import os import argparse import json import numpy as np from tqdm import tqdm import nltk from nltk.translate.bleu_score import sentence_bleu, SmoothingFunction from rouge import Rouge from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity import re from textstat import flesch_reading_ease from datasets import load_dataset import openai import time from datetime import datetime import google.generativeai as genai import traceback SLEEP_INTERVAL = 30'punkt', quiet=True)'averaged_perceptron_tagger', quiet=True) def create_client(model_name, base_url): if model_name.lower().startswith('gemini'): api_key = os.getenv("GOOGLE_API_KEY") if not api_key: raise ValueError("GOOGLE_API_KEY environment variable is not set") genai.configure(api_key=api_key) return 'gemini' else: api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY") if not api_key: raise ValueError("OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable is not set") return openai.OpenAI(api_key=api_key) if base_url is None else openai.OpenAI(api_key=api_key, base_url=base_url) def preprocess(text): return nltk.word_tokenize(text.lower()) def calculate_bleu(reference, candidate): reference_tokens = preprocess(reference) candidate_tokens = preprocess(candidate) smoothie = SmoothingFunction().method1 return sentence_bleu([reference_tokens], candidate_tokens, smoothing_function=smoothie) def calculate_rouge(reference, candidate): rouge = Rouge() scores = rouge.get_scores(candidate, reference) return { 'rouge-1': scores[0]['rouge-1']['f'], 'rouge-2': scores[0]['rouge-2']['f'], 'rouge-l': scores[0]['rouge-l']['f'] } def calculate_cosine_similarity(reference, candidate): vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer() tfidf_matrix = vectorizer.fit_transform([reference, candidate]) return cosine_similarity(tfidf_matrix[0:1], tfidf_matrix[1:2])[0][0] def extract_sections(readme): sections = [] current_section = "" for line in readme.split('\n'): if line.strip().startswith('#'): if current_section: sections.append(current_section.strip()) current_section = line + "\n" else: current_section += line + "\n" if current_section: sections.append(current_section.strip()) return sections def calculate_structural_similarity(reference, candidate): ref_sections = extract_sections(reference) cand_sections = extract_sections(candidate) # Calculate section difference max_sections = max(len(ref_sections), len(cand_sections)) section_diff = abs(len(ref_sections) - len(cand_sections)) section_similarity = 1 - (section_diff / max_sections) if max_sections > 0 else 0 # Calculate title similarity ref_titles = [s.split('\n')[0] for s in ref_sections] cand_titles = [s.split('\n')[0] for s in cand_sections] title_similarity = len(set(ref_titles) & set(cand_titles)) / max(len(ref_titles), len(cand_titles)) if ref_titles or cand_titles else 0 # Combine section and title similarity structural_similarity = (section_similarity + title_similarity) / 2 return structural_similarity def information_retrieval_score(readme): key_sections = ['installation', 'usage', 'api', 'example', 'license'] found_sections = sum(1 for section in key_sections if section in readme.lower()) return found_sections / len(key_sections) def code_readme_consistency(repo_content, readme): code_elements = set(re.findall(r'def\s+(\w+)', repo_content) + re.findall(r'class\s+(\w+)', repo_content)) mentioned_elements = sum(1 for element in code_elements if element in readme) return mentioned_elements / len(code_elements) if code_elements else 0 def calculate_readability(text): return flesch_reading_ease(text) / 100 def evaluate_readme(reference_readme, generated_readme, repo_content): bleu_score = calculate_bleu(reference_readme, generated_readme) rouge_scores = calculate_rouge(reference_readme, generated_readme) cosine_sim = calculate_cosine_similarity(reference_readme, generated_readme) structural_sim = calculate_structural_similarity(reference_readme, generated_readme) info_retrieval = information_retrieval_score(generated_readme) code_consistency = code_readme_consistency(repo_content, generated_readme) readability = calculate_readability(generated_readme) weights = { 'bleu': 0.1, 'rouge-1': 0.033, 'rouge-2': 0.033, 'rouge-l': 0.034, 'cosine_similarity': 0.1, 'structural_similarity': 0.1, 'information_retrieval': 0.2, 'code_consistency': 0.2, 'readability': 0.2 } weighted_score = ( weights['bleu'] * bleu_score + weights['rouge-1'] * rouge_scores['rouge-1'] + weights['rouge-2'] * rouge_scores['rouge-2'] + weights['rouge-l'] * rouge_scores['rouge-l'] + weights['cosine_similarity'] * cosine_sim + weights['structural_similarity'] * structural_sim + weights['information_retrieval'] * info_retrieval + weights['code_consistency'] * code_consistency + weights['readability'] * readability ) return { 'bleu': bleu_score, 'rouge': rouge_scores, 'cosine_similarity': cosine_sim, 'structural_similarity': structural_sim, 'information_retrieval': info_retrieval, 'code_consistency': code_consistency, 'readability': readability, 'weighted_score': weighted_score } def generate_readme_openai(repo_content, model, client): system_prompt = """You are an AI assistant tasked with creating a file for a GitHub repository. Your response should contain ONLY the content of the file, without any additional explanations or markdown code blocks. The README should include the following sections: 1. Project Title 2. Description 3. Installation 4. Usage 5. Features 6. Contributing 7. License Ensure that your response is well-structured, informative, and directly usable as a file.""" user_prompt = f"Here is the content of the repository:\n\n{repo_content}\n\nBased on this content, please generate a file." response = model=model, messages=[ {"role": "system", "content": system_prompt}, {"role": "user", "content": user_prompt} ] ) return response.choices[0].message.content def generate_readme_gemini(repo_content, model): safe = [ { "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_HARASSMENT", "threshold": "BLOCK_NONE", }, { "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_HATE_SPEECH", "threshold": "BLOCK_NONE", }, { "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_SEXUALLY_EXPLICIT", "threshold": "BLOCK_NONE", }, { "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_DANGEROUS_CONTENT", "threshold": "BLOCK_NONE", }, ] prompt = f"""Create a file for a GitHub repository based on the following repository content. Your response should contain ONLY the content of the file, without any additional explanations or markdown code blocks. The README should include the following sections: 1. Project Title 2. Description 3. Installation 4. Usage 5. Features 6. Contributing 7. License Ensure that your response is well-structured, informative, and directly usable as a file. Repository content: {repo_content} """ model = genai.GenerativeModel(model,safety_settings=safe) response = model.generate_content(prompt) return response.text def generate_readme(repo_content, model_name, client): if client == 'gemini': return generate_readme_gemini(repo_content, model_name) else: return generate_readme_openai(repo_content, model_name, client) def main(args): dataset = load_dataset("patched-codes/generate-readme-eval") results = [] if args.generate_fine_tune_jsonl: output_file = f"fine_tune_data_{'%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')}.jsonl" generate_fine_tune_jsonl(dataset, output_file) print(f"Fine-tune JSONL file generated: {output_file}") return if model_name = "oracle" else: model_name = args.model client = create_client(model_name, args.base_url) for item in tqdm(dataset['test'], desc="Processing repos"): try: if # Use the existing README as both reference and generated generated_readme = item['repo_readme'] elif args.n_shot > 0: generated_readme = generate_readme_n_shot(item['repo_content'], model_name, client, dataset['train'], args.n_shot) else: generated_readme = generate_readme(item['repo_content'], model_name, client) eval_result = evaluate_readme(item['repo_readme'], generated_readme, item['repo_content']) eval_result['repo_name'] = item['repo_name'] results.append(eval_result) except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing repo {item['repo_name']}: {e}") continue if model_name.lower().startswith('gemini'): time.sleep(SLEEP_INTERVAL) average_scores = { 'bleu': np.mean([r['bleu'] for r in results]), 'rouge-1': np.mean([r['rouge']['rouge-1'] for r in results]), 'rouge-2': np.mean([r['rouge']['rouge-2'] for r in results]), 'rouge-l': np.mean([r['rouge']['rouge-l'] for r in results]), 'cosine_similarity': np.mean([r['cosine_similarity'] for r in results]), 'structural_similarity': np.mean([r['structural_similarity'] for r in results]), 'information_retrieval': np.mean([r['information_retrieval'] for r in results]), 'code_consistency': np.mean([r['code_consistency'] for r in results]), 'readability': np.mean([r['readability'] for r in results]), 'weighted_score': np.mean([r['weighted_score'] for r in results]) } # Print results to console print("\nEvaluation Results:") for metric, score in average_scores.items(): print(f"{metric}: {score:.4f}") # Save results to log file timestamp ="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") log_filename = f"{model_name}_results_{timestamp}.log" with open(log_filename, 'w') as log_file: log_file.write(f"Evaluation Results for model: {model_name}\n") log_file.write(f"Timestamp: {timestamp}\n\n") log_file.write("Average Scores:\n") for metric, score in average_scores.items(): log_file.write(f"{metric}: {score:.4f}\n") log_file.write(f"\nDetailed Results:\n") for result in results: log_file.write(f"\nRepository: {result['repo_name']}\n") log_file.write("Scores:\n") log_file.write(f" BLEU: {result['bleu']:.4f}\n") log_file.write(f" ROUGE-1: {result['rouge']['rouge-1']:.4f}\n") log_file.write(f" ROUGE-2: {result['rouge']['rouge-2']:.4f}\n") log_file.write(f" ROUGE-L: {result['rouge']['rouge-l']:.4f}\n") log_file.write(f" Cosine Similarity: {result['cosine_similarity']:.4f}\n") log_file.write(f" Structural Similarity: {result['structural_similarity']:.4f}\n") log_file.write(f" Information Retrieval: {result['information_retrieval']:.4f}\n") log_file.write(f" Code Consistency: {result['code_consistency']:.4f}\n") log_file.write(f" Readability: {result['readability']:.4f}\n") log_file.write(f" Weighted Score: {result['weighted_score']:.4f}\n") print(f"\nResults saved to {log_filename}") def generate_fine_tune_jsonl(dataset, output_file): system_prompt = """You are an AI assistant tasked with creating a file for a GitHub repository. Your response should contain ONLY the content of the file, without any additional explanations or markdown code blocks. The README should include the following sections: 1. Project Title 2. Description 3. Installation 4. Usage 5. Features 6. Contributing 7. License Ensure that your response is well-structured, informative, and directly usable as a file.""" with open(output_file, 'w') as f: for item in tqdm(dataset['train'], desc="Generating fine-tune data"): user_prompt = f"Here is the content of the repository:\n\n{item['repo_content']}\n\nBased on this content, please generate a file." messages = [ {"role": "system", "content": system_prompt}, {"role": "user", "content": user_prompt}, {"role": "assistant", "content": item['repo_readme']} ] json.dump({"messages": messages}, f) f.write('\n') def find_similar_examples(repo_content, train_dataset, n): vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer() train_contents = [item['repo_content'] for item in train_dataset] train_vectors = vectorizer.fit_transform(train_contents) query_vector = vectorizer.transform([repo_content]) similarities = cosine_similarity(query_vector, train_vectors).flatten() top_n_indices = similarities.argsort()[-n:][::-1] return [train_dataset[int(i)] for i in top_n_indices] def generate_readme_n_shot(repo_content, model_name, client, train_dataset, n_shot): similar_examples = find_similar_examples(repo_content, train_dataset, n_shot) system_prompt = """You are an AI assistant tasked with creating a file for a GitHub repository. Your response should contain ONLY the content of the file, without any additional explanations or markdown code blocks. The README should include the following sections: 1. Project Title 2. Description 3. Installation 4. Usage 5. Features 6. Contributing 7. License Ensure that your response is well-structured, informative, and directly usable as a file.""" few_shot_examples = "" for example in similar_examples: few_shot_examples += f"Repository content:\n\n{example['repo_content']}\n\n" few_shot_examples += f"Generated README:\n\n{example['repo_readme']}\n\n---\n\n" user_prompt = f"""Here are some examples of repository contents and their corresponding README files: {few_shot_examples} Now, here is the content of the repository you need to create a README for: {repo_content} Based on this content and the examples provided, please generate a file.""" if client == 'gemini': safe = [ {"category": "HARM_CATEGORY_HARASSMENT", "threshold": "BLOCK_NONE"}, {"category": "HARM_CATEGORY_HATE_SPEECH", "threshold": "BLOCK_NONE"}, {"category": "HARM_CATEGORY_SEXUALLY_EXPLICIT", "threshold": "BLOCK_NONE"}, {"category": "HARM_CATEGORY_DANGEROUS_CONTENT", "threshold": "BLOCK_NONE"}, ] model = genai.GenerativeModel(model_name, safety_settings=safe) response = model.generate_content(user_prompt) return response.text else: response = model=model_name, messages=[ {"role": "system", "content": system_prompt}, {"role": "user", "content": user_prompt} ] ) return response.choices[0].message.content if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate and evaluate README files using OpenAI or Gemini API, or compute oracle scores") parser.add_argument("model", nargs='?', help="Model to use (e.g., 'gpt-4o-mini' for OpenAI or 'gemini-1.5-flash' for Google)") parser.add_argument("--base_url", help="Optional base URL for OpenAI API", default=None) parser.add_argument("--oracle", action="store_true", help="Compute oracle scores using existing READMEs") parser.add_argument("--generate-fine-tune-jsonl", action="store_true", help="Generate a JSONL file for fine-tuning") parser.add_argument("--n_shot", type=int, default=0, help="Number of examples to use for few-shot learning") args = parser.parse_args() if args.generate_fine_tune_jsonl: if or args.model: parser.error("--generate-fine-tune-jsonl flag cannot be used with --oracle or model specification") elif and args.model: parser.error("--oracle flag cannot be used with a model specification") elif not and not args.model: parser.error("Either --oracle flag or a model name must be provided") main(args)