think it was just kind of server overload traffic but we did get weak and weak extended. So that's, I guess, a nice part about it as well. Now, again, speaking about these team of the year cards, you know, the way that it looks is again, I think I mentioned this at the beginning of the video too, but just be careful with the pack weight on these cards because it is higher than ever and these cards are cheaper than ever already. So I would expect if you have any of these cards and you're trying them out, as we do a lot of times with stuff on this game, just be careful with it, just be careful with it because, you know, we have a couple of SVCs that are leaked and that could mean prices on these cards may be dropping a bit depending on what content comes out in the next couple of days on this game. Now let's talk about Saturday content, right? Now, a lot of cards rebounded up very, very nicely yesterday. A lot of icons were great to fluctuation trade with and I'll say this before we move on to today's content. Some of these cards are back down, right? Kind of what we're learning with a lot of these cards is the peak point of buy back on a lot of stuff on the market is during like the two to three hours that window, it's two to three hours after the content drop. So content drops at 6 p.m. UK or 1 p.m. Eastern my time for the next two to three hours after that, especially on a day like this where the content is not super-duper insane, SBC or objective-wise, that makes people go change their teams up. You see a lot of these cards kind of rise up the most in peak during that timeframe. Like I sold my Van Dyke for 757,000 coins and he's now back down to like 710. So, you know, some of this stuff kind of peaks during that timeframe and then dips back down a little bit overnight. So just kind of keep an eye out for that when you're trading in the future. That sweet spot is like three to four hours after the promo drop, two, three, four hours after. That's kind of the sweet spot for selling some cards at a premium. So just kind of keep that in mind for the future. But for some stuff that we might see today on Saturday in this game, there are two big SBCs that are leaked. Now, one of them could be coming sooner than the other. So I'm gonna talk about this one first. And I think this one could cause a little bit of panic on some other midfielders in this game. I believe that this Lucas Paqueta team in your moments SBC would be a card that might come either today on Saturday or tomorrow on Sunday with the release of the midfielders in packs. Again, like they did today with the attackers in packs, they dropped an attacker SBC with Kane and an attacker objective with Verde. So I would not be surprised if they dropped this either today or tomorrow with midfielders kind of being the hype piece on Sunday. But Lucas Paqueta is leaked. Again, these are not confirmed stats, but hopefully the card looks like this. This could be a banging card. It could be really, really dope, really, really fun. And the reason why I think this could cause some movements on the market is because the links that this guy has, and you know, Lucas Paqueta has been known as kind of a FIFA player, right? He's got a really good player the month item that was decently, you know, it was kind of expensive when it was out, but it was a card that people still did. He's had a couple TOTS cards in years past that a lot of people have liked. So the number one and two cards that I'd be careful about right now would be this Gen-Duzi. I'd be a little careful with him, right? Because he's bounced up so much on the market. If they make this card really, really cheap, which there's no guarantee that they do, but if they made this SBC really, really cheap, you might see a card like Gen-Duzi or like Fofana. Because Fofana went up like 70K, he was 970, and he was 900,000 coins earlier yesterday. Yeah, he was like 900 flat, 909, all the way up to like 970, right now he's 950. Some of these cards might get hurt in value if the Paqueta is really, really good value. So just watch out for that. And again, he's League One links, he's Brazil. Those are the links that are so very popular in this game right now at the moment. So that hasn't really moved the market too much yet. Now an SBC that was leaked yesterday that will not come until the full teams impact. So this SBC is expected not tomorrow, not Sunday, probably not until next Thursday or Friday, but a flashback for Ron. Of course, this would be a team of the year flashback similar to the Harry Kane SBC, a team of the year flashback to FIFA 19 when Veran got a centerback team of the year card. A lot of people love that item. Now I don't know if these are the exact stats that the cards are gonna have. Again, it says the stats are predicted. This would be an SBC that people would go bananas for. And if I just show you some cards on this game that moved like crazy because of this leak yesterday, people already started investing in stuff. Take a look at this, Paul Pogba wins her wild cards, right? Pogba yesterday was 800 and like 60K, 862. The leak came out for this. He went to like 1.1 mil almost. He was 1.02, kinda went back down. And right now he's about 900. He's actually just about a million coins. Now there was another card that I had a Bruno Fernandez team of the group stage item. This guy's back down to 500K. But take a look at this spike, right? He went from 480 all the way, spiked up to 600K and is now back down. Your Manchester United cards yesterday on this game absolutely exploded. I had some Freds as well. Again, he's like 250. So I bought a couple of Freds like right here at 220s and he spiked all the way to like 260K. Partially because of people buying back cards for teams but also partially because of this leak. And this is a massive, massive leak. So whether this is a card that you is gonna be a must have, right? There's a lot of market movements that will happen around this. If and when it is dropped, this is a major SBC. So again, I know it's a leak. I know it's way ahead of when it's gonna actually get released but just kind of keep that in mind that that is out there. A lot of people were asking me, yo could that Varan SBC impact some of the card prices on the market? Like for Marquinhos or Hakimi or Rubin Diaz when those cards are released? And honestly, I feel like it's only gonna impact those prices in one way. I feel like a Varan flashback SBC would only make those team of the year prices cheaper. If Varan's card is like team of the year level, if he has like almost 90 paces with 90 plus defense and physicality, like they juice the card to the max and that it's cheap. If it's cheap and really, really OP in terms of stats, that's the only way that I could see it affecting team of the year prices. If it's not that great or the stats aren't that juiced then I think the team of the year cards will be hyped and preferred over that flashback item. But with this Bruno bouncing back down like 500K, I mean, this is a really, really rare card. So I'm kind of keeping an eye on this because he kind of bounced around so much that I'm a little bit interested in buying this again. What was he, just 501? Yeah, if I see another card like that around 500K, I'm probably just gonna buy it because that is really, really cheap to me. So those are a couple SBCs that are rumored to be coming soon. Now, what I really expect today from EA is more lightning rounds, right? More lightning rounds. And watch out on Messi, Lewandowski, and on Mbappe, but specifically Messi and Lewandowski. Watch out for a little bit of panic selling heading into the 6 p.m. timeframe. Especially, I know a lot of people, it seems, are trying to trade with this Lewandowski tonight. I'm being really careful with this card. I did not buy one because I think Lewandowski is being traded with by a lot of people. Now, he's kind of rebounded back up. He was 1-7 flat, now he's gone to 1-8. And he does look like a really, really good card. And I don't know how high this is gonna go up into the morning today. But I bet if we take a look at a lot of these cards, yeah, second owner, no games played, right? That tells me it's somebody that's trying to flip the card and invest. Couple of them here. There's another second owner, no games played at 1.87, 1.86, so I mean, I do think Lewandowski can rebound up even more this morning on Saturday. But I would be careful because I think there might be a decent amount of panic selling on these cards as we head into 6 p.m. today. So I would watch out for that for sure on this game. And again, the other thing to talk about right now is with the market getting all these coins from lightning rounds and from people opening packs and stuff like this, the market's really healthy right now. So it's gonna be an absolutely great time to trade with out-of-packs cards, with icons and stuff like that because people are just gonna be buying cards, right? Because they've been waiting to buy until Team of the Year. And now since Team of the Year has come, you're gonna see a lot of people go out on the market, try cards out, buy cards with newly found coins that they got from opening packs and stuff like that. So I would keep a close eye on the market, your fluctuation trading, and cards that are very high because of links and stuff like that. I would keep an eye on it because I think there's gonna be great opportunities to trade with a lot of items on this game and on this market during this time. Just because of, again, how the market is kind of flipped, right? We're in a stage where not as many people are scared to buy because of what's coming up. Now a lot of people are like, all right, it's Team of the Year time, I got coins, I'm gonna go out and buy cards. So I think it's a great time to trade right now on this game and on this market. So keep an eye out for good prices across the game and fluctuations. If you like trading with that kind of stuff, then it's gonna be a perfect time on the market for you, right? Like one example of an icon that moved yesterday was Prime Desai. He was like 1.1 mil. He was down at a million coins flat and is now back up to like 1.15. It's like 150,000 coins up on the market. Prime George Best was like 1.37. Now he's back up into the 1.4 range, 1.45s. The only thing that was hurt a little bit today on the market is some of these Elite Tier Primes like Ronaldinho. He's still, I believe, five million coins. Yeah, five mil, five mil flat. Some of these Prime icons that are on the upper echelon, the Elite Tier, they didn't rebound as much right now because I think the Team of the Years, people saw how cheap the Team of the Years were and they were maybe not like a super surprised but these Team of the Year cards are just really, really good and they're decently cheap. So a lot of people were like, man, I don't really wanna go out and buy an icon today when I can go buy and try out 11 Dosski that is only 1.7 million coins compared to maybe a Team of the Year attacker that is 3, 4, 5 million coins and try out a cheaper card that is brand new that just got an insane boost. So I think part of the reason some icons didn't rebound back as much or some of you guys were maybe looking to buy like mid-R9, right? This is a card that you would expect to rise post Team of the Year. He's still 7.17.2 but I think the fact that Mbappe is right around his price range is not stupid expensive and then you can buy messy and level a Team of the Year for cheaper than this card. Some people are going out and doing that today instead of going and buying the big icons for their team. So just kind of keep an eye out for that and some of those icons still could rise more in the later weeks, but I feel like it would happen more after we have the whole team out in packs and as people realize, okay, I want this card or I don't want this card to try out or whatever that may be. So just keep an eye out for that stuff on the market. But it's a crazy time. Upgrade packs, I don't think those would be today. I feel like it'd be a bit early for upgrade packs today but those might be coming tomorrow on Sunday. So just keep an eye out for that. Good luck if you're opening any packs. Of course, if you have upgrade packs that you have saved or maybe if you're doing the Flash SBCs, good luck with those as well and good luck in your weekend leagues, of course. It's probably pretty sweaty out there. I'm gonna forgo my weekend league this weekend. But the fact that we now have ourselves and Mr. Harry Kane in the squad, I do have a Lucas Mora as well. I need to put him in here, I bought him. So I'm excited to use this Kane card because it just looks fun, right? It looks really, really fun to me. And if we do end up packing a team of the year at some point, we'll figure it out. But for now, I've got a brand new Mr. Harry Kane. I'm excited to try him out. So let me know if you guys did his SBC, of course, down in the comments. But that's the video for today. A bit of a longer one, but it was a crazy Friday of team of the year. Crazy Friday in terms of just the servers going down and people being unsure of what in the world was going on. But also crazy just in the fact that the market was moving in pretty incredible ways. There were a lot of ways to make coins, but a lot of the market was just all over the place. So that's today's video, boys. If you did enjoy. And of course, if you are hyped for team of the year, hit the smash, thumbs, hit the smash, smash that thumbs up button and comment down below if you have any questions. Of course, subscribe if you're new. You know, do all the things, right? All right, boys, it's been Nate to put a count and I'll catch you guys later. Peace out.
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WPC 2019 - Lunch debate with H.E. Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al-Thani
His Excellency Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al-Thani is Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar. He spoke out at the first lunch debate of the 12th edition of the World Policy Conference on October 12, 2019. His intervention was followed by a Q&A session. Follow the World Policy Conference on ↓ Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: Flickr: Website:
[ "WPC", "WPC TV", "WPCTV", "Forum economic", "Thierry de Montbrial", "ifri", "de Montbrial" ]
I am going to give the Vice Prime Minister the floor and is going to deal with two related issues about the Middle East. The number one issue is to describe the mess and the second issue is how to get out of the mess. So, Your Excellency, Mr. Vice Prime Minister, I am very happy to give you the floor. I remind many of our participants, guests here, that you were also the guest of honor of similar lunch two years ago, exactly in the same place in Marrakesh. The floor is yours. Good afternoon, everybody. Mr. Théry de Montréal, the Executive Chairman of the French Institute of International Relations and Founder and Chairman of the World Policy Conference. First of all, I would like to thank you for inviting me here today. Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, it is an honor to be speaking at the World Policy Conference once again. It is always a pleasure to share my thoughts with you all and exchange ideas. I had the chance to look at the agenda and I believe the sessions and panels cover a wide range of critical topics from globalization to cybersecurity. Personally, I believe in the mission of this conference, which is to promote world that's more open, more prosperous, and fairer, and explore non-aggressive ways of adopting how states connect with each other at all levels, while respecting the culture and fundamental interests of each nation. In that respect, allow me to shed the light on a topic the agenda is missing and ask a critical question of collective security. How do we, in the MENA region, transition from managing crises to seeking comprehensive solutions? We were in New York a few weeks ago and designed the Amir Spock to the United Nations General Assembly on the many challenges we face in the MENA region – crises, conflicts, transnational threats, diplomatic tensions, and violent interventions. We have witnessed a failure after failure of regional and multilateral organizations in solving conflicts in addition to the failure or refusal to hold perpetrators accountable. Although the Middle East is a region of turmoil, we in Qatar view the Middle East as a critical region with the global importance. It is the global intersection of air, sea, and lands, and even the birth of faith. In fact, we come from a dynamic energy hub, a pillar of international financial networks, and crossroads for human migration. Unfortunately, we also come from the same region that is largely divided, with scattered conflict areas and lack of trust and coordination. We ask time and time again why are conflicts in the Middle East resistance to both regional and global diplomacy? Why some states allowed to resort to diplomacy of denial, rejecting the diplomacy as a legitimate mode of international action? We have witnessed firsthand how this strategy is highly destabilizing and creates a great uncertainty. Although this strategy is usually used by terrorist networks, warlords, and militias, we have seen the trend of diplomacy of denial among some states in the region, who wage war, blockade, and disrespect regional and international mechanisms. I recall His Highness the Emir remarks at the United Nations General Assembly that regional security system is crucial to preserve the security of the Middle East in general and the Gulf region in particular. During the Munich Security Conference, the Emir called for collective action to put differences aside. Similarly, in my last participation in the World Policy Conference, I called for an enforcing mechanism to end conflicts. I am here today to reiterate that call, and to give a perspective on the importance of a regional security pact in the Middle East. The Middle East desperately needs a sustainable framework to ensure long-term peace and stability. The chain of events in our region demonstrated the practical utility to a coherent approach for regional collective security. What we need in the Middle East is collective regional binding mechanism based on agreed principles of security and a set of rules for governance, respect of sovereignty and equality among its members. This means that all countries need to agree on a baseline of non-interference in the domestic and foreign affairs of states. And more importantly, not to use ethnic or confessional diversity and minorities as a scapegoat for interference. We have to build nations of citizens, hoping these initial steps would provide incentives and pave the way for the region peace and prosperity. Expanding the scope of the agreement is also important, so that it is not only limited to security issues, but also includes cooperation and dialogue, once with economic and political dimensions, to build the trust and confidence among members. The unbalanced policy in the region and aggressive miscalculations are impractical over the past months and years. We have witnessed unprecedented tensions arising from miscalculations. The idea of playing off one against the other in a balance of power scenario is dangerous and puts Qatar and the whole region in a volatile situation. Instead of applying maximum pressure or exclusion, there is a greater prospect in collaboration and working together in containing threats within a regional collective security scheme. Without doubt, achieving stability in the Middle East is more likely if there is a foundation of stability in those countries who need support from friendly states with a stable foundation. We can work hand in hand with those nations to advance trade, regional development, good governance, and the productive use of energy resources. The solution we are calling for is a wider regional security in the Middle East, an agreement on basic security principles and rules of governance to allow for peace and prosperity. Despite the gravity of the geopolitical tension, we still believe in this today. Thank you. We are going to have, maybe it's more convenient for me to stay here as we see the people better. Well, thank you very much for this precise, for this precise intervention, but you know you said the number of principles which make a lot of sense, but of course for countries to respect a set of principles and rules of the game, they have to agree beforehand on the rules themselves and on their will to respect the rules. And do you see any chance in the foreseeable future for countries such as Iran, the major powers in the region, that is Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, to go in the direction, to move in the direction you have indicated? Do you think there are any signs that they could play that game or is it not more realistic to believe that kind of war, direct or indirect, will continue until some sort of balance of power is reached? And also the role of external powers such as the United States, Russia and others. That's my simple question. Thank you, Terry for this wide question. First of all, I believe that it's the only way forward. We are not talking about multiple choices or options for the countries to choose what the way forward could look like, but now it's really the big question is about the time. The overall environment in the region is very tense. And we see that the room of diplomacy and the gates to this room are narrowing very much. But what we are calling for all those countries, instead of trying to projecting their power in order to change the balances in the region and then resort to the diplomacy, I think it's better to start from now because these miscalculations might lead us to a long cycle of chaos that the region cannot afford. We appreciate the role of the international community. We appreciate the role of the big powers if they are going to contribute to this constructively and we are not going to be a competition field for them. But we strongly believe that what's happening in the region need to be led from the region and need to be a regional led solution. And I think that what we see right now is just an increasing tension and an exchange of attacks against each other, whether it's military attacks or it is some sort of specific operations that hurting the whole region. We believe that since the tension now is quite high, it might also represent an opportunity if those big countries are going to play a constructive and positive role by encouraging all the parties to engage in a regional dialogue rather than helping them in dividing the situation more and more in the region. It is a very delicate moment for all of us and needs a lot of leadership from the big countries to come and lead a regional led process. You mentioned the leadership of big countries. Do you see any leader among the big countries nowadays? Which countries specifically? I'm talking about my region. I have no, you know, I'm not talking about the big players in the international community or the P5 as they call them. But we see that unfortunately there is a vacuum of leadership in the region. And this is a fact that we are witnessing right now. We see that there are a lot of miscalculated decisions took place. If we would have this strong leadership in the region, it wouldn't happen. We have seen that all the conflicts ongoing in the region and we didn't see an act coming out of the region. For example, just one of our unfortunately failed example of regional cooperation is the Arab League. We had four Arab capitals bombed every day and still bombed, still being bombed every day. And they didn't move, they didn't move a step. But when Turkey started their operation in northern Syria, they have called all the Arabs to condemn this. But okay, we are not saying that what has been done, we are not in a position to judge right or wrong. But what happened with all these capitals that's been bombed by even outside forces? Israel is bombing in Lebanon, in Syria, in Iraq. The Arab League didn't move. And we have Arab countries are bombing in another Arab countries and the Arab League didn't move. We have a lot of issues that the regional cooperation framework we have, it's not effective. Thank you very much. We have time for two or three questions. Who would like to, I say a hand, yes please, Mr. Shambas. Thank you very much. My question is specifically on Sahel. We have seen countries, Mali, now Burkina Faso, Niger, Abtuchad, and a lot of pressure from extremists, violent extremists. And these are countries that are majority Muslim countries. So it is not out of question to express and to wish some more solidarity from countries in the Middle East such as Qatar to fight these terrorists and violent extremists. So far to be honest, we are seeing that France working through a force that has been deployed and then also supporting JSA Sahel countries, Germany is making some effort, the United States. But the nature of the threat is similar to what we saw in northern Iraq and in Syria. The global coalition, a global coalition is required to come to support these poor countries which have a huge responsibility to have effective control of our huge territories. So would your country be willing to play a more active role in the context of a global effort? The ECOWAS countries themselves have met. They said now we must draw the line. We cannot let this threat go beyond Burkina Faso. We must face it squarely, terrorism and violent extremism. But we need a global coalition because the same Islamic state is now showing itself as Islamic state West Africa province. And it must be defeated in West Africa. We would like to hear from you, your excellency, what your country can do in the context of this global effort to face terrorism and violent extremism in the Sahel. Thank you. Thank you. First of all, it's very important to watch very closely what's happening in the Sahar region. And we believe that the threat of terrorism and extremism is now transnational. It's not limited to the Middle East, but it's migrating from different places to another with almost free movements. What's happening there in Sahar region is very dangerous and threatening the international peace and security and not only threatening Africa and all of us, the international community should be united in fighting this phenomenon. Right now the available mechanisms in a place for helping and supporting the Sahel country is the French-led initiative which is on the G7 Sahel, I think they call it. And Qatar is contributing directly to the states. For example, Mali and Burkina, we have already supporting them and have sent them already some support for military equipment they need for their fight. But meanwhile, we also do another initiative that addresses the grassroots for those terrorism and violent extremism by providing education and building schools over there. So in Mali, for example, two years ago, we have launched a program for one million children in Mali to be educated under education above all institutions which is in Qatar. And also we are doing the same programs to the other Sahel country. But I think it's very important to emphasize on the importance of resolving the conflicts in that region in order to have a safe environment for the people, but also not to allow the terrorists to find it as a fertile ground for them. Like for example the Northern Mali issue, we need to put an end for this conflict. We need to find a way forward to resolve it. And I think there is a lot of efforts from friendly nations who are trying to help in resolving this issue. But overall, Sahel remains very important not for Africa and not for Europe but for all of us in the region. And for two more questions, well, three. Okay. Bertrand Badre, Mr. Tanaka, and, okay, Maela, Joseph Maela. Thank your excellence and thank you, Thierry. Bertrand Badre, founder of Blue Lycan Orange Sustainable Capital. You mentioned in your introductory remark your recent trip to New York for UN General Assembly. And one of the main things that you have done was to present alongside France and Jamaica the climate finance action plan. So my question coming back to the region is that is this renewed focus on issues like climate and water, et cetera, which are really shared within the region, might be a catalyst for more in-depth cooperation between the various countries in the region. Thank you very much. Thank you. I'm not sure if I understood your question quite clearly, but I'll try to explain what I understood. Well, the climate change is a global matter that everybody should be concerned about and should be a matter that unites countries. And using these things that uniting countries to unite the region, we believe it's very important. But what we have seen until now is nothing has been practical to bring the countries together. So one example is the climate change, but another example for us in the Gulf is the issue of water, which is vital for all the Gulf countries and Iran as well. We didn't even have a dialogue around this topic, which is existential for our people in that region. So I think we are still, there is a lack of maturity in the countries in the region to talk about the uniting topics and not to just limit their talks to the controversial issues that they are having differences with. We have seen a sort of agreement in the OPEC for the oil production, but this is because it's all a direct win-win situation for the countries who are part of OPEC. But nothing that touching directly the people of the region, we didn't see any move like this. In Qatar, we believe Qatar is a small country, it's a global player at the end of the day. We care a lot about a lot of global issues and we are trying to see which areas that we can contribute positively in and we do it like in the climate change and this green fund that has been launched in New York, we see a need for this and we see a need for the small states to be supported and help through these sort of mechanisms. So our contribution was directed to those small states and islands who are going to suffer an existential threat in the near future because of the climate change. Nobuo Tanaka. Thank you very much, Terry, for inviting me. First, as a former Executive Director of the IA, I'm the energy experts and also as Japanese, I have to start talking to you, sir, that Qatar helped us by providing us a huge amount of gas after the March 11, 2011, after the catastrophe of Japan and tsunami. So I have to first thank you very much for your great help as a good friend from Qatar. I have to stop saying my thanks. My question is not about energy today. My question is about gender. At the Sasakawa Peace Foundation as I'm the chair of, we are promoting empowering women in the Muslim countries. We have communicated with some countries and there are many empowered women there. UN women says that if women are involved in a peace negotiation, this peace negotiation can be achieved much, much more chance than those with men. And peace negotiation could stay longer when deployment is by the women. So this is statistically correct. If women will be used much more in the peace talk in the Middle East, why don't you leave this very important issue to the women in the Middle East for making better and long-lasting peace? Thank you, but your question is very tricky. If I say yes, this will help, then I will be asked by the fellow man and then if I say no, it won't work, then all the women are going to hate me. So what I would like to start with is that we have all the respect for the role of women in the Middle East. They have contributed throughout history in a very constructive manner. And what they did to our region and to the countries has been highly appreciated by everyone and recognized by everyone. We believe that women participation should be in all the fields. It's not only on peace negotiation or on specific area. And they are participating, in fact, in the region if you see the participation of women 10 years ago and you compare it to what's happening, what's going right now, there is a very big shift in their participation. And this is not new to the Middle East, by the way. The woman has been always through the history participating hand-in-hand with the men just for a few years or decades. They've been more behind the scenes and not on the front line. For peace negotiations, trust me, if the woman can achieve it, maybe one day the men will screw it up. So let us put them hand-in-hand together and negotiate for peace. I don't see an exclusive role for men and women. I'm seeing an exclusive role for visionary leaders to come and talk about new initiatives that bring people together. Thank you. Well, thank you very much. I think we may have time because lunch should continue for those who are lucky enough to eat. So I will give the floor to Mona Makram-Ebed from Egypt and Falker Pertes from Germany. I think they're on the same table, no? Mona. Hello, Mr. Minister. We're glad to see somebody from Qatar because we don't see them anymore in any country in our region. So I'm glad to hear what you have to say. But it's exactly what we would like to see for regional security is to have cooperation between the countries and not to have this division that we have now. It's not only in the Arab League, but it's also in the Gulf Cooperation Council. And I think that Qatar could play quite a role in trying to get what you call the big countries together. Egypt is one of them in case you forgot. So I'm trying to remind you that it is a country of 100 million as a population. And I think that it is quite open today to have some sort of reconciliation because the division that was called with the quartet has only been detrimental to the whole region. Thank you. First of all, thank you for your kind welcoming. Well, look, Qatar has been a strong believer in the cooperation and dialogue. And talking about the division and what's happening within the Gulf, it's really counterproductive not for Qatar only, but for the entire region. And we see that how it paralyzed the situation. But Qatar never used the diplomacy of denial, which I just mentioned here in my remarks. And we remained open to engage and to talk with everyone within the Gulf, with Egypt. And we have no problem with the other Arab countries. I am as a country, as a small country, I will have a problem with the countries who initiated a hostility against my country, who threatened in one day my existence. And with all this, with all what they have done, we have said that we are always open, we are always welcoming. Any initiative that will lead for a unity again. And unity doesn't mean that we should love each other, we should live with each other. That's what we are talking about. Regarding Egypt, Egypt is an important country in the region. We have reiterated on this several times. It is one of the leaders in the region. It has a potential, a huge potential in the leadership in the region because of its population, because of its resources. And we hope one day that this leadership will see the light with other leading countries like Iraq also as a leader in the region. Syria one day, we hope that we can recover it from all this happening and how it's been hijacked by a war criminal until now. And all these countries can lead the future of our region. So in Qatar, we are open to everyone. We want to see those big countries assuming their leadership role and moving the way forward for our region for a better future for the generations. Well, thank you very much. It's already quite late. I see many, many hands. So I will take only two. I am sorry. So Volker Berthes and Joseph Mahila. Thank you very much. Volker Berthes from Germany, Deputy Prime Minister. I appreciate what you said about regional dialogue. But let me, in a way, follow up on what Mona Makramabayit from Egypt asked you, namely to speak about the regional role of Qatar itself. Five years ago, Qatar tried to be a leader in the region, partly by sponsoring diplomacy, mediation in Darfur, for example, or in Lebanon, but also by quite aggressively funding and supporting both political and armed opposition in Syria. And that didn't succeed very well, to say the least. How would you, in retrospect, evaluate your own role and your own attempt to change the situation in one of the countries of the region? Well, first of all, just to correct some of your statement, sir, that Qatar is not trying to be a leader in the region in the last two years or before the two years. Qatar has been, for two decades, very active diplomatically in the region in resolving conflict. We never punch over our weight. We know our size. We know we are a small country. And we know that Qatar played a leadership role throughout the two decades. We have helped in resolving conflicts with Iran, Sudan, and Darfur. There was a genocide over there. People has been displaced. Qatar was the one who brokered the agreement. We are helping and supporting Lebanon and resolving the crisis between Djibouti and Eritrea, and a lot more than this. If we are talking about Qatar involvement in the regional issues, we care about our region, we want stability for our region, and we want a better future for the people of the region. But when it comes to the choice between the people and some leaders who are authoritarian or waging a war against their own population, definitely we will go and stand with the people. And I'm sorry, sir, when you mentioned that Qatar funded certain political groups or certain armed groups in Syria or anywhere else, this is totally a misstatement by you on Qatar. Because whatever we have done throughout the past years, we were doing it through a collective mechanism that everybody is seeing what's happening and what's going on with our money. Whether it's in Syria, we were jointly together working with the United States, with Saudi, with Jordan, with England, with France, with everyone. It was one joint operation room that takes the funding for the armed groups because it was an international consensus to remove a war criminal from his place after he bombed his people with chemical weapons. When you are talking about other areas in the region, for example Libya. Libya, we've been very much coherent with international resolutions, with the Security Council resolutions, and we didn't do anything out of this context. We worked hand-in-hand with the NATO forces in 2011 to help the people over there. When there was a dispute among them in 2015, they came up with an agreement. And as Khayrat, we continued to support the legitimate government. There are a lot of other countries whom you didn't mention here, who are funding the different forces and different militias who undermined the legitimate government. And now everybody is calling to being strict with the Security Council resolution. And no one has talked about Security Council resolutions for the past five years since the conflict restarted again in Libya. In other countries, for example, you can look at, check and verify Qatar's position, the real position, and not with all the respect what you read, maybe in some newspaper, which I don't know from where they've been propagated. Go and check what's happening on the ground, check with the governments, and you can see that Qatar always supporting the will of the people and the legitimate governments, while other countries are trying to undermine those legitimate governments and the will of the people. So Qatar is not associated with any political party, it's not associated with a certain agenda in the region. We want to see stability in the region. Qatar is not a political party. Qatar is a state, whether it's small or big, it doesn't matter. It's what matters really the effectiveness of the country and its role. Thank you. Thank you very much for this detailed answer, very precise. And very last question, Joseph Mahila. Thank you, thank you very much, Jerry. Thank you very much, Excellency, for your comprehensive take. I have three quick questions, very concise one. First we'll follow the question put forward by Falker Perthes. What is the role today of Qatar in trying to mediate within the Gulf crisis? I mean, can we expect someday a mediation between Iran and the U.S. in order to work for de-escalation in the Gulf? My second question is that two years ago you have opened a link, a rapprochement between Qatar and the Russian and Russia. What is it about today? And my third one will be very much linked to the actuality. Two days ago Turkey has been on the move in the northern part of Syria. What do you expect of that? How Qatar is looking at this new move which might add violence to violence? Thank you very much for your answers. Well, regarding your question about the situation in the Gulf, Qatar, of course, we have a very strong alliance with the United States and this partnership now has been for more than four decades. And we have also a friendly relationship with Iran because also Iran is part of our region and it's just across the border from us. And unfortunately, when we've been blockaded by our neighbors and we are not allowed to use the airspace, Iran were the ones who opened their airspace and ports for us despite our differences with them and disagreements on certain issues. So for us, we are in a very dangerous situation when the tension comes between our strongest ally and our neighbor which now represents an existential need for Qatar. So we always have an open channel with both countries trying to de-escalate and defuse the tension. We've never been asked by any of the countries to mediate between them but both of the countries has been responsive positively with our calls for de-escalation and we hope one day that this rapprochement will happen and we can reach an agreement. The agreement between U.S. and Iran is important but more importantly, I see an agreement between Iran and the region. Regarding the second question, our relation with Russia, we are a small country. We have a strategic alliance with a lot of countries, for example Japan, for the United States, with main countries in Europe like France and Germany. We have a lot of investments and cooperation and we don't see anything that prevents us from having a relationship with Russia and we are not planning to take anything out of this relationship rather than a friendly relationship and mutual benefit for both countries. So our relation has been growing in a steady manner. We have built this partnership especially in the economic and the energy sector and both of us, Qatar and Russia are one of the two of the largest exporting countries in Gaza and we have to have this sort of understanding between both of us. Regarding North and Syria and Turkey, if we will look at what happened in the last two days with the intervention of Turkey and the North and Syria, we see that the way it happened because of the threat being represented for Turkey and I don't think that we have to blame now Turkey while we didn't try to help in solving the problem in the first place. There have been a negotiation for almost one year and a half to eliminate the threat from the border and this negotiation didn't lead to anything. So now Turkey is between two options. Either they stay in their place and they wait for some of the terrorist groups who are threatening their security to come and to be strengthened and to be right on their borders or to take an action which will not be liked internationally. What we want to assure you that Qatar remains has a firm position on the integrity of Syria. We don't accept any division over there. We don't want to see a demographic change and we believe Turkey has proven that they are not a destructive role in Syria. What they have done in the northern part of Syria earlier by helping the government and the temporary government over there has been already proven for everyone. So we hope that what's happening now in the northern part will ensure the security of Turkey which is an important country and an important ally not for Qatar only but for all of the European countries. But also it has a big participation from the Syrian opposition which is the Free Army, Free Syrian Army which will take the place after that to police the area. Thank you. Well, thank you very much, Sheikh Mohammed. I think the presentation, the intervention raised a lot of interest and there were many other questions but we cannot spend the whole afternoon and you have to fly back to Doha so have a safe flight back even though it takes a little more time than usual, I understand. An hour or so, something like that? Two hours. Two hours extra. Before leaving I would like to ask everyone here to look at the tent. No, because this is a tent, a real tent and I understand that it's a technical achievement and for that we have to thank, not only for that, our Moroccan friends. So that is my last point and again thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you very much. I would like to thank everybody.
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String Comparison in C language | C programming video tutorial | Sanjay Gupta
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Hello friends! I am Sanjay Gupta. I welcome you on Sanjay Gupta Tech School. In this video, I am going to explain how you can compare two strings in C language. Before starting, I want to give you one information. If you go to description of this video, you will find links of various playlists related to C language. So now I am going to start explaining how you can compare two strings in C language. So first of all, I am going to read two strings from the user. So let's say string 1 is S1, whose size is 10. String 2 is S2, whose size is also 10. Then I am going to compare one variable i and another variable f that will be for flag which is initially 0. Now to read input from user, I am writing a printf which will display enter first string. Input will be stored inside S1. Then again printf enters second string. Then getters S2. So this way, first string will be stored inside S1 and second string will be stored inside S2. So now I am going to implement the loop and through that loop, we will see how we can compare two strings whether they are equal or not. So remember that I am going to compare both the strings as per their content, not as per their length. So for example, this is S1 or this is S2. We have two strings. So here you can see both are equal because their contents are same. If S1 is X, Y, Z and S2 is A, B, C. So these two strings are unequal because their contents are unequal. If length is same like S1 is having three characters, S2 is also having three characters, then based on their length, we are not going to compare. We are going to compare as per their content. So I will use these two examples while I will be implementing the loop. So after implementation of loop, we will come again on these examples and we will see how that loop is working to check the string comparison. So I am starting for loop from zero. Now here condition is S1 of I not equals to null or S2 of I not equals to null. So here see the condition. S1 is checked, then S2 is checked. If S1 is not equals to null, if it is true, then second condition will not be evaluated because I have mentioned or in between them. And if this condition is false, then this will be evaluated. If it is true, then also loop will iterate. So if any one of these two conditions are true, then loop will be evaluated, otherwise it will be false. So if both the conditions are false, then loop will be discontinued. And after here, I am removing this. So here I need to write I plus plus and then inside loop I am going to write the logic. So I am writing if condition, if S1 of I not equals to S2 of I, if S1 of I not equals to S2 of I, then I am assigning one into F and I am using break so that I can terminate the rotation of loop and I am closing the loop. So this is the simple loop that I implemented for still comparison. After completion of this loop, I just need to check if F is still 0, then I can print equal. If F is equals to 0, then I can print equal, else I can print not equal. So now I am taking this example first so that we can check whether this implemented loop is working fine or not. So initially you can see F is 0. Initially value of F is 0. Now we need to check this loop. So I started from 0, then S1 of I not equals to 0. So let's say I is 0. Now check S1 of I not equals to 0. So you can imagine that this is 0 index, this is 1, this is 2 and then on third index both are having null. So S1 of I not equals to 0. So S1 of I is not equals to 0. It is true. So if first condition is true, second will not be evaluated. It means loop condition is true. Now we need to check S1 of I with S2 of I. If it is not equal, then F will be 1 and loop will be eliminated. But in this case, both are equal. So this condition will be false and I will be incremented. So now I is 1. So here you need to check S1 of I. So S1 of I is B, which is also not equal to 0. So in this first condition is true. So second will not be checked. Now check this condition S1 of I not equals to S2 of I. So again it is false because both are equal. So I will be incremented. So I is 2. Again check this condition S1 of 2 is having C, which is not equals to null. So again this condition is true. Check this condition S1 of I not equals to S2 of I. So again this is false because both are equal. So I will be incremented. This time I is 3. So check this condition S1 of I. So S1 of 3 is having null. So this is false. Check this condition S2 of I is not equals to null. It is also false. So both conditions of loop are false this time. So you will be incremented and you saw we never born inside this condition because every time it was false. So I have remained 0 and we can say that both the strings are equal. So this is the first scenario. Now let me take another one, which is this. String 1 is XYZ and string 2 is ABC. So again I am starting I from 0. So S1 of I, S1 of 0 not equals to null. So this condition is true. So setting will not be evaluated. Now come here. S1 of I not equals to S2 of I. So S1 of I is X. S2 of I is A. So X not equals to A. So first time condition is true. So it means F will be assigned as 1 and break will terminate the loop and after termination of loop we need to check if condition. So this time F is 1. So it will print strings are not equal. So this way this is working. Now let's say if you have this kind of scenario. In first string we have AB and null and in second string we have ABC and null. So what will happen? So in two rotations while I will be 0, so both are equal, while I will be 1, then B and B both are equal. While I is 2, we are on this position. So for string 1 it is null. So this condition will be false. So this condition will be checked. So it is true because S2 is not equals to null. So it will come to this condition and here inside this condition S1 of 2 position is having null. And S2 of 2 position is having C. So here you can see this condition is not true. So F will be assigned 1 and loop will be perfect. And after termination of loop F is 1. So not equal will be this way. So this way if all the characters of both the strings are equal then only this if condition will be false. And whenever both the indexes are unequal then automatically it will become true and F will be assigned as 1. So this way I explained you how you can compare two strings. So I explained this example with the help of three different strings. So S1 S2 I used three pairs of S1 and S2 to explain this loop how it is working. So don't confuse yourself like why I used all here because I explained you with the examples like how it is working. So if first condition is true we don't have to check another one because here we have a comparison condition. So don't put end here just use on so that we can check each and every index of both the strings. So if any point if indexes are unequal F will be having 1 and loop will be terminated to break and then we need to check if condition like F is 2 or 1 and accordingly also will be this way. So this way I hope you understood how we can compare two strings in C language with the help of this example. And if you want to watch more programming related videos you can open my channel go to playlist where you will see various playlist related to C language. Also you can find those links handy in the description of this video. So do follow those videos so that you can learn programming in a minute. And I hope you understood whatever I explained in this video. Thank you for watching this video.
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Where do workers pay the most tax?
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Summer of Hope 2011
Business, the faith community and city government come together to help send kids back to school ready to learn.
[ "Students", "class", "back to school summer" ]
The energy levels are high, the kids are excited about going back to school, the parents are excited. We're thrilled about the partnership and the community. It takes a community to educate children, so now we've got our faith-based community, our business community and the farm of Coamerica and the city all reaching out to Fort Worth ISD as well as TWU, our higher education groups. The kids are excited, they're going to get lunch, they're getting bicycles if they're lucky enough to win. Everybody gets a backpack, they'll get to play basketball, they get to go swimming next week, play Wi-Fi games, they'll get a little reading readiness to try to get them pumped up and excited thinking about their education. They are the future of Fort Worth. We contributed $10,000 that helps provide school supplies, backpacks, clothing, all the necessary things that the kids need to get a good head start for the school year. But we try to make an impression on that it's really up to them. We can give them a head start, but we want to make sure that they understand that their goals and their aspirations can only be achieved through hard work and determination. The parents are excited about this, but a lot of parents are just frustrated. They don't know how to be involved with their kids. They missed that link and I always just tell them, go to the school, demand to see your child's teacher, demand to see their parent, see that they've got their homework, see that they're working, take them to work with you if your boss will allow it. Let them see what it takes to be an educated contributor to our society. Everybody wants a job, everybody wants a new car when they get older and they can't do that without an adequate education. We're just excited right here that the mayor is giving away the first box. Come on y'all, let's make some noise. Fantastic!
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At the end of the call, she says, Andy, what time can you make it in? I say, Vanessa, hold up, I saw it online for $2,999, what's your best price? Go. Explain how this works. I'm calling her on a 2018 Ford F-150, I'm calling her. And she's like telling me all the information, what's your name? Vanessa. Vanessa, okay, I'm calling Vanessa, I'm calling the 2018 F-150, she's like, oh my God, Andy, this is the nicest truck in the country. She's giving me the spill, baby, the sizzle and the steak, I can hear it through the phone. The price is $2,999. At the end of the call, she says, Andy, what time can you make it in? I say, Vanessa, hold up, I saw it online for $2,999, what's your best price? Go. Hey guys, what's going on? It's Andy. A lot of you leave comments telling me that you need help. Do me a favor and take the best way to get a hold of me. Give me a text message right now, 918-210-0254, 918-210-0254, I'll help you with whatever you need. I got your back for life. Let's get back to the video. Let's see, Andy. Our survey is what is called an electric based pricing. Research showed that 90% of our customers don't want to have an overpriced, but they want the best price of credit. Vanessa. What's your best set here? Okay. You got haters? Yeah. You ever had somebody not believe in you? Yeah. Well, this is the chance for you to prove your haters wrong that what you want, you can go get it. Do you hear me? Let's go. Okay. Now listen to me. You've got to own your mindset, which I've been talking about for a long time. Right? Don't ever let someone else take up space in your head. You see all these people? They're on your team and they're here to support you. So they want you to do good. Okay? So I just want to tell you, there's a lot of people that don't want you to do good and they can do good. Did you notice? Okay. What you say, how you say it, and do you believe in what you're saying? I don't want you to speak with your mouth. I want you to speak with your heart. Can you do that? Yeah. All right. Vanessa. I saw this online for $2,999. What is your best price? Sell these models. What's your best price? All right, Andy. See, our store does what it's called, the market-based pricing. Research shows that 90% of our customers don't want to have a little price, but they want the best price up front. This is why we use a very strict but accurate tools to find vehicles just like ours on the marketplace right now. And then those tools price out our vehicles to ensure that we're always priced below market. According to the stats on this vehicle right now, we're 85% to market, meaning we're 15% below market value. Not only are we great at marketing, but we're also good at marketing. We're also good at marketing. We're also good at marketing. We're also good at marketing. We're also good at marketing. We're also good at marketing. We're also good at marketing. We're good at marketing as well. We're good at marketing and we're good at marketing. We're good at marketing. We're good at marketing as well. We're good at marketing. We're not good at marketing because of our price. But that's our goal right now to market to market, meaning we're 15% below market value. Not only are we great at pricing, but we're also great in all high critical areas that are important to you and your family, like price, payment and trading. By the way, are you going to be trading in the vehicle today? Did you see the shift? She got there, she was back there, she's like, I want to see her in your mic. Okay, it's time to get out, guys. If you're going to play, play with everything you have. Most people can't get together. Can they? She got her together quick, didn't she? She's dangerous. Now watch. Do you think she came up with that on the spot or do you think she studied that? Okay. Who taught you that? Okay. If I taught it to her the first time you heard it, it was like, am I right? And then how did you learn it? Speaking of that, how did you learn it? I just studied. Every day I either wrote it down or I studied and I actually studied with my kids. My four-year-old even knows how to say it, you know. He tells me, he's like, Mom, what's your best surprise? He don't say prize, but he says best surprise. And we say it and we just, and my daughter, she's 12. She does the same exact thing. So I just continue to keep going. Hey guys, I just want to tell you the true one percenters you made it to the end of the video. Do me a favor, share it with the friend that wants to go to another level. Make sure you like the video, comment below so I know who you are. Set your notifications and then subscribe to the channel. We got daily self-training videos dropping. I'll see you soon.
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Drumming and the Nervous System with Adam Gust - EP 219
Adam Gust teaches us how understanding Neuroscience, The Vegus Nerve, and listening to your body and emotions can help you be a better drummer with less pain and tension in your body. Adam began this quest to combine brain science and drumming after traumatic experience where he lost the ability to play the drums after walking through a plate glass window which shattered all over his hands. He applied what he learned and is now back to drumming better than ever and is on a mission to share this knowledge with the drumming community! Here are Adams links: Sabian Education Network referral link for free access to my workshops with them: TED talk: and here are some science related Drum History episodes that you may enjoy: EP 191 - Rhythmic Therapy: Using Drums to Help Kids Through Trauma with Rob Leytham EP 182 - Biomechanical Drumming with Brandon Green EP 165 - Drums and Ethnomusicology with William Johnson EP 112 - The Science of Why We Love Drums with Dr. Kristen Vogt Veggeberg EP 83 - The Science and History of Acoustics with Thomas Antoine EP 10 - Wild Thing: The Study of Rhythm in Animals with Dr. Ed Large ------ Join my YouTube membership channel to get access to perks: ** CHECK OUT MY GEAR ON SWEETWATER ** ** 30 DAY FREE DRUMEO TRIAL ** **JOIN PATREON** **I record interviews with Riverside.FM - I highly recommend it. Here is my affiliate link:
[ "Drums", "Drummer", "lessons", "Drum History Podcast", "Drum History", "Adam Gust", "science drums", "neuroscience", "neurofeedback", "nervous system", "bessel van der kolk", "the body keeps the score", "somatic drummer", "ted talk", "vegus nerve", "science of drumming", "brain science", "sabian education", "science of the groove", "working drummer", "drummer yoga", "drummer exercises", "drummer meditation", "musician meditation", "musician mental health", "self care for musicians", "vegus nerve reset", "vegus nerve exercise" ]
Hello and welcome to the drum history podcast. I'm your host Bart van der Zee and today I am joined by mr. Adam gust who's drummer speaker educator and very excited to have you here. Oh, thank you Yeah, thanks bar for having me. I love the podcast. You're doing really Thank you very much. Yeah, this is an interesting one. This this falls in line with more of some of the like Scientific kind of ones that we've done over the years more brain related There's there's a handful of the episodes which I will list them all in the description Rob Latham's episode is coming to mind Steven Taylor did one on the science of like practice. There's a whole bunch of them So I'll link those so people can see those as well, but great. Um, so you are a monster drummer I got to say out upfront because your website, which is let me let me plug it right here Adam gust GST comm has some great examples of your plane, but you're you're kind of pivoting to Be more in the speaking educational world Which is very cool. So Let me cue this up. So today, we're gonna be talking about And you have a much better explanation But what I interpret it is to be is how emotions play into your drumming basically and yeah Your Vegas nerve and your nervous system and how it all plays together. So All that being said Adam. Tell us more about this topic This topic. Yeah, well, it's been very influential in my life I had an experience that caused me to really have to Think outside the box in how to recovery from an injury that I had and that led me down a path to find a lot of really new Scientific research that's understanding better brain and body connectivity that has everything to do with drumming and Effects all aspects of our life really and I have I Initially got into it because I was trying to find somebody to teach me about it When I first learned that this research and perspective existed in early 2017 I was like man, I got to find some drummer who's been applying this to drum pedagogy So I can get better as you know, just internally and also in my performance and I just couldn't find that person So after seven years of studying and applying kind of the clinical application of nervous system science to drumming I feel like oh, I've kind of become that person. I was looking for in a sense There you go. Sometimes you have to do that where if no one else is doing it then you should be the one But you you got to give us a quick rundown here because I've seen it. You did a Ted talk It's kind of a horror story Maybe a quick rundown of just kind of what happened to you because you were you know again a working Full-time drummer and then something happened. So tell us about that. Yeah, I was on a gig Well, the Ted talk is science of the groove and if you want to know more about it, please check it out It's kind of the tree trunk that I'll be branching out from the rest of my life I think you know, I kind of built it to just be something that I can elucidate on from here on out But yeah, I was doing really well I felt like I was on this upward trajectory in my life as a pro drummer in LA and I was on a gig and I Was walking towards the stage and there was a glass door there That I thought was open and it wasn't and I walked through it And it should have been safety glass if it were up to the specs of at the time and it wasn't it was outdated and it was real glass and It fast shard turned into shards and fell on me and it was a severe injury Particularly as a professional drummer depending on our hands the way we do Wow terrible I mean, it's it's a nightmare kind of situation So, okay, then then pick up from there and again you had to recover you you couldn't play for a long time but that obviously is what got you interested in all of this stuff to connect the dots there of how you go from that horrible incident to Wanting to go down this this path of you know science and how it connects those two Yeah Well the connective tissue with what I'm doing now is the six years that went on with me being oblivious to what the solution was and so I was getting this very strong intense Tension problem in my arm and I was using kind of conventional means of thinking of how to deal with that in terms of Healing and wellness. I thought okay. I need to study some different techniques. I tried acupuncture. I tried I went to medical doctors. I tried to suss this out and after six years I've made it some tiny improvements acupuncture did help a bit But it just never got to a point where I felt like I was on par with people I was competing for work with and I did I would not even want to go to jam sessions or even be involved in my Drumming community in LA because I just didn't feel like I measured up because I had this just Amateurish tension problem when the stakes were high My arm would tense up and I mean that's kind of like that's what I associated with what an amateur is You know, I mean a pro rises to the occasion and that's I was just incapable of that And that just over six years it eventually got me to the point that I just didn't want to be a drummer anymore I just didn't feel like I measured up to my own standards And I realized that this was actually this tension was my body trying to tell me something And I just didn't get that at all, you know I really thought that my brain is telling my arm what to do and it's not doing it There's this brain problem But and I just didn't see it how it was this message coming back like my brain was sending a message to the arm But there was a sensory information coming back from the arm telling me that hey There's some tension here that we need to resolve and I just didn't wasn't aware of that until much later Hmm. So I mean again, this is I'll ask that might be a dumb question But so it was not to break it down more. It's not a physical issue at that point then it was more of the connection of the nerves and and Explain a little more about then how once you understand this and how you because you're playing great now I've seen videos obviously and how does then this study and this, you know, knowledge of what to do Make you get over that that issue Yeah, well, it was I've reached this point where I just knew that I had to Exit my current situation because it wasn't working I wasn't learning what I needed to know and I really just didn't want to go on living that way and So I took time I would took this cruise ship gig and it was six months and I'm just like, okay I'm it was super cushy gig ten hours a week. I Totally lucked out a friend hooked me up Nikhil Karula. Thank you And so I need to give me a lot of time to read a lot of books and do a lot of self-study There was a guy I met on the ship Georgie Orojas who was really into Chinese martial arts and wellness and I got to work with him a lot And so it was just such a blessing for that to happen because that's really where I started doing the work and Looking inside and I've read a bunch of books about psychology and biology and Neurology and then I came the big turning point for me was doctor Bessel van der Kolk's book the body keeps the score And that was really the point where I kind of oh, okay There's this awareness in the body that my mind doesn't have and that just isn't consistent with our culture In a sense. I mean we kind of think like mostly from the top down like the brain is telling the body what to do And if the body isn't doing what the brain says then there's a mental issue And that's just not consistent with what Bessel van der Kolk's talking about that that's really this coordinated Conversation between the brain and the body and yeah, ultimately it has everything to do with trauma And it's like that word is something that might trigger some people even just the word itself But I like to dimension as teaching resilience and understanding mindful awareness That's what I like to think of it more like an acronym like it's sort of a call to action rather than this kind of stigma or something to you know, kind of suppress Sure So I've explained this on the show before and I was telling you before that I have filmed psychology seminars for since I get about 2016 and I have heard the body keeps the score mentioned Multiple times over the years very famous book I've never read it, but I've heard many many great things again I'm the guy in the back with just the camera filming these things But and I've filmed presentations where they put the caps on people's heads and do like the neuro pathways and they control the video game a little game yeah, yeah with their with their thoughts or mind power basically, but All right, so we're drummers. I will I will speak to myself here. We're we're simple people So let's let's break this down to how does this apply to people who are listening who are they don't have the traumatic experience of walking through a you know outdated plate glass window and shattering it and not being able to play but I've got some shoulder pain. I've had lower back pain. We all have these from a life of drumming. Yeah Or maybe someone doesn't have any pain, but they just want to get you know, they want to move forward in there in their plane Let's get into now. How does how does this apply to like? Everyone in different situations. How can every drummer get better by knowing this this stuff? Yeah, well, we use our nervous system to play drums and I really like to think of the best drummers that's sharing a lot with the best athletes I mean it takes a lot of mind-body coordination in order to fulfill our intentions of excellence and There's definitely this connection in terms of modern nervous system research that connects healing with performance. In fact, there's a view of Healing that our resilience is basically healing in real time and to be resilient in Performance is key to being a professional. I mean they when stuff goes wrong. That's the job I really like this Robert Rodriguez interview with the Tim Ferriss podcast rather. He says like, you know You're not being a professional of everything is going right like the job is fixing stuff that goes wrong And I really that made a lot of sense to me because I've been in situations where things go wrong And that's really where you kind of start seeing who who is more or less professional You know, yeah. Oh my god. Yeah, right And so I really want to be a professional and so for the longer the six-year period I noticed when things went wrong I was not a professional and so that's when I realized like healing has everything to do with performance Being able to heal in real time being present being aware of the information your body is giving you and so Yeah, but kind of the hook of the the interview I'd like to give I've worked with a lot of singer-songwriters And I feel like I've always had to support the hook, you know And so like I would like to for this interview like to support this hook of the idea How much we lack awareness of our current emotional state is how much we take out our emotions on others and Ourselves and the groove as drummers. And so like any hook, it's worth repeating you How much we lack awareness of our current emotional state is Proportional it's directly proportional to how much we take out we reduce and damage our Interactions with others ourselves and our drumming. And so that's really not taking care of yourself and treating yourself Well and take taking care of your own Everything you are then going to be in life probably a jerk to other people and you're not going to perform Your best on the drums because you're just bottling everything up and being tense and not You know taking care of the things you should take care of is that a simple? Yeah, I jerked to other people of being from the drums is rushing not grooving not listening playing too loud Not giving the music what it's calling for, you know That's kind of being selfish or just being completely disconnected from our emotions leads to a lot of disconnection from the music we're making And so the music connection music connectivity with this work is it's really deep and so it but it starts Internally like we have to be in unison with ourselves before we can be in unison with anyone else I mean, you know if we can't play unison between our four limbs We're never gonna like kind of be able to connect with some bass player a guitar player who's hyper developed unison between their two hands So yeah, the word the work has I mean so music is just a reflection of this overarching concept of you know We need to be aware of this sensory information our current emotional state is essentially the sensory information That's being fed to us by our body you mentioned the vagus nerve which is integral to this work and Structure and function of the vagus nerve is crucial to understanding this because there are four times more Neuro transmissions coming up the vagus nerve to the brain than there are going down Which means we have evolved to be hyper sensitive to this information that our body is giving us But that's not reflected in kind of our cultural attitudes towards by mind-body connectivity Yeah, so okay back up a second. Let's define the vagus nerve Okay, again in my experience of filming Workshops and again out to explain a little further these workshops are for people who have to keep their if you're a Psychologist or social worker, whatever you have to take courses to keep your license. That's what I've been filming So the importance of the vagus nerve has come up multiple times So can you give a little more definition for you know the layman who may not know what it is? Sure. Yeah It's a very complex system of Nerves, but it's called one it's called the vagus nerve But it's actually an entire system that comes from because it's cranial nerves that come out of the base of the brain And go all the way down our body in this very mangled sort of network Which is why it's called vagus vagus means wanderer las Vegas is for wanderers wanting wandering the desert and so Yeah, yeah, it's this very wandering kind of nerve because all of our other nerve structures are very Symmetrical so the motor nerves come down from the brain and go down the front of the spine and kind of branch out to the limbs in a Very symmetrical pattern and then the sensory nerves come up the back of the spine very Symmetrically, but this vagus nerve is something different and it even is akin to the Structure of our organs like our bodies very symmetrical except for our organs and so I think like evolutionarily This is kind of queuing us in like okay There's needs to be some special attention paid to this because it's out of the ordinary Everything else is kind of been even like mechanical looking how symmetrical it is but the vagus nerve really it Carries a lot of emotional information that's being sent up from the organs and it directly connects to the face So there connects through the top of the eyes the forehead and under the eyes and then also around the mouth It goes up to our ears. It affects our hearing goes a laryngeal pharyngeal Branches which are kind of in the top and bottom of the throat and it connects our purse or it influences our perception of time Our coordination our fingertip sensitivity our emotional state. I mean these are and when I was learning about this It's like oh my god. This is this is the holy grail for drummers like who is out there bringing vagus nerve research to the drums Where are they? Tell me what their hourly rate is. I'll pay it, you know Yeah, and there was all kinds of these Well, I contacted a lot of psychologists who had been doing this work and they're like oh well It's been very well established that you know drumming and the biggest nerve research are Connective and I was like where's the drum set player and so there's Rhythm to recovery. There's like a lot of hand drumming. There's rhythm and bliss. There's uh, yeah I think Rob Latham you talked about he does hand drumming and yeah trauma work with kids But in terms of a drum set pedagogy, I just like where is that person and why do they not exist? Yeah, yeah, cuz if you're I mean it makes you like you said drumming and it kind of relates to like being athletes Where if you're trying to be the best of the best Those and you're figuring out the minor things that you can change or if you're if you're already in very good shape But you're wanting to get that much better Looking at this kind of stuff is is how you can do that or if you're like like like a normal, you know, Joe you then Just addressing this could could be very beneficial to your plane and it's interesting because when you Google it You know take it for what it's worth because it's Google But it's just it's interesting to say that it's the involuntary body functions including digestion heart rate immune system breathing cardiovascular activity Reflex action such as coughing sneezing It's like and and so much more like you said but the in involuntary thing is very interesting because it's like you can't control it Love that you brought up that word because that is of a perspective that I want to talk about so there is a Cultural attitude of what is involuntary and what isn't so there's this language that's coming up from the body as sensory Information which in my TED talk I talk about I say that sensation is a language and I feel like I do a fairly good job of describing and kind of putting it in that context and So we usually think of languages, you know, the brain establishes language and that's how we communicate But really interpreting this language of the body is the key to this work And that might sound a little woo-woo to certain people the language of the body But I feel like culturally speaking that it is woo-woo in terms of Western culture, but in other cultures It makes absolute sense, you know martial arts and Yoga and this chakras and I mean this is all thousands of year-old cultures that Understand that language of the body is hyper important to us our wellness and our performance and healing Yeah, yes, totally. I would agree completely and the TED talk is awesome I'll put it in the description for everyone to see you did a very good job with that All right. Well, then the question at hand would be how do people work on Either repairing or focusing or just you know addressing the Vegas nerve like what are some tactics to See if you need help. You might even know you need help Yeah, well the first thing to do is to get rid of the word involuntary. I think that's I love that you brought that up Because that is this kind of a Western idea like well that the brain controls the body And so the first thing to know is that there's primacy of affect Dan Siegel at dr. Siegel at us or UCLA he's been working on this this Understanding that there's a lot of sensory information coming up the body that it happens before Cognition like two to three milliseconds like our feeling Initiates our thoughts and that's has not been the case for a very long time We I mean ever since Descartes said I think therefore I am we assume that the brain is running the whole show for 400 years All of our systems and education philosophy politics Everything has been predicated on this idea that the brain runs the show and so that's like oh, yeah So well the brain runs the show anything coming up is involuntary and that's not the case And I can I can prove it to you right now a little experiential. I'd like to do I saw if you have drummers in the audience I imagine you have a metronome app on your phone So I'd like you to take your left hand and put it folks out there You can put it up against your throat and you can feel your pulse Hopefully You feel your heart beating there all right and then whip I for those of you listening at home You can whip out your app and bring up the tap function and just start tapping Along with your heart rate and there we are finding out the BPM measure of our heart rate in our current emotional state Now we are going to affect our emotional state by focusing on our breath So I'd effort not as you tap the tap function. I'd like you to breathe in for 10 heartbeats and As you breathe out Breathe out for 10 heartbeats and so now keep doing this as you listen to me It's a little bit of a guided meditation And so you will eventually Ideally notice that as you inhale your heart rate increases and as you exhale your heart rate decreases This is called respiratory sinus arrhythmia. This is the Vegas nerve releasing a little bit of its control the vagal break over the heartbeat on The inhale which increases the heart rate anyway I'll get out of the clinical idea of a more kind of think of that So the idea is that we do have conscious control over our heart rate and our heart rate has control over our emotional state So if you as you continue to do this exercise and the longer you inhale and exhale You will start to notice this heart rate variability which is the shift in your heart rate and how it relates to breath so if you want to Down-regulate your nervous system you would breathe in quickly and then exhale for a long time Thereby making the average, you know increase or decrease of your heart rate go lower And so this guy like singers get this because they take fast breaths in order to sing And so it just kind of undermines this idea that everything's involuntary, you know I mean we can voluntarily control our breath Which volunteer which controls our heart rate and I use that all the time and then the amount we breathe in also Effects our the level of oxygenation of our body, which has a huge impact on how well we're able to perform Yeah, well and it goes to the the I think everyone it's pretty Common knowledge that if you you know, we drum early on in drumming you you kind of tense up and you don't breathe very well when you're when you're like, you know early on in your drumming journey and sometimes still but like Then you speed up or you're not that you're not you're getting off the the metronome, but when you breathe it You are more relaxed and you don't speed up, which you know, I guess is kind of a practical example of that in in play Yeah, exactly tension has everything to do with it and movement and emotion have a lot of connectivity In fact, even when we're not visibly moving we are still moving our heart is moving and in terms of somatic perspective somatic means of the body the somatic understanding of movement is any neural transmission that activates the compression or expansion of muscle tissue and so According to that the somatic movement the heart beating is movement and so and our rate of our heartbeat completely has an influence over our emotional state so movement and emotion are just inextricably linked and Yeah, and so yeah, that's a so somatic movement is a huge part of this in fact the the methodology I've been working on based on a lot of somatic therapies is this idea of feeling and Releasing tension like we there's so many people. Oh, you got a player relaxed as a drummer. Oh, how do you play relaxed? I don't know, you know, I was doing this drum clinic and I remember the drum this particular drummer Was talking all about relaxation. I was like, well, do you have some ways to tell us to play relaxed? You know, and he was like, well, I can't really sit here at him and tell you how to play relax. I was like, really? I can What do you think? I mean, that's a perfect practical thing. I love when people can just like do it, you know Yeah, yeah. Well, so the first thing I think that's why feeling and releasing tension. That's like feeling comes first Again, it's kind of undermining this Western traditional view of the mind being in control like in fact embodied Cognition research is finding that movement has everything to do with sensation. It's like a GPS Like you have to know where you are before you can know where you're going And so you need to sense body position proprioception The brain has to create this prediction coding as how to get from point A to point B And so it tries to move and then it assesses the movement and sees how well it's doing going from point A to point B And it corrects along the way and the correction process is all sensory information And so as much as we think of movement and tension as being controlled by the brain, a larger percent of it is It's very much connected to sensory information And so that's and so even though we think our brain is in control It's really like a reaction to this sensory information that's everything to do with movement and tension And so I like so this methodology I like to call it Feeling and releasing tension is essentially the fart methodology I like I like to kind of I don't want to take it all so seriously You know like we get into some pretty deep concepts of emotional overwhelm And I do I remember the so wise person once told me if you can't explain it to a fifth grader You don't understand it yourself. And so I was like, oh well, dang I better be able to explain it to a fifth grader. So I imagine myself in a fifth grade class I was like, let's talk about farts. So I mean he's four-year-old and we talk about farts many times in the day So I'm you've now got my attention Yeah, so it's really a metaphor for somatic therapy the way I see it So it's because it's really this integration of the outside world our mental world and our biological world And so they're all I mean it gets super heavy kind of the all of the inputs into describing this But I think if we all think of we all have to fart we all have this waste gas that builds up And if we didn't have a way to release it, we would die we would rupture internally And so first first our body lets us know hey I'm feeling this tension internally that I need to release and it lets the brain know that okay I'm feeling it let's like perform the necessary functions to let this come out But wait a minute. I'm in my fifth grade class my teachers here. My classmates are here. Whoa hold up, you know brains like I Brody, I got a problem here, you know, we can't let this happen It's gonna be embarrassing the outside world is Restricting our ability to release this tension and so we hold it and so okay Well, how long are we gonna hold it? Well, how long are we in the class and this tension eventually builds? And so it says a lot to do a systems theory I wouldn't mention that in a fifth grade class, but but essentially it's showing like Okay, there's this whole coordination going on between the outside world our thought process and our body and when we get home Okay, fine. We can let it, you know release the tension there ideally, but still I mean without consequence But the but the point being there's we had to feel the tension first And so a lot of other forms of tension that happened in the body We struggled to feel because our culture has It's kind of dismissed and devalued how important sensory information is in our lives in a lot of ways Yeah, I mean and and really to again on the fifth grader thing you're holding that in It's probably going to be more painful. Yep. If it slips out It's probably gonna be louder and you're gonna be more embarrassed. Yeah, the for the fart the fart Theory really does work though because then you're Exactly, it's so it's not good. Yeah, it's just it's compounds on itself And so yeah, and so that's really what somatic therapy is the one that I participated in I was a client of somatic experiencing which is a somatic trauma Therapy and the therapist I worked with Debbie J. God bless her. She did Wow, man Thank you Debbie man, I get a little emotional when I think about it She was able to pair Alexander technique and somatic experiencing in a way that not only did I find so much Resolution of tension but also so much improvement here at the drums I mean I just was really so much and it just feels so much better to play drums And that was really that moment when I was like wow healing and performance are really two sides of the resilience coin They're really just there. There's a relationship there that I think we need to understand as drummers. Yeah Okay, but again to kind of put this a little simpler and even in drummer terms all farting aside Feeling and releasing. Let's just have a practical example of like a drummer who's working nine to five who goes home I mean what would be the feeling would the issue be like a stressful day? Would it be there's something tension in your body? Would it be there's literally a damaged like ligament or all of the above and then how can that drummer? really address this and Fix it on their own without you know or at least to begin to fix it on their own. Yeah Yeah, I'd like to answer that with a few examples But first I'd like to mention this work these workshops I did with Sabian education network So I was working on this stuff for a long time I was trying to figure out how to connect it with drummers and I saw Dom Fomolaro talking about Physical manifestations of tension with an emotional basis and so he was talking about injury prevention for drummers He had dr. Nadia Azar talk about this musculoskeletal perspective. She's taking I mean it's which is brilliant He talked about trigger finger and dystonia, which for a long time have thought to be neurological But there's a lot of evidence that it's actually biological in fact Victor Wooten was working on his dystonia With dr. Ruth Chiles who it wasn't looking at his hand. She was looking at his autonomic nervous system They're Vegas nerve, which is the key to our autonomic nervous system. And so there is this nervous system kind of Interface with everything that we do we can't just fix the brain and so I'd like to just so maybe in the the links below the Then for this episode we can give a referral to the Sabian education network the workshops I did because it has Dom's workshops and Nadia's and two of mine I did one and the community there insisted on another It was really was great. It felt really good to me to connect with that audience I met Dom through a friend of mine Tony Bronegal at NAMM and he I said Yeah, I feel like I have a yes and voice to this thing You're talking about injury prevention from a nervous system perspective And he was like man, let's get your stuff going You know had me on SCN and of course we lost Dom a few days ago, which is just peace to Dom Yeah, yeah, exactly I mean the outpouring of love for that man on social media has been overwhelming and I just really Want to honor him in any way I can and I mean even one person posted That he wrote this book emotions and motion and the kind of the theme of somatic drummer My methodology is the language of emotions in motion. I'm like, okay. Wow. Yeah, there's He's on to something that's he was coming from a different angle than I am and I definitely want to yes and you know what what he was doing and kind of the Towards the end of his career as an educator an inspiring person definitely, yeah okay, so again some some things that people to get back to that that like If examples of something someone can do at home like Are there tactics that you like to do relaxation things or just meditation? Yoga, what what is something that people can do kind of as they're sitting there in their drum room that you recommend? Yeah, the first thing is breath that's a breath affecting heart rate because that is our control of our emotional state because emotional state When it gets elevated it triggers tension in the body And so I feel like a lot of people focus on oh, I have tension here I need to address the tension specifically But oftentimes it's a reflex that the body has to an increase an elevated emotional state So the first thing I like to think of is resourcing the nervous system And so there's a there's an acronym I love for that that I stole from the esolin institute some trainings that I did there which is grace So grounding relaxation awareness Centering and energizing and I added one in this I talked about it in my sen thing that's synergizing So it's essentially like a six-way program for four-way coordination So feet to hands hand to feet left to right right to left and then cross left Hand right foot to right hand left foot and then the opposite and so I talked about this program Which goes into more detail But essentially I think if you're sitting there at a pad and you're practicing rudiments And you're not paying enough at all attention to what your feet are doing You're missing out like there's a whole lot of stability that you could be imbuing and bringing into your body just by having your heels on the floor and I think heal up technique Is a serious problem for a lot of drummers and your anyone's welcome to send me all the hate mail They want but I'm going to say this when you go to open high hats How can you possibly play heal up? So you're playing along closed high hats your chorus kicks in you go to open high hats If you're playing heal up, you have to drop the heel You can't just suspend your leg there and the minute you go from the heel up to heel down In a shift change or a scene change in the music you are reorienting your entire grounding And this might seem like a small thing to so many people, but oh my god, it's not like it is not a It is such a big deal to shift how we are planted on the ground because our nervous system job For hundreds of thousands of years is to keep us from face planting And so the minute we start messing with how grounded we are with our heels on the ground Our nervous system elevates. It's like, oh, we're on our heels We when we must be ready to run or we must be ready to fight or so it immediately activates So if you're practicing rudiments on a drum pad, make sure that your heels are planted And so the next thing from there I like to think of is we need to have an awareness of when we shift from heel to toe Because heel to toe is I mean you can play just heel down. You can play just heel up But I feel like advanced drummers they have some understanding of this Variation this relationship between heel and toe in martial arts. It's very prevalent in the hands I like to think of it as like push pull So like this though, this is kind of more closed and this is more open and going between the two In-hand balance the radial media and ulnar nerves it gets into a whole lot of kind of somatic Therapy and kind of work that's being done with the nervous system But just shifting back and forth from heels to toes because we want to try to get a little more concrete here So if you're pulsing if you're playing rudiments, you have a metronome going Just try to like drop your heels together and then move to the toes and just try to go back and forth And now we want to connect that grounding With the back of the neck because the back of the neck is where all of our sensory Information's coming up the back of our spine up from kind of the the limbs Not the vagus nerve, but the the limbs all that information the back of the neck And so if we can connect this back of the neck, which is about a two to three millisecond Latency from queuing any neural activity in the feet Or then we can kind of like pulse when we go to the heels drop the head back And we go to the toes drop the head just a little bit forward And this is a vagus nerve regulation exercise studies have shown it's just doing this Kind of regulates the nervous system. It calms us. That's why well, probably why mentally ill people do it because it calms them Yeah, and just like doing this pulse it helps to kind of center us It gives us more composure and so just by heels to toes and just coordinating this bottom of our Body to this more top of our body while we're playing rudiments And so the next level of this is to alternate that to drop the right heel with the left toe And now orient that so we drop left heel right toe I'm sorry left heel right toe and then right heel left toe So just try like see what that feels like and see if you can even play a unison Yeah, and then are you are you doing are you like alternating that kind of to the the rhythm that you're playing there? Yeah, same thing. You have the metronome on you're practicing whatever rudiments whatever stickings Whatever hand stuff you're working on on the pad And so just being able to understand this difference in heels to toes and alternating Alternating left to right and so then you can start kind of playing paradiddles and keeping pulse in the feet that way And suddenly the brain and body are like, okay We're kind of working on balance and so I do this when I'm standing Because I think a lot of problems that drummers have is they expect the drum thrown to balance us And that's one of the worst things you can do You have the more balance you can bring to your feet and the less strain on your tailbone The more your nervous system is going to be regulated and ultimately the fewer problems You're going to have with your back later on when you're over 50 like I am But uh, yeah, and so that what so if you do this when you're standing This is a serious balance exercise. I mean to go play like one Like paradiddle paradiddle. Sorry if you're just listening to the podcast you miss the visual, but yeah Alternating feet kind of yeah, so there's first heel to toes You can do rudiments heels to toes and then there's this alternating which is really A heavier version of balance and coordinating. So this is just grounding I mean in terms of like the six layers of the graces This is just grounding and so this is the first step before we get to relaxation Is just know it like but that's like kind of sweet before you mop like make sure first That your nervous system feels like it's not going to face plant. That's like step one, right? Sure, and it's so and there's so much work you can do with that with just a pad Like I think I feel like there's You know, don't keep you're working with a kid with just working on his rudiments on a pad Like make sure that you are paying attention to his feet making sure he or she is grounded I mean that has yeah, so that's one kind of more granular aspect. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And that's a good thing that's Again, I think in my experience of filming these things and talking about these topics they can be Overwhelming which I think if you're speaking you've been studying this for years You've seen a lot of the I mean it helped you a lot But for someone who's again listening to a you know 50 60 minute long podcast It's it's kind of the getting it in their their mind to like it's good to have those simpler ways to start I think and and awareness is huge to be able to Be Cognizant of like you said that it's not involuntary and you can control these things. Yeah, I think it's huge So starting and being aware is big. Yeah, I'd like you can influence it. It's not completely involuntary like just Yeah, like the I like this BMW like I'm I like to roll up in life in a 2023 BMW It's got all the latest technology great body. It's got a really efficient use of fuel And so BMW isn't an automobile. It's actually body mind world. It says bio psychosocial science Which is really cute and ever since the functional magnetic resonance imaging machine Was a technological advancement in science in the 90s that gave us movies Of neural transmissions rather than just snapshots That's changed the game in our understanding of brain body connectivity and that was 30 years ago And so but I think there's like so many of our systems are still kind of Thinking of this brain, you know leading the game in this mind body connection But the science the technology has proven otherwise and it's like we all need to catch up really and Yeah, yeah, so absolutely So, um, if it's it's an interesting thing like it would yourself Pre Accident with your hands. Would you have believed that you know in in you know, however many years ago that was 20 years ago or whatever it is Were you always kind of into this stuff or was this like totally not even on your radar to begin with And I mean that by giving people hope like I'm not this isn't my world And there's a lot of people who have no concept of this which I'm more in that camp It was were you always inclined to this kind of thing? Absolutely not zero And that's and it's been such a benefit to me because I feel like I have this kind of Consultant who was me before my accident like anytime I think of something. I'm like man What would pre accident adam think of this and I it's so funny like I feel like it's almost this other person Because I had no clue and it's been a complete Shift in my view of the world And so yeah and to think like man, I'm no scientist What the heck am I applying nervous system science to drumming? But I'm at this point like even uh, dr. Pamela serifin I've done trainings with her. I remember Uh, Rob Latham talked about you know working with her. She came to my sc n workshop And I was really curious what she would think, you know, it's like, oh man Was all my theory okay, you know, she has a you know, a doctorate nervous Or a neuros neuroscience and I was kind of worried what she's saying. She's like adam You are kind of overboard on the theory She's like you need to like dial that back in terms of a workshop half as much theory twice as much concrete And so that's really what's kind of her consultation with that and her help and her brilliance I mean, she's really ahead of the game and applying neuroscience to drumming as a drummer and like You know with being a PhD neuroscientist So yeah, they're really like, okay. Wow. I need to make this more accessible And so I'm trying to do that and I saw that when I really appreciate you having me on this podcast And talking to talking with me and like any questions you have any rewording you have is vital information for me Oh, yeah, well, you're uh, You're doing you did an amazing job. You are doing an amazing job But she is right where I have again in my experience of filming these we we get um You know, you get you give people give feedback at the end and sometimes what happens is people will say like even in a room full of like psychologists and therapists Even people of that level don't want it to be Non-stop theory they want to hear the funny stories and the practical kind of examples of how to actually use this So then they can then translate it to their Everyday life or their clients or whoever so yeah That's that's great advice. And I'm sure it's uh, you know, you've done a phenomenal job of explaining it and I I am a big believer in like If you're trying to lose weight like walk five minutes and then the next day walk Six minutes and then then seven minutes Like you just you don't need to go nuts overboard with all of this So I think right away just what you've talked about about being aware of your breathing And calming things down and just knowing that it's what's going on in there And how it's all connected is is huge for people. Um, I think that's a good starting point Yeah, I love that you connected weight loss and breath because I would have never thought that those two things had anything to do With each other, but it brings up an opportunity to talk about how meaningful it is to breathe Less there's sort of this conflicting idea that okay, we need oxygen in the body Let's breathe in a bunch of oxygen and so if we breathe in a ton of oxygen we can hyperventilate And is that is that an over oxygenation of the brain? No, it's actually the brain not getting enough oxygen And so there's sort of this cognitive version of that like what how can taking in too much oxygen result in a lowering of oxygen in the brain And it's because we our blood gets so oxygenated that it the pH goes into base That which means that the hemoglobin can't release the oxygen into our tissues And so so it needs to end we need to increase the acidity in our bloodstream in order to oxygenate our tissues Which means breathing less oxygen, which is super counterintuitive, but it's called the bore effect boh r I did not making this up And so but what's funny is like so many people they have a strong inclination towards acidic food often because it's the body crying out for acid in the blood to Oxygenate its tissues that it needs and so there's this like the breath is so important But somehow it got kind of cast in the woo-woo bin, you know like somebody i'm a licensed certified breath practitioner with oxygen advantage and i've Because I felt it through polyvagal theory. I did a certification with them I've been a mentor for the last two years for with Michael Allison Just working with all these people studying polyvagal theory and like the breath is just the baseline just like the feet Or the baseline of relaxation the breath is the baseline of all the organizing principles of how our body works and yeah i'm sure uh it As we kind of get close to the end here I think that uh, I've heard a lot in my experience of the seminars of the importance of sleep as well That has to play into this to some degree. I mean i'm I think we're all kind of uh guilty every now and then of not sleeping enough or just not getting it regulated or there's kind of the You hear about sometimes how it's like oh, I was up all night working. It's kind of like again It's more of a culture thing where it's like it can seem like a good thing like Cranking and just cramming all night to get something done where really focusing on sleep Will make you better at drumming and you know more focused and the the things you practice will actually be retained more Um, yeah has sleep come up in your your work. Oh sleep and breath again. Yeah, I have I have a little Kind of admission to make is that I have developed some tinnitus that caused some problems with me sleeping And I've had to do breath exercises that helped me fall asleep and down regulating the heart rate according to breath is Huge for sleeping. It makes a big difference. And so yeah, I'd like to kind of ask you like, okay Here we are coming towards the end of this. I'm I feel like I've done a lot of work trying to bring Scientific understanding of the body into drumming and now at this point I feel like wow next year I really need to kind of flip the script on it and feel like how to explain this to drummers So in terms like what do you think landed with you having done all these podcasts and being a drummer? Yeah, well, I would say first off Let's open it up to people in the comments uh on youtube Because I think and and I mentioned this to adam before and I think this is interesting for people listening that sometimes um People get defensive when they're being told things About maybe their body if you're saying something physiologically about The way I am and what I'm not doing Uh, I'm not talking about me, but I'm saying a person would get offended by that So I think that's something that's a a watch out and you didn't do this at all, but I'm saying You need to be careful of that whenever presenting stuff like this because uh, I remember with the brandon green episode Which he did a phenomenal job about the ergonomics and drumming people said Don't talk about buddy rich and how he was bent over and things like that and brandon and I talked about that but um I would say the takeaway I've gotten from this especially is just I like the practical things that you brought forward of of Drummers need examples. How can this help me? What's an example of what's wrong? How can it be fixed? I think you did a good job of that and and basically like anything and In presenting a good call to action, you know what I mean? I think that that's really we all like to walk away with Uh, what can I do right now? Which I think Again the sleep being aware Knowing about our breathing a couple couple exercises. I think it uh drove it home But again, let's open up people in the comments. Let's hear what you think too about this whole topic Yeah, final takeaway. I'm trying to think of like what's the button to put on the end of this and I just really feel like there's this Drum education systems focus on the brain telling the body what to do and so there's I feel like almost we need to kind of get out Of our drumming education systems in order to better understand how our body works because we all have these sort of Funnels that we immediately fall into and we talk about drumming and I mean one of the biggest Benefits that I've found for my drumming has been Japanese fighting staff and that's I've never like I would have never thought this would have been the case But as I've looked back like I've really been exploring like who is the first drummer? You know who why do we play drums like this person evolved? there was this body mind connectivity that eventually evolved to the point that we've Changed the elements of our environment to create these tools to communicate through rhythm and like why did that happen? What evolved and the vagus nerve is a huge part of that like why social engagement? I mean that's could go down a whole rabbit hole with that But I feel like I've traced that and I've been moving forward and I was like where did stick control? How did suddenly we only have French German and American and like how you know the gruber and Stone and Gladstone and blah blah blah like where did what isn't there just kind of like a universal Movement that we all can work on and I've so I that's when I started noticing like wow the Japanese fighting staff was really like the first recorded stick control in the history of humans And so I started messing with it and I've started noticing like wow It's all about expanding infinity and so that might sound strange But to the body it makes total sense so within whatever range of motion we're capable of we have an infinite Access to movement like we can move in an infinite number of ways According to however, whatever our range of motion is but if we expand that then we can We've just expanded our infinity of movement and so so oftentimes it's beyond that threshold Of movement that we currently have that we gain access To playing the drums because the more we can reduce how much we move our body And increase how much we move the stick the tool of drumming the better we can play drums And I know that gruber's technique has a lot to do with that and there's all these complex ways to You know deal with fingers But I've noticed like when you start working with a bow staff and you don't worry about rebound You really start to find where those Movement inhibitions are that live in the body and that can cue you into to our tensions lie And how our biography is imprinted on our biology how like our lives where we hold tension and why And so I anyone who's struggling or feel like they plateaued as a drummer I would highly recommend just go on youtube get a dowel The four-foot dowel from home depot and just start moving it around in the air And I mean just this movement Well, it's hard to do on screen But like once you can get that movement and you really kind of understand where the parameters are of that movement And applying it to the drums like a whole world opens up rather than reducing it down to just american german and french Yeah, and if you're married or have a girlfriend or boyfriend don't tell them you're going to do it So they walk in and eat you just messing around with a dowel that you got from the hardware store Yeah, that's awesome. That's really a cool idea. I mean, that's really unique because it's all This movement of your shoulders and everything and it's that's a unique Exercise very unique. Yeah, I mean essentially it's like then the funny thing about that is that that Philosophy like especially chinese and japanese martial arts. They have a whole associated emotional aspect that ties into that like georgio rojas I have to thank him for kind of hipping me to that Tai Chi movement has been something that's made a huge difference for me I feel like our best drumming lives outside the range of our current range of motion Like once we can expand How much we move and when then you start noticing wow, I can't move as much on my left side Why is that and so you start expanding that and suddenly you get this symmetry and then it's a nervous system I'm just like oh gimme gimme, you know It's like wow, okay now instead of like trying to compensate for my left hand dragging because of this asymmetrical tension Now that I relieve that I can just let rhythm flow out of me and that has everything to do with somatic experiencing somatic movement And yeah, just how Stress lives in the body as pattern tension Yes, and it's not uncommon. It's a pretty common theme that there's a lot of drummers who have studied martial arts And that's actually sort of a common thing and I see it now They post on social media and stuff like that and buddy rich was into martial arts and all that stuff So, um, that's cool. And you also said expanding infinity. That's a cool jam band name or a fusion band So if all else fails you can We can start expanding infinity. Oh shucks. I better grab that url Get the get the hashtag or the the at All right, adam. Well, let's tell people now as we kind of get close to the end here Where they can find you we will put all the links for the ted talk and everything in the description But maybe do you have anything coming up here? It's october 2023 when we're recording this Anything coming up you want to promote? Right now and plus the links and all that stuff. Yeah. Well, okay. Yeah adam I'd like to include the referral link with sabian education network because that's anyone who's found this interesting There's two or complete hours of me talking about this and the folks who checked it out I've gotten incredible response. That's the response is really what's kept me going It's really met some people on a technique level It's met others on an emotional level and then there have been some folks That uh, there's some folks that who are who are dealing with some of overwhelm or injury There's not a lot for drummers out there if you want to check out my trauma story on my youtube page adam gust I've there are some folks that that meant something to them I wish that that had existed when I had my accident and so that's really the reason I'm doing this It's not to make I mean I feel like I do need to eventually make a business out of this if I'm going to continue to do this work But really the reason I'm doing this is because I see this need that exists in the drumming world that Needs to be fulfilled and I feel like I have a voice in this kind of missing piece Yeah, yeah, it's interesting. It's extremely interesting and I'm glad that uh I could be a way for you to maybe reach if if 10,000 people watch this and you connect with like 500 on a really deep level or one on a really deep level and it changes How they drum um Then that's great, you know, that's that's that's very cool. And then they'll tell someone and it'll just help It things take time. Yeah, especially with with things like this It's I don't know I find that sometimes you start to do something and then you fall back into your old ways I'm speaking about myself and then you try it again You get a little further and then you resort back to what you were doing But I think it's important to try this stuff and And learn and this is a good starting point for people to be interested in it. So Yeah, I'll put all the the stuff in the description for the videos and the ted talk and everything So um adam, this is awesome, man. I appreciate you reaching out and kind of teaching a different topic and sharing your knowledge and I'm glad to that it's all worked for you and you're back to drumming and it's been been a great experience for you and Yeah, man. Appreciate you being here. Thank you very much Yeah, thank you for this platform that you offer to people as such diverse Kind of inroads to talking about how we evolved and how drums evolved how drummers evolved And I feel like the nervous system has been evolving for millions of years And to really kind of put that in context to see where we've come from And there's so much more to talk about on that level And so it's cool that I'm glad that we've had this opportunity and yeah Any of the audience who wants to reach out adam at adam I am I am yearning for connectivity because I feel like I'm okay I need I want to be this liaison between this huge body of work that I feel like I've just scratched the surface And when I come into the drumming world like there's nobody talking about this or if they are it's on a fairly dare I say superficial level sometimes maybe they're just trying to be Connective with their audience But I feel like really the deep work that's brilliant people are doing in nervous system research has such Uh such a foundation to better drummings. I really am so ultimately I want to create a drumming pedagogy That is the clinical application of somatic therapies. So that's my end game There's an audience out there for it. Uh, it might not be everyone but This show in particular there's this might not be for everyone because it's so history based but but there's an audience so just stick with it and um And I will help anyway. I can but uh, again appreciate you being here and stick with it. It's good stuff And uh, you're on the right track. Cheers. Yeah. Thank you Bart
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Trump does not rule out Putin's involvement in Navalny's death
#Kanal13​ #likekanal13​ #subscribekanal13 #warinukraine - SUBSCRIBE TO US! Donald Trump, one of the main contenders for US president, has suggested that Russian President Vladimir Putin might have played a role in the death of opposition leader Alexei Navalny, according to Politico. Asked in an interview with Fox News whether Putin was responsible for Navalny's death, Trump said: "I don’t know, but perhaps, I mean possibly, I could say probably, I don’t know." "He’s a young man, so statistically he’d be alive for a long time … so something happened that was unusual," Trump added. In the same interview, the former US president and likely Republican presidential candidate evaded the question of whether he would continue to provide weapons to Ukraine or allow Putin to occupy part or all of Ukraine if elected president again. "I hope it doesn't come to that," Trump said, reiterating that the war "never would have happened" if he had been president. After Navalny died last month, Trump’s first comments compared the jailed opposition leader’s experience to his own legal situation, calling a civil suit against him a “form of Navalny.” Those comments were thoroughly criticized by both Democrats and Republicans, with former Speaker Nancy Pelosi calling them “beneath the dignity of a human being.” “You wonder, what does Putin have on Donald Trump that he always has to be beholden to him, his buddy in vileness?” Pelosi said. “It is so horrible you think, ‘No, somebody must have made this up. Not even Donald Trump could go this far,’” she continued. “This statement should disqualify him from running for anything, much less president of the United States.” Earlier, EU foreign ministers agreed on sanctions against Russia in connection with the death of opposition leader Alexei Navalny. In February, eight EU member states wrote to Josep Borrell calling for Russian prosecutors, judges and prison officials to be sanctioned over Navalny’s death. On 23 February, the US Department of State announced sanctions against three Russians who were involved in Navalny’s torture. - click here and support Kanal13 monthly for distributing more videos and independent journalism & #lastminutenewsfromukraine #kanal13ukraine Click here and just subscribe to Kanal13 - *ATTENTION: If you woul like to contact with US please, write to +49176 75077516 WhatsApp ▌▌►Website: Click & Subscribe to the main youtube Channel © KANAL13 [ Azərbaycanın ilk peşəkar internet televiziyası ] The First Internet TV of Azerbaijan Tags: #Ukriane, #Russia, #Putin, #Putler, #Russian invasion of Ukraine, #Zelenski, #Kiev, #Kyiv, #Kadirov army, #Kadirov, #Kherson, #Bucha, #Kharkiv, #Ukrainian pilots, #vagners, #Russian tanks, #NATO, #drones, #Moscow, #Kreml, #war victims #Ukraina, News, The Washington Post, waPo Video, Washington Post Video, Washington Post YouTube, a:politics, aid, biden, putin, s:Politics, support, t:Other, Ukraine, war, fact check, news coverage, Donald Trump, news, wp video, forbes, nytimes, newspaper, media, journalism, Ilham Aliyev, Baku, Azerbaijan, Israel, Gaza, Palestine, Tel-Aviv, Garabag, Karabakh, football, ronaldo, messi, brian tyler cohen
[ "Russia", "Putin", "Putler", "Russian invasion of Ukraine", "Zelenski", "Kiev", "Kyiv", "Kadirov army", "Kadirov", "Kherson", "Bucha", "Kharkiv", "Ukrainian pilots", "vagners", "Russian tanks", "NATO", "drones", "Moscow", "Kreml", "war victims Ukraina", "U.S. congress", "U.S Senat", "biden", "trump", "Donald Trump", "US elections", "Wray Over Agents' Abuses", "Washington Post", "nytimes", "foreignpolicy", "capitol hill", "WaPo Videos", "politics", "latest news", "Republican Speaker", "US news", "president elections U.S.", "america elections", "fake news politics", "forbes" ]
Trump does not rule out Putin's involvement in Navalny's death. Donald Trump, one of the main contenders for US President, has suggested that Russian President Vladimir Putin might have played a role in the death of opposition leader Alexei Navalny, according to Politico. Asked in an interview with Fox News whether Putin was responsible for Navalny's death, Trump said, I don't know, but perhaps I mean possibly. I could say probably I don't know. He's a young man. So, statistically, he'd be alive for a long time. So, something happened that was unusual, Trump added. In the same interview, the former US President and lightly Republican presidential candidate evaded the question of whether he would continue to provide weapons to Ukraine or allow Putin to occupy part or all of Ukraine if elected president again. I hope it doesn't come to that, Trump said, reiterating that the war never would have happened if he had been president. After Navalny died last month, Trump's first comments compared the jailed opposition leader's experience to his own legal situation, calling a civil suit against him a form of Navalny. These comments were thoroughly criticized by both Democrats and Republicans, with former Speaker Nancy Pelosi calling him beneath the dignity of a human being. You wonder, what does Putin have on Donald Trump that he always has to be beholden to him? His buddy in vileness? Pelosi said, it is so horrible, you think? No, somebody must have made this up. Not even Donald Trump could go this far, she continued. This statement should disqualify him from running for anything, much less president of the United States. Earlier, EU foreign ministers agreed on sanctions against Russia in connection with the death of opposition leader Alexei Navalny. In February, eight EU member states wrote to Josep Borrell calling for Russian prosecutors, judges and prison officials to be sanctioned over Navalny's death. On the 23rd of February, the US Department of State announced sanctions against three Russians who were involved in Navalny's torture. NATO troops are already in Ukraine for arms control. NATO troops are already in Ukraine for arms control, intelligence operations and training, according to El País. The agency has interviewed many military sources from Ukraine and the EU over more than two years of war, and they all agree that no NATO army has taken part in ground combat. But they also agree that they have informants on the ground who provide information about the situation on the front line, determine the effectiveness of the weapons being supplied and possible problems in their use and identify possible cases of corruption in the delivery of aid. Some of these official informants are retired foreign military personnel who volunteer to fight in the Ukrainian armed forces. At least two sources, one American and one Ukrainian, claim that Washington is particularly active in monitoring their assistance, organizing missions between its embassy and the Ukrainian authorities, as well as visiting them outside official channels. The alliance's military is not directly involved in combat operations in Ukraine, the paper asserted. It also mentioned Polish Foreign Minister Radislav Sikorski, who told a conference in Warsaw that NATO soldiers are already present in Ukraine, but as compared to other politicians, he would not specify the countries that they had come from. The Polish Foreign Minister statement, as the paper said, could be seen as criticism of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who said in late February that British and French forces were present in Ukraine. Retired foreign servicemen fighting on Ukraine's side allegedly on a voluntary basis are among unofficial informants. Besides, two sources told the paper that Washington was controlling its aid especially actively. French President Emmanuel Macron said after a French meeting on February 26 that representatives of about 20 western states had discussed further support to Kiev in the conflict with Moscow and raised the issue of potentially sending troops to Ukraine. He said that participants in the discussion had reached no consensus on this issue, but this scenario could not be ruled out in the future. Later Macron explained that not ruling something out does not mean doing it. As Russian President Vladimir Putin stressed, Russia is aware of the presence of NATO forces in Ukraine, where they are perishing in large numbers. Images of Chechen volunteers entering the Belgrade region of Russia together with the Free Russian Legion, the Russian Volunteer Corps and the Siberian Battalion have been released from the Gorkovsky Settlement of the region. Chechen fighters ironically say that they came to participate in the presidential elections held in Russia, but they could not find a polling station for it. The fighters said that the settlement was completely deserted, abandoned by residents and Russian soldiers, and that the traitorous Chechens fighting in the Russian army did not resist them either. It should be noted that the Legion of Free Russia announced that on March 17, together with Chechen volunteers, they had taken full control of the residential area and released footage from the area.
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End Of Summer Options Package
Go to and request a free trading room trial Like me - e-mail me - [email protected] Tweet me - @TheStockSwoosh Neither Swoosh nor its affiliates provide investment advisory services, nor are registered investment advisers or broker-dealers and do not purport to tell or suggest which securities or currencies you should buy or sell for yourself regarding your specific investment objectives. The independent contractors, employees or affiliates of Swoosh may hold positions in the stocks, options, currencies or industries discussed in this publication. You understand and acknowledge that there is a very high degree of risk involved in trading securities, options and/or currencies. Swoosh and all affiliates of the Swoosh assume no responsibility or liability for your trading and investment results. It should not be assumed that the methods, techniques, or indicators presented in this publication will be profitable or that they will not result in losses. Past results related to trading ideas or systems published by Swoosh are not indicative of future returns related to such system or idea, and are not indicative of future returns which may be realized by you. In addition, the indicators, strategies, columns, articles and all other features of Swoosh's products are provided for informational and educational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. #stockswoosh #melissaarmo #nyse #wallstreet #stockmarket #investing #daytrader #daytrading #investor
[ "stock", "technical", "trading", "chart", "analysis", "market", "day", "Options", "Buy", "sell", "stocks", "investing", "online", "NYSE", "shares", "put", "call", "options", "best", "to", "invest", "in", "short", "selling", "scalper", "trader", "trade", "strategies", "how", "make", "money", "share", "successful", "broker", "strategy", "for", "and", "methods", "buy", "living", "definition", "cheap", "option", "investor", "dividend", "pay", "small", "cap", "top", "newsletter", "pattern", "recognition", "bullish", "candlestick", "patterns", "paying", "renewable", "energy", "penny", "high", "training", "courses", "swoosh", "melissa", "armo", "news", "analyst" ]
Welcome, this is Melissa Armo with the Stock Swoosh and I'm doing an end of summer options package for those of you that have been interested in trading options with me. This is a great chance for you to get on board, start trading, start getting the options, newsletter trades and then also take two classes which we will be discussing here what's included. Hard to believe it's the end of summer, shocking actually. But if you're interested in signing up for this, you can email me at You can call me at 929-3200 Gap. You can follow me at Twitter, Facebook, YouTube or Skype. So the end of summer special is going on right now because it's halfway through August. We got two more weeks and then summer is over. Cannot even believe that we're almost at Labor Day. I feel like this year has gone very fast before you know it will be the holidays and that's just how time flies. So we're into the end of earnings season now but it's going to be a busy fall time and actually we've had a busy month considering we're at the end of earnings season. We've had gaps for news and for those of you that don't know what I do, I trade gaps. So the options trades that I do, we do cause inputs are based on momentum in the gap. So the special is if you sign up for the Gap Options News at our annual subscription which is 12 months normally for $69.99, you will get special bonuses. The bonuses include the trends course in October, it's October 3rd, the Gap Options course which is in September, the September 21st and four bonus months of the newsletter because I'm going to give you the newsletter for the same price as 12 months until the end of 2024. So you get one year and then you would also get, it's actually four and a half months, you get September, October, November, December and if you sign up today for example you would get four and a half months, you get the rest of August. So you get 12, 16 months, 16 and a half months if you sign up today for the price of 12 and then two free classes. This special package is going on through August 25th, however I wouldn't wait to sign up. I had a gentleman that signed up yesterday for the options newsletter and he's already making money today in trade. So the longer you wait to sign up you're going to miss the trades we're doing right now and the market's moving, we're having momentum in the market. We happen to have done puts today but again I will do calls. So it's very, very interesting times, very, very interesting times. So love the momentum, love the volatility as long as you know how to play it. You can make money in the market. So this options package is going on through the 25th. As far as understanding what to do, it makes a big difference if you know what to do versus not knowing what to do even if you're in the trade. So you could size yourself right, you could take the trade, you could believe in it up to the point where you're down. When the trade starts reversing against you then you can lose conviction if you don't know what to do. One of the reasons that I'm very good at what I do in calling trades is not only seeing what's going to happen in the future predicting it based on the gap reading which I do in the pre-market but it's also that I have conviction to hold a trade even when I'm down believing in it because I understand what's going on in the chart and that's the big difference between what I do and a lot of people do that even teach people how to trade and there are many people out there that do lots and lots of different things but the fact is if you understand what to do and you really have the knowledge base you're going to do a heck of a lot better than just following somebody's trades but you know I people in the newsletter actually that have never taken any of my classes and they're still making money so it's your call. Today's a good example though we did the market which rally today so we were short the market and it rally rallied all morning and then it dropped held on held on held the conviction held the whole thing if you didn't understand what to do you might have killed the trade. It's important to have conviction otherwise you're going to get chopped up in the market and again for those of you that don't know what I do I trade the gap market close here get down rallied this was the morning we fell off late I mean late morning I should say end of the afternoon but today was a day to short yesterday was a day to short for the so far for the month of August we've been shorting quite a lot and the shorts have been working again we buy puts which is a short and if you don't know how to short you're going to have a hard time with the market turns from now until the rest of the year you've been going along all year every dip and buying support and you don't know how to short you're not going to have a good close to 2023 you need to know how to do both sides of the trade but I do prefer to short the one of the reasons I prefer to short is because like like you know we've seen since the beginning of August is short moves and sell offs can happen very very quickly and fast panic can come in quickly twist off of the market and so you got to be able to take it available of that opportunity now I put this in here even though these are the day trades these are not the option stats I'm going to do another PowerPoint for the option stats here today but 2023 this is with an average risk of $2,800 per trade through today we're at 406.727 for the year these are day trades trades on margin that I called in the room and I'm just showing you this is a risk that is a good amount of money that you could risk you could risk per options trade for example three grand two grand $1,000 is a good risk I have people in the newsletter risking 500 per trade so when people reach out to me today they ended up getting out of the puts today they were up more than they had risked and they are 100% they got out so that is really your call how much you want to risk these are day trades on margin and again if you can't open up a margin account and you want to trade options you can open up a cash account and trade options this was a good one I actually didn't put this trade in here but we did the PayPal I called this and this just took forever to go I'm really glad I did this trade but it broke off and went yesterday again a great example of selling we did put some PayPal we did puts but they didn't they didn't go really until yesterday so the thing is that selling can happen quick selling can happen fast selling can happen at a nowhere you could have made a little bit of money before yesterday but the fact is the trade the profit was getting pushed getting in this on this day we just look up here when did I call that because I forget I want to say it was let me just look here one second I want to try to find show you on this chart here when I called that it feels like it was a while ago yeah it was the ninth boom so that took its good old song and dance time so I called the 62 puts I think some people got out of it here which you could have but this was the money this was the money right in there again trading momentum momentum momentum momentum and you if you were in it you were still up today I didn't see where that closed but it would still would have been up today it was way through the strike if you come and you want to learn what I do or trade options with me you will know that we're always trading the gap so what is a gap a gap is different to the close and he opens stops gap most every single day in the market but not every gap is a good gap or what I call a golden gap I'm looking for gaps that are predictable how do I do that I use my gap rating system where are you going to learn the gap rating system in the golden gap course you will not learn the rating system in the gap options course of the trends course so the trends course you are going to learn long-term trends that's important for options trading it's actually also important for swing trading and day trading in the gap options course you're going to learn about options and that's going to help you a lot for the options newsletter but the strategy to meet potatoes the 26 points is in the golden gap course that's a two-day class and that's coming up actually this weekend August 19th and 20th the options class and the trends class are two half-day courses which are going to start you help you launch you into the program this is a good way to start doing it and then of course you can start getting the options trades right away is on the newsletter they get emailed to you in live time and you can start trading the targets are in the newsletter and again follow the targets or if you can't watch the trades you put a sell order right after you get into it buy the option put a sell order at 50% ROI as soon as you buy it it's a day order it's a can it'll cancel you out if you're busy you can't watch now if you can watch I suggested you watch for the targets Apple was another good one that we did feels like this was a while ago too close your gap down rally fell that was August 4th fell then the next day on the Monday the 7th and you could have done this with one contract I do have people that are taking one contract it's up to you depends how big your account is if you only have $2,000 in your account you could risk $175 on a trade that would have been one contract in this apple so the cost was $175 this for the 185 puts that expired on the 11th again I sent this email out you cannot do the trade until the market opens but you're ready to go prepped know what we're looking at you can estimate the cost but you gotta wait till it opens 50 contracts risk was 8750 sold at 750 huge profit based on the risk 329% return investment so again 28,750 I'm risking a lot more in my options and day trades but either way you could have risked half this you could have taken one like I said still made over 300% and you could have been in this actually to the last day 3450 on a risk of 1050 this is these the kind of trades that can make your account if you have a small account but this is six contracts beautiful trade I tell people chunk it out why it's a busy letter lots of trades called today and lots of trades called the last week being one at a time being two at a time when you take one get out get in the next one chunk it out chunk it chunk it chunk it if you have a small account you need to do this if you've been losing money trading with some other program get on board with my program start making money take it slow this gives you plenty of time again you're getting to the end of 2024 with one price of 6999 and two classes free so take your time with it again risk $500 that's enough to make money you could have taken a couple contracts of that apple but it's all about financial independence for people right now because people are trying to figure out where they're going to get more money coming in because inflation even though they talk about it coming down we're still in very high levels of inflation specifically food gas housing and I don't know if those things are going to change anytime soon I mean I almost wonder if we need it we need a housing market crash for that to change but think about it don't drown in the market by trading it alone being on a newsletter being in a group like mine will help support you you can call me on the phone you can ask me questions you could always do that and if you want to join the live room you have to take the golden gap course but that's something that a lot of people end up doing after they're starting to trade options they trade the options on the inside they prove to themselves the program is working they realize the program is working and then they start making money and then they end up signing up for the class and then they end up joining the room so that has been a path for a lot of people that have started out trading options and they've gravitated then towards wanting to learn the big class and then trading in the room if you want to work for yourself that is the best thing you can possibly do if you're an independent minded person but if you're someone that needs structure and you have trouble with that structure then you're better off working for somebody else it everybody has a different type of personality we can't all work for ourselves I think the nice thing about trading is you can do trading on the side if you have an independent streak and you want to test it out for yourself keep your full-time job work for someone else and trade in the side do options on the side you put the orders on in the day check it it's a way to make extra money you still have to take it seriously but you're not a hundred percent on your own and again you have the support of talking to me if you need me and the classes really help a lot but if you want to go through and learn my system you will learn it in the golden gap course this is a two-day class the big class it's august 19th and 20th if you want to do upcoming dates email me i'll tell you upcoming dates this is where you'll learn the 26-point checklist in the golden gap course actually here i have the next date september 30th and october 1st 9 to 5 class tuition is 69.99 or you could sign up for the class this weekend i still have spots available classes online it could be anywhere in the world and take it and then the trends course is october 3rd which again you're going to get free with the options package golden gap combo includes the trends with the golden gap 74.99 these are the fall dates and again that is this is a while for now so the next golden gap course if you don't do this this date in august is for more than a month away so that's something to consider now like i was talking about learning how to short is going to be very very important in this market it has been this month i think it's going to continue to be into the fall so the best thing you can do for yourself is to learn what to do and understand shorting and of course we buy puts which are shorts so the gap options course like i said is september 21st 11 to 3 class tuition for this is 29.99 separate if you don't want to do the 69.99 package special this class is online and you get two months free of the options newsletter with this class but this is a good deal it's going on through august 25th giving people a week's notice if they want to sign up i wouldn't wait so you can start to get the trains again classes are in september and october and you get the newsletter until the end of 2024 if you're interested email me and have a great night everyone
{ "url": "", "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -" }
Connecting the dots: WordPress, Código abierto, neutralidad en la red y privacidad
La idea de esta charla es dar contexto, background y mostrar a la audiencia como WordPress y el código abierto está relacionado con la lucha contra algunos de los problemas de falta de libertad en la red más grandes a los que nos enfrentamos desde que internet existe. Somos parte de un colectivo inmenso en el mundo y tenemos en nuestras manos el concienciar a las nuevas generaciones. Connecting the dots… sería una charla para hacer consciencia de que la comunidad de WordPress es mucho más que un grupo de personas aprendiendo a hacer sitios webs. Nuestro software está usado por casi el 30% de internet y tenemos en nuestras manos el cambiarlo para mejor. Presentation slides: WPTV link:
Bueno, buenas tardes, gracias por estar aquí. Sé que es la hora de la siesta, así que perdonaré si veo a la gente durmiendo, no pasa nada. Gracias Álvaro, para mí es un placer hablar aquí en la Work at Madrid, estuve el año pasado y es la primera vez que hablo en Madrid, así que gracias por invitarme y hoy quiero hablar, o vengo a hablar, un poquito a conectar los puntos. ¿Qué quiero decir con lo de Connecting the Dots? Primero era un poco un guiño a Steve Jobs, pero no quería vestirme con los vaqueros. Pero sí, es un poquito guiño a la famosa charla de Steve Jobs de Connecting the Dots, pero prácticamente un poco resumen, así adelantando de lo que quiero hablar hoy, es para hablaros de cuatro conceptos que creo que están muy unidos en el mundo en el que vivimos hoy en día, en la tecnología y en Internet, y que está relacionado con WordPress. Y hoy estamos aquí para hablar de WordPress y para aprender más sobre WordPress. Entonces, lo primero de todo, mi nombre es Rocío Valdivia, soy de Sevilla, como ha dicho Álvaro, trabajo en Automatic, que es la empresa detrás de, es la empresa de uno de los cofundadores de WordPress, pero mi tiempo es donado a la comunidad, eso porque, y eso que significa, que hay detrás de todo, que significa, cuando hablamos de comunidad, cuando hablamos de donar, ¿qué significa todo eso? Quiero que entendáis eso un poquito hoy. Lo primero de todo es que quiero saber quiénes de vosotros estáis viniendo a una work on por primera vez hoy, levantad la mano. Un montón, genial, vale. Pues lo que voy a dar es contexto, ¿vale? Yo trabajo para la empresa de Automatic y yo soy parte de un proyecto que se llama 5% for the future. Eso qué es? Eso es un proyecto que significa 5% para el futuro. Hace unos años WordPress es un proyecto de software libre y muchas empresas grandes y pequeñas del ecosistema de WordPress, que trabajan, que viven, que participan en el proyecto de WordPress, decidieron que WordPress no es nada sin su comunidad. WordPress no es nada si no hay gente que cada día trabaja para mejorar el proyecto y para seguir evolucionando el proyecto y mejorándolo para que nos equide anticuado, para que siga dando soluciones a las necesidades del mundo de hoy en día. El 5% for the future es un proyecto que al final muchas empresas gordas lo llevan hoy en día y es que 5% de los recursos de tu empresa, ya sean en recursos humanos o en dinero o en lo que sea, sean donados al proyecto de software libre de Entonces en mi empresa un 5% en realidad es más, aproximadamente un 7% o un 8% de la empresa, es donado literalmente el 100% de mi tiempo y de mi nómina, es donado para que yo trabaje en algún aspecto del proyecto de, el proyecto de software libre de Para mí es un placer, trabajo ayudando a organizadores de Workups y Demitabs de todo el mundo. Estoy especializada en las áreas de Europa y Asia y soy también responsable de un programa que se llama Work and Incubator Program. Pero aquí venimos a hablar de WordPress y venimos a prevender sobre WordPress y muchos de vosotros estáis aquí porque o trabajáis con WordPress o queréis trabajar con WordPress o simplemente queréis aprender sobre WordPress para utilizarlo en vuestro día a día, ¿vale? Entonces, ¿por qué estáis aquí? Pues por las páginas web, por las aplicaciones que queréis hacer, las que trabajáis en ellas, etcétera y a lo mejor muchos de vosotros conocéis esta web, que es la de Yo estoy hablando mucho de, pero ¿eso qué significa? ¿Esta es la web que muchos de vosotros conocéis toda esta web? Levantad la mano, lo que conozcáis está web, no todos, ¿vale? Fíjate, es donde se concentra todos los esfuerzos del ecosistema del proyecto. El proyecto de WordPress, como proyecto de software libre, tiene a muchísima gente colaborando día a día a todo largo en todo el mundo y en esta web es donde tú te puedes descargar el software gratuito, es donde tienes el repositorio de plugins, el repositorio de temas, es donde están los foros, cuando tienes dudas, hay foros en español, hay foros en inglés, hay foros en tailández, es donde tienes la información para colaborar con otra gente como yo y como mucha de la gente que hay aquí que colaboramos en el proyecto, en diferentes aspectos. Y colaboramos de forma, bueno, de muchas formas, yo ahora mismo, desde hace dos años, yo soy donada, yo cobro por colaborar al proyecto, pero durante muchísimos años yo llevo 10 años trabajando con WordPress, he sido programadora durante muchos años y yo he colaborado de forma voluntaria porque me aportaba muchísimo. Prácticamente, desde que empecé a trabajar con WordPress, empecé de la nada y me di cuenta que cuando estaba ayudando a los clientes, si estaba haciendo un proyecto para clientes, cada vez que encontraba un error en WordPress que no funcionaba, yo me iba a los foros, preguntaba una duda, y de forma mágica no sabía por qué, alguien me había respondido en media hora y yo decía, ¿cómo, por qué? Que hagan esta gente, cobran un sueldo por estar ahí y no es gente como tú y como yo, que a la vez que gano tanto con WordPress, que es una herramienta libre, aportamos algo más al proyecto y entonces un dar y recibir. Y es un poco la filosofía del proyecto. Y es que todo el mundo, partiendo conocimiento, crecemos, crecemos profesionalmente y cuando mejores seamos, tanto como profesionalmente, como aportemos al proyecto, el proyecto mejora y el ecosistema crece y es un poco el concepto. Y esto es lo que conecto con la idea de código abierto. El proyecto estoy diciendo que es software libre, que es código abierto, pero ¿qué quiero decir con todo eso? Hay un montón de proyectos de software libre en el mundo. A día de hoy que tú utilizas todos los días y no sabes que son y seguramente no eres consciente de que hay tantísimos proyectos en el mundo que son de software libre. Todos utilizáis, o muchos de vosotros seguramente, utilizáis Android. Android es un proyecto de Google de código abierto, de software libre. Y bueno, ya que hay un montón más, hay desde herramientas, aplicaciones, gestores de contenido como es Drupal y WordPress, por ejemplo. Y lo bueno de este tipo de proyectos es que tienen y nos dan una serie de, es otra forma de hacer proyectos de tecnología, ¿vale? Lo que es el software libre y la GPL, que es la licencia en la que está basada WordPress, existe desde los años 60, pero ahora es cuando está, bueno, ahora, desde hace unos 10, 20 años, es cuando está floreciendo y cada vez hay más, porque nos estamos dando cuenta de que el conocimiento colmena, que es como es etiquetado en los libros de teoría, es la forma más rápida de hacer crecer cualquier proyecto de tecnología. Y al final, todo consiste, y dejadme pasar un poquito, todo consiste en que todo se basa, en que cuando tú estás colaborando con alguien, cuando tú dejas el código abierto a la gente y tienes el código WordPress abierto, cualquier persona puede verlo, puede leerlo, puede entenderlo, puede intentar descifrar que está haciendo estas líneas de código y puede mejorarlo y puede distribuirlo. Y cuando tú haces una pequeña mejora en lo que sea, en un pequeño fallo que has visto en WordPress o en un plugin de WordPress y lo pones al público, otro tío mañana en Australia va a verlo, va a leerlo y va a decir, joder, esto está muy guay, pero es que yo ahora voy a meter este poquito más y voy a mejorarlo y va a ser mejor todavía. Y gracias a eso, esa es una de las claves del éxito de WordPress y del éxito de porque el proyecto ha crecido tan rápido. Porque ese conocimiento compartido es el que hace que cada día el proyecto no pare de crecer ni no para de mejorar. WordPress tiene 15 años de vida. WordPress este 27 de mayo es el 15 aniversario de WordPress y hace 15 años que el proyecto nació como un fork de otro proyecto también de software libre. Dos chicos, Matt Mulimer y Mike Litter decidieron hacer un fork de otro software libre que ya existía porque no encontraban al dueño de ese software y pensaban que se había muerto o algo así y decidieron mejorar. Dijeron, bueno, qué podemos hacer si este software no funciona bien y queremos mejorarlo, pero el código está aquí. Cogieron el código, empezaron a cambiarle cosas y nació WordPress. Hace 15 años ya de esto. Empezaron dos personas y esas dos personas empezaron a hacer pequeños cambios para mejorar el software y poco a poco en un pequeño foro hubo gente que empezó a decir oye, pues puedo yo también participar porque a mí se me ha ocurrido hacer esto más para que WordPress esto sea mejor porque yo me he dado cuenta que poniendo comentarios a esta web también podríamos mejorarlo. Y otro tío de App Francia y otro tío no sé qué empezaron a participar. Eso fue el comienzo de la comunidad de WordPress. A día de hoy somos cientos de miles de personas en el mundo que participan mejorando WordPress cada día. Ya sea porque tu empresa te dona el tiempo como a mí o ya sea porque como yo cuando hacía unos años trabajaba para clientes cuando veía Robert Lerés lo reportaba. Eso es otra forma de colaborar. Cuando tú estás reportando cosas que no funcionan estás ayudando a desarrolladores que digan, oh, nos hemos dado cuenta de esto y hay muchas formas. Hay gente que traduce. Soy parte del equipo de traducción de WordPress también porque para mí es genial que mis clientes puedan utilizar WordPress en español. Y eso es uno de los ejemplos de los muchos equipos que hay en el equipo y de cómo nos organizamos. Si te vas a al menú de WordPress, que es el de participar o colaborar te vas a ver todos los equipos en los que está formado el proyecto. A lo largo de los 15 años de WordPress el proyecto ha evolucionado mucho no solo el software y la herramienta en sí sino en la forma en la que nos estamos coordinando gente que no nos conocemos de nada que estamos a lo largo y ancho de todo el globo terráneo que estamos colaborando en un proyecto único de forma muy coordinada y en cierta forma me gusta decir que estamos creando historia porque somos ahora mismo en las estadísticas que estuve leyendo hace solo un mes somos del top 5 de proyectos de código abierto del mundo somos uno de los 5 proyectos de software libre más activos y con más colaboradores del mundo y porque esto es una forma nueva de trabajar en remoto estamos creando historia y estamos innovando y dentro de unos años leerán sobre lo que estamos haciendo hoy en día y lo leerán en los libros de historia entonces a día de hoy si tú quieres colaborar en cualquier parte pequeña del proyecto el proyecto se divide en 18 equipos ahora mismo al mejor dentro de 5 años hay 25 equipos, a día de hoy hay 18 y pues puedes colaborar mejorando el código del core, del núcleo puedes participar puedes participar en el equipo de móvil, en el equipo de traducción en el equipo de accesibilidad diseño, soporte yo colaboro especialmente yo me centro en comunidad que somos la gente, el equipo de comunidad somos la gente que ayudamos a la gente que quiere organizar eventos de warps, jazmy tabs, warcams etcétera y todos, una de las razones de la cual, yo llevo 10 años y yo creo que mucha de la gente que estamos aquí y seguimos repitiendo cada warcam que podemos, es porque esto no es solo una herramienta yo utilizo whatsapp todos los días pero yo no voy a conferencias de whatsapp ni me recuerdo España para una conferencia de whatsapp esto no es solo una herramienta lo bonito del proyecto de warps es que hay una filosofía y además muy bonita detrás al ser un proyecto de software libre también compartimos ciertos valores hay unos valores de compartir que también todo se basa un poquito en la forma en la que los valores en los que el proyecto se basa al ser software libre nos basamos muchísimo en que compartiendo conocimiento todos crecimos más y nuestra misión es democratizar la publicación antiguamente la publicación al público estaba en manos de los grandes poderes los periódicos, las televisiones, etc hoy en día con internet esto ha cambiado y con warps cualquier persona puede descargarse el software gratuitamente y publicar en internet y alzar su voz y hay muchísimos ejemplos de gente que vive en países en guerra, en conflicto con censura y que gracias a una herramienta tan básica que para nosotros es algo tan normal para las mujeres esas personas están alzando su voz y mostrando al mundo las realidades de su zona donde hay censura entonces tenemos la misión de tenemos prácticamente con warps y es algo de lo que me siento orgullosa de participar durante muchos años es que queremos democratizar la publicación y queremos dar la libertad de crear, la libertad de cambiar y la libertad de compartir y que todo el mundo es libre y es una herramienta pero es mucho más que eso y como warps está basado, o no está basado pero utiliza la licencia GPL que es la licencia la general public license la licencia pública general hay como una carta de derechos al utilizar esta licencia y no utilizar un copyright o otro tipo de licencia lo que estamos dando a todas las personas que utilizan el proyecto a cualquier persona que utiliza la herramienta son las siguientes cuatro libertades cualquier persona tu como usuario como consultor, como autónomo con lo que sea tienes estas cuatro libertades hagas lo que hagas la primera libertad es la de ejecutar el programa para cualquier propósito nadie te va a que no pasa con otras cosas es decir, si utilizas otro tipo de servicios en internet sin esta tipo de licencia puedes ser baneado porque Facebook considera que tu contenido no es bueno para su imagen por ponerte un ejemplo tienes la libertad de ejecutar el programa para cualquier propósito la segunda libertad es de estudiar cómo funciona el programa y cambiarlo para hacer lo que quieras gracias a esto warps sigue evolucionando tantísimo cada día en todos los rincones del mundo la tercera libertad es la de redistribuir tú cambias lo que quieras tú haces extensiones creas tus propios negocios como wasp me que estamos hablando que es una empresa española y lo redistribuyes y creas y amplías el ecosistema hay más gente todavía trabajando con warps y la cuarta libertad la de distribuir copias de tus versiones modificadas a otro y se las puedes dar al mundo no tienes que dar explicaciones ni pagar licencias extra ni nada por hacerlo y estos son estadísticas para que cojáis un poquito de contexto de lo bonito de este movimiento como estoy diciendo no es sólo tecnología no es sólo una herramienta de lo que estamos hablando es mucho más y son valores y como decían en una charla hace unas horas el 30% de internet el 30% de internet ya usa esta herramienta y está usando software libre con las consecuencias filosóficas que también conlleva pues estamos creciendo muchísimo y en grupos de meetup que no sé si lo conocéis pero son simplemente grupos sin ánimo de lucro que se reúnen normalmente mensualmente para talleres de warps para compartir conocimiento para conectar con otra gente como tu esto es el informe oficial de la fundación warps del 2017 ahora los números son más altos pero he querido sacar el informe oficial del último año solo en el último año hubo un 52% más de grupos de meetups en el mundo y tuvimos más de 4.382 eventos estamos hablando del 43% estamos aumentando en números muy altos con 231.000 ahora somos más de 300.000 usuarios activos dentro de los grupos de meetup y me siento especialmente orgullosa por pertenecer como somos el segundo país con más grupos de meetups del mundo después de Estados Unidos eso yo creo porque no gusta mucho hablar y no gusta la cervecita de después también y un poco de estadísticas sobre warps para que cojamos también un poquito de contexto es que las warps al igual que las meetups donde estás ahora mismo son también eventos sin ánimo de lucro solo para compartir conocimiento financiado por voluntarios y financiados por los esponsos que deciden donar dinero a la comunidad para apoyar este tipo de eventos y por work on central que a su vez también se ha financiado por los esponsos globales también con aumento de números aumentos aquí un poco de estadística sobre cómo va aumentando la zona menos representada como Asia Sudáfrica Sudáfrica Sudáfrica y esto es así para que cojáis un poquito de contexto lo que quiero llegar con esto es como podéis daros cuenta con este tipo de números es que cada vez hay más gente que es consciente de la importancia que tiene el gestionar su propio contenido y el tener control sobre él y eso me lleva al siguiente punto que quiero conectar que es la privacidad cada vez hay más generaciones nuevas que se conectan a internet a través de solo redes sociales o especialmente solo con redes sociales ¿vale? utilizan solo Facebook, Instagram están todo el día para arriba y para abajo y tal y cual y os voy a contar una pequeña anécdota hace dos meses estuve en Estados Unidos por trabajo y me invitaron a dar un par de charlas en el instituto claro yo tampoco planeé nada pero iba a charlar un poco sobre cuál es mi trabajo y qué WordPress y tal y cual y hubo un momento en que los chavales tenían entre 13 y 16 años además del típico instituto de la América Profunda no estábamos hablando de Nueva York ni nada de eso y cuando estoy delante de los chicos les pregunto cuántos de vosotros tenéis perfiles en las redes sociales levantado todas las manos ni uno dijo que no y ahora digo ¿cuándo es de vosotros? tenéis página web y ahora empezaron a mirarse entre ellos así no sabían lo que le estaba preguntando website no sabían lo que le estaba preguntando lo siguiente que les dije es ok, bien ninguno de vosotros sois dueños de vuestro contenido y se quedaron así los que tenían las manos así levantaron la cabeza y dijeron ¿qué? ¿por qué dice eso? lo que para nosotros es súper obvio no es súper obvio fuera de nuestra burbuja y a eso quiero llegar ¿vale? la comunidad de WordPress es cada vez más grande trabajamos con tecnología con las últimas herramientas las últimas tecnologías no va a hablar conceptos pero lo que para nosotros es súper obvio no lo es fuera el que nosotros seamos dueños de nuestro pueblo y contenido el que tú puedes hacer el que tú seas el dueño de tu base de datos y tú puedes hacer una copia de seguridad de tu base de datos y tú seas el dueño de ella los chicos de 13 años no lo saben los chicos de 13 años solo saben que suben una foto a Facebook cuando quieren la borran lo que no sabe es que Facebook nunca la borra y que ellos nunca serán los dueños y también un poco de la educación que nosotros tenemos la obligación de dar a nuestras próximas generaciones ¿vale? y esto me lleva también un poco a neutralidad que es el último punto que quiero conectar esto está relacionado todo el tema de que seamos los dueños de nuestro contenido y que tengamos el control sobre él es a que sigamos teniendo el control sobre él la neutralidad de la red se puso de moda en el 2015 un debate en Estados Unidos súper amplio porque las grandes distribuidoras de internet querían poder tener la libertad de cortar el tráfico y el acceso o no cortar, relentizar o vender acceso a ciertas partes de internet simplemente para ganar más dinero prácticamente como el dibujo puede ver aquí claramente es que hoy en día nosotros podemos acceder a cualquier parte de la red cualquier cosa que está en internet con la misma velocidad ¿vale? pero las grandes distribuidoras de internet lo que quieren lo que quieren y siguen queriendo hacer es poder venderte paquetes y decir si, con tu paquete de internet que tienes ahora tú accedes con la misma velocidad a whatsapp, facebook y instagram pero si me pagas 10 euros más al mes pues entonces también tienes amazon bla bla bla y luego si me pagas el paquete grande pues ya accedes al resto de internet que tiene con velocidad normal es simplemente otra forma de hacer negocio pero ¿cuál es el peligro de eso? el peligro de eso y volvemos otra vez a la parte de privacidad y a tener control del contenido tuyo y del que tú al final vas a a consumir es la libertad de expresión el mainstream es algo que al final consume el que quiere cuando hay libertad y cuando hay neutralidad en la red pero si al final, solo los que tienen más dinero y pueden compagar una conexión más rápida a internet van a poder acceder a todo tipo de contenido a tu contenido de tu web por ejemplo, a lo mejor ya no todo el mundo va a poder acceder y al final estamos favores es decir, al final quien va a sufrir es la libertad de expresión si no podemos acceder a todo el tipo de contenido que queremos y si la gente va a dejar de hacerlo en el 2015 como estaba diciendo la gran revolución que se intentó hacer fue matar la neutralidad en la red hubo un grandísimo debate las grandes empresas de internet desde muchísimas automáticas y la comunidad de web estuvo apoyando la neutralidad en la red ya sabemos todo lo que pasa muchas veces en Estados Unidos luego se importa el resto de Europa fue unirse la global net neutrality coalition y cualquier persona como tú y como yo nos podemos unir es un movimiento lo que pasó en 2015 fue que en el último momento cuando iba a salir este proyecto de ley iba a salir para matar la neutralidad en la red al final salió por suerte una idea loca pero que al final se aprobó y fue maravilloso y fue definir la neutralidad en la red como un beneficio no como una necesidad básica del ciudadano como el agua y la luz de esa forma se pudo defender al definir la neutralidad en la red el acceso libre a internet y a su contenido como una necesidad básica a cubrir de cualquier ciudadano como el agua y la luz se pudo defender la neutralidad en la red que pasó que nuestro amigo Trump llegó y lo que hizo Obama lo rompió y por eso Estados Unidos ahora mismo están amarillos y este es el estado actual de la neutralidad en la red a lo largo en el mundo ahora mismo Europa está en azul porque está ahora mismo protegida pero no del todo porque en la ley europea lo que dice es que cada país puede regular y puede poner sus propias leyes para defender o proteger más o menos la neutralidad en la red es decir que estamos de cierta forma vulnerables y que las libertades de acceder como si fuéramos una librería a una biblioteca perdón que la libertad es que estamos hoy en día teniendo a lo mejor nuestros hijos nos la van a tener si no somos conscientes de educar y de transmitir este conocimiento y la importancia de defender la neutralidad en la red en el resto a la sociedad y este es el estado ahora mismo de eso entonces quiero terminar diciendo Wordpress es mucho más que una herramienta Wordpress es mucho más que tecnología Wordpress es un movimiento de software libre con ciertos valores con una misión de democratizar la web y la publicación en la red y que todo el conocimiento que generamos a diario y lo bonito de poder venir a Wordpress de este tipo y conocer la comunidad cada vez que hay algo fuera de la comunidad y voy a otro tipo de evento me alegro de volver porque es un sitio donde todo el mundo tiene cabida donde todo el mundo es bienvenido y donde sabiendo la naturaleza del proyecto y conociendo lo que nos mueve y los valores que nos mueve como comunidad podemos transmitir esto fuera porque ya te digo somos el 30% de internet seguimos creciendo muy grandes porque somos muy fuertes realmente esto es una foto del año pasado de algunos de los de un grupo de algunos de los contribuidores así como más activos algunos solo son un pequeño grupo de contribuidores al proyecto y somos una comunidad global tenemos esa influencia y podemos pasar este conocimiento y que la gente y la sociedad de la importancia de estas cuestiones y de conectar los puntos y de por qué es importante conectar estos puntos y ser consciente de ello y nada más muchas gracias muchas gracias Rocío sobre todo esta charla me parece importante para la gente que viene por primera vez que a lo mejor creen que esto va solo de una cosa técnica o de marketing y al final es software libre, privacidad, libertad de expresión perdón, preguntas buenas tardes de Rocío enhorabona por la charla quería preguntarte además se lo he preguntado antes a Álvaro la comida y me ha dicho a Rocío hace un par de semanas solicite la organización de un meetup quería saber cuánto tiempo más o menos se tarda en contestar afirmativo de la vera de la reina lo tengo en la lista de espera para el lunes a primera hora espera un email mío no lunes no perdón el martes es que el lunes estoy libre tengo el email en la cola gracias de nada qué más por aquí no hay nada que decir para preguntar hola Rocío enhorabuena también a dónde crees que nos lleva esto crees que vamos a poder contra contragollidad es esa pregunta al final es una cuestión educada a la sociedad al igual que en el 2015 se ganó la batalla por la neutralidad en la red en estados unidos y la roto hace un año también creo que se puede volver a ello la gente no lucha por algo que no conoce por eso creo que es tan importante concienciar a la gente de la importancia de las cosas estamos luchando también por la libertad de expresión y si tú dejas que ciertas empresas grandes controlen el contenido que tú y tus hijos y la gente alrededor de tu yo va a consumir mal vamos si nosotros somos los primeros que educamos a la sociedad y que compartimos este conocimiento que sabemos la gente sí va a tomar conciencia de ello es decir no digo moverse o no moverse saliendo en la calle pero hay que apoyar la causa y yo sí creo claro por supuesto y confío en que en Europa que somos más conscientes de defender nuestros derechos vamos a estar más protegidos tengo esa confianza pero evidentemente tenemos que seguir contando lo que ocurre y lo que las grandes empresas quieren hacer con internet y es convertir internet en una caja nada comparado con lo que es ahora gracias muchas gracias por la charla motivacional porque coincidió con Álvaro en que es fundamental porque como has dicho Word trae mucho más que una plataforma de software y mi pregunta va un poco en esa línea o casi una declaración de intenciones en relación a lo que has comentado el 5% por el futuro yo entiendo que estamos orientados a empresas grandes en realidad te han enfocado a cualquier persona como un autónomo también puede donar al 5% de su tiempo a ayudar al proyecto hay muchas formas hay alguna forma yo participo en una muy pequeña empresa intentamos de volver a la comunidad yo personalmente porque lo hago personalmente pero lo intentamos hacer también como empresa no sé si hay alguna forma de que eso figure en algún sitio de decir yo estoy aquí va a salir en dos meses estupendo estupendo pues estaremos pendientes para dar contexto a la gente ahora mismo no hay ningún sitio donde quede constancia como un directorio de toda la gente que está contribuyendo al proyecto de forma activa o que están donándose 5% etcétera y se está creando un directorio de empresas y de pequeñas empresas también o de lo que sea de gente que está haciendo esa donación al proyecto de mil formas como he dicho no hay sólo programar ni muchísimo menos organizar una work in otra forma de participar en el proyecto de señor etcétera y se está trabajando en ese proyecto el de el 5% del futuro y que tenga una visibilidad para que más gente también se anime y lo conozca pues estaremos pendientes alguna pregunta más puedo hacer un comentario yo sí, puedes hablar un ejemplo concreto todos estamos usando twitter vale, vuestros tweets se pueden perder realmente, entonces un propuesto bueno, como os he dicho que se lo digan a la gente de twinty que ha perdido todo yo tengo dos hijas y les creo una cuenta de twitter a cada una para apuntar las cosas que van diciendo los dibujos que hacen y tal y me he propuesto de este año lo que voy a hacer es publicar y importarme todos los tweets que ya tengo publicados y publicarlos desde su página que funcione con WordPress a lo que nos referimos que son pequeñas cosas que las damos por hecho pero se pueden hacer de otra manera es la única forma que tienes de asegurarte de esa forma de que ese contenido seguirá ahí dentro de 20 años es la única forma alguna pregunta más hay otra manita por ahí gracias por la charla un placer no sé cómo explicarme para que todo un niño convencerle de que haga una página web publicar toda su vida que es lo que están haciendo actualmente para que tenga un uso libre de lo que está haciendo para cuando quieras escaparlo tienes que pagar un hosting tienes que pagar un dominio iría por ahí, ¿no? sí, hay muchísimos servicios de hosting que son gratuitos, que te dan como el servicio básico gratuitamente no sé si no sé si a gran lo tendrá o no pero bueno, conozco mucho hosting gratuito, te vas a y tú te creas una web en un minuto en 30 segundos y tienes un y tienes un blog o una página web de cualquier tipo gratis sin tener que pagar nada y estoy segura de que hay muchos servicios que tienen eso entonces no necesitan pagar pueden tener una web básica y con un montón de cosas que en realidad no están básicos sin pagar un duro para un niño o para un adolescente aprender a empezar a hacer su web o a hacer plataformas o a desenvolverse en ese mundillo también es muy útil y ya no es sólo yo no digo a la gente que vivan en un mundo de utopía yo soy la primera que usa redes sociales pero cuando hablamos de educación lo que tenemos es que enseñar responsabilidad tú no le puedes decir a un chico no te metas en Facebook porque todos sus amigos están ahí pero si le enseñas la responsabilidad de primero saber lo que publica ser consciente de que ha perdido en el momento en que se ha subido ha perdido como se dice ha perdido el ser dueño de ese contenido para siempre a lo mejor ese chico o esa chica se lo va a pensar dos veces y en el momento en que le explicas que en el momento en que tiene una web pregunta hazles pensar con preguntas porque todas las empresas tienen su web porque todas las empresas no basan todo su negocio sólo en las redes sociales las redes sociales son secundarias para cualquier empresa que se digne nunca ponen todos los huevos todos los huevos en la misma cesta porque pierden el control de toda una vez que está en la red social ellos tienen su web sus noticias en su web todos los statements y las anuncios oficiales están en la web luego se comparte pero ellos son los dueños de que al final si algo te bloquean en una red social si algo no sé qué no sé cuándo ellos siguen teniendo su web si explicas esos conceptos tan básicos a un niño empieza a abrirle la mente y a pensar dos veces sobre qué hace porque en una red social todo gratuito y les explica que realmente ellos son el producto ellos no son clientes de esas empresas ellos son el producto porque todos los datos de ellos y de su grupo de amigos los están vendiendo empresas para que luego yo le puse ese ejemplo a los chicos de Estados Unidos cuando estuve allí le dije cada vez que estáis hablando de entre vosotros de Bowling for Columbine por ejemplo no habéis preguntado porque luego sale un anuncio de venta de armas es duro pero es la verdad y por último hay sensibilidad hacia colegios para organizar eventos o bueno comunicar este tipo de cosas a los chicos hay muchísimo sobre todo yo creo que te recomendaría si tienes contactos en colegios institutos que te pusieras en contacto con los grupos de mitab más cercanos a tu ciudad habla con la gente que organizas esas mitabs porque este tipo de charlas están encantados de darla por igual en colegio de institutos para pasar la voz de este conocimiento y de estas cosas perdón nos hemos puesto serios vamos a reírnos un poco ahora hola Rocio muchas gracias por tu ponencia la verdad es que deberían ser obligatorias este tipo de ponencias para todos los que venimos había que fichar al entrar imprescindible de la neutralidad de la red de lo importante que es que los más pequeños las futuras generaciones de warpressers sepan que es lo que está pasado que es lo que se cuece sabes si existe a nivel mundial bueno con todos los grupos que tú tienes contacto de actividades, tipos regulares en plan mitabs para niños por ejemplo en la india llevan un año con un programa los grupos de mitab de warpress en un montón de ciudades de la india están haciendo un montón de rutas por instituto y universidades que a mi me encantaría también que este tipo de cosas se hicieran también en colegios porque creo que los niños son muy en pocas en los colegios y la universidad está más enfocada en encontrar trabajo y aprobar y todo eso tenemos la warpress campus tener la warpress coleg pero en Estados Unidos existe la warpress campus para dar conferencias y talleres y tal y cual en los campus de universidad pero ya te digo eso son iniciativas propias que todo lo hace y al final por eso digo ponte en contacto con tu grupo de mitabo tú saca la iniciativa la filosofía del software libre es eso cogelo, toma tu iniciativa y si algo te apasiona hazlo y compartelo con el resto porque su experiencia es buena haciéndolo en colegios publica pásaselo al resto de la comunidad porque a lo mejor van a coger tu ejemplo y van a seguir el movimiento crea tú el movimiento y nadie tiene más que decir vamos a tomar un café
{ "url": "", "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -" }
Range Don't Stop
Marines are adapting and overcoming the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic – like those Marines on the ranges at Camp Hansen, Okinawa, Japan, where they are completing their yearly qualifications. Marines are required to wear masks whenever social distancing cannot be maintained, unless currently firing. Distancing regulations are still enforced while on the range to mitigate the risk of spreading illness. (U.S. Marine Corps video by Lance Cpl. Brennan J. Beauton)
[ "Marines", "Marine Corps", "usmc", "united states marines", "united states marine corps", "marine corps", "military", "armed forces", "jarhead", "leatherneck", "devil dog", "first to fight", "the few", "the proud", "Marine (military)" ]
We're still training. Regardless of COVID-19, Marines are coming out here still motivated, still getting the job done, and we're still committed to being every Marine a rifleman. So some of the changes the range has made in light of the COVID-19 pandemic is the use of cloth face masks and social distancing and hand sanitizer on the pistol and rifle range. It's very effective because we're still maximizing our quotas here on the range, so we're still doing max participation. Another reason it's effective is because it's preventing as much as we can any sickness that's coming out here on the ranges.
{ "url": "", "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -" }
SHOULD YOU BUY OR SELL WHKS STOCK🔥🔥🔥WKHS CHALLENGES USPS DECISION TO AWARD CONTRACT TO OSHKOSH Electric vehicle company Workhorse Group (WKHS.O) filed a legal challenge on Wednesday to the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) decision in February to award a multibillion-dollar, 10-year contract to Oshkosh Defense (OSK.N) to manufacture a new generation of postal delivery vehicles. The contract could be worth more than $6 billion in total. It allows for delivery over 10 years of between 50,000 and 165,000 of a mix of internal combustion-powered and battery-electric vehicles. Workhorse had proposed building an all-electric vehicle fleet for USPS and has the support of many U.S. lawmakers. USPS did not immediately comment. The bid protest was filed in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims under seal. It will make my day if you subscribe to my Channel and Please share with friends and family! 👉 ONE ON ONE COACHING HERE: ▶︎ JOIN OUR DISCORD SERVER HERE: ▶︎ SHOP GREEDY SAVAGE T-SHIRTS HERE: ▶︎ WEBULL: Get A FREE Stock Right Now (Valued up to $1600 when you deposit $100) ▶︎ REFINANCE Your Student Loans Get $300 in FREE Cash with SOFI ▶︎ My Second Channel: The WeBull Guru ▶︎ Join Our Free Facebook Private Group Here: ▶︎ Support my work: Join Patreon/Zoom Calls ▶︎ Check out my dividend portfolio here: ▶︎ ---- Ready To Start Managing Your Money? Download My Free Budgeting Template ▶︎ Track Your Money With Personal Capital ▶︎ CAPITAL ONE: Open a MONEY MARKET ACCOUNT ▶︎ ---- Ready To Start Investing? M1 FINANCE:” Invest in fractional shares plus get Free $20 in stocks.” ▶︎ WEBULL: Get Two Free Stocks Right Now ▶︎ SoFi: Get $100 in Free Stocks ▶︎ ---- Ready To Start Making Money? Side Hustle with Uber ▶︎ Host Your Blog With Hostgator ▶︎ Create your website or logo on Fiverr ▶︎ ---- Ready To Keep Learning? My Favorite Personal Finance Book 📘 My Favorite Investing Book 📗 My Favorite Personal Development Book 📕 I'm an Influencer with Amazon 📍QUESTIONS Have a question about being debt-free, Personal Finance, Career, reinventing yourself, or Anything Else? Post in the comments section of this video! 📍 Follow And Listen To Mr. V: Instagram: @mr.moneygeek Twitter: @mrmoneygeek Website: Based in Minneapolis #mrmoneygeek #WKHS #WORKHORSE ---- DISCLAIMER: Valentine Nde, including but not limited to any guests appearing in his videos, are not financial/investment advisors, brokers, or dealers. They are solely sharing their personal experience and opinions; therefore, all strategies, tips, suggestions, and recommendations shared are solely for entertainment purposes. There are financial risks associated with investing, and Valentine Nde’s results are not typical; therefore, do not act or refrain from acting based on any information conveyed in this video, webpage, and/or external hyperlinks. For investment advice please seek the counsel of a financial/investment advisor(s), and conduct your own due diligence. AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: This video and description contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, We'll receive a little commission at no additional cost to you. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. We appreciate your support.
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Wow What's up when it gives me the V here welcome to another video in this one We are going to talk about to get somebody WKHS work horse. We've covered this talk here on the channel talked about them a Lot when they were still in contention for their, you know USPS contract to produce electric Delivery event so ever since they missed out on that contract the price of the stock Felt like a rock as a matter of fact was a falling knife and so or again We talked about it when that happened So I kept saying like hey They need to do something right now to be relevant and and get them back to where people really saw them before And so today there's been some different some news that I wanted to cover with you guys Hopefully this might open up the doors for a work horse again to see some really good news Before we get started guys if you're new to the channel We took about how to earn money how to save money how to invest and build wealth So that's something that interests you go ahead and hit that subscribe button and the notification bell So you don't miss out on new content. So the reason why we're talking about work horse today guys I'm going to jump straight to this is because Work horse challenges USPS decision to award vehicle contract to Oshkosh so again when we talked about it most people didn't even understand why the Workhorse didn't get this contract because Oshkosh they don't really have The capability or they don't have the background as far as electric vehicle like work horse so it was kind of a you know a Intention there that maybe there was some sleight of hands to actually award that contract to Oshkosh so now the challenge in a court what this is going to do is is going to force them now to Open up the books and bring the decision making to the table so that people can see it If it was actually a transparent process or again like I said if there was some sleight of hands there So again, this is all over the news workhorse is taking USPS to federal court of our loss male vehicle contract again USPS is actually owned by the federal Government or on and controlled by the federal government. So you're taking them to federal court I don't know how that's going to play out again. I'm just doing this in my head Hopefully there's some transparency there so we can actually see what actually happened So to me, this is this is big news Because without these news right now They're talking about, you know, they're Different products one of which if you can see it is their horse fly which is their drone delivery system This would have been the one that might give them some relevancy in the space but again They want to have a name as a clean energy Company so electric vehicle company. So again, they have some other products that might give them You know some business, but this one with USPS would have been Massive that would have been a lot of money for this company and the stock would have just skyrocketed But we'll see who knows maybe this challenge in court might be something that can bring them back again into the mix and hopefully they get the opportunity to build even if not some or even part of you know, the delivery Vans that USPS is actually placing orders for so that's what I wanted to cover in this video guys again Like I said, I've actually done videos here covering Workhorse if you don't know what the company does definitely go watch those other videos you get in depth today Was just about this news that work horse is actually challenging USPS in court and again this we're gonna open up the books is gonna open up for transparency so that we can actually see What happened behind the scenes? How did they come to that conclusion in making that decision? So to me that would be something that I'll be looking really close. So as of when we're doing this video You can see work horse is currently trading at about 1486 after hours 1485 and my Market close. So if you can see here the stock actually took a little spike after hours From 1448 to a high of 1480 about 15 actually so again, this is this is a good catalyst that if this thing goes to court and You see that they were not treated fairly or there was something some slight of hands It might be a good catalyst because as of right now I don't see any major catalyst that will push the price of this stock up So I'll just keep my eyes open on this one and just see what's gonna happen there So again, let me know in the conversation. What you guys think about is Again, does it make sense to you that? Workhorse is challenging USPS in a federal court Again, these are things that you have to really see that it was something that happened behind the scenes or have some evidence Because you cannot just sue somebody for no reason if you're suing somebody or taking them to court It means you have some sort of evidence that something happened So maybe something happening in this case. We would see one of these Delibration stats in the court. So I'm super excited about it. I'll grab my popcorn I'm gonna sit there and watch the whole thing unfold in the meantime. I'm gonna keep my eyes again on work horse I mean, it's a good opportunity. He actually was part of the meme stocks if you can see here on this High short interest tax work horse is still number one shorted at about a 40.2 percent short interest which is crazy So again, this is something that can still drive the price of the stock If it continues to be a meme darling or otherwise, I mean just you know buy dips and and potentially See if this thing can squeeze back to the upside that would be my approach again Let me know what you think in the comment section if you're new to the channel Which cover how to earn money how to save money how to invest and build wealth There's something that interests you go ahead and hit that subscribe button and your notification bell So you don't miss out on new content also guys if you are looking to get set up with investing Weibo has their promotion where if you sign up and deposit a hundred dollars You get some free stocks links in the description and as always do you do diligence? Don't be a greedy savage and stay motivated
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GitLab celebrates 10 years of open source!
GitLab is celebrating 10 years since the first commit to the GitLab open source project! Visit our 10-year celebration page! Get in touch with Sales:
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I want to thank Open Source community. You helped this project a lot and without Open Source, you could never make it. It was my motivation, it was my force, it was my friends during all those times and I really appreciate everyone who contributed. Even as simple as a single line to the source base of GitLab, I truly appreciate and I'm really thankful to you. I'm thankful for all of our users, for all our contributors, for all our customers. GitLab is a co-creation. It's not just a company, it's a community. We're very grateful to all of you. Thank you! Thank you very much for your contributions. This is a sincere thank you to all of our GitLab customers. You are the icing on the cake. You are what makes us amazing. Thank you so very much. Thank you GitLab community. We are countless MRs better because of you.
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WordPress X AI – Wo sind die Grenzen?
Wir beleuchten Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen bei der Integration von AI-Tools in WordPress. Wir zeigen Grenzen aber auch Zukunftsperspektiven bei der Verwendung von künstlicher Intelligenz in WordPress-Entwicklung, sowie bei der Erstellung von Websites. --- View this video and others on WordPress.TV:
[ "2023", "Vienna (Wien)", "WordCampTV", "" ]
und auch noch in allen Neukömmlichen, die dazukommen. Genau unser Thema heute, WordPress und AI, wo sind die Grenzen? Wir wollen uns heute ein bisschen darüber zeigen, wie wir das bei uns anwenden, wo die Grenzen liegen und wie es damit aussieht konkret. Gut, mal zum Einstieg. Eine Frage, wer von euch aller Nutz bereits die AI aktiv im Einsatz? Irgendeine künstliche Intelligenz, egal welche. Perfekt, sehr schön. Wir kommen zur zweiten Frage. Welche, für welchen Bereich nutzte die Dinge? Ist das jetzt für Konternerstellung, für Development, für alles? Wie sieht es bei den anderen aus? Okay. Perfekt, sehr schön. Gut, mal kurz zu uns. Die Introduce war ja bereits schon da. Ansonsten noch mal zu uns beiden. Mein Name ist Stefan Fried, mein Kollege, oder? Wir sind gemeinsam die Geschäftsführer von der Unternehmensgruppe alpha 1 4 8, sind eine Digitalagentur in der Regel für Business to Business, Dinge zuständig, beziehungsweise sind wir dort überwiegend tätig, machen dort ganz klassische Webentwicklung, beziehungsweise digitale Lösungen und bieten die da entsprechend an. Haben wir unser Hauptquartier am Flughafen Wien, dadurch kommt auch der Bezug zu Luftfahrthemen, beziehungsweise zu den unliegenden Themen wie Weinbau etc. Wir haben noch weitere Aktivitäten innerhalb von der Gruppe, das ist einmal die Social Roastery, mit der wir Short Reels beziehungsweise Video Marketing zum einen anbieten und zum anderen haben wir noch die Appio Software GmbH, mit der wir Prozesse optimierte Software zurzeit programmieren beziehungsweise auch anbieten. Gut, das ist noch der Punkt, wo ich übernehme, auch von mir, ja Sie willkommen. Da bin ich mein Name eben, vielleicht nochmal kurz zum Einsteiger auch. Was ist eigentlich Artificial Intelligence KI? Das ganze gibt es ja schon sehr, sehr lange. Danke dafür. Und ich habe mir gedacht, wen könnte man besser fragen, was das ist als die künstliche Intelligenz selbst. Maschinen oder Computersystemen, die menschenähnliche Fähigkeiten nahe haben. Das heißt natürlich, das Ziel ist immer, dass es immer näher dem Menschen kommt und dass man irgendwann nicht mehr erkennen kann, ob das jetzt Mensch oder Maschine ist. Was man da auch nochmal zum Einstieg sagen muss, natürlich kann eine KI deutlich mehr Daten verarbeiten, was der KI aber fehlt oder was sehr schwer ist für eine KI, sind emotionale Intelligenz irgendwie abzubilden. Das heißt, das ist irgendwie so der Punkt, der heute noch nicht so gut funktioniert. Aktuell eben vielleicht ein paar Sozahlen. 61 Prozent der Unternehmen haben bereits künstliche Intelligenz integriert und wir haben auch so eine interne Marktanalyse für unsere Firmen gemacht und sind eindeutig zum Entschluss gekommen. Jedes Unternehmen, was in den nächsten Jahren nicht auf KI Technologien umschwanken wird oder jeder Freelancer oder sonst was, wird kurz über, wie sagt man, nicht konkurrenzfähig bleiben. Mit dem Ganzen einhergehen natürlich einige Gefahren, man muss auch wissen, wie man das Ganze anwendet. Und über das wollen wir ein bisschen reden, was unsere Erfahrungen waren im Agenturalltag, jetzt in Bezug auf WordPress vor allem, wo sind die Stärken, wo kann man es gut kombinieren mit WordPress, wo aber sollte man vielleicht auch ein bisschen aufpassen und dem Ganzen nicht immer zu 100 Prozent vertrauen. Vielen Dank. Machen wir weiter. Aber de facto, es war alles schön, dass wir jetzt darüber unternehmen und sonstigen reden. Im Endeffekt geht es auch heute darum, dass wir über das Thema Nutzung von AI mit WordPress kombiniert, dass wir darüber sprechen und mal unsere Erfahrungen schildern bzw. berichten. Gut, mal noch hier mal in der Runde, wer von euch ist ein klassischer Entwickler? Eins, zwei, drei, vier, fünf, so zehn, 15 Hände, perfekt. Dann kommen wir zur nächsten Frage. Wer ist klassischer Anwender bzw. Redakteur, das heißt kein Developer, sehe ich auch ein paar Hände. Der Reden über beide ist, das ist gut. Genau, perfekt. Gleich vorweg, wir versuchen heute Dinge zu erwähnen bzw. aufzuzeigen, die jetzt nicht ganz klassisch bei uns vorkommen, ja mit, aufgrund dessen, dass wir nicht im Developer Track sind, sondern im Allgemeinen Track versuchen wir mehr auf Elementor etwas zu zeigen, weil das dann doch eher die Allgemeinheit betrifft, wir selbst nutzen überwiegend mehr die Dinge mit guten Berg bzw. mit Saatscheid, das heißt, das wird das Ganze auf Larawell bzw. auf Headless-Times umsetzen, da nur als kleinen Hinweis. Gut, und die Gut, zur letzte Frage. Wer von euch möchte bei der Arbeit mit Hilfe von WordPress mehr Effizienz erreichen? Ich mal davon aus, dass alle Hände hochgehen eigentlich, oder? Sehr schön, das ist sehr gut. Super. Perfekt. Gut, an der Stelle übernehme ich nämlich wieder, nämlich Kai, natürlich ein Riesenthema für das Thema Effizienz. Und wenn wir da vielleicht einmal uns anschauen, was benötigen wir alles, um eine WordPress-Webseite umzusetzen und aus dem leiten wir uns dann ab, wo können wir da jetzt Kai sinnvoll einsetzen, dass die uns da ein bisschen hilft? Das heißt, was benötigen wir alles für die Umsetzung, es beginnt mal wahrscheinlich mit dem neuen Konzept. Es ist sehr niedergebrochen, wie gesagt, jeder Arbeitsweg kann auch ein bisschen anders sein. Wir haben irgendwo eine technische Infrastruktur, damit überhaupt die WordPress-Installation funktioniert. Wenn wir so unsere Verseiten, Menü, Inhalte, Texte, Medien, diese ganzen Themen Gedanken machen. Aber auf Funktionalitäten braucht unser Kunde vielleicht dies oder das. Und am Ende des Tages sollten wir das vielleicht auch nochmal testen und deployen. Das heißt, das haben wir mal so als grobe Schritte identifiziert. Konzept. Wo kann man das jetzt bei der Konzeptionierung oder sagen wir mal dem Jakob, einem Web-Developer, der das vielleicht noch nicht so oft gemacht hat, helfen? Ihr seht vielleicht da unten, haben wir auf so ein Ampelsystem, wo so unsere Einschätzung ist. Cool, da kann man das echt geil verwenden. Oder Achtung, Corschen, vielleicht sollte man da ein bisschen aufpassen, auch mit der Verwendung von Kai. Auf jeden Fall einmal Themen wie Zielgruppen, Personas, diese ganzen Analysen. Dafür, wir haben das auch schon ausgedestet, wenn man sich da die Inspiration holt, man kommt schon sehr weit. Wenn man sich das alles selber ausdenken muss, sitzt man da sicher, die eine oder andere Minute länger. Nächste Punkt könnte so Dinge sein wie Ziele, Prioritäten. Man mag jetzt da nicht großartig vorlesen. Auf jeden Fall Planung, Umsetzung erstellen einerseits, weil bei einfach, dass man da mal eine objektive Meinung, sage ich mal, auch wenn eine Karriere de facto nicht ganz objektiv ist, drüber sehen lässt und vielleicht mal einen anderen Blickwinkel auch auf Dinge zulässt. Und was auch cool ist, ist, eine KI kann sogar Auf- und Abschätzungen machen. Das heißt, man geht hin, gibt da rein sein grob Konzept und sage mal, hey du, nenn das deine Karriere z.B. Tech-PD, wie viel schätzt du, Zeit geht für dieses Projekt drauf. Und das Schlimme ist, das ist gar nicht immer so unrealistisch, was da rauskommt. Also für grobe Einschätzung, finde ich das eigentlich gar nicht mehr so uncool. Also der Jakob hat schon eine solide Basis jetzt, damit er da mal starten kann. Here you are. Perfekt. Gut, kommen wir zur technischen Infrastruktur. Also ganz simple gesagt, eine WordPress-Installation. Gut, technische Infrastruktur kann man natürlich jetzt ganz groß aufblühen, wie auch immer. Im Endeffekt geht es mal darum, die KI kann mir helfen. Was ist meine Leistungsanforderung, die ich überhaupt habe grundsätzlich? Sei das jetzt serverbedingt, sei das jetzt auch von der Instanz bedingt. Gerade wenn es um virtuelle Lösungen geht, kann mich die dabei unterstützen, kann mir gewisse Eckpunkte mitgeben. Gerade, wenn ich auch in diesem Bereich nicht super fahren bin. Das heißt ja nicht nur, weil ich Entwickler bin, dass ich mich auch deshalb automatisch mit IT-Themen, was jetzt den Server speziell betrifft, auskenne. Nächster Punkt ist Vorschläge für Femes. Wie gesagt, wir sind eher klassisch, dass wir alles vom Scratch programmieren. Ja, aber es gibt halt auch natürlich Femes, die eingesetzt werden, die aktiv verkauft werden, die auch ihre Dasensberechtigung haben. Ich sage das bewusst dazu, auch wenn ich persönlich nicht immer der Freund davon bin. Aber es gibt sowohl den Einsatzbereich dafür, gerade auch für Projekte, wo etwas kostengünstiger umgesetzt werden soll oder aber wo es einfach nur ganz simpel darum geht. Ich möchte relativ flott und einfach eine Website on-air bekommen, dann reicht mir das auch, dass ich damit arbeiten kann. Und zu guter Letzt, jetzt gibt auch noch ein paar Spezialanforderungen, die mir jetzt zum Beispiel WordPress out of the box nicht anbietet. Das heißt, ich brauche eventuell ein Plug-in, damit ich das Ganze erweitern kann. Das heißt, den Grund genommen kann mich auch hier die KI unterstützen und kann mir gewisse Tipps mitgeben. Was kannst du einsetzen, damit ich mir auch eventuell die Google Sucherspaar oder aber wenn ich zu einem Thema nicht hundert Prozent der Kifibien, das hier im Endeffekt eingreifen kann. Jetzt kommt allerdings das aber hinzu und man sieht es auch wieder an der Ampel. All diese Dinge, die hier ausgegeben werden, man sollte sich auch darauf nicht verlassen, weil viel wichtiger ist, dass man natürlich auch seine Erfahrungswerte hat und dass man auf dieser Basis genau weiß, was setzt man ein, weil nur weil ein Plug-in jetzt empfohlen wird, heißt das nicht immer, dass das genau für den Anwendungsfall, bei dem man das benötigen sollte oder könnte, auch das Richtige ist. Einmal möchte ich da noch kurz einhaken und zwar unten dieser Punkt Vergleiche. Oft ist es einfach so, es gibt 10.000 Anbieter für irgendeine Sache, die ich genau brauche und teilweise schwer zu identifizieren, wo liegen jetzt wirklich die Unterschiede und vor allem ist es auch teilweise schwer, selbst zu identifizieren, was ist jetzt die beste Lösung genau für diese Anforderung. Auch da kann eine KI unterstützen, den ich gezielt fragen stelle, wo ist eigentlich der Unterschied zwischen x und y und für diesen use case, was würdest du empfehlen und dann sagt er immer, naja, ich kann dich nicht beraten, aber meine Meinung wäre, genau, also auch definitiv eine Stärke davon. Gut, Seitenummenü-Struktur, prinzipiell ganz klassisches Projekt, die meisten bekommen natürlich von Kunden ungefähr vorgegeben, was sind die Anforderungen, was hätte er gerne, aber es gibt natürlich und ich glaube das Wissen gerade den Entwickler oder auch Soloselbstständige etc. Wissen das glaube ich nur so gut, der Kunde hat vielleicht auch gar keinen Plan, der kommt ganz einfach nur mit der Bitte, ich möchte eine Website haben. Wie die umgesetzt wird, ist dem im ersten Mal relativ wurscht, ob es auch funktioniert, ganz klassisch oder widerspricht man jemanden der Situation, hoffentlich nicht perfekt. Gut, das heißt, mir kann das ganze Ding helfen, mir eine ungefähre Seitenstruktur mitzugeben bzw. eine Menü-Struktur, was meine ich da mit? Gerade wenn ich vielleicht für einen Kunden oder für ein Projekt etwas umsetze, wo nicht 100% die Expertise da ist, nicht aus technischer Sicht, sondern eher rein um das ganze Thema drum herum, weil das eine spezielle Branche ist etc. habe ich damit die Möglichkeit, dass ich mir auch einen gewissen Input reinholen kann, damit ich mir ein gewisses Grundkonzept mal niederlegen kann bzw. damit ich weiß, in welche Richtung könnte das Ganze gehen, ohne dass ich jetzt Zickseiten durchforsten muss, damit ich mir dort mal Referenzbeispiele hole. Vielleicht da kurz zum Einhaken, es gibt ja so dieses Praktis, dass man sich so Tischkarten macht und die Inhalte versucht zu strukturieren und darauf irgendwie eine Menü-Struktur ausbaut, das kann man auch helfen. Ich gebe da meine Inhalte rein und da sage ich mal, du mach mal die perfekte Menü-Struktur, ob ich es dann nehmen oder nicht, sei da hingestellt, aber ich auch spare mir vielleicht diesen Prozess, oder kann halt auch komplexe Inhalte, also wir bei uns intern haben immer so diese Zahl 7, die auch psychologisch auf da ist, was Menüs angeht. Mensch kann sich 7 Sachen merken, irgendwie drüber hinaus ist schon ungut, das heißt, wir versuchen alles so komplex, möge es auch sein, in 7 Menü-Punkte, zumindest in der 1. Ebene, wiederzubreichen, auch da kann das Tool superhelfen. Gut, Inhalte, Texte, Medien, ich glaube, eine Gramm schon damit gearbeitet, was ich vorhin gesehen habe. Strukturierung von Texte, Erstellung von Texte, interessanter Punkt auch, wenn es um SEO Sachen geht, was ich so vernommen habe war, ich glaube es war Q422, kam so die Meinung auf, dass irgendwie Google KI generierte Texte abstraft. Dem entgegen gab es im Februar dann ein Statement von Google, die dem wieder widersprochen haben, weil sie der Meinung waren, Hauptsache dem Nutzer bringt es was, wer es erstellt, ist egal. Was Statement von Google, you never know, wir werden es nie wissen, was da im Hintergrund steht, aber natürlich kann das ziemlich helfen. Was ich allerdings festgestellt habe, auch da in der Arbeit, manchmal menschelt es nicht so ganz in diesen Texten und ich finde das immer eine super Inspirationsgrundlage, aber so dieses einmal vielleicht noch drüber schauen und das eine oder andere noch umformulieren, integrieren, umschreiben, kann auch da sicher nicht schaden. Ein Thema, wo KI auch hilft, wir werden es nachher dann auch sehen, Keywords natürlich, auch was die ganzen Descriptions angeht und, da steht noch gar nicht, das kommt nachher dann, aber ziemlich coole Sache, die glaube ich für die Zukunft extremere Elevanzen wird, wenn man ihm seine Zielgruppe vergrößern mag und ja, so viel mal dazu. Funktionalität. Genau richtig, kommen wir wieder zu den technischen Aspekten. Grundsätzlich, ich kann jetzt wie gesagt ein Film installieren, das bietet mir out of the box die eine oder andere Möglichkeit, ich kann Plugins nachinstallieren, ich habe damit gewisse Erweiterungen, die ich mitgeliefert bekommen, aber es geht natürlich auch die Situation, dass mir das, was mir von Haus aus jetzt damit geliefert wird, aufgrund der Installation nicht ausreichend ist, das heißt ich habe eine gewisse Anforderung, dass ich etwas abändern möchte. Ich nehme jetzt den Klassiker, man verwendet zum Beispiel Kontakt vom 7, werden bestimmt die ein oder anderen hier nutzen im Raum, damit man ein ganz simples, einfaches Kontaktformular hat, beziehungsweise die Möglichkeit, um etwas abzusenden. Jetzt sage ich aber, mir reicht das nicht, sondern ich möchte, dass das nicht nur an einen Empfänger geht, sondern ich möchte, dass das an eine Gruppe von Empfängern geht und das soll ruhig fest hinterlegt sein, weil das ist nur ein Kontaktformular. Ja, natürlich kann ich jetzt mit einem ganz einfachen Ding machen, jemand, der das allerdings nicht weiß, kann mich die KI dabei unterstützen, wie kann ich eventuell das mittels Code erweitern, eine Anwendungsfall, die ich nutzen kann in der Situation. Und hier komme ich jetzt genau auf den Punkt, es heißt allerdings nicht, dass es mir die KI vorschlägt, ah, dass das richtig ist, weil es eventuell auch veraltet ist, weil es mittlerweile ein Update gab, der sogenannte Hug auch nicht mal ganz gültig ist, beziehungsweise einfach nicht mal angewendet werden kann zum anderen B, dass das Ganze auch gar nicht leistungsoptimiert ist und dass sich hier einfach von irgendwo mal die Daten bezogen worden sind und das Ganze somit nicht mehr stimmt. Das heißt, man muss das Ganze immer auch mit einer gewissen Vorsicht nutzen. Wichtig ist daher, dass man nicht nur einfach blind die Dinger rauskopiert, was mir vorgeschlagen wird, sondern dass das, was ich hier auch vorgeschlagen bekomme, auch einfach mal überdenke und auch bitte richtig teste und mir im besten Fall auch noch andere Referenz dazu raussuche, ob das auch tatsächlich stimmt. Da haben wir dann nachher ein paar Beispiele, wo die Karin die Sackgasse führt, auch dass man da vielleicht einmal ein Gefühl dafür bekommt, okay, wo sind eigentlich die Limits aus dem Ganzen? Genau, perfekt. Gut, gehen wir zum nächsten Punkt. Öffnen wir kurz zurück, bitte. Und so genau, Themen wie Chatbots Übersetzungen. Das wird ein Thema sein, was wir nachher noch einmal, wie sagen wir, aufgreifen und vor allem im Bereich Übersetzungen, dieses klassische Google Translate von vor 4, 5 Jahren. Ja, man kennt es, man gibt irgendwas ein, das stimmt halt irgendwie zu 80 Prozent, aber wahrscheinlich wird es einen Native anders sagen. Mittlerweile ist immer das schon ganz, ganz mal anders und die Entwicklung geht auch da deutlich weiter. Das heißt, Richtung All Language Websites, maybe, könnte ein Trend sein in der nächsten Jahre. Sehr Unterstützung jetzt nicht nur das klassische Texten, sondern wirklich auch, dass ich hier Funktionen in die Website bringt für die Kunden, die mich unterstützen, wenn sie fall sind bei der einen oder anderen Sache und die Key fängt das dann vielleicht ab, dass man trotzdem irgendwie Punkt 1 barrierefrei und auch sehr optimiert so gut wie möglich bleibt. Wieder. Gut, Testung und Deployment. Also kurzum, ich möchte, dass die Seite, die ich jetzt fertig aufgebaut habe, umgesetzt habe, dass die schlussendlich den Weg ins World Wide Web findet. Also, sprich, den Go Live. Gut, hier kann ich die KI auch wieder mit diversen Themen unterstützen. Ganz klassisch, indem das Ding jetzt mal hergeht und sagt, es geht auf Fehler-Suche und kann mir aufgrund der Fehler-Suche auch beurteilen, gibt es dazu Lösungsvorschläge, wie ich das eventuell verbessern kann bzw. wo ich die Fehler auch ausbessen kann konkret. Das Beispiel, dass man irgendwann vergisst, einen Tag zu schließen, weil man dann doch vielleicht ein bisschen html-Kentnisse hat und irgendwo etwas eingefügt hat, da kann man dann die KI sagen, ey, Achtung, den Tag, der hier geöffnet worden ist, ist zum Beispiel nicht geschlossen. Das ist natürlich extremer Spaß, wenn du das in Google schlust im Inspektor, weil da brauchst du ewig. Was da auf jeden Fall auch ein Thema ist, dieses automatisierte Testen. Wir können es eh testen, glaube ich, immer bleibt auf der Strecke und vor allem, wenn man es als Developer oder als Anwender selbst testet, wird man es immer genauso testen, wie man es erwartet, dass das Ganze funktioniert. Und der Klassiker ist er, wenn er einen anderen mal testet und er drückt auf einen Button, der was so nicht vorgesehen ist, dann seht ihr, wieso drückst du da, ja, aber es ist ein Pack da drinnen. Und auch da kann die KI diesen Part abnehmen, weil die testet dann einfach random und nicht so aus diesem Blickwinkel des Developers oder des Anwender, also sag ich mal, des Erstellers, Anwender wäre jetzt falsch und kann mich auch da unterstützen, irgendwelche Fehler oder Bucks zu identifizieren nachher. Genau, und dann auch noch ein wichtiger Punkt ist im Grunde genommen, dass man auch wieder die Optimierung nicht vergessen tut, gerade was jetzt Speed etc. betrifft. Hier kann mir die KI mit gewissen Tools helfen, kann man sagen, hey Achtung, wie wäre es, wenn du dieses und jenes bitte nachweisend tust? Wer ist das Beispiel, sind zum Beispiel Fotos oder diverse Videos etc., dass du das verkleinerst, sei das jetzt durch die Totalgröße, sei das durch die Ausspielung, damit das Ganze einfach schneller läuft. Genau, und hier auch, dass das Foto-Thema angeht, wir sind nicht mehr dabei, dass die KI nur das Vorschläge macht, das Kleine, sondern dass die Komprimierung mittlerweile schon KI passiert, stattfindet. Bedeutet, dass ich echt kleine Dateiformate herbekommen und die aber durch KI ist so gut, dass sie noch aussehen, damit das echt brauchbar ist. Also gerade in Richtung Page Speed, echt cool. Aber, genau, aber jetzt kommt der große Punkt, wie ich schon vorhin erwähnt hab, das ist alles schon gut, wenn ich diese Dinge auch anwende, und man sollte das Ganze auch berücksichtigen, ein bisschen und wissen sollte man haben, man sollte sich nicht immer nur zu sehr auf die KI verlassen, bzw. auf das, was auch angeboten wird. Wäre dem jetzt hier noch mal unseren Jakob, den wir uns mal vorhin als Beispiel nannten, im Übrigen ein KI generiertes Bild. Schaut überhaupt nichts aus. Nett der Bursche. Im Endeffekt, er ist dabei, dass was programmiert, bzw. dass er seine Webseite umsetzt im WordPress und kriegt auf einmal auf ChatGPD, also mit dem Tool, mit dem er arbeitet. Diesen netten Fehler hier gab es in der Vergangenheit dann doch recht öfters. Insbesondere, wenn man die kostenlose Variante nutzt und nicht die bezahlte, dann steht man genau plötzlich vor diesem Problem und ist nicht in der Lage, dass man jetzt die gewohnte Arbeitsweise, wie man sich diese Informationen beschaffen tut, dann plötzlich bekommt. Das ist jetzt nicht so ganz angenehm. Das ist die Folge, der Jakob ist ein bisschen traurig und denkt sich Scheiße, wie mache ich das jetzt? Das heißt, Untertipp an der Stelle ist ganz wichtig. Macht euch nicht zu 100 Prozent von der KI abhängig, sondern viel wichtiger ist ja, man kann die KI unterstützen, verwenden, keine Frage. Aber viel, viel wichtiger ist, dass man das, was man dort als Output aus Ausgabe zurückbekommt, dass man auch das als Learning mitnimmt und auf dieser Basis sich die Dinge einfach aneignen und anlernt. Extrem. Und eins, was man eher als Key Message heute auf jeden Fall mitgegeben mag, all das, was uns KI an Zeit erspart, würde ich euch ans Herz legen, baut es in der Zeit, die ich überbleibe, dafür die Kompetenzen auf in dem Bereich, wo ihr die KI anwendet, weil you never know, wenn die einmal das System abtrennen oder sonst irgendwas oder der Kunde euch mit einem Revolver im hinten im Nacken steht und sagt, morgen muss das fertig sein und dann geht das nicht. Ihr müsst wissen, wie die Sache trotzdem basic funktioniert. Kurz ein abrupter Wechsel. Jetzt haben wir halt eben das eine oder andere, das vielleicht auch schon mal bekannt ist. Man setzt etwas auf Elementor um und bekommt plötzlich diesen Screen angezeigt. Genau, vielleicht tat es doch. Es geht Richtung die Bargänge jetzt auch ein bisschen. Jetzt haben wir diesen, jeder der Elementor verwendet, glaube ich, hat er schon vielleicht einmal gesehen in seiner Karriere. Es geht nichts mehr. Wir kommen immer rein. So, jetzt sage ich, klassisch als Entwickler, Neuer, was mache ich? Wenn ich so einen Fehler bekomme, ich öffne mal die Konsole im Browser und schaue mal, ob da der Fehlermeldung ersichtlich ist. Wenn ich dort nichts im ersten Moment erkennen kann, mache ich alternativ den AeroLock, zum Beispiel für BHB-Themen auf und schaue mir das Ganze an. Ich bekomme das als Fehlermeldung und kann relativ schnell identifizieren. Hey, da stimmt etwas nicht. Was ist die Konsequenz für mich oder bei so gesagt das Positive? Das ist eine Thematik, die kann ich als aufgrund der Erfahrung genau von wenigen Minuten abwickeln. Korrekt. Demgegenüber jetzt fragt man mal, jettie, bitte, hey, du, mein Elementor lädt nicht mehr. Was kann ich tun? May I ask for this. Thanks. Dann sagt jettie, bitte, also wir haben die Frage achtmal gestellt und jetzt kommen achtmal die gleiche Reihenfolge. Löschen wir mal den Browser catch. Gott, mach mal. Hilft nichts. Ist das die Batterie oder bin ich es weit? Dann sagt er, deaktivieren wir mal alle Browser-Erweiterungen. Jetzt muss man sagen, natürlich nach jeden dieser Tests sollte ich vielleicht einmal auch gegentecken, ob das das Issue war. Das heißt auch da geht ein bisschen Zeit drauf. Dann sagt, deaktivieren wir mal die ganzen Plugins, bitte. Okay, jetzt haben wir da vielleicht 20 Plugins installiert oder so. Jedes einzeln deaktivieren, schauen, ob es funktioniert hat und so weiter. Team wechseln wäre der nächste Vorschlag. Gut, kann ich auch machen. Stolz mal ein bisschen auf, wenn ich wahrscheinlich da die ganze Seitenwirtschaft im Team gebaut habe und auf einmal sage ich, wechseln halbmal. Auch okay. Dann sagt er Elementor und WordPress-Updaten. Danke. Okay. Und jetzt geht es mal in die Richtung, wo wir hinwollen. Und zwar, er sagt mal, okay, wenn das alles nicht geholfen hat, was nicht geholfen haben wird, außer wenn ich Elementor deaktiviere und dann habe ich aber ein anderes Problem dann in dem Fall. PHP-Version und Speichergrenze erhöhen. Und ChatGPDs Vorschlag ist, machen wir die Speichergrenze auf 128 Megabyte. Also nicht selten und sogar die Recommendationen von Elementor sind 512, also 256 Megabyte oder so, wird man schneller mal brauchen. Passt. Ich gehe rein, suche mir das mühsam raus, muss ich auch wieder schauen, wo ist eigentlich dieser ganze PHP-INI und so weiter. Geh 128 ein und das geht noch nicht mehr nicht. Und dann sagt er, Fehlerprotokolle überprüfen. Okay. Bis ich die dann gefunden habe, wenn ich damit noch nie in Berührung kommen bin, wir haben das einmal selber geschätzt und ChatGPD gefragt, wie lang glaubst du, brauche ich für diese Fehlerkette, wenn ich erst am letzten Punkt drauf komme. Also in Summe, ich habe das war der Vorschlag, sage da 1 bis 2 Stunden. Vers ist 1 Minute, Stefan, schaut mal rein und hat das. Also auch da vielleicht euch zu sensibilisieren, KI ist nicht immer effizienter und schaut, dass sie die Effizienz nutzt, wo es Sinn macht, aber versucht auch immer die Kompetenz dort aufzubauen, wo es eben absolut keinen Sinn macht. Jetzt gehen wir ein bisschen in die Grenz-Thematik. Wo liegen jetzt die Grenzen? Unsere Meinung, wie gesagt, es kann jeder andere Meinung sein, das ist das, was wir identifizieren haben über die Jahre, kann man das so sagen. Richtigkeit von Daten, Riesendema in allen Medien und so weiter. Dann der nächste Punkt und der ist noch viel wichtiger, ohne Fragen keine Antworten. Wenn ich nicht einmal weiß, was ich fragen soll, wird mir da auch keiner da draus haben. Wenn ich nicht einmal weiß, dass es Sachen gibt, woher soll man die richtigen oder es oder keine Ahnung Antwort geben. Der nächste Punkt, das ist so klein. Genau, nicht immer der beste Weg als Ausgabe. Der gibt nur ein bestes Beispiel, jetzt für ein Image-Stack gibt er mal den Aus. Ist es der beste Weg? Vielleicht nicht, weil ich will im pariarefreie Schema-org integriert oder solche Sachen. Auch da wieder, wenn ich gar nicht weiß, dass es diese Dinge gibt, wieder einmal nicht die Antworten liefern, die ich haben mag. Und zu guter Letzt, Kreativität und Originalität. Wir werden in eine Zeit kommen, wo KI vom KI lernt. Und ab dem Zeitpunkt werden wir in eine Sackgasse fahren, weil sich nichts mehr weiterentwickelt. Die Daten, die jetzt in den Charis drinnen sind, kommen ja von Menschen. Und die mehr Leute die Charis verwenden, desto mehr wird das Internet von dem Ganzen überschwemmt und lernt sich wieder selber an. Also auch da dieser Punkt, was ich vorher angesprochen habe, ergänzt sind, aber diese Menschlichkeit kann das sicher nicht schaden. Ja, Richtigkeit von Daten, kurz und bündig. Wir wissen nicht, woher kommen die Daten. Es muss auch nicht mal stimmen. Bestes Beispiel war, ich habe ein Oxygen-Projekt betreut und musste da irgendwie was integrieren. Da haben wir gedacht, ok, fragen wir mal, ob es irgendeine Hooking-Oxygen gibt, was es kann. Da haben wir fünfmal geschrieben, verwenden diese Hook, diese Hook gibt es nicht einmal laut Oxygen. Also auch da war zwar nett gemeins, danke, aber war Zeitverschwendung. Datenqualität, das heißt auch nicht, dass das immer gut ist, was daraus kommt. Also ganz, ganz wichtig. Ohne Fragen, keine richtigen Antworten. Your part. Fünf Minuten haben wir noch. Genau, fünf Minuten haben wir noch. Schauen wir mal, dass wir Gas geben, das sind doch noch ein paar Folien. Im Grunde genommen, wenn ich die richtigen Fragen stelle, kriege ich auch von einer KI entsprechend richtige Antworten. Ganz zippel, ich möchte, dass ich einen blauen Button bekomme, mit dem Text jetzt anrufen. Ja, super toll. Dann kriege ich das hier als Ergebnis. Ja, es ist so ein etwa, das, was ich mir vorgestellt habe. Allerdings muss man das Ganze ein bisschen berücksichtigen, wenn man sich den Code anschaut. Dann kriege ich halt wirklich auch nur einen Button, der halt blau ist und der halt im Endeffekt diesen Text drinnen hat. Ja, das ist aber nicht das, was ich wollte, weil wenn ich da jetzt stehen habe, jetzt anrufen, habe ich vielleicht eine ganz andere Anforderung. Das heißt, es ist umso wichtiger, dass ich das Ganze richtig konkretisiere, auch Anfrage, damit ich auch eine richtige Antwort erhalte. Das heißt, in dem Fall, dass ich sage, bitte erstelle mir einen Link, erstelle mir einen Button, dass wenn ich dann dort draufglicke, dass ich auch de facto eine Telefonnummer hinterlegt habe und auch demnach natürlich mit der Zusage, dass ich das Ganze vielleicht nicht mit abgerundeten Ecken haben möchte, sondern dass das Ganze eckig ist und schlussendlich in der richtigen Farbe etc. Dass ich dann meinen Output richtig bekomme und der dazugehörige Code, so wie ich mir das auch dann wünsche und vorstelle. Genau, nämlich ohne Rundungen. Und wenn man da auch gar nicht weiß, dass es eigentlich ein Border Radius gibt, weiß ich auch gar nicht, was ich da eher sagen soll, damit sie mir das auch wieder wegmacht, zum Beispiel. Ein grobes Beispiel, das wird mir einfach anschaulichen. Genau, ansonsten kommen noch zum nächsten Thema. Es ist nicht immer die richtige und auch nicht immer die beste Lösung. Jetzt habe ich zum Beispiel die Anforderung. Ich möchte, wenn ich auf den WP admin zugreife, dann kriege ich hier diese schöne Loginmaske und drüber haben wir das Runder WordPress Logo, wie wir es halt auch ersichtlich haben. Jetzt sage ich aber, ich hätte gern dort mein Filmenlogo aus welchen Grund auch immer. Ja, der Vorschlag ist zwar ganz nett, den ich hier bekomme, weil das sagt im Endeffekt aus, bitte gehen, dann filmen hinein und schreib dort noch eine Kotzeile hinzu und hau dort etwas rein. Ja, aber, fragen euch, was passiert, wenn ein Team Update dann durchgeführt wird, wenn ich das genauso mache wie Chatchi-PD mir das gesagt hat. Klar, es war wieder weg und ich weiß eigentlich gar nicht, dass Sache war. Vielleicht noch einmal kurz zurückbleiben. Auch da kann ich jetzt natürlich weiter konkretisieren. Kann sagen, gibt es einen besseren Vorschlag, aber ich muss wissen, dass es da einen besseren Vorschlag gibt bei Chatchi-PD alleine, würde mir jetzt nicht den Vorschlag eines Child-Teams zum Beispiel unterbreiten. Klar, und jetzt kommen wir ein bisschen auch zur AI-Unterstützung, was, ich sage mal, User-Cases angeht, Anwender. Wir kennen das, glaube ich, alle. Unser Kunde, lauter Bildhoch, alte Expression, was ist das überhaupt? Laute es hoch, weg. Das heißt, unsere SEO-Bemühungen, die wir wirklich tief im Herzen haben, ist dahin. Und das ist jetzt ein Punkt, wo uns wirklich AI-Unterstützung kann. Wir haben das mal ausprobiert hier und zwar haben wir dieses nur Wasser drin, Foto reingeben, der Outcome war, eine Gruppe von Frauen, die um einen Holztisch sitzen. Finde ich jetzt mal nicht so schlecht, für dass das, wenn einer gar nichts reingebt, ist das besser als nichts. Der nächste Step, das kennen wir auch, gar nicht so weit weg von da, oder vielleicht doch, weiß ich jetzt gar nicht. Genau, das Wiener Riesenrad, natürlich erzählen wir uns, was wir alle kennen. Die KI identifiziert das halt nicht als das Wiener Riesenrad, sondern als ein großes Riesenrad mitten im Park. Ist okay, ich könnte jetzt aber noch genauer konkretisieren, wenn ich selber als Hand anlege. Wiener Riesenrad von der Bratawese fotografiert und so was. Aber auf jeden Fall ist es ein super Tool, dass ich zumindest hier einen gewissen Mehrwert erzielen kann. Vor allem in Bezug auf Barrierefreiheit 2025, dass wir ein Riesenthema werden. Was ist jetzt der Ausblick Richtung KI, das wir glauben? Anwendungsbeispiele, Analytics, Super-Sache, super viele Daten, da muss man mal irgendwelche, wir sagen mal Connections aus dem Daten identifizieren. Wenn ich deine Unterstützung durch eine KI habe, spare ich mal extrem viel Zeit und komme da wahrscheinlich auf irgendwelche Zusammenhänge, die ich so nie interpretieren hätte können. Erstehend personalisierter Inhalte, das geht dann auch vor allem Richtung Conversion und Optimierung. Ich spiele wirklich dem User das aus, was er sehen mag und jeder kriegt was anderes zu sehen. Jeder sieht halt die über uns Seite anders, überdrehen gesagt. Nächster Punkt, Steigerung der BAW-Effizienz, geht damit etwas einher und dann können wir sehen, was es schon gibt. Diese KI generierten Webdesigns, diese All-Language-Websites, die glaube ich sehr cool irgendwann mal werden, weil dann muss ich nicht erst jenen Translate rein, alles übersetzen und so weiter. Und natürlich diese ganze No-Code und No-Code-Entwicklung, die eh auch schon teilweise da ist, das sagen wir Elementor und Co. Auch, dass sie noch viel tiefer werden. Daraus resultieren wahrscheinlich uns neue Jobgebiete. Was könnte es sein? Prom-Trader. Ich habe letztens mit einem CEO geredet, der stellt jetzt wirklich einen Prom-Trader an. Das heißt, alle seine Abteilungen schieben das, was sie brauchen zu dieser Person, die bereitet das auf und schiebt das wieder zurück. KI-Web-Entwickler. Das heißt, spezialisiert wirklich für die KI-Entwicklung auch auf WordPress-Websites. Das ganze Webdesign, Data-Analysis, Data-Measure Card, Trainer, Coaches für sowas. Das Ganze wird immer komplexer. Auch die Anwendung von dem Ganzen wird komplexer und ich glaube, jeder von euch hat dasselbe Gefühl wie ich. Ich mache in der frühe Sende auf und es gibt schon wieder fünf neue KI-Tools. Sich auf jeden Fall eine Opportunity für den einen oder anderen oder die eine oder andere. Und das ist natürlich Produktmanager. Irgendwer, der das halt koordiniert das Ganze und den Übersicht behält in dieser ganzen Komplexität. Jetzt haben wir dann auch für euch ein paar Tools, die wir sommerer da haben, was es in Bezug AI und WordPress gibt. Können Sie sich da einmal auf Foto machen. Ich meine jetzt nicht nur natürlich auch TPD, Rightsonic, immer eine Alternative, die ein bisschen erweitert ist. Geht so ein bisschen mit Copy-Cockpit, was auch den Content angeht. Einher. Dann haben wir WordLift. WordLift ist On-Page SEO und die Zeit ist da oben. Schaut euch das noch kurz an. Also On-Page SEO könnt ihr sogar ergänzen zu RankMath und Yoast und so weiter. Hat einen anderen Schwerpunkt. Nämlich wirklich, dass die Sachen noch einmal so, zum Beispiel WordLift, was macht das auch in den Verlinkungen und so Vorschläge. Also ist noch einmal so ein Top für RankMath. Mitschönigend glaube ich mittlerweile eh jeder. Blog-Diffusion, wieder super coole Sache. Ich kann mir dieses Blogin auf WordPress installieren und hab dann einen neuen Blog im Blog-Editor, zieht ihn rein und sage, ich brauche jetzt ein Bild von einem Elefanten, gibt die Größe und hab dann mal meinen Placeholder und muss nicht mit, was er sich, Placeholder arbeiten. Ganz easy. Dieses Alt Text AI war das Tool, was wir verwendet haben für die Generierung jetzt von den Alt Text von den Bildern, wenn das einfach vom Kunden hochgezogen wird. Und am Ende des Tages gibt es auch noch eine ziemlich umfangreiche AI Engine für WordPress GPT AI Power. Es gibt hunderttausende mehr. Es kommen in den Tag neu dazu, also auch das sind jetzt nicht die steingemeißelten, sag ich einmal, gedehmerlichen Newscases. Aber vielleicht ist wieder den einen oder die anderen da was dabei. Kurz noch die Kimi Assets, das ist extrem wichtig, meiner Meinung nach. Lernst zu verstehen, wenn das nicht schon getan hat, wo AI es hinmacht, wo nicht. Verwendet AI, um konkurrenzfähig zu bleiben in der Zukunft. Es ist ein Thema und es wird immer mehr ein Thema. Nutze die Zeit, ersparen ist, das was ich vorhin schon gesagt habe, um eben Kompetenzen mal anders aufzubauen. Bleiben Ball, es tut sich so viel. Immer einfach schauen, was gibt es Neues, gibt es was Besseres, immer abwägen. Aber bitte, bitte, bitte behalt jetzt immer die Kontrolle und versucht immer, dass ihr noch der Chef der Sache oder die Chefin der Lage seid. Ganz, ganz wichtig, was uns verliert man. Irgendwann einmal viel. Ja, dann noch so ein kleines. Genau, ich glaube, Eigenwerbung ist auch noch ganz wichtig. Ganz kurz zu mal wehnen. Im Endeffekt ist jemand auf der Suche nach einer Weiterentwicklung seiner persönlichen Leben, möchte einen neuen Job haben. Wir würden prinzipiell nochmal weiterdrückst. Wir suchen wieder Leute, ganz wichtig, weil die KI ist schön und gut. Aber im Endeffekt, die KI ist ersetzt Personal nicht, beziehungsweise schlussendlich gute Mitarbeiter und natürlich auch developer. Die sind notwendig, weil unter den Renten auch eine KI nicht. Und solltet ihr jemanden kennen, der wiederum jemanden kennt, dann freuen wir uns auf entsprechende Bewerbungen. Die entsprechenden Links beziehungsweise QR-Codes gibt es auf der nächsten Seite. Und ansonsten sagen wir mal vielen Dank fürs Zuhören und wir hoffen, dass das eine oder andere Interessante mit dabei war. Und wir schnurren einen schönen, restlichen Samstag. Nein, geht noch die Frage darum jetzt. Die Fragen sind noch offen. Entschuldigt, bitte. Hat irgendwer irgendwelche Fragen, was uns, bitte. Es ist interessant, ich habe mich mit dem Thema ein bisschen befasst. Also Chef-GPD-Texte, die werden noch ziemlich gut erkannt. Da gibt es wirklich so Tools, mit denen, die zeigen wir mit einer 90-Prozentigen Wahrscheinlichkeit anders, dass eine KI gemacht hat. Jetzt gibt es dann so Tools wie Quillbot zum Beispiel. Da kann ich jetzt den Chef-GPD-Text rein geben und der reframe mit denen komplett. Und auf einmal kann die KI das nicht mehr erkennen. Es muss aber ja nicht einmal ein Nachteil sein, eben wie gesagt Aussage, Februar 2023, dass Google das erkennt. I don't know, dass war nur der Artikel, den ich gelesen habe, von dem Danny noch irgendwie zu diesem Thema. Aber ja, erkennt das mit sehr guten Trefferquote. Sonst noch. Ja, bitte. Jetzt gibt es ja schon einige Tools, die so am Markt sind und man merkt, dass es eine rapide Transformation stattfindet, wie ihr gesagt habt. Und man muss wirklich an Track bleiben. Die Tools sind aber trotzdem sehr kontrovers diskutiert worden und darum wollt ihr jetzt mal wissen, welches Tool war bei euch, weil ich jetzt den größten Impact gehabt habe. Also was hat wirklich jetzt was verändert? Abgesehen von diesen kleinen Gadgets und Alt-Tech Generator, machen wir jetzt auch nicht für jedes Bild Extendern, das den Alt-Tech Generator wird mal alt. Absolut. Also, kurz und wenig Track-GPD. Wir verwenden das im Pro, alle unsere Mitarbeiter und die Zeit der Spanis, was unsere Leute durchhaben, ist, glaube ich, deutlich merkbar. Also da kommt kein anderes Tool dran, auf jeden Fall. Also bei unserer Meinung. Gut. Ja, bitte. Ich kann euch zwei Tools empfehlen. Das eine ist das Creator. Das hat gekostet 178 Euro auf Lebenszeit. Das ist sehr gut. Ich gebe ein kurzes Beispiel und das andere ist Neuroflash. Das zahlt man monatlich durch 29 Euro. Und ich wollte wissen bei Track-GPD, habe gesagt, okay, suche bitte raus Paul Steinhauer in Wien. Dann hieß es, es gibt mehrere Paul Steinhauer. Dann habe ich gefragt, er arbeitet im Opernbereich, hat mir Track-GPD geschrieben, nein, er kann nicht auf persönliche Daten zugreifen. Dann habe ich hingeschrieben, er hat auch eine Webseite, hat mir Track-GPD geschrieben, nein, er kann auch nicht auf die persönlichen oder Firmen Webseiten zugreifen. Ich bin dann rüber zu Creator und habe gesagt, bitte stelle mir, wer ist Paul Steinhauer? Und ich habe in 30 Sekunden drei annehmbare Minibiografien von mir gehabt. Genau. Also auch so wie das Ride-Zonec hat eben so integriert, Chat-Zonec, was auch immer auf Internet zugreifen kann, da gibt es sehr ein paar Ambit, die eben Track-GPD als Basic erweitern, wo ich dann genau solche Informationen bekomme. Neuroflash und Creator, das habe ich ausprobiert, das funktioniert. Und wir haben tatsächlich vorher erst geredet über dieses Thema im Speakers Room, wo auch das Thema war mit Lebensläufen, wenn man sich selber irgendwie versucht von Chat-GPD zu kreieren lassen, dass da komplett Blödsinn rauskommt. Also deswegen auch noch einmal wirklich auf was mit den Daten, was da rauskommt. Das ist random, das ist angreifbar. Darf ich noch etwas dazu sagen, was bei Chat-GPD funktioniert? Ja. Dass ihr vorhin das Bild gehabt mit den Frauen und ich habe Chat-GPD einmal ausprobiert mit einem Freund und der ist derzeit Single. Okay. Und der ist auf Tinder marschiert und hat Chat-GPD sozusagen gefüttert mit den Daten von der jeweiligen zukünftigen Partnerin und hat gesagt, er möchte einen tollen Spruch dazu haben. Und Chat-GPD hat es gemacht und der Erfolgquote war bei jedem, wo er zurückgeschrieben hat, fast 100 Prozent. Also das kann ich empfehlen. Ja, es ist wirklich, es kann ledigter sein. Absolut. Man muss ja kreativ sein, aber dann haben wir probiert Schüttel, Reime, das kann es nicht. Gibt es bald sicher Tinder-App für Chat-GPD oder so? Genau. Aber auch ein Superpunkt noch geheilatet, es kann nicht eben jetzt genau Chat-GPD aufs Internet zugreifen, also Daten von 2021, was der Stefan auch vorher angeredet hat. Die Sachen können veraltet sein. Gerade wenn es geht um, ich glaube letztens war das Thema mit UTS, wo er irgendwie standardmäßig zwei Jahre aushört, obwohl das drei Jahre das aktuell ist und so weiter. Sonst noch Fragen. Perfekt. Dann in diesem Sinn. Ja, Co-Pilot selber, nicht Cockpit, haben wir mal getestet. Also du meinst den, Entschuldigung, komplett falsche Abbauung. Ja, ja, da muss ich darüber ändern. Was tut er mit dem gar wartet? Was wir jetzt oder wo sogar vor allem unser Mitarbeiter oder ein Teammitglied von uns. Viel Erfahrung hat das Kombination, Visual Studio und künstliche Intelligenz. Das wird immer mehr dahingehend und man merkt doch, dass Microsoft immer mehr diesen Markt abgreift. Hat sich eingekauft bei Chat-GPD, bei GitHub, glaube ich war das Visual Studio. Also es wird wahrscheinlich, was da sein geht, Richtung Microsoft gehen und da immer immer mehr. Und allein diese Completion, du kannst dich auch schon in Visual Studio, weiß nicht, ob sie das verwendet, die debugging betreiben, direkt drinnen mit Chat-GPD, wo es gar nicht mehr raus aus der App muss, sondern gleich da drinnen nachfragen, seh, was ist da falsch. Aber es ist, genau, das ist ein super Thema, nämlich auch übergangstechnisch. Unser Nachfolger ist er da. In der Haalander Rechtsanwalt, der jetzt an den nachfolgenden Vortrag auch den Thema Recht und Lizenzen etc. in Zusammenhang mit der KI. Übrigens ist es ein guter Rechtsanwalt, sehr empfehlenswert. Und ich glaube, der kann dazu auch dann sicherlich das eine oder andere sagen, was dann auch die rechtlichen Asylakte betrifft. Aber was du ansprichst, ist ja auch das Thema wie so, das jetzt in Italien so auf dem Tisch liegt, eben das Verbot von Chat-GPD, da geht es ja genau unter anderem um solche Sachen, Datenschutz und das sind ja Informationen von europäischen Bürgern und so weiter. Weil weiß was da noch kommt, irgendwie wird es weitergehen in der KI-Sector. Das glaube ich auf jeden Fall. Cool. Ja dann, von meiner Seite also mal vielen Dank fürs Zuhören. Vielen Dank auch von meinerseits. Genau, gleich geht es weiter mit Peter Haaland. Wenn Sie interessiert, bitte da bleiben.
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What Is EMBROIDERY? EMBROIDERY Definition & Meaning
What is EMBROIDERY, What does EMBROIDERY mean, EMBROIDERY meaning, EMBROIDERY definition, EMBROIDERY explanation Embroidery is the craft of decorating fabric or other materials using a needle to apply thread or yarn. Embroidery may also incorporate other materials such as pearls, beads, quills, and sequins. In modern days, embroidery is usually seen on caps, hats, coats, blankets, dress shirts, denim, dresses, stockings, and golf shirts. Embroidery is available with a wide variety of thread or yarn color. Some of the basic techniques or stitches of the earliest embroidery are chain stitch, buttonhole or blanket stitch, running stitch, satin stitch, cross stitch. Those stitches remain the fundamental techniques of hand embroidery today. Source:
[ "audiopedia", "wikipedia", "encyclopedia", "meaning", "definition", "explanation", "dictionary", "EMBROIDERY", "what is embroidery", "what does embroidery mean", "embroidery meaning", "embroidery definition", "embroidery explanation" ]
Embroidery is the craft of decorating fabric or other materials using a needle to apply thread or yarn. Embroidery may also incorporate other materials such as pearls, beads, quills, and sequins. In modern days, embroidery is usually seen on caps, hats, coats, blankets, dress shirts, denim dresses, stockings, and golf shirts. Embroidery is available with a wide variety of thread or yarn color. Some of the basic techniques or stitches of the earliest embroidery are chain stitch, buttonhole or blanket stitch, running stitch, satin stitch, cross stitch. Those stitches remain the fundamental techniques of hand embroidery today. The process used to tailor, patch, mend and reinforce cloth fostered the development of sewing techniques, and the decorative possibilities of sewing led to the art of embroidery. Indeed, the remarkable stability of basic embroidery stitches has been noted. It is a striking fact that in the development of embroidery there are no changes of materials or techniques which can be felt or interpreted as advances from a primitive to a later, more refined stage. On the other hand, we often find in early works a technical accomplishment and high standard of craftsmanship rarely attained in later times.
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Python tutorial - Complex numbers
In this tutorial we're going to talk about complex numbers in Python 3.
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Hi everyone, in this tutorial we're going to talk about complex numbers in Python programming language. It's good to know that Python is one of the few programming languages that has built-in type for working with complex numbers. Complex numbers are very useful in computer graphics, science, technology and so on. And as we know from math lessons, complex number has a real part and an imaginary part. Imaginary number has letter j at the end. The main goal of this lesson is to give the answer to the question how to create a complex number in Python. In this example we're going to create a complex number that has real part number 2 and imaginary part number 3. I'm gonna open Python's idle. In this example I'm gonna create a variable, let's call it complex number. And our complex number is going to have as real part number 2 and as imaginary part number 3. And at the end of this imaginary part we're going to add the letter j. It's also very useful to know that if we're using dot real we're gonna get the information about real part of complex number. And similarly if we're using dot image we're going to return imaginary part. I'm gonna show you this on the same example. I want to get real part of complex number. So I'm going to type complex number dot real and the result is number 2. Then I wanna get information about imaginary number. I'm gonna use dot image and press enter. As you can see, imaginary number is 3. That's all in this tutorial. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel. See you in the next tutorial. Bye.
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Music and the Irrational, Part Two
The tuning problem, and how it may have led to the discovery of the irrational. For more math, subscribe to my channel:
[ "mathematics", "education" ]
So, to recap from the last lecture, the consonances correspond to ratios of small whole numbers – 2 to 1, 3 to 2, 4 to 3. Western music also has octave equivalents. Two notes corresponding to the 2 to 1 ratio are regarded as the same note. This leads to the tuning problem. Construct a scale by starting at a note and ascending by consonances, then scale all notes back into a single octave. Let's see how that works out. So, let's construct a scale. Suppose we start with a string of length 16, and that's purely for convenience. In the following, we'll treat the length as the note. And so we can say the string of length 16 produces the note 16. So, if we use the interval of an octave and produce additional lengths in a ratio of 2 to 1, our notes are going to be 16, then 8, which will be in a 2 to 1 ratio. Then 4, then 2, and we could keep going, but let's stop here for now. Now, since we want all the notes to be within one octave, we'll scale all the lengths to be between 16 and 8. So, because of octave equivalents, multiplying by 2 gives us the same note. And if we do that, our notes become the following. The note 8, scaled down an octave, multiplied by 2 in other words, becomes the note 16. The note 4, scaled down an octave, becomes the note 8, but I already scaled 8 down an octave back to 16. So, this note 4 also becomes 16. The note 2, scaled down an octave to 4, scaled down another octave to 8, scaled down another octave to 16. And what this means is that if we scale these higher notes down into the same octave, they all turn out to be the same note, the one we started with. And our scale is literally monotonous. Well, let's try and produce another scale. Let's use the 3 to 2 ratio. So again, for convenience, we'll start with 81, because we're going to be taking 2 thirds of a number. So, if we start with 81, our notes will be 2 thirds of 81, that's 54, then 2 thirds of 54, or 36, then 2 thirds of 36, that's 24, 2 thirds of 24, that's 16, and we'll stop there for now. Now, this octave will run from 81 to 81 divided by 2, that's 40 and a half. So, we can scale the notes into this interval. So, some of the notes are already in the interval 81 and 54, 36 isn't, so we'll double it to lower than an octave. So, the note 36 can be lower than an octave to 72, 24 can be lower than an octave to 48, 16 can be lower than an octave to 32, but our interval runs from 81 to 40 and a half, so we'll scale it down another octave to 64. And that gives us five distinct notes. And this leads to an important problem. We can continue to produce additional notes, then scaling them back into the octave, but do we ever stop? And this is known as the problem of the circle of fifths. Start to get a note. Can you ascend by fifths to get a note that is the same up to octave equivalence as your starting note? Well, let's try it. Since we need to find 2 thirds of a value, let's start with the power of 3, say 3 to the eighth or 243, and we'll find our successor of notes. So, 2 thirds of 243 is 162, 2 thirds of 162 is 108, and we can find a few more notes. So, our octave is going to run from 243 to 122 and a half, so let's scale all of our notes into the octave. So that 108, I can scale that down into the octave by doubling its length to 216. I'll scale 72 into the octave, and so on. And remember, sometimes we may have to scale more than one octave down, and this gives us our set of five distinct notes, 243 to 16, 192, 144, 128. And it's worth noting that the first and last notes are almost in a 2 to 1 ratio. That ratio of 243 to 128 is almost 2 to 1. And so we almost span an octave. It's close, but not quite. So let's apply some mathematics to this problem. Suppose our strength has length k. If we go up by fifths, our notes will be k times sum power of 2 thirds. We want this to be m octaves above our starting note, so that's going to be k times sum power of one half. And so that means we want k times sum power of two thirds to be k times sum power of one half. And we can do a little bit of math. And what we find is that solving this problem requires that we just need to find a power of two that's equal to a power of three. But there's a problem. The powers of two are all even numbers, and the powers of three are all odd numbers. So we need to find an even number that's equal to an odd number, but that's impossible. And this leads to the following. All of the proceeding was well within the mathematical knowledge and musical inclinations of the Pythagoreans. Moreover, it would have been consistent with the Pythagorean interest in number. Knowledge or interest in geometry would not be required. And so if we want to consider how the Pythagoreans first discovered the existence of irrational quantities, it seems likely that this tuning problem may have played an important role.
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CompactO - iOS and Android Release in 1 Month! (Steam/WebGL Info)
CryptoGrounds: Coding and Gaming, for Everyone! CompactO will cost $2.99 on iOS, Android, and Steam (Windows/MacOS/Linux), and will be free on WebGL. iOS and Android: July 1st Steam and WebGL: August 1st Future iOS Link: N/A Future Android Link: Steam Link: If you enjoyed this video, be sure to leave a like and drop a comment below! If you are new and you are interested in many game development tutorials and gaming videos, subscribe to my channel and turn on notifications! I do my best to post daily tutorial videos explaining the best I can! Thank you :D ~~ SUPPORT ME~~ Join Discord: FREE: Like, Comment, Subscribe, Turn on notifications, and watch the entire video! PATREON: PAYPAL: PLAY MY GAMES: GET SOME MERCH: 🔊 Stay Connected! Turning on notifications for when I upload videos and streams would help to notify everyone on market changes! ❤️Other Accounts❤️ Twitch: Twitter: #unity #idlegame #unityidlegame
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Hello everyone. So just a quick announcement about my game compacto, which will be releasing very soon. I'm going to be releasing it on Android and iOS on July 1st. It'll cost $3 and there will most likely be a free demo version, which has a small portion of the content. So that should be nice. So make sure you mark your calendars for that. Also, I will be releasing it on Steam on August 1st. So it'll also cost $3 on Steam. These three versions, none of them are going to have ads or in-app purchases at all. It's just a flat $3 and you got the game. And I'm also going to release it on WebGL. So that's going to be for free. Now the problem with WebGL is that it's not going to perform as well as the other versions. And WebGL can kind of just suck. So if you're willing to try it and play for free, go ahead. But if you want to buy it, I really appreciate the support as it would really help out the game. And it really support me as well as I kind of just do this on my own time. So but anyways, look forward to that. Make sure you mark calendars for the iOS and Android release on July 1st, or the Steam version on August 1st. And also another thing I like to note is that if you buy Android, you can get the iOS and Steam for free. That's not how that works. You can buy all three of them if you'd like. I don't see a reason why unless you want to transfer devices. But if you buy one of these, you don't get the other two for free, if that makes sense. Just thought I'd clarify that real quick. Other platforms to consider itch as a it's a high possibility. I'm gonna do itch. Cartridge, I don't think so. I just I don't know. I'm not a fan of cartridge anymore. So I think I'm just gonna do Android iOS, Steam, WebGL, and itch. So we will see. Anyways, thank you guys for watching and I can't wait for you guys to play it. Peace
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June 2nd 2019, 1PM ET Market Update with Tommy O'Brien on TFNN
Every market day, live at the top of the hour, TFNN breaks down the most important trading action in a 3 minute News Update. For more from TFNN make sure to check out and Subscribe for new videos every day! Follow us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter!
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Good afternoon, everybody. I'm Tommy O'Brien, coming to you live from TF9 headquarters in St. Petersburg, Florida, 1 p.m. Eastern Time on Tuesday, three hours left to go on the trading day. We've got markets hanging around negative territory. S&Ps, negative by five points, trading at 29.62. Dow Jones, negative by 41, trading at 26,675. We've got the Nasdaq, negative by 20 points, trading at 8,070. Gold, getting quite a pop. We'll jump over to that chart in a moment. You get gold up $18.60 at $1,407.90. Oil on the flipside down to $1.888 at $57.22. We're down about $3 since yesterday morning in the price of that crude contract. Notes and bonds, higher price, lower yield, the 10-year up 14 ticks, $128.04, the 30-year up a point in two ticks at $156.02. And we got the dollar index down 209 ticks at $96.200. And Bitcoin, $10,506, had been under $10,000 at one point earlier when Tom and I were on the show. We'll start things off. Let's take a look at the futures markets. We'll start it off with the Dow. And we've had some volatility in both directions this morning, this afternoon, I should say. But nothing too crazy in terms of the upper end of that range, just above $26,720. We spent the morning there. We trade lower, though, from 11 a.m. all the way reaching a low about a half hour ago in the Dow, that low being $26,624, currently trading $26,660. NASDAQ 100, pretty similar story in terms of getting acceleration to a low at about $12.30 at $77.70. Now $77.77 in that NASDAQ 100. S&Ps accelerating a bit lower throughout that 11, excuse me, 10.30 a.m. until 12.30 p.m., S&Ps trading at $29.61. There's your crude contract, so backing it up to yesterday because it is quite a run. 8 a.m. Monday morning, we're trading at $60.21. We actually dipped to a low of $56.62, currently trading $57.22. And there's your gold contract. Check out that run. Begins right at about 10 a.m., trading at $13.93, currently trading at $14.08, and the Euro-US Dollar trading $13.05. Stay tuned, folks. We've got a man, Steve Rhodes, coming up live right now, the trader's edge, then, of course, Dave White, live for the power training hour from 2-3, and Tom O'Brien wraps up the trading day live from 3-5. Dow Jones, negative $55.00, S&Ps in the red by $7.00, Nasdaq, negative by $25.00. Stay tuned. Steve Rhodes coming up right now.
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Keynote: Customer Value is More than Just Technical Solutions
Keynote: Customer Value is More than Just Technical Solutions – Chisara Nwabara, Staff Technical Program Manager, Pivotal A customer-facing team was feeling pain around communication with Pivotal R&D and we realized that this may not be a software problem but instead a communication problem. Software usually solves problems, but sometimes solutions could be as simple as changing people’s mindset. This adjustment can impact greatly and result in a significantly positive outcome. You may already have what you need to make a huge impact and cultural transformation is a critical element for digital transformation. Everyone's ultimate goal is to ensure that Pivotal provides recognizable value to customers through a positive customer experience. In this keynote, Chisa will discuss some of the approaches Pivotal is taking to improve communication and build empathy between their R&D and customer-facing teams in order to deliver a better experience and value.
All right. Cool. I have my paper. I just want you to know. I've got my water. And I told them I have my paper. So we're OK. Why don't I have a seat real quick? OK. So this is something that's near and dear to your heart. I know that you're super passionate about this particular problem. So why don't you just kind of give us the, what's the top line here? I think for me, I just hate it when they're inefficiencies and when I don't like wasting time is really what it is. And I think it's just really interesting that oftentimes we try to optimize for solutions. And in doing so, make the job even harder than it needs to be. And I think what a straight line actually looks like in practice is really different from what we think it looks like in our minds. And oftentimes, building something isn't the fastest way to solve something. I guess that's what I would say. Gotcha. So I guess the problem that you're describing is within the enterprise, we tend to be pretty inefficient for all kinds of different reasons. Yes. And we shouldn't just build software as soon as we see a problem. I don't think we should just build something. Yeah, maybe stop and think about it. So what does that mean? How does that actually play out? How do you not jump to the let's go build something solution? Well, I think first it's kind of like, I think it's the same thing with anything, right? You kind of think through the stages of what actually is the problem. And first you have to state there is a problem. It's important to acknowledge it. And then it's important to be aware of what's actually happening before you jump into action. And I think oftentimes what we do is to say, well, there's this problem. Let's just fix it. And if you don't take a little bit of time to think about what actually is happening and what are the dynamics of the situation and flip it over from every side, you end up jumping to whatever is the easiest thing for you. And the easiest thing for you will be whatever you are habitually used to. And as engineers, regardless of whether we're talking about a computer engineer, so software engineer or otherwise, we're literally trained to engineer things, to build things and solve. And I think that's great. But there are a lot of other things that maybe aren't necessarily our strengths that could actually improve the way that we go about reaching the best solutions possible. So what do you think the biggest challenge is? Because that sounds obvious, right? Like, of course, we should think about what we're going to do before we do it. But yet we don't. So what do you think the inhibitor is? The inhibitor is that it's hard to acknowledge what you can't see. And we as humans only see a certain amount. And within our organizations, we're used to working in given spaces. So for instance, in the example that we discussed, we were doing work to try and figure out, OK, we have a customer. And they expressed concerns or felt that their communication could have been better. They didn't have as much visibility as they would have liked into what's happening on the R&D side of our company, because they speak directly with our balanced account team, which is effectively like our customer experience team. And there was an opportunity there for us to effectively think about how interdepartmentally, so between research and development, between our balanced account team and between even our support teams, how can we improve the things that we're each seeing to ensure that the end-to-end experience for our customer is more seamless? And I think that's what can be difficult. R&D sits over here. The balanced account team sits over there. Support sits over there. And even in terms of the way that most organizations are structured, they're completely separate departments with completely different arms of leadership. And they don't, by default, talk to each other. And that's something that we realized we had to be a little bit more proactive about when we think about how that cross-communication is happening. It's not just something that implicitly occurs. Yeah. Yeah, there's an old analogy or a story that people use, which is back when we had three-tier architectures, the way you'd fix a bug or the place that you fix the bug was directly related to who got the bug report. So if it was the UI team, they were going to fix it in the UI. The DBAs found the problem. There were going to be some stored procedures. And I mean, that was the reality for the enterprise, was there was severe lack of communication. So OK, so that's the challenge. And what would you recommend when you run into a situation where either internally at Pivotal or when you're working with a customer, and what are the things that you actually recommend, or some concrete steps people can use to either identify that they have this challenge? And if they already know they have it, then what can they do to fix it? Well, so as my actual role title is technical program manager, and one litmus test that I tell people is the moment that you're doing something that touches another team, stop and think about what that communication might look like. Oftentimes, teams have very different communication pipelines, very different process pipelines. And the moment that you touch another team, their pipeline actually directly affects yours, even though, again, because it's a long, a value streamer, or along a chain. And so it's important to take time to pause and say, OK, well, if we're touching this pipeline, what happens when? Let's imagine that we're in a race. What happens when I hand off the baton to you? Is it actually going to be caught? Are we going to drop something? And it makes sense to take some time just to think about what does that look like? What does that mean? How is that going to impact our overall, for instance, cycle time? Like, how long is it going to take for this thing to get through this part of your pipeline and come out the other end back to me? So I think just having a conversation and keeping in mind that the moment that something touches someone else, it becomes a part of your ecosystem. That's interesting. So that's sort of the initial moment that you realize you have another team. Do you have any advice for how do you maintain that over time? Because it's become part of your ecosystem now. So what do you do? And actually, someone just asked me a tweet question about this from the panel earlier. But I think it is possible to start small and run a small experiment. So the reason that I wrote this and the reason that this entire topic started was because we started by looking at one customer, one of our larger customers, and said, OK, what does your experience look like? And we effectively used that as our initial guinea pig. We're not trying to solve everything across the mayor or everything globally or everything across the states. It's simply, what are some of the issues that we're seeing here, some of the communication? And effectively, take that experiment and then figure out, OK, what value are we getting from these results? What's significant and what isn't? And then how can we leverage those learnings across two teams, across three teams? And of course, strategically pick which teams make the most sense because you want them to be representative. But you don't have to solve everything all at once. And starting small is just as valuable. You just have to make sure that you have someone from each area that's going to be touched. OK. And so in this particular example, I just want to make sure the audience is clear about this. Kind of the core problem we were solving was improving the way that your company was interacting amongst departments, but also into the customer. So that challenge sounds pretty relevant to almost everybody in the room, right? Absolutely. Whether you're a technology vendor. Systems integrators in particular, that seems like the type of thing that they'd run into quite a bit. Absolutely. And again, I think sometimes we just forget that even setting expectations of, OK, R&D, what do we think that we're responsible for and support? What do you think that we're responsible for? Are those things aligned? Are they the same? Balance account team, do we understand what role you play in making sure that this happens? And do we all understand how we can make each other's lives easier? And then do we all understand what that looks like for the customer if this one piece gets missed? What's the impact? And then for the customer, do they also understand what's actually happening so that they have an idea or have set expectations around why something takes the amount of time it does, why a solution is chosen over another? So it's all about creating visibility and then also just making sure that people understand what's happening because once people understand what's happening, it's a lot easier for them to have empathy and a lot easier for them to be more patient on every single side. Absolutely. So if you were to try to boil this down into the simplest form of advice, almost a Zen statement. I took notes. She brought her papers. I think that's great. We've got 50. So let's boil this down, the simplest bit of advice, like the essence of the challenge, what would that be? I think there are four things that I would leave people with. The first one is get comfortable with being uncomfortable when you feel safe to do so. So it's important to create an environment where people can safely take risks. The next one would be make sure that you're not taking things for granted because, and again, I think sometimes when we're in our department or we're in our space, we don't think about not only the opportunities and the great things that we have, but also the effects or the impacts that our actions have on other people. Additionally, there is something to be gained from every experience. So don't leave learnings on the table. Don't leave learnings on the table. It's a waste of money, a waste of time. So keep in mind that there's always something to be learned. And then the last one would be know the difference between guidelines and rules. I think sometimes we set up systems that's similar to Kongmai's law. We set up systems to help us, but we don't keep in mind that there's nothing wrong with changing them, but you also have to create space to allow for change where it makes sense. Yeah. I found when we talked earlier, I found that to be the most important, I think, of all of that, which is in our organizations, we're not talking about law. What we're doing is we're talking about a bunch of ideas about how we should operate. Absolutely. And let's learn together and actually change that. Yeah. It's great. Well, thank you very much for taking the time and sharing some of your thoughts and experience on that. So thank you, Jesus. Thanks. Appreciate it.
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SYN_014 - Linguistic Micro-Lectures: Complements
What are complements, how can we define them in a traditional fashion and how are they defined in X'-syntax? Within less than two minutes Prof. Handke explains the central aspects associated with this essential term of syntax. (Optional Spanish subtitles by Andrea Yaques, Lima, Peru)
[ "Linguistics", "Syntax", "Grammar", "Object", "Complement", "Microlecture", "Virtual Linguistics Campus", "VLC", "Jürgen Handke" ]
The term complement is used to refer to an obligatory element in a construction. According to a traditional approach, complements are in a copular relationship with two other functional elements, the subject or the object. Here are two examples. In Helen is now a student of maths. A student of maths is a subject complement. Whereas in they call him a genius, a genius is the object complement. So the subject complement relates to the subject and the object complement relates to the direct object. In our examples, the complement is formally realised by a noun phrase. Other options are adjectival phrases or nominal clauses. In order to identify complements, two ways are generally suggested. Subject complements are normally in an intensive relationship with the subject and share its grammatical properties. For example, number. Object complements as noun phrases cannot become the subject of corresponding passive sentences, unlike objects themselves. Thus a genius cannot become the subject, whereas the object him can surface as the subject in a corresponding passive. By the way, if you replace a genius by a cab, it works. Because a cab is not an object complement but a second object. In X bar syntax, the phrase structure representation format in generative grammar, the term complement is used for all obligatory elements of clause structure. They are defined as sisters of the head X of a phrase and as daughters of the projection X bar of the head. So in Brutus stabbed Caesar with a knife, the noun phrase Caesar, the object of stab, is a complement. It is a sister to verb and a daughter to verb bar.
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Signs of Emotional Instability
Disclaimer: If you can relate to any of these signs, please do not take this feedback as an attack on your character. This article was meant to be a self-improvement guide for those of you who have been feeling a little stuck. #shorts Researcher and Writer: Syazwana Amirah Editor: Caitlin McColl Script Manager: Kelly Soong Voice Over: Brandon Animation: Sarimopi ( ) YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong
[ "Emotional Instability", "emotional instability disorder" ]
Emotional instability is characterized by fluctuating mood. One moment you are feeling happy and energetic, the next you may suddenly suffer an unexpected decline in mood. Have you ever seen a toddler throwing a gale force temper tantrum after his stacks of building blocks fell down or when a teenager slams her bedroom door after an argument with her parents? It is common for toddlers and teenagers to experience such extreme feelings. It's challenging to get off that emotional roller coaster when you're delighted one minute and sorrowful the next. Your emotions appear uncontrolled and intense and swing back and forth for no apparent reason, known as extreme mood swing in psychology. Eventually, most young adults improve their coping problem-solving skills and abilities to grow out of impulsive and emotionally unstable behavior. There's no doubt that we experience a wide range of emotions in life. Admittedly, they are ups and downs. Can you relate to any of these signs? Let us know in the comments. Until next time, bye friends.
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Database Unit-Testing with PgTAP
NLPW::2014 Nederlandse Perl Workshop, 25-April, Utrecht by: Susanne Schmidt (Su-Shee)
[ "Perl (Programming Language)", "Databases", "Unit Testing (Literature Subject)", "PostgreSQL (Software)", "NLPW::2014", "Database (File Format Genre)" ]
So, okay. I'm Sushi. I'm Sushi. I'm talking about the testing framework today, which looks a lot like Perl, but actually isn't. It's written by David Weeler, which you may know from, for example, Regoulash, and he has written a very nice testing framework, both for Postgres and for MySQL. And it's basically a unit testing framework for databases. So, it doesn't run really on Perl, but it runs standalone on whatever database you've got, if it's Postgres or MySQL. You just install it and then write tests. And this is where the interest about Perl comes in, because it's for data's top-based framework. So, if you actually run it, it looks completely familiar. So, anything you see here doesn't really look differently from anything you've got from Testmo, for example, or anything else you're using in Perl. So, the interesting part with the Postgres framework is, it's very similar to the way Perl testing works in general. And I think Perl testing is very, very nice, because it's very cheap to do based on the simple things like, okay, isn't unlike, unlike compare things, you can whip up a lot of very nice tests, which are actually not stupid at all, even though they are really, really simple. So, also, Perl testing exists on literally every level of software you can imagine. For example, in my last job, I've written a test framework which was based on TestDB Selenium to simplify re-testing over a couple of browsers running on different coasts to test a very large web-based re-application, for example. You can also simply test somewhere in the middle, all kinds of things. You can test databases via DVI or via DVX class, of course. So, what you've got in Perl's testing culture is this very cheap and easy and fast, it's easy to learn, it's really fast to write, for example. So, you just sit down and whip up a couple of dozen of tests. For this simple presentation, I've written 45 tests, for example, in, I don't know, six hours or something like this. So, this is something what David Wieler's tool reflects very much. So, if you're used to Perl testing, you will immediately ease into a big eta and my top-risk. So, what you're doing is you look at your database and a database usually has really a lot of things. It has a couple of databases, I think, it has shemas, it has roles, groups and users, grants and permissions. It has, of course, your tables and your columns. It has types and checks and constraints, sets, indexes and sequences. You write, for example, in postcards, lots of functions in different languages, of course. You write your triggers, your set of views and, of course, you actually do stuff with your data, namely, selects, inserts and updates, of course. And this is all wrapped into the testing framework. So, you can write tests on all these levels of the database, depending on how you look on your database. You might focus on totally different things. So, on a very simple level, you create a table and the table has stuff on it in some way or another and you just start testing for simple things like existence. Is the table actually there? This is in postcards, the simple public schema. If you don't create your schema, you just work on the public schema. You just create, for example, some role with specific grants and permissions and you just ask all your tests if these things are really there. And if you look at this, just ignore this part, for example. It's basically just the same which you know from testing off, for example. So, all the language we're used to in our testing has, is, can, isn't, equals, not equals. All the stuff is all the same way here. So, if you go a little bit deeper and look at a specific table, for example, created the usual primary key, maybe that check and some default setting, you start asking a little bit deeper if the table actually has checks, for example, if your columns are these specific columns. If the table, for example, has a specific sequence, because you're using serial and the serial creates automatically a sequence for this specific table. So, you run all these tests. And if you run these tests, for example, stand alone without, so this is, if you run it with David Wheeler's proof, which is specific postcards proof, it's not the proof, proof, we already know. This is the usual pile style output you get. But you can also just run it directly via the PSA command line. And this is what you get if you bypass the proof concept, for example. So, if you look at this, you're basically calling in a postcards database functions and get this as a result, or you call it in top style. So, it really actually works in all kinds of CV and CI tools like Jenkins, whatever you've got. So, if you look a little bit deeper, even more onto your columns, for example, you have all kinds of checks here as well. You're asked, for example, if your column is actually a primary key, if your column has to be not null, you're asked, of course, because we're in the database, you're asked a lot for types. So, if you start writing tests, it will have, of course, a lot of checking up on which type your column actually has. So, this is something, this is, of course, different in database stuff than in poly, you have to care for your types. And if in doubt, specifically, your postcards return stuff, you really have to look up what postcards functions, for example, specifically return because you later need for comparison the very exact type. This is one little nuisance because if you're not used to it, you get usually wrong. So, your test, for example, for the key relationships, this is basically a shortcut, which says if this table has this column, and this refers to this table and this column, so you can test in one, simply test the actual relationships between your tables. And this is, for example, very nice because at some point you've got a lot of them. So, then you'll go a little more specific and test, for example, for specific checks. I've made a capital out of this where you have to put in the country code as two characters, and if you insert dates, it's automatically diversity. It assumes you're kept born to dates. You check, you test for the usual column type, of course, you test for if the column has a specific check on, if this table has a check on this specific column, you will ask, for example, for default names. You usually create a lot of, if depending on your tables you create, of course, a lot of default variables to make things easier. So, this, of course, you can test and then you can test what kind of default you may have on some column. So, you're all run-less, you get the usual top output or not, and then you can, of course, test in triggers, so which are sometimes a combination of a function you can test and of a trigger where you test if you've got the trigger assigned together with this function. So, this is the simplest thing I could come up with, so you're creating a timestamp trigger and assign it to a specific table so that every time a cat gets updated on its trace and characteristics, you create the usual updated information along with it. So, you're asked here if this function actually exists, for example, because Postgres supports so many languages, you can use Parallel in Postgres, Node.js in Postgres, Python in Postgres, PNAS in Postgres, and I think L right now is also available in Postgres. So, you're going to ask if this URI language, the function is written in, you can, of course, ask what the function returns, this is what you expect, and then you ask if the trigger is assigned properly together with the function you've just written. So, you're getting more and more deeper into what your whole database consists of, and in the end, if you are leaving out a lot of options here, for example, the whole branch and rule the rules and permissions thing, you can test all this too. I will say a word about testing of indexes, for example, it's a whole, your own world, how much indexes you use, and how you're using them in that test form of this. So, in the end, you go, of course, to actually handling data. So, if you have your table, and if your table has, for example, this little checkbox, you're expecting two things to test, you're expecting a valid insert, which isn't supposed to affect it, but of course, you also want to test if your checkpoints will actually reject the start-up. So, you usually start to test these things in pairs, one valid thing which you expect to succeed, which is like, okay, so, inserting the new cache, it's going to be okay, and then you test, of course, the opposite flows, okay. So, you're inserting something invalid, deliberately, and expect the specific return, what you're violating. So, if you, you can test, of course, a lot of things more on this. For example, if I would have a function which checks if the country code is a valid country code, for example, a valid top-level domain, or a valid easel country code, or whatever, we assign as a valid code, I could write a function and another check, for example, to it, and also test all the flows I can think of. Especially in Europe, I'm writing a lot of unicode and upload failure flows, so that you either data somewhere, which doesn't contain a certain range of characters, for example, or just weird characters. So, this is all, in the end, it's testing for your data consistency more or less. So, then, of course, if your insert succeeds, you actually try to select things. So, and this is where you write a prepared statement, so you select this case, and you test on the results, and here it gets, for example, the type really important. So, whatever you assign to your column has to be reflected here. So, and then there's a different variety, how you test your results. If you really use results, it means you get it back in an ordered, in an unordered way, but you're checking for an order. So, if you don't use here something on your statement, you need to, for example, use a set or a bag instead. If ordering your case doesn't matter, if you're expecting more than one result, if, for example, you have, you expect valid duplicates if they don't matter, if you expect valid duplicates if they're supposed to be specific duplicates. So, there's a whole lot of variety in it, how you can actually test your selects. And the very nice thing, which is, of course, database relevant, is her forms, okay. You write a test where you would say you expect that this really doesn't take longer than six milliseconds and run the test on it, which is, of course, a very nice thing for a database to do, yes. So, this is a variety of testing stuff you get, or with a simple create extension on the Postgres. Which you simply get by installing the code from, Postgres has a very tiny queue with a cpun thingy where you can download extensions. And you just install it by, you install it, and then create the extension gata on the database. And just have it. If you install the new proof, which is actually on the cpun, along with it, you get the nice and shiny top output you're used to. But you don't have to depend on the different testing side, the usual, similar to the testing side, which they really have checked out. It's not a limitation. So, what makes Piggy top so nice to use is that you actually just look up a lot of tests. So, and that's not even complete testing of the two super simple tables I've written before the presentation. It's just chunks of it. So, I'm only testing, for example, two columns and not all of them. And failing tests are specifically interesting to capture. Because if you have, you're able to test for not just existent, if something is there, but you're also able to test if specifically only this is really there and not more. So, if you're testing, for example, for your columns, you can use testing functions in Piggy top, which exclude additional columns which are found, but you're not testing for. So, you can say, do I actually have this column? But you can also say, I don't want to have more than those columns. So, there's a whole lot of viewpoints involved to test. So, looking at things you actually have or things you actually don't want to have, things you want from your results and things you want to really want to fail and test for, that's really nicely done. Someone asked for speed and this is of course your selects and inserts and all the queries take as long as they usually take, of course. But all in all, if you run the whole shebang of a couple of hundred tests, it's really fast. It takes seconds. What is not included in Piggy top is the whole testing concept, how you deal with testing and databases. So, do you use a backup copy and test on this? Do you use your production database and test on this? Are you writing, do you set up a whole new database and add only fake test data in it? Someone else asked for SQL light support because a lot of people work on their database tests in SQL light and just throw some data in, set it up and tear it down and throw it just away, which is so far not possible because I think there is no top form that's really not yet, but I'm pretty sure. What? Jesus. Okay, yes, yes, yes, I'm done. So, this is just, we're using this on office code and I'm around 600 tests for some final and it's really, I can highly recommend it. It's very nicely documented. It's really, really easy to learn. Everybody can go out a couple of tests. This column has, that column, it has this restraints. So, if you're focusing on functions, for example, gets a little bit more complicated, but it's all perfectly easy to learn. It's a half day's work, not more. So, I would be happy if you start using it because very few people so far actually do. So, it's good. Okay, one second, yes.
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Carestream Tollcoating interview with IDTechEx at Printed Electronics
Carestream Tollcoating offers precision toll coating (contract manufacturing and development) services, specializing in the application of aqueous and solvent coatings on flexible substrates for a wide range of industrial, medical, electronic and other advanced materials applications. Carestream Tollcoating's engineers and material scientists build on more than 100 years of coating leadership to deliver problem-solving expertise in precision coating applications, including fluid design and preparation. State-of-the-art pilot coaters also make Carestream Tollcoating an ideal partner for product development and very fast scale-up to large volume. Printed Electronics Europe takes place in Berlin April 28-29th 2015:
[ "technology", "coverage", "idtechex", "conference", "trade show", "Santa Clara Convention Center (Venue)", "electronics", "interview", "Carestream", "printed electronics", "organic electronics", "Tollcoating", "IDTechEx", "coating", "equipment" ]
So, we're here at the ID Tech X. So, who are you? I'm Rick Daniels, and I run the contract manufacturing division of CareStream. We refer to our division as toll coding, and we do high precision roll-to-roll coding for a variety of different industries. We have assets and technologies that were formerly part of 3M and then Kodak, and we share these for about three dozen different industries. The industries range from electronic devices, batteries, display. We do a variety of medical devices. We do all kinds of imaging materials, from inkjet paper to x-ray film. So, this is some of the equipment that you have? Yes. And so, how much of this do you make? The equipment is a combination of purchased materials as well as a lot of in-house developed. We go from a bench prototype to a pilot coder to full scale very quickly and very efficiently. And how much of these materials are being used in the industry so far? And how much is it going to be in the future? Is it a secret? No, no, no. Let me just... It's starting, right? Materials that we make go into products in electronics and the healthcare field, as well as a number of other industries that even stretch as far as agriculture and are used in millions of square meters a year. Alright, so it's already huge and this could be gigantic, maybe? We provide services very efficiently, very economically. We're very useful in development because we have developed a number of products over a hundred years.
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[ "SpmBuzz", "SPMBUZZ", "spm buzz", "citizen tv", "uhuru", "ruto", "raila", "trending", "tuko", "pulse live" ]
Hey guys, welcome to BuzzFizz. My name is Mbenya and today we are here at the residence of the one and only Alex Matenge. He is expecting us inside. Let's get in. Ah, mambo. Kwa sana? Mbenya. Kwa fika wupu lewa? It's PM Buzz. Karebuna. Asa enti. Mugwana kikungoja. Wuchungoja sana? Atra wupu ambali. Welcome. Thank you. How have you been? Kupu asana. Eh. Mnaka tui. Mngip tuu ngele yapa. Eh. Utuwa siskeu kuna. Utuwa siskeu? Eh, hachani funga. Ay. Hey guys, Alex has a beautiful house here. Eh? Hei, amijui. Amijui. Apana. Ura kacha? Hei niya BNB. So ay, how I believe you. Eh, ikona dipchaza koko wala BNB. Sibuna. Kuzet. Yana set BNB. Ay, wakwa jaleks? Mkwa po? Are you ready for my questions? We do this. Yes, I'm ready. Anytime. SPM bars. Any time. Hei, thank you. Are you a morning person or an evening person? I'm an evening person. Nafanyangakazu siku sana. What thing you do when you wake up? I thank God for giving me life and waking up again. Important. If you are in a position to choose where you live, in the world, where will it be? Mmm, Dubai. Dubai is beautiful. On a scale of 1 to 10, how good are you at keeping secrets? Ten. Eh, ten nezakwa bini. Sita ambi amutu. Eh, what makes you happiest at the moment? Yeah, that I'm able to make people happy and change people's lives. So blessing. In one way or the other. What's the worst thing that you've ever eaten? Eh, eh, eh, what's the worst thing I've ever eaten? Yeah. Indian food. You didn't like it? Eh, kwa na pili pili mingi. Pa pili pili is nice. I don't know whether I can survive in India. Hei, what's your dream kwa? Range Rover Sports. Oh, nice. 2021. Eh, Shmoto. What product can you not advertise? Akoho. Oh, wow. At a come of the deal is… Nisi ezi ambi amutu wa kumye pohombi. Pohmi rikpani anene. Wa tia wa jifikri ho mene, but nisi wasemi Alex alisema. Wa tia wa kunyo kiviya. Eh, eh, eh, eh. Have you ever spent a danger? No, I've never. Insh, Alex nevzuri karao. Godfaring. I. Low abiding citizen. We are done, Alex. Thank you so much for welcoming us here. Na shkuru. Tell the people to share, like, subscribe. Watwangu, SPM Buzz, Tenya Kwaipa. Support her by subscribing to this channel. Apocini, klik apokama. Klik na wajaya katia notification bell. Siyunangu ajanini. So that in time they upload a video. You are in the low. You get notified. And you are welcome again and again and again. Uku tshakuza. Uku rikuzuri. Thank you guys for watching. I was your host, Ndanya. And this is BuzzFist. Till next time. Bye. Over and out.
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Rightoids Are ALREADY Concocting Moronic Conspiracy Theories About Omicron
Get early access to videos by supporting us on Patreon, YouTube or PayPal! Sign up here: or here: or here: ************************ Visit Our Website: Follow Us on Twitter: Like Us on Facebook: Follow Mike on Instagram: Follow Mike on Twitch: Audio Available on iTunes, Spotify, SoundCloud, and iHeartRadio ************************ The Humanist Report (THR) is a progressive political podcast that discusses and analyzes current news events and pressing political issues. Our analyses are guided by humanism and political progressivism. Each news story we cover is supplemented with thought-provoking, fact-based commentary that aims for the highest level of objectivity. #HumanistReport #THR #MikeFigueredo
[ "Omicron Variant", "Omnicron", "Fox News", "Media Bias", "Propaganda", "Tomi Lahren", "Ronny Jackson", "COVID Variant", "Politics", "The Humanist Report", "Mike Figueredo" ]
Hey folks, do you remember when Republicans downplayed COVID-19 back in early 2020 and some of them even Claimed that it was possibly a hoax Created by the Democratic Party in order to give them an electoral advantage and that by the end of November it'd be over Magically, it would just disappear Yeah, remember how none of that ended up happening and COVID-19 actually got worse the following year with the Delta variant That's this year. Well now upon news that there is a new variant that we're learning about Omicron They're saying the same lies again that it's a hoax intended to give Democrats an Electoral advantage sitting member of Congress Ronnie Jackson tweeted out here comes the mev the midterm election variant They need a reason to push unsolicited nationwide mail-in ballots Democrats will do anything to cheat during an election, but we're not going to let them Okay Well, first of all, mail-in ballots are good and they should be universal regardless if we're living through a pandemic or not but for a sitting member of Congress to claim that Democrats have this broad conspiracy where they're going to create new variants Each time there's an election or each time it yields some sort of an electoral payoff this is Incredibly stupid and what's ironic to me is that this is the same kind of thing that Republicans do notice how any time There's an election. They'll fear monger about a new caravan coming to the United States of America And then as soon as the election is over. Well, not a peep from them about that They're the ones who fabricate issues in order to give themselves an electoral advantage and now they're projecting They're claiming that Democrats do it. I'll be it to a much more hyperbolic and nefarious level to where they're making up They're to strip creating variants out of thin air because they want to win and You know if you thought that that tweet from a sitting member of Congress was really stupid wait until you get a load of What Tommy Loren had to say so she tweeted out spoiler alert There will continue to be new COVID variants until we reach the final strain of the virus called communism Wake up sheeple. She Unironically tweeted wake up sheeple in 2021. I'm not surprised. I'm just Exhausted the stupidity that I see from right-wingers after having to constantly talk about it on this show is Rotting my fucking brain. I don't even know how to respond to that So COVID-19 somehow is a plot or Trojan horse if you will To get us to communism how I just I'm trying to put two into together in her little pea brain Maybe she thinks oh well They're using this as a form of control and control is synonymous with communism. Therefore They're trying to lead us to communism and COVID variants equals in force come I honestly it's difficult to even try to follow their logic because there is no it's it's idiotic But thankfully there is a media sphere on the right that is pushing back against these sorts of claims that makes the right look unhinged Oh wait, actually they're spreading this to the most popular News media outlet in all of America not just in the right Fox News is saying the same fucking thing Pete Buttigieg our transportation secretary is Potentially our new president and you know 2024 or so the Democrats want has said we can't fix the supply chain problem Until the pandemic is over until COVID is over and now we see these new variants So that's the answer is more lockdowns more lockdowns more fear And therefore he doesn't have to do his job of fixing the supply chain because we'll just keep this whole thing going It's always a new variance and you can always count on a variant about every October every two years Yep, you know, you're probably right. However, they could speed up at the variance could come more quickly I can't help but laugh. I honestly can't help but laugh. I don't know what to say about this We have right-wingers who are just straight up fucking insane. They are psychotic They're unhinged and that's not to say that I like Democrats, but there's a difference between living in reality and Being, you know, obnoxious and having policies that I disagree with and just being completely unhinged and making things up When it's beneficial for you. I mean, who can watch this and take a news outlet seriously I Mean imagine if for example CNN did this the right would be rightfully Calling them out for the conspiracy for the conspiracy mongering that they're doing But because this is pretty typical for Fox News and right-wingers to just like make things up Well, it's not that surprising and most people are just gonna kind of look at it and think yeah That's that's just what they do. They're right-wingers in America. They're crazy. Yep, but we shouldn't accept this. This is not okay We need to make it socially unacceptable to just lie about things like this to just make up things Especially if you're a political commentator like imagine if I said that fucking I don't know Republicans don't support Medicare for all because they're part of a satanic death cult and all of the lives that are lost Because we have a for-profit health insurance system. It's part of their satanic ritual their sacrifices Like imagine if I just made something up like that I wouldn't be able to get away with that because my viewers actually value facts But other people, you know, they tune in and they think wow this guy is unhinged He's just pulling that out of his ass, but right-wingers do this all the time and it's just it's common It's not like we have an outlier here or there like it was before with conservatives now All of them are like Sarah Palin or Donald Trump, but arguably worse in many ways I mean, I'd say that Marjorie Green and Louie Gohmert. They're worse than Donald Trump I mean even Sarah Palin now looks sane in comparison to the modern-day Republican Party and what's taking place with Regarded discourse on the right so it's gonna keep getting worse And I think that as we get more and more desensitized and we call it out less the lies will continue But this really is unacceptable You can't just say things without evidence if you are making a claim that Democrats are Pretending as if there's new variants because they want an advantage then prove it provide us with evidence or don't say it Clicking the bell no way. It's very sad
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Building Winning Service Design Teams / Patrick Bach / Episode #77
In this episode Patrick Bach shares his learnings about what it takes to successfully build and lead a service design that is able to create sustainable value within a large corporate. We talk about the need to expand our existing service design toolkit with new tools and methods. This might mean that we need to tap into areas like behavioural economics and lean six sigma. Collaborating much more with people who wouldn't necessarily call themselves service designers. Next we addresses the question: Where do good service designers come from? Patrick has a lot of experience hiring people for his team. So he's learned a thing or two about the background and characteristics of people that tend to fit well into this role. The big challenge for people who lead service design teams is how do you keep everyone on board and engaged? Because as you'll learn in this episode service designers aren't really interested or motivate to climb up the corporate ladder. Finally we talk about the kind of leadership that leads to service design teams performing to their full potential. How much guidance is required and how much freedom should be given. Patrick shares some great insights about this. 👍 EVERY SHARE HELPS 👍 If you enjoyed this episode consider sharing it with 1 person today who might have find it helpful as well. ----- [ 📺 EPISODE GUIDE ] ----------------- 03:15 - First encounter with Service Design. 07:15 - How might we integrate new methods into the service design toolkit? 16:30 - Who are the people that choose career paths in service design? 25:40 - How much do we need to lead our service design teams? 36:10 - Big question: How can we better articulate the value we bring? ----- [ LINKS FROM THE EPISODE ] -------- * Patrick on LinkedIn ➜ * Service Design Canada ➜ * Service Design Network Global Conference 2019 ➜ ----- FOLLOW THE SHOW ------------------ 🎙️ PODCAST * Spotify ➜ * iTunes ➜ * SoundCloud ➜ 📷 INSTAGRAM 💬 FACEBOOK ----- [ 🚀 FREE COURSE ] -------------------- HOW TO EXPLAIN SERVICE DESIGN Learn how to get people as excited about service design as you are!
[ "patrick bach", "service design", "service design canada", "service design global conference", "service design network", "cibc", "banking", "financial services", "healthcare", "human centerd design", "lean six sigma", "process engineering", "behavioural economics", "behavioural science" ]
In this episode we'll be talking about why and how we need to go beyond the standard service design tools and methods. We'll talk about the different career paths that lead people to service design and where they go from there, and we'll talk about what it takes to successfully build and lead service design teams in a big corporate. Here's the guests for this episode, let the show begin. Hi, I'm Patrick and this is a service design show. Hi, I'm Mark and welcome to the service design show. This show is all about helping you do more work that you're proud of and care about by designing and delivering services that are good for people and business. My guest in this episode has a reputation of building and leading service design teams in large corporations and he's going to share that experience in this episode. His name is Patrick Bach. So like I said, the main theme of this episode will be the secret to successful service design teams that are actually able to make an impact, but we'll also talk about how people shape and mold their service design career and what that means for you. If you enjoy these episodes and really want to level up your service design skills, don't forget that we bring a new video at least once a week here on this channel. So if you haven't done so already, make sure to subscribe and click that bell icon to be notified when new videos are out. That's all for the introduction. Let's quickly jump into the interview with Patrick. Welcome to the show, Patrick. Hi, Mark, how are you? I'm awesome. It's really good to have you on from Canada where the global conference is happening this year and we're also part of the team, right? Yeah, helping to... So the team and I a few years ago founded the Canadian chapter of service design and we've been putting on a local Canada-wide conference for three years and this year we're excited to be helping Birgit and the whole team bring the conference to Toronto. For the people who are watching this in the future, this is 2019 we're talking about. Yeah, we are on June 5th. June 5th, we're a spoiler alert. Patrick, also for the people who don't know who you are, could you give a 30-second introduction? Yeah, my name is Patrick. I currently co-lead a service design practice across a large Canadian bank called CIBC. So this is a new practice. It's been probably a year and a half and Andrea and I, who's my partner in crime, have been hiring and scaling this over the last several months. Prior to that, I had a bit of a career in service design for the last maybe six years, generally within large organization. So I worked in a telecom, I worked in an insurance company and now I'm within a bank, which is really interesting. I mentioned already that I helped bring the service design Canada Conference of Life every year with a group of lovely people. And I think a fun little, maybe factoid about myself. I love games of all kinds. I love board games, video games. I love the notion of play and how we can, as service designers, bring that toolkit into how we create experiences, especially for workshops. Let's make this a playful episode. Let's see what happens. Let's see, yeah. Do you remember the very first time you heard about service design? I remember, yeah. Do you wanna hear the long version or the short version? The medium version. Okay, all right. So the first time I heard about service design was actually, first time I was introduced to design thinking, I think, was kind of where it started for me. Right when I was fairly new in my career, I was working as a junior product manager within a healthcare company. So I was helping their senior product managers. I was kind of wearing a lot of hats. I was helping them develop the go to market plan for some new products. I was helping them build out requirements and road maps. I was working with the dev team to build the development and I was also trying to help figure out some of the ideation and the concept development for new features and functionality. And I remember working, and I don't wanna name names, I don't wanna throw stones, but I remember working in an environment that didn't feel like we, something felt wrong. We would just get in a room together, a bunch of us, just talking, always just talking, talking, talking, meeting after meeting, discussing what we think we should do, what we think the product should be about, what we like, what we think is an interesting idea. And it was very, very inside out kind of thinking. And I remember being very young and thinking like, something doesn't make sense. Like it feels strange to me that this is how products are developed and products are built. And being very junior, you don't know. You think, well, I'm just not very good. I'm just not very, I don't understand when I get better. I'll clearly understand this a little bit better. And I remember feeling a little bit frustrated, especially because we were building, one of the products we were working on was a service for new moms. And no one on the team was even a woman. They were all dudes. Classic. Yeah, and it was like a few of the guys had kids, so they were always saying, well, my wife does this or my partner does that. And it's just like really like, is that how we're doing this? And I remember meeting with a friend of mine who worked at a consultancy in Toronto. He no longer works there, but he sat down with me and he said, have you ever heard of like user-centered design or design thinking? And I was like, no, I went to business school. I studied marketing. So I knew about research and about market research and all that kind of classic stuff. But this was something I had never heard of. And he sat down and he walked me through it and I was like, it's like a light bulb. It was like an, oh my God, this is exactly what we need. This is everything that we're not doing. It made sense to me on a very deep level where I immediately tried to tell everyone about it in my team and say, guys, like we need to go out there. We need to talk to people. We need to build prototypes. And I remember not being very successful at that at the time, convincing anyone. But that was sort of my first introduction. This was a long time ago now. From what I'm hearing it immediately struck you and you were hooked from that moment. That was it. And this is career advice I give to a lot of people. And I recognize it comes from a certain amount of privilege to be able to say this, but I tried very hard to convince my boss, my leadership that this is a way we should work. And after spending over six months getting my head against the wall, I very quickly decided that I either have to choose to work in an environment that is clearly not open to changing or find a new place to work where that is. And I made the decision at that time to leave. And I joined another team where there was definitely much more interest in this kind of work. And that was the decision I made. And I get this question a lot, which is how do I convince my boss? How do I convince someone? And you can only do so much. You can only say so many things. You can only cheer so many times, show people videos, send them links, but people have to have a willingness and an openness to it as well. And sometimes you have to know when to move on. That's already good advice. Patrick, you gave me, you have a super interesting role right now. And I think you have a lot to share with the community. So we're going to do interview jazz. Are you ready to start? I'm ready, let's do it. All right, I'm going to surprise you. I'm going to do them in a different order you gave me. All right, topic number one is called new methods. Do you have a question starter? And can you show it to us? Yeah, I'm actually, I have a couple. One is enough in this case. Yeah. Okay, here's my, how can we, but I might say how might we. So maybe that question is, how might we integrate new methods into the service design toolkit to make us better service designers? Do we need new methods? Yeah, I think we always, there are always new ways of interpreting information, of exploring the world, of interacting with people. There's always new research and new science that's teaching us new ways that human beings interact with things, that human beings understand things. And I think that I think it would be very silly for us to somehow feel like we have nothing left to learn and nothing new to explore from a tools and methods perspective. And what kind of methods are you thinking about? What are these new methods that are on the horizon that you're curious about? Yeah, I mean, I think there's like a spectrum of like how near they are. I think there's stuff that's understood to be core to services design. I think there's stuff that's right around the periphery where people understand that this is a beneficial thing, but maybe not all services on teams are maybe hiring or investing in some of these skill sets. And then I think there's some that are another degree more out there where I think people are still experimenting with some other toolkits, other methodologies and figuring out how can these work together. And I think it's maybe more interesting to talk about those. There are two right now that I've recently in my career had the opportunity to explore. One is a bit of a tried and true age old methodology which is just Lean Six Sigma. And Lean Six Sigma is the Jack Welsh, GE, coin, black belt, belt system, process engineering, which was called Six Sigma. And then it got kind of combined with Lean and now it's Lean Six Sigma. So what's interesting about our team at CIBC is that we are actually our service line team who lives within the same team that owns Six Sigma. So Six Sigma typically approach projects from a very quantitative, the analyze the process, they look for inefficiencies, redundancies and they're really, really good at understanding the back of house. They're experts at that. They're better at that than I think most service designers are. And there's this really interesting juxtaposition of their strengths and then weaknesses which are where Lean is maybe not as strong is really understanding the emotional, the social, the contextual elements that live around these services. And that's obviously a strength of the type of research we do but in understanding how to drive process, how to drive efficiency, how to drive change within an organization. I think the people who understand that best are oftentimes the process engineers. They know how to get things done. They know how to change things, how to navigate the system. And we've had an interesting journey of partnering with these groups and working together jointly on projects where we know we lean in and we lean out depending on what's needed and what part of the process we're working on but we're kind of one team throughout. So I think that's one sort of, I wouldn't say it's a new method but definitely a method that I think service designers and a team within an organization that service designers can get closer to. Makes sense because we complain a lot about not being able to actually roll out the things we're designing, right? And like you're describing the people who own the processes, those might be, they might have the key to actually unlocking our concepts, our solutions. Yeah, and the way these teams are often situated in the organization is very enterprise wide. They're often very well tapped into the different silos and different organizations. Like I said, they know how to navigate that space. They know how to engage the leaders. They know how to make things happen. So what we found is that if we can, we can align with them on the service vision that we can design together and obviously with clients and with employees, they can really help us move it forward in a meaningful way. And I think they also understand the levers of feasibility and viability in a way that we, as designers, maybe don't always appreciate. There's a depth there and there's an expertise there that I think they really bring to the table as well. Interesting. And what's the other one? The other one's a little bit maybe more out there. Depending on who you talk to, I think some people will tell you this is a logical next step for service design. I've definitely had my fair share of people tell me that this is the complete opposite of what we believe in as designers or as service designers and that's behavioral economics. So I've over the last few years had many opportunities to not only work with behavioral scientists but also have them being part of my team, work on projects where behavioral science and service design are both leveraged together. And I have to admit my first time being exposed to concept and the first time someone suggested to me that I would work on a project with behavioral scientists, I was a bit nervous. I was actually a bit, let's say more than nervous, I was a bit hesitant. I thought, well, we work so hard as service designers as researchers to convince people and to communicate the value of qualitative approaches to research. And then here comes behavioral science which is almost entirely rooted in a very quantitative view of how to measure change and how to understand problems. And I was very worried that this oil and water combination would backfire and would be contradictory. It would, we would say left and they would say right and we would say up and they would say down and I approached it with a bit of hesitation but thankfully the people I was working with were lovely people who were very, very open. They were open to learning about what I was doing and my team was doing. And then we were also open to hearing what they had. And I think we found that actually there is a lot of complimentary things about these methodologies that when you use them together and I think together they're actually greater than the sum of their parts. And I would say I fully subscribed to that now. I think I'm fully convinced that I think behavioral economics is something of value for service design. Though I know the jury is not necessarily fully out on that yet. I'm all in with what you're saying. I think I made even a video where I talked about we should study behavioral economics much more as service designers. And it was a great episode with Luke Betty. I'll link to it somewhere over here. He also, it's like we can, yeah, some more, it's fruit. But it's, we can learn so much more about how people behave and why they do certain stuff and actually build upon that rather than just guessing, right? There's, and from what I'm hearing you say is, that is what I like about the show also is finding the fringes of service design and finding where service design overlaps with other fields. So it's much rather finding new connections and those new connections bringing new tools rather than inventing stuff. Where can we connect with, right? That's what I'm hearing you say at least. Yeah, I think there's a lot of, there's definitely a few people I follow or I'm connected with on LinkedIn who are very vocal about this. And I definitely say I would subscribe is that we as service designers should not try to be everything. We should not try to embody every possible role and skill set. And I think there's definitely, sometimes it feels like there's a bit of a movement towards this or a feeling that service designers need to somehow have all the answers and be able to not only design solutions but do research and do change management and understand implementation and be leaders and talk to the executive talk. And I think there's a certain amount of that that's true that you need to understand all those worlds and you need to understand the different roles and teams and incentive structures be able to navigate them. But there are people already out there who are very good at doing a lot of these things who are experts in doing a lot of these things. And I think it's, our role is to embrace them and our role is to collaborate with them rather than trying to somehow duplicate or replicate what they are already doing and somehow believing that we can do it better. And then I'm not trying to say that anyone thinks that way but I think that's a dangerous mindset to have. And I think that we should be more embracing of other teams and design is really just the backbone. Design, service design is just the through line that we can maybe use to orient and organize these different teams together but we should definitely rely on the outside expertise of teams where it's available. And I think this ties in really neatly with the second topic we can talk about, which is, you might have guessed it already, it's called career paths. Okay, let me do my thing. Sorry, I have it on my phone and it closed. Okay, so I know I showed you, sorry, my thing. I know I'm being a bad guess now, I have to reopen. We have a secured email app, so anytime I reopen it, I have to go through our three passwords. So let me do that. Three passwords. So how about this, who are the people who are choosing career paths in services design? Who are the brave, brave or smart or silly, foolish? Who are they? Who are they? And I think that's really, I think you made an interesting point at the beginning, which I don't know if this was officially part of the episode or not, but you said a lot of people don't even identify as service designers. At the first Canadian conference, we had a bit of a panel debating the merit. Like does it matter that people are labeling themselves, their titles, their roles as service designers, or does it not matter? Like as long as we're folk, we have the same values and the same principles and we use roughly similar, maybe tools and frameworks. Does it matter at all? And there was a good healthy debate around that, whether it matters or not. And I don't know that I have a firm foot or firm standing in one camp or the other. I feel like there's probably benefits to both. But I think that the interesting thing that we, Andrea and I think about, Andrea is my partner at CIBC who leads the practice with me. We actually try to go out of our way to find very diverse backgrounds, very diverse people who come from all different kinds of walks of life. So when we're hiring, we're not just looking for people who've had or are service designers currently, but certainly people who are more aligned from a values perspective. I think that there is a lot of people who are doing service design or service design style work out there who may have never even heard of the term. So I think that it's, we're putting ourselves in a bit of a box when we start to I think only seek out that kind of candidate. So we're trying to be very intentional in just seeing who's doing interesting work that sort of subscribes to a similar set of values that we do. I think those values are obvious. Human centeredness, being willing to challenge and to ask the big questions, being iterative and not being precious about ideas. Like these are those values we have and what are some peripheral fields? And sometimes we look in spaces where you might not think you might find these people like engineering, marketing, these are fields where I think there are a lot of brilliant people who are making for tremendous service signers where maybe I don't know, we maybe classically wouldn't think to find them. So I think that's a really interesting thing. And I think some of the best and brightest service signers I know today, some of them, not all of course, were never went to design school, didn't, you know, could, you know, unfortunately couldn't use Adobe Illustrator to save their life, but understand what design, the value and the purpose of design and are some of the best design leaders and problem solvers that I know out there. So I think that's in the eye of the beholder potentially, but for me, this has always been a truth. Well, it's, I think like we're proving it right now. You have like, you told me you have a business degree, right, you went to business school and I was, I'm a trained software engineer and still we're here at talking on the service design show about service design. So that's, I think this proves your point totally. But if you go back to the question, like you told me you are seeking out people, but do you also see a pattern in people who consciously choose the path of becoming a service designer for whatever that may be? Yeah, I think like who are the people who choose the path of service design? I think there is a lot of qualities there. I think the one for me is, maybe this is starting to go to negative, I think it's a lot of time for people who are a bit, I know we often say we are optimistic as designers and that's one of our best qualities, but I think there's a sense of frustration with how the system works and the system can be wage inequality, it can be how you feel about sort of access to healthcare and be about rights, whatever kind of rights. I think there's this general sense of the world that this is not operating in a way or these systems are not operating in a way that is equitable and fair to the people who really rely on them. And I think oftentimes I think people's interest in service design comes from this desire and this burning desire to change. And I think the change is hard, it's slow, it's painful, so I think another quality that I think is really interesting in strong service designers is resiliency. I think you need to have thick skin, you need to be resilient, you need to be able to weather the storm. I think we were just talking about like fees implementation, that's just one, that's like to me, like in terms of levels of frustration, that's frustrating, but there's so many other bigger changes that we try to strive for that will happen I think eventually, but are just slow to happen and take time. So I love seeing service designers who are not called service designers, but these change agents who are really trying to attack and highlight the unmet needs and highlight these problems that are not being discussed and attacking sort of, it's very smartly and strategically though, trying to attack and change the system in a way to sort of create a better outcome for those people. So I think that's the person I, those are the types of people I think who I found gravitate towards service design. And that's why it doesn't matter what your background is, is anyone in the world could feel this way and could feel empowered and bold and then they can, once they find service design or that once they sort of become aware of it, like I became aware of design thinking, what it does, it gives you a bit of a framework or language to talk about how you might change the system because otherwise you don't know where to begin, you don't have the right tools, you don't have the right frameworks to even begin to think about it. Yeah, so service design gives us a shared vocabulary, shared toolkit, shared mindset that allows us to collaborate. Yeah, and then solve these wicked problems that we think we need to solve, absolutely. And this is also, I think, the debate that has been going on since the day service design started, like, is there a service designer or should we much rather be talking about service design teams that where people have certain roles, certain expertise and everybody, if you're part of a service design team, you're a service designer, but not necessarily with the exact skills that your teammate has. And I think that's exactly correct. Like I say, let me just provide a personal anecdote or not even an anecdote, I can just reflect on our team, how we're building this team here. I think what you just described is the philosophy we have is everyone on the team has a title of service designer because within an organization, It helps. People on the same team need to have a same title, otherwise it's just very confusing. But definitely the idea that service design is a combination of skill sets, it's a combination of, it's shared values, but then all these different kind of, this constellation of skill sets that are necessary, and you can bucket them in terms of like research and design and sense making and whatever, and all these different things and not everyone needs to be good at everything. Exactly. Everyone needs to have an expertise in one or two areas. I don't know, I'm sure your, the watchers of the show are familiar with the idea of T-shaped people. So we often look for T-shaped people and we look for deep expertise in one area or the other. But the expectation on our team at least is that even though you're not the expert at everything, everyone is expected to do everything. So no one's just doing research and no one's just building prototypes and no one's just presenting or managing stakeholders. Everyone is doing everything collectively, collaboratively. So there's the risk of knowledge transference and knowledge sharing and the cracks that can emerge when things have to get passed around or that we reduce that risk, but certainly where people can lean in with different skill sets. And I think different skill sets from different backgrounds, from different perspectives yields the single most important thing for any design team, which is tension. We have a lot of tension on our team, but we like to say it's very good, healthy tension and that we don't always agree on what we should do. We don't always agree on what the right thing is. We don't always agree on the right approach, but we are able to bring our different perspectives and have that healthy dialogue. And almost every time the output is generally better than what it had been without having that conversation. So we know we're onto something when the team is like, you know, when there's friction, there's tension, we know that this is good. We're talking about something important. Man, you're stringing the topics together really nicely and because we're into the topic of teams and let's talk about not how you actually, maybe who is in the team, but how do you lead them? So the third topic is leading services design teams. And you should have some interesting things to say. And you need to log in again. No, I got it. I'm trying to think like, what's an easy question or what's a, cause how can we is kind of boring? How about this? How far, how much or how far, maybe how much? How much do we actually need to lead our services design team? So maybe this notion of like kind of creating autonomous self-orienting, self-determining teams versus maybe a more heavy-handed approach to leadership. I don't talk about that. What are your experiences? I think like most questions, the answer ends up being a little bit boring. Is that it ends up being probably in the middle? I think a little bit of both. I think one of the things we try to do here is we want everyone on our team to feel like they are empowered and have the access to the information and the tools that they need to make decisions about projects, make decisions about designs and move forward. It's interesting when you see people coming from different backgrounds. There are certain people sometimes on my team who really look to authority or look to myself or Andrea. Like is this okay? Like, hey, I made this change here. Like, do you want to review with me? And like to me, this is a symptom of a problem because when someone's behaving that way is they clearly been in a system or a team where that was sort of clearly the baseline expectation. And I feel very strongly that that is like an oppressive environment that I don't want the team to be in. So certainly there are big decisions, milestones, strategic decisions that we want to make as a team. But I certainly really believe that everyone, like I said, we all do everything together. We've all done the research together. We've all synthesized it. We've all built these prototypes together. So no one person has, in my opinion, I guess more authority or a stronger voice in terms of what the thing should be. So I think that's something we're trying to instill in the team to feel that they can feel confident making the decision that they know to be the right one for the design, for the product, for the service. And then obviously, and then we test it. We test everything. So that's the beauty there. So I think that's an important thing that I think the team is trying to still figure out. I think there's still those classic hierarchical norms that are hard to completely, and to be fair, there are still some things that you need to approve and that you need to sign off on. So it's not completely autonomous, but I think we're trying to get closer to that. So my question would be like, I'm not so much interested in those formal sign off things, but how does the team like that, where does it get its direction from? Like what is setting, what is the compass? What is setting the northern star? So I think Andrea and I have, when we created this team, Andrea and I spent a lot of time talking about our vision and we talk about our vision more in terms of like, why are we doing this? Why are we building this team? Why are we bringing these people into these jobs? What are we trying to do and what do we believe in? And I think that's kind of the very baseline that Andrea and I sort of initially established. And when you're hiring someone, you're selling them on that vision, you're promising them that this is what they're buying into and this is the role in the job and then we need to deliver on that. So I think we set the tone with that baseline. I think the people we are hiring obviously are buying in and are subscribing to that on some level, but we don't want to be so daft as to believe that this doesn't evolve or that as you actually, like any design, as you start to put it in the world and you start to really experience it, you may feel differently about it, you may want to change it. So I think Andrea and I set the initial tone. We've hired people in who have a shared value and understanding, but what we do and what we believe is the best next step for the team is a conversation we have as a team. There is a shared benefit for the team to succeed for everyone involved, not just for Andrea and I. Everyone succeeds if the team succeeds. Everyone succeeds if our projects aren't successful. So we're very much, we open that up on a weekly basis to have those dialogues. And we're actually, interestingly, we're planning a session in three weeks on June 28th, where we're gonna have a bit of a reflection. We're inviting an outside facilitator to spend the whole day with us to reflect on the vision of the team, the purpose of the team. We feel like we're achieving it. Are we working on the right projects? Are we working in the right ways? One needs to change and allowing the team to be very, very critical of the team. And I think that's healthy. I think we need to do this on a regular basis. Otherwise we just become, you know, we're just buying into our own, yeah. What have you found to be the most challenging thing in regards to, well, let's still call it leading or building or crafting, shaping a service design team. I think one of the challenging things, there's so many challenging things. I think leading the team, I think, I'm trying to think, there's so many of these challenges. Maybe one that might be interesting to talk about is, there's a couple on my mind in trying to pick which one might be more appropriate, but I think service designers, in my experience, are less career-oriented in the more traditional sense, that they don't look at the org structure and look at it and say, you know, what I want to do next is be at the next level and then after the next level, I'm going to work hard and be at the next level. Whereas, you know, traditionally, I work in private, large corporate and most 99% of people, I don't want to say enough, sorry, I'm going to take that back. I don't want to generalize, but I think a lot of people have that very kind of, I want to progress, I want the next thing. I don't think service designers look at progress as the next level. I think they want to enrich themselves in a way that is broader rather than deeper. Whereas, you know, typically, so I think, and the challenge in organization is that, okay, if you're a marketing person and your goal is to move up the corporate ladder, there are some things you're going to do. You're going to become better at marketing, but then you're going to have to go and work in product, you're going to go work in customer experience, and you're going to do that breadth within the organization. And typically, most large organizations promote people based on this generalist, like people who are good, who have demonstrated aptitude in many different businesses. The challenge for a service designer, I think, is that the opportunities to learn, the types of things you would want to learn are not presented as frequently within a large organization. One of the, a lot of people on teams that I've been on that I've led have often left the organization because they don't know where else to go. Right, right. I'm on the service line team. There is one. Right, right. I want to become better at these other things. I want to expand my horizon, but I don't know where else to go within the organization. You know, you can go work in digital, which is good. There's obviously a lot of design work within digital, but if you, you know, some people go there, but other people feel like, well, digital is, you know, very constrained to one channel. I want to kind of work in the bigger picture. So some people go to market research teams, but some people don't want to just do that style of research. So what people tend to do, and what I've observed, and I think a lot of my friends were also leading other service line teams, is you tend to see this like two to three year shelf life. People join an organization. They get two, three years out of it. They learn it. They, and then they're ready to move on and they want what they want us to change context. They want to go from, I want to work in a retail, a grocery store, and now I want to work in a bank, different problem spaces. And by changing problem spaces, you go out of your comfort zone, you learn, you interact with different leaders and you grow that way, rather than growing in the more traditional kind of the corporate ladder. And that's a challenge when you're building and sustaining a team. Of course. You have this heavy turnover. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. And I guess we haven't, from what I remember, we haven't really talked about on the show about service design career paths. So what is a typical service design? Is there a typical service design career path? That would be a really interesting topic for another episode. And I guess this is also the reason we get a lot of applications at our studio from people who specifically want to work at an agency because they get the opportunity to move from project to project, right? That's where the challenge is. And maybe that's also with internal teams, but it's so fascinating. Like we mostly hire from agency because the pain point of agency is I don't actually get to see the impact of my work. I push the deck over, the client doesn't do anything or they go in the opposite direction. So the benefit of in-house is that, and I believe that the future of sustainable service design needs in-house teams. I think we need the agency and we need the outside perspective. We need this expertise, but we need in-house teams to follow through. So I think the future of service design is a combination of in-house teams working with agency and not one or the other entirely. But you're right. And I think people go to agency when they're sick and tired of the system beating them down and realizing that, oh, it's so hard to drive real change. I'm maybe what I really wanna do is just hone my skills at these other things and explore these media problems in an environment that feels maybe less oppressive. I think one of the other challenges is that a lot of service designers that I know tend to not always wanna work within these very heavy capitalistic systems and organizations like banks and telecom where it's very profit-driven, it's very quarter by quarter. And I think that that in and of itself is almost antithetical to what service design is trying to do and the change in the world that we wanna see. So I think that creates attention for a lot of designers who work in-house. I think you can either see it as I need to be part of the system to change the system or I'm fed up of the system, I'd rather just not engage with it. I'd rather just go work in an agency or in a not-for-profit or in another space where I don't have to deal with this cognitive dissonance. Patrick, super interesting topics, much more we could talk about but I wanna give you the opportunity to ask the viewers and the listeners of the show a question, is there something that you'd like to, for us to think about? Yeah, I think what we need to think about is the resiliency of service design teams. I think what we need to think about is the resiliency of service design. Not to say that I don't believe that service design has a future and service design is something that I believe in but I think we haven't, I'm a true believer, I'm bought in 100% but I'm very critical of the fact that I don't truly believe that we've clearly still communicated the value of this approach. I don't think we've made it clear enough or obvious enough why this is something worth pursuing and I think we still very much rely on a small number of champions and people who need to really kind of bring us in and champion us even internally and certainly as agencies I think that that's a reality. I think that the why we need to do service design and why this is important is something that is a message that we haven't fully articulated in the way that it needs to be and I think that that's something that we need to reflect on is like why are people, every time someone says they're not interested in doing service design why not? What is it about that and how can we learn from that experience and get better at and are we making assumptions about what we think we're offering and the value that we think we bring to people where maybe we're making assumptions about what our users need. So I think we need to be very critical about this. So maybe the question is like maybe engaging in some reflection around the next time someone challenges you on service, the value of design or service design and thinking through like how do we answer that? Why do we become so defensive? What assumptions might we be making? And I think if we can be self aware that way I think that's gonna show us the path forward. Maybe you're, yeah, let's leave it at that. Great question. I think a lot, gives a lot of room to think about. Very loaded, heavy question, sorry. No, yeah, you know, I think you're absolutely right and we're so in love with what we do that we sometimes get blinded by. I think we absolutely do. I think we need to be very self critical of what we do and the value we think we bring and to whom we bring it and yeah. A practice that I've been trying to actually do is after a project as my clients what value did I actually bring? What is the biggest challenge that I've solved for you? And the answers you'll get from that they will literally blow you away. They will tell you completely different things that you then you imagine what you're actually offering. So that's a way to actually do this. I love Project Retros. I think to your point they're a great source of insight. But I think those are interesting. I think it'd be interesting to have those similar conversations as well with people who decide not to work with us. And I think we don't, we usually walk away and we say okay, but I think it's just as meaningful. Like why not? What are you trying to do? What do you think we're trying to do? I think that's something worth thinking about too. Patrick, thanks so much for sharing what you're doing, sharing what's on your mind, a lot of topics. I think there are sort of projecting the future discussions of our field. So thanks again for making the time. Thank you and I just want to be clear that I don't have the answers to these questions. I'm hoping that maybe some of you guys do. These are just some of the things that are on my mind right now. Thanks for your time. So what is your take on Patrick's question? Why aren't people buying service design? What are the biggest objections and how do you counter them? Leave a comment down below. If you enjoyed this episode, make sure you check out the next one because it's full of knowledge bombs as well. And if you haven't done so already, click that subscribe button. Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video.
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Cornhole Competition Brings In Crowds At Bemidji's Dragon Boat Festival
[ "Lakeland Public Television", "LPTV", "PBS", "Bemidji", "Minnesota", "MN" ]
More activities are underway at the 13th annual Lake Bemichie Dragon Boat Festival. As it continues at Paul Bunyan Park, competitors and spectators alike filled the Dragon's Den for the 8th annual Cornhole Tournament. In total, 64 teams are competing for two special trophies and of course bragging rights. The tournament has become such a success, it has become a tradition for many teams who travel from all over the Midwest just to compete. We've always had 64 teams and we usually fill out every year. We just filled out about two hours ago, so yeah, we're really lucky. They come in all week and by the time the event actually rolls around, it's full. Operate proceeds from the Dragon's Boat Cornhole Tournament go to the American Cancer Society Beltrami County Relay for Life. If you enjoyed this segment of Lakeland News, please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to Lakeland PBS.
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Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron (HSM) 79 Aboard USS Abraham Lincoln
The 'Griffins' of Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron (HSM) 79 are deployed aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) Carrier Strike Group (CSG), currently deployed to the 5th fleet area of operations. Operating the MH-60R Seahawk, the 'Griffins' carry out various missions including anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface warfare, vertical replenishment, search and rescue, humanitarian relief and medical evacuation operations. The Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group is deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility in order to defend American forces and interests in the region. With Abraham Lincoln as the flagship, deployed strike group assets include staffs, ships and aircraft of Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 12, Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 2, and Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 7. (U.S. Navy video by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Jeff Sherman/Released)
[ "#USNavy", "“U.S.", "Navy”", "US Navy", "United States Navy", "mh-60r", "helicopter", "hsm-79", "abraham linclon", "carrier strike group" ]
A griffin is a mythological creature that was typically used to guard something precious like treasure or whatever and it was a combination of other different animals. So we've taken the best parts of other aircraft and combined it into our own MH-60 Romeo and we use it to guard something equally precious, the carrier strike group. So we have two primary missions. Our first primary mission is anti-submarine warfare and our second is surface warfare. Operation warfare is to protect the carrier strike group from potentially hostile submarines and surface warfare is to provide the carrier with that big picture of situational awareness. So if something gets close to the strike group, they need to be ID, they need to be tracked, that's what we do. We provide all of that information to the Combat Operations Center. Some of the secondary missions would include search and rescue, could include humanitarian relief, general helicopter operations. So typically we'll fly with a crew of three. There are two pilots up front, one is acting as the helicopter aircraft commander and the other is acting as the pilot. I sit in the back as the third member of the crew, the sensor operator. I run the eyes and ears of the MH-60 Romeo. This job has its boring days just like anything else. People fly out to do an open water search and discover that there's nothing out there but water. But then again, it also has its days where there's a little bit too much going on. This job requires a lot of training, a lot of study time, a lot of pre-mission prep. So usually when you're not on the flight schedule for a day, it means that you are being given that day to prepare for a big event of some kind. So when we're not flying, we are getting ready to fly. Pride is what it takes to be a Griffin. You have to be proud of the job you're doing. The job is not always sexy like the fighter pilots do and their thing or like the Star Bird Delta CRS, but it's a really important job in the strike group and we have to give it 110 percent. The USS Abraham Lincoln and carry strike group 12 would be nearsighted without the Griffins and far more susceptible to torpedo attack. So this is a stand up squadron. We stood up in June just a few short years ago and this is our actual first deployment together as a squadron. I'm looking forward to seeing how well we're going to perform.
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Farmers undergo training in vegetable grafting
The Ministry of Agriculture has engaged local farmers in a series of training workshops on vegetable grafting in climate-smart agriculture technologies.
[ "Government of Saint Lucia", "Government Information Service (GIS) Saint Lucia", "GIS St. Lucia", "St. Lucia Government", "Official site Government of Saint Lucia", "St. Lucia Government news" ]
The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and Rural Development in collaboration with World University Service of Canada have engaged local farmers in a series of training workshops on the role of vegetable grafting in climate smart agriculture strategies. According to crop protection officer Johnny Smith, this intervention will facilitate a more reliable and consistent supply of produce to the market. So the current grafting training covers a theoretical session and it covers a practical session. So we have the morning, we normally start at nine and we run on till one. We start with lectures on the work that has been done locally on grafting vegetables. So we've looked at grafting tomatoes on various rootstocks, we've grafted sweet peppers on different rootstocks and we've looked at how they perform against biotic stresses and abiotic stresses. So we're going to now present that information that research to the farmers so that they could see the possibilities that they could gain from actually practicing vegetable grafting. Vegetable grafting helps in reducing losses and the amount of money spent in managing disease problems. It gives the farmer a better chance at being successful in their enterprise and in overall production, it also promotes less pesticide use. What IPM tries to do is to discourage the immediate, normally farmers run to chemicals immediately, first stop. So we try to put chemicals as the last option. So vegetable grafting now will be one of your first options. So if you have a problem, a biotic problem, a bacteria or fungus in your soil, you can use this technique to protect your crop. Okay, so if you're not using the technique, normally the crop would you'd lost maybe 50% of your actual plants. So that means your yield would be decreased and that directly affects food security because you have less coming from your farm. The farmer also has to spend more in terms of management. So he has more pesticide to buy, he has to pay workers to apply that pesticide and you have more and then even after you've done that sometimes you're not successful in managing that disease. So it costs more and the farmer is experiencing losses. The crop protection officer has indicated that the response from participating farmers have been very encouraging and they have recommended varieties of vegetables that can be used for grafting. Just as impressive, farmers have already been applying the principles that have been taught. From the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and Rural Development, I'm Ryan O'Brien.
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Adventures of Horatio Hornblower - Rejoining the Fleet
01/09/53, episode 25 This episode provided by the Old Time Radio Researchers Group At Yahoo -Video Upload powered by
[ "Old Time Radio", "1952" ]
Call all hands beat the quarters is Captain Bush points as on target Lin stop ready for a man of the sea or ratio hornblower I'm absurd now that I should have dreaded a return to England But in spite of my present years and honors. I'm under no illusions as to the fickle nature of the public And neither was I then Whatever it occurred since there was no gain saying the fact that I had lost my ship the Sutherland in battle But I should be called to account for it If the court martial should decide that I was at fault Disgrace or even death might await them My thoughts were as somber as the gray dawn about men as I paced the deck of the witch of Endor In the coast of France fell away over the horizon at the sound of the English voice Words failed me for a moment At least there was no need now to hide in the mist On the other hand it brought nearer all the future which I was dreading I'd fly my colors to the last if my career was to end it would end with a joke In British Captain Horatio Hornblower You think we're mad sir the witch of Endor has been a French prize for a year and you've been dead for six months He's a ren under the stern of that two-decker and bring her to the wind under the leaf As the boat bore me it took a triumph side and I stared at the familiar beauty of a ship of war again The two yellow streaks along her sides checkered with gun ports The pennant of the main the hands on her deck the red coats of the marines I had the distant voice of a potion roaring at the seaman All the familiar sights and sounds of the Navy in which I had grown up. I Was hard put to it to restrain my emotion This was indeed the end of my long captivity in flight Hardy was there on deck his huge bulk towering of everybody. I Saw his expression alter Good God, it is Hornblower Welcome back. Give me a hand sir. Thank you. How did you come here, sir? How did you take the witch? How did I come back from the grave? Is that what you want to ask? Well, it's a long story. Are you better come down to my cabin Hornblower? It must be a pretty difficult time for you. Did you know Leighton was killed? No No, don't worry about me. I I've heard nothing for months. Yes, he died of his wounds at Gibraltar. Oh, I see Have you You heard anything of my wife? Well, I remember reading that she was awarded the civil dispension by the government when the news of your Your death arrived No other news. How did there was a there was a child on the way? Oh, none that I know of But then I've been four months on this ship. I wouldn't hear anything Over the horizon to Leward was appearing a long line of ships close-hauled They were in rigid regular line and as we watched they went about in succession in perfect order as if changed together The channel fleet was a drill Eighteen years of drill at sea had given them unquestioned superiority over any other fleet in the world Victories in the van. Yeah, take my glass signal midshipman Single triumph to flagship Have on board captain Horatio Hornblower While Hardy dictated his message. I looked through the glass The three-decker with her admiral's flag at the main was leading the long line of ships The broad stripes on her side glistening in the sunlight She'd been Jarvis's flagship at St. Vincent hoods in the Mediterranean and Nelson's at travel gar Now she was dismal Jimmy's a tragedy if ever there was one Signal hoists were soaring up her yard arm. Hardy was busy dictating replies. I had no signaling for you to go aboard. I Trust you'll do me the honor of making use of my bar to ratio The triumphs barred was painted primrose yellow picked out with black So were her warblades a crew or primrose colored jumpers with black neck plots As I took my seat I reflected gloomily and that I'd never been able to afford to dress my barges crew in a fancy rigout Our day must be a wealthy man. I supposed with his travel gar prize money and his pension as colonel of Marines. I Could not help contrasting our positions He a bannett wealthy famous Myself poor and distinguished And a waiting trial Welcome aboard captain hold on. I'm calendar captain of the feet his lordship gave instructions for you to be shown to his cabin Will you come this way? Thank you. I don't suppose you remember me But I was first left in it on the Amazon when you were in the Indefatigable on the contrary. I remember very well in fact I was a certain boat till that Oh You remember that do you? Well, I've only been first for a week then I had to throw him away to button somebody Oh, here's his lordship Kevin. Thank you. Will you make yourself comfortable? Will I tell him you're here? Lord Gambia's cabin was not nearly so ornate as hearties had been the most conspicuous item was the big brass band Bible on the table I Sat down on a cushioned locker and stared gloomily out of the stone window The next hour might easily decide my whole fate I am the admiral's clerk His lordship will receive your report shortly In the meantime well What's that you're hiding behind your back? I'm afraid sir that I have bad news for you. What news? Well, come along man out with it The fellow had an art expression on his face and although I spoke up boldly enough my heart sank Was it possible that my case had already been pre-judged was that to be arrested tried? Condemned shot. I remembered having seen this paragraph in the morning chronicle of three months ago sir I showed it to his lordship and captain calendar as they decided it ought to be shown to you as early as possible Well, he's Lordship say look give me the paper. What is the paragraph? I'm afraid it's very bad news What's down and blast you let me see it the Lord give it sir and the Lord take it the way Blessed be the name of the Lord We regret to announce the death in trial bed on the 7th of this month of mrs. Marielle Hornblower Where are the late captain Horatio Hornblower? Burn apart martyred victim The tragedy occurred in mrs. Hornblower's lodgings at South Seat and we're given to understand But the child a fine boy healthy His lordship instructed me sir to inform you of his sympathy He will not expect your report yet, and he thought you might wish to seek the consolation of religion in your cabin And yes the Lord give it sir and In the actual battle of rosas my lord before I surrendered the southern 117 of my ship's company were killed and 145 wounded 44 of the latter died before I was taken to rosas and tragically high Proportion captain good God more than half your crew out of action before you surrendered if you remember the Lord Thompson and the yander and lost 92 out of the 300 off Crete and everyone said what a gallant defense he made I was aware of it, but please go on captain Well, I told how I'd witnessed the destruction of the French squadron how Coyard had arrived to take me to Paris and About escape I made but slight mention of the corn to the grass and our voyage down the Loire But I went into some detail about the capture of the witch of end all as I pointed out a knowledge of harbour arrangements at nont And the navigation difficulties of the lower Loire might be of great future value good Good man. How can you be so cold blooded about it when you Calendar I have requested you before not to all you to the deity in that blasphemous fashion Any repetition will incur my serious displeasure now? Let me see that cut there will be useful as she couldn't carry the dispatches And I shall not have to weaken the main body of the fleet mr. Tenant of yours bush I'll promote him into hardest commander. I Gave a gasp of pleasure Promotion to commander meant almost certain post rank within the year Bush deserved it of course, but admiral's usually had some favorite some nephew or old friend son awaiting the first vacancy But that was by no means all Promotion of my lieutenant to commander was a high compliment to me. It set the seal of official approval on my actions This decision of Gambia's was a public announcement that I had acted correctly Thank you. Thank you. I hope you will continue to be my guest until I sail for Portsmouth next week It would be best. I think yes for all. Thank you But however delicate the illusion I knew that the last remark was a reminder of my position and that I was technically under arrest I Old established custom. I must be under the supervision of an officer of equal rank while under arrest There could be no question of being sent home in the witcher Vendor Yeah, let me take those parcels My heaven is it's good to see your honest old friends again, but look, um have a drink Oh, have you been getting on though? What have you been doing? Did you do easy sir easy? I'll tell you about it sir, but first of all, this is the first chance I've had to thank you for my promotion. So don't thank me. You must thank Lord Gambia I know I owe it to all the same. They're going to post me as captain this week Ah, they won't give me a ship not with this wooden neck of mine, but there's a job at Sheerness waiting for me I'd never have been a captain, but for you sir. Oh rubbish. Well, how are you? Oh, fine, sir. Thanks, sir. You? I was I was sorry to hear about mrs. Hornblower sir. Yeah, I Took the liberty of bringing out your letters. Oh, thank you packages a sword. I'm sure sir. Oh, well Let's open it and see I haven't a pussy I Never expected to see this again. I know that gold scabbard anywhere, sir It's the hundred Guinness sword that the patriotic fund gave you for your defeat of the Latifi dad in the Pacific Yes, you should see the newspapers your famous. So you ought to be and there's plenty more news Oh, what news but there's a witch of indoor sir. Oh, yes, what about the Navy bought a yesterday at the price court All thousand pounds was the price sir. I Was greatly impressed by the tact with which Bush allowed me to assimilate all this I Would not have expected such delicacy from the tough old campaigner But I was already beginning to realize that I still had much to learn about people The first dozen letters were from people unknown to me, but all congratulatory Two were from madmen apparently and two more from peers Then I Saw a letter in a hand, which was known to me and in my heart constricted as I stared at the envelope It was from Lady Barbara Bush and the ship and Portsmouth and all the present world spun and vanished at the sight of the letter. I Was not reading I was listening again to that dear Modulated voice which I had not heard for so many Many weary months It is hard for me to write this letter So overwhelmed am I with pleasure and surprise at hearing that you are free and well? I H hasten to let you know that I have your son here in my care son God bless her When he was left orphaned I ventured to take charge of him and make myself responsible for his upbringing While my brothers Lords Wellesley and Wellington consented to act as his godfathers at his baptism Where at he was consequently given the names of Richard Arthur Horatio Richard Arthur Horatio Wellesley and Wellington behind him The boys fortunes already made Richard is a fine healthy boy with a wonderful Resemblance to his father and he has already greatly endeared himself to me Let me assure you that I shall look upon it as a pleasure to continue to have charge of Richard until the time comes for you to take him away I Can easily guess that you will be much occupied with affairs on your arrival in England But you will be very welcome should you care to call here to see your son who grows in intelligence every day Up to this moment, I'd hardly thought about the child my paternal instincts have not been touched by a child I had never seen Besides they were warped by memories of the little Horatio who had died of smallpox in my arms so many years ago But now I felt a sudden wave of affection for the unknown little chap who had managed to endear himself to Barbara in London Why Barbara taking Was it because we'd owed and childless she had sought for a convenient orphan to adopt him Was it that she still cherished memories of a captain homeblower whom at the time she believed to be dead Time stood still while I stared at the letter and wondered Bush was saying something I Taught myself back to the present with an effort Sorry to interrupt sir They questioned me at white all and I thought you ought to know but they're calling me in evidence at the Court Marshall sir Court Marshall for a few wonderful moments. I had forgotten that threat hanging over my life the court Marshall If that were to go against me not all the sons or lords and ladies in Christendom could help me It was more than my life at stake. It was my reputation my honor Whole future Conducted by Sydney torch
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My Niece Tries Some Snakku Snacks
My niece loves my Snakku unboxing videos and wanted to participate, so I let her try a few snacks from the latest box. Checkout her more than honest opinions.
[ "Japanese food", "JapanSnacks", "Snacks", "Japanese snack tasting", "Japanese Snacks", "Snakku", "Japan food", "Snake December", "December Snakku", "child tasting Japanese food", "Japanese", "child tasting Japanese snacks", "Japan", "tasting Japanese snacks", "Tasting", "food tasting", "Japan Snacks" ]
So I'm here with my niece Zaria, and she is a big fan of the snack who unboxing episodes So I wanted to let her try a few of the most recent Japanese snacks Are you excited to try snacks? Yeah, yeah, okay I'm gonna cut a little piece off for you. So this one is a pastry, but it's a baked potato pastry If you like it, you can probably have the whole thing honestly Um, so have you ever had a baked potato? I don't think so Have you ever had potatoes kind of like just the potato with skin on it? No, well, this is what it kind of tastes like, but it's a little sweet So go ahead and try it and see what you think What do you think? This isn't looking enthusiastic about it What do you think? Do you like it? Do you not like it? What does it taste like to you? It's very starchy. Yeah, she's gonna need some water Don't like it Okay, I have a feeling maybe you wouldn't like it, but We're trying we'll let other people try some of it later. You want to let's do this mochi now This is a gold leaf mochi. So there's actually there's actually pieces of gold in there. Do you see that? Little pieces of gold. Do we eat them? Yes. Yeah, you're gonna eat the gold Okay, so I'm just gonna cut you a little bit Of the mochi Tough to actually cut Okay, here you go. Go ahead and try them your mochi. It's like you're gummy Yum, you like it more More of the mochi. Does it taste like a marshmallow to you? Yeah, that's what it kind of tasted like to me. Can you taste the gold? You can eat the whole thing then Not right now though. After try this one and then and then you can eat the rest of it, okay? Couldn't taste the gold though I couldn't either because I don't know what gold tastes like. Yeah Like you know, I don't know. It's a good good point. I don't really know what gold would taste like either We don't know what gold tastes like because we're not Japanese because we don't live in Japanese We don't live in Japanese. Yeah, because we're not Japanese people Okay, so the last little snack. This is a um brown sugar cracker with I believe it's like milk sugar on the outside As sugary So I thought it kind of tasted like a donut. Does it taste like a donut to you? Yeah Yeah, and you like donuts I guess you're just gonna can we share a little bit with a few other people or this is all for you No, we need to share. Okay, we're gonna share. Okay. So what did you think of all the snacks? Are you? Mainly likes too All right. Well, you can go ahead and I guess we'll share this with everyone else You can finish the mochi off After other people get like a little bit. She was trying to share with you. Oh, you're trying to share with me Thank you. Thank you very much
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Webinar: 0 to 1: Taking a Concept & Launching an MVP by Wish Product Leader, Atish Bhattacharjya
👉 Subscribe here: 📆 Check out upcoming events: 🗣 Read speaker's bio: 📑 Get the slides: ℹ Find out more about us: ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Atish is a Product Leader with more than 10 years of experience working on product strategy and management. He has led product initiatives, spanning multiple teams in global tech companies and startups that cater to an extremely diverse group of users. He is currently working on the core app experience at Wish. Before this, he was their head of Regional Strategy and Localization working to understand the company's users and using that data to propel growth and retention in their top revenue countries. ABOUT US: Founded in 2014, Product School is the global leader in Product Management training with a community of over one million product professionals. Our certifications are the most industry-recognized credentials by employers hiring product managers. All of our instructors are senior-level Product Managers working at top Silicon Valley companies including Google, Facebook, Netflix, Airbnb, PayPal, Uber, and Amazon. Designed to fit into work schedules, our live, online classes are held in the evenings or on weekends to ensure that both instructors and students can maintain their full-time jobs. You’ll learn how to build digital products from end to end, lead cross-functional teams and land your next product job or promotion. See our upcoming courses here: In addition to classes, we host daily online events with top industry professionals about Product Management. Click here to see what we have coming up: We are committed to pushing the product management industry forward. We published the Amazon bestseller, The Product Book (Get your copy here: host over 1,000 free events per year, The Proddy Awards, and ProductCon, the largest multi-city conference in the world for product managers. #ProductManagement #ProductSchool #Upskill #TechEducation #Business #ProdMgmt #PMCertificate #ProductManager #Product #PM #IT #Management #PMP #FinTech
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Hello, everybody. Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening, depending on which part of the world you're joining from It's great to have all of you here today. My name is Ateesh. I'm a product lead at Wish and Today, I'm going to talk about launching minimum viable products So let's get started Before launching into MVPs and talking about a few examples from my days at Wish a little bit about myself And my product management journey. I Started as a product manager almost 10 years back at Samsung working on their galaxy line of devices Focusing on the content and apps and services we had on the phones Moved on to eBay where I was part of the payments and checkout team tasked with creating great checkout experiences for our millions of users and For the last four and a half years have been with Wish Working as a product manager on the payments and post purchase experience in the beginning and then Moving on to focus on the upper funnel or the core app experience Including the search and browse and navigational experience that all of our users experience on the Wish app and website So that's a little bit about my product management journey super excited to be talking about MVPs today and Glad that you could attend today's webinar All right, so what is an MVP? It's one of the definitions I found on the web, which I think captures the essence of it MVP or a minimum viable product is a version of a product with just enough features to be usable by early customers Who can then provide feedback for future product development? There's a lot to unpack here and this graphic does a pretty well pretty good job of illustrating so let's say your Objective is to build a car or build something which takes people from point A to point B What an MVP is not is is building the wheel first then adding the axle and adding the body and Then ultimately adding a roof which gives you the car because a wheel isn't really useful in Helping people get from point A to point B neither is a couple wheels connected with an axle So, you know a way to violate one of the key principles of a minimum viable product, which is that it should be useful And you get the gist what instead could work is To get from point A to point B if you develop a skateboard it still does its job and then you get Feedback from the customers, which could be on the lines of hey I want something which is faster or I want something Which takes less effort and that's how you get to a scooter or a bicycle or a motorbike And then the feedback might be on the lines of hey, what if it rains? It's not really comfortable It's too hot or if it snows I want to take my friends or family on a ride and there isn't enough space That's how you get to a car, but the core problem is still Solved by the skateboard which is take someone an individual user from point A to point B So that's the essence of a minimum viable product It's useful it lets you get something out quickly with not a lot of resources and Allows you to get feedback from your early users who then help you iterate and improve the product and take it to a final Version which hopefully aligns with what you had in mind. So so that's what an MVP is With that let me dive into a couple of examples from my days at wish Which I hope would really illustrate and drive home the point The first example I'm going to talk about is our customer support chatbot, which we call the wish assistant This was something which we launched the MVP launched in late 2018 It's been a couple of years since then The problem that we set out to solve before this existed was that So let me take a step back wish for those if you don't know is an e-commerce app It's a marketplace where we connect buyers to sellers And like any marketplace when you buy something or even without it you may or may not have issues With that order and when you do have issues, what do you do you contact customer support? So pre wish assistant days all of our customer support Contacts would result in a in a ticket in a customer support ticket, which would then be solved by human customer support agents so This was obviously not a very cost effective solution because every ticket would cost us some money What we also realized over time was that for a lot of these issues that our users faced Our agents were giving pre-formed canned responses when it's not to diss on the agents It was the nature of the response like it was a very open and shut case where they needed to Understand where their item was or delivery status Maybe they didn't take a look at the app where we showed it to them They would contact customer support agents would literally point them to that page or copy pasted in their emails So we realized that even though we were paying humans to do customer support a lot of these were canned responses Which the hypothesis was that we can automate and give a better user experience So our minimum viable product the first version that we launched was a very simple decision-free based automated solution which would handle the some of the top issues that our users faced and As the screenshot here so shows You know, it's a very simple Conversational chat kind of an experience where based on a particular order The chatbot might give you some responses You pick one of those responses It might then ask for more questions or more answers from you and you go down the floor and hopefully it ends in a resolution So let me walk you through five elements of the MVP that we used to build this product Number one was focusing on a subset of problems so Customer support and compasses a big area any issue that our users have with anything related to the way shaft goes through customer support Which includes issues with the item issues with the shipping or delivery even issues with their account Or maybe, you know, somebody hacked into their account and they need customer support to solve it So what we did for the MVP was not to take everything in one box But we told ourselves that we need to focus on a subset of problems Which we believed and our data told us would give us the most bang for the buck So in our case it was Issues specifically related to your item hasn't reached you even though it's past the due date and we had a lot of Support tickets created due to this reason and as you can imagine Oftentimes it either resulted in a refund or it would result in the customer support agent Showing them the tracking information saying, you know, the due date is actually not it's not yet past the due date And there was an error on the user's part to maybe look at it and things like that So we focused on a subset of problems and didn't take the entire customer support domain to begin with Number two, focusing on basics. So the first version of our chatbot didn't have any fancy natural language processing or machine learning It pretty much had preformed responses and followed a very deterministic path Where users had to select responses and the chatbot would reply back and you go back and forth hopefully resulting in either a resolution or in a lot of cases we would just route it back to customer support where the old process or the flow kicked in Number three Minimal resources. So we built this entire chatbot experience on web as opposed to building it on native iOS or Android this despite the fact That which is a primarily mobile platform where 80 to 90 percent of our users are Using our app. What we did was we embedded this web-based experience into our apps So it gave us two benefits one was it allowed us to release on all different platforms I us Android as well as web simultaneously and It allowed us to use far fewer resources than we would have if we developed individually for each client natively so this was actually There wasn't any negatives to doing that Maybe a little bit on the performance or are the design side of it, but definitely for an MVP It was a decision which paid us rich dividends The fourth element we utilized was getting rapid feedback So not only did we embed click analytics into the chatbot Which told us how users navigated through different paths where they dropped off Which ones were the ones which took took them maybe longer to go through and they had to answer a bunch of questions We also had a qualitative thumbs up thumbs down score at the end of the of the flow Which gave us another qualitative metric to add on to just very hard quantitative click metrics and conversion metrics And we use that to improve You know our our feature set or our experience going forward and that gets me to the last one rapid iterations All of this we knew we started with with a subset of problems and we got data From our users as to how they would would navigate through this chatbot and we used it to Solve new issues or other issues that the users might be having outside of the item not delivered Which was our biggest one to start with We use that data to automate more flows where it felt like a human customer support agent wasn't really adding a lot of value and we could Give the user a resolution based on what the system already knew of that particular order So so that was our wish chatbot experience and I described the five Elements of the minimum viable product that we use to to launch this net let me now Talk about another example from my payments days at wish Which again will hopefully illustrate what an MVP is and how to go about launching one So the product in question is a buy now pay later product You might be familiar with it Firms like clarna a firm even PayPal in its PayPal credit product offer similar features In our case the problem we wanted to solve was how do we reduce dropout before the purchase or how do we Solve the problem of people not having enough funds in their credit card or debit card Maybe because they're waiting for their for the paycheck to come or they don't want to you know Go over the limit of their credit cards, but yet want to make a purchase because maybe there's a deal or they have a discount Which expires sooner than later? The crux of it being like any e-commerce company. We wanted to make Our platform more affordable and more frictionless for our users So adding some kind of a buy now pay later flow made a lot of business sense our minimum viable product was a very simple version of buy now pay later which Let users pay Within 30 days of making the transaction. So that was essentially it you we offered it to users They would choose this option and they would pick a date within the next 30 days on which we would automatically charge their credit or debit card and That's about it Going through the five elements number one The bigger problem here is the bigger opportunity here is affordability How can we make our platform more affordable for users by offering financial solutions? In the spirit of taking or tackling a subset of problems We tackled a small set here, which our data told us would really give us The feedback we needed from our users and help us iterate So the number so the couple of things that we did which we chose to focus on was this was valid only for purchases up to $50 so we didn't we kind of limited our risk by using that threshold and As I explained in this previous slide, you could only make one payment So you don't pay anything upfront you make one payment within 30 days, which is for the full amount and that's it So it helped us narrow down the focus The second point in this case is kind of related to the first one We focused on on basics of this by now pay later proud program. So again, there were no installments You couldn't slice the payment by three or four tranches. There was a very basic eligibility criteria Behind the offering this payment Option to users. So in our case just to give you an example, we didn't have like a fancy risk engine built to really understand Eligibility what we did was something very simple but effective like are you an existing user on wish? Who has some history of successful payments and has spent maybe let's say three to six months being a wish user? That by itself increased the trust level by a significant amount as opposed to somebody who just signed up for a wish account And maybe they are false fraudster and trying to capitalize on this by now pay later feature So again, nothing very complex but simple and effective which helped us get out of the door much faster The third thing in our case was we actually built an in-house solution Very product and engineering driven and this was one of the key reasons behind doing that was a it was faster And be it took us much fewer resources, especially on the non-engineering side Had we decided to partner with a clarna or a PayPal or an affirm the amount of Paperwork or contractual agreements we would need to go through Would have taken a toll on us given our Staffing or resources at that point. So you see so so going for a more engineering driven in-house solution Was the the better decision for us back then in terms of resourcing the last couple of points obviously this being a Very this being part of the core payments flow We could track how many people are using this What's the adoption and adoption defined as if you offer this to 100 users? What percentage of them are even taking this up which gives us a sense of is this even something useful? because if it's not no there's not a lot of Even if it does really well for that small percentage if the adoption is not big enough It may not be the best opportunity for us to go after Second very important metric was default rate. So like I said, the users had the ability to pick 30 days within which They would make the payment if they didn't we would consider that a default So what was that default rate and is this is that low enough for us to continue to iterate and scale this program? If not, what can we do to reduce the default rate? Last but not the least Does this really help users come back to wish more and make more purchases? So what's the repeat rate? so we would we would analyze all of this and As opposed to the the chatbot this had a slightly longer cycle because of the 30 month lag between Buying something and paying for it or up to the 30 month lag 30 day lag So we would run this experiment or we had to analyze the data for a couple of months before we really got a handle on these Metrics, which told us it brings me to the last point how to iterate and some of the Iteration examples or some of the features that we started adding based on what we saw the MVP do was number one to at a late add a late payment feature So people who who would miss their first miss the payment schedule on that particular date We realized once we add a Feature to to let them know that that payment had failed maybe because The card being expired or now get not having enough funds and and making it super easy for them to make another payment In lieu of the original one significantly reduced our default rates another example is We started moving away from this only one payment to slice it into very pay half now and at the time of purchase and pay half later And then obviously the next natural progression was towards installments the third one Once we launched this feature and we made sure that the hypothesis was right adoption was decent and we were able to get the default rate at a Acceptable level we started adding more Smarter risk rules since it of a very basic Are you wish users have you used wish for six months and have you bought something before we started looking at more data? About your browse behavior and purchase behavior, which we could use To determine on a risk spectrum. Where do you fall so that we can we could hopefully be doubt in the more risky users? so Like you see both with This by now pay later as well as the wish assistant by focusing on a subset of problem kind of reducing the complexity being Very conservative with resources so that we use the fewest amount of resources as possible We were able to launch something which helped us get out get Out of the door very quickly and then constantly getting feedback from our users To see how it's performing and what's the next natural evolution of the product we were then able to rapidly iterate on all of these and Just to kind of bring this full circle both of these products were launched in that in the 2018-2019 timeline and a Testimony to this approach is that these are now full-blown products with with more product managers and designers and engineers working on them and we obviously continue to improve them but From from 2018 2019. They've already evolved Come a long way. We have added much more smarts to both of these products they continue to serve our users and It's it's just a just a really good example to see the value of starting small but making something useful and then Taking it to to its ultimate vision So key takeaways from What I talked about through these examples number one tackle a subset of problems and focus on the basics This is really really important because if you don't define the problem Well, if you if you kind of blow it out too much, it's it's going to be really hard to follow those MVP elements So break down the user problem. See where the biggest opportunities are You don't need to solve everything at once going back to the car analogy or the skateboard to car analogy If your biggest problem you're that you're trying to solve is to get someone from point K to point B Forget about it being convenient or if they are sweaty when they use it or if it's fast enough like those things can come In the in the in the future iterations. So that goes to my second point reduce complexity in functionality usability and design So just just keep asking yourself. Is this really essential in getting that one job done or that one problem solved? Number two be frugal with resources This is true in general in a lot in a lot of product driven companies You're always start with resources and as product managers, you need to prioritize but Particularly so when you're testing a hypothesis and building a minimum viable product So in the case of minimum viable products hacking a solution could be okay Which means, you know cutting corners Maybe when you're designing it or cutting corners from an engineering point of view not doing not coding It's really right because it helps you get out of the door faster or significantly reduces there But those are okay. I'm not saying you should aim to do it But if that compromise needs to be make made, I think that's okay As long as you remember to fix it and do it the right way once you decide to scale and move out of the MPV And this is really important There is a risk of failing to do it and then once you ramp it up to all of your users instead of the early 5% or 10% Things start breaking because you didn't architect it properly So it's it's very important to to make sure if you're if you're hacking it fix it before you scale up I talked about the second point earlier, which one is faster building in-house in-house versus integrating with your third party It will depend on a case-by-case basis So It's it's this this really not a one-size-fits-all solution But keeping that in the back of your mind and making sure that some of the decisions for launching an MVP include this particular aspect is very critical Third one. I talked about native app versus web development In our case as I showed in the example web development made more sense for the first case in the second one Actually, we decided to build it natively I think it was just not possible to build it at once for all three platforms But then we decided only to launch it on Android and iterate only on Android Before scaling it up for for other platforms Getting rapid feedback from your users another key element of launching MVPs strive to get rapid feedback If possible real-time or pleased within a day so that you're not waiting for a few days or a week before you get data Because that will just slow down your process Build analytics into the product in our case. We had a relatively mature overall product So we already had things like clicks and impressions and the system or a framework to log those and analyze those In some other case it might make more sense for you if you're really starting from scratch To embed something like a Google analytics or some third-party analytics, which would be much faster give you much better visualizations Rather than building it in-house. So again, there's always that in-house versus Integrating with a third-party conundrum Which also flies in the data analytics part that the second point I wanted to highlight with in a lot of cases like the special especially the examples I gave I Was building a product within the bigger app or within the bigger website So it's important to see how your users react overall and not just focus on that particular domain It's important because at the end of the day as product managers Your success not only depends on the success of your product or feature But the overall success of the company in our case the overall success of that So if the if the chat assistant makes people browse less because they're spending too much time for whatever reasons Or they're getting frustrated That's not good for the overall health of the product Even though it might not show up in your core metrics of how people are using the the chatbot So it's important to look at the whole picture I think that's true for any product experience, but also for an MVP not to get sidetracked by being Just focused on on your particular product or feature and not looking at the bigger picture Last point Quickly iterating based on all these steps. We start with a small subset. We get ourselves We launch a product quickly and we start getting feedback. What do we do with that? so it's very important that you take the feedback and Keep identifying what's the next problem to solve but also make sure you're understanding the the hypothesis behind You're validating the hypothesis behind the initial MVP our users for example using it before you decide to really scale it to all users and all platforms Don't go for small incremental optimizations on an MVP stage I don't think it's valuable to let's say tweak the design a little bit because it will make it pretty and maybe it'll convert users 1% more Instead test the limits So in the case of that buy now pay later if if I had to Make changes I would increase the limit from 50 to maybe 100 or 200 dollars to see okay What does that do to the default rate in the user experience? I wouldn't be testing Increasing it from 50 to 55 or reducing it from 50 to 45 to see any Incremental changes in the default rate for examples and that that doesn't go well with the spirit of doing MVP Yeah, so so that was mostly it some of my closing thoughts We talked about launching MVPs. I remember you're still solving a problem. You're still building products So anything that you've already learned about product development hypothesis building design still hold true. I Think this discussion was focused mostly on condensing all of that into something you can launch faster into something which will give You the chance to get feedback. So reducing complexity focusing on basics is is what's important But you still have to solve the problem still needs to be worth Solving for and you still need to apply all the basic product building principles So pick the most critical job to be done get the job done even if it's not very pretty skateboard Not a great comparison to a car. It can still get you from point A to point B And obviously once you launch this Measure measure everything monitor everything and then learn from it and keep reading that back So that's it for today. Thank you again for taking the time
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Marietje Schaake (Stanford's Cyber Policy Centre) : The Ripple Effect of Big Tech Regulation
A former Member of the European Parliament and current Director of Policy at Stanford’s Cyber Policy Centre, Marietje Schaake has worked her whole life at the intersection of politics and the tech industry. Having made a name for herself as a vocal advocate of both liberalism and globalisation, she will be sharing her views on how the bulldozing of big tech will impact startups and what upcoming regulations should every founder be aware of.
[ "Helsinki", "Finland", "Startup", "Pitching", "Scaleup", "Technology", "Entrepreneur", "VC", "Investor", "Tech", "Festival", "Event", "Conference", "Nordics", "Scandinavia", "Europe", "Venture Capital", "Innovation", "Growth", "Business", "Slush", "Slush 2021", "Wired UK", "Stanford University" ]
It's great to have you here at Slush today. So you and I talked a few months ago, and since the last time we talked, I mean, and I'm sorry to kind of like start with Facebook, but I think that it is a really interesting kind of conversation to have around it because of the reporting that the Wall Street Journal's done recently and the release of the information that showed that Instagram was well aware of the damaging it was doing to teenagers regarding their mental health. So we're having congressional hearings. We have strong words from politicians in the EU. We have promises from Facebook and others that they will change, but very little has actually changed in the last, you know, ever since we've been having this conversation. So I guess my initial question for you is, why is it so hard for lawmakers to get their arms around this real important challenge of our times? Right, so there's a lot there. And first of all, thanks for having me. It's great to be at Slush for the first time. In some ways, we talk about Facebook too much, I think, because there's a systemic problem with a lack of access to information about what happens inside of companies that could be harmful and how we must understand it as societies, not just as CEOs and engineers. But what we've learned now causes sort of new momentum, particularly in the United States. And I think if we compare the United States Congress and the European lawmakers, there's a world of differences. So if you say that, you know, why is it so hard to come to grips? The EU is actually plowing ahead with, you know, proposing proactive rules on content moderation responsibilities for platforms on more clarity about their role as gatekeepers, so clarifications of competition and antitrust rules, rules around political advertising, artificial intelligence, data governance. So actually a lot is in the pipeline there. I think the big question is, can the US move, particularly as it is so deeply polarized as it is? And what would be your view on that? Is it able to actually sort of really make progress in this area, or is this stuff fairly low priority for the administration? Well, I think there's a political side and then there's the legal side. And so when you look at protecting children, when you look at lying to advertisers, when you look at human trafficking, when you look at all kinds of misleading information or promising and not keeping those promises as a company, I'm pretty sure that the courts could investigate some of the behavior. The SEC, for example, could do an investigation. But then there are also areas where clearly there need to be guidelines. And I think particularly that question of access to information so that we don't have to rely on whistleblowers, on leaks, on incident reporting, but that we can get a more systematic sense of what is working, what is not working, when there are harmful consequences, whether data is processed with respect to rights protections and so on and so forth. It shouldn't be scandal to scandal to scandal, hearing to hearing to hearing. There needs to be a systematic solution which should also lead to more predictability for the companies. And so clearly the era of self-regulation is over. Do you have a view on the Facebook oversight board? Has it been effective in any way? Or is this just window dressing and gives a kind of a heat shield for the executives at the top of the company? Well, so if we conclude that self-regulation hasn't worked and I think that's a safe conclusion to draw by now, then you have to wonder what a Facebook oversight board is going to add. Facebook funded, Facebook selected, but more importantly, a Facebook pipeline of cases that they can deal with and other issues that they cannot deal with. So I have a lot of respect for the people who are on the board. A lot of them are excellent intellectuals and civil society leaders. But I think as a governance construction, it's a distraction of what Congress needs to do, what kind of truly independent oversight is needed. And so whatever you may think of the oversight board, I'm on the sort of counter board which we call the real Facebook oversight board, which is kind of a pun to say that there should be actual independence. But whatever you may think of the oversight board, at least make sure it's not a distraction of democratic legislation and oversight that is desperately needed, not just for Facebook. I mean, YouTube gets away with so much harm and damage without ever being in the headlines. I don't think the CEO of YouTube has ever testified before Congress. So I would much prefer a broader view than it's kind of the flavor of the day right now to go after Facebook too. So you confident that we're now moving into a time when it's not going to be the boardrooms that are deciding what the limits of free speech are but actually legislators, lawmakers? So speech is one aspect and it's immensely important for freedoms, for the rule of law, for all kinds of other rights protections. But it's certainly not the only problem or right that is at stake when we look at the online environment. So what about freedom from discrimination? What about competition? What about public health? When does the amount and the effect of disinformation bleed into a public effect to the extent that people are dying because they believe that the vaccine is the poison instead of the solution? And that kind of trajectory, when it scales, when it goes from a small group of people to a significant percentage of the population, you cannot only focus on the need to protect speech. You cannot only speak of speech when there's data harvested, when there's micro-targeting of ads, when there's data brokered, you know, collected and sold and assembled and repurposed. So I think we've had a little bit of a speech dogmatism, particularly in the United States because of its First Amendment of the Constitution, a very strong tradition, but a lot of the issues and harms with social media are not just speech issues. There are rights issues, there are data governance issues, there are oversight issues, and all of those deserve the same attention. So if we determine that this commercially amplified content is causing damage to society, to individuals, how do we set about drawing the line? Like, at what point do we say, actually, this is damaging society in ways that are not tolerable and are undermining, you know, democratic rule of law and social order? Well, so I think there need to be a couple of baseline provisions that also have to do with manipulation that can be glanced from the platform. So for example, if you have an account uploading an allegation of a crime every three seconds for 72 hours, you can be pretty sure it's not a person. Right. And so besides looking at what is posted, you can look at who is posting it and the kind of behavior. So for example, pattern recognition or, you know, the creation of, I don't know, 5,000 accounts within 48 hours from a specific district must be suspicious. So I think there can be enforcement of platform-made rules about what authenticity of accounts might mean, what kind of behavior is tolerated. But then we also truly need to understand better what the business models do as an effect, what machine learning may cause as intended and unintended consequences. Because, you know, what strikes me is that we often hear these promises by the platform companies. For example, they, after 14 years, Facebook said we're not gonna allow Holocaust denial anymore. Long overdue, but at last it happened. Even after that commitment was made, Holocaust denial content would pop up over and over and over again. On Amazon two weeks ago, the top one recommendation was an anti-vaxxer book. How is this possible in the middle of a global pandemic? I can't answer that. You know, I don't have the full view. My colleagues at Stanford don't have the full view. But the fact that we need independent research to understand what is happening, whether promises are kept, and what could be the unintended consequences is essential. And only then I think we can make better decisions about what needs to happen next. So that's a great question. There's still kind of, you know, the black box. We don't know what's inside it. Like how do we get to a point where civil society, where journalists, watchdogs, researchers, academics get access to this. Because we hear from, you know, people in technology companies constantly, oh, politicians and these kinds of people, they don't understand technology. They don't understand what we do whilst at the same time not giving access. Clearly there's intention there. But I guess the question is like, how do we ensure that, you know, actors on behalf of civil society understand what is actually going on with some of these algorithms? Yeah, so I think we need provisions, mandates for access to information that may differ. So, you know, the non-discrimination watchdog, the antitrust regulator, they need a different kind of level of access to information. Already the competition watchdog can probe information, emails going years back. You know, they have a mandate to ask that. If you knock on the door as a journalist, forget about it. I mean, they would never hand it over voluntarily for members of parliament. I think it would be the same unless they may have to be forced to testify under oath. But, you know, this kind of access to information for regulators is unique, even if journalists and civil society and citizens also deserve to be able to scrutinize the kinds of services that, you know, are impacting society, are impacting their lives, the lives of their children, and so on. So I think it will be a matter of access to information guarantees, you know, with specific sort of levels and purposes. But certainly that's necessary. But I also don't want to give the impression that there's nothing that can be done now. You know, looking at the amount of cases of antitrust investigations, it shows that there are real concerns about lying, about mergers and acquisitions and bundling data, about other kinds of promises made and practices engaged in when it came to company behavior. So not only will we see a wave of regulatory initiatives, we will also see a wave of court cases playing out. I wanted to ask you about antitrust. Do you think that the laws that we have in place right now, are they fit for purpose? Do they really work when it comes to digital economies? I think they need a new interpretation and ideally a speedier process. Because, you know, for good reasons, companies can also appeal rulings. You know, companies have rights protections too. But these processes can be dragged out for so long that the effect of a sanction or a ruling can almost be, you know, foregone. You know, if there is an allegation that impacts the market today, but we will only find out in seven years whether there is going to be a punishment, then the company's hurt will have been bankrupt, you know, for decades. The founders will have already moved on and done new projects. So it needs to be faster. And there's obviously a challenge with which kinds of sanctions bite. I mean, a couple of billion dollars is an astonishing amount, but it's not when you actually make exponentially that. So it needs to be proportionate so that it actually has an effect, a deterring effect. And then there are questions about how to measure harm. So traditionally in antitrust, one of the big yardsticks was price. Right. So how does a consumer pay too much? And now some of the services are free, but you pay with data. So how to take account of that sort of cost or payment? I think are areas where there needs to be a clarification. There are other areas. If you look at Lina Khan, the lead of the Federal Trade Commission in the United States, she is actually alleging that excessive market power doesn't only have economic effects, but also societal effects. So I think there will be a big discussion and question of whether antitrust rules can be stretched to cover all those goals, or whether it's also legitimate to say, look, if democracy is under pressure, we're gonna go for measures that target those harms specifically. We're not gonna hope that market instruments like antitrust, which serve a very important purpose of keeping competition fair, but we cannot simply hope that the side effect of fair competition will be a better democracy. Sure. So I'd like to move on from Big Tech just for a moment, because I've read a piece you wrote in the FT, I think last month or the month before, about spyware. So we've seen the EU tighten these rules around export of surveillance technology, following the revelations about the NSF, Pegasus software. Do you think that we now need to get in place some kind of agreement between democratic states that goes further and actually brings into play surveillance technology, facial recognition technology, and that we need to have this kind of like, almost like a global agreement put in place? Well, absolutely. So the rules around spyware are a starting point, but they're actually a starting point but they're actually not comprehensive enough. For example, EU member states can still use spyware that they import, and there's no rulings about that, even though you really have to ask yourself, when Victor Orban is spying on journalists with Israeli-made software, there should be consequences. And so I think there's a number of areas, you mentioned them, facial recognition, some other technologies that basically have either disproportionate harms on human rights. I mean, spyware is sold as a counter-terrorism tool but it's used much more widely and I think the question is, is it proportionate to the stated goal? Is the proliferation, so the spreading across the world of these systems, not too much of a danger to legitimize the use in the United States or maybe even Finland, who knows, right? And so I think it is time for democratic countries to come together and say, this is where we draw a line, this is where we think technology harms democracy, fundamental values and human rights, and we are going to together create a critical mass and have rules around these systems, which will certainly not ban them everywhere, but it will begin to put more credibility on the side of democratic governments to say we are not going to engage in mass surveillance, we are not going to have social credit scoring systems, we are not going to hack the phones of our journalists because we actually stand for press freedom, for freedom of expression, for the right to privacy, whether it's online or offline. Another technology, and we're here at Slush, that a lot of entrepreneurs are working in the space of crypto at the moment, we've seen governments act way too late on the harms that social media companies have, the way the social media companies and misinformation has played out, how do you think we can avoid making that mistake with digital currencies, with crypto? Like how can we put in place rules that kind of create, you know, prevent harms from occurring? Well I'm smiling because I so vividly remember the days when I was still in the European Parliament and when the concerns about money laundering through crypto currencies were first sort of surfacing. And of course the question came, should we regulate? And then so many investors, founders, tech experts said, no, no, no, no, no, if you're going to regulate now, you will stifle innovation, which is always the magic sentence to oppose any regulatory intervention. And so actually, the EU has deliberately decided to hold off on regulations and also to make sure that, for example, an effort to prevent money laundering, which I think is legitimate and needed, but does not actually impede other uses of blockchain technologies, which have nothing to do with financial services or money laundering or whatever, can still be growing and experimented with. You know, fast forward to where we are today, there will be a sort of showdown between regulators, central banks and crypto companies. I have no doubt about it because, for example, I learned this week that 25% of young people in the Netherlands invest in crypto, you know, and invest slash speculate. It's a huge number, a huge risk. And so I think states will be more and more concerned of having a grip on their monetary policy of being able to manage risk because, you know, if it's a bubble that ends up bursting, the cost will spread across society. People will lose their savings. There will be possibly panic. There will be ripple effects. So I think it's to be expected that there would be guardrails put in place. Yeah. If people complain it's too late now, they can learn the lessons of, you know, being pushed against regulation when it was still early. Sure. Well, I mean, obviously the Netherlands being the place where the original speculative bubble happened with the two bit bulbs. Right. So just thinking about this and thinking the way that, you know, crypto could potentially move markets. It could have really, really significant effects on whether it's currencies or whatever. And technology now, technology companies are global actors. You know, we have, you know, kinds of situations with various EU countries, the US, the UK, not allowing sort of like Chinese companies maybe to be part of their critical infrastructure. How do you think about, how do you think that technology is going to play a role in geopolitics moving forward? Like how important do you think this is that we establish kind of like very clear norms and guidelines that, you know, are the international standards that everyone can kind of follow the rules so we know, you know, we know how to protect especially to like democratic institutions and democratic norms. Well, I think the moment where technology companies play a geopolitical role is already upon us. It is not the future, it is the present. Because we've seen a huge amount of outsourcing to companies to not only build critical digital infrastructure but to defend it. And now part of defence is also offence, especially in the United States has, you know, declared the practice. And so you can see that a number of tasks and responsibilities and roles that were historically squarely in the hands of the democratic state are now entirely or partially outsourced to companies. And I think concerns about that balance will grow and that there will be a rebalancing. But there's also a question mark. For example, if you look at the relationship between the state, the Communist Party in China and companies there, the question of how much autonomy will big, huge tech companies have and take in either adhering to rules or trying to circumvent them. So for example, a lot of US tech companies are on the one hand vying for government contracts, right? Very lucrative context, Department of Defence otherwise, but on the other hand, they have market interests in China or they have supply chains in China. And so will there be a moment where a choice has to be made, where the two cannot go hand in hand, you know, and will companies decide to stick with the democratic government that's their home turf or will they seek to maximize profit like the spyware industry has, completely devoid of any declarations of values, norms and principles. And so I think the power of some of these geopolitically relevant tech companies is already such that they may opt to sort of go it alone and drift further apart from the states of the countries where they were once founded. And of course the other area that is much discussed at the moment is how we implement ethical, artificial intelligence. How do you think about that? I mean, we've got three minutes left. Okay, great. I'm not expecting you to solve it, but what are the kind of like the top-line thoughts on how we approach that? So ethics is such an interesting phenomenon because it sounds so fantastic. And I think everyone in every process can use some ethics. You know, it's good to think about ethics at school, ethics in healthcare, ethics around how we deal with each other now in the COVID pandemic, but at the end of the day, ethics is a soft, debatable philosophical concept. I would encourage everybody to read the AI ethics guidelines of China. Just, you know, read them, and they will sound very accessible, almost similar to what may come out of ethics guidelines of the EU or civil society consortium or what have you. But the question is how can they be enforced and what real change will they ensure? And so I think ethics in that sense will not be enough because often they seem to be declarations of good intentions. Sometimes they are used as a PR exercise, and so I think you need hard backstops and more serious and forcible oversight over AI enabled processes just like we would with many other technologies used to achieve something. There seems to be, and this is a broader comment than just AI, but a sort of expectation that the use of technologies should somehow be free of oversight and regulation. And there has been a window where there's been relatively little, but that window will close and just like many other industries, transportation, automotive, chemicals, you know, there are risks and there are opportunities and it's important that there's also safeguarding of the public interest of people's rights, of public safety. And we've reached that point now with technology and I think with AI particularly, there are new challenges of how to understand the processing of data, how to assess the risk coming from unintended and unforeseen consequences and where should that risk play out? Can you just see what happens in society or should there be more research in a sort of guarded environment, draw lessons only then to decide how to move forward? So AI presents new questions already, new harms, right, of bias, of sort of unintended consequences compared to what it was designed for, but oversight will come, there's no question. Well, that's probably a great place to end on. Oversight will come, no question. What's going to be interesting is, you know, since the last time we talked so much has happened, you know, in Australia and elsewhere. So I'm fascinated to see what the next six months will bring in terms of regulation and the way that we really stop addressing some of these systemic challenges that you outlined at the beginning. So Marisa, thank you so much for your time. Have you here at Slush? Thank you so much.
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What is Lupus? | Autoimmune Disease | Lupus reatment - Dr Yogesh Preet Singh | Manipal Hospitals.
Lupus is basically classified as an autoimmune disease. The immune system basically protects the body from threats such as bacterial or viral infections. Lupus occurs when the system becomes hyperactive and goes on to attack the rest of the body. Healthy tissues are attacked leading to the disease. Manipal Hospitals is one of the leading healthcare brands in India. We are invested in the health and well-being of our community and frequently post informational videos on our channel in order to create awareness. Subscribe to our channel at Rheumatology: Rheumatological diseases are one of the most common disorders in the community affecting about one-third of the adult population. These include a spectrum of disorders ranging from soft tissue rheumatism to arthritis that affects the joints, muscles, and bones. Manipal Hospitals' Rheumatology Department offers complete assessment and management for a wide range of rheumatic problems. The team of world-renowned rheumatologists has immense experience in diagnosing and treating the various musculoskeletal disease, and systemic autoimmune conditions referred to as rheumatic diseases. Manipal Hospitals Bangalore is ranked one of the nation's top hospitals, and its Rheumatology practice is the most comprehensive in the country. Manipal Hospitals' rheumatologists are constantly pushing the limits and seeking novel methods to improve diagnosis and therapies for patients with rheumatic disorders through their research and collaborating with researchers worldwide. Hence Manipal is regarded as the Best Rheumatology Hospital in Bangalore. Know more: Visit our website: Visit our Rheumatology doctors: Visit for Rheumatology Department: Contact us @ Get Connected Here: ================== Facebook: Twitter: Pinterest: Linkedin: Instagram: Foursquare: Alexa: Blog:
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Hi, I am Dr. Yogesh Singh. I work as a consultant dermatologist at Manipal Hospital, Bangalore. Lupus needs long-term treatment. The treatment of lupus depends on the organ system involvement and also on severity of the disease. Though there is no cure for lupus with current treatment options, it is possible to have excellent control of the symptoms, excellent control of the disease, allowing patients with lupus to lead a normal or near-normal life. The medications for lupus include analgesics or painkillers in common language, glucocorticoids or steroids in common language, hydroxychloroquine sulfate, microfenylate mofetil, isothioprine, cyclosporine, tachyrolemus, rituximab, cyclophosphamide.
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A Miracle or Misunderstanding, ArtsLink Assembly 2020: Radical Hospitality
The ArtsLink Assembly convenes artists, thinkers, organizations, and activists to explore resilience and thriving strategies for art and artists in the (post)-pandemic world in a series of online events and discussions livestreaming on the global, commons-based peer produced HowlRound TV network at Thursday and Fridays, 15 October to 13 November 2020. This year, we focus on the current need to re-imagine how we connect with and support our fellow citizens across neighborhoods, countries, and continents. The upheavals of the pandemic have brought this need to the fore. How can artists help us to think and act beyond walls and borders? What actions can we take individually and collectively, nationally and transnationally to welcome and support each other? What can radical hospitality look like and how do we practice and promote it? See more:
[ "theatre", "commons", "commons-based peer production" ]
Okay, I guess we'll start. Welcome to day two of the Art Prospect Festival and the Arts Link Assembly. I'm Susan Katz, Program Director of CC Arts Link and I'm based in St. Petersburg, Russia. The Art Prospect Festival has taken place for the first time this year on site and online in 23 cities in 13 countries with projects by over 50 artists. We hope that you'll take a look at the projects both online and in person over the next three days. You can find the full festival program at Today's discussion focuses on social practice art in 10 post-Soviet countries. Last year we commissioned and published a major survey of the work of social practice artists in the Art Prospect Network countries, which you can download in English or Russian from the CC Arts Link website. We're delighted the curator and theorist, Viktor Miziano, will facilitate this conversation, looking at social practice in these countries in the light of the pandemic, political chaos, and the disturbing outbreak of regional complex. If you have any questions during the conversation, please type your questions into the question and answer box at the bottom of the screen. Also, the conversation will be taking place in English and Russian and you can choose which language you would like to listen to at the bottom of the screen. So I'll turn it over now to Viktor. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Susan. Thank you for delivering me such an honorary remission to moderate this discussion. And before to write an introduction to the wonderful book you build up, and thank you for inviting such a wonderful bouquet of people with whom we have to discuss today. Welcome to everybody. We'll switch into Russian then, since the majority of the participants of today's discussion would feel probably more natural. That will react in English, but as far as I understand, he'll be listening to us in Russian and participate in the discussion in Russian. So he's comfortable with the language as well. Fine. We've been discussing with Susan for quite a while. How do we build up today's discussion? The publication is amazing. I mean, it's the first book, the first publication that has put together this post-Soviet experience from a non-made stream angle. I'm talking about social involvement art, socially engaged art, socially engaged practices, and this is how we're going to call it today. And while talking about it, Susan and I decided that the book has really happened. It describes events of the period until 2018. So while the book was being prepared, while the texts were written, of course they couldn't cover the last two years, because I mean, two years for our region, especially the last couple of months, is a long period of time. A lot has happened over this time, both in our societies and in art and a lot of turning points. We could see a lot of turning points in the lives of the people who are representing the scene of this post-Soviet environment. It used to be called post-Soviet environment, but I guess now we don't really have the grounds to use this term, but we all understand what areas, what territories are we talking about. So we realized that we should probably discuss, in our discussion, probably use our latest days experience. Of course, I mean, the focus of our attention should be connected to the book and would keep this experience of socially engaged art in mind. In the letter that I wrote to you a couple of days ago, I sent you a letter and my first question, the first question I suggested we should discuss today, was inspired by a talk I had with Antonina Stepur. Anna knows her very well and Anna has mentioned her in her text. And some of you might also know her. She's a wonderful young poet and critic. And this talk was motivated by her text that is going to be published in a magazine where I'm an editor. And this text describes an experience of socially engaged art. And she mentioned that the situation in Minsk among Minsk artists who are now really engaged in this social and political process in the country. There's somehow at a loss. And I mean their art, they feel their art powerless facing those events. And these events, the element of these events is larger, the inventive powers, the strategies that members of this protest create to make their protest gestures and their protest actions more efficient. And the measures, the tools they use are very artistic, very artistically expressive. And the artists are the artists are lagging behind political activists. And there are hundreds of thousands of political activists there. I guess Jevo has probably gone through a similar experience when Yerevan was facing similar protests. And maybe the events that are happening now in Armenia with artists confronted by a war. A war that includes, that penetrates your everyday world might be a very interesting experience. I'm also familiar with a similar experience. Those of you who remember 1990s, the first decade after the Soviet Union collapsed when everything was happening so fast. And the reality after a very long static stagnation period, the reality became so performative, so fast changing that the artistic world felt helpless, confronted by a very artistic reality. I remember that I was editing a book that is being published in English and I realized I was writing about exactly the same thing in the 1990s. The art was feeling powerless, was feeling weak facing this powerful reality. The reality was more expressive than the art that was created, is created during such periods. So I'm referring to social and political experience, but I also refer to socially engaged art experience. What does this experience mean? Does it mean that socially engaged art has its own limits? Maybe there are limits that exceed its capabilities? Because an artist who is not socially engaged, who is autonomous, an artist that exists, who works in autonomous art, despite all historical obstacles, this artist is able to manifest something politically, is able to go to the frontline, but as a citizen. As a person, and the art that this person is creating, it will be different, and there won't be any conflict. And hence the question, what are we dealing here with? Are we talking about the limits, limitations of socially engaged art, or am I wrong? This is something I want to hear from you, maybe something you've noticed, something you've experienced. Since Minsk made me think about it, maybe Anna could start. Good evening. Thank you very much for this wonderful introduction. To be honest, it is very complex, and all of us, and now I'm not only talking about the art community, I'm talking about hundreds of thousands of people. We are now facing a situation we were never prepared for. We understand that for the last 26 years in my country, we were enduring very tough conditions, but what's been going on over the past two and a half months in our country is on one hand something that makes us very happy, because it's been for the first time we can be talking about a nation being formed, a civil society being formed, and this grassroots movement, and a peaceful protest. If we're talking about the art community and what's happening in art community, we're facing this global challenge on one hand. In mid-August, it became obvious that we need to make statements, we need to reflect on what's going on together with our colleagues and artists. On the other hand, we had a very clear understanding that people are not... The place where people should be is not a white cube, it's not a gallery, people should go outside into public spaces, and we've been discussing it with artists, with curators, how creative community, how artists could be useful, not only in terms of helping each other, but also we shouldn't forget about the pandemic, which also affects what has complicated our life. So we decided, while discussing it, we decided, realized we cannot influence artists' activities. A lot of artists, apart from being citizens, they also did various action practices in the streets. Well, the limit we saw, our limitations, they have to do with gallery space. We gave our galleries, our galleries became a space of communal creative process. We together with our artists, we put up a number of paintings, a number of spaces to make drafts. We had a lot of people joining us, and the space of joint experience, of joint creative experience, experiencing new reality in Belarus, a space where people could exchange opinions, and it could have become a place of collective joint meditation, but we had to wrap up for other reasons. We are now talking, and one of the main partners of the gallery is now in prison, and he's been in prison for a month and a half. So we have entered a totally different reality, and none of us have been prepared for it. We never knew it. Speaking of limitations and remembering the book, everything has really changed since the time I've been writing for the book. I remember writing how difficult it is to bring people in, to engage people, to solve some social problems, some social challenges, or to create something together or create local communities. And we faced a lot of challenges, how to make those projects open and accessible and understood by people. Now we are facing a unique situation when we have district chats, we have districts and groups creating their own symbols, holding concerts and meetings. And I'm very happy to see a situation where people are the leaders, there are no co-ordinates, there are no artists who would suggest an agenda, or the ideas are generated in a joint discussion. And speaking of limitations, it's not easy to speak about limits. Over the past two months we are living in a country with no limits, whatever you make of it. And we don't know if there is a bottom to it, I mean if we are falling down and speaking of limits as a gallery owner and a manager and a citizen, I have to face these challenges every day. So I don't know if there are any limits. Well, thank you Anna. Listening to you I remembered the Moscow protests of 2011-2012. And I remember how some socially engaged artists act during those huge rallies in Moscow. These artists decided not to conduct their own projects, but being surrounded by those thousands of people, they started to have workshops, teaching people how do you make, how do you work with words, how do you work with slogans, how do you put up a slogan. So they somehow decided to hand over their creative force, make it serve the people, make it serve the masses. Those thousands and thousands of people, they taught people how to make propaganda stuff. And I think it's a good illustration to the issue we're talking about. I've mentioned Yeva as well in my first question. Maybe Yeva could share her own experiences. I'm sorry, I forgot to unmute myself. I'm very happy to see everyone, to see and hear everyone. And it's a pity that we're meeting under such circumstances. But on the other hand, we can exchange opinions and thoughts. And that could be useful. Victor mentioned 1990s. I probably want to address that period and maybe compare. In 1990s we also had a war. Before we had an earthquake and we had earthquake, perestroika and a war that lasted four years. And when I'm comparing, an artist used to be very active. They were very active. And the first big exhibitions, we had them then. And this 90s generation emerged. And I'm trying to understand and to compare. And the reason why some artists started to loss is this enormous information flow we are receiving through the internet. During the previous war, we knew there was a war going on, but it was, you know, abstract in a way. Now we know all the details. We keep watching everything. We know everything that's going on. So getting this information flow every day, you cannot abstract yourself from this flow and focus on art. It's not easy during this pandemic, which also, you know, came suddenly. This pandemic gave us a choice to create some kind of space and we could focus on what we're doing. We didn't have to rush around. We didn't have to, you know, have meetings every day, conferences, exhibitions. You suddenly had this time and it's a plus. It's a positive side of this pandemic. You can do something useful. You can read. You can research. So you can, you know, do your creative work. But during a war, this is impossible because you're all focused. You're all concentrated on the events that are happening. I would also like to draw an example of Yerevan being biennial. We launched it in May and this biennial was created during this break, this short break, when artists got this short term opportunity and initiate biennial. Well, Victor, you know that this idea has been discussed for years and we've tried to organize it and some institutions were also part of it, but it never came to life. It was never actually launched. But all of a sudden, during the pandemic, the artists finally decided to put it together with no institutions, with no financial support. We put together this biennial and it's a collective action. It's still going on. And regardless of the fact we had this online regime, this online setting, we decided to launch this biennial in a studio, in a gallery. And of course, I mean, people came. They would be careful about their behavior and, you know, have masks and everything. Socially engaged art in our region has always been relevant. We can talk about, I don't know whether we can talk about limits or not, but it always manifests itself this way or another. We're living in a very unstable area and this instability, on the other hand, always brings in new opportunities, introduces new opportunities. And I don't think limitations is something we should be talking about here or whether they start. And in your introduction, you're also talking about these things coming into our lives. Today we now experience that life and art are one and the same. And I don't think it would be easy to separate one from another. Thank you very much. Thank you, Eva. This ideal of life being inseparable from art, I think it penetrates the avant-garde period and it has always been seen as an ideal that cannot be reached. But now in the 21st century we see this ideal being realized in life and we don't even know whether we should be happy about it or whether we should be mourning it. Any other ideas or maybe you would like to contradict something that has been said. Maybe I'll try. Can you hear me? Oh, cool. Thank you. Thank you for inviting us. And I would like to say something short, because as you can see, I've always had this problem that I feel that artistic activity is too weak. And in general, it's not pleasant. There is such a common criticism from other activists that they say, what are you doing with your nonsense? There are real things. And therefore, I always felt my weakness and art in my position. And it seemed to me that in some paradoxical way, even despite the fact that our activity may not be noticeable and have no social resonance, although our activity is not, might not be, we know. We construct new worlds, we start to work with the working of new worlds. It may sound funny, but in some paradoxical way, it may at some point become important. And this might become very important at a certain moment in time. And today, we are not always able to assess or to evaluate how it is that they work in. Yes, there was a meeting, I just asked this question. And you know, they said that they don't feel useless in this situation. Among the answers, there were such points, for example, as the inclusion of some international networks. Because this is an art, but very international. And through a national network, you can achieve a lot of resonance and a lot of support from the international community, including from international communities and institutions. Well, besides, they talked a little bit about the fact that there are different levels of temporality. There is what you need to do here and now, and the fact that it has happened here and there. It's not artistic. Well, some kind of art that didn't have this activity, it still has the horizon of today's events. And what is happening now comes from the current moment. While there is also temporality, more distant and less obvious opinions in which artists can think and draw new horizons, which may not be today, but tomorrow will be demanded. And besides that, there is a question that we think that social-related artists make some social projects, but when the whole society suddenly mobilizes for the creation of a super-collective project, a revolution or something, it seems that artists took away from it this prerogative of being a leader or an author or an initiator of this project. But in my opinion, it's great if this initiative leaves the artist and goes to, for example, a collective, a yard or a street. And you don't need to think that, well, now I don't need to be, I need to think that no, I will also join. And my competencies, because in this situation, in general mobilization, different competencies are required. And at some point they can also be required on the street. In this, for example, in this wonderful example that you, Victor, translated our operatives. So it seems to me that it's, in general, well, that's it. I'm very curious to this wonderful example of slogans. That you have mentioned. Thank you, my dear. I think it was, it was very, very to the point and it takes me further on. Maybe Data wants to add something. Go ahead. I think I'm just going to continue this previous point and just add something that I think is very important when we talk about socially engaged art or community-based art or whichever terms we use. It's not a place to discuss it right now, but, and I'm not talking, of course, about like, in context where you, what Eva was referring to, where, you know, like it's other things become actual. But what I think is a lot of times, and it's in a way a paradox too, since we're talking about a lot of paradoxes and the publication too, is that a lot of times people, the question itself, like it's formulated, even like this, or the question, we're asked, so what does this change? Like the change from the artwork, from the project is expected right away, which is not a fair thing to ask. Which all the things that, you know, we are addressing that we are working on are of course those that bother us and we want them to change and to become better. But I don't think that it is, yeah, we can't really look at what it changes right away. We need a little bit of time and we need a little bit of distance and this is what connects to the previous point, I think, is that then, you know, like we consider art and artists and curators and people engaged in this kind of practice is to be part of the society of doing things together. And then, you know, like we play and we play a little role in this big mosaic of things that are happening, but this is kind of like expectation that the artwork is dealing with certain topic, which most of the time is very problematical and complex and rooted in a lot of things, to think that, you know, what change we will see right after the project ends is just, yeah, I think this is not the right perspective to look at these things. Thank you very much. Thank you very much that I think it was a very important point you made. Well, as I have written to you in my letter, I wanted to discuss another issue. An issue of a work of art, what and how could we define a work, or as we now call it a practice, like social science experts do, how do we define it today? Does it recognize itself as a work of art? To what extent can we call a person that is performing this practice? To what extent can we call him or her an artist with this traditional view of an artist that we used to have for the image of an artist we had when we were trained or educated? And I also wanted to emphasize that the Minsk protests today, they don't have leaders, and it's a leaderless protest. We know certain circumstances that created this situation, but it's not only about those circumstances, art without an author. This is something we in our artistic world have talked about a lot, and this socially engaged activist art has always been manifestly promoting this art without an artist. This is something that artists have witnessed in their professional experience. It was a symptom to a large extent. We are probably shifting towards a new world, a new social-political situation, where leadership that used to be a habitual thing, and this leadership has been deconstructed and is reduced. I'll be cautious in saying that it is being reduced to a minimum, and hence my question, and this is something that Ruth has already mentioned, and that has also prompted me to turn our discussion into this direction. What is a work of socially engaged and activist art? What kind of authorship can we talk about? What kind of authorship has emerged as a result of this practice? How could we describe this artistic subjectivity that realizes itself in this practice? How does it refer to the traditional or even modern or contemporary circumstances? How does it relate to the definitive categories, categories definitive for the artistic process? Temporality has been mentioned. I'm going slightly further and maybe would like to introduce this argument that brings us closer to the answer to this question. I'm often asked for a comment. They often ask me for a comment. I'm in media. When public opinion sees or witnesses some very colorful actions and they ask me to comment whether it is a work of art or not. However, these gestures are often performed by someone who is not yet established in this artistic scene, in this artistic world. I'm talking about Pussy Riot. I'm talking about Pavlensky. These people have gained huge media support and in such cases I always feel too temporality. I cannot tell you right now because this is a single event that has not yet become a part of an artistic biography of this artistic or creative subject. I cannot tell you right now whether it is political activism, which is very artistic or is it something done by an artist. We have to wait and see what this person does next and we need to understand how this action becomes part of an artist's biography. Only then this system of actions that organizes this person's creative being gains temporality, biographical temporality. And us critics, art theorists, the artist's contemporaries or followers might talk or might say whether we are dealing with an author, with an artist, whether we are dealing with a work of art. As part of the artist's biography and to what extent these very actions or a number of actions can be viewed as works of art. I'm giving the word to you, my dear panelists, who wants to say something. Maria, we haven't heard from you. Maybe you could say something. Yes, I can say something a little bit ahead. This might be an answer to your fourth question, which you have written to me. How do you sense that we are now thinking about how do we see today whether it has been written. And this question about authorship is very interesting, because in Kazakhstan there are also a few cases in which we have a couple of cases that are far out as artists and artists, and just as citizens of their country. After we had the Prime Minister, we also had a few powerful protests, and there was a famous slogan that said, if you don't run away from truth, and it seemed to me, well, this slogan was written during the marathon, and it had a very big resonance, because it became a symbol of the Kazakh spring, the Kazakh spring. And this slogan was invented as we know by artists and activists, but the authorship was not announced, because some of the people who turned this slogan were arrested. And I think, on the one hand, the artist has his own identity, and he can decide for himself how much of his work he wants to do, and he wants to postulate and be proud of his work, and on the other hand, there is a question of security, and how much security he has from the fact that his work has an author. In our realities, in Kazakhstan, I think in Minsk, in Armenia, everything is a little different, but in Kazakh realities, this authorship is a kind of tension with some kind of danger, which threatens the artist as an author, as some kind of danger, some kind of manifestation, some kind of manifest statement. But as far as I know, in Minsk, now, artists are organizing different workshops and lectures which somehow attract people and unite them. So, well, that's my opinion. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, I get it. Maybe somebody could tune in and speak about authorship. Yeah, I think, like, what is important and interesting for me here is that, I mean, no matter what we're talking as much, you know, the author is not present and this kind of things, it's a certain framework or initiative of this kind of project, it always comes from an author, you know, an artist, curator, a collective, a group of people, et cetera, et cetera, right? And today we see even more connection of, you know, people from the arts in and from other spheres that want to collaborate on this. But what I think is important and there's been a lot of discussion already for decades, maybe, for the character of this kind of project. And a lot of times, you know, this, the problem that has been mentioned a few times, I think, is the openness or the process-based character of this kind of works. And I think, like, maybe like I come from the background of anthropology, so I look at it maybe also a little bit differently. But what is vital in this case is that when you start this, of course, we don't know exactly what is going to be, how it's going to continue. If we knew it would have been a very different type of work and probably we wouldn't even start in the first place. But it's, and I understand it might be connected with a lot of things such as funding or, you know, certain timeframes that we need to follow, et cetera. But I think this openness and the possibility of, you know, things changing over process is very important to consider, at least in, broadly speaking, socially engaged art practices that we're talking about. Because then, you know, like, we're able, then we're able to maybe step down a little bit. But like, and maybe that's when we disappear, so to say, as authors or like artists disappear or, you know, whoever's initiating it, let's say like this. But, you know, then I think I see this possibility of, you know, things changing if we follow the process. And it's not an easy process. It's very hard. And I've struggled with it myself. And but I think this is important to consider that, like, there is an author. I mean, there is a certain initiative, you know, where it's all coming from. And to say that there is no author at all. It's just, I think, like, we should acknowledge where it comes from. But like, we should be able to see where it goes and integrate as much as possible from the way and listen to others and change our, you know, perception in mind. And I know, again, this sounds very utopian and very broad and general. But I think, like, as an approach, this is more fair to do in this kind of things. And then if we apply this to other things, such as, you know, like protests and artists' involvement in it, maybe then there is more possibilities of collaboration between if we divide activists and artists, which often has been the case. And then, but again, I'm speaking about when this is possible and what kind of protest we're talking about. There could be very different contexts. A lot of times, there's been like, and this was also mentioned before, that, you know, like, oh, your artistic thing, or like, you are activists, and then we see division even within sometimes that, you know, people working on a certain topic, and there's like always this argument that this topic is more important than this topic, but it all of course depends on, you know, like, who is speaking about this, and I don't think, you know, like, I think there's more possibilities of merging if we have this open interpretative or, you know, process-based approach from the beginning. That's what I wanted to add about the authorship note that we were discussing. Yes, I totally agree, and I do agree. Both the authorship and the work of art cannot be reduced to a zero. They do not disappear. In the process, certain subjects, certain persons are able to let it go through them. We know that a subject is relational. We know that every subjectivity exists where various subjectiveness meets. And on the crossroads of the actions coming from other subjects, we know it from the experience of cultural theory of the last several decades. But of course, we have figures, we have subjects, we have events that possess certain specific referent meaning. And another point I wanted to make, that to a large extent, when we're trying to distance ourselves from the idea of an over of a work of art, and we use the word work instead of over, I mean, we see it both in English and in other languages, I think that it is to a large extent an attempt to distance ourselves from an official market representative institutional system of art that need mega figures created and constructed or mega works of art. That circulate on a media market, functioning this system of art, this art system. But in this new dimension, both authorship and the work of art does remain. And this is something we exist for in this artistic world. Anna, Eva, anything Anna or Eva would like to say, it would be great to hear you. Anna, I think you've been ready to say something. One of the arguments that was mentioned in the text is a process of how we work and my colleagues have mentioned about collaboration between activists and artists and representatives of NGOs. There's this demand and necessity coming from the civil society. I mean, activist groups, or people who pre represent various movements like people who represent fundamental movements or human rights movements. Addressing the address art artists community for a piece of advice, how to make the message more targeted. Over the past few months, we have, we had meetings with our colleagues from NGOs. And I, we've been discussing, you know, the place of an artist, whether an artist is excluded from life and whether maybe these, these works of art are not that important now. And I can tell you that in our Belarus situation, they become even more important, I guess. And I'm glad that the authorship formats are now not the main issue we're discussing. I wanted to tell you about, tell you about a cultural protest or cult protest project that unites artists from Belarus and from abroad. It's a platform and everybody wants, can download a piece of protest art. And eventually become an author of this work, make it into a poster and place it in some public space. And even the author's name on this website, it somehow goes into a shade. I mean, the shadow, it disappears. And it's very important in terms of safety. It is a challenge. And like my, my every day, my workday or my, my weekend begins with a piece of news. Somebody has been detained, you know, for a day or for a week. The best people in our country are now being detained. And they're spending their 10 or 15 days in prison. And it's an endless flow. It's, it keeps going on. And authorship, I don't think it's a burning issue now. Many of us have seen this story of the three women leaders of this protest movement. They were heads of three of the election headquarters. And they were showing symbols and they were showing three symbols, victory, heart and fight. So visualizing comes from a Belarusian artist who became a symbol of resistance in today's Belarus. And we have many similar examples. So I think that in global political and social turmoil, authorship is the last thing an artist would remind everybody of. We have different values at stake. Yevha, would you like to add something? Our friends have mentioned the things I could have mentioned as well. The way you asked the question, it is as if you're asking whether these works of art can be part of an anthology or, you know, annals of art. But a lot of artists today are not really eager to have their works. Of course we have this neoliberal reality where we have career artists and curators. I'm not trying to offend anyone. Well, this is their way of life. This is something they want. They want to be part of this anthology. But there's a different reality. And there are people who are not after it. And in this case it becomes less important. Authorship becomes less important. You start thinking of creating things in a collective. You become part of the society, of a community. You forget that you're an artist. You're a citizen of your country and you're doing whatever you can together with other people, simultaneously with other people. And I think this anthology issue is not relevant in the situations we find ourselves in today. Yes, I understand you very well. And I understand that you feel it very acutely. Maybe you don't always realize it, but this is what I have noticed. That when we change temporality, when we both the work of art and an artist become conceptualized or become part of an anthology, as you have said, this is at least how I see it. Well, another story that I find very important in terms of this current historical period and what has become important over the past few years. Maria and Ruth are now in Vienna. And from what Maria has said, I have understood, I think, why they're in Vienna now. I know that if I have to give an example, giving a Belarusian example, Barysyonok Olga Sosnovskaya, an amazing, amazing defendants of the Minsk artistic charges and hearings. There's somewhere next to Maria and Ruth. I'm not talking from Moscow with you either. So migration moving around is a normal thing, is a regular thing. It is one of the most obvious features of our today's neoliberal era, this enhanced migration. And sometimes it has some reasons behind it that make people oof despite their own wish. So the circumstances make people leave their habitat, they make them move to other places and we know a lot of examples. Hence the question, how does it influence a situation in our countries, in our contexts, how does it influence our local situation? If we're focusing on socially engaged art, it is per definition rooted in context. It lives from context, it feeds from context. It is a situational reaction to context. If you don't feel the context, you can't make a precise move or a gesture, because this gesture is always contextual. We know a lot of examples when people were uprooted, found themselves in the new context. And again, we might be talking about very talented, very experienced authors, experienced activists of an art scene, but finding themselves in a new context, not feeling it and acting too fast. And we know a number of artists who came to a new context and wanted to perform some gestures, repeating their habitual gestures and they realized that their gestures, their moves were not as precise as they were. This new context gives a different reading. They expect a different intonation, a different formula, a different gesture from an artist. And this is where my question comes. How do we act in this situation? How do we keep this socially engaged art effective? How do we keep in touch with the context when no longer in, when you're forced to keep a spatial distance from your context? And how do you find yourself in a new context and whether it is needed at all? Data is a cultural anthropologist and he might give us a very competent comment. I think it is a very cultural anthropology story, a case, and Maria and Ruth have their personal experience to share. You've met artists from Belarus and you know Olga Alekseenko and others, activists from art scenes of our countries. What do you see? What are you experiencing? How do you see? How do you view your career? How people from our countries behave? What do they do? What actions do they take? Well, it's a huge question. Well, it's an actual, it's a question, it's a question to you. Well, subjectively I see it as a question, you know, a life question, life defining question. I could go on hours, but to be brief, the first thing I think of is in Almata we've built uprooted and isolated from what is going on in Kazakhstan. Masha doesn't agree, but I often felt being distanced. And this is why we started to talk about Creole Center and about, you know, cosmopolitan perspective, something I always had in my head. I didn't have a feeling that I'm part of a nation or some local context. But my imagination or, well, always had something to do with, well, I always imagined being, you know, a citizen of a world, of the world. And this is why we've always said that our Creole Center is a translocal institution. And we were always interested in this, in this translocality idea, how you can be a part of many places, many locations. When we, when we moved, when we moved to a different country, you face a lot of difficulties and you've numbered them. It's not easy. The number of performances we did here, they proved, they did prove that we often missed the point. And it might be seen as an advantage as well, because the artists that are more international that move around, they have more options to experiment with various contexts. And even if they fail, that it gives you a unique experience you can never get in your own country. And in the feminist circles, in the artistic circles, there's a discussion about what does it mean to be an international artist. What does it mean to talk about cosmopolitanism and cosmopolicy? How do we see borders between national states? How do we see local communities? How can we internationalize local communities? I see it as a utopian, but as a very topical goal. How can we bring together local communities and networks? How can we unite them over continents and countries and people who can move around? They have a privilege and they are meant to experiment. I will also mention Alex and Oga, now in Minsk, by the way, you mentioned them, but they're now in Minsk. And it's a privilege that despite the pandemic, they felt it important to be in their own country and to help. I don't feel I'm uprooted or I don't feel, maybe we have a different view of it, we have different understanding. And last summer, when, it doesn't mean we never go back. We arranged a big exhibition that was dedicated to art as text and art of text, and we were working with young artists, artists that deny authorship. The artists are working on this paradigm shift in a hybrid situation. When an artist does not call him or herself an artist, they are activists. They don't make, they don't see difference between socially engaged art and activism. I think we're managing to exist between these two contexts and in both contexts. I mean, we take part in both. If I'm getting you right, we have the following picture. There's always an opportunity to exist between contexts. You can recreate yourself in a new context and go back and keep contact, close contact, and learn this new context through mistakes and failures. And through failures, start to understand this context better and understand yourself better through your failures, getting used to things you thought strange about yourself, but you're understood better. And then you can create new trans-territorial network context, context where you find yourselves, where you find people who in turn are themselves parts of various geographical and local contexts. This is something I figured out from what you've been saying. Maybe first three conclusions. And I recognize myself in the conclusions. It has to do with my own experience as well. Maybe our cultural anthropologist would somehow sum up scientifically as a researcher, sum up our discussion. I agree, obviously, that the importance of context is significant. And the points that Marie Andrew made earlier were very important, and especially the idea of translocality when we're talking about the artist today, because there's a lot of cases when there are artists that are based in two different places that work between two different places. What I'd like to highlight here is that distancing yourself from the context for a little while at least might actually be helpful in terms of, you know, seeing it also a little bit from outside, and then, you know, returning back to it. Because I think we've all experienced this, that when you are in the process, in it, and you're boiling basically inside, you know, and there's a lot of hardships accompanying this, and there's a lot of issues that it's sometimes hard to, you know, like distance yourself a bit and think about it. So I think this is also a helpful strategy in this sense, and then also, you know, like you're based into different contexts and depending on the topics that you are dealing with as an artist or a creative person, it's, yeah, it depends on, you know, like what you are involved in and then, you know, like you also become part of maybe two contexts at the same time and work in both. And what again comes as an important thing and I'll go back to what I said a little bit earlier and what some of you also discussed is that we should not forget that, you know, big part of art is experimentation. And so, and being part of life itself so you know we live in the world where there still are possibilities of moving in a certain way and a lot of people do this and, you know, like it's part of life so it's also part of artistic practice that how do we like how can we you know like work in this context and in this situation where I might be coming from one context originally but I might be based in another one temporarily for some time or just moving between those two so I think like this kind of things shift on it and then it brings us back to the topic of, you know, time and a little bit like distance physically in the first place and you don't think of going away from it but also in terms of time that then we are able to actually evaluate and think about and, you know, like, yeah, analyze what the work did in the context of being in two different contexts and it was a lot of word context but I think it's an important one here. Thank you, I think you're very right, but I would like to emphasize the fact that I was not asking about an artist and a context, any artist or any context, because we do see a lot of types of artistic practice that it is free from context. My good friend and an outstanding artist Koko Ramesh Filie lives in a very strange place in Geneva and it's okay. The art he's making and he creates amazing art, it's free from context. His works are metaphysical works and even in Geneva you can create those, you can create them anywhere, while socially engaged artist is totally immersed in the context, is dissolved in the context. This is where this paradoxical situation come from and this is why I thought it would be interesting to hear Maria and Ruth experience and discuss this issue because it gets a very dramatic edge to it. Eva, Anna, as far as I can see we don't have many questions coming, we still have time for you to share your experiences, maybe your ideas. Thank you. Anna will be the first to speak, as for the ability to travel and to move around in the context of Belarus art. It's been only the last five years that the artists could move around and of course it benefits the system and it gives an opportunity to get a different quality of education, get to know people abroad, get connections, Olga and Alexey are in Minsk now, I hope they're meeting Liosha tomorrow, or the project that you've mentioned work more, rest more. It's an international network, they bring their colleagues to Belarus from the post-Soviet regions. On the other hand we have a lot of artists who left the country in 1990, late 1990s and it had to do with the drawbacks of the educational system. I'm talking of people who've been living in Germany, in the US and they haven't lost their contextual connection with the country and they're doing the job. We don't have neither time nor funds for. Andrei Dureyko and Sergei Shabohin are creating a global archive of the history of Belarusian art and they're working as volunteers. They're creating archives, Olga, Liosha and I know some other artists who are now residing abroad. Maybe you've heard of the highlights Belarus project, which is in fact collecting and presenting relevant news and things from Belarus using contemporary media. Nikolai Hallezin, leader of the Belarus Free Theatre, who's been living, who's been forced to leave to the UK, is now doing an amazing job supporting Belarus from outside. Maybe you've heard about the festival two years ago, the festival that happened two years ago, about censorship in art field and supporting all artists that are being persecuted or that are being persecuted by the authorities, by the governments. And if someone is forced to leave the country, it does not always mean they lose their connection to the local context and connection to their friends and colleagues. I think it often enhances, it makes it stronger. We've been discussing with our colleagues and curators of how we could arrange a big exhibition gallery project that will describe what we are living through now in Minsk. And we all agreed that some of the curators should come from outside, not from the country, because it's a high risk for the project to have it run by local artists. We are talking with you today. I don't know what happens tomorrow. And in our situation of transition and transformation, thanks to people like Andrey Doreik, Sergei Shabohin, Lyosha, Olya, people who are not isolated from the context but who know how to work with it. And it will be important that the information and the works of art that are created could be shown not only within the country but also abroad. I think it's rather a plus, it's an advantage. All the artists that are now not staying in Belarus, not residing in Belarus, they've found an opportunity to come to Belarus and it was a very serious move on their behalf, especially in view of pandemic. And the last person I wanted to mention, maybe you know Marina Naprushkina, Belarus artist. And she's an amazing example of how you can, I mean she went to Germany. I think she left maybe more than 10 years ago and she's creating socially engaged art, socially engaged projects and she's very successful and this is probably successful because she's leaving. And this forced change of context of voluntary change of context can bring more new things to the place where the artist comes from. Well Anna was talking, we had a question, we had a question and I've been sent this question and the question is more or less the following. What makes a protest experience of protest not only artistic experience, not only art protest but social protest, what is there about this protest that makes it unique, what makes it different from other protests in other countries? While listening to Anna and your references to Marina Naprushkina and other artists and other Belarus artists that live outside the country. I drew a conclusion that the fact, the context of a global scene, Eva would remember, we discussed it in the 90s. And in the 90s, we thought that they were totally juxtaposed, local and the local and the global. This is at least how I see it. The 90s were the first decade of globalization and it was structured in the market way. We had this huge western supermarket that displayed local identities or national identities. And representatives of our countries were representatives of our ethnicity, of our locality. On one hand it gave us an opportunity to manifest ourselves. Like we would say, you're lacking this locality. Look at us. On the other hand, we felt humiliated. We felt reduced to being representatives of locality. We were not seen as intellectuals, as artists, after this period, activist political age that was added to art in the beginning of the 21st century. It has changed the way the intellectual, the artistic world is structured today, Naprushkina and other artists and intellectuals with their experience of confronting social injustice, their experience of reaction, philosophical reaction, the imperfection of the world, when they come to a new place they find the same imperfection. And overcoming this imperfection helps an artist or give an artist an opportunity to find a place for themselves in a different geographical and social context. And justify the interest towards this artist in this new context, an interest towards them being people who had to confront injustice, had to confront some new experience. So you have this new environment and the experience of a productive contact between people coming from very different contexts, people who come from the socially engaged art experiences. And in my opinion, what makes the context of our experience post-Soviet context unique, and I keep saying that I don't know whether we can still use this post-Soviet term. I think this issue, this problem, somehow disappears. So this market-like approach is no longer there. We are looking at the experiences of fighting injustice, fighting the powers to be. And this is what I deduct from what you're saying, or it's a kind of a summary. Maybe you have your own answers. What makes our protest experiences unique? I mean, protests in our countries. What makes it unique? Maybe I'll give a brief answer. What makes my experience, my own experience unique here and now. It's a peaceful character, a peaceful way of manifesting your civil standpoint of manifesting your civil. And on one hand, the authorities are trying to marginalize the protesters and this inexplicable violence that can be compared to genocide. But at the same time, Belarusian people are unique people. You've seen those images of protesters that would take off their shoes to stand on the benches. And they would bring plastic bags and collect rubbish after their protests. I'm not a radical at all. Six, seven years ago, I was in Kiev during the Ukrainian events. Well, before it got really violent, but I can tell you that this is what makes it unique for me. That despite all the threats, all the repressions, it's been two and a half months, a long time for any protest. But the protest is not becoming radical. People protest in a peaceful manner. People go out into the street to express their opinion, to defend their civil rights. And what also makes it unique is that one of the slogans is a line from a song by a Russian group Splin. We haven't known each other before this summer. Everything that is happening in our country is amazing. Thanks to the latest elections, we've come to know our neighbors. We started to help each other. We began to get to know each other. It's a unique story. Six months ago, in April, there was an interview about the national idea and about the future of Belarus. I kept saying that our society is so isolated, is so fragmented. It's a huge contrast to what I'm seeing today in the streets. And we all know that this Soviet experience or experience of our Soviet past, it's not about collective action. But today the situation is changing. We're not alienated anymore. I would add there is another feature of Minsk protest that makes it unique. I don't know whether it has to do with the Soviet heritage or inheritance rather. It's a separate case whether it has to do with what we've inherited from the Soviet Union. But it has to do with the transformation of the global world as such. And the feature of the new world has never been so vividly manifested in this global world, even in the leading spots of this world. Minsk protest has a female face. It's a female protest. We're living in a totally different world. And this is where I would like to wrap up and say that this is something that makes our future very promising, very optimistic. And this is where I think we should end our today's discussion. And I think it could be a case for our second volume of publications, our second second volume. Don't you think so? I completely agree. This has been really interesting conversation and I want to thank Victor for moderating the conversation and Anna Dada, Eva Marie and Ruthie for sharing what's going on in your lives right now. This is a fascinating conversation and I hope we will be able to continue it and we definitely will continue working with all of you. I hope everyone will also continue to attend these meetings. We're having a number of very interesting conversations over the next month as part of the ArtSync assembly. So please take a look and right now I'm going to share a screen which has information about the publication, a miracle or misunderstanding so that if you're interested in downloading it you can. Thank you everyone very much for attending this and I hope for a better 2021.
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Daily Round-up|Police say 4 suspects in the assassination of Jovenel Moïse killed and other stories
In today’s episode of the Daily Round-up we look at the ‘state of siege’ declared in Haiti and the the killing of four suspects in the assassination of de facto president Jovenel Moïse, the demolition of homes and livelihood structures of a Palestinian Bedouin community by Israeli forces in the Occupied West Bank, the US Department of Defense’s annual report on overseas civilian casualties and the allegations of under-counting, and the appointment of former IMF official Malangu Kabedi-Mbuyi as the governor of the Democratic Republic of Congo’s Central Bank.
[ "International News", "Working Class News", "Peoples Movements", "peoples dispatch", "leftist news" ]
Hello and welcome to the International Daily Roundup with People's Dispatch where we bring you some of the top stories from across the globe. Let's take a look at today's headlines. Hethian police state alleged assassins of women and boys have been killed in a gun battle. Israeli forces demolish Palestinian Bedouin homes in the West Bank. Lawmakers accuse U.S. military of underreporting overseas civilian casualties. Ex-IMF official appointed as governor of the Central Bank of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Hethian officials have stated that four alleged suspects in the assassination of Havana boys have been killed. Police chief Leon Charles announced late on July 7 that mercenaries had been killed in a gun battle. Two others have reportedly been captured. Charles made the announcement less than a day after Hethian's de facto President Moise was killed in his home. Heavy gunfire could be heard in the parallel five district of Port-au-Prince early morning on Wednesday while only a few details have been provided. The unidentified attacker spoke English or Spanish according to a statement released by the Prime Minister. They were also heavily armed and trained. Meanwhile interim Prime Minister Claudius Joseph has taken over as the acting head of state. This is despite the fact that less than a day before his death, Havana boys had appointed Ariel Henry as a new Prime Minister. Joseph has also imposed a counter-white state of siege for 15 days as per the country's 1987 constitution. Only the parliament has the authority to do so. However, Hethi has been without the parliament after the body was dissolved in 2020. The state of siege will now authorize police and security forces to enter homes. Meetings meant to excite or prepare for disorder have been prohibited. As reports by Hethi Libre, civilian courts will also be replaced by military courts. Security forces are now authorized to take all general measures that permit the arrest of the assassins. Meanwhile, Claudius Joseph has held meetings with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and the coal group. A private meeting of the UN Security Council was also held on July 8th. Israeli forces demolished homes of the Palestinian Bedouin community of Hamzah al-Baqai in the occupied West Bank on July 7th. As per the Norwegian Refugee Council, eight residential shelters for livelihood structures, water tanks and agricultural equipment were destroyed. Around 70 Palestinians, including 35 children, have now lost their homes. This is the seventh time that the Hamzah has been demolished since November 2020. At that time, Israel destroyed 83 structures in what is considered the largest single demolition incident in recent years. The Hamzah community is set in the path of two illegal Israeli settlements, Bekout and Roy. The Hamzah is located in Area C of the Jordan Valley which is placed under Israeli military control. The area has been designated as a firing zone for military training. 6,200 people or 38 Palestinian Bedouin communities are located in this zone. Access to water, sanitation, electricity and education is extremely limited. Israeli authorities have demolished or seized at least 421 Palestinian structures in the West Bank in 2021. The UN-OCHA has noted a 50% increase in the number of people displaced as compared to 2020. Meanwhile, Palestinians in the village of Bieta have continued to night confusion activities. This form of protest includes lighting fires and flashing lights began after an illegal Israeli outpost was set up on the Jabal Sabay mountain. Starting May protests spread in the area and were met with brutal repression, at least 5 Palestinians were killed and over 300 were injured. The Israeli military has now evacuated the settlement claiming that the land is state-owned. However, instead of returning it to the Palestinians, it is now being turned into a military base and religious school. Several civil society groups and lawmakers have accused the US military of underreporting civilian killings overseas. A Department of Defense report released in June states that the US was responsible for unintentionally killing 23 civilians. Another 10 had been injured. These figures were from overseas military operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen and Nigeria in 2020. The numbers reported in the 2020 report are significantly lower than the 132 civilian killings recorded in 2019. Meanwhile, these figures are significantly lower than the casualties reported by other sources. According to monitoring group Air Wars, at least 102 civilians were killed in US operations last year. The United Nations Assistance Commission in Afghanistan reported the killings of at least 89 civilians. Another 31 were injured. Meanwhile, official records show only 20 casualties. One over the years Congress had approved a compensation of $3 million for affected families. The Department of Defense report shows that one single family has been compensated. In a letter made public this week, two lawmakers, Elizabeth Warren and Rokhanna, have asked defense officials to review the discrepancies according to the US government. 733 civilians have been killed and 335 have been injured in military operations since 2017. However, other sources, including the UN, place the number of casualties much higher. And for our final story, we go to the Democratic Republic of Congo. President Felix Chisikedi has appointed Malango Kabidi Mui to serve as governor of the Central Bank. She was previously an International Monetary Fund official and worked in other African countries, including Sierra Leone and Burkina Faso. She will be the first woman appointed to this post in the country. Kabidi Mui will now oversee a three-year $1.5 billion loan deal between the IMF and the DRC. Here is Kambali Musawili to talk about the concerns surrounding her appointment. I mean, the Brenton Wooder institutions in the DRC have a fascinating and devastating record. Remember in the 1980s, in the early 1980s, I'll say 1981, the IMF themselves actually audited the finance that were giving the president at the time. The president at the time was Mubutu. In their own audit, they discovered that the money that was being given to the country was being embezzled. Surprisingly, the year after, they continue to provide more and more funds to Mubutu. We can see with the structural adjustment program where they force the Congolese states back then as a year to pretty much privatize many of its sector to move money away from public education and focus more on mining and so on, how he had a devastating impact in the country. By the end of the 1980s, we saw a deterioration, a complete deterioration of the Zairean economy back then, and many African countries suffer from that. The same thing we continue to see in Congo, right in the 2000s, right during the war. We had Laurent Kabila took power, then later Joseph Kabila, after the death of Laurent Kabila in 2001. We continue to see that the World Bank funds projects in DRC while they see questions of corruption. There is another element that's also fascinating about these two institutions for the Brentwood World Bank and IMF. Many people do not know that in the early 2000s that the World Bank and IMF, they wrote the forestry laws of the Congo. They wrote the mining laws of the Congo, pretty much determining how mining will be done. Some of the laws pretty much gave control of the land to mining companies from the surface all the way to the magma for the exploitation. We had people such as a member of Ponyo Kalu Tundula who fought it. There were many others who mobilized to challenge some of the policies. We're still fighting to transform all of those things, but it's still ongoing. Now, to modern day, we are now, in the past two to three years, we've seen the World Bank literally giving away money that they know there's going to be misused. The World Bank knows that the money is being misused. So it's quite surprising that they continue to give money to the DRC. And what does that actually say? I mean, the history of the World Bank and IMF as I just listed in the past few years has been that they provide funds to African leaders who seem to be on the side of Washington. Even with the human rights abuses and corruption and any other issues that they may have, they continue to provide them with funds. And that is all we have for this episode of The International. We'll get on top of most of the stories and videos. Visit our website because there's a special ORG subscriber to our YouTube channel and visit us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Thank you for watching.
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Rural Grand Rapids House Explodes, Causes Unknown
[ "Lakeland Public Television", "LPTV", "PBS", "Bemidji", "Minnesota", "MN" ]
An Itasca County woman escaped with minor injuries after the house she was inside exploded and burst into flames. The Itasca County Sheriff's Office received a report of a home explosion and fire on Arbor Road just before nine this morning. The woman was the only person in the house at the time of the explosion. Minnesota Fire Marshal's office is investigating what caused the explosion and fire. If you've enjoyed this segment of Lakeland News, please consider making a tax deductible contribution to Lakeland Public Television.
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KLC on Master P & Baby No Limit / Cash Money Peaches Records The Cultural Importance +More (Part 6)
KLC on Master P & Baby No Limit / Cash Money Peaches Records The Cultural Importance #masterp #birdman #bosstalk101 Visit and Join our Patreon: Visit Our Website and Subcribe: Subscribe NOW to BOSS Talk 101 its a Unique Hustle: Instagram: Instagram: Apple Podcast: Spotify Podcast:
Right, and she, when it came down to her situation, she dealt with Pee, and Baby, hands-on. Yeah. She don't go, anything that was dealing with no living to cash money. She talked to the two bosses. She didn't have, she, they didn't want to go through nobody. They told her, no, you don't talk, you talk to us. Yeah, we on boss talk one on one. How important, how important of a part that Pee just play for is in the music, which I know it was important, but how, when you look at it from when y'all first started? Every artist's success came through this place. Every artist. Because she said that no other store did the hip-hop, they wouldn't take the hip-hop. Because of the one group she had cursed and all of that. Right. But did she tell you the store in Gentilly is where Pee found Mia? Right. That's what, that, that, I asked her about that. But she didn't, she didn't mention which store. Which store. That's what I was trying to get. So, and I told her, I said, man, she worked for, she worked for Peaches as well. Right. And it was like family. And she said, it's hard to get her story, I cut everybody's family. She ain't playing about that. Yeah. I got some insight. And I heard that Mia X used to work for y'all. Yeah. She's like, she is like my daughter, honestly. And so. She lived with me. She lived with you. Oh wow. I mean, we always like share everything. I mean, we, we live together, honestly. The kids, you know, we all, we're all the same. Everybody's family. And she don't want to say too much because she's like, she wants the people to tell their own story. All stories. Right, right, right. So what she did say that Mia did was living with her for a while or two. Oh yeah. Yeah. Because it's like, one thing I could say is that anytime it was to a point to where the artist had success and it kind of fell on hard times. Yeah. She gave them a job at a store. Oh, that's dope. I didn't know that part. That's really, and that's special, bro. She's too humble to say she embraced the culture. She embraced it. She helped push it. You know, she pushed the artist. She's solely music. And then if hard time fails, they had a place for them for employment. Wow. So this place. They helped get them back off their feet. Right. I know. Definitely. Because she was saying that, because a lot of y'all were young kids who didn't know how to market yourself, didn't know how to get the music out there. She said she would send a lot of the records to the big labels to get them to sign you on. Really? She would do it. Yeah, everything to try to make sure. She did say that. That's dope, man. Like I said, that ain't, and that's God. Like I told her, man, you got to be special to be able to be able to keep those relationships going. She said she sent him. Yeah, she sent him. She said she sent him. He said all of them like that. If they dealt with her, she was going to try to help at the utmost is what I'm hearing. Right. And she, when it came down to her situation, she dealt with Pee and Baby hands on. Yeah. She, she don't go, anything that was dealing with no limited cash money. She talked to the two bosses. She didn't have, she, they didn't want to go through nobody. They told her, no, you don't talk, you talk to us. Wow. They wanted to make sure she talked to the right because they know how instrumental she was in, you know, the success, you know, of the artist and those companies. That's amazing. Yeah.
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[Echocalypse] SSR Tier List! | Do I agree with the Tiers?
Episode 617: Echocalypse SSR Tier List Like this video and subscribe to my channel Discord - Let's discuss! Facebook Groups (Figure Fantasy) Follow and Like my Facebook Page and ask me for some game tips: #WardenMobileGaming #echocalypse Share this video:
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Hey everyone, welcome to echocalypse. So we have here a tier list. I Actually got this tier list from the official discord server for echocalypse. I'll be putting a link To this tier list in the description of the video So that you may have another reference to this as soon as you're off this video Anyway guys to start off with you know, I disclaimer. This is not my My tier list. I just want to share this to those who who don't have a tier list yet or haven't seen a tier list yet this was done by a person who went through CBT a couple of months ago and has Experience more experience than me in the game. So what I'll do is I'll discuss a tier list See if I agree with with what he Put as the tier for each of the SSRs that we have so so far again Just want to just want to reiterate. This is an SSR tier list if you want to refer to an SR Top 10, please refer to my previous video I'll put a video up in the you know in the link up there so that you may have a reference So to start we will go with letter D. So this girl is one jet so Not really too much. Not really not a not impressive set of skills so The buff is so bad and nothing else. So she is there at the next up we have Camelia so this is Camelia this girl in the right side of tier C So Camelia is she's an okay unit her skills has drained Her passive makes her bypass some defensive stats from the opponent, but that's it And the next one is Baphomet. She is here the left one So support unit that reduces target block presentation gives attack buff to all allies alive When she dies so those are They their use is mainly are there their set of skills are mainly limited. That is why they are here in Tier C. So let's go to tier B We have here Zawa. So this is Zawa here Zawa niche Case where and she gains more damage and the more buff she has than her opponent Fortunately, her passive is useful where her auto attack can silence enemies, but the chances are low That is why she's in tier B next to her left is set. I did you set for a while I was kind of impressed with her But glad that I switched to Yulia. I will talk to Yulia after that. So she is a tank So another support case her main job is to protect her allies by taking damage they received So another useful tank if you want more survivability very straightforward So but she needs more than one star to shine. Okay next in on her left is Tara Very niche right now. So probably should be lower than panpan and More and more cases to give shield will definitely see play her skill deals more than two times the damage when enemies have a shield and Even buff herself from her passive Okay, when she takes damage. So that is Tara next to her left is a Regina this girl Regina another damage dealer alongside rayon and burn team So she specializes together with a burn team applies burn to an enemy and also buffs herself by giving dodge percentage and peers up next to her left is Gryff another member of the burn team and with a great damage and decent debuff very straightforward though Next to her left is going to be for rentia a General DPS but lacks damage and synergy with other cases. Her passive is just as weak is just a weaker version of MC and Beams passive. We'll talk about MC later on who MC is next is Kiki Kiki though I find that this is a low tier for her. She could be tier a or tier s In my opinion, I've used her extensively great damage She has die of high damage good debuffs and with defense and crit resistance down definitely Good though just need the high investment to work well. So that's mainly it I think I have already at one star or two star. I forgot But again, she is not here B for my opinion. She could be tier a or tier s and to round out here B is going to be Nefitis an AoE healer for for the burn team and also heals all allies on her skill plus an attack from her Extra passive burns for enemies at our one so that rounds out our tier B Let's go to tier a this is MC MC. This is an SSR version of MC. They are amazing free-to-play unit. We get them When we start they are our avatars so Easy to get stars on by just processing through the story guarding their kit pretty decent damage and occasional stun And a chance to of immunity to debuffs and invade enemy attacks. So I think MC is Going to require Stars to be more effective. It's good that MC is in tier a Next on her left on his left actually sometimes MC is a girl depending on which you pick Mori is this is Mori Single best single target damage dealer in the game preferably for bosses. I think she's good for tier a Best in host purification and other content with a single target next on her left is pan pan the only a star that gives allies Shield currently her shield is luck lesser But still see play in the endgame also gives block percentage to allies Next to her left. This one is a towerette Bonk Queen great chance for cleaning damage great damage to since she has defense down So defense down is important as well Good for tier a next Garula. I've had experience with Garula actually in bringing her for quite a while Great CC unit overall decent damage can stun up to three people reduce their healing receive and Also can stun freeze and taunt when low on HP. So good overall unit to have next is Niz great damage dealer, but mainly used for free skill, which is also useful Where in she can freeze basically a stun enemies for two turns which can be clutched on PVP and other content So PVP, I think this will become in useful for niz next to niz is she you a staple member for the burn comp She is the main one reapplying the burn onto enemies and revives one ally or herself her burn hurts like hell So fantastic for the burn team that is she you next is vivi this one On the left of she use so she is your rage debuff additional damage But also buffs your allies with her silent immunity passive and range increase Two allies from her extra passive great unit to have overall just need Mid high investment so a lot of investment for vivi if you want to use her Next is beam So for beam here this girl Uh deals huge physical and damage and more if her HP is low her passive gives immunity to all damage until her next turn procs When her HP becomes one Okay, so next it to her left is nightingale crit reducer silencer And armor Resistance reducer overall great support that you might want to consider for your team. So she's a debuffer Clearly and the last one for tier a This girl here is bastet Best to pair with horus. So horus is this girl She have to pair her with horus as her skill applies armor break to enemies that reduce their armor and resistance by 30 And damage reduced by 15 She also grants a shield to all allies when she dies at four star gives attack buff to all allies in the same row as her Okay, so Next tier is going to be the s tier. We only have four there So we'll start off with the best tank in the game, which I can personally attest to You will have the best tank in the game. This is her When enemies are taunted by her skill. They are forced to to attack her even if attack skill is aoe So again, a very nice damage reduction with taunt And also gaining damage reduction from passive. So best tank if you need a tank, I definitely had to switch from From who is this girl forgot her name from set. This is set I switched from ewena as my tank and I never looked back So next is going to be iken so far. She's not available in the game But she is a great dps alongside for every roof and riro is this one which we get for free high chance of crit and additional damage when enemies are 50 hp below also counters burn team because of her skill Next it's horse horse is here Give the highest damage possible in the game Her skills make it that you double damage on top of her high damage And enemy has armor break not only that on higher levels a high star level also increase crit and crit damage by 50% So she is packed guys. So Better use horrors if you have her in the last in tier s One of my favorites is fenrirro because number one she's free And very very good damage dealer not only she can She can have a free link on on her which is good And again guys, she is free not not to say about her But she is a top tier dps and to our last tier which is the god tier The must haves for this game. We have rayon, which is this girl Best dps now if paired with units that are burn that that burn that are with the burn team but since there are two free neolists that burn that That burn make her very viable for today's meta her passive also increases Any target that is inflicted by a burn by one term. So if you hear rain in the background, so Apologies, I can't control that anymore, but hopefully you guys can still hear me Next to her left is diana probably the best here in the game semi tanky too because of her passive She heals three allies with a chance to heal all allies at a 50 hp and below Also removes debuff in higher star levels and the last one which I Really wanted to have during You know really wanted to have her because her banner is still up So we have audrey Her skills is very useful on bursting around one on all content Especially useful on abyss drive silence on auto Attack buff and plus two rage on her skill are very useful. Also another attack buff on her passive Makes her really good support overall. So That is our last one for audrey overall. I I say I agree 95 percent of this tier list. Um, I just hope that kiki should have been up a bit Because I think kiki deserves to be at least a And I think that is it Most most part 95 or 90 98 percent. I agree with this tier list and I'll put again guys a link to this tier list so that you may have a quick reference and that is it So just a quick guide for you guys. Thank you very much. Take care. Stay safe This is the warden and I'm out of here
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131: Dr. Jill interviews Dr. Shelese Pratt on Gut Health with a Microbiome Deep Dive
In episode #131 Dr. Jill Carnahan and Dr. Shelese Pratt discuss gut health with a deep dive into the Microbiome. They discuss how diet can enhance your microbial diversity. Key Points 1) How to assess your gut microbiome through the latest stool microbiome testing 2) How adding resistant starch to your diet can enhance your microbial diversity 3) What are the best foods for resistant starch on a paleo diet? 4) How to read a Great Plains Organic Acid (OAT) profile and key markers that indicate fungal and clostridia overgrowth Related Links Notes: Ask your provider to order BiomeFx and Great Plains OAT testing Dr. Shelese Pratt Dr. Shelese Pratt believes in individualized integrative medicine. Her practice is focused on complex medical conditions relating to metabolic disease. Dr. Pratt use functional medicine and her expertise in methylation and physiology to help her patients get to the root cause of their symptoms through a strategic approach. The modalities she use in her practice are traditional and specialty testing, nutrition (diet and nutritional supplements), botanicals, environmental medicine, classical homeopathy, and hydrotherapy. Related Products Spore probiotic plus IG: Saccharo Force: Gut Immune powder: Cal-Mag butyrate: Zenbiome Cope: Black Cumin Seed: DR. JILL'S NEW BOOK "UNEXPECTED" PRE-ORDER NOW! In Unexpected, Dr. Jill Carnahan shares her story of facing life-altering illness, fighting for her health, and overcoming sickness using both science and faith so that others can learn to live their own transformative stories. Order now! Dr. Jill is your Functional Medicine Expert specializing based out of Louisville, CO. She has countless free resources on mold, autoimmune health, detoxification, brain health, and more. Dr. Jill's Website: Dr. Jill's Store: Dr. Jill's Miracle Mold Detox Box: For any Nutramedix or Beyond Balance products, call 303-993-7910 ext 4 or visit To get your free guides on the following topics, visit the links: Mold Health: Autoimmune Disease: Gut Health 101: Reduce Your Daily Toxin Exposure: Healthy Eating Tips: 10 Steps for a Better Brain: Follow Dr. Jill on Instagram: Follow Dr. Jill on Facebook: The views and opinions expressed on Dr. Jill LIVE! do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the host. Any content provided by guests is their opinion and are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, organization, company, or individual nor do they necessarily reflect the views or positions by the host.
[ "Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome", "(CIRS)", "CIRS", "Dr. Jill Carnahan", "Dr. Jill", "Mold", "Mold Illness", "Jill Carnahan", "Louisville", "Colorado", "molddetox", "Dr. Shelese Pratt", "Gut Health", "Microbiome", "Stool Testing", "Clostridia Overgrowth", "Microbial Diversity" ]
So, hey everybody. Welcome to another episode of Dr. Jill Live. I am here with one of my dear friends, Dr. Charlize Pratt. And thank you for your patience. I know we said 11 and we're just a little after mountain time, but we were just prepping and making sure all the electronics work so we could be live with you today. It was just a little glitchy. Maybe it's the weather who knows. Today, like I said, I have my friend and colleague, the brilliant Dr. Charlize Pratt. I'll introduce her, but we are going to talk today about the gut microbiome. And some of the things you may not know, like how much genetic material it actually holds and why it impacts your genes and your outcomes and your health and your symptoms, maybe even more than your genetic profile. We're going to actually bring into this webinar and this talk some actual tests from real patients. So if you have test results or you want to look at your own and kind of follow along, I think it'll be very, very insightful for that deep dive into kind of how to look at all these markers. And if you have missed any other episodes, you can find all of the rest of the episodes or wherever you listen to podcast on iTunes or Stitcher or on YouTube. So first of all, let me introduce Dr. Charlize Pratt. We're neighbors. We're both functional medicine practitioners and just aligned in so many things. So it's always fun on weekends at the coffee shop or on hikes or here live with you. If we can talk about these things, we think a lot of like on this. She's incredibly brilliant at looking at the genetics into the deep dive. So we're going to have her share her expertise today. She believes in individualized integrative medicine. Her practice in Louisville is focused on complex medical conditions relating to metabolic diseases. She uses functional medicine and her expertise in methylation and physiology to help her patients get to the root cause of their symptoms through a strategic approach. You will find she's brilliant. She's so good at looking at genes and all the details of how that affects your functioning and again, deep diving into the testing and all of the analysts, the metabolic profiles, the organic gases and things. And we're going to dive into that today. The modality she uses in her practice are traditional and specialty testing nutrition diet, nutritional supplements, botanicals, environmental medicine, classic homeopathy and hydrotherapy. Dr. Pratt, welcome and so glad to have you here today. Thank you so much for having me Jill. It's great to be here. Yeah, so let's just start and frame this. We're going to actually share some slides and some info in a few minutes, but let's frame this for people on. We've talked and you and I know how important the microbiome is, but why, why would this be maybe a first place to start with health conditions and a first place to look because it obviously affects so many systems. So the microbiome is massive. We should really consider it another organ in our body. And it's, it has a huge influence on how all the levers of all of our genes work, because there are trillions of bacteria, fungi, viruses, all influencing our expression on our skin and our mouth in each tooth in every organ of our body, but especially the GI. And so as a naturopathic doctor, you know, from the very beginning of my education, one of my first classes was the nature cure. We always talked about poop. We always talked about, you know, what we now call the microbiome, because we believe that all health starts in the gut. And now that we're getting so much rich and amazing research back about the microbiome, we are starting to see, wow, that is the basis for, will you spin into diabetes? Will you spin into heart disease? Will you have neuro inflammation that leads to a degenerative case like Parkinson's? So we have all of these microbes that are influencing us, and they're influencing our own genetics. It's, it's a big part of our epigenetics, but it's also, it's the basis of our neurochemistry, our immune system, and our hormones actually. So I don't think that we can really talk about health without mentioning the microbiome anymore. Yeah. And isn't it interesting? I think I've seen statistics where like 20 years ago, there was like maybe certain hundreds of studies, and then there was thousands. And now, if you look at the exponential curve, like the research that's come out on the microbiome, it is just literally exponential. And I remember even writing the book like leaky gut was a term that was like totally poo pooed by conventional medicine for decades. And when I was diagnosed 20 years ago with Crohn's, it was like, oh, that's no such thing. Well, now in the literature is talking about how does leaky gut and we also call it intestinal hyperpermeability effect, obesity, diabetes, heart disease. And now, as you and I both know, there is thousands and thousands of studies. I wonder if it's one of the most topic, one of the most common topics in research now, if you start to look with the gut microbiome, and even how like we think drugs work on ourselves, many of them work on our gut, don't they? Yes, absolutely. Examples or things as far as like how much that's a big part. Yeah. They've realized that cholesterol medications are more acting on the microbiome than they are anywhere else. And lots of drugs that we thought the mechanism of action was one thing. And we're finding now, wow, it's very different. Just like, you know, our, our, our drugs that we use for mood or our behavior. There's new treatments in cancer now that are specifically targeting the microbiome. And I think that to come, we'll see more cancer drugs that actually get to the actual microbiome of the tumor site, because we now know there's a microbiome that's created within where you have, if you were to get cancer, and it were to develop. I mean, you and I just saw an article and went back and forth about how at the beginning of stages of, I believe it was breast cancer, there was no fungus present. And by stage four, there was a tremendous amount of fungal presence at the tumor site. So we are starting to see the microbiome as wow, it's ever evolving, it's ever changing, and it's influencing us wherever we look. I love that. And that's funny, as you're saying, I was thinking, Oh, that study we just shared. And the study was like, literally in breast was a big one, but it was almost every type of cancer they studied and biopsied and looked under the microscope, they found fungal elements. And my question in my mind was, did that, which came first, did the cancer weakened immune system so that fungus was able to take hold, or did the fungus actually proliferate or cause worsening of the cancer? And maybe you know the answer to that, I don't know, but I'm guessing it's a twofold. I mean, I think that those are great questions for us to ask. And as functional medicine doctors, naturopathic doctors, we are thinking in those terms, right, and trying to sleuth that. But what we do know is, is mycotoxins and a lot of fungal exposure really sets us up for a lot of other health conditions, right. And so we know that there's a microbiome shift when either you live in mycotoxins or you have a lot of colonization within different tissues of your body with fungal. So I can't answer that question yet. I don't have enough scientific data to say one way or another, but I can for sure say it seems like they would be, they would be good questions to ask and keep watching. And I want to move on to your information, but I want to comment real quick on my own experience. I think growing up on a farm, a lot of the pesticides or besides things change the microbiome of the soils. And I think some of the changes we're seeing reflected in the human body are because of the lack of diversity in the soils. And we're seeing that. And interestingly, a lot of the things that are antimicrobial like glyphosate affects the bacteria in the soil. And then you get this fungal overgrowth. So I think there's this reflection of more and more issues with changes in microbiome. That's actually just part of our soil changes and our environmental changes. And you also mentioned how cancer therapies, I want to know more about that, but can maybe start to target them. But gut microbiome, 20 years ago when I had cycloposphamide, you're one of the classic chemo regimens for breast cancer, I learned later that one of its mechanisms is to poke holes in the gut and create more permeability so that then the immune system gets a whole deluge of stuff from the gut that triggers immune inflammation. So it's almost like you create this leaky gut. And again, that was one of the mechanisms in mice who knows how much it played into it. And then for me to get Crohn's year, actually six months after chemotherapy, it's totally connected, right? Because that chemo causes more leaky gut, cause more dumping of product into my immune system. And then my genetics may be prone to the self auto inflammatory reaction. Side note, but it's interesting because it's exactly what you're saying with it. Well, and what we see is that, you know, leaky gut or any, whether it's drugs or antibiotics, whether it's foods that are causing that, but whether it's a microbiome shift, these things are causing auto immunity or other levers to be turned in our own genetic expression. It's called the epigenetics, right? And so I absolutely think that's fascinating. And although it saved your life, there was other work to do on the other side because it pushed too far in one direction, right? Where we are always trying to create balance right and harmony. Let's talk a little bit about the immune to autoimmune disease. And I think we're seeing a tsunami and epidemic of auto immunity. And because of siloed, we have the rheumatologists for arthritis, we have the gut, you know, gastroenterologists for Crohn's and colitis, we have the neurologists for MS. And so often we don't think of it as one big hole. I know you and I think holistically, but let's talk a little, do you want to share a little about why does auto immunity in the gut matter? Why does the gut matter to auto immunity? Because that's kind of ground zero, isn't it? Where? Sure. I mean, we believe that there's a lot of inflammation that starts and what we need to do is run tests often to know is it their butyrate propanate acetate? Are those short chain fatty acids off? Are we do we have are we missing keystone species that we're going to talk about today that are influencing that cause more inflammation? So it's not just about the foods being because it used to be that when we talked about leaky gut, everybody ran an IgG food sensitivity panel. And I think you and I rarely run those anymore. Would you agree? Because because that's not the answer. It's usually we have to go to the microbiome and see what is inflaming the gut. And it could be driven by a food like gluten and dairy. Like but a lot of our patients, Jill and I see a lot of motivated patients that come in and they're already on an AIP diet and they're still battling auto immune and inflammation in the GI. And that that's when you have to take it to the next step, right? And figure out what what is it? Is it an infection within the GI? Is it other latent infections like Lyme that have poked holes? Is it mycotoxins that they lived in or they they they didn't even know they were exposed to that they completely changed the microbiome and made them more susceptible to inflammation within the gut? I mean, that's the detective work, right? That that we as doctors have to figure out for the patients that are really medical mysteries. Nobody can really figure out what's going on with them. Exactly. And so did that answer your question about auto immunity in the gut? I mean, LPS and it's it's triggering more inflammation to come from the brain because the vagus nerve gets involved, right? When that LPS dumps it, it makes actually something called interleukin six that hits the brain. It hits the vagus nerve and goes right up to the brain and causes neural inflammation at the same time. So and then the brain comes back to say, oh, we're inflamed. We're inflamed. Like what should we do? Battle down the hatches in the in the galt, which is exactly where our lymphatic system lives. And 70 percent of our immune system comes off of the GI. So it gets really confused when we have these leaks and gaps. I think everybody on your channel pretty much understands what leaky gut is, but these larger poly molecules get in causes the immune system to flare. And then we tip into auto immunity or some other inflammatory condition. Correct. Love that. You framed it perfectly. And I wanted to mention the food because if you're listening and you have like an IGG food sensitivity profile, I love that you mentioned that. I wanted to just clarify. It's not that those aren't real sensitivities that you could be experiencing systemically, but you and I agree, Dr. Pratt, that it's a it's an innocent bystander. What happens is say you have these holes. I always say it's like your gut becomes like Swiss cheese. So all of a sudden you have all these holes and you eat corn. Your corn antigen goes through and all of a sudden it's in the bloodstream where it should never be as a whole molecule in the body. It's like, what the heck is this corn doing here? Creates antibodies to corn, antibodies to soy, antibodies to wheat. So you come up on your test like a Christmas tree, everything lights up with, you know, the sensitivities. And it's not that those foods are the culprit to causing your illness. They might contribute inflammation because they're poking the immune system. But to you and I, Dr. Pratt, it's a symptom of a leaky gut, right? So when we see that light up whenever they're sensitive, like if you looked at my gut since I had Crohn's, it has all kinds of sensitivities. And that's not because the foods are the main culprit. They contribute. But it shows that I have a leaky gut or that someone has a leaky gut. So I love that you and if anything, when I do order it, it's more just to prove to myself and the patient, hey, there is leaky gut here, right? We need to take care. We don't need to bastardize the foods. We need to say, why is that happening? And how can we get you eating more foods and less, less restrictive, right? Well, I mean, you're singing to the choir here, because what we really want to do is expand your diet eventually, because when you have that light up like a Christmas tree on that IGG panel, it's probably because there may be a few on there that you have to continue to avoid, Rachel, like gluten and dairy are pretty hard. Correct. Once that gets going, and if you have certain genes like HLA genes, you know, in your genetic report, you probably should never eat gluten ever. Yes. Because that's going to continue to create a problem in the gut. But you can bring back foods. That's that's that's what Dr. Jill and I want to want to listen or everybody to know is that these foods can there are certain foods that can come back. You don't have to be so restricted for the rest of your life when your microbiome and your GIs is rebuilt. Love it. Love it. Love it. We could do the whole talk. I think we kind of did on the food. Let's dive in then. I don't know if you want to frame anything else or if we could dive into maybe you have some case studies for us. Yeah, I mean, what I want to mention is, yes, you may have been born in by cesarean and not been fed some of your mother's microbiome going through that canal. But all the mothers that are kind of preparing for this, I just want to remind people this is one of the benefits your child will receive by going through that vaginal tract is getting colonized. And I want to I want to tell people there's plenty we can do to rebuild the gut if you have a cesarean. But if you can take some of that that colonization and put it on their skin after a cesarean, it does make a huge difference because how we absorb iron is forever imprinted by having a vaginal birth and also the colostrum that we receive from breastfeeding. And again, there are people that can't have a vaginal birth and there are people that can't breastfeed. But anything we can do to help the microbiome in those early days by supplementing in the ways that I just spoke about. I just want to mention that, you know, that's that's something that I just want more new mothers to know. What about you, Joe? More absolutely. And it's getting we know there's emergencies. That's why cesarean section saves lives. Yes. But if it's scheduled around your doctor's golf schedule, maybe ask for another doctor because that's the kind of thing where like, oh, come on, you know, like, I don't like that. And we can change that. Or, you know, reinoculate them. You know, it doesn't have to be complicated. Yeah. You just go ahead and give them that that that that culture from yourself. So, yeah, antibiotic use. A lot of people have a lot of antibiotic use in their life. You can rebuild from this. If it's earlier than the first two years of life, it's a little harder, but there's still things that we can do. And so running a good microbiome test or understanding how to rebuild the microbiome, which can be easier than you think. It's not expensive to rebuild the microbiome, right, Jill? That's one of the like foundationals and it's wonderful because you and I can't see everyone, but anyone can listen to this or watch this on your YouTube video or all the different platforms you're on. And what I want to tell people is you don't have to make a hundred thousand dollars in shop at Whole Foods every day in order to shift your microbiome. There are some simple easy ways to do it. And yes, you will get more if you can stay away from pesticides and herbicides and glyphosate. I have to say that. But I just want to mention some of these things before we dive in because we're going to talk about dietary changes. My slides are kind of like I'm just showing you the test and I'm going to, Jill, you chime in, please chime in. Do you want to do you want me to bring that up? Yeah, yeah, perfect. And while you're doing that, I just and I'd love your opinion, but you said some foundations. We know spore probiotics can help diversity. So that could be a good foundation for adults. And when you mention children, mothers milk, of course, colostrum, but you can give Bifidobacter species to infants. Do you have any comments on what you might give a newborn baby who is cesarean or, you know, one year old or two year old for probiotics or for what would you do for that baby? Well, I really like Nigel Plummer's work. He I think he makes probiotics from Pharmax and Steroil and he has an infant formula and he has one for breastfed and one for non breastfed babies. And I love that age. I think it's a HLC baby infant and that's a great formula, in my opinion. Perfect, perfect. Yeah. And he has a more Bifidobacter, right? Are you able to? Yes, I can't share it. I just click permission. There you go. OK. So everybody can see this and I'll put it into the presentation. Oops, we got a little far ahead about that. OK. OK, that's me. So what I'm going to show you today is my favorite microbiome test. And let me say a little why I like Biomefx. I've run. All of them really. I've run. The diagnostics, I've run doctors data for years. I ran great smokies all the way back. I ran Genova. And although I like these for, you know, gallbladder function or how we break down our proteolytic enzymes, how they're functioning for our pancreas. I don't think they do a great job at the microbiome there. If you took and tested yourself five days in a row, many of these other tests would be different each five days. Whereas this Biomefx kind of it's Cosmet has figured out a way to make it way more reliable. And I don't know, Jill, if you've run very many of these, but I totally agree. We're getting to the next level and what's happening is some of those other companies that you're mentioning are starting to get on board. And I think they're going to like there's another company that should be having a Genova is having one similar. But this is right now the leader. I would agree with you. And so it's good at what it's good at. And it's not what it's not good at. So it's not great at pathogens. There are other companies that are better for pathogens. But this is going to tell me those keystone species. It's going to tell me about sacroletic fermentation. We're going to go through all of these things. And it's going to tell me about diversity. So the first thing that you look at on this test is it kind of gives you a general idea of all of these these other markers in one kind of score. And what we really want is that score to be close to 30. And the further it is down from 30, the more work we have to do. So this isn't this isn't a patient that's really far off. And I'd have to say that most of my patients that I run this they're not really far off that from 30. Every once in a while I get one that is and there's more work to do. But I just want to say you might think your microbiome is really off. And we're going to talk about how this particular young man even though he's 48 he's a young man. 48 years young. He's had tremendous GI issues and weight issues and and struggled with what to eat. And and we really figured out by this test what was going on finally. So he and his wasn't that far off from the mark. So alpha diversity is the number of species within your microbiome and beta diversity is the differentiation within those species. So we really want alpha and beta diversity. Right. We want plenty of different the number of species to be very different and then within that species we want all of them to be very different too. Right. Diversity is key. So I am our richness has to do with the resilience of our GI. OK. And there's a lot of environmental influences to this. So this is the time where I'm not going to talk a lot about resilience but you know how are you taking care of staying trying to stay away where you can of pesticides herbicides mycotoxins you know infections but also E.M.F. We know that that significantly changes microbiome. So no laptops on your lap near your GI. It's one of the wonders we wonder if that's why colon cancer rates are just sky rocketing because we've had cell phones and computers on our lap for the last 20 or pockets in our lap. Yes. Totally. So we there's there's a whole lot I think you and I talked about E.M.F. at one point that it is influencing the microbiome. So you should know this. So all those all out if you haven't heard our previous if you look at my past lives Dr. Pratt and I have a live where you presented Dr. Pratt about all the E.M.F. stuff and it's really good. So go back and watch that episode again. So but in the microbiome it's sensitive to these things it's sensitive to the amount of exercise you get sensitive to the amount of sleep you get. It's it's it's it's sensitive in all regards right. So the E.M.R. richness is the resilience of the microbiome pathogens again. I'm not going to spend a lot of time talking about pathogens this test isn't amazing at it but what it is great at is these keystone species telling you okay acrimanthias low. Yeah. Why is that a big deal Jill tell me why because you know that is my favorite keystone species when you mentioned keystone all that means is like these are a bigger marker of diversity than anything else. So literally if you have loads of acrimanthia versus zero that alone can predict your diversity. And so diversity I always say it's like back in the Ireland when they all all the farmers like hey this potato grows great let's get the same seed and they grew all the same seed and then a blight came I don't know what happened but they all lost their crops because there was no difference in the types of seed of the potato. So wiped everything out and you can think about that as your microbiome because if you have multiple strains and multiple diversity you're going to be more resilient to disease and auto immunity and things. So this is just one marker that's a really big deal with diversity. And it also basically influences the amount of mucin you have protecting that microbiome. Correct. So because acrimanthia is responsible for helping keep that level so that the right things can get down and influence the GI lining and other things can't. So having low is going to throw off what's influencing the the galt or the immune system of the GI as well as the integrity of the GI. But I also like stand back and say OK Bifidolongum Bifidoladolescence which one thing we should all know is I don't know if it's it's the antibiotics that we've used for generations at this point but Bifidobacterium Adolescence is really getting rare in younger populations. They don't have it anymore. So we really want to create more of this if we can. Right. These Bifidol species and the lactobacillus species and you're going to see more about that when we talk about short chain fatty acids. But if you see this particular gentleman he has very low keystone species and many of them are missing. Right. Which will you know foreshadow into why metabolic issues are at play here. So and then functions we're going to get dirty in these functions so we don't have to go through all of them right here. So again these keystone species as Jill said are so important to diversity but specifically also they produce the things that well butyrate right butyrate is so important to our metabolic health. It's it's not only our our glucose metabolism and our hormones but it also influences our mitochondria which is the organelle in our cells that makes energy and that organelle is one of the most important pieces to watch in health. Right Jill. 100% I was just going to mention to you I'm teaching you cardiovascular microbiome which you might think how are those related right heart disease and butyric acid or short chain fatty acid production is one of the biggest indicators of whether or not you have serious heart disease. So it's connected to other organ systems as well. Right. So these these little these keystone species that Jill and I talked about are so important to the downstream effect of how our physiology unfolds and what's turning on genes or turning off other genes and we can actually manage this we can change this. So acetate producers. What does acetate do? Jill, do you remember? I'm trying to remember. I think that has to do with another anti inflammatory and anti inflammatory. There might be more. But anyway, each one of these different short chain fatty acids perform like they so we need like lactobacillus in order to make lactate, right? Which is another part of our metabolism. Exactly. So I'm just showing you how it's connected and for this person they really struggle. They have very little butyrate, very little propanate and very little acetate. So their ability for their immune system to function correctly for their hormones and their their weight management is being influenced by this. So we want to feed these these bacteria so they make the butyrate for us. And I think, Jill, you do use some butyrate in your practice. I typically try to give them the food that the bacteria likes so that I can try to bring them back. But have you found that giving butyrate is helpful? I do. And especially in the cases like a severe Crohn's colitis or someone who's in a really bad shape where they may not be absorbing foods as well. I want to hear more about because I always feel like food is better than supplements. So I can't wait to hear what you have to say about that. I think that's the first step. But if you're not making it or you're in even post COVID long COVID, some of the guts the spore probiotics, the bovine immune globulins and butyrate is kind of the my three things that I like to use for really like inflamed guts after an illness or after some insult. Yeah, one other thing I want to bring up about cropenate that people may not understand. And I don't know. I haven't seen propoenate high on other labs, but I have seen it on the biome effects. And I don't know if you've seen the research that suggests that high propoenate can increase the risk of autism in that mother. Yeah. So if you are thinking about having a baby, you know, in three, three years or two years or six months, it might be really good to run some of these tests and start using, you know, bovine immunoglobulins, you know, some of the some of the resistant starches or prebiotics to help manage that propoenate and that acetate and that butyrate. So again, acetate. I just thought it is also really important in integrity of the gut. Yeah. So yeah, I would say these whole short chain fetus, which are propoenate, acetate, all of these we're talking about as a group. They're the fuel for the cells that line the gut. So if you have damage, you have the Swiss cheese gut, this is one of the ways where you can regenerate your leaky gut, your problem gut. So I just want to frame that because this is kind of the fuel for those cells that line the gut. So these are the foods that they love. Great. So I thought I'd bring up this slide and just again, these resistant starches, plantains, green bananas, beans, if you're not lectin sensitive, of course, in peas, lentils, whole grains or whole oats. Again, try to get it without glyphosate. Oh, I don't know, Jill. A lot of people are going to oat milk these days and the amount of glyphosate that's in oats. I could not agree more. I didn't. I just thought I was going to mention the glyphosate because I saw another thing on beer and wine. And if you're not really careful about hopefully you're not drinking a lot of alcohol because that's not great for your gut either. But that is loaded. The parts for there was so much in the California wines and the beer. But then like you said, oats and oat milk and the Quaker Oats was one of the higher. I'm just going to name them. It wasn't the highest foods with glyphosate out there. So if you're getting oats in your diet, you must pick organic. This is non-negotiable. It's not our oat milk that is organic, right? Make your own maybe. Or make your own. Quick question. All those gums. Yeah, exactly. So quick question because we have a lot of people who are like for one reason or the other on like a paleo, like a grain-free diet. There's lots of grains and lots of, you know, not paleo foods. What kinds of things like they could do green bananas? But what would you say would be our best sources if you are kind of grain-free or legume-free because there's clearly some still some good things there? Well, I think they can do the onions, the leeks, the asparagus, the chicory. Perfect. They can do Jerusalem artichokes. They can do garlic. And we're going to talk about the situations that they can't do some of the higher sulfur foods. What else? Well, they might be able to do plantains or green bananas because those are very low in sugar. Perfect. And then if they don't have a lot of mycotoxin exposure, they can do some of these beta-glucans as well, rashi, mentaki, shushaki. And if they don't have a dairy sensitivity intolerance or caseomorphin experience going on in their brain, they might be able to tolerate yogurt or things like that. Absolutely. And actually, the SCD and the GAPS diet both use that like homemade yogurt as a huge source of healing. So when you're not in the well caveat, there would be if you're super histamine-sensitive fermentation tends to be higher histamine. So you got to know that piece. But if you're not, these homemade yogurt can be really powerful. Do you have your patients do some of those like GAPS types of things? Yes. I mean, but the majority of my patients have sulfur intolerance and histamine intolerance. I know, right? Me too. So they're like no yogurt, which they're so happy when I run this test because this test finally validates what they've been feeling. Oh, see, yeah. And I'll show you in the markers. And so I just went over this test with another patient, not this patient, but another patient yesterday or two days ago. And and they said, what can I do? Because I am so histamine-sensitive and sulfur-sensitive. So, you know, we picked it apart, bamboo shoots. You know, we're looking for a prebiotic, which there's some there's some prebiotics that are not made of corn and milk out there. Microbiome labs, which is an easy choice. That one does have corn and dairy in it. But switching to dandelion chicory tea can or or eating dandelions. That's great. If you're again, we have to watch the oxalate content for some of our type of patients with histamine issues. But it's just it's opportunity. We're just trying to get different things through to feed these wonderful bacteria that we want to thrive. I want to emphasize something else that you're saying here without saying it's flat out because all the time you and I have patients, I can't do oxalates. I can't do salicylates. I can't do histamine. I can yes, I can't do grains. I can do and every time I love that you're saying this because so often I get on my blog or somewhere. Well, I thought we weren't supposed to eat mushrooms, right? And I'm always like, no, it's it's individualized. So what I wanted to emphasize with what you're saying is part of why people see you and I is because every diet is different, right? Like, even if I say what I eat, it's not a classic paleo. I have some things I can't eat like I eat quinoa, but I can't eat X, Y or Z. So yeah, very individualized. And this is the kind of testing that can tell you to help your patients to be so individualized because it's complex, isn't it? It's there's no one size fits all. There is not. And the more that I dive into the microbiome, there are things that you can tolerate today that you maybe couldn't tolerate two years from now. And there and there may be things that you can tolerate tomorrow. And it's surprising like you may tolerate a high soul for food like bok choy or or or arugula. But maybe we need to limit the amount of Brussels sprouts. So a lot of times I see people that are really sick and they get afraid of things. And what I want to do is rework that mind to broaden to know that a little bit here and there might be actually good for us unless we see markers on this test that I say, OK, really, we need to avoid those for a little while. But we can't stay away from sulfur and our foods forever. Rachel, I completely agree. And I love that you're saying this because so many people get in these boxes of like I can eat eight foods and that's it. And guess what that does? That starts your microbiome. So we're trying to get diversity here. If you stay on the diet for 20 years, your microbiome is going to shrink down to not diverse. So I love that you're saying that because I think that's so important because you do get people get afraid and rightfully so because they've been hurt by foods. They don't feel well. But you and I are saying what we want to do is heal the root problem and get your diet extended, not contracted. Exactly. So this particular patient you're going to see, they thought they were histamine sensitive. They thought that they could never have sulfur foods. I won't skip ahead. But the bigger problem was lactate. Like look at how high their lactate is. That's incredibly inflammatory for that GI. And we can convert it if we can we can convert it to something useful. We just have to have the right producers, the right utilizers. And you know, the big one for lactate, Jill, I don't know if you tell your patients this is deep breathing. They need to lose the stress. They need to calm down. That makes so much sense. So part of this is not necessarily just in what they eat. It's also taking a deeper breath and stress management to bring down lactate. Love it. Yeah, when you blow off CO2 you're blowing off lactic acid. Yes, yes, which is taking your overall lactate down in the blood, specifically. Because you're very acidic. This person has it everywhere, right? This person has it everywhere. So there are things that can bring down lactate. Again, eating some of these higher fiber foods also help. But this particular patient, if you look, the type of bacteria that they need in order to reduce this lactate, they've got a ton of it. It's almost like their body knows. Wow. And it's trying to keep up, but the stress needs to come down. Yeah, that makes sense. I love that you're bringing it too, because we can talk about probiotics and foods and stuff. But if we're not addressing sleep and stress and mind, body and hiking and the nature or whatever, those things are critical too. Which I tell people all the time the terpenes and the amine or the oxidative antioxidants that you get in nature far outweigh anything I can give you. Yes. So any time we can get access to nature, reduce our stress, help exercise, all of these type of things help the microbiome in ways that there's no other answer. So again, this person was trying to avoid all sulfur food. They were basically thinking that they also had ammonia problems. But look at this test. And when it does show up, man, we have to change it. And one of the things I will say, if you have high ammonia, which the next organic acid test we did doesn't have high ammonia. So I want to say it now is that you need to help with protein breakdown. You need to either take bitters. You need to do apple cider vinegar before your meals or you need to do some kind of lemon juice. If you're not histamine sensitive to try to get digestion of protein to work better for ammonia production. Would you add anything to that, Joe? I totally agree because it is. It's like and on the other kinds of stool tests we talked about, sometimes you see protein in the stool and that's another. Or on organic acids, you can see some of these things as well. So they're kind of there's multiple places. You can see them, but I would totally agree. I've heard that NAC, NAC and magnesium can also help with the metabolism of excess ammonia. And ammonia literally is a neurotoxin. So people with really bad excess ammonia can often have some pretty bad neurological issues. So the patient I saw yesterday, we went over herds and her ammonia was very, very high and it's causing brain fog, severe brain fog, but it's not the histamine she thought it was. Yes, I love that. Because again, like you said, things is one thing and it's actually more complex than that. Right? So if you have a very high hydrogen sulfite, let's just say this real quick because this particular patient doesn't. But if you did have really high hydrogen sulfite, you might trial maybe two weeks off of high sulfite foods, you know, the cruciferous vegetables, leeks, onions, garlic, eggs can be high in sulfur, even your high sulfur supplements. Glutathione and DMSA and NAC and what else? Glucose or- MSM. All of these are going to also influence that. So you really want to take a break from those supplements as well when you see that. Yeah. So helpful. Oh, one of the little tip with sulfur sulfites, because I know this personally, molybdenum can help you process that. Yes. You know, you use it as well, but I often, that was my, and I'll tell you, for me personally, I had lots of pain when I had excess sulfur. As soon as I did the molybdenum, it was like a pain pill, it wasn't a pain pill, but it took care of that sulfur that was causing the pain. Now I'm fine because I've done the work. I can take NAC, I can take Glutathione, I can do those things, but I still take a little bit of molybdenum and that's a huge factor there, isn't it? Oh, thank you so much for bringing that up, because yes, if you actually look at how sulfation works, one of the rate limiting factors is enough molybdenum to actually go through the sulfur pathway. So that's, you know, anybody with a sulfur issue is gonna benefit from taking molybdenum and there's some great options out there. You don't have to take 500 micrograms at once. You can take 25 micrograms in drops or in a pill. There's lots of offerings from different supplement companies. I know about the caps, but what about the drops? Do you have a company that you like? Yeah, Seeking Health has something called, what's it called? I think it's Sulfex. Oh, cool. With an X at the end. And it is molybdenum and it's only 25 micrograms. Brilliant. Yeah. So as you see, this patient had been categorized as SIBO over and over. And I'm not saying that they probably don't have some of the bacterial overgrowth in the wrong area, but they're not, this test didn't show methane producers and it didn't show high hydrogen sulfite. So I'm trying to work this gentleman's brain around. We can sample more of those foods. We have data. Perfect. Love it. So did you know, did do all these people know how much the microbiome makes of your neurochemistry? And GABA is really low in this individual glutathione. Production is low. Here's the histamine because that's considered a neurotransmitter actually. Indole is low. Again, helping this diversity of microbiome, the keystone species, feeding them what they like to eat, focusing on stress, all of these things will help write this ship. I want to mention to histamine, I love that you said it's a neurotransmitter. It is, and we know now, see people are all afraid of histamine. Histamine is bad, mast cell bad, right? Yes. Histamine makes us smart and sharp. So you want to, you don't want no histamine. There's studies with IQ level and histamine level, then they correlate. So histamine is not all bad. And so I love to frame that because people think, gosh, I shouldn't have any histamine. You want some or you won't be able to think straight, right? And don't want too much. Exactly. And sometimes we, I think histamine gets blamed for a lot of things these days because of mast cell activation has become such a stamp on so many people that are in our space. And sometimes I try to, I try to wiggle them out of that a little bit to show them no ammonia is here. We've got maybe some hydrogen sulfate. We've got a lot of lactate in your gut. We've got other fish to fry here. We can't just blame histamine. So this also checks for estrogen phase three detoxification, which I love, love, love because I, you know, we'll run a Dutch for the first two, but knowing, you know, how phase three is operating and whether they need to keep that conjugation or they're unconjugating their estrogen. This is, this helps us see that and this is a good test to see it. So that is not happening in this individual, but their B vitamin synthesis is very low, right? B1, B2, B5, B6, B7, they're all kind of all over the map, but mostly low, B9, B12. This person has a very hard time with managing. They also have foot two, which is a genetic snip. They are homozygous. So their ability to absorb B12 is impacted by that bifidobacterium, right? Being low. And you can see it. And you look at that ferrofolate and those are methylated. So it's different. Yeah, they're not methylating well in their gut. They're not methylating well anywhere. So this patient has a lot to do with, we have a lot of work to do with methylation, but they, we do supplement. We are gonna supplement some of these lower B vitamins because they're too low. We're not, the microbiome is not making enough. The good news is K2 looks great here. Yeah, so. Heart and exercise and all those good things for. Exactly, and D, and how they're metabolizing their D, despite this person that has VDR snips and B-O-C-O-M or B-C-O-M, which is vitamin A snips. So again, those fat soluble vitamins, those minerals are the first to go when you have leaky gut and when you don't have the right environment. So it's something that in, when we look at a microbiome test, if we see a lot of leaky gut or we see a lot of inflammation gel, right? We oftentimes will say we need to support, especially if we know you have genetic snips that you're not getting enough of your fat soluble vitamins. Absolutely. In fact, that's one thing I say, you know, say you're just doing serum labs and that's all you can start with, something through insurance and you get K, A, D, E, those are fat soluble, B12, your ferritin, some of these things, not all of those can indicate, but many of those are malabsorption symptoms. So if you have all of these, fat soluble, B12, iron issues, often there's a gut issue. Yes. And a gallbladder issue. Yeah, yes. So this wraps up that biome facts, but I do, I really am a huge fan of this microbiome test. And I can't say that I felt as excited about some of the other ones. I totally agree. And I'm gonna try to do for those listeners, I believe that you can order this direct as a consumer. So if I can get a link for that, I will add that to wherever you're watching this. I'm not gonna promise, but after I'm done recording, I'm gonna see what I can find because I think you can order this directly as a consumer. I think you can. And again, it's not that biome effects to do the real work in between, you really don't need to run that as often as maybe twice a year at most, maybe once a year, if you're working on it and making progress. This is not a test you run every three months, that biome effects. Now this test you could run every three months, this organic acid test, because this is kind of showing your phenotype, how are your genes expressing themselves? So I happen to be a biochemistry nerd, like I really like this kind of stuff. And Jill- You and I for fun, are we on the weekends? Yes, we do. Like talking about this. We do. We're nerdy in a quality shop. And if people overheard us, they'd be like, wow, they just don't stop. And it's just never stop. This is one reason why it's so amazing to have a friend like you. And we have multiple of them in our circle, but it is, like as we get high in a joyful place, we're talking about microbiome and not to help our patients. Exactly. And we so benefit from one another because we all have different pieces that we all bring and it's just really beautiful. So this particular gentleman, this is not my patient, this is Jill's patient. I mean, it sounds like from what I understand, exposure to mycotoxins loves high carb, pretty high carb diet has sweet cravings, which I can see right here on this first page. What else would you fill us in, has intermittent diarrhea with different exposure to probiotics? Yeah. Definitely the carb cravings of mold exposure, which again, we can see, and you can explain that about why we see that. Interesting, we'll talk later about clostridium, but I think that can manifest as dopamine driven activities. He likes adventure and kind of those kinds of things. Also, that can be incredibly intensely focused. And I think somewhere in that, that can relate to the gut microbiome too, surprise, surprise. Generally good mood. I think that we see behaviors that try to increase serotonin as we were talking before when we reviewed this. So often if you are craving at night, like after dinner, you need something sweet, you wanna go get cashew ice cream or you wanna have a little chocolate or often that's a behavior because those carbs will increase your serotonin. So if you're like really wanting to make more serotonin and you're not naturally making that, you'll often have those kind of like, I need some carbs or you feel a little down or a little discouraged or not great if you don't have enough carbs in your diet. Any other comments on that kind of serotonin seeking behavior because I bet a lot of people listening can relate to that. Well, he is a Mao, a homozygous. He's fast metabolizer of serotonin. So he's looking for serotonin. So it would only increase the likelihood of having fungal overgrowth and fungus really messes with our serotonin. I don't know, Jill, if you find this in your practice, but anytime I'm pulling people off or treating fungus and pulling people off of eating so many carbs, I usually have to supplement with 5-HTP and B6 to help their serotonin. Otherwise, they feel like I can't do this. This is way too hard. How about, Chris, you mentioned B6 and the can't recall dreams. That's another interesting thing. And that would really mess as well because the B6 is probably low and being used up by those fungal metabolites and stuff. And then also, because dream recall is often related to serotonin and the metabolites melatonin and serotonin and also B6, right? Is there any of that with poor dream recall? Magnesium. Yes. Zinc, probably. But you're gonna see in his neurochemistry, there's definitely things afoot. So before I get going here too, there's no part of this test to say, but he does have HLA, DQ, SNPs. He has a heterozygous SNP. He really shouldn't be eating gluten. He's got BCMO1, so vitamin A deficiency is kind of common for him, probably. So looking for that chicken skin, those bumps on the back of your arms or bumps that get on the adult or child's cheeks is often a vitamin A deficiency. Again, we don't wanna overload the system. This is a fat-soluble vitamin that can damage the liver if it gets too high. But many, many people have a SNP here and they don't absorb it well to begin with. And I believe this particular gentleman probably has a gallbladder issue as well because of the mycotoxin exposure, because he's colonized, which now we'll get to this test, he's colonized in one, two, three, four fungal species, probably different species. These are metabolites. And we know both of the exposure was aspergillic penicillin, among others, but that's what those two, the furans, that number is, right? And I wanna talk about oxalates too, because tender tissues, he mentioned he had gotten a massage and it was so painful, he hated it. And that can be oxalates in the tissues, right? And we see the fungal motel that's contributing to oxalates. And when you show the next page, eventually there's a load of oxalates. So I wanna talk about oxalates as well. And he has genes that make him AGXT. He's homozygous, which makes him, it's harder for him to manage oxalates, with genetics. But again, just cause he has that SNP, did not set him up that he couldn't have KL or these things. It was also bringing in this exposure to fungus. Correct. Which creates even more of a tidal wave of oxalates. One of the things that people are listening to are like, okay, oxalates, do I have them? What's the issue? Tell us a little bit about what would you see in a patient who had oxalate issues for symptoms and stuff? So pain, pain in their body, just in general pain, vulvodynia pain in that area of a woman's body, else, kidney stones. Yes, bladder. That's the most obvious one that I tend to like, oh yeah, kidney stones because that's so obvious. That was how we learned about oxalates. Jill and I at probably a medical school. So, but their glyphosate increases oxalates. So the more glyphosate you're getting, more oxalate issues as well. So to bring in that piece. And I think at the same time we did this test, the glyphosate was like even the 80th percentile, so pretty high, which makes sense. So it's not one, we can't just blame high oxalate foods. And this again, I'm constantly telling people, it's not just the food. Usually going on a low oxalate diet will cause a massive oxalate dump, which then they feel awful. So the whole point is actually to manage the fungus, to diversify the diet, and to reduce the infection that's causing this. Absolutely. I love that you said that. So you're like, oh, no low oxalates. And again, if you went from 100% oxalates to 50% or 20%, you're gonna dump and feel horrendous. We recommend like five or 10% reduction if anything. And then like you said, the big factor is you have to go to the root, which is fungal overgrowth in this case. So he's colonized, you see these are pretty, I mean, tartaric, it's supposed to be under 5.3, he's at 39. Arabnos at 72, I would expect it actually to be a little worse with craving cashew ice cream and sweets as much as he does. So I can see he's trying to keep ahead of this, but he's got some serious fungus here, but his bacterial markers are also very high. And that clostridia is causing some issues here. So there's definitely a microbiome piece to this. And what I was saying before we jumped on today, we had talked about some of these results before. I think this person should probably increase those fibers that we talked about to help scrub the GI, to help bind some of the mycotoxins. Can this person take binders, Jill? Can they do activated charcoal or? They can charcoal every day. So that's great, yeah. And I love the idea you mentioned earlier, saccharomyces bilardi, I think that's a good idea. And I think what else? He does take a little NAC and charcoal and probiotics so far has not tolerated. So we'll have to figure out a way to get those in. But could we consider an eighth of a cap of saccharomyces bilardi? Yeah, absolutely, I think this is trying to. Or an eighth of a capsule of Megasporbiotic or an eighth of a capsule of HU58, which is the bacillus species. Those, again, a lot of people can't do a whole cap. And so sometimes we have to open them up and just sprinkle, it's just like a dusting. And that actually is a way that you can slowly shift. I think I'm quoted in your book. Yes, you are, you absolutely are. Sometimes we don't have to do things in a massive way. Sometimes it just can be a little bit. You're quoting it. You can be a delicate. Yes, sometimes you can be a delicate flower and a bad ass. That's right. That's right. I love it. You're a bad ass, even in the moments, you're delicate. So anyway, I think clostridium is a big piece here and saccharomyces bilardi. If we can do that, it goes after the fungus and it also helps the bacteria and it also helps clostridium species, which we saw on a GI map was also an issue. So sorry, if you're live with us, I had someone who's on live just asked and said, hey, am I stooled and I have yeast, but I have tons of oxalates. What else could I do? And I actually mentioned this test. This is called Great Plains Oat Test. This is a great test, is when I just responded to you, if you're listening out there still, this is a really good test. And what I find, Chelys, I'd love to know your opinion. The stool doesn't always pick up what's in the small bowel, in fact, it rarely does. So if you're doing a stool test, you may not see the fungus or the yeast as much as you would on organic gases, which this is a urine test that looks for metallides in the body. And so you almost need both sides to diagnose this. 100%, thank you so much for pointing that out. And it's also one of the reasons why it's nice to see these back to back. I wish they were the same patient, but they are not, they're two different patients. But oftentimes you can't find fungus even on the BioMFX. Exactly. It's really amazing at hiding that biofilm that it creates, but somehow organic, the organic acid picks up on the metabolites, not the fungus itself or the DNA of the fungus. It's looking at what it produces. And we see that time and time again, where we can actually get to it or see it. Yeah, totally agree with you. I always do, I always just do, always do organic gases and serum. Like that's the one, two, three punch for every new patient. I, again, this is not this patient, but a different patient that has actually seen both of us had been concerned that they had fungal issues, fungal issues. And they said every time they came home, they thought it was the mycotoxins that were in their house. And what we found actually that it wasn't the fungus, because their oat looked beautiful and they were so frustrated because they kept treating as if it were fungal. And guess what? It was hydrogen sulfite. So it was the fact that every time they went home, they ate a ton of cruciferous vegetables. And when they were out traveling, they just didn't have access to the amount of cruciferous vegetables. So they'd feel bad every time they came home and it wasn't actually fungus anymore. So anyway, that's side note. You know, to help helping, because these two tests can help a doctor really see a lot of different perspectives. Like, so we don't keep banging on the same door. And I remember you mentioned like cruciferous vegetables, some of the most healthy things in the world, leafy greens, but if you don't know that you have oxalates, for example, this patient that we're talking about now drinks fresh green juice all the time. And that's wonderful. Like he literally makes his own green juice, but he's high oxalates. As you can see here, number 21, it's off the charts. So that green juice, if it's the wrong components and high oxalate may not be the best thing every single day for him. And again, I would say green juice, but specifically lower oxalate greens, right? So N-dive, watercress, parsley, cilantro. I'd put a green apple in there and some lemon and fennel. And that's all low oxalate, I believe. Brilliant, love it. So you can still do it, just not your kale and your spinach maybe. I think if you Google Dr. Pratt Spring Smoothie, I think that's the one that comes up. And sometimes I put avocado in it as well, if they don't have an issue. I will share that link. You send that to me everywhere you're listening to this. I will be sure and share your link, Dr. Pratt. I know my website is a little perky today. It's gonna be fixed on Monday, but I think you can get to that. I think if you put that in. Anyway, oxalates, definitely an issue here, but do I wanna put him on a low oxalate diet? No, that would make him worse right now. What I wanna do is what we talked about. I wanna go after the fungus and help the microbiome. I wanna reduce oxalates, but not take them out completely. So then we get to mitochondrial markers and his lactic and peruvic looks pretty good to me, right? Would you say the same, Joe? And then we get to succinate. And succinate is in the Krebs cycle. And at the bottom of the, or not the bottom, but the midway point of the Krebs cycle is succinate. So he either is having more issues getting to succinate and some of the cofactors needed. It could be heavy metal, heavy metals slowing this down. It could be pesticides, it could be mold. It can be toxins, what I'm saying, really influence succinic acid. So if this were my patient, I probably would wanna run a tri-test. I'd also wanna run a GPL tox, which I think you might have actually done. I do. And while you're getting that, I can pull that and tell you if there's any big factors there. Okay. But in either which way, this is telling me that there's some significant damage happening to the mitochondria, which brings me back to his genes, which he has several genes, one of which is MTHFR Homozygous C677. Now everybody needs to understand that doesn't mean something bad necessarily. But in a case where I see a lot of oxidative stress, I'm thinking, oh, well, he does have a Homozygous C677 and that is slowing down his ability to detox. He also has CAT-CAT, which is heterozygous, which is very inflammatory. He's prone to inflammation and oxidative stress. So these toxins are influencing turning these genes on. He also has BHMT, which the more oxidative stress he gets, the more it can mess up his glutamate to GABA and his ability to manage his glutamate. And then let's see, ATM heterozygous is more, the more he's exposed to oxidative stress, that's influencing that gene. PEMT, the more he has gallbladder issues, he's prone to them, he's prone to fatty liver disease because of this PEMT. You do good on choline, right? Some choline stuff. And so choline might be helpful to help with methylation and also help with fatty liver, but also eating a lower carb diet is pretty important for this individual for the risk factors that they have. But foot two, again, he's Homozygous as well, also low in those lactobacillus species. And eventually we probably need to pepper that something like Zenbium Cope in there. And then what other, well, BCMO1, if you don't have enough vitamin A, that creates more oxidative stress as well. So I'm just looking out for the mitochondria saying, okay, there's genes at play here, that the more oxidative stress and the more toxins he has, which we know mycotoxins are one of those, all these bacteria are also producing toxins, right? And it's microbiome. So we wanna protect the mitochondria. And just a little backstory on, I just looked at the other test results. So he did a metals un-keylated. So we have tin and nickel that were moderately high. So that's interesting. We could look for sources of that. And then on the glyphosate, I think I told you it was above 75%. There was only one other toxin that was high and it was called acrolean, which can be from clostridia. Now it can be from gas, but I'm like, I wonder if that's from the clostridia in his gut that's actually producing that acrolean. Cause that's the only one that was really, really isn't the 95th percent per toxins. And then on the mycotoxin profile, there was very high ketomoclobosum, which is one of the worst of the worst. And also mycophanelogacid, which is immune suppressive, probably part of the fungal connection. So those are a little bit of other pieces. So we're not sure which or all or probably the medley of the bucket, that that sits in, that is making this mitochondria unhappy, but this shows me oxidative stress. Is that what it shows you, Jill? Absolutely, totally agree. And we have a little CoQ10 on board and after that fixes the whole problem, but it actually helps a little of that succinate pathway. CoQ10 would help that be 12, magnesium, selenium might help this a little bit and well, fully. Thanks, perfect. So what should I believe this is, is he vegan? Yeah. Okay. So probably need more because one, two, three, four mitochondrial markers out and then this number 32 is getting near the end there. So. So methylated bees, mag, CoQ10 and then maybe some changes in diet. We'll see about it. And choline and choline getting back to the choline. Okay. So now we're talking about neurotransmitters. Now Jill alluded to this or foreshadowed, there's clostridium at play. So it could be driving up his markers, right? HVA can be influenced by clostridia. He did not have a calm T-SNP. I was kind of shocked, like, okay. So it could be though that he's grown accustomed to feeling this much dopamine though. Yeah, yeah. Which I'd want to weed him down for that because what we know about high dopamine in too long of states is that it is actually, it works against us after time, right? This is. Brain damage, doesn't it? It causes brain damage. It causes cognitive decline. So, and we're seeing this in the gaming community, right? The kids that are the adults, the game for hours and hours at a time, their neurotransmitters look a little like this too, with or without clostridium at play. Or, I think we talked about this before, or they take quercetin. Yes. Screen T extract. Jill told us the last time Jill and I did this Facebook live, she told me she took five quercetin at one time. You probably came up here to meet this patient. You probably would have had a really fun mountain climbing experience or something. That's so funny, I have to tell you that. The rest of the story, so this is like a year or two ago when I had more estrogen and I had more dopamine. And I literally, I had an allergic reaction, which is also antihistamine. Like, oh, five. One's good. I forgot that I was a delicate flower. Yeah, delicate flower. And I always say, you know how like, when right after you get into car accident, you're just like literally internally just totally traumatized and shaking from that adrenaline rush. I'm driving home from work and I'm like, why am I so shaky? And like I felt it inside of me like this buzzing and I'm like, oh, the quercetin, it blocked the breakdown of norepinephrine and epinephrine. And I was like in this total adrenaline state, it felt horrible. It wasn't good. But what's funny now, Dr. Pratt, is I can take like the one, and I usually take one a day. And because I'm lower in neurotransmitters, the drenals are way lower now. The estrogen is lower. It actually helps. So you can use it at times in your life. It's all about balance, right? And so some of the things that like, this person should not take quercetin probably right now. Agreed. But what I don't like, what I really don't like is the quinolinic acid. That is a neurotoxin. It means that he's got, he's stressed enough and B6 deficient, right? Will also cause you to fall back from making serotonin, which he's looking for for that mal A and mal B. He really wants serotonin, but instead he's taking that tryptophan and tipping back into the chinearine down IDO1. And he's making both chinearic, number 40. See, that's pretty high. But the quinolinic acid is way too high. And that is a neurotoxin. Yeah. That's the one, that's the one on this whole, you see that high? I want to just emphasize, that's my most scary. I'm like, do not like that one. Cause that is literally neuro, it literally burns out the neurons, if we can say it in kind of a generic way. Yeah. Yeah. No, it's, and it can cause irreversible damage if it stays high for a very long time. So all my kids on stimulants or adults on stimulants, I run out organic acid to check quinolinic acid regularly on them to make sure we're not tipping, tipping into this. So when I see this, the first thing I want to do is give them glutathione, magnesium, B6, right? Again, to help that quinolinic acid breakdown. All right. But I will say shockingly, this patient does not have, it doesn't look like they're deficient in glutathione. But again, you said another marker showed you that clostridium was a play. I think this is driven by clostridium and the bacteria over. And what we're doing, and I love your thoughts on this, you can do obviously heavy hitter meds like metronidazole or vancomycin or the new deficit, but I don't like to go that direction. I will say there's some studies in children with pulse dose, THANCO or pulse dose. So if you can use that in this patient, we're using black human seed. And I'd love if you, and he can't tolerate a lot, but he takes a little bit every day. Any thoughts on other ways to help that clostridium besides all the stuff we've already talked about? No, I think kind of wanting to come back to just a little bit of bacillus. Yep. A little bit of spore-based bacillus and a little bit of saccharomyces. I agree. We're gonna try that next. But just a little. And then we just build up, we build up to a fourth of a cap. Perfect. And then I'd like to work on protein digestion where he does get protein and I want him to get more from it. Bitters would be a fantastic addition to help that gallbladder, to help that vagus nerve, to help reduce stress, right? But also help break down proteins and the proteins that he is getting from his vegan diet. Fantastic. So that was the cases. Wow, we just did a huge role in deep dive like we wanna do. If you're listening out there, I hope you enjoyed this. And what I love, I mean, if you have the biomeffects or you can get that or the organic gases, you can come back and listen to this because as you have your test, you can like walk through alongside what we just talked about and maybe get some things out of this talk. Cause we went deep dive like we would with a patient and Dr. Pratt, this is so fun and you're so full of knowledge and I'm so grateful not only for your wisdom but just that I get to call you a friend. Like what a blessing. Which we have to bring up our other friend who wrote a book on the microbiome for kids. She wrote Sarah Morgan. Take your screen down so you can see that. I wanna go to see that nice and big. There we go, yeah. So yeah, so Sarah Morgan, a dear friend of Dr. Kernahan and I wrote this amazing book for children to help them understand kind of what we talked about today, Rachel. Yeah, yeah. And it's Christmas time. Maybe get them a copy of Buddies in My Belly. It's a great book for little kids. I'll put a link there so you can get your buddies in your belly and again, great friend of ours. But what we loved is she brought, just such an entertaining story because if you wanna teach your kids and have them start eating some of these foods like the prebiotic foods and the fibers and stuff, you can start them really young and they'll be your best helper. I have a close friend who works in my office who beats her kids and she's like, okay kids, and they can't wait. They run into the kitchen to get their probiotic and their stuff and it's liquid. So they like take it on a spoon and she'd send me a video the other day. It was awesome because I was like, oh my goodness, this is so great because the kids are like, mom, mom, can we have our treat? You know, it's the medicine, it's the probiotics, it's the good stuff. So you can teach your kids really young to start doing these things. What a awesome, we've just dove right in and it was great. Leave your questions here. Go back and watch the other one we did on EMFs. And Dr. Fred, thank you. Let's leave one takeaway. What would be one takeaway for all of this, you know, one takeaway point that people can have for practical? Increase fiber in your diet. Feed your bacteria that what they want to eat. Like whether it's like a green banana and if you can't do that chicory and dandelion tea, if you can't do that bamboo shoots or hickama, some of these things can shift your microbiome within days if you start to eat more fiber. Love that. Hickama is my new favorite. I'll chop it up and put it in salads and like walnut, little strawberry, hickama. And so you can like throw these things in foods that you wouldn't necessarily, you don't have to eat a whole hickama. So love that. Thank you again for all your time today and your expertise. Oh, it was lovely to be here and it's always fun to share time with you, Jill.
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Coalition of Action for Soil Health: Global Soil Hub
Inspired by the UN Food Systems Summit, the Coalition of Action 4 Soil Health (CA4SH) (The Global Soil Hub) has formed with support from Member States, UNCCD, Farmers Organizations, Research Organizations, Development Partners and the Private Sector Guiding Group within Action Track 3: Boost Nature Positive Production. The overarching goal of CA4SH is to improve soil health globally by addressing critical implementation, monitoring, policy, and public and private investment barriers that constrain farmers from adopting and scaling healthy soil practices. The Coalition of Action 4 Soil Health will continue to thrive beyond the Summit. Be part of the global community to restore soil health and support farmers with equitable and transparent financial mechanisms and technical support for implementing healthy soil practices. Contact: Leigh Ann Winowiecki [email protected] for more information.
[ "cifor" ]
Over one-third of the earth's surface is degraded, topsoil is lost by accelerated erosion. Soil carbon stocks are depleted by extractive farming, leading to loss of agricultural production and use efficiency of imports. Degraded agricultural soils negatively impact around 3.2 billion people time to act is now. The objective of the Coalition of Action on Soil Health is to catalyze multi-stakeholder action from farmers to technicians, from researchers to CEOs to support the investment and policy change needed to facilitate the adoption and scaling of practices that improve soil health. The dialogues and actions being taken in the run-up to the UN Food Systems Summit are shining spotlight on the importance of healthy soils. Our Coalition of Companies is committed to science-based actions to accelerate positive incentives and investments for soil health. We strongly support a Coalition of Action for Soil Health and are committed to working collectively with all stakeholders to accelerate uptake. It is quite unfortunate that soil health has not given the level of attention that it should. When soil health has proven to be so important in terms of the level of productivity, ensuring that there are better production of crops and also to ensure that we improve the livelihoods of our farmers, and Tiga and Barbuda, therefore, will support any action related to highlighting soil health and the importance they have. Soil, water and soil are three great assets to make a great agriculture in Brazil and anywhere in the world. The Brazilian Government, the Ministry of Agriculture already has a great program of soles called PronaSolos, and now in September, in the beginning of October, we will launch the Aguas do Agro, which is a conservation program of microbases that will take care of our soil and our water. We look forward to working with you to build the Coalition of Action for Soil Health to transform our food systems for people and nature.
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Divyajat Kumar Paper Volumetric Analysis of hippocampal lobe in pediatric patients
"VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS OF HIPPOCAMPAL LOBE IN PEDIATRIC PATIENTS COMPLAINING OF PARTIAL SEIZURES BUT WITHOUT ANY ABNORMAL MR SIGNAL INTENSITY" This video is brought to you by IndianRadiologist - __________________________ INDIANRADIOLOGIST CALENDAR OF EVENTS RadBuzz - Subscription @ Rs 1/ !! for 2022 Read ALL previous issues of Radbuzz for FREE (magz format, best experience on desktop) AUG 12-13-14: 21st MRI Teaching Course (Hybrid Event) OCT 15-16: MSK Masterclass (Dr Malini Lawande) CTBUZZ 2022 - by Sanrad (onsite Event: Chest & Abdo Imaging) 29-30 October @ Mumbai SONOBUZZ 2023 - On Site In person Flagship Event Jan 6-8, 2023 ___ COMPLETE MASTERCLASS SERIES: BULK DISCOUNT OFFER _________________________________________________________________________ Follow us on Social Media for Event info, New videos, Free Classifieds Information on Jobs & Machines, Unusual & Rare Radiology Images, New Product Reviews & More YOUTUBE: Subscribe & Click on the Bell Icon for notifications: FACEBOOK: YOUTUBE: INSTAGRAM: Quick learning videos on Radiology for UG and Residents in Radiology. Subscribe to Indian Radiologist and get free Radiology teaching videos from experts in the field of Radiology.
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Hello everyone, this is Dr. Divajat Kumar, 2nd year radiology resident from Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College Pimpri Pune. I'll be presenting my paper on volumetric analysis of hippocampal lobe in pediatric patients complaining of partial seizures but without any abnormal MR signal intensity. I'll be doing this under the guidance of Dr. Krishna Tejasar. The study is partly based on a previous study, volumetric assessment of hippocampus in structural MRI. There are no conflicts of interest, there was no financial support and sponsorship associated with this study. The only aim of this study is to determine the volume of hippocampal lobe and its diagnostic significance in patients with clinical history but having no abnormal signal intensity on MR images. The study is done in concordance with asymptomatic controls who are having normal hippocampal volume. Coming to anatomy of hippocampus on MRI, hippocampus comprises of head, body and tail. The hippocampal complex is located in the medial aspect of the temporal lobe posterior to the amygdala. On MRI, hippocampal head is seen in the same coronal plane as the interbedicular system. The body of the hippocampus is seen at the level of midbrain. It lies inferior to the coroidal fissure and is separated from the parahippocampal gyrus by the hippocampal fissure. The tail of hippocampus is located at or behind the midbrain where it is seen adjacent to the crura of the furnaces. Volumetric significance of hippocampus on 3T MRI, hippocampus plays a significant role in secondary memory and its volume is significantly affected in patients presenting with seizures especially in pediatric age group. Volumetry of the hippocampus is often regarded as the best method for quantifying MR detectable pathologies in hippocampus. Volumetric analysis is more important in conditions where only the size of hippocampus has decreased but there is no abnormal signal intensity. In MR images obtained from 3 Tesla scanners, it is more possible to segment the hippocampus. It is a retrospective study. 30 children in the age group of 5 to 15 years were selected. Hippocampal volume was measured using a 3T scanner. Duration of study was from September 2020 to November 2021. Coming to the anatomical principles, our segmentation protocol uses hippocampal uncle fissure as the medial border, which means that only the part of subiculum contiguous with the hippocampus is included. The segmentation consists of two parts, internal landmark setting done by point-wise cross-setting in the societal view of the reformatted coronal images. Segmentation of the hippocampus in the coronal series done by continuous pen drawing and point-wise sampling. The study characteristics feature that out of 30 children in the age group of 5 to 15 years were included in the study. 15 children with the clinical history of partial seizures but not having any abnormal signal intensity on MR images are considered as subjects for the study. The rest 15 are asymptomatic children who are considered as controls for the study for determining the normal volumetric range. Informed consent was obtained from respective parents or guardians of the participating children. The subjects are scanned in 3T MR and serial MRI of brain and temporal lobe were performed. Oblique coronal sections perpendicular to the axis of temporal lobe were done with 2.5 mm slice thickness. T1, T2 flare and FSPGR sequences were done. Hippocampal volume are derived by manual quantification using volume-share algorithms. Now hippocampal segmentation was done on coronal slices scanned perpendicularly to the hippocampal principal axis and the following scan parameters was used. Coming to segmentation, segmentation of the hippocampus starts in the body which is the easier part and it ends in the more difficult part that is head and tail. Starting in the first slice of the body, posterior to the hippocampal head, the segmentation proceed to the last slice of the tail. Then the segmentation continues with a glance of the starting slice in the body from the first slice of the hippocampal head to the most anterior slide. Here we see that the landmarks set in the reformatted sagittal slice of the hippocampal region. The yellow line in the first image shows the position of the coronal slice in A2. The red crosses are used for anterior and posterior limits and the green crosses are used for other limits. Green landmarks are then transformed into coronal view to guide the segmentation in the anterior hippocampal head. 3D visualization. After segmenting the whole hippocampus, it is 3D visualized to check for deviations from curvature expectations. Hippocampus should have a smooth curvature on lateral side at the border between the hippocampus and the lateral ventricle. On the inferior side, the border between the hippocampus and the white matter of the parahippocampal gyrus should also be smooth. Discontinuities from the expectations regarding curvature could be a result of patient movements that result in every second slice displacement and the radar must be open of this possibility. Unexpected discontinuities in curvature that are most probably are the results of such obvious errors can then be adjusted for in the segmentations. Using the external landmarks, the full volumes were cropped in order to allow a better comparison with the earlier volumes found using external landmarks. The correlation between the cropped volume and the old volume were 0.87 for the right hippocampus and 0.91 for the left. The correlation of the remaining anterior or posterior volumes of the whole hippocampus with each other and with old volumes using external landmarks were however all weakly negative. The number of hippocampus slices anterior to the anterior landmark and the number of slices posterior to the posterior landmark were also negatively correlated with each other. So this was the result that was obtained after performing the sequences on all 15 control and cases. In the study, the normal range of the hippocampal volume is determined to be 2.6 plus minus 0.35 centimeter cube on the right side and 2.5 plus minus 0.35 centimeter cube on the left side. Of the 15 children with positive clinical history, 12 percent of patients have shown mean of right hippocampal volume 2 plus minus 0.35 cc and of the left hippocampal volume 2.1 plus minus 0.35 cc which is decreased in comparison to the control population. So the following conclusion was derived that volumetric analysis has found to be more sensitive with detection of volume loss in patients with no abnormal signal intensity and in concordance with visual perception, the volumetric range helps in accurate diagnosis of various conditions like mesial temporal lobe epilepsy, schizophrenia, fragile x-syndrome and post-traumatic stress disorder.
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NSEC2022 - Q & A AppSec Block
Hosted panel discussion and Q&A.
All right so we're back at it again. So we're here to have a quick, well quick, 30 minutes Q&A regarding APSEC or any kind of related topic. Do we also have Vicky connected? All right awesome. Well hi Vicky. All right so how it's gonna work is that we'll, hi sorry, there might be a slight delay so we'll be careful about that. So before we start I'm curious I know Vicky your talk was specifically about how to write better technical duck. Are you guys writing some technical documentation, blogs or books or anything of some sort? I'm not but I probably should start. Okay. Yeah I released from time to time blog posts and I also talked in the session about the threat metrics which was quite a significant publication of us. So yeah and the tips in the session were definitely helpful. All right awesome. So this is supposed to be a conversation so Vicky if you also have questions for people on-prem or live with us please ask away. If not what I'll do is I'll go through some of the popular question on Slido. So we do have some. All right this one is very generic. So we're open to any tips and tricks but what kind of protection can we implement on database of the provider side to prevent an evil consumer from stealing data? Is using a different database an option? It's fine if you don't have the answer perhaps it's a question too generic question for our speaker. I mean I'm not a database guy but I have done a talk about basically finding unsecured NoSQL databases out there and it seemed like the biggest problem was people forgot to put authentication on it or they forgot and they left it open to the internet. I don't know that you could switch from say like elastic to Mongo. I'm pretty sure that there's very different data structures but basically security 101 is the only advice that I would give someone. All right sounds good. Vicky raise your hand if you have any additional comments to add on this question. All right follow-up question. Can we restrict unknown IP addresses with ACL in F5? If there is indeed an ACL in place how can we work our way around it? Again is that too generic? No. So the F5 is the only place you're going to be able to put an ACL on that's realistic is the management side of the network. So you can either you know ACL down the management IP or the self IPs. It's pretty robust though. You're not going to have an easy way of working your way around it because even using the exploit you won't be able to view that ACL list because it's going to just kick any request out that's not coming from a trusted network. That's actually how when we part of the when we secured them at Microsoft was we had a Microsoft as of course a very robust networking team. We had a network of full you know private address space that was only for management and every device before it was even plugged into the network had ACLs applied so only that trusted network could get to it. So yeah good luck. All right so the next question is specifically for Vicky. Any tips for people who aren't native English speaker on writing better technical content? Sure yeah that's a great question. I am not a native English speaker myself and I certainly struggled with writing and even speaking English right when I first moved to the United States and I think the most important tip that I have is to do intentional practices. So what does that mean right? Getting good and writing takes time and it's very very important to write a lot. Your first few pieces would probably suck but that's okay because you'll get gradually get better over time. But another thing to remember when you're practicing writing is that it's not enough just to write a lot. It's also really important to get feedback about your writing right. So when I first moved to the United States the way that I got better at writing is that I had a writing mentor that would take my pieces and tell me how she would improve the piece. But I do understand that I think that's the best way of actually improve your writing a lot in a short time frame but that is not available to everyone right. Another way that you can get feedback from your writing is through grammar checkers. So you can install one of those free grammar checking software and run your articles through that grammar checker and see what kind of feedback it's giving you and try to model correct grammar or good sentence structures from the recommendation you get back from grammar checkers. And another thing you can do is that you can find similar articles online that you think are well written that talks about the same topic that you are talking about and compare what makes your writing better than yours and what can you improve in your own writing and model how they're structuring their articles or structuring their sentences and their word choices as well. All right. Awesome tips and tricks. Maybe it can be useful for English speaker as well. All right. Let's do a question for you. It seems that all cases in all cases we rely on Kubernetes to be the IDP to the cloud IDP. That means trusting the configuration of the cloud providers, configuration and key management. Question mark. That's a well written question. Not sure that I understood it, but if it talks about the IDP, it talks about IDP. It does. Yeah. All right. So yeah, I just mentioned it in the world in the session. I didn't get into it, but what I tried to say, I mean, I didn't get into the details, but now cloud providers have the option to trust Kubernetes as an IDP. So service accounts from the cluster are trusted by the cloud provider and that's another way to authenticate your workloads, your pods with the cloud. You can read about, for example, in Azure, it's called Workload Identity Federation, I think, and in AWS, it's called RSA. So you can read about the whole flow, but generally it means that the cluster is trusted as an identity provider. All right. Thank you. This is more a generic question that maybe has nothing to do with your specific talk, but since we're here talking about application security, you all know that developer, it's hard for them to take security seriously. Does anyone has experience and maybe tips and tricks on how to, or has experience on how teaching developer to know when their stuff is broken? Well, I can say that I work in a product group at Microsoft and it's really important to be aware that as a developer, you should, I mean, I think we do it quite well at Microsoft is to really be with security in mind. And it could be with education just to show examples of how simple mistakes at code become vulnerabilities or misconfigurations. And so I think that the main thing is that you need to educate the devs to be with security in mind. It's a generic answer, but I think it's really important that that's the first step. And how do you do that with bribes and cookies? Well, I think that first show examples and to show, I mean, to show how sometimes simple, simple things that looks like just little bugs can cause to a serious vulnerability, to a serious security issue. I think it's helpful. And I think it's another thing is the organizational culture, I mean, to be aware of the security. So it's Microsoft, a big organization. It's obviously, it's obviously a thing. So everyone is aware of the security, but maybe in smaller dev groups, it's different and it's super important. So I think that's another thing. Absolutely, Nate. I feel like you have something to say about this. So in my experience, and this is this is not from the sort of developer side, but I have done I did another talk about the last five vulnerability in 2020. The interesting takeaway from that was the the 2020 CVE, the path traversal one, it was almost the exact same POC as a Citrix vulnerability from six months prior against their load balancing devices. Both of those used a technique that Orange Psy had talked about at Black Hat in 2018. So the advice that I would give is especially when you're using open source software, you need to be paying attention to the ecosystem, your developers and your security teams need to be looking at what the current attack surface is. Don't send them to Black Hat just so they can go to parties and drink, they need to be going and looking at these talks and saying, Hey, do we use these components in our product? If we do, you know, like quite literally Orange's his slides had the same POC dot dot semicolon forward slash that was used in both those attacks. So they had 18 months to look at their code and say, Hey, is this something that would affect us? Had they done that, they would have realized yes, it did. So by keeping abreast of the ecosystem and also looking at your competitors and seeing what types of vulnerabilities affect them. You know, in the load balancing world, like I said, they're very similar products. So had had someone from F5 said, Hey, Citrix just got whacked with this really bad vulnerability, we do almost the same thing, we should go take a look. You need to be cognizant of what's going on around you and not just head down, you know, writing new shiny features like securities boring, we get it, but new shiny is what's going to get you in trouble. Alright, thanks. So I'll relate a question to Vicky. Vicky, do you have any tips and tricks on how to on board dev into the security journey? Sure, I think I can share one of my experiences. That's sort of like my aha moment in security, right? Before I got into security, I was actually a developer, and I wrote lots of lots of code. And because I was a web developer, a lot of the vulnerabilities that I studied as a security person actually relates to the code that I wrote for my development job, right? So one of the great aha moments I had about security and how to teach developer security is I went back to one of the projects I made when I was developer. And I just started to find like all these different ways to exploit it, right? And that really showed me what the experience should be like when we're teaching developers security, it should be about contact, right? We should make it relevant to their work. We should make it understand this is exactly why this is bad. And this is what the attacker can do with your customers with your clients and with your data. I think grounding the security education in that sort of context is very important into making people actually care. Absolutely. Thank you for that, Vicky. Let's jump into a different topic. I believe this question's for Nate. For load balancers, would a honeypot based on your lab setup catch anything interesting you think? Oh, absolutely. I believe that Kevin Beaumont, who goes by gossy the dog on Twitter, set up a five honeypot shortly after this vulnerability came out. I know that people as soon as these as soon as these vulnerabilities have come out, different security groups have set up honeypots just to see what sorts of exploit payloads are coming in. So I guess you in theory, could set one up on your own internal network to sort of like maybe try to, you know, confuse an attacker. However, if I'm an attacker, if I'm playing around in your network, the first thing I'm going to do is see is this device actually interesting. And if I find it that it's just sitting there with no load balance configuration, or it's not passing any traffic, I'm going to either assume, okay, this is just a lab box, or maybe this is a honeypot. So yes, it could be it could work. I think it's more useful for sort of the the internet spray of attack payloads and sort of collecting and seeing what the TTPs are, you know, the IOCs of what's being dropped. All right. Awesome. And question regarding Kubernetes. For lateral movement, why? It moves. Sorry. Why were put security policies config mentioned, as it would allow escalating the not even faster? Maybe this is a trick question. Yeah, for Kubernetes lateral movement. So for you, why weren't pods security policies config mentioned? As security policies config mentioned, did you mention that in your talk? Yeah. Yeah. As it would allow escalating the not even faster. All right. The question is, which configurations of the podge can allow us to move to the node fast? We can take the question however we want. And make it your home. I can select another one. If you want. No, no worries. I'm not sure that I understood. But if the quest, if the question is about pod configurations, perhaps let's take it this way. Yeah. Okay. So I'm not sure that I'm answering the right question, but regarding pod configurations that may lead to lateral movement. So we talked about several in the talk. I mean, we mentioned it really briefly, but privilege container first have full access to the underlying node. We also talked about mounting files. So if we have a pod with the configuration of mounting file into it, so it also may lead to lateral movement. Then there is the whole topic of network king. So for example, you can specify that pod has has access to the host networking. So the bunch of configurations of pods that may lead to lateral movements, if it was the question. And if not, so you can ask me again, I'll answer. All right. If not, they can hit you up on Twitter and see the real answer for you. All right. For Nate, another question for you. Yeah, what do you think of asking for a software bill of material that lists all their dependencies and their version on those proprietary devices? I think it's a good idea. And at least in terms of F five, you can somewhat figure it out. There's one of the the reference links I had in my slides. They do list what operating system versions they use for the management side of things. So you could, you know, take a look and say, what is CentOS 7.3 running? What libraries does it have? Those operating systems are not updated the way that we would update our Linux servers. So I think it's during like major revs, like when they go from 11 to 12 or 12 to 13, they'll update to a degree. But your best I mean, you're not going to get much of a software bill of materials from them as far as I know. And that's of course, you're a big enough customer, and you pay them enough money, then that was one of the things that I would have done, which was to say, Okay, let me let me pull this for you. But yeah, and that's that's only going to be the Linux side of things. If you start asking about like supply chains of where their firmware is coming from the code that's running their ASICs or their FPGAs, you're going to have a non trivial time getting that out of them. All right. So Vicky, maybe a question that it's for you, but also for from one of the speakers that could not join us today. So it's kind of a in between or hybrid question. What do you think about web hooks? And would it be a good target for bug bounties program or any? I don't know if you've written any blogs or anything about it in your experience. So I've actually written about web hooks before. And I think they can potentially be a good target for bug bounties. But in reality, I haven't really hunted that much in bug bounty programs for web hook related bugs. So I don't really know the answer to that. I think potentially, I don't really know how prevalent it is though. Do we have any strong opinion? No. That sounds good. All right. So I'm reading the question that are remaining. They're quite similar to or uncomprehensive. I won't go through. I won't go give you any like, weird question anymore. All right. So thank you guys so much. Please ask them your question privately. If you do hit them on Twitter or yeah, we're just here to help. So please feel free to reach out.
{ "url": "", "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -" }
WSIS FORUM 2015 INTERVIEW: Fred Matiang'i, Ministry of Information, Kenya (Republic of)
Interview with Dr. Fred Matiang'i, Minister , Ministry of Information, Communications and Technology, Kenya (Republic of) at WSIS FORUM 2015, Geneva, Switzerland. 25-29 May 2015.
[ "Fred Matiang'i", "International Telecommunication Union (Membership Organization)", "WSIS FORUM 2015", "Ministry of Information", "Communications and Technology" ]
Well, it's a pleasure today to have Dr Fred Matianghi with us. He's the Cabinet Secretary for Information Communication and Technology in Kenya. Dr Matianghi, hello. Hello. Thank you for coming today. Now, Kenya has a bit of an interesting track record with innovation, and you've come here to talk about innovation and ICTs and development. What does innovation mean in your context? Well, it means many things. First of all, development of solutions or products to address everyday needs of ordinary people in our country. Innovation is need-driven. Looking at the needs in development, needs in communication, needs in financial transactions, in accessing and moving information, in the use of data to design and develop a number of development solutions. It's all part of what we are describing broadly as innovation. Because all the fields of ICTs. Tell me about some innovations that your country has already come up with, because I know there's been some very important ones, haven't there? Well, yes, indeed. Of course Kenya is famous for the mobile money transfer service, which is an innovation popularly described as M-Pesa, movement of money on the mobile platform. But since M-Pesa, Kenya has come up with so many other innovations. Solutions have been developed on collection of revenue, for example, in various places, using mobile-based solutions. Transmission of data and information on health, we're calling M-Health solutions, developed on the right on the mobile platform. M-Education, you know, we're developing frameworks where, or applications where, information including education, learning, and so on is riding on the mobile platform as it were. And several others, M-Agriculture, for example, in M-Agriculture, we have very creative innovations that have come up in Kenya. For example, M-Cow, you know, which is a solution. An application that enables dairy farmers access information and solutions to some of the challenges in dairy farming, which also again rides on the mobile platform as it was. So several innovations have come up in Kenya as a result of the creative potential in the country. For these systems and ideas to work, of course, you need access. How would you grade access to ICTs in Kenya and what would you see as the big barriers that you have to overcome to roll out improved access to your people? Well, we're improving as government, for example. We're putting in a lot of resources to try and improve access to the Internet in Kenya. We're increasing penetration every year as it were. But of course, for these innovations to thrive, to be scaled up to go to the marketplace, several things need to happen. One, of course, we need very supportive infrastructure. I broadly described this in the meeting and discussion we had this morning as an ecosystem that is supportive of innovation and the ecosystem would include developed infrastructure, ensuring that there is access to the Internet, affordable Internet across the country as it is. And as government, we're working with private sector players to invest heavily in building the infrastructure, taking the five-optic cable across the country, ensuring connectivity across Kenya, and supporting private investors who are trying to enhance wireless connectivity across the country as it were. Secondly, there must be an effective linkage between government, private sector players, industry, research sites or resource sites, as we may call them. We have tried to create that ecosystem also where all the critical actors come together and review a number of things, including the right policies that could support innovation. Third, there's need for supportive financial frameworks that would support innovation. Many of the innovators or those who develop solutions are not necessarily endowed with resources to develop further, to move from incubation to startup to finally marketplace. There's need for resources. As much as we're trying to work with the private sector to attract some NGO funding to do this, we also as the government have done some work through Enterprise Kenya, which is a resource we have created recently. It's a partnership between government and the private sector where we are putting together some NGO funds to be able to do some hand-holding for young innovators to move forward. Fourthly, there's need to develop a very strong intellectual property ecosystem where innovators are not robbed of their creativity and their development as a situa. We have strong intellectual property regime in the country. We're trying to improve on it. And then we have institutions like the Kenya Cooperate Board, KECOBO, and the intellectual property agency that is working on this to ensure that we develop protective frameworks around innovation as a situa. Fifthly, of course, is to ensure that we build the capacity of the innovators to be able to know beyond innovation how do you then move through incubation to start up, then you go to marketplace and so on. And again, jointly, the government is working in the private sector to ensure that this is addressed and sorted out. The sixth issue is, of course, the market. To be able to scale up, you're talking about innovations, being able to marketize, to commercialize, so that they go to the marketplace and so on. And we're trying to see how we can leverage our relationships with our neighbors so that we create one regional ecosystem that supports innovators. So that if we are working within the framework of the Eastern Africa Organization, we are calling the East African Cooperation, or under the Northern Corridor Integration Infrastructure framework, which brings together Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, and South Sudan, we have a framework of about 150 or so million people. And that population provides a huge market and environment for innovation to thrive as it were. And there are many, many other issues. Even if government put together resources, for example, that's not going to be enough. There's need to bring other private sector players, and that's why I hope ITU, for instance, will leverage its responsibility, leverage its institutional network to interest and attract angel capitalists who are computing resources to support innovation on the continent to move forward. Private players also need to help with infrastructure. There is no government anywhere. Whether you look at examples that have been very successful, there's no government anywhere that has been able, in and of itself, to put resources to support sufficient spread of the broadband footprint in their countries. It's important to our private sector players. A question, then, of the classic multi-stakeholder approach. You've got to align all the players in the one direction. Absolutely. It's building a multi-stakeholder approach to supporting innovation. And of course the government being able, through policy, through legislation, through collaboration within and without, to provide an enabling environment for multi-stakeholder engagement and involvement in innovation. But as I was saying, no government has done this on their own and succeeded. Private sector is critical and the dynamism of the private sector is necessary to do this. Well, Dr Fred Matiangi of Kenya, the Cabinet Secretary, indeed for Information, Communication and Technology. Thank you for your time today. Thank you very much. It's a pleasure and thank you for having me. Thank you.
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#16 Dropshipping Live Q&A - AutoDS
Join our live QA session and ask us anything related to eCommerce, dropshipping, and how to succeed in running and managing your online business! Timestamps: 3:54 : How to request a feature on AutoDS? 5:01 : How many shops can we connect at a time with AutoDS? 6:51 : Deleting unmonitored items. Are returns detected and fully automated with auto-orders? Suppliers packaging issue. 11:09 : Starting dropshipping in the UK. 15:57 : How to import CJdropshipping products to AutoDS? 16:55 : TBA tracking numbers converting issue. 18:02 : Is it better to list our products from AliExpress dropship center or just AliExpress? 27:00 : How to create a good website? 30:59 : High ticket dropshipping minimum price. 32:17 : Does your software support WooCommerce? 32:38 : Best suppliers with the best Margins? 34:32 : Why sell physical products? How many before I can start dropshipping? 35:58 : Minimum price range for the same item from Amazon to eBay. 40:13 : Tracking number availability and importance of free shipping. 42:10 : Selling your products internationally with Hipshipper. 44:55 : Perfect time to hire a VA. Do you have a list of safe VA's? 47:38 : Using AutoDS with an eBay account since 2019 or create a new one? 48:48 : Will eBay suspend your account If you never upload tracking numbers? 50:43 : eBay store evaluation. 52:50 : Dropshipping from CJdropshipping to US. 53:43 : Importing product description and pictures to your website via AutoDS. 54:45 : AutoDS Mentorship program. 56:24 : AutoDS Facebook Marketplace courses. 59:21 : Is eBay top-rated seller worth it? 59:36 : eBay Below standard due to tracking number issue. 1:00:21 : Recommended US Suppliers. 1:00:51 : Chance to get your account back after suspension. 1:00:57 : eBay account flag issue. 1:03:10 : Maximum amount of products to import to AutoDS. Start your automated dropshipping business today for just $1: Our Facebook Community group: For 1 on 1 coaching with a Dropshipping pro: For More Content About Dropshipping: AutoDS's Official Dropshipping Courses: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Recommended Playlists: Sell These Right Now - The HOTTEST Dropshipping Products ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #Dropshipping #AutoDS #OnlineBusiness #eCommerce #LiveQA
[ "dropshipping tools", "best dropshipping tools", "dropshipping", "aliexpress dropshipping", "drop shipping on ebay", "ebay drop shipping", "dropshipping products", "best dropshipping products" ]
DS. And the purpose of these live QAs are to help you guys start your dropshipping businesses if you haven't done so yet. If you're just taking interest in this field, but need some more knowledge, need some more information and valuable information at that, that will really help you guys get a jumpstart in your dropshipping careers. And of course, for those of you who are dropshipping, you guys are active sellers, and you are looking for more tips in order to scale your businesses and really hit that benchmark that you guys were looking for. Excuse me. So once again, welcome to our live Q&A. I am happy to be your host. And let's go ahead and begin. So for those of you who don't know, the first thing that I like to do in these live QAs is start with the questions that we asked in the Facebook community 24 hours prior to the live. So I'm going to start off with those questions. And we are live on our YouTube channel and also on our Facebook page. So if you guys want to ask questions in the chat, now is the time to do so on YouTube or on our Facebook page. So let's go ahead and begin this live QA. I would like to start with a quick update. I think I talked about it in my previous live, but I'm going to remind you guys once again, for those of you who don't know, we have just released Wix as a selling channel on AutoDS. This means that we're not just supporting eBay and Shopify and Facebook Marketplace. We have just recently added our fourth selling channel. And for those of you who have been with us in a while, a year and a half ago, we were pretty much, or it was two years ago, we were pretty much only with eBay. So the e-commerce business is growing. There is nothing anyone can do to stop it. The numbers of e-commerce and dropshipping, the revenue, the profits, the sales are growing exponentially every year. So once again, if you guys are only taking interest or you guys heard about the term dropshipping, maybe you guys even heard it a few years ago. I know that I started dropshipping only a couple of years after I heard about it because I didn't know how to start. I didn't know if it works. I didn't know how to get around it. What are the first steps to take? Things that you need to take into consideration later on? What are the legal aspects of dropshipping and dropshipping from in different regions and dropshipping suppliers and all of that? When I got started, I instantly regretted not starting before. And I don't want the same thing to happen to you guys. So if you're taking interest, ask your questions now in the live QA and I'll do everything that I can to help you. Let me just check the chat screen really quick, see that it's working. Okay. So once again, welcome everyone and let's begin with the live QA. So for those of you who just joined now, you can start asking your questions in the live chat if you're on a YouTube channel or if you're on our Facebook page. And I'm going to start with the questions that we had on the Facebook community that was posted 24 hours ago. So I'm going to share my screen right now. Hi, hi, Ibrahim. All right. So you guys should be seeing my Facebook screen right now. Let me know in the chat, guys, if it's not zoomed in enough or if something is not clear and so forth. Okay. So here's the post, ask your questions. Let's begin. By the way, if you guys have joined or haven't joined my lives before, I answer all of you guys' questions in the chat. So ask them now and I will address them in a few minutes. I never let any question go unanswered. And those of you who have been with me in the previous lives, you know that. There is a feature that requested for many months. I have an observation on the products console for the horizontal scroll bar. It is preferable that it is dynamic because now I want to hide all the information on the product, have to go down to the end of the page to move to the scroll bar, then I have to go back up to reach. Okay. So Ahmed, I see what you're saying here. This is a request that you need to add. I don't understand if you made a request for that yet. But for those of you who don't know, here on the Autodesk platform, you can just click on the circle icon on the top right and then you can create a feature request. You can simply click on that. And here we have the internal upvoting system where you guys can vote for whatever feature or whatever content or anything that you want to see in Autodesk that hasn't been published yet or posted yet or whatnot. So make your vote here. First, search for whatever you want to vote for. See if anyone already created a vote request for that. And if they did, then you can simply upvote it. And if nobody created a vote for that, then you can create your own vote for that. So let me know if you did that and I'll know how to further address your issue. How many shops can we connect at a time with Autodesk? Hi, Hassan. To my knowledge, to the best of my knowledge, there is no limit to the amount of shops that you can connect. But let's just take a quick look here on the Autodesk platform. Let's click on add store. There is no limit, not that I know of. Let's go to the plans and add-ons. Just want to make sure I'm not mistaken here. Given out the wrong information. So here in the plans and add-ons, there is no, you're only limited to the amount of variations. Oh yeah, the stores. So the starter store for the eBay plan has 500 stores. I think that's enough. I doubt that you have 500 stores. Yeah, so each plan has the amount of stores that you can connect. So yeah, that answers that. And thank you. It's good information for me to know too. I have a few dropshipping stores, so I never really looked at the limit. But I would like to see anyone who's actually using their limits on their stores, especially on eBay. If anyone has 500 stores, I would love to include you guys in our next podcast. By the way, if there are any big dropshippers out there who are listening to this live, you guys can send us an email or send me an email at If you are a big e-commerce store owner, dropshipper, or even if you're dropshipping, not dropshipping, but even selling from your own inventory, I would love to have an interview with you guys on our channel. And if you guys don't know, you can head over to slash autoDS and see all of the interviews that we had there, successful case studies, success stories, and a lot of tips about dropshipping and everything that has to do with that. Okay, next question. If I delete unmonitored items, personal items that I have at home in autoDS, will they be deleted on eBay also? So in the unmonitored section, so here's the unmonitored section. Let's go to the products page. You will see your unmonitored products up here on top. So I'm going to click on that. And here, if I remove something, let's go ahead and try to remove it. By the way, everything is moving really slow when I'm sharing my screen on a 2K resolution. So don't mind that. You're about to delete an unmonitored product. Are you sure you want to continue? Yeah, it's going to delete it from the autoDS system and also from your store. So yeah, you might want to watch that. And by the way, guys, if you have any questions about the system, because here I really want to help you guys jumpstart your businesses or scale your current running businesses. But for any technical issues or anything about the autoDS system, that's not a feature or something like that. But like technical questions or technical support, I would like to request for you guys to open a support ticket or open up a chat, a live chat with our support team. And of course, our representatives will be more than happy to help you guys with anything that you need. So for anything autoDS system related, technical things, open up a support ticket or a live chat. Hi, I live in UK and I have an eBay check. Oh wait, you have more questions. Are returns detected and fully automated with the auto order? Yes. Yeah, so returns are detected. No, it's not automatically detected. But first of all, when you're saying auto order, I'm going to take into consideration that you're mentioning that you're referring to the fulfilled by autoDS system and not the regular automatic orders that uses your own buyer accounts. Because in that case, you have to go to your supplier's website and get a return label from your supplier. If you are eligible for a return there, if your buyer is eligible for a return. But if you're talking about the fulfilled by autoDS service, all you have to do is go to the order status and change it from delivered or shipped to request a return. And if you are eligible for a return, then a return label will be provided right there for you. We have a full explanation on that, of course, on our fulfilled by autoDS page. You can just search for fulfilled by autoDS on Google. Or you can also write it on our YouTube channel and then you'll have my explanation of how you can work with the system and how you can also easily process your returns and where you can get your return label and all of that. It's not detected when a buyer opens up a return on eBay. For example, the autoDS system will not open up the return automatically for you. You have to go and switch the status to request a return. Do buyers get or see supplier invoice receipts with the actual buy price to sell price when they receive deliveries? So that's a good question and it really depends on what supplier you're using and what type of packaging they have or they do on your product. So for example, if you're dropshipping from retailers like Amazon, then you can simply choose gift packaging and while the buyer will still get the box in Amazon's logo in Amazon's packaging, when you create a gift order, when you market as a gift, then your buyer will not have any receipt and they won't know how much it actually cost you. But to answer the next unasked question, will the buyer care when they see it in an Amazon package or any other supplier that you're using? 99 points, something percent of your buyers will not care. And any dropshippers that we have here today in the live chat, I'm sure that you guys can vouch for that. I have tens of thousands of transactions under my belt and I can only remember a couple situations where the buyer asked about why it came from Amazon or Walmart box or something like that, to which you can simply answer that you're using also their warehouses as a part of your fulfillment method. And that's it. You're not actually lying to anyone here. Okay, hi, I live in the UK and an eBay account since 2014. Now I want to sell on it. They give me 1000 products to list. Just want to make sure in the chat that everything is all right. Yeah, okay, I can see all you guys questions. I will address them soon. Hi, I live in the UK and have an eBay account since 2014. Now I want to sell on it. They give me 1000 products to list. How can I start? I've never sold anything on eBay before. What do you recommend? And last I did not find any UK suppliers in your platform. Okay, let's take it from the beginning up though. So congratulations on having an aged eBay account since 2014. My account is from 2009, I believe. So you have 1000 products to list. First thing I would suggest is to call eBay and tell them that you want more than 1000 products because once you start dropshipping, there's a high chance that they will flag your account, which is fine. But when they flag your account, you'll have a hard time upgrading your limits from there. So get as many limits as you can and then start dropshipping. Your account will not get suspended unless you are importing products that you are not allowed to resell. So stay away from Vero products. We have enough blog articles and YouTube videos on that, just search for eBay, Vero, AutoDS, Vero, V-E-R-O. Don't sell copyrighted trademark products. And of course, ship out your products on time and provide tracking information that's trackable on eBay. So we have once again enough content on that, just start the right way, because it's an age account. I don't foresee any problems, but once again, my recommendation, call eBay and tell them that you would like even 10,000 products if they can do that. Tell them that you have a whole bunch of products. Tell them that you're selling on other platforms and you want to start also selling on eBay and give them the reasons that will convince them at the end that eBay representative to upgrade your limits. Now, they can tell you, hey, look, you already have a thousand. You listed zero. Why don't you start listing first and then call us and ask for an upgrade, which you can also do that. But in that case, I would suggest to go with wholesale drop shipping suppliers and not from retailers just to avoid getting flagged in the beginning. Once you have 10,000 listings, you can get flagged as much as you want and do all the retail arbitrage that you want, because you'll be able to make substantial profits with 10,000 product listings, even if your account is flagged. So that's how you should start. We also have a full guide on how to start drop shipping on eBay. If you haven't sold anything on eBay before, like you just mentioned, I would say that the first few products eBay will check it out with a virtual magnifying glass. So start with some items that you have around your home, use the correct item location, the right item location, use the right business policies, check out our guide on how to start and how to drop ship on eBay. It's on slash blog, and it will take you step by step into doing it the right way and avoiding all kinds of problems that could arise later. How to add, oh wait, there was another question. You never sold anything on eBay. And last, you did not find any UK suppliers on our platform. Okay. So in this case, what you need to do is head over to slash blog. Oh, sorry. I'm so used to going to the blog slash suppliers. Yeah, my shirt is not backwards, Michelle. It's my camera. I should have put the camera settings on the mirror, but I didn't really notice that. So when you're on slash suppliers, the only thing that you need to do from here is click here on United Kingdom. And here you'll see all the suppliers that we have in the UK. So you got AliExpress with warehouses in the UK. You got Amazon UK, Banggood UK, eBay UK, Wayfar UK, Costway UK, VitaXL UK, and with UK warehouses. So all these suppliers have warehouses in the UK, and you can use them to ship domestically from the UK to the UK and therefore get fast shipping times. Your customers will be happy. Excuse me for a sec. I drink a lot during these lives because I talk a lot, my throat gets dry. So that's how you can see all of the UK suppliers and which suppliers you can go to. And even though some of these are also selling channels like eBay, so if you're using eBay as a selling channel, don't use them as your supplier because then you'll have the same tracking number twice. You won't be able to use your seller's tracking number on your own orders. And then your account will get suspended pretty quickly. Okay, so let's continue. How to add CJ drop shipping to AutoDS? Okay, that's a technical question. But what do you mean add CJ drop shipping? You mean add them as a supplier? Then you don't really need to do anything. You can just add their products. If you're talking about how do I import products from CJ drop shipping to AutoDS, that's actually very simple. You have a few methods for doing that, the single product uploader, the multiple product uploader upload from CSV. And there was one more that I missed out. And there was a single product uploader to upload in a second. There's also the one click uploader with the AutoDS extension. I'm not going to go over it now, but search Google for AutoDS product importer. You'll get to our product importer landing page and there you'll have all the information about the different product importing methods. And that's it. Let me know in the chat if you're still having trouble. Hi there. I'm drop shipping in Australia. However, I have trouble with TBA tracking numbers. Is there any way I can convert this? Yes, lucky quints. There is a way you can convert it on our blog page. What you should do is search. Actually, it's right here. It should be here. Blue Care Express versus Aquiline tracking conversions, which is better. Both of these tracking conversion services can convert your TBA tracking number to a supported tracking number that you can actually track, not just on You can use websites like to track it. And if you're drop shipping on eBay, then it's 100% supported. It doesn't matter if you're using Aquiline or Blue Care Express. So once again, go to this blog article. You have all the information here. And that should answer your question. You won't have to deal with any of that TBA tracking no more. And if a buyer opens up an item not received case, you will be able to prove that they did get the product. Because your tracking will start being tracking numbers that you can track anywhere. Is it better to list our products from AliExpress Dropship or just AliExpress? Hi, Michelle. By AliExpress Dropship, do you mean the AliExpress Dropshipping Center or just AliExpress? To answer that question, even in a more sophisticated way, what I would suggest to do is head over to the AutoDS product research platform, which is already integrated into the system. And one of the suppliers here is AliExpress. So I'm just going to click here on product research. And here you will see our new tool for finding great products to sell and also adding it to your store in just one click. So here's how that's done. Right now we're seeing all of the products, but you can see the supplier icons right here. I guess that you guys can't really see it zoomed in, so I'm zooming in a lot. So here there's an icon. It's the AliExpress icon. Or you can just click here on China suppliers. Right now we're working here pretty much only with AliExpress, but soon we're going to add more suppliers. So it's not just going to be these retail marketplaces like AliExpress and Amazon, which is still great. But for those of you who want to start new eBay seller accounts or new dropshipping stores anyway, and you want to do it the legit way without the whole retail arbitrage, which by the way, guys, it still works. It's working for me. It's working for thousands of dropshippers. But if you guys want to do it the wholesale private supplier way with dropshipping contracts and doing everything by the book like eBay would want you to do, then soon in this tool, you're going to have private dropshipping wholesale suppliers that not only will provide you with dropshipping contracts and everything like that, but you'll also have exclusive access to their products. They're not working with other platforms. They'll work exclusively with AutoDS. And we know how to get those trending products for you guys. So don't worry about that. That is a feature that's going to come soon. And if you guys wouldn't be watching these live QAs, you would never know about it because we're not updating our audiences yet about these features that are coming up. So you can start your product research here, Michelle. But if you mean the AliExpress dropshipping center, it's a good place to also get ideas for products that are trending and then look for those products, look for different variants of them, not just using AliExpress because they ship slowly from China, but rather with domestic suppliers that are in the same country that you are targeting your audience. So that's enough with the Facebook questions. Now let's get on to the live chat. Michelle, I can see that you're here too. Okay, you're consistent with us. That's nice. Okay, guys, I'm going to stop sharing the screen. Actually, I'm going to share for another minute. So we talked about Wix dropshipping that we now support Wix. Here is our page for Wix. If you guys want to learn about it and how it works and all the features that we have there, so you can just go to slash Wix, or you can just simply, if you're already into the AutoDS platform, you're already a member of AutoDS, you can simply add a Wix store now. So if I go to autoDS and I will click on add store, this is the product research tool, we got to go back to the platform. So Wix is also an option there now too. Okay, so I highly suggest to check them out. Wix is very similar to Shopify. Stop sharing my screen. Wix is very similar to Shopify. They have the same, pretty much the same features and benefits, which is you can simply create your own dropshipping website. So you're going to have your own domain name. It's not going to be a store under eBay or a store under the Facebook marketplace, but you're going to have your own and you can fully customize this website to be your own. Now, one of the biggest advantages here is that the customer is going to be yours. If you're having, if you're dropshipping on eBay or Facebook marketplace or Amazon, marketplaces like those, the customer is not yours and don't be mistaken. Those are great selling channels to make great profit, but the customer is not yours, meaning you cannot retarget those customers and send them promotional offers and things like that. You can target people who are watching your listings on eBay. You can send them coupons but only watchers. There are specific ways to do it, but it's not the same as getting the buyer's email address. A buyer's email address is like gold and that is why marketplaces like Facebook and eBay and Amazon, they don't want you to have the customer's email address. They want to keep it to themselves, but when you're dropshipping on Shopify or Wix, you will have the customer's email address. Now, why do you want the customer's email address so bad? That's because of email marketing campaigns. This is one of the most effective marketing tools that you can use today. Why? When you are sending email marketing campaigns, you're sending promotional offers to all of your email subscribers. Once you have a few thousand subscribers under your niche, they came to your store. They entered the email address because you gave them some promotional offer or they checked out on your store. You have their email addresses anyway. Whatever methods you use to get their email addresses, once you have a few thousand, you send email promotional campaigns which cost you $0 and they will simply engage with those emails. Not everybody will engage. Most will not engage, but the few that will will give you those extra sales and you want every customer that is willing to buy from you because once they will be happy from your service, they will refer their friends and their family or other people that saw the product that they bought, the last one where they got it from and they'll refer them to your store. When you offer, of course, great customer service, you're going to have more loyal customers and all of that, but let's go back to what we were talking about. Shopify and Wix, the customer will be yours, meaning you will get their email address and you can send them email marketing. Now, what are some of the cons of Shopify and Wix? Besides having your own store and everything is customizable and all of that, if you're not using email marketing or on top of using email marketing, you still need to market your products and your brand and your store in other ways, not just through email marketing. It's a great method. The smallest, to the biggest companies are still using email marketing to this day. Yes, many of those emails will go to the spam, but you still, once you have a few thousand email subscribers, you will get sales from email promotional campaigns and if you have 10,000 or 20,000, the skies are the limit. But anyway, the cons, besides email marketing, you still have to market in additional ways because you want to make more sales. So what are the additional ways that you can market besides using email marketing? You can use influencer marketing platforms and that way you can hire influencers to give a shout out to your post as long as they have an audience that's relevant to your niche. Besides that, you also have PPC ads. So you can run Facebook ads. You can run Google ads. Now, this means that PPC stands for pay-per-click. You're paying for every time somebody clicks on your ad. You're paying a few cents. There's a bidding. There's an auction with other competitors in the same field and whoever's giving the biggest the biggest budget to that platform is going to get better. It's going to get more ads shown in front of their customers. So it's a money game. It's a numbers game. There's a few ways and if you guys want to learn more about online marketing, we have more than enough content on that. Okay. So that's yeah. So Wix and Shopify, those are the biggest pros and cons and scalability. Scalability is one of the biggest pros. Nobody's telling you how many products you can sell. You can list 5000 products on day one and it only takes a few minutes when you're using imported tools like AutoDS, but you have no selling limits on Shopify and Wix. Also Facebook marketplace, but it's still a marketplace in eBay gives you huge limits in the beginning. And with a new seller account, you're going to have five to 10 listings. Now, I'm not saying that eBay is not a good marketplace to sell on, but creating a new seller account is much more challenging today than it was before. That doesn't mean it's impossible. Anything is possible, but it is more challenging today and you have to have more knowledge than you did in the past. Okay. Let's go on with the questions in the live chat. Guys, this is the time right now to start asking your questions. I can see that some of you asked. Start asking your questions right now. I'm going to address it. Let me just take off this jacket because it's getting a little bit hot. Okay. Let's begin. I'm not skipping any questions guys. Just like always. Hi. Hi, Ibrahim. How's it going? All right. The problem is how to create a good website as I got no experience to create a site. Great question, John. Great, great question. Let me share my screen. We're working very hard on content here at AutoDS. This is one of the departments that's putting in a huge amount of work. So check this out. You have two places that I would like to direct you to to learn how to create your own website. So one is this article that was released on Monday just a few days ago. Wix dropshipping a full guide to starting your e-commerce business. So if you want to start dropshipping on Wix, this is your go-to. Now, if you want to start on Shopify, we also have it right here. The ultimate guide to starting a Shopify dropshipping business. So both of these articles are really going to help you guys out get to to help you guys get started with your online store. They are both filled with content. Everything that you need, for example, signing up, naming your business, connecting your domain name, creating a star logo, how to how to get great converting star themes, free ones and paid ones, dropshipping tools to help you along the way, how to import products, optimize product pages, creating professional home pages, store policies, legal pages, all the about us terms and conditions, shipping and return policies, all that. Store currencies, payment providers, checkout settings, shipping zone, going live, online marketing, which is eight steps to run successful Facebook ads for your store from beginning to end with live examples, how to fulfill your orders, how to process returns and refunds, customer service, and lots more bonus features there. In any case, what you have here is a full step by step process on how to get started, sorry, not scrolling correctly here, and how to really do it step by step. So we put so many hours of work into this to help you guys out with that. You have what you have for Shopify, you have pretty much the same thing for Wix. So you have all of the topics here on the left side. And once again, you could just click on a certain section if you want to jump straight to it like Wix legal pages. So here, of course, you have the step by step process. And you also have templates for your legal pages, which is something that will really help you guys out. So for example, I can click here on Returns and Refunds. And then you guys will have a free template that you can use. So create your Returns and Refunds policy page and copy all of this text onto your Returns and Refunds policy and just fill in these brackets with whatever is relevant for you, like your email address, your links to your contact us, and so forth. So just take care of the brackets and everything else is pretty much done for you. So you have full guides on how to create your own website. And I'm sure, I'm sure, John, that this is going to help you out a lot in your dropshipping journey. Another way to do it, if you're not a reader type, is to head over to slash courses, or you can just use our toolbar on top to get to it. But in any case, you have the courses page right here, and you have a free Shopify course. Okay, so if I'm going to click on that, you have pretty much everything that there is to read, but just laid out to you in videos in almost 40 videos you have in this course. And once again, it's a step-by-step process on how to start a dropshipping store on Shopify, in this case. And if you guys also want to see something similar on Wix, let me know, make a feature request, and I'll create a Wix if you guys want me to. Okay, so it's loading kind of slow because of the screen sharing, but basically here, you have all of the lessons, you have the time for each lesson here on the side, and this is something that's going to help you out a lot, I believe, if you want to create your own website. Okay, we covered everything there. Okay, hope I answered you there, moving on. What is high ticket dropshipping minimum price? Great question, Abraham. I enjoyed the fact that I can show our content to answer all of you guys' questions, and this is one reason why we're working so hard on the content, is to help you guys answer your questions and teach you everything you need to know before you even ask them. So high ticket dropshipping right here, an article, high ticket dropshipping, everything on how to maximize profits in 2022 on our blog page. So you're going to click on that, and here you have everything that you need to know on high ticket dropshipping, including what are the best high ticket dropshipping categories, products, pros and cons of high ticket dropshipping, and of course, what is high ticket dropshipping, what is the budget, I mean, what is the minimum price for high ticket dropshipping, and like I said, niches, products, and so forth. So it's all here, check it out, high ticket dropshipping on our blog page. Okay, next question. Hi, Abraham, I see that you're marketing yourself to John. Does your software support WooCommerce platform? No, but that is another platform that I believe that we're going to integrate with soon. It's also on our list of selling channels to add to our platform. You can check out the upvotee, like I showed you in the beginning of this life, to see if it's already in progress, that feature. What are the best suppliers for the best margins? I'm new to this. Okay, Eddie, that's a good question. Let me show you. You probably guessed it, but I'm going to give you the answer from our blog page. So slash blog is every dropshipper's best friend. And what you're going to do here is look for the suppliers article. You can just search for suppliers, which is exactly what I'm going to do. So let's make a search for suppliers, because that's what you want to learn about. And you've got the best Florida dropshipping suppliers, eBay dropshipping suppliers. This is the one you're looking for the top 21. This is the sorry, that's clothing suppliers, pet suppliers, Canada suppliers, Australian suppliers, let's click on show more. What you're looking for is this one, the top 22 dropshipping suppliers to help your e-commerce business grow. Here, we have a full explanation going over 22 suppliers, all of the pros and cons and their prices and their profit margins and how to work with them and everything else that comes with the territory, of course, in all kinds of different regions around the world. So your question is very general, general suppliers and general profit margins. This article will definitely help answer not just general questions, but also very specific questions regarding dropshipping suppliers. And of course, also answer your questions. So head over to that article. I'm sure that it will help you out. Okay. No, currently they should, they support Shopify and Wix, right? We support Shopify and Wix and eBay and Facebook Marketplace and more coming up. Hello from Quebec, Canada. Hello, Anne Marie from Israel. Okay. Hello, Techno Designia. Any questions, guys? You previously mentioned that we have first start selling, that we first have to start selling physical products. Why and how many before I can start dropshipping things? Hi, I'm here. So yeah, you need to start with physical products first that you have, you don't have to, but it's a great recommendation if it's a new eBay seller account. So start with products that you have laying around. How long you should wait about a month before calling up eBay on the phone and letting them know that these items are nothing compared to how many items you have to sell. And ask them to give you as many listings as possible, even a thousand, and then upgrade that from a thousand to 5,000, from 5,000 to 10,000. If you haven't started yet, there is also many service providers who do it for $5, $10, $20 on places like Fiverr or Upwork. You can find people who will call eBay and do this for you if you have some extra budget on the side and you don't feel like doing it yourself. Either way, it needs to be done and this is how you can really start profiting on eBay. But yeah, to answer your question in one month, why is your shirt backwards? Yeah, I already answered that one. It's not on backwards. I just didn't enable mirroring for the mirror. Great content. Thanks. Thank you, Amir. Do a short course, sir. Sure, a course on what did you mean on Wix because I mentioned that earlier. Sometimes I see a product on Amazon with $10 price, but I can see it around $13,000 on eBay. How do those dropshippers get profit? Okay, Farida, these are things that many new dropshippers or even when I was beginning, I was always looking at that kind of stuff. I was looking at, okay, this is how much it's selling on Amazon. Let's copy the title and paste it on eBay. Why people are selling it for zero profit? How are they doing that and what's going on? I spent so many hours on this until I realized that this information doesn't really matter. It doesn't matter if people want to make zero profit and then work on some small cashback percentage. And then after a few months, they realize that they're not really making a lot of profit here and they're just pretty much blowing it for a lot of people who really want to start profiting from this business. So it doesn't, it does matter what your competitors are doing, but not as much as you think. So what I would suggest in this case, first of all, if you're dropshipping on eBay in this case, eBay is all about product titles. Don't copy the same product title that you have on Amazon and don't copy the same product title that other sellers are using. Use the strongest and most relevant keywords from the product titles, but add in your own and add in relevant keywords that are strong, that are ranking well, that people are searching a lot on eBay. That's also relevant for your product, to your product. Now, how do you know what's going well on eBay? Well, first of all, we're going to help you out with this. We are going to release sometime in the near future a title builder tool 100% free for anyone who wants to use it. So this is going to help you guys find out what are the best words that are ranking on eBay, what people are searching for on eBay. But if you want to have a small hint on how to do that, just click, just search for your product on eBay, just the main keywords, what the product is, not the features that it has, but just what is this product. And then you'll see what people are searching for, because eBay will give you that auto complete text, a few lines of that. That is one way to see it. There are additional methods to know how to build a successful title on eBay, but you should know this, when a product is trending on Amazon and then on eBay, and you also want to hop on that bandwagon and make some sales on profit, just change the product's title. Now, not just the title, you can edit the image around a little bit. We have a great advanced image editor tool on AutoDS to help you out with that. And not just that, you have the item description that you can optimize a little bit. You have item specifications, which you can add more from automatic drop papers, so don't even touch those things. And all of these will help your listing stand out on top of other people who are selling the same product at even a much cheaper price. Now, what you want to do here is always test the market. There are some products that even with a perfect title, they won't sell. And other products with a not so perfect title that are going to sell really well, because you hopped on a good trend. So don't worry about seeing the same product sold for nothing, for zero to no profit on eBay. Test out that product, and then test out more products that are similar to that, because you see that that is working well. So there's many things that you can do. One of the things that I don't want you to do is to see is to check the competition so closely, and then give up on these products, because you see that no matter what you're looking for on Amazon, you can find it on eBay for a much, much cheaper price. Continue testing the market, continue penetrating the market. And at some point when you'll start making great sales and profit, you won't really care what your competitors are doing. Honestly, I never, I don't remember the last, not I never, but I don't remember the last time I checked out what my competition is doing on my products or on my niche, because I simply do not care. Okay, let's move on. I'm good. Thanks for asking, Leon Lyon. How are you? Hi, Ibrahim. Lyon is a cool name, but my name is Leeran. L-I-R-A-N. eBay requested. Hi, Dan. What did eBay request? Please, a Wix class would be great. Okay. Thanks, Michelle. Please make a content request for that on our Upvoting system, if you don't mind, and people will upvote it, and I will definitely do that just like we did on Shopify. And the Shopify course is working great. I've seen a lot of success from students there. You talked on your last AliExpress to look for items with shipping for tracking purposes, right? On the Udemy, he suggested free shipping, because customers like free shipping, you can explain between the two. Yes, Michelle, that is a great question. Okay, so let's differentiate between the two. First of all, you have to use items, if you're job shipping from AliExpress, you have to use sellers who provide tracking information, even if the shipping is not free. Now, let's talk about the second issue. If shipping is not free for you, how can you give free shipping to your buyer and not lose money, because you had to pay shipping and they didn't? So on AutoDS, you have the option in the pricing settings to include the shipping price inside the product's price. Now, what does this mean? Your source price, if AliExpress, if the product costs $10 on AliExpress, and they have free shipping with no tracking, and then you have shipping with tracking that costs another $5, then the product is not going to cost you $10. It's going to cost you $15 because you want to provide tracking information. Now, what AutoDS is going to do is it's not going to take the $10. It knows that this product is going to cost you $15, and on top of that, you're going to have your profit margin. So if you're telling AutoDS, okay, my break even is 15%, and on top of that, I want to make 50% profit, AutoDS will keep that 50% profit for you. You won't lose that because of the shipping price. So it will take the source price, shipping price, add them together, and then give you the profit percentage that you are looking for. So that should answer your question. And once again, don't go for free shipping just because it doesn't have tracking. That's a big mistake, and you're going to lose more money down the road when you're using, when you're implementing that method, because buyers will say, hey, I didn't get no item. Now you have to prove it to me that I did get it, and you'll have a hard time doing that when there's no tracking information. Okay, let me know if I answered your question there. Thank you, Eddie, you're definitely welcome. Keep asking questions, guys. How can someone use AutoDS to sell and ship to all country apart from selling in a particular country? How can someone use AutoDS to sell and ship to all countries apart from selling in a... So John, your question is how can you open up your store to worldwide shipping? So that doesn't really have to do anything to do with AutoDS. AutoDS simply integrates and synchronizes with everything that you want to do. But if you want to open up your store to worldwide shipping, first of all, let me know what selling channel you're using, and then I'll let you know how you can do that. But just to make it quick, on eBay, you can sign up with Hip Shipper. It's free. And what they do is they'll take your listings, see which of those listings they can ship domestically, internationally. They have a warehouse in the US. So you have to ship to their US warehouse, and they will ship out the product to your customer's address around the world. So if you're drop shipping on eBay, Hip Shipper will go through all of your listings and they'll say, the robot that scanned your listings will say, okay, we can take this listing, this listing, this listing, this listing, then this listing, they'll create a new policy automatically for those listings and add international shipping. And then anyone, that's eligible, that Hip Shipper can ship to will be able to share listings. So you're going to get more traffic and more sales. I've been working with Hip Shipper personally for years. And of course, we integrate with them on AutoDS. And it doesn't cost any money once again to work with Hip Shipper. Hip Shipper will, the buyer will pay you for the shipping price that Hip Shipper, that Hip Shipper put inside the order. So inside the shipping policy for that item. So for example, if you're, if your buyer paid $30 for shipping, they pay you those $30. And then you'll have to pay those $30 to Hip Shipper. And when using Hip Shipper, you can also tell them, hey, I want to make an extra profit every time on every shipping. So if shipping costs $30 for the customer, I want to make another 30% profit from that or another $5 profit from that. And Hip Shipper will be sure to do that. So the buyer will pay you $35 and you'll have to owe Hip Shipper $30. And guys, don't be afraid to make a little bit of extra profit on these orders. It's international orders. And anyone who's willing to pay $50 will also be willing to pay $55. So make that extra profit. It's a great method. So if you're dropshipping on Shopify or on Wix, then you have to select your shipping zones. And we have explanations on that using the two blog articles that I just showed you. One was for Shopify, one was for Wix, how to create a full guide for how to create a website. And you have that information there too. Hello. Hello, Blasian Goddess trademark. What is a good time to hire a VA and do you have a list of safe VAs? Hi, Michelle. You're asking great questions. It looks like you're really coming ready to these lives. So a good time to hire a virtual assistant is once you have two conditions. One, if you have an extra budget on the side and you want to start doing it now, then go ahead and start doing it. No one is stopping you. And two, if you don't have that extra budget, wait until you start getting those sales first. Make enough profit so that you can pay that VA from your profits and that way they'll be able to expand your business and grow your online business. And it'll make it much, much easier for you. Either way, working with virtual assistants is very much recommended if you guys want to scale your business and get more free time to grow your business. And that spend all day researching for new products or taking care of customer service, delegate those tasks to your virtual assistants. Of course, in AutoDS you have a virtual assistant panel where you can create accounts for your virtual assistants and give them privileges on whatever you want. You don't have to give them access to all of your stores and all of the functions and features. You can choose whatever you want and slowly give them more responsibility as time progresses. A safe list of VAs. So I don't have a safe list. We don't vet our virtual assistants, but we do have a post on Facebook, on our Facebook community, on virtual assistants. So go to our Facebook community page and search for virtual assistants or VAs and you will find our post where everyone there is either a virtual assistant looking for a job. So you can find them there on the post and talk to them in Facebook's messages. Or if you're a virtual assistant yourself, then you can apply in that post and say that you're looking for a job and e-commerce store owners will contact you. So find that post in our community and it will definitely help you out with your virtual assistants. Either way, don't hire virtual assistants if you don't know how to fully run your store yet. So if you're still in the beginning, you need to know all of the ins and outs about your drop shipping store and how to not just get started but take care of everything, importing products, researching for products, customer service, everything about the Autodesk settings and configurations, optimizing your products titles, optimizing your products pages. You need to know how to work everything in your business before hiring a virtual assistant because how can you teach someone to run and manage your business if you haven't learned it yourself? Okay, so those are my tips for you and virtual assistants. Hello, sir. I have a question. I have an established eBay store since 2019. Can I just use that for drop shipping, open up a new one? Thank you. Okay, so, Blazion, first, have you ever sold anything on your eBay account yet? And if you haven't sold, then it doesn't matter if you're going to use that account or start a new one. It's better to go with this one, even though it's just only two years old, three years old. Just start listing products that you have from home, read our full guide on how to drop ship on eBay, and it will definitely help you out on that. Start with listings from home, as I've mentioned before, as I've always been mentioning, because eBay did step it up in the past year, and they're making it harder for beginners to start eBay seller accounts, and eBay dropshme accounts. They still fully support it, but they really want to get to know you first, and they're going to make it a little bit more challenging. So work on that account. Start with products that you have from home and follow our full guides on our blog page and on our YouTube channel. Okay, moving on. Good news. Oh, yes. Thank you. And Marie, I guess you are talking about new features that we have coming up. He's so correct about the shipping. Thanks. I forgot what I said about it, but thank you. If I never upload tracking numbers, oh, you mean about tracking information. If I never upload tracking numbers because it's cheaper, will eBay suspend my account? Yes, Farida Khalid, they will suspend your account because you don't upload your tracking on time, and you will notice that you have seller metrics on eBay, and one of the conditions for your seller metrics on eBay is to upload tracking numbers on time. And uploading tracking numbers on time doesn't mean just uploading any tracking number, but it also needs to be readable and supported by eBay. So if you're using Amazon and you're getting those TBA tracking numbers, work with Blue Care Express Express or Aqueline, which I talked about in this live. If you're using suppliers like AliExpress or other suppliers who have a free shipping option but no tracking, don't use that. One of the seller metrics is to take care of your tracking numbers, make sure that they're supported by eBay, and uploading them on time. On time means your handling days in your business policies. So make sure that you're using the right handling time, which is the amount of time that it takes you to upload a tracking number. Make sure that it's in par with what your supplier can offer you. You guys need to work very carefully around these things, but once you get the hang of it, everything turns to automatic and easily scalable. Yeah, so if you never upload tracking numbers because it's cheaper, eBay will suspend your account. What do you mean it's cheaper to not upload tracking numbers? Do you mean not provide tracking information at all? Yeah, don't drop ship on eBay. And I wouldn't recommend running a drop shipping business or store anyway if you're not going to upload tracking numbers because you're going to have a lot of customer complaints and you don't want that. You want automation. You want to finish a working day and start the next working day, not going back and trying to put out the fires that you started, but rather take your business forward and continue growing. That's the only way to do it. In February, eBay says my store expected evaluation has stopped rated. I get a fake vero and the evaluation goes to the next month, in example, March. What do you mean you get a fake vero? I didn't really understand that. You mean eBay told you, hey, you have a vero, but it's not vero. They were mistaken and they were able to tell you that they were mistaken. I didn't really understand what you mean by fake vero. Evaluation goes to next month, to next month. Yeah, that makes sense. But once your account is flagged, it doesn't really matter anyway. My eBay accounts are flagged. They're always telling me, hey, next month, your forecast, you're going to be top rated. Right now, you're above standard. When that forecast comes, I'm still above standard and not top rated. Here's a little secret for you guys. On my five years already, yeah, my five years of, I think it's five already, of drop shipping on eBay, I've never been top rated once. I've always been above standard. Don't worry about being top rated. Above standard is more than enough. Just worry about product research, listing as many items as you can and customer service. Those are the top three to keep making substantial profits in this game. Okay, guys, we got 10 minutes left. Ask your final questions. I have to redo my listings. By the way, you notice I didn't skip anyone, right guys? I'm answering all of your guys' questions. Keep asking and I'll keep answering them. And guys, I don't want to force you to it, but if you appreciate the value here in this live QA and you want to continue singing the next live QAs, please give me a little like bomb, a little bit more likes. I want to see it. Thank you. No forcing. That's it. Not going to ask anymore. I'll have to, if I have to redo my listings in the Udemy course, you didn't talk about that or I missed it. I wish you would add your video to the course. It was so informative. Michelle, I'm sorry. I don't really remember. I don't know what you're referring to anymore. What course that we have on Udemy, I have a few courses there. So just let me know exactly what you're talking about. I will be able to answer it better. Hi, hi, hi. Hello. I'm from Pakistan. I have verified eBay seller account. Can I do drop shipping from CJ drop shipping in US? Sure, GG girls, why not? What's stopping you from doing drop shipping from CJ drop shipping in the US? That should be the question. I don't see anything that should stop you. You can start right away. Take care of your product research. We have a full article on the blog page. You guys probably saw this coming. We have a full article on CJ drop shipping, how to drop ship from the supplier, how to work with the supplier, how to get the best product from the supplier, and how to take care of your customers when you drop shipping from the supplier. And it's a great drop shipping for any supplier with warehouses in China, in the US and more. They're expanding really, really quickly and really nicely. CJ drop shipping and I highly recommend working with them. I'm going to release a new video on them soon. Is it easy to import product descriptions and pictures to your websites via AutoDS? Is it easy to import product descriptions and pictures? Yeah, so John, it's actually very simple. I'm not sure if you're even familiar with our product importer, but all you have to do is take the products URL from your supplier's website, add that URL in AutoDS when you're adding products, and that's it. It'll take all of the pictures, all of the titles, all of the descriptions, the item specifications, everything in just a couple of seconds from your supplier's website to your drop shipping website. It'll make it really easy. Just search Google right now for AutoDS product importer. Okay, you'll see exactly what I mean. I don't have time anymore to show it in this live, but I still have time to answer all you guys' questions. Yes, I'm above seller sir. I have a listing already that's on my active on my eBay store. Okay, but now I forgot your questions. You guys, when you're asking something, ask ask it in full. Okay, hello, I'm drop shipping from here to here. And here's my question. So I'm trying to catch up to all you guys and I can't remember what happened a few minutes ago. What exactly does the mentor program and tell because my story is slow? Would they help me get it moving as far as sales is concerned? Okay, so great question, Mr. Bronze, Ms. Bronze goddess, the mentorship program, what you're going to have there is a one to one mentor. Okay, his name is Daniel. He's running. Wow, I can't even say how many drop shipping stores for himself and also here in AutoDS. This guy knows it all. I learned a lot from him. We also have an interview with him on our YouTube channel, but mainly the mentorship program, you're going to get one on one mentorship, which means someone is going to go to your store, someone is going to talk to you and tell you exactly what you need to do. It's not going to be something basic like watching a course, which is the same content for everyone, no matter what your level is. So here you're going to get, and Daniel, a very, very good drop shipping mentor to help you out with the problems that you're having, not the problems that everyone else is having, not general problems, but what you need to do on your store to make more sales and make more profits. And that's what's going to happen at the end of the day when you're taking the mentorship program. We have a lot of students enrolling every month in the mentorship program, and Daniel's taking really, really good care of them. So what I would suggest to do is to enroll in that mentorship program. And in my next live QA, I want you right here on the chat and let me know how it went. Thank you, sir. You're welcome. Type all above standard. I think I got that. How do you have any, do you have any courses for Facebook marketplace? Yes, Eddie, we do. Yeah, let me share my screen. I want to show, I want to show it to you guys. Okay, so first of all, auto BS Udemy on Google, right here, first result. You can see that we have over seven and a half thousand students that enrolled in our course. We're still relatively new right here on Udemy. We got over 600 reviews and other courses that we have. So first we have Lior's course on eBay, and then you have the Shopify drop shipping course. As you can see, the reviews are great 4.6, 4.7 average with hundreds of reviewers. The content here is still updated. It's still relevant. It's still good for you. And here you have the Facebook marketplace drop shipping live case study and guide. Okay, as you can see right here, 4.8 rating, let me zoom in on the screen a little bit more, and 4.7 rating for how to run a Facebook marketplace drop shipping business and how to sell on eBay. Okay, that's a new one for 2022, but I didn't even see that one there yet. But here you have these two courses, and they're completely free. The content there, of course, is very good. You don't have to take my word for it. Just look at, read the students reviews. That's one place to learn about Facebook marketplace drop shipping. The other is on our YouTube channel. So just go to our YouTube channel and search for Facebook marketplace. And you'll have a whole bunch of content here too, including the software itself, how to synchronize it and how to automate it. Right here, the beginner's tutorial, how to drop ship on the Facebook marketplace. As you can see, got over 11,000 views. It's a very popular video. A lot of people like it. The information there is very, very valuable. And you also have a live case study. So you have a playlist with six or seven videos there on a live case study that I showed you guys on my Facebook marketplace account, but you also have that on Udemy. Yeah, so we have a lot of content on Facebook marketplace, also how to conduct product research, how to unsuspend your account if it got suspended for any reason. You see we got 30,000 views over there and it helped a lot of people. You can see in the comments there, a lot of people were able to unsuspend their account. And it's not like eBay suspensions that happens on left and right. It just, it can happen also for no reason. An officer of your account is on hold what to do and so forth. Okay, I'm going to stop sharing. I think that I answered your question pretty thoroughly there. I'm going to start to speed through it guys, because the live QA is just about over how to drop ship on eBay without suspension. Once again, check out our full guide on how to drop ship on eBay. And you can also, you also have guides for what to do if and after your account got suspended. Exactly the same generator and the vero is blank. I'm sorry, I forgot what we were referring to. I just answered that one running through, running through, running through. Is it worth it to be a top rated seller on eBay? So yeah, I just entered that a few minutes ago. I've never been a top rated seller before and I'm making substantial profits. So I don't think it's really needed. I mean, the focus on other things like your product research, if you're below standard, they will raise you back to above standard. If you finally figure out how to upload tracking on time, if you're below standard, you can still get it above standard. And guys, I've never been below standard in my life. If you're below standard, there's a good reason for that. It's not just from any random or because of something small, you really stopped taking care of something that's important on your eBay store. And that's why it happened. Yes, you can get it above standard. You better get it above standard before you get suspended. Take care of whatever you need, especially if it's uploading tracking numbers on time. So take care of all your tracking numbers. And then in the next time, eBay will give you a seller forecast to raise you back up to above standard. I was suffering at one point, but it took a break due to medical reasons and they downgraded me to above seller. That's fine. Above standard, you mean. That's completely fine. No problem with that. Recommended US suppliers. Yes, Ernesto. slash suppliers. Click on the US and you'll see only the US suppliers. And those are the best suppliers and we're going to add more. I didn't get much sleeping. I didn't get much sleep reading the AutoDS blog. It makes sense. We have so much content there, so much content, but it's there only for you guys. It's completely free. Even if you're not drop shippers or even if you're not using AutoDS, go to the blog, learn, learn, learn, and then go and start profiting. If I ever get my account suspended, is there a chance to get it back or it's final? You definitely get it back for sure. My account is flagged. What can I do? Are we all parrots? Who cares? Upload more listings. It's a numbers game eBay. A lot of people are focusing too much on the account flagging. When my account got flagged, I cared a lot in the beginning. I thought that my business is now going down the hole, but boy was I wrong. So I say it's a numbers game on eBay. Add more listings, work on your product research. The more listings you'll have, the more you'll sell. When my account got flagged, I had only 400 listings and I was like, oh no, I'm not going to make any more sales. But then I opted to a few thousand listings and then I was making way more sales than I made before it was flagged. So don't worry about that. Time to valuable information on AutoDS. Thank you. We're working really, really hard. Yes, AutoDS blog and e-commerce lava blog is amazing. I don't know e-commerce lava, but thank you. Okay, I can see you guys interacting with each other. That's nice. Do I talk to customer service? If I signed up for mentorship, I never got contacted in the time ran out. So I stopped before the trial ended. Okay, Michelle, please send me an email on that. I'm curious to figure out what happened there. So liran, l-i-r-a-n at Send me an email that you tried reaching out or just about what happened and yeah, I'll take care of it. I'll help you out there. There's no reason for you not to get contacted back. Maybe it was a bug or something. Okay, thank you. Welcome. You can just enter this one. Yes. All right. Thank you, signing up. All right, Eddie. Good luck and I'll see you in the next live. Let me know. Let me know what's going on, what you did, what you didn't do, where you're having trouble or even if you started making sales on your first couple of days, I'll be really happy to hear it. I'm signing up for mentorship. Thank you. Good luck, Ms. Bronze Goddess. I'll see you in the next live. Let me know how it went and how much Daniel was able to help you. Tell him liran sent me. It won't matter. Thanks for answering my questions. You're definitely welcome. I'm going to wrap this up, guys. Thanks, man. You're welcome, Ernesto. And last one. What's the max amount of products you can connect to autoDS? So you have it in your plans and settings. So I showed in the beginning of this live, just go to your plans, your subscription and plans on autoDS. And you'll see in each package how many listings you can have. After problems with autoDS for two orders, nobody fixes the ROMs. I need help. Okay, Anne-Marie, I'm going to finish the live here anyway, but just contact our support. They will help you with it. There is the answer 100% of every ticket or every live chat. So just open up a support and you shouldn't have any more problems. Anything technical? Leave it there. We have representatives working around the clock to help you guys with everything. Thanks for answering my questions. You're welcome. Okay, guys, I need to wrap this up. Once again, my lives are going for more than one hour, even though that's how long they should be. I will see you guys in the next live. So for everyone who joined the mentorship program and for everyone who is joining autoDS, let me know in the next live. I want to hear from you guys. I want to get your feedback. I want to help you guys some more. And also everyone else, even if you haven't joined autoDS or if you don't want to join autoDS, you just want to join the free content and value that's completely fine. I'm here to help you guys succeed in your dropshipping business. It's all about dropshipping automation, if you guys really want to scale and profit. Thank you for watching. I highly appreciate each and every one of you who came out here today and I will see you guys in the next
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Neurociencia, personalización y dinámica de aula. Mesa Redonda.
Esta Conferencia forma parte del curso “Neurobiología de las dificultades del Aprendizaje”, dentro de la convocatoria de Cursos de Verano 2017 organizados por el Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, en colaboración con la Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (UIMP). Este curso tuvo lugar en Valencia entre los días 10 y 14 de julio de 2017. Ponentes: Nieves Maya, Tomás Ortiz, Luz Rello y Teresa Casillas.
[ "Neurobiología", "CNIIE", "UIMP", "cursos de verano", "MECD", "TDAH", "dislexia", "autismo", "2017" ]
¿Falta alguien? Bien, vamos a empezar la mesa. Bien, vencidas las dificultadas de la sala, hemos traído estas sillas para que por lo menos nos veáis. Bien, la idea de la mesa es un poco recoger eso, la falta de tiempo que nunca hay para hacer preguntas, aunque no estáis, soy muy inspirados con las preguntas, mientras terminamos de colocar, o sea, han repartido la infografía con el pequeño ejercicio que os proponíamos ayer al que quiera seguirlo como hilo conductor para hacer luego este trabajo final para el título del curso. Entonces, hemos montado esa pequeña infografía, os recuerdo tres cosas que he descubierto a lo largo de hoy que hago estupendamente, hoy hemos dado además muchas claves más prácticas para el aula, tres cosas que he descubierto que no hago bien y que voy a dejar de hacer, y tres cosas nuevas que me gustaría intentar a partir de ahora. Insisto, pueden ser a nivel general, en aula, o pensando en un alumno concreto, pensando en un niño, etcétera, etcétera. Os daremos varias versiones, y está el PDF, por ahí nos preguntan si podemos mandar, mandaremos las plantillas que ha usado Javier, también la infografía, el material estará todo disponible, igual que los power points. Vamos a empezar la mesa para cerrar la jornada de hoy, y yo creo que ya conocéis a todos los participantes, excepto a Teresa Casillas, que también es compañera nuestra en el equipo, Teresa es doctora en neurobioquímica, neuroquímica. Es Argentina también, y lleva también trabajando en las aulas, sobre todo de secundaria durante muchos años, tiene una amplia experiencia docente, y ahora actualmente es formadora en la Fundación Trilema. Le dejamos a ella, que no ha tenido oportunidad de hablar, le hemos dado diez minutos para centrar un par de ideas y también dar la oportunidad que vosotros podáis hacerles preguntas, y luego pasamos a un diálogo. Vuelvo a insistir, si tenéis preguntas en un papelito o en las hojas que repartimos ayer, si levantáis la mano, Rosa, mi compañera la recogerá y nos las hará llegar a la mesa para el diálogo de después. Bueno, pues te escucha, ¿no? funciona. Vale, yo tengo estos diez minutos que me he dado Carmen, esta especie de elevator pitch para convenceros de mis tres ideas, y bueno pues... Deja el tabulete. Sí, tampoco. Me han tocado el tabulete de bailón, pero siéntate, Tomás. Vale, entonces, bueno, esta es un poco la clave en la que nos estamos manejando estos días. No es lo mismo cerebro que mente, y cómo influye la educación en todo esto. Bueno, esto no me había enrollado, si queréis en las preguntas hablamos un poco de cuál es la relación y dónde cabe la neurociencia y qué lucha nos puede dar a nosotros los educadores. También se habló mucho de neuromitos, que también podemos hablar después. Mirad yo, me voy a basar este ratito en una teoría, que es la teoría de la aprendizaje experiencial que justo me lo ha dejado perfecto, Fabrizio, porque dijo esto, hay pruebas científicas. Bueno, yo voy a hablar un poquito de esto. Hace muchos años ya, a principios del siglo, John Dewey dijo esto, la partía de esta idea y dijo, experiencia más reflexión es el aprendizaje. Años más tarde, David Colm propuso su famoso ciclo del aprendizaje experiencial de Colm, sobre el que también ha habido muchas críticas y sus estilos de aprendizaje también han tenido muchas críticas. Yo, bueno, si por si no lo conocéis el ciclo dice lo siguiente, dice, nuestros aprendizajes normalmente en la vida parten de una experiencia concreta, que nos mueve, que nos impacta en nuestros sentidos, sobre lo cual reflexionamos dándole sentido, lo vinculamos a ideas previas, a conceptos, dándole, generalizándolo y lo volvemos a aplicar en nuevos contextos. Esto es lo que él proponía en su famoso ciclo de Colm. Bueno, yo creo que esto lo podemos adaptar al hoy de la valencia en la que estamos de la siguiente manera. Tenemos experiencias en nuestra vida que nos generan movimientos nuestros sentidos. Hablábamos de lo que significa la emoción y como todo lo que entra a través de los sentidos impacta más en nuestro cerebro. Entonces, todo lo que nosotros vivimos muchos a lo mejor sabéis ya lo que es un albufera o no, pero el jueves cuando estemos en el albufera y veamos la barrera, el aire, todo eso, pues será diferente. Vale. Sobre estas experiencias reflexionamos, hacemos preguntas a las experiencias. Nos cuestionamos sobre ellas. Compartimos estas experiencias con otras personas o con conocimientos que tenemos guardados, esto que nos habla Fabrizia de la memoria colectiva y entonces le damos sentido generalizándolo en conceptos abstractos. Y nuevamente aprendemos a aplicarnos en otros contextos. Actuamos con ellos. Bueno, y entonces ahora viene la parte de la neuroquímica, de la neurociencia. Hay un profesor que además es profesor de bioquímica James Soule de la Case Western Reserve University que dijo, esto tiene que ver con esta cómo funciona la corteza cerebral. Todas las áreas implicadas. Entonces él dice, estas primeras experiencias impactan en las áreas corticales responsables de los sentidos, las áreas tomatos sensoriales y de ahí van a la corteza integrativa temporal que son varias áreas, no es que esté en un lugar fijo. De ahí conectan con la corteza frontal, que ya sabemos responsable de las funciones superiores donde nosotros tenemos vinculado con lo que es la memoria los aprendizajes realizados y podemos actuar a través de la corteza motora. Bien, esto sería algo así, de la corteza sensorial va a la corteza integrativa temporal o con lo que esté ahí vinculado, hay muchas áreas, no es que esté en este lugar. En la corteza frontal le damos sentido abstracto, digamos hacemos una extracción de estos aprendizajes y actuamos con ellos en la corteza motora. Bueno y ahora viene nuestro modelo para el aula ¿Cómo hacemos nosotros en el aula de cómo generamos aprendizaje a través de nuestras actividades que forman todas ellas unas tareas? ¿Cómo lo ponemos en práctica? En el aula. En primer lugar, generamos experiencias abstractas experiencias, perdón experiencias concretas gracias, experiencias concretas que tienen que ser lo más vinculadas a los sentidos posibles. Bueno, a mí, claro, lógicamente como yo soy de ciencias experimentas ¿No? Realizar dar clases de ciencias sin palpar la ciencia es algo bastante difícil ¿No? Entonces proponemos experiencias lo más vinculadas a la realidad y aquí, la clave de la sorpresa la vinculamos directamente a lo que estamos aprendiendo no es que contemos un chiste y después explicamos sino que realmente la experiencia sea lo suficientemente impactante como para que esas proteínas de las que hablaba Fabrizio que hacen que las conexiones se establezcan de forma fija se haga directamente en el aprendizaje Bueno, he puesto algunos ejemplos que podrían valernos salir del aula lo podemos desarrollar más en la parte de preguntas. ¿Cómo generamos el siguiente escalón que es la observación reflexiva? Y aquí, las metodologías innovadoras nos dan muchas claves todas las rutinas y destrezas de pensamiento pero sobre todo una clave que salió estos días que vio Fabrizio también nieve la cuestión de generar preguntas de no dar respuestas, sino de generar preguntas este momento reflexivo dar la oportunidad al alumno de que se pregunte de qué cuestiones sobre esa experiencia que lo haga también en grupo con nuestros alumnos estos son también fotos de nuestras actividades que hacemos en el aula con nuestros alumnos que les ayudan a reflexionar sobre lo que han vivido sea un conocimiento de la realidad que es algo más científico o sea algo más de la literatura como es en este caso Vale Hay conceptualización abstracta y aquí esto lo hacemos en clase como lo hacemos normalmente explicando de otra manera de manera que impliquemos al alumno es Eugen Zul, como decía profesor de bioquímica yo he luchado mucho en mis clases en la universidad cuando mis alumnos no entendían mis explicaciones él dice que claro cuando uno explica sigue su propio proceso cerebral y como decía el vídeo último que enseñó Javi todos los cerebros son distintos y son maravillosos y el alumno haga su propio recorrido generando conceptos abstractos trabajando sobre ellos a través de investigaciones a través de destrezas de pensamientos que les ayuden a comprender son una comprensión profunda Vale y por último la fase de experimentación activa y aquí pues lo que hacemos normalmente como ponemos en juego los conocimientos que hemos adquirido en clase como lo hacemos explicación ejercicios y examen la forma en la que nosotros decimos que nosotros no nos van a aplicar lo que saben es a través del examen podemos hacerlo de forma que ellos puedan realmente comprobar tus hipótesis de forma experimental porque esto es otra vez experimentación entonces ideas para hacerlo nosotros generamos por ejemplo productos a través de proyectos que pueden ser proyectos de servicio para la idea de prototipar que está ahora tan de moda algunas experiencias la idea de cuidar nosotros mismos un huerto de organizar una feria todos los proyectos que tenemos de emprendimiento van en esta línea de generar tus proyectos vale y esto es un poco mi idea de cómo podemos trabajar en el aula con el aprendizaje experiencial cómo aprender cerebro y no me resisto a daros cuatro dirías más, muy cortas en dos tres minutos y medio que tengo vinculadas a los nuevos descubrimientos del cerebro mirad cuatro claves, emoción, conexión error, que también ha salido mucho y cómo fomentar la creatividad entonces la idea de la emoción bueno la emoción es como hemos visto estos días una carta de entrada al cerebro muchos de vosotros a veces está escuchando toda la mañana y a mí ahora me estáis escuchando pero la información como no produce emoción, no impacta ni siquiera en vuestra corteza somatosensorial pasa de lado bueno, importante cómo vinculamos esta primera experiencia sobre todo a la emoción mirad esta foto, la he puesto aquí porque se habla mucho de la plasticidad cerebral y de la importancia parece que es algo fantástico pero el cerebro es muy listo y controla la plasticidad cerebral esto que está aquí aunque tiene esta forma tan bonita vinculada a la emoción, son proteínas que protegen a la neurona de generar nuevas conexiones porque el cerebro necesita novedad pero también necesita estabilidad lo que somos como decía Fabricio está vinculado a esas conexiones que tenemos en el cerebro si generamos demasiadas nuevas conexiones cambiaríamos lo que somos entonces el cerebro es muy listo y también se protege de una accesiva plasticidad neurona bueno, conexión nuestro cerebro está todo conectado por eso es tan difícil, lo hablábamos anoche con Fabricio identificar zonas que actúan en determinada cosa por eso un poco Garner dejó su teoría de las inteligencias múltiples porque él pretendía encontrar la parte del cerebro correspondiente a cada inteligencia y eso es muy difícil ahora hablamos con Fabricio porque el cerebro está tremendamente conectado y por eso nosotros tenemos que generar conexión a nuestras aulas porque el cerebro necesita conexión entonces nuestros aprendizajes tienen que ser holísticos en los que vinculemos toda la realidad esta foto viene a mostrar esto que contó Fabricio de cómo bajamos el volumen externo cuando hay una conversación muy fuerte bueno, el cerebro hace lo mismo estas neuronas están conectando las áreas el área auditiva con el área del habla cuando nosotros hablamos nuestro cerebro está listo que le mando un mensaje a la parte auditiva y le dice apagate para que escuchemos nuestra propia voz él mismo hace ese juego de bajar el volumen del externo para centrarse en una cosa la cuestión del error y esto me gustó mucho la aplicación de luz porque del error se aprende es clave en nuestras clases no penalizar el error fomentar el error en esta etapa de conceptualización nos trata de permitir que ellos generen hipótesis que puedan ser erróneas que puedan estar mal y fomentar el error, no penalizarlo el contrario esta foto que ya la vimos antes es la parte del cerebro donde se ha descubierto como decía Nieves hoy que se generan nuevas neuronas esto de la neurogénesis pero esto parece un hallazgo fantástico y todas las personas que tienen lesiones de médula se están pensando que bueno porque ahora podré tener neuronas en esa parte que me falta pero si el cerebro se equivoca y manda estas neuronas nuevas a otro sitio puede cambiar la estructura de nuestro cerebro es importante cómo reforzamos lo que hay y ya está me ha pasado dos minutos ah bueno tengo esta de la creatividad pero bueno esta idea de cerebro izquierdo, cerebro derecho que no está tan demostrado en la neurociencia pero sí la idea esta que tenemos en nuestras hablas de cómo potenciamos mucho más y cómo fomentamos mucho más lógicas razonadas de clasificación y cómo damos muy poco espacio a la creatividad y el cerebro, esto es una foto de la retina pero nuestro cerebro es así nuestro cerebro es como una explosión y lo que tenemos que trabajar y fomentar la creatividad y el pensamiento creativo en nuestras hablas y ya está para las preguntas por ahí piden las preguntas si quede alguna más que voy a empezar yo haciendo alguna mientras haber sido Sanimais Luz, tú que fuiste la última de ayer esto no está preparado imagínate que no tenemos iPads, ni tenemos móviles ni podemos usar la aplicación si tuvieras que extraer de toda tu investigación una especie de recetario para profes sin recursos danos algunas claves que tú harías con un niño si tuvieras tiza y papel oye, esto sabes que la pregunta que me has hecho es un killer pero es muy interesante y además claro, yo creo que muchos colegios además necesitan esta respuesta bien, pues muy rápido la dislexia fundamentalmente bueno, afecta como vimos ayer a muchas habilidades cognitivas pero las manifestaciones más fuertes son en lectura y en escritura pues vamos a ver que podemos hacer en lectura y vamos a ver que podemos hacer en escritura sin usar tecnología pero basándonos en los resultados de nuestra investigación pues en la parte de lectura para fomentar la lectura de vuestros alumnos con dislexia lo que podéis hacer y además esto es sencillísimo en los exámenes, en los textos escritos podéis poner la tipografía de un poco más grande si estamos hablando de de formato folio que eso sería en una pantalla de más o menos 14 pulgadas, pero es un folio bien, ahí estaríamos hablando de una tipografía de unos 16 puntos 14, 16 puntos, hemos hecho estudios con eye tracking de esto midiendo y mejoraba la legibilidad tanto de las personas con dislexia como sin dislexia entonces eso es algo tan sencillo como que lo puedes hacer en impreso en papel es utilizar tipografías de palo seco es decir, tipografías que no tengan serif ese tipo de tipografías también está demostrado lo vimos también con 98 participantes utilizando eye tracking que mejoraban la legibilidad tanto de las personas con dislexia como sin dislexia, todo lo que eso estoy contando mejora la legibilidad de todo el grupo necesariamente con sin dislexia que no tenga serifas o sea que no sea la Times New Roman sino que sean que sean palo secos a tipo areal elbética verdana, ¿sabéis? o sea que no tengan los cositos eso, porque además esas tipografías, por ejemplo la serif se diseñaron o sea se llama Times New Roman se diseñó para que se pudiera leer en el New York Times a tamaño súper pequeñito y cuando se quedaran sin tintas se siguiera viendo o sea los serifas son para ese tipo de cosas pero no es para mejorar la legibilidad o sea es bien es que hasta en el propio diseño una tipografía qué más cosas esto es interesantísimo, hicimos otro estudio en el que veíamos cómo impactaban las negritas cómo impactaba que en el texto hubiera de vez en cuando alguna palabra negrita, alguna palabra clave, un concepto clave esto lo también, cuando pongáis algún examen sobre todo porque os habéis dado cuenta que los alumnos con dislexia y también con otras dificultades de aprendizaje pues a lo mejor no entienden bien la pregunta responden algo perfecto pero resulta que no es la pregunta que habéis preguntado entonces para fijar para fijar pues que el acceso al lexico pues sea el correcto y si a lo mejor ponéis esa palabra en negrita es todo también lo probamos con personas con y sin dislexia y también mejoraba vale, esto desde el punto de vista de la lectura es decir, de la legibilidad o sea de cuán fácil es leer un texto de un punto de vista y de la comprensión o sea de acceso al contenido ahora vamos en punto de vista de la escritura vale, dentro de la escritura os habéis dado cuenta, bueno, de esto ya o sea, ayer durante casi dos horas os hablé de la importancia de los errores y de que esos errores el análisis de corpus de los miles de errores que analizamos escritos por personas con dislexia nos habían o sea, básicamente el resumen de la investigación era que esos errores no eran arbitrarios o sea que estaban motivados de manera lingüística bueno, pues lo que podéis hacer y esto es maravilloso que esto o sea, sin utilizar ninguna herramienta informática, aunque se utilice el testidio mejor pero sí, lo que lo que podéis hacer es es no tachar los errores en plan chungo o sea, sino tomar el error y claro, marcarlo porque hay que aprender y por supuesto todas las personas con dislexia deben leer y escribir correctamente o sea, pero marcarlo a lo mejor de una manera, yo que sé, con un verde con un azul, un color bonito de redondearlo y decirles, a ver, ¿qué ha pasado aquí? empezar a aprender a partir del error y a tomar de una reacción todos los errores porque además os encontraréis que se van a aparecer entre sí ¿qué tienen todos estos errores en común? pues, ahora vamos a hacer un juego para intentar solucionarlo y eso también lo que ha dicho antes Javier, la parte de crear retos es un poco así, pero crear retos con tus errores y a ver cuántos consigues el dictado siguiendo a ver cuántos consigues esa parte y yo creo que es un poco eso es el resumen de nuestra investigación aplicada a lápiz y papel sí, vale bien muy bien, tenemos aquí una pregunta para Nieves y para Tomás para los dos y pregunta como motivar a un alumno de altas capacidades cuando fracasen secundaria y ya se han tomado medidas como actividades novedosas se trata de un alumno muy desmotivado que no trabaja, que no estudia ¿qué puedo hacer? altas capacidades en secundaria Nieves, señora directora no, no, no vale bueno, nosotros tenemos un programa de atención a alumnos con altas capacidades que es el plan potencia que si queréis podéis en la web del colegio hace una referencia a él trabajamos con el centro Renzuli para el desarrollo del talento de Madrid entonces la formación del profesorado y de una especialista en el colegio la hemos hecho con ellos y bueno, pues a nosotros es un modelo que nos sirve sobre todo porque sigue trabajando de forma inclusive en el aula independientemente de otras actividades que puedan ser las las aulas de enriquecimiento o las flexibilizaciones o las aceleraciones en el caso de los alumnos con secundaria nosotros lo que hemos hecho hasta ahora hemos trabajado en infantil y en primaria hemos hecho la detección y la intervención en infantil y primaria el año que viene empezamos con secundaria pero lo que hemos hecho ha sido con estos alumnos que ya no necesitas ningún diagnóstico para decir que tienen alto potencial trabajar ya con ellos de una forma determinando con ellos sus intereses y haciendo proyectos relacionados con esos intereses entonces pues por ejemplo estoy pensando en un alumno bilingüe inglés-castellano que tiene un dominio del inglés evidentemente muy bueno y que en clase de inglés se aburría muchísimo es una chica ella nos decía que pues a ver si no se podía hacer exenta de la clase de inglés y nosotros le decíamos que si entonces se tendrían que hacer exentos los de castellano de castellano ¿no? pero claro ella ya nos daba las pistas la clase de inglés para ella tenía que ser algo más que la gramática, algo más que hacer frases o hacer traducciones y al final pues viendo un poco sus potencialidades sacándola de sus intereses haciéndole un test que se llama instalizer yo no soy experta en alta capacidad pero funciona muy bien está en la descripción del test está en la web del centro renzuli con ella vimos la capacidad que tenía esta mujer esta niña está en primero de la de eso ahora bueno pasa a segundo en toda su capacidad como escritora ha escrito una continuación de Harry Potter para mí que estaba como para vender entonces ¿qué es lo que hacemos nosotros? saber también que muchas veces es la alta capacidad cursa con otro tipo de características o igual trastornos como puede ser el TDH que hemos visto antes o como puede ser no sé un TL o bueno la verdad es que hemos tenido alumnos que están diagnosticados necesidades educativas tradicionalmente se dice y que a su vez están detectados como alumnos de alto potencial, es decir acudiendo al anillo triádico que habla de renzul y alta motivación, alto rendimiento o alta creatividad teniendo en cuenta uno de esos tres anillos pues realmente nos encontramos con muchos alumnos con muchas potencialidades pero buscar los intereses y adaptar la clase la asignatura trabajando un proyecto siempre le da mucho significado a las cosas entonces a esta nena en vez de decirle vas a hacer una red de ciencia, vas a escribir un libro que es lo que a ti te gusta y así estamos haciendo y eso yo creo que se puede generalizar a otros casos, a otras áreas, a otras asignaturas no sé si he contestado, sirve no sirve pues no lo sé no tengo ni idea no sé contestar, no soy pedagogo les voy a decir lo que hemos hecho nosotros con la Universidad de La Rioja los resultados que tenemos del cerebro y ustedes deciden lo que hay que hacer aplicamos una prueba a niños con altas capacidades que consisten en un laberinto tienes que entrar por un sitio y salir por otro entonces los rotamos y eso se lo repetimos tres veces los niños con altas capacidades toman la decisión mucho antes y cometen menos errores que los niños sin altas capacidades pero cuando lo repetimos tres veces el experimento los niños con altas capacidades no hay diferencia entre el primero y el tercero y los niños con capacidades normales se dicen yo soy normalito en ese sentido y los niños normalitos al tercer intento mejoran muchísimo si eso lo asociamos a cómo el cerebro funciona en la neuroplasticidad y lo que he explicado yo antes la capacidad de neuroplasticidad del cerebro de altas capacidades es muy rápida el número de intentos no es necesario hacerlo tantas veces por lo tanto todo el sistema educativo debería cambiar porque no hay que hacerlo tantas veces podríamos decir que probablemente el niño con altas capacidades tenga tiempos críticos o sensibles con una ventana más amplia que el niño con bajas capacidades si eso fuera así pues pedagogicamente hay que cambiar la forma de enseñar pero yo no sé cómo hacerlo yo digo los resultados que obtenemos entonces eso es lo que hemos obtenido y qué hay que hacer pues los expertos están aquí traducción no sé lo que hay que hacer alguien quiere añadir alguna cosa yo voy a enganchar un poco porque me parece muy sugerente lo que acaba de comentar Tomás creo que hay un tema que no ha salido aquí que es el tema del desafío adecuado a cada niño y quizá altas capacidades se encontamos muchos problemas con que se aburren la primera vez es un desafío la tercera es un aburrimiento cómo introducimos el concepto de desafío quizá vaya para javel para nieves cómo se introduce es un poco complicado un poco en el bagaje que tenemos también con todo este auge de la innovación en las aulas ahora mismo porque lo que para un alumno es un desafío para otro puede ser que no lo sea entonces es un tema delicado de hecho la pregunta nada más terminar de hablar que me ha hecho Ruth es Javier y que haces con aquellos alumnos que el reto no le supone un reto en sí o que se incluso se sienten mal por haberles puesto un reto se bloquean en ese sentido que la clave está en la personalización en el aula otra vez actuamos en el aula y actuamos de manera diversa y evidentemente las cosas que hacemos en el aula nos pueden ayudar en cierta medida para todos los alumnos pero siempre hay determinados alumnos con los cuales tenemos que tener determinadas cosas siempre en la cabeza digamos no pues en este caso con el tema de los retos o los desafíos se bloquean como planteaba Ruth ante estos retos o desafíos muchas veces una de las estrategias que había estado hoy tenía oportunidad de ver sobre el papel hoy anticipar esos retos a esos alumnos aunque no suponga un elemento sorpresivo como decía Fabricho Alleno pues les puede ayudar bastante a materializarlo en que luego sea una experiencia potente de aprendizaje aunque no haya sido en cierta medida pues un reto o un desafío nosotros en el colegio antes de comenzar con este programa que os he dicho del Plan Potencia en nuestras programaciones didácticas hay una columna dedicada a qué tipo de inteligencia se trabaja y a qué nivel de la taxonomía de Bloom corresponde esa actividad en concreto ayer ya salió el tema de Bloom de este gran señor que bueno se había quedado en el olvido pero lo hemos rescatado para realizar las actividades o la educación que a veces nos complicamos tanto la vida igual pues no tenemos los medios para tener una aula de enriquecimiento no tenemos los medios para tener un experto porque todos sabemos cómo estamos los colegios igual además no es una prioridad pero en las programaciones de las unidades didácticas y las programaciones de aula esas actividades clasificarlas según la taxonomía de Bloom sólo con cambiar el verbo que comentábamos ayer hemos cambiado la actividad es un reto o un desafío diferente si en vez de hay niños que igual dicen recordar los ríos de España y otros al final dicen oye mira vamos a ver vamos a comprender analizar por qué ha nacido este río y ahora tú se lo vas a explicar a tu compañero y bueno sería escapaz tú de crear algo parecido hacer una una presentación que nos explique de alguna otra manera tal y como tú has entendido por qué nace aquí un río como es el discurrir de un río muchas veces de verdad y eso os lo digo porque desde el año 2000 que empezamos con las programaciones didácticas esta ha sido una de las claves que han permitido que los profesores no se vuelvan locos y que no digan es que estos alumnos me dan mucha guerra es que de verdad no llego a todos porque al final has personalizado la actividad cambiándole el verbo y recordar y evaluar todas las y crear el ranking de actividades Muy bien, alguien queréis añadir alguna cosa? No, en la línea con lo que es el aprendizaje compatible con el cerebro pues se habla también de un nivel importante de reto pero un nivel también importante de seguridad que el reto no suponga como ha hablado ayer Fabrizio un nivel de estrés que le supere que es un reto alcanzable pero suficientemente desafiante para todos y en esta línea por ejemplo a mí se me ocurre la metodología del PBL porque empezar por la pregunta es interesante porque cada uno puede ir estableciendo hasta que punto de indagación quiere seguir quiere tener con ésta también con el error PBL la posibilidad de ir planteando hipótesis y ir contrastándolas y a partir de el sí o el no de la hipótesis volver a generar nuevas hipótesis Cambiamos de tema una pregunta para Tomás ¿Preguntan cuál es el momento ideal del día para hacer todo el programa especialmente en educación infantil? Tampoco lo sí Es que me hacen preguntas que no lo así Nosotros tenemos tenemos unos ciclos circardianos que determinan lo voy a explicar desde la parte médica Nosotros sabemos que tenemos que recetar determinado fármaco y sabemos que funciona mejor en función si se lo toma por la mañana, a mediodía o por la tarde o a veces recetamos fármacos a lo largo del día porque el cuerpo absorbe mejor ese fármaco en función del ciclo en el que se encuentre Desde el punto de vista de la educación el niño tiene a lo largo del día muchos ciclos de atención muchísimos ciclos entonces habría que saber esos ciclos como están pero es que es muy difícil por ejemplo los ciclos circardianos cuando se llega a la adolescencia se retrasan una hora y media y vosotros hacéis al contrario dice así pues ahora que se joroven y ponemos una hora y media antes las clases no hacéis eso pues entonces es tremendamente difícil saber eso porque no tenemos el conocimiento exacto para saber cómo está funcionando el cerezo que es lo que lo que he hecho yo pues lo que he hecho yo es distribuir a lo largo del tiempo una serie de ejercicios y si los distribuir a lo largo del tiempo sé que aprende mejor el cerebro que si los uno todos entonces porque a lo largo del día probablemente cogeré algún ciclo que esté bien pero si los hago todos por la mañana o todos por la tarde pues probablemente no tenga, no sea tan óptimo lo que queremos hacer con el niño pero es que como sabemos tampoco tan poco de neurociencia pues todo lo que estamos diciendo aquí pues eso también un canto al sol porque es que no sabemos el cerebro hace unos años queríamos que funcionaba aisladamente este área para esto ahora que estamos viendo el cerebro globalmente pues ya estamos dudando que cómo está pasando con lo cual también aquí hay muchas dudas se plantean muchas dudas de cómo hay que hacerlo yo creo que es muy difícil una metodología buena es la misma que sigue un niño cuando nace es la que hago yo con el herbat niño cuando nace va recibiendo información constantemente y esa información que recibe constantemente la archiva al mismo tiempo que la recibe no hay pereo de ventanas no hay oportunidad en el cerebro que las va captando es lo que os decía de los niños con altas capacidades probablemente la ventana de captación de la información es mayor que en el niño normal pues por lo tanto pedagogicamente hay que hacer otro método no se lo puede repetir porque alguien ha dicho aquí que se cansa no sé qué haber dicho o que no tiene motivación o alguna cosa de ésta por lo tanto desde la neurociencia y en el desconocimiento no sabemos qué pasan con 20 niños en una clase que cada uno es hijo de su padre y su madre que cada uno ha dormido o no ha dormido por la noche y que el profesor o la profesora también puede estar cansado o no o los profesores no se cansan pueden venir un día cabreados imaginaos que ha perdido su equipo de fútbol y se cabrean pues ese día los ciclos funcionan de distinta forma en base a ese conocimiento que tenemos de la neurociencia el ideal es que favorece además aquello que hagamos repetidamente a lo largo del tiempo y en periodos de tiempo muy cortos que aquello que aglutinemos traducción una hora de clase me parece una barbaridad me estoy expresando bien bueno estamos hablando mucho de neuromitos han salido varios tópicos algún ponente ha dicho una cosa y otros a inclina hacia otra y ahora Thomas dice que no sabemos casi nada esto no sé si vamos a suspender el curso antes de acabarlo de todas manas si me gustaría poner encima el tema de los neuromitos porque han salido algunos es cierto que nos encontramos muchas veces con muchas creencias falsas nosotros las repetimos y hemos tenido que desdecir lo que decíamos hace un tiempo a mi se me ocurre uno que me desde ayer me lleva un poco así con los hemisferios están especializados o todos son de la rama de las comunes porque aquí está saliendo este tema varias veces una pena que se ha ido Fabricho pero quien se anima quien se anima alesinista yo solo soy un poquito de dislexia y de los estudios que hay de dislexia en relación al cerebro sin ser nuestra área lo que he leído como casi como hobby y ahí lo que en teoría el lenguaje tiene que estar en el hemisferio el hemisferio derecho creo izquierdo perdón y en los estudios que se hacen intentando encontrar qué pasa con la dislexia pues lo que se va encontrando es que no hay un lugar hay secciones hay áreas pero te encuentras un estudio que dice una cosa, otro que dice otra otro que es lenguaje está donde no tiene que estar y que se solapan con otras áreas entonces desde la ignorancia absoluta al menos yo siempre he querido descubrir dónde está la dislexia y todavía no lo sé así que si os sirve eso vamos a pasar bueno yo por lo que he leído lo que dirías que la mayoría de las actividades se encuentran ubicadas en varios lugares de la corteza cerebral el hemisferio izquierdo y el hemisferio derecho también por lo que he leído por ejemplo los niños cuando nacen tienen como un instinto hacia lo computacional de saber dónde hay más o menos elementos en los estudios que se hacen con ellos, bueno pues como miden los puestas en la medida chupan el chupete con qué ansiedad o con qué no ansiedad también los estudios no sé si se pueden tomar como pueda ser un niño o una persona que te habla pero sí que es cierto que por ejemplo esa capacidad matemática de la cantidad donde hay mucho, donde hay poco está ubicada en el hemisferio derecho por lo que dicen las técnicas de neuroimagen y sin embargo lo que es la matemática más de clase de analítica del colegio está más ubicada en el hemisferio izquierdo pero al final la cantidad es saber que 10 son más que 6, está ubicada en una zona pero es saber que más es más que menos está ubicada en otra con lo cual al final está todo muy conectado no veis como os digo que no tenemos idea de todo esto claro, esa pregunta dicha así yo hago otra pregunta ¿cuándo? ¿cuándo? el cerebro tiene un tiempo temporal nosotros hemos publicado un trabajo donde de dyslexia, donde en los primeros 200 y pico milisegundos el niño dislesico y el niño normal las mismas áreas del cerebro están funcionando cuando retrasamos cuando analizamos entre 300 y 600 milisegundos hay un cambio radical los niños dislesicos trabajan con el hemisferio derecho y los no dislesicos son el hemisferio izquierdo pero cuando, pero como no lo sabemos si bien, pues la pregunta global no sabemos contestarla si a mi me dicen el cerebro de un niño por seguir tu ejemplo el cerebro de un niño dislesico hasta los 300 milisegundos pues normal y a partir de ahí que empiezan los procesos fonológicos, grafémicos sintácticos ¿qué está pasando? pues que el cerebro organiza la información de distinta forma si no hubiera diferencia es porque tenemos dos hemisferios ¿por qué? tenemos uno cerebro alguna función tiene que tener y sí que se especializa cuando nosotros analizamos las lesiones tenemos afasias sí que sabemos dónde se produce una fasia tú tienes una lesión en el lobulocipita derecho y no tienes una fasia tú tienes una lesión en el área de broca del hemisferio izquierdo y tienes una afasia no habla no habla nada más que tres palabras al minuto tanto algo habrá ahí que identifica que hay una simetría y lo mismo que digo las afasias podría decir muchas patologías en la neuropsicología muchas de las patologías que tenemos están asociadas a los hemisferios en función de la lesión así vemos el déficit con lo cual ahora porque hemos avanzado un poco más en la neurociencia analizamos el cerebro globalmente y dicen el neuromito de los hemisferios es un neuromito también el que dice neuromito es neuromito que está diciendo neuromito porque no sabe decirlo claro porque aquí hablar podemos hablar todos yo también puedo decir eso no sé si me explico pero cuando vas a los estudios sí que el cerebro es temporal y cuando analizas el cerebro temporalmente sí que ves diferencias cuando nosotros analizamos los 50 milisegundos a los 100, 150, 200, 300 sí que vemos cómo se va diferenciando el cerebro y sí que vemos cómo un hemisferio predomina sobre otro en determinadas funciones me explico lo que quiero decir dar un poquito la respuesta antes de quitar el micro porque después de determinadas lesiones cerebrales es cierto que se puede reaprender y que las neuronas que no son especialistas pueden aprender a realizar habilidades sí, es correcto y es más muchas veces organizamos la información con el otro hemisferio y claro si no hubiera diferencias al organizar la información con el otro hemisferio la rehabilitación sería igual pero sí que hay diferencia sí que hay diferencia por ejemplo los diestros tenemos diferencias si hemos utilizado esta mano un millón de veces y esta 100 mil veces dicen a alguien pues no hay diferencias pues sí, hay una neuroplasticidad distinta en un hemisferio que en otro no hay diferencia pues eso es como funciona cuando si estamos a lo mejor tocando algo con esta mano o tocando con esta a lo mejor no hay diferencias porque estamos analizando en segundos ahora estamos muy basados en lo que es la resonancia magnética funcional que trabaja en segundos por en segundos no hay diferencias pues seguramente pero si analizamos desde el proceso de la información tú das un pitido en un oído y si que ves al inicio de la información donde va el estímulo pero claro si estás hablando constantemente y analizas a los 10 segundos a los 20 o los que sean pues es que no hay diferencias pues probablemente que no hay diferencia pero si analizamos el cerebro temporalmente sí que hay diferencia y si analizamos el cerebro patologicamente lesionalmente claro que hay diferencia pero si es una lesión en el área de bronca de mi fiel izquierdo la persona no habla y si es una lesión en el área de vernique la persona se hincha hablar pero nadie le entiende lo que dice pues está hablando constantemente si está en el izquierdo dice tres palabras en un minuto y si está en el derecho dice 60 palabras en un minuto lo explico pero yo no sé neurómito yo lo que iba a decir los datos que dio nieves esta mañana 100.000 millones de neuronas en el cerebro cada una con 10.000 conexiones es muy difícil que en una acción no participen muchas áreas del cerebro y muchos miles de neuronas entonces identificar se hace claro esto tiene que ver con lo que decía tenía ahí puesto de cerebro, mente y educación el cerebro es una estructura que contaba Fabrizio ayer lo que mide es comportamientos la mente como pensamos como actuamos y vincular esto con un área en concreto con un grupo de neuronas es difícil, sobre todo porque el cerebro es tremendamente plástico entonces la mayoría de los estudios al principio del cerebro se consiguieron con lesiones y el cerebro es capaz de coger el relevo una parte del cerebro puede coger el relevo de otra una especialización en ciertas áreas pero también es verdad que el cerebro puede es tan plástico que puede coger el relevo para mí la clave de los neuromitos no es tanto que haya neuromitos porque bueno, diría que la ciencia avanza también a base del error entonces los neuromitos son verdades parciales no es que sean mentiras del todo porque si no nadie les pediría, son verdades parciales el problema es cómo nos dejamos los maestros que buscamos, cómo funciona la neurociencia con datos cuantitativos y qué queremos los profesores soluciones para nuestras aulas entonces lo que no podemos hacer es aferrarnos a las ideas de la ciencia como soluciones para nuestro día a día no es solución mágica sino que pues esto que nos invitaba ayer Fabricio de investigar en nuestras aulas, de contrastar de comprobar realmente cómo las ideas que están tan bonitas en un trabajo pueden realmente ir dándonos resultados en nuestro día a día voy a completar lo que decía ella yo creo que el neuromito a veces es una forma de hablar el neuromito de que utilizamos el 10% del cerebro sale de William James que decía que a veces utilizamos muy poca capacidad de nuestro cerebro pero que sí tenemos recursos para en un momento determinado utilizarla que utilizamos el 10% de nuestro cerebro que es el 8%, el 10% pero no es de 100% como no tenemos el concepto exacto yo creo que los neuromitos es una forma de hablar y que sirven y que nos comunicamos más neuromito que le dices a una chica te quiero con todo mi corazón vayáis tu pide quien quiere con su corazón y funciona y ves un corazón en el día San Valentín y una flechita es un neuromito que decía eso es una forma de comunicarnos yo creo que los neuromitos no por criticarnos sino porque a veces es una forma de comunicarnos pienso yo bien, cambiamos al otro lado de la mesa decía antes, nieves hablabas del curcumbre enriquecido de Resuli altas capacidades todas las opciones que hacemos en las aulas toda esa flexibilidad de los medios y no nos ha puesto muy de acuerdo como engañamos a la administración como hacemos para cambiar la organización tan inflexible para poder introducir todos estos cambios que nivel de autonomía tenéis en vuestros centros o veis como en el caso de Javi vemos en los centros como se puede burlar la inflexibilidad de un sistema muy riguroso que no deja mucho tiempo para hacer opciones bueno, yo hablo un poco por lo que recibo también lo que recibimos los formadores que también están algunos de ellos hoy aquí de ver a tantos profesores al final nos encontramos con que el bloqueo está en la administración pero muchas veces está en nuestras cabezas o sea, si al final te importa a tu alumno tú acabas haciendo por tu alumno lo que tú consideras que tu alumno necesita para poder mejorar entonces encuentras las maneras para poder hacer esto realidad en tu aula entonces la administración está ahí nos marca un poquito cuál es el camino a seguir, la forma de hacerlo, pero bueno, siempre cabe la interpretación de un poquito lo que la administración nos va marcando y que evidentemente al final nos tiene que hacer pensar en nuestros alumnos pero yo creo que fiacientemente que el problema no está en la administración sino en las cabezas muchas veces nosotros como docentes que encontramos también en la administración una forma de escudarnos en hacer las cosas diferentes porque evidentemente esto requiere mucho más trabajo mucho más trabajo de programación mucho más trabajo de pensar ahora a veces cuando tiene la palabra en la programación pues evidentemente como registramos un poquito todas estas cuestiones para que evidentemente de cara a la administración pues todo esto sea una realidad pues yo creo que es un reto hoy día como docentes pero eso no tenemos que perder el foco y hacerlo de la manera integrando todas las cosas novedosas o no tan novedosas que hoy día nos están llegando para verdaderamente hacer por los alumnos lo que verdaderamente necesitan que haga un proyecto. Plesibilidad, bueno, no sé me imagino que un poquito todo el tema de la organización escolar y de tocar realmente lo que evidentemente nos encajona a los profesores que es el trabajar por asignaturas no es una de las cuestiones fundamentales entonces hoy día está sobre la mesa todo el tema del trabajo por proyecto que una de las dificultades más grandes hoy día es qué decisiones tomar los centros para poder organizar un trabajo holístico como Teresa también ha portado un poquito en todo el tema de la organización de experiencia alante poder organizar ese trabajo holístico de una manera eficaz en una escuela todo eso nos hace que tengamos que tomar una serie de decisiones diferentes de organización dentro del centro que son las que pueden chocar un poquito con la administración en ese sentido entonces son apuestas pedagógicas que pueda hacer un centro que se trata de fomentar sobre todo también el trabajo cooperativo entre el profesorado el pensar en los chicos en las reuniones que tenemos el generar tiempo de pensar en lo que pasa en el aula no tanto en reuniones, en fechas en estadísticas que vamos sacando de nuestro centro y demás sino en generar tiempo de pensamiento sobre los chicos y en pensar holísticamente en el aprendizaje e impulsar esas metodías que sabemos que nos van a ayudar a flexibilizar el currículum a flexibilizar la organización oraria de una mañana dentro del centro y a flexibilizar tantas cosas que verdaderamente sí que es verdad que la administración nos dan un poquito más encajonada nosotros en el país vasco igual en la administración controla hay documentos de actividad académicas que hay que presentar pero yo creo que cuando valora los resultados es cuando pone en valor lo que estás haciendo es que tienes buenos resultados en evaluaciones diagnósticas en PISA o en cualquier otra evaluación externa igual más que decirte que no hagas así te dice cómo lo haces para poder hacer benchmarking y en nuestro caso por ejemplo trabajamos muchas áreas sobre todo con los pequeños por proyectos pero es que ya vienen la lengua vasca con el conocimiento del medio vienen ya en proyectos desde las editoriales pero bueno y si no yo creo que también en este sentido es fácil si son cuatro horas de mate y tres de conocimiento del medio tiene siete horas que luego tú puedes trabajar por proyectos y estar haciendo conocimiento del medio o en el momento de dos matemáticas y en otro es al revés pero yo creo que muchas veces el encajonamiento está más en nosotros como decía Javier porque es la gestión del cambio para nosotros para el profesorado también es difícil en gestión la incertidumbre es muy difícil y sabemos somos responsables sabemos que estamos jugando con niños y que no podemos hacer experimentos como decíamos ayer pero sí que es cierto que si ya sabemos que lo que hacemos no da resultado pues vamos a cambiarlo y los profesores sobre todo ahora estoy pensando en secundaria especialmente en bachillerato la selectividad la selectividad nosotros en bachiller hay muchas asignaturas que no tenemos libro tenemos muy buenos resultados entonces donde está en el libro o el libro es la excusa yo creo que somos mucho más autónomos de lo que parece e incluso en la programación de aula si sabemos que la atención de un niño pequeño es como mucho de cinco minutos pues dentro de esa hora que decimos que se dedica a identidad y autonomía pues vamos a diseñar cinco actividades diferentes de identidad y autonomía que englobe pues actividad física una actividad más de motricidad fina otra que sea más de comunicación oral no sé también hay nosotros tenemos que echarle un poco de imaginación pero creo que estamos igual tenemos más autonomía de la que pensamos a mi parecer muy bien, gracias cojo otra pregunta quizá para luz cómo puedo saber el momento madurativo o neurobiológicamente adecuado en el que las estructuras cerebrales ya están preparadas para el inicio de la lectura no sé si Luz o Tomás o quien quiera la de la lectura cuando hay que empezar? como los finlandeses a los siete años o hay cuatro como la mamá del parque de Acá? bueno, esto está súper discutido creo que por eso me habéis hecho esa pregunta es complejísimo responder esto bueno, lo de Finlandia Finlandia tiene la ortografía más transparente que hay entonces la lectura ahí no supone un reto tan fuerte como en el resto de las lenguas europeas entonces que nos dejéis llevar si, porque cuando nosotros leemos bueno, tienen que pasar un montón de cosas que funcionen como un reloj pero una de las cosas que tienen que pasar es que mapeemos lo que es un sonido con una letra entonces en función de regular sea ese mapeo la ortografía de una lengua es más o menos transparente si pusiéramos todas las lenguas europeas en una escala la lengua más transparente es decir, la más regular desde un punto de vista ortográfico sería el finés y la lengua más opaca o menos transparente sería el inglés entonces dentro de todos los mitos de Finlandia que está muy bien pero precisamente lo de la lectura pues también la ortografía de la lengua ayuda mucho bien dentro de lo que nosotros hemos observado pero solamente lo que hemos observado con el grupo de niños que hemos visto es que, en mi humilde opinión creo que se está empezando demasiado pronto y no por los niños, sino por los padres que están obsesionados que se pone en la puerta del colegio a comparar si el hijo leo o no leí esto es de verdad y eso no sé, 4 años me parece prontísimo y eso no os lo puedo decir porque todos los estudios que hemos hecho han sido a partir de 6 años así que tampoco tengo datos pero vamos, con 6 años ya les cuesta mogollón 6-7 años ya es un reto fuerte así que, yo creo que con cuando están jovencitos a lo mejor no están leyendo, a lo mejor simplemente están encontrando estrategias para como pueden, memoria visual de lo que sea para contentar a sus padres más que se está adquiriendo pero de verdad es muy complejo responder eso pero igual metió la piscina, creo que no hay que tener prisa para aprender a leer opino lo mismo que tú quiere decir claro, alguien dice es que tiene que aprender a los 4 años ya los 4 años estaba jugando, a los 5 jugando a las 6 jugando, a los 7 o los 8 fui al colegio y me dijeron a la, hice la y esto es a y leí, yo no aprendí a leer y cuando fui al colegio y hablaba tampoco me enseñaron a hablar yo le dije a mis padres, oye qué método habéis hecho no me hicieron ninguno mis padres no hicieron ningún método para que yo con 7 o 8 años hablara y yo fui al colegio muy tarde en esa época se iba muy tarde nos dedicamos a subir a los árboles y ese tipo de cosas claro, el gran problema que viene es porque queremos cuantificar todo y queremos estabilizar a la población decimos esta población de 4 años tiene que leer pero quién ha dicho que tiene que leer para qué porque la segunda pregunta es para qué tiene que leer los niños entonces cuando queremos standardizar como los conocimientos del cerebro no los tenemos claros pues nos encontramos con lo que dice Luz que no sabemos pero si dejáramos desarrollar el cerebro de los niños probablemente algunos niños leen a los 4, otros a los 4 y medio otros a los 5 como cuando un niño empieza a andar es que ahora le da a los padres pues todos los niños tienen que andar a los 7 meses o a los 10 meses primero el proceso de maduración qué es lo que hace el hervado lo que yo busco es desarrollar estructuras que permitan mejorar una función cognitiva entonces yo creo que establecer si está establecido por la ley no lo sé pero establecer que todos los niños tienen que aprender a leer los niños, yo no creo que sea eso muy prudente porque el desarrollo madurativo de la de la motividad ocular pues a lo mejor no es igual en todos el desarrollo madurativo de la pinza motora pues no es igual en todos pero si queremos competir lo que dice alguien los padres dice que mi niña leí la tuya no pero bueno no sé si me estoy explicando bien yo creo que son procesos que el Ministerio no debería tener como hitos pedagógicos es decir hay determinados procesos que no debían ser hitos pedagógicos sino que debían ser hitos personales procesos de desarrollo madurativo personal y el desarrollo madurativo no tienes por qué enseñar un niño a escribir cuando le tienes que enseñar mejor a una buena discriminación motriz de la pinza motora o no tienes que enseñarle a leer cuando lo importante es que la motividad ocular esté bien cuando eso se adquiere bien yo creo que ese otro proceso es muy rápido yo creo que ese otro proceso no sería casi automático entonces mi propuesta sería al revés vamos a desarrollar bien aquellas estructuras que permiten realizar una función superior y una vez que la tengamos bien a lo mejor no necesitamos como maestros enseñar a lo mejor si adquiere muy rápidamente por lo tanto no sé si es adecuado poner una edad para aprender a leer, a escribir y a este tipo de función yo creo que hay una parte de presión social muy grande en este momento para que la lectura se inicie pronto porque la educación infantil miró a violeta si no me equivoco no es una etapa obligatoria de escolarización por lo tanto el tema no es que oblige lo que pasa es que al final la presión de las familias en este tema es bastante bastante grande bueno, yo creo que esto lo vamos a explorar porque creo que no lo exploraremos porque creo que es muy interesante también es como se toman los informes de evaluación si al final son sancionadores, son descriptivos son meramente orientativos para la siguiente etapa pero que ayuda a una cultura también que distorsiona mucho es un tema fascinante voy a hacer un poco de marketing que acabo de publicar un libro sobre esto sobre evaluaciones infantil y entonces hago una crítica a los informes bien, queda una pregunta de la sala de los profesores y no sé quién quiere recogerla pero creo que Nieves ha hecho en su exposición una referencia al tema del bilingüismo pregunta el profesor que especialistas en España han investigado qué estudios se han hecho sobre la aplicación de la neurociencia el aprendizaje de las lenguas extranjeras oímos mucho ahora en las redes que el bilingüismo hace a los niños más inteligentes esto es verdad, no es verdad yo lo que tengo es el conocimiento de lo que he leído de Núria Sebastián de la Universidad de Barcelona de Albert Costa de la Universidad de Barcelona y de Yonandoni Duniaveitia que es el investigador del BCBL que trabaja hace las investigaciones también en el colegio entonces en el bilingüismo hay muchísimo neuromito hay pocas evidencias científicas de lo que es pero sí que es cierto Yonandoni Duniaveitia el doctor Yonandoni decía que la ventaja de un bilingüista, de un bilingüe la ventaja del bilingüe es que es bilingüe eso de que la reserva cognitiva que cuando sea mayor el Alzheimer se le va a retrasar que no hay estudios científicos que sólo evidencian entonces que tenemos que ser muy cautos que ser bilingüe está muy bien ser trilingüe, multilingüe porque te facilita mucho las relaciones y te abre otro tipo de espacios y de estímulos pero que eso de que el bilingüe mantiene más la atención es cierto, él dice en algunos casos que incluso hasta podemos hablar de desventajas por ejemplo a la hora de empezar a hablar a la hora de producir, ya sabes que van más lentos a la hora de comprender, es normal porque ellos tienen que buscar en dos saquitos diferentes luego también hay mucha diferencia entre bilingües de cuna de estos que desde el comienzo hoy en hablar en dos idiomas habilingües secuenciales que igual son no balanceados es decir que un idioma o que son más o menos los dos idiomas lo conocen de manera pareja es decir, hay diferente casuística yo hay un blog que es El rasgo latente se titula el blog, es de Yonandoni y Dunia Beatia y hay un artículo muy bonito también parece muy bueno que habla precisamente sobre las ventajas o las ventajas del bilingüe y Albert Costa en el libro El cerebro bilingüe es súper bueno es buenísimo, da gusto leerlo porque además te pone muchos ejemplos te hacen las referencias de los estudios científicos que él ha realizado y de verdad que si os gusta y os interesa este tema podéis disfrutar mucho leyéndolo y Anuria Sebastián con meter en Facebook en YouTube cualquier charla de ella también da mucho gusto escucharle yo creo que es la gurú del bilingüismo en España que hace muchísimos años lo está trabajando y bueno, pues yo creo que gusta bien, hay una última pregunta para Violeta aunque no está la mesa llega directamente a ella y así te doy la oportunidad de cerrar la mañana y despedir hasta mañana entonces preguntan por el gateo vimos ayer como el gateo es importante y demás, si el niño no gatea debemos incitarlo y entrenarlo para un desarrollo óptimo neuropsicológico posterior hay que forzar a que los niños gateen o dejarlos bueno, gracias gracias por la pregunta bueno, vamos a ver lo que ayer comentamos a lo largo de todas las semanas sí que se va a quedar presente es que hay que respetar todas las etapas evolutivas y no hay que forzar nada sí que es cierto que hay niños que como muy bien nos ha estado diciendo doctor Ortiz cada uno diba su maduración cada uno diba su proceso se salta en una etapa bueno, vamos a ver cómo evolucionan longitudinalmente vamos a ver en principio puede pasar cosas posteriormente pero también puede no pasarlas entonces no pasa nada es como lo que estamos hablando aquí de la lectura y lo que estamos hablando de muchas cosas somos seres individuales y cada uno tenemos nuestros cerebros en el Ministerio de Educación también tenemos cerebro y de vez en cuando lo usamos bien, no sé porque enseñar la lectura en educación infantil a ver sí que es cierto que hay que respetar los ritmos evolutivos de cada niño eso es clave y no tenemos que confundir estimulación con sobrestimulación no es lo mismo y la estimulación es buena para el desarrollo neurocognitivo del niño y la sobrestimulación no entonces es importante como muy bien dice el doctor Tomás Ortiz ser muy prudentes, ayer lo hablábamos ser prudentes ser prudentes con la neurociencia ser prudentes con todas las aportaciones neurocientíficas aquí están saliendo temas que son absolutamente importantísimos por el Ministerio de Educación porque ayer lo hablábamos, hoy lo estamos hablando y una de las cosas que personalmente como directora y representante del Ministerio el viernes viene el director general que también le podréis preguntar es que la neurociencia tiene que ir paralela a la ordenación académica es que tenemos que tener coherencia porque lógicamente estamos hablando aquí de altas capacidades vamos a ver la Administración tiene su norma su ley que por supuesto es obligado cumplimiento pero reflexionen ustedes en varias cosas reflexionen ustedes en varias cosas para repetir un niño curso como lo hacen claustro y en junio el chico repite para acelerar un niño el curso que dos años de papeles eso también tenemos que hacernos lo mirar y eso es un tema también de sensibilidad y de percepción para que hay que dar respuesta educativa diferente a personas diferentes lo lanzo ¿vale? no estoy tan poco pero es que es así hay que ser sensible a todo y no sólo a ciertas cosas bilingüismo pues exactamente los mismos los planes educativos y la normativa vigente tiene que ir paralela a la neurociencia si la neurociencia nos indica que el aprendizaje puede ser simultáneo cuanto antes mejor pero bien hecho todo bueno, yo confío mucho en la fuerza de la educación y confío mucho en los docentes y confío mucho en este curso que de verdad espero que el viernes nos vayáis de aquí pensando que no hemos aprendido nada gracias bien pues os dejo los deberes y nos vemos mañana a las nueve otra vez a perdón, perdón
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5 Ways To INSTANTLY Feel More Confident
If you're about to talk to someone you find attractive, go to a social event, or even give a presentation, you probably wish you could feel more confident. Well in this video I'm going to give you 5 ways to do just that. 1:09 Move around more 1:55 Talk to anyone 2:56 Change your posture 3:56 Compliment Somebody 4:50 Smaller goals Get coached by me: Follow me on Instagram: Learn how to approach any girl, anywhere, without rejection (Practical Approaching System): For access to free trainings and exclusive videos get on my VIP list: Join my fb group to meet other likeminded guys: Did you like the video? Tell me your thoughts down below! Outro song: Thorn Beats -
[ "thesingleguy", "seduction", "game", "get laid", "get girls", "bars", "hook ups", "nightlife", "single guy", "dating advice", "dating faq", "pick up", "pick up advice", "dating", "attraction", "attract women", "sex" ]
What's going on you guys? Welcome to the Single Guy Channel. My name is Lloyd. I am not the single guy. Today we are going to be talking about five ways to get more confident instantly. So a lot of people think that confidence is something you either have or you don't have. Well hopefully from watching my channel you know that confidence is something that you can develop over time. I've hopefully taught you that through demonstrated performance you can prove to yourself that you can do certain activities. That's confidence. So a lot of people when they learn this they think that confidence is more of a constant state that you're in. That is not true at all. It actually fluctuates a lot. There's certain moments during the day when you can feel very confident and there's certain times during the day where you can feel very unconfident and insecure. In fact even before you do something let's say you're about to go to a social event or you're about to go on a date or you're about to give a speech. You might feel very unconfident during those periods of time. What can you do in those moments to make you feel more confident instantly? Well if you do any one of these five things or if you do all five of them I guarantee you you're going to feel a lot more confident in doing that activity. So let's get into the first one. The number one thing first of all is to move around more. This is something that I use all the time especially when I'm about to go out. Sometimes I'll just like go do some pushups or do a workout before I you know maybe go out to the bars or maybe go out to a party or even if there's a date that I got coming on that I might be a little nervous about I'll do some exercises kind of get your blood pumping. In fact there was just the other week where I had a jiu-jitsu competition. I was very nervous for this competition right before I was about to go on. But before I went on I started doing my warm-up exercises. I started moving my body around a little more and started doing the movements that I would normally be doing in my jiu-jitsu match. So when I did that I started to feel a lot more confident because I got my blood flowing. So if you're ever in a position where you feel very very nervous the first thing that you could start doing is to move around more. Number two is to talk to anyone especially in social events. You might have some social anxiety before you're about to go talk to people. People that you don't know or people that you're trying to impress. What I like to do is I like to talk to someone where there's not really that and much expectations about it might be just a random person over there. It might be a person that I might not necessarily want to date. But it's definitely someone that I can have a good conversation with. What you're telling your mind is you're telling yourself hey I can go talk to people. Hey I can have an interaction with somebody and have it end okay. Maybe it doesn't have to end where they end up really liking you or something special happens but you're just telling your brain that hey I can have a conversation and it's going to be okay. So just talk to the first person that you see. If you take an Uber to a social event or something like that ask the driver how is days going or if you have an Uber pool or the first person you see at the party I would just talk to them. The longer you wait to talk to somebody the less confident you're going to be feeling about doing so. But as soon as you break through that barrier dude it's so much easier. So talk to anyone. Number three is to change your posture. If you're someone who sits very much like this you got your hands in your lab, your heads down, you're hunched over. You're probably not feeling very confident. And guess what? You look like you're not confident either too. If you make yourself look more confident what your body is going to do is it's going to release the chemicals that make you feel more confident. So you stand up straight, your heads up, you know your eyes are a little bit more open, your body's more open to everybody. That's going to make you feel more confident because you're telling your body that I am more confident. And you're telling the rest of the world that you are too. Sometimes I do this to like the extreme world. Like I'll actually reach my entire body up and then reach my hands to the ceiling and try and touch the ceiling on my tippy toes. If you do things like that you're opening your body up a lot more and it's just a good stretch that kind of gets your mind a little bit relaxed and feeling more confident. But if you're hunched over and you're closed off you're telling your body, you're telling everybody around you that you don't want to be seen and you're not a very confident person. Tell yourself the opposite message with your body. Number four is to compliment somebody or do something nice for somebody. This is something that I do a lot. As humans one of the great benefits about being a person is that when you do something nice for somebody else you feel good about yourself. Like it's incredible that this feeling that we get from doing nice things for other people happens. That's why we're such a successful species. So one of the things that you can do is to use this to your advantage. Do something nice for somebody else. I usually like to maybe give somebody a compliment or make somebody feel better before I'm about to go in and impress somebody else. If I've shown that I can be valuable for that one person it makes me feel more confident. It makes me feel more confident in myself that I can do good things for other people and that I should be wanted. Now this can be to a friend or this can be just to a random person that you're around. It doesn't matter who it is but just giving somebody a compliment, brightening up their day is gonna make you feel that much more confident going into yours. All right, number five, the last tip is basically have smaller goals. If you're going into a social event, a party, a days or something like that and your goal is way up here, like let's say you walk into a date and you're like, I have to make this person fall in love with me and come home with me this night, okay? That's a crazy goal. Probably not gonna happen, all right? But if you walk in with a simple goal like, hey, I hope I can make this person smile today, okay? Or you don't even have to have that. I would say having a goal that's more based off of you is even better, okay? If I walk into a conversation, basically my goal is to just introduce myself, see if they're up to anything cool and invite them to do something that we're doing if I think that they're cool. That's a really realistic goal that I can go for. It's not something that I'm hoping that she's gonna like me. I'm hoping that she's gonna be attracted to me or something like that. I'm not hoping for any of those things and as a result, I feel a lot more comfortable and confident going into that interaction. If you're going in with your goals up here, no wonder you don't feel confident. In fact, I can even go back to my jiu-jitsu match. Before I went into that competition, one of the reasons why I felt so nervous was because I expected myself to win it. Now, I did end up winning it, but that goal for myself was basically like, I have to win this competition or I'm a failure. No wonder I was so nervous before I went in, which probably, if you're going in with a competition or there's a lot of other people competing, like there's a good chance you might lose. There's a good chance she might not like you immediately or you might not bring that girl home. If you have that expectation on yourself, you're going to get nervous. So don't put that pressure on yourself. Have smaller goals and they're gonna be a lot more achievable for you and you're gonna make yourself more confident day in and day out by accomplishing your goals again and again, rather than seeing yourself as a failure. All right, cool. Well, those are the five things, you guys. Like I said, these are five things that can make you confident right now, but if you do these again and again, you're gonna feel more confident over time. Learn how to live a more confident life by doing these things on a daily basis and I guarantee you, you're not just gonna be confident in that moment, you're gonna be a more confident person. All right, well, thanks for watching you guys. If you're not subscribed, please subscribe to my YouTube channel. I mean, there's no reason why 75% of the people who watch this content should not be subscribed. So guys, if you're not subscribed but you watch all my stuff, subscribe to the channel, hit the notifications bell. It really helps out with my channel and you can get notified whenever I come out with a new video. Thanks a lot, y'all. Good luck out there.
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first day at the college of charleston after two years away
In this video I am showing my first day of classes back at the College of Charleston after two years away. When the pandemic hit I took a gap year and then a study abroad year. Now I am back to the life I left behind two and a half years ago. I talk about going to yoga and breakfast with a good friend, taking the free bus from campus, the weekly Charleston farmers market and more. I also discuss how taking a gap year and studying abroad has prepared me for another year of school. FAQ's About Me :) Age: 21 Year in School: Rising Junior at The College of Charleston Major: Arts Management & Creative Writing Where I'm From: Washington, D.C. Instagram: @katie.blake7 Tiktok: @katieblake06 business inquiries: [email protected] Music by Matt Reagan - Escapeway - Music by Daniel Rosenfarb - The Little Things - Music by Boyu - How Is Life In Hollywood - Music by Citrus Avenue - Espresso Sun - katie blake,first day at the college of charleston after two years away,day in my life college of charleston,college of charleston,day in my life as a senior at cofc,day in my life at cofc,tackling school after a gap year,college of charleston move in day,college of charleston vlog,college of charleston day in my life,college of charleston south carolina,college of charleston dorms
[ "katie blake", "first day at the college of charleston after two years away", "day in my life college of charleston", "college of charleston", "day in my life as a senior at cofc", "day in my life at cofc", "tackling school after a gap year", "college of charleston move in day", "college of charleston vlog", "college of charleston day in my life", "college of charleston south carolina", "college of charleston dorms" ]
And so, starting senior year, like, I was feeling very much like, like, what does that even mean to me? Like, I had this, like, random year that I had to finish school. This was going to be a very normal video. I started my senior year of college this week. So you'd think that I would just make a normal going back to school video. Unfortunately, I can't do that. If this is your first video on my channel, welcome. My college years have gone a bit like this. It's hard to imagine this is how 2020 started. I did not plan on taking a gap year this year. You're wondering what living in DC is like. That's what it is. It's just terrific. I was in the middle of finding who I was. It got derailed. I moved to Scotland in 16 days. Oh, hell yeah! So now I am back to some kind of reality, to my life, to something. And after two and a half years, I really didn't know what to expect and in a real way, I still don't know. And if I'm being completely honest with you guys, this is how I actually started off my senior year of college. Like in all honesty, I'm just like, I'm kind of heartbroken. I think that's maybe the best way to put it. And I'm really trying not to have that attitude. But God, it's just really hard. You just take the hammer and you just... You just take the hammer and you just get it. Yeah, just get it right in there. And then it will be fixed. So the reality is, I took my first week in chunks with a friend, getting acclimated, learning how to get around, even just doing some work. I'm here to save a chock, boys and candy canes. They can all be erased. Holding on to something, nothing in the end. But will I even gain? Think for the little thin dreams. You've gotta try to catch that light. Go somewhere else. And all of those subway cars are rolling my adventures in the city that I do and I really try. Take me to the suburbs where the ocean cleanses, waiting on a fence on this country. Hi everybody. So I had my first class and it was very interesting. I went into the classroom. I'd never been to this side of campus before. There were all these signs for the classroom that I was supposed to go in. So I was like, oh, let's follow the signs, right? And I saw this other girl walk down this hallway. And so I was like, oh, I'm just going to follow her. Like she definitely knows what she's doing. That girl just vanished. I don't know where she went. But the hallway was completely pitch black, got all the way up to the top stairs. The girl came in. The staircase behind me. And I started sharing. I was like, oh my gosh, the door is locked up here. So we have to leave. But we realized that the other door locked behind us. We got stuck in this building right before our first class. And thankfully there was a nice maintenance guide that helped us because then we got locked in another section of the building that had a service elevator. I don't even know how this happened. That's how my first day went. It was very interesting. I took the free bus in Charleston, which I've never actually done before. I've never used the transit, but there is a free bus on campus if you need to get around different sections. First day is going pretty well. Now I'm just working on YouTube content, writing on some content on my film of video really quick. It's really kind of weird that I have homework and it's day one. I'm not used to that. Not that I didn't have work at the University of Edinburgh, but I just... It was more like reading that you had to do. Yeah, it's weird going back to this learning system. I really haven't done homework, sort of like a worksheet or like a discussion post in a bit, so it should be interesting. That big crack just came. This storm is crazy. We've been having thunderstorms pretty much every afternoon since I've been back. This is definitely the biggest one that we've had. We have these in D.C. like this too. It was probably like 98 degrees today and humid. I also forgot how many lizards there are. Just like scooting about. It's a lot of lizards. I don't really like lizards. I'm not going to lie to you guys. Hi everybody. I am now going on week three of... Well, this is only week two of school. Back to my life here in Charleston. I cannot fully explain how like out of body I felt coming back to school. What's really weird is I think when I started my channel I was like, oh, you know, a lot of people will take gap years off of college and like sort of do what I was doing. But then like you sort of talk yourself into this narrative of like even somebody like me who has access to you guys and people writing you messages all the time about their experiences. It sometimes takes being like sort of like slapped in the face by your own life to like bring you back to reality. But just like talking to so many people this week. I realized just like how messed up a lot of people's college experience has been through COVID. And like I hate to like tarp on that on this channel. But like a lot of us are like still going through it in a weird way. Like, like this is weird. Like I know that this isn't how college is supposed to go. And so I came here, you know, thinking like, oh, I'm not going to feel like a senior. I'm not going to feel the effects of being older because it almost feels like time was stolen from me. You know, I think a lot of us feel that way. And so starting senior year, like I was feeling very much like, almost like I didn't earn it. Like I was like, how did I even like, what does that even mean to me? Like I have this like random year that I have to finish school in a place where I have literally one friend. And I basically have to start all over again. I was so absolutely just like downtrodden about downtrodden. I just didn't, I didn't think that I would feel like I am at the stage in life. If that makes any sense. And the more that I live it and I like live my life, I realize how much I have actually changed without this place, which I don't know that's like kind of, I don't know, like we all just try to like make our own situation feel okay. You know, like everything happens for a reason. And whether you believe that or not, whether you know a very like practically brained person, we gain stuff from our experiences. I can truly say I've never felt this comfortable with myself. And I didn't think that I would feel that way. I think that coming back here, I thought that I would feel like a sophomore. Like I thought that I would feel like I wasn't ready for this or that I was like sort of over it, but I feel very, not like peaceful, but I just feel like I'm very present. And I don't know if that's because I studied abroad and having that experience like for a whole entire year probably has nothing to do with it and COVID. It's definitely affirming because coming back here, like I said in that original clip, like honestly I'm so heartbroken. Like I got off the plane. I'm so excited to see my family. Like so excited. I love my family so much, but I was only home for like three, four days before I had to come back here. I have just been like all over the place this summer and then to have like two days at home and then to come here after my travels and being away for that long. Like it was just the most jarring experience. I thought that I would feel like this was, this felt wrong, but it just feels very natural and it feels like where I'm supposed to be and it sounds like where like where I'm supposed to be. But I don't think it's because, I don't think it's because of like the universe or like some sort of things. It's just like I've had this jarring experience for the past two years of like life just being switched up on me on a dime and you know I have to do that again this year and yeah it's a familiar place I've been before but like my life is completely different than it was two and a half years ago. Like it's drastically different but like I'm not scared of it. I was scared of it like two weeks ago and I'm sure there are moments where you know the future's gonna seem really daunting but I think having those experiences of like two years just going completely off the rails I've just like developed this mindset of like it's all gonna be okay. The world can literally go up in smoke because it did and the little stuff, I don't know the little stuff just like hasn't been getting to me like it did two and a half years ago like this is like super long and boring. I guess part of the story is like if you're scared to go abroad or you're scared to make the wrong decision going forward because like heck I figure out what to do next year you know like not really afraid of it I think maybe it's supposed to be I mean that's not something I should admit because I don't want it to come across like cocky or like like I'm being like overconfident but I don't know I'm just like I'm okay you know I don't have to figure out still and uh
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Stock Price Calculation Assuming Constant Dividends & No Growth 12210
Stock Price Calculation Assuming Constant Dividends & No Growth Resource Multiple Languages:!Ap8mLpFX7uo9geAHAD1cP61Z232KDg?e=xgFoMO Playlist: Google Classroom: Class code: kvlccwl Personal Finance
[ "Financial", "Accounting", "Stock Price Calculation Assuming Constant Dividends & No Growth", "Personal Finance" ]
Personal finance practice problem using Excel. Stock price calculation assuming constant dividends and no growth. Prepare to get financially fit by practicing personal finance. Here we are in our Excel worksheet if you don't have access to it that's okay because we'll basically build this from a blank sheet but if you do have access three tabs down below example practice blank example in essence answer key let's look at it now information on the left calculations on the right we're trying to value a common stock possibly to make a decision as to whether the stock is over or undervalued as we compare it to the market price possibly helping us out with decisions such as should we be purchasing or selling the stock we're going to be using a method similar to how we value things like bonds using a time value of money present valuing the future stream of income from the investment however stocks are a little bit more confusing than bonds because bonds are more kind of set in stone as they say with regards to the terms of the bonds meaning you typically have a stream of payments that you'll be receiving interest payments as well as the lump sum at maturity meaning you also have a maturity date with stocks we have two kinds of valuations that we might be receiving one could be the form of dividends and two could be the form of the value of the stock going up and we have no end maturity date so we got to make some assumptions if we want to use the same kind of cash flow type of method and we might make different assumptions or use different methods depending on the type of stock we are valuing if we're valuing a stock that is kind of an established stock they don't need to grow much anymore because they're already established like a utility company or something like that the infrastructure is already set in place we expect them to earn steady earnings into the future and they're just going to be giving out dividends for their earnings because they don't have to put it back in the company at that point that's kind of the easiest valuation we can think of because then we can think of a steady rate of dividends going forward and uh and so that's the first assumption that we'll make and then we might do some other assumptions later okay so second tab has some pre-formatted worksheet so you can work the practice problem with less excel formatting the third tab is a blank tab where we will do the excel formatting if you don't have anything you can open up a new tab and you can start off by just laying down the underlying formatting i would do that by selecting the whole worksheet possibly by hitting the triangle up top right click in the selected area format the cells and then i typically go to currency bracketed and negative or read for negative numbers no decimals or no dollar signed and no decimals i'm not going to hit okay because i already have this i'm just going to close out x and out here then enter your data on the left hand side adding percentages for example when necessary formatting the cells as needed make a skinny c column we also have a table down here but you don't really need to worry about that we might not even use the table down below that's another way we can do the present values but we'll basically be using excel formatting as our primary tool okay so let's do our valuations so remember we're kind of imagining that we've got this $15 that are going to be the annual dividends how do we know it's the annual dividends because we've looked at them in the past and that's what they have been and we're going to assume that the dividends are going to be basically constant going forward so plan to keep this dividend for some time into the future required rate of return for the common stockholder so we're going to say this is our rate of return the discount rate that we're going to be using to determine whether or not it be worthwhile to be investing in the stock we're going to be using the 12 percent in our time value of money calculation and you can think about that as the rate that we might be getting from other similar investments taking into account the risks related with other kinds of investments for example the 12 percent in essence being kind of like our hurdle rate that we would have to be clearing in order to put our money here as opposed to possibly somewhere else now one way we can think about doing this is to kind of map out all the future payments and we'll take a look at that but there's kind of a shortcut calculation a straightforward easy way to do this kind of calculation and then we'll basically do the longer calculations which I think helps us to visualize it better so if I was to calculate the price making these assumptions we're going to say let's go ahead and make the top here black and white home tab font group we're going to make that black and white and then I'm going to say we've got the annual cash dividends we're just going to take this equals the annual cash dividends I'm going to make sell D a little bit wider put my cursor between D and E making it wider we're going to then say in IE 2 equals the $15 and then we're going to have the required rate of return so we're going to say this is the required rate of return return and this is going to be equal to the 12 percent down here and we'll then adjust the percent to make it a percentized sale home tab number group percentify it percentify you best got percentified a record font group underline and then so the price is going to be then equal to the 15 times uh the 12 I'm sorry 15 divided by the 12 it equals the 15 divided by the 12 let's add a couple decimals home tab number group a couple decimals fairly straightforward calculation again remember that what we're doing is assuming that this 15 dividends are basically going out into the future basically kind of indefinitely now let's kind of prove that that works with a longer calculation before we do so we'll do you know the reverse order of this calculation let's make this blue and bordered you're getting ahead of yourself hold on a second home tab font group we're going to put some borders around this thing all borders make it blue with a bucket drop down going down to the more colors if you don't have the blue there already standard there's the blue I use you could use whatever you want you can make whatever color you want as long as you can read it required it doesn't bother your supervisor or anything of return okay so then we're going to make this black and white we're going to say this is going to be home tab font group drop down black and white so we can imagine then if the price were this 125 the and the required rate of return was 12 so if we knew the price then possibly looking at the market price if the market price was 125 and our required rate of return then was 12 home tab font group percent let's put an underline font group in underline we would want the dividends to be annual cash dividends assuming the dividends are are only really increased in value because we're talking about stocks that are have peaked out and their growth and really are just kind of marching along like utility companies or something like that so we're going to say that would mean that we would need a dividend of 125 divided by 12 I'm sorry now it's multiplied 125 times 12 which would give us the 15 I'll add a couple decimals home tab number group couple decimals 15 even let's make that blue and bordered selecting these items here home tab font group bordered bucket drop down and blue now let's make that let's kind of prove that that what that is doing remember like if you if you think about like a bond what we're doing is trying to look at the future cash payments in present valuing them so one way we could do that is I could say let's make a skinny F column here making I'll click on the skinny C so that I can go to the home tab clipboard make a paintbrush painter and make a skinny F out of it and I could use an annuity formula annuity and I could say okay well if I'm going to get $15 out into an infinity and beyond into the future well I could just kind of I know that if it goes way out into the future then that $15 because of time value money is going to be worth less and less and less that's why I can take that infinite series and basically for the most part for practical purposes bringing about down to a defined number here right so I could do something like negative present value shift nine for my present value formula the rate is going to be this 12 percent down here the rate of return we want comma number of periods I don't have a number of periods because it goes on forever so why don't I just use a fairly big number right like even just a hundred would do it I think right because if I'm a hundred years into the future then the $15 I'm going to get a hundred years from now it's pretty small might not have a big impact on my calculation so then I say comma and then the annuity payment calculation is going to be the 15 so we're going to get 15 for a hundred years discounting at the 12 percent what would that series of payments be worth about $125 right home tab number group and you might say well that's not very specific or exact because that you know it goes out into infinity it's worth infinity because it goes on forever but you know those amounts in the future are getting smaller and smaller due to time value money let's prove that another way a couple other ways let's select these two we're going to go to the home tab font group make that border blue let's make a skinny eye column a skinny eye home tab font group like when I got poked in the eye I had a skinny eye for a while because I was squinting we're going to make a skinny eye like that home tab font group and then skinny eye okay so then we're gonna let's let's do it this way first I'm going to put a total here because I'm going to try to total it at the front end and then I'm going to put my periods at the top one two I'm going to select those two periods and I'm going to drag it all the way out to 100 periods out to the right 100 periods out to the right which is too far we don't really need to go that far but that's what we did on our annuity so we'll do it we'll do it just to prove a point we go very far to prove points around here home tab we're going to go to the alignment center it and then let's make it black and white drop down black and white let's make this centered and black and white and then we're going to say that this is going to be the dividends dividends each year $15 a year on out to infinity because it's a utility company or something they're just paying out steady dividends steady dividends steady as she goes so there it is I'm going to say f4 on the keyboard f4 and making a dollar sign before the b in the three you only need a mixed reference but an absolute will work I'm going to take that grab that then with the fill handle and drag it all the way to the right till we get to the 100 and there it is so there's our $15 going back to the start we're going to then have like the price or the present value let's say and the price when we total it the present value each period I'm going to take each of these $15 and bring them back to the current period so $15 one year from now let's do that calculation present value shift nine rate to the left is that 12% I want to make it absolute because I want to copy it to the right it's outside my table I don't want it to move to the right when I go to the right therefore I'm going to say f4 and keyboard dollar sign before the b and eight you only need a mixed reference but an absolute one works comma number of periods I'm going to say up to that's going to be the one I want that to move to the right to be number two when I go to the right and copy it to the right so I'm going to keep that as is comma the payment is up one the 15 I also want that to move to the right when I go to the right so we'll keep that as it is and hold on it's not a payment it's not a payment I was wrong thank you for telling me that we're going to say two commas because it's not an annuity it's a it's a present value of one therefore the future value is 15 and I want that to move to the right when I go to the right we don't even need to close it up I'm just going to hit enter there it is I'm going to grab it on the fill handle and if I did everything right I'll do it just one time to the right this time take it to the right one time and see if it does what I would expect double clicking on it looks correct everything looks in order so now let's grab it again and pull it all the way to the hundred hundred periods out hundred periods out boom and then you get a bunch of zeros down here but I'm going to add some decimals number group decimalizing it decimalized I'll decimalize this one home tab decimalized and now we only usually go to a couple pennies but just to show you can see obviously as we go out that fifteen dollars we're going to get 20 years from now is getting quite small it's a dollar fifty so fifteen dollars out 30 years is is getting fairly small and if I go obviously past we're below a penny of value after 66 years so fifteen dollars 66 years for now we value back at our discount rate at 85 right and if I go all the way out to a hundred years you can see it gets quite small to the point where it's kind of insignificant which is why if I sum this series of payments up if we sum this series of payments up on the right here equals the sum of this series of payments all the way on down we get about 125 so we're going to go home tab number group a couple decimals let's pull that up to the right add up to 15 so we had 1500 dollars over over a hundred years is only worth 125 if we discounted back using that 12 percent which is kind of it's not just inflation that 12 percent that's including the rate of return that we expect to get that's why we would say the price then would be like 125 if we were going to use that as our valuation we would expect the price to be 125 if the price was over that we might say what might be overvalued based on this under that on the market price we might say it's undervalued okay so let's do it let's do this one more time let's make this blue and and bordered and I just want to do that calculation a couple more times one because it's fun and two because you might see it a different way and three because other people might do it a different way and you got to deal with the they're funny minds doing things different but still like correct but like weirdly so I'm the only one that does things correct all the the right way all the time other people have they do things other ways sometimes and I've got to figure out why they did it funny so we're going to go all the way to the right and we sometimes it's easier to make this vertically structured so I'm going to make a skinny sail over here it's harder to put the the headers sometimes but it's easier to do the calculation so for example if I went the periods periods and I can just go from one two and bring that let's let's start but let's do that one two I'm going to bring that down to a hundred right I'm going to bring it down to a hundred again just build in my table this way instead of the other way centering it and there we go and then we can say the dividends dividends are this way notice I'm getting kind of I don't have as much space up top the headers that's where the problem is here but it's usually easier to construct this way equals and I'm just I'll just pick up that 15 right there even though that's kind of cheating I'm going to say f4 on the keyboard dollar sign before the dg and the two enter and then what's nice about this is I can just double click right here and boom it takes it down which I couldn't do if I go to the right so that's kind of a neat thing and then we've got the present value present value same calculation negative pv shift nine rate I got to find that all the way to the left so I'm just going to hold the left arrow until I hit the wall going to the wall boom I almost knocked that two right out of the wall right there because I was had so much speed when I was barreling down I'm going to say f4 on the keyboard dollar sign before the b and the two we're going to say comma number of periods it's going to be that one because we're going to bring it back one year just like we did with this one over here same calculations except in a vertical format comma comma because it's not an annuity but present value of one future values that 15 we're going to bring that 15 back one year that brings it to the 13 or so let's add some decimals home tab find creep let's be more exact than even going to the penny so that we can then just double click this is why it's easier to do vertical double click boom and we could see if I discount that 15 back four years it's at the 950 and you could see of course again it gets quite small as we go down to 100 if I can total it up down here I could total it up down here equals the sum of all that 15s I'm going to copy that to the right and you get that 125 again 125 now you might be familiar with like using a hurdle rate with when you're calculating like capital projects and stuff like that to see so let's let's add one more little twist to this I'm going to put some underlines here home tab underline and let's make this blue and bordered home tab font group you're getting ahead of yourself again stop that wait for yourself I'm tired myself is tired but I don't want to wait for myself home tab alignment center this is going to be blue and bordered okay so let's let's copy like from the skinny to DK and then we'll do one little twist on it we're going to copy that and I'm going to paste that right here because I got the skinny coming with it so I'm going to say boom and then I'm just going to because you might you might be looking at this and figuring well look this series of payments if it's greater than zero that means we cleared the hurdle rate meaning if this is our rate of return 12 percent and I look at my series of future payments if it comes out and you look at normal capital budgeting kind of techniques if it comes out above zero then it would be something that cleared the 100 that that percent the 12 percent and therefore might be something worth investing in and the reason that it's the same thing really is because we have to put the outflow which would be period zero so in other words if I assume that we paid 125 for the stock I'm going to right I'm going to select these three cells right click and insert and move these cells down and then I'm going to format it with well let's copy the stuff at the bottom here and format paint at home tab clipboard format paint that right there and this is going to be period zero right in period zero I'm going to assume that we have we don't have a dividend but this is a payment that we have this would be a payment negative to show it cash outflow all the dividends are cash inflows right so if I if I say this is going to be equal to that 125 that 125 outflow we could put a little message here this is not a dividend this is an outflow this is let's put a note on it this is uh payment this is payment price that we have for the stock so we pay that I don't need to really present value it I could because it would be at period zero so I could just copy this up and it should be it should be well 125 it's the same okay so then so then if I copy that all the way down I'd say here's really what my cashflow will be this has to copy this has to take into consideration the 125 I'm just going to pull that up to the 125 now we paid or we received 1375 net after the 125 outflow up front copying that across and we get to zero in essence on on here because now we're showing all the all the activity here's my initial cash outflow here's all the inflows we get from the dividends the fact that it's zero doesn't mean that we didn't earn any profit in that case the fact that it's zero means we cleared the hurdle rate which was the 12 percent which is the rate that not interest rate that's not the interest rate that's the rate that we think we can get in a similar kind of investment so that's hopefully that kind of clarifies this 12 percent a little bit and you can and again I hope if you work if you work on other like budgeting projects or capital budget projects and stuff like that then you can you'll be using oftentimes similar techniques and that kind of hurdle rate how what that rate actually means can be a little bit confusing to people oftentimes
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2023 Election: PDP Southwest Zonal Strategic Meeting For Atiku/Okowa
Southwest leaders of the people's democratic party, PDP, have expressed readiness to ensure victory for the party's presidential candidate Atiku Abubakar in the coming election. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Watch More: Watch PlusTV Africa Lifestyle: Watch via our Website: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram: Tweet us on Twitter: Comment on Whatsapp: #PlusTVAfrica #News #NewsOnPlusTvAfrica
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Southwest leaders of the People's Democratic Party, PDP, have expressed readiness to ensure victory for the party's presidential candidate, Atikua-Bubaka in the coming election. The leaders who came from the six states in the region met in Osho Bowl with the Oshun State Governor and the Zona Coordinating Chairman of Atikua-Okowa presidential campaign. The leaders also disclosed that a southwest region is ever determined to ensure victory for his presidential candidate, giving his resolve to ensure restructuring in line with the principle of true federalism. They said Atikua-Bubaka stands above all the contenders based on his economic blueprint. Today's meeting consequently resolved as follows. A short victory of our presidential candidate, Waziri Atikua-Bubaka, across the zone, who work for the victory of all our candidates across the zone. Senators, Governors, House of Rep members, and Assembly, determined to push our campaign to all the polling units in the remaining days before the presidential campaigns and ensure victory of the party in all states of the Southwest, one against party activities in whatever form across the states, and charge party members nationally to strengthen the code of mobilization for victory in the national election. The meeting finally affirms as follows that the Southwest region is determined to vote for the people's presidential candidate, Alajia Atikua-Bubaka, for several reasons. His agenda for restructuring and restructuring is aligned with the aspiration of our region. The PDP candidate has the best economic agenda among the contenders to revive Nigeria as a unified and prosperous nation. His experience is needed now to take back the country from the mess and chaos APC has plunged all of us into. Hello, hope you enjoyed the news. Please do subscribe to our YouTube channel and don't forget to hit the notification button so you get notified about fresh news updates.
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Proudly We Hail - Humanity Means People (#184) [Bryna Raeburn]
Proudly We Hail: 04/13/52, episode 184 OTRR version v1-2016 This episode provided by the Old Time Radio Researchers Group.
[ "1952", "Old Time Radio" ]
Proudly, we hail. New York City, where the American stage begins, here is another transcribed program with a cast of outstanding players and featuring Bryna Raven. Public service time has been made available by this station for your Army and your Air Force to bring you this story, as proudly we hail our women in service. The story is entitled, Humanity Means People. This is the story of a woman who traveled the world for peace of mind to find that her life could have meaning only when she returned to her own backyard. After this important message, our first act curtain will rise. This story about a courageous American woman of the past prompts me to say a few words about courageous American women of the present who are serving their country as service women in the United States Army and United States Air Force. They have the gratifying knowledge that they are writing new pages in the history book hearing one of the most critical periods in our nation's history. You can join these women by volunteering in the WAC, Women's Army Corps, or in the WAF, Women in the Air Force. Visit your nearest United States Army and United States Air Force Recruiting Station and enlist now. And now with Bryna Raven and the role of Jane Adams, your Army and your Air Force present the proudly we hail production, Humanity means people. Truth is manifested to us in many ways. It was sent to me, clear and unmistakable, when I was six years old. But I was 28 before the understanding of that truth came to me. When I was six, I had a dream, a horrible yet prophetic dream. I was alone, utterly alone. Not the way you can be alone in a crowd or alone in an empty house at night, but alone in the world. I wasn't a little girl living in the world of 1866 in that dream. My age seemed indescribable. I was a woman of maybe 30, maybe 50, maybe 100. The setting of the streets through which I was wandering was probably Cedar Creek, Illinois, the only place I'd ever known up until that time. But it seemed large. Not the way I found large cities to be later, but large in the way a huge cavern is endless when you're in the middle of it. Everything was shadowy. Even a voice, the only one in the dream, came from the grayness of the broad streets through which I was wandering. Jane. Jane Adams. You know my name. Who are you? I can scarcely make out your silhouette in this fog. What do you want? The only one here. The only one in the world. Except... Yes, I know. And I'm frightened. Has everyone in the world disappeared? Not disappeared, Jane. Obscured. But you can bring them back. Tell me how. Tell me what I can do to restore everyone again. You alone are responsible for the fate of the world. You can bring people back to life by one implement alone. A wagon wheel. I don't understand. Explain it to me. You left me to be responsible for the fate of the world without telling me what I can do? What can I do? What can I do? What can I do? Chaney. Chaney, wake up. You've been having a nightmare. Oh, Papa, it was terrible. There, there. It's all right now. I'll stay with you until you go back to sleep again. But my dream, Papa, it was so real. But I didn't understand it. You can tell me all about it in the morning. Now try to go to sleep and not to dream. That I could bring everybody back to life with a wagon wheel. What does that mean, Papa? I'm not sure, child. I am not sure. You, a child, cannot explain it. Or can I, a man past the middle of his life? What a wagon wheel, Papa. What should that be that it could save the world? And it's a strange symbol indeed. I only wish I could be of some help. Perhaps Chane Adams' dream had its roots in her love for her father. When his child wanted to share his many cares, he took pains to point out other people who needed her help. One Sunday, dressing for church, she put on her new coat and went into her father's study. You look very pretty. But your old coat will be just as warm and won't make other children feel so bad. The other children were those who lived in the back streets of their town. She told her father when he took her through these streets that she would someday live in a big house. But then, the thought came... Papa, it wouldn't be right. Why do you say that, child? Because it'd be right in the middle of little houses like these. It was at Rockford College that the girl with the strange dream lost her earlier anxiety for the sorrows of the world. She escaped into the beauty of books and forgot the reality around her. It was during her last year at college that her escape from the world was halted temporarily by a shock. Oh, good morning, Ellen. Isn't this wonderful? All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players. I never fully realized those words and what they meant until I just read them again this morning. Jane, I... I don't really know how you... Ellen, what's the matter? You're pale as death. I bring news of death, Jane. Papa. Papa's dead. Yes, Jane. He died peacefully in his sleep last night. He wrote you this letter. It was found by his bed this morning. My beloved Janey is late at night and I feel it is late in my life, too. I think this without remorse but with a certain sadness that I have not been able to give you all the help your nature has pleaded for. Remember when you were a little child had your dream about the wagon wheel. At that time I could not help you when you came to me for the answer. The real answer is something I should have learned a long time before this. That each person's destiny, the answer to the eternal questions in each person's heart must be worked out individually. Except for a few bits of real estate and a few scraps of paper that will be relieved of the burden of financial suffering, I have nothing more to leave you. But I somehow think that if you come to realize the meaning of this inheritance and shape it into your destiny, you will be rich indeed. Your loving Papa. Janey, oh, come in. Hello, Ellen. Oh, I'm so tired. Oh, sit down and tell me. Well, there's nothing wrong with me. Nothing he can hear in his stethoscope or feel in my pulse at any rate. But you're sick, Janey. Didn't he tell you that? Yes, he knows I'm not well, but there's nothing to do with a germ or a disease of the body. It's as if something were haunting me, Ellen. Your father. You're still brooding about him, Janey. No, no, I'm really not, Ellen. Of course I miss him, and I regret I wasn't with him when he died, but something deeper than that. It's a sense of guilt that's unreasonable. It's a weight I can't shake off. What did the doctor recommend? Oh, usual thing for young girls with enough money. Said I should go somewhere. Europe, perhaps, get a change of scenery. Hope that will mean a change of viewpoint. Well, why not, Janey? Oh, England is beautiful at this time of year. Why don't you go abroad? Ellen, will you go with me? I could find it bearable then. I don't think I could enjoy being by myself in this strange country. Not now, when I feel so all alone, even in my own country. Of course I will, Janey. We'll love it. Oh, we'll see. All the things we've known in books and paintings and photographs, there'll be Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace and Oxford and Cambridge and London Bridge. Stop the carriage. Here's the place. Oh, when does the auction start? Whenever there are enough of the rabble assembled. Ellen, I wish I hadn't come. Oh, now, Janey, don't spoil everyone's fun. Oh, I'm dying to see the auction. This is really quite historic now. Every Saturday night for centuries, the farmers bring in their fruit and vegetables. And then the poor gather to get what they can for next door to nothing. But some of those vegetables look spoiled to me. They're not far from it. But they don't even have to last until these people get home. They eat them right here on the streets. Hey, where are you going, Miss Adams? I'm going back to the hotel. If you want to stay and watch these poor people scramble like animals for bits of refuse, you're welcome to do it. My idea of a spectacle is to go to the theatre and not to sit in a carriage and watch and gloat over the evils of the world. You seem better here in Germany. I'm really sorry about that incident in London at the auction. Don't worry ahead about it, Ellen. I didn't feel guilty about my life of uselessness. I suppose I would have seen the colour and the history of it. Look. Look at those women out there on the street. What are they carrying? Those tanks tied to their backs. What are they? Well, I saw them yesterday when the waiters told me about them. It's hot brew they're carrying. They're hands. Look at their hands. Isn't it awful? Their hands are scarred from burns. The hot brew splashes when the women walk. Ellen, something must be done. Let's go to see the booze. Young woman, what am I to do? Men must have beer. And so these women must have scars. Is that it? When you put it that way, I sound heartless. You are. I am too. Because there seems to be nothing that can be done about it. You're to blame, but so am I because I'll just run away from this ugliness. Because I've always run away. Janey, what's the remedy? Ellen, do you remember that social settlement we saw in England? Uh, Toynby Hall? That's right. I'd forgotten the name. Remember, Hart was the centre for London's poor? How they went there for enlightenment or amusement? Are you suggesting we go and work at Toynby Hall? No, Ellen. Charity begins at home. Such a settlement house would be useful in Chicago. Think of all the races in America that have to learn to live together if our democracy is to endure. At our house, we would gather together all sorts of immigrants, do what we could to help them, and give them a life in common. Janey, that sounds wonderful. We would not only help them, they would help us. We're smothered in comfort as they are oppressed by poverty. My scheme is to throw off some of this stifling comfort for the privilege of being of some use in the world. Reiner Abern featured in the role of Jane Adams in the proudly we hail production Humanity Means People will return in just a moment for the second act. Love and loyalty to one's country have never been the exclusive attributes of men. Women, too, have given concrete evidence of their devotion and courage. Now, more than ever before, the services of women are urgently needed to undertake thousands of jobs in the armed forces, where a critical manpower shortage threatens the defense effort. More than ever before, the United States Army and United States Air Force needs young women in its expanding forces. So go to your nearest Army and Air Force recruiting station. Have a talk with the recruiting sergeant. He'll help you decide how you can best serve your country. Volunteer for service in the WAC, Women's Army Corps, or in the WAF, Women in the Air Force. Do it today. You are listening to Proudly We Hail. Now with Reiner Abern as Jane Adams, we present the second act of Humanity Means People. For the privilege of being of some use in the world. That's the reason Jane Adams gave herself and her friend Ellen for wanting to found a settlement house in Chicago. She found an old rundown mansion built by a man named Hull. 30 years before, Mr. Hull had chosen the site for its suburban piece. I don't know as a smart business to say this, Miss Adams, but I can't imagine why you'd want her at my house. In the heart of the immigrant quarter of Chicago, the streets and alleys around are dirty and badly lighted. They're lined with wooden shanties. The neighborhood is filled with garbage and children and every language but English. Mr. Hull, every feature of the neighborhood that you've cited as a disadvantage is a point in its favor for my purposes. Those people need me and I need your house. Those people won't understand, even as well as I do, Miss Adams. I'll repay your efforts with nothing but suspicion. You mark my words. And I ask you, why they move in here? They can afford to live over on the fancy side of Chicago. What do they want to move into our neighborhood? They will want to sell us something. You watch. It's my warning on this. Don't promise to go to their church. Labor spies is my idea. You went to that Hull house? Why not? They're not half bad. But what did they want you to do? Want? Nothing. Miss Adams, she reads a book to us by a woman called George, George Elliott. Then we talk about things, mostly about the neighborhood. She say we got all to ask for better garbage collection. She thinks so many children die in neighborhood here because streets are full of garbage all the time. And I walk to the factory with it. Yeah, well, Harry, it's almost seven. I can't afford to be docked this week, not with my youngest needing medicine all the time. Emma, you hear about that Miss Adams under Hull house? Yeah, I've heard nothing else for six months. What is it to me that they move into a fancy house and look down their noses at us working women? But that is the news. Miss Adams, she mined our children for us women while we're at work. Then who can afford even a penny in our tenements for someone to stay with the children? It is bad enough my Gisella has so cold all the time, but if I don't have the money to pay her medicine, it would be worse. But it will not cost us a cent. They have what they call a nursery school for the little one. Where they get milk every day. Just think every day. Hmm, sounds funny to me. But if it is true, what the relief it would be not to have to lock the children up all day and worry about them being caught in a fire or falling out of windows. Emma, tomorrow I send my kids there. They stop by and pick yours up. You know, Emma, I think it was a fine day for Halsted Street when Miss Adams moved in Hall House. Miss Adams, the landlord, he come tonight and says we got to put our things out on the side, walk by tomorrow morning, or he's going to put it there himself. Your wife is sick in bed. How can he be so cruel? That's it, Miss Adams. I think he's going to kill her to do this. Here's the money for the rent. But wait a minute before you go, Giovanni. I don't think for one minute that your landlord is entirely to blame. But he's going to put us out on the street. Because you didn't pay your rent. Isn't that right? But the money? Who's got the money with the little I earned? Giovanni, you had enough money to gamble last Saturday night, didn't you? Yes. You pay your rent and take care of your family. Then, Giovanni, I will feel better with myself about helping you. Oh, Jane, I was wondering where you've been. Aren't these beautiful, Ellen? I got this whole armful for just more than a dollar. But Jane, what right have we to spend even one cent for flowers when there are so many other things we need? I couldn't sleep last night. I was thinking about how to win the friendship of all the various elements in the neighborhood. These are for my Italians. You mean you're buying their friendship with an armful of flowers? And why not? If we can get them to love Hull House, then we can help them. We can't help them if they stay away. And these flowers will help to bring them. Don't you see, Ellen? The Italians around Hallstead and Polk Street are sons of the soil by nature. They find the crowded indoor life of the big city, their tenements and their factories, very hard. Now, if I can win them over with flowers, then I can give them greater treasures, knowledge and understanding of the life of our great country. Miss Adams, my Anna is arrested. Anna is a good girl. She was going to put back the five dollars she took from Cashbox to buy the dress for church picnic. But the boss found out before she could raise the money and he wanted to send her to prison. He will help her. Miss Adams, my Mario has been in a fight. A man was killed. Mario don't mean to do this. And now, what's going to be with us, Miss Adams? Their parents are bewildered, Ellen. They don't understand what has happened to their American children. Well, the young people think of their mothers and fathers as foreigners, Jane. They don't know anything of their fine past, of Italian art or Hebrew lore. They see only laborers, common working people. They're ashamed. And the parents are just as bigoted. They refuse to see their children born in this new country and longing to be a part of it, craving for change and for power. Daughter needing a new hat, the son wanting his own money so he can be somebody, they don't understand that. We must build a bridge between the parents and their children. But how, Jane? I think I saw the answer this morning when I was walking through the neighborhood. Where? Something must be done, and if you think you have the answer, let's do it. I came upon an old Italian woman sitting in the sun on the steps of a tenement house, spinning thread with a simple stick spindle. The old woman might have served as a model for one of Michelangelo's fates, but that isn't what stopped me. I thought, now, here is the bridge between the old and the new. The children of this old Italian work in factories with complicated machines, but just as they are descended from the old woman, their complicated machines are descended from the simple one she works. This, the children don't realize. If we could make them see the link between the past and the present, between themselves and their parents, they'd know just what the spinning wheels to Hall House tomorrow night. We are going to have a demonstration for the young people. We've invited about 20 of you older women to come and show the young boys and girls how the things were done in the old country. They'll be proud of all of you. All of you. Is it true that my mother is the best spinner in America? Well, you saw her work tonight with all the other women far behind, didn't you? You see, my dear, your mother comes from a lovely Italian village where her art of spinning was handed down from generation to generation. You see, it's hard for her to be torn away from her old home and made to give up everything, even her talents to become a stranger in America. You know, Miss Adams, you've done something wonderful and great tonight. You've made me understand my mother for the first time. Won't you have a chair, please? Thank you. You don't know me, Miss Adams. I was in the audience last night when you talked about your work here in Hall House. Oh, and what did you think? I guess that's obvious because I'm here. You made me feel uncomfortable. Really? I'm not sorry, you know. I suppose you're not. Your business seems to be to poke at people's consciences. I'm a rich man, and according to your standards, a selfish one, I suppose. What can I do? You said earlier I didn't know you. But I do. You see, I read the society pages as well as the editorials in the paper. Checking. You own a block of ramshackle houses. They're unfit to live in. You want to know what to do? Well, I'll tell you, if you're sincere, tear down those houses and build a playground. Our children have no outdoor life, but in the streets. You have everything. Give these children a little something. Gentlemen of the Senate, I appeal to you. I offered some little girls who came to our first Christmas party at Hull House some candy. And they said, no, thank you. You see, they work those babies 14 hours a day in a candy factory. What attraction does candy have for them? Our efforts for our children are hopeless, unless we abolish child labor. And we can do that only by piercing the conscience of the people and only facts of child labor. You say you represent the people. The children can't vote, but you must represent them too. This bill must pass. This bill which will give freedom to the children of Illinois. Settlements were springing up throughout the country, all modeled after that of Jane Adams. Hull House itself now occupied a group of structures covering a city block, and its founder's reputation covered the globe. From thousands of platforms, people heard her speak, and the books she wrote reached millions. Her word carried such weight that political leaders, not only of her own, but of other countries, sought her advice and support. To everyone, she made audible the cry of children and the weariness of workers. Her two chief crusades were on behalf of children and world peace. In 1931, she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. In one sentence, the speaker making a presentation summed up what the world thought of Jane Adams. In Jane Adams, there are assembled all the best womanly attributes which shall help us to establish peace in the world. In the year of her death, 1935, Jane Adams received the American Education Award. The speaker at that time said, She has taught tolerance and peaceful community living. First at home, and then in the world at large. Perhaps Jane Adams summed it up best herself when she stated her purpose in 1888. I want to throw off comfort for the privilege of being of some use in the world. Thank you, Bryner Rabern, for a stirring portrayal of Jane Adams. Now here is an important message to the young women of America. You have just heard an interesting story about one of America's gallant women of the past. If you're between the ages of 18 and 34, you're invited to join America's gallant women of the present who now serve in the WAAC, Women's Army Corps, and the WAAC, Women in the Air Force. Visit your local United States Army and United States Air Force Recruiting Station. Get all the details today. This has been another program on Proudly We Hail, presented transcribed in cooperation with this station by the United States Army and United States Air Force Recruiting Service. This program featured Bryner Rabern as Jane Adams. This is Kenneth Bagnardt speaking and inviting you to tune in the same station next week for another interesting story on Proudly We Hail.
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COVID and Kerala: Role of Local Governments and Women’s Collectives
Sarada Muraleedharan speaks about the critical role of local self-governments in Kerala as part of the state's robust response to COVID-19. She speaks about how Kerala’s history of decentralisation and participatory planning helped the Government implement effective contact tracing, quarantines and also provide food to millions who had lost their jobs. She elaborates on the role of Kudumbashree, a network of women’s groups, in providing thousands of volunteers in the relief effort. Sarada Muraleedharan is an officer with the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) and is currently Principal Secretary for Local Self Government with the Government of Kerala This video is excerpted from the webinar ' Kerala's COVID-19 Response: Integrating Labour, Gender and Decentralization', broadcast on 29 May 2020, organised by ActionAid, Focus on the Global South, Newsclick and Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung-South Asia. The resource persons included K T Suresh, Benny Kuruvilla, Professor Mridul Eapen and Sarada Murleedharan (IAS).
[ "Kerala", "Kerala State Govt", "Kerala Response to Covid-19", "Pandemic", "Epidemic", "Coronavirus", "Covid-19", "Webinar", "Action Aid", "Focus on the Global South", "Newsclick", "Rosa Luxemburg" ]
And our second speaker is Mrs. Sharda Murlidran, who is an officer with the Indian Administrative Service and is currently Principal Secretary for Local Self-Government with the Government of Kerala. And Mrs. Murlidran has previously served as the Executive Director of Kurumbashree, which is Kerala's flagship program for women's empowerment and poverty eradication. She's also had a stint with the Central Government in New Delhi with the Panchayati Raj Ministry, which is a local government ministry. Murlidran, you know, Kerala has a strong historical track record of well functioning local governments. And if you could make your remarks, putting that in context, and then speaking about the specific role of local governments, Professor Heepan alluded to some of those. You know that this incredible statistic a few days ago about how all the local governments at one point of time were running, you know, some 1,300 community kitchens and in a span of some 45 days managed to serve a total of 8.6 million individuals. And many of these were run in coordination with Kurumbashree, a program that you managed some years ago. And further linked to the point that Professor Heepan made about Kerala already had local disaster management plans in place. And you know that further bolstered your relief efforts. So, ma'am, the floor is yours to sort of elaborate on these aspects as well as other issues. Thank you. I would like to start with just responding to a question I saw in between, which is about what are the figures really? I mean, what is it that makes, what is it about Kerala? So let me just skip the figures as on date. I don't have the exact figures, but we have about, we were the first date in the country to be hit by the coronavirus. It's the end of January. So for us, we are right now entering our fifth month of tackling this virus. And it has come in three waves. So far, the first wave end of January to early February got over very quickly. It was very limited and we were able to control it. Then we had international arrivals bringing the virus and soon the numbers got to escalate. So, but we had reached a point of about 500 cases. The interesting thing. Again, at that point of time, we started as being the only state and then slowly other states started joining in Delhi and Mumbai. The cities started coming in at that point of time, you would lead us in numbers as far as COVID, the number of COVID positive cases was gone. Now, what has been also interesting about Kerala has been the very low rate of fatalities. We had, it was 500 cases, we had four fatalities, three to four fatalities. So this was, this is the scenario till the 4th of May. And then after the 4th of May when the lockdown was released, was relaxed considerably and international and domestic travel was allowed, the numbers just shot up again in Kerala. So the, in this while over three and a half months, we had about 500 cases. Now in the span of two, three weeks, we've had another 500 plus cases that have come in. And the majority of them over 90% of these cases are actually cases which have come to us from other places from either the rest of the country or from abroad carrying the virus. Contact cases inside the state is fairly small. So the number active, of the active cases, we've got about 17 which are, which are contact, which have come out of, connect with the people who had the virus. So that's the context and the number of deaths has now gone up to eight or so. So why and how did Kerala manage what was its strategy, what was different about it? I would like to put an immediate context to how the strategy of management has been. And one immediate context, one very important learning for Kerala, I mean, it's been about its lived experience. The first lived experience that played a vital role in how Kerala responded to this pandemic was Nipah. In 2018, we had a horrible Nipah outbreak in which the fatality rate was about 78%. We need to contrast that with 2% or 3% of Corona. So it was some, it just came out of the blue, we didn't know how to handle it. But learning from Nipah, what Kerala, actually the health system of Kerala, learned to fine tune the art of contact tracing. It was about identifying, isolating, intense monitoring and aggressive containment. Now this was a strategy that Nipah really created a protocol for Kerala. And this is a, I mean, of course there were a lot of learnings from the WHO guidelines as well. But this was something that was activated almost as soon, immediately upon the first case of Corona being detected. This is one context. Another context is the disaster management plans. Now in 2018, when the big floods hit Kerala, once in a century floods, we were completely unprepared. Of course it was a strong response and that the local governments also were, the fact that you had very strong local governments on the ground helped the response. But even then, there was quite a bit of chaos and disorganization and also lack of appreciation of what to do, of what were our fallback support systems that were available, where do you hunt for rope or boats or machines to clear things up. So with that in mind, when the Rebel Kerala initiative was put out, one of the initiatives that the state government did was to say that in the annual planning exercise of local governments, let us bring in a disaster, a community-led disaster management plan. Of course, locating it in the last year of the elected governments in Kerala, we had, we were interested also in jogging the community memory of the lived experience so that we could take lessons from that and incorporate that into our disaster identification of vulnerable communities, looking at relief operations and also looking at what should be mitigation interventions. We also did, but created out of this exercise, we created documents. And these documents had a complete inventorization of human resources at the local level. It also had an inventorization of the infrastructure. So from JCBs to boats to pickaxes, you know, you had to, who had yards of rope to provide to x-ray machines, ventilators, ICUs, who are they, who are the contacts, what are the details. So that information was actually in place. So out of our thousand odd local governments, at least 800 of them had documents with them, which had done a proper inventorization, had to contact details of the people of emergency response teams were also identified and their contacts, etc., were available with them. A third interesting thing is, and again, just completely unrelated, the government this year in its budget announcement came out with a 12-point program for local governments. And interestingly, that included budget hotels, Genegia hotels, they called them to be operated by a good machine, which would serve food at very affordable rates and would also have a provision of providing free food for people who could not afford to pay, which would be raised through sponsorships. They had a scheme which was looking at elderly care. They also had a local economic assurance program, which was saying that one in five families, one member out of five, we should be targeting looking at employment opportunity. So from the primary productive sector to MSMEs, that initiative and that push had already been there. So this was the backdrop against which we are entering the COVID phase. So when COVID hit us, it was very easy to locate local self-government in an augmented role for COVID response coming out of previous experience and also going through the whole process of training, understanding and working on what should be community, the appropriate community response to a disaster. Naturally, we had not thought of health disasters, although we had, you know, passingly referred to the possibility of epidemics as well. Nevertheless, this became, this came in very handy and there was this legacy of the whole decentralization experience in Kerala, where, you know, when Panjaitir Raj came out, Kerala was one state which went into full-fledged, full-throated devolution of responsibilities, powers and resources, which meant functionary, you transferred institutions. So the health institutions at the local level were transferred to local governments. And the local governments have 25% of the entire plan budget is available as funds for local governments to plan. And this is over and above the plans that they raised through internal resources, their taxation and licensing and all of that. So it needs to be seen that you had fairly empowered local governments which were at work here. So with this, what was it that the local governments were made to do? It helped, of course, that we had the chief minister and the opposition leader have addressed all the local governments in the state through video conferencing facility to get them to talk them through what was expected of them. So we start off with, you know, in the early days, it was about stakeholder engagement. It was about, as Professor Isha said, you know, it was about, you know, as Professor Eepen had mentioned, to break the chain campaign, which was the physical dissensing. And so this sensitization, how you do break the chain campaign, mobilization of volunteers and targeting vulnerable groups. So you targeted the slum dweller, the fissures, migrant labor, and here we call them guest workers. So it'll be saying guest workers from our guest workers as well as their employers. And targeting senior citizens and people with co-morbidities, because they would be, they were seen as highly vulnerable communities. Targeting care homes and care providers, because again by virtue of, so Kerala has a very strong system, perhaps the strongest of palliative care, community-led palliative care. So targeting them because they would also be both the care, the person receiving care and the care giver were at risk. And then the delivery boys. So, you know, the restorers, the auto rickshaw drivers, the delivery boys, all of these people were also seen as points of high contact and therefore vulnerable. And messages had gone out on how you do the break the chain campaign with all of these people. So this is one very important intervention, early intervention that was done by local governments. And then of course, the NEPA based contact tracing, the aggressive structural response for contact tracing. So at that point of time, every person who was coming in from outside was, you know, you had their contacts identified. So the primary contacts and secondary contacts to give you a sense of proportion for every person who was identified as perhaps a suspect, their primary and secondary contacts were identified. And once these people turned positive, the others had to go into quarantine. So which meant that we were looking at about 70 to 80 people for one, every one suspect of positive case who was hospitalized. And at a point in time, we had gone up to more than 2.5 lakh people who are under home observation, voluntary observation. But this was done and this was monitored tracked by the local governments. How did they do it? They had rapid response teams on the ground and this was followed up by ward level committees. Now there are about 20,000 wards. So every ward basically had ward level committees. Of course in the early days, it was only about 20 to 30% of the wards of the state had to, had home isolation cases. Today, however, we've got, because we're doing daily tracking, 75% of all the wards of the state have ward level committees and have cases of home isolation and quarantine. That's the extent of quarantine we have. Right now the numbers are touching 1.2 lakh. So that's, you know, 120,000, over 120,000 people are under home quarantine today. So this data was also entered shared now. November in Kerala, all the local governments are, you know, connected internet enabled. They've been doing a lot of their work online. So once this happened, it was important and they, you know, the conversations, their meetings also started going online. Instead of doing regular physical meetings with people coming together physically, the meetings got to be online. Help tests were set up and phone numbers provided. So that kind of arrangement had been done. And this is, I'm talking about all, across all the local governments, urban rural, which is again the characteristic of the pandemic here, that we, you know, you don't really have an urban hotspot. Today we have about 102 hotspots of which only about five or six of them are urban. The rest of them are actually in the rural areas. So there is an urban rural continuum, which you would see here. So now looking at what was the lockdown responsive local governments. We would be talking of a doing a complete survey, local survey of vulnerable high risk persons, guest workers sitting above community kitchens, which he talked about managing the guest worker camps because once people started coming out, you looked at the guest workers camp. You did an assessment there. And then you also looked at where the facilities were not good or where they seem to be unhappy with it. They were moved to government facilities. We first provided them with food out of the community kitchen and realized that they didn't want food. They wanted provisions. So then we immediately shifted to provisions for them. The community kitchens also catered to stranded people and destitutes because the lockdown kept a lot, got a lot of, froze a lot of people midway. Handling all those people who didn't have an address earlier to go, taking them off the road, giving them, keeping them safe was important. Lifting abrasions and coordinating the entire food kit delivery, which was done to, which was available to most all Russian card holders. The distance response to because you had calls saying that I run out of medicine and I'm a kidney patient and I need my medicine. So organizing that the medicine supply, there could have been personal emergency, somebody at a depth somewhere was unable to travel. So working on that and also hunger calls. You might have from affluent families, senior citizens families who suddenly the maids stopped coming to work. Suddenly there was no ration. There was no food in the house. And they also needed to be responded to. So that kind of thing. So that kind of thing. So that kind of thing. Plus organizing the dispersant of social security pensions, which was mentioned. And then came the COVID care centers, which are a quarantine centers, you know, the inventorization, preparation, management of these centers. Under the ages of the local government. And now we are also getting ready for preparation of the first line treatment centers. In case there is a surge anywhere. We don't want the hospital systems to be overwhelmed and we don't want to be overwhelmed. So that's the nature of distribution of mass sanitizer. So, but also the disposal, because that is again a question of now you had a lot of biomedical waste, which is getting generated. And how do you dispose of that safely? Waste management, of course, plus the fact that we, you know, rents license fees, other dues had to be weighed, which meant that the local governments were eating very heavily into their own resources. And that's when the government decided to free up the government for all these purposes as well. Now, there's a post lockdown response also. You know, once the restrictions got lifted, people were suddenly hit with the realization that, you know, you could be in for food insecurity in the days to come. Kerala is a consumer state. It's dependent heavily on other states for food and food materials. So now we find that there is a huge audience out there, a target group out there who wants to cultivate in their homesteads. And so it has launched a program for food security and augmentation of local productivity. Hopefully that will also lead to employment generation, which is fellow land and homestead cultivation, focus on milk, egg, meat, inland fish production, value addition as well by way of activities, providing technical support systems to make all of this happen, converging the schemes of all these various departments under the ages of the local governments, augmentation of local procurement as well as the local market facilities. And we are expecting a huge influx of people from the Gulf, unemployed people, people who lost their jobs. So looking at absorption of this new unemployed and financially stressed people into productive activity. So all of that right now local governments are very seriously engaged with. So putting local governments on hold there and moving on to Kudumistri where does the Kudumistri network and the community network come into all of this. So to explain what Kudumistri is, it's a federated structure of self-help groups, we call them, we call them neighborhood groups, who have been federated at the ward level into area development societies and at the local development level as what is known as community development societies or CDS. And these are federated so it's all women run structures. So it's a, so 4.4 million women are in this network and that means 4.4 million families are linked and that which was what you were mentioning about 60% therefore of Kerala's families are in. One of the first things they did and the importance of Kudumistri and what makes it distinct from other similarly placed federations elsewhere is it's connected to the local governments. This is the only one federated structure which is completely immersed inside the local government. So the local government has, I mean they fill the grams of us they are part of the working groups of the local governments. The local governments use them, connect with them for various activities. So there is this huge synergy between the local community and the local government. One of the things that we've been trying to do is also to make them the citizen body, the voice of the citizen community, the rights orientation and make the local governments accountable to citizenship through a network of enabled women. So that's the, there is that very, very organic connection that the community network has and this presence of the community network to give an example is that 95%, we have about 20,000 wards both urban and rural and 95% of them have ward level structures of Kudumistri network. So that's how huge the spread is universal across the state. And there are also a large number of joint liability groups of women farmers. There is, and there are some community response systems. You have a something a volunteer system which you know it's a system of community health workers. You've got this Nehita Collinville which is community councillors. You've got gender resource persons out there. And so these networks have all come into the system of the local government response. And then you look at the frontline health worker, the ASHA, most of them are from the Kudumistri network. So there is again that connection which comes in. So when you look at the areas in which Kudumistri has been involved, one is the volunteer mobilization itself. So 78,000 women, 78,000 women are in have been mobilized as volunteers for various activities. And this is not counting the regular Kudumistri network. And these have been, this says it's about for every grand pajaya that is village body, village government, you've got about 50 women workers who have come out for volunteering. They come into local mass production distribution. They've helped in running of the community kitchens. They've helped in doing the home surveillance and connecting with people under isolation. They have done community counselling. They've also been involved with disinfection and base management. That is one area of activity. You've got community based surveys that you talked about. So be it senior citizen assessment or people under palliative care or people with morbidities, guest worker camps and facilities. And even the skill set survey of the guest workers that has been done by Kudumistri has been involved with this. The community surveillance that I talked about, very intensive participation on their part. And the neighborhood groups have been active in even communicating the medical needs of people who are not under observation. Senior citizens of people with morbidities in the locality, that information is reaching the local system through the Kudumistri network. It's one of the first things that Kudumistri did when the pandemic hit was to ensure that everybody in the network was connected to WhatsApp groups. So WhatsApp groups were created of the energies of the area development societies of the series, so that the information flow would be seamless, which was an incredible thing to do. So to start IEC activities, you needed to get into that. And then messages started going down through the neighborhood group network. We had, before the lockdown, we had actually planned for an entire discussion of what to do and not to do and how to get into coming into surveillance to understanding of COVID from all angles. Unfortunately, we couldn't organize that because the weekend that we planned the neighborhood group meetings was the day we had the first lockdown instruction from the central government followed almost immediately by the completely lockdown. So that didn't happen and therefore we had to switch into online mode almost immediately. The competitions, you know, the activities which Professor Epin was talking about, we've got a community of children also who are associated, we call them the Baal Sabhaas. And, you know, so keeping them engaged, getting them into activities, so TikTok, Vishu competitions, organizing them so that there was Manor Engine and Entertainment under lockdown and that there was also stress buster activities or something that the industry coordinated in a great way. And the series themselves, they had their own homegrown videos, they made their own songs, you had thousands of industry songs on how to, you know, take some popular songs and converting them into COVID response, that kind of activity. So after this comes the factor of economic activity and resilience, the, you know, the community kitchens have now closed, but the budget hotels remain. So the good industry has out of the community kitchens too, about 400 budget hotels have been, have sprouted across the state and we're hoping that in two months time that's going to touch thousands, that we'll have it all over the place, which is about making affordable food available to people and also to service institutional quarantine and home quarantine as and when required and any distress signal that comes up in collaboration with the local companies. The joint liability groups who have been geotagged and registered they have already been about doing fellow land survey and getting involved with the agricultural production activities. There's been an interest free loan 2000 crore loan which was and which was mentioned again by Professor Epin that has been mobilized that is targeting good industry the demand of good industry and so that interest the mobilization processing of application again all of this done online without without there they're being able to meet and they've gone to the banks now we're trying to get the banks to get the money out so that that work is ongoing right now now having said this I would just like to flag a few issues you know all this seems very nice and hunky-dory but there are of course concerns now one concern is that you know it's it's a thing we the state government and even the mission the good industry mission we all love to use good industry so it is an instrument that we use at our will it is cheap later and you know volunteers now I had a I heard about the joint liability groups farm produce having been given donated to the community kitchens and then I realized that you know these were people who were undergoing financial stress themselves and of course there must have been some level of coercion or pressure that ended up with them doing this so you are actually making them foot the bill and people who are already hit footing the bill so these are some of the dangers that you have of this kind of mobilization and control and association and you know we need to realize very often that this paves the way for somebody who's become a right-spaced organization to slip into becoming just you know an object of patronage and instrumentality and not and somewhere the agency is lost and it's important right now for us to ensure that the agency is something that we are able to to retain or refurbish there is the fact that we are also exposing them they are by virtue of putting them out there in the frontline we are also making them vulnerable so the state really needs to think in terms of insurance and protection and support for this which we haven't really done at this point of time and there is this multiple burden of work and performance which was mentioned by even so I'm not going into that further but one other issue you know working in the local self-governments and their strength has been something which has enabled convergence in Kerala across departments it's something which you find not happening most of the time because of the fact that there is very strict departmentalism and you know and controlled it's a command performance usually disaster management is generally a command performance and it is no matter what even here it ends up being a command performance but what command performances do is that they leave the ground open for command structures to come into place and it's very important to guard against that when we talk convergence the local governments are working on convergence but then there is a problem of association between various departments and various wings of government of the elected body and the various officers of the officers in the community and very often the burden of handling all that of managing all that falls on the community and that is an extremely severe stress point we know that we can see that fatigue and we are just wondering how do we you know how do we bring them out of this how do we keep them resilient in the words of again Professor Avin thank you
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Waiting for a Xbox Series S... Maybe an X Online...
the the the I Guess Take these off man Don't woo too much, Corey. I've only got an Xbox Series S locked in right now. But, once it gets closer to 10, I'll be I'll be ending the stream and then I'll be hitting the refresh on the website, trying to get an X online. I forgot my switch because I was busy running my kids to school today. So last thing in my mind this morning was grab my switch. Better than you? Yeah, so I have an Xbox Series S locked in. They only have five units at my store. We thought there was eight, but there's only five of the X, two of the S. So I'm getting the S and then I'll get a... I'm gonna try to get the X online. So the stream's gonna end before the series X goes live for pre-orders because I'm gonna be trying to pre-order it just like all the rest of you guys. It is not releasing today. It releases on the 10th. The winner is not announced. I'm literally waiting GameStop to pre-order an Xbox Series S right now. There's no way the winner would be announced right now. So you guys are just keeping me company, along with all these lovely people. The line. Winner will be announced later today, guys. I don't have a time. So be patient. Winner is announced when it's announced. Yeah, I'll get a Series S, but the X I'm gonna be trying to order online. Like everybody else is gonna try to do. See, I got my from backwards. See, I already guaranteed the S, even though it's like backwards for you guys. It says guest Series S. So I get I already got my Series S locked in here. I just got to make it official and pay for it. But if I get an X, if I if I nab an X online, I might leave. I don't have to have the S if I can nab an X online. I might let someone else have it. So we'll see. I'm gonna stay here at least till 10 and see if I nab an X online. If I nab an X online, then all right. I might still put a little money down on this preorder anyways just to in case my online one gets canceled. How cold is it? It's not it's not cold at all. I don't even need to be wearing a jacket. It's a little box. It's like that computer we got, like Ozzy's got, but it's dedicated for Porsche BMW. My Nintendo Prime merch, huh? Definitely book that out. Yeah, I'm gonna book the S for sure. I'm just not gonna pay it all the way off because I'm gonna I'm gonna try to get an X pre-ordered online and then when I do I might I might try to get a couple I might get it I might try to get a couple of Xbox Series X is ordered online and then I'll hopefully one of the pre-order sticks. I'm gonna try to get one on Amazon and then I don't know maybe the Microsoft website. We'll see. I got all the websites tabs already open to go forward. So I'll be hitting refresh like crazy trying to get one. But uh I'm still gonna lock in the S today just to make sure that I get that that in case you know pre-orders get canceled all the time with this online shit. I'll be the sickest guy you'll ever meet. You can't have sweet colorings, you can't have caffeine. Thanks for making great content. No problem man. So if you guys wonder why there's like not any other videos like this morning I'm here. I'm here till at least noon. It's probably why your stomach's fucked up. We're coming here straight next year. Because I'm gonna be locking in the Series S order. I might decide to keep the Series S. You never know. I get the X and the S. I got more one TV. This is better than my school. Well you're at school? Awesome. What's your favorite game from Mario 3D All-Stars? I mean probably Galaxy but I gotta say going back to Sunshine's a lot of fun. Like it's a hard game but it's a lot of fun and it looks really gorgeous. I'm glad they put it in 16.9 and then just leave it at 4 or 3 like they did with the 64 one. I think this guy over here is playing it right now on his switch. You still got a video up? Yeah I got it up early this morning. For some reason I was awake at 4 a.m. I should just came here. No I had my kids I had to get them out to school and everything. I would have been here sooner otherwise but I'm just hoping that he goes in and right when he goes to do the orders and checks it. Oh look they bumped us to six. What's my favorite Zelda game Breath of the Wild? You might need an S if I book both. Yeah I'm booking the S for sure but I'll be right before 10 o'clock as I'll be trying to I'll end the stream and then I'll go and go and try to get the X. Yeah that's one thing nice thing that a GameStop did is they gave us these like tickets so we can leave. We can literally leave and come back at noon. You don't even have to chill here anymore. But I'm still gonna chill here because you know what it gets rid of some of the excitement of pre-order culture. The Xbox Series X guy is a $300. $299. $299. What's up guys? Hope you get one mate. Yeah I'll be able to get the S for sure because I already got that locked in but the X I'll be online like everybody else spamming refresh except I won't have the luxury of having my computer in front of me to do it so I can't like refresh 10 websites at once but yeah it's all right. I'm gonna try to make it happen and now the whole line vanishes. Oh no let me start first. Be sweet if the since they only have five it would be sweet if like everyone left and then one person just forgets to come back. Am I getting the PlayStation 5? I plan to. I plan to. I do not have a pre-order though because Microsoft screwed the pooch on that. Let's see here is it possible for you to show us me I don't know GameStop will let me let me carry that stream into the building they might have the might have policies against this so I probably can't I probably can't bring this in. I'll at least take a picture and show it. $300 is expensive I mean that's what a switch costs. Yeah first one literally there was five people in front of me and then bam they had five Xbox One X's and I was the first one cut off to a Series S. I was the cut off. All because all because of my kids. Dang it why do I have to have kids it's a lot easier when I was younger and I didn't have children but I'm still going to be trying to get next online so I got to pay attention that time here yeah it's 8 30 I got about you know probably hour and 15 before I should probably pop off the stream and then I'll keep hitting that refresh button. Refresh? That's a bird man. How you doing? See we thought there was eight of them so I thought I thought I had one but because someone yesterday said there was eight but it's only five. I saw other streamers go inside GameStop while streaming during the PlayStation 5 pre-order and they weren't told not to do it. Well the stream's gonna so this current stream is going to end before that because I need to get off so I can pre-order on my phone because I only have my phone with me to pre-order it so I got to get off of the stream to pre-order the X online so I might start the stream back up I might do like a part two you know part two and then I then maybe then maybe this is the guy right here this is the guy that broke my heart and told me I can't get can't get an X today the GameStop employee. Is there a difference between the S and X? Yes there is. Series X and S are different. The S doesn't do 4k it's only got four gigs of a GPU performance or four gigs I should say four teraflops versus 12. CPU is slightly less underclocked but it's not enough that people are going to notice it only has half the storage so it goes from a terabyte to 512 and then it also has like six less gigs of RAM or something like that or two less gigs something like that I don't remember at the top of my head. What am I announcing giveaway winners that's later today guys. Later today. Not during the stream. Where are you going to pre-order the X? I'm gonna try to get it online so I want to get a couple pre-orders in so I want to get I want to have Amazon because Amazon doesn't have any you don't pay down on Amazon that's the one I expect to get canceled though and then I don't know I have the Microsoft Store open I got Best Buy open at Target Walmart etc. I have all the places open that are having pre-orders they're already open in different tabs on my phone I'm ready to go so we get closer I'm gonna be hitting refresh and trying to get my purchase in I don't know which one's gonna be hammered the least Amazon's gonna be hammered by crazy and now they're mowing the lawn so yay but yeah it's gonna be nuts there's gonna be a lot of a lot of stuff going on I'm not sure which place I mean I assume the Microsoft website's gonna get hammered a lot too they're all gonna get hammered so I kind of have to decide what's the site I'm gonna go with I gotta figure out which website am I gonna is that the one I'm gonna go for to try to get my 300 I mean I'll pay it off today I don't care we're like what website what website do you guys think I should do should I use GameStop websites should I use you know Walmart Target Best Buy Microsoft Amazon like which one do you guys think I'll have the best luck with you know right when 10 hits getting a pre-order in why am I wearing a mask outside because there are other people around I mean it's not about being you realize the mask that's not about inside or outside guys the mask is about proximity to people has nothing to do with being inside or outside Walmart some people saying Walmart target Microsoft no do GameStop they quite the history of crashing Amazon see everyone's telling me different ones target lots of people saying target if you guys had good luck good luck with these console launches with target huh Best Buy I mean I have them all open so I'm gonna I'm gonna try to hit multiple I'm trying to get I'm gonna get at least two pre-orders in for I'm gonna try to get two pre-orders in for the X in case one's canceled that's my goal anyways I think the safest way to not get a canceled pre-order is to do it on Microsoft like if I care about no cancellations you go to the Microsoft website and if you pre-order off the Microsoft Store I mean come on they're not gonna cancel on the Microsoft Store it's their own store they're not gonna cancel those orders but it also is gonna be one of the ones getting blasted the most because everyone else knows if you get a pre-order in there it's not gonna cancel I'm getting well chubby pandas because they only have five X's here and I'm number six in line they won't deliver day one Amazon sometimes delivers day one but sometimes it's day two day three all depends that sucks get an X I plan to get an X but I have to order it online because I'm right at the cutoff I guarantee if I try to go anywhere else right now before stores open they're all gonna have their lines already cut off so I'm locking in the S just to make sure I have one and hoping I get the X the giveaway it's for three copies of Super Mario 3d all-stars a switch light two games of choice six winners and also later today do I think it'll do better this chin and last chin absolutely how long to store opens this storm is that noon this GameStop opens at noon I don't think they're letting us in at 10 to get the pre-orders in so I'm pretty sure it's at noon so we'll be here a while if you're gonna buy a console which will benefit me the most depends on your setup and what games you want to play how many people at the store well they've already got all their system spoken for so a grand total of seven because that's all the systems they got five X's two S's I'm one of the S's so actually I'm one of the lucky ones there's a five to two you see that I'm one of the lucky ones guys the thing is I might keep the S because it's gonna be the scarcer console it's the one nobody wants and so there's hardly any of them that exist I bet you can flip that flip it on eBay make some money off it especially if I get an X pre-order online I'm probably gonna keep my S pre-order even if I give it get an X one online that way I can rub it rub it gently for you guys Max Owens $2 Super Chat thing so can I pre-order already no I'm in line at GameStop and I have a sticker here guarantees my series S so that that's locked in moment I'll walk in the store it's locked in I don't I don't even have to be here the guy said I can leave if I want literally go to my car go to McDonald's go home but I'm not going to am I doing any of that because that's not what real gamers do we don't walk away from crew of the line this isn't as bad as the Wii U I waited eight hours at Walmart on launch day for a Wii U because I did not have a pre-order and I might be doing the same thing for a PlayStation 5 if I find out Walmart's gonna have some in stock on launch day even if it's like two units that means I'll have to be there like three days early you guys might be streaming with me for three days inside Walmart if they're back open 24 hours by then they won't be they won't pitch a tent until they kick me out I don't know what but that's a pitch tense outside this door I don't need a tent just give me a sleeping bag and a chair it'll be cold I'll be alright bring out the air mattress help the switch pro is real I hope so too you crazy it's only 942 a.m. where you're from 942 I mean it's 842 over here it's 842 over here I'm getting an S but I've guaranteed an S but I'm gonna be trying to get the X online at 10 10 o'clock is so thirsty guys online I'll be trying to get it at 10 so the stream will end before then so I can get my refreshes going and pray to God my phone doesn't die well even though my phone dies I don't have to stay online I go watch my conflict in so it shouldn't die it's fully it was a max power before the stream what do you guys do you say 942 for me east coast in Brazil it's 1043 Brazil 842 in Mexico what are the launch games for what the Xbox like nothing technically Assassin's Creed Valhalla is launching on Xbox they they moved up the they moved up the launch date of that to meet the match with the Xbox Series X launch date but but there's like gears the old gears game coming back at 120 FPS what percentage is my phone at now 75 we're at 75% on this phone oh man my bus already hurting why I didn't bring a lawn chair with me is me on me I don't think to bring a chair 942 I guess I can always go sit in my comfy car I have to sit on there but like oh my god there's a switch behind me and switch place I never owned a 360 and yet I have nostalgia for that's crazy melon get your melons here meler meler meler meler isn't it kind of early I should have been here sooner right I have a Series X guarantee I would have a Series X guarantee if I was here early I should have been here earlier no that is the I think that is the its sun washed that's the Pokemon one part of sure that's the Pokemon one It's just the ad has been washed by the Sun. That's why it looks white That's what happens with these signs when they get a lot of Sun What time did I start waiting outside here like I don't know 740 a.m. Soon as I get here You're wasting $300 Is it your money the artisan? Heavy bills my friend. What are you talking about? My bills are paid. My bills are paid You wouldn't buy a series s of it was $200. I Think the series s is gonna surprise people. I Truly think the series s is going to surprise people Nintendo Prime Yep Nintendo Prime just someone asked me on my YouTube channel guys So you can see the hundred plus people watching me right now Yep legit Look if you look at himself. I'm watching the stream. I'm ordering out of story I got I got the s locked in but the x I got to try to get online at 10 Because the store doesn't open till noon, so Unless he's gonna let us order at 10, but I doubt it When does the store open new night? You're typing something over there. Aren't you this guy? He was watching my stream and right in front of me and typing in the chat The series X looks better aesthetically than the PlayStation 5 Legit That you The as the PlayStation 5 the one thing about it like it looks like an alien spaceship. I think it's massive It's like I don't I can't even like visualize it for you. It's so huge It's gonna fit in nobody's entertainment center But that's okay When I get one it'll fit. I'll wall mount that so be Take that thing and slap it on the wall What's this way? What's some advertising trying to get me to buy more stuff? What do we got new games? Reserve these games today. What do we got? Call of Duty Cold War cyberpunk Assassin's Creed Valhalla Washdog legions Far Cry 6 Devil May Cry 5 Gears tactics Halo infinite immortal Phoenix rising I might actually prove the immortal Phoenix rising for the Xbox the thing is though with the S I don't I don't have a I don't have a Thing if I get an X pre-order locked in maybe I'll maybe I'll pre-order the physical version of that because with the assets digital only so That's the real reason retailers don't have an ass. I just realized that it's because it's digital only Why would retailers want to sell you a digital only system? You don't have to come back to the store You buy the system and you're done Uh They're advertising NBA 2k 21 NHL 21 Star Wars you here's the ad here's the ad that the GameStop guy just handed me All these games do you want to pre-order these games? Well, I mean, what's the point if you have an S? What's the point? There's literally no point But if I get the X locked in online, maybe maybe I'll grab a couple games that aren't on game pass like Assassin's Creed Valhalla won't be on game pass And I might grab a mortal Phoenix rising I am gonna get that on switch too, but I might be it It might that might be it for now Just those two Maybe so no, I think Mark said he's gonna give me cyberpunk. So I'll wait on cyberpunk Would Nintendo announce something today at 9 a.m. I doubt it. Oh, I hope they don't I'm not at home Dude at Nintendo drops a big announcement today. That sucks because I can't cover it I'm a simp one of my simp for the Xbox What color switch light is the giveaway whatever color you choose and is in stock So whatever's in stock Basically you get to choose and hope that colors in stock No, that is not the only difference Yes, oh also has eight teraflops less gaming performance and then the hard drives also half the size No, no, there's not a long line of people. It's just there's they only have seven units So like everyone else can just go away because there's only seven So it's not like it's a long line because it can't be long because they don't have any Just wait Skyrims come into y'all just wait You think that's the only game just because Microsoft Bob Bethesda Skyrims coming Skyrims on everything it's coming Skyrims gonna Skyrims coming Skyrim will be on everything forever infinitely forever every generation ever exist Yo, yeah, I know at Microsoft bottom. Yeah, I know they're still gonna bring it to series X Xenomax Yeah, they own Bethesda Sorry, but what's my name again? I'm Nate guys. My name is Nate Or as I say in my videos, this is the Vanderbilt dance from Nintendo Prime That's my full name. I don't know why I say my full name what I do skyrim dude skyrims me on everything I'm surprised. It's already not enough for next gen or maybe it already is Four more days until age of calamity blowout dude age of calamity is gonna be huge man I can't wait for that blowout on the 26th There's a big week for gaming stuff That's right everyone leaves so I was a chance that one doesn't come back so I get it That's what I'm that's what I'm hearing but fall asleep at home take a nap Oh great Wonderful. It's noon. I don't see him here Cuz I'm at number I'm number six in line guys if one person leaves and doesn't come back I get an X And we have one person leaving. I don't know if you'll he'll probably be back I Don't know what I know How to say I know Valhalla moved up to the 10th Yeah, the only thing I know is Assassin's Creed Valhalla moved it stayed up to the 10th for series X Yeah, it's gonna be a launch. They moved the date Yeah Yeah, they moved it up So that's technically a launch game now So I taught this to be here um my Walmart still has three copies of 3d all sorts of 50 bucks nice man Thinking to get an Xbox series X or series s. I'm well right now. I'm only guaranteed an S I'm gonna be trying to get an X online though, so But my ass is locked in and if that one guy never comes back then I have an X So then I'll cancel my online one if I get one in person I'd rather get it in person Then I don't have to wait for shipping and praying to God. It's even their day one Yeah, it breaks before it even gets to me I Mean I've had pretty good luck with shipping, but I don't usually buy my consoles online that often, but I haven't actually Had one break Dang it. That was my one hope well one hope I'm like, oh he's leaving he might take a nap That's all right, I'm gonna be it's all right guys. I'll be trying to go in online I'm a if I can lock one in online. I'm good How do you know there's only seven in that store cuz see this guy right here the sunglasses that guy He is the GameStop employee He went in the store and checked how many they have it is five X's in two S's. It's in the system already Flat and motionless. I will not take off the mask. I respect your opinions on life. You respect mine. Thank you Oh What's up, buddy? Hope you can get one Well, I'm getting an S the S is that the sticker means I can literally go home and come back at noon and get my pick up Yes, but I'm waiting What time is it for me God closer to nine now, I don't need to check yet Oh Check quick. It'll pause the stream momentarily. Yeah, it's 855 855 a.m. But this store doesn't open till noon. So I got three hours Oh, they're opening at 10 today. Oh Well sweet So basically I can sit out here and try to spam for the X and then just casually walk in and get my get my S Sweet I like it. I like it a lot. Well, there we go. I Know you guys like drag drag the stream into GameStop I think it's more important for me to end the stream and order an X than it is for me to Drag a stream and to get an S Do I start bribing people? I'd be like, hey For a hundred bucks. Will you wait wait to get the X? 200 Start up in the ante. I'll go to the ATM right now. I got time. We're not over to the quick trip Anybody? No, okay Start bribing people Start bribing people anyone else. I need $200 cash right now to switch spots with me $300 cash Just start offered a whole bunch of money to skip in line Here's the deal. I will give you enough money to buy a series X. You just won't get it at launch. Can I have your spot? No, it'd be crazy It's 8 a.m. Yeah, it should be 11 Eastern. It's 10 a.m. Central. So yeah 11 Eastern. I'll give you a dollar for your Get my hustle on Get my hustle on start offering people start off for people a hundred bucks You're trying to pre-order an RTX 3090 good luck 1500 bucks man, but it's a sick card. Good luck. I Give you 60 for the spot so you can afford Please give this guy an X. I don't think any of the people here guys care about Care about you guys online wanting me to get an X I'm just being completely honest Just be completely honest The mask isn't about protecting me it's about protecting them When does giveaway end later today? If someone super chest does that mean I will what sing I'm not gonna sing. He's not intentionally I'll give you my YouTube channel for your spot. No, no, no I'm not giving a YouTube channel that makes like, you know thousands of dollars to people just for an Xbox Series X No, thanks, so they probably take the channel because they're not me right you guys are here for me now for like this guy here, right? That guy there he was already up in the chat trying to subscribe and all that He's good. He's he's in spot to get an X. I don't think there's anything I can offer that guy though That would let me have let me have his X. I don't use anyone here. I could bribe Maybe that maybe I'm bribing the wrong people. I gotta be bribing this guy I gotta be like, hey, look you got to handle the purators the game something boy. I'll slip you a two-hundo Give you a couple Benjamins Maybe an Abe Good ol Abe Lincoln little five dollar bill out of the trick guys the purators aren't for another hour Not one minute another hour I gave you a brownie for your spot Nintendo switch adds on your back. Yeah, dude switch It's like a it's like I plan to sit in the spot or something. I totally didn't this is where the line was Yep, my store only has five X's and two S's We only have five and a half X boxes. I Did everything for the switch giveaway. Yeah, it's all right. I Got you don't worry, Alexander. It's all good. I got everything got all the entries. Don't worry about it Winners and outsiders How many people are in line The seven eight nine people Of course like two of the people there's no systems available. So I don't know maybe they're proven accessories or something games Or maybe they're hoping one of us dropped out. I have no idea. It's worth waiting around. It's only an hour Your entries are already added guys. Don't worry about it. It's all automatic. You're all good Get a switch light for me, please nine people but only seven console Are you going to get an X instead of series S if you can I am going to attempt to pre-order a series X online Yes, I will end this stream You know before it opens and I will attempt to buy a series X online I will attempt I Don't know if it's gonna work, but I will attempt What games am I gonna get well game pass? I was looking at the list here Thinking of Assassin's Creed Valhalla because that'll be that'll be a day one and maybe a mortal physics Phoenix rising. We'll see I'm good. I'm gonna get that game for switch. So I Don't necessarily need it on this system, but it might be good to kind of cross compare them You look like gears that'll be on that'll be on Don't need to worry about that's a launch launch port at 120 FPS. That'll be on game pass. So Do I have a place hf5 as well? I do not place hf5 is the tricky one That's the one where I might be at Walmart for three days trying to like literally I'll get my Xbox one X and then had just said at Walmart Xbox think give the stores more expect series s why just two or three? The stores might not have wanted more than that got to remember the series s is digital only So if the store sells you a series s you don't have a reason to come back Because you don't have to buy games there you just buy them all in the shop Now my line only has eight people because they don't have any dude at your game stop They don't have any X's that's that's insane That that seems like BS to me. That seems like the employees are Horton or something a Texted you on insta. I don't have well I do I guess I technically have an Instagram, but I don't use it I literally don't even have it installed on my phone Why does game some have so little consoles all these stores in person have very little there is less stock in person of This and then it was PlayStation 5 Two percent my phones that we're doing hour 67. We're good. We're good. We're at 67 a half hour in 67. We'll make it a Game There's no way there's no way there's a game stop that doesn't have at least one X. There's no way That means that means the employees are Horton, which they're not supposed to do What's your favorite Pokemon game? Red blue yellow probably yellow if I just got pick one You got your money in the account ready to go Yeah, my money my money's ready to go man Make sure I got my car my money's ready to go. I just got it I gotta hope I go if you can get a pre-order in it at the Microsoft at the Microsoft store They're not gonna cancel those pre-orders. That's their store. That's literally Microsoft store They will send you a console and they will have it to you day one That's why I'm debating I'm going to that website even though I know that website's gonna be hammered It's gonna be so hammered Dude, yeah, the 50 minute age of calamity things gonna be so No, I got my wall I had a double check for a second. I got it. I got it reppin the Zelda, baby Reppin the Zelda even though I know it's reverse camera for you guys because that's just what happens on these streams I got my my Zelda. What are you so? Had this wallet since before Breath of the Wild launched still kicking Still kicking got the Nintendo Prime merch says Nintendo Prime in the back, but Print out the paper Xbox mock-up and trade that for their spot No, I don't think there's anyone here as willing to go at their spot for anything See what would have been cool is if I would have came here and someone's like oh man I'm a huge fan of your channel awesome. You're a huge fan of my channel. Would you like a shout-out for your spot? I Will sign your Xbox series S for you be honest Is there anyone in the chat that if you have a pre-order for Xbox series X will give it to me for a signature? Let's be honest. I ain't that I ain't that big of a deal. I May do okay for myself, but I ain't that big of a deal. Is there anyone near you with their mask under their nose? There's people not even wearing masks. So what are you talking? I mean there's some social distancing, but like that most people aren't even wearing a mask Nothing I could do is what it is They don't come out till November it's called a pre-order William you need a pre-order you want to get one in November You better get pre-ordered Hey, man. I'm number four in line for the series X only four at this location Yeah, I'm number six and they only have five X's so I have an S They have five X's and two S's here. So I have an S. I got my sticker for it and everything So S is locked in I have till noon to buy it So at 10 I'm gonna be spamming my phone and trying to buy an X I'm gonna end the stream just to make sure like it's not slowing things down I might restart the stream after I get my pre-order then We'll see Dude they bought Zenimax man Microsoft's got mad dough though 7.5 bill 7.5 bill Those encounters an exclusive it comes as a console exclusive if it comes out If I have an X and a S which one will I primarily game on probably the X I don't know. Here's the thing I Can't stream in 4k because Google's 4k streaming is kind of wack Like the YouTube 4k streaming is kind of wack. It doesn't work very well So I might have to stream so like in theory. I might have the Xbox 1s might be what you guys get a lot of gameplay from me from and I might have the X upstairs because it has a 4k blu-ray player But I have no idea I plan to play on the X And I'm tearing these systems apart by the way guys like literally day one. I'm ripping I'm ripping these bad boys apart Might might even go ahead and get risky and put some liquid metal On top of those on top of those chips eBay has the console of 1500 to 2000 Yeah, well, there's probably some retailer somewhere that broke the date time that they weren't supposed to or like They have pre-orders from another country when they're trying to sell it in the US I Straight cash no stocks dude you got to remember Microsoft's one of the largest companies in the world 7.5 billion. They wiped their ass with that money The Microsoft's got way more than 7.5 billion in the bank Let me tell you they're not the richest company in the world. That's Amazon, but they are up there Hey Hey, me too Yeah, that's what it feels like for me with my kids. I'm up that early though It's also the Xbox one or pieces places for the stores anymore. Yeah, they are selling them. They're just kind of sold out $5,000 in Australia damn Damn discards down right now Wonder if Cuphead will run at 720p on the Xbox series X Cuphead, okay. Cuphead's gonna run at 4k guys. Come on. Don't don't it's gonna run at 720p on the Xbox series X That's gonna be 4k. Come on. HD collection next year for Zelda. I agree on that. I'm so glad That they let them bill spend that cash. Oh, yeah, man. Pizza time. What's your favorite Mario game? Super Mario Odyssey Jump up in the sky Jump up so high Yeah, when you see a PlayStation 5 sell on eBay for 10,000 The guy who offered 10,000 isn't actually going to pay 10,000 What they're trying to do is piss off the scalper by making them relist it when the payment doesn't go through Because you can you can bid anything you want on Amazon They don't take the payment right away They'll wait a little bit then they'll try to charge you after the listings down And then when the charge doesn't go through you have to relist the item So when you see things like that sell for 10,000 no one's actually paying 10,000 for it They're just they're just mad at the scalper and they're trying to screw them over to force them to do more work They have to sell it Is it really that much of a difference 1440p to 4k? Yes, it is it depends. I mean it depends on the person some people won't care But for a lot of people it is Will the switch be worth it after the PlayStation 5 comes out, of course it will I'm sorry can you take the PlayStation 5 with you? And on the toilet on an airplane It's not portable. It doesn't replace the switch Doesn't have Nintendo games How about Sony counters Microsoft purchase of Bethesda? They won't They'll counter by selling 15 million PlayStation 5's this year They're not going to counter it everyone acts like Sony needs to counter it Sony doesn't have the kind of money people think they do They are barely in the green They're barely in the green and the company almost went bankrupt like eight years ago They're not making some massive acquisition. You guys are insane if you think that's happening Sony doesn't have the kind of money to do that. They're not going to react They're gonna react by saying despite you buying Bethesda more people want PlayStation 5 That's their reaction. They have no reason to react differently. It's Sony really doing that. Well, they're doing okay They got rid of a lot of the divisions that weren't making the money, but some of the divisions They still have her like breaking even Gaming is still their most profitable division besides insurance. They're also they also have insurance Sony did not lose money with the PlayStation 4 PlayStation 3 is what you're thinking a man. They lost Sony lost a ton of money during the PlayStation 3 generation They actually made money in play PlayStation 4 helped save the company If you go back and look at the financial reports PlayStation 4 helped save Sony it didn't it was not it didn't They didn't lose money the game money because the PlayStation I Nintendo is doing very well. They have the most money in the bank of any company in Japan Your internet's blocking discord. Stop touching your face and eyes. I Haven't touched anybody else. I know if I get COVID I get COVID. What am I gonna do? Try not to die Yes, I am Tom X What do I think about Xbox and Bethesda? I think it's a great deal for Xbox. I Think not a not such a good deal if you're a Sony fan Just into a prime you sum up the climate of this industry extremely. Well, thank you. I try I try How long have I been here just since 740 hasn't been that long I Should have been here earlier now what I had an X but I had my kids and had to get into school and everything Couldn't get here any earlier There's like nine ten people in line, but it doesn't really matter There's only there's only five X's and two S's and all of them are spoken for we already got the stickers for it Our stores doing midnight launches, that's a good question Are they doing a midnight launch for this There's only seven of us. Are they gonna really gonna do a midnight launch for seven people? That's a real question. See I did a midnight launch at GameStop for a switch, but there was like 30 of us there I don't know if they're gonna do a midnight launch for just seven people. I Get a feeling the answer that's gonna be no Which means you will be able to get your system till noon Or maybe they'll open the store early just for those pre-auditors, you know has someone here at like eight But I don't think they're gonna do a midnight launch for just seven people Heck Walmart and here runners not even open at night They're not gonna make a stationary switch Guarantee they won't do that Yeah, Nintendo's got a lot of money a lot of cash on hand a lot of cash on hand, but they don't then did Microsoft's Microsoft literally can wipe their butt with the money Nintendo has they could buy Nintendo like ten times over. It's crazy Three all stars, I think it's pretty good I think it's pretty good. I Mean it's games. I've already played before I think 64 still 64 and I just like it less today than I did back then But sunshine dude sunshine is the one I'm impressed with galaxy galaxy. It's just as good as it was before But but sunshine dude sunshine is the one they did the most work on and that and it shows now that would do that game Looks good. I think it looks really good I'm not gonna sing a song Mario 3 all stars is now the top video game a 20 20 Did it hold on I just talked about top selling right now, or did it pass animal crossing animal crossing was the top was the top for the whole year Did it pass that? If so, I'll probably make a video on it later, but I don't I don't think it's actually pass animal crossing How long I've been waiting I don't know I want to have two hours I'm not west coast or east coast. I love people's like are you west coast or east coast odd neither I did is there just like not a whole country in between Always assume you're on a coast Do I sound like someone from the east or west coast people don't just live on the coast man? I Know there's a lot of people that live on the coast Right now I have a series S locked in guys series S is locked in I'm gonna be trying to get an X online Unless one of these guys decides to be nice and let me have their X which I doubt it What's my favorite Mario game to play on sunshine? I Am centrally up central time These consoles are trash. They're not even out yet. You can't say that yet. You can't factually say they're trash They're not even here Now after they come out, maybe that's what they are. Maybe they are garbage, but For right now based on what they're telling us because we haven't seen a lot from place You guys realize we barely have seen anything from PlayStation and Xbox in terms of like You know actual gameplay like we got some of the last PlayStation event, but it's not like we got a ton It's really weird. We're going into these launches with like the least amount of info. I think we've ever had But based on what they're telling us anyways, these systems are more powerful than anything else you can buy at that price right now, so We'll see if we'll see if it holds up The Xbox is not releasing today Jesus What even is my title? Why do people think that? I'm just pre-ordering I'm just pre-ordering. I can't even see what my title is or can I? Well, let me edit I Can save a highlight I can mute my I can filter Look at all these filters. Oh, yeah Filter it up. Oh, yeah, let's go through all those bubbles. Oh, yeah, look at those bubbles There's so many filters No, you could have got the title Oh, here we go. Oh, we're gonna. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, this is the stream right here. This is the stream right here Oh, then don't forget this Yeah, so I could do all that but I can't actually edit my stream I can't actually edit it and look at the title Um If Microsoft comes out to talk a game show on Thursday and opens with we would like to welcome Sega. Oh my god You know at this point They could probably buy Sega for like one billion at this point I don't know how many major acquisitions like Bethesda that Microsoft's gonna let the Xbox team do Next thing, you know, they own they own EA they own a Ubisoft. They're just gonna buy the whole industry Hey, where am I at GameStop What gaming youtubers do I watch metal I do not watch metal Jesus rocks I watch beat them ups Rich from review tech USA I watch him sometimes. I don't know spawn ways sometimes I don't I tend to make more content than I watch so Nobody can buy Rockstar. They don't have to buy Rockstar Rockstar doesn't own themselves you buy 2k 2k owns Rockstar That's like saying no one can buy id software. No, you buy the company that owns them Like Microsoft did Yeah, Microsoft didn't buy Bethesda. They bought Xenomax and Xenomax owns Bethesda Typical turnaround time depends on the video prime news takes like a couple hours at least minimum Sometimes longer depends on the news depends on how fancy the editing gets depends on whatever jokes I throw in Some jokes need more editing than other jokes news needs special effects If it's just like a voiceover gameplay video, those you those don't take too long From the moment I hit record on the audio to the moment that is done rendering and uploading it's like an hour not even It really it really depends on the on the video in the news and if I have The the big thing is do I have available footage that makes sense for that video? I like to use footage that makes sense for what I'm talking about now You can borrow footage from people online, but if I can record it I like to record it. So then there's also to take the time to record your own footage if possible Less than 40 minutes. I am pre-ordering online. I Have an S in person right now, and I'll be getting an X online attempting attempting to get an X online Let me correct that Good thing I don't have to rush in the store at 10 because I already I'm locked in till noon so So I could just chill out here as these guys go in and walk out with their receipts, and I'm just like Screw you guys all the websites crashed All the websites crashed. I can't get anything It's bullshit. I'm at a game stop in my town There's no and I said there's no point in me to go anywhere else because everywhere else have their lines And already capped out a long time ago That's right, yeah, I'll buy you want a bottle if they want to give up their spot anything you want, man Well, all right, so that's the cheapest way let me go get a scotch quick Well, damn that's okay. I got time to run the Walmart and get some scotch quick Come on man. We're celebrating we're celebrating pre-ordering Now my fault if you're still passed out you can't get off the sidewalk to actually pay for it Oh, man People think I'm joking man, I'll give I'll give them cash to give me their spot Amazon might be quick Got my pre-order. Well, you're from Australia sold out in 14 minutes. Yeah Yeah, I think it's gonna be even faster in the u.s I think it's gonna be sold out within five minutes online Five minutes online. It'll be sold out. I'm number six guys in line. There's five series x's two s's So I'm an I'm an s Unless one of these guys decides to leave and none of them are leaving so Right now I have an s locked in and that's what I'm getting But I'm gonna be trying to get the x online so I got up at 6 30 a.m on friday to go get mario ulcer's at walmart and when we got there I found out that our walmart hasn't even got the game in yet. What? How could they not have the game in unlaunched that's that's a little bs man. I'm sorry that happened to you Microsoft buys google discontinues stadia. I don't think microsoft is worried about stadia Stadia is not doing well Google's gonna close it themselves in like a year Good luck on your pre-order. What's better ps5 or xbox? It's all about personal preferences and what you want to play I don't think either of them is better than the other I don't think nintendo is better than them either. It's all about what you want to play and how you want to play it They guys I accidentally closed youtube To the time it is We're gonna see time. Oh 9 24. We got time. We got time. You gotta get in refresh on website Whichever website's not crashing will be the one that I hopefully get one on You just type in google and work on websites for xbox xbox No, I already have all the pages open for best buy walmart target amazon Microsoft I have like seven different ones open just to go refresh refresh refresh. Oh got it Dang it by the time I got to the card it was gone next one next one next one Yeah, and I know it's going to be bad today when I'm trying to grab this x yeah I Oh, and you're like, oh shit they canceled it when they put the money back in it's like, oh shit they canceled it Watch this not there. Fuck you. You're done next I Kind of want the money out like take the money. I want I want to pay it and guaranteed send to my house So you don't spend it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I've been there. I've been there Guarantee you have it. You just gotta make sure it's in at the exact time. We're trying to charge you to send it Do that playstation 5 so it was nuts, man You got see you did good. I was busy like live streaming and covering like the actual event And they're like, oh, yeah went out of the period. Oh, jeff kealy puts up a tweet. Oh, they're going up tomorrow I'm like, okay. So like I walk away. I make some food for my kids come back down. Oh, everyone's alive. Everyone's lying And what's going on? What's up See at least microsoft gave people a chance Like a fair shot Yeah, I'm gonna try that's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna sit out here because I don't have to go in right away He said after noon, so I'm just gonna like literally sit here and try to buy it online before I go in I'll probably still lock down this order because I don't trust my free order online to stay but I'm not gonna pay this one off. I'm just gonna put down the min I don't think so I think it's just a limited one Yeah PS5 is huge. Well, yeah, dude, they they made more playstation 5 PlayStation 5 is gonna destroy the xbox this this year for sales because there's just more of them Plus playstation is more popular worldwide. So if you look at the worldwide numbers But us numbers could be close. We'll see Which sucks $599 in canadia There's a spider on me Oh, hey, look at that spider You guys want to say hi to a spider? Look at that little creeper Yes, I don't know what kind of spider it is, but I'm gonna get away What There's a couple of them there Backing up a bit. I don't think it's gonna do anything to me. It's waiting for it's waiting for a bug to fly in What if I would have tapped it with my shoulder? I would have been like Get bitten become spider man. Yeah, okay guys Yeah, I'm sure it's the radioactive one even if it was it probably killed me in real life, not I mutated spider I just need one that like come in from another universe like spider into the universe Whatever that show on netflix a movie on netflix Actually, I know it's a comic book series technically, but um, yeah into the spider verse Um Do these people know the nintendo prime? I don't think there's a single person here that knows the nintendo prime Guys, I'm at an xbox and think come on now if we were talking about like the launch of a switch pro or something Maybe sometimes you'll I'll run into someone who knows who I am Like when I for the launch of we you when I was was uh editor in chief of zelda informer There were people that that recognized me at the way you launch So nintendo stuff is where I get recognized that I don't get recognized at sony and xbox stuff I expected look at the name of my channel guys Ask if you are tied by a spider. Will I get a discount? That's right The spider is on the game stop store bit me discount I'm gonna sue I better get next Is the shortage that bad right now, yes it is there are less uh xbox consoles in the world play station 5 To a cart That's the one x. Yeah, I was gonna be like there's no way Microsoft's gonna cut them off Dude, Microsoft legit told them man. We're gonna cut your stock if you guys go up early. So That's why the retailers are all like, yeah, okay. We're not gonna fucking around with you Sony should have did the same thing and then everyone would have had a fair shot at a certain time The next day like it was supposed to be but Sony didn't do it. They just let retailers do whatever they want. Then they just we're sorry Well, we'll add we'll add some extra. We'll add some extra stock for launch Shouldn't you be pushing out every unit you possibly came for launch already? So, you know CEO's only care about their money. Oh, yeah CEO Oh boy All right You guys are popping up. We got 172 people watching. What's up guys? I have since 30 the all stores came over and bringing up my hopes for smash bros melee and paper mario thousand your door I don't think that's gonna happen, but keep keep the hope alive You're in the series x. I'm on site as soon as possible. Yeah, man Yeah, we got about 29 minutes until it goes live. So I'll probably be dipping out in 20 Because the sites are probably gonna start crashing So I got to figure out what sites not crashing because everyone's gonna start f5ing like crazy I have an s locked in for sure, but I'm gonna try to get an x online. I have an s in person I'm gonna try to get x online For the for the second wave the second wave All right, sounds good. They probably don't even know when they're getting the second wave yet You know, you're like, oh, please be in a week. Maybe I mean, you got to figure launches in november. They're gonna want them around for black friday So you figure there's got to be some at least by that time of the month You know, I'm not saying they won't be sold out right away But there should be some that you should be able to walk into a store and buy If you're willing to get up at the crack of dawn Or camp overnight Yeah, my overnight camping days I think are done now. I've done it when I was younger What am I doing here? I'm waiting To get my pre-order Mr. Prime. I'm getting one next year from trinidad. Nice I feel like Can I can't reply I can't reply Sorry guys. I had a text message from The fiance He just woke up. She's like, what are you doing? Oh, yeah, like a 6040 Like a 6040 she had her way. I wouldn't be here But she's not stopping me So Yeah, she supports hobbies and stuff Gotta have some fun, man. We got three kids. Gotta have some fun in our lives or you go saying She got to go to the casino last night. I get to get an Xbox See works out She only lost a hundred at the casino She was down 600 at one point then she won 500 back Technically she wanted all back but then she couldn't stop so she spent another hundred then she left Whatever either way. It's all good She had fun only lost a hundred bucks. I'm all right with that. I could survive It doesn't mean we're rich guys. Everyone watch this. We're not rich She just was really stressed out. I would have probably been pretty upset if she would have lost that money But I might not be here buying this today if she lost that money just to be completely honest Probably Picking up a series X in person for my bathroom Someone's putting an X in their bathroom Sweet god, I wish I had that kind of money can bank roll put an X in your bathroom and then one in your living room Just have two Have three You guys will just have one upstairs one downstairs one in the bedroom guys will just end up buying a dozen I mean damn one for every room Get get get that seamless x-cloud stuff when it comes out There's room to room to room to room all on the all on an xbox series X wasting your money when you don't even need that kind of a console for x-cloud Yeah, you mean like I have to It's my job though One of my jobs not not not my primary job, but I I'm a youtuber and I I stream and make video content and news videos and Whole bunch of stuff and then part of it is technically like a man-man cable where there's like a sports section It doesn't really appear on camera ever, but it's there because I'm a sports fan It's like 90 video games and here's my little sports corner. Here's my giant 4k tv Ah I got I got as a christmas prize in a couple years ago. It's not like I bought it I couldn't afford it. It was like 1500 bucks at the time. I'm like no No, oh parents. Thank you That christmas present. I said that was for me and julia was really just for me She hasn't even watched anything on it one time Probably Everybody a streamer now dude. I've been streaming for three plus years guys. This isn't new for me This isn't new for me. I've been streaming forever On twitch Oh, don't be upset in my youtube audience. It's okay. I don't care. I have a twitch channel through. I just don't stream on it anymore It's kind of a dead channel Plus I have like 57,000 people on youtube So It's where my audience is at Number two out of eight at your game stop man. Congrats, dude. Enjoy that x-man when it comes out in november 10 Make sure that you got plenty of Make sure you're on more discoverable Yep, my whole problem is youtube bans me. I'm done. It's time to retire It's called diversification I'm not very diversified. I mean, I got 11,000 people on twitter But I don't think that's enough to rebuild anything anywhere. So You're still waiting hats off. I mean, I'm guaranteed. I already have it like I'm not waiting to like Am I gonna get one? I'm getting an s for sure It's online. I mean, I still got time. It's 9 37. I got to watch that clock 9 37. What time I'm having the stream? nah nah nah How much am I home my phone gonna die? What are my hat my oh 55 percent? We're 55 percent on my phone. We're way good. We're really good Not about to not on this phone anymore Looking for an s online It won't be available yet. Oh, man. Can I chat? I don't think I could chat on my phone Oh, I can't I can't chat on my phone. What pre-order Uh at 10 a.m on the dot. It'll probably sold out within five 10 minutes So I already got all the retailers that's open because I'm trying to get an x one because I have s here I'm trying to get an x. It's not a really I'm gonna keep this pre-order Oh, I don't know. We'll see I got I just want to keep it in case my x one gets canceled But maybe I end up keeping them all I have no ideas. Let's not let's not get too crazy Next thing, you know, I don't have a PlayStation 5 pre-order and also don't have that and the all digital version Why I don't know same system one as a display or one doesn't why? I don't know Do you like physical media or not? See the thing is I will say Ever since the xbox one in PlayStation 4 came out physical media doesn't matter as much Because you get resale value And collectors value and that's it Before physical media had a purpose over digital and that you put it in and you play xbox 360 PlayStation 2 play station one just like cartridges stick it in and play now you have day one updates and now you have installs So the PlayStation 4 and xbox one started the whole hey, we're just like pc And what happened with pc? Why are we installing games off a desk when we can just download it? So now pcs don't even come with disc drives anymore And that's what's happening with game consoles is getting to a point where if game consoles stick around past this generation Like if there's a playstation 6 there's an xbox series 52 or whatever they decide to call it It's is it even going to have a disc drive at that point because you already have to install the games So the disc does nothing. It's just an access key to play the game So It's more so nostalgia Basically at this point Or resale value if you care about like a lot of people I talked to like Oh, I don't sell my games. Well, then you're buying it for nostalgia Oh, so I can always play it A lot of these games require day one updates to play. So when the servers go down in 10 years You won't be able to download that day one update. So then you won't be able to play. So then you just have nothing That's just the way gaming is these days But it's cool. You got switch still out there kicking it with old school cartridges pop them in works right away Don't have to update all the games Go to old nintendo you can always count on them to not do what anyone else is doing Well, they're not screw with switch. That's for sure 60 they got 61 million sold so far in less than three years But switch is unique so Doesn't really do with the other platformers do that Like people like all this PlayStation 5 and xbox series that's going to bury the switch. I'm like, why? Switches handheld are the other ones handle. I'm sorry. Can I take those ones with me on the plane? I mean I cope, but I can't play them Bring a generator with I don't know a lot that on the plane Yeah, exactly. They might think it's a bomb if you bring the PlayStation 5. Do you see the size that thing? It's like That's freaking huge. They might think that's how I get it You need you need like an extra suitcase if you're going to bring it with you anywhere on the plane Just for the PlayStation 5 like a pelican case It's crazy You can take x-cloud x-cloud with you. You can take x-cloud with you guys. Yep x-cloud's not out yet, but when it is out fully it's in beta I know guys x-cloud's going to be I think a pretty big deal if microsoft nails it Because then I can play all the games right here on my phone. Who needs an x? It'll still be better to play locally Because you want it to deal with any any lag or input latency But I think microsoft looks like they're doing a pretty good job with it all the people that have it on android are pretty happy with With that series x or that series x-cloud I have five hundred dollars. I would just buy the big switch. I'm stuck with the switch light It costs five hundred dollars where you are to get get like the normal switch It's only 300. I don't know. I don't know what country you're in now, so How long to let you in the store that they let you in in 18 minutes 18 minutes they let us in the store But I don't have to go in right away because I'm already guaranteed mine until noon So I don't have to go in so I'm going to be sitting out here refreshing trying to get an x online I'll let you guys know how it goes I'll let you guys know how it goes You can get the s online too. Yep. You can pre-order the x and the s online The question is when I go in there. Do I pre-order any accessories? I don't know. Like do I get an extra controller? Do I I don't know. I don't know what other accessories they have They probably have a battery pack. I'm sure That you can buy for it already So you don't have to use like a rechargeable battery pack because microsoft is still going with the old double a's Yeah, but xbox didn't and they're still not They do offer an official pack to do it, but it's extra Well, I guess that's one way to be lazy and blow your grass One way to be lazy and blow the grass. Let me just get on the back of the lawn mower and just Same battery pack and current xbox one. Yeah, like I'm gonna I'm gonna probably buy I might I might pre-order rechargeable pack a play in charge kit Yeah, this is what's called the play in charge kit. I might pre-order that just so I have it on day one I don't need it. Obviously I have batteries, but You know, I feel I feel better when I'm using a rechargeable battery versus throwing out those double a's Even if you have like the rechargeable double a's, you know, they only still only recharge so many times Get a free xbox by mowing grass Maybe that's why this guy's working so hard He's trying he's trying to not because it's his job because he wants a free xbox No one might but I'm gonna go into this game stop and walk in with like 30 games Even though I shouldn't be spending that money If you're getting accessories get them separately because the console stock will run out before you can check out If you try to buy other stuff I have I have no, I'm not gonna buy accessories on SSRCR. I'm at game stop. I'll just order accessories here I can just order the accessories here. I guarantee in this group of people here. They're not gonna run out of accessories for pre-orders Well, even then what are you gonna do by I'm sure they'll have a 30 of the damn like new controllers, which the old controllers work with the two No, I mean they could run out of the new xbox elite controllers They look they look pretty cool I put my hands on one at E3 2019 the newest one they had at the time It was nice It was nice. I will admit the xbox elite controllers are nice I wouldn't spend the money myself. I don't think it's So nice and such a big difference that I would spend the money, but If I'm just rolling in the dough Guys, all right, I'll giveaways canceled. I'm buying an xbox elite controller guys What do you guys think about that? Sorry. No, I'm not giving away the switchlight I'm just gonna buy an xbox elite controller because it's like the same price I'm just kidding guys. I'm just kidding guys They are really nice. So they're really well built customized. They're they're they're pretty sweet controllers I just I everyone has issues with prices when they don't want to pay it Yeah Yeah It's all right nintendo thought they could charge 70 bucks for a pro controller for some reason It's got hd rumble. So 70 bucks. Okay Okay Okay, I still bought one anyways because I'm a sucker, but Okay Usbc baby. Yeah, dude usbc is legit. Are they using usbc on on uh Do you know what they're using usbc on playstation 5 controllers for recharge? I was wondering if they were switching to uh usbc usbc is starting to become like everything I like usbc I Hear you anywhere Laptop or something The stuff Oh nice I might I have a custom build pcs. Um Both switch to usbc nice Nice They switched to usbc. Hell yeah Because dude, there's so many lost chords I can't wait for apple to switch to usbc on their phones It's gonna happen They're for some reason they're resistant to switch that lightning connector on their phones They already did it with their tablets. They already did it with their laptops. They're clearly going to do it with their phones And as soon as they do that then I do i'm gonna be you i'm gonna be great usbc charges quick even Even cheap usbc cords charge quick Even cheap ones So We got Get this exact shampoo and body wash for the kids got it That's that's stop number two of today Walmart Bruh, I would love to talk to you about controllers, but you have but have I seen pulp fiction Of course I've seen pulp fiction How old are you or young do you think I am you think i'm like 20 or something dude? I grew up but pulp fiction was my childhood Sort of I shouldn't have been watching it as a child, but I definitely did it. I bought it for 10 cents on vhs That's right pulp fiction for 10 cents back in the day 12 minutes People running away, huh usbc is amazing. I work at a place with many laptop models But they all use usbc so I can mix and match together. It's great I Know to our best movie ever along with Shawshank redemption. It's a good movie too born in 81 baby 86 over here 86 I'm a huge inspiration for the trans community. Okay Cool. What store am I at game stop? He's live at game stop you see the doors are right No, wait. No, that's the wrong way this way doors are this way Doors somewhere over there Can't really see it on the on the camera. This is part of the game stuff too because Got the switch add 10 minutes so in five minutes guys I'm popping off the stream. All right, because I got to start getting ready to hit refresh Yes upscales the 4k and can run games at this 120 fps We'll see if I stream after See if I stream out. Oh my gosh lay down for a second. Uh, hey spider. How you doing? You're gonna jump on me and bite me Spider over there. Oh, no. Oh, no. Nope. Can't lay down. I lose signal somehow I lose signal Don't know how Does that the game stuff have a bathroom? I have no idea. I always wanted to have a bathroom back. I have no clue I never I've never gone to the bathroom to game stops. I have no idea I'm surprised Microsoft is giving game stuff the same number of units. Sony dead. Microsoft was ready to go for a summer launch Yeah, COVID man. COVID dude. COVID shut COVID really affected their ability to get rid of these units. Uh Not the like how I hey, how do you know what game stuff I'm at? You I was like, wait a second, how do you know what game stuff I'm at? I don't tell people where I am publicly. I don't want to get mob you Yes, I'm at the lake alley game stop. I guess it's all public now Yeah, you don't want to comment you're on there. You see all the comments. Can't keep up with this shit I got too many people watching 175 right now What's the temperature over there? Dude, it's nice probably 70 something at this point I'm a little warm in this jacket But this jacket advertises my youtube channel. So fuck it You think these will sell out? Absolutely Absolutely, they're gonna sell out Guys, the Wii U sold out at launch Think about that for a moment. The Wii U sold out at launch. Absolutely. This is selling out Don't get me started on Comic-Con I don't want to talk about that. That was That was not good Uh, what time is the shop opening eight minutes seven minutes eight minutes Same time as the pre-orders So again a couple minutes a few more minutes or so folks and then I have to dip out so I actually get the order in And then because I'm gonna order the X online and then I'll get the S Maybe I'll pop back on the stream here. We'll see I gotta stop over at Walmart. So probably we'll get back on Till later Or maybe I'll make some videos later. I have no idea I don't know what's happening. I'm barely alive over here. I'm up soon every day. I got kids The spider Yeah I looked at him I didn't jump up from that. It's because I when I laid down my lost signal on my phone for some reason I'm like really I moved it from here to here Apparently one foot makes all the difference for your phone signal Are they doing walk-ins to buy day one? I'm sure some stores will have like a single xbox a single PlayStation 4 For one person that walks in and there'll be a line of 30 Probably bigger than that in cities got cities be lines of hundreds. Oh guys, we got three units. You can all go home What's worse are the stores that don't tell you how many they have So then you have hundreds and hundreds of people waiting outside then like literally in the first four. Okay, we're out It's like, why don't you just tell everyone that so they don't wait all that time Some some stores that best buy did that to me once with the employees I'm more excited for PlayStation 5 All right, we got six minutes to go here I sound like I'm in my 20s. That's because you know what you're as young as you feel You're as young as you feel. I feel like I'm 25 today Yup and older than you look I Don't mind people thinking I'm young You're not 25 not 25 No, I'm 34 guys No, I don't have any gray in my beard I'll probably start dying it if it does show up or I'll just shave it off at that point just not have one anymore Yeah, that's what I'm hoping I'm hoping that like I can keep this little scruff look I like this scruff look and just keep it for most of my life Until I start getting gray hairs up here then you know what at that point I'll just shave it all off and go bald for the giveaway How about contact us the giveaway is going to be the winners are actually going to get announced today There's a community post up guys about why I'm announcing the giveaway winners today and we're not waiting for October 1st If you're interested to know why I don't have a time it'll be announced through a community post on twitter and on discord That's where I'm announcing the winners Uh, if you enter the mario 3d all stars one, I'll be able to email you if you went to And I'll explain when I announce it how you can get a hold of me to to to clean your your win I'm not first in line. I'm not first in line I'm not first in line. I wasn't that crazy Wasn't that crazy? I'm gonna have to dip out here any minute guys get those three others Everyone's taking pictures of spiders Yeah, they're good living good living Yeah, so good living out here The spiders are feasting Dude How long have I been here just a few hours? All right, I'll give it I'll give it a couple minutes here and then I'm then I'm out of you guys then I got to try to Oron Brothers from other mothers actually one spider is worth to a crap load of babies This is coming to Rio 121 stars nice guys. Good job Good all you people out there trying to order online just like I am going to be in a moment Before I walk in and get my series s. I don't have to order the series s online, but I got the x online Yeah, 1050 to 1057 on my end one more minute and I'm out guys I'm watching my timer. I got my countdown timer on my live stream watching you guys can't see but I can Let's go here we go one more time Everybody's feeling fine here we go now Just keep checking the time Still want to work still want to work still want to work. I got here at 740 like that was up. Yeah, that was it All right, I'm waiting for my time to turn here All right guys, I'm gonna call that a stream. I will catch you this later. Thank you for so much for so much for everything Whoever super chat me earlier. Thank you for that two bucks. You guys have a good day I'll have more videos coming your way as always guys. I gotta get these pre orders and let's go Maybe I'll do a video on my pre-order experience Which right now sucks All right, bye guys
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2019-20 Series One Tin Unboxing || Hockey Cards
Today I open my first tin on the channel. Not going to lie. I loved the jersey cards but the misprints of base. Whoa. Hopefully upperdeck replies back to my email soon. #hockeycards
[ "upper deck", "hockey cards", "trading cards", "sports card", "sports cards", "series one", "upper deck hockey cards", "national trerasures", "sp authentic", "upper deck series 1" ]
What's up everyone? Takedown here. Welcome back to another hockey card video today. I'm going to be opening up my first ever tin This is for 2019-20 upper deck series one This was on clearance at my local wall March for $40 I decided to pick it up because there is some great young guns that I missed and I didn't buy too much products of that year But I love the young guns class for this year So I want to purchase this and open it up on the channel. So we're just going to open it up here The tins include a bonus pack Which is I think Opiechi glossy and I'll show you We'll open them up first actually So yeah, it's Opiechi glossy three rookie cards Let's see who we have We have Ryan Fuffling probably a bunch of that. I don't follow much real Max Jones, that's a pretty decent one for me and We have Dante Fabro I don't know if this is a different variance. I think these are base. This is brown border or bronze border Maybe those are pretty cool. I know I don't have any of those So now we're gonna go in and get into all of these packs here one by one I'm looking for young guns jersey cars Things like that Basically growing the collection. So our first pack here gonna open it up. We have Esa lendo Creechi Longo, which I do not have that's a nice one Kyle Palmorelli Trevenin Jake the brusque Shea feed or they're starting to cut off. I don't know if you guys can see this No, of course, it won't autofocus for me. There we go. It's starting to cut off the names on the bottom I'm gonna have to start looking into that and Wow Talking about said cutting off the names there Of course, it won't autofocus. There we go pageau It's cut right in half I'm gonna have to contact upper deck if I get a lot of these because You know, I usually get hockey cards even though they're base I usually purchase hockey cards for growing collections, especially players and if you have some that are misprints or whatever Doesn't hurt to check in with upper deck to see if they'll replace them or replace like give you something for them Next one is Mackenzie Blackwood. I'm recording with the camera for the first time today. So let me know what you guys think Dalin Kind of felt thick Matt Murray. I do not have this one. That's really cool We have a canvas for Miko Bottiker who is not in the NHL anymore. I think he signed with Sweden or something like that for two years. Anyways, I already have this card I got it out of a fat pack a while back So that's a double but that's a insert at least Wow, Duncan Keith cut in half his name there. Even this is moved up. Everything's moved up on it Jeff Petruy same thing Tom Wilson's not bad Robert Thomas is just getting close to the bottom With the name being cut off. I don't know. We'll see how many we get and see if it's even worth contacting up or deck I know you have to email them With the receipts and the whole nine yards if I want to get into that Brent Seabrook And then you have to send them your cards Ecken you can not familiar kucharov. That's a nice one. I like that We have a upper deck portraits for Chris LaTang. That's cool. I don't know if I have a small PC of him or not Sam Reinhardt's fast Lin Bob and Forrest Burke Comment down below if you guys prefer me recording like this with the camera or did you like it before when it? I was recording with the smartphone starting to wonder. I like the angle better before Because these cards they're really close to me, but in the camera. It looks really far away Just gonna get into the next pack here Dominic Simon Kaepernan Seth Jones Chris Tierney which I collect and I do not have that's a nice one for me Bobby Ryan names cut right in half. That's a little disappointing when you buy a tin William Nylander Falango and Sydney Crosby name cut in half. Oh my god That one's disappointing. I know I don't have that Sydney Crosby card later today. I was actually planning and recording a Like all the Sydney Crosby cards I have For a video because that's when requested a while back. I just haven't had time to do it Not including that one This pack seems extremely light on how many cards are in it I don't know if that means there's a big hit, but Patrick Hornquist Darren Helm Bogstown Burkale and Jordan wheel That was a scary pack one two three four five cards total how many cards are supposed to be in a pack Eight cards per pack We just got a pack that had five and they're all base. That is a scary sight Gonna go into the next pack here. Wow. I actually can't believe that Five cards in a pack all base Wow Cobble Chuck Cam Fowler Hellebuck Cossackin at least I'm getting the cards that I like Rasmus sadden young guns Rasmus sadden young guns. I have to look up this one. I don't follow my Montreal I don't follow Toronto Maple Leafs, but that is a nice looking card first young guns Nick Letty Atkinson and Borg strands none of those ones were Printed wrong. So that's a good Sign at least next pack That's still a little scary. We only got five cards in that one pack So is that even worth contacting up or deck about I'm not even sure Morgan Ray Lee Brian Nugent Hopkins Tyler Johnson We have an upper deck a canvas card for Cobble Chuck. That's cool. I like I Do like the canvas cards. This is a nice pose. I like that. I like how they're really artsy That's really cool. That one's staying in my collection. We have two upper deck portraits Guffston Butchnive, so I'm not familiar with them TJ Oshi and Zooker We do enjoy Now part of The penguins, I think we're down to two packs left yet two packs left Thomas Shabbat, I think that's the first card I actually pulled of Thomas Shabbat in a long time Daniel Sprung Brayden Holpey. I do PC Racket Fasak probably butchered that Brandon Gagnac young guns I'm not familiar with his players from Quebec Not familiar with him Alex Picholango. It's cut off Keith Yandall names cut off and Max Calvert Two young guns down. We have one pack left Not sure I didn't even look up to see what the odds are to get young guns and everything, but we have two young guns We have an upper deck portraits two canvas cards and of course we had our glossy rookies pack But that's a bonus one. So that's not The top one. This is a thick pack. I think we have Something good in this one. So we have Nick Bonio. I always put your names. That's how I pronounce his Thomas Hurdle Ryan Reeves Wow, we got a Clayton Keller Upper deck game jersey card. That is awesome. I do PC him This one is going to be going up on my shelf because I absolutely love the player First Jersey card of his that is awesome. Now. Yes, I would have preferred a colored patch or one That's a multicolored but with the border being red the white actually blends in and actually looks A lot nicer in my opinion That is so cool That is staying in my collection for sure Lars Eller and Roussel So we're just gonna do a Updates here. So we have two young guns. We have Gignac and Sadin, I think this one might be a better one. Let me put it into frame here for you guys Two young guns. We have one upper deck Portraits for Chris LaTang Now at the time I'm recording this video. Why is the camera not focusing? At the time I'm recording this video. I'm not hundred percent sure if I Have a PC of his or not, but I am starting to get some more cards of his We have a canvas card for Bodecker and we have a canvas card for cobalt Chuck I already have Bodecker. So cobalt Chuck is at least a good one and we have a Jersey card for Clayton Keller Which as I mentioned IPC I've been getting a lot more of his cards huge huge huge fan so that for me is Kind of really excited. I'm really excited to see what else I can get so comment down below if you guys think that's this Tin was worth it I have mixed feelings. I do however there is quite a few Base cards that are misprints. I might have to reach out to upper deck and See especially there's a lot of misprints. There is One pack only had five cards. I'm really curious of Why so I know a lot of people that have been buying boxes Hobby boxes tins any products like that you have your receipts the tin still left Or box take pictures send it to upper deck and usually you have to send them the actual cards and get replacements So I'll see I'm gonna look into that but comment below what you guys think and comment down below What you guys think of the new setup with the camera recording these hockey card videos as Opposed to recording with my smartphone at least I can zoom in at the end when I'm done Which I absolutely love this feature So I don't know I think we're gonna stick with it for now But comment down below what you guys think and what you guys thought of these cards. I love the Clayton color Jersey card. I'll leave the video here. Hope you guys enjoyed. I'll see you guys in the next one. Please take care. Peace
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Tu, 09.22.20 || 6Box RT #2 || 2020 Gold Rush Autographed Football Mini Helmet
* JOIN our group breaks on * WATCH seven nights a week from 2p PT to 10p PT (5p ET-1a ET) on this channel! * VISIT our 3,000 sq. ft. shop seven days a week at 1402 Pacific Coast Highway, Hermosa Beach, CA from 11a to 8p! * FOLLOW us on Twitter and Instagram @JaspysBreaks * THANK YOU for watching and subscribing! * CONTACT us at [email protected] for any customer service related issues, media inquiries, advertising, questions, etc. If you haven't heard back from us in a few days or so, pop into the chat on the live stream and let us know!
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Hi everyone, Joe for coming at you with 2020 gold rush autographed mini football helmets Series three six box half case random letter number two Jason did the first half the other night And the second half is on that top camera right there You can see all six boxes four on the bottom two on the top right there So we'll do that. This is a random letter break Right here, and it's we'll go by the first letter of his first name Drew Brees goes to D Kyler Murray goes to K so on and so forth There's all that good stuff right there. So big thanks to these folks for getting into the action really appreciate it And there are the letters right there first letters of their first name. Let's roll it Let's randomize it three and a two five times for each list one two three four and five After five we've got James down to Aaron three and a two five times for the letters one two three Four and five this Lakers Nuggets game also being really interesting game three M down to W plus Y if you're watching this video in the future You already know what happens in game three of the Western Conference final if you're in the present then You're watching along with me James with M Aaron with K Colton with D Victor with S Anthony with P James with R Jarell with L Jason with a Colton with N plus O. No Justin with C Brian F with F E and F Says F Alfonso with B Tracy with T So if we pull a Tracy Hicks that'll go to you Tracy letter T first letters of their first names and Aaron Pettit with Y W plus Y Y So it's sort by column B right there by letter Any trades boys and girls any trades get up there. Yeah, there you go. Good rebound There's no J if if if we pull a J it'll be randomized to one person in the groove Yeah, and if there's like a second letter that doesn't it will go name on top gets the first non letter represented and the second one would be the Second non letter represented. I don't think there should be more than two but then third fourth fifth song Okay, looks like no looks like no deals So TWC to Marcus Russell coming up TWC trade window closed. I don't know Come on. I might get my I might twitch with like a mild case of PTSD from to Marcus Russell Oh, it's Caruso defending Jamal Murray No, you don't shoot the three LeBron. You want to I know you want to don't do it. Yeah, let's let's get that pic set Oh nice coos. That's the shot Rondo. All right, there's the final printout right there And here's the first mini helmet box Do they have names on here? All right, I see it. I see it. All right. Who am I? I am a retired wide receiver 57 years old First round pick played for one two three four teams my entire career a three-time Super Bowl champ a Super Bowl MVP 13-time Pro Bowler 10-time first team all-pro two-time NFL offensive play of the year To six-time NFL receptions yard leader two-time NFL receptions leader Six-time NFL touchdowns leaders sports illustrative play of the year 75th anniversary all-time team 100th anniversary all-time team 80s 90s all decade team My number 80 retired by this team an offensive rookie of the year 15 over 1500 receptions almost 23,000 receiving yards 200 career touchdowns 23,546 career all-purpose yards pro football Hall of Famer blah blah blah blah blah blah Yep, it's a J. Of course. There's Jerry Rice Maybe next break Nick will have to work in that J somewhere All right, so that's a cool helmet to the eclipse alternative helmet right there Let me actually bring up my camera angle a little bit here. I know right? I mean like what are you gonna do that? Can't do anything in that. All right, there it is Jerry Rice very cool-looking helmet There's the Beckett sticker right there the Beckett card is inside the helmet right there So that'll be randomized to one person in the break so just in case there's There's more J's name on top we'll get it the second one will be the second name so on and so forth everyone has a shot at it, too All right, who am I? I am an active football player. I'm 23 years old from St. Peter's Prep In New Jersey City, New Jersey first round pick Played for two teams my entire career a pro bowler a first team all-pro a Jim Thorpe award winner a two-time first team all sec. I went to Alabama first round pick 11th pick overall in this particular year Hundred and I'm a free safety by the way 149 total tackles no sacks two-force fumbles 18 past plus deflections seven interceptions and three defensive touchdowns since 2018 those were some decent numbers since 2018 Yep, yep, yep, you got it And it's it's it's the Steelers helmet helmet, too Yep, I think Matt Adam and Mike's got minka Fitzpatrick There he is in his Steelers colors right here neon what yellow autograph Which is kind of cool kind of hard to get the get a good angle on that but There you go. There's the JSA card and the JSA sticker on the back M Minka Fitzpatrick James M with M. This is random letter number two He's pretty good. All right next up. Who am I? Oh, I'm spelling his name wrong All right, who am I I am currently 72 years old a Cornerback 72 year-old cornerback born in New Point, Missouri Went to Missouri First round pick played for one team my entire career a seven time pro bowler of five time first team all pro In this team's ring of honor in the NFL 1970s all decade team a consensus all-american in The NFL 40 interceptions 22 fumbles recovered in two defensive touchdowns between 1969 and 1982 Played with the Cardinals my entire career. Are you googling these Matt? All right, good job Matt same Martin. It's Roger Whirly Hall of Famer in 2007 Nice crisp white helmet nice Cardinal logo right there. There's the JSA. It looks like an angry bird right here There's the JSA sticker nice That goes to James and the letter R James majority again Majority rules Yeah, not a bad auto for a 72 year-old, right? Not bad at all Another old-school guy here. All right. I am 86 years old. I'm alive currently alive Born in Reading, Pennsylvania a half back when to Penn State was a first-round pick a top ten pick Played for one team my entire career between 1956 and 1967 a two-time NFL champion a seven-time pro bowler five time first team all pro 5,100 for career rushing yards 4.8 yards to carry 63 rushing touchdowns 364 receptions for 6,039 yards and 48 receiving touchdowns That's pretty good, and I'm of course in the pro football Hall of Fame played with the Baltimore Colts 1956-1967 drafted in 1956 first round pick nine Baltimore Colts Oliver no not Ricky Williams. It's pretty good No, and he guesses Colts Colts running back running back and receiving legend two-time NFL champion No Colts fans out there. Is it too late? All right there there you go Matt knows his football history. It's Lenny Moore There he is There it is nice one for the blue horseshoes and for the letter L Jarrell Taylor with the letter L There you go. That's right. Finally Jarrell saying Finally a little mini helmet to add to your collection. There you go, sir Good luck Let's see what we have This guy this looks like a college helmet It is his college helmet an active player this time an active QB this time This is his college helmet 23 years old from Highland Park, New Jersey Went to high school in Maryland at Potomac, Maryland Bullis School first-round quarterback pick What else at Chicago Tribune Silver Football Award winner George Graham George offensive player of the year greasy breeze quarterback of the year the Sammy Bod trophy the Kellan Moore Award the 2018 Big 10 football championship game MVP 2019 Rose Bowl MVP first team all Big 10 NFL Pepsi Rookie of the Week in week 15. It's got a ways to go, but But think about Big 10 think about championship game MVP think about Rose Bowl MVP's There you go. Matt Scott and Matt Oliver Travis Sean Jaspie also got it in his Ohio State gear Ohio State helmet no Buckeyes sticker on this, but I guess you could add some yourself if you want to It's Dwayne Haskins. There's the Beckett card inside Usually they don't they usually pop on some Buckeyes stickers on there, but maybe not with this one You got her. I think Dwayne Haskins earned it at Ohio State Okay, maybe that's not a real helmet. All right D for Dwayne Colton Carver with D right Right, it'd be the same calendar year. Correct Charles Barkley ruined it for me. He guaranteed a suite for the Lakers. He got the broom out and everything You always got to go oppo sir Charles oppo sir Charles on his picks Mike Sommacher believer in Dwayne Haskins just got his NT rookie card to 99. That's not bad All right, another player in his college helmet. I'm gonna want to reveal it too early I don't even give you guys any clues Ray and Bryce and ray again. I'm a retired football player I'm a retired football player 55 currently 55 years old a linebacker a first-round pick a National champion a Heisman Trophy finalist two Buckeyes awards two unanimous all-americans Three-time all big eight right there four quarterback sacks in my career three fumbles recovered From MacArthur High School in Irving, Texas Six two two hundred and fifty five pounds a big dude played played only for two years But but he's pretty pretty popular. I want to say. Oh, you saw the helmet. Damn it Yeah, it's boss. It's the boss. I try to be try to be clever with it But I guess I revealed it too early. There's Brian Bosworth in his Oklahoma helmet right there. Oh That's why people were guessing I see There it is white-out ink autograph on there. There's the Beckett card inside And there it is right there. All right B for boss Brian Bosworth for Brian is Alfonso with that one There you go No, Kristen would not be ash catch him. He did not go to Oklahoma He went to he went to college in like person in city or whatever all right I didn't think he even went to I don't think ash catch him even went to college What a bum he just he was just he just went to He just he just like said oh, I don't I think he didn't even go to finish high school. He didn't even have his GED Let's get Jason K and Aaron name on top after Six gets that Jerry Rice helmet. That's not bad two and a four six times one two two three four five And six after six times Aaron Pettit. There you go. Aaron. I didn't even call your name the entire break. You had letter k But there you go now You got a j right here Jerry Rice Nice Yeah, ash catch him is like 12 and was roaming around forest catching animals I don't know where where his parents at There you go, Aaron parrot a parrot pettit. Congrats to you. Thanks for watching. Thanks for breaking with everybody That was six box ran a team two 2020 gold rush autograph football mini helmets. I think there's some more So go and check it out on jazby's case And yes, Tyler. Good point. Good segue We also have gold rush baseballs to autograph baseballs, which we can do later tonight. I'm Joe for jazby's case Thanks for watching. We'll see you next time. Bye
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Annual Surgical Boot Camp
UMMC holds an annual Surgical Boot Camp for it's surgical residents and the UMB SOM Interns. Led by Dr. Laura Buchanan and David Gens a team of attendings, fellows, and staff coordinated from the STC Simulation Center, CSTARS, and MASTRI provide training opportunities over the course of 1 month with a focused week of unfolding simulation cases played by high fidelity simulators and standardized participants from the staff. The training involves immersive high fidelity simulation for deteriorating patients as well as surgical procedures. The participants also are able to practice a variety of skills in the lab including arterial line and central line placement, suturing techniques, and ultrasound. At the finish of the month they participate in a surgical Olympics where teams of the participants compete against one another utilizing their skills that they learned and honed during the month long program. Learn more:
[ "University of Maryland Medical Center", "UMMC", "medical center", "health care", "hospital" ]
Here at the R. Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center at the University of Maryland, we run a month-long transition to residency curriculum for fourth-year medical students going into surgical specialties. Starting five years ago, we included a week of longitudinal simulations, or SIM week, or a week in the life of a surgical intern. This video offers a glimpse into the 20 discreet experiences of the program's 13 fictitious patients our students encounter. From patient consultation to admission to discharge, students spend the week taking turns assuming leading roles and caring for the patients as they learn to work both individually and as part of a team. Each day brings new opportunities to critique each other's work and reflect on their performance. Collectively, these 20 scenarios cover a wide range of topics. Each individual scenario can be broken into multiple subsections and include much other content. Each experience also enables us to introduce ancillary topics allowing us to streamline the learning process without the need for additional scenarios. Both substantive and efficient, the simulation helps to ensure that our students receive the best educational clinical preparation. On Monday morning, the class receives sign-out on patients currently admitted to a multidisciplinary service. Our instructors play the role of night float during patient handoff at the start and conclusion of each day. Two of our fictitious patients, Forest Wallace and Rita Sharma, offer a glimpse of how the program prepares students to handle the real-life decision-making they will face as surgical interns. Our students' ability to handle admission orders comes front and center when they receive a page from Mr. Wallace's nurse, a request for pain medication and notice of hypocholemia from his AM labs. Instructors guide them in recognizing both renal insufficiency and risk of dehydration due to his high ostomy output. Upon learning that their patient cannot swallow pills, the students work through various formulations. Ms. Sharma is 38 weeks pregnant when she presents to the ED with an elevated white count and severe abdominal pain. By the end of day sign-out, test results have confirmed a diagnosis of colisostitis. The patient is admitted to OB and started on antibiotics, while the students discuss how to best manage both pregnancy and surgery for the immediate future. The night float AM sign-out for Mr. Wallace reports that he had a busy night. His ostomy output remains high. He has hypocholemia and his AKI is worsening. I've treated him for a hypocholemia and called the chief. She'd like you to call an aphrology consult this morning in case he needs dialysis. That day, during a central line-themed session, the students realize that in order to start dialysis, Mr. Wallace will need vascular access. Fortunately, he responds to the medical management of the hypocholemia and no HD is started. Ms. Sharma's colisostitis is responding well to antibiotics and the team discusses the pros and cons of surgery versus observation. The decision is made, however, when Ms. Sharma goes into labor. Given that her colisostitis is responding to antibiotics and that she does not show evidence of biliary obstruction, the team decides to offer a lap coli after delivery. Today is tough for Mr. Wallace and his family. Remembering his high ostomy output, the night team did forget his worsening AKI. Mr. Wallace received an order for potassium replacement overnight despite recently recovering from hypocholemia and is now worsening. In addition, radiology has not yet read his post-line chest x-ray. The morning chart review shows a deep sulcus sign, but no obvious pneumothorics. Things are not looking good for our patient and the students are alerted to a code blue, five Weinberg room 10, where the code team has just started working on him after finding him in PEA cardiac arrest. Meanwhile, the students learn that Ms. Sharma delivered a healthy baby. They visit her and her family to ensure her pre-op workup and consent for a lap coli are complete. Today is relatively quiet for Mr. Wallace. During sign-out, the students decide that he needs both cooling for his post-arrest cerebral protection and CRT for renal replacement if those were not included in the plans immediately post-arrest. Throughout the day, they make some minor adjustments to his nutrition plans and ostomy management. Today, Ms. Sharma arrives at the OR for her coli cystectomy. However, when bleeding occurs during laparoscopy, the students are forced to convert to an open operation. The students meet with his son and nephew to deliver a long overdue update on his cardiac arrest as well as his current ICU state and struggle with family questions on prognosis and cause. Fortunately, at the final sign-out, the students learn from the ICU that their patient has started following commands after completing his cooling protocol. While Mr. Wallace's story includes obvious teaching concepts such as line placement, the longitudinal integration of his case connects very diverse topics for the students. During the open operation, the students learn of elaceration on Ms. Sharma's liver, probably caused by one of the laparoscopic instruments. Working with their attending, the team stops the bleeding. Meanwhile, the students take turns meeting with Ms. Sharma's husband and brother in the OR waiting room. The students benefit from longitudinal integration of cases like those of Ms. Sharma and Mr. Wallace. Simulation Week allows students to begin developing a degree of familiarity with level-appropriate patient management. Simulation Week may be easily adapted to the size and scope of your institution. Despite using some models that are not universally available, many of our simulations rely only on faculty, actors, or commonly accessible resources. This method of longitudinal case-based simulation can be applied to any combination of training sessions and activities to provide students with a memorable training experience. Simulation Week goes its continued growth and success to clearly defined educational goals driven by creative storytelling. We would like to take this moment to thank all of our staff whose individual and collective efforts continue to make Sim Week successful year after year.
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Zoom MultiStomp + Sawtooth Wave = A Whole Synth?!
Although it lost out to the Digitech Polara in my recent reverb shoot-out, the Zoom MS-70CDR's real strength comes from the fact that it's a "multi-effect" in the true sense of the term: you can run multiple different effect algorithms at the same time. So bearing this fact in mind, and adding to that the wide range of effects it has on offer, I got to thinking: given only the most basic input of a raw sawtooth wave, could you build the rest of a synth using just the Zoom?.. Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
[ "synth", "synthesiser", "synthesizer", "sampler", "gear", "demo", "review", "improvisation", "live", "dawless", "jam", "analogue", "analog", "digital", "zoom", "multistomp", "ms-79", "ms-70cdr", "korg", "monologue" ]
Hello OscillatorSync here. Recently I posted a reverb shootout video between this zoom multi-stomp MS-70 CD-R and the DGTEC Polara. The conclusion of which was basically that if you wanted the better reverb then the Polara wins But that's kind of not the whole story and I didn't want to leave that Video with the impression that I think that the zoom is a bad pedal to the contrary I think it's a really Exciting pedal. In fact, I think it's one of the easiest pedals to recommend to a synthesis that's out there really and part of the Reason for that is that it is a multi-effects pedal in the true sense of the term in that you can run multiple different effects All at once. So I got to thinking how can I show off the Multi-effectness of the zoom, you know an obvious one would be to make a big ambient washi Patch and I might still do that because that sounds like fun But earlier this evening I asked myself the question Given only the very most basic starting point Could you use the zoom to make the rest of a synth? So I plugged in my monologue my beloved monologue and I set my oscillator to a sawtooth wave Gave it a bit of release on the envelope and that's all I've done One VCO the filter is wide open despite the not position. It's Wide open the resonance is down at zero VCO to is turned off All we have here is a sawtooth wave with a bit of release So I got to playing and it was really good fun And so I thought I would share with you the Patch on the zoom as it were that I came up with So the first thing I wanted to do on the zoom was to approximate the idea that at the moment I only have one VCO We always like it on our sense when we bring in the second VCO. It's slightly detuned and everything sounds ace So I switched over to a detune algorithm on the zoom Turning that on I Haven't gone over the top that second oscillator detuned oscillators sort of only slightly mixed in But more and if we like tuned 11 cents away we could be More wobbly but quite like 11 there so again without And with Which is a nice start so the next thing I wanted to do was add a sub oscillator so Next fact that I added in was this base pitch Algorithm allows you to shift the pitch in semi tones rather than in sense As a tone control we can then balance this kind of the mix if you like And you also have a fine control so you can even detune this one off a little bit so without And we add in there's our sub oscillator Very nice so Actually coming across this effect towards the end of the patch So I actually had it later on and I started to look for modulation effects I was thinking maybe I could put a chorus at the end or something like that and I came across this one Which is called Modo Roller, which I think I've used before This is really cool. I suspect it sounds great on guitar as well But basically what this effect does is it allows you to set up a vibrato that fades in I think the boss VB VB2 can do this trick Or at least you can you can turn it on in a way that fades in so what this means is Slices without we turn it on And when I first hit the key or here that it's sort of still fairly Consistent, but after a while you'll get this vibrato happening It's not neat so it's kind of like having a pitch LFO with a LFO delay on it so again without And with nice so we've got The three ish Oscillators pretending now and we've also got some pitch LFO in there So the next thing is obviously we need to run it into a filter There's a bunch of different filter algorithms in the zoom. I've ended up using this Zedron one, which is based on an envelope following filter, so it's not a Hasn't got an ADSI. It's just going to follow the envelope of the Note, but it does have kind of like a slow ramp up. So without And with So this has got controls for for resonance sense, which is how How much is going to react to the inputs volume and then just a level control there afterwards And I love the way that this has changed the the overall character the sound so much This is the other reason I guess I'm cheating slightly by having that release on the note because now I have a filter slope down as it follows that volume envelope Very cool So that was kind of my synth voice and there's DSP spare So that's what for effects in now and I still got DSP spare to add other ones. So I thought well You got to add a delay, right? So this is the analog delay model It has all of the stuff you'd expect time which you delay time feedback mix It's got a high dampening so you can roll off the top end and roll it off quite a lot and it's got mono or ping-pong mode I've got it set to ping-pong so that we can get some stereo width now. So without And with Nice sounding delay, we didn't talk about the fact that yeah, the Reverse wind up as good as a Polaro, but it's got some really nice sounding delays on it In fact, I think the delays in general might be better than the reverbs So I do a demo of those another time So we've got five effects in now There's still DSP to spare so we can put a sixth effect in as well and I've popped the plate reverb in I did play with one of the weirder reverb as well mangled space Which also sounds pretty cool. I might switch that in a second just to show off again So we've got this sound without let's try a lot And add some plate Actually just just write the second I'm thinking to myself. Shall I have the D the delay after the plate maybe so can't That the delays of the echoes have got slightly sort of indistinct Really easy to do this on the zoom if we go into this menu here and we go down to effect chain We can move this little picker here. We'll pick up plate and what pop it Before the analog delay and now they are the other way around Simple as that. So here we go other way around I could I could go either way Cool, let's let's just try that mangled verb as well. It's up here somewhere See these ones here are saying through that's because we've run out of DSP for those ones think Mangled to me. I'd added the dive bar. So we're out of DSP for that one now We could delete one of the other effects or try space horn stets in as we can As fun as that is let's go back to our plate because that was a nicer sound I think Whoa, yes, I think the pitch tracking brings out right at the top sound just about hanging on Sound to get weird into my relation Yeah The pitch tracking has given up on that D there Yes down at the bottom or refurb More delay So That's the patch that I built up. Let's take those off one by one just so you can hear what the source material was again. So Say goodbye to the delay Say goodbye to the plate Read this and drop off doesn't it? Say goodbye to our filter say goodbye to our vibrato say goodbye to our sub oscillator And finally say goodbye to our second oscillator I Think given that that is our source material what the zoom has achieved there is nothing short of Miraculous and again, if you haven't done already go and look at the price of this thing Yes absolute insane value So anyway, I hope you enjoyed that if you did then please do hit the old thumb for the like and make sure you subscribe to the Channel got lots of cool synthy stuff coming up Hopefully having a couple of new additions to the synth family in the not too distant future Not gonna say which since they are but keep an eye on the channel I'm very excited to get my hands on these new synths And otherwise, thank you so much for joining me as always Take care and bye. Bye. See you
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Moral in Minutes - Chastity
"Morals in Minutes" is a series of short episodes filled with wisdom and morals, presented by Rena Hamid. This series provides the dear viewers with various ways and methods in dealing with one another as well as explanations of Islamic terms and actions. You can watch IMAM HUSSEIN TV using following methods: Web-Site: Facebook and YouTube: @imamhussein3tv Android and iOS App: Satellite: Hotbird 10949 V Galaxy 11898 V 100.04717
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In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful, respected viewers, brothers and sisters in Islam. Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Believing in Islam means believing in its doctrine as a whole. Choosing to be a Muslim means abiding by all its rules and standards. With that said, the holy religion of Islam has not recommended any action or has made an action forbidden only for the good of human beings. Allah swt did not make any action forbidden for no reason or for his benefit or advantage. One of these rules Allah swt has ordered us to do or abide by is to be chastised. Allah the Almighty praises those who preserve their chastity and make this a means of success in the hereafter. He the Almighty says certainly will the believers have succeeded. They who are during their prayer humble submissively and they who turn away from their ill speech and they who are observant of zakat and they who guard their private parts except from their wives or those from their right hands possess for indeed they will not be blamed. But whoever seeks beyond that then those are the transgressors. Surah 23, ayahs 1 through 7. Being chast is greatly mentioned not just in the holy religion of Islam but has also been mentioned in many of the other major religions such as Christianity and Judaism. Not to mention that not being chast is not socially accepted as well. The religion of Islam made chastity obligatory for the good and well-being of mankind. Chastity is based on being responsible and having self-discipline. With regards to this Imam al-Sadaq alaihi salam has said, one who has no chastity has no faith. The effect of preserving one's chastity on the individual and on society is immense as it is a means of avoiding the miseries associated with adultery. Preserving chastity is a cause for attaining forgiveness and a great reward because man is born with an innate desire. Allah the Almighty orders mankind to preserve their chastity and promises them a great reward in return. In the holy Quran Allah says the men who guard their private parts and the women who do so and the men who remember Allah often and the women who do so. For them Allah has prepared forgiveness and a great reward. We ask Allah the Almighty to avert from us all evil and immortality for He is the Almighty and is capable of doing so. For them Allah has prepared forgiveness and a great reward.
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Why Are Narcissists So Negative?
Website - Coaching - [email protected] Merchandise - Donations - Narc Survivor Raw (No Music) - Pain To Empowerment Online Course - Professional Counselling with a Licensed Therapist - (Narc Survivor is sponsored by BetterHelp. I only recommend services I know and trust.) The background checking service I trust: Avoid potentially dangerous situations with your current or potential partner This sponsored link gets you 15% off Narc Survivor is no stranger to narcissistic abuse. With a lifetime of personal experience and psychology research, he is someone who truly understands what it is like to fall victim to a sadistic emotional predator. #narcissism #narcissist #npd DISCLAIMER: The information contained within and is not a substitute for professional advice such as a doctor, psychiatrist, or other counselor. The information provided by and does not constitute legal or professional advice nor is it intended to be. Only a trained medical professional can diagnose psychological or medical conditions. Any decisions you make and the consequences of your decisions are your own. Under no circumstances can you hold or liable for any of your actions or decisions. You agree Narc Survivor ( and or any employees of Narc Survivor ( and are not liable for any loss or cost that you, or any person related or associated with you has incurred as a result of information, techniques or coaching offered by and Narc Survivor cannot guarantee any results. and holds no responsibility for the actions, choices, or decisions made or taken by the client. The owner of and contributors to and accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any harm, whether real or imagined, from the use or dissemination of information contained here. The video does not refer to any specific person and it should not be used to refer to any specific person as having narcissism. If you do not agree with these terms, do not engage in the services. By engaging the services of and, you have agreed to all of the terms and conditions.
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Why are narcissists so negative? To be negative means to be consistent in or characterised by the absence rather than the presence of distinguishing features. When a person is negative towards you, you may view it as being undesirable and unwanted behaviour. It might be something that you don't want to be around, something that you don't want to be involved in. The negativity may be directed towards you, but that doesn't mean that it has anything personally to do with you. If you think about something being negative, it means to take something away, or to be lacking the quantity or quality required, to be insufficient for a purpose. It means that they do not have enough. When they are being negative towards you, it is because they are deficient in something. They do not have enough of a specified quality or ingredient. When they are being negative towards you, they are also taking what they need from you. They are extracting it out of you and then using it as their own to sustain them, to strengthen and support them physically and mentally. The narcissist is negative towards you because you have what they want. You have what they need to survive emotionally. They cannot produce it on their own, so they have to extract it out of you through forcible and often underhanded means. When they are being negative towards you, it is because they are deficient in something. They don't have enough and they cannot produce it on their own, so they have to devalue and degrade you, publicly humiliate and exploit you, treat you with contempt. Whatever it takes to strip you of your power and force you to hand it over to them. They want your power. They want your energy. They want your stability and security. Everything that you need to sustain yourself is also what they need to survive emotionally. The difference is that you can produce it on your own. Well, they do not have the ability to do this, so the only thing that they can do is steal it from you. They cannot engage in anything positive because they do not have a positive amount. They do not have positive qualities or a positive quantity. They are insufficient or inadequate for a person to be positive. They must first have everything that they need, so that they then have enough to share with other people. The narcissist never has enough and they will never have enough. They steal from other people to sustain them but it only lasts for a short period of time. They are like a bucket with a meek at the bottom. Anything that you pour into them will soon leak out and then they will go back to feeling insufficient when adequate again. They will go back to being negative, which means that they need to extract more from you. They need more of your power, more of your energy, more of your stability and security because they can't produce it on their own. They are like a black hole. They have a void within them, a completely empty space and the only way that they can fill the space is to suck the life out of you, draining you of everything that you possess, stripping you of everything good about you, which can then leave you feeling negative. It can leave you feeling completely drained and lifeless. You can become very depressed because they have stripped you of everything that made you who you are, so you then begin to feel negative because everything that once made you feel positive is what they have now taken from you. They had to take it from you so that they could survive emotionally. Everything they do revolves around emotional survival. They want to feel good, but since they abandon their true self, the only way that they can feel good is to extract qualities from the people around them. This is the only way that they can survive emotionally. If they could get it from within, I'm sure they would do that. It will be so much easier for them, far less effort involved and then they would have an abundance of good things whenever they wanted, but that's just not possible for the narcissist. They refuse to self-reflect or look within. They refuse to deal with their emotional trauma, so the only way that they are going to get it is by extracting it from other people, leaving everyone around them feeling miserable or depressed, although narcissists do tend to group up together where they can then bond with the extraction of fuel from one specific target. This is how they manage to keep the peace between them while still getting their knees met. This target is often known as the scapegoat child. I have a playlist of videos on the scapegoat child which I recommend checking out. The scapegoat child becomes a target of family members and even the community because they possess something that they don't. They have something special that they have held on to for a very long time and that is the energy that they possess, their physical and mental powers, the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity, the ability to feel alive without any external validation. Narcissists do not have this ability. They have to extract all the good stuff out of you because they don't have any of their own and that is why they are so negative. They are negative because they are lacking the quantity or quality required. They are insufficient for a purpose and you have what they want which is why they will often seem so frustrated and resentful towards you. They will express their anger or annoyance because they feel as though they've been treated unfairly when you have something that someone wants and you want to hold on to it because it's yours and you want to sustain yourself. If you are dealing with a narcissist they will act negative towards you. They will try to take it from you because they are self-absorbed and lack empathy. They cannot produce what they strongly desire and need to survive so they get mad. They get angry and if you won't willingly hand it over they will plot and scheme to try to take it from you. They are trying to survive emotionally and if you look at their emotions and their behavior it will reveal that this is what they are trying to do. You may even notice that once they have acted negative towards you or taken something from you they then appear to be positive. That is because they are using your power and energy to sustain them. But remember it does a last. They're like a bottomless bucket an empty void. Nothing will ever sustain them. They will always be miserable. They will always be dissatisfied while you have an abundance of what you need within yourself and you don't need to take it from anyone else. That's something a narcissist cannot do which is why they will forever remain dependent on other people for their emotional stability and survival. Thank you for watching. I hope this video resonated with you. Please like, comment, share and subscribe. Click the bell icon to receive notifications for my future videos. If you would like to donate my PayPal link is in the video description. Coaching inquiries you can email me at thanks for the coaching at Thank you for watching and I'll talk to you soon.
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Weird Tales, Volume 1 | E. T. A. Hoffmann | Fantasy Fiction, Literary Fiction, Romance | 5/7 Audiobooks have many benefits for listeners and audiobook lovers. Here are some of them: 1. Improves Listening Skills: Auditing audiobooks can help you develop active listening skills. 2. Enhances Productivity: Another critical benefit of audiobooks is that it helps you to multitask. 3. Helps to Improve Language Skills. 4. Reduces Anxiety and Stress. 5. It Makes the Story Memorable. 6. Help To Build Your Attention and Focus. 7. Prepares You for a Good Night’s Sleep. 8. Audiobooks Can Help You Consume More Books. 9. Introduce students to books above their reading level. 10. Model good interpretive reading. 11. Teach critical listening. 12. Highlight the humor in audiobooks. 13. Introduce new genres that students might not otherwise consider. LibriVox volunteers have recorded full versions of public-domain audiobooks and made them available to everyone. Concise excerpts of contemporary and cutting-edge audiobooks performed by professional voice actors and digital catalogs of audiobooks. If you follow the link in the description or the digital catalog blocks and make a purchase, we may receive a commission. For which we would be grateful! Thank you! #audiobooksfree, #audiobooksfree90, #audiobooksfreeyourhands, #audiobooksfreedom, #freeaudiobooks, #freeaudiobooksforkids, #freeaudiobooks365, #freeaudiobooksmotivational, #freeaudiobooksonyoutube,#2freeaudiobooks, #8freeaudiobooksleft
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Part 1 of the End Tale in Weird Tales, Volume 1 by E. T. A. Hoffman, translated by J. T. Bielve. This LibriVox recording is in the public domain, recording by Thomas Kobland. The End Tale, not far from the shore of the Baltic Sea, is situated the ancestral castle of the noble family von Arblank, called Arblanksypen. It is a wild and desolate neighborhood, hardly anything more than a single blade of grass shooting up here and there from the bottom of strift sand. And instead of the garden that generally ornaments a baronial residence, the bare walls are approached on the landward side by a thin forest of furs, that with their never-changing vesture of gloom despise the bright garniture of spring, and where instead of the joyous caroling of little birds awakened anew to gladness, nothing is heard but the ominous croak of the raven and the whirring scream of the storm-boating seagull. A quarter of a mile distant, nature suddenly changes. As if by the wave of a magician's wand you're transported into the midst of thriving fields, fertile arable land, and meadows, you see too the large and prosperous village with the land-steward's spacious dwelling house. And at the angle of a pleasant thicket of alders, you may observe the foundations of a large castle, which one of the former proprietors had intended to erect. His successors, however, living on their property in Courland, left the building in its unfinished state. No word for a hair, Roderick von Arblank, proceed with the structure. Note, for a hair equals barren, though not exactly in the present significance of the term in Germany. The for a hair belongs to the superior nobility and is a barren of the older nobility of the Middle Ages, and he ranks immediately after account graph. The title barren is now restricted to comparatively newer creations, and its bearer belongs to the lower nobility. In this tale, for a hair and barren are used indifferently. No word for a hair, Roderick von Arblank, proceed with the structure, when he again took up his residence on the ancestral estate, since the lonely old castle was more suitable to his temperament, which was morose and averse to human society. He had its ruinous walls repaired as well as circumstances would permit, and then shut himself up within them along with a cross-grained house steward and a slender establishment of servants. He was seldom seen in the village, but on the other hand he often walked and rode along the sea beach, and people claimed to have heard him from a distance talking to the waves and listening to the rolling and hissing of the surf as though he could hear the answering voice of the spirit of the sea. Upon the topmost summit of the wash tower, he had a sort of study fitted up and supplied with telescopes, with a complete set of astronomical apparatus in fact. Then, during the daytime, he frequently washed the ships sailing past on the distant horizon, like white-winged seagulls. And there he spent the starlight nights engaged in astronomical, or as some professed to know, with astrological labors, in which the old house steward assisted him. At any rate, the rumour was current during his own lifetime that he was devoted to the occult scientists, or the so-called black art, and that he had been driven out of Courland in consequence of the failure of an experiment by which an august princely house had been most seriously offended. The slightest allusion to his residence in Courland filled him with horror. But for all the troubles which had there unhinged the tenor of his life, he held his predecessors entirely to blame, in that they had wickedly deserted the home of their ancestors. In order to fetter for the future, at least the head of the family to the ancestral castle, he converted it into a property of entail. The sovereign was the more willing to rabbi this arrangement, since by its means he would secure for his country a family distinguished for all chivalrous virtues, and which had already begun to ramify into foreign countries. Neither Roderick's son, Hubert, nor the next Roderick, who was so-called after his grandfather, would live in their ancestral castle, both preferred Courland. It is conceivable, too, that, being more cheerful and fond of life than the gloomy astrologer, they were repelled by the grim loneliness of the place, for a hair of Roderick had granted shelter and subsistence on the property to two old maids, sisters of his father, who were living in indigence, having been but niggerly provided for. They, together with an aged serving woman, occupied the small, warm rooms of one of the wings. Besides them and the cook, who had a large apartment on the ground floor adjoining the kitchen, the only other person was a worn-out chasseur, who tottered about through the lofty rooms and halls of the main building, and discharged the duties of a castleman. The rest of the servants lived in the village with the land steward. The only time at which the desolated and deserted castle became the scene of life and activity was late in autumn, when the snow first began to fall, and the season for wolf hunting and boar hunting arrived. Then came for a hair Roderick with his wife, attended by relatives and friends, and a numerous revenue from Courland. The neighboring nobility, and even amateur lovers of the chase, who lived in the town hard by, came down in such numbers that the main building, together with the wings, barely sufficed to hold the crowd of guests. Well-served fires roared in all the stoves and fireplaces, while the spits were creaking from early dawn until late at night, and hundreds of lighthearted people, masters and servants, were running up and down stairs. Here was heard the jingling and rattling of drinking glasses, and jovial hunting choruses. There the footsteps of those dancing to the sound of the shrill music. Everywhere loud mirth and jollity, so that for four or five weeks together, the castle was more like a first-rate hostelry situated on a main high road than the abode of a country gentleman. This time, for a hair Roderick devoted, as well as he was able, to serious business, for, with drawing from the revelry of his guests, he discharged the duties attached to his position as Lord of the Entail. He not only had a complete statement of the revenues laid before him, but he listened to every proposal for improvement and to every the least complaint of his tenants, endeavoring to establish order in everything and check all wrongdoing and injustice as far as lay in his power. In these matters of business, he was honestly assisted by the old advocate, V Blank, who had been law agent of the Art Blank family and Justice Sharius of their estates in P Blank from father to son for many years. Note that Justice Sharius acted as judiciary in the seniorial courts of justice, which were among the privileges accorded to the nobility of certain ranks and certain cases by the feudal institutions of middle ages. This privilege, the Art Blank family is represented as exercising. Return to text. Accordingly, V Blank was one to set out for the estate at least a week before the day fixed for the arrival of the fray hair. In the year 1790 Blank, the time came around again when old V Blank was to start on his journey for Art Blank sitting. However strong and healthy the old man, now 70 years of age, might feel, he was yet quite assured that a helping hand would prove beneficial to him in his business. So he said to me one day, as if in jest, cousin, I was his great nephew, but he called me cousin, owing to the fact that his own Christian name and mine were both the same, cousin, I was thinking it would not be a miss if you went along with me to Art Blank's sitting and felt the sea breezes blow about your ears of it. Besides giving me good help in my often laborious work, you may for once in a while see how you like the rollicking life of a hunter, and how after drawing up a neatly written protocol one morning, you will frame the next when you come to look in the glaring eyes of such a sturdy brute as a grim shaggy wolf or a wild boar gnashing his teeth. And whether you know how to bring him down with a well aimed shot. Of course, I could not have heard such strange accounts of the merry hunting parties at Art Blank's sitting or entertain such a true heartfelt affection for my excellent old great uncle as I did without being highly delighted that he wanted to take me with him this time. As I was already pretty well skilled in the sort of business he had to transact, I promised to work with unwearyed industry so as to relieve him of all care and trouble. Next day, we sat in the carriage on our way to Art Blank's sitting, all wrapped up in good fur coats, driving through a thick snowstorm, the first harbinger of the coming winter. On the journey, the old gentleman told me many remarkable stories about the fry-haired brotheric who had established the estate tale and appointed him, V Blank, in spite of his youth, to be his just asharia as an executor. He spoke of the harsh and violent character of the old nobleman, which seemed to be inherited by all the family, since even the present master of the estate, whom he had known as a mild tempered and almost effeminate youth, acquired more and more as the years went by the same disposition. He therefore recommended me strongly to behave with as much resolute self- reliance and as little embarrassment as possible if I desired to possess any consideration in the fry-haired's eyes. And at length he began to describe the apartments in the castle which he had selected to be his own once for all, since they were warm and comfortable and so conveniently retired that we could withdraw from the noisy convivialities of the hilarious company whenever we please. The rooms, namely which were on every visit reserved for him, were two small ones, hung with warm tapestry, close beside the large hall of justice, in the wing opposite that in which the two old maids resided. At last, after a rapid but wearying journey, we arrived at our blank-sit in late at night. We drove through the village. It was Sunday. And from the alehouse proceeded the sounds of music and dancing and merry-making. The Stewart's house was lit up from basement to garret and music and song were there too. All the more striking therefore was the inhospitable desolation into which we now drove. The sea wind howled in sharp cutting dirges, as it were, about us, whilst the somber furs, as if they had been roused by the wind from a deep magic trance, groaned hoarsely in a responsive chorus. The bare black walls of the castle towered above the snow-covered ground. We drew up at the gates, which were fast locked. But no shouting or cracking of whips, no knocking or hammering, was of any avail. The whole castle seemed to be dead. Not a single light was visible at any of the windows. The old gentleman shouted in his strong stentorian voice. Francis! Francis! Where the deuce are you? In the devil's name rouse yourself. We are all freezing here outside the gates. The snow is cutting our faces till they bleed. Well, that devil don't disturb yourself. Then the watchdog began to whine and a wandering light was visible on the ground floor. There was a rattling of keys, and soon the ponderous wings of the gate creaked back on their hinges. Ah! A hearty welcome! A hearty welcome! Here justiciarius! Oh, get rough weather! cried old Francis, holding the lantern above his head, so that the light fell full upon his withered face, which was drawn up into a curious grimace that was meant for a friendly smile. The carriage drove into the court and got out. Then I obtained a full view of the old servant's extraordinary figure, almost hidden in his wide old-fashioned chasseur livery, with his many extraordinary lace decorations. Whilst there were only a few gray locks on his broad-white forehead, the lower part of his face wore the ruddy hue of health, and notwithstanding that the cramped muscles of his face gave it something of the appearance of a whimsical mask, yet the rather stupid good nature which beamed from his eyes and played about his mouth compensated for all the rest. Now old Francis began, my great uncle, knocking the snow from his fur coat in the entrance hall. No, old man, is everything prepared? Have you had the hangings in my room well dusted and the beds carried in? And have you had a big roaring fire both yesterday and today? No, replied Francis, quite calmly. No, my worshipful herd justiciarius. We've got none of that done. Good heavens, burst out my great uncle. I wrote to you in proper time. You know that I always come at the time I fix. Here's a fine piece of stupid carelessness. I shall have to sleep in rooms as cold as ice. But you see, worshipful herd justiciarius, continued Francis, most carefully clipping a burning thief in the wick of the candle with the snuffers and stamping it out with his foot. But you see, sir, all that would not have been of much good, especially the fires, for the wind and the snow have taken up their quarters too much in the rooms, driving in through the broken windows and then what? Cried my uncle, interrupting him as he spread out his fur coat and placing his arms akimbo. You mean to tell me the windows are broken and you, the castellan of the house, have done nothing to get them mended. But, worshipful herd justiciarius, resumed the old servant calmly and composedly, but we can't very well get at them owing to the great masses of stones and rubbish, lying all over the room. Damn it all! How come there to be stones and rubbish in my room, cried my uncle? You lasting health and good luck, young gentleman, said the old man, bowing politely to me, as I happened to sneeze. Note, at the prison time the Germans say, prosit, under like circumstances. This, of course, reminds one of the Greek custom of regarding sneezing as an auspicious omen returned to text, but he immediately added, there the stones and plaster of the partition wall, which fell in at the great shock. Have you had an earthquake? Blazed up my uncle, now fell in a rage. No, not an earthquake, worshipful herd justiciarius, replied the old man, grinning all over his face, but three days ago the heavy wainsket ceiling of the justice hall fell in with a tremendous crash. Then, may the— My uncle was about to rip out a terrific oath in his violent, passionate manner, but jerking up his right arm above his head and taking off his hawkskin cap with his left, he suddenly checked himself and, turning to me, he said with a hearty laugh, by my troth cousin, we must hold our tongues, we mustn't ask any more questions, or else we shall hear of some still-worst misfortune, or have the whole castle tumbling to pieces about our ears. But he continued, wheeling round again to the old servant, but blessed me, Francis, could you not have had the common sense to get me another room cleaned and warmed? Could you not have quickly fitted up a room in the main building for the court day? All that has been already done, said the old man, pointing to the staircase with the gesture that invited us to follow him, and at once beginning to ascend them. Now, there is our most curious noodle for you, exclaimed my uncle, as we followed old Francis. The way led through long, lofty, vaulted corridors in the dense darkness of which Francis' flickering light threw a strange reflection. The pillars, capitals, and very colored arches seemed as if they were floating before us in the air. Our own shadows stalked along beside us in gigantic shape, and the grotesque paintings on the walls over which they glided seemed all of a tremble and shake, whilst their voices, we could imagine, were whispering in the sound of our echoing footsteps, Wake us not, oh, wake us not, our swimsical spirits who sleep here in these old stones. At last, after we had traversed a long suite of cold and gloomy apartments, Francis opened the door of a hall in which a fire blazing brightly in the grate offered us, as it were, a home-like welcome with his pleasant crackling. I felt quite comfortable the moment I entered, but my uncle, standing still in the middle of the hall, looked round him and said in a tone which was so very grave as to be almost solemn, and so this is to be the Justice Hall. Francis held his candle above his head so that my eye fell upon a light spot in the wide dark wall about the size of a door. Then he said in a pained and muffed voice, Justice has been already dealt out here. What possesses you, old man, asked my uncle, quickly throwing aside his fur coat and drawing near to the fire. It slipped over my lips. I couldn't help it, said Francis. Then he lit the grate candles and opened the door of the adjoining room, which was very snugly fitted up for our reception. In a short time, a table was spread for us before the fire, and the old man served us with several well-dressed dishes, which were followed by a brimming bowl of punch, prepared in true northern style, a very acceptable sight to two weary travelers like my uncle and myself. My uncle then, tired with his journey, went to bed, as soon as he had finished supper. But my spirits were too much excited by the novelty and strangeness of the place, as well as by the punch, for me to think of sleep. Meanwhile, Francis cleared the table, stirred up the fire, and bowing and scraping politely left me to myself. Now I sat alone in the lofty, spacious, ritterous hour, or night's hall. The snowflakes had ceased to beat against the lattice, and the storm had ceased to whistle. The sky was clear, and the bright full moon shone in through the wide Oreo windows, illuminating with magical effect all the dark corners of the curious room, into which the dim light of my candles and the fire could not penetrate. As one often finds in old castles, the walls and ceiling of the hall were ornamented in a peculiar antique fashion, the former with fantastic paintings and carvings gilded and coloured in gorgeous tints, the latter with heavy wainspotting. Standing out conspicuously from the great pictures, which represented, for the most part, wild, bloody scenes in bear hunts and wolf hunts, were the heads of men and animals carved in wood, and joined on to the painted bodies, so that the whole especially in the flickering light of the fire and the soft beams of the moon, had an effect as if all were alive and instinct with terrible reality. Between these pictures, reliefs of nights had been inserted of life-size, walking along in hunting costume. Probably they were the ancestors of the family who were delighted in the chase. Everything, both in the paintings and in the carved work, bore the dingy hue of extreme old age. So much the more conspicuous, therefore, was the bright bear place on that one of the walls through which were two doors leading into adjoining apartments. I soon concluded that there, too, there must have been a door that had been bricked up later, and hence it was that this new part of the wall, which had neither been painted like the rest, nor yet ornamented with carvings, formed such a striking contrast with the others. Who does not know with what mysterious power the mind is enthralled in the midst of unusual and singularly strange circumstances? Even the dullest imagination is aroused when it comes into a valley girt-round by fantastic rocks, or within the gloomy walls of a church or an abbey, and it begins to have glimpses of things it has never yet experienced. When I add that I was 20 years of age and had drunk several glasses of strong punch, it will easily be conceived that as I sat thus in the Ritter's Hall, I was in a more exceptional frame of mind than I had ever been before. Let the reader picture to himself the stillness of the night within and without the rumbling roar of the sea, the peculiar piping of the wind which rang upon my ears like the tones of a mighty organ played upon by spectral hands, the passing scutting clouds which shining bright and white often seemed to peep in through the rattling oil windows like giants sailing past. In very truth, I felt from the slight shutter which shook me that possibly a new sphere of existences might now be revealed to me visibly and perceptibly. But this feeling was like the shivery sensations that one has on hearing a graphically narrated ghost story such as we all like. At this moment it occurred to me that I should never be in a more seasonable mood for reading the book which in common with everyone who had the least leaning towards the romantic I at that time carried about in my pocket, I mean Chiller's ghost seer. I read and read and my imagination grew ever more and more excited. I came to the marvelously enthralling description of the wedding feast at Count von B. Blanks. Just as I was reading of the entrance of your honor most bloody figure, note, this refers to an episode in Chiller's work related by a Sicilian. The story is of a familiar type. Two brothers, Ironimo and Lorenzo, fall in love with the same lady, Antonia. The elder brother is secretly killed by the younger. But on the marriage day of the murderer the murdered man appears in the disguise of a monk and proceeds to reveal himself in his bloody habiliments and shove his ghastly wounds. Return to text. The door leading from the gallery into the enter chamber flew open with a tremendous bang. I started to my feet in terror. The book fell from my hands. In the very same moment, however, all was still again. And I began to be ashamed of my childish fears. The door must have been versed open by a strong gust of wind or in some other natural manner. It is nothing. I overstrained fancy converts every ordinary occurrence into the supernatural. Having thus calmed my fears, I picked up my book from the ground and again threw myself in the armchair. But there came a sound of soft, slow measured footsteps moving diagonally across the hall. Whilst there was a sighing and moaning at intervals and in this sighing and moaning there was expressed the deepest trouble, the most hopeless grief the human being can know. Ah, it must be some sick animal locked up somewhere in the basement's story. Such acoustic deceptions at night time, making distant sounds appear close at hand are well known to everybody. Who will suffer himself to be terrified at such a thing as that? Thus I calmed my fears again. But now there was a scratching at the new portion of the wall, whilst louder and deeper sighs were audible, as if gasped out by someone in the last throes of mortal anguish. Yes, yes, it is some poor animal locked up somewhere. I will shout as loudly as I can. I will stamp violently on the floor. Then all would be still. Or else the animal below will make itself heard more distinctly and in its natural cries, I thought. But the blood ran cold in my veins. The cold sweat, too, stood upon my forehead. And I remained sitting in my chair as if transfixed, quite unable to rise, still less to cry out. At length the abominable scratching ceased and I again heard the footsteps. Life and motion seemed to be awakened in me. I leapt to my feet and went two or three steps forward. But then there came an ice-cold draft of wind through the hall. Whilst at the same moment, the moon cast her bright light upon the statue of a grave, if not almost terrible-looking man. And then, as though his warning voice rang through the louder thunders of the waves and the shriller piping of the wind, I heard distinctly, No further, no further, All you will sink beneath all the fearful horrors of the world of specters. Then the door was slammed, too, with the same violent bang as before. And I plainly heard the footsteps in the anteroom, then going down the stairs. The main door of the castle was opened with a creaking noise and afterwards closed again. Then it seemed as if a horse were brought out of the stable, and after a while taken back again, and finally all was still. At that same moment, my attention was attracted to my old uncle in the adjoining room. He was groaning and moaning painfully. This brought me fully to consciousness again. I seized the candles and hurried into the room to him. He appeared to be struggling with an ugly, unpleasant dream. Wake up! Wake up! I cried loudly, taking him gently by the hand and letting the full glare of the light fall upon his face. He started up with a stifled shout, and then, looking kindly at me, said, Ah, you have done quite right that you have, cousin, to wake me. I have had a very ugly dream, and it's all solely owing to this room and that hall, for they have made me think of past times, and many wonderful things that have happened here. But now let us turn to and have a good sound sleep. Therewith, the old gentleman rolled himself in the bed covering and appeared to fall asleep at once. But when I had extinguished the candles and likewise, gripped into bed, I heard him praying in a low tone of himself. Next morning, we began work in earnest. The land steward brought his account books, and various other people came, some to get a dispute settled, some to get arrangements made about other matters. At noon, my uncle took me with him to the wing where the two old Baronesses lived, that we might pay our respects to them with all due form. Francis, having announced us, we had to wait some time before a little old dame, bent with the wait of her 60 years and attired in gay-colored silks, who styled herself the noble lady's lady in waiting, appeared and led us into the sanctuary. There, we were received with comical ceremony by the old ladies whose curious style of dress had gone out of fashion years and years before. I especially was an object of astonishment to them when my uncle with considerable humor introduced me as a young lawyer who had come to assist him in his business. Their countenances plainly indicated their belief that owing to my youth, the welfare of the tenants of our blank certain was placed in jeopardy. Although there was a good deal that was truly ridiculous during the whole of this interview with the old ladies, I was nevertheless still shivering from the terror of the preceding night. I felt as if I had come in contact with an unknown power, or rather, as if I had grazed against the outer edge of a circle, one step across which would be enough to plunge me irretrievably into destruction, as though it were only by the exertion of all the power of my will that I should be able to guard myself against that awful dread, which never slackens its hold upon you until it ends in incurable insanity. Hence it was that the old baronesses with their remarkable towering headdresses and their peculiar stuffed gowns tricked off with gay flowers and ribbons, instead of striking me as merely ridiculous, had an appearance that was both ghostly and awe-inspiring. My fancy seemed to gleam from their yellow withered faces and blinking eyes, ocular proof of the fact that they had succeeded in establishing themselves on at least a good footing with the ghosts who haunted the castle, as it derived a curricular confirmation of the same fact from the wretched French which they croaked, partly between their tightly closed blue lips and partly through their long, thin noses, and also that they themselves possessed the power of setting trouble and dire mischief at work. My uncle, who always had a keen eye for a bit of fun, entangled the old dames in his ironical way in such a mishmash of nonsensical rubbish that had I been in any other mood I should not have known how to swallow down my immoderate laughter. But as I have just said, the barrenesses and their twaddle were and continued to be, in my regard, ghostly, so that my old uncle, who was aiming at affording me in a special diversion, glanced across at me time after time utterly astonished. So after dinner, when we were alone together in our room, he burst out, but in heaven's name, cousin, tell me, what is the matter with you? You don't laugh, you don't talk, you don't eat, and you don't drink. Are you ill? Or is anything else the matter with you? I now hesitated not a moment to tell him circumstantially all my terrible, awful experiences of the previous night. I did not conceal anything, and above all, I did not conceal that I had drunk a good deal of punch and had been reading Schiller's Ghostseer. This, I must confess to, I added, for only so can I credibly explain how it was that my overstrained and active imagination could create all those ghostly spirits, which only exist within the sphere of my own brain. I fully expected that my uncle would now pepper me well with the stinging pellets of his wit for this my fanciful ghostseeing, but on the contrary, he grew very grave, and his eyes became riveted in a set stair upon the floor, until he jerked up his head and said, fixing me with his keen, fiery eyes, your book I am not acquainted with, cousin, but your ghostly visitants would you neither to it nor to the fumes of the punch. I must tell you that I dreamt exactly the same things that you saw and heard. Like you, I sat in the easy chair beside the fire, at least I dreamt so, but what was only revealed to you as slight noises, I saw and distinctly comprehended with the eye of my mind. Yes, I beheld that foul fiend come in, stealthily and feebly step across to the bricked-up door, and scratch at the wall in hopeless despair until the blood gushed out from beneath his torn fingernails. Then he went downstairs, took a horse out of the stable, and finally put him back again. Did you also hear the cock crowing in a distant farmyard up at the village? You came and awoke me, and I soon resisted the baneful ghost of that terrible man who is still able to disturb, in this fearful way, the quiet lives of the living. The old gentleman stopped, and I did not like to ask him further questions, being well aware that he would explain everything to me when he deemed that the proper time was come for doing so. After sitting for a while, deeply absorbed in his own thoughts, he went on, Cousin, do you think you have courage enough to encounter the ghost again, now that you know all that happens? That is to say, along with me, of course I declared that I now felt quite strong enough, and ready for what he wished. Then let us watch together, during the coming night, the old gentleman went on to say, there is a voice within me telling me that this evil spirit must fly not so much before the power of my will as before my courage, which rests upon a basis of firm conviction. I feel that it is not at all presumption in me, but rather a good and pious deed, if I venture life in limb to exorcise this foul fiend that is banishing the sons from the old castle of their ancestors. But what am I thinking about? There can be no risk in the case at all. For with such a firm, honest mind and pious trust that I feel I possess, I and everybody cannot fail to be, now as always, victorious over such ghostly antagonists. And yet, if after all it should be God's will that this evil power be enabled to work me mischief, then you must bear witness, Cousin, that I fell in honest Christian fight against the spirit of hell, which was here busy about its fiendish work. As for yourself, keep it a distance. No harm will happen to you then. Our attention was busily engaged with diverse kinds of business until evening came. As on the day before, Francis had cleared away the remains of the supper and brought us our punch. The full moon, shown brightly through the gleaming clouds, the sea waves roared, and the night wind howled and shook the oil window till the pains rattled. Although inwardly excited, we forced ourselves to converse on indifferent topics. The old gentleman had placed his striking watch on the table. It struck twelve. Then the door flew open with a terrific bang, and, just as on the preceding night, soft, slow footsteps moved stealthily across the hall in a diagonal direction, whilst there were the same sounds of sighing and moaning. My uncle turned pale, but his eyes shown with an unusual brilliance. He rose from his armchair, stretching his tall figure up to its full height, so that, as he stood there with his left arm propped against his side and his right stretched out towards the middle of the hall, he had the appearance of a hero issuing his commands. But the sighing and moaning were growing every moment louder and more perceptible, and then the scratching at the wall began, more horribly, even than on the previous night. My uncle strode forward, straight towards the walled-up door, and his steps were so firm that they echoed along the floor. He stopped immediately in front of the place, where the scratching noise continued to grow worse and worse, and said in a strong, solemn voice, such as I had never before heard from his lips, Daniel! Daniel! What are you doing here at this hour? Then there was a horrible unearthly scream, followed by a dull thud as if a heavy weight had fallen to the ground. Seek for pardon and mercy at the throne of the Almighty, that is your place, away with you from the scenes of this life in which you can never more have part. And as the old gentleman uttered these words in a tone still stronger than before, a feeble wail seemed to pass through the air and die away in the blustering of the storm, which was just beginning to rage. Crossing over to the door, the old gentleman slammed it too, so that the echo rang loudly through the empty ante room. There was something so supernatural almost in both his language and his gestures that I was deeply struck with awe. On resuming his seat in the arm chair, his face was as if transfigured. He folded his hands and prayed inwardly. In this way several minutes passed when he asked me in that gentle tone which always went right to my heart, and which he always had so completely at his command. Well, cousin, agitated and shaken by awe, terror, fear, and pious respect and love, I threw myself upon my knees and rained down my warm tears upon the hand he offered me. He clasped me in his arms and pressing me fervently to his heart, said very tenderly, Now we will go and have a good, quiet sleep, good cousin, and we did so. And as nothing of an unusual nature occurred on the following night, we soon recovered our former cheerfulness to the prejudice the old baroness is, or though there did still continue to be something ghostly about them and their on banners, yet it emanated from a diverting ghost which the old gentleman knew how to call up in a droll fashion. At length, after the lapse of several days, the baron put in his appearance, along with his wife and a numerous train of servants for the hunting. The guests who had been invited also arrived and the castle, now suddenly awakened to animation, became the scene of the noisy life and revelry which had been before described. When the baron came into our hall soon after his arrival, he seemed to be disagreeably surprised at the change in our quarters. Casting an ill-tempered glance towards the brick-down door, he turned abruptly round and passed his hand across his forehead as if desirous of banishing some disagreeable recollection. My great uncle mentioned the damage done to the justice hall and the adjoining apartments, but the baron found fault with Francis for not accommodating us with better lodgings, and he good-naturedly requested the old gentleman to order anything he might want to make his new room comfortable, for it was much less satisfactory in this respect than that which he had usually occupied. On the whole, the barons bearing towards my old uncle was not merely cordial but largely colored by a certain deferential respect as if the relation in which he stood towards him was that of a younger relative. But this was the sole trait that could in any way reconcile me to his harsh, imperious character which was now developed more and more every day. As for me, he seemed to notice me but little. If he did take notice of me at all, he saw in me nothing more than the usual secretary or clerk. On the occasion of the very first important memorandum that I drew up, he began to point out mistakes as he conceived in the wording. My blood boiled and I was about to make a caustic reply when my uncle interposed, informing him briefly that I did my work exactly in the way he wished and that in legal matters of this kind he alone was responsible. When we were left alone, I complained bitterly of the baron who would, I said, always inspire me with growing aversion. I assure your cousin, replied the old gentleman, that the baron notwithstanding his unpleasant manner is really one of the most excellent and kind-hearted men in the world. As I have already told you, he did not assume these manners until the time he became Lord of the Entail. Previous to then, he was a modest gentle youth. Besides, he is not after all so bad as you make him out to be. And further, I should like to know why you were so averse to him. As my uncle said these words, he smiled mockingly and the blood rushed hotly and furiously into my face. I could not pretend to hide from myself. I saw it only too clearly and felt it too unmistakably that my peculiar antipathy to the baron sprang out with the fact that I loved, even to madness, a being who appeared to me to be the loveliest and most fascinating of her sex who had ever trod the earth. This lady was none other than the baroness herself. Her appearance exercised a powerful and irresistible charm upon me at the very moment of her arrival when I saw her traversing the apartments in her Russian sable cloak, which fitted close to the exquisite symmetry of her shape and with a rich veil wrapped about her head. Moreover, the circumstance that the two old ants, with still more extraordinary gowns and veribund headdresses than I had yet seen them wear, were sweeping along, one on each side of her and cackling their welcomes in French, about the baroness, was looking about her in a way so gentle as to baffle all description, nodding graciously first to one and then to another and then adding in her flute-like voice a few German words in the pure sonorous dialect of Courland. Oh, this formed a truly remarkable and unusual picture that my imagination involuntarily connected it with the ghostly midnight visitant, the baroness being the angel of light who was to break the ban of the spectral powers of evil. This wondrously lovely lady stood forth in startling reality before in my mind's eye. At that time she could hardly be 19 years of age and her face as delicately beautiful as her form bore the impression of the most angelic good nature. But what I especially noticed was the indescribable fascination of her dark eyes for a soft melancholic gleam of aspiration shown in them like dewy moonshine whilst a perfect illusion of rapture and delight was revealed in her sweet and beautiful smile. She often seemed completely lost in her own thoughts and at such moments her lovely face was swept by dark conflating shadows. Many observers would have concluded that she was affected by some distressing pain but it rather seemed to me that she was struggling with gloomy apprehensions of a future pregnant with darkness fortunes and with these strangely enough I connected the apparition of the castle though I could not give the least explanation of why I did so. On the morning following the barrens arrival when the company assembled to breakfast my old uncle introduced me to the barrenness and as usually happens with people in the frame of mind in which I then was I behaved with indescribable absurdity in answer to the beautiful lady's simple inquiries how I liked the castle etc. I entangled myself in the most extraordinary and nonsensical phrases so that the old aunt subscribed my embarrassment simply and solely to my profound respect for the noble lady and thought they were called upon condescending me to take my part which they did by praising me in French as a very nice and clever young man as a garçon très jolie hence of that this vexed me so suddenly recovering my self-possession I threw out a bouleau in better French than the old dames were mistresses of whereupon they opened their eyes wide in astonishment and pampered their long thin noses with a liberal supply of snuff from the barrenness is turning from me with a more serious air to talk to some other lady I perceived that my bouleau bordered closely upon folly this vexed me still more and I wished the two old ladies to the devil my old uncle's irony had long before brought me through the stage of the languishing love sick swain who in childish infatuation coddles his love troubles but I knew very well that the barrenness had made a deeper and more powerful impression upon my heart than any other woman had hitherto done I saw and heard nothing but her nevertheless I had a most explicit and unequivocal consciousness that it would be not only absurd but even utter madness to dream of an amour albeit I perceived no less clearly the impossibility of gazing and adoring at a distance like a lovelorn boy of such conduct I should have been perfectly ashamed but what I could do and what I resolved to do was to become more intimate with this beautiful girl without allowing her to get any glimpse of my real feelings to drink the sweet poison of her looks and words and then went far away from her to bear her image in my heart for many many days perhaps forever I was excited by this romantic and chivalric attachment to such a degree that as I pondered over it during sleepless nights I was childish enough to address myself in pathetic monologues and even to sigh dupriously seraphina oh seraphina till at last my old uncle woke up and cried cousin cousin I believe you are dreaming aloud do it by daytime if you can possibly contrive it but at night have the goodness to let me sleep I was very much afraid that the old gentleman who had not failed to remark my excitement on the bariless arrival had heard the name and would overwhelm me with his sarcastic wit but next morning all he said as we went into the justice hall was God grant every man the proper amount of common sense and sufficient watchfulness to keep it well under hand it's a bad look out when a man becomes converted into a fantastic cox-chrome without so much as a word of warning then he took his seat at the great table and added right neatly and distinctly good cousin that I may be able to read it without any trouble the respect nay the almost venereal veneration which the baron entertained towards my uncle was manifested on all occasions thus at the dinner table he had to occupy the seat which many envied him beside the baroness as for me chance threw me first in one place and then in another but for the most part two or three officers from the neighboring capital were one to attach me to them in order that they might empty to their own satisfaction their budget of news and amusing anecdotes whilst diligently passing the wine about thus it happened that for several days in succession I sat at the bottom of the table at a great distance from the baroness at length however chance brought me nearer to our just as the doors of the dining hall were thrown open for the assembled company I happened to be in the midst of a conversation with the baroness's companion and confidante a lady no longer in the blue of youth but by no means ill-looking and not without intelligence and she seemed to take some interest in my remarks according to etiquette it was my duty to offer her my arm and I was not a little pleased when she took her place quite close to the baroness who gave her a friendly nod it may be readily imagined that all that I now said was intended not only for my fair neighbor but also mainly for the baroness whether it was that the inward tension of my feelings imparted in a special animation to all I said at any rate my companion's attention became more riveted with every succeeding moment in fact she was at last entirely absorbed in the visions of the kaleidoscopic world which I unfolded to her gaze as remarked she was not without intelligence and it soon came to pass that our conversation completely independent of the multitude of words spoken by the other guests which rambled about first to this subject and then to that maintained its own free course launching an effective word now and again with her I wanted it for I did not fail to observe that my companion shot a significant glance or two across to the baroness and that the latter took pains to listen to us and this was particularly the case when the conversation turned upon music and I began to speak with enthusiasm of this glorious and sacred art nor did I conceal that despite the fact of my having devoted myself to the dry tedious study of the law I possessed tolerable skill on the harpsichord could sing and it even said several songs to music the majority of the company had gone into another room to take coffee and occurs but unawares without knowing how it came about I found myself near the baroness who was talking with her confidant she had once addressed me repeating in a still more cordial manner and in the tone in which one talks to an acquaintance her inquiries as to how I liked living in the castle etc I assured her that for the first few days not only the dreary desolation of the situation but the ancient castle itself had affected me strangely but even in this mood I had found much of deep interest and that now my only wish was to be excused from the stirring scenes of the hunt for I had not been accustomed to them the baroness smiled and said I can readily believe that this wild life in outfair forests cannot be very congenial to you you are a musician and unless I am utterly mistaken a poet as well I am passionately fond of both arts I can also play the harp a little but I have to do without it here in all blank sitting for my husband does not like me to bring it with me its soft strains would harmonize but ill with the wild shouts of the hunters and the ringing glare of their bugles which are the only sounds that ought to be heard here and oh heaven how I should like to hear a little music I protested that I would exert all the skill I had at my command to fulfill her wish for there must surely without doubt be an instrument of some kind in the castle even though it were only an old harpsichord then the lady antelhide the baroness is confidoned burst out into a silvery laugh and asked did I not know that within the memory of man no other instrument had ever been heard in the castle except cracked trumpets and hunting horns which in the midst of joy would only sound lugubrious notes and the twanging fiddles untuned violin cellos and braying oboes of itinerant musicians the baroness reiterated her wish that she should like to have some music and especially should like to hear me and both she and antelhide racked their brains all to no purpose to devise some scheme by which they could get a decent piano forte brought to the castle at this moment old francis crossed the room here's the man who always can give the best advice and can procure everything even things before unheard of and unseen with these words the lady antelhide called him to her and as she endeavored to make him comprehend what it was that was wanted the baroness listened with her hands clasped and her head bent forward looking upon the old man's face with a gentle smile she made a most attractive picture like some lovely winsome child that is all eagerness to have a wish for toy in its hands francis after having adduced in his prolet's manner several reasons why it would be done right impossible to procure such a wonderful instrument in such a big hurry finally stroked his beard with an air of self-flattery and said but the lance towards lady up at the village performs on the manichord or whatever is the atlantic name they now call it with uncommon skill and sings to it so fine and mournful like that it makes your eyes red just like onions do and makes you feel as if you would like to dance with both legs at once and you say she has a piano forte interposed lady atlant I had to be sure continued the old man it comes straight from Dresden oh that's fine interrupted the baroness a beautiful instrument went on the old man but a little weakly for not long ago when the organist began to play on it the hymn in all thy works he broke it all to pieces so that note in all thy works by paul fleming 1609 to 1640 one of the pious but gloomy religious songs of this leading spirit of the first solution school returned to text but he broke it all to pieces so that good gracious exclaimed both the baroness and lady atlant so that went on the old man again it had to be taken to our bank to be mended and cost a lot of money but has it come back again asked lady atlant impatiently I had to be sure my lady and the stewards lately will reckon a high honor at this moment the baron chanced to pass he looked across at our group rather astonished and whispered with a sarcastic smile to the baroness so you have to take counsel with francis again I see the baroness cast down her eyes blushing whilst old francis breaking off terrified suddenly threw himself into military posture his head erected his arms close and straight down his side the old ants came sailing down upon us in their stuffed gowns and carried off the baroness lady atlant followed her and I was left alone as if spellbound a struggle began to rage within me between my rapturous anticipations of now being able to be near her whom I adored who completely swayed all my thoughts and feelings and my sulky ill humor and annoyance at the baron whom I regarded as a barbarous tyrant if he were not would the gray haired old servant have assumed such a slavish attitude do you hear can you see I say cried my great uncle tapping me on the throat we were going downstairs to our own apartments don't force yourself so on the baroness's attention he said when we reached the room what good can come of it leave that to the young fox who like to pay court to ladies there are plenty of them to do it I related how it had all come about and challenged him to say if I had deserved his reproof his only reply to this however was as he drew on his dressing gown then having lit his pipe he took his seat in his easy chair and began to talk about the adventures of the hunt on the preceding day bandering me on my bad shots all was quiet in the castle all the visitors both gentlemen and ladies were busy in their own rooms dressing for the evening for the musicians with the twanging fiddles untuned violin cellos and braing oboes of whom Lady Adelheid had spoken will come and a merry making of no less importance than a ball to be given in the best possible style was in anticipation my old uncle preferring a quiet sleep to such foolish pastimes stayed in his chamber I however had just finished dressing when there came a light tap at our door and Francis entered smiling in his self-satisfied way he announced to me that the manicord had just arrived from the land steward's lady in a sledge and had been carried into the baroness's apartments Lady Adelheid sent her compliments and would I go over at once may be conceived how my pulse beat and also with what a delicious tremor at heart I opened the door of the room in which I was to find her Lady Adelheid came to meet me with a joyful smile the baroness already in full dress for the ball was sitting in a meditative attitude beside the mysterious case or box in which slumbered the music that I was called upon to awaken when she rose her beauty shown upon me with such glorious splendor that I stood staring at her unable to utter a word come Theodore for according to the kindly custom of the north which is found again Father South she addressed everybody by his or her Christian name come Theodore she said pleasantly here's the instrument come heaven grant it be not altogether unworthy of your skill as I opened the lid I was greeted by the rattling of a score of broken strings and when I attempted to strike a chord the effect was hideous and abominable for all the strings which were not broken were completely out of tune I doubt not our friend the organist has been putting his delicate little hands upon it again said Lady Adelheid laughing but the baroness was very much annoyed and said oh it really is a slice of bad luck I am doomed I see never to have any pleasure here I searched in the case of the instrument and fortunately found some coils of strings but no tuning key anywhere hence fresh laments any key will do if the war will fit on the pegs I explained then both Lady Adelheid and the baroness ran backwards and forwards in gay spirits and before long a whole magazine of bright keys lay before me on the sounding board then I set to work diligently and both the ladies assisted me all they could trying first one peg and then another at length one of the tires and keys fitted and they exclaimed joyfully this will do it will do but when I had drawn the first creaking string up to just proper pitch it suddenly snapped and the ladies recoiled in alarm the baroness handling the brittle wires with her delicate little fingers gave me the numbers as I wanted them and carefully held the coil whilst I enrolled it suddenly one of them coiled itself up again in a horror making the baroness uttering a patient oh Lady Adelheid enjoyed a hearty laugh whilst I pursued the tangled coil into the corner of the room after we had all united our efforts to extract a perfectly straight string from it and it tried it again to our mortification it again broke but at last at last we found some good coils the strings began to hold and gradually the discordant jangling gave place to pure melodious chords ha it will go it will go the instrument is getting in tune exclaimed the baroness looking at me with her lovely smile how quickly did this common interest banish all the strangeness and shyness which the artificial manners of social intercourse imposed a kind of confidential familiarity arose between us which burning through me like an electric current consumed the timorous nervousness and constraint which had lain like ice upon my heart end of part one of the end tale recording by Thomas Copeland part two of the end tale in weird tales volume one by E.T. A. Hoffman translated by J.T. Fieldby this LibriVox recording is in the public domain recording by Thomas Copeland that peculiar mood of diffused melting sadness which is engendered of such love as mine was had quite left me and accordingly when the Piano Forte was brought into something like tune instead of interpreting my deeper feelings in dreamy improvisations as I had intended I began with those sweet and charming canzonettes which have reached us from the south during this or the other sends a detêt without thee or senti me idol mio hear me my darling or al men se non possiu at least if I cannot with numberless morir mi sentos I feel I am dying and adios farewell and oh deos oh heaven a brighter and brighter brilliance is shown in seraphina's eyes she had seated herself close beside me at the instrument I felt her breath fanny my cheek and as she placed her arm behind me on the chair back a white ribbon getting disengaged from her beautiful ball dress fell across my shoulder where by my singing and seraphina's soft size it was kept in a continual flutter backwards and forwards like a true love messenger it is a wonder how I kept from losing my head as I was running my fingers aimlessly over the keys thinking of a new song Lady Adelheid who had been sitting in one of the corners of the room ran across to us and kneeling down before the Baroness begged her as she took both her hands and clasped them to her bosom oh dear Baroness darling seraphina now you must sing too to this she replied whatever are you thinking about Adelheid how could I dream of letting our virtuoso friend hear such poor singing as mine and she looked so lovely as like a shy good child she cast down her eyes and blushed timidly contending with the desire to sing that I too added my entreaties can easily be imagined nor upon her making mention of some little quirlin volksleader or popular songs did I desist from my entreaties until she stretched out her left hand towards the instrument and tried a few notes by way of introduction I rose to make way for her at the piano but she would not permit me to do so asserting that she could not play a single chord and for that reason since she would have to sing without accompaniment her performance would be poor and uncertain she began in a sweet voice pure as a bell that came straight from her heart and sang a song whose simple melody bore all the characteristics of those volksleader which proceed from the lips with such illustrious brightness so to speak that we cannot help perceiving in the glad light which surrounds us our own higher poetic nature there lies a mysterious charm in the insignificant words of the text which converts them into a hieroglyphic scroll representative of the unutterable emotions which throng our hearts who does not know that Spanish cantonette the substance of which is in words little more than with my maiden I embarked on the sea the storm came on and my timid maiden was tossed up and down nay I will never again embark on the sea with my maiden and the baroness's little song contained nothing more than lately I was dancing with my sweetheart at a wedding a flower fell out of my hair he picked it up and gave it me and said when sweetheart mine shall we go to a wedding again when on her beginning the second verse of the song I played in arpeggio accompaniment and further when in the inspiration which now took possession of me I at once stole from the baroness's own lips the melodies of the other songs who sang my doubtless appeared in her eyes and in those of the Lady Adelheid to be one of the greatest of masters in the art of music for they overwhelmed me with enthusiastic praise the lights and illuminations from the ballroom situated in one of the wings of the castle now shone across into the baroness's chamber whilst a discordant bleeding of trumpets and French horns announced that it was time to gather for the ball oh now I must go said the baroness I started up from the panoforte you have afforded me a delightful hour these have been the pleasantest moments I have ever spent in our blank sit and she added offering me her hand and as in the extreme intoxication of delight I pressed it to my lips I felt her fingers close upon my hand with a sudden convulsive tremor I do not know how I managed to reach my uncle's chamber and still less how I got into the ballroom there was a certain Gascon who was afraid to go into battle since he was all heart and every wound would be fatal to him I might be compared to him and so might everybody else who is in the same mood that I was in every touch was then fatal the baroness's hand her tremulous fingers had affected me like a poisoned arrow my blood was burning in my veins on the following morning my old uncle without asking any direct questions had soon drawn from me a full account of the hour I had spent in the baroness's society and I was not a little abashed when the smile vanished from his lips and the jocular note from his words and he grew serious all at once saying Gascon, I beg you will resist this folly which is taking such a powerful hold upon you let me tell you that your present contact as harmless as it now appears may lead to the most terrible consequences in your thoughtless fatuity you are standing on a thin crust of ice which may break under you ere you are aware of it and let you in with a plunge I shall take good care not to hold you fast by the coattails for I know you will scramble out again pretty quick then when you are lying sick unto death you will say I got this little bit of a cold in a dream but I warn you that a malignant fever will gnaw at your vitals and years will pass before you recover yourself and are a man again the deuce take your music if you can put it to no better use than the cousins sentimental young women out of their quiet peace of mind but I began interrupting the old gentleman but have I ever thought of insinuating myself as the baroness's lover you puppy cried the old gentleman if I thought so I would pitch you out of this window at this juncture the baron entered and put an end to the painful conversation and the business to which I now had to turn my attention brought me back from my love sick reveries in which I saw and thought of nothing but seraphina in general society the baroness only occasionally interchanged a few friendly words with me but hardly an evening passed in which a secret message was not brought to me from Lady Adelheid summoning me to seraphina it soon came to pass that our music alternated with conversations on diverse topics whenever I and seraphina began to get too absorbed in sentimental dreams and vague aspirations the lady Adelheid though now hardly young enough to be so naive and droll as she once was yet intervened with all sorts of merry and somewhat chaotic nonsense from several hints she let fall I soon discovered that the baroness really had something preying upon her mind even as I thought I had read in her eyes the very first moment I saw her and I clearly discerned the hostile influence of the apparition of the castle something terrible had happened or was to happen although I was often strongly impelled to tell seraphina in what way I had come in contact with the invisible enemy and how my old uncle had banished him and doubtedly forever I yet felt my tongue fettered by a hesitation which was inexplicable to myself even whenever I opened my mouth to speak one day the baroness failed to appear at the dinner table it was said that she was a little unwell and could not leave her room sympathetic inquiries were addressed to the baron as to whether her illness was of a grave nature he smiled in a very disagreeable way in fact it was almost like bitter irony and said nothing more than a slight guitar which he has got from our blustering sea breezes they can't tolerate any sweet voices the only sounds they will endure are the horse hellos of the chase at these words the baron hurled a keen searching look at me across the table for I sat completely opposite to him he had not spoken to his neighbor but to me Lady Adelheid who sat beside me blushed a scarlet red fixing her eyes upon the plate in front of her and scribbling about on it with her fork she whispered and yet you must see Seraphina today your sweet songs shall today also bring soothing and comfort to her poor heart Adelheid addressed these words to me but at this moment it struck me that I was almost apparently entangled in a base and forbidden intrigue with the baroness which could only end in some terrible crime my old uncle's warning fell heavily upon my heart what should I do not see her again that was impossible so long as I remained in the castle and even if I might leave the castle and return to Kaplan I had not the will to do it oh I felt only too deeply that I was not strong enough to shake myself out of this dream which was mocking one with delusive hopes of happiness Adelheid I almost regarded in the light of a common go-between I would despise her and yet upon second thoughts I could not help being ashamed of my folly had anything ever happened during those blissful evening hours which could in the least degree lead to any mirror relation with Seraphina than was permissible by propriety and morality how dare I let the thought enter my mind that the baroness would ever entertain any warm feeling for me and yet I was convinced of the danger of my situation we broke up from dinner earlier than usual in order to go again after some wolves which had been seen in the fur wood close by the castle a little hunting was just the thing I wanted in the excited frame of mind in which I then was I expressed to my uncle my resolve to accompany the party he gave me an approving smile and said that's right I am glad you were going out with them for once I shall stay at home so you can take my firelock with you and buckle my winger around your waist in case of need it is a good and trusty weapon if you only keep your presence of mind that part of the wood in which the wolves were supposed to lie was surrounded by the huntsman it was bitterly cold the wind howled through the furs and drove the light snowflakes right in my face so that when at length it came on to be dusk I could scarcely see six paces before me quite benumbed by the cold I left the place that had been assigned to me and sought shelter deeper in the wood there leaning against a tree with my firelock under my arm I forgot the wolf hunt entirely my thoughts had traveled back to Seraphina's cozy room after a time shots were heard in the far distance but at the same moment there was a rustling in the read bank and I saw not ten paces from me a huge wolf about to run past me I took aim and fire but missed the brute sprang towards me with glaring eyes I should have been lost had I not had sufficient presence of mind to draw my hunting knife and just as the brute was flying at me to drive it deep into his throat so that the blood spurted out over my hand and arm one of the baron's keepers who had stood not far from me came running up with a loud shout and at his repeated hello all the rest soon gathered round us the baron hastened up to me saying for god's sake you are bleeding you are bleeding are you wounded I assured him that I was not then he turned to the keeper who had stood nearest to me and overwhelmed him with reproaches for not having shot after me when I missed and notwithstanding that the man maintained this to have been perfectly impossible since in the very same moment the wolf had rushed upon me and any shot would have been at the risk of hitting me the baron persisted in saying that he ought to have taken a special care of me as a less experienced hunter meanwhile the keepers had lifted up the dead animal it was one of the largest that had been seen for a long time and everybody admired my courage and resolution although to myself what I had done appeared quite natural I had not for a moment thought of the danger I had run the baron in particular seemed to take a very great interest in the matter I thought he would never be done asking me whether though I was not wounded by the brute I did not fear the ill effects that would follow from the fright as we went back to the castle the baron took me by the arm like a friend and I had to give my firelock to a keeper to carry he still continued to talk about my heroic deed so that eventually I came to believe in my own heroism and lost all my constrained embarrassment and felt that I had established myself in the baron's eyes as a man of courage and uncommon resolution the schoolboy had passed his examination successfully was now no longer a schoolboy and all the submissive nervousness of the schoolboy had left him by now conceived I had earned a right to try and gain Seraphina's favor everybody knows of course what ridiculous combinations the fancy of a lovesick youth is capable of in the castle over the smoking punchbowl by the fireside I was the hero of the hour besides myself the baron was the only one of the party who had killed wolf also a formidable one the rest had to be content with describing their bad shots to the weather and the darkness and with relating thrilling stories of their former exploits in hunting and the dangers they had escaped I thought too that I might reap in a special share of praise and admiration from my old uncle as well and so with a view to this end I related to him my adventure at pretty considerable length nor did I forget to paint the savage boots wild and blood thirsty appearance in very startling colors the old gentleman however only laughed in my face and said God is powerful even in the weak tired of drinking and of the company I was going quietly along the corridor towards the justice hall when I saw a figure with a light slip in before me on entering the hall I saw it was Lady Adelaide this is the way we have to wander about like ghosts or nightwalkers in order to catch you my brave slayer of wolves she whispered taking my arm the word ghosts and sleepwalkers pronounced in the place where we were fell like a lead upon my heart they immediately brought to my recollection the ghostly apparitions of those two awful knights as then so now the wind came howling in from the sea in deep organ-like cadences rattling the aural windows again and again and whistling fearfully through them whilst the moon cast her pale gleams exactly upon the mysterious part of the wall where the scratching had been heard I fancied I discerned stains of blood upon it doubtless lady Adelaide who still had hold of my hand must have felt the cold icy shiver which ran through me what's the matter with you she whispered softly what's the matter with you you're as cold as marble come I will call you back to life do you know how very impatient the baroness is to see you and until she does see you she will not believe that the ugly wolf has not really bitten you she is in a terrible state of anxiety about you why my friend oh how have you awakened this interest in the little seraphina I have never seen her like this ah so now the pulse is beginning to prickle see how quickly the dead man comes to life well come along but softly still come we must go to see the little baroness I suffered myself to be led away in silence the way in which Adelaide spoke of the baroness seemed to me undignified and the innuendo of an understanding between us positively shameful when I entered the room along with Adelaide seraphina with a low breath oh advanced three or four paces quickly to meet me but then as if recollecting herself she stood still in the middle of the room I ventured to take her hand and press it to my lips allowing it to rest in mind she asked but for heaven's sake is it your business to meddle with wolves don't you know that the fabulous days of Orpheus and Amphion are long past and that wild beasts have quite lost all respect for even the most admirable of singers but this gleeful turn by which the baroness at once affectionately guarded against all misinterpretation of her warm interest in me I was put immediately into the proper key and the proper mood why did I not take my usual place at the pianoforte I cannot explain even to myself nor why I sat down beside the baroness on the sofa her question and what were you doing then to get into danger was an indication of our tacit agreement that conversation not music was to engage our attention for that evening after I had narrated my adventure in the wood and mentioned the warm interest which the baronet taken in it delicately hinting that I had not thought incapable of so much feeling the baroness began in a tender and almost melancholy tone oh how violent and rude you must think the baron but I assure you it is only whilst we are living within these gloomy ghostly walls and during the time there is hunting going on in the dismal fur forests that his character completely changes at least his outward behavior does what principally disquietes him in this unpleasant way is the thought which constantly haunts him that something terrible will happen here and that undoubtedly accounts for the fact of his being so greatly agitated by your adventure which fortunately has had no ill consequences he won't have the meanest of his servants exposed to danger if he knows it still less than new one friend whom he has come to like and I am perfectly certain that godly whom he blames for having left you in the lurch will be punished even if he escapes being locked up in a dungeon he will yet have to suffer the punishment so mortifying to a hunter of going out the next time there is a hunt with only a club in his hand instead of a rifle the circumstance that hunts like those which are held here are always attended with danger and the fact that the baron though always fearing some sad accident is yet so fond of hunting that he cannot desist from provoking the demon of mischief make his existence here a kind of conflict the ill effects of which I also have to feel many queer stories are current about his ancestor who established the entail and I know myself that there is some dark family secret locked within these walls like a horrible ghost which drives away the owners and makes it impossible for them to bear with it longer than a few weeks at a time and that only emitted tumult of jovial guests but I oh how lonely I am in the midst of this noisy merry company and how the ghostly influences which breathe upon me from the walls stir and excite my very heart you my dear friend have given me through your musical skill the first cheerful moments I have spent here how can I thank you sufficiently for your kindness I kissed the hand she offered to me saying that even on the very first day or rather during the very first night I had experienced the ghostliness of the place in all its horrors the baroness fixtures staring eyes upon my face as I went on to describe the ghostly character of the building discernible everywhere throughout the castle particularly in the decorations of the justice hall and to speak of the roaring of the wind from the sea etc possibly my voice and my expressions indicated that I had something more in my mind than what I said at any rate when I concluded the baroness cried vehemently no no something dreadful has happened to you in that hall which I never enter without shuddering I beg you pray pray tell me all seraphina's face had grown deadly pale and I saw plainly that it would be more advisable to give her a faithful account of all that I experienced than to leave her excited imagination to conjure up some apparition that might perhaps in a way I could not foresee be far more horrible than what I had actually encountered as she listened to me her fear and strained anxiety increased from moment to moment and when I mentioned the scratching on the wall she screamed it's horrible yes yes it's in that wall that the awful secret is concealed but as I went on to describe with what spiritual power and superiority of will my old uncle had banished the ghost she sighed deeply as though she had shaken off a heavy burden that had weighed oppressively upon her she leaned back in the sofa and held her hands before her face now I first noticed that adelheid had left us a considerable pause ensued and as seraphina still continued silent I softly rose and go into the piano forte endeavored in swelling chords to invoke the bright spirits of consolation to come and deliver seraphina from the dark influence to which my narration had subjected her then I soon began to sing as softly as I was able one of the abbey stefani's consonants the melancholy strains of the oh liper che piangete oh eyes why weep you roused seraphina out of her reverie and she listened to me with a gentle smile upon her face and bright pearl like tears in her eyes how am I to account for it that I kneeled down before her that she bent over towards me that I threw my arms about her that a long ardent kiss was imprinted on my lips how am I to account for it that I did not lose my senses when she drew me softly towards her how that I tore myself from her arms and quickly rising to my feet hurried to the piano forte turning from me the baroness took a few steps towards the window then she turned round again it approached me with an air of almost proud dignity which was not at all usual with her looking me straight in the face she said your uncle is the most worthy old man I know he is the guardian angel of our family may he include me in his prius prayers I was unable to utter a word the subtle poison that I had imbibed with her kiss burned and boiled in every pulsant nerve Lady Adelheid came in the violence of my inward conflict burst out at length in a passionate flood of tears which I was unable to repress Adelheid looked at me with wonder and smiled dubiously I could have murdered her the baroness gave me her hand and said with inexpressible gentleness farewell my dear friend fare you right well and remember that nobody perhaps has ever understood your music better than I have oh these notes they will echo long long in my heart I forced myself to utter a few stupid disconnected words and hurried up to my uncle's room the old gentleman had already gone to bed I stayed in the hall and falling upon my knees I wept aloud I called upon my beloved by name I gave myself up completely and regardlessly to all the absurd folly of a lovesick lunatic until at last the extravagant noise I made awoke my uncle but his loud call cousin I believe you're gone cranky or else you're having another tussle with a wolf be off to bed with you if you will be so very kind these words compelled me to enter his room where I got into bed with the fix to resolve to dream only of seraphina it would be somewhere past midnight when I thought I heard distant voices the running backwards and forwards and an opening and banging of doors for I had not yet fallen asleep I listened attentively I heard footsteps approaching the corridor the hall door was open and soon they came and knocked our door who's there I cried the voice from without answered hey I just a charious hey I just a charious wake up wake up I recognized Francis's voice and as I asked is the castle on fire the old gentleman woke up in his turn and asked where where is there a fire he said that cursed apparition again where is it oh please get up there just a charious said Francis please get up the Baron wants you what does the Baron want me for inquired my uncle further what does he want me for at this time of night does he not know that all law business goes to bed along with the lawyer and sleeps as soundly as he does oh cried Francis now anxiously please here just a charious good sir please get up my lady the Baroness is dying I started up with a cry of dismay open the door for Francis said the old gentleman to me I stumbled about the room almost distracted and could find neither door no lock my uncle had to come and help me Francis came in his face pale and troubled and at the candles we had scarcely thrown on our clothes when we heard the Baron calling in the hall can I speak to you good be blind but what have you dressed for cousin the Baron only wanted me asked the old gentleman on the point of going out I must go down I must see her and then die I replied tragically and as if my heart were rent by hopeless grief I just so you're right cousin his head banging in the door to my face so that the hinges creaked and locking it on the outside at the first moment deeply incensed at this restraint I thought of bursting the door open but quickly reflecting that this would entail the disagreeable consequences of a piece of outrageous insanity I resolved to await the old gentleman's return then however let the cost be what it might I would escape his watchfulness I heard him talking vehemently with the Baron and several times distinguished my own name but could not make out anything further every moment my position grew more intolerable at length I heard that someone brought a message to the Baron who immediately hurried off my old uncle entered the room again she is dead I cried running towards him and you are a stupid fool he interrupted cooling then he laid hold upon me and forced me into a chair I must go down I cried I must go down and see her even though it cost me my life do so good cousin said he locking the door taking out the key and putting it in his pocket I now flew into a perfectly frantic rage stretching out my hands towards the rifle I screamed if you don't instantly open the door I will send this bullet through my brains then the old gentleman planted himself immediately in front of me and fixing his keen piercing eyes upon me said boy do you think you can frighten me with your idle threats do you think I should set much value on your life if you can go and throw it away in childish folly like a broken plaything what have you to do with the baron's wife who has given you the right to insinuate yourself like a tiresome puppy where you have no claim to be and where you are not wanted do you wish to go and act the love sick swain at the solemn hour of death I sank back in my chair utterly confounded after a while the old gentleman went on more gently and now let me tell you that this pretended illness of the baroness is in all probability nothing lady idle hide always loses her head the least little thing if a raindrop falls upon her nose she screams what fearful weather it is unfortunately the noise penetrated to the old ants and they in the midst of unseasonable floods of tears put in an appearance armed with an entire arsenal of strengthening drops elixirs of life and the deuce knows what a sharp fainting fit the old gentleman checked himself doubtless he observed the struggle that was going on within me he took a few turns through the room then again planting himself in front of me he had a good hearty laugh and said cousin cousin what nonsensical folly have you now got in your head oh well I suppose it can't be helped the devil is to play his pretty games here in diverse sorts of ways you've tumbled very nicely into his clutches and now he's making you dance to a sweet tune he again took a few turns up and down and again went on it's no use to think of sleep now and it occurred to me that we might have a pipe and so spend the few hours that are left of the darkness and the night with these words he took a clay pipe from the cupboard and proceeded to fill it slowly and carefully humming a song to himself then he rummaged about amongst a heap of papers until he found a sheet which he picked out and rolled into a spill and lighted blowing the tobacco smoke from him in thick clouds he said speaking between his teeth well cousin what was that story about the wolf and know not how it was but this calm quiet behavior of the old gentleman operated strangely upon me I seemed to be no longer in our black sitting and the baroness was so far far distant from me that I could only reach her on the wings of thought the old gentleman's last question however annoyed me but do you find my hunting exploits so amusing I broke in so well fitted for panting by no means you rejoined by no means cousin mine but you know idea what a comical face such a whipper snapper as you cuts and how ludicrously he acts as well when Providence for once in a while honors him by putting him in the way to meet with something out of the usual run of things I once had a college friend who was a quiet sober fellow and always on good terms with himself by accident he became entangled in an affair of honor I say by accident because he himself was never in any way aggressive and although most of the fellows looked upon him as a poor thing as a poll true he yet showed so much firm and resolute courage in this affair is greatly to excite everybody's admiration but from that time onwards he was also completely changed the sober and industrious youth became a bragging insufferable bully he was always drinking and rioting and fighting about all sorts of childish trifles until he was run through in a duel by the senior of an exclusive call note the reference senior is to a landsmunch out these were associations at a university of students from the same state or country bound to the observance of certain traditional customs etc and under the control of certain self-elected officers the senior being one returned to text I merely tell you the story cousin you are at liberty to think what you please about it but to return to the baroness and her illness at this moment light footsteps were heard in the hall I fancied too there was an unearthly moaning in the air she is dead the thought shot through me like a fatal flash of lightning the old gentleman quickly rose to his feet and called out Francis Francis yes my good hair just as charious he replied to without Francis went on my uncle rake the fire together a bit in the grate and if you can manage it you would better make us a good cup of tea it is devilish cold and he turned to me and I think we had better go and sit round the fire and talk a little he opened the door and I followed him mechanically how are things going on below yes oh replied Francis there was not much the matter the lady baroness is all right again and describes her a bit of a fainting fit to a bad dream I was going to break out into an extravagant manifestation of joy and gladness but a stern glance from my uncle kept me quiet and yet after all I think it would be better if we lay down for an hour or two you need not mind about the tea Francis as you think well her just to charious replied Francis and he left the room with the wish that we might have a good night's rest albeit the cops were already throwing see here cousin said the old gentleman knocking the ashes out of his pipe on the grate I think cousin that it's a very good thing no harm has happened to you either from wolves or from loaded rifles and now saw things in the right light and was ashamed of myself to have thus given the old gentleman good grounds for treating me like a spoiled child next morning he said to me be so good as to step down good cousin and inquire how the baroness is you need only asked for lady at all she will supply you with a full budget I have no doubt you may imagine how eagerly I hastened downstairs but just as I was about to give a gentle knock at the door of the baroness's anti room the baron came hurriedly out of the same he stood still in astonishment and scrutinized me with a loomy searching look what do you want here first from his lips not withstanding that my heart I controlled myself and replied in a firm tone to inquire on my uncle's behalf how my lady the baroness is oh it was nothing one of a usual nervous attacks she is now having a quiet sleep and will I am sure make her appearance at the dinner table quite well and cheerful tell him that tell him that this the baron said with a certain degree of passionate vehemence which seemed to me to imply that he was more concerned about the baroness than he was willing to show I turned to go back to my uncle when the baron suddenly seized my arm and said past his eyes flashed fire I have a word or two to say to you young man here I saw the deeply injured husband before me and feared there would be a scene which would perhaps end ignominiously for me I was unarmed but at that moment I remembered I had in my pocket the ingeniously made hunting knife which my uncle had presented to me after we got to our blank sitting I now followed the baron who led the way rapidly with the determination not even to spare his life if I ran any risk of being treated dishonorably we entered the baron's own room the door of which he locked behind him now he began to pace restlessly backwards and forwards with his arms folded one over the other then he stopped in front of me and repeated I have a word or two to say to you young man I had wound myself up to a pitch of most daring courage and I replied raising my voice I hope there will be words which I may hear without resentment he stared hard at me in astonishment as though he had failed to understand me then fixing his eyes gloomily upon the floor he threw his arms behind his back and again began to stride up and down the room he took down a rifle and put the ramrod down the barrel to see whether it were loaded or not my blood boiled in my veins grasping my knife I stepped close up to him so as to make it impossible for him to take aim at me that's a handsome weapon he said replacing the rifle in the corner I retired a few paces the baron following me slapping me on the shoulder perhaps a little more violently than was necessary he said I dare say I seemed a youth theodore to be excited and irritable and I really am so going to the anxieties of a sleepless night my wife's nervous attack was not in the least dangerous that I now see plainly but here here in this castle which is haunted by an evil spirit I always dread something terrible happening and then it's the first time she has been ill here and you you alone were to blame for it how that can possibly be I have not the slightest conception I replied calmly I wish continued the baron I wish that damned piece of mischief my stewards wife's instrument were chopped up into a thousand pieces and that you but no no it was to be so it was inevitably to be so and I alone am to blame for all I ought to have told you the moment you began to play music in my wife's room of the whole state of the case and to have informed you of my wife's temper of mind I was about to speak let me go on said the baron I must prevent you're forming any rash judgment you probably regard me as an uncultivated fellow averse to the arts but I am not so by any means there is a particular consideration however based upon deep conviction which constrains me to forbid the introduction here as far as possible as such music as can powerfully affect any person's mind and to this I of course and no exception know that my wife suffers from a morbid excitability which will finally destroy all the happiness of her life within these strange walls she is never quit of that strained over excited condition which at other times occurs but temporarily and then generally as the forerunner of a serious illness you will ask me and quite reasonably too why I do not spare my delicate wife the necessity of coming to live in this weird castle and mix amongst the wild confusion of a hunting party well call it weakness be it so in a word I cannot bring myself to leave her behind I should be tortured by a thousand fears and quite incapable of any serious business for I am perfectly sure that I should be haunted everywhere in the justice hall as well as in the forest by the most horrid ideas of all kinds of fatal mischief happening to her and on the other hand I believe that the sort of life led here cannot fail to operate upon the weekly woman like strengthening colibit waters by my soul the sea breezes sweeping keenly after their peculiar fashion through the fir trees and the deep baying of the hounds and the merry ringing notes of our hunting horns must get the better of all your sickly languishing sentimentalizing at the piano which no man ought to play in that way I tell you you are deliberately torturing my wife to death these words he uttered with great emphasis whilst his eyes flashed with a restless fire the blood mounted to my head I made a violent gesture against the barren with my hand I was about to speak but he cut me short I know what you were going to say he began I know what you were going to say and I repeat that you are going the right road to kill my wife but that you intended this I cannot of course for a moment maintain and yet you will understand that I must put a stop to the thing in short by your playing and singing you work her up to a high pitch of excitement and then when she drifts without anchor and rudder on the boundless sea of dreams and visions and vague aspirations which your music like some vile charm has summoned into existence you plunge her down into the depths of horror with a tale about a fearful apparition which you say came and played pranks with you up in the justice hall your great uncle has told me everything but pray repeat to me all you saw or did not see heard felt divined by instinct and I braced myself up and narrated calmly how everything had happened from beginning to end the barren merely interposing at intervals a few words expressive of his astonishment when I came to the park where my old uncle had met the ghost with trustful courage and had exercised him with a few powerful words the barren clasped his hands raised them folded towards heaven and said with deep emotion yes he is the guardian angel of the family his mortal remains shall rest in the vault of my ancestors when I finished my narration the barren murmured to himself Daniel Daniel what are you doing here at this hour as he folded his arms and strode up and down the room and was that all her barren I asked making a movement his story would retire starting up as if out of a dream the barren took me kindly by the hand and said yes my good friend my wife whom you have dealt so hardly by without intending it you must cure her again you alone can do so I felt I was blushing and had I stood opposite a mirror should undoubtedly have seen in it a very blank and absurd face the barren seemed to exult in my embarrassment he kept his eyes fixed intently upon my face smiling with perfectly galling irony how in the world can I cure her I managed to stammer out at length with an effort well he said interrupting me you have no dangerous patience to deal with it anyway I now make an express claim upon your skill since the barrenness has been drawn into the enchanted circle of your music it would be both foolish and cruel to drag her out of it all of a sudden go on with your music therefore you will always be welcomed during the evening hours in my wife's apartments but gradually select a more energetic kind of music and effect a clever alternation of the cheerful sort with the serious and above all things repeat your story of the fearful ghost very very often the barrenness will grow familiar with it she will forget that a ghost haunts this castle and the story will have no stronger effect upon her than any other tale of enchantment which is put before her in a romance or a ghost story pray do this my good friend with these words the barren left me I went away I felt as if I were annihilated to be thus humiliated to the level of foolish and insignificant child fool that I was to suppose that jealousy was stirring his heart he himself sends me to seraphina he sees in me only the blind instrument which after he has made use of it he can throw away if he thinks well a few minutes previously I had really feared the Baron deep down within my heart lurk the consciousness of guilt but it was a consciousness which allowed me to feel distinctly the beauty of the higher life for which I was right now all had disappeared in the blackness of night and I saw only the stupid boy who in childish obstinacy had persisted in taking the paper crown which he had put on his hot temples for a real golden one I hurried away to my uncle who was waiting for me well cousin why have you been so long where have you been staying he cried as soon as he saw me I have been having some words with the Baron I quickly replied carelessly and in a low voice without being able to look at the old gentleman god damn tall said he feigning astonishment good gracious boy that's just what I thought I suppose that the Baron has challenged you cousin the ringing feel of laughter which the old gentleman immediately afterwards broke out into taught me that this time too as always he had seen me through and through I bit my lip and just not speak a word for I knew very well that it would only be the signal for the old gentleman to overwhelm me beneath the torrent of teasing which was already hovering on the tip of his tongue the Baron has appeared at the dinner table in an elegant morning robe the dazzling whiteness of which exceeded that of fresh fallen snow she looked worn and low spirited but she began to speak in her soft and melodious accents and on raising her dark eyes they're shown a sweet and yearning look full of aspiration in their voluptuous glow and a fugitive blush flitted across her lily white cheeks she was more beautiful than ever but who can fathom the follies of a young man who has got too hot blood in his head and heart the bitter peak which the Baron had stirred up within me I transferred to the Baroness the entire business seemed to me like a foul mystification and I would now show that I was possessed of alarmingly good common sense and also of extraordinary sagacity like a petulant child I shunned the Baroness and escaped Adelheid when she pursued me and found a place where I wished right at the bottom end of the table between the two officers with whom I began to carouse right merrily we kept our glasses going gaily during dessert and I was as so frequently as the case in moves like wine extremely noisy and loud in my joviality a servant brought me a plate with some bonbons on it and the words from Lady Adelheid I took them and observed on one of them scribbled in pencil and seraphina my blood coarsed too multruously in my veins I sent a glance in Adelheid's direction which she met with the most sly archly cunning look and taking her glass in her hand she gave me a slight nod almost mechanically I murmured to myself seraphina then taking up my glass in my turn I drained it at a single draft my glance fell across in her direction I perceived that she also had drunk at the very same moment and was sitting down her glass her eyes met and a malignant demon whispered in my ear unhappy wretch she does love you one of the guests now rose and in conformity with the custom of the north proposed the health of the lady of the house our glasses rang in the midst of a tumult of joy my heart was torn with rapture and despair the wine burned like fire within me everything spun round in circles I felt as if I must hasten and throw myself at her feet and there sigh out my life what's the matter with you my friend asked my neighbor thus recalling me to myself but seraphina had left the hall we rose from the table I was making for the door but Adelheid held me fast and began to talk about diverse matters I neither heard nor understood a single word she grasped both my hands and laughing shouted something in my ear I remained dumb and motionless as though affected by catalepsy all I remember is that I finally took a glass of liquor out of Adelheid's hand in a mechanical way and drank it off and then I recollect being alone in a window and after that I rushed out to the hall down the stairs and ran into the wood the snow was falling in thick flakes the fir trees were moaning as they waved to and fro in the wind like a maniac I ran round and round in wide circles laughing and screaming loudly look look and see aha aha the devil is having a fine dance with the boy who thought he would taste of strictly forbidden fruit who can tell what would have been the end of my mad prank if I had not heard my name called loudly from outside of the wood the storm had abated the moon shone out brightly through the broken clouds I heard dogs barking and perceived a dark figure approaching me it was the old man Francis why why my good hair Theodore he began you have quite lost your way in the rough snow storm the hair just as charious is awaiting you with much impatience I followed the old man in silence I found my great uncle working in the justice hall you have done well he cried on seeing me you have done a very wise thing to go out in the open air a little and get cool but don't drink quite so much wine you were far too young and it's not good for you I did not utter a word in reply and also took my place at the table in silence but now tell me good cousin what it was that the Baron really wanted you for I told him all and concluded by stating that I would not lend myself for the doubtful cure which the Baron had proposed and it would not be practical the old gentleman interrupted for tomorrow morning early we sat off home cousin and so it was that I never saw Seraphina again and a part two of the end tale recording by Thomas Copeland
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Private Property TVC 30 Sec Afrikaans
Private Property has a home for everyone. Go to:
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Verhees jij meer ruimte noordig? Scal je af? Private Property is een uitstekende plek om te beginnen zoeken. Met duizenden nieuwe eindomme dagelijks vanaf Zuid-Afrika zijn top eindomsagenten, banken, ontwikkelaars en heiseinars, kan je ons vertrouw om je volgende hees te vinden. Zoek voor een hees op jenige toestel, jenige feit, jenige plek. Private Property, a home for everyone.
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Why My Artist Success Rate is So High #musicmarketing #indieartist #nolabelsnecessary
HOW J.R. MCKEE INDEPENDENTLY BROKE A 32 YEAR OLD ARTIST AND GOT THEM THEIR FIRST GRAMMY: This channel is ran by the founders of ContraBrand Agency, Sean "Brandman" Taylor and Jacorey "Kohrey" Barkley. ContraBrand Agency is a music-first marketing agency that helps artists impact culture through digital content and marketing. Want to run a marketing campaign? Apply at #NoLabelsNecessary #indieartist #musicmarketing
[ "BrandMan", "brandman channel", "BrandMan Sean", "music marketing", "brandman network", "market my music online", "kohrey", "Music", "ContrarBrand Agency", "No Labels Necessary" ]
for the people who are really doing it in this business at a high level, and the ones, especially the ones who are closer to the artist, right? And you're an exec, like just watching you, you are closer to the actual situation, not just like sitting up in the room and everything. Like you have to have some level of creativity. Right, I mean, I work with them, you know what I mean? Like we work on the music together, we work on the artwork, the sequencing, we work on the entire body of work together, you know? I'm the behind the scene artist, you know what I'm saying? It has to be that way. That's why I've never built out a label where I signed 30, because I could have, where I signed 30 and wait for a fire to pop. I'm always in the small numbers. That's why we call boutique, because we only deal with a small number of artists and I do it because I have to be close to them in order for them to succeed, which is why so many have succeeded with me.
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What Christian McCaffrey Adds to 49ers Offense
Christian McCaffrey was traded to the San Francisco 49ers on the eve of a week 7 game and the NFL world went mad. Pat McAfee and the 'Pat McAfee Show' crew discussed how the 49ers might just continue to eat in a big way with Christian McCaffrey joining their offense. Subscribe to the Pat McAfee Show: Follow Pat McAfee on Twitter: #FanDuel #PatMcAfee #ChristianMcCaffrey FanDuel on Twitter: FanDuel on Twitch: FanDuel on Instagram: FanDuel on TikTok: FanDuel on YouTube:
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You get Christian McCaffrey on the other side. He's not going to have to have as many hits and tackles. But if he has one of those games or two of those games late in the season that we know Christian McCaffrey can have with that San Francisco 49er run game, where a hole, a big gaping hole gets pushed open in the middle of a playoff game and Christian McCaffrey goes for like 175. We're going to look back and go, oh, a bunch of third round picks where what was given up for this dude who is so explosive, so electrifying. And I think we all have forgotten about it because he's been going to Carolina Panthers who have been in rebuilding mode literally for three years with the richest NFL owner. Now he is no longer the richest NFL owner. He still has a lot of cake. He's still going to be rebuilding, but this dude was a dude. If he can stay healthy and that's a big if he's going to have one of those games or we're going to go, of course, the San Francisco 49ers who already have Debo and IU kid all everybody else. Of course, they were able to get Christian McCaffrey for a couple thirds when he pops off for 200 total yards.
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BJP परिश्रम से परिणाम हासिल करने में विश्वास करती है, गवाह हैं ये आंकड़े
#SthapanaDivas #BJPSthapanaDivas #bjp #bjphq #bharatiyajanataparty #भारतीयजनतापार्टी PM Modi addressed the Foundation Day celebrations of the BJP. He said, “BJP is born as a tribute to India’s democracy and will always strive to strengthen India’s democracy and its Constitutional values. BJP through its progressive mindset has always envisaged Sabka Saath, Sabka Vishwas, and Sabka Prayas.” Subscribe Now: Stay Updated! 🔔 Follow us to stay updated: ► Download the NM App: ► Like us on Facebook: ► Follow us on Twitter: ► Follow us on Instagram:
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सादियो, अपने अस्टीट्व की लडाय लडर है, इन राजनितिग दंवों की, हमारे खिला साजी से चलती रहेगी. लिकिन हम देश वास्यों के सपनों को देश वास्यों की अकांचाों को दबते हुए बिखर्ते हुए सिमट्ते हुए मुर्जाते हुए नहीं देख सकते है. इसली है, हमारा जोर देश के विकाश पर है, देश वास्यों के कल्याल पर है, हमारे परिष्रम से जो परनाम बिले है, इसकी गवाई वो आंक्डे दे रहे है, जो पिछला वित्तिए वर समाप्त होने पर, बिते पंडरा भिज दिनो में सामने आए, और मैं सभी देश वर दूनिया में भाजबागे गार करता हुए, पेशाहिसाप देनी के आदत रख्ता, ताम का ब्योरा हर मोगते पर देता रहेता हुए, मैं आज्रब 2-3 सब्ताह की ही जलक दिखा रहा हूँए, पंडरा भिज दिन के, इतने चोटे से काल मैं, हर भारतिये को गर्व हो, जीस्टी लागो होने के बाज़ से किसी एक वित्तिये वर्ष मैं, अथारा लाग करोड रुप्ये कलेक्षन का रिकोड बनाना अबुद्पुर्व, इस दोरान देस के तैस्पेर ने भी सोला लाग करोड रुप्ये से अदिक टैक देक देख नया रिकोड बनाया, मार्ट महीने में ही यूपी आईजे चोव्दा लाग करोड रुप्ये के त्रन्जक्षन का नया द्रिकोड बना, देख के इदिहाज में पहली बार हमारा अपकोड 750 अरब डोलर के पार कोचा, देख में कोला उपादन में पुराने सारे रिकोड तोड दिये, देख में से श्टील उपादन में भी पुराने सारे रिकोड तोड देख, पहली बार सोला अधार करोड रूप्ये का धिपैंस ठौग हुा, आच्यान ले रिकोड रिवन नूग जनरेज किया, वाड बनाया लगातार बनद रही विकास के रेकोड दिखाते हैं कि देश कितनी तेजी से आगे बड़ रहा है.
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Nikola Tesla’s Favorite Invention - What Does It Do? #shorts
Unlock Your Human Potential ➜ Visit ★☆★ Explore Our Most Popular Playlists ★☆★ **Quantum Beats - World's Most Powerful Healing Music ➜ **Quantum Meditation Frequencies ➜ **Advanced Frequency Healing ➜ **David Wong Transformational Podcasts and Webinars ➜ **David Wong Documentary Series ➜ ★☆★ About David Wong, "The Frequency Expert” ★☆★ David is a health-tech founder, celebrated author, innovative inventor, executive producer, motivational speaker, martial artist, qi gong practitioner, and pioneering entrepreneur. As the visionary founder of Qi Life, his mission is to bring forth groundbreaking wellness technologies that seamlessly blend ancient wisdom with modern science, specializing in Qi Energy and life mastery. With a vision rooted in accessible wellness for all, David imagines a world where achieving complete mental and physical well-being is easy, sidestepping the need for medication or invasive treatments. His transformative journey began with his remarkable recovery from a decade-long "incurable" digestive disease, using only frequency and energy devices within a span of under 90 days. David's relentless pursuit of wellness innovation has birthed a series of frequency-based marvels, including the Qi Coil™, Qi Coil Aura™, Qi Lite™, Qi Tones™ and QiEnergy.Ai. Merging timeless wisdom with cutting-edge science, he has unlocked secrets to longevity, anti-aging, peak fitness, and beauty, fostering happiness and heightened mind states—qualities many believe to be our innate superpowers. Dedicated to aiding fellow seekers in their transformation, David champions the mantra of improving by 1% daily to unlock human potential, aiming to elevate the global resonance through healing. Residing in Canada, David indulges in qi gong, piano, and martial arts in his leisure time, drawing inspiration from Bruce Lee as a third-generation student, alongside his faithful canine companions. ★☆★ Introducing Qi Coil - The “Tesla” Rife Machine ★☆★ It is the pinnacle of mobile PEMF technology, developed by David Wong and top scientists. This compact, powerful device harnesses unique sound and magnetic waves to fine-tune your body and mind for optimal performance, embraced by top doctors, health practitioners and professional athletes. - Achieve Instant Meditation 🧘 - Reduce Stress Effortlessly 😌 - Embrace Relaxation 🛀 - Enhance Sleep Quality 😴 - Manifest Abundance with Ease 💸 ** Qi Coil Reviews and Comparisons ➜ Unlock Your Human Potential Now - Get Qi Coils ➜ **DISCLAIMER:** The content provided here is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Our products or content are not intended as medical devices or electrical appliances and have not been evaluated by the FDA. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers regarding the use of our products. ★☆★ Connect with David Wong ★☆★ Unlock Your Qi Energy ➜ Subscribe on YouTube ➜ Follow on Twitter ➜ Connect on LinkedIn ➜ Like on Facebook ➜ Follow on Instagram ➜ Explore Scalar Energy ➜ Shop at Qi Life Store ➜
[ "frequency", "vibration", "energy", "frequency sound", "energy vibration", "energy healing", "ancient", "ancient history", "history", "power of frequency", "power of vibration", "sound", "sound frequency", "meditation sound", "sound vibration", "rife", "rife frequency", "rife machine", "qi coil", "tesla", "nikola tesla", "tesla invention" ]
The Maverick engineer, Nikola Tesla, made his contribution in the mechanical engineering field too. Look at one of his favorite inventions, a bladeless turbine, or Tesla turbine. The Tesla turbine had a simple, unique design, yet it was able to beat the efficiency levels of steam turbines at the time.
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Invest in Brand Clarity - A Game Changer For Artists
Accelerate your PERSONAL music marketing and branding at Join my newsletter for exclusive insights and free call opportunities: Get Master Music Branding guide at: Submit a video idea/topic for Who's Askin HERE: DistroKid Discount: Get 7% off of your DistroKid account: HERE BrandMan Channel intro beat produced by @BeatsbyMalex -- BrandMan Sean intro produced by Aman BrandMan Sean outro beat produced by @adoniscalso -- My website: Follow @BrandManSean on Instagram
[ "BrandMan", "Brand man", "brandman channel", "BrandMan Sean", "music marketing", "music branding", "artist marketing", "music strategy", "music business tips" ]
Oh, what's up everybody once again is brand man Sean and this video is brought to you by because I signed myself. Now I want to say that clarity is everything right clarity is so meaningful and I want to talk about why it's so meaningful for artists but first I want to say even for myself right since about probably about October September of 2018 I've been hashtagging 2020 vision because I didn't even want to just focus on the rest of 2018 or even 2019 but where do I want to be what do I want to do in 2020 right so it's like 2020 the year but also playing off of that because of the clarity aspect of it what 2020 vision means and I think one of the most valuable things for artists is the same thing that I've experienced myself again and again and again like when I'm lost right when I have all these ideas and so many directions that I can go then things don't really happen for me the way I want them to do or it's hard to move forward right there's procrastination going on but once I get clarity it's easier to move forward it's easier to get direction I know exactly what the next steps are all the ideas get filtered out and I could make the best decision possible to move forward that's what clarity does for you right like for me it was one thing to just do a YouTube channel because these are the things that I love to talk about and I just love helping for people but it was another thing when I got clarity on what impact do I want to make because then that allowed me to reverse engineer and start to make true steps to get to that goal and for an artist the way clarity really comes oftentimes is through your brand so take more time to figure out not only what your brand is going to be but what do you truly want your music to sound like because one thing they oftentimes like leads that is the sound of the music kind of informs the brand the content and substance of the music and the things you want to do there kind of helps inform the brand and I know for some people y'all are like hey man this is fluff man I don't I don't you're not really saying nothing but I'm not too worried about those people because those people keep hearing the same thing over and over again because they're not executing on it cliches exists why because you know they keep getting said again and again and again why are they cliches because they're conventional wisdom they should be done but most people do not act on them and so many things aren't that deep it's not that deep it's highly practical but they have to be done to really realize no that was actually the answer so one of the things that I'm saying truly is an answer for you guys as artists is brand clarity why because so much of your content starts to make sense once you have brand clarity you'll know what to create and you'll know what not to create right you have all these different sides of you but once you have that clarity it's like oh okay I should be putting this out this out this doesn't match or I should put this in my story because it doesn't match at all but I still want to express it for whatever reason so let people get a little you know peek into that side of me but those things are the benefits of having that clarity it allows you to prioritize right what things matter most what things should I not do at all and what things should I only do sometimes and realize that a lot of that clarity is internal you take in as many much information as possible right see what other people are doing get a gist of some of these directions and what could be done but you have to at some point go internally and figure out alright which one of these directions are in line with where I want to go right now and if I'm not even able to go away over there right now is there a second option that's a little bit more feasible in the short term and I'll just do this and then eventually get to that other option and that's exactly what's happening a lot of workshops I've done so when you can commit to a direction right because you have that clarity you'll start seeing that progress a lot of that like discouragement that you are going through that's because you aren't making progress nobody likes to keep trying trying forever without any progress being filled and a lot of this lack of action to where your procrastination is just because you don't have clarity right that's where procrastination comes from you don't know what to do so I'm gonna sit here thinking thinking thinking thinking next thing you know I've been thinking for like five weeks on one problem haven't acted on it because I still don't know which one I want to do so that's my message that I really wanted to share not just because I think it's valuable for artists but really because I'm going through that right now or I have been going through that that period for a long time of lack of clarity in certain areas but I'm starting to experience so much peace when it comes to certain things I have clarity when it comes to certain things that now I can create a long-term vision I didn't have long-term visions in some things because I didn't even know what I wanted at all right it's hard to build a long-term vision around something that you don't even know will be lasting for two months right I wish the best for all y'all hope you all experienced that clarity if y'all have some of those experiences let's talk about that you know in the comment section below get a good little thing going but other than that once again this video is brought to you by because I saw myself you like this video go ahead and like button if you like you might as well share and if you're not subscribed you know what to do hit that subscribe
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Rugby Player Reacts to College Football's Most RUTHLESS Punch!
Yo! In this video I take a look at what is now known as College Football's most ruthless punch, so I'm led to believe! How far Legarette Blount has come since the incident, is in my eyes a really awesome success story. Thanks for clicking on this video and checking out my YouTube channel! I'm currently on a journey. A journey of discovery and excitement as I document my entire journey into the world of American Football from the very start, right here on YouTube. I've called it, "Rugby Player Reacts" and I'm having the time of my life. I decided to venture out of my comfort zone which is rugby and rugby-league, to pursue a different sport! One that I had always been interested in but thought too complicated and too late in life for me to give it a proper go. At the age of 27 I decided to trust my gut and dive head first into learning all that I could about the sport of American football, before it was too late! For whatever reason, whilst doing so I wanted to record my reaction to it and make a YouTube series about it. I am an sports fanatic myself and I had hoped that people would get a kick out of someone from a rugby background trying to not only learn the game of American football, but eventually play as well. That's the plan for me! During the series I watch and learn with the camera rolling and have created quite a community of people that are also interested in bridging the gap between the two sports which is absolutely amazing to see and makes me happy to no end. I watch a video or two and give my unbiased and unfiltered reaction to whatever it is I'm watching from a rugby based perspective which has turned out to be quite unique lol. I know rugby like the back of my hand and I really enjoy watching fans of American Football see our great game, try to work it out and give their reaction and so I thought it was about time we switched things up! I'm so glad I did because I'm having the time of my life doing it and appreciate you being here! Enjoy the video and if you have any suggestions for a future video that I haven't already done, hit me up in the comment section below! Thanks for watching! If you enjoyed the video don't forget to hit the like button or better yet, subscribe for more! I do my very best to upload a video every 1-2 days, if not more often. I hope you enjoy what I have created so far and what is to come! I love YouTube. Always have and always will. I'm not going anywhere! XD Check out Major Key Physiques for Online Coaching, Premium Quality Clothing, Training Gear and Accessories! Follow me on Instagram! @jacob___mcdonald Follow Major Key Physiques on Instagram! @majorkeyphysiques Follow Major Key Physiques on Facebook! @majorkeyphysiques
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Alright everybody, what is going on? Welcome back to another video. Today's video we're going to be looking at college football's most ruthless punch. I looked at the 2017 and 2018 NFL's biggest fights. I didn't see one punch disappointed, but that's about to change. Okay, here we go. College football's most ruthless punch. Let's get a bit of a description on that. What have we got here? Football has some heated moments. One of the most notorious moments happened when Ligaret Blount threw a devastating punch after a lost boy's state. Most people don't even remember the game. This punch overshadows it all. Okay. Let's go back just a minute. After this, I'm going to show you the most ruthless punch in rugby. It is absolutely sickening. I can't even watch it, but you guys are going to... A very decade ago, we saw a brief yet highly anticipated series of matchups. Boise State, arguably the greatest non-power conference team since 2000, and Oregon, who had one of the most high-power offenses in recent memory. If you look at the most winningest team since 2000, both of them are right at the top, but one dark moment after their final matchup overshadows... There you go. There's a punch. September 3rd, 2009. They punched him in his grill, but that's all right. Up to this point, this would be the most impactful game of Boise State history. If they wanted any chance at a BCS Bowl, there's no if, ands, or buts about it. This is a must-win game. For Oregon, it's all about revenge. Let's go back one year previous. Headed to Eugene, Boise State was unranked, never beat a power conference team on the road, and were led by a young, inexperienced freshman quarterback. And on national television, that freshman quarterback and the Broncos completely dismantled Oregon. Have we got a case of a sore loser here, guys? Someone who can't handle losing. I hope not. Nice. Oh, oh! Oh, nice. Oh! Haha! Haha! Haha! Oh, no. I would not want to get punched by that guy. Bad move, guys. He shouldn't have played. He's still got issues. Oh, no. Boise State, he told them, we owe them an ass whooping. And looking back on it, it truly could have been taken literal. Look at that field. That's mean. Playing on a blue field. That's sick. Boise State dominated again. This time defensively. Oregon had zero first downs in the entire first half, and they barely scraped out eight points for the game. And the most sorry Stalin of all was Ligaret Bluntz. That's not what you want to hear. And after the game, Boise State's Byron Hout decided to let Blunt know. All I got to say is, bad move. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, he's knocked right out. Oh, you idiot. You fucking idiot, Bluntz. He can't handle it, can he? Can't handle losing. Fuck. Oh, no. Oh, at least he's up. Fuckin' good kind. Get up, get up. But Byron Hout sure felt the punch. As ruthless as his punch was, the aftermath would be even more devastating. Forget tainting good, clean sportsmanship. It would forever ruin Bluntz's reputation. He would go on to be suspended for the rest of the year up until the bowl game. And Oregon fans quickly moved on as the backup would become even more dominant. The punch was a blessing in disguise for the Michael James. He now got the limelight and took advantage. Blunt quickly moved on. For Byron Hout, that punch would overshadow his career. He was a pretty decent player in Boise State's prime years. But even if you type his name into Google, most of the articles and websites that pop up are mentioning the punch. He said he learned a lot from this experience and hopes the punch doesn't haunt him forever. But Garrett Blunt may have moved on. You can even make the claim that he's in a church. Two-time Super Bowl champion, led the league and rushed for the dunk. What? He won two Super Bowls? I thought he was going to get suspended forever. Who is this guy? Garrett Blunt. Career highlights. Okay. Alright, let's have a listen to this guy seven years on. Or eight years on. Let's see what he's up to. Let's see what he talks about. We've got Garrett Blunt, J.A.J.E. joining us here on NFL Network on Game Day Prime. So go ahead. Garrett, grab a seat. We've got everybody. Come on up, man. I wonder if they mentioned the punch. Guys, welcome. They won the Super Bowl. J.A., grab that mic right in front of you. Garrett, have a seat, grab that mic. Patriots. First of all, this is my boy. Is it Patriots? A momo, momo, bruh. Alright, first of all, you look a little bit like Lennox Lewis. Coming into the ring drinking that flag, man. Did you have that thing stashed away? I had some of my U.K. friends give it to me as a gift. I'm flying the flag high tonight. How does this feel, man? Trading in the middle of the season, you didn't know what to expect. But tonight, you're a Super Bowl champion. You know, God always has a plan. You never really know what the journey, how the road is going to lead. The final destination was always to be a Super Bowl champion wherever I was at. And I'm so grateful that it was in Philly. A team that's a true family. A team that's brothers that really care for one another. And I'm so grateful to be a part of it. How many is that, my brother? How many is that? Prime time. That's three, Brian. Three? Yes, sir. How do you feel, man? I mean, because normally you make a move from the Patriots like that. Usually you're digressing. But not only did you make that move, but you came back and beat your former teammates, man. Man, it's a crazy feeling, man. Just the fact that, you know, we knew that we was destined for greatness early in the season, man. It was special. We knew we had something special. We love each other, man. It's a family-oriented team. You know, and obviously, you know, we're going against one of the best teams in the league. And they're going to always be one of the better teams in the league. And so we just, you know, we do everything we can, man, to make sure that we come out on top of these games. He started off by saying family, mama. And when they didn't want to send your baby, pay your baby what he was worth, the debt bother you, mama. Yes. And then, but it's so- It's whoopie goldberg. You know, when you're running, what you do when you're running to a big rubric wall, you know what I'm saying? You knock it down. You don't just run it to it and turn it around and just say, oh, I ain't gonna worry about that. Go to the next thing. It's just amazing. It's just amazing. And he's amazing. So this guy who threw the most devastating punch in college football history, went on to win three Super Bowls, and he won back-to-back Super Bowls with different teams. Only the fourth person to ever do it. Since 1970. Jeez, man. That's pretty awesome, I gotta say. So we're gonna stop it there. I hope you guys enjoyed this video. Actually, before you go, I wanna show you this devastating punch from a rugby game, alright? Rugby most... biggest punch. Oh, Jesus. Look at this shit, bro. This makes me sick. Oh, no. Oh, no. Watch this. Oh, no. Oh, shit. Watch this. This is terrible. You haven't seen it yet. Watch it. Brass, brass. Okay, not once, but twice. Boo, despicable bastard. Sorry, guys, but that was not so high. He was a Warriors legend for the New Zealand Warriors. And he got fucking decked like that. Ah, god damn. That's the ruthlessness of rugby. Anyways, guys, if you have enjoyed the video, please press like. If you wanna see more, please subscribe. And I'll definitely be back for some more big hits very soon.
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