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a sans doute sectionné une artère d'Ötzi et entraîné une infection bactérienne. Ceci rappelle une gravure figurant sur un menhir contemporain d'Ötzi conservé dans une église de la vallée au village de Laces, dans laquelle on voit un homme abattu de dos par un agresseur qui lui tire une flèche, comme le montre un reportage de la . La mort d'Ötzi, chef important comme le prouve sa hache de cuivre, était-elle déjà entrée dans la légende, au point d'être gravée dans la pierre, se demande le professeur qui intervient dans ce film. Plusieurs hypothèses se sont succédé pour expliquer sa mort : Ötzi était un berger qui se serait perdu dans le froid car il a été retrouvé près d'un chemin de transhumance ; cette première hypothèse est infirmée par l'absence d'excréments de troupeaux ainsi que par la possession d'une hache et de divers éléments tels des champignons médicinaux ; Ötzi était un marchand forgeron ambulant et guérisseur qui aurait dû fuir à la suite d'un échec ; cette hypothèse ne correspond pas à une blessure à la main typique des guerriers, ainsi qu'avec la répartition des éléments radioactifs présents dans ses dents, plus en rapport avec une vie sédentaire ; selon une hypothèse actuelle, Ötzi, qui était armé d'une hache à lame de cuivre et d'un arc non fonctionnels (hache jamais affûtée, arc non monté avec des flèches pas encore complètement taillées), aurait été un membre influent (roi, chamane) de sa tribu, située à la frontière formée par la crête des Alpes, dont la sépulture aurait été placée intentionnellement sur une plate-forme rocheuse de cette frontière, le corps ayant ensuite glissé à cause de la fonte partielle de la neige qui l’entourait ; selon une autre hypothèse, sa mort au niveau d'un col (frontière entre deux clans vivant dans des vallées voisines) témoignerait d'un combat entre ces deux clans, comme le montrent les traces de sang trouvées sur le manteau, les flèches et la lame du couteau d'Ötzi, traces de sang appartenant à quatre personnes différentes. L'autopsie a montré qu’il n'était pas mort de faim (son tube digestif comportant des restes de farines et de cerf), ni d'un accident ou d'une chute. En , des scientifiques italiens ont trouvé une blessure dans l'épaule près du poumon gauche d'Ötzi, infligée par une pointe de flèche. L'étude de la blessure montre qu'elle aurait pu atteindre l'artère sous-clavière irriguant le bras, et qu'Ötzi aurait pu se vider de son sang très rapidement. L'ossification mise en évidence par la radiographie met cependant en évidence que cette blessure était ancienne. L'état de ses ongles (présence de stries témoignant d'un arrêt, puis d'une reprise de croissance) laisse également penser qu'il a été malade quelques jours ou semaines avant de mourir. Une étude réalisée par des chercheurs suisses de l'université de Zurich en collaboration avec des chercheurs italiens a pu
a sans doute sectionné une artère d'Ötzi et entraîné une infection bactérienne. Ceci rappelle une gravure figurant sur un menhir contemporain d'Ötzi conservé dans une église de la vallée au village de Laces, dans laquelle on voit un homme abattu de dos par un agresseur qui lui tire une flèche, comme le montre un reportage de la . La mort d'Ötzi, chef important comme le prouve sa hache de cuivre, était-elle déjà entrée dans la légende, au point d'être gravée dans la pierre, se demande le professeur qui intervient dans ce film. Plusieurs hypothèses se sont succédé pour expliquer sa mort : Ötzi était un berger qui se serait perdu dans le froid car il a été retrouvé près d'un chemin de transhumance ; cette première hypothèse est infirmée par l'absence d'excréments de troupeaux ainsi que par la possession d'une hache et de divers éléments tels des champignons médicinaux ; Ötzi était un marchand forgeron ambulant et guérisseur qui aurait dû fuir à la suite d'un échec ; cette hypothèse ne correspond pas à une blessure à la main typique des guerriers, ainsi qu'avec la répartition des éléments radioactifs présents dans ses dents, plus en rapport avec une vie sédentaire ; selon une hypothèse actuelle, Ötzi, qui était armé d'une hache à lame de cuivre et d'un arc non fonctionnels (hache jamais affûtée, arc non monté avec des flèches pas encore complètement taillées), aurait été un membre influent (roi, chamane) de sa tribu, située à la frontière formée par la crête des Alpes, dont la sépulture aurait été placée intentionnellement sur une plate-forme rocheuse de cette frontière, le corps ayant ensuite glissé à cause de la fonte partielle de la neige qui l’entourait ; selon une autre hypothèse, sa mort au niveau d'un col (frontière entre deux clans vivant dans des vallées voisines) témoignerait d'un combat entre ces deux clans, comme le montrent les traces de sang trouvées sur le manteau, les flèches et la lame du couteau d'Ötzi, traces de sang appartenant à quatre personnes différentes. L'autopsie a montré qu’il n'était pas mort de faim (son tube digestif comportant des restes de farines et de cerf), ni d'un accident ou d'une chute. En , des scientifiques italiens ont trouvé une blessure dans l'épaule près du poumon gauche d'Ötzi, infligée par une pointe de flèche. L'étude de la blessure montre qu'elle aurait pu atteindre l'artère sous-clavière irriguant le bras, et qu'Ötzi aurait pu se vider de son sang très rapidement. L'ossification mise en évidence par la radiographie met cependant en évidence que cette blessure était ancienne. L'état de ses ongles (présence de stries témoignant d'un arrêt, puis d'une reprise de croissance) laisse également penser qu'il a été malade quelques jours ou semaines avant de mourir. Une étude réalisée par des chercheurs suisses de l'université de Zurich en collaboration avec des chercheurs italiens a pu
lever le voile sur cette énigme vieille de plus de grâce à un tomographe. Les résultats de l'étude ont été publiés dans et ont été évoqués dans l'édition de du magazine . L'hypothèse d'une mort rapide due à une flèche semble confirmée. Le projectile aurait touché une artère proche de l'épaule et provoqué une hémorragie fatale. Une observation par microscope à force atomique en 2012 sur des globules rouges issus d'une plaie de sa main droite suggère au contraire que l’agonie d'Ötzi a duré plus longtemps qu'estimé (présence de quantité importante de fibrines). Au-delà de l'analyse des causes de sa mort, l'étude de la dépouille d'Ötzi reste l'une des plus importantes sources de connaissance du mode de vie des hommes de cette époque de la Protohistoire. Le musée de Bozen-Bolzano et les répliques L'homme des glaces repose dans une chambre froide du musée archéologique du Haut-Adige à Bolzano, en Italie. Ötzi y est présenté au public dans une vitrine spéciale : posé sur une balance pour contrôler son poids (), reposant sur un drap vert de chirurgie, au centre d'une chambre froide à et avec une humidité relative à 98 %, Ötzi est enveloppé dans un drap tous les quinze jours pour assurer sa conservation. L'état particulièrement bon de conservation du corps rend cette vision très réaliste, ce qui pose de façon assez crue un problème éthique quant à la présentation de la mort au musée. À cette occasion, il a fallu également mener une réflexion de fond sur la double nature d'Ötzi, à la fois document archéologique exceptionnel et être humain décédé. En 2016, le paléo-artiste américain Gary Staab réalise un de la momie pour la reconstituer en résine, l'imprimer en 3D puis la sculpter et la peindre. Trois répliques d'Ötzi sont ainsi réalisées. L'une est présentée dans une exposition itinérante aux États-Unis, les deux autres sont utilisées à des fins d'enseignement au laboratoire de génétique de New York. La « malédiction » d'Ötzi Les médias ont colporté la légende d'une prétendue malédiction d'Ötzi, faisant écho à la malédiction de Toutânkhamon. Sept personnes liées de près ou de très loin à la découverte d'Ötzi sont mortes depuis : le touriste allemand Helmut Simon, qui a découvert la momie, meurt à en 2004 lors d'une randonnée ; Dieter Warnecke, guide de haute montagne parti à la recherche d’Helmut Simon, meurt d’une crise cardiaque à ; l'archéologue Konrad Spindler qui a été le premier à examiner la momie, meurt en 2005 à d'une sclérose en plaques. Selon le quotidien britannique , Konrad Spindler avait déclaré en plaisantant : ; le chef de la mission scientifique consacrée à Ötzi, Rainer Henn, meurt à dans un accident de voiture, alors qu'il allait donner une conférence sur le sujet ; le guide de montagne Kurt Fritz, qui a emmené le journaliste Rainer Hoezl auprès de la momie, meurt à dans une avalanche ;
Boston. Individuals were asked to self-identify their “main” race. In cases where the person was black-white biracial, they were identified as black. According to Khaing Zaw, statistical research associate at Duke University, the wealth of such biracial individuals more closely matched that of blacks than whites. Narratives and parental aid A 2014 Pew Research survey found that nearly 60 percent of Americans believed life success is determined by factors within individuals’ control. Often, the prevalent narrative is that people need to simply work hard and plan strategically, such as by deciding to save for college, researchers said. But data contradicts this thinking. Attaining bachelor’s degrees does not close the gap between blacks and whites: Researchers in the national UMichigan study found that black couples with bachelor’s degrees had a net worth of $38,000 compared to white couples with $329,000. One reason, researchers said, that pursuit of higher education may force those with much less wealth available for tuition to acquire significant student debt. The grit-and-formal-education narrative inhibits a more accurate view of drivers of wealth disparities — such as less inherited wealth that can be put toward college — and prevents public policy from targeting the true causes, researchers said. Due to longstanding racial inequities, white families tend to have more wealth accrued than black families, and so have greater financial resources they can leverage to assist their children in making downpayments on houses, attending college with minimal or no loans and making other investments that in turn, help them accrue more wealth, presenters said. In many cases, it takes money to make money: Liquid assets are needed to start a business and acquire a house. Adding to the advantage: those who have more wealth also may have social connections and familiarity navigating financial systems that further help their children. “Blacks kids are receiving less help from parents simply because parents have fewer resources,” said Yunju Nam, researcher from the State University of New York at Buffalo. Nam said that the national data found 33 percent of whites received parental assistance in funding their education, compared to 14 percent of blacks, and 13 percent of whites received parental help buying a home, versus 2 percent of blacks. The research underscores the need for policy reform to improve funding of public schools and provide cheaper, if not free, access to college, Nam said. Among the ways to do this: tuition aid based on need, not merit; government-provided matching college savings accounts for children;and reform of student loans, she said. “It was better in the past to borrow some money and go to college,” Nam said. “But now? Savings interest is less than 1 percent, but students pay sometimes 8 percent on loans. So how much money your father or mother has has a big impact on your education.” Government also can focus on assisting minority groups in acquiring homes and enforcing more strongly anti-discrimination policies in housing and mortgage markets, she said. Community organizations could assist as well by helping students who are low-income and of color navigate scholarship applications, Nam suggested. She added that if need-based financial aid can be secured, in some cases elite colleges may be the more affordable options. Via Bay State Banner Science 3 min read Can Quantum Cognition Explain our Bad Decisions? Zayan Guedim Jan 30, 2020 at 6:45 am GMT Zayan Guedim MattLphotography / Shutterstock.com Humans, by nature, are smart. But, we still make foolish or let’s say irrational decisions. Some scientists think the answer to this question is quantum physics-based. The laws that govern the behavior of objects on a microscopic scale could help shed new light on the human decision-making process. Quantum Cognition: the “Uncertain” Human Behavior We tend to make the wrong decisions, even when we have all the facts and know for sure what the outcome would be. No one is perfect. Our “intelligence” could fail us sometimes, and we end up making all kinds of wrong decisions. You do your homework, go through a reasoning process, and weigh up your options before coming to the final decision. And yet you still can miss the correct choice. At the crossroads between quantum physics and psychology, quantum cognition is an emerging discipline that may help us explain the fallacies of the human cognition machine. Some physicists and cognitive scientists are working to develop a quantum approach to the study of human cognition. Researchers are investigating how quantum physics concepts can offer better mathematical frameworks than classical theories of decision-making. According to B.F Skinner’s operant conditioning, or classic reinforcement learning, humans learn through reward and punishment. This also affects our decision-making. The decisions we make could involve “reward” or “punishment,” either literal or figurative
Boston. Individuals were asked to self-identify their “main” race. In cases where the person was black-white biracial, they were identified as black. According to Khaing Zaw, statistical research associate at Duke University, the wealth of such biracial individuals more closely matched that of blacks than whites. Narratives and parental aid A 2014 Pew Research survey found that nearly 60 percent of Americans believed life success is determined by factors within individuals’ control. Often, the prevalent narrative is that people need to simply work hard and plan strategically, such as by deciding to save for college, researchers said. But data contradicts this thinking. Attaining bachelor’s degrees does not close the gap between blacks and whites: Researchers in the national UMichigan study found that black couples with bachelor’s degrees had a net worth of $38,000 compared to white couples with $329,000. One reason, researchers said, that pursuit of higher education may force those with much less wealth available for tuition to acquire significant student debt. The grit-and-formal-education narrative inhibits a more accurate view of drivers of wealth disparities — such as less inherited wealth that can be put toward college — and prevents public policy from targeting the true causes, researchers said. Due to longstanding racial inequities, white families tend to have more wealth accrued than black families, and so have greater financial resources they can leverage to assist their children in making downpayments on houses, attending college with minimal or no loans and making other investments that in turn, help them accrue more wealth, presenters said. In many cases, it takes money to make money: Liquid assets are needed to start a business and acquire a house. Adding to the advantage: those who have more wealth also may have social connections and familiarity navigating financial systems that further help their children. “Blacks kids are receiving less help from parents simply because parents have fewer resources,” said Yunju Nam, researcher from the State University of New York at Buffalo. Nam said that the national data found 33 percent of whites received parental assistance in funding their education, compared to 14 percent of blacks, and 13 percent of whites received parental help buying a home, versus 2 percent of blacks. The research underscores the need for policy reform to improve funding of public schools and provide cheaper, if not free, access to college, Nam said. Among the ways to do this: tuition aid based on need, not merit; government-provided matching college savings accounts for children;and reform of student loans, she said. “It was better in the past to borrow some money and go to college,” Nam said. “But now? Savings interest is less than 1 percent, but students pay sometimes 8 percent on loans. So how much money your father or mother has has a big impact on your education.” Government also can focus on assisting minority groups in acquiring homes and enforcing more strongly anti-discrimination policies in housing and mortgage markets, she said. Community organizations could assist as well by helping students who are low-income and of color navigate scholarship applications, Nam suggested. She added that if need-based financial aid can be secured, in some cases elite colleges may be the more affordable options. Via Bay State Banner Science 3 min read Can Quantum Cognition Explain our Bad Decisions? Zayan Guedim Jan 30, 2020 at 6:45 am GMT Zayan Guedim MattLphotography / Shutterstock.com Humans, by nature, are smart. But, we still make foolish or let’s say irrational decisions. Some scientists think the answer to this question is quantum physics-based. The laws that govern the behavior of objects on a microscopic scale could help shed new light on the human decision-making process. Quantum Cognition: the “Uncertain” Human Behavior We tend to make the wrong decisions, even when we have all the facts and know for sure what the outcome would be. No one is perfect. Our “intelligence” could fail us sometimes, and we end up making all kinds of wrong decisions. You do your homework, go through a reasoning process, and weigh up your options before coming to the final decision. And yet you still can miss the correct choice. At the crossroads between quantum physics and psychology, quantum cognition is an emerging discipline that may help us explain the fallacies of the human cognition machine. Some physicists and cognitive scientists are working to develop a quantum approach to the study of human cognition. Researchers are investigating how quantum physics concepts can offer better mathematical frameworks than classical theories of decision-making. According to B.F Skinner’s operant conditioning, or classic reinforcement learning, humans learn through reward and punishment. This also affects our decision-making. The decisions we make could involve “reward” or “punishment,” either literal or figurative
. In reality, however, people can’t always make subjective, seemingly simple decisions. Researchers at the University of Science and Technology in China have tested Quantum Reinforcement Learning (CRL) on human decision-making. They think human decision-making fallibility can be explained by “quantum uncertainty.” In quantum mechanics, the uncertainty principle states that you can never predict what happens in the subatomic world. The researchers believe QRL models outperform CRL models in predicting human behavior, and they designed their study to prove this was the case. They asked subjects to perform the Iowa Gambling Task, a game-like psychological test that uses cards to study decision making. MRI scans were produced to track the brain activity of subjects. “In all groups, the QRL models performed well when compared with the best CRL models and further revealed the representation of quantum-like internal-state-related variables in the medial frontal gyrus in both healthy subjects and smokers, suggesting that value-based decision-making can be illustrated by QRL at both the behavioral and neural levels.” The full result of the study (Quantum reinforcement learning during human decision-making) is published in the journal Nature Human Behavior. Read More: Theories of Language Development: How Languages Came to be Let Zayan Guedim know how much you appreciate this article by clicking the heart icon and by sharing this article on social media. Trilingual poet, investigative journalist, and novelist. Zed loves tackling the big existential questions and all-things quantum. Qutrit Teleportation Successfully Made for the First Time Quantum Physics Provide Evidence that the Future Influences the P... William McKinneyShare U.S Navy Files Patent for Room Temperature Superconductor Researchers Create World's First Quantum Fractals What the gig Economy Says About the Future of the Workplace Physicists are Using Lasers to Test Quantum Gravity Theories Is the Quantum Internet Terrorist-Proof? Are Cryptocurrencies at Risk of Quantum Hacking? Negative Mass Particles Created for the First Time by Researchers Humans and Technology: Where to Draw the Line There is Life After Death According to Quantum Physics 8 More Physics Questions Science Hasn't Answered How do I Learn Quantum Computing? Chinese Researchers Implant Human Brain Genes Into Monkeys Technology 13 min read Body Hacking, Buddhism, and Brainwaves: A Mindfulness Update Researchers Create the First Bose-Einstein Condensate in Space Culture + Design Meet The Man Who Turns Commercial Jets Into Airborne Palaces Stephen Vella reconfigures commercial aircrafts into airborne luxury jets for the wealthy elite. By Shawn Tully / Fortune This story originally appeared on fortune.com. It’s a thriving, little-known industry catering to the planet’s richest and most demanding travelers—European billionaires, Arabian heads-of-state, and CEOs who want to jet between continents as if they’d never left their their trophy penthouses. Welcome to the world of airline conversions, where artisanal project managers reconfigure big commercial aircraft into custom-designed, airborne luxury suites where the boss or monarch can huddle in a posh conference lounge that seats 40 colleagues. Related: This Company Is Going to Offer One Year of Unlimited Business-Class Flights for $35,000 “The big appeal is that a new generation of private jetliners, for the first time, can fly anywhere in the world without refueling,” says Stephen Vella, founder of Kestrel Aviation Management, a leader in the conversions field. “The world’s wealthiest no longer have to stop on their way to China.” And they’re willing to pay hundreds of millions of dollars for the regal convenience. Kestrel introduced its latest offering––an individually-tailored version, of course––in late May at the business aviation air show in Geneva. Though the jetliner was already sold to a Chinese conglomerate for close to $350 million, representatives for sheiks, princes, and tech billionaires toured Kestrel’s creation, a converted Boeing BBJ787-8 Dreamliner. It’s the first entry in the hottest new area in the conversions field: medium-sized commercial planes refitted for private owners. The wide-body 787 has major advantages over the two categories of jetliners previously favored by the ultra-wealthy and heads of state. Traditionally, the bottom end of the market has consisted of the narrow-body Boeing 737 and Airbus A320. Dominating the top end is the super-sized 747, the behemoth that’s long transported U.S. presidents as Air Force One and the jetliner of choice for Middle Eastern monarchs. While 737 and A320 private jets travel a maximum of 9.5 to 10 hours, or around 4,300 miles––
offer the best of all worlds. You can offer big offices, small offices, coworking space, virtual offices, hotdesks. Business centers can truly fill the one-space-fills-all bill by creating diversity within your walls. Some tenants may need complete privacy. You can offer that. Others may want more collaboration. You can offer that also. “We advocate that corporate real estate and workplace executives approach workplace management as a holistic practice starting at the C-suite level,” Kadzis says. “Workplace strategy is no longer a singular function of real estate, but a product of taking into account the needs and demands of the business, and how real estate should work with human resources, information technology, finance and other support functions to support overall organizational planning.” Image: serviced offices, ABCN.com jennifer.leclaire WASPY Awards 2017 Revision as of 18:16, 5 July 2017 by Sriram.sri (talk | contribs) (waspy1) 1 Purpose of the Awards 3 Categories 4 Rules 5 And the Nominees Are... 7 Sponsorship Opportunities 8 Communication 9 Past WASPY Awards Purpose of the Awards Each year there are many individuals who do amazing work, dedicating countless hours to share, improve, and strengthen the OWASP mission. Some of these individuals are well known to the community while others are not. The purpose of these awards is to bring recognition to those who "FLY UNDER THE RADAR". These are the individuals who are passionate about OWASP, who contribute hours of their own free time to the organization to help improve the cyber-security world, yet seem to go unrecognized. Call for Nominees Opens June 7, 2017 Call for Nominees Closes June 30, 2017 - CLOSED Announcement of Nominees per Category July 5, 2017 Deadline for Nominee Profile Picture and Bio to be created and added to the Nominees section July 10, 2017 Voting for Board & Staff Members Opens July 17, 2017 Voting for Board & Staff Members Closes July 24, 2017 Winners are Notified July 25, 2017 Announcement of Winners to the Community July 25, 2017 Award Ceremony at AppSecUSA 2017 in Orlando, FL September 21-22, 2017 The WASPYs celebrate the actors in our community who grow OWASP and drive innovation to the safety and security of the world’s software. This year we are excited to offer three categories. Best Community Supporter - The WASPY for COMMUNITY honors members who create dynamic INTERACTION and LEARNING opportunities for the OWASP Community. Nominees to the Community WASPY Award create collaborative and inclusive environments and grow the OWASP Community. WASPYs focus on the unsung heros of the OWASP community. Chapter Leaders and Community Members should especially consider leaders and volunteers who bring something extra to the environment, help the chapter reach out to new attendees, or carry out the tedious and repetitive tasks that make growing an OWASP Chapter possible. Best Mission Outreach - The WASPY for Mission Outreach honors community members who help the community GROW. Growth can happen inside the larger OWASP community or outside it in the broader AppSec and development communities. Leaders and Members should especially consider volunteers who pushed the boundaries of the audience and reach of OWASP to provide new exposure for OWASP’s projects and chapters. New leaders and volunteers who help bring more people to your chapter, project, or actively represent OWASP at non-OWASP events, gatherings, and activities to build an active OWASP community are ideal candidates for the Mission Outreach WASPY award. Best Innovator - The WASPY for Innovation is given to a community member who has contributed to the TECHNICAL advancement of OWASP in the past year. This advancement is usually through an OWASP Project and can be in the form of code, an application, or anything that materially makes the AppSec community better in a unique way. WASPYs focus on the unsung heros of the OWASP community who quietly go about making the world a bit better for their work. Project Leaders and Community Members should especially consider nominating new projects, projects that have recently graduated, and project contributors for this WASPY. Remember the purpose of these awards is to recognize the UNSUNG HEROS out there, that are barely recognized for their contributions to the OWASP Foundation. 1. Board members may not be nominated 2. Employees & Contractors may not be nominated 3. All nominees will remain anonymous until July 3, 2017 4. Anyone can nominate an "unsung hero" who has contributed in some way to OWASP who they feel
offer the best of all worlds. You can offer big offices, small offices, coworking space, virtual offices, hotdesks. Business centers can truly fill the one-space-fills-all bill by creating diversity within your walls. Some tenants may need complete privacy. You can offer that. Others may want more collaboration. You can offer that also. “We advocate that corporate real estate and workplace executives approach workplace management as a holistic practice starting at the C-suite level,” Kadzis says. “Workplace strategy is no longer a singular function of real estate, but a product of taking into account the needs and demands of the business, and how real estate should work with human resources, information technology, finance and other support functions to support overall organizational planning.” Image: serviced offices, ABCN.com jennifer.leclaire WASPY Awards 2017 Revision as of 18:16, 5 July 2017 by Sriram.sri (talk | contribs) (waspy1) 1 Purpose of the Awards 3 Categories 4 Rules 5 And the Nominees Are... 7 Sponsorship Opportunities 8 Communication 9 Past WASPY Awards Purpose of the Awards Each year there are many individuals who do amazing work, dedicating countless hours to share, improve, and strengthen the OWASP mission. Some of these individuals are well known to the community while others are not. The purpose of these awards is to bring recognition to those who "FLY UNDER THE RADAR". These are the individuals who are passionate about OWASP, who contribute hours of their own free time to the organization to help improve the cyber-security world, yet seem to go unrecognized. Call for Nominees Opens June 7, 2017 Call for Nominees Closes June 30, 2017 - CLOSED Announcement of Nominees per Category July 5, 2017 Deadline for Nominee Profile Picture and Bio to be created and added to the Nominees section July 10, 2017 Voting for Board & Staff Members Opens July 17, 2017 Voting for Board & Staff Members Closes July 24, 2017 Winners are Notified July 25, 2017 Announcement of Winners to the Community July 25, 2017 Award Ceremony at AppSecUSA 2017 in Orlando, FL September 21-22, 2017 The WASPYs celebrate the actors in our community who grow OWASP and drive innovation to the safety and security of the world’s software. This year we are excited to offer three categories. Best Community Supporter - The WASPY for COMMUNITY honors members who create dynamic INTERACTION and LEARNING opportunities for the OWASP Community. Nominees to the Community WASPY Award create collaborative and inclusive environments and grow the OWASP Community. WASPYs focus on the unsung heros of the OWASP community. Chapter Leaders and Community Members should especially consider leaders and volunteers who bring something extra to the environment, help the chapter reach out to new attendees, or carry out the tedious and repetitive tasks that make growing an OWASP Chapter possible. Best Mission Outreach - The WASPY for Mission Outreach honors community members who help the community GROW. Growth can happen inside the larger OWASP community or outside it in the broader AppSec and development communities. Leaders and Members should especially consider volunteers who pushed the boundaries of the audience and reach of OWASP to provide new exposure for OWASP’s projects and chapters. New leaders and volunteers who help bring more people to your chapter, project, or actively represent OWASP at non-OWASP events, gatherings, and activities to build an active OWASP community are ideal candidates for the Mission Outreach WASPY award. Best Innovator - The WASPY for Innovation is given to a community member who has contributed to the TECHNICAL advancement of OWASP in the past year. This advancement is usually through an OWASP Project and can be in the form of code, an application, or anything that materially makes the AppSec community better in a unique way. WASPYs focus on the unsung heros of the OWASP community who quietly go about making the world a bit better for their work. Project Leaders and Community Members should especially consider nominating new projects, projects that have recently graduated, and project contributors for this WASPY. Remember the purpose of these awards is to recognize the UNSUNG HEROS out there, that are barely recognized for their contributions to the OWASP Foundation. 1. Board members may not be nominated 2. Employees & Contractors may not be nominated 3. All nominees will remain anonymous until July 3, 2017 4. Anyone can nominate an "unsung hero" who has contributed in some way to OWASP who they feel
best fits each category 5. You may only nominate one person per category And the Nominees Are... Category & Citation AArasu Best Community Supporter "A great leader always there to help responds to emails quickly loves his work works very hard every day very supportive never loses focus strong willed very technical and willing to do things himself to get the job done when asked for something he will get it to you ASAP constant learner open to suggestions and ideas on how to be better respectful honest caring and I am certain HRC will make it big very soon :)" Sean Auriti Best Community Supporter "Sean has not only worked as a volunteer in the local chapter building community, his code projects are useful to the mission and his outreach efforts have included funding requests for OWASP Foundation to grow its mission. Sean is a great example of a community member." Nicole Becher Best Community Supporter "Nicole has been an amazing chapter leader. She brings knowledge and experience teaching cybersecurity to the Mentor Initiative, WIA Committee, and projects." Ken Belva Best Community Supporter "Ken is a long time chapter leader of the NYC chapter and a former chapter leader of the Brooklyn Chapter. Ken is always willing to step in and volunteer to help with OWASP initiatives and is a frequent participant in OWASP events as both a volunteer and speaker. Ken has spoken at AppSec USA on XSS techniques (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G539NwvpL3I) and is the project lead for the Basic Expression and Lexicon Variation Algorithms project (https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Basic_Expression_%26_Lexicon_Variation_Algorithms_(BELVA)_Project)." Tony Clarke Best Community Supporter "Tony has selflessly brought the OWASP dublin chapter to great nights. He has nurtured the chapter to be inclusive and open whilst growing the average attendee count to hundreds. He has spread the word across both security industry and developer industry and has also managed to get various organisations to work together such as ISACA, IISF, ISSA and ISC2. He is a great leader and despite detractors has built the chapter and awareness of software security issues in a strong vendor neutral manner to a great place. Tony is a great example of OWASP and industry leadership." Dinis Cruz Best Community Supporter "Diniz is a fantastic innovator and motivator. As the mastermind and organizer behind the OWASP Summit he has managed to re-energize the OWASP community - many interesting projects would not have happened (or at least, not been that successful) without his passionate work. Besides organizing the event, he also consistently supported project leaders with his experience and ideas." 2nd Citation: Dinis put ridiculous effort (https://github.com/OWASP/owasp-summit-2017/commits?author=DinisCruz) into the OWASP Summit 2017 and didn't tire promoting this event! Christian Folini Best Community Supporter "Christian Folini is very active in the Core Rule Set project community. He responds to a ton of questions submitted by newcomers when they are stuck and he answers expert level questions with stunning detail. He joined Chaim and Walter when they revived the project in 2016 and I heard he had the idea for the famous CRS3 release poster https://modsecurity.org/crs/poster that was shared all over the net. I think it's people like him that give OWASP a human face." Joaquin Fuentes Best Community Supporter "In 2015, Joaquin took it upon himself to revive the OWASP Phoenix Chapter. He created a meet-up group to gain broader visibility. Since 2015, the meeting attendance has grown from an average of 15 attendees to over 60! Joaquin dedicates a lot of time and effort into scheduling an impressive variety of presentation topics including safe hacking, vulnerability scanner deep dives, hands on web exploitation CTF, video game hacking and more. I learn something new and cool at every event. More importantly, Joaquin works hard to foster a friendly, inclusive environment. During our hands-on web exploitation session, Joaquin recruited co-works to assist participants with the Security Shephard challenges so no one felt overwhelmed or impossibly stuck. He always takes the time meet and welcome new members. For example, my 17-year-old son attends meetings with me. He looks up to Joaquin as a mentor for a future information security career because Joaquin encourages his learning and offers career guidance. I highly recommend Joaquin for a WASPY award!! He is a kind, soft spoken person with a passion for sharing information security and helping others!" 2nd Citation: "He resurrected the Phoenix chapter and has kept it going with great content." 3rd
shows signs of mental retardation that no one could fail to notice. Edit: “(perhaps I’m misunderstanding something—I most likely am)” “how much does learning to speak english increase a frenchman’s IQ? another very important question.” I wondered that too, just after reading your last post (on Anglophone vs francophone blacks. Don’t mind mug of pee, he’s trolling and since he uses my gravatar, his comments are now in the trash. “RealAfrosapiens” is mug of pee/mugabe/ian smith/ilovehitler/whatever stupid name. Now about African countries, first there aren’t real Francophone/Anglophone Africans, these countries have official languages that are inherited from colonialism but virtually none is spoken as a mother tongue by Black Africans. Secondly, I don’t see a real difference. The lowest of the lowest estimates are in the Sahelian belt and the horn of Africa. These countries are very rural and barely touched by modernity. But I can’t see a link with French colonialism, since countries like Benin, Togo, Cameroon, the Congo(s) and Gabon which are more modern also have higher estimates, the highest being Gabon: 84. Edit: “…reading your last comment (on anglophone vs. francophone…” That was him? Strange that I didn’t notice the different name (from yours). That’s weird, well don’t I feel dumb. It makes sense now that it was a troll LOL! Never mind. Secondly, I don’t see a real difference. The lowest of the lowest estimates are in the Sahelian belt and the horn of Africa. These countries are very rural and barely touched by modernity. ” Yeah, that makes a lot more sense. I should have checked the data. Edit: “…Yeah, that makes a lot more sense. I should have checked the data—a bit of a mental lapse on my part I guess.. It happens 😉 To AfroSapiens: The new report by Becker, (whatever other problems it may have)—and which I saw you commented on at Unz where James Thompson discussed it—, finds an IQ of 93 for Barbados (from IQ test data)—and 91 for the Bahamas—. So we can at least but to rest Lynn’s claim that Barbados scores at 79 (it’s clearly higher, ca. low-mid 90s). True, but look how other commenters react at the sight of European countries scoring in the 80s. People will not get over Lynn’s hierarchy. Cont: Becker link: below under “favorites” as well as under “national”: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3c4TxciNeJZWUx5bzBWZ1BuMUk/view “(despite the other problems it may or likely has, underestimating the IQs of many other countries)—and which I saw you commented” Edit: “…93 for Barbados (from IQ test data)—and 91 for the Bahamas—. So we can at least put to rest Lynn’s claim…” “*put to rest”—mistakenly written at first as “but to”… Also, the Barbadian data was actually from people afflicted with kwashiorkor and marasmus, or people that had at one time/as children been afflicted (yet two more—in addition to all the others—diseases/afflictions that can significantly lower IQ). So it seems maybe it’s possible that healthy Barbadian controls could score higher. “Long-term effects of early kwashiorkor compared with marasmus. II. Intellectual performance.” “Relation of Kwashiorkor in Early Childhood and Intelligence at School Age” https://www.nature.com/pr/journal/v5/n11/pdf/pr1971371a.pdf?origin=ppub Indeed. I think I remember this study. I posted a while back on peepee who dismissed it out of disbelief Also, the kwashiorkor/marasmus information is in the “Collection” section of the Becker (google sheets) IQ link I linked. “…who dismissed it out of disbelief” Yeah. He does seem to have a way of doing that. Minor correction: One Barbadian study/sample used (in the aforementioned Becker study) came from a group of normal Barbadian adults who averaged at an IQ of 94
shows signs of mental retardation that no one could fail to notice. Edit: “(perhaps I’m misunderstanding something—I most likely am)” “how much does learning to speak english increase a frenchman’s IQ? another very important question.” I wondered that too, just after reading your last post (on Anglophone vs francophone blacks. Don’t mind mug of pee, he’s trolling and since he uses my gravatar, his comments are now in the trash. “RealAfrosapiens” is mug of pee/mugabe/ian smith/ilovehitler/whatever stupid name. Now about African countries, first there aren’t real Francophone/Anglophone Africans, these countries have official languages that are inherited from colonialism but virtually none is spoken as a mother tongue by Black Africans. Secondly, I don’t see a real difference. The lowest of the lowest estimates are in the Sahelian belt and the horn of Africa. These countries are very rural and barely touched by modernity. But I can’t see a link with French colonialism, since countries like Benin, Togo, Cameroon, the Congo(s) and Gabon which are more modern also have higher estimates, the highest being Gabon: 84. Edit: “…reading your last comment (on anglophone vs. francophone…” That was him? Strange that I didn’t notice the different name (from yours). That’s weird, well don’t I feel dumb. It makes sense now that it was a troll LOL! Never mind. Secondly, I don’t see a real difference. The lowest of the lowest estimates are in the Sahelian belt and the horn of Africa. These countries are very rural and barely touched by modernity. ” Yeah, that makes a lot more sense. I should have checked the data. Edit: “…Yeah, that makes a lot more sense. I should have checked the data—a bit of a mental lapse on my part I guess.. It happens 😉 To AfroSapiens: The new report by Becker, (whatever other problems it may have)—and which I saw you commented on at Unz where James Thompson discussed it—, finds an IQ of 93 for Barbados (from IQ test data)—and 91 for the Bahamas—. So we can at least but to rest Lynn’s claim that Barbados scores at 79 (it’s clearly higher, ca. low-mid 90s). True, but look how other commenters react at the sight of European countries scoring in the 80s. People will not get over Lynn’s hierarchy. Cont: Becker link: below under “favorites” as well as under “national”: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3c4TxciNeJZWUx5bzBWZ1BuMUk/view “(despite the other problems it may or likely has, underestimating the IQs of many other countries)—and which I saw you commented” Edit: “…93 for Barbados (from IQ test data)—and 91 for the Bahamas—. So we can at least put to rest Lynn’s claim…” “*put to rest”—mistakenly written at first as “but to”… Also, the Barbadian data was actually from people afflicted with kwashiorkor and marasmus, or people that had at one time/as children been afflicted (yet two more—in addition to all the others—diseases/afflictions that can significantly lower IQ). So it seems maybe it’s possible that healthy Barbadian controls could score higher. “Long-term effects of early kwashiorkor compared with marasmus. II. Intellectual performance.” “Relation of Kwashiorkor in Early Childhood and Intelligence at School Age” https://www.nature.com/pr/journal/v5/n11/pdf/pr1971371a.pdf?origin=ppub Indeed. I think I remember this study. I posted a while back on peepee who dismissed it out of disbelief Also, the kwashiorkor/marasmus information is in the “Collection” section of the Becker (google sheets) IQ link I linked. “…who dismissed it out of disbelief” Yeah. He does seem to have a way of doing that. Minor correction: One Barbadian study/sample used (in the aforementioned Becker study) came from a group of normal Barbadian adults who averaged at an IQ of 94
(though the study also found/reported a sample of adults who had been malnourished in infancy and they scored at only 78—much lower than the healthy controls who scored 94—a difference of 16 points). The other sample came from a study of adolescents in which some had suffered from kwashiorkor of marasmus as young children, but only the healthy controls’ score was used (they scored around 90, at 89.5), and the afflicted groups (with kwashiorkor or marasmus) scored considerably/quite significantly lower)—the sample came from a study comparing afflicted and less affected/relatively healthy Barbadian adolescents, and finding large differences (I cited it above). In both studies, both affected samples and healthy controls came from about the same socio-economic background (in one study many across both groups were siblings) So the combined average for Barbados, as mentioned, was 93. Also, interestingly , the sample with the higher score (94) was more recent (Weber 2014) than the other one (Galler 1987), so perhaps this is due to/part of the Flynn effect (at least partly). though, the higher scoring sample is older than the other one (adult vs adolescent), and the ages are far enough apart that it may perhaps be a bit more something like improvement within a cohort due to educational or other environmental factors, than an across cohort effect—though the report mentions that severe infant malnutrition is now much less common than when the study was done, so a recent rising IQ effect may be likely at least partly due to that, and a recent low-mid 90s score should, as the studies show, be expected for the country. “Thus, whereas moderate-severe cases of infant malnutrition were of significant concern when this study was undertaken in the 1970’s, infant malnutrition is now virtually eliminated from the island due to its improved economy and the impact of island-wide nutrition-related education” (those afflicted with kwashiorkor or marasmus—excluded from the healthy controls in the second mentioned sample/study— scored iqs much lower than the others at 74 and 72, showing the significant iq depressive effects of those conditions and malnourishment, suggesting that the depressive effects of likely even worse conditions—like malaria, hookworm, etc—common in poorer countries in Africa and elsewhere, could be even worse/more severe, especially when combined, as they likely often are, with conditions like kwashiorkor, marasmus, other forms of malnutrition etc.) “In 2006, the BNS undertook to assess outcomes in its participants in mid-adulthood, including neuropsychological, psychiatric, and social functioning, as well as physical health. There was an estimated 9-fold increase in the prevalence of IQ in the range of intellectual disability (≤70) in the previously malnourished group, and basic academic skills were significantly depressed, even after adjusting for the effects of standard of living throughout childhood and adolescence (Waber, et al., 2013).” “The effect of early malnutrition and related conditions at the time of episode still emerged as significant even when the current environmental factors were controlled for.” In a Mexican study, healthy vs. afflicted differences of a similar magnitude: “Measured intelligence at school age was compared in 37 previously severely mal- nourished children and their siblings. The malnourished children all had been hos- pitalized for kwashiorkor…” “The siblings had never experienced a bout of severe malnutrition requiring hospitalization. The sibling controls were all within 3 yearsof age of the index cases. Full scale WISC IQof the index cases was 68.5 and of the con- trols 81.5. Verbal and performance differences were of similar magnitude and in the same direction.” Edit: …”and the groups’ ages/dates are far enough apart given the respective dates…” Edit “…(the study also contained/reported a sample of adults who had been malnourished in infancy and they…” Edit: “In studies, both affected samples and healthy controls came from generally similar socio-economic backgrounds, “recruited as children from the same classrooms and neighborhoods” (Waber 2014). (in one study, the last one from Mexico, those across both groups were siblings, thus from the same background). The Waber study mentions that: “…Although these environmental influences (my note: socio-economic correlates like parental education, income etc.) were themselves systematically associated with cognition and academic achievement as would be expected, they nevertheless did not mediate the association between malnutrition and cognitive compromise (Galler, Ramsey, & Forde, 1986; Galler, et al., 1983; Waber, et al., 2011).” Gary Nobelheim says: I can�
p^{\frac{\xi_A(w\cdot v_0)+w\cdot v_3}{\mu_A}}\Bigr)^i\Bigl(p^{\frac{\xi_B(w\cdot v_0)+w\cdot v_1}{\mu_B}}\Bigr)^jq^k. \end{align*} If $n^{\ast}\nmid n$, the sum over $j$ vanishes and $\Sigma_1^{(3)}=0$. In the other case, one has \begin{equation*} p^{\frac{\xi_B(w\cdot v_0)+w\cdot v_1}{\mu_B}}=1\quad\ \ \text{and subsequently}\quad\ \ p^{\frac{\xi_A(w\cdot v_0)+w\cdot v_3}{\mu_A}}=p^{\fAB(-s_0-1)}=q^{\fAB}, \end{equation*} leading to \begin{align} \Sigma_1^{(3)}&=\frac{\mu_B}{\mu_A\fAB}\sum_{i=0}^{\mu_A-1}\sum_{k=0}^{\fAB-1}(i\fAB+k)q^{i\fAB+k}\notag\\ &=\frac{\mu_B}{\mu_A\fAB}\sum_{l=0}^{\mu_A\fAB-1}lq^l\notag\\ &=\frac{\mu_B}{\mu_A\fAB}\frac{q^{\mu_A\fAB}(\mu_A\fAB q-\mu_A\fAB-q)+q}{(q-1)^2}\notag\\ &=\frac{\mu_B}{1-q}\left(-(F_3+1)+\frac{F_3}{\mu_A\fAB(1-q^{-1})}\right).\label{formSig13deelt} \end{align} Note that $q^{\mu_A\fAB}=p^{\xi_A(w\cdot v_0)+w\cdot v_3}=p^{w\cdot v_3}=F_3+1$ in this case. Let us now look at $\Sigma_1^{(0)}$. \subsubsection{The sum $\Sigma_1^{(0)}$} Still based on \eqref{pof1casedrie}, this time we ought to consider the following sum: \begin{align*} \Sigma_1^{(0)}&=\sum_{h\in H_1}h_0p^{w\cdot h}\\* &=\sum_{i=0}^{\mu_A-1}\sum_{j=0}^{\mu_B-1}\sum_{k=0}^{\fAB-1}\left\{\frac{i\xi_A\mu_B\fAB+j\xi_B\mu_A\fAB-k\Psi}{\mu_1}\right\}\cdot\\* &\quad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\Bigl(p^{\frac{\xi_A(w\cdot v_0)+w\cdot v_3}{\mu_A}}\Bigr)^i \Bigl(p^{\frac{\xi_B(w\cdot v_0)+w\cdot v_1}{\mu_B}}\Bigr)^jq^k. \end{align*} If we put \begin{equation}\label{defjnulc3} j_0=\left\lfloor\frac{i\xi_A\mu_B\fAB-k\Psi}{\mu_A\fAB}\right\rfloor, \end{equation} we can write this sum as \begin{align} \Sigma_1^{(0)}&=\frac{1}{\mu_B}\sum_{i=0}^{\mu_A-1}\sum_{k=0}^{\
p^{\frac{\xi_A(w\cdot v_0)+w\cdot v_3}{\mu_A}}\Bigr)^i\Bigl(p^{\frac{\xi_B(w\cdot v_0)+w\cdot v_1}{\mu_B}}\Bigr)^jq^k. \end{align*} If $n^{\ast}\nmid n$, the sum over $j$ vanishes and $\Sigma_1^{(3)}=0$. In the other case, one has \begin{equation*} p^{\frac{\xi_B(w\cdot v_0)+w\cdot v_1}{\mu_B}}=1\quad\ \ \text{and subsequently}\quad\ \ p^{\frac{\xi_A(w\cdot v_0)+w\cdot v_3}{\mu_A}}=p^{\fAB(-s_0-1)}=q^{\fAB}, \end{equation*} leading to \begin{align} \Sigma_1^{(3)}&=\frac{\mu_B}{\mu_A\fAB}\sum_{i=0}^{\mu_A-1}\sum_{k=0}^{\fAB-1}(i\fAB+k)q^{i\fAB+k}\notag\\ &=\frac{\mu_B}{\mu_A\fAB}\sum_{l=0}^{\mu_A\fAB-1}lq^l\notag\\ &=\frac{\mu_B}{\mu_A\fAB}\frac{q^{\mu_A\fAB}(\mu_A\fAB q-\mu_A\fAB-q)+q}{(q-1)^2}\notag\\ &=\frac{\mu_B}{1-q}\left(-(F_3+1)+\frac{F_3}{\mu_A\fAB(1-q^{-1})}\right).\label{formSig13deelt} \end{align} Note that $q^{\mu_A\fAB}=p^{\xi_A(w\cdot v_0)+w\cdot v_3}=p^{w\cdot v_3}=F_3+1$ in this case. Let us now look at $\Sigma_1^{(0)}$. \subsubsection{The sum $\Sigma_1^{(0)}$} Still based on \eqref{pof1casedrie}, this time we ought to consider the following sum: \begin{align*} \Sigma_1^{(0)}&=\sum_{h\in H_1}h_0p^{w\cdot h}\\* &=\sum_{i=0}^{\mu_A-1}\sum_{j=0}^{\mu_B-1}\sum_{k=0}^{\fAB-1}\left\{\frac{i\xi_A\mu_B\fAB+j\xi_B\mu_A\fAB-k\Psi}{\mu_1}\right\}\cdot\\* &\quad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\Bigl(p^{\frac{\xi_A(w\cdot v_0)+w\cdot v_3}{\mu_A}}\Bigr)^i \Bigl(p^{\frac{\xi_B(w\cdot v_0)+w\cdot v_1}{\mu_B}}\Bigr)^jq^k. \end{align*} If we put \begin{equation}\label{defjnulc3} j_0=\left\lfloor\frac{i\xi_A\mu_B\fAB-k\Psi}{\mu_A\fAB}\right\rfloor, \end{equation} we can write this sum as \begin{align} \Sigma_1^{(0)}&=\frac{1}{\mu_B}\sum_{i=0}^{\mu_A-1}\sum_{k=0}^{\
fAB-1}\Bigl(p^{\frac{\xi_A(w\cdot v_0)+w\cdot v_3}{\mu_A}}\Bigr)^iq^kS(i,k),\qquad\text{with}\label{sumoverjref}\\ S(i,k)&=\sum_{j=0}^{\mu_B-1}\left(\left\{\frac{i\xi_A\mu_B\fAB-k\Psi}{\mu_A\fAB}\right\}+\{j_0+j\xi_B\}_{\mu_B}\right)\Bigl(p^{\frac{\xi_B(w\cdot v_0)+w\cdot v_1}{\mu_B}}\Bigr)^j.\notag \end{align} Since $\gcd(\xi_B,\mu_B)=1$, the map \begin{align*} &\verB\to\verB:j\mapsto\{j_0+j\xi_B\}_{\mu_B}\\ \intertext{is a permutation, and with $\xi_B'$ as before the unique element $\xi_B'\in\verB$ such that $\xi_B\xi_B'\equiv1\bmod\mu_B$, the inverse permutation is given by} &\verB\to\verB:j\mapsto\{(j-j_0)\xi_B'\}_{\mu_B}. \end{align*} Therefore, after reordering the terms, the sum $S(i,k)$ can be written as \begin{align} S(i,k)&=\sum_{j=0}^{\mu_B-1}\left(\left\{\frac{i\xi_A\mu_B\fAB-k\Psi}{\mu_A\fAB}\right\}+j\right)\Bigl(p^{\frac{\xi_B(w\cdot v_0)+w\cdot v_1}{\mu_B}}\Bigr)^{\{(j-j_0)\xi_B'\}_{\mu_B}}\label{sumoverjex1}\\ &=\Bigl(p^{\frac{w\cdot v_0+\xi_B'(w\cdot v_1)}{\mu_B}}\Bigr)^{-j_0}\sum_j\left(\left\{\frac{i\xi_A\mu_B\fAB-k\Psi}{\mu_A\fAB}\right\}+j\right)\Bigl(p^{\frac{w\cdot v_0+\xi_B'(w\cdot v_1)}{\mu_B}}\Bigr)^j.\label{sumoverjex2} \end{align} Indeed, as $p^{(\xi_B(w\cdot v_0)+w\cdot v_1)/\mu_B}$ is a $\mu_B$th root of unity, one may omit the curly brackets $\{\cdot\}_{\mu_B}$ in the exponent in \eqref{sumoverjex1}. Expression~\eqref{sumoverjex2} is then obtained by \eqref{teentottander} and the fact that $j_0$ is independent of $j$. It is now a good time to make a case distinction between $n^{\ast}\mid n$ and $n^{\ast}\nmid n$. \paragraph{Case $n^{\ast}\mid n$} Since in this case \begin{equation*} p^{\frac{\xi_A(w\cdot v_0)+w\cdot v_3}{\mu_A}}=p^{\fAB(-s_0-1)}=q^{\fAB}\qquad\text{and}\qquad p^{\frac{w\cdot v_0+\xi_B'(w\cdot v_1)}{\mu_B}}=1, \end{equation*} Equations~\eqref{sumoverjref} and \eqref{sumoverjex2} give rise to
se dejen ver. Adiós. Las dos niñas lloraron amargamente (sin saber en realidad por qué), abrazaron al León y besaron su melena, su nariz, sus manos y sus grandes ojos tristes. Luego él se alejó de ellas y subió a la cima de la colina. Lucía y Susana se escondieron detrás de los arbustos, y esto fue lo que vieron. Una gran multitud rodeaba la Mesa de Piedra y, aunque la luna resplandecía, muchos de los que allí estaban sostenían antorchas que ardían con llamas rojas y demoníacas y despedían humo negro. Pero ¡qué clase de gente había allí! Ogros con dientes monstruosos, lobos, hombres con cabezas de toro, espíritus de árboles malvados y de plantas venenosas y otras criaturas que no voy a describir porque, si lo hiciera, probablemente los adultos no permitirían que ustedes leyeran este libro... Eran sanguinarias, aterradoras, demoníacas, fantasmales, horrendas, espectrales. En efecto, ahí se encontraban reunidos todos los que estaban de parte de la Bruja, aquellos que el Lobo había convocado obedeciendo la orden dada por ella. Justo al centro, de pie cerca de la Mesa, estaba la Bruja en persona. Un aullido y una algarabía espantosa surgieron de la multitud cuando aquellos horribles seres vieron que el León avanzaba paso a paso hacia ellos. Por un momento, la misma Bruja pareció paralizada por el miedo. Pronto se recobró y lanzó una carcajada salvaje. –¡El idiota! –gritó–. ¡El idiota ha venido! ¡Átenlo de inmediato! Susana y Lucía, sin respirar, esperaron el rugido de Aslan y su salto para atacar a sus enemigos. Pero nada de eso se produjo. Cuatro hechiceras, con horribles muecas y miradas salvajes, aunque también (al principio) vacilantes y algo asustadas de lo que debían hacer, se aproximaron a él. –¡Átenlo, les digo! –repitió la Bruja. Las hechiceras le arrojaron un dardo y chillaron triunfantes al ver que no oponía resistencia. Luego otros –enanos y monos malvados– corrieron a ayudarlas, y entre todos enrollaron una cuerda alrededor del inmenso León y amarraron sus cuatro patas juntas. Gritaban y aplaudían como si hubieran realizado un acto de valentía, aunque con sólo una de sus garras el León podría haberlos matado a todos si lo hubiera querido. Pero no hizo ni un solo ruido, ni siquiera cuando los enemigos, con terrible violencia, tiraron de las cuerdas en tal forma que éstas penetraron su carne. Por último comenzaron a arrastrarlo hacia la Mesa de Piedra. –¡Alto! –dijo la Bruja–. ¡Que se le corte el pelo primero! Otro coro de risas malvadas surgió de la multitud cuando un ogro se acercó con un par de tijeras y se agachó al lado de la cabeza de Aslan. _Snip-Snip-Snip_ sonaron las tijeras y los rizos dorados comenzaron a caer y a amontonarse en el suelo. El ogro se e
se dejen ver. Adiós. Las dos niñas lloraron amargamente (sin saber en realidad por qué), abrazaron al León y besaron su melena, su nariz, sus manos y sus grandes ojos tristes. Luego él se alejó de ellas y subió a la cima de la colina. Lucía y Susana se escondieron detrás de los arbustos, y esto fue lo que vieron. Una gran multitud rodeaba la Mesa de Piedra y, aunque la luna resplandecía, muchos de los que allí estaban sostenían antorchas que ardían con llamas rojas y demoníacas y despedían humo negro. Pero ¡qué clase de gente había allí! Ogros con dientes monstruosos, lobos, hombres con cabezas de toro, espíritus de árboles malvados y de plantas venenosas y otras criaturas que no voy a describir porque, si lo hiciera, probablemente los adultos no permitirían que ustedes leyeran este libro... Eran sanguinarias, aterradoras, demoníacas, fantasmales, horrendas, espectrales. En efecto, ahí se encontraban reunidos todos los que estaban de parte de la Bruja, aquellos que el Lobo había convocado obedeciendo la orden dada por ella. Justo al centro, de pie cerca de la Mesa, estaba la Bruja en persona. Un aullido y una algarabía espantosa surgieron de la multitud cuando aquellos horribles seres vieron que el León avanzaba paso a paso hacia ellos. Por un momento, la misma Bruja pareció paralizada por el miedo. Pronto se recobró y lanzó una carcajada salvaje. –¡El idiota! –gritó–. ¡El idiota ha venido! ¡Átenlo de inmediato! Susana y Lucía, sin respirar, esperaron el rugido de Aslan y su salto para atacar a sus enemigos. Pero nada de eso se produjo. Cuatro hechiceras, con horribles muecas y miradas salvajes, aunque también (al principio) vacilantes y algo asustadas de lo que debían hacer, se aproximaron a él. –¡Átenlo, les digo! –repitió la Bruja. Las hechiceras le arrojaron un dardo y chillaron triunfantes al ver que no oponía resistencia. Luego otros –enanos y monos malvados– corrieron a ayudarlas, y entre todos enrollaron una cuerda alrededor del inmenso León y amarraron sus cuatro patas juntas. Gritaban y aplaudían como si hubieran realizado un acto de valentía, aunque con sólo una de sus garras el León podría haberlos matado a todos si lo hubiera querido. Pero no hizo ni un solo ruido, ni siquiera cuando los enemigos, con terrible violencia, tiraron de las cuerdas en tal forma que éstas penetraron su carne. Por último comenzaron a arrastrarlo hacia la Mesa de Piedra. –¡Alto! –dijo la Bruja–. ¡Que se le corte el pelo primero! Otro coro de risas malvadas surgió de la multitud cuando un ogro se acercó con un par de tijeras y se agachó al lado de la cabeza de Aslan. _Snip-Snip-Snip_ sonaron las tijeras y los rizos dorados comenzaron a caer y a amontonarse en el suelo. El ogro se e
chó hacia atrás, y las niñas, que observaban desde su escondite, pudieron ver la cara de Aslan, tan pequeña y diferente sin su melena. Los enemigos también se percataron de la diferencia. –¡Miren, no es más que un gato grande, después de todo! –gritó uno. –¿De _eso_ estábamos asustados? –dijo otro. Y todos rodearon a Aslan y se burlaron de él con frases como "Misu, misu. Pobre gatita", "¿Cuántos ratones cazaste hoy, gato?" o "¿Quieres un platito de leche?". –¡Oh! ¿Cómo pueden? –dijo Lucía mientras las lágrimas corrían por sus mejillas–. ¡Qué salvajes, qué salvajes! Pero ahora que el primer impacto ante su vista estaba superado, la cara desnuda de Aslan le pareció más valiente, más bella y más paciente que nunca. –¡Pónganle un bozal! –ordenó la Bruja. Incluso en ese momento, mientras ellos se afanaban junto a su cara para ponerle el bozal, un mordisco de sus mandíbulas les hubiera costado las manos a dos o tres de ellos. Pero no se movió. Esto pareció enfurecer a esa chusma. Ahora todos estaban frente a él. Aquellos que tenían miedo de acercarse, aun después de que el León quedó limitado por las cuerdas que lo ataban, comenzaron ahora a envalentonarse y en pocos minutos las niñas ya no pudieron verlo siquiera. Una inmensa muchedumbre lo rodeaba estrechamente y lo pateaba, lo golpeaba, le escupía y se mofaba de él. Por fin, la chusma pensó que ya era suficiente. Entonces volvieron a arrastrarlo amarrado y amordazado hasta la Mesa de Piedra. Unos empujaban y otros tiraban. Era tan inmenso que, después de haber llegado hasta la Mesa, tuvieron que emplear todas sus fuerzas para alzarlo y colocarlo sobre la superficie. Allí hubo más amarras y las cuerdas se apretaron ferozmente. –¡Cobardes! ¡Cobardes! –sollozó Susana–. ¡Todavía le tienen miedo, incluso ahora! Una vez que Aslan estuvo atado (y tan atado que realmente estaba convertido en una masa de cuerdas) sobre la piedra, un súbito silencio reinó entre la multitud. Cuatro hechiceras, sosteniendo cuatro antorchas, se instalaron en las esquinas de la Mesa. La Bruja desnudó sus brazos, tal como los había desnudado la noche anterior ante Edmundo en lugar de Aslan. Luego procedió a afilar su cuchillo. Cuando la tenue luz de las antorchas cayó sobre éste, las niñas pensaron que era un cuchillo de piedra en vez de acero. Su forma era extraña y diabólica. Finalmente, ella se acercó y se situó junto a la cabeza de Aslan. La cara de la Bruja estaba crispada de furor y de pasión; Aslan miraba el cielo, siempre quieto, sin demostrar enojo ni miedo, sino tan sólo un poco de tristeza. Entonces, un
the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, That from and after the twenty ninth day of September, one thousand seven hundred and sixty four, there shall be raised, levied, collected, and paid, unto his Majesty, his heirs and successors, for and upon all white or clayed sugars of the produce or manufacture of any colony or plantation in America, not under the dominion of his Majesty, his heirs and successors; for and upon indigo, and coffee of foreign produce or manufacture; for and upon wines (except French wine;) for and upon all wrought silks, bengals, and stuffs, mixed with silk or herbs of the manufacture of Persia, China, or East India, and all calico painted, dyed, printed, or stained there; and for and upon all foreign linen cloth called Cambrick and French Lawns, which shall be imported or brought into any colony or plantation in America, which now is, or hereafter may be, under the dominion of his Majesty, his heirs and successors, the several rates and duties following; that is to say, For every hundred weight avoirdupois of such foreign white or clayed sugars, one pound two shillings, over and above all other duties imposed by any former act of parliament. For every pound weight avoirdupois of such foreign indigo, six pence. For every hundred weight avoirdupois of such foreign coffee, which shall be imported from any place, except Great Britain, two pounds, nineteen shillings, and ninepence. For every ton of wine of the growth of the Madeiras, or of any other island or place from whence such wine may be lawfully imported, and which shall be so imported from such islands or place, the sum of seven pounds For every ton of Portugal, Spanish, or any other wine (except French wine) imported from Great Britain, the sum of ten shillings. For every pound weight avoirdupois of wrought silks, bengals, and stuffs, mixed silk or herbs, of the manufacture of Persia, China, or East India, imported from Great Britain, two shillings. For every piece of calico painted, dyed, printed, or stained, in Persia, China, or East India, imported from Great Britain, two shillings and six pence. For every piece of foreign linen cloth, called Cambrick, imported from Great Britain, three shillings. For every piece of French lawn imported from Great Britain, three shillings. And after those rates for any greater or lesser quantity of such goods respectively. II. And it is hereby further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That from and after the said twenty ninth day of September, one thousand seven hundred and sixty four, there shall also be raised, levied, collected, and paid, unto his Majesty, his heirs and successors, for and upon all coffee and pimento of the growth and produce of any British colony or plantation in America, which shall be there laden on board any British ship or vessel, to be carried out from thence to any other place whatsoever, except Great Britain, the several rates and duties following; that is to say, III. For every hundred weight avoirdupois of such British coffee, seven shillings. For every pound weight avoirdupois of such British pimento, one halfpenny. IV. And whereas an act was made in the sixth year of the reign of his late majesty King George the Second, intituled, An act for the better securing and encouraging the trade of his Majesty’s sugar colonies in America, which was to continue in force for five years, to be computed from the twenty fourth day of June, one thousand seven hundred and thirty three, and to the end of the then next session of parliament, and which, by several subsequent acts made in the eleventh, the nineteenth, the twenty sixth, and twenty ninth, and the thirty first years of the reign of his said late Majesty, was, from time to time, continued; and, by an act made in the first year of the reign of his present Majesty, was further continued until the end of this present session of parliament; and although the said act hath been found in some degree useful, yet it is highly expedient that the same should be altered, enforced, and made more effectual; but, in consideration of the great distance of several of the said colonies and plantations from this kingdom, it will be proper further to continue the said act for a short space, before any alterations and amendments shall take effect, in order that all persons concerned may have due and proper notice thereof; be it therefore enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said act made in the sixth year of the reign of his late majesty King George the Second, intituled
the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, That from and after the twenty ninth day of September, one thousand seven hundred and sixty four, there shall be raised, levied, collected, and paid, unto his Majesty, his heirs and successors, for and upon all white or clayed sugars of the produce or manufacture of any colony or plantation in America, not under the dominion of his Majesty, his heirs and successors; for and upon indigo, and coffee of foreign produce or manufacture; for and upon wines (except French wine;) for and upon all wrought silks, bengals, and stuffs, mixed with silk or herbs of the manufacture of Persia, China, or East India, and all calico painted, dyed, printed, or stained there; and for and upon all foreign linen cloth called Cambrick and French Lawns, which shall be imported or brought into any colony or plantation in America, which now is, or hereafter may be, under the dominion of his Majesty, his heirs and successors, the several rates and duties following; that is to say, For every hundred weight avoirdupois of such foreign white or clayed sugars, one pound two shillings, over and above all other duties imposed by any former act of parliament. For every pound weight avoirdupois of such foreign indigo, six pence. For every hundred weight avoirdupois of such foreign coffee, which shall be imported from any place, except Great Britain, two pounds, nineteen shillings, and ninepence. For every ton of wine of the growth of the Madeiras, or of any other island or place from whence such wine may be lawfully imported, and which shall be so imported from such islands or place, the sum of seven pounds For every ton of Portugal, Spanish, or any other wine (except French wine) imported from Great Britain, the sum of ten shillings. For every pound weight avoirdupois of wrought silks, bengals, and stuffs, mixed silk or herbs, of the manufacture of Persia, China, or East India, imported from Great Britain, two shillings. For every piece of calico painted, dyed, printed, or stained, in Persia, China, or East India, imported from Great Britain, two shillings and six pence. For every piece of foreign linen cloth, called Cambrick, imported from Great Britain, three shillings. For every piece of French lawn imported from Great Britain, three shillings. And after those rates for any greater or lesser quantity of such goods respectively. II. And it is hereby further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That from and after the said twenty ninth day of September, one thousand seven hundred and sixty four, there shall also be raised, levied, collected, and paid, unto his Majesty, his heirs and successors, for and upon all coffee and pimento of the growth and produce of any British colony or plantation in America, which shall be there laden on board any British ship or vessel, to be carried out from thence to any other place whatsoever, except Great Britain, the several rates and duties following; that is to say, III. For every hundred weight avoirdupois of such British coffee, seven shillings. For every pound weight avoirdupois of such British pimento, one halfpenny. IV. And whereas an act was made in the sixth year of the reign of his late majesty King George the Second, intituled, An act for the better securing and encouraging the trade of his Majesty’s sugar colonies in America, which was to continue in force for five years, to be computed from the twenty fourth day of June, one thousand seven hundred and thirty three, and to the end of the then next session of parliament, and which, by several subsequent acts made in the eleventh, the nineteenth, the twenty sixth, and twenty ninth, and the thirty first years of the reign of his said late Majesty, was, from time to time, continued; and, by an act made in the first year of the reign of his present Majesty, was further continued until the end of this present session of parliament; and although the said act hath been found in some degree useful, yet it is highly expedient that the same should be altered, enforced, and made more effectual; but, in consideration of the great distance of several of the said colonies and plantations from this kingdom, it will be proper further to continue the said act for a short space, before any alterations and amendments shall take effect, in order that all persons concerned may have due and proper notice thereof; be it therefore enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said act made in the sixth year of the reign of his late majesty King George the Second, intituled
, An act for the better securing and encouraging the trade of his Majesty’s sugar colonies in America, shall be, and the same is hereby further continued, until the thirtieth day of September, one thousand seven hundred and sixty four. V. And it be further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That from the twenty ninth day of September, one thousand seven hundred and sixty four, the said act, subject to such alterations and amendments as are herein after contained, shall be, and the same is hereby made perpetual. VI. And it be further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That in lieu and instead of the rate and duty imposed by the said act upon molasses and syrups, there shall, from and after the said twenty ninth day of September, one thousand seven hundred and sixty four, be raised, levied, collected, and paid, unto his Majesty, his heirs and successors, for and upon every gallon of molasses or syrups, being the growth, product, or manufacture, of any colony or plantation in America, not under the dominion of his Majesty, his heir or successors, which shall be imported or brought into any colony or plantation in America, which now is, or hereafter may be, under the dominion of his Majesty, his heirs or successors, the sum of three pence. VII. And it be hereby further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said rates and duties hereby charged upon such foreign white or clayed sugars, foreign indigo, foreign coffee, wines, wrought silks, bengals, and stuffs, mixed with silk or herbs, calico, cambricks, French lawns, and foreign molasses or syrups, imported into any British American colony or plantation shall be raised, levied, collected, and paid, in the same manner and form, and by such rules, ways and means, and under such penalties and forfeitures (not otherwise altered by this act) as are mentioned and expressed in the said act of parliament, made in the sixth year of the reign of his late majesty King George the Second, with respect to the raising, levying, collecting, and payment, of the rates and duties thereby granted; and that the aforesaid duties hereby charged upon British coffee and pimento, exported from any British colony or plantation, shall be raised, levied, collected, and paid, in the same manner and form, and forfeitures, as are mentioned and referred unto in an act of parliament, made in the twenty fifth year of the reign of King Charles the Second, intituled, An act for the encouragement of the Greenland and Eastland trades, and for the better securing the plantation trade, with respect to the raising, levying, collecting, and payment of the rates and duties thereby granted upon the several goods therein particularly enumerated: and that all powers, penalties, provisions, articles, and clauses, in those acts respectively contained and referred unto (except in such cases where any alteration is made by this act) shall be observed, applied, practised, and put in execution, for the raising, levying, collecting, and answering, the respective rates and duties granted by this act, as fully and effectually, as if the same were particularly and at large re-enacted in the body of this present act, and applied to the rates and duties hereby imposed; and as fully and effectually, to all intents and purposes, as the same could have been at any time put in execution, for the like purposes, with respect to the rates and duties granted by the said former acts. VIII. Provided always, and it is hereby further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if the importer of any wines shall refuse to pay the duties hereby imposed thereon, it shall and may be lawful for the collector, or other proper officer of the customs where such wines shall be imported, and he is hereby respectively required to take and secure the same, with the casks or other package thereof, and to cause the same to be publicly sold, within the space of twenty days at the most after such refusal made, and at such time and place as such officer, shall, by four or more days public notice, appoint for that purpose; which wine shall be sold to the best bidder, and the money arising by the said duties, together with the charges that shall have been occasioned by the said sale; and the overplus, if any, shall be paid to such importer, or any other person authorized to receive the same. IX. Provided also, That if the money offered for the purchase of such wine shall not be sufficient to discharge the duty and charges aforesaid, then, and in every such case, the collector, or other proper officer, shall cause the wine to be staved, split, or otherwise destroyed, and shall return the casks or other package wherein the same was contained to such importer. X. And it is hereby declared and enacted, That every piece of calico
the usual coldness from Joe, who once seems to care less about emotional involvement over the physical act of sex. Men are replaceable to Joe. Well… except for one. Shia LaBeouf plays Jerôme, the man who once happened to take her virginity in three thrusts (plus five more in the behind, spelled out in numbers that are burned on the image, hence the Fibonacci number). He comes to matter to her because she denies him sex for much of their second life together, when he rather surreptitiously reappears in her life as her boss. The most sincerely accomplished and, finally insightful, of the chapters must be “The Little Organ School,” which comes toward the end of Volume I. Once again, Seligman illuminates Joe’s account with a theoretical notion, this time the musical one of polyphony. And again, Joe turns the story back to herself, noting three particularly distinct love affairs during a time at the height of her sexual escapades, where she was bedding an average of 10 men a day. Our director, in turn, works in montages within a triple split-screen, featuring Jerôme at the center. It’s another rather overt move by von Trier, but it also reveals a complexity in this woman’s sexuality rarely represented so vividly and powerfully in the film. It also allows for a rare moment of emotional illumination of this woman, who may indeed have a human, beating heart and a desire to be understood. Returning to the notion of anima and animus, it’s not incidental that Joe has a name more often associated with men. It hints at one of the more interesting premises in the film that offers up many ideas surrounding sex to varying effect. There’s one rather witty scene where Joe flawlessly parallel parks for a frazzled Jerôme who insists the gap between two cars is too small for his vehicle. So much for this idea, Germany. Yet, as this film is but a “Volume I,” it feels incomplete when we get a sort of cliffhanger of an ending that would have actually worked quite ingeniously as a finale to the film had it been a movie focused on Joe’s trouble with feelings and sex. Still lingering of course is the mystery that put Joe in the street, not to mention what role Seligman has to play beyond fun house mirror to her tales of perverse sexual behavior. It becomes difficult to make up one’s mind about this film without the completed vision. Maybe it will let down because, so far— barring some hopeful moments toward the end— it mostly feels like the usual forceful von Trier. Joe still has to finish that long story she began, so we can find out the why and the what in “Volume II.” Also, could von Trier be pandering to U.S. audiences too much? Has he compromised not only by dropping almost a half-hour of (what some reports have said) of more sexual images and some extended dialogue? Has he also gone too far in following the annoying trend of several recent Hollywood movies of allowing his film to be chopped in half for easier consumption at the cost of complete story flow? Beneath these kinks and complaints, is a rather intelligent and bold concept few filmmakers dare to unabashedly explore: a rather taboo subject, not just for mainstream cinema, but a male director: a woman and the power of her sex. Nymph()maniac Volume I stands as an interesting though mostly imperfect film that teases there may be some hope for the follow up, out next month. Nymphomaniac Volume I runs 118 minutes and is not rated (it would have been an easy NC-17 had it been presented to the MPAA for a rating). It opened this past weekend in South Florida in Miami Beach Cinematheque, Bill Cosford Cinema, O Cinema and the Tower Theater. It is also available on demand, but it’s a beautiful big screen film. Note: Nymph()maniac Volume II will see release in April. Here’s that trailer, which bodes some hope for the questions brought up by this review: Tagged: Bill Cosford Cinema, Björk, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Denmark, Emily Watson, Hugo Speer, Kirsten Dunst, Lars Von Trier, Miami Beach Cinematheque, Nymph()maniac, Nymphomania, O Cinema, Shia LaBeouf, Sophie Kennedy Clark, Stacy Martin, Stellan Skarsgård, Tower Theater, Uma Thurman PetSmart Has Launched a Harry Potter Pet Collection Fans of the Wizarding World will be delighted to know that PetSmart has teamed up with Warner Bros. Consumer Products to launch its first-ever Harry Potter-inspired collection for pets. From chew toys to clothing products, furry friends can now enjoy the magic and wonder of Hogwarts.
the usual coldness from Joe, who once seems to care less about emotional involvement over the physical act of sex. Men are replaceable to Joe. Well… except for one. Shia LaBeouf plays Jerôme, the man who once happened to take her virginity in three thrusts (plus five more in the behind, spelled out in numbers that are burned on the image, hence the Fibonacci number). He comes to matter to her because she denies him sex for much of their second life together, when he rather surreptitiously reappears in her life as her boss. The most sincerely accomplished and, finally insightful, of the chapters must be “The Little Organ School,” which comes toward the end of Volume I. Once again, Seligman illuminates Joe’s account with a theoretical notion, this time the musical one of polyphony. And again, Joe turns the story back to herself, noting three particularly distinct love affairs during a time at the height of her sexual escapades, where she was bedding an average of 10 men a day. Our director, in turn, works in montages within a triple split-screen, featuring Jerôme at the center. It’s another rather overt move by von Trier, but it also reveals a complexity in this woman’s sexuality rarely represented so vividly and powerfully in the film. It also allows for a rare moment of emotional illumination of this woman, who may indeed have a human, beating heart and a desire to be understood. Returning to the notion of anima and animus, it’s not incidental that Joe has a name more often associated with men. It hints at one of the more interesting premises in the film that offers up many ideas surrounding sex to varying effect. There’s one rather witty scene where Joe flawlessly parallel parks for a frazzled Jerôme who insists the gap between two cars is too small for his vehicle. So much for this idea, Germany. Yet, as this film is but a “Volume I,” it feels incomplete when we get a sort of cliffhanger of an ending that would have actually worked quite ingeniously as a finale to the film had it been a movie focused on Joe’s trouble with feelings and sex. Still lingering of course is the mystery that put Joe in the street, not to mention what role Seligman has to play beyond fun house mirror to her tales of perverse sexual behavior. It becomes difficult to make up one’s mind about this film without the completed vision. Maybe it will let down because, so far— barring some hopeful moments toward the end— it mostly feels like the usual forceful von Trier. Joe still has to finish that long story she began, so we can find out the why and the what in “Volume II.” Also, could von Trier be pandering to U.S. audiences too much? Has he compromised not only by dropping almost a half-hour of (what some reports have said) of more sexual images and some extended dialogue? Has he also gone too far in following the annoying trend of several recent Hollywood movies of allowing his film to be chopped in half for easier consumption at the cost of complete story flow? Beneath these kinks and complaints, is a rather intelligent and bold concept few filmmakers dare to unabashedly explore: a rather taboo subject, not just for mainstream cinema, but a male director: a woman and the power of her sex. Nymph()maniac Volume I stands as an interesting though mostly imperfect film that teases there may be some hope for the follow up, out next month. Nymphomaniac Volume I runs 118 minutes and is not rated (it would have been an easy NC-17 had it been presented to the MPAA for a rating). It opened this past weekend in South Florida in Miami Beach Cinematheque, Bill Cosford Cinema, O Cinema and the Tower Theater. It is also available on demand, but it’s a beautiful big screen film. Note: Nymph()maniac Volume II will see release in April. Here’s that trailer, which bodes some hope for the questions brought up by this review: Tagged: Bill Cosford Cinema, Björk, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Denmark, Emily Watson, Hugo Speer, Kirsten Dunst, Lars Von Trier, Miami Beach Cinematheque, Nymph()maniac, Nymphomania, O Cinema, Shia LaBeouf, Sophie Kennedy Clark, Stacy Martin, Stellan Skarsgård, Tower Theater, Uma Thurman PetSmart Has Launched a Harry Potter Pet Collection Fans of the Wizarding World will be delighted to know that PetSmart has teamed up with Warner Bros. Consumer Products to launch its first-ever Harry Potter-inspired collection for pets. From chew toys to clothing products, furry friends can now enjoy the magic and wonder of Hogwarts.
With a range of themed accessories from each Hogwarts house, you can pick your favorite pieces to perfectly match your pups’ personality, whether they’re a Gryffindor, just like Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley, or a Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin. Not sure which house your four-legged friend belongs in? There’s even a sorting hat! The new and exclusive spellbinding collection was developed by Fetch for Pets and features everything from plush characters and charming collars to warming clothing and fun toys that are perfect for outdoor play. All of the items in the range are priced under $20, and there’s something for every doggo to enjoy. The Sorting Hat Burrow Toy, Harry Potter Plush Toy, Harry Potter Glasses Rope Toy, and the Dumbledore Crinkle Toy will keep dogs captivated for hours, while the Nimbus 2000 Rope Toy is great for pets who have always dreamed of winning the Quidditch Cup. Your dog can also beat the chill this winter with a Harry Potter-themed hoodie that’s sure to set your pup apart from the rest, available in sizes x-small to x-large. “We couldn’t be more excited to partner with Warner Bros. Consumer Products on these exclusive accessories and toys to share the magic with this Harry Potter collection at PetSmart,” said Kristin Shane, Senior Vice President of Merchandising for PetSmart in a release announcing the collection. “We know pet parents will do anything for their pets. With the Wizarding World being such an iconic and beloved franchise, we know that this new collection will bring charm and joy and to both pet parents and their pets.” Rwanda, land of a thousand hillsUganda Gorilla Express through Kigali Uganda Gorilla Express through Kigali This tour combines Rwanda and Uganda. Starting in Kigali where you have time for a city tour before travelling to Uganda. You will enter Uganda through Cyanika border and then continue to either Mgahinga Gorilla NP or Bwindi Impenetrable NP. On the last day, you have a scenic flight to Entebbe where you will catch your departure flight. The tour provides a perfect combination of the 2 countries for those who with limited time. Rwanda Genocide Memorials Discover Kigali Discover Mgahinga Gorilla National Park Habituation of primates: What does it mean? Guided Nature Walks The Batwa of Uganda Observation of the Golden Monkeys Parks & Places: Discover Gahinga Special interest: RECOMMENDED ACCOMMODATION: BUDGET(**): Hotel Chez Lando & Travellers Rest Hotel. MIDRANGE(***): Hotel des Milles Collines & Lake Mulehe Safari Lodge. HIGH-END(****): Kigali Serena Hotel & Mount Gahinga Lodge. Kigali – Musanze: 105Kms - 2h30 Musanze – Kisoro border: 00h30 Day 01: Arrival in Kigali Day 02: Kigali visit and Transfer to Uganda (Kisoro) Day 03: Gorilla Trekking (Bwindi – Nkuringo/Rushaga or Mt Mgahinga NP) Day 04: Transfer to Entebbe and depart Arrival in Kigali On your arrival at Kigali International Airport, you will be met by our our driver-guide who will transfer you to your hotel. Dinner & overnight at your accommodation Kigali is the capital and largest city of Rwanda. It is near the nation's geographic centre in a region of rolling hills, with a series of valleys and ridges joined by steep slopes. It is a very clean and attractive city despite its dark past. A drive through the city is very refreshing and very well-lit at night. Kigali city tour – Transfer to Uganda (Kisoro) Your driver-guide will pick you up from your accommodation and together you will go on a city tour. We have often noted that some visitors are intested in visiting the Genocide Memorial centre. Situated on the outskirts of the city, the centre commemorates the victims of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsis. A visit to the genocide memorial is for most visitors an emotional event. You will continue your city tour at a local market or art centre depending on your interest. Thereafter, you will have a hot lunch at a local restaurant and then drive to Uganda via Cyanika border. Enjoy the views as you drive through the hills and valleys. If you would like, you may stop for photos. Gorilla Trekking (Bwindi – Nkuringo/Rushaga or Mgahinga Gorilla NP) After breakfast,
is (NC), Rep. Lloyd Doggett (TX-35), Rep. Andy Harris (MD-01), and Rep. Trent Kelly (MS-01). Remote participants in the Annual Session included Commissioners Sen. Tina Smith (MN), Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (RI), Rep. Robert Aderholt (AL-04), and Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-01), along with Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (TX-18) and Rep. Chris Smith (NJ-04). During the Annual Session, the American legislators engaged in debates on political affairs and security, economic and environmental matters, and democracy and human rights. The U.S. legislators also played key roles in the adoption of three resolutions reflecting the major issues confronting the OSCE today: rising hate and its use to bolster authoritarianism and conflict, a call for democratic change in Belarus, and continued opposition to Russian aggression in Ukraine. Chairman Cardin, who also serves as the OSCE PA Special Representative on Racism, Anti-Semitism, and Intolerance, sponsored the first resolution, urging OSCE participating States to adopt an OSCE Anti-Discrimination, Equity, and Inclusion Action Plan, to strengthen the efforts of law enforcement, civil society, and others to tackle discrimination and extremism. In addition, parliamentarians held the first Assembly elections in two years, with both Sen. Wicker and Rep. Hudson easily retaining their leadership posts. Sen. Wicker received the most votes of any of the nine vice-presidential candidates, while Rep. Hudson was elected by acclamation. While in Vienna, members also met with OSCE Secretary General Helga Schmid and other senior OSCE officials, along with International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Rafael Grossi. The in-person delegation also traveled to Estonia, where they met with Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, Foreign Minister Eva-Maria Liimets, former President Toomas Hendrik Ilves, and Chair of the Riigikogu Foreign Affairs Committee Marko Mihkelson to demonstrate the strong U.S. support for the bilateral security relationship. During a visit to Narva, delegation members engaged with representatives of the local Russian-speaking community and visited the Russia-Estonia border to gain a better understanding of the security situation. “The American alliance with Estonia is based on shared democratic values. We appreciate our bilateral relationship and mutual efforts to support the democratic opposition in Belarus and independent voices in Russia,” said Chairman Cardin. “Across the 57 nations that are part of the OSCE, rising challenges to democratic norms require a sober and sustained response from those committed to the rule of law and the defense of human rights. Estonia and the United States are staunch allies in this effort.” “As the Baltic region faces serious and continuing security challenges, the United States is proud to support our steadfast NATO allies,” Sen. Wicker said. “This visit by a bipartisan and bicameral delegation is representative of the strong consensus in the U.S. Congress to push back against the Kremlin’s malign activities in the region. We also appreciate the important and growing contributions of Estonia and our other regional allies and partners as we work to address global security challenges.” Members then traveled to Bulgaria for the Three Seas Initiative Summit, designed to promote transparent and sustainable investments in energy, transportation, and digital infrastructure that contribute to an undivided, free, prosperous, and resilient Europe. While at the summit, they held bilateral meetings with President Andrzej Duda of Poland, President Rumen Radev of Bulgaria, and President Egils Levits of Latvia to discuss a broad range of security and human rights issues. The delegation also traveled to Varna to examine Black Sea regional security issues; visited a Roma community to better understand the current situation of Roma in Bulgaria and underscore U.S. support for the rights of Bulgaria's Roma population; and met with journalists of the recently re-established Bulgarian service of Radio Free Europe. “We brought a dozen members from the U.S. Congress to Sofia to demonstrate support for the Three Seas Initiative and also to engage with Bulgaria’s leaders and its people about our shared values and basic human rights,” said Chairman Cardin. “Protecting civil and human rights is an essential component of every democracy and we look forward to hearing more about how Bulgaria is safeguarding fundamental freedoms and the rule of law.” “The Black Sea region has seen a troublesome rise in tension recently,” said Sen. Wicker. “Our visit to the area was intended to keep us abreast of the situation and to demonstrate our strong, enduring, and bipartisan support to Bulgaria and our other NATO Allies and partners in the region.” En route back to the United States, the delegation visited the Marine Corps Prepositioning Program Norway, a cooperative effort with a stalwart NATO ally that reinforces regional security and offers direct support to U.S. deployments as far away as Iraq
is (NC), Rep. Lloyd Doggett (TX-35), Rep. Andy Harris (MD-01), and Rep. Trent Kelly (MS-01). Remote participants in the Annual Session included Commissioners Sen. Tina Smith (MN), Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (RI), Rep. Robert Aderholt (AL-04), and Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-01), along with Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (TX-18) and Rep. Chris Smith (NJ-04). During the Annual Session, the American legislators engaged in debates on political affairs and security, economic and environmental matters, and democracy and human rights. The U.S. legislators also played key roles in the adoption of three resolutions reflecting the major issues confronting the OSCE today: rising hate and its use to bolster authoritarianism and conflict, a call for democratic change in Belarus, and continued opposition to Russian aggression in Ukraine. Chairman Cardin, who also serves as the OSCE PA Special Representative on Racism, Anti-Semitism, and Intolerance, sponsored the first resolution, urging OSCE participating States to adopt an OSCE Anti-Discrimination, Equity, and Inclusion Action Plan, to strengthen the efforts of law enforcement, civil society, and others to tackle discrimination and extremism. In addition, parliamentarians held the first Assembly elections in two years, with both Sen. Wicker and Rep. Hudson easily retaining their leadership posts. Sen. Wicker received the most votes of any of the nine vice-presidential candidates, while Rep. Hudson was elected by acclamation. While in Vienna, members also met with OSCE Secretary General Helga Schmid and other senior OSCE officials, along with International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Rafael Grossi. The in-person delegation also traveled to Estonia, where they met with Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, Foreign Minister Eva-Maria Liimets, former President Toomas Hendrik Ilves, and Chair of the Riigikogu Foreign Affairs Committee Marko Mihkelson to demonstrate the strong U.S. support for the bilateral security relationship. During a visit to Narva, delegation members engaged with representatives of the local Russian-speaking community and visited the Russia-Estonia border to gain a better understanding of the security situation. “The American alliance with Estonia is based on shared democratic values. We appreciate our bilateral relationship and mutual efforts to support the democratic opposition in Belarus and independent voices in Russia,” said Chairman Cardin. “Across the 57 nations that are part of the OSCE, rising challenges to democratic norms require a sober and sustained response from those committed to the rule of law and the defense of human rights. Estonia and the United States are staunch allies in this effort.” “As the Baltic region faces serious and continuing security challenges, the United States is proud to support our steadfast NATO allies,” Sen. Wicker said. “This visit by a bipartisan and bicameral delegation is representative of the strong consensus in the U.S. Congress to push back against the Kremlin’s malign activities in the region. We also appreciate the important and growing contributions of Estonia and our other regional allies and partners as we work to address global security challenges.” Members then traveled to Bulgaria for the Three Seas Initiative Summit, designed to promote transparent and sustainable investments in energy, transportation, and digital infrastructure that contribute to an undivided, free, prosperous, and resilient Europe. While at the summit, they held bilateral meetings with President Andrzej Duda of Poland, President Rumen Radev of Bulgaria, and President Egils Levits of Latvia to discuss a broad range of security and human rights issues. The delegation also traveled to Varna to examine Black Sea regional security issues; visited a Roma community to better understand the current situation of Roma in Bulgaria and underscore U.S. support for the rights of Bulgaria's Roma population; and met with journalists of the recently re-established Bulgarian service of Radio Free Europe. “We brought a dozen members from the U.S. Congress to Sofia to demonstrate support for the Three Seas Initiative and also to engage with Bulgaria’s leaders and its people about our shared values and basic human rights,” said Chairman Cardin. “Protecting civil and human rights is an essential component of every democracy and we look forward to hearing more about how Bulgaria is safeguarding fundamental freedoms and the rule of law.” “The Black Sea region has seen a troublesome rise in tension recently,” said Sen. Wicker. “Our visit to the area was intended to keep us abreast of the situation and to demonstrate our strong, enduring, and bipartisan support to Bulgaria and our other NATO Allies and partners in the region.” En route back to the United States, the delegation visited the Marine Corps Prepositioning Program Norway, a cooperative effort with a stalwart NATO ally that reinforces regional security and offers direct support to U.S. deployments as far away as Iraq
. Cardin Human Rights and Anti-Corruption Legislation Approved by Senate Foreign Relations Committee WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.) lauded approval today by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee of two bills he authored to strengthen U.S. human rights and anti-corruption efforts. Both pieces of legislation, the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Reauthorization Act (S. 93), cosponsored by Senator Roger Wicker (R-Miss.), and the Combating Global Corruption Act (S. 14), cosponsored by Senator Todd Young (R-Ind.), bolster the tools available to hold corrupt officials accountable for their actions and abuses. “The Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act has changed the way America protects human rights and responds to blatant corruption,” said Senator Cardin. “I thank Senator Wicker and fellow committee members for working with me to strengthen the law as a message to abusers and kleptocrats who think they can act with impunity. We will seek justice for victims especially when home countries fail to act.” Senator Cardin serves as Chairman of the U.S. Helsinki Commission. Senator Wicker serves as co-Chair. The Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Reauthorization Act (S. 93) would harmonize the original Act (Title XII, Subtitle F of P.L. 114-328; 22 U.S.C. §2656 note) with Executive Order 13818 by: Removing the sunset provisions of the 2016 Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act to make the sanctions program permanent Removing the victim status requirement to ensure no victim is excluded; Simplifying the standard for corruption offenses; Supplementing the activity-based targeting standard with a status-based standard; and Allowing for the sanctioning of immediate family members. S. 93 calls for a report on the steps taken through diplomacy and assistance to foreign or security sectors to address persistent underlying causes of serious human rights abuses, violations of internationally recognized human rights, and corruption in each country in which foreign persons have been subject to sanctions. The Combating Global Corruption Act (S. 14) would require the State Department to identify corruption in countries and rank them in a public, tiered system with respect to levels of corruption in their governments, similar to the Department’s annual Trafficking in Persons Report. The bill would also establish minimum standards for combating corruption; evaluate foreign persons engaged in grand corruption in the lowest-tiered countries for consideration under the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act; and designate an anti-corruption point of contact at U.S. diplomatic posts in the lowest-tiered countries. “Earlier this month, when President Biden officially designated the fight against corruption as a ‘core U.S. national security interest,’ he took an important step toward enhancing American anti-corruption abilities. The Combating Global Corruption Act is a bipartisan effort to raise the profile of such efforts through a proven system of public accountability,” said Senator Cardin. “Around the world, corruption endangers national and international security by fostering the conditions for violent extremism, hampering the ability of the United States to combat terrorism, entrenching high poverty, and by weakening institutions associated with governance and accountability. Corruption is a fundamental obstacle to peace, prosperity, and human rights. I thank Senator Young and my colleagues for moving forward this important legislation to combat such illicit activity.” 45th Anniversary of the U.S. Helsinki Commission I take this time as the Chair of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, better known as the Helsinki Commission, as we celebrate our 45th anniversary. The Helsinki Commission is the vehicle for U.S. participation in the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), representing 57 states that have come together under the OSCE, all the countries of Europe, all the countries of the former Soviet Union, including those located in Central Asia, the United States, and Canada. Mr. President, this is a unique body in that it represents both the executive and legislative branches of government. The executive branch has representatives on the Helsinki Commission, and both the House and Senate have Senators and Representatives that serve on the Helsinki Commission. I am very pleased to have as my co-leader Senator Wicker from Mississippi as the Republican leader in the Senate on the Helsinki Commission. The Helsinki Commission has been responsible for elevating our moral dimension to U.S. foreign policy. Its principles point out very clearly that you cannot have security without dealing with good governance and human rights; you cannot have economic progress unless you have governance that respects the rights of all its citizens. That is why I was so pleased when President Biden announced that his foreign policy would be value-based, that as we participate in our foreign policy challenges, it will always be wrapped in our values, and his recent trip to Europe underscored that important lesson. And then he issued, not two weeks ago, the statement that corruption is a core national security threat
https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:06142018-121935019 Mao, Xiaolin (2019) Understanding Lithosphere and Mantle Dynamics with Numerical Models Constrained by Observations. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/59N8-H306. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:07012018-101034748 Bowden, Daniel Craig (2018) The Propagation and Amplification of Surface Waves. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z9DR2SPR. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:04222018-154136913 Luo, Yingdi (2018) Earthquake Moment-Area Scaling Relations and the Effect of Fault Heterogeneity on Slow to Fast Earthquake Slip. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z9SQ8XMV. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:09062017-132833234 Massari, Anthony Thomas (2018) Achieving Higher Fidelity Building Response through Emerging Technologies and Analytical Techniques. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z9HH6H7N. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:07262017-074416397 Rollins, John Christopher (2018) Using Heterogeneous 3D Earth Models to Constrain Interseismic and Postseismic Deformation in Southern California and Nepal. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z9X06572. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:11202017-145930076 Inbal, Asaf (2017) Seismogeodetic Imaging of Active Crustal Faulting. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z92B8W02. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:10032016-142052951 Lui, Semechah Ka Yan (2017) Earthquake Source Characterization Through Seismic Observations and Numerical Modeling. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z9QN64QM. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:11232016-044435496 Riel, Bryan Valmonte (2017) Automatic Decomposition of Geodetic Time Series for Studies of Ground Deformation. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z9HD7SNP. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:10032016-210146623 Solomatova, Natalia Viatcheslavovna (2017) Iron-bearing Oxides, Silicate Glasses and Carbonates at Lower Mantle Pressures. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z99021TX. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:05312017-162026972 Li, Dunzhu (2016) Some Advances in Computational Geophysics: Seismic Wave and Inverse Geodynamic Modeling. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z9X63JW2. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:05262016-150442765 Ma, Yiran (2016) Imaging the Earth with Ambient Noise and Earthquakes. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z90Z7155. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:12192015-004219343 Zhang, Dongzhou (2015) Applications of Nuclear Resonant Scattering to Further Our Understanding of Earth’s Interior. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z9SQ8XD5. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:12152014-195321239 Dougherty, Sara Lyn (2014) Seismic Structure along Transitions from Flat to Normal Subduction: Central Mexico, Southern Peru, and Southwest Japan. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/WHSR-VY75.
https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:06142018-121935019 Mao, Xiaolin (2019) Understanding Lithosphere and Mantle Dynamics with Numerical Models Constrained by Observations. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/59N8-H306. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:07012018-101034748 Bowden, Daniel Craig (2018) The Propagation and Amplification of Surface Waves. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z9DR2SPR. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:04222018-154136913 Luo, Yingdi (2018) Earthquake Moment-Area Scaling Relations and the Effect of Fault Heterogeneity on Slow to Fast Earthquake Slip. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z9SQ8XMV. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:09062017-132833234 Massari, Anthony Thomas (2018) Achieving Higher Fidelity Building Response through Emerging Technologies and Analytical Techniques. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z9HH6H7N. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:07262017-074416397 Rollins, John Christopher (2018) Using Heterogeneous 3D Earth Models to Constrain Interseismic and Postseismic Deformation in Southern California and Nepal. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z9X06572. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:11202017-145930076 Inbal, Asaf (2017) Seismogeodetic Imaging of Active Crustal Faulting. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z92B8W02. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:10032016-142052951 Lui, Semechah Ka Yan (2017) Earthquake Source Characterization Through Seismic Observations and Numerical Modeling. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z9QN64QM. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:11232016-044435496 Riel, Bryan Valmonte (2017) Automatic Decomposition of Geodetic Time Series for Studies of Ground Deformation. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z9HD7SNP. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:10032016-210146623 Solomatova, Natalia Viatcheslavovna (2017) Iron-bearing Oxides, Silicate Glasses and Carbonates at Lower Mantle Pressures. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z99021TX. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:05312017-162026972 Li, Dunzhu (2016) Some Advances in Computational Geophysics: Seismic Wave and Inverse Geodynamic Modeling. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z9X63JW2. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:05262016-150442765 Ma, Yiran (2016) Imaging the Earth with Ambient Noise and Earthquakes. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z90Z7155. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:12192015-004219343 Zhang, Dongzhou (2015) Applications of Nuclear Resonant Scattering to Further Our Understanding of Earth’s Interior. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z9SQ8XD5. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:12152014-195321239 Dougherty, Sara Lyn (2014) Seismic Structure along Transitions from Flat to Normal Subduction: Central Mexico, Southern Peru, and Southwest Japan. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/WHSR-VY75.
https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:05292014-181733885 Heckman, Vanessa Mary (2014) Damage Detection in Civil Structures using High-Frequency Seismograms. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/NVKN-8D47. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:12192013-162221707 Olson, Michael James (2014) Cloud Computing Services for Seismic Networks. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/5D60-FG88. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:08242013-182604077 Zhan, Zhongwen (2014) Exploiting Seismic Waveforms of Ambient Noise and Earthquakes. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/NQHT-NA96. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:09272013-134450665 Liu, Annie Hsin-Wen (2013) Sensor Networks for Geospatial Event Detection - Theory and Applications. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/MZWJ-T222. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:06062013-224746692 Ortega Culaciati, Francisco Hernan (2013) Aseismic Deformation in Subduction Megathrusts: Central Andes and North-East Japan. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/BHDB-KH07. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:06102013-122003618 Phillips-Alonge, Kristin Eileen (2013) Structure of the Subduction System in Southern Peru from Seismic Array Data. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/71A7-4211. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:11302012-163616170 Skinner, Steven Michael (2013) Plate Tectonic Constraints on Flat Subduction and Paleomagnetic Constraints on Rifting. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/G94S-Z109. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:06062013-151342444 Alisic, Laura (2012) Multi-Scale Dynamics and Rheology of Mantle Convection with Plates. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/AXQP-0E85. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:05092012-120619144 Chen, Ting (2012) Part I: Structure of Central and Southern Mexico from Velocity and Attenuation Tomography. Part II: Physics of Small Repeating Earthquakes. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/REJW-YJ88. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:03262012-175814763 Murphy, Caitlin Anne (2012) Thermoelasticity of Hexagonal Close-Packed Iron from the Phonon Density of States. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/GQ17-GV90. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:02162012-075245736 Kim, YoungHee (2011) Properties of the Subduction System in Mexico. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/BB7N-QP03. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:04272011-150709139 Selvans, Michelle Marie (2011) Geophysical Investigations of Near-Surface Structure on the Earth and Mars. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/078P-0C05. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:05252011-161906788 Spasojevic, Sonja (2011) Dynamics of Long-Term Sea-Level Change and Vertical Motion of Continents. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/C7PG-QN55. https://resolver
Qiao Xiu, most of the group were still rather doubtful. They only did not openly show it. They had agreed to follow mostly on account of Qiao Xiu. Laughter began to spread from both sides of the creek, evidently of the opinion that it was pretty embarrassing for Zhou Yuan to resort to such measures... “Senior brother Qiao Xiu, is this really going to work? I feel like we’re clowns.” Beside Qiao Xiu stood a pretty girl in a long dark blue skirt. She was called Zhou Yu, and was also a pretty prideful first class disciple. At this current moment, she was feeling a little uncomfortable under the many mocking gazes in the vicinity. Hence her earlier grumbling. Evidently, she too did not believe that Zhou Yuan was able to teach the Ethereal Form technique. Qiao Xiu smiled awkwardly when he heard this, somewhat uncertain as he answered, “It should work out.” Zhou Yu unhappily rolled her eyes. “Senior brother Qiao Xiu, you’re too good hearted.” “Senior sister Zhou Yu, brother Yuan would only make such a claim because he is confident.” Said a girl called Shuixi in a soft voice. As someone who was also from the Cangmang Continent, she would naturally side with Zhou Yuan. “I hope so, or he will not be able to deal with the consequences.” Zhou Yu crossed her arms, declining to express any further opinions. While they were chatting, Zhou Yuan looked over. He knew that everyone would be doubtful, but he did not intend to convince them with words. Everything would be shown through facts. With so many people watching, he would make good use of this chance to show them the truth. Every gaze in the vicinity of the mountain creek converged towards him when they heard him speak. Most of these gazes, however, were filled with doubt and ridicule. 69 Main St. | Swansea, MA 02777 | (508) 674-9609 Swansea Free Public Library Long Range Plan 2020-2024 We Are Fine Free Computer and Internet Use Equity & Inclusion Policy Photography & Recording Policy Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials Safe Child Policy Video Surveillance Policy SAILS Mobile App Burbio Calendar Town of Swansea Bylaws and Regulations Adult Homepage Teen Homepage Overdrive eBooks, audiobooks & magazines Hoopla! Movies, TV, Music and more! Tumblebooks - eBooks for Kids Online Reference Room Joseph Case High School Yearbooks Mass RMV - Practice Tests & Handbooks AtoZ Food America AtoZ World Food Home » Your Library » Policies The Collection Development Policy offers guidance to Library staff in the selection and retention of materials for the Swansea Free Public Library and serves to inform the public of the Library’s philosophy for selection and collection maintenance. The Collection Development Policy is based on the Library’s Mission and the long-established principles of the Library Bill of Rights, Freedom to Read Statement, Freedom to View Statement and Access to Library Resources and Services to Minors, as adopted by the American Library Association. Collection Objectives The Swansea Free Public Library provides a contemporary, relevant collection of resources in a range of formats to meet the informational, educational, recreational, and cultural needs of its community. The Library strives to meet these needs within the limitations of space, staffing, and budget. The Library endeavors to make use of new technologies and formats to offer library users the greatest access to information and ideas. The Library maintains a wide variety of fiction and nonfiction. Materials and formats are not maintained past their relevance. This ensures a collection of interest to our patrons. Textbooks and materials of a highly technical or specialized nature more appropriate for research or special libraries are generally excluded from the collection. The Library recognizes that there are ideas, opinions, viewpoints and philosophies which are subject for discussion and debate and that any community will be made up of citizens with divergent viewpoints. The Library endeavors to provide equal access to all points of view within the limits of financial resources and physical space. When judging the merit of materials for purchase, Library staff refer to professional review publications, news media, recommended lists by professional organizations, patron requests, literary awards, and the popularity of similar items. Materials for children and teenagers are intended to broaden their vision, support recreational reading, encourage and facilitate reading skills, supplement their educational needs, stimulate and widen their interests, lead to recognition and appreciation of literature, and reflect the diversity of the community. The reading and viewing activity of children is ultimately the responsibility of parents or legal guardians, who guide and oversee their own children's development. The Swansea Free Public Library does not intrude on that relationship. Guidelines for Materials Selection Collection development
Qiao Xiu, most of the group were still rather doubtful. They only did not openly show it. They had agreed to follow mostly on account of Qiao Xiu. Laughter began to spread from both sides of the creek, evidently of the opinion that it was pretty embarrassing for Zhou Yuan to resort to such measures... “Senior brother Qiao Xiu, is this really going to work? I feel like we’re clowns.” Beside Qiao Xiu stood a pretty girl in a long dark blue skirt. She was called Zhou Yu, and was also a pretty prideful first class disciple. At this current moment, she was feeling a little uncomfortable under the many mocking gazes in the vicinity. Hence her earlier grumbling. Evidently, she too did not believe that Zhou Yuan was able to teach the Ethereal Form technique. Qiao Xiu smiled awkwardly when he heard this, somewhat uncertain as he answered, “It should work out.” Zhou Yu unhappily rolled her eyes. “Senior brother Qiao Xiu, you’re too good hearted.” “Senior sister Zhou Yu, brother Yuan would only make such a claim because he is confident.” Said a girl called Shuixi in a soft voice. As someone who was also from the Cangmang Continent, she would naturally side with Zhou Yuan. “I hope so, or he will not be able to deal with the consequences.” Zhou Yu crossed her arms, declining to express any further opinions. While they were chatting, Zhou Yuan looked over. He knew that everyone would be doubtful, but he did not intend to convince them with words. Everything would be shown through facts. With so many people watching, he would make good use of this chance to show them the truth. Every gaze in the vicinity of the mountain creek converged towards him when they heard him speak. Most of these gazes, however, were filled with doubt and ridicule. 69 Main St. | Swansea, MA 02777 | (508) 674-9609 Swansea Free Public Library Long Range Plan 2020-2024 We Are Fine Free Computer and Internet Use Equity & Inclusion Policy Photography & Recording Policy Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials Safe Child Policy Video Surveillance Policy SAILS Mobile App Burbio Calendar Town of Swansea Bylaws and Regulations Adult Homepage Teen Homepage Overdrive eBooks, audiobooks & magazines Hoopla! Movies, TV, Music and more! Tumblebooks - eBooks for Kids Online Reference Room Joseph Case High School Yearbooks Mass RMV - Practice Tests & Handbooks AtoZ Food America AtoZ World Food Home » Your Library » Policies The Collection Development Policy offers guidance to Library staff in the selection and retention of materials for the Swansea Free Public Library and serves to inform the public of the Library’s philosophy for selection and collection maintenance. The Collection Development Policy is based on the Library’s Mission and the long-established principles of the Library Bill of Rights, Freedom to Read Statement, Freedom to View Statement and Access to Library Resources and Services to Minors, as adopted by the American Library Association. Collection Objectives The Swansea Free Public Library provides a contemporary, relevant collection of resources in a range of formats to meet the informational, educational, recreational, and cultural needs of its community. The Library strives to meet these needs within the limitations of space, staffing, and budget. The Library endeavors to make use of new technologies and formats to offer library users the greatest access to information and ideas. The Library maintains a wide variety of fiction and nonfiction. Materials and formats are not maintained past their relevance. This ensures a collection of interest to our patrons. Textbooks and materials of a highly technical or specialized nature more appropriate for research or special libraries are generally excluded from the collection. The Library recognizes that there are ideas, opinions, viewpoints and philosophies which are subject for discussion and debate and that any community will be made up of citizens with divergent viewpoints. The Library endeavors to provide equal access to all points of view within the limits of financial resources and physical space. When judging the merit of materials for purchase, Library staff refer to professional review publications, news media, recommended lists by professional organizations, patron requests, literary awards, and the popularity of similar items. Materials for children and teenagers are intended to broaden their vision, support recreational reading, encourage and facilitate reading skills, supplement their educational needs, stimulate and widen their interests, lead to recognition and appreciation of literature, and reflect the diversity of the community. The reading and viewing activity of children is ultimately the responsibility of parents or legal guardians, who guide and oversee their own children's development. The Swansea Free Public Library does not intrude on that relationship. Guidelines for Materials Selection Collection development
is based on these specific criteria: Community needs, interests, and demands The importance of subject matter to the collection Price and availability for purchase Responsibility for Selection The ultimate responsibility for materials selection rests with the Library Director, who operates within the framework of policies determined by the Library Board of Trustees. The Library Director delegates much of the responsibility for materials selection to library staff. Approved by the Swansea Free Public Library Board of Trustees, October 18, 2018 No events are scheduled for today. Monday - Thursday 10am - 8pm MovieDebuts.com ...and Celebrity News! TV/Internet Korean Rock Band DAY6 Gear Up For US/UK Physical Album Distribution December 5, 2019 By MovieDebuts Korean Rock Band, DAY6’s 3rd Full Length Album <The Book of Us : Entropy>, is set to be sold for the first time ever abroad, and will be available on Amazon.com for fans everywhere. Starting mid-December, global fans will be able to purchase the physical album directly online, rather than through 2nd party sellers/retail shops as they have previously. For fans specifically in the U.S, the album will be available on Barnes and Noble (.com), for the UK it’ll be available through HMV, and lastly for France it’ll be available for purchase at FNAC. After coming off their wildly successful North American leg of tour, the release of this album continued to build their presence here in the U.S. with appearances on Alternative Press, Seventeen, Zach Sang Show, Access Hollywood, Allure, Orange County Register, Good Day NY, and many more. READ Urban Legends/UMe Releases James Brown Mini-Documentary, Get Down, The Influence Of James Brown DAY6 “Sweet Chaos” M/V <The Book of Us : Entropy> contains 11 tracks, all of which were written and/or produced members Young K (Vocalist and Bassist), Jae (Vocalist and Guitarist), WONPIL (Vocalist and Keyboardist), and SUNGJIN (Vocalist and Guitarist). Young K specifically wrote the lyrics to 8 of the 11 tracks, recently expressing to Alternative Press one of his favorite moments while touring, stating “what thrills me is when everyone is singing along together to the songs that we wrote [and] worked hard on. Everyone’s singing along and singing their hearts out while we are too.” DAY6 continue their own discourse with this new album, focusing on the relationships between human beings. Previous work described mutual attraction and excitement, as natures Gravity. For this album, “Entropy” is functioned as a scientific metaphor of the changing of someone in love. Title track, “Sweet Chaos,” is the fastest BPM song ever recorded by DAY6, with DOWOON on the drums, was composed by Jae, SUNGJIN, WONPIL, and Young K wrote the lyrics. “Sweet Chaos” is showcasing this overall theme by comparing love to the laws of thermodynamics; where the more heat energy you put on, the more disorder you get [=Entropy]. “Our video for “Sweet Chaos” represents the sweet as well as the chaotic sides of love. Going from black and white to color showing a transition of emotion” the band further explains. The band just finished performing in Australia, Manila and Jakarta, and are currently in the midst of finishing up their 6-month long tour. The ‘GRAVITY’ World Tour will wrap up with its European leg through January 2020. DAY6 ‘GRAVITY’ WORLD TOUR December 7 Bangkok January 22, 2020 Brussels January 8, 2020 Milan January 24, 2020 Warsaw January 10, 2020 Paris January 26, 2020 Moscow January 12, 2020 London January 29, 2020 Lisbon January 16, 2020 Amsterdam January 31, 2020 Madrid January 18, 2020 Berlin MORE INFO: Debuting in 2015, DAY6 is a five-member Band from JYP Entertainment, consisting of SUNGJIN (Main Vocalist and Rhythm Guitarist), Jae (Vocalist and Lead Guitarist), Young K (Vocalist and Bassist), WONPIL (Vocalist and Keyboardist), and DOWOON (Drummer). DAY6 are shattering the boundaries of a stereotypical K-Pop group, with their heartfelt anthems and instrumental expertise. After their sold-out Youth World Tour in 2018, OC Weekly highlighted their last U.S. date stating “The Novo in Los Angeles is somewhat of a rite of passage for many up-and-coming South Korean acts. It marks the point in their Stateside popularity where they have a solid enough following to show up for them and signals a bright future
he told The Diplomat. “Justice reinvestment, restorative justice, and culturally appropriate diversionary programs have been found to be more cost-effective responses. Community-designed and -led programs are best placed to support First Nations children, families and communities.” Tom Penglis, co-founder of the Western Australian justice association, who works closely with First Nations groups concurs, telling The Diplomat that “State and Territory governments must commit to raising the age and to investing in alternatives to imprisonment if they are serious about reducing youth crime.” “Taking kids out of prisons and placing them in alternative therapeutic environments where they can receive appropriate care will improve outcomes for both the child and the community.” One thing is clear: The current age of criminal responsibility is having an adverse impact on young Australians, and especially First Nations people. It is financially damaging, both in the short term and in the longer term as those exposed to the criminal justice system at such young ages, when they are not fully developed mentally, often end up reoffending. As the Law Council of Australia notes, somewhat dejectedly, “at 12, a child cannot lawfully sign onto Facebook but can be questioned, arrested, detained and imprisoned.” Without the age being raised — and children being helped — recidivism will only continue, unabated. Dechlan Brennan Dechlan Brennan is a Melbourne-based writer, specializing in Australian and Indo-Pacific politics as well as Indigenous affairs. age of criminal responsibility Australia indigenous rights Australia Day Focuses Attention on Indigenous Recognition in Constitution By Rod McGuirk A referendum due later this year would create an Indigenous body known as the Voice to address Parliament on Indigenous issues. Australia’s Population Dilemma By Grant Wyeth How Australia approaches migration is one of the central pillars of its overall national strategy. Australia: The Complacent Country? The country’s unique resource curse and self-image as a "lifestyle superpower” make it difficult for Canberra to change trajectories, to embrace new ideas. Moral Authority: Australia at a Crossroads Entrenched interests and orthodoxies will inhibit the new Australian government’s ability to significantly enhance the country’s moral authority. Oklahoma will vote on marijuana legalization in March. Ohio could follow in November In Ballot measures, State Voters in Oklahoma will decide on State Question 820, an initiative to legalize marijuana, on March 7, 2023. Voters in Ohio could decide on an initiative to legalize marijuana in Nov. 2023. Oklahomans for Sensible Marijuana Laws, which is leading the campaign in support of State Question 820, wanted the citizen-initiated measure on the ballot in 2022. However, due to legal challenges and signature deadlines, the measure could not be placed on the ballot and was set to be voted on at a later election date. On Oct. 18, Gov. Kevin Stitt (R) called a special election for State Question 820 on March 7, 2023. State Question 820 would legalize the possession and consumption of marijuana for adults 21 years old and older. The Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority would be responsible for marijuana business licensing and regulations. Sales of marijuana would be taxed at 15%. People would be allowed to possess, transport, and distribute up to one ounce (28.35 grams) of marijuana, eight grams of marijuana in a concentrated form, and/or eight grams or less of concentrated marijuana in marijuana-infused products. Under State Question 820, individuals could possess up to six mature marijuana plants and up to six seedlings. The initiative would also provide a process for individuals to seek the expungement or modification of certain previous marijuana-related convictions or sentences. Through Sept. 30, 2022, Oklahomans for Sensible Marijuana Laws raised $2.74 million and spent $2.57 million. The largest contributor was the Just Trust for Action, which donated $1.06 million. In Ohio, the Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol submitted 136,729 valid signatures for a marijuana legalization initiative. As initiated statutes are indirect in Ohio, the proposal was presented to the Ohio General Assembly. Legislators have until May 3, 2023, to approve the measure. Should legislators reject or take no action on the initiative, the Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol would be required to collect an additional 124,046 valid signatures within 90 days, which would be around Aug. 1, 2023. A successful signature drive would result in the initiative appearing on the ballot for Nov. 7, 2023. Through Dec. 9, 2022, the Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol raised $1.50 million and spent $1.42 million. The largest contributor was the Marijuana Policy Project, which provided $840,000. As of Jan. 2023, 21 states and Washington, D.C., had legalized the possession and personal use of marijuana for recreational purposes
he told The Diplomat. “Justice reinvestment, restorative justice, and culturally appropriate diversionary programs have been found to be more cost-effective responses. Community-designed and -led programs are best placed to support First Nations children, families and communities.” Tom Penglis, co-founder of the Western Australian justice association, who works closely with First Nations groups concurs, telling The Diplomat that “State and Territory governments must commit to raising the age and to investing in alternatives to imprisonment if they are serious about reducing youth crime.” “Taking kids out of prisons and placing them in alternative therapeutic environments where they can receive appropriate care will improve outcomes for both the child and the community.” One thing is clear: The current age of criminal responsibility is having an adverse impact on young Australians, and especially First Nations people. It is financially damaging, both in the short term and in the longer term as those exposed to the criminal justice system at such young ages, when they are not fully developed mentally, often end up reoffending. As the Law Council of Australia notes, somewhat dejectedly, “at 12, a child cannot lawfully sign onto Facebook but can be questioned, arrested, detained and imprisoned.” Without the age being raised — and children being helped — recidivism will only continue, unabated. Dechlan Brennan Dechlan Brennan is a Melbourne-based writer, specializing in Australian and Indo-Pacific politics as well as Indigenous affairs. age of criminal responsibility Australia indigenous rights Australia Day Focuses Attention on Indigenous Recognition in Constitution By Rod McGuirk A referendum due later this year would create an Indigenous body known as the Voice to address Parliament on Indigenous issues. Australia’s Population Dilemma By Grant Wyeth How Australia approaches migration is one of the central pillars of its overall national strategy. Australia: The Complacent Country? The country’s unique resource curse and self-image as a "lifestyle superpower” make it difficult for Canberra to change trajectories, to embrace new ideas. Moral Authority: Australia at a Crossroads Entrenched interests and orthodoxies will inhibit the new Australian government’s ability to significantly enhance the country’s moral authority. Oklahoma will vote on marijuana legalization in March. Ohio could follow in November In Ballot measures, State Voters in Oklahoma will decide on State Question 820, an initiative to legalize marijuana, on March 7, 2023. Voters in Ohio could decide on an initiative to legalize marijuana in Nov. 2023. Oklahomans for Sensible Marijuana Laws, which is leading the campaign in support of State Question 820, wanted the citizen-initiated measure on the ballot in 2022. However, due to legal challenges and signature deadlines, the measure could not be placed on the ballot and was set to be voted on at a later election date. On Oct. 18, Gov. Kevin Stitt (R) called a special election for State Question 820 on March 7, 2023. State Question 820 would legalize the possession and consumption of marijuana for adults 21 years old and older. The Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority would be responsible for marijuana business licensing and regulations. Sales of marijuana would be taxed at 15%. People would be allowed to possess, transport, and distribute up to one ounce (28.35 grams) of marijuana, eight grams of marijuana in a concentrated form, and/or eight grams or less of concentrated marijuana in marijuana-infused products. Under State Question 820, individuals could possess up to six mature marijuana plants and up to six seedlings. The initiative would also provide a process for individuals to seek the expungement or modification of certain previous marijuana-related convictions or sentences. Through Sept. 30, 2022, Oklahomans for Sensible Marijuana Laws raised $2.74 million and spent $2.57 million. The largest contributor was the Just Trust for Action, which donated $1.06 million. In Ohio, the Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol submitted 136,729 valid signatures for a marijuana legalization initiative. As initiated statutes are indirect in Ohio, the proposal was presented to the Ohio General Assembly. Legislators have until May 3, 2023, to approve the measure. Should legislators reject or take no action on the initiative, the Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol would be required to collect an additional 124,046 valid signatures within 90 days, which would be around Aug. 1, 2023. A successful signature drive would result in the initiative appearing on the ballot for Nov. 7, 2023. Through Dec. 9, 2022, the Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol raised $1.50 million and spent $1.42 million. The largest contributor was the Marijuana Policy Project, which provided $840,000. As of Jan. 2023, 21 states and Washington, D.C., had legalized the possession and personal use of marijuana for recreational purposes
. In 12 states and D.C., the ballot initiative process was used to legalize marijuana. In two states, the legislature referred a measure to the ballot for voter approval. In seven states, bills to legalize marijuana were enacted into law. From 2011 to 2021, an average of 33 statewide ballot measures — five initiated measures and 28 referred measures — appeared on ballots in odd-numbered years. Marijuana legalization initiatives targeting the 2024 ballot have also been filed in Wyoming, Florida, and Nebraska. Marijuana laws and ballot measures in the United States Ohio Marijuana Legalization Initiative (2023) South Carolina Supreme Court rules 3-2 that the state’s abortion ban is unconstitutional On Jan. 5, 2023, the South Carolina Supreme Court ruled 3-2 that the state’s six-week abortion ban, known as the South Carolina Fetal Heartbeat and Protection from Abortion Act, was unconstitutional. Signed in February 2021, the law banned abortion once cardiac activity is detected, usually around six weeks. The bill was blocked from taking effect in March 2021 but became effective after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the U.S. Constitution does not grant the right to an abortion, overturning Roe v. Wade, in June 2022. The court found that the law violated Section 10 of Article I of the state constitution, which provides a right against unreasonable invasions of privacy. Justice Kaye Hearn wrote that “few decisions in life are more private than the decision whether to terminate a pregnancy. Our privacy right must be implicated by restrictions on that decision.” Hearn wrote that the ban on abortion at six weeks was an unreasonable restriction and that six weeks was not a reasonable time period for a woman to find out she is pregnant and decide to get an abortion. Justice George C. James dissented, writing, “The scope of the privacy right included in Article I, Section 10 is of doubtful import. Therefore, we must consider the intent of the framers and the voters. It is clear the framers did not intend to create a full panoply of privacy rights, much less the right to bodily autonomy or the right to have an abortion.” In 2020, Ballotpedia published a report examining the partisan affiliation of state supreme court justices as of June 15, 2020, and found that South Carolina had a Republican-controlled state supreme court. In 2020, eight cases before the South Carolina Supreme Court were decided 4-1. Justices Few and Hearn dissented alone three times each. In this ruling, Hearn, Few, and Beatty formed the majority with Justices James and Kittredge dissenting. In the study, all Justices were recorded as having Mild Republican Confidence Scores while Justice Beatty was indeterminate. The right to privacy was added to the state constitution through Amendment 1 of 1970, which was approved by voters in a vote of 77% to 23%. The amendment transposed sections from some articles of the Constitution to Article I and created a new Declaration of Rights (Article I), including a right to privacy. Section 10 of Article 1 added the following right to the state constitution: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures and unreasonable invasions of privacy shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, the person or thing to be seized, and the information to be obtained.” The amendment was proposed by the Committee to Make a Study of the South Carolina Constitution of 1895, also known as the West Committee, which was responsible for proposing amendments to revise the South Carolina Constitution of 1895. The committee’s final report was published in 1969 and proposed 17 new articles. To be placed on the statewide ballot, a two-thirds vote of the South Carolina State Legislature was required. South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster (R) said, “Our State Supreme Court has found a right in our Constitution which was never intended by the people of South Carolina. With this opinion, the Court has clearly exceeded its authority. The people have spoken through their elected representatives multiple times on this issue. I look forward to working with the General Assembly to correct this error.” The South Carolina State Legislature can refer constitutional amendments to the ballot in 2024 by a two-thirds (66.66%) supermajority vote in each chamber. In 2022, there were six ballot measures addressing abortion — the most on record. Voters in California, Michigan, and Vermont were the first to approve ballot measures to establish state constitutional rights to abortion. Votes on these ballot measures followed Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which held that the U.S. Constitution does not confer a right to abortion. These measures were also the first abortion-related ballot measures since 1992 to have the support of organizations that describe themselves as pro-choice/pro
great artwork they received. Ouline the major elements of the painting. We apply the first layer of paint. We continue adding detail and improving the painting. - This is incubator for PHPTAL documentation and ideas. Please use it to share your code samples and interesting solutions, plugins, wrappers 3rd party libraries/frameworks. + This is incubator for PHPTAL documentation and ideas. Don't hesitate to share your code samples and tips, plugins, wrappers for 3rd party libraries/frameworks, etc. - **You can edit all pages!** Just press ''Edit this page'' button. To create new page, link to it first. + **You can edit all pages!** Just press ''Edit this page'' button top in navigation bar. To create new page, %%[[link]]%% to it first. You are going to Watch Ultimate Book of Spells Episode 1 online free episodes with HQ / high quality. Stream cartoons Ultimate Book of Spells Episode 1 Online Three is a charm, A mortie (non-magic person) named Verne comes to a magic school. He meets Gus, a half-elf second year junior wizard and Cassy, a third year junior witch. He also meets the evil twins: Lucretia and Borgia. He also meets the headmistress Miss Crystalgazer. He also meets a prince that has been enchanted to look like a toy frog. He also meets Ubos, a book that can talk and take them to the center of the earth where an evil wizard Zarlak is stealing magic from the outside world. He becomes good friends with Cassy and Gus! Three Is a Charm, after all! For the primary time in human history nearly all of humanity is politically activated, politically aware and politically interactive. There are only some pockets of humanity left within the remotest corners of the world that are not politically alert and engaged with the political turmoil and stirrings which are so widespread right now world wide. If the web site is a number of years old, has there been any updating and maintaining accomplished since it initially started. The information supplied, is it current sufficient. Each one in all your ideas is great for developing a healthy psychological state of mind. My favorites are prayer, writing love letters, and listening to classical music. Oh, and I actually enjoy gardening. Stress impacts people more than they know. It does present itself in different and interesting components of the physique, just like the legs. Great recommendations for dealing with stress. Thanks for posting Taylor’s tune, it’s one of my favorites and I performed it by. Hore’s hopingndar a sixth u-ray-dout cissalways lell wegtteo, characste-drivan mpbs taos>. ata-image ray (PB5dea>on coostr:&quodout cooearliteiu-ray-sa . e FiBlu-ray issa bit barebones butts:&qsfyingnnone col/en. Bt t Fifirst o leavt a review. You must log inato post a rpcmtno. m_privacy_notice>Tcisssite usss Akis;ap o reduta spam. Learn how y5-b rpcmtnodd so isspro7/ened. Privacy &quo; Cpokiesete isssite usss rpokies. By>continuingnto usoo cisswebsite, y5- agreidto coir uso. &nbsbsp;Ditish Language &nIn onesteuo> 156likes-le=ett-unloadeItl-1 vo class=level-1 value=6736> D3051> cTVlue=5459s=level-1 value=2855> Bel Air Classiqu 113Ac&quo D-&quo> Bel Air Classiqu s Bel Air Classiqu 16 AIX &62v class="shartdadsy Kinowelos=level-1 value=2855> Bel Air Classiqu 68=ett-unloaded" id=likKoquo value=9058> Amplify CKore value=681> BFI D79Grammophuo D78Network AIX Bel Air Classiqu 7&quo> 273rammophuo Bel Air Classiqu 4nbsp; CegtMagteraop;&n>&n19qAc&quo Bel Air Classiqu s3r jetpack-likes-le=eto. <-fifth-se_s1 -triilerbyte-bel-1 v-revi w.html method=post> Seud to Email Addriss Youi Name Youi Email Addriss <=off title="This field is for ssiid:"aud should not be posged"> s eres>s-1
great artwork they received. Ouline the major elements of the painting. We apply the first layer of paint. We continue adding detail and improving the painting. - This is incubator for PHPTAL documentation and ideas. Please use it to share your code samples and interesting solutions, plugins, wrappers 3rd party libraries/frameworks. + This is incubator for PHPTAL documentation and ideas. Don't hesitate to share your code samples and tips, plugins, wrappers for 3rd party libraries/frameworks, etc. - **You can edit all pages!** Just press ''Edit this page'' button. To create new page, link to it first. + **You can edit all pages!** Just press ''Edit this page'' button top in navigation bar. To create new page, %%[[link]]%% to it first. You are going to Watch Ultimate Book of Spells Episode 1 online free episodes with HQ / high quality. Stream cartoons Ultimate Book of Spells Episode 1 Online Three is a charm, A mortie (non-magic person) named Verne comes to a magic school. He meets Gus, a half-elf second year junior wizard and Cassy, a third year junior witch. He also meets the evil twins: Lucretia and Borgia. He also meets the headmistress Miss Crystalgazer. He also meets a prince that has been enchanted to look like a toy frog. He also meets Ubos, a book that can talk and take them to the center of the earth where an evil wizard Zarlak is stealing magic from the outside world. He becomes good friends with Cassy and Gus! Three Is a Charm, after all! For the primary time in human history nearly all of humanity is politically activated, politically aware and politically interactive. There are only some pockets of humanity left within the remotest corners of the world that are not politically alert and engaged with the political turmoil and stirrings which are so widespread right now world wide. If the web site is a number of years old, has there been any updating and maintaining accomplished since it initially started. The information supplied, is it current sufficient. Each one in all your ideas is great for developing a healthy psychological state of mind. My favorites are prayer, writing love letters, and listening to classical music. Oh, and I actually enjoy gardening. Stress impacts people more than they know. It does present itself in different and interesting components of the physique, just like the legs. Great recommendations for dealing with stress. Thanks for posting Taylor’s tune, it’s one of my favorites and I performed it by. Hore’s hopingndar a sixth u-ray-dout cissalways lell wegtteo, characste-drivan mpbs taos>. ata-image ray (PB5dea>on coostr:&quodout cooearliteiu-ray-sa . e FiBlu-ray issa bit barebones butts:&qsfyingnnone col/en. Bt t Fifirst o leavt a review. You must log inato post a rpcmtno. m_privacy_notice>Tcisssite usss Akis;ap o reduta spam. Learn how y5-b rpcmtnodd so isspro7/ened. Privacy &quo; Cpokiesete isssite usss rpokies. By>continuingnto usoo cisswebsite, y5- agreidto coir uso. &nbsbsp;Ditish Language &nIn onesteuo> 156likes-le=ett-unloadeItl-1 vo class=level-1 value=6736> D3051> cTVlue=5459s=level-1 value=2855> Bel Air Classiqu 113Ac&quo D-&quo> Bel Air Classiqu s Bel Air Classiqu 16 AIX &62v class="shartdadsy Kinowelos=level-1 value=2855> Bel Air Classiqu 68=ett-unloaded" id=likKoquo value=9058> Amplify CKore value=681> BFI D79Grammophuo D78Network AIX Bel Air Classiqu 7&quo> 273rammophuo Bel Air Classiqu 4nbsp; CegtMagteraop;&n>&n19qAc&quo Bel Air Classiqu s3r jetpack-likes-le=eto. <-fifth-se_s1 -triilerbyte-bel-1 v-revi w.html method=post> Seud to Email Addriss Youi Name Youi Email Addriss <=off title="This field is for ssiid:"aud should not be posged"> s eres>s-1
" styles"display: none;"> Post was not scis - peck youi -mail addrisses! s eres>s-3" styles"display: none;"> Sorry, youi blog caunot share posts by -mail. Michael W. Anthony is a licensed CPA located in N Palm Beach, FL 33408. Michael W. Anthony has been issued a Florida license number AC0012064. All CPAs, including Michael W. Anthony, have at the minimum an undergraduate degree in accounting, passed a rigorous national exam and adhere to mandated continuing education requirements of their states in which they are licensed. CPAs can work in private industry, education or government but most people think of CPAs during tax season as the experts in tax preparation. Their overall training in business and knowledge in principles of general law and taxation provide CPAs with the skills to help individuals with both personal and business financial decisions. Looking for the best accountants located in N Palm Beach, FL? Michael W. Anthony is a CPA located in N Palm Beach, FL. Michael W. Anthony, CPA and other public accountants located in N Palm Beach, FL will help you with tax preparation, tax planning, bookkeeping, accounting services, estate and trust taxes, and much more. Are you Michael W. Anthony, a CPA from N Palm Beach, FL? Upgrade your basic listing to a featured listing with client reviews and ratings. Please note: All pes chelsea 128x160 files listed on DownloadJoy are either indexed from other file hosts, or uploaded by our visitors for their own usage. If you think pes chelsea 128x160 file is your intellectual property and shouldn't be listed, please fill in DMCA complain and we remove file immediately. Also if visitors will get caught uploading multiple copyrighted files, their IP will be permanently banned from using our service. Download pes chelsea 128x160 free shared files from DownloadJoy and other world's most popular shared hosts. Our filtering technology ensures that only latest pes chelsea 128x160 files are listed. How to download pes chelsea 128x160? As an file sharing search engine DownloadJoy finds pes chelsea 128x160 files matching your search criteria among the files that has been seen recently in uploading sites by our search spider. With our unique approach to crawling we index shared files withing hours after Upload. When you search for files (video, music, software, documents etc), you will always find high-quality pes chelsea 128x160 files recently uploaded on DownloadJoy or other most popular shared hosts. If search results are not what you looking for please give us feedback on where we can/or should improve. Our goal is to provide top notch user experience for our visitors. Part Number br5114spb-08.4-34 in stock. Find long-lead time, hard to find, and obsolete electronic parts ranging from active electronic to passive electronic components. Buy most challenging Electronic parts requirement at ASAP Semiconductor LLC. ASAP Semiconductor LLC is ISO 9001-2008 certified and FAA 0056B Accredited Distributor for lyntron inc Part number br5114spb-08.4-34. ASAP Semiconductor LLC is ISO 9001-2015, Aviation Suppliers Association Member Distributor for Part Number br5114spb-08.4-34. In a few weeks time, from 13th to 15th November, the international wine and spirits industry will meet in Shanghai, China. 500 exhibitors from all around the world are expected to come to the première event of ProWine China. The dedicated exhibition to wine and spirits will give importers, distributors, retailers, F&B Managers and sommeliers from China and abroad the chance to communicate and negotiate face to face with wineries from 26 different countries. Visitors can surely look forward to making exciting new discoveries. ProWine China 2013 will feature exhibitors from the following countries: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Croatia, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Mexico, Moldova, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, UK, Uruguay and the USA. There will be 16 national pavilions and 4 regional pavilions. With over two and a half months to go until the exhibition commences, all the space has been sold out. The originally planned exhibition area was 4000m², however due to a constant increase in number of exhibitors the area has been expanded to 5000m². Featuring 80 exhibitors, the largest national pavilion belongs to France, followed by Argentina with 70 exhibitors and Spain with 56 exhibitors. Portugal and Italy rank fourth and fifth respectively. 36 Chinese companies will be represented at ProWine China 2013. World’s leading wine brands such as Les Grands Chais de France, CASTEL, Félix Solís
, who heroically confronted Americas original sin of racism; and quiet professionals whose consistent excellence raised the standards for performance on the team very high. They had, for example, Gil Hodges. There should not be a Gil Hodges Memorial Bridge, at least not yet anyway. He should be pushing eighty now, enjoying his grandchildren and looking back fondly on a career that included his time as one of the best first basemen of the post–World War II era, the manager who helped the lowly Washington Senators in their second, 1960s incarnation to respectability, and then the guy in charge when the Miracle Mets won it all in 1969. Instead, he died way too young, just two days shy of his forty-eighth birthday in 1972, the first of several Dodgers from that team to die too soon. Gil Hodges was a star shortstop in high school, improbably enough because he was one big guy—an honest six feet, two inches tall, and weighing more than two hundred well-muscled pounds. It was the immensity of his hands that made a lasting impression on me the two times I actually met him, both during that amazing season of 1955. My nine-year-old hand disappeared entirely from view within his; it was said that when he spread his fingers, you could fit a ruler between his little finger and thumb. At Ebbets Field, I had managed through my father's connection with Gabe Paul to get on _Happy Felton's Knothole Gang,_ the Dodgers' pregame show when television was still young. The host was an enormous, as in corpulent, man—part of the panoply of characters that dotted the team's history, including an oompahpah band and a clown dressed as the storied Brooklyn "Bum." Felton introduced a few kids to a Dodger who played catch with them for a few minutes, offering pointers. Hodges tossed me a soft ground ball, which I fielded through my terror and threw back to him. He talked about stretching to the ball from first base instead of waiting for it and then put me in heaven by saying in his quiet voice, "Nice throw, kid." Gil Hodges was beloved in Brooklyn, the person parents wanted their kids to emulate. He was not just quiet and well mannered; he also worked ceaselessly, hustled like a rookie, and never complained. It was the era when private lives stayed out of the newspapers unless they made the police blotter, but it turned out that Hodges really was all he seemed. Hodges came up to the major leagues late in 1943 as a catcher but in his only game that year played third base. After three years in the marines and a year in the minors, he was back in 1947, still catching part-time even as he was being transformed into a first baseman. Two years later, he developed into an almost annual All-Star whose absence from baseball's Hall of Fame remains absurd. He hit with consistent power, and he fielded magnificently. One astonishing night in 1950 he joined the tiny list of men to hit four home runs in a game; and the grand-slam home run, the ultimate clutch hit, was his trademark—in his career, he hit fourteen, a National League record that stood until Willie McCovey broke it. In the field, his self-taught signature became a play that is called special for most but became routine for him—a double play that begins with the first baseman fielding the ball, throwing it to second for the force out, and then hustling to the first base bag to take the return throw. For all his talent and character, though, Hodges was also famous for fading in the late stages of big seasons and in World Series play. In the 1952 World Series, another heartbreaker the Dodgers lost to the Yankees in seven games, he came to bat twenty-one times with not so much as a single to show for the effort. There were no boos from a chip-on-the-shoulder populace famous for them, no recriminations in the mercenary front office or from fellow players—such was his reputation. Instead, Hodges's slump and how he might emerge from it were the talk of Brooklyn, all of it empathetic, almost tender. The next spring, however, after a winter of anguish, his slump continued through the first month of the season, and Hodges was actually benched. The late Arthur Daley, who wrote the main sports column for _The New York Times_ in these years with Pulitzer Prize-winning grace, memorialized an event that May. On a steamy hot Sunday, the Reverend Herbert Redmond was celebrating mass at a church in Brooklyn, when he startled his congregation thus: "It's far too hot for a sermon. Keep the Commandments and say a prayer for Gil Hodges." He started slugging again shortly thereafter. Harold Henry
, who heroically confronted Americas original sin of racism; and quiet professionals whose consistent excellence raised the standards for performance on the team very high. They had, for example, Gil Hodges. There should not be a Gil Hodges Memorial Bridge, at least not yet anyway. He should be pushing eighty now, enjoying his grandchildren and looking back fondly on a career that included his time as one of the best first basemen of the post–World War II era, the manager who helped the lowly Washington Senators in their second, 1960s incarnation to respectability, and then the guy in charge when the Miracle Mets won it all in 1969. Instead, he died way too young, just two days shy of his forty-eighth birthday in 1972, the first of several Dodgers from that team to die too soon. Gil Hodges was a star shortstop in high school, improbably enough because he was one big guy—an honest six feet, two inches tall, and weighing more than two hundred well-muscled pounds. It was the immensity of his hands that made a lasting impression on me the two times I actually met him, both during that amazing season of 1955. My nine-year-old hand disappeared entirely from view within his; it was said that when he spread his fingers, you could fit a ruler between his little finger and thumb. At Ebbets Field, I had managed through my father's connection with Gabe Paul to get on _Happy Felton's Knothole Gang,_ the Dodgers' pregame show when television was still young. The host was an enormous, as in corpulent, man—part of the panoply of characters that dotted the team's history, including an oompahpah band and a clown dressed as the storied Brooklyn "Bum." Felton introduced a few kids to a Dodger who played catch with them for a few minutes, offering pointers. Hodges tossed me a soft ground ball, which I fielded through my terror and threw back to him. He talked about stretching to the ball from first base instead of waiting for it and then put me in heaven by saying in his quiet voice, "Nice throw, kid." Gil Hodges was beloved in Brooklyn, the person parents wanted their kids to emulate. He was not just quiet and well mannered; he also worked ceaselessly, hustled like a rookie, and never complained. It was the era when private lives stayed out of the newspapers unless they made the police blotter, but it turned out that Hodges really was all he seemed. Hodges came up to the major leagues late in 1943 as a catcher but in his only game that year played third base. After three years in the marines and a year in the minors, he was back in 1947, still catching part-time even as he was being transformed into a first baseman. Two years later, he developed into an almost annual All-Star whose absence from baseball's Hall of Fame remains absurd. He hit with consistent power, and he fielded magnificently. One astonishing night in 1950 he joined the tiny list of men to hit four home runs in a game; and the grand-slam home run, the ultimate clutch hit, was his trademark—in his career, he hit fourteen, a National League record that stood until Willie McCovey broke it. In the field, his self-taught signature became a play that is called special for most but became routine for him—a double play that begins with the first baseman fielding the ball, throwing it to second for the force out, and then hustling to the first base bag to take the return throw. For all his talent and character, though, Hodges was also famous for fading in the late stages of big seasons and in World Series play. In the 1952 World Series, another heartbreaker the Dodgers lost to the Yankees in seven games, he came to bat twenty-one times with not so much as a single to show for the effort. There were no boos from a chip-on-the-shoulder populace famous for them, no recriminations in the mercenary front office or from fellow players—such was his reputation. Instead, Hodges's slump and how he might emerge from it were the talk of Brooklyn, all of it empathetic, almost tender. The next spring, however, after a winter of anguish, his slump continued through the first month of the season, and Hodges was actually benched. The late Arthur Daley, who wrote the main sports column for _The New York Times_ in these years with Pulitzer Prize-winning grace, memorialized an event that May. On a steamy hot Sunday, the Reverend Herbert Redmond was celebrating mass at a church in Brooklyn, when he startled his congregation thus: "It's far too hot for a sermon. Keep the Commandments and say a prayer for Gil Hodges." He started slugging again shortly thereafter. Harold Henry
Reese is a second Dodger who was adored in my family. He said after the Game—in which he was one of the critical fielding contributors, got a key hit, and scored the second run—that just before the last out he was hoping fervently that Yankee rookie Elston Howard would not hit the ball to him. After more than a dozen late-season crushing disappointments, he said he did not want to be the person who made an error that began another descent into failure. It is astonishing that this meticulous, professional man would have such a fear. He was thirty-seven that day, playing opposite another of the excellent shortstops of the era, Phil Rizzuto. Alone among the Dodgers of 1955, Reese had been on the field for every one of the horrid chapters of the team's modern lore. He was at shortstop when the nightmare began as catcher Mickey Owen let the third strike get by him in 1941; and he was at shortstop ten years later when Bobby Thomson of the New York Giants hit the three-run home run that ended a play-off and the Dodgers' most maddening collapse of all. In between and thereafter, Reese played in each of the other might-have-beens that ended tight pennant races or dashed World Series hopes. As far as my memory and research can tell, Pee Wee Reese contributed not one miscue, not one blown opportunity, to the entire saga it was his misfortune to witness. He was the epitome of the reliable professional, the obvious choice year after year to be the Dodgers' official captain. That was not, however, what made him special in my family. What made him special was his role in helping end segregation in baseball and in making integration work. The story was first told to me by my father as a parable of character. I could not have been more than six at the time, but it stuck with me. Years later, I discovered that the story was really two stories, almost identical except for where each occurred, and that they were preceded by an equally courageous act. In 1947 general manager Branch Rickey acted on his historic decision to challenge segregation in baseball and bring a black man, Jackie Robinson, into the major leagues. Pee Wee Reese, more than anyone else in Brooklyn or baseball, for that matter, was the person who made this stunning decision work as day-today reality in the historic season of 1947. My parents' affection for the Dodgers, and therefore eventually my own, exploded with the arrival of Jackie Robinson in 1947—a source of fierce pride, not just in Brooklyn but also among the politically liberal of the time, my parents being almost stereotypical. Jackie Robinson was an authentic American hero. He supplied the Dodgers with a unique glow—internal pride on the team and in its neighborhood, and externally supplied by people all over the country, and by no means only African-Americans, who were inspired by the triumph over Hitler and fascism to imagine a more just society. Rickey's decision to select the former UCLA athlete and veteran as the "first" put a burden on Robinson's shoulders that is almost beyond imagination. He would have to compete at the major-league level, where only performance counts, and yet he would have to keep a pledge to Rickey that he would endure the inevitable slings and arrows of bigots for two years in silence. The pressure on a man of his famously competitive spirit and pride was nearly unbearable. What is forgotten today is just how ugly it was after Robinson made his debut at first base (Gil Hodges caught that day) in a Brooklyn uniform at Ebbets Field on April 15, 1947, against the Boston Braves, before an official attendance of 26,623, more than half of them black. The atmosphere in Brooklyn was warm, happy, and welcoming. But when the Dodgers hit the road the ugliness of racism was on display in all its disgusting elements—death threats, boycotts, beanballs and high spikes, and a cascade of foul language from the stands and from opposing team dugouts. The Democratic Party's longtime leader in the House of Representatives, Dick Gephardt, told me once that his first exposure to extreme profanity and vulgarity was as a boy sitting uncomfortably in the old Sportsman's Park in his native St. Louis with his father as Cardinal fans hurled insults at Jackie Robinson. Indeed, before the season even began, Rickey had to quell a nascent rebellion among the Dodgers themselves. Led by one of their aging stars, popular outfielder Fred "Dixie" Walker, a petition was circulated opposing Robinson's elevation to Brooklyn. Rickey isolated the ringleaders and Walker was gone after the season, but the person whose quiet opposition stopped the rebellion's momentum was Reese. Before he died in the year 2000, Reese always spoke self-deprecatingly about his leadership. He had come from a border state, he noted, but had gained neither experience nor knowledge
think it [alcoholism] is about homeless people and we're discomforted by people like me. It holds a mirror to other people who drink far too much, far too often," she said. ''I am a typical example of a high-functioning rural professional who slipped through the cracks again and again, despite trying everything that was suggested.'' External Link: Sober in the Country: Changing Australia's casual alcoholism, with Shanna Whan at TEDxCanberra Worse in the country? Alcohol consumption overall in Australia is trending downwards, but the damage bill is still very high at $36 billion per year, according to the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education. People in regional areas drink more than their city cousins and have less access to treatment for alcohol addictions. Getting treatment is also more difficult if you live in a remote area, where people have to travel, on average, more than 1.5 hours, or 100 kilometres, to find a health service. And a recent study by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare found that teenagers living outside the major cities are up to 80 per cent more likely to consume alcohol, particularly at levels that are harmful to their health. Bush drinking culture A drinking culture is firmly established in the bush, and it starts young. Sarah Rossiter's dad taught her how to drink at an early age. "Because it's a life skill you need to know. People don't trust you if you don't drink beer," she said. Sarah Rossiter says the network is a crucial support for her and many others in rural Australia. Part 4: The drinking culture in the bush Ms Rossiter, now a community worker in southern Queensland, said drinking was almost a requirement in her former role as a consultant to the cropping industry, and she has a theory about why that is. "Approximately 70–80 per cent of farmers are extremely introverted and most of the time they struggle in social situations," she said. We need to talk about women's drinking teaser Talking frankly about alcohol (ABC News: Humyara Mahbub) More women are drinking than ever. But many are in the dark, or in denial, when it comes to how alcohol affects their bodies. Alcohol is a socially acceptable way to overcome that. "It is the only drug you have to justify why you're not taking it," she said. Ms Rossiter is concerned about the impact of the drought and the increasing use of alcohol as a form of self-medication by famers. "Some of them have quite severe depression and you can't say, 'You've got to give up the alcohol for a while'," she said. "You've just got to support them, give them some information and say, 'I'm around if you want'." Shame and pain Farm manager Matt Tonkin decided to stop drinking alcohol when his body started to give way and his doctor told him he was at risk of dying. He was drinking to escape the pressure of rising farm debt and to subdue his fear of losing the property that had been in the family for five generations. It did not work. Matt Tonkin is flying high in corporate agriculture but alcoholism almost cost him his life. Part 2: What does 'rock bottom' look like for alcoholics? After the farm was sold, Mr Tonkin took up a job in real estate and livestock marketing and his drinking problem continued. "At knock-off time I'd have three to four schooners, play golf and drink 15 more, and then drink from lunchtime Sunday. I lost so many days," he said. Matt was depressed and having difficulty in his marriage when his doctor gave him a serious warning. "I had problems breathing, gastro problems, and the doctor said I was pre-diabetic and that if I continued [to drink] I'll probably die," he said. In the end he said it was 'divine intervention' that got him back on track. "I went back to church and asked for guidance and got a tap on the shoulder," he said. He managed to cut back on the drinking after that, but it still was not enough. It was hearing an interview with Ms Whan on the radio that finally woke him up. "I hadn't classified myself as an alcoholic, but I spoke to Shanna who said, 'You know, you're planning your life around having a drink, so technically you're an alcoholic'," Mr Tonkin said. Rural Roundup Newsletter Our best stories in your inbox? Subscribe to Rural RoundUp: Stories from the farm. He said it was the most humbling experience of his life. "You're identifying a weakness. You're saying you haven't got control, and for me that was hard," he said. "We're a large family, people are held in high regard. You work
think it [alcoholism] is about homeless people and we're discomforted by people like me. It holds a mirror to other people who drink far too much, far too often," she said. ''I am a typical example of a high-functioning rural professional who slipped through the cracks again and again, despite trying everything that was suggested.'' External Link: Sober in the Country: Changing Australia's casual alcoholism, with Shanna Whan at TEDxCanberra Worse in the country? Alcohol consumption overall in Australia is trending downwards, but the damage bill is still very high at $36 billion per year, according to the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education. People in regional areas drink more than their city cousins and have less access to treatment for alcohol addictions. Getting treatment is also more difficult if you live in a remote area, where people have to travel, on average, more than 1.5 hours, or 100 kilometres, to find a health service. And a recent study by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare found that teenagers living outside the major cities are up to 80 per cent more likely to consume alcohol, particularly at levels that are harmful to their health. Bush drinking culture A drinking culture is firmly established in the bush, and it starts young. Sarah Rossiter's dad taught her how to drink at an early age. "Because it's a life skill you need to know. People don't trust you if you don't drink beer," she said. Sarah Rossiter says the network is a crucial support for her and many others in rural Australia. Part 4: The drinking culture in the bush Ms Rossiter, now a community worker in southern Queensland, said drinking was almost a requirement in her former role as a consultant to the cropping industry, and she has a theory about why that is. "Approximately 70–80 per cent of farmers are extremely introverted and most of the time they struggle in social situations," she said. We need to talk about women's drinking teaser Talking frankly about alcohol (ABC News: Humyara Mahbub) More women are drinking than ever. But many are in the dark, or in denial, when it comes to how alcohol affects their bodies. Alcohol is a socially acceptable way to overcome that. "It is the only drug you have to justify why you're not taking it," she said. Ms Rossiter is concerned about the impact of the drought and the increasing use of alcohol as a form of self-medication by famers. "Some of them have quite severe depression and you can't say, 'You've got to give up the alcohol for a while'," she said. "You've just got to support them, give them some information and say, 'I'm around if you want'." Shame and pain Farm manager Matt Tonkin decided to stop drinking alcohol when his body started to give way and his doctor told him he was at risk of dying. He was drinking to escape the pressure of rising farm debt and to subdue his fear of losing the property that had been in the family for five generations. It did not work. Matt Tonkin is flying high in corporate agriculture but alcoholism almost cost him his life. Part 2: What does 'rock bottom' look like for alcoholics? After the farm was sold, Mr Tonkin took up a job in real estate and livestock marketing and his drinking problem continued. "At knock-off time I'd have three to four schooners, play golf and drink 15 more, and then drink from lunchtime Sunday. I lost so many days," he said. Matt was depressed and having difficulty in his marriage when his doctor gave him a serious warning. "I had problems breathing, gastro problems, and the doctor said I was pre-diabetic and that if I continued [to drink] I'll probably die," he said. In the end he said it was 'divine intervention' that got him back on track. "I went back to church and asked for guidance and got a tap on the shoulder," he said. He managed to cut back on the drinking after that, but it still was not enough. It was hearing an interview with Ms Whan on the radio that finally woke him up. "I hadn't classified myself as an alcoholic, but I spoke to Shanna who said, 'You know, you're planning your life around having a drink, so technically you're an alcoholic'," Mr Tonkin said. Rural Roundup Newsletter Our best stories in your inbox? Subscribe to Rural RoundUp: Stories from the farm. He said it was the most humbling experience of his life. "You're identifying a weakness. You're saying you haven't got control, and for me that was hard," he said. "We're a large family, people are held in high regard. You work
hard, play hard, and you realise that you can't fit in that sphere anymore." Matt has lost 18 kilograms since going sober, his gastro problems are gone — along with the muscle soreness and arthritic pain — and his blood sugar levels are back to where they should be. "I'm as healthy and happy as you could expect to be," he said. Going cold turkey Farm worker Bob — not his real name — realised he had a problem with alcohol when his wife left him. He grew up in the country, had been drinking since he was 15 and at 40 he was an alcoholic. "I come from a long line of drinkers. There was always booze. I thought it was the done thing — what men did," Bob said. Alcohol can often lead to depression, anxiety and isolation as farmers drink alone on the farm. Part 3: What support is there in the bush for recovering alcoholics? He had been to court for drink driving and he was spending tens of thousands of dollars a year on cigarettes and alcohol. "There were things we didn't do because I was watching my money. I was grumpy, cranky and turned everything into an argument," he said. It is two years since Bob's wife left him. "She couldn't handle how we were functioning as a family anymore and she put the three kids in the car and drove away," he said. Why I'm giving up booze Why I'm giving up booze for a year I love the clink of ice cubes in a gin and tonic. But sometimes, love can get complicated, which is why I'm calling quits on drinking for a year. Ms Whan played a part in Bob's recovery as well. He called her for support on the day the car went down the driveway and she asked him a series of questions to confirm if he was an alcoholic — he answered "yes" to 12 out of 14. "I have an addictive nature so I knew I'd have to go cold turkey," Bob said. He went to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings but it was never a good fit. "I went four or five times but it was dragging me down," he said. Bob wanted to get his family back and that was enough motivation for him to give up the grog, but the first month was very difficult. "Day three to five everything was cramping. I had fevers and it felt like everything was collapsing," he said. Bob has been sober for two years now and his wife and kids have come home. "I still want a beer and a smoke every day, but it's all or nothing for me," he said. Bob urged anyone who wants to be sober to seek help. "Don't try and do it alone. It's so tough and you need people with experience to help you through," he said. To drink or not to drink Lachie Cameron has noticed a big change since cutting back on the alcohol. (Supplied: Lachie Cameron) Supplied: Lachie Cameron Part 5: What do younger men in regional areas think about alcohol? Drinking put an end to Lachie Cameron's career as an elite sportsman. He experienced mood swings, isolation and manic episodes that ended with fights with his wife, but he was able to cut back without treatment and he now runs a gym in regional NSW. "I'm pretty happy with my life, now I have a family and a business," he said. As a fitness instructor, Mr Cameron can see the impact of excessive drinking among his clients so he is a big fan of drinking less. But he said it took courage in regional areas, where the drinking culture was still so strong. "You have a choice though, and you're probably more of a man if you stand up and say, 'I'm not having a beer'," he said. The ABC acknowledges the support of Shanna Whan and the Sober in the Country network in producing this story. article Are you a 'responsible drinker'? Many of us think we are, even if we drink to get drunk article We need to talk about women's drinking article Australian teens drinking less, but older people consuming more: survey Drugs and Substance Abuse Rural Youth If you need to talk to someone, call: Lifeline on 13 11 14 Kids Helpline on 1800 551 800 MensLine Australia on 1300 789 978 Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467 Beyond Blue on 1300 22 46 36 Headspace on 1800 650 890 QLife on 1800 184 527 Newsletter Podcasts RSS Has culling more than 500,000 feral donkeys in the Kimberley been worth it? About 570,000 feral donkeys have been culled in the Kimberley region since 1978. Are these yearly aerial cull
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