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There is an angel and a devil standing in front of a fender bender scene in a residential area. The devil has horns and a forked tail and is facing the angel who has a halo and wings. The angel is talking.
It is unusual for an angel or devil to be driving a car. It's also unusual for an angel and devil to be involved in the same car accident.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why are an angel and devil driving cars?", "Who's fault was the accident?" ]
Didn’t you see the light?
scene: traffic description: There is an angel and a devil standing in front of a fender bender scene in a residential area. The devil has horns and a forked tail and is facing the angel who has a halo and wings. The angel is talking. uncanny: It is unusual for an angel or devil to be driving a car. It's also unusual for an angel and devil to be involved in the same car accident. entities: Traffic_collision, Shoulder_angel. caption: Didn’t you see the light?
A play on the phrase "see the light". Figuratively, it means to have a revelation about a period of doubt, sometimes in a religious way. Here, satan, a fallen angel of god who sometimes masquerades as a good angel, has not seen the light. But here, he also hasn't seen the literal street light, causing a car crash. The angel is surprised satan didn't see the light in either sense.
a beach
A tourist and a tour guide are on an island with several Moai statues looking out into the same direction. These statues have a comb over and graying hair.
Statues aren't supposed to have human hair, let alone having it grey naturally.
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[ "Why do these statues have hair?" ]
They keep watch on the offshore accounts.
scene: a beach description: A tourist and a tour guide are on an island with several Moai statues looking out into the same direction. These statues have a comb over and graying hair. uncanny: Statues aren't supposed to have human hair, let alone having it grey naturally. entities: Moai, Tourism. caption: They keep watch on the offshore accounts.
Offshore accounts are bank accounts run by island nations where wealthy people keep money to avoid taxes. Here, the Moai statues, which normally are on Easter Island, have haircuts which make them look like wealthy businessmen from the USA. The idea is that these modified Maoi statues' job is to make sure that the wealthy businessmen's money is safe on the island.
Several people are flying kites at a kite park. However, one man is flying a dog up in the air. A disapproving police officer approached him.
It is very wrong to fly a real living dog as a kite. It would also be physically impossible unless the dog was 99% helium.
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[ "How is the dog able to fly like a kite?" ]
You better hope that was rain I just felt.
scene: park description: Several people are flying kites at a kite park. However, one man is flying a dog up in the air. A disapproving police officer approached him. uncanny: It is very wrong to fly a real living dog as a kite. It would also be physically impossible unless the dog was 99% helium. entities: Kite, Coyote. caption: You better hope that was rain I just felt.
The cop is trying to get the person to stop illegally flying a dog instead of a kite --- the joke is that, unlike kites, dogs can urinate, which might cause the police offer to get urinated on from above. The cop is trying to get the person to stop flying the dog, and it's likely the punishment would be worse for the man if the officer was peed on. The officer points out that the liquid he felt, for the sake of the man's punishment severity, is hopefully rain and not dog pee.
a residential walkway
A man is in the snow. A boy with a huge snow shovel is there too. They are outside a house.
The boy has a huge snow shovel.
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[ "Why does the boy have a huge snow shovel?" ]
It’s time you learned about managing people’s expectations.
scene: a residential walkway description: A man is in the snow. A boy with a huge snow shovel is there too. They are outside a house. uncanny: The boy has a huge snow shovel. entities: Snow_removal, Snow_shovel, Winter. caption: It’s time you learned about managing people’s expectations.
A common lesson in the adult workplace is not to set expectations for your work too high: the dad using a small shovel has set low snow-clearing expectations, whereas the child has set expectations too high by taking the larger snow shovel. The dad is teaching the child this lesson.
doctor's office
A safe is on the exam table in a doctor's office. The doctor is listening to the safe with a stethoscope.
It is unusual to see that large of a safe on a table. Also, doctors usually examine living things not safes.
[ "", "" ]
[ "What is the doctor listening for." ]
It could be a combination of things.
scene: doctor's office description: A safe is on the exam table in a doctor's office. The doctor is listening to the safe with a stethoscope. uncanny: It is unusual to see that large of a safe on a table. Also, doctors usually examine living things not safes. entities: Safe, Stethoscope. caption: It could be a combination of things.
A play on the term "combination of things" --- doctors often have difficulty finding the cause of symptoms because their causes can be caused by multiple factors, i.e., a combination of things. But here, the patient is a combination safe, which is unlocked by a literal combination.
a circus
A lion tamer is in a circus ring, holding a lion at bay and cracking a whip in the air defensively. One of the lions looks like it's combating the man, but the other lion is talking on a phone calmly.
Lions don't usually talk on phones, and the fact that they are so calm suggests that perhaps they are calling someone to discuss the tamer and the other lion fighting.
[ "", "", "" ]
[ "Who is the lion on the phone talking to?", "What is the lion on the phone talking about?" ]
How many times do I have to tell you, don't call me at work!
scene: a circus description: A lion tamer is in a circus ring, holding a lion at bay and cracking a whip in the air defensively. One of the lions looks like it's combating the man, but the other lion is talking on a phone calmly. uncanny: Lions don't usually talk on phones, and the fact that they are so calm suggests that perhaps they are calling someone to discuss the tamer and the other lion fighting. entities: Anthropomorphism, Telephone_call, Animal_training. caption: How many times do I have to tell you, don't call me at work!
In a circus act, a lion plays the part of a ferocious and scary animal --- but, this phone conversation humanizes the lion by pointing out that they are only acting/doing their job. As a result, they have everyday concerns about their employment, e.g., this lion is embarrassed that their spouse called them at work and seeks work-life separation.
a living room
A walrus is sitting in a chair reading a book. A woman is talking to him.
Walruses don't read and don't live in houses.
[ "", "" ]
[ "What are they talking about?" ]
Dr. Ogden just called to say your mercury levels are on the high side.
scene: a living room description: A walrus is sitting in a chair reading a book. A woman is talking to him. uncanny: Walruses don't read and don't live in houses. entities: Walrus, Reading. caption: Dr. Ogden just called to say your mercury levels are on the high side.
When doctors treat older humans, they measure things like cholesterol, blood pressure, etc. But, in this odd world, the walrus is being treated by a human doctor, and his medical problems are related to mercury, which is a problem for sea life like fish. The woman looks on disapprovingly, almost as if mercury levels were affected by the walrus sneaking unhealthy foods.
apartment complex
A woman in professional attire is speaking to a young, interracial couple as she gestures towards a series of townhouses. The middle building appears to be a set of washers, with a door present on the bottom one.
Buildings aren't typically composed of huge industrial sized washing machines. People typically don't live inside washing machines.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is this house built out of two stacked washing machines?", "Why would the couple be interested in living here?" ]
Between you and me, the owner can't unload this fast enough.
scene: apartment complex description: A woman in professional attire is speaking to a young, interracial couple as she gestures towards a series of townhouses. The middle building appears to be a set of washers, with a door present on the bottom one. uncanny: Buildings aren't typically composed of huge industrial sized washing machines. People typically don't live inside washing machines. entities: Laundry_room, Guide. caption: Between you and me, the owner can't unload this fast enough.
To "unload" a property would mean to sell it quickly, but the double meaning of "unload" also applies to unloading a washer or drier: it's not clear if the owner wants to sell quickly, or just move the clothes out of the appliances.
a residential home
Two people are looking at their house. It has been caved in by a giant piano.
The piano is way larger than any piano should be.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Who dropped the piano on the house?" ]
The piano's in tune, but the house is a little flat.
scene: a residential home description: Two people are looking at their house. It has been caved in by a giant piano. uncanny: The piano is way larger than any piano should be. entities: Piano, Demolition. caption: The piano's in tune, but the house is a little flat.
A play on words: "flat" can mean that an instrument is out of tune, like the piano could be (but isn't). The house is literally "flat", however, i.e.: it has been flattened to the ground.
an island
A large sperm whale is beached on a small island in the middle of the ocean. Underneath the whale is a toppled palm tree and two human feet.
Whales aren't typically so large that they can cover an entire island. Additionally, whales typically remain in the sea, and aren't usually found belly-flopped on a person.
[ "", "" ]
[ "What happened to cause the whale to beach itself?", "Do you think that the man is okay?" ]
I got your message. How can I help?
scene: an island description: A large sperm whale is beached on a small island in the middle of the ocean. Underneath the whale is a toppled palm tree and two human feet. uncanny: Whales aren't typically so large that they can cover an entire island. Additionally, whales typically remain in the sea, and aren't usually found belly-flopped on a person. entities: Whale, Cetacean_stranding. caption: I got your message. How can I help?
A joke about a message in a bottle and who is likely to receive it. Following the common "stranded on a desert island" trope, the person on the island sent out a plea for help by putting a message in a bottle, and throwing it into the ocean. However, the bottle didn't make it to a city, it was received by an unhelpful whale. The whale has their heart in the right place and came to help, but ended up just crushing the person.
People sitting at a desk at work have wind-up turns attached to their back. Two people who are normal just look on.
Human beings do not have wind-up turns attached to their back.
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[ "Why do the people have wind-up turns on their back?" ]
Backstabbing was already prevalent--we just added a twist.
scene: office description: People sitting at a desk at work have wind-up turns attached to their back. Two people who are normal just look on. uncanny: Human beings do not have wind-up turns attached to their back. entities: Cubicle, Wind-up_toy. caption: Backstabbing was already prevalent--we just added a twist.
A play on the terms "backstabbing" and "twist". Figuratively, backstabbing in an office would refer to betrayal, e.g., by passing someone over for a promotion. But here, the backstabbing in the office is literal. Furthermore, the "twist" is indeed a figurative twist, i.e., an unexpected turn of events. But, it's also a literal twist added to the backstabbing: instead of stabbing with knives, employees are backstabbed with literally twistable "keys" that are usually used to wind up, e.g., toys.
Two angels are on a cloud. They are having a conversation.
One of the angels has black wings.
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[ "Is the angel evil?" ]
It just looked so uncool to wear a seat belt in the Batmobile.
scene: heavan description: Two angels are on a cloud. They are having a conversation. uncanny: One of the angels has black wings. entities: Devil, Angel. caption: It just looked so uncool to wear a seat belt in the Batmobile.
A dark joke about batman dying in a car crash. We know the angel on the right is batman because the black wings are similar to accents on the batmobile, and we know he died because he's in heaven talking about how he didn't wear a seatbelt.
a doctor's office
There is a doctor standing and holding a giant magnifying glass which is the same length as his body. He is using it to look at a patient who is sitting on a patient's table. The doctor is talking.
It is unusual to see such a large magnifying glass.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the doctor using a giant magnifying glass?", "What is the doctor saying?" ]
This may burn a little.
scene: a doctor's office description: There is a doctor standing and holding a giant magnifying glass which is the same length as his body. He is using it to look at a patient who is sitting on a patient's table. The doctor is talking. uncanny: It is unusual to see such a large magnifying glass. entities: Magnifying_glass, Physical_examination. caption: This may burn a little.
A doctor's treatments may sometimes cause a burning sensation, e.g., a vaccine might cause a localized burning sensation, so this is a phrase a doctor might say. However, the treatment here, while it may cause a burning sensation, is not usual. Magnifying glasses focus light, sometimes so much so that they can light things on fire at their focal point, which may cause a burn. It's funny because it's not clear why the doctor is treating his patient with a magnifying glass that will burn him.
yoga place
A man is carrying a rug into a dance studio. He is having a conversation with the instructor.
Nothing is really out of place in this image.
[ "", "" ]
[ "What is the rug for?" ]
We get it. You're straight.
scene: yoga place description: A man is carrying a rug into a dance studio. He is having a conversation with the instructor. uncanny: Nothing is really out of place in this image. entities: Yoga_mat, Rug. caption: We get it. You're straight.
This is a joke about toxic masculinity. The man wants to do yoga, which is seen by some as a feminine activity. To compensate for his insecurity, he brings a manly, big rug instead of a purportedly feminine yoga mat. The instructor's retort addresses his insecurity by saying that his overcompensation is overkill.
a police station
A shark is looking at photos during an interrogation. Two cops are interrogating him.
There is a shark being interrogated. A shark cannot survive outside of water.
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[ "Why is there a shark being interrogated by police?" ]
Do YOU remember what you had for lunch last Thursday?
scene: a police station description: A shark is looking at photos during an interrogation. Two cops are interrogating him. uncanny: There is a shark being interrogated. A shark cannot survive outside of water. entities: Interrogation, Shark. caption: Do YOU remember what you had for lunch last Thursday?
The shark being interrogated has eaten a person, and the cops are showing a picture of the person they ate to them. The cops accuse the shark of eating the person on Thursday, and, in defense, the shark retorts that he doesn't remember, and justifies this by saying that it's normal to not recall that type of detail: the cops also probably couldn't remember what they had for lunch a few days ago. The joke is that lunch isn't a small unimportant detail for the shark because they killed someone.
a living roo
A man is standing next to the table and calling someone on the phone. Man looks concerned and there is a knife stabbed on this back with couple pieces of paper.
Man taking on the phone with a knife stabbed on this back is unusual.
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[ "Why did someone stab the knife on his back?" ]
She left a note. No, I haven't read it yet.
scene: a living roo description: A man is standing next to the table and calling someone on the phone. Man looks concerned and there is a knife stabbed on this back with couple pieces of paper. uncanny: Man taking on the phone with a knife stabbed on this back is unusual. entities: Telephone_call, Betrayal. caption: She left a note. No, I haven't read it yet.
An angry wife left her husband, and she left a note, presumably detailing her issues with him. This joke takes the anger one step further, instead of simply leaving the note, she literally stabbed him in the back, leaving the note lodged on the knife. It's funny in part because the man is relatively calm about being literally stabbed in the back, talking to his friend on the phone calmly about his partner's departure.
a bathroom
A bathtub is walking on its own out of the bathroom. A person is inside and he looks afraid at whats happening.
Bathtubs are inanimate objects that cannot move.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the bathtub leaving the bathroom?" ]
Does our plumber do exorcisms?
scene: a bathroom description: A bathtub is walking on its own out of the bathroom. A person is inside and he looks afraid at whats happening. uncanny: Bathtubs are inanimate objects that cannot move. entities: Bathtub, Nudity. caption: Does our plumber do exorcisms?
A Clawfoot Tub is a type of bath tub with legs, here, that tub has come alive with the person inside, and it's walking down the hallway. An inanimate object might come alive if a demon possessed it. In this case, the man is asking if their plumber, who is familiar with clawfoot bathtub repair, is also capable of doing an exorcism (i.e., a ritual to rid someone/something of a demonic possession): both skills would be useful in this case.
A man is pushing a boulder uphill. Another man is pushing a stroller beside him.
The two men belong in separate times.
[ "", "" ]
[ "What are they talking about?" ]
You call THAT pushing?
scene: mountain description: A man is pushing a boulder uphill. Another man is pushing a stroller beside him. uncanny: The two men belong in separate times. entities: Boulder, Baby_transport. caption: You call THAT pushing?
A joke about childbirth. The woman is pushing her kids up the hill in the stroller, but the quote references the pushing associated with the pain of labor/giving birth. The woman has had a few kids and is unimpressed with the "pushing" the man is thus unimpressed with the man who is only pushing a rock up a hill.
an office building
There is a board meeting in an office with four people in business attire. Three of the people are sitting in chairs which are on top of a conference table while the fourth sits in a chair which is on the floor. The man in the chair on the floor is looking up to the other three and is talking.
It is unusual to see people in a meeting sitting in chairs which are on top of a conference table.
[ "", "", "" ]
[ "Why are the people on top of the table?", "What is the man sitting in a chair on the floor saying to the people on top of the table?" ]
Would you at least use coasters?
scene: an office building description: There is a board meeting in an office with four people in business attire. Three of the people are sitting in chairs which are on top of a conference table while the fourth sits in a chair which is on the floor. The man in the chair on the floor is looking up to the other three and is talking. uncanny: It is unusual to see people in a meeting sitting in chairs which are on top of a conference table. entities: Table_(furniture), Chair, Scale_model. caption: Would you at least use coasters?
The man not sitting on the table is asking the three people on the table to use coasters. It's unusual to put chairs on a table like this during a meeting, and the man likely didn't join them because of how weird it is. While he's weirdly accepted that they will sit on the table, he's asking them to at least not scratch the surface with their chairs by using coasters. It's funny because it's unclear why the people wanted to be on the table.
hamster cage
A rat is talking to a turtle. There are a number of exercise wheels in the background with other rats on them.
The rat is holding a clipboard and standing upright.
[ "", "" ]
[ "What is he saying to the turtle?" ]
We're really looking for someone with more lab experience.
scene: hamster cage description: A rat is talking to a turtle. There are a number of exercise wheels in the background with other rats on them. uncanny: The rat is holding a clipboard and standing upright. entities: Hamster_wheel, Turtle. caption: We're really looking for someone with more lab experience.
The turtle is applying for the job of running in the mouse wheel, but because turtles are not as commonly used as subjects in laboratory studies, its application is gently rejected. It's a play on the term "lab experience," which in a usual job application for a research position might refer to hands-on experience conducting experiments, but here refers to hands-on experience being a test subject.
a desert
A woman in parade attire marches through the desert. Crawling behind her are two ragged-looking men
It's unusual to see three people parading through a desert
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is there a woman leading two men through the desert" ]
I'm thinking about quitting the band.
scene: a desert description: A woman in parade attire marches through the desert. Crawling behind her are two ragged-looking men uncanny: It's unusual to see three people parading through a desert entities: Bandleader, Dehydration. caption: I'm thinking about quitting the band.
A surreal joke about a marching band leader tirelessly marching into a desert, with her band following her. However, only two of the band's most dedicated members remain, and they look as if they have been travelling for many days. It's funny because, for these most committed members, they are only now considering quitting the band by not following the leader, whereas their more reasonable colleagues probably stopped following days ago.
the bar
There is a man speaking to a bartender. Behind that man waiting in line is a ballerina. The ballerina has an angry expression on her face.
There is a ballerina dressed in her dance clothing performing in a bar.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the ballerina angry?", "Why is the ballerina in the bar?" ]
The guy you're looking for waltzed out of here an hour ago.
scene: the bar description: There is a man speaking to a bartender. Behind that man waiting in line is a ballerina. The ballerina has an angry expression on her face. uncanny: There is a ballerina dressed in her dance clothing performing in a bar. entities: Ballet_dancer, Barre_(ballet). caption: The guy you're looking for waltzed out of here an hour ago.
A play on the word "waltzed" --- if a private investigator were looking for a suspect at a bar to be told that the person "waltzed out of there", that would simply mean they left. But, given that the victim of the crime is a ballet dancer, it suggests that the perpetrator may have also been a dancer, and perhaps literally waltzed out of the bar, i.e., danced their way out.
a bedroom
A man and a woman are laying in bed. A car has crashed through their roof and is wrecked next to them.
A car is crashing into their bedroom.
[ "", "" ]
[ "How did the car crash through the ceiling?" ]
Well, at least he made curfew.
scene: a bedroom description: A man and a woman are laying in bed. A car has crashed through their roof and is wrecked next to them. uncanny: A car is crashing into their bedroom. entities: Traffic_collision, Bed. caption: Well, at least he made curfew.
A joke about a nervous teenager trying to not get in trouble with his parents. Teenagers often have curfews, i.e., times by which they must be home by, otherwise they might lose, e.g., driving privileges. Here, the teenager was very close to being late and was rushing home so fast that they crashed into their house. The parents are nonchalant about the destruction, and look at the bright side: at least he technically made it home in time.
yoga class
There are people on yoga mats doing yoga in a gym. In the foreground we see the Hulk who has grabbed a man and is shoving him into the cement wall. The Hulk looks angry while the people in the background are pretending not to notice.
It is unusual for the Hulk to be in a yoga class.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the Hulk at a yoga class?", "Why is the Hulk attacking the man?" ]
scene: yoga class description: There are people on yoga mats doing yoga in a gym. In the foreground we see the Hulk who has grabbed a man and is shoving him into the cement wall. The Hulk looks angry while the people in the background are pretending not to notice. uncanny: It is unusual for the Hulk to be in a yoga class. entities: Hulk, Yoga. caption: RELAX!
The hulk is a superhero who becomes a super strong monster when he's angry. It's funny to imagine him trying to teach a yoga class --- if he was mad that someone wasn't relaxing enough to do yoga, he might become the hulk, smash them into the wall, and yell "RELAX"!
A man is pushing a boulder up the hill. A woman is beside him pushing a baby carriage.
The woman with the carriage is racing the man with the boulder up the hill. It looks like the stone age, so it makes no sense since the man is wearing just underwear.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the woman racing the man up the hill with a baby carriage?" ]
You call THAT pushing?
scene: mountain description: A man is pushing a boulder up the hill. A woman is beside him pushing a baby carriage. uncanny: The woman with the carriage is racing the man with the boulder up the hill. It looks like the stone age, so it makes no sense since the man is wearing just underwear. entities: Boulder, Baby_transport. caption: You call THAT pushing?
A joke about childbirth. The woman is pushing her kids up the hill in the stroller, but the quote references the pushing associated with the pain of labor/giving birth. The woman has had a few kids and is unimpressed with the "pushing" the man is thus unimpressed with the man who is only pushing a rock up a hill.
a courtoom
A clown comes out of a judge's desk during a trial. Everyone looks on in confusion.
clowns do not come out of judge's desks.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the clown coming out of the judge's desk?" ]
Wake up, Harold! You're having another of your delusions of grandeur.
scene: a courtoom description: A clown comes out of a judge's desk during a trial. Everyone looks on in confusion. uncanny: clowns do not come out of judge's desks. entities: Judge, Direct_examination. caption: Wake up, Harold! You're having another of your delusions of grandeur.
This scene takes place in a man's mind --- in his delusion, he is a judge in a courtroom, perhaps passing judgement on one of his rivals. This is a delusion of grandeur because judges have a lot of power. But, his daydream is interrupted by his wife entering the room, which manifests as her walking out of a door in the judges stand (in real life, she probably just walked into the room he was in).
easter island
Two explorers are in a field. They are looking at a bunch of Easter Island head statues.
The statues do not have the same expression as the real life statues.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why are the statues smiling?" ]
scene: easter island description: Two explorers are in a field. They are looking at a bunch of Easter Island head statues. uncanny: The statues do not have the same expression as the real life statues. entities: Exploration, Statue. caption: Botox.
The moai statues have been made more conventionally attractive via a face-lift --- the hiker explains to the other that this is the result of a botox injection. While botox can have this effect in humans, it's funny in part because it isn't possible to give a botox injection to inanimate stone carvings.
a living room
A man is sitting in a chair in a living room and there are many goats stationed around him and the room. The furniture looks to be half eaten away by the goats. A woman with bags is walking out the door and she looks angry.
It's not normal for a house to have one goat allowed in the house, let alone seven of them.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why are there so many goats?" ]
Come sweater season, you'll be back!
scene: a living room description: A man is sitting in a chair in a living room and there are many goats stationed around him and the room. The furniture looks to be half eaten away by the goats. A woman with bags is walking out the door and she looks angry. uncanny: It's not normal for a house to have one goat allowed in the house, let alone seven of them. entities: Goat, Farmer. caption: Come sweater season, you'll be back!
The woman is breaking up with the man probably because of all of the goats he keeps in the house. His response is that when the weather gets cold, she will come back to their relationship because on of the benefits the goats provide is fur for sweaters.
a circus
There is an animal trainer cracking a whip and shoving a chair at a cartoonish-looking lion who is standing on a pedestal. In the foreground there is another lion who is talking on a landline phone which is placed on another pedestal.
It is unusual for a lion or any other animal to be on the phone. It is also unusual for the lion to be on the phone while a fighting scene is taking place.
[ "", "" ]
[ "What is the lion saying on the phone?", "Who is the lion talking to?" ]
How many times do I have to tell you, don't call me at work!
scene: a circus description: There is an animal trainer cracking a whip and shoving a chair at a cartoonish-looking lion who is standing on a pedestal. In the foreground there is another lion who is talking on a landline phone which is placed on another pedestal. uncanny: It is unusual for a lion or any other animal to be on the phone. It is also unusual for the lion to be on the phone while a fighting scene is taking place. entities: Lion_taming, 9-1-1. caption: How many times do I have to tell you, don't call me at work!
In a circus act, a lion plays the part of a ferocious and scary animal --- but, this phone conversation humanizes the lion by pointing out that they are only acting/doing their job. As a result, they have everyday concerns about their employment, e.g., this lion is embarrassed that their spouse called them at work and seeks work-life separation.
a suspension bridge
A giant squid is attacking a bridge full of people. Only two other people are ignoring it because they are in a fit of road rage.
A giant squid never attacks a city or grows to be that side. And the two men arguing would not easily ignore something so destructive happening.
[ "", "" ]
[ "What are the two men arguing about?" ]
Don't blame me—I voted for the other thing.
scene: a suspension bridge description: A giant squid is attacking a bridge full of people. Only two other people are ignoring it because they are in a fit of road rage. uncanny: A giant squid never attacks a city or grows to be that side. And the two men arguing would not easily ignore something so destructive happening. entities: Kraken, Traffic_congestion. caption: Don't blame me—I voted for the other thing.
A play on the term "Don't blame me—I voted for the other guy." which is what people say if the political party in power does something unsavory, but they voted for someone different during the election. Here, the "thing" is a monster terrorizing the city, and the person yelling apparently voted for a different monster during an election. It's funny to think about an election between two monsters, and why the person feels the monster they voted for wouldn't have terrorized the city.
a board room
There is a meeting going on. There are huge cups of coffee and tea on the table.
There are gigantic cups on the table with coffee and tea in them.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why are the cups so big?" ]
Can you please pass the cow?
scene: a board room description: There is a meeting going on. There are huge cups of coffee and tea on the table. uncanny: There are gigantic cups on the table with coffee and tea in them. entities: Meeting, Coffee_cup. caption: Can you please pass the cow?
When drinking coffee or tea, people often add cream, and may ask others to pass it if it's on the other side of a table. But here, the mugs are huge, so instead of asking for a small cup of cream, they are asking for the entire cow, which is the appropriately-sized cream dispenser for these huge drinks.
a bar
A bull or minotaur is at a bar. The bartender looks confused and is going to call someone.
A bull or minotaur is at the bar. Bulls don't drink.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is a bull at the bar?" ]
If I'm not back at the maze by eight, my wife reels in the damn string.
scene: a bar description: A bull or minotaur is at a bar. The bartender looks confused and is going to call someone. uncanny: A bull or minotaur is at the bar. Bulls don't drink. entities: Bull, Bartender. caption: If I'm not back at the maze by eight, my wife reels in the damn string.
A minotaur famously lives in a labyrinth/maze. But, this mythical creature is at a bar lamenting about everyday problems with everyday people --- in this case, the minotaur's everyday problem is that his wife wants him home early (by 8PM), but his home is the maze. To "reel in the string" means to figuratively shorten his leash, i.e., his wife reduces his freedom (e.g., to go to a bar).
a teacup
Two men are sailing in liquid. But they're inside a giant cup.
The cup is either huge or the men and boat are tiny.
[ "", "" ]
[ "What is going on here?" ]
Throw us a doughnut!
scene: a teacup description: Two men are sailing in liquid. But they're inside a giant cup. uncanny: The cup is either huge or the men and boat are tiny. entities: Shipwreck, Storm. caption: Throw us a doughnut!
A play on the word "doughnut." On the one hand, a doughnut is a sweet food that is often eaten with bitter coffee/teas for balance. But also, a doughnut looks like a life preserver, which is a flotation device that could be quite useful during a shipwreck, which is why the people in trouble are requesting it.
a bed
A doctor has used the acupuncture needles on himself instead of the patient. The patient is lying there as the doctor seems calm about this.
The patient is supposed to receive the needles, not the doctor.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why dis the doctor use the needles on himself?" ]
scene: a bed description: A doctor has used the acupuncture needles on himself instead of the patient. The patient is lying there as the doctor seems calm about this. uncanny: The patient is supposed to receive the needles, not the doctor. entities: Accupuncture, Physician. caption: Gesundheit.
A physical joke about what might happen if someone sneezed while getting acupuncture. While this probably wouldn't literally physically happen, the implication is that the person sneezed, and all the needles transferred from her to the acupuncturist, which is funny. We know this because the doctor is saying "Gesundheit," which is what is said after someone sneezes.
a road
A man and woman are driving down the road. They are passing a lot of columns on the side of the road.
The columns are all shaped like Roman numerals.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Is the road telling time?" ]
If you think this is annoying, just wait. In a few miles, they switch to binary.
scene: a road description: A man and woman are driving down the road. They are passing a lot of columns on the side of the road. uncanny: The columns are all shaped like Roman numerals. entities: Roman_numerals, Ancient_Roman_architecture. caption: If you think this is annoying, just wait. In a few miles, they switch to binary.
The road signs here are in roman numerals, which are notoriously difficult to read. However, on this unusual road, the signs get even more difficult to read, because, according to the female passenger, the numbers will soon be binary, i.e., sequences of ones and zeros that are difficult to immediately translate into values for the driver.
a department store
Two women are looking through clothes at a store. A snowman is watching them.
There is a snowman in a snow.
[ "", "" ]
[ "What is the snowman doing?" ]
He's not as bad as the last manager. That one was abominable.
scene: a department store description: Two women are looking through clothes at a store. A snowman is watching them. uncanny: There is a snowman in a snow. entities: Snowman, Work_(human_activity). caption: He's not as bad as the last manager. That one was abominable.
A play on the term "abominable snowman", which refers to the Yeti, a popular fictional snow monster from the Himalayan mountain range. The current boss is a normal snowman, whereas, the previous boss was apparently not only abominable (i.e., very bad), but was also possibly literally the Yeti. The employees of this clothing store have a hard job, but it humorously used to be worse when the Yeti was their boss previously.
an office
A man dressed as a rabbit is reading a paper and carrying a briefcase. Some people at an office stare at him.
There is a man wearing a rabbit costume in an office.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the man wearing a rabbit costumer in an office?" ]
Well, at least somebody remembered about casual Good Friday.
scene: an office description: A man dressed as a rabbit is reading a paper and carrying a briefcase. Some people at an office stare at him. uncanny: There is a man wearing a rabbit costume in an office. entities: Easter_Bunny, Job. caption: Well, at least somebody remembered about casual Good Friday.
A playful combination of the phrases "Good Friday" and "casual Friday". "Good Friday" is a christian holiday that takes place close to Easter, as represented by the Easter bunny costume. Casual Friday is a common office policy that encourages people to wear less formal clothes to the office, which the Easter bunny costume would be. So, on casual Good Friday, an Easter bunny outfit being worn to work would be appropriate.
a mountain
An old man clothed only in a loin cloth is rolling a boulder up a mountain. There is an attractive blonde woman in a black cocktail dress sitting at a bar counter with a glass of wine.
Men typically don't roll boulders larger than themselves up a mountain. There usually aren't bar counters on the side of mountains, and people who go hiking tend to be dressed appropriately for it, not in evening wear. This appears to be a take on the legend of Sisyphus.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Who is the women having a glass of wine on the mountain?", "Will Sisyphus ever find release from his turmoil?" ]
Do you struggle endlessly through here often?
scene: a mountain description: An old man clothed only in a loin cloth is rolling a boulder up a mountain. There is an attractive blonde woman in a black cocktail dress sitting at a bar counter with a glass of wine. uncanny: Men typically don't roll boulders larger than themselves up a mountain. There usually aren't bar counters on the side of mountains, and people who go hiking tend to be dressed appropriately for it, not in evening wear. This appears to be a take on the legend of Sisyphus. entities: Boulder, Types_of_restaurants#Casual_dining. caption: Do you struggle endlessly through here often?
"Do you come here often" is a common conversation starter at bars (where the woman is). Sisyphus would be unlikely to encounter such a woman, yet, she is trying to start a romantic conversation with him by adjusting the conversation stater to his eternally damned situation.
the outside of a house
A firing squad of six people prepares to fire upon a prisoner in a prison yard. The prisoner is tied up on a post, and is talking to a person in a person in a captain's outfit. The firing squad is quite diverse, containing a kid, a grandma, a lawyer, a doctor, a cowgirl, and a dog.
The diversity of the firing squad suggests that the prisoner has wronged a very diverse set of people; it's unusual that someone could have been so bad to have attracted such a diverse crowd
[ "", "", "" ]
[ "Why is the person being executed?", "How did the person make such a diverse set of people angry?" ]
Gee, you guys really are having trouble meeting your recruitment quota!
scene: the outside of a house description: A firing squad of six people prepares to fire upon a prisoner in a prison yard. The prisoner is tied up on a post, and is talking to a person in a person in a captain's outfit. The firing squad is quite diverse, containing a kid, a grandma, a lawyer, a doctor, a cowgirl, and a dog. uncanny: The diversity of the firing squad suggests that the prisoner has wronged a very diverse set of people; it's unusual that someone could have been so bad to have attracted such a diverse crowd entities: Battle, Rifle, Civilian. caption: Gee, you guys really are having trouble meeting your recruitment quota!
A joke about the difficulty of recruiting of executioners. Being a member of a firing squad is likely not a popular job, and so instead of getting qualified people, this prison appears to be handing a gun to anyone willing, even a dog. The person about to be executed nonchalantly quips that they can't find qualified people.
Two cavemen are hiding in the bushes. They are hunting animals but the animals are stickfigure drawings.
Animals are more defined than stick figured.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Where did the stick figure animals come from?" ]
I'm really more of a painter-gatherer.
scene: field description: Two cavemen are hiding in the bushes. They are hunting animals but the animals are stickfigure drawings. uncanny: Animals are more defined than stick figured. entities: Stick_figure, Caveman. caption: I'm really more of a painter-gatherer.
A play on the phrase "hunter-gatherer" --- the deer these two cavemen are hunting look like cave paintings instead of actual deer. So, instead of hunting normal deer, they prefer to interact with the painting deer, and they are "painter-gatherers," as a result.
A magician puts a piece of paper in a shredder to make it disappear. The magician's assistant looks disappointed in the act.
A magician is supposed to do interesting magic tricks but this magician is doing something normal and mundane.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the magician shredding the paper?" ]
It's not magic. It's a Georgia ballot box.
scene: stage description: A magician puts a piece of paper in a shredder to make it disappear. The magician's assistant looks disappointed in the act. uncanny: A magician is supposed to do interesting magic tricks but this magician is doing something normal and mundane. entities: Paper_shredder, Magic_(illusion). caption: It's not magic. It's a Georgia ballot box.
A jab at the US state of Georgia's election processes. Historically, Georgia has a reputation for enacting policies that cause voter suppression. Here, the magician is making a ballot disappear (similar to a common magic trick of making a rabbit disappear), but instead of it being a trick he's just shredding ballots, and alluding to the idea that, in effect, this is what might as well happen to ballots when they are cast in unfair Georgian elections.
a desert
There are two cowboys sitting atop horses on a dirt road and they are facing one another. The horse on the left is giving an angry look to the horse on the right. The horse on the right is a robot and not a real horse.
The man on the right is sitting on top of a metal robotic horse.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the man riding a robotic horse rather than a real one?" ]
It’s the new Mustang.
scene: a desert description: There are two cowboys sitting atop horses on a dirt road and they are facing one another. The horse on the left is giving an angry look to the horse on the right. The horse on the right is a robot and not a real horse. uncanny: The man on the right is sitting on top of a metal robotic horse. entities: Cowboy, Horse. caption: It’s the new Mustang.
A play on the term "mustang." A new mustang, in the modern world, refers to the Ford Mustang, which is a type of car. But, mustang is also a type of horse. Here, the cowboy's new mustang is an upgraded type of mechanical horse, which intersects both interpretations.
the road
Some people are pushing a platform with an angry bull on it. There is another platform with an ostrich with his head buried.
The ostrich is burying its head in a piece of wood or stone.
[ "", "", "" ]
[ "Why are they pushing these animals?" ]
If we just ignore it, maybe it'll go away.
scene: the road description: Some people are pushing a platform with an angry bull on it. There is another platform with an ostrich with his head buried. uncanny: The ostrich is burying its head in a piece of wood or stone. entities: Bull, Ostrich, Ostrich_effect. caption: If we just ignore it, maybe it'll go away.
A joke about financial collapse on wall street. Wall street has a famous statue of a bull which "represents the courage and can-do spirit of Americans," but the cartoon suggests that sometimes, for the stock market crashing, a more appropriate mascot might be an ostrich hiding its head in the dirt, as a representation of ignoring problems and hiding from them.
a recording studio
Cats and dogs are recording and playing some music in a music booth. There are sound engineers working the controls outside of the booth.
Cats and dogs do not play and record music
[ "", "", "" ]
[ "Why are the cats and dogs playing music?" ]
We should be able to finish the album today, as long as no one rings the doorbell.
scene: a recording studio description: Cats and dogs are recording and playing some music in a music booth. There are sound engineers working the controls outside of the booth. uncanny: Cats and dogs do not play and record music entities: Dog, Cat, Musical_ensemble. caption: We should be able to finish the album today, as long as no one rings the doorbell.
When a doorbell rings, its common for dogs to become startled, stop everything they are doing, and bark loudly: in this case, that would set a chain reaction of havoc off -- the cats would become scared of the barking and run away, etc. The recording people are confident that this is the only thing that could foil their odd plan to record this pet-band playing music.
a room
There is a man running on a hamster wheel. He is wearing a tie.
Hamster wheels are not full size like this.
[ "", "", "" ]
[ "Why is the man running on a hamster wheel?" ]
No, no! We don't test on animals.
scene: a room description: There is a man running on a hamster wheel. He is wearing a tie. uncanny: Hamster wheels are not full size like this. entities: Hamster_wheel, Running, Human. caption: No, no! We don't test on animals.
Usually, when a company (e.g., a shampoo or cosmetics company) says they don't test their products on animals, they don't conduct cruel tests at all. But here, the company, while technically not experimenting on animals, instead does the much worse thing of experimenting cruelly on humans --- as evidenced by the man running in a hamster wheel in a cage.
a living room
Two men are sitting in a living room talking. The living room also contains a large circus ring, and the men are sitting in it.
It's unusual that the living room has a giant circus ring: this wouldn't physically fit, nor does anyone actually have this in their living room.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why are the men sitting in the circus ring in the living room?" ]
Welcome to the greatest living room on Earth!
scene: a living room description: Two men are sitting in a living room talking. The living room also contains a large circus ring, and the men are sitting in it. uncanny: It's unusual that the living room has a giant circus ring: this wouldn't physically fit, nor does anyone actually have this in their living room. entities: Circus, Wine. caption: Welcome to the greatest living room on Earth!
The slogan for the popular Ringling circus is "The Greatest Show On Earth", and while there is a circus ring here, instead of being a show, this ring doesn't contain any of the interesting parts of a circus like the animals or performers, and instead just exists in a living room.
a river
A naked man is walking out of the water on a hillside. A fish is crawling out in front of him.
There is a naked man in the water. The fish is on land and it has a human arm.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Is this a comment on evolution?" ]
Now that I met your family, I want you to meet mine.
scene: a river description: A naked man is walking out of the water on a hillside. A fish is crawling out in front of him. uncanny: There is a naked man in the water. The fish is on land and it has a human arm. entities: Fish, Nudity. caption: Now that I met your family, I want you to meet mine.
A joke about a man dating a fish. When couples date for a while, they often meet each-other's families. Here, the caption implies that the fish/man couple just met the fish's family in the ocean, and are perhaps on the way to meet the man's family on land. It's funny because it's a surprising framing of why a man and a fish might be leaving the water together.
A huge table full of food is outside the castle gates. Two men at the gates on the tower talk to each other about it.
There is a huge table full of food outside the castle walls, which is suspicious.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is there a huge table full of food outside the castle gates?" ]
Beware the hidden service charge.
scene: castle description: A huge table full of food is outside the castle gates. Two men at the gates on the tower talk to each other about it. uncanny: There is a huge table full of food outside the castle walls, which is suspicious. entities: Trojan_War, Dinner. caption: Beware the hidden service charge.
A reference to the trojan horse, which enabled soldiers to sneak into a fort undetected. Much like sneaking soldiers into a fort, hotels might sneak hidden charges into room service: the soldiers have seen this trick before, and are referring to how room service can similarly be a trap.
a living room
There are two giraffes in the living room of a house. One giraffe is standing and talking to the other giraffe who is laying across an entire couch. The giraffe on the couch is possibly watching a TV which is seen in the foreground.
It is unusual for animals to be acting like people in the living room of a house.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why are there giraffes in a house?", "What is the standing giraffe saying to the giraffe who is laying down on the couch?" ]
Sorry I'm late. I hit every traffic light coming home.
scene: a living room description: There are two giraffes in the living room of a house. One giraffe is standing and talking to the other giraffe who is laying across an entire couch. The giraffe on the couch is possibly watching a TV which is seen in the foreground. uncanny: It is unusual for animals to be acting like people in the living room of a house. entities: Giraffe, Television. caption: Sorry I'm late. I hit every traffic light coming home.
A play on the phrase "hit every traffic light" --- usually, "hit" is a figurative expression someone would say if they encountered lots of red lights at traffic stops driving home: this would cause them to be late because red lights cause drivers to stop. But here, "hit" takes on a literal meaning: because the giraffe is the one coming home and giraffes are tall with long necks, they literally physically hit their head on every single traffic light.
Two businessmen are walking along a tiled floor and they see in front of them a large crack in the floor that has people dressed in suits stuck in it. The people are all wide-eyed and shaking. One of the men walking has glasses and his hand in his pocket and doesn't seem surprised while the other man's eyes are bulging in surprise.
It's unusual to see a large crack in a floor of a building but to also have lots of people standing in the crack with their eyes open is very unusual.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why are there people stuck in a large crack of a building's floor?" ]
Be careful, the bald spot is slippery.
scene: office description: Two businessmen are walking along a tiled floor and they see in front of them a large crack in the floor that has people dressed in suits stuck in it. The people are all wide-eyed and shaking. One of the men walking has glasses and his hand in his pocket and doesn't seem surprised while the other man's eyes are bulging in surprise. uncanny: It's unusual to see a large crack in a floor of a building but to also have lots of people standing in the crack with their eyes open is very unusual. entities: Rift, Suffering. caption: Be careful, the bald spot is slippery.
The joke is about the businessmen having an oddly nonchalant response to hell literally opening up in their office. Instead of taking this as a sign about their company or practices, they instead simply walk over the dammed souls, only commenting that one's bald head is physically slippery.
doctor's office
There is a safe in a doctor's office. The doctor is listening to it with her stethoscope.
A safe out in the open is out of place in an examination room.
[ "", "" ]
[ "What is in the safe?", "Can the doctor break into the safe?" ]
It could be a combination of things.
scene: doctor's office description: There is a safe in a doctor's office. The doctor is listening to it with her stethoscope. uncanny: A safe out in the open is out of place in an examination room. entities: Safe, Stethoscope. caption: It could be a combination of things.
A play on the term "combination of things" --- doctors often have difficulty finding the cause of symptoms because their causes can be caused by multiple factors, i.e., a combination of things. But here, the patient is a combination safe, which is unlocked by a literal combination.
an office
A man is sitting at a desk. he's interviewing someone for a job.
The interviewee is a stick figure.
[ "", "" ]
[ "What is the job?" ]
I'm sorry, this is Tic-Tac-Toe—applications for Hangman are down the hall.
scene: an office description: A man is sitting at a desk. he's interviewing someone for a job. uncanny: The interviewee is a stick figure. entities: Stick_figure, Job_interview. caption: I'm sorry, this is Tic-Tac-Toe—applications for Hangman are down the hall.
A stick figure, out of place in an otherwise normal office scenario, might be interviewing for the job of the stick figure from the word game "hangman". This building apparently offers interviews for various game roles, e.g., Tic-tac-toe.
a bathroom
Two men are laying on a bunk bed. The bottom bunk is actually a bath.
There is a bed stacked on top of the bath.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Does the man on top feel awkward?" ]
So you're the infamous Sudsy Malone.
scene: a bathroom description: Two men are laying on a bunk bed. The bottom bunk is actually a bath. uncanny: There is a bed stacked on top of the bath. entities: Bunk_bed, Bathtub. caption: So you're the infamous Sudsy Malone.
A play on "Bugsy Malone", which is the name of a fictional gangster. "Sudsy" sounds like "Bugsy", but refers to the suds associated with taking a soapy bath. So: the person in the bottom bunk/bath is "Sudsy Malone".
a meeting room
Four people and three robots are gathered around a meeting table in an office. A vote is taking place: three robots and one human are voting yes on the proposition. The boss is mad at the person who is voting yes.
Robots generally don't hold positions on company boards, so, the fact that they are voting evokes the notion of robot takeovers. The single person voting yes is betraying the other humans, which is why the boss is mad at him.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the person voting yes, agreeing with the robots and not the humans?", "Why are the robots trying to take over the company?" ]
You're voting with your pacemaker again, Hargrove!
scene: a meeting room description: Four people and three robots are gathered around a meeting table in an office. A vote is taking place: three robots and one human are voting yes on the proposition. The boss is mad at the person who is voting yes. uncanny: Robots generally don't hold positions on company boards, so, the fact that they are voting evokes the notion of robot takeovers. The single person voting yes is betraying the other humans, which is why the boss is mad at him. entities: AI_takeover, Robot. caption: You're voting with your pacemaker again, Hargrove!
Criticizing someone "voting with your heart" means that they are not acting logically, and instead following their emotions. The boss is instead criticizing the man for "voting with his pacemaker"; a pacemaker is an artificial, robotic heart. This is an ironic criticism, because the man is voting in-line with the robots, and instead of his heart representing voting emotionally, his pacemaker represents voting with the interests of the robots.
a remote location
Repunzel's hair is swallowing up the man from below the tower. the man is stuck in her hair as she looks down in shock.
The story of Repunzel is about a man who climbs her hair but instead her hair is so long and thick it swallows him up here instead.
[ "", "" ]
[ "How did the man get stuck in the hair?" ]
For God's sake, Dave, you're thirty-five—just use the stairs.
scene: a remote location description: Repunzel's hair is swallowing up the man from below the tower. the man is stuck in her hair as she looks down in shock. uncanny: The story of Repunzel is about a man who climbs her hair but instead her hair is so long and thick it swallows him up here instead. entities: Rapunzel, Prince. caption: For God's sake, Dave, you're thirty-five—just use the stairs.
The romantic story of Rapunzel details two young lovers who endure significant hardship to be together: the prince must climb the princess' hair in the cover of night, etc. But here, the couple is older and more accessible to each other -- Rapunzel is "over" the romantic hair climbing of their past and is telling her partner to just use the stairs. A play on the trope that long-term relationships get more boring over time.
the outside of a house
There is an old woman, boy, doctor, lawyer, cowboy and dog all lined up holding rifles. They are facing another man wearing glasses who is tied to a pole. He is talking to the soldier next to him who is holding a sword.
It is unusual to see such a mix of people in the same lineup. It is also unusual for a dog to be holding a rifle.
[ "", "", "" ]
[ "What did the man do?", "What is the man saying?" ]
Gee, you guys really are having trouble meeting your recruitment quota!
scene: the outside of a house description: There is an old woman, boy, doctor, lawyer, cowboy and dog all lined up holding rifles. They are facing another man wearing glasses who is tied to a pole. He is talking to the soldier next to him who is holding a sword. uncanny: It is unusual to see such a mix of people in the same lineup. It is also unusual for a dog to be holding a rifle. entities: Battle, Rifle, Civilian. caption: Gee, you guys really are having trouble meeting your recruitment quota!
A joke about the difficulty of recruiting of executioners. Being a member of a firing squad is likely not a popular job, and so instead of getting qualified people, this prison appears to be handing a gun to anyone willing, even a dog. The person about to be executed nonchalantly quips that they can't find qualified people.
a road
A UFO is following a car. The light beams from it are on the car.
There is a UFO following a car closely. UFOs do not exist and wouldn't follow someone this closely.
[ "", "", "" ]
[ "Why is a UFO following a car?" ]
When they said, "Take us to your leader." I don't think they meant your mother's house.
scene: a road description: A UFO is following a car. The light beams from it are on the car. uncanny: There is a UFO following a car closely. UFOs do not exist and wouldn't follow someone this closely. entities: Tailgating, Unidentified_flying_object, Car. caption: When they said, "Take us to your leader." I don't think they meant your mother's house.
This is a joke about in-laws. Pop culture depictions of aliens often have them requesting that the first humans they make contact with take them to the leaders of humanity. The woman is driving them to her mother's house, and the man, who feels stifled by his mother-in-law, is reminding his wife that her mom isn't their all-powerful leader. It's funny that this benign concern is on his mind in light of the fact that a giant spaceship is tailing them.
a field
Two figures are talking on a field. One is a centaur, and the other is his opposite, with the back end of a human and the head of a horse.
Centaurs do not exist, and there has never been any account of horse heads with naked human bottoms.
[ "", "" ]
[ "What are they discussing?" ]
You're just like your mother.
scene: a field description: Two figures are talking on a field. One is a centaur, and the other is his opposite, with the back end of a human and the head of a horse. uncanny: Centaurs do not exist, and there has never been any account of horse heads with naked human bottoms. entities: Centaur, Role_reversal. caption: You're just like your mother.
This line is commonly stated by exacerbated and frustrated parents when their child is misbehaving in a way that reminds them of their partner. But here, the line takes on an additional odd/humorous meaning because these are centaurs and reverse-centaurs. The ambiguity of the genetics, the other parent, what the bad behavior is, etc. contributes to the joke being funny, because it's still a topical/appropriate comment for this hereditarily-confused centaur world.
work office
There is a grave with tombstone on it in an office. Two men walk by it.
There is a grave in an office. Graves belong outside.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is there a grave in an office?" ]
Oh, great. More office drama.
scene: work office description: There is a grave with tombstone on it in an office. Two men walk by it. uncanny: There is a grave in an office. Graves belong outside. entities: Grave, Headstone. caption: Oh, great. More office drama.
A nonchalant response to the death of a coworker. The co-worker literally died and was buried in the cubicle, and the only thing the other employees think is that they will have to deal with office drama. This is a usual response to a benign drama like someone spilling coffee, but not appropriate for someone who literally died.
a desert
There is a cowboy on a real horse. There is another cowboy on a mechanical horse. They are talking to each other.
Mechanical horses do not exist and could not exist back then.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is there a mechanical horse here that the cowboy is riding?" ]
It’s the new Mustang.
scene: a desert description: There is a cowboy on a real horse. There is another cowboy on a mechanical horse. They are talking to each other. uncanny: Mechanical horses do not exist and could not exist back then. entities: Cowboy, Horse. caption: It’s the new Mustang.
A play on the term "mustang." A new mustang, in the modern world, refers to the Ford Mustang, which is a type of car. But, mustang is also a type of horse. Here, the cowboy's new mustang is an upgraded type of mechanical horse, which intersects both interpretations.
a bedroom
A woman is alone in her bed. A vampire is holding up his cape and is either entering or exiting her closet.
A vampire that looks like Dracula is in a woman's bedroom.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Is the vampire planning on attacking the woman?", "What does the vampire want?" ]
I bet the bride of Frankenstein gets to cuddle.
scene: a bedroom description: A woman is alone in her bed. A vampire is holding up his cape and is either entering or exiting her closet. uncanny: A vampire that looks like Dracula is in a woman's bedroom. entities: Vampire, Paranormal_romance. caption: I bet the bride of Frankenstein gets to cuddle.
A joke about a vampire getting romantically rejected after requesting to cuddle with the woman. The "bride of frankenstein" is a famous film about a scientist creating a bride for a monster. The dejected vampire is jealous of the monster from the movie, claiming that the monster's bride from the movie at least let the creature cuddle with her.
a living room
A man and a woman are sitting in their living room reading. Meanwhile, outside their windows, a war is happening --- there are tanks, and many soldiers looking in at them. The man in the living room turns around, and looks surprised that the soldiers are there.
The warzone being juxtaposed with the calm and normal living room is unusual, because one would think that the man and the woman wouldn't be so calm if they knew this was going to happen. Furthermore, only the man seems to have noticed the war/soldiers, as the woman just keeps reading.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is there are war going on?", "Why are the soldiers looking in on the married couple reading?" ]
Regime change is never easy, dear.
scene: a living room description: A man and a woman are sitting in their living room reading. Meanwhile, outside their windows, a war is happening --- there are tanks, and many soldiers looking in at them. The man in the living room turns around, and looks surprised that the soldiers are there. uncanny: The warzone being juxtaposed with the calm and normal living room is unusual, because one would think that the man and the woman wouldn't be so calm if they knew this was going to happen. Furthermore, only the man seems to have noticed the war/soldiers, as the woman just keeps reading. entities: War, Surprise. caption: Regime change is never easy, dear.
A play on the phrase "change is never easy" --- this is a phrase that couples might say to each other to comfort them after, e.g., a family member passes, or their children move out. Here, "regime" is inserted, which forms the term "regime change", which refers to the usually violent change of governments during, e.g., revolutions. The nonchalance of the woman and the worry of the man looking at the soldiers enacting the regime change is what makes it funny.
mount sinai
Moses is standing on a hill. He is showing off the Commandments to some people.
The Commandments are written in East Asian lettering.
[ "", "", "" ]
[ "Who wrote down these Commandments?" ]
And for you goats—thou shalt not marry a dragon or ox.
scene: mount sinai description: Moses is standing on a hill. He is showing off the Commandments to some people. uncanny: The Commandments are written in East Asian lettering. entities: Moses, Written_Chinese, Clay_tablet. caption: And for you goats—thou shalt not marry a dragon or ox.
A joke about the incompatibility of romantic relationships according to Chinese Zodiac signs. The tablets, written in Chinese, have been passed to Moses as eternal rules, like the ten commandments. But, instead of general, eternal principles like "do not kill", god has humorously commanded that people with particular zodiac signs are incompatible: usually, this sort of thing is seen as just superstition, so it's funny to think god is superstitious.
a residential home
A man is reading a huge book. The book is the size of the room. A woman looks on.
There is a book the size of a room in front of the man.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the book so huge?" ]
You promised me you would stop after you lost your arm from that paper cut!
scene: a residential home description: A man is reading a huge book. The book is the size of the room. A woman looks on. uncanny: There is a book the size of a room in front of the man. entities: Novel, Giant. caption: You promised me you would stop after you lost your arm from that paper cut!
The person writing in the giant book only has one arm pictured, so it's plausible that the other one is lost: specifically, the joke is that this person really likes to write in a big book despite the fact that the giant pages caused a giant paper cut which caused the person's arm to entirely get cut off. This is much more damange than would be caused by a smaller paper cut from a smaller book. It's not clear why they are so intent on writing in this book, and their partner wishes they would stop before they lose their second arm.
a bedroom
A couple are laying in bed together reading a book and a newspaper. However, the other person seems to be an insect and not a human. The woman looks annoyed.
Insects cannot do human-like things let alone be bigger than an adult female.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is there an anthropomorphic insect in bed with a woman?" ]
Two thousand eyes, but it still takes you all day to read the morning paper.
scene: a bedroom description: A couple are laying in bed together reading a book and a newspaper. However, the other person seems to be an insect and not a human. The woman looks annoyed. uncanny: Insects cannot do human-like things let alone be bigger than an adult female. entities: Fly, Disguise. caption: Two thousand eyes, but it still takes you all day to read the morning paper.
A fly with many eyes presumably should be able to read a newspaper quickly, but it still can't. The woman is slightly annoyed that her bug spouse is spending all day reading the paper instead of doing something else.
a living room
Two people are sitting on a couch in their living room. There is a man in a hot dog vendor cart nearby.
There is a vendor inside their home.
[ "", "" ]
[ "What is the vendor doing in there?" ]
Should we try that new place in the corner?
scene: a living room description: Two people are sitting on a couch in their living room. There is a man in a hot dog vendor cart nearby. uncanny: There is a vendor inside their home. entities: Food_truck, Taco. caption: Should we try that new place in the corner?
A joke about "on the corner" vs. "in the corner" --- a "new place on the corner" would be a new restaurant that just opened on the corner of a city block. but here, there's a new place "in the corner" of the current room they are sitting in: the out-of-place food truck. It's funny to think how they could have possibly not visited this food truck before, it's literally next to them in their living room.
an office room
Two men are seated on opposite sides of a desk in a cubicle. Behind them several other men are wielding weapons and chasing a man fleeing from them
It's unusual to see office workers brandishing weapons and chasing someone
[ "", "" ]
[ "What did the running man do?" ]
How soon can you start?
scene: an office room description: Two men are seated on opposite sides of a desk in a cubicle. Behind them several other men are wielding weapons and chasing a man fleeing from them uncanny: It's unusual to see office workers brandishing weapons and chasing someone entities: Mobbing, Meeting. caption: How soon can you start?
The prior employee who had this job is getting violently chased out of the building and they need a replacement for him quickly; this is a metaphor for a toxic workplace. Even though the applicant might not want to work here because it's a bad job, he literally can't see how toxic the workplace is because he's facing the wrong way.
A half man/ half horse meets another half man half horse but instead of an adult torso and horse legs they are a horse head and a human body.
In mythology a centaur is a male torso and horse legged beast but this is a switch.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the body switch with a horse?" ]
You're just like your mother.
scene: forest description: A half man/ half horse meets another half man half horse but instead of an adult torso and horse legs they are a horse head and a human body. uncanny: In mythology a centaur is a male torso and horse legged beast but this is a switch. entities: Centaur, Horse_head_mask. caption: You're just like your mother.
This line is commonly stated by exacerbated and frustrated parents when their child is misbehaving in a way that reminds them of their partner. But here, the line takes on an additional odd/humorous meaning because these are centaurs and reverse-centaurs. The ambiguity of the genetics, the other parent, what the bad behavior is, etc. contributes to the joke being funny, because it's still a topical/appropriate comment for this hereditarily-confused centaur world.
a bedroom
A man and a woman are in bed. She is sitting up and he is sleeping. There is a planet visible outside the window.
Earth is outside the window rather than the Moon.
[ "", "", "" ]
[ "Do they live on the Moon?" ]
You always get like this when there's a full Earth.
scene: a bedroom description: A man and a woman are in bed. She is sitting up and he is sleeping. There is a planet visible outside the window. uncanny: Earth is outside the window rather than the Moon. entities: Bed, Earth, Moon. caption: You always get like this when there's a full Earth.
Odd/scary behaviors are said to occur during a full moon; in this case, the "full earth" out the window either implies that these people live in a space house, or that the house occasionally jumps into orbit. The contrast between the man's nonchalance and the woman's lucidity about the absurdity of being in space is humorous.
the road
People are pushing statues of a bull and an ostrich with its head in the sand. Some men stare at them.
There are people pushing huge statues down the street. The ostrich with its head in the stand is unusual for a statue.
[ "", "", "" ]
[ "Why is there a statue of an ostrich with its head in the sand?" ]
If we just ignore it, maybe it'll go away.
scene: the road description: People are pushing statues of a bull and an ostrich with its head in the sand. Some men stare at them. uncanny: There are people pushing huge statues down the street. The ostrich with its head in the stand is unusual for a statue. entities: Bull, Ostrich, Ostrich_effect. caption: If we just ignore it, maybe it'll go away.
A joke about financial collapse on wall street. Wall street has a famous statue of a bull which "represents the courage and can-do spirit of Americans," but the cartoon suggests that sometimes, for the stock market crashing, a more appropriate mascot might be an ostrich hiding its head in the dirt, as a representation of ignoring problems and hiding from them.
A man is sitting at his desk with a long portrait picture on his desk. He has his arms crossed as he looks at it.
Picture frames do not come in a long shape like that.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why does he have a long portrait picture like that?" ]
Damn, I loved that giraffe.
scene: office description: A man is sitting at his desk with a long portrait picture on his desk. He has his arms crossed as he looks at it. uncanny: Picture frames do not come in a long shape like that. entities: Portrait, Chief_executive_officer. caption: Damn, I loved that giraffe.
People sometimes have pictures of loved ones or pets on their desk. While we can't see what's in the frame, it's very tall, and giraffes have long necks, so we assume that this man has a picture of his deceased pet giraffe on his desk. It's a funny, straightforward, but unusual explanation for the very tall picture frame.
a subway
A couple is having a dinner in the middle of a subway station platform. A waiter waits for their order while everyone else ignores them.
People do not eat in the middle of a subway station. It would cause an accident.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why are they having a dinner in the middle of the station?" ]
If you see something, say something.
scene: a subway description: A couple is having a dinner in the middle of a subway station platform. A waiter waits for their order while everyone else ignores them. uncanny: People do not eat in the middle of a subway station. It would cause an accident. entities: Waiting_staff, Restaurant. caption: If you see something, say something.
Waiters at restaurants will often ask if people want anything from the menus by saying, e.g., "see something you like?" ---but this restaurant is on the new york subway station, which broadcasts "If you see something, say something." as a terrorism fighting message, e.g., if you see someone doing something that could potentially be dangerous, the message encourages riders to say something and contact a number. The restaurant and subway intersect via this message: "if you see something [on the menu you want to order], say something [to the waiter]"
a laboratory
A man in lab attire is sitting in a room with several monkies. Most are in cages, but one of them is in front of a typewriter
It's unusual to see a monkey operating a typewriter
[ "", "" ]
[ "What is that monkey doing on a typewriter?" ]
Have you considered writing this story in the third monkey rather than the first monkey?
scene: a laboratory description: A man in lab attire is sitting in a room with several monkies. Most are in cages, but one of them is in front of a typewriter uncanny: It's unusual to see a monkey operating a typewriter entities: Infinite_monkey_theorem, Mad_scientist. caption: Have you considered writing this story in the third monkey rather than the first monkey?
Stories can be told in first person (e.g., "I did X") or third person ("The character did X"), and editors will sometimes critique this choice or offer suggestions about the writing style. But here, the monkey is writing, so instead of first/third person, the suggestion about perspective is first/third "monkey".
an alleyway
There are two couple standing outside on the street. One couple is middle aged and the other is an elderly couple. The older man is pointing a gun at the younger couple.
An average looking elderly man is robbing a couple at gunpoint.
[ "", "" ]
[ "What is the man on the left saying to the woman he is with and why is he smiling?" ]
This is what we get for walking down a dark alley before 5 p.m.
scene: an alleyway description: There are two couple standing outside on the street. One couple is middle aged and the other is an elderly couple. The older man is pointing a gun at the younger couple. uncanny: An average looking elderly man is robbing a couple at gunpoint. entities: Robbery, Old_age. caption: This is what we get for walking down a dark alley before 5 p.m.
There's a trope that young people may rob you if you walk down a dark alley at night. But, this caption suggests that if you go down before 5PM during the day old, people would rob you --- this references that old people tend to go bed early. This is funny because 1) we usually don't expect old people to be criminals (particularly these folks who look well off); and 2) the man seems quite nonchalant about the situation, accepting that it was their fault.
a board room
Some executives are sitting around a table. There are very large mugs of coffee in front of them.
The coffee mugs are huge.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why are the mugs so big?" ]
Can you please pass the cow?
scene: a board room description: Some executives are sitting around a table. There are very large mugs of coffee in front of them. uncanny: The coffee mugs are huge. entities: Meeting, Coffee_cup. caption: Can you please pass the cow?
When drinking coffee or tea, people often add cream, and may ask others to pass it if it's on the other side of a table. But here, the mugs are huge, so instead of asking for a small cup of cream, they are asking for the entire cow, which is the appropriately-sized cream dispenser for these huge drinks.
operating room
There is an operation taking place in a hospital room. Four doctors are involved in the operation. A man walks into the room holding a set of golf clubs and the doctors angrily look at him.
A golfer holding a set of golf clubs is in a hospital and managed to walk into an operating room.
[ "", "" ]
[ "How did the golfer end up in a hospital room?" ]
Mind if I cut through?
scene: operating room description: There is an operation taking place in a hospital room. Four doctors are involved in the operation. A man walks into the room holding a set of golf clubs and the doctors angrily look at him. uncanny: A golfer holding a set of golf clubs is in a hospital and managed to walk into an operating room. entities: Hospital, Doctor. caption: Mind if I cut through?
Golfers sometimes cut through difficult to cross places to hit their ball as it lies, to save strokes. But here, the golfer is cutting through a very inappropriate place: an operating room. Furthermore, his "cut through" statement takes on a second meaning: it's as if he is asking if he can "cut through" the patient, as in: participate as a surgeon during the operation.
a table
A small man points a needle at a cat. The cat has its claws out ready to fight the man. The man looks like he is defending himself with the needle.
Cats are not bigger than human men.
[ "", "" ]
[ "How did the man get so small?" ]
Think it over. I'm still the only one here who can use a can opener.
scene: a table description: A small man points a needle at a cat. The cat has its claws out ready to fight the man. The man looks like he is defending himself with the needle. uncanny: Cats are not bigger than human men. entities: Sewing_needle, Cat. caption: Think it over. I'm still the only one here who can use a can opener.
The giant cat has the power to kill the man, who is attempting to defend himself. His best defense: he reminds the cat that he's the only one who can open canned cat food by using a can opener. It's funny because, even though the cat is big and powerful, the point the man brings up about the cat's reliance on him is still a valid reason for the cat to not kill him.
People small enough to fit inside a cup of tea are about to drown. They are on a ship that is sinking inside the tea.
People are not small enough to be inside a cup of tea.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why are the people inside the tea cup?" ]
Throw us a doughnut!
scene: water description: People small enough to fit inside a cup of tea are about to drown. They are on a ship that is sinking inside the tea. uncanny: People are not small enough to be inside a cup of tea. entities: Teacup, Shipwreck. caption: Throw us a doughnut!
A play on the word "doughnut." On the one hand, a doughnut is a sweet food that is often eaten with bitter coffee/teas for balance. But also, a doughnut looks like a life preserver, which is a flotation device that could be quite useful during a shipwreck, which is why the people in trouble are requesting it.
A cowboy is riding a seahorse. A man and horse stare at him.
There is a cowboy riding a seahorse. Seahorse could not exist out of water and are not that big.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the cowboy on a seahorse and not a normal horse?" ]
It's big and blue. You can't miss it.
scene: plains description: A cowboy is riding a seahorse. A man and horse stare at him. uncanny: There is a cowboy riding a seahorse. Seahorse could not exist out of water and are not that big. entities: Seahorse, Cowboy. caption: It's big and blue. You can't miss it.
A lost cowboy riding a seahorse might be looking for the ocean, which is what the other cowboy is providing directions towards. The ocean is what is big and blue, and because it's so big, it's difficult to miss. It's funny that the seahorse cowboy could find himself so far from the ocean because it would be hard to get this far without trying to.
A hunter walks around with a gun over his shoulder. Two birds look on as another bird is on the hunters gun.
Birds would be too scared to stay on the gun.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the bird on the gun?" ]
It took us years to get somebody in the inside.
scene: forest description: A hunter walks around with a gun over his shoulder. Two birds look on as another bird is on the hunters gun. uncanny: Birds would be too scared to stay on the gun. entities: Hunting, Shotgun_shell. caption: It took us years to get somebody in the inside.
A joke about birds being undercover agents. Law enforcement agencies and governments will often undertake long-term reconnaissance operations to infiltrate organizations they want to spy on. Here, the birds have their agent, the bird on the gun, as an inside source who will report to them the activities of the bird hunter. It's funny to think that birds could plan that long, and that they have a spy agency.
a restaurant
There is a man and a woman seated at a restaurant table with soups and drinks in front of them. The man is leaning over towards the woman and tilting his head down to show her a tattoo of a girl on his forehead. The woman looks over at him pleasantly surprised.
It is unusual for a man to have a tattoo of a girl on his forehead.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Who is the girl on his forehead?", "Why did he tattoo his forehead?" ]
Don't move. I think I have something in my teeth.
scene: a restaurant description: There is a man and a woman seated at a restaurant table with soups and drinks in front of them. The man is leaning over towards the woman and tilting his head down to show her a tattoo of a girl on his forehead. The woman looks over at him pleasantly surprised. uncanny: It is unusual for a man to have a tattoo of a girl on his forehead. entities: Forehead, Tattoo. caption: Don't move. I think I have something in my teeth.
The man's balding head serves as a mirror for the woman. Instead of noticing that he might feel a bit insecure about his balding, she takes advantage of it like any other mirror: to identify food stuck in her teeth and remove it.
a western town
A cowboy is on the street talking with a horse skeleton. It is tied to a post.
The horse is a skeleton.
[ "", "" ]
[ "What is up with the horse?" ]
This is the last time I park on this side of town!
scene: a western town description: A cowboy is on the street talking with a horse skeleton. It is tied to a post. uncanny: The horse is a skeleton. entities: Sheriff, Fossil. caption: This is the last time I park on this side of town!
When people park on the wrong side of town, sometimes their cars are robbed. But here, the wild-west parallel is that, if a cowboy "parks" his horse on the wrong side of town, a robber might steal the skin from it. It's funny not only because the caption frames a modern concern in a wild-west light, but also, because the robbers were quite thorough.
An alligator is coming out of the floor. Two people stare at it. A waiter points at it.
There is an alligator coming out of the floor.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is an alligator in a restaurant?" ]
Past the alligator, through the ring of fire, first door on your left.
scene: restaurant description: An alligator is coming out of the floor. Two people stare at it. A waiter points at it. uncanny: There is an alligator coming out of the floor. entities: Alligator, Waiting_staff. caption: Past the alligator, through the ring of fire, first door on your left.
A joke about a weird restaurant with many comical traps like the depicted alligator pit and the not pictured ring of fire. The waiter is giving directions to the customer about the extreme perils of going to the bathroom in this establishment.
a meeting room
A group of people in a meeting with parrots on each of their shoulders. They are talking casually while one guy does not have a bird on his shoulder. He has his arms crossed.
People don't show up to meetings with birds on their shoulders. The birds would fly and cause disruption.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why do people have birds on their shoulders?" ]
We have to find a better way to record our meetings.
scene: a meeting room description: A group of people in a meeting with parrots on each of their shoulders. They are talking casually while one guy does not have a bird on his shoulder. He has his arms crossed. uncanny: People don't show up to meetings with birds on their shoulders. The birds would fly and cause disruption. entities: Conformity, Parrot. caption: We have to find a better way to record our meetings.
Meeting recordings usually happen, e.g., via note taking, via video recording, etc. The goal is to provide an exact reference of the discussion for future interested parties. But this company has humorously employed a set of parrots to listen in --- this type of bird is technically capable of repeating human speech. But, it's likely to be inefficient --- the parrots memorize and repeat incompletely and at their own discretion, and are difficult to control, defeating the point of the meeting recording.
a conference room
People are sitting around in chairs. They look to be having a discussion.
The people are Wizard of Oz characters.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Is this group therapy?" ]
And my hourly fee is six hundred dollars. You're not in Kansas anymore.
scene: a conference room description: People are sitting around in chairs. They look to be having a discussion. uncanny: The people are Wizard of Oz characters. entities: Meeting, The_Wonderful_Wizard_of_Oz. caption: And my hourly fee is six hundred dollars. You're not in Kansas anymore.
In the "Wizard of Oz," the movie that the characters in the chairs are from, the main character says "We're not in Kansas anymore" in reference to the fact that they have been transported to the magical land of Oz. Here, they are in an expensive lawyer's office instead of Oz, and the reason why it's "not Kansas" is not whimsical --- it's because the lawyers in this city (probably New York) are more expensive than in Kansas. The lawyer uses the same line from the movie to justify his high price.
A female angel is listening to a male angel talk. Her halo is normal sized, while the man's is at least 4 times larger than hers. They are both surrounded by clouds.
It's unusual to see a halo that is as large as that of the male angel's. Additionally, angels aren't typically depicted with looks of longing as seen on the female's face.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the male angel's halo so large?", "Does the female want to hook up with the egotistical male angel?" ]
I let my mother-in-law move in with us.
scene: heavan description: A female angel is listening to a male angel talk. Her halo is normal sized, while the man's is at least 4 times larger than hers. They are both surrounded by clouds. uncanny: It's unusual to see a halo that is as large as that of the male angel's. Additionally, angels aren't typically depicted with looks of longing as seen on the female's face. entities: Angel, Halo_(religious_iconography). caption: I let my mother-in-law move in with us.
There's a trope that an angel might be given a big halo in heaven after they die if they did a particularly selfless act in their life. Here, the above-and-beyond act was letting a mother-in-law live with him and his partner. In general, having a partner's parents move in is very hard, because the in-law may interfere with the couple's independent, day-to-day romantic relationship, and so agreeing to this is a huge sacrifice. It's funny in part because this isn't the biggest possible sacrifice in life, but is under-rated as a selfless act.
a cave
Two cavepeople look at the guy next door. He is raking the driveway and has a normal house, while the others have a cave.
The house does not fit in caveman times. They had no houses.
[ "", "", "" ]
[ "Why is there a house in caveman times?" ]
He needed a place to park his wheel.
scene: a cave description: Two cavepeople look at the guy next door. He is raking the driveway and has a normal house, while the others have a cave. uncanny: The house does not fit in caveman times. They had no houses. entities: Home, Cave, Broom. caption: He needed a place to park his wheel.
A person might construct a garage because they want to park their car in it; but because cavemen don't have cars, the joke is that the caveman was looking for a place to park his carved wheel, which is a common trope associated with cavemen. It's funny in part because the construction of a modern garage implies technological advancement, whereas the stone wheel is primitive.
the living room
A couple are lounging in their living room. Their dog is nearby. A wrecking ball has busted through their wall.
You wouldn't tear down a house with people still in it.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why arent' they more concerned?" ]
Miley’s here.
scene: the living room description: A couple are lounging in their living room. Their dog is nearby. A wrecking ball has busted through their wall. uncanny: You wouldn't tear down a house with people still in it. entities: Wrecking_ball, Construction. caption: Miley’s here.
A reference to the Miley Cyrus music video "Wrecking Ball", in which she rides a wrecking ball into a side of a building. Instead of being surprised by the destruction, the everyday people react as if they invited Cyrus to their house and were anticipating that she would arrive in this destructive fashion.
a living room
A man's hand gets bitten by a picture of a fish. Another man looks on without expression.
Pictures of fish do not bite people.
[ "", "", "" ]
[ "Why is the fish biting the man?" ]
There may be some lingering resentment.
scene: a living room description: A man's hand gets bitten by a picture of a fish. Another man looks on without expression. uncanny: Pictures of fish do not bite people. entities: Piranha, Painting, Fireplace_mantel. caption: There may be some lingering resentment.
People sometimes hang hunting or finishing taxidermy trophies of their kills/catches on their walls. The taxidermy has come to life and bit the man who was the one who killed him. It's thus understandable that the fish (if it could come alive) would resent its killer; the man nonchalantly quips about their tenuous relationship.
the doctor's office
A man is sitting in a doctor's office in his polka dotted underwear and socks.. He has an apprehensive look and there are large leaves growing out of his body. The doctor has a slight smile and seems to be saying something to the man.
It's unusual for a person to have large leaves growing out of their body. It's also unusual for a doctor to be smiling and seemingly unfazed by seeing this oddity.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why are there leaves growing out of the man?" ]
You’re in luck! It's cannabis.
scene: the doctor's office description: A man is sitting in a doctor's office in his polka dotted underwear and socks.. He has an apprehensive look and there are large leaves growing out of his body. The doctor has a slight smile and seems to be saying something to the man. uncanny: It's unusual for a person to have large leaves growing out of their body. It's also unusual for a doctor to be smiling and seemingly unfazed by seeing this oddity. entities: Leaf, Physical_examination. caption: You’re in luck! It's cannabis.
The man has an unusual medical condition that causes plants to grow from his skin. Instead of curing him of this condition, the doctor points out that the plants are marijuana plants, which would be good either because he could sell what he grows, or he could smoke it and enjoy using drugs. A doctor that sees these upsides of his condition (rather than curing them) comes across as humorously untrustworthy.
a meeting room
There is an electric chair near a chair full of businesspeople. They are at a meeting.
There is an electric chair in an office. Those belong in prisons.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is there an electric chair in an office setting?" ]
And this is our new incentive plan.
scene: a meeting room description: There is an electric chair near a chair full of businesspeople. They are at a meeting. uncanny: There is an electric chair in an office. Those belong in prisons. entities: Electric_chair, White-collar_worker. caption: And this is our new incentive plan.
An "incentive plan" is usually a type of employee compensation that rewards people financially for meeting specific performance targets. But here, the company can't afford to pay extra, so their incentive plan is the electric chair: the implication is that employees must meet targets or they will simply be killed. A dark but humorous joke about how some companies view their employees as disposable.
There are two men with thunder bolts. They are on clouds. One many looks angry and might be God.
People cannot carry thunderbolts or sit on clouds.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why are the men throwing thunderbolts?" ]
You knew your wife might remarry.
scene: clouds description: There are two men with thunder bolts. They are on clouds. One many looks angry and might be God. uncanny: People cannot carry thunderbolts or sit on clouds. entities: God, Lightning_strike. caption: You knew your wife might remarry.
The angel is scolding the deceased man for trying to stop his mortal wife from re-marrying another person by throwing the lightning bolt at her back on earth. When people die, it's common for their spouses to get married, but this man, despite being dead, isn't comfortable with that. It's funny in part because one would think that ascending to heaven would alleviate petty, earthly concerns like jealousy, but, it didn't for this man.
a bar
A bartender is on the telephone. A man looks on as two other men and a rabbi enter the bar.
Rabbis don't tend to frequent bars.
[ "", "", "" ]
[ "Who is the bartender calling?" ]
Stop me if you've heard this one.
scene: a bar description: A bartender is on the telephone. A man looks on as two other men and a rabbi enter the bar. uncanny: Rabbis don't tend to frequent bars. entities: Rule_of_three_(writing), Bar_joke, Religious_institute. caption: Stop me if you've heard this one.
The bartender is nonchalantly responding to a bar joke occurring in real life. "A rabbi, a priest, and a minister walk into a bar..." is a popular, stereotypical beginning of a bar joke. This sort of joke is commonly viewed as overdone, and the humorous part is that, even if it were happening in real life, a very jaded person might say something indicating their boredom at the overdone-ness of the situation, i.e., "stop me if you've heard this one" means "stop me if you have heard this stereotypical joke before."
the ocean
Two anthropomorphic sharks are facing one another underwater. There is a person standing on one of the sharks making it struggle to support his weight. The top half of the person is above the waterline.
It's strange to see a person standing on top of a shark in the water and for that shark to be allowing the person to do it.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the person standing on top of the shark?", "Why is the shark allowing the person to stand on them?" ]
How about some help carrying the groceries?
scene: the ocean description: Two anthropomorphic sharks are facing one another underwater. There is a person standing on one of the sharks making it struggle to support his weight. The top half of the person is above the waterline. uncanny: It's strange to see a person standing on top of a shark in the water and for that shark to be allowing the person to do it. entities: Shark, Human. caption: How about some help carrying the groceries?
The shark is carrying a human which the sharks plan to eat. When humans are carrying their food, they might be coming back from the grocery store with bags, and might request help from their partner to carry the bags. While the sharks are having a similar benign discussion about carrying groceries, but the implication of the human as groceries to be eaten makes it funny.
a performance room
There are a bunch of grand pianos piled together in a room. Two men stare at them.
There are grand pianos piled together in a room. Normally there is just one.
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[ "Why are the grand pianos piled up together?" ]
Well, where did you think baby grands came from?
scene: a performance room description: There are a bunch of grand pianos piled together in a room. Two men stare at them. uncanny: There are grand pianos piled together in a room. Normally there is just one. entities: Piano, Painting. caption: Well, where did you think baby grands came from?
A baby grand piano is a small type of piano: the joke is that instead of being manufactured normally, pianos actually reproduce sexually, and the "piano farm" is in a fancy mansion in this house.
the living room
A man is pulling open the blinds of his room and looking out the window. He has a surprised expression because of what he sees sitting right outside. There is a giant head like the ones found on Easter Island.
It is extremely unlikely to find this type of statue outside of a very specific island so seeing one outside your house would be a shock.
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[ "How did that statue end up outside of this mans home?" ]
Yes he's still out there...and he looks serious.
scene: the living room description: A man is pulling open the blinds of his room and looking out the window. He has a surprised expression because of what he sees sitting right outside. There is a giant head like the ones found on Easter Island. uncanny: It is extremely unlikely to find this type of statue outside of a very specific island so seeing one outside your house would be a shock. entities: Moai, Window. caption: Yes he's still out there...and he looks serious.
Suburbanites are notorious for watching for crime in their neighborhoods, and this man is doing that from his window onto his lawn. But, he sees a Moai statue and is treating it as if it were a suspicious person, e.g., expecting it to be able to move or expecting it to be dangerous. While it looks serious, unlike a person standing on the lawn who looks serious, the statue is probably not a real threat.
Two angels are standing face to face on a cloud. One has white wings and one has black ones.
Angels do not exist as far as we know.
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[ "Why are the angels facing off?" ]
It just looked so uncool to wear a seat belt in the Batmobile.
scene: heavan description: Two angels are standing face to face on a cloud. One has white wings and one has black ones. uncanny: Angels do not exist as far as we know. entities: Devil, Angel. caption: It just looked so uncool to wear a seat belt in the Batmobile.
A dark joke about batman dying in a car crash. We know the angel on the right is batman because the black wings are similar to accents on the batmobile, and we know he died because he's in heaven talking about how he didn't wear a seatbelt.
a doctor's office
A doctor is taking notes from a shadow puppet. The shadow puppet is in the shape of a bunny rabbit.
Shadow puppets, unlike humans, cannot be seen for health reasons.
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[ "Why is the doctor looking after a shadow puppet?" ]
So, for the record, are you a duck or a rabbit?
scene: a doctor's office description: A doctor is taking notes from a shadow puppet. The shadow puppet is in the shape of a bunny rabbit. uncanny: Shadow puppets, unlike humans, cannot be seen for health reasons. entities: Physician, Shadow_play. caption: So, for the record, are you a duck or a rabbit?
A shadows make a reference to a popular optical illusion depicting both a duck and a rabbit: the doctor is asking a biological question to prescribe the best care, but can't tell if he should be treating a duck or a rabbit.
an island
there is a whale that is beached on an island. The whale does not look happy and the island is smaller than its body.
Whales do not typically beach on islands that are so small.
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[ "Why is the whale beached on the island?" ]
I got your message. How can I help?
scene: an island description: there is a whale that is beached on an island. The whale does not look happy and the island is smaller than its body. uncanny: Whales do not typically beach on islands that are so small. entities: Whale, Cetacean_stranding. caption: I got your message. How can I help?
A joke about a message in a bottle and who is likely to receive it. Following the common "stranded on a desert island" trope, the person on the island sent out a plea for help by putting a message in a bottle, and throwing it into the ocean. However, the bottle didn't make it to a city, it was received by an unhelpful whale. The whale has their heart in the right place and came to help, but ended up just crushing the person.
a corporate office
Someone has created a pool in their office and are about to jump in it. A man in suit and tie walks in as soon as the person is about to dive.
A pool in an office room is absurd.
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[ "Why did the person build a pool in their office?" ]
My wife won't let me put one in the back yard.
scene: a corporate office description: Someone has created a pool in their office and are about to jump in it. A man in suit and tie walks in as soon as the person is about to dive. uncanny: A pool in an office room is absurd. entities: Swimming_pool, Break_(work). caption: My wife won't let me put one in the back yard.
Couples sometimes argue about whether or not they should add a pool to the backyard. Here, the wife said no, so instead of giving up on the pool, the husband put one in their home office. Technically, it's not in the back yard, so the husband didn't disobey his wife's request.