[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'mexican');(_:search,pricerange,'moderate');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a moderate restaurant that serves mexican food" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'mexican');(_:result,name,'colibri mexican bistro');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "colibri mexican bistro is a nice place , it is in the moderate price range and it serves mexican food ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,area,?);(_:result,name,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the name address phone number and area" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'438 geary street');(_:result,area,'hayes valley or downtown');(_:result,name,'colibri mexican bistro');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "colibri mexican bistro is a nice place , it is in the area of downtown , their address is 438 geary street and it is in the area of hayes valley ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the phone number" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'colibri mexican bistro');(_:result,phone,'4154402737');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "colibri mexican bistro is a nice place their phone number is 4154402737 ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "mexican" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "mexican" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "mexican" ], [ "_:result", "name", "colibri mexican bistro" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "mexican" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "mexican" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "address", "438 geary street" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or downtown" ], [ "_:result", "name", "colibri mexican bistro" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "mexican" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "mexican" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "address", "438 geary street" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or downtown" ], [ "_:result", "name", "colibri mexican bistro" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4154402737" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "mexican" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "mexican" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "address", "438 geary street" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or downtown" ], [ "_:result", "name", "colibri mexican bistro" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4154402737" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "yes" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thanks" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "ah" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "is that's" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range ?" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'cheap');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "cheap" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range ?" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "that's bye" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "can" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "negate()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "no" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,food,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what kind of food would you like ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "what" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,food,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what kind of food would you like ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,near,'glen park');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "a restaurant in the old near glen park" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'chenery park');(_:result,near,'glen park');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "chenery park is a nice place it is near glen park ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "can i have the address and phone number" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'683 chenery street');(_:result,name,'chenery park');(_:result,phone,'4153378537');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "chenery park is a nice place , their address is 683 chenery street and their phone number is 4153378537 ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:result,kids_allowed,'true');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "do they allow children" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "reqmore()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "can i help you with anything else ?" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:result,kids_allowed,'true');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "do they allow children" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,kids_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'chenery park');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "chenery park is a nice place where child -s are allowed ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "?" ], [ "_:search", "near", "glen park" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "?" ], [ "_:search", "near", "glen park" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chenery park" ], [ "_:result", "near", "glen park" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "?" ], [ "_:search", "near", "glen park" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "glen park" ], [ "_:result", "address", "683 chenery street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chenery park" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4153378537" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "?" ], [ "_:search", "near", "glen park" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "glen park" ], [ "_:result", "address", "683 chenery street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chenery park" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4153378537" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "?" ], [ "_:search", "near", "glen park" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "glen park" ], [ "_:result", "address", "683 chenery street" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4153378537" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chenery park" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "?" ], [ "_:search", "near", "glen park" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "glen park" ], [ "_:result", "address", "683 chenery street" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4153378537" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chenery park" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "ack()", "inform((_:search,kids_allowed,'true');(_:search,near,'bernal heights');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a restaurant good food can and allows children and is near the bernal heights" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,kids_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'angkor borei restaurant');(_:result,near,'bernal heights');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "angkor borei restaurant is a nice place , it is near bernal heights and where child -s are allowed ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,name,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the name and address" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'3471 mission street');(_:result,name,'angkor borei restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "angkor borei restaurant is a nice place their address is 3471 mission street ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the phone number" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'angkor borei restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "angkor borei restaurant is a nice restaurant ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the phone number of the restaurant" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'angkor borei restaurant');(_:result,phone,'4155508417');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "angkor borei restaurant is a nice place their phone number is 4155508417 ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,area,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "and what area is that and" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'hayes valley or bernal heights');(_:result,name,'angkor borei restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "angkor borei restaurant is a nice place , it is in the area of hayes valley and it is in the area of bernal heights ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "bernal heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "bernal heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "angkor borei restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "bernal heights" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "bernal heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "near", "bernal heights" ], [ "_:result", "address", "3471 mission street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "angkor borei restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "bernal heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "near", "bernal heights" ], [ "_:result", "address", "3471 mission street" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "angkor borei restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "bernal heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "near", "bernal heights" ], [ "_:result", "address", "3471 mission street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "angkor borei restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4155508417" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "bernal heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "near", "bernal heights" ], [ "_:result", "address", "3471 mission street" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4155508417" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or bernal heights" ], [ "_:result", "name", "angkor borei restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "bernal heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "near", "bernal heights" ], [ "_:result", "address", "3471 mission street" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4155508417" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or bernal heights" ], [ "_:result", "name", "angkor borei restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thanks" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,near,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "where would you like it to be near to ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,good_for_meal,'brunch');(_:search,near,'mission');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a restaurant near the mission district for brunch" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,good_for_meal,'brunch');(_:result,near,'mission');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place , good for brunch and near mission ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "ack()", "inform((_:search,good_for_meal,'breakfast');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "how about this what please it's good for breakfast" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,good_for_meal,'breakfast');(_:result,name,'sanjalisco');(_:result,near,'mission');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "sanjalisco is a nice place , it is good for breakfast and it is near mission ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the phone number" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'sanjalisco');(_:result,phone,'4156488383');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "sanjalisco is a nice place their phone number is 4156488383 ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "and how about the address" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'901 s van ness avenue');(_:result,name,'sanjalisco');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "sanjalisco is a nice place their address is 901 s van ness avenue ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "okay thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:search", "near", "mission" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "near", "mission" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/1bca9c10" ], [ "_:result/1bca9c10", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result/1bca9c10", "near", "mission" ], [ "_:result/1bca9c10", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "breakfast" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "near", "mission" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/1bca9c10" ], [ "_:result/1bca9c10", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result/1bca9c10", "near", "mission" ], [ "_:result/1bca9c10", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "breakfast" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "breakfast" ], [ "_:result", "name", "sanjalisco" ], [ "_:result", "near", "mission" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "near", "mission" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/1bca9c10" ], [ "_:result/1bca9c10", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result/1bca9c10", "near", "mission" ], [ "_:result/1bca9c10", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "breakfast" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "breakfast" ], [ "_:result", "near", "mission" ], [ "_:result", "name", "sanjalisco" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4156488383" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "mission" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/1bca9c10" ], [ "_:result/1bca9c10", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result/1bca9c10", "near", "mission" ], [ "_:result/1bca9c10", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "breakfast" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "breakfast" ], [ "_:result", "near", "mission" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4156488383" ], [ "_:result", "address", "901 s van ness avenue" ], [ "_:result", "name", "sanjalisco" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "mission" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/1bca9c10" ], [ "_:result/1bca9c10", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result/1bca9c10", "near", "mission" ], [ "_:result/1bca9c10", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "breakfast" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "breakfast" ], [ "_:result", "near", "mission" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4156488383" ], [ "_:result", "address", "901 s van ness avenue" ], [ "_:result", "name", "sanjalisco" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,near,'outer sunset');(_:search,pricerange,'moderate');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i would like a moderately priced restaurant that is near the outer sunset" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'marnee thai');(_:result,near,'outer sunset');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "marnee thai is a nice place , it is in the moderate price range and it is near outer sunset ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "ack()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "phone number" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'marnee thai');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "marnee thai is a nice restaurant ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the phone number" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'marnee thai');(_:result,phone,'4157319999');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "marnee thai is a nice place , their phone number is 4157319999 ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,good_for_meal,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is it good for what meal" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,good_for_meal,'dinner');(_:result,name,'marnee thai');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "marnee thai is a nice place it is good for dinner ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "outer sunset" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "outer sunset" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "name", "marnee thai" ], [ "_:result", "near", "outer sunset" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "outer sunset" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "outer sunset" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "name", "marnee thai" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "outer sunset" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "outer sunset" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "name", "marnee thai" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157319999" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "outer sunset" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "outer sunset" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157319999" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "name", "marnee thai" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "outer sunset" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "outer sunset" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157319999" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "name", "marnee thai" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'lower pacific heights');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "in the lower pacific heights" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'lower pacific heights');(_:result,count,'2');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 2 restaurant -s in the area of lower pacific heights ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,food,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what food would you like ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'moderate');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "moderate restaurant" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'lower pacific heights');(_:result,name,'kappa japanese restaurant');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "kappa japanese restaurant is a nice place , it is in the area of lower pacific heights and it is in the moderate price range ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "negate()", "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "no and phone number" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'kappa japanese restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "kappa japanese restaurant is a nice restaurant ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "negate()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "phone number" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'kappa japanese restaurant');(_:result,phone,'4156736004');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "kappa japanese restaurant is a nice place their phone number is 4156736004 ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "negate()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "no" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'kappa japanese restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "kappa japanese restaurant is a nice restaurant ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:result", "count", "2" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:result", "area", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:result", "count", "2" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "?" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, 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[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a hotel in the area of celebrate area" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,has_internet,'no');(_:result,has_internet,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it has internet ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,has_internet,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "doesn't matter" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'182');(_:result,has_internet,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 182 hotel -s if you do not care if has internet ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,near,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "where would you like it to be near to ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,near,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "don't care" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,has_internet,'no');(_:result,has_internet,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it has internet ?" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,has_internet,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "doesn't matter" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'182');(_:result,has_internet,'dont_care');(_:result,near,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 182 hotel -s if you do not care if has internet and if you do not care where it is near to ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what area would you like" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "transmission" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,near,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "where would you like it to be near to ?" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "transmission" }, { "id": 16, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:result,near,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "let me confirm , you are looking for a hotel and it does not need to be near a specific location ?" }, { "id": 17, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 18, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 19, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "no" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "near", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "near", "*" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "no" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "*" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "near", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "*" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "near", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "near", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] }, { "id": 8, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "near", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 ] }, { "id": 9, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "near", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,dogs_allowed,'true');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what allow dogs" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'kensington park hotel');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "kensington park hotel is a nice place where dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "let me confirm you want a hotel that allows dogs , right ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "yes" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "let me confirm you want a hotel that allows dogs , right ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "yes" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'kensington park hotel');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "kensington park hotel is a nice hotel ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'kensington park hotel');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "kensington park hotel is a nice hotel ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "kensington park hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "kensington park hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "kensington park hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "kensington park hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "kensington park hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "kensington park hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a restaurant that is" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,near,'lower pacific heights');(_:search,pricerange,'moderate');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "moderately priced near lower pacific heights" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'alborz persian cuisine');(_:result,near,'lower pacific heights');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "alborz persian cuisine is a nice place , it is in the moderate price range and it is near lower pacific heights ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,area,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the address and area" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'1245 van ness avenue');(_:result,area,'hayes valley or cathedral hill');(_:result,name,'alborz persian cuisine');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "alborz persian cuisine is a nice place , it is in the area of cathedral hill , their address is 1245 van ness avenue and it is in the area of hayes valley ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "name", "alborz persian cuisine" ], [ "_:result", "near", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1245 van ness avenue" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or cathedral hill" ], [ "_:result", "name", "alborz persian cuisine" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1245 van ness avenue" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or cathedral hill" ], [ "_:result", "name", "alborz persian cuisine" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "ack()", "inform((_:search,good_for_meal,'brunch');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a restaurant that is good for brunch" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,good_for_meal,'brunch');(_:result,name,'red door cafe');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "red door cafe is a nice place it is good for brunch ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,area,?);(_:result,name,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the name address phone number and area" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'1608 bush street');(_:result,area,'hayes valley or cathedral hill');(_:result,name,'red door cafe');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "red door cafe is a nice place , it is in the area of cathedral hill , their address is 1608 bush street and it is in the area of hayes valley ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "name", "red door cafe" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1608 bush street" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or cathedral hill" ], [ "_:result", "name", "red door cafe" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1608 bush street" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or cathedral hill" ], [ "_:result", "name", "red door cafe" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'south beach');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))", "ack()", "inform((_:search,pricerange,'cheap');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i i'm looking for a restaurant in the area of south beach that good i'd like cheap" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'south beach');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place , in the cheap price range and in the area of south beach ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i don't care about the price range" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'south beach');(_:result,name,'town hall');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "town hall is a nice place , it is in the moderate price range and it is in the area of south beach ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,good_for_meal,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))", "inform((_:search,good_for_meal,'lunch');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "is it good for lunch" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'south beach');(_:result,good_for_meal,'lunch');(_:result,name,'delancey street restaurant');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "delancey street restaurant is a nice place , it is in the moderate price range , it is in the area of south beach and it is good for lunch ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is their phone number" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'delancey street restaurant');(_:result,phone,'4155125179');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "delancey street restaurant is a nice place their phone number is 4155125179 ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/c638d78c" ], [ "_:result/c638d78c", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:result/c638d78c", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result/c638d78c", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/c638d78c" ], [ "_:result/c638d78c", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:result/c638d78c", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result/c638d78c", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:result", "name", "town hall" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "?" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/c638d78c" ], [ "_:result/c638d78c", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:result/c638d78c", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result/c638d78c", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result", "name", "delancey street restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/c638d78c" ], [ "_:result/c638d78c", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:result/c638d78c", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result/c638d78c", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "name", "delancey street restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4155125179" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/c638d78c" ], [ "_:result/c638d78c", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:result/c638d78c", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result/c638d78c", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "name", "delancey street restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4155125179" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'cheap');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))", "ack()", "inform((_:search,good_for_meal,'breakfast');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i want a cheap restaurant that good for breakfast" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,good_for_meal,'breakfast');(_:result,name,'red door cafe');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "red door cafe is a nice place , it is in the cheap price range and it is good for breakfast ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the address" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'1608 bush street');(_:result,name,'red door cafe');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "red door cafe is a nice place their address is 1608 bush street ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the phone number" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'red door cafe');(_:result,phone,'4152828283');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "red door cafe is a nice place their phone number is 4152828283 ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,price,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what price" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'red door cafe');(_:result,price,'between 13 and 18 euro');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "red door cafe is a nice place their price -s are between 13 and 18 euro ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "breakfast" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "breakfast" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "breakfast" ], [ "_:result", "name", "red door cafe" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "breakfast" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "breakfast" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1608 bush street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "red door cafe" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "breakfast" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "breakfast" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1608 bush street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "red door cafe" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4152828283" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "price", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "breakfast" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "breakfast" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1608 bush street" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4152828283" ], [ "_:result", "name", "red door cafe" ], [ "_:result", "price", "between 13 and 18 euro" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "breakfast" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "breakfast" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1608 bush street" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4152828283" ], [ "_:result", "name", "red door cafe" ], [ "_:result", "price", "between 13 and 18 euro" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'south beach');(_:search,pricerange,'cheap');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))", "ack()", "inform((_:search,good_for_meal,'dinner');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "cheap restaurant in south beach that's good for dinner" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'south beach');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place , in the cheap price range and in the area of south beach ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i don't care about the price range" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'south beach');(_:result,name,'town hall');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "town hall is a nice place , it is in the moderate price range and it is in the area of south beach ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "reqalts()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "is there anything else" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'south beach');(_:result,name,'delancey street restaurant');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "delancey street restaurant is a nice place , it is in the moderate price range and it is in the area of south beach ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the address" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'600 embarcadero street');(_:result,name,'delancey street restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "delancey street restaurant is a nice place their address is 600 embarcadero street ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "and the phone number" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'delancey street restaurant');(_:result,phone,'4155125179');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "delancey street restaurant is a nice place their phone number is 4155125179 ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/5c5144e6" ], [ "_:result/5c5144e6", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:result/5c5144e6", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result/5c5144e6", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/5c5144e6" ], [ "_:result/5c5144e6", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:result/5c5144e6", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result/5c5144e6", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:result", "name", "town hall" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/5c5144e6" ], [ "_:result/5c5144e6", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:result/5c5144e6", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result/5c5144e6", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:result", "name", "delancey street restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/5c5144e6" ], [ "_:result/5c5144e6", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:result/5c5144e6", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result/5c5144e6", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "address", "600 embarcadero street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "delancey street restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/5c5144e6" ], [ "_:result/5c5144e6", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:result/5c5144e6", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result/5c5144e6", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "address", "600 embarcadero street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "delancey street restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4155125179" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/5c5144e6" ], [ "_:result/5c5144e6", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:result/5c5144e6", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result/5c5144e6", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "address", "600 embarcadero street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "delancey street restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4155125179" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "what find restaurants marina district that" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'marina district');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of marina district ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "how about a similar place in the area" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'marina district');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of marina district ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "reqalts((_:result,area,'hayes valley'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "how about in his family" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'marina district');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of marina district ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/9298b097" ], [ "_:result/9298b097", "area", "marina district" ], [ "_:result/9298b097", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/9298b097" ], [ "_:result/9298b097", "area", "marina district" ], [ "_:result/9298b097", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/a1e9c6b3" ], [ "_:result/a1e9c6b3", "area", "marina district" ], [ "_:result/a1e9c6b3", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/9298b097" ], [ "_:result/9298b097", "area", "marina district" ], [ "_:result/9298b097", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/a1e9c6b3" ], [ "_:result/a1e9c6b3", "area", "marina district" ], [ "_:result/a1e9c6b3", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/50392d36" ], [ "_:result/50392d36", "area", "marina district" ], [ "_:result/50392d36", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,near,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))", "inform((_:search,name,'so');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a restaurant for what near so much" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,good_for_meal,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what meal are you looking for ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,good_for_meal,'brunch');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "brunch" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'2');(_:result,good_for_meal,'brunch');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 2 restaurant -s good for brunch ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,kids_allowed,'no');(_:result,kids_allowed,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it allows child -s ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,kids_allowed,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i don't care" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,good_for_meal,'brunch');(_:result,kids_allowed,'no');(_:result,name,'red door cafe');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "red door cafe is a nice place , where no child -s are allowed and it is good for brunch ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the phone number and address" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'1608 bush street');(_:result,name,'red door cafe');(_:result,near,'lower pacific heights');(_:result,phone,'4152828283');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "red door cafe is a nice place , their address is 1608 bush street , their phone number is 4152828283 and it is near lower pacific heights ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "near", "?" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "name", "so" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "near", "?" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "name", "so" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "name", "so" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "count", "2" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "name", "so" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "count", "2" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "name", "so" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "count", "2" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "name", "red door cafe" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "name", "so" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "count", "2" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1608 bush street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "red door cafe" ], [ "_:result", "near", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4152828283" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "name", "so" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "count", "2" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1608 bush street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "red door cafe" ], [ "_:result", "near", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4152828283" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'glen park');(_:search,pricerange,'pricey');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a hotel in the glen park that is not expensive" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'glen park');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of glen park ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "reqalts((_:result,area,'mission dolores'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "how about a similar place in the area of mission dolores" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'mission dolores');(_:result,name,'eula hotel');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "eula hotel is a nice place it is in the area of mission dolores ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the address and phone number" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'3061 16th st');(_:result,name,'eula hotel');(_:result,phone,'4158619601');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "eula hotel is a nice place , their address is 3061 16th st and their phone number is 4158619601 ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "glen park" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "glen park" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/1ab56208" ], [ "_:result/1ab56208", "area", "glen park" ], [ "_:result/1ab56208", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "glen park" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/1ab56208" ], [ "_:result/1ab56208", "area", "glen park" ], [ "_:result/1ab56208", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "mission dolores" ], [ "_:result", "name", "eula hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "glen park" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/1ab56208" ], [ "_:result/1ab56208", "area", "glen park" ], [ "_:result/1ab56208", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "mission dolores" ], [ "_:result", "address", "3061 16th st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "eula hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158619601" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "glen park" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/1ab56208" ], [ "_:result/1ab56208", "area", "glen park" ], [ "_:result/1ab56208", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "area", "mission dolores" ], [ "_:result", "address", "3061 16th st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "eula hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158619601" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'indonesian');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a restaurant that serves indonesian food" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,good_for_meal,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what meal are you looking for ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'indonesian');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "indonesian food" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'indonesian');(_:result,name,'borobudur restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "borobudur restaurant is a nice place it serves indonesian food ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "repeat()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "you say that again" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'borobudur restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "borobudur restaurant is a nice restaurant ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,name,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the name address and phone number" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'700 post street');(_:result,name,'borobudur restaurant');(_:result,phone,'4157751512');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "borobudur restaurant is a nice place , their address is 700 post street and their phone number is 4157751512 ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "indonesian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "?" ], [ "_:search", "food", "indonesian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "?" ], [ "_:search", "food", "indonesian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "indonesian" ], [ "_:result", "name", "borobudur restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "?" ], [ "_:search", "food", "indonesian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "indonesian" ], [ "_:result", "name", "borobudur restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "?" ], [ "_:search", "food", "indonesian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "indonesian" ], [ "_:result", "address", "700 post street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "borobudur restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157751512" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "?" ], [ "_:search", "food", "indonesian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "indonesian" ], [ "_:result", "address", "700 post street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "borobudur restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157751512" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "snacks" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,near,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "where would you like it to be near to ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,kids_allowed,'true');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "restaurant in the area north pub that allows children" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'north park');(_:result,kids_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'jasmine garden');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "jasmine garden is a nice place , where child -s are allowed and it is in the area of north park ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "north park" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "jasmine garden" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "north park" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "jasmine garden" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "reqalts()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a restaurant in the area of a pacific heights food" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i don't care" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'239');(_:result,pricerange,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 239 restaurant -s if you do not care about the price range ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,food,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what food would you like ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'lower pacific heights');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))", "ack()", "inform((_:search,good_for_meal,'dinner');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "a restaurant in the area of lower pacific heights that is good for dinner" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'lower pacific heights');(_:result,good_for_meal,'dinner');(_:result,name,'kappa japanese restaurant');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "kappa japanese restaurant is a nice place , it is in the area of lower pacific heights , it is in the moderate price range and it is good for dinner ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,near,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "uh what is the address phone number and where is it near to" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "reqmore()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "can i help you with anything else ?" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the address" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'1700 post street suite k');(_:result,name,'kappa japanese restaurant');(_:result,near,'lower pacific heights or japantown');(_:result,phone,'4156736004');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "kappa japanese restaurant is a nice place , their address is 1700 post street suite k , their phone number is 4156736004 , it is near japantown and it is near lower pacific heights ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "count", "239" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "239" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "?" ], [ "_:search", "area", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "239" ], [ "_:search", "food", "?" ], [ "_:search", "area", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "name", "kappa japanese restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "near", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "239" ], [ "_:search", "food", "?" ], [ "_:search", "area", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "name", "kappa japanese restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "near", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "239" ], [ "_:search", "food", "?" ], [ "_:search", "area", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1700 post street suite k" ], [ "_:result", "name", "kappa japanese restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "lower pacific heights or japantown" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4156736004" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "239" ], [ "_:search", "food", "?" ], [ "_:search", "area", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1700 post street suite k" ], [ "_:result", "name", "kappa japanese restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "lower pacific heights or japantown" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4156736004" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'south beach');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i need something in south beach" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'south beach');(_:result,name,'delancey street restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "delancey street restaurant is a nice place it is in the area of south beach ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,good_for_meal,'brunch');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "do does have brunch" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'south beach');(_:result,count,'1');(_:result,good_for_meal,'brunch');(_:result,name,'delancey street restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place other than delancey street restaurant good for brunch and in the area of south beach ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'moderate');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "okay um is it moderately priced" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'south beach');(_:result,good_for_meal,'brunch');(_:result,name,'delancey street restaurant');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "delancey street restaurant is a nice place , it is in the moderate price range , it is in the area of south beach and it is good for brunch ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:result,kids_allowed,'true');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "do they allow children" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'south beach');(_:result,count,'1');(_:result,good_for_meal,'brunch');(_:result,kids_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'delancey street restaurant');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place other than delancey street restaurant where child -s are allowed , in the area of south beach , in the moderate price range and good for brunch ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "okay what is the phone number" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,kids_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'delancey street restaurant');(_:result,phone,'4155125179');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "delancey street restaurant is a nice place , where child -s are allowed and their phone number is 4155125179 ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:result", "name", "delancey street restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:result", "count", "1" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "name", "delancey street restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "count", "1" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "name", "delancey street restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:result", "count", "1" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "delancey street restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:result", "count", "1" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "delancey street restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4155125179" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "south beach" ], [ "_:result", "count", "1" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "delancey street restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4155125179" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "ack()", "inform((_:search,good_for_meal,'dinner');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i am looking for a restaurant good for dinner that is near of laurel heights i do not care about price" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'233');(_:result,good_for_meal,'dinner');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 233 restaurant -s good for dinner ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,food,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what food would you like ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "any" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'thai');(_:result,good_for_meal,'dinner');(_:result,name,'zen yai thai restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "zen yai thai restaurant is a nice place , it is good for dinner and it serves thai food ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,name,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))", "confirm((_:result,kids_allowed,'true');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))", "request((_:result,kids_allowed,?);(_:result,name,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the name phone number and does it allow children" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,kids_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'zen yai thai restaurant');(_:result,phone,'4158850725');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "zen yai thai restaurant is a nice place , where child -s are allowed and their phone number is 4158850725 ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "count", "233" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "count", "233" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "count", "233" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "thai" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "name", "zen yai thai restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "name", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "count", "233" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "thai" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "zen yai thai restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158850725" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "count", "233" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "thai" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "zen yai thai restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158850725" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()", "inform((_:search,dogs_allowed,'true');(_:search,near,'japantown');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "yes i am looking for a hotel near japantown that allows dogs" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'hotel kabuki');(_:result,near,'japantown');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hotel kabuki is a nice place , where dogs are allowed and it is near japantown ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is their address and post code" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'1625 post st');(_:result,name,'hotel kabuki');(_:result,postcode,'94115');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hotel kabuki is a nice place , their address is 1625 post st and their postcode is 94115 ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you and goodbye" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "japantown" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "japantown" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel kabuki" ], [ "_:result", "near", "japantown" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "japantown" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "near", "japantown" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1625 post st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel kabuki" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94115" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "japantown" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "near", "japantown" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1625 post st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel kabuki" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94115" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()", "inform((_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "yes i want a hotel near friendship village" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,has_internet,'no');(_:result,has_internet,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it has internet ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,has_internet,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i don't care" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,has_internet,'no');(_:result,has_internet,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it has internet ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,has_internet,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i don't care" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'182');(_:result,has_internet,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 182 hotel -s if you do not care if has internet ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it allows dogs ?" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,dogs_allowed,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i don't care" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'182');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'dont_care');(_:result,has_internet,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 182 hotel -s if you do not care whether dogs are allowed and if you do not care if has internet ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what price range would you like" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i don't care" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'182');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'dont_care');(_:result,pricerange,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 182 hotel -s if you do not care if has internet if you do not care about the price range and if you do not care whether dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 16, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,near,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "where would you like it to be near to" }, { "id": 17, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "friendship village" }, { "id": 18, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'182');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'dont_care');(_:result,has_internet,'dont_care');(_:result,pricerange,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 182 hotel -s if you do not care if has internet if you do not care about the price range and if you do not care whether dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 19, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 20, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,near,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "where would you like it to be near to" }, { "id": 21, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "friendship village" }, { "id": 22, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'182');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'dont_care');(_:result,has_internet,'dont_care');(_:result,pricerange,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 182 hotel -s if you do not care if has internet if you do not care about the price range and if you do not care whether dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 23, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 24, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,near,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "where would you like it to be near to" }, { "id": 25, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "no" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "no" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "*" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": 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"multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "*" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "dont_care" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 ] }, { "id": 9, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "*" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 ] }, { "id": 10, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "*" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 ] }, { "id": 11, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "*" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ 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[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "u" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,food,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what kind of food would you like ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i would like to find a hotel near thank" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,near,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "where would you like it to be near to ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,has_internet,'true');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "has internet connection" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,has_internet,'yes');(_:result,name,'the westin st francis san francisco on union square');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "the westin st francis san francisco on union square is a nice place it has internet ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "um" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,has_internet,'yes');(_:result,name,'the westin st francis san francisco on union square');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "the westin st francis san francisco on union square is a nice place it has internet ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "could i mean" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,has_internet,'yes');(_:result,name,'the westin st francis san francisco on union square');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "the westin st francis san francisco on union square is a nice place it has internet ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "address" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'335 powell st');(_:result,name,'the westin st francis san francisco on union square');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "the westin st francis san francisco on union square is a nice place their address is 335 powell st ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "phone number" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'the westin st francis san francisco on union square');(_:result,phone,'4153977000');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "the westin st francis san francisco on union square is a nice place their phone number is 4153977000 ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the westin st francis san francisco on union square" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the westin st francis san francisco on union square" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the westin st francis san francisco on union square" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "address", "335 powell st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the westin st francis san francisco on union square" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "address", "335 powell st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the westin st francis san francisco on union square" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4153977000" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "address", "335 powell st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the westin st francis san francisco on union square" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4153977000" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'cheap');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "a cheap restaurant" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'source');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "source is a nice place it is in the cheap price range ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the address" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'11 division street');(_:result,name,'source');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "source is a nice place their address is 11 division street ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the phone number" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'source');(_:result,phone,'4158649000');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "source is a nice place their phone number is 4158649000 ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "okay thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "name", "source" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "11 division street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "source" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "11 division street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "source" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158649000" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "11 division street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "source" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158649000" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "in i a pub that serves tex" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "negate()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "no no" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i don't care" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'239');(_:result,pricerange,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 239 restaurant -s if you do not care about the price range ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,food,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what food would you like ?" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range ?" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "negate()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "no" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'239');(_:result,pricerange,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 239 restaurant -s if you do not care about the price range ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,near,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "where would you like it to be near to ?" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" }, { "id": 16, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 17, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "#" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:search/f8e9c178" ], [ "_:search/f8e9c178", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:search/f8e9c178" ], [ "_:search/f8e9c178", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:search/f8e9c178" ], [ "_:search/f8e9c178", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "count", "239" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:search/f8e9c178" ], [ "_:search/f8e9c178", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "239" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:search/f8e9c178" ], [ "_:search/f8e9c178", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "count", "239" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "?" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "#" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:search/ba52a9c1" ], [ "_:search/ba52a9c1", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:search/f8e9c178" ], [ "_:search/f8e9c178", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "?" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "#" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:search/ba52a9c1" ], [ "_:search/ba52a9c1", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "count", "239" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:search/f8e9c178" ], [ "_:search/f8e9c178", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "?" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "#" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:search/ba52a9c1" ], [ "_:search/ba52a9c1", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "count", "239" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] }, { "id": 8, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:search/f8e9c178" ], [ "_:search/f8e9c178", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "?" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "#" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:search/ba52a9c1" ], [ "_:search/ba52a9c1", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "count", "239" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,near,'inner sunset');(_:search,pricerange,'cheap');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "hello i want to find a cheap restaurant that is near the inner sunset" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'enjoy vegetarian restaurant');(_:result,near,'inner sunset');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "enjoy vegetarian restaurant is a nice place , it is in the cheap price range and it is near inner sunset ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the address" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'839 kearny street');(_:result,name,'enjoy vegetarian restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "enjoy vegetarian restaurant is a nice place their address is 839 kearny street ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the phone number" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'enjoy vegetarian restaurant');(_:result,phone,'4159567868');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "enjoy vegetarian restaurant is a nice place , their phone number is 4159567868 ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,food,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what type of food" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'chinese');(_:result,name,'enjoy vegetarian restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "enjoy vegetarian restaurant is a nice place it serves chinese food ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:result,kids_allowed,'true');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))", "request((_:result,kids_allowed,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "does it allow children attraction" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,kids_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'enjoy vegetarian restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "enjoy vegetarian restaurant is a nice place where child -s are allowed ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "inner sunset" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "inner sunset" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "name", "enjoy vegetarian restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "inner sunset" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "inner sunset" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "inner sunset" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "839 kearny street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "enjoy vegetarian restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "inner sunset" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "inner sunset" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "839 kearny street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "enjoy vegetarian restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4159567868" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "inner sunset" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "inner sunset" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "839 kearny street" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4159567868" ], [ "_:result", "food", "chinese" ], [ "_:result", "name", "enjoy vegetarian restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "inner sunset" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "inner sunset" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "839 kearny street" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4159567868" ], [ "_:result", "food", "chinese" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "enjoy vegetarian restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "inner sunset" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "inner sunset" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "839 kearny street" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4159567868" ], [ "_:result", "food", "chinese" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "enjoy vegetarian restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,kids_allowed,'false');(_:search,pricerange,'moderate');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))", "request((_:result,near,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i want to find a moderately priced restaurant that doesn't allow children and is near the castro" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,kids_allowed,'no');(_:result,name,'frances');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "frances is a nice place , it is in the moderate price range and where no child -s are allowed ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "reqalts()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "is there anything else" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'77');(_:result,kids_allowed,'no');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 77 restaurant -s where no child -s are allowed and in the moderate price range ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,good_for_meal,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what meal would you like" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "barbeque" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,kids_allowed,'no');(_:result,name,'burma superstar');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "burma superstar is a nice place , where no child -s are allowed and it is in the moderate price range ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,price,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "can i have the name address phone number and price" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'burma superstar');(_:result,near,'inner richmond');(_:result,price,'between 15 and 22 euro');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "burma superstar is a nice place , it is near inner richmond and their price -s are between 15 and 22 euro ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "can i have the address and phone number" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'burma superstar');(_:result,phone,'4153872147');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "burma superstar is a nice place their phone number is 4153872147 ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "can i have the address" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'77');(_:result,kids_allowed,'no');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 77 restaurant -s where no child -s are allowed and in the moderate price range ." }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 16, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,good_for_meal,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what meal would you like" }, { "id": 17, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 18, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 19, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "?" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "?" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "name", "frances" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "frances" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "count", "77" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "near", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "frances" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "count", "77" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "near", "?" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "count", "77" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "name", "burma superstar" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "price", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "count", "77" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "name", "burma superstar" ], [ "_:result", "near", "inner richmond" ], [ "_:result", "price", "between 15 and 22 euro" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "count", "77" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "near", "inner richmond" ], [ "_:result", "price", "between 15 and 22 euro" ], [ "_:result", "name", "burma superstar" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4153872147" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "inner richmond" ], [ "_:result", "price", "between 15 and 22 euro" ], [ "_:result", "name", "burma superstar" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4153872147" ], [ "_:result", "count", "77" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] }, { "id": 8, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "near", "inner richmond" ], [ "_:result", "price", "between 15 and 22 euro" ], [ "_:result", "name", "burma superstar" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4153872147" ], [ "_:result", "count", "77" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 ] }, { "id": 9, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "near", "inner richmond" ], [ "_:result", "price", "between 15 and 22 euro" ], [ "_:result", "name", "burma superstar" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4153872147" ], [ "_:result", "count", "77" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,accepts_credit_cards,'true');(_:search,area,'martin luther king square');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "like to find a hotel with the area of martin luther king square that accepts credit cards" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'yes');(_:result,area,'martin luther king square');(_:result,name,'chateau tivoli bed and breakfast inn');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "chateau tivoli bed and breakfast inn is a nice place , it is in the area of martin luther king square and it accepts credit card -s ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the address" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'1057 steiner st');(_:result,name,'chateau tivoli bed and breakfast inn');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "chateau tivoli bed and breakfast inn is a nice place their address is 1057 steiner st ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is their phone number" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'chateau tivoli bed and breakfast inn');(_:result,phone,'4157765462');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "chateau tivoli bed and breakfast inn is a nice place their phone number is 4157765462 ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:search", "area", "martin luther king square" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:search", "area", "martin luther king square" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "area", "martin luther king square" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chateau tivoli bed and breakfast inn" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:search", "area", "martin luther king square" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "area", "martin luther king square" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1057 steiner st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chateau tivoli bed and breakfast inn" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:search", "area", "martin luther king square" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "area", "martin luther king square" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1057 steiner st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chateau tivoli bed and breakfast inn" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157765462" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:search", "area", "martin luther king square" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "area", "martin luther king square" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1057 steiner st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chateau tivoli bed and breakfast inn" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157765462" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "ack()", "inform((_:search,good_for_meal,'dinner');(_:search,near,'mission bay');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i am looking for a restaurant good for dinner and that is near mission bay" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,good_for_meal,'dinner');(_:result,name,'fringale');(_:result,near,'mission bay');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "fringale is a nice place , it is near mission bay and it is good for dinner ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,good_for_meal,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "don't care about the phone number" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'3');(_:result,good_for_meal,'dinner');(_:result,near,'mission bay');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 3 restaurant -s good for dinner and near mission bay ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,kids_allowed,'no');(_:result,kids_allowed,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it allows child -s" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,kids_allowed,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i don't care" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,good_for_meal,'dinner');(_:result,kids_allowed,'no');(_:result,name,'la briciola');(_:result,near,'mission bay');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "la briciola is a nice place , it is near mission bay , it is good for dinner and where no child -s are allowed ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,area,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the address and area" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'489 third street');(_:result,area,'hayes valley or financial district south');(_:result,name,'la briciola');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "la briciola is a nice place , it is in the area of financial district south , their address is 489 third street and it is in the area of hayes valley ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "near", "mission bay" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "mission bay" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "name", "fringale" ], [ "_:result", "near", "mission bay" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "mission bay" ], [ "_:result", "name", "fringale" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "count", "3" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "near", "mission bay" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "mission bay" ], [ "_:result", "name", "fringale" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "3" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "near", "mission bay" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "mission bay" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "3" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "name", "la briciola" ], [ "_:result", "near", "mission bay" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "mission bay" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "3" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "near", "mission bay" ], [ "_:result", "address", "489 third street" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or financial district south" ], [ "_:result", "name", "la briciola" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "mission bay" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "3" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "near", "mission bay" ], [ "_:result", "address", "489 third street" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or financial district south" ], [ "_:result", "name", "la briciola" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "ack()", "inform((_:search,food,'singaporean');(_:search,good_for_meal,'dinner');(_:search,kids_allowed,'true');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a restaurant good for dinner that serves singaporean food that allows children" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'singaporean');(_:result,good_for_meal,'dinner');(_:result,kids_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'lime tree southeast asian kitchen');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "lime tree southeast asian kitchen is a nice place , it serves singaporean food , it is good for dinner and where child -s are allowed ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,price,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "phone number and price" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'lime tree southeast asian kitchen');(_:result,price,'between 5 and 10 euro');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "lime tree southeast asian kitchen is a nice place their price -s are between 5 and 10 euro ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the phone number" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'lime tree southeast asian kitchen');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "lime tree southeast asian kitchen is a nice restaurant ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's phone number" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'lime tree southeast asian kitchen');(_:result,phone,'4156651415');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "lime tree southeast asian kitchen is a nice place their phone number is 4156651415 ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you and good bye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "singaporean" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "singaporean" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "singaporean" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "lime tree southeast asian kitchen" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "price", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "singaporean" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "singaporean" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "lime tree southeast asian kitchen" ], [ "_:result", "price", "between 5 and 10 euro" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "singaporean" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "singaporean" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "price", "between 5 and 10 euro" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "lime tree southeast asian kitchen" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "singaporean" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "singaporean" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "price", "between 5 and 10 euro" ], [ "_:result", "name", "lime tree southeast asian kitchen" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4156651415" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "singaporean" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "singaporean" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "price", "between 5 and 10 euro" ], [ "_:result", "name", "lime tree southeast asian kitchen" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4156651415" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,near,'cole valley');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "any hotel near the cole valley" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'carl hotel');(_:result,near,'cole valley');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "carl hotel is a nice place it is near cole valley ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "can i get the phone number" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'2');(_:result,near,'cole valley');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 2 hotel -s near cole valley ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it allows dogs ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,dogs_allowed,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i don't care no preference" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'carl hotel');(_:result,phone,'4156615679');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "carl hotel is a nice place their phone number is 4156615679 ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "cole valley" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "cole valley" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "carl hotel" ], [ "_:result", "near", "cole valley" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "cole valley" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "carl hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "count", "2" ], [ "_:result", "near", "cole valley" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "cole valley" ], [ "_:result", "name", "carl hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "count", "2" ], [ "_:result", "near", "cole valley" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "cole valley" ], [ "_:result", "count", "2" ], [ "_:result", "near", "cole valley" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "carl hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4156615679" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "cole valley" ], [ "_:result", "count", "2" ], [ "_:result", "near", "cole valley" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "carl hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4156615679" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,kids_allowed,'false');(_:search,near,'inner richmond');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))", "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))", "inform((_:search,good_for_meal,'lunch');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i am looking for a restaurant near the inner richmond that doesn't allow children and their phone lunch" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,good_for_meal,'lunch');(_:result,kids_allowed,'no');(_:result,near,'inner richmond');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place , good for lunch , where no child -s are allowed and near inner richmond ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,kids_allowed,'true');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "how about a uh how about the more place that allows children" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,kids_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'thai time restaurant');(_:result,near,'inner richmond');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "thai time restaurant is a nice place , where child -s are allowed and it is near inner richmond ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,good_for_meal,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))", "inform((_:search,good_for_meal,'lunch');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "is it good for lunch" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,good_for_meal,'lunch');(_:result,kids_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'taiwan restaurant');(_:result,near,'inner richmond');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "taiwan restaurant is a nice place , where child -s are allowed , it is near inner richmond and it is good for lunch ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "the phone number and address" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'445 clement street');(_:result,name,'taiwan restaurant');(_:result,phone,'4153871789');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "taiwan restaurant is a nice place , their address is 445 clement street and their phone number is 4153871789 ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "near", "inner richmond" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "inner richmond" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/4b12061c" ], [ "_:result/4b12061c", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result/4b12061c", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result/4b12061c", "near", "inner richmond" ], [ "_:result/4b12061c", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "inner richmond" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/4b12061c" ], [ "_:result/4b12061c", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result/4b12061c", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result/4b12061c", "near", "inner richmond" ], [ "_:result/4b12061c", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "thai time restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "inner richmond" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "?" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "inner richmond" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/4b12061c" ], [ "_:result/4b12061c", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result/4b12061c", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result/4b12061c", "near", "inner richmond" ], [ "_:result/4b12061c", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "taiwan restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "inner richmond" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "inner richmond" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/4b12061c" ], [ "_:result/4b12061c", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result/4b12061c", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result/4b12061c", "near", "inner richmond" ], [ "_:result/4b12061c", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "near", "inner richmond" ], [ "_:result", "address", "445 clement street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "taiwan restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4153871789" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "inner richmond" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/4b12061c" ], [ "_:result/4b12061c", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result/4b12061c", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result/4b12061c", "near", "inner richmond" ], [ "_:result/4b12061c", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "near", "inner richmond" ], [ "_:result", "address", "445 clement street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "taiwan restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4153871789" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "hotel mission terrace" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "would you like a hotel in the inexpensive , moderate , or pricey price range ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "don't care" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'182');(_:result,pricerange,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 182 hotel -s if you do not care about the price range ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what area would you like ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'mission terrace');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "mission terrace" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'mission terrace');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of mission terrace ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'mission terrace');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of mission terrace ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "uh" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'mission terrace');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of mission terrace ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "mission terrace" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "mission terrace" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/7ad86760" ], [ "_:result/7ad86760", "area", "mission terrace" ], [ "_:result/7ad86760", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "mission terrace" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/7ad86760" ], [ "_:result/7ad86760", "area", "mission terrace" ], [ "_:result/7ad86760", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/be9c9041" ], [ "_:result/be9c9041", "area", "mission terrace" ], [ "_:result/be9c9041", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "mission terrace" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/7ad86760" ], [ "_:result/7ad86760", "area", "mission terrace" ], [ "_:result/7ad86760", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/be9c9041" ], [ "_:result/be9c9041", "area", "mission terrace" ], [ "_:result/be9c9041", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/681654f0" ], [ "_:result/681654f0", "area", "mission terrace" ], [ "_:result/681654f0", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))", "inform((_:search,dogs_allowed,'true');(_:search,pricerange,'inexpensive');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what the phone how near well where cheap that allows dogs" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes');(_:result,pricerange,'inexpensive');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place , in the inexpensive price range and where dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a hotel near while where's eat" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'super 8 san francisco funion square area');(_:result,pricerange,'inexpensive');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "super 8 san francisco funion square area is a nice place it is in the inexpensive price range ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a hotel near well where see" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'super 8 san francisco funion square area');(_:result,pricerange,'inexpensive');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "super 8 san francisco funion square area is a nice place it is in the inexpensive price range ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,dogs_allowed,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "does it allow dogs" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,dogs_allowed,'none');(_:result,name,'super 8 san francisco funion square area');(_:result,phone,'8005369326');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "super 8 san francisco funion square area is a nice place , i do not know if it allows dogs and their phone number is 8005369326 ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,pricerange,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the address and price range" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'415 ofarrell st');(_:result,name,'super 8 san francisco funion square area');(_:result,pricerange,'inexpensive');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "super 8 san francisco funion square area is a nice place , it is in the inexpensive price range and their address is 415 ofarrell st ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/c4c39e4d" ], [ "_:result/c4c39e4d", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result/c4c39e4d", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result/c4c39e4d", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/c4c39e4d" ], [ "_:result/c4c39e4d", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result/c4c39e4d", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result/c4c39e4d", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "super 8 san francisco funion square area" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/c4c39e4d" ], [ "_:result/c4c39e4d", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result/c4c39e4d", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result/c4c39e4d", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "super 8 san francisco funion square area" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/c4c39e4d" ], [ "_:result/c4c39e4d", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result/c4c39e4d", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result/c4c39e4d", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "none" ], [ "_:result", "name", "super 8 san francisco funion square area" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "8005369326" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/c4c39e4d" ], [ "_:result/c4c39e4d", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result/c4c39e4d", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result/c4c39e4d", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "none" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "8005369326" ], [ "_:result", "address", "415 ofarrell st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "super 8 san francisco funion square area" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/c4c39e4d" ], [ "_:result/c4c39e4d", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result/c4c39e4d", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result/c4c39e4d", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "none" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "8005369326" ], [ "_:result", "address", "415 ofarrell st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "super 8 san francisco funion square area" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'lower pacific heights');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i want to find a hotel in the lower pacific heights that has" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'lower pacific heights');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of lower pacific heights ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "reqalts((_:result,pricerange,'inexpensive'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "how about a similar place that has inexpensive price range" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'29');(_:result,pricerange,'inexpensive');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 29 hotel -s in the inexpensive price range ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,near,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "where would you like it to be near to ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "negate()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "lower pacific heights" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'super 8 san francisco funion square area');(_:result,pricerange,'inexpensive');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "super 8 san francisco funion square area is a nice place it is in the inexpensive price range ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "can i get the phone number" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'lower pacific heights');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of lower pacific heights ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "can i get the phone number of the pretty" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'super 8 san francisco funion square area');(_:result,phone,'8005369326');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "super 8 san francisco funion square area is a nice place their phone number is 8005369326 ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/cadae000" ], [ "_:result/cadae000", "area", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:result/cadae000", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/cadae000" ], [ "_:result/cadae000", "area", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:result/cadae000", "type", "Hotel" 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"canthelp", "_:result/cadae000" ], [ "_:result/cadae000", "area", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:result/cadae000", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "count", "29" ], [ "_:search", "near", "#" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:search/e4f7dfb1" ], [ "_:search/e4f7dfb1", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "super 8 san francisco funion square area" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/cadae000" ], [ "_:result/cadae000", "area", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:result/cadae000", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "count", "29" ], [ "_:search", "near", "#" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:search/e4f7dfb1" ], [ "_:search/e4f7dfb1", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "super 8 san francisco funion square area" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/fe0aa19d" ], [ "_:result/fe0aa19d", "area", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:result/fe0aa19d", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/cadae000" ], [ "_:result/cadae000", "area", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:result/cadae000", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "count", "29" ], [ "_:search", "near", "#" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:search/e4f7dfb1" ], [ "_:search/e4f7dfb1", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/fe0aa19d" ], [ "_:result/fe0aa19d", "area", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:result/fe0aa19d", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "super 8 san francisco funion square area" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "8005369326" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/cadae000" ], [ "_:result/cadae000", "area", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:result/cadae000", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "count", "29" ], [ "_:search", "near", "#" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:search/e4f7dfb1" ], [ "_:search/e4f7dfb1", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/fe0aa19d" ], [ "_:result/fe0aa19d", "area", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:result/fe0aa19d", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "super 8 san francisco funion square area" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "8005369326" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "ack()", "inform((_:search,good_for_meal,'lunch');(_:search,near,'inner sunset');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a good lunch restaurant near the inner sunset" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'4');(_:result,good_for_meal,'lunch');(_:result,near,'inner sunset');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 4 restaurant -s good for lunch and near inner sunset ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,food,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what food would you like" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i don't care" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'malaysian');(_:result,good_for_meal,'lunch');(_:result,name,'lime tree southeast asian kitchen');(_:result,near,'inner sunset');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "lime tree southeast asian kitchen is a nice place , it is good for lunch , it is near inner sunset and it serves malaysian food ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,price,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the address and price" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'450 a irving street');(_:result,name,'lime tree southeast asian kitchen');(_:result,price,'between 5 and 10 euro');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "lime tree southeast asian kitchen is a nice place , their address is 450 a irving street and their price -s are between 5 and 10 euro ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:search", "near", "inner sunset" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:search", "near", "inner sunset" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "count", "4" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result", "near", "inner sunset" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:search", "near", "inner sunset" ], [ "_:result", "count", "4" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result", "near", "inner sunset" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:search", "near", "inner sunset" ], [ "_:result", "count", "4" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "malaysian" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result", "name", "lime tree southeast asian kitchen" ], [ "_:result", "near", "inner sunset" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "price", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:search", "near", "inner sunset" ], [ "_:result", "count", "4" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "malaysian" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result", "near", "inner sunset" ], [ "_:result", "address", "450 a irving street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "lime tree southeast asian kitchen" ], [ "_:result", "price", "between 5 and 10 euro" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:search", "near", "inner sunset" ], [ "_:result", "count", "4" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "malaysian" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result", "near", "inner sunset" ], [ "_:result", "address", "450 a irving street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "lime tree southeast asian kitchen" ], [ "_:result", "price", "between 5 and 10 euro" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "hotel in the area i want eastern in" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'no');(_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it accepts credit card -s ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,accepts_credit_cards,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "any" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'dont_care');(_:result,count,'182');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 182 hotel -s if you do not care whether it accepts credit card -s ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what price range would you like ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you bye" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "no" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "*" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "*" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,near,'presidio heights');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i want a have near the presidio heights area that has an" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'laurel inn');(_:result,near,'presidio heights');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "laurel inn is a nice place it is near presidio heights ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "the phone number" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'1');(_:result,name,'laurel inn');(_:result,near,'presidio heights');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place other than laurel inn near presidio heights ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is their phone number" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "reqmore()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "can i help you with anything else ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is their phone number" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'laurel inn');(_:result,phone,'4155678467');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "laurel inn is a nice place their phone number is 4155678467 ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "presidio heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "presidio heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "laurel inn" ], [ "_:result", "near", "presidio heights" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "presidio heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "count", "1" ], [ "_:result", "name", "laurel inn" ], [ "_:result", "near", "presidio heights" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "presidio heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "count", "1" ], [ "_:result", "name", "laurel inn" ], [ "_:result", "near", "presidio heights" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "presidio heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "count", "1" ], [ "_:result", "near", "presidio heights" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "name", "laurel inn" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4155678467" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "presidio heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "count", "1" ], [ "_:result", "near", "presidio heights" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "name", "laurel inn" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4155678467" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,kids_allowed,'true');(_:search,pricerange,'cheap');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a cheap restaurant in the new search uh i don't care whether allows children" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,kids_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'kim thanh restaurant');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "kim thanh restaurant is a nice place , it is in the cheap price range and where child -s are allowed ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:result,area,'civic center');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "is it in the civic center" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'kim thanh restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "kim thanh restaurant is a nice restaurant ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,area,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what area is that" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'hayes valley or downtown');(_:result,name,'kim thanh restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "kim thanh restaurant is a nice place , it is in the area of hayes valley and it is in the area of downtown ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,name,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the name address and phone number" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'607 geary street');(_:result,name,'kim thanh restaurant');(_:result,phone,'4159286627');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "kim thanh restaurant is a nice place , their address is 607 geary street and their phone number is 4159286627 ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "ack()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "which meal there the for" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'kim thanh restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "kim thanh restaurant is a nice restaurant ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,good_for_meal,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "which meal is it good for" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,good_for_meal,'dinner');(_:result,name,'kim thanh restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "kim thanh restaurant is a nice place it is good for dinner ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "kim thanh restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "area", "civic center" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "area", "civic center" ], [ "_:result", "name", "kim thanh restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or downtown" ], [ "_:result", "name", "kim thanh restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or downtown" ], [ "_:result", "address", "607 geary street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "kim thanh restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4159286627" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or downtown" ], [ "_:result", "address", "607 geary street" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4159286627" ], [ "_:result", "name", "kim thanh restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or downtown" ], [ "_:result", "address", "607 geary street" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4159286627" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "name", "kim thanh restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or downtown" ], [ "_:result", "address", "607 geary street" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4159286627" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "name", "kim thanh restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,near,'castro');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "hotel near the castro" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'parker guest house');(_:result,near,'castro');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "parker guest house is a nice place it is near castro ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,name,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the name" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'parker guest house');(_:result,near,'castro');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "parker guest house is a nice place it is near castro ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,area,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "address phone number and area" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'520 church st');(_:result,area,'mastro');(_:result,name,'parker guest house');(_:result,phone,'4156213222');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "parker guest house is a nice place , their address is 520 church st , their phone number is 4156213222 and it is in the area of mastro ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "castro" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "castro" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "parker guest house" ], [ "_:result", "near", "castro" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "castro" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "parker guest house" ], [ "_:result", "near", "castro" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "castro" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "near", "castro" ], [ "_:result", "address", "520 church st" ], [ "_:result", "area", "mastro" ], [ "_:result", "name", "parker guest house" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4156213222" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "castro" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "near", "castro" ], [ "_:result", "address", "520 church st" ], [ "_:result", "area", "mastro" ], [ "_:result", "name", "parker guest house" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4156213222" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "ack()", "inform((_:search,food,'soul food');(_:search,good_for_meal,'dinner');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i want to find a restaurant that's good for dinner that serves soul food" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'soul food');(_:result,good_for_meal,'dinner');(_:result,name,'old skool cafe');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "old skool cafe is a nice place , it serves soul food food and it is good for dinner ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:result,kids_allowed,'true');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))", "request((_:result,kids_allowed,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "does it allow children" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,kids_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'old skool cafe');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "old skool cafe is a nice place where child -s are allowed ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'peruvian');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "do you have a several a place that serves peruvian food" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'peruvian');(_:result,good_for_meal,'dinner');(_:result,name,'mochica');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "mochica is a nice place , it serves peruvian food and it is good for dinner ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,kids_allowed,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "does it allow children" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,kids_allowed,'no');(_:result,name,'mochica');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "mochica is a nice place where no child -s are allowed ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,area,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "how about the phone number and what area of the restaurant" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'hayes valley or financial district south');(_:result,name,'mochica');(_:result,phone,'4152780480');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "mochica is a nice place , it is in the area of financial district south , their phone number is 4152780480 and it is in the area of hayes valley ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "soul food" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "soul food" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "soul food" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "name", "old skool cafe" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "food", "soul food" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "old skool cafe" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "peruvian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "food", "peruvian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "peruvian" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "name", "mochica" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "food", "peruvian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "peruvian" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "name", "mochica" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "food", "peruvian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "peruvian" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or financial district south" ], [ "_:result", "name", "mochica" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4152780480" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "food", "peruvian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "peruvian" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or financial district south" ], [ "_:result", "name", "mochica" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4152780480" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()", "inform((_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i yes i'm looking for a hotel a that middle" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it allows dogs ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,dogs_allowed,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "it doesn't matter" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it allows dogs ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,dogs_allowed,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i do not care the i whether or not in allow about" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'182');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 182 hotel -s if you do not care whether dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,near,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "where would you like it to be near to ?" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,near,'little osaka');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "um it close to little osaka" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'little osaka');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'none');(_:result,name,'queen anne hotel');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "queen anne hotel is a nice place , it is in the area of little osaka and i do not know if it allows dogs ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "ack()", "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "okay what is their phone number" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'queen anne hotel');(_:result,phone,'4154412828');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "queen anne hotel is a nice place their phone number is 4154412828 ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "near", "little osaka" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:search", "near", "little osaka" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "little osaka" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "none" ], [ "_:result", "name", "queen anne hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:search", "near", "little osaka" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "little osaka" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "none" ], [ "_:result", "name", "queen anne hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4154412828" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:search", "near", "little osaka" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "little osaka" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "none" ], [ "_:result", "name", "queen anne hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4154412828" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))", "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))", "inform((_:search,pricerange,'ultra high end');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a hotel near the phone number that's has kosher high end price" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'the st regis san francisco');(_:result,pricerange,'ultra high end');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "the st regis san francisco is a nice place it is in the ultra high end price range ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "may i have the address" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'ritz carlton club');(_:result,pricerange,'ultra high end');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "ritz carlton club is a nice place it is in the ultra high end price range ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "does it accept credit card" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'6');(_:result,pricerange,'ultra high end');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 6 hotel -s in the ultra high end price range ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'no');(_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it accepts credit card -s ?" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "does it accept credit cards does it accept credit cards" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'yes');(_:result,address,'658 market st');(_:result,name,'ritz carlton club');(_:result,phone,'none');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "ritz carlton club is a nice place , their address is 658 market st , i do not know their phone number and it accepts credit card -s ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "ultra high end" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "ultra high end" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the st regis san francisco" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "ultra high end" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "ultra high end" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "ritz carlton club" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "ultra high end" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "ultra high end" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "ritz carlton club" ], [ "_:result", "count", "6" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "ultra high end" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "ultra high end" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "ritz carlton club" ], [ "_:result", "count", "6" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "ultra high end" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "no" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "ultra high end" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "count", "6" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "ultra high end" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "address", "658 market st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "ritz carlton club" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "none" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "ultra high end" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "count", "6" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "ultra high end" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "address", "658 market st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "ritz carlton club" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "none" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'presidio');(_:search,dogs_allowed,'true');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "hi i'm looking for a hotel in the area of presidio that allows dogs" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'presidio');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'inn at the presidio');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "inn at the presidio is a nice place , it is in the area of presidio and where dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,pricerange,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the address phone number and price range" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'42 moraga ave and presidio main post');(_:result,name,'inn at the presidio');(_:result,phone,'4158007356');(_:result,pricerange,'pricey');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "inn at the presidio is a nice place , their address is 42 moraga ave and presidio main post , their phone number is 4158007356 and it is in the pricey price range ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "presidio" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "presidio" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "presidio" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "inn at the presidio" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "presidio" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "presidio" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "address", "42 moraga ave and presidio main post" ], [ "_:result", "name", "inn at the presidio" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158007356" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "presidio" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "presidio" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "address", "42 moraga ave and presidio main post" ], [ "_:result", "name", "inn at the presidio" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158007356" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'monterey heights');(_:search,pricerange,'moderate');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "can i have a moderately priced hotel in the area of monterey heights" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'monterey heights');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of monterey heights ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'russian hill');(_:search,pricerange,'moderate');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "a moderately priced hotel in the area of russian hill" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'russian hill');(_:result,name,'da vinci villa');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "da vinci villa is a nice place it is in the area of russian hill ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "address and post code" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'2550 van ness ave');(_:result,name,'da vinci villa');(_:result,postcode,'94109');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "da vinci villa is a nice place , their address is 2550 van ness ave and their postcode is 94109 ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "negate()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you no price range" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'russian hill');(_:result,name,'columbus motor inn');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "columbus motor inn is a nice place , it is in the area of russian hill and it is in the moderate price range ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "address and post code" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'1075 columbus ave');(_:result,name,'columbus motor inn');(_:result,postcode,'94133');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "columbus motor inn is a nice place , their address is 1075 columbus ave and their postcode is 94133 ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "monterey heights" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/6204b07c" ], [ "_:result/6204b07c", "area", "monterey heights" ], [ "_:result/6204b07c", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "russian hill" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/6204b07c" ], [ "_:result/6204b07c", "area", "monterey heights" ], [ "_:result/6204b07c", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "russian hill" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "russian hill" ], [ "_:result", "name", "da vinci villa" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/6204b07c" ], [ "_:result/6204b07c", "area", "monterey heights" ], [ "_:result/6204b07c", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "russian hill" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "russian hill" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:result/440d02ba" ], [ "_:result/440d02ba", "address", "2550 van ness ave" ], [ "_:result/440d02ba", "name", "da vinci villa" ], [ "_:result/440d02ba", "postcode", "94109" ], [ "_:result/440d02ba", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/6204b07c" ], [ "_:result/6204b07c", "area", "monterey heights" ], [ "_:result/6204b07c", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "russian hill" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:result/440d02ba" ], [ "_:result/440d02ba", "address", "2550 van ness ave" ], [ "_:result/440d02ba", "name", "da vinci villa" ], [ "_:result/440d02ba", "postcode", "94109" ], [ "_:result/440d02ba", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "russian hill" ], [ "_:result", "name", "columbus motor inn" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/6204b07c" ], [ "_:result/6204b07c", "area", "monterey heights" ], [ "_:result/6204b07c", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "russian hill" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:result/440d02ba" ], [ "_:result/440d02ba", "address", "2550 van ness ave" ], [ "_:result/440d02ba", "name", "da vinci villa" ], [ "_:result/440d02ba", "postcode", "94109" ], [ "_:result/440d02ba", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "russian hill" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1075 columbus ave" ], [ "_:result", "name", "columbus motor inn" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94133" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/6204b07c" ], [ "_:result/6204b07c", "area", "monterey heights" ], [ "_:result/6204b07c", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "russian hill" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:user", "denied", "_:result/440d02ba" ], [ "_:result/440d02ba", "address", "2550 van ness ave" ], [ "_:result/440d02ba", "name", "da vinci villa" ], [ "_:result/440d02ba", "postcode", "94109" ], [ "_:result/440d02ba", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "russian hill" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1075 columbus ave" ], [ "_:result", "name", "columbus motor inn" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94133" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'indian');(_:search,pricerange,'expensive');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'd like an indian restaurant in the expensive" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'4');(_:result,food,'indian');(_:result,pricerange,'expensive');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 4 restaurant -s serving indian food and in the expensive price range ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,good_for_meal,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what meal would you like" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,good_for_meal,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "any meal fine" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'indian');(_:result,good_for_meal,'dinner');(_:result,name,'specchio ristorante');(_:result,pricerange,'expensive');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "specchio ristorante is a nice place , it serves indian food , it is good for dinner and it is in the expensive price range ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the address" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'2331 mission street');(_:result,name,'specchio ristorante');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "specchio ristorante is a nice place their address is 2331 mission street ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "indian" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "indian" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "count", "4" ], [ "_:result", "food", "indian" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "indian" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "count", "4" ], [ "_:result", "food", "indian" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "indian" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "count", "4" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "indian" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "name", "specchio ristorante" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "indian" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "count", "4" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "indian" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "address", "2331 mission street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "specchio ristorante" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "indian" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "count", "4" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "indian" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "address", "2331 mission street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "specchio ristorante" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'comfort food');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a restaurant that is free one should serve comfort food" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'comfort food');(_:result,name,'chow');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "chow is a nice place it serves comfort food ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "in the one j" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'chow');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "chow is a nice restaurant ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,good_for_meal,'lunch');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "do they serve lunch" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'1');(_:result,food,'comfort food');(_:result,name,'chow');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place other than chow serving comfort food ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,good_for_meal,'lunch');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a place to lunch in" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'comfort food');(_:result,good_for_meal,'lunch');(_:result,name,'chow');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "chow is a nice place , it serves comfort food and it is good for lunch ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,price,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "can i have their address phone number and price" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'215 church street');(_:result,name,'chow');(_:result,phone,'4155522469');(_:result,price,'22 euro');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "chow is a nice place , their price -s are 22 euro , their phone number is 4155522469 and their address is 215 church street ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "comfort food" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "comfort food" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "comfort food" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chow" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "comfort food" ], [ "_:result", "food", "comfort food" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chow" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "comfort food" ], [ "_:result", "count", "1" ], [ "_:result", "food", "comfort food" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chow" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "comfort food" ], [ "_:result", "count", "1" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "comfort food" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chow" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "price", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "comfort food" ], [ "_:result", "count", "1" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "comfort food" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result", "address", "215 church street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chow" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4155522469" ], [ "_:result", "price", "22 euro" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "comfort food" ], [ "_:result", "count", "1" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "comfort food" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result", "address", "215 church street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chow" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4155522469" ], [ "_:result", "price", "22 euro" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'malaysian');(_:search,kids_allowed,'true');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a restaurant that of that place that serves malaysian food and allows children" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'malaysian');(_:result,kids_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'lime tree southeast asian kitchen');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "lime tree southeast asian kitchen is a nice place , where child -s are allowed and it serves malaysian food ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,good_for_meal,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))", "inform((_:search,good_for_meal,'breakfast');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "is it good for breakfast" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,food,'malaysian');(_:result,good_for_meal,'breakfast');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place , serving malaysian food and good for breakfast ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "okay how about somewhere please that about the type of food" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'malaysian');(_:result,name,'lime tree southeast asian kitchen');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "lime tree southeast asian kitchen is a nice place it serves malaysian food ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,kids_allowed,'true');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "that allow children" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'malaysian');(_:result,kids_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'singapore malaysian restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "singapore malaysian restaurant is a nice place , it serves malaysian food and where child -s are allowed ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,near,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "okay can i have the address and phone number and where is near true" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'836 clement street');(_:result,good_for_meal,'dinner');(_:result,name,'singapore malaysian restaurant');(_:result,near,'inner richmond');(_:result,phone,'4157509518');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "singapore malaysian restaurant is a nice place , their address is 836 clement street , their phone number is 4157509518 , it is near inner richmond and it is good for dinner ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "malaysian" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "malaysian" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:result", "food", "malaysian" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "lime tree southeast asian kitchen" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "?" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "breakfast" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "malaysian" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:result", "food", "malaysian" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "lime tree southeast asian kitchen" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "?" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "breakfast" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/36e635c5" ], [ "_:result/36e635c5", "food", "malaysian" ], [ "_:result/36e635c5", "good_for_meal", "breakfast" ], [ "_:result/36e635c5", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "malaysian" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "?" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "breakfast" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/36e635c5" ], [ "_:result/36e635c5", "food", "malaysian" ], [ "_:result/36e635c5", "good_for_meal", "breakfast" ], [ "_:result/36e635c5", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "malaysian" ], [ "_:result", "name", "lime tree southeast asian kitchen" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "malaysian" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "?" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "breakfast" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/36e635c5" ], [ "_:result/36e635c5", "food", "malaysian" ], [ "_:result/36e635c5", "good_for_meal", "breakfast" ], [ "_:result/36e635c5", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "malaysian" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "singapore malaysian restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "near", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "malaysian" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "breakfast" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/36e635c5" ], [ "_:result/36e635c5", "food", "malaysian" ], [ "_:result/36e635c5", "good_for_meal", "breakfast" ], [ "_:result/36e635c5", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "malaysian" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "address", "836 clement street" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "name", "singapore malaysian restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "inner richmond" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157509518" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "malaysian" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "breakfast" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/36e635c5" ], [ "_:result/36e635c5", "food", "malaysian" ], [ "_:result/36e635c5", "good_for_meal", "breakfast" ], [ "_:result/36e635c5", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "malaysian" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "address", "836 clement street" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "name", "singapore malaysian restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "inner richmond" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157509518" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'sea food');(_:search,pricerange,'cheap');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i want a cheap restaurant that serves seafood" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'old skool cafe');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "old skool cafe is a nice place it is in the cheap price range ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,food,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what kind of food does it serve" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'soul food');(_:result,name,'old skool cafe');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "old skool cafe is a nice place it serves soul food food ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'sea food');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "how about a seafood restaurant" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'sea food');(_:result,name,'fog harbor fish house');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "fog harbor fish house is a nice place , it serves sea food and it is in the cheap price range ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,good_for_meal,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "the address and what meal was good for" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,good_for_meal,'lunch or dinner');(_:result,name,'fog harbor fish house');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "fog harbor fish house is a nice place , it is good for dinner and it is good for lunch ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the address" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'pier 39 second level');(_:result,name,'fog harbor fish house');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "fog harbor fish house is a nice place their address is pier 39 second level ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "sea food" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "sea food" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "name", "old skool cafe" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "food", "soul food" ], [ "_:result", "name", "old skool cafe" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "sea food" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "food", "sea food" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "sea food" ], [ "_:result", "name", "fog harbor fish house" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "food", "sea food" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "sea food" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch or dinner" ], [ "_:result", "name", "fog harbor fish house" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "food", "sea food" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "sea food" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch or dinner" ], [ "_:result", "address", "pier 39 second level" ], [ "_:result", "name", "fog harbor fish house" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "food", "sea food" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "sea food" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch or dinner" ], [ "_:result", "address", "pier 39 second level" ], [ "_:result", "name", "fog harbor fish house" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,near,'nob hill');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "is there american restaurant near nob hill" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'chai yo thai restaurant');(_:result,near,'nob hill');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "chai yo thai restaurant is a nice place it is near nob hill ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "is it american food" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'11');(_:result,near,'nob hill');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 11 restaurant -s near nob hill ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what price range would you like ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i don't care" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'darbar restaurant');(_:result,near,'nob hill');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "darbar restaurant is a nice place , it is in the cheap price range and it is near nob hill ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,near,'nob hill');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "american food restaurant near nob hill" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'the big 4 restaurant');(_:result,near,'nob hill');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "the big 4 restaurant is a nice place , it is near nob hill and it is in the moderate price range ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the phone number" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'the big 4 restaurant');(_:result,phone,'4157711140');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "the big 4 restaurant is a nice place their phone number is 4157711140 ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the post code" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'the big 4 restaurant');(_:result,postcode,'94108');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "the big 4 restaurant is a nice place their postcode is 94108 ." }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 16, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 17, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "nob hill" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "nob hill" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chai yo thai restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "nob hill" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "nob hill" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chai yo thai restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "count", "11" ], [ "_:result", "near", "nob hill" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "nob hill" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chai yo thai restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "count", "11" ], [ "_:result", "near", "nob hill" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "count", "11" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:result", "name", "darbar restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "nob hill" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "near", "nob hill" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "count", "11" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "near", "nob hill" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the big 4 restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "nob hill" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "count", "11" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "near", "nob hill" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "nob hill" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the big 4 restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157711140" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "count", "11" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "near", "nob hill" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "nob hill" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157711140" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the big 4 restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94108" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] }, { "id": 8, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "count", "11" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "near", "nob hill" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "nob hill" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157711140" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the big 4 restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94108" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,kids_allowed,'true');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i am looking for a restaurant near the what's t that allows children" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,kids_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'arabian nights restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "arabian nights restaurant is a nice place where child -s are allowed ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,food,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "may i have the phone number and address and type of food" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'2345 mission street');(_:result,food,'arabian or lebanese');(_:result,name,'arabian nights restaurant');(_:result,phone,'4156481444');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "arabian nights restaurant is a nice place , their address is 2345 mission street , their phone number is 4156481444 , it serves lebanese food and it serves arabian food ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you and" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,kids_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'mangia tutti ristorante');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "mangia tutti ristorante is a nice place where child -s are allowed ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "arabian nights restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "food", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "address", "2345 mission street" ], [ "_:result", "food", "arabian or lebanese" ], [ "_:result", "name", "arabian nights restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4156481444" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "2345 mission street" ], [ "_:result", "food", "arabian or lebanese" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4156481444" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "mangia tutti ristorante" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "2345 mission street" ], [ "_:result", "food", "arabian or lebanese" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4156481444" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "mangia tutti ristorante" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'fishermans wharf');(_:search,kids_allowed,'true');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))", "request((_:result,good_for_meal,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))", "inform((_:search,good_for_meal,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "uh i'm looking for a restaurant in the area of fisherman's wharf that allows children and good for any meal" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,good_for_meal,'lunch');(_:result,kids_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'ananda fuara');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "ananda fuara is a nice place , where child -s are allowed and it is good for lunch ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,near,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is it near" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'ananda fuara');(_:result,near,'soma or civic center');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "ananda fuara is a nice place , it is near soma and it is near civic center ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,near,'fishermans wharf');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i am looking for a restaurant near fisherman's wharf" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,good_for_meal,'dinner');(_:result,kids_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'stroganoff restaurant');(_:result,near,'fishermans wharf');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "stroganoff restaurant is a nice place , it is good for dinner , it is near fishermans wharf and where child -s are allowed ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the address" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,good_for_meal,'dinner');(_:result,kids_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'fog harbor fish house');(_:result,near,'fishermans wharf');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "fog harbor fish house is a nice place , where child -s are allowed , it is near fishermans wharf and it is good for dinner ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the phone number" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'pier 39 second level');(_:result,name,'fog harbor fish house');(_:result,phone,'4154212442');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "fog harbor fish house is a nice place , their address is pier 39 second level and their phone number is 4154212442 ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "fishermans wharf" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "?" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "fishermans wharf" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "ananda fuara" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "fishermans wharf" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "ananda fuara" ], [ "_:result", "near", "soma or civic center" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "near", "fishermans wharf" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "fishermans wharf" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "near", "fishermans wharf" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "stroganoff restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "fishermans wharf" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "fishermans wharf" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "near", "fishermans wharf" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "fog harbor fish house" ], [ "_:result", "near", "fishermans wharf" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "fishermans wharf" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "near", "fishermans wharf" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "near", "fishermans wharf" ], [ "_:result", "address", "pier 39 second level" ], [ "_:result", "name", "fog harbor fish house" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4154212442" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "fishermans wharf" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "near", "fishermans wharf" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "near", "fishermans wharf" ], [ "_:result", "address", "pier 39 second level" ], [ "_:result", "name", "fog harbor fish house" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4154212442" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,near,'marina cow hollow');(_:search,pricerange,'inexpensive');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "hotel near marina cow hollow that is cheap" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'the coventry motor inn');(_:result,near,'marina cow hollow');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "the coventry motor inn is a nice place it is near marina cow hollow ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "address and post code" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'marina inn');(_:result,near,'marina cow hollow');(_:result,pricerange,'inexpensive');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "marina inn is a nice place , it is near marina cow hollow and it is in the inexpensive price range ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "address and post code" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'3110 octavia st');(_:result,name,'marina inn');(_:result,postcode,'94123');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "marina inn is a nice place , their address is 3110 octavia st and their postcode is 94123 ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "marina cow hollow" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "marina cow hollow" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the coventry motor inn" ], [ "_:result", "near", "marina cow hollow" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "marina cow hollow" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "marina inn" ], [ "_:result", "near", "marina cow hollow" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "marina cow hollow" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "near", "marina cow hollow" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result", "address", "3110 octavia st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "marina inn" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94123" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "marina cow hollow" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "near", "marina cow hollow" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result", "address", "3110 octavia st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "marina inn" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94123" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "i want to know the the parkside" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it allows dogs ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "hotel near the type" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it allows dogs ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,good_for_meal,'brunch');(_:search,pricerange,'cheap');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i need a cheap restaurant for brunch" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,good_for_meal,'brunch');(_:result,name,'red door cafe');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "red door cafe is a nice place , it is in the cheap price range and it is good for brunch ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:result,near,'russian hill');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "is it near the russian hill" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,food,'russian');(_:result,good_for_meal,'brunch');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place , serving russian food and good for brunch ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,good_for_meal,'brunch');(_:search,near,'russian hill');(_:search,pricerange,'cheap');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i need a cheap restaurant that serve brunch near the russian hill" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'red door cafe');(_:result,near,'lower pacific heights');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "red door cafe is a nice place it is near lower pacific heights ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the phone number and address please" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'1608 bush street');(_:result,name,'red door cafe');(_:result,phone,'4152828283');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "red door cafe is a nice place , their address is 1608 bush street and their phone number is 4152828283 ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "name", "red door cafe" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "near", "russian hill" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "name", "red door cafe" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "near", "russian hill" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/2a469e68" ], [ "_:result/2a469e68", "food", "russian" ], [ "_:result/2a469e68", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result/2a469e68", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:search", "near", "russian hill" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/2a469e68" ], [ "_:result/2a469e68", "food", "russian" ], [ "_:result/2a469e68", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result/2a469e68", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:search", "near", "russian hill" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "name", "red door cafe" ], [ "_:result", "near", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/2a469e68" ], [ "_:result/2a469e68", "food", "russian" ], [ "_:result/2a469e68", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result/2a469e68", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:search", "near", "russian hill" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1608 bush street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "red door cafe" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4152828283" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/2a469e68" ], [ "_:result/2a469e68", "food", "russian" ], [ "_:result/2a469e68", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result/2a469e68", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:search", "near", "russian hill" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "lower pacific heights" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1608 bush street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "red door cafe" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4152828283" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'expensive');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))", "ack()", "inform((_:search,area,'bernal heights');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a expensive restaurant that good area in the bernal heights" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'bernal heights');(_:result,pricerange,'expensive');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place , in the expensive price range and in the area of bernal heights ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "area", "bernal heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "area", "bernal heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/fe92e6bb" ], [ "_:result/fe92e6bb", "area", "bernal heights" ], [ "_:result/fe92e6bb", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result/fe92e6bb", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "area", "bernal heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/fe92e6bb" ], [ "_:result/fe92e6bb", "area", "bernal heights" ], [ "_:result/fe92e6bb", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result/fe92e6bb", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'embarcadero');(_:search,kids_allowed,'true');(_:search,pricerange,'expensive');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a expensive restaurant that allows children and is in the embarcadero" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,kids_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'jasmine garden');(_:result,pricerange,'expensive');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "jasmine garden is a nice place , it is in the expensive price range and where child -s are allowed ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,near,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "where is it near" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'4');(_:result,kids_allowed,'yes');(_:result,pricerange,'expensive');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 4 restaurant -s where child -s are allowed and in the expensive price range ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,food,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what food would you like" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,kids_allowed,'true');(_:search,near,'embarcadero');(_:search,pricerange,'expensive');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a expensive restaurant that allows children and is near the embarcadero" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'embarcadero');(_:result,kids_allowed,'yes');(_:result,pricerange,'expensive');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place , where child -s are allowed , in the expensive price range and in the area of embarcadero ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "embarcadero" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "embarcadero" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "jasmine garden" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "embarcadero" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "name", "jasmine garden" ], [ "_:result", "near", "?" ], [ "_:result", "count", "4" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "embarcadero" ], [ "_:result", "name", "jasmine garden" ], [ "_:result", "near", "?" ], [ "_:result", "count", "4" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "?" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "embarcadero" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "embarcadero" ], [ "_:result", "name", "jasmine garden" ], [ "_:result", "near", "?" ], [ "_:result", "count", "4" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "?" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "embarcadero" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/d8bf6f24" ], [ "_:result/d8bf6f24", "area", "embarcadero" ], [ "_:result/d8bf6f24", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result/d8bf6f24", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result/d8bf6f24", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "embarcadero" ], [ "_:result", "name", "jasmine garden" ], [ "_:result", "near", "?" ], [ "_:result", "count", "4" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "?" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "embarcadero" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/d8bf6f24" ], [ "_:result/d8bf6f24", "area", "embarcadero" ], [ "_:result/d8bf6f24", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result/d8bf6f24", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result/d8bf6f24", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "ack()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "okay thank you can i have a price" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what part of town do you have in mind ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'excelsior');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "hotel in excelsior" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'excelsior');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of excelsior ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "a hotel that serves there" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'excelsior');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of excelsior ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what part uh do you have good bye" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "excelsior" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "excelsior" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/7d11f602" ], [ "_:result/7d11f602", "area", "excelsior" ], [ "_:result/7d11f602", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "excelsior" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/7d11f602" ], [ "_:result/7d11f602", "area", "excelsior" ], [ "_:result/7d11f602", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/430ec760" ], [ "_:result/430ec760", "area", "excelsior" ], [ "_:result/430ec760", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "excelsior" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/7d11f602" ], [ "_:result/7d11f602", "area", "excelsior" ], [ "_:result/7d11f602", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/430ec760" ], [ "_:result/430ec760", "area", "excelsior" ], [ "_:result/430ec760", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "ack()", "inform((_:search,good_for_meal,'brunch');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i want to find a restaurant good for brunch that is near number read cow hollow i don't care about price range is there most budget any how about canapes please and i don't care" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'2');(_:result,good_for_meal,'brunch');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 2 restaurant -s good for brunch ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,food,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what food would you like ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i don't care" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,good_for_meal,'brunch');(_:result,name,\"delancey street restaurant';food\");(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "delancey street restaurant is a nice place , it serves food and it is good for brunch ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the phone number and address" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'600 embarcadero street');(_:result,name,'delancey street restaurant');(_:result,phone,'4155125179');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "delancey street restaurant is a nice place , their address is 600 embarcadero street and their phone number is 4155125179 ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "count", "2" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "count", "2" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "count", "2" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "name", "delancey street restaurant';food" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "count", "2" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "address", "600 embarcadero street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "delancey street restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4155125179" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "count", "2" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "address", "600 embarcadero street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "delancey street restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4155125179" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "negate()", "inform((_:search,dogs_allowed,'true');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "if no rice beach telegraph hill allows dogs" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'the wharf inn');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "the wharf inn is a nice place where dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,dogs_allowed,'north beach telegraph hill');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "north beach telegraph hill" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'telegraph hill');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of telegraph hill ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "north beach" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'north beach');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place , in the area of north beach and where dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the wharf inn" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "north beach telegraph hill" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the wharf inn" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "north beach telegraph hill" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/39908051" ], [ "_:result/39908051", "area", "telegraph hill" ], [ "_:result/39908051", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the wharf inn" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "north beach telegraph hill" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/39908051" ], [ "_:result/39908051", "area", "telegraph hill" ], [ "_:result/39908051", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/4c087260" ], [ "_:result/4c087260", "area", "north beach" ], [ "_:result/4c087260", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result/4c087260", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the wharf inn" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "north beach telegraph hill" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/39908051" ], [ "_:result/39908051", "area", "telegraph hill" ], [ "_:result/39908051", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/4c087260" ], [ "_:result/4c087260", "area", "north beach" ], [ "_:result/4c087260", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result/4c087260", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "reqalts()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "hello what about uh" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,near,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "where would you like it to be near to ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,area,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what area of it" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "would you like a hotel in the inexpensive , moderate , or pricey price range ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'moderate');(_:search,pricerange,'pricey');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "can i have moderate or expensive" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'hotel rex');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hotel rex is a nice place it is in the moderate price range ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'moderate');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "uh the moderate price range" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'hotel des arts');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hotel des arts is a nice place it is in the moderate price range ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel rex" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel des arts" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "inquired", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel des arts" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,near,'cole valley');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "any hotel near the cole valley" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'carl hotel');(_:result,near,'cole valley');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "carl hotel is a nice place it is near cole valley ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "can i get the phone number" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'2');(_:result,near,'cole valley');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 2 hotel -s near cole valley ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it allows dogs ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,dogs_allowed,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i don't care no preference" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'carl hotel');(_:result,phone,'4156615679');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "carl hotel is a nice place their phone number is 4156615679 ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "cole valley" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "cole valley" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "carl hotel" ], [ "_:result", "near", "cole valley" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "cole valley" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "carl hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "count", "2" ], [ "_:result", "near", "cole valley" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "cole valley" ], [ "_:result", "name", "carl hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "count", "2" ], [ "_:result", "near", "cole valley" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "cole valley" ], [ "_:result", "count", "2" ], [ "_:result", "near", "cole valley" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "carl hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4156615679" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "cole valley" ], [ "_:result", "count", "2" ], [ "_:result", "near", "cole valley" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "carl hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4156615679" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,near,'soma');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i need to find a hotel near the soma that allowes dogs" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'intercontinental san francisco');(_:result,near,'soma');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "intercontinental san francisco is a nice place it is near soma ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,dogs_allowed,'true');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "does it allow dogs" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'intercontinental san francisco');(_:result,near,'soma');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "intercontinental san francisco is a nice place , it is near soma and where dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,name,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the name phone number and address" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'888 howard st');(_:result,name,'intercontinental san francisco');(_:result,phone,'4156166500');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "intercontinental san francisco is a nice place , their address is 888 howard st and their phone number is 4156166500 ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "soma" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "soma" ], [ "_:result", "name", "intercontinental san francisco" ], [ "_:result", "near", "soma" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "soma" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "intercontinental san francisco" ], [ "_:result", "near", "soma" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "soma" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "near", "soma" ], [ "_:result", "address", "888 howard st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "intercontinental san francisco" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4156166500" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "soma" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "near", "soma" ], [ "_:result", "address", "888 howard st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "intercontinental san francisco" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4156166500" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,good_for_meal,'breakfast');(_:search,kids_allowed,'true');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a restaurant with breakfast that allows children" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,good_for_meal,'breakfast');(_:result,kids_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'sanjalisco');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "sanjalisco is a nice place , where child -s are allowed and it is good for breakfast ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "can i have the address phone number and postcode" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'901 s van ness avenue');(_:result,name,'sanjalisco');(_:result,phone,'4156488383');(_:result,postcode,'94110');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "sanjalisco is a nice place , their phone number is 4156488383 , their postcode is 94110 and their address is 901 s van ness avenue ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "breakfast" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "breakfast" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "breakfast" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "sanjalisco" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "breakfast" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "breakfast" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "address", "901 s van ness avenue" ], [ "_:result", "name", "sanjalisco" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4156488383" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94110" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "breakfast" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "breakfast" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "address", "901 s van ness avenue" ], [ "_:result", "name", "sanjalisco" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4156488383" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94110" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'moderate');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "moderate" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'ristorante milano');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "ristorante milano is a nice place it is in the moderate price range ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,near,'lower haight');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i am looking for a restaurant near the lower haight" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'thep phanom thai restaurant');(_:result,near,'lower haight');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "thep phanom thai restaurant is a nice place , it is near lower haight and it is in the moderate price range ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "and what's the phone number" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'thep phanom thai restaurant');(_:result,phone,'4154312526');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "thep phanom thai restaurant is a nice place their phone number is 4154312526 ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,good_for_meal,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))", "inform((_:search,good_for_meal,'dinner');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "is it good for dinner" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'1');(_:result,good_for_meal,'dinner');(_:result,name,'thep phanom thai restaurant');(_:result,near,'lower haight');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place other than thep phanom thai restaurant near lower haight , in the moderate price range and good for dinner ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,price,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the price" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,good_for_meal,'dinner');(_:result,name,'thep phanom thai restaurant');(_:result,price,'between 15 and 22 euro');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "thep phanom thai restaurant is a nice place , it is good for dinner and their price -s are between 15 and 22 euro ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "name", "ristorante milano" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "near", "lower haight" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "near", "lower haight" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "name", "thep phanom thai restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "lower haight" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "near", "lower haight" ], [ "_:result", "near", "lower haight" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "name", "thep phanom thai restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4154312526" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "?" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "near", "lower haight" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4154312526" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "count", "1" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "name", "thep phanom thai restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "lower haight" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "price", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "near", "lower haight" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4154312526" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "count", "1" ], [ "_:result", "near", "lower haight" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "name", "thep phanom thai restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "price", "between 15 and 22 euro" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "near", "lower haight" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4154312526" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "count", "1" ], [ "_:result", "near", "lower haight" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "name", "thep phanom thai restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "price", "between 15 and 22 euro" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,near,'presidio heights');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i would like a hotel near presidio heights" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'laurel inn');(_:result,near,'presidio heights');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "laurel inn is a nice place it is near presidio heights ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the address and postcode" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'laurel inn');(_:result,near,'presidio heights');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "laurel inn is a nice place it is near presidio heights ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the address and post code" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'laurel inn');(_:result,near,'presidio heights');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "laurel inn is a nice place it is near presidio heights ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the address" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'laurel inn');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "laurel inn is a nice hotel ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the address" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "reqmore()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "can i help you with anything else ?" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "presidio heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "presidio heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "laurel inn" ], [ "_:result", "near", "presidio heights" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "presidio heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "laurel inn" ], [ "_:result", "near", "presidio heights" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "presidio heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "laurel inn" ], [ "_:result", "near", "presidio heights" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "presidio heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ], [ "_:result", "near", "presidio heights" ], [ "_:result", "name", "laurel inn" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "presidio heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ], [ "_:result", "near", "presidio heights" ], [ "_:result", "name", "laurel inn" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "presidio heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ], [ "_:result", "near", "presidio heights" ], [ "_:result", "name", "laurel inn" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "negate()", "inform((_:search,pricerange,'pricey');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i no any in expensive price range" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:result,pricerange,'pricey');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "let me confirm , you are looking for a hotel in the pricey price range right ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'pricey');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "expensive" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'34');(_:result,pricerange,'pricey');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 34 hotel -s in the pricey price range ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'no');(_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it accepts credit card -s ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "inform((_:search,accepts_credit_cards,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thanks a any part" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,pricerange,'pricey or inexpensive'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "sorry would you like something in the pricey price range or in the inexpensive price range" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'pricey');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "inexpensive expensive" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:result,pricerange,'pricey');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "let me confirm , you are looking for a hotel in the pricey price range right ?" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "negate()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "no" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'no');(_:result,name,'balmoral hotel north no 2');(_:result,pricerange,'inexpensive');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "balmoral hotel north no 2 is a nice place , it does not accept credit card -s and it is in the inexpensive price range ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "count", "34" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result", "count", "34" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "no" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "count", "34" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "no" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "*" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "pricey or inexpensive" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "count", "34" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "no" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "*" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "pricey or inexpensive" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "count", "34" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "*" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "no" ], [ "_:result", "name", "balmoral hotel north no 2" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "count", "34" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "*" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "pricey" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "no" ], [ "_:result", "name", "balmoral hotel north no 2" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "inexpensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "hotel in the area i want eastern in" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'no');(_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it accepts credit card -s ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,accepts_credit_cards,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "any" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'dont_care');(_:result,count,'182');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 182 hotel -s if you do not care whether it accepts credit card -s ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what price range would you like ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you bye" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "no" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "*" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "*" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "a hotel near downtown that's up" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'downtown');(_:result,name,'worldmark san francisco');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "worldmark san francisco is a nice place it is in the area of downtown ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the address and phone number" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'590 bush st');(_:result,name,'worldmark san francisco');(_:result,phone,'4152482800');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "worldmark san francisco is a nice place , their address is 590 bush st and their phone number is 4152482800 ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "downtown" ], [ "_:result", "name", "worldmark san francisco" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "downtown" ], [ "_:result", "address", "590 bush st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "worldmark san francisco" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4152482800" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "downtown" ], [ "_:result", "address", "590 bush st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "worldmark san francisco" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4152482800" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'sunnydale');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a hotel in sunnydale that does not allow dog" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'sunnydale');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of sunnydale ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'nob hill');(_:search,dogs_allowed,'false');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "is there a place in nob hill that does not allow dogs" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'nob hill');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,name,'nob hill motor inn');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "nob hill motor inn is a nice place , it is in the area of nob hill and where no dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,has_internet,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "does it have internet" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'nob hill');(_:result,count,'1');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,name,'nob hill motor inn');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place other than nob hill motor inn in the area of nob hill and where no dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,has_internet,'true');(_:search,name,'nob hill motor inn');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "is nob hill motor inn have internet" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,has_internet,'yes');(_:result,name,'nob hill motor inn');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "nob hill motor inn is a nice place it has internet ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))", "inform((_:search,name,'nob hill motor inn');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the phone number of nob hill motor inn" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'nob hill');(_:result,count,'1');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,has_internet,'yes');(_:result,name,'nob hill motor inn');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place other than nob hill motor inn in the area of nob hill , where no dogs are allowed and with an internet connection ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))", "inform((_:search,name,'nob hill motor inn');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the phone number of nob hill motor inn" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'nob hill motor inn');(_:result,phone,'4157758160');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "nob hill motor inn is a nice place their phone number is 4157758160 ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "sunnydale" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/703915dd" ], [ "_:result/703915dd", "area", "sunnydale" ], [ "_:result/703915dd", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "nob hill" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/703915dd" ], [ "_:result/703915dd", "area", "sunnydale" ], [ "_:result/703915dd", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "nob hill" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "nob hill" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "name", "nob hill motor inn" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/703915dd" ], [ "_:result/703915dd", "area", "sunnydale" ], [ "_:result/703915dd", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "nob hill" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "?" ], [ "_:result", "area", "nob hill" ], [ "_:result", "count", "1" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "name", "nob hill motor inn" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "name", "nob hill motor inn" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/703915dd" ], [ "_:result/703915dd", "area", "sunnydale" ], [ "_:result/703915dd", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "nob hill" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:result", "area", "nob hill" ], [ "_:result", "count", "1" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "nob hill motor inn" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:search", "name", "nob hill motor inn" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/703915dd" ], [ "_:result/703915dd", "area", "sunnydale" ], [ "_:result/703915dd", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "nob hill" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "area", "nob hill" ], [ "_:result", "count", "1" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "nob hill motor inn" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "name", "nob hill motor inn" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/703915dd" ], [ "_:result/703915dd", "area", "sunnydale" ], [ "_:result/703915dd", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "nob hill" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:result", "area", "nob hill" ], [ "_:result", "count", "1" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "name", "nob hill motor inn" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "nob hill motor inn" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157758160" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/703915dd" ], [ "_:result/703915dd", "area", "sunnydale" ], [ "_:result/703915dd", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "nob hill" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "false" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:result", "area", "nob hill" ], [ "_:result", "count", "1" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "name", "nob hill motor inn" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "nob hill motor inn" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157758160" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'west portal');(_:search,pricerange,'moderate');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i want to find a moderately priced restaurant that is in the area of west portal" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'seven hills');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "seven hills is a nice place it is in the moderate price range ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "may i have the address and phone number please" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'1550 hyde street');(_:result,name,'seven hills');(_:result,phone,'4157751550');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "seven hills is a nice place , their address is 1550 hyde street and their phone number is 4157751550 ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "what or day" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'aperto restaurant');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "aperto restaurant is a nice place it is in the moderate price range ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "bye" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'aperto restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "aperto restaurant is a nice restaurant ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "west portal" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "west portal" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "name", "seven hills" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "west portal" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1550 hyde street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "seven hills" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157751550" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "west portal" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1550 hyde street" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157751550" ], [ "_:result", "name", "aperto restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "west portal" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1550 hyde street" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157751550" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "name", "aperto restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "west portal" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1550 hyde street" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157751550" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "name", "aperto restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'financial district south');(_:search,kids_allowed,'true');(_:search,pricerange,'moderate');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a moderately priced restaurant that is in the area of financial district south and allows children" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'financial district south');(_:result,kids_allowed,'yes');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place , in the moderate price range , where child -s are allowed and in the area of financial district south ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "okay how about a number place and i don't care about the price range" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'financial district south');(_:result,name,'amber india');(_:result,pricerange,'expensive');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "amber india is a nice place , it is in the expensive price range and it is in the area of financial district south ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:result,kids_allowed,'true');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))", "request((_:result,kids_allowed,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "does it allow children" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,kids_allowed,'no');(_:result,name,'amber india');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "amber india is a nice place where no child -s are allowed ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "financial district south" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "financial district south" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/7209d7bd" ], [ "_:result/7209d7bd", "area", "financial district south" ], [ "_:result/7209d7bd", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result/7209d7bd", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result/7209d7bd", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "financial district south" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/7209d7bd" ], [ "_:result/7209d7bd", "area", "financial district south" ], [ "_:result/7209d7bd", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result/7209d7bd", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result/7209d7bd", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "financial district south" ], [ "_:result", "name", "amber india" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "financial district south" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/7209d7bd" ], [ "_:result/7209d7bd", "area", "financial district south" ], [ "_:result/7209d7bd", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result/7209d7bd", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result/7209d7bd", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "financial district south" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "name", "amber india" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "financial district south" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/7209d7bd" ], [ "_:result/7209d7bd", "area", "financial district south" ], [ "_:result/7209d7bd", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result/7209d7bd", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result/7209d7bd", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "financial district south" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "name", "amber india" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,accepts_credit_cards,'true');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "uh i want to find a hotel with your food that accepts credit cards" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'yes');(_:result,name,'stanford court san francisco');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "stanford court san francisco is a nice place it accepts credit card -s ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the phone number and post code" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'stanford court san francisco');(_:result,phone,'4159893500');(_:result,postcode,'94108');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "stanford court san francisco is a nice place , their phone number is 4159893500 and their postcode is 94108 ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,near,'haight');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "is that near a" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,accepts_credit_cards,'yes');(_:result,name,'red victorian bed breakfast and arts cafe');(_:result,near,'haight');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "red victorian bed breakfast and arts cafe is a nice place , it accepts credit card -s and it is near haight ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,postcode,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the phone number and post code" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'red victorian bed breakfast and arts cafe');(_:result,phone,'4158641978');(_:result,postcode,'94117');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "red victorian bed breakfast and arts cafe is a nice place , their phone number is 4158641978 and their postcode is 94117 ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "stanford court san francisco" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "stanford court san francisco" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4159893500" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94108" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "near", "haight" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4159893500" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94108" ], [ "_:search", "near", "haight" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "red victorian bed breakfast and arts cafe" ], [ "_:result", "near", "haight" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "haight" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "near", "haight" ], [ "_:result", "name", "red victorian bed breakfast and arts cafe" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158641978" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94117" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "accepts_credit_cards", "true" ], [ "_:search", "near", "haight" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "accepts_credit_cards", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "near", "haight" ], [ "_:result", "name", "red victorian bed breakfast and arts cafe" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158641978" ], [ "_:result", "postcode", "94117" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "ack()", "inform((_:search,food,'basque');(_:search,kids_allowed,'true');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "hello i'm looking for a restaurant well good for in new that serves basque food food and i don't care about whether allows children not" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,food,'basque');(_:result,kids_allowed,'yes');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place , serving basque food and where child -s are allowed ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:result,food,'basque');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "food is it serving basque food" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'basque');(_:result,name,'piperade');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "piperade is a nice place it serves basque food ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:result,kids_allowed,'true');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))", "request((_:result,kids_allowed,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "does it allow children" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,kids_allowed,'no');(_:result,name,'piperade');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "piperade is a nice place where no child -s are allowed ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "give me area the name and the phone number" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'piperade');(_:result,phone,'4153912555');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "piperade is a nice place their phone number is 4153912555 ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "can i get their address" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'1015 battery street');(_:result,name,'piperade');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "piperade is a nice place their address is 1015 battery street ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "reqmore()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "can i help you with anything else ?" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "basque" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "basque" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/dcc2b833" ], [ "_:result/dcc2b833", "food", "basque" ], [ "_:result/dcc2b833", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result/dcc2b833", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "basque" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "basque" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/dcc2b833" ], [ "_:result/dcc2b833", "food", "basque" ], [ "_:result/dcc2b833", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result/dcc2b833", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "basque" ], [ "_:result", "name", "piperade" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "basque" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/dcc2b833" ], [ "_:result/dcc2b833", "food", "basque" ], [ "_:result/dcc2b833", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result/dcc2b833", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "basque" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "name", "piperade" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "basque" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/dcc2b833" ], [ "_:result/dcc2b833", "food", "basque" ], [ "_:result/dcc2b833", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result/dcc2b833", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "basque" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "name", "piperade" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4153912555" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "basque" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/dcc2b833" ], [ "_:result/dcc2b833", "food", "basque" ], [ "_:result/dcc2b833", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result/dcc2b833", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "basque" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4153912555" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1015 battery street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "piperade" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "basque" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/dcc2b833" ], [ "_:result/dcc2b833", "food", "basque" ], [ "_:result/dcc2b833", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result/dcc2b833", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "basque" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4153912555" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1015 battery street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "piperade" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "basque" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/dcc2b833" ], [ "_:result/dcc2b833", "food", "basque" ], [ "_:result/dcc2b833", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result/dcc2b833", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "basque" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4153912555" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1015 battery street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "piperade" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'transmission');(_:search,pricerange,'cheap');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a cheap restaurant in the area of transmission of the food sir" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what part of town do you have in mind ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'transmission');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "the area of transmission" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'transmission');(_:result,count,'2');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 2 restaurant -s in the cheap price range and in the area of transmission ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,kids_allowed,'no');(_:result,kids_allowed,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it allows child -s" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,kids_allowed,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i don't care" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "let me confirm , you are looking for a restaurant in the cheap price range right ?" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "yes" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'transmission');(_:result,name,'nicaragua restaurant');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap;kids_allowed');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "nicaragua restaurant is a nice place , , it is in the area of transmission and it is in the cheap price range ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,name,?);(_:result,price,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the name address phone number and price" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'3015 mission street');(_:result,name,'nicaragua restaurant');(_:result,price,'7');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "nicaragua restaurant is a nice place , their address is 3015 mission street and their price -s are 7 ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the phone number" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'nicaragua restaurant');(_:result,phone,'4158263672');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "nicaragua restaurant is a nice place their phone number is 4158263672 ." }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 16, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 17, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "transmission" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "area", "transmission" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "area", "transmission" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "transmission" ], [ "_:result", "count", "2" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "area", "transmission" ], [ "_:result", "area", "transmission" ], [ "_:result", "count", "2" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "area", "transmission" ], [ "_:result", "area", "transmission" ], [ "_:result", "count", "2" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "area", "transmission" ], [ "_:result", "count", "2" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "transmission" ], [ "_:result", "name", "nicaragua restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap;kids_allowed" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "?" ], [ "_:result", "price", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "area", "transmission" ], [ "_:result", "count", "2" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "transmission" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap;kids_allowed" ], [ "_:result", "address", "3015 mission street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "nicaragua restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "price", "7" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "area", "transmission" ], [ "_:result", "count", "2" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "transmission" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap;kids_allowed" ], [ "_:result", "address", "3015 mission street" ], [ "_:result", "price", "7" ], [ "_:result", "name", "nicaragua restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158263672" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] }, { "id": 8, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "area", "transmission" ], [ "_:result", "count", "2" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "transmission" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap;kids_allowed" ], [ "_:result", "address", "3015 mission street" ], [ "_:result", "price", "7" ], [ "_:result", "name", "nicaragua restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158263672" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,near,'alamo square');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i am looking for a restaurant near the alamo square" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,food,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what kind of food would you like ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "any time" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'218');(_:result,food,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 218 restaurant -s if you do not care about the food ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what area would you like ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'alamo square');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "in the alamo square" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'alamo square');(_:result,food,'modern european');(_:result,name,'nopa');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "nopa is a nice place , it is in the area of alamo square and it serves modern european food ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "may i have the address and phone number" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'560 divisadero street');(_:result,name,'nopa');(_:result,phone,'4158648643');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "nopa is a nice place , their address is 560 divisadero street and their phone number is 4158648643 ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "alamo square" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "alamo square" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "alamo square" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "count", "218" ], [ "_:result", "food", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "alamo square" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "218" ], [ "_:result", "food", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "area", "alamo square" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "alamo square" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "218" ], [ "_:search", "area", "alamo square" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "alamo square" ], [ "_:result", "food", "modern european" ], [ "_:result", "name", "nopa" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "alamo square" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "218" ], [ "_:search", "area", "alamo square" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "alamo square" ], [ "_:result", "food", "modern european" ], [ "_:result", "address", "560 divisadero street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "nopa" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158648643" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "alamo square" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "218" ], [ "_:search", "area", "alamo square" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "alamo square" ], [ "_:result", "food", "modern european" ], [ "_:result", "address", "560 divisadero street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "nopa" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4158648643" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "negate()", "inform((_:search,dogs_allowed,'true');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "if no rice beach telegraph hill allows dogs" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'the wharf inn');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "the wharf inn is a nice place where dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,dogs_allowed,'north beach telegraph hill');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "north beach telegraph hill" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'telegraph hill');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of telegraph hill ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "north beach" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'north beach');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place , in the area of north beach and where dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the wharf inn" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "north beach telegraph hill" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the wharf inn" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "north beach telegraph hill" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/bda37d79" ], [ "_:result/bda37d79", "area", "telegraph hill" ], [ "_:result/bda37d79", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the wharf inn" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "north beach telegraph hill" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/bda37d79" ], [ "_:result/bda37d79", "area", "telegraph hill" ], [ "_:result/bda37d79", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/17503b5f" ], [ "_:result/17503b5f", "area", "north beach" ], [ "_:result/17503b5f", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result/17503b5f", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the wharf inn" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "north beach telegraph hill" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/bda37d79" ], [ "_:result/bda37d79", "area", "telegraph hill" ], [ "_:result/bda37d79", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/17503b5f" ], [ "_:result/17503b5f", "area", "north beach" ], [ "_:result/17503b5f", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result/17503b5f", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "negate()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "no no" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it allows dogs ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,dogs_allowed,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "don't care" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'182');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 182 hotel -s if you do not care whether dogs are allowed ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what price range would you like ?" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'mission bay');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "the mission bay" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'mission bay');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of mission bay ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "serve a similar place in that area" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'mission bay');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of mission bay ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "outer richmond" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'mission bay');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of mission bay ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "bridge then" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'mission bay');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of mission bay ." }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 16, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 17, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "area", "mission bay" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "area", "mission bay" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/d7612c0f" ], [ "_:result/d7612c0f", "area", "mission bay" ], [ "_:result/d7612c0f", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "area", "mission bay" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/d7612c0f" ], [ "_:result/d7612c0f", "area", "mission bay" ], [ "_:result/d7612c0f", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/c7255e59" ], [ "_:result/c7255e59", "area", "mission bay" ], [ "_:result/c7255e59", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "area", "mission bay" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/d7612c0f" ], [ "_:result/d7612c0f", "area", "mission bay" ], [ "_:result/d7612c0f", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/c7255e59" ], [ "_:result/c7255e59", "area", "mission bay" ], [ "_:result/c7255e59", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/839293f5" ], [ "_:result/839293f5", "area", "mission bay" ], [ "_:result/839293f5", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "area", "mission bay" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/d7612c0f" ], [ "_:result/d7612c0f", "area", "mission bay" ], [ "_:result/d7612c0f", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/c7255e59" ], [ "_:result/c7255e59", "area", "mission bay" ], [ "_:result/c7255e59", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/839293f5" ], [ "_:result/839293f5", "area", "mission bay" ], [ "_:result/839293f5", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/660f49a5" ], [ "_:result/660f49a5", "area", "mission bay" ], [ "_:result/660f49a5", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] }, { "id": 8, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "area", "mission bay" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/d7612c0f" ], [ "_:result/d7612c0f", "area", "mission bay" ], [ "_:result/d7612c0f", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/c7255e59" ], [ "_:result/c7255e59", "area", "mission bay" ], [ "_:result/c7255e59", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/839293f5" ], [ "_:result/839293f5", "area", "mission bay" ], [ "_:result/839293f5", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/660f49a5" ], [ "_:result/660f49a5", "area", "mission bay" ], [ "_:result/660f49a5", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'little hollywood');(_:search,has_internet,'true');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i am looking for a hotel in the area of little hollywood that has internet connection" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "canthelp((_:result,area,'little hollywood');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place in the area of little hollywood ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'pacific heights');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "is it asian place in pacific heights" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'pacific heights');(_:result,has_internet,'yes');(_:result,name,'hotel drisco');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hotel drisco is a nice place , it is in the area of pacific heights and it has internet ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the address and phone number" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'hotel drisco');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hotel drisco is a nice hotel ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the address" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'2901 pacific ave');(_:result,name,'hotel drisco');(_:result,phone,'4153462880');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hotel drisco is a nice place , their address is 2901 pacific ave and their phone number is 4153462880 ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "little hollywood" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/4fe039c7" ], [ "_:result/4fe039c7", "area", "little hollywood" ], [ "_:result/4fe039c7", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "pacific heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/4fe039c7" ], [ "_:result/4fe039c7", "area", "little hollywood" ], [ "_:result/4fe039c7", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "pacific heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "pacific heights" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel drisco" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/4fe039c7" ], [ "_:result/4fe039c7", "area", "little hollywood" ], [ "_:result/4fe039c7", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "pacific heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "pacific heights" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel drisco" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/4fe039c7" ], [ "_:result/4fe039c7", "area", "little hollywood" ], [ "_:result/4fe039c7", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "pacific heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "pacific heights" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "address", "2901 pacific ave" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel drisco" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4153462880" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:system", "canthelp", "_:result/4fe039c7" ], [ "_:result/4fe039c7", "area", "little hollywood" ], [ "_:result/4fe039c7", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "area", "pacific heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "pacific heights" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "address", "2901 pacific ave" ], [ "_:result", "name", "hotel drisco" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4153462880" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'malaysian');(_:search,good_for_meal,'dinner');(_:search,pricerange,'cheap');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "cheap restaurant malaysian food for dinner" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'malaysian');(_:result,name,'lime tree southeast asian kitchen');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "lime tree southeast asian kitchen is a nice place , it is in the cheap price range and it serves malaysian food ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'cheap');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "cheap" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "let me confirm , you are looking for a restaurant in the cheap price range right ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "yes" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'2');(_:result,food,'malaysian');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 2 restaurant -s in the cheap price range and serving malaysian food ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,near,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "where would you like it to be near to" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,kids_allowed,'true');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "allows children" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'malaysian');(_:result,kids_allowed,'yes');(_:result,name,'singapore malaysian restaurant');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "singapore malaysian restaurant is a nice place , where child -s are allowed , it serves malaysian food and it is in the cheap price range ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "affirm()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "yes" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'singapore malaysian restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "singapore malaysian restaurant is a nice restaurant ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "malaysian" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "malaysian" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "food", "malaysian" ], [ "_:result", "name", "lime tree southeast asian kitchen" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "malaysian" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "food", "malaysian" ], [ "_:result", "name", "lime tree southeast asian kitchen" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "malaysian" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "name", "lime tree southeast asian kitchen" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "count", "2" ], [ "_:result", "food", "malaysian" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "malaysian" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "name", "lime tree southeast asian kitchen" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "count", "2" ], [ "_:result", "food", "malaysian" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "malaysian" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "count", "2" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "malaysian" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "singapore malaysian restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "malaysian" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "count", "2" ], [ "_:search", "near", "?" ], [ "_:search", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "malaysian" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "name", "singapore malaysian restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'brazilian');(_:search,good_for_meal,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'd like a restaurant that's good for any meal that serves brazilian food" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'brazilian');(_:result,good_for_meal,'dinner');(_:result,name,'espetus churrascaria');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "espetus churrascaria is a nice place , it serves brazilian food and it is good for dinner ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the address" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'1686 market street');(_:result,name,'espetus churrascaria');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "espetus churrascaria is a nice place their address is 1686 market street ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the phone number" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'espetus churrascaria');(_:result,phone,'4155528792');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "espetus churrascaria is a nice place their phone number is 4155528792 ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,area,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the area" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'hayes valley');(_:result,name,'espetus churrascaria');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "espetus churrascaria is a nice place , it is in the area of hayes valley and it is in the area of hayes valley ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "brazilian" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "brazilian" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "brazilian" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "name", "espetus churrascaria" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "brazilian" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "brazilian" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1686 market street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "espetus churrascaria" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "brazilian" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "brazilian" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1686 market street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "espetus churrascaria" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4155528792" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "brazilian" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "brazilian" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1686 market street" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4155528792" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley" ], [ "_:result", "name", "espetus churrascaria" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "brazilian" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "brazilian" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1686 market street" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4155528792" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley" ], [ "_:result", "name", "espetus churrascaria" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,good_for_meal,*);(_:search,pricerange,'moderate');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a moderately priced restaurant in any area osaka and is good for any meal" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,good_for_meal,'dinner');(_:result,name,'the slanted door');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "the slanted door is a nice place , it is in the moderate price range and it is good for dinner ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'little osaka');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a restaurant in the area of little osaka" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'little osaka');(_:result,good_for_meal,'lunch');(_:result,name,'maki restaurant');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "maki restaurant is a nice place , it is in the moderate price range , it is good for lunch and it is in the area of little osaka ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the address" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'1825 post street');(_:result,name,'maki restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "maki restaurant is a nice place their address is 1825 post street ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,near,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "where is it near" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'maki restaurant');(_:result,near,'lower pacific heights or japantown');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "maki restaurant is a nice place , it is near lower pacific heights and it is near japantown ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dinner" ], [ "_:result", "name", "the slanted door" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "area", "little osaka" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "area", "little osaka" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "little osaka" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result", "name", "maki restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "area", "little osaka" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "little osaka" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1825 post street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "maki restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "area", "little osaka" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "little osaka" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1825 post street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "maki restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "lower pacific heights or japantown" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:search", "area", "little osaka" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "little osaka" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "lunch" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1825 post street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "maki restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "lower pacific heights or japantown" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a restaurant that" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "restaurant" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "um" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what part of town do you have in mind ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'asian');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "a deli" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'asian');(_:result,name,'chaya brasserie');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "chaya brasserie is a nice place it serves asian food ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the address" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'132 the embarcadero');(_:result,name,'chaya brasserie');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "chaya brasserie is a nice place their address is 132 the embarcadero ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the phone number" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'chaya brasserie');(_:result,phone,'4157778688');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "chaya brasserie is a nice place their phone number is 4157778688 ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,pricerange,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the price range" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'chaya brasserie');(_:result,pricerange,'expensive');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "chaya brasserie is a nice place it is in the expensive price range ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "okay thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "food", "asian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "food", "asian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "asian" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chaya brasserie" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "food", "asian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "asian" ], [ "_:result", "address", "132 the embarcadero" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chaya brasserie" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "food", "asian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "asian" ], [ "_:result", "address", "132 the embarcadero" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chaya brasserie" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157778688" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "food", "asian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "asian" ], [ "_:result", "address", "132 the embarcadero" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157778688" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chaya brasserie" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "food", "asian" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "asian" ], [ "_:result", "address", "132 the embarcadero" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4157778688" ], [ "_:result", "name", "chaya brasserie" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "ack()", "negate()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a restaurant near good bars sorry no" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,kids_allowed,'no');(_:result,kids_allowed,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it allows child -s ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "negate()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "no price range" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "any" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'239');(_:result,pricerange,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 239 restaurant -s if you do not care about the price range ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,food,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what food would you like ?" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'chinese');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "chinese" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'chinese');(_:result,name,'enjoy vegetarian restaurant');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "enjoy vegetarian restaurant is a nice place , it serves chinese food and it is in the cheap price range ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the address" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'839 kearny street');(_:result,name,'enjoy vegetarian restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "enjoy vegetarian restaurant is a nice place their address is 839 kearny street ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "count", "239" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "239" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "food", "chinese" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "239" ], [ "_:search", "food", "chinese" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "chinese" ], [ "_:result", "name", "enjoy vegetarian restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "239" ], [ "_:search", "food", "chinese" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "chinese" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "839 kearny street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "enjoy vegetarian restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "239" ], [ "_:search", "food", "chinese" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "chinese" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "839 kearny street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "enjoy vegetarian restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'laurel heights');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a restaurant in the area of laurel heights" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'laurel heights');(_:result,name,'assab eritrean restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "assab eritrean restaurant is a nice place it is in the area of laurel heights ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,near,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the phone number and where is it near to" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'laurel heights');(_:result,count,'1');(_:result,name,'assab eritrean restaurant');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "i am sorry but there is no place other than assab eritrean restaurant in the area of laurel heights ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,near,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the phone number and where is it near to" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'assab eritrean restaurant');(_:result,near,'laurel heights or inner richmond');(_:result,phone,'4154417083');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "assab eritrean restaurant is a nice place , it is near inner richmond , their phone number is 4154417083 and it is near laurel heights ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you good bye" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "laurel heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "laurel heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "laurel heights" ], [ "_:result", "name", "assab eritrean restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "laurel heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "area", "laurel heights" ], [ "_:result", "count", "1" ], [ "_:result", "name", "assab eritrean restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "laurel heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "laurel heights" ], [ "_:result", "count", "1" ], [ "_:result", "name", "assab eritrean restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "laurel heights or inner richmond" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4154417083" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "laurel heights" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "laurel heights" ], [ "_:result", "count", "1" ], [ "_:result", "name", "assab eritrean restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "near", "laurel heights or inner richmond" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4154417083" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'ethnic food');(_:search,pricerange,'cheap');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i want to find a cheap restaurant that serves ethnic food and is it again" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'ethnic food');(_:result,name,'stroganoff restaurant');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "stroganoff restaurant is a nice place , it is in the cheap price range and it serves ethnic food food ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,area,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "can i get the address phone number and area" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'418 beach street');(_:result,area,'hayes valley or fishermans wharf');(_:result,name,'stroganoff restaurant');(_:result,phone,'4159226663');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "stroganoff restaurant is a nice place , their address is 418 beach street , their phone number is 4159226663 , it is in the area of fishermans wharf and it is in the area of hayes valley ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you and good bye" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "ethnic food" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "ethnic food" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "ethnic food" ], [ "_:result", "name", "stroganoff restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "ethnic food" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "ethnic food" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "418 beach street" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or fishermans wharf" ], [ "_:result", "name", "stroganoff restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4159226663" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "ethnic food" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "ethnic food" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "address", "418 beach street" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or fishermans wharf" ], [ "_:result", "name", "stroganoff restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4159226663" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "do they have area well one that a price" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'expensive');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "expensive" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'fifth floor');(_:result,pricerange,'expensive');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "fifth floor is a nice place it is in the expensive price range ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what's the address" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'hotel palomar 12 fourth street');(_:result,name,'fifth floor');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "fifth floor is a nice place their address is hotel palomar 12 fourth street ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "post code" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'fifth floor');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "fifth floor is a nice restaurant ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "name", "fifth floor" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "address", "hotel palomar 12 fourth street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "fifth floor" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "address", "hotel palomar 12 fourth street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "fifth floor" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "_:result", "address", "hotel palomar 12 fourth street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "fifth floor" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,'brasseries');(_:search,pricerange,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a restaurant that serves brasseries food and i don't care about the price range" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,food,'brasseries');(_:result,name,'marlowe');(_:result,pricerange,'moderate');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "marlowe is a nice place , it serves brasseries food and it is in the moderate price range ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "can i get the phone number" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'marlowe');(_:result,phone,'4159745599');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "marlowe is a nice place their phone number is 4159745599 ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,area,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "and what's the area" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'hayes valley or mission bay');(_:result,name,'marlowe');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "marlowe is a nice place , it is in the area of hayes valley and it is in the area of mission bay ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "brasseries" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "brasseries" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "brasseries" ], [ "_:result", "name", "marlowe" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "brasseries" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "brasseries" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "name", "marlowe" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4159745599" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "area", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "brasseries" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "brasseries" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4159745599" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or mission bay" ], [ "_:result", "name", "marlowe" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "brasseries" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "food", "brasseries" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4159745599" ], [ "_:result", "area", "hayes valley or mission bay" ], [ "_:result", "name", "marlowe" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,has_internet,'true');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i am looking for a hotel near that hi that has internet connection" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,has_internet,'yes');(_:result,name,'parc 55 wyndham san francisco union square');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "parc 55 wyndham san francisco union square is a nice place it has internet ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i would like to know the address and phone number" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'55 cyril magnin st');(_:result,name,'parc 55 wyndham san francisco union square');(_:result,phone,'4153928000');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "parc 55 wyndham san francisco union square is a nice place , their address is 55 cyril magnin st and their phone number is 4153928000 ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "parc 55 wyndham san francisco union square" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "address", "55 cyril magnin st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "parc 55 wyndham san francisco union square" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4153928000" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "address", "55 cyril magnin st" ], [ "_:result", "name", "parc 55 wyndham san francisco union square" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4153928000" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,food,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "any kind of food" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'218');(_:result,food,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 218 restaurant -s if you do not care about the food ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,good_for_meal,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what meal would you like ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,good_for_meal,*);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "any meal" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'218');(_:result,food,'dont_care');(_:result,good_for_meal,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 218 restaurant -s if you do not care which meal it is good for and if you do not care about the food ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what area would you like" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "civic center" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:result,good_for_meal,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "let me confirm you do not care about meal" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "does it serve" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:result,good_for_meal,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "let me confirm you do not care about meal" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "bye" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,count,'218');(_:result,food,'dont_care');(_:result,good_for_meal,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Restaurant');(_:result,type,'restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 218 restaurant -s if you do not care which meal it is good for and if you do not care about the food ." }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 16, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what price range would you like" }, { "id": 17, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 18, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 19, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "count", "218" ], [ "_:result", "food", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "218" ], [ "_:result", "food", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "count", "218" ], [ "_:result", "food", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "218" ], [ "_:result", "food", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "218" ], [ "_:result", "food", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:result", "count", "218" ], [ "_:result", "food", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:result", "count", "218" ], [ "_:result", "food", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] }, { "id": 8, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:result", "count", "218" ], [ "_:result", "food", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 ] }, { "id": 9, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "food", "*" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "*" ], [ "_:search", "area", "?" ], [ "_:result", "count", "218" ], [ "_:result", "food", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "type", "restaurant" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "?" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,near,'outer richmond');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "can you hotels near the outer richmond" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'seal rock inn');(_:result,near,'outer richmond');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "seal rock inn is a nice place it is near outer richmond ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,name,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the name" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'seal rock inn');(_:result,near,'outer richmond');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "seal rock inn is a nice place it is near outer richmond ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "can i get the phone number" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'seal rock inn');(_:result,near,'outer richmond');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "seal rock inn is a nice place it is near outer richmond ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))", "inform((_:search,name,'seal rock inn');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "can i get the phone number of the seal rock inn" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "reqmore()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "can i help you with anything else ?" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "seal rock inn" ], [ "_:result", "near", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "seal rock inn" ], [ "_:result", "near", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "seal rock inn" ], [ "_:result", "near", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "name", "seal rock inn" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "near", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ], [ "_:result", "name", "seal rock inn" ], [ "_:result", "near", "outer richmond" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "name", "seal rock inn" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:system", "inquired", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,'cow hollow');(_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a hotel near more way in the cow hollow" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'cow hollow');(_:result,name,'marina motel');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "marina motel is a nice place it is in the area of cow hollow ." }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "ack()", "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "okay in the area of the phone number" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'marina motel');(_:result,phone,'4159219406');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "marina motel is a nice place their phone number is 4159219406 ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,has_internet,'true');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "do they have internet" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'cow hollow');(_:result,has_internet,'yes');(_:result,name,'marina motel');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "marina motel is a nice place , it has internet and it is in the area of cow hollow ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,dogs_allowed,'true');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "do they allow dogs" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'marina motel');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "marina motel is a nice hotel ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,dogs_allowed,'true');(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "do they allow dogs" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'marina motel');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "marina motel is a nice hotel ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "cow hollow" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "cow hollow" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "cow hollow" ], [ "_:result", "name", "marina motel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "cow hollow" ], [ "_:result", "area", "cow hollow" ], [ "_:result", "name", "marina motel" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4159219406" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "cow hollow" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4159219406" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:result", "area", "cow hollow" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "marina motel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "cow hollow" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4159219406" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:result", "area", "cow hollow" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:result", "name", "marina motel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "cow hollow" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4159219406" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:result", "area", "cow hollow" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "marina motel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "area", "cow hollow" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4159219406" ], [ "_:search", "has_internet", "true" ], [ "_:result", "area", "cow hollow" ], [ "_:result", "has_internet", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "dogs_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "name", "marina motel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the hotel information system . you can ask for hotel -s by pricerange , whether they accept credit card -s or have internet . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,type,'Hotel');(_:search,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i'm looking for a hotel" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "select((_:result,dogs_allowed,'no');(_:result,dogs_allowed,'yes'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what is your preference as to whether it allows dogs ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "in the area of want to know the" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,area,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what part of town do you have in mind ?" }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,area,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "it doesn't matter" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,area,'dont_care');(_:result,count,'182');(_:result,type,'Hotel');(_:result,type,'hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "there are 182 hotel -s in all parts of town ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "what price range would you like ?" }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,*);(_:search,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "i don't care" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:result,area,'dont_care');(_:result,type,'Hotel'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "ok , a hotel in any part of town is that right ?" }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "negate()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "no goodbye you do not find" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:search", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "area", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:result", "area", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:result", "area", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "dogs_allowed", "yes" ], [ "_:search", "area", "*" ], [ "_:result", "area", "dont_care" ], [ "_:result", "count", "182" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:result", "type", "hotel" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "*" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Hotel" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] } ]
[ { "id": 0, "rdf-acts": [ "hello()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "hello , welcome to the parlance dialogue system ? you can ask for restaurant -s by area , price range or food type . how may i help you ?" }, { "id": 1, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "hello um looking for a more restaurant" }, { "id": 2, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:search,pricerange,?);(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range ?" }, { "id": 3, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:search,pricerange,'cheap');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "cheap restaurant" }, { "id": 4, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'lahore karahi');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "lahore karahi is a nice place it is in the cheap price range ." }, { "id": 5, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,good_for_meal,?);(_:result,kids_allowed,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))", "inform((_:search,good_for_meal,'brunch');(_:search,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "does it allow children good for brunch" }, { "id": 6, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,good_for_meal,'brunch');(_:result,name,'red door cafe');(_:result,pricerange,'cheap');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "red door cafe is a nice place , it is good for brunch and it is in the cheap price range ." }, { "id": 7, "rdf-acts": [ "confirm((_:result,kids_allowed,'true');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))", "request((_:result,kids_allowed,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "does it allow children" }, { "id": 8, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,kids_allowed,'no');(_:result,name,'red door cafe');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "red door cafe is a nice place where no child -s are allowed ." }, { "id": 9, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,address,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is the address" }, { "id": 10, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,address,'1608 bush street');(_:result,name,'red door cafe');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "red door cafe is a nice place their address is 1608 bush street ." }, { "id": 11, "rdf-acts": [ "request((_:result,phone,?);(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "what is their phone number" }, { "id": 12, "rdf-acts": [ "inform((_:result,name,'red door cafe');(_:result,phone,'4152828283');(_:result,type,'Restaurant'))" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "red door cafe is a nice place their phone number is 4152828283 ." }, { "id": 13, "rdf-acts": [ "thanks()", "bye()" ], "speaker": "user", "text": "thank you goodbye" }, { "id": 14, "rdf-acts": [ "bye()" ], "speaker": "system", "text": "goodbye" }, { "id": 15, "rdf-acts": [], "speaker": "user", "text": "" } ]
[ { "id": 0, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "id": 1, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "name", "lahore karahi" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "?" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "?" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, { "id": 3, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "name", "red door cafe" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "true" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] }, { "id": 4, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "name", "red door cafe" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "address", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] }, { "id": 5, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1608 bush street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "red door cafe" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "?" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] }, { "id": 6, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1608 bush street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "red door cafe" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4152828283" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] }, { "id": 7, "multi_relations": false, "triples": [ [ "_:system", "greeted", "_:user" ], [ "_:search", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:search", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:search", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:result", "good_for_meal", "brunch" ], [ "_:result", "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "_:result", "kids_allowed", "no" ], [ "_:result", "address", "1608 bush street" ], [ "_:result", "name", "red door cafe" ], [ "_:result", "phone", "4152828283" ], [ "_:result", "type", "Restaurant" ], [ "_:user", "thanked", "_:system" ], [ "_:user", "dismissed", "_:system" ], [ "_:system", "dismissed", "_:user" ] ], "turn_ids": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ] } ]