Is v0 or v1?

by bemer12 - opened

Thanks for your effort!


What do you mean by v0 or v1?


What do you mean by v0 or v1?

Between Vicuna v0 and v1.1 the instruction prompt structure changed as detailed here
That would mean that this model would need to be prompted one way or the other to maintain the expected instruction structure, because the instruct_blip_vicuna*.pth weights were finetuned on one or the other.

According to the instructblip project page, the Vicuna 1.1 weights are meant to be prepared, detailed here
So I would guess that is canonically correct, can't verify 100% that's the source of these weights, but it's a good guess.

Oh thanks for notifying! It seems to be Vicuna 1.1.

I followed the guide here:

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