WETTING ANGLE POLYTERMES FOR LEAD-SODIUM MELTS ON REFRACTORY METALS The temperature dependence of the contact angle for Pb - Na melts of different concentrations on Co - Cr , Ni - Cr and stainless steel 25X18H9C2 substrate was studied by the method of a lying drop. Measurements were carried out by a lying drop method in the temperature range from 359 to 800 °C in an atmosphere of pure helium grade A. It is shown that the value of the wetting angle decreases with increasing temperature, wetting thresholds are observed.
ANALYSIS OF LEGAL INFORMATION BY APPLIED MEANS WHEN USING VBA SCRIPTS Relevance and goals. Studies have been conducted on the possibilities of automating the analysis of legal information used to improve the reliability and quality of decisions made by expert and working groups. Based on a number of practical considerations, the possibility of improving the quality of expert solutions in the field of legal regulation is justified. Materials and methods. The methods and means of automating the analysis of Russian-language textual (legal) information through the Microsoft Office package and preparing it for a more convenient option for making an expert assessment within the legal aspect are considered in detail. Results. Some methodological recommendations are proposed in order to build a more effective work with legal information in the format of expert assessments by working groups. In the form of conceptual diagrams and screen shots, the results of the functioning of the software product developed by the author, which has passed comprehensive testing on specific examples from the practice of regulatory regulation of socio-economic relations, are presented. Conclusion. The presented version of working with legal information will contribute to faster decision-making by the expert community and the emerging working groups, thereby improving the quality of legislative edits and increasing both the speed and efficiency of work.
The main principles of Hu Hong's philosophy The article is devoted to the basic philosophic ideas of Hu Hong, one of the most outstanding Neo-Confucian China thinkers in the 12th century. Hu Hong's interpretations of the Neo-Confucian conceptions of «the Heaven Mandate» and «innately good mind-heart» are analyzed.
Changes of humoral immunity, levels of acute-phase proteins and macroglobulins in inflammatory processes of uterine adnexae The authors carried out a comparative study of the levels of immunoglobulins A, M, and G, concentrations of acute-phase ot-1 -antitrypsin (AT), and also levels of lactoferrin (LF), a-2-macroglobulin (MG) and pregnancy-associated a-2-glycoprotein (PAG), that possess both the properties of acute-phase proteins, and the immunoregulatory properties, in blood serum of patients with different variants of inflammatory processes of the internal sex organs in order to specify pathogenesis and to evaluate the efficacy of the indices under study for making a differential diagnosis of diseases. It was found that concentrations of all the indices, except AT, changed. While for LF, an increase of its level of various degrees was observed in all groups, in case of MG these changes may take various directions depending on the severity and spread of the process, and the PAG level decreased only in disseminated destructive process.
Main trends in the development of state support measures on agriculture in Kazakhstan under the conditions of EAEU and WTO Previously used agricultural support tools in Kazakhstan before joining the EAEU and WTO are considered. The analysis of improving the system of applying state support for agriculture, as well as the transition to state support mechanisms that are consistent with the principles of the WTO “ green ” box, is carried out. The main problems that arise in the process of forming state policy in the field of providing support measures in the conditions of membership in the EAEU and the WTO are presented, recommendations for their elimination are developed.
WORKING OUT OF MESH SHELTERS OF OUTDOOR STORAGES FOR LOWERING OF DUST-FORMING CARGO LOSSES AND THE NEGATIVE EFFECT OF DUST ON THE ENVIRONMENT Special mesh shelters which are applied to lowering of a dust content of air and dust carrying of dust-forming cargo at the open storage are considered in the article. It is shown, that special mesh shelters allow to lower a dust content of air and cargo losses from dust carrying in 1,7-2,7 times.
Some Results of the Survey of Patients With Inflammatory Diseases of the Small Pelvis Organs The article discusses the results of an anonymous questionnaire survey among young women who were treated from inflammatory pelvic diseases in the gynecology department of an urban hospital.
INCREASING MOTIVATION AS A CONDITION FOR THE FORMATION OF CIVIC CONSCIOUSNESS OF FUTURE OFFICERS OF A MILITARY UNIVERSITY The purpose of the article is to consider the urgent problem of increasing motivation as a condition for the formation of civic consciousness of future officers in the educational process of a military university. The main objectives of the study: to formulate motivational attitudes and determine priority motives in the formation of citizenship; identify a system of values and needs that act as a motivational component of the process under consideration. An important task is to identify the professionally significant interests of students in a military university, prompting the interiorization of the civil position at the personal level, which presupposes their world outlook and application in military activity. The practical significance of the problem of increasing motivation in the formation and development of the civic consciousness of future officers lies in the possibility of implementing the tasks set in the specific conditions of the departmental educational organization of the Ministry of Defense, which is specifically expressed in the forms, methods, means of the educational process of a military university, as well as in motivated educational activities of a civilian orientation for its limits (patriotic actions, festive events for significant dates), which are accompanied by an atmosphere of interest, cognitive activity and become the motive for the development of the phenomenon under consideration.
Combined algorithm for bone age determination based on hand X-rays analysis In this paper, we investigate the urgent problem associated with bone age determination using hand X-rays. A combined algorithm for the recognition of radiographs is proposed, which uses simultaneous two neural network models, based on Xception and DenseNet169. The method allows to generalize the knowledge of different medical experts and increases the accuracy of bone age prediction in general.
MODERN STRATEGIC VISION NECESSARY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF TERRITORIAL CLUSTER POLICY The article analyzes and evaluates the role of territorial cluster policy as a factor of growth of the Russian economy, which ultimately contributes to the creation of a new technological basis for overcoming turbulence in the modern Russian economy and solving problems of coordination of actions on a global scale. The article analyzes the model of formation of territorial cluster policy in the system of network partners implementing collective actions in a single territory, common identity and joint commitments in the aspect of cluster business formation in order to select priority areas in the development of science, technology and digital technologies that should be aimed at modernizing the economy in order to increase its competitiveness. The article analyzes that the formation of digital territorial clusters multiplies the productivity of production factors and serves as the main mechanism for balancing the economy in the context of globalization.
FEATURES OF PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS WITH THE AAS “MOUTH” COMPONENT IN THE TUVAN LANGUAGE IN COMPARISON WITH RUSSIAN The article presents a semantic and comparative analysis of phraseological units with the component for the word mouth in Tuvan and Russian. Phraseological units of the Russian language with the component for the word mouth is widely studied, but in comparison with the Tuvan language they haven’t been considered. The purpose of the study is to identify similarities and differences in the semantics of phraseological units with the component for the word mouth in the Tuvan and Russian. To achieve the goal, the following tasks are set: to identify phraseological units with the component for the word mouth from lexicographic works of Tuvan and Russian languages; to distribute phraseological units into semantic groups to reveal similarities and differences of the phraseological units in the compared languages. The sources for collecting material are the “Tuva-Russian Phraseological Dictionary” by J.Sh. Khertek, from which 74 Tuvan phraseological units are chosen, and “The Big Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language” by V N. Telia, from which 49 Russian phraseological units are taken. On the basis of the research the phraseological units with the components for the word mouth in the comparable languages are distributed into four semantic groups with similar meanings “talk, talker”; phraseological units with the meanings “to be silent”, “silent”; phraseological units with the meanings “food, drink; eat, drink'; phraseological units with the meaning “listen”; and phraseological units with meanings characteristic only for Russian or only for Tuvan were found. In the T uvan it is the phraseological phrase with meanings: “regret”, “sufficient for life”, “young”, “cowardly”, “like to do something”. The units form Russian mean “greed”, “clever, cunning”, “smile and laughter”, “to miss”, with meaning “a lot of things to do”.
Extended education as a factor of solving employment problems The article gives a shout overlook of graduates’ employment problems, of extending the sphere of extra educational services at college, of extra educational services in Moscow, of advantages of a competence approach and module education realized in the process of giving extended education service.
HYPERTENSION IN PATIENTS WITH SARCOIDOSIS The paper presents the results of a study of the rate of hypertension and renal lesion in patients with sarcoidosis of varying activity.
Experience in the application of infrared vein visualizer Treatment of a patient in a hospital is usually accompanied by intravenous administration of drugs: hydration, electrolytic, antibacterial, chemotherapy, parenteral nutrition or a combination of them are typical indications. This article deals with topical issues of vein catheterization. Typical variants of complex catheterizations and some methods of solving this problem are presented. In particular, it outlines our experience with the use of infrared venous transluminator Handel Portable Infrared Vein Finder (made in China) for catheterization of the veins in the problematic group of patients. We have noted that in case of difficulties with visualization of subcutaneous veins, such as thin, poorly visualized and palpable veins, the device demonstrates quite high efficiency.
The Narrative Sources of Philostorgius' "Church History" (Hist. eccl. I) in Photius' Abridgment This article is devoted to the problem of the narrative sources used in Philostorgius' “Church History”. The Greek historian of the Fifth Century had cited not only the texts of the Holy Scriptures and works of church historians, but also writings of panegyrists and pagan authors of the Late Antiquity. A lot of various sources was used and quoted in his history, his approaches to sources materials in his narration are diverse and sometimes unexpected, so that we can consider Philostorgius as an extraordinary church historian of his time.
Structure of Organoantimony Compounds [C<sub>5</sub>H<sub>4</sub>Mn(CO)<sub>3</sub>]Sb, (4-Me<sub>2</sub>NC<sub>6</sub>H<sub>4</sub>)<sub>3</sub>SbI<sub>2</sub>, Ph<sub>3</sub>Sb[OC(O)C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>3</sub>(NO<sub>2</sub>)<sub>2</sub>-3,5]<sub>2</sub>, (3-MeC<sub>6</sub>H<sub>4</sub>)<sub>3</sub>Sb[OC(O)C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>3</sub>(NO<sub>2</sub>)<sub>2</sub>-3,5]<sub>2</sub>×PhH, and (3-FC<sub>6</sub>H<sub>4</sub>)<sub>3</sub>Sb[OC(O)C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>3</sub>(NO<sub>2</sub>)<sub>2</sub>-3,5]<sub>2</sub>×PhH The structure of five organoantimony compounds [C5H4Mn(CO)3]Sb (1), (4-Me2NC6H4)3SbI2 (2), Ph3Sb[OC(O)C6H3(NO2)2-3,5]2 (3), (3-MeC6H4)3Sb[OC(O)C6H3(NO2)2-3,5]2×PhH (4), and (3-FC6H4)3Sb[OC(O)C6H3(NO2)2-3,5]2×PhH (5) was determined by X-ray diffraction analysis. X-ray diffraction of the compounds was carried out on an automatic four-circle diffractometer D8 Quest Bruker (Мо Кα , λ = 0.71073 Å, 293 К. [C5H4Mn(CO)3]Sb (1), crystal size 0.53×0.4×0.22 mm, R -3, a = 19.221(6), b = 19.221(6), c = 11.935(4) Å, a = 90.00, β = 90.00, g = 120.00 deg., V = 3818.6(17) Å3, Z = 2, R 1 = 0.0484, wR 2 = 0.0900. (4-Me2NC6H4)3SbI2 (2), crystal size 0.26 × 0.19 × 0.16 mm, Ia -3, a = 22.238(13), b = 22.238(13), c = 22.238(13) Å, a = 90.00, β = 90.00, g = 90.00 deg., V = 10997(19) Å3, Z = 48, R 1 = 0.0372, wR 2 = 0.0855. Ph3Sb[OC(O)C6H3(NO2)2-3,5]2 (3), crystal size 0.39×0.29×0.19 mm, P -1, a = 11.985(8), b = 12.186(7), c = 14.292(10) Å, a = 72.30(3), β = 69.64(3), g = 61.79(3) deg., V = 1699.8(19) Å3, Z = 2, R 1 = 0.0388, wR 2 = 0.1246. (3-MeC6H4)3Sb[OC(O)C6H3(NO2)2-3,5]2×PhH (4), crystal size 0.2 × 0.17 × 0.07 mm, P -1, a = 12.654(8), b = 13.217(9), c = 14.672(13) Å, a = 64.42(3), β = 79.73(3), g = 65.66(2) deg., V = 2017(3) Å3, Z = 2, R 1 = 0.0350, wR 2 = 0.0870. (3-FC6H4)3Sb[OC(O)C6H3(NO2)2-3,5]2×PhH (5), crystal size 0.55×0.4×0.19 мм, P -1, a = 12.34(3), b = 12.95(2), c = 14.41(2) Å, a = 81.73(6), β = 66.94(10), g = 66.31(7) deg., V = 1940(6) Å3, Z = 2, R 1 = 0.0721, wR 2 = 0.1558.
Improving the quality of education based on the use of public resources (experience in foreign language teaching) Modern socio-cultural situation is characterized by a significant increase in interest in new information technologies, including in the field of pedagogy. The article studies characteristics and functions of electronic educational resources in the framework of foreign language teaching. However, at the moment remain virtually unexplored possibilities of electronic periodicals, podcasts and blogs to improve the quality of language education. The advantage of reading English newspapers is that can help students to recharge simultaneously their vocabulary and learn interesting news. Vocabulary in these news reports reflect the current state of the language, and contain up to date information. Podcasts allow you to listen to or watch educational materials on the computer, tablet or smartphone, easy to create and use of the network and in the classroom, develop creativity and technological competence of students and teachers. Blogs in a foreign language perform the information and communication functions. Thus, the electronic educational resources help to ensure that all components of the educational process, receive information, practical lessons, control of knowledge, contribute to the development of communicative competence, hence, improve the quality of education in general.
Lower Tunguska ethnographic expedition of 1930 (based on the personal archive of P.P. Khoroshikh) The article introduces written and visual materials from the center for Oriental Manuscripts and Woodcuts of the Institute of Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies of the SB RAS archival collections related to the 1930 expedition to the Evenks of Lower Tunguska. Ethnographers Poltoradnev P.G. and P.P. Khoroshikh from Irkutsk worked as the members of the expedition. In the personal archive of P.P. Khoroshikh a map-scheme of the route, field records about the material, ritual and everyday culture of the Evenks, drafts of articles on the results of the expedition, as well as photographs and drawings with explanations by the author were revealed. The narrative part of the travel diary is compiled in chronological order of visiting camps and localities, contains various details of a complex and long journey. For the first time, the text of travel notes “Under the Arctic circle” is published, compiled in chronological order of visiting camps and localities and revealing various details of a complex and long journey. The subject matter of the identified materials fully reflects both the tasks set for the expedition and the professional interests of the team members - this is an information about the settlement of families, the peculiarities of making homes (chums), boats, utensils, clothing, crafts, rituals, etc. The collected information is supplemented by numerous photos of the region's aborigines, objects and localities, as well as drawings and diagrams of the location of objects with dimensions, orientation to the cardinal directions, location relative to each other, Evenk names and translation into Russian. The authors have formulated the questions, the answers to which have not yet been found in the archive materials - about the future fate of the collected collections, about the actual distribution of the responsibilities in the expedition, about a small number of publications on its results.
Communicative Strategies for Overcoming Speech Failures in a Multilingual Environment The article considers the causes of speech errors and failures identified in the process of communication between Dagestan bilinguals in a multilingual environment. Errors are observed at all levels of the language. At the lexical level, failure in speech is due to the fact that bilinguals in most cases first form the idea in their native language, and then try to find words and expressions that are relevant in meaning in Russian. Thus, the cognitive process is carried out on the basis of the native language, and the communicative process is in Russian. At the phonetic level, there are differences in the phonetic and phonological system of contacting languages, in particular the combination of sounds. Each bilingual has his/her own special articulation base, formed on the basis of the sounds of the native language. At the grammatical level, communicative failures are caused by significant differences in the number of cases and the declension system in Russian and Dagestan languages, the absence of a gender category (it does not correspond to grammatical classes in the native language), the accusative case, prepositions, the presence of an ergative case, etc. The multi-case declension of names and the presence of an ergative case make the grammatical structure of Dagestan languages extremely complicated. Unlike the Russian language, the nominative case in Dagestan languages expresses not only the initial form of the name, but also appears in the meaning of the subject with intransitive verbs and in the role of a direct object with transitive verbs. The ergative case serves as the initial form for the formation of all other indirect cases and is used as the subject to transitive verbs. Some techniques for preventing and overcoming communicative failures in Russian speech of bilinguals in a multilingual environment are recommended.
ECONOMIC TRENDS IN THE LIQUID MINING WASTE SURVEY AND MONITORING IN THE ARCTIC ZONE FOR THE PURPOSE OF DECLARING THEIR INDUSTRIAL SAFETY The article presents correlation and dynamics analysis on various activities that are a part of the geological, geodetic and hydrographic survey and monitoring of a liquid mining waste storage located in the Arctic zone over a five-year period of declaring the protective hydrotechnical facilities safety. The work costs for the five-year declaration cycle were calculated on an example of a hydrotechnical tailing dump of a major mining enterprise located in the Murmansk region, a part of the Russian Arctic zone. The data from 2013 to 2017 declaration cycle were analyzed in detail. The main trend identified is uneven distribution in the work cost growth by years: a period of relatively smooth cost growth is seen during the first three years, primarily due to inflationary processes; an abrupt growth of work cost is observed in the last two years. Such increase is associated with the expansion of a work program due to increase in field (and, proportionally, laboratory) geological and geodetic activities. On the basis of the research, recommendations are given for smoothing the fluctuations in the cost loading resulting from the uneven distribution of the work cost by years within the declaration cycle.
STAGES OF PREPARATION AND CONDUCT OF NON-STANDARD LESSON The use of non-traditional forms of lessons is a powerful stimulus in learning, it is a diverse and strong motivation. Through such lessons, arousal of cognitive interest is much more active and quicker, because a person by nature likes to play, another reason is that there are much more motives in the game than in ordinary learning activities. From all it is clear that nonstandard education has many advantages and should increasingly be introduced into schools. In the process of working on the topic, on the basis of the reviewed psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on this issue, the following conclusions were made: - in pedagogy, at present, great attention is paid to non-traditional forms of education; - non-standard forms of lessons are most often used at the stage of consolidation of knowledge, but some elements of such lessons can be used at other stages of the lesson; - the use of non-standard lessons increases the motivation of learning, helps students to consolidate their own knowledge, contributes to the development of the intellectual qualities of the individual.
Individual elements of prevention of violations related to driving a vehicle in a state of intoxication, taking into account the conditions of their commission The analysis of the state and dynamics of accidents involving drivers driving vehicles in a state of intoxication or with its signs, as well as general information about the practice of law enforcement in relation to such persons is carried out. The ways of improving prevention mechanisms based on a systematic approach focused on taking into account the conditions for committing illegal actions are determined.
Troitski monastic cloister on the river Selenga: change of traditional principles of architectural-spatial organization of monastic ensemble (XVII-XX CENTURIES) Organization of the internal space of the Trinity-Selenginsky monk monastic at the first stage of its existence completely corresponded to the traditional regularities of composition and layout of Old Russian monasteries. However, later under the influence of local building techniques, climatic conditions, changes in the socio-political situation, the tendency of canonic principles transformation was outlined that has gradually led to the formation of Regional School of monastic architecture.
Interesting facts about tax and accounting The history of taxation in amusing facts, quotations, stories, anecdotes on tax topics under the heading «Interesting facts about taxes and taxation.»
THE FUNCTION OF STRATEGIC PLANNING IN THE MANAGEMENT OF THE ORGANIZATION This article describes all of the functions of strategic planning as one of the most important processes in the enterprise. It also covers, particularly strategic planning and its role in the management of the organization.
Sturm - Liouville problem for an equationwith a discontinuous nonlinearity On the segment [0, 1], we consider the Sturm - Liouville problem with a discontinuous nonlinearity on the right-hand side multiplied by a positive parameter. For nonnegative values of the phase variable u the nonlinearity is zero, and for negative values it coincides with a continuous function on [0, 1] × (-∞; 0]. The boundary conditions are u(0) = a, u(1) = b, where a, b are positive numbers. The initial problem is converted to an equivalent homogeneous one, which for all positive values of the parameter has a zero solution. Its spectrum consists of those parameter values for which the boundary value problem has a nonzero solution. Assuming sublinear growth of nonlinearity at infinity for each positive value of the parameter we construct an iterative process that converges monotonically to the minimal solution. It is proved that the spectrum of the problem is of the form [C; +∞), where C > 0, if it is non-empty.
DIVERSIFICATION AS A METHOD TO MINIMIZE THE NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF FINANCIAL RISKS They are considered actual problems of financial risk management, the necessity of using diversification offinancial activities and financial instruments in order to minimize the negative effects offinancial risks; the proposed method of determining the forecast of the courses and justify the choice offinancial instrument with the lowest degree of risk.
Modeling of joint activities in the study of socio-psychological phenomena The article proposes new ways to develop an experiment in social psychological research related to the creation of computer models of cooperation and communication. The first results of development and testing of mathematical analogues of existing devices are analyzed. Variant of a computer model of the group integrator is described.
Synergy effect in relation to socio-economic activities of the region The article is devoted to the analysis of synergetic effect in social and economic systems. The author gives a description of the effect, makes the conclusion about possibility of its application in the region. The concept of criterion of efficiency of managing influences on the region at the expense of synergetic effect is introduced. A formula for calculating this criterion is proposed.
CHANGES IN SOCIAL CONSCIOUSNESS IN CONDITIONS OF SOCIAL CRISIS (SOCIAL-PHILOSOPHICAL ASPECT) The article analyzes the formation of social consciousness in the modern society. The crisis tendencies of social consciousness are identified, the role of the social crisis as a factor in the transformation of public consciousness is revealed.
The levels of polyamines in autopsy materials of some structures of brain lymbic system and reticular formation of patients with schizophrenia The polyamines levels in autopsy brain materials of 8 patients with paranoid schizophrenia with continuous progredient type of course of disease who died of pneumonia or sharp heart deficiency at the age of 44-58 have been investigated. The results of investigations of spermine, spermidine and putrescine content in 8 autopsy brain structures of patients with schizophrenia (frontal and temporal lobes, convolution of the cingulum, hypothalamus, thalamus, almond-shaped core, caudate core, black substance) have been demonstrated. The highest concentrations of spermidine, calculated per 1g of raw materials or per 1 mg of protein, were discovered in grey substance of frontal lobe, in grey and white substance of temporal lobe. The lowest level of putrescine was discovered in thalamus as compared to an other tested structures. The greatest concentration of spermine was discovered in black substance, in white substance of frontal lobe and convolution of the cingulum. It was established, that levels of spermine in grey substance of the frontal and temporal lobes as well as in the grey substance of convolution of the cingulum have been the lowest. Possible role of polyamine's interference in mechanism of psychosis development is discussed.
SOME REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CHOICE OF WOOD BREED FOR CONSTRUCTION STRUCTURES The article discusses some issues related to the selection of wood for the production of building structures. It is noted that combustion can be incomplete and complete. With insufficient air access, incomplete combustion products form acrid smoke, which is often released during a fire. Products of incomplete combustion can be extremely diverse and depend, first of all, on the composition and properties of burning wood, as well as on the conditions of its combustion.
Features of the Progression and Treatment of Respiratory Infections in Children with Allergies The article presents the literature data on the age characteristics of allergic reactions, their classification and clinical manifestations. The authors’ own data are given - the results from the examination of 143 families, including 120 children with frequent respiratory diseases (main group) and 23 children with occasional diseases (comparison group). It is shown that the incidence of allergic diseases in children in the main group and their parents is significantly superior to that in the control group. A clinical case of an allergic reaction in a child with a mixed intracellular infection is described. The principles of a macrolide therapy are stated.
Radiation of twisted photons in elliptical undulators The explicit expressions for the average number of twisted photons radiated by a charged particle in an elliptical undulator in classical approximation as well as in the approach accounting for the quantum recoil are obtained. It is shown that radiation emitted by a particle moving along an elliptical helix which evolves around the axis specifying the angular momentum of twisted photons obeys the selection rule: m+n is an even number, where m is a projection of the total angular momentum of a twisted photon and n is the harmonic number of the undulator radiation. This selection rule is a generalization of the previously known selection rules for radiation of twisted photons by circular and planar undulators and it holds for both classical and quantum approaches. The class of trajectories of charged particles that produce the twisted photon radiation obeying the aforementioned selection rule is described.
TO ASSESS THE COMPLEXITY OF MOVEMENTS IN SKI RUNS The complexity of sports movements is an important factor affecting the process of formation of motor skills, and, ultimately, the effectiveness of technical training. The complication of the composition of the movement requires additional time and energy costs to develop and consolidate the coordinated interaction of the links of the musculoskeletal system. This may be an important factor in the formation of new ways of performing competitive movements, in particular, modern moves in cross-country skiing. In this regard, there is a problem of developing methods for assessing the complexity of movements. This article presents some results of such an assessment by measuring the delay time of the start of movement when an audio signal is given. This time is used as an indicator of the level of intermuscular coordination. The results of experiments to determine the delay time in test exercises of four types modeling the complication of the movements of the skier's hands are presented. The problem of using ski poles at high speeds is touched upon.
Distinctive features of environmental situation assessment during engineering-ecological surveying by structure Novaya experience Consideration is being given to the questions of ecological ensuring of works connected with the assessment of modern environmental condition and necessary for forecasting impact on the basic ecosystems.
THE ANALYSIS OF EFFICIENCY OF COMPLEX TREATMENT OF PROLIFERATIVE DIABETIC RETINOPATHY AND DIABETIC MACULAR EDEMA OBJECTIVE: to study the efficiency of complex treatment of severe proliferative diabetic retinopathy and different types of diabetic macular edema in succession stages of treatment in the form of intravitreal injection of angiogenesis inhibitors, panretinal coagulation of the retina and subtotal vitrectomy with silicone tamponade and endolasercoagulation. 137 patients who have 263 eyes diagnosed with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with various forms of macular edema were included in the study group. The high efficiency of the proposed complex treatment scheme has been proved.
Influenza A Virus in Wild Bird Populations in the South of Western Siberia (2009-2010) The results of the study of influenza A virus in wild bird populations in the south of Western Siberia in 2009-2010 are presented. The urgency and importance of study of influenza virus in wild birds in the south of Western Siberia is shown to assess the epidemiological situation. Our research marked the importance of different groups of wild birds in the persistence of the different influenza viruses in Western Siberia. A wide variety of subtypes was shown circulating in wild birds in the area. We studied the rare subtypes of the virus and their molecular-biological properties. Phylogenetic analysis of the isolated strains showed ecological relation of viruses from south of Western Siberia with distant geographical areas.
On the historical geography of Ossetia: Medieval Tualia The article surveys data from the “Monument to the Eristavs”, a Georgian early 15th century chronicle on the medieval upland Ossetia, inhabited by the Tuals. The toponymic information found in the chronicle (about 30 names in total) has been repeatedly commented in the literature. The etymological analyses of the medieval Tual toponymy undertaken to determine the Tuals’ ethnicity, however, have produced mixed results, with Adygs (Circassians), Vainakhs, Kartvelians, or Ossetians seen as the medieval Tuals. It is quite obvious that the authors of some studies made methodologicalerrors. The main one is that the toponymy of the medieval Tualiya was analyzed separately from the modern Ossetic toponymy. Meanwhile, our comparison of the old toponyms with their modern counterparts shows that the population of the upland Ossetia has not changed for more than six hundred years. The ethnonym shavdvalni ‘Black Tuals’, recorded in the Georgian monument mentioned above, is very important for determining the linguistic affiliation of this population. The Ossetians still describe their fellow tribesmen who live at the water-head of the Ardon River in North Ossetia as Black Tualts ( Sau tualtæ ). They are contrasted against the “White Tuals” ( Urs tualtæ ) living at the water-head of the Liakhva River in South Ossetia. This opposition is social in nature. Since Black Tuals are mentioned when describing events that took place in the 9th century, there is a reason to believe that the Tuals spoke Ossetic already then. Etymological analysis of the rest of the toponymy of medieval Tualiya also indicates its Iranian (Ossetian) origin. The origin of only one toponym remains unclear.
INFLUENCE OF NANOADDITIVES ON MECHANICAL AND ISOLATING PROPERTIES OF CEMENT-BASED COMPOSITIONS The results of the laboratory and field tests performed to study aminoetaksiaerosil-based cement compositions with nanoadditives are presented. It has been shown that mechanical and isolating properties of the slurry are improved when nanoadditives are introduced. After 48-hours hardening bending strength of cement stone increases by 15%, and waterproof effect - by 60%. The remedial cementing success of cement slurry without nanoadditives is 45-50% and of the cement slurry with nanoadditives is 75%. The aminoetaksiaerosil addition rises dispersion degree for newgrowths formed during cement rehydration process that results in a higher mechanical strength of the mudding degree, which causes penetration capacity and watered stratum filling factor increase.
1911 AND 1917: TWO YEARS IN THE LIFE OF MOSCOW UNIVERSITY. THE "RETURN" The article deals with the exhibition titled The Return that was held in 2017-2018 at the MSU Earth Sciences Museum. The exhibition was dedicated to the two important years in the history of Moscow University: 1911, when more than 100 professors and other academic staff left the university in protest against the reforms made by L. Casso, the then minister of education, and 1917, that marked their return to the university after the February revolution. The authors observed the lives of some of the returned academics.
ORGANIZATION OF MULTIFUNCTIONAL SPORTS BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES UNDER CONSTITUTIONS OF THE DONETSK REGION INTO ACCOUNT MODERN REQUIREMENTS AND TRENDS The article discusses such important and topical issues as identifying the state and development of the sports infrastructure of the Donetsk region, the need and ways to improve the efficiency of operating sports buildings and structures in the Donetsk region at the architectural and functional planning levels, as well as at the structural and technical levels of the organization. Identification of modern trends in the organization of sports buildings and structures, and their adjacent territories. Revealed analysis of the reflection of the topic in the regulatory framework and research works.
Implementation of Kyoto Protocol Regulations in Krasnoyarsk krai Elaboration of the regional program in realizing the provisions of the Kyoto Protocol is being considered as an instrument of environment enhancement in close interrelation with the whole system of actions directed to economic and social development of the region. It is shown that the distinct scientific developments can not absolutely ensure the needs of permanent control of emissions and absorptions of green house gases from all the sources. The always working inventory system both of anthropogenic and natural emissions is needed in all the classes of ground vegetation.
MMT - new mainstream for modern world economy? The article raises the actual problem of the neoliberal capitalist world-system crisis. The author considers the modern monetary theory as a way to achieve stable economic growth. The main theses of this concept, its main differences from the dominant neoliberal discourse in the modern economy are identified and described. Special attention was paid to the budget deficit, inflation risks, full employment and fiscal policy of the state. The author, based on the knowledge of the world economic theories, makes a forecast on the recipes of modern monetary theory realization possibility, as well as provides an overview of the most significant critical reviews and theses.
Technological aspects in production of castings from titanium alloys Chemical activity of titanium and it's alloys at high temperatures, specially in liquid stage, creates difficulties in production of castings made of such highperspective material. The article describes methods for reduction of interaction at high temperatures between titanium and carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and other refractory materials.
Corporatism in local government as an integral factor of its development Given article proposes a theoretical approach for formation and adaptation of corporatism as a complex methodical phenomenon which is inherent for all local communities. This is particularly evident in periods of structural reforms and local-self government system modernization. The investigated way of the corporatism concept evolution in modern scientific thought shows that it is a natural attribute of the community, it’s the need to unite. From the standpoint of public administration it is fundamental social doctrine and the way of social and economic life of society. It is shown that, despite the opportunities of corporatism as a social phenomenon, the practical recommendations for its development and implementation at the level of local communities are now missing in Ukraine. It is also proved that the main reason of such problem appearance is the lack of focus on education corporatism for individual or collective and for the community and local government of Ukraine in general. All corporate features of local-self government and its corporate essence are fully revealed in the meaning of such terms as «corporatism», «corporationism», «corporativity» and «corporate culture». And also into their relationships, which creates theoretical and practical platform of local-self government practice on the principles of local corporatism. Instrumental apparatus by which corporatism is now developing, defined an appropriate corporate culture into local community and it’s population. It is considered into the article at two main directions - substantially-behavioral and organizational-instrumental. The invariant components of corporate principles which are forming of local government are considered. At the result, that can become the basis of conceptual corporate principles of local-self government into the building of its quality improvement model due to the growth of corporatism into modern communities. Indices and indicators of social, economic and organizational efficiency that can be achieved while ensuring the growth of the corporatization of local government - corporativity of local communities - are defined in the article. That can enhance the results of such processes reliable assessment.
Psychotherapy objectives during a crisis of consumer civilization Crisis phenomena in a social and cultural life pose new challenges for physicians: to create effective, cost-efficient and short-term prevention and treatment modalities in order to help people cope with various manifestations of the aggravating crisis and deculturation. As an example, original approaches (Role Switching and Reculturation) by S. Semyonov, a psychotherapist from St.-Petersburg, are considered.
FOREIGN EXPERIENCE OF RECRUITING AND THE POSSIBILITIES OF ITS APPLICATION IN THE RUSSIAN PRACTICE In the article the experience in the sphere of recruitment of such developed countries as the USA, Germany, Great Britain and others is considered. The authors notice, that modern feature of its development is association of efforts of the state structures of employment assistance to the population and private recruiting companies with the view of decrease in unemployment, perfection of the structure of employment of the population. Such experience, according to the authors, is rather demanded in the Russian practice.
Economic aspects of industrial integration of regions with a highly developed petrochemical complex (on the example of the Volga Federal District) The structure of oil production in the regions of the Volga Federal District and the share of their fields with a degree of "depletion" of more than 50% have been studied. Based on the cluster analysis of the obtained data, a hierarchical classification of the territories under consideration was compiled. Based on the results of the economic assessment of the percentage component of the production activity for the extraction of minerals in the structure of the gross regional product, variants of interregional production integration have been developed based on the simplex optimization method.
Stories about three times Heroes of socialist labor The publication is devoted to the 75 th anniversary of publication of the Decree of the Presidium of Supreme Soviet of the USSR on establishment (December 27, 1938) and conferred for the first time (December 20, 1939) the title of Hero of socialist labor. It provides dates of establishment and conferment of the title of Hero of socialist labor, twice and three times Hero of socialist labor, the list of all 16 three times Heroes of socialist labor, as well as biographies of members of the Academy I.V. Kurchatov, Y.B. Khariton, A.P. Alexandrov, and publications of stories about them collected by the author.
CHARACTERISTICS OF HUMAN AND SOCIAL PHENOMENA IN RUSSIAN AND POLISH PHRASEOLOGICAL SYSTEMS (ON THE EXAMPLE OF PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS WITH ANIMALISTIC COMPONENT) The article presents a general description, as well as a comparative analysis of a number of human and social phenomena of Russian and Polish phraseological units containing an animalistic component. The analysis is performed taking into account structural, lexical-semantic and quantitative parameters. The phraseological units recorded in Russian and Polish phraseological lexicographic sources are considered on the basis of their lexical and grammatical classification, as well as their correlation with the corresponding phraseological and semantic fields. In turn, a number of microfields are often distinguished within such fields, The results indicate that the Russian and Polish world views partly correspond to each other, however, there are quite a number of cases of either partial or full mismatch of phraseological system interpretations of the same realities and phenomena.
SENSOMOTOR AND COGNITIVE FEATURES OF CYBER SPORTSMEN IN DIFFERENT DISCIPLINES Cybersport (eSports) is a brand new sporting activity. As in any other sport, it is absolutely necessary to define its general and specific characteristic, to determine its physiological, psychological and pedagogical nature, to educe key success factors in this kind of sports. It can be assumed that the characteristics of sensomotor reactions and cognitive processes are professionally important qualities in eSports. These spheres of players in computer games are attended in recent studies. At the same time, the data are not differentiated with respect to different computer games. The main aim of this study was to determine the features of sensomotor and cognitive areas of cyber players in two disciplines - Dota 2 and The World of Tanks. Our study have shown that there are certain qualities of cyber players in different disciplines due to the specifics of computer games. However there are not sensomotor differences, all cyber players demonstrate high speed of complex reactions and make fewer mistakes in implementation than non-athletes. At the same time we observed differences in cognitive style “field dependence-field independence” between groups of athletes, as well as in specific cognitive functions.
Morphometric characteristics of spleen ligaments and their topography-anatomical relations with the splenic artery branches and pancreas tail The individual peculiarities of the spleen ligaments, their morphometric characteristics, and the architectonic of the splenic artery and its branches were studied with 15 nonembalmed corpses and 32 abdominal complexes of adults using the traditional anatomical research methods. It was noted that the width and length of the gastrosplenic and phrenicosplenic ligaments correlate in direct proportion to the corresponding dimensions of spleen. It was established that the topography of the splenic artery and its main branches, as well as the tail of pancreas and splenic extraperitoneal area is rather variable. In most cases, the splenic artery and its branches are located in fatty tissue between the anterior leaf of the gastrosplenic ligament and posterior leaf of the phrenicosplenic ligament. We determined three types of division of splenic artery terminal branches within splenic hiluses. It was found that the form and sizes of the extraperitoneal area are distinguished by the attachment lines of posterior leaf of phrenicosplenic and colonosplenic ligaments to the visceral surface of spleen.
THE PHENOMENON OF THE "SEMIMIXED" LANGUAGES This article reports on a study of multilingualism and bilingualism in the communicative space of the Russian Federation.The authors carried out a comparative analysis to determine linguistic reasons for appearing mixed and "semi-mixed " languages and to differentiate their linguistic status. The researchers examined mechanisms of penetration of the Russian language into other languages. The paper argues that bilingualism characterized by its cultural and linguistic significance is threatened by the destructive impact on the internal structure of the contacting languages. These phenomena are dangerous because they can create prerequisites for the language assimilation of an ethnos. The authors raise a problem of ethno-linguistic and ethno-cultural marginality and believe that the functioning of "semi-mixed" languages has led to a very serious contradiction - whether a genetically native language will be a really native one.
Business Press in Russia: Newspaper Proizvoditel and Promyshlennik(1859-1861): Departments, Subjects The article provides a first detailed analysis of the content of the business newspaper of the century before last the Proizvoditel and Promyshlennik, published in 1859-1861. The author notes the prerequisites for the growth of specialized publications, gives a brief description of the newspaper, and the possible reasons for its closure. The main volume of the article is occupied with the analysis of the content of the numbers of the Proizvoditel and Promyshlennik: the key themes of the articles published in the paper (the economic condition of individual cities and provinces of the Russian Empire, the ignorance of the merchant class, the development of forestry) are highlighted, and the departments of the newspaper are analyzed. The Proizvoditel and Promyshlennik did not go long, but performed a unique function: directly linked the producers of goods with their consumers; such, perhaps, did not make any of their printed bodies of a business nature. It is noted that it was thanks to the usefulness of the materials published in the newspaper it occupied a worthy place not only among similar economic publications, but in general in the printing system of the turn of the 50-60's. XIX century.
EVALUATION OF RESULTS OF LAPAROSCOPIC TRANSABDOMINAL PREPERITONEAL PLASTY IN THE TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH INGUINAL HERNIAS Todayminimally invasive technique (TAPP) is actually being implemented in a lot of hospital. The article provides evaluation of immediate and remote results of transabdominal preperitoneal laparoscopic placty made of 240 patients on clinical bases Institute of herniology of Voronezhcity clinical emergency hospital N1 and city's policlinic N7. Key words: transabdominal laparoscopic hernia repair, the results of treatm.
ANALYSIS OF CURRENT CONDITIONS AND PROSPECTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ELECTRONIC TRADE MARKET This article is devoted to the analysis of trends in the development of e-commerce in the modern world. The concept of "e-commerce" is considered, the factors influencing the growth of e-commerce in the world are presented, the reasons hindering the development of e-commerce in the Russian Federation are identified, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the development of e-commerce is analyzed
FEATURES AND PRECONDITIONS OF SPIRITUAL-EDUCATIONAL WORK WITH STUDENTS OF "CREATIVE" PROFILE In this article, the features of spiritual and educational work in a student's environment of a "creative" orientation are discussed. The article examines the forms and methods of building a spiritually-oriented dialogue, the ways of "presenting" spiritual themes to a specific environment and building a common value-semantic platform.
Economic and Mathematical Modelling of the Russian Ruble Exchange Rate Given the WTO Membership Within the developed author's conceptual approach to an assessment of an equilibrium exchange rate on the basis of the international streams (IFEER) the structural model of a ruble exchange rate in the conditions of integration of Russia into world economy is under construction. Modeling is carried out on the basis of research of streams of the balance of payments taking into account relative international competitive advantages of Russia. Results of modeling allow to estimate tendencies of behavior of real and nominal rates of national currency in the conditions of membership of Russia in the WTO.
PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPMECHANISMS FOR DEVELOPING TOURISM INFRASTRUCTURE IN KAZAKHSTAN This article reveals the key aspects that are relevant for the development of public-private partnerships (PPPs) in Kazakhstani tourism. The attention is focusedon the main public-private partnershipmechanisms currently in operation in the country.
THE USE OF PEDAGOGICAL TECHNOLOGIES AND METHODS OF ACTIVE LEARNING IN THE CLASSROOM OF COMPUTER SCIENCE This article deals with the use of educational technology and methods of active learning in the classroom of computer science, the study of its effectiveness and how to use this method during lessons
MODERN METHODS OF LEGAL PROTECTION OF HONOR, DIGNITY AND BUSINESS REPUTATION AND MEASURES FOR PREVENTING OFFENSE In this article, the author examines the problems of improving the administrative and legal protection of honor and dignity, business reputation under the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, conducts a number of problematic issues that require scientific and legal research, makes a comparative analysis with the laws of foreign countries, and also gives specific proposals for solving this issue and the author determines the factors for preventing offenses in the field of protection of honor and dignity.In addition, the article analyzes the normative legal acts regulating the protection of the honor and dignity of a citizen, as well as provides some examples on this aspect, identifies similarities and differences in legislative acts. In modern conditions, when there is a variety of political and ideological thinking, the protection of honor, dignity and business reputation of citizens becomes important, both in life and in practice. In the Republic of Kazakhstan, cases for the protection of the honor and dignity of citizens are increasingly being considered. This is an important point on the way to building the rule of law. In the scientific article, the author tried to comprehensively approach the study of these important non-property rights - the right to protect the honor, dignity and business reputation of citizens.
MODERN SOLUTIONS OF THE PROBLEM OF ORGANIZATION OF REMOTE LEARNING USING THE USE OF MOBILE APPLICATIONS The article talks about some new applications and analogues, existing applications that help to make a modern distance education space complete. The described programs cover almost all types of educational activities and contribute to the expansion of opportunities for the inclusion of various forms of activity in education.
Evdokimov Konstantin Sergeevich At the present stage of Russia's economic development, enterprises are faced with the problem of optimizing the capital structure and ensuring an appropriate level of financial security, which is why the process of taking into account the totality of internal and external factors affecting the choice of financing sources is becoming significantly relevant. The list of factors influencing decisions on the structure of capital during its formation is presented.
On the importance of subsoil management in the regional socio-economic development In the current economic situation in the Russian Federation, the development of mineral deposits not only provides raw materials for the national economy and tax payments to budgets of various levels, but also facilitates the regional socio-economic development. It is proposed that the status of obligations to invest in the regional socio-economic development should be developed in licenses.
INTERMEDIARY LIABILITY FOR ONLINE USER COMMENTS UNDER THE EUROPEAN CONVENTION ON HUMAN RIGHTS In the recent judgments of Delfi AS v. Estonia and Magyar T.E. and Zrtv. Hungary, the European Court of Human Rights for the first time sought to clarify the limits to be imposed on intermediary liability regimes for online user comments, and the factors to be assessed in the determination of the appropriate balance between the Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights speech rights of online intermediaries and the Article 8 reputational rights of those targeted by unlawful user comments. In doing so, the Court has left open to Contracting States the choice of intermediary liability regime to be adopted at the domestic level. The author, a judge of the Strasbourg Court, comments extrajudicially on the compatibility of the potential liability regimes with the Court's new line of case law and the criticisms levelled at the judgment of Delfi AS v. Estonia. He argues that, the European Court may be seen to have adopted a middle ground between two diametrically opposing viewpoints on the regulation of the Internet, one advocating for an environment free from regulation of online conduct, and the other campaigning for a regulated Internet where the same legal principles apply both online and offline.
LEGAL NATURE OF TESTAMENT The article deals with the legal nature of testament and its significance not only after testator’s death but starting with the moment of its accomplishment. It is revealed its influence upon legal capacity.
ANIMAL LEGAL PERSONALITY ISSUE The article is devoted to studying the issue of legal personality of animals in the modern world. The author considers the existing legal status of objects of the animal world and analyzes the main theories devoted to animal rights. As a result of this analysis the author concludes that the animal is a specific object of law that requires certain legal regulation.
The effect of temperature regimes on laboratory germination rates and germination energy of <i>Astragalus </i>L. Background. The temperature regime has a significant effect on the enzymatic activity of seeds. Optimum temperatures trigger physical and chemical reactions in the seed and initiate its germination. The optimum temperature depends on the environmental and geographical conditions in the area of a taxon’s origin and is determined experimentally. Materials and methods. The target material of the study were seeds of three Astragalus L. species (A. cicer L., A. onobrychis L., and A. sulcatus L.) collected from young generative plants introduced in the dry-steppe zone of Kulunda. The effect of temperature conditions (+4…+8°C, +10…+20°C, +20…+32°C) and species-specific attribution of Astragalus plants on laboratory seed germination percentage and energy was studied using the two-factor analysis of variance. The assessment of laboratory seed germination was carried out according to the guidelines by M. M. Ishmuratova and K. G. Tkachenko. Results. The analysis of variance showed a significant effect of the temperature regime (51-54%) and species specificity (23-24%) on the germination percentage rate and germination energy of Astragalus seeds. The seeds of A. onobrychis germinated under a wide range of positive temperatures (from +4…+8°C to +20…+32°C). The temperature range of +10…+20°C was optimal for A. onobrychis and A. sulcatus, with 100% germination. The optimum temperature that determined the maximum laboratory germination of A. cicer seeds was in the range of +20…+32°C. Low positive temperatures (+4…+8°C) were not effective for germination of A. cicer seeds. Conclusion. The optimum temperature conditions for germination of Astragalus seeds were identified: +10…+20°C for A. onobrychis and A. sulcatus, and +20…+32°C for A. cicer.
Analysis of used matrix system for curing the patients with caries of the teeth proximal surfaces per duration of the procedures The study evaluated the use of diff erent matrix systems for the restoration of posterior teeth during treatment of caries of teeth contact areas as a factor that infl uences the length of procedures. The study involved 147 patients: 48 patients in Group 1; 54 patient’s in-group 2; 45 patients of the 3rd group. The main objective- to assess the impact of applying diff erent matrix systems for the restoration of posterior teeth during treatment of caries of teeth contact areas on the duration of procedures. According to the study, it was found direct impact matrix systems of diff erent designs on the duration of treatment for patients with proximal caries tooth surfaces of the side group and at the use of separation and restraint of our design can reduce the duration of the manipulation of 15%.
Research of Politeness In Discursive Markers in Accordance with G. Leech’s Principles of Politeness In speech communication discursive markers are a universally occurring linguistic phenomenon. The presence or absence of discursive markers does not affect the verity of the discourse, but there are many pragmatic functions in communication, such as discourse construction, interpersonal discussions, and meta-pragmatic functions. The article analyses the properties of discursive markers, based on G. Leech’s principle of politeness (1983). Thus, the purpose of the article is to show the significance of discursive markers in speech communication.
Measuring of Amplitudes, Frequencies and Phases of Simple Periodic Components of the Complex Signal at Spectral Analysis by Fast Fourier Transform The method of estimation of amplitudes, frequencies and phases of final number of simple periodic components of a difficult signal on the discrete spectrum received by fast Fourier transformation (FFT) is offered. In order to apply the offered algorithms it is necessary to know only aprioristic data (the minimum volume of realization and the step of digitization) and the calculated data - the valid and imaginary parts of readout of the spectrum laying about the greatest maxima. Modeling of the offered algorithm operation is carried out. The total signal consisting of seven sinusoids with individual amplitudes, different frequencies and phases was modeled. Channel noise was modeled by the addition of normally distributed random variable to the exact readout of the total signal, and the noise of 50 Hz - by the addition of realization of a sinusoid with the random amplitude and phase. Definition of parameters of composed sinusoids was made by two iterative methods. At the first method the total spectrum of a signal was considered as the sum of spectra of seven independent signals. At the second method the spectrum of a total signal was considered as the sum of spectra of independent pairs of signals. Errors of phase definition did not surpass 3 %; and errors of measurement of amplitudes and frequencies did not surpass 1 %. The study can serve as a theoretical foundation for the algorithm for measuring the amplitudes, frequencies, and phases of a finite number of simple periodic components of a complex signal using the fast Fourier transformation in the absence of a priori information about the signal parameters using only real and imaginary components of the discrete spectrum of the signal.
The efficiency of dyslipidemia control in real clinical practice and the possibilities of its correction in patients with coronary heart disease and diabetes mellitus in the long-term use of simvastatin Objective: To show the efficiency of dyslipidemia control in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) and diabetes mellitus (DM) in real outpatient clinical practice and the possibilities of its correction in the long-term use of simvastatin (simvastatin forte 40 mg) in one of the Nizhny Novgorod polyclinics. Subjects and methods. The efficiency of lipid profile control was analyzed in a sample from the entire dispensary group of patients with DM (n = 713). Patients at highest cardiovascular risk were selected from the dispensary group and included into a group of CHD and DM. There were a total of 461 (64.7 %) such patients. Forty-three patients were identified in this group, who were matched for baseline systolic and dia- stolic blood pressures, age, gender, and DM duration and were found to have significant hypercholesterolemia. Simvastatin forte 40 mg was prescribed to these patients at their outpatient visit. During a year, the patient made 6 visits to his/her physician (5 visits at 6-werk intervals and the sixth visit by the end of the follow-up year). The dose of simvastatin was unchanged throughout the study. Results. In the entire dispensary group, 64.7 % of the patients had a concurrence of CHD and DM. This group of patients was at high risk for dyslipidemia. In this group, 2.8 % had a total cholesterol (TC) level of ≤ 3.5 mmol/l; 4.7 % had a low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) level of < 1.8 mmol/l. The total lipid profile was analyzed in only 6.3% of the patients from the entire dispensary group. 28.6 % of the patients with type 1 DM and 21.3% of those with CHD and type 2 DM took statins. Fifty-two week therapy with simvastatin forte 40 mg showed its high efficiency in real practice in decreasing the levels of atherogenic lipids and lipoproteins: TC by 27.6 % (p < 0.001), LDL-C by 36.9 % (p < 0.001), and triglycerides by 34.3 % (p < 0.001) with antiatherogenic high-density lipoprotein cholesterol elevation by 15.2 % (p < 0,001). Simvastatin forte therapy was well tolerated: the mean values of liver enzymes and the activity of creatine phosphokinase remained within the normal range. After one-year simvastatin forte therapy, the blood concentration of glucose decreased by 10.5%. Conclusion. Simvastatin forte (40 mg/day) demonstrated good hypolipidemic efficacy, tolerability, and high safety profile in patients with CHD and DM.
Multimodal therapy of disseminated ovarian dysgerminoma (case report) Germ-cell tumors are rare, but aggressive tumors in children. The introduction of modern treatment protocols has significantly improved survival in this group of patients. This paper presents the analysis of clinical case of disseminated ovarian dysgerminoma successfully treated using multimodal therapeutic approach. The epidemiology of ovarian dysgerminoma among pediatric patients and the pathogenesis of the disease are discussed based on the analysis of the literature data. We also discuss the basic principles of diagnosis and choice of tactics of treatment.
THE CHANGES OF SYNTACTICAL RELATION WHEN TRANSLATING TERMS AND TERMINOLOGICAL GROUPS FROM ENGLISH INTO RUSSIAN IN TECHNICAL LANGUAGE The article analyzes certain peculiarities of English and Russian terminological systems in the sphere of building and specific difficulties when translating technical texts from Russian into English and vice versa. The authors examine the problem of stylistic inconsistency in translation which occurs due to non-observance of certain established principles of technical term or terminological group formation initiating the change of original sentence meaning. The paper identifies the tendency for excessive non-motivated use of a large number of term definitions which makes it bulky and difficult to translate.
Features of emotional development of a child of younger preschool age The article describes the features of the emotional development of a child in the period of 3-4 years (younger preschool age). This period is especially important because the child goes to kindergarten and begins to communicate in a team, and also at this age the child is most susceptible. The article describes why it is important to develop the emotional sphere of a child, as well as what areas of emotional development exist.
ORGANIZATIONAL-PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS OF CONTINUOUS PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF FUTURE ENGINEERS BASED NETWORKING Modern conditions are characterized by multi-level system of continuous professional training, the need for flexible response to changing labour market. Priority is given to the development of high technology, scientific research, the creation of a technical world-class universities, the construction of the engineering profession and work in the category of the most prestigious and well-paid. Today requires highly skilled professionals at various levels (bachelors, masters, engineers), competitive, and ready to creative and professional activity, is able to comprehensively combine research, design and entrepreneurship. Identified, theoretically grounded and presents the organizational-pedagogical conditions of continuous professional training of future engineers based on the networking of educational institutions and social partners: features of professional training of future engineers in classroom and extracurricular activities; use technology active learning; engaging students in engineering and production activities in terms of network interaction between educational institutions and social partners. Today requires highly skilled professionals at various levels (bachelors, masters, engineers), competitive, and ready to creative and professional activity, is able to comprehensively combine research, design and entrepreneurship.
STUDENTS OF THE PROFILE "PRIMARY AND PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION" ABOUT THE FUNCTIONING OF NUMERALS IN THE DIALECTS OF THE TAMBOV REGION Work in this direction has a significant scientific and educational potential and is necessary in terms of General cultural training of future teachers. Working with regional texts helps to foster students ' love for Russia, their native land, "deep antiquity", traditions, and a desire to revive the high morality and true spirituality that is now being lost.
PHARMACOTERAPEUTIC EFFECTIVENESS OF COMPLEX PHYTOREMEDY DIABEPHYT® ON EXPERIMENTAL CHRONIC PANCREATITIS It is established, that complex phytoremedy diabephyt® renders expressed pancreoprotective influence at exterimental chronic pancreatitis, reducing activity of pancreatic enzymes, inhibits peroxidative oxidation of lipids, suscitate of endogenic antioxidant protection, prevent necrosis of pancreacytis and fibrogenesis on organs parenchyma.
Current problems in the diagnosis of chronic endometritis This article describes the currently existing methods of chronic endometritis diagnosis. Particular attention is paid to the morphological study of endometrial samples and hysteroscopy because they are the most informative methods for diagnosis of this disease at the moment. The results of studies investigating the value of various diagnostic methods are given, diagnostic criteria, indicating chronic endometritis, detected by each of these methods, are described. The differences in diagnostic criteria for chronic endometritis are reviewed. Controversial points regarding the morphological study of the endometrium, the different methods of taking endometrial samples, controversies in histological staining of the samples are shown. The differences in evaluation criteria of endometrial inflammation such as the number of plasma cells and other inflammatory cells are discussed.
COMPACT UNIT WITH A CAPACITY OF 1000 M3/DAY The issues of design and construction of a compact installation with a capacity of 1000 m3/day for a populated source of possible emissions are considered. According to the terms of reference, sewage treatment facilities will receive 40 % of the total amount of sewage supplied for treatment, the volume of effluents imported by sewage trucks is 60 %.
ANTHROPOGENIC TRANSFORMATION OF ENVIRONMENT IN CONSTRUCTION OF RESERVOIRS (KAMA RESERVOIR) The article discusses the change in the natural regime of the liquid and solid runoff of rivers as a result of anthropogenic transformation of the natural environment in the construction of reservoirs.
FACTORS AND PECULIARITIES OF FORMING DEMAND FOR MILK AND DAIRY PRODUCTS The aim of this study is to identify the main factors influencing the demand for milk and dairy products, and to study the peculiarities of its formation in the conditions of realization of import substitution policies. The author presents the dynamics of the volume of milk and dairy product consump tion in Russia and Krasnodar Territory. The author has analyzed the change of the purchasing power level of average per capita incomes in the region. Russia’s state statistics’ data were used to calculate the coefficients of elasticity of demand for milk and dairy products on the per capita income of the population of the Russian Federation for the years 2010-2015, in the context of decile groups of the population. The values of the total coefficient of elasticity and its dynamics were defined for the analyzed period. It was found that a 1.0 percent increase in average per capita money income of the population leads to a 0.25-0.30 percent increase in demand for milk and dairy products in the Russian Federation. This indicates a low income elasticity of demand. The author has confirmed the presence of seasonality in demand for dairy products and defined seasonality indices of physical volumes of butter sales by large and medium-size retail companies of Krasnodar Region for 2012-2014. Sales seasonality is shown on the graph. The author has defined the correlation of prices for dairy products in various stages of the distribution network in Krasnodar Region. The author has revealed that prices in milk and dairy product market depend on the season. On the basis of the pre-calculated comparable prices there have been calculated indices of the seasonal pricing for raw milk, butter, hard and soft rennet cheeses, sour cream and fat cottage cheese. Seasonality is illustrated graphically.
Statistics survey of household`s income and expenditures in Russia: methodological problems and prospects The analysis of statistical surveys of household`s income and expend it resin Rus-sia and abroad was conducted. Methodological problems of development of inte-grated accounts are investigated. The prospects of development of social account-ing matrices in Russia are determined.
Formal and Logical Thinking of Preschoolers with Different Levels of Cultural Congruence The results of the empirical research on the specifics of formal and logical thinking of preschoolers with different levels of cultural congruence are discussed in the paper. Using the methods for assessment of formal and logical thinking, it is found that children with the high level of cultural congruence (i.e., complying with rules in the normative situation) are characterized by the high level of formal and logical thinking. The levels of generalization and establishment of the cause-and-effect relationships as indicators of formal and logical thinking in preschoolers appear to be positively correlated with their cultural congruence.
Dependence of the Initial Conditions in Relativistic Heavy-Ions Collisions on the Energy and Type of Nuclei in the Monte Carlo Glauber Model The observed parameters studied in experiments on the collision of relativistic nuclei depend on the initial conditions, which cannot be determined experimentally. The standard method for determining the relationship between observables and theoretical initial state parameters is based on the Glauber model. We present the dependences of the parameters of the initial conditions of the heavy ion collisions on the input parameters of the Monte Carlo Glauber model, such as the inelastic cross section of the nucleon-nucleon interaction, which depends on the collision energy, and the nuclear density.
Round table "Progress of Russia: women''s aspect" (Moscow, May 15, 2018) The roundtable discussion “Progress of Russia: women's aspect” was attended by prominent Russian scholars, researchers and university tutors. The reports of the participants focused on women personalities - scientists, public figures, great women of Russia. Their role in the achievements of national and global science was highly appreciated.
Stady of component stratification in liquid Bi-Pb alloys Submitted the experimental results of the partial separation process for alloy, close to the eutectic Bi-Pb, in a tilted capillary. The peculiarity of this alloy is little difference densities components and expansion of the alloy during solidification. Expansion of the alloy leads to the destruction of the capillary in the manufacture of samples. The little difference densities, which are is «driving force» process the separation, leads to a decrease in the intensity of the process. However, separation process alloy was recorded, identified the analysis of the results and made conclusions about this alloy.
Psychopathological changes at patients with lacunar cerebral strokes A variety of lacunar strokes localization in the brain is reflected in the forms of psychopathology at the patients with this pathology. Noteworthy, the presence of cognitive impairment there was even in the presence of a single lacunar stroke. MMSE cannot help in presсrining process of cognitive impairment in this patients group.
FEATURES OF SOCIAL-PSYCHOLOGICAL ADAPTATION OF SENIOR TEENAGERS INCLINED TO RISK The article is devoted to the analysis of the phenomenon of social-psychological adaptation. The determinationaspects of social-psychological adaptation, the difficulties of adaptation at the stage of senior adolescenceare disclosed. The concept of “risk-taking” is considered, its personal correlates are revealed. The results of empirical research of features of social-psychological adaptation of risk-taking senior adolescents are given.
INVESTIGATION OF THE INFLUENCE OF PRE-PRESSURE OF SOLID WASTE AT THE SORTING The effect of pre-pressure on the sorting of solid waste has been analyzed. A rational sequence of extraction fractions of household waste for sorting. Recommendations on the use of block and mobile facilities for sorting solid waste have been given.
THE INCIDENCE OF ACUTE RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS OF UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACT IN THE ADULT POPULATION OF UKRAINE DEPENDING ON THE DENSITY ACCOMMODATION The article analyzes the incidence of acute upper respiratory tract infections in regions of Ukraine taking into account the population density. The highest rates of the average population density for the period from 2005 to 2014. were in the Donetsk, Lviv, chernivtsi, Dnipropetrovsk regions. The highest incidence of acute upper respiratory infections of multiple or uncertain localization was in: Kiev and Kiev, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Poltava, Luhansk, chernihiv, Donetsk and Lviv regions. On the incidence and duration of its recurrence, the density of 35.2 pers./km 2 to 169.1 pers. / km 2 has no significant effect.
INTERCOUNTRY ADOPTION: ADOPTION SECRECY OR THE RIGHT ON IDENTITY? Background. The issues of intercountry adoption is a matter of high importance as it is impossible to provide due unified regulation of all aspects of this procedure, especially at collision of absolutely different types of legal relationships regulation in a child’s country of origin and in a receiving country. The goal of the study is to analyze the conflict of law that regulates adoption secrecy and the right on identity in a wide sense including the child’s right to know his/her origins. Materials and methods. Implementation of the research objectives was achieved on the basis of the analysis of two approaches to the adoption procedure, particularly the open and the closed one. The analyzed the main decisions of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the European Court of Human Rights, the Russian and foreign doctrine, determining approaches to maintain child’s interests in conformity with his/her fundamental rights. Results. The describes the conflict of legal relations covering regulation of adoption secrecy and the right on identity, when the authorities in a country of origin and a receiving country obtain a right to decide whether to disclose the adoption secrecy or not.The legislation in countries differs much in this respect and moreover sometimes it is impossible to maintain adoption secrecy when adoption is not only intercountry but also transracial. Every country may decide how to regulate it, though when adoption is intercountry the procedure should be organized in accordance with rules of a country of origin and the rules of a receiving country, so the question of adoption secrecy maintenance directly depends on the procedure of adoption (be it open or closed). Conclusions. Nevertheless it is important to consider the rights of native parents when they want to keep their identity in secrecy and the rights of adopters when they don’t want to disclose their identity and the fact of adoption. It is impossible nowadays to regulate the above mentioned questions by fixing them at the legislative level; under which condition it is worth to disclose adoption secrecy and the fact of adoption. This question is solved by the authorities in a formal and often subjective way in accordance with domestic legislation. Moreover, a strict prohibition of contacting with native parents does not serve the best interests of a child and terminates his/her right on identity.
A power spectrum density approximation of random signals on a finite interval in the basis of discrete-continual exponential function Approximation technique of power spectrum density of discrete random signals on a finite time interval, based on the recurrent circulant model of the second dynamic order is presented. Exact analytic expressions of spectrum density the signals in the basis of discrete-continual exponential function are produced. Simulation results confirming а good property of approximation are presented.
THE VECTORS OF ASSOCIATION: THE ANALISYS OF THE PROSPECTS OF DEVELOPMENT The research is a study of description of vectors of association with a special attention to vectors with the prospect of development. The objective of the work is indicated by the author as an attempt to trace the history of the development of vectors of association with a low degree of stereotyping. The article presents interpretations of the terms “strategy of association”, “vector of association” in the aspect of analysis of language awareness of native speakers. In order to confirm the hypothesis that the vectors, which were identified in the free associative experiment, are evolving, the author takes data from magazines and websites. The conclusion of the research tells that the vectors, which have been indentified 10 years ago, continue to evolve; they are updated in associative experiments and are reflected in today’s media.
INCREASED RELIABILITY AIRCRAFT AT ALL STAGES OF LIFE CYCLE Analyzed astronomical sources of primary navigation information for autonomous determination of the motion of objects.
Personality Development Training in the Context of Innovations of School Foreign Language Education Background. Problem statement concerns the need to study pedagogical and didactic topics due to the environment or background in modern Russian education, i.e. the socio-political situation in the region, in the country, and in the world as a whole, which has an indirect impact on it. This paper is in the main a continuation of the authors’ publications on the topic under consideration. The target setting of this study is a reflection on the regional approach, with its features and initiatives in the aspect of forming functional literacy of schoolchildren as a value in the educational process. Methodology and materials of the study. In the context of the axiological approach, the authors of this manuscript consider a novel situation, which is characterized by the desire of a modern teacher to "equip" the school educational space and apply the design of Knowledge Content, Pedagogy, IT facilities and devices for teaching and fostering a responsible attitude of students to the learning process. The results of the study. The research is carried out in the context of a value-based comprehensive model of cultural self-determination of teachers in the system of continuing professional education. Of particular interest are some of the active means of foreign language teaching and learning in the aspect of integration of classroom and outdoors activities of schoolchildren. As a result of the conducted micro-research, the article also presents a professional project aimed at improving the quality of foreign language education at a school with in-depth study of English in one of the educational institutions of the Novosibirsk region. In conclusion, the authors state the contribution of modern teaching to the state and solution of urgent problems of regional foreign language education as an integral component of humanitarian knowledge and education in general, which is in conditions of uncertainty and ambiguity.
Dynamics of a network of map-based model neurons for supervised learning of a reservoir computing system The purpose of this work is to develop a reservoir computing system that contains a network of model neurons with discrete time, and to study the characteristics of the system when it is trained to autonomously generate a harmonic target signal. Methods of work include approaches of nonlinear dynamics (phase space analysis depending on parameters), machine learning (reservoir computing, supervised error minimization) and computer modeling (implementation of numerical algorithms, plotting of characteristics and diagrams). Results. A reservoir computing system based on a network of coupled discrete model neurons was constructed, and the possibility of its supervised training in generating the target signal using the controlled error minimization method FORCE was demonstrated. It has been found that with increasing network size, the mean square error of learning decreases. The dynamic regimes arising at the level of individual activity of intra-reservoir neurons at various stages of training are studied. It is shown that in the process of training, the network-reservoir transits from the state of space-time disorder to the state with regular clusters of spiking activity. The optimal values of the coupling coefficients and the parameters of the intrinsic dynamics of neurons corresponding to the minimum learning error were found. Conclusion. A new reservoir computing system is proposed in the work, the basic unit of which is the Courbage-Nekorkin discrete-time model neuron. The advantage of a network based on such a spiking neuron model is that the model is specified in the form of a mapping, therefore, there is no need to perform an integration operation. The proposed system has shown its effectiveness in training autonomous generation of a harmonic function, as well as for a number of other target functions.
STATIONARY MOVEMENT OF TWO IMMISCIBLE VISCOUS LIQUIDS IN THE RECTANGULAR CHANNEL When studying the processes of liquid separation or mixing, sludge removal, there is a problem of modeling the joint motion of immiscible liquids in engineering structures. In this paper we consider the stationary joint motion of two viscous immiscible liquids in a horizontal channel. Differential equations of fluid flow are given, boundary conditions are defined and exact solutions are found, which allow to obtain the necessary characteristics of the studied processes. An example of calculation of average speeds is given. The resulting mathematical model can be used to study the process of mixing liquids or phase separation and sediment removal in tins for technical purposes.
Of the influence of mass media on adolescent groups The article considers the problem of the influence of mass media on various subsystems of the society. The analysis of factors present approaches to scientific and pedagogical solving conflicts and problems.