// Copyright (c) 2019 Hugo Amiard [email protected] // This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3.0. // See the attached LICENSE.txt file or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html. // This notice and the license may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. #include <core/Event/EventRelay.h> #include <core/World/World.h> #include <core/Entity/Entity.h> #include <core/Event/Event.h> #include <core/Event/EventTube.h> using namespace two; namespace toy { EventRelay::EventRelay(Entity& entity) : m_entity(entity) , m_abstractEventTube() , m_eventTubes() {} void EventRelay::subscribeEvent(EventSubscriber& subscriber) { for(EventTube* tube : m_eventTubes) tube->subscribe(subscriber); } void EventRelay::subscribeReceived(EventSubscriber& subscriber) { m_receivedSubscribers.insert(&subscriber); for(EventTubeEnd* tubeEnd : m_eventTubeEnds) tubeEnd->subscribe(subscriber); } void EventRelay::sendEvent(Event& event) { //mEventWorld->dispatch(event); m_abstractEventTube.dispatch(event); for(EventTube* tube : m_eventTubes) tube->dispatch(event); // @todo : collapse all same events that arrived through different tubes into one ? } void EventRelay::appendEventTube(EventTube& tube) { m_eventTubes.insert(&tube); } void EventRelay::removeEventTube(EventTube& tube) { m_eventTubes.erase(&tube); } void EventRelay::appendEventTubeEnd(EventTubeEnd& tube) { m_eventTubeEnds.insert(&tube); for(EventSubscriber* sub : m_receivedSubscribers) tube.subscribe(*sub); } void EventRelay::removeEventTubeEnd(EventTubeEnd& tube) { m_eventTubeEnds.erase(&tube); } }
{'repo_name': 'hugoam/toy', 'stars': '1312', 'repo_language': 'C++', 'file_name': 'blendish_clear.yml', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': -5485772975490595973, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
/* - * Freeplane - mind map editor * Copyright (C) 2008 Joerg Mueller, Daniel Polansky, Christian Foltin, Dimitry Polivaev * * This file is modified by Dimitry Polivaev in 2008. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.freeplane.features.clipboard.mindmapmode; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import org.freeplane.core.ui.AFreeplaneAction; import org.freeplane.features.clipboard.ClipboardController; import org.freeplane.features.map.NodeModel; import org.freeplane.features.mode.Controller; class PasteAction extends AFreeplaneAction { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public PasteAction() { super("PasteAction"); } public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { final MClipboardController clipboardController = (MClipboardController) ClipboardController .getController(); final NodeModel parent = Controller.getCurrentController().getSelection().getSelected(); clipboardController.paste(clipboardController.getClipboardContents(), parent, false, parent.isNewChildLeft()); } }
{'repo_name': 'BeelGroup/Docear-Desktop', 'stars': '251', 'repo_language': 'Java', 'file_name': 'MANIFEST.MF', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': -1682420131445303529, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
// // asio_ssl.cpp // ~~~~~~~~~~~~ // // Copyright (c) 2003-2020 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com) // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // #include "asio/ssl/impl/src.hpp"
{'repo_name': 'chriskohlhoff/asio', 'stars': '2334', 'repo_language': 'C++', 'file_name': 'start_member.hpp', 'mime_type': 'text/x-c++', 'hash': 745659778687576717, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
/* * Copyright 2009 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.google.common.css.compiler.passes; import static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertThat; import static org.mockito.Matchers.eq; import static org.mockito.Mockito.times; import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify; import static org.mockito.Mockito.when; import com.google.common.css.SourceCodeLocation; import com.google.common.css.compiler.ast.BackDoorNodeMutation; import com.google.common.css.compiler.ast.CssBlockNode; import com.google.common.css.compiler.ast.CssCompositeValueNode; import com.google.common.css.compiler.ast.CssConstantReferenceNode; import com.google.common.css.compiler.ast.CssDeclarationNode; import com.google.common.css.compiler.ast.CssDefinitionNode; import com.google.common.css.compiler.ast.CssLiteralNode; import com.google.common.css.compiler.ast.CssNode; import com.google.common.css.compiler.ast.CssNumericNode; import com.google.common.css.compiler.ast.CssPropertyNode; import com.google.common.css.compiler.ast.CssPropertyValueNode; import com.google.common.css.compiler.ast.CssRootNode; import com.google.common.css.compiler.ast.CssRulesetNode; import com.google.common.css.compiler.ast.CssSelectorNode; import com.google.common.css.compiler.ast.CssTree; import com.google.common.css.compiler.ast.ErrorManager; import com.google.common.css.compiler.ast.GssError; import com.google.common.css.compiler.ast.MutatingVisitController; import java.util.List; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.mockito.ArgumentCaptor; import org.mockito.Captor; import org.mockito.Matchers; import org.mockito.Mock; import org.mockito.Mockito; import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner; /** * Unit tests for {@link ReplaceConstantReferences}. * * @author [email protected] (Oana Florescu) */ @RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) public class ReplaceConstantReferencesTest { @Mock MutatingVisitController mockVisitController; @Mock CssTree mockTree; @Mock ConstantDefinitions mockDefinitions; @Mock SourceCodeLocation mockLoc; @Mock CssConstantReferenceNode mockRefNode; @Mock ErrorManager mockErrorManager; @Captor ArgumentCaptor<List<CssNode>> cssNodesCaptor; @Test public void testRunPass() { when(mockTree.getMutatingVisitController()).thenReturn(mockVisitController); ReplaceConstantReferences pass = new ReplaceConstantReferences( mockTree, new ConstantDefinitions(), true /* removeDefs */, new DummyErrorManager(), true /* allowUndefinedConstants */); mockVisitController.startVisit(pass); pass.runPass(); } @Test public void testEnterDefinitionNode() { when(mockTree.getMutatingVisitController()).thenReturn(mockVisitController); ReplaceConstantReferences pass = new ReplaceConstantReferences( mockTree, new ConstantDefinitions(), true /* removeDefs */, new DummyErrorManager(), true /* allowUndefinedConstants */); mockVisitController.removeCurrentNode(); CssDefinitionNode node = new CssDefinitionNode(new CssLiteralNode("COLOR")); pass.enterDefinition(node); } @Test public void testEnterValueNode() { CssDefinitionNode def = new CssDefinitionNode(new CssLiteralNode("COLOR")); def.getParameters().add(new CssLiteralNode("red")); CssPropertyNode prop1 = new CssPropertyNode("padding", null); CssPropertyValueNode value1 = new CssPropertyValueNode(); BackDoorNodeMutation.addChildToBack(value1, new CssNumericNode("5", "px")); CssPropertyNode prop2 = new CssPropertyNode("color", null); CssPropertyValueNode value2 = new CssPropertyValueNode(); CssConstantReferenceNode ref = new CssConstantReferenceNode("COLOR", null); BackDoorNodeMutation.addChildToBack(value2, ref); CssDeclarationNode decl1 = new CssDeclarationNode(prop1); decl1.setPropertyValue(value1); CssDeclarationNode decl2 = new CssDeclarationNode(prop2); decl2.setPropertyValue(value2); CssRulesetNode ruleset = new CssRulesetNode(); CssSelectorNode sel = new CssSelectorNode("foo", null); ruleset.addSelector(sel); ruleset.addDeclaration(decl1); ruleset.addDeclaration(decl2); CssBlockNode body = new CssBlockNode(false); BackDoorNodeMutation.addChildToBack(body, ruleset); CssRootNode root = new CssRootNode(body); CssTree tree = new CssTree(null, root); ConstantDefinitions constantDefinitions = new ConstantDefinitions(); constantDefinitions.addConstantDefinition(def); ReplaceConstantReferences pass = new ReplaceConstantReferences(tree, constantDefinitions, true /* removeDefs */, new DummyErrorManager(), true /* allowUndefinedConstants */); pass.runPass(); assertThat(tree.getRoot().getBody().toString()) .isEqualTo("[[foo]{[padding:[5px], color:[red]]}]"); } // TODO(oana): Added a task in tracker for fixing these dependencies and // making the mocking of objects easier. @Test public void testEnterArgumentNode() { CssDefinitionNode def = new CssDefinitionNode(new CssLiteralNode("COLOR")); when(mockTree.getMutatingVisitController()).thenReturn(mockVisitController); when(mockDefinitions.getConstantDefinition("COLOR")).thenReturn(def); ReplaceConstantReferences pass = new ReplaceConstantReferences( mockTree, mockDefinitions, true /* removeDefs */, new DummyErrorManager(), true /* allowUndefinedConstants */); CssConstantReferenceNode node = new CssConstantReferenceNode("COLOR", null); pass.enterArgumentNode(node); Mockito.verify(mockVisitController) .replaceCurrentBlockChildWith(cssNodesCaptor.capture(), eq(true)); assertThat(cssNodesCaptor.getValue()).hasSize(1); assertThat(cssNodesCaptor.getValue().get(0).getClass()).isEqualTo(CssCompositeValueNode.class); } @Test public void testAllowUndefinedConstants() { when(mockRefNode.getValue()).thenReturn("Foo"); when(mockRefNode.getSourceCodeLocation()).thenReturn(mockLoc); ReplaceConstantReferences allowingPass = new ReplaceConstantReferences( mockTree, mockDefinitions, true /* removeDefs */, mockErrorManager, true /* allowUndefinedConstants */); allowingPass.replaceConstantReference(mockRefNode); // This should not cause an error to be reported. verify(mockErrorManager, times(0)).report(Matchers.<GssError>any()); } @Test public void testAllowUndefinedConstantsError() { when(mockRefNode.getValue()).thenReturn("Foo"); when(mockRefNode.getSourceCodeLocation()).thenReturn(mockLoc); ReplaceConstantReferences nonAllowingPass = new ReplaceConstantReferences( mockTree, mockDefinitions, true /* removeDefs */, mockErrorManager, false /* allowUndefinedConstants */); nonAllowingPass.replaceConstantReference(mockRefNode); // This should cause an error to be reported. verify(mockErrorManager).report(Matchers.<GssError>any()); } }
{'repo_name': 'google/closure-stylesheets', 'stars': '293', 'repo_language': 'Java', 'file_name': 'NewFunctionalTestBase.java', 'mime_type': 'text/x-java', 'hash': -474480046162450523, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
/* * Copyright 2016-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license. */ // This file was automatically generated from cancellation-and-timeouts.md by Knit tool. Do not edit. package kotlinx.coroutines.guide.exampleCancel01 import kotlinx.coroutines.* fun main() = runBlocking { val job = launch { repeat(1000) { i -> println("job: I'm sleeping $i ...") delay(500L) } } delay(1300L) // delay a bit println("main: I'm tired of waiting!") job.cancel() // cancels the job job.join() // waits for job's completion println("main: Now I can quit.") }
{'repo_name': 'Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines', 'stars': '7815', 'repo_language': 'Kotlin', 'file_name': 'Result.kt', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': -4119484125472466824, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.contacts.vcard; import android.accounts.Account; import android.net.Uri; import com.android.contacts.model.account.AccountWithDataSet; import com.android.vcard.VCardSourceDetector; /** * Class representing one request for importing vCard (given as a Uri). * * Mainly used when {@link ImportVCardActivity} requests {@link VCardService} * to import some specific Uri. * * Note: This object's accepting only One Uri does NOT mean that * there's only one vCard entry inside the instance, as one Uri often has multiple * vCard entries inside it. */ public class ImportRequest { /** * Can be null (typically when there's no Account available in the system). */ public final Account account; /** * Uri to be imported. May have different content than originally given from users, so * when displaying user-friendly information (e.g. "importing xxx.vcf"), use * {@link #displayName} instead. * * If this is null {@link #data} contains the byte stream of the vcard. */ public final Uri uri; /** * Holds the byte stream of the vcard, if {@link #uri} is null. */ public final byte[] data; /** * String to be displayed to the user to indicate the source of the VCARD. */ public final String displayName; /** * Can be {@link VCardSourceDetector#PARSE_TYPE_UNKNOWN}. */ public final int estimatedVCardType; /** * Can be null, meaning no preferable charset is available. */ public final String estimatedCharset; /** * Assumes that one Uri contains only one version, while there's a (tiny) possibility * we may have two types in one vCard. * * e.g. * BEGIN:VCARD * VERSION:2.1 * ... * END:VCARD * BEGIN:VCARD * VERSION:3.0 * ... * END:VCARD * * We've never seen this kind of a file, but we may have to cope with it in the future. */ public final int vcardVersion; /** * The count of vCard entries in {@link #uri}. A receiver of this object can use it * when showing the progress of import. Thus a receiver must be able to torelate this * variable being invalid because of vCard's limitation. * * vCard does not let us know this count without looking over a whole file content, * which means we have to open and scan over {@link #uri} to know this value, while * it may not be opened more than once (Uri does not require it to be opened multiple times * and may become invalid after its close() request). */ public final int entryCount; public ImportRequest(AccountWithDataSet account, byte[] data, Uri uri, String displayName, int estimatedType, String estimatedCharset, int vcardVersion, int entryCount) { this.account = account != null ? account.getAccountOrNull() : null; this.data = data; this.uri = uri; this.displayName = displayName; this.estimatedVCardType = estimatedType; this.estimatedCharset = estimatedCharset; this.vcardVersion = vcardVersion; this.entryCount = entryCount; } }
{'repo_name': 'aosp-mirror/platform_packages_apps_contacts', 'stars': '285', 'repo_language': 'Java', 'file_name': 'test.sh', 'mime_type': 'text/x-shellscript', 'hash': 1986773448605138563, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
package io.fabric8.servicecatalog.examples; /** * Copyright (C) 2015 Red Hat, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import io.fabric8.servicecatalog.api.model.ClusterServiceClassList; import io.fabric8.servicecatalog.client.ServiceCatalogClient; public class ListServiceClasses { public static void main(String[] args) { ServiceCatalogClient client = ClientFactory.newClient(args); System.out.println("Listing Cluster Service Classes:"); ClusterServiceClassList list = client.clusterServiceClasses().list(); list.getItems().stream() .forEach(b -> { System.out.println(b.getSpec().getClusterServiceBrokerName() + "\t\t" + b.getSpec().getExternalName() + "\t\t\t\t" + b.getMetadata().getName()); }); System.out.println("Done"); } }
{'repo_name': 'fabric8io/kubernetes-client', 'stars': '1437', 'repo_language': 'Java', 'file_name': 'StarList.java', 'mime_type': 'text/x-java', 'hash': -6484085143469133711, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
{ "a": "http://www.google.com?search=noprivacy", "b": "http://www.google.com?search=noprivacy" }
{'repo_name': 'sksamuel/hoplite', 'stars': '222', 'repo_language': 'Kotlin', 'file_name': 'com.sksamuel.hoplite.decoder.Decoder', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': 7495322746298575795, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
# make sure that your dns has a cname set for pydio-cells server { listen 443 ssl; listen [::]:443 ssl; server_name pydio-cells.*; include /config/nginx/ssl.conf; client_max_body_size 0; # enable for ldap auth, fill in ldap details in ldap.conf #include /config/nginx/ldap.conf; # enable for Authelia #include /config/nginx/authelia-server.conf; location / { # enable the next two lines for http auth #auth_basic "Restricted"; #auth_basic_user_file /config/nginx/.htpasswd; # enable the next two lines for ldap auth #auth_request /auth; #error_page 401 =200 /ldaplogin; # enable for Authelia #include /config/nginx/authelia-location.conf; include /config/nginx/proxy.conf; resolver valid=30s; set $upstream_app pydio-cells; set $upstream_port 8080; set $upstream_proto https; proxy_pass $upstream_proto://$upstream_app:$upstream_port; } location /ws { # enable the next two lines for http auth #auth_basic "Restricted"; #auth_basic_user_file /config/nginx/.htpasswd; # enable the next two lines for ldap auth #auth_request /auth; #error_page 401 =200 /ldaplogin; # enable for Authelia #include /config/nginx/authelia-location.conf; include /config/nginx/proxy.conf; resolver valid=30s; set $upstream_app pydio-cells; set $upstream_port 8080; set $upstream_proto https; proxy_pass $upstream_proto://$upstream_app:$upstream_port; proxy_buffering off; } }
{'repo_name': 'linuxserver/reverse-proxy-confs', 'stars': '251', 'repo_language': 'None', 'file_name': 'allowed_names.yml', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': 4127496777786250092, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
import { Observable } from 'rxjs'; import { User } from './user'; import { Message } from './message'; export interface IFileUploadAdapter { uploadFile(file: File, participantId: any): Observable<Message>; }
{'repo_name': 'rpaschoal/ng-chat', 'stars': '111', 'repo_language': 'TypeScript', 'file_name': 'app.e2e-spec.ts', 'mime_type': 'text/x-java', 'hash': -5875596455712882967, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
$MeshFormat 2.1 0 8 $EndMeshFormat $Nodes 552 1 0.1 -0.3 0 2 0.6 -0.3 0 3 0.1 0.1 0 4 0.6 0.1 0 5 0.1208333333332611 -0.3 0 6 0.1416666666665221 -0.3 0 7 0.1624999999997832 -0.3 0 8 0.1833333333330442 -0.3 0 9 0.2041666666663053 -0.3 0 10 0.2249999999995663 -0.3 0 11 0.2458333333328274 -0.3 0 12 0.2666666666660884 -0.3 0 13 0.2874999999993495 -0.3 0 14 0.3083333333326105 -0.3 0 15 0.3291666666658716 -0.3 0 16 0.3499999999991327 -0.3 0 17 0.3708333333324515 -0.3 0 18 0.3916666666657704 -0.3 0 19 0.4124999999990893 -0.3 0 20 0.4333333333324082 -0.3 0 21 0.454166666665727 -0.3 0 22 0.4749999999990459 -0.3 0 23 0.4958333333325383 -0.3 0 24 0.5166666666660306 -0.3 0 25 0.5374999999995229 -0.3 0 26 0.5583333333330153 -0.3 0 27 0.5791666666665076 -0.3 0 28 0.1208333333332611 0.1 0 29 0.1416666666665221 0.1 0 30 0.1624999999997832 0.1 0 31 0.1833333333330442 0.1 0 32 0.2041666666663053 0.1 0 33 0.2249999999995663 0.1 0 34 0.2458333333328274 0.1 0 35 0.2666666666660884 0.1 0 36 0.2874999999993495 0.1 0 37 0.3083333333326105 0.1 0 38 0.3291666666658716 0.1 0 39 0.3499999999991327 0.1 0 40 0.3708333333324515 0.1 0 41 0.3916666666657704 0.1 0 42 0.4124999999990893 0.1 0 43 0.4333333333324082 0.1 0 44 0.454166666665727 0.1 0 45 0.4749999999990459 0.1 0 46 0.4958333333325383 0.1 0 47 0.5166666666660306 0.1 0 48 0.5374999999995229 0.1 0 49 0.5583333333330153 0.1 0 50 0.5791666666665076 0.1 0 51 0.1 -0.2789473684211074 0 52 0.1 -0.2578947368422148 0 53 0.1 -0.2368421052633222 0 54 0.1 -0.2157894736844296 0 55 0.1 -0.1947368421055279 0 56 0.1 -0.1736842105265988 0 57 0.1 -0.1526315789476697 0 58 0.1 -0.1315789473687406 0 59 0.1 -0.1105263157898115 0 60 0.1 -0.08947368421084587 0 61 0.1 -0.06842105263184373 0 62 0.1 -0.04736842105284156 0 63 0.1 -0.02631578947383945 0 64 0.1 -0.005263157894837278 0 65 0.1 0.01578947368413747 0 66 0.1 0.03684210526310311 0 67 0.1 0.05789473684206875 0 68 0.1 0.07894736842103439 0 69 0.6 -0.2789473684211074 0 70 0.6 -0.2578947368422148 0 71 0.6 -0.2368421052633222 0 72 0.6 -0.2157894736844296 0 73 0.6 -0.1947368421055279 0 74 0.6 -0.1736842105265988 0 75 0.6 -0.1526315789476697 0 76 0.6 -0.1315789473687406 0 77 0.6 -0.1105263157898115 0 78 0.6 -0.08947368421084587 0 79 0.6 -0.06842105263184373 0 80 0.6 -0.04736842105284156 0 81 0.6 -0.02631578947383945 0 82 0.6 -0.005263157894837278 0 83 0.6 0.01578947368413747 0 84 0.6 0.03684210526310311 0 85 0.6 0.05789473684206875 0 86 0.6 0.07894736842103439 0 87 0.2470719077479455 -0.08137746849645747 0 88 0.3054058064435218 -0.1012342697436091 0 89 0.4380697339231016 -0.0827118221232104 0 90 0.3807942613624612 -0.09678276730759705 0 91 0.5198469101507254 -0.1231687440773327 0 92 0.1802622630417262 -0.123171984374864 0 93 0.4825700977066876 -0.2070684945454482 0 94 0.2015298637981154 -0.006993569505099995 0 95 0.2165436539135884 -0.2017891299473061 0 96 0.5204030848169011 -0.2175389816731 0 97 0.1874205002459193 0.02891264865738236 0 98 0.1763264909436028 -0.2205792713186028 0 99 0.1654833561015513 0.04021905283900101 0 100 0.1628145777279844 -0.2342731739828429 0 101 0.5320703325620801 0.03736745274485404 0 102 0.1189937521102307 0.06892609331402982 0 103 0.5810058730852516 0.06892610391816889 0 104 0.5835638075422199 -0.2651991384269491 0 105 0.2790859505232555 -0.1898971686883984 0 106 0.3192244036865693 -0.1988121468199329 0 107 0.387263330538928 -0.1888443385362997 0 108 0.3437254937791907 -0.1998696557697752 0 109 0.3347408414814464 -0.02763455676175131 0 110 0.3003960377931847 0.001113778029359358 0 111 0.3794612890415798 -0.004964897638084942 0 112 0.2617711321386343 0.002723371253666118 0 113 0.2451823476113867 -0.2602732211099869 0 114 0.1832187596039515 -0.07280090247561771 0 115 0.516705735256796 -0.07281741773760697 0 116 0.4634798923975467 -0.15153968344229 0 117 0.2365231641201183 -0.1419063810242819 0 118 0.4729056839404947 -0.05467848701170441 0 119 0.4682429113758851 0.05483288406416553 0 120 0.2279521428057974 0.04934382519953762 0 121 0.4573001234641445 -0.248854286806804 0 122 0.2221082629691096 -0.2583174609067478 0 123 0.4778470795289662 -0.0990587139155909 0 124 0.2186683837114814 -0.0996928867129464 0 125 0.5594022964206263 -0.04395801020445422 0 126 0.1405724266801488 -0.04395927433734265 0 127 0.20062887066475 -0.2579607475238861 0 128 0.4987369404434219 0.05871198101497743 0 129 0.5003501315124206 -0.2537641218733945 0 130 0.5612585538931373 -0.1919010986231683 0 131 0.5542773721131288 -0.0007939083535721814 0 132 0.1457037833119315 -0.0007944138633162456 0 133 0.5587108015918932 -0.09716416749419243 0 134 0.1413107984311285 -0.09720288029856577 0 135 0.1817323872938597 -0.1726229214780654 0 136 0.5191301480116987 -0.1714711231846025 0 137 0.5578814576784318 -0.1456004511896953 0 138 0.1422158922602929 -0.1459386744175477 0 139 0.5724526303831008 0.03073084889400651 0 140 0.1275439297858139 0.03073075404948794 0 141 0.4131918220554367 -0.1126151493976764 0 142 0.5854100782110143 -0.2475916495007203 0 143 0.5854600785583737 0.04636933659691583 0 144 0.1215335301147904 -0.2466810040680078 0 145 0.1145391606516862 0.04636931553742768 0 146 0.3478817589993298 -0.1116942157170982 0 147 0.1474715579929102 0.05652193886658563 0 148 0.1541326657436418 -0.2558880173235988 0 149 0.5525186987486118 0.05652219524713581 0 150 0.296383692106492 -0.146017220508318 0 151 0.4145880145186823 -0.03727205463234201 0 152 0.4311321455285507 -0.1742926296292673 0 153 0.2636635332699749 0.0473248817014032 0 154 0.3146598861194549 0.04023374717783718 0 155 0.4351007452118419 0.04141500583359453 0 156 0.3580365457706112 0.04870705599351999 0 157 0.3136308694716773 -0.1790373984143993 0 158 0.2702324007238833 -0.2395538729946796 0 159 0.3854169827984786 -0.2464135537686218 0 160 0.382068336740565 -0.05044713274513948 0 161 0.310090619029229 -0.2475718817115574 0 162 0.2947461683999582 -0.03167967213783296 0 163 0.2678186396306346 -0.1248905079285385 0 164 0.3649507914904094 -0.1501421863408875 0 165 0.3444788268639593 -0.07002643238559164 0 166 0.3222677957187681 -0.06952312580561676 0 167 0.3317467879693237 -0.1704787909334478 0 168 0.4504712142226927 -0.04424826882537825 0 169 0.2564259357085437 -0.04181863002114222 0 170 0.4550608719704144 -0.178787274551921 0 171 0.4850348383381963 0.01806653735461716 0 172 0.2602171723662765 -0.1595076030010912 0 173 0.2237299587107645 -0.1808100049645664 0 174 0.5347712792554061 -0.03112529487482307 0 175 0.1651542866344013 -0.03112598512087633 0 176 0.2584495932589829 -0.2220086368379338 0 177 0.4696627122385009 -0.02883447515053511 0 178 0.235532611614233 -0.02646548990050201 0 179 0.3423185622406266 0.01195478675571393 0 180 0.4266224365883683 -0.1284932778163518 0 181 0.2304274506617864 0.009501860026812525 0 182 0.4606115894802353 -0.1123931953172367 0 183 0.4779092664012362 -0.1837945873312068 0 184 0.2383915397252227 -0.102823678673501 0 185 0.1882872624215261 -0.04578338937091009 0 186 0.5149704931383053 -0.04820288963204311 0 187 0.2407163518851088 0.02409921070413162 0 188 0.4190093996273253 0.00892740689825855 0 189 0.451662772368407 -0.230377427480022 0 190 0.2415447630610819 -0.202946736051072 0 191 0.1599316915193432 -0.1597368199399238 0 192 0.5404206058567622 -0.1592563737198348 0 193 0.2569820637951829 0.07999017628715432 0 194 0.5414933406809067 -0.1090260399059521 0 195 0.1585471262723042 -0.1090573884819125 0 196 0.4445425957085896 0.08090881199418581 0 197 0.4896962222767453 0.04404914586342029 0 198 0.2044208309265129 0.04978763190867314 0 199 0.2057601134422185 -0.1605539077618815 0 200 0.2024051576984777 -0.1879125837023813 0 201 0.4945989582600112 -0.164093080572191 0 202 0.4571350989461092 -0.2128889121531545 0 203 0.1384055182774142 -0.174519330613215 0 204 0.5575928256294952 -0.1698628075286041 0 205 0.5367533516397638 -0.05823733230119735 0 206 0.1631979286313223 -0.05823485558085245 0 207 0.4095248868877049 -0.2170486548294097 0 208 0.5393057793282089 -0.08408122103645879 0 209 0.1606822856937659 -0.08408608124385453 0 210 0.5415479047071574 -0.134029401468623 0 211 0.1586432300182706 -0.1342604708046178 0 212 0.2007330693685805 -0.1331862443565051 0 213 0.4951459574517622 -0.1366534637096468 0 214 0.148361763293995 -0.0214154550044261 0 215 0.551610261401662 -0.02141486335099324 0 216 0.2105593006119023 -0.02319633085624306 0 217 0.1800077423995289 -0.09761590440942769 0 218 0.5199658559830188 -0.0976471578547182 0 219 0.5335763403406618 -0.005990808310083251 0 220 0.1650229342466775 -0.005918582790681415 0 221 0.1420369139604128 -0.1206045967119691 0 222 0.5580392764563916 -0.1204792369475866 0 223 0.4817841780657586 -0.1180466665833448 0 224 0.2189305015320431 -0.1179410837029307 0 225 0.4992848055436896 -0.1883455199774064 0 226 0.4798292485157329 -0.2543563749259062 0 227 0.491440950544442 -0.2313428110743826 0 228 0.5770235183546231 0.005925276491096254 0 229 0.1229719271092318 0.005925130330095008 0 230 0.1933854823498121 -0.2782676627958575 0 231 0.2799254084445171 0.01136488368166572 0 232 0.4676294127195404 0.07917997870032589 0 233 0.2359220176393671 0.08207389855414837 0 234 0.1814572863726601 -0.1477470992952904 0 235 0.1594070730018736 -0.1869650742746907 0 236 0.5383003908396882 -0.1822526092274951 0 237 0.1373764931764753 -0.07088559646655707 0 238 0.5626145793837435 -0.07087684542590444 0 239 0.5188670404570978 -0.1477445518941722 0 240 0.4996411157626124 -0.1104935267377833 0 241 0.2001427282969873 -0.1098934071100772 0 242 0.1801722808582999 -0.1984524461312528 0 243 0.5194741146852119 -0.195615106777291 0 244 0.2880197303451612 -0.2089113565489933 0 245 0.5132029750226569 0.05075070718581048 0 246 0.1817723075726017 0.04987151470149254 0 247 0.4956795861748466 -0.06322610978849294 0 248 0.2073462435879014 -0.06553295549931695 0 249 0.4753825905749132 -0.07693326431910583 0 250 0.2188941867582095 -0.08132182130733684 0 251 0.3560292297653906 -0.02538091283425259 0 252 0.3909873875037051 -0.1148656838693399 0 253 0.4366621795010527 -0.1052599015848514 0 254 0.1615610745708875 -0.2116555990534352 0 255 0.5405571904312237 -0.2089474504998186 0 256 0.2332316876291905 -0.08643737850052596 0 257 0.182914339430918 0.006461469723815672 0 258 0.2310652080501569 -0.06697552341442756 0 259 0.4985550681668193 -0.08652128449448837 0 260 0.2012050595596787 -0.08633266615724927 0 261 0.5824909171979321 -0.036852836900579 0 262 0.1175021543154942 -0.03685337686312096 0 263 0.197443899141035 -0.216502492109265 0 264 0.487038802679724 0.06679085646457367 0 265 0.530726927584745 -0.2323119596450132 0 266 0.1993170955177949 0.07809717436735908 0 267 0.5041995514042518 0.08082875602526257 0 268 0.5428468156153935 0.01633778597829938 0 269 0.1629341725153253 0.017923692290994 0 270 0.5635755466339785 -0.2124337956237184 0 271 0.1251805973208769 -0.2228048761642643 0 272 0.1863084709505568 -0.2405697458137157 0 273 0.5030168987116159 -0.2129535849715932 0 274 0.3675120257512331 -0.2068182504361809 0 275 0.25686637968739 -0.2802761980599133 0 276 0.5862723680778825 0.02504408643147388 0 277 0.1137274780979562 0.02504408239342404 0 278 0.1714610131559637 -0.2579628524310755 0 279 0.5782913092194693 -0.228391520205303 0 280 0.5173799561532465 -0.2671418414042163 0 281 0.4494721725739133 -0.2835827436694323 0 282 0.5370734843178807 -0.2801497243047565 0 283 0.1593400542233345 -0.2781651816142711 0 284 0.1413434304305956 0.01620554553172976 0 285 0.5586477876493181 0.01620578688571717 0 286 0.5636336482017106 0.06740736467477115 0 287 0.1215534795913843 -0.2675612781311328 0 288 0.1363619062594731 0.0674072500764466 0 289 0.5149819318026856 0.06733882389802731 0 290 0.1849270212969133 0.06454495124718679 0 291 0.5311254375152917 0.06244125652192156 0 292 0.1688501764097003 0.06242411191950437 0 293 0.143541284355881 -0.2386296995685909 0 294 0.1867097904335954 -0.2627025000011893 0 295 0.5546955455456238 0.03673021982803631 0 296 0.1452910417903854 0.0367298508233751 0 297 0.1156815080701525 0.08670168902463288 0 298 0.5843182977128956 0.08670169451950488 0 299 0.3237587291321095 -0.1075642455009612 0 300 0.3681057939284768 0.0301784725846817 0 301 0.2762774702751046 0.06496007582201724 0 302 0.3478738301065293 -0.1797026739954325 0 303 0.3140231231857372 -0.2288176321183975 0 304 0.3488703448396974 0.02976713824299132 0 305 0.3827698985311671 -0.2644155069715744 0 306 0.2956406430826921 0.02412599743795762 0 307 0.3877438679418611 0.03109086685660661 0 308 0.3194589947215258 0.07518403149153546 0 309 0.2901431717442604 -0.1707102898926918 0 310 0.3478338853939874 -0.2415627160714393 0 311 0.2910057877467748 -0.05564003781646282 0 312 0.3128177229794354 0.01944470965623574 0 313 0.397364003148205 -0.01935820703307306 0 314 0.3980141667344105 -0.1651977621440555 0 315 0.3297339350647762 0.02688735292989453 0 316 0.3373743880628577 0.04515445878343649 0 317 0.3793550401124548 -0.02762190857886171 0 318 0.43027884780404 -0.05995275247488185 0 319 0.4123238823377445 -0.01049947918902278 0 320 0.4489298632289699 -0.1609142797793623 0 321 0.3801438896658932 -0.07332710287948313 0 322 0.2775443872500318 -0.1545300975889424 0 323 0.3779253958899513 -0.1676923884743768 0 324 0.3074319044628698 -0.1242600159451257 0 325 0.2902053826971753 0.04699940253626361 0 326 0.3885727530591737 -0.2128666826587368 0 327 0.1184348881212325 -0.01867058938835825 0 328 0.5815622920193261 -0.01867042151261827 0 329 0.4159481216598044 -0.2861847245971875 0 330 0.264827705930688 -0.1428087962384344 0 331 0.3699949380923762 -0.1154542484306769 0 332 0.2515179376813041 -0.1333321414087978 0 333 0.3779782892187462 -0.1322748200528393 0 334 0.4786933441064701 -0.2809249145226345 0 335 0.4078949835853682 -0.06286024332217924 0 336 0.2775434527311128 0.03224832754650192 0 337 0.4313059608597757 -0.1501128509621149 0 338 0.3284264743227941 -0.2504861283914895 0 339 0.2592599008826436 -0.01951635330575408 0 340 0.4085632986984312 -0.1811788371383644 0 341 0.4075006205889878 0.03078657791346423 0 342 0.2984982974792999 -0.2292466379135067 0 343 0.416998496514623 -0.2373580581312496 0 344 0.3474164366637032 -0.160627366118885 0 345 0.3916914669379127 -0.06279186921429208 0 346 0.4336178913146358 -0.2171584841251336 0 347 0.3609366369303569 0.009013645057837416 0 348 0.3589361976495119 -0.1302942742821778 0 349 0.4018034560616576 -0.253846603291459 0 350 0.5851199273624909 -0.07409792156921485 0 351 0.1148789742363733 -0.07410265148839218 0 352 0.3762813941892997 0.04726207549444023 0 353 0.3445015999744213 -0.007645960943807928 0 354 0.4330465542374927 -0.01764742381140755 0 355 0.3712266440262721 -0.2309404456265208 0 356 0.2367127436777742 -0.1244714240448793 0 357 0.2399877132698292 -0.2263234996608563 0 358 0.3963128826375437 -0.2332062881041287 0 359 0.3892238334344216 -0.1486847430910197 0 360 0.3600980843285077 -0.08183319943784845 0 361 0.4208453141488814 -0.1963416012750623 0 362 0.3993029922718296 -0.0986539596482276 0 363 0.43691721759461 0.05930178718823226 0 364 0.4268594773607396 0.0263554511145101 0 365 0.2837693614115718 -0.1303874322015937 0 366 0.2680339734408866 -0.2070410573920922 0 367 0.3346213824849245 -0.05002936488232471 0 368 0.3318799681758446 -0.1877370536223426 0 369 0.3659241231792917 -0.2528598871796974 0 370 0.221664115437801 0.03057449093109949 0 371 0.3591123670238647 -0.05828127019749546 0 372 0.1386388884167461 -0.2568375004300809 0 373 0.4694552583722905 -0.1662815029076221 0 374 0.4167503287836993 -0.162910340931928 0 375 0.2758564452960229 -0.03721507577157912 0 376 0.1250869638309363 -0.1546200335389243 0 377 0.273654274217309 -0.1091176587594838 0 378 0.2287568943740908 -0.1578717714060935 0 379 0.5790094382176659 -0.1595653757508888 0 380 0.2812512535028651 -0.01285271689098855 0 381 0.2343770145792093 -0.2779292419571518 0 382 0.4624327448853782 -0.27082257483671 0 383 0.3650322141443969 -0.01081845109455953 0 384 0.3147445954159115 -0.01724144118643633 0 385 0.3128919544243079 -0.1605609513027727 0 386 0.4480137208835026 -0.1410474705955659 0 387 0.5671392917518243 -0.02765692129406805 0 388 0.13284963124034 -0.02765731426650581 0 389 0.3017812258086763 -0.07803572097509906 0 390 0.4572977549276672 -0.0905175862514101 0 391 0.2596739085087594 0.02399427857884567 0 392 0.3965698041612297 -0.08003966418592079 0 393 0.4462393603140938 0.02667214741572049 0 394 0.2470030260636412 -0.1749176718498492 0 395 0.2614786022810033 -0.1905524734091 0 396 0.4538981489749822 0.06362019328434887 0 397 0.4495978210454092 0.04814420100953215 0 398 0.4568131475743373 -0.0127433040596916 0 399 0.4790399286715761 -0.1506380560115749 0 400 0.3217020849367068 -0.1426864315174425 0 401 0.4032617700220035 -0.1995963639305325 0 402 0.435610704330085 -0.03774971575097019 0 403 0.4192641338172197 0.05090155929347451 0 404 0.2533613328906044 -0.2416645127720604 0 405 0.2873983651779671 -0.2460470035774236 0 406 0.2481409834226865 -0.1517240608214247 0 407 0.3968104565872232 0.006444942462022374 0 408 0.3433026865583973 -0.1441985669445826 0 409 0.4374523122078284 0.004461737993574078 0 410 0.454351121232331 -0.06747673360678344 0 411 0.3648777290866666 -0.03996858832826466 0 412 0.1219197890337412 -0.1126310414020587 0 413 0.5781056448582823 -0.1125813943143051 0 414 0.2540285253378048 -0.1150170495365831 0 415 0.2312000243781364 -0.2411436733940649 0 416 0.3396018612498287 -0.09057782888722404 0 417 0.4106091685960598 -0.1480717752822652 0 418 0.3963998654041049 -0.04414071220187971 0 419 0.4488638357939765 -0.1235860030055168 0 420 0.2996852384433821 -0.1935337587203062 0 421 0.1766846873222137 -0.2795479892086654 0 422 0.553318977393653 -0.2320757100570558 0 423 0.5663225471281128 -0.01252216760403108 0 424 0.1336643986153462 -0.01252252843850227 0 425 0.3584549436442821 -0.09910985152207424 0 426 0.20894509356459 -0.2392883368623654 0 427 0.2785939249083977 -0.2275239254273334 0 428 0.5807584921994017 -0.09245338813404572 0 429 0.1192476758129531 -0.09247036160937186 0 430 0.468118396912116 -0.1328597369932328 0 431 0.3314119901104878 -0.1557104213634261 0 432 0.4178004186731393 -0.08604968648697001 0 433 0.1747990722411374 0.08082946309006411 0 434 0.5252102406422638 0.08085877273283898 0 435 0.3239774453503643 0.003140705388990528 0 436 0.4965918336843311 -0.2740436415931158 0 437 0.1218765931808972 -0.1363341453978184 0 438 0.578044045894423 -0.1361944353417987 0 439 0.4658061604528562 0.03203291456631308 0 440 0.5667319726254546 -0.2491016766145728 0 441 0.4623294454932818 -0.1942627813158794 0 442 0.1408876142374954 -0.2744646106401465 0 443 0.1475579127878978 -0.2222094507404579 0 444 0.5816046200607988 -0.05692918129747301 0 445 0.1183883414014153 -0.05693172880668301 0 446 0.2226108578880435 -0.2213323113374883 0 447 0.5797488674457801 -0.1822867699391316 0 448 0.2078540015643902 0.01238766024688226 0 449 0.2212360810858042 -0.1393218020494286 0 450 0.114768974932794 -0.1747545843759475 0 451 0.2132777162047921 -0.2787458521972739 0 452 0.2696638854074868 -0.1737225983631182 0 453 0.5682944124204453 0.05111434485983907 0 454 0.1317002247650833 0.05111420044455883 0 455 0.3338355602898209 -0.126782958317898 0 456 0.4702971783555264 -0.2319729753472621 0 457 0.5475305139703596 0.07894257321022324 0 458 0.1524649899655459 0.0789358206866107 0 459 0.243663070881699 -0.006023400427532355 0 460 0.401435489566123 -0.1308342415849154 0 461 0.5163586024921024 -0.02208414484714499 0 462 0.1356055501892949 0.08536798085367436 0 463 0.5643922393521007 0.0853684232948953 0 464 0.4254580371025978 -0.003689439527149452 0 465 0.1875143928045893 -0.02001826043940608 0 466 0.3390272295195588 0.0804195878638661 0 467 0.4231917239930276 0.07652907883595578 0 468 0.4343076941402696 -0.2796474780558705 0 469 0.1205999666742913 -0.1972160661428448 0 470 0.348451299854877 0.06327558830952407 0 471 0.300463487444627 0.08067714257581554 0 472 0.3614201276680709 -0.2731033542615865 0 473 0.5806323869343822 -0.2039702851000014 0 474 0.3993084635477278 -0.2753400264891159 0 475 0.2188339680728794 0.08510638355232975 0 476 0.3603487411929295 -0.2890623824964181 0 477 0.3700631589021932 0.06391147164688787 0 478 0.2977593284257806 -0.2882283470638418 0 479 0.3074596867031508 0.06075857943813689 0 480 0.2392163212405668 -0.04865291393591931 0 481 0.4437534402683238 -0.263746659674865 0 482 0.2911866300648628 -0.1119713232131259 0 483 0.2975103392953702 -0.2682558011436676 0 484 0.2215943831886877 -0.006798211735947135 0 485 0.4859402200270201 0.08535991823803246 0 486 0.3158820537071412 -0.2840548817758419 0 487 0.4473907116655629 -0.02723028020181606 0 488 0.3226237270252517 -0.2661241027496615 0 489 0.2441439645479748 0.06093504071214656 0 490 0.318669945312813 -0.08870455602246327 0 491 0.4211834616637961 -0.2617021022020098 0 492 0.3402474776560653 -0.2822026989194442 0 493 0.4640373421146681 0.008828418029357687 0 494 0.2420796334199177 0.03934796712607519 0 495 0.3285611080993543 -0.2345496501568006 0 496 0.3777245384896862 -0.2836535450364491 0 497 0.4433534612336455 -0.1956219471750697 0 498 0.5192033729156242 -0.2499387236419888 0 499 0.3267592148340696 -0.2164565029981947 0 500 0.4639529856461069 -0.2870660466057554 0 501 0.3077016679957033 -0.2126296725198886 0 502 0.3787258762858586 0.01403056887818516 0 503 0.3650771564723788 -0.1863692822296029 0 504 0.2467570898560585 0.01035456256806727 0 505 0.2158771014306959 -0.04431114830473804 0 506 0.2700860463387685 -0.2601459542912364 0 507 0.2718728731801019 -0.08947751810794308 0 508 0.2517474092479106 -0.06221511432503929 0 509 0.2775779376360704 0.0851254789369974 0 510 0.3444126358742435 -0.2610564812622197 0 511 0.3606487221245944 -0.1689067794318369 0 512 0.4374193642656551 -0.243199503070014 0 513 0.4936215319439412 -0.03581591710878024 0 514 0.3495063438103042 -0.04004627975487346 0 515 0.540460277601195 -0.2532191061354495 0 516 0.2793981267354578 -0.2828177167597765 0 517 0.5103947823476116 -0.2342318388105872 0 518 0.3284881888751742 0.06113950738377066 0 519 0.2936015067800144 0.06334880009305827 0 520 0.2602667579720593 0.06330254363068033 0 521 0.1430314873132779 -0.2022663336821967 0 522 0.3476030619806845 -0.2216995368431519 0 523 0.221765003251721 0.06755732571569911 0 524 0.4794281628406113 -0.00650144626129523 0 525 0.2005595143171784 -0.03332728224282433 0 526 0.2047618893325101 0.03059389555589737 0 527 0.2814023849023234 -0.07526746830954451 0 528 0.2582399993086008 -0.09553732253008687 0 529 0.2701720298363758 -0.05784447357502029 0 530 0.263417767370543 -0.0769532275573486 0 531 0.4987550164993607 -0.01321099247121849 0 532 0.2877512317154054 -0.09412202482811011 0 533 0.3592546203184995 0.08267410081828219 0 534 0.3120376866076918 -0.05095409349111854 0 535 0.4023100050633032 0.07973304827238675 0 536 0.5074028815082758 0.02850138716114864 0 537 0.5016905579439696 0.007240317811589014 0 538 0.5148388065515286 -0.003907530948402738 0 539 0.4853668558806035 -0.02109070774795729 0 540 0.3825599885890572 0.0808609459311837 0 541 0.3065646354839715 -0.0625354884692001 0 542 0.5220709557536516 0.01325810073956751 0 543 0.3181781348779865 -0.03550782569189276 0 544 0.5801870548069371 -0.2855515812841702 0 545 0.3286838323563028 -0.01320007718349153 0 546 0.5613023503347262 -0.2724628014563293 0 547 0.3946520979103613 0.05630645590144001 0 548 0.2976474927183699 -0.01611339380505505 0 549 0.5168408790255917 -0.2868892012170148 0 550 0.409854490195978 0.06586753557581426 0 551 0.1225596267492156 -0.2850744902338234 0 552 0.1108482400206192 -0.2910054646637327 0 $EndNodes $Elements 1102 1 1 3 7 1 0 1 5 2 1 3 7 1 0 5 6 3 1 3 7 1 0 6 7 4 1 3 7 1 0 7 8 5 1 3 7 1 0 8 9 6 1 3 7 1 0 9 10 7 1 3 7 1 0 10 11 8 1 3 7 1 0 11 12 9 1 3 7 1 0 12 13 10 1 3 7 1 0 13 14 11 1 3 7 1 0 14 15 12 1 3 7 1 0 15 16 13 1 3 7 1 0 16 17 14 1 3 7 1 0 17 18 15 1 3 7 1 0 18 19 16 1 3 7 1 0 19 20 17 1 3 7 1 0 20 21 18 1 3 7 1 0 21 22 19 1 3 7 1 0 22 23 20 1 3 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20 329 19 565 2 3 11 5 0 159 369 305 566 2 3 11 5 0 275 381 11 567 2 3 11 5 0 10 11 381 568 2 3 11 5 0 430 116 399 569 2 3 11 5 0 213 430 399 570 2 3 11 5 0 430 213 223 571 2 3 11 5 0 122 426 127 572 2 3 11 5 0 426 122 415 573 2 3 11 5 0 179 435 353 574 2 3 11 5 0 460 141 252 575 2 3 11 5 0 141 460 180 576 2 3 11 5 0 417 180 460 577 2 3 11 5 0 165 371 367 578 2 3 11 5 0 293 271 144 579 2 3 11 5 0 271 293 443 580 2 3 11 5 0 400 150 385 581 2 3 11 5 0 167 385 157 582 2 3 11 5 0 167 431 385 583 2 3 11 5 0 400 385 431 584 2 3 11 5 0 422 279 270 585 2 3 11 5 0 279 440 142 586 2 3 11 5 0 152 340 361 587 2 3 11 5 0 401 207 361 588 2 3 11 5 0 361 340 401 589 2 3 11 5 0 140 454 145 590 2 3 11 5 0 147 454 296 591 2 3 11 5 0 454 147 288 592 2 3 11 5 0 140 296 454 593 2 3 11 5 0 453 139 143 594 2 3 11 5 0 453 149 295 595 2 3 11 5 0 149 453 286 596 2 3 11 5 0 295 139 453 597 2 3 11 5 0 299 455 146 598 2 3 11 5 0 373 116 320 599 2 3 11 5 0 170 373 320 600 2 3 11 5 0 373 170 183 601 2 3 11 5 0 112 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5 0 158 427 176 640 2 3 11 5 0 405 427 158 641 2 3 11 5 0 244 427 342 642 2 3 11 5 0 342 427 405 643 2 3 11 5 0 452 172 394 644 2 3 11 5 0 190 394 173 645 2 3 11 5 0 190 395 394 646 2 3 11 5 0 394 395 452 647 2 3 11 5 0 22 23 334 648 2 3 11 5 0 334 23 436 649 2 3 11 5 0 89 432 253 650 2 3 11 5 0 432 89 318 651 2 3 11 5 0 318 335 432 652 2 3 11 5 0 391 112 231 653 2 3 11 5 0 336 153 391 654 2 3 11 5 0 231 336 391 655 2 3 11 5 0 112 380 231 656 2 3 11 5 0 112 339 380 657 2 3 11 5 0 375 162 380 658 2 3 11 5 0 380 339 375 659 2 3 11 5 0 64 63 327 660 2 3 11 5 0 229 64 327 661 2 3 11 5 0 81 82 328 662 2 3 11 5 0 82 228 328 663 2 3 11 5 0 117 449 378 664 2 3 11 5 0 449 199 378 665 2 3 11 5 0 199 449 212 666 2 3 11 5 0 379 204 447 667 2 3 11 5 0 189 202 346 668 2 3 11 5 0 361 207 346 669 2 3 11 5 0 416 165 166 670 2 3 11 5 0 360 165 416 671 2 3 11 5 0 146 416 299 672 2 3 11 5 0 146 425 416 673 2 3 11 5 0 360 416 425 674 2 3 11 5 0 367 166 165 675 2 3 11 5 0 57 56 450 676 2 3 11 5 0 203 376 450 677 2 3 11 5 0 450 376 57 678 2 3 11 5 0 119 439 197 679 2 3 11 5 0 439 171 197 680 2 3 11 5 0 457 49 48 681 2 3 11 5 0 463 49 457 682 2 3 11 5 0 29 458 30 683 2 3 11 5 0 29 462 458 684 2 3 11 5 0 281 468 20 685 2 3 11 5 0 468 329 20 686 2 3 11 5 0 470 316 156 687 2 3 11 5 0 472 305 369 688 2 3 11 5 0 72 473 279 689 2 3 11 5 0 473 270 279 690 2 3 11 5 0 305 474 349 691 2 3 11 5 0 475 32 266 692 2 3 11 5 0 17 476 16 693 2 3 11 5 0 352 477 156 694 2 3 11 5 0 478 13 14 695 2 3 11 5 0 178 480 169 696 2 3 11 5 0 281 481 468 697 2 3 11 5 0 482 324 88 698 2 3 11 5 0 482 377 365 699 2 3 11 5 0 324 482 365 700 2 3 11 5 0 484 178 459 701 2 3 11 5 0 181 484 459 702 2 3 11 5 0 46 485 267 703 2 3 11 5 0 485 264 267 704 2 3 11 5 0 15 486 14 705 2 3 11 5 0 487 168 177 706 2 3 11 5 0 398 487 177 707 2 3 11 5 0 168 487 402 708 2 3 11 5 0 488 338 161 709 2 3 11 5 0 490 88 299 710 2 3 11 5 0 416 490 299 711 2 3 11 5 0 491 329 468 712 2 3 11 5 0 492 15 16 713 2 3 11 5 0 493 409 398 714 2 3 11 5 0 391 494 187 715 2 3 11 5 0 495 303 161 716 2 3 11 5 0 338 495 161 717 2 3 11 5 0 496 17 18 718 2 3 11 5 0 496 305 472 719 2 3 11 5 0 497 170 152 720 2 3 11 5 0 361 497 152 721 2 3 11 5 0 280 498 129 722 2 3 11 5 0 499 108 106 723 2 3 11 5 0 22 500 21 724 2 3 11 5 0 500 281 21 725 2 3 11 5 0 500 22 334 726 2 3 11 5 0 502 300 347 727 2 3 11 5 0 300 502 307 728 2 3 11 5 0 111 502 347 729 2 3 11 5 0 503 107 323 730 2 3 11 5 0 112 504 459 731 2 3 11 5 0 187 504 391 732 2 3 11 5 0 504 112 391 733 2 3 11 5 0 216 505 178 734 2 3 11 5 0 158 506 405 735 2 3 11 5 0 509 35 193 736 2 3 11 5 0 301 509 193 737 2 3 11 5 0 164 511 323 738 2 3 11 5 0 302 511 344 739 2 3 11 5 0 511 164 344 740 2 3 11 5 0 346 512 189 741 2 3 11 5 0 512 346 343 742 2 3 11 5 0 513 247 186 743 2 3 11 5 0 247 513 118 744 2 3 11 5 0 514 251 109 745 2 3 11 5 0 367 514 109 746 2 3 11 5 0 251 514 411 747 2 3 11 5 0 516 12 13 748 2 3 11 5 0 12 516 275 749 2 3 11 5 0 517 227 129 750 2 3 11 5 0 227 517 273 751 2 3 11 5 0 480 178 505 752 2 3 11 5 0 370 494 120 753 2 3 11 5 0 370 187 494 754 2 3 11 5 0 498 517 129 755 2 3 11 5 0 498 265 517 756 2 3 11 5 0 481 382 121 757 2 3 11 5 0 281 382 481 758 2 3 11 5 0 96 517 265 759 2 3 11 5 0 96 273 517 760 2 3 11 5 0 501 499 106 761 2 3 11 5 0 303 499 501 762 2 3 11 5 0 478 516 13 763 2 3 11 5 0 407 502 111 764 2 3 11 5 0 407 307 502 765 2 3 11 5 0 486 478 14 766 2 3 11 5 0 503 511 302 767 2 3 11 5 0 503 323 511 768 2 3 11 5 0 500 382 281 769 2 3 11 5 0 334 382 500 770 2 3 11 5 0 476 492 16 771 2 3 11 5 0 477 470 156 772 2 3 11 5 0 181 504 187 773 2 3 11 5 0 181 459 504 774 2 3 11 5 0 371 514 367 775 2 3 11 5 0 371 411 514 776 2 3 11 5 0 354 487 398 777 2 3 11 5 0 354 402 487 778 2 3 11 5 0 484 216 178 779 2 3 11 5 0 488 510 338 780 2 3 11 5 0 468 481 491 781 2 3 11 5 0 496 476 17 782 2 3 11 5 0 472 476 496 783 2 3 11 5 0 496 474 305 784 2 3 11 5 0 478 483 516 785 2 3 11 5 0 464 354 409 786 2 3 11 5 0 409 354 398 787 2 3 11 5 0 501 244 342 788 2 3 11 5 0 303 501 342 789 2 3 11 5 0 475 33 32 790 2 3 11 5 0 33 475 233 791 2 3 11 5 0 45 485 46 792 2 3 11 5 0 485 45 232 793 2 3 11 5 0 264 485 232 794 2 3 11 5 0 43 467 196 795 2 3 11 5 0 467 43 42 796 2 3 11 5 0 467 363 196 797 2 3 11 5 0 509 36 35 798 2 3 11 5 0 73 473 72 799 2 3 11 5 0 130 270 473 800 2 3 11 5 0 490 389 88 801 2 3 11 5 0 389 490 166 802 2 3 11 5 0 490 416 166 803 2 3 11 5 0 248 505 185 804 2 3 11 5 0 308 471 479 805 2 3 11 5 0 479 325 154 806 2 3 11 5 0 400 431 408 807 2 3 11 5 0 455 400 408 808 2 3 11 5 0 491 474 329 809 2 3 11 5 0 349 491 343 810 2 3 11 5 0 491 349 474 811 2 3 11 5 0 345 392 335 812 2 3 11 5 0 432 335 392 813 2 3 11 5 0 432 392 362 814 2 3 11 5 0 503 274 107 815 2 3 11 5 0 274 503 108 816 2 3 11 5 0 503 302 108 817 2 3 11 5 0 446 190 95 818 2 3 11 5 0 190 446 357 819 2 3 11 5 0 287 52 51 820 2 3 11 5 0 144 52 287 821 2 3 11 5 0 384 435 110 822 2 3 11 5 0 451 9 10 823 2 3 11 5 0 451 10 381 824 2 3 11 5 0 451 381 122 825 2 3 11 5 0 9 451 230 826 2 3 11 5 0 428 77 78 827 2 3 11 5 0 413 428 133 828 2 3 11 5 0 413 77 428 829 2 3 11 5 0 59 429 60 830 2 3 11 5 0 429 412 134 831 2 3 11 5 0 59 412 429 832 2 3 11 5 0 433 30 458 833 2 3 11 5 0 292 290 433 834 2 3 11 5 0 433 458 292 835 2 3 11 5 0 48 434 457 836 2 3 11 5 0 289 291 434 837 2 3 11 5 0 457 434 291 838 2 3 11 5 0 153 494 391 839 2 3 11 5 0 280 129 436 840 2 3 11 5 0 446 415 357 841 2 3 11 5 0 446 426 415 842 2 3 11 5 0 494 489 120 843 2 3 11 5 0 489 193 233 844 2 3 11 5 0 494 153 489 845 2 3 11 5 0 364 188 409 846 2 3 11 5 0 188 464 409 847 2 3 11 5 0 364 409 393 848 2 3 11 5 0 417 359 314 849 2 3 11 5 0 374 417 314 850 2 3 11 5 0 460 359 417 851 2 3 11 5 0 506 158 404 852 2 3 11 5 0 275 506 113 853 2 3 11 5 0 506 404 113 854 2 3 11 5 0 76 438 75 855 2 3 11 5 0 379 75 438 856 2 3 11 5 0 379 438 137 857 2 3 11 5 0 118 410 249 858 2 3 11 5 0 410 118 168 859 2 3 11 5 0 445 237 126 860 2 3 11 5 0 237 445 351 861 2 3 11 5 0 262 445 126 862 2 3 11 5 0 405 483 161 863 2 3 11 5 0 483 405 506 864 2 3 11 5 0 483 488 161 865 2 3 11 5 0 238 444 125 866 2 3 11 5 0 444 238 350 867 2 3 11 5 0 444 261 125 868 2 3 11 5 0 437 58 57 869 2 3 11 5 0 57 376 437 870 2 3 11 5 0 437 376 138 871 2 3 11 5 0 203 450 469 872 2 3 11 5 0 510 369 310 873 2 3 11 5 0 310 338 510 874 2 3 11 5 0 369 510 472 875 2 3 11 5 0 499 303 495 876 2 3 11 5 0 310 495 338 877 2 3 11 5 0 189 121 456 878 2 3 11 5 0 121 226 456 879 2 3 11 5 0 189 456 202 880 2 3 11 5 0 456 226 227 881 2 3 11 5 0 370 181 187 882 2 3 11 5 0 370 448 181 883 2 3 11 5 0 450 56 55 884 2 3 11 5 0 469 450 55 885 2 3 11 5 0 171 439 493 886 2 3 11 5 0 493 439 393 887 2 3 11 5 0 493 393 409 888 2 3 11 5 0 74 447 73 889 2 3 11 5 0 473 73 447 890 2 3 11 5 0 130 473 447 891 2 3 11 5 0 515 280 282 892 2 3 11 5 0 265 498 515 893 2 3 11 5 0 498 280 515 894 2 3 11 5 0 38 466 39 895 2 3 11 5 0 470 518 316 896 2 3 11 5 0 518 470 466 897 2 3 11 5 0 325 519 301 898 2 3 11 5 0 471 519 479 899 2 3 11 5 0 519 325 479 900 2 3 11 5 0 520 301 193 901 2 3 11 5 0 520 489 153 902 2 3 11 5 0 489 520 193 903 2 3 11 5 0 301 520 153 904 2 3 11 5 0 521 469 271 905 2 3 11 5 0 310 522 495 906 2 3 11 5 0 523 489 233 907 2 3 11 5 0 489 523 120 908 2 3 11 5 0 185 525 465 909 2 3 11 5 0 216 525 505 910 2 3 11 5 0 525 216 465 911 2 3 11 5 0 525 185 505 912 2 3 11 5 0 97 526 198 913 2 3 11 5 0 370 526 448 914 2 3 11 5 0 526 370 198 915 2 3 11 5 0 526 97 448 916 2 3 11 5 0 521 443 254 917 2 3 11 5 0 271 443 521 918 2 3 11 5 0 308 518 466 919 2 3 11 5 0 308 479 518 920 2 3 11 5 0 518 154 316 921 2 3 11 5 0 479 154 518 922 2 3 11 5 0 499 522 108 923 2 3 11 5 0 499 495 522 924 2 3 11 5 0 524 398 177 925 2 3 11 5 0 524 171 493 926 2 3 11 5 0 524 493 398 927 2 3 11 5 0 198 290 246 928 2 3 11 5 0 290 198 266 929 2 3 11 5 0 390 410 89 930 2 3 11 5 0 390 123 249 931 2 3 11 5 0 123 390 182 932 2 3 11 5 0 390 249 410 933 2 3 11 5 0 506 275 516 934 2 3 11 5 0 483 506 516 935 2 3 11 5 0 38 308 466 936 2 3 11 5 0 157 420 106 937 2 3 11 5 0 420 501 106 938 2 3 11 5 0 244 420 105 939 2 3 11 5 0 244 501 420 940 2 3 11 5 0 274 522 355 941 2 3 11 5 0 522 274 108 942 2 3 11 5 0 522 310 355 943 2 3 11 5 0 486 483 478 944 2 3 11 5 0 483 486 488 945 2 3 11 5 0 250 258 248 946 2 3 11 5 0 505 248 258 947 2 3 11 5 0 480 505 258 948 2 3 11 5 0 492 476 472 949 2 3 11 5 0 472 510 492 950 2 3 11 5 0 480 508 169 951 2 3 11 5 0 87 508 258 952 2 3 11 5 0 508 480 258 953 2 3 11 5 0 521 235 203 954 2 3 11 5 0 235 521 254 955 2 3 11 5 0 469 521 203 956 2 3 11 5 0 189 512 121 957 2 3 11 5 0 512 481 121 958 2 3 11 5 0 491 512 343 959 2 3 11 5 0 491 481 512 960 2 3 11 5 0 94 484 448 961 2 3 11 5 0 216 484 94 962 2 3 11 5 0 484 181 448 963 2 3 11 5 0 36 471 37 964 2 3 11 5 0 36 509 471 965 2 3 11 5 0 497 441 170 966 2 3 11 5 0 497 202 441 967 2 3 11 5 0 497 346 202 968 2 3 11 5 0 346 497 361 969 2 3 11 5 0 265 255 96 970 2 3 11 5 0 422 255 265 971 2 3 11 5 0 329 18 19 972 2 3 11 5 0 329 474 18 973 2 3 11 5 0 18 474 496 974 2 3 11 5 0 155 363 403 975 2 3 11 5 0 403 363 467 976 2 3 11 5 0 519 509 301 977 2 3 11 5 0 471 509 519 978 2 3 11 5 0 37 308 38 979 2 3 11 5 0 471 308 37 980 2 3 11 5 0 311 527 389 981 2 3 11 5 0 184 528 87 982 2 3 11 5 0 528 184 414 983 2 3 11 5 0 311 529 527 984 2 3 11 5 0 530 508 87 985 2 3 11 5 0 530 507 527 986 2 3 11 5 0 532 507 377 987 2 3 11 5 0 466 533 39 988 2 3 11 5 0 533 466 470 989 2 3 11 5 0 311 534 162 990 2 3 11 5 0 532 482 88 991 2 3 11 5 0 377 482 532 992 2 3 11 5 0 533 40 39 993 2 3 11 5 0 477 533 470 994 2 3 11 5 0 528 530 87 995 2 3 11 5 0 528 507 530 996 2 3 11 5 0 377 528 414 997 2 3 11 5 0 377 507 528 998 2 3 11 5 0 530 529 508 999 2 3 11 5 0 527 529 530 1000 2 3 11 5 0 529 375 169 1001 2 3 11 5 0 529 169 508 1002 2 3 11 5 0 529 311 375 1003 2 3 11 5 0 469 54 271 1004 2 3 11 5 0 54 469 55 1005 2 3 11 5 0 389 532 88 1006 2 3 11 5 0 532 389 527 1007 2 3 11 5 0 507 532 527 1008 2 3 11 5 0 74 379 447 1009 2 3 11 5 0 379 74 75 1010 2 3 11 5 0 118 513 177 1011 2 3 11 5 0 186 461 513 1012 2 3 11 5 0 461 531 513 1013 2 3 11 5 0 279 422 440 1014 2 3 11 5 0 515 440 422 1015 2 3 11 5 0 515 422 265 1016 2 3 11 5 0 120 523 198 1017 2 3 11 5 0 523 266 198 1018 2 3 11 5 0 475 523 233 1019 2 3 11 5 0 523 475 266 1020 2 3 11 5 0 488 486 492 1021 2 3 11 5 0 15 492 486 1022 2 3 11 5 0 488 492 510 1023 2 3 11 5 0 524 537 171 1024 2 3 11 5 0 537 524 531 1025 2 3 11 5 0 513 539 177 1026 2 3 11 5 0 524 539 531 1027 2 3 11 5 0 539 524 177 1028 2 3 11 5 0 539 513 531 1029 2 3 11 5 0 536 101 245 1030 2 3 11 5 0 536 197 171 1031 2 3 11 5 0 197 536 245 1032 2 3 11 5 0 461 538 531 1033 2 3 11 5 0 538 461 219 1034 2 3 11 5 0 531 538 537 1035 2 3 11 5 0 367 534 166 1036 2 3 11 5 0 271 53 144 1037 2 3 11 5 0 53 271 54 1038 2 3 11 5 0 40 540 41 1039 2 3 11 5 0 540 40 533 1040 2 3 11 5 0 541 389 166 1041 2 3 11 5 0 541 534 311 1042 2 3 11 5 0 534 541 166 1043 2 3 11 5 0 389 541 311 1044 2 3 11 5 0 109 543 367 1045 2 3 11 5 0 543 534 367 1046 2 3 11 5 0 543 109 384 1047 2 3 11 5 0 544 27 2 1048 2 3 11 5 0 69 544 2 1049 2 3 11 5 0 545 109 353 1050 2 3 11 5 0 545 435 384 1051 2 3 11 5 0 435 545 353 1052 2 3 11 5 0 109 545 384 1053 2 3 11 5 0 440 546 104 1054 2 3 11 5 0 101 542 268 1055 2 3 11 5 0 101 536 542 1056 2 3 11 5 0 542 219 268 1057 2 3 11 5 0 538 219 542 1058 2 3 11 5 0 477 540 533 1059 2 3 11 5 0 171 537 536 1060 2 3 11 5 0 537 542 536 1061 2 3 11 5 0 542 537 538 1062 2 3 11 5 0 104 544 69 1063 2 3 11 5 0 546 544 104 1064 2 3 11 5 0 535 42 41 1065 2 3 11 5 0 540 535 41 1066 2 3 11 5 0 467 42 535 1067 2 3 11 5 0 515 546 440 1068 2 3 11 5 0 546 515 282 1069 2 3 11 5 0 26 27 544 1070 2 3 11 5 0 548 380 162 1071 2 3 11 5 0 548 384 110 1072 2 3 11 5 0 384 548 162 1073 2 3 11 5 0 380 548 110 1074 2 3 11 5 0 25 26 282 1075 2 3 11 5 0 26 546 282 1076 2 3 11 5 0 26 544 546 1077 2 3 11 5 0 24 549 23 1078 2 3 11 5 0 549 436 23 1079 2 3 11 5 0 25 549 24 1080 2 3 11 5 0 280 549 282 1081 2 3 11 5 0 549 280 436 1082 2 3 11 5 0 25 282 549 1083 2 3 11 5 0 341 547 307 1084 2 3 11 5 0 352 307 547 1085 2 3 11 5 0 403 547 341 1086 2 3 11 5 0 547 477 352 1087 2 3 11 5 0 477 547 540 1088 2 3 11 5 0 547 535 540 1089 2 3 11 5 0 162 543 384 1090 2 3 11 5 0 162 534 543 1091 2 3 11 5 0 550 403 467 1092 2 3 11 5 0 550 535 547 1093 2 3 11 5 0 535 550 467 1094 2 3 11 5 0 403 550 547 1095 2 3 11 5 0 551 5 6 1096 2 3 11 5 0 442 551 6 1097 2 3 11 5 0 5 552 1 1098 2 3 11 5 0 552 51 1 1099 2 3 11 5 0 552 5 551 1100 2 3 11 5 0 287 551 442 1101 2 3 11 5 0 551 287 51 1102 2 3 11 5 0 51 552 551 $EndElements
{'repo_name': 'FluidityProject/fluidity', 'stars': '213', 'repo_language': 'Fortran', 'file_name': 'test_fluxes_reader_wrapper.F90', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': -868360816582880198, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
//***********************************************************************// // // // - "Talk to me like I'm a 3 year old!" Programming Lessons - // // // // $Author: DigiBen [email protected] // // // // $Program: MotionBlur // // // // $Description: Demonstrates fast motion blurring in OpenGL // // // //***********************************************************************// // This is a compiler directive that includes libraries (For Visual Studio) // You can manually include the libraries in the "Project->settings" menu under // the "Link" tab. You need these libraries to compile this program. #pragma comment(lib, "opengl32.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "glu32.lib") #include "main.h" // This includes our header file bool g_bFullScreen = true; // Set full screen as default HWND g_hWnd; // This is the handle for the window RECT g_rRect; // This holds the window dimensions HDC g_hDC; // General HDC - (handle to device context) HGLRC g_hRC; // General OpenGL_DC - Our Rendering Context for OpenGL HINSTANCE g_hInstance; // This holds the global hInstance for UnregisterClass() in DeInit() UINT g_Texture[MAX_TEXTURES]; // This will reference to our texture data stored with OpenGL UINT is an unsigned int (only positive numbers) /////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// * // This tutorial is taken from the Masking and Ortho tutorial, with a bunch also // taken out from the Rendering To A Texture tutorial. In the masking tutorial // we learned how to mask images for distinct transparencies, along with the // glOrtho() mode. The glOrtho() mode allows us to pass vertices in as 2D // coordinates. This is great for things that we want to have in front of the // camera at all times, such as a scope or interfaces. In this tutorial we gutted // out the masking stuff, but left the ortho code and added some functions for rendering // to a texture which were taken from the RenderToTexture tutorial. Before looking at // this tutorial, it is assumed you have gone through the referenced tutorials, or are // prepared to suffer an overload of new information :) // // The technique shown in this application is how to render motion blurring in an // incredibly fast way. Usually you hear that you want to use the accumulation buffer // for motion blurring, but this is ridiculously slow for real time rendering. A more // practical way to do it is to render the current screen to a texture, then go into // ortho mode and blend that texture over the entire screen. This could be done every // frame or intermittently. I used our AnimateNextFrame() function from our 2D sprite // tutorial to restrict the blending to a certain frame rate. This is stored in g_BlurRate. // We can change the current rate by using the LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys. The faster the // rate the more realistic it looks, where as the slower it is, it appears more like a // slow motion video game blur. // // To create the blur effect, we actually render the texture when rendering to the texture. // This is a bit confusing. Basically, when we go to render the screen to the texture, // we go into ortho mode and blend the current texture of the screen over the object that // is being blurred. This acts as a recursive blending. This makes it so we don't do // tons of passes to create the blur trail. // // The fading happens when we blend the current rendered texture with the blackness of // the background. When blending, we need to blend the texture with a small decrease // in alpha. Basically, we don't render the texture over the screen at full alpha, // otherwise it would never blend away, or at least it would take forever to fade. // // Let's go over the controls for this app: // // LEFT / RIGHT Arrow Keys - Increase/Decrease the amount of passes per second // '1' - This changes the texture size to 128 (LOW QUALITY) // '2' - This changes the texture size to 256 (ACCEPTABLE QUALITY) // '3' - This changes the texture size to 512 (HIGH QUALITY) // SPACE BAR - Stops and starts the rotating box // ESCAPE Key - This quits the program // // // This holds how many times per second we render to the texture int g_BlurRate = 50; // This stores if rotating is on or off bool g_bRotate = true; /////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// * // This stores our current rotation float g_RotateX = 0, g_RotateY = 0, g_RotateZ = 0; // This will store the size of the viewport that we render the texture from. int g_Viewport = 512; // This is our prototype for the function that creates the empty texture to render to void CreateRenderTexture(UINT textureArray[], int size, int channels, int type, int textureID); ///////////////////////////////// INIT GAME WINDOW \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\* ///// ///// This function initializes the game window. ///// ///////////////////////////////// INIT GAME WINDOW \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\* void Init(HWND hWnd) { g_hWnd = hWnd; // Assign the window handle to a global window handle GetClientRect(g_hWnd, &g_rRect); // Assign the windows rectangle to a global RECT InitializeOpenGL(g_rRect.right, g_rRect.bottom); // Init OpenGL with the global rect glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); // Turn depth testing on glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); // Enable Texture Mapping // This is where we initialize our empty texture to be rendered too. // We pass in the texture array to store it, the texture size, // the channels (3 for R G B), the type of texture (RGB) and texture ID. CreateRenderTexture(g_Texture, 512, 3, GL_RGB, 0); // Create the texture map for the spinning cube and assign it to texture ID 1 CreateTexture(g_Texture[1], "Brick.bmp"); } /////////////////////////////// ANIMATE NEXT FRAME \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\* ///// ///// This function clamps a specified frame rate for consistency ///// /////////////////////////////// ANIMATE NEXT FRAME \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\* bool AnimateNextFrame(int desiredFrameRate) { static float lastTime = GetTickCount() * 0.001f; static float elapsedTime = 0.0f; float currentTime = GetTickCount() * 0.001f; // Get the time (milliseconds = seconds * .001) float deltaTime = currentTime - lastTime; // Get the slice of time float desiredFPS = 1.0f / desiredFrameRate; // Store 1 / desiredFrameRate elapsedTime += deltaTime; // Add to the elapsed time lastTime = currentTime; // Update lastTime // Check if the time since we last checked is greater than our desiredFPS if( elapsedTime > desiredFPS ) { elapsedTime -= desiredFPS; // Adjust our elapsed time // Return true, to animate the next frame of animation return true; } // We don't animate right now. return false; } ///////////////////////////////// MAIN LOOP \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\* ///// ///// This function handles the main loop ///// ///////////////////////////////// MAIN LOOP \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\* WPARAM MainLoop() { MSG msg; while(1) // Do our infinite loop { // Check if there was a message if (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { if(msg.message == WM_QUIT) // If the message wasn't to quit break; TranslateMessage(&msg); // Find out what the message does DispatchMessage(&msg); // Execute the message } else // if there wasn't a message { RenderScene(); // Render the scene every frame } } DeInit(); // Clean up and free all allocated memory return(msg.wParam); // Return from the program } ///////////////////////////////// ORTHO MODE \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\* ///// ///// This function changes our projection mode from 3D to 2D ///// ///////////////////////////////// ORTHO MODE \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\* void OrthoMode(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { // Switch to our projection matrix so that we can change it to ortho mode, not perspective. glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); // Push on a new matrix so that we can just pop it off to go back to perspective mode glPushMatrix(); // Reset the current matrix to our identify matrix glLoadIdentity(); //Pass in our 2D ortho screen coordinates like so (left, right, bottom, top). The last // 2 parameters are the near and far planes. glOrtho( left, right, bottom, top, 0, 1 ); // Switch to model view so that we can render the scope image glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); // Initialize the current model view matrix with the identity matrix glLoadIdentity(); } ///////////////////////////////// PERSPECTIVE MODE \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\* ///// ///// This function changes our returns our projection mode from 2D to 3D ///// ///////////////////////////////// PERSPECTIVE MODE \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\* void PerspectiveMode() // Set Up A Perspective View { // Enter into our projection matrix mode glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION ); // Pop off the last matrix pushed on when in projection mode (Get rid of ortho mode) glPopMatrix(); // Go back to our model view matrix like normal glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW ); // We should be in the normal 3D perspective mode now } ///////////////////////////////////// CREATE BOX \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\* ///// ///// This function creates a textured box (if textureID >= 0) with a center and dimension ///// ///////////////////////////////////// CREATE BOX \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\* void CreateBox(int textureID, float x, float y, float z, float width, float height, float length, float uscale, float vscale) { // Check if we have a valid texture ID, then bind that texture to our box if(textureID >= 0) glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, g_Texture[textureID]); // This centers the box around (x, y, z) x = x - width / 2; y = y - height / 2; z = z - length / 2; // Start drawing the side as a QUAD glBegin(GL_QUADS); // Assign the texture coordinates and vertices for the BACK Side glTexCoord2f(0.0f, 0.0f); glVertex3f(x, y, z); glTexCoord2f(0.0f, vscale); glVertex3f(x, y + height, z); glTexCoord2f(uscale, vscale); glVertex3f(x + width, y + height, z); glTexCoord2f(uscale, 0.0f); glVertex3f(x + width, y, z); // Assign the texture coordinates and vertices for the FRONT Side glTexCoord2f(uscale, 0.0f); glVertex3f(x, y, z + length); glTexCoord2f(uscale, vscale); glVertex3f(x, y + height, z + length); glTexCoord2f(0.0f, vscale); glVertex3f(x + width, y + height, z + length); glTexCoord2f(0.0f, 0.0f); glVertex3f(x + width, y, z + length); // Assign the texture coordinates and vertices for the BOTTOM Side glTexCoord2f(uscale, 0.0f); glVertex3f(x, y, z); glTexCoord2f(uscale, vscale); glVertex3f(x, y, z + length); glTexCoord2f(0.0f, vscale); glVertex3f(x + width, y, z + length); glTexCoord2f(0.0f, 0.0f); glVertex3f(x + width, y, z); // Assign the texture coordinates and vertices for the TOP Side glTexCoord2f(uscale, vscale); glVertex3f(x, y + height, z); glTexCoord2f(uscale, 0.0f); glVertex3f(x, y + height, z + length); glTexCoord2f(0.0f, 0.0f); glVertex3f(x + width, y + height, z + length); glTexCoord2f(0.0f, vscale); glVertex3f(x + width, y + height, z); // Assign the texture coordinates and vertices for the LEFT Side glTexCoord2f(uscale, 0.0f); glVertex3f(x, y, z); glTexCoord2f(0.0f, 0.0f); glVertex3f(x, y, z + length); glTexCoord2f(0.0f, vscale); glVertex3f(x, y + height, z + length); glTexCoord2f(uscale, vscale); glVertex3f(x, y + height, z); // Assign the texture coordinates and vertices for the RIGHT Side glTexCoord2f(0.0f, 0.0f); glVertex3f(x + width, y, z); glTexCoord2f(uscale, 0.0f); glVertex3f(x + width, y, z + length); glTexCoord2f(uscale, vscale); glVertex3f(x + width, y + height, z + length); glTexCoord2f(0.0f, vscale); glVertex3f(x + width, y + height, z); // Stop drawing quads glEnd(); } ///////////////////////////////// CREATE RENDER TEXTURE \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\* ///// ///// This function creates a blank texture to render too ///// ///////////////////////////////// CREATE RENDER TEXTURE \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\* void CreateRenderTexture(UINT textureArray[], int size, int channels, int type, int textureID) { // Create a pointer to store the blank image data unsigned int *pTexture = NULL; // Allocate and init memory for the image array and point to it from pTexture pTexture = new unsigned int [size * size * channels]; memset(pTexture, 0, size * size * channels * sizeof(unsigned int)); // Register the texture with OpenGL and bind it to the texture ID glGenTextures(1, &textureArray[textureID]); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureArray[textureID]); // Create the texture and store it on the video card glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, channels, size, size, 0, type, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, pTexture); // Set the texture quality glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER,GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER,GL_LINEAR); // Since we stored the texture space with OpenGL, we can delete the image data delete [] pTexture; } /////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// * ///////////////////////////////// RENDER MOTION BLUR \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\* ///// ///// This function takes a texture ID to blend over the screen for motion blur ///// ///////////////////////////////// RENDER MOTION BLUR \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\* void RenderMotionBlur(int textureID) { // This function was created to blend the rendered texture over top of the screen // to create the recursive blur effect. What happens is we start out by turning // off depth testing, setting our blending mode, then binding the texture of our // rendered textured over the QUAD that is about to be created. Next, we set our // alpha level to %90 of full strength. This makes it so it will slowly disappear. // Before rendering the QUAD, we want to go into ortho mode. This makes it easier // to render a QUAD over the full screen without having to deal with vertices, but // 2D coordinates. Once we render the QUAD, we want to go back to perspective mode. // We can then turn depth testing back on and turn off texturing. // Push on a new stack so that we do not interfere with the current matrix glPushMatrix(); // Turn off depth testing so that we can blend over the screen glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); // Set our blend method and enable blending glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA,GL_ONE); glEnable(GL_BLEND); // Bind the rendered texture to our QUAD glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, g_Texture[textureID]); // Decrease the alpha value of the blend by %10 so it will fade nicely glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 0.9f); // Switch to 2D mode (Ortho mode) OrthoMode(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT); // Display a 2D quad with our blended texture glBegin(GL_QUADS); // Display the top left point of the 2D image glTexCoord2f(0.0f, 1.0f); glVertex2f(0, 0); // Display the bottom left point of the 2D image glTexCoord2f(0.0f, 0.0f); glVertex2f(0, SCREEN_HEIGHT); // Display the bottom right point of the 2D image glTexCoord2f(1.0f, 0.0f); glVertex2f(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT); // Display the top right point of the 2D image glTexCoord2f(1.0f, 1.0f); glVertex2f(SCREEN_WIDTH, 0); // Stop drawing glEnd(); // Let's set our mode back to perspective 3D mode. PerspectiveMode(); // Turn depth testing back on and texturing off. If you do NOT do these 2 lines of // code it produces a cool flash effect that might come in handy somewhere down the road. glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDisable(GL_BLEND); // Go back to our original matrix glPopMatrix(); } /////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// * ///////////////////////////////// RENDER SCENE \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\* ///// ///// This function renders the entire scene. ///// ///////////////////////////////// RENDER SCENE \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\* void RenderScene() { glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // Clear The Screen And The Depth Buffer glLoadIdentity(); // Reset The matrix /////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// * // Position View Up Vector gluLookAt(0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0); // Move the camera back by 10 units // We want to have the cube rotating along all axis's so we can better see the motion // blur at different rotations. You can press the space bar to stop/start the rotation. glRotatef(g_RotateX, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); // Rotate the cubes around the X-axis glRotatef(g_RotateY, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); // Rotate the cubes around the Y-axis glRotatef(g_RotateZ, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); // Rotate the cubes around the Z-axis // Below we render to the texture. We can control how much we render to the texture // per second by the LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys. The more we render to the texture, the // smoother the blur is. // Render to the texture only a controlled amount of frames per second if( AnimateNextFrame(g_BlurRate) ) { // Shrink the viewport by the current viewport size. Hit 1, 2, or 3 to change the size. glViewport(0, 0, g_Viewport, g_Viewport); // This is where we redraw the current rendered texture before we draw the spinning box. // This creates the recursive fading of the motion blur. We pass in the texture ID // we are using for the rendered texture. RenderMotionBlur(0); // Now we get to render the spinning box to the texture. We just // need to create the box and it will be effected by the current rotation. // The parameters are the texture ID, the center (x,y,z), dimensions and uv scale. CreateBox(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 6, 1, 1, 3); // Before we copy the screen to a texture, we need to specify the current // texture to draw to by calling glBindTexture() with the appropriate texture glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,g_Texture[0]); // Render the current screen to our texture glCopyTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, 0, 0, g_Viewport, g_Viewport, 0); // Here we clear the screen and depth bits of the small viewport glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // Set our viewport back to it's normal size glViewport(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT); } // Now that we have updated our rendered texture, let us display it to the screen // by blending it once again. This should have all the blur trails rendered to it. RenderMotionBlur(0); // Redraw the box at the same position as it was drawn into the rendered texture CreateBox(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 6, 1, 1, 3); // If we want rotation, increase the current rotations along each axises if(g_bRotate) { g_RotateX += 2; g_RotateY += 3; g_RotateZ += 2; } /////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// * // Swap the backbuffers to the foreground SwapBuffers(g_hDC); } ///////////////////////////////// WIN PROC \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\* ///// ///// This function handles the window messages. ///// ///////////////////////////////// WIN PROC \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\* LRESULT CALLBACK WinProc(HWND hWnd,UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LONG lRet = 0; PAINTSTRUCT ps; bool bUpdate = false; switch (uMsg) { case WM_SIZE: // If the window is resized if(!g_bFullScreen) // Do this only if we are NOT in full screen { SizeOpenGLScreen(LOWORD(lParam),HIWORD(lParam));// LoWord=Width, HiWord=Height GetClientRect(hWnd, &g_rRect); // Get the window rectangle } break; case WM_PAINT: // If we need to repaint the scene BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps); // Init the paint struct EndPaint(hWnd, &ps); // EndPaint, Clean up break; case WM_KEYDOWN: switch(wParam) { // Check if we hit a key case VK_ESCAPE: // If we hit the escape key PostQuitMessage(0); // Send a QUIT message to the window break; /////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// * // We are able to control the amount of motion blur that happens // by using the left and right arrow keys. We can also start and stop // the rotation of the box by using the space bar. Like in the // tutorial about rendering to a texture, we can also use 1, 2, of 3 // to specify texture quality. 128 is atrocious though. case VK_LEFT: // If we hit the LEFT arrow key g_BlurRate -= 10; // Decrease the current blurs per second if(g_BlurRate < 10) g_BlurRate = 10; // Make sure we don't go below 10 bUpdate = true; // Update the title information break; case VK_RIGHT: // If we hit the RIGHT arrow key g_BlurRate += 10; // Increase the current blurs per second if(g_BlurRate > 100) g_BlurRate = 100; // Make sure we don't go above 100 bUpdate = true; // Update the title information break; case VK_SPACE: g_bRotate = !g_bRotate; // Turn on/off rotation break; case '1': g_Viewport = 128; // Change viewport size to 128 bUpdate = true; // Update the title information break; case '2': g_Viewport = 256; // Change viewport size to 256 bUpdate = true; // Update the title information break; case '3': g_Viewport = 512; // Change viewport size to 512 bUpdate = true; // Update the title information break; /////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// * } break; case WM_CLOSE: // If the window is being closes PostQuitMessage(0); // Send a QUIT Message to the window break; default: // Return by default lRet = DefWindowProc (hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); break; } /////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// * if(bUpdate) { static char strTitle[255] = {0}; sprintf(strTitle, "Current Texture Renders Per Second: %d Current Texture Size: %d", g_BlurRate, g_Viewport); SetWindowText(g_hWnd, strTitle); // Update the title information } /////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// * return lRet; // Return by default } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // * QUICK NOTES * // // Motion looks neat doesn't it? This is true, but be careful to not use it // all the time. Though this technique is fast, everything that you blur has // to be drawn twice. That means you wouldn't want to blur everything in your // entire frustum unless you are at like a cut scene or something, and the slow // down is part of the drama and effect. Obviously, the better your video card, // the more detailed your blurred textures can be. If you go to a 128 x 128 texture // you will notice that it looks like crap. It only gets worse the higher your // screen resolution goes. I recommend using at LEAST 256. You could possibly // get by with using 128 if the motion was really quick and far away. I have // found that 512 seems to be the best. It isn't too massive, so you don't get // a huge memory footprint, and yet it isn't too small where you lose all the // detail when the image is scaled at a higher resolution. // // I hope this helps someone out! // // // © 2000-2006 GameTutorials //
{'repo_name': 'gametutorials/tutorials', 'stars': '265', 'repo_language': 'C++', 'file_name': 'Frustum.cpp', 'mime_type': 'text/x-c', 'hash': -4622018997398451986, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
'use strict'; angular.module("ngLocale", [], ["$provide", function($provide) { var PLURAL_CATEGORY = {ZERO: "zero", ONE: "one", TWO: "two", FEW: "few", MANY: "many", OTHER: "other"}; function getDecimals(n) { n = n + ''; var i = n.indexOf('.'); return (i == -1) ? 0 : n.length - i - 1; } function getVF(n, opt_precision) { var v = opt_precision; if (undefined === v) { v = Math.min(getDecimals(n), 3); } var base = Math.pow(10, v); var f = ((n * base) | 0) % base; return {v: v, f: f}; } $provide.value("$locale", { "DATETIME_FORMATS": { "AMPMS": [ "\u092b\u0941\u0902", "\u092c\u0947\u0932\u093e\u0938\u0947" ], "DAY": [ "\u0930\u092c\u093f\u092c\u093e\u0930", "\u0938\u092e\u092c\u093e\u0930", "\u092e\u0902\u0917\u0932\u092c\u093e\u0930", "\u092c\u0941\u0926\u092c\u093e\u0930", "\u092c\u093f\u0938\u0925\u093f\u092c\u093e\u0930", "\u0938\u0941\u0916\u0941\u0930\u092c\u093e\u0930", "\u0938\u0941\u0928\u093f\u092c\u093e\u0930" ], "ERANAMES": [ "\u0908\u0938\u093e.\u092a\u0942\u0930\u094d\u0935", "\u0938\u0928" ], "ERAS": [ "\u0908\u0938\u093e.\u092a\u0942\u0930\u094d\u0935", "\u0938\u0928" ], "FIRSTDAYOFWEEK": 0, "MONTH": [ "\u091c\u093e\u0928\u0941\u0935\u093e\u0930\u0940", "\u092b\u0947\u092c\u094d\u0930\u0941\u0935\u093e\u0930\u0940", "\u092e\u093e\u0930\u094d\u0938", "\u090f\u092b\u094d\u0930\u093f\u0932", "\u092e\u0947", "\u091c\u0941\u0928", "\u091c\u0941\u0932\u093e\u0907", "\u0906\u0917\u0938\u094d\u0925", "\u0938\u0947\u092c\u0925\u0947\u091c\u094d\u092c\u093c\u0930", "\u0905\u0916\u0925\u092c\u0930", "\u0928\u092c\u0947\u091c\u094d\u092c\u093c\u0930", "\u0926\u093f\u0938\u0947\u091c\u094d\u092c\u093c\u0930" ], "SHORTDAY": [ "\u0930\u092c\u093f", "\u0938\u092e", "\u092e\u0902\u0917\u0932", "\u092c\u0941\u0926", "\u092c\u093f\u0938\u0925\u093f", "\u0938\u0941\u0916\u0941\u0930", "\u0938\u0941\u0928\u093f" ], "SHORTMONTH": [ "\u091c\u093e\u0928\u0941\u0935\u093e\u0930\u0940", "\u092b\u0947\u092c\u094d\u0930\u0941\u0935\u093e\u0930\u0940", "\u092e\u093e\u0930\u094d\u0938", "\u090f\u092b\u094d\u0930\u093f\u0932", "\u092e\u0947", "\u091c\u0941\u0928", "\u091c\u0941\u0932\u093e\u0907", "\u0906\u0917\u0938\u094d\u0925", "\u0938\u0947\u092c\u0925\u0947\u091c\u094d\u092c\u093c\u0930", "\u0905\u0916\u0925\u092c\u0930", "\u0928\u092c\u0947\u091c\u094d\u092c\u093c\u0930", "\u0926\u093f\u0938\u0947\u091c\u094d\u092c\u093c\u0930" ], "WEEKENDRANGE": [ 5, 6 ], "fullDate": "EEEE, MMMM d, y", "longDate": "MMMM d, y", "medium": "MMM d, y h:mm:ss a", "mediumDate": "MMM d, y", "mediumTime": "h:mm:ss a", "short": "M/d/yy h:mm a", "shortDate": "M/d/yy", "shortTime": "h:mm a" }, "NUMBER_FORMATS": { "CURRENCY_SYM": "\u20b9", "DECIMAL_SEP": ".", "GROUP_SEP": ",", "PATTERNS": [ { "gSize": 2, "lgSize": 3, "maxFrac": 3, "minFrac": 0, "minInt": 1, "negPre": "-", "negSuf": "", "posPre": "", "posSuf": "" }, { "gSize": 2, "lgSize": 3, "maxFrac": 2, "minFrac": 2, "minInt": 1, "negPre": "\u00a4\u00a0-", "negSuf": "", "posPre": "\u00a4\u00a0", "posSuf": "" } ] }, "id": "brx-in", "pluralCat": function(n, opt_precision) { var i = n | 0; var vf = getVF(n, opt_precision); if (i == 1 && vf.v == 0) { return PLURAL_CATEGORY.ONE; } return PLURAL_CATEGORY.OTHER;} }); }]);
{'repo_name': 'aspnetboilerplate/aspnetboilerplate-samples', 'stars': '649', 'repo_language': 'JavaScript', 'file_name': 'ui-utils-ieshiv.js', 'mime_type': 'text/html', 'hash': 5039128649249068565, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
/* 7zCrc.h -- CRC32 calculation 2009-11-21 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain */ #ifndef __7Z_CRC_H #define __7Z_CRC_H #include "Types.h" EXTERN_C_BEGIN extern const UInt32 g_CrcTable[]; #define CRC_INIT_VAL 0xFFFFFFFF #define CRC_GET_DIGEST(crc) ((crc) ^ CRC_INIT_VAL) #define CRC_UPDATE_BYTE(crc, b) (g_CrcTable[((crc) ^ (b)) & 0xFF] ^ ((crc) >> 8)) UInt32 MY_FAST_CALL CrcUpdate(UInt32 crc, const void *data, size_t size); UInt32 MY_FAST_CALL CrcCalc(const void *data, size_t size); EXTERN_C_END #endif
{'repo_name': 'Cisco-Talos/clamav-devel', 'stars': '1103', 'repo_language': 'C++', 'file_name': 'Makefile.am', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': -2420051466061913392, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
/**************************************************************************** * arch/mips/src/mips32/mips_blocktask.c * * Copyright (C) 2011, 2013-2015 Gregory Nutt. All rights reserved. * Author: Gregory Nutt <[email protected]> * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * 3. Neither the name NuttX nor the names of its contributors may be * used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS * OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** * Included Files ****************************************************************************/ #include <nuttx/config.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <sched.h> #include <syscall.h> #include <debug.h> #include <nuttx/arch.h> #include <nuttx/sched.h> #include "sched/sched.h" #include "group/group.h" #include "mips_internal.h" /**************************************************************************** * Public Functions ****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** * Name: up_block_task * * Description: * The currently executing task at the head of the ready to run list must * be stopped. Save its context and move it to the inactive list * specified by task_state. * * Input Parameters: * tcb: Refers to a task in the ready-to-run list (normally the task at * the head of the list). It must be stopped, its context saved and * moved into one of the waiting task lists. If it was the task at the * head of the ready-to-run list, then a context switch to the new * ready to run task must be performed. * task_state: Specifies which waiting task list should hold the blocked * task TCB. * ****************************************************************************/ void up_block_task(struct tcb_s *tcb, tstate_t task_state) { struct tcb_s *rtcb = this_task(); bool switch_needed; /* Verify that the context switch can be performed */ DEBUGASSERT((tcb->task_state >= FIRST_READY_TO_RUN_STATE) && (tcb->task_state <= LAST_READY_TO_RUN_STATE)); /* Remove the tcb task from the ready-to-run list. If we are blocking the * task at the head of the task list (the most likely case), then a * context switch to the next ready-to-run task is needed. In this case, * it should also be true that rtcb == tcb. */ switch_needed = nxsched_remove_readytorun(tcb); /* Add the task to the specified blocked task list */ nxsched_add_blocked(tcb, (tstate_t)task_state); /* If there are any pending tasks, then add them to the ready-to-run * task list now */ if (g_pendingtasks.head) { switch_needed |= nxsched_merge_pending(); } /* Now, perform the context switch if one is needed */ if (switch_needed) { /* Update scheduler parameters */ nxsched_suspend_scheduler(rtcb); /* Are we in an interrupt handler? */ if (CURRENT_REGS) { /* Yes, then we have to do things differently. * Just copy the g_current_regs into the OLD rtcb. */ up_savestate(rtcb->xcp.regs); /* Restore the exception context of the rtcb at the (new) head * of the ready-to-run task list. */ rtcb = this_task(); /* Reset scheduler parameters */ nxsched_resume_scheduler(rtcb); /* Then switch contexts. Any necessary address environment * changes will be made when the interrupt returns. */ up_restorestate(rtcb->xcp.regs); } /* No, then we will need to perform the user context switch */ else { /* Get the context of the task at the head of the ready to * run list. */ struct tcb_s *nexttcb = this_task(); #ifdef CONFIG_ARCH_ADDRENV /* Make sure that the address environment for the previously * running task is closed down gracefully (data caches dump, * MMU flushed) and set up the address environment for the new * thread at the head of the ready-to-run list. */ group_addrenv(nexttcb); #endif /* Reset scheduler parameters */ nxsched_resume_scheduler(nexttcb); /* Then switch contexts */ up_switchcontext(rtcb->xcp.regs, nexttcb->xcp.regs); /* up_switchcontext forces a context switch to the task at the * head of the ready-to-run list. It does not 'return' in the * normal sense. When it does return, it is because the blocked * task is again ready to run and has execution priority. */ } } }
{'repo_name': 'apache/incubator-nuttx', 'stars': '181', 'repo_language': 'C', 'file_name': 'nrf52_uid.c', 'mime_type': 'text/x-c', 'hash': -6009482159773205554, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
/* Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package cm import ( "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api" ) // Manages the containers running on a machine. type ContainerManager interface { // Runs the container manager's housekeeping. // - Ensures that the Docker daemon is in a container. // - Creates the system container where all non-containerized processes run. Start() error // Returns resources allocated to system cgroups in the machine. // These cgroups include the system and Kubernetes services. SystemCgroupsLimit() api.ResourceList // Returns a NodeConfig that is being used by the container manager. GetNodeConfig() NodeConfig // Returns internal Status. Status() Status } type NodeConfig struct { RuntimeCgroupsName string SystemCgroupsName string KubeletCgroupsName string ContainerRuntime string } type Status struct { // Any soft requirements that were unsatisfied. SoftRequirements error }
{'repo_name': 'redspread/localkube', 'stars': '179', 'repo_language': 'Go', 'file_name': 'main.go', 'mime_type': 'text/x-c', 'hash': -366990411608723591, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
// +build !ignore_autogenerated /* Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ // This file was autogenerated by deepcopy-gen. Do not edit it manually! package apps import ( v1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" conversion "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/conversion" runtime "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime" api "k8s.io/client-go/pkg/api" reflect "reflect" ) func init() { SchemeBuilder.Register(RegisterDeepCopies) } // RegisterDeepCopies adds deep-copy functions to the given scheme. Public // to allow building arbitrary schemes. func RegisterDeepCopies(scheme *runtime.Scheme) error { return scheme.AddGeneratedDeepCopyFuncs( conversion.GeneratedDeepCopyFunc{Fn: DeepCopy_apps_StatefulSet, InType: reflect.TypeOf(&StatefulSet{})}, conversion.GeneratedDeepCopyFunc{Fn: DeepCopy_apps_StatefulSetList, InType: reflect.TypeOf(&StatefulSetList{})}, conversion.GeneratedDeepCopyFunc{Fn: DeepCopy_apps_StatefulSetSpec, InType: reflect.TypeOf(&StatefulSetSpec{})}, conversion.GeneratedDeepCopyFunc{Fn: DeepCopy_apps_StatefulSetStatus, InType: reflect.TypeOf(&StatefulSetStatus{})}, ) } func DeepCopy_apps_StatefulSet(in interface{}, out interface{}, c *conversion.Cloner) error { { in := in.(*StatefulSet) out := out.(*StatefulSet) *out = *in if newVal, err := c.DeepCopy(&in.ObjectMeta); err != nil { return err } else { out.ObjectMeta = *newVal.(*v1.ObjectMeta) } if err := DeepCopy_apps_StatefulSetSpec(&in.Spec, &out.Spec, c); err != nil { return err } if err := DeepCopy_apps_StatefulSetStatus(&in.Status, &out.Status, c); err != nil { return err } return nil } } func DeepCopy_apps_StatefulSetList(in interface{}, out interface{}, c *conversion.Cloner) error { { in := in.(*StatefulSetList) out := out.(*StatefulSetList) *out = *in if in.Items != nil { in, out := &in.Items, &out.Items *out = make([]StatefulSet, len(*in)) for i := range *in { if err := DeepCopy_apps_StatefulSet(&(*in)[i], &(*out)[i], c); err != nil { return err } } } return nil } } func DeepCopy_apps_StatefulSetSpec(in interface{}, out interface{}, c *conversion.Cloner) error { { in := in.(*StatefulSetSpec) out := out.(*StatefulSetSpec) *out = *in if in.Selector != nil { in, out := &in.Selector, &out.Selector if newVal, err := c.DeepCopy(*in); err != nil { return err } else { *out = newVal.(*v1.LabelSelector) } } if err := api.DeepCopy_api_PodTemplateSpec(&in.Template, &out.Template, c); err != nil { return err } if in.VolumeClaimTemplates != nil { in, out := &in.VolumeClaimTemplates, &out.VolumeClaimTemplates *out = make([]api.PersistentVolumeClaim, len(*in)) for i := range *in { if err := api.DeepCopy_api_PersistentVolumeClaim(&(*in)[i], &(*out)[i], c); err != nil { return err } } } return nil } } func DeepCopy_apps_StatefulSetStatus(in interface{}, out interface{}, c *conversion.Cloner) error { { in := in.(*StatefulSetStatus) out := out.(*StatefulSetStatus) *out = *in if in.ObservedGeneration != nil { in, out := &in.ObservedGeneration, &out.ObservedGeneration *out = new(int64) **out = **in } return nil } }
{'repo_name': 'elastos/Elastos', 'stars': '101', 'repo_language': 'Go', 'file_name': 'codereview.cfg', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': 1608487334118733717, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
/* Helloworld module -- A few examples of the Redis Modules API in the form * of commands showing how to accomplish common tasks. * * This module does not do anything useful, if not for a few commands. The * examples are designed in order to show the API. * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Copyright (c) 2016, Salvatore Sanfilippo <antirez at gmail dot com> * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Redis nor the names of its contributors may be used * to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "../redismodule.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> /* HELLO.SIMPLE is among the simplest commands you can implement. * It just returns the currently selected DB id, a functionality which is * missing in Redis. The command uses two important API calls: one to * fetch the currently selected DB, the other in order to send the client * an integer reply as response. */ int HelloSimple_RedisCommand(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, RedisModuleString **argv, int argc) { REDISMODULE_NOT_USED(argv); REDISMODULE_NOT_USED(argc); RedisModule_ReplyWithLongLong(ctx,RedisModule_GetSelectedDb(ctx)); return REDISMODULE_OK; } /* HELLO.PUSH.NATIVE re-implements RPUSH, and shows the low level modules API * where you can "open" keys, make low level operations, create new keys by * pushing elements into non-existing keys, and so forth. * * You'll find this command to be roughly as fast as the actual RPUSH * command. */ int HelloPushNative_RedisCommand(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, RedisModuleString **argv, int argc) { if (argc != 3) return RedisModule_WrongArity(ctx); RedisModuleKey *key = RedisModule_OpenKey(ctx,argv[1], REDISMODULE_READ|REDISMODULE_WRITE); RedisModule_ListPush(key,REDISMODULE_LIST_TAIL,argv[2]); size_t newlen = RedisModule_ValueLength(key); RedisModule_CloseKey(key); RedisModule_ReplyWithLongLong(ctx,newlen); return REDISMODULE_OK; } /* HELLO.PUSH.CALL implements RPUSH using an higher level approach, calling * a Redis command instead of working with the key in a low level way. This * approach is useful when you need to call Redis commands that are not * available as low level APIs, or when you don't need the maximum speed * possible but instead prefer implementation simplicity. */ int HelloPushCall_RedisCommand(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, RedisModuleString **argv, int argc) { if (argc != 3) return RedisModule_WrongArity(ctx); RedisModuleCallReply *reply; reply = RedisModule_Call(ctx,"RPUSH","ss",argv[1],argv[2]); long long len = RedisModule_CallReplyInteger(reply); RedisModule_FreeCallReply(reply); RedisModule_ReplyWithLongLong(ctx,len); return REDISMODULE_OK; } /* HELLO.PUSH.CALL2 * This is exaxctly as HELLO.PUSH.CALL, but shows how we can reply to the * client using directly a reply object that Call() returned. */ int HelloPushCall2_RedisCommand(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, RedisModuleString **argv, int argc) { if (argc != 3) return RedisModule_WrongArity(ctx); RedisModuleCallReply *reply; reply = RedisModule_Call(ctx,"RPUSH","ss",argv[1],argv[2]); RedisModule_ReplyWithCallReply(ctx,reply); RedisModule_FreeCallReply(reply); return REDISMODULE_OK; } /* HELLO.LIST.SUM.LEN returns the total length of all the items inside * a Redis list, by using the high level Call() API. * This command is an example of the array reply access. */ int HelloListSumLen_RedisCommand(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, RedisModuleString **argv, int argc) { if (argc != 2) return RedisModule_WrongArity(ctx); RedisModuleCallReply *reply; reply = RedisModule_Call(ctx,"LRANGE","sll",argv[1],(long long)0,(long long)-1); size_t strlen = 0; size_t items = RedisModule_CallReplyLength(reply); size_t j; for (j = 0; j < items; j++) { RedisModuleCallReply *ele = RedisModule_CallReplyArrayElement(reply,j); strlen += RedisModule_CallReplyLength(ele); } RedisModule_FreeCallReply(reply); RedisModule_ReplyWithLongLong(ctx,strlen); return REDISMODULE_OK; } /* HELLO.LIST.SPLICE srclist dstlist count * Moves 'count' elements from the tail of 'srclist' to the head of * 'dstlist'. If less than count elements are available, it moves as much * elements as possible. */ int HelloListSplice_RedisCommand(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, RedisModuleString **argv, int argc) { if (argc != 4) return RedisModule_WrongArity(ctx); RedisModuleKey *srckey = RedisModule_OpenKey(ctx,argv[1], REDISMODULE_READ|REDISMODULE_WRITE); RedisModuleKey *dstkey = RedisModule_OpenKey(ctx,argv[2], REDISMODULE_READ|REDISMODULE_WRITE); /* Src and dst key must be empty or lists. */ if ((RedisModule_KeyType(srckey) != REDISMODULE_KEYTYPE_LIST && RedisModule_KeyType(srckey) != REDISMODULE_KEYTYPE_EMPTY) || (RedisModule_KeyType(dstkey) != REDISMODULE_KEYTYPE_LIST && RedisModule_KeyType(dstkey) != REDISMODULE_KEYTYPE_EMPTY)) { RedisModule_CloseKey(srckey); RedisModule_CloseKey(dstkey); return RedisModule_ReplyWithError(ctx,REDISMODULE_ERRORMSG_WRONGTYPE); } long long count; if ((RedisModule_StringToLongLong(argv[3],&count) != REDISMODULE_OK) || (count < 0)) { RedisModule_CloseKey(srckey); RedisModule_CloseKey(dstkey); return RedisModule_ReplyWithError(ctx,"ERR invalid count"); } while(count-- > 0) { RedisModuleString *ele; ele = RedisModule_ListPop(srckey,REDISMODULE_LIST_TAIL); if (ele == NULL) break; RedisModule_ListPush(dstkey,REDISMODULE_LIST_HEAD,ele); RedisModule_FreeString(ctx,ele); } size_t len = RedisModule_ValueLength(srckey); RedisModule_CloseKey(srckey); RedisModule_CloseKey(dstkey); RedisModule_ReplyWithLongLong(ctx,len); return REDISMODULE_OK; } /* Like the HELLO.LIST.SPLICE above, but uses automatic memory management * in order to avoid freeing stuff. */ int HelloListSpliceAuto_RedisCommand(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, RedisModuleString **argv, int argc) { if (argc != 4) return RedisModule_WrongArity(ctx); RedisModule_AutoMemory(ctx); RedisModuleKey *srckey = RedisModule_OpenKey(ctx,argv[1], REDISMODULE_READ|REDISMODULE_WRITE); RedisModuleKey *dstkey = RedisModule_OpenKey(ctx,argv[2], REDISMODULE_READ|REDISMODULE_WRITE); /* Src and dst key must be empty or lists. */ if ((RedisModule_KeyType(srckey) != REDISMODULE_KEYTYPE_LIST && RedisModule_KeyType(srckey) != REDISMODULE_KEYTYPE_EMPTY) || (RedisModule_KeyType(dstkey) != REDISMODULE_KEYTYPE_LIST && RedisModule_KeyType(dstkey) != REDISMODULE_KEYTYPE_EMPTY)) { return RedisModule_ReplyWithError(ctx,REDISMODULE_ERRORMSG_WRONGTYPE); } long long count; if ((RedisModule_StringToLongLong(argv[3],&count) != REDISMODULE_OK) || (count < 0)) { return RedisModule_ReplyWithError(ctx,"ERR invalid count"); } while(count-- > 0) { RedisModuleString *ele; ele = RedisModule_ListPop(srckey,REDISMODULE_LIST_TAIL); if (ele == NULL) break; RedisModule_ListPush(dstkey,REDISMODULE_LIST_HEAD,ele); } size_t len = RedisModule_ValueLength(srckey); RedisModule_ReplyWithLongLong(ctx,len); return REDISMODULE_OK; } /* HELLO.RAND.ARRAY <count> * Shows how to generate arrays as commands replies. * It just outputs <count> random numbers. */ int HelloRandArray_RedisCommand(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, RedisModuleString **argv, int argc) { if (argc != 2) return RedisModule_WrongArity(ctx); long long count; if (RedisModule_StringToLongLong(argv[1],&count) != REDISMODULE_OK || count < 0) return RedisModule_ReplyWithError(ctx,"ERR invalid count"); /* To reply with an array, we call RedisModule_ReplyWithArray() followed * by other "count" calls to other reply functions in order to generate * the elements of the array. */ RedisModule_ReplyWithArray(ctx,count); while(count--) RedisModule_ReplyWithLongLong(ctx,rand()); return REDISMODULE_OK; } /* This is a simple command to test replication. Because of the "!" modified * in the RedisModule_Call() call, the two INCRs get replicated. * Also note how the ECHO is replicated in an unexpected position (check * comments the function implementation). */ int HelloRepl1_RedisCommand(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, RedisModuleString **argv, int argc) { REDISMODULE_NOT_USED(argv); REDISMODULE_NOT_USED(argc); RedisModule_AutoMemory(ctx); /* This will be replicated *after* the two INCR statements, since * the Call() replication has precedence, so the actual replication * stream will be: * * MULTI * INCR foo * INCR bar * ECHO c foo * EXEC */ RedisModule_Replicate(ctx,"ECHO","c","foo"); /* Using the "!" modifier we replicate the command if it * modified the dataset in some way. */ RedisModule_Call(ctx,"INCR","c!","foo"); RedisModule_Call(ctx,"INCR","c!","bar"); RedisModule_ReplyWithLongLong(ctx,0); return REDISMODULE_OK; } /* Another command to show replication. In this case, we call * RedisModule_ReplicateVerbatim() to mean we want just the command to be * propagated to slaves / AOF exactly as it was called by the user. * * This command also shows how to work with string objects. * It takes a list, and increments all the elements (that must have * a numerical value) by 1, returning the sum of all the elements * as reply. * * Usage: HELLO.REPL2 <list-key> */ int HelloRepl2_RedisCommand(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, RedisModuleString **argv, int argc) { if (argc != 2) return RedisModule_WrongArity(ctx); RedisModule_AutoMemory(ctx); /* Use automatic memory management. */ RedisModuleKey *key = RedisModule_OpenKey(ctx,argv[1], REDISMODULE_READ|REDISMODULE_WRITE); if (RedisModule_KeyType(key) != REDISMODULE_KEYTYPE_LIST) return RedisModule_ReplyWithError(ctx,REDISMODULE_ERRORMSG_WRONGTYPE); size_t listlen = RedisModule_ValueLength(key); long long sum = 0; /* Rotate and increment. */ while(listlen--) { RedisModuleString *ele = RedisModule_ListPop(key,REDISMODULE_LIST_TAIL); long long val; if (RedisModule_StringToLongLong(ele,&val) != REDISMODULE_OK) val = 0; val++; sum += val; RedisModuleString *newele = RedisModule_CreateStringFromLongLong(ctx,val); RedisModule_ListPush(key,REDISMODULE_LIST_HEAD,newele); } RedisModule_ReplyWithLongLong(ctx,sum); RedisModule_ReplicateVerbatim(ctx); return REDISMODULE_OK; } /* This is an example of strings DMA access. Given a key containing a string * it toggles the case of each character from lower to upper case or the * other way around. * * No automatic memory management is used in this example (for the sake * of variety). * * HELLO.TOGGLE.CASE key */ int HelloToggleCase_RedisCommand(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, RedisModuleString **argv, int argc) { if (argc != 2) return RedisModule_WrongArity(ctx); RedisModuleKey *key = RedisModule_OpenKey(ctx,argv[1], REDISMODULE_READ|REDISMODULE_WRITE); int keytype = RedisModule_KeyType(key); if (keytype != REDISMODULE_KEYTYPE_STRING && keytype != REDISMODULE_KEYTYPE_EMPTY) { RedisModule_CloseKey(key); return RedisModule_ReplyWithError(ctx,REDISMODULE_ERRORMSG_WRONGTYPE); } if (keytype == REDISMODULE_KEYTYPE_STRING) { size_t len, j; char *s = RedisModule_StringDMA(key,&len,REDISMODULE_WRITE); for (j = 0; j < len; j++) { if (isupper(s[j])) { s[j] = tolower(s[j]); } else { s[j] = toupper(s[j]); } } } RedisModule_CloseKey(key); RedisModule_ReplyWithSimpleString(ctx,"OK"); RedisModule_ReplicateVerbatim(ctx); return REDISMODULE_OK; } /* HELLO.MORE.EXPIRE key milliseconds. * * If they key has already an associated TTL, extends it by "milliseconds" * milliseconds. Otherwise no operation is performed. */ int HelloMoreExpire_RedisCommand(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, RedisModuleString **argv, int argc) { RedisModule_AutoMemory(ctx); /* Use automatic memory management. */ if (argc != 3) return RedisModule_WrongArity(ctx); mstime_t addms, expire; if (RedisModule_StringToLongLong(argv[2],&addms) != REDISMODULE_OK) return RedisModule_ReplyWithError(ctx,"ERR invalid expire time"); RedisModuleKey *key = RedisModule_OpenKey(ctx,argv[1], REDISMODULE_READ|REDISMODULE_WRITE); expire = RedisModule_GetExpire(key); if (expire != REDISMODULE_NO_EXPIRE) { expire += addms; RedisModule_SetExpire(key,expire); } return RedisModule_ReplyWithSimpleString(ctx,"OK"); } /* HELLO.ZSUMRANGE key startscore endscore * Return the sum of all the scores elements between startscore and endscore. * * The computation is performed two times, one time from start to end and * another time backward. The two scores, returned as a two element array, * should match.*/ int HelloZsumRange_RedisCommand(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, RedisModuleString **argv, int argc) { double score_start, score_end; if (argc != 4) return RedisModule_WrongArity(ctx); if (RedisModule_StringToDouble(argv[2],&score_start) != REDISMODULE_OK || RedisModule_StringToDouble(argv[3],&score_end) != REDISMODULE_OK) { return RedisModule_ReplyWithError(ctx,"ERR invalid range"); } RedisModuleKey *key = RedisModule_OpenKey(ctx,argv[1], REDISMODULE_READ|REDISMODULE_WRITE); if (RedisModule_KeyType(key) != REDISMODULE_KEYTYPE_ZSET) { return RedisModule_ReplyWithError(ctx,REDISMODULE_ERRORMSG_WRONGTYPE); } double scoresum_a = 0; double scoresum_b = 0; RedisModule_ZsetFirstInScoreRange(key,score_start,score_end,0,0); while(!RedisModule_ZsetRangeEndReached(key)) { double score; RedisModuleString *ele = RedisModule_ZsetRangeCurrentElement(key,&score); RedisModule_FreeString(ctx,ele); scoresum_a += score; RedisModule_ZsetRangeNext(key); } RedisModule_ZsetRangeStop(key); RedisModule_ZsetLastInScoreRange(key,score_start,score_end,0,0); while(!RedisModule_ZsetRangeEndReached(key)) { double score; RedisModuleString *ele = RedisModule_ZsetRangeCurrentElement(key,&score); RedisModule_FreeString(ctx,ele); scoresum_b += score; RedisModule_ZsetRangePrev(key); } RedisModule_ZsetRangeStop(key); RedisModule_CloseKey(key); RedisModule_ReplyWithArray(ctx,2); RedisModule_ReplyWithDouble(ctx,scoresum_a); RedisModule_ReplyWithDouble(ctx,scoresum_b); return REDISMODULE_OK; } /* HELLO.LEXRANGE key min_lex max_lex min_age max_age * This command expects a sorted set stored at key in the following form: * - All the elements have score 0. * - Elements are pairs of "<name>:<age>", for example "Anna:52". * The command will return all the sorted set items that are lexicographically * between the specified range (using the same format as ZRANGEBYLEX) * and having an age between min_age and max_age. */ int HelloLexRange_RedisCommand(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, RedisModuleString **argv, int argc) { RedisModule_AutoMemory(ctx); /* Use automatic memory management. */ if (argc != 6) return RedisModule_WrongArity(ctx); RedisModuleKey *key = RedisModule_OpenKey(ctx,argv[1], REDISMODULE_READ|REDISMODULE_WRITE); if (RedisModule_KeyType(key) != REDISMODULE_KEYTYPE_ZSET) { return RedisModule_ReplyWithError(ctx,REDISMODULE_ERRORMSG_WRONGTYPE); } if (RedisModule_ZsetFirstInLexRange(key,argv[2],argv[3]) != REDISMODULE_OK) { return RedisModule_ReplyWithError(ctx,"invalid range"); } int arraylen = 0; RedisModule_ReplyWithArray(ctx,REDISMODULE_POSTPONED_ARRAY_LEN); while(!RedisModule_ZsetRangeEndReached(key)) { double score; RedisModuleString *ele = RedisModule_ZsetRangeCurrentElement(key,&score); RedisModule_ReplyWithString(ctx,ele); RedisModule_FreeString(ctx,ele); RedisModule_ZsetRangeNext(key); arraylen++; } RedisModule_ZsetRangeStop(key); RedisModule_ReplySetArrayLength(ctx,arraylen); RedisModule_CloseKey(key); return REDISMODULE_OK; } /* HELLO.HCOPY key srcfield dstfield * This is just an example command that sets the hash field dstfield to the * same value of srcfield. If srcfield does not exist no operation is * performed. * * The command returns 1 if the copy is performed (srcfield exists) otherwise * 0 is returned. */ int HelloHCopy_RedisCommand(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, RedisModuleString **argv, int argc) { RedisModule_AutoMemory(ctx); /* Use automatic memory management. */ if (argc != 4) return RedisModule_WrongArity(ctx); RedisModuleKey *key = RedisModule_OpenKey(ctx,argv[1], REDISMODULE_READ|REDISMODULE_WRITE); int type = RedisModule_KeyType(key); if (type != REDISMODULE_KEYTYPE_HASH && type != REDISMODULE_KEYTYPE_EMPTY) { return RedisModule_ReplyWithError(ctx,REDISMODULE_ERRORMSG_WRONGTYPE); } /* Get the old field value. */ RedisModuleString *oldval; RedisModule_HashGet(key,REDISMODULE_HASH_NONE,argv[2],&oldval,NULL); if (oldval) { RedisModule_HashSet(key,REDISMODULE_HASH_NONE,argv[3],oldval,NULL); } RedisModule_ReplyWithLongLong(ctx,oldval != NULL); return REDISMODULE_OK; } /* HELLO.LEFTPAD str len ch * This is an implementation of the infamous LEFTPAD function, that * was at the center of an issue with the npm modules system in March 2016. * * LEFTPAD is a good example of using a Redis Modules API called * "pool allocator", that was a famous way to allocate memory in yet another * open source project, the Apache web server. * * The concept is very simple: there is memory that is useful to allocate * only in the context of serving a request, and must be freed anyway when * the callback implementing the command returns. So in that case the module * does not need to retain a reference to these allocations, it is just * required to free the memory before returning. When this is the case the * module can call RedisModule_PoolAlloc() instead, that works like malloc() * but will automatically free the memory when the module callback returns. * * Note that PoolAlloc() does not necessarily require AutoMemory to be * active. */ int HelloLeftPad_RedisCommand(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, RedisModuleString **argv, int argc) { RedisModule_AutoMemory(ctx); /* Use automatic memory management. */ long long padlen; if (argc != 4) return RedisModule_WrongArity(ctx); if ((RedisModule_StringToLongLong(argv[2],&padlen) != REDISMODULE_OK) || (padlen< 0)) { return RedisModule_ReplyWithError(ctx,"ERR invalid padding length"); } size_t strlen, chlen; const char *str = RedisModule_StringPtrLen(argv[1], &strlen); const char *ch = RedisModule_StringPtrLen(argv[3], &chlen); /* If the string is already larger than the target len, just return * the string itself. */ if (strlen >= (size_t)padlen) return RedisModule_ReplyWithString(ctx,argv[1]); /* Padding must be a single character in this simple implementation. */ if (chlen != 1) return RedisModule_ReplyWithError(ctx, "ERR padding must be a single char"); /* Here we use our pool allocator, for our throw-away allocation. */ padlen -= strlen; char *buf = RedisModule_PoolAlloc(ctx,padlen+strlen); for (long long j = 0; j < padlen; j++) buf[j] = *ch; memcpy(buf+padlen,str,strlen); RedisModule_ReplyWithStringBuffer(ctx,buf,padlen+strlen); return REDISMODULE_OK; } /* This function must be present on each Redis module. It is used in order to * register the commands into the Redis server. */ int RedisModule_OnLoad(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, RedisModuleString **argv, int argc) { if (RedisModule_Init(ctx,"helloworld",1,REDISMODULE_APIVER_1) == REDISMODULE_ERR) return REDISMODULE_ERR; /* Log the list of parameters passing loading the module. */ for (int j = 0; j < argc; j++) { const char *s = RedisModule_StringPtrLen(argv[j],NULL); printf("Module loaded with ARGV[%d] = %s\n", j, s); } if (RedisModule_CreateCommand(ctx,"hello.simple", HelloSimple_RedisCommand,"readonly",0,0,0) == REDISMODULE_ERR) return REDISMODULE_ERR; if (RedisModule_CreateCommand(ctx,"hello.push.native", HelloPushNative_RedisCommand,"write deny-oom",1,1,1) == REDISMODULE_ERR) return REDISMODULE_ERR; if (RedisModule_CreateCommand(ctx,"hello.push.call", HelloPushCall_RedisCommand,"write deny-oom",1,1,1) == REDISMODULE_ERR) return REDISMODULE_ERR; if (RedisModule_CreateCommand(ctx,"hello.push.call2", HelloPushCall2_RedisCommand,"write deny-oom",1,1,1) == REDISMODULE_ERR) return REDISMODULE_ERR; if (RedisModule_CreateCommand(ctx,"hello.list.sum.len", HelloListSumLen_RedisCommand,"readonly",1,1,1) == REDISMODULE_ERR) return REDISMODULE_ERR; if (RedisModule_CreateCommand(ctx,"hello.list.splice", HelloListSplice_RedisCommand,"write deny-oom",1,2,1) == REDISMODULE_ERR) return REDISMODULE_ERR; if (RedisModule_CreateCommand(ctx,"hello.list.splice.auto", HelloListSpliceAuto_RedisCommand, "write deny-oom",1,2,1) == REDISMODULE_ERR) return REDISMODULE_ERR; if (RedisModule_CreateCommand(ctx,"hello.rand.array", HelloRandArray_RedisCommand,"readonly",0,0,0) == REDISMODULE_ERR) return REDISMODULE_ERR; if (RedisModule_CreateCommand(ctx,"hello.repl1", HelloRepl1_RedisCommand,"write",0,0,0) == REDISMODULE_ERR) return REDISMODULE_ERR; if (RedisModule_CreateCommand(ctx,"hello.repl2", HelloRepl2_RedisCommand,"write",1,1,1) == REDISMODULE_ERR) return REDISMODULE_ERR; if (RedisModule_CreateCommand(ctx,"hello.toggle.case", HelloToggleCase_RedisCommand,"write",1,1,1) == REDISMODULE_ERR) return REDISMODULE_ERR; if (RedisModule_CreateCommand(ctx,"hello.more.expire", HelloMoreExpire_RedisCommand,"write",1,1,1) == REDISMODULE_ERR) return REDISMODULE_ERR; if (RedisModule_CreateCommand(ctx,"hello.zsumrange", HelloZsumRange_RedisCommand,"readonly",1,1,1) == REDISMODULE_ERR) return REDISMODULE_ERR; if (RedisModule_CreateCommand(ctx,"hello.lexrange", HelloLexRange_RedisCommand,"readonly",1,1,1) == REDISMODULE_ERR) return REDISMODULE_ERR; if (RedisModule_CreateCommand(ctx,"hello.hcopy", HelloHCopy_RedisCommand,"write deny-oom",1,1,1) == REDISMODULE_ERR) return REDISMODULE_ERR; if (RedisModule_CreateCommand(ctx,"hello.leftpad", HelloLeftPad_RedisCommand,"",1,1,1) == REDISMODULE_ERR) return REDISMODULE_ERR; return REDISMODULE_OK; }
{'repo_name': 'chenyahui/AnnotatedCode', 'stars': '317', 'repo_language': 'C', 'file_name': 'BoundedBlockingQueue_test.cc', 'mime_type': 'text/x-c++', 'hash': -3987201554966416224, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
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name="biggerTypeTest2.java"> <node id="1751004816844298779" at="12,42,13,33" concept="1" /> <node id="1751004816844298779" at="15,31,16,46" concept="5" /> <node id="1751004816844298780" at="19,0,20,0" concept="2" trace="myOuterVars" /> <node id="1751004816844298780" at="20,43,21,80" concept="1" /> <node id="1751004816844298780" at="23,57,24,80" concept="1" /> <node id="1751004816844298780" at="24,80,25,36" concept="1" /> <node id="1751004816844298780" at="27,26,28,16" concept="4" /> <node id="1751004816844298780" at="28,16,29,16" concept="4" /> <node id="1751004816844298781" at="29,16,30,46" concept="4" /> <node id="1751004816844299683" at="30,46,31,46" concept="4" /> <node id="1751004816844298780" at="31,46,32,77" concept="5" /> <node id="1751004816844298780" at="34,33,35,15" concept="5" /> <node id="1751004816844298780" at="37,28,38,59" concept="5" /> <node id="1751004816844298779" at="10,0,12,0" concept="0" trace="biggerTypeTest2#()V" /> <node id="1751004816844298779" at="12,0,15,0" concept="6" trace="main#([Ljava/lang/String;)V" /> <node id="1751004816844298779" at="15,0,18,0" concept="6" trace="eval#()Ljava/lang/Object;" /> <node id="1751004816844298780" at="20,0,23,0" concept="0" trace="Function_1751004816844298780#()V" /> <node id="1751004816844298780" at="34,0,37,0" concept="3" trace="getParamsCount#()I" /> <node id="1751004816844298780" at="37,0,40,0" concept="3" trace="copy#()Ljetbrains/mps/samples/lambdaCalculus/runtime/Function;" /> <node id="1751004816844298780" at="23,0,27,0" concept="0" trace="Function_1751004816844298780#(Ljava/util/List;)V" /> <node id="1751004816844298780" at="27,0,34,0" concept="3" trace="eval#()Ljava/lang/Object;" /> <scope id="1751004816844298779" at="10,28,10,28" /> <scope id="1751004816844298779" at="12,42,13,33" /> <scope id="1751004816844298779" at="15,31,16,46" /> <scope id="1751004816844298780" at="20,43,21,80" /> <scope id="1751004816844298780" at="34,33,35,15" /> <scope id="1751004816844298780" at="37,28,38,59" /> <scope id="1751004816844298779" at="10,0,12,0" /> <scope id="1751004816844298780" at="23,57,25,36" /> <scope id="1751004816844298779" at="12,0,15,0"> <var name="args" id="1751004816844298779" /> </scope> <scope id="1751004816844298779" at="15,0,18,0" /> <scope id="1751004816844298780" at="20,0,23,0" /> <scope id="1751004816844298780" at="34,0,37,0" /> <scope id="1751004816844298780" at="37,0,40,0" /> <scope id="1751004816844298780" at="23,0,27,0"> <var name="outerVars" id="1751004816844298780" /> </scope> <scope id="1751004816844298780" at="27,26,32,77"> <var name="i" id="1751004816844298780" /> <var name="j" id="1751004816844298780" /> <var name="x" id="1751004816844298781" /> <var name="y" id="1751004816844299683" /> </scope> <scope id="1751004816844298780" at="27,0,34,0" /> <unit id="1751004816844298780" at="18,0,41,0" name="sandboxModel.biggerTypeTest2$Function_1751004816844298780" /> <unit id="1751004816844298779" at="9,0,42,0" name="sandboxModel.biggerTypeTest2" /> </file> </root> <root nodeRef="r:19bf018c-b5e7-418d-8415-b23921421325(sandboxModel)/2167053794906818090"> <file name="sim.java"> <node id="2167053794906818090" at="12,42,13,33" concept="1" /> <node id="2167053794906818090" at="15,31,16,81" concept="5" /> <node id="2167053794906818092" at="19,0,20,0" concept="2" trace="myOuterVars" /> <node id="2167053794906818092" at="20,43,21,34" concept="1" /> <node id="2167053794906818092" at="23,57,24,34" concept="1" /> <node id="2167053794906818092" at="24,34,25,36" concept="1" /> <node id="2167053794906818092" at="27,26,28,16" concept="4" /> <node id="2167053794906818092" at="28,16,29,16" concept="4" /> <node id="2167053794906818093" at="29,16,30,44" concept="4" /> <node id="2167053794906818092" at="30,44,31,19" concept="5" /> <node id="2167053794906818092" at="33,33,34,15" concept="5" /> <node id="2167053794906818092" at="36,28,37,59" concept="5" /> <node id="2167053794906818091" at="40,61,41,95" concept="5" /> <node id="2167053794906818090" at="10,0,12,0" concept="0" trace="sim#()V" /> <node id="2167053794906818090" at="12,0,15,0" concept="6" trace="main#([Ljava/lang/String;)V" /> <node id="2167053794906818090" at="15,0,18,0" concept="6" trace="eval#()Ljava/lang/Object;" /> <node id="2167053794906818092" at="20,0,23,0" concept="0" trace="Function_2167053794906818092#()V" /> <node id="2167053794906818092" at="33,0,36,0" concept="3" trace="getParamsCount#()I" /> <node id="2167053794906818092" at="36,0,39,0" concept="3" trace="copy#()Ljetbrains/mps/samples/lambdaCalculus/runtime/Function;" /> <node id="2167053794906818091" at="40,0,43,0" concept="6" trace="let_2167053794906818091#(Ljetbrains/mps/samples/lambdaCalculus/runtime/Function;)Ljava/lang/Object;" /> <node id="2167053794906818092" at="23,0,27,0" concept="0" trace="Function_2167053794906818092#(Ljava/util/List;)V" /> <node id="2167053794906818092" at="27,0,33,0" concept="3" trace="eval#()Ljava/lang/Object;" /> <scope id="2167053794906818090" at="10,16,10,16" /> <scope id="2167053794906818090" at="12,42,13,33" /> <scope id="2167053794906818090" at="15,31,16,81" /> <scope id="2167053794906818092" at="20,43,21,34" /> <scope id="2167053794906818092" at="33,33,34,15" /> <scope id="2167053794906818092" at="36,28,37,59" /> <scope id="2167053794906818091" at="40,61,41,95" /> <scope id="2167053794906818090" at="10,0,12,0" /> <scope id="2167053794906818092" at="23,57,25,36" /> <scope id="2167053794906818090" at="12,0,15,0"> <var name="args" id="2167053794906818090" /> </scope> <scope id="2167053794906818090" at="15,0,18,0" /> <scope id="2167053794906818092" at="20,0,23,0" /> <scope id="2167053794906818092" at="33,0,36,0" /> <scope id="2167053794906818092" at="36,0,39,0" /> <scope id="2167053794906818091" at="40,0,43,0"> <var name="sq" id="2167053794906818091" /> </scope> <scope id="2167053794906818092" at="23,0,27,0"> <var name="outerVars" id="2167053794906818092" /> </scope> <scope id="2167053794906818092" at="27,26,31,19"> <var name="i" id="2167053794906818092" /> <var name="j" id="2167053794906818092" /> <var name="x" id="2167053794906818093" /> </scope> <scope id="2167053794906818092" at="27,0,33,0" /> <unit id="2167053794906818092" at="18,0,40,0" name="sandboxModel.sim$Function_2167053794906818092" /> <unit id="2167053794906818090" at="9,0,44,0" name="sandboxModel.sim" /> </file> </root> <root nodeRef="r:19bf018c-b5e7-418d-8415-b23921421325(sandboxModel)/5277476162361142416"> <file name="test2.java"> <node id="5277476162361142416" at="9,42,10,33" concept="1" /> <node id="5277476162361142416" at="12,31,13,46" concept="5" /> <node id="5277476162361142445" at="15,68,16,13" concept="5" /> <node id="5277476162361142416" at="7,0,9,0" concept="0" trace="test2#()V" /> <node id="5277476162361142416" at="9,0,12,0" concept="6" trace="main#([Ljava/lang/String;)V" /> <node id="5277476162361142416" at="12,0,15,0" concept="6" trace="eval#()Ljava/lang/Object;" /> <node id="5277476162361142445" at="15,0,18,0" concept="6" trace="lambdaAbstr_5277476162361142418#(Ljava/lang/Integer;)Ljava/lang/Integer;" /> <scope id="5277476162361142416" at="7,18,7,18" /> <scope id="5277476162361142416" at="9,42,10,33" /> <scope id="5277476162361142416" at="12,31,13,46" /> <scope id="5277476162361142445" at="15,68,16,13" /> <scope id="5277476162361142416" at="7,0,9,0" /> <scope id="5277476162361142416" at="9,0,12,0"> <var name="args" id="5277476162361142416" /> </scope> <scope id="5277476162361142416" at="12,0,15,0" /> <scope id="5277476162361142445" at="15,0,18,0"> <var name="x" id="5277476162361142419" /> </scope> <unit id="5277476162361142416" at="6,0,19,0" name="sandboxModel.test2" /> </file> </root> <root nodeRef="r:19bf018c-b5e7-418d-8415-b23921421325(sandboxModel)/816130369292750457"> <file name="sumsq.java"> <node id="816130369292750457" at="9,42,10,33" concept="1" /> <node id="816130369292750457" at="12,31,13,48" concept="5" /> <node id="816130369292750664" at="15,78,16,57" concept="5" /> <node id="816130369292750468" at="18,82,19,62" concept="5" /> <node id="816130369292750496" at="21,96,22,58" concept="5" /> <node id="816130369292750539" at="24,94,25,28" concept="5" /> <node id="816130369292750457" at="7,0,9,0" concept="0" trace="sumsq#()V" /> <node id="816130369292750457" at="9,0,12,0" concept="6" trace="main#([Ljava/lang/String;)V" /> <node id="816130369292750457" at="12,0,15,0" concept="6" trace="eval#()Ljava/lang/Object;" /> <node id="816130369292750664" at="15,0,18,0" concept="6" trace="lambdaAbstr_816130369292750642#(Ljava/lang/Integer;Ljava/lang/Integer;)Ljava/lang/Integer;" /> <node id="816130369292750468" at="18,0,21,0" concept="6" trace="let_816130369292750468#(Ljava/lang/Integer;Ljava/lang/Integer;Ljava/lang/Integer;)Ljava/lang/Object;" /> <node id="816130369292750496" at="21,0,24,0" concept="6" trace="let_816130369292750496#(Ljava/lang/Integer;Ljava/lang/Integer;Ljava/lang/Integer;Ljava/lang/Integer;)Ljava/lang/Object;" /> <node id="816130369292750539" at="24,0,27,0" concept="6" trace="lambdaAbstr_816130369292750515#(Ljava/lang/Integer;Ljava/lang/Integer;Ljava/lang/Integer;)Ljava/lang/Integer;" /> <scope id="816130369292750457" at="7,18,7,18" /> <scope id="816130369292750457" at="9,42,10,33" /> <scope id="816130369292750457" at="12,31,13,48" /> <scope id="816130369292750664" at="15,78,16,57" /> <scope id="816130369292750468" at="18,82,19,62" /> <scope id="816130369292750496" at="21,96,22,58" /> <scope id="816130369292750539" at="24,94,25,28" /> <scope id="816130369292750457" at="7,0,9,0" /> <scope id="816130369292750457" at="9,0,12,0"> <var name="args" id="816130369292750457" /> </scope> <scope id="816130369292750457" at="12,0,15,0" /> <scope id="816130369292750664" at="15,0,18,0"> <var name="x" id="816130369292750460" /> <var name="y" id="816130369292750464" /> </scope> <scope id="816130369292750468" at="18,0,21,0"> <var name="sum" id="816130369292750468" /> <var name="x" id="816130369292750460" /> <var name="y" id="816130369292750464" /> </scope> <scope id="816130369292750496" at="21,0,24,0"> <var name="mult" id="816130369292750496" /> <var name="sum" id="816130369292750478" /> <var name="x" id="816130369292750460" /> <var name="y" id="816130369292750464" /> </scope> <scope id="816130369292750539" at="24,0,27,0"> <var name="mult" id="816130369292750499" /> <var name="sum" id="816130369292750478" /> <var name="z" id="816130369292750516" /> </scope> <unit id="816130369292750457" at="6,0,28,0" name="sandboxModel.sumsq" /> </file> </root> <root nodeRef="r:19bf018c-b5e7-418d-8415-b23921421325(sandboxModel)/816130369292806252"> <file name="letlet.java"> <node id="816130369292806252" at="9,42,10,33" concept="1" /> <node id="816130369292806252" at="12,31,13,47" concept="5" /> <node id="816130369292806253" at="15,59,16,51" concept="5" /> <node id="816130369292806255" at="18,71,19,19" concept="5" /> <node id="816130369292806252" at="7,0,9,0" concept="0" trace="letlet#()V" /> <node id="816130369292806252" at="9,0,12,0" concept="6" trace="main#([Ljava/lang/String;)V" /> <node id="816130369292806252" at="12,0,15,0" concept="6" trace="eval#()Ljava/lang/Object;" /> <node id="816130369292806253" at="15,0,18,0" concept="6" trace="let_816130369292806253#(Ljava/lang/Integer;)Ljava/lang/Object;" /> <node id="816130369292806255" at="18,0,21,0" concept="6" trace="let_816130369292806255#(Ljava/lang/Integer;Ljava/lang/Integer;)Ljava/lang/Object;" /> <scope id="816130369292806252" at="7,19,7,19" /> <scope id="816130369292806252" at="9,42,10,33" /> <scope id="816130369292806252" at="12,31,13,47" /> <scope id="816130369292806253" at="15,59,16,51" /> <scope id="816130369292806255" at="18,71,19,19" /> <scope id="816130369292806252" at="7,0,9,0" /> <scope id="816130369292806252" at="9,0,12,0"> <var name="args" id="816130369292806252" /> </scope> <scope id="816130369292806252" at="12,0,15,0" /> <scope id="816130369292806253" at="15,0,18,0"> <var name="q1" id="816130369292806253" /> </scope> <scope id="816130369292806255" at="18,0,21,0"> <var name="q1" id="816130369292806261" /> <var name="q2" id="816130369292806255" /> </scope> <unit id="816130369292806252" at="6,0,22,0" name="sandboxModel.letlet" /> </file> </root> </debug-info>
{'repo_name': 'JetBrains/MPS', 'stars': '1070', 'repo_language': 'Java', 'file_name': 'LanguageAspectsEP_extension.java', 'mime_type': 'text/x-java', 'hash': -2157467870124693778, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
package water // PlatformSpecificParams defines parameters in Config that are specific to // Windows. A zero-value of such type is valid. type PlatformSpecificParams struct { // ComponentID associates with the virtual adapter that exists in Windows. // This is usually configured when driver for the adapter is installed. A // zero-value of this field, i.e., an empty string, causes the interface to // use the default ComponentId. The default ComponentId is set to tap0901, // the one used by OpenVPN. ComponentID string // InterfaceName is a friendly name of the network adapter as set in Control Panel. // Of course, you may have multiple tap0901 adapters on the system, in which // case we need a friendlier way to identify them. InterfaceName string // Network is required when creating a TUN interface. The library will call // net.ParseCIDR() to parse this string into LocalIP, RemoteNetaddr, // RemoteNetmask. The underlying driver will need those to generate ARP // response to Windows kernel, to emulate an TUN interface. // Please note that it cannot perceive the IP changes caused by DHCP, user // configuration to the adapter and etc,. If IP changed, please reconfigure // the adapter using syscall, just like openDev(). // For detail, please refer // https://github.com/OpenVPN/tap-windows6/blob/master/src/device.c#L431 // and https://github.com/songgao/water/pull/13#issuecomment-270341777 Network string } func defaultPlatformSpecificParams() PlatformSpecificParams { return PlatformSpecificParams{ ComponentID: "tap0901", Network: "", } }
{'repo_name': 'OpenIoTHub/gateway-go', 'stars': '118', 'repo_language': 'Go', 'file_name': 'gateway-go.service', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': 164518666387019407, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
/* * * Hardware accelerated Matrox Millennium I, II, Mystique, G100, G200, G400 and G450 * * (c) 1998-2002 Petr Vandrovec <[email protected]> * */ #ifndef __MATROXFB_H__ #define __MATROXFB_H__ /* general, but fairly heavy, debugging */ #undef MATROXFB_DEBUG /* heavy debugging: */ /* -- logs putc[s], so every time a char is displayed, it's logged */ #undef MATROXFB_DEBUG_HEAVY /* This one _could_ cause infinite loops */ /* It _does_ cause lots and lots of messages during idle loops */ #undef MATROXFB_DEBUG_LOOP /* Debug register calls, too? */ #undef MATROXFB_DEBUG_REG /* Guard accelerator accesses with spin_lock_irqsave... */ #undef MATROXFB_USE_SPINLOCKS #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <linux/errno.h> #include <linux/string.h> #include <linux/mm.h> #include <linux/slab.h> #include <linux/delay.h> #include <linux/fb.h> #include <linux/console.h> #include <linux/selection.h> #include <linux/ioport.h> #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/timer.h> #include <linux/pci.h> #include <linux/spinlock.h> #include <linux/kd.h> #include <asm/io.h> #include <asm/unaligned.h> #ifdef CONFIG_MTRR #include <asm/mtrr.h> #endif #if defined(CONFIG_PPC_PMAC) #include <asm/prom.h> #include <asm/pci-bridge.h> #include "../macmodes.h" #endif #ifdef MATROXFB_DEBUG #define DEBUG #define DBG(x) printk(KERN_DEBUG "matroxfb: %s\n", (x)); #ifdef MATROXFB_DEBUG_HEAVY #define DBG_HEAVY(x) DBG(x) #else /* MATROXFB_DEBUG_HEAVY */ #define DBG_HEAVY(x) /* DBG_HEAVY */ #endif /* MATROXFB_DEBUG_HEAVY */ #ifdef MATROXFB_DEBUG_LOOP #define DBG_LOOP(x) DBG(x) #else /* MATROXFB_DEBUG_LOOP */ #define DBG_LOOP(x) /* DBG_LOOP */ #endif /* MATROXFB_DEBUG_LOOP */ #ifdef MATROXFB_DEBUG_REG #define DBG_REG(x) DBG(x) #else /* MATROXFB_DEBUG_REG */ #define DBG_REG(x) /* DBG_REG */ #endif /* MATROXFB_DEBUG_REG */ #else /* MATROXFB_DEBUG */ #define DBG(x) /* DBG */ #define DBG_HEAVY(x) /* DBG_HEAVY */ #define DBG_REG(x) /* DBG_REG */ #define DBG_LOOP(x) /* DBG_LOOP */ #endif /* MATROXFB_DEBUG */ #ifdef DEBUG #define dprintk(X...) printk(X) #else #define dprintk(X...) #endif #ifndef PCI_SS_VENDOR_ID_SIEMENS_NIXDORF #define PCI_SS_VENDOR_ID_SIEMENS_NIXDORF 0x110A #endif #ifndef PCI_SS_VENDOR_ID_MATROX #define PCI_SS_VENDOR_ID_MATROX PCI_VENDOR_ID_MATROX #endif #ifndef PCI_SS_ID_MATROX_PRODUCTIVA_G100_AGP #define PCI_SS_ID_MATROX_GENERIC 0xFF00 #define PCI_SS_ID_MATROX_PRODUCTIVA_G100_AGP 0xFF01 #define PCI_SS_ID_MATROX_MYSTIQUE_G200_AGP 0xFF02 #define PCI_SS_ID_MATROX_MILLENIUM_G200_AGP 0xFF03 #define PCI_SS_ID_MATROX_MARVEL_G200_AGP 0xFF04 #define PCI_SS_ID_MATROX_MGA_G100_PCI 0xFF05 #define PCI_SS_ID_MATROX_MGA_G100_AGP 0x1001 #define PCI_SS_ID_MATROX_MILLENNIUM_G400_MAX_AGP 0x2179 #define PCI_SS_ID_SIEMENS_MGA_G100_AGP 0x001E /* 30 */ #define PCI_SS_ID_SIEMENS_MGA_G200_AGP 0x0032 /* 50 */ #endif #define MX_VISUAL_TRUECOLOR FB_VISUAL_DIRECTCOLOR #define MX_VISUAL_DIRECTCOLOR FB_VISUAL_TRUECOLOR #define MX_VISUAL_PSEUDOCOLOR FB_VISUAL_PSEUDOCOLOR #define CNVT_TOHW(val,width) ((((val)<<(width))+0x7FFF-(val))>>16) /* G-series and Mystique have (almost) same DAC */ #undef NEED_DAC1064 #if defined(CONFIG_FB_MATROX_MYSTIQUE) || defined(CONFIG_FB_MATROX_G) #define NEED_DAC1064 1 #endif typedef struct { void __iomem* vaddr; } vaddr_t; static inline unsigned int mga_readb(vaddr_t va, unsigned int offs) { return readb(va.vaddr + offs); } static inline void mga_writeb(vaddr_t va, unsigned int offs, u_int8_t value) { writeb(value, va.vaddr + offs); } static inline void mga_writew(vaddr_t va, unsigned int offs, u_int16_t value) { writew(value, va.vaddr + offs); } static inline u_int32_t mga_readl(vaddr_t va, unsigned int offs) { return readl(va.vaddr + offs); } static inline void mga_writel(vaddr_t va, unsigned int offs, u_int32_t value) { writel(value, va.vaddr + offs); } static inline void mga_memcpy_toio(vaddr_t va, const void* src, int len) { #if defined(__alpha__) || defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) /* * iowrite32_rep works for us if: * (1) Copies data as 32bit quantities, not byte after byte, * (2) Performs LE ordered stores, and * (3) It copes with unaligned source (destination is guaranteed to be page * aligned and length is guaranteed to be multiple of 4). */ iowrite32_rep(va.vaddr, src, len >> 2); #else u_int32_t __iomem* addr = va.vaddr; if ((unsigned long)src & 3) { while (len >= 4) { fb_writel(get_unaligned((u32 *)src), addr); addr++; len -= 4; src += 4; } } else { while (len >= 4) { fb_writel(*(u32 *)src, addr); addr++; len -= 4; src += 4; } } #endif } static inline void vaddr_add(vaddr_t* va, unsigned long offs) { va->vaddr += offs; } static inline void __iomem* vaddr_va(vaddr_t va) { return va.vaddr; } #define MGA_IOREMAP_NORMAL 0 #define MGA_IOREMAP_NOCACHE 1 #define MGA_IOREMAP_FB MGA_IOREMAP_NOCACHE #define MGA_IOREMAP_MMIO MGA_IOREMAP_NOCACHE static inline int mga_ioremap(unsigned long phys, unsigned long size, int flags, vaddr_t* virt) { if (flags & MGA_IOREMAP_NOCACHE) virt->vaddr = ioremap_nocache(phys, size); else virt->vaddr = ioremap(phys, size); return (virt->vaddr == NULL); /* 0, !0... 0, error_code in future */ } static inline void mga_iounmap(vaddr_t va) { iounmap(va.vaddr); } struct my_timming { unsigned int pixclock; int mnp; unsigned int crtc; unsigned int HDisplay; unsigned int HSyncStart; unsigned int HSyncEnd; unsigned int HTotal; unsigned int VDisplay; unsigned int VSyncStart; unsigned int VSyncEnd; unsigned int VTotal; unsigned int sync; int dblscan; int interlaced; unsigned int delay; /* CRTC delay */ }; enum { M_SYSTEM_PLL, M_PIXEL_PLL_A, M_PIXEL_PLL_B, M_PIXEL_PLL_C, M_VIDEO_PLL }; struct matrox_pll_cache { unsigned int valid; struct { unsigned int mnp_key; unsigned int mnp_value; } data[4]; }; struct matrox_pll_limits { unsigned int vcomin; unsigned int vcomax; }; struct matrox_pll_features { unsigned int vco_freq_min; unsigned int ref_freq; unsigned int feed_div_min; unsigned int feed_div_max; unsigned int in_div_min; unsigned int in_div_max; unsigned int post_shift_max; }; struct matroxfb_par { unsigned int final_bppShift; unsigned int cmap_len; struct { unsigned int bytes; unsigned int pixels; unsigned int chunks; } ydstorg; }; struct matrox_fb_info; struct matrox_DAC1064_features { u_int8_t xvrefctrl; u_int8_t xmiscctrl; }; /* current hardware status */ struct mavenregs { u_int8_t regs[256]; int mode; int vlines; int xtal; int fv; u_int16_t htotal; u_int16_t hcorr; }; struct matrox_crtc2 { u_int32_t ctl; }; struct matrox_hw_state { u_int32_t MXoptionReg; unsigned char DACclk[6]; unsigned char DACreg[80]; unsigned char MiscOutReg; unsigned char DACpal[768]; unsigned char CRTC[25]; unsigned char CRTCEXT[9]; unsigned char SEQ[5]; /* unused for MGA mode, but who knows... */ unsigned char GCTL[9]; /* unused for MGA mode, but who knows... */ unsigned char ATTR[21]; /* TVOut only */ struct mavenregs maven; struct matrox_crtc2 crtc2; }; struct matrox_accel_data { #ifdef CONFIG_FB_MATROX_MILLENIUM unsigned char ramdac_rev; #endif u_int32_t m_dwg_rect; u_int32_t m_opmode; }; struct v4l2_queryctrl; struct v4l2_control; struct matrox_altout { const char *name; int (*compute)(void* altout_dev, struct my_timming* input); int (*program)(void* altout_dev); int (*start)(void* altout_dev); int (*verifymode)(void* altout_dev, u_int32_t mode); int (*getqueryctrl)(void* altout_dev, struct v4l2_queryctrl* ctrl); int (*getctrl)(void* altout_dev, struct v4l2_control* ctrl); int (*setctrl)(void* altout_dev, struct v4l2_control* ctrl); }; #define MATROXFB_SRC_NONE 0 #define MATROXFB_SRC_CRTC1 1 #define MATROXFB_SRC_CRTC2 2 enum mga_chip { MGA_2064, MGA_2164, MGA_1064, MGA_1164, MGA_G100, MGA_G200, MGA_G400, MGA_G450, MGA_G550 }; struct matrox_bios { unsigned int bios_valid : 1; unsigned int pins_len; unsigned char pins[128]; struct { unsigned char vMaj, vMin, vRev; } version; struct { unsigned char state, tvout; } output; }; struct matrox_switch; struct matroxfb_driver; struct matroxfb_dh_fb_info; struct matrox_vsync { wait_queue_head_t wait; unsigned int cnt; }; struct matrox_fb_info { struct fb_info fbcon; struct list_head next_fb; int dead; int initialized; unsigned int usecount; unsigned int userusecount; unsigned long irq_flags; struct matroxfb_par curr; struct matrox_hw_state hw; struct matrox_accel_data accel; struct pci_dev* pcidev; struct { struct matrox_vsync vsync; unsigned int pixclock; int mnp; int panpos; } crtc1; struct { struct matrox_vsync vsync; unsigned int pixclock; int mnp; struct matroxfb_dh_fb_info* info; struct rw_semaphore lock; } crtc2; struct { struct rw_semaphore lock; struct { int brightness, contrast, saturation, hue, gamma; int testout, deflicker; } tvo_params; } altout; #define MATROXFB_MAX_OUTPUTS 3 struct { unsigned int src; struct matrox_altout* output; void* data; unsigned int mode; unsigned int default_src; } outputs[MATROXFB_MAX_OUTPUTS]; #define MATROXFB_MAX_FB_DRIVERS 5 struct matroxfb_driver* (drivers[MATROXFB_MAX_FB_DRIVERS]); void* (drivers_data[MATROXFB_MAX_FB_DRIVERS]); unsigned int drivers_count; struct { unsigned long base; /* physical */ vaddr_t vbase; /* CPU view */ unsigned int len; unsigned int len_usable; unsigned int len_maximum; } video; struct { unsigned long base; /* physical */ vaddr_t vbase; /* CPU view */ unsigned int len; } mmio; unsigned int max_pixel_clock; unsigned int max_pixel_clock_panellink; struct matrox_switch* hw_switch; struct { struct matrox_pll_features pll; struct matrox_DAC1064_features DAC1064; } features; struct { spinlock_t DAC; spinlock_t accel; } lock; enum mga_chip chip; int interleave; int millenium; int milleniumII; struct { int cfb4; const int* vxres; int cross4MB; int text; int plnwt; int srcorg; } capable; #ifdef CONFIG_MTRR struct { int vram; int vram_valid; } mtrr; #endif struct { int precise_width; int mga_24bpp_fix; int novga; int nobios; int nopciretry; int noinit; int sgram; int support32MB; int accelerator; int text_type_aux; int video64bits; int crtc2; int maven_capable; unsigned int vgastep; unsigned int textmode; unsigned int textstep; unsigned int textvram; /* character cells */ unsigned int ydstorg; /* offset in bytes from video start to usable memory */ /* 0 except for 6MB Millenium */ int memtype; int g450dac; int dfp_type; int panellink; /* G400 DFP possible (not G450/G550) */ int dualhead; unsigned int fbResource; } devflags; struct fb_ops fbops; struct matrox_bios bios; struct { struct matrox_pll_limits pixel; struct matrox_pll_limits system; struct matrox_pll_limits video; } limits; struct { struct matrox_pll_cache pixel; struct matrox_pll_cache system; struct matrox_pll_cache video; } cache; struct { struct { unsigned int video; unsigned int system; } pll; struct { u_int32_t opt; u_int32_t opt2; u_int32_t opt3; u_int32_t mctlwtst; u_int32_t mctlwtst_core; u_int32_t memmisc; u_int32_t memrdbk; u_int32_t maccess; } reg; struct { unsigned int ddr:1, emrswen:1, dll:1; } memory; } values; u_int32_t cmap[16]; }; #define info2minfo(info) container_of(info, struct matrox_fb_info, fbcon) struct matrox_switch { int (*preinit)(struct matrox_fb_info *minfo); void (*reset)(struct matrox_fb_info *minfo); int (*init)(struct matrox_fb_info *minfo, struct my_timming*); void (*restore)(struct matrox_fb_info *minfo); }; struct matroxfb_driver { struct list_head node; char* name; void* (*probe)(struct matrox_fb_info* info); void (*remove)(struct matrox_fb_info* info, void* data); }; int matroxfb_register_driver(struct matroxfb_driver* drv); void matroxfb_unregister_driver(struct matroxfb_driver* drv); #define PCI_OPTION_REG 0x40 #define PCI_OPTION_ENABLE_ROM 0x40000000 #define PCI_MGA_INDEX 0x44 #define PCI_MGA_DATA 0x48 #define PCI_OPTION2_REG 0x50 #define PCI_OPTION3_REG 0x54 #define PCI_MEMMISC_REG 0x58 #define M_DWGCTL 0x1C00 #define M_MACCESS 0x1C04 #define M_CTLWTST 0x1C08 #define M_PLNWT 0x1C1C #define M_BCOL 0x1C20 #define M_FCOL 0x1C24 #define M_SGN 0x1C58 #define M_LEN 0x1C5C #define M_AR0 0x1C60 #define M_AR1 0x1C64 #define M_AR2 0x1C68 #define M_AR3 0x1C6C #define M_AR4 0x1C70 #define M_AR5 0x1C74 #define M_AR6 0x1C78 #define M_CXBNDRY 0x1C80 #define M_FXBNDRY 0x1C84 #define M_YDSTLEN 0x1C88 #define M_PITCH 0x1C8C #define M_YDST 0x1C90 #define M_YDSTORG 0x1C94 #define M_YTOP 0x1C98 #define M_YBOT 0x1C9C /* mystique only */ #define M_CACHEFLUSH 0x1FFF #define M_EXEC 0x0100 #define M_DWG_TRAP 0x04 #define M_DWG_BITBLT 0x08 #define M_DWG_ILOAD 0x09 #define M_DWG_LINEAR 0x0080 #define M_DWG_SOLID 0x0800 #define M_DWG_ARZERO 0x1000 #define M_DWG_SGNZERO 0x2000 #define M_DWG_SHIFTZERO 0x4000 #define M_DWG_REPLACE 0x000C0000 #define M_DWG_REPLACE2 (M_DWG_REPLACE | 0x40) #define M_DWG_XOR 0x00060010 #define M_DWG_BFCOL 0x04000000 #define M_DWG_BMONOWF 0x08000000 #define M_DWG_TRANSC 0x40000000 #define M_FIFOSTATUS 0x1E10 #define M_STATUS 0x1E14 #define M_ICLEAR 0x1E18 #define M_IEN 0x1E1C #define M_VCOUNT 0x1E20 #define M_RESET 0x1E40 #define M_MEMRDBK 0x1E44 #define M_AGP2PLL 0x1E4C #define M_OPMODE 0x1E54 #define M_OPMODE_DMA_GEN_WRITE 0x00 #define M_OPMODE_DMA_BLIT 0x04 #define M_OPMODE_DMA_VECTOR_WRITE 0x08 #define M_OPMODE_DMA_LE 0x0000 /* little endian - no transformation */ #define M_OPMODE_DMA_BE_8BPP 0x0000 #define M_OPMODE_DMA_BE_16BPP 0x0100 #define M_OPMODE_DMA_BE_32BPP 0x0200 #define M_OPMODE_DIR_LE 0x000000 /* little endian - no transformation */ #define M_OPMODE_DIR_BE_8BPP 0x000000 #define M_OPMODE_DIR_BE_16BPP 0x010000 #define M_OPMODE_DIR_BE_32BPP 0x020000 #define M_ATTR_INDEX 0x1FC0 #define M_ATTR_DATA 0x1FC1 #define M_MISC_REG 0x1FC2 #define M_3C2_RD 0x1FC2 #define M_SEQ_INDEX 0x1FC4 #define M_SEQ_DATA 0x1FC5 #define M_SEQ1 0x01 #define M_SEQ1_SCROFF 0x20 #define M_MISC_REG_READ 0x1FCC #define M_GRAPHICS_INDEX 0x1FCE #define M_GRAPHICS_DATA 0x1FCF #define M_CRTC_INDEX 0x1FD4 #define M_ATTR_RESET 0x1FDA #define M_3DA_WR 0x1FDA #define M_INSTS1 0x1FDA #define M_EXTVGA_INDEX 0x1FDE #define M_EXTVGA_DATA 0x1FDF /* G200 only */ #define M_SRCORG 0x2CB4 #define M_DSTORG 0x2CB8 #define M_RAMDAC_BASE 0x3C00 /* fortunately, same on TVP3026 and MGA1064 */ #define M_DAC_REG (M_RAMDAC_BASE+0) #define M_DAC_VAL (M_RAMDAC_BASE+1) #define M_PALETTE_MASK (M_RAMDAC_BASE+2) #define M_X_INDEX 0x00 #define M_X_DATAREG 0x0A #define DAC_XGENIOCTRL 0x2A #define DAC_XGENIODATA 0x2B #define M_C2CTL 0x3C10 #define MX_OPTION_BSWAP 0x00000000 #ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN #define M_OPMODE_4BPP (M_OPMODE_DMA_LE | M_OPMODE_DIR_LE | M_OPMODE_DMA_BLIT) #define M_OPMODE_8BPP (M_OPMODE_DMA_LE | M_OPMODE_DIR_LE | M_OPMODE_DMA_BLIT) #define M_OPMODE_16BPP (M_OPMODE_DMA_LE | M_OPMODE_DIR_LE | M_OPMODE_DMA_BLIT) #define M_OPMODE_24BPP (M_OPMODE_DMA_LE | M_OPMODE_DIR_LE | M_OPMODE_DMA_BLIT) #define M_OPMODE_32BPP (M_OPMODE_DMA_LE | M_OPMODE_DIR_LE | M_OPMODE_DMA_BLIT) #else #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN #define M_OPMODE_4BPP (M_OPMODE_DMA_LE | M_OPMODE_DIR_LE | M_OPMODE_DMA_BLIT) /* TODO */ #define M_OPMODE_8BPP (M_OPMODE_DMA_LE | M_OPMODE_DIR_BE_8BPP | M_OPMODE_DMA_BLIT) #define M_OPMODE_16BPP (M_OPMODE_DMA_LE | M_OPMODE_DIR_BE_16BPP | M_OPMODE_DMA_BLIT) #define M_OPMODE_24BPP (M_OPMODE_DMA_LE | M_OPMODE_DIR_BE_8BPP | M_OPMODE_DMA_BLIT) /* TODO, ?32 */ #define M_OPMODE_32BPP (M_OPMODE_DMA_LE | M_OPMODE_DIR_BE_32BPP | M_OPMODE_DMA_BLIT) #else #error "Byte ordering have to be defined. Cannot continue." #endif #endif #define mga_inb(addr) mga_readb(minfo->mmio.vbase, (addr)) #define mga_inl(addr) mga_readl(minfo->mmio.vbase, (addr)) #define mga_outb(addr,val) mga_writeb(minfo->mmio.vbase, (addr), (val)) #define mga_outw(addr,val) mga_writew(minfo->mmio.vbase, (addr), (val)) #define mga_outl(addr,val) mga_writel(minfo->mmio.vbase, (addr), (val)) #define mga_readr(port,idx) (mga_outb((port),(idx)), mga_inb((port)+1)) #define mga_setr(addr,port,val) mga_outw(addr, ((val)<<8) | (port)) #define mga_fifo(n) do {} while ((mga_inl(M_FIFOSTATUS) & 0xFF) < (n)) #define WaitTillIdle() do {} while (mga_inl(M_STATUS) & 0x10000) /* code speedup */ #ifdef CONFIG_FB_MATROX_MILLENIUM #define isInterleave(x) (x->interleave) #define isMillenium(x) (x->millenium) #define isMilleniumII(x) (x->milleniumII) #else #define isInterleave(x) (0) #define isMillenium(x) (0) #define isMilleniumII(x) (0) #endif #define matroxfb_DAC_lock() spin_lock(&minfo->lock.DAC) #define matroxfb_DAC_unlock() spin_unlock(&minfo->lock.DAC) #define matroxfb_DAC_lock_irqsave(flags) spin_lock_irqsave(&minfo->lock.DAC, flags) #define matroxfb_DAC_unlock_irqrestore(flags) spin_unlock_irqrestore(&minfo->lock.DAC, flags) extern void matroxfb_DAC_out(const struct matrox_fb_info *minfo, int reg, int val); extern int matroxfb_DAC_in(const struct matrox_fb_info *minfo, int reg); extern void matroxfb_var2my(struct fb_var_screeninfo* fvsi, struct my_timming* mt); extern int matroxfb_wait_for_sync(struct matrox_fb_info *minfo, u_int32_t crtc); extern int matroxfb_enable_irq(struct matrox_fb_info *minfo, int reenable); #ifdef MATROXFB_USE_SPINLOCKS #define CRITBEGIN spin_lock_irqsave(&minfo->lock.accel, critflags); #define CRITEND spin_unlock_irqrestore(&minfo->lock.accel, critflags); #define CRITFLAGS unsigned long critflags; #else #define CRITBEGIN #define CRITEND #define CRITFLAGS #endif #endif /* __MATROXFB_H__ */
{'repo_name': 'franciscofranco/hammerhead', 'stars': '122', 'repo_language': 'C', 'file_name': 'impa7.c', 'mime_type': 'text/x-c', 'hash': 9034542611466636032, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
package ExtUtils::MM_Unix; require 5.006; use strict; use Carp; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config; use File::Basename qw(basename dirname); our %Config_Override; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker qw($Verbose neatvalue _sprintf562); # If we make $VERSION an our variable parse_version() breaks use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = '8.35_08'; $VERSION =~ tr/_//d; require ExtUtils::MM_Any; our @ISA = qw(ExtUtils::MM_Any); my %Is; BEGIN { $Is{OS2} = $^O eq 'os2'; $Is{Win32} = $^O eq 'MSWin32' || $Config{osname} eq 'NetWare'; $Is{Dos} = $^O eq 'dos'; $Is{VMS} = $^O eq 'VMS'; $Is{OSF} = $^O eq 'dec_osf'; $Is{IRIX} = $^O eq 'irix'; $Is{NetBSD} = $^O eq 'netbsd'; $Is{Interix} = $^O eq 'interix'; $Is{SunOS4} = $^O eq 'sunos'; $Is{Solaris} = $^O eq 'solaris'; $Is{SunOS} = $Is{SunOS4} || $Is{Solaris}; $Is{BSD} = ($^O =~ /^(?:free|net|open)bsd$/ or grep( $^O eq $_, qw(bsdos interix dragonfly) ) ); $Is{Android} = $^O =~ /android/; $Is{Darwin} = $^O eq 'darwin'; } BEGIN { if( $Is{VMS} ) { # For things like vmsify() require VMS::Filespec; VMS::Filespec->import; } } =head1 NAME ExtUtils::MM_Unix - methods used by ExtUtils::MakeMaker =head1 SYNOPSIS require ExtUtils::MM_Unix; =head1 DESCRIPTION The methods provided by this package are designed to be used in conjunction with ExtUtils::MakeMaker. When MakeMaker writes a Makefile, it creates one or more objects that inherit their methods from a package C<MM>. MM itself doesn't provide any methods, but it ISA ExtUtils::MM_Unix class. The inheritance tree of MM lets operating specific packages take the responsibility for all the methods provided by MM_Unix. We are trying to reduce the number of the necessary overrides by defining rather primitive operations within ExtUtils::MM_Unix. If you are going to write a platform specific MM package, please try to limit the necessary overrides to primitive methods, and if it is not possible to do so, let's work out how to achieve that gain. If you are overriding any of these methods in your Makefile.PL (in the MY class), please report that to the makemaker mailing list. We are trying to minimize the necessary method overrides and switch to data driven Makefile.PLs wherever possible. In the long run less methods will be overridable via the MY class. =head1 METHODS The following description of methods is still under development. Please refer to the code for not suitably documented sections and complain loudly to the [email protected] mailing list. Better yet, provide a patch. Not all of the methods below are overridable in a Makefile.PL. Overridable methods are marked as (o). All methods are overridable by a platform specific MM_*.pm file. Cross-platform methods are being moved into MM_Any. If you can't find something that used to be in here, look in MM_Any. =cut # So we don't have to keep calling the methods over and over again, # we have these globals to cache the values. Faster and shrtr. my $Curdir = __PACKAGE__->curdir; my $Updir = __PACKAGE__->updir; =head2 Methods =over 4 =item os_flavor Simply says that we're Unix. =cut sub os_flavor { return('Unix'); } =item c_o (o) Defines the suffix rules to compile different flavors of C files to object files. =cut sub c_o { # --- Translation Sections --- my($self) = shift; return '' unless $self->needs_linking(); my(@m); my $command = '$(CCCMD)'; my $flags = '$(CCCDLFLAGS) "-I$(PERL_INC)" $(PASTHRU_DEFINE) $(DEFINE)'; if (my $cpp = $Config{cpprun}) { my $cpp_cmd = $self->const_cccmd; $cpp_cmd =~ s/^CCCMD\s*=\s*\$\(CC\)/$cpp/; push @m, qq{ .c.i: $cpp_cmd $flags \$*.c > \$*.i }; } my $m_o = $self->{XSMULTI} ? $self->xs_obj_opt('$*.s') : ''; push @m, sprintf <<'EOF', $command, $flags, $m_o; .c.s : %s -S %s $*.c %s EOF my @exts = qw(c cpp cxx cc); push @exts, 'C' if !$Is{OS2} and !$Is{Win32} and !$Is{Dos}; #Case-specific $m_o = $self->{XSMULTI} ? $self->xs_obj_opt('$*$(OBJ_EXT)') : ''; my $dbgout = $self->dbgoutflag; for my $ext (@exts) { push @m, "\n.$ext\$(OBJ_EXT) :\n\t$command $flags " .($dbgout?"$dbgout ":'') ."\$*.$ext" . ( $m_o ? " $m_o" : '' ) . "\n"; } return join "", @m; } =item xs_obj_opt Takes the object file as an argument, and returns the portion of compile command-line that will output to the specified object file. =cut sub xs_obj_opt { my ($self, $output_file) = @_; "-o $output_file"; } =item dbgoutflag Returns a CC flag that tells the CC to emit a separate debugging symbol file when compiling an object file. =cut sub dbgoutflag { ''; } =item cflags (o) Does very much the same as the cflags script in the perl distribution. It doesn't return the whole compiler command line, but initializes all of its parts. The const_cccmd method then actually returns the definition of the CCCMD macro which uses these parts. =cut #' sub cflags { my($self,$libperl)=@_; return $self->{CFLAGS} if $self->{CFLAGS}; return '' unless $self->needs_linking(); my($prog, $uc, $perltype, %cflags); $libperl ||= $self->{LIBPERL_A} || "libperl$self->{LIB_EXT}" ; $libperl =~ s/\.\$\(A\)$/$self->{LIB_EXT}/; @cflags{qw(cc ccflags optimize shellflags)} = @Config{qw(cc ccflags optimize shellflags)}; # Perl 5.21.4 adds the (gcc) warning (-Wall ...) and std (-std=c89) # flags to the %Config, and the modules in the core should be built # with the warning flags, but NOT the -std=c89 flags (the latter # would break using any system header files that are strict C99). my @ccextraflags = qw(ccwarnflags); if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) { for my $x (@ccextraflags) { if (exists $Config{$x}) { $cflags{$x} = $Config{$x}; } } } my($optdebug) = ""; $cflags{shellflags} ||= ''; my(%map) = ( D => '-DDEBUGGING', E => '-DEMBED', DE => '-DDEBUGGING -DEMBED', M => '-DEMBED -DMULTIPLICITY', DM => '-DDEBUGGING -DEMBED -DMULTIPLICITY', ); if ($libperl =~ /libperl(\w*)\Q$self->{LIB_EXT}/){ $uc = uc($1); } else { $uc = ""; # avoid warning } $perltype = $map{$uc} ? $map{$uc} : ""; if ($uc =~ /^D/) { $optdebug = "-g"; } my($name); ( $name = $self->{NAME} . "_cflags" ) =~ s/:/_/g ; if ($prog = $Config{$name}) { # Expand hints for this extension via the shell print "Processing $name hint:\n" if $Verbose; my(@o)=`cc=\"$cflags{cc}\" ccflags=\"$cflags{ccflags}\" optimize=\"$cflags{optimize}\" perltype=\"$cflags{perltype}\" optdebug=\"$cflags{optdebug}\" eval '$prog' echo cc=\$cc echo ccflags=\$ccflags echo optimize=\$optimize echo perltype=\$perltype echo optdebug=\$optdebug `; foreach my $line (@o){ chomp $line; if ($line =~ /(.*?)=\s*(.*)\s*$/){ $cflags{$1} = $2; print " $1 = $2\n" if $Verbose; } else { print "Unrecognised result from hint: '$line'\n"; } } } if ($optdebug) { $cflags{optimize} = $optdebug; } for (qw(ccflags optimize perltype)) { $cflags{$_} ||= ''; $cflags{$_} =~ s/^\s+//; $cflags{$_} =~ s/\s+/ /g; $cflags{$_} =~ s/\s+$//; $self->{uc $_} ||= $cflags{$_}; } if ($self->{POLLUTE}) { $self->{CCFLAGS} .= ' -DPERL_POLLUTE '; } for my $x (@ccextraflags) { next unless exists $cflags{$x}; $self->{CCFLAGS} .= $cflags{$x} =~ m!^\s! ? $cflags{$x} : ' ' . $cflags{$x}; } my $pollute = ''; if ($Config{usemymalloc} and not $Config{bincompat5005} and not $Config{ccflags} =~ /-DPERL_POLLUTE_MALLOC\b/ and $self->{PERL_MALLOC_OK}) { $pollute = '$(PERL_MALLOC_DEF)'; } return $self->{CFLAGS} = qq{ CCFLAGS = $self->{CCFLAGS} OPTIMIZE = $self->{OPTIMIZE} PERLTYPE = $self->{PERLTYPE} MPOLLUTE = $pollute }; } =item const_cccmd (o) Returns the full compiler call for C programs and stores the definition in CONST_CCCMD. =cut sub const_cccmd { my($self,$libperl)=@_; return $self->{CONST_CCCMD} if $self->{CONST_CCCMD}; return '' unless $self->needs_linking(); return $self->{CONST_CCCMD} = q{CCCMD = $(CC) -c $(PASTHRU_INC) $(INC) \\ $(CCFLAGS) $(OPTIMIZE) \\ $(PERLTYPE) $(MPOLLUTE) $(DEFINE_VERSION) \\ $(XS_DEFINE_VERSION)}; } =item const_config (o) Sets SHELL if needed, then defines a couple of constants in the Makefile that are imported from %Config. =cut sub const_config { # --- Constants Sections --- my($self) = shift; my @m = $self->specify_shell(); # Usually returns empty string push @m, <<"END"; # These definitions are from config.sh (via $INC{'Config.pm'}). # They may have been overridden via Makefile.PL or on the command line. END my(%once_only); foreach my $key (@{$self->{CONFIG}}){ # SITE*EXP macros are defined in &constants; avoid duplicates here next if $once_only{$key}; push @m, uc($key) , ' = ' , $self->{uc $key}, "\n"; $once_only{$key} = 1; } join('', @m); } =item const_loadlibs (o) Defines EXTRALIBS, LDLOADLIBS, BSLOADLIBS, LD_RUN_PATH. See L<ExtUtils::Liblist> for details. =cut sub const_loadlibs { my($self) = shift; return "" unless $self->needs_linking; my @m; push @m, qq{ # $self->{NAME} might depend on some other libraries: # See ExtUtils::Liblist for details # }; for my $tmp (qw/ EXTRALIBS LDLOADLIBS BSLOADLIBS /) { next unless defined $self->{$tmp}; push @m, "$tmp = $self->{$tmp}\n"; } # don't set LD_RUN_PATH if empty for my $tmp (qw/ LD_RUN_PATH /) { next unless $self->{$tmp}; push @m, "$tmp = $self->{$tmp}\n"; } return join "", @m; } =item constants (o) my $make_frag = $mm->constants; Prints out macros for lots of constants. =cut sub constants { my($self) = @_; my @m = (); $self->{DFSEP} = '$(DIRFILESEP)'; # alias for internal use for my $macro (qw( AR_STATIC_ARGS ARFLAGS DIRFILESEP DFSEP NAME NAME_SYM VERSION VERSION_MACRO VERSION_SYM DEFINE_VERSION XS_VERSION XS_VERSION_MACRO XS_DEFINE_VERSION INST_ARCHLIB INST_SCRIPT INST_BIN INST_LIB INST_MAN1DIR INST_MAN3DIR MAN1EXT MAN3EXT INSTALLDIRS INSTALL_BASE DESTDIR PREFIX PERLPREFIX SITEPREFIX VENDORPREFIX ), (map { ("INSTALL".$_, "DESTINSTALL".$_) } $self->installvars), qw( PERL_LIB PERL_ARCHLIB PERL_ARCHLIBDEP LIBPERL_A MYEXTLIB FIRST_MAKEFILE MAKEFILE_OLD MAKE_APERL_FILE PERLMAINCC PERL_SRC PERL_INC PERL_INCDEP PERL FULLPERL ABSPERL PERLRUN FULLPERLRUN ABSPERLRUN PERLRUNINST FULLPERLRUNINST ABSPERLRUNINST PERL_CORE PERM_DIR PERM_RW PERM_RWX ) ) { next unless defined $self->{$macro}; # pathnames can have sharp signs in them; escape them so # make doesn't think it is a comment-start character. $self->{$macro} =~ s/#/\\#/g; $self->{$macro} = $self->quote_dep($self->{$macro}) if $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::macro_dep{$macro}; push @m, "$macro = $self->{$macro}\n"; } push @m, qq{ MAKEMAKER = $self->{MAKEMAKER} MM_VERSION = $self->{MM_VERSION} MM_REVISION = $self->{MM_REVISION} }; push @m, q{ # FULLEXT = Pathname for extension directory (eg Foo/Bar/Oracle). # BASEEXT = Basename part of FULLEXT. May be just equal FULLEXT. (eg Oracle) # PARENT_NAME = NAME without BASEEXT and no trailing :: (eg Foo::Bar) # DLBASE = Basename part of dynamic library. May be just equal BASEEXT. }; for my $macro (qw/ MAKE FULLEXT BASEEXT PARENT_NAME DLBASE VERSION_FROM INC DEFINE OBJECT LDFROM LINKTYPE BOOTDEP / ) { next unless defined $self->{$macro}; push @m, "$macro = $self->{$macro}\n"; } push @m, " # Handy lists of source code files: XS_FILES = ".$self->wraplist(sort keys %{$self->{XS}})." C_FILES = ".$self->wraplist(sort @{$self->{C}})." O_FILES = ".$self->wraplist(sort @{$self->{O_FILES}})." H_FILES = ".$self->wraplist(sort @{$self->{H}})." MAN1PODS = ".$self->wraplist(sort keys %{$self->{MAN1PODS}})." MAN3PODS = ".$self->wraplist(sort keys %{$self->{MAN3PODS}})." "; my $configdep = $Config{usecperl} ? 'Config_heavy.pl' : 'Config.pm'; push @m, q{ # Where is the Config information that we are using/depend on CONFIGDEP = $(PERL_ARCHLIBDEP)}.$self->{DFSEP}.$configdep. q{ $(PERL_INCDEP)}.$self->{DFSEP}."config.h" if -e $self->catfile( $self->{PERL_INC}, 'config.h' ); push @m, qq{ # Where to build things INST_LIBDIR = $self->{INST_LIBDIR} INST_ARCHLIBDIR = $self->{INST_ARCHLIBDIR} INST_AUTODIR = $self->{INST_AUTODIR} INST_ARCHAUTODIR = $self->{INST_ARCHAUTODIR} INST_STATIC = $self->{INST_STATIC} INST_DYNAMIC = $self->{INST_DYNAMIC} INST_BOOT = $self->{INST_BOOT} }; push @m, qq{ # Extra linker info EXPORT_LIST = $self->{EXPORT_LIST} PERL_ARCHIVE = $self->{PERL_ARCHIVE} PERL_ARCHIVEDEP = $self->{PERL_ARCHIVEDEP} PERL_ARCHIVE_AFTER = $self->{PERL_ARCHIVE_AFTER} }; push @m, " TO_INST_PM = ".$self->wraplist(map $self->quote_dep($_), sort keys %{$self->{PM}})."\n"; join('',@m); } =item depend (o) Same as macro for the depend attribute. =cut sub depend { my($self,%attribs) = @_; my(@m,$key,$val); for my $key (sort keys %attribs){ my $val = $attribs{$key}; next unless defined $key and defined $val; push @m, "$key : $val\n"; } join "", @m; } =item init_DEST $mm->init_DEST Defines the DESTDIR and DEST* variables paralleling the INSTALL*. =cut sub init_DEST { my $self = shift; # Initialize DESTDIR $self->{DESTDIR} ||= ''; # Make DEST variables. foreach my $var ($self->installvars) { my $destvar = 'DESTINSTALL'.$var; $self->{$destvar} ||= '$(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL'.$var.')'; } } =item init_dist $mm->init_dist; Defines a lot of macros for distribution support. macro description default TAR tar command to use tar TARFLAGS flags to pass to TAR cvf ZIP zip command to use zip ZIPFLAGS flags to pass to ZIP -r COMPRESS compression command to gzip --best use for tarfiles SUFFIX suffix to put on .gz compressed files SHAR shar command to use shar PREOP extra commands to run before making the archive POSTOP extra commands to run after making the archive TO_UNIX a command to convert linefeeds to Unix style in your archive CI command to checkin your ci -u sources to version control RCS_LABEL command to label your sources rcs -Nv$(VERSION_SYM): -q just after CI is run DIST_CP $how argument to manicopy() best when the distdir is created DIST_DEFAULT default target to use to tardist create a distribution DISTVNAME name of the resulting archive $(DISTNAME)-$(VERSION) (minus suffixes) =cut sub init_dist { my $self = shift; $self->{TAR} ||= 'tar'; $self->{TARFLAGS} ||= 'cvf'; $self->{ZIP} ||= 'zip'; $self->{ZIPFLAGS} ||= '-r'; $self->{COMPRESS} ||= 'gzip --best'; $self->{SUFFIX} ||= '.gz'; $self->{SHAR} ||= 'shar'; $self->{PREOP} ||= '$(NOECHO) $(NOOP)'; # eg update MANIFEST $self->{POSTOP} ||= '$(NOECHO) $(NOOP)'; # eg remove the distdir $self->{TO_UNIX} ||= '$(NOECHO) $(NOOP)'; $self->{CI} ||= 'ci -u'; $self->{RCS_LABEL}||= 'rcs -Nv$(VERSION_SYM): -q'; $self->{DIST_CP} ||= 'best'; $self->{DIST_DEFAULT} ||= 'tardist'; ($self->{DISTNAME} = $self->{NAME}) =~ s{::}{-}g unless $self->{DISTNAME}; $self->{DISTVNAME} ||= $self->{DISTNAME}.'-'.$self->{VERSION}; } =item dist (o) my $dist_macros = $mm->dist(%overrides); Generates a make fragment defining all the macros initialized in init_dist. %overrides can be used to override any of the above. =cut sub dist { my($self, %attribs) = @_; my $make = ''; if ( $attribs{SUFFIX} && $attribs{SUFFIX} !~ m!^\.! ) { $attribs{SUFFIX} = '.' . $attribs{SUFFIX}; } foreach my $key (qw( TAR TARFLAGS ZIP ZIPFLAGS COMPRESS SUFFIX SHAR PREOP POSTOP TO_UNIX CI RCS_LABEL DIST_CP DIST_DEFAULT DISTNAME DISTVNAME )) { my $value = $attribs{$key} || $self->{$key}; $make .= "$key = $value\n"; } return $make; } =item dist_basics (o) Defines the targets distclean, distcheck, skipcheck, manifest, veryclean. =cut sub dist_basics { my($self) = shift; return <<'MAKE_FRAG'; distclean :: realclean distcheck $(NOECHO) $(NOOP) distcheck : $(PERLRUN) "-MExtUtils::Manifest=fullcheck" -e fullcheck skipcheck : $(PERLRUN) "-MExtUtils::Manifest=skipcheck" -e skipcheck manifest : $(PERLRUN) "-MExtUtils::Manifest=mkmanifest" -e mkmanifest veryclean : realclean $(RM_F) *~ */*~ *.orig */*.orig *.bak */*.bak *.old */*.old MAKE_FRAG } =item dist_ci (o) Defines a check in target for RCS. =cut sub dist_ci { my($self) = shift; return sprintf "ci :\n\t%s\n", $self->oneliner(<<'EOF', [qw(-MExtUtils::Manifest=maniread)]); @all = sort keys %{ maniread() }; print(qq{Executing $(CI) @all\n}); system(qq{$(CI) @all}) == 0 or die $!; print(qq{Executing $(RCS_LABEL) ...\n}); system(qq{$(RCS_LABEL) @all}) == 0 or die $!; EOF } =item dist_core (o) my $dist_make_fragment = $MM->dist_core; Puts the targets necessary for 'make dist' together into one make fragment. =cut sub dist_core { my($self) = shift; my $make_frag = ''; foreach my $target (qw(dist tardist uutardist tarfile zipdist zipfile shdist)) { my $method = $target.'_target'; $make_frag .= "\n"; $make_frag .= $self->$method(); } return $make_frag; } =item B<dist_target> my $make_frag = $MM->dist_target; Returns the 'dist' target to make an archive for distribution. This target simply checks to make sure the Makefile is up-to-date and depends on $(DIST_DEFAULT). =cut sub dist_target { my($self) = shift; my $date_check = $self->oneliner(<<'CODE', ['-l']); print 'Warning: Makefile possibly out of date with $(VERSION_FROM)' if -e '$(VERSION_FROM)' and -M '$(VERSION_FROM)' < -M '$(FIRST_MAKEFILE)'; CODE return sprintf <<'MAKE_FRAG', $date_check; dist : $(DIST_DEFAULT) $(FIRST_MAKEFILE) $(NOECHO) %s MAKE_FRAG } =item B<tardist_target> my $make_frag = $MM->tardist_target; Returns the 'tardist' target which is simply so 'make tardist' works. The real work is done by the dynamically named tardistfile_target() method, tardist should have that as a dependency. =cut sub tardist_target { my($self) = shift; return <<'MAKE_FRAG'; tardist : $(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX) $(NOECHO) $(NOOP) MAKE_FRAG } =item B<zipdist_target> my $make_frag = $MM->zipdist_target; Returns the 'zipdist' target which is simply so 'make zipdist' works. The real work is done by the dynamically named zipdistfile_target() method, zipdist should have that as a dependency. =cut sub zipdist_target { my($self) = shift; return <<'MAKE_FRAG'; zipdist : $(DISTVNAME).zip $(NOECHO) $(NOOP) MAKE_FRAG } =item B<tarfile_target> my $make_frag = $MM->tarfile_target; The name of this target is the name of the tarball generated by tardist. This target does the actual work of turning the distdir into a tarball. =cut sub tarfile_target { my($self) = shift; return <<'MAKE_FRAG'; $(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX) : distdir $(PREOP) $(TO_UNIX) $(TAR) $(TARFLAGS) $(DISTVNAME).tar $(DISTVNAME) $(RM_RF) $(DISTVNAME) $(COMPRESS) $(DISTVNAME).tar $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) 'Created $(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX)' $(POSTOP) MAKE_FRAG } =item zipfile_target my $make_frag = $MM->zipfile_target; The name of this target is the name of the zip file generated by zipdist. This target does the actual work of turning the distdir into a zip file. =cut sub zipfile_target { my($self) = shift; return <<'MAKE_FRAG'; $(DISTVNAME).zip : distdir $(PREOP) $(ZIP) $(ZIPFLAGS) $(DISTVNAME).zip $(DISTVNAME) $(RM_RF) $(DISTVNAME) $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) 'Created $(DISTVNAME).zip' $(POSTOP) MAKE_FRAG } =item uutardist_target my $make_frag = $MM->uutardist_target; Converts the tarfile into a uuencoded file =cut sub uutardist_target { my($self) = shift; return <<'MAKE_FRAG'; uutardist : $(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX) uuencode $(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX) $(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX) > $(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX)_uu $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) 'Created $(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX)_uu' MAKE_FRAG } =item shdist_target my $make_frag = $MM->shdist_target; Converts the distdir into a shell archive. =cut sub shdist_target { my($self) = shift; return <<'MAKE_FRAG'; shdist : distdir $(PREOP) $(SHAR) $(DISTVNAME) > $(DISTVNAME).shar $(RM_RF) $(DISTVNAME) $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) 'Created $(DISTVNAME).shar' $(POSTOP) MAKE_FRAG } =item dlsyms (o) Used by some OS' to define DL_FUNCS and DL_VARS and write the *.exp files. Normally just returns an empty string. =cut sub dlsyms { return ''; } =item dynamic_bs (o) Defines targets for bootstrap files. =cut sub dynamic_bs { my($self, %attribs) = @_; return "\nBOOTSTRAP =\n" unless $self->has_link_code(); my @exts; if ($self->{XSMULTI}) { @exts = $self->_xs_list_basenames; } else { @exts = '$(BASEEXT)'; } return join "\n", "BOOTSTRAP = @{[map { qq{$_.bs} } @exts]}\n", map { $self->_xs_make_bs($_) } @exts; } sub _xs_make_bs { my ($self, $basename) = @_; my ($v, $d, $f) = File::Spec->splitpath($basename); my @d = File::Spec->splitdir($d); shift @d if $self->{XSMULTI} and $d[0] eq 'lib'; my $instdir = $self->catdir('$(INST_ARCHLIB)', 'auto', @d, $f); $instdir = '$(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)' if $basename eq '$(BASEEXT)'; my $instfile = $self->catfile($instdir, "$f.bs"); my $exists = "$instdir\$(DFSEP).exists"; # match blibdirs_target # 1 2 3 return _sprintf562 <<'MAKE_FRAG', $basename, $instfile, $exists; # As Mkbootstrap might not write a file (if none is required) # we use touch to prevent make continually trying to remake it. # The DynaLoader only reads a non-empty file. %1$s.bs : $(FIRST_MAKEFILE) $(BOOTDEP) $(NOECHO) $(PERLRUN) \ "-MExtUtils::Mkbootstrap" \ -e "Mkbootstrap('%1$s','$(BSLOADLIBS)');" $(NOECHO) $(TOUCH) "%1$s.bs" $(CHMOD) $(PERM_RW) "%1$s.bs" %2$s : %1$s.bs %3$s $(NOECHO) $(RM_RF) %2$s - $(CP_NONEMPTY) %1$s.bs %2$s $(PERM_RW) MAKE_FRAG } =item dynamic_lib (o) Defines how to produce the *.so (or equivalent) files. =cut sub dynamic_lib { my($self, %attribs) = @_; return '' unless $self->needs_linking(); #might be because of a subdir return '' unless $self->has_link_code; my @m = $self->xs_dynamic_lib_macros(\%attribs); my @libs; my $dlsyms_ext = eval { $self->xs_dlsyms_ext }; if ($self->{XSMULTI}) { my @exts = $self->_xs_list_basenames; for my $ext (@exts) { my ($v, $d, $f) = File::Spec->splitpath($ext); my @d = File::Spec->splitdir($d); shift @d if $d[0] eq 'lib'; my $instdir = $self->catdir('$(INST_ARCHLIB)', 'auto', @d, $f); # Dynamic library names may need special handling. eval { require DynaLoader }; if (defined &DynaLoader::mod2fname) { $f = &DynaLoader::mod2fname([@d, $f]); } my $instfile = $self->catfile($instdir, "$f.\$(DLEXT)"); my $objfile = $self->_xsbuild_value('xs', $ext, 'OBJECT'); $objfile = "$ext\$(OBJ_EXT)" unless defined $objfile; my $ldfrom = $self->_xsbuild_value('xs', $ext, 'LDFROM'); $ldfrom = $objfile unless defined $ldfrom; my $exportlist = "$ext.def"; my @libchunk = ($objfile, $instfile, $instdir, $ldfrom, $exportlist); push @libchunk, $dlsyms_ext ? $ext.$dlsyms_ext : undef; push @libs, \@libchunk; } } else { my @libchunk = qw($(OBJECT) $(INST_DYNAMIC) $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR) $(LDFROM) $(EXPORT_LIST)); push @libchunk, $dlsyms_ext ? '$(BASEEXT)'.$dlsyms_ext : undef; @libs = (\@libchunk); } push @m, map { $self->xs_make_dynamic_lib(\%attribs, @$_); } @libs; return join("\n",@m); } =item xs_dynamic_lib_macros Defines the macros for the C<dynamic_lib> section. =cut sub xs_dynamic_lib_macros { my ($self, $attribs) = @_; my $otherldflags = $attribs->{OTHERLDFLAGS} || ""; my $inst_dynamic_dep = $attribs->{INST_DYNAMIC_DEP} || ""; my $armaybe = $self->_xs_armaybe($attribs); my $ld_opt = $Is{OS2} ? '$(OPTIMIZE) ' : ''; # Useful on other systems too? my $ld_fix = $Is{OS2} ? '|| ( $(RM_F) $@ && sh -c false )' : ''; $ld_fix = '&& dsymutil "$@"' if $Is{Darwin} and $Config{ccflags} =~ /-DDEBUGGING/; sprintf <<'EOF', $armaybe, $ld_opt.$otherldflags, $inst_dynamic_dep, $ld_fix; # This section creates the dynamically loadable objects from relevant # objects and possibly $(MYEXTLIB). ARMAYBE = %s OTHERLDFLAGS = %s INST_DYNAMIC_DEP = %s INST_DYNAMIC_FIX = %s EOF } sub _xs_armaybe { my ($self, $attribs) = @_; my $armaybe = $attribs->{ARMAYBE} || $self->{ARMAYBE} || ":"; $armaybe = 'ar' if ($Is{OSF} and $armaybe eq ':'); $armaybe; } =item xs_make_dynamic_lib Defines the recipes for the C<dynamic_lib> section. =cut sub xs_make_dynamic_lib { my ($self, $attribs, $object, $to, $todir, $ldfrom, $exportlist, $dlsyms) = @_; $exportlist = '' if $exportlist ne '$(EXPORT_LIST)'; my $armaybe = $self->_xs_armaybe($attribs); my @m = sprintf '%s : %s $(MYEXTLIB) %s$(DFSEP).exists %s $(PERL_ARCHIVEDEP) $(PERL_ARCHIVE_AFTER) $(INST_DYNAMIC_DEP) %s'."\n", $to, $object, $todir, $exportlist, ($dlsyms || ''); my $dlsyms_arg = $self->xs_dlsyms_arg($dlsyms); if ($armaybe ne ':'){ $ldfrom = 'tmp$(LIB_EXT)'; push(@m," \$(ARMAYBE) cr $ldfrom $object\n"); push(@m," \$(RANLIB) $ldfrom\n"); } $ldfrom = "-all $ldfrom -none" if $Is{OSF}; # The IRIX linker doesn't use LD_RUN_PATH my $ldrun = $Is{IRIX} && $self->{LD_RUN_PATH} ? qq{-rpath "$self->{LD_RUN_PATH}"} : ''; # For example in AIX the shared objects/libraries from previous builds # linger quite a while in the shared dynalinker cache even when nobody # is using them. This is painful if one for instance tries to restart # a failed build because the link command will fail unnecessarily 'cos # the shared object/library is 'busy'. push(@m," \$(RM_F) \$\@\n"); my $libs = '$(LDLOADLIBS)'; if (($Is{NetBSD} || $Is{Interix} || $Is{Android}) && $Config{'useshrplib'} eq 'true') { # Use nothing on static perl platforms, and to the flags needed # to link against the shared libperl library on shared perl # platforms. We peek at lddlflags to see if we need -Wl,-R # or -R to add paths to the run-time library search path. if ($Config{'lddlflags'} =~ /-Wl,-R/) { $libs .= ' "-L$(PERL_INC)" "-Wl,-R$(INSTALLARCHLIB)/CORE" "-Wl,-R$(PERL_ARCHLIB)/CORE" -lperl'; } elsif ($Config{'lddlflags'} =~ /-R/) { $libs .= ' "-L$(PERL_INC)" "-R$(INSTALLARCHLIB)/CORE" "-R$(PERL_ARCHLIB)/CORE" -lperl'; } elsif ( $Is{Android} ) { # The Android linker will not recognize symbols from # libperl unless the module explicitly depends on it. $libs .= ' "-L$(PERL_INC)" -lperl'; } } my $ld_run_path_shell = ""; if ($self->{LD_RUN_PATH} ne "") { $ld_run_path_shell = 'LD_RUN_PATH="$(LD_RUN_PATH)" '; } push @m, sprintf <<'MAKE', $ld_run_path_shell, $ldrun, $dlsyms_arg, $ldfrom, $self->xs_obj_opt('$@'), $libs, $exportlist; %s$(LD) %s $(LDDLFLAGS) %s %s $(OTHERLDFLAGS) %s $(MYEXTLIB) \ $(PERL_ARCHIVE) %s $(PERL_ARCHIVE_AFTER) %s \ $(INST_DYNAMIC_FIX) $(CHMOD) $(PERM_RWX) $@ MAKE join '', @m; } =item exescan Deprecated method. Use libscan instead. =cut sub exescan { my($self,$path) = @_; $path; } =item extliblist Called by init_others, and calls ext ExtUtils::Liblist. See L<ExtUtils::Liblist> for details. =cut sub extliblist { my($self,$libs) = @_; require ExtUtils::Liblist; $self->ext($libs, $Verbose); } =item find_perl Finds the executables PERL and FULLPERL =cut sub find_perl { my($self, $ver, $names, $dirs, $trace) = @_; if ($trace >= 2){ print "Looking for perl $ver by these names: @$names in these dirs: @$dirs "; } my $stderr_duped = 0; local *STDERR_COPY; unless ($Is{BSD}) { # >& and lexical filehandles together give 5.6.2 indigestion if( open(STDERR_COPY, '>&STDERR') ) { ## no critic $stderr_duped = 1; } else { warn <<WARNING; find_perl() can't dup STDERR: $! You might see some garbage while we search for Perl WARNING } } foreach my $name (@$names){ my ($abs, $use_dir); if ($self->file_name_is_absolute($name)) { # /foo/bar $abs = $name; } elsif ($self->canonpath($name) eq $self->canonpath(basename($name))) { # foo $use_dir = 1; } else { # foo/bar $abs = $self->catfile($Curdir, $name); } foreach my $dir ($use_dir ? @$dirs : 1){ next unless defined $dir; # $self->{PERL_SRC} may be undefined $abs = $self->catfile($dir, $name) if $use_dir; print "Checking $abs\n" if ($trace >= 2); next unless $self->maybe_command($abs); print "Executing $abs\n" if ($trace >= 2); my $val; my $version_check = qq{"$abs" -le "require $ver; print qq{VER_OK}"}; # To avoid using the unportable 2>&1 to suppress STDERR, # we close it before running the command. # However, thanks to a thread library bug in many BSDs # ( http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=51535 ) # we cannot use the fancier more portable way in here # but instead need to use the traditional 2>&1 construct. if ($Is{BSD}) { $val = `$version_check 2>&1`; } else { close STDERR if $stderr_duped; $val = `$version_check`; # 5.6.2's 3-arg open doesn't work with >& open STDERR, ">&STDERR_COPY" ## no critic if $stderr_duped; } if ($val =~ /^VER_OK/m) { print "Using PERL=$abs\n" if $trace; return $abs; } elsif ($trace >= 2) { print "Result: '$val' ".($? >> 8)."\n"; } } } print "Unable to find a perl $ver (by these names: @$names, in these dirs: @$dirs)\n"; 0; # false and not empty } =item fixin $mm->fixin(@files); Inserts the sharpbang or equivalent magic number to a set of @files. =cut sub fixin { # stolen from the pink Camel book, more or less my ( $self, @files ) = @_; for my $file (@files) { my $file_new = "$file.new"; my $file_bak = "$file.bak"; open( my $fixin, '<', $file ) or croak "Can't process '$file': $!"; local $/ = "\n"; chomp( my $line = <$fixin> ); next unless $line =~ s/^\s*\#!\s*//; # Not a shebang file. my $shb = $self->_fixin_replace_shebang( $file, $line ); next unless defined $shb; open( my $fixout, ">", "$file_new" ) or do { warn "Can't create new $file: $!\n"; next; }; # Print out the new #! line (or equivalent). local $\; local $/; print $fixout $shb, <$fixin>; close $fixin; close $fixout; chmod 0666, $file_bak; unlink $file_bak; unless ( _rename( $file, $file_bak ) ) { warn "Can't rename $file to $file_bak: $!"; next; } unless ( _rename( $file_new, $file ) ) { warn "Can't rename $file_new to $file: $!"; unless ( _rename( $file_bak, $file ) ) { warn "Can't rename $file_bak back to $file either: $!"; warn "Leaving $file renamed as $file_bak\n"; } next; } unlink $file_bak; } continue { system("$Config{'eunicefix'} $file") if $Config{'eunicefix'} ne ':'; } } sub _rename { my($old, $new) = @_; foreach my $file ($old, $new) { if( $Is{VMS} and basename($file) !~ /\./ ) { # rename() in 5.8.0 on VMS will not rename a file if it # does not contain a dot yet it returns success. $file = "$file."; } } return rename($old, $new); } sub _fixin_replace_shebang { my ( $self, $file, $line ) = @_; # Now figure out the interpreter name. my ( $cmd, $arg ) = split ' ', $line, 2; $cmd =~ s!^.*/!!; # Now look (in reverse) for interpreter in absolute PATH (unless perl). my $interpreter; if ( defined $ENV{PERL_MM_SHEBANG} && $ENV{PERL_MM_SHEBANG} eq "relocatable" ) { $interpreter = "/usr/bin/env perl"; } elsif ( $cmd =~ m{^perl(?:\z|[^a-z])} ) { if ( $Config{startperl} =~ m,^\#!.*/perl, ) { $interpreter = $Config{startperl}; $interpreter =~ s,^\#!,,; } else { $interpreter = $Config{perlpath}; } } else { my (@absdirs) = reverse grep { $self->file_name_is_absolute($_) } $self->path; $interpreter = ''; foreach my $dir (@absdirs) { my $maybefile = $self->catfile($dir,$cmd); if ( $self->maybe_command($maybefile) ) { warn "Ignoring $interpreter in $file\n" if $Verbose && $interpreter; $interpreter = $maybefile; } } } # Figure out how to invoke interpreter on this machine. my ($does_shbang) = $Config{'sharpbang'} =~ /^\s*\#\!/; my ($shb) = ""; if ($interpreter) { print "Changing sharpbang in $file to $interpreter" if $Verbose; # this is probably value-free on DOSISH platforms if ($does_shbang) { $shb .= "$Config{'sharpbang'}$interpreter"; $shb .= ' ' . $arg if defined $arg; $shb .= "\n"; } } else { warn "Can't find $cmd in PATH, $file unchanged" if $Verbose; return; } return $shb } =item force (o) Writes an empty FORCE: target. =cut sub force { my($self) = shift; '# Phony target to force checking subdirectories. FORCE : $(NOECHO) $(NOOP) '; } =item guess_name Guess the name of this package by examining the working directory's name. MakeMaker calls this only if the developer has not supplied a NAME attribute. =cut # '; sub guess_name { my($self) = @_; use Cwd 'cwd'; my $name = basename(cwd()); $name =~ s|[\-_][\d\.\-]+\z||; # this is new with MM 5.00, we # strip minus or underline # followed by a float or some such print "Warning: Guessing NAME [$name] from current directory name.\n"; $name; } =item has_link_code Returns true if C, XS, MYEXTLIB or similar objects exist within this object that need a compiler. Does not descend into subdirectories as needs_linking() does. =cut sub has_link_code { my($self) = shift; return $self->{HAS_LINK_CODE} if defined $self->{HAS_LINK_CODE}; if ($self->{OBJECT} or @{$self->{C} || []} or $self->{MYEXTLIB}){ $self->{HAS_LINK_CODE} = 1; return 1; } return $self->{HAS_LINK_CODE} = 0; } =item init_dirscan Scans the directory structure and initializes DIR, XS, XS_FILES, C, C_FILES, O_FILES, H, H_FILES, PL_FILES, EXE_FILES. Called by init_main. =cut sub init_dirscan { # --- File and Directory Lists (.xs .pm .pod etc) my($self) = @_; my(%dir, %xs, %c, %o, %h, %pl_files, %pm); my %ignore = map {( $_ => 1 )} qw(Makefile.PL Build.PL test.pl t); # ignore the distdir $Is{VMS} ? $ignore{"$self->{DISTVNAME}.dir"} = 1 : $ignore{$self->{DISTVNAME}} = 1; my $distprefix = $Is{VMS} ? qr/^\Q$self->{DISTNAME}\E-v?[\d\.]+\.dir$/i : qr/^\Q$self->{DISTNAME}\E-v?[\d\.]+$/; @ignore{map lc, keys %ignore} = values %ignore if $Is{VMS}; if ( defined $self->{XS} and !defined $self->{C} ) { my @c_files = grep { m/\.c(pp|xx)?\z/i } values %{$self->{XS}}; my @o_files = grep { m/(?:.(?:o(?:bj)?)|\$\(OBJ_EXT\))\z/i } values %{$self->{XS}}; %c = map { $_ => 1 } @c_files; %o = map { $_ => 1 } @o_files; } foreach my $name ($self->lsdir($Curdir)){ next if $name =~ /\#/; next if $name =~ $distprefix && -d $name; $name = lc($name) if $Is{VMS}; next if $name eq $Curdir or $name eq $Updir or $ignore{$name}; next unless $self->libscan($name); if (-d $name){ next if -l $name; # We do not support symlinks at all next if $self->{NORECURS}; $dir{$name} = $name if (-f $self->catfile($name,"Makefile.PL")); } elsif ($name =~ /\.xs\z/){ my($c); ($c = $name) =~ s/\.xs\z/.c/; $xs{$name} = $c; $c{$c} = 1; } elsif ($name =~ /\.c(pp|xx|c)?\z/i){ # .c .C .cpp .cxx .cc $c{$name} = 1 unless $name =~ m/perlmain\.c/; # See MAP_TARGET } elsif ($name =~ /\.h\z/i){ $h{$name} = 1; } elsif ($name =~ /\.PL\z/) { ($pl_files{$name} = $name) =~ s/\.PL\z// ; } elsif (($Is{VMS} || $Is{Dos}) && $name =~ /[._]pl$/i) { # case-insensitive filesystem, one dot per name, so foo.h.PL # under Unix appears as foo.h_pl under VMS or fooh.pl on Dos local($/); open(my $pl, '<', $name); my $txt = <$pl>; close $pl; if ($txt =~ /Extracting \S+ \(with variable substitutions/) { ($pl_files{$name} = $name) =~ s/[._]pl\z//i ; } else { $pm{$name} = $self->catfile($self->{INST_LIBDIR},$name); } } elsif ($name =~ /\.(p[ml]|pod)\z/){ $pm{$name} = $self->catfile($self->{INST_LIBDIR},$name); } } $self->{PL_FILES} ||= \%pl_files; $self->{DIR} ||= [sort keys %dir]; $self->{XS} ||= \%xs; $self->{C} ||= [sort keys %c]; $self->{H} ||= [sort keys %h]; $self->{PM} ||= \%pm; my @o_files = @{$self->{C}}; %o = (%o, map { $_ => 1 } grep s/\.c(pp|xx|c)?\z/$self->{OBJ_EXT}/i, @o_files); $self->{O_FILES} = [sort keys %o]; } =item init_MANPODS Determines if man pages should be generated and initializes MAN1PODS and MAN3PODS as appropriate. =cut sub init_MANPODS { my $self = shift; # Set up names of manual pages to generate from pods foreach my $man (qw(MAN1 MAN3)) { if ( $self->{"${man}PODS"} or $self->{"INSTALL${man}DIR"} =~ /^(none|\s*)$/ ) { $self->{"${man}PODS"} ||= {}; } else { my $init_method = "init_${man}PODS"; $self->$init_method(); } } } sub _has_pod { my($self, $file) = @_; my($ispod)=0; if (open( my $fh, '<', $file )) { while (<$fh>) { if (/^=(?:head\d+|item|pod)\b/) { $ispod=1; last; } } close $fh; } else { # If it doesn't exist yet, we assume, it has pods in it $ispod = 1; } return $ispod; } =item init_MAN1PODS Initializes MAN1PODS from the list of EXE_FILES. =cut sub init_MAN1PODS { my($self) = @_; if ( exists $self->{EXE_FILES} ) { foreach my $name (@{$self->{EXE_FILES}}) { next unless $self->_has_pod($name); $self->{MAN1PODS}->{$name} = $self->catfile("\$(INST_MAN1DIR)", basename($name).".\$(MAN1EXT)"); } } } =item init_MAN3PODS Initializes MAN3PODS from the list of PM files. =cut sub init_MAN3PODS { my $self = shift; my %manifypods = (); # we collect the keys first, i.e. the files # we have to convert to pod foreach my $name (keys %{$self->{PM}}) { if ($name =~ /\.pod\z/ ) { $manifypods{$name} = $self->{PM}{$name}; } elsif ($name =~ /\.p[ml]\z/ ) { if( $self->_has_pod($name) ) { $manifypods{$name} = $self->{PM}{$name}; } } } my $parentlibs_re = join '|', @{$self->{PMLIBPARENTDIRS}}; # Remove "Configure.pm" and similar, if it's not the only pod listed # To force inclusion, just name it "Configure.pod", or override # MAN3PODS foreach my $name (keys %manifypods) { if ( ($self->{PERL_CORE} and $name =~ /(config|setup).*\.pm/is) or ( $name =~ m/^README\.pod$/i ) # don't manify top-level README.pod ) { delete $manifypods{$name}; next; } my($manpagename) = $name; $manpagename =~ s/\.p(od|m|l)\z//; # everything below lib is ok unless($manpagename =~ s!^\W*($parentlibs_re)\W+!!s) { $manpagename = $self->catfile( split(/::/,$self->{PARENT_NAME}),$manpagename ); } $manpagename = $self->replace_manpage_separator($manpagename); $self->{MAN3PODS}->{$name} = $self->catfile("\$(INST_MAN3DIR)", "$manpagename.\$(MAN3EXT)"); } } =item init_PM Initializes PMLIBDIRS and PM from PMLIBDIRS. =cut sub init_PM { my $self = shift; # Some larger extensions often wish to install a number of *.pm/pl # files into the library in various locations. # The attribute PMLIBDIRS holds an array reference which lists # subdirectories which we should search for library files to # install. PMLIBDIRS defaults to [ 'lib', $self->{BASEEXT} ]. We # recursively search through the named directories (skipping any # which don't exist or contain Makefile.PL files). # For each *.pm or *.pl file found $self->libscan() is called with # the default installation path in $_[1]. The return value of # libscan defines the actual installation location. The default # libscan function simply returns the path. The file is skipped # if libscan returns false. # The default installation location passed to libscan in $_[1] is: # # ./*.pm => $(INST_LIBDIR)/*.pm # ./xyz/... => $(INST_LIBDIR)/xyz/... # ./lib/... => $(INST_LIB)/... # # In this way the 'lib' directory is seen as the root of the actual # perl library whereas the others are relative to INST_LIBDIR # (which includes PARENT_NAME). This is a subtle distinction but one # that's important for nested modules. unless( $self->{PMLIBDIRS} ) { if( $Is{VMS} ) { # Avoid logical name vs directory collisions $self->{PMLIBDIRS} = ['./lib', "./$self->{BASEEXT}"]; } else { $self->{PMLIBDIRS} = ['lib', $self->{BASEEXT}]; } } #only existing directories that aren't in $dir are allowed # Avoid $_ wherever possible: # @{$self->{PMLIBDIRS}} = grep -d && !$dir{$_}, @{$self->{PMLIBDIRS}}; my (@pmlibdirs) = @{$self->{PMLIBDIRS}}; @{$self->{PMLIBDIRS}} = (); my %dir = map { ($_ => $_) } @{$self->{DIR}}; foreach my $pmlibdir (@pmlibdirs) { -d $pmlibdir && !$dir{$pmlibdir} && push @{$self->{PMLIBDIRS}}, $pmlibdir; } unless( $self->{PMLIBPARENTDIRS} ) { @{$self->{PMLIBPARENTDIRS}} = ('lib'); } return if $self->{PM} and $self->{ARGS}{PM}; if (@{$self->{PMLIBDIRS}}){ print "Searching PMLIBDIRS: @{$self->{PMLIBDIRS}}\n" if ($Verbose >= 2); require File::Find; File::Find::find(sub { if (-d $_){ unless ($self->libscan($_)){ $File::Find::prune = 1; } return; } return if /\#/; return if /~$/; # emacs temp files return if /,v$/; # RCS files return if m{\.swp$}; # vim swap files my $path = $File::Find::name; my $prefix = $self->{INST_LIBDIR}; my $striplibpath; my $parentlibs_re = join '|', @{$self->{PMLIBPARENTDIRS}}; $prefix = $self->{INST_LIB} if ($striplibpath = $path) =~ s{^(\W*)($parentlibs_re)\W} {$1}i; my($inst) = $self->catfile($prefix,$striplibpath); local($_) = $inst; # for backwards compatibility $inst = $self->libscan($inst); print "libscan($path) => '$inst'\n" if ($Verbose >= 2); return unless $inst; if ($self->{XSMULTI} and $inst =~ /\.xs\z/) { my($base); ($base = $path) =~ s/\.xs\z//; $self->{XS}{$path} = "$base.c"; push @{$self->{C}}, "$base.c"; push @{$self->{O_FILES}}, "$base$self->{OBJ_EXT}"; } else { $self->{PM}{$path} = $inst; } }, @{$self->{PMLIBDIRS}}); } } =item init_DIRFILESEP Using / for Unix. Called by init_main. =cut sub init_DIRFILESEP { my($self) = shift; $self->{DIRFILESEP} = '/'; } =item init_main Initializes AR, AR_STATIC_ARGS, BASEEXT, CONFIG, DISTNAME, DLBASE, EXE_EXT, FULLEXT, FULLPERL, FULLPERLRUN, FULLPERLRUNINST, INST_*, INSTALL*, INSTALLDIRS, LIB_EXT, LIBPERL_A, MAP_TARGET, NAME, OBJ_EXT, PARENT_NAME, PERL, PERL_ARCHLIB, PERL_INC, PERL_LIB, PERL_SRC, PERLRUN, PERLRUNINST, PREFIX, VERSION, VERSION_SYM, XS_VERSION. =cut sub init_main { my($self) = @_; # --- Initialize Module Name and Paths # NAME = Foo::Bar::Oracle # FULLEXT = Foo/Bar/Oracle # BASEEXT = Oracle # PARENT_NAME = Foo::Bar ### Only UNIX: ### ($self->{FULLEXT} = ### $self->{NAME}) =~ s!::!/!g ; #eg. BSD/Foo/Socket $self->{FULLEXT} = $self->catdir(split /::/, $self->{NAME}); # Copied from DynaLoader: my(@modparts) = split(/::/,$self->{NAME}); my($modfname) = $modparts[-1]; # Some systems have restrictions on files names for DLL's etc. # mod2fname returns appropriate file base name (typically truncated) # It may also edit @modparts if required. # We require DynaLoader to make sure that mod2fname is loaded eval { require DynaLoader }; if (defined &DynaLoader::mod2fname) { $modfname = &DynaLoader::mod2fname(\@modparts); } ($self->{PARENT_NAME}, $self->{BASEEXT}) = $self->{NAME} =~ m!(?:([\w:]+)::)?(\w+)\z! ; $self->{PARENT_NAME} ||= ''; if (defined &DynaLoader::mod2fname) { # As of 5.001m, dl_os2 appends '_' $self->{DLBASE} = $modfname; } else { $self->{DLBASE} = '$(BASEEXT)'; } # --- Initialize PERL_LIB, PERL_SRC # *Real* information: where did we get these two from? ... my $inc_config_dir = dirname($INC{'Config.pm'}); my $inc_carp_dir = dirname($INC{'Carp.pm'}); unless ($self->{PERL_SRC}){ foreach my $dir_count (1..8) { # 8 is the VMS limit for nesting my $dir = $self->catdir(($Updir) x $dir_count); if (-f $self->catfile($dir,"config_h.SH") && -f $self->catfile($dir,"perl.h") && -f $self->catfile($dir,"lib","strict.pm") ) { $self->{PERL_SRC}=$dir ; last; } } } warn "PERL_CORE is set but I can't find your PERL_SRC!\n" if $self->{PERL_CORE} and !$self->{PERL_SRC}; if ($self->{PERL_SRC}){ $self->{PERL_LIB} ||= $self->catdir("$self->{PERL_SRC}","lib"); $self->{PERL_ARCHLIB} = $self->{PERL_LIB}; $self->{PERL_INC} = ($Is{Win32}) ? $self->catdir($self->{PERL_LIB},"CORE") : $self->{PERL_SRC}; # catch a situation that has occurred a few times in the past: unless ( -s $self->catfile($self->{PERL_SRC},'cflags') or $Is{VMS} && -s $self->catfile($self->{PERL_SRC},'vmsish.h') or $Is{Win32} ){ warn qq{ You cannot build extensions below the perl source tree after executing a 'make clean' in the perl source tree. To rebuild extensions distributed with the perl source you should simply Configure (to include those extensions) and then build perl as normal. After installing perl the source tree can be deleted. It is not needed for building extensions by running 'perl Makefile.PL' usually without extra arguments. It is recommended that you unpack and build additional extensions away from the perl source tree. }; } } else { # we should also consider $ENV{PERL5LIB} here my $old = $self->{PERL_LIB} || $self->{PERL_ARCHLIB} || $self->{PERL_INC}; $self->{PERL_LIB} ||= $Config{privlibexp}; $self->{PERL_ARCHLIB} ||= $Config{archlibexp}; $self->{PERL_INC} = $self->catdir("$self->{PERL_ARCHLIB}","CORE"); # wild guess for now my $perl_h; if (not -f ($perl_h = $self->catfile($self->{PERL_INC},"perl.h")) and not $old){ # Maybe somebody tries to build an extension with an # uninstalled Perl outside of Perl build tree my $lib; for my $dir (@INC) { $lib = $dir, last if -e $self->catfile($dir, "Config.pm"); } if ($lib) { # Win32 puts its header files in /perl/src/lib/CORE. # Unix leaves them in /perl/src. my $inc = $Is{Win32} ? $self->catdir($lib, "CORE" ) : dirname $lib; if (-e $self->catfile($inc, "perl.h")) { $self->{PERL_LIB} = $lib; $self->{PERL_ARCHLIB} = $lib; $self->{PERL_INC} = $inc; $self->{UNINSTALLED_PERL} = 1; print <<EOP; ... Detected uninstalled Perl. Trying to continue. EOP } } } } if ($Is{Android}) { # Android fun times! # ../../perl -I../../lib -MFile::Glob -e1 works # ../../../perl -I../../../lib -MFile::Glob -e1 fails to find # the .so for File::Glob. # This always affects core perl, but may also affect an installed # perl built with -Duserelocatableinc. $self->{PERL_LIB} = File::Spec->rel2abs($self->{PERL_LIB}); $self->{PERL_ARCHLIB} = File::Spec->rel2abs($self->{PERL_ARCHLIB}); } $self->{PERL_INCDEP} = $self->{PERL_INC}; $self->{PERL_ARCHLIBDEP} = $self->{PERL_ARCHLIB}; # We get SITELIBEXP and SITEARCHEXP directly via # Get_from_Config. When we are running standard modules, these # won't matter, we will set INSTALLDIRS to "perl". Otherwise we # set it to "site". I prefer that INSTALLDIRS be set from outside # MakeMaker. $self->{INSTALLDIRS} ||= "site"; $self->{MAN1EXT} ||= $Config{man1ext}; $self->{MAN3EXT} ||= $Config{man3ext}; # Get some stuff out of %Config if we haven't yet done so print "CONFIG must be an array ref\n" if ($self->{CONFIG} and ref $self->{CONFIG} ne 'ARRAY'); $self->{CONFIG} = [] unless (ref $self->{CONFIG}); push(@{$self->{CONFIG}}, @ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Get_from_Config); push(@{$self->{CONFIG}}, 'shellflags') if $Config{shellflags}; my(%once_only); foreach my $m (@{$self->{CONFIG}}){ next if $once_only{$m}; print "CONFIG key '$m' does not exist in Config.pm\n" unless exists $Config{$m}; $self->{uc $m} ||= $Config{$m}; $once_only{$m} = 1; } # This is too dangerous: # if ($^O eq "next") { # $self->{AR} = "libtool"; # $self->{AR_STATIC_ARGS} = "-o"; # } # But I leave it as a placeholder $self->{AR_STATIC_ARGS} = $Config{arflags}; $self->{AR_STATIC_ARGS} ||= 'cr'; # These should never be needed $self->{OBJ_EXT} ||= '.o'; $self->{LIB_EXT} ||= '.a'; $self->{MAP_TARGET} ||= "perl"; $self->{LIBPERL_A} ||= "libperl$self->{LIB_EXT}"; # make a simple check if we find strict warn "Warning: PERL_LIB ($self->{PERL_LIB}) seems not to be a perl library directory (strict.pm not found)" unless -f $self->catfile("$self->{PERL_LIB}","strict.pm") || $self->{NAME} eq "ExtUtils::MakeMaker"; } =item init_tools Initializes tools to use their common (and faster) Unix commands. =cut sub init_tools { my $self = shift; $self->{ECHO} ||= 'echo'; $self->{ECHO_N} ||= 'echo -n'; $self->{RM_F} ||= "rm -f"; $self->{RM_RF} ||= "rm -rf"; $self->{TOUCH} ||= "touch"; $self->{TEST_F} ||= "test -f"; $self->{TEST_S} ||= "test -s"; $self->{CP} ||= "cp"; $self->{MV} ||= "mv"; $self->{CHMOD} ||= "chmod"; $self->{FALSE} ||= 'false'; $self->{TRUE} ||= 'true'; $self->{LD} ||= 'ld'; return $self->SUPER::init_tools(@_); # After SUPER::init_tools so $Config{shell} has a # chance to get set. $self->{SHELL} ||= '/bin/sh'; return; } =item init_linker Unix has no need of special linker flags. =cut sub init_linker { my($self) = shift; $self->{PERL_ARCHIVE} ||= ''; $self->{PERL_ARCHIVEDEP} ||= ''; $self->{PERL_ARCHIVE_AFTER} ||= ''; $self->{EXPORT_LIST} ||= ''; } =begin _protected =item init_lib2arch $mm->init_lib2arch =end _protected =cut sub init_lib2arch { my($self) = shift; # The user who requests an installation directory explicitly # should not have to tell us an architecture installation directory # as well. We look if a directory exists that is named after the # architecture. If not we take it as a sign that it should be the # same as the requested installation directory. Otherwise we take # the found one. for my $libpair ({l=>"privlib", a=>"archlib"}, {l=>"sitelib", a=>"sitearch"}, {l=>"vendorlib", a=>"vendorarch"}, ) { my $lib = "install$libpair->{l}"; my $Lib = uc $lib; my $Arch = uc "install$libpair->{a}"; if( $self->{$Lib} && ! $self->{$Arch} ){ my($ilib) = $Config{$lib}; $self->prefixify($Arch,$ilib,$self->{$Lib}); unless (-d $self->{$Arch}) { print "Directory $self->{$Arch} not found\n" if $Verbose; $self->{$Arch} = $self->{$Lib}; } print "Defaulting $Arch to $self->{$Arch}\n" if $Verbose; } } } =item init_PERL $mm->init_PERL; Called by init_main. Sets up ABSPERL, PERL, FULLPERL and all the *PERLRUN* permutations. PERL is allowed to be miniperl FULLPERL must be a complete perl ABSPERL is PERL converted to an absolute path *PERLRUN contains everything necessary to run perl, find it's libraries, etc... *PERLRUNINST is *PERLRUN + everything necessary to find the modules being built. =cut sub init_PERL { my($self) = shift; my @defpath = (); foreach my $component ($self->{PERL_SRC}, $self->path(), $Config{binexp}) { push @defpath, $component if defined $component; } # Build up a set of file names (not command names). my $thisperl = $self->canonpath($^X); $thisperl .= $Config{exe_ext} unless # VMS might have a file version # at the end $Is{VMS} ? $thisperl =~ m/$Config{exe_ext}(;\d+)?$/i : $thisperl =~ m/$Config{exe_ext}$/i; # We need a relative path to perl when in the core. $thisperl = $self->abs2rel($thisperl) if $self->{PERL_CORE}; my @perls = ($thisperl); push @perls, map { "$_$Config{exe_ext}" } ("perl$Config{version}", 'perl5', 'perl'); # miniperl has priority over all but the canonical perl when in the # core. Otherwise its a last resort. my $miniperl = "miniperl$Config{exe_ext}"; if( $self->{PERL_CORE} ) { splice @perls, 1, 0, $miniperl; } else { push @perls, $miniperl; } $self->{PERL} ||= $self->find_perl(5.0, \@perls, \@defpath, $Verbose ); my $perl = $self->{PERL}; $perl =~ s/^"//; my $has_mcr = $perl =~ s/^MCR\s*//; my $perlflags = ''; my $stripped_perl; while ($perl) { ($stripped_perl = $perl) =~ s/"$//; last if -x $stripped_perl; last unless $perl =~ s/(\s+\S+)$//; $perlflags = $1.$perlflags; } $self->{PERL} = $stripped_perl; $self->{PERL} = 'MCR '.$self->{PERL} if $has_mcr || $Is{VMS}; # When built for debugging, VMS doesn't create perl.exe but ndbgperl.exe. my $perl_name = 'perl'; $perl_name = 'ndbgperl' if $Is{VMS} && defined $Config{usevmsdebug} && $Config{usevmsdebug} eq 'define'; $perl_name = 'cperl' if $Is{Win32} && $^V =~ /c$/; # XXX This logic is flawed. If "miniperl" is anywhere in the path # it will get confused. It should be fixed to work only on the filename. # Define 'FULLPERL' to be a non-miniperl (used in test: target) unless ($self->{FULLPERL}) { ($self->{FULLPERL} = $self->{PERL}) =~ s/\Q$miniperl\E$/$perl_name$Config{exe_ext}/i; $self->{FULLPERL} = qq{"$self->{FULLPERL}"}.$perlflags; } # Can't have an image name with quotes, and findperl will have # already escaped spaces. $self->{FULLPERL} =~ tr/"//d if $Is{VMS}; # Little hack to get around VMS's find_perl putting "MCR" in front # sometimes. $self->{ABSPERL} = $self->{PERL}; $has_mcr = $self->{ABSPERL} =~ s/^MCR\s*//; if( $self->file_name_is_absolute($self->{ABSPERL}) ) { $self->{ABSPERL} = '$(PERL)'; } else { $self->{ABSPERL} = $self->rel2abs($self->{ABSPERL}); # Quote the perl command if it contains whitespace $self->{ABSPERL} = $self->quote_literal($self->{ABSPERL}) if $self->{ABSPERL} =~ /\s/; $self->{ABSPERL} = 'MCR '.$self->{ABSPERL} if $has_mcr; } $self->{PERL} = qq{"$self->{PERL}"}.$perlflags; # Can't have an image name with quotes, and findperl will have # already escaped spaces. $self->{PERL} =~ tr/"//d if $Is{VMS}; # Are we building the core? $self->{PERL_CORE} = $ENV{PERL_CORE} unless exists $self->{PERL_CORE}; $self->{PERL_CORE} = 0 unless defined $self->{PERL_CORE}; # Make sure perl can find itself before it's installed. my $lib_paths = $self->{UNINSTALLED_PERL} || $self->{PERL_CORE} ? ( $self->{PERL_ARCHLIB} && $self->{PERL_LIB} && $self->{PERL_ARCHLIB} ne $self->{PERL_LIB} ) ? q{ "-I$(PERL_LIB)" "-I$(PERL_ARCHLIB)"} : q{ "-I$(PERL_LIB)"} : undef; my $inst_lib_paths = $self->{INST_ARCHLIB} ne $self->{INST_LIB} ? 'RUN)'.$perlflags.' "-I$(INST_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(INST_LIB)"' : 'RUN)'.$perlflags.' "-I$(INST_LIB)"'; # How do we run perl? foreach my $perl (qw(PERL FULLPERL ABSPERL)) { my $run = $perl.'RUN'; $self->{$run} = qq{\$($perl)}; $self->{$run} .= $lib_paths if $lib_paths; $self->{$perl.'RUNINST'} = '$('.$perl.$inst_lib_paths; } return 1; } =item init_platform =item platform_constants Add MM_Unix_VERSION. =cut sub init_platform { my($self) = shift; $self->{MM_Unix_VERSION} = $VERSION; $self->{PERL_MALLOC_DEF} = '-DPERL_EXTMALLOC_DEF -Dmalloc=Perl_malloc '. '-Dfree=Perl_mfree -Drealloc=Perl_realloc '. '-Dcalloc=Perl_calloc'; } sub platform_constants { my($self) = shift; my $make_frag = ''; foreach my $macro (qw(MM_Unix_VERSION PERL_MALLOC_DEF)) { next unless defined $self->{$macro}; $make_frag .= "$macro = $self->{$macro}\n"; } return $make_frag; } =item init_PERM $mm->init_PERM Called by init_main. Initializes PERL_* =cut sub init_PERM { my($self) = shift; $self->{PERM_DIR} = 755 unless defined $self->{PERM_DIR}; $self->{PERM_RW} = 644 unless defined $self->{PERM_RW}; $self->{PERM_RWX} = 755 unless defined $self->{PERM_RWX}; return 1; } =item init_xs $mm->init_xs Sets up macros having to do with XS code. Currently just INST_STATIC, INST_DYNAMIC and INST_BOOT. =cut sub init_xs { my $self = shift; if ($self->has_link_code()) { $self->{INST_STATIC} = $self->catfile('$(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)', '$(BASEEXT)$(LIB_EXT)'); $self->{INST_DYNAMIC} = $self->catfile('$(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)', '$(DLBASE).$(DLEXT)'); $self->{INST_BOOT} = $self->catfile('$(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)', '$(BASEEXT).bs'); if ($self->{XSMULTI}) { my @exts = $self->_xs_list_basenames; my (@statics, @dynamics, @boots); for my $ext (@exts) { my ($v, $d, $f) = File::Spec->splitpath($ext); my @d = File::Spec->splitdir($d); shift @d if defined $d[0] and $d[0] eq 'lib'; my $instdir = $self->catdir('$(INST_ARCHLIB)', 'auto', @d, $f); my $instfile = $self->catfile($instdir, $f); push @statics, "$instfile\$(LIB_EXT)"; # Dynamic library names may need special handling. my $dynfile = $instfile; eval { require DynaLoader }; if (defined &DynaLoader::mod2fname) { $dynfile = $self->catfile($instdir, &DynaLoader::mod2fname([@d, $f])); } push @dynamics, "$dynfile.\$(DLEXT)"; push @boots, "$instfile.bs"; } $self->{INST_STATIC} = join ' ', @statics; $self->{INST_DYNAMIC} = join ' ', @dynamics; $self->{INST_BOOT} = join ' ', @boots; } } else { $self->{INST_STATIC} = ''; $self->{INST_DYNAMIC} = ''; $self->{INST_BOOT} = ''; } } =item install (o) Defines the install target. =cut sub install { my($self, %attribs) = @_; my(@m); push @m, q{ install :: pure_install doc_install $(NOECHO) $(NOOP) install_perl :: pure_perl_install doc_perl_install $(NOECHO) $(NOOP) install_site :: pure_site_install doc_site_install $(NOECHO) $(NOOP) install_vendor :: pure_vendor_install doc_vendor_install $(NOECHO) $(NOOP) pure_install :: pure_$(INSTALLDIRS)_install $(NOECHO) $(NOOP) doc_install :: doc_$(INSTALLDIRS)_install $(NOECHO) $(NOOP) pure__install : pure_site_install $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) INSTALLDIRS not defined, defaulting to INSTALLDIRS=site doc__install : doc_site_install $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) INSTALLDIRS not defined, defaulting to INSTALLDIRS=site pure_perl_install :: all $(NOECHO) $(MOD_INSTALL) \ }; push @m, q{ read "}.$self->catfile('$(PERL_ARCHLIB)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist').q{" \ write "}.$self->catfile('$(DESTINSTALLARCHLIB)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist').q{" \ } unless $self->{NO_PACKLIST}; push @m, q{ "$(INST_LIB)" "$(DESTINSTALLPRIVLIB)" \ "$(INST_ARCHLIB)" "$(DESTINSTALLARCHLIB)" \ "$(INST_BIN)" "$(DESTINSTALLBIN)" \ "$(INST_SCRIPT)" "$(DESTINSTALLSCRIPT)" \ "$(INST_MAN1DIR)" "$(DESTINSTALLMAN1DIR)" \ "$(INST_MAN3DIR)" "$(DESTINSTALLMAN3DIR)" $(NOECHO) $(WARN_IF_OLD_PACKLIST) \ "}.$self->catdir('$(SITEARCHEXP)','auto','$(FULLEXT)').q{" pure_site_install :: all $(NOECHO) $(MOD_INSTALL) \ }; push @m, q{ read "}.$self->catfile('$(SITEARCHEXP)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist').q{" \ write "}.$self->catfile('$(DESTINSTALLSITEARCH)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist').q{" \ } unless $self->{NO_PACKLIST}; push @m, q{ "$(INST_LIB)" "$(DESTINSTALLSITELIB)" \ "$(INST_ARCHLIB)" "$(DESTINSTALLSITEARCH)" \ "$(INST_BIN)" "$(DESTINSTALLSITEBIN)" \ "$(INST_SCRIPT)" "$(DESTINSTALLSITESCRIPT)" \ "$(INST_MAN1DIR)" "$(DESTINSTALLSITEMAN1DIR)" \ "$(INST_MAN3DIR)" "$(DESTINSTALLSITEMAN3DIR)" $(NOECHO) $(WARN_IF_OLD_PACKLIST) \ "}.$self->catdir('$(PERL_ARCHLIB)','auto','$(FULLEXT)').q{" pure_vendor_install :: all $(NOECHO) $(MOD_INSTALL) \ }; push @m, q{ read "}.$self->catfile('$(VENDORARCHEXP)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist').q{" \ write "}.$self->catfile('$(DESTINSTALLVENDORARCH)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist').q{" \ } unless $self->{NO_PACKLIST}; push @m, q{ "$(INST_LIB)" "$(DESTINSTALLVENDORLIB)" \ "$(INST_ARCHLIB)" "$(DESTINSTALLVENDORARCH)" \ "$(INST_BIN)" "$(DESTINSTALLVENDORBIN)" \ "$(INST_SCRIPT)" "$(DESTINSTALLVENDORSCRIPT)" \ "$(INST_MAN1DIR)" "$(DESTINSTALLVENDORMAN1DIR)" \ "$(INST_MAN3DIR)" "$(DESTINSTALLVENDORMAN3DIR)" }; push @m, q{ doc_perl_install :: all $(NOECHO) $(NOOP) doc_site_install :: all $(NOECHO) $(NOOP) doc_vendor_install :: all $(NOECHO) $(NOOP) } if $self->{NO_PERLLOCAL}; push @m, q{ doc_perl_install :: all $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) Appending installation info to "$(DESTINSTALLARCHLIB)/perllocal.pod" -$(NOECHO) $(MKPATH) "$(DESTINSTALLARCHLIB)" -$(NOECHO) $(DOC_INSTALL) \ "Module" "$(NAME)" \ "installed into" "$(INSTALLPRIVLIB)" \ LINKTYPE "$(LINKTYPE)" \ VERSION "$(VERSION)" \ EXE_FILES "$(EXE_FILES)" \ >> "}.$self->catfile('$(DESTINSTALLARCHLIB)','perllocal.pod').q{" doc_site_install :: all $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) Appending installation info to "$(DESTINSTALLARCHLIB)/perllocal.pod" -$(NOECHO) $(MKPATH) "$(DESTINSTALLARCHLIB)" -$(NOECHO) $(DOC_INSTALL) \ "Module" "$(NAME)" \ "installed into" "$(INSTALLSITELIB)" \ LINKTYPE "$(LINKTYPE)" \ VERSION "$(VERSION)" \ EXE_FILES "$(EXE_FILES)" \ >> "}.$self->catfile('$(DESTINSTALLARCHLIB)','perllocal.pod').q{" doc_vendor_install :: all $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) Appending installation info to "$(DESTINSTALLARCHLIB)/perllocal.pod" -$(NOECHO) $(MKPATH) "$(DESTINSTALLARCHLIB)" -$(NOECHO) $(DOC_INSTALL) \ "Module" "$(NAME)" \ "installed into" "$(INSTALLVENDORLIB)" \ LINKTYPE "$(LINKTYPE)" \ VERSION "$(VERSION)" \ EXE_FILES "$(EXE_FILES)" \ >> "}.$self->catfile('$(DESTINSTALLARCHLIB)','perllocal.pod').q{" } unless $self->{NO_PERLLOCAL}; push @m, q{ uninstall :: uninstall_from_$(INSTALLDIRS)dirs $(NOECHO) $(NOOP) uninstall_from_perldirs :: $(NOECHO) $(UNINSTALL) "}.$self->catfile('$(PERL_ARCHLIB)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist').q{" uninstall_from_sitedirs :: $(NOECHO) $(UNINSTALL) "}.$self->catfile('$(SITEARCHEXP)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist').q{" uninstall_from_vendordirs :: $(NOECHO) $(UNINSTALL) "}.$self->catfile('$(VENDORARCHEXP)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist').q{" }; join("",@m); } =item installbin (o) Defines targets to make and to install EXE_FILES. =cut sub installbin { my($self) = shift; return "" unless $self->{EXE_FILES} && ref $self->{EXE_FILES} eq "ARRAY"; my @exefiles = sort @{$self->{EXE_FILES}}; return "" unless @exefiles; @exefiles = map vmsify($_), @exefiles if $Is{VMS}; my %fromto; for my $from (@exefiles) { my($path)= $self->catfile('$(INST_SCRIPT)', basename($from)); local($_) = $path; # for backwards compatibility my $to = $self->libscan($path); print "libscan($from) => '$to'\n" if ($Verbose >=2); $to = vmsify($to) if $Is{VMS}; $fromto{$from} = $to; } my @to = sort values %fromto; my @m; push(@m, qq{ EXE_FILES = @exefiles pure_all :: @to \$(NOECHO) \$(NOOP) realclean :: }); # realclean can get rather large. push @m, map "\t$_\n", $self->split_command('$(RM_F)', @to); push @m, "\n"; # A target for each exe file. my @froms = sort keys %fromto; for my $from (@froms) { # 1 2 push @m, _sprintf562 <<'MAKE', $from, $fromto{$from}; %2$s : %1$s $(FIRST_MAKEFILE) $(INST_SCRIPT)$(DFSEP).exists $(INST_BIN)$(DFSEP).exists $(NOECHO) $(RM_F) %2$s $(CP) %1$s %2$s $(FIXIN) %2$s -$(NOECHO) $(CHMOD) $(PERM_RWX) %2$s MAKE } join "", @m; } =item linkext (o) Defines the linkext target which in turn defines the LINKTYPE. =cut # LINKTYPE => static or dynamic or '' sub linkext { my($self, %attribs) = @_; my $linktype = $attribs{LINKTYPE}; $linktype = $self->{LINKTYPE} unless defined $linktype; if (defined $linktype and $linktype eq '') { warn "Warning: LINKTYPE set to '', no longer necessary\n"; } $linktype = '$(LINKTYPE)' unless defined $linktype; " linkext :: $linktype \$(NOECHO) \$(NOOP) "; } =item lsdir Takes as arguments a directory name and a regular expression. Returns all entries in the directory that match the regular expression. =cut sub lsdir { # $self my(undef, $dir, $regex) = @_; opendir(my $dh, defined($dir) ? $dir : ".") or return; my @ls = readdir $dh; closedir $dh; @ls = grep(/$regex/, @ls) if defined $regex; @ls; } =item macro (o) Simple subroutine to insert the macros defined by the macro attribute into the Makefile. =cut sub macro { my($self,%attribs) = @_; my @m; foreach my $key (sort keys %attribs) { my $val = $attribs{$key}; push @m, "$key = $val\n"; } join "", @m; } =item makeaperl (o) Called by staticmake. Defines how to write the Makefile to produce a static new perl. By default the Makefile produced includes all the static extensions in the perl library. (Purified versions of library files, e.g., DynaLoader_pure_p1_c0_032.a are automatically ignored to avoid link errors.) =cut sub makeaperl { my($self, %attribs) = @_; my($makefilename, $searchdirs, $static, $extra, $perlinc, $target, $tmp, $libperl) = @attribs{qw(MAKE DIRS STAT EXTRA INCL TARGET TMP LIBPERL)}; s/^(.*)/"-I$1"/ for @{$perlinc || []}; my(@m); push @m, " # --- MakeMaker makeaperl section --- MAP_TARGET = $target FULLPERL = $self->{FULLPERL} MAP_PERLINC = @{$perlinc || []} "; return join '', @m if $self->{PARENT}; my($dir) = join ":", @{$self->{DIR}}; unless ($self->{MAKEAPERL}) { push @m, q{ $(MAP_TARGET) :: $(MAKE_APERL_FILE) $(MAKE) $(USEMAKEFILE) $(MAKE_APERL_FILE) $@ $(MAKE_APERL_FILE) : static $(FIRST_MAKEFILE) pm_to_blib $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) Writing \"$(MAKE_APERL_FILE)\" for this $(MAP_TARGET) $(NOECHO) $(PERLRUNINST) \ Makefile.PL DIR="}, $dir, q{" \ MAKEFILE=$(MAKE_APERL_FILE) LINKTYPE=static \ MAKEAPERL=1 NORECURS=1 CCCDLFLAGS=}; foreach (@ARGV){ my $arg = $_; # avoid lvalue aliasing if ( $arg =~ /(^.*?=)(.*['\s].*)/ ) { $arg = $1 . $self->quote_literal($2); } push @m, " \\\n\t\t$arg"; } push @m, "\n"; return join '', @m; } my $cccmd = $self->const_cccmd($libperl); $cccmd =~ s/^CCCMD\s*=\s*//; $cccmd =~ s/\$\(INC\)/ "-I$self->{PERL_INC}" /; $cccmd .= " $Config{cccdlflags}" if ($Config{useshrplib} eq 'true'); $cccmd =~ s/\(CC\)/\(PERLMAINCC\)/; # The front matter of the linkcommand... my $linkcmd = join ' ', "\$(CC)", grep($_, @Config{qw(ldflags ccdlflags)}); $linkcmd =~ s/\s+/ /g; $linkcmd =~ s,(perl\.exp),\$(PERL_INC)/$1,; # Which *.a files could we make use of... my $staticlib21 = $self->_find_static_libs($searchdirs); # We trust that what has been handed in as argument, will be buildable $static = [] unless $static; @$staticlib21{@{$static}} = (1) x @{$static}; $extra = [] unless $extra && ref $extra eq 'ARRAY'; for (sort keys %$staticlib21) { next unless /\Q$self->{LIB_EXT}\E\z/; $_ = dirname($_) . "/extralibs.ld"; push @$extra, $_; } s/^(.*)/"-I$1"/ for @{$perlinc || []}; $target ||= "perl"; $tmp ||= "."; # MAP_STATIC doesn't look into subdirs yet. Once "all" is made and we # regenerate the Makefiles, MAP_STATIC and the dependencies for # extralibs.all are computed correctly my @map_static = reverse sort keys %$staticlib21; push @m, " MAP_LINKCMD = $linkcmd MAP_STATIC = ", join(" \\\n\t", map { qq{"$_"} } @map_static), " MAP_STATICDEP = ", join(' ', map { $self->quote_dep($_) } @map_static), " MAP_PRELIBS = $Config{perllibs} $Config{cryptlib} "; my $lperl; if (defined $libperl) { ($lperl = $libperl) =~ s/\$\(A\)/$self->{LIB_EXT}/; } unless ($libperl && -f $lperl) { # Ilya's code... my $dir = $self->{PERL_SRC} || "$self->{PERL_ARCHLIB}/CORE"; $dir = "$self->{PERL_ARCHLIB}/.." if $self->{UNINSTALLED_PERL}; $libperl ||= "libperl$self->{LIB_EXT}"; $libperl = "$dir/$libperl"; $lperl ||= "libperl$self->{LIB_EXT}"; $lperl = "$dir/$lperl"; if (! -f $libperl and ! -f $lperl) { # We did not find a static libperl. Maybe there is a shared one? if ($Is{SunOS}) { $lperl = $libperl = "$dir/$Config{libperl}"; # SUNOS ld does not take the full path to a shared library $libperl = '' if $Is{SunOS4}; } } print <<EOF unless -f $lperl || defined($self->{PERL_SRC}); Warning: $libperl not found If you're going to build a static perl binary, make sure perl is installed otherwise ignore this warning EOF } # SUNOS ld does not take the full path to a shared library my $llibperl = $libperl ? '$(MAP_LIBPERL)' : '-lperl'; my $libperl_dep = $self->quote_dep($libperl); push @m, " MAP_LIBPERL = $libperl MAP_LIBPERLDEP = $libperl_dep LLIBPERL = $llibperl "; push @m, ' $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)/extralibs.all : $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)$(DFSEP).exists '.join(" \\\n\t", @$extra).' $(NOECHO) $(RM_F) $@ $(NOECHO) $(TOUCH) $@ '; foreach my $catfile (@$extra){ push @m, "\tcat $catfile >> \$\@\n"; } # without XSMULTI leads to duplicate objects: one direct and one via the MAP_STATIC my $ldfrom = ''; # $self->{XSMULTI} ? '' : '$(LDFROM)'; # 1 2 3 4 push @m, _sprintf562 <<'EOF', $tmp, $ldfrom, $self->xs_obj_opt('$@'), $makefilename; $(MAP_TARGET) :: %1$s/perlmain$(OBJ_EXT) $(MAP_LIBPERLDEP) $(MAP_STATICDEP) $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)/extralibs.all $(MAP_LINKCMD) %2$s $(OPTIMIZE) %1$s/perlmain$(OBJ_EXT) %3$s $(MAP_STATIC) "$(LLIBPERL)" `cat $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)/extralibs.all` $(MAP_PRELIBS) $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) "To install the new '$(MAP_TARGET)' binary, call" $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) " $(MAKE) $(USEMAKEFILE) %4$s inst_perl MAP_TARGET=$(MAP_TARGET)" $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) " $(MAKE) $(USEMAKEFILE) %4$s map_clean" %1$s/perlmain\$(OBJ_EXT): %1$s/perlmain.c EOF push @m, "\t".$self->cd($tmp, qq[$cccmd "-I\$(PERL_INC)" perlmain.c])."\n"; my $maybe_DynaLoader = $Config{usedl} ? 'q(DynaLoader)' : ''; push @m, _sprintf562 <<'EOF', $tmp, $makefilename, $maybe_DynaLoader; %1$s/perlmain.c: %2$s $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) Writing $@ $(NOECHO) $(PERL) $(MAP_PERLINC) "-MExtUtils::Miniperl" \ -e "writemain(grep(s#.*/auto/##s, @ARGV), %3$s)" $(MAP_STATIC) > $@t $(MV) $@t $@ EOF push @m, "\t", q{$(NOECHO) $(PERL) "$(INSTALLSCRIPT)/fixpmain" } if (defined (&Dos::UseLFN) && Dos::UseLFN()==0); push @m, q{ doc_inst_perl : $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) Appending installation info to "$(DESTINSTALLARCHLIB)/perllocal.pod" -$(NOECHO) $(MKPATH) "$(DESTINSTALLARCHLIB)" -$(NOECHO) $(DOC_INSTALL) \ "Perl binary" "$(MAP_TARGET)" \ MAP_STATIC "$(MAP_STATIC)" \ MAP_EXTRA "`cat $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)/extralibs.all`" \ MAP_LIBPERL "$(MAP_LIBPERL)" \ >> "}.$self->catfile('$(DESTINSTALLARCHLIB)','perllocal.pod').q{" }; push @m, q{ inst_perl : pure_inst_perl doc_inst_perl pure_inst_perl : $(MAP_TARGET) }.$self->{CP}.q{ $(MAP_TARGET) "}.$self->catfile('$(DESTINSTALLBIN)','$(MAP_TARGET)').q{" clean :: map_clean map_clean : }.$self->{RM_F}.qq{ $tmp/perlmain\$(OBJ_EXT) $tmp/perlmain.c \$(MAP_TARGET) $makefilename \$(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)/extralibs.all }; join '', @m; } # utility method sub _find_static_libs { my ($self, $searchdirs) = @_; # don't use File::Spec here because on Win32 F::F still uses "/" my $installed_version = join('/', 'auto', $self->{FULLEXT}, "$self->{BASEEXT}$self->{LIB_EXT}" ); my %staticlib21; require File::Find; File::Find::find(sub { if ($File::Find::name =~ m{/auto/share\z}) { # in a subdir of auto/share, prune because e.g. # Alien::pkgconfig uses File::ShareDir to put .a files # there. do not want $File::Find::prune = 1; return; } return unless m/\Q$self->{LIB_EXT}\E$/; return unless -f 'extralibs.ld'; # this checks is a "proper" XS installation # Skip perl's libraries. return if m/^libperl/ or m/^perl\Q$self->{LIB_EXT}\E$/; # Skip purified versions of libraries # (e.g., DynaLoader_pure_p1_c0_032.a) return if m/_pure_\w+_\w+_\w+\.\w+$/ and -f "$File::Find::dir/.pure"; if( exists $self->{INCLUDE_EXT} ){ my $found = 0; (my $xx = $File::Find::name) =~ s,.*?/auto/,,s; $xx =~ s,/?$_,,; $xx =~ s,/,::,g; # Throw away anything not explicitly marked for inclusion. # DynaLoader is implied. foreach my $incl ((@{$self->{INCLUDE_EXT}},'DynaLoader')){ if( $xx eq $incl ){ $found++; last; } } return unless $found; } elsif( exists $self->{EXCLUDE_EXT} ){ (my $xx = $File::Find::name) =~ s,.*?/auto/,,s; $xx =~ s,/?$_,,; $xx =~ s,/,::,g; # Throw away anything explicitly marked for exclusion foreach my $excl (@{$self->{EXCLUDE_EXT}}){ return if( $xx eq $excl ); } } # don't include the installed version of this extension. I # leave this line here, although it is not necessary anymore: # I patched minimod.PL instead, so that Miniperl.pm won't # include duplicates # Once the patch to minimod.PL is in the distribution, I can # drop it return if $File::Find::name =~ m:\Q$installed_version\E\z:; return if !$self->xs_static_lib_is_xs($_); use Cwd 'cwd'; $staticlib21{cwd() . "/" . $_}++; }, grep( -d $_, map { $self->catdir($_, 'auto') } @{$searchdirs || []}) ); return \%staticlib21; } =item xs_static_lib_is_xs (o) Called by a utility method of makeaperl. Checks whether a given file is an XS library by seeing whether it defines any symbols starting with C<boot_>. =cut sub xs_static_lib_is_xs { my ($self, $libfile) = @_; my $devnull = File::Spec->devnull; return `nm $libfile 2>$devnull` =~ /\bboot_/; } =item makefile (o) Defines how to rewrite the Makefile. =cut sub makefile { my($self) = shift; my $m; # We do not know what target was originally specified so we # must force a manual rerun to be sure. But as it should only # happen very rarely it is not a significant problem. $m = ' $(OBJECT) : $(FIRST_MAKEFILE) ' if $self->{OBJECT}; my $newer_than_target = $Is{VMS} ? '$(MMS$SOURCE_LIST)' : '$?'; my $mpl_args = join " ", map qq["$_"], @ARGV; my $cross = ''; if (defined $::Cross::platform) { # Inherited from win32/buildext.pl $cross = "-MCross=$::Cross::platform "; } $m .= sprintf <<'MAKE_FRAG', $newer_than_target, $cross, $mpl_args; # We take a very conservative approach here, but it's worth it. # We move Makefile to Makefile.old here to avoid gnu make looping. $(FIRST_MAKEFILE) : Makefile.PL $(CONFIGDEP) $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) "Makefile out-of-date with respect to %s" $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) "Cleaning current config before rebuilding Makefile..." -$(NOECHO) $(RM_F) $(MAKEFILE_OLD) -$(NOECHO) $(MV) $(FIRST_MAKEFILE) $(MAKEFILE_OLD) - $(MAKE) $(USEMAKEFILE) $(MAKEFILE_OLD) clean $(DEV_NULL) $(PERLRUN) %sMakefile.PL %s $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) "==> Your Makefile has been rebuilt. <==" $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) "==> Please rerun the $(MAKE) command. <==" $(FALSE) MAKE_FRAG return $m; } =item maybe_command Returns true, if the argument is likely to be a command. =cut sub maybe_command { my($self,$file) = @_; return $file if -x $file && ! -d $file; return; } =item needs_linking (o) Does this module need linking? Looks into subdirectory objects (see also has_link_code()) =cut sub needs_linking { my($self) = shift; my $caller = (caller(0))[3]; confess("needs_linking called too early") if $caller =~ /^ExtUtils::MakeMaker::/; return $self->{NEEDS_LINKING} if defined $self->{NEEDS_LINKING}; if ($self->has_link_code or $self->{MAKEAPERL}){ $self->{NEEDS_LINKING} = 1; return 1; } foreach my $child (keys %{$self->{CHILDREN}}) { if ($self->{CHILDREN}->{$child}->needs_linking) { $self->{NEEDS_LINKING} = 1; return 1; } } return $self->{NEEDS_LINKING} = 0; } =item parse_abstract parse a file and return what you think is the ABSTRACT =cut sub parse_abstract { my($self,$parsefile) = @_; my($result, $fh); local $/ = "\n"; open($fh, '<', $parsefile) or die "Could not open '$parsefile': $!"; binmode $fh; my $inpod = 0; my $pod_encoding; my $package = $self->{DISTNAME}; $package =~ s/-/::/g; while (<$fh>) { $inpod = /^=(?!cut)/ ? 1 : /^=cut/ ? 0 : $inpod; next if !$inpod; s#\r*\n\z##; # handle CRLF input if ( /^=encoding\s*(.*)$/i ) { $pod_encoding = $1; } if ( /^($package(?:\.pm)? \s+ -+ \s+)(.*)/x ) { $result = $2; next; } next unless $result; if ( $result && ( /^\s*$/ || /^\=/ ) ) { last; } $result = join ' ', $result, $_; } close $fh; if ( $pod_encoding and !( $] < 5.008 or !$Config{useperlio} ) ) { # Have to wrap in an eval{} for when running under PERL_CORE # Encode isn't available during build phase and parsing # ABSTRACT isn't important there eval { require Encode; $result = Encode::decode($pod_encoding, $result); } } return $result; } =item parse_version my $version = MM->parse_version($file); Parse a $file and return what $VERSION is set to by the first assignment. It will return the string "undef" if it can't figure out what $VERSION is. $VERSION should be for all to see, so C<our $VERSION> or plain $VERSION are okay, but C<my $VERSION> is not. C<package Foo VERSION> is also checked for. The first version declaration found is used, but this may change as it differs from how Perl does it. parse_version() will try to C<use version> before checking for C<$VERSION> so the following will work. $VERSION = qv(1.2.3); =cut sub parse_version { my($self,$parsefile) = @_; my $result; local $/ = "\n"; local $_; if (!ref $parsefile and !-e $parsefile and $Config::Config{usecperl}) { no strict 'refs'; my ($prereq) = $parsefile =~ /\.c:(.*)$/; my $normal; $normal = ${$prereq."::VERSION"} if $prereq; $result = $normal if defined $normal; $result = "undef" unless defined $result; return $result; } my $fh; if (!ref $parsefile) { # IO::Scalar is already open open($fh, '<', $parsefile) or die "Could not open '$parsefile': $!"; } else { $fh = $parsefile; } my $inpod = 0; while (<$fh>) { $inpod = /^=(?!cut)/ ? 1 : /^=cut/ ? 0 : $inpod; next if $inpod || /^\s*#/; chop; next if /^\s*(if|unless|elsif)/; if ( m{^ \s* package \s+ \w[\w\:\']* \s+ (v?[0-9._]+) \s* (;|\{) }x ) { local $^W = 0; $result = $1; } elsif ( m{(?<!\\) ([\$*]) (([\w\:\']*) \bVERSION)\b .* (?<![<>=!])\=[^=]}x ) { $result = $self->get_version($parsefile, $1, $2); } else { next; } last if defined $result; } close $fh; if ( defined $result && $result !~ /^v?[\d_\.]+c?$/ ) { require version; my $normal = eval { version->new( $result ) }; $result = $normal if defined $normal; } $result = "undef" unless defined $result; return $result; } sub get_version { my ($self, $parsefile, $sigil, $name) = @_; my $line = $_; # from the while() loop in parse_version { package ExtUtils::MakeMaker::_version; undef *version; # in case of unexpected version() sub eval { require version; version::->import; }; no strict; local *{$name}; local $^W = 0; $line = $1 if $line =~ m{^(.+)}s; eval($line); ## no critic return ${$name}; } } =item pasthru (o) Defines the string that is passed to recursive make calls in subdirectories. The variables like C<PASTHRU_DEFINE> are used in each level, and passed downwards on the command-line with e.g. the value of that level's DEFINE. Example: # Level 0 has DEFINE = -Dfunky # This code will define level 0's PASTHRU=PASTHRU_DEFINE="$(DEFINE) # $(PASTHRU_DEFINE)" # Level 0's $(CCCMD) will include macros $(DEFINE) and $(PASTHRU_DEFINE) # So will level 1's, so when level 1 compiles, it will get right values # And so ad infinitum =cut sub pasthru { my($self) = shift; my(@m); my(@pasthru); my($sep) = $Is{VMS} ? ',' : ''; $sep .= "\\\n\t"; foreach my $key (qw(LIB LIBPERL_A LINKTYPE OPTIMIZE PREFIX INSTALL_BASE) ) { next unless defined $self->{$key}; push @pasthru, "$key=\"\$($key)\""; } foreach my $key (qw(DEFINE INC)) { # default to the make var my $val = qq{\$($key)}; # expand within perl if given since need to use quote_literal # since INC might include space-protecting ""! chomp($val = $self->{$key}) if defined $self->{$key}; $val .= " \$(PASTHRU_$key)"; my $quoted = $self->quote_literal($val); push @pasthru, qq{PASTHRU_$key=$quoted}; } push @m, "\nPASTHRU = ", join ($sep, @pasthru), "\n"; join "", @m; } =item perl_script Takes one argument, a file name, and returns the file name, if the argument is likely to be a perl script. On MM_Unix this is true for any ordinary, readable file. =cut sub perl_script { my($self,$file) = @_; return $file if -r $file && -f _; return; } =item perldepend (o) Defines the dependency from all *.h files that come with the perl distribution. =cut sub perldepend { my($self) = shift; my(@m); my $configdep = $Config{usecperl} ? 'Config_heavy.pl' : 'Config.pm'; my $make_config = $self->cd('$(PERL_SRC)', '$(MAKE) lib$(DFSEP)' . $configdep); push @m, sprintf <<'MAKE_FRAG', $configdep, $configdep, $make_config if $self->{PERL_SRC}; # Check for unpropogated config.sh changes. Should never happen. # We do NOT just update config.h because that is not sufficient. # An out of date config.h is not fatal but complains loudly! $(PERL_INCDEP)/config.h: $(PERL_SRC)/config.sh -$(NOECHO) $(ECHO) "Warning: $(PERL_INC)/config.h out of date with $(PERL_SRC)/config.sh"; $(FALSE) $(PERL_ARCHLIB)/%s: $(PERL_SRC)/config.sh $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) "Warning: $(PERL_ARCHLIB)/%s may be out of date with $(PERL_SRC)/config.sh" %s MAKE_FRAG return join "", @m unless $self->needs_linking; if ($self->{OBJECT}) { # Need to add an object file dependency on the perl headers. # this is very important for XS modules in perl.git development. push @m, $self->_perl_header_files_fragment("/"); # Directory separator between $(PERL_INC)/header.h } push @m, join(" ", sort values %{$self->{XS}})." : \$(XSUBPPDEPS)\n" if %{$self->{XS}}; return join "\n", @m; } =item pm_to_blib Defines target that copies all files in the hash PM to their destination and autosplits them. See L<ExtUtils::Install/DESCRIPTION> =cut sub pm_to_blib { my $self = shift; my($autodir) = $self->catdir('$(INST_LIB)','auto'); my $r = q{ pm_to_blib : $(FIRST_MAKEFILE) $(TO_INST_PM) }; # VMS will swallow '' and PM_FILTER is often empty. So use q[] my $pm_to_blib = $self->oneliner(<<CODE, ['-MExtUtils::Install']); pm_to_blib({\@ARGV}, '$autodir', q[\$(PM_FILTER)], '\$(PERM_DIR)') CODE my @cmds = $self->split_command($pm_to_blib, map { ($self->quote_literal($_) => $self->quote_literal($self->{PM}->{$_})) } sort keys %{$self->{PM}}); $r .= join '', map { "\t\$(NOECHO) $_\n" } @cmds; $r .= qq{\t\$(NOECHO) \$(TOUCH) pm_to_blib\n}; return $r; } # transform dot-separated version string into comma-separated quadruple # examples: '' => '1,2,3,4' # '1.2.3' => '1,2,3,0' sub _ppd_version { my ($self, $string) = @_; return join ',', ((split /\./, $string), (0) x 4)[0..3]; } =item ppd Defines target that creates a PPD (Perl Package Description) file for a binary distribution. =cut sub ppd { my($self) = @_; my $abstract = $self->{ABSTRACT} || ''; $abstract =~ s/\n/\\n/sg; $abstract =~ s/</&lt;/g; $abstract =~ s/>/&gt;/g; my $author = join(', ',@{ ref $self->{AUTHOR} eq 'ARRAY' ? $self->{AUTHOR} : [ $self->{AUTHOR} || '']}); $author =~ s/</&lt;/g; $author =~ s/>/&gt;/g; my $ppd_file = "$self->{DISTNAME}.ppd"; my @ppd_chunks = qq(<SOFTPKG NAME="$self->{DISTNAME}" VERSION="$self->{VERSION}">\n); push @ppd_chunks, sprintf <<'PPD_HTML', $abstract, $author; <ABSTRACT>%s</ABSTRACT> <AUTHOR>%s</AUTHOR> PPD_HTML push @ppd_chunks, " <IMPLEMENTATION>\n"; if ( $self->{MIN_PERL_VERSION} ) { my $min_perl_version = $self->_ppd_version($self->{MIN_PERL_VERSION}); push @ppd_chunks, sprintf <<'PPD_PERLVERS', $min_perl_version; <PERLCORE VERSION="%s" /> PPD_PERLVERS } # Don't add "perl" to requires. perl dependencies are # handles by ARCHITECTURE. my %prereqs = %{$self->{PREREQ_PM}}; delete $prereqs{perl}; # Build up REQUIRE foreach my $prereq (sort keys %prereqs) { my $name = $prereq; $name .= '::' unless $name =~ /::/; my $version = $prereqs{$prereq}; my %attrs = ( NAME => $name ); $attrs{VERSION} = $version if $version; my $attrs = join " ", map { qq[$_="$attrs{$_}"] } sort keys %attrs; push @ppd_chunks, qq( <REQUIRE $attrs />\n); } my $archname = $Config{archname}; if ($] >= 5.008) { # archname did not change from 5.6 to 5.8, but those versions may # not be not binary compatible so now we append the part of the # version that changes when binary compatibility may change $archname .= "-$Config{PERL_REVISION}.$Config{PERL_VERSION}"; } push @ppd_chunks, sprintf <<'PPD_OUT', $archname; <ARCHITECTURE NAME="%s" /> PPD_OUT if ($self->{PPM_INSTALL_SCRIPT}) { if ($self->{PPM_INSTALL_EXEC}) { push @ppd_chunks, sprintf qq{ <INSTALL EXEC="%s">%s</INSTALL>\n}, $self->{PPM_INSTALL_EXEC}, $self->{PPM_INSTALL_SCRIPT}; } else { push @ppd_chunks, sprintf qq{ <INSTALL>%s</INSTALL>\n}, $self->{PPM_INSTALL_SCRIPT}; } } if ($self->{PPM_UNINSTALL_SCRIPT}) { if ($self->{PPM_UNINSTALL_EXEC}) { push @ppd_chunks, sprintf qq{ <UNINSTALL EXEC="%s">%s</UNINSTALL>\n}, $self->{PPM_UNINSTALL_EXEC}, $self->{PPM_UNINSTALL_SCRIPT}; } else { push @ppd_chunks, sprintf qq{ <UNINSTALL>%s</UNINSTALL>\n}, $self->{PPM_UNINSTALL_SCRIPT}; } } my ($bin_location) = $self->{BINARY_LOCATION} || ''; $bin_location =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; push @ppd_chunks, sprintf <<'PPD_XML', $bin_location; <CODEBASE HREF="%s" /> </IMPLEMENTATION> </SOFTPKG> PPD_XML my @ppd_cmds = $self->stashmeta(join('', @ppd_chunks), $ppd_file); return sprintf <<'PPD_OUT', join "\n\t", @ppd_cmds; # Creates a PPD (Perl Package Description) for a binary distribution. ppd : %s PPD_OUT } =item prefixify $MM->prefixify($var, $prefix, $new_prefix, $default); Using either $MM->{uc $var} || $Config{lc $var}, it will attempt to replace it's $prefix with a $new_prefix. Should the $prefix fail to match I<AND> a PREFIX was given as an argument to WriteMakefile() it will set it to the $new_prefix + $default. This is for systems whose file layouts don't neatly fit into our ideas of prefixes. This is for heuristics which attempt to create directory structures that mirror those of the installed perl. For example: $MM->prefixify('installman1dir', '/usr', '/home/foo', 'man/man1'); this will attempt to remove '/usr' from the front of the $MM->{INSTALLMAN1DIR} path (initializing it to $Config{installman1dir} if necessary) and replace it with '/home/foo'. If this fails it will simply use '/home/foo/man/man1'. =cut sub prefixify { my($self,$var,$sprefix,$rprefix,$default) = @_; my $path = $self->{uc $var} || $Config_Override{lc $var} || $Config{lc $var} || ''; $rprefix .= '/' if $sprefix =~ m|/$|; warn " prefixify $var => $path\n" if $Verbose >= 2; warn " from $sprefix to $rprefix\n" if $Verbose >= 2; if( $self->{ARGS}{PREFIX} && $path !~ s{^\Q$sprefix\E\b}{$rprefix}s ) { warn " cannot prefix, using default.\n" if $Verbose >= 2; warn " no default!\n" if !$default && $Verbose >= 2; $path = $self->catdir($rprefix, $default) if $default; } print " now $path\n" if $Verbose >= 2; return $self->{uc $var} = $path; } =item processPL (o) Defines targets to run *.PL files. =cut sub processPL { my $self = shift; my $pl_files = $self->{PL_FILES}; return "" unless $pl_files; my $m = ''; foreach my $plfile (sort keys %$pl_files) { my $targets = $pl_files->{$plfile}; my $list = ref($targets) eq 'HASH' ? [ sort keys %$targets ] : ref($targets) eq 'ARRAY' ? $pl_files->{$plfile} : [$pl_files->{$plfile}]; foreach my $target (@$list) { if( $Is{VMS} ) { $plfile = vmsify($self->eliminate_macros($plfile)); $target = vmsify($self->eliminate_macros($target)); } # Normally a .PL file runs AFTER pm_to_blib so it can have # blib in its @INC and load the just built modules. BUT if # the generated module is something in $(TO_INST_PM) which # pm_to_blib depends on then it can't depend on pm_to_blib # else we have a dependency loop. my $pm_dep; my $perlrun; if( defined $self->{PM}{$target} ) { $pm_dep = ''; $perlrun = 'PERLRUN'; } else { $pm_dep = 'pm_to_blib'; $perlrun = 'PERLRUNINST'; } my $extra_inputs = ''; if( ref($targets) eq 'HASH' ) { my $inputs = ref($targets->{$target}) ? $targets->{$target} : [$targets->{$target}]; for my $input (@$inputs) { if( $Is{VMS} ) { $input = vmsify($self->eliminate_macros($input)); } $extra_inputs .= ' '.$input; } } $m .= <<MAKE_FRAG; pure_all :: $target \$(NOECHO) \$(NOOP) $target :: $plfile $pm_dep $extra_inputs \$($perlrun) $plfile $target $extra_inputs MAKE_FRAG } } return $m; } =item specify_shell Specify SHELL if needed - not done on Unix. =cut sub specify_shell { return ''; } =item quote_paren Backslashes parentheses C<()> in command line arguments. Doesn't handle recursive Makefile C<$(...)> constructs, but handles simple ones. =cut sub quote_paren { my $arg = shift; $arg =~ s{\$\((.+?)\)}{\$\\\\($1\\\\)}g; # protect $(...) $arg =~ s{(?<!\\)([()])}{\\$1}g; # quote unprotected $arg =~ s{\$\\\\\((.+?)\\\\\)}{\$($1)}g; # unprotect $(...) return $arg; } =item replace_manpage_separator my $man_name = $MM->replace_manpage_separator($file_path); Takes the name of a package, which may be a nested package, in the form 'Foo/Bar.pm' and replaces the slash with C<::> or something else safe for a man page file name. Returns the replacement. =cut sub replace_manpage_separator { my($self,$man) = @_; $man =~ s,/+,::,g; return $man; } =item cd =cut sub cd { my($self, $dir, @cmds) = @_; # No leading tab and no trailing newline makes for easier embedding my $make_frag = join "\n\t", map { "cd $dir && $_" } @cmds; return $make_frag; } =item oneliner =cut sub oneliner { my($self, $cmd, $switches) = @_; $switches = [] unless defined $switches; # Strip leading and trailing newlines $cmd =~ s{^\n+}{}; $cmd =~ s{\n+$}{}; my @cmds = split /\n/, $cmd; $cmd = join " \n\t -e ", map $self->quote_literal($_), @cmds; $cmd = $self->escape_newlines($cmd); $switches = join ' ', @$switches; return qq{\$(ABSPERLRUN) $switches -e $cmd --}; } =item quote_literal Quotes macro literal value suitable for being used on a command line so that when expanded by make, will be received by command as given to this method: my $quoted = $mm->quote_literal(q{it isn't}); # returns: # 'it isn'\''t' print MAKEFILE "target:\n\techo $quoted\n"; # when run "make target", will output: # it isn't =cut sub quote_literal { my($self, $text, $opts) = @_; $opts->{allow_variables} = 1 unless defined $opts->{allow_variables}; # Quote single quotes $text =~ s{'}{'\\''}g; $text = $opts->{allow_variables} ? $self->escape_dollarsigns($text) : $self->escape_all_dollarsigns($text); return "'$text'"; } =item escape_newlines =cut sub escape_newlines { my($self, $text) = @_; $text =~ s{\n}{\\\n}g; return $text; } =item max_exec_len Using POSIX::ARG_MAX. Otherwise falling back to 4096. =cut sub max_exec_len { my $self = shift; if (!defined $self->{_MAX_EXEC_LEN}) { if (my $arg_max = eval { require POSIX; &POSIX::ARG_MAX }) { $self->{_MAX_EXEC_LEN} = $arg_max; } else { # POSIX minimum exec size $self->{_MAX_EXEC_LEN} = 4096; } } return $self->{_MAX_EXEC_LEN}; } =item static (o) Defines the static target. =cut sub static { # --- Static Loading Sections --- my($self) = shift; ' ## $(INST_PM) has been moved to the all: target. ## It remains here for awhile to allow for old usage: "make static" static :: $(FIRST_MAKEFILE) $(INST_STATIC) $(NOECHO) $(NOOP) '; } sub static_lib { my($self) = @_; return '' unless $self->has_link_code; my(@m); my @libs; if ($self->{XSMULTI}) { for my $ext ($self->_xs_list_basenames) { my ($v, $d, $f) = File::Spec->splitpath($ext); my @d = File::Spec->splitdir($d); shift @d if $d[0] eq 'lib'; my $instdir = $self->catdir('$(INST_ARCHLIB)', 'auto', @d, $f); my $instfile = $self->catfile($instdir, "$f\$(LIB_EXT)"); my $objfile = "$ext\$(OBJ_EXT)"; push @libs, [ $objfile, $instfile, $instdir ]; } } else { @libs = ([ qw($(OBJECT) $(INST_STATIC) $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)) ]); } push @m, map { $self->xs_make_static_lib(@$_); } @libs; join "\n", @m; } =item xs_make_static_lib Defines the recipes for the C<static_lib> section. =cut sub xs_make_static_lib { my ($self, $from, $to, $todir) = @_; my @m = sprintf '%s: %s $(MYEXTLIB) %s$(DFSEP).exists'."\n", $to, $from, $todir; push @m, "\t\$(RM_F) \"\$\@\"\n"; push @m, $self->static_lib_fixtures; push @m, $self->static_lib_pure_cmd($from); push @m, "\t\$(CHMOD) \$(PERM_RWX) \$\@\n"; push @m, $self->static_lib_closures($todir); join '', @m; } =item static_lib_closures Records C<$(EXTRALIBS)> in F<extralibs.ld> and F<$(PERL_SRC)/ext.libs>. =cut sub static_lib_closures { my ($self, $todir) = @_; my @m = sprintf <<'MAKE_FRAG', $todir; $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) "$(EXTRALIBS)" > %s$(DFSEP)extralibs.ld MAKE_FRAG # Old mechanism - still available: push @m, <<'MAKE_FRAG' if $self->{PERL_SRC} && $self->{EXTRALIBS}; $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) "$(EXTRALIBS)" >> $(PERL_SRC)$(DFSEP)ext.libs MAKE_FRAG @m; } =item static_lib_fixtures Handles copying C<$(MYEXTLIB)> as starter for final static library that then gets added to. =cut sub static_lib_fixtures { my ($self) = @_; # If this extension has its own library (eg SDBM_File) # then copy that to $(INST_STATIC) and add $(OBJECT) into it. return unless $self->{MYEXTLIB}; "\t\$(CP) \$(MYEXTLIB) \"\$\@\"\n"; } =item static_lib_pure_cmd Defines how to run the archive utility. =cut sub static_lib_pure_cmd { my ($self, $from) = @_; my $ar; if (exists $self->{FULL_AR} && -x $self->{FULL_AR}) { # Prefer the absolute pathed ar if available so that PATH # doesn't confuse us. Perl itself is built with the full_ar. $ar = 'FULL_AR'; } else { $ar = 'AR'; } sprintf <<'MAKE_FRAG', $ar, $from; $(%s) $(AR_STATIC_ARGS) "$@" %s $(RANLIB) "$@" MAKE_FRAG } =item staticmake (o) Calls makeaperl. =cut sub staticmake { my($self, %attribs) = @_; my(@static); my(@searchdirs)=($self->{PERL_ARCHLIB}, $self->{SITEARCHEXP}, $self->{INST_ARCHLIB}); # And as it's not yet built, we add the current extension # but only if it has some C code (or XS code, which implies C code) if (@{$self->{C}}) { @static = $self->catfile($self->{INST_ARCHLIB}, "auto", $self->{FULLEXT}, "$self->{BASEEXT}$self->{LIB_EXT}" ); } # Either we determine now, which libraries we will produce in the # subdirectories or we do it at runtime of the make. # We could ask all subdir objects, but I cannot imagine, why it # would be necessary. # Instead we determine all libraries for the new perl at # runtime. my(@perlinc) = ($self->{INST_ARCHLIB}, $self->{INST_LIB}, $self->{PERL_ARCHLIB}, $self->{PERL_LIB}); $self->makeaperl(MAKE => $self->{MAKEFILE}, DIRS => \@searchdirs, STAT => \@static, INCL => \@perlinc, TARGET => $self->{MAP_TARGET}, TMP => "", LIBPERL => $self->{LIBPERL_A} ); } =item subdir_x (o) Helper subroutine for subdirs =cut sub subdir_x { my($self, $subdir) = @_; my $subdir_cmd = $self->cd($subdir, '$(MAKE) $(USEMAKEFILE) $(FIRST_MAKEFILE) all $(PASTHRU)' ); return sprintf <<'EOT', $subdir_cmd; subdirs :: $(NOECHO) %s EOT } =item subdirs (o) Defines targets to process subdirectories. =cut sub subdirs { # --- Sub-directory Sections --- my($self) = shift; my(@m); # This method provides a mechanism to automatically deal with # subdirectories containing further Makefile.PL scripts. # It calls the subdir_x() method for each subdirectory. foreach my $dir (@{$self->{DIR}}){ push @m, $self->subdir_x($dir); #### print "Including $dir subdirectory\n"; } if (@m){ unshift @m, <<'EOF'; # The default clean, realclean and test targets in this Makefile # have automatically been given entries for each subdir. EOF } else { push(@m, "\n# none") } join('',@m); } =item test (o) Defines the test targets. =cut sub test { my($self, %attribs) = @_; my $tests = $attribs{TESTS} || ''; if (!$tests && -d 't' && defined $attribs{RECURSIVE_TEST_FILES}) { $tests = $self->find_tests_recursive; } elsif (!$tests && -d 't') { $tests = $self->find_tests; } # have to do this because nmake is broken $tests =~ s!/!\\!g if $self->is_make_type('nmake'); # note: 'test.pl' name is also hardcoded in init_dirscan() my @m; my $default_testtype = $Config{usedl} ? 'dynamic' : 'static'; push @m, <<EOF; TEST_VERBOSE=0 TEST_TYPE=test_\$(LINKTYPE) TEST_FILE = test.pl TEST_FILES = $tests TESTDB_SW = -d testdb :: testdb_\$(LINKTYPE) \$(NOECHO) \$(NOOP) test :: \$(TEST_TYPE) \$(NOECHO) \$(NOOP) # Occasionally we may face this degenerate target: test_ : test_$default_testtype \$(NOECHO) \$(NOOP) EOF for my $linktype (qw(dynamic static)) { my $directdeps = join ' ', grep !$self->{SKIPHASH}{$_}, $linktype, "pure_all"; # no depend on a linktype if SKIPped push @m, "subdirs-test_$linktype :: $directdeps\n"; foreach my $dir (@{ $self->{DIR} }) { my $test = $self->cd($dir, "\$(MAKE) test_$linktype \$(PASTHRU)"); push @m, "\t\$(NOECHO) $test\n"; } push @m, "\n"; if ($tests or -f "test.pl") { for my $testspec ([ '', '' ], [ 'db', ' $(TESTDB_SW)' ]) { my ($db, $switch) = @$testspec; my ($command, $deps); # if testdb, build all but don't test all $deps = $db eq 'db' ? $directdeps : "subdirs-test_$linktype"; if ($linktype eq 'static' and $self->needs_linking) { my $target = File::Spec->rel2abs('$(MAP_TARGET)'); $command = qq{"$target" \$(MAP_PERLINC)}; $deps .= ' $(MAP_TARGET)'; } else { $command = '$(FULLPERLRUN)' . $switch; } push @m, "test${db}_$linktype :: $deps\n"; if ($db eq 'db') { push @m, $self->test_via_script($command, '$(TEST_FILE)') } else { push @m, $self->test_via_script($command, '$(TEST_FILE)') if -f "test.pl"; push @m, $self->test_via_harness($command, '$(TEST_FILES)') if $tests; } push @m, "\n"; } } else { push @m, _sprintf562 <<'EOF', $linktype; testdb_%1$s test_%1$s :: subdirs-test_%1$s $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) 'No tests defined for $(NAME) extension.' EOF } } join "", @m; } =item test_via_harness (override) For some reason which I forget, Unix machines like to have PERL_DL_NONLAZY set for tests. =cut sub test_via_harness { my($self, $perl, $tests) = @_; return $self->SUPER::test_via_harness("PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 $perl", $tests); } =item test_via_script (override) Again, the PERL_DL_NONLAZY thing. =cut sub test_via_script { my($self, $perl, $script) = @_; return $self->SUPER::test_via_script("PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 $perl", $script); } =item tool_xsubpp (o) Determines typemaps, xsubpp version, prototype behaviour. =cut sub tool_xsubpp { my($self) = shift; return "" unless $self->needs_linking; my $xsdir; my @xsubpp_dirs = @INC; # Make sure we pick up the new xsubpp if we're building perl. unshift @xsubpp_dirs, $self->{PERL_LIB} if $self->{PERL_CORE}; my $foundxsubpp = 0; foreach my $dir (@xsubpp_dirs) { $xsdir = $self->catdir($dir, 'ExtUtils'); if( -r $self->catfile($xsdir, "xsubpp") ) { $foundxsubpp = 1; last; } } die "ExtUtils::MM_Unix::tool_xsubpp : Can't find xsubpp" if !$foundxsubpp; my $tmdir = $self->catdir($self->{PERL_LIB},"ExtUtils"); my(@tmdeps) = $self->catfile($tmdir,'typemap'); if( $self->{TYPEMAPS} ){ foreach my $typemap (@{$self->{TYPEMAPS}}){ if( ! -f $typemap ) { warn "Typemap $typemap not found.\n"; } else { $typemap = vmsify($typemap) if $Is{VMS}; push(@tmdeps, $typemap); } } } push(@tmdeps, "typemap") if -f "typemap"; # absolutised because with deep-located typemaps, eg "lib/XS/typemap", # if xsubpp is called from top level with # $(XSUBPP) ... -typemap "lib/XS/typemap" "lib/XS/Test.xs" # it says: # Can't find lib/XS/type map in (fulldir)/lib/XS # because ExtUtils::ParseXS::process_file chdir's to .xs file's # location. This is the only way to get all specified typemaps used, # wherever located. my @tmargs = map { '-typemap '.$self->quote_literal(File::Spec->rel2abs($_)) } @tmdeps; $_ = $self->quote_dep($_) for @tmdeps; if( exists $self->{XSOPT} ){ unshift( @tmargs, $self->{XSOPT} ); } if ($Is{VMS} && $Config{'ldflags'} && $Config{'ldflags'} =~ m!/Debug!i && (!exists($self->{XSOPT}) || $self->{XSOPT} !~ /linenumbers/) ) { unshift(@tmargs,'-nolinenumbers'); } $self->{XSPROTOARG} = "" unless defined $self->{XSPROTOARG}; my $xsdirdep = $self->quote_dep($xsdir); # -dep for use when dependency not command return qq{ XSUBPPDIR = $xsdir XSUBPP = "\$(XSUBPPDIR)\$(DFSEP)xsubpp" XSUBPPRUN = \$(PERLRUN) \$(XSUBPP) XSPROTOARG = $self->{XSPROTOARG} XSUBPPDEPS = @tmdeps $xsdirdep\$(DFSEP)xsubpp XSUBPPARGS = @tmargs XSUBPP_EXTRA_ARGS = }; } =item all_target Build man pages, too =cut sub all_target { my $self = shift; return <<'MAKE_EXT'; all :: pure_all manifypods $(NOECHO) $(NOOP) MAKE_EXT } =item top_targets (o) Defines the targets all, subdirs, config, and O_FILES =cut sub top_targets { # --- Target Sections --- my($self) = shift; my(@m); push @m, $self->all_target, "\n" unless $self->{SKIPHASH}{'all'}; push @m, sprintf <<'EOF'; pure_all :: config pm_to_blib subdirs linkext $(NOECHO) $(NOOP) $(NOECHO) $(NOOP) subdirs :: $(MYEXTLIB) $(NOECHO) $(NOOP) config :: $(FIRST_MAKEFILE) blibdirs $(NOECHO) $(NOOP) EOF push @m, ' $(O_FILES) : $(H_FILES) ' if @{$self->{O_FILES} || []} && @{$self->{H} || []}; push @m, q{ help : perldoc ExtUtils::MakeMaker }; join('',@m); } =item writedoc Obsolete, deprecated method. Not used since Version 5.21. =cut sub writedoc { # --- perllocal.pod section --- my($self,$what,$name,@attribs)=@_; my $time = gmtime($ENV{SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH} || time); print "=head2 $time: $what C<$name>\n\n=over 4\n\n=item *\n\n"; print join "\n\n=item *\n\n", map("C<$_>",@attribs); print "\n\n=back\n\n"; } =item xs_c (o) Defines the suffix rules to compile XS files to C. =cut sub xs_c { my($self) = shift; return '' unless $self->needs_linking(); ' .xs.c: $(XSUBPPRUN) $(XSPROTOARG) $(XSUBPPARGS) $(XSUBPP_EXTRA_ARGS) $*.xs > $*.xsc $(MV) $*.xsc $*.c '; } =item xs_cpp (o) Defines the suffix rules to compile XS files to C++. =cut sub xs_cpp { my($self) = shift; return '' unless $self->needs_linking(); ' .xs.cpp: $(XSUBPPRUN) $(XSPROTOARG) $(XSUBPPARGS) $*.xs > $*.xsc $(MV) $*.xsc $*.cpp '; } =item xs_o (o) Defines suffix rules to go from XS to object files directly. This was originally only intended for broken make implementations, but is now necessary for per-XS file under C<XSMULTI>, since each XS file might have an individual C<$(VERSION)>. =cut sub xs_o { my ($self) = @_; return '' unless $self->needs_linking(); my $m_o = $self->{XSMULTI} ? $self->xs_obj_opt('$*$(OBJ_EXT)') : ''; my $dbgout = $self->dbgoutflag; $dbgout = $dbgout ? "$dbgout " : ''; my $frag = ''; # dmake makes noise about ambiguous rule $frag .= sprintf <<'EOF', $dbgout, $m_o unless $self->is_make_type('dmake'); .xs$(OBJ_EXT) : $(XSUBPPRUN) $(XSPROTOARG) $(XSUBPPARGS) $*.xs > $*.xsc $(MV) $*.xsc $*.c $(CCCMD) $(CCCDLFLAGS) "-I$(PERL_INC)" $(PASTHRU_DEFINE) $(DEFINE) %s$*.c %s EOF if ($self->{XSMULTI}) { for my $ext ($self->_xs_list_basenames) { my $pmfile = "$ext.pm"; croak "$ext.xs has no matching $pmfile: $!" unless -f $pmfile; my $version = $self->parse_version($pmfile); my $cccmd = $self->{CONST_CCCMD}; $cccmd =~ s/^\s*CCCMD\s*=\s*//; $cccmd =~ s/\$\(DEFINE_VERSION\)/-DVERSION=\\"$version\\"/; $cccmd =~ s/\$\(XS_DEFINE_VERSION\)/-DXS_VERSION=\\"$version\\"/; $self->_xsbuild_replace_macro($cccmd, 'xs', $ext, 'INC'); my $define = '$(DEFINE)'; $self->_xsbuild_replace_macro($define, 'xs', $ext, 'DEFINE'); # 1 2 3 4 5 $frag .= _sprintf562 <<'EOF', $ext, $cccmd, $m_o, $define, $dbgout; %1$s$(OBJ_EXT): %1$s.xs $(XSUBPPRUN) $(XSPROTOARG) $(XSUBPPARGS) $*.xs > $*.xsc $(MV) $*.xsc $*.c %2$s $(CCCDLFLAGS) "-I$(PERL_INC)" $(PASTHRU_DEFINE) %4$s %5$s$*.c %3$s EOF } } $frag; } # param gets modified sub _xsbuild_replace_macro { my ($self, undef, $xstype, $ext, $varname) = @_; my $value = $self->_xsbuild_value($xstype, $ext, $varname); return unless defined $value; $_[1] =~ s/\$\($varname\)/$value/; } sub _xsbuild_value { my ($self, $xstype, $ext, $varname) = @_; return $self->{XSBUILD}{$xstype}{$ext}{$varname} if $self->{XSBUILD}{$xstype}{$ext}{$varname}; return $self->{XSBUILD}{$xstype}{all}{$varname} if $self->{XSBUILD}{$xstype}{all}{$varname}; (); } 1; =back =head1 SEE ALSO L<ExtUtils::MakeMaker> =cut __END__
{'repo_name': 'perl11/cperl', 'stars': '121', 'repo_language': 'Perl', 'file_name': 'warp', 'mime_type': 'text/x-shellscript', 'hash': -4840608817760825014, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
//===- RegisterCoalescer.cpp - Generic Register Coalescing Interface ------===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // This file implements the generic RegisterCoalescer interface which // is used as the common interface used by all clients and // implementations of register coalescing. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "RegisterCoalescer.h" #include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h" #include "llvm/ADT/BitVector.h" #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h" #include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h" #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h" #include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h" #include "llvm/Analysis/AliasAnalysis.h" #include "llvm/CodeGen/LiveInterval.h" #include "llvm/CodeGen/LiveIntervals.h" #include "llvm/CodeGen/LiveRangeEdit.h" #include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineBasicBlock.h" #include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunction.h" #include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunctionPass.h" #include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstr.h" #include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstrBuilder.h" #include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineLoopInfo.h" #include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineOperand.h" #include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineRegisterInfo.h" #include "llvm/CodeGen/Passes.h" #include "llvm/CodeGen/RegisterClassInfo.h" #include "llvm/CodeGen/SlotIndexes.h" #include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetInstrInfo.h" #include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetOpcodes.h" #include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetRegisterInfo.h" #include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetSubtargetInfo.h" #include "llvm/IR/DebugLoc.h" #include "llvm/MC/LaneBitmask.h" #include "llvm/MC/MCInstrDesc.h" #include "llvm/MC/MCRegisterInfo.h" #include "llvm/Pass.h" #include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h" #include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h" #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h" #include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h" #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h" #include <algorithm> #include <cassert> #include <iterator> #include <limits> #include <tuple> #include <utility> #include <vector> using namespace llvm; #define DEBUG_TYPE "regalloc" STATISTIC(numJoins , "Number of interval joins performed"); STATISTIC(numCrossRCs , "Number of cross class joins performed"); STATISTIC(numCommutes , "Number of instruction commuting performed"); STATISTIC(numExtends , "Number of copies extended"); STATISTIC(NumReMats , "Number of instructions re-materialized"); STATISTIC(NumInflated , "Number of register classes inflated"); STATISTIC(NumLaneConflicts, "Number of dead lane conflicts tested"); STATISTIC(NumLaneResolves, "Number of dead lane conflicts resolved"); static cl::opt<bool> EnableJoining("join-liveintervals", cl::desc("Coalesce copies (default=true)"), cl::init(true), cl::Hidden); static cl::opt<bool> UseTerminalRule("terminal-rule", cl::desc("Apply the terminal rule"), cl::init(false), cl::Hidden); /// Temporary flag to test critical edge unsplitting. static cl::opt<bool> EnableJoinSplits("join-splitedges", cl::desc("Coalesce copies on split edges (default=subtarget)"), cl::Hidden); /// Temporary flag to test global copy optimization. static cl::opt<cl::boolOrDefault> EnableGlobalCopies("join-globalcopies", cl::desc("Coalesce copies that span blocks (default=subtarget)"), cl::init(cl::BOU_UNSET), cl::Hidden); static cl::opt<bool> VerifyCoalescing("verify-coalescing", cl::desc("Verify machine instrs before and after register coalescing"), cl::Hidden); namespace { class RegisterCoalescer : public MachineFunctionPass, private LiveRangeEdit::Delegate { MachineFunction* MF; MachineRegisterInfo* MRI; const TargetRegisterInfo* TRI; const TargetInstrInfo* TII; LiveIntervals *LIS; const MachineLoopInfo* Loops; AliasAnalysis *AA; RegisterClassInfo RegClassInfo; /// A LaneMask to remember on which subregister live ranges we need to call /// shrinkToUses() later. LaneBitmask ShrinkMask; /// True if the main range of the currently coalesced intervals should be /// checked for smaller live intervals. bool ShrinkMainRange; /// True if the coalescer should aggressively coalesce global copies /// in favor of keeping local copies. bool JoinGlobalCopies; /// True if the coalescer should aggressively coalesce fall-thru /// blocks exclusively containing copies. bool JoinSplitEdges; /// Copy instructions yet to be coalesced. SmallVector<MachineInstr*, 8> WorkList; SmallVector<MachineInstr*, 8> LocalWorkList; /// Set of instruction pointers that have been erased, and /// that may be present in WorkList. SmallPtrSet<MachineInstr*, 8> ErasedInstrs; /// Dead instructions that are about to be deleted. SmallVector<MachineInstr*, 8> DeadDefs; /// Virtual registers to be considered for register class inflation. SmallVector<unsigned, 8> InflateRegs; /// Recursively eliminate dead defs in DeadDefs. void eliminateDeadDefs(); /// LiveRangeEdit callback for eliminateDeadDefs(). void LRE_WillEraseInstruction(MachineInstr *MI) override; /// Coalesce the LocalWorkList. void coalesceLocals(); /// Join compatible live intervals void joinAllIntervals(); /// Coalesce copies in the specified MBB, putting /// copies that cannot yet be coalesced into WorkList. void copyCoalesceInMBB(MachineBasicBlock *MBB); /// Tries to coalesce all copies in CurrList. Returns true if any progress /// was made. bool copyCoalesceWorkList(MutableArrayRef<MachineInstr*> CurrList); /// Attempt to join intervals corresponding to SrcReg/DstReg, which are the /// src/dst of the copy instruction CopyMI. This returns true if the copy /// was successfully coalesced away. If it is not currently possible to /// coalesce this interval, but it may be possible if other things get /// coalesced, then it returns true by reference in 'Again'. bool joinCopy(MachineInstr *CopyMI, bool &Again); /// Attempt to join these two intervals. On failure, this /// returns false. The output "SrcInt" will not have been modified, so we /// can use this information below to update aliases. bool joinIntervals(CoalescerPair &CP); /// Attempt joining two virtual registers. Return true on success. bool joinVirtRegs(CoalescerPair &CP); /// Attempt joining with a reserved physreg. bool joinReservedPhysReg(CoalescerPair &CP); /// Add the LiveRange @p ToMerge as a subregister liverange of @p LI. /// Subranges in @p LI which only partially interfere with the desired /// LaneMask are split as necessary. @p LaneMask are the lanes that /// @p ToMerge will occupy in the coalescer register. @p LI has its subrange /// lanemasks already adjusted to the coalesced register. void mergeSubRangeInto(LiveInterval &LI, const LiveRange &ToMerge, LaneBitmask LaneMask, CoalescerPair &CP); /// Join the liveranges of two subregisters. Joins @p RRange into /// @p LRange, @p RRange may be invalid afterwards. void joinSubRegRanges(LiveRange &LRange, LiveRange &RRange, LaneBitmask LaneMask, const CoalescerPair &CP); /// We found a non-trivially-coalescable copy. If the source value number is /// defined by a copy from the destination reg see if we can merge these two /// destination reg valno# into a single value number, eliminating a copy. /// This returns true if an interval was modified. bool adjustCopiesBackFrom(const CoalescerPair &CP, MachineInstr *CopyMI); /// Return true if there are definitions of IntB /// other than BValNo val# that can reach uses of AValno val# of IntA. bool hasOtherReachingDefs(LiveInterval &IntA, LiveInterval &IntB, VNInfo *AValNo, VNInfo *BValNo); /// We found a non-trivially-coalescable copy. /// If the source value number is defined by a commutable instruction and /// its other operand is coalesced to the copy dest register, see if we /// can transform the copy into a noop by commuting the definition. /// This returns true if an interval was modified. bool removeCopyByCommutingDef(const CoalescerPair &CP,MachineInstr *CopyMI); /// We found a copy which can be moved to its less frequent predecessor. bool removePartialRedundancy(const CoalescerPair &CP, MachineInstr &CopyMI); /// If the source of a copy is defined by a /// trivial computation, replace the copy by rematerialize the definition. bool reMaterializeTrivialDef(const CoalescerPair &CP, MachineInstr *CopyMI, bool &IsDefCopy); /// Return true if a copy involving a physreg should be joined. bool canJoinPhys(const CoalescerPair &CP); /// Replace all defs and uses of SrcReg to DstReg and update the subregister /// number if it is not zero. If DstReg is a physical register and the /// existing subregister number of the def / use being updated is not zero, /// make sure to set it to the correct physical subregister. void updateRegDefsUses(unsigned SrcReg, unsigned DstReg, unsigned SubIdx); /// If the given machine operand reads only undefined lanes add an undef /// flag. /// This can happen when undef uses were previously concealed by a copy /// which we coalesced. Example: /// %0:sub0<def,read-undef> = ... /// %1 = COPY %0 <-- Coalescing COPY reveals undef /// = use %1:sub1 <-- hidden undef use void addUndefFlag(const LiveInterval &Int, SlotIndex UseIdx, MachineOperand &MO, unsigned SubRegIdx); /// Handle copies of undef values. If the undef value is an incoming /// PHI value, it will convert @p CopyMI to an IMPLICIT_DEF. /// Returns nullptr if @p CopyMI was not in any way eliminable. Otherwise, /// it returns @p CopyMI (which could be an IMPLICIT_DEF at this point). MachineInstr *eliminateUndefCopy(MachineInstr *CopyMI); /// Check whether or not we should apply the terminal rule on the /// destination (Dst) of \p Copy. /// When the terminal rule applies, Copy is not profitable to /// coalesce. /// Dst is terminal if it has exactly one affinity (Dst, Src) and /// at least one interference (Dst, Dst2). If Dst is terminal, the /// terminal rule consists in checking that at least one of /// interfering node, say Dst2, has an affinity of equal or greater /// weight with Src. /// In that case, Dst2 and Dst will not be able to be both coalesced /// with Src. Since Dst2 exposes more coalescing opportunities than /// Dst, we can drop \p Copy. bool applyTerminalRule(const MachineInstr &Copy) const; /// Wrapper method for \see LiveIntervals::shrinkToUses. /// This method does the proper fixing of the live-ranges when the afore /// mentioned method returns true. void shrinkToUses(LiveInterval *LI, SmallVectorImpl<MachineInstr * > *Dead = nullptr) { if (LIS->shrinkToUses(LI, Dead)) { /// Check whether or not \p LI is composed by multiple connected /// components and if that is the case, fix that. SmallVector<LiveInterval*, 8> SplitLIs; LIS->splitSeparateComponents(*LI, SplitLIs); } } /// Wrapper Method to do all the necessary work when an Instruction is /// deleted. /// Optimizations should use this to make sure that deleted instructions /// are always accounted for. void deleteInstr(MachineInstr* MI) { ErasedInstrs.insert(MI); LIS->RemoveMachineInstrFromMaps(*MI); MI->eraseFromParent(); } public: static char ID; ///< Class identification, replacement for typeinfo RegisterCoalescer() : MachineFunctionPass(ID) { initializeRegisterCoalescerPass(*PassRegistry::getPassRegistry()); } void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const override; void releaseMemory() override; /// This is the pass entry point. bool runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction&) override; /// Implement the dump method. void print(raw_ostream &O, const Module* = nullptr) const override; }; } // end anonymous namespace char RegisterCoalescer::ID = 0; char &llvm::RegisterCoalescerID = RegisterCoalescer::ID; INITIALIZE_PASS_BEGIN(RegisterCoalescer, "simple-register-coalescing", "Simple Register Coalescing", false, false) INITIALIZE_PASS_DEPENDENCY(LiveIntervals) INITIALIZE_PASS_DEPENDENCY(SlotIndexes) INITIALIZE_PASS_DEPENDENCY(MachineLoopInfo) INITIALIZE_PASS_DEPENDENCY(AAResultsWrapperPass) INITIALIZE_PASS_END(RegisterCoalescer, "simple-register-coalescing", "Simple Register Coalescing", false, false) static bool isMoveInstr(const TargetRegisterInfo &tri, const MachineInstr *MI, unsigned &Src, unsigned &Dst, unsigned &SrcSub, unsigned &DstSub) { if (MI->isCopy()) { Dst = MI->getOperand(0).getReg(); DstSub = MI->getOperand(0).getSubReg(); Src = MI->getOperand(1).getReg(); SrcSub = MI->getOperand(1).getSubReg(); } else if (MI->isSubregToReg()) { Dst = MI->getOperand(0).getReg(); DstSub = tri.composeSubRegIndices(MI->getOperand(0).getSubReg(), MI->getOperand(3).getImm()); Src = MI->getOperand(2).getReg(); SrcSub = MI->getOperand(2).getSubReg(); } else return false; return true; } /// Return true if this block should be vacated by the coalescer to eliminate /// branches. The important cases to handle in the coalescer are critical edges /// split during phi elimination which contain only copies. Simple blocks that /// contain non-branches should also be vacated, but this can be handled by an /// earlier pass similar to early if-conversion. static bool isSplitEdge(const MachineBasicBlock *MBB) { if (MBB->pred_size() != 1 || MBB->succ_size() != 1) return false; for (const auto &MI : *MBB) { if (!MI.isCopyLike() && !MI.isUnconditionalBranch()) return false; } return true; } bool CoalescerPair::setRegisters(const MachineInstr *MI) { SrcReg = DstReg = 0; SrcIdx = DstIdx = 0; NewRC = nullptr; Flipped = CrossClass = false; unsigned Src, Dst, SrcSub, DstSub; if (!isMoveInstr(TRI, MI, Src, Dst, SrcSub, DstSub)) return false; Partial = SrcSub || DstSub; // If one register is a physreg, it must be Dst. if (TargetRegisterInfo::isPhysicalRegister(Src)) { if (TargetRegisterInfo::isPhysicalRegister(Dst)) return false; std::swap(Src, Dst); std::swap(SrcSub, DstSub); Flipped = true; } const MachineRegisterInfo &MRI = MI->getMF()->getRegInfo(); if (TargetRegisterInfo::isPhysicalRegister(Dst)) { // Eliminate DstSub on a physreg. if (DstSub) { Dst = TRI.getSubReg(Dst, DstSub); if (!Dst) return false; DstSub = 0; } // Eliminate SrcSub by picking a corresponding Dst superregister. if (SrcSub) { Dst = TRI.getMatchingSuperReg(Dst, SrcSub, MRI.getRegClass(Src)); if (!Dst) return false; } else if (!MRI.getRegClass(Src)->contains(Dst)) { return false; } } else { // Both registers are virtual. const TargetRegisterClass *SrcRC = MRI.getRegClass(Src); const TargetRegisterClass *DstRC = MRI.getRegClass(Dst); // Both registers have subreg indices. if (SrcSub && DstSub) { // Copies between different sub-registers are never coalescable. if (Src == Dst && SrcSub != DstSub) return false; NewRC = TRI.getCommonSuperRegClass(SrcRC, SrcSub, DstRC, DstSub, SrcIdx, DstIdx); if (!NewRC) return false; } else if (DstSub) { // SrcReg will be merged with a sub-register of DstReg. SrcIdx = DstSub; NewRC = TRI.getMatchingSuperRegClass(DstRC, SrcRC, DstSub); } else if (SrcSub) { // DstReg will be merged with a sub-register of SrcReg. DstIdx = SrcSub; NewRC = TRI.getMatchingSuperRegClass(SrcRC, DstRC, SrcSub); } else { // This is a straight copy without sub-registers. NewRC = TRI.getCommonSubClass(DstRC, SrcRC); } // The combined constraint may be impossible to satisfy. if (!NewRC) return false; // Prefer SrcReg to be a sub-register of DstReg. // FIXME: Coalescer should support subregs symmetrically. if (DstIdx && !SrcIdx) { std::swap(Src, Dst); std::swap(SrcIdx, DstIdx); Flipped = !Flipped; } CrossClass = NewRC != DstRC || NewRC != SrcRC; } // Check our invariants assert(TargetRegisterInfo::isVirtualRegister(Src) && "Src must be virtual"); assert(!(TargetRegisterInfo::isPhysicalRegister(Dst) && DstSub) && "Cannot have a physical SubIdx"); SrcReg = Src; DstReg = Dst; return true; } bool CoalescerPair::flip() { if (TargetRegisterInfo::isPhysicalRegister(DstReg)) return false; std::swap(SrcReg, DstReg); std::swap(SrcIdx, DstIdx); Flipped = !Flipped; return true; } bool CoalescerPair::isCoalescable(const MachineInstr *MI) const { if (!MI) return false; unsigned Src, Dst, SrcSub, DstSub; if (!isMoveInstr(TRI, MI, Src, Dst, SrcSub, DstSub)) return false; // Find the virtual register that is SrcReg. if (Dst == SrcReg) { std::swap(Src, Dst); std::swap(SrcSub, DstSub); } else if (Src != SrcReg) { return false; } // Now check that Dst matches DstReg. if (TargetRegisterInfo::isPhysicalRegister(DstReg)) { if (!TargetRegisterInfo::isPhysicalRegister(Dst)) return false; assert(!DstIdx && !SrcIdx && "Inconsistent CoalescerPair state."); // DstSub could be set for a physreg from INSERT_SUBREG. if (DstSub) Dst = TRI.getSubReg(Dst, DstSub); // Full copy of Src. if (!SrcSub) return DstReg == Dst; // This is a partial register copy. Check that the parts match. return TRI.getSubReg(DstReg, SrcSub) == Dst; } else { // DstReg is virtual. if (DstReg != Dst) return false; // Registers match, do the subregisters line up? return TRI.composeSubRegIndices(SrcIdx, SrcSub) == TRI.composeSubRegIndices(DstIdx, DstSub); } } void RegisterCoalescer::getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const { AU.setPreservesCFG(); AU.addRequired<AAResultsWrapperPass>(); AU.addRequired<LiveIntervals>(); AU.addPreserved<LiveIntervals>(); AU.addPreserved<SlotIndexes>(); AU.addRequired<MachineLoopInfo>(); AU.addPreserved<MachineLoopInfo>(); AU.addPreservedID(MachineDominatorsID); MachineFunctionPass::getAnalysisUsage(AU); } void RegisterCoalescer::eliminateDeadDefs() { SmallVector<unsigned, 8> NewRegs; LiveRangeEdit(nullptr, NewRegs, *MF, *LIS, nullptr, this).eliminateDeadDefs(DeadDefs); } void RegisterCoalescer::LRE_WillEraseInstruction(MachineInstr *MI) { // MI may be in WorkList. Make sure we don't visit it. ErasedInstrs.insert(MI); } bool RegisterCoalescer::adjustCopiesBackFrom(const CoalescerPair &CP, MachineInstr *CopyMI) { assert(!CP.isPartial() && "This doesn't work for partial copies."); assert(!CP.isPhys() && "This doesn't work for physreg copies."); LiveInterval &IntA = LIS->getInterval(CP.isFlipped() ? CP.getDstReg() : CP.getSrcReg()); LiveInterval &IntB = LIS->getInterval(CP.isFlipped() ? CP.getSrcReg() : CP.getDstReg()); SlotIndex CopyIdx = LIS->getInstructionIndex(*CopyMI).getRegSlot(); // We have a non-trivially-coalescable copy with IntA being the source and // IntB being the dest, thus this defines a value number in IntB. If the // source value number (in IntA) is defined by a copy from B, see if we can // merge these two pieces of B into a single value number, eliminating a copy. // For example: // // A3 = B0 // ... // B1 = A3 <- this copy // // In this case, B0 can be extended to where the B1 copy lives, allowing the // B1 value number to be replaced with B0 (which simplifies the B // liveinterval). // BValNo is a value number in B that is defined by a copy from A. 'B1' in // the example above. LiveInterval::iterator BS = IntB.FindSegmentContaining(CopyIdx); if (BS == IntB.end()) return false; VNInfo *BValNo = BS->valno; // Get the location that B is defined at. Two options: either this value has // an unknown definition point or it is defined at CopyIdx. If unknown, we // can't process it. if (BValNo->def != CopyIdx) return false; // AValNo is the value number in A that defines the copy, A3 in the example. SlotIndex CopyUseIdx = CopyIdx.getRegSlot(true); LiveInterval::iterator AS = IntA.FindSegmentContaining(CopyUseIdx); // The live segment might not exist after fun with physreg coalescing. if (AS == IntA.end()) return false; VNInfo *AValNo = AS->valno; // If AValNo is defined as a copy from IntB, we can potentially process this. // Get the instruction that defines this value number. MachineInstr *ACopyMI = LIS->getInstructionFromIndex(AValNo->def); // Don't allow any partial copies, even if isCoalescable() allows them. if (!CP.isCoalescable(ACopyMI) || !ACopyMI->isFullCopy()) return false; // Get the Segment in IntB that this value number starts with. LiveInterval::iterator ValS = IntB.FindSegmentContaining(AValNo->def.getPrevSlot()); if (ValS == IntB.end()) return false; // Make sure that the end of the live segment is inside the same block as // CopyMI. MachineInstr *ValSEndInst = LIS->getInstructionFromIndex(ValS->end.getPrevSlot()); if (!ValSEndInst || ValSEndInst->getParent() != CopyMI->getParent()) return false; // Okay, we now know that ValS ends in the same block that the CopyMI // live-range starts. If there are no intervening live segments between them // in IntB, we can merge them. if (ValS+1 != BS) return false; LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Extending: " << printReg(IntB.reg, TRI)); SlotIndex FillerStart = ValS->end, FillerEnd = BS->start; // We are about to delete CopyMI, so need to remove it as the 'instruction // that defines this value #'. Update the valnum with the new defining // instruction #. BValNo->def = FillerStart; // Okay, we can merge them. We need to insert a new liverange: // [ValS.end, BS.begin) of either value number, then we merge the // two value numbers. IntB.addSegment(LiveInterval::Segment(FillerStart, FillerEnd, BValNo)); // Okay, merge "B1" into the same value number as "B0". if (BValNo != ValS->valno) IntB.MergeValueNumberInto(BValNo, ValS->valno); // Do the same for the subregister segments. for (LiveInterval::SubRange &S : IntB.subranges()) { // Check for SubRange Segments of the form [1234r,1234d:0) which can be // removed to prevent creating bogus SubRange Segments. LiveInterval::iterator SS = S.FindSegmentContaining(CopyIdx); if (SS != S.end() && SlotIndex::isSameInstr(SS->start, SS->end)) { S.removeSegment(*SS, true); continue; } VNInfo *SubBValNo = S.getVNInfoAt(CopyIdx); S.addSegment(LiveInterval::Segment(FillerStart, FillerEnd, SubBValNo)); VNInfo *SubValSNo = S.getVNInfoAt(AValNo->def.getPrevSlot()); if (SubBValNo != SubValSNo) S.MergeValueNumberInto(SubBValNo, SubValSNo); } LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << " result = " << IntB << '\n'); // If the source instruction was killing the source register before the // merge, unset the isKill marker given the live range has been extended. int UIdx = ValSEndInst->findRegisterUseOperandIdx(IntB.reg, true); if (UIdx != -1) { ValSEndInst->getOperand(UIdx).setIsKill(false); } // Rewrite the copy. CopyMI->substituteRegister(IntA.reg, IntB.reg, 0, *TRI); // If the copy instruction was killing the destination register or any // subrange before the merge trim the live range. bool RecomputeLiveRange = AS->end == CopyIdx; if (!RecomputeLiveRange) { for (LiveInterval::SubRange &S : IntA.subranges()) { LiveInterval::iterator SS = S.FindSegmentContaining(CopyUseIdx); if (SS != S.end() && SS->end == CopyIdx) { RecomputeLiveRange = true; break; } } } if (RecomputeLiveRange) shrinkToUses(&IntA); ++numExtends; return true; } bool RegisterCoalescer::hasOtherReachingDefs(LiveInterval &IntA, LiveInterval &IntB, VNInfo *AValNo, VNInfo *BValNo) { // If AValNo has PHI kills, conservatively assume that IntB defs can reach // the PHI values. if (LIS->hasPHIKill(IntA, AValNo)) return true; for (LiveRange::Segment &ASeg : IntA.segments) { if (ASeg.valno != AValNo) continue; LiveInterval::iterator BI = std::upper_bound(IntB.begin(), IntB.end(), ASeg.start); if (BI != IntB.begin()) --BI; for (; BI != IntB.end() && ASeg.end >= BI->start; ++BI) { if (BI->valno == BValNo) continue; if (BI->start <= ASeg.start && BI->end > ASeg.start) return true; if (BI->start > ASeg.start && BI->start < ASeg.end) return true; } } return false; } /// Copy segments with value number @p SrcValNo from liverange @p Src to live /// range @Dst and use value number @p DstValNo there. static void addSegmentsWithValNo(LiveRange &Dst, VNInfo *DstValNo, const LiveRange &Src, const VNInfo *SrcValNo) { for (const LiveRange::Segment &S : Src.segments) { if (S.valno != SrcValNo) continue; Dst.addSegment(LiveRange::Segment(S.start, S.end, DstValNo)); } } bool RegisterCoalescer::removeCopyByCommutingDef(const CoalescerPair &CP, MachineInstr *CopyMI) { assert(!CP.isPhys()); LiveInterval &IntA = LIS->getInterval(CP.isFlipped() ? CP.getDstReg() : CP.getSrcReg()); LiveInterval &IntB = LIS->getInterval(CP.isFlipped() ? CP.getSrcReg() : CP.getDstReg()); // We found a non-trivially-coalescable copy with IntA being the source and // IntB being the dest, thus this defines a value number in IntB. If the // source value number (in IntA) is defined by a commutable instruction and // its other operand is coalesced to the copy dest register, see if we can // transform the copy into a noop by commuting the definition. For example, // // A3 = op A2 killed B0 // ... // B1 = A3 <- this copy // ... // = op A3 <- more uses // // ==> // // B2 = op B0 killed A2 // ... // B1 = B2 <- now an identity copy // ... // = op B2 <- more uses // BValNo is a value number in B that is defined by a copy from A. 'B1' in // the example above. SlotIndex CopyIdx = LIS->getInstructionIndex(*CopyMI).getRegSlot(); VNInfo *BValNo = IntB.getVNInfoAt(CopyIdx); assert(BValNo != nullptr && BValNo->def == CopyIdx); // AValNo is the value number in A that defines the copy, A3 in the example. VNInfo *AValNo = IntA.getVNInfoAt(CopyIdx.getRegSlot(true)); assert(AValNo && !AValNo->isUnused() && "COPY source not live"); if (AValNo->isPHIDef()) return false; MachineInstr *DefMI = LIS->getInstructionFromIndex(AValNo->def); if (!DefMI) return false; if (!DefMI->isCommutable()) return false; // If DefMI is a two-address instruction then commuting it will change the // destination register. int DefIdx = DefMI->findRegisterDefOperandIdx(IntA.reg); assert(DefIdx != -1); unsigned UseOpIdx; if (!DefMI->isRegTiedToUseOperand(DefIdx, &UseOpIdx)) return false; // FIXME: The code below tries to commute 'UseOpIdx' operand with some other // commutable operand which is expressed by 'CommuteAnyOperandIndex'value // passed to the method. That _other_ operand is chosen by // the findCommutedOpIndices() method. // // That is obviously an area for improvement in case of instructions having // more than 2 operands. For example, if some instruction has 3 commutable // operands then all possible variants (i.e. op#1<->op#2, op#1<->op#3, // op#2<->op#3) of commute transformation should be considered/tried here. unsigned NewDstIdx = TargetInstrInfo::CommuteAnyOperandIndex; if (!TII->findCommutedOpIndices(*DefMI, UseOpIdx, NewDstIdx)) return false; MachineOperand &NewDstMO = DefMI->getOperand(NewDstIdx); unsigned NewReg = NewDstMO.getReg(); if (NewReg != IntB.reg || !IntB.Query(AValNo->def).isKill()) return false; // Make sure there are no other definitions of IntB that would reach the // uses which the new definition can reach. if (hasOtherReachingDefs(IntA, IntB, AValNo, BValNo)) return false; // If some of the uses of IntA.reg is already coalesced away, return false. // It's not possible to determine whether it's safe to perform the coalescing. for (MachineOperand &MO : MRI->use_nodbg_operands(IntA.reg)) { MachineInstr *UseMI = MO.getParent(); unsigned OpNo = &MO - &UseMI->getOperand(0); SlotIndex UseIdx = LIS->getInstructionIndex(*UseMI); LiveInterval::iterator US = IntA.FindSegmentContaining(UseIdx); if (US == IntA.end() || US->valno != AValNo) continue; // If this use is tied to a def, we can't rewrite the register. if (UseMI->isRegTiedToDefOperand(OpNo)) return false; } LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\tremoveCopyByCommutingDef: " << AValNo->def << '\t' << *DefMI); // At this point we have decided that it is legal to do this // transformation. Start by commuting the instruction. MachineBasicBlock *MBB = DefMI->getParent(); MachineInstr *NewMI = TII->commuteInstruction(*DefMI, false, UseOpIdx, NewDstIdx); if (!NewMI) return false; if (TargetRegisterInfo::isVirtualRegister(IntA.reg) && TargetRegisterInfo::isVirtualRegister(IntB.reg) && !MRI->constrainRegClass(IntB.reg, MRI->getRegClass(IntA.reg))) return false; if (NewMI != DefMI) { LIS->ReplaceMachineInstrInMaps(*DefMI, *NewMI); MachineBasicBlock::iterator Pos = DefMI; MBB->insert(Pos, NewMI); MBB->erase(DefMI); } // If ALR and BLR overlaps and end of BLR extends beyond end of ALR, e.g. // A = or A, B // ... // B = A // ... // C = killed A // ... // = B // Update uses of IntA of the specific Val# with IntB. for (MachineRegisterInfo::use_iterator UI = MRI->use_begin(IntA.reg), UE = MRI->use_end(); UI != UE; /* ++UI is below because of possible MI removal */) { MachineOperand &UseMO = *UI; ++UI; if (UseMO.isUndef()) continue; MachineInstr *UseMI = UseMO.getParent(); if (UseMI->isDebugValue()) { // FIXME These don't have an instruction index. Not clear we have enough // info to decide whether to do this replacement or not. For now do it. UseMO.setReg(NewReg); continue; } SlotIndex UseIdx = LIS->getInstructionIndex(*UseMI).getRegSlot(true); LiveInterval::iterator US = IntA.FindSegmentContaining(UseIdx); assert(US != IntA.end() && "Use must be live"); if (US->valno != AValNo) continue; // Kill flags are no longer accurate. They are recomputed after RA. UseMO.setIsKill(false); if (TargetRegisterInfo::isPhysicalRegister(NewReg)) UseMO.substPhysReg(NewReg, *TRI); else UseMO.setReg(NewReg); if (UseMI == CopyMI) continue; if (!UseMI->isCopy()) continue; if (UseMI->getOperand(0).getReg() != IntB.reg || UseMI->getOperand(0).getSubReg()) continue; // This copy will become a noop. If it's defining a new val#, merge it into // BValNo. SlotIndex DefIdx = UseIdx.getRegSlot(); VNInfo *DVNI = IntB.getVNInfoAt(DefIdx); if (!DVNI) continue; LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\t\tnoop: " << DefIdx << '\t' << *UseMI); assert(DVNI->def == DefIdx); BValNo = IntB.MergeValueNumberInto(DVNI, BValNo); for (LiveInterval::SubRange &S : IntB.subranges()) { VNInfo *SubDVNI = S.getVNInfoAt(DefIdx); if (!SubDVNI) continue; VNInfo *SubBValNo = S.getVNInfoAt(CopyIdx); assert(SubBValNo->def == CopyIdx); S.MergeValueNumberInto(SubDVNI, SubBValNo); } deleteInstr(UseMI); } // Extend BValNo by merging in IntA live segments of AValNo. Val# definition // is updated. BumpPtrAllocator &Allocator = LIS->getVNInfoAllocator(); if (IntB.hasSubRanges()) { if (!IntA.hasSubRanges()) { LaneBitmask Mask = MRI->getMaxLaneMaskForVReg(IntA.reg); IntA.createSubRangeFrom(Allocator, Mask, IntA); } SlotIndex AIdx = CopyIdx.getRegSlot(true); for (LiveInterval::SubRange &SA : IntA.subranges()) { VNInfo *ASubValNo = SA.getVNInfoAt(AIdx); assert(ASubValNo != nullptr); IntB.refineSubRanges(Allocator, SA.LaneMask, [&Allocator,&SA,CopyIdx,ASubValNo](LiveInterval::SubRange &SR) { VNInfo *BSubValNo = SR.empty() ? SR.getNextValue(CopyIdx, Allocator) : SR.getVNInfoAt(CopyIdx); assert(BSubValNo != nullptr); addSegmentsWithValNo(SR, BSubValNo, SA, ASubValNo); }); } } BValNo->def = AValNo->def; addSegmentsWithValNo(IntB, BValNo, IntA, AValNo); LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\t\textended: " << IntB << '\n'); LIS->removeVRegDefAt(IntA, AValNo->def); LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\t\ttrimmed: " << IntA << '\n'); ++numCommutes; return true; } /// For copy B = A in BB2, if A is defined by A = B in BB0 which is a /// predecessor of BB2, and if B is not redefined on the way from A = B /// in BB2 to B = A in BB2, B = A in BB2 is partially redundant if the /// execution goes through the path from BB0 to BB2. We may move B = A /// to the predecessor without such reversed copy. /// So we will transform the program from: /// BB0: /// A = B; BB1: /// ... ... /// / \ / /// BB2: /// ... /// B = A; /// /// to: /// /// BB0: BB1: /// A = B; ... /// ... B = A; /// / \ / /// BB2: /// ... /// /// A special case is when BB0 and BB2 are the same BB which is the only /// BB in a loop: /// BB1: /// ... /// BB0/BB2: ---- /// B = A; | /// ... | /// A = B; | /// |------- /// | /// We may hoist B = A from BB0/BB2 to BB1. /// /// The major preconditions for correctness to remove such partial /// redundancy include: /// 1. A in B = A in BB2 is defined by a PHI in BB2, and one operand of /// the PHI is defined by the reversed copy A = B in BB0. /// 2. No B is referenced from the start of BB2 to B = A. /// 3. No B is defined from A = B to the end of BB0. /// 4. BB1 has only one successor. /// /// 2 and 4 implicitly ensure B is not live at the end of BB1. /// 4 guarantees BB2 is hotter than BB1, so we can only move a copy to a /// colder place, which not only prevent endless loop, but also make sure /// the movement of copy is beneficial. bool RegisterCoalescer::removePartialRedundancy(const CoalescerPair &CP, MachineInstr &CopyMI) { assert(!CP.isPhys()); if (!CopyMI.isFullCopy()) return false; MachineBasicBlock &MBB = *CopyMI.getParent(); if (MBB.isEHPad()) return false; if (MBB.pred_size() != 2) return false; LiveInterval &IntA = LIS->getInterval(CP.isFlipped() ? CP.getDstReg() : CP.getSrcReg()); LiveInterval &IntB = LIS->getInterval(CP.isFlipped() ? CP.getSrcReg() : CP.getDstReg()); // A is defined by PHI at the entry of MBB. SlotIndex CopyIdx = LIS->getInstructionIndex(CopyMI).getRegSlot(true); VNInfo *AValNo = IntA.getVNInfoAt(CopyIdx); assert(AValNo && !AValNo->isUnused() && "COPY source not live"); if (!AValNo->isPHIDef()) return false; // No B is referenced before CopyMI in MBB. if (IntB.overlaps(LIS->getMBBStartIdx(&MBB), CopyIdx)) return false; // MBB has two predecessors: one contains A = B so no copy will be inserted // for it. The other one will have a copy moved from MBB. bool FoundReverseCopy = false; MachineBasicBlock *CopyLeftBB = nullptr; for (MachineBasicBlock *Pred : MBB.predecessors()) { VNInfo *PVal = IntA.getVNInfoBefore(LIS->getMBBEndIdx(Pred)); MachineInstr *DefMI = LIS->getInstructionFromIndex(PVal->def); if (!DefMI || !DefMI->isFullCopy()) { CopyLeftBB = Pred; continue; } // Check DefMI is a reverse copy and it is in BB Pred. if (DefMI->getOperand(0).getReg() != IntA.reg || DefMI->getOperand(1).getReg() != IntB.reg || DefMI->getParent() != Pred) { CopyLeftBB = Pred; continue; } // If there is any other def of B after DefMI and before the end of Pred, // we need to keep the copy of B = A at the end of Pred if we remove // B = A from MBB. bool ValB_Changed = false; for (auto VNI : IntB.valnos) { if (VNI->isUnused()) continue; if (PVal->def < VNI->def && VNI->def < LIS->getMBBEndIdx(Pred)) { ValB_Changed = true; break; } } if (ValB_Changed) { CopyLeftBB = Pred; continue; } FoundReverseCopy = true; } // If no reverse copy is found in predecessors, nothing to do. if (!FoundReverseCopy) return false; // If CopyLeftBB is nullptr, it means every predecessor of MBB contains // reverse copy, CopyMI can be removed trivially if only IntA/IntB is updated. // If CopyLeftBB is not nullptr, move CopyMI from MBB to CopyLeftBB and // update IntA/IntB. // // If CopyLeftBB is not nullptr, ensure CopyLeftBB has a single succ so // MBB is hotter than CopyLeftBB. if (CopyLeftBB && CopyLeftBB->succ_size() > 1) return false; // Now (almost sure it's) ok to move copy. if (CopyLeftBB) { // Position in CopyLeftBB where we should insert new copy. auto InsPos = CopyLeftBB->getFirstTerminator(); // Make sure that B isn't referenced in the terminators (if any) at the end // of the predecessor since we're about to insert a new definition of B // before them. if (InsPos != CopyLeftBB->end()) { SlotIndex InsPosIdx = LIS->getInstructionIndex(*InsPos).getRegSlot(true); if (IntB.overlaps(InsPosIdx, LIS->getMBBEndIdx(CopyLeftBB))) return false; } LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\tremovePartialRedundancy: Move the copy to " << printMBBReference(*CopyLeftBB) << '\t' << CopyMI); // Insert new copy to CopyLeftBB. MachineInstr *NewCopyMI = BuildMI(*CopyLeftBB, InsPos, CopyMI.getDebugLoc(), TII->get(TargetOpcode::COPY), IntB.reg) .addReg(IntA.reg); SlotIndex NewCopyIdx = LIS->InsertMachineInstrInMaps(*NewCopyMI).getRegSlot(); IntB.createDeadDef(NewCopyIdx, LIS->getVNInfoAllocator()); for (LiveInterval::SubRange &SR : IntB.subranges()) SR.createDeadDef(NewCopyIdx, LIS->getVNInfoAllocator()); // If the newly created Instruction has an address of an instruction that was // deleted before (object recycled by the allocator) it needs to be removed from // the deleted list. ErasedInstrs.erase(NewCopyMI); } else { LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\tremovePartialRedundancy: Remove the copy from " << printMBBReference(MBB) << '\t' << CopyMI); } // Remove CopyMI. // Note: This is fine to remove the copy before updating the live-ranges. // While updating the live-ranges, we only look at slot indices and // never go back to the instruction. // Mark instructions as deleted. deleteInstr(&CopyMI); // Update the liveness. SmallVector<SlotIndex, 8> EndPoints; VNInfo *BValNo = IntB.Query(CopyIdx).valueOutOrDead(); LIS->pruneValue(*static_cast<LiveRange *>(&IntB), CopyIdx.getRegSlot(), &EndPoints); BValNo->markUnused(); // Extend IntB to the EndPoints of its original live interval. LIS->extendToIndices(IntB, EndPoints); // Now, do the same for its subranges. for (LiveInterval::SubRange &SR : IntB.subranges()) { EndPoints.clear(); VNInfo *BValNo = SR.Query(CopyIdx).valueOutOrDead(); assert(BValNo && "All sublanes should be live"); LIS->pruneValue(SR, CopyIdx.getRegSlot(), &EndPoints); BValNo->markUnused(); LIS->extendToIndices(SR, EndPoints); } // If any dead defs were extended, truncate them. shrinkToUses(&IntB); // Finally, update the live-range of IntA. shrinkToUses(&IntA); return true; } /// Returns true if @p MI defines the full vreg @p Reg, as opposed to just /// defining a subregister. static bool definesFullReg(const MachineInstr &MI, unsigned Reg) { assert(!TargetRegisterInfo::isPhysicalRegister(Reg) && "This code cannot handle physreg aliasing"); for (const MachineOperand &Op : MI.operands()) { if (!Op.isReg() || !Op.isDef() || Op.getReg() != Reg) continue; // Return true if we define the full register or don't care about the value // inside other subregisters. if (Op.getSubReg() == 0 || Op.isUndef()) return true; } return false; } bool RegisterCoalescer::reMaterializeTrivialDef(const CoalescerPair &CP, MachineInstr *CopyMI, bool &IsDefCopy) { IsDefCopy = false; unsigned SrcReg = CP.isFlipped() ? CP.getDstReg() : CP.getSrcReg(); unsigned SrcIdx = CP.isFlipped() ? CP.getDstIdx() : CP.getSrcIdx(); unsigned DstReg = CP.isFlipped() ? CP.getSrcReg() : CP.getDstReg(); unsigned DstIdx = CP.isFlipped() ? CP.getSrcIdx() : CP.getDstIdx(); if (TargetRegisterInfo::isPhysicalRegister(SrcReg)) return false; LiveInterval &SrcInt = LIS->getInterval(SrcReg); SlotIndex CopyIdx = LIS->getInstructionIndex(*CopyMI); VNInfo *ValNo = SrcInt.Query(CopyIdx).valueIn(); assert(ValNo && "CopyMI input register not live"); if (ValNo->isPHIDef() || ValNo->isUnused()) return false; MachineInstr *DefMI = LIS->getInstructionFromIndex(ValNo->def); if (!DefMI) return false; if (DefMI->isCopyLike()) { IsDefCopy = true; return false; } if (!TII->isAsCheapAsAMove(*DefMI)) return false; if (!TII->isTriviallyReMaterializable(*DefMI, AA)) return false; if (!definesFullReg(*DefMI, SrcReg)) return false; bool SawStore = false; if (!DefMI->isSafeToMove(AA, SawStore)) return false; const MCInstrDesc &MCID = DefMI->getDesc(); if (MCID.getNumDefs() != 1) return false; // Only support subregister destinations when the def is read-undef. MachineOperand &DstOperand = CopyMI->getOperand(0); unsigned CopyDstReg = DstOperand.getReg(); if (DstOperand.getSubReg() && !DstOperand.isUndef()) return false; // If both SrcIdx and DstIdx are set, correct rematerialization would widen // the register substantially (beyond both source and dest size). This is bad // for performance since it can cascade through a function, introducing many // extra spills and fills (e.g. ARM can easily end up copying QQQQPR registers // around after a few subreg copies). if (SrcIdx && DstIdx) return false; const TargetRegisterClass *DefRC = TII->getRegClass(MCID, 0, TRI, *MF); if (!DefMI->isImplicitDef()) { if (TargetRegisterInfo::isPhysicalRegister(DstReg)) { unsigned NewDstReg = DstReg; unsigned NewDstIdx = TRI->composeSubRegIndices(CP.getSrcIdx(), DefMI->getOperand(0).getSubReg()); if (NewDstIdx) NewDstReg = TRI->getSubReg(DstReg, NewDstIdx); // Finally, make sure that the physical subregister that will be // constructed later is permitted for the instruction. if (!DefRC->contains(NewDstReg)) return false; } else { // Theoretically, some stack frame reference could exist. Just make sure // it hasn't actually happened. assert(TargetRegisterInfo::isVirtualRegister(DstReg) && "Only expect to deal with virtual or physical registers"); } } DebugLoc DL = CopyMI->getDebugLoc(); MachineBasicBlock *MBB = CopyMI->getParent(); MachineBasicBlock::iterator MII = std::next(MachineBasicBlock::iterator(CopyMI)); TII->reMaterialize(*MBB, MII, DstReg, SrcIdx, *DefMI, *TRI); MachineInstr &NewMI = *std::prev(MII); NewMI.setDebugLoc(DL); // In a situation like the following: // %0:subreg = instr ; DefMI, subreg = DstIdx // %1 = copy %0:subreg ; CopyMI, SrcIdx = 0 // instead of widening %1 to the register class of %0 simply do: // %1 = instr const TargetRegisterClass *NewRC = CP.getNewRC(); if (DstIdx != 0) { MachineOperand &DefMO = NewMI.getOperand(0); if (DefMO.getSubReg() == DstIdx) { assert(SrcIdx == 0 && CP.isFlipped() && "Shouldn't have SrcIdx+DstIdx at this point"); const TargetRegisterClass *DstRC = MRI->getRegClass(DstReg); const TargetRegisterClass *CommonRC = TRI->getCommonSubClass(DefRC, DstRC); if (CommonRC != nullptr) { NewRC = CommonRC; DstIdx = 0; DefMO.setSubReg(0); DefMO.setIsUndef(false); // Only subregs can have def+undef. } } } // CopyMI may have implicit operands, save them so that we can transfer them // over to the newly materialized instruction after CopyMI is removed. SmallVector<MachineOperand, 4> ImplicitOps; ImplicitOps.reserve(CopyMI->getNumOperands() - CopyMI->getDesc().getNumOperands()); for (unsigned I = CopyMI->getDesc().getNumOperands(), E = CopyMI->getNumOperands(); I != E; ++I) { MachineOperand &MO = CopyMI->getOperand(I); if (MO.isReg()) { assert(MO.isImplicit() && "No explicit operands after implicit operands."); // Discard VReg implicit defs. if (TargetRegisterInfo::isPhysicalRegister(MO.getReg())) ImplicitOps.push_back(MO); } } LIS->ReplaceMachineInstrInMaps(*CopyMI, NewMI); CopyMI->eraseFromParent(); ErasedInstrs.insert(CopyMI); // NewMI may have dead implicit defs (E.g. EFLAGS for MOV<bits>r0 on X86). // We need to remember these so we can add intervals once we insert // NewMI into SlotIndexes. SmallVector<unsigned, 4> NewMIImplDefs; for (unsigned i = NewMI.getDesc().getNumOperands(), e = NewMI.getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i) { MachineOperand &MO = NewMI.getOperand(i); if (MO.isReg() && MO.isDef()) { assert(MO.isImplicit() && MO.isDead() && TargetRegisterInfo::isPhysicalRegister(MO.getReg())); NewMIImplDefs.push_back(MO.getReg()); } } if (TargetRegisterInfo::isVirtualRegister(DstReg)) { unsigned NewIdx = NewMI.getOperand(0).getSubReg(); if (DefRC != nullptr) { if (NewIdx) NewRC = TRI->getMatchingSuperRegClass(NewRC, DefRC, NewIdx); else NewRC = TRI->getCommonSubClass(NewRC, DefRC); assert(NewRC && "subreg chosen for remat incompatible with instruction"); } // Remap subranges to new lanemask and change register class. LiveInterval &DstInt = LIS->getInterval(DstReg); for (LiveInterval::SubRange &SR : DstInt.subranges()) { SR.LaneMask = TRI->composeSubRegIndexLaneMask(DstIdx, SR.LaneMask); } MRI->setRegClass(DstReg, NewRC); // Update machine operands and add flags. updateRegDefsUses(DstReg, DstReg, DstIdx); NewMI.getOperand(0).setSubReg(NewIdx); // updateRegDefUses can add an "undef" flag to the definition, since // it will replace DstReg with DstReg.DstIdx. If NewIdx is 0, make // sure that "undef" is not set. if (NewIdx == 0) NewMI.getOperand(0).setIsUndef(false); // Add dead subregister definitions if we are defining the whole register // but only part of it is live. // This could happen if the rematerialization instruction is rematerializing // more than actually is used in the register. // An example would be: // %1 = LOAD CONSTANTS 5, 8 ; Loading both 5 and 8 in different subregs // ; Copying only part of the register here, but the rest is undef. // %2:sub_16bit<def, read-undef> = COPY %1:sub_16bit // ==> // ; Materialize all the constants but only using one // %2 = LOAD_CONSTANTS 5, 8 // // at this point for the part that wasn't defined before we could have // subranges missing the definition. if (NewIdx == 0 && DstInt.hasSubRanges()) { SlotIndex CurrIdx = LIS->getInstructionIndex(NewMI); SlotIndex DefIndex = CurrIdx.getRegSlot(NewMI.getOperand(0).isEarlyClobber()); LaneBitmask MaxMask = MRI->getMaxLaneMaskForVReg(DstReg); VNInfo::Allocator& Alloc = LIS->getVNInfoAllocator(); for (LiveInterval::SubRange &SR : DstInt.subranges()) { if (!SR.liveAt(DefIndex)) SR.createDeadDef(DefIndex, Alloc); MaxMask &= ~SR.LaneMask; } if (MaxMask.any()) { LiveInterval::SubRange *SR = DstInt.createSubRange(Alloc, MaxMask); SR->createDeadDef(DefIndex, Alloc); } } // Make sure that the subrange for resultant undef is removed // For example: // %1:sub1<def,read-undef> = LOAD CONSTANT 1 // %2 = COPY %1 // ==> // %2:sub1<def, read-undef> = LOAD CONSTANT 1 // ; Correct but need to remove the subrange for %2:sub0 // ; as it is now undef if (NewIdx != 0 && DstInt.hasSubRanges()) { // The affected subregister segments can be removed. SlotIndex CurrIdx = LIS->getInstructionIndex(NewMI); LaneBitmask DstMask = TRI->getSubRegIndexLaneMask(NewIdx); bool UpdatedSubRanges = false; for (LiveInterval::SubRange &SR : DstInt.subranges()) { if ((SR.LaneMask & DstMask).none()) { LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Removing undefined SubRange " << PrintLaneMask(SR.LaneMask) << " : " << SR << "\n"); // VNI is in ValNo - remove any segments in this SubRange that have this ValNo if (VNInfo *RmValNo = SR.getVNInfoAt(CurrIdx.getRegSlot())) { SR.removeValNo(RmValNo); UpdatedSubRanges = true; } } } if (UpdatedSubRanges) DstInt.removeEmptySubRanges(); } } else if (NewMI.getOperand(0).getReg() != CopyDstReg) { // The New instruction may be defining a sub-register of what's actually // been asked for. If so it must implicitly define the whole thing. assert(TargetRegisterInfo::isPhysicalRegister(DstReg) && "Only expect virtual or physical registers in remat"); NewMI.getOperand(0).setIsDead(true); NewMI.addOperand(MachineOperand::CreateReg( CopyDstReg, true /*IsDef*/, true /*IsImp*/, false /*IsKill*/)); // Record small dead def live-ranges for all the subregisters // of the destination register. // Otherwise, variables that live through may miss some // interferences, thus creating invalid allocation. // E.g., i386 code: // %1 = somedef ; %1 GR8 // %2 = remat ; %2 GR32 // CL = COPY %2.sub_8bit // = somedef %1 ; %1 GR8 // => // %1 = somedef ; %1 GR8 // dead ECX = remat ; implicit-def CL // = somedef %1 ; %1 GR8 // %1 will see the interferences with CL but not with CH since // no live-ranges would have been created for ECX. // Fix that! SlotIndex NewMIIdx = LIS->getInstructionIndex(NewMI); for (MCRegUnitIterator Units(NewMI.getOperand(0).getReg(), TRI); Units.isValid(); ++Units) if (LiveRange *LR = LIS->getCachedRegUnit(*Units)) LR->createDeadDef(NewMIIdx.getRegSlot(), LIS->getVNInfoAllocator()); } if (NewMI.getOperand(0).getSubReg()) NewMI.getOperand(0).setIsUndef(); // Transfer over implicit operands to the rematerialized instruction. for (MachineOperand &MO : ImplicitOps) NewMI.addOperand(MO); SlotIndex NewMIIdx = LIS->getInstructionIndex(NewMI); for (unsigned i = 0, e = NewMIImplDefs.size(); i != e; ++i) { unsigned Reg = NewMIImplDefs[i]; for (MCRegUnitIterator Units(Reg, TRI); Units.isValid(); ++Units) if (LiveRange *LR = LIS->getCachedRegUnit(*Units)) LR->createDeadDef(NewMIIdx.getRegSlot(), LIS->getVNInfoAllocator()); } LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Remat: " << NewMI); ++NumReMats; // The source interval can become smaller because we removed a use. shrinkToUses(&SrcInt, &DeadDefs); if (!DeadDefs.empty()) { // If the virtual SrcReg is completely eliminated, update all DBG_VALUEs // to describe DstReg instead. for (MachineOperand &UseMO : MRI->use_operands(SrcReg)) { MachineInstr *UseMI = UseMO.getParent(); if (UseMI->isDebugValue()) { UseMO.setReg(DstReg); // Move the debug value directly after the def of the rematerialized // value in DstReg. MBB->splice(std::next(NewMI.getIterator()), UseMI->getParent(), UseMI); LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\t\tupdated: " << *UseMI); } } eliminateDeadDefs(); } return true; } MachineInstr *RegisterCoalescer::eliminateUndefCopy(MachineInstr *CopyMI) { // ProcessImplicitDefs may leave some copies of <undef> values, it only // removes local variables. When we have a copy like: // // %1 = COPY undef %2 // // We delete the copy and remove the corresponding value number from %1. // Any uses of that value number are marked as <undef>. // Note that we do not query CoalescerPair here but redo isMoveInstr as the // CoalescerPair may have a new register class with adjusted subreg indices // at this point. unsigned SrcReg, DstReg, SrcSubIdx, DstSubIdx; isMoveInstr(*TRI, CopyMI, SrcReg, DstReg, SrcSubIdx, DstSubIdx); SlotIndex Idx = LIS->getInstructionIndex(*CopyMI); const LiveInterval &SrcLI = LIS->getInterval(SrcReg); // CopyMI is undef iff SrcReg is not live before the instruction. if (SrcSubIdx != 0 && SrcLI.hasSubRanges()) { LaneBitmask SrcMask = TRI->getSubRegIndexLaneMask(SrcSubIdx); for (const LiveInterval::SubRange &SR : SrcLI.subranges()) { if ((SR.LaneMask & SrcMask).none()) continue; if (SR.liveAt(Idx)) return nullptr; } } else if (SrcLI.liveAt(Idx)) return nullptr; // If the undef copy defines a live-out value (i.e. an input to a PHI def), // then replace it with an IMPLICIT_DEF. LiveInterval &DstLI = LIS->getInterval(DstReg); SlotIndex RegIndex = Idx.getRegSlot(); LiveRange::Segment *Seg = DstLI.getSegmentContaining(RegIndex); assert(Seg != nullptr && "No segment for defining instruction"); if (VNInfo *V = DstLI.getVNInfoAt(Seg->end)) { if (V->isPHIDef()) { CopyMI->setDesc(TII->get(TargetOpcode::IMPLICIT_DEF)); for (unsigned i = CopyMI->getNumOperands(); i != 0; --i) { MachineOperand &MO = CopyMI->getOperand(i-1); if (MO.isReg() && MO.isUse()) CopyMI->RemoveOperand(i-1); } LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\tReplaced copy of <undef> value with an " "implicit def\n"); return CopyMI; } } // Remove any DstReg segments starting at the instruction. LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\tEliminating copy of <undef> value\n"); // Remove value or merge with previous one in case of a subregister def. if (VNInfo *PrevVNI = DstLI.getVNInfoAt(Idx)) { VNInfo *VNI = DstLI.getVNInfoAt(RegIndex); DstLI.MergeValueNumberInto(VNI, PrevVNI); // The affected subregister segments can be removed. LaneBitmask DstMask = TRI->getSubRegIndexLaneMask(DstSubIdx); for (LiveInterval::SubRange &SR : DstLI.subranges()) { if ((SR.LaneMask & DstMask).none()) continue; VNInfo *SVNI = SR.getVNInfoAt(RegIndex); assert(SVNI != nullptr && SlotIndex::isSameInstr(SVNI->def, RegIndex)); SR.removeValNo(SVNI); } DstLI.removeEmptySubRanges(); } else LIS->removeVRegDefAt(DstLI, RegIndex); // Mark uses as undef. for (MachineOperand &MO : MRI->reg_nodbg_operands(DstReg)) { if (MO.isDef() /*|| MO.isUndef()*/) continue; const MachineInstr &MI = *MO.getParent(); SlotIndex UseIdx = LIS->getInstructionIndex(MI); LaneBitmask UseMask = TRI->getSubRegIndexLaneMask(MO.getSubReg()); bool isLive; if (!UseMask.all() && DstLI.hasSubRanges()) { isLive = false; for (const LiveInterval::SubRange &SR : DstLI.subranges()) { if ((SR.LaneMask & UseMask).none()) continue; if (SR.liveAt(UseIdx)) { isLive = true; break; } } } else isLive = DstLI.liveAt(UseIdx); if (isLive) continue; MO.setIsUndef(true); LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\tnew undef: " << UseIdx << '\t' << MI); } // A def of a subregister may be a use of the other subregisters, so // deleting a def of a subregister may also remove uses. Since CopyMI // is still part of the function (but about to be erased), mark all // defs of DstReg in it as <undef>, so that shrinkToUses would // ignore them. for (MachineOperand &MO : CopyMI->operands()) if (MO.isReg() && MO.isDef() && MO.getReg() == DstReg) MO.setIsUndef(true); LIS->shrinkToUses(&DstLI); return CopyMI; } void RegisterCoalescer::addUndefFlag(const LiveInterval &Int, SlotIndex UseIdx, MachineOperand &MO, unsigned SubRegIdx) { LaneBitmask Mask = TRI->getSubRegIndexLaneMask(SubRegIdx); if (MO.isDef()) Mask = ~Mask; bool IsUndef = true; for (const LiveInterval::SubRange &S : Int.subranges()) { if ((S.LaneMask & Mask).none()) continue; if (S.liveAt(UseIdx)) { IsUndef = false; break; } } if (IsUndef) { MO.setIsUndef(true); // We found out some subregister use is actually reading an undefined // value. In some cases the whole vreg has become undefined at this // point so we have to potentially shrink the main range if the // use was ending a live segment there. LiveQueryResult Q = Int.Query(UseIdx); if (Q.valueOut() == nullptr) ShrinkMainRange = true; } } void RegisterCoalescer::updateRegDefsUses(unsigned SrcReg, unsigned DstReg, unsigned SubIdx) { bool DstIsPhys = TargetRegisterInfo::isPhysicalRegister(DstReg); LiveInterval *DstInt = DstIsPhys ? nullptr : &LIS->getInterval(DstReg); if (DstInt && DstInt->hasSubRanges() && DstReg != SrcReg) { for (MachineOperand &MO : MRI->reg_operands(DstReg)) { unsigned SubReg = MO.getSubReg(); if (SubReg == 0 || MO.isUndef()) continue; MachineInstr &MI = *MO.getParent(); if (MI.isDebugValue()) continue; SlotIndex UseIdx = LIS->getInstructionIndex(MI).getRegSlot(true); addUndefFlag(*DstInt, UseIdx, MO, SubReg); } } SmallPtrSet<MachineInstr*, 8> Visited; for (MachineRegisterInfo::reg_instr_iterator I = MRI->reg_instr_begin(SrcReg), E = MRI->reg_instr_end(); I != E; ) { MachineInstr *UseMI = &*(I++); // Each instruction can only be rewritten once because sub-register // composition is not always idempotent. When SrcReg != DstReg, rewriting // the UseMI operands removes them from the SrcReg use-def chain, but when // SrcReg is DstReg we could encounter UseMI twice if it has multiple // operands mentioning the virtual register. if (SrcReg == DstReg && !Visited.insert(UseMI).second) continue; SmallVector<unsigned,8> Ops; bool Reads, Writes; std::tie(Reads, Writes) = UseMI->readsWritesVirtualRegister(SrcReg, &Ops); // If SrcReg wasn't read, it may still be the case that DstReg is live-in // because SrcReg is a sub-register. if (DstInt && !Reads && SubIdx && !UseMI->isDebugValue()) Reads = DstInt->liveAt(LIS->getInstructionIndex(*UseMI)); // Replace SrcReg with DstReg in all UseMI operands. for (unsigned i = 0, e = Ops.size(); i != e; ++i) { MachineOperand &MO = UseMI->getOperand(Ops[i]); // Adjust <undef> flags in case of sub-register joins. We don't want to // turn a full def into a read-modify-write sub-register def and vice // versa. if (SubIdx && MO.isDef()) MO.setIsUndef(!Reads); // A subreg use of a partially undef (super) register may be a complete // undef use now and then has to be marked that way. if (SubIdx != 0 && MO.isUse() && MRI->shouldTrackSubRegLiveness(DstReg)) { if (!DstInt->hasSubRanges()) { BumpPtrAllocator &Allocator = LIS->getVNInfoAllocator(); LaneBitmask Mask = MRI->getMaxLaneMaskForVReg(DstInt->reg); DstInt->createSubRangeFrom(Allocator, Mask, *DstInt); } SlotIndex MIIdx = UseMI->isDebugValue() ? LIS->getSlotIndexes()->getIndexBefore(*UseMI) : LIS->getInstructionIndex(*UseMI); SlotIndex UseIdx = MIIdx.getRegSlot(true); addUndefFlag(*DstInt, UseIdx, MO, SubIdx); } if (DstIsPhys) MO.substPhysReg(DstReg, *TRI); else MO.substVirtReg(DstReg, SubIdx, *TRI); } LLVM_DEBUG({ dbgs() << "\t\tupdated: "; if (!UseMI->isDebugValue()) dbgs() << LIS->getInstructionIndex(*UseMI) << "\t"; dbgs() << *UseMI; }); } } bool RegisterCoalescer::canJoinPhys(const CoalescerPair &CP) { // Always join simple intervals that are defined by a single copy from a // reserved register. This doesn't increase register pressure, so it is // always beneficial. if (!MRI->isReserved(CP.getDstReg())) { LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\tCan only merge into reserved registers.\n"); return false; } LiveInterval &JoinVInt = LIS->getInterval(CP.getSrcReg()); if (JoinVInt.containsOneValue()) return true; LLVM_DEBUG( dbgs() << "\tCannot join complex intervals into reserved register.\n"); return false; } bool RegisterCoalescer::joinCopy(MachineInstr *CopyMI, bool &Again) { Again = false; LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << LIS->getInstructionIndex(*CopyMI) << '\t' << *CopyMI); CoalescerPair CP(*TRI); if (!CP.setRegisters(CopyMI)) { LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\tNot coalescable.\n"); return false; } if (CP.getNewRC()) { auto SrcRC = MRI->getRegClass(CP.getSrcReg()); auto DstRC = MRI->getRegClass(CP.getDstReg()); unsigned SrcIdx = CP.getSrcIdx(); unsigned DstIdx = CP.getDstIdx(); if (CP.isFlipped()) { std::swap(SrcIdx, DstIdx); std::swap(SrcRC, DstRC); } if (!TRI->shouldCoalesce(CopyMI, SrcRC, SrcIdx, DstRC, DstIdx, CP.getNewRC(), *LIS)) { LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\tSubtarget bailed on coalescing.\n"); return false; } } // Dead code elimination. This really should be handled by MachineDCE, but // sometimes dead copies slip through, and we can't generate invalid live // ranges. if (!CP.isPhys() && CopyMI->allDefsAreDead()) { LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\tCopy is dead.\n"); DeadDefs.push_back(CopyMI); eliminateDeadDefs(); return true; } // Eliminate undefs. if (!CP.isPhys()) { // If this is an IMPLICIT_DEF, leave it alone, but don't try to coalesce. if (MachineInstr *UndefMI = eliminateUndefCopy(CopyMI)) { if (UndefMI->isImplicitDef()) return false; deleteInstr(CopyMI); return false; // Not coalescable. } } // Coalesced copies are normally removed immediately, but transformations // like removeCopyByCommutingDef() can inadvertently create identity copies. // When that happens, just join the values and remove the copy. if (CP.getSrcReg() == CP.getDstReg()) { LiveInterval &LI = LIS->getInterval(CP.getSrcReg()); LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\tCopy already coalesced: " << LI << '\n'); const SlotIndex CopyIdx = LIS->getInstructionIndex(*CopyMI); LiveQueryResult LRQ = LI.Query(CopyIdx); if (VNInfo *DefVNI = LRQ.valueDefined()) { VNInfo *ReadVNI = LRQ.valueIn(); assert(ReadVNI && "No value before copy and no <undef> flag."); assert(ReadVNI != DefVNI && "Cannot read and define the same value."); LI.MergeValueNumberInto(DefVNI, ReadVNI); // Process subregister liveranges. for (LiveInterval::SubRange &S : LI.subranges()) { LiveQueryResult SLRQ = S.Query(CopyIdx); if (VNInfo *SDefVNI = SLRQ.valueDefined()) { VNInfo *SReadVNI = SLRQ.valueIn(); S.MergeValueNumberInto(SDefVNI, SReadVNI); } } LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\tMerged values: " << LI << '\n'); } deleteInstr(CopyMI); return true; } // Enforce policies. if (CP.isPhys()) { LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\tConsidering merging " << printReg(CP.getSrcReg(), TRI) << " with " << printReg(CP.getDstReg(), TRI, CP.getSrcIdx()) << '\n'); if (!canJoinPhys(CP)) { // Before giving up coalescing, if definition of source is defined by // trivial computation, try rematerializing it. bool IsDefCopy; if (reMaterializeTrivialDef(CP, CopyMI, IsDefCopy)) return true; if (IsDefCopy) Again = true; // May be possible to coalesce later. return false; } } else { // When possible, let DstReg be the larger interval. if (!CP.isPartial() && LIS->getInterval(CP.getSrcReg()).size() > LIS->getInterval(CP.getDstReg()).size()) CP.flip(); LLVM_DEBUG({ dbgs() << "\tConsidering merging to " << TRI->getRegClassName(CP.getNewRC()) << " with "; if (CP.getDstIdx() && CP.getSrcIdx()) dbgs() << printReg(CP.getDstReg()) << " in " << TRI->getSubRegIndexName(CP.getDstIdx()) << " and " << printReg(CP.getSrcReg()) << " in " << TRI->getSubRegIndexName(CP.getSrcIdx()) << '\n'; else dbgs() << printReg(CP.getSrcReg(), TRI) << " in " << printReg(CP.getDstReg(), TRI, CP.getSrcIdx()) << '\n'; }); } ShrinkMask = LaneBitmask::getNone(); ShrinkMainRange = false; // Okay, attempt to join these two intervals. On failure, this returns false. // Otherwise, if one of the intervals being joined is a physreg, this method // always canonicalizes DstInt to be it. The output "SrcInt" will not have // been modified, so we can use this information below to update aliases. if (!joinIntervals(CP)) { // Coalescing failed. // If definition of source is defined by trivial computation, try // rematerializing it. bool IsDefCopy; if (reMaterializeTrivialDef(CP, CopyMI, IsDefCopy)) return true; // If we can eliminate the copy without merging the live segments, do so // now. if (!CP.isPartial() && !CP.isPhys()) { if (adjustCopiesBackFrom(CP, CopyMI) || removeCopyByCommutingDef(CP, CopyMI)) { deleteInstr(CopyMI); LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\tTrivial!\n"); return true; } } // Try and see if we can partially eliminate the copy by moving the copy to // its predecessor. if (!CP.isPartial() && !CP.isPhys()) if (removePartialRedundancy(CP, *CopyMI)) return true; // Otherwise, we are unable to join the intervals. LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\tInterference!\n"); Again = true; // May be possible to coalesce later. return false; } // Coalescing to a virtual register that is of a sub-register class of the // other. Make sure the resulting register is set to the right register class. if (CP.isCrossClass()) { ++numCrossRCs; MRI->setRegClass(CP.getDstReg(), CP.getNewRC()); } // Removing sub-register copies can ease the register class constraints. // Make sure we attempt to inflate the register class of DstReg. if (!CP.isPhys() && RegClassInfo.isProperSubClass(CP.getNewRC())) InflateRegs.push_back(CP.getDstReg()); // CopyMI has been erased by joinIntervals at this point. Remove it from // ErasedInstrs since copyCoalesceWorkList() won't add a successful join back // to the work list. This keeps ErasedInstrs from growing needlessly. ErasedInstrs.erase(CopyMI); // Rewrite all SrcReg operands to DstReg. // Also update DstReg operands to include DstIdx if it is set. if (CP.getDstIdx()) updateRegDefsUses(CP.getDstReg(), CP.getDstReg(), CP.getDstIdx()); updateRegDefsUses(CP.getSrcReg(), CP.getDstReg(), CP.getSrcIdx()); // Shrink subregister ranges if necessary. if (ShrinkMask.any()) { LiveInterval &LI = LIS->getInterval(CP.getDstReg()); for (LiveInterval::SubRange &S : LI.subranges()) { if ((S.LaneMask & ShrinkMask).none()) continue; LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Shrink LaneUses (Lane " << PrintLaneMask(S.LaneMask) << ")\n"); LIS->shrinkToUses(S, LI.reg); } LI.removeEmptySubRanges(); } if (ShrinkMainRange) { LiveInterval &LI = LIS->getInterval(CP.getDstReg()); shrinkToUses(&LI); } // SrcReg is guaranteed to be the register whose live interval that is // being merged. LIS->removeInterval(CP.getSrcReg()); // Update regalloc hint. TRI->updateRegAllocHint(CP.getSrcReg(), CP.getDstReg(), *MF); LLVM_DEBUG({ dbgs() << "\tSuccess: " << printReg(CP.getSrcReg(), TRI, CP.getSrcIdx()) << " -> " << printReg(CP.getDstReg(), TRI, CP.getDstIdx()) << '\n'; dbgs() << "\tResult = "; if (CP.isPhys()) dbgs() << printReg(CP.getDstReg(), TRI); else dbgs() << LIS->getInterval(CP.getDstReg()); dbgs() << '\n'; }); ++numJoins; return true; } bool RegisterCoalescer::joinReservedPhysReg(CoalescerPair &CP) { unsigned DstReg = CP.getDstReg(); unsigned SrcReg = CP.getSrcReg(); assert(CP.isPhys() && "Must be a physreg copy"); assert(MRI->isReserved(DstReg) && "Not a reserved register"); LiveInterval &RHS = LIS->getInterval(SrcReg); LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\t\tRHS = " << RHS << '\n'); assert(RHS.containsOneValue() && "Invalid join with reserved register"); // Optimization for reserved registers like ESP. We can only merge with a // reserved physreg if RHS has a single value that is a copy of DstReg. // The live range of the reserved register will look like a set of dead defs // - we don't properly track the live range of reserved registers. // Deny any overlapping intervals. This depends on all the reserved // register live ranges to look like dead defs. if (!MRI->isConstantPhysReg(DstReg)) { for (MCRegUnitIterator UI(DstReg, TRI); UI.isValid(); ++UI) { // Abort if not all the regunits are reserved. for (MCRegUnitRootIterator RI(*UI, TRI); RI.isValid(); ++RI) { if (!MRI->isReserved(*RI)) return false; } if (RHS.overlaps(LIS->getRegUnit(*UI))) { LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\t\tInterference: " << printRegUnit(*UI, TRI) << '\n'); return false; } } // We must also check for overlaps with regmask clobbers. BitVector RegMaskUsable; if (LIS->checkRegMaskInterference(RHS, RegMaskUsable) && !RegMaskUsable.test(DstReg)) { LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\t\tRegMask interference\n"); return false; } } // Skip any value computations, we are not adding new values to the // reserved register. Also skip merging the live ranges, the reserved // register live range doesn't need to be accurate as long as all the // defs are there. // Delete the identity copy. MachineInstr *CopyMI; if (CP.isFlipped()) { // Physreg is copied into vreg // %y = COPY %physreg_x // ... //< no other def of %x here // use %y // => // ... // use %x CopyMI = MRI->getVRegDef(SrcReg); } else { // VReg is copied into physreg: // %y = def // ... //< no other def or use of %y here // %y = COPY %physreg_x // => // %y = def // ... if (!MRI->hasOneNonDBGUse(SrcReg)) { LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\t\tMultiple vreg uses!\n"); return false; } if (!LIS->intervalIsInOneMBB(RHS)) { LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\t\tComplex control flow!\n"); return false; } MachineInstr &DestMI = *MRI->getVRegDef(SrcReg); CopyMI = &*MRI->use_instr_nodbg_begin(SrcReg); SlotIndex CopyRegIdx = LIS->getInstructionIndex(*CopyMI).getRegSlot(); SlotIndex DestRegIdx = LIS->getInstructionIndex(DestMI).getRegSlot(); if (!MRI->isConstantPhysReg(DstReg)) { // We checked above that there are no interfering defs of the physical // register. However, for this case, where we intend to move up the def of // the physical register, we also need to check for interfering uses. SlotIndexes *Indexes = LIS->getSlotIndexes(); for (SlotIndex SI = Indexes->getNextNonNullIndex(DestRegIdx); SI != CopyRegIdx; SI = Indexes->getNextNonNullIndex(SI)) { MachineInstr *MI = LIS->getInstructionFromIndex(SI); if (MI->readsRegister(DstReg, TRI)) { LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\t\tInterference (read): " << *MI); return false; } } } // We're going to remove the copy which defines a physical reserved // register, so remove its valno, etc. LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\t\tRemoving phys reg def of " << printReg(DstReg, TRI) << " at " << CopyRegIdx << "\n"); LIS->removePhysRegDefAt(DstReg, CopyRegIdx); // Create a new dead def at the new def location. for (MCRegUnitIterator UI(DstReg, TRI); UI.isValid(); ++UI) { LiveRange &LR = LIS->getRegUnit(*UI); LR.createDeadDef(DestRegIdx, LIS->getVNInfoAllocator()); } } deleteInstr(CopyMI); // We don't track kills for reserved registers. MRI->clearKillFlags(CP.getSrcReg()); return true; } //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // Interference checking and interval joining //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // In the easiest case, the two live ranges being joined are disjoint, and // there is no interference to consider. It is quite common, though, to have // overlapping live ranges, and we need to check if the interference can be // resolved. // // The live range of a single SSA value forms a sub-tree of the dominator tree. // This means that two SSA values overlap if and only if the def of one value // is contained in the live range of the other value. As a special case, the // overlapping values can be defined at the same index. // // The interference from an overlapping def can be resolved in these cases: // // 1. Coalescable copies. The value is defined by a copy that would become an // identity copy after joining SrcReg and DstReg. The copy instruction will // be removed, and the value will be merged with the source value. // // There can be several copies back and forth, causing many values to be // merged into one. We compute a list of ultimate values in the joined live // range as well as a mappings from the old value numbers. // // 2. IMPLICIT_DEF. This instruction is only inserted to ensure all PHI // predecessors have a live out value. It doesn't cause real interference, // and can be merged into the value it overlaps. Like a coalescable copy, it // can be erased after joining. // // 3. Copy of external value. The overlapping def may be a copy of a value that // is already in the other register. This is like a coalescable copy, but // the live range of the source register must be trimmed after erasing the // copy instruction: // // %src = COPY %ext // %dst = COPY %ext <-- Remove this COPY, trim the live range of %ext. // // 4. Clobbering undefined lanes. Vector registers are sometimes built by // defining one lane at a time: // // %dst:ssub0<def,read-undef> = FOO // %src = BAR // %dst:ssub1 = COPY %src // // The live range of %src overlaps the %dst value defined by FOO, but // merging %src into %dst:ssub1 is only going to clobber the ssub1 lane // which was undef anyway. // // The value mapping is more complicated in this case. The final live range // will have different value numbers for both FOO and BAR, but there is no // simple mapping from old to new values. It may even be necessary to add // new PHI values. // // 5. Clobbering dead lanes. A def may clobber a lane of a vector register that // is live, but never read. This can happen because we don't compute // individual live ranges per lane. // // %dst = FOO // %src = BAR // %dst:ssub1 = COPY %src // // This kind of interference is only resolved locally. If the clobbered // lane value escapes the block, the join is aborted. namespace { /// Track information about values in a single virtual register about to be /// joined. Objects of this class are always created in pairs - one for each /// side of the CoalescerPair (or one for each lane of a side of the coalescer /// pair) class JoinVals { /// Live range we work on. LiveRange &LR; /// (Main) register we work on. const unsigned Reg; /// Reg (and therefore the values in this liverange) will end up as /// subregister SubIdx in the coalesced register. Either CP.DstIdx or /// CP.SrcIdx. const unsigned SubIdx; /// The LaneMask that this liverange will occupy the coalesced register. May /// be smaller than the lanemask produced by SubIdx when merging subranges. const LaneBitmask LaneMask; /// This is true when joining sub register ranges, false when joining main /// ranges. const bool SubRangeJoin; /// Whether the current LiveInterval tracks subregister liveness. const bool TrackSubRegLiveness; /// Values that will be present in the final live range. SmallVectorImpl<VNInfo*> &NewVNInfo; const CoalescerPair &CP; LiveIntervals *LIS; SlotIndexes *Indexes; const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI; /// Value number assignments. Maps value numbers in LI to entries in /// NewVNInfo. This is suitable for passing to LiveInterval::join(). SmallVector<int, 8> Assignments; /// Conflict resolution for overlapping values. enum ConflictResolution { /// No overlap, simply keep this value. CR_Keep, /// Merge this value into OtherVNI and erase the defining instruction. /// Used for IMPLICIT_DEF, coalescable copies, and copies from external /// values. CR_Erase, /// Merge this value into OtherVNI but keep the defining instruction. /// This is for the special case where OtherVNI is defined by the same /// instruction. CR_Merge, /// Keep this value, and have it replace OtherVNI where possible. This /// complicates value mapping since OtherVNI maps to two different values /// before and after this def. /// Used when clobbering undefined or dead lanes. CR_Replace, /// Unresolved conflict. Visit later when all values have been mapped. CR_Unresolved, /// Unresolvable conflict. Abort the join. CR_Impossible }; /// Per-value info for LI. The lane bit masks are all relative to the final /// joined register, so they can be compared directly between SrcReg and /// DstReg. struct Val { ConflictResolution Resolution = CR_Keep; /// Lanes written by this def, 0 for unanalyzed values. LaneBitmask WriteLanes; /// Lanes with defined values in this register. Other lanes are undef and /// safe to clobber. LaneBitmask ValidLanes; /// Value in LI being redefined by this def. VNInfo *RedefVNI = nullptr; /// Value in the other live range that overlaps this def, if any. VNInfo *OtherVNI = nullptr; /// Is this value an IMPLICIT_DEF that can be erased? /// /// IMPLICIT_DEF values should only exist at the end of a basic block that /// is a predecessor to a phi-value. These IMPLICIT_DEF instructions can be /// safely erased if they are overlapping a live value in the other live /// interval. /// /// Weird control flow graphs and incomplete PHI handling in /// ProcessImplicitDefs can very rarely create IMPLICIT_DEF values with /// longer live ranges. Such IMPLICIT_DEF values should be treated like /// normal values. bool ErasableImplicitDef = false; /// True when the live range of this value will be pruned because of an /// overlapping CR_Replace value in the other live range. bool Pruned = false; /// True once Pruned above has been computed. bool PrunedComputed = false; /// True if this value is determined to be identical to OtherVNI /// (in valuesIdentical). This is used with CR_Erase where the erased /// copy is redundant, i.e. the source value is already the same as /// the destination. In such cases the subranges need to be updated /// properly. See comment at pruneSubRegValues for more info. bool Identical = false; Val() = default; bool isAnalyzed() const { return WriteLanes.any(); } }; /// One entry per value number in LI. SmallVector<Val, 8> Vals; /// Compute the bitmask of lanes actually written by DefMI. /// Set Redef if there are any partial register definitions that depend on the /// previous value of the register. LaneBitmask computeWriteLanes(const MachineInstr *DefMI, bool &Redef) const; /// Find the ultimate value that VNI was copied from. std::pair<const VNInfo*,unsigned> followCopyChain(const VNInfo *VNI) const; bool valuesIdentical(VNInfo *Value0, VNInfo *Value1, const JoinVals &Other) const; /// Analyze ValNo in this live range, and set all fields of Vals[ValNo]. /// Return a conflict resolution when possible, but leave the hard cases as /// CR_Unresolved. /// Recursively calls computeAssignment() on this and Other, guaranteeing that /// both OtherVNI and RedefVNI have been analyzed and mapped before returning. /// The recursion always goes upwards in the dominator tree, making loops /// impossible. ConflictResolution analyzeValue(unsigned ValNo, JoinVals &Other); /// Compute the value assignment for ValNo in RI. /// This may be called recursively by analyzeValue(), but never for a ValNo on /// the stack. void computeAssignment(unsigned ValNo, JoinVals &Other); /// Assuming ValNo is going to clobber some valid lanes in Other.LR, compute /// the extent of the tainted lanes in the block. /// /// Multiple values in Other.LR can be affected since partial redefinitions /// can preserve previously tainted lanes. /// /// 1 %dst = VLOAD <-- Define all lanes in %dst /// 2 %src = FOO <-- ValNo to be joined with %dst:ssub0 /// 3 %dst:ssub1 = BAR <-- Partial redef doesn't clear taint in ssub0 /// 4 %dst:ssub0 = COPY %src <-- Conflict resolved, ssub0 wasn't read /// /// For each ValNo in Other that is affected, add an (EndIndex, TaintedLanes) /// entry to TaintedVals. /// /// Returns false if the tainted lanes extend beyond the basic block. bool taintExtent(unsigned ValNo, LaneBitmask TaintedLanes, JoinVals &Other, SmallVectorImpl<std::pair<SlotIndex, LaneBitmask>> &TaintExtent); /// Return true if MI uses any of the given Lanes from Reg. /// This does not include partial redefinitions of Reg. bool usesLanes(const MachineInstr &MI, unsigned, unsigned, LaneBitmask) const; /// Determine if ValNo is a copy of a value number in LR or Other.LR that will /// be pruned: /// /// %dst = COPY %src /// %src = COPY %dst <-- This value to be pruned. /// %dst = COPY %src <-- This value is a copy of a pruned value. bool isPrunedValue(unsigned ValNo, JoinVals &Other); public: JoinVals(LiveRange &LR, unsigned Reg, unsigned SubIdx, LaneBitmask LaneMask, SmallVectorImpl<VNInfo*> &newVNInfo, const CoalescerPair &cp, LiveIntervals *lis, const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI, bool SubRangeJoin, bool TrackSubRegLiveness) : LR(LR), Reg(Reg), SubIdx(SubIdx), LaneMask(LaneMask), SubRangeJoin(SubRangeJoin), TrackSubRegLiveness(TrackSubRegLiveness), NewVNInfo(newVNInfo), CP(cp), LIS(lis), Indexes(LIS->getSlotIndexes()), TRI(TRI), Assignments(LR.getNumValNums(), -1), Vals(LR.getNumValNums()) {} /// Analyze defs in LR and compute a value mapping in NewVNInfo. /// Returns false if any conflicts were impossible to resolve. bool mapValues(JoinVals &Other); /// Try to resolve conflicts that require all values to be mapped. /// Returns false if any conflicts were impossible to resolve. bool resolveConflicts(JoinVals &Other); /// Prune the live range of values in Other.LR where they would conflict with /// CR_Replace values in LR. Collect end points for restoring the live range /// after joining. void pruneValues(JoinVals &Other, SmallVectorImpl<SlotIndex> &EndPoints, bool changeInstrs); /// Removes subranges starting at copies that get removed. This sometimes /// happens when undefined subranges are copied around. These ranges contain /// no useful information and can be removed. void pruneSubRegValues(LiveInterval &LI, LaneBitmask &ShrinkMask); /// Pruning values in subranges can lead to removing segments in these /// subranges started by IMPLICIT_DEFs. The corresponding segments in /// the main range also need to be removed. This function will mark /// the corresponding values in the main range as pruned, so that /// eraseInstrs can do the final cleanup. /// The parameter @p LI must be the interval whose main range is the /// live range LR. void pruneMainSegments(LiveInterval &LI, bool &ShrinkMainRange); /// Erase any machine instructions that have been coalesced away. /// Add erased instructions to ErasedInstrs. /// Add foreign virtual registers to ShrinkRegs if their live range ended at /// the erased instrs. void eraseInstrs(SmallPtrSetImpl<MachineInstr*> &ErasedInstrs, SmallVectorImpl<unsigned> &ShrinkRegs, LiveInterval *LI = nullptr); /// Remove liverange defs at places where implicit defs will be removed. void removeImplicitDefs(); /// Get the value assignments suitable for passing to LiveInterval::join. const int *getAssignments() const { return Assignments.data(); } }; } // end anonymous namespace LaneBitmask JoinVals::computeWriteLanes(const MachineInstr *DefMI, bool &Redef) const { LaneBitmask L; for (const MachineOperand &MO : DefMI->operands()) { if (!MO.isReg() || MO.getReg() != Reg || !MO.isDef()) continue; L |= TRI->getSubRegIndexLaneMask( TRI->composeSubRegIndices(SubIdx, MO.getSubReg())); if (MO.readsReg()) Redef = true; } return L; } std::pair<const VNInfo*, unsigned> JoinVals::followCopyChain( const VNInfo *VNI) const { unsigned TrackReg = Reg; while (!VNI->isPHIDef()) { SlotIndex Def = VNI->def; MachineInstr *MI = Indexes->getInstructionFromIndex(Def); assert(MI && "No defining instruction"); if (!MI->isFullCopy()) return std::make_pair(VNI, TrackReg); unsigned SrcReg = MI->getOperand(1).getReg(); if (!TargetRegisterInfo::isVirtualRegister(SrcReg)) return std::make_pair(VNI, TrackReg); const LiveInterval &LI = LIS->getInterval(SrcReg); const VNInfo *ValueIn; // No subrange involved. if (!SubRangeJoin || !LI.hasSubRanges()) { LiveQueryResult LRQ = LI.Query(Def); ValueIn = LRQ.valueIn(); } else { // Query subranges. Ensure that all matching ones take us to the same def // (allowing some of them to be undef). ValueIn = nullptr; for (const LiveInterval::SubRange &S : LI.subranges()) { // Transform lanemask to a mask in the joined live interval. LaneBitmask SMask = TRI->composeSubRegIndexLaneMask(SubIdx, S.LaneMask); if ((SMask & LaneMask).none()) continue; LiveQueryResult LRQ = S.Query(Def); if (!ValueIn) { ValueIn = LRQ.valueIn(); continue; } if (LRQ.valueIn() && ValueIn != LRQ.valueIn()) return std::make_pair(VNI, TrackReg); } } if (ValueIn == nullptr) { // Reaching an undefined value is legitimate, for example: // // 1 undef %0.sub1 = ... ;; %0.sub0 == undef // 2 %1 = COPY %0 ;; %1 is defined here. // 3 %0 = COPY %1 ;; Now %0.sub0 has a definition, // ;; but it's equivalent to "undef". return std::make_pair(nullptr, SrcReg); } VNI = ValueIn; TrackReg = SrcReg; } return std::make_pair(VNI, TrackReg); } bool JoinVals::valuesIdentical(VNInfo *Value0, VNInfo *Value1, const JoinVals &Other) const { const VNInfo *Orig0; unsigned Reg0; std::tie(Orig0, Reg0) = followCopyChain(Value0); if (Orig0 == Value1 && Reg0 == Other.Reg) return true; const VNInfo *Orig1; unsigned Reg1; std::tie(Orig1, Reg1) = Other.followCopyChain(Value1); // If both values are undefined, and the source registers are the same // register, the values are identical. Filter out cases where only one // value is defined. if (Orig0 == nullptr || Orig1 == nullptr) return Orig0 == Orig1 && Reg0 == Reg1; // The values are equal if they are defined at the same place and use the // same register. Note that we cannot compare VNInfos directly as some of // them might be from a copy created in mergeSubRangeInto() while the other // is from the original LiveInterval. return Orig0->def == Orig1->def && Reg0 == Reg1; } JoinVals::ConflictResolution JoinVals::analyzeValue(unsigned ValNo, JoinVals &Other) { Val &V = Vals[ValNo]; assert(!V.isAnalyzed() && "Value has already been analyzed!"); VNInfo *VNI = LR.getValNumInfo(ValNo); if (VNI->isUnused()) { V.WriteLanes = LaneBitmask::getAll(); return CR_Keep; } // Get the instruction defining this value, compute the lanes written. const MachineInstr *DefMI = nullptr; if (VNI->isPHIDef()) { // Conservatively assume that all lanes in a PHI are valid. LaneBitmask Lanes = SubRangeJoin ? LaneBitmask::getLane(0) : TRI->getSubRegIndexLaneMask(SubIdx); V.ValidLanes = V.WriteLanes = Lanes; } else { DefMI = Indexes->getInstructionFromIndex(VNI->def); assert(DefMI != nullptr); if (SubRangeJoin) { // We don't care about the lanes when joining subregister ranges. V.WriteLanes = V.ValidLanes = LaneBitmask::getLane(0); if (DefMI->isImplicitDef()) { V.ValidLanes = LaneBitmask::getNone(); V.ErasableImplicitDef = true; } } else { bool Redef = false; V.ValidLanes = V.WriteLanes = computeWriteLanes(DefMI, Redef); // If this is a read-modify-write instruction, there may be more valid // lanes than the ones written by this instruction. // This only covers partial redef operands. DefMI may have normal use // operands reading the register. They don't contribute valid lanes. // // This adds ssub1 to the set of valid lanes in %src: // // %src:ssub1 = FOO // // This leaves only ssub1 valid, making any other lanes undef: // // %src:ssub1<def,read-undef> = FOO %src:ssub2 // // The <read-undef> flag on the def operand means that old lane values are // not important. if (Redef) { V.RedefVNI = LR.Query(VNI->def).valueIn(); assert((TrackSubRegLiveness || V.RedefVNI) && "Instruction is reading nonexistent value"); if (V.RedefVNI != nullptr) { computeAssignment(V.RedefVNI->id, Other); V.ValidLanes |= Vals[V.RedefVNI->id].ValidLanes; } } // An IMPLICIT_DEF writes undef values. if (DefMI->isImplicitDef()) { // We normally expect IMPLICIT_DEF values to be live only until the end // of their block. If the value is really live longer and gets pruned in // another block, this flag is cleared again. V.ErasableImplicitDef = true; V.ValidLanes &= ~V.WriteLanes; } } } // Find the value in Other that overlaps VNI->def, if any. LiveQueryResult OtherLRQ = Other.LR.Query(VNI->def); // It is possible that both values are defined by the same instruction, or // the values are PHIs defined in the same block. When that happens, the two // values should be merged into one, but not into any preceding value. // The first value defined or visited gets CR_Keep, the other gets CR_Merge. if (VNInfo *OtherVNI = OtherLRQ.valueDefined()) { assert(SlotIndex::isSameInstr(VNI->def, OtherVNI->def) && "Broken LRQ"); // One value stays, the other is merged. Keep the earlier one, or the first // one we see. if (OtherVNI->def < VNI->def) Other.computeAssignment(OtherVNI->id, *this); else if (VNI->def < OtherVNI->def && OtherLRQ.valueIn()) { // This is an early-clobber def overlapping a live-in value in the other // register. Not mergeable. V.OtherVNI = OtherLRQ.valueIn(); return CR_Impossible; } V.OtherVNI = OtherVNI; Val &OtherV = Other.Vals[OtherVNI->id]; // Keep this value, check for conflicts when analyzing OtherVNI. if (!OtherV.isAnalyzed()) return CR_Keep; // Both sides have been analyzed now. // Allow overlapping PHI values. Any real interference would show up in a // predecessor, the PHI itself can't introduce any conflicts. if (VNI->isPHIDef()) return CR_Merge; if ((V.ValidLanes & OtherV.ValidLanes).any()) // Overlapping lanes can't be resolved. return CR_Impossible; else return CR_Merge; } // No simultaneous def. Is Other live at the def? V.OtherVNI = OtherLRQ.valueIn(); if (!V.OtherVNI) // No overlap, no conflict. return CR_Keep; assert(!SlotIndex::isSameInstr(VNI->def, V.OtherVNI->def) && "Broken LRQ"); // We have overlapping values, or possibly a kill of Other. // Recursively compute assignments up the dominator tree. Other.computeAssignment(V.OtherVNI->id, *this); Val &OtherV = Other.Vals[V.OtherVNI->id]; // Check if OtherV is an IMPLICIT_DEF that extends beyond its basic block. // This shouldn't normally happen, but ProcessImplicitDefs can leave such // IMPLICIT_DEF instructions behind, and there is nothing wrong with it // technically. // // When it happens, treat that IMPLICIT_DEF as a normal value, and don't try // to erase the IMPLICIT_DEF instruction. if (OtherV.ErasableImplicitDef && DefMI && DefMI->getParent() != Indexes->getMBBFromIndex(V.OtherVNI->def)) { LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "IMPLICIT_DEF defined at " << V.OtherVNI->def << " extends into " << printMBBReference(*DefMI->getParent()) << ", keeping it.\n"); OtherV.ErasableImplicitDef = false; } // Allow overlapping PHI values. Any real interference would show up in a // predecessor, the PHI itself can't introduce any conflicts. if (VNI->isPHIDef()) return CR_Replace; // Check for simple erasable conflicts. if (DefMI->isImplicitDef()) { // We need the def for the subregister if there is nothing else live at the // subrange at this point. if (TrackSubRegLiveness && (V.WriteLanes & (OtherV.ValidLanes | OtherV.WriteLanes)).none()) return CR_Replace; return CR_Erase; } // Include the non-conflict where DefMI is a coalescable copy that kills // OtherVNI. We still want the copy erased and value numbers merged. if (CP.isCoalescable(DefMI)) { // Some of the lanes copied from OtherVNI may be undef, making them undef // here too. V.ValidLanes &= ~V.WriteLanes | OtherV.ValidLanes; return CR_Erase; } // This may not be a real conflict if DefMI simply kills Other and defines // VNI. if (OtherLRQ.isKill() && OtherLRQ.endPoint() <= VNI->def) return CR_Keep; // Handle the case where VNI and OtherVNI can be proven to be identical: // // %other = COPY %ext // %this = COPY %ext <-- Erase this copy // if (DefMI->isFullCopy() && !CP.isPartial() && valuesIdentical(VNI, V.OtherVNI, Other)) { V.Identical = true; return CR_Erase; } // If the lanes written by this instruction were all undef in OtherVNI, it is // still safe to join the live ranges. This can't be done with a simple value // mapping, though - OtherVNI will map to multiple values: // // 1 %dst:ssub0 = FOO <-- OtherVNI // 2 %src = BAR <-- VNI // 3 %dst:ssub1 = COPY killed %src <-- Eliminate this copy. // 4 BAZ killed %dst // 5 QUUX killed %src // // Here OtherVNI will map to itself in [1;2), but to VNI in [2;5). CR_Replace // handles this complex value mapping. if ((V.WriteLanes & OtherV.ValidLanes).none()) return CR_Replace; // If the other live range is killed by DefMI and the live ranges are still // overlapping, it must be because we're looking at an early clobber def: // // %dst<def,early-clobber> = ASM killed %src // // In this case, it is illegal to merge the two live ranges since the early // clobber def would clobber %src before it was read. if (OtherLRQ.isKill()) { // This case where the def doesn't overlap the kill is handled above. assert(VNI->def.isEarlyClobber() && "Only early clobber defs can overlap a kill"); return CR_Impossible; } // VNI is clobbering live lanes in OtherVNI, but there is still the // possibility that no instructions actually read the clobbered lanes. // If we're clobbering all the lanes in OtherVNI, at least one must be read. // Otherwise Other.RI wouldn't be live here. if ((TRI->getSubRegIndexLaneMask(Other.SubIdx) & ~V.WriteLanes).none()) return CR_Impossible; // We need to verify that no instructions are reading the clobbered lanes. To // save compile time, we'll only check that locally. Don't allow the tainted // value to escape the basic block. MachineBasicBlock *MBB = Indexes->getMBBFromIndex(VNI->def); if (OtherLRQ.endPoint() >= Indexes->getMBBEndIdx(MBB)) return CR_Impossible; // There are still some things that could go wrong besides clobbered lanes // being read, for example OtherVNI may be only partially redefined in MBB, // and some clobbered lanes could escape the block. Save this analysis for // resolveConflicts() when all values have been mapped. We need to know // RedefVNI and WriteLanes for any later defs in MBB, and we can't compute // that now - the recursive analyzeValue() calls must go upwards in the // dominator tree. return CR_Unresolved; } void JoinVals::computeAssignment(unsigned ValNo, JoinVals &Other) { Val &V = Vals[ValNo]; if (V.isAnalyzed()) { // Recursion should always move up the dominator tree, so ValNo is not // supposed to reappear before it has been assigned. assert(Assignments[ValNo] != -1 && "Bad recursion?"); return; } switch ((V.Resolution = analyzeValue(ValNo, Other))) { case CR_Erase: case CR_Merge: // Merge this ValNo into OtherVNI. assert(V.OtherVNI && "OtherVNI not assigned, can't merge."); assert(Other.Vals[V.OtherVNI->id].isAnalyzed() && "Missing recursion"); Assignments[ValNo] = Other.Assignments[V.OtherVNI->id]; LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\t\tmerge " << printReg(Reg) << ':' << ValNo << '@' << LR.getValNumInfo(ValNo)->def << " into " << printReg(Other.Reg) << ':' << V.OtherVNI->id << '@' << V.OtherVNI->def << " --> @" << NewVNInfo[Assignments[ValNo]]->def << '\n'); break; case CR_Replace: case CR_Unresolved: { // The other value is going to be pruned if this join is successful. assert(V.OtherVNI && "OtherVNI not assigned, can't prune"); Val &OtherV = Other.Vals[V.OtherVNI->id]; // We cannot erase an IMPLICIT_DEF if we don't have valid values for all // its lanes. if ((OtherV.WriteLanes & ~V.ValidLanes).any() && TrackSubRegLiveness) OtherV.ErasableImplicitDef = false; OtherV.Pruned = true; LLVM_FALLTHROUGH; } default: // This value number needs to go in the final joined live range. Assignments[ValNo] = NewVNInfo.size(); NewVNInfo.push_back(LR.getValNumInfo(ValNo)); break; } } bool JoinVals::mapValues(JoinVals &Other) { for (unsigned i = 0, e = LR.getNumValNums(); i != e; ++i) { computeAssignment(i, Other); if (Vals[i].Resolution == CR_Impossible) { LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\t\tinterference at " << printReg(Reg) << ':' << i << '@' << LR.getValNumInfo(i)->def << '\n'); return false; } } return true; } bool JoinVals:: taintExtent(unsigned ValNo, LaneBitmask TaintedLanes, JoinVals &Other, SmallVectorImpl<std::pair<SlotIndex, LaneBitmask>> &TaintExtent) { VNInfo *VNI = LR.getValNumInfo(ValNo); MachineBasicBlock *MBB = Indexes->getMBBFromIndex(VNI->def); SlotIndex MBBEnd = Indexes->getMBBEndIdx(MBB); // Scan Other.LR from VNI.def to MBBEnd. LiveInterval::iterator OtherI = Other.LR.find(VNI->def); assert(OtherI != Other.LR.end() && "No conflict?"); do { // OtherI is pointing to a tainted value. Abort the join if the tainted // lanes escape the block. SlotIndex End = OtherI->end; if (End >= MBBEnd) { LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\t\ttaints global " << printReg(Other.Reg) << ':' << OtherI->valno->id << '@' << OtherI->start << '\n'); return false; } LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\t\ttaints local " << printReg(Other.Reg) << ':' << OtherI->valno->id << '@' << OtherI->start << " to " << End << '\n'); // A dead def is not a problem. if (End.isDead()) break; TaintExtent.push_back(std::make_pair(End, TaintedLanes)); // Check for another def in the MBB. if (++OtherI == Other.LR.end() || OtherI->start >= MBBEnd) break; // Lanes written by the new def are no longer tainted. const Val &OV = Other.Vals[OtherI->valno->id]; TaintedLanes &= ~OV.WriteLanes; if (!OV.RedefVNI) break; } while (TaintedLanes.any()); return true; } bool JoinVals::usesLanes(const MachineInstr &MI, unsigned Reg, unsigned SubIdx, LaneBitmask Lanes) const { if (MI.isDebugInstr()) return false; for (const MachineOperand &MO : MI.operands()) { if (!MO.isReg() || MO.isDef() || MO.getReg() != Reg) continue; if (!MO.readsReg()) continue; unsigned S = TRI->composeSubRegIndices(SubIdx, MO.getSubReg()); if ((Lanes & TRI->getSubRegIndexLaneMask(S)).any()) return true; } return false; } bool JoinVals::resolveConflicts(JoinVals &Other) { for (unsigned i = 0, e = LR.getNumValNums(); i != e; ++i) { Val &V = Vals[i]; assert(V.Resolution != CR_Impossible && "Unresolvable conflict"); if (V.Resolution != CR_Unresolved) continue; LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\t\tconflict at " << printReg(Reg) << ':' << i << '@' << LR.getValNumInfo(i)->def << '\n'); if (SubRangeJoin) return false; ++NumLaneConflicts; assert(V.OtherVNI && "Inconsistent conflict resolution."); VNInfo *VNI = LR.getValNumInfo(i); const Val &OtherV = Other.Vals[V.OtherVNI->id]; // VNI is known to clobber some lanes in OtherVNI. If we go ahead with the // join, those lanes will be tainted with a wrong value. Get the extent of // the tainted lanes. LaneBitmask TaintedLanes = V.WriteLanes & OtherV.ValidLanes; SmallVector<std::pair<SlotIndex, LaneBitmask>, 8> TaintExtent; if (!taintExtent(i, TaintedLanes, Other, TaintExtent)) // Tainted lanes would extend beyond the basic block. return false; assert(!TaintExtent.empty() && "There should be at least one conflict."); // Now look at the instructions from VNI->def to TaintExtent (inclusive). MachineBasicBlock *MBB = Indexes->getMBBFromIndex(VNI->def); MachineBasicBlock::iterator MI = MBB->begin(); if (!VNI->isPHIDef()) { MI = Indexes->getInstructionFromIndex(VNI->def); // No need to check the instruction defining VNI for reads. ++MI; } assert(!SlotIndex::isSameInstr(VNI->def, TaintExtent.front().first) && "Interference ends on VNI->def. Should have been handled earlier"); MachineInstr *LastMI = Indexes->getInstructionFromIndex(TaintExtent.front().first); assert(LastMI && "Range must end at a proper instruction"); unsigned TaintNum = 0; while (true) { assert(MI != MBB->end() && "Bad LastMI"); if (usesLanes(*MI, Other.Reg, Other.SubIdx, TaintedLanes)) { LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\t\ttainted lanes used by: " << *MI); return false; } // LastMI is the last instruction to use the current value. if (&*MI == LastMI) { if (++TaintNum == TaintExtent.size()) break; LastMI = Indexes->getInstructionFromIndex(TaintExtent[TaintNum].first); assert(LastMI && "Range must end at a proper instruction"); TaintedLanes = TaintExtent[TaintNum].second; } ++MI; } // The tainted lanes are unused. V.Resolution = CR_Replace; ++NumLaneResolves; } return true; } bool JoinVals::isPrunedValue(unsigned ValNo, JoinVals &Other) { Val &V = Vals[ValNo]; if (V.Pruned || V.PrunedComputed) return V.Pruned; if (V.Resolution != CR_Erase && V.Resolution != CR_Merge) return V.Pruned; // Follow copies up the dominator tree and check if any intermediate value // has been pruned. V.PrunedComputed = true; V.Pruned = Other.isPrunedValue(V.OtherVNI->id, *this); return V.Pruned; } void JoinVals::pruneValues(JoinVals &Other, SmallVectorImpl<SlotIndex> &EndPoints, bool changeInstrs) { for (unsigned i = 0, e = LR.getNumValNums(); i != e; ++i) { SlotIndex Def = LR.getValNumInfo(i)->def; switch (Vals[i].Resolution) { case CR_Keep: break; case CR_Replace: { // This value takes precedence over the value in Other.LR. LIS->pruneValue(Other.LR, Def, &EndPoints); // Check if we're replacing an IMPLICIT_DEF value. The IMPLICIT_DEF // instructions are only inserted to provide a live-out value for PHI // predecessors, so the instruction should simply go away once its value // has been replaced. Val &OtherV = Other.Vals[Vals[i].OtherVNI->id]; bool EraseImpDef = OtherV.ErasableImplicitDef && OtherV.Resolution == CR_Keep; if (!Def.isBlock()) { if (changeInstrs) { // Remove <def,read-undef> flags. This def is now a partial redef. // Also remove dead flags since the joined live range will // continue past this instruction. for (MachineOperand &MO : Indexes->getInstructionFromIndex(Def)->operands()) { if (MO.isReg() && MO.isDef() && MO.getReg() == Reg) { if (MO.getSubReg() != 0 && MO.isUndef() && !EraseImpDef) MO.setIsUndef(false); MO.setIsDead(false); } } } // This value will reach instructions below, but we need to make sure // the live range also reaches the instruction at Def. if (!EraseImpDef) EndPoints.push_back(Def); } LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\t\tpruned " << printReg(Other.Reg) << " at " << Def << ": " << Other.LR << '\n'); break; } case CR_Erase: case CR_Merge: if (isPrunedValue(i, Other)) { // This value is ultimately a copy of a pruned value in LR or Other.LR. // We can no longer trust the value mapping computed by // computeAssignment(), the value that was originally copied could have // been replaced. LIS->pruneValue(LR, Def, &EndPoints); LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\t\tpruned all of " << printReg(Reg) << " at " << Def << ": " << LR << '\n'); } break; case CR_Unresolved: case CR_Impossible: llvm_unreachable("Unresolved conflicts"); } } } /// Consider the following situation when coalescing the copy between /// %31 and %45 at 800. (The vertical lines represent live range segments.) /// /// Main range Subrange 0004 (sub2) /// %31 %45 %31 %45 /// 544 %45 = COPY %28 + + /// | v1 | v1 /// 560B bb.1: + + /// 624 = %45.sub2 | v2 | v2 /// 800 %31 = COPY %45 + + + + /// | v0 | v0 /// 816 %31.sub1 = ... + | /// 880 %30 = COPY %31 | v1 + /// 928 %45 = COPY %30 | + + /// | | v0 | v0 <--+ /// 992B ; backedge -> bb.1 | + + | /// 1040 = %31.sub0 + | /// This value must remain /// live-out! /// /// Assuming that %31 is coalesced into %45, the copy at 928 becomes /// redundant, since it copies the value from %45 back into it. The /// conflict resolution for the main range determines that %45.v0 is /// to be erased, which is ok since %31.v1 is identical to it. /// The problem happens with the subrange for sub2: it has to be live /// on exit from the block, but since 928 was actually a point of /// definition of %45.sub2, %45.sub2 was not live immediately prior /// to that definition. As a result, when 928 was erased, the value v0 /// for %45.sub2 was pruned in pruneSubRegValues. Consequently, an /// IMPLICIT_DEF was inserted as a "backedge" definition for %45.sub2, /// providing an incorrect value to the use at 624. /// /// Since the main-range values %31.v1 and %45.v0 were proved to be /// identical, the corresponding values in subranges must also be the /// same. A redundant copy is removed because it's not needed, and not /// because it copied an undefined value, so any liveness that originated /// from that copy cannot disappear. When pruning a value that started /// at the removed copy, the corresponding identical value must be /// extended to replace it. void JoinVals::pruneSubRegValues(LiveInterval &LI, LaneBitmask &ShrinkMask) { // Look for values being erased. bool DidPrune = false; for (unsigned i = 0, e = LR.getNumValNums(); i != e; ++i) { Val &V = Vals[i]; // We should trigger in all cases in which eraseInstrs() does something. // match what eraseInstrs() is doing, print a message so if (V.Resolution != CR_Erase && (V.Resolution != CR_Keep || !V.ErasableImplicitDef || !V.Pruned)) continue; // Check subranges at the point where the copy will be removed. SlotIndex Def = LR.getValNumInfo(i)->def; SlotIndex OtherDef; if (V.Identical) OtherDef = V.OtherVNI->def; // Print message so mismatches with eraseInstrs() can be diagnosed. LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\t\tExpecting instruction removal at " << Def << '\n'); for (LiveInterval::SubRange &S : LI.subranges()) { LiveQueryResult Q = S.Query(Def); // If a subrange starts at the copy then an undefined value has been // copied and we must remove that subrange value as well. VNInfo *ValueOut = Q.valueOutOrDead(); if (ValueOut != nullptr && Q.valueIn() == nullptr) { LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\t\tPrune sublane " << PrintLaneMask(S.LaneMask) << " at " << Def << "\n"); SmallVector<SlotIndex,8> EndPoints; LIS->pruneValue(S, Def, &EndPoints); DidPrune = true; // Mark value number as unused. ValueOut->markUnused(); if (V.Identical && S.Query(OtherDef).valueOut()) { // If V is identical to V.OtherVNI (and S was live at OtherDef), // then we can't simply prune V from S. V needs to be replaced // with V.OtherVNI. LIS->extendToIndices(S, EndPoints); } continue; } // If a subrange ends at the copy, then a value was copied but only // partially used later. Shrink the subregister range appropriately. if (Q.valueIn() != nullptr && Q.valueOut() == nullptr) { LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\t\tDead uses at sublane " << PrintLaneMask(S.LaneMask) << " at " << Def << "\n"); ShrinkMask |= S.LaneMask; } } } if (DidPrune) LI.removeEmptySubRanges(); } /// Check if any of the subranges of @p LI contain a definition at @p Def. static bool isDefInSubRange(LiveInterval &LI, SlotIndex Def) { for (LiveInterval::SubRange &SR : LI.subranges()) { if (VNInfo *VNI = SR.Query(Def).valueOutOrDead()) if (VNI->def == Def) return true; } return false; } void JoinVals::pruneMainSegments(LiveInterval &LI, bool &ShrinkMainRange) { assert(&static_cast<LiveRange&>(LI) == &LR); for (unsigned i = 0, e = LR.getNumValNums(); i != e; ++i) { if (Vals[i].Resolution != CR_Keep) continue; VNInfo *VNI = LR.getValNumInfo(i); if (VNI->isUnused() || VNI->isPHIDef() || isDefInSubRange(LI, VNI->def)) continue; Vals[i].Pruned = true; ShrinkMainRange = true; } } void JoinVals::removeImplicitDefs() { for (unsigned i = 0, e = LR.getNumValNums(); i != e; ++i) { Val &V = Vals[i]; if (V.Resolution != CR_Keep || !V.ErasableImplicitDef || !V.Pruned) continue; VNInfo *VNI = LR.getValNumInfo(i); VNI->markUnused(); LR.removeValNo(VNI); } } void JoinVals::eraseInstrs(SmallPtrSetImpl<MachineInstr*> &ErasedInstrs, SmallVectorImpl<unsigned> &ShrinkRegs, LiveInterval *LI) { for (unsigned i = 0, e = LR.getNumValNums(); i != e; ++i) { // Get the def location before markUnused() below invalidates it. SlotIndex Def = LR.getValNumInfo(i)->def; switch (Vals[i].Resolution) { case CR_Keep: { // If an IMPLICIT_DEF value is pruned, it doesn't serve a purpose any // longer. The IMPLICIT_DEF instructions are only inserted by // PHIElimination to guarantee that all PHI predecessors have a value. if (!Vals[i].ErasableImplicitDef || !Vals[i].Pruned) break; // Remove value number i from LR. // For intervals with subranges, removing a segment from the main range // may require extending the previous segment: for each definition of // a subregister, there will be a corresponding def in the main range. // That def may fall in the middle of a segment from another subrange. // In such cases, removing this def from the main range must be // complemented by extending the main range to account for the liveness // of the other subrange. VNInfo *VNI = LR.getValNumInfo(i); SlotIndex Def = VNI->def; // The new end point of the main range segment to be extended. SlotIndex NewEnd; if (LI != nullptr) { LiveRange::iterator I = LR.FindSegmentContaining(Def); assert(I != LR.end()); // Do not extend beyond the end of the segment being removed. // The segment may have been pruned in preparation for joining // live ranges. NewEnd = I->end; } LR.removeValNo(VNI); // Note that this VNInfo is reused and still referenced in NewVNInfo, // make it appear like an unused value number. VNI->markUnused(); if (LI != nullptr && LI->hasSubRanges()) { assert(static_cast<LiveRange*>(LI) == &LR); // Determine the end point based on the subrange information: // minimum of (earliest def of next segment, // latest end point of containing segment) SlotIndex ED, LE; for (LiveInterval::SubRange &SR : LI->subranges()) { LiveRange::iterator I = SR.find(Def); if (I == SR.end()) continue; if (I->start > Def) ED = ED.isValid() ? std::min(ED, I->start) : I->start; else LE = LE.isValid() ? std::max(LE, I->end) : I->end; } if (LE.isValid()) NewEnd = std::min(NewEnd, LE); if (ED.isValid()) NewEnd = std::min(NewEnd, ED); // We only want to do the extension if there was a subrange that // was live across Def. if (LE.isValid()) { LiveRange::iterator S = LR.find(Def); if (S != LR.begin()) std::prev(S)->end = NewEnd; } } LLVM_DEBUG({ dbgs() << "\t\tremoved " << i << '@' << Def << ": " << LR << '\n'; if (LI != nullptr) dbgs() << "\t\t LHS = " << *LI << '\n'; }); LLVM_FALLTHROUGH; } case CR_Erase: { MachineInstr *MI = Indexes->getInstructionFromIndex(Def); assert(MI && "No instruction to erase"); if (MI->isCopy()) { unsigned Reg = MI->getOperand(1).getReg(); if (TargetRegisterInfo::isVirtualRegister(Reg) && Reg != CP.getSrcReg() && Reg != CP.getDstReg()) ShrinkRegs.push_back(Reg); } ErasedInstrs.insert(MI); LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\t\terased:\t" << Def << '\t' << *MI); LIS->RemoveMachineInstrFromMaps(*MI); MI->eraseFromParent(); break; } default: break; } } } void RegisterCoalescer::joinSubRegRanges(LiveRange &LRange, LiveRange &RRange, LaneBitmask LaneMask, const CoalescerPair &CP) { SmallVector<VNInfo*, 16> NewVNInfo; JoinVals RHSVals(RRange, CP.getSrcReg(), CP.getSrcIdx(), LaneMask, NewVNInfo, CP, LIS, TRI, true, true); JoinVals LHSVals(LRange, CP.getDstReg(), CP.getDstIdx(), LaneMask, NewVNInfo, CP, LIS, TRI, true, true); // Compute NewVNInfo and resolve conflicts (see also joinVirtRegs()) // We should be able to resolve all conflicts here as we could successfully do // it on the mainrange already. There is however a problem when multiple // ranges get mapped to the "overflow" lane mask bit which creates unexpected // interferences. if (!LHSVals.mapValues(RHSVals) || !RHSVals.mapValues(LHSVals)) { // We already determined that it is legal to merge the intervals, so this // should never fail. llvm_unreachable("*** Couldn't join subrange!\n"); } if (!LHSVals.resolveConflicts(RHSVals) || !RHSVals.resolveConflicts(LHSVals)) { // We already determined that it is legal to merge the intervals, so this // should never fail. llvm_unreachable("*** Couldn't join subrange!\n"); } // The merging algorithm in LiveInterval::join() can't handle conflicting // value mappings, so we need to remove any live ranges that overlap a // CR_Replace resolution. Collect a set of end points that can be used to // restore the live range after joining. SmallVector<SlotIndex, 8> EndPoints; LHSVals.pruneValues(RHSVals, EndPoints, false); RHSVals.pruneValues(LHSVals, EndPoints, false); LHSVals.removeImplicitDefs(); RHSVals.removeImplicitDefs(); LRange.verify(); RRange.verify(); // Join RRange into LHS. LRange.join(RRange, LHSVals.getAssignments(), RHSVals.getAssignments(), NewVNInfo); LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\t\tjoined lanes: " << PrintLaneMask(LaneMask) << ' ' << LRange << "\n"); if (EndPoints.empty()) return; // Recompute the parts of the live range we had to remove because of // CR_Replace conflicts. LLVM_DEBUG({ dbgs() << "\t\trestoring liveness to " << EndPoints.size() << " points: "; for (unsigned i = 0, n = EndPoints.size(); i != n; ++i) { dbgs() << EndPoints[i]; if (i != n-1) dbgs() << ','; } dbgs() << ": " << LRange << '\n'; }); LIS->extendToIndices(LRange, EndPoints); } void RegisterCoalescer::mergeSubRangeInto(LiveInterval &LI, const LiveRange &ToMerge, LaneBitmask LaneMask, CoalescerPair &CP) { BumpPtrAllocator &Allocator = LIS->getVNInfoAllocator(); LI.refineSubRanges(Allocator, LaneMask, [this,&Allocator,&ToMerge,&CP](LiveInterval::SubRange &SR) { if (SR.empty()) { SR.assign(ToMerge, Allocator); } else { // joinSubRegRange() destroys the merged range, so we need a copy. LiveRange RangeCopy(ToMerge, Allocator); joinSubRegRanges(SR, RangeCopy, SR.LaneMask, CP); } }); } bool RegisterCoalescer::joinVirtRegs(CoalescerPair &CP) { SmallVector<VNInfo*, 16> NewVNInfo; LiveInterval &RHS = LIS->getInterval(CP.getSrcReg()); LiveInterval &LHS = LIS->getInterval(CP.getDstReg()); bool TrackSubRegLiveness = MRI->shouldTrackSubRegLiveness(*CP.getNewRC()); JoinVals RHSVals(RHS, CP.getSrcReg(), CP.getSrcIdx(), LaneBitmask::getNone(), NewVNInfo, CP, LIS, TRI, false, TrackSubRegLiveness); JoinVals LHSVals(LHS, CP.getDstReg(), CP.getDstIdx(), LaneBitmask::getNone(), NewVNInfo, CP, LIS, TRI, false, TrackSubRegLiveness); LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\t\tRHS = " << RHS << "\n\t\tLHS = " << LHS << '\n'); // First compute NewVNInfo and the simple value mappings. // Detect impossible conflicts early. if (!LHSVals.mapValues(RHSVals) || !RHSVals.mapValues(LHSVals)) return false; // Some conflicts can only be resolved after all values have been mapped. if (!LHSVals.resolveConflicts(RHSVals) || !RHSVals.resolveConflicts(LHSVals)) return false; // All clear, the live ranges can be merged. if (RHS.hasSubRanges() || LHS.hasSubRanges()) { BumpPtrAllocator &Allocator = LIS->getVNInfoAllocator(); // Transform lanemasks from the LHS to masks in the coalesced register and // create initial subranges if necessary. unsigned DstIdx = CP.getDstIdx(); if (!LHS.hasSubRanges()) { LaneBitmask Mask = DstIdx == 0 ? CP.getNewRC()->getLaneMask() : TRI->getSubRegIndexLaneMask(DstIdx); // LHS must support subregs or we wouldn't be in this codepath. assert(Mask.any()); LHS.createSubRangeFrom(Allocator, Mask, LHS); } else if (DstIdx != 0) { // Transform LHS lanemasks to new register class if necessary. for (LiveInterval::SubRange &R : LHS.subranges()) { LaneBitmask Mask = TRI->composeSubRegIndexLaneMask(DstIdx, R.LaneMask); R.LaneMask = Mask; } } LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\t\tLHST = " << printReg(CP.getDstReg()) << ' ' << LHS << '\n'); // Determine lanemasks of RHS in the coalesced register and merge subranges. unsigned SrcIdx = CP.getSrcIdx(); if (!RHS.hasSubRanges()) { LaneBitmask Mask = SrcIdx == 0 ? CP.getNewRC()->getLaneMask() : TRI->getSubRegIndexLaneMask(SrcIdx); mergeSubRangeInto(LHS, RHS, Mask, CP); } else { // Pair up subranges and merge. for (LiveInterval::SubRange &R : RHS.subranges()) { LaneBitmask Mask = TRI->composeSubRegIndexLaneMask(SrcIdx, R.LaneMask); mergeSubRangeInto(LHS, R, Mask, CP); } } LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\tJoined SubRanges " << LHS << "\n"); // Pruning implicit defs from subranges may result in the main range // having stale segments. LHSVals.pruneMainSegments(LHS, ShrinkMainRange); LHSVals.pruneSubRegValues(LHS, ShrinkMask); RHSVals.pruneSubRegValues(LHS, ShrinkMask); } // The merging algorithm in LiveInterval::join() can't handle conflicting // value mappings, so we need to remove any live ranges that overlap a // CR_Replace resolution. Collect a set of end points that can be used to // restore the live range after joining. SmallVector<SlotIndex, 8> EndPoints; LHSVals.pruneValues(RHSVals, EndPoints, true); RHSVals.pruneValues(LHSVals, EndPoints, true); // Erase COPY and IMPLICIT_DEF instructions. This may cause some external // registers to require trimming. SmallVector<unsigned, 8> ShrinkRegs; LHSVals.eraseInstrs(ErasedInstrs, ShrinkRegs, &LHS); RHSVals.eraseInstrs(ErasedInstrs, ShrinkRegs); while (!ShrinkRegs.empty()) shrinkToUses(&LIS->getInterval(ShrinkRegs.pop_back_val())); // Join RHS into LHS. LHS.join(RHS, LHSVals.getAssignments(), RHSVals.getAssignments(), NewVNInfo); // Kill flags are going to be wrong if the live ranges were overlapping. // Eventually, we should simply clear all kill flags when computing live // ranges. They are reinserted after register allocation. MRI->clearKillFlags(LHS.reg); MRI->clearKillFlags(RHS.reg); if (!EndPoints.empty()) { // Recompute the parts of the live range we had to remove because of // CR_Replace conflicts. LLVM_DEBUG({ dbgs() << "\t\trestoring liveness to " << EndPoints.size() << " points: "; for (unsigned i = 0, n = EndPoints.size(); i != n; ++i) { dbgs() << EndPoints[i]; if (i != n-1) dbgs() << ','; } dbgs() << ": " << LHS << '\n'; }); LIS->extendToIndices((LiveRange&)LHS, EndPoints); } return true; } bool RegisterCoalescer::joinIntervals(CoalescerPair &CP) { return CP.isPhys() ? joinReservedPhysReg(CP) : joinVirtRegs(CP); } namespace { /// Information concerning MBB coalescing priority. struct MBBPriorityInfo { MachineBasicBlock *MBB; unsigned Depth; bool IsSplit; MBBPriorityInfo(MachineBasicBlock *mbb, unsigned depth, bool issplit) : MBB(mbb), Depth(depth), IsSplit(issplit) {} }; } // end anonymous namespace /// C-style comparator that sorts first based on the loop depth of the basic /// block (the unsigned), and then on the MBB number. /// /// EnableGlobalCopies assumes that the primary sort key is loop depth. static int compareMBBPriority(const MBBPriorityInfo *LHS, const MBBPriorityInfo *RHS) { // Deeper loops first if (LHS->Depth != RHS->Depth) return LHS->Depth > RHS->Depth ? -1 : 1; // Try to unsplit critical edges next. if (LHS->IsSplit != RHS->IsSplit) return LHS->IsSplit ? -1 : 1; // Prefer blocks that are more connected in the CFG. This takes care of // the most difficult copies first while intervals are short. unsigned cl = LHS->MBB->pred_size() + LHS->MBB->succ_size(); unsigned cr = RHS->MBB->pred_size() + RHS->MBB->succ_size(); if (cl != cr) return cl > cr ? -1 : 1; // As a last resort, sort by block number. return LHS->MBB->getNumber() < RHS->MBB->getNumber() ? -1 : 1; } /// \returns true if the given copy uses or defines a local live range. static bool isLocalCopy(MachineInstr *Copy, const LiveIntervals *LIS) { if (!Copy->isCopy()) return false; if (Copy->getOperand(1).isUndef()) return false; unsigned SrcReg = Copy->getOperand(1).getReg(); unsigned DstReg = Copy->getOperand(0).getReg(); if (TargetRegisterInfo::isPhysicalRegister(SrcReg) || TargetRegisterInfo::isPhysicalRegister(DstReg)) return false; return LIS->intervalIsInOneMBB(LIS->getInterval(SrcReg)) || LIS->intervalIsInOneMBB(LIS->getInterval(DstReg)); } bool RegisterCoalescer:: copyCoalesceWorkList(MutableArrayRef<MachineInstr*> CurrList) { bool Progress = false; for (unsigned i = 0, e = CurrList.size(); i != e; ++i) { if (!CurrList[i]) continue; // Skip instruction pointers that have already been erased, for example by // dead code elimination. if (ErasedInstrs.count(CurrList[i])) { CurrList[i] = nullptr; continue; } bool Again = false; bool Success = joinCopy(CurrList[i], Again); Progress |= Success; if (Success || !Again) CurrList[i] = nullptr; } return Progress; } /// Check if DstReg is a terminal node. /// I.e., it does not have any affinity other than \p Copy. static bool isTerminalReg(unsigned DstReg, const MachineInstr &Copy, const MachineRegisterInfo *MRI) { assert(Copy.isCopyLike()); // Check if the destination of this copy as any other affinity. for (const MachineInstr &MI : MRI->reg_nodbg_instructions(DstReg)) if (&MI != &Copy && MI.isCopyLike()) return false; return true; } bool RegisterCoalescer::applyTerminalRule(const MachineInstr &Copy) const { assert(Copy.isCopyLike()); if (!UseTerminalRule) return false; unsigned DstReg, DstSubReg, SrcReg, SrcSubReg; isMoveInstr(*TRI, &Copy, SrcReg, DstReg, SrcSubReg, DstSubReg); // Check if the destination of this copy has any other affinity. if (TargetRegisterInfo::isPhysicalRegister(DstReg) || // If SrcReg is a physical register, the copy won't be coalesced. // Ignoring it may have other side effect (like missing // rematerialization). So keep it. TargetRegisterInfo::isPhysicalRegister(SrcReg) || !isTerminalReg(DstReg, Copy, MRI)) return false; // DstReg is a terminal node. Check if it interferes with any other // copy involving SrcReg. const MachineBasicBlock *OrigBB = Copy.getParent(); const LiveInterval &DstLI = LIS->getInterval(DstReg); for (const MachineInstr &MI : MRI->reg_nodbg_instructions(SrcReg)) { // Technically we should check if the weight of the new copy is // interesting compared to the other one and update the weight // of the copies accordingly. However, this would only work if // we would gather all the copies first then coalesce, whereas // right now we interleave both actions. // For now, just consider the copies that are in the same block. if (&MI == &Copy || !MI.isCopyLike() || MI.getParent() != OrigBB) continue; unsigned OtherReg, OtherSubReg, OtherSrcReg, OtherSrcSubReg; isMoveInstr(*TRI, &Copy, OtherSrcReg, OtherReg, OtherSrcSubReg, OtherSubReg); if (OtherReg == SrcReg) OtherReg = OtherSrcReg; // Check if OtherReg is a non-terminal. if (TargetRegisterInfo::isPhysicalRegister(OtherReg) || isTerminalReg(OtherReg, MI, MRI)) continue; // Check that OtherReg interfere with DstReg. if (LIS->getInterval(OtherReg).overlaps(DstLI)) { LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Apply terminal rule for: " << printReg(DstReg) << '\n'); return true; } } return false; } void RegisterCoalescer::copyCoalesceInMBB(MachineBasicBlock *MBB) { LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << MBB->getName() << ":\n"); // Collect all copy-like instructions in MBB. Don't start coalescing anything // yet, it might invalidate the iterator. const unsigned PrevSize = WorkList.size(); if (JoinGlobalCopies) { SmallVector<MachineInstr*, 2> LocalTerminals; SmallVector<MachineInstr*, 2> GlobalTerminals; // Coalesce copies bottom-up to coalesce local defs before local uses. They // are not inherently easier to resolve, but slightly preferable until we // have local live range splitting. In particular this is required by // cmp+jmp macro fusion. for (MachineBasicBlock::iterator MII = MBB->begin(), E = MBB->end(); MII != E; ++MII) { if (!MII->isCopyLike()) continue; bool ApplyTerminalRule = applyTerminalRule(*MII); if (isLocalCopy(&(*MII), LIS)) { if (ApplyTerminalRule) LocalTerminals.push_back(&(*MII)); else LocalWorkList.push_back(&(*MII)); } else { if (ApplyTerminalRule) GlobalTerminals.push_back(&(*MII)); else WorkList.push_back(&(*MII)); } } // Append the copies evicted by the terminal rule at the end of the list. LocalWorkList.append(LocalTerminals.begin(), LocalTerminals.end()); WorkList.append(GlobalTerminals.begin(), GlobalTerminals.end()); } else { SmallVector<MachineInstr*, 2> Terminals; for (MachineInstr &MII : *MBB) if (MII.isCopyLike()) { if (applyTerminalRule(MII)) Terminals.push_back(&MII); else WorkList.push_back(&MII); } // Append the copies evicted by the terminal rule at the end of the list. WorkList.append(Terminals.begin(), Terminals.end()); } // Try coalescing the collected copies immediately, and remove the nulls. // This prevents the WorkList from getting too large since most copies are // joinable on the first attempt. MutableArrayRef<MachineInstr*> CurrList(WorkList.begin() + PrevSize, WorkList.end()); if (copyCoalesceWorkList(CurrList)) WorkList.erase(std::remove(WorkList.begin() + PrevSize, WorkList.end(), nullptr), WorkList.end()); } void RegisterCoalescer::coalesceLocals() { copyCoalesceWorkList(LocalWorkList); for (unsigned j = 0, je = LocalWorkList.size(); j != je; ++j) { if (LocalWorkList[j]) WorkList.push_back(LocalWorkList[j]); } LocalWorkList.clear(); } void RegisterCoalescer::joinAllIntervals() { LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "********** JOINING INTERVALS ***********\n"); assert(WorkList.empty() && LocalWorkList.empty() && "Old data still around."); std::vector<MBBPriorityInfo> MBBs; MBBs.reserve(MF->size()); for (MachineFunction::iterator I = MF->begin(), E = MF->end(); I != E; ++I) { MachineBasicBlock *MBB = &*I; MBBs.push_back(MBBPriorityInfo(MBB, Loops->getLoopDepth(MBB), JoinSplitEdges && isSplitEdge(MBB))); } array_pod_sort(MBBs.begin(), MBBs.end(), compareMBBPriority); // Coalesce intervals in MBB priority order. unsigned CurrDepth = std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max(); for (unsigned i = 0, e = MBBs.size(); i != e; ++i) { // Try coalescing the collected local copies for deeper loops. if (JoinGlobalCopies && MBBs[i].Depth < CurrDepth) { coalesceLocals(); CurrDepth = MBBs[i].Depth; } copyCoalesceInMBB(MBBs[i].MBB); } coalesceLocals(); // Joining intervals can allow other intervals to be joined. Iteratively join // until we make no progress. while (copyCoalesceWorkList(WorkList)) /* empty */ ; } void RegisterCoalescer::releaseMemory() { ErasedInstrs.clear(); WorkList.clear(); DeadDefs.clear(); InflateRegs.clear(); } bool RegisterCoalescer::runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &fn) { MF = &fn; MRI = &fn.getRegInfo(); const TargetSubtargetInfo &STI = fn.getSubtarget(); TRI = STI.getRegisterInfo(); TII = STI.getInstrInfo(); LIS = &getAnalysis<LiveIntervals>(); AA = &getAnalysis<AAResultsWrapperPass>().getAAResults(); Loops = &getAnalysis<MachineLoopInfo>(); if (EnableGlobalCopies == cl::BOU_UNSET) JoinGlobalCopies = STI.enableJoinGlobalCopies(); else JoinGlobalCopies = (EnableGlobalCopies == cl::BOU_TRUE); // The MachineScheduler does not currently require JoinSplitEdges. This will // either be enabled unconditionally or replaced by a more general live range // splitting optimization. JoinSplitEdges = EnableJoinSplits; LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "********** SIMPLE REGISTER COALESCING **********\n" << "********** Function: " << MF->getName() << '\n'); if (VerifyCoalescing) MF->verify(this, "Before register coalescing"); RegClassInfo.runOnMachineFunction(fn); // Join (coalesce) intervals if requested. if (EnableJoining) joinAllIntervals(); // After deleting a lot of copies, register classes may be less constrained. // Removing sub-register operands may allow GR32_ABCD -> GR32 and DPR_VFP2 -> // DPR inflation. array_pod_sort(InflateRegs.begin(), InflateRegs.end()); InflateRegs.erase(std::unique(InflateRegs.begin(), InflateRegs.end()), InflateRegs.end()); LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Trying to inflate " << InflateRegs.size() << " regs.\n"); for (unsigned i = 0, e = InflateRegs.size(); i != e; ++i) { unsigned Reg = InflateRegs[i]; if (MRI->reg_nodbg_empty(Reg)) continue; if (MRI->recomputeRegClass(Reg)) { LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << printReg(Reg) << " inflated to " << TRI->getRegClassName(MRI->getRegClass(Reg)) << '\n'); ++NumInflated; LiveInterval &LI = LIS->getInterval(Reg); if (LI.hasSubRanges()) { // If the inflated register class does not support subregisters anymore // remove the subranges. if (!MRI->shouldTrackSubRegLiveness(Reg)) { LI.clearSubRanges(); } else { #ifndef NDEBUG LaneBitmask MaxMask = MRI->getMaxLaneMaskForVReg(Reg); // If subranges are still supported, then the same subregs // should still be supported. for (LiveInterval::SubRange &S : LI.subranges()) { assert((S.LaneMask & ~MaxMask).none()); } #endif } } } } LLVM_DEBUG(dump()); if (VerifyCoalescing) MF->verify(this, "After register coalescing"); return true; } void RegisterCoalescer::print(raw_ostream &O, const Module* m) const { LIS->print(O, m); }
{'repo_name': 'NVIDIA/MDL-SDK', 'stars': '243', 'repo_language': 'C++', 'file_name': 'DIASourceFile.h', 'mime_type': 'text/x-c++', 'hash': 4331508629900682092, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
set(CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM "Linux-4.4.0-78-generic") set(CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME "Linux") set(CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_VERSION "4.4.0-78-generic") set(CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR "x86_64") set(CMAKE_SYSTEM "Linux-4.4.0-78-generic") set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME "Linux") set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION "4.4.0-78-generic") set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR "x86_64") set(CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING "FALSE") set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_LOADED 1)
{'repo_name': 'EricLYang/courseRepo', 'stars': '129', 'repo_language': 'C++', 'file_name': '_setup_util.py.stamp', 'mime_type': 'text/x-python', 'hash': 74588934202919856, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
KafkaServer { com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required useKeyTab=true storeKey=true keyTab="/vagrant/vagrant/keytabs/broker2.keytab" principal="kafka/broker2.kafkafast@KAFKAFAST"; };
{'repo_name': 'gerritjvv/kafka-fast', 'stars': '170', 'repo_language': 'Clojure', 'file_name': 'zookeeper.sh', 'mime_type': 'text/x-shellscript', 'hash': -2406472703954802304, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
/** * Copyright (c) 2012, Ben Fortuna * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * o Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * o Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * o Neither the name of Ben Fortuna nor the names of any other contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package net.fortuna.ical4j.model.property; import java.text.ParseException; import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.DateTime; import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.ParameterList; import net.fortuna.ical4j.model.PropertyFactoryImpl; /** * $Id$ * * Created: [Apr 6, 2004] * * Defines a DTSTAMP iCalendar component property. * * <pre> * Date/Time Stamp * * Property Name: DTSTAMP * * Purpose: The property indicates the date/time that the instance of * the iCalendar object was created. * * Value Type: DATE-TIME * * Property Parameters: Non-standard property parameters can be * specified on this property. * * Conformance: This property MUST be included in the &quot;VEVENT&quot;, &quot;VTODO&quot;, * &quot;VJOURNAL&quot; or &quot;VFREEBUSY&quot; calendar components. * * Description: The value MUST be specified in the UTC time format. * * This property is also useful to protocols such as [IMIP] that have * inherent latency issues with the delivery of content. This property * will assist in the proper sequencing of messages containing iCalendar * objects. * * This property is different than the &quot;CREATED&quot; and &quot;LAST-MODIFIED&quot; * properties. These two properties are used to specify when the * particular calendar data in the calendar store was created and last * modified. This is different than when the iCalendar object * representation of the calendar service information was created or * last modified. * * Format Definition: The property is defined by the following notation: * * dtstamp = &quot;DTSTAMP&quot; stmparam &quot;:&quot; date-time CRLF * * stmparam = *(&quot;;&quot; xparam) * </pre> * * @author Ben Fortuna */ public class DtStamp extends UtcProperty { private static final long serialVersionUID = 7581197869433744070L; /** * Default constructor. Initialises the dateTime value to the time of instantiation. */ public DtStamp() { super(DTSTAMP, PropertyFactoryImpl.getInstance()); } /** * @param aValue a string representation of a DTSTAMP value * @throws ParseException if the specified value is not a valid representation */ public DtStamp(final String aValue) throws ParseException { this(new ParameterList(), aValue); } /** * @param aList a list of parameters for this component * @param aValue a value string for this component * @throws ParseException where the specified value string is not a valid date-time/date representation */ public DtStamp(final ParameterList aList, final String aValue) throws ParseException { super(DTSTAMP, aList, PropertyFactoryImpl.getInstance()); setValue(aValue); } /** * @param aDate a date representing a date-time */ public DtStamp(final DateTime aDate) { super(DTSTAMP, PropertyFactoryImpl.getInstance()); // time must be in UTC.. aDate.setUtc(true); setDate(aDate); } /** * @param aList a list of parameters for this component * @param aDate a date representing a date-time */ public DtStamp(final ParameterList aList, final DateTime aDate) { super(DTSTAMP, aList, PropertyFactoryImpl.getInstance()); // time must be in UTC.. aDate.setUtc(true); setDate(aDate); } }
{'repo_name': 'gggard/AndroidCaldavSyncAdapater', 'stars': '242', 'repo_language': 'Java', 'file_name': 'org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': -7205393514761875311, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
{ "name": "felixfbecker/advanced-json-rpc", "description": "A more advanced JSONRPC implementation", "type": "library", "license": "ISC", "authors": [ { "name": "Felix Becker", "email": "[email protected]" } ], "autoload": { "psr-4": { "AdvancedJsonRpc\\": "lib/" } }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-4": { "AdvancedJsonRpc\\Tests\\": "tests/" } }, "require": { "php": ">=7.0", "netresearch/jsonmapper": "^1.0 || ^2.0", "phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock": "^4.0.0 || ^5.0.0" }, "require-dev": { "phpunit/phpunit": "^6.0.0" }, "minimum-stability": "dev", "prefer-stable": true }
{'repo_name': 'felixfbecker/php-advanced-json-rpc', 'stars': '123', 'repo_language': 'PHP', 'file_name': 'MethodCall.php', 'mime_type': 'text/x-php', 'hash': -2990557096108146610, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
import { Component } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'mail-app', styleUrls: ['mail-app.component.scss'], template: ` <div class="mail"> <router-outlet></router-outlet> </div> <div class="mail"> <router-outlet name="pane"></router-outlet> </div> ` }) export class MailAppComponent {}
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import { compile } from "../../src/lib/events/eventIfActorAtPosition"; test("Should be able to conditionally execute if actor is at a position", () => { const mockactorSetActive = jest.fn(); const mockIfActorAtPosition = jest.fn(); const truePath = [{ command: "EVENT_END", id: "abc" }]; const falsePath = [{ command: "EVENT_END", id: "def" }]; compile( { actorId: "player", x: 4, y: 8, true: truePath, false: falsePath }, { actorSetActive: mockactorSetActive, ifActorAtPosition: mockIfActorAtPosition } ); expect(mockactorSetActive).toBeCalledWith("player"); expect(mockIfActorAtPosition).toBeCalledWith(4, 8, truePath, falsePath); });
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{# USES_VARIABLES { _queue } #} {% extends 'common_group.py_' %} {% block maincode %} _spiking_synapses = _queue.peek() if len(_spiking_synapses): # scalar code {# Note that we don't write to scalar variables conditionally. The scalar code should therefore only include the calculation of scalar expressions that are used below for writing to a vector variable #} {{scalar_code|autoindent}} # vector code _idx = _spiking_synapses _vectorisation_idx = _idx {{vector_code|autoindent}} # Advance the spike queue _queue.advance() {% endblock %}
{'repo_name': 'brian-team/brian2', 'stars': '447', 'repo_language': 'Python', 'file_name': 'computation.rst', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': -315547097802678315, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
package openblocks.common.recipe; import com.google.common.collect.HashMultiset; import com.google.common.collect.Multiset; import java.util.Iterator; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import net.minecraft.inventory.InventoryCrafting; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.world.World; import openblocks.OpenBlocks; import openblocks.OpenBlocks.Blocks; import openblocks.common.item.ItemImaginary; import openblocks.common.item.ItemImaginary.PlacementMode; import openmods.utils.CustomRecipeBase; public class CrayonMixingRecipe extends CustomRecipeBase { public CrayonMixingRecipe() { super(OpenBlocks.location("crayons")); } @Override public boolean matches(InventoryCrafting inv, World world) { int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < inv.getSizeInventory(); i++) { ItemStack stack = inv.getStackInSlot(i); if (stack.isEmpty()) continue; if (!ItemImaginary.isCrayon(stack)) return false; if (ItemImaginary.getUses(stack) < ItemImaginary.CRAFTING_COST) continue; count++; } return count > 1; } @Override @Nonnull public ItemStack getCraftingResult(InventoryCrafting inv) { int count = 0; float r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; Multiset<ItemImaginary.PlacementMode> modes = HashMultiset.create(); for (int i = 0; i < inv.getSizeInventory(); i++) { ItemStack stack = inv.getStackInSlot(i); if (stack.isEmpty() || (ItemImaginary.getUses(stack) < ItemImaginary.CRAFTING_COST)) continue; final NBTTagCompound tag = stack.getTagCompound(); if (tag != null) { final Integer color = ItemImaginary.getColor(tag); if (color == null) return ItemStack.EMPTY; count++; r += ((color >> 16) & 0xFF); g += ((color >> 8) & 0xFF); b += ((color >> 0) & 0xFF); modes.add(ItemImaginary.getMode(tag)); } } if (count < 2) return ItemStack.EMPTY; int color = (int)(r / count); color = (color << 8) + (int)(g / count); color = (color << 8) + (int)(b / count); final Iterator<Multiset.Entry<PlacementMode>> iterator = modes.entrySet().iterator(); Multiset.Entry<PlacementMode> max = iterator.next(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Multiset.Entry<PlacementMode> tmp = iterator.next(); if (tmp.getCount() > max.getCount()) max = tmp; } return ItemImaginary.setupValues(new ItemStack(Blocks.imaginary), color, max.getElement(), count * 0.9f); } @Override public boolean canFit(int width, int height) { return width * height > 1; } }
{'repo_name': 'OpenMods/OpenBlocks', 'stars': '277', 'repo_language': 'Java', 'file_name': 'gradle-wrapper.properties', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': -5121969977686234102, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
/* * avenir: Predictive analytic based on Hadoop Map Reduce * Author: Pranab Ghosh * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may * obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ package org.avenir.regress; /** * @author pranab * */ public class LogisticRegressor { private double[] coefficients; private double[] aggregates; private double[] coeffDiff; private double convergeThreshold; private String posClassVal; public LogisticRegressor() { } public LogisticRegressor(double[] coefficients) { super(); this.coefficients = coefficients; aggregates = new double[coefficients.length]; for ( int i = 0; i < aggregates.length; ++i) { aggregates[i] = 0; } } /** * @param coefficients * @param posClassVal */ public LogisticRegressor(double[] coefficients, String posClassVal) { super(); this.coefficients = coefficients; this.posClassVal = posClassVal; aggregates = new double[coefficients.length]; for ( int i = 0; i < aggregates.length; ++i) { aggregates[i] = 0; } } /** * @param values * @param classValue */ public void aggregate(int[] values, String classValue) { double sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) { sum += values[i] * coefficients[i]; } double classProbEst = 1.0 / (1.0 + Math.exp(-sum)); double classProbActual = classValue.equals(posClassVal) ? 1.0 : 0; double classProbDiff = classProbActual - classProbEst; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) { aggregates[i] += values[i] * classProbDiff; } } /** * @return */ public double[] getAggregates() { return aggregates; } /** * @param aggregates */ public void setAggregates(double[] aggregates) { this.aggregates = aggregates; } public void addAggregates(double[] aggregates) { if (null == this.aggregates) { this.aggregates = new double[aggregates.length]; for (int i = 0; i < this.aggregates.length; ++i) { this.aggregates[i] = 0; } } for (int i = 0; i < aggregates.length; ++i ) { this.aggregates[i] += aggregates[i]; } } /** * */ public void setCoefficientDiff() { for (int i = 0; i < coefficients.length; ++i) { coeffDiff[i] = ((aggregates[i] - coefficients[i]) * 100.0) / coefficients[i]; if (coeffDiff[i] < 0) { coeffDiff[i] = - coeffDiff[i]; } } } public double[] getCoefficients() { return coefficients; } public void setCoefficients(double[] coefficients) { this.coefficients = coefficients; } /** * @param convergeThreshold */ public void setConvergeThreshold(double convergeThreshold) { this.convergeThreshold = convergeThreshold; } /** * @return */ public boolean isAllConverged() { boolean converged = true; if (null == coeffDiff) { coeffDiff = new double[coefficients.length]; setCoefficientDiff(); } for (int i = 0; i < coeffDiff.length; ++i) { if (coeffDiff[i] > convergeThreshold) { converged = false; break; } } return converged; } /** * @return */ public boolean isAverageConverged() { boolean converged = true; if (null == coeffDiff) { coeffDiff = new double[coefficients.length]; setCoefficientDiff(); } double sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < coeffDiff.length; ++i) { sum += coeffDiff[i]; } sum /= coeffDiff.length; converged = sum < convergeThreshold; return converged; } }
{'repo_name': 'pranab/avenir', 'stars': '139', 'repo_language': 'Java', 'file_name': 'plugins.sbt', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': 1883931889730751679, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
(function() { var __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty, __extends = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (__hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; }; define(['Behavioral/Visitor/AbstractTitleInfo'], function(AbstractTitleInfo) { var GameInfo; return GameInfo = (function(_super) { __extends(GameInfo, _super); function GameInfo(titleName) { this.titleName = titleName; } GameInfo.prototype.accept = function(titleBlurbVisitor) { return titleBlurbVisitor.visit(this); }; return GameInfo; })(AbstractTitleInfo); }); }).call(this);
{'repo_name': 'markmontymark/patterns', 'stars': '112', 'repo_language': 'Shell', 'file_name': 'Singleton.coffee', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': -7673152863484241845, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- /* ** Copyright 2011, The Android Open Source Project ** ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ** You may obtain a copy of the License at ** ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ** ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ** limitations under the License. */ --> <!-- These resources are around just to allow their values to be customized for different hardware and product builds. --> <resources> <!-- The maximum number of rows in the QuickSettings --> <integer name="quick_settings_max_rows">2</integer> <!-- The number of columns that the top level tiles span in the QuickSettings --> <integer name="quick_settings_user_time_settings_tile_span">2</integer> <!-- We have only space for one notification on phone landscape layouts. --> <integer name="keyguard_max_notification_count">1</integer> <!-- orientation of the dead zone when touches have recently occurred elsewhere on screen --> <integer name="navigation_bar_deadzone_orientation">1</integer> <!-- Max number of columns for quick controls area --> <integer name="controls_max_columns">4</integer> <!-- Max number of columns for power menu --> <integer name="power_menu_max_columns">4</integer> </resources>
{'repo_name': 'aosp-mirror/platform_frameworks_base', 'stars': '9245', 'repo_language': 'Java', 'file_name': 'DatabaseCursorTest.java', 'mime_type': 'text/x-java', 'hash': 6059901872153064427, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
#pragma vx_copyright "2020" #pragma vx_title_pos -100, -80 #pragma vx_title_size -8, 80 #pragma vx_title "HELLO WORLD" #pragma vx_music vx_music_1 #include "vectrex.h" #include "bios.h" int main() { while(1) { wait_retrace(); intensity(0x7f); print_str_c( 0x10, -0x50, (char*)"HELLO WORLD!" ); intensity(0x3f); print_str_c( -0x10, -0x50, (char*)"THIS IS CMOC" ); } return 0; }
{'repo_name': 'sehugg/8bitworkshop', 'stars': '252', 'repo_language': 'JavaScript', 'file_name': 'platforms.md', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': -2256529859983267585, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
(* ::Package:: *) (* :Title: ValidateModelQCDBGF *) (* This software is covered by the GNU General Public License 3. Copyright (C) 1990-2020 Rolf Mertig Copyright (C) 1997-2020 Frederik Orellana Copyright (C) 2014-2020 Vladyslav Shtabovenko *) (* :Summary: Validates FeynArts model for QCD in background field formalism *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* ::Section:: *) (*Load FeynCalc and FeynArts*) If[ $FrontEnd === Null, $FeynCalcStartupMessages = False; Print["Validation of the FeynArts model for QCD in background field formalism"]; ]; If[$Notebooks === False, $FeynCalcStartupMessages = False]; $LoadAddOns={"FeynArts"}; <<FeynCalc` $FAVerbose = 0; FCCheckVersion[9,3,1]; (* ::Section:: *) (*Patch the generated models to work with FeynCalc*) FAPatch[PatchModelsOnly->True]; (* ::Section:: *) (*Compare vertices to FeynArts*) top1To2 = CreateTopologies[0,1 -> 2]; top2To2 = CreateTopologies[0,2 -> 2]; compFu1To2[x_]:=FCFAConvert[CreateFeynAmp[x, Truncated -> True,PreFactor->1], IncomingMomenta->{p1},OutgoingMomenta->{p2,p3},UndoChiralSplittings->True, DropSumOver->True,List->False,SMP->True]//Contract; compFu2To2[x_]:=FCFAConvert[CreateFeynAmp[x, Truncated -> True,PreFactor->1], IncomingMomenta->{p1,p2},OutgoingMomenta->{p3,p4},UndoChiralSplittings->True, DropSumOver->True,List->False,SMP->True]//Contract; diagsFR[top_,in_,out_]:=InsertFields[top, in ->out, InsertionLevel -> {Classes},Model -> FileNameJoin[{"QCDBGF","QCDBGF"}], GenericModel->FileNameJoin[{"QCDBGF","QCDBGF"}]]; diagsFA[top_,in_,out_]:=InsertFields[top, in ->out, InsertionLevel -> {Classes}, Model -> "SMQCD", GenericModel->Lorentz]; (* ::Subsection:: *) (*QQG-coupling*) particles={{F[3, {1}]},{F[3, {1}],V[5]}}; diff1=compFu1To2[diagsFR[top1To2,Sequence@@particles]]-compFu1To2[diagsFA[top1To2,Sequence@@particles]] (* ::Subsection:: *) (*GhGhG-coupling*) particles={{U[5]},{U[5],V[5]}}; diff2=compFu1To2[diagsFR[top1To2,Sequence@@particles]]-compFu1To2[diagsFA[top1To2,Sequence@@particles]] (* ::Subsection:: *) (*GGG-coupling*) particles={{V[5]},{V[5],V[5]}}; diff3=ExpandScalarProduct[compFu1To2[diagsFR[top1To2,Sequence@@particles]]-compFu1To2[diagsFA[top1To2,Sequence@@particles]]]//Simplify (* ::Subsection:: *) (*GGGG-coupling*) particles={{V[5],V[5]},{V[5],V[5]}}; diff4=ExpandScalarProduct[compFu2To2[DiagramExtract[diagsFR[top2To2,Sequence@@particles],1]]- compFu2To2[DiagramExtract[diagsFA[top2To2,Sequence@@particles],1]]]//FCCanonicalizeDummyIndices//Simplify (* ::Subsection:: *) (*GGGB-coupling*) diff5=ExpandScalarProduct[compFu2To2[DiagramExtract[diagsFR[top2To2,{V[50],V[5]},{V[5],V[5]}],1]]- compFu2To2[DiagramExtract[diagsFA[top2To2,{V[5],V[5]},{V[5],V[5]}],1]]]//FCCanonicalizeDummyIndices//Simplify (* ::Subsection:: *) (*GGB-Coupling*) ggbDiag=InsertFields[top1To2, {V[50,{a}]} ->{V[5,{b}],V[5,{c}]}, InsertionLevel -> {Classes},Model -> FileNameJoin[{"QCDBGF","QCDBGF"}], GenericModel->FileNameJoin[{"QCDBGF","QCDBGF"}]]; ggbAbbott=-(((FV[q, nu] + FV[-p + r, nu]*GaugeXi[G])*MT[la, mu]*SMP["g_s"]*SUNF[a, b, c])/GaugeXi[G]) + FV[-q + r, mu]*MT[la, nu]*SMP["g_s"]*SUNF[a, b, c] + ((FV[r, la] + FV[-p + q, la]*GaugeXi[G])*MT[mu, nu]*SMP["g_s"]*SUNF[a, b, c])/GaugeXi[G]; ggbVertexFR=FCFAConvert[CreateFeynAmp[ggbDiag, Truncated -> True,PreFactor->-1,GaugeRules->{}], IncomingMomenta->{-p},OutgoingMomenta->{q,r},UndoChiralSplittings->True, DropSumOver->True,List->False,SMP->True,LorentzIndexNames->{mu,nu,la}]//FCE//Collect2[#,MT,Factoring->FullSimplify]&//MomentumCombine diff6=FCI[(ggbAbbott-ggbVertexFR)] (* ::Subsection:: *) (*GhGhB-coupling*) ghghbDiag=InsertFields[top1To2, {U[5,{a}]} ->{U[5,{b}],V[50,{c}]}, InsertionLevel -> {Classes},Model -> FileNameJoin[{"QCDBGF","QCDBGF"}], GenericModel->FileNameJoin[{"QCDBGF","QCDBGF"}]]; ghghbFR=FCFAConvert[CreateFeynAmp[ghghbDiag, Truncated -> True,PreFactor->-1,GaugeRules->{}], IncomingMomenta->{-p},OutgoingMomenta->{-q,r},UndoChiralSplittings->True, DropSumOver->True,List->False,SMP->True,LorentzIndexNames->{mu,nu,la}]//FCE//FCI//MomentumCombine ghghbAbbott=FV[p + q, mu]*SMP["g_s"]*SUNF[a, b, c]; diff7=FCI[(ghghbAbbott-ghghbFR)] (* ::Subsection:: *) (*GGBB-Coupling*) ggbbDiag=InsertFields[top2To2, {V[50,{a}],V[5,{d}]} ->{V[5,{b}],V[50,{c}]}, InsertionLevel -> {Classes},Model -> FileNameJoin[{"QCDBGF","QCDBGF"}], GenericModel->FileNameJoin[{"QCDBGF","QCDBGF"}]]; ggbbAbbott=((-I)*(MT[la, rho]*MT[mu, nu] + GaugeXi[G]*(-(MT[la, nu]*MT[mu, rho]) + MT[la, mu]*MT[nu, rho]))*SMP["g_s"]^2*SUNF[a, d, x]*SUNF[b, c, x])/GaugeXi[G] + I*(-(MT[la, rho]*MT[mu, nu]) + MT[la, nu]*MT[mu, rho])*SMP["g_s"]^2*SUNF[a, c, x]*SUNF[b, d, x] + (I*(MT[la, nu]*MT[mu, rho] + GaugeXi[G]*(-(MT[la, rho]*MT[mu, nu]) + MT[la, mu]*MT[nu, rho]))*SMP["g_s"]^2*SUNF[a, b, x]*SUNF[c, d, x])/GaugeXi[G]; ggbbVertexFR=FCFAConvert[CreateFeynAmp[DiagramExtract[ggbbDiag,{1}], Truncated -> True,PreFactor->-1,GaugeRules->{}], IncomingMomenta->{-p},OutgoingMomenta->{q,r},UndoChiralSplittings->True, DropSumOver->True,List->False,SMP->True,LorentzIndexNames->{mu,nu,rho,la}]//FCE//FCCanonicalizeDummyIndices[#,SUNIndexNames->{x}]&// Collect2[#,SUNF,Factoring->FullSimplify]& diff8=FCI[(ggbbAbbott-ggbbVertexFR)]//FCCanonicalizeDummyIndices (* ::Subsection:: *) (*GhGhBG-Coupling*) ghghbgDiag=InsertFields[top2To2, {U[5,{b}],V[50,{c}]} ->{U[5,{a}],V[5,{d}]}, InsertionLevel -> {Classes},Model -> FileNameJoin[{"QCDBGF","QCDBGF"}], GenericModel->FileNameJoin[{"QCDBGF","QCDBGF"}]]; ghghbgAbbott=(-I)*MT[mu, nu]*SMP["g_s"]^2*SUNF[a, c, x]*SUNF[b, d, x]; ghghbgVertexFR=FCFAConvert[CreateFeynAmp[DiagramExtract[ghghbgDiag,{1}], Truncated -> True,PreFactor->-1,GaugeRules->{}], IncomingMomenta->{-p},OutgoingMomenta->{q,r},UndoChiralSplittings->True, DropSumOver->True,List->False,SMP->True,LorentzIndexNames->{mu,nu,rho,la}]//FCE//FCCanonicalizeDummyIndices[#,SUNIndexNames->{x}]&// Collect2[#,SUNF,Factoring->FullSimplify]& diff9=FCI[(ghghbgAbbott-ghghbgVertexFR)] (* ::Subsection:: *) (*GhGhBB-Coupling*) ghghbbDiag=InsertFields[top2To2, {U[5,{b}],V[50,{c}]} ->{U[5,{a}],V[50,{d}]}, InsertionLevel -> {Classes},Model -> FileNameJoin[{"QCDBGF","QCDBGF"}], GenericModel->FileNameJoin[{"QCDBGF","QCDBGF"}]]; ghghbbAbbott=(-I)*MT[mu, nu]*SMP["g_s"]^2*SUNF[a, d, x]*SUNF[b, c, x] - I*MT[mu, nu]*SMP["g_s"]^2*SUNF[a, c, x]*SUNF[b, d, x]; ghghbbVertexFR=FCFAConvert[CreateFeynAmp[DiagramExtract[ghghbbDiag,{1}], Truncated -> True,PreFactor->-1,GaugeRules->{}], IncomingMomenta->{-p},OutgoingMomenta->{q,r},UndoChiralSplittings->True, DropSumOver->True,List->False,SMP->True,LorentzIndexNames->{mu,nu,rho,la}]//FCE//FCCanonicalizeDummyIndices[#,SUNIndexNames->{x}]&// Collect2[#,SUNF,Factoring->FullSimplify]& diff10=FCI[(ghghbbAbbott-ghghbbVertexFR)] (* ::Subsection:: *) (*Check*) Print["Check signs in the QCDBGF model: ", If[{diff1,diff2,diff3,diff4,diff5,diff6,diff7,diff8,diff9,diff10}===Table[0,10], "CORRECT.", "!!! WRONG !!!"]];
{'repo_name': 'FeynCalc/feyncalc', 'stars': '156', 'repo_language': 'Mathematica', 'file_name': 'CheckToTFI.m', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': -6687218616850998486, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
/* * linux/arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-omap3logic.c * * Copyright (C) 2010 Li-Pro.Net * Stephan Linz <[email protected]> * * Copyright (C) 2010 Logic Product Development, Inc. * Peter Barada <[email protected]> * * Modified from Beagle, EVM, and RX51 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. */ #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/platform_device.h> #include <linux/delay.h> #include <linux/err.h> #include <linux/clk.h> #include <linux/io.h> #include <linux/gpio.h> #include <linux/regulator/fixed.h> #include <linux/regulator/machine.h> #include <linux/i2c/twl.h> #include <linux/mmc/host.h> #include <mach/hardware.h> #include <asm/mach-types.h> #include <asm/mach/arch.h> #include <asm/mach/map.h> #include "mux.h" #include "hsmmc.h" #include "control.h" #include "common-board-devices.h" #include <plat/mux.h> #include <plat/board.h> #include "common.h" #include <plat/gpmc-smsc911x.h> #include <plat/gpmc.h> #include <plat/sdrc.h> #define OMAP3LOGIC_SMSC911X_CS 1 #define OMAP3530_LV_SOM_MMC_GPIO_CD 110 #define OMAP3530_LV_SOM_MMC_GPIO_WP 126 #define OMAP3530_LV_SOM_SMSC911X_GPIO_IRQ 152 #define OMAP3_TORPEDO_MMC_GPIO_CD 127 #define OMAP3_TORPEDO_SMSC911X_GPIO_IRQ 129 static struct regulator_consumer_supply omap3logic_vmmc1_supply[] = { REGULATOR_SUPPLY("vmmc", "omap_hsmmc.0"), }; /* VMMC1 for MMC1 pins CMD, CLK, DAT0..DAT3 (20 mA, plus card == max 220 mA) */ static struct regulator_init_data omap3logic_vmmc1 = { .constraints = { .name = "VMMC1", .min_uV = 1850000, .max_uV = 3150000, .valid_modes_mask = REGULATOR_MODE_NORMAL | REGULATOR_MODE_STANDBY, .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_VOLTAGE | REGULATOR_CHANGE_MODE | REGULATOR_CHANGE_STATUS, }, .num_consumer_supplies = ARRAY_SIZE(omap3logic_vmmc1_supply), .consumer_supplies = omap3logic_vmmc1_supply, }; static struct twl4030_gpio_platform_data omap3logic_gpio_data = { .gpio_base = OMAP_MAX_GPIO_LINES, .irq_base = TWL4030_GPIO_IRQ_BASE, .irq_end = TWL4030_GPIO_IRQ_END, .use_leds = true, .pullups = BIT(1), .pulldowns = BIT(2) | BIT(6) | BIT(7) | BIT(8) | BIT(13) | BIT(15) | BIT(16) | BIT(17), }; static struct twl4030_platform_data omap3logic_twldata = { .irq_base = TWL4030_IRQ_BASE, .irq_end = TWL4030_IRQ_END, /* platform_data for children goes here */ .gpio = &omap3logic_gpio_data, .vmmc1 = &omap3logic_vmmc1, }; static int __init omap3logic_i2c_init(void) { omap3_pmic_init("twl4030", &omap3logic_twldata); return 0; } static struct omap2_hsmmc_info __initdata board_mmc_info[] = { { .name = "external", .mmc = 1, .caps = MMC_CAP_4_BIT_DATA, .gpio_cd = -EINVAL, .gpio_wp = -EINVAL, }, {} /* Terminator */ }; static void __init board_mmc_init(void) { if (machine_is_omap3530_lv_som()) { /* OMAP3530 LV SOM board */ board_mmc_info[0].gpio_cd = OMAP3530_LV_SOM_MMC_GPIO_CD; board_mmc_info[0].gpio_wp = OMAP3530_LV_SOM_MMC_GPIO_WP; omap_mux_init_signal("gpio_110", OMAP_PIN_OUTPUT); omap_mux_init_signal("gpio_126", OMAP_PIN_OUTPUT); } else if (machine_is_omap3_torpedo()) { /* OMAP3 Torpedo board */ board_mmc_info[0].gpio_cd = OMAP3_TORPEDO_MMC_GPIO_CD; omap_mux_init_signal("gpio_127", OMAP_PIN_OUTPUT); } else { /* unsupported board */ printk(KERN_ERR "%s(): unknown machine type\n", __func__); return; } omap_hsmmc_init(board_mmc_info); } static struct omap_smsc911x_platform_data __initdata board_smsc911x_data = { .cs = OMAP3LOGIC_SMSC911X_CS, .gpio_irq = -EINVAL, .gpio_reset = -EINVAL, }; /* TODO/FIXME (comment by Peter Barada, LogicPD): * Fix the PBIAS voltage for Torpedo MMC1 pins that * are used for other needs (IRQs, etc). */ static void omap3torpedo_fix_pbias_voltage(void) { u16 control_pbias_offset = OMAP343X_CONTROL_PBIAS_LITE; u32 reg; if (machine_is_omap3_torpedo()) { /* Set the bias for the pin */ reg = omap_ctrl_readl(control_pbias_offset); reg &= ~OMAP343X_PBIASLITEPWRDNZ1; omap_ctrl_writel(reg, control_pbias_offset); /* 100ms delay required for PBIAS configuration */ msleep(100); reg |= OMAP343X_PBIASLITEVMODE1; reg |= OMAP343X_PBIASLITEPWRDNZ1; omap_ctrl_writel(reg | 0x300, control_pbias_offset); } } static inline void __init board_smsc911x_init(void) { if (machine_is_omap3530_lv_som()) { /* OMAP3530 LV SOM board */ board_smsc911x_data.gpio_irq = OMAP3530_LV_SOM_SMSC911X_GPIO_IRQ; omap_mux_init_signal("gpio_152", OMAP_PIN_INPUT); } else if (machine_is_omap3_torpedo()) { /* OMAP3 Torpedo board */ board_smsc911x_data.gpio_irq = OMAP3_TORPEDO_SMSC911X_GPIO_IRQ; omap_mux_init_signal("gpio_129", OMAP_PIN_INPUT); } else { /* unsupported board */ printk(KERN_ERR "%s(): unknown machine type\n", __func__); return; } gpmc_smsc911x_init(&board_smsc911x_data); } #ifdef CONFIG_OMAP_MUX static struct omap_board_mux board_mux[] __initdata = { { .reg_offset = OMAP_MUX_TERMINATOR }, }; #endif static struct regulator_consumer_supply dummy_supplies[] = { REGULATOR_SUPPLY("vddvario", "smsc911x.0"), REGULATOR_SUPPLY("vdd33a", "smsc911x.0"), }; static void __init omap3logic_init(void) { regulator_register_fixed(0, dummy_supplies, ARRAY_SIZE(dummy_supplies)); omap3_mux_init(board_mux, OMAP_PACKAGE_CBB); omap3torpedo_fix_pbias_voltage(); omap3logic_i2c_init(); omap_serial_init(); omap_sdrc_init(NULL, NULL); board_mmc_init(); board_smsc911x_init(); /* Ensure SDRC pins are mux'd for self-refresh */ omap_mux_init_signal("sdrc_cke0", OMAP_PIN_OUTPUT); omap_mux_init_signal("sdrc_cke1", OMAP_PIN_OUTPUT); } MACHINE_START(OMAP3_TORPEDO, "Logic OMAP3 Torpedo board") .atag_offset = 0x100, .reserve = omap_reserve, .map_io = omap3_map_io, .init_early = omap35xx_init_early, .init_irq = omap3_init_irq, .handle_irq = omap3_intc_handle_irq, .init_machine = omap3logic_init, .timer = &omap3_timer, .restart = omap_prcm_restart, MACHINE_END MACHINE_START(OMAP3530_LV_SOM, "OMAP Logic 3530 LV SOM board") .atag_offset = 0x100, .reserve = omap_reserve, .map_io = omap3_map_io, .init_early = omap35xx_init_early, .init_irq = omap3_init_irq, .handle_irq = omap3_intc_handle_irq, .init_machine = omap3logic_init, .timer = &omap3_timer, .restart = omap_prcm_restart, MACHINE_END
{'repo_name': 'SmartisanTech/SmartisanOS_Kernel_Source', 'stars': '411', 'repo_language': 'C', 'file_name': 'spear310.h', 'mime_type': 'text/x-c', 'hash': 4879065538386799319, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
struct ftpds /* struct for ftp_start() function */ { int tnum; unsigned short port; bool gotinfo; SOCKET sock; }; bool ftp_connect(const char *ip, unsigned short port); bool ftp_transfer(); unsigned int __stdcall ftp_start(void *param);
{'repo_name': 'Chiggins/malware_sources', 'stars': '187', 'repo_language': 'Pascal', 'file_name': 'entries', 'mime_type': 'text/xml', 'hash': 2713328116728181436, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
#if defined(Hiro_Window) @implementation CocoaWindow : NSWindow -(id) initWith:(hiro::mWindow&)windowReference { window = &windowReference; NSUInteger style = NSTitledWindowMask | NSClosableWindowMask | NSMiniaturizableWindowMask; if(window->state.resizable) style |= NSResizableWindowMask; if(self = [super initWithContentRect:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 640, 480) styleMask:style backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:YES]) { [self setDelegate:self]; [self setReleasedWhenClosed:NO]; [self setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:YES]; [self setTitle:@""]; NSBundle* bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle]; NSDictionary* dictionary = [bundle infoDictionary]; NSString* applicationName = [dictionary objectForKey:@"CFBundleDisplayName"]; string hiroName = hiro::Application::state().name ? hiro::Application::state().name : string{"hiro"}; if(applicationName == nil) applicationName = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:hiroName]; menuBar = [[NSMenu alloc] init]; NSMenuItem* item; string text; rootMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] init]; item = [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"" action:nil keyEquivalent:@""] autorelease]; [item setSubmenu:rootMenu]; [menuBar addItem:item]; item = [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"About %@ ...", applicationName] action:@selector(menuAbout) keyEquivalent:@""] autorelease]; [item setTarget:self]; [rootMenu addItem:item]; [rootMenu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]]; item = [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Preferences ..." action:@selector(menuPreferences) keyEquivalent:@""] autorelease]; [item setTarget:self]; [rootMenu addItem:item]; string result = nall::execute("spctl", "--status").output.strip(); if(result != "assessments disabled") { disableGatekeeper = [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Disable Gatekeeper" action:@selector(menuDisableGatekeeper) keyEquivalent:@""] autorelease]; [disableGatekeeper setTarget:self]; [rootMenu addItem:disableGatekeeper]; } [rootMenu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]]; NSMenu* servicesMenu = [[[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@"Services"] autorelease]; item = [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Services" action:nil keyEquivalent:@""] autorelease]; [item setTarget:self]; [item setSubmenu:servicesMenu]; [rootMenu addItem:item]; [rootMenu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]]; [NSApp setServicesMenu:servicesMenu]; item = [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Hide %@", applicationName] action:@selector(hide:) keyEquivalent:@""] autorelease]; [item setTarget:NSApp]; [rootMenu addItem:item]; item = [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Hide Others" action:@selector(hideOtherApplications:) keyEquivalent:@""] autorelease]; [item setTarget:NSApp]; [rootMenu addItem:item]; item = [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Show All" action:@selector(unhideAllApplications:) keyEquivalent:@""] autorelease]; [item setTarget:NSApp]; [rootMenu addItem:item]; [rootMenu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]]; item = [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Quit %@", applicationName] action:@selector(menuQuit) keyEquivalent:@""] autorelease]; [item setTarget:self]; [rootMenu addItem:item]; statusBar = [[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 0, 0)]; [statusBar setAlignment:NSLeftTextAlignment]; [statusBar setBordered:YES]; [statusBar setBezeled:YES]; [statusBar setBezelStyle:NSTextFieldSquareBezel]; [statusBar setEditable:NO]; [statusBar setHidden:YES]; [[self contentView] addSubview:statusBar positioned:NSWindowBelow relativeTo:nil]; } return self; } -(BOOL) canBecomeKeyWindow { return YES; } -(BOOL) canBecomeMainWindow { return YES; } -(void) windowDidBecomeMain:(NSNotification*)notification { if(window->state.menuBar) { [NSApp setMainMenu:menuBar]; } } -(void) windowDidMove:(NSNotification*)notification { if(auto p = window->self()) p->moveEvent(); } -(void) windowDidResize:(NSNotification*)notification { if(auto p = window->self()) p->sizeEvent(); } -(BOOL) windowShouldClose:(id)sender { if(window->state.onClose) window->doClose(); else window->setVisible(false); if(window->state.modal && !window->visible()) window->setModal(false); return NO; } -(NSDragOperation) draggingEntered:(id<NSDraggingInfo>)sender { return DropPathsOperation(sender); } -(BOOL) performDragOperation:(id<NSDraggingInfo>)sender { auto paths = DropPaths(sender); if(!paths) return NO; window->doDrop(paths); return YES; } -(NSMenu*) menuBar { return menuBar; } -(void) menuAbout { hiro::Application::Cocoa::doAbout(); } -(void) menuPreferences { hiro::Application::Cocoa::doPreferences(); } //to hell with gatekeepers -(void) menuDisableGatekeeper { NSAlert* alert = [[[NSAlert alloc] init] autorelease]; [alert setMessageText:@"Disable Gatekeeper"]; AuthorizationRef authorization; OSStatus status = AuthorizationCreate(nullptr, kAuthorizationEmptyEnvironment, kAuthorizationFlagDefaults, &authorization); if(status == errAuthorizationSuccess) { AuthorizationItem items = {kAuthorizationRightExecute, 0, nullptr, 0}; AuthorizationRights rights = {1, &items}; status = AuthorizationCopyRights(authorization, &rights, nullptr, kAuthorizationFlagDefaults | kAuthorizationFlagInteractionAllowed | kAuthorizationFlagPreAuthorize | kAuthorizationFlagExtendRights, nullptr); if(status == errAuthorizationSuccess) { { char program[] = "/usr/sbin/spctl"; char* arguments[] = {"--master-disable", nullptr}; FILE* pipe = nullptr; AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges(authorization, program, kAuthorizationFlagDefaults, arguments, &pipe); } { char program[] = "/usr/bin/defaults"; char* arguments[] = {"write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.security GKAutoRearm -bool NO"}; FILE* pipe = nullptr; AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges(authorization, program, kAuthorizationFlagDefaults, arguments, &pipe); } } AuthorizationFree(authorization, kAuthorizationFlagDefaults); } string result = nall::execute("spctl", "--status").output.strip(); if(result == "assessments disabled") { [alert setAlertStyle:NSInformationalAlertStyle]; [alert setInformativeText:@"Gatekeeper has been successfully disabled."]; [disableGatekeeper setHidden:YES]; } else { [alert setAlertStyle:NSWarningAlertStyle]; [alert setInformativeText:@"Error: failed to disable Gatekeeper."]; } [alert addButtonWithTitle:@"Ok"]; [alert runModal]; } -(void) menuQuit { hiro::Application::Cocoa::doQuit(); } -(NSTextField*) statusBar { return statusBar; } @end namespace hiro { auto pWindow::construct() -> void { @autoreleasepool { cocoaWindow = [[CocoaWindow alloc] initWith:self()]; static bool once = true; if(once) { once = false; [NSApp setMainMenu:[cocoaWindow menuBar]]; } } } auto pWindow::destruct() -> void { @autoreleasepool { [cocoaWindow release]; } } auto pWindow::append(sMenuBar menuBar) -> void { } auto pWindow::append(sSizable sizable) -> void { sizable->setGeometry(self().geometry().setPosition()); statusBarReposition(); } auto pWindow::append(sStatusBar statusBar) -> void { statusBar->setEnabled(statusBar->enabled(true)); statusBar->setFont(statusBar->font(true)); statusBar->setText(statusBar->text()); statusBar->setVisible(statusBar->visible(true)); } auto pWindow::focused() const -> bool { @autoreleasepool { return [cocoaWindow isMainWindow] == YES; } } auto pWindow::frameMargin() const -> Geometry { @autoreleasepool { NSRect frame = [cocoaWindow frameRectForContentRect:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 640, 480)]; return {abs(frame.origin.x), (int)(frame.size.height - 480), (int)(frame.size.width - 640), abs(frame.origin.y)}; } } auto pWindow::handle() const -> uintptr_t { return (uintptr_t)cocoaWindow; } auto pWindow::monitor() const -> uint { //TODO return 0; } auto pWindow::remove(sMenuBar menuBar) -> void { } auto pWindow::remove(sSizable sizable) -> void { @autoreleasepool { [[cocoaWindow contentView] setNeedsDisplay:YES]; } } auto pWindow::remove(sStatusBar statusBar) -> void { @autoreleasepool { [[cocoaWindow statusBar] setHidden:YES]; } } auto pWindow::setBackgroundColor(Color color) -> void { @autoreleasepool { [cocoaWindow setBackgroundColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:color.red() / 255.0 green:color.green() / 255.0 blue:color.blue() / 255.0 alpha:color.alpha() / 255.0 ] ]; } } auto pWindow::setDismissable(bool dismissable) -> void { //todo: not implemented } auto pWindow::setDroppable(bool droppable) -> void { @autoreleasepool { if(droppable) { [cocoaWindow registerForDraggedTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSFilenamesPboardType]]; } else { [cocoaWindow unregisterDraggedTypes]; } } } auto pWindow::setFocused() -> void { @autoreleasepool { [cocoaWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil]; } } auto pWindow::setFullScreen(bool fullScreen) -> void { @autoreleasepool { if(fullScreen) { windowedGeometry = state().geometry; [NSApp setPresentationOptions:NSApplicationPresentationFullScreen]; [cocoaWindow setCollectionBehavior:NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenPrimary]; [cocoaWindow toggleFullScreen:nil]; state().geometry = _geometry(); } else { [cocoaWindow toggleFullScreen:nil]; [cocoaWindow setCollectionBehavior:NSWindowCollectionBehaviorDefault]; [NSApp setPresentationOptions:NSApplicationPresentationDefault]; state().geometry = windowedGeometry; } } } auto pWindow::setGeometry(Geometry geometry) -> void { lock(); @autoreleasepool { [cocoaWindow setFrame:[cocoaWindow frameRectForContentRect:NSMakeRect( geometry.x(), Desktop::size().height() - geometry.y() - geometry.height(), geometry.width(), geometry.height() + statusBarHeight() ) ] display:YES ]; if(auto& sizable = state().sizable) { sizable->setGeometry(self().geometry().setPosition()); } statusBarReposition(); } unlock(); } auto pWindow::setMaximized(bool maximized) -> void { //todo } auto pWindow::setMaximumSize(Size size) -> void { //todo } auto pWindow::setMinimized(bool minimized) -> void { //todo } auto pWindow::setMinimumSize(Size size) -> void { //todo } auto pWindow::setModal(bool modal) -> void { @autoreleasepool { if(modal == true) { [NSApp runModalForWindow:cocoaWindow]; } else { [NSApp stopModal]; NSEvent* event = [NSEvent otherEventWithType:NSApplicationDefined location:NSMakePoint(0, 0) modifierFlags:0 timestamp:0.0 windowNumber:0 context:nil subtype:0 data1:0 data2:0]; [NSApp postEvent:event atStart:true]; } } } auto pWindow::setResizable(bool resizable) -> void { @autoreleasepool { NSUInteger style = NSTitledWindowMask | NSClosableWindowMask | NSMiniaturizableWindowMask; if(resizable) style |= NSResizableWindowMask; [cocoaWindow setStyleMask:style]; } } auto pWindow::setTitle(const string& text) -> void { @autoreleasepool { [cocoaWindow setTitle:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:text]]; } } auto pWindow::setVisible(bool visible) -> void { @autoreleasepool { if(visible) [cocoaWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil]; else [cocoaWindow orderOut:nil]; } } auto pWindow::moveEvent() -> void { if(!locked() && !self().fullScreen() && self().visible()) { @autoreleasepool { NSRect area = [cocoaWindow contentRectForFrameRect:[cocoaWindow frame]]; area.size.height -= statusBarHeight(); state().geometry.setX(area.origin.x); state().geometry.setY(Desktop::size().height() - area.origin.y - area.size.height); } } if(!locked()) self().doMove(); } auto pWindow::sizeEvent() -> void { if(!locked() && !self().fullScreen() && self().visible()) { @autoreleasepool { NSRect area = [cocoaWindow contentRectForFrameRect:[cocoaWindow frame]]; area.size.height -= statusBarHeight(); state().geometry.setWidth(area.size.width); state().geometry.setHeight(area.size.height); } } if(auto& sizable = state().sizable) { sizable->setGeometry(self().geometry().setPosition()); } statusBarReposition(); if(!locked()) self().doSize(); } auto pWindow::statusBarHeight() -> uint { if(auto& statusBar = state().statusBar) { if(statusBar->visible()) { return pFont::size(statusBar->font(true), " ").height() + 6; } } return 0; } auto pWindow::statusBarReposition() -> void { @autoreleasepool { NSRect area = [cocoaWindow contentRectForFrameRect:[cocoaWindow frame]]; [[cocoaWindow statusBar] setFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, area.size.width, statusBarHeight())]; [[cocoaWindow contentView] setNeedsDisplay:YES]; } } auto pWindow::_append(mWidget& widget) -> void { @autoreleasepool { if(auto pWidget = widget.self()) { [pWidget->cocoaView removeFromSuperview]; [[cocoaWindow contentView] addSubview:pWidget->cocoaView positioned:NSWindowAbove relativeTo:nil]; pWidget->setGeometry(widget.geometry()); [[cocoaWindow contentView] setNeedsDisplay:YES]; } } } auto pWindow::_geometry() -> Geometry { @autoreleasepool { NSRect area = [cocoaWindow contentRectForFrameRect:[cocoaWindow frame]]; area.size.height -= statusBarHeight(); return { (int)area.origin.x, (int)(Monitor::geometry(Monitor::primary()).height() - area.origin.y - area.size.height), (int)area.size.width, (int)area.size.height }; } } } #endif
{'repo_name': 'higan-emu/higan', 'stars': '245', 'repo_language': 'C++', 'file_name': 'icarus.plist', 'mime_type': 'text/xml', 'hash': -8614862383071647038, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
=============== Support Library =============== Abstract ======== This document provides some details on LLVM's Support Library, located in the source at ``lib/Support`` and ``include/llvm/Support``. The library's purpose is to shield LLVM from the differences between operating systems for the few services LLVM needs from the operating system. Much of LLVM is written using portability features of standard C++. However, in a few areas, system dependent facilities are needed and the Support Library is the wrapper around those system calls. By centralizing LLVM's use of operating system interfaces, we make it possible for the LLVM tool chain and runtime libraries to be more easily ported to new platforms since (theoretically) only ``lib/Support`` needs to be ported. This library also unclutters the rest of LLVM from #ifdef use and special cases for specific operating systems. Such uses are replaced with simple calls to the interfaces provided in ``include/llvm/Support``. Note that the Support Library is not intended to be a complete operating system wrapper (such as the Adaptive Communications Environment (ACE) or Apache Portable Runtime (APR)), but only provides the functionality necessary to support LLVM. The Support Library was originally referred to as the System Library, written by Reid Spencer who formulated the design based on similar work originating from the eXtensible Programming System (XPS). Several people helped with the effort; especially, Jeff Cohen and Henrik Bach on the Win32 port. Keeping LLVM Portable ===================== In order to keep LLVM portable, LLVM developers should adhere to a set of portability rules associated with the Support Library. Adherence to these rules should help the Support Library achieve its goal of shielding LLVM from the variations in operating system interfaces and doing so efficiently. The following sections define the rules needed to fulfill this objective. Don't Include System Headers ---------------------------- Except in ``lib/Support``, no LLVM source code should directly ``#include`` a system header. Care has been taken to remove all such ``#includes`` from LLVM while ``lib/Support`` was being developed. Specifically this means that header files like "``unistd.h``", "``windows.h``", "``stdio.h``", and "``string.h``" are forbidden to be included by LLVM source code outside the implementation of ``lib/Support``. To obtain system-dependent functionality, existing interfaces to the system found in ``include/llvm/Support`` should be used. If an appropriate interface is not available, it should be added to ``include/llvm/Support`` and implemented in ``lib/Support`` for all supported platforms. Don't Expose System Headers --------------------------- The Support Library must shield LLVM from **all** system headers. To obtain system level functionality, LLVM source must ``#include "llvm/Support/Thing.h"`` and nothing else. This means that ``Thing.h`` cannot expose any system header files. This protects LLVM from accidentally using system specific functionality and only allows it via the ``lib/Support`` interface. Use Standard C Headers ---------------------- The **standard** C headers (the ones beginning with "c") are allowed to be exposed through the ``lib/Support`` interface. These headers and the things they declare are considered to be platform agnostic. LLVM source files may include them directly or obtain their inclusion through ``lib/Support`` interfaces. Use Standard C++ Headers ------------------------ The **standard** C++ headers from the standard C++ library and standard template library may be exposed through the ``lib/Support`` interface. These headers and the things they declare are considered to be platform agnostic. LLVM source files may include them or obtain their inclusion through ``lib/Support`` interfaces. High Level Interface -------------------- The entry points specified in the interface of ``lib/Support`` must be aimed at completing some reasonably high level task needed by LLVM. We do not want to simply wrap each operating system call. It would be preferable to wrap several operating system calls that are always used in conjunction with one another by LLVM. For example, consider what is needed to execute a program, wait for it to complete, and return its result code. On Unix, this involves the following operating system calls: ``getenv``, ``fork``, ``execve``, and ``wait``. The correct thing for ``lib/Support`` to provide is a function, say ``ExecuteProgramAndWait``, that implements the functionality completely. what we don't want is wrappers for the operating system calls involved. There must **not** be a one-to-one relationship between operating system calls and the Support library's interface. Any such interface function will be suspicious. No Unused Functionality ----------------------- There must be no functionality specified in the interface of ``lib/Support`` that isn't actually used by LLVM. We're not writing a general purpose operating system wrapper here, just enough to satisfy LLVM's needs. And, LLVM doesn't need much. This design goal aims to keep the ``lib/Support`` interface small and understandable which should foster its actual use and adoption. No Duplicate Implementations ---------------------------- The implementation of a function for a given platform must be written exactly once. This implies that it must be possible to apply a function's implementation to multiple operating systems if those operating systems can share the same implementation. This rule applies to the set of operating systems supported for a given class of operating system (e.g. Unix, Win32). No Virtual Methods ------------------ The Support Library interfaces can be called quite frequently by LLVM. In order to make those calls as efficient as possible, we discourage the use of virtual methods. There is no need to use inheritance for implementation differences, it just adds complexity. The ``#include`` mechanism works just fine. No Exposed Functions -------------------- Any functions defined by system libraries (i.e. not defined by ``lib/Support``) must not be exposed through the ``lib/Support`` interface, even if the header file for that function is not exposed. This prevents inadvertent use of system specific functionality. For example, the ``stat`` system call is notorious for having variations in the data it provides. ``lib/Support`` must not declare ``stat`` nor allow it to be declared. Instead it should provide its own interface to discovering information about files and directories. Those interfaces may be implemented in terms of ``stat`` but that is strictly an implementation detail. The interface provided by the Support Library must be implemented on all platforms (even those without ``stat``). No Exposed Data --------------- Any data defined by system libraries (i.e. not defined by ``lib/Support``) must not be exposed through the ``lib/Support`` interface, even if the header file for that function is not exposed. As with functions, this prevents inadvertent use of data that might not exist on all platforms. Minimize Soft Errors -------------------- Operating system interfaces will generally provide error results for every little thing that could go wrong. In almost all cases, you can divide these error results into two groups: normal/good/soft and abnormal/bad/hard. That is, some of the errors are simply information like "file not found", "insufficient privileges", etc. while other errors are much harder like "out of space", "bad disk sector", or "system call interrupted". We'll call the first group "*soft*" errors and the second group "*hard*" errors. ``lib/Support`` must always attempt to minimize soft errors. This is a design requirement because the minimization of soft errors can affect the granularity and the nature of the interface. In general, if you find that you're wanting to throw soft errors, you must review the granularity of the interface because it is likely you're trying to implement something that is too low level. The rule of thumb is to provide interface functions that **can't** fail, except when faced with hard errors. For a trivial example, suppose we wanted to add an "``OpenFileForWriting``" function. For many operating systems, if the file doesn't exist, attempting to open the file will produce an error. However, ``lib/Support`` should not simply throw that error if it occurs because its a soft error. The problem is that the interface function, ``OpenFileForWriting`` is too low level. It should be ``OpenOrCreateFileForWriting``. In the case of the soft "doesn't exist" error, this function would just create it and then open it for writing. This design principle needs to be maintained in ``lib/Support`` because it avoids the propagation of soft error handling throughout the rest of LLVM. Hard errors will generally just cause a termination for an LLVM tool so don't be bashful about throwing them. Rules of thumb: #. Don't throw soft errors, only hard errors. #. If you're tempted to throw a soft error, re-think the interface. #. Handle internally the most common normal/good/soft error conditions so the rest of LLVM doesn't have to. No throw Specifications ----------------------- None of the ``lib/Support`` interface functions may be declared with C++ ``throw()`` specifications on them. This requirement makes sure that the compiler does not insert additional exception handling code into the interface functions. This is a performance consideration: ``lib/Support`` functions are at the bottom of many call chains and as such can be frequently called. We need them to be as efficient as possible. However, no routines in the system library should actually throw exceptions. Code Organization ----------------- Implementations of the Support Library interface are separated by their general class of operating system. Currently only Unix and Win32 classes are defined but more could be added for other operating system classifications. To distinguish which implementation to compile, the code in ``lib/Support`` uses the ``LLVM_ON_UNIX`` and ``_WIN32`` ``#defines``. Each source file in ``lib/Support``, after implementing the generic (operating system independent) functionality needs to include the correct implementation using a set of ``#if defined(LLVM_ON_XYZ)`` directives. For example, if we had ``lib/Support/Path.cpp``, we'd expect to see in that file: .. code-block:: c++ #if defined(LLVM_ON_UNIX) #include "Unix/Path.inc" #endif #if defined(_WIN32) #include "Windows/Path.inc" #endif The implementation in ``lib/Support/Unix/Path.inc`` should handle all Unix variants. The implementation in ``lib/Support/Windows/Path.inc`` should handle all Windows variants. What this does is quickly inc the basic class of operating system that will provide the implementation. The specific details for a given platform must still be determined through the use of ``#ifdef``. Consistent Semantics -------------------- The implementation of a ``lib/Support`` interface can vary drastically between platforms. That's okay as long as the end result of the interface function is the same. For example, a function to create a directory is pretty straight forward on all operating system. System V IPC on the other hand isn't even supported on all platforms. Instead of "supporting" System V IPC, ``lib/Support`` should provide an interface to the basic concept of inter-process communications. The implementations might use System V IPC if that was available or named pipes, or whatever gets the job done effectively for a given operating system. In all cases, the interface and the implementation must be semantically consistent.
{'repo_name': 'google/llvm-propeller', 'stars': '202', 'repo_language': 'C++', 'file_name': 'dbg-value-move-clone.mir', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': 8312654352565538642, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
/* * Display a MSDOS directory * * Emmet P. Gray US Army, HQ III Corps & Fort Hood * ...!uunet!uiucuxc!fthood!egray Attn: AFZF-DE-ENV * Directorate of Engineering & Housing * Environmental Management Office * Fort Hood, TX 76544-5057 */ #include <stdio.h> #include "msdos.h" int fd; /* the file descriptor for the floppy */ int dir_start; /* starting sector for directory */ int dir_len; /* length of directory (in sectors) */ int dir_entries; /* number of directory entries */ int dir_chain[25]; /* chain of sectors in directory */ int clus_size; /* cluster size (in sectors) */ int fat_len; /* length of FAT table (in sectors) */ int num_clus; /* number of available clusters */ unsigned char *fatbuf; /* the File Allocation Table */ char *mcwd; /* the current working directory */ main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { int i, entry, files, blocks, fargn, wide, faked; long size; char name[9], ext[4], *date, *time, *convdate(), *convtime(); char *strncpy(), newpath[MAX_PATH], *getname(), *getpath(), *pathname; char *newfile, *filename, *unixname(), volume[12], *sep; char *strcpy(), *strcat(), newname[MAX_PATH], *strncat(); void exit(), reset_dir(), free(); struct directory *dir, *search(); if (init(0)) { fprintf(stderr, "mdir: Cannot initialize diskette\n"); exit(1); } /* find the volume label */ reset_dir(); volume[0] = '\0'; for (entry=0; entry<dir_entries; entry++) { dir = search(entry); /* if empty */ if (dir->name[0] == 0x0) break; /* if not volume label */ if (!(dir->attr & 0x08)) continue; strncpy(volume, (char *) dir->name, 8); volume[8] = '\0'; strncat(volume, (char *) dir->ext, 3); volume[11] = '\0'; break; } if (volume[0] == '\0') printf(" Volume in drive has no label\n"); else printf(" Volume in drive is %s\n", volume); fargn = 1; wide = 0; /* first argument number */ if (argc > 1) { if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-w")) { wide = 1; fargn = 2; } } /* fake an argument */ faked = 0; if (argc == fargn) { faked++; argc++; } files = 0; for (i=fargn; i<argc; i++) { if (faked) { filename = getname("."); pathname = getpath("."); } else { filename = getname(argv[i]); pathname = getpath(argv[i]); } /* move to first guess subdirectory */ /* required by isdir() */ if (subdir(pathname)) { free(filename); free(pathname); continue; } /* is filename really a subdirectory? */ if (isdir(filename)) { strcpy(newpath, pathname); if (strcmp(pathname,"/") && strcmp(pathname, "\\")) { if (*pathname != '\0') strcat(newpath, "/"); } strcat(newpath, filename); /* move to real subdirectory */ if (subdir(newpath)) { free(filename); free(pathname); continue; } strcpy(newname, "*"); } else { strcpy(newpath, pathname); strcpy(newname, filename); } if (*filename == '\0') strcpy(newname, "*"); if (*newpath == '/' || *newpath == '\\') printf(" Directory for %s\n\n", newpath); else if (!strcmp(newpath, ".")) printf(" Directory for %s\n\n", mcwd); else { if (strlen(mcwd) == 1 || !strlen(newpath)) sep = ""; else sep = "/"; printf(" Directory for %s%s%s\n\n", mcwd, sep, newpath); } for (entry=0; entry<dir_entries; entry++) { dir = search(entry); /* if empty */ if (dir->name[0] == 0x0) break; /* if erased */ if (dir->name[0] == 0xe5) continue; /* if a volume label */ if (dir->attr & 0x08) continue; strncpy(name, (char *) dir->name, 8); strncpy(ext, (char *) dir->ext, 3); name[8] = '\0'; ext[3] = '\0'; newfile = unixname(name, ext); if (!match(newfile, newname)) { free(newfile); continue; } free(newfile); files++; if (wide && files != 1) { if (!((files-1) % 5)) putchar('\n'); } date = convdate(dir->date[1], dir->date[0]); time = convtime(dir->time[1], dir->time[0]); size = dir->size[2]*0x10000L + dir->size[1]*0x100 + dir->size[0]; /* is a subdirectory */ if (dir->attr & 0x10) { if (wide) printf("%-9.9s%-6.6s", name, ext); else printf("%8s %3s <DIR> %s %s\n", name, ext, date, time); continue; } if (wide) printf("%-9.9s%-6.6s", name, ext); else printf("%8s %3s %8d %s %s\n", name, ext, size, date, time); } if (argc > 2) putchar('\n'); free(filename); free(pathname); } blocks = getfree() * MSECSIZ; if (!files) printf("File \"%s\" not found\n", newname); else printf(" %3d File(s) %6ld bytes free\n", files, blocks); close(fd); exit(0); } /* * Get the amount of free space on the diskette */ int getfree() { register int i, total; total = 0; for (i=2; i<num_clus+2; i++) { /* if getfat returns zero */ if (!getfat(i)) total += clus_size; } return(total); }
{'repo_name': 'jbruchon/elks', 'stars': '295', 'repo_language': 'C', 'file_name': 'boot_sect.S', 'mime_type': 'text/x-python', 'hash': 5241881463860328939, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>CFBundleDevelopmentRegion</key> <string>$(DEVELOPMENT_LANGUAGE)</string> <key>CFBundleDocumentTypes</key> <array> <dict> <key>CFBundleTypeExtensions</key> <array> <string>gltf</string> </array> <key>CFBundleTypeIconFile</key> <string></string> <key>CFBundleTypeName</key> <string>glTF</string> <key>CFBundleTypeOSTypes</key> <array> <string>????</string> </array> <key>CFBundleTypeRole</key> <string>Viewer</string> <key>NSDocumentClass</key> <string>GLTFSCNDocument</string> </dict> <dict> <key>CFBundleTypeExtensions</key> <array> <string>glb</string> </array> <key>CFBundleTypeName</key> <string>glTF (Binary)</string> <key>CFBundleTypeRole</key> <string>Viewer</string> <key>NSDocumentClass</key> <string>GLTFSCNDocument</string> </dict> </array> <key>CFBundleExecutable</key> <string>$(EXECUTABLE_NAME)</string> <key>CFBundleIconFile</key> <string></string> <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key> <string>$(PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER)</string> <key>CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion</key> <string>6.0</string> <key>CFBundleName</key> <string>$(PRODUCT_NAME)</string> <key>CFBundlePackageType</key> <string>APPL</string> <key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key> <string>1.0</string> <key>CFBundleVersion</key> <string>1</string> <key>LSMinimumSystemVersion</key> <string>$(MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET)</string> <key>NSHumanReadableCopyright</key> <string>Copyright © 2018 Warren Moore. All rights reserved. glTF and the glTF logo are trademarks of the Khronos Group Inc.</string> <key>NSMainStoryboardFile</key> <string>Main</string> <key>NSPrincipalClass</key> <string>NSApplication</string> <key>UTImportedTypeDeclarations</key> <array> <dict> <key>UTTypeDescription</key> <string>glTF</string> <key>UTTypeIdentifier</key> <string>org.khronos.gltf</string> <key>UTTypeTagSpecification</key> <dict> <key>public.filename-extension</key> <array> <string>gltf</string> </array> <key>public.mime-type</key> <array> <string>model/gltf+json</string> </array> </dict> </dict> <dict> <key>UTTypeDescription</key> <string>glTF (Binary)</string> <key>UTTypeIdentifier</key> <string>org.khronos.gltf</string> <key>UTTypeTagSpecification</key> <dict> <key>public.filename-extension</key> <array> <string>glb</string> </array> <key>public.mime-type</key> <array> <string>model/gltf-binary</string> </array> </dict> </dict> </array> </dict> </plist>
{'repo_name': 'warrenm/GLTFKit', 'stars': '122', 'repo_language': 'Objective-C', 'file_name': 'IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist', 'mime_type': 'text/xml', 'hash': -4495493377916750545, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
<navbar></navbar> <heading></heading> <section class="points"> <div class="img"> <img src="http://ogd73ba13.bkt.clouddn.com/80.png" alt="" /> </div> </section>
{'repo_name': 'DaoCloud/daochain', 'stars': '115', 'repo_language': 'JavaScript', 'file_name': '2_deploy_contracts.js', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': -9050154167671397854, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
<div class="ordered_block"> <div class="ordered_block_select"> <span>__name_box__</span> <div class="input_wrapper input_wrapper_select bx-def-margin-sec-left clearfix"> <select class="form_input_select bx-def-font-inputs" name="__name_targets_box__" onchange="oCustomizer.reloadCustomizeBlock(this.value);"> <bx_repeat:targets><option value="__value__" __select__>__name__</option></bx_repeat:targets> </select> </div> </div> </div>
{'repo_name': 'boonex/dolphin.pro', 'stars': '118', 'repo_language': 'PHP', 'file_name': 'Compressor.php', 'mime_type': 'text/x-php', 'hash': 1273478331283876589, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
/** * Licensed to jclouds, Inc. (jclouds) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. jclouds licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.functionloader; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import com.google.common.util.concurrent.Atomics; /** * Means to access the current {@link FunctionLoader} instance; */ public class CurrentFunctionLoader { private static final AtomicReference<FunctionLoader> ref = Atomics.<FunctionLoader>newReference( BasicFunctionLoader.INSTANCE); public static FunctionLoader get() { return ref.get(); } public static FunctionLoader set(FunctionLoader loader) { return ref.getAndSet(loader); } public static FunctionLoader reset() { return ref.getAndSet(BasicFunctionLoader.INSTANCE); } }
{'repo_name': 'jclouds/legacy-jclouds', 'stars': '477', 'repo_language': 'Java', 'file_name': 'archetype-metadata.xml', 'mime_type': 'text/xml', 'hash': 1338280399342905988, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // $TAG ENGR // $Module: win_mil_graphics_meta // $Keywords: // // $Description: // Contains class definition for the render target iterator used in the // implementation of the meta render target primitive drawing functions. // // $ENDTAG // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "precomp.hpp" //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: // CMetaIterator::CMetaIterator // // Synopsis: // ctor // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CMetaIterator::CMetaIterator( __in_ecount(cRT) MetaData *prgMetaData, UINT cRT, UINT idxFirstEnabledRT, bool fUseRTOffset, __in_ecount_opt(1) CDisplaySet const *pDisplaySet, __in_ecount_opt(1) CAliasedClip *pAliasedClip, __deref_opt_inout_ecount(1) CMilRectF const **ppBoundsToAdjust, __in_ecount_opt(1) CMultiOutSpaceMatrix<CoordinateSpace::LocalRendering> *pTransform, __in_ecount_opt(1) CContextState *pContextState, __in_ecount_opt(1) IWGXBitmapSource **ppIBitmapSource ) : m_firstTransformAdjustor( !fUseRTOffset ? NULL : (pTransform != NULL) ? &static_cast<CMultiOutSpaceMatrix<CoordinateSpace::Variant> &>(*pTransform) : (pContextState == NULL) ? NULL : pContextState->In3D ? &static_cast<CMultiOutSpaceMatrix<CoordinateSpace::Variant> &>(pContextState->ViewportProjectionModifier3D) : &static_cast<CMultiOutSpaceMatrix<CoordinateSpace::Variant> &>(pContextState->WorldToDevice) ), m_boundsAdjustor(ppBoundsToAdjust), m_aliasedClipAdjustor( !fUseRTOffset ? NULL : pContextState ? &pContextState->AliasedClip : pAliasedClip ), m_bitmapSourceAdjustor(ppIBitmapSource) #if DBG_ANALYSIS , // If transform adjust is not needed only because of fUseRTOffset being // false, then just change the Out space while iterating. m_pDbgToPageOrDeviceTransform( fUseRTOffset ? NULL : (pTransform != NULL) ? &static_cast<CMultiOutSpaceMatrix<CoordinateSpace::Variant> &>(*pTransform) : (pContextState == NULL) ? NULL : pContextState->In3D ? &static_cast<CMultiOutSpaceMatrix<CoordinateSpace::Variant> &>(pContextState->ViewportProjectionModifier3D) : &static_cast<CMultiOutSpaceMatrix<CoordinateSpace::Variant> &>(pContextState->WorldToDevice) ) #endif { Assert(prgMetaData[idxFirstEnabledRT].fEnable); Assert(idxFirstEnabledRT < cRT); // Don't expect both a transform and context state Assert(!pTransform || !pContextState); // Don't expect both an aliased clip and context state Assert(!pContextState || !pAliasedClip); m_prgMetaData = prgMetaData; m_cRT = cRT; m_idxCurrent = idxFirstEnabledRT; m_pContextState = pContextState; m_pDisplaySet = pDisplaySet; AssertMsg(m_pDisplaySet || !m_pContextState, "Must have display set when there is a ContextState"); m_pFirstTransformAdjustor = &m_firstTransformAdjustor; m_pAliasedClipAdjustor = &m_aliasedClipAdjustor; m_pBitmapSourceAdjustor = &m_bitmapSourceAdjustor; #if DBG_ANALYSIS if (m_pDbgToPageOrDeviceTransform) { m_pDbgToPageOrDeviceTransform->DbgChangeToSpace<CoordinateSpace::PageInPixels,CoordinateSpace::Device>(); } #endif } //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: // CMetaIterator::~CMetaIterator // // Synopsis: // dtor // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CMetaIterator::~CMetaIterator() { #if DBG_ANALYSIS if (m_pDbgToPageOrDeviceTransform) { m_pDbgToPageOrDeviceTransform->DbgChangeToSpace<CoordinateSpace::Device,CoordinateSpace::PageInPixels>(); } #endif } //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: // CMetaIterator::PrepareForIteration // // Synopsis: // Calls BeginPrimitiveAdjust on all adjustors, gathering pointers to the // objects that require adjustment // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HRESULT CMetaIterator::PrepareForIteration() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; { bool fRequiresAdjustment; IFC(m_firstTransformAdjustor.BeginPrimitiveAdjust( &fRequiresAdjustment )); if (!fRequiresAdjustment) { m_pFirstTransformAdjustor = NULL; } } m_fAdjustBounds = m_boundsAdjustor.BeginPrimitiveAdjust(); { bool fRequiresAdjustment; IFC(m_aliasedClipAdjustor.BeginPrimitiveAdjust( &fRequiresAdjustment )); if (!fRequiresAdjustment) { m_pAliasedClipAdjustor = NULL; } } { bool fRequiresAdjustment; IFC(m_pBitmapSourceAdjustor->BeginPrimitiveAdjust( &fRequiresAdjustment )); if (!fRequiresAdjustment) { m_pBitmapSourceAdjustor = NULL; } } Cleanup: RRETURN(hr); } //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: // CMetaIterator::SetupForNextInternalRT // // Synopsis: // retrieves the next internal render target, performing any setup work // necessary to draw to this render target // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HRESULT CMetaIterator::SetupForNextInternalRT( __deref_out_ecount(1) IRenderTargetInternal **ppRTInternalNoAddRef ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; Assert(m_idxCurrent < m_cRT); Assert(m_prgMetaData[m_idxCurrent].fEnable); // Active internal render target found. // Perform BeginDeviceAdjustment and remember this index // such that post adjustment will occur IFC(BeginDeviceAdjust( m_idxCurrent )); *ppRTInternalNoAddRef = m_prgMetaData[m_idxCurrent].pInternalRT; Cleanup: RRETURN(hr); } //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: // CMetaIterator::BeginDeviceAdjust // // Synopsis: // Performs the adjustment. Any data that is changed here should be // restored in EndPrimitiveAdjust // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HRESULT CMetaIterator::BeginDeviceAdjust( UINT idx ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (m_pFirstTransformAdjustor) { IFC(m_pFirstTransformAdjustor->BeginDeviceAdjust( m_prgMetaData, idx )); } if (m_fAdjustBounds) { m_boundsAdjustor.BeginDeviceAdjust( m_prgMetaData, idx ); } if (m_pAliasedClipAdjustor) { IFC(m_pAliasedClipAdjustor->BeginDeviceAdjust( m_prgMetaData, idx )); } if (m_pBitmapSourceAdjustor) { IFC(m_pBitmapSourceAdjustor->BeginDeviceAdjust( m_prgMetaData, idx )); } if (m_pContextState) { // let rendering objects to know which display is served m_pContextState->GetDisplaySettingsFromDisplaySet(m_pDisplaySet, idx); } Cleanup: RRETURN(hr); }
{'repo_name': 'dotnet/wpf', 'stars': '4556', 'repo_language': 'C#', 'file_name': 'Targets.h', 'mime_type': 'text/x-c', 'hash': -7837273135727366195, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
/* * Copyright (c) 2003-2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #ifndef _PTHREAD_MUTEXATTR_T #define _PTHREAD_MUTEXATTR_T typedef __darwin_pthread_mutexattr_t pthread_mutexattr_t; #endif /* _PTHREAD_MUTEXATTR_T */
{'repo_name': 'theos/sdks', 'stars': '275', 'repo_language': 'Objective-C', 'file_name': 'TextInput_cs.tbd', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': 4056137844923397370, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
/*! normalize.css v2.1.3 | MIT License | git.io/normalize */ // ========================================================================== // HTML5 display definitions // ========================================================================== // // Correct `block` display not defined in IE 8/9. // article, aside, details, figcaption, figure, footer, header, hgroup, main, nav, section, summary { display: block; } // // Correct `inline-block` display not defined in IE 8/9. // audio, canvas, video { display: inline-block; } // // Prevent modern browsers from displaying `audio` without controls. // Remove excess height in iOS 5 devices. // audio:not([controls]) { display: none; height: 0; } // // Address `[hidden]` styling not present in IE 8/9. // Hide the `template` element in IE, Safari, and Firefox < 22. // [hidden], template { display: none; } // ========================================================================== // Base // ========================================================================== // // 1. Set default font family to sans-serif. // 2. Prevent iOS text size adjust after orientation change, without disabling // user zoom. // html { font-family: sans-serif; // 1 -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; // 2 -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; // 2 } // // Remove default margin. // body { margin: 0; } // ========================================================================== // Links // ========================================================================== // // Remove the gray background color from active links in IE 10. // a { background: transparent; } // // Address `outline` inconsistency between Chrome and other browsers. // a:focus { outline: thin dotted; } // // Improve readability when focused and also mouse hovered in all browsers. // a:active, a:hover { outline: 0; } // ========================================================================== // Typography // ========================================================================== // // Address variable `h1` font-size and margin within `section` and `article` // contexts in Firefox 4+, Safari 5, and Chrome. // h1 { font-size: 2em; margin: 0.67em 0; } // // Address styling not present in IE 8/9, Safari 5, and Chrome. // abbr[title] { border-bottom: 1px dotted; } // // Address style set to `bolder` in Firefox 4+, Safari 5, and Chrome. // b, strong { font-weight: bold; } // // Address styling not present in Safari 5 and Chrome. // dfn { font-style: italic; } // // Address differences between Firefox and other browsers. // hr { -moz-box-sizing: content-box; box-sizing: content-box; height: 0; } // // Address styling not present in IE 8/9. // mark { background: #ff0; color: #000; } // // Correct font family set oddly in Safari 5 and Chrome. // code, kbd, pre, samp { font-family: monospace, serif; font-size: 1em; } // // Improve readability of pre-formatted text in all browsers. // pre { white-space: pre-wrap; } // // Set consistent quote types. // q { quotes: "\201C" "\201D" "\2018" "\2019"; } // // Address inconsistent and variable font size in all browsers. // small { font-size: 80%; } // // Prevent `sub` and `sup` affecting `line-height` in all browsers. // sub, sup { font-size: 75%; line-height: 0; position: relative; vertical-align: baseline; } sup { top: -0.5em; } sub { bottom: -0.25em; } // ========================================================================== // Embedded content // ========================================================================== // // Remove border when inside `a` element in IE 8/9. // img { border: 0; } // // Correct overflow displayed oddly in IE 9. // svg:not(:root) { overflow: hidden; } // ========================================================================== // Figures // ========================================================================== // // Address margin not present in IE 8/9 and Safari 5. // figure { margin: 0; } // ========================================================================== // Forms // ========================================================================== // // Define consistent border, margin, and padding. // fieldset { border: 1px solid #c0c0c0; margin: 0 2px; padding: 0.35em 0.625em 0.75em; } // // 1. Correct `color` not being inherited in IE 8/9. // 2. Remove padding so people aren't caught out if they zero out fieldsets. // legend { border: 0; // 1 padding: 0; // 2 } // // 1. Correct font family not being inherited in all browsers. // 2. Correct font size not being inherited in all browsers. // 3. Address margins set differently in Firefox 4+, Safari 5, and Chrome. // button, input, select, textarea { font-family: inherit; // 1 font-size: 100%; // 2 margin: 0; // 3 } // // Address Firefox 4+ setting `line-height` on `input` using `!important` in // the UA stylesheet. // button, input { line-height: normal; } // // Address inconsistent `text-transform` inheritance for `button` and `select`. // All other form control elements do not inherit `text-transform` values. // Correct `button` style inheritance in Chrome, Safari 5+, and IE 8+. // Correct `select` style inheritance in Firefox 4+ and Opera. // button, select { text-transform: none; } // // 1. Avoid the WebKit bug in Android 4.0.* where (2) destroys native `audio` // and `video` controls. // 2. Correct inability to style clickable `input` types in iOS. // 3. Improve usability and consistency of cursor style between image-type // `input` and others. // button, html input[type="button"], // 1 input[type="reset"], input[type="submit"] { -webkit-appearance: button; // 2 cursor: pointer; // 3 } // // Re-set default cursor for disabled elements. // button[disabled], html input[disabled] { cursor: default; } // // 1. Address box sizing set to `content-box` in IE 8/9/10. // 2. Remove excess padding in IE 8/9/10. // input[type="checkbox"], input[type="radio"] { box-sizing: border-box; // 1 padding: 0; // 2 } // // 1. Address `appearance` set to `searchfield` in Safari 5 and Chrome. // 2. Address `box-sizing` set to `border-box` in Safari 5 and Chrome // (include `-moz` to future-proof). // input[type="search"] { -webkit-appearance: textfield; // 1 -moz-box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-box-sizing: content-box; // 2 box-sizing: content-box; } // // Remove inner padding and search cancel button in Safari 5 and Chrome // on OS X. // input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-cancel-button, input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration { -webkit-appearance: none; } // // Remove inner padding and border in Firefox 4+. // button::-moz-focus-inner, input::-moz-focus-inner { border: 0; padding: 0; } // // 1. Remove default vertical scrollbar in IE 8/9. // 2. Improve readability and alignment in all browsers. // textarea { overflow: auto; // 1 vertical-align: top; // 2 } // ========================================================================== // Tables // ========================================================================== // // Remove most spacing between table cells. // table { border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0; }
{'repo_name': 'ironbane/IronbaneServerLegacy', 'stars': '172', 'repo_language': 'JavaScript', 'file_name': 'tests.js', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': 8459004796081784366, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
package goworker import ( "fmt" "math/rand" "os" "strings" "time" ) type process struct { Hostname string Pid int ID string Queues []string } func newProcess(id string, queues []string) (*process, error) { hostname, err := os.Hostname() if err != nil { return nil, err } return &process{ Hostname: hostname, Pid: os.Getpid(), ID: id, Queues: queues, }, nil } func (p *process) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d-%s:%s", p.Hostname, p.Pid, p.ID, strings.Join(p.Queues, ",")) } func (p *process) open(conn *RedisConn) error { conn.Send("SADD", fmt.Sprintf("%sworkers", workerSettings.Namespace), p) conn.Send("SET", fmt.Sprintf("%sstat:processed:%v", workerSettings.Namespace, p), "0") conn.Send("SET", fmt.Sprintf("%sstat:failed:%v", workerSettings.Namespace, p), "0") conn.Flush() return nil } func (p *process) close(conn *RedisConn) error { logger.Infof("%v shutdown", p) conn.Send("SREM", fmt.Sprintf("%sworkers", workerSettings.Namespace), p) conn.Send("DEL", fmt.Sprintf("%sstat:processed:%s", workerSettings.Namespace, p)) conn.Send("DEL", fmt.Sprintf("%sstat:failed:%s", workerSettings.Namespace, p)) conn.Flush() return nil } func (p *process) start(conn *RedisConn) error { conn.Send("SET", fmt.Sprintf("%sworker:%s:started", workerSettings.Namespace, p), time.Now().String()) conn.Flush() return nil } func (p *process) finish(conn *RedisConn) error { conn.Send("DEL", fmt.Sprintf("%sworker:%s", workerSettings.Namespace, p)) conn.Send("DEL", fmt.Sprintf("%sworker:%s:started", workerSettings.Namespace, p)) conn.Flush() return nil } func (p *process) fail(conn *RedisConn) error { conn.Send("INCR", fmt.Sprintf("%sstat:failed", workerSettings.Namespace)) conn.Send("INCR", fmt.Sprintf("%sstat:failed:%s", workerSettings.Namespace, p)) conn.Flush() return nil } func (p *process) queues(strict bool) []string { // If the queues order is strict then just return them. if strict { return p.Queues } // If not then we want to to shuffle the queues before returning them. queues := make([]string, len(p.Queues)) for i, v := range rand.Perm(len(p.Queues)) { queues[i] = p.Queues[v] } return queues }
{'repo_name': 'benmanns/goworker', 'stars': '2425', 'repo_language': 'Go', 'file_name': 'go.yml', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': -873627425819689684, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
### TEMPLATE.txt.tpl; coding: utf-8 --- # Author(s): Christophe Prud'homme <[email protected]> # Date: 2020-01-20 # # Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Feel++ Consortium # # Distributed under the GPL(GNU Public License): # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # # ## ## Archive generation using cpack ## if (UNIX) execute_process( COMMAND uname -m OUTPUT_VARIABLE FEELPP_SYSTEM_MACHINE OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ERROR_VARIABLE FEELPP_SYSTEM_MACHINE_error RESULT_VARIABLE FEELPP_SYSTEM_MACHINE_result) endif() SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME "feelpp-toolboxes") SET(CPACK_GENERATOR "TGZ") SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_SUMMARY "Feel++ Toolboxes") SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_VENDOR "Christophe Prud'homme") SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_FILE "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/README.adoc") SET(CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_LICENSE "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/COPYING.adoc") SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR "${FEELPP_VERSION_MAJOR}") SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR "${FEELPP_VERSION_MINOR}") SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_PATCH "${FEELPP_VERSION_MICRO}") SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIRECTORY "feelpp-toolboxes") SET(CPACK_SOURCE_GENERATOR "TGZ") SET(CPACK_SOURCE_OUTPUT_CONFIG_FILE "CPackSourceConfig.cmake") SET(CPACK_SYSTEM_NAME "${FEELPP_OS}-${FEELPP_SYSTEM_MACHINE}") SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME "feelpp-toolboxes") SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_SUMMARY "Feel++ Toolboxes") SET(CPACK_SOURCE_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME "${CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME}-${FEELPP_VERSION_MAJOR}.${FEELPP_VERSION_MINOR}.${FEELPP_VERSION_MICRO}${FEELPP_VERSION_PRERELEASE}${FEELPP_VERSION_METADATA}") SET(CPACK_SOURCE_STRIP_FILES "") # The following components are regex's to match anywhere (unless anchored) # in absolute path + filename to find files or directories to be excluded # from source tarball. set(CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES "/\\\\.git/;\\\\.gitignore;/\\\\.svn;" "/.git;" "/admin/;/Templates/;" "/auto/;/ltxpng/;" "/TAGS;/#.*;/.*~$;/*.log$;/.cvsignore;/.bzrignore;/work/;/autom4te.cache/" ) include( CPack )
{'repo_name': 'feelpp/feelpp', 'stars': '203', 'repo_language': 'C++', 'file_name': 'aneurysm.geo', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': 2021732163507463082, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
<template> video[controls] <video data-focus="video" width="1" height="1"></video> <video data-focus="videoControls" controls width="1" height="1"></video> </template>
{'repo_name': 'salesforce/lwc', 'stars': '809', 'repo_language': 'JavaScript', 'file_name': 'config.yml', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': -3519010752090783507, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
<?php /* vim: set shiftwidth=2 expandtab softtabstop=2: */ namespace Boris; /** * The Readline client is what the user spends their time entering text into. * * Input is collected and sent to {@link \Boris\EvalWorker} for processing. */ class ReadlineClient { private $_socket; private $_prompt; private $_historyFile; private $_clear = false; /** * Create a new ReadlineClient using $socket for communication. * * @param resource $socket */ public function __construct($socket) { $this->_socket = $socket; } /** * Start the client with an prompt and readline history path. * * This method never returns. * * @param string $prompt * @param string $historyFile */ public function start($prompt, $historyFile) { readline_read_history($historyFile); declare(ticks = 1); pcntl_signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN); pcntl_signal(SIGINT, array($this, 'clear'), true); // wait for the worker to finish executing hooks if (fread($this->_socket, 1) != EvalWorker::READY) { throw new \RuntimeException('EvalWorker failed to start'); } $parser = new ShallowParser(); $buf = ''; $lineno = 1; for (;;) { $this->_clear = false; $line = readline( sprintf( '[%d] %s', $lineno, ($buf == '' ? $prompt : str_pad('*> ', strlen($prompt), ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT)) ) ); if ($this->_clear) { $buf = ''; continue; } if (false === $line) { $buf = 'exit(0);'; // ctrl-d acts like exit } if (strlen($line) > 0) { readline_add_history($line); } $buf .= sprintf("%s\n", $line); if ($statements = $parser->statements($buf)) { ++$lineno; $buf = ''; foreach ($statements as $stmt) { if (false === $written = fwrite($this->_socket, $stmt)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Socket error: failed to write data'); } if ($written > 0) { $status = fread($this->_socket, 1); if ($status == EvalWorker::EXITED) { readline_write_history($historyFile); echo "\n"; exit(0); } elseif ($status == EvalWorker::FAILED) { break; } } } } } } /** * Clear the input buffer. */ public function clear() { // FIXME: I'd love to have this send \r to readline so it puts the user on a blank line $this->_clear = true; } }
{'repo_name': '5-say/laravel-4.1-quick-start-cn', 'stars': '144', 'repo_language': 'PHP', 'file_name': 'github.css', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': 7954457642401566209, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
/* * Copyright (C) 2017 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "JSMarkingConstraintPrivate.h" #include "APICast.h" #include "JSCInlines.h" #include "SimpleMarkingConstraint.h" using namespace JSC; namespace { Atomic<unsigned> constraintCounter; struct Marker : JSMarker { SlotVisitor* visitor; }; bool isMarked(JSMarkerRef markerRef, JSObjectRef objectRef) { if (!objectRef) return true; // Null is an immortal object. return static_cast<Marker*>(markerRef)->visitor->vm().heap.isMarked(toJS(objectRef)); } void mark(JSMarkerRef markerRef, JSObjectRef objectRef) { if (!objectRef) return; static_cast<Marker*>(markerRef)->visitor->appendHiddenUnbarriered(toJS(objectRef)); } } // anonymous namespace void JSContextGroupAddMarkingConstraint(JSContextGroupRef group, JSMarkingConstraint constraintCallback, void *userData) { VM& vm = *toJS(group); JSLockHolder locker(vm); unsigned constraintIndex = constraintCounter.exchangeAdd(1); // This is a guess. The algorithm should be correct no matter what we pick. This means // that we expect this constraint to mark things even during a stop-the-world full GC, but // we don't expect it to be able to mark anything at the very start of a GC before anything // else gets marked. ConstraintVolatility volatility = ConstraintVolatility::GreyedByMarking; auto constraint = std::make_unique<SimpleMarkingConstraint>( toCString("Amc", constraintIndex, "(", RawPointer(bitwise_cast<void*>(constraintCallback)), ")"), toCString("API Marking Constraint #", constraintIndex, " (", RawPointer(bitwise_cast<void*>(constraintCallback)), ", ", RawPointer(userData), ")"), [constraintCallback, userData] (SlotVisitor& slotVisitor) { Marker marker; marker.IsMarked = isMarked; marker.Mark = mark; marker.visitor = &slotVisitor; constraintCallback(&marker, userData); }, volatility, ConstraintConcurrency::Sequential); vm.heap.addMarkingConstraint(WTFMove(constraint)); }
{'repo_name': 'mbbill/JSC.js', 'stars': '279', 'repo_language': 'C++', 'file_name': 'updateGN.md', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': 3802004939018551231, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
<?php /* * This file is part of the Monolog package. * * (c) Jonathan A. Schweder <[email protected]> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Processor; use Monolog\TestCase; class MercurialProcessorTest extends TestCase { /** * @covers Monolog\Processor\MercurialProcessor::__invoke */ public function testProcessor() { if (defined('PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_BUILD')) { exec("where hg 2>NUL", $output, $result); } else { exec("which hg 2>/dev/null >/dev/null", $output, $result); } if ($result != 0) { $this->markTestSkipped('hg is missing'); return; } `hg init`; $processor = new MercurialProcessor(); $record = $processor($this->getRecord()); $this->assertArrayHasKey('hg', $record['extra']); $this->assertTrue(!is_array($record['extra']['hg']['branch'])); $this->assertTrue(!is_array($record['extra']['hg']['revision'])); } }
{'repo_name': 'woann/chat', 'stars': '208', 'repo_language': 'PHP', 'file_name': 'demo-1.js', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': 2804170736226767632, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
/* * libqos driver framework * * Copyright (c) 2019 Red Hat, Inc. * * Author: Paolo Bonzini <[email protected]> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> */ #include "qemu/osdep.h" #include "libqtest.h" #include "malloc.h" #include "qgraph.h" #include "i2c.h" #define ARM_PAGE_SIZE 4096 #define N800_RAM_START 0x80000000 #define N800_RAM_END 0x88000000 typedef struct QN800Machine QN800Machine; struct QN800Machine { QOSGraphObject obj; QGuestAllocator alloc; OMAPI2C i2c_1; }; static void *n800_get_driver(void *object, const char *interface) { QN800Machine *machine = object; if (!g_strcmp0(interface, "memory")) { return &machine->alloc; } fprintf(stderr, "%s not present in arm/n800\n", interface); g_assert_not_reached(); } static QOSGraphObject *n800_get_device(void *obj, const char *device) { QN800Machine *machine = obj; if (!g_strcmp0(device, "omap_i2c")) { return &machine->i2c_1.obj; } fprintf(stderr, "%s not present in arm/n800\n", device); g_assert_not_reached(); } static void n800_destructor(QOSGraphObject *obj) { QN800Machine *machine = (QN800Machine *) obj; alloc_destroy(&machine->alloc); } static void *qos_create_machine_arm_n800(QTestState *qts) { QN800Machine *machine = g_new0(QN800Machine, 1); alloc_init(&machine->alloc, 0, N800_RAM_START, N800_RAM_END, ARM_PAGE_SIZE); machine->obj.get_device = n800_get_device; machine->obj.get_driver = n800_get_driver; machine->obj.destructor = n800_destructor; omap_i2c_init(&machine->i2c_1, qts, 0x48070000); return &machine->obj; } static void n800_register_nodes(void) { QOSGraphEdgeOptions edge = { .extra_device_opts = "bus=i2c-bus.0" }; qos_node_create_machine("arm/n800", qos_create_machine_arm_n800); qos_node_contains("arm/n800", "omap_i2c", &edge, NULL); } libqos_init(n800_register_nodes);
{'repo_name': 'qemu/qemu', 'stars': '3749', 'repo_language': 'C', 'file_name': 'tcg-target.h', 'mime_type': 'text/x-c', 'hash': -8796631764087178052, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
// Body $body-bg: #f8fafc; // Typography $font-family-sans-serif: "Nunito", sans-serif; $font-size-base: 0.9rem; $line-height-base: 1.6; // Colors $blue: #3490dc; $indigo: #6574cd; $purple: #9561e2; $pink: #f66D9b; $red: #e3342f; $orange: #f6993f; $yellow: #ffed4a; $green: #38c172; $teal: #4dc0b5; $cyan: #6cb2eb;
{'repo_name': 'vanilophp/demo', 'stars': '104', 'repo_language': 'PHP', 'file_name': 'browserconfig.xml', 'mime_type': 'text/xml', 'hash': -5785948795256851934, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
/* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All rights reserved. This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ package recorders_test import ( "io/ioutil" "testing" "github.com/gosuri/uiprogress" "github.com/pinterest/bender" "github.com/stretchr/testify/suite" "github.com/facebookincubator/fbender/recorders" ) type ProgressBarRecorderTestSuite struct { suite.Suite progress *uiprogress.Progress bar *uiprogress.Bar recorder chan interface{} progressRecorder bender.Recorder } func (s *ProgressBarRecorderTestSuite) SetupTest() { s.progress = uiprogress.New() s.progress.SetOut(ioutil.Discard) s.progress.Start() s.bar = s.progress.AddBar(10) s.recorder = make(chan interface{}, 1) s.progressRecorder = recorders.NewProgressBarRecorder(s.bar) } func (s *ProgressBarRecorderTestSuite) TearDownTest() { s.progress.Stop() } func (s *ProgressBarRecorderTestSuite) recordSingleEvent(event interface{}) { s.recorder <- event close(s.recorder) bender.Record(s.recorder, s.progressRecorder) } func (s *ProgressBarRecorderTestSuite) TestStartEvent() { s.recordSingleEvent(new(bender.StartEvent)) s.Equal(0, s.bar.Current()) } func (s *ProgressBarRecorderTestSuite) TestEndEvent() { s.recordSingleEvent(new(bender.EndEvent)) s.Equal(0, s.bar.Current()) } func (s *ProgressBarRecorderTestSuite) TestWaitEvent() { s.recordSingleEvent(new(bender.WaitEvent)) s.Equal(0, s.bar.Current()) } func (s *ProgressBarRecorderTestSuite) TestStartRequestEvent() { s.recordSingleEvent(new(bender.StartRequestEvent)) s.Equal(0, s.bar.Current()) } func (s *ProgressBarRecorderTestSuite) TestEndRequestEvent() { s.recordSingleEvent(new(bender.EndRequestEvent)) s.Equal(1, s.bar.Current()) } func TestProgressBarRecorderTestSuite(t *testing.T) { suite.Run(t, new(ProgressBarRecorderTestSuite)) }
{'repo_name': 'facebookincubator/fbender', 'stars': '218', 'repo_language': 'Go', 'file_name': 'runner.go', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': 141111026470735036, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
#ifndef HW_MCF_H #define HW_MCF_H /* Motorola ColdFire device prototypes. */ #include "target/m68k/cpu-qom.h" /* mcf_uart.c */ uint64_t mcf_uart_read(void *opaque, hwaddr addr, unsigned size); void mcf_uart_write(void *opaque, hwaddr addr, uint64_t val, unsigned size); void *mcf_uart_init(qemu_irq irq, Chardev *chr); void mcf_uart_mm_init(hwaddr base, qemu_irq irq, Chardev *chr); /* mcf_intc.c */ qemu_irq *mcf_intc_init(struct MemoryRegion *sysmem, hwaddr base, M68kCPU *cpu); /* mcf5206.c */ qemu_irq *mcf5206_init(struct MemoryRegion *sysmem, uint32_t base, M68kCPU *cpu); #endif
{'repo_name': 'Comsecuris/luaqemu', 'stars': '109', 'repo_language': 'C', 'file_name': 'tcg-target.h', 'mime_type': 'text/x-c', 'hash': 2534683599699962367, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
{ "name": "merge-descriptors", "description": "Merge objects using descriptors", "version": "1.0.1", "author": { "name": "Jonathan Ong", "email": "[email protected]", "url": "http://jongleberry.com", "twitter": "https://twitter.com/jongleberry" }, "contributors": [ "Douglas Christopher Wilson <[email protected]>", "Mike Grabowski <[email protected]>" ], "license": "MIT", "repository": "component/merge-descriptors", "devDependencies": { "istanbul": "0.4.1", "mocha": "1.21.5" }, "files": [ "HISTORY.md", "LICENSE", "README.md", "index.js" ], "scripts": { "test": "mocha --reporter spec --bail --check-leaks test/", "test-ci": "istanbul cover node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha --report lcovonly -- --reporter spec --check-leaks test/", "test-cov": "istanbul cover node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha -- --reporter dot --check-leaks test/" }, "_from": "[email protected]", "_resolved": "http://registry.npm.taobao.org/merge-descriptors/download/merge-descriptors-1.0.1.tgz" }
{'repo_name': 'htmlk/express', 'stars': '156', 'repo_language': 'JavaScript', 'file_name': 'index.jade', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': 5767949179910395527, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
/* * ReactOS RosPerf - ReactOS GUI performance test program * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #ifndef ROSPERF_H_INCLUDED #define ROSPERF_H_INCLUDED typedef struct tagPERF_INFO { HWND Wnd; unsigned Seconds; unsigned Repeats; COLORREF ForegroundColor; COLORREF BackgroundColor; HDC ForegroundDc; HDC BackgroundDc; INT WndWidth; INT WndHeight; } PERF_INFO, *PPERF_INFO; typedef unsigned (*INITTESTPROC)(void **Context, PPERF_INFO PerfInfo, unsigned Reps); typedef void (*TESTPROC)(void *Context, PPERF_INFO PerfInfo, unsigned Reps); typedef void (*CLEANUPTESTPROC)(void *Context, PPERF_INFO PerfInfo); typedef struct tagTEST { LPCWSTR Option; LPCWSTR Label; INITTESTPROC Init; TESTPROC Proc; CLEANUPTESTPROC PassCleanup; CLEANUPTESTPROC Cleanup; } TEST, *PTEST; void GetTests(unsigned *TestCount, PTEST *Tests); /* Tests */ unsigned NullInit(void **Context, PPERF_INFO PerfInfo, unsigned Reps); void NullCleanup(void *Context, PPERF_INFO PerfInfo); void FillProc(void *Context, PPERF_INFO PerfInfo, unsigned Reps); void FillSmallProc(void *Context, PPERF_INFO PerfInfo, unsigned Reps); void LinesHorizontalProc(void *Context, PPERF_INFO PerfInfo, unsigned Reps); void LinesVerticalProc(void *Context, PPERF_INFO PerfInfo, unsigned Reps); void LinesProc(void *Context, PPERF_INFO PerfInfo, unsigned Reps); void TextProc(void *Context, PPERF_INFO PerfInfo, unsigned Reps); unsigned AlphaBlendInit(void **Context, PPERF_INFO PerfInfo, unsigned Reps); void AlphaBlendCleanup(void *Context, PPERF_INFO PerfInfo); void AlphaBlendProc(void *Context, PPERF_INFO PerfInfo, unsigned Reps); void GradientHorizontalProc(void *Context, PPERF_INFO PerfInfo, unsigned Reps); void GradientVerticalProc(void *Context, PPERF_INFO PerfInfo, unsigned Reps); void GradientProc(void *Context, PPERF_INFO PerfInfo, unsigned Reps); void ScrollProc(void *Context, PPERF_INFO PerfInfo, unsigned Reps); #endif /* ROSPERF_H_INCLUDED */ /* EOF */
{'repo_name': 'reactos/reactos-deprecated-gitsvn-dont-use', 'stars': '307', 'repo_language': 'C', 'file_name': 'options.c', 'mime_type': 'text/x-c', 'hash': 4067390722506155609, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
/****************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2017, Huada Semiconductor Co.,Ltd All rights reserved. * * This software is owned and published by: * Huada Semiconductor Co.,Ltd ("HDSC"). * * BY DOWNLOADING, INSTALLING OR USING THIS SOFTWARE, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND * BY ALL THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT. * * This software contains source code for use with HDSC * components. This software is licensed by HDSC to be adapted only * for use in systems utilizing HDSC components. HDSC shall not be * responsible for misuse or illegal use of this software for devices not * supported herein. HDSC is providing this software "AS IS" and will * not be responsible for issues arising from incorrect user implementation * of the software. * * Disclaimer: * HDSC MAKES NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ARISING BY LAW OR OTHERWISE, * REGARDING THE SOFTWARE (INCLUDING ANY ACOOMPANYING WRITTEN MATERIALS), * ITS PERFORMANCE OR SUITABILITY FOR YOUR INTENDED USE, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE, AND THE IMPLIED * WARRANTY OF NONINFRINGEMENT. * HDSC SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY (WHETHER IN CONTRACT, WARRANTY, TORT, * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT * LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, * LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, OR OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS) ARISING FROM USE OR * INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR LOSS OF DATA, * SAVINGS OR PROFITS, * EVEN IF Disclaimer HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. * YOU ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBILITIES FOR SELECTION OF THE SOFTWARE TO ACHIEVE YOUR * INTENDED RESULTS, AND FOR THE INSTALLATION OF, USE OF, AND RESULTS OBTAINED * FROM, THE SOFTWARE. * * This software may be replicated in part or whole for the licensed use, * with the restriction that this Disclaimer and Copyright notice must be * included with each copy of this software, whether used in part or whole, * at all times. */ /*****************************************************************************/ /** \file rtc.h ** ** Headerfile for RTC functions ** ** ** History: ** - 2017-05-10 Cathy First Version ** *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef __RTC_H__ #define __RTC_H__ /***************************************************************************** * Include files *****************************************************************************/ #include "ddl.h" #include "interrupts_hc32l136.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** ****************************************************************************** ** \defgroup RtcGroup Real Time Clock (RTC) ** ******************************************************************************/ //@{ /******************************************************************************/ /* Global pre-processor symbols/macros ('#define') */ /******************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************** * Global type definitions ******************************************************************************/ /** ****************************************************************************** ** \brief rtc时钟源选择 *****************************************************************************/ typedef enum en_rtc_clk { RtcClk32768 = 0u, ///<外部32.768k RtcClk32768_1 = 1u, ///<外部32.768k RtcClk32 = 2u, ///<内部RC32 RtcClk32_1 = 3u, ///<内部RC32 RtcClkHxt128 = 4u, ///<外部晶振4M RtcClkHxt256 = 5u, ///<外部晶振8M RtcClkHxt512 = 6u, ///<外部晶振16M RtcClkHxt1024 = 7u, ///<外部晶振32M }en_rtc_clk_t; /** ****************************************************************************** ** \brief rtc周期中断方式选择 *****************************************************************************/ typedef enum en_rtc_cyc { RtcPrads = 0u, ///<月、天、时分秒 RtcPradx = 1u, ///<step 0.5s }en_rtc_cyc_t; /** ****************************************************************************** ** \brief rtc 12h制或24h制方式选择 *****************************************************************************/ typedef enum en_rtc_ampm { Rtc12h = 0u, ///<12h Rtc24h = 1u, ///<24h }en_rtc_ampm_t; /** ****************************************************************************** ** \brief prds中断周期 *****************************************************************************/ typedef enum en_rtc_cycprds { Rtc_None = 0u, ///<无周期中断 Rtc_05S = 1u, ///<0.5S中断 Rtc_1S = 2u, ///<1s Rtc_1Min = 3u, ///<1min Rtc_1H = 4u, ///<1h Rtc_1Day = 5u, ///<1d Rtc_1Mon = 6u, ///<1月 Rtc_1Mon_1 = 7u, ///<1月 }en_rtc_cycprds_t; /** ****************************************************************************** ** \brief rtc周期中断总配置 *****************************************************************************/ typedef struct stc_rtc_cyc_sel { en_rtc_cyc_t enCyc_sel; ///<周期类型配置 en_rtc_cycprds_t enPrds_sel;///<周期配置 uint8_t u8Prdx; }stc_rtc_cyc_sel_t; /** ****************************************************************************** ** \brief 闹钟源配置 *****************************************************************************/ typedef struct stc_rtc_alarmset { uint8_t u8Minute; ///<闹钟分钟 uint8_t u8Hour; ///<闹钟小时 uint8_t u8Week; ///<闹钟周 }stc_rtc_alarmset_t; /** ****************************************************************************** ** \brief 闹钟中断使能设置 *****************************************************************************/ typedef enum en_rtc_alarmirq { Rtc_AlarmInt_Disable = 0u,///<闹钟中断禁止 Rtc_AlarmInt_Enable = 1u,///<闹钟中断使能 }en_rtc_alarmirq_t; /** ****************************************************************************** ** \brief rtc 1hz补偿功能开启设置 *****************************************************************************/ typedef enum en_rtc_compen_en { Rtc_Comp_Disable = 0u,///<时钟补偿禁止 Rtc_Comp_Enable = 1u,///<时钟补偿使能 }en_rtc_compen_en_t; /** ****************************************************************************** ** \brief rtc计数功能使能设置 *****************************************************************************/ typedef enum en_rtc_count_en { Rtc_Count_Disable = 0u,///<计数禁止 Rtc_Count_Enable = 1u,///<计数使能 }en_rtc_count_en_t; /** ****************************************************************************** ** \brief rtc计数模式还是读写模式状态 *****************************************************************************/ typedef enum en_rtc_status { RtcRunStatus = 0u, ///<计数状态 RtcRdWStatus = 1u, ///<读写状态 }en_rtc_status_t; /** ****************************************************************************** ** \brief rtc 中断请求标志 *****************************************************************************/ typedef enum en_rtc_status_irq { RtcAlmf = 0u, ///<闹钟中断请求 RtcPrdf = 1u, ///<周期中断请求 }en_rtc_status_irq_t; /** ****************************************************************************** ** \brief rtc时钟年、月、日、时、分、秒读写结构 *****************************************************************************/ typedef struct stc_rtc_time { uint8_t u8Second; ///<秒 uint8_t u8Minute; ///<分 uint8_t u8Hour; ///<时 uint8_t u8DayOfWeek; ///<周 uint8_t u8Day; ///<日 uint8_t u8Month; ///<月 uint8_t u8Year; ///<年 } stc_rtc_time_t; /** ****************************************************************************** ** \brief rtc功能描述 ******************************************************************************/ typedef enum en_rtc_func { RtcCount = 0u, ///< RTC计数使能 RtcAlarmEn = 1u, ///< RTC闹钟使能 Rtc_ComenEn = 2u, ///<RTC补偿使能 Rtc1HzOutEn = 3u, ///<使能1hz输出 }en_rtc_func_t; /** ****************************************************************************** ** \brief rtc 闹钟及周期中断处理函数 *****************************************************************************/ typedef struct stc_rtc_irq_cb { func_ptr_t pfnAlarmIrqCb; ///<闹钟中断服务函数 func_ptr_t pfnTimerIrqCb; ///<周期中断服务函数 }stc_rtc_irq_cb_t, stc_rtc_intern_cb_t; /** ****************************************************************************** ** \brief rtc 总体配置结构体 *****************************************************************************/ typedef struct stc_rtc_config { en_rtc_clk_t enClkSel; ///<时钟源配置 en_rtc_ampm_t enAmpmSel; ///<时制配置 stc_rtc_cyc_sel_t* pstcCycSel; ///<周期配置 stc_rtc_time_t* pstcTimeDate; ///<时间日期初值配置 stc_rtc_irq_cb_t* pstcIrqCb; ///<中断服务函数 boolean_t bTouchNvic; ///<NVIC中断配置 } stc_rtc_config_t; //rtc 计数时钟源选择 en_result_t Rtc_SelClk(en_rtc_clk_t enClk); //rtc 计数周期设置 en_result_t Rtc_SetCyc(stc_rtc_cyc_sel_t* pstcCyc); //rtc ampm模式设置 en_result_t Rtc_SetAmPm(en_rtc_ampm_t enMode); //rtc时制模式获取 boolean_t Rtc_GetHourMode(void); //rtc 闹钟相关配置 en_result_t Rtc_SetAlarmTime(stc_rtc_alarmset_t* pstcAlarmTime); en_result_t Rtc_GetAlarmTime(stc_rtc_alarmset_t* pstcAlarmTime); //1hz 输出模式及补偿值设置 en_result_t Rtc_Set1HzMode(boolean_t bMode); en_result_t Rtc_SetCompCr(uint16_t u16Cr); //周计算 uint8_t Rtc_CalWeek(uint8_t* pu8Date); //判断是否闰年 uint8_t Rtc_CheckLeapYear(uint8_t u8year); //12时制上午或下午读取 boolean_t Rtc_RDAmPm(void); //rtc 读写时间计数器 en_result_t Rtc_WriteDateTime(stc_rtc_time_t* pstcTimeDate,boolean_t bUpdateTime, boolean_t bUpdateDate); en_result_t Rtc_ReadDateTime(stc_rtc_time_t* pstcTimeDate); //格式转换函数 uint8_t Change_DateTimeFormat(uint8_t u8sr); //时间格式检查函数 en_result_t Rtc_CheckDateTimeFormat(uint8_t* pu8TimeDate,uint8_t u8Mode); //数据大小判断函数 en_result_t Check_BCD_Format(uint8_t u8data, uint8_t u8limit_min, uint8_t u8limit_max); //获取某年某月最大天数 uint8_t Get_Month_Max_Day(uint8_t u8month, uint8_t u8year); //rtc 读取当前状态(读写状态或计数状态),中断请求状态、中断清除状态 en_result_t Rtc_EnAlarmIrq(en_rtc_alarmirq_t enIrqEn); boolean_t Rtc_RDStatus(void); boolean_t Rtc_GetIrqStatus(en_rtc_status_irq_t enIrqSel); en_result_t Rtc_ClrIrqStatus(en_rtc_status_irq_t enIrqSel); //rtc功能使能禁止函数 en_result_t Rtc_EnableFunc(en_rtc_func_t enFunc); en_result_t Rtc_DisableFunc(en_rtc_func_t enFunc); //rtc初始化、禁止函数 en_result_t Rtc_Init(stc_rtc_config_t* pstcRtcConfig); en_result_t Rtc_DeInit(void); //@} // RtcGroup #ifdef __cplusplus #endif #endif /* __RTC_H__ */ /****************************************************************************** * EOF (not truncated) *****************************************************************************/
{'repo_name': 'Tencent/TencentOS-tiny', 'stars': '4417', 'repo_language': 'C', 'file_name': 'startup_stm32f102x6.s', 'mime_type': 'text/x-asm', 'hash': 6962957783878136410, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
import claripy import angr import nose.tools class A: n = 0 def do_vault_identity(v_factory): v = v_factory() v.uuid_dedup.add(A) assert len(v.keys()) == 0 a = A() b = A() b.n = 1 c = A() c.n = 2 aid = v.store(a) nose.tools.assert_equal(len(v.keys()), 1, msg="Current keys: %s" % v.keys()) bid = v.store(b) assert len(v.keys()) == 2 cid = v.store(c) assert len(v.keys()) == 3 aa = v.load(aid) bb = v.load(bid) cc = v.load(cid) assert aa is a assert bb is b assert cc is c bb.n = 1337 del bb del b import gc gc.collect() bbb = v.load(bid) assert bbb.n == 1 def do_vault_noidentity(v_factory): v = v_factory() assert len(v.keys()) == 0 a = A() b = A() b.n = 1 c = A() c.n = 2 aid = v.store(a) nose.tools.assert_equal(len(v.keys()), 1, msg="Current keys: %s" % v.keys()) bid = v.store(b) assert len(v.keys()) == 2 cid = v.store(c) assert len(v.keys()) == 3 aa = v.load(aid) bb = v.load(bid) cc = v.load(cid) assert aa is not a assert bb is not b assert cc is not c v.store(aa) assert len(v.keys()) == 4 v.store(bb) assert len(v.keys()) == 5 v.store(cc) assert len(v.keys()) == 6 def do_ast_vault(v_factory): v = v_factory() x = claripy.BVS("x", 32) y = claripy.BVS("y", 32) z = x + y v.store(x) assert len(v.keys()) == 1 zid = v.store(z) assert len(v.keys()) == 3 zz = v.load(zid) assert z is zz zs = v.dumps(z) zzz = v.loads(zs) assert zzz is z def test_vault(): yield do_vault_noidentity, angr.vaults.VaultDir yield do_vault_noidentity, angr.vaults.VaultShelf yield do_vault_noidentity, angr.vaults.VaultDict yield do_vault_noidentity, angr.vaults.VaultDirShelf yield do_vault_identity, angr.vaults.VaultDir yield do_vault_identity, angr.vaults.VaultShelf yield do_vault_identity, angr.vaults.VaultDict # VaultDirShelf does not guarantee identity equivalence due to the absence of caching # yield do_vault_identity, angr.vaults.VaultDirShelf def test_ast_vault(): yield do_ast_vault, angr.vaults.VaultDir yield do_ast_vault, angr.vaults.VaultShelf yield do_ast_vault, angr.vaults.VaultDict # VaultDirShelf does not guarantee identity equivalence due to the absence of caching # yield do_ast_vault, angr.vaults.VaultDirShelf def test_project(): v = angr.vaults.VaultDir() p = angr.Project("/bin/false") ps = v.store(p) pp = v.load(ps) assert p is pp assert sum(1 for k in v.keys() if k.startswith('Project')) == 1 pstring = v.dumps(p) assert sum(1 for k in v.keys() if k.startswith('Project')) == 1 pp2 = v.loads(pstring) assert sum(1 for k in v.keys() if k.startswith('Project')) == 1 assert p is pp p._asdf = 'fdsa' del pp2 del pp del p import gc gc.collect() p = v.load(ps) #assert not hasattr(p, '_asdf') assert sum(1 for k in v.keys() if k.startswith('Project')) == 1 if __name__ == '__main__': for _a,_b in test_vault(): _a(_b) for _a,_b in test_ast_vault(): _a(_b) test_project()
{'repo_name': 'angr/angr', 'stars': '4326', 'repo_language': 'Python', 'file_name': 'log.c', 'mime_type': 'text/x-c', 'hash': -827851503503118424, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
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{'repo_name': 'sakaiproject/sakai', 'stars': '631', 'repo_language': 'Java', 'file_name': 'reviewAssessment.jsp', 'mime_type': 'text/html', 'hash': 7184566954378323654, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
{ "type": "ChangeListeners", "category": "core", "generics": [ { "name": "Target", "extends": "object" }, { "name": "Property", "extends": "keyof Target" } ], "extends": { "interface": "Listeners", "generics": [ { "interface": "PropertyChangedEvent", "generics": ["Target", "Target[Property]"] } ] }, "description": "A convenience type that extends the `Listeners` type to perform some additional checks when handling change events.", "constructor": { "access": "public", "parameters": [ { "name": "target", "type": "Target" }, { "name": "property", "type": "Property" } ] } }
{'repo_name': 'eclipsesource/tabris-js', 'stars': '1166', 'repo_language': 'JavaScript', 'file_name': 'Listeners.json', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': -6711229314158265037, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2012-2015 RethinkDB, all rights reserved. from __future__ import print_function import os, random, socket, sys, time sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir, 'common'))) import driver, scenario_common, vcoptparse, utils op = vcoptparse.OptParser() scenario_common.prepare_option_parser_mode_flags(op) _, command_prefix, serve_options = scenario_common.parse_mode_flags(op.parse(sys.argv)) def garbage(n): return "".join(chr(random.randint(0, 255)) for i in range(n)) utils.print_with_time("Starting first server") with driver.Process(name='./db1', command_prefix=command_prefix, extra_options=serve_options) as server: server.check() utils.print_with_time("Generating garbage traffic") for i in range(30): print(i + 1, end=' ') sys.stdout.flush() s = socket.socket() s.connect((server.host, server.cluster_port)) s.send(garbage(random.randint(0, 500))) time.sleep(3) s.close() server.check() utils.print_with_time("Cleaning up first server") utils.print_with_time("Starting second server") with driver.Process(name='./db2', command_prefix=command_prefix, extra_options=serve_options) as server: server.check() utils.print_with_time("Opening and holding a connection") s = socket.socket() s.connect((server.host, server.cluster_port)) utils.print_with_time("Stopping the server") server.check_and_stop() s.close() utils.print_with_time("Cleaning up second server") utils.print_with_time("Done.") # TODO: Corrupt actual traffic between two processes instead of generating complete garbage. This might be tricky.
{'repo_name': 'rethinkdb/rethinkdb_rebirth', 'stars': '1040', 'repo_language': 'C++', 'file_name': 'protobuf_1-fix-build-errors.patch', 'mime_type': 'text/x-diff', 'hash': -961172739351579058, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package main import ( "fmt" "log" "net/http" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "google.golang.org/api/googleapi" prediction "google.golang.org/api/prediction/v1.6" ) func init() { scopes := []string{ prediction.DevstorageFullControlScope, prediction.DevstorageReadOnlyScope, prediction.DevstorageReadWriteScope, prediction.PredictionScope, } registerDemo("prediction", strings.Join(scopes, " "), predictionMain) } type predictionType struct { api *prediction.Service projectNumber string bucketName string trainingFileName string modelName string } // This example demonstrates calling the Prediction API. // Training data is uploaded to a pre-created Google Cloud Storage Bucket and // then the Prediction API is called to train a model based on that data. // After a few minutes, the model should be completely trained and ready // for prediction. At that point, text is sent to the model and the Prediction // API attempts to classify the data, and the results are printed out. // // To get started, follow the instructions found in the "Hello Prediction!" // Getting Started Guide located here: // https://developers.google.com/prediction/docs/hello_world // // Example usage: // go-api-demo -clientid="my-clientid" -secret="my-secret" prediction // my-project-number my-bucket-name my-training-filename my-model-name // // Example output: // Predict result: language=Spanish // English Score: 0.000000 // French Score: 0.000000 // Spanish Score: 1.000000 // analyze: output feature text=&{157 English} // analyze: output feature text=&{149 French} // analyze: output feature text=&{100 Spanish} // feature text count=406 func predictionMain(client *http.Client, argv []string) { if len(argv) != 4 { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Usage: prediction project_number bucket training_data model_name") return } api, err := prediction.New(client) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("unable to create prediction API client: %v", err) } t := &predictionType{ api: api, projectNumber: argv[0], bucketName: argv[1], trainingFileName: argv[2], modelName: argv[3], } t.trainModel() t.predictModel() } func (t *predictionType) trainModel() { // First, check to see if our trained model already exists. res, err := t.api.Trainedmodels.Get(t.projectNumber, t.modelName).Do() if err != nil { if ae, ok := err.(*googleapi.Error); ok && ae.Code != http.StatusNotFound { log.Fatalf("error getting trained model: %v", err) } log.Printf("Training model not found, creating new model.") res, err = t.api.Trainedmodels.Insert(t.projectNumber, &prediction.Insert{ Id: t.modelName, StorageDataLocation: filepath.Join(t.bucketName, t.trainingFileName), }).Do() if err != nil { log.Fatalf("unable to create trained model: %v", err) } } if res.TrainingStatus != "DONE" { // Wait for the trained model to finish training. fmt.Printf("Training model. Please wait and re-run program after a few minutes.") os.Exit(0) } } func (t *predictionType) predictModel() { // Model has now been trained. Predict with it. input := &prediction.Input{ Input: &prediction.InputInput{ CsvInstance: []interface{}{ "Hola, con quien hablo", }, }, } res, err := t.api.Trainedmodels.Predict(t.projectNumber, t.modelName, input).Do() if err != nil { log.Fatalf("unable to get trained prediction: %v", err) } fmt.Printf("Predict result: language=%v\n", res.OutputLabel) for _, m := range res.OutputMulti { fmt.Printf("%v Score: %v\n", m.Label, m.Score) } // Now analyze the model. an, err := t.api.Trainedmodels.Analyze(t.projectNumber, t.modelName).Do() if err != nil { log.Fatalf("unable to analyze trained model: %v", err) } for _, f := range an.DataDescription.OutputFeature.Text { fmt.Printf("analyze: output feature text=%v\n", f) } for _, f := range an.DataDescription.Features { fmt.Printf("feature text count=%v\n", f.Text.Count) } }
{'repo_name': 'GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-build-local', 'stars': '204', 'repo_language': 'Go', 'file_name': 'volume_test.go', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': 843012607330427522, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making behaviac available. // // Copyright (C) 2015-2017 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with // the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is // distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef _CORE_RANGE_H_ #define _CORE_RANGE_H_ #include "behaviac/common/rttibase.h" template <class T> class TRange { public: BEHAVIAC_DECLARE_MEMORY_OPERATORS(TRange) T start; T end; TRange() { start = 0; end = 0; }; TRange(const TRange& r) { start = r.start; end = r.end; }; TRange(T s, T e) { start = s; end = e; }; }; typedef TRange<float> Range; BEHAVIAC_OVERRIDE_TYPE_NAME(Range); #endif // #ifndef _CORE_RANGE_H_
{'repo_name': 'Tencent/behaviac', 'stars': '1836', 'repo_language': 'C#', 'file_name': 'AssemblyInfo.cs', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': -7542856998307528343, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
package resources import ( "io/ioutil" "path/filepath" "strings" "github.com/jaypipes/pcidb" "github.com/pkg/errors" "golang.org/x/sys/unix" "github.com/lxc/lxd/shared/api" ) var sysClassNet = "/sys/class/net" var netProtocols = map[uint64]string{ 1: "ethernet", 19: "ATM", 32: "infiniband", } func networkAddDeviceInfo(devicePath string, pciDB *pcidb.PCIDB, uname unix.Utsname, card *api.ResourcesNetworkCard) error { // SRIOV if sysfsExists(filepath.Join(devicePath, "sriov_numvfs")) { sriov := api.ResourcesNetworkCardSRIOV{} // Get maximum and current VF count vfMaximum, err := readUint(filepath.Join(devicePath, "sriov_totalvfs")) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to read \"%s\"", filepath.Join(devicePath, "sriov_totalvfs")) } vfCurrent, err := readUint(filepath.Join(devicePath, "sriov_numvfs")) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to read \"%s\"", filepath.Join(devicePath, "sriov_numvfs")) } sriov.MaximumVFs = vfMaximum sriov.CurrentVFs = vfCurrent // Add the SRIOV data to the card card.SRIOV = &sriov } // NUMA node if sysfsExists(filepath.Join(devicePath, "numa_node")) { numaNode, err := readInt(filepath.Join(devicePath, "numa_node")) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to read \"%s\"", filepath.Join(devicePath, "numa_node")) } if numaNode > 0 { card.NUMANode = uint64(numaNode) } } // Vendor and product deviceVendorPath := filepath.Join(devicePath, "vendor") if sysfsExists(deviceVendorPath) { id, err := ioutil.ReadFile(deviceVendorPath) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to read \"%s\"", deviceVendorPath) } card.VendorID = strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimSpace(string(id)), "0x") } deviceDevicePath := filepath.Join(devicePath, "device") if sysfsExists(deviceDevicePath) { id, err := ioutil.ReadFile(deviceDevicePath) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to read \"%s\"", deviceDevicePath) } card.ProductID = strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimSpace(string(id)), "0x") } // Fill vendor and product names if pciDB != nil { vendor, ok := pciDB.Vendors[card.VendorID] if ok { card.Vendor = vendor.Name for _, product := range vendor.Products { if product.ID == card.ProductID { card.Product = product.Name break } } } } // Driver information driverPath := filepath.Join(devicePath, "driver") if sysfsExists(driverPath) { linkTarget, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(driverPath) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to track down \"%s\"", driverPath) } // Set the driver name card.Driver = filepath.Base(linkTarget) // Try to get the version, fallback to kernel version out, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(driverPath, "module", "version")) if err == nil { card.DriverVersion = strings.TrimSpace(string(out)) } else { card.DriverVersion = strings.TrimRight(string(uname.Release[:]), "\x00") } } // Port information netPath := filepath.Join(devicePath, "net") if sysfsExists(netPath) { card.Ports = []api.ResourcesNetworkCardPort{} entries, err := ioutil.ReadDir(netPath) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to list \"%s\"", netPath) } // Iterate and record port data for _, entry := range entries { interfacePath := filepath.Join(netPath, entry.Name()) info := &api.ResourcesNetworkCardPort{ ID: entry.Name(), } // Add type if sysfsExists(filepath.Join(interfacePath, "type")) { devType, err := readUint(filepath.Join(interfacePath, "type")) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to read \"%s\"", filepath.Join(interfacePath, "type")) } protocol, ok := netProtocols[devType] if !ok { info.Protocol = "unknown" } info.Protocol = protocol } // Add MAC address if info.Address == "" && sysfsExists(filepath.Join(interfacePath, "address")) { address, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(interfacePath, "address")) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to read \"%s\"", filepath.Join(interfacePath, "address")) } info.Address = strings.TrimSpace(string(address)) } // Add port number if sysfsExists(filepath.Join(interfacePath, "dev_port")) { port, err := readUint(filepath.Join(interfacePath, "dev_port")) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to read \"%s\"", filepath.Join(interfacePath, "dev_port")) } info.Port = port } // Add infiniband specific information if info.Protocol == "infiniband" && sysfsExists(filepath.Join(devicePath, "infiniband")) { infiniband := &api.ResourcesNetworkCardPortInfiniband{} madPath := filepath.Join(devicePath, "infiniband_mad") if sysfsExists(madPath) { ibPort := info.Port + 1 entries, err := ioutil.ReadDir(madPath) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to list \"%s\"", madPath) } for _, entry := range entries { entryName := entry.Name() currentPort, err := readUint(filepath.Join(madPath, entryName, "port")) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to read \"%s\"", filepath.Join(madPath, entryName, "port")) } if currentPort != ibPort { continue } if !sysfsExists(filepath.Join(madPath, entryName, "dev")) { continue } dev, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(madPath, entryName, "dev")) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to read \"%s\"", filepath.Join(madPath, entryName, "dev")) } if strings.HasPrefix(entryName, "issm") { infiniband.IsSMName = entryName infiniband.IsSMDevice = strings.TrimSpace(string(dev)) } if strings.HasPrefix(entryName, "umad") { infiniband.MADName = entryName infiniband.MADDevice = strings.TrimSpace(string(dev)) } } } verbsPath := filepath.Join(devicePath, "infiniband_verbs") if sysfsExists(verbsPath) { entries, err := ioutil.ReadDir(verbsPath) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to list \"%s\"", verbsPath) } if len(entries) == 1 { verbName := entries[0].Name() infiniband.VerbName = verbName if !sysfsExists(filepath.Join(verbsPath, verbName, "dev")) { continue } dev, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(verbsPath, verbName, "dev")) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to read \"%s\"", filepath.Join(verbsPath, verbName, "dev")) } infiniband.VerbDevice = strings.TrimSpace(string(dev)) } } info.Infiniband = infiniband } // Attempt to add ethtool details (ignore failures) if sysfsExists(filepath.Join(devicePath, "physfn")) { // Getting physical port info for VFs makes no sense card.Ports = append(card.Ports, *info) continue } ethtoolAddPortInfo(info) card.Ports = append(card.Ports, *info) } if len(card.Ports) > 0 { ethtoolAddCardInfo(card.Ports[0].ID, card) } } return nil } // GetNetwork returns a filled api.ResourcesNetwork struct ready for use by LXD func GetNetwork() (*api.ResourcesNetwork, error) { network := api.ResourcesNetwork{} network.Cards = []api.ResourcesNetworkCard{} // Get uname for driver version uname := unix.Utsname{} err := unix.Uname(&uname) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Failed to get uname") } // Load PCI database pciDB, err := pcidb.New() if err != nil { pciDB = nil } // Temporary variables pciKnown := []string{} pciVFs := map[string][]api.ResourcesNetworkCard{} // Detect all Networks available through kernel network interface if sysfsExists(sysClassNet) { entries, err := ioutil.ReadDir(sysClassNet) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to list \"%s\"", sysClassNet) } // Iterate and add to our list for _, entry := range entries { entryName := entry.Name() entryPath := filepath.Join(sysClassNet, entryName) devicePath := filepath.Join(entryPath, "device") // Only keep physical network devices if !sysfsExists(filepath.Join(entryPath, "device")) { continue } // Setup the entry card := api.ResourcesNetworkCard{} // PCI address linkTarget, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(devicePath) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to track down \"%s\"", devicePath) } if strings.Contains(linkTarget, "/pci") && sysfsExists(filepath.Join(devicePath, "subsystem")) { virtio := strings.HasPrefix(filepath.Base(linkTarget), "virtio") if virtio { linkTarget = filepath.Dir(linkTarget) } subsystem, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(filepath.Join(devicePath, "subsystem")) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to track down \"%s\"", filepath.Join(devicePath, "subsystem")) } if filepath.Base(subsystem) == "pci" || virtio { card.PCIAddress = filepath.Base(linkTarget) // Skip devices we already know about if stringInSlice(card.PCIAddress, pciKnown) { continue } pciKnown = append(pciKnown, card.PCIAddress) } } // Add device information for PFs err = networkAddDeviceInfo(devicePath, pciDB, uname, &card) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to add device information for \"%s\"", devicePath) } // Add to list if sysfsExists(filepath.Join(devicePath, "physfn")) { // Virtual functions need to be added to the parent linkTarget, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(filepath.Join(devicePath, "physfn")) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to track down \"%s\"", filepath.Join(devicePath, "physfn")) } parentAddress := filepath.Base(linkTarget) _, ok := pciVFs[parentAddress] if !ok { pciVFs[parentAddress] = []api.ResourcesNetworkCard{} } pciVFs[parentAddress] = append(pciVFs[parentAddress], card) } else { network.Cards = append(network.Cards, card) } } } // Detect remaining Networks on PCI bus if sysfsExists(sysBusPci) { entries, err := ioutil.ReadDir(sysBusPci) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to list \"%s\"", sysBusPci) } // Iterate and add to our list for _, entry := range entries { entryName := entry.Name() devicePath := filepath.Join(sysBusPci, entryName) // Skip devices we already know about if stringInSlice(entryName, pciKnown) { continue } // Only care about identifiable devices if !sysfsExists(filepath.Join(devicePath, "class")) { continue } class, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(devicePath, "class")) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to read \"%s\"", filepath.Join(devicePath, "class")) } // Only care about VGA devices if !strings.HasPrefix(string(class), "0x02") { continue } // Start building up data card := api.ResourcesNetworkCard{} card.PCIAddress = entryName // Add device information err = networkAddDeviceInfo(devicePath, pciDB, uname, &card) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to add device information for \"%s\"", devicePath) } // Add to list if sysfsExists(filepath.Join(devicePath, "physfn")) { // Virtual functions need to be added to the parent linkTarget, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(filepath.Join(devicePath, "physfn")) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to track down \"%s\"", filepath.Join(devicePath, "physfn")) } parentAddress := filepath.Base(linkTarget) _, ok := pciVFs[parentAddress] if !ok { pciVFs[parentAddress] = []api.ResourcesNetworkCard{} } pciVFs[parentAddress] = append(pciVFs[parentAddress], card) } else { network.Cards = append(network.Cards, card) } } } // Add SRIOV devices and count devices network.Total = 0 for _, card := range network.Cards { if card.SRIOV != nil { card.SRIOV.VFs = pciVFs[card.PCIAddress] network.Total += uint64(len(card.SRIOV.VFs)) } network.Total++ } return &network, nil }
{'repo_name': 'lxc/lxd', 'stars': '2641', 'repo_language': 'Go', 'file_name': 'cgo.go', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': -1542225413834917322, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
/* Test lgamma. Copyright (C) 1997-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of the GNU C Library. The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "libm-test-driver.c" static const struct test_f_f1_data lgamma_test_data[] = { TEST_f_f1 (lgamma, plus_infty, plus_infty, 1, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), TEST_f_f1 (lgamma, 0, plus_infty, 1, DIVIDE_BY_ZERO_EXCEPTION|ERRNO_ERANGE), TEST_f_f1 (lgamma, minus_zero, plus_infty, -1, DIVIDE_BY_ZERO_EXCEPTION|ERRNO_ERANGE), TEST_f_f1 (lgamma, qnan_value, qnan_value, IGNORE, NO_INEXACT_EXCEPTION|ERRNO_UNCHANGED), TEST_f_f1 (lgamma, -qnan_value, qnan_value, IGNORE, NO_INEXACT_EXCEPTION|ERRNO_UNCHANGED), TEST_f_f1 (lgamma, snan_value, qnan_value, IGNORE, INVALID_EXCEPTION), TEST_f_f1 (lgamma, -snan_value, qnan_value, IGNORE, INVALID_EXCEPTION), /* lgamma (x) == +inf plus divide by zero exception for integer x <= 0. */ TEST_f_f1 (lgamma, -3, plus_infty, IGNORE, DIVIDE_BY_ZERO_EXCEPTION|ERRNO_ERANGE), TEST_f_f1 (lgamma, minus_infty, plus_infty, IGNORE, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), TEST_f_f1 (lgamma, -max_value, plus_infty, IGNORE, DIVIDE_BY_ZERO_EXCEPTION|ERRNO_ERANGE), AUTO_TESTS_f_f1 (lgamma), }; static void lgamma_test (void) { ALL_RM_TEST (lgamma, 0, lgamma_test_data, RUN_TEST_LOOP_f_f1, END, signgam); } static void gamma_test (void) { #if !TEST_FLOATN /* gamma uses the same test data as lgamma. */ ALL_RM_TEST (gamma, 0, lgamma_test_data, RUN_TEST_LOOP_f_f1, END, signgam); #endif } static void do_test (void) { lgamma_test (); gamma_test (); } /* * Local Variables: * mode:c * End: */
{'repo_name': 'bminor/glibc', 'stars': '400', 'repo_language': 'C', 'file_name': 'check_fds.c', 'mime_type': 'text/x-c', 'hash': -2837127853900665696, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
FROM buildpack-deps:jessie-scm # gcc for cgo RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ g++ \ gcc \ libc6-dev \ make \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* COPY gimme /usr/local/bin/ ENV GOPATH /go ENV PATH $GOPATH/bin:$PATH RUN mkdir -p "$GOPATH/src" "$GOPATH/bin" && chmod -R 777 "$GOPATH" WORKDIR $GOPATH
{'repo_name': 'travis-ci/gimme', 'stars': '602', 'repo_language': 'Shell', 'file_name': 'source-linux', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': -4122431006651740218, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
package api_server import ( "fmt" "github.com/go-openapi/strfmt" params "github.com/kubeflow/pipelines/backend/api/go_http_client/pipeline_upload_client/pipeline_upload_service" model "github.com/kubeflow/pipelines/backend/api/go_http_client/pipeline_upload_model" ) const ( FileForDefaultTest = "./samples/parameters.yaml" FileForClientErrorTest = "./samples/hello-world.yaml" ClientErrorString = "Error with client" InvalidFakeRequest = "Invalid fake request, don't know how to handle '%s' in the fake client." ) func getDefaultUploadedPipeline() *model.APIPipeline { return &model.APIPipeline{ ID: "500", CreatedAt: strfmt.NewDateTime(), Name: "PIPELINE_NAME", Description: "PIPELINE_DESCRIPTION", Parameters: []*model.APIParameter{&model.APIParameter{ Name: "PARAM_NAME", Value: "PARAM_VALUE", }}, } } type PipelineUploadClientFake struct{} func NewPipelineUploadClientFake() *PipelineUploadClientFake { return &PipelineUploadClientFake{} } func (c *PipelineUploadClientFake) UploadFile(filePath string, parameters *params.UploadPipelineParams) (*model.APIPipeline, error) { switch filePath { case FileForClientErrorTest: return nil, fmt.Errorf(ClientErrorString) default: return getDefaultUploadedPipeline(), nil } } // TODO(jingzhang36): add UploadPipelineVersion fake to be used in integration test // after go_http_client and go_client are auto-generated from UploadPipelineVersion in PipelineUploadServer
{'repo_name': 'kubeflow/pipelines', 'stars': '1655', 'repo_language': 'Python', 'file_name': 'test_kubernetes.py', 'mime_type': 'text/x-python', 'hash': -12119174626859657, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
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/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * OpenMM * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * This is part of the OpenMM molecular simulation toolkit originating from * * Simbios, the NIH National Center for Physics-Based Simulation of * * Biological Structures at Stanford, funded under the NIH Roadmap for * * Medical Research, grant U54 GM072970. See https://simtk.org. * * * * Portions copyright (c) 2010-2017 Stanford University and the Authors. * * Authors: Peter Eastman * * Contributors: * * * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * * THE AUTHORS, CONTRIBUTORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, * * DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR * * OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE * * USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "openmm/internal/AssertionUtilities.h" #include "openmm/HarmonicBondForce.h" #include "openmm/System.h" #include "openmm/VirtualSite.h" #include "openmm/serialization/XmlSerializer.h" #include <iostream> #include <sstream> using namespace OpenMM; using namespace std; void compareSystems(System& system, System& system2) { ASSERT_EQUAL(system.getNumParticles(), system2.getNumParticles()); for (int i = 0; i < system.getNumParticles(); i++) ASSERT_EQUAL(system.getParticleMass(i), system2.getParticleMass(i)); ASSERT_EQUAL(system.getNumConstraints(), system2.getNumConstraints()); for (int i = 0; i < system.getNumConstraints(); i++) { int p1, p2, p3, p4; double d1, d2; system.getConstraintParameters(i, p1, p2, d1); system2.getConstraintParameters(i, p3, p4, d2); ASSERT_EQUAL(p1, p3); ASSERT_EQUAL(p2, p4); ASSERT_EQUAL(d1, d2); } Vec3 a, b, c; Vec3 a2, b2, c2; system.getDefaultPeriodicBoxVectors(a, b, c); system2.getDefaultPeriodicBoxVectors(a2, b2, c2); ASSERT_EQUAL_VEC(a, a2, 0); ASSERT_EQUAL_VEC(b, b2, 0); ASSERT_EQUAL_VEC(c, c2, 0); for (int i = 0; i < system.getNumParticles(); i++) ASSERT_EQUAL(system.isVirtualSite(i), system2.isVirtualSite(i)); const TwoParticleAverageSite& site5 = dynamic_cast<const TwoParticleAverageSite&>(system2.getVirtualSite(5)); ASSERT_EQUAL(0, site5.getParticle(0)); ASSERT_EQUAL(1, site5.getParticle(1)); ASSERT_EQUAL(0.3, site5.getWeight(0)); ASSERT_EQUAL(0.7, site5.getWeight(1)); const ThreeParticleAverageSite& site6 = dynamic_cast<const ThreeParticleAverageSite&>(system2.getVirtualSite(6)); ASSERT_EQUAL(2, site6.getParticle(0)); ASSERT_EQUAL(4, site6.getParticle(1)); ASSERT_EQUAL(3, site6.getParticle(2)); ASSERT_EQUAL(0.5, site6.getWeight(0)); ASSERT_EQUAL(0.2, site6.getWeight(1)); ASSERT_EQUAL(0.3, site6.getWeight(2)); const OutOfPlaneSite& site7 = dynamic_cast<const OutOfPlaneSite&>(system2.getVirtualSite(7)); ASSERT_EQUAL(0, site7.getParticle(0)); ASSERT_EQUAL(3, site7.getParticle(1)); ASSERT_EQUAL(1, site7.getParticle(2)); ASSERT_EQUAL(0.1, site7.getWeight12()); ASSERT_EQUAL(0.2, site7.getWeight13()); ASSERT_EQUAL(0.5, site7.getWeightCross()); const LocalCoordinatesSite& site8 = dynamic_cast<const LocalCoordinatesSite&>(system2.getVirtualSite(8)); ASSERT_EQUAL(4, site8.getNumParticles()); ASSERT_EQUAL(4, site8.getParticle(0)); ASSERT_EQUAL(3, site8.getParticle(1)); ASSERT_EQUAL(2, site8.getParticle(2)); ASSERT_EQUAL(1, site8.getParticle(3)); ASSERT_EQUAL(Vec3(-0.5, 1.0, 1.5), site8.getLocalPosition()); vector<double> wo, wx, wy; site8.getOriginWeights(wo); site8.getXWeights(wx); site8.getYWeights(wy); vector<double> woExpected = {0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4}; vector<double> wxExpected = {-1.0, 0.4, 0.4, 0.2}; vector<double> wyExpected = {0.3, 0.7, 0.0, -1.0}; ASSERT_EQUAL_CONTAINERS(woExpected, wo); ASSERT_EQUAL_CONTAINERS(wxExpected, wx); ASSERT_EQUAL_CONTAINERS(wyExpected, wy); ASSERT_EQUAL(system.getNumForces(), system2.getNumForces()); for (int i = 0; i < system.getNumForces(); i++) ASSERT(typeid(system.getForce(i)) == typeid(system2.getForce(i))) } void testSerialization() { // Create a System. System system; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) system.addParticle(0.1*i+1); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) system.addParticle(0.0); system.addConstraint(0, 1, 3.0); system.addConstraint(1, 2, 2.5); system.addConstraint(4, 1, 1.001); system.setDefaultPeriodicBoxVectors(Vec3(5, 0, 0), Vec3(0, 4, 0), Vec3(0, 0, 1.5)); system.setVirtualSite(5, new TwoParticleAverageSite(0, 1, 0.3, 0.7)); system.setVirtualSite(6, new ThreeParticleAverageSite(2, 4, 3, 0.5, 0.2, 0.3)); system.setVirtualSite(7, new OutOfPlaneSite(0, 3, 1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5)); system.setVirtualSite(8, new LocalCoordinatesSite({4, 3, 2, 1}, {0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4}, {-1.0, 0.4, 0.4, 0.2}, {0.3, 0.7, 0.0, -1.0}, Vec3(-0.5, 1.0, 1.5))); system.addForce(new HarmonicBondForce()); // Serialize and then deserialize it, then make sure the systems are identical. stringstream buffer; XmlSerializer::serialize<System>(&system, "System", buffer); System* copy = XmlSerializer::deserialize<System>(buffer); compareSystems(system, *copy); delete copy; // Now do the same thing but by calling clone(). copy = XmlSerializer::clone(system); compareSystems(system, *copy); delete copy; } int main() { try { testSerialization(); } catch(const exception& e) { cout << "exception: " << e.what() << endl; return 1; } cout << "Done" << endl; return 0; }
{'repo_name': 'openmm/openmm', 'stars': '665', 'repo_language': 'C++', 'file_name': 'DrudeForceImpl.h', 'mime_type': 'text/x-c++', 'hash': 8701150720720288502, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: wx/list.h // Purpose: wxList, wxStringList classes // Author: Julian Smart // Modified by: VZ at 16/11/98: WX_DECLARE_LIST() and typesafe lists added // Created: 29/01/98 // Copyright: (c) 1998 Julian Smart // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* All this is quite ugly but serves two purposes: 1. Be almost 100% compatible with old, untyped, wxList class 2. Ensure compile-time type checking for the linked lists The idea is to have one base class (wxListBase) working with "void *" data, but to hide these untyped functions - i.e. make them protected, so they can only be used from derived classes which have inline member functions working with right types. This achieves the 2nd goal. As for the first one, we provide a special derivation of wxListBase called wxList which looks just like the old class. */ #ifndef _WX_LIST_H_ #define _WX_LIST_H_ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // headers // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "wx/defs.h" #include "wx/object.h" #include "wx/string.h" #include "wx/vector.h" #if wxUSE_STD_CONTAINERS #include "wx/beforestd.h" #include <algorithm> #include <iterator> #include <list> #include "wx/afterstd.h" #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // types // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxObjectListNode; typedef wxObjectListNode wxNode; #if wxUSE_STD_CONTAINERS #define wxLIST_COMPATIBILITY #define WX_DECLARE_LIST_3(elT, dummy1, liT, dummy2, decl) \ WX_DECLARE_LIST_WITH_DECL(elT, liT, decl) #define WX_DECLARE_LIST_PTR_3(elT, dummy1, liT, dummy2, decl) \ WX_DECLARE_LIST_3(elT, dummy1, liT, dummy2, decl) #define WX_DECLARE_LIST_2(elT, liT, dummy, decl) \ WX_DECLARE_LIST_WITH_DECL(elT, liT, decl) #define WX_DECLARE_LIST_PTR_2(elT, liT, dummy, decl) \ WX_DECLARE_LIST_2(elT, liT, dummy, decl) \ #define WX_DECLARE_LIST_WITH_DECL(elT, liT, decl) \ WX_DECLARE_LIST_XO(elT*, liT, decl) #if !defined(__VISUALC__) || __VISUALC__ >= 1300 // == !VC6 template<class T> class wxList_SortFunction { public: wxList_SortFunction(wxSortCompareFunction f) : m_f(f) { } bool operator()(const T& i1, const T& i2) { return m_f((T*)&i1, (T*)&i2) < 0; } private: wxSortCompareFunction m_f; }; #define WX_LIST_SORTFUNCTION( elT, f ) wxList_SortFunction<elT>(f) #define WX_LIST_VC6_WORKAROUND(elT, liT, decl) #else // if defined( __VISUALC__ ) && __VISUALC__ < 1300 // == VC6 #define WX_LIST_SORTFUNCTION( elT, f ) std::greater<elT>( f ) #define WX_LIST_VC6_WORKAROUND(elT, liT, decl) \ decl liT; \ \ /* Workaround for broken VC6 STL incorrectly requires a std::greater<> */ \ /* to be passed into std::list::sort() */ \ template <> \ struct std::greater<elT> \ { \ private: \ wxSortCompareFunction m_CompFunc; \ public: \ greater( wxSortCompareFunction compfunc = NULL ) \ : m_CompFunc( compfunc ) {} \ bool operator()(const elT X, const elT Y) const \ { \ return m_CompFunc ? \ ( m_CompFunc( wxListCastElementToVoidPtr(X), \ wxListCastElementToVoidPtr(Y) ) < 0 ) : \ ( X > Y ); \ } \ }; // helper for std::greater<elT> above: template<typename T> inline const void *wxListCastElementToVoidPtr(const T* ptr) { return ptr; } inline const void *wxListCastElementToVoidPtr(const wxString& str) { return (const char*)str; } #endif // VC6/!VC6 /* Note 1: the outer helper class _WX_LIST_HELPER_##liT below is a workaround for mingw 3.2.3 compiler bug that prevents a static function of liT class from being exported into dll. A minimal code snippet reproducing the bug: struct WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE Foo { static void Bar(); struct SomeInnerClass { friend class Foo; // comment this out to make it link }; ~Foo() { Bar(); } }; The program does not link under mingw_gcc 3.2.3 producing undefined reference to Foo::Bar() function Note 2: the EmptyList is needed to allow having a NULL pointer-like invalid iterator. We used to use just an uninitialized iterator object instead but this fails with some debug/checked versions of STL, notably the glibc version activated with _GLIBCXX_DEBUG, so we need to have a separate invalid iterator. */ // the real wxList-class declaration #define WX_DECLARE_LIST_XO(elT, liT, decl) \ decl _WX_LIST_HELPER_##liT \ { \ typedef elT _WX_LIST_ITEM_TYPE_##liT; \ typedef std::list<elT> BaseListType; \ public: \ static BaseListType EmptyList; \ static void DeleteFunction( _WX_LIST_ITEM_TYPE_##liT X ); \ }; \ \ WX_LIST_VC6_WORKAROUND(elT, liT, decl) \ class liT : public std::list<elT> \ { \ private: \ typedef std::list<elT> BaseListType; \ \ bool m_destroy; \ \ public: \ class compatibility_iterator \ { \ private: \ /* Workaround for broken VC6 nested class name resolution */ \ typedef std::list<elT>::iterator iterator; \ friend class liT; \ \ iterator m_iter; \ liT * m_list; \ \ public: \ compatibility_iterator() \ : m_iter(_WX_LIST_HELPER_##liT::EmptyList.end()), m_list( NULL ) {} \ compatibility_iterator( liT* li, iterator i ) \ : m_iter( i ), m_list( li ) {} \ compatibility_iterator( const liT* li, iterator i ) \ : m_iter( i ), m_list( const_cast< liT* >( li ) ) {} \ \ compatibility_iterator* operator->() { return this; } \ const compatibility_iterator* operator->() const { return this; } \ \ bool operator==(const compatibility_iterator& i) const \ { \ wxASSERT_MSG( m_list && i.m_list, \ wxT("comparing invalid iterators is illegal") ); \ return (m_list == i.m_list) && (m_iter == i.m_iter); \ } \ bool operator!=(const compatibility_iterator& i) const \ { return !( operator==( i ) ); } \ operator bool() const \ { return m_list ? m_iter != m_list->end() : false; } \ bool operator !() const \ { return !( operator bool() ); } \ \ elT GetData() const \ { return *m_iter; } \ void SetData( elT e ) \ { *m_iter = e; } \ \ compatibility_iterator GetNext() const \ { \ iterator i = m_iter; \ return compatibility_iterator( m_list, ++i ); \ } \ compatibility_iterator GetPrevious() const \ { \ if ( m_iter == m_list->begin() ) \ return compatibility_iterator(); \ \ iterator i = m_iter; \ return compatibility_iterator( m_list, --i ); \ } \ int IndexOf() const \ { \ return *this ? (int)std::distance( m_list->begin(), m_iter ) \ : wxNOT_FOUND; \ } \ }; \ public: \ liT() : m_destroy( false ) {} \ \ compatibility_iterator Find( const elT e ) const \ { \ liT* _this = const_cast< liT* >( this ); \ return compatibility_iterator( _this, \ std::find( _this->begin(), _this->end(), e ) ); \ } \ \ bool IsEmpty() const \ { return empty(); } \ size_t GetCount() const \ { return size(); } \ int Number() const \ { return static_cast< int >( GetCount() ); } \ \ compatibility_iterator Item( size_t idx ) const \ { \ iterator i = const_cast< liT* >(this)->begin(); \ std::advance( i, idx ); \ return compatibility_iterator( this, i ); \ } \ elT operator[](size_t idx) const \ { \ return Item(idx).GetData(); \ } \ \ compatibility_iterator GetFirst() const \ { \ return compatibility_iterator( this, \ const_cast< liT* >(this)->begin() ); \ } \ compatibility_iterator GetLast() const \ { \ iterator i = const_cast< liT* >(this)->end(); \ return compatibility_iterator( this, !empty() ? --i : i ); \ } \ bool Member( elT e ) const \ { return Find( e ); } \ compatibility_iterator Nth( int n ) const \ { return Item( n ); } \ int IndexOf( elT e ) const \ { return Find( e ).IndexOf(); } \ \ compatibility_iterator Append( elT e ) \ { \ push_back( e ); \ return GetLast(); \ } \ compatibility_iterator Insert( elT e ) \ { \ push_front( e ); \ return compatibility_iterator( this, begin() ); \ } \ compatibility_iterator Insert(const compatibility_iterator & i, elT e)\ { \ return compatibility_iterator( this, insert( i.m_iter, e ) ); \ } \ compatibility_iterator Insert( size_t idx, elT e ) \ { \ return compatibility_iterator( this, \ insert( Item( idx ).m_iter, e ) ); \ } \ \ void DeleteContents( bool destroy ) \ { m_destroy = destroy; } \ bool GetDeleteContents() const \ { return m_destroy; } \ void Erase( const compatibility_iterator& i ) \ { \ if ( m_destroy ) \ _WX_LIST_HELPER_##liT::DeleteFunction( i->GetData() ); \ erase( i.m_iter ); \ } \ bool DeleteNode( const compatibility_iterator& i ) \ { \ if( i ) \ { \ Erase( i ); \ return true; \ } \ return false; \ } \ bool DeleteObject( elT e ) \ { \ return DeleteNode( Find( e ) ); \ } \ void Clear() \ { \ if ( m_destroy ) \ std::for_each( begin(), end(), \ _WX_LIST_HELPER_##liT::DeleteFunction ); \ clear(); \ } \ /* Workaround for broken VC6 std::list::sort() see above */ \ void Sort( wxSortCompareFunction compfunc ) \ { sort( WX_LIST_SORTFUNCTION( elT, compfunc ) ); } \ ~liT() { Clear(); } \ \ /* It needs access to our EmptyList */ \ friend class compatibility_iterator; \ } #define WX_DECLARE_LIST(elementtype, listname) \ WX_DECLARE_LIST_WITH_DECL(elementtype, listname, class) #define WX_DECLARE_LIST_PTR(elementtype, listname) \ WX_DECLARE_LIST(elementtype, listname) #define WX_DECLARE_EXPORTED_LIST(elementtype, listname) \ WX_DECLARE_LIST_WITH_DECL(elementtype, listname, class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE) #define WX_DECLARE_EXPORTED_LIST_PTR(elementtype, listname) \ WX_DECLARE_EXPORTED_LIST(elementtype, listname) #define WX_DECLARE_USER_EXPORTED_LIST(elementtype, listname, usergoo) \ WX_DECLARE_LIST_WITH_DECL(elementtype, listname, class usergoo) #define WX_DECLARE_USER_EXPORTED_LIST_PTR(elementtype, listname, usergoo) \ WX_DECLARE_USER_EXPORTED_LIST(elementtype, listname, usergoo) // this macro must be inserted in your program after // #include "wx/listimpl.cpp" #define WX_DEFINE_LIST(name) "don't forget to include listimpl.cpp!" #define WX_DEFINE_EXPORTED_LIST(name) WX_DEFINE_LIST(name) #define WX_DEFINE_USER_EXPORTED_LIST(name) WX_DEFINE_LIST(name) #else // if !wxUSE_STD_CONTAINERS // undef it to get rid of old, deprecated functions #define wxLIST_COMPATIBILITY // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // key stuff: a list may be optionally keyed on integer or string key // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- union wxListKeyValue { long integer; wxString *string; }; // a struct which may contain both types of keys // // implementation note: on one hand, this class allows to have only one function // for any keyed operation instead of 2 almost equivalent. OTOH, it's needed to // resolve ambiguity which we would otherwise have with wxStringList::Find() and // wxList::Find(const char *). class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxListKey { public: // implicit ctors wxListKey() : m_keyType(wxKEY_NONE) { } wxListKey(long i) : m_keyType(wxKEY_INTEGER) { m_key.integer = i; } wxListKey(const wxString& s) : m_keyType(wxKEY_STRING) { m_key.string = new wxString(s); } wxListKey(const char *s) : m_keyType(wxKEY_STRING) { m_key.string = new wxString(s); } wxListKey(const wchar_t *s) : m_keyType(wxKEY_STRING) { m_key.string = new wxString(s); } // accessors wxKeyType GetKeyType() const { return m_keyType; } const wxString GetString() const { wxASSERT( m_keyType == wxKEY_STRING ); return *m_key.string; } long GetNumber() const { wxASSERT( m_keyType == wxKEY_INTEGER ); return m_key.integer; } // comparison // Note: implementation moved to list.cpp to prevent BC++ inline // expansion warning. bool operator==(wxListKeyValue value) const ; // dtor ~wxListKey() { if ( m_keyType == wxKEY_STRING ) delete m_key.string; } private: wxKeyType m_keyType; wxListKeyValue m_key; }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxNodeBase class is a (base for) node in a double linked list // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern WXDLLIMPEXP_DATA_BASE(wxListKey) wxDefaultListKey; class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxListBase; class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxNodeBase { friend class wxListBase; public: // ctor wxNodeBase(wxListBase *list = NULL, wxNodeBase *previous = NULL, wxNodeBase *next = NULL, void *data = NULL, const wxListKey& key = wxDefaultListKey); virtual ~wxNodeBase(); // FIXME no check is done that the list is really keyed on strings wxString GetKeyString() const { return *m_key.string; } long GetKeyInteger() const { return m_key.integer; } // Necessary for some existing code void SetKeyString(const wxString& s) { m_key.string = new wxString(s); } void SetKeyInteger(long i) { m_key.integer = i; } #ifdef wxLIST_COMPATIBILITY // compatibility methods, use Get* instead. wxDEPRECATED( wxNode *Next() const ); wxDEPRECATED( wxNode *Previous() const ); wxDEPRECATED( wxObject *Data() const ); #endif // wxLIST_COMPATIBILITY protected: // all these are going to be "overloaded" in the derived classes wxNodeBase *GetNext() const { return m_next; } wxNodeBase *GetPrevious() const { return m_previous; } void *GetData() const { return m_data; } void SetData(void *data) { m_data = data; } // get 0-based index of this node within the list or wxNOT_FOUND int IndexOf() const; virtual void DeleteData() { } public: // for wxList::iterator void** GetDataPtr() const { return &(const_cast<wxNodeBase*>(this)->m_data); } private: // optional key stuff wxListKeyValue m_key; void *m_data; // user data wxNodeBase *m_next, // next and previous nodes in the list *m_previous; wxListBase *m_list; // list we belong to wxDECLARE_NO_COPY_CLASS(wxNodeBase); }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // a double-linked list class // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxList; class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxListBase { friend class wxNodeBase; // should be able to call DetachNode() friend class wxHashTableBase; // should be able to call untyped Find() public: // default ctor & dtor wxListBase(wxKeyType keyType = wxKEY_NONE) { Init(keyType); } virtual ~wxListBase(); // accessors // count of items in the list size_t GetCount() const { return m_count; } // return true if this list is empty bool IsEmpty() const { return m_count == 0; } // operations // delete all nodes void Clear(); // instruct it to destroy user data when deleting nodes void DeleteContents(bool destroy) { m_destroy = destroy; } // query if to delete bool GetDeleteContents() const { return m_destroy; } // get the keytype wxKeyType GetKeyType() const { return m_keyType; } // set the keytype (required by the serial code) void SetKeyType(wxKeyType keyType) { wxASSERT( m_count==0 ); m_keyType = keyType; } #ifdef wxLIST_COMPATIBILITY // compatibility methods from old wxList wxDEPRECATED( int Number() const ); // use GetCount instead. wxDEPRECATED( wxNode *First() const ); // use GetFirst wxDEPRECATED( wxNode *Last() const ); // use GetLast wxDEPRECATED( wxNode *Nth(size_t n) const ); // use Item // kludge for typesafe list migration in core classes. wxDEPRECATED( operator wxList&() const ); #endif // wxLIST_COMPATIBILITY protected: // all methods here are "overloaded" in derived classes to provide compile // time type checking // create a node for the list of this type virtual wxNodeBase *CreateNode(wxNodeBase *prev, wxNodeBase *next, void *data, const wxListKey& key = wxDefaultListKey) = 0; // ctors // from an array wxListBase(size_t count, void *elements[]); // from a sequence of objects wxListBase(void *object, ... /* terminate with NULL */); protected: void Assign(const wxListBase& list) { Clear(); DoCopy(list); } // get list head/tail wxNodeBase *GetFirst() const { return m_nodeFirst; } wxNodeBase *GetLast() const { return m_nodeLast; } // by (0-based) index wxNodeBase *Item(size_t index) const; // get the list item's data void *operator[](size_t n) const { wxNodeBase *node = Item(n); return node ? node->GetData() : NULL; } // operations // append to end of list wxNodeBase *Prepend(void *object) { return (wxNodeBase *)wxListBase::Insert(object); } // append to beginning of list wxNodeBase *Append(void *object); // insert a new item at the beginning of the list wxNodeBase *Insert(void *object) { return Insert(static_cast<wxNodeBase *>(NULL), object); } // insert a new item at the given position wxNodeBase *Insert(size_t pos, void *object) { return pos == GetCount() ? Append(object) : Insert(Item(pos), object); } // insert before given node or at front of list if prev == NULL wxNodeBase *Insert(wxNodeBase *prev, void *object); // keyed append wxNodeBase *Append(long key, void *object); wxNodeBase *Append(const wxString& key, void *object); // removes node from the list but doesn't delete it (returns pointer // to the node or NULL if it wasn't found in the list) wxNodeBase *DetachNode(wxNodeBase *node); // delete element from list, returns false if node not found bool DeleteNode(wxNodeBase *node); // finds object pointer and deletes node (and object if DeleteContents // is on), returns false if object not found bool DeleteObject(void *object); // search (all return NULL if item not found) // by data wxNodeBase *Find(const void *object) const; // by key wxNodeBase *Find(const wxListKey& key) const; // get 0-based index of object or wxNOT_FOUND int IndexOf( void *object ) const; // this function allows the sorting of arbitrary lists by giving // a function to compare two list elements. The list is sorted in place. void Sort(const wxSortCompareFunction compfunc); // functions for iterating over the list void *FirstThat(wxListIterateFunction func); void ForEach(wxListIterateFunction func); void *LastThat(wxListIterateFunction func); // for STL interface, "last" points to one after the last node // of the controlled sequence (NULL for the end of the list) void Reverse(); void DeleteNodes(wxNodeBase* first, wxNodeBase* last); private: // common part of all ctors void Init(wxKeyType keyType = wxKEY_NONE); // helpers // common part of copy ctor and assignment operator void DoCopy(const wxListBase& list); // common part of all Append()s wxNodeBase *AppendCommon(wxNodeBase *node); // free node's data and node itself void DoDeleteNode(wxNodeBase *node); size_t m_count; // number of elements in the list bool m_destroy; // destroy user data when deleting list items? wxNodeBase *m_nodeFirst, // pointers to the head and tail of the list *m_nodeLast; wxKeyType m_keyType; // type of our keys (may be wxKEY_NONE) }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // macros for definition of "template" list type // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // and now some heavy magic... // declare a list type named 'name' and containing elements of type 'T *' // (as a by product of macro expansion you also get wx##name##Node // wxNode-derived type) // // implementation details: // 1. We define _WX_LIST_ITEM_TYPE_##name typedef to save in it the item type // for the list of given type - this allows us to pass only the list name // to WX_DEFINE_LIST() even if it needs both the name and the type // // 2. We redefine all non-type-safe wxList functions with type-safe versions // which don't take any space (everything is inline), but bring compile // time error checking. // // 3. The macro which is usually used (WX_DECLARE_LIST) is defined in terms of // a more generic WX_DECLARE_LIST_2 macro which, in turn, uses the most // generic WX_DECLARE_LIST_3 one. The last macro adds a sometimes // interesting capability to store polymorphic objects in the list and is // particularly useful with, for example, "wxWindow *" list where the // wxWindowBase pointers are put into the list, but wxWindow pointers are // retrieved from it. // // 4. final hack is that WX_DECLARE_LIST_3 is defined in terms of // WX_DECLARE_LIST_4 to allow defining classes without operator->() as // it results in compiler warnings when this operator doesn't make sense // (i.e. stored elements are not pointers) // common part of WX_DECLARE_LIST_3 and WX_DECLARE_LIST_PTR_3 #define WX_DECLARE_LIST_4(T, Tbase, name, nodetype, classexp, ptrop) \ typedef int (*wxSortFuncFor_##name)(const T **, const T **); \ \ classexp nodetype : public wxNodeBase \ { \ public: \ nodetype(wxListBase *list = NULL, \ nodetype *previous = NULL, \ nodetype *next = NULL, \ T *data = NULL, \ const wxListKey& key = wxDefaultListKey) \ : wxNodeBase(list, previous, next, data, key) { } \ \ nodetype *GetNext() const \ { return (nodetype *)wxNodeBase::GetNext(); } \ nodetype *GetPrevious() const \ { return (nodetype *)wxNodeBase::GetPrevious(); } \ \ T *GetData() const \ { return (T *)wxNodeBase::GetData(); } \ void SetData(T *data) \ { wxNodeBase::SetData(data); } \ \ protected: \ virtual void DeleteData(); \ \ DECLARE_NO_COPY_CLASS(nodetype) \ }; \ \ classexp name : public wxListBase \ { \ public: \ typedef nodetype Node; \ classexp compatibility_iterator \ { \ public: \ compatibility_iterator(Node *ptr = NULL) : m_ptr(ptr) { } \ \ Node *operator->() const { return m_ptr; } \ operator Node *() const { return m_ptr; } \ \ private: \ Node *m_ptr; \ }; \ \ name(wxKeyType keyType = wxKEY_NONE) : wxListBase(keyType) \ { } \ name(const name& list) : wxListBase(list.GetKeyType()) \ { Assign(list); } \ name(size_t count, T *elements[]) \ : wxListBase(count, (void **)elements) { } \ \ name& operator=(const name& list) \ { if (&list != this) Assign(list); return *this; } \ \ nodetype *GetFirst() const \ { return (nodetype *)wxListBase::GetFirst(); } \ nodetype *GetLast() const \ { return (nodetype *)wxListBase::GetLast(); } \ \ nodetype *Item(size_t index) const \ { return (nodetype *)wxListBase::Item(index); } \ \ T *operator[](size_t index) const \ { \ nodetype *node = Item(index); \ return node ? (T*)(node->GetData()) : NULL; \ } \ \ nodetype *Append(Tbase *object) \ { return (nodetype *)wxListBase::Append(object); } \ nodetype *Insert(Tbase *object) \ { return (nodetype *)Insert(static_cast<nodetype *>(NULL), \ object); } \ nodetype *Insert(size_t pos, Tbase *object) \ { return (nodetype *)wxListBase::Insert(pos, object); } \ nodetype *Insert(nodetype *prev, Tbase *object) \ { return (nodetype *)wxListBase::Insert(prev, object); } \ \ nodetype *Append(long key, void *object) \ { return (nodetype *)wxListBase::Append(key, object); } \ nodetype *Append(const wxChar *key, void *object) \ { return (nodetype *)wxListBase::Append(key, object); } \ \ nodetype *DetachNode(nodetype *node) \ { return (nodetype *)wxListBase::DetachNode(node); } \ bool DeleteNode(nodetype *node) \ { return wxListBase::DeleteNode(node); } \ bool DeleteObject(Tbase *object) \ { return wxListBase::DeleteObject(object); } \ void Erase(nodetype *it) \ { DeleteNode(it); } \ \ nodetype *Find(const Tbase *object) const \ { return (nodetype *)wxListBase::Find(object); } \ \ virtual nodetype *Find(const wxListKey& key) const \ { return (nodetype *)wxListBase::Find(key); } \ \ bool Member(const Tbase *object) const \ { return Find(object) != NULL; } \ \ int IndexOf(Tbase *object) const \ { return wxListBase::IndexOf(object); } \ \ void Sort(wxSortCompareFunction func) \ { wxListBase::Sort(func); } \ void Sort(wxSortFuncFor_##name func) \ { Sort((wxSortCompareFunction)func); } \ \ protected: \ virtual wxNodeBase *CreateNode(wxNodeBase *prev, wxNodeBase *next, \ void *data, \ const wxListKey& key = wxDefaultListKey) \ { \ return new nodetype(this, \ (nodetype *)prev, (nodetype *)next, \ (T *)data, key); \ } \ /* STL interface */ \ public: \ typedef size_t size_type; \ typedef int difference_type; \ typedef T* value_type; \ typedef Tbase* base_value_type; \ typedef value_type& reference; \ typedef const value_type& const_reference; \ typedef base_value_type& base_reference; \ typedef const base_value_type& const_base_reference; \ \ classexp iterator \ { \ typedef name list; \ public: \ typedef nodetype Node; \ typedef iterator itor; \ typedef T* value_type; \ typedef value_type* ptr_type; \ typedef value_type& reference; \ \ Node* m_node; \ Node* m_init; \ public: \ typedef reference reference_type; \ typedef ptr_type pointer_type; \ \ iterator(Node* node, Node* init) : m_node(node), m_init(init) {}\ iterator() : m_node(NULL), m_init(NULL) { } \ reference_type operator*() const \ { return *(pointer_type)m_node->GetDataPtr(); } \ ptrop \ itor& operator++() \ { \ wxASSERT_MSG( m_node, wxT("uninitialized iterator") ); \ m_node = m_node->GetNext(); \ return *this; \ } \ const itor operator++(int) \ { \ itor tmp = *this; \ wxASSERT_MSG( m_node, wxT("uninitialized iterator") ); \ m_node = m_node->GetNext(); \ return tmp; \ } \ itor& operator--() \ { \ m_node = m_node ? m_node->GetPrevious() : m_init; \ return *this; \ } \ const itor operator--(int) \ { \ itor tmp = *this; \ m_node = m_node ? m_node->GetPrevious() : m_init; \ return tmp; \ } \ bool operator!=(const itor& it) const \ { return it.m_node != m_node; } \ bool operator==(const itor& it) const \ { return it.m_node == m_node; } \ }; \ classexp const_iterator \ { \ typedef name list; \ public: \ typedef nodetype Node; \ typedef T* value_type; \ typedef const value_type& const_reference; \ typedef const_iterator itor; \ typedef value_type* ptr_type; \ \ Node* m_node; \ Node* m_init; \ public: \ typedef const_reference reference_type; \ typedef const ptr_type pointer_type; \ \ const_iterator(Node* node, Node* init) \ : m_node(node), m_init(init) { } \ const_iterator() : m_node(NULL), m_init(NULL) { } \ const_iterator(const iterator& it) \ : m_node(it.m_node), m_init(it.m_init) { } \ reference_type operator*() const \ { return *(pointer_type)m_node->GetDataPtr(); } \ ptrop \ itor& operator++() \ { \ wxASSERT_MSG( m_node, wxT("uninitialized iterator") ); \ m_node = m_node->GetNext(); \ return *this; \ } \ const itor operator++(int) \ { \ itor tmp = *this; \ wxASSERT_MSG( m_node, wxT("uninitialized iterator") ); \ m_node = m_node->GetNext(); \ return tmp; \ } \ itor& operator--() \ { \ m_node = m_node ? m_node->GetPrevious() : m_init; \ return *this; \ } \ const itor operator--(int) \ { \ itor tmp = *this; \ m_node = m_node ? m_node->GetPrevious() : m_init; \ return tmp; \ } \ bool operator!=(const itor& it) const \ { return it.m_node != m_node; } \ bool operator==(const itor& it) const \ { return it.m_node == m_node; } \ }; \ classexp reverse_iterator \ { \ typedef name list; \ public: \ typedef nodetype Node; \ typedef T* value_type; \ typedef reverse_iterator itor; \ typedef value_type* ptr_type; \ typedef value_type& reference; \ \ Node* m_node; \ Node* m_init; \ public: \ typedef reference reference_type; \ typedef ptr_type pointer_type; \ \ reverse_iterator(Node* node, Node* init) \ : m_node(node), m_init(init) { } \ reverse_iterator() : m_node(NULL), m_init(NULL) { } \ reference_type operator*() const \ { return *(pointer_type)m_node->GetDataPtr(); } \ ptrop \ itor& operator++() \ { m_node = m_node->GetPrevious(); return *this; } \ const itor operator++(int) \ { itor tmp = *this; m_node = m_node->GetPrevious(); return tmp; }\ itor& operator--() \ { m_node = m_node ? m_node->GetNext() : m_init; return *this; } \ const itor operator--(int) \ { \ itor tmp = *this; \ m_node = m_node ? m_node->GetNext() : m_init; \ return tmp; \ } \ bool operator!=(const itor& it) const \ { return it.m_node != m_node; } \ bool operator==(const itor& it) const \ { return it.m_node == m_node; } \ }; \ classexp const_reverse_iterator \ { \ typedef name list; \ public: \ typedef nodetype Node; \ typedef T* value_type; \ typedef const_reverse_iterator itor; \ typedef value_type* ptr_type; \ typedef const value_type& const_reference; \ \ Node* m_node; \ Node* m_init; \ public: \ typedef const_reference reference_type; \ typedef const ptr_type pointer_type; \ \ const_reverse_iterator(Node* node, Node* init) \ : m_node(node), m_init(init) { } \ const_reverse_iterator() : m_node(NULL), m_init(NULL) { } \ const_reverse_iterator(const reverse_iterator& it) \ : m_node(it.m_node), m_init(it.m_init) { } \ reference_type operator*() const \ { return *(pointer_type)m_node->GetDataPtr(); } \ ptrop \ itor& operator++() \ { m_node = m_node->GetPrevious(); return *this; } \ const itor operator++(int) \ { itor tmp = *this; m_node = m_node->GetPrevious(); return tmp; }\ itor& operator--() \ { m_node = m_node ? m_node->GetNext() : m_init; return *this;}\ const itor operator--(int) \ { \ itor tmp = *this; \ m_node = m_node ? m_node->GetNext() : m_init; \ return tmp; \ } \ bool operator!=(const itor& it) const \ { return it.m_node != m_node; } \ bool operator==(const itor& it) const \ { return it.m_node == m_node; } \ }; \ \ wxEXPLICIT name(size_type n, const_reference v = value_type()) \ { assign(n, v); } \ name(const const_iterator& first, const const_iterator& last) \ { assign(first, last); } \ iterator begin() { return iterator(GetFirst(), GetLast()); } \ const_iterator begin() const \ { return const_iterator(GetFirst(), GetLast()); } \ iterator end() { return iterator(NULL, GetLast()); } \ const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(NULL, GetLast()); }\ reverse_iterator rbegin() \ { return reverse_iterator(GetLast(), GetFirst()); } \ const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const \ { return const_reverse_iterator(GetLast(), GetFirst()); } \ reverse_iterator rend() { return reverse_iterator(NULL, GetFirst()); }\ const_reverse_iterator rend() const \ { return const_reverse_iterator(NULL, GetFirst()); } \ void resize(size_type n, value_type v = value_type()) \ { \ while (n < size()) \ pop_back(); \ while (n > size()) \ push_back(v); \ } \ size_type size() const { return GetCount(); } \ size_type max_size() const { return INT_MAX; } \ bool empty() const { return IsEmpty(); } \ reference front() { return *begin(); } \ const_reference front() const { return *begin(); } \ reference back() { iterator tmp = end(); return *--tmp; } \ const_reference back() const { const_iterator tmp = end(); return *--tmp; }\ void push_front(const_reference v = value_type()) \ { Insert(GetFirst(), (const_base_reference)v); } \ void pop_front() { DeleteNode(GetFirst()); } \ void push_back(const_reference v = value_type()) \ { Append((const_base_reference)v); } \ void pop_back() { DeleteNode(GetLast()); } \ void assign(const_iterator first, const const_iterator& last) \ { \ clear(); \ for(; first != last; ++first) \ Append((const_base_reference)*first); \ } \ void assign(size_type n, const_reference v = value_type()) \ { \ clear(); \ for(size_type i = 0; i < n; ++i) \ Append((const_base_reference)v); \ } \ iterator insert(const iterator& it, const_reference v) \ { \ if ( it == end() ) \ { \ Append((const_base_reference)v); \ /* \ note that this is the new end(), the old one was \ invalidated by the Append() call, and this is why we \ can't use the same code as in the normal case below \ */ \ iterator itins(end()); \ return --itins; \ } \ else \ { \ Insert(it.m_node, (const_base_reference)v); \ iterator itins(it); \ return --itins; \ } \ } \ void insert(const iterator& it, size_type n, const_reference v) \ { \ for(size_type i = 0; i < n; ++i) \ insert(it, v); \ } \ void insert(const iterator& it, \ const_iterator first, const const_iterator& last) \ { \ for(; first != last; ++first) \ insert(it, *first); \ } \ iterator erase(const iterator& it) \ { \ iterator next = iterator(it.m_node->GetNext(), GetLast()); \ DeleteNode(it.m_node); return next; \ } \ iterator erase(const iterator& first, const iterator& last) \ { \ iterator next = last; \ if ( next != end() ) \ ++next; \ DeleteNodes(first.m_node, last.m_node); \ return next; \ } \ void clear() { Clear(); } \ void splice(const iterator& it, name& l, const iterator& first, const iterator& last)\ { insert(it, first, last); l.erase(first, last); } \ void splice(const iterator& it, name& l) \ { splice(it, l, l.begin(), l.end() ); } \ void splice(const iterator& it, name& l, const iterator& first) \ { \ if ( it != first ) \ { \ insert(it, *first); \ l.erase(first); \ } \ } \ void remove(const_reference v) \ { DeleteObject((const_base_reference)v); } \ void reverse() \ { Reverse(); } \ /* void swap(name& l) \ { \ { size_t t = m_count; m_count = l.m_count; l.m_count = t; } \ { bool t = m_destroy; m_destroy = l.m_destroy; l.m_destroy = t; }\ { wxNodeBase* t = m_nodeFirst; m_nodeFirst = l.m_nodeFirst; l.m_nodeFirst = t; }\ { wxNodeBase* t = m_nodeLast; m_nodeLast = l.m_nodeLast; l.m_nodeLast = t; }\ { wxKeyType t = m_keyType; m_keyType = l.m_keyType; l.m_keyType = t; }\ } */ \ } #define WX_LIST_PTROP \ pointer_type operator->() const \ { return (pointer_type)m_node->GetDataPtr(); } #define WX_LIST_PTROP_NONE #define WX_DECLARE_LIST_3(T, Tbase, name, nodetype, classexp) \ WX_DECLARE_LIST_4(T, Tbase, name, nodetype, classexp, WX_LIST_PTROP_NONE) #define WX_DECLARE_LIST_PTR_3(T, Tbase, name, nodetype, classexp) \ WX_DECLARE_LIST_4(T, Tbase, name, nodetype, classexp, WX_LIST_PTROP) #define WX_DECLARE_LIST_2(elementtype, listname, nodename, classexp) \ WX_DECLARE_LIST_3(elementtype, elementtype, listname, nodename, classexp) #define WX_DECLARE_LIST_PTR_2(elementtype, listname, nodename, classexp) \ WX_DECLARE_LIST_PTR_3(elementtype, elementtype, listname, nodename, classexp) #define WX_DECLARE_LIST(elementtype, listname) \ typedef elementtype _WX_LIST_ITEM_TYPE_##listname; \ WX_DECLARE_LIST_2(elementtype, listname, wx##listname##Node, class) #define WX_DECLARE_LIST_PTR(elementtype, listname) \ typedef elementtype _WX_LIST_ITEM_TYPE_##listname; \ WX_DECLARE_LIST_PTR_2(elementtype, listname, wx##listname##Node, class) #define WX_DECLARE_LIST_WITH_DECL(elementtype, listname, decl) \ typedef elementtype _WX_LIST_ITEM_TYPE_##listname; \ WX_DECLARE_LIST_2(elementtype, listname, wx##listname##Node, decl) #define WX_DECLARE_EXPORTED_LIST(elementtype, listname) \ WX_DECLARE_LIST_WITH_DECL(elementtype, listname, class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE) #define WX_DECLARE_EXPORTED_LIST_PTR(elementtype, listname) \ typedef elementtype _WX_LIST_ITEM_TYPE_##listname; \ WX_DECLARE_LIST_PTR_2(elementtype, listname, wx##listname##Node, class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE) #define WX_DECLARE_USER_EXPORTED_LIST(elementtype, listname, usergoo) \ typedef elementtype _WX_LIST_ITEM_TYPE_##listname; \ WX_DECLARE_LIST_2(elementtype, listname, wx##listname##Node, class usergoo) #define WX_DECLARE_USER_EXPORTED_LIST_PTR(elementtype, listname, usergoo) \ typedef elementtype _WX_LIST_ITEM_TYPE_##listname; \ WX_DECLARE_LIST_PTR_2(elementtype, listname, wx##listname##Node, class usergoo) // this macro must be inserted in your program after // #include "wx/listimpl.cpp" #define WX_DEFINE_LIST(name) "don't forget to include listimpl.cpp!" #define WX_DEFINE_EXPORTED_LIST(name) WX_DEFINE_LIST(name) #define WX_DEFINE_USER_EXPORTED_LIST(name) WX_DEFINE_LIST(name) #endif // !wxUSE_STD_CONTAINERS // ============================================================================ // now we can define classes 100% compatible with the old ones // ============================================================================ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // commonly used list classes // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(wxLIST_COMPATIBILITY) // inline compatibility functions #if !wxUSE_STD_CONTAINERS // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxNodeBase deprecated methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline wxNode *wxNodeBase::Next() const { return (wxNode *)GetNext(); } inline wxNode *wxNodeBase::Previous() const { return (wxNode *)GetPrevious(); } inline wxObject *wxNodeBase::Data() const { return (wxObject *)GetData(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxListBase deprecated methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline int wxListBase::Number() const { return (int)GetCount(); } inline wxNode *wxListBase::First() const { return (wxNode *)GetFirst(); } inline wxNode *wxListBase::Last() const { return (wxNode *)GetLast(); } inline wxNode *wxListBase::Nth(size_t n) const { return (wxNode *)Item(n); } inline wxListBase::operator wxList&() const { return *(wxList*)this; } #endif // define this to make a lot of noise about use of the old wxList classes. //#define wxWARN_COMPAT_LIST_USE // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxList compatibility class: in fact, it's a list of wxObjects // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WX_DECLARE_LIST_2(wxObject, wxObjectList, wxObjectListNode, class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE); class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxList : public wxObjectList { public: #if defined(wxWARN_COMPAT_LIST_USE) && !wxUSE_STD_CONTAINERS wxList() { } wxDEPRECATED( wxList(int key_type) ); #elif !wxUSE_STD_CONTAINERS wxList(int key_type = wxKEY_NONE); #endif // this destructor is required for Darwin ~wxList() { } #if !wxUSE_STD_CONTAINERS wxList& operator=(const wxList& list) { if (&list != this) Assign(list); return *this; } // compatibility methods void Sort(wxSortCompareFunction compfunc) { wxListBase::Sort(compfunc); } #endif // !wxUSE_STD_CONTAINERS #ifndef __VISUALC6__ template<typename T> wxVector<T> AsVector() const { wxVector<T> vector(size()); size_t i = 0; for ( const_iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) { vector[i++] = static_cast<T>(*it); } return vector; } #endif // !__VISUALC6__ }; #if !wxUSE_STD_CONTAINERS // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxStringList class for compatibility with the old code // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- WX_DECLARE_LIST_2(wxChar, wxStringListBase, wxStringListNode, class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE); class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxStringList : public wxStringListBase { public: // ctors and such // default #ifdef wxWARN_COMPAT_LIST_USE wxStringList(); wxDEPRECATED( wxStringList(const wxChar *first ...) ); // FIXME-UTF8 #else wxStringList(); wxStringList(const wxChar *first ...); // FIXME-UTF8 #endif // copying the string list: the strings are copied, too (extremely // inefficient!) wxStringList(const wxStringList& other) : wxStringListBase() { DeleteContents(true); DoCopy(other); } wxStringList& operator=(const wxStringList& other) { if (&other != this) { Clear(); DoCopy(other); } return *this; } // operations // makes a copy of the string wxNode *Add(const wxChar *s); // Append to beginning of list wxNode *Prepend(const wxChar *s); bool Delete(const wxChar *s); wxChar **ListToArray(bool new_copies = false) const; bool Member(const wxChar *s) const; // alphabetic sort void Sort(); private: void DoCopy(const wxStringList&); // common part of copy ctor and operator= }; #else // if wxUSE_STD_CONTAINERS WX_DECLARE_LIST_XO(wxString, wxStringListBase, class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE); class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxStringList : public wxStringListBase { public: compatibility_iterator Append(wxChar* s) { wxString tmp = s; delete[] s; return wxStringListBase::Append(tmp); } compatibility_iterator Insert(wxChar* s) { wxString tmp = s; delete[] s; return wxStringListBase::Insert(tmp); } compatibility_iterator Insert(size_t pos, wxChar* s) { wxString tmp = s; delete[] s; return wxStringListBase::Insert(pos, tmp); } compatibility_iterator Add(const wxChar* s) { push_back(s); return GetLast(); } compatibility_iterator Prepend(const wxChar* s) { push_front(s); return GetFirst(); } }; #endif // wxUSE_STD_CONTAINERS #endif // wxLIST_COMPATIBILITY // delete all list elements // // NB: the class declaration of the list elements must be visible from the // place where you use this macro, otherwise the proper destructor may not // be called (a decent compiler should give a warning about it, but don't // count on it)! #define WX_CLEAR_LIST(type, list) \ { \ type::iterator it, en; \ for( it = (list).begin(), en = (list).end(); it != en; ++it ) \ delete *it; \ (list).clear(); \ } // append all element of one list to another one #define WX_APPEND_LIST(list, other) \ { \ wxList::compatibility_iterator node = other->GetFirst(); \ while ( node ) \ { \ (list)->push_back(node->GetData()); \ node = node->GetNext(); \ } \ } #endif // _WX_LISTH__
{'repo_name': 'fossephate/JoyCon-Driver', 'stars': '702', 'repo_language': 'C++', 'file_name': 'toolbar.h', 'mime_type': 'text/x-c++', 'hash': -933702449011750297, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
'use strict'; var moment = require('moment-timezone'); CronDate.prototype.addYear = function() { this._date.add(1, 'year'); }; CronDate.prototype.addMonth = function() { this._date.add(1, 'month').startOf('month'); }; CronDate.prototype.addDay = function() { this._date.add(1, 'day').startOf('day'); }; CronDate.prototype.addHour = function() { var prev = this.getTime(); this._date.add(1, 'hour').startOf('hour'); if (this.getTime() <= prev) { this._date.add(1, 'hour'); } }; CronDate.prototype.addMinute = function() { var prev = this.getTime(); this._date.add(1, 'minute').startOf('minute'); if (this.getTime() < prev) { this._date.add(1, 'hour'); } }; CronDate.prototype.addSecond = function() { var prev = this.getTime(); this._date.add(1, 'second').startOf('second'); if (this.getTime() < prev) { this._date.add(1, 'hour'); } }; CronDate.prototype.subtractYear = function() { this._date.subtract(1, 'year'); }; CronDate.prototype.subtractMonth = function() { this._date.subtract(1, 'month').endOf('month'); }; CronDate.prototype.subtractDay = function() { this._date.subtract(1, 'day').endOf('day'); }; CronDate.prototype.subtractHour = function() { var prev = this.getTime(); this._date.subtract(1, 'hour').endOf('hour'); if (this.getTime() >= prev) { this._date.subtract(1, 'hour'); } }; CronDate.prototype.subtractMinute = function() { var prev = this.getTime(); this._date.subtract(1, 'minute').endOf('minute'); if (this.getTime() > prev) { this._date.subtract(1, 'hour'); } }; CronDate.prototype.subtractSecond = function() { var prev = this.getTime(); this._date.subtract(1, 'second').startOf('second'); if (this.getTime() > prev) { this._date.subtract(1, 'hour'); } }; CronDate.prototype.getDate = function() { return this._date.date(); }; CronDate.prototype.getFullYear = function() { return this._date.year(); }; CronDate.prototype.getDay = function() { return this._date.day(); }; CronDate.prototype.getMonth = function() { return this._date.month(); }; CronDate.prototype.getHours = function() { return this._date.hours(); }; CronDate.prototype.getMinutes = function() { return this._date.minute(); }; CronDate.prototype.getSeconds = function() { return this._date.second(); }; CronDate.prototype.getMilliseconds = function() { return this._date.millisecond(); }; CronDate.prototype.getTime = function() { return this._date.valueOf(); }; CronDate.prototype.getUTCDate = function() { return this._getUTC().date(); }; CronDate.prototype.getUTCFullYear = function() { return this._getUTC().year(); }; CronDate.prototype.getUTCDay = function() { return this._getUTC().day(); }; CronDate.prototype.getUTCMonth = function() { return this._getUTC().month(); }; CronDate.prototype.getUTCHours = function() { return this._getUTC().hours(); }; CronDate.prototype.getUTCMinutes = function() { return this._getUTC().minute(); }; CronDate.prototype.getUTCSeconds = function() { return this._getUTC().second(); }; CronDate.prototype.toISOString = function() { return this._date.toISOString(); }; CronDate.prototype.toJSON = function() { return this._date.toJSON(); }; CronDate.prototype.setDate = function(d) { return this._date.date(d); }; CronDate.prototype.setFullYear = function(y) { return this._date.year(y); }; CronDate.prototype.setDay = function(d) { return this._date.day(d); }; CronDate.prototype.setMonth = function(m) { return this._date.month(m); }; CronDate.prototype.setHours = function(h) { return this._date.hour(h); }; CronDate.prototype.setMinutes = function(m) { return this._date.minute(m); }; CronDate.prototype.setSeconds = function(s) { return this._date.second(s); }; CronDate.prototype.setMilliseconds = function(s) { return this._date.millisecond(s); }; CronDate.prototype.getTime = function() { return this._date.valueOf(); }; CronDate.prototype._getUTC = function() { return moment.utc(this._date); }; CronDate.prototype.toString = function() { return this._date.toString(); }; CronDate.prototype.toDate = function() { return this._date.toDate(); }; function CronDate (timestamp, tz) { if (timestamp instanceof CronDate) { timestamp = timestamp._date; } if (!tz) { this._date = moment(timestamp); } else { this._date = moment.tz(timestamp, tz); } } module.exports = CronDate;
{'repo_name': 'ILIAS-eLearning/ILIAS', 'stars': '206', 'repo_language': 'PHP', 'file_name': 'cron.php', 'mime_type': 'text/x-php', 'hash': 903816217341248443, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
/* * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Netronome Systems, Inc. * * This software is dual licensed under the GNU General License Version 2, * June 1991 as shown in the file COPYING in the top-level directory of this * source tree or the BSD 2-Clause License provided below. You have the * option to license this software under the complete terms of either license. * * The BSD 2-Clause License: * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or * without modification, are permitted provided that the following * conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ /* * nfp_arm.h * Definitions for ARM-based registers and memory spaces */ #ifndef NFP_ARM_H #define NFP_ARM_H #define NFP_ARM_QUEUE(_q) (0x100000 + (0x800 * ((_q) & 0xff))) #define NFP_ARM_IM 0x200000 #define NFP_ARM_EM 0x300000 #define NFP_ARM_GCSR 0x400000 #define NFP_ARM_MPCORE 0x800000 #define NFP_ARM_PL310 0xa00000 /* Register Type: BulkBARConfig */ #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_BULK_BAR(_bar) (0x0 + (0x4 * ((_bar) & 0x7))) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_BULK_BAR_TYPE (0x1 << 31) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_BULK_BAR_TYPE_BULK (0x0) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_BULK_BAR_TYPE_EXPA (0x80000000) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_BULK_BAR_TGT(_x) (((_x) & 0xf) << 27) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_BULK_BAR_TGT_of(_x) (((_x) >> 27) & 0xf) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_BULK_BAR_TOK(_x) (((_x) & 0x3) << 25) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_BULK_BAR_TOK_of(_x) (((_x) >> 25) & 0x3) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_BULK_BAR_LEN (0x1 << 24) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_BULK_BAR_LEN_32BIT (0x0) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_BULK_BAR_LEN_64BIT (0x1000000) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_BULK_BAR_ADDR(_x) ((_x) & 0x7ff) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_BULK_BAR_ADDR_of(_x) ((_x) & 0x7ff) /* Register Type: ExpansionBARConfig */ #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPA_BAR(_bar) (0x20 + (0x4 * ((_bar) & 0xf))) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPA_BAR_TYPE (0x1 << 31) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPA_BAR_TYPE_EXPA (0x0) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPA_BAR_TYPE_EXPL (0x80000000) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPA_BAR_TGT(_x) (((_x) & 0xf) << 27) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPA_BAR_TGT_of(_x) (((_x) >> 27) & 0xf) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPA_BAR_TOK(_x) (((_x) & 0x3) << 25) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPA_BAR_TOK_of(_x) (((_x) >> 25) & 0x3) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPA_BAR_LEN (0x1 << 24) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPA_BAR_LEN_32BIT (0x0) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPA_BAR_LEN_64BIT (0x1000000) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPA_BAR_ACT(_x) (((_x) & 0x1f) << 19) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPA_BAR_ACT_of(_x) (((_x) >> 19) & 0x1f) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPA_BAR_ACT_DERIVED (0) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPA_BAR_ADDR(_x) ((_x) & 0x7fff) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPA_BAR_ADDR_of(_x) ((_x) & 0x7fff) /* Register Type: ExplicitBARConfig0_Reg */ #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL0_BAR(_bar) (0x60 + (0x4 * ((_bar) & 0x7))) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL0_BAR_ADDR(_x) ((_x) & 0x3ffff) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL0_BAR_ADDR_of(_x) ((_x) & 0x3ffff) /* Register Type: ExplicitBARConfig1_Reg */ #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL1_BAR(_bar) (0x80 + (0x4 * ((_bar) & 0x7))) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL1_BAR_POSTED (0x1 << 31) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL1_BAR_SIGNAL_REF(_x) (((_x) & 0x7f) << 24) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL1_BAR_SIGNAL_REF_of(_x) (((_x) >> 24) & 0x7f) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL1_BAR_DATA_MASTER(_x) (((_x) & 0xff) << 16) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL1_BAR_DATA_MASTER_of(_x) (((_x) >> 16) & 0xff) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL1_BAR_DATA_REF(_x) ((_x) & 0x3fff) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL1_BAR_DATA_REF_of(_x) ((_x) & 0x3fff) /* Register Type: ExplicitBARConfig2_Reg */ #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL2_BAR(_bar) (0xa0 + (0x4 * ((_bar) & 0x7))) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL2_BAR_TGT(_x) (((_x) & 0xf) << 28) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL2_BAR_TGT_of(_x) (((_x) >> 28) & 0xf) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL2_BAR_ACT(_x) (((_x) & 0x1f) << 23) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL2_BAR_ACT_of(_x) (((_x) >> 23) & 0x1f) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL2_BAR_LEN(_x) (((_x) & 0x1f) << 18) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL2_BAR_LEN_of(_x) (((_x) >> 18) & 0x1f) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL2_BAR_BYTE_MASK(_x) (((_x) & 0xff) << 10) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL2_BAR_BYTE_MASK_of(_x) (((_x) >> 10) & 0xff) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL2_BAR_TOK(_x) (((_x) & 0x3) << 8) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL2_BAR_TOK_of(_x) (((_x) >> 8) & 0x3) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL2_BAR_SIGNAL_MASTER(_x) ((_x) & 0xff) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL2_BAR_SIGNAL_MASTER_of(_x) ((_x) & 0xff) /* Register Type: PostedCommandSignal */ #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL_POST(_bar) (0xc0 + (0x4 * ((_bar) & 0x7))) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL_POST_SIG_B(_x) (((_x) & 0x7f) << 25) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL_POST_SIG_B_of(_x) (((_x) >> 25) & 0x7f) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL_POST_SIG_B_BUS (0x1 << 24) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL_POST_SIG_B_BUS_PULL (0x0) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL_POST_SIG_B_BUS_PUSH (0x1000000) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL_POST_SIG_A(_x) (((_x) & 0x7f) << 17) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL_POST_SIG_A_of(_x) (((_x) >> 17) & 0x7f) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL_POST_SIG_A_BUS (0x1 << 16) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL_POST_SIG_A_BUS_PULL (0x0) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL_POST_SIG_A_BUS_PUSH (0x10000) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL_POST_SIG_B_RCVD (0x1 << 7) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL_POST_SIG_B_VALID (0x1 << 6) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL_POST_SIG_A_RCVD (0x1 << 5) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL_POST_SIG_A_VALID (0x1 << 4) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL_POST_CMD_COMPLETE (0x1) /* Register Type: MPCoreBaseAddress */ #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_MPCORE_BASE 0x00e0 #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_MPCORE_BASE_ADDR(_x) (((_x) & 0x7ffff) << 13) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_MPCORE_BASE_ADDR_of(_x) (((_x) >> 13) & 0x7ffff) /* Register Type: PL310BaseAddress */ #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_PL310_BASE 0x00e4 #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_PL310_BASE_ADDR(_x) (((_x) & 0xfffff) << 12) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_PL310_BASE_ADDR_of(_x) (((_x) >> 12) & 0xfffff) /* Register Type: MPCoreConfig */ #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_MP0_CFG 0x00e8 #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_MP0_CFG_SPI_BOOT (0x1 << 14) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_MP0_CFG_ENDIAN(_x) (((_x) & 0x3) << 12) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_MP0_CFG_ENDIAN_of(_x) (((_x) >> 12) & 0x3) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_MP0_CFG_ENDIAN_LITTLE (0) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_MP0_CFG_ENDIAN_BIG (1) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_MP0_CFG_RESET_VECTOR (0x1 << 8) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_MP0_CFG_RESET_VECTOR_LO (0x0) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_MP0_CFG_RESET_VECTOR_HI (0x100) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_MP0_CFG_OUTCLK_EN(_x) (((_x) & 0xf) << 4) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_MP0_CFG_OUTCLK_EN_of(_x) (((_x) >> 4) & 0xf) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_MP0_CFG_ARMID(_x) ((_x) & 0xf) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_MP0_CFG_ARMID_of(_x) ((_x) & 0xf) /* Register Type: MPCoreIDCacheDataError */ #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_MP0_CACHE_ERR 0x00ec #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_MP0_CACHE_ERR_MP0_D7 (0x1 << 15) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_MP0_CACHE_ERR_MP0_D6 (0x1 << 14) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_MP0_CACHE_ERR_MP0_D5 (0x1 << 13) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_MP0_CACHE_ERR_MP0_D4 (0x1 << 12) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_MP0_CACHE_ERR_MP0_D3 (0x1 << 11) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_MP0_CACHE_ERR_MP0_D2 (0x1 << 10) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_MP0_CACHE_ERR_MP0_D1 (0x1 << 9) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_MP0_CACHE_ERR_MP0_D0 (0x1 << 8) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_MP0_CACHE_ERR_MP0_I7 (0x1 << 7) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_MP0_CACHE_ERR_MP0_I6 (0x1 << 6) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_MP0_CACHE_ERR_MP0_I5 (0x1 << 5) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_MP0_CACHE_ERR_MP0_I4 (0x1 << 4) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_MP0_CACHE_ERR_MP0_I3 (0x1 << 3) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_MP0_CACHE_ERR_MP0_I2 (0x1 << 2) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_MP0_CACHE_ERR_MP0_I1 (0x1 << 1) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_MP0_CACHE_ERR_MP0_I0 (0x1) /* Register Type: ARMDFT */ #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_DFT 0x0100 #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_DFT_DBG_REQ (0x1 << 20) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_DFT_DBG_EN (0x1 << 19) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_DFT_WFE_EVT_TRG (0x1 << 18) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_DFT_ETM_WFI_RDY (0x1 << 17) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_DFT_ETM_PWR_ON (0x1 << 16) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_DFT_BIST_FAIL_of(_x) (((_x) >> 8) & 0xf) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_DFT_BIST_DONE_of(_x) (((_x) >> 4) & 0xf) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_DFT_BIST_RUN(_x) ((_x) & 0x7) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_DFT_BIST_RUN_of(_x) ((_x) & 0x7) /* Gasket CSRs */ /* NOTE: These cannot be remapped, and are always at this location. */ #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_START (0xd6000000 + NFP_ARM_GCSR) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_SIZE SZ_64K /* BAR CSRs */ #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_BULK_BITS 11 #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPA_BITS 15 #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL_BITS 18 #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_BULK_SHIFT (40 - 11) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPA_SHIFT (40 - 15) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL_SHIFT (40 - 18) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_BULK_SIZE (1 << NFP_ARM_GCSR_BULK_SHIFT) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPA_SIZE (1 << NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPA_SHIFT) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL_SIZE (1 << NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL_SHIFT) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL2_CSR(target, action, length, \ byte_mask, token, signal_master) \ (NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL2_BAR_TGT(target) | \ NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL2_BAR_ACT(action) | \ NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL2_BAR_LEN(length) | \ NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL2_BAR_BYTE_MASK(byte_mask) | \ NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL2_BAR_TOK(token) | \ NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL2_BAR_SIGNAL_MASTER(signal_master)) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL1_CSR(posted, signal_ref, data_master, data_ref) \ (((posted) ? NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL1_BAR_POSTED : 0) | \ NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL1_BAR_SIGNAL_REF(signal_ref) | \ NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL1_BAR_DATA_MASTER(data_master) | \ NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL1_BAR_DATA_REF(data_ref)) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL0_CSR(address) \ NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL0_BAR_ADDR((address) >> NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL_SHIFT) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL_POST_EXPECT_A(sig_ref, is_push, is_required) \ (NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL_POST_SIG_A(sig_ref) | \ ((is_push) ? NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL_POST_SIG_A_BUS_PUSH : \ NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL_POST_SIG_A_BUS_PULL) | \ ((is_required) ? NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL_POST_SIG_A_VALID : 0)) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL_POST_EXPECT_B(sig_ref, is_push, is_required) \ (NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL_POST_SIG_B(sig_ref) | \ ((is_push) ? NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL_POST_SIG_B_BUS_PUSH : \ NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL_POST_SIG_B_BUS_PULL) | \ ((is_required) ? NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPL_POST_SIG_B_VALID : 0)) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPA_CSR(mode, target, token, is_64, action, address) \ (((mode) ? NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPA_BAR_TYPE_EXPL : \ NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPA_BAR_TYPE_EXPA) | \ NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPA_BAR_TGT(target) | \ NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPA_BAR_TOK(token) | \ ((is_64) ? NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPA_BAR_LEN_64BIT : \ NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPA_BAR_LEN_32BIT) | \ NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPA_BAR_ACT(action) | \ NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPA_BAR_ADDR((address) >> NFP_ARM_GCSR_EXPA_SHIFT)) #define NFP_ARM_GCSR_BULK_CSR(mode, target, token, is_64, address) \ (((mode) ? NFP_ARM_GCSR_BULK_BAR_TYPE_EXPA : \ NFP_ARM_GCSR_BULK_BAR_TYPE_BULK) | \ NFP_ARM_GCSR_BULK_BAR_TGT(target) | \ NFP_ARM_GCSR_BULK_BAR_TOK(token) | \ ((is_64) ? NFP_ARM_GCSR_BULK_BAR_LEN_64BIT : \ NFP_ARM_GCSR_BULK_BAR_LEN_32BIT) | \ NFP_ARM_GCSR_BULK_BAR_ADDR((address) >> NFP_ARM_GCSR_BULK_SHIFT)) /* MP Core CSRs */ #define NFP_ARM_MPCORE_SIZE SZ_128K /* PL320 CSRs */ #define NFP_ARM_PCSR_SIZE SZ_64K #endif /* NFP_ARM_H */
{'repo_name': 'sslab-gatech/janus', 'stars': '122', 'repo_language': 'C', 'file_name': 'spectrum_span.h', 'mime_type': 'text/x-c', 'hash': -5127438585979809665, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
#ifndef _ZQ_GRAPH_CUT_H_ #define _ZQ_GRAPH_CUT_H_ #pragma once /******************************/ /* The following code is copied from the lib graphcut. /* block.h /* graph.h /* graph.cpp /* maxflow.cpp /* /**********************************/ #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <assert.h> namespace ZQ { /* block.h */ /* Template classes Block and DBlock Implement adding and deleting items of the same type in blocks. If there there are many items then using Block or DBlock is more efficient than using 'new' and 'delete' both in terms of memory and time since (1) On some systems there is some minimum amount of memory that 'new' can allocate (e.g., 64), so if items are small that a lot of memory is wasted. (2) 'new' and 'delete' are designed for items of varying size. If all items has the same size, then an algorithm for adding and deleting can be made more efficient. (3) All Block and DBlock functions are inline, so there are no extra function calls. Differences between Block and DBlock: (1) DBlock allows both adding and deleting items, whereas Block allows only adding items. (2) Block has an additional operation of scanning items added so far (in the order in which they were added). (3) Block allows to allocate several consecutive items at a time, whereas DBlock can add only a single item. Note that no constructors or destructors are called for items. Example usage for items of type 'MyType': /////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "block.h" #define BLOCK_SIZE 1024 typedef struct { int a, b; } MyType; MyType *ptr, *array[10000]; ... Block<MyType> *block = new Block<MyType>(BLOCK_SIZE); // adding items for (int i=0; i<sizeof(array); i++) { ptr = block -> New(); ptr -> a = ptr -> b = rand(); } // reading items for (ptr=block->ScanFirst(); ptr; ptr=block->ScanNext()) { printf("%d %d\n", ptr->a, ptr->b); } delete block; ... DBlock<MyType> *dblock = new DBlock<MyType>(BLOCK_SIZE); // adding items for (int i=0; i<sizeof(array); i++) { array[i] = dblock -> New(); } // deleting items for (int i=0; i<sizeof(array); i+=2) { dblock -> Delete(array[i]); } // adding items for (int i=0; i<sizeof(array); i++) { array[i] = dblock -> New(); } delete dblock; /////////////////////////////////////////////////// Note that DBlock deletes items by marking them as empty (i.e., by adding them to the list of free items), so that this memory could be used for subsequently added items. Thus, at each moment the memory allocated is determined by the maximum number of items allocated simultaneously at earlier moments. All memory is deallocated only when the destructor is called. */ /***********************************************************************/ /***********************************************************************/ /***********************************************************************/ template <class Type> class Block { public: /* Constructor. Arguments are the block size and (optionally) the pointer to the function which will be called if allocation failed; the message passed to this function is "Not enough memory!" */ Block(int size, void(*err_function)(char *) = NULL) { first = last = NULL; block_size = size; error_function = err_function; } /* Destructor. Deallocates all items added so far */ ~Block() { while (first) { block *next = first->next; delete[]((char*)first); first = next; } } /* Allocates 'num' consecutive items; returns pointer to the first item. 'num' cannot be greater than the block size since items must fit in one block */ Type *New(int num = 1) { Type *t; if (!last || last->current + num > last->last) { if (last && last->next) last = last->next; else { block *next = (block *) new char[sizeof(block) + (block_size - 1) * sizeof(Type)]; if (!next) { if (error_function) (*error_function)("Not enough memory!"); exit(1); } if (last) last->next = next; else first = next; last = next; last->current = &(last->data[0]); last->last = last->current + block_size; last->next = NULL; } } t = last->current; last->current += num; return t; } /* Returns the first item (or NULL, if no items were added) */ Type *ScanFirst() { for (scan_current_block = first; scan_current_block; scan_current_block = scan_current_block->next) { scan_current_data = &(scan_current_block->data[0]); if (scan_current_data < scan_current_block->current) return scan_current_data++; } return NULL; } /* Returns the next item (or NULL, if all items have been read) Can be called only if previous ScanFirst() or ScanNext() call returned not NULL. */ Type *ScanNext() { while (scan_current_data >= scan_current_block->current) { scan_current_block = scan_current_block->next; if (!scan_current_block) return NULL; scan_current_data = &(scan_current_block->data[0]); } return scan_current_data++; } /* Marks all elements as empty */ void Reset() { block *b; if (!first) return; for (b = first; ; b = b->next) { b->current = &(b->data[0]); if (b == last) break; } last = first; } /***********************************************************************/ private: typedef struct block_st { Type *current, *last; struct block_st *next; Type data[1]; } block; int block_size; block *first; block *last; block *scan_current_block; Type *scan_current_data; void(*error_function)(char *); }; /***********************************************************************/ /***********************************************************************/ /***********************************************************************/ template <class Type> class DBlock { public: /* Constructor. Arguments are the block size and (optionally) the pointer to the function which will be called if allocation failed; the message passed to this function is "Not enough memory!" */ DBlock(int size, void(*err_function)(char *) = NULL) { first = NULL; first_free = NULL; block_size = size; error_function = err_function; } /* Destructor. Deallocates all items added so far */ ~DBlock() { while (first) { block *next = first->next; delete[]((char*)first); first = next; } } /* Allocates one item */ Type *New() { block_item *item; if (!first_free) { block *next = first; first = (block *) new char[sizeof(block) + (block_size - 1) * sizeof(block_item)]; if (!first) { if (error_function) (*error_function)("Not enough memory!"); exit(1); } first_free = &(first->data[0]); for (item = first_free; item < first_free + block_size - 1; item++) item->next_free = item + 1; item->next_free = NULL; first->next = next; } item = first_free; first_free = item->next_free; return (Type *)item; } /* Deletes an item allocated previously */ void Delete(Type *t) { ((block_item *)t)->next_free = first_free; first_free = (block_item *)t; } /***********************************************************************/ private: typedef union block_item_st { Type t; block_item_st *next_free; } block_item; typedef struct block_st { struct block_st *next; block_item data[1]; } block; int block_size; block *first; block_item *first_free; void(*error_function)(char *); }; /* graph.h */ /* This software library implements the maxflow algorithm described in "An Experimental Comparison of Min-Cut/Max-Flow Algorithms for Energy Minimization in Vision." Yuri Boykov and Vladimir Kolmogorov. In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), September 2004 This algorithm was developed by Yuri Boykov and Vladimir Kolmogorov at Siemens Corporate Research. To make it available for public use, it was later reimplemented by Vladimir Kolmogorov based on open publications. If you use this software for research purposes, you should cite the aforementioned paper in any resulting publication. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- REUSING TREES: Starting with version 3.0, there is a also an option of reusing search trees from one maxflow computation to the next, as described in "Efficiently Solving Dynamic Markov Random Fields Using Graph Cuts." Pushmeet Kohli and Philip H.S. Torr International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2005 If you use this option, you should cite the aforementioned paper in any resulting publication. */ /* For description, license, example usage see README.TXT. */ // NOTE: in UNIX you need to use -DNDEBUG preprocessor option to supress assert's!!! // captype: type of edge capacities (excluding t-links) // tcaptype: type of t-links (edges between nodes and terminals) // flowtype: type of total flow // // Current instantiations are in instances.inc template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> class Graph { public: typedef enum { SOURCE = 0, SINK = 1 } termtype; // terminals typedef int node_id; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BASIC INTERFACE FUNCTIONS // // (should be enough for most applications) // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructor. // The first argument gives an estimate of the maximum number of nodes that can be added // to the graph, and the second argument is an estimate of the maximum number of edges. // The last (optional) argument is the pointer to the function which will be called // if an error occurs; an error message is passed to this function. // If this argument is omitted, exit(1) will be called. // // IMPORTANT: It is possible to add more nodes to the graph than node_num_max // (and node_num_max can be zero). However, if the count is exceeded, then // the internal memory is reallocated (increased by 50%) which is expensive. // Also, temporarily the amount of allocated memory would be more than twice than needed. // Similarly for edges. // If you wish to avoid this overhead, you can download version 2.2, where nodes and edges are stored in blocks. Graph(int node_num_max, int edge_num_max, void(*err_function)(char *) = NULL); // Destructor ~Graph(); // Adds node(s) to the graph. By default, one node is added (num=1); then first call returns 0, second call returns 1, and so on. // If num>1, then several nodes are added, and node_id of the first one is returned. // IMPORTANT: see note about the constructor node_id add_node(int num = 1); // Adds a bidirectional edge between 'i' and 'j' with the weights 'cap' and 'rev_cap'. // IMPORTANT: see note about the constructor void add_edge(node_id i, node_id j, captype cap, captype rev_cap); // Adds new edges 'SOURCE->i' and 'i->SINK' with corresponding weights. // Can be called multiple times for each node. // Weights can be negative. // NOTE: the number of such edges is not counted in edge_num_max. // No internal memory is allocated by this call. void add_tweights(node_id i, tcaptype cap_source, tcaptype cap_sink); // Computes the maxflow. Can be called several times. // FOR DESCRIPTION OF reuse_trees, SEE mark_node(). // FOR DESCRIPTION OF changed_list, SEE remove_from_changed_list(). flowtype maxflow(bool reuse_trees = false, Block<node_id>* changed_list = NULL); // After the maxflow is computed, this function returns to which // segment the node 'i' belongs (Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::SOURCE or Graph<captype,tcaptype,flowtype>::SINK). // // Occasionally there may be several minimum cuts. If a node can be assigned // to both the source and the sink, then default_segm is returned. termtype what_segment(node_id i, termtype default_segm = SOURCE); ////////////////////////////////////////////// // ADVANCED INTERFACE FUNCTIONS // // (provide access to the graph) // ////////////////////////////////////////////// private: struct node; struct arc; public: //////////////////////////// // 1. Reallocating graph. // //////////////////////////// // Removes all nodes and edges. // After that functions add_node() and add_edge() must be called again. // // Advantage compared to deleting Graph and allocating it again: // no calls to delete/new (which could be quite slow). // // If the graph structure stays the same, then an alternative // is to go through all nodes/edges and set new residual capacities // (see functions below). void reset(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 2. Functions for getting pointers to arcs and for reading graph structure. // // NOTE: adding new arcs may invalidate these pointers (if reallocation // // happens). So it's best not to add arcs while reading graph structure. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The following two functions return arcs in the same order that they // were added to the graph. NOTE: for each call add_edge(i,j,cap,cap_rev) // the first arc returned will be i->j, and the second j->i. // If there are no more arcs, then the function can still be called, but // the returned arc_id is undetermined. typedef arc* arc_id; arc_id get_first_arc(); arc_id get_next_arc(arc_id a); // other functions for reading graph structure int get_node_num() { return node_num; } int get_arc_num() { return (int)(arc_last - arcs); } void get_arc_ends(arc_id a, node_id& i, node_id& j); // returns i,j to that a = i->j /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 3. Functions for reading residual capacities. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // returns residual capacity of SOURCE->i minus residual capacity of i->SINK tcaptype get_trcap(node_id i); // returns residual capacity of arc a captype get_rcap(arc* a); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 4. Functions for setting residual capacities. // // NOTE: If these functions are used, the value of the flow // // returned by maxflow() will not be valid! // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void set_trcap(node_id i, tcaptype trcap); void set_rcap(arc* a, captype rcap); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 5. Functions related to reusing trees & list of changed nodes. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // If flag reuse_trees is true while calling maxflow(), then search trees // are reused from previous maxflow computation. // In this case before calling maxflow() the user must // specify which parts of the graph have changed by calling mark_node(): // add_tweights(i),set_trcap(i) => call mark_node(i) // add_edge(i,j),set_rcap(a) => call mark_node(i); mark_node(j) // // This option makes sense only if a small part of the graph is changed. // The initialization procedure goes only through marked nodes then. // // mark_node(i) can either be called before or after graph modification. // Can be called more than once per node, but calls after the first one // do not have any effect. // // NOTE: // - This option cannot be used in the first call to maxflow(). // - It is not necessary to call mark_node() if the change is ``not essential'', // i.e. sign(trcap) is preserved for a node and zero/nonzero status is preserved for an arc. // - To check that you marked all necessary nodes, you can call maxflow(false) after calling maxflow(true). // If everything is correct, the two calls must return the same value of flow. (Useful for debugging). void mark_node(node_id i); // If changed_list is not NULL while calling maxflow(), then the algorithm // keeps a list of nodes which could potentially have changed their segmentation label. // Nodes which are not in the list are guaranteed to keep their old segmentation label (SOURCE or SINK). // Example usage: // // typedef Graph<int,int,int> G; // G* g = new Graph(nodeNum, edgeNum); // Block<G::node_id>* changed_list = new Block<G::node_id>(128); // // ... // add nodes and edges // // g->maxflow(); // first call should be without arguments // for (int iter=0; iter<10; iter++) // { // ... // change graph, call mark_node() accordingly // // g->maxflow(true, changed_list); // G::node_id* ptr; // for (ptr=changed_list->ScanFirst(); ptr; ptr=changed_list->ScanNext()) // { // G::node_id i = *ptr; assert(i>=0 && i<nodeNum); // g->remove_from_changed_list(i); // // do something with node i... // if (g->what_segment(i) == G::SOURCE) { ... } // } // changed_list->Reset(); // } // delete changed_list; // // NOTE: // - If changed_list option is used, then reuse_trees must be used as well. // - In the example above, the user may omit calls g->remove_from_changed_list(i) and changed_list->Reset() in a given iteration. // Then during the next call to maxflow(true, &changed_list) new nodes will be added to changed_list. // - If the next call to maxflow() does not use option reuse_trees, then calling remove_from_changed_list() // is not necessary. ("changed_list->Reset()" or "delete changed_list" should still be called, though). void remove_from_changed_list(node_id i) { assert(i >= 0 && i < node_num && nodes[i].is_in_changed_list); nodes[i].is_in_changed_list = 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private: // internal variables and functions struct node { arc *first; // first outcoming arc arc *parent; // node's parent node *next; // pointer to the next active node // (or to itself if it is the last node in the list) int TS; // timestamp showing when DIST was computed int DIST; // distance to the terminal int is_sink : 1; // flag showing whether the node is in the source or in the sink tree (if parent!=NULL) int is_marked : 1; // set by mark_node() int is_in_changed_list : 1; // set by maxflow if tcaptype tr_cap; // if tr_cap > 0 then tr_cap is residual capacity of the arc SOURCE->node // otherwise -tr_cap is residual capacity of the arc node->SINK }; struct arc { node *head; // node the arc points to arc *next; // next arc with the same originating node arc *sister; // reverse arc captype r_cap; // residual capacity }; struct nodeptr { node *ptr; nodeptr *next; }; static const int NODEPTR_BLOCK_SIZE = 128; node *nodes, *node_last, *node_max; // node_last = nodes+node_num, node_max = nodes+node_num_max; arc *arcs, *arc_last, *arc_max; // arc_last = arcs+2*edge_num, arc_max = arcs+2*edge_num_max; int node_num; DBlock<nodeptr> *nodeptr_block; void(*error_function)(char *); // this function is called if a error occurs, // with a corresponding error message // (or exit(1) is called if it's NULL) flowtype flow; // total flow // reusing trees & list of changed pixels int maxflow_iteration; // counter Block<node_id> *changed_list; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// node *queue_first[2], *queue_last[2]; // list of active nodes nodeptr *orphan_first, *orphan_last; // list of pointers to orphans int TIME; // monotonically increasing global counter ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void reallocate_nodes(int num); // num is the number of new nodes void reallocate_arcs(); // functions for processing active list void set_active(node *i); node *next_active(); // functions for processing orphans list void set_orphan_front(node* i); // add to the beginning of the list void set_orphan_rear(node* i); // add to the end of the list void add_to_changed_list(node* i); void maxflow_init(); // called if reuse_trees == false void maxflow_reuse_trees_init(); // called if reuse_trees == true void augment(arc *middle_arc); void process_source_orphan(node *i); void process_sink_orphan(node *i); void test_consistency(node* current_node = NULL); // debug function }; /////////////////////////////////////// // Implementation - inline functions // /////////////////////////////////////// template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> inline typename Graph<captype, tcaptype, flowtype>::node_id Graph<captype, tcaptype, flowtype>::add_node(int num) { assert(num > 0); if (node_last + num > node_max) reallocate_nodes(num); if (num == 1) { node_last->first = NULL; node_last->tr_cap = 0; node_last->is_marked = 0; node_last->is_in_changed_list = 0; node_last++; return node_num++; } else { memset(node_last, 0, num * sizeof(node)); node_id i = node_num; node_num += num; node_last += num; return i; } } template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> inline void Graph<captype, tcaptype, flowtype>::add_tweights(node_id i, tcaptype cap_source, tcaptype cap_sink) { assert(i >= 0 && i < node_num); tcaptype delta = nodes[i].tr_cap; if (delta > 0) cap_source += delta; else cap_sink -= delta; flow += (cap_source < cap_sink) ? cap_source : cap_sink; nodes[i].tr_cap = cap_source - cap_sink; } template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> inline void Graph<captype, tcaptype, flowtype>::add_edge(node_id _i, node_id _j, captype cap, captype rev_cap) { assert(_i >= 0 && _i < node_num); assert(_j >= 0 && _j < node_num); assert(_i != _j); assert(cap >= 0); assert(rev_cap >= 0); if (arc_last == arc_max) reallocate_arcs(); arc *a = arc_last++; arc *a_rev = arc_last++; node* i = nodes + _i; node* j = nodes + _j; a->sister = a_rev; a_rev->sister = a; a->next = i->first; i->first = a; a_rev->next = j->first; j->first = a_rev; a->head = j; a_rev->head = i; a->r_cap = cap; a_rev->r_cap = rev_cap; } template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> inline typename Graph<captype, tcaptype, flowtype>::arc* Graph<captype, tcaptype, flowtype>::get_first_arc() { return arcs; } template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> inline typename Graph<captype, tcaptype, flowtype>::arc* Graph<captype, tcaptype, flowtype>::get_next_arc(arc* a) { return a + 1; } template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> inline void Graph<captype, tcaptype, flowtype>::get_arc_ends(arc* a, node_id& i, node_id& j) { assert(a >= arcs && a < arc_last); i = (node_id)(a->sister->head - nodes); j = (node_id)(a->head - nodes); } template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> inline tcaptype Graph<captype, tcaptype, flowtype>::get_trcap(node_id i) { assert(i >= 0 && i < node_num); return nodes[i].tr_cap; } template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> inline captype Graph<captype, tcaptype, flowtype>::get_rcap(arc* a) { assert(a >= arcs && a < arc_last); return a->r_cap; } template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> inline void Graph<captype, tcaptype, flowtype>::set_trcap(node_id i, tcaptype trcap) { assert(i >= 0 && i < node_num); nodes[i].tr_cap = trcap; } template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> inline void Graph<captype, tcaptype, flowtype>::set_rcap(arc* a, captype rcap) { assert(a >= arcs && a < arc_last); a->r_cap = rcap; } template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> inline typename Graph<captype, tcaptype, flowtype>::termtype Graph<captype, tcaptype, flowtype>::what_segment(node_id i, termtype default_segm) { if (nodes[i].parent) { return (nodes[i].is_sink) ? SINK : SOURCE; } else { return default_segm; } } template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> inline void Graph<captype, tcaptype, flowtype>::mark_node(node_id _i) { node* i = nodes + _i; if (!i->next) { /* it's not in the list yet */ if (queue_last[1]) queue_last[1]->next = i; else queue_first[1] = i; queue_last[1] = i; i->next = i; } i->is_marked = 1; } /* graph.cpp */ template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> Graph<captype, tcaptype, flowtype>::Graph(int node_num_max, int edge_num_max, void(*err_function)(char *)) : node_num(0), nodeptr_block(NULL), error_function(err_function) { if (node_num_max < 16) node_num_max = 16; if (edge_num_max < 16) edge_num_max = 16; nodes = (node*)malloc(node_num_max * sizeof(node)); arcs = (arc*)malloc(2 * edge_num_max * sizeof(arc)); if (!nodes || !arcs) { if (error_function) (*error_function)("Not enough memory!"); exit(1); } node_last = nodes; node_max = nodes + node_num_max; arc_last = arcs; arc_max = arcs + 2 * edge_num_max; maxflow_iteration = 0; flow = 0; } template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> Graph<captype, tcaptype, flowtype>::~Graph() { if (nodeptr_block) { delete nodeptr_block; nodeptr_block = NULL; } free(nodes); free(arcs); } template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> void Graph<captype, tcaptype, flowtype>::reset() { node_last = nodes; arc_last = arcs; node_num = 0; if (nodeptr_block) { delete nodeptr_block; nodeptr_block = NULL; } maxflow_iteration = 0; flow = 0; } template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> void Graph<captype, tcaptype, flowtype>::reallocate_nodes(int num) { int node_num_max = (int)(node_max - nodes); node* nodes_old = nodes; node_num_max += node_num_max / 2; if (node_num_max < node_num + num) node_num_max = node_num + num; nodes = (node*)realloc(nodes_old, node_num_max * sizeof(node)); if (!nodes) { if (error_function) (*error_function)("Not enough memory!"); exit(1); } node_last = nodes + node_num; node_max = nodes + node_num_max; if (nodes != nodes_old) { arc* a; for (a = arcs; a < arc_last; a++) { a->head = (node*)((char*)a->head + (((char*)nodes) - ((char*)nodes_old))); } } } template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> void Graph<captype, tcaptype, flowtype>::reallocate_arcs() { int arc_num_max = (int)(arc_max - arcs); int arc_num = (int)(arc_last - arcs); arc* arcs_old = arcs; arc_num_max += arc_num_max / 2; if (arc_num_max & 1) arc_num_max++; arcs = (arc*)realloc(arcs_old, arc_num_max * sizeof(arc)); if (!arcs) { if (error_function) (*error_function)("Not enough memory!"); exit(1); } arc_last = arcs + arc_num; arc_max = arcs + arc_num_max; if (arcs != arcs_old) { node* i; arc* a; for (i = nodes; i < node_last; i++) { if (i->first) i->first = (arc*)((char*)i->first + (((char*)arcs) - ((char*)arcs_old))); } for (a = arcs; a < arc_last; a++) { if (a->next) a->next = (arc*)((char*)a->next + (((char*)arcs) - ((char*)arcs_old))); a->sister = (arc*)((char*)a->sister + (((char*)arcs) - ((char*)arcs_old))); } } } /* maxflow.cpp */ /* special constants for node->parent */ #define TERMINAL ( (arc *) 1 ) /* to terminal */ #define ORPHAN ( (arc *) 2 ) /* orphan */ #define INFINITE_D ((int)(((unsigned)-1)/2)) /* infinite distance to the terminal */ /***********************************************************************/ /* Functions for processing active list. i->next points to the next node in the list (or to i, if i is the last node in the list). If i->next is NULL iff i is not in the list. There are two queues. Active nodes are added to the end of the second queue and read from the front of the first queue. If the first queue is empty, it is replaced by the second queue (and the second queue becomes empty). */ template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> inline void Graph<captype, tcaptype, flowtype>::set_active(node *i) { if (!i->next) { /* it's not in the list yet */ if (queue_last[1]) queue_last[1]->next = i; else queue_first[1] = i; queue_last[1] = i; i->next = i; } } /* Returns the next active node. If it is connected to the sink, it stays in the list, otherwise it is removed from the list */ template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> inline typename Graph<captype, tcaptype, flowtype>::node* Graph<captype, tcaptype, flowtype>::next_active() { node *i; while (1) { if (!(i = queue_first[0])) { queue_first[0] = i = queue_first[1]; queue_last[0] = queue_last[1]; queue_first[1] = NULL; queue_last[1] = NULL; if (!i) return NULL; } /* remove it from the active list */ if (i->next == i) queue_first[0] = queue_last[0] = NULL; else queue_first[0] = i->next; i->next = NULL; /* a node in the list is active iff it has a parent */ if (i->parent) return i; } } /***********************************************************************/ template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> inline void Graph<captype, tcaptype, flowtype>::set_orphan_front(node *i) { nodeptr *np; i->parent = ORPHAN; np = nodeptr_block->New(); np->ptr = i; np->next = orphan_first; orphan_first = np; } template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> inline void Graph<captype, tcaptype, flowtype>::set_orphan_rear(node *i) { nodeptr *np; i->parent = ORPHAN; np = nodeptr_block->New(); np->ptr = i; if (orphan_last) orphan_last->next = np; else orphan_first = np; orphan_last = np; np->next = NULL; } /***********************************************************************/ template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> inline void Graph<captype, tcaptype, flowtype>::add_to_changed_list(node *i) { if (changed_list && !i->is_in_changed_list) { node_id* ptr = changed_list->New(); *ptr = (node_id)(i - nodes); i->is_in_changed_list = true; } } /***********************************************************************/ template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> void Graph<captype, tcaptype, flowtype>::maxflow_init() { node *i; queue_first[0] = queue_last[0] = NULL; queue_first[1] = queue_last[1] = NULL; orphan_first = NULL; TIME = 0; for (i = nodes; i < node_last; i++) { i->next = NULL; i->is_marked = 0; i->is_in_changed_list = 0; i->TS = TIME; if (i->tr_cap > 0) { /* i is connected to the source */ i->is_sink = 0; i->parent = TERMINAL; set_active(i); i->DIST = 1; } else if (i->tr_cap < 0) { /* i is connected to the sink */ i->is_sink = 1; i->parent = TERMINAL; set_active(i); i->DIST = 1; } else { i->parent = NULL; } } } template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> void Graph<captype, tcaptype, flowtype>::maxflow_reuse_trees_init() { node* i; node* j; node* queue = queue_first[1]; arc* a; nodeptr* np; queue_first[0] = queue_last[0] = NULL; queue_first[1] = queue_last[1] = NULL; orphan_first = orphan_last = NULL; TIME++; while ((i = queue)) { queue = i->next; if (queue == i) queue = NULL; i->next = NULL; i->is_marked = 0; set_active(i); if (i->tr_cap == 0) { if (i->parent) set_orphan_rear(i); continue; } if (i->tr_cap > 0) { if (!i->parent || i->is_sink) { i->is_sink = 0; for (a = i->first; a; a = a->next) { j = a->head; if (!j->is_marked) { if (j->parent == a->sister) set_orphan_rear(j); if (j->parent && j->is_sink && a->r_cap > 0) set_active(j); } } add_to_changed_list(i); } } else { if (!i->parent || !i->is_sink) { i->is_sink = 1; for (a = i->first; a; a = a->next) { j = a->head; if (!j->is_marked) { if (j->parent == a->sister) set_orphan_rear(j); if (j->parent && !j->is_sink && a->sister->r_cap > 0) set_active(j); } } add_to_changed_list(i); } } i->parent = TERMINAL; i->TS = TIME; i->DIST = 1; } //test_consistency(); /* adoption */ while ((np = orphan_first)) { orphan_first = np->next; i = np->ptr; nodeptr_block->Delete(np); if (!orphan_first) orphan_last = NULL; if (i->is_sink) process_sink_orphan(i); else process_source_orphan(i); } /* adoption end */ //test_consistency(); } template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> void Graph<captype, tcaptype, flowtype>::augment(arc *middle_arc) { node *i; arc *a; tcaptype bottleneck; /* 1. Finding bottleneck capacity */ /* 1a - the source tree */ bottleneck = middle_arc->r_cap; for (i = middle_arc->sister->head; ; i = a->head) { a = i->parent; if (a == TERMINAL) break; if (bottleneck > a->sister->r_cap) bottleneck = a->sister->r_cap; } if (bottleneck > i->tr_cap) bottleneck = i->tr_cap; /* 1b - the sink tree */ for (i = middle_arc->head; ; i = a->head) { a = i->parent; if (a == TERMINAL) break; if (bottleneck > a->r_cap) bottleneck = a->r_cap; } if (bottleneck > -i->tr_cap) bottleneck = -i->tr_cap; /* 2. Augmenting */ /* 2a - the source tree */ middle_arc->sister->r_cap += bottleneck; middle_arc->r_cap -= bottleneck; for (i = middle_arc->sister->head; ; i = a->head) { a = i->parent; if (a == TERMINAL) break; a->r_cap += bottleneck; a->sister->r_cap -= bottleneck; if (!a->sister->r_cap) { set_orphan_front(i); // add i to the beginning of the adoption list } } i->tr_cap -= bottleneck; if (!i->tr_cap) { set_orphan_front(i); // add i to the beginning of the adoption list } /* 2b - the sink tree */ for (i = middle_arc->head; ; i = a->head) { a = i->parent; if (a == TERMINAL) break; a->sister->r_cap += bottleneck; a->r_cap -= bottleneck; if (!a->r_cap) { set_orphan_front(i); // add i to the beginning of the adoption list } } i->tr_cap += bottleneck; if (!i->tr_cap) { set_orphan_front(i); // add i to the beginning of the adoption list } flow += bottleneck; } /***********************************************************************/ template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> void Graph<captype, tcaptype, flowtype>::process_source_orphan(node *i) { node *j; arc *a0, *a0_min = NULL, *a; int d, d_min = INFINITE_D; /* trying to find a new parent */ for (a0 = i->first; a0; a0 = a0->next) if (a0->sister->r_cap) { j = a0->head; if (!j->is_sink && (a = j->parent)) { /* checking the origin of j */ d = 0; while (1) { if (j->TS == TIME) { d += j->DIST; break; } a = j->parent; d++; if (a == TERMINAL) { j->TS = TIME; j->DIST = 1; break; } if (a == ORPHAN) { d = INFINITE_D; break; } j = a->head; } if (d < INFINITE_D) /* j originates from the source - done */ { if (d < d_min) { a0_min = a0; d_min = d; } /* set marks along the path */ for (j = a0->head; j->TS != TIME; j = j->parent->head) { j->TS = TIME; j->DIST = d--; } } } } if (i->parent = a0_min) { i->TS = TIME; i->DIST = d_min + 1; } else { /* no parent is found */ add_to_changed_list(i); /* process neighbors */ for (a0 = i->first; a0; a0 = a0->next) { j = a0->head; if (!j->is_sink && (a = j->parent)) { if (a0->sister->r_cap) set_active(j); if (a != TERMINAL && a != ORPHAN && a->head == i) { set_orphan_rear(j); // add j to the end of the adoption list } } } } } template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> void Graph<captype, tcaptype, flowtype>::process_sink_orphan(node *i) { node *j; arc *a0, *a0_min = NULL, *a; int d, d_min = INFINITE_D; /* trying to find a new parent */ for (a0 = i->first; a0; a0 = a0->next) if (a0->r_cap) { j = a0->head; if (j->is_sink && (a = j->parent)) { /* checking the origin of j */ d = 0; while (1) { if (j->TS == TIME) { d += j->DIST; break; } a = j->parent; d++; if (a == TERMINAL) { j->TS = TIME; j->DIST = 1; break; } if (a == ORPHAN) { d = INFINITE_D; break; } j = a->head; } if (d < INFINITE_D) /* j originates from the sink - done */ { if (d < d_min) { a0_min = a0; d_min = d; } /* set marks along the path */ for (j = a0->head; j->TS != TIME; j = j->parent->head) { j->TS = TIME; j->DIST = d--; } } } } if (i->parent = a0_min) { i->TS = TIME; i->DIST = d_min + 1; } else { /* no parent is found */ add_to_changed_list(i); /* process neighbors */ for (a0 = i->first; a0; a0 = a0->next) { j = a0->head; if (j->is_sink && (a = j->parent)) { if (a0->r_cap) set_active(j); if (a != TERMINAL && a != ORPHAN && a->head == i) { set_orphan_rear(j); // add j to the end of the adoption list } } } } } /***********************************************************************/ template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> flowtype Graph<captype, tcaptype, flowtype>::maxflow(bool reuse_trees, Block<node_id>* _changed_list) { node *i, *j, *current_node = NULL; arc *a; nodeptr *np, *np_next; if (!nodeptr_block) { nodeptr_block = new DBlock<nodeptr>(NODEPTR_BLOCK_SIZE, error_function); } changed_list = _changed_list; if (maxflow_iteration == 0 && reuse_trees) { if (error_function) (*error_function)("reuse_trees cannot be used in the first call to maxflow()!"); exit(1); } if (changed_list && !reuse_trees) { if (error_function) (*error_function)("changed_list cannot be used without reuse_trees!"); exit(1); } if (reuse_trees) maxflow_reuse_trees_init(); else maxflow_init(); // main loop while (1) { // test_consistency(current_node); if ((i = current_node)) { i->next = NULL; /* remove active flag */ if (!i->parent) i = NULL; } if (!i) { if (!(i = next_active())) break; } /* growth */ if (!i->is_sink) { /* grow source tree */ for (a = i->first; a; a = a->next) if (a->r_cap) { j = a->head; if (!j->parent) { j->is_sink = 0; j->parent = a->sister; j->TS = i->TS; j->DIST = i->DIST + 1; set_active(j); add_to_changed_list(j); } else if (j->is_sink) break; else if (j->TS <= i->TS && j->DIST > i->DIST) { /* heuristic - trying to make the distance from j to the source shorter */ j->parent = a->sister; j->TS = i->TS; j->DIST = i->DIST + 1; } } } else { /* grow sink tree */ for (a = i->first; a; a = a->next) if (a->sister->r_cap) { j = a->head; if (!j->parent) { j->is_sink = 1; j->parent = a->sister; j->TS = i->TS; j->DIST = i->DIST + 1; set_active(j); add_to_changed_list(j); } else if (!j->is_sink) { a = a->sister; break; } else if (j->TS <= i->TS && j->DIST > i->DIST) { /* heuristic - trying to make the distance from j to the sink shorter */ j->parent = a->sister; j->TS = i->TS; j->DIST = i->DIST + 1; } } } TIME++; if (a) { i->next = i; /* set active flag */ current_node = i; /* augmentation */ augment(a); /* augmentation end */ /* adoption */ while ((np = orphan_first)) { np_next = np->next; np->next = NULL; while ((np = orphan_first)) { orphan_first = np->next; i = np->ptr; nodeptr_block->Delete(np); if (!orphan_first) orphan_last = NULL; if (i->is_sink) process_sink_orphan(i); else process_source_orphan(i); } orphan_first = np_next; } /* adoption end */ } else current_node = NULL; } // test_consistency(); if (!reuse_trees || (maxflow_iteration % 64) == 0) { delete nodeptr_block; nodeptr_block = NULL; } maxflow_iteration++; return flow; } /***********************************************************************/ template <typename captype, typename tcaptype, typename flowtype> void Graph<captype, tcaptype, flowtype>::test_consistency(node* current_node) { node *i; arc *a; int r; int num1 = 0, num2 = 0; // test whether all nodes i with i->next!=NULL are indeed in the queue for (i = nodes; i < node_last; i++) { if (i->next || i == current_node) num1++; } for (r = 0; r < 3; r++) { i = (r == 2) ? current_node : queue_first[r]; if (i) for (; ; i = i->next) { num2++; if (i->next == i) { if (r < 2) assert(i == queue_last[r]); else assert(i == current_node); break; } } } assert(num1 == num2); for (i = nodes; i < node_last; i++) { // test whether all edges in seach trees are non-saturated if (i->parent == NULL) {} else if (i->parent == ORPHAN) {} else if (i->parent == TERMINAL) { if (!i->is_sink) assert(i->tr_cap > 0); else assert(i->tr_cap < 0); } else { if (!i->is_sink) assert(i->parent->sister->r_cap > 0); else assert(i->parent->r_cap > 0); } // test whether passive nodes in search trees have neighbors in // a different tree through non-saturated edges if (i->parent && !i->next) { if (!i->is_sink) { assert(i->tr_cap >= 0); for (a = i->first; a; a = a->next) { if (a->r_cap > 0) assert(a->head->parent && !a->head->is_sink); } } else { assert(i->tr_cap <= 0); for (a = i->first; a; a = a->next) { if (a->sister->r_cap > 0) assert(a->head->parent && a->head->is_sink); } } } // test marking invariants if (i->parent && i->parent != ORPHAN && i->parent != TERMINAL) { assert(i->TS <= i->parent->head->TS); if (i->TS == i->parent->head->TS) assert(i->DIST > i->parent->head->DIST); } } } } #endif
{'repo_name': 'zuoqing1988/ZQlib', 'stars': '104', 'repo_language': 'C++', 'file_name': 'SampleCameraCalibrationMono.cpp', 'mime_type': 'text/x-c++', 'hash': -3546890123076754344, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
'use strict'; var o = { 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3 }; module.exports = function (t, a) { var o2 = {}, i = 0; t(o, function (value, name) { o2[name] = value; return false; }); a(JSON.stringify(o2), JSON.stringify(o), "Iterates"); a(t(o, function () { ++i; return true; }), true, "Succeeds"); a(i, 1, "Stops iteration after condition is met"); a(t(o, function () { return false; }), false, "Fails"); };
{'repo_name': 'japgolly/scalacss', 'stars': '286', 'repo_language': 'Scala', 'file_name': 'index.md', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': -1796247362817244777, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <language> <name><![CDATA[lietuvių kalba (Lithuanian)]]></name> <locale>lt-LT</locale> <language_code>lt-lt</language_code> <date_format_lite>d/m/Y</date_format_lite> <date_format_full>d/m/Y H:i:s</date_format_full> <is_rtl>false</is_rtl> </language>
{'repo_name': 'PrestaShop/PrestaShop', 'stars': '5017', 'repo_language': 'PHP', 'file_name': 'controllerHttp.php', 'mime_type': 'text/x-php', 'hash': 1022104864418066649, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
import {ACTION_TYPES} from './actions'; const initialState = { isFetching: false, error: null, nextPageUrl: undefined, results: [], }; export default function userReducer(state = initialState, action = {}) { switch (action.type) { case ACTION_TYPES.USER_REQUEST: return {...state, isFetching: true, error: null}; case ACTION_TYPES.USER_SUCCESS: return {...state, isFetching: false, error: null}; case ACTION_TYPES.USER_FAILURE: return {...state, isFetching: false, error: action.error}; default: return state; } }
{'repo_name': 'iZaL/real-estate-app-ui', 'stars': '122', 'repo_language': 'JavaScript', 'file_name': 'setup.js', 'mime_type': 'text/x-c++', 'hash': 8236778250150043759, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
package com.github.eclipsecolortheme.mapper; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.IEclipsePreferences; import com.github.eclipsecolortheme.ColorThemeMapping; import com.github.eclipsecolortheme.ColorThemeSetting; public class StatetEditorMapper extends GenericMapper { private class Mapping extends ColorThemeMapping { public Mapping(String pluginKey, String themeKey) { super(pluginKey, themeKey); } @Override public void putPreferences(IEclipsePreferences preferences, ColorThemeSetting setting) { preferences.put(pluginKey, setting.getColor().asRGB()); if (setting.isBoldEnabled() != null) preferences.putBoolean(pluginKey.replaceAll(".color", ".bold"), setting.isBoldEnabled()); if (setting.isItalicEnabled() != null) preferences.putBoolean(pluginKey.replaceAll(".color", ".italic"), setting.isItalicEnabled()); if (setting.isStrikethroughEnabled() != null) preferences.putBoolean(pluginKey.replaceAll(".color", ".strikethrough"), setting.isStrikethroughEnabled()); if (setting.isUnderlineEnabled() != null) preferences.putBoolean(pluginKey.replaceAll(".color", ".underline"), setting.isUnderlineEnabled()); } } @Override protected ColorThemeMapping createMapping(String pluginKey, String themeKey) { return new Mapping(pluginKey, themeKey); } }
{'repo_name': 'eclipse-color-theme/eclipse-color-theme', 'stars': '847', 'repo_language': 'Java', 'file_name': 'build.properties', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': 2794074543950574420, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
// Modified and added to the TPIE distribution in April 2003 by // Octavian Procopiuc <[email protected]> /* getopts.cpp - Command line argument parser * * Whom: Steve Mertz <[email protected]> * Date: 20010111 * Why: Because I couldn't find one that I liked. So I wrote this one. * */ /* * Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, Steve Mertz <[email protected]> * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Dragon Ware nor the names of its contributors may be * used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "getopts.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif int option_index = 1; /* int getopts_usage() * * Returns: 1 - Successful */ int getopts_usage(char *progName, struct options opts[]) { int count; char *cmd; printf("Usage: %s [options]\n\n", progName); printf(" --help, -h\t\t\tDisplays this information\n"); for (count = 0; opts[count].description; count++) { if (opts[count].name && opts[count].shortName) { cmd = (char*) calloc(1, strlen(opts[count].name) + strlen(opts[count].shortName) + 15); if (opts[count].args) { sprintf(cmd, "--%s, -%s <args>\t\t", opts[count].name, opts[count].shortName); } else { sprintf(cmd, "--%s, -%s\t\t\t", opts[count].name, opts[count].shortName); } } else if (opts[count].name) { cmd = (char*) calloc(1, strlen(opts[count].name) + 15); if (opts[count].args) { sprintf(cmd, "--%s <args>\t\t\t", opts[count].name); } else { sprintf(cmd, "--%s\t\t\t", opts[count].name); } } else if (opts[count].shortName) { cmd = (char*) calloc(1, strlen(opts[count].shortName) + 15); if (opts[count].args) { sprintf(cmd, "\t\t-%s <args>\t\t", opts[count].shortName); } else { sprintf(cmd, "\t\t-%s\t\t\t", opts[count].shortName); } } printf(" %s%s\n", cmd, opts[count].description); free(cmd); } return 1; } /* int getopts() * * Returns: -1 - Couldn't allocate memory. Please handle me. * 0 - No arguements to parse * # - The number in the struct for the matched arg. * */ int getopts(int argc, char **argv, struct options opts[], char **args) { int count1, sizeOfArgs; if (argc == 1 || option_index == argc) return 0; /* Search for '-h' or '--help' first. Then we can just exit */ for (count1 = 1; count1 < argc; count1++) { if (!strcmp(argv[count1], "-h") || !strcmp(argv[count1], "--help")) { useage: getopts_usage(argv[0], opts); exit(0); } } /* End of -h --help section */ *args = NULL; if (option_index <= argc) { for (count1 = 0; opts[count1].description; count1++) { if ((opts[count1].name && !strcmp(opts[count1].name, (argv[option_index]+2))) || (opts[count1].shortName && !strcmp(opts[count1].shortName, (argv[option_index]+1)))) { if (opts[count1].args) { option_index++; if (option_index >= argc) goto useage; /* This grossness that follows is to supporte having a '-' in the argument. It's all squished together like this because I use an 80 char wide screen for my coding. If you don't like it, help yourself to fixing it so you do. */ if (*argv[option_index] == '-') { int optionSeeker; for (optionSeeker = 0; opts[optionSeeker].description; optionSeeker++) { if ((opts[optionSeeker].name && !strcmp(opts[optionSeeker].name, (argv[option_index]+2))) || (opts[optionSeeker].shortName && !strcmp(opts[optionSeeker].shortName, (argv[option_index]+1)))) { goto useage; } } /* End of gross hack for supporting '-' in arguments. */ } sizeOfArgs = strlen(argv[option_index]); if ((*args = (char*) calloc(1, sizeOfArgs+1)) == NULL) return -1; strncpy(*args, argv[option_index], sizeOfArgs); } option_index++; return opts[count1].number; } } } return 0; } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif
{'repo_name': 'cliqz-oss/keyvi', 'stars': '165', 'repo_language': 'C++', 'file_name': 'Building keyvi dictionaries with python.md', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': 4503536577811668698, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
package com.cxytiandi.elasticjob.parser; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.BeansException; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.BeanDefinition; import org.springframework.beans.factory.support.BeanDefinitionBuilder; import org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.support.ManagedList; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware; import org.springframework.core.annotation.AnnotationUtils; import org.springframework.core.env.Environment; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; import com.cxytiandi.elasticjob.annotation.ElasticJobConf; import com.cxytiandi.elasticjob.base.JobAttributeTag; import com.cxytiandi.elasticjob.dynamic.service.JobService; import com.dangdang.ddframe.job.config.JobCoreConfiguration; import com.dangdang.ddframe.job.config.JobTypeConfiguration; import com.dangdang.ddframe.job.config.dataflow.DataflowJobConfiguration; import com.dangdang.ddframe.job.config.script.ScriptJobConfiguration; import com.dangdang.ddframe.job.config.simple.SimpleJobConfiguration; import com.dangdang.ddframe.job.event.rdb.JobEventRdbConfiguration; import com.dangdang.ddframe.job.executor.handler.JobProperties.JobPropertiesEnum; import com.dangdang.ddframe.job.lite.config.LiteJobConfiguration; import com.dangdang.ddframe.job.lite.spring.api.SpringJobScheduler; import com.dangdang.ddframe.job.reg.zookeeper.ZookeeperRegistryCenter; /** * Job解析类 * * <p>从注解中解析任务信息初始化<p> * * @author yinjihuan * * @about http://cxytiandi.com/about */ public class JobConfParser implements ApplicationContextAware { private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JobConfParser.class); @Autowired private ZookeeperRegistryCenter zookeeperRegistryCenter; private String prefix = "elastic.job."; private Environment environment; @Autowired(required=false) private JobService jobService; private List<String> jobTypeNameList = Arrays.asList("SimpleJob", "DataflowJob", "ScriptJob"); public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext ctx) throws BeansException { environment = ctx.getEnvironment(); Map<String, Object> beanMap = ctx.getBeansWithAnnotation(ElasticJobConf.class); for (Object confBean : beanMap.values()) { Class<?> clz = confBean.getClass(); // 解决CGLIB代理问题 String jobTypeName = clz.getInterfaces()[0].getSimpleName(); if (!jobTypeNameList.contains(jobTypeName)) { jobTypeName = clz.getSuperclass().getInterfaces()[0].getSimpleName(); clz = clz.getSuperclass(); } ElasticJobConf conf = AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(clz, ElasticJobConf.class); String jobClass = clz.getName(); String jobName = conf.name(); String cron = getEnvironmentStringValue(jobName, JobAttributeTag.CRON, conf.cron()); String shardingItemParameters = getEnvironmentStringValue(jobName, JobAttributeTag.SHARDING_ITEM_PARAMETERS, conf.shardingItemParameters()); String description = getEnvironmentStringValue(jobName, JobAttributeTag.DESCRIPTION, conf.description()); String jobParameter = getEnvironmentStringValue(jobName, JobAttributeTag.JOB_PARAMETER, conf.jobParameter()); String jobExceptionHandler = getEnvironmentStringValue(jobName, JobAttributeTag.JOB_EXCEPTION_HANDLER, conf.jobExceptionHandler()); String executorServiceHandler = getEnvironmentStringValue(jobName, JobAttributeTag.EXECUTOR_SERVICE_HANDLER, conf.executorServiceHandler()); String jobShardingStrategyClass = getEnvironmentStringValue(jobName, JobAttributeTag.JOB_SHARDING_STRATEGY_CLASS, conf.jobShardingStrategyClass()); String eventTraceRdbDataSource = getEnvironmentStringValue(jobName, JobAttributeTag.EVENT_TRACE_RDB_DATA_SOURCE, conf.eventTraceRdbDataSource()); String scriptCommandLine = getEnvironmentStringValue(jobName, JobAttributeTag.SCRIPT_COMMAND_LINE, conf.scriptCommandLine()); boolean failover = getEnvironmentBooleanValue(jobName, JobAttributeTag.FAILOVER, conf.failover()); boolean misfire = getEnvironmentBooleanValue(jobName, JobAttributeTag.MISFIRE, conf.misfire()); boolean overwrite = getEnvironmentBooleanValue(jobName, JobAttributeTag.OVERWRITE, conf.overwrite()); boolean disabled = getEnvironmentBooleanValue(jobName, JobAttributeTag.DISABLED, conf.disabled()); boolean monitorExecution = getEnvironmentBooleanValue(jobName, JobAttributeTag.MONITOR_EXECUTION, conf.monitorExecution()); boolean streamingProcess = getEnvironmentBooleanValue(jobName, JobAttributeTag.STREAMING_PROCESS, conf.streamingProcess()); int shardingTotalCount = getEnvironmentIntValue(jobName, JobAttributeTag.SHARDING_TOTAL_COUNT, conf.shardingTotalCount()); int monitorPort = getEnvironmentIntValue(jobName, JobAttributeTag.MONITOR_PORT, conf.monitorPort()); int maxTimeDiffSeconds = getEnvironmentIntValue(jobName, JobAttributeTag.MAX_TIME_DIFF_SECONDS, conf.maxTimeDiffSeconds()); int reconcileIntervalMinutes = getEnvironmentIntValue(jobName, JobAttributeTag.RECONCILE_INTERVAL_MINUTES, conf.reconcileIntervalMinutes()); // 核心配置 JobCoreConfiguration coreConfig = JobCoreConfiguration.newBuilder(jobName, cron, shardingTotalCount) .shardingItemParameters(shardingItemParameters) .description(description) .failover(failover) .jobParameter(jobParameter) .misfire(misfire) .jobProperties(JobPropertiesEnum.JOB_EXCEPTION_HANDLER.getKey(), jobExceptionHandler) .jobProperties(JobPropertiesEnum.EXECUTOR_SERVICE_HANDLER.getKey(), executorServiceHandler) .build(); // 不同类型的任务配置处理 LiteJobConfiguration jobConfig = null; JobTypeConfiguration typeConfig = null; if (jobTypeName.equals("SimpleJob")) { typeConfig = new SimpleJobConfiguration(coreConfig, jobClass); } if (jobTypeName.equals("DataflowJob")) { typeConfig = new DataflowJobConfiguration(coreConfig, jobClass, streamingProcess); } if (jobTypeName.equals("ScriptJob")) { typeConfig = new ScriptJobConfiguration(coreConfig, scriptCommandLine); } jobConfig = LiteJobConfiguration.newBuilder(typeConfig) .overwrite(overwrite) .disabled(disabled) .monitorPort(monitorPort) .monitorExecution(monitorExecution) .maxTimeDiffSeconds(maxTimeDiffSeconds) .jobShardingStrategyClass(jobShardingStrategyClass) .reconcileIntervalMinutes(reconcileIntervalMinutes) .build(); List<BeanDefinition> elasticJobListeners = getTargetElasticJobListeners(conf); // 构建SpringJobScheduler对象来初始化任务 BeanDefinitionBuilder factory = BeanDefinitionBuilder.rootBeanDefinition(SpringJobScheduler.class); factory.setScope(BeanDefinition.SCOPE_PROTOTYPE); if ("ScriptJob".equals(jobTypeName)) { factory.addConstructorArgValue(null); } else { factory.addConstructorArgValue(confBean); } factory.addConstructorArgValue(zookeeperRegistryCenter); factory.addConstructorArgValue(jobConfig); // 任务执行日志数据源,以名称获取 if (StringUtils.hasText(eventTraceRdbDataSource)) { BeanDefinitionBuilder rdbFactory = BeanDefinitionBuilder.rootBeanDefinition(JobEventRdbConfiguration.class); rdbFactory.addConstructorArgReference(eventTraceRdbDataSource); factory.addConstructorArgValue(rdbFactory.getBeanDefinition()); } factory.addConstructorArgValue(elasticJobListeners); DefaultListableBeanFactory defaultListableBeanFactory = (DefaultListableBeanFactory)ctx.getAutowireCapableBeanFactory(); defaultListableBeanFactory.registerBeanDefinition(jobName+"SpringJobScheduler", factory.getBeanDefinition()); SpringJobScheduler springJobScheduler = (SpringJobScheduler) ctx.getBean(jobName+"SpringJobScheduler"); springJobScheduler.init(); logger.info("【" + jobName + "】\t" + jobClass + "\tinit success"); } //开启任务监听,当有任务添加时,监听zk中的数据增加,自动在其他节点也初始化该任务 if (jobService != null) { jobService.monitorJobRegister(); } } private List<BeanDefinition> getTargetElasticJobListeners(ElasticJobConf conf) { List<BeanDefinition> result = new ManagedList<BeanDefinition>(2); String listeners = getEnvironmentStringValue(conf.name(), JobAttributeTag.LISTENER, conf.listener()); if (StringUtils.hasText(listeners)) { BeanDefinitionBuilder factory = BeanDefinitionBuilder.rootBeanDefinition(listeners); factory.setScope(BeanDefinition.SCOPE_PROTOTYPE); result.add(factory.getBeanDefinition()); } String distributedListeners = getEnvironmentStringValue(conf.name(), JobAttributeTag.DISTRIBUTED_LISTENER, conf.distributedListener()); long startedTimeoutMilliseconds = getEnvironmentLongValue(conf.name(), JobAttributeTag.DISTRIBUTED_LISTENER_STARTED_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS, conf.startedTimeoutMilliseconds()); long completedTimeoutMilliseconds = getEnvironmentLongValue(conf.name(), JobAttributeTag.DISTRIBUTED_LISTENER_COMPLETED_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS, conf.completedTimeoutMilliseconds()); if (StringUtils.hasText(distributedListeners)) { BeanDefinitionBuilder factory = BeanDefinitionBuilder.rootBeanDefinition(distributedListeners); factory.setScope(BeanDefinition.SCOPE_PROTOTYPE); factory.addConstructorArgValue(startedTimeoutMilliseconds); factory.addConstructorArgValue(completedTimeoutMilliseconds); result.add(factory.getBeanDefinition()); } return result; } /** * 获取配置中的任务属性值,environment没有就用注解中的值 * @param jobName 任务名称 * @param fieldName 属性名称 * @param defaultValue 默认值 * @return */ private String getEnvironmentStringValue(String jobName, String fieldName, String defaultValue) { String key = prefix + jobName + "." + fieldName; String value = environment.getProperty(key); if (StringUtils.hasText(value)) { return value; } return defaultValue; } private int getEnvironmentIntValue(String jobName, String fieldName, int defaultValue) { String key = prefix + jobName + "." + fieldName; String value = environment.getProperty(key); if (StringUtils.hasText(value)) { return Integer.valueOf(value); } return defaultValue; } private long getEnvironmentLongValue(String jobName, String fieldName, long defaultValue) { String key = prefix + jobName + "." + fieldName; String value = environment.getProperty(key); if (StringUtils.hasText(value)) { return Long.valueOf(value); } return defaultValue; } private boolean getEnvironmentBooleanValue(String jobName, String fieldName, boolean defaultValue) { String key = prefix + jobName + "." + fieldName; String value = environment.getProperty(key); if (StringUtils.hasText(value)) { return Boolean.valueOf(value); } return defaultValue; } }
{'repo_name': 'yinjihuan/elastic-job-spring-boot-starter', 'stars': '339', 'repo_language': 'Java', 'file_name': 'JobAttributeTag.java', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': 4935101989502277869, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import json import urllib2 import urllib WITNESS_URL = "" POST_DATA = '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "call", "params": [0, "get_witness_participation_rate", []], "id": 1}' WECHAT_NOTIFY_URL = "" NO_RESULT_MSG = "见证人监控程序,无法获取参与率, 错误信息:" WARNING_MSG = "见证人参与率预期为100%,当前参与率:" def download(url, data = None): opener = urllib2.build_opener() request = urllib2.Request(url, data) response = opener.open(request, timeout=60) return response.read() def main(): # get error_msg error_msg = "" try: res = download(WITNESS_URL, POST_DATA) js = json.loads(res) participation_rate = js['result'] if 10000 <> participation_rate: error_msg = "%s %f %%" % (WARNING_MSG, float(participation_rate)/100) except Exception as e: error_msg = NO_RESULT_MSG + str(e) # send error_msg if len(error_msg) > 0: notify_url = WECHAT_NOTIFY_URL % (urllib.quote(error_msg)) #print notify_url download(notify_url) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
{'repo_name': 'gxchain/gxb-core', 'stars': '223', 'repo_language': 'WebAssembly', 'file_name': 'CMakeLists.txt', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': -7421662159820525924, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Copyright 2020 The Magma Authors. This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ import argparse import grpc from magma.common.rpc_utils import cloud_grpc_wrapper from orc8r.protos.common_pb2 import Void from feg.protos.mock_core_pb2_grpc import MockCoreConfiguratorStub @cloud_grpc_wrapper def send_reset(client, args): print("Sending reset") try: client.Reset(Void()) except grpc.RpcError as e: print("gRPC failed with %s: %s" % (e.code(), e.details())) def create_parser(): """ Creates the argparse parser with all the arguments. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Management CLI for mock PCRF', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) # Add subcommands subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', dest='cmd') # Reset alert_ack_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'reset', help='Send Reset to mock PCRF hosted in FeG') alert_ack_parser.set_defaults(func=send_reset) return parser def main(): parser = create_parser() # Parse the args args = parser.parse_args() if not args.cmd: parser.print_usage() exit(1) # Execute the subcommand function args.func(args, MockCoreConfiguratorStub, 'pcrf') if __name__ == "__main__": main()
{'repo_name': 'facebookincubator/magma', 'stars': '502', 'repo_language': 'Go', 'file_name': '0008-ovs-datapath-enable-kernel-5.6.patch', 'mime_type': 'text/x-diff', 'hash': -5417632233278398942, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
// // Generated by class-dump 3.5 (64 bit). // // class-dump is Copyright (C) 1997-1998, 2000-2001, 2004-2013 by Steve Nygard. // #import <CommunicationsSetupUI/CNFRegAuthorizedAccountWebViewController.h> @class IMAccount; @interface CNFRegSecureAccountWebViewController : CNFRegAuthorizedAccountWebViewController { IMAccount *_account; BOOL _triedGettingNewCredentials; BOOL _gotNewCredential; unsigned int _signinFailureCount; } @property(retain, nonatomic) IMAccount *account; // @synthesize account=_account; - (void)_setupAccountHandlers; - (id)authTokenHeaderValue; - (id)authIdHeaderValue; - (void)_showForgotPasswordAlert; - (void)_incrementSigninFailureCount; - (void)_resetSigninFailureCount; - (void)_launchForgotPasswordUrl; - (void)_showRequestPasswordAlert; - (void)_showBadPasswordAlert; - (void)_showRegistrationFailureWithError:(id)arg1; - (void)_handleTimeout; - (void)doHandoffWithStatus:(int)arg1 appleID:(id)arg2 authID:(id)arg3 authToken:(id)arg4; - (void)viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)arg1; - (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)arg1; - (void)dealloc; - (id)initWithRegController:(id)arg1 account:(id)arg2; @end
{'repo_name': 'MP0w/iOS-Headers', 'stars': '405', 'repo_language': 'Objective-C', 'file_name': 'IMAVChat-IMAVChatAudioAdditions.h', 'mime_type': 'text/x-objective-c', 'hash': -1651543631709905891, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd"> <mapper namespace="AccountDao"> <resultMap id="AccountMap" type="AccountDO"> <id property="id" column="id" /> <result property="username" column="username" /> <result property="password" column="password" /> <result property="role" column="role" /> <result property="status" column="status" /> <result property="gmtCreate" column="gmt_create" /> <result property="gmtModify" column="gmt_modify" /> </resultMap> <insert id="insert" parameterType="com.xiaojukeji.kafka.manager.common.entity.po.AccountDO"> <![CDATA[ REPLACE account (username, password, role, status) VALUES (#{username}, #{password}, #{role}, #{status}) ]]> </insert> <insert id="insertOnPG" parameterType="com.xiaojukeji.kafka.manager.common.entity.po.AccountDO"> <![CDATA[ insert into account (username, password, role, status) values (#{username}, #{password}, #{role}, #{status}) on conflict (username) do update set password = excluded.password, role = excluded.role, status = excluded.status ]]> </insert> <delete id="deleteByName" parameterType="java.lang.String"> DELETE FROM account WHERE username = #{username} </delete> <select id="getByName" parameterType="java.lang.String" resultMap="AccountMap"> <![CDATA[ SELECT * FROM account WHERE username = #{username} AND status=0 ]]> </select> <select id="list" resultMap="AccountMap"> <![CDATA[ SELECT * FROM account WHERE status = 0 ]]> </select> </mapper>
{'repo_name': 'didi/kafka-manager', 'stars': '193', 'repo_language': 'Java', 'file_name': 'create_mysql_table.sql', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': -8504975406507662978, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
# Node.js [![Gitter](https://badges.gitter.im/Join Chat.svg)](https://gitter.im/nodejs/node?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge) [![CII Best Practices](https://bestpractices.coreinfrastructure.org/projects/29/badge)](https://bestpractices.coreinfrastructure.org/projects/29) Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient. The Node.js package ecosystem, npm, is the largest ecosystem of open source libraries in the world. The Node.js project is supported by the [Node.js Foundation](https://nodejs.org/en/foundation/). Contributions, policies, and releases are managed under an [open governance model](./GOVERNANCE.md). We are also bound by a [Code of Conduct](./CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). If you need help using or installing Node.js, please use the [nodejs/help](https://github.com/nodejs/help) issue tracker. ## Resources for Newcomers ### Official Resources * [Website][] * [Node.js Help][] * [Contributing to the project][] * IRC (node core development): [#node-dev on chat.freenode.net][] ### Unofficial Resources * IRC (general questions): [#node.js on chat.freenode.net][]. Please see <http://nodeirc.info/> for more information regarding the `#node.js` IRC channel. _Please note that unofficial resources are neither managed by (nor necessarily endorsed by) the Node.js TSC/CTC. Specifically, such resources are not currently covered by the [Node.js Moderation Policy][] and the selection and actions of resource operators/moderators are not subject to TSC/CTC oversight._ ## Release Types The Node.js project maintains multiple types of releases: * **Current**: Released from active development branches of this repository, versioned by [SemVer](http://semver.org/) and signed by a member of the [Release Team](#release-team). Code for Current releases is organized in this repository by major version number. For example: [v4.x](https://github.com/nodejs/node/tree/v4.x). The major version number of Current releases will increment every 6 months allowing for breaking changes to be introduced. This happens in April and October every year. Current release lines beginning in October each year have a maximum support life of 8 months. Current release lines beginning in April each year will convert to LTS (see below) after 6 months and receive further support for 30 months. * **LTS**: Releases that receive Long-term Support, with a focus on stability and security. Every second Current release line (major version) will become an LTS line and receive 18 months of _Active LTS_ support and a further 12 months of _Maintenance_. LTS release lines are given alphabetically ordered codenames, beginning with v4 Argon. LTS releases are less frequent and will attempt to maintain consistent major and minor version numbers, only incrementing patch version numbers. There are no breaking changes or feature additions, except in some special circumstances. More information can be found in the [LTS README](https://github.com/nodejs/LTS/). * **Nightly**: Versions of code in this repository on the current Current branch, automatically built every 24-hours where changes exist. Use with caution. ## Download Binaries, installers, and source tarballs are available at <https://nodejs.org>. **Current** and **LTS** releases are available at <https://nodejs.org/download/release/>, listed under their version strings. The [latest](https://nodejs.org/download/release/latest/) directory is an alias for the latest Current release. The latest LTS release from an LTS line is available in the form: latest-_codename_. For example: <https://nodejs.org/download/release/latest-argon> **Nightly** builds are available at <https://nodejs.org/download/nightly/>, listed under their version string which includes their date (in UTC time) and the commit SHA at the HEAD of the release. **API documentation** is available in each release and nightly directory under _docs_. <https://nodejs.org/api/> points to the API documentation of the latest stable version. ### Verifying Binaries Current, LTS and Nightly download directories all contain a _SHASUM256.txt_ file that lists the SHA checksums for each file available for download. The _SHASUM256.txt_ can be downloaded using curl. ```console $ curl -O https://nodejs.org/dist/vx.y.z/SHASUMS256.txt ``` To check that a downloaded file matches the checksum, run it through `sha256sum` with a command such as: ```console $ grep node-vx.y.z.tar.gz SHASUMS256.txt | sha256sum -c - ``` _(Where "node-vx.y.z.tar.gz" is the name of the file you have downloaded)_ Additionally, Current and LTS releases (not Nightlies) have GPG signed copies of SHASUM256.txt files available as SHASUM256.txt.asc. You can use `gpg` to verify that the file has not been tampered with. To verify a SHASUM256.txt.asc, you will first need to import all of the GPG keys of individuals authorized to create releases. They are listed at the bottom of this README under [Release Team](#release-team). Use a command such as this to import the keys: ```console $ gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys DD8F2338BAE7501E3DD5AC78C273792F7D83545D ``` _(See the bottom of this README for a full script to import active release keys)_ You can then use `gpg --verify SHASUMS256.txt.asc` to verify that the file has been signed by an authorized member of the Node.js team. Once verified, use the SHASUMS256.txt.asc file to get the checksum for the binary verification command above. ## Building Node.js See [BUILDING.md](BUILDING.md) for instructions on how to build Node.js from source. ## Security All security bugs in Node.js are taken seriously and should be reported by emailing [email protected]. This will be delivered to a subset of the project team who handle security issues. Please don't disclose security bugs publicly until they have been handled by the security team. Your email will be acknowledged within 24 hours, and you’ll receive a more detailed response to your email within 48 hours indicating the next steps in handling your report. ## Current Project Team Members The Node.js project team comprises a group of core collaborators and a sub-group that forms the _Core Technical Committee_ (CTC) which governs the project. For more information about the governance of the Node.js project, see [GOVERNANCE.md](./GOVERNANCE.md). ### CTC (Core Technical Committee) * [addaleax](https://github.com/addaleax) - **Anna Henningsen** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [bnoordhuis](https://github.com/bnoordhuis) - **Ben Noordhuis** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [ChALkeR](https://github.com/ChALkeR) - **Сковорода Никита Андреевич** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [chrisdickinson](https://github.com/chrisdickinson) - **Chris Dickinson** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [cjihrig](https://github.com/cjihrig) - **Colin Ihrig** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [evanlucas](https://github.com/evanlucas) - **Evan Lucas** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [fishrock123](https://github.com/fishrock123) - **Jeremiah Senkpiel** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [indutny](https://github.com/indutny) - **Fedor Indutny** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [jasnell](https://github.com/jasnell) - **James M Snell** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [mhdawson](https://github.com/mhdawson) - **Michael Dawson** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [misterdjules](https://github.com/misterdjules) - **Julien Gilli** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [mscdex](https://github.com/mscdex) - **Brian White** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [ofrobots](https://github.com/ofrobots) - **Ali Ijaz Sheikh** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [rvagg](https://github.com/rvagg) - **Rod Vagg** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [shigeki](https://github.com/shigeki) - **Shigeki Ohtsu** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [TheAlphaNerd](https://github.com/TheAlphaNerd) - **Myles Borins** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [trevnorris](https://github.com/trevnorris) - **Trevor Norris** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [Trott](https://github.com/Trott) - **Rich Trott** &lt;[email protected]&gt; ### Collaborators * [ak239](https://github.com/ak239) - **Aleksei Koziatinskii** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [andrasq](https://github.com/andrasq) - **Andras** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [AndreasMadsen](https://github.com/AndreasMadsen) - **Andreas Madsen** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [bengl](https://github.com/bengl) - **Bryan English** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [benjamingr](https://github.com/benjamingr) - **Benjamin Gruenbaum** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [bmeck](https://github.com/bmeck) - **Bradley Farias** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [brendanashworth](https://github.com/brendanashworth) - **Brendan Ashworth** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [bzoz](https://github.com/bzoz) - **Bartosz Sosnowski** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [calvinmetcalf](https://github.com/calvinmetcalf) - **Calvin Metcalf** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [claudiorodriguez](https://github.com/claudiorodriguez) - **Claudio Rodriguez** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [danbev](https://github.com/danbev) - **Daniel Bevenius** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [domenic](https://github.com/domenic) - **Domenic Denicola** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [eljefedelrodeodeljefe](https://github.com/eljefedelrodeodeljefe) - **Robert Jefe Lindstaedt** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [estliberitas](https://github.com/estliberitas) - **Alexander Makarenko** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [eugeneo](https://github.com/eugeneo) - **Eugene Ostroukhov** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [fhinkel](https://github.com/fhinkel) - **Franziska Hinkelmann** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [firedfox](https://github.com/firedfox) - **Daniel Wang** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [geek](https://github.com/geek) - **Wyatt Preul** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [gibfahn](https://github.com/gibfahn) - **Gibson Fahnestock** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [iarna](https://github.com/iarna) - **Rebecca Turner** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [imyller](https://github.com/imyller) - **Ilkka Myller** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [isaacs](https://github.com/isaacs) - **Isaac Z. Schlueter** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [iWuzHere](https://github.com/iWuzHere) - **Imran Iqbal** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [JacksonTian](https://github.com/JacksonTian) - **Jackson Tian** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [jbergstroem](https://github.com/jbergstroem) - **Johan Bergström** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [jhamhader](https://github.com/jhamhader) - **Yuval Brik** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [joaocgreis](https://github.com/joaocgreis) - **João Reis** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [joshgav](https://github.com/joshgav) - **Josh Gavant** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [julianduque](https://github.com/julianduque) - **Julian Duque** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [JungMinu](https://github.com/JungMinu) - **Minwoo Jung** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [lance](https://github.com/lance) - **Lance Ball** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [lpinca](https://github.com/lpinca) - **Luigi Pinca** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [lxe](https://github.com/lxe) - **Aleksey Smolenchuk** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [matthewloring](https://github.com/matthewloring) - **Matthew Loring** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [mcollina](https://github.com/mcollina) - **Matteo Collina** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [micnic](https://github.com/micnic) - **Nicu Micleușanu** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [mikeal](https://github.com/mikeal) - **Mikeal Rogers** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [monsanto](https://github.com/monsanto) - **Christopher Monsanto** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [not-an-aardvark](https://github.com/not-an-aardvark) - **Teddy Katz** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [Olegas](https://github.com/Olegas) - **Oleg Elifantiev** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [orangemocha](https://github.com/orangemocha) - **Alexis Campailla** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [othiym23](https://github.com/othiym23) - **Forrest L Norvell** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [petkaantonov](https://github.com/petkaantonov) - **Petka Antonov** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [phillipj](https://github.com/phillipj) - **Phillip Johnsen** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [piscisaureus](https://github.com/piscisaureus) - **Bert Belder** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [pmq20](https://github.com/pmq20) - **Minqi Pan** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [princejwesley](https://github.com/princejwesley) - **Prince John Wesley** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [qard](https://github.com/qard) - **Stephen Belanger** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [rlidwka](https://github.com/rlidwka) - **Alex Kocharin** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [rmg](https://github.com/rmg) - **Ryan Graham** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [robertkowalski](https://github.com/robertkowalski) - **Robert Kowalski** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [romankl](https://github.com/romankl) - **Roman Klauke** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [ronkorving](https://github.com/ronkorving) - **Ron Korving** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [RReverser](https://github.com/RReverser) - **Ingvar Stepanyan** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [saghul](https://github.com/saghul) - **Saúl Ibarra Corretgé** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [sam-github](https://github.com/sam-github) - **Sam Roberts** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [santigimeno](https://github.com/santigimeno) - **Santiago Gimeno** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [seishun](https://github.com/seishun) - **Nikolai Vavilov** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [silverwind](https://github.com/silverwind) - **Roman Reiss** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [srl295](https://github.com/srl295) - **Steven R Loomis** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [stefanmb](https://github.com/stefanmb) - **Stefan Budeanu** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [targos](https://github.com/targos) - **Michaël Zasso** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [tellnes](https://github.com/tellnes) - **Christian Tellnes** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [thefourtheye](https://github.com/thefourtheye) - **Sakthipriyan Vairamani** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [thekemkid](https://github.com/thekemkid) - **Glen Keane** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [thlorenz](https://github.com/thlorenz) - **Thorsten Lorenz** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [tunniclm](https://github.com/tunniclm) - **Mike Tunnicliffe** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [vkurchatkin](https://github.com/vkurchatkin) - **Vladimir Kurchatkin** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [whitlockjc](https://github.com/whitlockjc) - **Jeremy Whitlock** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [yorkie](https://github.com/yorkie) - **Yorkie Liu** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [yosuke-furukawa](https://github.com/yosuke-furukawa) - **Yosuke Furukawa** &lt;[email protected]&gt; * [zkat](https://github.com/zkat) - **Kat Marchán** &lt;[email protected]&gt; Collaborators (which includes CTC members) follow the [COLLABORATOR_GUIDE.md](./COLLABORATOR_GUIDE.md) in maintaining the Node.js project. ### Release Team Releases of Node.js and io.js will be signed with one of the following GPG keys: * **Chris Dickinson** &lt;[email protected]&gt; `9554F04D7259F04124DE6B476D5A82AC7E37093B` * **Colin Ihrig** &lt;[email protected]&gt; `94AE36675C464D64BAFA68DD7434390BDBE9B9C5` * **Evan Lucas** &lt;[email protected]&gt; `B9AE9905FFD7803F25714661B63B535A4C206CA9` * **James M Snell** &lt;[email protected]&gt; `71DCFD284A79C3B38668286BC97EC7A07EDE3FC1` * **Jeremiah Senkpiel** &lt;[email protected]&gt; `FD3A5288F042B6850C66B31F09FE44734EB7990E` * **Myles Borins** &lt;[email protected]&gt; `C4F0DFFF4E8C1A8236409D08E73BC641CC11F4C8` * **Rod Vagg** &lt;[email protected]&gt; `DD8F2338BAE7501E3DD5AC78C273792F7D83545D` * **Sam Roberts** &lt;[email protected]&gt; `0034A06D9D9B0064CE8ADF6BF1747F4AD2306D93` The full set of trusted release keys can be imported by running: ```shell gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys 9554F04D7259F04124DE6B476D5A82AC7E37093B gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys 94AE36675C464D64BAFA68DD7434390BDBE9B9C5 gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys 0034A06D9D9B0064CE8ADF6BF1747F4AD2306D93 gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys FD3A5288F042B6850C66B31F09FE44734EB7990E gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys 71DCFD284A79C3B38668286BC97EC7A07EDE3FC1 gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys DD8F2338BAE7501E3DD5AC78C273792F7D83545D gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys C4F0DFFF4E8C1A8236409D08E73BC641CC11F4C8 gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys B9AE9905FFD7803F25714661B63B535A4C206CA9 ``` See the section above on [Verifying Binaries](#verifying-binaries) for details on what to do with these keys to verify that a downloaded file is official. Previous releases of Node.js have been signed with one of the following GPG keys: * **Isaac Z. Schlueter** &lt;[email protected]&gt; `93C7E9E91B49E432C2F75674B0A78B0A6C481CF6` * **Julien Gilli** &lt;[email protected]&gt; `114F43EE0176B71C7BC219DD50A3051F888C628D` * **Timothy J Fontaine** &lt;[email protected]&gt; `7937DFD2AB06298B2293C3187D33FF9D0246406D` [Website]: https://nodejs.org/en/ [Contributing to the project]: CONTRIBUTING.md [Node.js Help]: https://github.com/nodejs/help [Node.js Moderation Policy]: https://github.com/nodejs/TSC/blob/master/Moderation-Policy.md [#node.js on chat.freenode.net]: https://webchat.freenode.net?channels=node.js&uio=d4 [#node-dev on chat.freenode.net]: https://webchat.freenode.net?channels=node-dev&uio=d4
{'repo_name': 'domino-team/openwrt-cc', 'stars': '111', 'repo_language': 'C++', 'file_name': 'ecp_nistz256-avx2.pl', 'mime_type': 'text/x-perl', 'hash': -285215796152848364, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
"itembuilds/default_sohei.txt" { "author" "Open Angel Arena" "hero" "npc_dota_hero_sohei" "Title" "Recommended items for Sohei" "Items" { "#DOTA_Item_Build_Starting_Items" { "item" "item_quelling_blade" "item" "item_flask" "item" "item_magic_wand" } "#DOTA_Item_Build_Early_Game" { "item" "item_armlet" "item" "item_echo_sabre" "item" "item_heart" } "#DOTA_Item_Build_Mid_Items" { "item" "item_desolator" "item" "item_mjollnir" "item" "item_monkey_king_bar" } "#DOTA_Item_Build_Core_Items" { "item" "item_satanic" "item" "item_bfury" "item" "item_greater_crit" } "#DOTA_Item_Build_Luxury" { "item" "item_ultimate_scepter" "item" "item_abyssal_blade_3" "item" "item_assault" "item" "item_giant_form" "item" "item_pull_staff" "item" "item_heavens_halberd" } } }
{'repo_name': 'OpenAngelArena/oaa', 'stars': '193', 'repo_language': 'Lua', 'file_name': 'launch.json', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': 7437959883519751732, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
//------------------------------------------------------------------------- // flags for vc_dispmanx_element_change_attributes // // can be found in interface/vmcs_host/vc_vchi_dispmanx.h // but you can't include that file as // interface/peer/vc_vchi_dispmanx_common.h is missing. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef ELEMENT_CHANGE_H #define ELEMENT_CHANGE_H #ifndef ELEMENT_CHANGE_LAYER #define ELEMENT_CHANGE_LAYER (1<<0) #endif #ifndef ELEMENT_CHANGE_OPACITY #define ELEMENT_CHANGE_OPACITY (1<<1) #endif #ifndef ELEMENT_CHANGE_DEST_RECT #define ELEMENT_CHANGE_DEST_RECT (1<<2) #endif #ifndef ELEMENT_CHANGE_SRC_RECT #define ELEMENT_CHANGE_SRC_RECT (1<<3) #endif #ifndef ELEMENT_CHANGE_MASK_RESOURCE #define ELEMENT_CHANGE_MASK_RESOURCE (1<<4) #endif #ifndef ELEMENT_CHANGE_TRANSFORM #define ELEMENT_CHANGE_TRANSFORM (1<<5) #endif #endif
{'repo_name': 'AndrewFromMelbourne/raspidmx', 'stars': '177', 'repo_language': 'C', 'file_name': 'Makefile', 'mime_type': 'text/x-makefile', 'hash': 251230986575201211, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
#%Module1.0 ############################################################################## # Modules Revision 3.0 # Providing a flexible user environment # # File: versions/%M% # Revision: %I% # First Edition: 2001/06/20 # Last Mod.: %U%, %G% # # Authors: R.K.Owen # # Description: Testuite modulefile # Command: # # Invocation: # Result: %R{ # }R% # Comment: %C{ # tests whether the versioning stack is working. # }C% # ############################################################################## if [ expr [ module-info mode load ] || [ module-info mode display ] ] { setenv MODULE_VERSION 1.1 } prepend-path MODULE_VERSION_STACK 1.1 if [ module-info mode remove ] { unsetenv MODULE_VERSION [lindex [split $env(MODULE_VERSION_STACK) : ] 0 ] }
{'repo_name': 'cea-hpc/modules', 'stars': '267', 'repo_language': 'Tcl', 'file_name': 'name', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': -5763305062082910138, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
<resources> <color name="colorPrimary">#3F51B5</color> <color name="colorPrimaryDark">#303F9F</color> <color name="colorAccent">#FF4081</color> <!-- Base application theme. --> <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar"> <!-- Customize your theme here. --> <item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorPrimary</item> <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/colorPrimaryDark</item> <item name="colorAccent">@color/colorAccent</item> </style> </resources>
{'repo_name': 'heremaps/here-android-sdk-examples', 'stars': '109', 'repo_language': 'Java', 'file_name': 'MapFragmentView.java', 'mime_type': 'text/x-java', 'hash': -5434807066047510772, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
<!-- - @copyright Copyright (c) 2018 Julius Härtl <[email protected]> - - @author Julius Härtl <[email protected]> - - @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version - - This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as - published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the - License, or (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU Affero General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License - along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. - --> <template> <div class="section" :class="{ selected: isSelected }" @click="showAppDetails"> <div class="app-image app-image-icon" @click="showAppDetails"> <div v-if="(listView && !app.preview) || (!listView && !screenshotLoaded)" class="icon-settings-dark" /> <svg v-else-if="listView && app.preview" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32"> <defs><filter :id="filterId"><feColorMatrix in="SourceGraphic" type="matrix" values="-1 0 0 0 1 0 -1 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0" /></filter></defs> <image x="0" y="0" width="32" height="32" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet" :filter="filterUrl" :xlink:href="app.preview" class="app-icon" /> </svg> <img v-if="!listView && app.screenshot && screenshotLoaded" :src="app.screenshot" width="100%"> </div> <div class="app-name" @click="showAppDetails"> {{ app.name }} </div> <div v-if="!listView" class="app-summary"> {{ app.summary }} </div> <div v-if="listView" class="app-version"> <span v-if="app.version">{{ app.version }}</span> <span v-else-if="app.appstoreData.releases[0].version">{{ app.appstoreData.releases[0].version }}</span> </div> <div class="app-level"> <span v-if="app.level === 300" v-tooltip.auto="t('settings', 'This app is supported via your current Nextcloud subscription.')" class="supported icon-checkmark-color"> {{ t('settings', 'Supported') }}</span> <span v-if="app.level === 200" v-tooltip.auto="t('settings', 'Featured apps are developed by and within the community. They offer central functionality and are ready for production use.')" class="official icon-checkmark"> {{ t('settings', 'Featured') }}</span> <AppScore v-if="hasRating && !listView" :score="app.score" /> </div> <div class="actions"> <div v-if="app.error" class="warning"> {{ app.error }} </div> <div v-if="isLoading" class="icon icon-loading-small" /> <input v-if="app.update" class="update primary" type="button" :value="t('settings', 'Update to {update}', {update:app.update})" :disabled="installing || isLoading" @click.stop="update(app.id)"> <input v-if="app.canUnInstall" class="uninstall" type="button" :value="t('settings', 'Remove')" :disabled="installing || isLoading" @click.stop="remove(app.id)"> <input v-if="app.active" class="enable" type="button" :value="t('settings','Disable')" :disabled="installing || isLoading" @click.stop="disable(app.id)"> <input v-if="!app.active && (app.canInstall || app.isCompatible)" v-tooltip.auto="enableButtonTooltip" class="enable" type="button" :value="enableButtonText" :disabled="!app.canInstall || installing || isLoading" @click.stop="enable(app.id)"> <input v-else-if="!app.active" v-tooltip.auto="forceEnableButtonTooltip" class="enable force" type="button" :value="forceEnableButtonText" :disabled="installing || isLoading" @click.stop="forceEnable(app.id)"> </div> </div> </template> <script> import AppScore from './AppScore' import AppManagement from '../../mixins/AppManagement' import SvgFilterMixin from '../SvgFilterMixin' export default { name: 'AppItem', components: { AppScore, }, mixins: [AppManagement, SvgFilterMixin], props: { app: {}, category: {}, listView: { type: Boolean, default: true, }, }, data() { return { isSelected: false, scrolled: false, screenshotLoaded: false, } }, computed: { hasRating() { return this.app.appstoreData && this.app.appstoreData.ratingNumOverall > 5 }, }, watch: { '$route.params.id'(id) { this.isSelected = (this.app.id === id) }, }, mounted() { this.isSelected = (this.app.id === this.$route.params.id) if (this.app.screenshot) { const image = new Image() image.onload = (e) => { this.screenshotLoaded = true } image.src = this.app.screenshot } }, watchers: { }, methods: { async showAppDetails(event) { if (event.currentTarget.tagName === 'INPUT' || event.currentTarget.tagName === 'A') { return } try { await this.$router.push({ name: 'apps-details', params: { category: this.category, id: this.app.id }, }) } catch (e) { // we already view this app } }, prefix(prefix, content) { return prefix + '_' + content }, }, } </script> <style scoped> .force { background: var(--color-main-background); border-color: var(--color-error); color: var(--color-error); } .force:hover, .force:active { background: var(--color-error); border-color: var(--color-error) !important; color: var(--color-main-background); } </style>
{'repo_name': 'nextcloud/server', 'stars': '11218', 'repo_language': 'PHP', 'file_name': 'webpack.js', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': -4158776790597008594, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
// Copyright 2019 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package software.aws.toolkits.core.utils import java.util.Random object RuleUtils { fun randomName(prefix: String = "a", length: Int = 63): String { val characters = ('0'..'9') + ('A'..'Z') + ('a'..'Z') val userName = System.getProperty("user.name", "unknown") return "${prefix.toLowerCase()}-${userName.toLowerCase()}-${List(length) { characters.random() }.joinToString("")}".take(length) } fun prefixFromCallingClass(): String { val callingClass = Thread.currentThread().stackTrace[3].className return callingClass.substringAfterLast(".") } fun randomNumber(min: Int = 0, max: Int = 65535): Int = Random().nextInt(max - min + 1) + min }
{'repo_name': 'aws/aws-toolkit-jetbrains', 'stars': '449', 'repo_language': 'Kotlin', 'file_name': 'DotNetLambdaBuilderTest.kt', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': 4634542050259621556, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
// // Generated by class-dump 3.5 (64 bit) (Debug version compiled Jun 9 2015 22:53:21). // // class-dump is Copyright (C) 1997-1998, 2000-2001, 2004-2014 by Steve Nygard. // #import <Foundation/NSValueTransformer.h> @interface TNSUIntegerToNSSizeTransformer : NSValueTransformer { } - (BOOL)allowsReverseTransformation; - (id)reverseTransformedValue:(id)arg1; - (id)transformedValue:(id)arg1; @end
{'repo_name': 'w0lfschild/macOS_headers', 'stars': '304', 'repo_language': 'None', 'file_name': 'NSTextFinderBarContainer-Protocol.h', 'mime_type': 'text/x-objective-c', 'hash': 5205870497944673134, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
//===- ThreadSafetyCommon.h -------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // Parts of thread safety analysis that are not specific to thread safety // itself have been factored into classes here, where they can be potentially // used by other analyses. Currently these include: // // * Generalize clang CFG visitors. // * Conversion of the clang CFG to SSA form. // * Translation of clang Exprs to TIL SExprs // // UNDER CONSTRUCTION. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #ifndef LLVM_CLANG_ANALYSIS_ANALYSES_THREADSAFETYCOMMON_H #define LLVM_CLANG_ANALYSIS_ANALYSES_THREADSAFETYCOMMON_H #include "clang/AST/Decl.h" #include "clang/Analysis/Analyses/PostOrderCFGView.h" #include "clang/Analysis/Analyses/ThreadSafetyTIL.h" #include "clang/Analysis/Analyses/ThreadSafetyTraverse.h" #include "clang/Analysis/Analyses/ThreadSafetyUtil.h" #include "clang/Analysis/AnalysisDeclContext.h" #include "clang/Analysis/CFG.h" #include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h" #include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h" #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h" #include "llvm/Support/Casting.h" #include <sstream> #include <string> #include <utility> #include <vector> namespace clang { class AbstractConditionalOperator; class ArraySubscriptExpr; class BinaryOperator; class CallExpr; class CastExpr; class CXXDestructorDecl; class CXXMemberCallExpr; class CXXOperatorCallExpr; class CXXThisExpr; class DeclRefExpr; class DeclStmt; class Expr; class MemberExpr; class Stmt; class UnaryOperator; namespace threadSafety { // Various helper functions on til::SExpr namespace sx { inline bool equals(const til::SExpr *E1, const til::SExpr *E2) { return til::EqualsComparator::compareExprs(E1, E2); } inline bool matches(const til::SExpr *E1, const til::SExpr *E2) { // We treat a top-level wildcard as the "univsersal" lock. // It matches everything for the purpose of checking locks, but not // for unlocking them. if (isa<til::Wildcard>(E1)) return isa<til::Wildcard>(E2); if (isa<til::Wildcard>(E2)) return isa<til::Wildcard>(E1); return til::MatchComparator::compareExprs(E1, E2); } inline bool partiallyMatches(const til::SExpr *E1, const til::SExpr *E2) { const auto *PE1 = dyn_cast_or_null<til::Project>(E1); if (!PE1) return false; const auto *PE2 = dyn_cast_or_null<til::Project>(E2); if (!PE2) return false; return PE1->clangDecl() == PE2->clangDecl(); } inline std::string toString(const til::SExpr *E) { std::stringstream ss; til::StdPrinter::print(E, ss); return ss.str(); } } // namespace sx // This class defines the interface of a clang CFG Visitor. // CFGWalker will invoke the following methods. // Note that methods are not virtual; the visitor is templatized. class CFGVisitor { // Enter the CFG for Decl D, and perform any initial setup operations. void enterCFG(CFG *Cfg, const NamedDecl *D, const CFGBlock *First) {} // Enter a CFGBlock. void enterCFGBlock(const CFGBlock *B) {} // Returns true if this visitor implements handlePredecessor bool visitPredecessors() { return true; } // Process a predecessor edge. void handlePredecessor(const CFGBlock *Pred) {} // Process a successor back edge to a previously visited block. void handlePredecessorBackEdge(const CFGBlock *Pred) {} // Called just before processing statements. void enterCFGBlockBody(const CFGBlock *B) {} // Process an ordinary statement. void handleStatement(const Stmt *S) {} // Process a destructor call void handleDestructorCall(const VarDecl *VD, const CXXDestructorDecl *DD) {} // Called after all statements have been handled. void exitCFGBlockBody(const CFGBlock *B) {} // Return true bool visitSuccessors() { return true; } // Process a successor edge. void handleSuccessor(const CFGBlock *Succ) {} // Process a successor back edge to a previously visited block. void handleSuccessorBackEdge(const CFGBlock *Succ) {} // Leave a CFGBlock. void exitCFGBlock(const CFGBlock *B) {} // Leave the CFG, and perform any final cleanup operations. void exitCFG(const CFGBlock *Last) {} }; // Walks the clang CFG, and invokes methods on a given CFGVisitor. class CFGWalker { public: CFGWalker() = default; // Initialize the CFGWalker. This setup only needs to be done once, even // if there are multiple passes over the CFG. bool init(AnalysisDeclContext &AC) { ACtx = &AC; CFGraph = AC.getCFG(); if (!CFGraph) return false; // Ignore anonymous functions. if (!dyn_cast_or_null<NamedDecl>(AC.getDecl())) return false; SortedGraph = AC.getAnalysis<PostOrderCFGView>(); if (!SortedGraph) return false; return true; } // Traverse the CFG, calling methods on V as appropriate. template <class Visitor> void walk(Visitor &V) { PostOrderCFGView::CFGBlockSet VisitedBlocks(CFGraph); V.enterCFG(CFGraph, getDecl(), &CFGraph->getEntry()); for (const auto *CurrBlock : *SortedGraph) { VisitedBlocks.insert(CurrBlock); V.enterCFGBlock(CurrBlock); // Process predecessors, handling back edges last if (V.visitPredecessors()) { SmallVector<CFGBlock*, 4> BackEdges; // Process successors for (CFGBlock::const_pred_iterator SI = CurrBlock->pred_begin(), SE = CurrBlock->pred_end(); SI != SE; ++SI) { if (*SI == nullptr) continue; if (!VisitedBlocks.alreadySet(*SI)) { BackEdges.push_back(*SI); continue; } V.handlePredecessor(*SI); } for (auto *Blk : BackEdges) V.handlePredecessorBackEdge(Blk); } V.enterCFGBlockBody(CurrBlock); // Process statements for (const auto &BI : *CurrBlock) { switch (BI.getKind()) { case CFGElement::Statement: V.handleStatement(BI.castAs<CFGStmt>().getStmt()); break; case CFGElement::AutomaticObjectDtor: { CFGAutomaticObjDtor AD = BI.castAs<CFGAutomaticObjDtor>(); auto *DD = const_cast<CXXDestructorDecl *>( AD.getDestructorDecl(ACtx->getASTContext())); auto *VD = const_cast<VarDecl *>(AD.getVarDecl()); V.handleDestructorCall(VD, DD); break; } default: break; } } V.exitCFGBlockBody(CurrBlock); // Process successors, handling back edges first. if (V.visitSuccessors()) { SmallVector<CFGBlock*, 8> ForwardEdges; // Process successors for (CFGBlock::const_succ_iterator SI = CurrBlock->succ_begin(), SE = CurrBlock->succ_end(); SI != SE; ++SI) { if (*SI == nullptr) continue; if (!VisitedBlocks.alreadySet(*SI)) { ForwardEdges.push_back(*SI); continue; } V.handleSuccessorBackEdge(*SI); } for (auto *Blk : ForwardEdges) V.handleSuccessor(Blk); } V.exitCFGBlock(CurrBlock); } V.exitCFG(&CFGraph->getExit()); } const CFG *getGraph() const { return CFGraph; } CFG *getGraph() { return CFGraph; } const NamedDecl *getDecl() const { return dyn_cast<NamedDecl>(ACtx->getDecl()); } const PostOrderCFGView *getSortedGraph() const { return SortedGraph; } private: CFG *CFGraph = nullptr; AnalysisDeclContext *ACtx = nullptr; PostOrderCFGView *SortedGraph = nullptr; }; // TODO: move this back into ThreadSafety.cpp // This is specific to thread safety. It is here because // translateAttrExpr needs it, but that should be moved too. class CapabilityExpr { private: /// The capability expression. const til::SExpr* CapExpr; /// True if this is a negative capability. bool Negated; public: CapabilityExpr(const til::SExpr *E, bool Neg) : CapExpr(E), Negated(Neg) {} const til::SExpr* sexpr() const { return CapExpr; } bool negative() const { return Negated; } CapabilityExpr operator!() const { return CapabilityExpr(CapExpr, !Negated); } bool equals(const CapabilityExpr &other) const { return (Negated == other.Negated) && sx::equals(CapExpr, other.CapExpr); } bool matches(const CapabilityExpr &other) const { return (Negated == other.Negated) && sx::matches(CapExpr, other.CapExpr); } bool matchesUniv(const CapabilityExpr &CapE) const { return isUniversal() || matches(CapE); } bool partiallyMatches(const CapabilityExpr &other) const { return (Negated == other.Negated) && sx::partiallyMatches(CapExpr, other.CapExpr); } const ValueDecl* valueDecl() const { if (Negated || CapExpr == nullptr) return nullptr; if (const auto *P = dyn_cast<til::Project>(CapExpr)) return P->clangDecl(); if (const auto *P = dyn_cast<til::LiteralPtr>(CapExpr)) return P->clangDecl(); return nullptr; } std::string toString() const { if (Negated) return "!" + sx::toString(CapExpr); return sx::toString(CapExpr); } bool shouldIgnore() const { return CapExpr == nullptr; } bool isInvalid() const { return sexpr() && isa<til::Undefined>(sexpr()); } bool isUniversal() const { return sexpr() && isa<til::Wildcard>(sexpr()); } }; // Translate clang::Expr to til::SExpr. class SExprBuilder { public: /// Encapsulates the lexical context of a function call. The lexical /// context includes the arguments to the call, including the implicit object /// argument. When an attribute containing a mutex expression is attached to /// a method, the expression may refer to formal parameters of the method. /// Actual arguments must be substituted for formal parameters to derive /// the appropriate mutex expression in the lexical context where the function /// is called. PrevCtx holds the context in which the arguments themselves /// should be evaluated; multiple calling contexts can be chained together /// by the lock_returned attribute. struct CallingContext { // The previous context; or 0 if none. CallingContext *Prev; // The decl to which the attr is attached. const NamedDecl *AttrDecl; // Implicit object argument -- e.g. 'this' const Expr *SelfArg = nullptr; // Number of funArgs unsigned NumArgs = 0; // Function arguments const Expr *const *FunArgs = nullptr; // is Self referred to with -> or .? bool SelfArrow = false; CallingContext(CallingContext *P, const NamedDecl *D = nullptr) : Prev(P), AttrDecl(D) {} }; SExprBuilder(til::MemRegionRef A) : Arena(A) { // FIXME: we don't always have a self-variable. SelfVar = new (Arena) til::Variable(nullptr); SelfVar->setKind(til::Variable::VK_SFun); } // Translate a clang expression in an attribute to a til::SExpr. // Constructs the context from D, DeclExp, and SelfDecl. CapabilityExpr translateAttrExpr(const Expr *AttrExp, const NamedDecl *D, const Expr *DeclExp, VarDecl *SelfD=nullptr); CapabilityExpr translateAttrExpr(const Expr *AttrExp, CallingContext *Ctx); // Translate a clang statement or expression to a TIL expression. // Also performs substitution of variables; Ctx provides the context. // Dispatches on the type of S. til::SExpr *translate(const Stmt *S, CallingContext *Ctx); til::SCFG *buildCFG(CFGWalker &Walker); til::SExpr *lookupStmt(const Stmt *S); til::BasicBlock *lookupBlock(const CFGBlock *B) { return BlockMap[B->getBlockID()]; } const til::SCFG *getCFG() const { return Scfg; } til::SCFG *getCFG() { return Scfg; } private: // We implement the CFGVisitor API friend class CFGWalker; til::SExpr *translateDeclRefExpr(const DeclRefExpr *DRE, CallingContext *Ctx) ; til::SExpr *translateCXXThisExpr(const CXXThisExpr *TE, CallingContext *Ctx); til::SExpr *translateMemberExpr(const MemberExpr *ME, CallingContext *Ctx); til::SExpr *translateObjCIVarRefExpr(const ObjCIvarRefExpr *IVRE, CallingContext *Ctx); til::SExpr *translateCallExpr(const CallExpr *CE, CallingContext *Ctx, const Expr *SelfE = nullptr); til::SExpr *translateCXXMemberCallExpr(const CXXMemberCallExpr *ME, CallingContext *Ctx); til::SExpr *translateCXXOperatorCallExpr(const CXXOperatorCallExpr *OCE, CallingContext *Ctx); til::SExpr *translateUnaryOperator(const UnaryOperator *UO, CallingContext *Ctx); til::SExpr *translateBinOp(til::TIL_BinaryOpcode Op, const BinaryOperator *BO, CallingContext *Ctx, bool Reverse = false); til::SExpr *translateBinAssign(til::TIL_BinaryOpcode Op, const BinaryOperator *BO, CallingContext *Ctx, bool Assign = false); til::SExpr *translateBinaryOperator(const BinaryOperator *BO, CallingContext *Ctx); til::SExpr *translateCastExpr(const CastExpr *CE, CallingContext *Ctx); til::SExpr *translateArraySubscriptExpr(const ArraySubscriptExpr *E, CallingContext *Ctx); til::SExpr *translateAbstractConditionalOperator( const AbstractConditionalOperator *C, CallingContext *Ctx); til::SExpr *translateDeclStmt(const DeclStmt *S, CallingContext *Ctx); // Map from statements in the clang CFG to SExprs in the til::SCFG. using StatementMap = llvm::DenseMap<const Stmt *, til::SExpr *>; // Map from clang local variables to indices in a LVarDefinitionMap. using LVarIndexMap = llvm::DenseMap<const ValueDecl *, unsigned>; // Map from local variable indices to SSA variables (or constants). using NameVarPair = std::pair<const ValueDecl *, til::SExpr *>; using LVarDefinitionMap = CopyOnWriteVector<NameVarPair>; struct BlockInfo { LVarDefinitionMap ExitMap; bool HasBackEdges = false; // Successors yet to be processed unsigned UnprocessedSuccessors = 0; // Predecessors already processed unsigned ProcessedPredecessors = 0; BlockInfo() = default; BlockInfo(BlockInfo &&) = default; BlockInfo &operator=(BlockInfo &&) = default; }; void enterCFG(CFG *Cfg, const NamedDecl *D, const CFGBlock *First); void enterCFGBlock(const CFGBlock *B); bool visitPredecessors() { return true; } void handlePredecessor(const CFGBlock *Pred); void handlePredecessorBackEdge(const CFGBlock *Pred); void enterCFGBlockBody(const CFGBlock *B); void handleStatement(const Stmt *S); void handleDestructorCall(const VarDecl *VD, const CXXDestructorDecl *DD); void exitCFGBlockBody(const CFGBlock *B); bool visitSuccessors() { return true; } void handleSuccessor(const CFGBlock *Succ); void handleSuccessorBackEdge(const CFGBlock *Succ); void exitCFGBlock(const CFGBlock *B); void exitCFG(const CFGBlock *Last); void insertStmt(const Stmt *S, til::SExpr *E) { SMap.insert(std::make_pair(S, E)); } til::SExpr *getCurrentLVarDefinition(const ValueDecl *VD); til::SExpr *addStatement(til::SExpr *E, const Stmt *S, const ValueDecl *VD = nullptr); til::SExpr *lookupVarDecl(const ValueDecl *VD); til::SExpr *addVarDecl(const ValueDecl *VD, til::SExpr *E); til::SExpr *updateVarDecl(const ValueDecl *VD, til::SExpr *E); void makePhiNodeVar(unsigned i, unsigned NPreds, til::SExpr *E); void mergeEntryMap(LVarDefinitionMap Map); void mergeEntryMapBackEdge(); void mergePhiNodesBackEdge(const CFGBlock *Blk); private: // Set to true when parsing capability expressions, which get translated // inaccurately in order to hack around smart pointers etc. static const bool CapabilityExprMode = true; til::MemRegionRef Arena; // Variable to use for 'this'. May be null. til::Variable *SelfVar = nullptr; til::SCFG *Scfg = nullptr; // Map from Stmt to TIL Variables StatementMap SMap; // Indices of clang local vars. LVarIndexMap LVarIdxMap; // Map from clang to til BBs. std::vector<til::BasicBlock *> BlockMap; // Extra information per BB. Indexed by clang BlockID. std::vector<BlockInfo> BBInfo; LVarDefinitionMap CurrentLVarMap; std::vector<til::Phi *> CurrentArguments; std::vector<til::SExpr *> CurrentInstructions; std::vector<til::Phi *> IncompleteArgs; til::BasicBlock *CurrentBB = nullptr; BlockInfo *CurrentBlockInfo = nullptr; }; // Dump an SCFG to llvm::errs(). void printSCFG(CFGWalker &Walker); } // namespace threadSafety } // namespace clang #endif // LLVM_CLANG_THREAD_SAFETY_COMMON_H
{'repo_name': 'apple/swift-clang', 'stars': '668', 'repo_language': 'C++', 'file_name': '__init__.py', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': -2807252079772653443, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
import React from 'react'; import { StyledIcon } from '../StyledIcon'; export const Inspect = props => ( <StyledIcon viewBox='0 0 24 24' a11yTitle='Inspect' {...props}> <path fill='none' stroke='#000' strokeWidth='2' d='M5.5,21 C7.98528137,21 10,18.9852814 10,16.5 C10,14.0147186 7.98528137,12 5.5,12 C3.01471863,12 1,14.0147186 1,16.5 C1,18.9852814 3.01471863,21 5.5,21 Z M1,16 L1,7 L1,6.5 C1,4.01471863 3.01471863,2 5.5,2 L6,2 M23,16 L23,7 L23,6.5 C23,4.01471863 20.9852814,2 18.5,2 L18,2 M18.5,21 C20.9852814,21 23,18.9852814 23,16.5 C23,14.0147186 20.9852814,12 18.5,12 C16.0147186,12 14,14.0147186 14,16.5 C14,18.9852814 16.0147186,21 18.5,21 Z M10,17 C10,17 10,15 12,15 C14,15 14,17 14,17' /> </StyledIcon> );
{'repo_name': 'grommet/grommet-icons', 'stars': '180', 'repo_language': 'JavaScript', 'file_name': 'config.yml', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': 6005147089431510929, 'source_dataset': 'data'}
/* * Copyright 2017 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.repositories.metadata; import org.gradle.api.artifacts.ModuleIdentifier; import org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.ivyservice.ivyresolve.parser.MetaDataParser; import org.gradle.internal.hash.ChecksumService; import org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.repositories.maven.MavenMetadataLoader; import org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.repositories.resolver.ResourcePattern; import org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.repositories.resolver.VersionLister; import org.gradle.internal.component.external.model.ModuleDependencyMetadata; import org.gradle.internal.component.external.model.maven.MutableMavenModuleResolveMetadata; import org.gradle.internal.component.model.IvyArtifactName; import org.gradle.internal.resolve.result.BuildableModuleVersionListingResolveResult; import org.gradle.internal.resource.local.FileResourceRepository; import javax.inject.Inject; import java.util.List; import static org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.repositories.metadata.DefaultArtifactMetadataSource.getPrimaryDependencyArtifact; public class MavenLocalPomMetadataSource extends DefaultMavenPomMetadataSource { @Inject public MavenLocalPomMetadataSource(MetadataArtifactProvider metadataArtifactProvider, MetaDataParser<MutableMavenModuleResolveMetadata> pomParser, FileResourceRepository fileResourceRepository, MavenMetadataValidator validator, MavenMetadataLoader mavenMetadataLoader, ChecksumService checksumService) { super(metadataArtifactProvider, pomParser, fileResourceRepository, validator, mavenMetadataLoader, checksumService); } @Override public void listModuleVersions(ModuleDependencyMetadata dependency, ModuleIdentifier module, List<ResourcePattern> ivyPatterns, List<ResourcePattern> artifactPatterns, VersionLister versionLister, BuildableModuleVersionListingResolveResult result) { IvyArtifactName dependencyArtifact = getPrimaryDependencyArtifact(dependency); versionLister.listVersions(module, dependencyArtifact, artifactPatterns, result); } }
{'repo_name': 'gradle/gradle', 'stars': '10712', 'repo_language': 'Groovy', 'file_name': 'DefaultRuleActionAdapterTest.groovy', 'mime_type': 'text/plain', 'hash': 2961538894354833027, 'source_dataset': 'data'}