4 values
1 value
The following drug has maximum propensity to cause peripheral neuropathy
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Didanosine (B) Zidovudine (C) Stavudine (D) Lamivudine
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following is not seen in Vitamin D deficiency:
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Increased alkaline phosphate (B) Decreased phosphate in urine (C) Hypophosphatemia (D) Decreased serum calcium
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following serological status is seen only in acute hepatitis B infection?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) HBsAg Positive + HBeAg Positive + HBc IgM Positive (B) HBsAg Negative + HBc IgM Positive + HBc IgG Positive (C) HBsAg Positive + HBeAg Positive + HBc IgM Negative (D) HBc IgG Positive + HBe IgG Positive + HBs IgG Positive
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following feature may be used to differentiate hemophilia A from von Willebrand disease
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Bleeding time (B) Prothrombin time (C) Paial thromboplastin time (D) Factor VIII levels
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Hypokalemia with hypertension is associated with following except
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Liddle's syndrome (B) Conn's syndrome (C) Bartter's syndrome (D) Cushing's syndrome
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Menghini needle is used for biopsy of which of the following organ?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Bone (B) Liver (C) Kidney (D) Muscle
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following amino acid is required for the synthesis of haem?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Lysine (B) Glycine (C) Arginine (D) Glutamine
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following is an example of antisialogogues used to control moisture during orthodontic bonding?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Epinephrine (B) Betamethasone dipropionate (C) Banthine (D) Paracetamol
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following is true about HPLC and gas chromatography?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) In Gas Chromatography, the stationary phase is always solid (B) In HPLC, the stationary phase is solid (C) In HPLC, the mobile phase is a liquid or solid (D) In Gas chromatography, the mobile phase is always gas
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
A 56-year-old man is brought to the emergency department by his wife because of memory loss and difficulty walking. She has noticed personality changes, truancy from work, and lack of personal care over the past 1 year. On examination he appears unkempt, smells of urine, and is uncooperative. He cannot recall the date or season, and gets angry when asked questions. His answers are often fabricated when checked with his wife. The blood pressure is 150/90 mm Hg, pulse 100/min, and he is diaphoretic and tremulous. His gait is wide based, and motor strength and reflexes are normal. His ocular movements are normal but there is nystagmus on lateral gaze. In the past he has had multiple admissions for alcohol withdrawal. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) prophylactic phenytoin administration (B) prophylactic diazepam administration (C) prophylactic carbamazepine administration (D) calcium administration
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following is a VEGF inhibitor?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Bevacizumab (B) Omalizumab (C) Adalizumab (D) Abciximab
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
A man is found comatose in his room, having taken an unknown number of sleeping pills. An aerial blood sample yields the following values: pH 7.10, HCO3 - 12 meq/liter, PaCO2 66 mm Hg. This patient's acid - base status is most accurately described as:
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Uncompensated metabolic acidosis (B) Uncompensated respiratory acidosis (C) Mixed respiratory and metabolic acidosis (D) Respiratory acidosis with paial renal compensation
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
All of the following statements about Esophageal carcinoma are true, Except:
What of the following is the right choice? (A) More common in Men (B) Adenocarcioma is on rise (C) Most common in elderly (D) Pernicious anemia is a risk factor
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following causes minimum bone marrow suppression ?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Bleomyc (B) 5FU (C) Cytarabine (D) Topotecan
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
oseltamavir is used in all the following except ?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) influenza A (B) bird flu (C) covid 19 (D) all the above
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
All of the following drugs reduce afterload ,except
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Enalapril (B) Propranolol (C) Hydralizine (D) Sodium nitroprusside
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
A 30yr old patient complaints of easy fatigability exotional dyspnea and weight loss She also complaints of frequent fall There is B12 decrease in vibration sense Her Hb levels were low She was treated with folate Her anemia improved but neurological symptoms worsen d Which of the following is most probable reason of her condition
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Folate not absorbed (B) Deficiency of folate reductase in CNS (C) Unmasked pyridoxine defficiency (D) Folate therapy caused rapid use of B12 stores aggravating symptoms
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Heamoptysis may occur in the following situations except:
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Bronchiectasis (B) Pulmonary tuberculosis (C) Lung abscess (D) Bronchial asthma
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
All of the following can cause osteoporosis, except
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Hyperparathyroidism (B) Steroid use (C) Flurosis (D) Thyrotoxicosis
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Among the following all are hydrophilic hormones that act on cytosolic receptors except one which is a lipophilic hormone that acts on nuclear receptor:
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Thyroxine (B) Epinephrine (C) GH (D) AUTH
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
A seven year old girl presents with repeated episodes of bleeding into joints. On investigation, her APTT is was found to be prolonged and PT was normal. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Factor VII deficiency (B) Factor VIII deficiency (C) Factor XII deficiency (D) Von Willebrand Disease
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which one of the following is not true for an a-helix:
What of the following is the right choice? (A) It is one of the most impoant secondary structure (B) It has a net dipole moment (C) All hydrogen bonds are aligned in the same direction (D) Long stretches of left handed a-helices occur in proteins
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Cardiac or central nervous system toxicity may result when standard lignocaine doses are administered to patients with circulatory failure. This may be due to the following reason :
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Lignocaine concentration is initially higher in relatively well perfused tissues such as brain and heart. (B) Histamine receptors in brain and heart get suddenly activated in circulatory failure (C) There is a sudden outburst of release of adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine in brain and heart (D) Lignocaine is converted to a toxic metabolite due to its longer stay in the liver.
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following agents are useful in medical treatment of variceal bleeding?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Octreotide (B) Pantoprazole (C) Somatotropin (D) Dexamethasone
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Patients suffering from multidrug resistant tuberculosis can be treated with all the following drugs EXCEPT:
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Tobramycin (B) Amikacin (C) Ciprofloxacin (D) Clarithromycin
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Albumin serves as a transpoer of all the following molecules, Except
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Bilirubin (B) Free fatty acids (C) Thyroxine (D) Iron
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Albendazole may be used for treatment of all of the following conditions except
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Entrobius (B) Entrobius (C) Ankylostoma (D) Schitosomiasis
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following molecules delivers iron to tissues by binding to specific cell surface receptors:
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Ferritin (B) Ferredoxin (C) Hemosiderin (D) Transferrin
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following RNA has abnormal purine bases:
What of the following is the right choice? (A) tRNA (B) mRNA (C) rRNA (D) 16S RNA
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Glutathione reductase contains the following metal:
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Selenium (B) Magnesium (C) Manganese (D) Calcium
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
In which of the following microcytic hypochromic anemia is not seen?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Iron deficiency anemia (B) Anemia of chronic disease (C) Thalassemia (D) Aplastic anemia
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
A 62-year-old female, Phoolwati presents to the emergency with acute severe low back pain after too quickly sitting down onto a chair. She has a history of rheumatoid ahritis and bronchial asthma. She repos that she was on many medications for several years. X-ray shows a fracture of the fifth lumbar veebra. Which of the following drugs are likely responsible for the patient's complaints?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Methotrexate (B) Prednisolone (C) Indomethacin (D) Salbutamol
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Pyruvate can be conveed directly into all of the following EXCEPT:
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Phosphoenol Pyruvate (B) Alanine (C) Acetyl CoA (D) Lactate
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
A 19-year-old woman presents with primary amenorrhea. Her physical examination is normal, and she has female sex characteristics and breast development. The only abnormality is the absence of body hair. Genetic testing reveals an XY chromosome pattern. Which of the following mechanisms is most likely to explain her phenotypic pattern and amenorrhea?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) estrogen receptor defect (B) excess hormone production (C) androgen receptor defect (D) decreased hormone production
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Anti CD25 antibody among the following is
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Muromonab (B) Daclizumab (C) Adalimumab (D) Transtuzumab
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following anti–fungal drugs has only topical action ?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Fluconazole (B) Ketoconazole (C) Itraconazole (D) Clotrimazole
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
A person was given a muscle relaxant that competively blocks nicotinic receptors which of the following drug is used for reversal of muscle relaxation after surgery ?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) PHYSOSTIGMINE (B) NEOSTIGMINE (C) CARBACHOL (D) SUCCINYL CHOLINE
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following is a polyunsaturated fatty acid?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Palmitic acid (B) Stearic acid (C) Oleic acid (D) Linoleic acid
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
All of the following are causes of Transdative pleural effusion Except:
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Nephrotic syndrome (B) Rheumatoid ahritis (C) Constrictive pericarditis (D) Myxedema
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following is action of insulin
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Gluconeogenesis (B) Increased glucose uptake in muscle (C) Glycogenolysis (D) Increased glucose uptake in endothelium
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Steroids are indicated in all of the following forms of tuberculosis except
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Meningitis (B) Pericarditis (C) Ileo-Caecal tuberculosis (D) Adrenal involvement
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
A patient suffering from AIDS is on zidovudine, lamivudine and indinavir therapy. He develops pulmonary tuberculosis for which treatment is started. Which of the following should be avoided in him?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) INH (B) Ethambutol (C) Pyrazinamide (D) Rifampicin
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Hyponatremia is seen in all of the following except: September 2010
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Congestive hea failure (B) Kidney problems (C) Diabetes insipidus (D) SIADH
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following is required to bring about gluconeogenesis from pyruvate?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Pyruvate dehydrogenase (B) Biotin (C) Alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase (D) Fructose-6 phosphate
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following is the right choice of treatment for poosystemic encephalopathy?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Diurestics (B) High protein diet (C) Emergency poosystemic shunt syrgery (D) Lactulose
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
All of the following are true about Asthma, Except:
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Charcol Leydin crystals may be seen in sputum (B) Reversible Airflow obstruction is a characteristic feature (C) Large airways are involved (D) Small airways are not involved
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following drug needs serum level monitoring?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Lorazepam (B) Lithium (C) Amitryptylline (D) Haloperidol
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
All of the following drugs are known to worsen hyperkalemia except
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Spironolactone (B) ACE inhibitors (C) Furosemide (D) Amiloride
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Ventricular aneurysm has one of the following characteristic features
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Persistent ST segment elevation (B) Persistent ST segment depression (C) Left bundle branch block (D) Right bundle branch block
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
All of the following antiepileptic can lead to weight loss except
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Felbamate (B) Valproate (C) Zonisamide (D) Topiramate
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
In glycogen metabolism, a metabolically active impoant enzyme found in liver is conveed from it's inactive dephosphorylated state to it's active phosphorylated state. Which of the following is true about this enzyme:
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Phosphorylation sometimes activates the enzyme (B) Catecholamines directly stimulate it (C) More commonly seen in fasting state than in fed state (D) Always activated by cAMP dependent protein kinase
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Selenium is a cofactor in the following enzyme:
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Glutathione peroxidase (B) Cytochrome oxidase (C) Cytochrome reductase (D) Xanthine oxidase
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Detection of proteins by the following methods does not affect its function
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Detecting with Coomassie blue dye after electrophoresis by SDS-PAGE (B) Detecting with heat coagulation (C) Detecting with 2-D electrophoresis (D) Detecting with UV light at 280 nm
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
All the following are preliminary investigations in primary coagulation defects except
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Bleeding time (B) Platelet count (C) Prothrombin time (D) Platelet aggregation studies
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following metabolic events will not occur following 12-24 hour of fasting
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Increase in free fatty acids (B) Increase in ketone bodies (C) Decrease in Glycogen (D) Decrease in Serum Proteins
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following is not used as vector in genetics
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Adenovirus (B) Proteasome (C) Liposome (D) Retrovirus
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following is used to assess disability in migraine?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) MIDAS (B) MMSE (C) EDSS (D) ETDRS
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following agents is recommended for treatment of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GIST)
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Sorafenib (B) Imatinib (C) Gefitinib (D) Erlotinib
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
In which of the following types of leukemia is methotrexate administered for CNS prophylaxis
What of the following is the right choice? (A) ALL (B) AML (C) CLL (D) CML
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following enzyme exhibits absolute specificity for substrate?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Lactate dehydrogenase (B) L-amino acid oxidase (C) Urease (D) Hexokinase
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of following inhibitor in TCA cycle acts by blocking citrate
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Fluroacetate (B) Arsenite (C) Malonate (D) None of the above
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following electrolyte abnormalities is not seen in CRF:
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Hypercalcemia (B) Hyperkalemia (C) Hyperphosphatemia (D) Hyperuricemia
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
A 35 year old alcoholic presents with diarrhoea and scaly rash on his neck, hands and feet. He will improve if he is treated with which one of the following ?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) VitaminA (B) Thiamine (C) Folic acid (D) Niacin
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following presents as mediastinal enlargement:
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Promyelocytic Leukemia (B) CML (C) ALL (D) Diffuse histiocytic lymphoma
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
A 7-year-old child is taken to the emergency depament because he is feeling sho of breath. The episode began about an hour previously while the child was playing spos, when he abruptly developed paroxysms of wheezing and coughing. As the physician enters the room, he notes that the child is sitting leaning forward and is using his accessory respiratory muscles. Physical examination demonstrates tachypnea and tachycardia. On auscultation, a prolonged expiratory phase with relatively high-pitched wheezes through much of the respiratory cycle are heard. No fine crackles are heard. Which of the following medications will have the fastest onset if the 7-year-old child has an acute attack of his condition?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Albuterol inhalation (B) Beclomethasone inhalation (C) Ephedrine oral (D) Salmeterol inhalation
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following statements about creatinine clearance test is true:
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Creatinine clearance test is the most accurate / gold standard test for assessing GFR (B) Creatinine clearance may overestimate the actual GFR as renal function declines (C) Creatinine clearance may underestimate the actual GFR as renal function declines (D) Creatinine clearance is more accurate than Inulin clearance in estimating GFR
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following tissue deposits is called chalcosis
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Copper (B) Cadmium (C) Chromium (D) Aluminum
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which among the following is the structure of hemoglobin?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Monomer (B) Homodimer (C) Heterodimer (D) Tetramer
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following drug is useful in the prophylaxis of meningococcal meningitis?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Minocycline (B) Doxycycline (C) Cephalexin (D) Rifabutin
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following is the treatment of choice for patients with schizophrenia, who refuse to take treatment:
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Clozapine (B) Thioridazine (C) Olanzapine (D) Fluphenazine
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following properties make pyridostigmine different from neostigmine ?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) It is more potent (B) It is longer acting (C) It produces less muscarinic side effects (D) It does not have any direct action on NM receptors
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Methods of fusing two cells in genetic recombination technique include all of the following techniques, except
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Fusion mediated by Ethylene Glycol (B) Fusion mediated by by Electric current (C) Fusion mediated by viral transformation (D) Fusion Mediated by altering membrane viscocity
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following is a long acting beta 2 agoinst
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Salmeterol (B) Orciprenaline (C) Penoterol (D) Pexbaterol
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following has the highest affinity for 5HT3 receptors?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Dolasetron (B) Granisetron (C) Ondansetron (D) Palonosetron
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
All the following statements regarding adenosine are true except:
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Dipyridamole potentiates its action (B) Used to produce controlled hypotension (C) Administered by slow I.V. injection (D) Administered by rapid I.V. injection
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Metabolic complications in CRF include all of the following EXCEPT: March 2004
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Hyperkalemia (B) Hypophosphatemia (C) Hypocalcemia (D) Hypokalemia
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
All of the following is used as antiemetic, EXCEPT:
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Granisetron (B) Dolasetron (C) Palonosetron (D) Alosetron
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
A 25 year old male after road traffic accident was brought to emergency depament. On examination, the patient was moaning with inability to speak but patient was able to understand what he wanted to speak. Which of the following marked area of brain is involved in this?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following is a secondary bile acid?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Cholic acid (B) Chenodeoxy cholic acid (C) Litho Cholic acid (D) None
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following anticoagulant used in estimating blood glucose prevents glycolysis?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Oxalate (B) Citrate (C) Sodium fluoride (D) Heparin
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following is enantiomer
What of the following is the right choice? (A) a) D Glucose and L Glucose (B) b) D Fructose and L Fructose (C) c) D Mannose and L Mannose (D) d) D Glyceraldehyde and L Glyceraldehyde.
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Pyruvate can be converted directly into all the following except
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Phosphoenol pyruvate (B) Alanine (C) Acetyl CoA (D) Lactate
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following does not require copperfor action ?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Tyrosinase (B) Superoxide dismutase (C) Carbonic anhydrase (D) Ceruloplasmin
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Aortic regurgitation may be associated with all of the following except
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Ankylosing Spondylitis (B) Marfan's Syndrome (C) Dissection of the aorta (D) Polyarteritis nodosa
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following drug is metabolized through Glycination
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Benzodiazepines (B) Atzanavir (C) Ifosfamide (D) Nicotinic acid
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Normal anionic gap is seen in one of the following
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Diarrhoea (B) Uremia (C) Lactic acidosis (D) Ketosis
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
All of the following are adverse effects of thalidomide except:
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Myocarditis (B) Constipation (C) Peripheral neuropathy (D) Sedation
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
All of the following are associated with Atrioventricular block, except:
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Hyperkalemia (B) Hypomagnesemia (C) Hypothyroidism (D) Cushing's syndrome
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
A patient following head injury was admitted in intensive care ward with signs of raised intracranial pressure. He was put on a ventilator and started on intravenous fluids and diuretics. Twenty-four hours later his urine output was 3.5 litres, serum sodium 156 mEq/I and serum osmolarity of 316 mOsm/kg. The most likely diagnosis based on these parameters is
What of the following is the right choice? (A) High output due to diuretics (B) Diabetes insipidus (C) Too much infusion of normal saline (D) Cerebral salt retaining syndrome
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
IV diazepam has which of the following effect which is not seen by other routes ?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Analgesia (B) Sedation (C) Hypotension (D) Coronary dilatation
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
The following is the finding seen in DIVC :
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Increased fibrinogen , increased antithrombin III, increased thrombin-antithrombin III complexes (B) Increased FDP, decreased PT, increased antithrombin III (C) Increased FDP, prolonged PT, increased thrombin-antithrombin complexes (D) Increased FDP, prolonged PT, reduced Platlets
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Maximum number of energy rich phosphate is formed from which of the following pathways?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Glycolysis (B) Gluconeogenesis (C) HMP shunt (D) Citric acid cycle
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which one of the following enzymes is obtained from Thermophillus aquaticus bacterium which is heat stable and used in PCR at high temperature:
What of the following is the right choice? (A) DNA polymerase III (B) Endonuclease (C) Taq polymerase (D) DNA gyrase
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Tolerance and physical dependence may occur after chronic use of all of the following agents Except
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Meperidine (B) Phenobarbital (C) Diazepam (D) Clomipramine
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
All the following are hormonal agents used against breast cancer except
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Letrozole (B) Exemestane (C) Taxol (D) Tamoxifen
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
The following calcium channel blocker is specifically indicated to counteract cerebral vasospasm and neurological sequelae following subarachnoid haemorrhage
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Lacidipine (B) Nicardipine (C) Nimodipine (D) Nitrendipine
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Coarctation of aoa may be associated with all of the following except :
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Bicuspid aoic valve (B) Turner's syndrome (C) Renal aery stenosis (D) PDA
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
A 25 year old patient with asthma arrives at the emergency depament complaining of extreme shoness of breath. He has been compliant with his medications, which are metaproterenol and inhaled betamethasone. Over the past 6 hours, his wheezing and shoness of breath have become increasingly severe. At present, his blood pressure is 136/84 mm Hg and with deep inspiration falls to 116/56 mm Hg. His pulse is 126/min, and respirations are 32/min and labored. There is retraction of the sternocleidomastoid muscles with inspiration. There are soft wheezes and poor air movement diffusely throughout both lung fields. His peak expiratory flow rate is 60 L/min, and he is immediately staed on an albuterol nebulizer and given IV hydrocoisone. His aerial blood gas revealed a pH of 7.55, pCO2 of 21 mm Hg, and a pO2 of 60 mm Hg. Twenty minutes later, a repeat peak flow rate is still 60 L/min. A repeat aerial blood gas reveals that his pH is now 7.46, his pCO2 is now 34 mm Hg, and his pO2 is 64 mm Hg. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Administer IV epinephrine (B) Administer 100% oxygen a tight fitting face mask (C) Administer subcutaneous epinephrine (D) Prepare for intubation
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
The following are characteristic of tumour lysis syndrome except
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Hyperkalemia (B) Hypercalcemia (C) Hyperuricemia (D) Hyperphosphatemia
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
All of the following are true regarding cephalosporins, except:
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Bacteriocidal agents (B) Active against only gram negative (C) Resistant to beta lactamases by Bird generation cephalosporins (D) None of the above
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}