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"""Utilities for handling Mewsli-X data and evaluation.
This module is adapted from the utilities distributed along with Mewsli-X, i.e.
from __future__ import annotations
import collections
import copy
import dataclasses
import json
import pathlib
import re
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union
# Constants related to text preprocessing.
# Symbols for marking up a mention span in a text passage.
_MARKER_L = "{"
_MARKER_R = "}"
# Regular expressions for escaping pre-existing instances of the marker symbols.
_REGEX = re.compile(rf"{re.escape(_MARKER_L)}(.*?){re.escape(_MARKER_R)}")
_REPLACEMENT = r"(\1)"
# Constants related to task definition.
# Mewsli-X eval languages.
MENTION_LANGUAGES = ("ar", "de", "en", "es", "fa", "ja", "pl", "ro", "ta", "tr",
# The retrieval task for Mewsli-X in XTREME-R is capped at evaluating the top-K
# retrieved entities.
TOP_K = 20
JsonValue = Union[str, int, float, bool, None, Dict[str, Any], List[Any]]
JsonDict = Dict[str, JsonValue]
JsonList = List[JsonValue]
StrOrPurePath = Union[str, pathlib.PurePath]
def to_jsonl(obj: JsonDict) -> str:
return json.dumps(obj, ensure_ascii=False)
class Span:
"""A [start:end]-span in some external string."""
start: int
end: int
def __post_init__(self):
if self.start < 0:
raise ValueError(f"start offset is out of bounds {self}")
if self.end < 0:
raise ValueError(f"end offset is out of bounds {self}")
if self.start >= self.end:
raise ValueError(f"start and end offsets are non-monotonic {self}")
def from_json(json_dict: JsonDict) -> Span:
"""Creates a new Span instance from the given JSON-dictionary."""
return Span(start=json_dict["start"], end=json_dict["end"])
def to_json(self) -> JsonDict:
"""Returns instance as JSON-compatible nested dictionary."""
return dict(start=self.start, end=self.end)
def validate_offsets_relative_to_context(self, context: str) -> None:
"""Validates the span's offsets relative to a context string."""
if self.start >= len(context):
raise ValueError(
f"start offset in {self} is out of bounds w.r.t. '{context}'")
if self.end > len(context):
raise ValueError(
f"end offset in {self} is out of bounds w.r.t. '{context}'")
def locate_in(self, spans: Iterable[Span]) -> Optional[int]:
"""Returns the index of the first span that fully contains `self`.
spans: The spans to search.
First i such that spans[i].{start,end} covers `self.{start,end}`, or None
if there is no such span, indicating that `self` either is out of range
relative to spans or crosses span boundaries.
for i, span in enumerate(spans):
# The starts may coincide and the ends may coincide.
if (span.start <= self.start and self.start < span.end and
span.start < self.end and self.end <= span.end):
return i
return None
class TextSpan(Span):
"""A text span relative to an external string T, with text=T[start:end]."""
text: str
def validate_relative_to_context(self, context: str) -> None:
"""Validates that `self.text` matches the designated span in `context`."""
ref_text = context[self.start:self.end]
if self.text != ref_text:
raise ValueError(f"{self} does not match against context '{context}': "
f"'{self.text}' != '{ref_text}'")
def from_context(span: Span, context: str) -> TextSpan:
"""Creates a new TextSpan by extracting the given `span` from `context`."""
return TextSpan(span.start, span.end, text=context[span.start:span.end])
def from_elements(start: int, end: int, context: str) -> TextSpan:
"""Creates a new TextSpan by extracting [start:end] from `context`."""
return TextSpan.from_context(span=Span(start, end), context=context)
def from_json(json_dict: JsonDict) -> TextSpan:
"""Creates a new TextSpan from the given JSON-dictionary."""
return TextSpan(
start=json_dict["start"], end=json_dict["end"], text=json_dict["text"])
def to_json(self) -> JsonDict:
"""Returns instance as JSON-compatible nested dictionary."""
return dict(start=self.start, end=self.end, text=self.text)
class Entity:
"""An entity and its textual representation.
entity_id: Unique identifier of the entity, e.g. WikiData QID.
title: A title phrase that names the entity.
description: A definitional description of the entity that serves as its
unique textual representation, e.g. taken from the beginning of the
entity's Wikipedia page.
sentence_spans: Sentence break annotations for the description, as
character-level Span objects that index into `description`
sentences: Sentences extracted from `description` according to
`sentence_spans`. These TextSpan objects include the actual sentence text
for added convenience. E.g., the string of the description's first
sentence is `sentences[0].text`.
description_language: Primary language code of the description and title,
matching the Wikipedia language edition from which they were extracted.
description_url: URL of the page where the description was extracted from.
entity_id: str
title: str
description: str
sentence_spans: Tuple[Span, ...]
description_language: str
description_url: str
def __post_init__(self):
def sentences(self) -> Iterator[TextSpan]:
for span in self.sentence_spans:
yield TextSpan.from_context(span, self.description)
def validate(self):
for sentence_span in self.sentence_spans:
def from_json(json_dict: JsonDict) -> Entity:
"""Creates a new Entity from the given JSON-dictionary."""
return Entity(
Span.from_json(t) for t in json_dict["sentence_spans"]),
def to_json(self) -> JsonDict:
"""Returns instance as JSON-compatible nested dictionary."""
return dict(
sentence_spans=[t.to_json() for t in self.sentence_spans],
class Mention:
"""A single mention of an entity, referring to some external context.
example_id: Unique identifier for the mention instance.
mention_span: A TextSpan denoting one mention, relative to external context.
entity_id: ID of the mentioned entity.
metadata: Optional dictionary of additional information about the instance.
example_id: str
mention_span: TextSpan
entity_id: str
metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None
def from_json(json_dict: JsonDict) -> Mention:
"""Creates a new Mention from the given JSON-dictionary."""
return Mention(
def to_json(self) -> JsonDict:
"""Returns instance as JSON-compatible nested dictionary."""
json_dict = dict(
if self.metadata is not None:
json_dict["metadata"] = self.metadata
return json_dict
class Context:
"""A document text fragment and metadata.
document_title: Title of the document.
document_url: URL of the document.
document_id: An identifier for the document. For a Wikipedia page, this may
be the associated WikiData QID.
language: Primary language code of the document.
text: Original text from the document.
sentence_spans: Sentence break annotations for the text, as character-level
Span objects that index into `text`.
sentences: Sentences extracted from `text` according to `sentence_spans`.
These TextSpan objects include the actual sentence text for added
convenience. E.g., the first sentence's string is `sentences[0].text`.
section_title: Optional title of the section under which `text` appeared.
document_title: str
document_url: str
document_id: str
language: str
text: str
sentence_spans: Tuple[Span, ...]
section_title: Optional[str] = None
def __post_init__(self):
def sentences(self) -> Iterator[TextSpan]:
for span in self.sentence_spans:
yield TextSpan.from_context(span, self.text)
def validate(self):
for sentence_span in self.sentence_spans:
def from_json(json_dict: JsonDict) -> Context:
"""Creates a new Context from the given JSON-dictionary."""
return Context(
Span.from_json(t) for t in json_dict["sentence_spans"]),
def to_json(self, keep_text: bool = True) -> JsonDict:
"""Returns instance as JSON-compatible nested dictionary."""
json_dict = dict(
text=self.text if keep_text else "",
sentence_spans=[t.to_json() for t in self.sentence_spans],
if self.section_title is not None:
json_dict["section_title"] = self.section_title
return json_dict
def truncate(self, focus: int, window_size: int) -> Tuple[int, Context]:
"""Truncates the Context to window_size sentences each side of focus.
This seeks to truncate the text and sentence_spans of `self` to
self.sentence_spans[focus - window_size:focus + window_size + 1].
When there are fewer than window_size sentences available before (after) the
focus, this attempts to retain additional context sentences after (before)
the focus.
focus: The index of the focus sentence in self.sentence_spans.
window_size: Number of sentences to retain on each side of the focus.
- c, the number of characters removed from the start of the text, which is
useful for updating any Mention defined in relation to this Context.
- new_context, a copy of the Context that is updated to contain the
truncated text and sentence_spans.
IndexError: if focus is not within the range of self.sentence_spans.
ValueError: if window_size is negative.
if focus < 0 or focus >= len(self.sentence_spans):
raise IndexError(f"Index {focus} invalid for {self.sentence_spans}")
if window_size < 0:
raise ValueError(f"Expected a positive window, but got {window_size}")
snt_window = self._get_sentence_window(focus, window_size)
relevant_sentences = self.sentence_spans[snt_window.start:snt_window.end]
char_offset = relevant_sentences[0].start
char_end = relevant_sentences[-1].end
new_text = self.text[char_offset:char_end]
new_sentences = [
Span(old_sentence.start - char_offset, old_sentence.end - char_offset)
for old_sentence in relevant_sentences
new_context = dataclasses.replace(
self, text=new_text, sentence_spans=tuple(new_sentences))
return char_offset, new_context
def _get_sentence_window(self, focus: int, window_size: int) -> Span:
"""Gets Span of sentence indices to cover window around the focus index."""
# Add window to the left of focus. If there are fewer sentences before the
# focus sentence, carry over the remainder.
left_index = max(focus - window_size, 0)
remainder_left = window_size - (focus - left_index)
assert remainder_left >= 0, remainder_left
# Add window to the right of focus, including carryover. (Note, right_index
# is an inclusive index.) If there are fewer sentences after the focus
# sentence, carry back the remainder.
right_index = min(focus + window_size + remainder_left,
len(self.sentence_spans) - 1)
remainder_right = window_size - (right_index - focus)
if remainder_right > 0:
# Extend further leftward.
left_index = max(left_index - remainder_right, 0)
return Span(left_index, right_index + 1)
class ContextualMentions:
"""Multiple entity mentions in a shared context."""
context: Context
mentions: List[Mention]
def __post_init__(self):
def validate(self):
for mention in self.mentions:
def from_json(json_dict: JsonDict) -> ContextualMentions:
"""Creates a new ContextualMentions from the given JSON-dictionary."""
return ContextualMentions(
mentions=[Mention.from_json(m) for m in json_dict["mentions"]],
def to_json(self, keep_text: bool = True) -> JsonDict:
"""Returns instance as JSON-compatible nested dictionary."""
json_dict = dict(
mentions=[m.to_json() for m in self.mentions],
return json_dict
def unnest_to_single_mention_per_context(self) -> Iterator[ContextualMention]:
for mention in self.mentions:
yield ContextualMention(
context=copy.deepcopy(self.context), mention=copy.deepcopy(mention))
def nest_mentions_by_shared_context(
contextual_mentions: Iterable[ContextualMention]
) -> Iterator[ContextualMentions]:
"""Inverse of unnest_to_single_mention_per_context."""
contexts = {}
groups = collections.defaultdict(list)
for cm in contextual_mentions:
context = cm.context
key = (context.document_id, context.section_title, context.text)
if key in contexts:
assert contexts[key] == context, key
contexts[key] = context
for key, mentions in groups.items():
yield ContextualMentions(contexts[key], mentions)
class ContextualMention:
"""A single entity mention in context."""
context: Context
mention: Mention
def __post_init__(self):
def validate(self):
def from_json(json_dict: JsonDict) -> ContextualMention:
"""Creates a new ContextualMention from the given JSON-dictionary."""
return ContextualMention(
def to_json(self, keep_text: bool = True) -> JsonDict:
"""Returns instance as JSON-compatible nested dictionary."""
json_dict = dict(
return json_dict
def truncate(self, window_size: int) -> Optional[ContextualMention]:
"""Truncates the context to window_size sentences each side of the mention.
window_size: Number of sentences to retain on each side of the sentence
containing the mention. See Context.truncate for more detail.
Returns None if no sentence spans were present or if the mention crosses
sentence boundaries. Otherwise, returns an update copy of the
ContextualMention where `.context` contains the truncated text and
sentences, and the character offsets in `.mention` updated accordingly.
focus_snt = self.mention.mention_span.locate_in(self.context.sentence_spans)
if focus_snt is None:
# The context has no sentences or the mention crosses sentence boundaries.
return None
offset, new_context = self.context.truncate(
focus=focus_snt, window_size=window_size)
# Internal consistency check.
max_valid = window_size * 2 + 1
assert len(new_context.sentence_spans) <= max_valid, (
f"Got {len(new_context.sentence_spans)}>{max_valid} sentences for "
f"window_size={window_size} in truncated Context: {new_context}")
new_mention = dataclasses.replace(
start=self.mention.mention_span.start - offset,
end=self.mention.mention_span.end - offset,
return ContextualMention(context=new_context, mention=new_mention)
class MentionEntityPair:
"""A ContextualMention paired with the Entity it refers to."""
contextual_mention: ContextualMention
entity: Entity
def __post_init__(self):
def validate(self):
def from_json(json_dict: JsonDict) -> MentionEntityPair:
"""Creates a new MentionEntityPair from the given JSON-dictionary."""
return MentionEntityPair(
def to_json(self) -> JsonDict:
"""Returns instance as JSON-compatible nested dictionary."""
json_dict = dict(
return json_dict
SchemaAnyT = TypeVar("SchemaAnyT", Entity, Context, ContextualMention,
ContextualMentions, MentionEntityPair)
SchemaAny = Union[ContextualMention, ContextualMentions, Entity,
def load_jsonl_as_dicts(path: StrOrPurePath) -> List[JsonDict]:
"""Returns dict-records from JSONL file (without parsing into dataclasses)."""
with open(path) as input_file:
return [json.loads(line) for line in input_file]
def load_jsonl(path: StrOrPurePath,
schema_cls: Type[SchemaAnyT]) -> List[SchemaAnyT]:
"""Loads the designated type of schema dataclass items from a JSONL file.
path: File path to load. Each line in the file is a JSON-serialized object.
schema_cls: The dataclass to parse into, e.g. `ContextualMention`, `Entity`,
A list of validated instances of `schema_cls`, one per input line.
result = []
for json_dict in load_jsonl_as_dicts(path):
return result
def write_jsonl(path: StrOrPurePath, items: Iterable[SchemaAny]) -> None:
"""Writes a list of any of the schema dataclass items to JSONL file.
path: Output file path that will store each item as a JSON-serialized line.
items: Items to output. Instances of a schema dataclass, e.g.
`ContextualMention`, `Entity`, etc.
with open(path, "wt") as output_file:
for item in items:
print(to_jsonl(item.to_json()), file=output_file)
# Baseline preprocessing functions. Users are free to create other more nuanced
# approaches.
def preprocess_mention(contextual_mention: ContextualMention) -> str:
"""A baseline method for preprocessing a ContextualMention to string.
contextual_mention: The ContextualMention to preprocess for passing to a
tokenizer or model.
A string representing the mention in context. This baseline implementation
uses one sentence of context, based on sentence annotations provided with
the Mewsli-X data. The mention span is accentuated by enclosing it in marker
symbols defined at the top of this module. As a simple scheme to prevent the
mention span from getting truncated due to a maximum model sequence length,
it is redundantly prepended. For example:
Smith: The verdict came back for { Smith }, who stepped down as AG of
Fictitious County in February, 2012.
# Take 1 sentence of context text.
cm = contextual_mention.truncate(window_size=0)
assert cm is not None, contextual_mention
left = cm.context.text[:cm.mention.mention_span.start]
right = cm.context.text[cm.mention.mention_span.end:]
# Create a context markup that highlights the mention span, while escaping
# any existing instances of the markers.
replacements = 0
left, n = _REGEX.subn(_REPLACEMENT, left)
replacements += n
right, n = _REGEX.subn(_REPLACEMENT, right)
replacements += n
context_markup = (
f"{left} {_MARKER_L} {cm.mention.mention_span.text} {_MARKER_R} {right}")
# Also prepend the mention span to prevent truncation due to limited model
# sequence lengths.
query_string = f"{cm.mention.mention_span.text}: {context_markup}"
# Normalize away newlines and extra spaces.
query_string = " ".join(query_string.splitlines()).replace(" ", " ").strip()
if replacements > 0:
# Escaping does not occur in the WikiNews portion of Mewlis-X, but does
# occur a handful of times in the Wikipedia data.
print(f"Applied marker escaping for example_id {cm.mention.example_id}: "
return query_string
def preprocess_entity_description(entity: Entity) -> str:
"""Returns a lightly normalized string from an Entity's description."""
sentences_text = " ".join(s.text for s in entity.sentences)
# Normalize away newlines and extra spaces.
return " ".join(sentences_text.splitlines()).replace(" ", " ").strip()
# Evaluation functions.
def mean_reciprocal_rank(golds: Sequence[str],
predictions: Sequence[str]) -> float:
"""Computes mean reciprocal rank.
golds: list of gold entity ids.
predictions: list of prediction lists
mean reciprocal rank
def _reciprocal_rank(labels):
for rank, label in enumerate(labels, start=1):
if label:
return 1.0 / rank
return 0.0
assert len(golds) == len(predictions)
reciprocal_ranks = []
for gold, prediction_list in zip(golds, predictions):
labels = [int(p == gold) for p in prediction_list]
if reciprocal_ranks:
return sum(reciprocal_ranks) / len(reciprocal_ranks)
return 0.0
def evaluate(
gold_data: Mapping[str, Sequence[str]],
predictions: Mapping[str, Sequence[str]],
k: int = TOP_K,
return_count_diff: bool = False) -> Union[float, Tuple[float, int, int]]:
"""Evaluates one set of entity linking predictions.
gold_data: dictionary that maps each unique example_id to a *singleton list*
containing its gold entity ID.
predictions: dictionary that maps each unique example_id to a list of
predicted entity IDs. Partial credit may be obtained even if some
instances are missing from this dictionary.
k: Number of top predictions to evaluate per evaluation instance.
return_count_diff: Whether to also return the number of missing and
unexpected example_ids in predictions.
mean reciprocal rank in the interval [0, 1] by default, otherwise if
return_count_diff is True, returns the tuple
(mean reciprocal rank, num missing example_ids, num extra example_ids).
# The dataset has a single gold label per instance, but the file provides
# it as a list.
gold_single_labels = {
ex_id: labels[0].strip() for ex_id, labels in gold_data.items()
# Convert to parallel lists, and truncate to top-k predictions.
gold_ids: List[str] = []
pred_ids: List[List[str]] = []
for example_id, gold in gold_single_labels.items():
top_k_preds = predictions.get(example_id, [])[:k]
assert len(gold_ids) == len(pred_ids), (len(gold_ids), len(pred_ids))
mrr = mean_reciprocal_rank(golds=gold_ids, predictions=pred_ids)
if return_count_diff:
unpredicted_count = len(set(gold_single_labels) - set(predictions))
unexpected_count = len(set(predictions) - set(gold_single_labels))
return mrr, unpredicted_count, unexpected_count
return mrr
def evaluate_all(gold_file_pattern: str,
pred_file_pattern: str,
output_path: Optional[str] = None,
k: int = TOP_K) -> float:
"""Evaluates entity linking predictions from per-language files.
gold_file_pattern: file pattern for per-language gold labels, specified as
an f-string with argument "lang" for language, e.g. "gold-{lang}.json",
containing a single dictionary that maps each unique example id to a
*singleton list* with its gold entity ID. Assumes that files exist for all
pred_file_pattern: file pattern for per-language predictions, specified as
an f-string with argument "lang" for language, e.g. "preds-{lang}.json",
containing a single dictionary that maps each unique example id to a list
of predicted entity IDs. Scoring proceeds even if some predictions are
missing, in which case an alert is printed.
output_path: Path to write results to. If None, results are printed to
standard output.
k: Number of top predictions to evaluate.
mean reciprocal rank in interval [0, 1], macro-averaged over languages.
outputs = []
columns = ["", f"MRR/MAP@{k}"]
unpredicted_count = 0
unexpected_count = 0
mrr_sum = 0.0
for language in sorted(MENTION_LANGUAGES):
# Read the data for the language into dictionaries keyed on example_id,
# which allows evaluating incomplete predictions.
with open(gold_file_pattern.format(lang=language)) as f:
gold_data: Dict[str, List[str]] = json.load(f)
predictions: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}
pred_path = pathlib.Path(pred_file_pattern.format(lang=language))
if pred_path.exists():
with open(pred_path) as f:
predictions = json.load(f)
mrr, unpredicted, unexpected = evaluate(
mrr_sum += mrr
columns = [language, f"{mrr * 100:.2f}"]
unpredicted_count += unpredicted
unexpected_count += unexpected
macro_avg = mrr_sum / len(MENTION_LANGUAGES)
columns = ["MACRO_AVG", f"{macro_avg * 100:.2f}"]
report_text = "\n".join(outputs)
if output_path is None:
with open(output_path, "w") as f:
f.write(report_text + "\n")
if unpredicted_count:
print(f"Gold examples without predictions: {unpredicted_count}")
if unexpected_count:
print(f"Predicted examples without gold: {unexpected_count}")
return macro_avg