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posted an update May 20
Do you want to improve AI in your language? Here's how you can help.

I'm exploring different AI techniques for an upcoming project in journalism, and I wanted to test a cool idea by @davanstrien , Data is better together, which aims to foster a community of people to create DPO datasets in different languages.

This project gives the opportunity to explore various concepts:
- Direct Preference Optimization (DPO)
- Synthetic data
- Data annotation
- LLM as a judge

1️⃣ Take the Aya dataset of human-annotated prompt-completion pairs across 71 languages and filter it to include only those in the language you’re interested in.

2️⃣ Use distilabel from Argilla to generate a second response for each prompt and evaluate which response is best.

Basicaly, DPO datasets have a chosen and a rejected responses to a question, which helps align models on specific tasks. To quote Daniel: "Currently, there are only a few DPO datasets available for a limited number of languages. By generating more DPO datasets for different languages, we can help to improve the quality of generative models in a wider range of languages."

3️⃣ Send this dataset and evaluations to the easy-to-use interface to evaluate the evaluations.

This is where you can help. :) You can rate the LLM evaluation of the prompt-responses pairs. For my example, I built a dataset in French. And without wanting to start a debate about homeopathy, the second result is clearly better in the example below! fdaudens/demo-aya-dpo-french

The final dataset can be found here: fdaudens/aya_french_dpo

To contribute to other languages and learn more about synthetic data, you can also produce datasets in the language of your choice! Read more about the project:

very cool!